HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-27 - Orange Coast Pilot7 --------------.. --------------------.....-...-- ' ase ultit're ~: ... I ldlfor'1 NOC~ Thu " IM /arlf o/ Jo"' arfict.1 '" a DaaJ11 PUol 11tN1 de~ llwr ~ad proflrc.u at the rcu Ulc mnl o/ almo.tl IN,000 lftdo<'hnww r~/vf;IH• 111 <no"'"° Cu""'" By JAf'IUF. HVMAN Of• o.11• ~ ,_ Toch1y somt.> V ae>tna mc~Rt> fnmlht>ti 1n Orange County are racang a 6l<'nt•rut1on Jtup. with younwsters s plitting aw•y from truc.t111on11I v olu('s lnolht•r fam1hN1, tht' maan J1roblf'm IS how m1ddlt' U1¢1•d prorellllomal:s whost• ch!trrt't.>1> art'n 't rt'<'Ol¢nau·d here <'lrn N>IW with llll\flUft(Zc a"d t ru1nmJt b11rrwri. And t~n th\•rt• urc tht• rdu1¢t•1..•s ~ho hav" JW.t aarraved , who fon· rulturt• shock 11nd 1111 lh<' olher problem:. lht!1r predt'C'l.'SSOr11 hUVt' conrninh'd durtnl( the pa11l lour yeitrs Ont• nurn who will he lp m11ny 11f them as Or Lam Lt• Trinh. former m 1n1ster or the mh•rtor ror V1dnam and now a tea eher and •·on:-.ulta nt for tht' Newport Mt-sa Umfll'll S<'hool 01stri<'l In addition lo tt'iH'hmM m1ddlt'. h1~h a nd adult i<rhool l'la s:-.1·s for \'1t·I ,. ........ naml•st· rl'fugl•t·:-.. Ill' ufft•r' 11t•w ~' r1, .. 1, dn t·irnn1plt• 11I wh<Jl they canuccomph:-.11 Aftt'r urrivin~ lwn· 111 1~7!> ttwn 52 ) l'&Jr:, ol<I a m.I d .SUNDAY INrERRUPTED IND OCHINESE REFUGEES DREAMS la~yt•r whose degree wasn 't recognized he re . Dr. Trinh <lt'lt'rmmcd not lo let his setbacks get him down "I madt.' <J tough decision." he s aid recently. sitting in thl' l'lass room al Cos ta Mesa High School where he teache!> t'<lursl'S nmging fro m English as a s econd language to 1\ml'rtt·an civks a nd history. .. "I decided to 'go baok lo school to 1et my la w decree," he s aid. And, winning a grant from Wes.tern State Univers ity College of Law. he took an accelerated class, graduated last Dece mber and passed the first section of his bar exam in Murch 81.1t even if he s ucceeds in passing the rest of the exam this s ummer , Dr. Trinh s aid. he does n't want to a bandon his cons ulting a nd teaching work and may continue it part· lime m conjunclion with la w practice. He expla med why by giving an overview or the situa· lion the Vietnamese refugees u e racing now. "Califorrua is beeoming the Indochinese slate,'' he noted. ··w .. h ave the biggest population in Orange Coun- ty.·· Somt 15,000 to 18,000 r efugees have settled here. And immi~rat1on 1s continuing. Among those arriving are relativei. of earlier re fugees. plus Vielname!t~ fleeing the current reg1 ml' and 1mm1gra nts who previously settled in other states but found the ch mate and work opportunities in-adequate Those presently fleeing Vietnam a re primarily persons of Chinese• origin who a re Vietnamese citizens, Dr. Trinh i.a id No longer welcomed by a Vietnamese regime that dis trusts :..nyone of Chinese extraction. the peo ple m m any case:, have n o desire to live unde r the Chinese re- gime c1thl'r ISPe HOMESICKNESS. Page A3) VOL. 72, NO. 147. 7 SE CTIONS, 90 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA S UNDAY, MAY 27, 197? TWENTY -FIVE CEN T3 . (. ~ t I ' DC-I 0 Recorder Blank l C HICAGO 1 /\ P 1 /\I most ;II I co<'kpit r onv<•rs at1on" aho11rcl r the ill-f<llt'd /\mt'rn·an ;\1rlinl''> i jt•t were WlpNf out h,V a J)(IWf'I' loss in /1 rt·1·ordt·r. leaving only the word "damn" on lHJ.ll' aftt•r the plant• ldt lht• runway. a ft'd<'ntl offi(•ial s:ud Sitt ur<lay Me anwhih'. tht• <kath toll frrim 1 th<' natin11'-; worst air rl1s astc•r I ·ose t o 21:1 S<1tur<la .v , <i fh•r ! she riff's depulit•s r1•1>11rtf'd two 1 persons cln thf· ,g round wc·rt· 'amonj! tho:-.e k1llc•d On1• hC)(ly I was found 111 a t r111·k, an<I I ht• I M'cnnli undl•rnt>al h t ht' lrtH k Federal Jn\ t''>t 1J,!.1l•1r~ '>anl 11 would prohahl" lw at lt'ast l\H1 months b('fon· lhc t·'l(;1<'t 1·au!->1· 11f th t' c• r a~ h y. :1.., kn 11w11 H 11 t Additional Victims Found, Count of Dead Hits 273 rng hy reporters. he said. "It up pears llwt thl' c•111dnP itself did not Cw I . . I s:ud appC'ar~; ... An offic•1al for 1\ mn1can said the• wick horl11·rl ()(' 10 that crasht•d in :t f11·n lia ll rrlf1a\' ha d gone• through a wt•ek -lon~ "periodic' t'hl'rk in Ma rch at th<· a irlinro 's foC'1l1ty m Tusla. Okla "The· rt•·.., not h1nJ.! in t ht· n •c·ord that ind11·att·s any kmrl of a pro hll·m <•I ;ill "1th th<· engine that f't•ll t1fr lht• pl an•-. !'>aid H.J . '.\I a ... H•ll11. \ lt't' JHf':-.1d<·nt or 1•ng 1n1·c•r1ng and m a1nten ~inc<• Io r !\ ml'r w a n ty board. said in Washm~ton Thal r<.•corcter . one of two blal'k hoxes built to withstand the heal and impact of a crash. is housed in the tail section of the plane K i n~ s;iid th<: <·ol:kpit t ape 1·on· tame d "tht· norm al c hecklist process " fro m the time the pla ne began m oving down the runway to when it be~an to lift off Arter takeoff. "we heard only Ont' word <Jnd that word was 'damn · From that point '-'l' don't have a ny tap<' at all. King said that ttw t'ilUSt· of the power loss wa!'> not known but that 11 coul<I havt· bt'en du1· to <.i numl>t.'r of fatlur .... 1n cludm~ ;1 pos'>1hlt• l'lrl'Ult hn·ak or hrt•c.lk In :J Wirt' Tht• two tap<.•:-. wt•rf' flown U1 Wa~h mgton on Satunh~y. and rN l1:ral off1c 1ab irnm1·d1ut1 •h bt•ga n t'Xam1nmg tht•m · I n n· s t i g :i t <H !'> w c rt• :.i 1:-. o analy.zmg a grou nd has l'd <.11r trafr11· c:untrollt·r t ap t'. wh1rh rontai n~ c·1in vcrl>at 1on~ hN wt·f'n tlw pi Int :-. and th<' a u port Lo \\t•r Warren lfoltzbt·rg. :.i saft·ty board officia l in Ch icago. said th<' lower tape s howl'd that a cont roller a t o ne point noted some proble ms with the plane· and offcrcd to ch.'ar a runwav for 11 tu Ian<! Hut. lfoltzbcr~ I ~ee CRASH. Pa gt' A2 I ! Elwood "Worn!\ l>rt \'t•1', v11·1· . <'ha1rm:t n oil lh 1· :...:1t1f1n ;1l Tr:rns11ort.t1111n ~a t<•t.v Hoard. 's aic1 1n c 'h11•:1.:11 1 hat ;1 11ri· ~ liminan 1nv1• ... l 1J.!;i l ion 1ndi<'al!•d "lht·rt· ;.., no P\•1rtc•n<·t• of pilot t•r [ r11r · I Drivt•r '>:tttl :1t a S:1t urday -f niJ,!hl Ile \\ ... t:<mf1•rl'm·c that.lh..rc• "':i" · 1111 tndH·:1tion of internal • rot11r l:11lun·' in llll' engine that j ft•ll (lff thl' 11lan1· .1us t aftc·r t i1keorf l..Jlf'r, during qut·st1<ir1 ----------* Tht• µowt·r loss O('l'Urrrd in 11n<'"11f lh1· J«l s two tap•· rt' c11rdt>r~ "a fraction of a second" aftt•r tht• nose· wheel of tht• DC llJ ll'fl the r unw:.i y of Chic ago s O 'llart· Internationa l Airport. .It m King. ehuirman of tht: s afl' Flight Fatal Shopping lflall A tta~k Reporter Arrested In Wife's Slaying . • GG Minister Le/ t Early By GARY GRANVILLE OI tlw D••IY Pli.t St•ll Daily Pilot r ep orte r Tom ll<Jr ley. 51. is being h eld in Orunge County J ail on c ha rges he allegedly stabbed his wifc to A Garden G rc1ve minister who le ft his l'hurch's a nnual <lcath Saturd<Jy morning in a ~t'neral assembly a day l':trly to stop off a nd visit relative:-. S anta Ana s hopping center. in Chicago is among the 270 victims who d ied m America's Santa Ana police said at least wo rs t air cr<1sh. 14 person!'. w1tnt·s~cd the knift' The Rev. Eu)'.?cne Elliott Edwards. 65, who scrv~'d a!'> attack on Cathninf' Ann Barley. past.or of the Garclen Grove Orthodox Presbyterian Church 46, o f 2613 W Arne ll DrivC'. for 22 years, will be e ulogized Wednesday. Space 30. Santa Ana. m the Me moria l services will be held at 7·30 p.m . at t he arcade or l"as hion Square on s anctuary. ~l Tras k Ave .. for the Rev. Edwards. one or. North Main Street. several Orange County reside nts who perished in thl' Mcdic·al r e ports indicated tragedy at Chica~o·s O'Ha re Internat ional Airport. Mrs . Barley suffe re d at least 18 Efforts to contact relatives of other victims Saturday s t a b wounds about her head. night were uns uccessful. "'------face and body. "He happened to start hack a day early." said Uruce Sh e was de act on a rriva l at St. Osborn. of Santa Bar bara. the c le rgyma n's son-in-law. Joseph's Hospital. Orange. at The lo ngtime Orange County minister , himself the son about 9:25 a .m .. according to the or missionaries a nd born in Chansba. China , north of the reports. city or Canton . had been atterv:Jing his church's a nnual . B~rley was on pro~ati~n for a conclave a t Gene va College in Beaver Falls, Pa. s 1m1lar attack on. his wife last He had s nwta in Chicago with hi_U>rother Waller ____ De_cember. No ba1!._has been set •--a-n-1d sisters Margaret and"ltuth, said Osborn. pra~rtorus prettmm~rynearmg. He also said the Rev. Edwards graduated from whic h probably will be he ld Wheaton College in Illinois and also graduated from Tuesday. 0 . 1 Westminster Semina ry. .Fello~ workers a t the at y Survivors includf? his wife Doris; a son Eugene Elliott ~1lot said Barley had sh~wn no Edwards 11.'daughte rs Nancy. Elizabeth and Barbara. a nd s igns or unnatur~I behav1~r and three grandchildren. had performed hts reporting a s- s ignments in a pro fessional m anne r. Truck Driver Kidnaped Station's Four-day Supply of Ga~ Hijacked A gang or thieves is sought to· day for the kidnaping or a tanker truck driver and hijacking of I , 750 pUona or fuel in Santa Ana while the victim was he ld cap- -Co. truck was later recovered- empty-· in Los Ange les. "It seemed like a professional job.'• said Police Sgt. Richard Murg. complice drove his tanker away free d him on the San Diego F reeway near Warner Avenue. ''tive in a fancy customized c ruis· ktn1 van. , James Walker, 27, of Gardena. was freed finally In Fountain Valley s hortly before dawn Saturday alter hls ordHI, ac- cordin& to police. Olficers said it was obvious that one or four me n who kid· naped Walker and sent the truck off with a lone man at lhe wheel knew how to handle a gasoline tanker truck. The victim raced to the nearest pay tele phone booth and called police . Investigators said Walker had been unloading his truck al a service station at 3801 S. Bristol St.. late Friday night when he was approached by a gunman. "He wa bit on the side ol lhe bead a couple ol Umet with a .38 caliber rewlver.'' said one In· vf9li«ator. Police said Walker'• Shell oil . "By now. It's frobably long sold to som e ndepe ndent dealer, "Sgt. Muruaid. Police s aid the three men who kept Walker in their 1rHn custom ized van a fter an 4 \ No loss w as estimated In terms of dollan. police said. due to the fluctuatin g cost of aasoline, but the quantity taken would serve an average station for four days. "If tht-rc was tmlicat 111n uf i.11 halancl'. fll'ltht•r I nor a ny ot th1· s talf I havf• talk<·d w ith wt·r t· aware ol 1t · !>:JIU t::d1tor Thoma'> Kt•t·v1I. P 0°llCC' '>i:lld \\ ltnt'S!\l''> told the m Mrs Darley Wa '> attackNI Saturday a s s he stepped from .1 rt•staurant in tht' Santa /\n<J shopping c·entf'r Shl' and a woman <.·ompanion had gont· the n ' lo have cofft'l' bl'forl' the ne arby pct s hop where s ht..· work{'d opened for hus mess. According t o o ne w1tncs'>, Barley walked up to his wife and said, "We ll. love'. this 1s wh{'re 1t ends." As the a ssault be1-tan. Mrs Barley's companion reportedly dashed back into the restaurant . grabbed o wooden rtoor sign a nd knocked Barley uncons<·1ous When booked into Orang<· County Jail on murder charges. Baday_w~lra~dy on pr,obation in connection with another knife' attack on his wife last Dec 9. They had been m arried a rcw weeks at that time . In that earlier stabbing as- sault. Barl<'Y pleaded no contes t to a charge of assault with a de adly weapon. A report from the Orange County Probation Department recommended that he be sent to state prison . But Superior Court Jud ~c Robe rt Rickles agreed to let Barley remain free s ubject to u series of conditions. The judge indicated that de cislon was based in la rge part on at least four psychiatric reports that conc luded Barley was neithe r a danger to himself nor to others. Included among the conditions that Judge Rickles attached to allowing Barley to rem ain free was that he. re main e mployed and continue to r eceive psychiatric treatment. Also a condition of hls proba · lion was that he have no contact with his then estranged wile. Howver, about a monlh ago the Barleys announced they had reconciled and both a ppeared in rourt to have that ban lifted. •SH AnACK, Pa~· A2> 1.P P"(lfo O't Mic .. .-•• U ...... ltn, t Ohc~ trio"'•"' ILL-FATED DC-10 TURNS ON ITS SIDE BEFORE FALL Engine Vis ible on Upper Wing. Missing on lower Wing Dow Factory Blast Kills 2, Injures 89 P ITTSBt:flC . l'ahf. •/\11 1 1\ 1tw hlasl l>o\\, howevt•r. saul a rH•w l'h t..'m11»tl -manufatt11rtnl! H•c urit y chl•c·k at tht• plant unit at a Oow C'h1•m1c.·ul Co ... twwNt at most 50 workers on plu nt t•)(plotlt·d d uring a lt•!->l tlw s1t c.• at th1· tlml·. Saturday. k1lhng two worker... D o w o fr1t•1als estimate d and tnJunng at le a!->l H!J other!->, c1a m ;q.!l' ;1 l !Ii I m ti I ion. They off1l'iab sa 11t addt•ll that tht•y did not know the A workt•r who ~urv1vt'(I the <H' t·a ust..• of lhl• c xplos1on. l'1d1·nt sa id aftt•rw<i rds th<tl "It was really rugged. like many who workc..•d a t the pl:.int :-.hn1pnl•I 111 an area or 50 to 75 hed-feart"ftfor-thMr~,,..,~---jff-' ""1 ;.._. !rnrct Rob-May~~-,.,..,..----'11 "It lookt·d hkl· a mortar lanrt or e mployl'f' r rolations for the ing on a hunkc..·r . · said a nolh1 •r small plant. lot·atcd 35 miles worker. who wa:-. tnJurcll 1n tht..· northea st of San Francisco. a<:cident and a '>kNI not to ht· None of the tnJure d or killed ide ntified "Thl·n · wt•rc hcxJ1C!'i "'ere Dow em ployees. They and debris en•rywht·n · · worked for one of three local Area hos pitals reported Jt rontradors. Plant Ma inte nance least 89 injuries. while the l'Om Inc·.. Plant Insulation Co. or panies who e mployed the m t·n said more than 100 were hurt in HOMt;R BOUND Whale..• Irvine 's Oxoco builds a solid dom estic base in the oil bust ncss. its preside nt l'Ont inues has search for a "home run" thnt will lead to richt>s in glamorou!> roreign leases. Page Cl FEAR-FILLF.D NIGHT Ex citing drama told firsthand by a racing yacht ·s navigator who ris ked his life ett nlAht in rou~h seas to try to savt> a m ate who d fa llen overboard. Page A12. FUN AND GAMES AFOOT "We have something you can 't re hearse: fun.·· s11y11 Roger Gamble. one third of the new Kingston Trio. For, reviews or their Saddlebuck nllf'g<' con <See DOW, Page A2> <'ert and the arrival or Sherlo<'k llolmcs and Or. Watson a t Mov· 1l'land W1tx Museum. Pages 89·10 Cr"'• •..-c:• .. AMI L•~ •1 11-rl .,.,., Cl ..._11 ... J "' l••tll+\t Cl Mll .. fl Metil-Cl Ct CetlferlM• Al Me.lfl ••·It Cln•ltlRI 01·1' Nttl_I _ A• ,..,,..,,..,c __ Cl OF• .... c-ty Alt c .. u•tni •n .... , ,,'"' cs-1 Offttl Netlen Alt ltlCM .. fl-A• 0.1...i-"" ,,.,., 11 .. Eflttrl•I ..... .._, Ste<• ,_....,.. U.• 111..nat-i ... It Tl•ut•n •• 11 ,.......... •H Tr•wtl Alt ... O,_ M Wt-A• ,, .. ,MMY•• "' "W1Y--...y Ct IMNK... .. DAILY ~ILOT SICTIOMI ___ _.... __ ,_ au~. u.., 11. ''" ~.1'-0n11ent by Mail ohnNeeds the_Electric Chair' ~~~~~~·-= . ,.,. •. ,..,..,. LOIS SPENKELINK CRADLES PICTURE OF SON, JOHN California Burial Follows Electrocution In Florida Homey Holiday (;as Paim Limit Travel LOS ANGELES U\P > Many Californians who suffered gas pains for the past three weeks stayed home on the first day of thl' Memorial Day we<.'kend Others tried lo forget their ga~ ~o cs at a musc mt•nt parks, campgrounds, t·asmos a nd rock concerts. While packed planes left for Las Vegas and California coastal are.as, normal holid&y crowds were reported at Dis· neyland and the San Diego Zoo. In Los Angeles, a rock concert featuring ·'funk " groups such as Bootsy's Rubbt>r R and an d Brides or FunkPnstcm drew an estimated 35.000. Improving fuel supplies drew <'aravans of t·ampcrs hauling Man Held In Fargo Robbery NEW YORK tAPl A man was arrested Jus t m ome nt:. before his wedding Saturday evening and cha rged with bank robbery for the $2.2 million holdup o f a We ll s F argo armored truck in Decembe r police said. ' dirt bikes. dune buggies. motor boats und trailers onto ln- lerstute 5. the muin highway C(l nnectin g No rthe rn anrl Souther n Cal1forn1 a . Ma ny ~ervit-e sl3tions along the route "'e re reported open Saturday. wiltt 1ines averaging only 6 to 8 t'ars. Thl' Automobile Association of Southern California has predict· ed that 28 percent of the state's service stations will be open lo· day. Up to 70 percent of the sta· tions arc expected to be open on Memorial Day, with more than half thf metropolitan a rea sta- ltons operating. Des pite the i mproved availability of gas. there were scatte red reports of lengthy li nes Saturday. Jn San Fran- cisco. a qul'ue of cars two blocl<s long appeared at one station before it opt•ned . At Big Bear in San Be rnardino County, tourista in Cadillacs and Lincoln Continenta ls lumbered up winding roads lo reach the mountain resort. T he California Hi g hway Patrol also reported heavy traf- fic headed toward the Humboldt· Trinity River camping area of northwest California, where 30 percent more vehicles were re· ported on the road compared to one year ago. But h ig hway patrol spokes man Kent Milton said traffic throughout the rest of the s tate was down about 20 percent t·ompared to last year. S1'ARKt.:. Yla. CAP> -Lola Spenkelink received a letter in Sdturday' morning•s mail. ··shl•m• on yuu ror ukiq ua to huvc mercy on your boy," lt :.aid "John needs to have the t•ll•<·trlc chalir." The crudely typed letter wu 1 he flnt piece Of hate mail to rt•ach the 67;year-old llra. Spt>nkelink since her son. John. wu• ~xe c uted Friday in l''lorida 's electric chair. Tim Myers. Mrs. Spenkelink's !'.On·ln·law. described the con· ll•ntl ol the letter, which he said \\as postmarked in Orlando lll'forc the execution ··He c S~nkchnk l didn 'l have a ny mercy on the mother's son ht> killed . . . did he?·' the letter stud. ··Did he have me rcy on the wife or the children'? No, he thought only of himself. The mother . . suffered because or your so-called son. Now it is your turn. You can't stand it. ca n you?" the letter said. It was unsigned. The wiry 30-year·old, formerly of Buena Park. bad evaded the executioner ror more than rive years. Spenkelink went to the electric chair Friday morning 23 minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his last mercy plea. Myers said many other calls and telegrams from around the country offe red sympathy to Spenkelink's family. He said he and his wife. Carol, had tried to screen out critical letters. But one slipped through , and Mrs. Spenkelink read it. The family planned to attend a pu bli<' me m oria l ser vice for Spenkelink today at 3 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Tallahasee. Myers said. After that. he said. the fa mily in- tended to return to Buena Park ;rnd ho ld a privat e funer al sl'rvice. then bury Spenkelink at an undisclosed site in California. lie said the family requested thut instead of sending flowers. we ll .wishers make contributions to the "Emergency Fund to Stop C ap i t a l P unis hment" i n Nashville, Tenn. Arms of Law Hold Speeder A high-speed chase or an al· leged hit-a nd -run driver by Or ange police ended in front of the Placentia Poli ce Depart· menl Saturday night "They ended up right on our front lawn ... sa id indignant Plat't•ntia police Dispatcher Kay Redding. ·'They tore it all up and hit the tree." Bradford Lance See. 27, whose address was not released, was booked into Orange County J ail on suspicion of hit-and-run and reckless driving. investigators said. tie was also to be cited for the alleged speeding citation Officer Larry McLemore was intending lo isr.ue when he first initiated the pursuit that ended at Chap- man Avenue a nd Kraemer Boulevard. police said. Gray, Gray, Drizzzzzzle Drizzly clouds drirted over the Orange Coast overnight. taking some convertible owners who left their tops down by an un· pleasant surprise, but clear skies were forecast for this ar. ternoon. Orange County Sheriff's Ha rbor Patrol deputies said gray skies would prevail at least through midday. but the over· cast was expected to bum orr later. It was the first arrest made in o~e of the largest thefts in U.S. history, authorities said. None of the money has been recovered. ~Jltl! "H aa osep .. Pepe" Marano, 44, was arrested in the lobby of Manhattan's World Trade Center, where he was to have been m a rried in a restaurant on the top floor or the UO·story building. NB' s Fighting__J)uke Gets Birthday Medal The FBI said Marino. an un. e mployed New Yorker. was ('barged with bank robbery, in· terfering with interstate com- merce, conspiracy and po1Hllion of stolen property, all federal charges. An FBl spokesman said he could be &e11tenced to 55 years in Jail and fined $30,000 if CODVict· ed. He was to be arraigned in U .$. District Court in Brooklyn, possibly as early as today. The FBI said the investigation was continuing with the coopera· tion ol New York City police. Tbe well-planned Wells Far10 heist occurred at about l p.m. IHt Dec. 19 outside a small grocery store in the city's rel· attvely sparsely populated borough ol Staten Island. The armored truck's three· member crew had stopped to pick up sandwiches and wound up waylaid by a team of up lo .even armed holdup men. " ' LOS ANGELES CAP) -Film legend John Wayne, uncon- querable on tbe screen and now battling cancer, celebrated his 72nd birthday Saturday with his family at the UCLA Medical Center. A member or Wayne's produc· lion staff said that Wayne's family, including his seven children and 17 grandchildren. planned a private gathering in Wayne 'a nlnth·floor room. Phone calla from rans and friends poured in from as far away as the French Riviera, said hospital spokesman David Shirley. Flowers and cards also arrived for the hero of over 200 movies. Wayne•a fans have sent over 10.000 -.wen cards aince bis lat.Ht 1ur19ry. In Miami. tbe Duke's birth· day •• ee'*'ated wtth a cake and lee cream partJ. For a St donab. f-9Dt illlo tbe party. (I heard the Sweet Adelines slng ·'Happy Birthday.. in rour-part harmony and signed a huge birthday card. The card and a cake shaped like the Alamo were to be flown to Wayne's bedside al UCLA Medical Center. Congress prepared Its own present last week. approving the minting or a congressional gold medal -one of only 84 -lo honor the film hero. The inscrip· lion will read: John Wayne American. Wayne has been hoapitaliled since May 2 when suflery re· vealed cancer ln lu.-lDteltlnes. Docton bad removed Wayne's cancerom 1tomach in January. Hospital officials have said Wayne will beain an experimen· tal c~ treatment prosram whep he re1alnl his strenith. Wayne's condition ls listed as stable and he ts takine · long walks down the hospital hallway. ' ,., ....... FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS EXAMINE ENGINE THAT FELL FROM PLANE FRIDAY ,.,.... P.,,eAJ CRASH COSTS TWO MORE LIVES • •• said, there was no rcspunst• from the plane. All passenger s. 1nclud1n g many publis hing offi cials un their wa y to a book sales con vention. were killed when the DC-IO bound for Los Angeles lost one or its three engines and crashed in a field a bout 45 seconds after t akeoff Friday fro m O 'Ha r e Inte rn ation a l Ai rport. Two other pe rsons on the ground were injured by burning debris. One rem ained in criliclll t·ondition Saturday. the oth<'r was in good condition. Sheritf's authorities said John Craig, 41. of Addison. 111., an e mployee of Courtney-Velo Ex· C'avating Co .. was found dead m a company trut'k. L ate r Saturd ay . Be t 'i y Barstead. a s pokes woman for Cook County Sheriff Richarri E lrod. s<Aid a second c•harrt.·d body was found under the truck. She s aid the hody was "definite· ly · not an employee of the ex- cavating company, but that identification could not be im- mediately released. lnvesttgators said it was much too early to say why the engine fell off or even that the engine loss caused the crash. Driver said 1t would take al lt>ast two months to make a fi nal determination of the cause of the crash. "We'll home in on t he dropped i...ngtnt'. ". Driver s aid. But the lost engint-may not have been · the first sequence m the acc1· dent." In Washington. consumer ad- vocate Ralph Nader called on the government to ground all OC IO 1cthncrs for 1mmed1ate in· ..,pect1on. In Da ll a s . t he A1r l 1n e PassC'ngcr<; J\ssoc1at1on. which -.ays 11 "Pt•ak~ for l'Onsumers and claim~ more than 50.000 ,.,..1,....... members. called for an inspec· tion of engine mounts of DC·lOs. But it said to take all DC-lOs out of service would be a "d is· service to the flying public." The c rash demolis hed the jetliner, leaving only a piece or tandinli? "ear standing in a field of s moldering rubble. Many bodies still were missing or un- identified Saturday. Rescue workers found 258 bodies, placed them in yellow and blue plastic bags and took them in police vans to a tem- porary morgue in a n American Airlines hangar . Driver sa id the rt'st of the bodies were still buried in the debris. Cook County Medical Ex· a miner Robert Stein, with the ht>lp of forensic dentists. was working to identify the victims . "It's going lo be a tough job," Driver said . Driver said lhe plane, with a fuel capat'ity of about 140,000 gallons. was t'arrying about iK.000 gallon~ of fuel when il took off. "There·s a chance of survival in these things if there ·s no fire. but there was no hope in this one ," Driver said at a brie f news conference. Driver estimated that about 10 sct'Onds e lapsed between the time the left engine came off and the crash. L anghorne Bond o f the Federal Aviation Administration said the type of e ngines on lhe DC· 10 hav(' been in use sine•· 1970. and there was no indication or any irregularity. FAA s pokes man N ea r Callahan said. "It's incredible but not unheard of '· for an engine to fall orr. In April 1977, a n American Airlines Boeing 707 lost its n ght inboard engine s hortly after takeoff from Lambert Airport in SL Louis. The plane circled for two hours. burning off fuel a nd the n returned s afely lo the airport Callahan said a DC-10 should bt! able to fly even with one e ngine missing. He said the plane's low altitude -neve r higher than 500 feet may have prevented the pilot from bring· ing the craft under control. ,.,..... Pf&fle Al A'ITACK ••• UNIDENTIFIED VICTIM ENTERS PITTSBURGH HOSPITAL Mr:-. Barley then said she in· itiated the reconciliation a nd said she believed she was in no danger. F,.._PageAJ Barley has been employed by The Daily Pilot 11 years and un- til the assault last December hE' was 40 reel away when lhe was the newspaper's courthouse DOW PLANT EXPLODES • • Western McArthur, said Phillip Schneider. manager of media relations for Dow in Midland. Mich. The dead were identified a~ J ac k Si m on Wright. 48. of Oakley. who was decapitated m the blast. and Gabriel Martinez. 64. or San Frandsco. who re cei vettextensive1rams. ·'The equipment that railed was brand new:· Mayo said. "We were testing il. Jt appears som ething happe ne d in the catalyst in this vessel -a sud· den rise in temperature and pressure.·· "We don't know what hap· pen e d chemically.·• Mayo ~dded. "It should not have hap- pened," he said. Jack Jones. a company spokesman, said a team or Dow scientists and engineers was est ablished to investigate the cause. A separate investigation was launched by the federal Oc· cupational Safety and Health Administration. Jones also acknowledged that safety questions had been raised recenUy about the facility. "Two weeks a10. we had a meet1111 with worken to try to relieve the ir fears or smell• and odors they were re- porting." Jones said, adding that the company provided them with respirators and outlined an evacuation procedure. ··we were assured over and over a1aln that there. was no dan1er1 ·• said insulation worker Joe kholes. who reported that ta nk exploded and the impact reporter as well as a music and knocked him down. "We all drama critic. thought it was unsare from the Since returning to work in late start." December, he was a general as· Th e plant. whic h employs s ignment reporter stationed in ;1bout 700 persons on a 400-acre the newspaper's m ain orfice in silt' near the Sacramento River, Costa Mesa. ma n uf a c~e~ mica Is "-'---::;-:::-=-=--====--=====~--~ Trabuco Crash Mashes Lot118; Pins Driver A Fullerton man was seriously injured Saturday in a headon collision or his Lotua s ports car and a pickup truck on winding Live Oa k Canyon Road near Cook ·s Coroe r in Tra buco canyon. Orange County Fire Depart· ment rescue workers said it took 20 minutes to extricate Dennis Hock. 25, rrom his demolished a uto for transportation to Sad· dleback Community Hospital. Investigators said the occu- pants of the other vehicle, Marine Corps personnel, were taken to the base dispensary for treatment ot minor to moderate Inj uries. Spokesmen at Saddleback Community Hospital atilt would not release Hock '1 condition several houn after the S p.m accident, but said be waa 1urviv· tna. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT Tiie Or-C-O.oty ,.. ... , -..wctl•uom bl....,,..._"""'·''.....,.._"", ... O<_ CO<l\f P"414~~ ........... ~ .... DUIHl\lled _,, ,.........., Frl<My to< C-0.la ... .,. . ..._ ___ , __ "'_ ,,..,,. V•llf"Y. I~. l *"""' S.K t./Soutft('Ob4 - ""•ft41lt'r~t,..,•llOl't•~O\llb4f"'"9S.•~n4'1"d ~... """"'pt'tf'll( •Ditti l)WtWl..,,.lftO gt.,.. f\ At J:IO Wr\I ea, St.-. CO\l•Mf! .... c.11i-.•a.i. .. ... ,, .. .....,. Pu•\1~"t t1Nt Pubf1\"'-"" JK•lt.C-y Vt(~ p,t!.•\100"1 41r'(I (,,".,...."4 Mllft.tQo•• ~.Hlt....,t ""''"' , ....... ,. ,....,.... ... M.i.•~•"Q ( O-tO' c.r..-. s-., • ....., OftlcH (.O'Jfiol flMW .UO *"'' 8itY S4ntftt ~"-•8".o<" ll .. G..._,,••Sl""'1 Hw"4""'""e.K11 l/tlS .... tl--tl TalapfloM <n••....._, Cl•""'9cl MMe•••--"" F,_S...C---I •Offt "lo<1~ 0.o"<l'O (.._'r '°""""M ... .... ,. Rites for Rernernbei:ing Time-1.-ored tiicUtloas Tn ctudtu the huanea rutne ormur-flect druma. the clean brass toMI Ol the bu11~·s Tas-and tbe erack of rlflea aamtd uyward lD ealute will undt'rline ll•mortal Day's meanln1 Mon clay. SevCN'al thowuand• who will not for1tt America·g war dt'•d -Mrt' espeC'ted to turn nut for a number of obs~rvan~~~ CeNmonlM art-schedult'<i al at ... 11evtm sites 1n Oranae County Monday and today. with many more held bri('(ly <turm.: rburch ~rvlct>s. Tht•y induct*' SUB VETS MF.MOHi~!. SERVICI': Crowd o' •l lt!usl 2CJl.l is t>Xpt.'Ctt.>d ut US Nuvul We11pons Stutlon. Stal Ut•u<'h Boulevard ut Mntn tiutt• on t-'or rt-stal Lane. ut I p m M1.mllu~, with Adm. lknny Hu:.i. 1 l 'SN R~l.) of WW II S.ubm1111nl· Service honorl'd Aue:.t PA'Rlt"-A totat-ol SI ft"O"pe wUI 1athu Monday et U a.m. at Labslck Chapel. where ~ lO 380 wlU hen Rep JU'rY lil~ Pal· tt>rson 1 O·S.nta An. 1 and Bri~ Oen J 11mH O. Benson. com · m andtna omcer or the U.S. A rmtd f'ort'C!S ft Herve Ct'nter. Lo" Alamitos. C<•reimony In rtudt!\ pl11cement or mf'morlal wr"11tha at symbolic tomh t~ORC,I L.AWN. <.:Y PR~ <ialhf'rlng t'Rtamatud at mor~ thun l.000 Is 1.1ntic1p11ted for 11 am Mondoy ~c rvu'f'IJ an fort•c-6'1rt of Asc-t-ni.lon Moiuue. with 1u•ynott• oddrt•ss by Brtg. Gen Nl·1l I\ Allaood. assi~hlllt t·om mandH of the C11litorniu ;\rm) N11t1onul <.iunrd'!'I 40th In fantr)' r>1v1!>111n Mu:<k ut 1:,th unn111tl r1h·:t1 will bt.• lly Wcstl•fJ\ Ui~h &·ho(ll Hand b~ f'ath(tr Fr4ll\k Buc.kman. or St. PC>aycarp Catholic Chunh, Stanton. No m1lilury r il es farm,Uy f(hedult;'Ct . tlAROOR L/\WN MOtJNT ()l,.IVE MO ltTllAf\Y AND Ml!:MORJAL PAUK. Costa Mesa Harbor Art•a ·~ traditionally blg((et1t obfierva1•<'t'. will !Slurt at 11 a m. Mcmorwl Day. with key lifleake r to bt· lJ S. Sen. Alan Crunaton < D-Cahf. 1 Function in· dudes military honvr ~uurd from El Toro ( MCASl and many loul dJgnitarles · SANTA ANA CEMETERY Santa Clara Drive ofC Grand Avl'nUt!, 111 Santa Anu. adJacent to Fuirhuven Memorial Park, 10 a m Ml·muria l Day , with <·u stomury l'r<>wd gathe r ed around Soldit•r'>' Monument. fl11pole ln Heisler Park. Retired VA exeeuUve O.W. Price will lie bynote speaker. followina 30-m 1nute concert by La1una Beach High &hool Band. Pree parking will be provided for ob- servance jointly sponsored by American Legion Post 222 and VFW Post 5868 and their aux-illarles~ MARINE CO RPS AIR ~T ATION (Helicopter 1 Tustin- Church service today at 11 a.m. at flagpole at e ntry to old L\ghter·Than-Alr blimp base in· dudes address by commanding officer Col. Glenn J . Shaver Jr .. and sermon "Times That Try Men's Souls." by Protestant C h aplain Navy Lt. Cmdr. Thomas A Schulz. WESTMINSTEH M £MOHlt\I. <; O O O S II E I' H E R I) C E M t,; T t: tl V . H u n ll n g lo n O\'ut·h Mt•rn11nal l>u y Mai.!> L1 ht· t t•lt-l:lratt'tl 1tt tu :.1 rn Mondav COMMUNITY MEMORIAL IM Y SERVICE. Laguna Ueach Strong turnout 1:,, t•x pcctro fhr \I a m ct!rcmony at American Lct:1on Mcmon<il Shaft near the Spoke~men for the military and vanous veterans and civic ~roups involved in today and Monday's various Memorial Day rites stressed the public is invit ed lo att e nd and participate. LIST OF FALLEN SOLDIERS RUNS THROUGH HISTORY F ..... P~AJ Gunfire Puts End HOMESICKNESS TINGES RESETTLEMENT • • • To March UECATUR, Ala. 1/\P 1 Two Ku Klux Klansmcn an<l t wo blacks wer<' hosp1talizl'cl Satur. d ay when a protest march 1n s upport of a retarded black man convicted of rapl· erupted into a club-swinging m C'lcc m1x<'d with gunfirl· Louise V<1nec . nurs in g s upcl-visor at Dt.>ratur GenC'ral Hospital, said thrN· pt'rsons from the demons tr<1l1on 111 downtown Defatur were ad- mitted with guns hot wounds and a fourth e ntered the hospital with an unspecifi ed wound to the s ide of the head The shooting ocl'urrcd when some 60 rohed Klans men at· tempted to block a m<1rch •>f abo ut 70 blaci.~ led b~ Jo~cph Lowery. nat1on<1 I president of the !:iouth1>rn C h .. 1 ~t1 an Leadership Confcren<:e Reporter Wayne Morl!an. of the Daily Decatur ne wspaper. s aid he heard al least 10 shots fired when the two sides col lided. T h c K I a n s m t' n m c t t h t• m archC'rs at a <:ornl"r near the Mor gan County Courthouse and tossed a n effigy of Tommy Le<' Hines into the street Reportt.>rs said the Klansmcn set the effigy afire and beat it with clubs. Hines. a 27-year-old mental!:. retarded hlack m an. wa~ <'On - victed last Octotx-r of rapinA a white wom<in and wa:,, ~l·ntcncl'd to 30 years tn pn::.on I\ force of polil•e and nol- equippcd s tat•• tro11p1•rs pos1- 1ioncd themselvl's hetwcen tht! SCLC a nd the KKK. but <'lub :-;winging broke out when the SCLC attempted tn proct'cd with the march The SCLC :md the KKK have sparred 10 north Al a trnma on numerous <>t·ca:swns <luring lht• past year in c:onm•l'lion with Hines · a rrest and pro:-..·t·utuin T he victims 11f Saturd<ty 's viole nce• wcrc ide ntified as David Kelso, a whit<' man shot once in the left side of tile chest: COUNSELS COUNTRYMEN Dr. Lam Le Trinh Sinai Back In Hands of Egyptians EL ARISH. Egypt 1 AP) President Anwar Sadat proudly reused his n:oitional flag in this Sinai town Saturday as cannons fired and military bands played in festive observance of renewed Egyptian sovereignty won under tht• peace treaty with Israel. The Egyptian leader, rcsplen· dent in a while admiral's un· 1form . was a shimn~ symbol ,,r /\rab joy at having El Ansh. the Sinai capital, returned after 12 yc«irs of occupation. In Sidon, Lebanon, provincial authoritie~ s aid s hells from Israeli border gunners rained down on the neighboring port ci- ty of Tyre, sending residents neeing. They reported one child was killed a nd four persons we re wounded. but Israel's military command denied s helling lh~ area. In Beirut. two ncwsapapcrs reported Syria <.ind Iraq were Qn th.e vergt· of prnclaimini! a fe<ll•ral union to fwld a JOtnl <1rmy in case of another Middle East war with Israel. Plc.1ns for the union have been discussed s ince last fall. Dr. Trmh helps l'OUnsel new arrivals. referring them lo ap. propriate classes in the areas of the county where they live. The ones who live in Costa Mes a have a<'cess to adequate schoolin~. Dr. Trinh said, but those who hvc in other areas suf. fer from truns portalion prob· lcms to reach the few classes they a r<' offcr.-d. ··They arc not familiar with the American culture." he said. · They have to go hack to school to be retrained. The language problem is the most difficult problem for them. .. Some of them are over 50. How can a doctor. a dentist go back to school ?" Many s ettle in Huntington Beach and Westminster , and others near Chinatown in Los Angeles . In both areas . Dr Trinh said, Vietnamese com· munities are springing up with their own shops, news papers, a few physicians and dentists and, in Los Angeles, even their own nig htclubs. The communities are tan~iblc proof that the thousands of Viet- namese who arrived here in 1975 are settling in. although with varying degrees of success, he a dded. 'The youngsters adapt so well we are afraid," Dr. Trinh said. "The re 1s a drama 1n Viet- namese families. The children s peak only Englis h. Parents come to me and say. ·w~ cannot l'Ontrol them.··· The generation ~ap shows up 1 n a variety or ways. ht' noted Some youngsters ope nly rehel, .-----------------------------* * ·----------------------------....... Fa1nilies Seek Freedom Many .Refugees Yea~ Few Are Clwsen '"There arc m any many more refugees in the camps than wlll ever find homes. There are hundreds of thousa nds in camps in Malaysia and Thailand. They will probably die there." Beatrice Hetrick, chairman of the In- dochinese Refugee Forum of Orange County. was discussing the overcrowded camps where Indochinese refugees have fled, many in fear or their lives after Communist takeovers. Only a comparative handful of these people will be chosen to come to those countries that accept them: the United States, Australia, France and Canada or, on a smaller scale, Switzerland and Germany. Most of those selected for immigration to the U .S. a lready have relatives here. have worked for the U.S. government o r fought for the U.S. or a U.S. -supported government against Communism. The camp dwellers may .iso be competing for sponsors and federal support with thous ands of people still in Vi etnam who have family members in the U.S. and Europe. t· An American negotiating team a rrived in Ho Chi Minh City ·formerly Saigon -last wee k to see if an arrangement can be made to s wap foreign aid for the freedom of thousands of in- dividuals who could then be reunited with the ir families here and abroad. Who are these refugees., How many are already in the U.S., in California, in Orange County., Who pays to resettle them, a nd how 1s 1t done'' Acconhng lo a status report to the Orange County Board of S upervisors prepared by the county /\dmims trativc Office's Forecast and Analysis Center in March, 182,000 Indochinese refugees were in the U.S. as of February. About 50,000 of these were in California, 70 pe rcent of them in Los Angeles. San Diego and Orange counties. Mrs. Hetrick. who heads the Catholic lmmi· gration and Resettlement /\gency in Santa Ana. s aid unofficial estimates place 15,000 lo 18,000 refugees in Orange Ccmnty. Of these, 80 to 85 percent are Vietnamese, she s aid. The other significant minorities among the refugee population are : Hmong <pronounced MungJ. About 3,000 of these members of a nomadic, slash·and- burn farming tribe from the Laotian hills have a rrived in the county. They fled because they had aided forces fighting the Communists. The Hmong. along with the Vietnamese hsh ermen , face s pecial adjustment proble ms because or their nonurban and in ma ny cases primitive background. "They're extremely unsophisticated," Mrs. Hetrick said. "That ·s not to s ay that they·re not s mart. But som e of them we have had lo show how to flush a toilet or tum on a light switch . We 've moved them up several centuries." Lao people t rom Laos. A bout 1,000 of these relatively urbanized people a re curre ntly in Orange County · Cambodians Only 300to400of these peopt have settled here , with m any more centered in Long Beach. Mrs Hetrick s<11d 1t was d1fflc ull to generalize about them be<-ausc so few have come through her office. The refu~ees' cost.<; arc paid through fe deral a llocations, although these c urrently are run· ning out, she said. Several p1e<!es of legislation are pending in Congress. one a s hort-term fund· ing bill and the other to cover an indefinite period of time Not that there aren ·t some problems. The report to the Supervisors lists these areas of concern There as no guarantee at what level fund· ing will continue. and there has been mention of a cutoff for individuals in the country more than three years .. Special project funding, such as for English language and vocationa l programs. 1s not based on population distribution but on the decision of a panel that may be influenced by .. grantsma nship." <~e FORUM, P1ge Alt,, dropping out of school and pick· ing up "bad habits." Others choose non· Vietnamese spouses and adopt an American lifestyle. Dr. Trinh said And most still contribute financially to their ramiltes. he said. "Most of the re fugees came her e with big families . The J verage is at least five or six pcopll·, ·· he said .. They are indus trious. they work hard. A lot of m y students here 1 at Costa Mesa High> gel a ft ersC'hool Jobs 1n factories and re s taurants until midni~ht. Some will get full-time jobs to s upport the family." Refugees in their 30s and 40s have also adapted we ll, Dr. Trinh said, workinJe hard all day and gomg to school at night to build a future for themselves. The hardest·hit have been the immigrants in their 50s and older '"They are homesick. especial· ly the gra ndparents," he said. "They have no communication. They can 'l even go shopping." Already. most or the earlier r e fuge.es are e nteri ng the American mainstream. holding full·t1me jobs. opening busi· nPsses. earning college d••grees. Dr. Trinh said And he a nd his wife, Nguyen N~oc Anh. a n elementary school t~acher. hope to continue help· 1n g their people through the painful readjustment period that lt•ads to c·1tizensh1p and a bright f11ture. But althnuJ?h his main goal i!> IH·lpmg othc•rs. l>r. Trinh admiL" 111 d :-l'I f1i.h rea~un also for c·ouns1·1ing other Vietnamese. "It makes me less homesick " hl' ~•ml. MONDAY: Boy Breaks Barriers Tot Critical In Pool Fall Nurses al Children·s Hospital of Orange Co unty early today were watching over a IS·month- old Newport Beach baby who nea rly drowned in a swimming pool mishap Saturday. The victi m was listed in critical condition when she ar- r 1 v e d at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach after th e near -tragedy at 2412 Windward Lane in the Harbor Burtis Kilgo. a whit~ man s hot in the left leg: Burn ice Rrown. a black woman shot in the farP, a nd Larry S mith . a blat·k man with an unidentified wound in the side of tht' he<id Sadat made no public s tale· ment at Saturday's ceremonies. but he plans lo s peak today whe n he plays host to Israeli Prim e Minister Me n ach e m flcgin and Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance in El Arish. '-------------------------~~~~~============~======~~====~======~~~~~H_i_~_h_la_n_d_s_a_r_e_a_·~~~~~~- Af' ......... POLICE HOLD MAN AT GUNPOINT A"'R l'ROTUT MARCH TURNED INTO MELE! lie.ca Al.....-bJ R•pe Conviction Met KKK 8•nd, Pour Were Injured In Cla9" _,..____ -.' , -· ~~- ~f~wf•r~ . . ,.,,, has the BEST ... for Dads, Grads and Grandads ~~~~~_._.~--ilfor.Jnu!~ Father~Day is Jane l7th . . . and even enclose a personal greeting. Stop 1n today and choose the gift pictured here. or select one from the huge display 1n the st0f'e1 Te.us Spread t lb. BEEF STICK.ft Summer Sausage. 12 oz. Mold Midget Longhorn. 5 oz. Smoky Cheese Bar. 7 oz. Plain Gouda. 7Yl oz. Belle Fleur. 8 oz. Edam Stick. plus Strawberry Bonbons. 18.98 """.....-,,._, clW99 ti tll<ll09CI See this and many other gift plks on dilplay at- ftickOf7 fGrnlS ()I OHI06 OF OHIO IN oath Coast ?tui "' " ....... Cc ..... ., ......... S•DlltD"••., c .... ..... 0,. ...... ... I fs:?W6p.a ...., a .. ,,_ 54Q.6991 ' ' - .,...,, .. .,,,, ,.,. San Clem ente Goat-lovers fire salvo at Navy Representatives of Give Our Animals Time 1GOATl are getting the Navy's ~oat in battle to spare 3,000 doomed billies and nannies on San Clemente Island. SS miles off- shore. Spanish conquistadores delivered domestic goats u couple of centuries ago as food source and they became wild. Now. the Navy, which has bombarded the island for warships' target practice for d~ades. will send in snipers Thursda.)' to exterminate most of the ruminant beasts. Suddenly environmentalists. Navy brass say goats are a threat to the San Clemente loggerhead shrike and sage s parrow: the night lizard and three types of plants. un- known outside the shell-pocked-and-shocked lump of real estate. Georgett Korsen . GOAT spokesman. predicted pro- goat protesters would come from as far as Riverside and San Bernardino for rally scheduled Saturday. Goats. ruminating over some of their last meals, reportedly await fate with no outward sign of emotion. H untinqton Bc.1 c h Helicops out-fueled by gauge The wait for gas wasn't long--0nly about 20 seconds in a line that went straight down -for police helicopter crewmen Gary Brooks and Ron Burgess Monday night. Sticking too Ion~ to a search for two lost little girls. the chopper cops rem out of fuel en route to Orange County Airport and fluttered down into a beanfield near Fairview Road and Sunflowe r A venue in Santa Ana. Only their pride was hurt when their commander demanded to know if thev were odd or c•ven after Brooks and Burgees radioed head· quarters to report their pli~ht. They spent the night camped out by the ~aslcsscraft lo protect ilfrom vandals. ' . Mission Viejo Gas bag bomber fails again Concerned sheriff's deputies issued warnings again at mid-week after discovery of a second natural gas-filled balloon bomb outfitted with a detonating device dangling in a tree. A first balloon also fashioned of plastic trash bag was found in a residential swimming pool Monday and' defused by investigators who warn the airborne gas bags can kill or maim anyone close by if they explode ''1'·5. Uon Country has wildcat walkout You could smell trouble along with the other odors around Lion Country Safari Friday, as a handful of laid-oll rangers and sympathizers who walked out with them al- leged a variety of wild animal mistreatment. State Depart· m ent of Fish and Game spokesmen confirmed they in- vestigated certain reports and are seeking charges from Orange County District Attorney's Office against the ex- otic wildlife preserve management. One of latest incidents involved eight Mama Bears eating their cubs due to paren- tal anxiety over what rangers claim is inadequate housing. Laquna Beach Coaches to sit out seasons? Athletics for Laguna Beach High School Artists' inter- school competition stand threatened by announcement that a dozen coaches won't volunteer their 1979-80 services in response to a pay offer they consider a slap in the fa ce. Teachers want 6 percent; district is offering 3. 7 percent salary hike. Principal Robert Hughes condemned choice or students' athletics as a negotiating lever, claiming it smacks of condemned past political maneuvering involv ing the International Olympic Games. Coaches warning they won't coach include head varsity football mentor Hal Akins, who supplements his s~lary with income as a noted watercolor artist on the Laguna Beach scene. v.s.s-.. .. .,,.. ........ .... c...._,. ... ~_.. _, Nl'tt of .. c-.., s.tu.My •• A111erlc•11• Mt•n • llolldey ........ TN Mldwnl --wltll "'-OetS*-llt m.y er-. A .. ,... ........ , .... .-ctl -Ill ette<t .... ......... ,,, ....... 0.....# """"' towe, eetter11 H•.,•oe •l'cl -~--·· SIMIWOn Md tllul'cltrttor111• •IMI were 1cettorod from <•l'lr•I O• loltOffte to W.llttrl ArUntH. ecron tlle IOMf' iw-1 Yelle, •llCI lft "'9 ~ Md mlMe MIHIHIP9H Volley. Titer• •••• wlcl•t r t(ettorecl •II••••• O•tr tllo centtet oncl -"""' "9dllol, .._ -Plfll .. II ..,., ,.m .... _.. c.....111 ..... 1 ........... j A,._...._,....._.llltfft(t • ~ .. pertt .. Ollle &r'lllNI ., ii. ffl• ..... wetclle• -"' ~ .., ,.,.. .. _..,,. ,_ ................. l<O. .. , ........... ..._, ... ...... • :Jte I ............ "-Olli. ......... ~., ..... _~_ . _ ........................ . • ..n ........ -... .... .. ...................... ... _ ........ ..., ... ....................... Of'Nt Lollll ,...., .......,. .. ......... __ -- ' ... c.u .... -=== ........ ,, .. ,_, 0 .. 1 ...... lllmll ---=== -~ ................. .... tltlll ... ,.._,_Oll....,...,,. tlteT•-~. It -... •-.<• .. -,~ _....,...., .......... _. ,.,, .... '*"-" .__ ..... --llY "' .. tlutMett ..... ..,..., ... sln1"4 V•tt•r. tlM c.iitret oftcl -"""' ~ .............. ............... 'l' .. per•••res --...... ,, ,. . ,. " Att•nte .. "'"'°"' . ..... CltttHn SC Qllc ... °"'"""" ~ ~ Detroit HertteN Hollttlllll ........ .... ..... • ... °"' lMV..,. ---------- ·····-·...-··------------• NATIONAL /INTERNATIONAL gWEHTHEft Traclitiott_ Vontlaued Ilg 'lolaers' BJJVLESLOH A .. S.Clet c.ftl f I GREAT 8AfUUNGTON, Mass. IAPI -The slan says "North Family Joiners" and those are definitely wood-working tools in the window. But the plact! 1a. unmistakably, a filling station. "You tuk~ what comes along." Charles Caffall !\hrue1tcd .. Pumping gas ls a curse. but at leas t It pay~ the mortgage." The real r urse is that the Charles Caffalls or lht' world must sacrifice their comfort to their art. "Thul 'is how It 1s." he said. "Any craft business. unle-1>s you ~o into production. is going to be hand- to mouth You have to accept that " c·A•'•'ALL'S CRAFT IS making furniture. Not Just any rurniture. but reproductions. down to the la:.t hand-carved , dove-tailed joint. of the elegantly :.1m ple fym1ture of the Shakers · 'Tht-Sha kl· rs Ii ved plainly and made plain. hum•st. functional furniture." Caffall said. "They u:.clJ tht• lea~t umount or wood necessary. no or· namentatwn. The proportions are perfecl. They probably dtcln I realize they were ma.king clussic ( ) country furmture -or AMERICA muybc they cticl. I find it bt•autaful " So do mu se um curators and rich collectors, who seek out 19th t•t.•ntury o riginals. and countless others less wealthy for whom reproductions will do, but who still cure about the beauty of hand crafting. Charles Caffall is a 43-year-0ld artis&n. built along the lines he admires most. He is as lean as a clothespin -a Shaker invention -and his only or- namentation is a full. reddish beard. fie and his wife, Nancy, fled the New York theater -he from the technical end. she from the sta~e --eight years ago, looking as much for a saner way or life as for a place for Charles to work at his first love, cabinet making. THEY PICKED 'THIS comer of the Berkshire hills. not far from a n old Shaker village, and became the North Family Joiners. "The Shakers kept newcomers. novitiates who had not made a fina l commitment to the cult, on the north s ide of thei r communes , and called them North Families." Charles explained. "When we started th as business. we thought the name apt." Perhaps. But if there was doubt of Charles ' commitment. there was none of his skill. The previous year he had measured, photo· graphed and precisely reproduced two Shaker . . ............ HAND TOOLS USED TO BUILD SHAKER ITEMS Charles Caffall Duplicate• Spartan Furniture pieces In New York's Metropolitan Mueseum col- lection: a candle stand and a sewing stand. When the museum's reproduction department saw hi s joinery. he was commissioned on the spot to make a dozen more of each. He still makes nothing of his own design. Every piece he makes. on order. is a duplicate of a Sha ker original that he has seen and measured. "To do that I have lo use tools the Shakers used. mostly molding planes, that you can't buy nowadays," he said . "THAT GOT ME IN the antique tool bus iness I bought up collections to get what I needed and what I couldn't use ·1 sold to dealers. "Then I de· cided . why not be a dealer myself? It's not much trouble, it's interesting, and I can use the extra money. l guess it is strange, though, to stop at a gas station and find an antique tool display.·· Charles• workshop is alongside the station When the bell rings he puts down his molding plane. resignedly , and pumps gas. "Some day." he s aid. a dreamy look in his pale blue eyes. "we will get rid or this gas business and move to a quieter place and I will make only the kinds of furniture I want to make, big pieces. lots or drawers. lots or cabinet doors .. ' It sounds as if North Family 1s no longer an upt nanu.• Dissident to Go Free? MOSCOW IAPl -Leading Jewish dissidents said Saturday they have been told the Soviet Union will free jailed dissident Anatoly Shcharansky and 11 others prisoners and allow J ews to emigrate at an accelerated pace. The dissidents said they saw the moves as a n apparent at· tempt to sweeten U.S. trade con· · cessions and improve the climat e for the upcoming Carter-Brezhnt.•v summit. There was no Soviet govern- ment confirmation of the dissi- dents' claims. nor was there im· mediate comment from the State Department. CarcHaa& Na•ed VATICAN CITY IAPl -Pope John Paul II na med 14 new cardinals Saturday including two fellow Poles and announced he had chosen a 15th cardinal in secret. touching orr speculation tile unidentified prelate may be from Communist Lithuania . No new U S. cardinals were designated. Th('re pr('sently are ·12 cardinals an the United States and one in Puerto Rico. The designated ca rdin als will be· formally elevated as princes or the Roman Catholic Church at a secret consistory here June 30. Mo~-.111Jra11 ( BRIEFS ) or the disbanded SA VAK secret police agency. bringing to 223 the number or persons shot by order or revolutionar y courts since February. KWer CO..mrfed CINCINNATI <AP l Gary Lewingdon was found guilty Saturday in eight of the "22· caliber killings" and then asked th e presidin g jud~e ror- permission to take his own li fe. His request was denied. Fane f'etel Dwe WASHJNGTON IAP ) -A gov- ernment official said Saturday farmers will race li~ht diesel fuel supplies through next fall"s harvest season. , _, Weldon Barton, director of the Ag riculture Departm ent ·s energy office. said a govern- ment allocation plan will make diesel fuel available whenever a farm cannot otherwise get fuel ~rl111110d~d MOSCOW (AP) -Feeling en lircly at home, Britis h rock star Elt on John whoop e d and hollered for the home team Saturday at a soccer m atch in a sweltering Moscow stadium. The rock idol, who runs a pro· fessiona l soccer t ea m 10 Hertfordshire. a working class town 18 miles northwest of Lon· don, went unnoticed a mong the cheering fans as he ate ice .rream to stav<> off the steaming early summer heat. Traffic Boosted W ASHJNGTON c AP> -Am· trak, described recently as "the greatest traveling antique in the world," is carrying more passengers than ever as the warm.weather holiday season begins amid continuing guoline shortages. . "A lot or people are trylnl to ride Amtrak this weekend," Brian Duff, a spokesman for the government-subsidized National Rail Passenger Service, said in a pre-holiday interview. DESPITE in c reased ridership, which bas been build- ing s ince last October, the Carter administration is moving ahead with a plan to slash 12.000 miles or track from the 27,700- mile system on Oct. 1. And despite incr easing r e· Hance on Amtrak at a time of fuel shortages, the rail system remains plagued by an aging fl eet or locomotives and cars. It was the equipment problem that provoked Alan S. Boyd, Am- trak's president, to describe the system as "the greatest travel- ing antique in the world," one that keeps its riders warm in the sum mer and cold in the winter. BOYD GAVE that assessment o.n May 11 to a Senate appropria- tions subcommittee in malling a plea for approval of a S374 million. two-year program or capital improvements. That question remained un· resolved as the Memorial Day wee kend arrived. taxing heavily the ability of Amtrak t o withstand the challenges posed by heavy ridership. In California, the number of riders between Los Angeles and San Di ego totaled a record 107 .260 in the first 23 days or May. The previous record was 98,837 in April, which in tum set :t rt:cord over the previous high of 78,950 last August. Senate Gets Nixon Statue WASHINGTON CAP> -A marble bust of Richard Milhous Nixon. qwetly installed in the Sen at(' after a delay of 12 years, ts attracting knots of tourists and some pointed comments. The Nixon effigy isn't there because he served as 37th presi- dent. According to a tradition dating to 1886. he occupies the )',Pol because under the Constitu· lion the vace president is presi· dent of the Senate as we ll. Just hours after the busts had been taken from a Capitol store room and nudged into plact·. tourists a nd capitol re~ulars were filing by to take a look. Although nearly five years have passed sinc.c Nixon re· signed the presidency because of the Watergate scandal, the com- ments of many who saw his statue showea he remains con- troversial. TEHRAN . Iran (AP ) - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini blamed "superpowers and in- ternational criminals" Saturday for the shooting of one of his top associates, but said Iran's rev- olutionary moveme nt would' not be deterred. In the northeastern city of Mashhad, an Islamic tiring squad executed a former official amlle a11hlle. l o• Anqetl!'S Mt•mt Mllwoutow MPll·SI. P How Orin\ HtwYOrll Olll• City PflllOCl'llfM• ..... Ill• l"lltttlllf'P Ptl•ncl, OH .__ i.k ltmoftd Soll l••• Son OltQO s.n Fren Se•lll• SllOll•M WMl!lf191CW1 en .., ... hi"" IS •l .... .... 70 S1 11 • .. 60 77 S6 .. '° '3 .. • ••• 71 S6 .0 ., 6S 4S 16 S4 70 •? M S? ., S6 IO SI t) St Whether it's coverage of your city council or Congress, Daily Pilot writers and editors look for the all too rare, humorous twist that adds spice to I iving. Brighten your day with the entertaining, readable DAILY PILOT 14 u ., ,. ........ ...,...,.,,.,.,-,'°"' II ""' <1n not "-I'!'"' P"""' tlv ~ lO 0 m <•II CHlfOfe I ft m M'd ~h4' ~ .. 11 bit UfHtvtttfO 642-4321 .. .... ,, ,. 11 0 .... .. 41 . ,, ,, ,, " .. ,. " H rt " '5 11 It " .. " .. ll•t u((J41y llM !\,,.,.,.. I I y()\j 00 llOI •9«• .. VfNI ~ .. ,.,., by 9 • ... -==~ •I'll illtd -· _., ..... .,. • I ' . • r . c .. . . .. # . . -----~----.. . ---- .. -~ .......... NEW CAREER ENDED Author Judith Wax LOS ANGELES CAP I -It's tht' Jlf"'°°' of the Ptbliahlnc, ln· dustl'f. to lt h8d to keep on Pialt • in&. but lbert> waa an undel"\olW of aorrow Saturday at tht Amnltatn Boolraellertr AHocl• lion ('(Wtventlon •nd t ude " hlh1t ht•rc MOllt: THAN 1.1 Nr<•tl' of J>l'O pit• who would havt• bc(•n on thl· busy floor (If t~ LoN Anaeletoi C"onv••ntlon Cc•nter, J;reettntt old frienW.. ('hattintc and dt<altns died jn the l'ntl'h nr an Americ•n A irhnf'~ D<: 10 111 ('h1<·1•~11 l''rl day Tht• boo4hs at tht• Convention Ct-ntn mat<·h~ thl' :,ate of th~ publis hing cn mpana r~ an o p u l 1· n t• c M :Jl'·G r 1:t w II i 11. liro ~\'It arul l>unlup, ~1mon and S4•husk1 th:.plavt<d tht'1r offer 111~s for F.ill l!.17!f lake :,11 many l"llO f t'l't ann:. l'res~ed in111 l ht' corner of a t'umfort ahl~· l'OUC'h offered by l'l..i) ho\ Uo11k" Division, Mary Iran Studenf Link? L.A. Evidence Hunt Yields Auto, Ammo BEVERLY HILLS IAP 1 Al least a dozen .22-caliber bullets were among evidence found an and around the abandoned car of one of two persQDs slain execu- h on·style at the Be verly Hills hom t> of a wealthy soap manufac· turer . police confirmed Saturday. Friday. the blue Dodge of Joanne Cotsen, 49. was found a fe w blocks from her North Bed- ( SF ATE ) ford Drive home. The wife of Neutrogena Soap tycoon Lloyd Cotsen, her 14-year-old son, Noah, and Christopher Doering, 16. of West Covina. were all found tied and shot in the back or the head with a .22-calibt!r wea1wn about 6:45p.m. Wednesday. Friday, police said they wen.' looking into a connection between Mrs . Colo;en's k1llin~ and the trial of Iranian s tudent Hassan Zar- jifa r an which s he served as Juror Zarjifar, 23, was convict · ed Thursday of misdemeanor as· sault on a police officer . a charge stemming from a violent dem· onstration in January at the Beverly II ill s mansion where the Sha h of lrt:n's mother and sister were staying AU~rGulllfl SACRAMENTO f Ar I A man dubbed the "midday r ap1sl " • becau~«>oflht'timeofhisrobbery- · atta('ks has been convicted of 30 felonv l'Ounts in connection with a month-long sl•rtes of robberies and sexual assaults. Charles E. Case. 38. a Folsom Prison parolee. was found guilty Friday by a seven-man. five· woman jury after about s ix days or deliberation. Sentenein~ was s et for June22. SOHI08,_.trcf SACRAMENTO t AP 1 Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. says the de- cision by Standard Oil of Ohio CSOHIO> lo drop a California-to- Texas oil pipeline project is a "gross example of corporate ar· rogance." "The people or California have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and perhaps e ven over a million dollars in attempting to pavt.• the way fo r this foreign· owned oil <·ompany to transport its product through our state," Brown said Friday. Swptt>C o.,.rdo•e• CHICO tAPl A 24-year-old Cha co woman on trial for murder w as found d ea d in h e r apartmemt. appare ntly the vic- tim of a drug overdose. sheriffs de puties said Saturday Officers said Ter i McCorma ck was found lying on the couch Fri· day night hy her roommate, Daniel Crabtree. who said she had been despondent hecause of murdercharges against her. AM Stuart wort-durk glasses and ~ lllnfle bl11ck p1anls u1t THS COM Pi\NY had lost thrM key ••etutlvcs. Including Pl•Jboy Ma((IU IOC' M anu~in~ Y.dltor Sheldon Wax . In the t•ruah Wu 's wife . Judy, an uuthor who wunkd to atlond her firs t AHA ~·01wcnt1un, died with him "Tb~y were quite ansepara· lJh'." Mt1 Stuurt :.uld "They did » 1rcMl de a l of t raveling toteether. und Wl'rt: look in~ forward to this trip · Also killed wcrt: Ma ry Tierney She ridan. M anu~an~ Director of Playboy lnte rnataonal Books. aed Vicky Chen II aider. newly appointed fa t·taon ed itor for Playboy Magau nc Both we re from Ch.J t•ago MS. STUART sa id P layboy canl'elll.'<1 a party pla nned for Saturday na~ht, but the s pacious booth would re ma in open and 1taffed during the three-day con· vt1nlion. ''This is a once-year-thhig, and you cannot disappoint the people who come here to see wh11t you've got," sh~ said. Others who died were in smaller firms, their booths more along the line of c ardboard dis· plays and folding tables, but the same dull pain or grief was evi· dent on surviving represen· tatives. Ma ry Reidy, ~ubsldlary rights direrlor for Chaldrens Press of Chicago. said she learned her boss, Frank Gemme, had died in the plane crash when she ar- rived in her hotel room and was l'a lled by the firm. "HE WAS fair. he was fu.n JUSt a very nice man.·· she said. Mrs. Reidy said s he was re- lieved to find out that Gemme's wife. originally la ste d as a passenger aboard the jumbo jet. had stayed at home because she ,..J_ Wed in 11' aslaington was tU1nl freshman law ftna1a at Loyola University at Chicqo. The Gemmea had three children, Mrs. Reidy said. A sales representative at the Regnery-Gateway booth looked sadly at the noor, then at the milling crowd. HIS~. Henry Regnery Jr., was ··a very warm and senaitjve man. and an outstanding, gifted publisher," said the represen- tative. Tbe salesman said the South Bend, Ind. publisher had three children, and was close to his employees. The representative wouldn't identify himself. offer· ing only .. I have three children myself.'' G. Roysce Smith, executive director of the American Booksellers Association, said the loss of so many we ll -known figures in the publis hing field was a tragedy .. impossible to measure ... Susan Goldwat er. formt:r wi fl' of Californ ia Cong ressman Ba rry Goldwa ter Jr .. Susan Ghe rman o f Newpo rt Bea c h before that. Saturday married Marvin Warner. center. the n·ccnlly rt~s tg n ed ambassado r t o Swil zt'rla nd. Mrs. Wa rne r is curre ntly co· host of a Washington D C te lev1s1on s how. Cancer Link to Coal Power Described DAVIS 1AP1 A team of University DAIL v Pll.OT A•· Smith aald many conven· lions in the past bad beea marred by· 1uch events u the Six Day War in l981 and the aaaaaslnaUon of Robert F. Ken. nedy in 1988 . "Now we have lost friends and colleagues. Our deepest sym· pathy goes lo their families and aaaodatea and to the families of those on FUcht 191.'' Smith said in a prepared statement. Roomate Of Victim, Still Flying SAN DIEGO (AP) -.. Justten them to go hug the people theJ love." The words came slowly anfj painfully to Joan Niederman, ~ 32·year-old S a n Diego flight attendant whose roommate. also an American Airlines stewardess. was among the 270 persons killed Friday outside Chicago. NANCY SULLIVAN, also 32, was a slender blonde with a bachelors degree in psychology. She had been looking for a new rareerwhen she bid for Flight 191 -a non-stop run on a OC-10 from Chicago to Los Angeles . She wanted lo help people. She was thinking or becoming a l'ounselor. her roommate said. In an interview hours after the e rash. Joan Niede rman was sha ken and tearful. But shock did not prevent her from flying again. She left the two-bedroom condominium she and Nancy had bou~hl las t Augu~ to work a night flight. "I TIDNK it's more haunting to be here than to be on any airplane." s he s aid. Nancy Sullivan had lived in San Diego for five years. She had been Joan's roommate for 18months. Before going on flights. the two stewardesses would leave each other notes. Joan s aid, "lo say that wewouldmisseachother." The sorrow Joan felt by Friday afte rnoon was almost too much to bear "You cry and you pound your fist on the floor and then you sort of get numb for awhile.·· PLANE CRASHES. Joan said. "were not something either or Ul> • • worried a bout." They rarely flew together, Joan ~aid . but the times they did were clost> lime~. "Just tell them to go hug the people that they love," she said a~ai n, "~eause you ne ver know how Ion~ you 'II be he re .·· of Califomaa sc1ent1sts says tmy soot particles that t:scapt· from the !)larks or a coal-fired power plant have the pot<'n tial to cause cancer ·'The full sigmficuncc of the initial re· port will not become apparent until we do the experiments with animal~ ... Raabe said. The report s aid the potentially can tl•r-causing materials esl'ape into air an t ht· form of vapor, and that sophistical· t•d pollution control devices fail to col· lect the muta~enic particles. which are about l·lSOth the size of a grain of salt. I by PG&E in either the Carquinez Straits I at the northeast lip of San Fra ncisco ......... Bay or about 10 m iles north in the 1 DR A p ER y Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. PG&E has completed filing its notice OTTO RAABE. director of the CC projert, said has fandangs, wh1r h are financed under a U.S Department of Ener~y research grant. reveal "some potential risks thut have not been de monstratffi yet'· in emmass aons from coal-fired power pla nts. Tests will begin on mice in several months a nd will continue two to three years lo determine if the mutagenic materials indeed a re cancer-causing. Raabe said Friday. The fincftngs to date were published in the current issue of Science Magazine. 't CO~TAMl!oA IS».....,.,, ..... MIHH* v1uo49s-G401 2"21 C-'-'"-, ...... , ..... ·' FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach RAABE SAID harmful vapors "will attach themselves to <my particle tha t is present. regardless or size .. ' and therefore have the potential of escaping from the most effi cient anti-pollutaon systems. There are no coal-fired generating plants currently in California, but a l ,600-megawatt plant has been proposed of inte ntion on that two-unit ~ billion c L EA N 1 N G project. known as "Fossil 1 and 1-'ossil II." a nd the Energy Commission is ex- pected to rule on the project in August "GUARANTEED IN WRITING" PG&E spokesman Clyde Walthall s aid the company believes there is no Colt, the world's largest, will restOfe lhe hidden beauty In your draperies. Coit removes and cleans draperies, danger from the plant, which he said rehangs lhem wittl perfect pleats and e11en hems will be "the cleanest coal-fired plant And a Coit deaning prolongs dr8P8fY Ute , .... ~~ ever built a nywhe re in the world." STEAM CARPR CLEANING ·-: GARY RUBENSTEIN of the Air Resources Board said the Science arli· cle, which he had not see n. appeared lo be based on equipment that is not as ef- ficient as that which would be required. WITH fHf AOOfO NORCTION Of ••. ~ .. oti:h an1· ~, c.-• g NOflCTtON OFHR lXP MAY 31.1919 SEARS• MAY CO. • and some Mal Stores open tomorrow Memorial Day SOUTH COAST PlAZ-..----· STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR J 'i ---------··- A• DAIL y PllOT Sunday, ... 27. 1111 -1-!.--------sa e a s 11 a.m. Monday May 28th Sporting Goods Morey Boogie Boards Medium Large reg. 22.99 39.99 Your Choice 9.88 reg. 19.95 Lifeline gym exerciser or Exergym exerciser Your Choice 11.99 reg. 13.28 dz. Titellst, Top Fllte or Pro Staff golf balls. Sale 4.99-6.88 reg. 9.99-13.99 Plastic Skateboards Sale 34.99 reg. 39.99 7x7 Wall Tent Sale 21.99 reg. 24.99 Two Man boat kit includes oars and pump Sale 8.99 reg. 10.99 Igloo Playmate Ice Chest Special 12.99 . 3 Lb. "808" Dacron Sleeping Bag Sale 69.99 reg. 89.99 Boy 24" 10 speed bicycle TV-Stereo Sale s77 reg. $99.95 Belt driven Turntables #6401 or #6402 Sale s299 reg. 399.95 AM/FM Stereo receiver with cassette play/record tape deck Sale s99 reg. 129.95 3 pc. AM/FM Stereo 8 track playertrecorder le 1188 reg. 239.95 3 DC. AM/FM Stereo wit~ 8-track tape playeMecorder and phonograph. Sale •109 reg. 149.95 5" AC/DC Black and White Television Sale 19.99 34.99 ~ Hardware Special 5.99 House Paint Brush Set Contains 4 " and 1 V2 " wood handle brushes Special 4.99 House Pad Painting Kit Special s187 Rockwell 1 O" Table Saw with stand and two wings Sale 9.99 Gal. reg. 13.99-1 9.99 Gal. One and Only Interior or Exterior Paint Housewares Soda Steam reg. 34.99 Sale16.99 Waring Steam Chef reg. 39.99 Sale 25.99 Hamilton Beach Electronic Blender reg. 49.99 Sale 34.99 The Eggory r eg. 19.99 Sale13.99 6 qt. Manual Ice Cream Maker reg. 17.99 Sale 13.99 Mr. Coffee Royal Service r eg 44.99 Sale 34.99 Bag Sealer reg. 9.99 ~-~Sale-2.99 12" Electric Frypan with ceramic interior. r eg. 35.99 Now12.99 Thermal pump pots reg. 10.99 Sale 6.99 ORIA-i Trade in your old camera and receive s1 O off on a Pronto Sonar One Step and s20 ·off on a SX70 Sonar One Step. Sale 79.99 with Trade In Reg. 89.99. New Sonar One· Step Pronto .. , instant camera. Has unique split-second sonar focusing, motorized picture ciection. sharp pictures from 3' to infinity .. #1060 Housewares Kitchen Gadgets Special sac Corning Bakeware Set-Spice reg. 19.99 Sale 13.99 Corning Grab-it Plus Set reg. 21.99 Sale 16.99 Sale ·169.99 with Tr8de In Reg. 189.99. Polaroid's new SX- 70 Sonar One-Step"' instant camera. Has split-second sonar focusing, single-lens reflex. Bedding 50°/o Saving on Sheets Assorted prints and stripes. 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Store Hours: MondllJ 11 a.m. to I p.m. Tue • ..frt. 10 a.m. to I p.m. s.tuntar 10 a.m. to I p.m. lund•J 12 Noon to 5 p.m. 1 i l j " ' c cl J DAY SALE Men's Sale 3 for s1 O reg. 6.~8.50 Men's Ties Assorted fashion prints. stripes and solids. 50o/o off Men's famous maker Wallets, assorted styles reg $10-$12 Sale 8.80 reg. $11 Men's Alpine Sport Short Solids in sizes 30-38 Special 99c Men's Sport Caps beer Logo's Special 1.99 Men's Tank Tops 50% cotton 50% polyester. assorted stripes and solids 20% off Selected Men's Swimwear - reg. $8 t,o $10 Boys Sale 1.44 reg. 2.50 rl s Sale 10.99 reg. $16 Preteen Ditto's.A · Discontinued saddleback styles Sizes 6-14. Sale 7.44 reg.$15 Poly Sheer Dresses Various styles & colors. sizes 7-14 Sale 2.99 reg. 4.50 Girl's T-Tops Vanous styles and colors Sale 3.75 reg. 7.50 ~-~-~-.- 8.99to10.99 Women's Swimwear Specials 1 and 2 pc. swim sutts in assorted prints. Special 2.99-3.99 Women's Shorts Terry cloth and poly cotton bfends. assorted solid colors. Sizes S-M-L. 5.99 to 9.99 Terry Rompers Assorted colors in 3 styles including bandeau and Halter Top. Sizes S-M-L. Dresses s12 to s15 Hawaiian Print Patio Dress Bold bright prints in long and short styles. Sizess-M-L s14 to s1& Women's Housedresses Zip front or button front. poty/COtton in misses and 1fl sizes 30% to 50% off Spring Dress Sale Assorted 1 and 2 pc. dresses. Prints and solids in junior, misses and V2 sizes. Sportswear Sale 4.99 to 8.99 Sale 7.99-8.99 reg. $12-$20 Misses Blouses Assorted long and short sleeve styles in poly silk and printed voiles. Boy's white athletic shorts ".Little Girl's Superdenim ™and ~----Super Cords T"' Sizes 5-6 with contrasting trim. reg. $11-$14 Jr. Casual Tops 100% cotton, sime with embroidery. some tunic length. Solid colors in sizes S-M-L. Sizes S-M-L I • I ' t I ' I i ) I. j Boy•s Batman Pajamas Sizes 12/14-18/20 Sale 6.30 reg. 6.50 reg. 7.50 Sale 1.99 reg. 3.99 to $7 Sale4.55 Sale5.25 reg. $9 Girl's Super Cords '"' Sizes 7-14 Sale 1.99 reg. 2.49-2.99 Boy's Denim Jeans Little Girl's Tank Tops Stripes, solids & prints Sizes 4-6x Various styles and colors Large size only Sale 1.99 reg. 3.99 to $12 Infants Sale 3.99-5.99 reg. 7.99-11 .99 Varsity size knit shirts Various styles Girl's Acrylic coordinates Bunny face on front -· Fine Jewelry Special Buy 14k Gold Serpentine Chains and Bracelets •Men's •Ladies 15" chain 14.99 18" chain 19.99 7" Bracelet8.99 Fine Jewelry 25% off Selected Timex Watches • Children's, Barbie, Raggedy Ann, Cinderella & Betsy Clark '" ,.. enney L aNISLAND Sale 5.99-9.99 · reg. $10-$22 Ditto® Jean and Short Closeout Assorted Spring and Summer styles in solid colors. Coats Save 30% to 50% All Weather Coat Sale Full length Trench coats and light weight jackets. Jr. and misses Sizes. ·reg. $32·$55 Special 7.99 and 8.99 Polntelle sweaters Lacy look sweater favorites for warm weather. V and crew neck cardigans and pullovers in lights, brights and basics of sol t acrylic. Perfect to throw over all of your light clothes. For you or for gifts. Misses' stzes. FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY ,, QCINNR 644-2313 -. . .. • __,_,,... -~---- Or•-co.t o.,1y Pi•o• Ecll'°"81 l'~,.e _______ 941 .... _ ...... .,·"···1·"'-------"·obett--"·· w... __ , .... __ .... ___ ,........ __ ." • ..,,_ ... , .... _ SOS: Substitute One Supervisor Oranae County aovemment is aoina into a period or UmpinA dh;t~ss unless som ething is dont> and quickly uboul rea,lacan.i Su per\11sor Ralph 01edr1ch Uil"dn<·h st ands conv1rted of three counts of hnbery and hus UJ.trt'•"'d not to parti<'ipate in Board of Supervisor~ IA('tivltlL•s l>t'lwl•\-'n nuw und the time has term offic1ully ends when hl· 1s ~t·ntt•nc(•d July 9 llowt•n•r. tht• term <:an be filled by ~ubernatonal ap pomtm(\nt ut a ny tame tf Diedrich res tJ(ns lit' has md1c·ut ed he nut:ht bt• a1reeabl~ lo that H<'tton Tht• s 1luatton ls c:rltical bt.-t·uusl' ~upt•rv1sors begin work on tht• county's bulky . t'ornplt·x ~500 m1ll1on budget In t•urly July and adopt It about two wc('kb later Adoption rcqu1rtis f1\'l' votes and it would be v irtually 1mrX>~s1lJlt· for a I.mind m·w member to Hbsorb t'Vt-·n t ht> hasu:s of th1 :, documt'nl u\ a few days' timt• Gov llrown can t>ase that burde n by apµointtnl: a n•plat•t•ment s wiflly presuming Die dri ch t·a n bl' pcrsuadf!<l lo step down before tht· s entencing datt: We would hope the governor would tJo that And we would hope he would appoint for me r A~· s~mblyman Ron Cordova to the position Cordova. a Democrat, served one term in the As· sembly before being knocked out of offtc~ last November by Republican John Schmitz Jn his two year s in Sacramento. Cordova -· representing a predominantly R e publican district -· showed a quickness of mind a nd a moderate philosophy that could well serve Ora n ge Coun· ty's Board or Supervisors. He has said he would welcom<: the appointment. There are, to be s ure, other qualified candidates for the office, but none in our view measures up to Cordova in ability to grasp the county's pressing affairs. In addi· lion to his experie n ce in Sacramento. which in itself might prove valuable, he has some insight into county govern· m e nt from heaving ser ved as a deputy district attorney before getting into politics. The office undoubtedly will go to a Democrat if Brown m akes the appointment. And although he is known for being dilatory in filling vacancies. there 's a ne w pr~s­ sure on h im: the fear that Lt. Gov. Mike Curb might fill the office with a Republican if Brown s teps out of the s tate on a political or business jaunt. Philosophicall y. practically and inte llectually. Cordova would be a good choice for the interests of Orange County. And the sooner the better. That budge t is m ore than a pile of figures a nd governmental jargon : it derides what Orang!? County governm ent will a nd won't do m the followint: year. Garden Grove Grooms · <;ard e n Grovr has s uffered with almost cvcr v malady that could befall a suburban c ity that grew up too fas t and with too liltl(' planning. Beginning in thl' early 1950s. Gard en Grove s prawled almost overnight to cover almost 20 s;quare miles with tracts and monotonous ne ighborhood shopping centers . J\fh•r 20 years. Garde n Grove had becom e ··Gar bage (;rovl· .. Its old downtown was blighted a nd decrepit. As thl' homes aJ;!<:d they, too. became eye.sores. That"s ch an~t·d . The re's a n ew Garden Grove. With wist· use ol he lping funds and withzest that ought to bt· copied by other cities, Garden Grove h as ca nc•w community center s econd to none in the county. nC'w lak<.·s and parks. a new library. an amphitheater . new and modern office buildings, and a host of other s parkling improvements. Most of all. Garden Grove has a new s pirit. a s pirit that says a city nccdn ·t allow itself to decay if its citizens ca re. If you've been avoiding Garden Grove. drive through one day soon. You will be' pleased to see what that spirit has produced . Botmdaries Baffling Some form of award or recognition should go to Hunt· ington Beach Supe rvisor Harriett Wieder for the gaffe of the week. At a jubilant press conference announcinj? donation of a s ite for the new l'45 million Orange County Music Center m Costa Mesa·s South Coast Plaza. Supervisor Wieder temporarily lost her municipal boundaries. Progress for Newport Beach is progress for Orange County, she said in her exuberant remarks. Standing by open-mouthed was Henry Segers trom. representing the Segerstrom family which donated the site and which h as s pent millions upon millions of dollars d eveloping South Coast Plaza and its image right there in Costa Mesa whereit"s been all along. We understand, Mrs. Wieder. The Daily Pilot put you in the wrong supervisorial district the other day. • Opm1ons expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is Invited. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 . Boyd I Batter Up? ByLM.BOYD Incidentally, two dramatic orders were delivered by the baseball umpire s or yeateryear. One was "Play ball!" The other was "Batter up!" You sUll hear "Play ball! " at the oulset or the big-game telecasts. But whatever happened to ''Bat· Dear Gloomy t Gus Can lt be said Senator Hayakawa bu a nod· clln• acquaintance with our federal 1overn· ment? M.K.T. Gteeffty G4tt ,_., -w• .......... , , .... " ·-.... , ~,... .• ,,.... .. .. --,--·~~--· ter up?" Haven't heard il in decades. Q. "Ask your Love and War man to define that form of marriqe known u 'serial monogamy'." A. It's tbe widely practiced custom of living with one lov- ing mate at a lime, but not forever. Some colle1e boys in Japan earn extra money by hirinl out to the Tokyo subway system. Tbe Job title : pusbef. The job: work the platforms durin1 tbe rush hours to shove aa many pasaengera u poulble illto the cars. The women with the belt· lookiq hair keep ll lD Uaat shape by cutttnc a quarter inch off the ends of it every two months. So aay1 an aati- spUt-endl expert. Tbe executioner of MUJ, Queen ot Scotl, had to nta& the ue 1S times to flllllb the Job. ,i Richard Reeve8 Top Aides Get Heady ·Sat&ries W ASlnNGTON -I don't like J ohn Dt111n That ii; un un · durstatement. as peoplc who know me know To nw, he is a mun who iwld out fir11t his coun· try a nd thtin tu~ friends. I am ufrtud or him. I once wrult•, bec-ausc am a WASP und J o hn Dc;.111 1s our S a m l'tl \ t; h<'k If any OI Cl' J l'WISh l><•} 1s afrauJ that, stnp~d to the core , hl' 1s Sammy (j I 1 c k , I worry th11t at the center of a well brou~ht up white Prok!> t;u11 1s a little John Dean In one of m y fontas1es. the Huss1a'ns land al Montauk Point and Deun i!' there. offe ring to help them avoid traffic on the Lon~ lsl<md Expressw;.iy OK. BY THE report two Wl•cks ••i;o from the Be verly l-hlls Sydney Harris police that an Inspired thief had taken $50,000 in jewelry from un- der the bed of John and Maureen Dean. Having state4 my biu about the hero or Wateraate, 1 would like to go on lo a larger ques- tion : How do creeps like that get into the Wh1te House'! In Dean's case, he m a rried the daughter of Sen. Thomas Hen- nin es of Missouri t his first wife). practiced law for two years, bounced around the gov- ernment for three more and brownnosed his way up to the Job or counsel for the president of the United States at the age of 32 HE WAS TOTALLY un· qualified for the job. Most or the folks in any White House are - it is the tragedy and comedy or how the country runs. In any administration, the White House is packed with a cadre of J,?ambling loyalists who gut there by betting part or their young ;.ind undistinguished lives OD the presidential prospects Of a politician who usually doesn't know them ve.y well. Dean. Hamilton Jordan. The names change, but the methods don't . The road to the top is tough, particularly if the man you're following packs a heavy suitcase. WE ELEVATE young men and women to the most powerful positions in the land for carrying bags. driving cars. gathering· crowds, dialing telephones. drinking with reporters and do- ing 1.001 other chores of day. care that make up a modem political campaign. ··It's really quite insane." said a New York lawyer who once did some or those things for Harry Truman. "I was at the White House the other day and a 27-year -old was sitting there quite seriously talk- ing about whether or not to keep on Cyrus Vance Cy has forgot- ten more about the way the world works than he will ever know. -------.... ~-t,-_ "So, just for fun. I told him I heard Mondale was finished, that the president wanted another vice president. Within a millute, be was saying, 'Yeah. We miaht have to let Walter 80''" We pay these people up to $58,500 a year plus spectacular fringes for their wisdom. We also pay people to carry their bass and drive their cars. In the Carter Whjte House, almost all the staff ia making a great deal more money than they ever saw on the outaide . in fact, aome or them never beld Jobe on the outside. JAMES GAMMILL, who spent his first year out.of college help· 1ng Hamilton Jordan help Jim- my Carter he was paid meal money at first is now, at age 25. the chief of personnel of the executive branch or the U.S. government. Elizabeth Rainwater made the JUmp from Sl2,000·a -year dance teacher in Atlanta to $42,500-a - year deputy assistant for re- search to the president Some of them even understand what 's happe ning to them. Waller Shapiro was making S9.000 a year as a free-lance Journalist before becoming a n3.789-a-year speechwriter in the Labor Department. "THERE'S THIS real rush," Shapiro said JUSt after he got the JOb "I was so excited I just s tarted buymg things. I've been buying hats, of all things, and I've never worn hats in my life. "You have this new status and at first I played with it. I mean before all this I was dodging creditors. but within one day of getting this job the banks said they would be delighted to lend me ~3.000 on Just my signature with no coll ateral " So it goe~. J mortgage in no rthwt'sl Wa s hington , pay mt>nt.s on a BMW ctnd you're a prisoner of the politician who got th1· governm('nt to pay you. If }Ou 'rt· a John Dean. you Jae a nd cheat to keep all that. If you're John Dean. and you·re cauJ?hl. you sell out your friends to kct•µ enough to be worthwhile to burglars in Beverly Hills. Man's Last IllusiOn Causes Accidents Although speed is the greatest killer in auto accidents, what do you suppose i s the mol'it <'o mmon cause in in· jury as well a s in total ac c1dt'nts" I t I ~ "f ailure to yield right-of· way." Is this a driving de- fect or deficiency. in any terhnical sense" Of course not - in the vast m ajority or cases, 1t 1s a n attitudinal problem. No matter how much safer thl' car is made. how straight thc highways, how stringent the laws. Bob Greene or how .strict Lhc1r enforcement, auto casualties will nol be ap· preciably reduced until and un- less the motorist himself changes his has te attitude behind thf• wheel. MOST FAii.URE lo yield right-of-way, as w~ a ll know from daily e xperience, is not due to carelessness. inattention, or incompetence. It 1s due, plainly :rnd simply, lo the kind of bad manners we would never dare lo exhibit in our pedestrian habits. The automobile is only in part regarded as a swift and com· fortable means of transporta- tion. Its de<!per significance 1s psyrho·soc1al: most or us use it as an outlet for our feelings. of aggr ession. or in serurity. of fruslr;:1tion. of rage. of snobbery, or or sexual symbolism With the powerfully throbbing horsepower beneath him. the private turns into a general. GIVEN SUCH a mental set. yie lding the right -o f -way becomes almost equivalent to hoisting the white flag of sur render, a pitiable abdication of one ·s mascuH01ty. suoenont \ a nd status. Courtesy and con sideration -not to me ntion or dinary common sense have no pla'Ce in ttus scheme of things In fart. they are downright detri- ments to driving domination If anyone pushed. or kicked, or trampled other people down as he progressed along the sidewalk. he would be bundled off to the pokey forthwith, to the unanimous indignation and ap- proval or the public. Yet, behind the wheel. the same kind or con- duct <thou~h far more tragic in its consequences l 1s accepted as a we1y of life. and death MODERN society has invest· ed the car with too much mean· IOJ?, a~ a surrogate for a com- plex of s0<'1<1I and sexual striv· 1 nJ?!' The t fa lse) sense of mastery it gives us is a fatal ii· lusion; yet with reality so bleak for so m any. this may be the last 1llus1on man must cling to. Not-so-dramatic Crime Wave Hits Home -· ·'I know it's happened to thousands of other people, but I was surprised al how much it af· fected me, and still is.'· With the murder and rape and assault statistics around the country so staggering. her story isn 'l very dr.ama~ lie. She got burglarized. She is 26, living alone in a one · bedroom apartment in the city. She took a one-week vacation from her job and new home to see her pare nts . "I GOT BACK on a Sunday night," she said. "I stopped to pick up my mail, which had piled up ln my mailhox, and I lugged my suitcase upstairs. All I wanted to do was gel into bed and fall asleep." She put her key in the lock, and was surprised to find no re- sistance when she turned it. Something had been do.ne to the lock: the door waa already open. "I took two steps inside the do0r and I knew something was wron• before I even turned on tbe Upt," she said. "I could see the open drawers and the stuff on the noor even in the dark· ness." Sbe nipped the light switch. "THEY HAD 1one throu1h everythlnc," ahe said. "AU my stuff 1f • all over tbe floor. I went into the bedroom. and at was the same way. The closet wa!' open, and everythtnfi? had been thrown orr the hangers . '·For a few seconds 1t didn't hit me I mean , I knew .something had happened. but it didn't hit mr'what it was. If I was watching it on a TV show I would hive known il ri~ht away. But for some reason it didn't oc. cur to me that som eone had broken in. "My first reaction was that there had been a bad storm or something." In a moment, or course, she was over he r initial shock and knew what had taken place. "I FELT LIKE throwin~ up ... s he said. "They hadn't missed anything. They had stripped the bed, so it was just a bare mat· tress. I went into the bathroom, a nd everything was knocked out of the medicine chest. "My underwear was all over the floor of my bedroom. I don't know why. but il made me feel physically sick, thinking of . someone going through my un- derwear." . She wasn't frightened. That would come later. She didn't want to be alone. though, so she summoned the couple next door. They didn't know what had hap- pened; they offered to sit with her until the police came. "TWO POUCEMEN ame up, and they helped me 1ure out what wu taken." a aid. "It r•~ WUD't mucb; • TV I keep by my bed. some Jewelry. a good winter coat and some clothinfl. · · 1 re member being very calm at the time. I felt like I was en· t e rtainang; I ask e d the policemen If they wanted a drink. I Kept apologizing that the place was such a mess. ~"I asked the, pol&cemen why a nyone would strip tbe bed, and they said that a lot of people keep money under the sheets. by the mattress. Tbey were very nice. but they didn't offer much hope that I would ever see my stuff again. .. THEY LEFF, and then my neighbors went home. and I was silling there by myself and I realized that I didn't care about my stuff. Jl wasn't the possessions that I was worried about. "It was my life. 1 felt that someone had come into my life and done something to It that cou Id never be fixed. ''With all the problems you go through every day. the one thing you take for granted ia tbe place you live. That's going to be there to come home to, and you know how it's going to be, and you can take it f6r granted and . . . "I MEAN, I felt violated. As much as if I bad been raped or something. I thou1ht about ·strangers 1olng through every drawer and closet of my apart· ment. and dttidin1 which of my clothes they wanted to take and which they wanted to leave, and '} tbou,bt about them ln m~ bathroom. and my skin got goosebumps . ''The policemen were very nice and unders tanding. My neighbors were ve.ry nice and understanding. The people at work the next day were very nice and understanding. "But I could tell they all un· · derstood it was-no bit deat. 'l'fteT- felt sorry for me, like I had ·• pne umonia. but it was no big · deal. ithappensallthetime. . ··And I know they were right. : but what's going on in this · world? It should be a big deal. Everyone kept tellin1 me to be thankful that I wasn't bur(, myself, but what kind of a life is · it when you have to look at the · good side of something like this? - "I CRIED myself to sleep that night. The next day I had my phone number changed and UD· • listed. · "I put another name on the mailbox downstairs. so that ' people will think that two people 1 live In my apartment. I got · another lock and had the janitor · putiton. "But now I can't sleep at ·· night, and l hear noises, and I ... · feel like I'm never •oing to feel safe a1aln. Every ni1ht f come home from work. and for the · firat few seconds I think som~·s in my apartment. I think about movin1, but thaC · wouldn't help. M :: "I sound like a bit baby, but · people Jimt ahouldD't be able to;:: do this to other people'a lives. • Tbey JUlt aboWdn 't... . ... ' All' ....... z ._ -_;, \ -M la..i i To write tnt O.lly Piiot/Box 1560. CO.ta Mffa, CA 92626 orange coast oa11y P1101 l F• 0 '•-e ~.P-•• n ••• o •. n ................ M9Y •• 77 •.• 'e•79•••••••T•o•c.•11•the•o.•11•v•P•11•0•.n.1•••wt•.aa•'••••••A•• Br JOHN H. NUNN ELEV JM. H. NUIUWiq, o r~rcl"fd ~ /rom o.troei. ""*• M Soft CWmnl~ Californian" who are mo~ dependent upon privalf' au\emobtl~ lranaportauon lha• reaa· ' dents ol otht-r atateb hoe become I.he vactlms of what can only t•h1mtably l)(' l"\'ferred lo u a rip· ., orf ~~ratl'Cl by t.r~l! oil produfen and the Uniled Sh1lc1' ~ov~rom.-nt , particularly the bur~aucratk tangll' known as I.he Oepartm~nl of ..:n.,rgy undl·r the d1r .. t t1on of Arthur S(hles Inger. Why. within two wcl•ks, at'f' Wf' flC'fd with s uch a shortutw of g•~hnc that mol\t stations are cla.ed a h•nw portu>n of I.he time with the 1i1en "Surry. Nu Uas." and othf'rs are open may~ U l'Ouplc of hours a day ., The pri•ss, t\'lt·,·1:s1on and government hand ouh have .:1ven u~ vurious rea!\On:s for this situation which bt·1H t•itumiruna I. IT IS Cl.AIMt;D that the t<'mporary lru nian shut off wa:. a maJor factt'>r In thu1 fu1scu Let us <'heek tht! fact~. Wht•n 1 ran for about 90 days shut off ats l'ntire pl"()(1ut·t1011 of oil some 6 billion gallons per day 11 iuJversely affected about 5 pereent of our import:. Since that period, Iranian oil has been on the market again to tht· tunt! of about 4 billion barrels a day. ulbeit at a higher price, an in· crease also put into effect by the OPEC coun· tries Undoubtedly this adversely affects the price we pay for gasoline but did it cause the in· credible sudden shQrtag~ leading lo the lack of gasoline for sale and the extended lines of irate c ustomers waiting to buy at any price" or course not! There has to be other reasons! 2. PRESIDf:NT CARTER and the DOE claim that the oil companies. particularly those in California, 1:1re required to cut down on refin . ing gasoline and concentrate more on producing heating bil to meet the cold future winters in the cast. If memory st•rves right, there have been at least three unusua ll y miserable wi nters in a row back East. yet we have not noticed any cut down in gasoline. MaJor errorts have been made to 9rovide natural ~as for heating purposes and that .pro- blem seems to be un'der control, and certainly would have been well under control if Schles- inger had not turned down a deal for Mexican gas in unlimited quantities because the price was s lightly hight•r than we pay Canada. WHY. IN THE NAME of all that is reasona· ble, should California refineries, where gasoline is needed more than any state, be required to curtail production lo provide healing oil for the East ? Again California citizens are getting a bad break. In a telephone call to my son in the Detroit area, he tells me he has had no dirricul- ty obtaining all the gasoline he wants at prices lower than ours. He says the local papers are full or the problems existing here in California in s pite of the ract it is one of the largest pro· ducers or gasoline in the country. 3. THE SO·CALLED "shortage" of gasoline in this state is open to serious question. Since the Arab Oil embargo of 1973 there has been de· veloped the AJaska oil pipeline which brings By HARRY RF.~ONER Text from a "flarry Reas<>ner Report" broad- cast on the CBS Radio Network. "The Gospel of Gas, Letter to the Califor - nians, Chapter one.'Verses six throug h 26. And 50 it came to pass in those days lhal the land or · J,he Californians was visited by a series of plagues "AND THE FIRST was the stoppage of the rain. so that the re was no water from the s kies ;md the staves of the hot tubs oC the Californians did dry out and crack in the s un. "And the second of the plagues was the quaking of the earth, wherein the earth did quake with great quakes and the slaves of the hot tubs or the Californians did split with the greatness of the force. "And the third plague was the sliding of the mud. wherein great waves or s liding mud d id bury the hot tubs of the Californians. • "AND THE FOURTH plague was a great wind come upon all the Californians, so that it was said in those days that every Californian I'LL TELL YA WHERE PART OF OUR PROFIT~ GOING TO MAVETO Go, GEORCiE ·- COUPLE MORE _ DAYSAN~ WE'LL NEEi> A \VIPER Sl6N ... nearly J billion barrels or oil a day to our s hores . But we are told we do not have the refining capacity to make gasoline out or it, so it must be s hipped East through the Panama Canal al great expense because our so·called "Environ- mentalists" with the court and governmental delays have prevented the construction or an oil pipeline to ship it to Midland, Texas where re- fining capacity is close by. Still we must use some of our refining capacity to produce heat· ing oil for the East according to our energy ex- 'And It Came To Pass .•. ' Gospel of Gas man, woman, and child was 'laid-back' by the force of it. "And the next plague was the governorship of the first-born son. and the next plague was the coming of the Easterners. who did descend on the Californians wi th flashbulbs and who left in their wake not a single map of the movie stars' homes in all the land. "And the next plague was a madness of idolatry, wherein the Californians did worship aolden statuettes, standing unashamedly with iheir idols before the nation. ~~~! ITS ALWAYS 30ME:TH1N1 •• • perts! What has ha ppened to the great reserves stored at Elk Hills near Bakersfield which were s upposed to be available when needed? Isn't that needed now ' THE DOE BV LAW was to accumulate a large reserve stored in salt wells In Louisiana for use when needed, but they forgot to put in pumps to get it out when needed! More efficient bureaucracy at work! How is it that with all our gasoline troubles Wt' make an absolute guarantee to Israel lo make up thei r loss or Iranian oil and some .. And tht'O the pumps o r the Cahfor- riians were stricken with a plague which was lhe dwindling of the i{as. and lhe dwindlinA o( the gas did create a great vortex like unto the whirlpools of the sea. and this great vortex created by the draining of the gas did draw into it all the Californians who were formed into great motionless caravans and who did cling to the stricken pumps as iro n clings to the .lodestone. "It is said that this plague or the pumps was visited on the Californians for their iniquity. for that they went nowhere in those days by the feet of their legs but only by the seats of their pants. in the metal horses that drink gas_ "And the people of the lands surrounding t he Californians were sure arrciid lest they too be stricken with the plaj:!ue or the pumps. "BUT THE HIGH officials that Wl're amoni:t them fell to squabbling over how the plague was to be averted. And so the people were left to make their own plan. which was to propitiate the angry spirits by making a sacrifice. "They threw caution to the god of the wind. and kept on driving." E1ypUan oil? Where do we pt tb1I oil from? Some ol ua. I am aure. remember that our complete military assistance to Israel in the 1973 war led to the 1tre~ ot OPEC. tbe 1973-74 embar10. and the sublequent quadrupl· in1 or the price or oil, which liDce that time baa gone even hither and raised the price of gasoline to astronomical figures, the end or which we have not seen yet. Btrr WHY IS IT that between 1973 and 1919 there seema to have been plenty of 1uoline even at the higher prices until all of a sudden in 1979 California has little or no gasoline to pro- vide its citizem? Something is obviously very wrong and no answers yet provided make any sense. On television recently Sen. Charles Percy, of Illinois, said in effect that be bas no sym- pathy what.soever with the California situation because gasoline usage here bad increased some 7 percent s ince 1978 in spite of the known energy shortage. What he neglected to s ay was that California, outside of Florida. is the fitstest growing state and is a national tourist attrac- tion in which his own midwestem constituents are making a substantial contribution in the use of gasoline. He also ne~lected to state that California is the largest st.ate in territory outside Alaska and Texas. the most populous, and Californians have been buying nearly SO porcent of new cars either of foreign make or American make that get the best gas mileage HIS IMPORTUNE remarks constitute no valid grounds for the gasoline companies punishing California by reducing their gasoline a llocations even well below those allowed last year. In the meantime where are the voices or our representatives in Sacra mento? The only public voice we have heard is that or Gov. Brown who has instigated the "Odd-Even" method of ob- taining gasoline which, while it is reducing the lineups some. will do nothing to get us more gasoline allocated which 1s the real need and which the facts indicate we deserve. 4. FOR MANY YEARS the large oil com· panaes have strongly urged that all price con· t rols be removed from locally produced oil so that we could compete with the high-priced Mideastern oi& and a llow extra funds for de· velopment of new sources to compete with the fo reign supply Finally thci>e arguments prevailed and President Carter as of June 1 will start taking fede ral price controls off of local oil, and the theory that, while prices will inevitably rise, ad· dilional funds will be available for local ex- plor ation and development to make us more self sufficient. He had, however, to throw a "sop" into the picture in the form of an excess profits tax which would reduce the a mount of money available_ It is remarkable to notice. however . that within two weeks of his proposal the shortage of otl hit California! Can it be that the big oil co mpanies a rc deliberately holding back pro- duction wailing for the $1 per gallon price to come about " It certainly creates suspicions alonj:! these lines. LF.T US NOT SAY there is no shortage or oil or ('nergy There undoubtedly 1s some shortage because of the Iranian cutback which is now largely being purchased by Japan which will pay any price, Saudi Ara bia has cut back some production and raised prices to punish us for o ur role in t he ll-r ael -Egypt1an peace maneuver~. as have some other OPEC coun· tries. So there 1s some shortage. but it still is fa r less than in 1973-1974. Califorrua is being made the scapegoat. It is up to us as citizens to let our governmental representatives know in no un- certain terms how we feel about it. It is our only defense. Sometime in the future we should form a North Ame rican OPEC of United States. Canada and Mexico -all of which together have plenty of oil reserves to satisfy our needs regardless of price, which w1ll then eliminate our need for imported Mideast oil and let the OPEC nations try and sell their surplus elsewhere. This plan is probably a long-time dream which will involve much political activity, but it could be done and would solve the oil shortage forever. Mailbox/ Altering Interest Rates Could Hurt Home Ownership To the Editor: The battle lines are drawn and the fight is on to alter laws go"- e rning interest rates p aid to savers.' Clearly the stakes are hith. Why else would Bank of Amer cA (1100 branches. SM biijion in assets) take out full page ads deftly begging the ab"used savings public to help Bank or America fight the nasty Congress? The iaaue has obvious con- sumer appeal. There are an awful lot of small savers out th,re, and during Inflationary periods a savings account -in· cludlq interest -is a losing proposition. But somehow the rest -@I the picture is rarely pre- seoted: ~o other nation in the world has so large a fraction of the popUlaUon who own their own homes -nowhere are mortgage interest rates lower <even at 11¥1 percent!). Part of the tong hlat.y ol political stabUlty and economic l:rowtb we have en- Jollff. bu been a result of home owp.enldp. Ownlna a home lives you a stake in your community -people don't burn down their owabomes. -'Dae federal government has j • uewe ._...,,.,. .--. n.,.... .. ~ .......................... .. ,_..~·----..... .. ..... ;s•u--. All t'"9rt Mftt Ille.._ ........ ---=--...... ............. , ~·· ............ -..... j recognized the above, and en- courages home ownership. For- ty years ago insured savings and loans were created specifically for the purpose of serving home mortgage demand. Banks clear- 1>' were not doing the job - although permitted to make mortgages, their primary em· phasis was, and is, more protit· able commercial lending. A 'I• percent rate differential was added later to give savings and 10111ns a slight advantage ln al· tracting funds to help assure the availability of mortgage money. lt is not my intent to argue that regulation changes would be wrong -even those suggest- ed by Bank of America <eliminate the differential and make higher rate a ccounts available to nearly everyone>. My point is· that those regula- tions were created for a purpose -easy home ownership -and changing those regulations will surely have a sharp economlc impact on that purpote. s u c h a program would be t ailored to the s maller saver . FREDRIC J . FORSTER President Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Association 'l'o"" PtdJHr l/ilHr11' To the Editor: The sudden emergence or long lines at the gas pumps and the ensuing disclaimers by the oil companies, environmentalbts, and our elected officials make me wonder if I am seeinl the ending of our democracy and free way or life. Clearly emerg- tn1 out of the "Don't blame me ... tt•s not my fault" rhetoric is the fact that our govem~ental energy people, state and federal, have been complete ly inept and are in the dark concerning the actual fuel reserves above or below the around, or the actual reflniq capacities or our oil companies. Every bit ot information used to make decisions baa been sup- ; plied by tbe oll companies themselves, and accepted by our policy-maken wit.bout any out- 1lde vertllcatloa. Yet ,It la fact that the oil companies, out of fear or IOllna their OPEC allot· ment1, have been fi1btln1 vi1oroualy a1ainat new explora- tion for oU in undrilled reliona of Africa, Latin America, and A1 an atternaUve, Conaress ml1bt chooee not to tax the fint $1,000 ol lnterelt earned on aav. in1s accounts. Such a move would Increase the after·tax yields to aaven, encourage aav- tn1s. (the United States bu one of the lowest aavin11 rates In the lndustrlallaed world>, while leavln1 alone the financial ln· 1titutiom' cott of aavlq1. The 11,000 Nilinl would aasure that \ ~ A1l1 for several yean, evw-n though it is estimated that more than 10 billion barrels of oil are there. Also emerging is the fact that our President and his energy people are wholly unprepared and inadequate to the task or taking control or our energy sources and plannjng for our needs, and that Congress has not been any more competent. Yet there are available immediate solutions to the present crisis tbat can be developed into loa&· term answers. FOil EXAllPLE, by convert· ing tbe 24 million plus acres of fallow farmland into full produc- tion of wheat, com, barley, etc., we can direct the crops to the production or ethyl alcohol, and that alcohol ble nded with gasoline will produce gasohol. This would i mmediately In- crease our present gasoline sup· ply by the 10% needed to meet our 1bortla11. 1f tbe subsidies paid to farmers for not srowln1 srain on tbeee acres wu used to sup. port tbe production of tbi1 al~. the coet of tbe enauinl 1aaohol would be tbe same u 1aaoline. In addition to lncreas· ln1 the supply of fu•I im· mediately and banl1bln1 the Joni lines, we would allo lain the benefit of clean emluion1 and tbe elimination of lead, since luobol 11 botb cl,aner burning and'needs no lead for its octane rating. At the same time we know the OPEC nations and oil cartels cannot eat oil. but we have not a1UJl'ff8lV~l:y ttploUed that weakness by increasing the ex- port price or our grains and other "needed" products. His· torically the export price or a bushel of our grain has equalled the cost of a barrel of imported oil ; the government should im· medi ately institute the necessary export price increase. My conclusion ls that only a citizen revolt will cause our elected officials and their buck- pa11ing appointees to face up to the oil cartels and save de· mocracy. We should band together In local political action groups and file class-action law s uits a1ainst the oil companies on the bHll ol violation of public trust, price collusion. witbboldin1 pro- duct to increue financial 1a1D; and we abould ut for a refund to the public treuury or all tbe taaH tbe oU eompaniea were permitted to save under the depletion, investment credlta, etc. when they obvioully never Intended to use aucb aavinp for thole UHi Coaaresa intended in sranuaa tbe allowances. And finallY, our political ac- tion ll"OUlll abould write, wire, and call our pn!sident ~nd con- gressmen telling them to dis· band their face-saving do· nothing committees and im - mediately enact legislation that converts the oil industry into a public utHtty. thereby maktng- all resource information public immediately, while tying prof- its directly to "proven" costs. Making the oil companies join the telephone, gas, and electric companies in public accoun- tability will bring out into the open our a ctual ener1y re· sources; our democracy can live with any facts that can sW'Vive the Ugbt of day. · IRVING X. BURG T•fl D••re Tiff• To the Editor· The very rich can afford ex pensive gasoline and the very poor don't need it. That takes care of 5 percent of the popula- tion. Someone should lell Mr . Hayakawa 's tap dance instruc- tor that hi&her prius tor 1a1oline will mean more infla. lion for the rest of us. The dollar will be worth a lit- tle less. or course the poor won't care, because they don't have any. and the very rich have bills to bum. But some or ua will ca re . Tap dance class dis · missed. JAM~ BOLDING· .. ' I • • .. A_•_•_DM. __ v_A_L_o_r _____ ">, Sund-,. Meyn. 1111 CtUh •1 aonaT Massa oe .. 0-..,....,.,..., When he wtnt to the bank Wednesday to ctuih a chttk tor 1100. the chetlt didn't bounce but Mlkt Todd did w the Hunt ln1ton Beach City Jail Todd aald tw produ<'NI a valld driver'• llctnst und other idf'n tiflc.llon when ht' approach~ a lt•ller at Se<'urlty Pac1f1c Natlon 11t1 Kank . 2006 1 Brookhurst St • lluntin~ton lk'ach. Accordlna to Todd. th,~ lf'll(•r said ~verythlnt? wus fine hut that sheo would need his fingt·rpnnt on the b11ck of the <'ht<rk "I <'Ouldn ·1 bt•hevt> 11 11 flnitl'flmnt to c·u!-h 11 loui.~ SHiii Cht•l·k .. O•Mt ,., .. ,, .... _ Todd ••Id he attempted lo re- e nter lhe bank to •et the teller's name when Bank Mana1er Gary 8er1tbold put him under clUaen 'a arrest. Todd. a 34 -year-old sales reprt>Hentatlvt• for Ex · pr•aao/Cappucclno Inc., said he was h11ndcuffed and booked into Jill cut d l.,turblng the peace chu1e llt• said he wa11 released three hours l11h.1r on $2SO ball. H11nk Munager Berathold said l''r1day he didn't wish to com· ment on the incident because of poaalble legal ramifications. ··so I n ·fust•d I c·uulttn t lot''' "'hut right 11 tlumnt•d bunk h111\ lo take my ftn~l'rpnnte. Todd siud ht• then ht•ncll'd Lo the muna~er und m s1:.ted h1• C a S h l h c.• l' h t' (' k W I t h 0 U l finRerprlhtl> or to wrak a lctkr expluirung thl' pohcy BANKING GOES SOUR Huntington'• Mike Todd He added, however . that it wu bank policy in certain transactions lo require a touch Signature I fingerprint) Of people not persona lly known at the bank ,11 nit'. l shul m y rnuuth Todd said hls arraignment is sc heduled June 5 at West Orange Municipal Court. It ~a:. ~t111t: 11,. wae. w1.11tang ftH thl! lt!ltt'r that poltct arnvt!d on the scent! Todd says he 1s shll uncon· v m eed that fingerprints are needed on a check. "And if it is worth getting arrested for, I 'll cat the bank manager's letter.'' "I was pretty mad and I ~vt loud and I suppose outland1i.h, l'onsidering it was u bank When I notaced all the people starani; ·'I was dumbfounded l went uut to mel't thl'm and usked them if they were thl'rl' for me They !'.aid they wen· • FORUM AIDS REFUGEES • • • <From Page Al> -Pre-entry health screening of refugees is considered inadequate, with the possibility that som e excludable diseases like tuberculosis might be brought into the country. In many ways, Mrs. Hetrick points out. volunteer lime and donations are vital to the successful resettlement of refugees. The voluntary agencies involved in finding sponsors for and resettling refugees in Orange .County are the U.S. Catholic Conference; the Church World Service's Indochinese Resettle- ment Center and the International Rescue Com-mittee. Additional training programs and employ- ment services are offered by the Pacific As1an- A merican Center and the Lao Family Corpora- tion. which has federal grants to teach basic living skills and English as a second language_ MANY OF THE rerugees are sponsored by church groups or Join relatives. As many or the c·arlic•r wave of refugees from 1975 have become l-'!.lahlishcd. Mrs . Hetrick said, they too have he gun sponsoring unrelated r<>fugecs and offertnJ?. vol untcer !>Cl'\'1Ccs ./\II the ).(roups aiding Indochinese refugees in Orange Co unty have formed the lndochinest· Forum. which Mrs. llctrick chairs. Among Forum projects is one primarily sponsored by the Catholic Conference, to pro· vide an intensive orientation session for new ar- riva ls and their s ponsors. Mrs. Hetrick pointed out that the first ar rivals after Saigon fell in 1975 stayed al Camp Pendleton and s imilar bases ac:ross the nation and could ht-onl'nled in ~roups. but this is no lon~er the case. THE PROGRAM, which will be tried out an :-.cv{'ral formats beginning next month. will in- vol vl' a comb1nat1on 11f films. talks and works hops an several li.lnguages. After the first influx of refugees in 1975. Despite efforts by those countries, the Red Cross and the United Nations. the camps have bad food , inadequate s helter, no sanitation. lit· lie medication and only those physicians who the mselves are refugees. BECAUSE OF THE worsening situation, volunteer agencies and the U.S. administration -although not necessarily Congress last year intensified their efforts to bring refugees to America. Some 300 a month are now arriving in Orange County. Despite the problems of too many people a nd too little money. Mrs . Hetrick had a note or hope for Orange County; saying refugees are !earni~g English and finding jobs with surpris-ing sw1rtness. • · 1 think people need to be sensitized to the ract that. with a ll the tremendous obstacles, these people are really doing well," she said. Summer 'Job' Fit for Teens School's out within the next few weeks and tho se looking for somethfog rewardin~ to do this s ummer might c heck into volunteer work. Many agenl'ies like the bri~ht smiles and en- t h us 1 as m tee n -agers hrmg tothf>1rerforts . OPENINGS ror adults und youngsters cover a wade range or skills a nd interests. ing earthquakes seeks pet-watchers lo report observations. Mrs. Hetrick said, arrivals dropped for a while. Meanwhile. more and more "hoat people" a nd other refugees flooded into the Malaysian ahd Thai camps. Death Notirr11 CAC.AN Ac!Closon wa• ii tilth generatoon P"••le JULIA Jt:ANNE CACAN, '"~Iden! crt m•loon at Faorh<lven Memort•I ol San Clement•. o tor 7S ye.,,, Park. F•mlly -51' conlrlbutoon• lo p ,nw.d •way on ,,_.Y 7S, IU9. She '' Unov.,rstly ot Irvine. lnftellou~ D••· ~u••••td by lier hu,.,.nd Henry of San U\e• lle...vc" In memory ol Shpl'oo• (ltmenlt, C• .. d<lughle" OUlrtte MarleACld"1on. People who like the o utdoors could help ' others enjoy camping by assisting the dis · abled. For details .phone West Orange County Voluntary Action Center at 898-0043, the number lo call about the open- ings that follow: Whtie Plechofil ol WO\I Covina. Ca. YABUT Renee H""'°" of W.,,11,.kt V•lloQt'. l AOEA, '""°'"'' ol Co,la M.,'M\, Ca . C•~ Joceivn Boil-e of Gra•• v .llley, Pa\~ away M.ly 1S. 1q19. Survov~d c a , son Je•n of O••oon, t• byllerh~J~eT Yabut,mot,,.., gr•ndchlldren •nd II qr••I TeresaSanto-otPue<to lloco,talher qrandc,,lldf"en. Servlct; wtll bf held on G•brtPI Pineiro of Pue rto R tto, Sund•Y at I 00 PM •I H•rbor I.awn daUQMers Ad.lo Shannep ot Palmdale, #Mmort•I "-' ~5)$4. u . •nd N;onc 'f Sllerm.tn ot Por11dnd, ADDI~ Oreqon, b<olhe1 Annibal p,.,..,o ot SOPHIA MARIA ADDISON, re1o.. PUl!rlo Rico .... , ... lorf'nt• llOdri· dent 01 Fount•ln v.,ley, u P .. wd quez ol New Ycwk, Tomm.-s. Maritnez • ., .. ,,_..,. 21, l'7'1 •I ttwo -ot 7 ol Analleom, UI .• °'"~'"" p,,,...,o ot ur~. 5"" 1, '"'vlvtd by her parents, New York, II~ 01.u ot Nrw York, :-.,.. ~ Oon AOdtM>n. of IM,,.,..,., Dorl\ Mart_'""' _of Puerto llt<o. 1 . T Add 1oon brother Futwr<ll wrvtc~woll "" held on Tw' ~~~is~~ 7'~1dhon, ~h ~ Ille hom.,, dily. May 29, m<i at 10.00 AM lo slle h •l!.O sur vh•ed by P•t•rn•I Ne•port Me-... O\flstl;tn Center will> r•ndp•r•nts, and m•l•r nal Dr Geor9e 0 Wood 0111c,•t•nq 9 ~b. Servi<H -'" held •I Frl.,nds may <•II on Sunday, May 11. ~~"''~Finl A~w,..t>tv of QOd Church, 1'11' trom 3 00 PM to 6 00 P~ and on M 15 t•1'1•11-00PM SoPlll,.M•ro• Monday, May 711. 19791rom 10 00 AX lo on llY • • 00 PM Inlet""-' at Good Shepherd, Cem•l•ry, Huntington Be.ell. FuM••I• dl•,.cto,., a.11 8roadWay MorlUM Y. 60·91SO PIBFAMeLY COLOHIAL AIHHAL HOMI 7801 Balsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 'AClltC YllW t•tOIUAL'A .. Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOl...cll MOWTUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 ' 1 .. Neptune Society CREMATION f\l)lllAL AT !>EA ,. ,," 646-7431 Cal fOf' fr'H portfolio Those who operate the county Consumer Af- fairs Department need help with market r e- search and verification of advertised pril'es and items. Work in an ofricc or at home. Energy-saving Snaile COUNTY I OBITUARIES PUBUC NOTICE "°''C9 TOC1teon0tt• PVBLIC NOTICE SU ... ltlCMI COUltT 0" TMe ......... ... S''"Te --•uNlt .. IA Hit fllCTITIOUS .... -'" ..... ..., MAMaSTAftMa"T TMeCIOUMTYCWOltAM• Tiie IOllOWl"t Pffteft' •r• Nlll9 ...... ~ llu\iNnH· hi .. • of ALICE JAMIESON, ••• CHEZ LAUTllEC, JC21 VIII Lido, ALICE £.JAMIESON. o.K.44"941. $pace Ho 10 ..._. llM<"· CA NOTICE IS HEllEBY GIVEN to IN .,..,, ' ' <reclltonofh-ftllmell~-• Pl••••llt Pe1111111t , l11c. <• 111111 •11--....,lftt<i.lm,.,..l,"t C•lllor11le corpoutlonl, lllU E . tllt uld ~• .,. r-'ted to Iii. Sl~-a .... s... 11,s-. Fe~. tlltm. •"" ""-__ ., vouclltn. In CA9°'10 Ille oflk • of tfte Clerk of .... •llOft.... Thi\ -I\ celftdlK-..., e CW• lllled <_,, w to ,,,.._. -· •1111 ,,. ....... Ille MCttMfY -lleo, lo IM un· PLEASANT PEASANT, INC. *"19-M llW offlee of MICHELE a : B«t a~. M 9ERGEllON. '91 Dover Ortve, ~,_t Suite 100 • ..._. h«ll. (11111 . .,...,, Thi\ ,, .......... WM tiled witll - •llk ll I\ tfte Pl«• ot lluSOMil of Ille C-IY Cieri! of Or111191 C-ly Oii l!My ~ U"*tll9fled Ill •II ""'ner\ l)fft•ln"'9 2, 1'1t to Ille eltete of wld decedent. within • • Fil ... tour -eft~ Ille li"I pullll<lllloll Ollllt\notke D•tedMevn. "" CMolJ-~IM Eucwtrl•oll,,.Wlll ofltw•-.......,, --· MICNELIE M. B•llHROH "' o.-Or., WM• .... _.._.,c...,,,... Tel: 17141 .... 7- A"-fw lt:Q(_.. OUY ll.. CUlltlt:, ESQ., . .......,. .. ~ GIBSOM, OUN" & CltUTCMElt ........... C-Or. S.-1 .. New,,.,. 9Mdl, CA .... Pl>Ctll"*I Or-~ 0811'1 Piiot MilY 21, J-l. 10, 11, 191' 2050-7t PUBLIC NOTICE PublllMd 0r""99 CN\I DiltlY PllOI - M•y 17, J-l. 10, 11, 1'7t 10.1·1' PVBUC NOTICE SUNltlCMI C:OUltT Ofl TMe ST ATE Of' CAU FOlt"IA flOlt TM• C:OUllTY CWCHIAll8a ....... ..., .. NOTICE OF MeAltlNO o~ SU .. ElllCNt COURT OP TNIE PETITION POii Pll09ATe O" WILL STATE OF CALIPOltNIA POlt CANO COOICJLS, I" ANYI AND POtt TME C:OUNTY O" CNtANGI'. LETTEQ TIEJTAllRllTAltY. .......... Etlele of GLADYS WATSON NOTIC• OP TIM& ANO PLAC• OP ATKINS, .U GLADYS W. ATICIMS, N IE A 11 I N 0 0 N P IE T I T I 0 N Dtt<HMCI. PURSUANT TD PROBATE coo• NOTICE IS HEllEBY GIVEN !Mt OSl.S TO DETEllMINll CLAIMI PAMELAPIEllCEGRAVEN-flled TO P 11 OPE 11 T Y NE L D 8 y hffeln 11 P9(itlon tw ....... of WIN ..-EXECUTOR, TO APPROVE C-c.iclh,lfMYlllllClllW~S ;.'T 0 I S T 11 I 8 U T I 0 N T 0 Te'\.1-«'f, ,__-. lo ~-It ~ llEMAINDEltMEN, POii PRO· ,,,_ fW ,_ o-flellilln, -tllet ltATIOH Oto DEATH TAXES, AND l .. lllM-pteceof,,_,lne __ POlt ATTCNtNEY'S PEES ~ -n V1 lor J.-"·""·at 10:00 E ... ,. ot EDITH p LEWIS ••so ....... In ... ~ al~ known., EDITH POTTS LEWIS. de No. Jot Wtd~,llt IOOChric ~ ,........ ~, •• -· '" ... Cily .. Slln«.e ...... NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN INI Gllllforno•. J I u n t i n g to n B e a c h res i d e n l R i t a =~~: ... ~;;<~~:.oc,,u~:' 1~~": D•tec1:::; !_ ;iNa.. Montgomery rolls a long on her three· PetlUon P\ .. W.nl IO Probat• co<;., ~°"" wh"eler on Bct:tch Boulevard near Heil !l&Su 10 0et.,,,..,,. ci.·m• to P•-r· .1a.n•.H"01t1cx '-ty Helcl by Eucutor, lo Approve Oil· MllWI ................. .,. Avenue Friday. Why is s he smiling? lrlllulloftofA-t\ofLtleEst•~•oA•· u........_ca. ... B h 'l d 'l tl h lh m•lnOemwn, 10< Pro-rMloft ot 0.•111 ....,_.,._, ......._ ecause,to er.a oesn ma erwe er h•n-1orAnw ... .,·sFett.••rw "'*'•-0r-CMtto.11.,,....,. it's an odd or even day. She gets around coVt.;.-.ic11istwr.co.,1.c:....,.•.,., ,.,..,2 •• 11 .... .,_>.""' ,.._,. lllel Ille time -Pi«» of -1119 Ille • on pedal power. wme "•'_,-.et '°' J.,,.. n . m• .• , PUBLIC NOTICE __ __;;..__ ___________________ ...,, 00 • m. on Ille COllflf_.., 01 OeNrl· A~•llC mtnl No. J •I lhp O••nQe County ----------- Courlhouw. 100 C.voc Center D"v~ Wt" Sant" AM. C•lltorntd D•l•d ,,_.y 1J, 191q PICTITIOUS •USlllES$ NAMIE STATEjgNT Tiie IOl-1119 -ton I• dDi119 IMn1• NU•\ Tropical Fish• Fresh• Marine Aquarium Supplies Pett• C 8• •cttord Attor""y tor P~l•llon•r P•••rC.ar-.i au ..... ,.iuw ~Yll• HO s.<11ttl'( ..... ·~· UO N••-1 c ... ter Drove NtWPM! a.ac11, CA tl..O W8111NAS CARPET CARE. no N~wPOrl BIVd . No. "· C:OSIA Mew, C•llforno• ,,.,,, W•lll•m L•on Storms. UH ...... POr1 I'll"". No 21. Co\IA Mew, C•1ttor-n1• 9?671 Special May 23, · Mey 29, 1979 Gyrinocheilus aymonleri: .29 Ttl 17141-•• Attt•IMY ... P•b- PuDloShl'd Or-CO.t\I 0d••• P•IOI, M<1y 71. J-), 10, 19/q 1041 ,, -PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PICTlTIOUS 8Ui1NESS MAMIE STATMENT Tiie totiowino pertons ••• C101no ~""·~ THE HANDMillCEllS, U IO Tt"' buSJMu ,, conclUCted by ... in· dlVUt\ot•t w1111..., L-Storms T"'' \~I-"~ tll"" Wtltt tlllt c-•• ci.ni ot 0rM'lllt ~Yon""°"' 11. ,,,, Ft1HM Pubh,,_ Or-C:O.SI o.ily Pltot, M•r l0.11-J-), 10, 19,. ltSJ.IY PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS •UStNIESI MAMIE STAT1EMaNT • Tiie IOl-•llO peno•" 8te dolft9• ~NH ft: .. -------------------".'.I W•rMr Ave,_, H""tlf"lfon &II.ell, ClllllornMI ~ W.W. INVESTMENT COMPANY, I.SH Hele A-. ln1ine, C.. t2114 EchNrd W~. tun H.i. A ......... 1.....,.,c..m1• • Mldl::~il'!tlla.•• 99.91 Value • 36 In. tall and feature lifetime quorontee Henry J T-. W«7 S-. y,,., Drive, _,,....,. BHdl, C.lii....111• 926&7 He..., L T-. WQ ~· ..,,,., ~···· """'""'°"" llNdO, Clllifof' .... .,.., This Mlftnl "~by M ~ vl....i .._..J T-Tllls •-I wes llltd wlttl tM c-t' CJw1l of Or .... c-ty ....... , "· ""-Pit .... 11_, P. w ...... ,.._., ~ H•te• ·-· lr¥1N, c.. t2714 TlllS IMffi ... H I• COftducled by • ....... ~p. ROllln P. W....,i"llon Tiii' ~ wes lilt!cl wi1ft .. C-1y °"" o1 0r.,.. c.ount.,"" M8f 17. ",.· ,.,, .. ,,..ltNcl 0r-. eo..t o.t"' Ptlol MllY 20, 21, _,_ l. 10. 1'1't "7~,. "'*''..., 0r-. c-si o.11v Pltot PUBUC NOTICE _, 20, 27.J-J, 10, "" ,..._,. ----------- •tCTrnous •usn••u PUBUC NOTICE NAME STATEMlilfT 1-------------Th• tou-1no ,..,_,•••doing PICTITIOUS •USINIHS bullnes• es: NAME STAT11ME .. T VAN'S 9ELGIAN WAFFLES lo TIM lollowi119 Pff10n it C1o1119 IMIM· C~EPES. llDI 8Ncfl 81\'d., Hunt· °'"' .,, . lf"lfon 11NC11, Clllllornla '2M6 THE MASTElt CLIPPER. 1131 W•ll•r J. L••ton, '"' T•Y!or F11li•rto11 Aven11e, CoU• MeH, Aven .... Hl#ll'""'°" llffdl, C.UIOmie. ClllllornlllmJt .,._.. Olen• '-"""• C•llllll•n, 127'1 lle1M<c11 l.Artott, 11U Ta.,IOf' S.llnu, O.rtleft Gron, C•llfOfnl• :,:U-· .....,.""'°" 8Ndt, CAii~ "r;., llllllftftl is ~ted..., ., If>. Tiiis ......... js C'Olldllc'"9 by M i... dhrklulll, dlvidlllll. Ol-L CM-lhllllcca '-- fllls ~ •• llltd Wltfl .. Tllb ,.....,_ -filed wftll 1118_ County~ of Or .... C:-ly Oft • ., OIUll«t Cleft .. Or .... COoeiti .... ~ .-. 11.1m. IS. l't"· fltllaD Fl._, Pvl>ll ..... Or .... C.oMI Dally Pttot, ,....,.,_Or ... Cont 08'"' ..... ,_..., 20,,, ..,_,_ l. 10.1m 195$-" ol!Myl0.27-.-J. tO. ''" .. ,.,. PUBUC NOTICE PtJBUC NOTICE SEARS• MAY CO. and some Mal Stores open tomorrow Memortal Day SOUTH COAST PIAZA 1-, .. .. TRAVEL/DELAPLANE By STAN DEIAPIANE RYE. England F'rom Gravetye Manor. we drove south through Sussex to the Channt>I. You still see the round forts built to hold oCC Napoloon. These ure the British _,aside resorts. the bt•st k11own. Brighton. Eastbourne. a close ropy with un ornate rrystal tower on the pa~r . llustlngs. where William the Norman <-tmqut'ror lunded to put an end lo Saxon Enttlanc1. It's bt'en frt•t•7.in~ cold in England. On M MY 1. thr('(' inrhl·s of snow Cell in southern Devonstun· On tht• 15th, the papers Kave ont: lu,·onk inch of t~·pe to. "lleavy snow:, an thl• North." HOW•:vER. TIU: ENGUSH don't belit'Vt' tht!st• things. ll was Sunday a Ion~ three-day hnhday. And hardy week en· ders strolled a long the sea front in shirt sleeves. blusted by an iced wand that would have drivtin an Eskimo to cover. An<.I so we drove into the ancumt smug glers' town or Rye. Bumped up narrow cobbled streets to The Mt'rma1d whose sign says: "Tilt' Mermaid's door~ had l)(·c·n 01wn HANGING IN AT CHILDREN'S WORLD Play land Toronto Thrills Tots It's the International Year or the Child - so take a kid lo lunch! Better still, take him . . . or her .•. or the whole brood lo Toronto. WHERE ELSE could an appreciative parent find a specially designed, beautifully located Children's World, or an old-time amusement park set amidst a scenic island park, innovative children's theatre a nd an excitingly modern zoo? From the foot of Bay Street. in the heart of downtown, squat ferry boats embark on another ride -out to lhe Toronto Islands' Centreville, a 19-acre children's amusement park-with-a-difference NO NOISY midway here. Instead. a charming, well manicured turn-of-the cen- tury village. complete with Main Street, town hall. tiny shops. fireball ... even a s mall working farm. Children's World , at the famous Ontario Place. 1s another attraction aimed specifi cal· ly at children. aged 4·14. Located under an enormous floating orange canopy. it ·s dedicated to PLAY . a climbing, jumping, Tarzan-swinging, sliding. bouncing paradise. To lop it orr. there's 370 feet of wet-and- wild water slide. Thoughtful aftem otc the waterplay area comes equipped with walk -in kiddie dryers. The Royal Ontario Museum has led the way in a highly innovative venture . . the Dis· covery Room. What kid would pass up the opportunity to shake hands with a skeleton, or try on a gladiator's helmet. or report to class that he picked up the world's largest cell (Ostrich eu . . .Jn case yourie wondering\. --<r"-- .,,. •• 17.1119 . ' DAll y PtLOT A •• uo years when Queen Elizabeth I villted Rye an lS73 •• ThE SE/\ HAS RECEDED. Leaving Rye high and dry except for a river that holds a few Cishing boats and a yacht or two. lt~s one of the Cinque Ports-· the five Channel ports that have been fortified ITS AN ANTIQUE buUcUna. The kind they call hulf.timbered. You look on the street thJ'oqb leaded &lua windows. The c urtalna arc patterned with scenes from the fa mo us Baycux tapestry. the long scroll of Nnbroidery that shows William und hl~ Normun army at the invasion. <Th" deluil of equipment gives his· torians u picture of the times as good as vou could do with your Eastman automatic 8 mm today.> • since Norman times. For their loyalty and for providing ships for the Crown, they were given sov- ereignty. Which by royal decree they can· not relinquish. I muscled us a drink from the crowded btu·. Brought it b'cck to tht! lounge marked Or. Syn's Actuall y, The Mermaid was a hcadquartt'rs for the Hawkhurst Gang. The b1g~cst smugJ!lcr~ of the great d ays when 200 sh11n-. at a time s wung at anchor in the trnrbor. The post of Chief Warden of the Cinque Ports has been held by such fellows as William Pitt and the Duke or Wellington -· ·'The Iron Duke,·· Winston Churchill held the title during World War II. The other strolling seaside towns seem dowdy. Rows of tacky houses with signs that they rent rooms. The Victorian onion domes on the piers. the pinball games and up-and-down amusement rides leave me cold. <Of course, I've been cold here for a month anyway. > Or. Syn as bett{'r known. Though he 's a fittional smuggler. created in 1935 by Russell Thorndike. The author put the Dr. into The Mermaid in such a lively fashion that mos t people think he was a true ft>llow. A s mooth operator bringing in l''n:nch brandy and silks past bumbling customs officers. But the English love them. Come down on weekends and munch the local striped candy. Rye's a different thing. Stop at Rye . ll 's worth it. Status Symbol All Wet By MONTE HAYES CANAIMA. Venezuela IAP> - Waterfalls thundered in the dis- tance. As a flock of American tourists filed past. brightly p lum ed macaw parrots screeched greetings in Spanish. George LeRoy. who lert Fort Sill. Okla_, 20 years ago to search for diamonds in the jungles near here. grinned at the scene. "SOME OF these people don't even know what country they're in." he said . "Seeing the world's highest waterfall is a status symbol. something to brag about. They don't appreciate where they are." Even if they don 't know they are in Venezuela, most visitors would agree that Angel Falls is something to write home about. The great waterfall begins its plunge 3.212 feet above the jungle floor. dissolving into mist before it strikes bottom. It dwarfs Niagara Falls 20 limes over. THE WATERFALL \Vas dis- covered in 1937 by Jimmy Angel. an American bush pilot and ad· venturer. He spotted it from his small plane while searching for a tabletop mountain he believed laden with gold nuggets. Angel didn't find any gold , but Wheelers Meander Statewide California Bicycle Tours is currently ac- 'epting reservations for . he 1979 touring season. whi c h continues until October. Ten traps offC'r both in- dividuals and families an opportunity to roam bealiful coastal. valley. mountain. and desert roads . Trave l is prin- ripally through valleys and low hills. While each day's route is planned. each person is free to travel at his or her own pace, take tours. and explore other points of interest. Cyclists end each day at one of the finest lodges or hotels where luggage awaits them.Actual cycl- ing time averages between three and five hours a day. Space on these tours is limited; send for free brochure to California Bicycle Tours, Inc. De pt. NR. 361 28th Street, San Francisco, 94131 or ca ll (4151 826·2398. 411 MAIN w .. •s.n1c. Mvlltiftt'O" '""' IM-7161 he returned to Caracas 420 miles to the northwest a nd told friends he had seen a waterfall "a mile high." In 1949. an expedition led by American rfhoto-journalist Ruth Robe rt so n correctly measured the falls. The expedition took two weeks to reach and return from the waterfall. Today. using Indian ··curiaras·· dugout canoes tourists can repeat the journey in five days from a closer base camp. BUT MOST limit themselves to an eagle's-eye view or the falls. either from a commercial airliner on the way to the camp or from a small plane hired in Ci udad Bolivar on the Orinoco Ri ver 165 miles to the north. The pilot must maneuver down a narrow canyon, an un· nervin g experience for his passengers if c louds hover around the falls, as they fre· quently do. In close, from the seat or a small plane. the roar or the mighty waterfall is deafen· ing. Another American bush pilot. Charlie Baughan. developed Camp Canaima in the .95-0s. Th ese days the Venezuc •a n airline Avensa manages the en· campme nt, made up of a resta urant-bar an'd several dozen thatched-roof cottages. The camp sits at the edge of • a lagoon formed at the base of seven cataracts or the Zarrao River known as Hacha Falls. Palm trees and white-sand beaches border the ink-black waters or the lagoon. The color comes from tanruc acid. which gives the region's rivers a reddish tint in shallow a reas. but turns them black as their waters grow deeper. . A visitor will discover a world or cool highlands. broad savan- nas a nd Oat-lopped mountains that soar a mile or more straight up from the jungles below and sprout dozens or waterfalls on all sides. Indians belie ve gods dwe ll atop mist-enshrouded mesas. TllE AREAS served as tht selling for Sir Arthur Conan Doy le's "The Lost World" and W . It. Hudson ·s "G r ee n Mansions." a tale of the time· less, ageless tropical forest and the bird-girl Rima. who could fade into the coloration around her at will. Besides solita ry diamond hun- ters like LeRoy, the only 1nhabi· tants or this Iowa-size region are a few thousand Indians largely un touch ed by Venezuela ·s modern oil-rich society. Those who feel adventurous can put themselves in the hands of an Indian guide a nd take a trip in one or the leaky cutiaras. emor1a MALL HOURS • • • FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE FASHION ISLAND ST9RES OPEN MONDAY, MAY 28 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ila FASHION ISlAND ar.I NEWPORT CENTER • ________ ,..._ ... __ ,,,. .... p ..... $35 -·-· _,,.,. Tattersall wherewithal! Was 48.00 A great little dress for going about your business. Cool, c risp c.:otton. Ch~ck it out~ Blue or pink. 3 to 13 sizes. Juniors, Newport BeC:Jc h $12.50 Luncheon is served! Was 25.00 Save one half on our tunctiona~ and colorfu 1 set of fou r glas~ tumblers and four plasti c trays. A delightful way to present a casua l Spring or Summc~ luncheon. or a midnight snack . Th£! Guller it·~. NPwport Beach $12 Versatile straight skirts! Were 24.00 to 26.00 Straight. slit and a g reat fashion value! Choose natural. jade. tobacco. khaki, black or chestnut. Polyester and polyester/linen blends. Naturally. not every color and style in every fabric. 5 to 13 sizes. Juniors. Newport Beach ORN 1'CMJaaOW W 10 If AIHION Ill.AND. \ ) ... 1 • AJ.t IMILY PILOT Su~ Mey 27, tl1t ., BESCUE ORAMA I EPHEMERA r 'Logic dictated against one man • going into the sea to rescue another. But he went anyway, into the roaring w aves Jtfan O.,erlJoard! ) 1':VITUH S NOTI-: -Tilt-#<1 aryued u.'tth tht> wind, and tlk-P 1ron/J, n f6 toot &loop. IOOJ caught m the cro&sf1rt Tom Cumo11•. JS. Oft r~rwnced Jodvr jrom l>'or1 Lauderdale. Fla . was ,orred uutrboord 1n to the llormy st!Cl Thc-bool "s nalllgator, Nil$ t. Muench. a li~ra/ Muturs att1lt1~ from Rloom field Hill.J. Mich . A-new that logac dictated against """ man goiny •nlo the $f'O to re&cue oootMr Rut ht' went anyway, mto the roonng 1uaws By NILS L. MUENCH ,.., Tl• ... -~ .. ~. About two hours aflt:r rounding Great Isaak Light orr the Bahamai., Pirana was beating against th1• large, steep and breaking seas rht1r acteristie or the Gulf Stream when a s trong wind is blowinR against the d1rect1on of the flow. THE NE W IOR raci n g boats of al um iniu m . l ake Piran a, instead of t he gentle roll and pit ch or t raditional sailboats. res pon d with a fast motion. a l most a jerk, to t hese wave impulses. Extreme care is re- quired while moving on deck. At night with blowinll spray a nd an occas ional wave s weeping the deck. particular cau- t11>n is required. At about i p m . ( had to go below lo plot c1ur position. DIED AT SEA Tom Curnow SonwbQdy hclow was asking about c<ind1· I tons tops1dt• when the words that all sailors cirto;1d "'''r'· s h11utc·d t hrough the hatch: "Man ovt•rtx•:.inl ' M:in ov<·rhoa rd '" WITHIN S•X'ONDS I WAS back up the lad· dt•r ;incl s:Jw t hat the skippe r. Bob Heck of (;ross,. Pomtl'. M1<·h . had already tossed onr· hnrsc~hcw life ring with strobe light over Danny Mt·Kinley of Detroit wt.s JUSt tossing over tht· othe r and floalmg p<>le with flag There was muc-h shouting ··Lowt.•r thl' ~c'noa ·· .. Keep ;1n > ""c on tlw m<in .. ":lib tht.• boat .. ·(:1·t Ill\.' cn,::ine st arh·tl .. ·\ 11 this wa~ d11nt• Two men wt.•n • :-land in~ on tlw transom vuintini:: in llw di rt'(' I Hin of Lhc· man Torn l 'ur now C huck Ha yt"r 1 < irosse Pointe) had lH1 e n u n d r c s s c d ht•low to sleep tx>fore h i s next watc h . Without dressing he )!rabbed foul weather PIRANA'S NAVIGATOR s;:car and the high in· Niis L. Muench t e n s it y s hi p 's s potlight. He turned on the !iprca~er lights and sail floodlights. das hed forward to rig the spotlight. I SAW THE yellow float coal that Om had been wear ing floatinJ! high out of the wate r about 20 feet from one horseshoe strobe and 50 Irom the other. Then I saw Tom's face low an the water. about five feet from the float coat T he crew had been occupied with the genoa and ~ther tasks and barely had lime to make up 'heaving lines. Several lines were tossed but I saw only one that reached Tom for sure. He made an effort. although not a s trenuous ~ffort. to grab the line but missed it. On this tjrst pass he uttered the o nly words since he left Pirana ·s tra nsom : "Better hurry. Better hurry," spoken ver y s lowly. almost dis passionately. The boat then fell off the wind a nd turned to make a second pass. The engine was already f'unning, and the skipper made an excellent ap· proach, slopping the boat only a few feet from Tom. The boat's motion was very rou~h. rolling perhaps as much as 30 degrees and pitching. Just as we approached Tom, expecting to find him on the port side. the bow was picked up by a wave a nd tossed, leaving Tom to !!larboard. HOWEVER, AS THE bow came down a few reel from him. its wave thrust him aside and ATION . "'~\e~: the Neptune lodety offer• • 8'mpte end dlgnttled cretn•ttoft Mfvtc. ..... dt• .. mlnetton ...... de- . H rt, or moumatne. Your Soctet hcurtty end Yeterene Admlnletretton b•n•flt• mey epply towetde our CNMdon Mrvicet. For tm.......,.. Med, or''" pOf'ttOllo, ceH 0t wttte. Tiie Nett1.-e Seelety 2400 W. CoHt Hlghwey Newport leech. ca .. 12113 CIM. 646 7431 24HOUA ,,.,,....,.... ~R. • Sl!AVICE .,,,,,.. ----~---.... .,., ....... c.. ..... ,_.. F,_ /Aotflo#o ID: ,, ..., ...... c. .. ttnt 1t>-at- 1 MAME: !:~:=::;:_-:-- I Al>D"£SS· I --· --· c. .. tlttt, llMIU4411 I , ... " ,.__ ... QTY-ITATt-.._....,_,c..,.,_11.,.._. uddt•d lo lh•· c-on!u1uon Several lines were drupcd over Tom ul ttus point. He failed to ~rasp any Afh'r the se,·und fH.11>s the boat fell away and a third pasi. ~I.Ii. made This time the boat was hrou~ht up and stOP!K'd 1 now with the aid of the engine but with muani.ail still up l with Tom on the port bl•arn 10 lo l:! feet away. In the spoth~ht and throui.th tht• d ear water I saw him floutin~ on his back with has body and face about six tn<•ht•s un1kr walt•r I rt:ahzt~d ht' ,·ould not survive without fhrcd ht>lp. l dashed below. ~rabbed my flota- tion V<'lit in my kfl hand, ran topside to the rail a nd jum ped overboard. I felt I didn 't have time to don m y flo<il Vl'Sl without r isk of missing Tom Wh<'n I reached Tom he was still below the wate r. The flout vest allowed me to get his head above water. lie was HJeless and as far as I could tell he wasn't breathing. But I was s aying. "Wt>'ll make it. Hang in there. We 'll make it." AFTE R WHAT SEEME D a very long ti me. hut may have bc(•n only 10 or 20 seconds, a line was laid across m y s houlders by one of the ex· pert crewm<'n on Pirana. I grabbed it. still hold· mg Tom with my ri~ht arm and with m y left holding the float vest and line Then I r<'alized that the boat was moving suddenly at ~real speed. dragging me and Tom through the watC'r rather than O\"C•r it . until the line was pulle d from my grip The mainsail. \\hi<'h had tx>en eased. had suddenly filled wit h the boat headed downwind Now I was in d:irknci.s wi th my arm around Tom . but without the line t.o the boat and with the hoat disappearing into the night As the line pulled from my gr ip. it pulled the float vest IT WAS ONLY A F t :W focl away. With my urm <Aro und Tom I bcf,!:in ~°"'1mming hard. l swam four feet. but the wind blew the vest 4'h feet I swam harder a nother four reel and the wind again d rove the ~est 4'h feet. 1. was saying to myself. "Tom , you'll never survive unless I get you that float, so you'll just have to do without me until I get it." I struck out for the float, now about six feet away. grabbed it and returned almost instantly. Tom had slipped below the s urface. In the total darkness I had no wuy of locating him other than by feeling with my legs and my body. I considered diving, but now, I believe for the first time. I considered that diving would mean abandoning my float vest and putting my own survival in q uestion. I continued to tread water and search. Eventually I s hifted my at- te ntion to m y own situation. I reached for the ACR pocket strobe light which I carry. THE HORSESHOE RINGS with their strobes we re (.I bout 100 reel away a nd we re slow ly moving away .. Pirana was much farther in the distance but easil y visible. P1rana was too far away to see any details. but I thou~ht I could see the mainsail down There was nu forward move ment, only the drift to lt-cward undt-r the high wi nds I later it t urned out I hat on<' of the lanes heaved lo Tom had become wrapped around the propeller 1. I shouh·d "Come on back. you guys. quit fooling around." Still, I W<JS confident that I would survive through the night C:Jnd much longer. I thought of my wife and son a nd <·e rtam friends and thought. w11h a gnn. "If this doesn't work out form'-'• I'm n·ally guin,:! fO he pissed off .. A Petite Passion? ...:.:--: . A nd about t h i s time Pi r a n a's mainsail was up and she sailed to pick me up. The skipper made a fine a pproach and brought the boat lo a stop into the wind, with me about six feet off. J grabbed the tine and was jerked upward as the ne xt wave tossed me toward the deck then pulled aboard . The tota l time rrom the moment Tom went overboard until I was recovered was 16 minutes I went below 1m med1ately to the navigation station to updatl' our ship's position. as I had started to do just before "man overboard." ( tried to contact the Coast Guard. but apparently our transmission didn 't reach as far as F lorida. Another racin~ yacht . Swan Song. relayed the information and began a search. In the confusion, we could have lost another man overboarri without being aware or it. We should havt" 1 t uboard. Thank God, the headcount was 11 i\nd then I re membered we started w1th 12 I tried hi.It could not i.upprcss m y tl'ars Cards Paint Past 20% to 25% off PARIS 1AP 1 With ha rdcore porno~raphy comfort ably settled in Pans, "le dir·t<'<' post card" seems no naui;!hticr than the stockinged leg of a <.'an ran danc1•r Rut the post t•ard as art or history rct:Jios its humbl'-· rurnl'.!r 10 the pantheon of F'rench passion~ Thr ta1wc:1l) of the post card to ('\"Okt· laughtl'r. nostalgia or distaste i~ bein(! artfully di!.>playcd at a museum in P<Jris' B<11s de Boulognc. EACH OF' THE thous ands of post t•ards on dis play is a captured s plinter of time. brin,::ing to life a faded world of handlebar mustaches. horse·drawn car ts. shoeshine stands. b1llowin~ bonnets. thatched roofs. o r- ga n grinders <.1nd knee·lengt h s wims uits. There we rt' <la v~. t hcse cards r e· mind us. whl'n °Pl'oplc wrote with gQosc featht·r~. ~eulpling the "M" of C:J M ad<>mo1 s t·ll,· y. 1th a zestful nourish fo'rench post t-.1: ch .,, er•• born m tht> IR70 F'ram·o·<:{·rrmm 'J :rr Ri!.marck h iJ d <'a pt i; n ·cJ !'1l r ;is huur g from N;ipoleon Ill So the <·1t_v '5 fl('d Cross printed sm<ill message• cards that could be carril'd to P&m s by balloon. Homing Pl~('Ons were taken along an case the ha lloon d1dn 't make it T HE BALLOONS a nd pi~eon post have v&mished along with the sleazy hawkers who w11uld lug the tourist's sleevt' and hiss the oft-parodied line, "Do you wunl t.o buy a dirty post cur d ·i" Today an old post card. whether it pictures a plump half-nude Victorian woman or a long.forgotten prime minister. is a collectors ' item to be f'-ummaged for in t he use(M>ooks s talls along the Seine River. With the appeara nce in 1889 of the fi rs t picture post card , portraying the our custom draperies. Including fa bric, newly built EiHel Towc•r. a maJOr 1n lining, labor and installation. dustry w as born ll y 1909 . the ------------ Re unics Co. in France wa~ pnntsni: half a million cards a dav Some cards show Jill It; hC:Js r hangl'd in a hundred y<'ars. One portray~ a poli<.'t'man with a do~ on <1 11'.!a ·h watching a park fl>r hoodlum~ ANOTHER DF.PICTS :1 heallhy young man with heard and shoulder · length hair scytning 14ardcn weeds. He looks like <J i::raduatc of the 1960s back-to-the-land mO\'<'ment , and in- deed. the post card's message is: "Sun, Earth, Work, Peace." Wor ld War I made the post card a propaganda tool. Kaiser Wilhelm was pictured entwined in snakes. There were p<>st cards which. past· <'d together, formed hfesi7.e portraits ol Napoleon Bonaparte Anothe r vogue was the series of pos t cards which told a story These ranged from simple boy-meets·girl Q,,'\()·'••r1 e.,at:H't .1 , ~01. <Ji "' ft11i rl,, ..... u·w1 t-~•Cl•C.• r.~ 1,1b1 C"' ann (\J•Ot~ WhAt JJ'lC,,t.d!t.Li.Jl(Jino fl''>uo to ''"'"Cl lrom Op.,n "°'"~''" .,"'''liit1 t.,,)f1"(. rich oam:i~• ~ ,r,1-;~1(. I '"OU.UC',, 011nti:., Shtif"t'J. i1'10 tr•.a.IUfl''j lJfHQUI} tdf'rl•. ttr:•"';~lf '-'·O'"-mtin ... hm £'-:p11r1 1n&la11111tQn 1~11 a1 :.>O' •o :"'•t .. ott Givti row ....•1'1dOw!# 1n~ tus1om doco,1110, lrt'3111'Clll yarns to the 1890s' trial of army cap· _,.._. tain Alfred Dreyfus. an espionage , ' Shop at home conveniently with our custom decorators. case wit h anti-Semitic overtones that .. __ .,. \·~1~-·-ii:, became a sort of French Watergate. ' _-~ • -.:1· Foi orapeue'\. carper.on sl1pcovot'.. tt uon )•r.t'''" ~t1uners. s.nadPs. blind~ tind Qf,..et nom,. turn.•.n1nc~ give your nearest JCP,.nney cu~to"' O•'CorJt " 1 c:a11 I ,, THER E WER E post car ds for the ·-----------------------------, soc ial conscience breadhnes in 1906. street demonstrations in 1910 a nd others portraying Mata llari do· ing a belly dance. The great poste r designers did not disdain the post card as an art form, a nd c ards by Alfons Mucha . Jules Che ret and Leonetto Cappiello sell to- day to collectors for hundreds of dollars each. The French re ma in avid senders, as we ll as collectors. of post cards. The exhibit tneludes a model or a bistro bedecked with the 200 post Save253 on our woven woods backdrops. Woo(l wov•m w1tn co101tul IJbrrc ma~P~ a M lur.tl M n drop for your rooms Now SRvc .",", on ~olHOld Roman ~h11des. Uat pnn<'I <1• ~oC'r"'S or accord1on·ptt!al<:d Archtlold 0'·"" ... ~""S e,,auhful 11dd1t•ons 1oany wall. wmuow or paho door cards the owner receives every sum. '------------------s;o...._ ____________ _ m er from her vacationing customers. r----~~--------------------------, 411MAIN w .. •s."•u KvfttlflftO" -..Ch Nt-7561 Save 253 on our entire line of reupholstery fabric. S11r1 the summer 011 rrghl w•lh a tresl'I new looi. IOf your lurnllure. Select 1u11 fl\e rlghl febric from our onll10 11ne A w1ci. 11sortmeo1 ol color• Ind• splendtd iirr&y or febrrcs including velvets, plaids. le•lures, a1m11ks, prrn111nd m11el1nes. Tako advan11ge ol 1hes• super sevlngs lodey! ,lllftc OfltJ. LIMr It -.-ydlr IOW ,,_, ........... -----·----· ··-·~~~..,.- PD J Ulil re 19.<1°m:s usw l' v s t 0 e r s .e •s lo tY al te •t le c. it to ~h id ln / tN 11 S•l•D•E•: .. ·E·n•t•e•n•a•ln•m•e•n•tllllliii•EirimiaiillBoliilm•bec .. k .... _.iiiiiilllilill._ .......... -..1mi-. ........ ~ ... I!-~1'-~ •Horoscope , •Ann Landers ~·· ma. 'O 211' 'W PNhY PIW1 •• AP Wlrepholo• DOWN AND OUT Billy Alsup !-iptn:, ttop 1 and :-lam:-111- to the wall 1n the first turn ut tht' Indianapolis '.\l otor Spt'cdwC:fy Saturday during a s pecial qualifying alll•mpt .. \!..,up :-.lid .itit l It'd twlon l11lting the \\all lour limes Ht· \\<I' tn·~1t1•d .ti th1• fliH'k hos pital ("or a lac:cri1lt'U foot :ind rl'll .1 .. 1·d .1 -;hort t 1111L· later . Norman, Reds Forget Nightmare LUS ANGELES t AP 1 Fred Norman had a rather unenviable task Saturday. racing a Los Angeles team that had bla st · ed Ccncmnati 17-1-i Friday night. But the vel('r:m left handl'r was in command near- ly all thl' way, sc:.iltcrmg s ix hits as the Reds s<:on·d a 3 I vic tor y over the Dod~ers • !\ double by .Johnny Bench was the key ">low as the H('ds broke a 1-1 ti<: with two runs in the sevt>nth inning and 1nereased heir lead over the two-timf• defending Na· tional League <:hampion to five games in the Western Divisl()n ''WE CAME IN H ERE this morning on the bus as if nothing had happened last night." said Nc•rman. "ho ratsC'd his rL·c· fared a s wt•ll as the fin:il M•vt>n. ") was 1 .. 1 and had nuwhl•r11 tn ;•o hut up.·· said the 36-year-old p1tcht•r "I tried tu be a litlll' more C'hcillcnging tod<Jy. I had hcen pitching a ltttlt• bit too fine and I wu!> falling behind cwrybody ··1 had good loeat1on with the fastb<ill I t hrcw tht' srn•whcill well when I had to ancl made good p1lt hes with tl · "\\"llt:N YOU TAKE A POUNDl.~G like· \H' took last night. it makei. this a vt•ry good wi n." saul Cinc innati Manager ,lohn McNamc.tra "It s hows you the chara<"t<•r or our ball club. "Fred pitched a very strong gamt', onl' nf the heller ont~s wc"vc• i.iikhed t hh st·a-.on third on a ~ingll' by Hay Knight und srored on -.c·c·o11d UJ~t·rn:111 lh 1 Vt•y Lope~· t hrow1ng t·rror. T ii t: DODC.ER:-. :o,CORF:D 1n the fourlh on a douLll· IJ) lle·ggll' Smith ilnd a two-out single bv Dui.tv U~tker The l<t·ds t11.:d it 1n tht• :-.1xlh on Kt·n Gr1ffoy's fourth homer of I he scHson, a two -out shol nvcr the righl- c·c·ntt•r ltt•ld fcnn· Norman. 2 -4. who hadn 't started a g<.1m e in two wct·k:-.. pitd1ed his set·ond complete game of the sc·a~on and only the fifth for Cincinnati tht!'> y<:ar. The 36-yen-old lefl- handt•r Y<alked om· and struck out s ix and wus in t•ommand <·xrept for the fourth in· fllllj.! A Controversy I Follows 500i INDIANAPOLIS 1APl The m ood prior to Sunday's In- d ianapolis 5()() 1s about as surly. cold and bleak as the unseasona- ble weather leading up to it. Most of the racing fra te rnity sense the 63rd running of the Me moric.tl Day weekend clc.tss1c is the end of an era. After morc tha n 30 years un- der the contrnl of the Bulman f amily, lnd1 an a po l1 s Motor Speedway 1~ for sail', and there 1s no shurtagl' of prospective buyers A qu1('k sale 1s expected. The Hulman~ reported ly are tired of the• hasslt•s, the lawsuits and the cnlic.:1:-.m of the purse of "Just" Sl million S P F.Ct'f,ATIOS OS WHO might actual!~ w111 the race ha:. takl'n u baek ... l'al to court btit lll·S, sub[.)(wnas . ftn<'s. appeals a nd endless (·ontrovcr!-tes. Al- tornl•\·s t·\ 1•n ... ucn·eded 1n gc·t · ting llffil' ti tal~ rcopl'ned for kin unpn·<·1:dented fifth ro und Slltur- rlay Two mo n · car!'> qu<Jhf1ed. thl' firs t tirn1· lhl're ~ ht·l'n mon· than :J3 ... 1.trt1•rs -.inl'e l!l33 En·n tht· \\t«1thl'rman r1·l uM·~ In rooi.,..ralt· F<atn LI rl'l'Ular ran • d:.i_\ thn·;Jt "llln: l!li:s. l'.'o .1 1111-.~tl>tltty _,1·t al!<.11n . Cars drt\l'rt ti~ \l'l1·r;:in-. lltl l \'ukov1d1 <tntl c;1•1J1'j.!l' ~ll l(ff'r r:J l'l'd thrnui.:lt ... 011•· :-.hot. to m tit• qualif:. 1ng r un O\ 1•r th1 · In tl1a napohs :\l11t,1r ~r>el'dv. <IY 11\ <ii al s pe ads Ill 1-x1·e· ...... or lhl IR:l 90>! mph turnl'd 1n f)~ l{oJ.!1•r :0.1l'Cluskt•y , lht• :-.low<·~t qu;.iltfll'I' tn the original lrneup. SIX OTHER ATTEMPT"' 111 n·aeh qual1fv1ng spl'l'd fi.ltletl. with onl:' try l'nd1ng in a grinding nash by rook1t' Hill Als up corn 1ng out nf th« first turn o n th1 21 ·: mill' track Alsup . who hat! run l\\O -.tr:rn!hl l;.ips above 189 mph bt-for(· tht· acctdl'nl. !->Uf fered only a minor leg tnJur:. first time since 1933 when u r ecord 42 took the starting flag. I THE 32-VEAR·OLD Vukovich ' got into the field first for his 11th Indy 500 with a four-lap qualify- ing s peed of 187.042 mph. The 38-year-old Snider. the next driver out. roared through the qualifier at 185.319 to make his 15th StE4}ight lndy. THE F.NTRANTS who we re g iven another c hance on Satur- day had elaimed their cars were P1thc r victims of earlie r in- l'Onsisle nt rule enforcement or we re bumped from the original lineup by faster cars whose il- lc~a I tactics were undetected In any l·ven t. USAC agreed to ildd th1• other c·ars to the fi eld if tht·v could mat1·h or c:xcccd the ~ I o ~ 1 ·s t q u a I 1 r tt· a t w n s (H' c <I among the eJr1g1nal :1:i. a n .1\1•r .i l!1' of t~l:! !HIR mph hy :\1d'lu!-kl'y ··1·m J,!l<.1d I got ;rnothC'r 1·hant"l' Lo qual1l y, hut I was still ;1pprPh1·1b l\'1• ht•1·a u~1· I sLill hud to J.!'> out and d11 1t the• 35-yeur- old \"ulo.(l\ tt·h s a1d <iftt>rward!-.. · I 11111k rl pn •tly <·a:-.y after t h.JI · ..,a t<! Sn1dl·r whnsi> fourth l:ip d1ppl•ll t.o under lkl mph '"I ",,, 1ust hoping nothing would t:tll 1111 th 1~ l-Jlll'k1 •I 'It Should Be Busy At Hospital' By WILi. GRIMSl.EY INOIANAPOLIS !AP ) '"I hate to say 11 . but I'm a fraid it's g1J1ng lo be a .bus} day for the hos pital d e tail.• s aid the leathery old vetNan c>f the In- dianapolis Motor Speedway rac- tng pit~ --ord to 2-4. "That ·s what good c lubs do. The Reds had been tll•ld tri only thn·1· hits through six inning~ h<.>fore brcakcng through against losc'r Don Sulton. 5-4. ~ullon fac1·d JU'>t ont• batt1•r over th1• m111un 11m for the· ftrs t fi ve inning~. Ce!>ci r t;l'ron1mo n •adwl'l bast: on an e rror to start tht• s ixth. hut Norm;rn then hunted in to a douule play. <:nffcy follower! with h1~ h11m1 •r The others f<11ltn g to gc:l their 1·a rs up to speed wen: Al Lo- quasto .• lerry Karl, Larry Can - non .Jrihn :\1 <Jr t1n .111<1 fJ.1n.1 Cart<'•. T hr•·1· ollH·r Pntr1< .. i,:1\e11 the unu!->u.tl 01iportun11~ t11 •1ll<'mpt an additional q uJltfying run passed up lhl· drav. I \ l' Sl'l'll :u1 of I h1·-.t· thing ... lml norw v.hc·n · ll·n:--11111 wa:-. ~o hig h and kmp .. r-. so short. Takl· • m y word for rt. 1t ''i going t{I he an a ugr} rue«'. .. I t ~ , { Everybody was <ls loose today as they would have h<.>cn 1f we won by the same score last night.·· Norman was in comm a nl'l most of the way fie retired the first seven batters he Dan Driessen sturtcd th(' winning burst with a one-out singl<: to right and s <:orl•<I on Rcnth"s do11hl1• lo r ight liL·n<:h mov1•<I lu ls1·nd1 finishrcl the· <1:1 y with th rt•(• hit:-. The al'ld1t1.1n ... mt·c1 n the l'l million ~1JC'ela1 ular will ha H' more than a :i:i «ar fi <'ld for lhl· ..\l.T HOn;H Tiit: CA RS hav1· tner1·a!-t•<1 th(•1r :-.pl•(•<! to n<:ur lflll mph. th1.• lnd1anapolts 500. which h:t~ 1t:-. 1;:Jrd rat•c· Sundav. ha:-. hc·c n rl'lat1H·ly fn·1· or fatal a<'l'r d1•nt~ Chicago Falls, 8-4 Angels' Deficit Just Half Game F'rom AP Disp;,i tchcs CH ICAGO It "s taken nl•arly a n c n t 1 r c m o n t h . h u t t h t• California Angels ar e finally on the verge of retaking the lc<id en the American League's Western Division r ace. Goi n g i nt o toda y 's doubleheader. the Angels trail division leading Minnesota by a s lim half-gam e margin. THE ANGELS reached their current position b y virtue of their 8-4 victor y over the White ;;ox on Saturday as Don Ford led lhe onslaught with two doubles and R,rian Downing and Rick Mille r each delivered two-run ;ingles. Today, the Angels. who are the c losest they've been to first place since May 3, will send Dave Frost <2-2> and Don Aase 13-4) to the mound in an attempt Lo regain the top s pot in the Western Division standings. The last time the Angels en- 1oyed s uch a luxury was on May l when they led the Twins by a half-game. The rest of the month has been an uphill climb ever sin~e Tanana left in the ~cvcnth wh<'n Ch1<:ago picked u p two runs on run-scoring s cnglcs by Torres and Halph Garr. Tanana, who has yet to pitch a <:omplcte game this seai-on, rm· proved his career r ctord to 13·4 against the White Sox <Jnd was cruising <•long after allowing the two runs in the second inning. lie gave up a double to Lamar • Johnson in the fourth and a sing le to Alan Bannis ter in thl' s ixth befor e ru nning into trouble. WAYNE NORDllAGEN led off the seventh with a s ingle, Hill Nahorodny walked and Torres singled to score Nordhagen . Clear took over and gave up a pinch s ingle to Garr w hi<:h scoretl Nahorodny bul then re- tired pinc h -batte r C laudell Washington and got Chet Lemon to hit into an inning -ending double-play. Clear gave up a lead-or1 s ingle to Soderholm in the eighth before retiring down the last six batters. The Ange ls picked up an in- surance run in the ninth when Downing sing led, s tole second. went w third on a sacrifice bunt by Grich and scored on an in- field single by Miller . .,. . - •~w.,..._ .. DAVEY LOPES GETS GOOD VIEW OF THROWING ERROR CAUSED BY RAY KNIGHT. The la::.t drt H·r d1·ath:-. durtn)! thl• r<iC'l' \\1'11· lhr>:-<• of Eddie .'al·h~ Jnll DJ\l' M.1c Oonald 15 ~t':l r~:'.IM tn 100 t although thl·n · \\a::. a Sl'l'll':o. of trag£•die~ 1n 197:!. Th:.il )l'ar, Art Pollard died m prJ<'llt'l'. Sv.l'dt• S;" uge cracked up t•om1ng o ut of th1· fourth turn. ~:.1ng l\\U month~ later of 1n Jii t 11•::.. Lin l'rn1•r gt•n1·~ truck kdlNI .1 lr('\\lnart. and Salt \\';illher ..;uffl'n·d multiple burns and <:r:wkl'tl bonl':-> tn :.i s mashup u 1 1 ronl of tht• granrbtand during .tn .1horkd ~tart "I hat<' to sound pcssim1sl1<:. but I do n ·1 know when I have ,c1·n the s1luat1on as dangerous :i-. tl 1 ... Lhts ltml'. uur tracks 1dc 11h~c·n er warncd • Look what·~ ht•<:n happemn~ the pas t f('w mo nths There ::. b ·en a biller llrt•:ik aml)ng thl' driver~ . THEY'RE AU. MAO as hell a t t•aC'h othcr This feuding. la w ~u•t~ and summon~e:> to court h:n en ·1 helped ma tters. "You'rl' going to have 35 mad. hot lwaded i.auys out there tht• b1ggt-st fteld since 1933. Thcy'n• not grnng to hl· patient men. Thn arc· going to be edgy, fru!-trated and fighting for every 1>dgl' ··on toµ of that. there is the nl'w 'bunch-up· rull'. That's bound to aggravat<' the situa- tion. Frankly. I don't think 1t looks good." "This eliminates the margin or the. leader," our appre hens ive friend said . "but tl)e big danger 1s that it brings a ll the cars together again a ll of these a ngry guys and increases chances of an accident. .. FRANK TANANA, 4-3, gained Saturday's victory but needed seventh-1nning help from Mark :lea r, who earned his fourth save . Rookie Fred Howard, making his major league debut, took the 1065. Howard was given a 2-0 lead lo the second iMing on Eric Soderholm's fifth homer and a run-scoring s ingle by Rusty Torres but the Angels took the lead with four runs in the fourth and added three in the fifth. Sockers (or Was It Ref?) Sock It to Surf Willie Aikens walked to open the fourth and took third on Ford's double before Downing sin1ted to score both runners. Bobby Grich doubled to score Downing and then scored on a 1illtle by Camey Lansford. AIKENS ALSO WALKED to Gpen tbe fif'tb and scored on titotber double by Ford. A walk to <ft:lcb, a pa11ed ball and · •mer•• single added two more , .... By HOWARD HANDY Of 1119 o.ilf ~llel Si.tt Pet er Wall was upset with the referee a nd with just cause Saturday night as the California Surf lost a heart-breaking 1-0 decision to the San Diego Sockers in a physical encounte r that at ti mes threatened to get completely out or hand. A crowd of 16,197 watched the soecer match at Anaheim Stadium that several times almost erupted in a brawl. "The referee was so weak out there." Surf Coach Wall s aid in disgust after the mateh. It was won with with the lone 1oal comiq at 85:45 aa San Die1o's Joe Neto broke clear o n a long pass from Gert Wicczorkowsk1. "I really shouldn't say anyttiing about the referee." Wall said. "But I'm very upset. They control your destiny and they are weak. There were som e punches thrown out there a nd he didn't do a nything about it. "The biggest proble m is the fact we can't do anything about it. There is no one for us to turn to. "Les Barrell was chopped down and we should have had a penally kick. or at least a free k ick. Instead, the r eferee doesn't can anylhin((. I bet my bottom dollar Les scores Ir he isn't chopped down." I ' Late in th<> game, Len Renery was thrown out without a yellow caution ·'The referee said It was a really bad tackle. I don't know because I was too far away," Wa ll said. "But what about the one that hap- pened to me earlier? Julie Veee went over the top of me. He could have broken my back in ha lf but he wasn 'l thrown out. "Then the re feree asked the security guards to prote ct him from the players. Wha t a coward ." While he was still incensed over the part played by the r eferee and his lack or control, Wa ll add ed that he felt the f • -· Surf had played its best game since h€' Joined the team last year. "We've got a lot or talking to do a m ong o~rselves and I don't have any idea right now how we will get that goal score r we need." Barrett wasn't sure if he was in the pen alty kick area or not but agreed that a foul should have been called. But he was also philosophical about the game. the most physical by fa r. and the most exciting. sin ce the S urf cam e to Anaheim Stadium . "That was an English League m atch tonight," he said. "First a right and then a left. That's the way we play in En1land." , ' >4SCA"4«.,..,.--..::zc:lll:'>l:._.,.~_.,~_..A..-.-------~~ ........ "'',l,,/~4'...-.-..-..-.--.-..~..-.---~. ~~lio:llli'9iiilc1il!iiiliiliillillil•iQii .. .-.......... ...,. ... IM1....;:,.."''T---~-::-.--~~-..... -o~s...,n ... n-·-.....-.-..... • -••••;.._:;.~.~:;;;;;;;;~::;;;;._~~~ -CM.VN.OT au.-.,. Mer t7. tt71 ,, ............................... . ..,.. ,,,..,. ,,., ,_ o..u, PiloC'• ~ !pore. Cl """ wctAw ~ tMi UltU QPP90r ,,,.., s..-.., "' the "°"'""" Yo... U.. ""°*'· 1'GIH! a cllmlrc to portldpoU Wt ....i ii eo bf GI Meicla Ju" tor "°" ro IW1d oa tt ., lor w to prodt1u LeU•r•. ounholM oJMI opj1UOH ore Wrco.d. Pourifts C'hampa1nc over your head after win· nln1 a chempk>nahlp 111 •• American as baHbell, hot dGD aad apple pie. But IOCne ~actk>nary pt'uM at Grand Can· v~n Colle1e of PhcX'nlx dH•df"d 1t 's Immoral ta doUN ,.,ur ceammatet w•th the bubbly. and a& • rnult aae ol lbe moet cht!oriahed moments an ai NHbaU leam's history bu bHa rwMCI . The team won tM rlaht to play \n lM NAIA &ouraalftf'ftt. and relt"brat~ wllh the ceremonu1I cham,_.ne thow•r But a pbo&o of lbat joyous t'C'ltibraUOo uused school olfkiala to pull its ow.n tt'am out of lhl' playoffs. Seems tt\erC''s a rult> a.:1unst posse~s1on of alcoholic beverages Not one player was pictured putuii1 a bottle to hi1 mouth. but champagne was trtcklin& down their hair, and that was enoutch for the thick headed old fools who run the college I don't even have to comment on this one. The idiocy ol lt speaks ror itselr. ( Ne ,,... c.,, r .. rwr The Mouth may not soar but it sure can roar. Maybe lt's because he apenl so much time in the pits or maybe he just lande() on his bead one time too many but Dwight Stones sure did change from nnt cl8" hl1h Ju1Dper to ao elua CrJ pumper ln a hWTY. You remember Dwl1ht, doa't YoU? TM 1UJ with the Mickey Mouse T·•birt and the •10 to mateb. Tbe 1uy who oecupied the flnt throub 10th posltJona on the AAU'a Mo-t Wanted liat. 1'lae man with a million excuses but not oae 1ratefUJ word for an opponent. • Yeah, THAT Dwi1ht. Well, it seems Dwl1ht hu tired of the life of a track exile. Thwarted In his attempt to ncaia b1a amatew' status, he's decided to spill h11 1uta and tell the whole world-are you ready for tbia-be's been breaJdn1 the amateur rules all aloq. On television. no leas, SCone recalled tb1a week how he not only accepted money for competln1 ln an event, be demanded more durin1 the competi· lion before he would attempt a record jump. In his own words, Stones recalla: "Buically, the first thing was I'm going to 1et the money and, second. I'm going to concentrate on the world re· cord." Stone's final straw with the AAU came last summer when he refused to return a required por· lion ol $33.000 he earned ror appearing oa ABC's "Superstars" to the AAU and charily. Not that be took the money directly. understand. All le1aJ1Y, he says, the dough went to the Desert Oasis Track Club. Not surprisingly. Stones is the only member of * * * * SUPER SPORT U.. club. Tbe otftcen lDcluM bll abler, molbfr and snadmM.ber, aot to meatloa bJa auorae1 • Rtek. wit.b amateurs like t.bat, wbo needs prot? .. ..,,,. .... _ ........ .. Sbame, 1ba.,ae, 1bame on the Huatinston Beach School Bbard for pulllnl Dr. Paul Berser out of Fowt•ln Valley Hiib School u that eam- PUI' &Jrindpal, Or. Blt'ler abowed what a real prinei~l can do for a aebool ln atbletlca and academically, so what ia bJa nward? Baniabment to some insitnili· caat eoner ln the diatrtct where very few Will ever benefit from his experience, know-how and ablUU.. So wbat ii Dr. Ber1er wu the No. 1 man in the Huntlaltoa Beach District despite being "only the principal at Fountain Valley." He was the only tblnl around that made the school board palata- ble. •lrtls •I• fi'ftltlifta! Ne t1'•9 It appean I ruffled a few feathen lut week wit.b IOIDe view oa women ln sports. But I re- ceived only six letters, so obviously most ot the readers must have agreed with me>. <The letters ap. pear below>. lly opiDiona do not necesaarily reflect those or the recular Daily Pilot sportawriters . * * * * * Super S~rt Ripped A Cepsule Report from the Wortd of Sports Sparky's Latest Decision May Have Saved His Life f'rom AP Diapakbes LOS ANGELES Former Cincinnati Reds • Manager Sparky Anderson made a decision Fri· day that probably saved his life. After visiting former Reds' coach George S<'herger in Nashville. TeM .. Anderson bad the choice of re · turning to Los Angeles through Dallas or Chicago ·s O'Hare Airport. He <'hose niJ(ht ronnections through Dallas. He arrived in Los Angeles late Friday afternoon. at ap· ~roximately the time American Airlines· Flight 191 from Chicago was to arrivt:. The American jetliner crashed short· \y after takt•orr at O'llarl'. kilting 270 persons in the nation's worst air dis<Aslt'r. -----Quoit-of llw Da11-----, Dallas Cowboys' quarterback Roger Staubacb, when asked about exchanges on the sidelines between himself and Coach Tom l.andry on the next series or plays: "We discuss things. hut there's no vote." ••eia IUMr "Hin .. a1111 tNGLEWOOD · A Brahma bull rider was killed m Friday ni~ht as about 10.000 horrified spectators looked on during a rodeo at the Forum. Mickay Whitley. 21. of Halfway. Ore .. was thrown by the a nimal. then gored and trampled. rodeo offic ials said. He had been riding an l.800·pound bull named .. McClin· tock .. during the second day or the four·day U4,000 Forum Championship Rodeo when he was thrown from the beast half· wa)' throuRh the mandatory cight·second ride. Ile died during surgery at Centinela Hospital about a hair· hour after the a ccident.a hospitalspokesmansaid. Whille)' suffered a punctured lung and coronary artery and died from extensive hemorrhaging, according lo a coroner's de· puty. ,,,,_ Lesn ... Flnt Ga•' Bobby Bonds led off the game with the first • home run of the season off Tommy Joba and added two doubles later as Cleveland ended the previous· ly unbeaten New York left-hander's winning streak at nine games by defeating the Yankees, 8·4 ... Wiiiie Nelson drove in three runs and Todd Cruz knocked in two as Kansas City defeated Minnesota. 7-4 .•• Jon Matlack checked Seattle on six hits as Texas edged the Mariners. 2-1. to s nap a three-game losing streak . . . Lee May rapped a tie-breaking two·run single in the 16th inning and rookie Sam- my Stewart hurled five innings or one·hit relief to lead red·bot Baltimore to a 7·5 victory over Detroit. The win was the Orioles· 26 in their last 32 games . . . Roy Howell hit a three.run homer with two-out in the bottom or the ninth inning. lifting Toronto to a 7·6 triumph over Boston ... Cecil Cooper broke up a scoreless due l with a three.run. sixth-inning homer and JOHN Dick Davia followed with a bases-empty blast as Milwaukee went on to beat Oakland, 8-4 ... Ivan De.le .. and Ted Slaemore singled home sevenlh·inning runs to help the Chicago Cubs defeat Philadelphia, 4·1 ... Gary Mataaiewa, who hit a two·run homer earlier, greeted Tom Grtma with a two·run single in the ninth-inning, driving ln the tying and winning runs and lifting Atlanta to a 5·4 victory over San Francisco . . . Steve HeDdenoa lined a two·run homer to straightaway center field in the seventh inning, car· rying the New York Mets to a 10.8 victory over Pittsburgh . . . left Leonard drove in five runs and Joe Nlekro gained his sixth victory of the season with a six·hitter as Houston beat San Diego, 9·0 . . . St. Louis at Montreal ~as rained out. Petenew See.•d I• LA ,., ........ Lacun.a Beach's SH Pftenea fuliahed second • to Orange's Marty Ceekae1 in the women's diviaioa of the lnau1ural Haag Ten Marathon at Griffith Park Saturday. Cooksey was clocked In 2:43:21, ftaiahlna 25th overall amooa lhe 740 entrants. while Petenea cheeked ln at 2:49:49. Funland Eu Tlkka11e11 was the overall winner or the 26 mile, 385 yard race in 2: 17: 47 . . . Former Boston Bruins great .....,, Orr says he has no in· tereat in talrln1 over coaching duties of the National Hockey Lea1ue team because, "there's no way I could fill Don Oer..,•1 shoes." ... Defenaive end JI• Manllall, who became a free-agent In February, has si1ned his 20th pro football contract with the Minnesota Vikings, his former team .•. Jockey MU7 Baeo11 was reported in stable condlUon at Memorial Hcepttal ln Illinois aft.er 1ufferin1 in- Juria when ber mount fell at Cahokia Downs ... Defensive back Claatle Wei&, a 12-year NFL veteran, has si1ned a new coatraet with tbe Denver Bl"ODCOI for the 1979 season ... Darnll Wal&rtll won the S.. Drop 300 in an auto race in wbleb the Ind" cbuaed baada IO tlmet . . . Rlsin1 French auto nebll •tar Alalia Pn.a drove a aear·ftawleaa race to -~= C'l::: .~:n::.:,:=rc:r,~~ and .. ,..., on the 1ame u Uae Loi Ana•• Alteca defeated the Atlanta Cbleb, W. ID NASL adion. Tbt wllmlnl Astee _.. came witboul aewl1 aeqalnd Mu CRJf1 of HolJuil. wtlo left 10 miaut. llllto the leCODd half wttb a minor laJvl to bla back. Before ldl deputm., be uallted oa the ftl'lt MMe .-i 1n the ...... ball. \ I Fans of Women in Sports React STEVE BUKICH Dukich Signs CFL Contract Former Newport Harbor High and UCLA quarterback Steve Dukich has signed with the S askatche wan Roughriders or the Canadien Football League ror the coming 1979-80 season. Terms of the contract were not revealed. Bukich. an all -CIF first team p e rformer while with the Sail ors, played in relative ob· scurity at UCLA. serving as a backup quarterback for most of his four-year tenure. Bukich. at 6·2. 215·pounds, probably injoyed his finest hour as a Bruin in the 1978 Fiesta Bowl where he was chosen as the Sur· prise starter over Rick Bashore. Bukich led the Bruins in that game to a 10-10 fie with highly regarded Arkansas. The Bruins came back from a 10·0 deficit a nd Bukach accounted for his team's only touchdown with a 15·yard run in the final quarter. Bukich came to the Bruins in 1974 where he lettered as a freshman and then red·shirted the following season. His best game occurred in 1977 when he started for the ailing Bashore and led the Bruins to a 48·18 win over Oregon State. N__...W.IG ............ The article 'Girls Athletics -a Waste of Time· is a prime example or male chauvintry. This arti· cle was based on nonsensical gobbledygook in· stead of facts. Calling swimming a major sport proves that the writer cannot yet distinguish between major and minor sports. Men's sWJmm1ng at both the high school and college leve) has never been con· sidered a major sport. Jn reference to the girls championship basket· ball game. I wonder if Super Sport bad ever at- tended a college game at UCLA or Cal St.ate Fullerton. Women's games here draw far more than 250 rans during regular season play. Comparing high school and college sports to professional athletes such as O.J . Simpson and Tom Watson avoids the whole issue or Title IX. Professional male and female athletes are already paid differently anyway. The purpose of high school <1nd college athlet1t' teams is to allow students to participate in ex- tracurricular activities. Competitive athletics teach s tude nts r espons ibility. reliability. sportsman·like qualities. a nd other valuable traits which can be applied to one·s life at a latter stage. Oenyin~ women the same opportunity as men to participate in sports 1s a denial or equal protec- tion. If there are no women's programs. then they will be forced to participate with the men which is unfair to men as well a s women. Athletics play an important part in today's educational system, and both males and females should be allowed to participate on an equal basis Diana Dolan Balboa lslaod Lo••r• -Propl' lt'lao Slaff A K"Ofl OINK. OINK! Your s uggestion that Girls' Athletics is a waste or time was a surprise. Tbe Daily Pilot has wasted very little time or space on Girls' Athletics. I didn't think you knew they ex· isted. Is an athlete diminished in your sight because she plays for the love of the game and not for the roar of the crowd ? Don 't you admire a team, win or lose, that keeps on going with pride and en· thusiasm, with no cheerleaders, no bands, no one in attendance but faithful parents. and absolutely no JPress coverage? My daughter and my son both played varsity basketball at Corona del Mar High last season. He got presents from the cheerleaders. played in packed gymnasiums. abd has a bulging scrapbook or pictures and clippings, many from the Daily Pilot. She played in a gym so empty it echoed. Area Five in Indy Familiar Only Along Orange Coast By HOWARD HANDY °' tM o.itr ,., ... ,..., Their names aren't as popular as Foyt, Unser and Johncock but five of the drivers in today's Indianapolis 500 sound familiar around the Orange Coast area. They are Danny Ongais, Steve Krisiloff. Duane Carter, John Mahler and Dick Simon. Today, along with 30 other race drivers, they'll be vying for automobile history when the Indy 500 gets under way today. Here's a capsule look at the area hopefuls: DANNY ONGAIS <No. 25) Coe&a Mesa A former drag racing standout. Ongals devotes full time to driving on the championship and sports car circuits and operates out or Costa Mesa. Car owner Ted Field or Newport Beach bad three cars at his disposal for the Indianapolis race today and after he wrecked one during practice on the first qualifying day. Ong a is made a belated run to get a starting position in a backup car. He will start on the outside of the ninth row <No. 27 > after qualifying his lnterscope Parnelli-Coaworth at a speed of 188.009 mph. He didn't paaa the rbysical exam after bis accident unU lut Sunday to have a chaaee to qualify. STEVE 0181LOFF <Ne. 7) Ouahlat Steve Krisllott ii C!Omlnf olf bia bnt year ln USAC ebampkmblp ear raelna. a fear la wblcb be won SlJt,• and WU lffODd at Pboenla la the aeuoa opener for Ida bin nauta ol the year. He WU Wrd lix limes, fourth four times and firth seven Umes. Krisiloff is driving for the Fletcher Racing Team this year after finishing seventh in the cham- pionship division last season. He has earned $495,096 on the championship car circuit. He will start on the inside or the 10th row fNo. 28> after qualifying his Lightning-Coaworlh al a speed o( 186.287 mph. "I'm just 32 and all those guys who are winning the races are older. I'm just putting in my time. You just got. ta gain the experience and nm the races. Then you win. lt"s gotta bap. pen." he says. DVANECAllTEll <No. It) Brownsburg, lad. The Marina High School graduate who now lives in Indiana. suffered a near·fatal crash during tire testina at Phoenix two years ago but baa come all the way back to compete in this year's Indianapolis race. Carter drove his Alex Morales Ligbtning·Cosworth to a qualif)'i.ftl speed or 185.806 miles per hour to aet the 17th startin1 position for today's race ln the middle of the sixth row. Carter ls the only driver lD USAC history to capture drlvlna ebalft· plonahip1 ln three dlvialom. He wu the mldaet champ ln lt'12 and won sprint car titles in 1974 and lt?I, tbea captured the dirt track title tut ~at. He wu rookie ol the year at Indy in 1974 and will be atartlq bl.a tlxtb 1tral1ht race at the speedwa1 today. made cupcakes for her teammates, and has a few box scores with her name misspelled for press clippings. Both teams advanced to the CJ F quarterflnals. One team had the vigorous s upport of the community, the other did it without any en. thuaiasm but their own. I am proud of both my children. and I certainly don ·t consider the fine basketball program at CdM a waste of time for either ol the m. You'd better accept the girls. Super Sport. They aren't going to fade away. They can win in an empty gym, but some press coverage might help rm it up. They are good athletes. They de· serve to be seen. They are winners. The losers are the people who stay away. Mrs. Gerald A. Spinn Newport Beach lfnd•rK'alrr Ba11k.-urra11fn9!' In regard to your article against women's s ports, I thought it was totally uncalled for. For years women have been demanding equal rights . Now that we have our sports you have the gall to cul us down. No. J don't know any women who can hit like Rod Carew or run like 0 J . Sunpson, but th<1t ·s not what is intended an women's sport!>. For example. Peggy f1eming-nationa l ice·skatmg champion manages to draw several thousands or people. Then there's Tracy Austin, who at the age of 16. drawslhousanm;offans also. Although your ideas and opinions produce the classic conflict of men vs women. I don't see any women putting down the men's sports. that a n · about as worthwhile as underwater basketweav- ing Respectfully :.ubm1tted by a conl·erned woman athlete!. D.W. San Juan Capistrano ,_, P•tl .. 11 Mfldlfl The paper said you wanted lo hear from me so here it is. I trunk your little story about how girls' sports are a waste or time was rea ll y screwed <that's just putting it mildly >. U women's sports were televised as much as men's I know there would be a lot more spectators ror women's games. At my h1~h school. our girl's basketball games get just as much an audience as the boy·s. .\New Enemy <unsignedl Oae-Crt1elcetl.. llM•fer91H Trasla Jn response to the article "Girls .. Athletics-A Waste of Time" -BALONEY! There are thousands of fema les participating at the high school. junior college and college levels in this area. To them, their families, their peers and their rans, athletics are important. NO! --It wouldn·t be easier to do away with women·s programs. and many people. besides the athletes themselves. care about the programs. Women <much less girls> will never be capable of running like O.J . Simpson, hitting like Rod Carew, shooting like David Thompson, or swinging a golf club like Tom Watson because it is physically impossible. Yet, the competition. excitem ent and gratificaUon are just as great to a women athlete as to a man. In fact, a woman's desire is usually greater. During the 1976·77 season. the Daily Piiot's coverage of not only girls' baskelbalJ, but all sports, was tremendous. That year the atten- dance at the girls' CIF 4·A basketball cbam· pionahips at Cal State Fullerton was standing room only. Instead OT one·lracked, negative, ilJ.foformed trash that you published last Sunday, Super Sport should cover women's sports more effectively so the public will. Mary BeUi Wny Clleryl Cady Saaset lleacll •~•he .... A9rees? £1Uoyed your first column, I agree with you, girls sports is a waste of time and money-except for swimming, diving, leMis and golf. Wb)? Because as a team effort all others fall sour. The individual sports, listed above. are one-<>n-one and do show promise. I still feel there should be pis sports in school for any that want to learn the games, however on a lower key becauae they will never be self- supportinl Uke boys sports can be. Girls will go out to the ball part to watch the boys, but In re- vene, few boys support <iris teams-that's not wben the action la. I IO back a few years, and there are few female contest. that have ever attracted me or any crowdt to speak of. S&euett a. sen Costa Meta 't'•• a.. Write ft• .s., .!port '°°"" to Mar from ~ tOith ~r qws. tiolM, macrs m, ~ or opWou. Drop Mm o U- e/o S...., Sport. !pone Dfpatfnwalt, OoUv Pilot, JJO W. 8clf a., CMG Mtra, .... SOFTBALL./ GOLF ...... ..__. TOM WATSON CHIPS OUT OF SAND TO MAINTAIN LEAD IN MEMORIAL TOURNEY. Janet Is One of the Boys First Woman at Indy No Longer a Freak JNOll\Nl\POLIS 11\f>l th<.• lady h<ts become .. one of thC' b oys ·· "'lli, J a ne t.·· Gordo n J ohncock yells a m iably, giving a wave to the white·s uited lady in the golf cart in fronl of garage No. 38 in the Indianapolis Motor Speedway's renQwned Gasoline Alie ) JANET GUTHRIE flashes her b esl s m ile and wa ves back. Othe r dr ive rs pause to s wap s m a ll talk a nd best wishes. 'l'he ~rease·stamed me>cha nics come up a nd confer with hl'r M.•rious ly on techmcal problems . No other drive r not even A J Foyt or Al Unse r is m o re besieged for autographs. lie r appcar:.i nn• no lon~1·r creates flak :.in'1 n •M·ntnH•nt This mar ks he r t hird l1m1· in 1111' Indy 500 and s ht• genc•r ,Jlly I'> :.ic· cepted as a skilled <incJ i.:uts.v driver cc.ipable of surviving 1n the death-defying j unglC' uf :mo mph speed dl'mons . It w:.isn 'L alwc.1ys so. "IN 1975, I had holt•s 1n m v s hoes. I had no nwnt•y 111 t h1 bank and no place to ll\'L• I thought I had had 1l in auto rac ing," Ja net r eca lled F'rt<lciv. <1 d<.1y whf'n most <if till' acl 11 n w,p, n·ntercd m <·<1urt tn!>lt·Jr} 11f <m t he fabled old hrtl'kyard. ;.ictual ly asphalt. '"T hen Rolla Vo lls tc•dl 1!:1vc· me m y fi rs t chan1·c· lo l!rt\ 1• " <'ha m p1onsh 1p c ar at Tn•ntc•n. NJ. ft chang«d my w ho l1· ltfr ·· A news m a n ·~ugp,t•s 1 1•il t h;11 J anet m ust he i:x.11!J~··r.1l111..: Mter a ll. she owne d a BS degree 111 physic.., from the University or \I i\·h1r.an . s he• <;t•rvcd m the .a•ros1H1t•t• ind us try a s a re - ~.c• a r <:h <i nd d evel opment t•ng int•t·r and once had eve n h~·<.'n r on::.ide rc d for astron aut lr:.iining. ··oF COURS E . when I say I hacl holt>s in m v shoes. that was parti<ill> ~u1.1cr.ficial :· she s uid. · Rut, honestly. I was ready for I he• poor housl'. Who is going to l-'1\t.• a \q)m.111 a JOb in the •.11·roo;pa c·e 1ndul'lrv who is 40 y1 .. ~1 rs uld and h asn .. t been doing that k1ncJ of work fo r nine years? ··1 ha d spent 1 ~1 yea rs trying to break 11110 b1 g.t1mc automob1lc r<.1r1ng :ind, until l<ulla Vollstedt pave• fnl' a cnr , I w<is at t he t'nd 11f m~ pJ t1L·ncc :.ind m y re · !>OUf('l'S The fi rs t and only fem a le com· petitor to cras h the ha llowed In· dy 500 no longe r is a fre<ik, a publicity·seeking wom an trying to JOin lhe most m acho fralt.'rnt· ty in sports. She has m ade the tea m . The 41 ·yea r ·o ld G uthrie q ualified for the Ind y 500 in 1977. but w ent o ut a.ft e r 2 7 la ps because of a gear foulup. She re· turned last year to q ua lify at 191.002 mph. a wome n ·s closed course r ecord. The n. driving with a fractured wrist wh i,·h she had not previously disc losed, she fini s hed n i nt h in the s t a r · spangled fie ld. behind Al Unser, who wcin his third 500 Rookie Not Ready U N S ER . HEARIN G o r G uthm "s injury. said s he should have pulled out of the r ace. "She Jeopardized m y life a nd the hfc of every drive r in the ra ce." he s aid "Tha t is the only complaint I 've heard about m y racing:· Janel said. ··Everyone e lse has been ve ry nice .·· Guthrie q ualified this year a t 185 .720 mph i n h e r Lol a · Cosworth. e na bling her lo sta rt from the fifth row. COR N I NG , N.Y . 1A P 1 Rookie Lynn Adam s shot a ont· under-par 69 Setlurday a nd took a dvantage or <i n i•rrcir on the sco r eca r d o f veteran Judy Rankin to move into the lead go ing into Sundo.iy 's final round nf lhe LPGA Cormng Clu~~1c gulf tournament l\da ms. with a 215. held a one· stro ke It-ad over Hankin. Donna Caponi Young, Pt•nny Pult. and Al1 <·e R1t1man <i ftrr lhr<'l· round s of the• 72 hnlt· L:.1d1C•<. ProfE'!:>SJOnal Golf J\~~11t•1at 1on eve nt. "'l"m in my first year on t ht• tour. a nd I don 'l mind ;idrnatling it. I a m not r eady lei win. f(lr some rl'ason , I m scured lo win ." s;1id Adams. a 28·year·nl'1 pro from Kingsville. Texas "J will be going out the ri• t1> win. but you ha ve a feeling 1n your o wn mind when you <ire r eady. When I do win. I want to win <.·on!>1ste nlly I Just don 't think m y golf gam1• 1s al the calibe r 1·1ght now t1' c·onsta ntly shoot the num bers I :Hn :;hooting,·· • Ha nkin. till' fm.t player eve r Lo win SI00.000 111 a season on the LPG1\ lour. rr•mamcd in conten· t1on for ht·r 2tith to ur victory_ !-.ht' Jo~l lhl' lc•ad hccause she :-1 ~n<'d a <.torecard indicating )>he l.Jogt·Y<'rl lht' 16th hole. a hole sh1_. ::u:tually pa r red. "I don't o;1•t• how that can be ," Hankin !.a ir1 of lhc· l'r ror ... T even added 1t UIJ ... Becaus e or the er· ror, one stroke was added to her S('OrC Su ~an O'Con nor . a forme r Nl'wport 8 c<1 1'h res id ent. had . h::irPd the lead with Ran kin a fte r the s econd ro und but faltl.'rcd. :.hoolmi? a 6-over -par 76 to f all t hree· s trokes beh ind Adams NH Poloists Win Atlenllon· 1970-1975 Mercedes Owners DON'T LEASE Newport Har bor notched two easy victo ries a nd all the other top s eeds advanced after the fi rst d ay of the United States·Pa n·Amer ican wate r polo trails Saturday afternoon at Newport Harbor Hig h. With the purpose o f the trails to choose a representative for the 1980 Pan American Games, Stanford, Newport H a rbor . Concord, Santa Barbara and Long Bea ch all posted easy wins dur· ing opening da y action. With all five top seeds fieldif!g an: .. A" and "B" te am, it was the A ·s that did the majority of the damatge . The Sailors' A squad had no proble m in dispos. ing of Long Beach's B team in their first gam e, 14-5, and then Ne wport Harbor came right back in ita second to down P alomar. 17-1. Gary Figueroa played a central role in the wlna u be scored five goals in each contest. Newport Harbor's B team lost to Long Beach A. '1·5, and UCLA. 8-3. UC Irvine aot dumped in its only 1ame by the Stanford A team, 13·2. AcUOD ID the three-day tournament resumes to· daJ at 10 a.m. with the championships slated for Monda)' et 8 a. m. W,,.n *• Chllf>Qe IMI Oii 1n<l l1llOr on your 19~7~ ~Bl Offer v1lod only '""' '"" "" I EapttM Ju"" I, 107111 1 C•ll 642-5678. Put • few words lo work for ou. SEARS•MAYCO. YOUR MEXT CAR UMTIL YOU CALL We Use n. lo•Hst RatemtdASafe LHM-WVallle. LEASE SERVICE met some Mal Stores open tomorrow Memorial Day SOUTH COAST PIAZA Watson Has It All -Barber DUBLIN, Ohio <AP> -Miller Barber, four shots back of Tom Watson going into Sunday's final round of the Memorial Golf Tournament, saw little chance of overhauling the man Barber s ays is avroaching golfing g re atness . "I think Tom can be one.of the great players," s aid the veteran B a rber . now into his third decadeoUo urcompetition "HE HAS THE DESIRE a nd he derinitely has the swing. He has the temperament and the a bility tr he can correct a few eccentriCities in his game and is willing to make the sacrifices necessary he can make it. .. There is something you can see in all the great athlet es. I've s een it in Palmer , Nickla us , Trevino a nd others. ··And you ca n see it in Tom . ··All the great athletes have j ust something extra that the rest of us don't have." Then he turned his a tte ntion to his c hances of catching the front-running Watson. "Believe me, he's playing ex· tremely well.·· B a rber s a id Sat urday. "If anybody is gonna beat him. they're gonna have to shoot lights out." Both Bar ber and hos t Jack Nicklaus took runs at Watson during the third round. Both e ventuall y fe ll b ack . And Watson. with a round of par 72. was a ble to re tain his command· ing lead. WATSON, WITH A 54-ho le t ot al of 214, two shots under pa r, managed to finish the ro und as he sta rted four s tro ke s in front of the frustrate d fie ld. That lead twice dwindled to o ne when Nickl aus m ade his move on the front sid e. But he bac ked off with bogeys o n three or four holes beginning on the 10th. The n it w as Barbe r , the chunky old pro they ca ll "X." who made a move at the gritty Wa tson, the season 's leading money·winner and g unning for a fourth title of the year. Barber rippe d o ff four back·nine birdies. was within two strokes of t h<.' IC'ad. the n ble w to a double bo~ey six on thl' 18th hole on the e xt rc mt>ly d1ffic ult. 7,101-yard M uirfie ld Villa ge Golf Club course. THE 48· VEAR·OLD Ba rbe r finis hed second alone at 218, two s hots ove r par. a fter a 71 in weather that remained cool and bree7V , bul was a d istinct im · provcmc nt of t he horrible condi· lions that plagued the touma · mcnt Friday. Nicklaus, with a 74, was tied for t hird at 220, siX, s bots back. He s ha red t he position with Lon Hinkle and Tom Kite . Kite also had a 74 while Hinkle matched par 72. Cross·handed putte r Bruce Lietzke a nd Lanny Wadkins, a t wo.time winne r this season. were next at 221, five shots ove r par and seven back or Watson. Liet zke had a 72 and Wadkins a 73. Arnold Palmer snot a 74 dnd was a l 230. U S. Ope n cham p An· d y North h a d 76-231. NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division W L Pct. GB Cincinnati 25 18 .581 S an Fra ncisco 25 21 .543 l 1h Hous ton 25 22 .532 2 Dodgers 22 25 .468 5 S an Diego 19 28 .404 8 Atlanta 16 27 .372 9 East Division Montreal 24 14 .632 Philadelphia 26 ·'16 .619 St. Louis 21 17 .553 3 Chicago 18 21 .462 61h Pittsburgh 18 21 .462 61h New York 15 24 .38S 91f.i Satw*y'1Scwn Cl"<lnnatll.~t SI Louis •I Monlreal lppd. raon) Hew York 10. PlttS11ur9'1 I · l'llat1la 5. Sall FranclKo • Clll<•90 •. Pllll-lpllla I Houston•. San Ole900 , TMay'1Ga"'" C•t1clnna 1I IBonll•m 2·11 al D••t•rt IMenervnilll 1·•1 C1>1t aQo I Reu\cl>et 2·41 at Pl>lladelpllla 1Carll0<> S 51 SI LOU•\ 10e,,,,. l ·l and Forsell l·•I •• - lre•I ISM>dtr'IOfl , l...., C.rim•l•Y •·21 PillSllvrQI> !Bibby l-11 •I New YO<k !KOC.I J-41 HOUllOfl IAl<Nrd .. 41 ., San Oleqo IOw<llln•o J.11 Allanl• 1-.ler I •1 el !.an Frantl\<o 181ue t ·SI DM.YPLOT .. ayHOWARDL.HANDY Of .. ...., ........... · FOiiowing are the malor sPOrts events on tetevlston to- day, Ratings .re: / " 1 1 excellent; 1 I1 worth wetchlng; I " fair; " forget It. • 10:30 •.m .. Ch•nnel 5 ./ ./ ./ BASEBALL: Angels at Chicago. Announcers; Dick Enbergand Ron Fairly. The Angels will send Dave Frost (2·2) and Don Aase <3·•> to the mound in today's doubleheader. The An•ls trail the Western Division leadl"9 Minnesota Twlr'5 by only a sllm half·oame enterino today's twinbill. The Angels and White So• have ss>_lit the previous two oames ot this series. ~ Noon,Chennel2 ./ ./ ./ NBA PLAYOFFS: Washington at Seattle. Announcers: Brent Musberger, Rick Barry, Hot Rod Hundley. The final series of the season moves to Seattle's Kingdome for game No. 3 today with each team having a vic- tory. Controversy has surrounc:Seci the first two games with of. ficlals' decisions questioned by Sonics fans in the first and Seattle's defense (is it a zone?> in the second. The NBA pro· hibits a zone defense . I) 2 p.m., Chennel 2 ./ ./ GOLF: Memorial Tournament. Announcers: Vin Scully, Pat Summera ll and Jack Whitaker. Tom Watson. playing some of the best golf of h is career, holds a commanding four-stroke lead ente ring today's fina l round of play. Watson shot a 72 Saturday for a three round tota l of 214. Watson's closest pursuers a re Miiier Barbar C218l a nd J ack Nicklaus, Lon Hinkle and Tom Kite with 220s. e 9 p.m .• Chennel 7 ./ ./ ./ ./ AUTO RACING: the63rd lndianapotisSOO. Announcers: J im McKay, Bill Flemming, Jackie Stewart a nd Chris Economaki. Rick Mears. a three· time winner on the 1978 USAC circuit a nd co-rookie ot lhe ';'ear a t last yea r's Indy race, is on the pole for today's race. Joining Mears in the front row are Tom Sneva a nd Al Unser. Area drive rs include Dick Simon, Danny Ongais, Steve Krisiloff and John Mahler. Taped viewing of the race held 12 hoursearlier . 9:30a.m. (11) -THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 11 :30 a .m. <2 1 -THREE ON THREE -Semifinal match: Randy Smith <Cll ppers l, former NBA player Chet Wa lke r a nd J imm ie Walke r vs. Paul Westphal <Suns>. former NBA player Sam Jones and Davis Steinberg. Noon 141 -TENNIS -Vilas Gerula1t1s vs. 111e Nastase in a WCT Tournament of Cha mpions match, taped at Borado, Pue rto Rico. Cliff Drysdale, Vic Braden report. I p.m. (4) -TENNIS -Adriano Panatta vs. Manuel Orantes in a WCT Tournament of Champions match, taped at Dor ado, Puerto Rico. Vic Braden. Cliff Drysdale report. 2 p.m. (41 -WESTERN OUTDOORMAN -Angling a mong flooded trees for large mouth bass with John Fabian. (131 -WOMEN'S GOLF -Final round play in the Coca-Cola Classic, taped'k1!'-t weekend at Clifton, N.J . 3 p.m. (71 -RACERS -Bob Tullius reports on the Formula B Car fina ls of the Champion Spa rk Plug road rac· ing classic in Atlanta with Curt Gowdy. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Formula t cars race through the streets of Monte Carlo in satellite cov - erage of the Grand Prix of Monaco. Also, the ore at pool shootout, pitting Will ie Mosconi against Minnesota Fats . Commentators include Keith Jackson, Howard Cosell and Sam Posey. 4 p.m. (41 -SPORTSWORLD -The U.S. gymnastics fede ra tion women's cham pionships, taped at Dayton, OhlO. Also, amateurs from the Joe Fra zier Boxing Club and the Muha mmad Al i Boxing Cl ub sQua re off in a ser ies of bouts, ta ped at Atlantic City, N.J . Marvis Frazier, J oe's son, meets AAU titleholder Tony Tubbs In the heavyweight bout. Also, fittest of them a ll . 7 p.m. <52l -HORSE RACING -Today a t Holl ywood Par k. Midnight C281 -TENNIS -The singles fina l in the ltdlian Open, taped a t Rome. RADIO Auto Race -Indiana polis 500. B: 15 a .m .• KLAC (570). Baseba ll -Angels at Chicago <doubleheader >. 10:25 a .m., KM PC <710>: Ci ncinnati al Dodgers, 12: 55 p.m., KABC !7901. lThe Daily P ilot Is not responsible for lilt• chilng9s.} 'Iltans, Bruins Triumph FRES N O <AP 1 G le nn R o b e rtson l e d C a l S t a t e Fullerton to a 20·3 victory over the University of Portland in the NCAA Dist n ct 8 playoffs Satur· d ay. T he U nivers ity of Portland Pilots were eliminated from the- t o urna m e nt. R obe rts o n . t h e T ita n s ho rtstop. collected four hits m six tr ips to thl' pla te. including a home run. In the~econd gam e of the day, F resno State. winne rs of the Nor tht.>rn Ca lifornia Baseba ll- As~ociat1on title. dropped a 5-~ dcc·1s1on to UCLA. the Pacific·lO c·ha mpion. AMERICAN LEAGUE West Dhision Minnesota Angels Texas Kansas City Chica go Seattle Oakland W L Pct. GB 25 17 .595 26 19 .578 11:! 25 19 .568 l 25 20 .556 11':! 22 21 .512 3112 17 30 .362 lO'h 15 31 .326 12 East Division Baltimore 29 14 .674 Boston 25 17 .595 31h Milwaukee 26 20 .565 41;; Ne w York 23 20 .535 6 Cle veland 19 23 .452 91h Detroit 16 ~1 .432 10 Toronto 12 33 .267 18 s.tl!Nly'1 S<Wft A119M11,CNGa90• Toro,,10 '·Boston• Cleveland I.~ York • 8alllmore 1, Detroit 5 (I& IMl"O' I Kansas Clty 7, Mlnrwsot• • Mll••u•,.8.0.ktancl• fuu 1. Seattle I T•Y'IO- Allfett <Fnxt H -A•M ,.., a\ Oii<~ !Krave< J.land Hl,,•on 1-11 Hew York !Guld<y N and Fi9ueroa J.51 at Cloelancl I Wiik ins 1·1 -Wlwt )." llO•lon ,,...,., 1 ti et fO<OfltO IJeftenanO.JI 8a111..-e !Mc<if'e<fl" O.I Mid s->-11 ., Detron 18111~1·1-ltorema M l Ka,,sn City !Buslly 1•11 al Mln,,u ola IKOM,...,,1-11 o ... ,_ IMtc.tty 1~1 a1Mllwaueree 1~ ..... Seattle 1.-.SIMI at Tn u IC-r).41 JOHNSON & SOM SALESMAN OFTHIMOMTH USED CAR SPECIALS ·11JB1Hn Sedan In beige with matching tan Interior. Automatic. e cyttnder. air conditionlno. Economical yet roomy. (503915). s4995 '77PONTIAC &IAtePWIX In sparldtng ~ green metallic. wtth tan velour interior. Many luxury opt!OM. (391UOU). '3895 JCHNSCN &. SCH '77FOID PICKUP F250 model. White with tan comfort knit Interior. dual tanks. air, PC)W9f steering & brakes. rear slide window and tf'lliter towing peckage. CIE18818). TIU~ t-·AMll.\I UNCOl.N·M•:NCTR\' STORE 2626 tlierbor Blvd. C'o~t• Mu a 540·5630 s ,. . ,,..,.,......_ ..... -• , ... ·~·--""._ ~·-• -. \ ,...,-. ..._ r ·-.,_ --~ -----.-. ...... -...... ~_.. ______ _ I , } DAILY PILOT ~ I • t ' .,, . &M9•1CAN t.8AOUll ......... --.v .. cw-. .. , ..... ''"'--· A Moo•• II 1 0 ' 0 (;-11 II l 0 I I Pryor •• I II u o C W•"91 I"'1 0\l 11 Kf'\illQt \~ d 0 0 0 l ,.,non t f J o o u S<lt t\h,, 'Cl • ' A Un\U. lb t ti l ii l Jlln~ 10 • I I U Nr9'1QI\ <Ill ) I I ~ 0fl f fth I u u It N,.nrdnv ' / 1 ~· '' .. ...... IC Mlll.,,<1 • 0 l J I en\fl\I 111 \ 0 I I (fitt<fl• Ill "••h•t It A1h .11-. ttf\ •oto •• l\o•n1ou \ •1••&. h 11> '" • t \\I ' : u f' ' 'I l J ' ' • "'t \ fUftU\, •t •\)I. f otal' u • 10 • ,u,,.h. •• • tt • S<ere ., IMIMt• t•lllo••" 11\IU •l<'I 1 • ( n1<•110 ~Ill ~ I • E A O.nnl>1• 0 1• c .. 1110•"·~ J 1 0 11 C elltorno• II, (n•«•llO • 18 fo1<1 1 Co••• I• l. JOt\f\'!IOI\ tld'fl;.H HM ""O(.k •hvlm ~U c _,,.. a_..,.o, Uu••1tl•U \ 1Ht .. 1111 C..,.nt n C•lllOrl\11 JP H II t II 1111 \\) l ctntnd CW • ti (lr•r (lllU ... '10"'f'0 l 0 I 6 J 'I I j Trout S•v(I ( lt1"1lf 4 U t' fol f',. ff .._#I I (Jfl(.tH PB HdllOtP•H 1 I •• A JI )'& a1 .. ,.,, I, AH ~·• Ro\lon 000 000 •U1 o IU t T oron10 070 100 001 I 11 I f::("-ttr\lf'y, C•""PbrPll 111 and O Betry. At IP")On In. lJnder•ond, Au'lk .. r 1cu el"d (fron• W 9u\•••v • 0 a c "-''"Ot>rtl ) ) HR!i BO'lfOn, tt ot>\nn ~' fo•o'"" M"'YO•rrY I••, How~ll ll• " Jl,\Q() Royal' 1, T"''"' • l(an\d\ C•lv 000 OJO 101 1 u J M 1nn•W1• 000 001 110 • I O G•I•, Gu<4 Ill. Maritn Il l, Hr•t>o~•f 191 itnO Port•r, H«Hl1et11 tie Arti-U '1 >. Mdr'n"ll I'll and WV'leqd( w (tdlf>, 4 I L H·•H1t~ll I 3 HA Ml"""W'"· C:..>lono •71 A • 013 IN<-1,'f-"l• N•• Yori< 001 070 100 • 10 c1eYelallO 101 1n 00•-8 11 1 Jolln, Burris IS), l(eal 111 end Mun>On, Wllll\ end Alf•-r. W-W•oh , 11-l l J()lln, ••• HR\ New v ...... JOM\On Ill' CICvPfttt'IO , 8 ond\ '6t, A •e •dneft•t t1t A 11,IU) OriOln 7, Tl .. n S 6allomo" 101 OJO 000 000 000 1 I •~ 1 Oelroll 100 001 1117 000 000 0 S 1) l t-1<1n&Qan. T Mer111101 111, StO<l<la•d 111 !.lanhou .... 1'1, Strwdr! 1121 ano Oempwy W•l<Oa, A l.0001 !SI, Toblk '81, Holl•' P71. Arroyo tt6• and Parri~ W StttwArt, ? l l Holler, 3-3 ~lh -8allomore, BvrnD,. ,.,, O~frOll. Mordl~\ tlt, KPmP t&t fl IA.Sil. 8rewer\ I, A'• 4 ()u• ldn!I OOll 000 ~ • 11 1 Mtl""ttUlill~ 000 00.. CM• I! 11 I Lonq•urd t ,u1·'f \\1, foon '' Hdn1111nt1 ntr, ._.t'~Vt1rlo •th l'tnc1 f:\'\1011 -0,ld10n Ctt\t•u •4 Yv ~Mton, • J L Ld"Q'Otd 1 1 tin .. fM~lttnd NPNm.,.,-•I Milw"'u .. tt Cwr•• ' OttYI" '"' A 10 \'1 , ......... R•,..,n J, M.-rlr'lfrS l 01 1100 l(\fl tioO llU 00•• t ~ I ) . flbllOIC ilnO (o, W M"llt>O 11 I M .-.llAf a: .1PO '!\.,n11,-.. '0 ADDOIC 7 ~ ... 10 1>40 NATIONAL l E.t.~IJE II.OS l , OOOC!e" I lO\A-lft Cu,.c•nMh ~b r ft bf .tb , h bi l-OP<'\ lb Ru,,tll. '~ P Sm11n,11 • 0 u u • 0 0 0 • I 1 0 t f) 1 II • 0 0 1) (,,.,rvt>v \D CPV, )O fi,-titrr It • 0 I 1 f,11'0 1•fl,f \nnu 1hOff•,. .. t l 10 I fl ·~ot'"'" u t,,,f.o1rt (,fl L,•(1rn• 1> ~ II I 1' ''I I I) U 1' tJ C,r1tf(''f ,., Cnrnc.n, ~' M OrtJrtn lo o,lf''\'\n \t) Ht-nf'h r ~rucant, JO (Olhf\'" ti ['ltllf u (·I fUll" If Norrt•on 1J Tntrll\ JJ • ,, 1 , ,,,., •. ~< Of'e O'f t Mtr'\iQ\ r11( fV)I • 1 1 I • 0 0 0 A 11 I 0 A I I II • I ) I • ·I 1 0 't'I c ,, I 0 Ct II } ,, l ' .. 1lt It 1fWI I LO' Anw·h ,.,.,, 1l'•I fM•I £ !<u • .,.:11 lDlle\ OP \I' A~fl""' 1 LOR Cine tnrt·''' f). Ln' A"<Wlt\. ft 7f\ ThOmd\, P Smith l\enc n t-4 P Gntt,.., I•' !.6 C,r1U~y &-ncn CinclaMl1 If'' H R E R 88 SO Nti''"•" fW 1 41 1..0\ Angeln ~ullon 11 ~Ao LaG•f'lw • & I 1 , fl (I 8~1• Normo1n. 1 I 11 A -"'.'1J Met' 10 Per~fl'\ f P1tf'-hUtflfl t If ' ,,. b ' Nt-w Yor• l)(n 1111 ''• HJ 1 J 1 BtyteY't•n, W h1tvm I' ..-,,,"' A kvr•1v tSt, T~llUl¥e-''' J...-.. wn tH• ,100 Ou \<rtt OrO\CO 1\1, AllPl'I 1• Mvrr1tv /1 lot•....,t•tl f8 1 1JnO StPdtn\ W I U' •w v•,.1 Tt:kulve. 1 ~ ... P, N""' "'"'"· ~·"·nch rtw.Ht 171, Youn<IOIOO<I 111 A 'Xl,7/1 Ir • .,., S, Glt1ft't\ 4 Allant.1 00? IQ() 001 \ •• 1 S•n Fren<•"-D 000 101 110 4 6 I Ma,ule1 E • .nt~rty t]) Devin" ti>, C.arr,..r 111, S-Olr lq> llnO NOIM; H&ltckr Molllll l/1 Rob"r-h t81. C.11fftn flit. l 1t¥ellt' t'U df"-J T <omerQO. w-(Arbot, 7 I l Ro"""' O I Mll\-All<tlllA, /INll-\ 110>. S.on J r~ro (o'>CO, M.OIO(k 141 A 11,9SI C• 4, l'lltllle' I C"ICOQo 000 100 701 • I\ I Pn19-l,,.,1e !IOI 000 i.n I \ I L•mp, Ttarow tll eno f oou·. t.nr1\trn"nn M <(1ft)W U>. RtiecJ 1'11 ''"'' ftOot,.. w LArnp, 4 '· L Chr1\h•O\Qn. O l . HH PllolaOelpnoe,-.. Il l A J) lll Ail'°''•,,_" G HOu\IOll 131 <f/(J 000 ~ ! I I S.n D•e"° 000 000 000-0 b J J Nlet<ro -A\llov; LOlo( II, ""'""V 111, o •Aqu1\10 (4J, SIUrifY U1 ftnd Trr"'"-•' F•ll•y ••1. W-J . Nlellro, & 1 I LOll(lt 0, HA H()<jSlon, J. Crut 131. A ,, lll 5-.nday, May 27. 1811 A~l\All••AG•1o •• u ... . A .... ". ••1 .... (•1"9• ()o-.l'llf"l(I t\t11¥lN •l••f't\ l •.ft\tC>f'<I I•) II •• I l/ "• I Ir II '1 I .-14 I '•' I" " ' ti 11'1 ·-•• 1• ' ..,, 111 JU u '· ·"" r ... t,. l\J • •• ,.. ,..,. ~oon jl I) ,.. • u .:•1 MWe r-t\t )Iii f 1f • I lfU4.11 ,.. " I/ • '"" ~····~ !'cl .......... I.I • v I I • ' 1 n .,.... ,.., ' " ,. 1\f U I II •• ~ Uuu11·'"'' 1 •• ,, • • •• ,, l • .......... h•t 11' M 91 \(I W l . , .. , .... I NA .. fl M f111t ..,., .. , I • I t '"'' '~ ...... "' ,, ~ - • Jt .. .,. '• I\ '0 t .t 4' .\ I'!. I I • 1,. I I I . ' ... .... ,. "' .. "' ll • '"' f I t I ,. 11 .. I f" ,, "' I .. t\I •• • I ) J " .It I I a" I• I • V M I tu ilt I• I ••H •ALI. ~ 10 .-llH ., ...... a1.111.1t &M t l<l(AN l t:Al>U L . "'~ t.....,.h 't ~ UU !• V M 11 t• -..;t 1 l MO'''• Mth•i.~llltN (•r•• C:..htv-r~• '6 t1J#'ln1 It 'nu t"ll'' h-11n1, Hv 10.1:1 Ou-.1un"~ C....lllOffH.t 80< Mt 'w~UI• l Jonn\On l tutiltQU kn t bu-.t0t1 C. A8 11 .. lei ., •\ Ill •O ll'I l/ Ill() J• IJI 4 I 1 1 ,. \ " «. 1 ' 11 h .J .1(1 )H "' l• " JU "11 I/ 4/ .... '" Hom. lhan• I •• .... ,,, . .. ... >0 ... "' t •On l\o\ton 14 ftl0rt1,1'\, M11"".-uh••1 1 ~. 191cton HuU1;"otv tO. 1wr1on S.• 1l•h I M ty h11ltt1UC1'1 "I t1111tof M•l""'••v" 1-1 I OtJllYlt M1IW1r,•u•• 1 ')molh .. •y, M 1rni."..01o 'I fl1111• •a11ac1 '" tt,nlor. C..lltotn••· 4), l vnn ltn\f,m •\1 Port~•, tt Clf'\'w\ t.•,v. l8, Caupe1. M •IWt•V••• le. Horton, .,,. .. 111~. J\ P1IClll"9 U 0..111..,\I ff rrn, T~x6\, ....0, John, N~w Yor9', 111 II ufJ''"~" Minnt>\Ol•• 1 t lioumCJtH h 'I' ( h•< dyo, \ 1. H..tr(•O\, (.h1< c1ouu 4 I lJ M•rfin~1. 9_,111more. I )1 SOh1tOtft, 11i..t0\ft\ (olw. 1 7 .. ATIONAL LEACUE C AB It H Pct Brock, SI Lou•\ l l 10~ 1] •O Jiil Ao ... P1111ao.1or"" tJ 106 16 ~· J~~ Murphy. A11,..nt.t l~ Ill 7& Al.I J.&8• 1-0>I••, C•n< 1n1Mt1 II IU H •~ )All Ma11tlll, l'l~w "°'k •0 IS• 11 )J 33J CM!•r. Montrl'~I Jo 111 7l >) lll t(fhQM. C1nc.1nf'\o'h A3 ·~ t9 ~1 J"/<I Wtnl••IO, S..n 01"90 ., 180 1• SQ )l'lt YounqOh>O, N~w York '*' 17) N •0 JI\ !.td•Qtll, Ptll\l>uroll 78'1 100 t7 Jl J70 Mome Ruftt- St"m •ot. Ph1ll)cto1iPMd t), IC 1nQm tn fh1fdQO~ u Murcnt , At1,,,,rn '1 0 d w 'UO M ontr•dl, 1 t . M..Jttnt-w'\ A ff ant a 10 AllMB~llecl In I( rnoman, Ch1C"9'>· lb. Murphy At1m1tn lti ~t nm•Ot Ph 1ld()f-IJ)h1n 34 J= O't~ r , ... .,. t 1nn._.tr. lJ. Glrw~. Lo11 Art0e•~. J1 Plt<h•-.. CS 0.t•"Oft\J t 1t(t1\\-, c "''°'""''''· ~·O l..,m., t th( 4'tlf• 1 ' ff, ... O . Pf'i1l.t()1•lf'l\u1, 4 t M,,.,_.,.., (1n1 tnfhlf-t t t W•lrh I ..,, Ano• I•• • 1 Qulf\v•·n •1tul.~d4'tM1a b 1 J N ..... ,n H ftU\h'" , Kf1t•rr11•r.S···•• '·"'t••.cc1, / COLlEGoE N(AA PlA YOF FS 01¥1\I°" t Wt1ftrn R•q1on.u llf,A~ '" noSto4h Un1Y•f\•I•• ( 1tl •-1,.tt f ullt rton ;O lJruv"-''-''h f"Or tlt.11'<1 J (0t1n1.1nd P1tm1n1tt1•flJ M•O••st At Qlon.-' /\t11,,rt1t tO H,.1i1t111 0 • l11n1tf"l.rt I fn(Jt~hd ~lttlf> 1 tf'l(J,.111 I ~'~''" chmu\rttl 01 MuM;nt RttcJ1on .. 1 p,.,>l>"'HftM/\ tS, '>.an (\u•t)U ''·•'•' V M •< tw ),;n Sf ah h M•~n-1. r.1 u1 .. 1, 4 M 1111 • l•m1n.ntc<11 ... ~ .. .. '" ..... ~ ... -· ":. • ....._. ',. > INOY SOOSTARTIHC L.IHEUP flllST ROW I Rot~ Mtolr\, Balle"l1tl<I, No 9, Po·m•o < o-.worth t~1 7lt> mon 1 To..,.-, ~~~,. \pokt)n~. No 1, Mc.Lar~.n (O\wortn, l'f1 f'91 'l ~t Un~t • .Atb\,q\M'rUu-t"" No 1 (nt\t>o""I lO\W~rlll, 1"7 '>OJ ~fCO .. O flOW 4 80bt>'i' UnW!r. AIOuqwt!'rqufi' N v •t r•, n\•.., (U\WOrlh l-S4 '11 S !ii C..Or<H~n Jonnc ura., Ph0i•n1 •, NU l . Pt:1'\I>,.. (U\NUtlh •8• /~J. h A I ~oyl Jr HOU1l0<1. NO " •~•tnell1 (.()\'#'Orth. 189 t)U THlflOflOW I Wally O.llenb.lell, "•'"" C.u•o No ~. Pt'.'n\•e-C.O\.WCir 1h1 188 18). 8 JOhnnf Qotr.ertoro, r Ort Worth No •. Mr Ldrt',, C.Obo--orth. tA8. lJ/. q lfinnny P.trw n'\, In· d•dndPQ•1~,, NO \'), l 1QtH01hO fJru" t!-\hi 1!\J FOURTH ROW 10 ';f\.-tdon K1w;r1 Olf)llUMm1al•m 1nr N(:l ).-., W••<.on O"rnt\ou, .. r, t~ r~/4 '' '--'"" "un1.t'J1•Jn, n,.,,,,•QHHI ltt, t4r; 81, ll•rrwllt (O\wOrlh, llf> •D'J, 1'/ Mt ~.-M f,-.l1•f I dllbtOO .. , No Jf> f "'•''" t f,•,w Orth. )fl4 718 FIFTH llOW tl t-4nwftf Hotntf' /411•• lutJot Mit", Wlld UJI Off""""""'' •i,) 8'>•. 14 Jon~t Guthrfe-. Ni·• 'f'C)f·~. tao 4't t olt• (o~vwo(I" t&~ no. H fwn U~lty, C'"Oltf" tf•H. *"A, frrofO 11, P~"'·" (O'\""'''"' ,,.., 414 ~IXTH ROW '" Sdlt Wn11tff'r, H• "'flt Hilt._ t4o II Pt:n\.tie'·(O\'#Ortn, 184 '''· I/ ''''"' , •• J ( drttr, brown\lltH tJ. '"'' t "''•h \11111 to\wortn, No 10 t8\ tJti'> t~ r 1111 H w 10 Prine.,. C.,...0.-C)r\ fir1l1\lt t 11lumt)11t t411 I• M~ Lartin Oltennnu°"''', •h4 JUO ~EllEH TH ROW tt'i Jim M([lp•f'\Hi A, hHUtOn. r .. .-NU 23. Pt'n\ke (O\W(Jrlt'· 1&~ 1UJ lO. D•c• ~tmon, S•n '""" C.•pnl,•no, Ho U , V•llU ... l·Ofl• ..... wter, II) 011, 11 JM•t Snt•8, SPOO<-. No /J, SJOorol AM{, 194 JI• Falcons Capture Title LONG BEACH-0.e nnis Moss' bases-loaded triple with one out in the third inning paced the Cerritos Cottege Falcons to a 7-2 victory over Sun Jose m the championship game of the State :JC Playoffs here. Moss' blow gave the Falcons a 7.0 lead and then the tea m relied on the sophomore pitching or Paul Wills the rest of the way. Wills' five-hit complete game victory was the Falcons· fo~rth in the playorrs and with San J ose's two runs being unearned. extended Cerritos' streak to 36 innings without an earned run in the tournament. The Falc~n~. winne rs or the tough South Coast Conference, farusbed the year with a 32-8 record ha vine won 19 or their last 20 ball games. • The state championship was the Falcons ' sixth overall and fifth since 1970. Dlal-a-Tcme® EYE CARE INF~ATION Pl £AS£ R£0U£Sf TAPE RY NIIMI/[ II 11 ,...... 'n t ••• ' (5 Clvsn .. I NM•n -C1llrKIS ,._..,. ti Clum ti.,...._, -01111tt1111 u ...... CtM1Ct lt11.. £1 l'OUI Cllllll& (f't ' Atlllln9 U E'fMltllt ~-.. -ti Sett Ctnllct l1t111t GAS ... ES CIC.IHN •ow h. • JI \le nt "t..,Ut){,•f\. ywn ., t 114t ;,u"(lt "'""•"• ... w 'i'lll<lo<AI p,.... II~ JAi l\ l att f Nit• l Uli&Mf\. IRO ,,.0 ft l lt1nl "'"" Of''"~''''u UU 1l~ I• l Attt L,.,., '" M•' '""• f}lh41 Nn tO PtJnU ,f \.U\WUf trl •••••• "'"1" •ow H tl""9• M4 < •~o•, I uc '4ft No II M\' 4U en t 0\#0f In, tl.'J M J• hw !.tthJ,.~ l +n-.uln Nt'O N O 1• [•Qlt (lthmh~u'-.-r IN 111 11 0.-. o-..i •. (Mle M•w. Hf U, l'••-•·C•-· Ill ... n .NTH•Ow Jt "• .. ICn"ltlf Oeu l'•lftl. "" 1 l l•"l"I"• ( .. ,,.,,,., 11•.l tl, l' l'n.1 tt11"'"1~ At"'11iv \ ._;111 ,,..o "''· -.mQt1 .. n ,.. .... , ''' • .,. tu f "°' "•U •lo._ 11/r· h "' .. h.t \°11') Nu 44 l vl.t lO\•UflH II\ 141 lLrlll NTH llOW '' .,,_..._. t ,.11"hlh•u'lu1 "')~·Uwov, tno No 9H w1tch•l•·n~•im1t~ ••1\i_.I JI Jot\u M•t I•• ""'•-J>Vtl lh•<h N o If/ l •t.J,. 1rt,11f1,twV-Or I .. JI I t hhttl If • ~1 1 V '' 1u1.nJJNfu "-v W M~"'* O t111rm1o11.l\1, tol•U TWtlf rH llOW 14 I lh vu1u1.,11 ft (u.ot t\VUloJ t. ;tit "' I w .. , ... "' "'' .. ""'"''""'' ''' n41 l\ v" .. , ~ '"'' u u ... I •H flfw ... l OfHnlnQ 11ntf11h 1u'.l.1r lij, J\irf IHllY Llt:AOl ~~ 1o u .1 M•Lt\ I 10 " t .. I 4 I t Uvt ' lilf •Jt•\)I, I lu;<l Mvll• MfUtl fl()>' Jim r.c ,n.n_. n V\;1JhYr •.P\.1""" l UI M.folt• t l OOltf IQnH""1n uoon.,. un ... t'' "I Unwr k4>Qt-r M,lUt;~ f U~1rWo.1ttJ . ,.l, •h-"'" /1mM<ElrC<11n <.,U• O\.W'I Jon1w-'"-,. MEN MEMORIAlOPEN l•I OYllllll, ()11101 rom Wot'°n M fllt'r 0Mbt.•t Jd(-Hlt~lllU> lUf'I ... ,n"lt.- rom IC''~ tlruct Lit t11t,. Lann., Wot\~•n\ w ,111y A1m''''lf'U Bob (,110.,r C.r.,oQ Sl..011 r Btll ROq•" I nm W ~"• ol)f Pf'kr OO\tt.•thu•\ Alan T,1p11· ldf H4Ut'\ Jim (01.,..rt E.o Snt''J Don nw.., ~1•ter J..ttc>nv1n 1 •,, y 01• hi J:-u11v It» _, tf1,nf"t I ,. •IU \II I•\ \ f t1 t• :- l~.) ;j• w 111 H n ,.,,.; 1rq 1N1llt f ·~~ t I ,, ... ,,, •• ,<t Honn" N.,~ I ( t·I .. th • ,., l •' rn1 t n1 Ar)o1,1qi;• I t...•·OtQt'P '"' f •OM rPh Vietor A"O 1l.•f1f' "'"'Mriv\•11y,_.,1t M f•rf• )IJt1th lo t Lt. .. t:ld,., JtJ'ln Moloath•;- ~c t w ,,11 M•\re Mtfulfr,vur1 W .tyll' 'l'YI ' I f1 I l'lit )I dot t r;. r1·>• • L , ,, ,, ' ~'•t• t N I U )II '1tir• t U t•'v J ... , '"''' l ,,. ' •• ,.1 ••• Atf\l) 1 •t '''"', Jerry t1• t• I (ur!1 •., ••"<1•• "'"'''1' ,,.. •dt Bob ,y. u1n ,,,.,,..,. M.vi h v•o·~EN CORN1Hc;rLASSIC I UI 6 U;~ IJ.oq.11 ,. /)./1 1l IP4 /)ll-1' ,. 11 ,, I\ 1•-n f')'~ '" 13 lo a,, IA ~0 bl! /O .t0 &I II I\ 11 ,. /J ,. I l ,.,.,. I II> /l II '8 II I J lb I) n i'tl r /I'"''" 11 Ii 18 /·1 I It hi J ,. 1•, I' '1 ' I lb I~ " ,, ' (I • ., • 'I "tfl '1 ... 1"1-t ,, , " , f l I • 1b Ii.& l-t " ' ,, ~"' • 0)( 'I JI I ' l'Y. ) \ JI)\ '1• >,I'' ' '"~ I IHC ' tJ/ • &t>l jt .(H\ I fl) • • ,. ·~ It~ I II ,, . ' I ... 'J • ~ " ·'" II I#, 'I I 1 ) I ' I I , d t .. \ I,. I/'\ lfl!I J I /"t •~I I it> !1 'II /!. 'o IH / •I I~ II lb 1$1 f i t(.orntnq,New York t l tnn l\dam" Jud '( kttn• 1n I I l~-t.q-71~ 11 1(1 ,. 116 ()onn.o '"°""' YOYl\Q Aft<.~ k 1llfT'ftU 16 ·~-It 11& ,, ,, 10 116 p,_.nny P11l1 Bonnie Br t..tnt ~dlly ltlffl IHY.'f "11tfllf ";)a ndra ~""'''" C.v!tdM 0 C.onflOr O'Jt GNM1JU1 I~ /I 10 716 IA 11 10 111 11/t /O 711 11 n n 111 Pt'QCIY Conl~• .Alt'l''9ndttt ~•·1f\n(ttOf Sut" "00trh. 111'·13 '" .q 1:1-1• '18 /1 /1-1A 118 II 11 10 11~ I\ 11 10 111 Ii I? 1< 71q 1t1 IS 74 119 1& 10.1• m l\1•11 110 II /3 I• 110 I),. IJ JIU (.dllly ~nv1~ Cal11y tr10ml)\(1n fJ4•htll*' Au·.tm ()fJnnt.1Wf11li '>dOdr o P•lr"fle'r HORTH AME lllCAp.I SOCCI: R LEAGU( \41ft Ot~ '· C..•ltto,n•A O Sl>ol• llY Period• ''41n n1••~· I ll ; 1tlll0to1o1 $ tO th •,oyr• MJ9vM t'~•n OwQQI M!!hOnt-y •r dHtri,111ot, I 'n"ll·r ~1tk\ \cin 01PQU & f ,.,.,,.,,.." .. , (1ul\ ~.n t')it'<IO n. Catitorn111 1& ()t1•111"·'· ':w\t101ttqol CtlttlO•n•.1t~ ~' o• ''~ !Mn 01•''"'' Nl'f'-I~ •), A \\1\I Wu, .. 1 .. 1v1 AHf"nQ"'n' 1 lb t~I ~93-'51 I , ....... Ot.MI la- IM't• ' .... ••ttlf•I• ••• 1,tto f .. ANCING AVAl\.A8LE . : 90 DAYS SAW AS CASH w .• Ask About Our RENTAL PLAN APPLY TO PURCHASE J J Tex Deducttble If "MCrtbed ... ..,. •-•--•••.1r _ _..,.,,.,..._~f•·• .. • ••t.• -• f'AO AUUl..TS AHN ITAl..IANOf'aM ,.,._, lefl>lllNl, ...... 1 VII•• ~rvt•lll\ dot EOOI• Olbt" O·t , 6·1, 1 ) 4 ~. C.UHHmo 1111•• ci.1 c;..ne Moe•. oet•ull tM.y•r-••U'«lre.w wtlh teq cr•mP\• 8AVAAIAH CNAMl'IOHSMll'S 1•1,....c111 S.millM I ll ... lft M•nutl Orantts def Jori Hre~t 6·4, • l , W01lt~ Flti.k def Andrte~ Gomet 6 4 o I SefnlliMl-trt F •b4k rom 0-ker °"' 8•11Y M•rhn lv•n Molin• •'•· I ~ Juerqen Fa\\~no.r Jt•n l ou" H•llltl o;,1 P•vol Hrutt•·Hrel>t!c I·~. H to WOME .. BE.LIN CHAMPIONSHIPS ~rn1llUI Si119l•t C•ro1o.,.. SIOll a..t VtlQlntJ Avt1c1 6·1 6 I RtQ•n• MM\1~0•• O<rt Evonn~ couiaoonci • '· J•6, 6 l JUNIOR COl LEGE STATE CHA,...PIONSHIPS I •I 8•hnllel<ll MEH J.000 \It~<'<,,..,.. 1 Roos tlonci bHtM • 01.1. 1 L.two~ IGlrnd•le l q 01 l. j Oyrr IWt\l llalleynl 'I 11 6 u o Rtl&y· 1 San Jo~•. 3'1 'I, 1 l..onq Bea<ll. 40 I~ l Ml SAC,11 01 ISOO Mel•o 1 Ort•t (Cro.-montt l O /6 lmu\ re<oro, olO mar-l 0 9 D• Coll•Y. S.... llt•n or01no. 1•101. l Sup tMolllerU Pe n1n\ula 1 l 45 ~· l Sdlla,. c(th•oo11 l •& ... 900-1 S.11&\ !CIMl>OIJ I S0 I•, 1 Wn119 ~dn 8t-rnttrd1nul t ~ &4 l t-40lf oml>t-ic;.a,, Jo\01 1 50 I& 100 I JA<.k.\On '.h.Ul IO\.-J 10 .. Q ) ll lo;oon CB.-'9tr•,tiNdl 10 \t I F-o~h·r \So.Jn Jo\~I 10 81 LOn9 Jump • W11Uam\ 4lon.Q 0~61"h\ ,. 4"-; 2 WllhlfO fAm1'•1<dn ~'"'"" 2•·3~ •• l . Attca"°"r IFrr>nol ll 11'• Hammer Throw ff•llobltlont 1 Soo<19'l• •con-,umn~\ P;v1' 1H 10 1 Ro nnvtt f(ndbOt I f1' iJ ti.,,,n,•tt IF tf'~.no1 tJt 1 ~hot Pvt t V<-• ,.,.,. \c.utl·• R°CJ'w1 ~ 1 ) ~n·tith tWn M,,•f'U1 )J 8 1 J Suuntouqr- ' Pd \{)d .. nn ~ SJ ') I tO l111rOlh I P n1!11p\ 1 o;."' JI)\" h 11 1 V11n .. r1 1c:,,1nt;t O~rDard • '' 41 l Uob•n\OO 'O"CJ tH ,u "' ..... .. 00 hilt'""'~·~·'-:" H ;JC1.t '\ I Pn.u1p\ ,..,.,, hl'~ \(t lS ) M Mfof'l1,.. fljutt\1 '' 1 I Rrtllaro""' 1 Pa~o"""' S1 O WOMEN f,tVt' If' t W,11• er t l.,,.Ofn'-llc'f't 1 •\ 1 A"lf rt " ''''' 1fllt r.-(qftt J)~ 'b\I ,.,,.,.,,, l>. ~"'" I •II 1 < 1•1(1( ·~ .•1'"''' 'I~ 10 l '"'"- M uoh•rt 'f ''•·H•"'Ulul tl,. 8 0o'l\'• •J•·••H1• (.,,,.. .r IJ'' ' 1 ,, f J.I . I I "fll I 11 1.t 44 t It t• It,. t) I I •' •W IOtMl(ll• , .• 1 1 ,, t 11 ·~·, 1 t •tt' t-f l"lfhf1u1 1v, rn• "' ,. ,,,_, ••Id ,,.,it~ ht 11 hv hHI''' I A ,1;tt•llilf~ t *•' W1H1H•I "O"°lh111tH.'"-'• 111 t'f t I ti A 14 f hi lb tl+coh Jim u ' ~1u•1""''1 t t { ,tm1nn 't !II' 1n1t•••I r -ta 1J.•'1 11 1tlc S 8 t--v <.o,,wU 14 •rtr11 I 1111/ l • 111/t' 1 B,;j\.:1 -,tu•hJ •, M ' l N tt "'_. "' • 1111• 1 \ fl.• , l .t \# 1 ~111.JOv,11 MQOto\10 ~4 ' ,,.._,•I ·~orel, Olcl nwll U0.1 IW Moll-Ay IWMI V•llOI lt'91, 1 ,,1.,,,,. IGl•llOalel •l·I. ). Siie• IOrAllt• Co e111 Ill t , S. Oe n e 10 ....... C.0.\11 131).1 •.O ""•• '· Al-., ., Jt, 1. s... .JoM ., .... >. COl'no40ll, 0 ., 1000 I Wotller\l)OOr\ IWt•I V•llOI •·u 10 1 Perlr1M tWl'\I ll•lltrl • s. 1, J. ICert flA HMOO<I 10 Qt) 100 llurdl... I, 8lell1 !ChebOll 14 t i. t, M41<1A IFle\no1 14 tt. J N1oe1 tSoulll· ""'''""' I• '1; \ H•IO 10••11119 Coe\11 1UO 1.soo-1 c.1-t1 •Cnru•I • 34 u ,,,_. ••co•d, Old ""'rtr • 4J • ov Mu" 1A1emec1e1 "Ill, t Bower\ IWO\I V•lleyl • 3S.'1. J, Whitney IOltllOtlf• • 11 a1 •OO I PllllOpen• IS.nl• Aowl SS 37, t Wf\I ISM\ .icn.1 H ,. I ll•n Werme•O•m tS•11 Joeciu•n 0.11e1 s.1 HIGH SCMOOI.. llHO COll..lGE UHITEOSTATll-PAH II Ml RICAN WATER POLO TlllALS l•I H.,.port H•""°' Hl.111 l onq Buell IA• I H••P<><• BW•ll• I 8 1 s Nt .. POrl Buch IA1 14 l O"Q B~4C~ 18 1 ~ Pel)Pt'ldl"" 101 q Eb<I Ano~11n I PePPt'•O•-IAI 1& lo< A"Q"le• 51•1• s ~t•p0r1 ~.ten ,., t/ P••om•r 1 Contotd tA 1 1) ( _, t Anan.1111 1 We'\I V•lleY q PttDPl'f01nt t 8 l concord i 8 1 ft, l ono 81•tt\f\ 'a' b ''" Stt1nf(>(d (A1 lJ, ., • .,,,,,,.1 Sttnl• 8(tf'bara 1t\ ' t'O""•' 1 S•nt• 8.t,.batfl A t t LG AhOt ·~~ ~t .. t• J P~pp.oro1~ •A·'( l•• •'l,,. , ') lOnQBf'a(t'\ A l It;""" t UC LA 8 No·wparl fl••dfl I o (Of'l(0(0 (A1 I~. "•tl~·tO+,,.. H• l W'~\I V.slft-Y 11. f d\I Artani.:1m t Conc.n10 81 t• P.\tu1n~' 4 S\l)f'IJC,rd •••ti, t 1ow1,.o HHl FllEE AG.ENT~ A 11\I ot NHL "'"'ft''' jll!Jn-n~ • .., .. p • .,,.o f:i·Jf tnrtr options or wnc,v ro"'''''" .. co•r., ttf\d w ill 0t'(0"'*° ,,,..,fl J• ft\ HJ'h I '" (OrrJ1n~ 111 th~ &fobtt .nu M fi Att .. nt• ........ hH.,r·~' 1unn <A>u'\J ~HO \r1l1nq eoitort JonnWt I''""' • C,110-,, 8w0tUO Jim W• 1•wwr (. r.-.yo,~ Newt P~ut ( rt'liNl•y AlPJ f 11li 'I ChtC.ilfO f ,i(\r I t• ~ ... N•~,,. '/W1Ulon ~f4n M1• •fd ._ ,, i. ;; ""'"",-. Colo'Mlo .,., ' Ar1-11' 11 ( .... ,.n,, 0 --. "''' N1tk B~11~rlev,l,.'rv ')1t ,tr•r If,. Wdt\t.r'' Ottr·o1t v •• in" ,,, '1utl\11fh-,, ~H·'1 ldr"-On lOtt¥ ... ,.,., (l•J'flr t ri.i .. n Ct .. ri. H dt'"tllon l_O\ A"qt lt'\ "" -M,., ur•-. ( ,~, .• ,. , '"' t ·'',' . ,, ,. ,,, . "" ,, ~., ~h•Y.,tl t !ff-ifltrl'J-.J•+ .. •,, h fT1!d1W' t I MtnntSf.lt.• fll •, i 11·• n J1•.,n .,.,_,, " ' .. , ~ ,,,., Montrf'JI ,.,t,.<#rlrl f'lf1 1I tfl l-'1tllr . H Y Ran~n .. t th ..,,,,,.. /J,f'VJI • I••'-~ J• • I I t;I i ., . • .,., ., Johu r,, on u• .,, \ ,."J H• • • ._,, "f1 ti .. ,.,, P1lhOur9f'I "' tJU 1r(J J " & ,, • ._, n fr.m I ot• nfv t·~•l! ""'"' iOI••• I''"'" \P*"'I'(.,, ····- FOR THE RECORD .... ,. ,,,,,_....,. .. - It. &.ellll -Gery """'· l.MtY II'...,, I .... H-.1,_, lticJl ._.,., H_., a.-11. I.aft """ ~ ., ..... CNry MOii, Slow Owtollio • '"•••• -Welt MctCec1t11I•, Gery Mon•'*'· ........ , .. '--'*-*· one H11lli<k, ... W-. IC~ IC .... , 9'M Ma<IC•My. VOiie----~ ......... 011"< WllMfl, Curt llMllty. ••..,.....-er.it ll'wkti. LOIALAMI~ .................. tt t11 •u.-..-... ..... -'llltl Fi"' •«•_....., °"'-1T ... --.1 •·•· • IO, •.40; EIP'.U t1mll1 CMylftl J ... , U tO; ftrn• J~ IC...doul UO. 12 Euci. tM I 1)4•0 s.3 JO Suond r«•-Jer'Y$ Poydey IC--1 I 00. \ 00, UO; !>llmoln •• _,, C~) 21 10. 10.IO; Ml QulONH IFrHtOll) S.a . ThlrO r~o-Trl Oefteer ITr...-1 ltAI, 1 •o. ?.to. OM -Oupllt•to A•evnt ICtrdoHI 1.20, 2.40, OM-Or T•le._..,. •Werdl 110. UO; F-A Jtl 1Hor11 I.& OH -e>eacn..1. Fourlh •«•-~Ito Moro IT-) 16 llO, UO. • OO; 8ounO PHwm IMylHI 4.tO, J 20. Toe> Goen Pruon llloutfll l .60. U EU<· 1• , ... 1 oeioun.oo. H llll rece Rembtlno S.llye tCMCINa l I 20, J 20. 1 40, Sloe Ml11941 IH41rll J.20. 1.tO; Elmer Go ,~,,_.rl 1 20 ....... •..:e-M•QMY P•n tW .. \Oftl 34.to. 11 •O. I 00, Gotto Go Euy ICMCIOHI •M • • 40 G1ciqt1n Bo\\ tHorU 5 00. '5 Eucta 16 ~I P••O \341 SO. St•tnlll r<1ce Slruo Gold ICl•rlnol I? •O. 10 10, 1 60, F•lrweotller Folk~ ICUOoH I 1 IO. •.60; ,,., Fleet ITrenunl )10 Eoqhlll r«e Meloct'I' Jel (M•rtl S.•. U O, 3 00, Not11ro Bootle fl1plleml 6.00, J.60; Mo\\ I.OW Cou\e IAci.lrt 2 .•. '2 E.a<i. l•·JI P••O~fO Nonlh r.ce-Ptt JoY\ Jot 1Morrltoft1 9.AtO. \&II, l &II, WrM\Qler B•eete I Harli ,,.,, 3.fO; A••" coae W•'I I Pe•Nlrl 2.80. IS E ucl• <ll 11 P••0\1\1 !Ill Altt ndttiNe f ,790 "Ot.L YWOOO l'A•K S.otu<Wy'S llewlll IJ4ltlol 11 ... y lllonlYtti•rM '""''"'' f "" ••ce lrlpp1 Qjp IOelallOu•WVOI \ 101 3 10. 110 Fl••I Victory IH .. toyl 4Ao0, 1 80. M111y Po«t•o.H ROS411Hl1 60. ~•<O<IO r..:• -P,IM • Falm« IOhv•rn• ? l ~II I I h 0, \ b 0 , p ii 0 0 Y W o 111 D•1o1no1J\...,1• • • ofO 1 80, Co•or Me P\lrple 0 '>•n1 l 00 \1 Odoly Ooublt "·SI O .. d '"" ·~ '""O •il<e L• CellO'at t0t1YAr~I S1.f0, I! 00, '&a. Prompt ll••OICI !Toro) 16.20, '00 MdrocK,..Sun •C.m!Ml~I • 60 • ourfn ht(... AdOOh:d ~ C.em C P •nc•yl • 10 l 00 1 &a. a .... B•rO IC•e\090eSI s 00, J 10 Fo ... qn Encia~-"' IMottflOl lAO. 's E •Mia 16111)4•0 \)1 00. 1 ""' ""~ 110 ChOv IP1ncay1 • 10. l .20, 1 t.O ( c1rhH 1ftn CH"w 't'J 14 20. 1 60; M•rtll111Q 8ull0<1• IU\toneda l •.IO. \utn rlt(t-tnv11ddo CCre\.Pf'Ot\) 14AO. • ,q • 10 r ~1ovna,. •H•••oYI 3 fO. 1.90. knQ .. O•"' xoll lPoncayl • 60 \S EatK\O I~· Pll•O \t;OOO Sr1i1Pntn t t'H_,. (OOI r-1~ntny (Ort~.,•• o 011 \ 00 • !>() Plll"'m CH-1•• t 1 00, \<IO; 1 nrr • Ml<~,,,,,. 9 ofO \S E"'tt• IS.JI OOiC1 \ rq• ,. f ·\.'!Mn •·"' • v.u·,Pty 'lut-e<'I (Ao wtf!'\) tt 111 1010, J 00 Pr•1~ Sool IHa •leyl S.60, I •C WP'\yO•d1u P11"1C_ .. y 1 2 tO N 1rU'1 Ro<v Ft1'\.f't•on l~ fShoem~t-r) " 80, I tlO, I 00, L Arlo,I• IPonUW I S.IO, l ~~. "''" &'QUol" IB•rrd(•I 1 10, U Euci. I \ O,,•d \tO• S0 A II~"°""'" 1'1,6S0 LAWCUMIC <.\l'ol.111.(' ~,\. r11, All areas of llflgatton. Em- r..p ptlasls on nen·s rights in ' f 'r olfl Pagt" B2 AREA HOPEFULS~ JOllN M.\llll::R !No. 921 Nt>wport Reach • B:H·k 1n r.1 {'1n~ on a full t1mt· IJ:.J~•l-;;(t..r sc\'cral ycJrc; <.1:-. a Lennis professional in the <JrCJ, Ma hler hlls put together a n organization called Jn- te rcom p, Lid .. a rorporntwn that h<1s taken l)ver th<: nwfng-stah1c of1'-m;si Vat1s Mahler 1s confi dent the new learn will m<.tk t' it to the lop. "It's a chance to run my own s how wit h talented people working with me.·· he said be fore dcpa rtin~ for Indy. Afkr his orig inal car was put out of the r.ice. Mahlt:.'r becam e t he last m an to make the 33-car field with 1.1 184.:122 mile per hour effort 1n hi s Eag le.orrcnhauscr Mahh-r's USAC championship r ar rarcer has hccn spotty with only six finishes in the top JO in is races since 1970. His best year was 1972 when he won $JJ,8M. DICK SIMON <No.17 > San Juan Capistrano \\'hl·n he isn 't running cham p1ons h1p c·ar<; at the major ~1Jt•c:dways. Dick Simon 1s a re al estate brokl·r in the· San Juan Capislrano·Dana Point area. lie will he startmg his 10th Indy race today m the middle ,,f the seventh row ! No. 20 1 arter quali- fying hi:-. Vollstedt Offt'nhauser al a speed of 185.071 miles per ho ur. fie is driving one of the four-cylinder t:ars in today's race. Driving for R11lla Volstcdl, he has stayed with lh<' nit\•d Statc:-. i\uto Club all the way during the part mg of the ways by the CART group this year. I le competed 111 13 races last year . MANY DOCTORS PRESCRIBE 1f You 94lffet ~rom a IUtal hefn6a • bNethintJ pnlllam • pMebitl• •..,,.,.. nenou• .....-. Ovr Adopt-A-Bed i' built ~ and hecMef yet our price is up to 25% below lt!e major manufadurer of adjustable beck. We haw the 2ht mode of comfort, relo11otion and tronqui1 ,1eep, And we h0""9 it fCK you now! We can show you how to 'top cuttir19 off circulo· tion, take the weight off your back, and much more inf0f1'MJIMI heolttt information. We haw mony yean ot elllperience in adjustable beds. Check our pricet and check our quality. The Grand Openlr19 Sale will be good until Moy 3ht. TWIN FUll SAVE $300 to $600 39x80 New only $399 541180 Now only $499 QUEEN 60lll80 New enly $599 We 0\50 hG'18 Colifomia Ki19 {721t84) ond Dual Kings (761180). In addition ._. have ~ lengths fCK toll penons. Optional unique mauage built into the bad con Qive you that ptnonal tfonqUil feetine without takinv pills. We oho how a model for demonshaticn1 In the privacy of your own home. No obliQotion wfKmoewt. "o.t to Know wtiot Feeling Good Is." ~ "' I ~ .,"" d0n'est1c relatK>nS. 0 fl. 17141 t7S.Olll 642-2697 I E¥en1ng & Weekend toe •"Y occefllOft mntments Ava.table. P•~ ~~"Of Of pflilOM ' 5 nrt1a1 Consultation, .... SAT., SUN., MON. '74 FORD RANCHERO 4vta W411"\ t-c•Ol'"t· .., oorot~ ~ ..,-..._ .- DtlM>ft f"'6b'"• '73 AUDI FOX f t()Nd, AW/fM •I, twl'WOOI flO'Wif"AI '73 CHEV. MONTE CARLO -."~" lt#l'\ ,~~ ~ ~ po-. ,...,"'O OOll9 t',.." ""'" .. ,, 1¥"tuoof. llolt wttfttl t t6f0001 175 TOYOTA CORONA 4-•\0 ttlrf\S tAc.tO"t.,.~ (MO#'OI '78 MGB CONY. ...,.._, AM1'M •I 11/tUMlt '73 MERCURY COUGAR .-ut9 .,lltA\, ,.,.'°"'.,, c.,....~ ._...... .....,...,. __. tOl'te"I OfMA......,..,. toof tOOGAf' '1798 '2899 All PRICH PLUS TAX I UC. --..cT lO ""°" SALE -Offlfll IXPIMI llCJll, llAY a OrtMQttltllty (I Stllli fll1"'8 ClllllCt lmH '\ ,. .... i40:01s& ~J DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 842·5878 ADAPT -A CALL • 898-4423 DAILY TAPE CENTER 7441 GARDEN GROVE BLVD.~STE. E, GARDEN GROVE II-I • •• . ~ ' .Featurl!!fl -..... .,.,~ -.vPLo• .. ............................................... llllililim ••• Maternity Fashions Qothes for the mother- to-be were modeled by wives of California Angels baseball players. Orange 'County March of Dimes and B'nai B'rith Women chapters of Orange County sponsored a fashion show and educational program titled "A Healthy Baby is a . Family Affair" at the Westminster Mall. Guest speakers di scussed child care genetics, nutrition and pre- natal care Supervisor ... arriett Wieder did the fashion show commentary. She's a B'nai B'rith Woman Dis- trict 4 Past President. The maternity fashion show presented outfits from Mother- To-Be, Robinson's and Sears. Guest models included wives of members of the California Angels baseball team. ·'Having a baby is a family af · fair. The mother has the physical responsibility of pregnancy and labor, but father also faces just as many changes in his way of life. And ~randparents too are in- ·volved, although perhaps to a lesser degree," said Mildred Turkel, Fountain Valley resident and chairman of the event. "To have a healthy baby is the constant wish of every pregnant woman," she added. WlleS of California Angel baseball players took part in maternity fashion show. Above. from left. are Janet Miller and son Matthew and Jan Humphrey. ' Modeling outfits for the 'Healthy: B~by' event were, above from left, Melanie Anderson, Cheryl Dowmng and son Bradley and Jan Humphrey. We Three Characters of New Orleans Are EDITOR'S NOO'E: This is the conclusion of o hoo·port .mes of the author's ~ of the Na· tiollal Socie111 of ColKmnma worbhop Ill in NftD OrllaM- NEW OllLEANS-Smoolh as mud and ~X· ie Beer, the mipty Natchez slipped down tbe lllsaiuippi River whJle the jazz band beat IQ. Tbe tattered group, known olflcially u the Naticmal Society of Columnilts, WU aWl re-searddftl the more CQlorful upeeta of tbe city of the Ilardi gru. Down1IUl platters of red beans, sauaa1e and rice. tbe wrltm caught a glimpse of a paulnc fllure in white and immediately dispatched the Californian to uk the aallor wbere be was from. "Are you a RUAlan?" she asked boldly. Tbe man smiled. Tben be replied: "I'm in tbe BrttillrNa.,." Dedieated to tbe lofty and profound purpoee of ftlNlblc out about u mucla ot the world as poulble, tbe eohamnlatl invited steve the Sailor from Uvell*)I baek to tbelr table for some red beam. ftei:-m•• WM wttla the H.M.S. Gurtba, tloeW U. Port of New Orleans. Only 20, be W ..._ ID U. Mftl~ for nearly three yean adllUIW....-montoao. .; .'1 ..... SalJor WU homestck -both for ID .....,l•d llllCI Ida family. "I'm not like t.bese odter lllddilm wttb a 1lrl iD every port," be ' declared. SftD IO, Steve the Sailor liked seafartq lite. Tbe 8rttiab Nny, he exp&ained, made life • ...a.r ,.. lta men by P.l'OVkl1nc them with ln- CltYldual allotmenta of three plats of ale aDd a lbot ot wblMey each day. 1"ndl II wily,'' be aaid, "I would never want to be in tbe American Navy." As time oaued. it ~ame clear to the wrtten that Steve and Sailor was using more than bil allotment. That night the Californian sampled her first Lobster Gadobster. She crumpled into bed Hrl~ . In the morning the bleary-eyed National Sotlety of Columnists gathered for a ftnal time to pick a site for the next year's workshop. Phoenix, the home or Erma Bombeck, was selected. There were warm nooaUme farewells as the motley crew departed for planes and trains that would take tbem back to solitary confinement for~year. Tbe Californian was lucky. Sbe wu takin& the Delta Red JJe Special home ~therefore had the oppor:tunlty to do some 'tndepeodent research on the French Quarter and the people who live there. Feet bliatered in the muggy afternoon sun· shine, she trudged back and forth ac~s the plaaa looldnl for a place to sit and observe. 1 Soon lbe wu confronted by a black man with a ftnler·wide l•P bet..een bis two front teetb. He wore a large straw hat with a Zulu headband and a plnk abirt. • • I I .. My name is Napoleon King," he said with a wide grin. "Welcome to New Orleans." At first she backed away when the man asked if he could do her portrait -for free. --nen fie snowed lier a ftr41r1n th~-p1aza-mr- der a shady umbrella where she could sit. "It will only take 30 minutes," said Napoleon King who is sometimes known around the Quarter as King Napoleon. An hour later, the Californian realized she had met one or the jewels or the city. Napoleon King was a talented landscape artist and street philosopher with an infectious lauah that drew people to him from everywhere. This is how she met the Duck Lady's Mother. A native of Louisiana. Duck Lady's Mother looked to be 100 but was really only 82. She was a tiny. crumpled woman who wore safety pin:,; all over her clothing to hold it together and a long black coat in the sweltering heat. A kerchief covered her balding head and she had no teeth. Duck Lady's Mother spoke in a warm French-Southern accent which was IOmeUmes dllflcuh for the caurornian to understand. While Napoleon King sketched with chalk. Duck Lady·s Mother shared how It was to be in New Orleans during the '20s and how it Is hard now to be frail and almost forgotten. Hours passed like seconds and when Duck Lady's Mother decided to leave. she tweaked the CaJlfomian on the cheek and said: "Youallkeeponhavlngfunnow. Ya.hear?" That night nylng home after spending the day with the street people or lbe French Quarter. the Californian smiled. She had had run. Sunday. May 27. 1979 Catberiae U.kllukl became the bride of f;-7-----~Mlf..4111111t.-lllJ8U~:...ffttM6""81t 8Heh7iluriftt ceremoaiea in the Tivoli Terrace Chapel. ' w1una Beach. The bride. dau1hter ol Mr. and Mra. C. V HeeldlaAl of Huntlnaton Beach, tnduated from l'.dilOll 1U1h School and attended Onn1e CoaetColt. ... • 1i.e bride1room. ton or Mr and Mrs. E K .Sut\Oft ol Huntiqton Beach. al10 i1 an alumnus of Edlaon Hl&h School. He ls In the U. S Navy The couple wUI reakll' In San Dte10 Hodges-Diedrich Mr. and Mra. Mlchat>I N Hodcea of Costa lleaa have announced the enaaaement of their dau1hter. Jane Louist' Hod1ea. to Ernst· Bernhard Diedrich. son of Mr. and Mrs Car....._ DMdricb. 11lso of tA>lta Mesa Miu Hodlea 1r11duatt'd Imm H 11 . Arnold Hi1h School •nd Molkt-rintt Gymn asium. W•e1baden. Germany. and phtns to study at R•ce Univeraity. She now atlenda Oran1e Coast Colle1e. Her riancc was educated 1n Hamburg. Germany. · Aua. l,l ritt•s art· being plannt!d at Chr1i.t Lutheran Church. Cotita Mesa f ,, 1 J ' I I ; r Mr. Diedrich. Miss Hodges 'f Miss Nordhoff, Mr. Glantz Miss Hoose. Mr. Beauchamp ,,, Mr. Bailey, Mi~ Mccarrick ••••• ••••• •• • .... '/.......-:"!!Milo~~ Nordhoff·Glantz · McCarnck·Bailey Harbor Chrh1t1an Church. Nt'wport Beach. Kathleen Mary Mccarrick and William wttti>e-ttnrirtrtttn,-torthtrtuty-tt-litertinltlnr -Ooqta-Baifey-11~aced-t&W 1Mrrted. - Paula M Nordhoff and Larry 8. Glant1. both of Coata Mesa. MINI Nordholf 1s the dau&hter of llr. and M r11 Genf' Nordhoff of Covln11 . She attended North\llew t111h SthOOI In Covina and Mt. San Antonio Collcac <;1ant1. son or Mrs. Glant1 of Centt•I City. Nt•h . and thl· lult· Mr. Conri.d Glant1, attended Ct-ntrul (.'1ty ll1J(h School and the University of N(•brusku Hoose-Beauchamp Mr und Mr!(. <.:llnttm M. Hoose Jr. of Newport 8<'11ch huv~ announced the engagc- mt•nt of llwir duutthtn. Mtilinda Louise Hoose. to Robt•rt Brooks ltt-uut'.hump of Tus\in. Tht•y v.111 t:xt·hunl(t: wN1dint: pledges in Sep kmbe r 1n Nt•wport llurbor Lutheran Church. Ncwpo11 lh:11l·h Mt'-1> lloOM· ~ru<Juull'd from Newport Harbor llagh Sc-11001 111111 attended Orang~ Coast Colle gt· lier fom1·1· graduull·d Crvm f oothill Hi gh School aud 1.tudit•d ut Cul l'oly l'omona and Saddleh:tl'k C'ulll-gt· ...... '·-,.)...';: --11 I I( ••• ••• A0Vf'Hl1Sf0 I '41 'II". •ANOISE POUCV I ..... t . ,, ...... , "••· ••• , ·~·-I ., 1hK•""f111t1• ••••• I \ '~ .-... • 1 1••~· 1• n11f •••tl•ll• ,, ...... ,.. . .... .,.,,, . ·····" 1r11W" •..-...••••lll ~••w••M•'*'f '"""' I f I '"" '•i.to••• "'" '"• ~••t ''""'"'"' ~. h# tpUlf".,•t•lf 41 tl'I .. ,_,,.p l 11'1 .. •"f',.OP••• .............. ,..wt '10U . (t~#l•b-MI' •to••r "'""'•••.,~•ltH>••4't<..,.,. .... p•tf• Ov• ~'"C'1 i• Wt .... °"'' t ""'°'",:" Ut•t••ct~ •lw•ft -----· ., ___ _ ..... a•• 6-PR. NYLON KNEE-HIGHS $f ... Strdtch nylon with nude heel. run -resistant toe Fit 8"1· 11. The bride-elect. dau1hter of Mr. and Mrs Thomas McCarrlck of "Saratoca. attended Saratoea High School end West Valley College. The future bridegroom. aon or Dr. and Mr!i .. Todd Bailey of Newport Beach. gr•duated from the Cate School in Santa Barbara and will 1raduate June Hrom Cal State Fullerton. A June 23 weddina in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Saratoga, is being planned. Ped fey-Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Pierson L. Pedley of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter. Janice Lynne Pedley to David Gibson, also or Newport Beach. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Albert L. Gibson of Alhambra The bride-elect attended Principil College in Elsah, Ill .. graduated from UCI and is study. mg for her maste r 's degree at La Verne College. She is a member of Delta Gamma. Her fiance attended Cal State Los Angeles. Cal State Fullerton and graduated from the Southern California Institute of Architecture. Santa Monica. They will exchange wedding vows July 21 in St. Andrew'!i Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach. PAPERPUns 74~. VcudloiceOf~or coaont~ ,..,,. pl81d Clllh ctofll. s... bow etnpe dlth ~. 80-GI 9on.:in,a· PJPe< OliilC\o StOCk·UP' ... LAP 2"" Parc;hment-t>acked. beige burlap wllh tape trim. 14" or 1fi" ne1ohts WESLt~~J1 ~~~/ Miss Pedley. Mr. Gibson Weddino anc. ~ ~· rn on S~ .,. the Doilw Pilot FMfU ore OIJGiicJblt at all Daily Pilot of fices or bv collinQ tht Feoh"e Deponment. 642-4321 be!huee!I 2 ad 5 p. m. Pro~tive bndes slaotdd hove their weddiftg st~nes with a block.and·whU g(o1tt1 pltoCograpla of tlw bride or of tlw eotqb to tlw Feotwe o.parlmnt mw week befon the wedding. Engoge~fll anho11ncemnts. with blact.alld· white glouy photograp#J o/ the Jul11re b1* or the co11ple. mwt be! ~~ bv the Feature ZMplrtmnt at lell8t air week& be!/ore the wedding. .. . . MALTED MILi IAUS Real matteo milk canoy Wllh CIUl'\Cl'I. 14·0l • size KMAR I GAtt I tKIA SPtt;IAl No1 Awd• Sar' Fe'"'ftndo Cucsan-y J,a & Fa'''J• f~ie ./11ndrn111 St&am Table Hts Will \/ttr) fHeil ~ •\\i \f~}~ . \.~~ \ltr~ 7-0UICE• POTATO CHIPS 57~ Crispy JnO crunchy Ruffles· potato chips. Ideal lor snaclls. parties and more! NAP~ ALARM CLOCK 250-CT. NAPKIN~ ~;estc'<!"' nand·wind 2 9 7 clock w1ftl luH figured dial In colors. Save . TAILE TOP HlllCMt Easy-10-.ua . e_,, 10 clean 4 9 7 table. lop H1bach1 Ideal IO! your ouldoor B·B·O ~---· -· •UllOWU ll lOM FllllHTll mTCIJll ... '*1""9 IOITI IA IUE ... fDlllll IMITlff .... .. WAllfY 53-QUAR'f. CHEST Tnermo!. c nes1 14 88 ' : wolh; t1111ged l1Cl :.Jlely IJICl'I ' a .. IO. lOl 118ll£1 --• Orcn1d s 2~0-counl COi· 83 ~ of'l-Oa paper napkins ¥ Buy 'leverJI ttnd save• --"- -" I .I .... \ . I -I CllTllQA IAllTA AllA WEIT CIWIU WHTllllTll . ..-; ~ · . .. : J~"', . '1 \ '· I ; I • f p I r Harriaon·Geronim1 Clncb Jo HarrilOft wlll be<'ome thf' bride of Lx,n C, Geroniml JL of Newport Buch, The brick·t'lfft is th• d•uiht•r of Mr 11ntl Mra. Ken Ha.rri80n of N•wport 8<-ach. She at tendM-Nt-wport Harbor lhlfh School and will -udualle from Oranttt• (;oast Colleoat> in June tier fianct'. son of Mr and Mrs Lyn (.' Gt!ronimi Sr and ttr1tndt.on or Mr and Mr11 Clyde ~ronim1. all or Nl'wport Beiach. gradual ed from Newport Harbor Hiah School and at tended OCC and Souttwrn Culiform1t College Tht>y will exchangt! wcddintc vo":-. St'pt I 1n St. Andrt>w 's Presbytt'rlirn Church. Ncwport Beach. The bridegroom's grandfutht•r wui. ont· 111 lht' first Disnt'Y 11lustr1ttor~ to draw M1c:h~ Mouse . Kn1ght·Moneta Tr1wt•y Ann tQ\lght will twcomc the bride of ti f('i;tory l.Allll!'i Monet a during AUK 11 ritei. in O ur l.uc1y of NI Curme l ('1Jthollc Church. Nt•wpurt Bt•uch T ht•1r purcmt:-. an· Ke nda ll West Knight, Nt•wport HeaC'h, tht• lutt• Mr!> Beverly .f!oyle K na.:ht. Mrs f''ranccs Munct11 of Ontario a nll the lah' Mr Louis Monc t11 Miss Kn1;tht gradual t'd from Newpor t llarbor lli ~h School und &'ripps College. She w1ts a Childri'n's Home Society d ebulante in 197~ Ht-r fia1t•c ~r1tduated from Chaffey High School and C'11rc monl Men·~ College a nd now is a student al Yarvard Medical School. , Colgateiili ~ •Ufl 'lVt•l ll'# fClt_l'ttfMS(I Miller-Coker ~uly 14 wedding in. the Garden Gro. ve Co unity Church Is being planned by Karen Lo Miller and Donald Deleree Coker. ir engaaement has been announced by her ~nts, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hall Jr. oflfun· tingb Beach. ,ker is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Delbert M. Cok4 also of Huntington Beach. \e bride·elect attended Huntington Beach Higt~hool and Orange Coast College and plarto attend use. . tr fianc.e all~nded Huntington Beach High Schei, California State University, Long Beai. and graduated from the Columbia Col'e of Motion Pictures and Sciences. .... 50 TRASH CAN LINERS MEN'S CR;t SOCKS MEWS.COOL TAllT.S PefW..-/ootton "' lltm· 2 00 Hu O¥V-Outv pldbll~ 30.:Sl 2 5 7 1.n11rs 111 20·30 gdl cans lt•t'uth .... .., \•t:~ "°" Y•·lllCll I I D DRILL OOU0141 '"11Ul818CI. i;tnQle i1J NYLON MINI HAMMOCK l. .. o .. no· 10 11vtit "tt 397 lllJllOrt • vu IV 'JUU llJ> \;/llfl llf •Uµt.~ UU'd0j•• -tl ( Cramo on umbrella Al· '1.icli<ls ''d"•lv 10 oallo 01 buno """"'' MO<Jet noox Co11u11 '''l'tcti "ti 3 96 .:..u .• W;... '' WhHi' l')r wr ·•"'1 ~1r1uc. 10 l.J ~·· ..... ,. tLATABLE MATIRESS .nP,lv "" •ndlltess w11n f5 7 111~~ contoui 11<110 .. ,JIO salt:r, valvo; med IOllCI 001ora or ... Sll'IOM. 8117 _ ... 50'x1/2"• &ARDEN ltOSE lhe .. 0,10 " 1 nest P•J"'" 2 8 7 '·••"1 nos•• Ruggoa JnO /5 ,tlOUQ Wllll ll\l.+l>11il~ • ~lut•y Blee~ 6 Oec~or 6 9 7 • llOOt.il 01111, Savo• MIME• COSTA lllEsA UllL ..... ~l~l~TMO:.,;,:_---.<>-~f·=l=f~:::::~:...._6--_.=~~_J,_.:~~::_..J..__;:::.:..:......~b---__J~!!.,._~..,._=*IUS:..::..:T~RY:..._~_:;lA;llCAlnml,.....,,_~~~.....ciio--~~~-6-~~~~~ • ..._,.. llOllTllMllE IMllf OUAllll JMllSIOl MITA fl .,_. .. WAUfY 18. lll MIEUI SUtlMll W CITY TllOUSMI OMI TOMMICf WOT COWlllA wm11nm ----------_... -----________ .,_,,...,.-.....-. . ..::,~-·~--- ... ? • ....,.. p I ..... 27.1171 Jack .. MIN Kelle)', aa -.Ono• 1raduate froi. ~!,.•:=;•:r Scbool la Houlton, attended UCI-._ with Delta Gamma. Sbe atteai41 Cal State NlorWC\. . ... Jack, IOft o1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. lack of ' Corona del Mar, 1ractuated from UCI wbere be WH a member ol-lleta-Tbeta" Pi. - A November wedctiq ii planned. Spoutos-Ashcraft l Vicki Diane Alhcraft and Theodore James Spoutos excban1ed weddin& vowa ln St. A.n· drew's lt'elbyterian Churdl, Newport Beach. The brlde, dau1hter or Mr. and Mrs. 1 Richard Ashcraft of Irvine, graduated from University High School and attended Sad· dleback Colle1e. The bridegroom, son or Mr. and Mrs. Marion SpouJos of San Dimu, 1raduated from San Dimas High School and attended Mt. San Antonio Collese. They will honeymoon in Acapulco and re· side in Orange. Mr. Geronimi. Miss Harrison Miss Van Mal'fe ! Miss Carson Miss Knight Miss Miller • • I Miss Kelley Mrs. ·Spoulos ' : Complete coverage of county 90Vernment and OOUrtl. Everr d•r In the DAILY Pll.OT .,, a .,. .. -CWLYPILOT SUndev. Mav 27, 1979 Send Baby Picture ANN LANDERS: I wlah you would ftad room for thia poem. rm lure It would belp a lat ol people with ...very ~ cthlldNn and Jar1e famllin who are alwayaaay.._: Send a Picture of the. Baby Got your 2'0lh letter loday, l!:ndan11 hn_, w•~nt thia way. "Wheoever you get a cbanc. one day, Send• l>t<'tun' or tht• baby." Today v.·e goc your 14th call. Everyone 1s ftnt' ianll all. "We know wti'll i.ct> the ldda MXl f•ll. But send a pwtun· t•f the baby." F'n ends and family. w" low you a lot That JllC'lur.-11' :?O bucks a shoe It 't> m Ollt') "t' Jll'I ha \l~n ., aot . So send 11 quurtt·r for the bab) Wt' think 11 ' JU'i a .cn•at idea. So st•nll ,, r1u .1rt1·r ht•re and then'. And mu)bt.' b \ Iha:.. llm t' next yt:i.r \'ou'll get a p1t·tu11· Number one look! Canvas bandeau slide on layered natural wood. Padded inside. A sole that's skid-resistant. Bone or navy blue. A go-everywhere style, very gently priced. 23.99 Master Charge • V -.~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA of the ti.by FR OM MOTHER OF THE BAUY IN ORF.EN RAY DEA& MOTHEa ; WIMttt ,...a. aak fer a pttt•re of &M ltalty, llley do•'l .. aale• .. aat portrait. A u1palMK wtH do. So -........,,. •p. p•C onf' In lhf' mall and fnrtf't l.lw poetry. M ra. Browalaa. CON•'IDt;NTIAL to Shoald Wf' OK n .... 75 !: T~ey art' old ..... p .... au-Ulla ... da&oa witJllHt your OK. I thin Uw Wea bl srH&. It rould add yean to vo&ar fadM-r '• llff'. P .S. Pon '& throw rl~t' throw vtcamln• . DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642·M78 3.133 SOUTH BRISTOL • COST A MESA GRAND OPENING! COMMAND PERFORMANCE CO,JIES TO TOWN WITH THE PRECISION HAIRCUT! The Precision Haircut Explained Precisely. Because your head is unique. the way your hair grows is equally unique. Really quite different from every one else's. fussing with 11 Usually a shake of the head does 11 At Command Performance we shampoo. prec1s1on-cu1 and blow dry your hair for sixteen dollars. whether you're a gal or [ • Boroseope MONDAY, MAY a ly SYDNEY OMAaa ) Aata '•ar. 21 -Apr. ti): Home environ· ment ft•urea.prominently. You can dl1 in, make terrltorial dams. Older individual lends benefit of uperiente, if you so permit. TAUaVS IApr 20-May 20>: Emphasis on vl!fits. c1alla, m essages, relatlvea who seek l)t:rfccllon. Maintain your own balance, style and inte1rlb' GElllNI 1May 2l ·June 20>: Accent oa per~J posaessions. vitluab&es, money. Invest stnve to llilize past e xperience. Capricorn.' CanC'er penons figure prominently . CANCla tJune 21-July 22 >: Take lead strive ror .,.eater indepe~ence. seek backtni for project, make new contacts. Circumsla.nces favor your tfforts. LEO Uuly 23 -Aug. 22>: Be independent daring, shake off fears. doubts. You're on brink or vital discovery. greater happiness. the end of a nightmare. VIKGO 1Aug. 23·Sepl. 22 1: You get what you want -sources. methods are unorthodoJl. Aq~arius._ Leo. &orpio figure prominently. Friendship becomes a "mean ingful r ela- tionship.". LIBRA fSept. 23-0ct. 22 >: Prestige. cha llenge . superiors, promotion are part of crowded scenario. Stress versatility, expand horizons, disJllQ humor. . ~~ <Oct. 23·Nov. 21J: Lunar aspect c.oancides wit~ travel, future. directives. poten· hat. You located "escape hatch." Feeling of be- mg trapped. restricted is erased. SAGl'ITMllVS INov. 22-Dec. 21>: Take nothing for cranted -check sources be poaili.!e .or q.ata~s. Be "creatively s 0 kep- tical, especially where money, expeoaes are involved. CAPalCO&N t Dec . 22.Jao. 191 : Be !"'oderate -· you ean win, you can alao lose. Key 1s to persuade. not force. Cycle is such that you gain by letting partner or mate lnitlate actions policies. ' ~~VAJUUS 1Jan. 20·Feb. 18 >: Keep diet, nu~nt1on resolutiof!S. Accent on pacing, re· lat1~es who call with meaningless messages. m a il that had been delayed. P~ES I ~eb. ~9;-Mar. 20>: Experiences, ~e!'sations are intens1f1ed. Nothing is halfway - 1t 1s ~or. cold~ all or nothing. Create. imprint, take liberties with routine. Weddings/ Engagements Good-Wawrzyniak Lizann Good and Randy Ofiver Wawrzyniak will be married June 23in the rose garden at the Newport BcaC'h MarriottHotel. Their engagement ~s been announced by her parents. Mr. a nd Mrs. G. E. Good or Newport Beach. lie is t.he son of Mr. and Mrs. 0 . S. Wawrzyniak or Eugene, Ore. Miss Good gradualedfrom Corona del Mar High ~hool and attends Cal Slate Fullerton. Her flance graduate d from Willame tte University and United tlectron1c Institute. Portland. He attends Orangt Coast College. F itzharris-Pi lkerton We ndy Raye Pilke rton and Ric hard Michael Fitzharris exchanget wedding vows in O ur Redee me r Lutheran Church, Garden Grove. . The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P1lker:ton of Huntington Beach, attended Foun· ta in Valley High School and Cal State Universi- ty. Long Beach. He r husband. son of Mr. ant Mrs. Richard F!tzharris or Stanton, attendet St. Joseph's High School. Long Beach, and CSULB. They will reside in Long BeaQ. Hennchs·McNutt Southern California College stttents Deftise Sue McNutt and Franklin Stuart llenrichs ex- changed wedding vows in the First bsembly or God ChUtth, Santa Ana. The bride. daughter of Mr.and llrs. Dennis McNutt of Costa Mesa. graduated ltom Costa Mesa High School. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henrichs of Hacienda Heie'ts. is an alumnus of Glen A. Wilson High School. After a honeymoon trip lo the C.ribbean they will reside in Costa Mesa. Walker-Hernandez Jeri Lynne Walker will become the bt\de of A.lfred Hernandez during Aug . 11 riles la Sts. Stmon and Jude Catholic Church, Hunlilgton Beach. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Valgent R Lane or Homeland and Dr. and Mrs. Alfret L . Hernandez of Huntington Beach. · Miss Walker graduated from Edison itlh ~hoot and attended Golden West Colle1e. ~r f1ance also graduated from Edison and atten~ Orange Coast College. -. . . . . .. ..... . ' ANN LANDERS I HOROSCOPE I ERMA BOMBECK Sock Stories A . maa-14-Att.ata 8er.llM 'hitemlk-.. 1-lt-~ called it the .. Futility they bed been loet. No Room." one wu um.eel. A 1rou9 or 1Uted Another 1l1nllicaat c h l I d r e n i n F t . factor ol the lett.en wu LauMrdale vowed they that tbe dilappearuee wou Id not be •'d e-of IOCb wa1 1enerally fffted" by the problem. deacribed in my1tlcal A print in Stanford t e r m a -a a a wrote, "We must as· phenomenon that defied aume God bu a mission reason or explanation. for my single green f"They're in constant sock." contact with 1reat coa- Theee are only a few mic forces who demand of the thousands of a sock be sacrificed like replies received by this a maiden."> Another coh1mn from readers all popular theory was that over the country who of-another planet was fered an answer as to dropping weird pairs of why socb disappear in socks to spy on ua and tbe wuher. the miaaing one was re· Some observations are turning with the in · signiftcant. formation. Sailors wrote ...... •...we• two columns lo this myth. The first will deal with the theories behind the disappearance: the next one, the solution. Pray we do not become resigned like the man in Phoenix who gatheN up two dozen pairs of new socks each year. tears them apart and throws out one of each pair . . . to save his wife the trou- ble. Disappearing Socks saying the problem was make no distinction in universal and was quJte sex. el ass, religion . prevalent in J apan . piiiiiiiiiiiim~llllilllliil-;liiil5ii~ politics. geographic Poets wrote by the RUFFELL'$ location. smokers-vs.. hundreds and ranged non-smokers. fThere from simple hysteria -WHOLSTllY were more reported "I have arrived at this -..Y•W..t theories from Min -conclusion /They'r e ..... neapolis than anywhere forming an Argyle re-1122 .......W atwd. else, but it's been a long volution!" lo a "Gone-eo ......... -...-11~ winter which can cause wilh·t.he·Wtnd" meter -~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ sitting around staring at "So next time your your washer and other hus band asks where I s trangeneaa. > am/Tell him, 'Frankly, Age was not a factor. my dear. I don't give a The youngest theorist damn .... was 81h years old and Three socks wrote. the oldest was 82. 1 A One signed his 1? > first man who said quite name and said he de- scientifically, "You lose fecled during the wash socks because you're a cycle because or the woman!") "pressures or living in All of the writers had Boston" and he warned one. thing in common.· me to "stop prying or Tbear socks had entered you'll be sorry." th e Wash a nd Spin I am devoting the ne xt ADVANCE REGISTRATION NOW ctnN. f>JrY.'1 •'> tho • tirn-• Iii o,1nn IJP fr~ "• '>•.thnq k",Sf"OS .it lht . Ir•. (. 10..YX."> \11.11' •I V fhi.~,.... J '(('• 1 '.~ • , ~ :h <I ht ~1111 • r11 nt.;v1..1 (•• ',J...tf~.(J If' \·-11r Pft r •• ··1 lt'\t • • I • . I I ,f I' f r .:·. '11 1H ·~. ,, l '·~'I j ''1•1nt ,10 at1. , ; . .. 714/979·8880 KI CAA\DES CHALET 2701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor & Adams RICH ALAN v4:tttt0UflCiltg AN EXCLUSIVE ''WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT FASTING'' ~~~G} If you don't hove the WILLPOWER to exercise. ixercise a little WILLPOWER. A\ oOvtM•Sfd '" Vogue (oslftOl)Oltton ~•Sri~ ond Body forvm What 'l'Otl WOM •\ Qv<~ rt sulls Now lllerr •S o <Ol!'Pltlrlv hrolthy llQ1urol woy to promotr ropod wroght loss wrtllour SIClf~•ng RET All SPECIAL Willpower -oppt11tr suwmont Fot-Off • bums fot Calorie Eliminator Bron -notvnll minotor REGULARLY $35.80 NOW COMPLETE ........ $30.00 Requlor ~ 21 SO SHAMPOO, CONDITIONER . CUT & BLOW DR Y .................... S 10. 00 Regvlor SSS 00 PERM SPECIAL • . • . . . . ...•...•.• 32 .00 Moftdoy & T ue1dov Only EAftlY BIRO PERM SPECIAL. .....•••. 29.50 EA~L Y BIRD ACRYLIC NAIL SP.ECIAL ••. $20 . 00 NAILS ....,us.oo ACRYLIC . Mission Yitio Sflop Only S25 .00 WAXINGSPECIAL .... l'IJ Sl.00 hebrow$4.50 Costa Mesa 979-8880 \ Precision ha1rcuttmg is a technique for cutting the hair 1n harmony with the way 1t grows. Your hair eventually grows out but it doesn't lose its shape with a precision haircut. Consequenlly you r haircut will ~ as good after five days as 11 does after five minutes. And because the hair falls naturally into place you won't have to keep a guy. And no appointments are ever llf.'C~~~~""l~•:'?~~~,,..._.;....,.....,-.~~fl necessary ~IHN~ We also offer permanent waves. color- ing. frosting and cond1llontng. But we really shine with precision. And so will you ._ __________ ~ __________ _.. tA.mmand Perforn1aUee' •' -..... " .. .,..,., ... ~, ... c., , Ofiltt 1Waa•1 & MOMIAYS tt ...._.PM IAILY/f AM-6 PM SAT.I COSTA MISA-MISA YIRDI CIMTll 2711 MAllOl aft. IMAllOI & ADAMSI 14CMllJ • ... Only the Dailv Pilot delivers COMPLETE local sports In ttte DAILY PILOT 142-4321 ...... ----SALONS----....1 Man s Hair Cuhure JOSN ..... IM. 111 . v•o.1So1 """""' '2637 879-2581 COUltry Club for Hair ''* s y ortlo l illclo Cdlitry Ckib Yilloot y Giiii lillclo 91686 9to·6711 Barbosa et Alon's l4661Nho1iopo1i1 ~hocll 92646 536-8829 South Coast Hair Company 3843 Souttl Im,.. ~Ano927CM 979.5933 Mission De Alon's 'ZS 1 O'l ,.,_,.t Ptiwy, Margutntt "810 Miu'°" Yitio 9267S 581 ·3260 Hair Designers of Orange 1908 Noni! T 11\i;i, Orange 9266S Hf AO ST AIU HOQ, 637·2430 . ' -------~~------.......-.~--··· .. ----.... ~~-..... -----.. ....__ ______ _ -·•cw.• ••'-AA•a.ia._.. • ........... . CONCERT REVIEW lot Logbook SUveey-Uillr; Go)ilen ·01illes · 'T"'W 'n riot .. ia AJriccJ. . 'T,_,.,........, .. _.., .. 'T""'' •11rricw1 ii~-.. "AltdTau ............ •1 AaTIRla L VINSEL °' ........ ... Some lb1qa never e ....... and, while lbe .... ueu uUv• are aUll rio&1Q1 l.n Africa 22 =eter, a selk>ut crowd ol qina Klnpton wu roarint WedDelday niabt ln fills· ... . SaddJeback Colle1e pre· a«>nled today's version of °"' irreverent threesome who san1 and bantered us throuth th" 1911 Cuban missile<' risls. -111EY LED US throu.&h the back alleys ot Tijuana and the temptaUoas or tequila. hot dice and hotter women, albeit vicariously, alraigbt to the Ti· juanaJail. -· They apuo us the musical yarn or Charley, the hapless fllassacbusetts commuter who sot stuck riding lhe MTA and nner ~­ turned, in a day when gas was 29 cents a aallon, plentiful and no one had ever beard of unle.ded. -~Y glorified rakes, rambling men, gut· tersnipes and scoundrels like Tom Dooley, twisting history around tune, until the rogues reaJly became Just poor boys who had to dje. -TREY llVSKILY sang us through those broken romances with that old standard. smoky, piano bar soliloquy about scotch-and· soda and mud-in-your-eye, when all you bad on a collegiate income was cheap beer and a tear or two. one AND EROTIC!" -Q.ne Shalit. NBC·lV Marcello Mastroianni SUB· TITLES SUNDAY MATINEE 2:00 P.M. And, ln \be encl, one felt like samn1 off to Jamaica on the Sloop John 8 , because it takes a worried man to •inl a worried sons. u their. thunderous lyrtca philosophized. Tbey did lt again Wednesday nJ1bt at the SaddJeback campus before a varied crowd of fans that leaned heavily toward thole probably in coUeceor high acbool duriq their heyday. WITH IDS CUaLY, busby, recedinl hair markedly gray now, oriainal Trio member Bob Shane projects a bit or pride at their rebirth, substituting George Grove and Roser Gamble for Dave Gard and Nick Reynolds. The new trio's appearance coincided with release of their new album "Aspen Gold," featuring old and new work, after 11 years off. "It's not a brand name," quipped Shane, whose delivery on subjects, ransin& from in· nuendo about loose Uving, VD, the vagaries of life and politics is ripened if anytliing: (''HEAaD UNDA Ronstadt is suing Jerry Brown for half of California. . .Heard President Carter says he will reverse his stand on abor- (Memorial Day Matinees) at All Mann Theatres :=mm SUPEIUIAN l:JM:ll-1:fe.f:41 1 .... .,.., ..... ~ uu.•na.om 4:11-1:11 "WINTll KIUS" oo 2:11-6:15-lt:IS Coast ----· --··!.__'i.:"J---..... "6 Jf.,·- ""' aAVIAIH• l:Jl-7•1t:41 fHI OHATIST SUSl'INH MM IVll lfTUltNS! lHE EXORClST 111111 ~ • llllXJ!l'IUI09I ... _Oii FlllllO lDll .lffflS DJ~ mR IRUlf & JD ff CAll(JIUMll -IOQll Wl ••IAll• .......... -IUl .-.. u•m .... 11.,._ ___ ,,m..m -·•1£118--:'!'..~~-~~'!.~ lll#=::tll! NOW PLAYl"H ; ............. , .......... w.tmlnlllr 892·4493 s..... Anl 540-1444 ................. 8ulnl Park 821-4070 lion If it's retroactive to Brother Billy ... '') The eeleetic new album promiMS to bffome a hit amona both old fana and new eonverta to their ,.U..rauncb humor and wide ran1e or vocal and instrumental skills. Several contemporary tunes were cheered afterward, if IOl't ot tolerated by aeiiODed Tffo fans Wednesday, but it wu clearly their stan- dards the majority ol the crowd came to bear. YOU REMEMBER Zen Buddhism's popular early '608 allusion to the sound of one band clapping? You should have heard the sounds or 4,000 bands clapping in the tym. "Mariah," still bas all the old, breathy, elemental power of a whlte stallion stamping along a Central California coutal mountain range, barely winded. Feet began to tap in the darkened gym to strone renditions of "Shady Grove" and "Lonesome Traveler," American folk favorites rooted in Appalachia by way of 18th Century England and Ireland. AND THEN IT WAS time for the curtain; for people to go home and get up to go to work al 8 a.m., for the new Kingston Trio to hit the road for a lh•ee·oight stand at the Tropicana in Las Vegas. But some thlngs never change. You could tell by looking at the people leav- ing, such as an attractive blonde junior matron· type about six months pregnant. There was a shine in her eyes and she pro· bably hummed "Scotch and ~a" all the way home to Irvine, El Toro, Laguna Hills, or some other place thaL wasn 'L even known in the Kingston Trio's heyday. FROM COAST TO C.QAST, auncs ANDAUDJBNCES APPLAUD .. A UTILE ROllANCB:' "illlm1aa ., .... ~Stdl.~)NIC·TV '"Manhattan' des0fves a strecm of bravos! I can't U'Q0 voo strorgy ~ to see 'Marh:Jtfan" ·IOio llaloeft. AllC·TV .. A.1111111 1n1111m 11Ylf. ....... ~ Sc:HdMll rn. WCXXJf Al.LEN Ol~KEATON MICHAEL Mt.nPHY tv1ARIEl l·fJv'lt-QIAV , MERYi. STREEP A .. ' •. ~ Al'N: BVRNE 'f.·~-.. . ,., " . . .. l~ll··~TH TH ny·s a YWW91tt••M. .... "''-"""-·'-,,, •. te• ••• DAILY PILOT Sunday. May 27. 1979 -ry Holmes, Wauon Muni at Movie/and Tholst> mysh•ry fMnit whn nrml,y belit>VC' that Sherlock llolmt>s hvcs on in his Raker Stn·t t di Mil. butlrt>ssed m h1!1 wnr uJuunst crlnw by tht' loyal Or Wnk"On und tht' 1·omfort of hus pipe a nd violin. r.rn only ort,•r onl' l'ommcnt on the doings labl week m BuC'llll l'»rk ll 's uboul ttnw f''or they cun onl~ nrnrvt>l 1111t•w lhnl tht' Ilk(•:-. of Ehzabt>th Til\lor . Maril n MonrO<'. Kirk Oouglus n nd Joh1i Wu~ 1w hn"t! been a llowc><I tu flaunt tht•1r "a11:t•n br.I\ uru en lht' Mo v ... tond Wu" Mu.,t•um whtlt• llolnw:. ha:. ~n 1gn111 t>cl AND Y•:T HOl.M•~s would he th(' f1r:.t to fnrg1vt· llw 1x·rrw1r.1tor:. 1,f Iha:. clu:.tanlly urt uf outragl• 111• 1111g h1 "' 1·n 11.1, 1• rt:'h1i..l:'d thul fa nH•ll v1s.ig1• 111t11 lht! :.t•mbl.in1 t' of J "mtn s m1lt• as ht• :.ur\l')t'<I tht• t\\u luh.''' t&dd111ons tu the museum In llolmt-:. · words "llm m , I \\Ond1·1 wha t our fr1l•nd Mo riarty "ould ha\t• to ::.a) about th1s, l•h Wu bun" .. Holmes ll!>, or ('OUr~e. rt•prt!:.ented b) tht• t•f flgy of Basil Huthbone. who may ha\e had no equal m the role of the great private d etective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. AND OR. JOHN H Watson 1s re presente<I by the waxen hkt:nt•ss of Nigel Bruce, who faithfully dl'p1<'ll'd 1n a num ber of movies the: bumbling , bluslt•rtng but always unswerving wdc lO the SUJ,>Cr Sl('Uth of V1cloriana. His loyalty is le gendary . lie never le ft the side of his idol whe n the g ame was afoot. But soft. Stvp to s u ncy the S<'l'ne in Buena Park and recall that lfolmcs once murmured to Watson a s the pair w;.iitNI for la ndlady MHrlha Hudson to bring l<'a to t ht>1r (•omfortable rooms at 2218 Baker St.: "It seem s that we a rf• plagued with a veritable plethora of l'rrors. my deilr Watson." HE WOUl.D llAVE rcp<-ated the comment this week as he thoughtfully doffed his ulster a nd rcmovf'd thl' dee rs t alker (.'Up from t he l'ranium tha t m ;rny a thwart<'d c riminal would have loved to cr us h like an e~gshell. He would have s tarted with that c urved pipe No s uch pipe w as ever depicted in any of the novels or short sto n es penned by Doyle I lol mes orcfc rred a ~tnH1~ht-stemmed day Holzer Sentenced NEW YORK 1Ar1 A1kta Holzer . ont·c dt':-.rra lwrl a s a "fm<.1nc·ial w11arcl" afll'r sever;tl ~ll('Ct•sful rnvc·..,tm<·nt~ rn Hrc>a dway shows s uc h a" "ll:.11 r." 1s 1!1ting 111 )<td for at lc·ast two yNir~ Shi • hiis hl·t•n ,..1•n11·r1C·• rl lo "''I: year~ :rntl Juch~t· H1 c h:ir d IJ(•P11·1 d1n·c·ll·d that s he ~cr\l• two ~cars hpf1111• ;.ppl: me for parole. Tht-~01·1allt1· \~.1!• conv1l'l<'d in March of St:'Vt•n counts or J.,r..nd lan·<'ny Ut·nwr sa1cl s he persuaded inw~tors to i,iut up more than $JO million in 1974 and Hl75 to back her ventures. S2 million of which still is um1ccounted for . JOHN~OLIVIA AND THE @:1~ GANG ARE BACK! ..... ,,,,f"('t. ....... A ROBERT mMOOO/AUAHCARR Pllro.C~ ~ TRMlTA 0tNA PEWlON·~ ;GREASf' ....ST()()(ARO ~ ...... ----·EVEARDBI FRN«l ~ YoH llrH>ElL EOO 8VRtfS. 00 CllSAR Al.a (H)Sru'( l>OCWGOODMAH.~ -·BRONTE WO<XNO-.. Al.lAH CARR-....... -.... Jl'CalS .. ~CASEY-.... -,_,,t<fNNETH~ .. MAXJNE FOil ._ ... _, __ IWRICIA 8lllCli --Ra!ERT STOM)()O ... AU.AH CARR .... ,RANIW. Kl£1$ER._,..,. .. 8ARR'f 6188 manAZA . ""519·~ I I tr• NWllflttn IJs-160 I llC.. • °'"'Ill 634'3911 l![H'.'IQf .fU:tiJ OAAllllllAll Ola!IQt 637 ·0340 IOIJTIICCIUT Colli Mesi ~6 2711 ....... ... , ... "'"' G11111n Grovt 530· u o 1 --~· ·~~~ ~-~ .;.• ·. ...... "."' ..... VilfG 830 6990 .......... ~ Jlian Uoo•ll•llO •93·•~·~ .. ._...,. .. Or•&aH770 1111w ''' 111, r.i' 111111• ulll hriar root whrn he· put <111\\n Ith ,11111 11 .111tl rt'.11'11\•11 f(ll 11 1~ l11•1:sHJ11 ~Ill> 111'1 of l11IJJ1'Cll Ami then tllt·r1· ' llw fun10u~ comment tha t rnu'I h.1vi• lwi•11 11ff1·1 l·d JOO t1mt·' i.ll tlus wc{·k ':. u11,c-1hrw n ·11 1111111\ 1.,1 .. rn1111.11 y. 111~ dear \\ .11'>1111 • 1101.Mt:s Nt :v•:n :--\ll> that 1n :my of till' (un.111 l.,•\lt• .. 111111·' , 1111 1111•111lwt'> u( tl1t- :O.ht•1lc"• 111111111''> "41111•1\ lr\h11 V.t l l' l•ll hdnd 10 l 111• 11111 1 11111 .t1111t f I 11,1\ I' i-ttolr\11ho111 f 1\111 11t .. 11 1111 p11lol11 11 1.1t1nw. 1•1·111111' \\tl11 ••I 1•,,11111,·d ttw t'\1 111 "''''"" h:t\•' ,1111u . d l hil'lh''> II I' h ll tlh•\ cp111(1 1111' 1!1 • ,11 111'11•1•11\ I' In , II .111 '.11111· p11lil11 11 ' 1 • 1, ,,,. 1'11,· 1 •' • ,., ,1 u •fut 111,t1tut11•11. \\,.i..., 11 11 .1111 •1ilh 1<.1111v. he"' lt> u-.1. 11 C.11 th111u1-,h .ill 1111 ll11lm1.·:, nO\l'I" .inti ~hort '>ltll h''> .imf )Oll Ir\ di lllll 111111 lh.il l'OllHllt..'nl HI 'T \ Ol Wll I. 111111 If\ l l.1· .\1:.11 \\'1lh 'I h1· ., .,.. ,,,, d I ip t i 1 1·11111111< 111 t1lh1n1. ht c 11011•' 111.111 11111rl· \\ ..1ts1111, th.111 thv .1l'I 11r ,,,, J.:l\l 111'" 1\11d h1.· \411Uld ha\ t' q UH kl' Ii l'l:l\•'fl lh<' ,;• !>1.'m hl .• 1'l' al ll11l'11.1 P 1ffk l11r 1•1111r•, 1 h:1t ( 1111 !-ol.11111\ Il k Pl\ 11·1\ ran .. \lhll h,1\1• l t'1ol :end rt· l1s hl·d ni.111\ 111111•. the· mull pk ,11h 1 nrur • .., 11( S ht•rl11t·k l l11lm1.•" 111· 1111 •hi 1·q·11 h 1\ 1 (ur..,l\t 11 lll1llvv.11otl . "h <1 t'l l'.ltl'!j tht• 1:n•.1t1.•st 1!11ln11·., Wat:-on <lu11 of a ll tim1.· :cnd ll11·n t1>s~NI Hathb<1111· :ind llru1·1 ,, lot of turkt·y~ invoh1111g \;:n1 spll'l> .rnd wart1mt' horn h !JlOI S flt: MIGHT llAVt: tossNI nrr a comment <tbout lilt• ffil'lll<il levt•I of tho~<' who IJUl llolmes in <.1n t•1 u nev~r <•nv1s a ged by hes cn•ator. · · i':lt•mt'nlilry. my tl<.'ar Watson." 'Voices' For Deaf :\1 ' t r o · G o I cl w y n :\1 :n er 1s the first mo· t1on p1ctur~ s tudio to pn•scnt :1 ca ptioned film for tom mercial !>howmi:: to dt•af and h c:i nng. 1mp:..:1 rt·d moviegoer!>. Thl' captiotied pnnt of .. Vo1<·t's." a romanlit· fil m :1bout a n aspirin).! > o u n I! rot' k ~ 1 n f <· r 1 t :'111l'hi11'1 Or.l.r<t',in 1 :ind ;1 hl·aut.ful dPi!l lt·;Jrh, - ,,\m) lrvinet, b lw111g shown lfl Colma. o ~an Fran risro s ub11rh . Regular . non-c:ipt1onf'cl prin ts a re a t s<.•\'C•ral Orange Coas t thca tl'r!> rn:x~'Wl ;&!f'li:J EDY/I.ROS' HUtm:•:no N Pi.ITT CITY CEHTEA Hun11n;:on oear.h f, 1·0J88 I •••• ' ) : 'I ~2 SU.DIUM C!Rl':E-IN Ora.,re 639·3770 NOW SHOWING! --...... ~· _ _.. _ .......... ~ .... -......... A L I E N WAX MUSEUM Theater Following a succeuful off-season miniconcert ser ies, Knott·~ Berry Farm is ma king plans to keep its theatre open all year long with a variety or p rogra ms, according to Tommy Walker, en- tertainme nt director. Knoll's had two sold- o ul performances April 19 a nd 20 for its Victor Bor ge progra ms, The 2.092-seat Good Time Theatre had top ticket prices or $10.50 for the engagement. S i mi l ar results f•a me from Carlos Mon- toya ·s recent playdates t he re. Knoll's has set Ma rcel 1\1 arceau and F red War- tnJ.! and the Pennsylva- 111ans for next Februa ry· <.1 nt..I M;.1rch, and it's cur· r ently negotia ting for t h P Joffrey Hallet, a s wf'll as Benny Goodman ;.nd Liberace. 1\1(Jrr• tha n 800 seasoa :: u IJs c re pt1ons lo the in· 1t1:i l s"ri"s gcn-:?alt'd a ~. t .!JOJ <lv natior; f o r Childr e n 's llospitat of Or.rnge County . The ~um \\as m atched by K noll 's lo boost the h11spital'~ newborn in· ll'n~ive care unit. TOM SKEAAITT SIGOURNEY WEAVER VERONICA CARTWRIGHT HARRY DEAN STANTON JOHN HURT IAN HOLM .,.., YAPHET KOTTQ:.:...., • I ~I \.UltVf PAOl'VClAflONAlOSHUSEll PPOOUCro riv I ,()n()()N CARAOLL. DAVID Gil~ -W4LTEA Hill ornECTFOlh' f<IQI ( y '\.Off Si~Y ev Oll"IOllANl«)'lj -AONALO Sli\JSE.lf SCREENPLAT f\• (J4N 0 01\N"ION MUSIC JERRY GOl.OSMrTH 1¥1NJ.vlSfON• l A~ 11111\NKOOAl\COlOA• PRINTSfWOHU~E" I ,. I f~~~(~~~Wlj 1.,..., ... ~~.0-.,MC•n .. ••!"~:•u.:::.:,:~·• •••••'It •-••u.,...u~· R I _ _...•>•~ ,~.:'l:t~. l-.J. ·l 1V PERSONALITY ----='Hizzo-n-e~ Huddleston TV Serie11 A One-man Product LOS ANGELES CAPl -tr DaYid Had· dleaton'a new comedy. "llinonner." faila, IM'a ready to lake all the blame. HudcUeaton. lK·~t known fOt' h.la memorable screen vllla.ans. ht·l1>t,-d <'reate the NRC <'omedy about a b6a rity muyor He alllO wrote tbe theme mual<', ia tlw execullve producer. Mlected enry member ol tbe cut ancludlnl himself u star and owns the show lock. stock and lauab track 1t '!t an unu!>ual posllaon of control but It 'a indlutiw ol th~ w1ty lhan&li have beea 0 1oin1 in televiak>a lately, what with the rampant riv airy amonK the networks and NOC's rush to get out of the rotings bast>mt>nt "WHEN THE TIME l 'AME for the de1tl to be made, I dt>t•ided I wanted to own the show. · says Huddleston. "I 'vt> been around for a long time. and thas time I w1tnled lo m1tke m y own m ist1tkes. "ll 's c re a led some problems for me Ultimately in any show. ir it's any aood. the star has all the power. Whal a.s really important is how that person dea ls with that powe r. I'm not on a big ego trip, but I wanted something I was proud of.·· Huddleston is a big man. He's 5 feet 10. weighs 250 pounds and ha s one of those slo.machs that used to be reserved for captaans of and~try. Al rest , his race is benign, but in a .role ~t ,1s so plastic he can be totally menacing, connavmg, or a buffoon. His booming voice still bears traces of his Virginia upbringing. THE PILOT for "Hizzonner" was made a year ago, but it failed lo make NBC's rail lin<'· up. Then, when Fred Silverman became Net president, he saw the pilot and immediately of· fered a deal for six shows. ··1 wouldn't sell six.'• says Huddleston. "Tha t ·s not enou~h time to gel a s how established. Then they offered eight. They final· ly bought 12. The next thing I knew they cut it back to six, plus the pilot, but they paid for 12. . ··we did the six shows and finished them last November. That's when we went into lim· bo. I thought we'd go on in January. Finally, they set the premiere for May 24, in a sweeps month. Then they m oved it up to Thursday, May 10." ON SUCH SHORT notice, there was little time to hype the show. "Nobody knew it was coming on." he says. Huddleston wrote the theme music after one major composer's agent gave him the brushoff and a hot song-writing team told him they could knock it off in 15 minutes. "I didn't want any music they <"ould knock off in 15 minutes." Hud· dJeston says. "I a lways strum the guitar to re· lax. and that night I got the idea for the theme." SHELDON KELLER, the show;s co-creator and producer. wrote the lyrics to the theme, "flometown Blues." WJnMER,5~~~EMYAWARDSl BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR • BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR I •jiii!IU flMll fL_,.._,,,• oo..._..._,. :: R, -c;...·-' ......... .__."""'"'""" •• " ... -""...., __ ..,._ .......... ..-..-~ .... ,. NOW PLAYING MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "A LITTLE ROMANCE .. CPGl "THE CHAMP" CPG) "COMING HOME" "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" (R) "HANOVER STREET" (PG) "MANHATTAN" (R) "THE EXORCIST" ''THE ISLAND OF OR. MOREAU" (R) "GREASE" "FOUL PLAY" (PG) "BA TTL EST AR GALACTICA" "LOGAN'S RUN" (PG) •CALIFORNIA DREAMING" "OUR WINNING SEASON" (A} "THE EXOAQST" "THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU" (R) "THE DEER HUNTER" (R) "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C" ALL Dfttva.1Na o ..... 6i:Jf P.M. ........ , ClllMI Ult._ I I P'tff UIUetl * KM•le ,._"'OUM ..... 'l7,Ur1'9 DAIL V PILOT •I J 'I WANTED TO OWN THE SHOW' David Huddl••ton Did It All "I'm very proud or the show," says Hud· dleslon. "1 'm doing everything I can to get peo· pie lo watch it. NBC, too ... We're alike in a sense. The network is a big underdog They're fighting for their life ltke I'm fighting for mme. Hit's not accepted I have no one to blame but m yself. I had control. That's the way 1 wanted it. And I was willing lo take the chances." "Hizzonner" is an outgrowth of a series Huddleston did last year for NBC called "The KaJlikaks" a nd a role he did in the movie ·'Capricorn One.·· AFfER "THE KALLIKAKS" failed. NBC asked him to do another series. ·'The furthest thing from my mind was do- ing a nother situation comedy," Huddleston says. "Whal I did first was read all the things a lready bought lo see if any of them appealed to me. I went through about 30 and didn't find anything ·· "DAWN OF THE DEAD" (A) GEORGE HAMIL TON "LOVE AT FIRST BITE" (PG) "THE DEERHUNTEA" (A) Doily 6 30 Sat s-Hal I 2 )0 . --· ~ / ... That's when Brandon Tartllrotf, tbeD NBC'• head of eomed)' and now bead ol all WIM Cout pro1rammiq, Aidbe'd aeen Huddleetoa u 1111 avaricious eon1reuman in .. Caprieorn One" and •uanted he play a polltleian. A COD· 1re11rnan and covernor were eomidered but discarded u old bat. ••n.en tbe tb.lq that popped into my mind was an old radio atM>w. 'Mayor of tbe Town,• atarrln& Thomu Mitchell," H)'I Huddleston. .. NOi' A SMALL TOWN mayor. but a lar1e city. "We began to work out tbe idea. He would be a popullat. pragmatic and mayor for a lonl time. He's not above a little cblcanery. Our original title was ·Last of tbe Boaaea.' Certainly. Richard Daley entered my mind, and Jimmy Walker and Fiorello LaGuardia. He's charismatic, closer to the people than the politi· clans in Washington. It fends itself to better stories. "It struck me in thinking about it that it's really time in this country that we start liking o~r politicians again. We 've been throueh a ter- rable trauma and it's about lime we got back to basics. Television -has contributed to this. If Abraham Lincoln ran today be couldn't 1et elected because he's ugly. Politicians have become part of show business. I don't particularly like that. I wanted to play the last guy who adhered to the old style." WINNBt Of 3N'ADEMY AWMOS Jon Vof9ht BEST ACTRESS Jane Fonda Best O"""nal Scree_._, ••11111M1ttc . .-. ... . .... , .., ~...., °"" Movieland Wax Museum Right in the middle of the fun Belt!. Mrl;LAND KNOTT'S ~ •,~ < 0 Just show us their ticket stub-or other proof of attendance at any Southern California outdoor attraction-and your party gets $1 off every Movieland admission through May 31 , 1979. Save gas, too, because we're at the heart of things .. on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park. Discover the surprise of Movleland-where you see more than 200 lifelike, life-size movie and TV stars in authentic costumes and famous settings. Your admission also admits you t N CD ~ 0 to the fabulous Palace of Living Art. And you can enjoy a delicious, reasonably priced meal or snack at our beautiful California Plaza. And for the scare of your llfe- choose our combination tickets and get a real thrill at the Haunted House, right next door. with Its living spooks and monsters. So, If you're out for fun-make Movieland Wax Museum part of it. Stay close in, save gas, save money. Box office open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sun. through Thurs.; to 11 p.m. Fri. and Sat. MOVlfLAND WAX MUSfUM •• the Star ars _movie musicals! ) t 111 ... , ,,,, ... .., ''TNI uoaasr 111 ,_, •94 t 514 ,.,,,..., __ ,~ ....... ,,.~ .. 'I ( .... .i 1.1-• ., 494.151• •cMIMA SnetONr' IN, , ....... UT/tlM/---1-...... "MUSI" •'FOUL PU 'f"' CNt __ ... ,,-.- PACIFIC THEATRES DAfVE·IH SWAP MEETS ·mnae TOW llUCU ..... M "'It' HARBOR BLVD. DRIVE IN 6 ORANGE DRIVE IN I .. 10 S M IATWMT a ~T ----""_"_ IMPOllTAMT NOTICll CMILDflEJI UIDlll IZ fREll , ..... ,,...,.,, .... ,._..~._.u*•"...,'''•' dllG e~So r--~=IOW &ma .~~~ 1 ·~Vl:~E~,- ctllR ;;F.~ 1--=:~~=~--- .. ~o I '"r~:=!f"!:=.~ .. .. ;f:l; t ---.:;[~-:~-- --~-----. ,. ......... .._ .. _ .... ••• h, •• ,.m llCllAl9MMlll IAVACllUCMt ~ ~ .... -....... ,. ....... UWIATfmJMI ... . NII .-..... ___ .,.. ___ -=t"" fOUl llYTINt , ................ ~ ... "' •' ........ ~ ... ., ..... ._ ........ -·-........ ~, ...... ,. ~ .. --------- ~ ............ -.... -.. - 812 DAILY PILOT ls-Star---,---; Winked Slotelg By JAV SHAalUJn A'O.•-·-N(':W \'OHK Ncitt Sutld•y . Tom Conti of St·o t lrmd 1.,aerni. tr ht"tt 11 Tony nwm'<t wtmwr tf ht> 1s. ht-'11 hUVt' W()O Wlthuul lart1n.: a (an&t•r You st't', ht"i. ttw :.tar ul · Wbc)St' Lift• Is II An~'""~ ... u luu..:h and 1·ry dramu about ·• brui.h. 1nkt• rritcktn~ s t•ulplor. punt I} "'d fn1111 llw nt•rk down uflt'r II t•ur t•ru:-h . who f1..:ht :. dol'lors for tht· r1~hl to cl h · .. ,_ TllROUC illOllT th1• 11lu}. ('01111 '' imrnohtlt• 11\ a ho:-p1tul bt•d, ablt• 1ml y to talk. mow ht:. t\l'ud Jl\d hft ht:. eyebrows. Ht• f1r:,,t did tht• role tn London. und mudc ha:. debut on Rroad"'•ay with at m April TONY CONTENDER CONTI ~omt>ltung d~t· And then 1t all Ju:,t s ucldt>nly rhanged " It 's sonwwhat 1ronu· that tht• at·tur a tram. lea n man or 37 , cunt even move his fm~ers m his work Ile wa::. a serious sludvnt or piano a:. a lad g rowmg up'" c;1as~uw An Antt'ru:an rrom Trxas . "a man t·all t>d Mll'h<H'I Rudm1rn. s tarted thl' !)all rolling lie ran <.1 little theah'r. the Traverst• Theate r. 1n Edmburgh, .inf! M.'01 nu· a pla b M 1chael C I' T.I\ lur Son of an Itali an fatht•r and a Scol ttsh motht:r . he drifted from piano when h1s favorite tcaeht•r moved. He wound up, al 17. as a drama student al the Royal Scottis h Academy or Music. Thal began. he says. when he w'as wandering about the campus. liste n· ing to the fall-term cacophony of in· struments being played and noticed a little brass plate on the wall or u building "IT WAS 'Thl' lilal'k and Wh1k M inst1·vls. · bt'st play J 'd ever scc.•n. 111• wanll'd me to do it ... Alas. the monl'y was mhusculc. bart-ly sur- vival wagt'li. "Just 14 pounds. $28 :1 wc.-•k. l told him I JUSt couldn't do at for that. ••JT SAID 'College of Drama.· I wandered in and s aid. 'How do you join this place?' A mce lady the re s aid you aud ition , r e ad a fe w speeches from R}ays. But s he sug- ges ted l talk to my parenL~ fi rst. .. My father , who was always a very equitable man, sa id in a big Italian accent ·Maybe perhaps it ver y nice to be an actor. Si, you can try tr you don't like it. then you can chan~e. · ·· "Ile said. 'I know it 's tough, but somehow onv saapcs along, thin~s <.1re cheaper herl'. · lie said an actor he kne w had told ham the same thing I had. Rut hl' said, 'I persuaded hirn to lake the job, and he hasn't stopped working s ince.· "And that ·s exactly what ·s ha p· pened to me ... Conti s aid. pausing for emphasis "Since that part. I lite ra l- ly have never been out or work ... Which as how Conti. quiet a nd pohtc in manner. a sharp contrast to his brash un·sla~e rha rarte r. got into the business. CONTI, WHO relaxes by play in~ fl amenco guitar or noodling on the flute. tends to s tand out amon~ English ac t ors. He c ons iders Shakespeare take a deep breath now -a bore. "I d o n 't kn ow h o w mu c h ~hakespeare as done here, but cl'r· tainly in Britain if no Shakespear<' wer e donf'. anywht.•rc. for IO years. 1hf'n maytw ht•;1ds c·ould h<' cleared a h1I <ind wc l'Ould t<ikt· another look at 1l later. lie 11lmoi-.t quit actmg , too ll<''d ma rrivd <in al'lress. Kara Walson. and had movt•rl lo London to Irv ht:-luck. 111• <11dn 'l havl' much. It w ~1s Lh<.• low point 1n his llfo '·Th1•rc was JU:.l nothan~ hapJ.>Cn· an g. JUSt no work. I wa:-. approaching 30 and I thou~h1. 'It's r t'<illy time to t?1vc this up. goodbyl' time · "r thought 1 'd better do "Bet aust· th1• man 1s a wonderful writer an<I pot>t , but he ·s not a great dramatist. And it's JUSt a shame he's so tedious ... TDDAT'S llDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 1 Suos1de 6 Grapes. Bot 11 Trotter 16 Maple genuses 21-and eqgs 22 "Snitch". 2 wor!Jlr 73-Zola 24 Musical sign 25 Morindln dye 26 Slate Abor. 27 Metric <1bbr. 28 Elec. abbr 29 No1e of scale JO Alleged lorce 31 Metric meas· ure 32 College deg. 33 Po1ynl:!s1an god 35 Black eye 37 Silly 3'Nega11ve repty 2 words 41 Again Lalin 43 Ra's son Var u Lyric poem 46 Ingredient 48 Witnessed .-t Atrlcan river 51 Poker items 52 So be It! 63 P•ld notices 54 He1p 55 Mlapl1ces 51 bha1.11ts 51 Le;l1t.11ve body 81 Rents 12 Frttllten 13 Al.ekeday 17Nlm~ 68 Messengers 115 Small dog 13 Cirrus (abt>r I 69 Masts 117 Lifeless 14 Biblical 70 Blackboard 118 Greeting Judge 71 Prefer 119 City room • 15 Saviors 72 Swa111 boss t6 Finished J words 13 Assigned 121 Estimated 17 Billiards shol task 122 Old Russian 18 Out ot. Prcllx 14_kh1ps __ comm1lle 1~J09 ab 75 Ibsen char· 124 Depulies memory acter 127 Frilly fabric 20 Begins 76 Bundler 128 St 34 Unused 77 Garment 129 -· deum 35 Grin 78 Leveler~ 130 Hawaiian 36 Greek letter 19 Forhhca11on bird 38 Diphthong 60 Cltmb 131 Chinese 40 Heavy swtell 81 Metric 42 Join togelher measure 45 Near rr weights 132 Army .ibbr 47 Una!>piralf'd 82 One who 133 Perform 50 French arh· tries 134 Thus cte 85 Smother 135 At1end1ng 51 Sheathe 86 Slulls 136 Shell nut 52 Separated 87 Family mem· 138 French 54 Ashen ber painter 55 Beer 90 Gels up 140 Girl's name 5657 SSparse 91 Sluggard 1de dishes 142 Anolnl 58 Room Sp 92 Forrfl 144 Ou1ck drink 59 Zeus· shield 93 B1b1tcal town 145 Coln open-60 Guided mis- 94 Smoolh ings site 11!1 Cargo con· 146 TV headhn· 61 Poe's bord talner ers 62 Steeple 96 Apartment U7 Strong winds 64 Large pond 97 Fords 65 B1bhcat 98 Goller. at DOWN name times t Defensive 66 Soap.frame obstacle bar 99 Tatlles 2 B I 88 Gu1d1'ng ut y tree 100 Sparkle 3 Etec. abbr 69 Fence step 101 Gambols 4 Wlneblbber 70 Bridge bids 102 Plunks 5 Allonso'a 72 Puts cargo 104 Mexican on wo11<ers queen 73 Quiver 106 P1lh II Foot part 74 Construe! tOll Pronoun 7 Loose thlrt 78 Slant 8 Pronoun n Tea cal!e IOI Teeses 9 Knot 78 Wine lrull Sling 10 A~menls 79 Stair plr1ll 110 Mac.w 11 Sentence IO Liquor mffl· 111 C.nlne · s toY enderw urea 112 Guido's note 12 Oorreot1 91 Rub h•rattly SEE CLASSIFIED S!CTION FOR ANSftAS 82 Seasoning 83 Maple, c.g 84 Spht 85 CrustacP.ans 86 Face parts 87 Manutac· lured 88 Un11w•l per· _ ~Oil 89 AggreQal•On 91 L1Quid meas· ures 92 Tru e swine 93 Cod or Fear 95 Meehng areas :l6 Detic1ts 97 Decrcasccl 99 Soll cheese 100 Singe 101 Walt.1ng slicks 103 Fish spear 104 German salu- tallons 105 Behold' 106 Thongs 107 Paradise t08 Urge· Scot· llsh 110 Tallsman 111 Paper holder I 12 Greek letter 113 Place 114 Rugged crests 116 Use pitch anew t 17 Wire serv 118 Pronoun 120 Girl's name 123 Objective 125 Decoreoon 128 C.rgo unils 1:M Droop 137 Co~ll sym· bol t3t J19&nese dr1m1 141 S .. te: Abbf. 1~0vemMd trein . I STA-648 by Reallatlc-" Superb sound with 18 watts min. AMS per channel at 8 ohms. 20-20.000 Hz. 0 5% to tal harmonic distortion. 31.20e1 Save 560 Floor/Shelf Speaker System Optlmua"' -21 by Realistic Dispersion switch lets you "customize" each speaker for right or ~~c~;:;~tel1 0" 5995 Reg. woofer. two 3" h 119.95 tweeters 40-2026 Eac Each Realistic Recording Cassettes -------~ ~ 60 Minute 90 Minute ,_..... :169 2~9 . HALF F~R 44-602 F~R 44-603 IL PRICE! Reg. 1.69 Reg. 2.19 Each Each H1-f1 tapes al low. low cost1 No llm11! Stock up now and save' BROADWAY PERSONALITY : WITH : THIS • Reg. $ 1.59 COUPON I Value! : 5-Cell Flashlight • First flashligh( FREE. • extras at regular • price. Persons under I 16 must be accom- panied by an adult • Offer expires 6/4/79 • • AT PARTICIPATING STORES & OEAlERS ••••••••••••• Special System Savings • Realistic STA-648 Stereo Receiver • Two Optlmus-21 Speaker Systems • Realistic LAB-55 Changer s379 Save 22080 Reg. Sep. Price 599.80 Save 150 Save 1100 In-Dash AM/FM Stereo 8-Track by Realistic Easy to 1nsta11-fits Find Gas with Mobile AM/SSB CB S in/under dash of mo~ ave vehicles Hinged radio TRC-449 by Realistic Know where to go for gas who's open. who's closed . who's cheapest. Trip le the power ( 12 watts). tnple the channels of AM-ontv CB. 21 -1567 , $40 d1al/cartnd9e door Stereo1mo no push- Stereo Cassette Deck button tor best FM SCT -18 by Realistic Add tape to your hi-fi system at a low price Dolby' noise reduction expands dynamic range. cuts hiss. 14-606 reception Only 2x7 .x 7 · 159 ~.? "'~' 169~.? 199.95 8995 269.95 ' r M Dolby Laboratorie:. 1R39e9 9·5 ~ ~ CHARGE IT . 9lii1" • 1M os r S TORfS1 TRS-SOT" Friction Feed Line Printer by Radio Shack· TRS-80 Tractor Feed Line Printer by Radio Shack Thi• mfr<hettdtH may n.ol b• tn 1tock 1" ... •lo<e• Allow 2 _..,I r.,, 1hl1>PlftO Add it to our personal computer at huge savings. Use fanfold or plain roll pnper. Requires 4K. Leve l II expansion interface 26-1150 Same as ltnE' pnnte1 above but uses only fanfold paper with feed holes in margins Wiii produce up to five carbon copies 2&-1152 $9§9 $1R299 Travel Safely with Mobile CB TRC-424 by RHll1tk: Drive with help at your fingertips. Feel secure · knowing someone's always out there listen- ing. Find road service. gas. information on what's ahead. 21-1s22 8995 Reg. 169.95 Save 44°/o AM/FM Stereo 8-Track Player PORTIPLAY• Enjoy all your favorite tunes on tape. FM stereo and AM. Big 3:Y.-' speakers for superb sound. Hideaway com- partment for AC cord. Batteries extra . 14-1126 49~~ 89.95 ass Reg. 12.95 Save 27°/o Fun with Walkie-Talkies TRC·82 by Realistic Great tor ta king along on hunting lnd fishing trips. family outings. FCC accepted for use on all 40 CB channels With Ch. 14 crystal s. SPECIAL PURCHASE! 21 95 Reg. 29.95 Save25°/o Ultrasonic Burglar Alarm System LCD Travel Alann Clock by Lumltlme ~ by Arche~ Fits in pocket or brief- case. Features quartz timing accuracy. large display. snooze button. AM/PM time indicator. With battery. backlight. 63-5004 19sa Gives your home and family 24-hour pro- tection. Invisible field detects any motion and sounds built-in alarm. Just plug into AC. U.L. listed. 21s~1 5995 Reg. 79.95 _,, ITOltfS Ol'fl •.OllAI.. OAY FOR YOUlt SHOP,. COIVEllEICE Most ''"mi. Jl~o o.1vd1l.tblc .11 R.td•O Sh.tclo. llad18 lhaek COSTAMISA .• ..._. .... ,,.. ........ _ POUMJAIM YAu.IY ,,, .. ._.. ................... .,... ........ .. ,., .......... IA DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION SAM JUAM CArtSnAHO llltlC-C:.....,_ ~TOMllACH ..... _ .. _ ... ,_ .. _ LA~llACH ....... ,_c_..., -- SAMCUMIMn 11•~·~- MIWPOITUACH .,.. •. c_...,, , __ ._. LA6UMA....u& .au_ • .,.._. Dl!tlhH~ loolo. tor''"' "9n •n your !'l"•qhbor hoort PRICE!' MAY VARY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES l Oilman Holds Out for the· Honie Hl1D~ I Care £overed --~~~~-~ ~ In TV Series By l'AT DUNN Ot '"' O~oty Pilot St~tl .. l.t•t's fof·(' 11 . lflo :tlth care in Aml·ric;1 hus hecomt• totally nazy. Wc"n · all growing broke with our huge medical hills . Wc"re smoking our lungs black. <!rinking our livers blue. and killing uurM·lvcs by the minute tin our highways .. With these words. Academy Award wi nning actre~s Hilu Mor<'no introduces the premll'rt• <·p1 sodc o r "H ere 's to Your ll<'a Ith... a national television s·erws geared solely to consumer ht>ulth issues a nd prevention of llln~S!4. THE NEW 26-week half-hour series de buts Thursday. May 31 at 14 p.m. on KOCE-TV <Channel 50 I with a look at the growth or the self-care m ovement in the United States. Such prominent national experts on health. as Dr. Lowell Levin. who wrote, "Self- C a r e : Lay Initiatives i n Health "; and Dr . Tom Ferguson. editor of Medical Self· Care magazine, will be featured. Co·hosts for the series are Dr. Al Roberts. 8880Ciate dean or The University o f Texas Southwestern Medical School al Dallas . and Dr. Anne Race. director of m enta l h ealth aervices al both Southwestern Medical School and Southern Methodist University. DU&ING the se"ries , Dr. Roberts. an internist. and Dr. Race. a psychiatrist, will pre- sent self-care advice soundly supported by the expertise of some of the nation's top medical authorities who will appear on U.t pl"Olf am. Upcoming guests include Dr. Keith Sehnert. author or "How to Be Your Own Doctor- Sometlmff"; Dr. Lowell Levin, ~utbor of .. Self -Car~· Lay ln1t1ativ<'s 1n Health"' Dr John Meeks. d1n:ctor of child :.ind a d o I es <.'l' n t s c r v 1 t t• ~ a t th t· P sy t·h1atri c ln s t1tull' o f Was hing ton. D C . Dr .John Rush . assN·iatc professor cir psychiatry at The· L'nivers1ty nf Texas ll<'allh St•it:nce Center a nd a n ational authority on d epression: and Dr. J ay Arena. director nf lhe Poison Control <..:t•ntt•r at Duke Univer s ity llos11ital Thl· se rll'" a I s o w 1 11 feature guest hosts "'ho will intrncluce and n a r r a t l' s t• v t• r a I pr og ram s. including actor J o hn I lousem <1n of ''The Pape r Chase," and Michael Learned of .. The Waltons." in additon to Ms. Moreno. INl'ERMIX-ED with in-depth interviews will be films. charts. ~raphs and animated cartoons which will help te ll the secrel'i of disease prevention and personal health maintenance in language a nd a perspective that anyone can understand. Each half-hour program within the series is treated as an individual "mini-documentary." which provides a concise and credible look at a contemporary -·and often controversial health topic. The purpose of "He re's to Your Health." as explained by Ors. Roberts and Ra ce. is fourfold : to provide re li able in- formation on diagnosis and treatment that can be done at home. to explain when and why to seek the aid or a physician; lo promote individual respor1sibill- ly for good health; to aid the consumer ln preventing disease, and lo provide a continuing guide to information and services in order lo create a bel· ter-informed public. BESIDD taltinc a look at the self-care movement, which has arisen primarily due to the re- coanJtion that most diseases are "chronic" and. therefore, pre- (8ee HEALTH, Pa1e C2> ' I \ ' But Oxoco Still Covers its Bases. By THOM LECOQ Ol U. 0.11• ~itet S~fl Oxoco began life as a brash little company that had ~20.000 in capital tucked away. but went ne gotiating for control or billion· clollar potential oil leases by promising to s pe nd S20 malhon on development. 0 01.·v's Rnucrt S Frieden· be rg, president and chief cx- l'l'Ulive offil'er. s ays his staff t·amc through on those spending prom ises by making de<1ls with m:.i1or oal l'Ompan1cs which put up the millions needed to drill for oil und ga s on the lease site~. THOUGll OXOCO bci(:.tn each lea i.c deal holding a modcM por t11in of the site's production for 1t~elf, 1t had to lradP :.i lu g p1£1l'C of its sh<trc 111 l1l·U uf drilling l'Ost:-. ··we woul<1 :-.t.11 I with about 5 p1•n:ent <tnd as our share ~ol diluted would w111d up \\Ith J frnc•tion •· Rut that '" tn th(• pr•1cc<,s of c·han~in~. th<rnko;; ''' do•vclop nwnt ur ~· ... mull hut lw<11lh\ dom l'Sfll' produc·l1<111 arm lt1;l ;o,1)ld m•;.ir'h ~:1 ruil1111:i ''orth of natural gc.;s <1ntl 111) d u11ng th1 · µa-.t )l'ar. fo'ri1·dt'nl>1·rg .1d 1n 1h tht· <lunwstic activity <l•w ... ri't 1°x<:1tt· h1111 . but hasten~ lr) ;1dll I h:.il Hu· re\ NIUl' produC'eJ by I · ~ "'r·ll., h.1 ~ allowed lh(' 1•11mp:.i11v to h•1ltl 11ul few l:irger .,h;,i n•o.; 11( prt><Ju1 r 111n 1111 1b 1111 t·rnat l•)n ;,tl hold Im::- AND IT 1" t ho.,t· holding..,, gm 1•r111n1•11t g r<1nt .. 11 ll'4l "''" 111 inanv Tlurd \\<1H l<I an·as. \l.hlth I Ill• ·ht'~1 rclt-d . 4:1 ye<1 r 11 ld 1·n t n·prent>11r look:-. to .1s ttw sourC'1• 1•f a "homl' run." a s t nk1· th;il "' 1 11 m ;.i k 1· I ht· f 1 rm 1 ,, n d frll'dcnh1'ri! 1 n<'h Make no m1~tuk1:, l!t>ll1ng ric h is what h<' has IH1d in mind o;1nc·c· his youth in the Ph1 lad1·l11h1<1 su l>urhof La,,nd.ilt· Tra111l'<1 a ~ a i.:1•0 111~11:.t . he· slarlA•d out 1n 1111 f1dd l'Xplor:.t t111n outfit:-, hut tlrnp1wd out hl•call'l' ht• didn't h kl' Oklc.1homa ;incl T t·x:.1s, "'ht•rt• "l'Vl'r~one m th·· oil liu:-.1rn·~· 1., •·\111 l'l•·IJ t" :, t.11 I 11111 ' Tll E l'.\Tll lit· 1·ho-.1· \\ J-. u11 llk1•1\. ho\l.t•\1·r . "'°' 1ni.: from publishing, then to operating ad- vertising age ncies. But he says he kne w that fortunes were made in oil Caster than just about anywhe re else, so he began to think about doing something different to get into petroleum What he came up with was the 1clt•a of contrnll1ng t he reu l 1·s t<1k on \\ hu:h ma1or drilltrs :-l'I up ri~s Fort•1gn t ru vl'I and the notorie- ty prom1s l'd hy Y.ht:cl1n~ and dt•alin~ with ~CIV{'rnffi('OlS for Oil plots hl'ld .1 lot or <Jllure. h<- .1dm1ls · It"';"' c1 l'umh1n<1l1on of tra\'L•I <Ind th .. hP<t\ :-h1ltN typt- thinJ;! If you makt: onr· of thes•· f!1 1a i... y11ur n;1ml· and µ1{'luri · an· fl.1s hetl <Jl"IJUnd t lw "orlll "IT IS 1x1~s1 l>lt· to .f.!l'l rich on ;11)\ 11n1· Of lhl'S(' dt·:ils ,.ind th:~1 · .... 1 \l'I') atlr:.H:llH· tl11nj.! to m1· . 1\ 11 tild fr1t·11d from l...i "' ndalt•. ,. John L. <Jack) Willis. keep~ tabs on vital domestic operi lions. Just how important. U.S. pro· duction is in the game plan Ii shown by the 1978 annual repon which shows healthy amounts or domestic oil and gas productiot. against zero foreign production. At the same' time . tht co m pan~ holds only l modest 20. 791 acres ol domestic . undeveloped h ol ding ~ balanced again st an astonishing !i million <1cres o f undeveloped fore ign s ites THE VEAR before. 'total Un· developed :.icr cagt• was more than 15 million. whil'h renccts rhc farming out of two ma1or s ires in West Africa , plus the .,<1le o f Tums1<1n intt:n ·sts to a ma1or oil comp<1ny But 1l wasn·1 JU~t a year of s1•lhng , Oxoco ali:o picked up a M·t or Tt•x<1 :-leases covering !),46G <ic rf'!' fro m S he ll for $6 18 .000 It turns out that re · m <i 1n1ng r eserves the re m ay <See OXOCO. Page CZI The Co111pany ••• Oxoco 1s a Cali fornia corporation w ith headquarters at 2102 Business Center Drive. Irvine It is a domestic producer of 011. natural gas and condensates. holds leases in several foreign and offshore fields and has a new div1s1o n that packages compresser systems for improved gas-well production. Total revenues last year. $3.27 million. Oxoco·s key off 1cers are Robert S . Friedenberg. presi dent and chief executive of- ficer: Leonard L Carr. board chairman: John L Wilhs. executive vice president: Richard G. John-;on. vice president-treasurer John C Fit- ton , vice pres1 dent-1ntcrnat1ona1 exploration. and Patrick C Haley. vice president domestic exploration and production M• I lrng p;q1\·r I 11 pri nt1ni.:. l o "----------------------------~ .. If vou 're creative, you 're alone. Whenever someone stands out. they get extra adoration, but also get extra pain . More Creative I? "'(icorgc· Hcrn:.in1 ~lid lA :-0111 that l1•1o. pcoJ)le .1duall} think mon· than ont• 11r L\\'J l11111·~ .1 .\••ar ..illfl ht· told p1·•1 pie 'I've ma<ll' an int1•rn<tt1onal n·putatwn ba~ed on think ing one or two timl·s 111·r wc1·k ··· That. s ays Dr llohNl w 01!.on. IS the gist ur t r t'l.lllVl ty. "but mr1st pMplc· an• on ;.iut11mat1c pilc1t ·· FOR PEOl'l.f: IN BUSINt:Ss. l<1ck of rrt•ut1V1t \ t'itn he costly, since 1t 1s r>ft<·n rrplaccd hy lhl' lhN>rv "If :l ht tic hammer clocsn't work . use a t)l g~1·r unr If that doesn't work. use a hu~(· one '· Unfortunat<'ly. '-UY:-the psychologist. tt·acher and IJu'>1 n css s c·min<1r l1·ad l·r. hamml·rs fre<1u<'nlly do m<1n · damage than good Not thnt habits urcn't w;c•ful, he arlrl~ "Too much c hange can c·ausc too much strc·s~. wh1t h cun lead to Ill ness ... we ncl'd hut>1ts · · Olson says Lhl· <'lcvt-rn1·ss of a top-notrh h11s1nC'sc;man m ay not Ix> the ability lo solve problem:.. but i.potting th<.·m in the-first plr.rt'tr -- THE PSVCllOl.'lGIST expla rn ~ hi" inl('rt'~I 1n creativity ~ocs back be fore his day~ as a nuclC'ar e ngineer at Gene ral E lectric. even before his collegf' days At rach step. he says , he expected lo see innova tive• handling of problems nut most teachers. the n pmfcss1ona l collcaguc•s. simply cranked answers out bv tried and true rormulas. Or. "people wo uld come up with a slnglc solu- tion and stick with 1t 'It I 1t failed ·· Telling a few talcs on himself, he cited attempts to gC't his guide to c reativity puhlished. fie pursued textbook puhlishers for some time bcforl' realizing it was really best suited for the gcnernl c1rt'ula lion market. After that. he landed an a cceptance from Harpl'r and Row for his "Art of Creative Thinking." due in stores sometime next January. THE BOOK INCORPORATES what he 's learned teaching a class at Saddleback College and from research on creative thinkin~. 'Lack of creativity .. .is often replaced by the hammer theory: If a little hammer doesn 't work. use a bigger one. If that doesn't work use a huge one.· Hammers often do mqre harm than good. 'f'h1•11• .111· t111111-.... al!)fllll 1 Jll d u to l'IHTH' up with 11r1~111,1I .rn:-"t'r" II' proh:l'm:-ht ... ..,)" lJrcJming up many 1c1t·a ... 1s ,1 good :-t .i rt Bra1n ... 1n rm1n).! 1·;.in ht Ip h1• add ~. <lit hough the 1·r1•<1! I\ l' prm·1·"~ 111 t1·11 1·11mt·~ :.i111·r t h1• M·~~11111 JIU.._ln1 '!-Jll'llJJ11 lllll•n lhlA:irl tht·1r innl•r SOU rt'CS Of 11rig111;1I ult-a:-h~ tr~ ing In !<x.ik hu.,:-u1 all llmcs .\t11d1 l'r<'<Jll\ II,\ 1·oml'!-dunn~ period'> or rel<1xut1on " Hut man.\ rwoplp clon 't want lo n·l11x 'I 'Vl' had a lot or hus 1nc~I' I) pPi-• 111 h,\ p11os1s i who are afraid that 1f they re · lax. lhl,\ will full :1par1 Uui 11' ,\llU can relax morf', you can .ichll'\ l' !lion• HF: CITED A FRIF.ND "'ho 1kc1ded to triple income and l'Ut his wnrkd:.i v 111 h.df. .. 111 work smarter. not harder. "Ill' JUSI lt•t 11 hJ pp1•11 .. That. lw "a:> .... 1:-a good phrasl>, and illustrates 1t through !-port:-\\ht·n · ;,i i:o<><l <tthll'lt• 'thinks about what he "ant · to h app<.QJhLn lets 1t h:.iµpciL·· - In has k1•thttll loosl' :-hootl'r" an• o rtcn th<.· best because rht•y srlclom think through thl•1r :Jt•t11>n "If a player misses .1 s hot. th1· C'Oach -.a , ... Ill' for l'ed 1t · · Olson say-. h1.._. book I:-a C'Ollccl1on of ~lraleg1e~ for romin~ up with hl•tll•r <1nswcrs. One ~ystem is tilled D 0 I T D . ddint· t ht problem. 0 . open yourself to new alternat1 vt•s. I . 11knt1f~ tht• hest one. and T. transform it into action BUT BEl~G GOOD AT t'Oming up with new. effective solutions to problC'ms isn't easy on the person doing it. B<'ing un!'ure of lht• quality of a nove l answer may be !In agony . l>ut then. there IS the <'CStasy or a big payoff wht•n :-011 ~11r('et•c1 J\nd. "1( )ou'n • creah\l'. you're a lone. Whenever ~omeom• ~hinds out, the) get <-xlra adoration. but also get ex· Ira p111n, .. Olson s;• )' ... His classes at Sac1dlebat•k have impressed him with th~· potential ot most people to be creat1v1• <See CREATIVITY, Pag~C21 If people would put '10 to 15 rrrnutes a day into trying to come up with new ways to solve problems. it would have a big effect on all our lives. · claims psychologist Robert W Olson. ......... "'•···-· .... ··-..................... -.... -.-.............. ._ ... -... --. ,., .. . ..... --.. ._.. ----..... -· --,._ . ..,._ --._ __ .... --.... --• 'I' 141ndtv. Mav 21. tt11 BlSINESS I REAL ESTATE te 1flallfJ ... •• By •O•E•T '· ••vss DEAR 808: I am 29 and my wife as~ We 've ~kted to buy a house err -con· donalnlum. Two weeh a10 we atarted Hrioualy looklna. After t•lklnl wtth wveral 11ents. lt looks like we'll have to make a rasb down payment of about 20 ~rcent ol lh• pure,hue prke. On a $70.000 purchase. that's J1•.00t wllidt we don't have But we can ralae •~t ST.GOO. ls it t tlll poaslblt for us to buy• .... B•PJW•• fe EM~••f ti t.adaon M cG D~Ait BOB---What ilappnus to HCHS- eacrow Impound fundt. for ftre lnluraace and p~Pf'rt>Y tax payrnenu . left In the aeeouat at the tmd of lhe yur • Ber&ba S. DEA• at:aTHA: 8.e~ .... , ........ , ~·rrW ew. ......... , ,.., ... , ...... .. a11._. Uae .,...,.,.. I•,_.. acn•• pay. •em&I •~kll wlU be HfflMfJ le pay &-.e DSU H\ID80N: 1&'1 Mt_., ,..aw. IHll .... edfttMty ••art fw YM a. IHly a M•e, •~r a ..._. or a N .......... wtut a •• , ,.., •• property &a• ... ,.,. .....,, .... " Y" Un aay ........... ,.., HeNW l•P•••d un••& balaaee, P~••• year ••'11•• ..._., le dlacUI IL ..... n eftea •ake lllllatakn -aucll a«Oallb M II pa71 le dotlMe elilffk &Mir t1Umatee H weU as &lie auoUll hala•n. 17,• ... ,., ...... T1w .... r Ck .... par..-. &-.e ...,.. ••1f>nra1e'' , .. laan alMI 1rea&er wtU ._. Y"r reaa ... pnftt, per dolter I••....,, l• • few yHn. Tlilere are •H)' ways to buy a a.om.-with a H ...... pay111MI of .... rft .. or'"' or Ul1e ptattlaa11e ,nee. ... .. ..,. , eeme •leMa dl•H•raae a11ell etfers a..eaaH u en .. •eau eatn _. fer &a.. •lea&. .\ad ••e •letlta jm& ......... n&aall &a.. •UJ WIYI Ne•• T•z·lr'r •••ti Tr•.,., DEAR iiOB Cun we make a tlll·free trade of savlnas bonds, p11ying only 6 percent In· terest, fM good income property? SonjaM. te ft•ntt a ..... IMlttliaae. Co•alder, fer ••••Pl•, \'etera11 Ad· •lalltra&loe ....qa1e1 fer , .. peftffl or Federal 8-1•1 A ...... rt&y .._. ..... fer alaetl& IS pereee& el die Pllrdue price. Over n .... hanks a.a sawlala a ... 1.u.u oner• pereeat mort1a1es on PMI <private ••n1a1e Insurance) home loans. Or you can provide In your purchase offer for the seller to carry all or pan of the flnancln1. wltb a first or SttOnd mort1a1e. DEA& SONJA: Horry, &bat ..... , qaaltfy. A &a• •terred eaclla•1e mut be of oee .. like ll ..... real property <except yoar ,. ...... 1 re· 1Weaee> for a~r. Savi.qi llMda, wll!d1 are ,__al property, caa'& quUly. An example of a taa·deferre4 trade woald be a swap of a rental d-.plex for a com· merdaJ bulldJn1. See yoar &H adviser for de· &alls oa &lie beaen&s of tax·deferred preperty trades. There are as many ways to finance your bome as there are houses for sale. Once you find one you want to buy, have the a1ent write ap your offer witb the flnandng you want and can afford. 1flwrft fo Grf W'arr•••lr•1 DEAR 808: You often say it's smart for home buyers to gel a home warranty in· surance policy from their seller. We plan to [)XOCO MINDS BASES •.• (From Page Cl ) Nell be worth five times that. · 1hich Willis says is not bad. He adds that operating such a 1eld may not be viahle for a igh-overhead major like Shell, •Ut can pay off handsomely for omeooe the size of Oxoco. BUT NOT all its ventures have ieen winners. A south Louisiana {e11 C"single we lls are always lsky to buy" l went dry s hortly ifter the half.million dollar deal ·losed. But re·drill ing tapped ome gas and c.tddit1onal crudt! •ii supplit•s which mc<tns. "we :now at least we·11 gt•t our noney back .. Another acquisition rc•prt·sents 1 c ha nJ?e fo r O xoco. :.<.tys "riedenberg. it's a d1vers1hca· ion into condenser equipment ased to increase gas production ind pressurize it fo r pipeline ;hipment. Several years a~o. says Willis, two businessm e n asked for financing for a s1m1la r company and were t urned dow n. THAT FIRM did !-.t'VH;.il million in sales w1th1n t"'o years. so when a second OP· portunity to lie m with annthC'r. la r ger.scale compressor l'n tPrprisc appeared, Oxoco dived in. The new and older enterprises became Compressor Dynamics Inc .. which looks as if it will have annual business or near $2 million during its first year, ac· cording to Willis. Oxoco is e xpecting this to be a good year with revenues project· ed near S7 million. First quarter earnings or $1.79 m illion show the company is on track WILUS SA VS a good deal of Oxoco's domestic oil production falls under federa l restrictions. limiting its price tag to about ~ per barrel. But. he adds. a por· lion falls into the higher·priced .. strippe r " category. wells whose production h as fallen below limits set by government. on the current oil crisis. "Last week GOP Sen. Baker said he thought the oil com· panies better shape up or maybe thc..•y should be nationalized. ··can you imagine how they'd run the oil companies? ... Like they run the Post OHice'.'" The government has held the price of oil down. he says. en- couraging consumption and dis· couraging developm ent o f a lter11alive eneq~y sources such as solar beca use the n e w methods can't hope to compete w ith arti ficial ly c heap oil enl•r~y RllT T!IE n.•st or tht· world IS la1._t. n~ :::. us. hl' sa\s . "Where do wl' cnme oH lhmkmg we.• can go on paying 50 cents while they p~1y $2.50 a gallon for gasoline. They're saying 'welcome to the world, U.S.' " fie ·s critical of major oil com· pany executives and their low profile during the current crisis. "They seem to be coming off awfully weak to me ... Friedenberg, who comes off as anything but weak in hi s views, tha nks the.• big oil companies are a necessity Especially "when it romcs to expensive ite ms like a $50 million well ! which requires 1 s<>mcone willing to put up the big bucks.'' '\ BUT IT is Oxoco's fortunes that most interest Friedenberg, especially his hoped.for big s trike. "I'm interested in the home run. but if I never hit it, we 're not different than a lot or other small. s uccessful oil com· pa mes ... Phone Links Rival Apollo CHICAGO f i\P1 Former astronaut James Lovell predicts a growth in tcle·communication markets over the next two de· cades that may rival the ~25 billion expe nditure on the Apollo moon program. MEDICAL. • • <From Pue Cll ventable and the continuing rise in health <'are costs, the first program will fe ature rilm seg· me nts on how the body's im· munity system works and an ex· perimental health project at a Connecticut school wh e r e ch ildre n a r e l e a rning t o diag nose and treat their own ill· nesses. Vie-wen also will get an op- portunity to participate in the progra m when Ms. Moreno ad· ministers a health·information test on one or America's most common health proble ms -ul· cers. • THE NEXT fi ve programs, a lso narrated by Rita Moreno, will include discussions on pre· natal care, treatment or upper respiratory and gastro·intestinal complaints. ways to become an .. activated patient." the de· ''elopment of autonomy. and r esponsibility for hea lth in childhood. Othe r program topics will focus on nutrition, exercise, depression . heart d isease, cancer and hypertension. The Orange County Medical Association has lent its surpc>rt to the series. noting tha the \ sell our home without any qent. I have con· tacted several lmuranff 11eat1 bere but 1t0n~ ot them ban bHJ'd l>f home warranties. Where can we •et one for our buyer! CharleaP. DEil CllA&LES: I• , ........... .._e •• ,, ...... are ..a yet .... , ... ual.i; .•• •rllitaa anu lle•e warru&lel .,. elfered ~ml ..caae INeken. llnewer. &ky eaa ...a, lie '"'"..._. 4llnd Ir.• u.e ••nUl&J eempaay lty et&ller IMl;Jer er leller. • ....... a MeMb nal&J ..-wtll li•e JM u.e ....... ...,_.ti die~ warra.t1 ftrmliemee. ...,., Te11••• Retun t• Sell DEAR 808: I am anxious to sell my home which la in joint tenancy with my slater. But she won't sell even though I put the money in· to the house. What should I do? Pausy R. BEAil PAUSY: See aa aUoney wlae eu arraqe a eolll't parUtlH of &lie property so It caabeMld. Slle11ltl Sl•9le lt'o•a• 8 .. '! DEAR BOB: Do you think it is too soon for me to iook for a house? Since Jut September I have saved $2,500 from my $10,500 annual salary for the down payment because I have been livins at home with my parents. l am in a profeaaional training program leading to a $20,000 job in three years. Should I seek one in an older neighborhood? Sharon S. DEA& SllA&ON: Your leUer ls refreslalq, It'• anally older ,_,ae w'-wri&e. Yes. I Wiik yot1 dtotlld bay a MUcl, well· lffa&ell Miiie. Tlla& laelHel alalle·famUy .... " .. well .. , .......... .., ...,,. ............. ftlld~e1•'111r! p -.,. ... 111fteate&llel.r1Uett1le ......... ,.. .... .. a~le le.._.,.,.._ • .., ..., .... •· ..................... rcnttldlllr ..... .. •la1lea. A& flnt &luee '"' a.-.... ,., ... may ..... ffMI~ ... I&'• ....,, rw esa•ple, 1• eu 1et .... a ..._ PllA llo•e IMa wtda oaly a a.• .... PQ ... . HeweYer, .a.ee 1o•r lacome .. ~ ... . yoa •a1 meed a co-1J1aer (Rell u a ,.,_., &oq•allfy. Talk wtUi a morqa1e IMa eftleer "'8re Y•• laawe ou sariap aceemtle ftM Ml &lie exae& FHA qaauneau.... 'nell start 111op. pl•& for a well·located t.ome. Feee Oltrr Gratl-trtl ~••• DEAR BOB: Last January J read a newspaper article about new "graduated payment mortgages•· ror borrowers who ex· peel their income to rise in future years. I 've phoned several lenders here and they never heard of such mortgages. Where are they available? Fred M. DEA& FllED: Many appro.ed le ... n of. fer new FHA ••1rad•a&ed pa1•e•& mort1a1es ... In add.l&loll, a few federal 1a•· ins• and lou auocla&lou ••oner ar•a&· ed paymea& mor&1a1e1 wlale~ l&art off at &lie "lntenst oaly" level wtda .....Wy paymn&a 1radully l.Hreasln& to pay off Ille IN• la • years. If more borrowers dema•d ••e~ mon1a1es. lenders will ofter &a.em. Send real e1tate que1tlcms to RoberC J . Brua Bo% 6110, San Francisco, Calif. HlOI. ' Visa Past Penney's_ Gate Charge Card Firm Given Credit For Deal By MIL TON MOSKOWITZ So ubiquitous are they that you might think that the credit cards issued by banks -Visa and Master Charge -have just about taken over the world of commercial transactions. However , there are still some bastions left ror them to storm and one of them fell early this month. J .C. Penney. whose a nnual sales of $10 bilhon make it the nation 's third largest general n,erchandise retailer 'after Sears. Roebuck and K mart 1. tnrew in the towel an<i ;.igreed tCJ iet :ts customers use Visa cards in its more than 2.000 stores. VOU WON'T BE ABLE to flash your Visa in a Penney store immediately. It will lake some time for Penney and Visa to mesh their electronic gear,· the terminals that tell a salesperson instant· ly whether you're adead· beat. But it should be re· ady by September. just in time for Christmas. Money Tree Getting Penney's lo knuckle under was a great victory for the bank card people. While there are a lready some two million stores in the United States that accept Visa, the addition of Penney ends a major holdout, and a holdout of substantial wei~ht. . While it·~ taking Visa, Penney is not living up its own credit operation. You will still be able to use your Penney charge card. ll will be interesting to see how much of this credit business moves over lo Visa. WATCHING I NT ENTLY WILL be Sears. Roebuck, where the bank cards a re not welcome yet. Credit sale$ represent more than half of the do.liar v?lume rolled up by the nation·~ l ar~est re· t ·11 lt?:-Searl' roi:ect~ mc rl' money from finance cha_rges than most stores collect from their cash registers Meanwhile. Visa 1s going li ke a house afire. Sales charged on the card went up 44 percent last year on top of a 32 percent increase in 1977. There ar~ .74 million people who carry Visa cards, S6 mtlhon of them m this country. . The ~a~ks h.ave been criticized for turning us into credit Junkies. But Visa has a new wrinkle • currently in operation at some 200 banks. It'~ called a Visa debit card When you use this card. the bank doesn't bill you or ronvt'rt yo ur purchase into a loan ; il simply deducts the purchase price from your savings ac· count -· automaticallv or course you need a savings account to have a deb~t card With a credit card. you don't need anything. · Just .a fond hope that somehow the money wlll mate ruilize. ll was a lso an important breakthrough because the retail outlets that have been most re--------------------- sistant to the bank cards are the big department stores_ They kept the bank cards out of their stores because they have their own charge account plans and they reared that the introduction or an outside credit instrument would lessen their control over customers. IN SHOllT, THESE stores want to bill their own customers. They were certainly not trying lo save their customers money. Their charge account plans levy the same interest rate as the bank cards: 18 percent a year. In announcing lhe peace pact with Visa. J .C. Penney's chairman, Donald V. Seibert, noted that the decision "was consistent with J .C. Penney's policy or responding to customer preference.,. Penney's customers are not strangers to buy. ing on credit. J .C. PeMey did 42 percent of its total sales on credit last year. At the end of 1978 it had 13.6 million accounts with outstanding balances totaling $2.6 billion. SEMINAR OUT OF STA TE PROPERTY WHAT IS THI PltORT POTIMTIAl.1 IS rT NAC11CAU Ou1 .or.s ta1e Real Estate investment otrers dynamic opportunity. Learn or the potential in Low Down Payments, Positive Cash Flow, and Rapidly lncreasin~ Prices Elsewhere. Understand the potenital in ''anous areas of the country. Whether you are a rirst lime investor or an experienced Exchani.?er _ THIS SEMINAR IS A MUST. Reservations Required CALL FOi HSHY A Tt0MS I 114t IJMZ40 APARTMENT INVESTMENT REALTY Doon Center 1300 Dove St. Suite 200 N1•1p1t111ach TUIS. & W.. 7:11 P.M. Fede r a l regulations make Willis angry. "After listening to Standard Oil's president last night on television I felt like that n ewscaster in t h e m ov ie 'Network.' mad as hell .. Now a director or the North American Telephone Associalio, Lovell said in a recent speech that the explosion in new equip· ment and services s hould add some S20 billion or more to the c urrent ~5Q·bill io n ·a ·year telecommunications industry. American health system , being ----------------------------------------, WHICH APTLY describes his altitude as he outlines his views 700 much change can lead to.stress ... we need habits· says psychologist Olson. CREATIVITY ••• <From Pa1e Cl) And •. he adds, tpe same is true or the mottvauonal semlnan he's done for business. Olson. a counselor at Saddleback Colle1e and in private marriage and family therapy practice at 26302 La Paz Road, Suite 203, Mission Viejo, says that if people would put "1'0 to 15 minutes a day into trying to come up with new ways to solve problems, it would have a bil ef· feet on all our lives." -811 Thom lAcoq SEARS• MAY CO. very complex and sophi&ticated, pi vols o n the personal rel a· tions hip bet ween patient a nd physician. AN OCMA s pokes man says, ·'The need for the patient to be aware and informed about his weU·betng is integral to mairr· tenance of good health. The in· dividual h as the ultimate responsibility for his health and the development and continual awareness of how to take care of one's health is of paramount im· portance. 'Every individual must de· termine for himself that he wants and must be responsive to. his health needs, including the basics-such as diet, exercise, and proper rest." "Here's to Your Health" ts produced for the Public Broad· casting Service by KERA·TV, Dallas/Fort Worth. in coopera· lion with The Univenity of Tex· as Health Science Center at Dallas. The series for KOCE·TV is made possible by a grant from Pacific Mutual, Newport Beach. and some Mal Stor• open tomorrow Memorial Day SOUTH COAST PIAZA A LIMITED OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A FINE FAMILY ORIENTED CONDOMINIUM HOME FROMlSS,950 TO $75,000. AN EXCLUSIVE GATE GUARDED MEDITERRANEAN STYLED COMMUNITY WITH 2 & 3 BEDROOM VILLAS FOR THE DISCRIMINATING FAMILY UFESTYLE. UOI W. llatArtftr. jmt eut of Brittll 1111r lk S...~ Cout Plua. • 714-557-5171 ·~,.~@ rr ................. -,.-~,._,.....~A A• • I j j • . -,, "'"' Cia DAILY PILOT Sunday M! 27 1119 AMEROCANSTOCKEXCHANGE ~ .. 11< • ' .... ............... ( ... u•. u "''" -.... --.. .................. ...., .... _ ....... ,,,,.. ........ ~_,,,, .................. .... • ¥dill" .. tt Valrn~c \. v .. 1,p.v 1 >I• utl ,._ Yf'ir t '' V~ff'NA • vrrr trn ~ ~~1,,H' I• VlalKf\ 1 ' Vtntaqip( \ Vlf''O ~~ ~ ~~.!fo 1 ' VotMtr ·~. ~~it~ I " ' I ' .. , ... " I • ' I • • I , . ' T T T •4 ' ' • ·~ ~. •! I .v .. '" " t) ,, ' ti 1 ~J 8 • ' -•n • q..., •> .. , l..tJ 1 I • .-• I ft) ; '> • J •J I 1 • J. ' \ • .. ,.J 111: U t •I Ill ti I • 1.)g J ... -~b 11 l ) . •1 ' II u 4 ,,, ' I • H JO ' I) Ul4 " I I I •>0 I "' )I 1 ., I/ 111\ in Hll ll IJ 1101 J•I ll tii I ll• •• 21• ,,. ll • I • • '• lJ/1 11 '" ·~ .... I~ I) t I Ir, tl tt 1 1 1 • J . ?C . ~. >'• J )9 .. 11 , Oii lit ,, ) . , . I) "~ 11 • 10' " , 13 J 1 • • I ·~ . I • ' I, I t7 11 JI 11 I 11 I I I ~ " II " J I -· ] .. ,. 11 •1 I . ". II • .... 1 • . ' \ I I ,. .. I W . ) ll 18 II 1t 20 " u u I ,... ' u , • _. f • " • I 1 I 1 80 ) _. ) • l'-,.. . . .. ti 1'-I llo •) I t , I I I I I ' 11 1).. I) 11'-• 1\ 11 11 I I) 11 40 1-. 1 1 " • J . , .. ... I I '-' I ~ ~. 1 .. \ .. 11 • l1 • ~ 10 fl I th,~ 11 I) 101 10 • 11 01 • JI ,, I' • " I/ Ill • 80 ,, l6 • °"" ... 116 1• ) 10 ..... I I I I 104 ll'- 10 10 -v , ,. I .. I l ,,... u-... I , B ~ . ~ . 14 ~ t\ t.t, 4 II • 111 1• fl\4 0 ,. IJ • It • • 11 & • • • 1)1 I'" ' 1 • II 1 • ' • I no 1 )!I 19 > , •• 18 . .. IO I I .. I •1 Q& ''l • • I 1J lt>O I ti . ... .. ! • 100 11• I 7'I S7 \ 11 70 • •It w w w .... ' . ] 2 I 1 • 1 • . , ... I • I • 10 • 10 I , I • ) • l"' 11'· 17 \ f \. ' I • 1 • ) \ 10 ) . )I 11 I , .... WT( 071 ll •10 • ' I I ~,: ::-c:rtQ •00 & !~ ; · r· ~ · lnj~lation News Fails to Slou Markel Action \H\ '!Oh l\ \P • The stock mJr~• t '1rtuJll\ 1~norini.! new~ of a h1g lt ;.i p in < onsumer pric(!s fintsllei:I fTil '(f d r ru1 I\ V.1th .,llllkS 10\0lved 10 c urp11ra11 l 1ker1\ 1 r<, µrov1dtng much cif Its «t r1 ngl11 \ nJ h st~ ha ct u q>U led the an noun< 1 m1 nt In the I ahor Department lh 11 tun<;umc r prttu, had risen I I per t t nt tn pnl 11 .! pt rcent on an an , '• nualm d basis Consumer prices were • up I p. rrcnt 111 ~1 .. ir< h I 2 pt'rcent m .; Februar\ .. I THAT s SO .,urµnst Birr \\1lson & LO a nah s t Eldon A lrnmm said of the consumer price ~ ...iat1st1c F:vcn bod y knows when .,. \ uu re buv1111:( g11sohn1 (Ir rood that • th at s h lp~ning ,... In fa rt th e Labor Department said J I> pern nl 11H rease 1n gasoline prices m April had b<:en a key factor tn lhe general pr1ct• rise It was the biggest lcap in .r! 1s prices since a 7 3 percent increase tn March 1974 dur mg the Arab oil embargo Gas prices ha' e risen 49 6 percent since the beginning or tht yt>ar the Labor Department said But W,111 ~Lrc~f v.a~ ready for the ne" s and stock 1ir1r1 s were bare I} burrett:d THE DOW Jones n t r age of 30 111 dust rials closed with a loss or 1 38 at 831\ 28 Ill\ lnl! 11 a lntal decline for the • wl'ek of'i fi3 points kut a<h anc mg 1-;sucs led declines ~ ~ on lht New 't ork Stock Exchange ind tht ~YSE s composite index of mon• than I 500 comm1in stocks rose J)( lo IX.109 Thr Standard & Poor s 1ndc'x of 400 '• 1ndustnal 1ssu( s rost JO to 111 57 while the S& P 500 stoc k composite gained 29 to 100 22 10 • Wd noto o~ 1~ 111u1>J. 1'0 111 n . 1 , ~ .. ::::,os ~ : g; 't.: di~ • 1:, ' .. With many traders !letting an early start on the long Memorial Day weekend v<rlume "as a f3irlyllght 27 81 million shart:s II Wanq Oii 19 ·~ JI • JS JI / 1 I '; • ::;-,s2.o ~ ·~ 0 ; ll'" tt • ll '"' '" 1.i.. W•mC Ill~ JJll 100. ' I~• I I .., W"'"''" II ' 7 I 1 • II'-WVIP\I ' l& I Ill 1J , n • IJ • • 10' • WRI f I 11 II 19 Ill, IS\., II"'• I Wt!....,, Jo I 1 1 1 1 I •'" W•klTu lOll 11 I I IS 1 " • 0 l • Woll<o IS 1" I\ I H. 4 6lo Wolo(OFn JI I 10 , /I 1'-~.: ::,'i.:,,"p!Q~:o 1~~10 Jt ": ;t..: ~l 11Vt W\IF1n .. ) IOJ II .. •• 1 :•!• 'J~ :t'.Kllff n 10 J • l~ :~ 1 ,,.,, ~ .. • • w wt1tfriiT fO I IO I • 6\ ,, Jf\ M\lt~ll " 11 •'· • ..; .,: I Wl<llll• ll UJ /lot •h I , t'-:=-1t° I ,.. I\ '"" U~ + 10. W!n<O<l> :6 I• l:: 1i~ ,l._. 'fl • •1• w nllm " ~ 13 10 , 16.,. 1 • lf• =~•~'n •: I '(cl'011 '~\, e':1~ !1 1 •<. WllWtar •0 ~ •lit • , t • • 10 Wr•W Ill• •l l16 II I• • II lo WrlQlltH Q '" 1 J 16 I I It I 1 • t ' WYMI" t0 M )f \• 1• ' 1''- 11 WJmBn 6' I '" II\• •t"' "" • JI y ,,, ... l . • " 1 IJ ll"' I! I~'• TH t' NEWS or the rise on con s umer pr1cec; was orfset by con s1derahle act1v1lY among takeover related 1ssuec; Tl)e biggest mover was Reliance • Electric which got a SI 2 b1lhon $72 per share offer from Exxon Corp and zoomed 12~ to 60~ Exxon rose 1 • to 5CP M Ashland 011 fell l''it to 4lV• and led .. the act1vi.' hst with nearly twice as 1., man\ of its shares trading as the Jo , •I I .. d I I I next most active issue NLT Corp • up p , to JO Ashland and NLT are re '.,, •Ml• •0110s portedly holding merger discussions ~ .~~ ff " :f~:" .. '~~ ! l~ · t~· ~" 1" although they have downplayed those " .. .,, i •11K • ...,.. i.. 5t s. , ;t , , reports tt,. IS' I II) f,l!K Olli~ I Ill HJ 1!• • 1~ "' ~ ""•OPM111 cvMo JJ .,,, .,v, .. ,,. Ji,, lnterway rose ~~ lo 28 The farm ~,. • Mlo4t oS'MI 10 I ~v. to i. ' "' .,,.,..e1 lhW " I " ,,, spurned an offer from Gel-and 1s I I Vt llH 10.'7 lJ to , I "' "v ~ '0 t c-'t:Ulf 1 :t, :t , . f , look mg for another merger partner Vt CQITI ~•htt Ill IS ~ II /SVI + lo \< tM 11$il ) '4h h '4h , Jt O ., \I) In of'/l'1 10 St'' "' I' ·~· c NTINENTAL lllno1s Realty ~; 'Ji" ~:11.,. ~ •li'" t' ,• ' more than doubled in pnce, naing •• 11 ~ \ ·w · ' 41~ to 9"1 Lyon Realty Co • 1 pnvate 1: ""' ,.,.., 10 "'·" ~ ..., firm based In Cahforn1a, ann®nced ~ 1 r: liP:;~~ i 'Il~ ~ i':: ,U a StO a share offer for the firm \ us ~"' w 9t'., ~ n t t"" Th' American Stock Exchance 5 ~ U~ f li .. ~¢, •to ~f ~ .! ~ ~~e1Th:1N~i~Q ;::_e..,!1:! 1~0 ~ 'g"' Jiv, ~...,;" ~~i 11' : II"' ~ • i, dex of ovtr the counter issues aained ~ .. .. ,,.,,,'I , ,,., u m., .. " • 58 to 132 68 ........ ~ w ............................. . • .. ....., u j J J, ' BRITTANYWOODS IN COSTA MESA New Tow11 Homes Shown in Mesa Brittanywoods Town Homei, 111 east Mdc <.:ostll Mesa a re priced from $89,950 i\11 townhomes have been completed a nd models are open for mspec- tion. Four two-story flour pl llnS lire offered, reatur ing two and three bedrooms. two <.tnd 211-;! baths All have ample dining a reas adjact:nl to the kitchen and garages are two <ind lhree·car THE INTERIORS OF Br1ttanywoods Town1 Homes offer featur('S such as plush wall-to-wall carpeting, microwav<: ovens, g reen house wmdows over the sink. real bric k. wood burning fireplaces with mantle. The wood and brick exteriors of the French· Englis h a r chitecture ;,ire reminiscent of the Normandy Coas t of France with extcnsivery landscapt.•d green belts and lighted paths. The s wimming pool, Jacuzzi with showers and restrooms, recreation room and tennis court are e xclusive to Brittuny woods reside nts. Each townhome has its o wn secluded private garden area with wood deck or concrete patio a nd fence. BRITfANYWOODS TOWN Homes includei, cathedral <·eilings. shake roofi. and double party walls with dead airs pal'l' between homes a nd dou- ble ins ulation for hcttn sound control. Electric ~a rage door openers. sky lights in most models a nd forced air heating a re• more amenities for tht.> quality conscious home shoppt!r. The Bntlanywoods sales office located at 2450 Santa Ana. Costa Mesa. is open daily from 11 <1 .m . to 5 p.m. Telephone 646-0061. Need Cited ongress Ce s Bond Appeals By JIM LtrnlEa WASHINGTON IA Pl -City and state officials h ttv~ ur(et-d Con1resa not to Junk tax·exempt mort1•84" bond• for homebu)'ina Just because in 80m e CW't-8 the subsidies have bt!nefited well-to-do Americana. In almost all arc.a, they told the House Ways und lle&n1 C-Ommlttee. the bonda have been used to help only low and moderate·lncome families that Olhtlrwl!M! could not own a home. "Wt• neC'd to keep the tax·exempt bonds for sin~lc-fumily morticages if low-Income families in m y 11tute urt> lo aspire to and achieve the dream or ho m t.' ownt·rsh11J, .. s aid state Sen. Mary Najarian 11( Miu~ Without :.uch l>Ubsidies, she added, the 1>oor Ill Mumt.• would havt• to make a 40 percent down paymont for a mortgage that could run no lo11~1·r than 15 year:. ONI-: O•'•'ICIAl. DISAGREED. Mayor David J Vann of Birmingham said the mortgages financed by tax-exempt bonds, though politically .11trac·t1vc, arc bud µol1cy that will encourage f1 1~ht from tht· nation's inner c1tacs. · ·smt·c llw bonds a re sold on the quality of mortgages that secure the bonds, the re 1s a prt>ssurc to fin ance µrimarily upper.income homeowners since lhl'y are most likely to bl' able to rE'pay the dt•bt." Vann said "I am sure that most of the proceeds from the hunds have not resultt:d in any new inner·c1ty housing. Much of the Bonds, proceeds have been ust•d to buy existing mortgages .. resulting Jn no nt•w housing at a ll ... he added. REPS. AL ULLMAN, D·Or e.. and Barber Con a bl e'. H N .Y .. c ha i r m a n and seni o r lh•publican. rl'spectavcly. on the Ways and Means Committee. ar'l' s ponsoring a bill that would pro- hibit use of tax-exempt bonds to finance housing mortgagcs Such bonds havl· become widespread an tht.· last 12 months. and thl' Trt'asury Department estimates the lax loss to the federal government c·o uld reach several b1ll1on dolla rs ;,i year Und<>r the system. a city or state sells scvcnll million dollars worth of bonds which. because they :ire exempt from federa l income taxes, are attrac- tivl' to investors In turn, the investor's monC'y is ll•nt to homcbuyers a t rates that generally arc one to three percc•ntage points below conventional in- terest rates. ULLMAN AND CONABLE introduced their bill aft.er hearing that in some cases. the tax l'X t•mpt bonds had been used to s ubsidize the purchasl' of condominiums costing more than $100.000. and that some families with income!-. of M0.000 had Qualified for the subsidv The committee's witnesses told a different story. Som l• examples Fred Hood. mayor of Aurora. Colo . where median household income 1s about S20.000. said the ----------------------subsidized mortga ges arc limited to those with in· YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN BE RECYCLED! comes of $26.000. The maximum s ubs1d1 zed mortgage 1s $75.000. which Hood said will buy a relatively modest home . , ... -···--··-··------..----.. -.. _._.. ............... .-.._ ..... -............. -__.._. ...... -·- .-.Y-. . • -.O.• r.::====-llllllmlll-::l!fl NIMOOIU I GIN .... I lllGll'f CXILlm.MD -o'lt (_~,...., ,.,. ...,.. ••-•IUo t O" LC_..,.._ 0 _.,., .. .., ... San Juan Capistrano. C d 92t-i." · Sundav. Mav -;r. 1979 f'AMlt.• Sales: 28 121 Via Ruedc1 d Telephone: (714) 661-0344 oo•··• .-,.._.. 0. tbr~~ ... or four. I 11\ ( Olldlt"> 'IJIJlll\h hl'lllJ);>' '' ' '11"''\"tl with 1011t••mpw,11\ 111.1111( .1l11y 111 1h1• 1•1.111 '• ""·" ...... 1.1·. t lw 1•i<i1 'llUJ• •··111111. "11111·· 1o-, .. 1 11111111• "·" ··~··1~11!1111; flll 1h 1• l·Jlflli> .,1 '"'"· 1lor1·1· "' 111111 llu• Pl,111 r, ··11.11 1• nd,1'' "''ii 1111111: rn• '""'"'' nt Ohl,.._,, • .,,,, I 11t,.1t·.f tl1t•H1~h '' \\.11i1'1f lllllfl)Jlll, th•· l'l 111 111111wd1.tl1·lv ""P'·'~' II , .. , 11oi111 \.,tlh ,1 1"'11 h1·1ft11llfll·flhl• tfl 11 ,,, 1n~1•mt•n1. ,.,, 1lv 1 ur1i.-•·t It d lf•tJJ ·• th1 • 1• tu dronrt1 hou1 .. \I('""'" '"""•'II IH;ffl\_: flHflU '"" ,. • 11 Jt I ''"ti\ ·fl II J \ •• • Ill l' ',, ' I l!1fltf1fj ,jl Ul Pll\or U '<I It • tlftll ,, th\ II I "'"' J·ll lq 1•H1 I.,, ,, u f't I "' I I I 'II ' \o ,I~ ' ( ) I' 11 1 t p I d d1i l'IJ11 ;; I I 111'1 01 hl r pf • I o hi s '''"·" ·'l I ~ ,\ ,•, '• I •I ... 11 I \t' _ ..... _,. '\..--........ ) Orange Coast College operates the off1c1a1 recycling center for Costa Mesa ln Maine . said i\nne B Pringle of Mame Savings Bank. one issue of s ubs 1d1zed mortgages wtmt to borrower," with annual income avcraging-t._,.-...:::;:;===~::: ..... ~ ·~~Ll~~~-~!i under Sl2.000 lo buy homes cos ting in the $32.000 --c-----~--~ 556-5981 rangl' ( ----;z,:_-. - ' .q v.,.- 1 __ Tucked Away in the Center ~-...f :rhings Discover a secure country life in a private gated community that seem s worlds apart from today's hectic pace. L aguna Meadows occupies a one-of-a· kind setting that is secluded yet perfectly located near everything an active family needs. Enjoy ocean views from an exclusive community that ii;tcludes championship tennis courts. acres of private meadows. estate sized lots from 7200 square feet. The magnificent customized homes at Laguna Meadows have from 3 to 5 bedrooms with from 2400 to 3460 square feet. Priced from $250, 000 For information. phone (714) 499-1266 , , , "'I> <>Pl.-NIN<1 Pl fASL II (I \/ '" • .. .. -II>' Ocean-close two b e Newport Beach hon._:... .. II) thl.! ~.:a. b) lh.: ,c,1, hv the hcaut1ful ~.:J. I h:11, :ind ljlllcl. p1l~.llC1i ... 111g I' what J ;N111nc ll'l.!cl.. j, all ab11111 . You know 11·~,pci.:ial Imm the moment you drive up h• Ille 24-hour atlcnucu l.!ntrani.:c Kight now Y.c·vc got :i number 111 'elect IWO·Ul.!UIOUJll home'. (\\ti plan,, each with two clcv.1111111, 1\\IUC from two bcdH11>l1"· cad1 plJn ha~ l\~O li.11h~ •• 1 't11d) or di.:n. t1rcpl;11.:c. WCI h.1r, 'PaCIOll' .. T·· L .. L·-~ ___ ...._._._ --- ;: ... il:::· ::· -~ ..... , ....... -r ...... ·.· ,I r J l..11...h~·n ''uh h1.::al..l.1,1 11nl•~ 11kd cntn .• ind lt11 111.il .11111111: 11ll)1TI 'l her c '.1 cl11hhouw '~ 11h th1 ,., p1•11(, .;nJ 111µh t-'1g hk·d ll'1H1 1' ,.1111h \ l.1ll ,hcu .1n l.1,il1l1•' 1nd11d111·• \"11c1.1t111n ·•"c" 111Cl1h I' .1\ .11l.1 hlc r l'lAN -1 JASMINE CAii"' In the Village of Harbor View OntstandinR conv~nllonal financln11. Homn from $200, 950 M. J. Brock & Son,, Inc •Phone (7 1 ~16~0-~0lO ( L. M. BOYD J INFORMS in the I "'·'''"l 1111l 111.:, I • '• • ( \'I'll. 1.1,lllll'l' ( •• 111lll•I1h)\' ... 1,: ' I I lh\ to •t :1111.ill I..• ( ••Ill• -.11111'\ th. .11111 ., ,,, 111 I 1 1 .. ................. ..,... .... --...------· .-•-!' ••••••• t ............. . - DAILY PILOT Sundey, Mey 27. '171 REALE&tATE ~ I ...-dtn&alld U..rt a,_ ,.._,., law• ,..1 .. aU•1 .. _. llaa& le MN ac ... a ..... liH&. 0. r• laavf' •>' el &Ille detaUa el wlilat ...._ "*• •-Id """'? ' ............. Hrt•I• • h• JHn •10 l• •llOUler l&t&e &Ml ••• lo ~ a •• ,.,._... .. df>vtlopmn•. It 8-ad • .. ,,., 11rd'' C'Otllllly ca.b, a "premlHCI" retnoalloll C'ftMftr • • . ....._, ever laappeaed. Wha• prawd .. fH bf> H~! J.a .. Ne.,..n Beacla At tht> prt"tft•nt time. l•nd ck>velo~rs are re· J:Ulatt.'<f by vt·r~ t·omprl'hen."lvt l•wir. The regula t 1ons rcprclicnt our govt•rnment ·~ e·nlhus u•sli<' "' fort to r lamp down on m1slf'adlna s ult'S te-rhntquf':. by land dt>vt>&oJ>t~ri. Tht-h1w requ1n-s thc land dt' vf'IOl)t.•rs h• mak" virtually romplt>te d1srlosurt· to poh•ntu:tl buyt•rs i.bout tht> propert> they offt>r fo r .;ulc· Thl• l(ovcrnment ahso has ruh•s that apply to la net offorl'ti for imle a rross st .. tt.' hnt• onl 1-~ur l'On!>umt.•rs. tht• rceuhtllon:. me1tn that thl' gov.-·rnmt•nt 1s rl"qu1rtng dcv~loper:i. to describe tht• lan<I orh•rt•d for sale fully. adv1:i.t· buyers of their ll•gal rights . and dis close their own hnan<'1al cond1 11011 Key n-qu1rt.'ments hsted by Thc Housing and l 'rhan f)('veloµment Department ~ Offil'C or In ti>r~tate I.and Sttlt.'S are us follow:i. TllE . PROPF.RT\' REPORT that potenllal hU) er:-will rt'l't'l\'t' will be stamped with a clear "''~1rn1ng 1n r(·c1 IYPl' · Purchtts<'r should read this d11rurm·nt lwforc s1~nrng anything " In add1lton. the report m ust carry a d1s- c lu1mcr that a pun·haser can rcvuke a sales con- trat·t within 41'1 hours aft e r signing fl also advises th1• l>u)c>r to Sl't.•k professional adv1l't A rlu<'Umt•nt wa1 vinR the buyt>r 's right to the .t8 ·h•w r r£'v oc·at1on per iod. common in the 1n- dust rv. mu~t h<· separate This is designed to keep -;l'llNs from putting it in fine print an a contract. Tiit: Dt:VEl.OP•:Rs MAKE a certified dis- i'los un· 11f lhl:'1r financial condition It must be in- d11dl·il 1n Lht· µropcrty report. a:. well as in t he re i.:1~1 r:it1e1n rt·port madt· 10 the governm<'nt Dl'\ l'lo1wr~ mus t make g reater detailed d1s- 1·l11-.un• 11f promis t'<i 1mprov<•menLo; than what us<.· 111 ht• rt•q u1rC'd . und s pell out the timetable for lltl·m Tht• adv<.·rt1:-.ing !>I <indards n ·qu1rc <J I! advt-rt is· 1ng '"must not bt· 1m·flns1stent with the information t·unt :11nl'rt in th1· property report. Advcrtising s hall not m1sn•prt•st•nt the facts or creat<· misleading 1 m pn·:.s1on:. or rntt'rfcrcn<'es. ·' Tht• btsint Jump an California's mortcact bankina hl1tory. neuly doubllnl the previ0\11 year'• tUltork lnerHae, waa Mt ln 1918. accordtnc to juat-rompUed li1ure8 r.leued by Jamea .A. &cl· mond.8 Jr . pr~ldenl of the CaUforni• Mort1a1e Uankf'n. Auoclatlon Ttw> l't'C<>rd of 113.1 billion In new real estate loans 111 a ~ percent lncreue over the previous Yt>•r But, Edmond.I added, it leaves mort1qe hankert ln ·•a tort of C11tch·J2 aituaUon. · · "WhllP w~ all knl'w 1978'1 economic cUmate "'ltK pavintC ttw way for a rerord·break~ year we ali.o krww. Likt' • hl1h·apeed driver head1n1 into a sha rp tum. that this would be the last bunt before tht• anc.·vitablt> shutdown would occur." •·oa WHILE MO&TGAG£ bankers the LllZll,.,, C'oadolRiaillRI hrms that loc1.te real eat11te &oana and then sell the m to tht' Riant thrift institutions wett makin1 The ~ersailles. on the. ~luffs overlooking Newport Harbor. 15 a lo11ns in Wlprecedented numbers. they were well 255-urut luxu~ c:ondom1ruum now available for interested buyers aware that they were "stanna at their own re· The sales office as open from 10 a.m . on Hospital Road in Newport <'essaon " ju.st ahead caused by the state's usury Beach. law, Edmonds said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dunne practically all of last year, lhe newly- elected a&S()('iation president said. the mortgage banking industry in California was working on pre- vious commitments made by investors many months before. when real estate interest rates were below the 10 percent limitation. Model Homes Offered "We a ll c harge d ahead while we had Three or the model homes at something to work with, and the explosive real F?othill Patio Homes in Laguna estate sales demand encouraged this. But since Niguel are for sale. according to Joe late last year we knew we'd in effect be out of the Smith. director of sales and market· lending business soon. simply because our prior· ing for Avco Community Developers <'Ommitrnents for investable funds, under 10 per-Inc., builder of Foothill Patio Homes. cent, were rapidly drying up as interest rates The models, decorated by Pamela zoomed upwards of 11 percent. So while 1978 was a Ayers and Company or Newport fi.ne year, 19'1'9 is going to be something entirely Beach. are priced from $108 000 to different. We'll be fortunate if our total businesses $118.000 in one or teo-story floor doesn 't drop more than the dramatic increases of plandwithlhreeorfourbedrooms. the past t~ he said. All Foothill Patio Homes offer such MORTGAGE BANKERS, UNLIKE com-amenities as central air conditioning. mer cial banks. savings-and-loans and other re· wood-burning fireplaces. vaulted gula tee businesses. are not exempt rrom the 10 ceilings and complete rear and side PN<'ent interest limitation adopted as a constitu· yard fencing. All landscaping outside homeowne r 's association. of which every resident is a me mber. To reach Foothill Patio Homes from the San Diego Free way. take Crown Valley Parkway wes t to Niguel Road ; right to Niguel Road to Alic is P a rkway : turn right and follow to the sales orfi<'c Architects Honored Coll i n !; & Wr a ight . Architecture-Planning of Irvine w<1s recently ho nored with an Award or Me rit in the 1979 Homes for Bette r Living competition for the design of Woodbrid~e Townhom es an Glendale. "\ ' . • ' • Valencia Bank of Fullerton wUI -r;::: a aeries of MVen real estate flnanch1 aem inar1 be1in1MPc June 4. The aemie.s are desl1ned for N!al e state professionals lnd will cover 1ucb topiet as swing loan&. construe· tlon and mortease financing, and eil · changes. Chuck Parson, usis· tant vice president and manager of Valencia Bank's s wing loan division. wil be the prin- ciple speaker. All seminars wHI begin at 8 a .m . and will last approximately 90 m inutes. A continental breakfast will be served and a 10-speed bike will be given away at each df the seven sessions. No re~erva tion s are necessary. Seminars s ched-.led along the Orange Coast will be held June 4 al the Huntington Beach Inn, Huntington Beach; June 6 at the Newporter Inn Newport Beach; June 16 at the Holiday Inn. Laguna Hills, and June 28 at the Capistrano Depot Restaurant. San Juan Capistrano. Additlo n al informa- tion may be obtained by calling F.dward Schmidt at 996-1300 tional amendment by the voters in 1934. the fenced area is maintained by the Edmonds pointed out that when mortgage -------------...:....--------------------------- bankers are pushed out of the lending market, low a nd m~erate-income ra~li~ ~se th~r bed~~~~~~~~~~~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~­ Below the mountains ... r ha nce or buying a home because mortgage bankers traditionally ma ke the majority of low- d o wn payme nt conve ntional home loans. "Further." he added. "the very act of eliminating RARRED ARF. SUC H PRACTICES as arllsts· o ut -of-s t at e investors s uch as insurance -.kctl•ht•, of 1mprt1\ t•m ('nts or s<·t•nt"s that a re non-companies. pe ns ion funds, and others from •·,,.1stl·nt or inuc·curat1· or photoi?raphs of s<•t•nes not ranee companies. pe ns ion funds. and others from ''" lht• 1;11111 I'm ~11n· wt"vt.· <tll bt•t•n d1s<1ppointed s_upplying these ~e<:dl•d funds reduces the competi· CO\T4 Mua642-1753 near the surf YOU MAY BE ONE OF 25 LUCKY PEOPLE TO OWN A HOME HERE! w11h ;in :•rt1!-.I ~ r(•nrlt·nni.: 11r u ckv<.>r photograph lion for the l<'ndmg·dollar. Without this pressure, T ht· p11n·hast.·r h<.i~ w1dt·r protuct1on than ever ther e's no incentive for the exempt lende rs to Ul•H<'•-•••••. Ml\\ION VIEJ0495·0401 1"1) (Mn, ... '-'"-IH•fu r 1· ---I I~ ... 01 Ftw ttt AVtr f'llw J ower inte rest rates. Th.is is a point generally over· r,/Jr/'()1".'i .\(J'/'i': l<a11dal/ Mccardle 1s president looked by housing commentators." n/th1·l~nl~~"IP~ he 11nlw ana~hM,kciu~rand~-~~~-~-~~~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~-~ 1n~tructor :\1•nd 1111ur nJmnwnts and questions to Randy ,\ll'Cnrrl/1• (' (I lh<· nm:y l-'1lot . 1-'ost Office 81JI 1560. ()i.,la Mt-so. CA !126:Ui Couple Wait Five Days for HoUie ~1r and Mrs. Kns Krisher of La Mirada wert.· the first an line to s clt'ct their new single-family homt> <it Wt'stf1eld Development's final phase CJPCOIOJ! of Woodcn :st in Irvine 's Village of "lorthwood In ord<'r to purchase JUSl the plan and lot l'eleruon thl'y wanted , the Krishers camped in front of the s ales office five days before the new in· l'rt.'ment or homes opened for sales. Within l2 hours. the home buyer$ were joined hy more anxious couples and by Saturday there was a large• group or people waiting to select their "Pl·caal ne w rcside n<'e. By the end or Sunday sales ;1ct1vities. 6.'> J>('r cent or homes were purchased. Woodcrt•stllrvinc may be reached by taking I he S::.nta Ana F reeway to the Culver Drive exit. t;o east on Culver to Bryan. right on Bryan to Yale a nd left on Yale to the Westfield development. Pa.cl ..,_,;w;;;o;n, ~state ly I• ..... IUD MIUll 0EIA s•eu•st IMltJ Setting The Stage When preparing your home to be shown to pro· specti\'e buyers. use sub· tie showmanship to h4'1p sf't the nght atmosphere. Give your home a restful. happy, in v1tin~ look. Don 't JUSl sell a house sell a home' reflect and magnify many or your be:>t selling points. Definitely tum orr the TV and turn on sort background music on the hi-ri to create the subtle lived-In atmosphere. Your prospects are buy- ing more than a house they are buying a new way of llfe:"'S() ttrnl<c o r home LIVE. f'or evening inspection. bnghten your home fl"Om the front porch li~ht on through all the rooms in the house. Little de· coratortouchcs · avase Wh at eve;··;our r ea l or nowers, a plant, small estate need!'!. call us. We pillows can add much have all the tools and t.o the comfortabae feel· expertise to handle your ing or a home. real estate transactions U you are having your locally. Plus we offer \.he tlom e s hown in the unique advanlaJ.tes of the winter. a crackling fire n at 1 on · wide F. R A. in the fireplace adds ir-network . -advantages cesistable attractlon. A that cost you nothin~ working fireplace is a extra. Givl' us a call ftlajor attraction to home today. We're here to buyers help! A la rge mirror can ERA Shore<'rcst Realty mitke 1t room look lar1er. 17141 846-5573 t;P:ro:l:pe!r!ly!!pl!aced:!!!' !it!!c!a!n!!!!!'213) 592. 7 w •• , • ..... ...... , IC.F,S, ( ......................... ,) For Cllllftkd Ad ACTION C.11 A ....,PletM-...._ 642°1671 Models Now For Sale B ri ttanywoods TOWNHOME living in F.astside Costa Mesa one block from the Newport Beach City Urnits REAL BRICK. wood burning ftreplaces; ,~.., at'Chlt«ture: two and ttne bedrooms: lpltt ""' and two-stoty: Cmthtchi cetlnp: mod- em kttcMns with.,.. .... , mkrow•••: encloHd two-and three-car glnlgtl; grMnhouM windows and lkyllOftts. VesterdaJ and todlf - In OM Mttlng on,.... ... ...._ Pool,jmml.1'9Crution room. t9nnl1 coun toot C1oM to N..,.rs "8ldl llJ", ldlooll. gOlf courw. '91taUrMta and shopping. I TOW!! !!Ollih I Developed by WOOdtrff Oft. Co. Models .,.. '""" 11 ...... , pm 5=,, 245011MaAM. C-.Mua </_~ 646•0061 955•1920 I.. ~ -"IC--.... --. • • ...... ~~ 6W ~ ~ townhouses 2 BEDROOM, 2V2 BATH TOWNHOUSES PRICED from $99,900 imagine. hving in Huntington HarbOr ... and tor under S 1 00,000 on tand you own. •?-Jear the ocean. near . marinas and yet tree-way· close 10 all areas ol Los Angeles and Orange County. These homes bOast more tha n 1,500 sq. ft. and 2'h baths .. brick fireplace, dining area. gourmet kitchen· : with COfner sink and :, : ceramic tile. There's a :~ dellght1ut patio plus garage ··": with automatic opener. ~.., EASY FINANCINGf! --~ AVAILABLE! . SHAFFER DEVELOPMENT 714/846-518I01'714/1464441 18891~uln. HuntlnQton Beech. Open 1 1 a.m. to duek ,. 4:# ....... ·-----........... ·------.. .. -.... -• ._.. .................... -......... .._ • ..-.. ......... ~., ., •• -· ......... ~ ...... .. -:,, -.. REAL ESTATE · O•MLD H. HOlllON hu been appolnted ~•e• prHldent and cblef drafts man for R•cbardaon Nacy Mart in Archltecture / P la nn lna . 11 N~wport Beaclt firm As c h l•f draflsm~rn . Hobaona duties will Include 1uperv•1k>n of draftln1 for re aldentJal. commercial and In· duatrtal atthlttttural dt-1n1nis . H Wt'll as lnnd and sik plans for lht' mttn)' HH'hanl:.on Na..: .. oe.-Martin projt-•'11'! A senior draft!Jmun with Uw flrm slnct' l96fi. tlobson 1:-. ,1 lllt' n\l1t•1 o ( t ht• Constru<'llon Spe<-lf1ut1on ln:.tatutt' . ·GEORGE'.. CAMPOS of ln•1nt· h:.i:. JOrnf'd the sales staff of lht' Newport 8e1u·h offin• of Hu:.tnl':.:. Properties Brokt-ragt' Compan} · Campos has been assignt.'<I to thl· industrral 11ivision. He was previously with thl' mdu!>tnal division of Grubb and E lhs Brokera~e Comp<tn) in Canon. Prior to that he was with Beech Am·raft Corporation in San 1-'rancisc·o and Phc1l·111 x Ad1ona. JERRA LVNNE TVLER ha:. JOlncd the ~tclff or the Newport Beach offi ce of Business Propert1t-~ Brokerage Company. . She has been assigned lo th~ offiC'e marketing division. Prior to joining Business Properties , s h e w as w ith Mathews Realty in Boulder, Colorado. Earlier. s he was Western Regional Training Manager for IBM in Anaheim. Mrs. Tyler graduated from the University of Southe rn California with a B.S. degree in TYLE• Business Education. She and her three children re· s ide in Newport Reach. . ED GRn'F'I N has transferred to the real estate finance staff of Coldwell Banker Manage· ment Corporation and is the latest addition to the firm 's Newport Beach offi <·c staff Griffin began his Coldwell Banke r car eer in June 1977, working with the sale a nd leas- ing of office building properties in the company 's Newport Beach commercial brokerage offi ce. Jn Novt•mber of that year, he transferred to the com· pany 's Los Angeles office where ROBERT J EFFERY UEFFJ CLAY, Jr , has been promoted lo the new position or media/traffic coordinator at Clay Publicom, ao Irvine public communica-~~ tions firm. this week by Bob Clay. president "*'-~~-The younger Clay first joined the firm in 1971 a s mail clok. He returned early in 1978 as staff assistant afcter attend-t . ing Alameda Junior ollege and hotding a junior management position with a Santa Ana plastics firm. CLAY A Tustin residen~. he has a daughter, J essica. LINDI\ I. lli\NSF.N has joined the Newport Beac h office of the George Elkins Company, long· established Southern California full ·service real estate broke rage and investment firm, John C Merrill. office manager , announced this week. Hansen. who assumes the title of realtor as· sociate, is a graduate of Ohio University. Her background, said Merrill, includes to and a half ye'ars of sales experience with National Supply ~ompany. Prior to that she worked as a flight at· teitdant with Air California and as a teacher with lbe Gerber Children Center. Hansen is ma rried and resides with her husband. Mark. in Ralbo<t Security Mortgage (;ets Ne~ 0.fJ.ices Security Mortgage Service has leased new of- fice-1 al 1503 South Coast Drive. here, in the South c"o.ast Executive Park Building, now under con- struction at Harbor Boulevard and the San Diego Freeway. Security will occupy 3,000 square feet in the new facility approximately June 15th, according to .Rich Halverson, vice president. The lending in- ~titution currently leases offices 1lt 666 Baker Street. · Security Mortgage specializes in long-term FHA-VA and conventional home loans and re- financing. IS THRI ANYTHING MEW THAT CAM• OFFBIDIMTHIWAYOF A llAL ISTATI CA-? YES!!!! An opportunity to team. grow, and prosper in the ,.exciting and dynamic field of REAL ESTATE UCTIONS. Thia highly 1ophl11lcated marketing hnlque Is ov.looked by moet of the real estate munlty, and ytt It provldee a much needed :Jllmc1e to pn>epeetlve cllenll Interested In acquiring ""'""'dtllle rwul19 In the Nie of their properties. fO'.I .si-a ,.., eatate llcenee. have a creditable '**lfOund, encl are lntere9led in expanding . tmentt In a new direction with unlimited IOlll"'911-cell MATIOMWIDI AUCTION COMPANY Nft'POft leech 17141917-1145 MIMn A. Ollllr. AMI.._ 8'oMr ___ .,...._.,..__ ...... --·· .. __ .... --.. ..I " ............... , •• Firm Relocates To Irvine Office Coldwe ll Banker Residential Mortgage Company has completed the relocation or its corporate offi ces from the San Fernando Valley to 2151 Michelson Drive. Suite 200, in Irvine. According to President Alfred L. Pinkerton, the move provides the firm with about four times the space it formerly occupied in Sherman Oaks, and better positions thl' company in its national expansion program Pinkerton sa 111 th at <.:old we ll Banker Res 1dC'nl i a I M ortg a gl· Co mpany currently maintains offices in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties plus t he Denver and Washington, D C. metropolitan areas. ''The night lights change; z ... a .. <'iAN TA ANA FWY a 0 CI w > .... :::> u PACIFIC COAS T HWY sunsets are never the sa111e • Living in Turtle Rock Vista is an event.'' /\11v l..Y'o/f rl!d, ~11/L•, 1\l111111ger I • THE VILLAGE OF TURTLE ROCK I llr41HE IRVINE CDVIRIWf rown 'w••••••-•••••• .. •••• .. --•••1 I LEARN MORE ABOUT I. I urtl1· l<nd. v ... 1.1 I lrnnt· .. A <.fX.'Ci.11 ('d1t111n "' l.H).;l', luxur111u~ly ,1ppointl'd c,m~k· t.J mily attachc•d homt·s. Tht•<.1· "PJllllU.., tnwnhomt•!. .ire• 1Ut'ally dt><.ignt•<l fnr thC' liff'...ryl1• 111 lhl• ('\t·turi vt· and lw; family. T he· dr,1m,1t1c v1t·W·Prn·ntt·d 1 lnnr pl,1n .. fl.,1turt• ,1 privah• f'ntry. lormal dining rc)(,m, tin·pldce. l..1tcht'n noo i... private dC'ck .1nd IPr p:lt ill, wc•t bar .ind vaulted ceiling , S<-11-cted lloflr p l.rn ... ulh·r .1 th•n, 1.1mily niom. and vault<·J w1•t1J -bl'Jml·d <.t•1lins;. I urlll' l<m (..Vista n·su.ll:'nt., wil l t'n111y exclusive U'>l' <11 thc·ir pnvalt· rt•ut•.:i tion lt'ntt·r with tt'nn1<> t 1•urt<., pool. sp.1, JnJ caban.1 Homeowm·p, .1 .. .,11< 1,1t ion-. .. upp11r1t ·d hy .111 n·-.11l1•nt-. m.1int.im thl'11u.-il1I\ "' t Pmm1•n l.1<il11i1• ... A .. r... i>ur .... d1·0., 11-r11·o.,i·nt.itivt· tor ddJil' homes from S 168, 990 TURTLE ROCK VISTA by BROADMOOR HOMES PrK4°'dh'tt1vtS1.:l 7\J ~I~!:!..'"!' 'ut"tt\• ~~' nt •t• 1h111o ll.1h n " ""'uh rt un..1v.ufobtl11v '''.in\ ur ..elf OrtU' lt\71" (714) 955-3061 + BROAD~IOOK HO~tf.51 A Ow1Wonof~11r Dn'flopmcnt, Int. ··~ .. ...... ._ ...... , .................... .._. ___ ····· .. (]I DAIL V PtLO'f Sunday M1111 "I 1<}7tt IMM[;DIATE DEUVERY ON Al l MGs & SPITF?RES tnr.t•.JCklQ t~:ircllo::> & OvNdrovP 111'-;np1· • /1111, A• \11u11t ••/ 11t \c1n /)1, .:o It•."''' Al10 S~e The Spitfires and M.G . Mldq~h .~ ', .. ;.>o.ooo 111 i lt · :"-1·1· , ; < ·• • f , o " I r a d \, :.ilat.:,. 4 P11 \II '-•''' ~r .tpurl·'.'.'. CHOICE! OF LUXURY IMPORTS '79 ALFA ROMEO SPIDERS WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION IH SOUTHHH CALIFORNIA .... ' NEW '79 SAABS THE VERSATILE • I ~. , -t..l• -,,.-. ---, . ...... - •79 ALFA ROMEO .SPORT SEDAN Aulomat•c tran<: air c:ond AM/FM ca55ette c,1qn11 c;earch oin st11oes & maq Whf>PIS 20-25 m 0 g s 10,499 I013mo Ser 0 1052) SAAB 900 TURBO OMLY5 I 0,500 NEW '78 SAAB GLE SEDAN !Ser 09873) EXCELLENT SELECTION OF 1979 LUXURY PEUGEOTS 604 & 504 IGAS & DIESEL> All Prices Plus Tair & License Cars Sub1ec1 To Prior Salo Oller FROM S8 390 Good Thru 5/31 /79 . . , ....... ·····. _ ........ ----·~· r '( )f (<-,( ~1-11 r J, •, l ., I r ~ • l •I • • " LEASE A LEGEND Wliy leosf' on 0td•no•y cor when you con leO\f' a new I Q79 PORSCHE? fhe P0t\che Q14 Ir \ de\•gned ro couy on rhe P°'\Ch" ••od•••On of w1nn1ng A ••oditoor'I rhor spons ) I year\ ond •ncludes ovPr 401 n"IJJO' ror.nr:i v•ctor1es It\ ol\O de\1gned for the p•o ct1col1ry o f !Cx:foy Ir\ un•Que rear tran\axle provides viriuolly pe<lecr 50-50 weight d istribut;on berwe<>n front and reor-l0t balonced rood holding ond bio~1ng h :ie•odynom1c des•qn 1\ o e\rheticolly pl"'O\•nq -ond p<OCl1COI BP\I c l o'I even ..,11h opt11)!'\ ~ ~~PO\•ng '.l Q[4 •\ \Ufpt•\1nq)y affordable ,,,,,,,,,,,..-Sc, "'''' your P°'sche+Aud1 dP01N and te~r dr•ve o l1v1nq legend -- J r? .. ~~,-,, r~r · ~r lf ~ ...... ~l Dt t '/,. //.~~'I·.~~ ~ '~ ... 'A• r .... ; ·' I.. ,.-• r f I v T.. ,. I ~ : ;. f / r ~ h ... / t ' .. j A , , /,·•~' •</if { f-tf\I[• <y ··~l,I L, .JI. l'f'T' '/Afr r l''j 44r, f .A'"T rr f T .. il l/V,A .1 ' l~ l.'P0~ T BE/1CH (' q . . t,' ,[.,/I .; I I c, 673-0900 The difference between a ---.....=.=...;Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz. -t, The c ar you lease does make quite a difference. After all. you don't drive the lease. you drive the car. And when you lease a Mercedes-Benz you d rive some thing special indeed . Whichever Mercedes Benz model ·you choose. you drive one of the world's mo st r espec ted automo bi les . A ca r with le genda ry engi- neering. meticulous craft sm anship. outstanding performance and sa fety. Something else: you'll drive the car you lease for two. three or even four years. Most care; look o ut of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes·Benz . you drive a car with class ic lines and timeless- ness that is never out of date. We have several lea sing plans to offer you. One is certain to make 1t more convenient for you to drrve a Mercedes·Benz than you - might have thought poss• " ! \ ble. Call us today for the \~/ surprising facts. ,,. Ask about our many convenient leasing plans. Mission Viejo Imports 831-1740 A lltlwri:.rfl l>i·uli•r 495 1700 21701 Mar.,.rlte Pkwy. • Son Diego Fwy. ot Av~ry, M 1uron V1e10 -1 I I i NEW VONK tAl'I Ovt>rdOM''-or lhf' populnr :1111>1r1n 1mbsllll1h' 111·t•t111111no11h1•11 muy bt· <>spe<'l&I· ly dangerous for J.l(~lPlt' who Hr•· chronic drinkcn •. u Mmnt•sotu dot•tur uy-. Or (.'nu.: J !lt\1'('111111 or lh1• l 'nl\11•r.,.1y or M111 nt'itota Mt:d11·ul t't•111t·r :i11<1 l\t1nn1•:1&lOhs Vf'ternn., llosp11<1I said lll'\'I um inoflhl•n 11\'ertlost's k 11 lt·d 0111• ('hronil' 11lt-11h11h1· p.1111•111 .11 I he• ho.,p1t l\I 1in1t Sl<'kerwd I ~o ul h1·1' M '•:Tl\MINOl"IU:N IS Ttn: ,\(,.IV•: in..:11· d1ent m Tvh•nol 111111 l>al 111 .11111 I!\ U!.e>d tn dOl.l'n!I uf utht·r ovt•r lht• r ounkr drug .. M:murm·t un·r., .,:1111 I ht• 1lnli.: 1ou1!1 lll'rlN·t I\ 'iufe at rf'1•11mnwn1h-cl J1•M•:o-Jl11I 111ut .in' d 1 UI! would bt• d1.111~1·rvu1o ill h1.:h tlo:-t.':.. t.'!l~l\.'('1all} wh{·n '\ ff ~ ~P .. ..,..... takl'n by chron11· ilnnk"r' ---> e11e..,.... t\lc-Clu11\, 1>1 .loril1•11 FnrrrH·r f i r st ladv L lloll/m,1n und l>r ( J I t I ·t J t .l ames I' Kromhoul r 1· t '(J\"'I Uf..I( . .t<)' hH orn:-.un purll·d o11 thi·ir ,., _ · · · • . "."~ !1t..•c:n named. the 1wr1cncc w11h th1• drug .11 t .so s ~oman ol .lht> the American <:a,trol'n '1•:ir Sht· WC.l s l'lted terolo~1<':1I Asso1·1alln11 111 Nt'l.A. Orlt•;.111s I 11 r · · w (I 1· k o n rhey suid llh• h11-:h<>:.l l'!OM' taken b )' the thrC'l' 11UllH'l'(IUS t•n v aron · patients w:Js 1·qual to t1.A.l'nt~ !iOU·m1H1gram tabkts nwnlal projc•cts 11nd in 24 hour s lw r many otlwr l'IVi<: MANUt'AMll Rt~RS REC'OMMEND NO more than eight t ahlds a rta v McClain saHI 11 · <111pcan•c.J either chroniC' alcohol US(.' or I h1· rt'g ular use of phPnobarh1tal could put a strain on lht• hvt•r. wh1<·h 1i, n·s1>1ins 1hle fo r m et ah n I 11 1 n g mos l d r ugs , n t' I u 111 n..: :Jl·ctaminophcn and bu s i n es s aeh1cvcmt•nts." It ~s known that aeet:.im1noµhc n ll> large do!>es 1·a n poison lhc· hvl'r But manufactun·r:. h<i ve ~<t id 1t would tak(' 15 grams o r mort• thl' cqu1valC'nt of 'Snakes' Aimed at Pigeons thirty !"'i(IO m1lllgr;i m tahl1·t-. 1'1 be fatal M<'C'la1n and c·olh·aguc·!> ,,aid thc·v tested acetaminoph1·n on mi<'l' :.ind 1hst·ovt•rt•d 1l I.A. :tl> mort' tox1t· In m1rt· wh(•n thl'tr clrtnkang water had inclu<ll•d Ill i>l'rcent altohol OAKLAND <APl Ri~ plastic owls didn't work. so lhe Ray Area Rapid Transit District ha s p u r c h a sed 144 brown a nd black rubber snakes in an e ffort to chase pigeon s fr om some suburban sta tions. Bl'T DR. B l::N L /\!\M AN Ot' Hrtslol ~her:. Products . m:.ike r or lhtrtl. S<&ld McClain·s pat;cnts had taken "lrcmcndou~ doses ·· o r the drug "To point lo thul :.ind s:.1y .acetaminophen m ay b C' dan~"r o u s f or ot her p eo pl e 1s 1r respons1bl<' .. S11mchocly who use!> alcohol proper- ly and U:>l'~ a <·t·tam1nophcn properly need not worry about interaction hctween t he two drugs.·· Lanman sa1<1. For t he time being, the snakes are in place only at the Pleasant Hill s t a tio n. But if they work. officials say t hey also will be distributed at F.I Cerrito, Walnut Creek. San Leandro and Daly City. Dr Thomas N f:<ill'-.. medica l director for ~lt'~eil Cnns umt·r l'rod111·t:. l'o mahr of Tvlenol. ~.aul ttw drug was q uilt: s<.1fc at recom~ended o.imounts AC•:TAMINOPtrnN IS l !'liVOU 'ED I N about JOO ch•:Jths a yl'ar 1n cnmtnnat1on with other dr ugs hut C<tUSl'S no dcalh:. alone. according to estimates or the National Ins titute on Dr ug Abuse. The problem is not so muc h t h e pigeo n s t he m selves. b ut their droppings, which litter the arrecled stations and occas ionally hit an unsuspecting passenger. For comparison. aspirin is involved in 400 deaths a nd c.ius(•s an est1mc.tlecl 90deaths alone Danes Told: Cut Use COPF.N lli\G EN. Denm:.irk c AP 1 Danes Great h ope wa s placed in the owls when they we re installed las t year. They wer e retired r ece ntly heavi l y cr usted with droppings. I havr hcC'n w<1rncd thl·y arc not being conservative t·nouJ!h with 1:x.•lrolcum and will have lo be stricter 11 thry "ant t o avoid wnrst•ning the energy crisis l'rirnt• M1n1sl 1•r Anker J oergen sen said pe troleum ccinsumµlion must be cul hack 10 to 15 per('ent ovt•r llH' nl'xt fow years to keep pace with a d1m1msh10J! ann more exµens1ve supply or otl T he s nakes have been used s uccess fully in P hoenix. Arizona. a BART official said. I Hikers Hyping More Trails Needed NF.W YOHK l i\PI Mo~t pcopl<· who l'niuy n•ry long walks a hun tlrt'd miles o r more <it a shot .are also the kinds of fnlk who gc•nera ll y l' n Joy I h 1• n :1 l u r a I b ca u t y a nd sedusion of a hiking trail. They're not necessarily anti-social But they do want m ore trails in the Un ited States to go a round fo r the in c:reasm~ m1lhons of people who enjoy hiking l'ach year. ACCORDING TO a survey by the A m erica n Fores t ln s litute in Saccharin Said To Kill Came Of Tooth Decay NEW YORK <AP> -The artificial sweetener saccharin, long thought to promote less tooth decay lban sugar, may actively prevent cavities even in diet s rich in s ugar , a de ntal re· searcher says . An a nima l experiment suggests that saccharin kills the mouth bac- te ria that cause tooth decay, Dr. Ha rald A.B. Linke s aid. "AJTEa THIS study, we can de· finitely say saccharin reduces the severity of dental ca ries ccavities), at least in animals." said Linke, a m icrobiologist at New York Universi· ty Dental Center. Dr. William Bowen. chief of the Carles Pre vention and Research Branch of the National Institute of Dental Research. said Linke's results deserved further study but were in· conclusive. Linke , whose research was funded by tbe make n of Life Saven candy, took the unuaual atep of diacllllinl bl1 report before It had been publlabed. The report bas been ac· cepted for publication later this year by the Annala ol Deat11try, be said. LIND MID llAIUT&U who ate a diet of a1moet pure 1usar Sot up t.o 72 pettftt fewer cavities ll tbelr dieta CCllllleh•ed AcchartD too. ( __ o_u_T_o_o_o_R_s _) Washington . .ibout one of every five Americans hiked on accessible trails last year. That ranks hiking well ahead or other physical fitness fads like jogging and tennis. i\nd increasingly. hikers have been willing to fight in Congress with. some success to have more trails protected from commerc1c.tl develop· ment under t he Nat ional Trails Systems Act of 1968. The dream. accor ding lo Cr aig Evans. editor o f Backpacker Maga7.ine a nd an avid hii..r himself. is lo have a nationwide trail system. protected from spoila~e and cha nge the way other historical monuments are. .. WE WANT TO extend the number of trails that can be walked. In com· parison to Europe we have a tremen· do us lack ortrails," he says. A group with which Evans is af. filialed, lhe American Hiking Socie· ty, p ut out a newsletter in April detailing th e progr ess ma de in translating ideas for trails into re· ality. Ac cording t o Evans, the Ap· pa lachian Trail, which spans 2.035 miles from Maine to Georgia, is the most hea vily protected under federal law, and a mong the most heavily t rafficked. Since 1968, two other trails have re· ceived National Scenic Trail design &· lion under the 1968 act: the Pacific Crest Trail. running 2.350 miles through rugged mountain country from Mexico to Canada. and 1ast year , the Continental Divide Trail. which meanders 3,100 miles from New Mexico to Montana . ALSO LAST VEAR, four trails were designated as National Historic Trails: the Lewis & Clark Trail. the Oregon Trail, the Mormon Trail. and tbe ldlterod T rail, a aold rush path tn Alaaka. An,d te1i1lalion is pendln1 In Oonsreu t.o have the 3,246·alile North Country Trail that runs ff'OID Maine t.o North Dakota designated a Na- tional Sceoic Trail. • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c [ A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Sunc!!y. May 27. 1979 DAIL V PILOT • J 1lus newspaper will not knowingly accept an) advl'rt1s1nJ: for re.ii estate which 1s in viola uonofthe law ERRORS: Adnrtis.n shollld check their ods daily met report •r· "°" ....... diotety. Th• DAILY PILOT 01....-s lability for the fi"t in· cornet insertion only. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW DELUXE MOTEL 114 UNITS i\1·mss frum t>1sm·,·l:ind lX·.1ut11ully appo1 n11•1I. ~paeiou .. '> rooms 1"1101. a II quet:n bt.'<is. lurnk1·\. rt· ady l•J ~o Hu:. ~umm1·r' Pril'ed n l!hl. only 2f>'. down. Don"I mis~ lh1~ OflC'' Broker coo111.•ral1on invited. Call 75:.! w:w Jt 9UAIL A!.!;~S~w 10,... TII l :lO r .M.I 31B>ROOM $62,900 With gn .. at assumable loan A l1lt ll• painL & elbow 1o:rcasc could turn this into a real charmer Call on this one bdon• it's too late. 751·3191 C:::SELECT I PROPERTIES UNOA ISLE-Sltl,500 Lowesl p riced ho m e presently being offe red for s a le on this exclus ive isla nd . Pier & slip for your large boat. Lovely 5 bedroom r esidence w/ forma l dining r m . family r m with wet bar . s pacious ent ry hall. 4 baths plus guest powdtr r m . Lge rms th ruout. Arlislically designed s m a ll pool & lge jacuzzi in fronl courtyard. OCEAM YIEW IN JASMINE CIEll( An exciting "Bay l\11st ·· model with bcautirul vu'w or ocean & greenbelt. 2 Lar ge bedrooms. den. large dining rm & 2 baths Hn ghl garden kitchen. two pCJtaos. 1 li_ghly improved with c us tom <«.a rpeting & draperies. A rare view for lhts are<1. Tennis cts . pool & 24-hour Scl'urily gal e. $250.000 MIGUEL SHORES OCEANNOMT Luxury home with i,,r.-: ... ,e 3teps to private bt'aeh . pools & recrea tion <·e n ter. dosed gall;' community . 5 Bdr ms .. 31 :i baths. w ith formal dinmJ? rm .. family rm & huge bonus rm Thts homt· has all modern amenities 1n<'I Jac·uzz1 & u built an 300 gal sallwalt'r fis h <.1quarium Enjoy lhP s ounds of lht· s urf 50 It below vo.ur hdrm window in <.1n anvesl mf'nl ·lhu t has alw<.1)S surpuss<·LI all otht•r forms of llWl'SI mt'nt. 01·t-.infront propcrt). s l. 000 .I IOU 4-UNIT APARTMENT ILDG A GREAT INYESTMEMT 11:· BllK·ks lo bl:'ach' Owner ·s upt :1 hdrms. 21 ·• baths. 2 fireplaces. pill!'\ two 2 bed r oom . l ·bath and ont- 1 ·bcdroom . l·bath units Great rt•ntal arN1 & lot<Jlion. Super Huntington Reach Vi:llUt'. $240.000 COST A MESA INCOME UNITS TWO DUPLEXES-LARGE LOT F:al'h d u p ltx C"on taans t wo 2·bdrm. I -bath si n~IC'· lcvf'I units . Near schools. s hopping. C'tt. Super priced at only S200.000 for both bldgs. Call today ' WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO .. REALTORS 21 11 Smt J....-ill Hilk Rood NEWPORT CENTER, N.I . 644-4910 VA TERMS! Owner Moving CUTE HOME O...Y.ar til•w ASSUME VA Cl1·an & -;ha rµ ;1 Hctrm _: halh Wllh llt'\\ ,·,1rtll'b ur;ip1·• &. 111!· D11uhk J.!Jr.1i.:" ~i."> 111~1 .\s~umt• S1i .1«~1 :11 !I' IUILDABLE LOT l"nHtU\' upporl un 11' "fhL.; l·hannml! ca:.t:;1il1· .1wa11~ ~uu 1n lh1:. 1111 l'I~ CO!\la Ml•:.a hom1: " s I 1!01 'hurn1• C1·nlrJI io1:ale<l 011 a larg1• hu1 lcla ly lt1n1ll'rt V .1ulll·d "•MJ l>ll· H :.! lot If tw rd"11<1ct t•c.-ll1n i.:-.. "''' h.11 noors tum you on. th1 <; 1:. O..•cor:itl)r wall l"U' .. r Lrn! plat'l'' VA •w1Jra1M·d mi:~ l'nvat1· d\•t•k Cl·n NO DOWN Only tral v;icumn. Sell 1·tnµ Sll5.0UO . C;i ll Shl•r yl oven & much morl' Call Brewer. 752 1920 now. fi73·K5541 ~ ~~~ [~'liillmJ1 A PROPERTIES·· liILil!DJ 10,... Tll l :l O r .M.I For Cluss1ric•tl i\11 ,\lllUN Call a 0<.tily l'ilol AIJ·VISOH 642·5678 BIG CANYON Opn Hs• Sot/Sun 1.s 6 Ru• V albonM St•1·ur111 :,!uJ1«l1•d Monaco mo<l1·I . :1 llr par<1ul'I t•otr~ :I 1·.1r garai:1·. ll\•;rn11r111 dt·1·or & u gn·ut bu~· at SIR!J.5CH1 JIMTAYL()R HE1\LTY 646 9688 of r/11wrorl REALTORS 675-5511 - SPRING SALES-0'81 HOUSES OLDE CO.OMA Dlt. MAI: 231 POPPY - Loe.ti•! LocetlHI Locet ... ! J .. t tM CJl'9alest -• few ,..,. to Llttle c ...... ..... &. ,. .... for tow c .... -.... property. A •wy specloa ...., . ..._ - tltrN .... DIMI, two ...... _, Wt IR h•t•rH. Gi•• yo•rHlf • treet - S 160,000. Of'IH SUM & MOM I to 5. JASMINE CllH: #49 JASMIMI cua DllYE. S24 I ,500 Hd #51 JASMINE cam DllYI. S241,000: A specW w., ef life: ttlfoy .._ •oceti09 •ta111plt1re -stroll ~ .......... ,~_.. ...... trffl. OI 0 IWiM M .... be..etM pool. Nia i11 Hie ;oc.m or IMI•• • .._......., .- of tH11i1, your ow11 shoppllMJ c"ter, I C .. ooll & churche1 jllst .......... CorMr -lots. ....... .,..OCNM, ~ f'OCNM, •i•w balca.ies. OPEH SUN & MOM I to 5. NEWPO.T HEIGHTS: 2500 MAIGAIR -PrilM location Ir i11 top cCllldlffoll - o charMl11q dfoiC)fttful ho1M: h"•o & ~ or "'ru ~oom. uwd C»nctc fi,..,._e, ICW¥ most., suit• openi119 to private yard. Freshly poiflted Ir ready for a MW owner. OPEN SUMDA Y & MOH I to 5. LIDO PEHIHSULA: Fabulous locatiofl - n•rytflillCJ your h~ort dnires. Wolk to Hclusin Udo Villoq~ shops & ,...._.•ts. Locat.d ON THE llG IA Y & plmtt art 11ndtt way to occon1modat. up to o 60 FT. IOAT. Four b~droon1 condominium - ENJOY! OLDE CORONA DEL MAR: ThrH IM*OOfft hom•. hardwood floors, con••11ient locatiOR, R·2 lot, rHdy for odditiOllClll Ullit. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coost Hwy., CoroftCI det M• 675-5511 * "EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS TO SOLD" * WATCH US GROW~ Pete Barrett IUILDERS CLOSEOUT l ~ r:w ho mt•!) tn Turtlero!'k Hig h lands with bu11tkr:, lt>rms. For rnfor malaon <'all 675-3411 presents TUDOR IN NEWPORT A LAMDMAllC HOME -or trem endous appeal . S p acious rooms w ith bcau liful c u stom woods fra ming the pa nor a mic white wa te r view. O ur ho m e offers 6 Bdrms. a billiard-pub room . family kitchen a nd forma l dinin,:t r oom . Call for the pa rticulars. NANTUCKET IN NEWPORT THE ,IOUD CAPE COD -I s r evita lized in this s uper beachfront hom e. Nestled a m ong s unny pa tios a nd s himme ring pool -c ustom features abou nd ! View the pa vilion . the boats. the ocean : sit by the walk·in fireplace or relax in th e hideaw ay to rt. Ma r vel at t h e c us to m cr a fts m a ns hip! orrered for the first time ever . $750,000. THE BEST STYLE IN NEWPORT YOUI OWH ,LAH ! Th e l as t opportunity to build the home of your own design on a s ite in Corona del Mar. with an unequaled view . Orf ered a t $500,000. Call for deta ils. 642-5200 UMDH $200,000 -3 BR t'XCl'Ullve Newport Bea<'h homE: with gourml'l ,k1ll'hen and a big. big 9,.: assumahll· loan 1807 TIADEWINDS OPEH SAT/SUM MIMI ESTATE fkaut1ful 4 OH. Eastbluff home on la rgt> p r ivatl' park·llkl' lot ;md you own the lan d. $243.500. 906 IELLIS OPEN SUN. OH THE WATER 4 BR Newport Shores home with fireplace m the master s uite. IEST VALUE IN TOWN -Oulstlmding 4 BR, Yale m odel on a gr eenbelt in University Park. Only $136.900. 64 OAICTIE:E O,EH SAT. MODa HOME FOi SAU -Lus k Turtlerock Hig~lands m odel h ome with all the goodies you d expect + super terms. For mf ormation call 675-3411 OODLES OF UDAS -Super 4 BR P lan 5 with L ARGE assumable loan. $159.900. Z6 DIBWOOD EAST IY APl'T. He Mid tbe rnult au,,_. that aacdaarta bu a cavilJ·fltMUal ac· Uoe tblll would be 1lmilar to but • 11 " I • a dlllef• .. :bat.m .,_ .. nww. lldcled '° toadlpate ,... ...... wNl'topnveatdifay. Accordlnt t.o U.S . Partc Service e1Umeta, tbe nation bu rn ,000 mUea of tralt, but only about 15,000 miles are for tbe ex_cluaive •of hlken. '----.L=-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!=i~~~.L------~,,,_.==~~~~=-..................... ..,..-..-_...._._ ~---... --- .._.., .... s• He.Mt Fer S. Henet Fer S. ....... For S. .._.. .... S. ~;i;.......1:;:;::::.:..=.~~--:-------Su~n~d!y~ . .!M:.!IX!l~2!.i1 ,~1~9~71 • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •., • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • ••••• • ••• ••• • •• • •• • • • • • •. •• • • •. • •.. • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• •• ••-. •• ••••• • • • • • •••••••• •• • ---....... ,_ t-. •••rill tMJ .,.,.. IOOJ .,.,.. IOH ••••.. tlll IOU •-NI * * OPIM HOUSIS • • ----°"" 14 COIOMA D& MAI This bome h a:> 1t a II ! l''ebulous ocean1bt1 y Vlt'w 4 bedrooms with ne w ~pplitull'l's umt nett as a pin 8e•rnl1ful lar~l' yard Wt>ll prlce'<I $232.500 und y1lU own lhl' lund. St:E C RAIG K .. ~NIJ1(; AT 1014 SEA LANI<: OHM tN Ot.D COIOM• DIL MAI Unu~unl :l Yr oltl t•ustom hnme on tret? llnl'(1 s trt•t't. lovt .. lv rna~ter suih'. 2 uddilinnHI bt•droom,. 21'1 baths. family room. formal ctininJ: room, hrrukfast un•u St umNt & lt>aclt•d ~l ass window._, "'ood fl oor . sun d cc·k .• lu:.t rt•t.h11·1·lf lu $275,000 with flt• iblt• fin:uwm..: st-:E l.lWY ROS t: AT 517 POPPY OPIN tM ruttnaoc• This bn~ht . s unny . h l' au t i f u 11 ~· d t' l' n rn t tct ti Broatl m o n r horn\' f t>nture ca s "a e i (1 ll" f :1 m I I y k I t c h c n . 4 b e d rooms & 2 het I h-; Ln n>ly ~ardens Rrand rww nn the tn<.1rkt•l al S J37.500 fl't' s t-:E 1-:1.EANOR BOWIE l\T 5:itl2 C'1\TOWBA l./\Nfo: orEM IN llG CANYOM clt.'11 ght fu l townhonw with ;JI\ unobs l rur·ted view of the golf c·ourse from a ll rooms. This bt•aut1full v maintained end unit is air c·onititioned a nd profess ionally decorated. with wood fl oors & «<>ordinated wallpapers . 2 b e droo m s. dC'n .. Pinehurs t " $222.5()(1. SEF. PHYLLIS DILLON AT 48 SEA ISLAND OrEN IN THE ILUFFS Near-by shops. ma rkcl. bus iness. t e nnis club. s<·hool & a ll the amenities. Mint con<J1tion, uri ~inc.al adult owners. Two hl•ctroom & <kn. ~·n<:losed patio & t•xtras makt• life l'asv. S1 22.500. SEE NANCY JM BERNl°NO AT 417 VISTA ROMA OPEN IH llG CANYON MONDAY MAY 21TH 12·5 On the golf courst• a lovely town home with view. 2 bedrooms. den . 211~ baths. less than 2 years old and wa lking d1st<.1 nt:t· lo FL1shion Jsl and S222.500 SEI·: u rr y HOSE AT 48 SEA ISLAN D CAFREE LIVING l1·v111t• :.ty ll' pllol and sp~• stt•ps , ..... a.v . golf t·our!-ll'. ll'nnis duh anci ~hopping "1th10 walk 1ng ciistance. Thi ~ sunnv :1 tw drn11m <'onrl0 has SJHH '1t111:. \ww of hills. p:.irk and Nl•wport Ct•ntt•r $I Ci5,000 rRIVACY GALOIE fur .vour own sµa or pool tn this ~<.i rd <.it C'nd of t'Ul·de ·sae. <·harming :1 IJt•droom "rlh fa milv room m <'h ll ll'l' S f<:,\ \.'I EW d1·,:1._•l11p m ent. o 11 I ~· S<!ti! 1.111111 WALK TO EVERYTHING From this brig ht anct l'hN•rful 3 h l ' ct r o o m , 2 1 :! b a t h h <> m t· 1 n U niv~r~1ty Park. Inc ludes great bonus r oom f ur t he C"hll d ren. $116,500. WOOD! GLASS! SECWSIOM! F;.inlas lH· family home . Cus tom huilt o n a hu ge lo t in onl' of Nl'wporl 's ni<"l'S l a r e as. F ive twdruoms. study . pool & spa all for S:J!'>O. 0011. WANT TO IE ALONE? HOW AIOUT A ... Bluffs "Dol<1n·~" in \.l'l'Y q uiet cul-dl' s<it' surrounded by g reenbelt. Ext rc m <.·I~ pri va t e location . 3 Bdrm. ~1 :! 8 <J s pill IC'\'C'I & priced right al Sl57.000 IA YSHORE 4 IEDROOM L a r gl' family home with great indoor outdoor li ving ureas. Newly re decorated. Close to private beach and boc.1t sloragC'. $299.000. WA THFIONT IN NEWrORT SHORES CASUAL home with open floor plan. Fire place with r ais ed hearth in living room. Three bedrooms. two ba ths . Community pools. tennis for only $100 per yeur . Walk to beaches. Priced al $159.900. 9u1n CHARM Delightful yard s urrounds this professionally d ecorated home. 2 bedroom, 2 bath & a den in Harbor Vi ew Homes. Price $169.500. llG CAMYOM Pool. spa. fountains. BBQ. entertainme nt cente r. Everything's h e re for family comfort & fun. Inside a re 4 bdrms. with many decorator to uches. Autumn colors. $475,000. PARKLIKE VISTA on largest gr eenbelt with view of mountains . End unit of Bluffs most popular plan . Wood paneled family room. $196,500. ISTAR SmtMa Large pool, lots of green grass encompasses this beautifully m aintained home in Baycrest. 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, large family room, plus forma l dining room. Perfect for entertaining or just relaxing. Pri<>e 1285,000. • CCllMflU. ~co. 844·9060 ....... -.cMMMIU.aRD. •£& ORI CIM1U ................................................................................................................................................................. __ ,.. '"' ~-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• OfllH HOUSIS 2214 Al.TA VIS1 t.:U~thlutr Sal :-.Un I '• IHI I ~t·"'llOln Sal Sun M1•ll I.' , lllb \ W Iii\( IU I \ :0.141 ~n M1111 I :.. DECORATORS DB.IGHT BY OWNER lkean View Sll0,900 Hr;md rww 1·011stru1•t111n Hl'<t(J\ 10 m uH· lnHI Your i·hu1re of r al"J>('ts & rlrapt'S Forever rwl'an Vll>w from ::;unken lt\'IO,I! room, for mal d1n1n,I! room. s pacious ma::.tl'r h e droum :.111tl' & ,l!ourml'l k1tr hl0n Onl~ Hr . 1low11 & otAnl·r will finam·1· f•ir :10 H•ar., fl11rr\, mu:.L :.di 1\.'>AI' Op1·1i hou.~•· 11.Jil~ l'it-aw rnll n:J t 2'!411 f1•r dl'luli:--& lhl'l'l'tlOO!'> DOVER SHORES This lovt'lv 4 hdrm, :!1,o haU1 horn~· 1-. a ~111111'':. Ihm "" :.11A :1) from lht• wal l' r l t ''If t· r ., a spar1uu.s II vini.: room & lam1lv room as wl'll as a bn~hi kitchl'n Thl·rc 1s ,1 1)nvatl' l>tutl) off th1· rnaslcr swll' fur lht• t•x l'CUtl\ 1· Fu II 11r11·1· 1:- S!95. WI t:a II 556 2f~i0 -=SELECT I PROPERTIES Mrwport Pfttinswla DUPLEX Slcjl'\ lo ucran a nd hay Large ownr r':-unit :J (Mien ~1ic bedrm:. . .;un k1 st gourmet k1tc ht·n 2nd Unit for inroml' Owner W10 carry Cinam·· In.I! Call nnw for m url' df1lails 646 7171 (°)f;i, I #• ' •• ;1 •, I POOL TIME :! ln l 'h110:.t• from. 1 1 1 111 \\\•:,,lrn1n-.ll'r , I l 1 Ill (iarc ll•n t:ru\ l' Both llt':.ullfullv rfrl'orall·fl :1 HR.:! HA i•:lf'h !'ark l'lat'•'. lnt'IW<! 74til VICTORIAN Homt!S m xlnl area UNDER $70 1100 Prm on.I> 55~·5530 /\Jn Pl'Oplc who nt.'i .. d People That ·s whal lhc DAlLY PILOT SERVlCE DIRl';('TOlt\' 1s all about• C~SIFIED. INDEX lo Place Yow Ad. Call 642-5678 EHOtlS ••••• 11 ..... ~ .... ..... ~ ...... ~ ••• r•,•rt •rrer• '-<tltlltty. Tiie OAllY "LOT .. -. lw.My .. Ille flnt --· i...,..;.,,-,. HOUSIS FOtl SALi ... , ..... OT .. UAL ISTAR 11M·1'00 194TALS , ...... '° SIMISS,IMYISTMIMT PIMAMCE MM ·HU AH~~TS "" LOST &FOUHO not ,_SOMALS UH SllYICI DtllCTOIY .... ICHOOU• IMST1lUCTIOM '"' JOISWAMTID 7t71 H&PWAMT9 "" MIRCHAMDt~ ......... ,._TO YOU .... IOAn&MAllHI '!: .... " ....... TIAtmrOlfATIOM ........ AUT'OMOIUS "lt·"H ' ·1 I • PllCI llDUCTIOM 3 Odr -Air Conditioned -ln Mesa Ve rde North Kitchen/family room c·ombo w/flt-epltirtMttrium. Reduced $2.000 to onl y $94,500. Ask for Glen I h•llwarl h ti:J l -1266 IRVINE Spa1·rnui. ,i Btl rm , 21r, Ba .. w / a~r t'orHht1011m~. J t•ar ~ar .. on CuJ de Sac SI l rvrnc ::irhoub dose. No assoc. r1 ·1·~ $1 22.f>Oll l\s k for Tom Baron ~,~,u ~oo IEACH COTTACiE $ l!H1 µ 1110 a~:-.urnabll' loan. 2 B<lr., 2 fh1 " 1n11H 111·l·an vil·w Art studio & "11 rk ~h o p $H!l .500 C a ll Roggie Wy mJn li3 1 1 2f~i · PRICE REDUCED M UST SELL t his beautiful 5 Bdr .. 3 Bu homl' an Mt·sa J)t>I Mar. Interior f rt•shly pumteu Unusual landscape "1 watnfalls . $121.900. Cell Reggie Wy11w111rn 12ti1i POOL HOME Mt•su North 11 Bdr . 2 Ba .. Fm. Rm. w I ftn·pla1•f•-llc·att-d pool w;spa - "'ruit tn•t•s & gard<'n a rea -New C'arpt•ls Sharp Shows like a m(lc lt·I ('all lh •ggie Wyman 631-1266 IRVIHE l.on·ly Yak Modt'I in College Park. Lnwt•st pri(·t·cl. SIO!J.HOO -4 Bdr .. 21 :! H ;1 . Tri Lt•\'t•I Hoy S1t•mens 631-1266 HEW OH THE MARKET Outstandani:: value in Mesa Verde. Republit Hume with dramatic two s tory entry . 2 fire places. 4 Bdr .. formal dining & Fam. rm. As k for J ackie llandleman 631-1266 234 E. 17th Strfft, Costa Mna 631-126' ~ul1onw1dc Nl'lwork of Individua lly Ownr d and Operated Real Estate Offices BEST IN BLUFFS 4 IDIM. E-PLAM End unit. ver y scarce! 2200 Sq. ft.. 21t:! ba .. lge. fam. rm .. lovely tarpel. wallpapers. mirrors , s hutte rs . ll u~e encl. courtyard . park·like s etting. Below market at $212.500 INCLUDING LAND! F•IULOUS II~ I-PLAN Bluffs largest ! 2600 Sq. ft. end unit: 4 bdrms .• fam. rm .. 21h ba .. huge bonus rm. with pool table, wet bar. Former model. highly upgr aded thruout incl. custom kitchen w/mir r owave. Must see to appreciate th is g reat fa mily home at only $197,500. HELEN Ir. DOWD REALTC>tt IMC. 644·0134 U1t & .., With the Lp9r Ii PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW -25 yards lo pounding s urf! Custom built 3 bed rm. 3 bath rndudrn g master s uite . fam rm. wet ba r . intercom . C us tom cabine ts , fixtures & imported tiles thruout. CaH Marcia or Jay 673-8550 a. Cote Realty ...,. ... & Investment Company LIDO ISLE NEWPORT BEACH Lovely 4 B<lrm, 3 ba. sunny kitchen, warm family room . Hot tub. On beautiful Strata with s m a ll bay view. Open Sal/Sun 1·5 at 111 Via Undine . BIS CANYON NEWPORT BEACH Large 5 Bdrm, 4 ba Executive Mansion. Huge yard. Lovely pool & jac. Elegant formal dining rm. Terrific working kitchen. Two ramily rooms. Highly customized for large executive family . Exclusive a t $795,000. 640-5777 NEWPORT CENTER • ' ~ t?each Realty REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 * OPEN HOUSES * 01151MM. ILUPFS Customized "E-PLAN". a display of sophisticated elegance. You 'll be impressed with the 40 ft. living room & walk-in bar. There are 2 master bedrooms & convertible den with fireplace. The e ng inee red air-conditioning & purifier assur es complet e comfort. $269,500. 414 VISTA GRANDE, N.B. OPEN SUN/MON. 1-5 COIOMA DB. MAit Like new duplex: 3 bedrooms. 2~ baths & fireplace ea('h unit. This is a probate sale. lime is of the essence. Appraisal value $249.500. 613·131h MARIGOLD. OPEN SUN . 1-5 CAMIO HIGHLANDS Whe n you close the front door. you get a feeling of complete comfort & security. Extensive use of glass brings the outside in. which lends lo the cheerfulness of the huge living room & formal dining room . There are 3 s pacious bedrooms & the pooJ is something SPECIAi.. Jus t r e duc \?d $15.000 -aow $210.000. 633 CAMEO HIGHLANDS DR. OPEN SUN/ MON . 2·5 IAYCUST Delightful 3 bedroom. formal dining room home with a c heerful feeling of s hutters. stone fireplace & built-in bookshelves. The yard is planted JYilh lovely fruit trees AND there is room for a pool. Enjoy a pres tigid\Js area for only $198.500. 2012 LEEWARD LANE. N.B. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 CANYON CRIST You can beat the "GAS CRUNCH" in this extremely <:onveni ent location. yet you have the privacy & security of a highly upgraded condo with 3 bedrooms. 21h baths & 2 fireplaces. Fee land. <not leasehold >. $182.000. tt19 CANYON CREST. N.B. OPEN SUN. 1-5 WESTCLIFF An artistically appointed 3 bedroom. form al dining room home with bea med ceilings & cozy fireplace. The gourmet kitchen is l'Xtra SPt!l'ial & the property location is so convenient you hardly need the e xtra car . $179.900. 1218 DOVER DR .. N.B. OPEN SUN/ MON. l ·S ILUFFS VIEW! Seldom do you find so m any nice features in one condo. The colors & professional decorating should appeal to the most dis «riminating buyer. There a re 3 bedrooms & 21h baths & the 'BACK BAY VIEW is permanent. $178.000. 302 AVENIDA CUMBRE, N.B. OPEN SAT/SUN l ·S 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH ~~~! .......... !~~~!~~!'! .... ~ ..... !~.~~ QUALITY PIO,BTIES J•SMltU CIHIC -Just reduced $10,000. Gorgeous 3 BR & Fam Rm on greenbelt. ocean view. A real buy. Open today. 15 Skysail. 64().6835 ELEGANT CUSTOM HOMI -With 4 BR + m aid's qtrs. dramatic sep dining rm. room for over 100' vessel. IALIOA ISLAND -Bes t value on the island. Bayfront c·ompletely remod'ld. 4 BR. Fam Rm. 125 Grand Ca na l LAGUN• IEACH -3 ('Ustom ocean view h o m es. Open today . 120 CrescC'nt. SPYGLASS SO~Ptl•w. TUITUIOCIC -Just lis ted 4 BR .split level, view. HAllOI VIEW tri-level. 4 BR ocean view . Windovc•r. Great Broadmoor F a m Rm. game rm. Open t oday . 251 5 G1•rol I002IG1Mrol IOOZ ...................... -;, ...................... . Big Canyon New Town•ame Cottdo H .... at Its best! l1mllM golf C_... •few ....... J KCHI to pool ...t fecnd. • l l .. OOIM or 2 plus con•ert. daft • Air COllCIMOMCI • 2112111111 • Ftllllily .,_ Wtcltell • Dl .. IOOlll • C.,.. th Wttry/ldtcM • 9lllilty c.rpeh/w• CH ...... • c ....... H111/ ...... • o ...... mlhM•••ltlffi.t1t111,... S.ee bf .....,. 640· I I OZ Or your •nt-Courtesy to brokers lffllllfk price fw ..... SJH,000 TAR GAZEK"._ --........... ...----1!1 I LAY~ POLl./INl---.----t M ,_ o..i, .-..,...,, W<le Jot V Au•'''"' to tfrrlo Ston Y To dt•elop ,...uoo• '"' Mo<>dov, reod WOfd• Ulfrhj)Of'Clt<>g lo nur'l'ber• of Y"4lf Zodt0e t>lrff> •'9" 759-0811 WESTCLIFF HIGHLANDS l'ridr of ownn<;h1p :!Hr 211a. a lanai rourtya rd l'nol. f:xc1t1nl! & 1mmar ula 1e 81>aut1ru1 landscapini.: SM~.1:150 I UNITS S tep ... t•l h.i~ &. ht.'a r h Great -.umm•·r wtntcr n·nlal Un :! lot~ S \25.000 OCEAMFltOMT Lu xunou~ homl' v. 1th J!ut·"I apt $525 000 IUILDAIU LOT Honm for un11 .. SI 15.000 S 0 L D HOME OH 1·2 LOT ('11uld bl! UuplC"!( S21(1.l)(M) OCEANFRONT ;! l11h 1A 1th l.irc1• hou''' 1·oultl ht• tlupl ex Sti20.tJIXI YICTOllA CHAIMEI 3th. 2RJ . lot::. of charm. tc nni:.. nice Cd~. s2J!1 om S 0 L D JONES REALTY l"IC'. ..... ~ (7MI 673-6210 I 2001 w. a.--. llM!, ...__, .. ech ~92660 blugo EXECUTIVE HOME- llVIME COVE Tllis °"" ..._. 4 bt*OORt ..._ 11 Int • fow ........ ..., fro• 0r..,. Couty'• .01t HC .. M•I ,,...... IMoclt ht tt. 9et• .. .,.ded c .. • .. lty of '"IMC.... "'-'--h•• ..... c.-rlottfH ...... t_... ............. for ........ ...._ ocen •l1w. Speclel fHtwe1 lltdllde .... ldtdMtl. ...... ...... .. µ ............... . ..... . ....,..--. ........ .. •d tfltat ,_._tic ecceu te ,... .... am. co ........ - 0 ................. .... ,... ...... 11 •• 1 ....... ..w. OfferM If 1750,000. OM THE WATll FOR $72,500 n.t•s,....,,..c•I•••• r1,.:::....._ .. ,.....,.... .... .111.0001 z ........ c .. tnly loc.t.4 Mita, ..... =,_ .... ,,. ....... ................ .... ...,.,... .... , ................. ...,...,. ..., ......... c .... ,..., 644-7020 NEWPORT llACH 4tt-411 t 4ta.ano 1..e1aa.... L11•• ...... 4t7-Hll 4tWlll L1.-1.._. 0-W ___ ,,......,. ............ ,..~-_.._,_.., ....... -............ '. ' --......... , ....., .. -~ ............... ~.,.... __ ...._.. ___ -..... " L • J J ' c t t h f t. r Ii c v OI p g • ••• 84 -.,... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'e-sil ....... ,.. 100 •••rll 1001 .... ,.. 1001 ••• ,.. 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Let U!> ,,how \'ou how todo 1t. • Tall to R.ct Carpet We Usfeft 754-1202 -----WATYFRONT 10 LB CATFISH was c au~hl f rom the lil~·k of this almost nPw :i lx'CJrm. 2' •bath, ram rm. chnl.ng rm. + den home 0 11 the waler Bri ck patio. bak ony, fpk , Am<·n1t ics 1n1•ld pool , 1a1•uzz1. vollcy ball. :-ad· mi?. pr1 valt• bcach & much mor<'. for only $235,000. C..:a ll no w . wo n 't las l liT.~8..'i.5(1 -I J • I "1 ! I' f 1~11111 200-202 S.IAYFROMT Balboa Island'!> most t'X t·iteng s1tll-1by 1s1d t· duplex 5 Yrs rll'w Ovt•r tUX'l.sq fl . •t Br. 4 ba. den . 4fJ' on wa ler Su1>1.•r p 1t•r f<lr 2 lrg boats. Appl lo Ill'(.' Sl,500,000 PER.ALT A HILLS COUHftY MANOR WllO MJ ft of J!f3l'IUUS 11 V IOI! Tcnru,., 1·rt , horse an•a. j.!re<al v11·w $2,200,000 1\llfll only IUCHTIME Realty 673-6511- CLASSIFIED HOURS ,,h,•rt• .. •·r' tfl.1\ ('Lu • tf11 ·11 ,,,,. '" 't•k1•••''"'' 1'\ U l,J 111 1n1• ,Uj f1 tfl \l"''d.1\ Jt11u Frt1l.1\ "4 lu nu ul !'11turd,I\ , ,,...I' \It .::-\ l1t t 'IC't .1:11 \\' 11,,, 1;.t.! .!4uH Ill \;Tl "; 10'\ flt /\I'll l<K7.o llt-.11 h Ill• ii l.M:l'r->A Ht;At'lt 11111; lflt-nn1'\ rt· l.a1:u11a 111-lll'h <IM !Hf.1; ""II I II 1'(11 '" rv ,11.1111\•t• ,,u, f~:!O CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 1-·111111111· lur l'"I" & ~1 lh I'• '• :lO I• fll tht• tla \ f••f••f1• llUhlf••,1t llUI P\ ·•·1~ 1111 "111111.1• & ''"" ti.I\ ,.,01t1111i-"h1•11 1l1·.1tlhn1• ,,. ::O.:tl11r•IU\ I:! ll'!llU CLASSIFIED REGULATIONS t'.11 111 lllS •\•I• 1•r1 '"'r' ''~"iltl 1·h1•1•k llll'tr ,11h it.uh Iii rt•Ht•r l •'rt• Ir:"! 1n1t111•1lt.tl f'h Tll F Oi\11.Y 1'11.11'1' ·""'"'''' hot ht hi\ 1111 I ht• ltr't tn 1·1orr.,·111i-.. rt11111 unh ( 'A.'l;n '.t.l.A T IO"\S \\'ht•n k1lht11! ,111 ad he i.urc· In makt· a ri11·orlt Of I h1· I\ I I. I. N l' ~1 H .. : H l!IV\'fl \OU bv \'llUr :ut 1.1kt•r ai-r••r•·• pt nt ~·our 1·unn·llalmn Thi,. klll numhl•r m\J'<t bo• pn•,.1•n 11'(! hv th" 11dvt•r11, .. r In rm11• ot ;i d 1i.11ut ,. l'ANn :l.l,t\TI0:-0 0 11 l'OllllEC"'rrt1' oF N t'.W ,\II II 1-: fll 11 t: Hl'.,~I Nt : ..vt1r\ 11llttrt •:r. rn.tdt• tu lull of' 11orr1•1•1 ,1 tlt•>< ,otl th.ti hlloil. h1,•1•n l'rtll·rt'd Ill.II ,..,. h1nno1 l!u.1r.1n '"' It• Ito• "' unlit I ho· .111 h:" ••tllll'U rt•tJ Ill I ht• lli•lll'f IMMI-: A·l.INI-'. f\l>S ,,...,.. tHb arr ~• rll'tl) r atoh tn actvun1•1• II\ mail nr al any IWlt' "r nu r nt """' NO ptlnnl• ordt•n• 1>1•11dl1n1• · 3 p m ~v. c·~a M1·1111 nt lttt 6 12 noon 111 11ll brllflC'tlofflC'f'll. THI': lll\11.V f>ll.OT rc'!lt'rv1•11 lh4' rt1>1hl tn l'la,.~11\' f'<lll. 1•1•nMlf or r1•t u~1· 11nv a d vt>r llM•mt'f\t. unit 111 l'NHlJH' "~ rM'.-,. • n •11uh1l1oth •'lthtlUI JlM(lf' nu4l1·1· Cl.AISIMO ~ADOllH PO ho•IMIO. t:oic.11 Mt'llit 92llla6 J1ti"'J' -n, Wall., S. .J(;,,, &-_,46Joc. 673-2500 ~ SAT/SUM. l·I P.M. 11 MOMTICITO DI .. WY~S Hill to:n1oy SJMc'<'ta<:ular "'""" of 'parkhn~ nifl hl ll1thts frnm ~pac1ous 4 en . + fa m i l y + ll o nus r oom ho m e w / ptlOl -jacun a. RI mu·rowavc ov('n, wood plnnk n oormg. va ulted <·ell m~ l'rH·t• r,'<hu•t•ct tu on ly U.lO,MIO 1nt'I l:tn<I OP8I SAT /SUH. I ·S P.M. l415 qutlT COYl-1.USll H.Y ... LLS . 'l' t) ll n l r \' ... I' I'"(' h . • rt I t\ n M ..: f ( w u~t·ct r~·ct lffu·~ t•ntry & 1>al io' tlu n lwuocl rtoo l'lfll! ht!U lfll·d l't,•1lint.'"· F n·1w h 1l11<H'::-& ... h ullt·r' ~1 .. x11·1111 p avt.•r:--& tt ··sM \S HI N(;' \It'°" ol O<'t.'atl & Nµt I lhr 2 l5H-:!1h.ill OHAN <.j E AVE . COST A M ESA :! UH home pl u~ dt.'tached b a dt t' I u r st u cl 1 o 11 n t' x l ra I g I u t ( 102Xl!)O ) ro r the ba1·kyanl hobbyist loads of room for t abinet shop. s m all app l 1a 11 t l' f l' a ir ~ fo r t h e handyman "fixl'r-uppe r ". PLUS room for motor hom<'. hoat tra ile r & extr a m otor in~ con venie nces re qui r ing fl'nl'cd -in s pat·c drive by or call WALTER K INC . L ist ed al o nly S l 3!J,500 CdM H-2 LOT w tstudio-bcdroom hom e 2 car garage . Only $138.000 MESA DEL MAH 4 BR fa mily home on quiet c ul-de-sac. c lose tu s hopping & Ora ngt> Coast College. New cpts. s hutter s. V A. lotin. P riced to s ell at $92,500. Colesworthy & Co. 2545 E AST BLUFF DR . NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 640-0020 EASTILUFF SUMMY SIDE OF T .. STaHT Bright fa mily home on corner lot with t ozy. paneled family rm .. 3 spacious bdrms. Spa rkling condition thruout s uper extras. Time -clock sprinklers. cont'retc drive wit h basketball court. g arage door ra i s~d for t a ll v a n pa rking . Wa lk to shoppin~. $167 .500. Open today, 1-5. 2455 Bamboo ILUFFS SIMf9LE LEVEL "'*-ftHS AND IOSIS- S urround this e x p a nded . p opular Linda Model. 3 Large bdrms .• 2 baths. vaulted open bea m ce ilings; a trium a djoin s s p aciou s m s tr. b a th & dressin~ rm. Move-in condition. with ne w c arpets & p aint. $167 .500. Held open today, 1·5. 556 Glorietta ~!"! .•..••••.. ~~~~!!:~~! .......... ~~~~ EE 110111 ILllRS ca. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 54 DRAKES IA Y OPEN SUM 1-5 Spec tacular Spyglass. Lovely Five Bedroom Model. Night Lights View Professionally Landscaped. Many Extra Features: Pool, Sauna, Spa. Entry Leads To Lar ge Living Room & Forma l Dining. Modern Kitche n. Game Room. $525,000. 2443 YlSTA MOIUli OPEH SUM 1-5 Lar ge Single Level Paula P la n. Three Bedrooms Plus Fam ily Room In Newport Beach Blurrs . T iled Entr y. Large Living Room With Cu s tom Firep lace . Cat h e d ral Ce ilings. Hug e Mas te r Bedroom Suite. Fee La nd . Only $196,500. Owne r Will He lp Fin a nce. 19211 llDDLE OPIM SUM 1·5 One Of Turtle Rock 's Best. Four Bedroom Popula r Pla n 3 -Lovely One Story. Large Living Room With Fire place. Excelle nt Floor Pla n. C omm u n ity P o ol. T e nni s, Playground. This Is A "Must-See" -Priced At$154,500. WATBNOMT WITH DOCK Spec tacular F a mily Home On The Wa t e r In Newport Beach. Three Be drooms Plus Maid's Room . Large Fa mil y Room . Immac ul a t e Condition. Huge Dock For Your Yacht. Call Now. $1,800,000. WAMT TO IUILD7 Construct Your Own Custom Home Oc This Lot. Five Doors From Oc eanfront In Newport Beach. Approved Plans Already Available. Call For More Information. .. CAMYOM Immac ulate Two Bedroom. Two Bath Rental. Completely Furnished. Dover Mode l. Sl350. U1·1• •• I0¥8ftllfl•• .... , r 1/J _M_A_M_S-ION ___ '"" ONM MOUSI SAT & SUM I ·I 3 BR. fo"'<1 m lly rm. 2112 ba . highly u1>J!rudcd l.1nt·oln model w/ftplc & a ll thl' bltns. Redwood deck. W/P'Vt J <H.'ll7.7.I, bl..: i:a rtf.:t• Rfo~DUCEO TO $1 W.900. OCEANFRONT HOME UJS.000 H 1· cl t· 1· o r a I c• <I 2 H ct r m h ome . 'I' rt' m ,. n d u u ~ Io<: a t ion & n i c e t·1Hpc•l 111 ~ Co rn e r lot m a kes a fa ntu:-.111· watl'r vu·w t'Vl'n bette r . Obi ).!a n 1i:t• w l'll'l' d oor opener . New h:-.1\nJ.! LARGE IEACH HOME 0;\l.Y A FE W DOORS TO T ll E 1n :'\Cll :1 "''1•rs·1.1·d RR . 21'.I ba . r1·1·1·11tl v r1·modl·lt•d & redecor a ted . Lui:, 11( hll11 :--. frpk He + off street 1>:1rl.111g 111 a dd i I 1<1n LO lhl' garage .\ ... l.t11J.! "'W9 :>oo IALIOA ISLAND DUPLEX L r g building w i dt>I garage. good 111t·11nw (;ood eonct Has to be hest 'a h1t· 0 11 entin • Is land at only $234 .500. JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2919 Newport ll•d. corner 30th Pete Barrett presents NEW LISTING NEWPORT CREST -Front row v tl.'W in hl'Sl Iota lion. Popular Pla n JV with 3 Rdrms . master bdrm s uite inl'ludcs a rc•tr<·at. Elt•c tru: garage has large work:;hop room. 5165.000. # 19 IMO Loa, NI Opet1 5ull 1-5 NEW LISTING HARIOR VIEW HOMES -Bcs l prir ed 4 Bdrm Montcgo model on fet• lund ! NC'ur l'Ommunity pool. g r<'enbt>lt and t•lem e ntar y school. SlGG.500. Call to see. 'CLIFFHAYEN SH CATALINA SUNSETS --Nig ht li~hts and bay view. Lovely custo m 3 Bd rm h o m e co m pl e t e l y r e d C't'O r a ted . S e p a r a t e in -la w quarlc rs, automalit· sprinklers •.ind lights. fire and burg la r alarm . i\ va luable piece. of prope r ty. 521 ICIRgl Rd., Ml 01Mft Sal/S.. 1·5 NEWPORT SHORES SH T .. ACTION AT THE HACH Best location. lowest priced -and look at t he size! 3 Bdr ms a nd familv room. Alln.1 ct1 ve A-F ra me. 250 c-... Ml Open Sal/S.. I ·5 SUPERB VIEW HOME COMPLETB.Y HMODEUD -Wa tch the boats s a il by this custom home in SJX'<:ial area. F rench doors, 2 fire pla ces. wine cella r . view ba lcony AND on fee la nd. 1411 Kiftgs Rd., Ml Open Sal/S.. I ·5 BAYCREST-POOL OUTDOOR EMTHTAIMIMG -On the lovely dec k with f1 repit. Loads of room in this 4 Bdrm home. with formal dinjng room, fa mily room and pr o f ession a l da r k r o om . 5260.000. fee. 163 J s.tiago, ... °'*' Sun. 1-5 HARBOR HIGHLANDS-POOL EXTRA WIDE LOT -Spacious 3 Bdrm. fam ily room hom<'. Plenty of room fo r family a ctivities -enjoy the la r g e pool a nd e over e d patio. $169,000. 1521 Dorothy LR., HI o,_ S.. I ·5 HARBOR HIGHLANDS LOWIST NICE IN AIEA -3 Bdrms 2 baths with used b ric k fa cade . New p lumbing, d e cor ated in warm earthtones. $115,000. Ca ll for furt he r det a ils. UNIVERSITY PARK Ill SUPEll END UNIT -H ighl y upgrad e d wit h new a p pliances. d ec or at ed in wa rm eart htones. $119.900. Call for furt he r details. TRIPLEX--tOSTA MESA OM FR LAND -Close to freeway a nd shopping. Excellent renta ls. All r e f urbis hed w ith bu i lti ns a n d priv ate patios a nd price reduced to $149,500. ASI US -... ow ...._ w_,.•ty ,, ... _ .... c ............ ...,.,.. .... ....,.. I Sund!y, ... , 27, 1979 DAIL y PtLOT maenab-ftfvlne realtg FIHll PIOPIRTllS OHN SUM. 1-5 P.M. I Ill ...-HLAMD New Westcliff ~rrering on cne elf Npt 's finer st reet s. 4 BR, famlly rm hom e boasts a pool + 3 fplcs & will a ppeal to those buyers who appreciate quality construction. spaciousness & convenient location. $248,000 fee. Polly Goss 642·8235. < M-37> OPIH SUH. 1-5 P.M. 406 VISTA 9UIMTA J us t listed ! Beautifully upgraded 3 BR (se p. m as ter ) w/s!aincd glas~. woo d wa lls & high be ame d ceilings. Tri-le ve l e nd unit B luffs condominium w / lf1vely nig ht li~ht. lipper Bay & mtn. vie w. $249.000 le asehold. J ean Da les 642-8235. < M-38> OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. 2012 YACHT RISOLUTI, SIAVIEW Last of only 3 c ustom hom es in priv comm. w/tennis. pool & spa . Exceptional quality & desi~n highlight this 4 BR, fa mily rm r es. w 1 impressive list of feal•Jres incl French doors. paneling, bric k. marble, jacuzzi & lop-grade ~ppliances ! Full luundry rm. $365,000. Lynne Va lentine 644 ·6200. c M-39> OPEN SUN. 1-5 ... M. 243 I PORT WHlnY HARIOR VIEW HOMES Newly Listed Ca rme l m odel w1 ~x pansi ve view. Owner a nxious; short escrow. $169.500. Car l Butler 642-8235. < M -40 ) OPIM SUM. 1-5 P.M. ll05 GLIHWOOD, IAfCRISt Spectacula r. ne wly listed ! Lg. tra ditional 4 BR home in prestigious neig hborhood. f<'ormal dining -family rm/kitchen -taste ful decor w / plush cpts. pape rs & tile. s:ns,ooo. Bob Owens 642·8235. < M·41 > OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. 501S CRESCDIT, PHALTA HILLS Lush t'State -wa terfall n ows from jac . into custom pool. Approx . I -a cre w 1 fruit & avocad o groves. 5 BRs -huge bonus game rm -A/C & vacuum system s. S450.000 lfelcn Wood 644 -6200. <M·421 OPEN SUM. 2-5 P.M. 215 E. IAT FRONT P r ivate pie r & float ' Oversize corner Ba lboa Isla nd lot w/approx 4:1' on bay. Oldt•r t-story 5 BR. family rm hom e Crebuild or expand w/p oss 2nd story> $665,000 incl. land. Dick Halde rma n 642·8235. ( M-43> NEW LISTING! T e r rific Pinl'hurst mode l in Big Canyon Mc Lain Townhomes' 2 BR + de n condu wi wct bar . Near comm. te nnis, pool & JaC 2-car gar. $184.900. Lynne Valentine 644 -6200. ( M-44 > "BEACH FttOMT LOT OM IA Y'° Lg. duplex lol <appr ox. 4100 sq .fl. I w/full bay view ava il. Sandy bay bcath -m any pos:,ibUities. Asking $29i ,500 fee. Clint Moses 642·8235. ( M-45> CHOOSE FROM TWO! Big Ca nyon ! 2 BR + den Pinehurst townhome w/enclosed mir ror ed wet bar , blt·in bookcases & many other upgr ades! $227.500 -OR -3 BR + de n Augusta end-unit w/sweeping golf course view from ne a rly ever y room ! For ma l dining r m + eat-in kitchen. $235,000. Joyce Edlund 6'12-8235. < M-46> LOVIL Y MEIGHIORHOOD Handsom e . custo m s ing le-story home in Dover Shores a re a. Family r m w /cathedra l be a med ce iling, wet bar & parquet noor : spacious for mal dining rm -+ tiled k it c hen wr brkfst area for lg fam ily Low-m a int yard . 4 RRs + m;ud ':; rm $350.000 incl land. Cathy Srhwei<:kc rl 612-8235. < M·4i > ELEGANT FAMILY HOME Dover Shores <.i r c<.i Lg. fo mtly rm area w country k1tchl·n. brkt:-;t rm. fpk & ~a mt•d l'l'ilings <also in li ving rm & ma:,ter sutll·1 P OOL ' $323,750 fee. Ba rbara Aune 642-8235. CM·48l ON THE GOLF COURSE! Private s ill'. borde re d by a pprox. 133' of fairways Spacaoui, 4 BR + m a id's rm home w /circuJa r staircase E>nt r~ forma l dining -paneled fa mily rm wi wet ba r & fplc --lg. kitchen w eating a rea -Jg. deck off master suilc w/gt cal view ! $~50.000. Lynne Valentine ti44·6200. CM-491 CAMEO SHORES -JUST ltEOUCll) Now S277 ,500~ Beautiful 4 BR. forma l d ining rm home located on the Canyon. Within walking distance of 3 private beaches & conv to schoo ls & s hopping. Donna Gods hall 644·6200. ( M -50) HARIOR VIEW KNOLLS .Jus t Jislcd ' 2 HR. 2' :! bath + d en Newcastle model ~ pla nk floor ing & many upgrades! Comm. pool. tennis & jac uzzi. Walk to s hopping & pu blic tr a ns portation. $174,500 fee. Sundie Fix 644·6200 < M-51) OM THE HIGHEST ICMOLL! Exquisite Country Englis h Es tate presentin~ a view of Npt. Harbor from every r m ! 5 BRs -fa mily rm -libra r y -brkfst rm -m aid 's qtrs w1scparatc sta irway. ELEGANT w/8' French doors. im ported antique chandeliers. on yx. marble & br ass fixtures. Gated c irc ula r drive: 4·car gar . Nea r ing completion. Lynne Valentine 644·6200. ( M-52 > CANYON CREST llighly upgraded 2 BR. 2' :i bat h condo w/fa mily rm, formal dining rm . library & custom fplc . Fa bulous pool location. Sl89,900 fee. Sandie f ix 644-6200. CM ·53 l FLEJCllLE TYMS! Owner is offer ing a super 4 BR. family rm home for your a ppr ova l low down payme nt accepted : will a lso sell under sales contract. AITD or tr ade for duplex. condo or s ingle res. Drive by this newly const. res. at 2317 Irvine Avt', Npt. Bch. $249,000 incl. lanct Belle Cha se Lee 644 -6200. < M-54 J WATHFROMT DRIVE A re al "cha rme r " on super buildable R·2 lot-and-a-half. P r ime location. OHe red in fee at $279.500. Martha Macnab 642·8235. ( M-55) GRACIOUS UYI ... An absolute ly spotless home m aintained in m int condition. And a lg. wo rk-free yard to provide privacy & beauty for the new owner or this 4 BR East Bluff ge m . $195.000. Coby Ward 642·8235. <M·56 ) 4 II FAMILY HOMI -S 152,500 Custom res. on pool-size lot! Features fam ily rm. wet ba r . cathedral beamed ceilings, formal dining + much more! Drive by 2365 Mesa Or. Paula Bailey 642-8235. ( M-57 ) MEW LISTING Lg . 4 BR . s plit-level Newport Crest condo w/s f>acious fa m ily rm. form al dining. fplc in li ving rm. Comm. te nnis & pools. $148.000. Bever ly Morphy 642·8235. ( M·58) OCIAM YtlW E legant 2-story S pyglass Ridge res. on extra lg . lot. Spacious family rm w/fplc. formal dining , expanded master suite w/priv. deck. MUCH MORE ! $349,000. Lorr aine Re nnie 752-1414. <M·59) FLAlltl Exceptional Bayfront Custom home feature. dramaUc 2-story entry It living rm/gam e rm w/m usic loft & wet bar -lavtab mas ter suite + mor e! Pier & slip. $1.950,000 fee. Ma rtha Macnab 842·8235. <M·60) 642-8235 901 h•erDrln .... ,.... ..... 644-6200 16445 .......... Dr. H.tlerYlew C.....,. 752-1414 414SC...-Dt-. c...-v .... c.... . J ............ ~---·-···· ..... ., OM.Y P!LQT EXCIU.8f1' SHOWPLACI Slt,000 Char ming h<>mf> show~ extr<'m<'IY Wl'll 3 bC'droorns. formal d11ung room, oak pan('lt•d dt>n "1th wt'I bar . toas t y fireplace , plu ~h upgraded carpeting. MOM loving kitc:hen with <'verything built·tn . Covt•rcd patio, close to t•xcellcnt sthools. s hoppinf:! centers and fr eeways. Don't he s itate. call 540-1720. ROMANTIC VIUA S6'5,000 One of the mos t unique and beautiful homes in the world. 4 level fl oor plan features open courtyard, r efl eC'tion pools a nd cascading w<t tc rfalls. 4 bedrooms. maids quarters. dramatic fl oating dining room with 30 foot wall of glass. Gym roo m with jacuzzi. 2 firt:"places. Reminiscent of a beC:Juliful Villa on the Riviera. S hown by appointme nt only. 540-1720 LARGE F.,._.ILY? Sl2',t00 Don 't miss this lovely Mesa Verde executive home with 5 bedrooms. <'Ozy family room. brick fireplace for cuddling a nd a step-saver kitehe11 with built-ins ~alore. Giant pC:1l1U runs 1£>ngth of entire home. By Sl'hools. Won 'L l;,isl . call 540·1720 LUXURY LIVING B<•autiful East Bluff townhome lcwated on lush greenbelt includes 3 twdrooms. dintnJ.! t:1rea. wet har. lou:-.ly f1n.'pl :H·t•. c-hccry k1tC'hen with hu1ll ·tnS and t•ating ci r Nt Tilerl pC:Jllo. Super v1(·w of Upper Newport Bav. Commun . pool . Pre tty l;.rndscapmg. Call 540-1720 TASTEFULLY REMODELED $159,900 M us l sf'c this m·wly remoJell·ct and tastefully l'nlargt•d home lot·nted in quiet area nt>ar schools. golf and Lt:n nis. Supt:'rhly upgraded home has 4 bedrooms. rlt·n. dming room. entry hall, family room. firepla<:e. Patio. Huge lot 1s t·o lorfull y landscaped. Don 't wail. c all 540-1720 SMAS .. NG VALUE Sll7,500 This delightful family·style home has something for every family me mber. Includes 4 bedrooms. form::il dining room. cozy family room and <.1 lovely stone fireplace. MOM loving kit<'he n with top qua lit y buill-ins and upgraded no.wax floors. Large 3 car garage. Patio. Near beautiful children's park. Owner extremely motivated. Hurry. call 540·1720 POOL HOME S 165,000 Beautiful Monaco m odel home located in Newport Beach features an 18 ft. by 40 ft. heated swimming pool. Ranch home with 2 bedrooms. de n. formal dining room. cozy red brick fireplace. gourmet kitchen with every conceivable built-in. Patio. Must see to appreciate. Call now ! 540· l 720 FllST HOME? HZ,000 Take a look at this excellent starter home located in nice area. Well · built home in..!ludes 2 bedrooms, dinini? area. br~zy kitchen with eating area. Owner will paint outside or home . Giant backyard is great for kids and pets. Won 't last. -ea ll 540-17-20 POTEHTIAL PLUS! SSt,ttS With a little creativity and effort this could be the home of your dreams. Fixer upper includes 3 bedrooms, dining, sunporch, brick fire place for cuddling and more. Owner will help finance. For details ca II 540-1720 PIOFISSIONAL OfftCIS SI 34, tsO Check out these professional offices located at center of Costa Mesa. A quality-built structure with rooms with cabinets and one-way mirrors. nice waiting room and a reception area. Huge parking lot. Call for more information, 540-1720 RELO ......_ PfW s-. He.in Fw S-. ••• ,.. 10021•••r• IOOJ tt....•.., s. ....... ,.,. ,. .......................................................................................... . • .. 1002 loo •••• ,.. A -IMf • •• • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • •• •••••• • • I 00• • .. I 002.h~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!••!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!ll!!lll!!!!!!L __ tl .• , ................................................. .. •.!•••••!..!..!.!.!•······· ................ ........--. ............. ...-.-......... ------------------------....... 1001 ~-"~~~ ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• DWLD OMTHISAMD $177,000 *'911-to tht' bud\ I rom owner'• rrunt 11011 :1 B•drm 1 1 l o rl f'lreplo1u·(), l>••l'k " 411 1)1111.,, hakl' roof l '11 I I lll1W. 813 ll..\.-.1 • t • " [911111 F<>Uvav11w ~ l1J1llntt ••r •11h putnl llrt·11th1alon.i '11·w 111 l ",1h1ll11a lht• 11\llUlll.tlll'- /lt 111~hl ht:hl11 L\ h I twt1 m homl· l'h" 1i. .1 llllllil (lfl HUJI hottH' 'hn1• 11101: lhl "'UKl l>J t' l>f'H'\'\J TWO ONA LOT l 1 tn111>I [JI I\ Jq ft 1•.11 111111 h11s li:(• lJt11·k\ rtl I(, tr ... -:. lcl1•1JI Cur two 11111\ ••·•·up.int·~ ti1 .. 11I .111•:1 111 t.ui.l i!>llfr l ol!>lJ \11',.1 l~·tw1 llurn • VIEW OF HILLS i''rom l111;. f11ll1 bell m 111·11111' 1h:11 11.1~ l'\ t•r )lhlll~ L!:t' II•'" "I ll do\\'!> So uk I'll I I\ rn 1 & rmmn I uh. ll1i.:loly up ~ruckd 10 ,111 .1ri'a :-. Tai.ll'Cullv tl~·t"•f u l t•<I Pnt't.'CI to s't.'n' OCEAN & CAMYOM VIEW CoroMcktMor 11111.tr lol with spac·tous h1lmt• l.1 i.:ht and uiry lutc·hcn Mass1Vf• ::1tont• f1rcplt1t.'c. 3 Ht•drms, rumtly & din1n1: rm. l'alm and dt'l'k POOL. Won't last ' Call fi73 H550 ,1 • ,#' [~Ulllid SHORT OF MONEY? • Ott'l'k lh1:-Su pt•r :1 hr 1n Mt-:.u Vcrdt· t••JJ an•a. d()f;t' ht gull l'l':.t' 1\1> s umt' !I 5'; loan or ~cl a m·w •Ille! CJll & ::.OJ Vc f~l5 72:!1 ~-12t Wntcliff R~otty NEWPORT CREST Allr :ll'l 1 Vl' :.! f\11 rm + 1kn. i·~ Ii.1th~ -.11111 h•q •l llnght c•tw1·n m·.11 :11111 1.1tarr1 thruuul E"'t'I> l11111al lh<·11t1rm . 'IUtl'l. ).t't•ludt•d "1th lo\ eoly ''Ii'" 11f g ri ••nlll'll and np1·n !!>pan~ SI :1:1.~.uo Plt'<LW l'<ill r>1h·'111 I fur appt ~ COATS &WALLACE REAL ESTATE, INC. 2BR.AMDMEW DUPLEXES l'"rom S372.00fl tn Old Corona del Mar <.:us111m bualt. security. JUl'U7.7.t. decks, and pallm. QUIET RANCH 11 nR . 3 baths only $13).~. 1EMODB.ED DUPLEX In Old Corona d el Mar. Only $257 .000. 640.6161 ~ VOCEL PACIFIC Shoppen SJMcial L'i this attructivt· Jhr. 2bu home w1a lg ram rm & forma l DR CIO!o.C to schls . Save S's at ~.000 Call today! 979.5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS WEST CLIFF $165,000. Spacious, sin~le story Newport hom e . Lrg counlry kitchen over- looks pool sire lot with ~etable garden & fruit trees. Massive brick rplc enhances formal Uvlng room. Sep. master wing + 3 more kin g size bedrms. Don't wail call rorpreview,646 7171 tVfl_, lh Y• •f f "'I ti'• f • f~IMtll COIOMADO CAYS Luxurious Bayside Mmskln. Space for 100' yadU ln double dock. 2'10deg view or Bay Ii Ci· ty. cu.tom fumlsbed, 2 frplu. jacuzal It elevldor, .~.... Pvt p.tiol, maid's quarters 11111 odler amentUea. 4 + bdrml. 4+ batbl. '5500 per mo. ToddcoGeneral R.E. 714/1·210.JHI Hive IOmethlnt you w1nt to 1111? Clullfted ada do It well -Call NOW, ...... UtilqUI HOMIS OHM I ·5 TOOA Y UMIQUI IM MEWPOIT HIMMfTS -2 nt•w 2000 sci ft custom homes. private nil dt· !'l<ll'. t'IH'Hlyptus trees and s11111·wus floor pla11~ Fl'oni $2'15.900. St•t• Allan I ldh-r HI 111111 l.>onuld Plucc. UMlqut IM CAMIO HIGHLAMOS '1 hdrrn, :1 h:tl.h. ~lll~!ll' story; prav11cy ahountl :-.. priv11l1· hc.•ac:h tu·•·~ss, $17!1 ,11(10 St•t• al ·IHOfi ('urtlanc l. UMl9UE IM HARBOI VIEW HILLS - l.u:-.k. •I hdrm. l..:t· lot. Hl'lvt><lt•n• plan. $227 .000 St'l' Mar10n fkcc.Jy al 1124 Scat•rt•sl l>r. UMl9UE IN BAYCIHT -4 bctrms, 2 frpk<•s, lge lot. great s treet. $259.000. See Sandy Orlowski al 2000 Windward. UMlqul IM HARBOR VIEW -3 bdrm, newer quality appointments. large corner lot. great view, $375.000 fee. See Shirley Hams al 2921 Pebble . UMlquf IM MEWPOIT BEACH -2 new custom homes. both Unique! 3 hdrms. 2 story, sun decks. microwaves. etc. $215,000. See Sara Marvin at 545 & 549 Irvine in Newport Heights. UMl9UE IM OLD CORONA DB. MAR - One or the best Ocean Blvd. views -3 bdrms, 2 baths, h ardwood fl oors. jacuzzi. $525,000, c-it ! See Kay Parker al 3620 Ocean Blvd. UMl9UE IN WESTCLIFF -Sharp Sturdevant built 3 bdrm. 2400 sq. ft .. lge lot. very private and j ust $169,500. See Sharon Corzine at 1406 Weslclifr Drive. UMl9UE IN EASTBLUFf -5 bdrm. 3 bath. split ll'vel. near big park. Just $185.000. See Pat Merry (owner / a~t) al 2640 Basswood. UNl9UE IM JASMINE CUB -Super 2 bdrm. den. wood floors. shutters. JaC'uzzi , S244.950 fee. See Marilyn I lodg-cs al 2 Skysail. UMl9UE IM JASMINE CREH -3 bdrm. s plit l evel. brand new. gated l·ommunily with tennis. S275,000. See Berl Rcc.·dy at 8 Atoll. UMl9UE IM HARBOR VIEW HOMES - Monaco 2 Bdrm. de n. corner lot, vacant. $165.000 fee. See Bob Hodges al 2000 Port Cardiff. U~l()UI: li()MI:§ REALTORS' l HC N/C(ST PEOPLE SCLLING THE NEATEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR. 675-6000 • CALL US -FOR THE IMVESTOI - G.-ral I 002 I G: .... ,.. I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~II. macnab I Irvine ?i-realty BUOY THI COUMTIY IM THI CITY On 21/• acres overlooking the Upper Bay on Mesa Dr. Beautiful 5 BR home surrounded by towering trees & rolling lawns . PLUS ... a 2 BR guest cottage. Riding ring & 14 stalls -pool .:.._ jacuzzi + room for tennis court. Offered at $2,900,000. Harriet Perry 642-8235. <M-61) IAY NW-CUSTOM 9UAUTY Spacious 4 BR, family rm home w I Dt!W decor! Pool -jacuu.l - 3-car gar. Wonderful family home for ~.ooo fee -nex. financing. Ken/Helen Hartley 842·8235. <M-62) 641-8235 ....... '°'Dower Drive Htrbor View t.eftter Irvine et CM_!\~ Velley Center 712-1414 IN THE BLUFFS AMII TOWMHOMI$ . 402 CARLOTTA (open Sat/S\ln ). "Exceptional" former model home : 3 bdrms.. 2'h baths; all new paint & plush (camel> carpet. "Surprise bonus room''. Direct major greenbelt F rontage. S157 .000! ! 2034 VISTA CAJON (open Sun.). "Opp ortunity•· to acquire a n exceptional townhome in best original area. Spacious "E-Plan'': 2 bdrm. + huge family rm. & separate hobby a r ea. Massive greenbelt view; custom designed master suite & numerous other deluxe features. $189,500. 2658 VISTA ORNADA <open Sun/ Mon .) Lovely 4 bdrm.. 3 bath fa mily home near everything. "Your very best dollar pe r sq. ft. value" in our award winning community. Just $165,500. SPECIAL OFFBIMG Fancy & fresh. totally char:ming 2 bdrm . 2112 bath townhouse: firs t resale offering by single adu lt. origmul owner. Deerfield Plan I al only $80.CIOO lc:a n't last long>. Call for app'l. DAVIDSON REAL TY PRESENTS BAYFROMT CONDO Fubulous 2 BR. hay & ocean view . lge. balcony. shp u v ail. $315,000. BEACH HOUSE Near tennis & ocean. cozy frplc . lgc lot. wood lin ed wall~ Only $149,500 COSTA MESA 4·PLEX 2 BR . 2 ba each . owner will help with r1nanc-in~. first owner dcprcc1at1on $243.500 LIDO ISLE Artist ·s home . lge lot : 4 BR +maid's. Sunny patio $52i.500 JASMINE CREEK OWNF:R :\!UST SELL'. Or lease option. this 3 BH l'O nrlo. forma l I>. R . cozy den. Now $259,000. but IHH NG Ol''FERS!'' LAGUNA LEISURE WORLD Condo. 1-Bfl . I ba .. l sty. Proh<Jt t• ~c.ilt-. S43.500 Subject to court approval D A v r D s 0 N I E A L T t r N C. 3116 Newport Blvd ti B 673·9060 ~~ .......... !?~~! ~~ .......... !?~~ PRICED TO SB.L This is one of those pla ns where the patio becomes part of the home; perfect for entertaining or simply improving that s ummer tan. Beautifully decorated 3 bdrm. hom e done in soft a utumn colors. with high vaulted ceilings. cedar paneled family room & all tile entry Al $125.400. we feel this 1s the best buy in Turtlerock. HORSE RANCH Don't ride by this one: for only $14,000 down payment. you can own this l ·acre horse r a nch in Norco. n ear Corona; comple te with recently redecorated 4 bdrm. home. 2 h o r se s tall ~. co mpl ete professional workshop & <for the investment minded). a lot split. The full price is $121.445. FIRST INVESTMENT? If you a re ha ndy with a hammer & looking for that starter real estate investment. be sure & come by 632 W. 18th STREET in COSTA MESA, SAT/SUN. 1-5; we have a spacious 5 bdrm. home on a large corner where you can build a se.cond rental· unit. for $105,000. You can 't go wron~. but the-best part is the financing. LIDO PEMIMSULA Spacious 2 year old Goldenwest mobile home located close to the bay in beautiful Lido Peninsula. 2 Bdrms .• 2 baths, all bit-ins. Vacant & ready for immediate occupancy. Here's your chance to live at the beach for only $42,500 full price. ~ HOME PIOTECTIOM Pl.AM Did you know you can get a 1-year home protection plan when you buy through Harbor Realty? A plan insuring you for one year against malfunction o f the major appliances & home components in the home you buy. Just another reason why more & more every day. we say, "let our experience work for you." llG CANYON Golf course view from spacious 5 BR, 4 ba. traditional home; Jee. .family room, pool, Jacuzzi. S750,000 UDO ISU Custom traditional 3 BR home on prime com er lot. Freeftowinl Door plan. 2nd story mini bay view. $325,000. JAYFIOMT Several fine baylront homes with pier & slip BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR 3 l I ·~ 1 , ";' • l j f lJ t \ft "' k f1 ' J (1 (1 *NEW EXCWSIVE * ELEGANT CUSTOM BAYFIONT A• Hdllliff NlldHc.e OM THI WATll .......... d....., .... ••c:•d ..... tast•. S,.CI .. l ...... e4 9d ...... . fHI•" t)NC• ................... .. 4 1/2 lt•tll rHldHc•-St•IHd 9'•11 wllldows & fntlcll doors Ill .......... dl•I.. roata: r•r• cornet flrepl.ce •••ti• i• Hie f••llJ room: pl•• • ... dsa1111 ......,. 5-par• _... llllh wftlt lh oww N""9 rOCNlt 9d IMk-.y. uxwy • ••"Y NtpKt Mst ~ ... ..is a.o-. loaf slip i11ellldld 9d YOU OWM THE LAMD. Sllow• .It, appohlf•..at to q•allfled lt•y•rs. s I ,470,000. DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE Tiiis cadanlliMI llw °" .._ WATa is ht a doss by itMff. An:Ml1clw .. Dici-st w-.t boost ..... ..._ .. lpu fHt•n mid select dKor of .w.d glan, usto. wood p••l•go ...... brHkfroRt mid IO .-ell ....... Unpr tha11 MClllJ hOIHI this J b.cl, pl•t dH/office mid raised dhlhlg ..... offws pri•tlCJ, MCwity mid a•llllllllty for , ........ boat. $620,000. PENINSULA POINT CHARMER FrHll .... ""' hi .ct ..... St.pa to hy & Ou-. Frwlt M.,.....dy Z story ...._ with .,_.. willdowL Tashflll -.... H•w ldtcllu. Lar9• ll•illC) roo., J Bdnfts • ._.ly room/clhtllMJ...., Werior patio. $359,500. LIVABLE LIDO ISLE-3 condos hioy tt. Udo lifestyl• mid w.. to bayfrORts, telWs and r.c:rNtioll! T1IHe cond.-niUlft ltc>trMs an an affcw...._ price with o presti9ious addre11! Profe11iOlldly decorat.-d, MW ldtc ..... , fresh thr11out. 2 bedroom, I b•tll, fir•place, IClf'? patio. U I 0,000 TowllhoMe Z bed., 2 bate. $254,500. One w•e4 2 ~ .. I bate. $225,000 GRANDIOSE LIDO ISLE In todcly's ....tiet, you cOllldlt't .-.,Mc• ttiis 1.-cp 5 lwdroom hOfM °" o 45 ft. lot Oft Lido Isa.!. . .for this price! l•dudu iltferior patio. dell. di•.1'111. A •orator co•ld do wonders with this ho••· SSS0.000 s...Nt yow often.. -.0....- will cooperat~! BEAUTIFUL HOME-FOREVER YU PresticJious, security gahd cuusumlllty . with a hCMM of HuptlCMIClll ..... ty. D.corator coordh1oted illtffior witll lar9e li'llllCJ roolft a11cl dlBi.. •n•: CJCHll IMf kitchets Md 50Clril9g c1il•g1cl faMily l"OCMSI plles Mdltctin ......... ...,. wi .. atri..,. and .. wllffin. s.c.ity ,,,.._ 11lrff total .... OOllll wfftl ... patio to ..;oy tt. mobstr..cted VllW of WATH • licJMs. SJSS,000 STEPS TO BAY & OCEAN , ....... .,....wittt2&3 .......... co•pl1llly fwlli9'tH. U__., 1peclan roo.1 wittt fi,..,._H, wet .._.._ _, ••••ltiH. Ow11•r will tracl1 for ••lw••ts or ftlOtel SJl9,000. WATERFRONT W/SLIP $335,000 Spml• lwflml11ee w,.. lllhrior c..tycrd .ct ........ , s,.c; .. 4 ...... . .......... ....,,.... .......... .. patio. Pn yow bcNlf ht ..._ .., _. ....,,. c.....,.Mr· A good ., .... • WA TB. F& lmtd. MONTECIJO W/VIEW-lmECT Abs ... perfKHOlt .ct ...., .. ••• I• tltls a.... wltll ust.. •11 ... d _ ......... StaiMd ..... w-..... ...... .. ......, .. ,.,, ,,..... ...... l•••c••tl .... Wee• c-ty•d. o,.atu•1 4 IM•a•..._wfftt._,,__.J cer .,. .... Ou• ¥1•w. he.._. f••llr ... i• H•rltor ¥1•w HUIL ,S27t,ooo. COINEI MINI ESTATE $1&9,Sm Lo .. tr Frwcll c...ty-4 Mm9 wM •••' specl.. f• ... r••· SNCI... I llD OOM ...... H..... ...., ...... 1 ..... ....., .......... ...... -· ~ lllJl••• ...t ----· INYESTOl'S DEUCHT!-mtS w ...... llACH.,_ ... ,_.I ... •••• IMRIX. " ............ ... r.... .,. ,... ... , .. • .... -.. .. ............. ,, ..... , , ..... .. Offwetl fllr fa ..... ~ ........ te Sltl.IM. WATERFRONT HOMES lac. 2436 W C c><1$1 Htgh"J\. N4"\'f1c 1n B.•Mh 131·1400 • COMING SOON • I , He.M .... W. Hoeet,_W. ~.~27.1919 OAIL'("LOT D• • ., .. ,.. · IOOJ1•••w.rr.-• 1001 ••••••:•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .....__,,~._ • ......_ ~H ..... n--•...._ ...___._ ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• z .......,.rvr...., rwr ..-. ~r'Wll'"...., ... ,.. 100 G&Mr.a IOOZ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••-••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •• •• ........... • .......................... ,.. I 001 .... ,... I oaz I OIJ -1iil~~i~~~~e!~11 sn'ClASS sPEUJST ....................... ... ......................... ~=======- NATfONWtr'>t HOUSES FOR SALE I aoaOOM • • 4~H l St•ashnn• l>r . Nt•wport R<·h 67:l 7300 ~al/Sun M on 12-5 l llDIOOM ,- YOU All tM¥119 to join us on a perso nal prevaew of this outstandinfl off erlng 270 de1eree view. ocean. harbor . nitf! lites & mountains. 5 bedrooms. l(ame room. rorm1tl dining. All ln tht> ultimate of tat11t~ful d ec:or B~out1ful yard w t ~o l & 1acuzz1. $795.000 Cull for appt COIPOIA Tl ".AZA llALTY 541-JtlJ -A, ftUSTll- 1 MAYI NOMI fOlt SAU OM•YMTBIACI ...... COIOMA D& MAI Three bedrooms. 4 baths. Beautifully furnished & landscaped. Uns urpassed view. Wrfh·lo• 410 '""Ollly 644-97'4 675·1Z2Z 8lfi AW Balhoa, Nt·wport Ht>ul't1 673 7:100 Sat Sun Mon l 5 • • 124:'1 Ha v~•d<• Dr . Corontt c1C'I DIRECTORY Mar · 642·K2:15 $125.000 S Stm Mon l 5 721 Mari):!oltl. l'orona dl'I Mar 673·5354 Slfl~l.500 Sun I s 2946 Alexande r lh l . Laguna lk h 4!15· 1064 $:?14.UOO Sun. 1 5 570 Vi ~·tona , Cnsw M c~a !R2} 640·5777 $7 1,!150 ~Un 12:30-5 -2 II pM FAM RM or DEN 230 62nd St . Nwpt Shr!:> .. N. B. fi42-~">0 $107 .~00 Sun I -4 2057 Port Bristol Cr 111.V.H > N R 673·!~179 $158.500 Sat/Sun l -5 2000 Port Cardiff lllVlfms) NB fi75 -6000 $165.000Sal/Sun/Mon 1-5 40 Pinewood. Irvine 673-RSSO Sun l 5 I334 Mnrnings1ck . Lagun<t Br h 645-0303 S220.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2500 MargarC'l IN(•wport H_g hts) NR ti75-5511 $1~17.500 Sal/Sun 1-5 i:10 Cerritos <Ranc h o Sa n J oaquin l Ir v fl44 ·62110 Sl55.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 742 Anns Wav. Vista fi44 -6200 $ 0175.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 2 Skysail <J asmine Creek l CdM 675-6000 $244,950 Sun/ Mon l ·5 l IEDROOM 464 Serra. Corona dc::I Mar fi7:i-5522 $Hi7.000 Sal/SUn 1·5 J 1()5 Vallf.>v ('r .. Costa Mesa fi:ll -55fit). S!lfl.500Sa t/SUn/ Mon I2-5 2024 Hc·r vl Ln 1 llhr II In ds l NR fi 4R (Y,)~'1 $1 :~2.fi()(I Sal/Sun l -5 5405 Hrut·e Crl'!)t·c•nt. Nl•wporl Bl'h li42-0:J68 Sl ~H .900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •·fi::! li2n<I Sll'l't'I. :'\:l'wport lkal'h Slti!UOO Su n 1·5 103 E Ave. San Pablo. San Clem 495-1064 $1 I6.900 Sun. 1-5 444 Me ndzaTr. CorHlnds, CdM fi75-2372 S245.000 Sun 1-5 •45R Orion Way. Newport Beach 9fi3-0!12fi S 11 9.500 Sunday 1-5 406 V1stci Quinta< Bl uffs ) NR 642-823.'> Sun. 1-5 !'4 1 .Juniµt•ro. Cosla ~csa tl3 1-1400 S!ll,250 Sunday 1-5 252fi Lingan Ln . Sunta An<t 54U-:l6tifj $78.900 Sunday I ·5 3011 Flowt•r St., Costa Mesa 540 3tilifi $101,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •I I Meadows weet, Irvine 752-1700 $121.!'100 Sun 1-5 :3337 Maryland Cr .. Costa Mesa 1145·0~lO:l S!:lfi.%0 Sat/Sun 1-5 201 2 Lt-t•wurd Ln. < Raycrest) N.B. 75~M>8I 1 $198.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 01w c•r Dr. <Wl•str liff) N.R. 759-0811 $I79.!l00 Sal/Sun 1-5 52 1 Kin~s Rd <Cliffhavcn ) NB 642-5200 S395.000-fce Sat/Sun 1-5 1411 Kings Rd. <Cltffhaven > NR 642·fl200 $425.000-f ee Sat/Sun 1-5 2804 Cliff Drive. Newpor t Beach 64fi-717 1 $I99.000 Sat 1-5/Sun 12-5 295 Mesa Drive. Costa Mesa 646-77 11 Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 616 St. .Ja mes. Newport Beach 646-77 11 Sat1Sun1Mon 1·5 231 Poppy, Corona d el Mar 675-5511 $360.000Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 508 RC'dlands <Npt He ights> NB 642·8235 $169.!lOO Sat /Sun 1·5 l IR plus FAM RM or DIM 2033 Pt. Weybridf!e CH.V.Hms> N.B. 644-7383 $169.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 #71 W. Yale Loop, lrvine 675-6670 $119,900 Sat /Sun 1-5 2574 Oxford Ln .. (Coll Pk> CM 754-1879 $89.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 510 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach 675-2764 $475.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 645 Frankfort, Huntington Bch 963-8000 Open Sat/Sun 10-5 2321 Pebble Dr. <Orig . HV) CdM 675-6000 $375,000Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 4 Whitewater (Jasmine Creek) CdM 640-0338 Sat/Sun l -5 2499 Anniversary Ln .. Newport Bch 645-242.5 $124,500Sa/Sun; Mon 12-6 545/549 Irvine Bl <N wpt Hghts) NB 675-6000 $215.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3620 Ocea n Bl. <Old CdM) CdM 675-6000 $525.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1406 Westcliff Dr <Wslclf) NB 675-6000 $169,500 Sun. 1-5 8 A toil <Jasmine Creek ) CdM 67MOOO $275.000 Sun. l -5 205 Via Koron <Lido Isle> Npt Bch 673-8423 $460,000 Sun 1-5 30308 Benecia, Laguna Niguel 495-8244 $128,500 Sun l ·S • 2420 Viata Nobleza (Bluffs) NB 644-4133 $198,000 SUD/ Mon •2708 Harbor View Dr., CdM 644-9589 S8,000 Sunday l ·S 6 Silver Crescent, Trtlrk Hinds.Irv 675-3411 $189,900 Sat/Stm 1·5 113 Via Quito <Lido Isle> N.B. 873·l«rl0 S280.000 SQpday 1·5 ....... _.,._...., .. ,. ........... ,. .......... ,. ............. ...... _ ...._ ........... "9 ...... bl ......... a. ...... DAILY N.OT WJti.)ff ADI.,..,._ ..................... ,..._ ......... _ ..... _ ......... C-... ... hl .., .. _.,_ 3000 c:tay St . Nrwport Rearh 75!, 0817 s 1n .soo Sat;Sun 1 5 1721 Miram:.1r < l't·nrn PU Balboa s:u -14()() $3.'>9.500 Sunday 1-!· •2005 Yarht Vii-;il unt. Nl•wport Reh t131-MOO $355,000 Sunday 1-5 •2 Mount ain Laurel. Irvine 552·00 1!1 Sl 10,500 Sun 12-5 • •35 Lakt•vit•w, Irvine f\73-8550 Sat/Sun 1-5 31 DodcJ,.!a Bay (Spyglass> CdM 548-295:1 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 Point ~ur I Spyglass ) CdM 548-2953 Sat /Sun J ~5 •633 CamHJndsDr . Cm Hlds,CdM 759-0Rll s210.ooo Sat/Sun/Mon 2-5 • 1521 Dorothy Ln 1 llbr Hinds ) NB fi42-5200 si69,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 250 Colton <Nwpl Shrs l NB 642-5200 SI 18.000 Sat;Sun 1 -~ 49 .J asminc Cr eek Dr. <J asmine Ck>CdM 675-5511 $241.500Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 ~5 1 J as m ine C r e e k Dr.<Jas . Crk>CdM 675-5511 $248,000Sal/Sun/Mon 1-5 225 Vta Quito. Lido Is le, N. B. 646·7711 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 17 Poppv. Corona dcl Mar f:44 -!JOfiO $275.000 Sun 1-5 f);jO I H 1 wr A vt'.. New port Beach 545-8628 Fee Sunday 1-4 1714 Skvlark Ln .. Bayrrest . N.B. 548-o479 $195.000 Sat;Sun 11-5 1201 Cliff Dr. Ne wport Beach fi45-153 1 I903 Yarht Maria <Seaview> NB 644-6200 $269.500-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 3ROO Key Ray <HrbrViewHls> CdM 644-0357 $221,000 Sun 1-5 1055 Tulare Dr .. Costa Mesa 645-0303 SI 13.900 Sun 1-5 • 1633 Santiago < Baycrest> NB 642-5200 $260.000-fee Sun 1·5 19 Ima Lo<.1 <NwptCrst ) NB 642·5200 $165.000 Sun 1-5 152I E. 0<'can. Bal. Penins ula 645-I531 Sun/ Mon 1-4 1807 Tr<tdewinds <Bayrrest> NB 675-34 11 $198.000 Sat /Sun 1•5 2443 Vista Nobleza <Bluffs > N.B {)31 -1800 $196.500 Sat1Sun 1-5 2007 Seadrift () r v. Terr are) CdM !l48-2953 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 1500 Cornwall. NC'wport Beach 759-0817 $174.000 Sat;Sun 1-5 4 llDROOM 15I4 Oov('r <Westcliff) NB Sl69.500 Sat/Mon 12:30-4:30 242 I I La He rmosa. Lag una Nigue l 645-0758 Sl 19.900 Sat;Sun 12-5 3715 Inlet Is le. Newport Beach 631-1400 $279.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • •22837 Is la mar e. La ke Forest 631-1400 $229.500 Sat /Sun 1-5 142 1 Kin~s Rd .. Newport Beach 631-1400 S495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 136 Via Tneste <Lido) Npt. Bch fi31-I400 $550,000 Sunday 1-5 3105 McKinley Way, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $I09.500 Sun 1-4 207 Via Mentone. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-4191 $395.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 308 Holmwood, Newport Beach 646-7171 $245,000 Sat 1-5/Sun 12·4 232 Monte Vista, Eastside, C.M. 646-7171 $115.000 Sunday 12·4 2861 Corvo Pl <Mesa Verde) CM 540-1720 $159,900 Sun 1·5 346 Poppy. Corona del Mar 673-8550 Monday 1·5 1356 Garlingford, Cos ta Mesa 645-0303 $98,500 Sun 1-5 2517 South Maddock St .. Santa Ana 979-5370 $93,900 Sun 1-5 411 ... FAMIM•DIM 10061 North Ampton, Westminster 963-5671 Sunday l ·5 8332 Snowbird Dr., Hunt. Bch. 536-06.55 $135.000 Sunday 1·6 4806 Cortland <Ca meo Hind) CdM 675-6000 $175,000 Sun. 1-5 1424 Seacrest <HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $227,000 Sun. 1-5 2000 Windwa rd Ln < Baycrest > NB 675·6000 $259,000 Sun.1-5 * 1509 Anita Lane, Newport Beach 631-1560 $197,500 Sunday 1·5 435 Canal St. (Nwpt Shrs) NB 675-3411 $179,900 Sun. 1-5 19181 Biddle <Trtlrk His) Irv. 675-3411 $141,900 Sun 1·5 906 Bellis <E!Bluff) N .B. 675-3411 $243,500 Sun. 1·5 •2781Sandpiper <Mesa Verde> CM 546-5880 $151,000 Sun. 1-5 1506 Antigua <Dover Shores) N.B. 675·5200 $439,000· Fee Sun. 1 ·4 2012 Yacht Resolute <Seaview> NB MC.COO PSS,000 Sun 1·5 19211 Biddle CTurtler ock >Irvine 63 1-1800 $154.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1729Tl•rrapin Way <Bayr r est> NB 675·3411 $249,500 Sat /Sun 1·5 •31302 Pasco Mara nja, San Juan Capo 586-3117 /710-6123 $189.500 Sun 12:30-4 2501 Windover. Corona del Mar 631 -3444 $298.500 Sat1Sun 1-5 607 Rockford (Cam eo Hinds> CdM 675-341 I $229.000-fee S/Sr M 1-5 1942 Port Chelsea. Ne wport Beach 752-1700 S179.500 Sat/Sun 12-4-Mon 11 :30-3:30 IR Morro Bay <Spyglass) CdM 54g.29:;3 Sat/SUn/ Mon 1-5 •1615 Ruth La n<'. Newport Beach 759-0817 S179.500 Sat/Stm l-5 207 1 Port Prove nce. Newport Bea<'h 644-2628 S245.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 * 3607 Sausalito Dr .. Cd M 640-1824 Sat/Sun 12-5 1095 Tular e Dr .. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $133.500 Sat/S un 1·5 • 1907 Glenwood. Baycrest, N.B. 640-5357 $242.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •4501 Gorham <Cameo Shores> CdM 673-7040 $595.000 Sat 1-4/Sun 1·5 38SycamoreCrk. <T.R . Gle n > Irvine 833-9293 Sl99.500 Sun. 1-5 2214 Alta Vista< Eastbluff) N.B. 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-5 2123 Highland Dr .. Npt. Beach 675-2373 $153,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2510 Vista Baya (Bark Bay) NB 642-5200 $275.000-fee Sat /Sun 1-5 5392 Catowba <Turtlcrock >Irvine 644-9060 $137.500-Fee Sun. 1-5 324 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $315.000 Sat 11·5/Sun 1·5 2025 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Penin. 642-823.5 $540.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1~ Cherry Hills (Big Canyon> NB 644-6200 $425,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 • 19 Royal St. George< Big Cyn >NB 642-8235 S550.000 Sat1Sun 1·5 1965 Port Cardiff. Newport Beach 640-1295 Sat/Sun 12-5 2953 Country Club. Mesa Verde, CM 962-8891 $116,500 Sat1Sun 12-4 2807 Alla Vista Dr.(Eastbluff)N.B. 640-4119 $199.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1070 Redding <Mesa Woods > C.M. 540-1720 $118.800 Sal/Sun 1·5 1805 Glenwood <Bay crest> NB 642-8235 $375.000 Sun . 1-5 1219 Santiago< Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 $339.500 Sun. 1-5 • 1133 Highland <Westcliff) NB 642-8235 $248.000 Sun. 1-5 * 1816 Buttons hell ( Baycrest > NB 642-8235 $319.500 Sun. 1-5 1070 Pescador C Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 $350,000 Sun. 1-5 •2200 Heather Ln .. Newport Bch 646-3255 $229.000 Sun/Mon 1-5 609 Donald Pl <Nwpt Hgts) NB 675-6000 $251.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 620 Donald Pl CNwpt Hgts ) NB 675-6000 $245,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 18290 Basswood. Fountain Va lley 546-0821 $99.500 Sat/SUn 12-4 132 Via Undine <Lido Isle) N.B. 675-4914 $415,000Sat;Sun/Mon 1-5 2810 Serang Pl.. Mesa Verde, C.M. 751-3696 $119.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 111 Via Undine <Lido> Newport Bch 640-5777 Sat /Sun 1·5 1848 Port Margat e. HarbView. N.B. 759-1501 $162,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 llDIOOM 3051 Carob ( Eastbluff) N. B. 644-03.55 $218.000 Sat1Sun 12-5 11-45 Salvador, Mesa d e l Mar, C.M. 546-9850 $121.900-Fee Sun 1-5 632 W. 18th Street. Cost a Mesa 673-4400 $105,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 S• ... FAMIM•DIN 2640 Basswood (E/Bluff) N.B. 675-6000 $185,000 Sun.1-5 • •235 E. Bay Front. Little Bal.Isl 642-8235 $665.000 Sun. 2·5 20151 Kline Dr .. SA I (eights 646-3255 Sun/Mo n 1-5 29 Shorebird. Irvine 559·5868 $185,000 Sat/Sun 10·5 26181 Calle Roberto. San Juan Capo 644-2130 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1072 Salvadore. Costa Mesa 546-5487 Sat/Sun 1·5 23411 Devonshlre(Lk Forest)El Toro 830-8233 $145.000 Sat/Sun 11-4 54 Drakes Bay <Spyglass) N. B. 631·UO> 1525.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1592 Pegasus, Costa Mesa 540.3666 1129,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 8941 Gleneagle, Westminster .. .., 1128,900 Sat/SWI 12·5 llAlllT LITTLE 2 • Re nlable h'ouse on 50X115' buildable R -2 lot. Submit. owner will help with hnancing. $78,500. Owner is Real Estate Licensee. ' CAU. PHTWS SALYB, 961-4414 COATS • WAU.ACI llAL ISTATI. IMC 21 Silver Crescent <Trtlrk Hin> Irv 675-3411 $239.000Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 2737 Mendoza <Mesa del Mar> C.M. 979-5370 $119.500 Sat/SUn 1·5 20 Cypress Pt. <Big Canyon> N.B. 631 -3444 $750.000 Da ily 2-5 •8 Drakes Bay <Spyglass> CdM 759-0817 $465.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1806 lrvine Ave .. Newport Beach . 646·7711 Sat /Sun 1·5 4 Cherry Hills (Big Canyon> NB 644-6200 $995.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 7 Cherry Hills< Big Canyon) NB 644-6200 $439.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1533 Miramar <Balboa Pen .Pt> NB 644-7211 $439,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 6 llDROOM 1548 Galaxy. Newport Beach 759-0817 $450.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 -. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDIOOM 104 Via Antibes <Lido) Npt. Brh 631-1400 S225.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 103 Barcelon<.1 (Lido> Npt. Br h. 631-1400 $254.000 SattSun 1-5 2105 Desranso <Bluffs) N.R. 644-7020 SI69.000 SattSUn 1-5 2 II p11tS FAM RM or DDI 414 Vista Grande <The Bluffs) N. B 759-0811 S269.500Sat /Sun/ Mon 1·5 #2Seascape Dr .. Seawind. N.B. 675-8676 SI02.000Sat /Sun/Mon 1·5 2034 Vista Cajon <The Bluffs > N.B. 640-5560 $189,500 Sun. 1-5 l IEDIOOM 402 Carlotta <The Bluffs) N. B. 640-5560 $I57.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 302 Avenida Cumbre <Bluffs> N.B. 759-0811 $178.000 ~at1Sun 1·5 #19CanyonCrest (Cyn Crestl N.B. 759-0811 $182,000 Sun. 1-5 •341 Riviera. Newport Beach 675-5.511 $89.500 Sal/Sun/ Mon 1·5 2521 Sunflower W -1, Santa Ana 540-1720 $75.750 Sun. 1-5 548 Vista Grande. Newport Br h 546-5880 $144.900 Sun 1·5 •2317 E. Bluff Drive, Newport Bch 759-1501 $122.500 Sun 1·5 4 IEDROOM 21 Rue Fontanebleau. Npt Bch 645-6369 Sunday 1-5 2658 Vista Ornada <The Bluffs) NB -640·5560 $I65.500 Sun/Mon 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 II & 2 II 711 W. Ray Ave . Balboa Penin. 675-4630 $325.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3226 Broad St.. Newport Bch 979-5099 Sat/Sun/Mon 1·4 319 E . 16th Place. Newport Beach 646-7171 S188.500 Sunday 1-4 2 II & l II 520 Orch.id. Corona d cl Mar 644-7383 $229.000Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 604 Narcissus. Corona de l Ma r 673-8550 Sun/Mon l·S 519 Narcissus. Corona del Mar 673-8550 Sat/SUn 1-5 613 Marigold. Corona del Mar 759-~11 $249,500 Sun. 1 ·5 4 II & 3 IR • •506 E. Oceanfront, Nwpt. Bch. 675-7060 $550.000 'Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 II pin FAM IM w 084 48 Sea Island <BigCyn> N.B. 644·9060 $222.500Sun 1-5/Mon 12·5 3 llDIOOM 19505Sandcastle. Huntington Bch 536-8115 $118.000 Sat/Sun 17080 Mt. Lomina. Fountain Vly 645-0303 $104,900 Sat/SUn 1·5 HOUSE FOR LEASE 4• .... FAMIM•DIM 815 Camphor. Newport Beach 759-1501 $850/mo. Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEASE 633 Lido Park Dr. (Unit C-2) N.B. 646· 7711 Sun 1 ·5 HOUSES-2 ON A LOT 2 II A I II 605-605~ Begonia, CdM 646-7711 Sun 1-5 . ,... ............ ··~ ... " ...... , ... IAYSHOUSI J'S A CHAIMJt (l) Prime bayrront w/dock. si.zso.ooo Incl. land tK..el ) 121 Comfortable lg. rami· ly hume w /family rm. dining rm. & s tudy. $425,000 Inc l. land <K·621 (3) Clever cottage decor. 3 BR + den. $325,000 Leasehold I K -63> Dona Chichester 642-SZIS -.......tlc.-411 Tiie entry, formal living rm, country kitchen +sep. laundry room . C ra c kl i n g s ton e fireplace, sep. master swte. Wall of glass lead- ang to covered pavilion W1lh park like grounds . Only SJ.000. Call for all details. 963-7881. t ~ ''' 11• I • •f' •u'• ft) r' ·. ' • !•&•ltd WOULD YOU l&IEVE. $57,900? No ma:;take-Only $.S7 .900 for this attractive 3hr, 2ba tondo. 1-:nd unit pnv:ll'y. w/a lg patio. almost new t·rptg & a mmmun1ty pool Won't Last. Call now. 97!:1-5371J ALLSTATE: REALTORS DetperatiOft Sale! f'ell out or escrow. Mesa Vcrdt-'s Ftnelil! 3 H~e Bedrm-... 2 baths, family rm. bnck fpk . dining rm. i.unl>h•nc kitchen. ro\croo patio, RV park 1n1? l'antast 1c buy . St ot>.000 Call now • 546-ZllJ •I •. * I • I \ I ~, h II I •. * [~lftlUif OCEAHROMTS 4 Uruts . $365.000! 2 BK House · $375,000! 2 & I !Ht dupl ex • $175.000' 2 & 2 !Ht duplex Sl!lf>.0001 4 & 3 UK d uplell $.SS0.000! OPEN SUN. l -5 so; K OCEANFRONT 4 & 3 Dix duplex • $795,000! i; '2nr Witts · SI .r.00.00(1' IAYFIOH'T 3 & 2 RR d uplo · - $425,000! COSTA MESA 2 BK • R-2 lot-$83,000' NEWPORT IEACH 3 & 3 BR dupl t.>ll S1R9.~I! 1 & 2 BR duple'< Sl98.000! lalboa lay Prop. Realtors • 675-7060 * EAST SIDE FAMILY HOME cu_.,tom detailed thruout ! 3 C!t'drm, larite fireplace. lar~e lot with a lley ac- C't~"· RV parking. priced to !tt.>11' Act now! call ~~~3,. ,, ,., f'J '""'"' .J",' l~IBMI ATI"M.IUILDBS! Two conugoous R·2 lots. Newport Heights a rea. <.:osta Mesa. 613-3663 :>48-0715 Eves associated BR0•fR'> llfl\c•(ol>S 4 1 : 1 IA 8olt, ' t-• "j MESA VERDE UM19UE!! F\rst tame on market-4 bedrm, 2 bath, brick fplc 1 long driveway to rear 01 home to sep. 2 <'a r garage. Hug e l ot. Greenhouse. Covered c amellia hoth ouse. Many, many extras. Uni· que a nd different, $142,500. Call for more in· rclm'litlOn. 546-2313 I Ol'fN Ill Q • 11~IUN10111 Nii.I ' l•·•UMI IAYROMT LEASE Btf1 2 br plus den. Bay firont coado. Bay, Chan· nd " nigbtlight views. Call today. M6-7711 C:;J Walker & Lee Real&late .. -~---- • Sundew. Mty 27, 1!79 1 ...... Fors. ....... ..,. s. ....... ..,. s. ·..:.:.=~U'···........ . ...... , ......•.. ,....... . ............. ,. .... .. --· C:... .. Mm-IOJ2 C:.-.. W. 1021, H CANYON Beautlfw cu.alom home on th~ golf ·course fl'uturinit 5 lr1ot bdrms . study. enormous family tm. • 4 batht'. Complete walk in bar Lovely ground~ incl. pool & jacuua $750.000 Ask tor Barbara Hulchln,;s 644 1211 ~OAl.Y~I JICYPllSSPOINT llOADMOOI. H.Y.H. Fanlastk view Includes oc-ea n. bay & na11eht liJ(hls from thas enchanting 4 bdrm f nm1ly f'lll homP with lnvt>I tentral courtyJ1rct Honw 1s on larJH' J.!round s. orr~rmi.: maximum privory $298.500. Ask for Rarhara tlut rh m~s fi44 · 12ll OHM SAT/SUN l·I HOI Wltee>Ya • ·------···-···· ............. , •••• • • a aaaoa ~CURE: &01M'iY 631 -3444 ....................... . .••................•.• • CAMEO SHORIS * MOVIE STA·R'S MANSION New t!Xcluslve panoramic ocean views from exr•·pllon a l rorner local.loo 4 Bdrmb .. 3Yt baths, dining rm. & ctrn Master s uite with frplc. Pool 1n sc<'luded courtyard Fabulous view lerraee ! ~95.000 Land ancl 4IOI ~HAM O,_. SUM l·I 673·'7040 673.0510 * llCH IEALn * --. ~ -------------PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW .I ll~l l.i ... tl'd h l•d rou rn f I ft•pl iJl'l'S, f''et.' 'harming t•us tom built 3 horn•· S hake roof . 2 <il'<'l'!'.!'. to heach. $245.000 len1lta Eilertsett lealt°'· 675-2373 ....... For We ...... Fors-. ....... ,... We ,... We ................................................................................................................... ~~ ••••• ~~ ~~••fii"•e. •• o..J!~!~.~~~~HD~ ... !!~~;_;-;;.;;;~~~l! .. !tltr -~~ ........ ~,.....LD .... ~~~~_._...,.,._~--1o1~ llMl»NIW TOWMtOMIS '"ltt"-.yWoodt" <EaitaideCollla Me1111 1 w ¥11 SaaLa AD.a Avt!. Enallsh Tudor 2&3 llr 11plll 1.-v_.1, 21r3 car aara_ae . f rp l c!I , rnlcrvw•v~. 1reenhoullc windows. pool, spa . TENNlS court. W-OOll or 9~ tm 0.-veloped by Wuodlree Dev. Co MOMOll! &.AWNMOWR! Townhouse: 3 bdrm. 2 bath, danmg. bu11l1ns , xlnt carpets & drapes. Many decorator touches. Double ga.rage Asking $14,900. Call~ll51 -~~HERITAGE . • REALTORS UOOO Dll 9>/•°lo Int Owner will carry f1nan Rcdure d t o Sll9.500 Prof. lndscpd. 4br Mesa Verde home w /frplc, wet bar. m any xtras 2RIO Seran~ Pl 751 3696, Own/AA\. ----- JUSTUSTm GRANDQPENINO 4 RR. Z Ba Mela North. MARINIT A ~ & 11uper loutlon. Presllaioua r e11idences Offered VA tH.500. near the manna rrom ''Thiawon'thaar· uu.ooo. u1 .3uo: -..ooe; 541-'Slll •:itec. 4 BR , POOL, on ___ .;...._ ____ _ •••lale·1lze lot, for s..rtdinadupla; 2 BR. 2 t;aatslde : Sunset be, &·BR. l bl!. 2 l"PI. 3 Mqllllne could feature pr. Sl•.ooo. Pe1 Allen. thl11 homt>. "Seelntt Is IUtr. 4M-7571 1>ehevan1f'. o rrered at tilL.LTOP $170,<W .. nus near new custom 3 Custom h orn{' on "R·2": bedroom home h as living lovely t-:asto;111t-home room Fre nch doors open· wtlh roum to bu1 Id lng on an orean view. another. Mu <.:lean laves Much more lo tell, call ht!re' CENTURY 21 WEST. It ID C A R P IT , _SM-4MO __ . ____ _ 645-3474 ONLY $9',500 Evs/Wknd11, SS1·5582 Charm & character with OPEN HOUSE some ocean view. 2 br. 2 SUN 1·5 bl, .,., mile to marina . Bkr O> Esther, c :.j.2632 11;:·Ji:.m R.E. 493·6891 By owner leaving slAte. Db Oc.-Y• Dplx Best buy in Back Bay with 3 Br owner's unit, areu 2 story Cape Cod. 4 walk to Marina, shops & bdrms wdgc walk 1n buses. Dana Point's best cl06<.'l..s. 3 ba. din rm. furn buy at SlM.000. By Appl. rm. largest lot on t ul dt· Coastal Properties sac, encl. patio. beaut 496-8338 lnWicptl Reduced S(i()(JO • .;-.-. ---·-·-----to $140,900 2414 Bonnie Pl. 645-<mO or 871 ·2311 Speocid $5000 Down bis WH4lend Only 4 Hr. No Costa Mesa . $95,UOO. IMme d or cupancy. Bkr 838·6341 or !6& 2(:9) MAIEOFFER! Attractive 3 Bdrm. 21"2 bath, all the mcel1es in· e luding aut o matic spnn.klcr system plus a top hill locatid.I. Only 11? mile t.o Ocean & Manna. Owne r had to leave . ....................... ..... ........... 4br, 3 tall bl!, fam rm. DR. LR. Pull lndKod. UI• entry. all blt·fn• ... h'plc, 1lwnP1Uifte walli complete. Near new. quality bit by Ayre1. P.O. please. $138.~. ... 1441. IXCBUMTPUN i..r. 3 bdrm, 2 ba all on me lm'. Near shoppin1 cemer. Park Place, Inc. 9'2-7461 f 044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mtta1 SI 19,tso This executive estate is environmental ly tailored for .YOW" fmly w /a colltt· tion of indoor /outdoor activities. Lge lake, ten· n1s crta, swimming & fis- hing. ~ home offers spacious 3 br & 2\.'J baths. U>cated on Woodbridge cl Irvine. 552.4477 Real Estate OflM SUM. l·I •Ip• 1nCNell . ........ Nlwaa -rw: popular o'-'/" Pia; -.insle lfm7 bdrm., I batbl, dlaUll nn .• family rm.1 Wit t.r, Hrpla., eentra lltriwn: pool 6 JacuuJ. XJn& value, call for app't. -·-DAW»D. CAILSOM llAl.TOI IJJ.t2tJ 2STOIY IAlt6AIN $64,500! 1hia charmer olfen you the beet ol sehoola, xlnt neighborhood & quiet 1ettin1 in the hills! Spedoua & liveable floor plan. ne.arby pool & com· munity racilitaes, too! What a buy! Call now! 516-$4000 Rancho San Joaqwn 2br. den. 2ba, frplc, pvt (»alaOS, all on golf coune . WOOO•IDGE El\JOY view from most SALM EASE-OPT. rooms. Pool & jac . 2br. den, 2ba. S&S patio $131,500. 640-0997. home, gorceous lndscpd. TUl1UIOCK Patio, w/cover. calh ce1I· BREN HOME-Miramar 1ng. W~urn . •rick Nr. proposed Marina 1001 Parkhill 4 Br 1>0ol $128,000 &M>-5316 --------------'--'--------By Owner. Coll. Prk ---E-'SIDE R2 Wants olfers fast Askrng frplc, gas kitchen·heat. Plau 0, ~omer .. ew lot, atUch. 2 car garg, pvt completion date July 15. end Wlil. 91,4 assumable Select own opt ions . mtge. 194.900. Own. will 640-m>, 640;0254 __ _ AIANDOMIO! All frt>shly tlone. s upN t•utc, 4! br. I~ pat 111. dl:ll f(ar sm J asm im · i\ n · l'rint only Sl2!J,5011 owner (7 14 ir.:Hi 11(57 1U)897·407:1 Betty Kerr Really Dner1.0.Fon)otten Unhl•l1t•vahll•' Plus h north ('us t a Mesa, 4 bedrrn. :! h.ilh home Family rm. mass1vc stone firer.lal·e. sunshine kllrhcn ush landsrap· --------- Harbor View ll11ls, 3br+ Fam rm French doors, beam l·e1hnl(s parquC't nlMll'S, CUSlOm ShUtlcrS. l'rown moultlmg Lg yd w!fire rin". 5221.000. 3800 Key Bay. Seller, h C''d at?enl. 673-Z717. G44·0357 Open Sun 1·5. FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART Specializing in C'harm. 1maginalJon nod where 11 never rreezcs. yet so {')06(> to the ocean. you 'II dt'light in the bret'Zl'S Two bdrm+ loft and a sunroom that pll•a:o;e s aoct tht' pncc• 1s r1~1>1 at wh1rh nobody snl·c1c::. $147,500 including lancl OPEN SAT. 1·5 123 36lh St. Npt. Bch 673-1181 BACK BAY MINI ESTATE \ lntw•hcH11Jlt• d 1ar111 aml prll"J C'Y on nearh •, 11\Tt•! Jll':t\ \ :-.h:iko• f11ol l n·nl'h door.., arnl "'in 1h>""· .\ l•tlrrn" "11 h 'l'Par,lll' ma ... a.·r -.11111·, 1.iriw v.ork:-.hOIJ a n •a tK•h1nd j!araJ.!t' Owm·r ~. va t:anl, ownl'r wanL'l out. SBS,OUO. Act now • 546.2313 nu·, ·'·'''1t.fP111N11I ' [~ltilH1I ' 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ouplt'X 5275.000 I ht'<I. I buth t«1t·h Full lot Tt•rms. Suhm1t o fft-rs JO'J /\mcthy~l. Owner Agt. 67f>.3859 will h e lp (1n;in 1·t• at 1•--------$265.000. Call Sht·n-1 Hrewer. 752 192tl. j 9UAIL A.!~~~# 10,... Tll 1:)0 P .. M.I BEST ON POlt-IT :J Udrms, 3 bulh" l.J\RGE lam rm S11111!\ to Ba) & Beoch S345,111"1 OPel SUM. 1-5 721 MARIGOLD Old Corona dcl Mar 2 bdrm., 2 bath colla~c . oversized garage: nice patio: corner R-2 lot. $15.500. COSTA MESA Easlside. outstanding home with pool & .. jacuzzi". 3 Bdrms + family rm. $125,000 MAURYSTAUFF"t.;tt SEA LION REALTY 67).5354 497-3318 People who need people should always check lhe BAYVIEW DUPLEX 2 t JNln. iH'rO~!-> !->I rrom Nt>wport I lurhor Y a1·ht Cluh with p a no ram11· Vl ('W O f f>I ).! b a\ Bea1.111ru11y dN·ora tcd. with lll'W ept°j.! uppi•r $325.(01 711W Bay /\n· Opt.in Sat Sun I 5 IURR WHITE REAL TOR, INC. • IJ~4630 • l'Al.L QUICK I 644-7211 .. Duplex near wakr OI fer. Ct•nlury 21 Newport Center. l'40· ;,,1,", 7 Coro..adelMar 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cameo Shores CAHYOMVIEW OPEN SUM. 2-6 This charminA I owner custom 3 hdrm . 2 ba home. in xlnl tondillon, close to ocean & pnvalc beach. Central air-cond .. s hake roof & lus h landscap1nu Cll m1•11 Shores lowes t pnn ! 12:59.000. l.shld 20 I MILFORD DR. lich Rlty. 673-7040 Service Directory an lhe ~~ro1 DAJLYPILOT __. 1002 Hill.SIDE HOME-DRAMATIC VU s.,.,. ....... ..... ,,.. .• , .. IMtt N••••rt locatl•• wltll YllW of l•yfro•t. Newport Ce•t•r ••d Oce•ft•t. Yo• c .. ••• '" tile ···~ , ....... , u ....... , ....... .................. ,...... ...... ..... ,.... _. J total laedroa• 0... ...................... ,. ... ....,. ......................... dtt .,,,.. ... fer 2M story •d•'-of ... NL 1200 '41 ft. IOGM for ...... 0..... .. t...c •• 1371,000. SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX An exC'eptional custom bit home w /vaulted wood beam realm~. ooaut1r1.11 s olid oa k cab1nl•ls lhruoul. rplC's in ltvi: rm & ma ~lt·r bt'!t r onrn. IC'aded ..:lus-; wmtlow!'.. & t'l·ra m1r ltle JU('UZI 1 111 rlblr bath PLUS A d1arm1n~ 2 l>drm rc•n· tal w 1rpk & separate pallodeck. $!79.500 CALL 644-7211 DUPLEX HOME fo'mcsl corner loratwn . lovely 2 IJdrm. res1dN1t'l' "'~th form;.a I dining rm ~ mcome unit. + game rm See & enJOY the bes t fur less: 5229.000 OPEN 1-5 Wed/Thurs/Sat /Sun 5200RCHID PAUL MARTIN REAL ESTATE 644-7383 Cameo ll1~h lancl 4hr mmpll'lly remodell'tl H-. owner. $17!:1,UIJll l'nn c1paJs only 75!M)'.()5 Duplex. 3 Br 2 Ra + l llr l A.a, romer hit. hy 11w11f•r f.73·2632 JASMINE CREEtc Lowes t p r iced s 11p!'r clean. ready to mov<· rn. 2 Hdrm & dC'n . Assuma blc R"•': loan. T er m::. avrul Pools, tennis. 24 hr guarded <'ommun1I ) Mot.tvated seller Asking only $210.000 E R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 OPEN HOUSE Sat 11-S Sun I 05 4 Bt+studio. So of Hwy o n oversized lot . Beaullfully remodeled . sn5.cn1 324 Poppy, CdM. 644-7211 ~NIGEL ()AILEY &. l\SSOCIAT ES GREAT OCEAN VIEW From master suite, hv 1n.: roo m & k1lc h1.•11 wah:h sailboats lt•a VI' harbor for open sea Over 4000 sq. ft. of lh•mg spal·e for lar~c family l'n<·ed well under ap· praised valut' Subm1I ll'rrns SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW <I 11drm'i. 2'h bat hs. En· JOY t'Omplete pn\·ac·y rn cndoi;ed courtyard with bcaulJful pool. J3CUZZi & fire nnA Fee land, on 1'u l d e s a c F o rmer model Perfect for enler- tam1ng. By own<'r Open Sat/Son 12 5 PM. 3607 Sau.o;altto Dr t:all wkdys 7521«75, e' es &to I~ or !(i3-~t0fi 707 GOLDENROD _.1KlMi~ Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 tl1armmg 2 bdrm home plu.'> a :i bt."<lroom apl. lu th have frplcs Lovely lgc µat10 with many mrc plantmj:\s. 2 i.:aragl'S & luundrv rm nits w1•ll 1·.ir c d· for. Centrally IO(•atcd rloSl' lo shop· ping, schools . pa rks . S1 w. mo. lnu Hrl'chlt'I & Asso<· 229 ~anne A\·e . 675-3331 JAS~t!NE CREEK ' '' OWNF.R :-.:uml • •• 1 BR. ore an \'ll'W J at UZZI. many l"U"lo111 feature;,. 7~\1595 Aft llohclay s:u o.ooo --- Sped ocular View Z7CJJHarbor View Or Exqwsitc detail. 3 llr. dan rm. fam rm. Fr doors. pool, Open Sun l ·~• &dunng week. $375,0<lo By Owm•r 644 9599 Oy Owner. Jas mine Crk Opt•n Sat /S un 4 Whitt•wat<'r Dr. 640-03311 PROIATE in old CdM. 2 darlinii houses soulh of hwy . Nr shoppan_g & beach. 2Br & J (lr. DEVtN&CO. 642-6368 tNYESTMEMT PLUS 701A•ocado Duplex, so. or hwy. 2Br & newer 3Br , tort & guest unit. 4 car garage, strong rental 1219,500. ~ille'l'ropertie• LOWESTPRICE (714) 549-2467 And the quickest way to ---------mow your lawn! Ruy 1614 Santanella Terrace. bay & ocean view. larJ:e patio fiUed lot, 2 bdrms . den, dlning. Fast escrow. $175,000.Lea!lehold r{,'oumn <Id v/l,1n -·~fYliilJJ 673-8~ 24111. Coalt Hwy., CdM 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUILDMS IMVISTOIS 2 Bdrm. large buildable R-2 lot. $'79,900. Call 5*9>f« more details. 4 -•.-HERITAGE REAL TORS home. :J Ur. walk l1t sc h oo l ~. xlnt nind thruout OCT(.' ·•' s umt'l> loan . Sij!J ,5011 167.fil.!18. Pnn only CUSTOM HOMES just completed an qwet non.hem CM near S. l'o Plaza. Best appear1n1? homes an area . 3 Br 2 II<• Priced nghl al SI 14!.UOO Call 646·4247 /6:i6·41.l!H RB>UCED!!! 4br. 2ba Mesa V1•rd1• l lom~.-on torn<·r lot I{ \' storage Will Carry b l w tm an. S25.000 dn II\ Owner Asking $1 Jli,5lkl 002·7620 Mesa Verde 3br. 1frn W1bll·tnS, 2ba, brt1·k patio w /cover. 2!Hl2 Ceylon. $110,000. Ow1wr , 54.'>·57'.'ti EAST SIDE .i Bcl r m. 2 ~ 1 fl J t h., rtn•pla1't'. pal111. sh;ik•· roof. t•tt· Sl29.~ Roy McCardle, Rltr 548-7729 TWO FAMILY Harmony' 32 Fl. mstr bdrm ts itlini: rm fo r Mom. he r very own bath & sunderk + l larg .. bdrms .. plush entry hall. decks & patios all about for you. St 10,1100 SN· 12112 Watson. Sun I ·5. '(,(, )111111 di./, I la 1 .. :'l'u/u•dti ·.> (/j./-81.'JIJ 2435 E Coasl Hwy • CdM Low down FHA VI\, :1 bdrm 2 ba. ram. rm SSS.Im 6.1HY700 OPEMHOUSE OCEAN breezes <'OOl th1::. Bluff to p heauty ' :1 Bdrm s . 2 bath ~. PREMIUM UPGRAllF.S throug hout . GI ANT patio. i:rccnhouse. l'. D S location ne ar parks & shopping Only S9H.SOO. Sat 'SI.In Mon 12 to 5 pm 11~ Valley Circ ll'. Owner lkr 631 -5556 Near C<l!lla Mesa & So Cst Plaza SharpJbr. t·l• ba. new crpt V /\ lcrms SBl.500 A$?l. 531 · ll 7 4 ----MesoV~ Pllftic! llelp' Mus t s1•ll l his wcekl'nd lo ;,ave a nother l'scrow' Bea ut. ·I hr home on Country Club Dr. Sl 16.500 Com<' '"" make an oHcr. /\gt ~-8891. Ask for Chor SUPER EASTS I DE HOME 251.ory home, 4 Br. 3 ha. custom den w tlarl(e Wl'l bar. ans1d e jac u111 & saWta in sep rm. 3 patios o rovered> outdoors Ink. fruit trees, L~e c·ul de - sac pvt lot Elec j!aral!C door opener. ready lo move· in. By Owner 6.11-11228 $147.500 2147 Iris Place By Owner. College Park. 3 Br 2 Ra, ram rm. new carpets, drapes, pamt. Near schools. shopping. 119,000. 2574 Oxford l.n Principals only. 754· 1879 Npt Hgts. lg end lot, on tree lined cul-de-sac 4 Br 2 Ba. llvln J? rm w/brick frplc. lg ram rm, entry kit. w /bll-1ns . s eml ·attach e d g u est house w I Ba . separate dbl gar with or rice & storage/ hobby r m . Walk lo stores , schools (K·l2J, bike 10 beaches. $132,500. By owner. 845·6174. Pr1n only. ; FIXER tJ PPF:R 2 Or Sl.26.MEl.500. w fom1ly rm. nds TIX FUCHS Shown b~ a pµl only PaYilon R..ttor $i2,0UO. w ~ti assum 67s:.8150 loan ~~~~~~~~~ Sunbow Redty - 631-2242 OPEN SAT /SUM 1-5 941 Junipero MHaclelMar Sparidinq & Fr.sh with manicur ed lawn .ind "curb appeal" ram1 ly horn<\ trl a c·unvl'n1en1 arl·a llrti.!hl dl'<'llr :1 lw droom "'11 h v. :i rm t• nu n t r v k 1 t 1· h 1• n l'nCl~l'<.I patto & IHtrll'll!ll j.!.1ragl.· SH2.2:°;0 CONDO Totd Recnation Nl'W t'aJl*lS. druµ<'f> u11d frt~h paint U1ru·oul this 3 IH'(lr1111m z•. hat h:-. homl.· s .. 1f 1·11nt••in,.c1 \\Ith prl\al1• t1·nn1 -. ( " II r I ... p ,, n I ;t II d 1· l u h h 1111 " I n t 1 n <· 1.,., ,1,111•• lu1 Jl111n ~1.'.•0 • \\..\II Hll<ll"\I 111 1~1 't Inc. ~4!!521>: RE;ALESTAIE r ~ J1-w 1r1 Price Slashed LJ.!l' R2 lot. hmldable Nice 2 Br. I 111.1 house. hcarn cd l'1•11tni.:s Frwt lrl~::. S7UISO V. Grant t)1(}5777 Real E6tale Fa:llain Valley I 0 3 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Back o n Markel <!hr. 2''1ha Meadow lln ml' Dea l fell throug h. ''"'ner a11x101.1~ Open !lous e Sal •Sun 12·4 S4fl lli!l;'i Agt OPEHSAT 1-4 17847 San Cl~nte FouRtain Yal~y Spae1ous 3 Br. family rm. cath ce1l.anf'?s, v.c·ll decoratt>d Prt n· r1• duced to $104.500 Seller MotiYofed! Woo1tstream l'nndn 3 hr. 1-~~~~~~~­:~· · ha. frl':.hl.v dN'orul I 1'() ~l.Sf~' l'l'ntur~ 21 ~ 1• ~_P o r t l' l' n t c• r . INCOME PROPERTY 8UHITS, MESA VERDE 4UMITS. EASTSIDE Call fi45·!.1161 .. itl 4". ' OPEN HOUSE ,;:-.. REALTY ?/ VILLAGE CREEK Ncar-nl'w 2 RR & den ho me. cloSl' lll South l'oa..;t V1lh1~c E11JOY a t.nt·khng t rl.oek and all tht• amc·nstac:. or this lov l1ly area. $Hli,OOO. ..WilqOll leach I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CORMERLOT l..ots or room for mot.or OOffie or boat On lhlS ntl't' 3 bdrm. 2 ba full pnte SBl.900 Park Place, Int· 842·7461 MEW IEACH HOME BY BUILDF.R Block to beach. or ean vt<'W 5 Bdrm. 41 :.> ba DX> sq n Lg<' bakon1l·~ lD 15th St $195.000 Ph 53&-1718 UMITSUMITS We h a ve 2,3. & 4 PL.EXES. some walking distance to the beach Priced rrom $187,500 up Park Place.lnC'842· H ti l LARGE FAMILY Assuume $52.000. !l' ~·; loan. $437 /mo. Minutl.'s to pounding s urf 5 Bedrm. family home Massive stone rlrt>plarc. Gourmet kitchen Wall of S. COAST SHORES glass leads to covered <.io r ~l'o u s I s t o r y patio and park l1k f.' town home :! 11 R. den grounds. llUl!e cul ·dC·!'at· und dmm,:! room Near lot Only S99.500 t:all the lake and in l'Xt l'llcnl now. 963-7881 n mtl11111n. Lu!->h plant r.Jl'f'• ,,, > • •'' •u•1 •n11 '· 1 ;::·~~ [elMP4tl ~~r ,. IWEOCEANYIEW •--------3 81'. 3 Ba. fa m rJrr;' _ _ formal din rm. wet bar, PRICEIB>UCED!! VA TUMS / Grl'at loe allon . xlnl family home with hu11e rumpus room t-4 flR. Family room and dman(l room. Large yard and RV parking. Call 645·0303 OPF.NSATtSUN 1-5 109STULARE Dll FORESTE OLSON ~-•• • ... "'lo PANORAMIC ROMANTIC OCEAN VIEW 2 ~u.~~~~h with sunken living room & co1y, brick fireplace. Open hou11e dally. By owner . Please c all fal·Z'M6 for directions . 102' ••••••••••••••••••••••• over sz garage. :? sty 9 months new . many, rmny xtras ! $168.500. Open Hse Sat /Sun 64.S Frankfort H. B Owner /agt 963·8000 Supe r up graded Beacbwalk Twnhse 3Br, 2"!r8a. open thli1 wknd 19505 Sand cas tle, $118,000. Owner ta gt 536-8115 Pool. 3br , l~ba . up· graded lhroughout. fee land. Prin. Only . Sll6.500. 964-5:83. Beaut1ru1 Huntington View Point 2br condo. 963·9579. IYOWMIR Xlnl 10(: nr beach. Walk to swtm & lennill club. 4+den. 3 ba. formal din· Ing, ram rm, 2 frplcs. Comer lot. Boat & R .V. access. 2500 aq rt. 1135,000. Open Sun 1·6, will s how w /appt. ~ BY OWNER. Prior to list· Ing w /ft!altor. Houae be· int sold at appraised value. SAS Laguna model 5 br, '3 ba, FR w/Wet bar" h'plt, lor.m DR. prol'ly landacaped. a?S,ooo. m,au. f help fin. By own e r . Willowsbr,2ba,l·ntryk1t. 714-644-0549 Nr schlc;, parks. pools. YOUR FAIR LADY Sll9.to>. ssa.:mo --- s 1 ~7 500 EROCK Home By . • • , Owner 4 bdrm. 2 ba. Fef! . will be a queen s de-land. $132,000. Nee d light. when you see this quicksale.644-4157 ~h ludor estate w ta 1--------- majeslic collection of open spaces. All rooms afford plunglllg & sweep. 1ng vistas . See for yourselr, this 4 br & 2 'h ba home located an lrvme. 552.4477 Real E.'ltall' Best Buy In Irvine Olanchellor 5br. & fam1· ly Sl09.500 6.16-7871. SAVE MONEY Buy from owner. 1900 sq ft . only SI 16.500 1nc ld land. 3br +-11! study, l '•1ba. II? la v rm. b1e <Tllry l<11rhen Un1vers1ty l'ark 552 1159 110111..-on Thl· lt.inc·h 4 l1r. family rm, SI 11 >!Cli.I (',.n t ury :!I Nt•v. f>f>rt Cl1rtl er . fi<IV. 5:l"i 7 W'WAID MOllUTY Why not enjoy pro- fessionally decorated and landscaped 4 Bdrm in the Ranch . Elegant living on quiet cul de sac. Only $120,000. VOGEL-PACIFIC 640-6161 WOODBRIOGI:: PRF..SCOTI' Reduced 5br. 3ba lakeside loc. 9:\-•'~ loan. $185,000. Open House Sat /S un. By ownr. 559-SllAA ------ ViUa1?e 3 3 bdrm. 2'h ba, frplc. lge er lot. Fee. A~ 96J.<Dl or 552·00.17 ~A1 .... w. lyOWMr Sl2.::U) CTM t.:ollc1?e Pk l'\el'll n >nd. Cornell. '' Hr • t1onu s rm 2.150 ~,. rt. I\ t'. sprnklr!'>. many up1?radl'S Sll7,00U Fantastic ~.s.u_i __ Locat• Wit.LOWS BY OWNER I On 3 Br. 4Q!.2 Roxbury. On greenbelt 3 Bdrm . 2 5511566aft5PM. ba Arnhurst Model 1n •--- li n 1 v . P a rk Gard e n New 5 bdrm 3 ba. 3 car • Homes Close to schools. gar. 2 frplc's F.xclusive. pools. parks and shop $145.000 $18.000 down pang. Save S4000on clostnl? cm. ts. $130.mo on pa~ ments ~·6705 LAKEFROMT $157.500 Covangton m odl•I S5K l~fttff ---·~ ta.mer'!' patio, ~iant spa & sandy beat h Cu ll Mananne, 646 7414 or 548·:B43 United Brokers . macnab I Irvine realty ELEGANCE & LUXURY Beautiful Bre ntwood model in Arborlake -fea tures unique mas ter s uite w/adj. sitting rm. romantic balcony+ guest rm. lg. family rm & formal dining. Approx. 2000 sq.ft. of ~orgeous d ecorating. $159,500. Madeline Cross 752·1414. (M·63 ) SUNNY & S'AIKUMG Ready for immed. move·in ! Rancho San Joaquin 3 BR. 21'2 bath San Luis Rey model on corner location w/vlew of park, lake, UCI & night li~hts of Irvine . $159,500 ! Holly Markas 644·6200. (M-64> A HIW UYING ADY&mlaE Woodbrid~e -Arbor lake! Spectacular slep·down living rm & dert. w/window walls..of glass -bay window nook in kitche n. Unusual, private 2 BR lower e nd-unit. $116,500. Lee Henkel 752·1414. <M-65) WOOD•IOGI CIOSS... Beaut. decorated 2-level, 3 BR condo on quiet cul-de-sac. Library - kitchen w/brkfst area -quality u pg r ades thruout! Comm . recreation facilities too! $145,900 - flex . financing avail. Lynne Valentine644-6200. <M·66) COUMTIY uv1.-... In Turtle Rock. 3-story, 4 BR, family rm home surrounded by woods & greenbelts. $182.500. Lila Harper 752·1414. <M·67) NOITHWOOD IMOCICOUT Fully upgraded 4 BR family home w /famil y rm, formal dining, gourmet kitchen w I microwave + 2 fplcs & central A/C! Masler suite ls exquisile w/rnirrored wardrobes. Easy access to l ·S Fwy. & near shopping areas. $134,500. Forrett Powers 752·1414. <M-68) '42-1235 ....... 200 '01 Dover Orlw HMbcw View Center Irvine at C•f!'~ Valley C.nter 711-1414 ......... s. ....,...,.Wi II lunc!!ri M!x a7, 1171 •1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... w. ........... w. ....... We .............•..............••.........•... , ••............ ........... 1141 Li...-..... IOl2 ....................... ... ................... . LOWH ntUI AICH IAY Yemr •ll•H• te the I• • 'rlut• 1•1 I ·~ • ,., ._ -~I fth ... ':J ....... 1 ......... .............................. ....... ,,..~ ...... , ... ...., ... ,,............................... "y ,...,...._a.hr ... ..., n.rw Arcti.., lllMG YOUI SUIT TO THIS OPIH HOUSI VllWIMG IETWHM 1-5 TODAY 2'0l Ah L..-. Ill T-. of ... W_.. SWIMMING POOL AMD JACUZZI!! ,_,. ...................... .,. .... 4 •• effw. o.ty Uh.Ht. c• Swift ,.,_ .. ~·· ....... it .... ,.... ,.,. ,... ..... . ....... c .................... ..... 497-llll LAGUNA IEACH pro• .. •.....etlty. U74,500. 497.3331 LAGUNA BEACH 499-4551 495-17ZO 1044 South Laguna L ....... Migllel ••••••••••••••••••••••• Of'IH SAT /SUH 1-S w/WfM Ii Chffse Zl4SA1ea-*r l't'l';H \'ICTtlH I \ 491-1112 644-7020 1\lrtJerock Highlands Tanan Model 3 br. :! ba, view. Bt>aut1ful. prof . landscapmg llwte to1· ner lot near Sl'Mol, park & pool. Frple. wet bar. micro. Open house Sun & Mon.~~. Dana PoW .,..,_,port leach IN THE RANCH The ver~ po pu lar 3 bedroom SAN LUCAS on the ereenbeJl. Bright and airy for the youn~ e'C ecutive who likes to en· tert.a.i.n. Large rourtyard with lipa. Only Sl~.000. EXECUTIVE HOME 2 stor y 4 b edroom fabulous Plan 47 in CULVF.RDAl.E area dose to U.C I .. patk. pools and elt>mt·ntary school. This larg(' family home 1s pnced below rmrket for qwc·k sal~ Owne r moving out of area. Asking SI 10,000. A H/\NCH ~ f.I ,\L TY ~)~) 1 2000 WOODBRIDGE CROSSING S u per up gr ad ed BRJGITTON with l'Ustom drapes and levelors, cen tral air. covered patio with wood decks and planters. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL!!! As king Sl.2931(). Jr WOODBRIDGE RE AL TV ss 1.Jooo Ht-;i\(.'11 l 'Jtalina Sunllt'h .incl hc.,ut1ru1 ol'•'••n \ 1t•w Spacious wnod .tntl i.;I as:-. homc. Wulk lu bl'.tl'h , secludt-d an•a, d o)>e 111 sdlools anti s hop11mg :.I Bdrm. 3 ba, den & bonus rm I or 11th l1drm 1 Owne r :. b onu ... lo s alesper:.on. :ilOOO .:1ft cert Sper1al bonu:. 111 buyer 1r purcha:.cd from H.eef R. $1000. Try IO', down 11nd owner w 111 hd p finantt' . ~49.500 497-1711 THE BIG STEAL ANDYOll DON'T 11/\VE TO BE /\ TlllEF tu Sl'e the valut• in this stnkmg contemporary homt' Loeat('d high above• Lagwia 's famed Rlv1cru 1•oasthne on lur.itc lvl wilh lush pl:Jnteng:-., patio a n d s u n s h u d 1• ri t•ourtyard Sl'HAWl.IM; 4 BDRM . 3 H/\TH l"LOOH f>L ,\N with for mal d1n1ng rou m . cram1lv mom 1. f<'lllUr•·"' spal'1<ii.is li ving room a1> prox 28 fot•t Ion ).!. w/BEAMED CJ:;ll.INC: AND C'F.NTEH Causey & Company IESTIUY! 2 fle<troom. rn·c•:1n V>l'l.O.' t"<illai.;t• Walk lo bea1'11 SfJ.~llMI • GOOD INCOME. •• Golf rourse duplex w11 h oct'an vww. s1m.~>00 • ELEGANT ESTATE Swt.'E'ping l)('l!ifn and r 1ty VICW. $l50,00() • GROUND FLOOR lm\.'8Lmcnt:. ... Lot:. Crom $?.1(11 • 1 llMSo. Coa:-.t 1111.0. a' en Villa)?e F'a1r l.ACiUNA BE/\C:ll 497-2457 FTREPLACE CW PALOS --------1 V ER DE'S ST 0 N F. _;;;.-_-____ _ Slepsavt•r kill'hen has hwll an ran,1te, oven. 111!-.· hwasht'r and laundry an·a. WI! thmk th1~ lwl · h•r bwlt home, en 1nm t'· 111 C'<>1td1t 1nn '"' a 'I< I·;,\ L STEAL" ut only $142,500 FuH Price SEE TOOA y ' I <X>NE TOMORROW !• MISSION REALTY 98.5S. Cst Hwy, Laguna PhaM494-07ll ~.: .... ,. Hll 11[ ~ Mc CORMACKRl Oprn Sunday 2-S Take Solano Wuy off uf So Coast llwy to set' thesl· 3 white watt•r \ 11:\lo homes 683 ALTA VISTA Ne;1rl) nt'W 3 bdrm , 21 ~ha. Jui-.t redured '234.500. 2:i99 KJLO WAY Ne", vaeanl 3 bdrm . 3 baths . ·U.l--~-5i&ltolil1411!4E~~-t~-~uul~11~m~a""'•l ~Jt_· J)Cnence. $350,000 AJrilD CHARM Olarming 4 Bdrm 2 bath bi level with large family room, frf's hly pamll'd. new cal'pl't. sundt;?t•k und 572 /\LTA VISTA. New. vacant 3 bdrm . 3 bath!.. ll\.'11de & ouU.1dt' gran deur. Sl6.5.000 Real Estate• _ lovely mountam vll'w By Owner: Assumabl(' Great for enlt'rt<tmmi.: 91.,r~ Loan Lovrly :J $146,000 bdrm in t he Ra nrh DOH OSEN 494-7551 f~·t'anfront. 2 BR. 2 ha . OYO apt 1-'rpl. lll·t'k. :.anrty bt•adi. JlltOI. pul 1111~ ~rcen. rec 1·entt-r $?al,()'XJ Prg Allt·n Hllr 494 757H Under $100.ooo Prin REALTORS cipals o nly please 401 GLENNEYHE 551-4682 Eves. 4!J7 4841.1 ORANGETREE CON DO Plan 2 . l o f l . AC . wshr/d ryr. by owner 551-8032 New Turt.lerock HiJ?hlanrl Beautiful Bren Miramar 4br. Best Lot. Spec- tacula r View. Avail. J WM.' 833-8984 a..,-•ech I 048 •••••••••••••••••••••• HOMIOF DISTIMCTIOM Artiltic home in North Laguna. A stunnin g de· parture rrom lhe or· dlnary . Walk t o th beach rrom lhia cuslo Farrily •ach HouH 3 Bdrm, 2 buth w /gut·~l apt. Super VICWS from a II 3 stone:. L ge yard. garage. Only 1 b lock ll• beuch Try $179.000. Uolphin R E 1s lookin~ for enthusiastic people ln Join the rirm. School tw- lion reimburst.'<l. DOLPHIN R.E. 494-1511 REEDER RE/\l.TY lblltop Devdoper:; L4.tguna Charmers Ocean View New Con dos & Nt.>w House built "studio" bi-leve •EMERALD BAY 4 br. ho me fea turing : 1 blk bch, l..2.3. bdr, 442 Cypress at Locu s t . Owner /Deve loper /Bw Id e r /Brok er. W I LL COOPERATE. 499· 1625 Iv msg. or 494·4315 (Cun· do!;) 10.6. ------Bdrma. 2 balhs. enter· 41,<;iba.b0l·e11n vuo. tennis . One year old 38r. 21., tainmenl sized livin pvt each wne r . ba+fam rm . Cedar extr roo m w l m •ssi v 494-999'1. _ _ L' ·ndow ..,45000 rl I 0 I k. .-r Wl s. ~ . . _rep •ce. ver 00 ing WantAdHelp? 642-5678 49H7S9or 774-S338 ctty llghts, whlte watc -~i!!!iiiliimiliii_li_ili.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit view •nd m ini avocad :;.~·in~~;:rt~0a~: ~Coldwel Banke peua nce " location . r "75,000. RfSlotNlll\l OOOKl~J!G t OMPANV • DOMOSIN llM.TOIS 401GLENNEYRE ., .... MOVE llHT IN • 9Peft•c&&lar canyon .,...vtewa -~=Cl·•··· o•a•r l •&e nl . mmlorl'7S-741$ • • &llAUl'llUL ~Cu.tom ...... riew, .... fram beec!b • lld, ~die• famltJ rm. Creaeent Bay . -.ooo a. al W•rlae or call .... ,. l t a • E ddy .... O'EM IM MOMAICH SUMMIT 11. 2 Bdrm. + den, 2 baths. view home. $136.000. SEE HAL CARDWELL AT 22802 ANDARA ROAD. OPEN 1·5. SIMSA T10MAL LA•UMA OCIWROMT Ov~r one acre with private steps to secluded cove. Three view homes p lu s g u est cottage . Many possibilities. Lots of pa rking, $1,500,000. OM A CLIAI DAY -MIXICO Outstanding corner lot with views of Catalina, San Clemente and the Coronado Isla nds . Four bedrooms, 2~ baths, 3 car garage~ asking $305,000 A COUMILL ...... CO. 496-7222 831 -0836 nr..N1 .. ..,.._ ............. CHARM COTT AGE I l!:ean Vl(•W rrom lhtS l'OZY 2 bdrm hOm t' 11estlt~ in lhc htlb ol South La~una ':. t:oasl lwyale area Room Cur t•xpans1on Sl7!1,500 SPECTACULAR ... \'WWS Of 0t:ean & l'ity ltl'hts at night. Ont' ol Lagww':1 lovely homes wilh many s pet'ial tooclw:.. 1nrludmi.: frwt trC(!l; & a nit't' ft·nrl'd yard 1nteresl1n.: ex pans 1011 p olent1:il :!kl49.500 OCEAN VIEW •• m a rural .!.Nllni.:' The 1•harm of old Top Of Th\' World :.! lklrms .. 2 baths & a huge ram1ly room add to lht· enjO) m enl of lhl' setting. $154,500 IUILDIHG SITE Levt'I hwldabl(' lot near htRh school. Walken~ dis. lann' t o down town l•rwed LO :.ell al $92.500 '1;t_...r ~'\~<MN:i·~~ llU' "' ( 1 .i•.1H11fl•'_..+1 , I .tUW1t fJ•'•I t (.I f.llo:.1' '141 4 •4 It/ I H1J '1 1\t H•Ohw.•v ', "'" 1 t1JV' ., <., ••,cdr ',,, •'V\ 41,,., PORTH REALTY 1000 N COAST HWY 497-2468 OCEAHFflOHT Spanis h arrh1tef'lure with rourtyard l'nlr~ . 3 bdrms .. den, 21, balhs Sl>35.cnl OCEAN VIEW Emerald Terran•. with p:inoram1r \'iews or Emerald Bay 2 Bdrms., 2 baths: hdwd. floor~. lirt!al potential. $!35.000. TEMPLEHIUS Ocean & canyon views. 3 b<lrms • .den l h3Jbs_ dcl·k1:1. pool Vl'ry spacious' $195,000. WOOOSCOVE New Chris Abel de· signed, rcdar & glass home with many lux- u rious f eatures . 2 l:ldrms .. den. 21, baths. Nestled en a Eucalyptus ~rov(' t:a :.y owner f11111n c1n).! a\'•1ilublc . $282,1-.i ~ ..... 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Laguna Niguel Realty • DOVE.DEEi, DOLPHIN, WHALE & OCEAN VIEWS from thL'I custm home in a woody mOWltain green· belt sellrng in So Lagima. 2 blks to bearh. Take over 9V.'7. loun . owe 2nd TD. SM2.500. TAKEOVER 7'/•°lo LOAM 4 Bdrm home w tmntn view .. ClO!le to srhls & shoppinfe. Quiet cul·de· sac lot. W/trlr. RV BC· ress. J Yr Home War· rantee Plan. $108.~00. 493-9494 495-5220 49~24 I l ll0-5050 GATI .UAIDll> MIGUB. SHORIS A.ta :z.,lea.o- A roomy upgr•ded ap. pm 1900 sq ft 2 story 3 Bdrm. on fee land. Slajned g lass windows and "9Wn peek al lhe P.cific PLUS rabulo us recreation racilities and easy walk lo pri vale beach AND a fabulous assumable 1140.000 at 9'n"~ loan. Priced rlRhl at 1192.000 '44-7211 FOR MORE INFO: ~•m,11 ~Iii 11 I ' '. ~ r r / )1 1 "' • I r j,' ll • '\ J A1112'91L.9m P'.UW.y El Nltue.l 3br. muoo. CU.tom Realty TJO.t117 Uke New Condition 3br randl, nu kltch, vaulted c.llinp In 1arden/fem rm, RV acceu. v u . 1127,000. 81 o wne r . --... lltllSD HA 119,SOO 3 bdrm. 2Vr bit e.undo · el .. Hl. rrplc, t-a I IMdi I Off tliijiiit liiCli 106' ..... 106t IMMI_. •••• r.; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ... ale. 2 poc.111. will to aorw,UVt'IU,»'7. 811 •uaub lc Broker rooper1t1on. Easy •c· tNe t4!nnb. tolf, be1ch Call R.~ Ole. 7 daYt 10 8 4N ·f.315. Other tlmea •1elv.ma1. OCEAN VlEW Unobstr ucted hi ll & ot.'Un vlew11 3 Br . 2 ba c ustom ram rm . Pvt ~ community Only U .llOO. H. Johns R.E. 493·6891 LOOKSUKE MODEL All the work 1$ doae. 4 BR. 2 bM home. Plus h cll>lll. drps & wallcover Ull(S Formal din & frplc :> nun lo ocean. 10 min to Lag Bch. Assumable loan. no qualHylng. Must !l4ll' lo appreciate. P. P 1119.!m. "5-0758. fUtt SAU :.W Nme Con· do 2 Br 2 Ba. priced to sell at $83.000 Prln only. 831 :IJ42 Townhouse·Lltlle Gem 2 Br. 2ba. nice area. with pool. tll7 ,500 831-7291 & ~1940 sr.s TO IEACH 1bto ull11nate luxury 4 Br. 3 ba. ram rm . ocean Vll'W, P\'l guarded t•om munity Only $425.000 Pnn only. JI Johns Real &tall' 493·6891 L* foriftt I 055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Modeltto..Sale M.J. ~ .. 5oM lllC. Wt' saved the best for la!it'. Truly Lake Forest':. finest values. A 3 HR. I Slory. $113,070, or a 4 UR. :.!story. $133.125. Hoth air rnndilloned. fully uµ gradl'<l. beautifully dt• <'iratcd & proressionall) lal'l(L'lraJ>l.'(f. P n mc loc·a lion Call now 1714 ) 5!11·9610: 1714 ! 7W-6493 OUTSTANDING L.AKEFIOMT HOME Art executive family in the finest area or Lake F'oresl. P rofessionally dt.'COl'ated 4 bdrm, 3 ba with pri vatl! dork out rront. Antique stained gla~s doors, custom tiles. cw,>et & wood parqu1•l " lot or home 111 today ·~ ma r k et . C: o m p I t• t c• s t r u r it y sys te m $!29,500. 0,... Sot /Sun 1-5 228l7151onare - W1\TI.RfRONl ttOMI .. le e. REAL ESTATE 6J1·14()() SAVETHOUSAMDS Owner/Agt. No Comm Elc~an l Vil·toria . Parkwood 4br . :Iba. finished bonus rm., air. highly upgradt.'<I. Hu~l' lot. Assu mable loan 25102 Sh aver Lake 559-1497. -------------POSSESSION IMPllTANT? Fantastic 4 bedroom bome ·in top location with added on bonus and bath. Cozy fireplace, hardwood floors and enclosed yard. Owner ready lo move. $153,500. lenlta lll1rtN11 ...... 67S.Zl7l ------------~ OCbNFltOMr Your o wn p iece or par8di.se is waiting for you in this r are ocean rronl home. Lvly 4 br ex- ecutive home. complete with pool. Exclusive private beach location. 646-TIU ~ Walker & Lee Real FAtate F.ast Bluff Great View 3'« to broker. 4br, rm rm. $189,500. 2807 Alta Vist a Dr .. Npt Reh 640·4119, Open house Sat/Sun 1·5. Bay(ront Ouplx 1-·ant.vu. 3Br upr 2Br lwr. fo'p, bltns & ldry hkup in ca. Summr /wntr r e ntl $390.000/ofr own /agt ~1879 •ach DcAouse $105,000 Newport Shores. attra\· live 3 BR. newly crpt 'd & pamt.ed inside & out. 5 blks to beach. Owner transferred out of a rea Pool & tennis courts Rea~onuble ter ms to quallf1\.od buyer Cull for appt lo sec. P eggy. 960-4392. 536· 24 911 BY OWNER Super Neighbrhtl. 3br 2ba 14! film rm Newly re deco SkyL1te Walk to pk /sc hl $129,5 00 M.S-t937 •st luy ill Shotts By Owner . Npt Shores. J Br. comm. pool, tennts crts, SlOJ.900. ··courtesy to Bkrs. · · S48-38al DOYRSHORES 1506 ANTIGUA WAY OPEN SUM. 1-4 REDUCED TO $439.000 Quality ronstruc·tion. I story 4 bdrms .. 4' 2 baths. family rm ., dmm g rm .. rec. room. 2 wet bars. jacuzzi. sauna, view. 3 r ar garage. s ecurity system: land included . GIB WALKER REALTY 675-5200 NEWPORT HGTS llliS hidden beauty IS On dead end st. 2·sty 5 Br :1 Ra. sml ocean vit·w, full Swedis h sauna. b1 ~ jacuzzi. lots of extras Must sec to appreciate . S225,000. Ownt-r will help fmance IYO'WMR MEW .. UFFS Maan iricent G Plan Wrap around windows. elevated cor ner lot Cathedral beam ceilings. mirrored 2 story entry Brand new r rpl · g and de· ccr. 3 separa te bedroom s\&t.es, 3 b8ths. family rm. Mini Bay view. cen· traJ vacuum, AM /FM in· lerrom. Steps to Back 8My. Adjacent pool and cabana. $198,000 OpN S./M•d_, 1-5 arby.,-.lnwllf 2420YlttaMOwno 644-4113 UDO ISLE Outstanding custm re model Prime cornl:'r location. steps to buth :IBr. Jba. den L1v rm w1wetbar. massive bn rk frpk & beam Ceil's. F'r doors. pane w mdows. d 1 r area opens lo bn ck patio Bnght kitch. all nu bit· Ln.'1 + nook. Spac mstr s uite. w /balcony, de l'Orator (abfl ('S/wall CllT'R $475,000, by owner 675-2764 IEACH INCOME l 15 l6lh St Scashor~ O:eanfront val·ant lots an~ valued al $375,000 :J lot~ awuy ts leasehold duplex for only $1!17 .~l Extcl. tax shl'ller 4 Br 2 ba 2.Br 1 ba. 2 s undl·<·ks. unfurn yrly 1111·oml• $12.600. Extra parkmi.: l''ranr1s Horvath, Rltr 675-1972 or 673·2303 llome on Lido, trade f1ir int·om c p r o p l'rl y Owner/Bkr 499-4460 By Owner $146,500. 3br. 2ba. game room w1pool table & wet har 64S·:ll09. HEW DECOR! JRr . l '~Ra h o m e>. w/bltns. Nwpt H~s area 385 LaPerle Ln. BYCO 645-2251 548·4137 r..stbluff Yi•w HOWR Bltckbay. forever view Lartie cul·de·sac lot 5 Br. 3 ba Highly up graded. Open hous e Sat !Sun 12-5 $218.000 Hy ol!.'fll'r. 644-0355 __ _.P ...... R€H IG€ ¥-OWMll__..:. ....---+-~+-H.OM€S ./IESTIUY PARK UDO /Poollide MallHlmM Pri•ocy 16 lWh p.,. Pool All adult. I m maculatt #(rounds. 3 Bdr ms. 2'" bath beauty. Be tht• flrsl ~brand new n l ing An absolufe steal at SJ 19,500. Call for further details. Lovely 5br . 3ba home in Lake Forrest. Highly up- g r aded. beautifull y maintained 1ns1de and out. •New pool & sp:1. •AirCond. •Wet Bar. Includes members hip. L4.tkc F'orest Beach & Tennis Club. $145.000 ror Appl Call 71418»8233 MuionVi.fo 1067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• REBATE S2000 rebate for r rpts & drapes. Take advantaJ?t' d this fixer·upper & save 1ooo·s. 3 Br 2 Ba. lowest priced model in a rea $73,500 total price. Try $7500 down. Lagwta VieJo Realty 581-5416 UMITID IDITIOM $64,500 My advice to you 1s com pare! What more could this bt fl home offer. w /rolling hills & loads of activity for the rmly minded pe rsons. This char mer is located 111 M1S111on Viejo II sellers are ofrering xlnt ter ms. 552-4477 ~ Walkr.r & lee 3333 W, Coast llwy, NR 645-6646 THEILUFFS Reduced lo $14'1 ,900. Absolutely immaculate 3 Bdrm 21·'.! bath. formal din1n i:: Spli t level townhome. ()pton space view from uving room and master swte. Now vacant, owner a nxious. Call 540-1151 ,~~-HERITAGE . • REALTORS Jack Fick & Assoc. 963-0926 675-7512 • 640-5296 •••s. Harbor View Jbr . 2ba FantasUr up~rades 111 & out. $159.000. O~n Sill 759-0143 HARBOR HIGHLANDS. by owner. lst time or fort'd. Updated with n~·w kitchen. <'OPl>t'r plum b ing, many xtras :J BR. 2 Ra . Oak noonng lhruout & (pie Co. vercd pal10 & pool sized yard. $1 32,500 2Wi BERYi, LN UDO ISLE OPENSATISUN l·5PM F.xceplional 4br. 2ba on 548-0924 wide St to St lot, rrench AXER ·-re doors & beam rellings vr-lhru out. hardwood fi rs. Duplex on 30x85' lot in formal DR. lg So. patio, 100 bloek. Foundation u s ed b r ick frp l r stressed for 2 s torit-!. Completely remodeled. can bU1ld an additional By Owne r. $460,000. IQ) sq. ft. on upper unit 673-8423. Might consider joint vcn -------lure w /builder. Call for IEAUTIFUL 411 + .nro. FAM RM. HYH DUPLEX Fee, near schl, park & 3 Br + bache lor Compl. pool. 1174,500. remodeled. Close to bay $51~1 640· 1440 & beach. PAllCLIDO OCEAM VIEW Splat level 2 br. 2 t>a ron- NJ)l. Crest condo, 3br . do. One of the best buys 3ba. end unit. Pool. ten-ui N•wport. Sl.03,000. nis rrts, l.900 sq. f\ Xlnl. Ownr/All 675~775. l'Olld. Owner Occupan· t/Realtor Nol yet listed IA YFIONT Real F..tl•le Buy below ma rket & WILL TIADI save comm. +. Dys BY OWNER OPEN SUN IJ75..ml. eves. II wknds. Owner will t•ke Slnllt' lmmac. Cut1lle. 3br, Sie-7316 f11nUy or unhs for lhis .,.._ r stwp 2 bed.room Condo -· am rm, cstm crpta/ HAllOR VllW m b8y with ocean view II drapes, 2 P8liOI, vu, nr boat U .,lO 000 r 11 18ke. 7eM194. HOMls.PAL•MO a p. ... • u For sale by owner . ~n price. BY OWNER OPEN SUN. S CC>m'OIATIPLAU Super 2 sly, l br. 2~ba, Houae un 10-5 . 4 r . ram rm. all bit-ins. cntrl 2.,.· Cam rm. country llALn air, cstm crpts & drape11. kltch, prof lndscpd for lo 541-Jtll mtlntaiMnce. schl Xlnt ---------~-=· l~ yrs. $115.900. loc. Comm pool. p•rk. OC1AM YllW · Newport Mesa Dist s 11 73" rt Prine only 1965 P ort uper ' • sq. Ml wport IHch I 069 lwnhae, walk lo bch. 3br ........ ••••••••••••••• Cardiff, N. B. lt'or info 2'MNI. hilhlY upgr•ded HARBOR VJ EW HOM ES call 640-1.21115. ten.. pool, j•c Sl 3.UOO 2 bdrm, de n 2 ba. Cllllllifaed Ads. your one· 642.otll, 534.olOl : OPEN "Mamco" "'51'*"FEt;. -.opllhoppini center . SAT l.t. #3 Im• Lo8 Crt. Open Sat/Sun 1-5, 2057 liliiimimm~~i!i-~~~iiiiiiiiijf =~~l Circle. * *LIDO ISLE** M.1.-1161.000 GOOD ASSUMAIU I Pf• L~ACIOUI sount PA'llO 4 bdna. I bl home • 3 ,..... ....., 41t1. 2141. 1Mm 11• II doors to park ti pool. ._..~raOlltl•ll ......... 8llUy laadtcaped ·total ~,---. orhacy. Xlnl 1chool1. ___ ~to dtllt ..._ ......_ ...... 'rake over subtect to eit· - -~t:~i:,iu ~ l oan . ow.-lllMAMC,.... 1411."' ~ WaUo!r 1: I nr. O,..W/S./..._ l·l IUva. ..... 67Mtl4 Owl/NJ... ,,,. ... OCIWROMTMlllB .3 Be dr.o.0m +. 2. bedroom fully furnished. Must sell. Just reduced to $399.000. Drive by '809 Seashore & call for appointment. MIWPOIT SHOIB $107.900. 2 Bedroom + den, beam ceilings. fireplace, dishwasher, like new cond. Walk to beach. pools. tennis & canal MIWPOltT SNOllS CAMAIJllOHT Y•Owwn..._. 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, all the extras . Brick laUice canalfront patio. 1st time offered. Call for appt. to see. ~ ....... ...., -.tli.... 642-1150 ~ -....... · * OfBI HOUSE * AVIRY5"CIAL ~POINT SlmlOOM Only 2 yrs old and with feature s f a r too numerous to detail m- cld'g a gourmet kitchen. balcony game room. a s umptuous rull s ize Jac·m IACIC IAY-•/1 ACN CA>untry living in this :S Bdrm. 3 ba. rrplc, walk· 111 clo&et.8, for ma I din in 11 rm. peg & groove noor:. Horses. plant your own fruil ~ II &arden or rm for tennis court. b) appl. Gold key /IREM 546-9521 the master bath <not just1·-------• a bath tub w /Jelsl, sohd oak cabinets t hru out and much m uch more You'll never sec more for KS.<mon "The Pomt". O,...W/S.... 1-5 1533 Mk asar. lol Pt. CAU644-721 I /.Jn NI GEL UAILEY & AS58CIATES CARMEL 3 Bdrms . 2 baths, fa m ily rm .. large ;:(arden. rru1t trees Xlnt cond1llon ' Wallpapers . oak firs , tilet'OWllcr SlfS,500 CUSTOM "'* llGCAMYOM 5llOO SQ IT + S Bdr m 51h bath, 3 car gar Located on c ul·de-sat wilh views of golfcours\ & mtns. For pri valt showing or this lislm~ eont.art Dan Ribbs ROGllS REALTY 675-UI I OWNER ·s trans rer t• Denver equab lowc~I µnee m area Jusl 21M steps tu 111·t'11n Muc·t J)arking Im mac 3 lidr m :! ba. fll>I\'. bcaml'd \'ell mgs SI 31. !IOO DEVIH&CO. 642-6168 OPIHSAT/SUM 1-5 1------• 20ll Pt. Weybri~ PAUL MARTIM RIAi.ESTATE 644-7lll --------<>PIH SAT /SUN 1-S 2214 ALTA VISTA S MOTIVATEO * Se ll er ha s bouJ?ht another home; located m e•clus1ve F:a s tbluff. Comfort ablt.> 4 bdr m with the convenienre or 21h baths Lge pools1ze yard wilh palio for enter· la.lning. Private view of Catalina Added \lalu(' owner will 1·arrv lh\1 hi trust 1ked cj11 Lido ft.to.all~' h731:.ii1 __ _ WFSTCLI F'F I.!! 4lir. 21·~ ba. $1111.500. Hy owner. Op Sat & Mon I:! JO to 4 ~ 1514 Do\er Dr HAllOIVIEW DBJGHT Large 4 Bdrm Palermo Md! Harbor View hom t>. AN ENGLISH TUDOR IN NEWPORT? Y\.-s, th11t & n~hl. •An ~lega nt E n gll:.t Tudor coodornm1um. 1r an ideal loc:ataon. •Pnred from Sl30.000 •With 10•;. down -00' , rmanc1~ This could be your 011 porturuty tu hu) an ou1 standm~ 2 brand den or br with 21., bath hum• da.c tot'verythmg SH S H J:;FF'lf:LI PLACE at Tustm Ave I(. IWl 1n :'lll•Wport Head O) P.\C ESETT !-;tt llOMl-:S Open dmly from I:! 00 le :;·oo pm Tuesday & We<.I nesday. Lge rountry kitt·hen. (Jlj~31 ftML.. priva~y~8t5ee tQ •IV -UV.rt appret'1ate l•--------754-7100 Mulhearn .. ~~r'ft ~27 Bnstol. CM ODDOIEYEM? Get out or the gas line and call Mickey to see this beautiful N£•wport Duplex, with spectac:ular water & Lido Isle view 2 Bedrooms earh w ifrpll' & patios. Can be convert· ed to single family home. Owner will help finance FUii pnre. SJ60.000 SHAFER REALTY 96lH980 -Mwpt. Cnst COftdos 2 Bdrm Probate sale $119.500 4 Bdrm -Lovely view $141,000 SEE THIS OME! l..argc 3 BR fa mily homt' Owner motivated . 1124.500 Back Bay a rea Roy Mee_., 111r. 645-2425: 541-7729 HBR VlEWHOMES 580RM. SUM M ERSl::T $216.000 t'ee 3 baltl<>, 2 frplcs, wet bar covered pat 111, prof lndscpd Decor bro wr tones. Comm. pool, Jiii' &ten. crt. OfllH SAT & MOti4 1·5. 2'232 Port Ler wick. N 8, Owner 640·456~ WATERFRONT ON Newport I.a.cl Rare CJPllC)rturuly for th1:,, 3 bedrm. 2 bath home on 4Bdrmnrtenn1s/pool 30X80 lot. Feature:- $147.000 pnvate pier and float for Agt 645·~ boat enthusiasts. Larg1· ----dect. 14X24 panelled en 2 8d rottage in Newport terta.inment room over Hts. R-2 lol. 50' " 105" loolung ch.nnel. Coz~ CIMC to Hoag. buses & fplc, 2 story. prestigioui. shopping. Sl09.900 Exel Newport Island. Ap Al}. 673-1020 praised at $305.000. Of CONDO fered by Re.I Estate Ont 91.77S). Come &r 11ee a good buy ODetl houle S.t. Sun & Mon 1·5. 112 SeascaJK Drive. $102,000. Holli~ Wood, Rllr, 67~..a&76. New2br. 2ba condo. Nwpl Ter race . S m vu, u p ar-des. uaumable '°"'· ..... Owner. 141-1125. WX•Y AT ITS ...ST Here. finally. is a distinctive home : tas te fully built & decorated to reflect your individuality. Space abounds through the light & air y rooms , trees surround the large yard & pool. High ceilings and lots of glass set the stage for Ulla 1reat family home. Five bedrooms, family room, dining room. Hbrary, pool & jacuzzi, for $325,000. Call Evan Corkett at Coldwell Banker; 644·9080. 646-8705 844·9080 ""' .... ~ ..... L.8 •• lllWCSWTP > • • ..... ... &,Ult-.... --.,,_°"' Numeroua .custom features. Spacie>U§. m•l'bte entry matr · sulte w/ftplc Eleetroni<' filtered air t'Ond. 5br. ~bl. fam rm w/wet. bar. formal dinlnt rm. breakfast rm, slip for 50' ya<'bt " bay boat&. Fabulous rntertalning party home. OllllPIMI• .. Acrt .. ters-. 1200 ---------...................... . But buy R11 t•anyon SU7,)00 l'utury ~I Newport Cl!nlrr , tMO-S:l:S7 ·-----MIWUS~! Shinaled cott111 .. 1n NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 2 HR. dttn, 2 BA, bnl'li1 rowtyrd w /mull1 fru11 lreH. Won't 1 .. st a t $141.000 Ci.II Rat· Janw, atet 631 1266 DECORATORS DREAM SinCle story 2 BR 2 I~. fomwl dining room. For a fuu)' buyer. Cull 64..$-9161 ()P~N fi(•ll)t RlAlTY / OPIHSAT/SUM 1-5 !illlVENTA.IA, N.8 . Tl'fUUS Club Villas. 3 DH, Fam Rm. pvl wrap around pulio Levernite ran avail Mm dwn pyml 641H12:19 $149.900 c//tHtX:,1 R E A;{/L TY OPIH SUM/MON 1-5 ~VENTAJA.N B Tennis Club Villas. 3 HH. · 1'·am Rm. P"t wr1111 <.tround patio 1_.·vC'r:ow rma\'a1l Mrnd"n pyml 1;40 b25!+ Sl-l!l.!11111 f114'Ul·Ull l.an,t Om1• OWTW,'r ""lhn11 Wt'Slrhffs honw 3Ht ram .. h1draw11y ofr Nltt yrd. With l111i '"'"' $1~.tloo. lr19-)4~ t•rin pNw 0,.. W.S-I 1-S I 714 Slryt.rta Lowly 3 br, 2 ha hOml' ~ ~ ID Baytrt'St 0(1 lrvmc 10 8a.yl'rt>sl H!I. n tu Commodon·. lft 1111 Skylartl ln lo 17 l<i l 't•n tury 21 Gold Coni.I Hltr ~-0479 or 54IJ I Hiii OCEANFHONT Oplx 2Br 1 ba ea X lit 2 t'al iar ~.000 675 1906 UDO ISLE 11us hm is just romin11 bark on the market It 1~ a charming old home on 47' lot with So. Patio Beamed ce1hngs. t!tt Owner financing at 10~ mt. Asking. S!M.000. Va· cant. ()pen Sun 1·5 ROGF.R BROWN K 1': 673-1020 * JUST LIST&> 601Ll00 Super view o f Bay tkean. Pert c·ond. Call for appt. lo ::.t!f'. Wt helit'Vl' this is lht• onl~ high nsc avail in lhe 001 Rldg. ROGER BROWN R.1':. 673·1020 GOOD BUY GOT BETTER Pnre n'C'.loced by Sll).000 Execullve hOml' wrlh pnol in 0..yc·rc~I Tip loJ; C'ondJ11or1 ~·c 1l toda)' l~ll r ./JAl:J."11 _R_~_A_EGO_L_r_v_,~21. OWMElt Mtwport Center FtMAMCIHG 640-5157 MUTOPY.-W l"rflilll'mM C'UI df' Ut' Ill rnunlry •rt•11 t'u11t111n bu61t tn le1v1•l of wood and 1IM6 All rw,,. <lttror z firt'pl .. l'f'• " tlt•t·lr.is SpiM.·1ou11 ) Hdrm • h11lh <St lt1w-I loC ttor111·11 (I K For 1ntorm1111011 c·a ll *'-· · • ... HERITAGE REALTORS 1091 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •/11&.0CK TO MIU SQUARE PARK E"et·ut1ve "Showr11se" ~. 2'V•bu. fam rm. xlnt neighburh ottd Se« Sal /Sun 12 !"> 11941 Glencaj!lc. Wt>:.lm1nsh'r Nit. 968.58*) °""" .... &tat. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 • •••••••••••••••••••••• YERYSHARr 1976 Celtic dbl wide. 1·or· ner lol. ireal s tart1•r home. Low Park rent tMF50!7) Mobile Home Store 8411·8&15 $16,tOO STEPS TO IEACH Obi w1dl' ·i;1 Tra1lc•r;ima I UN!"> llltH 3 p\1. twh & rnt>r Sob·lcltln!! allowt•rl l••ralt..od in Trt·a~urt• b :ltt)l l':w1f11· I '0.1,,l I IW\ I.al! lkh Offc•rt·cJ Ii, llt-nais,unt•t• M 1• 1 ';I I I 4!19-:lllli KIDS & PETS WB.COME Fantastic Monll'~O -1976Kirkwood.lnvt'lyair model , Ha r bor Vit•w ! <'Ond 2Br. 2&. hkycl for rnmt! rond1t1on New S..Jumt I.he kid'> or pet Must st·e l'arpl'l1n~ thru11u1 ' ,. ~ 1071 toapprec 1MM56431 lledrm fo~ormal dmrn~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile Hontt Store rm 1-h -shly landst•ap~. OI 0 2b Iha <'ondo ll48-889.s U)' Owiwr ln Ut! l.u' ll 4 IM'~ with rrt't.'k" & re !l«YOlf, 2 bUlkhnl( 11ih •s, I In lull nub hy 1'rl't'k. otht•r oo hill Mu1111·1pal w .. l"r • w1•ll l•twn\•. l'h,.•1r11·11)1. vla11tal>l1· l> (i •. !JOO 7 14 1~ 1 l34 0-..-111~. Mui.I 1tt·ll lu,.ury homt' 1111 II At' UJO a Vlk' 111);) lh't'S tlr\'31 l'oWHY l ot• Ht•11ut1ful v11•w II) M • r,• "4'1y ltl hUI Iii i'.01wd I pc•r .I \I' liH"-'fhlll l 11\ ~~•:l it.ili2 O.C.LAMD l\.m~ :-111· t't-l ull• :11 I tll'rt.-:, Sl.'1,1100 J"'r 11n1• 111 du.lt•s la kt• for f1:0.htn~ llt·utly for 1l1•wl11111111•rll i\tlJm..-111 pr 111)t•11 v 11 lso avmluhh• MlJLLi\N H E/\l.TY ~JO lrv1111• /\v, Sh • IOI N 11 54(). 2960 Afi.;,l;:ts 1300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TRIPLEX 3 yrs old. all umUi have 3 bdrms, 2 h ba Near Adams & Rc111•h Call Shorchrw Managt•ment Corp. l:W7 li363 /\sk for Nancy Wynn 4 UruLo; & house. by own(•r Nwpl light s. <.:.M. llxgross. (213) 831 !070 l'Vt'S. (213) 4111· 1800 dy:. ------C....rcial Propet"ty 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW DaUXE MO'JB. 114 UMIT Across from Disneyland. Beau11fully appo1nll'd. spacmu . .; rooms. pool. all qul't'n heds. turnkey rt' ady lo ,.:u this Mtmml•r' f'nc(>d n~hl. only 2~·. down Don'! m1!'.s th1:-. one! Rrokt•r co·upt:ralion W\'lled. 7;,;t 1920 ' QUAIL PLACE · . PlOPEltTIES•· I°""' rt1 l :JO r .M.I ~COUltty G~~~rt• 91.000.000. Busy cenl<·r weal polent1al $1.500,000 l'nvall' yard Clo,.;c to armm., r. 1 pool and school Ownc·r pool. vie"' s_59.!JO 1 GltEIHLEAFPARK ~:=A0=i:a will creat1vl'lv fmalll'l' 4!l2-4337or 492-!186l 5StarAdult Commumty --~- lor 11ualcf1t-il huyc·r . By Owner 4 bdrm 2 ba 1750Wh1tt1eri\vc .. CM • llurry,rall752-170o home with fam rm & Has available 2 lar~c Albert Pusse lJ [. '"'· .... ,1;1;~\'!( 1 \' 1 .. ~.1 ~eJ~/~~o~rov~~t~ =e Homes m perfcl'l Realty Co. · i i market. Open Sat/Sun Call btwn9am·6pm 133DOYUtDlt.N.l .63t-s2s2 '' j 9-5. ~ F.dgewood Rd. 646-7965 COftdoei•h .. 5/TOWD· . -••••••1111=r i>rincipelftonJy.49S·l8H houwsforMll4t 1700 llG CANYON Rue ... : Haciettda MINUTES FROM THE .............. ~ ...... .. ~HMSat/Su I 5 1102 ICH New Condo, lrvmt•, 5 mos _,... " · l Hoyal Monarl'h 24.60 old,byowner.2br .l!tcn· 6~Yallow PASEOM.ARAtolJA 2Br. l:\-•Ba. corner lol. n1s ct s 2 pools/jar Security ~ua rde d Cust. exec. home. 4br. l o w park rcnl S75.000. Evl's. 6451-155. Monaco model. 3 Rrpar-2>nba. A/C, nu plush <JDb767·72l ~7142. Qlll.'t entry. 3 car ~arat:c. ctptg, tile roof & entry PLUSH beautiful de<-or & a great Solar hld pool. Lg pvt lot Mobile Hontt Store ~ai~~ REALTY ~~)Del586-3ll7. ?70-Sl2.1 848-8895 646-9688 206S~TOICH 3 Br. 2 ba house. dbl gar, frplc, pvt st .. lO'h-down. $138,500. Own I agt . ~12S2. 837·9500 581-1000 no.2111 Newport Beach t Br. I blk to ocean. $12,500. 646·5678 all 6PM & wknds. Irvine 3br. {•xchanJ:c JIU\ equity. Owner. 546·50<n, bfr 11. aft 6. ExecTo_....s Several to choose from. Prired from $56.000. to S256,<m. Some w 1th no down VA te rms. Parlt Place.Inc 842-7461 I °""" ........ c:..r ........ _cllfUSEl • .1 _ hy the money market• Overwhelmed by the ad!l" Ft\llltr•ted by rHI e11tate term• you don't undentand? Daaed DY today's Interest rates? An hour with one ol our statr can clear up home or lnvt"Ktment property ownenh1p questk>ns you may have and l(et you moving properly toward your llO•l. You'll be more ,ecure In your Judicment when you're s hown a property that IS right ror YOU SECURITY! To set'ure your future you should have a 3 to S )'car plan for Income property investment. If \•ou're wonderinl( whe n. where. and how to lw.:m. why not make an appointment today with on€' or our hil(hly trained sates stair or over 40? MAllET TWt Ctthforrua futures look good today. Attrected by our weathe r and industry, our population keeps j!row1n~. All thestt newcomers need a place to 11,.,. We o(fe r these Cine properties from our inventory of over 100 listinis ... • $7!1,000 duplc•x -l!rcat starte r -all 2 bdrm. units • Nt>ar n(•w clurl<·x -OranJO:e County -view' IS\1,5110 • 2 h nuiw~/ 1 lol prcs t11(ious beach t•ommunlly Sl811.000 • :lbdrm + 2hdrm I ·n.,l11 Ml'S3 SIG3.900 • 111111~1· 1 clu plt•x 0111 ar111 $116.500 • l 11h•x 1-'ulkrlon $1!111,000 • 1 unil~ t '111•ton1 11wnt•r'i; unit -lluntiniton fl1•a1·h ~275.1100 • s:mt:i i\1111 4 plt-11 1•xt r1•11ll'lv "''II m111nt11aned $1111.IMMI • 1 h1111s1-s/ I fol ya r1l., $ l'm.ooo • Suv-·r sturh'r 4 11h·'I lluo1111.:t11n Hearh $13!1,!IOO • 2 tluplf'Xt'" 1 111111 ... 1•11«h w1lh fln•p llH•c• lluntinl!l"n llt·iwh $111'/.000 • ~an Clt>mnn11• t 11l1•x pr1<ff• of ownership with owner's uml $2111,lllHI • 5 LaJ?una llt'lll'h 111111... \'11•w' S:lJl.5,000 • r, units l1111111111!lon f11 ·111'h 1·rc11t1vc f1nunr 1ni.: :::,·. cl11w11 will hrc·ak 1•ven • S2llll.OOll • 6 unil:o. tl11pli''I 1 1 11l1·x ''" I lnl .ire al twi.:innc·r' S:?l r1,lx~1 • II lari.:1• ""''" .11r 1·•1111lil 11111t'fl $231).UOO • H rwar nt•w 111111.. • 11 ani:1· ( ·11unty MlJ>t•r del ll'lt'' S1!'>11,IMMI • 12 Orani.:c• ( 'ounl V tHllh S:l~l.001) • 14 units w11h sill'mlalllt• m Onml!I' t;1)unty' S~25,()IMI • 16 unils i\11ah1·1m cot I "O' SH5.000 l'ach. • rn unils lt1\'ers11lt• gardl'n rourtyetrd S315.000. • 17 cx·t•anfront unit:-. Sfi!l5.000 • 19 unils Orange C'ounty -Span1i.h arl'hll<'<'IUrC' $.$111.000 • 20 hard lo find pruk of 11\4 nrrshtp units - l'osta MC's:i. SflS0.000. • 20 umls ll1n·r::.H.h.· '.! ~l<rr) 1o:ardl0n -.tyle 53112.l.llX) • 32 units 111 h1~h tll•munll ur••a of Onrn~c t '1111nl v S950.(I()() • :lti units l111nl111t.itnn B•"<•<'h OWN YOl'R OWN STIH:l-:T' l'mlt· nf ''"nrrsh1p 3bdrm. 2hath tl\\Ot·r'.-. umls with f1rt'plac•t•:o. Sl.935.000 • 114 unil 01-.nrvland arl'a mnlrl now und<'r rnn ... lrul'linn Turnkev al S<l .275.(~JO • (;as Stallon ;mn · uffu• .. m Orant.!(' C'ounly 17f).()(10 • CommC'r<'rul -.1ori'" anti bu1ldm~s for h·ase Sanla i\na • l.<md anrl Lois m Orangr l'ounly R1 \'t'rsuk. :md San Dir~o Count~" CALL FOR AH APPOINTMENT, PLEASE No drivcbys, please. No requests for ·packages' in the mail. No requests for addresses. We respect the rights a nd wishes of our property owners in respect lo limiting disclosure of their properties lo sin cere buyers or exchangers. We 're professionals and we want to work with both buyers and sellers in a professional manner. Call for •m..appointme nt. TODAY! Our offices will be closed on Monday. May 28. 1979 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. Information on any of our properties may be obtained after 8: 30 AM. Tuesday. May 29. 1979. Plea se ca ll for a n appointment. Ci)UAIL PLACE PROPERTIES, IMC. 17141 752-1920 ;r-------------- - -' iri,1\'r"I_JOI{ co.I l l1i II I 1 lj, ' 0 :0 ------------ ~ All TMlll llMDS OP fllOft.I * MS WOILD 1-The very FEW wtJo MAKE tbln11 happen. 2-The MANY who WATCH things happen. 3-The REST who have no idea what DID happen. WHAT All YOU, I. J fir J7 U A #I IY tMVIS~ NOW, The only thing WAIT ever did is break down the wagon . Don 't let procrastination deny you and your family a secured future. Let us show you these sound. sensible investment properties that can start building your investment portfolio today. COSTA MISA IMCOMI UNITS TWO DUPLIXIS.......,i...jlM LOT Each duplex contains two 2·bdrm. I-bath single·level units. Near schools, shopping. etc. Super priced at only $200.000 for both bldgs. Call today! Niwa I U. HUNTIMGTOM llACH OWta'S l IDIM, 2112 IA. UNIT Homelike living for the proprietor. Fireplc. Patio. 7 Rental units producing like a S machine 24 hours per day. Nr. Beach Blvd. ·$397 ,500. Seller will finance. 4 UMITS 11/z MILlS TO MACH Excellent 3 bdrm, 2112 ba owner's homelike unit. f'ir eplc. Patio. Closed garage.<>. Growth area. Among new bldgs. Two 2·bdrm and one 1-bdrm income producing units working for you around the clock. $238.500. Seller will finance. 4.UMIT APARTMENT~. A GllA T INYISTMIHT 111:! Blocks to beach! Owner's apt. 3 bdrm.'i, 2112 baths. 2 fireplaces, plus two 2-bedroom . l ·bath and one l ·bedroom. l ·bath units. Great location & easy to rent. Super Huntington Beach value $240.000. WESLEY M. TA YLOI CO •• llALTOIS 21 I I S-JCHMpli1t HHh load · NEWPORT CEMTH. M.I. 644-49 I 0 SEMINAR NF.Wf'OHT Ouplt"( nt•ar ~t beach L~ Jlir, 21Ja t•a u nit Mu:o.t :.ell 545·1!WS AC .ra .... •o AC al~..z.. _ Bellenfleld. tu--.-..m . ~ ... I tv11 2100 ....................... Plleelmker boat, free fr clear, twin diesel. sm.ooo. wm trade for reel ... Tierra Del Sol Rlty 497-1744 ........ w .... JtoO ....................... Private 1>9rty looking for Balboa Island bouae or duplex for purchase. Fred. W.5050 ....................... .............. d ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,IS iRllllG 1107 ....................... SPACIOUS oceanfront 4 Br. 2 ba, compl. rurn home. Frplc. WllSh/dry. dllhwhr. 2 ear gar. no pets. S13SO /mo yrly. avall Sept 15, S.S-5354 or 6"-9582 1144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ForleaseJuly-De«mber. Turtlerock Hills over· looking U.C.I. 1650 sq. ft Architecturally unique. eo nt e mporary Townhome. Appeared in May "Hou s in1t Magazine" 2 slory liv. rm. fireplace, I bdrm. + office1stud10. pool. ten· nis. jacuzzi. Single or c·ouplc . $595 /mo . 1133-8214, Bachelor condo. pool & Jae. Nr Irvine Blvd & Yale. S300 mo + dcp 842-4ZJ2 Mike or Jerry. Mtwport •ach 3 I 69 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br. 2Ba. 224 Via lido Nord, 12.000 mo. excepl Aug. $2500. (2131 Z'l0-4547 or (213 I 934·092Q Beautaf\llly furnished 3 bdrm. BIR Canyon.View i\ppomtment onl)I. Jerr" Preud Realtor 640-W!f'J V AC.A TION HOME Sm 2 Rr house m ''" l'I u S I v c Short• C' I t Cf" Avail. for 6 tu!+ mos Pv1 bearht.~ S700 mo A!!l l«'J.W42 or 644·11 !)(i FOURPLEX -IALIOA PEN OUT OF STATE PROPERTY Wr-0•, l· ... P,, I I f'('ll("!'I' J ' I 1• Pr x• .it Out o( Stale Real t:i;latl' l nvcs tm e nl nfft'r:-. dynamll' opportun1ly ~am of the potential in Low Down Paymenls Po;1t1ve Cash f1ow. and rapidly increasmf.? pnces elsewhere. Undersland the potenual m van ous areas or the counl ry Whether you are a firsl time rnvestor or an t'X penenred exc·hangt•r THIS SEMINAR IS ,\ MUST R~crvations n · qU1red Coll fa< Re~c·1vrll1on' 17141 lll-0240 APARTMENT INVESTMENT REALTY DAONCENTE~ 3 Bdrm, ownl'r's un11 Nr. llunl Bc h & 405 1''rwv Shake roof & pat1'ol> Good \a luc sun.500 ANXIOUS' RHltyWorld 839-2700 IAYFR0""1' Summer or yrly. 3 Rr. 2 ba. sandy beach. furn or unfurn Call 64"-951:1 A1,t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l&IOGET ltENTS F.conom~ Save f!as + t1m1• Hses /\ptsCtgs Jo'·Unf $235 I br hse sinl!lt•s S235 2 br gar kids pl ex S2502 br gar child ok $!85 2 br rum qwel $3503 hr kids pets IJ: Dl..53 + 11, ba kids nr all "954 br ktds pet~ h1·h Loh for Sale 2200 li25sharp 5 br beal'h ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS75 fum Jbr8all:.1 VISI'A-4 . 1 ~ a r re lot.s. all 557•08~5 plans & permits pd. for. Homen~ers-Stale Wide graded engineered. 10 .._.Isa.cl 3206 min: from ocn. pks. ••••••••••••••••••••••• plaza & schls. good area. underground ulll. Offer. 43&2955 Canyon Lake lot. S20.000/ofr e 3 Br 2 Ba. garaie. frplc , s tuve/r e frig, wshr/dryr, 1675 yrly nu petS. 494-3223 eve_s __ .... , •• 1 ... 3207 ____ 66_1_-082A_____ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l« cstm family home. 4 New ru.'ltm e"ec home. 1 houses rrom heh. Fee acre ocean view lot. 5 land. must sell. Owner BR, 41 2 ba. 3 frplc's. ~ Fam rm, d ining rm . FAMILY r.ARK Owner an"ious. 38r. 2Ba. 1976 Barnngton. ISiand kitchen. Ii: ms tr bdrm & bath w /J:ardcn tub. s(•hls ju:1l minul!.'S away <MP3844> 1800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7111 X C:.ltOSS llread & butter units. LA unincorporated. n11 rt•nt CQntrol. 16·3Br. 11 z Ra Only SJ95.000. 4 "°"91 0.. A Lot I )1 DovP Sn• 'A ' LAICIGltEGOltY LOT PENINSULA POINT. 4 lake view lot, borders Br 4 Ba. Fam Rm. xlnt Nationa l Forest. All an-a. Close to beacht!s utilities. paved roads & Yrly le ase S9!">0 mo sewcrbondspd.Will con· A~l. 642 5201.1, eves lndscp'd. 2 fountain:-.. PltlMELOCATIOtol Sp a n ish courtyard . Highly desirable Room for tennis. pool. Newport Beach r e · horsesOK. sidence. 4 Bdrms. family ~.<m ·Terms rm, 3 bath&, tiled entry. 2 26181 Calle Roberto woodbuming ffl)ks, lge ~nhouseSat/~n 1·5 kitchen. Guest room has Brokercooperat1on. private bath. Lge spark I· Owner· Builder in 11 poo I. L• v 1 sh I y __ 6M_·_2130 __ F_or_A_p;;_;p'-t_. _ landcscpd. Vacant & pri~ to aell a t only. POOL S197.500. can 631-1650. + •/4 ACRE RnhyWorld Btrl rormer modl•I UDOISLI °"'9 s.t a S-I ·S 207YleMl•w Hllllt• T.,..., ... Mobile Hoftlt Store 6.1~ VIKJN(;, i\/l', >!xii i S('r~·n porch. xlnt lm-;1 lion in ~ .. Slar park lrvrne Dys 9·4, 5511 ·2'177. art 5PM /wknd1> 551-46211 SUMTHIMG EXTRA Orestnni: area In m11tr bdrm. c·edar lint·d rlOliet:!. J>Ull out k1ttht•n i.hch·cs. lg pan I ry. dbl w1rlc Arlini,:ton . (HJ 1'142!>-70' Mobile Ho.-Stor• 848-8895 . 0... Sat/S..ft/Mott 1-4 New Dix Oplx. 3226 Broad St .. N.R. 2 + den. I~ pal1M, frpk:.. Owner 979-5009 UNITS-UNITS! Barnin Time! flliPLEX S00.000-full pn cc free and clear!! MF.SA DUPLEX $114,000.2 RR's, fplcs. newly painted, J.?arages, l11undry room. F.L TORO i;'i\MILV Si\NO,EMENTEOPLX 146-5502 FOUR UMITS-C.M. Near new, 3 Br owners unit, 2 ba, rrpl. 2-car gar., J.2 Br. 2 ba. units TSl lnvstmts 642· 1603 Oldr tri·PI" on dbl lot. grt tax shltr. $175,000/ofr. owntagl 840-1879. 67Mltl w/sparkllnl( 1111111 & soothln1o: ~pa Proressionally dct•cra ll'll w/desi~r paper Li~ht cedar panelinic 1e1vin g :1 bright ch el'rful at - mosphere. Just over a mile to beach & marina. PJ\RK 3 Br, 2 ba + bonus $116,000. Ocean View rm . $33 ,000 . Ca l l 38R's+28R O:eanlront Apt/Hotel. & Owner/agl.559·5767. pride-ofownership. Stores. Npl 8ch. Owner 861·2311 3 Br 2 a. Bluffa condo, I IAYFROHT NEWPORT BCH DPLX carry. $795.000. 875·28S5 level, pool. nr lbopping. 1 Br/den/lgc cabana. ~.OOOblocktoocean. FOUIPLDIS ..-.. ldloola. $l3Z, Patlo.._rrplc. 2 levels, lge3BRunits,rplcs. All Br .. __ .. _. PrtDdp.asonly.87$-0IU Real EBtatt' open oeams, new crpt, garages, fee land. terms. 2 · 2.,. tuwiuwuse bltns, xlnt loc. Must sell. type unita. Electric bit· BiC Ca~ eoado. 4 Br 5 ln.000. 3br. 2ba. twnhsc, r r 1 c e red u . t 0 Dm't miss these Invest· ins, forced air heat. Ba. Open Sunday M . Best ~ in San Juan. $47,<m/ofr. 67J.7890. rnent bargains. call now encloKd garages. $1300 ~.-... &82. minoo mo income. Good loca· s.e..... 1010 OpenhoulleMay26&27lh MN1119•11Hl/NIOM'Nl(I• tion. owe 2nd. Two to ............. ....................... 20 x SS Mobile. home 1w· . ... I choose from. $148,SOO IBr'a,2119'1."'1-.POOL. NICE 3 br 1:\ b I l furn. Prime toe in H 8 . . . ,,JJ!lill'1J each. ~;by 1l3t w 1 11 e 'y ..4d al ~an~ d _S3S_.soo_fl7_S·_792_4_968_·2682--_ .. JjliJ j°ll ~ r R€HIG€ -rorsi.Oaoo CALL n~Jlhborhood. Bric k Sellinit my vacation furn _ _ HOM€~ ... =· ·.... BBQ, planters. encl'd mobile home in Chula e.c-rr.,.rty 2000 ., ._ .. ._ pMio • front trim. Dbl Vista. C108e to beach. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 3333 W, ·Coast HyHwy, -pr w /additionat v, ba. tOJC:iO'. ~. 642·4610 J HOUSIS NB *lDW* -eCllllAT TllMS• BYOWNl:R aa.ooo moves you lnto 7% loan now exl1tlng. 645-6646 !!:_~ to c11b .down. '78 Kingston dbl·wide. EuUide C.M. 3 Hparate d.i: SIM.GO per mo, in· $130 ~ace, CM. unlit to.. on 2 Iota. Acroas ...._aim. 5M·7531 IPMc 1642-3080 ___ from peril. Sillper loca· ftll/Wlmdl by appt Oft· '84 Vlkint, 12' expands 9 ticJn. '115,IOO ty.Pltill.DDI)'. more, clean, In park, ___ E:~IG£ ?-.. IOtO ~'!:....no pell. 128.000 . ._..--+---+-H Met ....................... ""'"'9UI ,.... ~) Ttnfflc Trtllln bl llwllin&ton Auch at 1018 Encland. Look, but don't touch. Call Bob Diddlllon ~ t7'.a1n ,1. Beacb bome. :!';it 3be. like new. . . VI OP WAT!.lb =:'1NI 6 NI01n -• ....... .. & room to build! We just Newport B.:o'ti listed this ent1cinf.? in· f ue' Wed 7 JXf'M vestment property in an--------- c"t-ellent rental area. All for $179.000. Call us at 97~5370. ALLSTATE REALTORS Newport Cn;st Condo 48r. 21-'J ba. '2 story. dbl garaf.?e. $700 mo to mo. 64().1751 TWOONLOT Top Eastside CM loca· tion. /\ssume 9"·• '/: loan. Close m June. Must sell Bkr.~171. UMTSCOYll ~AGE 11"-DOWM 4·P1n. Alaume. Seller will carry paper . Management avail. Agent, Gary D. Bosler -....or 536-2498. Principals only llACHIMCOMI Duplex in Old CdM So. or PCH. 2-2Br. $172,500 2 UNITS MIWPOIT I Blk to bch. 3·2Br. Owner carry rlnance 825,000. 2 UMITS MIWPOIT 4 yrs new, l'Ql"Mf lot, wlk to bell. Sl.12.500. Prtn on· ~Ji Les Barnhart AISTTIME IMVESTOIS DltlAM Prime Huntington Beach 4-plex in a highly desira· ble rental area. Only $144,.950. It won't 1ast ! Call now Bkr. 842·2S35 NEAR COMPLETION 2S61 Elden Ave, CM Dix 3Br home. tile roof Also 5 28r rentals To sec ca II 979·:i099 SB.LING? WHY PAY MORE7 Send for brochure or call Western Realty Services A Real fllltate Advisory 5»1073 SEllEIS WILL CARRY! 32UNITS. HB &UNITS.SA 24 U!Jl.~ ANAH. 19 Ul'UI.,, CM 4 HOUSES on LOT Principals Only Pleue All d tbele projed.s may be purcbued oa very favorable contracts . Owner ii moUvated a want• fast action . Braker: for lnrormatioa -11Mbn. 541.-1 sider trade for Oran~e 673-4396 _____ _ Cty property . Sl0.500. C:.--.. Mar 1222 <>wner 549.2042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mamt• Dnerl, Br. l ba, newly finished lftort 2400 hardwood Ooors. Primo ••••••••••••••••••••••• locale.Agl.675-0562 Baja Calif. lse w /option to Lease Duple" 2 bdrm. 1 ~· 4br beach home. 25 ba. small ocean view. min. from border. Private beach Protected developmenl R e d e c 0 r 11 t e. d & known as Las Gavlotas. landscaped. Non smok· $130.000. For brochure mg adults only. No pets. phone 492.2732 dys .• eves 675-0083or642·6880. 49S-7~t. ---------2 Brand new 3 8d dplx. up· THIS WEBEHD per & tower close to shop- Owner must sacrifice ping .• &$700.673·2113 quiet hacienda vi II a . w/pool & all amenities. 3 Cameo H1Jhland 4br. Br-3 Ba home steps to coml*tly remode led. tennis crts. Reduced ll50 759--0SOS 120.000 to $2U1000. c:.e.MeM 1224 Howe\ler. see fr mue of. -••••••••••••••••••••• fer .. 1172 May Dr. Palm Verde 4 br .2 ba. =· 714/32'7·9231 or lam rm, ffl>k', w~ bar. new cpt. i,e yd. no pets. Beal&iluJ view SB mt.ns; 185. 751-96. 2:\00 sq ft. J.story; 38R, 3ba. ram rm. 2 f11>lcs . cove r ed patio . landscaped. Owner . Br t Ba. encl gar , beam ceilings. nu cpt/ drps. no pets.$385. 751-6543 714/W7·2518 New condo. 2 br, 2 ba, 2 Olfof~ frplCtl, pool " jacuu1. "'•l'tJ 2510 $465yrly.87S..Wl2 Bkr .......... ••••••••••••• lbr private yard, I /p . util paid •. No Pet1. $350. 642-0835. ................ It 11U.fM 't1• 01•1 ...... HM Af 1&11t1....... Af latab...... .... .... 2'7,1119 OM.YPLOT-.. -··············-···· .............. -...... "19................... . .................. _ ····-········-·-·· -=---;;;;;;~~;,;;.~---------a-1:11111._u;_~"'-·-m; ..,,----~1!111!~~~-..111'1 .,.... 1144 ....... !~~tt4-t1tr•'n1 ...... _·~:y.,.,,riit.le:-i~1.-..·..-"··'~'"•,..•'94t.e•"~"1._,.~~re~··~~~~·u·~·~·~··~·u!'~ .. ~14!••~~~~'~·;~~!~:;=~·~!'~·::·~~~·~·~··~·~·~·~·~~~aaa.Mil&ii~ ... ttlA,.a4~ ~~~ •• ~~ ar. u.. ....s 11.a. smo. 1.-l bdrm ~ la •CAMYOM I tr. =-No apt .... mo be•eh • .-..::~·= Veemey fclr ...._l)' am· ._,. to .,_ .....,. r --~-~r~-~ J'a"'b11&ou s bdr1n . yrl)' ;,,.~· =-;.:rr· MMl1t PAMOUIC . =~~rm . :Jl·::rbeS:.;'°1o1":'~ -----~Y. AC. New.ma -.111o1DewllhM8H ........ ••••••••••••••• Hllltop views Allc11 ;ftd...a....-..a-w.-.lm M9eV•'*48rZhil. 1116-Zlllll,l»UOl llOMI.,. cw,.. view' .._..._.. J7K ...... 11•1•1 Mt7 Off V1n11urd Sl. Apta. Adult, p~e1ti1e. Sia .,...,. 4200 -.-pr mo ------Ywtr ,_.I, 111~. ~'--___ ........... __ .................. SlecJoua 211rA 2b•. loft lu11ury _aP-~ In lovely ....................... ,_lo lbr Zbr, Zbll, vu. ~Ul1~ New 2 Br. I"°' ba. 2 1tory· mo. BR. ..___ b 2 llr. 2 be <"Ondo. 2 car • .t"Ondo. Quiet end wlil. 2 Lquna Hilli. Co::fl rec STEPS TO CdM Beach, "* • llOOI ... mo,· t: S.de 3br, Maruwn, 9'aa <'llU. bk.in raa•e. ~McLain l! bdrm .• Ille Wmo.Aleal. \.ww.'700. ~:.r'c1::'~ :::{ ~~~. ~,: :~ooo mo."'~u!; •-----•-•_•_;·_·_;_·_ Wuodbndlt' towllhome 1 I -to ay · yr. ti al.CO opnr Beaut -.......L.:-3 BR ,,.._ b Nll.....-, II P' ~n. llarbor H1a bcrau11ful landauped 2 ...,_ ~ l•r... m-lMZ , ... _.. M1mt "'2 UI03 Me 55J1 d f ri u-:.....ue.875-8000 Ofle9 ...... · 4400 - ___ M_'7_~_mo !MQ.:::llfl palt0 llOO/rno M0-~'70 dtck_ Avail imm41Chahr· • • ~. :M5·101 rwys, yel p vale ., ._ -•••••••••••-••-••• ..,,,,.,.~ lyallNO h c.e..... )714 OCEANFRONT · evea.Aak(orJotln. cpel SWn tat bdr ft .._. VC'f'dco ~a br. -...._ .. K .._*Saft' . pirrmont ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Ooraeous ocn ., bay l Br stov fl relri . C"'' otr Alicia Parkway at Ne.vmer'~ ~perm"!: •mt i_ . Hwy via· fam r m . frplr , a\iUI Htr. lhe.dbl,ar . Aa,,me.6-~I SUICASITAS view. lrd •top story ........ Muau. r;:;-. ~m°~=~: 98B-7148. ~~l:~~~i· ~:~n:a,;~,~ June 1 ~ 1144 1~ r1wd yard. A1C:.1 n1l·e %.~f,· ~1~ ~~{i,!,.~t; aoo1 li\trn IA11d1 1 bdrm. ~~r.bld1.5park1ng. 646-Gl2. SIHIJJO 581.6151 Former .. _unl of movie •..-paint., aircOOCI. LoYelv 3hr. I', h11 ('lo ... , _!k'I ~u•Y• r'hoola , rnr, 1ur u ts. no """' 1-.~ . tB7 mo. yr· ,.. Price oe1otiable . I [) h 1 h •. •-•-a. 1141 sr 11hoppina1. i;tuv._. l)t4.ll 2110 Newp(lrt HI. ly . .-7~.875·'7284 Beautiful new Brit· .. ..._ rt._--'-31 greats. Private Ocean ~UM.561·51'10 ' lit' lhl !I, 1> 11~~ • --.--~ a, n•tri" 8314UI10 or S.·4118K. tanywoods condo. 3br. , • .,. _ 69 point. Mosl fantastic 1----'------- t•hun·h1•" & fr wv~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ lJ04 2 BR, 2 ba .. bayfront con· 2ba. 2 car garg, tennis. ••••••••••••••••••••••• view in Lateuna. CW1tom OmCE apace available 14$0 11111 1,,.. Uk r ltuilder·~ C'u11tom tcm. ------Kur t:oui&11_e Apt. "'urn. do; yrs. leaae. -5() Mo. pool, ext.ras. ~ yrly fWTUture. Sips 5. Adults at 17815 Reach Blvd. 640-~m Zbr :!bit, dt>n Somr Ol. NfJt Trrrai•e• 3 Hr 2•~ BM UW l*kl Saqll' person ~1M2A&enl lse.&&S-1251. NOW only. $500 per week . near Talbert in Hunt Nlc'\"2 UK h<iw>l·. ~inn \U Ruu ynt <111r ll11n lwnhait . ontl, .. pu1111, only Sll51mo ~·3343 .iM-6594. 499-4673 lnaton Beach. S50 per Nn r h1 hlt1•11. 1111 1wt ~ t\) to ~hpai 'b<'h S700 wuh d rrt•r rdr111. i! Br I bM ~ I n C4I tr••KllJlll 14 new Condo 3 BR. 211'l YOJCAN ACFORD month. Phone messace 6'2--fil3S 100 yrl) 1,.. ~I 7000 1'arpc'h. 1lrup.... s:>tt:i fun;. i,;ooi. ·i.dlt':1"u~I;· ••••••••••••••••••••••• BA. 2 car gar. Duplex. nr Laiuna Beach. Weekly. service SlO per month. ''"'· ,., t' ~ I~ l&'t fl77ll Jt!lf 873-4!04 O:ean view custom bit view, over 1600 sq. rt NEWPORT BEACH Walk to the beach. desk~ per month. Daily \OWnbouM aplil·level. 2 '850. Eves. Sat/S un PlaceRealty494·9704 Pilot office. P hon ~ ~ \'t•nk-4 ~ (,111111> ( I r l' p I ti l' t' . ~ h 1t Q>rnplddy "''lJe<·vr;1h_oJ ~l)tlr mo 7!>1 ~ l~·dulllu l 3 br ho ml' 4 Hr. 2 "-llulxlr V1C'w w 11•n11ram1r \ 1 .. w 2 llon'Ms. l'.all dy11 1'!*i ~ h Ul(I! dt•1•l.i.. al l IW'CVt'tl~142llll 4br. :lbu. ovt·r .P irk Spol lt'bb, St>i!i ~11nh'lll'I & wtr JJd t>i5 l!i71 :! Uc. l ba, ('h1ltl ok 11 J>t.'tb Avail JU1lt' !i $J51J 1112 J oaru1 M !>Ul-04:111 Oean :i Ur 2 fl,1 ~ I flJh' t' s t a 1.J l 1 ,, h <' <I netl{hbomoocl, :H Jll ti :1 S425 !fi:I 7t i 3 tiL•dlJI E1!>1dt• htHJW, :1 Ille 2 Ra . Fam l<ll'I, lplt l!J'dnr. I yr lsc SS!f5 Agt . tl'iS-3411 ,1111t'111t11•:. Sl 30U ~ltltll lkt•dnlr11 n l l.at.:u11a. Priv:ih' Pu11H Sp t'-•' hwulur \'ll'Wl>, hnmd "'-'"" mvl>llt.' homt•, S600 mo. yt•arl)' I~ i.\94, 4!'-J 467:1 N I ..i~un,1 llnu:it.' :! bdrm 2 l>a for m1tl J intnl! rm flrt.'µloH"t' s k) light . library . J~1·k , 11t•1•a 11 view llvbh1l lYPt.' } arJ. ~at pn \ a1·y. with gut>st houi... $975 Without gub t house $700 U Rabin. !>47 0041 !494·34:i5 3 Ur. big b<Jrk y(ir<l , orC Cuopcrt>40.7837 famabes uni) $550 mu t-:nwrald Bay oreanfront _w /J(rdnr. 54!).l~lti Goq_ll'OUS vaew. pvl bch Nf'ar So Coast Pl::""· So 4BR & Lgc rel· rm Year of 405 "'rwy l'rl'lty ly 494-0029Agt __ _ ranch style. I :-ton'. ~lhr. &:aut1fully r emodeled 2ha. LR. OR. s·11N·1a l JBr. 2 bath c•harmcr . n.-t·reauun rnom. rdr1g Olut•hird P 11 r k art.'a . 2 l"ar i.:ara)( & pll•nly •• Ownt•r wishes lo Sl·ll 1•xtn1 park 111.i.: l't•h & hou.~e. w<Jnls tenant to 1· h 1 I d r •' n a I l 11" •· tl 1•11opt•ratl' 111 s11lc for n•· w qu:ilif11·at11111:-$1.:;o clue~ renl+bonus Must ll'lll fl42·!1542 huVl' nice rumlshtnl!~- EXECUTIVE HOME GwnbiMr & Assoc. Ml-Sa Verile .1 hr. l.1m1l) 49~9421 _ r!:". dimni.:. rm .• Vit•w 1>1 lh·an vrew 2Br . tll'n Just Uatahna: tall Shon•l1111• rdurbis h ert . Lt·as e MR'!'l <.:orp. for appt Sfll~'rno. No J>t'lS. l>ave 114 7 -636.'l. 644. 7211 t; · s 1 d e ~ 11 r ho mt' l...aglMa Hills )250 w tfrplc Super shri1 & ••••••••••••••••••••••• pnvak StoraJ.!l' i.hccl. Near New Jb 2b . t uvu1I June 15 Hdi. n ·4, . 1 d • r, • a. qwe nu •l . S.'l25 631 2;M2 cu · e·sac. A 1<; Adults JJI! ,. • preferred. 5475. fi61·3168 l 'Pf'Elt BAY :1 HH. t Ba. or661·3UW Avail6·10 _ 111·wl v tlt•t•oratetl '"""' ~HH)Mel 3252 1·pt .. :ntlosc<I yard •••••••••:••••••••••••• Small family. nu· 1wts. non smnkt•rs. S'l:!:-1 mo Isl & last + S2Qll Sl't tl1 ·11 1"1&881 I 322 •••••••••••••••••••••• LUXURY 2 IDRM NIGUa SHORES/Lu Behind guarded gutes. a charmm~ roomy 2 Bdrm hvmc with access t o fabulous r ecr eation ---------• fac1lit1es and easy walk laAHDNEW 3 BR. den. 2•1 ba th Townh omc. Priva t community. Walk t1 beach S600tmo UGlHT REALTY 131-3114 0 496-9501 to pvt. beach. $600/mo. A s k f o r N i gel 644· 7211 /a~rt $61.111 mo. pt•rmancnt or 8ummcr rental to be nct.:ot1ul£"d. 3 bllrm 2' i IH1 C'ondo t•leganl. frpk, a 1c, 2 pools. wlk to ---------• ston-s. save gas 1-;asy &Toro 3232 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br. 2ba. yrd, frplc. ale, d ub rac.. SSOOmo. No Pets. !>519-1351 betwn 10-5 ------....... 4 ... 1eoc11 124 ....................... Nt.>W 2827 sq_ ft.. 5 BR. ex l'Cllll ve home aoove Hun llnJ(ton Harbour. many xtras. S845 Call Mikl". "41).f;:JOO_ t1el'l!i.:, te nn is. i.:olf , ~ach. Adults 14 + Call II fo; Ok 7 days 10·6. 494-4315 Other t imes ~162:> Iv msg. --- Pac1f1l· Island Villa~e. 2 Pr 2 fie , h1nla.-.t1e view, adult 1·ommunity. Pool. 1a1•. clubhouse $550 W1h.nn . 499·2:198 o r Kf7-55m Sunny 4 Ur 2 Ra. wshridry,•r. dbl lo(arttt:l'. S & s 4hr. 212 h 11. up S>7~1. 4!l4 11:186 i.:ruded. :llOO!iq ft Xlnl ~-:-vi-· 3267 location. t_iardent·r No ............., telO pets 493 ~4 3 1 . days . •••••••••••0 ••••••••••• ll4().6200 eves. S795 llOM ~ f'OR RENT tM4· ~~ t~ ~-~~ry:~~ 1......-3242 ga r ai:es 1-·amllies ••••••••••••••••••••••• pleas e Kids & pets WATERFRONT t:ONOO welcome. Call 964·2566 or Lovely 3 br, 2' 2 ba end 973-2971 A~. no fee. unit. Bnck frplr. bltns. ---. dbl encl Rarage Slip lmmac. :lbr, rrplc. lrg avail Lease $875. Peggy, yard. r ul·de-sac. Walk to 99).4392. sc·~s. _5525_mo. 768· 7613 ,....-.;.----3244 M.wporl IHch 326' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TIJRTLEKOCK Is land 3 NO FEE! A,Pl & Condo br e xec. home. Never rt•ntal~ Villa Rentals bved in!! $850. 752·9023 675-4912 Bkr. Mgl ------ 3br . 2'hbath University Park house. Pool. tennis tliOO /mo. 7141640-00<MI WntsW. N.wport NEWPORT TERRACE CONDOS 2 bdr. SSOO/mo. Woodbndge Sycamore 3 bdr. SSSO/mo. Model. 4br. 2'hba. rrpk. Near pool . jac uzzi . DR. 2 c.ar garg. covered sauna, volley ball , pat Io . I n d s r p d basketball.. Call John, w tspnnkle rs . Pool & agt.6.'11·1266 •. JU!<'Ut I\ t• llllllh' NcWJ)tlrl &-arh l'l·lln !>br. Jbu, hlt IO kit, rl'f ~llush c·rpt, W O,l:lrplci.. step. lo waln . SllUO 11111 l ~r 2 13 GG2 1 6~5 . 714 1>13 21~ SpJ1•1ous Jhr, :ihu. l 'ollllo. :.pa. pool. frµll'. nr IJ1•h ~ 840 19"!1 Ext'Cullve homl' luri.:e 1 bdrm ·~ ram rm :i h;i JAX>I, hc:.t Vil'~ with com plett' pn vacy un !k'>' rruu tal{e lot Urand nt·w l'X· pensl\'C t•urpct & drai)i.•s No pet.s, At 2!f21 Cu rob St F..aslhli'f $1)50 per mo Owner 768·0454 THllLUFfS 3 BOHM sml(le lt•v1•l. 2 pall~. vacant S1541 l'1·r mo. 3 BOHM split le\.el l·ml umt. Park Vll'W S725 Per mo. UNlV. PARK. l·harmmt: 1-sty , 2 bdrm Totully freih. Nt>ur evl'rythinu. $55() Per mo. 1!1.1 · d t t 1 t l '• ,\: lX t 1., ·~~l\il !t11 11 Hin l t .\ l-•~'\1 '"")1!1nH~ l .1-...Hdu" Pr ,t 11k10..1 UDO AREA For lea.se. luxunous 2 Bdrm, d e n rond o . Bayfront and boat shp. on prest11uous Lido Park Dnvc. D<>t40SEH REALTORS 497 ·4848 731·3111 Harbor View llo m es Super 5br. 2'1'J!ba, Qwet cul-de·sac. 1825/per mun meld. gardener 640-1635 4 bdrm. 2 ba. Acro5s pool. tennis $700 mo / lse Ne wpo rt S h ores . ~.962·LZ27 HARBOR VIEW HOM ~S 2 Bdrm & de n. frf's h paint. near $!reenbelt. 85 mo. 640·5112 agt. BAYCRt:ST. r ustom 3 llR 3 Ba. den. beamt.'tl <'ell· i.ngs, planked noors. tall ror details. JllOO mo. Ai,'t. &&2·52ll0 KlNGS ROAD. su~rb v1~w. 3 BR tomµlddy remodeled. ava1l 1mmt.-d. $1450 mo y rly A$!l 642·5'!00 3276 ··~···················· Beautiful ocn & hill view. 381" + den. 28a, lse $.S95 mo. 211 Calle Dorado (213)434-4461 w ............ 3291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Priced from ~to $525. Fncd yard & garal'es. F a milies please. kid s & pets welcome. Call 964·2566 or 9n-2!r7l. Af'l, no fee. 2 hdrm. 2 ba. air cond. fireplace, encl. patio. tennis. pools. Jacuzzi. 2 r ar garaf'e w /opener t'uUsecurily. ~1145. Cute 3br bouse Crpts, drps. stove, dbl gar. fncd . $450 + d e p . B-5486. 3 Br home w /f rp le $495/mo. call Shoreline Mgmt Corp .• 847-6363 3400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N.B. Condo. avail tor mo. ~._It 3741 Br 2~ Ba. avail. 711 642-21m. p N 2 Br + s tudy fully fM2..4.Tllext.2'16. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lease. El·21'11 2br, Iba, good area . Kids ~k ewport furnished, 1 blk from 1 MO. FREE RENT ~GUNA REACll MTR ~x. Spacious, ocean OK. Pool. S325mo. No PCH. Sea Wind Condo. 250-500 sq . ft. offices. INN ttJ.5twk & up Maid VJeW. 11,.tairs. 2 la br. Pt-ts. Kathy642·1951. WXURY APT LIVING Avail 6123-9/l , $400 mo. From $145. Incl. util. 779 St'tv . l"Olor TV, heated -.-... OverlooltingTheWater 846-6621 Bkr w 1.SllhSt ... ..,.."""" pool Ulll 1710 494 ·~. lawtdry rm. diah wuher. 2br. pvt patio, gar~. bit· · -· · _..._,,,. 911f>N L'oi.s tHwy extrastora1e&closets.2 i.Ni.1325. No children or Enjoy $750 ,000 s pec NWPT BCH ·at ocn. Exec. offices sgl-3rm ..__; ___ cargarg.MS0.548·8665. pets . 1110 Victoria. tacuJar i;pa.7 sw1mming families. sips A. ll934lh s1ate avail in full serv Bachelor. blk from Vic C.-clltM9r 3122 646-3197.833·8105. pools, 8 hghfed courts. St.!164-4375,675·09'.?2 oHc bldg. Nr O .C Luna lkh. S350 lllt :i mos, :•••••••••••••••••••••• miles ol bike trails. put· Su wrport R.......,.pl •-phon"' $250 thl•rcalter. $200 2 Huge bedrooms/beam ung.sbitOeboards . mmer Rentals · ""'"' ,. "' :.<•cur tlt>p Utll 111e l 3 bdnn. H'l ba. ~/mo. 2 ceiling. fully carpeted. 645-7573 ~·P1:~!tt~~~iJi.rm . I !lti.12:>2'7 ur 494 9341 bdrm. 1 ba. S37S/mo Built-ins. Super IO<'alion. Bae'-from ••.u0 :so1mo DIAMOND I .E. Short walk to beach. 517 '"' ......, ,._,_. _ __._ 67c ........ 1275/mo. Adults only. nu Also 1&2 bdrm plan~ <.:dM dlx suites. ulil pd New 2 bdrm I u x u r y ....,....,.uuu ... """"" pets. Apply apl I'.: 568 w h 2br apt. Close to bt:ach & AC. ampl ..i. ... Fr $195 mob 1 I e h o ml' O n Wilson. <!story town oust>s l>lores S225 wkly 35fi :nr. Noise :;q'c1. 675-QM)O waterfr.o nt Al·com · Avail. 111. charming I Thaha.Laguna.494·~ ---• modal{-$ 6 udult.s univ BR, pnv. ~ncl. patio, Delux 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Condo t.:lec. kitch. priv. patios NEWPOaT C&ffEI Tn•as urc llilanJ 11 :fa ~tns. So or Hwy. No nt!ar s. coast Plula & balconi es . npts. OCEAHFtlOMT EXICSUITES Ualboa ua y ''lu b chiJdrenorpels.$350. Pl··-.. t draperies. pi.rkin i.:. Beaut 3br.2 b",frpk.2 · 0 "' Also 'I 7 /l · ...,,, new carpc · many "levalors' " ""'" ' SERVICE ·1 l "A'' 1un2 . ava1 . , spacious bl" d 1 · • f' 11 ,. v ..... pnvtegesava1 .,... <JN an s. poo. Jacu zzi t•a r RaraRc> u Y OCEANVlEWS 2 BR. l ba. : h~e sun· Ch" Id OK 5475 furnished S600 to $750 -Mtwport•och 376' deck. So. of Hwy. Adults 1 ren ' /mo. Al Fa.<ih.ion Island. Jam-per week MewpartR..-cy ••••••••••••••••••••••• only.Nodogs.$525. 640-28'77. boree & Sao J oaquin TSLMgmt 642·1603 Corp. TOTAL LIVING 1 Bedroom Furnished Apartments • PluR Boauhlul Sonqle. 6 2 B•droom I fur-n 6 Unlurn ) I All UtilihH Paid • Swunmln.q. T•Mi.. 81lhcud. • AcUY1U•• Ouec1ot r ... Sunday lln.neh •Health Cll&ba, Sau.nao. )<Kl.IS• .. PLUS MUCH MOREi Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beach/North 880 Irvine fat lf>lhl 17141 64~ O~!iO Newport BeachfSouth 1700 l61h SI IDnve1 01 lbthl '714l Mi 8170 Aoult• nnly "" ~ti• Mn<I~•• 01><·11 doily 10 I BAYFRONT·2Br. 2Ba. 20· boat slip optional. yrly. no pets or c hildren . Evelyn 6.11 ·2482 Short term rentals By the week. now avail. Noftt Agent 675-8170 WE HAVE suut• R8"ALS TAKING RESERVATIONS associated BR O~E W S WIA ,T(JllS •I 7' ~ Ii ;ltJ ) '' f-f Agenl675·5930 TOWNHOUSE 2br. p,~ba lllll-; Rd. -----644-7110 Lg pvt yd . lo'P. l 't CostaMno 3124 garage . No pets $415 f'orrental1nformat1on t: MER Al. D BAY DOWNTOWN C ost a •••••••••••••••••• ••••• 67J.8403. 0 C E A N F R 0 N T Mesa. JOO sq. rt. lo 2500 Newport Heighl'> Area 7 I 4 /644-1900 Gorgl'OUS v1t•w. pvt b<'h sq ft Cpl . rtrno.:, air 3 bdrm 2 ba W'""ra•tn 2 Br. immaculate. nl'w ___ _ _ n-a. L \ I ·.-~ • ..... .,, 4 °' °' ~e rl!c rm 1 \a1 t'Ond. Bkr. 675-6700 AduJtsonly 646·7711 carpets 2 blks to lfarbor 421.!I Palnc1· :1 hr 2 ha. Junt•. July & Au i.: Plaza. 347 W Will.on rondo. Split tcvt•I w frpk 4~·'•~ i\1!1 Adults. nu J>t!l::, $:150 & pool $495 mo IG3·1Ufi2 i---------• 2131~1-5260 OH1t·1· or <:om mcrc•1al s pat·c 1n downto wn 1..aguna unclmark Hid,.: RAYF'RONT 2 br. 2 ha Vu New 2 Br. 2ba. end i.:ar Penthouse, .JIJr. 2• ~ha M~A VERDE homl' al· AduJls . No pets . $350/mo. 67~ Sl't!kllll! .'.Ummer rental Shan• or single Ba ltxJa I ,lllOsQ fl or will d1v1dc 494· 1535, or 492.01011. 492-1001 mosphere 2&3 br dlx Nrl9thst.548·0716 apts. no pets. !;46-1034 2 Bdrm. I bath apt Adults. $.150. mo. Gas Oplx Z-tit, 11.! yrd. i.:ar. I chld ok. No pt•ts. u r mtrl'yl'les. 548·2'120 -'-pai_._d_.642_-!HT_3_. ____ Bachelor, s mall. E-S1dl'. LAMAHCHAAl'TS util pd. S225 tmo. <.:a ll Lotrge. 1.2&3 bd garden Jeff.673-4804. apls. Adults~ J)s bwh r. tluli14• •Kh 3140 blt.ns. encl gar, gas bbq. Poot Gas Pd. 771J Scott ••••••••••••••••••• •••• Pl. 642-!HT3: 645-5611 SHARP, beach 1,2 & 3 BR. Ute. bright, airy 2 br & 2 ba, rrplc. pool "jacuzzi. frplc, d.ishwsbr. gara~e ., patios . N o p e t s . 960-2358; wknds 840-6306 Adults. no pets. 631·009'7. s:n5 Near new 2 br. 2 ba, Sawind VUlage gar /carport. frplc, patio, New 1&2 bdrm luxury clo;etoall. adull apt.s in 14 plani; TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 from $400 + pools. ten· __ _::. _____ h_ nis, waterfalls, ponds! 2 Br. l ba, l story· s ag. Gas for cookinte & heal· drps, patio, frpl. d tw. ing paid. From San beam dngs, far. Adlls. Diego n-wy drive North $345.2650 Ede n . ( l I on Beach to McFadden 5.'B-8406. lhen West on MrFadden &side quiet, clean 2br I to Seaw1nd Villa,.:c ba in triple x. patio, 1714 11113-5198. lndry •gar. $3115. 673·3600. 2 & 3Brs. move in today. 2Br wtgar-nu <'PL'!·paint wlk to shopping & bus. Wtrpd63S-41201·5pm S335 lo $.185. 842·9844. 2176 Placentia · · B" $300· _646-«i07_,.. ______ _ TOWNHOUSE 2br. l tnba. HOM~ FOR RENT pvt patio, encl gar. Adlts. 3 or 4 br. Priced from no pets. S3SO avail 611. SUS to $525. Fncd yan:I & mw Wtlson646-37ZJ gar ages. Fam i Ii es please. kids & pets weJcome. Call 964 ·2566 or !Jn.2971. Agt. no fee. Garden apL.2 bdrm. den. patio, fireplace. dbl garage. sundeck. Avail li-5. Adults only. $495. 1---------63J..5620 Days . 5411·3600 Eves EAST SIDE •Locked gar. w /lg stor. •DELUXE• GARDEN APT. •DIW. patio. lndry rm. 2 ... AcMh onfy •Special cabinet space 3 pools •Gas heat. gas cooking Covered l'ar port Yearly; 3 BR. 2 ba l.ovt· ly ocean & bay vll'w f100 {~front l BH. I ha, yrly. Ai.:ent 673·366.1 •HREATll T AK I NG VIEW $425 pr mo. hg I Br apt. high on backbay bluffs W/2 priv lla k on lC !>. frplc, hld pool. loads or closets. 745 Oommgo Or 979-8889 /645· l.260 l '1·n n1n .~u l a :-.Io n smoker Carol 752 75!ll. G75-~15.14 eves ~Maciiab -lrvme SUMMY RENT AL "um 2 BR up~r apt W/Vll'W' I Blk ln 81~ (;orooa lkach Ava il li/l.5 thru 9115 . total ror 3 mo; $.1.5011. No J>t"l" Westcliff a rea. I Hr up Kaye t:van s 642·tl235 per. IR de<'k. pool, <M·Wl mMture adult, no pets SUMMER IM s:m. 646·4378 EMlllALD IAY NewCapeCodcondo2 1.Jr. 2 BH doll house l·blk. 21-'l ba. All a mt>nalles rrom beach, pools & ten· l650. 675-6366 art 5pm rus. SJ.850 July ; S4.400 AUJt. Barba ra WinaRle Sleps to beach. Hrand 642-8235 IM-701 New 3 & 2 Rdrm Apts 1---------E!S& $425. 673·2113 llGCANYOM VU 2 X-large 2br. 2ba units. avail rrud June Pool. n·1· bldg. 2 space car port. II! balcon ies, east bturr location From Sf>25 75.2·2496 ask for Steve -----Walk t.o Lido shops. bay. ocean & bus. Sundk. Jbr 2ba m.1.5 yrly 675-,1170 ----- Nt-:WPORT Ht-:ACll. H114 Can)nn :,parn1us 3 HH 21-~· Ri.t. eathedral d ),!::. ovf'rlookm).! golf eourst• f'\Jm S!.000 mo Dottw. lln1<1 ut'ti75·6000 111\LBOA ISLAND. turn '1 UH 3 H J . country lot<'hen SS()() wkly J uly & Allf:tu.c;t /\gt. 642-5200: evs6734396 CENTER POIMTE EXEC. SUITES Jambor~ & Mat•Arthur Ray Windows Plush t:a ri>t' l. 752-2737. EXECUTIVE SUITES Luxuri'o us o ff1cc!>, s pacious confe re n ce r o om . e xe c ut i v e !>C'Cr e tary. pe rsonal phone coveral{c. recep· t1omst, xerox. notary Le ase or month to month. Near So. Coast Plaza, Orange County Airport & t'reeway. Call VU'guua 546·29112. Dix. 1-rm. office adJ. Aarporter Hotel. No lease 1133·~. 9 to 12 CXfiec "o.->ta Mesa . A tC', drpt., 1·pt. :! or :J rm:, SlOO. 440sq rt 979-0211 MIDICALSUm Ground Ooor. Corona dcl Mar. $6~0 P e r m11 . Rt>a lonomics Corp. 675-6700 ----- Npt. Blvd • C.M. 3 offices. Ueaut New Bldg. Pat 111 area 2131862·89&'1 S..Cleftwlft 3876 VocatioftRefttak 4250 •••••••••••••••••. • • • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOI' LOCA TIOM 3Br. 28a. dshwshr. lndry !louse for rent. B1J! Bear E.17thSl .. Costa7tfesa. 2 rm. wlk to beh $375 mo Ci ty i.lpr. 6. linens rurn Dix suites. SOOO to $1.000 ~ Sl.'i mtt'lY pr rpl Cull mo. Ample pa rking. an('rJp m 5411-191i9 Broker 675·6700 S..Juan ------~Strano 3878 BIG BEAR L.:1kefront F\Jmt~hed orftre for Isl'. ••••••••••••••:•••••••• Ca hm Sml or l)!e l!rouµs utrl inl.'l 'd. <;t:>od loc, <;M. 2 Br t Ba rontlo. C'rpb . Ml?r 714 /llli6 771H Utll AM 754.7744 drape~. pool . a\•a1I ti tl S32S mo. 498·624-1 ~c 811: flt.>ar Cabin. Ideal Exctut1vc ofhct! suit1· for that ..:cl lJ W3Y vaca w /111ew in Huntin~ton t1on . For summl·r re fk'h. 450 sq ft. $350 per gashotwaterallfree. patioapts .. BBQ's O:eanfronl3 Br 2 Ba nght •Adults. no pets dosetorwys & bchs on sand, super location. ........., ~~A$.150C M wallttoshoppang. s.Ht LCICJlllMI 3886 ••••••••••••••••••••••• servat1oos call 545·W16 mo Call Ron. 960-4388 Oft Waterfront Rt>aut1full y turnis hed 2br, 2ba on the watt'r in pvt itate RUarded area. Makan1 Kai Marina. Kaneohe Hay. S900 m o 44· boat slip avail on loni? tt•rm lst' i l<MIJO·l741i $190 UP. O rrice-s tort>. 1'plS. drpe;. AIC. 17301 Beach. H.B Lse . M2·2834 fully rurn. avail now ~.,.....,.., ve. · · 17111 Gallh•wnt TABLEROCK APTS·IBr. weekJy lhru Sept 15. Dys &4.2·7605 t/IW....w lBa newly redet.'Oraled 752·7410. eves 838·2189 2 bdrm apt. $395 month wtgarage & refn~. $.S75 -..6K"" I 847 6064 mo. 5.54-7812 PROMONTORYPOINT ' " ~ami ton. Call • ------- 2 BR 2 Ra. bay. ocean ~reline Mgmt. Corp. TABLEROCK i\PTS. lBr. view. p,101. jacuzzi. rorappt.M7·6363 ~~~~~~~~~~~! 1811. newly rederoralt.'d planned act1v1ties. Avail Lge twnhse. 38r, 3oa. 2 B d 1 • w1gar & refrig. $575 mo 6/15 ... 9/17 C II U · r con °· poo · • Jal'· 554 71U2 uaru · a nt· families please. no pets. sauna. tennis. I mi · que Homes, Kuy Parke r . Nr Fairview & Baker beach. wshr·dryr . no -W-rit--11-w_as_ter ____ l _898 675-6000 :;4.'>-1882 children or pets. $450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bachelor guest house. on Oifr Dr .. Newpor Beach. Si!50tnClds util. 642-0859. OCF.ANFRONT avail now weekly. 2br, s leeps 8. 6T.Vi611 ; 675-4837 IALIOA IA YFIOMT Summer or yearly. 3 br. 2 ba, sandy beach, rum or unfum. Call 644·9513 agt. Spacious CM apt. 2br. Good area. kids OK. Pool, 1325 mo. No pets. Kathy,&&2-1951. •nlEDAISY• •For KIDS & their parents. :J>ool •Totl.Clt •Dishwashers •2 Bedrooms &i l bath 1 Walk to park. _z_u_;_598-0056 ________ 1 Brand new delux 2 bdrm 2 ba Condo t ype . enclosed gara1w. patio. air cood. infant OK. SJ75. 7211 Trask. 894·258S or Lux. Adult 2br den Pool. CXf Beach & S.D. Fwy. $47S.M2~72. Near the beach. lg 2Br. no _m_1._21_44_. _____ _ pets /kids. $295 mo. Afl lwllh'9F'Ritlwd 53&«121 orURfwllliilhM 3900 l.rg. Olx. new 2hr, 2ba. bftins. gar. patio, N r. Bch. PIS. M6· 1591. • •••••••••••••••••••••• TIIE EXCITING PALM MESA A"S l...a~una. 0<·canfront pn\' bc arh , f1sh1n 1? weekly /m o . Winte r Hat~. 499·31116 Lakefront S. Lake Tahoe. 2 br. 2 bu w /dock & pool, sleeps 6. Weekend ur weekly. 644-6604 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sint.-e 1971 we have helped Uloullands of our clients find roommates. We can help yoo too! New office /warehouse adJ. 0 C Airport. SC>" :sq. rt 54().2312; 494.8388 MEWPORTILVD. C.:OSllt Mesa ortice space ror lease. ample parkin~. $fJ(XI per mo. 551·6143 for mlormat1on ----- DIUIXE GARDEN OMCEsums 250to4000sq. n. ancludes: Ut1llt1es. A /C &i J aruton al. Airport/Freeway Access Commeree Park Newport Beuch. 833-8813 Tennis fat·. No pet s . ---------Avall June 5th. S690 mo. 64C).9991. 1 BWCK TO BEACH. -Posh 3br. 3ba w /M'.boat Qlte Woodbridge condo. 2 slip.~-540-6245 aft. 4. d July & Aug. $700/mo. 4'-hw..ts ::~:1. only, no pet s . u.fwtli•d ....................... 17*> PlacenUa. C. M. (714 )642·3790 2 BR, gar. patio area, crpt'g $'l915. No pets. lst, last + dep. UM2 Apt A Anaheim Ave. 631·38S6 Nr. 5 Points. 2 br. I ba, ldch ok, no pel'I. $285. Call Larry M1-6678 or go direct to 7671 Com · modore Circle #3. MLNUT~TONPT m.:11 Bach, 1&2 Bl< from S25S & up Adults. No pct.s. 1561 Mesa Dr HOUSEMATES 832.4134 1213)466.8143 P lus h d esigner full servitoe executive suites. Roommate. Npt lh·h prest.agaous Irvine loca· bayfront duplex. M ff lion. 752·818> BR 1"'2 ba. ste ps to pool. jacuz:z.i "tennis. $450 mo. EAST BLUFFS·3Br 2Ba. 9'1SMBl8 2 pallos. 211"2 car gar. ---------• wshr/dryr. refrig, $650 .. RANCH .. 3Br. 2Ba, pool, mo. <2U> 89MO'll fireplace. All appliances. --------- 1 n cl u des pool and ••BLUFFS 4br. 2V,ba, prdening service Lease ram nn, frplc, pvt patio. tm.oomo.561·19'71 $650. 644·1480/830-5050 ext.tO. HOM~ FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Priced from Panoramic Ocean View M35to$525. Fncdyard& Exec. Twhnse. 3br, garages. Fami lies 2\.'Jba, 2 car gar. tennis, please. Kids &i pe ts pool. sauna . No Pets. welcome. Call 964·2566 or Monthly B>O. 968·4254. or ma11. A#. no ree. 8194-4833. Beautiful Turtlerock Harbor Vie w Homes. home. Never lived in. 3 carmel model. 3br. 2ba. bdrm. View. No pets. avail. June l. $725. Prv.Pty.9'75-0C71 644·8911. 831 ·3844, 19ft'ALS _stt-~311a.~-~--~ 2BR. lbla ........... $495 ~~r~ Terrace 3br, IBR.2IMI .•..... 91G/9GO • lhl.Y upgraded. 4BR.Ji,,IMI. $14a0Furn. View. Avail. July Ill. aaa. a ba ......•.... ll50 am. se.S7t4. .... a~ ...... .-rs N. B .. OCEANll'RONT Lee 48 Jlll.Jbla .... · .. 9C'JS/500 den, Iba, 3 (rplc:: IUBO/Jno. "--'79-UIO 1MICOft 9'matklnal t " • den l.'Gldoadnlum Oft water! P~!t. Jacuui. beach! Ywrt¥ rental. 11150 per mo. AleDt MM500 Hartior vu lbr, a.. r.a. ....... lncl. "90. Avail. JllJ11t ..... ,.., GwN 3102 Cadallfnl•• .......... d 3425 ...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT CREST Altnctive 4 bdrm. 2.,, be. ram. rm, split level, never been Oved In, plUlb carpetlq, drapes, dl1hwa1ber. trash muber, 25 cu. ft. dbl door re(rtg w/ice maker. 2 car garage, fireplace. Very close to pool " ten· nl1. No pets. Annual lease. $850/mo . Call 114/M0-5353. Near So. Cit Plua 2br. 2tMI new crpta " drps. A/C, pelio. Oooll, Jac\IW Ii h11h lncl1cpln1. No CllUdrm or Pet.a. 1175. 1 .. dl1count. 835-M41 eld. •; aft. .•• tl3-1411. SPACIOUS 2·1br condos nr. So. Coast Piasa, '"'1 acceu to Irvine ClDll'Clla· 551400. 3 Bl. a BA, new crpt, pU:it. dr11a. air. _paUo, paal, jacuaj. swanower, --1175 ........ er.st I ldrm or 2 Bdrm + dim. I bl. Oceu vlew (ram .... bdrm 1ulle. A~all lmmecl. No pet.a. tMmo.TINMl APTS.. I & 2 US, Move In lmmed. Save gas-live nr work. AIC. 'hml.s, pools. Security. 1100 No . Temple , Anaheim. Orangethorpe/51 Frwy. Lea Cbaleaux Apts. SM.CU 3124 ....................... F.utaide 2br, 1 i,,ba, bit· ins, diahwuber. paUo, encld gar1, no pets. 5iB-1511. New condo, ocean Ii city vu, on the Bhlff1. C.M. 2 upstrs br , 2.,,ba . Microwave. Wsbr, dryr .,refrtg. avail. Lie. P.P . 80.Eves.~. editerraneanViUag •Beamed ceilings. wood panelin1 •Grasacloth wallcovertng •Fireplaces, wet ban •Diabwubers, walk·in cloeeta •Balconies, patioe • Park·like landscapin1 •Swimmina pools, lfcuui •Lighted tennis cowu • llinutel to freeways 6 beaches t l•IOOM t -.OOMAW 1 •-a• TOWlllOtlll Adultl <>al~ Sorry, No ~eta. omce <>Pen Dally •to a (;) 17141117 .... Barbar•~ .• Colta 11 ... caur. 2 Ii 3br apts, rrom $345. Children Accepted . Shoreline Mgt. Corp. 1'7-9M9or lf7-Q63 2 Br. 2v, ba townhouse apt. Spacloua Ii home· like. Dlx kitchen w /bllnl, pvl entry • 1ara1e. Small pet ok. suo. mo. Manager M2·5836. (5 Blks East of Newport Blvd I 9am·Spm 546-9860 NATURE LOVERS IMJOY OUTDOOR LIVING IM THI HldT OF OllAMGE COUMn. 1 Br near Beach& Adams. W,£.feature stream & tall IZ'1S. 1sl Ii lasl + clning fragrant pines. pools. lseec. 552-3364 gym, volleyball. walk-in ~condo 2 Br 1.,, dol«lltmore. ~~io.1.~/tenni1. Nroeacn. ""'-'· 646-913 AdultlMng/no pets. ....... 3144 ....... ............... . Rancho San Joaquin twnble tBR +loft, I "'ba. Adults . S525 . 213/540-1165; 541·1801 f!V9. Orangetree Condo 2 bdrm l ba. t e nnis. j.cual, pooi, clubboule, Adult.a. tm mo. '7SZ·DIO ............. ...... 'flt•••••········· Dlllm ._lY deccwatAld 2 ~ apt on ~an near Victor Hqo. Heated pool, ..... , IUbtMTa· :•:,.1arkln1. ..,.. n-om $.1llO. PACl"C WOODS Ul350 Harbor Blvd Sou&b of F.dinaer, P. V. Ht-2140 -4000 ....................... Room w tkilchenetle •weelllaup. 548-1'755 POW.&UP 9 ..... Sbare bedroom • bldl Ii kitchen . a'N~l,C.M. Mmn lady Dda room/ba • kit. ortvllffee for 80 cbl. CDll. IM-lJmo Si!5(). 964·216118. 67S.4221 Person to shr 2 BR. CdM apt. pool. Jae. 4 blks beach 1225 mo. 675-7908 Roommate wanted 2br. a.. <kean View Condo. $115 mo. + uUI. Eves. 49).318'7. Fem. ZS.35 to share 2br. 2ba, duplex CdM. Ask ror Ga ry . 675 -4756 or 494-8088. OfRCISPACE Will suble t oUice in Laguna ~~fc°:/mo. For rent . $55 /mo. Storap area incl. Monarch Invest. 831-6042 WVELYVlEW 2 Rm suite, Newport Ctr Dr. Desisn Plaza bldg. rum avail. Ample park 'g l yr + lease. Asking "4XI mo. Agent. 549-1.366 Fem. 25.35 shr 2br, Zba = Be h of f II M Npt. apt. Ind. fac. . ltbaau, c, u utU. IMO. ~Mii. t'1$-49U Share 2 1ty lge apt 2 br ea wlrull ba. Ocean vu. OM..wPOln' o.n. Point ms + uu1 IAY -.aoUnda •ll0te2000 S..Pt NewDort Bdl. sm. 2 BR. .,.... ..... 2 BA. Wls lnct pool, ten· ,......_ ..._.. ..... 1M7 •w.t ... Houaema&e wanted. Coala WM) MAllMA Meaaarea.MorF. YI.LA .. s.om '7MM2 Respon1lble roommate I , .__._. for mys Br ConJna del -• ••-4410 Mar Ho"'e over I 'I -........... •••••••• ocean. JUO per mo .... •••••••-~1 • 0 I 1c:.e.-....... ~a..=-.. ltNn.011 ... ........ Dftf, Shatt s Br 2 ba. 1 blk beac~ NB. Mlllt be neat. $41·•11. ea..all .. t .... ' , • C:.,1 0 c ... . ....................... . ............................................ . ... ,,. 110.1• ~-""flit Any Md·A Room S.lt' ••am on...,.,..hrtln1 tot •• job! catt All ... or nn w/trpk. ~ compJ .... Ira •S.akoalln Tony Ml.al4ll Uc 131%Wt • t~ e 11 •I.le. NB. C M S•. -. Pr•h 1rr\"d Bul ldt"ti ~l-...rt . t.a.AIY •'7JJ_T ____ _ ... ... t1'-Ull • 1tutcill !!.!!!? •• !........... c.,.."' .... • •••••••••••••••.•••••. •llABYSITfl NCO • •H•••••••••••••••••••• l'l,fx.''T1UCIAN f'nC'l'll My hom~. rc-h a bl<'. Shampoo 6 tolt-am r lHll n aht·frf't' HUm1tc-un reep'oulbt.-nte for Qalor bnahleners. ~ht lallCC'Of''"niill jQt>!I YOUnll d 11 ldren b y ,·pt.S l0m1n bl.-ach Clr an Ur t:!372:>4 IJ'T.JOMO maLher ol 4yr nkl bu ll\. run rm. hall Sl~. A\ I( ""911~ m.ctric Me al1. E v enanas 6 rm $1 !'iO. rou<'i, SHI. chr M~ (974 weeleacb. <:..'*II S48 64.21 f.\. <tw.r t.'ltm JK'I odor ld\tr 6 pm d•ys. 10 7pm ('pt n-p..lr 16 > '' l'll.P• '4W'ekmu C"oela Mc a llo .,.,.,11. m)'lteU ttt-h ::.-•r 19th, •ll"ttt ~· ~I 0101 . - -Wt• O..n-\'a~l l'lra.nl'r' 1:11.,,_.tUq in my homl' Sl.•anl dun Also 111• S2J..w k H ll Vlll l hoi11lt•r) Wor k .i u • .ir Shalimar St • t'M l'tud , mount unit .. 'r -llcp..,.. -\llil,l'\1U r111t•!t 64!>37 16 •••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile 8 1ry<'lt" Repa1 No Xtra Chi For tbc Calls 1714)891 l4M CMNTDOCTOI Save tiO',. any 3 ruum:. $20 l lphnl d eaning , sco«chJuard ~II work .. 111111 Sink• ~uara nt t't'd 552·4 IUli ••••••••••••••••• ••••• fi'tt't' t'!ll at hr St"rV illVORCEtBANKRPT<.:Y c-.t/Ce.cr.h -- Piling to h na I ltlO. • •••••••••• • •. • •••••••• Action Le1al Serv1r es. M2·510024 hr Sl.'rv. l>alt' W Ph1lhps ce1Th·111 ------ - -n inc.·relt' work. a ll lypt••. BklpfC, payro ll /ta xe~. :;42-2162. Lll"d lbonded. ranan<'. stmts. more N L•-d -t- --t 1 -• <An!M lO yrs.833-Bl\19 r oun a ions. re a n1n.: · ----walh . blol'ks. Vllllo~ H k k p g t h r o u i.e l..1~531>-5013. 54H·4:kl'J stateme~ls/bal ehl't k Ceme nt work. pa laus ~a'::f~~iank Ukkp~ ~ri v e ways : t·u.r ~~ .& 540.4479 slabs 642·841:12 or 646·6563 •:t•«1nl'iian ffeot1l r .rlt'" I"''' .,.orllm1n11h111 !'.ml .1411 .. pn-f1·rr~t fi7fl H:S'l!i ....... ·····················~· 't\ 11od ft• 111· t'' t.t.; It•' . 1"1ll<11>, t't'~in11blt• r ieli'' IW1 .-?93 IUi I\ t'U.'llOm wUOO h'Ol' I~. 1(8ll'tl a, r .. nc•t• r1:1m11 6't() •1000 Ml' 30Ji. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Garderung. dcan·uvs & lands capinl{ Gt-oq\l' I bllslu. f>:&S. 707 2 •Vt;RY LOW PRICES• on landscape maint. Gt!ori;:e 549·2015 Japanese 1ard t n er. ordfftinl. cl.anup. ltte fr1 m '7 I 01311 S am NWl!muta ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ..-..PIXIT• {.' • .r1n1otct. p!Al1H 1n .i Ht•lf.ll riatn l!> yu 1n ltf\!OI 5411 17!kl Yu u N l'l'd G oo cJ ':s 1~·lt•.1111nl{ "'or apt, winduwb &r \'.tt pt<t l'lt•ian Ult( " ht>m t·11 II> in\.! Wll 1142·11136. llA.lt.KLt-;Y Mach1m• C'o MM .. lUNf./Wt~U>INli S PEl'IAl.1'11-:S 7:ii!2T11lbl.'rt i\vt•, II II . Wiii& a A&A.ILY CLEAN HOUSJ:? Call Olnaham Girt. ~e1t. M~~m Robin 's HouHcl.,111un1 Srvc, for a thotouahly rlean hou9e MC).~7 The r~rtonal To uc h c 'k!iuuna. Thu finest In hm.11H!Clunln1C by pro• f h lUOn •"'. t:; x p e r 11 y d o ne Rs n bl r 11 le~ ~ Ut~ Hooded/Ins DANDY DUS1HS Wkly ur l t ime service V1&canta. k K work our ~peclalty Walls. wen· d11w11. s tea m r 11 rpl·l d cun. Uondedtlns. fi'rce t'hl ""hr serv 552·4JU6 Mr !! C lean m akes 1~ Wtoe•m Lia r h upL'l, upls & hornt'!I s.49·9372 • •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,. .... ....... AIHCI ..... hie. hit rate aervlce •t a fair price. Personal " com· mercl1I 67S.OIS62 'adlc•lncJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Europttan Landscaper . Top work. t'alr price. Rds. 846-41171 d )'l'l/eves . t111awy ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rnckwork. Sma ll Jobs . Newport. Costa Mesa & lrvu'4!. 675-317~ eves. Urick. stone. block work. tile fl oor s, conc re t e patios. walks. drive ways t'rcc ei.t J o hn K4&J5HJ Suunnv T ht• C lc 11n ~ ........ Marhine, fn1m Oanu Pt , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• !;;.,uli1lt""~.fft.·l'llve St!rv1cc MOVING. I nr/\L •-OUT 00.: Student. I Ton tt\K'k "" ...,., JV\,, .,. 'l'rllllh, tree t ri m . Oun ----of stall'. 7 days Lie 642.3234 Hoeaftittlwg ln.'ltlnod R4lsnbl 5.'>&·9145 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.......,/,.-ri'"J • •••••••••••••••••••••• PETl>;RS P/\INTINU Int. Pa.Int ft wallpaper. Qual. work, reas. pr. I-Tees . Steve. 5'7-4211 Fine elder Palnlin(( by R. Sinor...i... St. lie .. ins. Try me. llOJti-~ 24 hrs. Your harbor area painter, Int /ext Prof. 9_ualily work. Reason. U c/Ins. Es t. chee rfully given Dave 586-M2S Residental & commercial p a 1nt l n it . Fr ee t'Shmatcs. Kes. rates. 675-9591. A man's home is his castle -Call TE D at P-..YowCatle For a free est . int /ext Lie. ins. Bonded 871·3272 Wallpaper re moval. neat & rea sonable . R e fs . ~2934 G1vG new h fe to your house We give free est. on your inltext work. Local t-'Ofltractor . he'd & ms. New Life Painlmg. 551·5071 or 55l-32S1 l do 1t 11ll-s k111load c r , dumplrUl·k. haul. ~rnde. l-cmenl. asphalt. tree re· rnovals etc. 831·1257 llaul.mg & cleaning Have dump truek 557 8271 STANt'OR D SH. do1 n~ t'ron o mir rt'~ea rch wl.'lhl'S lo house sit d ur in.: summer Rcsponsl ble. neat , good w ith plants & do1ts Rd!. avail. Sara He ckha m .. 1.5/326-1630 ~x11r 'd Rt·a i. Ha ll·~ --......._19--'r Free !!;s t. Call Gene ~.....-, .. -r-552 •. 0458 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Neal patches & textures FllEI EST. 193-1439 StlU Oungs fast with Da ily Pilot Want A&. Sell Wit h EA.')E• It's a BREEZE O ass1/1ed Ads&l2 5671J <.'lt•a n uµ:., ll a u l i n ~. Havesomethingyou wa nt SELL Idle items with u t.andsc·a p1ni: lm mt·d. w sell? Classified ads do Daily Pilot Classified Ad serv1cin~ 642-9907 it well. 642·5678. 642-5678. Prof painting F.xl & int Low rates Rl'fs. Free e:;t ~"171!Cl. 536·431\J Restucco. S panish lex· ture. patches (lnl /exll. Want Ad Results 64l ·5biR 557-0796 --~-----~ ft f' I --················· .. --·-········ Any t.:Cblu. watar ,___.•~roof°" llltfY, , bathrm encl, tM old oee repeired? All eeramlc tile . Re a1. t1pe1 of 1bl n1lea ft &TH• lhlk•. Xlnt wort lbw pri~. For free ..c.lmate ~repair. Spec. in eaU Dwayne at ~2 1. copper re· ....,_.., llillJe. rree eet. Top Hat1-.- 11 -... ...;;._ ____ _ Pfumbh\I. 537-StM ,,.., ....................... Quicllftdependable, most oaatLlne Roofin1 Ii watertaeater1 repl~c~ Skylipu. R.tnbl rale11, szs. D.R. St Cla ar a . a ll wor k i 1tar. Lie • ~3503 sucm. Free•'-m -1202 D.R. St.Clair's Plumbing. $12 pr hr. All wor k ..... •••••••••••••••••• euaranteed. ~3503 ramie Ule Ii marlite for Minor plumbing, reasona-shower & tub units . Ph ble rates. Ask for Mike. &'12·3t&I 980-Z716 1-li-.. -s.r.tc.----..,,.-- lngram Plumbing, reas -••••••••••••••••••••• rates on repairs, repipes, m. top, remove trees. rmdl's, wtrhtrs. &U-6394 Also I a nds ca p e & ._ .. &lepelr sprinkler. Mcw eeney. •••••••••••••••••••••••• _~_5_1.3t ______ _ Rancho Deluxe Home ,........, Remodeling. RoofinR ...... •••••••••••••••••• painting, carpentry. You h tutor. ages 10-18 . can afford lo have at done l·lingua l certificate rigN!661·2979or 496·3431 h e ld. Yo ur h o m e . loa.. · •lllM eves. -····················· , ...... Service Repair & Re roof. All .:i.-.-.~•••••••••••••••• t y p e s -s h 1 n g I e s · LP Office Services. Prof. rockshakes.compo-tar. typing, term pal)l:l'll, re· Free est . 541-5930 Fin. s um es e t c L o uil! c Avail. Hag81J. 00-7221. HORIZON ROOFING We're expert roofers. Lo&esomethinJ va luable'! NotsaJesmen. 548·3609. Place an ad an our Lost a nd Found columns . Ma ke your s ho ppin g That's where people took easier by using the Daily when they've found an Pilot ClMalfied Ads. item of value. 7100 MaMyW..tecl 5030 a..t&Fo.cl 5300 ,._..._~, 5350 tWpW-.ci 7100 HetpW..ted 7100 HelpW..tecl 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -....SR_... 4450 ...-..U/l• .. st/ ......•...•............ ~· Forstore&officespaceat ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------•11 ________ _ reaaonable rates. lllUMss N•:WPORT l'/\CIFICA * * * * 500 to 5000 Sea Ft. 0pu•p•a111.,.. ........ .,.tt1rv'I 5005 Fil.MS. in asSO<· w /South C..,allllatiotls MESA VERDE bR ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Coast /\ct.ors Studio. rcqs PLAZA lnsuranceSalesperson S7 5.000 l o c ompl e t e ESTAHCIA'S l5'!S MesaVerdeE,C.M. Oocs yourpresenlJobof· fin<rncing on poss ible .... E W AS 8 545-4123 fer you 1ndependenC'c . multi-million dollar mov-IJ"lll _ prestige. a feelinl( of ac-w t\jrther details call PRES Newport Manner's Mile. com p l 1s h m e nl & t714 l 957·1.l2112. Modem 502 sq ft store or economic security? If ---------• Dori-Ry• office. 26.'lJ.C Avon. LOW not you should talk to -1 ~-.,0-'9--~-1-.-0--* * * * rent. 213/477-7001 Farmers Ins . Group lo· &71 Anu ---------1 aay. Call 848-Slll. For C..-1-GHEAT LOCATIUN ~. Forlhefollowing Elegant. s mall beauty SJO.<m well secured b y st.creo shop. blkC' :;hop. salon m shop. ctr. Lag 307' e quity in p ri m e spartang goods, pct store Nigut'I /\skin!! SlJ.500 Orance Co. Owner oc or Jewelry store. IMO sq Peg Allen Kllr 494· 7578 cupied residence. Call n. Ul Hunt Beach. GOOD -MONEY BR-0-KE f-t -N......., 644-7211 HE NT. Plt"ase c all c h I' r v I G r cc n , F:a r n $4U K +-a :. a n ·i213l450-(rm <1J!1·nt. Wl· provide all training & scr vu·<·:; al low cost. 8. J0.5. 540·1433 I Vacunry downtown llunt Hearh 210 Main &. Mini ma11 ~·1558 C.:oin ope rated Video ~. Start your own busanes.c;. 631-3327 /\RT GALLERY or OF .. ~ICE SP, with reN'P Lio nis t & a ns werin l! st..'f'Vice. From 200 sq ft to 1500sq ft. 298 Broadway. Laguna Sch. 493· 7770 !!!: Macnab -Irvine M-llLDG. :1100 Sq. fl. Cannery Business + home-creek. xtra lot , e xclus ive Ortega Hwy frontage. 25 mi Dana Harbor. Ownr must sell. 678-1314. Beaut y S a lon Nwpl Harbor Arca. 8 s lalJons, modem . $10.000. /bcsl or fer. 642-5387 llwtituuu..t 0,pni.Uty 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Village (Villa Way)' s• ... cLEM~E /\va1I. 6 /15. Har rie t """" '""'' Peny642·8235 IM·71 ) Developer n eeds an· ---------•I vestors for a pproved cust om homes w /180 Mort9!1J1s. Trust Deidi 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2HDTD'S FOR SALE Eam ~.U:Jd on J yr 2nds. Will dis count ~. Sl0.000, $20,000 & $40,000. Call Roge r . 714 /834-1702 LOWEST W.rntl.tft htT .D.'s. also 2ndT.D. Lo.ts. •'airest Terms since 1949 Sattler MfcJ Co. 642-2171 545-0611 EARN 25°/o YlaD I yr 2nd TD. lO'k in- terest. tr~ discount. Call ~er. 714/834-1702 ................ 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• - de....;;.g._oce_11n_Vl1_·e_!W._c_a_". unuEY AVAILABLE Roger. 714/834·1702 mun LAGUNA HILLS-two ad· TOWMHOME 2NDTD ANO Jae 5000 sq n M-t uni1s. ARVIU _M__ s w1NG LOANS .. new bldg. /\IC offc. .,....,,_vw-~· INTERESTONLYOR fronts on Moulton. nr Investors wanted for a p •l.JLLY AMOKTIZF.D .. Lake Forest. lease by 11 r ova I 114 uni l Lee Really owner. 835-1808. lownhome development R E.Broker,960·1957 in Upland Call Roger. ----Laguna H.illo; · 2 adj 5000 714/834-1702 I YR 2MD TD HAPPY BIRTHDYA Y JACK RAYM OND SWARTZ Mother, 642·7252 ---Lost & FOWM1 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.a.l or Found a pH '! Call /\nim a l Assis tan t•e League 537-2273. no fee. FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5671 f'OUNO: White puppy apx. 6 mos .. vicinity of Newport West. Hunt· tnJ..'lon Beach. Looks like Samoyed. Call 963-1856 . ----- Necklace lost or stolen in Emerald Bay. 2 lone gold chain w I pear shaped p endanl. REWAR D . lm-Ql8. 7006 or 688-2311. RE WARD fo r Star· sapphire mens ring w /5 small diamonds. SlOO. no questions. 624·8578 o r :>.'J9.~J2 sq. ft. M· 1 units. new ------- bldg. A/C offi ct•. Fronts MaMy to Lomt 5025 Found: Female Iris h Set· ter Approx 6 mos to I yr Bach & Wa rner . JI B Receive 20'il ·3.'>' i yield, 847~!l665 on Moulton nr La ke ••••••••••••••••••••••• Forest Lse b y ownr . ---------951-ID SWING Found : Blond Cocker Spaniel c ornl.'r Bo ls a Ch1 c a & Heil. 11 . B. fM0.5614. FOUND: l'ar r akcN in middle of M;Ain St .. Htwn Sunflower & Hedhill 955-2410 -------Found. Beige Lab mix d o g , G o ld e nw e s l 1 Garfield, S/2 ... 847-5235 FOUND, Yo u ng C a irn Tem er, 5/9/79in CM. 556-100 f'ound s mall blat k h·m doi?. prt-~anl, loo~ hkc a P o o d I c . ,. 1 e Tal he rl /Ma g n o ll a ~iJ 3.117. ------Personals 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RF.J.J\XING MASSAGJ-: DobJames-Lic Masseur Outcall 9-9, 494·5111 MICHELLE'S •o.tcall• 11AM·2AM 835·3749 UHDA&VICKI o.tc .. Ma~ fool' n.e Fun of It! SeTvmg all Orange Co. 835·7313 COUNTRY GIRL *ESCORTS* a.tHrs. 738·0487 •FOXYLAD-Y * OUTCALL ONLY •972-1138• PREGNANT ? <.:arin~. confidential counst•hn$! & n>ferral. /\bortion, adop· tion & keeping. APCARE 547·2563 Spiritual Reader 11115S. El Camino Real San Cleme nte; Fully lie For Appl. 492·7296 MAL E will do a nythmi:: legal ror $20,000. 757.0382 M·l Unlt for rcnl. SJOsq. LO&AMS n. West sideC.M. 646-4965 2ND TRUST DHD 12'1r discount . s upe r ------- security by sin1tle fam ily I.OST Fem Cockapoo. home. Better than put· wtwhl on chin. no collar. lin.C your money in sav last seen vie or 17th & i n ~ s & I o a n . Tustin, Reward. 646·48AA. $6000·$1 00 ,000. Ca ll Roger, 714 /~·1702 Lost: 5/10, black male Tall European bachelor &il"!llHTY LO' .... S Dachsund. Banning & seeks lady with car for Urgently Need M-1 Space LOAMS fOI" establish<>d business. Customized to meet ... , VOOsq n. CM YOUR needs. .... m. . . area lt.E. o-. 714/646-2681. a" I Hunt ingt on Bch . New SANTIAGO IAMK 17 .625 s q ft. b ld g . 714/132-5200 t; a I c u I a l e d fi r el•--------• spnnklers. xlnt identity Competitive lse r at e. 8J3..8S51 Bill Shwwp 4550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RVPA.UIMG SZS. MONTHLY Fenced storage for your bollt. camper or extra ca r . F or In fo. c all 848·3133. Hunt. Beach area. INEED I MONEY • CRIDITMO PIOILEM 2ltd & W TD 1M1tt 547-5402 Arran1edby \W A R EHO U SE S'OORAGE. Aprrox JOOO , sq ft. » ft, al or part. a.ta lleaa. MZ-4758 Comt"-lo.K .... w ...... 4600 -------....................... MONEY AVAILABLE Responsible , working Any p u rpose , any writer eeek a o n t amount. lfr. Hargrave bedroom cottage in <'714>~ ConJna del Mar or Costa SOOK to 20 mil. R . E . ::9w.t~~r:r'.:ct Develop. Construct Ii ......;.. 0 ...... Pi~ P 0 tab out. Inventory. re- .. _ -.Y -., • • ceivables tin. Bus ex· Boa UIO, Costa Meu pand. Unbankable our 92828. ~ialty. 547·5737. Don I am pro(euiooal lady, _Bri_•an_. ------n~n-drioker /1moke r , MllMyW....., 1030 highest ref~ .. • de--···················· si~ la unfum 1tudt0 rm •T-•• • "'" Bushard,Jf B. 968-012'7 ballroom & F.uropean For Any Purpose No d · I II & pomL'i. Call Tfo:K Finan· Lost: 5/21 Vir. Wdhrg. ancmg. w1 pay gas clal all 734·JIGO. Irv. M. Shepherd type expenses. Courtesy as· ---dot?. 9 mo w /blu collar . s ured. Gerald. 642-0912 Easy money. SI0.000 to REWARD. Ml-4259 Su\gle. lonely male. 29. $1,<Mkl,000. P.O Box 1023, Lost: f''em. York1e 5/19, seeks sin.C le, lone ly NewportBeach,9~2. vie. Racquet Club, Irv. fe m a le for a frai r ••••••••••••••••••••••• • utam u•.ts 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY $2 Sell :iny Item or rom· btnalion of 1lt•ms fOf' S15 OT leu with 11 Penn)' Pincher Ad. 3 hnes '°' 2 C'Oftllecutive daya. Eull additional linl' L~ ~ for the 2 days. Ch1r11e It ! Nocoll'merclal ad1. For more Information lllld IO place your ad l'all call 559-5090 213-592·2275. Hunt Hbr , l.ost: Gold Bracelet. en· graved "I Love You". Senti m e ntal v a lue . Reward.675-7237 -----FOUND: Female Iris h setter, approx 6 mo.·1 yr , vie Beach & Warner HB. 847·9665 Found Calico Cat with a litter of 5 kittens. Vic. Woodla nd S c h ool. 548·5821. •"OUND· Collie Mix wht w/some r ed •. Terrier M.ix grey M. And possi· ble others. N.B. Animal She lt er, 644-3866. or 6'5-1.508 ··w anted Woman" "Sexy Lady'' 30--40 yrs. Hones t. straight. happy. athletic. snow skiinR. water ski mg. goll. le nnis. danrin~ /\ltractive wealthy man 6'. ull the toys. Intentions "ood, friend, male, ma r · riutte . Box 478 Daily Pilot, PO Box 1560, Costa MesuCa Billy Ray Harvey whal do you want. Cull me, I'm tiredoflhls. Let'11 talk. ,... .. .. 5-rYlcn 5360 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Travelin g tom p anlon Av.II. Thuu ll .30·Sal UPM. Ort'fk111. lt94·7563 LOST· FemGerSheppup· ~ 5450 py 4moa. Blk/Grey. Blk ....... •••••••••••••••• n ea collar . Squeaky . Depend11ble couple drive REWARD. Vic. O ran&e your car to Ohio area In 112.1.sl. MS-31.58. July. im-0&11 an &:JO 642-5678 L3!!.~~r~:ou0~~. ~·~~ •g= ==========~I Adams/ Brookhura l. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• llB. --~·4 51111111 .. ............ 7005 MAIL CENTER • •••••••••••••••••••••• w /pvt entr ance /bath; Vmture capital needed. Harbor View Home , tao.ooo to complete COM, Eul Bl"fs , Irvine million dollar Wholesale ·••••so.a. -'°"-S21S mo. Mcwl.., before Ii retail sportin1 goods ON...a eooH LOST: M. Setter" F . E nit Setle r , 6·1$ C yn or T.O.W. LaJUM no ?'• 8llt.ed. 417.41.Jt or 1¥ ma1 -...11ene 1'1torlng done by exp. Irvin e Educ at ors in '*le skills. Call 544·35M ar&11-t410. JI.lie 15. Wbat have JOU7 bua. Amllated wtth pro-1~.o. eoxnAVAA.Aa.a I 955-CI071 rnonUnp. f...W aportt ft sporta . . n,ur.. lnveatar can be ---.-..-Sml cbW'Cb group DMda active or inactive but ~---~~.....,~~-~~~.,~·! ......._ U 9"I pr wk. wUJ MrW lo corporate - Cll/N8 . area. Contact tmrdcaaaedtY. TM total a.. 114-5111 r::•m·wm be intern•· • ar rwn .• u.e beacb. 1a1, ... ~ro! ~~':: far • °"'-famllf M.fm PriDcipaJs oo1y ~&n"·=~ ....;;,._,_._._· ____ _ m.~,.. or Naaaer You b 't need a 1un to 1.-.-, ..... f81l" wheft )'OU Dl9Ce a ad in ta. D11b' w-... r11t ... l>alb Piiat ••Mat can oow PUatW•Mk. ...... MARLENA AllEY'S MIWPOIT ACADIMY AC'l'lll818, ACTORS OR llOOEIA tn..,.... In a theatrical or model· laat ....... ·AllAI•· C.11 Today, 14()..-0 MAll1taa can btt MeD on DINAH MORK ..... , .... , .. SCUM-LETS -o.a.1-AaencY -Bladlt -UDwtae -Ra¥tne-Weaver· WI.ARING a WIG Nol# >'O'i can b\a)' wlr. wlth worn-out dra • 1pUttJn1 h•lr . k t tor lllCIDle who donl want \Mir friends to know lbeJ 're WEARING a WIG. I 7075 ....................... Gentle Christian lady l w.ln. care • twkH ror .ederlypenon .......... Mat ure, educa'Cli lady w ill run errands . Tna\wor\by ft depnda· Ille. be companion. Have .., 54:>-1117 Prt Duty Nurw. 34 bt. eare or pl\, ref ~vi. re· .... ... 7 .. lnT. ACCOUNTANT /\ maJor lrvinP based home builder has 1m mC'd1ah• need in thl·1r projl'<-'l aCL'lj! ljept for a stafr an ·o untanl He quir emc·nts int'lude il degree m at·counllng & I 2 yn, pubhc al't:Ountmg preferable construc tion cxpcn ence desin •d We offer an extellent growth op portunity , plcus anl wurktnl! surroundings & an o utstanding com p c n s a t 1on 1h e n••f1t packagC'. For 1mmNltatc (·onstdt•ratwn pleast• ~uh mJt rc~uml' w11h ~all.Ir} tustorv to <:ena M1·w . /\CCOUNTING GENERAL ACCOUHTIMG O>x Hobbie~. Inc., has a n opening in ~eneraJ ac· count ing. Candid a tes sboWd have experience In sales r e po r t s. a c· counts payable , telle rs or credit and some book· keeping. Po1>1t 1on r cqu1 re!) :J.fl yl.'ars t!XJlt!flt:ncc 1n u manufactunni;! environ ment with ~oml' m llCl!l'. Ill· ~clf·mol1vatt:d "'1th th1· ability to work "1th minimum supervis wn Jo•or a ronfldt·nt1al 1n· --------- -l<•rv11'w. apply in person Ac·countant or call 71415416·2551 Pcirnlt·ru~a llom1·~ :!(&! Hw;iness Ccnt•·r Ur Suite 100. lrvint.' !J2715 975 lfiO':I An cxpcn enc:t-tl /\n oun lant f or busy "'t·ll estubllsh(:d CPA firm 111 Newport Cenh:r Ahlt· to ha nd le a ct:ount111g rl' l'urds for up to 20 111 d1 vidual l'11 c nts thru f1na nc1a l s t atement Computer expcr. hl'lpful cox HOlllES, IMC. A Subsidiary of J.r1sure Dynamics, Inc lfl05 E Warner Avl· Santa Ana, Ca. 92705 EOE MIF but not nc.-t·. Salary upcn 1---------- Call Beverly at644-~70 I•--------- Arrounting clerk posting journa li.. ,,1n . <;1R. SALl-.:S. Lite pJyrntl & typing. 645-1~5 ~-0:./X!J eves. ACCOUNTING CPA C P.A. st>eks ex· perienct>a l ront offi1·c help. TypinJl. hle book keeping, phones L<icat ed Irvine So of S U Fwy Send rco;uml'.' 1n eluding salary history lo: P.O. Box 8041 . Npt. Bch, C/\ 92660. ACCOUMTIMG CLEIK Laituna Beach elc<'tronic mnfJ?. needs un ac•c•ounl ing cler k or bookkeeper familiar w1lh accounting fWlCl ions to work m ac counts payable . Key punch exper. extremely desirable. We offer xlnt pay & benefits . Farihty 1s in beautiful Laguna Ca nyon near beach, Call for uppt. Personnel. Dept Teloruc Rcrkele) 7141494·~01. fo: 0 E. ACCOUHTS PAY AILE CLEtllC tihwport leach Wldln hn opHiag for • .,...d resJcM..tfal constnctio• A/P dert&.S.-., .... pHdhtl on back· ....... espr. C°"" tact Crai9 Hardy 714/752·1904 ------ Accounting ACCOUNTING CLERK TO $12,000 Pl"est.i!OOWI firm located ln Newport Beach. offers this variety spot report- ing lo the Accounting Manage r . Duties in· elude : CRT of all a c· rounlin.i f unctions + 61Nll manual table. Re· QWres 2 years related ex- perience & good typin1 s k i llh . Exce ll e nt beneflls Include paid medical Ir dental. "2915. 547-7631 0 accountants overload IOISN. Main Ste 1011 Sanla Anl ALWAYS lOOo/r F REE ACCOUMTIMG TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Or-9e C O••ty is IG01s•11CJ! And so _.. ~! we·~ llOllllllT llRLF'8 account~ There an· many new firms movml! into the Orange County area brm~ing about an in creasing demand for ex· perienced /\ccountin µ and Data P rocess ing per.iOl.lllel. CPA'S AMdltan Tax Acca•l•ls Cost Acc11•t•ls Sr. Ace1m lwli lo DLll HP'fl Accu:I ... ClerU DateWry K/PO,.ralol1 U you are not aware of the benefits or working temporary -give us a call OI" visit ua at our new location. Wf! will be hap· PY co discuss it with you. We are localed in the: COLDWELL BANKER BUILDING SuiteJ:!OiO 2333 No. Broadway Santa Ana t714113S.4103 Free Parkln1 ACCOUNTANT No~nec. Exper. in budgeting, rorca1Un1. 6 long r ange pla nning. Fast growint Yountain Vly co. lo 125.000. lrviM ~rsonnel Agency 4118E 17th, Costa Mesa SU.le 224 642· 14'70 Act'OUDUnl_ SRACCT•Clal Ra pidly growinl S6L seeks respon lndiv. to pre pare d a lly CHh as saVinp reports, proeeu reura ttema • atop pay. .... Good typin. ,. . Qdred. ~ pre(. Xlnt adnneement oppty. Good bentftta tneludlnt dental plan. Contact Penonnel (114) ...... . ... ........ SM. 4001 MacArthur Bl, NB E.O.E. M/F F\nd wta.t you want in O.Uy PUot Clualfieda. •••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTANT-with 2+ yrs CPA firm exper. lo wor k p a rt -tim e i n Laguna CPA ofc. Non- s moker. Send resume to: PO Box 1134, Laguna Beach, Ca. 92l6S2 Accounts Payable Clerk ACTIVITY DIRECTOR J.rnmediate opening, xlnt OplnilllCJ exists for 3.5 benefits. free Ins. after _... •---'---... OC• 90 days . Cha llengin g r---.....,...--eosition . Apply 1445 c...tl fNl'llllh dertl SUperior. N.B. wttll '-wledlJt of OC•..._ ______ _ co..ting prtnciplH, bolmcilHJ intent•••· post custo"'•r oc- cOlllk. •AdnsSH-Adon •All Ages All Types • •I No E xper Neel• •Hollywood Talent Di r NowTakmi: Appht•at1on:. Anyooc tntcresled an • Movic~ or Telev1:.1011 •C<lll "S.A.M. "• We ve been in s howbiz i.incc 1963. •633·2233 ext 95 Screen Artist's Mgmnt Mo11ufacturi1tCJ •n· •irOMWnt with S2 o ntilli0tt in soles ond 9rowing. Starting salary ••9otiable IMtwHtt SI] 0 and S930/MOnttl. PIHH _ _.... 1.-..t.1..-. Adm1n1s t rat1 ve A:.· -,.._ or ...........-s1stant/Bookkeeper for of .... flcati0tt . to: pri vate communit y . IOX #446 l~ag una Be ach a r ea. CtO of The Daily Pilot. !'dw;t type 60wpm. & pre· P.O Box 1560. Cost a pare payroll, accounts Mesa. C/\ 92626 payable & receivable nn t;qual 0pPortunily computer Call Mon Fri, Employer M ff !H l 4~Hl5i l ACCTG ClEtllC AdY.nising Rep Sell 2 to 4·color space 111 widely us ed bu alinll chart book Excellent eomm1ss1on. S33-1423 weekend OK. Part-Time Rapid ly growing S&L seeks r ei.pon iodav lo post genJ ledger & new loa n s etups on EDP AIR CONDITIONING ter minal. Must have INSTALLER· expcr .. re-stron~ a pt for figures & sadenl.lal OI" commerc ial. !~key by touch pref. JO )T round e mployment. JO Hrs per wet!k. advance· pd days off. l wk vac art m t'nl opp ty. G ood Lst yr.2wks vac aft 2nd benefits including dental yrs,~ wk~ vac aft Slh yr. plan. Contact Personnel Un 1.1m1 t e d .m a J o r 1714) 833.aJllJ medical ms pol.1c.y. IRA State Mutual S&L Company parl1c1pallnl! 4001 M Arth HI savings ptan. Cull Tim ac ur btwn 7/\M & 11 :30A M ~ewport Bearh 5,.5.5544 or a p ply in EO t; M /F person at E.L. Payne. ACCOWfT'IMG C&.EltlC Aerts payable. a c·cts rec. typing, some knowledge of bookkeepinl' helpful. xlnl company benefits . xlnt oppty for advance ment. Con tac t Alice Sorenson 557 ·9051 E 0 . E . Employer Accounting MAKE TOP$$$ WHERE ctose lo your home MIN Work when you ah! available • lJlle your accounting skills oa temporary llllipmenll Recent Experience Required Forfurtht r information call: 547-7631 0 accountants overload Co.. ~ So. Halladay. S.A. 'tious couple looking lo supplement income pit. call Anne 846-4047 ----- AMweriftCJ Service PBX operators for a telephone a nswering service experienced or will train. FUii time or part time shifts availa· ble Days. afternoon· evenings or icrave yard. Must be a ble lo work :;ome weekends. Typing JS wpm. requi red. Many co. benefits availa ble. Please call Mon-Fri. Fashion Island a re3 : ~1791 Costa M esa a r eia : 67:Hl66 E.O.E. APT MANAGER For 55 units in Costa Mesa. Exper 'd couple. Wife bkkpg exp. Ca ll 642·50'73or !2131865·3851 . A RC HIT ECT U R E : Progre111ive a rc h it ec· lural firm seek1 licen1ed a111istanl. Desir e creative ene r g y, en· lhusiasm. desian talent ac technical knowledge. For appt. Call Bobbi. 6.'8-ml.E.O.E. /R CLERK for Npt lkh rlub. F /time I : 30 lo 5pm. Mon thru Fri. Xlnt work-illl environment. Call for appt.. 6'5-5000 ext 520. dfSTUDIMT. Part Ume . 631-5042 lClllN. Main Ste lOlt Santa Ana We An Not A P\lbtic Mc:ounU.., Firm IMeml:lilY Warehouae Small el~l'Oftlc pa rts. lit. eblft, no experience nece.ary. Excellent Ir· lftlll beMl'IU. Near O.C. Afrport. Apply Avaet ~.,, ...... , I !!'!!?='=-.. ?!!! •••• ?='=-... ?! ........ ?='= ..... ?!!! ~"-!.~!.~., ... ?!~ ~~='= ..... ?!~ -I _..,~::.1.:· -~~Z7~· :-:·~·:m:.:.-:------~-.J!~;.!.J!:!li2!~!.I~ ATT&N.DANT. worlls Quwr()pportwUty ..... W..eM 1100 tw. W..eM 71 ......,. M••MI •-a.•lillaud{~r.~cc~'•g:;r-,.,.:;ad~~;;;:lu~.~· . .i.·-11~1LG~lllLrlnm_y9!omefor WDlllW'm•-1 Uqiaor -store llana1er ....................... •••T ................... .....,W-.4 7111 W.... 71• ,-...,rr -lllO-Atl•~ N cJ ·--......S. ~ • ••••••••-••H•H•H••• _ ........ .,_ • Wt• '°"9 • 'clean up. Mlft br. ~ .... TIU ..::r Urne n~~ht ~ aton. lll,000 per year . ft I PRONT-09r: • .--· -~ waae+beuJ. UAUed BA11YIJTTU·f11ll·llme ln1, uperlence pre· ll\l*l'anteed + lncenUve. ~ 0r..,. Ol>uat1 nct:-1iaoraltur1~al·· <MebralPalay,MW'ltO, far_.. of J rblldrfll la femd. C.11 Mn Croxon ~~'b!..et'*"Hf'1 1Mlsr 1comd .PIUl1 Mlkbul flee. Part·tlme. H.B. lmDIATE JOBS! ,_... _...... -.. lraup Of' tien.. Lee.., 1411. .._.._..y llll. Apply odlv ual1 for eleri ... ...-r. Atw-ut, Hrvke at•· ..,,..ary pu111lbl• hve· ln penon. Stop 'N Oo typl1t positions. llutl · ~ !~..,m~~· ua ..... oilo •ft IPM / IMNllAl.S&&. Mkt.a. 71.S N Loan St. 12.ftPw..... l Y Pe 4 s W PM • DllUl 8eceptjoni.al for --~-"'-'"'~' --.-.S. ... _, .. a,.__., ... ltl Anahetm.Ca.TT4-lllO. -., __ ..;: Reapomibilitaincludelt N.8 . ofc. Exp aec . .-...-...._... ·-· ·--.,. CITA ._... • • ••ru rr .. lriii lypan1. Illini 1eneral .... .,.., 541·29. Aii9111C* .._,. .. , •. lite bakP&. wk t~wM /f/t Ciarpe!VrorMlperforall Mw_-.._a .... '""' IJ• 10 a .. ., I! clerical da.Uel, 21n ex· I.-....__ cbl. ' • AM-trll. N . e. .,.,_of remodelina. No ..... •• _Ir_,_. Ir • ....___ . ............... per in aeneral ofe pre-DENTAL · Oaainide, '' !WJ•GW _._,,... ~l. tools or experlenre ........ -.~= ---ifen'fd.Applylnpenon you.,. abarp, have ............... ~-496·01441 rw .. L ._, •n. t•tt1aS,.cl ... • aome exper. fr R.D.A. If )'OU •re fttW to Co11ta ~lt:-'~1~ 1" m._Y IAM9UlfS c·,,,~-lm•l•s•• Ir c:.ew; ·1)1 Mm UMOMoarovlaCM ~ lToF~~ldalyNs a Mela. temponnly di11· ,_.,.. " .. ...,. .. n.,ll "wa M'PAITIIS .-nw Street. IP " Ike lwll. E.O.E. -n _..,. 1 pl. CUltlnuint your MIX'•· 131 <lUO HAJf'rt.:NIJERS ~pref. 30·~ hrs per A bulioeu pleasanl ol· tJm. rffft•tly dllC'harg~ Blank.In& . tUJ1'1ffOYS wk. Sat Iii Sun a must . up· CLERK nee. cau 640-03oo. Salary from IN M'rYif"t'. or for ...... CID WAITli:MS fil Y ln person Kti rm Open. aany n-11~'" •c-t•kmll lt'O\' WAJ'l'Kto;..'\.'i .. :S · hma Hardware. 2666 TYPIST b--=.ENT--AL-HY-G-IEN_l_S_T_t_o .v•rary •mploymant TIUllS ltw'borBl,CM Clerical 1 med1 ~whit'r this unlqu~ op so. t;Oi\ST ( 't10K~ t 'ASlllt~KS Laguna medical lab. mh ate opening for work in est ab Ii s hed NATIONAi.BANK l>ISllWASllt:n s CAS .. IR needs front oHlce C..ERICAL s arp indlvfdual with ofslce. near S . Coast ponwuyty C ._ Anuldt'pend.-nth1mk llueiT~'\ for Restaurant. Expr RF£EPTIONISTtypeat ~·-merJabS minimum o ne yea r Pla:ut.545-4553 • •~ 849Sunnow .. r St Nc.."-ded for work on un J'fef. Apply Lo auditor at least 50wl>m. Diversified '111111 g e neral office e x · Tc ,, ., ,.., .... ...... 71Z·''" n.1111 ...... ,, SZ 16 Per Wl. l.'~1• Mriui un n ll luu11s Kc((11>ter llotel t.aauna, 425 So. pc&ition. l>leasanl work· penence. ability to type DENT AL CHAI RSI DE &.wd lift your' prodt11· 54C).~ oow • (irvup in1c 11va11 . Coast Hwy, Lag Bch. mgcond. Mature person. TEACHERS SO.SS wpm and witUn"· ASSIST. S uper op· lt\lty, Nmma.-1on, plu" you r h001>t° your days 4M-l1Sl Non s moker.E .O .E . ~toleam.plusdesire portwlityforadynamite •t.. lh.,,.I C.U75a·-KO.E Mil" 1111'\'t\U\'H 6 1.1•tra profit 1and houni ICe(erenres. 4!M-0701, -.1491. SJllENJS to advance. RDA unhappy with pre- s h11ri n.: bunu:1 Tht• lianlung l'W' & t..it•pht1oc are re sent JOb. WE NEED "'omc•n " m.-n "e •rt• TB.LEIS 4U1rt-d Interviews every ca"HIERS We offer excellent start· YOU . Top salary ror TRAINEES loolunJJ for may tw t 1n.,.t Mon cJ 11 y & I" r id u y Al HOUSEWIVES Ing salary levels and your skills. Only the best o( 1y111n1t. fohllfl..: pa!)\•r:-. Minimum 12 mo nt hs 9AM 5PM Oencal comprehensive benefits need apply for a Rrowing "llrt'houst' JOI.I!> and romme rt•1al bank in._. WISTCLIFF UTQTEM MAR"ETS WANT TO F..amextra $$S's for your including company paid active 11ract1ce Call Micro Electronics "'rt1nt1fOl'ahmited1n Tellerc1Cper n·q lloiwitallty Resources ft flying vacations. don't medical and life 10 -552-8339 or Iv m s. w1nt" W11tk ~1th ) ouni: u;17 Weictc·Llfr. Stutt' 209 GET Al4EAD? lel the gas shortage gel surance for employees Si52-8225. ~'l~I·· kap1d 1i1dvanc·t• RETURNED Newport Heach ~rungs now available you down! and their dependents DENTAL ASSIST. mt'flt po...:,ible H )Ou .ire '11-IZlO 752.91 11 for full time assistant COUNT ON Please apply in person. lK 11r ovt>r 1and "ould b..· l~S CLERK managers 00 2nd. & lrd. If you are a friendly & available to start work Must baw <'ommert·ial shift No experience nee. CONTINENTAL! LEAR SIEGLER :4!:~~n':~:e~n.wp~~~ We are seelung 10 immedi a t ely . i·itl l banking t eller & r e Beauty We tram.Start$3.10to S4 d1v1duals for first & betwecc! .. JO.~--turned items expcr P01>i Asst for ~Y salon. Xlnt per ~:t Afdvancement We hav e s ever a I TRAMlrmAIT ~~vae:~fiR~O:.~~epjr~r second shift positions m --lion also handle:. som e opptyforadvancement& oppo uru Y or manage· challenging job o p -31M8CampusDnve ~v Salary open W/Llenefil!. our Produc tion Dept .. Mll4 Nstomerserv1ce traming prog. Must be ment positions to $.S.50 portunities offering com · 54&-4741 DYNAMICS 962·Z402 nus 1s an excellent op·~~~~~~~~~ neat t1t fas hionable . per hour if qualified. For pet1live salaries and <Acroufrom 3131W.Segerslrom --------ponumty to i::ain valua· -..._. Jltchard Ouellette Salon more iniorm!tion l in· "rowth poterrtial Come OrMgeCo "'rport> <-· A ,. • Domestic help-Mature blelraininJ in the rapid· .AUTOIODY MAM .... EW ACCTS zoo Newport Ctr Dr. NB tt.'rv1ew go to store 82 a l rra and talk to our Person· Equal()ppor'Employer ~anta na. -.a . pe1'9'11tlo~d w/olctChris. ly growing mi c ro Commission exper. own CL.ERK 30009 Crown Valley, nelRep about the follow equaloppty I /f/h llan gentleml·n. 4-R hrs. clectrorucsfleld. tools lots or work. Mil.! Ucuutirian Lagwia Niguel, 495-9!150 10~operungs . --!'mp m__ daily, will C"ons1d(.lr live· •ToolinJ! 1uon Viejo. 768-8311 even· 12 MonthH new act•ts ex COMMAND or call 714/537-484-0. CODIMG CLERIC m. S3. hr or $3541 ~1 for -•QualityControl ings B.»28111 per. in a t•ommlm:1al PF.fffORMANCt-: f,quaJOpporEmploycr TYPIST lnsuranceexpr.helpful live -in CM . area •Photo-resist bank n ee Hea vy "The llair C utting Cltrtl Irv . areu. Ca ll Nola 645·3331 .5S2·'1till We will tram the rii?ht At.rrOMOTIVE customer contact. high Plat·e" Entry level position with individuals for positions LOTPlllSOMS! qua! service nee. lmmed operuni;s for cx-~ minimum typing re-large land development 9'79-S48I Double your mcome. In an these areas . Com -Chevrotet dealer offers per precision haircutters CASHIER/SALES quire~nt is 40 WPM-ro. Duties will be vaned: Concrete form builder need of key associates to prehe nsive compan y ful~._ti me perma nent V .& U L T & assistants in C M Unique retail nursery Good opportunity to get mail sorting. duphca· Open shop till up. Steady hell? an an expanding benefits including major Jl(l61uons to assist Sales ~ Salary & commissions needs an outgoing person valuable expenence in lion, book banding & ad-work . Start immediate· busaness Invest your medical & dental are & Service Managers in TELLER <Stylist now averaging for a Cull time position. In policies. dressing machine. We ly 540-4531 free lime. Call between av a 1 I ab I e . F 0 r 1 m . varied, interesting tasks. P>O-SSOO per wk J. Xlnt addition to a good start· will teach an energetic 4·~~M for appt. 675·9231 mediate consider ation. Good pay. Opp. for ad· Min. 6 m onths vault growth o ppty & pd ing wage. cashiers share PROCESS individual who has some Cook • cxpcr full·l1mt· pl('aseapply: vancement. See Service tellerexper. benefits . Call John at inrommissionpool. ING p revious work e x -Apply in person . 61!1 Ooyou llkc a JOb with a Mgr 761-0783 or Judy toll free CLERK penence. Hours are 7-30 Sleepy flollow Ln. I.al.! challenge·• Answertn1t HO W••D CL.-y-•-"' Applicants shouh.I COO· Hl00·243·5048. Please apply in peri.on to4·:.>. 5days per week. Bch :-.crvt('(.I needs Op('rators. """ .... ,.._., tart MtF Send li ----from llpm to 7am shirt. Oove&Qua1I Sts. Virginia •BIKE STORE• Bike ·R R Positionoffersvarietyof app callon or re· Cook cxpcr1 c nct· 10 Matureapplyin~rson. ~on Wl'<IS Fri IO:OOAM ·l :OOPM or Tues. & Thurs 12·00Noon-4 OOpm or call NF.WPQRT BEACH 17141752 • 0600 ., Mechanic. Must h aH OGE S I.asks 1ncludin~ phones. su~ IRVIME CO Spt.•c1al dll'I~ prl'fc·rrNI ~xh F'orcst Ave Lag UTO • pnor bike mec•h. exp. in GARDE.._.S and data J!athf'nnJ! Apply at 155.~ Supcnor ...,... A MOTIVE 23/24 astore544·983S " S.SONewportCenter Dr Aw. :-.:R MIZ 2301 San J oaquin Newport Beach 644·3389 MEW CAR Mcnlfacturers llCICN/SEC Hills Road. FILE CLERK Cook 1 I lousckecper. I 1 ve an. Balboa Island (.;oocJ Clerk/Cashier needed for salary , sep. quarters . (714) 540-6080 TRANS MASK CORP. LOT ATI'EHDAMT Bank 1-·or P. OC airport area. Coronadel Mar JIM SUMOHS Days 714/S49-8373 Eves . 640-5S44 IMPORTS 120 I Do,,. Stnet, Ml 714 /8.'&91128 Call Bob Johnson EquaJOppor Employer IOOl<kEIPEll F/C 833-9300 To do bookkeeping lhru NEWPORT IEACH financial statements for BANKJNG smJ residential builder 3952 c...-Drin Al!l'OMOTIVE ... wpart leach, Ca. CASHIER Immediate openinl! F,qual Oppty f>:m11loyf'r Dealership t-xperien ('t• .--------•I preferred. Some I i~ht t y ping . Compan y Assemblers lx>rfefits. Contact Eva. 0, ER AT 0 R CONNl';LL DAINEE CHEVROLET WE ltAVE MORE TO 2828~~':'.:~vd. ~~Orfer you higher1---s_4_6-_l_Z_O_O __ _ wages, your choice of At.rrOMOTIVE shifts. opportunity to PMll)eOt, Atta or Jeam a new career & fr ~__... .....,_ L i m~e benefits that an · --c•• c elude: Highest pay in county. Good company benefits; •Compellt 1 ve s t a rti n A qualified technicians on· salary w1lh 3 wage In· I Y . Con la c l M a r k d d Parkinson. t·reases unng 90 ay ·~·cH IM~RTS traininll period followed -,....., by salary review every MS Dove Street l20days. NEWPORT BEACH •Company paid life , 752-0900 medical& dent.al Ins. 1--------- -Credil union AUJ'OMOTIVE ~ raid' Holidays ,,.... & HNYJ Construction Inspector Columbia Savings has an immediate opportunity for an experienced ConstrU<'tion Inspector in its a dminis trative h e a d q u a r1 e r s 1 n Anaheim. Selected can· didate will inspect COO· struction progress for ('()flformance, approve pro~ress p ay me nts. mallltam necessary re· rords a nd a uthorize Notice of Completion. Thret! years expenenre in the construction field and ~e~ral knowlcdJ!e of all phasl'S of constru<·. hon and cost to eompll!t<! art'TeQui red. locat.t."<i in Irvine. Must have trat·l bkkp'J! ex periencc & will initially handle all accounting functions Xlnt com - pcnsat1on & benefits package. Send resume to Personnel. 2171 Campus Dr. stea:.>. Irv. 92715 IOOl(l(HPEJt p /T Fas h Isl. Loe. N.8 . S3.97hr. L ite t y ping, phone ex per. helpful. G<>Od appearance. Ex· cellent ~o. bene. Ca II Julie Griem. 644·1230. E.O.E. M/F. IOOtCICEEPER Salary open for garment mnfA. self startl'r. 5 yr exper. Send resume . I' 0 Box 2135, Newport Beach, 92663 CIVILEHG. ORDESIGMER Experien ced caree r minded. REGISTER ED C IVIL ENG . OR D~IGNER with bark· itround in public works and or land development engineering wanted for design and sup<•rvisory position. Apply tu Mr. F\lente;, at Robert Bein, William Frost & Assoc. 1401 Quail St. Npt. Bch. Clerical help for shipping dept. Type 55 wpm ac curately. Tyl>(.' an vo1ctis & vaned shipping duties. Tmtin area, 40 hrs. Mon- Fr i. Call Barbara , 544-9360. O..ERICAL Large Insurance co has immed. openings : INPUT OPERATOR SOwpm. type policy mfo into romputer. POLICY TYPIST: typl' 55wpm. will tr<Wl lo type roml policies. Good starter opening for p e r s on to l ea rn a lphabeti cal an d numcncal riling system. We will train you. RATE CLERK 1-:Xcellent opening for an ex pe ri e n ced Com · merdal Lines Rater with the ability and potcntlal for Supervision . We offe r exce lle nt benefits such as . Health. Dental. Disability. Sav· mgs, and a very pleasant workang environment. Choose your own hours Weare on F1ex-Time. We are located adjacent to the 405 and Newport Freeways . Apply in person or call: rft"MM!aMI Dept. 975-7724 975-7741 NB rerord shop. 30 hrs Referenres b'73·2777. wk 675-7121. ---Cooks & Busboys , exper ---------for F/P Time . Apply at Oeric 1-·ish Kitc he n , 10065 LOAMSHVICE Gar fie ld Ave 1-·. v Local mortgage broker. 964-4336 near Fashion Island; ex-penence required. Ca ll COOK Versatile llour:. Mrs.Via,644-8824 fl t•x1ble . 2414 S n Fa1rv1ew, S A 751 ·<!Gfin call between 2 & 6 pm CLERICS TYPISTS UCEPTIOHISTS Cosmetics SIHR Salary call 547-0337, tua m ·2pm only. WHY NOT THE BEST? Countl'r-Cook full time Apply in person. Gary's No Fee Deli 3309 E. Coast Hwy. P-.ud Weekly Top Pay CdM ~W]J T•n••• 'I Senius Im. 75Z.6666 ,..... .S5M021 B Taro Cly Apptl ---------Counter help P T & F T Day stufts, ~on-Fri Ap· pl y 10 person. 9· 12 ORANGE J ULIUS. 7 11 E. Balboa Blvd Balboa CUSTODIANS •Sick Leave o.ty U.. •I week vac. aftcr6mo. MecJ. Iii Columbia offe rs t•x· cellent benefits proJ!ram indud1ng d e ntal 1n · surance, a top startinit salary and a conicenial work l'n v ironme nt Please call Personnel for an inter view appoint ment; Bookkeepe r assistant Maant gen journals lite P/Rt. tyr e. assist in variety o duties. Exp. fast ~l'OWlng Co. 645· 1395 838·0289 eves O..ERK TYPIST: type 4Q.45wpm. pleas phone 4141 MacArthur Blvd manner. Must be well or· Newport Beach Call 152·6666 E.O.E. M/F lmme dia t t' seas on a l open1nf:1> exist for in· div1dua ls to work the graveyard shaft dunng our summer season F.x· ccllent working environ mcnt with approximah.• ly 30 to 40 hours per week. Posssible per ma· nent position available at the end or the s ummer season. •Xlotshirtdilferenllal ~~s •Outstanding e mployee P061t1ons available stock ownership plan 111todot e Robifts Bookkeeper /General of. fi ce uperiencc. 25-30 hrs . week ly, 5 d ays. 64&167R ganized. EQual Opportunity MAIL CLERK: will train £mployer M /F CLERK TYPIST. P /F time, Financial Business desires mature woman w/good skills for general o re duties . Newpor t Beach. 752-8123 •Promotional o p · Ford portunity 2060Harbor Bl vd. msort'g &distrbof mail. I~~~~~~~~~ XJnt benf, pleas working II Join our rapidly ~rowing Costa Mesa Electronics Firm Local· Xlnl company benefits. ed in O.C. Airport areu Qualified technicians - Apply lo personnel: contact Jim Moffett at Westen Digital _642 __ .00_1_0_. ----- Bookkeeper CPA seeks bookkeeper Colwnbia for client Travel A~en-SaY..._ mid Loan c·y Prof1rient at record· --=r-ing sales invoices & cash cond. Apply in pe rs. 8::.>am·2Pm. Mon lo Fri. Safeco IMMl'mte• Co. 17570 Brookhurst, FV E.O.E. M/F C011MWatlon 3128Redhill Ave. CM (comer Redhill&Baker) Designing Technology For the Future. E .O.E. Association transactions. Touc h AUJ'OPARTS <714)776·7101 operation of lO·key Min. REIUILDHS Equal oppty employer I yr bkkpg l'Xper. & l U.ERICAL STAa'TEltS, ALTS m/f coll t·ouri.l' in bkkpg. T op pa y , p e r m ·I~~~~~~~~~· I 673-7480 med /hosp ins. (ringe BlNER ADDraisal Clertc "WIU TRAIM ASSI S TANT & HAJ RSTYLIST needed at Michael Garnson'i; Beauty Salon 642-6470 Assemblers benefits. 3621 W. lstST. SANTAANA •CRO ASSEMBLERS Here is an excellent way to enjoy the s ummer weather and become a part of the challenging world of micro electronics. We have immediate openings on our third shift (12:30AM-7:30AM> for individuals desiring to work in the electronics field. Job functions will include fabrication of microelectronic parts by uae of microscopes and other related optical equipment in a clean-room environment. When you join us you will become eligible to take part in one of the best benefit programs available including: •Siad ,.....,., •. H,.. ...... •,.._.,.,,_,,,a.._. .. w •Ce.ti' .......... ._ • lsc1l11t I 1e ce•wup ~unity Employer M/P For i ate consideration, call (714) 8.13-4424 or apply in person to: ~1· Rockwell ~ ~ lntemattonal Banking Commercial Accounts Clerk Experience pre fe rred, but not required. Apply for appointment lo Kathy Hartman. ~Newport Center Dr Newport Beaeh nuoY Crocker's attrac. live salaries, benefits and friendly. stimulating environment. -·····-Equal =unity Em yer JR. BUYER Purchasing Clertc Immediate entry level opening offering advan· cement opportunity with S{>Pl"OPl'iate training pro- v 1 de d . Selected in . dividual will purchase all MRO s upphesb handle mail and dislri ution or orders. R~uires light fil. Ing and hght but al'· curate typing s kills. Some ovcrt.1 me. We otrer excellent start. ing salaries and highly competitive company paid benefits. For im· mediate consideration send your reswne or let· terolinquiry to: IOX ltSl s.t9 ~ C• 92702 Our Appraisal De part- ment in Anaheim has an immediate opening for an Appraisal Clerk Selected applicant will be responsible for typin~ documents, handling telephone calls, and maintaining re«ords and mes. One year office ex- perience and 50 wpm lYP· ang skills are required. Weoffera beautiful work environment a top start· ing salary and outstand· ing benefits including dental. Please call Personnel for an in· ler'view apPoiot.meol. CalLaWa ScnllMp ..cta.o.. ~ (114) 77fH10l Equal Opportunity Emp&oyer M /F equal opportunity __ e_mp&oy...;;......;;...e_r_m_1_f.;..lh __ ~~ CABINET MAKERS " 0.ERICAL HELPERS exper'd, •Looking Cor • career lllUll have machine ex· change? per for a custom rum •Want to work cloaer to shop. Jcqe.naen Custom home? BANKING Furniture 23252 Del •Looking for your lat SIClllTAIY Lago, La1una Hills. job? ... _..... 18-1301 ....:unlY P•etflc Bank ---------We have openings for: hla aD immediate open· c.feteriahelp. Hrs&-2:30 Typists, Recept It 1 Girl inl for• Set'retarY In lhe Monday-Friday. d Newport Beach aru. 114-97~5257 · ~Personnel A~enc" Pnvioua experience ln a · ,, b•nll or aavln11 and CereerODoort~it)' •El1lb,Coeta esa loan, Typlnl 1kll11 of Lar1est lntemaUonally ~~ -~·~O 50wpm and 1hortb1Dd company owned figure «.&..--=-----... •=nqulrtd. ulam f« women la now a..ERICAL I Ctl os*lm.. hlrlftl f« ananasement J 171411-..ZIJ6 poaltlona. Must have l BUYER llCUllTY baclls1round ln either bualne11, teachlna or PIJRCHASING PAC .. C dirett u1ea. s.tary + ~ Commlulon. Company .. _ ·--"" Action tnlnln1 provided . CLERK IWIUl ... -Uft Tremeodciua srowth op• Emlllo7er port~nlty . Only ~~~·~/f'~/H~/V/V~~~I qullfled, mature nay level. See our ad _ a.dad Deed caU f« ln· ...... BUYER ln tod.a1'1 w.tMI CallMWITI llntew. Jo ADD llWlard, et.lified. Look fOf' BOX 211-.an. 1IU, Sula Ana. Ca. O..ERICAL Earn Extra Money! SECRET ARIES W/WOSH STAT REPRO CLERKS TYPISTS ·PBX ACCT Cl.ERIS KEYPUNCH OPER CLERKS Holiday & vacation pay. Never A Fee VOLT •1 r,-.1•t1l l/\ll• ,1 11 I ~. 3848Camp~ Drive tAcross from Orqe Co. Airport> Equal Oppor Employer CLERK TYPIST Oranice County pharmac e ut ica l manufactunng company seeks Clerk Typist with good typing skills to ban· die sales correspondence a~d technical typing. Minlmum or 6 months of· face experience required. Excellent working condi· tiom and benefits. Please eaJI for appointment Carol Rufino (714) 546-8901 AMAIOUC, INC. 11801 Gillette Avenue Irvine, CA 92714 Equal Opportunity Employer M /F sssssssssssssssssssssss -CLERICAL _,. = ~ = --~ TEMPORARIES = --= sssssssssssssssssss = = SWAP YOUR AllUTY = -H)l A llAL M'Ull wmt mm .,. -We open d oon ror you to career.,. -challeftlinl Temporary Jobs, with all the_,. -good t.hln1s ln Ure PAID VACATIONS --HEALm INSURANCE all barked by oo; _,. -combined 25 years of experience. We deal.,. -in all clerical areas: ....,.. ·-..... :...-n _,. ...,.. • ... ,., CUIToeim l&ATIOMS -llCllTMB .. SOMm. C:~S - -IOOll I as DATA IMl'IY = -MOITISS ....,.. -... MAMT MOii JOISft ti = JUIT CALLI = -17141117·9760 - =4100C tnilrM.Me.,...._.= -............ = 41'0.....CMI ._n.. -. sssssssssssssssssssssss Apply In Person Castang Office llSNEYLAND 131J Hst.or ll•d ANAHBM. 92103 .... 45'¢".,. co,.. • Hid M HP Delivery person needed for Irvine travel agency. Mus t have reli able motorcycle+ insuranee. Pt-time, Mon·Fri. 1157.2700, DELIVERY le STOCK. F/time.. l2 noon to 9pm, Wed tbru S un . See Harold, 495 E. 17th St, C.M. Delivery p/tlme AM , LA nmes. $100 per week. Gas supply available. Laguna Beach. 494-8496 Dll"'YPertOll Data processing co . needs full time drive r 7:30am to 4:30pm to make pick ups It de· liveries & assi1l with clerical lasks as needed. Must be at least UI yrs. old. Have a valid C.Uf. Lac. wrth a safe driving reccrd. Xlnl co. benefits. SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS 233 Fairview ,C. M . ~ E.O.E. Delivery Early AM auto route Wall Street Journal, Newlloet Beach area. N9 wlald Of' holidays. Gas no problem. Sm.II car re- quired. m.Q86. DENTAL HYGIENIST needed for Perio ofc HB. ExpMd'd functlou lie. reqd. a dJ9 wlls.1 Al open. Prof abar'1 • penalon p&an. n•11CUD1 Deeta1 .\at, chalralde. Eapar. C.M. otnce. Good ~~ beoel\\I. Call Dln&al flY1. Mu.t be am· biUoul, -seUc. Irvine ofc.-.SUL. Draft an~ CHECKER lf you have electro- mechan1cul designer ex· penence and the ability and 1nler est to c heck mcrhan1cal• detail, PC boards we would like to discuss t'mployment op· porturutws with you. Wf' offe r excelle nt benefits which include one weeks vacation after lllX months. eleven paid holidays and Aroup in· suram'l' begms upon day or hire AM DOCUMENT OR AdlVISLMOf AM International. Inc. 2921 S Daimler St I' 0 . Box 10547 Santa Ana. Ca. 92711 1-A-iual opportunity employer M /F Drafts m an needed for an•h. /strc. firm an Npl. Reh. Expcr. required. -~85SO ask for Spcnrt• Draftsman Draftvnan/Mech..ecat Design drartsma n meeh: P l t1m t'. Update & redraw t>x1stinl! draw- ings, able to detail & 1olcrant des1~n ronccpts from sketches & verbal instr. 3-5 hrs per day. day ume only. no smoking. lnq a t : RIMA ENTERPRISE. 15395 Che mi ca l Ln , HB . 893-4534 Onver stock clerk must know O.C. area Chance for advncmnt. Pacific In· dustnal Supply 2167 S. Hathaway. S.A. DRIVERS Men or women 2.S yrs or older . Know the coast cities. Net SltlO a week or more. Orange Coast Yellow Cab. 17300 Mt. Herrmann. Fountain Valley. (No or Slater be twn Newbo~ le EucUd) DRIVING COORDINATOR. In· tenstina position rorout- 1oiog. r eliable in· dividual. Must lillse to drive , hav e own trans portation le be familiar w /Orange Cnty· L.A. area. Will train. Iba-Fri 9·5. Xlnl salary. b e n e fit s . Call 714(168-8500 for appt. Earn extra income, your own boun u an Income Tu Specialist represent· ing Tax Corp . of America. cau $52·9600, ...... 77G-9110l. ELECTRONICS TRAINEE Younc man to train foa: pos ition in electro· inechanlcal field. Must have 1ood mechanical aptitude le some knowledge of elec: tronlca. For intervle# lflll. call 546-0806 btwn 1·9Allonly . Electronic asaembly le material handling, poai• tlona open . No exp aeceuary. Wiii train. SllOperbrtostart. Call: t63ID for appt. .. Comf' 4' Jotn us Ill Holmbt.•rl( lnr Wr an-a )'0Ul\l U¥1 rapidly tlPllOd.iOll l'U~P&l\) l.t1 Ute t>lt'C'lron.lt· t'onnt't'IOr fwlil If vou ,.... tntr"'"3tt'd 1n bcin.i .. 1•1o1rt of thi' f11u1Hh1llon of our 11mv.111i.: 11r.:11n11Mllllfl I h1·n IH 11\'l~· OU w .. offrr 1•x1·cllt'nl v. 111:1·~. ho•111•h1,., "'11rktn11 ('onlill l(ln:. ~ ntlvant't'mt:nt OPIKJl'IUlllt\ 1'h1·~ .. !l'1'Slllllll~ {lrl' llllW ll\'1tlh1bh• DESIGN ENGINEER t'nor l'Xllt'rlt'tll'•' 111 1•1l'1·11 vn11·, l tl•hl DRAFTSPERSON I 2y\•ar~1•11111·r tn l'l\·1·1111 111t•1'hJ1111·.1I ol1uft 1n~ rl'(JUlrt'l.I MOLD MAKER J'C" rnnnl'rtor unit It l''IJWrll'lll't• dt•:.tr.1hl1• PRODUCTION LINE ASSEMBLERS Abahty to work "''1th aulumalt'•1 l'qUlpntcnt IA tth some hand assembly STOCK ROOM SHIPPING CLERK 1·2 ypars rKp<'r11•1H•t• 11l-s 1rah1L· 1n l'll'l'lron1c·~ ft t'ld TOOL MAKER Prototyp(.' work makm~ automutt•d ma1·h1ni·:. & fiXlUfl'S. APPLY OR SEND RESUME TO HOLMBERG INC . 17071 Murphy /\vP . Irvine 92714 714/556·2930 An l'1tuat 11r1porlun11~ t·mployl•r El.ECTIONICS A few choice pos1t1ons open fur rart•<'r mtndf'd peoplt• r.n1w1ng a11d 11• mfi?r looktnl! for rna l1• 111 rPrnalt>. must !.J>t·:1k 1-:n1~ 8<im 5pm. lull 11m1· • O\'t•rt 1 m1• .\SSl-:M Bl .~:1<:... 1'ra111t'<' or "" Jll'f Ir., 11d ::.Ode nn11. Pl'll .,lul1 111J.! cxpcr prcf'd TESTTt-;1·11 Musl read S<'ht·n hanil soder, use seoPt· & nlh1·r test instr .• some solid state audio troublt• shuot ing ex per des1rt•d SHIPPING cu :RK Must type. lift 50 lit:.. Call for appt ~Audio Produc·t, 714 /fi45·2.'>40 ~SEMBLERS ELECTRONIC Looi! term asl>1gnmt•nh for personnel w /ex per 11' ---PC board ai;s-cmbty . eabhn~. harnei..s1n~ & soldenng. Rate $4.50 hr CALL TODAY COi CORP 3303 Hcwbor Blvd . D-2 Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 556-8022 F:NGINEER Manufacturing ENGINEER/ ESTIMATOR \1,1·1ur:11'l11nng t·:n l!•lll'• ·r " I I h •' )( p \'I' I I' II 1· I' , . ..,1:it.ho.:h1n L! 1·11:.t:-;111d Jlrll'lni,: ft1J' Jlrl'l'l!>IOll rn:wh111l· :.hop pr()l'lllth M11hl ht• abh• lo fli•v1•l11p d l.'t ntlt•d t·sltmall'S of :-mall m :11·h1nl'd and ground parts. plus as l><'mblv labor. outsrdt• pr0<.·c;Sl·~ and loohni: M1n1 mum 2 y1•urs 1n :..1 rntl;1r asst)!nml•nt rl' quin'<t 1Ni:re1· a Jllus bul l10I rt'qUlrl'tl Wl· "lfrr Jn 1·\n·llt•nl -.al;in ll'H·I 11uhtan1h11g 1Jt•1wf1h mdud 111~ 1·11m pan~ paid mcd1ral .ind tfrnl.tl 1n:.uran1·1· for cmploycl•:.. and dl•pcn 1k'nts, und morl' For 1m mcth »lt· 1·nn~1rteralwn 1'0llt:ld Pcr..onnl'I LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYMAXICS 31.31 W Sc:•s.t1·rsl r11m Sant a /\na . I 'a ():tiO:! F.Qual Oppty Empl m 1f h ~~~~~~~~--! Clt1:.stf1ed Ads ar1• Ila· -an.-;wer to a sul'rt:ssful f1tf lllfOf 111111111111·.111 ( 'Jirm1·11 1ll·ll 11 Td-LISCIOW 1-~~l'lMi\TOH JI.COST ESTIMATOI l nt111t'd1Jll' 11111•n1n 1· ,I\ Jl(.abl .. ,1-. ,I JI l'u'I 1-:,,11m.1111r llu111•., 111 l'h.l(h° dOdl\lt'. ,1l1dlf Miii IJl'\.'l).tf'I• I l'J.IUfl' 0 rid f 1' mnb ol pur1'11.1:.111i.: .1mf 1nanuf .iliunn,i: He:.pnru.1l11hl11·' 111d11cl1• ass1st1ng 111 pr.·p..iring and m.unta111111>( n11>l 1·~umatcs. adJu:.I 11cw J'fOdUC:I l'OSl 1•sllm:J h'' uwh.1dm~ quot._.,, of l11h111 ra~. purc hu::.1nµ. 11101 m~. t~wpmt·nt, murk1•1 111.: and :..tl1•:-(°Jrl d1datt-s s houlil h ,I\ 1• 1-dllt·at1on 111 r.a~11 .11• 1·ou11l111g aniJ ~ ""Jr" I'' pt•nc•n('l' Ill l'OSI ··i-1111111 I lng 1r1 h11!h \1ihlllll' n111 sumer pro1hu I~ :!11111,.; with tnJt'l'l ton 11111lol 111i.:. M"n•w mal't11111·~ and ur madunml! kn1•" l1'1l.,:1· Wt• offrr a eom1w1111vt• ,,alary anti t•i.1·1·ll1·n1 hi::ncr1ts. wh1rh mdud1·" p111d ho!tc1ays, ':u·al mn~. :.it•k lea\(', rt'l1rt•m1·n1 11 I .. n . l" r 1· d 11 11 n 1 1111 medwal, d1•ntJI and ftll· llL'urann• Fur an 1nt1·n tl'Y.. t·11n I ad I h1· l'1•r,,on 111•1 L> l' p a r I m " n I ,1 t i l4 54i;.;i5:;1. ;q>pl~ <•r :-end rcsurn\• lo cox HOBBIES, INC /\. Subs1d13 n or L1•1::.urt· [hn.1mi1·~. lne 1505 ~; W:;rnt•r ,\ \ l'llUl' ~iHll.1 ,\11:s, l '/\ !li:!i ll.'i 1-~1ual I lppl) Em11l11~ "' ~I I·' \\'hat a W11111h'rf11I \.\ ur lll of Shopping , ri i:ht .11 vnur f111i.:crt1p" 1•v1•n d ay' IU11l y l '1l1J1 t1<L<..-;1ft1'<1 /\ds '1'11 plan• vnur ad call 1>42 Sli711 :iml it'l a Class1f11~l Ad V1;,11r help you MCTOIY·• .. HAL f.Mabllthc:d S1mlu l\ntt rorruaa1.-ct ho:c "111111 ~I lltitwral 1111•101 v h"IP lntrreo .. 11na a. vaned dlill~ l';11 Huu men 1 ur111C' w 11 h q11 Mllffra11on X lnl bl'lwfit P41l'11 illlto ( '0111 u1·1 Katt\Y P»rkc•I', fo; 0 fo! MW 111_.UWl-:tc t•Al'lt.lt t 'o I~ F. t..:.h11"1•r A'" SJ1111i l\J1.t, I ' !1:>711!1 Ftt"l•JI ,~ Ttt11111•1•, 1101111 1111>. '101 I 111111·1• 111 t ui.I jll'\IWllljl j>lll"l 11• 1llll1t•"1\1• ,~, 1~'1 Mu11111\·111 \," N II 1·,.11 M 1111 I• 1 I MH!i ll!.'i FACTORY WORK S:I tJU I"'' 111 111 -.1.111 Nu 1·~pr "'" Will 11 Jiii :-;,.~ .. 11 l•Jllll l'lllllJJ.111\ Ill .... l11.1,1 l'l.11.1 \11111\ .•• l•·hr l1rtM't'~' ( 'iltJI lfjllJ " 1!1111 .... , ... 1. ... 1 1'\11•1 It .. II Wi t-I "I, .. IC ~ 'llN11"/.EI. 1111>< ht'lp 1111 '1111111\l'I I ' 111111' 111 "' 11.1\ 11.t 1•\ .. 1111111 01wn1111: .... 111•\ll>lt• :-dll'duh11i.: A11p h "' . .!,'Ill S 111•1-.ll•I. l \I 1 N1·~t l o WJrd ll.11 nn1..'11111l I 00°/o FEE PAID SALES N,\l'lllN,\L ("\) NFl:ns II !-: I ; II t-: I·: :! Y I< ~ S'l'llPN(; t'ONSl 1.\1 EH l'HlllJl!(''I' SA I. ES F 1\ , T ,\ S T I l" M A N 1\ <; E M I': N T l'CYl'ENTlt\I. ~1l 'ST Ill-: Wll.l.I N<: 'I'll BE 1.0(' \n : n>I! L',\H EEi! llEVEL01'~1 ENT l°Jll U111,1 I '1·nkr Ai.:t·111 ' llUI :-. llrt'ol••I ~1111t :!!«I NII !rJI~~' 1, 1 1 •!1:,:1 .lh 1 1 f-.( 11': Fl~l!-.IWll. f1h1·ri.:l.1" mfr 11n~I-. ftn1..,h1•r. '"'' :-.UlJ & lt11t f<'r on g1·I t'oal ( ·.1 II fj.lfi .ix:.i Flon'I Ppport 111111\ 111 lt·.1rn flon,1 t r,1rlt• l'.1 II '1'111.., Ill :1 117:1 X:.!70 R.ORIST I 11111111· • ••t ;1H 11111 '""·' '"'"'' r n•al1 \1• 111•11pl1• I '' 11111 ~ p.11·1 111111 111·1·111.i 111'111 p11 t I Ptl \) u • I lt1t\I' I \lll'l 11'111'1 Ill 1 l .. 1.tf ol1·-.11:n F"·"ll• 111 "l' l~lflllllll\ lq \I t.II-. Ill ,1 pt 1·-.111.:11111,, 'l'lllllj.! l'lt"I"' ,1ppl~ Ill 111•1 '""· ~lrnt thr11 l,11 ROGER 'S GARDENS :?:IOI San .fo:•quin 111 II~ lfoall DOING l BUSINESS .c..·i.>~1-----­ UNOER A I FICTITIOUS I 1: 111 ;,!II I NAME? I II you have 1us1 flled I your new f'1c1111ou1 I 8 u•tness Neme end l·\1m11 1m·~tn 111~r n1·1•d1·d full 1111w $'! :,11 ,Jl'r 111 '\11 1•\flt'flC•nt·f' Ut"C"P ''·tl \ \lu~I 1,.. I l''f"''''''•l1· ,\ malun· 78."1 W li ltl M ,. ~! ; .. ~ i ti:!:! flllUff'll, Ill kl')' by hltk' h. ( lpt 1Uf1 111111 )' for iJll VII nl'C) • 111e'f1t, xlnl c 'o l>t'n~ru11. 1uror1111.1I ulc. CM. Cull Mllhr , un Vnm. 645 5800 --- t l ~:N t:Jli\L Ut:Ji'l<.:1'; I '••t.'ll'lt•ntluu.~. d1•pt•nda · ltl1• w11rk1•1 111 fill d~rtl'lll 11111\11 11111 r 1•11u1 r111.: II I (• I 1111111. Ill k1•y l'Xf)cr. linowlo .. IM•' ol l(unt•rn I or I 11•1• 11111t't•1fun"• Xlnt <'11 l•·11•·fll" \'n ll M1lh1• afh•r 111\M ••tj •:.-.1::1 I ;.,lt•rnf Orttt't' W1• ofh•r t'.\l't•llt·11l l't1nlJ)ll11y fmHI l•·11d11~ ulrntl( w11h our 1'11 .1111•11~1111: 1111,1t 11111s rM1w "' 111tuhh• rn 11111 N111 ll\'11 "" fl'I' l-'11.1'. I 'l.t-:llK t'l.t-:HK TYl'l~T!-. 'l'tw .tl111\'t' (JOMtum, r .. 11111 rt• prwr ul I 11·1• t' ll 1•·n .. m·•·. ty11111i.: .1h11tty drlll or Ill k"v a<lcl111i.: 111,tdltrlt' by loUdl IS 111• :.ir.1hl1• W1• will tr.11n '\u.thfll'd 1n1ltv11lu.il:-for I M' 1·1.:h1 Jlo:-1111111 l•:111q l1·~l°l IJOSlllOllS 11111 ,,1l,1ry 1'\11111111'11:.Ur.Jtl' \\1th l'X l'l'n1·1w1· Fur .ipJ>I 1•all f~4SHU. l'XI l-11 J.: (I 1-: c; 1-:Nt-:HAL LABORERS TRAINEES MSEMBLERS PACKERS ~1 u:.. l ha v t' r 1• I 1 .1 h I e transp & phont· Loni! & :-hon term a:-s1~111ni•nts lluhcllly & vtttalwn 11.1) llosµ1t1J l1i111111n plan availahlt' VOLT TE~AAVa.AVICafi :!IWI Ca mpu:.. Urt\ 1• ~t6 4741 1 J\tro::.:; From c trang1· l"' A1rporl I 1-.qual t lppor Empl11~ l'r (;. nt•ral Fattett up that skinny wd~. Work one nf lh1· £111111\\ 111..: )11~ an<l bnn~ hom1• " par !'herk fnr tho,,,• "11m n1t•r l'Xlra:.. Tr:itnt't! i\sst•mhlcr" War1·hou:..1• Wt1rlo.1•r' T'Pl"l ~·1·rl'l.1n1•" I .1l l l11d.1,\ ,(. \\111'1-11111111r ro" VICTOR Te"1>0rary Services NB 556-8520 Ot'tj 835-2622 Em M /F •GENERAL OFFICE• 1-..am 1·xtra mnm•v "htl1• k1'<•p1ni.: up with your !"kt lb. .JOIX l·s · l "•\our :..l,111-. 1n '.1r11·tl 1t·ml111r:1n ass1g 111111•111 ... Wl· ma 11 h '11111 '-loll~ t.. -.rhl'IJUI~' with jolt:-tJ1.1t '>Ult VllU . :-.:11 FJ.:1-. 557·0061 1 1 · heve nol yel submitted I ·---------• 1t tor p11bllcallon~ plHu. I don·1 lorge1 Iller lhe • ~of Aide II ! llmllelfon ts 30 deys I S1 :l.1 to Sl H7 iwr hr I r1om dete of llllng The I I DAILY PllO T Wii i l'.lrt t1m1• µo..;1l)11n publtsh your s1etemen1 II ;t\,ttlaltlt• lor ~ha rp. I ' 0 r s 3 8 5 0 ' 0 u r p I('. I ~ :1 n t p •. r s II fl I 11 t.0~ office · ~OJ overload cl•culellon oncluaes the I 111·r•.11nm•I lll'pt a~l>l~l 111g I entire Orenge Coast w11h 111·npl1· /<.· p11p1•r I area and legal noloces l work. lyp111g Otlti•r p11:-.1 I appear in ell ed41lons In 11r.na rn:1 \ lw t1p1·11 ~.oon order lo submit your I state men 1 1 0 r (.IJ11•11 U11ttl f1ll1•1l ('w1l .11'i I pub I, ca 1 Io n sen d 1'1•r:..1mnl'l lkpt appropriate copy and a f cllecll to THE DAILY I PILOT. P 0. Bo• 1560. Cosla MHa. CA 926~. 1\ Prorcss1on;1I S1•n ... ,. Girl l-'r1dav · lns1d1· s alt•s, :-tJm~ typmg, hll' hook k1•t·p111~. full t 1m•· Outgomg. :\Int 111Al'nlla I fort he• nghl pPr,,11n ('a 11 Mr. Borton fi45 .. 17:W. GROUNDS/MAINT !~~~ ..... ?~.~! m osphtJre. Uniforms turn. P eople person . Good W1l14!1i, Jlle118e call 0..1Ql3 uJt rur Don. GUARt)S tulf ti -part ttme. All art•as . U niCo rm s lurn11hed. Ages 21 or over. HetJred welcome. No expenenre nee App· ly Uruversal Protection Ser vice, 1226, W . Sth SttL<t'l, Sanlu Ana. In lt·rv1cw hours !Hl! & 1·4 Mon thru fi'r1 l1 :11rrlrt•sser l1 l•e nsed . I' If. hrs & days negol1a· h h· il4fl 7764. Ask lor .11111.1· -------11 /\ I It U ll E S S .. ; rt · ll•·uut1Cul salon needs operator with followini:. Snv111g Npt • Irv . & (U;tu M1.-sa Please call ~"t7 UJ.1 I l:11rdrt•sser . prt·fcra bly w It' I 1 l' n l <' I t• /\ p p I y lla1r)Jf1rt li7J f>!12 __ llan<tyman. 40 hrs 1At•ck. SI 75 hour. ti45 JJHI or "75 594\1 lb!p1tals Medical Record TraMcri~r •F.xpenencc rt'<1wrcd •I lours flPx1blc l'leusc contact DirN·tor. Mc<l1<·al Hel·ord Dept. <7141491;.1122, ext 25\1. San Cl•nwnt• Getwral Hospital f)."~I Q 1m1no de Ins Marl's San Clemcnk. (' ,\ 92672 l•;qual 011r111r f<:mplyr llctsp1t al!-. BusiMSS Offic• Manoqer 1lu~ t!. an Kint 11pportun1 ty 1n .1 gn>wth unl·nli.:<I h1r.p1lal l)u<tltl1t·d ,q.1pltl'<1nl ~ mu!>t h;1 \\' ,J t h11roug h knolA ll'Ol!t' 01 palll'nl 1n "ur:i111·1• l11llt11i.: & 1•1tlll·t· t111n ... & at ka ... t r1 ~ r... \'\ ['ll'nt•fll'l' Ill 'UJWI \ l!>tlli.: hu•.1111..,., cit£11··· & rt'la1l'1I 1 Ulll111111~ Ill .1 lhl'Jllt.11 Sal.tr\ 10111 m1•11.,11r.t11• IAllh l:~pt•n1·111•1• l'h·a.,1· :.1·nil n· ... um1· & .,al•11'' h1:..lur) 111 1·1.nft<l••111·1· lo r •er.onnl'I 01 n:t'l l)r HetpW..tecl 71 HeltW..tM 7100 ..... W..... 7110 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Immediate openln, In UVI IN Newport Mach na. l .. le/fe male to help . Penonal Un · cl s:u~~L.._ _ __._,.., exper. . or n-drvr. Pvt rm/ba Ir rec HOUSEKEEPERS Ftr Ir terv.pleuecall141-:.4. fad.I. avail. Nr. OCC Ir Prr. Dana's houleleep· OCl.16mf; 11'1-41UO. Inc California's lar1n1 JANITORlAL • Type needs s mature people. wort, car neceuary ror Lot AUendent wanted. wortl p¥t homes. M·• ht. wort. IS.1~ ~r hr. la 8H Must be 11 )'1'9 old. l'\IH ~l.. 11J11DeY to traia. lmmed. or parl Ume. Call -raise after lrainin1. ~~. Housekeeper /child care. ...9780 •--M-... -hin.1-. -•• -JT-,--,Di-.-e.- WorklnJ mot.her seek• I:;;;;;;;;;;~.-~.-.-.-. .... -""' .xpr. houaek•e.,.r to 11 nun. exper. 5yrs. care for 2 children 1&10 JANITOR 714 /llU·2441 in lovely NB home. 9am CHl .... ISTS l o 6p m Mon ·Fri. MA " R r · d lndi viduaJ rMMlded to pro. 4-d•Y 40-hr. week e erences r e quire . I d m• "''R INDUSTRIES S a I a r y +m t I e a g e . videjanitona a n clean· l#C.o ~2406 ing services for c lce· 210!!!veSt. N.B. tronics company loca ted Ac~from 0 .C. Airport Housekeeper , mature. inOrangeCounty. part time. for e lderly lady. Non.smoker. Own car TraMport to doctor, etr 645-9200. Ho usekeeper with e1t· penence needed 2 days per week. 6 hrs a da)'. Emer ald Ba y, N . Laguna. Call 494-6429. ........ pen Full time days. Xlnt benefits. Bayview Conv. We provide cxt•C'llcnl company benefits . Call or apply . Mon. Weds Fri lO:OOAM·I :OOPM or Tues. & Thurs. 12:00Noon-4.00pm or call 17149 540.6010 ~f:..n, 2«>S Thwin,C.M JRANSMASK Housekeeper live·in o r CORP. oot. care Cor small child. Hef's. lrvineSS!l-5880. :1152Campus Dnvl' llousekeeping, mature Newport Beach. CA respon lady lo h ve·•n & rook & do It hsework for F,quaJ Opportunity older cpl. 54tHi076. Employe r m If th Hyg1en1st wanted s mall I~~~~~~~~~~ Newport Beach ofrlce. Keep up with innauon ! Sa I a r y o p e n w 1 t h F.xtra income for am· benefits . Anyday ava1la -bttaoos people. 891·I126. hie. 646-4868. Lady for houseclean1ni:. Immediate open111 g Ptr&fullllme . 75Hl951 Straw II a t P 1 u a has 1_Si_._mon __ . ------~•lions now avail. We i---------- Landscaping Lmldlca,. Laboren Uruque r C'larl nursery needs o utgoing people Cor Cull time l.a nclscapt_· Laborers F.xpe rtt·lll'l' O(.'(.'eS,'\3r)' Pleas..• apply 111 pt·r~1111 Moo thru F'r 1 MAOONISTS TOOL & DIE MAKERS APPLY lN PERSON LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS 3131 w. segerstrom Santa Ana, Ca EOt-; M Wiii Ma.ul'i, apply Th~ I nn at Lai:un:i, 211 N . toast Hwy, La~una Bt-:tr h MAJOS Full or part time Appl y Mary , San Clemente Inn. 125 W. Fsplamhan. ---------- "MAIDS wkdys /wknds. Seafehrrs Motel. 1661 So. C.:oa. ... utwy. La!luna Bch. --- Maintenance 1()1n.,tru<:uon1 urc a g rowing fa mily n•staurant chain w11h great pnde 111 our pro. dtM:t & J>CQple. tr you en· JOY people & h"ve an out going persona lity we rrught have what )OU arc looking f(lr. Apply 1n pen.on. at 189'.?2 lk· a e h Blvd .it Garf1t-ld or 10071 l\1laml> ,1t Hrookhuro;t EOE !\1 F ROGER'S IN A RUT? GARDENS 15 m111utes may ehange 2301 San Joaf\Utn " ~laJllr new hom1• hu1hl1•r ~··1•k111~ .i:-:.1slanr .. 111 fll'IA h11m1· m:i tnlt·nam·~ & t'lt•an up ... .,rk Wt• arc )•>UT lift> style Mostly fee Hills Roart paid from Sec'y to Hoss C 640 5944 Morgan Employmt'nt l••D•M _______ _ Agcney 1525 Mesa Verde Or Plaw Costa Mesa. Al·r oss Crum K u n a 1.anl'S !l2fi26 Bob .it 7~1 15111 Laundry Attendant full time SJ per hr Ctl.\1 area fcmall' pr1·f :r; 11 E U1u!>t lllA ~ liiJ !lfi5'1 r1oqw nn~ 1•llpt•n1•m·1• tn Uw ari:a of ma 1nl1•n11nt'c with 3 con!>truct11111 c'11. dc:.1r~d hut nut man· datury (Jualt£11·d In· d1v1dual :..hould h:tvc a '\trnnR 1n111at 1v" & he \('I'\ l'f\lb l't('nllllUS WP San Clement• Getwraf Hospital li.".I l';11111110 d1• lo:. ~I ar1·-. :-.J11 L'll'm1·ntP. I·\ :•:!Iii:.! l'Allldl ( llJJIOI l'.111111,\ r 11 11 11 ·1 ll11u •"·I< 1·1•1• 1111• l'nrll•r 11111 111111 ' IMI ,\~I t11:l Ul l'\f .\l11t h1·nl'fll , \'.Ill flil .1111Jt 11 l:i .illtlll , .,, r1~" fi;w:;:;;;;-----1 legal Advertising •1fr1•r ;111 011t:.ta nd1ni.: 1 11 mp1·n~.it111n . t\t"n•·frt 11.1 d,..il!•· hor 1mmcd. 1~m.,1•lt·r:11 11in l'l"a"'' •' P· pl1 111 11"'""111 or 1·,tll Hotel San Maarten Prl-:-cllll) ltw \'1llai.:1· Inn In l..U~Ulla llt.':lt'h 1:.. M'l'k I n I! t ".. r 0 I I,," I n g c1uallrH.'<l 1·mµlo~ l'l'i- SERVICE PERSONNEL IA II h 1•\ J l(•n \'Ill'\' HOUSEKEEPING t-'.xpcr prt:lnrcd FRONT DESK Exr>t•r prl'fl'rn·rl l'll'llSl' uppl~ rn Pl'r!>on htwn Ii ;11.),\M ,v.,. 51'M. fl!Hi So Coa!>l lllA y. l.a~11na lk·;wh <>r l'all .l!M !14:111 1 Need Extra I I Cash? 1 I We.tlads & Nights f O..OfO... I : Fa•_... c:..to-n I I HNdlY•. .. I 1Ma1I Room Helpers.I 1 ins erter; & Pres.s Rooml O per a I o r -; n e c de di I 1mmedJatt·ly 111 Laguna1 l '.'1 1guel !Men & Women. I 17 or nver 1 Thi'> 1s al I pnfrr t opportumty forl I S l-7:-.l lOR C ITIZl-'.!ltS.I 11." . .,~·s ~:~1y .. :s ;indt Isl I Of.;\:TS to 1·;.irn 1•xtr.1 mon1·) Call nr :ippl~ :st 27957 Cabot load L.,....Migllel IELL~ ' . 833-0542 or lnlM, Ill· 1441 Equal opportun11y Employer M F Clerk· Typist l'°"111on n,,.,. .1\ .11!,.t.t1 f11r a-.:,1:.la11t l11 l.1•i.:.tl \of n·rtL ... lfl~ Dirt'( t11r 111 I h1· Dail} Ptlul G e n,. r .ti o II 11 1• 1• " pcnenc·L· ..nd !tght l~ ping s kills rcqu1n•d 1:1:, 40wpm1 Typ111c 1 .. ,t "111 bt· admtn1l>krt·d tu ;ill applil·anL'> Aulomob1 le nt•1·1•-. .. a n ror O''<'a:-1onal lc•<· . .I dn \ 1111?. EHellcnl l'l•mp.tn\ bt•nl·f1t.. Sal.1r~ ""rn rnt•n ... ur.1t" v. tl h • ' pcn1·nL't· For .1pp111nlml'n1 ror 111 h'f\11'"· plt'.t 'l' 1.tll 1)42.~~I . l'XI '.!7i ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT JJn W Bil)-Strt·1•t Costa Mt·~·• Ef\u:1I Op1>11rtun 11y 'Employt'r ( 11•11;1 \11 •/•I I'( 1:-;1>1-:1to:-,,, 1111~11·,s :..'K' 1111!-llt•·::.-., 1·11t 1·1' I ~r :-.t11l 1 :!:!I. In 1111• :1~715 Iii l l!li!> lliW ,\Hirrn:i t I \l' .w\11111 · t·m1.1lo) t•r M '..!::..___ MAINTENANCE . PERSON lmm1•lt.1I• 11111·nm1! IA 1th ,, pr11111 ('""" ,. anil 1·on \ ,. flll'llll\ hi< dlt1l \lr,tnl!I' (.'111.1111 v mu11ul .11•111r1·r ilJ.H'lltfll! lnr a M a1 11 11•11:tnt'" P1·r~11n r1·qu1r .. ~ ,ti 11-."t 1 ,,.,,r ... I'' pcnl.'nn• 111 '1t'111•ral i.hvp or plulll rru.i tfltt'llJlll't' ()u,111111-.I a ppltl':rnls l'an 1•x l'l'l'l 1•umprl'ht'11~ 1 \'l' 1•11mp<1n\ bt·n..C11!> 1111:lul'I · mg rrtiJJur m1-d11·al 11nc1 d1•nlal l"nr 1mm1•d1:1 ll' n111. ... 1d1·r:1l1or1 \'all ur ap pl} '-----------1 l.1•,.:;tl ~l'l"rt•l:trll'!> l11r j:!TOIA'llll! '.'lt•Wp11rl l1r m One 1·~p1•r11•n1·1·d 1.·1' ti ht ,lllll't'Orp (;noc1 .,ktlb , ,;horthand [lt·;1ut1ful 01 Ctr1.-s. on•an v11·". •·1111 ~crual i.:ruup, M1·cl 111" OpC'n sal:.im·,, l':.i II .I .111 1>11). 70.1.'1 ~10111l.1y . W1•ol1w :.tf:i.v. Frida' Hll~I AM 1.IMIPM Ill Hotel San Maarten ·---------, IJ ndu~tnal 11 Summer 'I 1 Vacation I u1"S<la~ a111I Thur;da~ 1::: •• , l'wn I iNI I' ~1 !;eUing anythmg With :J Deily Pilot Classified /\d is a simple matter just caJI 642·5678. j.!araite or yard sit le! It ·s a beu er way to tell m ore proplt" ------ I We II do lhe re•I. For I lntormelion about legel i •dwer1iaing pleHe call ' 6'2·432t bt. 332. l'osit1011~ :n a il 111 C.rounds KecptnJ!. ( 'uslo 1l1ans & Jan1111r..; at lrvme Company llp;1r1 mcnt (·omplt''< !Ip 111irtunity ror full :tllll p.ut Lim~ pO:>lllllll IA ti h xlnt l)('ncf1ts afl..,. I mo fur full time Some I'll JJCr helpful 1\pply al Pn"'<'nllv the \'111:1,::t• Inn 10 l..aJ(UO,I &•:1t•h I!> M'l'k I Jobs : With Kelly! LEGAL SECY Tustin a re<1. 1-· 11m1' 11t •" w 1soh· prart 11111n1·r .:. Yrs l'Kp1•r nl't' CJll 1131-7891 (714) 540-6080 TRANS MASK CORP. Employment The Orange County Job Fair is coming! Sp0nsored by the Ecomom1c Development Corp0rat1on of Orange County 1n cooperation with the O range County Press Club MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JUNE 4 .. AND S• 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. ...... DISNIYLAND HOTIL COMVIHTIOM CIEHTEI 1110 CBllTOS AVL AMAHllM, CA. FREE ADMISSION UNSKILLED: Assemblers. Shipping & Receiving, Food Prtfparation, etc. ·SKILLED: Machinists. Maintenance Mechanics. Bank Tellers. etc. CLERICAL: Secretaries. Data Entry, Typists. Clerks. etc. • TECHNICAL: Electronic Technicians. Drafting, Computer ()petaton. Programmers. etc. PROFESSIONAL: Engineers. Accountants. Scientists .• Sales. Administrators. etc. I• Edwards laboratories TimesaVE!fs Temporary Personnel Printronix Rockwell lnternattonal I TT Jab9oo PrOducts Norris Industries S mith Tool Abigail Abbott The Southland Corporation 7·Eleven FOOd Stores American Savings 77 Fair Drive 17141 754.5350 1-:qual Oppor .. :mpln~ 1·r (it•nt•ral "f11r·1• part 111111• I. .11: 1111 :t a r 1• .1 .I o I I v H111"·r il!~1 M~7 Ask for t-:la11w <tt•m•ral Ofl ll'l' Sak" :..1·rv11·c.· 1•1t•rk lo handlt· £1hnµ. 11h11m'" & Ille ty1.1111µ 111 hu!-.y I rv11w ofCte1· lmmNI op1·nmv 1·all for a ppl M 1•ltss:1 !lr.7 ''"'Iii Gener al S.•nl'lary Exl'1t mi: oprx1rtun1ty tn work Wllh n dynam1t rinmwial l'Onsullant & talented rk· s1uner al Lht• "um1• time. Mak~ i.:n•at pay. hcnt·f1ts & Newport Cl'nll'r Pen thousc· t>rf1 l'<· l'nviron ml'Ol. Send rC's Umt• & rurrenl photo to /\II e437, Dady J>alot. 330 Wc.•sl Ray St. Cost a Mt'sa . C:u 94ffi.26 "'o r rndl•pt h 1 n lcrv1ew & rompletl' <k tails General oft. vart<'<J duties Mature w11~d llk1lls & ex- petlenee. Kat. 642-:l."145 General Office We offer x lnt compa n y pa id beneflL'! ulong with our c hallenglni r,osillon s now available n our Nn offic:e; FILE CLERK CLERK TYPISTS ACCTOTRNES 1be above poelllona re · quire prior omce ex· perience. typing ablUly .nd/or 10·key adding machine by touch Is de· alrable. We will train. QUalilled lndlvlduals ror the riahl poe. Entry level pos but sal com · mens urate w ith ex· perience. For ap~ call &l().4580,ex\2'4. E.O.E. THE IRVINE CO. 11171 Qi melhack Newport lleal·h &1'1 :IOIU GU/\llDS SECURITY IT PAYS TO SEE US Come in and set• lhL· c•x ciUne things that <ire h;ippcn1ng at Well s F argo W<.• fl(•c d l'K perienecd See uri Ly Guards in lm./Hewport l.ach Santa Alta/ AMheim Flillrton/ltllM l'ark Costa Mesa & .... Whittler...a IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for supe rvisory level seeuntv offieers up to: $4:25 P..-Hour with one of the nation's largest guard ser v11·es Apply in person to Mon.-Fri., 8am -5pm l532 W Commonwealth Fullerton, CA Mon.·Fri.18:30·4:30 230WWamer . Rm 217 Santa Ana, CA WILLSFAICIO CIUAID 5aVICIS Division~ Baker Protedion Services Equal Opportunity tmployer K /F r 1 n ~ I h 1• f o I I u IA 1 n g 11uahf11;'(f l·mploy1•l':. SERVICE PERSONNEL 1Atth l'Xpencnc1• HOUSEKEEPING 1-:xper prefNrl'd FRONT DESK Exp~.·r 1irdt'rrl'c1 Plcu~t· apply m l>t•rs<m 1:-.wn I! :WJ/\M & 5PM. 6!11) So, Coast Hwy. La~un;i Hea<'h Or eall 494-M:.Jfi II OT EI. Part · l 1 m ,. auditor Salary hasl'fi on expenene<' Musl know NCH·4200. llunt ini:I on Beach Inn. 21112 Pac1f1t· t:oastHw~y_.l_l _B_. __ _ Hou.'leeleaners Need re liable & enthus1ast1c sx>o pie to wor k for new rlearung ser vice m N H. 675-1909 ------ llOUSECLE/\NING·Own transp, fUll·timt' or rarl· tame Top dol a r 673-0968. 64641171 __ _ $1.77 per DAY That's ALL you pay tor a 30day ad In lhe DAILY PILOT SEIVICE llRECTORY DO IT NOW• 642-5611 I IW" havt-long & short It 1• rm ass 1 £nm e n ts lav:11l ablr for m e n & wom('n Llvl' 1n l'Ompanion '"' I elderly lud). must h.,, 1· ----- 3952 Campus Ori•• .... wporl leach, CA fA1u111blu1, ll•i.1 knldJ? of rare. mst h.1\1' ldi , L k • k L'Aual nppty cmployt·r tMo MJ. OC•~.1 car. It hscwr • <Y 1·oc\;,:i ..,... m r h IMahllan•u, de. I ror2peoplc 1;73.7100 I•---------~ PeM <'rderl i mmt>.diate ly. I ••••---•----------------, n (' )( p e r I e n (' e MANAOEMENT ~IP<'t'ssary :cull M com e in today l'n 1d vaca ti o n s . I Bonuses. Never a fet>! IELL~·=·rl· r-;c ~V1C'E'"r--, Irv mt' 833·1441 2102 Rusine!ls Ctr. Dr. Suite 208 fluntinf(ton Beach R47·3498 8907 Wa rner Ave #21S Laguna Nigue l 831-0S42 27957 Cabot Road I I I I I I Equal opportunity I Employer M/ F I .._ _________ .. IMSIDI SALES lmmed. openings ror responsible. mature selr starte r who com · mun.kales easily with others. s.les experience a &>11.111 but l)Ol required. Will train. Must have lite typing altills. 557 .. 25 limmc.Cllirtt No experience nel'eMaty.11575 per mo. BANK OF AMERICA 3M4 Via Udo,N.8. 7SIM508 ClllSSified Ada, your OM· stop shopplni center. Your Mana9ement Expertise And Our Growth ... A GREAT TEAM! We are Cart Karcher Enterprises. a reader in the fast-food industry with our Carl s Jr . Sunshme Broiler and TACO de CARLOS restaoranrs Because of lhe rapid growth of our TACO de CARLOS Me1t1can fast·fOOd restaurants 1n Southern Ca1tforn1a. we are searching for Quahfted Manager candidates You can Quahly 11 you have some college background and preferable some restaurant expeneoce. TACO de CARLOS is offenng· •S tarting salary ol s 1,000 per month wtule training • s I .300 1n 6-9 months. as Manager •Salary adjustmenrs based on experience and pe rformance. •Med ical, dental and hie tnsurance •Pro fit sharing •9 paid holtdays e 2 weeks vacation after I year - 3 weeks after 5 years We 'll train YoU In resraurant management through an Intensive c1assroom/1n-store training program. Take the first steo to a more challenging career -send vour resume to lhe attention ol Ellzabettl at: TACO de CARLOS •no...,....._.-.. • .. a ... CAHMI ,...,~(~MJF . .... !!~'I.?~·-··?~ .. ~,.~~ ..... ?.' •• ~w..w. 1100 ""'w-"' 1100 ...., • ....., 7IOO .W,W..t.4 1100 Sundlly.~21 tm . ?WLv--••-9 e e ee e e e. eeee• •••••• eete. e •• e ••• eee•eee e e ae ••••••••••••••• •• ••• t e t ••• tee ee e. et. •eeeeeee•e I r'"1LW' I ..... ------M.-~-----11-.-~~=======~~-~L~~·nM•~ ~~.~~l~IV~.-~~--~.~r~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~ .__.,. SI IPP•TIB11S lluat be declltaltd. to LA tlmet. lrvlnu are11 uper phones. type JM'k. Irvine Clubhe>uae. llCllTAIY AweU-.WlaW.1_rowb\aC'Oll'lp&ayinlrvlM ,_.,.._can.a.Ii*' USO+. per mo Call 50+wpm, invoices. 754-7500&ft.2. £xpeDdln1 Npt. Bch. u kleldlll for permaMftl •mPloY"9 lO beeotne jmll.ba •hall tlme PM *-CDurSLeve.~ ~UOoa. orden. front RMWuranl pharmaceutic.I com· part crt °"" family ' aaaial In our 1r0wtll. tr 111111\. "'--beallh au. Office appearance. t<>p Pt.:RRY'S PIZZA puy needs aecretary' rlte'r.J':, •..e•••l 6 ~ -.. IMllva&H _. • lkYI Apply 14~ PBX An 1 w •· r I n ll · .a1ar)' plus t>.ncifiu for u..... Type eo to 80 wpm. • -..J _, 9'J 1or, N 8 wtduw .. d. divorced lrY'n "" t 'Jlfn, .. t&. ·--hlrinl for part·llme -.....:...... .. _ __.or 1....-wril· you you.,...,...,. won•n• !'Om. JO to 2 an...m ··-I "" .,. ==1moa V•-d ~ ....... ll•l llllft> or 10 ao to • ao.m l3rd •luft 1 -:nct ...,....., ,_, No joh 11l1ll• w111 _..,or appt. rro:;s. 1;.".,*:r 1 ~YP~ Ing. Ma1 card exper. lmmed-ope.nln1 al blnt1 C•ll Mon 9·5, Hl!:CEPTIONIST • for menwl income. Must N e w p 0 r t r.;; .. ....,•dslllaUI. tr&ln.S·llpn1~p1art·lJmu ~ helpful. Call for appt. ~ HiU• tbpjt11I. at*> (ll'CllHSlonal otfteet C..11 18 • over. Apply-in l'harmaceulicals. 897 l'La~ lnaPfftor ~Beach 12 Mld •--------Mar&u,&\1.fWl8. penonanytlme 1fJlh. St Npt Bch 1141 /floor lna~or mlht to l .JOam •hilt ". ora. 2108~ w Oceanfront. &G-7511.Ext. 1'1 . i lhda.IM ralor11. Lathe 1 MillJ Pfrm poalllon i.:ontart 0Jl(lr'11 fur 1 t•ln>honl· lea,tt••t Npt Bch, 673·1366. IM~hulta AAatnlbly A• B Vltllllf Sullivan. Atdu lllll>~nat :wrv1'''' Mu11t Full time. permanent SECRETARY I RECEP· JNUll'T Coo r d 1 n a t or . l~ ubl .. to work ~onh' vu1.11l1<>n 'fyp1n~ re Sl&letl TIONISTNewportBeach Mirhuic Scot Up. l.alhi• ~ Miii" 714 160 ~707 t: (I t: w"c•k1•111h Typ1n.: :l~ ll u 1 r"' d Gou ti co . Mature person. p/llme Ins Co. looktnf( ror ,, l.llyool ln•SM'flClr M/lo' wpm r l•{i u1 rt•tl to: x bl!neflts. Call 644-4242. hourly, eves & Sat. The mature person w /typlnl( J Marhl .... n......raton1. l.lllh•• •. Miil~ 1>4•rl1•nn • 11rcr1•rrctl or a......-_, 1,. torr°'• Reim, !>49·1766. skills-SH he lpful. will s ,:"' ......... -0 • p Wiii lralll Muny t'Cllll ·~.._.,.i.,. .. sl utmeral Of train. can Pat 752.2975 I . aw. ,ouh•r "'·rullH io °"9CI SIRYICIS l>MI~ IM•nt'fllll l''ull tinw fire Telephones. gooti SM1es /V11ruum1 Prtiu11t1• Form Oper111on twi ll ~1l!Uc pc"rillNI to tin or P1Cr1 tinic. Juy & .irtcr 1yp111g essonttal Pal'iric A'"8il110.... SICllTAIY tr1un1 11"rox ropy1nl(. flllni:. rwon vvi·nin~ .. hifh S kippe r M a g a unt: " Newport Beach Law IG~neral rroctudlon Workc,... ll""C"f'•I iH•rvlC't'll (;om av1111i1hlc Plt«uw <·ull OO.l61l MOt.V HUNGRY fi rm seekin g ex pe r ..... ell .a-.. 979-4JIJ pMn.Y wtll triun Nt•wport M11t1 lbru 1-'n ~13 <t:::IU 0.......,.,;00.~t. la· w ofri·re, &ft._...$ Secretary w/xlnt 1ypin~ L~ )fo' Pharm»e1•ut1rl1l11 Kin l"ll L' ·~".-w "' ,.......,., ......... call"''"'c:AJ\I\ r . t • M lo' 16lh St Npt llc h . r. IJlc typmg, proofreadmte. Have 2 o penin gs for ~-.,..,.,,_.,. !!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1 7141M2 7:HI Ext 11 NX OPB. 2.!,r.e.2.[t a r"' a . N 8 . highly motivated. selr SICRITAIY - -O•"'r· f r l I 11 ..,..., """' starter Al(~ressive sales The Ak1'ns Company .... $ ....... f\IU lime deya, Mon fo'ri Xlnt benefits E n I!: ---------~ .. ~ " o " "" o n•· agents m htgh volume of· ··--'--.,_ Offir•· I 11n11wt:nn.i :-.crv1ct: Mu~t Rel't1x1onist wanted ror ficc In million dollar ....,__., a ~retary lo as· NUH.S~ •~ uhll· lo wurk :.om.: Ur':. ofhl'e Exct>llenl 1 1 th Sl.St Purchumg Mgr. ror ... 0 c-L For I k .• ·r .... I ocat 00 W/ e number ~row1·ng res 1'd e nt1· ''I *.N 'S " uan 11occ .inus n11 nl! .,., s a ary Experience one compa ny Call Al 1 Pu h ." , * I Sun.11•r ~-?'I wpm reQ u1rcti 1-:'< ht>l pful but nol Sldlalo for confidential vpmnl co. re asang Bayview l'on v 20~~ Thurul.C.M.&&2 ~ -----..-Main&eoance groundi.m1·n f\&lJ time. Xlnt bend1t:. ~- rww 11t.·r1cnc11 prcfl'rred or neeessary Shorthand de· IDlerVaew. 963.5671 exp pref'd. Must be xlnt •LYN S• f'1-11l Kelly for u varll'IYI will tram Ma ny l'Om sired. Must be able to typist " detailed onenl· AIDES I ei f t " m p v r J r y I PllllY bencrili. fo'U II 11111c type 60wpm, must like ed. Sal commen w /exp. * * ; 3 .,,. q ( n m c 111 o; &t .i I or a>llrt time. ti11y & after people. Fringe benerit:;. Xlnt co bent. Call Sherry ....... ..-(I•· x 1 b I e w u r k 1n 11 noon c Vl'll 1 n l( i. h 1 fh G<Jod career opPortunily ror appt 17141832·2881. _.. OPIMIMGS !>t'hl'dule. ~Clrk & s1t11 I availallle l'lcJ Sc r,ill Apply al 8586 Warne r SECRETARY F /T . ALLSHIFFTS hllVl' l1mi.' 111 play Yuu l ~~ lhru Fri. S43·42JO /\ve FtnVly Sdft~Cleri& c heerful. exp'd in · MainleDance Man Ex per. in air ronch11on1n1t. plumbing &t gcner11I buildinti m1untenunt·c. H.B. area. 846-06tia. con tact Mr. JOMS. Our wage /b t>n e fll s 11•an be a vucat1un f1lt-1n l · 1o; -------RECb:PTION lST . ans lnterestml( PoS in our d1Y1duaJ w/slrong typrni.: =:11ge 1hon:1 lhe tught':.l 11h1" 'ummt·r or JU~t l PERSONNEL ~. It t~'PUl". Call Salt:s Dept for Sales & s horthand ta le n t:; ea P c Nill. com· I h l'I p o ut "'11 h work I i70-8487 ~ " Order Clerk Uu11es inc wanted Apply in person. pan:.\5(.~! 1 nVl'rload All offll't'I RECEPTIONIST ------t e l l' l'On lac·t !. w / w /re s ume to Mr . ..:~'!O/HEINLLS 1 s k11ls n~>dt'tl I We have a position m our Reccpt1omsl lnsuram·c customers. typm~ & i:1enl FUentes at Robert Bein. _."' I N B ofc n1•xl Iv or A/,!Cnt'Y Newpor1 Beach clem·al functions Ple us William Frost & Assoc MANAGEMENTCNTR Business man requin•s associate. spare tame ror distr. consultinit bus1· ness. Opportunity to have your own busmt'i-S without investmc·nt. 646-7111111. OFFICE I *C'-"s a1rportroraJ>l•rso11w1th HesponsiblC!foranswer work1ni: rnnd . x lnt 1401Quai1St N.B. ForYourConvenlence ! I •T.-.lsts I i,:oodofl'sk1lls &11 Cnt·nll· 1ng phone:. & v lhcr employee bcncf1b & 25255 Cabot Road I JP"' I ly j)t•rsonubty If you l'll rlcncal dutll .. 'S Typing ecrm pos Call or upply. Secretary <Eldorado Bank 81d1P I •Secretaries I JOY m1•ct111i: people .~ requirt'(J. Poss1bihty for Small Loi Stamping , Sales & marketing dept. (7141951·0355 I •Word.__ I w1:1nl 1eood Co benefits advam·emt'nt. Contatl 1742:.! Ar mstronit Av1.'. has o ut s tandin~ op· ..-~ I plew;1• tall. 979-0164, To Connie 1133·9SSO. Irv. 1714 1 540-9340 portunity for self starter I *Acct Clerks 0 Temporary St•rv1ct·~. -------with a dynamic Oata I, 4320 Cumpus Or, N ll RECEPTfTypist Sale:-Prol·e ss 1ng f'11•m I r o p p a y . p a i d I Suite 150. Temporary service or l1itubhshcd & expanding sJ>('c1almnJ: 1n d e ntal * ... & T I 0 1vucat1o ns . r t'f<•rrul -guuiation. Call Jennifer chcmil·al co. ne1.'tb ex services. LooJon1it for so· , ""' • 1bonust'S Never a fec PllON!o:SOLICITING for 546-1125 pertcnccd indus tria l meone who has AOOd llii..IAL * I I apfll'i. no !>clhnl! ur (1r<l1·r salt-s pc.•rsonnl'I We offer v e r b a I s k 1 I I s dt 1""111 IEL[~ luk1ni:. H1 i.:h 1·11m ReceptionisttoS1800 a d va n c·t· on t•o m ~ccretanal expenencl· ------1-MAMICU.IST Leading company needs experienced manicuris t ror sculptured n ails . Ol!ta Mesa area. Good ~·y. Call Collcl1, 213/ NURSING I I missions. my phones Nrwport Reach art' a m 1ss1 u n s . mu J o r Send re:;umc or phone I C.all 1!!}1.3809 nus IS your C'hancc lo iid ITl(.odJl·al. J,ta~ bonu!' pro ror appt intervi('W SERVICES I ~L RV c. ---, lh )!ram. manaucmcnl Oil -• L _, -... .r.TICS 'tmee w1 suptor c:om ,., Temp employ al(cncy.. I C II r1JYO pany. llcec1ve b<•ncftts portwuty If you :m· •1 MANICURIST ror busy a step above a registry I Come~n !?'ooay WORKERS I 1 k t-s 1 c k clay:-. , !.t•lf 1otarh'1 <1nfl have pro .. n... 40 H W -L Chnstmas we-ck off+ .. ·• \'t'n all1ht1 l'1> plea:-.c •·all 423-6411 UENTAL PRACTICF-: SYSTEMS 22tl3 i''a1r v1ew Rd <Asta Mesa. (;a 9'lfll!t; 714 /S46-6{)j() cxL :135 salon. Must be cxper &t I Irvine ,. -1 r e~ 213 641 <tlAI fashionable . f /tim e .1~NO~FE~E~~~E~O~E~m~/(~I RJ3.1441 Apply m person week varat1on Super Richard Ouellette Sidon. 1 : 2102 Bu.<>iness Ctr. Or EDLER rut't' J:rowmf: hus111c~s SALl':S Xlnl opport lo """~ s · Typo· ;.() ill'r urately & """''""-...,..Ctr Dr. NB. • wle 20ll IMDUSTRIES, Inc. Ous 1s }our~' 100·, frcl' Masseuse Tet>hnician. Nurses Huntington Bearh I 2_1_01_0o_ve Strec!_:_N_n_ to a PP I 1 t• u n I (.' J 11 1· a r n K t r a 1 n c 11 rn t· SECRET ARY /Ex•c. r I t I m I' . u fl I I) Part llm~. 9 to I. type 70 . I !i ll O 'mo + u th" r wpm. SIH. $5 per hr licnd 1ts !o'or ru11 fll·ta1b lrv1nt• !t57 l3J'i 631·9330 847-3498 I POOL CLt:ANEH :ti 7 tH 22 LYN'S 8907 Warner Ave 1215 I Expc.·nen<·cd ~II l'all Sht'l'IHT\all Sale:. Int -----5ecntary /RK~pt 4!)141!13.3 S pm MATERIAL HANDLING Parts Stock person Expen encc desired not required . Will train FULL & PA RT Must pass company TIME physical including back x-ray. Irvine. 540-7639. MIGHTS 11-7 E.O.E. MATUUcouru . WEEKEND for emergency house for RELIEF Waler Company. F'r<'e Gadie ld Care is a rent & utilities & salary. modern. I on g I l' rm Call 8-S pm. weekdays. health care racility with 545-l060aiS4S·4050 the reputation for com · -----pet.anee in the field of Medical front offi<'e girl ronvak-seent nursing. In expt.'fienl't.'d. Consultant wor1ung with us you will M.D. Ne wport Hcach arh1evc the professional _64G-02:le __________ :;allsfart1on you seek. in ._.ICAL OFFICE addition. you will enjoy a Person for front & back pleasant, rriendly en office. San Clemente vu·onrm'flt. Our staruni: Call :;aJary and benefit:; are • eves. 2131874-6472. excellent. so please call Mtclcal Assist.It Fr ont 0H 1r e Recep· llonist. some ty ping ~9641. Eves & wknds 55Hi479. MmlCAL lUHSCl•ER P /Ume. cardiology prac· ticc.~3040 Models w • ....t ... wfac•s: or apply m person to: GARFtaD CAIE Convalescent Hospital mt Gal'fleld Hunlu1gton Beach. CA 17141147°9671 F.qual oppty employer m irth NW'lit.'S Aides 7-3. 3· 11 . Ex. per. or Trainee. Ap· proved Cert. training prog. Mesa Verde Conv Hosp.' titil Center St. Costa Mesa. Models·Male ai Female. If your r ace h a s ch aracter. is h i~h rashion or looks like the girl next door. Call ror a n a ppointme n t for a --------- personal interview. You could be modeling as early as next week ! So don't hesitate. call now. ask ror Hazel. 714/631·5600 New York West Modeling Agency 87SW.16thSt. NB -Mothers helper. live in, must drive. One schl age chl)d. 67S-4233. NURSES •RN'S• •LYN'S* •AIDES• MA.HY OPEMIHGS ALLSHIFFTS Our wage/be ne fit s package is the highest - nwke a phone call, com· --------·I pare&see! NOW OPEN MOVIE EXTRAS sought by Hollywood movie firm. l20·S200 per day posa. Looking for outgoing 18-70 yr olds wanting to break into movies. (714) 535-0120, ext 94. VIDEO CASTING SERVICE. <now In 4th year). LAGUMAHIUS OFFICE For Your Convenience! 25255Cabot Road (Eldorado Bank Bldg) (1141951-0355 •NATIONAL• NURSING SERVJCF.S Temp employ agency .. a step above a registry NURSERY MAN, Mff, waterin1 " maint of NOFEE EOEm/f plula, loadinl" waitlng1~~~~~~~~ on cuatomen. po111 ort- drtvinl truck, over 21. -------- sa.50 Is up. 6 days per wk tllRSING Inc Set/9un + overtime. ~-... .... AIDS mlSTANTS 27:8'o:ci'~t!tr:! •oaeryouatewardm1 ..w, lor cenaned aids. Uld..U.fytnooeition as a.... avail ror non· a nunlng Usiatant in our c.wtlfted aids. Apply at modern convalescent ,,apllip Convalescent racWl)'. Experienced in· Ollnler • J1 h' Rd dMdu.all are preferred, • ap ip • butwewWtraintlleri•ht _N_.B_._ea_·_IOM_. ____ , pel'IOft. lnadcUUontothe ~ rinest ln benefits and Hlaey Garfield Care provide• a pleaunt. rrieD41J workln1 en· vlroament. To learn mGl9 abM tlda poelUoa and wbat. It will mean to )"Clll, ...... Wl••PPb et: Laguna Nigurl I ---- 968 -· -·~----• ~ 831·0542 11 1 ~ition avail w /sm ag f'fnOMef Ser•lu 4500 Campus .~ H Open Monday 1-:vt•nmi.: Sales. flow wouhl you hkc to make s100.ssoo wk. I' • I 1 m l' o r F t 1 m l' H o u se h o ld 11l•m s . 848-1~ I 1(1rl offiel'. firm needs exp . s harp. matur•· pel'SOO with good offin· slulls Full lime 546·~4 27957 Cabot Road gressivc rirm for person I with pr1ntilayoul t.'Xp. .------ Equal opportunHy I Send resume lo . l.<tf:Una Employer M/F I Management, 920 (~lcn L'nl11 7 pm ----St..'i:rctary Bxecut1 ve Secrl.'tary for pres1deol of Major Real J!:o;tate developer Excelle nt be n e fit s Shorthand R eq . Ex ccllcnt opPortumly for seU motiv ated in- dividual. 9Si-8191 J llt'yrc Suite X, Laguna Rehc•f RN, dys. Newport ----------Reach.9265!:___ __ Convalescc nt l.:enter . Salesman :.h ipping & pac·ku~mi.: supplws F.x perienct> or t ra 1n <·e Pnmary function work trade shows 1hruout t ountry Travel a pprox 2s•;; s hort '"fs. Air travel prov1dec Daily pcrd1em out of town Draw & tommis:-1o n Senti bril'f rcs umt• tu !.. C I' 0 Box riOHCi Orange C.:<1 92667 Will lw ronlat1c.-d 1mmcti omcE CLERK TRAINEE 'The Daily Pilot has an i~iatt: opening ror trainee for full t1m1J. permanent pos it ion in our Class lried Depart· mcnl. Must he able to type 35-40wpm c lyplfl~ t~t WlJI be administcr<.'<J to all applicants 1. handle ~. learn computer a nd o t her ~e nc ral clerical duties Op portumty for advanct:· ment and exrellent com· pany benefits Sala ry commensurate with ex· penence. F« interview, please call: 642·4321, ext zn ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT D>W. BayStr<.-el C~ta Mesu F.qual Opportunity Employer ---Or*r' Dnk Girl Good handwntinit. lite office work. Call 8am Spm: Pickwick Paper. 549.1157_ Pantry Man & Cook. St:c Jack before llam. lrvme Coast Count.ry Club, 1600 E. Coast Hwy. 644·9550. Part·time Receptlon1s t-lO to 3. Sharp t yp111 g sk ills. phone personality, front clflcc. 644·2507 Robin. Part Time Week-End Work Need reliable person lo work Saturdays & Sun· days in the Classified Department or the Daily Pilot. Hours are nexlblc but a pproximate ly 8 hours each day. Must be able I.<> use 10 key adder but no other experience necessary, will train. Possibilitr or working an additiona 4 hours durinl( week to be eligible for full company benefits . For appouilment for In· tervtew. pleeae call our Personnel Department, 6C2...mt, ext. 277. DAILY PILOT 330W. Bay St. ColtaMeu F.qual Opportunity Employer Pnnt Shop-trainee must _155.'>Supcnor Ave NB lype 40 WPM. 333 3rd St. Relief driver for home de· Lagwia Beach hvery. LA T1mt•s. N fl. Ii dys wk, 3•30 AM Ii /\M Must huvc ccono l'ar Sl 25 wk . 673 ·2!'>15. "°t Giii Coordinator 8.500 Annually ~ ... Instructor $18.500 Annually Apply al The Employ menl&TrainmJl Adimin cl Huntin~on Beuch 5311 Main St H.B. unlll Jpm. May 28th Quality Control Inspector TRAINEE We seek an individual for rirsl and seMnd shift work in our <'uahty <.:on lrOI Dcpartmt•nt. No ex pcrience necessary we will tram. Excelle nt compan y oc'flCflL5 including maJor mcd1C'al and dental. Cull or apply m person on Monday, Wedne:>day, Friday lOAM·l :OOPM or Tuc:-.day and Thursday 12:00Noon · 4:00PM or call 17141 540..6080 TRANS MASK CORP. 3952 Cau4n1 Drive Mtwport leach, CA F.qual Opportunity Employer M /F Ill ~1>1 13 ---- R 1-: S /\ I, E S M A N WAIVI'E O 1-:/\RN lJ PTO 15•1, <;OM MISSION Nl-;T l·Eam S51JK lo SlOOK b> Chns tmas. :.!·Find out why m:w he cum big $SS hcre. Come t.ilk w1lh them. 3-0ur product I in expensive land / budgl'l term<; 4·Pre set appts J!alore 5 F'ind out why "wc'vl' got the best thml! going ... Ask for Mr Howard. 9&,o;.34()2. --- R.E Salespenotts Creative offi r<' needs I or 2 salesr ersqns for rr sidentia & commercial sale . Conven1<'nt N. ll loca t io n Gener ou:. comm spht. Pl.A.YA R.E. &lnveshnenh 631-4990 Rntaurant/Pina FUii or p/t openinRs for general r1.-staurant work near O C Airport. MuM be 18 or over . Apply in per.;oo. Sqt. Pepp«oai 's Pino Z)()() So F.ast Rristol Santa Ana Heights 549-8674 Next lo McDonald's -------Restaurant HOSTt:ss ror Npt Bch Club. 4pm to 12 Midnite, xlnt working en vuurunent. Call for appt ~5000 ext 520 SALl-;,"i 1'1-.:RSON SONY DICTATING SYSfF:MS 1-:xrellent ta r e er op portwuty for person w11h )>lrOflg personal dnve & disc1pl1ne d work1n ~ habils Minimum I ycur rtirt"(.1 ouls id1• sales ex pencnce or m;rna~cmcnt hack~round. Sales & l00mm1ssmn. 1•xcl11s1v<' ,., a I t· s I e r r 1 I o r y i n Newport & lrvmi: an·a Will train you m our bus•· ncss. Ken Showalter 714 /52 I 9tl80 Sales person. permanent. full lime. R.M . Abrami. Catalog showroom 11:11~ Newport Blvd.CM Salt~ person wanlt'Ci a i: grcs1ve. rull & part lime Will tr ain C.ood ro benefJL'o Apply in J>('rl'On 9am-llam STANOARDSHm :s J077S Hnstol.C.M. ---- SECRETARY Ma.JOr re;1dentrnl horn•· bwlder has 1mmcdialt• oeed!i for a n 111d1\•1dual 1u <Jct as secretary to our d<'vclopmenl sen · ire~ admirustralor. c work mg Wllh tht' d(•pt. or real estate> We reqwre I :.! yr s s e l're tartal l'" pencncc & clerical skills of 5..'iwpm typing & tlll taphone exposure an l'X cellent growth opPortun 1 ty &·win allow you to ex· press your talent with .i fast growing t'Ompany. We orrer an oulstandtng t•ompe nsallon t bend11 Jlll('kage .. For imm<'c11alt• c'OO.'l1dcration please sub rrut resume or apply in person: Gena Mezo PONDEROSA HOM F.S :.!(ll2 Business Clr Or. 1122:1, lrv.92ilS Aifirmativt' _ At'.'lion Employer M /F Secretary ARE YOU IORED WITHIEtMGA SECRETARY? Center Aitcnc1es. a fee pd exe<-. search & personnel rirm. is look mg for an ex· ceptional perl'on 10 jom Sales our con.<1ultin1? starf. A RE SALESPEOrLE person who has a lot 01 With license. sales & dnw. a mbition & des1rt• bus mess back around to be a proressional urn· ,., ing an mcomc m the 20K Shaker!' & movers want bracket. tr you're people Ing 6-flgure mrome. Con oriented & enjoy a bus.v. ven1e nt o rr1ccs 1n Newport Center. xlnt exciting prof~sional at· Restaurant tralDllll$ in Comm & Ind. mosphere, we'd like lo Immediate opcnini?s for R F. with superior rom-taUc to you. COOKS. WAITRl!:SSl!:S m1ssions. We orrer a high com-&H~TESSES fo'nrAopt<'all: pe ns a lion pk~ plus Apply atthc BILL.(}t;RKIE. bonus, major medical. .. CCI M pd vacations. & an ex· Ri ·mi-;<;F.HR IF. l'e lle nt lratnanl( pro· RealE!ltare • -COMPANY gram. For a confidential Salespeople. Prestige or· ~, ... SalNeeswport Rearh 640·6600 fnlervlew~all, rice. Your own desk. Top .. DIM lachtlor, M4JI' comm. Work with a 714-955-3614 brdler that will help you C8(1'IR AGENCY get liatinp. Over :.> yrs 16 FoshiOft lllOMI T r 11 v e I A g e n c y 1.-N. en· ~tol _,_. M-w-rt •---h Franchisor has excellent """ ~ ._...-.ence. rw ;:::. --Suite200 N B. opportunity fo r ex :Bh~ pe ricnced rranch1 5l' lOO'"k foepdbyemployer. ~ sales people. Full or SICltlTAIY Albert Pussell Restaurant ::~1':~~ositlons lmmed. openings in our Realty Co. ---------• regimal salesoffice for a MOW Saleswoman part time. responsible person with WDOVllm.N.l.6Jt-$2S2 Minimum 20 hrs. Ex· good general om ce ex· _...,..__CLBIC HIRING! pe r ience p r eferred perience. Strong typing PART TIME -•......, OOve Branch. S57·1B63 or & Engllsh skills a must. Electronics mnrg. is DIL TACO, 0 r1..-.. S40-21m. Will train in all other EVDl~s aeeking. clerk for our l _, asped.S ol job (unction. na • l>'!l"IOft recelvinc de.pt. 9rowl119 fast• ood Screen prinllnR produc 35 hr work week . Adult.a with outatandlng. Exper. ln receiving rune· ~ -D•CH tlM lion manaRer wanted. Outstanding compensa· attradlve personalities tionl desired, ability lo ..,. op1al11g of ow M1.111t have exp. 540-9110. lion package incl. dental. who enjoy Work.Int with type helpful. M 6 s l v I I Submit resume stating Idell. Over n . Start at Job la currenUy located 1 • • • 0 ~amstress needed for experience It salary re- •·• per hour. Phone in lrvlne, but will be ,.. ....... We •r• aaU loft. Experience pre· qui reme nts to ; 660 '42·4121 Ext. 250 . movl n t to Laguna an..ttr hlrfttt Ml rerrec1.e:tt-t8llO/M6·5806 Newport Center Dr. BETWEEN •:00·5:00 ::':ifer lood pay & _.,....._help for SICJlllPI ~~.~~:.S:.ewport Pll. a...nta .. ., md en•g F °' P. ot airport area. J• A*WA•*" ~ '°' appt.Penonnel IMfh. All r.llt .... o.ya '114/54N171 Eves. ••&"°"" ... •ell Mia T .. 'dd• ll.17hrMeir ........ ~ , .. ., ........... .............. 14.41 .......... Stoclk.Cllttr SJ.tlPertte.. . ...... .,. .............. ., SIO.IOPer.._. o ...... ,... S6.00P.,. ..... .,,,, •• •·,••z•••• a Tr•••••• Ad Ir ... ..._ of ln.a:Ha ........... HI Meia Slrftt, MaellMJt• ...... C-9 ... 17 t 41 536-2126 or Ht.alS4. Y• ..e b'*J DD-214. SICllTARY Xlnt opport ror un m· dividual interested an learning the fie lds of marketing and publl<' rC!· lat.ions. We are seeking an cnthusia11t1r. flexihlt: & intelligent applirant 10 assist our V.P of market mg. Handle a vanety or responsibilities in add1 t1on to se<"retan al duties. Mirumum tyr . expr rr . qwred. accuratt: typing or 50+ and some d11·· taphone experience or shorthand. Call l'ersonncl 714 964-35 71 CoWwel._.er HcsidenuaJ Bkrs <.:n tqual Opport. Empl. •SECRET ARIES* Se<'ylGt.'fllOfr /Rcct'pl S8)() $180IJ Range ByAppt Only Employers Pay /\II Fce11 Liz Remdcr'!' A1tcncy 4020 Birch. F.5t11b '64 Newport Beach, 833·8l90 SICUTARY $1200 Newport Beach. 8<> the nght hand to the Pres1· dent m these plu.o;h of· fices. Top notch com · pa n y with s upe r b benefits fr growth poten· t1u l Vour secreta rial skills an· rcwardc·d Wtlh l!•iOIJ llonuses. 100' • 1-'1 l'l' tu apphcanl. S5i tj I:!:! ,~Sft'•ic~ ~500 Campu~. '.\ H 011t·n \lnn d.1\ E\ l•n111i.: SICllT' AllAL 25-:.> hrs per week. SI.art immediately . FULL company paid benefits. Newport Center 644-4242 ask for Gordon. SECllT41Y SALIS Orange Co. wholesale d1stnbut.or has lmmed. ~~nR for professiOnal i.u h!!. secrutar y . Re · QU1rcs excellent typing. math. gene ra l offirc s k ills . Competitive ~alary & benefit pro· gram. Contact Kathy Parker . RLOWER PAPER CO. 714 1547 -9 151 for in terview. E.O.E .. M/F. SICIETAIY West.cm Digital, a lead· 1ni: electronics fitm located in the Orange County Airport area. has an 1mmed1ate opening for an 1nd1vidual who en· JO>'!I c h a lle nge in a s11mulating . g rowt h orientt.od envi ronment. Your duties in ou r Ena.lneerinR Dept. will indUde typing, filing & heavy phones. interface with r ustomers Must have High School with busincs.-; education classes or business col· lege courses with some related work exper & stroni typing skills. Wf' ()(fer cxt·cllcnt frin~c henef1ts including: • 1-:Xl·ellcnl :.al with b1 annual perf review. •l'i1 paid lire. med & den-• tal ms •Credit union •Nine paid holidays •Om• Wl'Ck VaC art SI). Un11I i pm mos •Employee s to c k _ ownership plan ---------1 Send resume with salary Secretary Receptionist Unique opportumty af· fording d 1 vt•rs it v and challen~e to a sharp m· dividuaJ. This position r equ1rl's good 1y p 1n g a nd shorthand skill~ m add1· lion lo ~wneral off u·~ ... ,. penence and fa m11tanty with basic secretarial functions. The ability tn geet. and direct VISltOr!> is ne<.'CSS3 ry. h •~t ory or apply in per.;on to Personne l: Wn ...... Dk)ital eor,...- 3128 Redhill Ave, CM lromer Redhill&Baker) Designing Technology ForThe Future. E.O.E. SECURITY OFflCER $100 Military police or securi· t Y bac k g rnd . No weapon.-;, rotating shirt. Large co w /xlnt benf & workm~ cond. Call Rita. ~~-Coastal Person- nd Agency 2790 Harbor. t :M. NEVER A CHARGE SEWING MA.CHIME OPIRATOIS Exp'd desired . Costa Mesa. ~:ol2. 957-0028. We offer an excellent salary and romple tc company benefits includ· ing ma1or medical and dental. Apply or r :ill Monday, Wl'Clnesday & Friday. 10 AM to t PM. SEWING OPEil. or Tuesday & Thursday. Exp'd .. steady. $3.50 br. 12 Noon to 4 PM. up. 642·3472 -'------~-~- C 7 I 4 t 540..6010 ~~~e~!a!t~y at TRANSMASK CORP. 3'52 Cot+•• Drf n Htwport IHch. Ca .. F.qual oppty employer mtf/h once. Musl have exper. in sewing and handling people. Salary open. 3701 Welt. carriage Dr .. S.A. Calif SHIPPING CLBIS needed. Packing ai s hip· ping ror garment mfg. Must be res~ible. Sf ....... 17422 Darian Ave. .,..... 540-7171 ' ~ Junior-Arc you ippmg person, women's a career minded & self ware. l(arment exp prc- mot1 vated person., We ferred but not nee. Tustin want your enthusiaam area1.. M.Of1·F'ri., 40 hrs. We are a Yount dynamh.• aall llU'UIU'a, ~- group ol aelf starters who 51 • f I• - -ere intere!lted in results. -- We pay year end incen· TIUCI DltWll live bonuses ar g ive you Exper'd crater. -'1 in the 8rowt.b opportunity penon. _... _ you deserve. Impress us -- with your competence. IMDUSTlllS. IM. Call Vicki 5'9-3185. 2101 Dove Street.N 8 t-------....;..;.::....:;;:..._ * SICllTAIY nae\ Bar In factory OfACIMGa. ~..J.>~=e::J ror e nglneerlnlf /data work available. Call proeeulnl firm . lnlt.lative, neatneas & ex· t-•-•_:..;.1_. ------ pr. manqlq a amall of. Spedal l/idi.acouatto ftoe are a.nftile aueta. a.a Ettale Sdool Strona verbal It written Call Don au.-communleatlon skill• t-__:......:.;;.~::.;;•:..:..:..:....;.;'-::..:.- are r~ulred. Salary ""'9-to .CMO. Costa 111Ulot.lal1J5 6ACll I DC&-. __ ~ __ DD_~::..-.;:;___'_ Dept. 'hlcinlc Berkeley .......... "" ... ru,w.-. Lead~.!l Beyond """' .-'7M/4M-M01 ... !.0.E. ,._ 10-. .... et Equal Opp~unlly ~ flrt10mlt./A11t.M1r. WiiOMIST 21192 M•rtHrlt• llC.•llCPT. ___ E;;...;m.....:plo:;.;..;.;:~;...;.e;;...;r ___ llecnUr1 NewPort area. wlmmlnf pool route .,.-,=:.... =---~~::::=~: ...... Beads firm Perltwey, Mlulott nontamceappearance. Samefinanclefcoordlna· man, fut Ume. Must BMeb CA A I N a. ..S o1-kMllat Vllfo. t~lnl 85w~m .. Call Secr•l•tl Uon. :J''~· Ille t.ve exp• on truck • • w• 171 .!'!J.f67'1 APflfc .. mo.11 ewport Bo .... ·-~ M I 30 • .. Need self at.arter tor..... _..__.. DI •-.,... a.d. o .... ~epl_n.1 back· · • · ~o .,, _,.... IV" ..__a • aphone. Saddleback ValleJ area .... a....S.toafferor p'Cllmd Delpf\ll. Growth nrt 714/55'7.o8'2. ... ... '°'8otvariety ,,_oftke appeuance. •--= ._.. ...... .._.eel BllUl OllPQ em,.O,. PA .. Kl"O A TT EN · ... lal f« lbaae who UIL JACO INC tYIUI • shorthand re· Top wa&H a rr.ln1e t------- f• U1e D~llY Pllot ·mtf/111 DANT. neat, respoul· w ls b t o~p I y Cl'ired. Some peraoaMI .......... Seed t'elUme • ~SIMel ' =i.IM-... ~~~~~~~~ ble, a•--alve, a ~r ........... for Secretary t Bookk,eper .wort. Jntne IDdualtial ~ ll av-"-........ •-·. Ad •-pr'd m ...... • :::: ....... -· -p lb ...._ .......... -1 Con Im f'.qual Opportunity ...ud, 11lrl olfltt, 1ml eompln. A KeedHll DIUr ~ ""'p.o -• •-· OP· .,,,.~~~-~·~·~==·=·~=~~,,,..~~~~~ .. ~~.,.~·~[un~..,...!"~=~·~·~.m..-.~·~°'='~:eJJtacf~~autma~-~~:·~~114~·~1 ~·b;~==~·~~r~er~M~IF~~u~~·~truc~a~~~~~~co~,~c.~pod~lndll=~eo~.~iii:~ a.iai.~M...ci =·~rl-:1~~ ., .. -S.7m ... 1!:.0 .E. ·J. -. -·-. ~ --- ______ .. • •r•· 1010 ..... IOIO ..... s. 1011 .. c•··-IOIO Miu • ·-IMO ......... •.. ................... ....................... ....................... ....................... •••!••················· llllll.ltllr99 ......_ ~wa...htr Uke new CJvocne It llllN top table . Gw-.eSaJe. &&owe, rum .• Oin.rldor hall IUl'PIU. of~~~~~~~,ffl~~~·i'i.,~ .. ~"~"j.~•.•:;::, •;;~;.:.~·~Tv~-~2~-IT"l M ..new ll.J>.J1 J:bn wllb -.... trunk. ~ilhtw'. Han tdlln!m~~lf· b' eqp: 1100 l"UI· . Lv1. ma1. &awamowen. tire wood. tral afr conditioners. Altrolocical yr warrant.)', free de· TYPllTI IGMIMIWDYS fOI firm 591 511..,. tape recorder, rabbit M&IR ..U. You lMtall or aa..mowa lhwy.SUl.•1'111. C'llt' Memorial l>ay we lMtal1 No reu. offer W ' 6 21'' color TV Schwinn 8tln1ray, IOOd Safa I '. .. c.llenl cond. wknd tam-Spm JM2 Nf\aNd. Call '1'11-aotO SewiDI llactaint. for sale, • • •u1. llJfttcond tlO lllreulan am• yellow o.ftuPt c 11 · 1Ja-sq. etc. A1lo Sanyo eedaZyr.war. YOU Al OUI .-W ~.:mz. aMM>Jlt · " ' . Uprl•ht Marht,eer steno. All/I'll a&eno. , ____ ea._SMO ___ _ Mo•lnr': Baby 1tom1. Rdrig. -..oil. l Amencan cauette. record player. 21 .. eolal' T v • 1 lYPESETTER IO apd boy'• bic)'cl4',,lul 1' Sol•. Med. dlA1n1 lable clothea . trike. toys. Food ati<:erSlOO. 67$-lSSi Uke new. tlardly ever · · · yr. ' " ti!~~ ... ZS" whla. 30" • 6 .... _, br ,,.... nd • .....-..o war. , .-vooo ,,..,~ ua -.... r . more. lOIM Clear River f~ll family membership. -· 1175. 557-8383 MZ·5MO U >""'..,.. 11 •ood typlt.l OM""lt.opdeeti.•widtJ, WlllCID& '° learn • HW 25 ... 42 hl•h ~I franw. lllJOd cond. m . t'Olfew '-1 . Vt'l~et lo~t! u..t. I" v. 9to3dally Ne--Beach Tennll MH1741'om ao\. I rl1 21 · blati -,...... • Mhn'••-25"ColorCOMOleTV ........... l"4'IWr Oil• lood lYPl•• nnn 541·2116 ~ t.amp11, ch 111r11 . llOfa. Club. a:w> or betit olfer. w..._. IOll Ctlh IOll 1 h ,. • .. . m •n y mra r 1tcm11 6"-2629or644·2820. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~· Montttuorl tt'•C'hin PMHkftt naetabl.. fo ~on\t'8&ofl d1plul1\a 1ead1tt-.r !"ml Sa Ck-mant.-.. chooA. t:all lo appt ~AM 12 d111l y . ..., looll1aa lo u rn utra ~sideboard Uu{fett IPOIMIY •• your •rar.-Oall DOO lbe11t .,u .. , UCM •'l' havt• Jilli lhC' 116-9'743 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Ch in• I utc • ollnll' ..... <:uroer 1!'1tlrw11y /Ot•I llimalayan Kiu~n• $UI). QinM!r 1roup, icltM. Mar. utf Newport Hlvd , BalJpoint. nuarker pens. Relrig. dbl canopy bed. 2 Yaeau Ham Radio&. One Sllltlt•ll ~.~/offer ~ t:ldun. CM. Save to SO%. Office. knR s i he d . bunlu1 . f,....., ...,.00 0 FT200 ~I« ynu Th~ 15 ~--- piu1 tinw pcJ1111inn worll· OU rump Or1111n xlnl Inti Mond11y. Tut•11day rond lb00/btl11t offrr 11lld S1t lurd11 v with Ornah• Oak lturtct Pt.•:xJRJ.F; hourw You w/bc'vtlM ghu111 ~Ml I will ht' workin11 IJf1 ("om beat otfor ti13·SOIO or home, bwi. fl'aRt mail or· dinett~&couch. 493·77M. · •' -· ne ___ &-31S.111 C:M l'\amlturc. lump!i, mlllt'. der. pricu sheet. Ken Im. 962-6l35 Kilty t1t."tid11 home l 'all Nt-w t'Wt:h .. 11111trhlnl( 11.t!nlll Nnlll Nt<tm Hl1tn a~orter 535.7247 Adult 3 wheellncyclc for t"",G ·-9 1•v.-~ 3 muli M. urmrh1ur. hrn 1•l1tlll c· It t •-·t Lrd hancbl'ap ,,.., .... , u I o. on urw1r "'' o;. Must • .., ... •II ' ftEAUTIFUL "'""'""'" Wht t1ry _!J _____ l~ulon t mo utl. '"' 111Mt'r&W1trne r '''' .....,......,., IDah&W.-. '••11 Uwt Tearbt.'nl AW Afh'mooo". n1111t ~ 1a ('hrull11tn 6 ~• p'd tWHS'M. P'llCra Jlhll' f'QW J>m\lnl for 47~::;_ _____ _ $318. 1u,h s.1110 ".:vn11. ----Chme11e Objects. Rare ~ WANT w buy S1umc11w :\Gt..,,I N.\UOll SOfo'A /CllAllCI-;. t:~nug uturr1en. See ~re· en~.u L~i·nse. ....,_.... 1011 Sculpolnl klllell. nia \' lblJI, 6(ood 1•ond hidc·ll• ru " r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... •C•/ • II f I) w I I\ II w , ••• k I N ,. w I' 0 t 1 11 ,.'"'1 ~ment'an 011l burft•t, n••w:-. p II~·· r Ir I h 1.. PIO f'A>O•l)' r1n111~1C h1k s...,1ce 9020 • •••••••••••••••••••••• \J~11-~4ir.! __ 1 ___ Sl)t•A llfo!ll Mu111 M•ll :1 111-.1. 0 11,... 411t10770 Jt>welry, many mis<' ••••••••••••••••••••••• irioolhll 1111w 1'.11rlhlo111• 714/64().4303. Act'Ord1on-Used I mo Pd 1'19tLl4 ... S S\IYnd like "h.it .\ou l.)}'tltal cabineu w "''"'" l'u.u of bt!aul 1nd11or k11 colon• t •u 111fott11hl1• •OMCllN• $1.ltSO.OO. Sell $700.00. to·n~, llt1x tr J 111 c li . $140 ll.31 :!'till •A LINTIMle Movlnf? everythm~ mus t l+t2 7014 Mechanic /Electrician 20 yrs exp. Diesels & 1.0. New install. repairs & service. 646-4005, Feer-lfM Fred. l'ut Timt" l~lluu. hlt\'e b<·cn "1•1l 1n1ot fl•r i.hl'lvei., $27~ A 1110 . Thc City o r lrvinr ' 1·Kll Suuncse hrll115 Wllfl' for ~ ~ ~' <.:CJUl'h likc n ew. bdrm Kin~ .,,,.. wnltt1h1•1I . •1All6AIMS!• ,.. .. t. ck All Day Sun. Youth StlrV\('tl!l .. rotcr111 12, Ivory h1tndl..d (1,.h IS set!tung warm. cann 17 I 4f 67l-OS50 It n i v c II • fork ' . Dota 1040 fr1un1-. no•w 111111t r1•i. ... c;11r1t6(l' Sall'. Widt· 64.'>-4828. ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOl't fo h1•11tt•r II /j V11n11y 111 lt.,ms. Luw POWEi AMPS & JN1ture 1nd1vichu1b ' hardwcod tbl lot> mui.ll' wor1l wilb lt"Clf\a.:cr~ Wt st.and 642 ~ Yuw~ t'L•mJh• l;l'r1111tn 117!) '/JfZl l11W l'rfrt'll' Shep AJ<C t:hamp h111•i. Two O.,. ~ ..re acc4!1'lmll appht•a NEWPORT tMk ·N More AnhQUt!S 210 lions immediately Tht: Mam St. Mtn1 Mall, llU. m>iolr 001 iJK2.t t:itn•llt'llt rumhlmn lltlln Ill,. __ Del hl111·k v111yl :.ofil lllHI - hourly rate 1s Sl21 t'o Amt!r Oak . Ed1 ~o n an applkataon & 10 ENSIGN pbonoei, po6t carch 10·5, SHl::LTIES t'UIJ~ At<« Swl\'t'I 11rm d111lr 1:;41 .. 705 P~ XJnt Markin~i. Shut~ lllM t•J1.1•1·ultvc t.lt•11k $:i41 Silt• ~n. Muy :!fl • 'rl fonnaUon. vis' Henlut! Mon&t. 960 7388 Pa rk. 4601 Walnut __ _ t:yc eallm !16().4510 Cull t;4G :n4M ____ _ Irvine. Or eall t7l4 MUSTSEUANTIQUES C h " i. a pt' a k t' K a v Gm• "old phud 1·tiu1r. $6!". lk1 never. fllltlL·. 1•, yn.. 1·ash 754--3814. 10 Pt-walnut IJIK Mil ---------t l'..qual Oppty t:1nployer S'lOO 3peTuhpwood U11< --su•H. M1t' sf'l . $425 Xlnt cond Obe d t ratnl•d (t r1•a 1 w11·tuklrcn $JOO 751 t~ 1•Vt'S ·~ _. J·--------955-3e78 Work P /time ID OU ---l.g AKC ft'J:, <•ldn te lephone sales roo Vf:TEl<ANS .... W'l'I 10 I 0 l<etnevt•r nds mah" stud <AM/PM s hlfts ) and st1I Xlnt uppor to t.<llnl xtra ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl'l' or p11'k of hllt·r have pleasure lune fo ifl('Ome Part tune up 111 t~HEIGllT DA MAG t:D !179-~---­ your self. Wage s + Sl.JOoper yr.plu:.11\ht·r H<JJ'POINTSALI': :IJOK YORKSHIRE Tt:H comm.Callfordeta1ls . bl'flCftts .• ~or ru1111ct;11b. w Warfk•r nr Hurbor. 1•1L•os. Malt•/fcm. 5 7 L.A. TIMES & to find out 1f yuu'n • S;mla Ana. 979·2921 • c.n 540-fd>l quali!icd <2all, N. /\VAL pm only. !>:>9·84_42 __ _ ----RESERVE552 352A CA.'\11 PAID TELE PH 0 N E --. Wshr/Dryrs/Refrijls, Silky Terrier ..... I y r . SOLICITORS, 4 dy wk. WAHTID DRIVER working or not 9:>7.g133 Playful. s payed. A KC SPM·9PM. no sell, noe~· SUHDAY OHLY -----reg .. SIOO 675·4013. per S!OO mo -+ bonus BARGAJNS·Uscd rern~s. N 549:50tS · To deliver Daily PilM wshr.>, dryn;, g-.irur, ~st Pug Puppu.'S 5 weeks. o · bundJes to carriers. f<e· buys, we ser v. appL Hcst pape r s . S 3 5 . I 9 7 l TB.EPHO._.E ouires van or largt' sta· "-I .,..., ""ll .,...,4., .. ,,. Anaheim. C.M. " tion wagon and a good ".!:!' · ~_:~ """ ---- SALES drivmg record. Phone 1---------1 Scotch Tcrn<'r Pmpp1cs 642·4321 and as k for us .. :o Mother A K C Wes t Newspaper s ubs. You Harry Seeley or Don REFRIGERATOltS lhghland I West ic I . ~. 4 to 5 hrs a day. w·ilbams. .-alht~r A K C Cairn .,...,...,. Wa.sbers/dryt•f!>. ~:?647 S200 & up comm. wk. EQUAL Best Appllan<.'c Exp. pref. Over 21. 1.0 . OPPORTUNITY Sales&servl<'l' F.nJ:IJ.sh Spnn1-tcr Spamcl Newspaper Enl. 835·6453 EMPLOYF.ll c...-A._, """·09l 1 pups AKC. ('hamp lrnt•s. 1to3PMOnly. ---------....,._,..,., ~ .rw. ----.:... Want Refined girl. care• _L r . MtF. ~2 Towtruckdrivcr oc-edcd. rorladie:;smallaplVt'ry 1975 Maytag ele<.'trir GREYHOUND. Allt•r t.>d Must live CM, exper. on-short hrs $45 mo 846-0.555 dryer. SlOO Good condi rrale. A.KC. S25 ly. 646-9638 HB tion. 968· 7362 55..57 ~ K1tchc11 thl, colft't• tbl, Sl5ca Vacumn dcuncr. S!O. 2 casi <'hrs. SJOcu Cuuch h1dt"a bl>d. $40 Couch. Ii pillow. modern da.<;SIC, $115. 646-4376. Sofa. <'h:ur. sohd b1rt•h danini.; tabh·. maple chuirs. maple kin.,:-s i headboard & l>t'd set. gumc table set 833·9442 L'VCS. Anllq. dr~r w /mirror 2 chest of drawers. Lane cedar <.'hest. med. sz mtl desk Oth e r mis c . 646-s:.JS _____ _ Handsome Thomas ville dUUJlg rm set. 11100; K' Marge <.:arson sofa~. Brass l'hrome & mirror bar <'art g)O. &lt>-1427 Beveled glass coffee & t•nd tables. S75 $125 Hall crL'<ienza & gold vto>incd mirror $100 ~1395 ------ Tow Truck Drivers ex Frftto You 8045 De corati ve white 8 per'd. Top pay. ApplYWarchouse driver . Must WAS H ER DRYER ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nahog. Sofa w /ydlow G&W Towing , 7408 have good driving r e d · · S75 cA" '"JA2 Ohms Way, C.M. 642·12.52 cord. Position open m SALE Rerondit1oned re Free puppies to ~no pipmg. . .....,._. fuushed. hkc new. I yr home C..ll 645·0058 art T-RAVEL AGENT n•w..-led oor C.M. brand1. Apply h 5PM Sola &. lov~at, kmJ! :.1 · · ",...,, al The Earl's Plumbing, J?uaranlL"e. Your c oitc -mattress set. all like 1n s ales or val'3lion ,., . .,,Newpon "lvd., c M. ~149 ca None lf1~her p ,. k uddl 9 """" l ral/"l 1ncl'<• crws t•s. 1-'l .._, " A Frt~ ups. ,; w s. c · Y new. 97 ·W>0'1 " ... 642-1753 Sale ends June• I P· C'ute, loves kids. mt•d st. - - -loors. into 'I sa lf's . Salary ----plian<.'e Town 5.'>4·!'>4:12 mixed brc<'tl. 5..'l6.:1U:10 King-size 01C1 ttress & hox & lvmm. Quuhf1l.'ll only WAREllOlJSF: II F.U' to spnngs. ind rraml', ud nd apply 957·2700 fill onJcrs. rct· mt·rchan· l'h~· 7 wk o ld Gt•rm Sht'P l'Ofld. $15 640·5MH. TYPIST-dist· & stk prod. Som1• GE/l'enncys was h<'r. mixt'<l 111.11~ Nd lo~·rng - !'xp prt>f Apply in 1wrs. dryer Idec). Many op home. ll-17·tiO'!lti after ti. l!JOO's dresser.ii.reatt:ond 40 hr week. appraisal d e pt. in r1n<' j c wl•lry 2424 McGaw Ave. Irv. tion..<;. l.e ss than 2 yrs o ld wlmds Sli.5 New 9'00. will sell p:11r ror S300. 661·6048 / store. Some nil!hl!> & Sat. ----------nuny company beneCits . Ask for BeUy. Je wels By Joseph, S. Coast Pluza . CM. ---TYrtSTS Several openings · Yo u l'an cam & leam -Cart•cr Jl()lenlial. Call us. Jrvtne Pcr!>onnel A!!enc·y 488 •:17th. Costa Me!>a Suite 224 642· M70 ~ TYPIST •S715• l:istab co net.-ds som(l()ne who can type 40wpm. ~Y will train on IR M · CRT. Call 640-8470 AMERICAN Career Agency b10 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach Nof'l.oe WELDERS ABC WELDERS !\PPL\' IN Pl::RSON LEAR SIEGLER Tr .. part DylNmics 3131 Wt'SI Segerstrom Santa Ana, CA. EOE MW/II WOMAM 834·54b1. Was her. dryer & d1:. hwasher SSS <'U<.'h. Gas r~c $100. 646.584g. Whirlpool drye r St75. Kenmore washer $1 75 &th wtute. $)00. 559·5988 Refn g 19 cu ft. SxS. only S135. Garden Grove Appliance 13191 llarbor Blvd. Garden Grove. 537-6333. Warehouse Clearance Cann Tcrner mix. malt'. 5 yrs old, complell!ly trained. 548-1305 aft 6P M Kl>:E SllOND female . ocuts love & affcc-tion Loves kuJs & dQgs. Well trained. 8'10·4?A_4_. __ _ 1 yr old Lassie's doublt'. L 0 v I-~ A B l. 1-: I Jlous ebrok e n . We ll· traux.-'d. 545-358). KJ1TENS: 2 Blk & White. l black. 7 weeks. Nel."Cl good home. you·u love them! 548·5210 Re fri gs . S45 & $88. Kittens . w e ant'd & Washers& Dryers. Sl 25. lr<llnl•d. Costa Mesa . 537 ·6333. !"~-1615. ...:...:_:;__..:.._ _____ ~ GE was her/dryi.'r. works well $150 ca. 49J..5ll5 To Good llome Loving 4 yr old female s payed Colhe 768··Cf7:12 Tappan gas s tove" Good llALLOWF.F.N KITit:Ns. rood. 9>5. Larry 642-!1762 l orange M . 1 blai:k .-. 7 Refng, Queen. works fint!, wks 646-0117. s· oatmeal sofa. p1~d m brown velvet. tuxedo style tufted back. $!50. Green wing ba1·k c hair with matchin~ oltoma n with skirt around bottom d bolh. ~. Misc lij!h\ fixture s . make uffer. ~i049 HIDE A BED. ooueu: SlZE MATTRESS. ORK GREEN COi.OR. SSO 645·9866. MUST SELL NOW!!!! Country Oak chairs, four. and round table. Call 552·8284. ~Sek 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gara~c Sale 9AM Sat morrung. Old Stuff. 534 Catalina Dr .. Npt HJ.rts . MOVlNG. aJI appl & d e· t'fll"a\or furn items must go 559-5988 TYPISTS SICRDAR•S G84.0fflCE ARE YOU OVER 40? Sl5. Free k1llcns lo good Garage Sale: Variety of 548·4485. home . 7 wks , box items CH EAP!!! 1983 WOULD LllCE IMIBESTIMG WotlK WITH A FUTURE? CAM YOU WORK FfT, 4P-12A. IHC WDIDS? Stove. olde r Tappan. lraltk.>d.962 1217 FederalSt .. CM.646·9990 WE OFFER CAREERS! We olfer health ins. s ick pey, vac .. & bonus. No sales. Will train. NB loc. ~.ss.s. 5411·4485. Refrig, frost free. works great. <'lean . $1 50 548-4485. Good Pay No 1-'ec Used muJlJ·CY<'le washer & dryer . Good apcrating rond. $100. 5J6.8963 Great Benefits CALL 645-0336 @®j~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• New small Hoover dryer . S:.O. Lv message 646-9194 ....... 1005 licycJ.s 8020 Tca:pcr.-y S..-.lcn ....... 752-6666 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• T..eilt 551-9021 Lany's expert piano re- finishing, also antiques & int wdwork shop & Porta· ble. Call 631-0168 or Iv Schwinn. girls "Lil' Chik" sting r ay. lk nw $75. 642-3449. 1748 Bonaire Way, NB; near corner Tustin & 21st BToro tlYAppt) Call 752-6666 E.O.E. M/F msg. ~~~~~~IHlfpw..tH 1100 HelpW..ted 110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Major Southern California employer has openings in its distribution centers for experienced warehouse workers. Must be able to pass a physical examination and work flexible shifts. Thlt 11 a perm11Mnt, fun time Cll...., opportunity with excellent benefit• and oulatandlng wortclng condlllonl. THE mESAlE •1m1111t1 W IF SAY·•-· IC. Telephone (71•) 771-2312 for lnlen1ew lnfof'IMtlon. Frei.' lo good ho ml'. fl monlh old Do bt•rman pup. lovel> Jll.'Oplc. <.;a II 495-(Jl64. r.uitwe 8050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C~H PAID For l(d used rum. anti· ques&clrTV's 957·8133 ** IBUY ** Good us~ Furniture & Appliances-OR I will ~llorSELLror You MASTRS AUCTION '*"'" & llJ.9625 WATERBED Nice headboard and pedestal. Brand new Olemelex healer. $175 645-1351 eves Wide selection or low ~c~ furnit.ure. Some ~h antiques. Bedrm seta. armoire$. marble top tables, crystal chan· detier & 1 18th century bra ss c lock . Refrigerators. 839-9123 Moving must sell new liv· in« room furn. bdrm set. 2 drft&en. 2 beds all xlnt 881-'lZS Must sell! Woodworks Dinette set. 48'" rnd. la· ble w /4 wrought iron chairs. ru11t nago h. cushions. s harp, like new. ts75 or lesa. f79. 7129 aft.4:30. P1oral couch like new aa. Walnut credenaa 91D. elec:. df'1er S125. auc. lam ... pictures. pool l.a.&e 4d 1' • 1late wlltllt • cu. tuO. Sa-ble color en1arser llOO. MJ.41Q94Qa ,-..12re· \W. w...,.... kO&. a1r tube rr.m. tne-w /htl a. bue SUO: i.clboard, wlllte "'"., .. ,... .. ('7M,..., Sat & Mon 9·4. 515112 Orctud. CdM. 64().7785. Garage sale: TV. bed. couch. bedspread. hair drye r. ha.nd crocheted tablecloth & lots of misc. 15831 Williams, apt 48. n..tin.543-98'.:M . Ganie Sale. Urgent, nut eeU everything this weekend. Make orfer. you aot it. 3&53 Santa Ana Ave,Cll Stereo equipment, re· cordl, houlehold Items. 100G Edye Dr. KB. SIS ... YARD SALE. SAT/SUN. N. .... diMUe \able, cbJDffe cbeat. lluch ml1c. H5·CMU. ltH ......a. Clll C; 1 u n I ( i 11 rlt •! ,. S .JI t•, c•11ud1t•i;, 11l111L toob , rdri..: . lukc•'I, '4kiilf• boan~. h11rclw11r1-. ... ur rbounJ. drhrtt11..: tahlo., l11mpt1, wmdwr. 1111 ~···at buyi. Uowntuwo JI U. IOIJ Al'tma. !);jl; 11121 lk1at 1tl'fT11>, pool NUl>JllWi. & m1 bt 11 t•m s l Kl!.I t:U..opa, !>51 tll:jlt II o us c· h o Id . h 11" k " . dotht'S, & m1M· 1\t'm~ !l ~, Sat/Son. Sun/Mon. t.ak1• bL1 10th & <.:rt·s t St. H li YARD SALK Antique~. bikes. ck Sal/Sun 221 Knoxvilll•St. llU5J6.7674 Houl~oW Goods 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Still under Warranty . nearly n ew Wa s h t·r/ Uryer F.uropean la du·-; btke Modem oa k :Wll.tiO desk 640-2683. an 2 MOVING Must sdl ht'd, ram. rm Cum . 4 rattan tilr.>. <t bar stools . table~ & misc 1ti.'ms. 552.5275 Jewelry 8070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Diamond I l2t t oval USG appr 9),000 Will ~di for $7,W>. 545·5144 eves or wknds Solid ~old art1fac1 s, t;1•n tral Amem·an rollt'<'\1011. Tel ~r15·0252 for a1Jpt Ge m Sto ne s Hubit'"· 1-:mt·rnlds . S11pph1n·~ Anwthyst at suhs tant1al dlstow1t hy pn vate par Ly All stones rully ap praised by mdept·nclcnt laboratory. 714 /559·8239 Jct Gem quality round dia mond s oltt.11rc. emer ald cut diamond ~uh ta ire, man's I l 4ct diamond soh\<11re Must *II all + some i:.maller p1en!'\ o r p e r s o nal 1ewelry 1mmed1 atcly , (714 > &75-3662 or &12· IOtll Mil~...... IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• LUGGAGE TAGS from your bus111ess card Send one card ror t'Ll<'h Lai:? plus one s pare We return permanf'n\ly scaled allral'livc• la l! & strap. ml'clinJ.! airlint• f U requirements l'n· vent IOliS & lht•ft' For ;1 persoruilnl.'<i la~ cnl'losc wallpaper. rabr11· or "Day Glo" paper & we will ba<.'k & tnm your t.ags. Or try two t•ard-; ba<.'k lo bac·k PRICES. S2eaor3t$5 4/5tags Sl.60ea . ti/9 la~ $1.SOea. lOor mor~Sl.40ca SaJes Tax lnduded NO CARD., Oraw your own or send name. address, phone & ,.-e·u make one <·ard per tag. Add 25<' each Send check or money or der\o. rtLOT NIMTIHG PO Box 1560 Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626 Mu11t 111u·rir1n· 2 fawn 11vt'r11tuffed chrs w /ot tom1tn.'> Custom Sohd wood bar. 3 iitoots. ln<'y d e. clothes, all like new. 114&5294 Mckralt sabot. I mo new OJU Sever al shutters. le>l offer. Nikon pistol WlP flash. 50mm lens . bt:8t ofrt.•r 673.2777 H1 vl•tier Me z7.an1ne st.ora~t· system Approx :0\ Ml rt . w/stairway (ialvaniz1-d steel deck· mg, des11med for parts ... tora~'" Call Scientific Orill1ng C ontr o l. !>.'i7·0051. Ask for Dave. 11 10. & CROSSOVEIS <Ii(: Audio Products has a hrruted number or fa< .. l()I')' 2nds. Fully guaran· teed. only lllil(bt cos - rnetJc damage. QSC. 1926 P1acentJa. C M. ~2S40 G1beion L7 guitar $400 or bst orr. Fender Super Reverb a mp 2 yrs old $350 or bst o(r. Must sell both. 561 ·2373 Offlu .... t .. & r.,.i,.... 1015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Minolta e lectrogr aph1c IOI op1cr w /stand . SJOO/bstofr. 759.9000 Gest.etner 360 duplicator ............. ' .. p:s• tolO ••••••••••••••••••••••• GttAY MillHI The lraclitional heavy du· ly, lightweight marine engine To 350 HP. Ge- nuine new parts . Authonzed Dislr: Bristol Services, (7H )892-854 l Hobie Cat trailer. $175. &»-8330 9040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Scarab-330 TS out- dri ves. M hours. Loaded ! 65 inph plus. Stored on trailer. Must sell /best or· fer. --------w/cabinel & ReSlefax R.id.lnR mower. 7 hp, used MK.11 stencil maker. Bst •I hours. $500. 646· 1328, Ofr. 714-759·9000. between f>·7 pm_. __ _ 711-1216( .... ) 5*1200lwort&t Ask for Jerry Perk111s 1017 lrvme l<al'quet Club cpls ••••••••••••••••••••••• membt'rsh1 p for Si!le SM Lathe. extra part. nest orrer 833-?A?A 21iin over all m length $135. 54S-21l_I ___ _ ACTION BOAT 250 IOA TS USED LOWHICES Beach Blvd&Cst Hwy ··wturlpool" ele 5(anl area rug. .... kx14. greys, "ht, ru.>;t. S350 l'a. lt·ss lor both l n~w S7UU \·a 1. ti42· lii2. 642·67()1, H 8 SJ6..8891 Parrots for Sale, A Yellow Mape i\ma1.0n. Mexican f'Wdhead 646-2800 Bay Crw:<ier 2.5ft. fbRls. mbrd Npt lich Slip Piatlos & °"JaM 8090 $1.350 644-1617 "Tbret"" da~play t•aM~, ~la!')!'-••••••••••••••••••••••• & wood $75 ea 1----------21' Bay Launch & fo;h1ng 673 5010or 67S.~ boat 1979 fiberglass. OUT Of GAS 1 diesel. tJllcr VHF· In our Url.lfung mac hine & <10x72 • l>how room The Crow·s lable,$300 Buy" Rnmhall piano & Nes t , 2122 N1•wport 8311999 1-:C'lJ moped frl-<: EMvd.N B &'73-8511 . Workbcnch9fl 5 mX 2 ft4 BRIMHALLPIANOS DtlECTFROM 1112draWl'f!<. S50. Ac•ou lrom ..-aW.tY ~·3379 S..u11> Coa\I P1.,,. ""ft ~ 151 , '"'' 00' Ftberglass ··(Snrtk1•r · C<H·JW t m I{. I :.l() ' I :iU yd s IU.'d scmll. l1k•· nu. mt,. .. t "W Sat·1vrr 5X·!lti:!7 ..al l IO;un M1-.,;J Vl'n11• <:u11ntn I 'lllh nwmlwrshll' for "<1 l<: 031-~12'i 4 IOX 15 <iood~ ear •Jll •>II rwd tlfL'S, hkl' new' Sl35 !Q..3400 WANTED Rt•rn~. dhl ht-0. kn~ st bed. bunk~. dmette & rou{·h 493 77~ WHEB.CHAIR REHT A NEW BRIMHALL For S!O .1 ml)ntll BRIMHALL PIANOS A~'U"'· h uot 'io1..uh C01h' P1.,,,. 7!>1 11 21 Kimball St udrn l'1an11. Mahogany 5450 b31 1 ltW WE Ul::k Gr..and P ia no Maha)! l!ll:l t;110d cond Sll.W. C..11 552·4386 Iii!} laum·h. lapstrak ... dll.J endt:.-<i. mbrd. A H•·au t \' Sto't' Ill Tht• Crn~· ' N•;.;t, :tl.22 NL•wrJOrt 111~11 . ti/:! >!.'> I I '71 ~rttird 19' Tri Hull. l1,f1 M 1l'. Mini 1·111111 M u ' I .. (• I I I m m •. ti ~Jf,i) [lt•'l ol f«r 1'rall1 1 & I' 11 m I> 0 U l ( t t l\• d . 1146-11~ WANTED SSO S48·S4-1J Wl' R LT I Z E JI <! k 1>' Eh'Clnc· broom, New S75. bo.ird" d l•c-tric· org J n will Lake ~5. TV table SU• 549-:.JJi' l:!ual sa k'Sman for Chns Crall & Wellrr aCt yal'lll ~It.--:> Qlll 8111 All1:-.on. N .. wporl Boat Ct·nto•r . ~15 SURAY-1978 was S55, tak e $30 4944595 19" Port <'Ir \v $100/bsl ofr, 4 Dodge van i..Lock nms mke ofr. 2 quet!n ':ti. bedsprds , I 1 / yc l lo w floral. gd rood S.S. or ofr. 11 > paisley pnnt dcs1.-?n SIO. or ofr, J?d 1:0 1111, 1· ;i II wknd-; or L•vi; aft 5pm. 00·9866 Costa Mt'!'ia Sofa & lovcscat. Liv rm table.. Twm mallress & box. a· sliding door & s rTec n . Wood hl';11n hdbrd. Sewing mach. 962·5202 G.E dryer. Westinghouse refng,. 2 bikes, 644-2516. wk 957·1791 New Buritlar Alarm. $189. Oc ter rant Sys te m s . Tums on lights & siren before entry. 831-7024 . Jwuor High graduation st.at (W/vesl) shirt & tie . s7. 20. Also blk dress shoes Sl. 9 S25 960-1877 SPA -No plumbing needed. 220vol\ Portable , perfect for <'Ondo or patio $850 964-3989, 900-:115.S Wedding dresses. 3 chapel tram. never used, S75 ea On g, $130·$150 Lawn mower. J'h hp, pwr reel. $1IO.646·2562 __ . --- Newport Bea1'h Tennis membership. ~ Call aft 6. 644· 7759 Hummel plates 1976. thru 1978 $400. Candlelight (Jennifer) $100 min\. 488-31&. • Ryt.hm uru t for e lt•t'I n t ur- ~ $l50 548·28911 Sewinc) MochiMs 809 2 ....•...••.••.......... &!1.-?er Str:11ght <;lll('h & " 11 1' d I' fl 1• ;I b I 0 t• t Num ... rous auachm~·nt:. ., bi5·9tl8fi TV, RCllio. Hfi. Stet"fl) 8098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 22' Cuddy c a bin. Low hrs, ru1·l cfflc:1ent 1911 ens:. Dli11tal deplh finde r VHF" a n1e nna. s to ra)!l' nr&dl>. tra1l neht lrlr Sll,OOOfinn. 7~114 an 7 or on SAT /SUN all day l!IT7 21fl Dav Crui~er 460 Ford Berkley k l w /la~ dt'Ck & tandem trailer ~l4t>-1!+41549·3612 ---- POWER .MPS 21' Nova w/trlr 2'l50MI '. Mu.~t St'll Best cash ofr & CROSSOVERS & T :o pmts. t.75-4462 _ QSC Audio Produ1:ts ha:. a hm1tcd number or la1' IS' Ba;too Whaler. 70HP. tory 2nds. Fully guaran Evmrude. ti mo. old. lrlr, t~ed . only s hgbt cos SSt00.&'75-83l6 metJc damage QSC. 1!12n 18' Dorset 75hp f:\·mrurll', Placenlla. CM. 645·254-0 Amen can bit trlr. $1000. SfEREO SYST~M. JVC 2352 Rutge rs Dr, C M JR.$400 Mark II stl'rco 545-1_402_ .. ____ _ receiver. S.E .A Graphic 1---------• equalizer. 80 watls out put per channel. J VC JL-A40 Profe!>siona l dnve auto-return tum tbl w I E mpir e 6000 V Cartndge 11 lnterego 100-waU s peaker.; Paid $1750. Must Sell' $1000. A bargam & good sound' 67S..21134. Pa u I. RCA 23" <'olor TV w /Medi t e rra n ran cabinet $150. 640·6357 wkd~aft6:30. GIANT SCRE~N T .V Super picture. Pnced for quick sa l e . S650 . wknd tevs 833·2128 25·· Color console 100'7. solid stale. only $437 w/lrade. Garden Grove Apptiance 5:Jl-6333 SEA RAY ANNOUNCES w.-..ww....., SALE SSAVE S 17' to 36' All Mode ls pnced to go. Try us & sec for yourself. We are. here to serve your every boal· ingneed. HARRISON SU RAY BOATS 3101 Caul Highway Newport Beach. Ca. 611-2547 540-6555 13ft. Boston Whaler. tyr. old 351tP. Jollmon, bow & skle rails. cover. trailer. OIU"S, etc. $3.000. Also b1.c wheel trailer for l8ft boet $250. 673-lSW_. __ 15' Glasspar Open Bow Tri·HlllHIOhp Mere. Trlr. xlnt cond. $2800 642.6580 141\. fiberglass on wood. boat, motor fl trailer. $Ill). 549-30JJ. 5.1' Hatteru. tm. luxury diesel sportfisber. ... .•. ~ Ml root Fiber Glut boat & tnller SlllC>. \Larson) 541--1171 Sea -Ray 24 ft.. Weekender. II hours. depth flnd!,!1 marine radio. AM /I"• a tr•cll ......,, trailer, full cover. trim talll 6 mm step. ........ Ordered ....... ...-..UICall Jim. ---Jerry . ..... ...... 9060 71 .... '9Kblk,loedH --•••• .. •• .. •••••• watb epipmeat 4000 rt+::----•~ 'IL.Haa-.&lD ma It_!._ ,v .. _ 49!·~ t '1 leme ~ for t.aa ad vu· Wl\iii 1liiai '-". • ... ..,. wm ~u ror ..._.ltlm.., .. , ,....ble market pnu ... ,,... f 160 or trade few qua I mOl6r •• .. •••••••••••••••• • •• ="'" or a lrpl anv ....._,.._1...., ----J0' .. )1' 1"4 n· 0'01.1 Oay••ll~r .. \ally M'tf conlalnt'd ti trailer 11550 Xlnt l'\Wf'V•nowfor tond. Uud o nly a tlobda~•Weebnd!i ..,..M5-t1MJ HW f.NCY MOTOR llOMF. RF.NTAl..S ~ N Harbor Ulvd S A ••W~•· '12 Dabun 111rkup nu ...._ ... arted tll'\"'· cam per 11hell. On i: ••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vn1n1 bc lgc , R1·ull) 9701 '77 19 n 4 Stur. l'1tbtrool 22' SANTANA Hull only. wr, Mt!ft'<>. · l•fltl tltw k Mold reJC\'l S.SOO. Ph (' r o:. c o n t . ll. I n t (leMn SlllCi0.645~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• *91191 Sll.2UO 11.13-0tlOO W 11996 Cal 2·27. 3 :uuls AT·'* T ........ T,..tl t170 VHF. K·M. <'Ompass. ruti ••••••••••••••••••••••• boat covt>r Ptue w Ill· -a.n Numad s <.: Must be rung cond. PP S!2.90 rnowd Callaft'.ti 213-52378 646-.S549 Q.ASSIC WOODEH 761'l·rry 25 rt S1C.~le.:ps 6 llAUTY hke new, Make offer ~e of employment 759·tltl29 forces sale of my 32· Yawl Hwll by European craftsmen. A sacrifice at $!5.000. Call 673-3193. ·57 Convaar 8x40f't ull re modeled. Mus t See' $4.000. /be s t offe r . 962-3139. i6 Couner camper ~hell , wht whls, 1ur, AM WM l'BSS, auto, s;}tiW. 640>4:t.'Mi --'76 Toyota SR5, :-.hell, bo<>l. wheels. t are s &5205 '72 Dodge. auto, :or. xlnt tires. xtra clean. SH~J. 754 7449 '67 Dodge ""'• ton P /U. shell. auto lrnns. P /B, v.11. J t a nks . $2000 O.ll.O. Alan b75-8153. ---14' Sallnelics F /J h1m1ly day sailer . w /trlr Xlnt. BO. !>40-2980. · '86 Ford t T . Oatbt.-d. $11100 NIMRODTentTra1lcr Rblt top end. Great Sleeps 6, $450 worker. b75-lll53 54~3037 --- 16' Planked, w/lrir, teak Trailers,UHlty 9110 71 El Cam Class. Pretty & ·1smahgnysst~1m . neTw ••••••••••••••••••••••• blue. very clean. Auto, s& . new . n g.:ing, · . . Sf PS/PB, 6 cyl, save gas. bucklet1. etc. Nds some Big wheel trailer for 1 l S6700. ~-!MM wk. S150/ofr. 546-4831 boat S!SO. 673-1689. '73 Chevy ~ T. Super 34' Tri U Finish, trlr. nu ---------• Q,eyenne. Loaded, shell. m ast, t! l c . M u 1· h AMlo Senice •• P..ts Makeolfer. 661-3047 material. Sl250 OHO &Accessonn 9400 675-4162. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_ 9570 t:an'tSeU Your Car" cuva MOTORS PAVSTOPDOLLAH For Clean Used Imports Call Mike or Don 135-3171 25 MPG· 25 MPG '77 Lancia Coupe, snrf. mAgs. U/l'. lthr & pwr, fm 8 lrk. S.SOOO. 833-2462 Days. 9705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALFA ROMEO SALES, SERVICE MG LEASING '78CLEARANCE NOWIN PROGRESS' IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752.0900· 1978 BMW J20i. lo m i. AIC, Snrf. must see. 968-7212 '78 BMW 320i. xlnt condi lion, apx 5000 m1. radio cass. A /C. $11 ,SO<J or T.0 .L. Fem . 675·0066 or 548-3473 '76 BMW s:l()i , air, a uto, Bt>cker stereo, sacn fict'. S8.'l00. 675-8513 '70 BMW 2800, a nice car fo r $4500 5JM ma . garaged, 22mp)!. pp 661-10111. ---•74 Ba varia. X I.NT. 17·22mpg, reg gas, lo m1 auto, tape, :;nrf SOJOO 548·0397 '77 280Z, air, AM 'FM. 4· spd, mags. lo mi, extras. Silver . 213/431-8706 in Seal Beach. S1350. 9723 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCN02'6GTS 1973. Total- ly r('stored. 26M m i. $20,000. 673-1004. Fiat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79Xl9.1600mi. many t'X· lras. 28mpg, trans fer red. Make offer. 642-6438 '72 850 Sport. a m /fm. mag wheels, $1250. orfe r 35-40 mpg. 661 ·02!!0 '77 Fiat Xt9. Gd m1. AMIFM 8 track stereo. Askmg ~500. 559-6342 Honda 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llACHIMPOITS .. Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 75Z.oto0 EXTRA MILEAGE TIC&ICA Uftbltclc • .,_ miles 4 cyt .• atUmlUc, AM /FM tape, ma1s. radial•. 48 month lease or 60 '-•• 9750 monUi fuuancang on all ••••••••••••••••••••••• qualified models. C28JSPT> (ll125l ' $51'6 •Ml%'73 210C2Dlt. Hardtop. A luxury coupe, l oc ally owned & serviced~ Low mileage, automatic, air &: stereo. UIUMYFl. '71 ·ao11 T" *J.C. FORTUNE '1 GllC-Pontiac ~ ~~'.5 :r.:ti lDlO E. J.atSt.,.Saoi. Ana miles. Beautiful condi· __ ._<_71_4_>558-__ H_IOO __ lion. <13201.JO> 1'77TOYOTA UFllACIC ~ Bladt on blatt. 5 speed. -..... -. Ho air cond., stereo. real * MIZ '7 S 210C 13631 ...,"°' 8t.d wire wheels " a local Locally owned & a..denarow.'"~ car.(llr.iFY>. serviced. a ir cond., ~======~ ONLY $5999 stereo. lyr ,/ 12.000 mile 1tnP01tSCHE MEWPORTDATSUM warranty. 026PHK> 91 ISCOUPE aDoveStreet •u. .. ,73 Black o n black. 1Air NEWPORTBEACH -• cond., ste r eo, a loy 13.,.1300 210SEDAH wheels & leather. - Beige/bamboo. Locally (115RXDI. 1978 Cor olla lirlback owned & se r vi c cd. $17,999 radio. air . 5spd. lo m lge. Automatic. air cond. & BEACH IMPORTS Xlntcond. 661-75113 stereo. <456MUJ). 848DoveStreet 1971TOYOTA •Ml%'77 210SE FUUy equipped including elec. sunroor. locally owned & ser viced . lyr./12.000 mile warran- ty <76JJPB> •MR'73 220DIESEL Automatic, air. lo w mileage & locally owned &serviced. NEWPORT BEACH CRESSIDA ___ 1_s_2_.o_to_o ___ 1 A local trad'~ t bat b 'J1 "924u Championship Ed ition Sunroof. air condillon- i n g. mags . s tereo tape. (578SZM ) $1995 "loaded" & has only 19.<nl miles. 034UZU l. OMLY$5999 MIEWPORT DATSUM 8118 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 833-1300 ---------·74 Corona: 4 spd. w I sun· roof. Im cassette. mags. $2500 Ca11Brent546-740.'; H-21 30' tull bead rm. nu P&V. F(rcat llvc -aboarcl - of'fshorc cruiser. li75-7Hli4 or !'IS7-4073 SERVICE DEPT. Open 6 Days A Week Mon.-Fri. :7:30-5::10 Saturdays.8:00-5'00 • •••••••••••••••••••••• t97t PLYMOUTH VOYAGHYAH VS, automatic trans., pwr. steering. r a dio, front disc brakes & radial tires. (126183). 75 Alfella sedan 18K =74"2olJ2Nt•w l rans . miles, AM /FM stcn •u bralws. Lare;,, t•ass. vt·r.Y tape, A/C. runs on n•g. nkt• $529;,. ti75·2'J~I ml.L5t sell. b'15·9137 Brand Mew '79 HONDA Cars MAMY To Choose From! JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS I 363 1 HA•l>O• BMl Carden GrMe "' Ul-13)) '71 Toy CMll. 4 spd . -=-=~=====~ almpg. Good body. vnly top One ~er. !'8· 7592 •PORSCHE Atlas Chrys.-Ptv. :!929 llarbor Blvd. Sail Boat 10' Wildfire Costa Mesa Oas.5. Mint cond. Harkin 546-1934 blocks. Tapered mast. - yellow deck, white hull. Blaupunkt AM /FM stereo $425. 714·675-51 10. C"asselte w /auto reverse. ----$170. Fits BMW. 675-3587. 26' Clipper Marine, '74 --------- sloop. xlnt cond. Many ·~Cadillac St.-dan. misc. extras. MSOO, l'P 768-3703 part:. '71 LTD Station dys. w g n . m I s c . pa r t s ------54(Hl200, 645· 1234 CATALINA27 Bristol. Loaded. mt'ludes '53 Porsche rebuildablc mast lowenng gi:ar. l'P e ngine . lSOOcc. All Sl4.450must sell.840-5087 urigin11l stock. S500. 642-06.'IJ Santana 20 like new. new trailer '65 Pontiac GTO. eni.:. dis· 6.11-4343 assembled, nu tires. $145.64&5137 aft llam. 13' Benje & trlr. $62.';/ bes dr. 4.Shp Suzuki eng.. .Autos for Sale w/3spd. S275. 840-1941. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CATAlJNA-30-DSL 3 sail: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS $6295 Expires 10 pm S.29-79 AT LAS CHRVSLlR PLYMOUTH Open Daily & Sunday 'til 10 PM 2929 llarbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 '75 PLYMOUTH YOYAGElt 121 " wheelbase, 5 passen4er. V-8, auto. trans, nght side sliding dr .• emission control system, AM radio. new while painL 119,000 mi. Sl.995. Om be seen at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa or call Cir culation Dept. 642-4321, ext. 210 VHF Nwpt dock try 25M Ericson Crs 36 try 4!>M Newporter Ketch nr new Diesel try 45M Chuck Avery NB r,75.119911 14' Banana cal. Nosa1l or mast . Bstofr. 675-4339. The price of items advertised by vehicle '71 Dodge. economy 6cyl, dealers in the vehicle new tras. runs great, classified adve rtising bluebook is $11100/asking columns does not include $1600. 645·5000/cxt 348. a ny applicable t axes, Rick. li t•ense. trans fe r 'fees. -.7-4-00-DG--E-V-AN-. -7-0,-000- finance charges. fees ro FM PS PB air polluLiOQ.. conLrol de~ mi. AMI •air. I . 16' Snipe, cover, sails. trailer. top condition. ml/Offer. 5411-6356 J8sq meter catamaran, trlr, xlnt cond ms id storage. 646·9570 vice certifications or de· cstm-intr. S3000/bst ofr. 548·2504 aler documentary pre· --------- parallon charges unless othe rwise specified by the advertiser. · '&JChevy window van Newpaint.~ 646-8094 16' '72 Fireball w /trlr, If jckts, jib/main. s p1 ~~/ '78 Chevy, 25M mi, new s a i Is S 1 2 5 O I O BO . -sic• 9520 tires, wht mags, $.SOOO. 213!92:>-2806. •••••.•••.•••••••••••••••. 661·2537 Hobie 16 #40, many ex- tras. $1200 or orft'r Ca ll 675-47~. '46,fo'ORD WOODIE Fully restored! $13.000 675-6161 ~-----~~~· ·77 Chev. Van. V-8, ~p. 28Kmi. Xlnt. cond. Z .000. 494-7922 aft. 5pm. --- 1969 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER Aredclassic! (314ANH). $3999 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint, 1958. 90% rest .. rare, .red/blk. Stored 4 yrs, Sl,000. 714-673-4194 '74 ALFA ROMEO GTVCOUPE 5 speed, factory air cond. &stereo. (026700). $5399 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 '74 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER 5 speed, stereo & in ex- c e 11 e n t conditio n ! t331MPTJ. $5599 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Audi lOOLS. New tires Snrf. AM /FM s tereo $!000. !'IS 1-8081. SeU or T.0 .L .. '78 Audi 5000, good cond, xlnt inL great gas mi, 20mpg traf· fie, 2'·26mpg open road. 552-1651 Lehman 12 comµle te. $i00. 642·6173 or 642·5191 '79 MG TD REPUCAR BRAND NEW! Audi Fox '74 good cond. '77 Dodge, slvr. wire whls. new tires, reg j.!as. 51 .0110 super cstm int. loaded. mi. Xlnt mileage. $2450. Must see. 846-84SOor 548-8665. 21J/59'l-3Sl8 ~-------- loah.Slips/ Docb 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUtS AV AIL.AILE YAC Newport. 646·0551 Slip space wanted for 28' Owen. Will trade use of boat for payment of s pace 559·1833 o r an.-ao. Tt IJ artatloa ....................... Your choice of beautiful black or elegant cham - pagne. these a re r are classics not lo be found elsewhere in Orange Qiunty. Leather interior, wood d ash . AM/FM ster eo cassette, glass side curtains hi~hlight this collector 's 1\em's features. Must be seen to be appreciated. JIM MARINOVW 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 c ,., .. s., ..., ti 20 • s 2 C r o s I e y S I W . '74 Chevy van. used b>' workman. gd work veha· c le, $1800/b est ofr. 41rl·2132. '77 Dodge Van 8200. Ready for camping & cruis ing. Fact. con· version. Sora bed & match chr's, refrig. sink. closet, air vent, side win· dows. ste reo cass. 4 spkrs. beaut paint. 4 brand new mags. new batteries. Must sell S6!IOO or bat olr. 645-3420 PP. AlllOIW..e.cl 9590 '76 Audi S /W. Sorf. auto. stereo, like new cond. :.>,000 mi. $3950. 673·6350 IMW 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7l1MW2002 Immaculate! Only 25,000 miles, (670WQZI. JIMSLEMONS IMPORTS 1970HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 611-1276113-9300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Completely restored. ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sale '72 Tioga '5499. 50mpg, daily driver. New eng., good shape, SMSO. Gary. 642·9807. ~~bout extras . MGA 1957 Convertible. . Good rwmin& cond. $1600 '72 Dodae Van. PS/PB, ordfer. 642-9211. AM /FM cass, plug-ins, gd mecb conct. 17 mpg 30' Ford flatbed, duals hwy $2500. S73-6C& $1450. '37 Ford Oalbed (rare) R. fenders, tong '72 Ford, ~ ton, 6 cyl, 8' running b oard s V ·8 . Kin& Cab-over. $3100. $1500. 675-3175 Pvt Ptysa.45f3.. __ '7_2 _M __ A_H __ _ ttllmflld.... t140 Oneolakinclshowcar! -•••• .. •••••••••••• Custom bui It for a 28cnUer Mopeds, green & Hollywood personallt7. 11111ite. l brand new, 1 on· AU orilinal equipment. IJ 500 mi'a. S275 ea. Lowmiles! (51.sNYW> 94743. sw.d & ' 19•9d ''r::C'1 tllO ~\t:=ent WIWILLIUY YOUIDATSUM PAID FOR OR NOT TOPDOU.Alt FOITOPCAIS BARWICI< DAT SUt-4 8 J I I l 7 '> 49 ! l J 7 '.i . WEPAYTOPDOLLAR tor U. med can·foreign, dommUca or duaics. If )'UUr' car la extra clean, ... nJlS'l'1 ~ •IMW '77 53CN Loaded! Locally owned & serviced. 1 yr. /12,000 mile warranty . <fNSDH>. setts JIMSLIMOMS ·~ltTS 19'10HA1lBOR BLVD. COSTAMF.sA 631-1276133-9300 OIAMel COUNTY'S OLDIST _................... IMl'OITS ~1 e..er.pc_., Hllada Elainore Enduro 1'70HARBORBLVO. 21mKarborBlvd. Sales-Service-Leaaang l'llcc, lo mi, slat cond. COSTA MESA COSTA MESA Row C-•-- ..._ 631-1276 IJJ.9300 979-2100 RoUs Aoy~..-·~w '11 HONDA XLJ50. 5328 '55 FORD Pl<XUP, very 1540Jamboree mllH. Perf. cond. clean, beet offer. WE IUY ~Beach 64()..&M4 'IOmp1 tuO. h2·9801 Gl·Z239 USED CARS •IMW '76 530I o.; · ........... tlH CALL Locally owned & .. Y_.. yz •· n-.... _................ UledCU'M1r serviced, 1tereo, air , _.. eaad, .. /best llUST&nf ~ll30 power 1 t eer i n g . alrll'.•ma '71'9Cn <•PCUl ..,. Yamalua ... Good 11,m mllel. loft top, $7291 cmL Sii. V4. alltom~,.... JIM Slit IOMS __.., ~a~m1'a ':.: Hat HARBOR BLVD. 1970.:=r::LVD • y ...... ao, 1~-ovall. (Am) CUIVMt----oGITkMESA -; COSTA MmA . r.n.~.n-1.n~ t::•! ..... :D ~~= ., ... 11,HJ.tJoo ..... ,ear. I 1ou· hne • 1'7JJ.OCI W. C8lllJ*' il'uot1ettln& luperb tond, often. UMd. Mil I& now wtua a (lirllll) Ovwleu Im· a 1-..M. ..... ..... Capri 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 Capri . Silver, 4 t·yl. 2000 auto. Good rnnd $1 :llO. b"7 5. 9635 . --- '76 Black Cat sunroof. 4sp. V·6. $3,500, 548-1057. ·79 Turbo Capri. 3500 ma. UNIVERSITY Oldlmobile Honda Can • GMC T"*ks 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-9640 Honda Civic '77, wht, air. s unroof, AM /FM cass. new M. radials, like new, PP. $4500. b/5·8555 1970HARBOR BLVD. Ca>l"AMESA 631-1276133-9300 *** '77'450SEL, Brown, lo m1. 1971921 Less than 10.000 miles. lyr. /12.000 mile warran- ty Lease or extended terms. (796VOWI C.ForQMot. JIMSLEMOHS . IMPORTS l!rlOHARBOR BLVD. COSTA MES1\ 631 -1276131-9300 ·75 Corolla AM l t'M K track. runs ~ood. Sl.700. 1 1 4 1 ;,36 -!1 2<!3, 21Jt4•W-l lfj2, '7n <:c lll·a t;T Lflbk. mags, I\ T, auto traru;, AM t FM . S520(), 631 ·:!693 ·72 Toyota l'tdi ca . AM /FM, A/C. $1500. 675-2084 AM t FM. air. pwr. s ports suspcrLc;ion Offer M" rk 673-4<l40dys '78 Civic Wagon Xlnt cond. 644 ·4201 Spyglass. CdM. '771.<z 924. blk tblk. AC. snrf. a lloys. AM /FM '76 Cetica GT Cpe. 5spd. clean . xlnt m1 , blue w tblk $3700, 640.6637 ·i9 Turbo Cupn l''ully loaded. $7400. /\fl. 6pm 545-5845. Ccipri II '7fi. V6. low m il $!800. Xlnl cond, 975-0477 Beautiful. xlnt cond High bill(' book $4400 or best P.P. S48·319f! '73 ~L. yel. xlnt. cond stereo cass. All xtras. 23 89Kmi. $14,SOOilse Si255. MPG. Nodwn. T 10 lse or Tri.... 9767 '76 Civic: 5 spd. New ml. 673-4313 buy. 8-6. 973·2077. afl ••••••••••••••••••••••• :mo mi. on reblt eng. air. 6pm.675-8836 Hew 1979Tri ..... mags with TA's. Tape, 1971 21niL. tobacco brn. 2 72 9llT: all S Type ac· SPITFIRES Xlnl. 675-1449, !'>Sl-6110 tops. 77K mi. $13.500. cesson'esShow car. 646-1427 in stock ror immediate Dahm 9720 H onda • 7 4 Ci v 1 c · 830-2818 delivery! See US before •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Hatchback. xlnt cond . '7l 250 Coupe. Tobacco '7191'"". Blk on blk. 5 s pd, you buy * Z>s * DISCOUNTED SHOP&COMPARE BARWICK DATSUN "-..111 J H.11\ I .t P''' I .trH I 831 ·1375 4413-3375 1-:.zONGl\S '76DATSUM 12101°DOOR •t7M miles. 4 speed, • cylinder. New paint. ne"' tires. <61060) M18PHL> $3066 *J.C. FORTUNE PontiaC'·G MC mi f:. lst St .. Santa Ana C714l551HOOO •DATSUMS• LC111Je Seledion Of All Model' SAt.ES-LEASI NG PARTS-SER VIC t:: COSTA MESA DATSUN 284SHARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 5~0-0213~ brown with tan mte nor. "" TOD"'Ylll SllOJ. 675·7906 excellent cond. Must sell alloys, Anza. rblt eng. & A ••• ssim. 640-18l8 trans. $8000. Must sell. JCll)Ulr 9730 S52-3DJ eves. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 MBZ 450·SL. )•e llow ·77 911-S Porsche 15Km1 J "'GU •15 Xlnt. New Tires Sunroof. alloys. AM 11-·M "' "'-!'ISl-1798 aft. 5. M Bl I t XJ6Ls, XJ 12Ls t•ass. at. ue. x n . &XJSCoupes '53 Mercedes 220A A ll _499-_~ __ 1 ____ _ Most colors available for oriiii na l & complete 292SHarbor Bl\·d. 1mmcruate delivery <:ahfomaa car $15.000 ur TEST DRIVE ONE bstorr_ 642·~7 Gary TODAY!!! ·m ~ 4 Or. slick, AtC. 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 Classic 1966 sed an, blk /tan. all ne w int. $4500/offor. 540-7576 new enR>. & lr-ans. lU mpg. $3950. Ph 645-4031 '76 ~E Milan bm/bam· boo. Auto. air, power , AM /FM 8-trk stereo. s nrr. $16 .9 00 . 751·5000/675-2773 75 SLC Q.ASSIC WHITE ALL XTltAS 42MMiP.P. 7 I 4 /499-4040 ·79 :m SD. Blk/Ba mboo. 1972 Targa Sepia brown. 9UT. air. Konis. 5 spd. AM, FM stereo cass .. a l· COSTA MESA 979-2500 loys. c lean . $9500 •;7 TR7, lo,aded. air . 6'2-8968&.752-.llll__ i\M1FM. 28MPG, Jlrt.ial 1960 Roadster convrlbl. s hape. lo ma $5500. Super 90 wht. lo miles 499-lllli' x!nt cond 494-1943 Hew-1-9-7-9-Triumph '77 Turbo Carrera . TR-7s b ronze. li k e n e w . $29 .500 /o ffer . pp HOWIHSTOCK 499.StXX) for immediate deli very' ---------• See US before you buy '67 91 I 5 SPEED Rebuill eng. 40Kmi. new interior. AM /FM stereo 8 track 1st $61< IUYS CAR 714/642-2946. TODAY! ~' ........ , ...... ~ .,.., ... ........,-. ... _ '73 XJ6. Silver. blk lealh. new tires. exbausl & tuned. S6700/ofr. 631 ·0749 1500 mi. 645·5000. Iv msg '76 912 E: 32000 m1. 600 for John Martin. miles per tank of re~ 2925 Harbor Blvd. '611 Mark II: One Own£'r Heaulirul condil ion . 5.';71X) 673-1004 XJ6 1972Jaguar. Reduced for q111ck sale. $6200 . 831·7623 days. 831·9079 '70SE gas Alloys. bla c k . 496-8876. COSTA MESA 979-2500 '77 9115 COUPE. Alloys. Vallswagtn 9710 AM/FM. air. power win· ••••••••••••••••••••••• · niles. 496-4615. COHYERTllLE Metallic blue. blue lop. blue leather int. Perfect condataon ! Lo m 1 les Original Rancho Sank Fe owner. Sl8.SOO 714 n 56-3994. dows. cruise. 37M miles. . Having trouble sell'· Sl7,650 (04491 ing your car? Try us Top "We nred lo buy clean Datsun used cars" $Will Pay Top Dollar S COSTA MESA DATSUN 284SHAR80R BLVD 540-6410 540-0213' 1974DATSUM 610WAGOH Burgundy ext er ior . 4 speed trans. & air cond. (llOOLPH). Oti&Y $1799 HIWPOaT DATSUM 8 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 133-1300 '73 2'0Z, 4' spd. loaded. mint cond. 14100. Must 9738 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1976MA%DA WAGON Auto. trans.. alr cond., lugga~e rack. stereo & low miles. Priced to sell! How ORiy Sl211 Miracle MalcM/lt...-+ 2l!i0Harbor Bl .. C.M. 645-5700 '61 Mercedes, rblt t>ng. good cond. Ideal for restoration. $3100or best. J im675-4652 '73 M B 280 SE 4.5. AM/FM stereo nvy blu ext. mid blu int · l ownr. lmmae xlnt. cond Askg S7500642·4447. -------~ MG 9742 ~letil&. 9740 ...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hew 1979 '78 "450SLC" MCh & MIDGETS Beaulilul metallic blue in stock for Immediate paint. s unroof, leather delive.ry! See US before seating, power windows. you buy !zm12> TODAY!!! MUST SEE nA4l. •• _a;' .... -~~u:1-1 ~.[' 13631 H41rb0< 8..., GarcMf! G•cwe '" ... nu '78450SL. Bestolfer. 493-3195 ·----211125 Harbor Blvd. COSTAllESA 979-2500 see to a ppreciat e . ~~---~---"16 llG Mldtet Special, '64 M.B.·auto. PS. leather !M,000 mi'a. xlnt cond, upholstery. lac pnt. rads, $3200. Aft 6; 980-8088. 968-5867 lt77DAnUN 210%COUPI Blue exterior. 5 speed trans . 4t cassette. (631SDN). Otif.YS7299 MIWPOITDATSUM •DoveStreet NEWPORT BEACH HJ.1300 '75 Dats un B -2 10 . HMehbeck. Gas Saver , IZ,200. n -...., clean loob llDOCI l'UDI beautifully .. 100.HI /H5·HOf or -.11. very cha. 21mpg, $4000. ·-~------9-7_4_4 5-46-8374 - 1979 MB turbo diesel, !DfiO, sunroof, $28,500. Pvt party. 5.'ll-8081 Late 1975 300 Diesel wtsunroof, xlnt cond. Ori1 owner. $13,500. 644·82 BRAND NEW llESEL 7'.-Z240D Jl'ronl ~ arm reat, All/FM, ail\ ll~um red w /bemboo lawnOt. tClllll> MNJ6' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mlw lt79 M4Ht llore people buy the llGB convertJbte than any other convertible! See us before you bu)' TODA YU! ~) ....... ~., __ ......,..,..,_ -Harbor Blvd. 008l'A llESA 979-2100 '76 912E. Silver. black ant. Very clean. Only 39M miles. 06.12 ) Dir. 642-1366 ----Rois Royce 97 56 dollar · Paid for or Not! Bring your car to Jim Marino Volks wagen, 18711 Beach Blvd .. Hunt: ington Beach • Ask ror Frank Marino or Tom Aikin. ....................... ·--------- # 1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ROY CARVER ROUS· ROYCE IWOJillftlleH~ Newpertknll " ____ .,..... CLOSED SUNDAYS lt77VW COHYIRTaE White oo white, stereo cassette & a t owner, local car. <~YZ). ONLYS7499 MIWPOITDATSUM 11111 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 133-1100 '71 Yellow Convertible .611 RHD Comic.he type, Bug: Xlnt gas mi. Prv. phone optional, Mint. ,_Pt_y_._S21185 __ ._639-_56:_3:_3. __ Must sell. 675-8651. '16 vw bua. Mlnt cond. '59SilverCloud 1 $19.000 985-4144 ~ 9760 Air, auto, All/FM. W/X· traa, bm" wht w/strips. •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 39-M, needs nothin1. SA.Al $5400. PP. 548·3882, SALIS. 58VICI AMDLIASIH6 '71Cl.EARANCE NOWINPROGR~! llACHIMPOITS .. Dove Street Mi-9375. '71 Convert. Xlat cond. AM /FM. nds new top. SQIO. Ph881·31Me '11 Ccnvt.::/blk, xtraa, Z2Kmi, . Firm. P.P . 911',2376 NEWPORT BEACH '74 Super Beetle. Sunroof. 71Z.0t00 xtnt coad. Good 1aa ,.,... 9761 =e. 13,400. 548-3001. • ...................... , ___ o_. _____ _ '88 Corona. 2 dr. rent '73PopTopcamper. Exe . valw job, 2 new Uni. oond. Finl realOllable llOO. Pb "5-tsOa evea ofraCC!tpted. ID-1117. aaly '75 Slaper BHtJe convt • -------·• NewWht top, yellow bdJ, J'ara.llled Ad AcnON Calla DlaUy Pilot AJ>.'VISOR "2-5"11 am/fsn/tape, nu Urn, 4111 ml, crt1m puff. .... MS-ml. Greet pa mlltqt: '71 VW _. 8'C. nu rblt .... .... -•ut.o tnnl, .......... Dlulb llll!tta. dDt ~. riuu fa• &MUc.,...... A111M. UIH Alll9I. UIH ...... utMt ,~...,.,_. UIH ----"--!'-;:-•••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ..................••... ...................... . ........................................... . Qeuu.. ttJO c--ttJJ U.. ff41 Mllwt ffM ..... ff61 ,.._ ttH ;-.;;:;; ........................................................................................................... . . Jl-1-~-J~~~~:-::-:-:-~~~~--~~"~~'fHllloftt ---~277 U....CNCOIDLMU•--+l...f-5'-&r-a....,andt-~1-r1nrt---iftll~~WUftlWWUn;u111TU--'"-t----::~::'"'.'-:'":-:--:--:-:--~~--1 _ rea11u lMM .m ""-·•-•n 711UMIAM ... .. ..................... AMll"Matereu.•lr , l•n Arctlr whlt11 with TOWMCAI llrolalMm. lllat eond. ~ext-· • '71 VW Biaa -~-Cll'I. Tw!'-t ~,..,ht dMu l~. IUllO Mi-41M3. rnatcblr\I white vla.Yll .tn· All •11.tr 0: lncludbln11 t1Hl =a BEST OF· Isl .... ~.:•b;• ~ ll«fO '"~'",.. n ~ ... ..,. terlor , Ult 11teer n1 r o o .s·ocr-·1 e ow · · 3 Seat &&.Uon W•gon. =.:wbeels. All' ~i- t . r-11-· .. , ,_&__ Int . lo•ded. nrw tnn '74 (~ vr1· Air . ..., _ ... _, All /"'II •• -,.... -...1 .. ale Blu• loo.. .. "'"' _.,. o1 ,. M M =-»~> .. ... ......, "'-nu> ~ •· ~ =.· .~,'!!:1 "'- 1 •"-"' 1 1 tt trans., V-1. , -...n-..1~ • ._. llupt'r conchtlon II~ mp&, A I lllt•rt•o ,_ .... --~.do. a7c. ... ·-_.. ---_,._., ,.,.____ IW. WVW8ca1*.IDOCfbod •, !Wh--'7GI c~t .. $J2007bllot olr .Qltl R.J .Damerow&Auoc:. ....• nt'~_c. lant. l&H, em1a1aions powet •t•er!n 1..and ·~ ----new rMtal•. baUrf'y •---------.,_ ._, • 1$1 ZUI ..,..,. , ..... new •· tlOO. CGlll1'0I 119tem. L R re· brakel. (5'7'1'Da..I , .. \ na BNloff« ut.~ C •u 9915 ---~·5830 · 9GID mote control mirrors . $7491 I - -••••••••••••••••••••••• •11bwvt1llt' M•Ubu. 2 dr .. , .......... -IY ---------A/C. autom•'tic, pwr. -111: .. " .. 5630 • 1111 Now d9 VW lltlMtt IMI) kllil t'ftllftt' Re11t Offer Sil ' b--I Ith bl t ktl-9tH tailc1te wlndow & door """' I ALL... ......... ... Nf'W •• e ~·------ae.u:. int~~;. PamS:~ ....... ,............... lodla. Priced below Blue YOYOJA :'°~i/ = ~~h:: C:l.t* ttJI 2626 HARBOR BLVD. younetr with luxury. lmllOU Bid. Ta,ooo mi. $1495. ••••••••••••••••••••••• COST• MES• (MIUZI> MUST.-II Can bueen at The Daily 2626 u.a.neoA BLVD OMIA1D,Jollnt7a.WI 1979 c .. y•• _ .. .. tR.L•fl ..... --t.I"' .....,. at--r Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. ,._,,. · I 4 4 I -_. nuwu.111 ..... -·· """' -Co1t1 Me11 o r c all COSTA MESA I IOI --.. .... ._. • LllAIOtUDI. '7'COUGA• ,.,.,.30 ~e~C:C:e~:;n~~: Circ ulat ion Dept I I ,,.. .. nAlll °'9ftC-9y'• VH. 11uton111tk lranK. LiJ1ht gret'll wit-h terior with leas thin 1142-4321.ext_.2_10__ .... 1.1.C• I _..... I YOLISWA•.. • •• rH1o c.....-l'"T :.I ,. brukc·~. t111t~....i l'l'llH·lung airt!t!D anwrior, 31,000milet. C9llOSXG ). •75 &.-,.._..__ 3 mos. FREE dnvlng ror -• 1tlM,. r1tdio, r wil<>m u1· uutuinatlr. :ur cond -y •..a195 ·-r _._.. Qualified Buyer '78 Pon· I 0 , 120 n :11t .-trlPl•i. & mnrt' c579r<'Ni 2826HAABOAILVD. ---S1 • ...._SteW .. tiacPhoenix4-dr Sed.lo I TOYO•• PUICHASI 11~1 $3495 COSTA MESA HOWAIDCIMwolet All extras, PIS. P IB. m I Imm c d 1 a t e I ' •~ MIWAMDVl9 OILIASI S5Jf5 540·5130 Dove&QuailSb. AM /FM. AfC. c lol'k. possession, Assume 2-t C-~· •79-.oy.•7 NEWPORTBEACH e"''aai-con•-l •ystum , payments or Sl 60 on I ~A • COM'8'fa.IS YOUI MIW 1-;i;r" l~m ~ ~ 7!I ....-n -HJ.OHS ' v'.~ ;t~.. ;t~. Q 78.~230 O.E.L. cornment•tnl( Sept I SUPRA I : :: cJ:li.c l!lj!l$9!t.1~¥.t 2626 HARBOR BLVD. ::n::~=ll~~~~ v~;i-~~E ! ~~ee~~~ rh!95i>~.~~ ~;l;~-p~-s;;;:77, l>Wncr. I . sc-'"OS COSTA Mes· . ~.. bakes Pilot. ~ w Bay St.. "I $1'"'!)" Ph I .. STOCI! --MOW! Op1•nUa11\&-SunllJ~ .. 1&1r .. vnu, power r · MUSTA ... J.OI. Costa Mesa or <·all very • ean. '";, ' ••i••..t.TI I •IUSSIS 11l111l'M "-"-9935 lm&l29> Qqle.16,ZIMmiles.V-6. Ci r c ul1.t1on Dl•pt. 640-826.S I . ~ I I ... a....... . ~'!1 ll:trhor HI\.. .......,.. SSl95 aUtDmatic. power s teer· 642-5678. exl. 210 '72 Pao Grand ,\M. full .... ..,..,, ._.. ••••••.•••••••••••••• ••• .e: .. " i1r.a30 . A M I F M I .,.....,.. OMSALI s46:'a'ti4 1970DODGE ._,.,_ (6~ti>°t410RTV> '74 Custom Satellite. a~r. r~:;;rij7~.'~tarc~ Xlm -----1 THISW. .. D NABERS CH&••EHGER $3766 auto. pwr, fi"-500 m•. I IOI WITH •M 1979 CH•YsL.:a .,...-Rood <.'Ond sins. 979·846ti A ("'-; _. Automatic lrans. power •J.C. FORTUNE eves1wknds ·I HAPPY VOLKSWAGEN f/tft((/((; Vt1.~=a~~·41~~~s . ~~~~~d~:~~"b~~~:!i 262~~~~~~:;vD. Pontiac-GMC '75StaWgn.full pwr.~(Jf>CJ I I 16HWIS1'MIMU•••t. pwr '>l & brakes. tilt t·ovl'rs, b•1<'ket scats ----axx>E.lslSt .. SantaAna rond . 75 .uno m1 . ·17 f'i rt•h1rd F-.µrit Clean. A < '. I' \\'. I' s . I• H. lllt. J lll Im Ii trJ1•k , new TA r:itho. -;hut•k,, $5501 Call ~··IOlSll wn,,....s,.. ' HHhil><" 1"'" whl-cl. cll'l' n·ar w111do~ vmyl toµ 1495BLQI (714)558·1000 Sl3.'I01ofr !).19-:1112 -155 638-7880 I ... 1.1 ""'"''· '>40 '1100 SI 295 ...._-...lcJi 9947 I CUSTOMaS I VY~ 1 • ddrnsh •r. \'tn)'I roof. ...,......,.. I I ....................... '66 ClasliiC. Rblt en°. New I (M740 '70 New brakes. gold with rear tires. front brakes . CHOOSI A CAI ~w rat 1111 llrt•s & more. Exi ires 'I 'm 5.29.79 .. I AT T;:,! 1 YI 'bi,~E~~~~i·~;\~t : :~~:~~;:~~r~~~l:~~:\~~~·:· 1 1 t;x~:~0~4!,55 ~79 tJ fl$'$ff.J~H ~~t~~~.~~age .. :;~:-ta-n_g_4_-c_y_l_4_s p. I ---Xlnt n md s:i.:.011 11:-t (J 0 1 •. Su d ....._.._ 9950 AM /FM cass. good I ·57 VW Bu~ re bit l'ng lll'r ~5 l.lW ,.,1·s !>('n 31 v o1 ° 3 v ~· -r tr ~ 200 536-85n BF.ST 01-·1-·i.:n 'tal lCI PM . ....................... ans. • . • . I • I 642·fi066 Aft Ii NO GAS LINES 2929 II arbor lll vd ORANGE COUNTY'S '77 !ifust. V-8 eng. only ·79 L'.adallm· &•vllll' ck Open U111l y & Sunday Costa Ml'sa MEWIST 7lnl mi. radio. AM /FM I I 'Tl Convertible \'dlow. 1~t'I. a~tm roof. <t51JO m1. ·11110 PM 546-1934 LINCOLN-MERCURY tape player. A/C, P /S. I 11.000mi 11r11•1•d to std l fas l 2929 11arbnr81\'d DEALERSHIP P /8.$C189.963·5058 I 75!J.0500 t·•-,7 .. ...,,, GORGEOUS '11 DATSUN .. "-'-1 C~la Ml'"a •77 DODGE RAY FLADHOE 66 MUST CONY. V8, auto, I I ·79 Rabbit dw~d . ·I cir, AmtricmtCarPan 546-1934 LINCOLN-MERCURY • nms great. nds body/ 2llZ dlx 5 spd mt•t J)a1nl 751·89IO PICICUP tr .. 18 Aut0Center Dr paint. $2,495 rarm . I . · · · · · IJ7[).ZIJ6l'Vl's/wknch Continental 9930 Custom 150 Short bed 6,..., """"or '""-"c"" I stereo 1100 m1. S8Af)(J SO""~·-Lake l''orcsl exit ..... .-... """~ . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• V·tl. automatic. powl'r • .. , ___ _ I Air cond .. low miles. bi3-4242 -'76 Srv1ll1-. Wlfl' "'hi:-. 1972 Mark IV ... 1N1' IRVI NE I ,., !>leering. mags/ovals ll"7000 '67 Mustan~. Beautarut superb condition. Fo r sa le l!Hi!I VW AM FM 11 lrk. 1•1'.lru:. COND. Load<.'<1, 891\ 011 Campl•r shl'll 1boo1 -cond White w i r ed I (029SMU) Squarebat"k . i!li m J>I!. S71W !JIH t:li~l $2750 731 7~7 28.887 m 1 le~ I 6 1110 I l~t.lwr mt Near clas:.ac ONLY runs great SllOU l'all --------<lll&59til l 1976CADILLAC S2700.&$4·2ll9 I $7595 I 640-_ IWOaft :>pm '7ti CUV. nonsmohr's Corvett. 9932 COUPE DE VILLE 1·ar. brn exl /lH'l.1(1' ••••••••••••••••••••••• S6366 Aut.omalac trans .. Power 'Ill Mustang. Runs well. I 11969 KARMANN t;llt,\ le1tth(•r mt. Cab tup, CORVETTE *JC FORTUNE steenng. power brakes, nds p11int $1000 Call <:ONVERTIBl.1-: Like <12.llUO ma. heaut t•ar. • • ai r cond .. whil e :;52-4.1116 I I ~~ $4500 64044112 ~!l!f.l.01_!11.'..!:fl 96K·1 103. COUNTRY! Pont1at .. GM<' sidt'walls. electnc door l8ToChoosl'l-'rom 2000E.Lst St .SuntaAna locks. leathe r . s plit •'68conv.Beautiful <'ond I ·74 VW Thmi.:. gn•at 1·ond. CONVHTllLE l""A"To 197!1s.· 1714 15.'>ll·IOOO · auto. air, AM /FM tape • hardlop w 1!.unrn11f '68C1d '4ht ~1blk ml. ~ power seals.crwsecon-Best OHer. Call e\'~!> HOWARDChenolet ,. I lrol. tall wheel, AM /FM I AM /FM. S2650 ntr nl·W paint. top. tlrt':.. '7fi Colt uT . xtrn I'll -~o fli[)-7802 win· whl co\ll'rs. n•r~ Dove & Quail Sts mags. dual u1I flltrat111n , slt•roo, moon roor. power NL~WPORT BEA''ll windows, vi ny l top. I I Vol•o -9772 n11·1 .. SlK.~J 1!4H·7M~ ' .-. 833-0555 " ~I/firm MG·30_5_2__ <OOJVCY > I 'JJ PLYMOUTH I •••••••V••O••L••V•O••••••••• Canaro 9917 'QI Merl' Cou~ar GOO<l $4995 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 CORVETTE <'Orld.ttion Nt•~ tire~ Sl:IOll f:Xpares to pm 5.29 79 I I iii L~1mi.1rci LT. 2:-1~1 mi. l.t:S.'> than Jl.UOO mill'!>• or best ufft•r 11:1!1 3!JOI ARROW su 11:s, SHVICE F \1 -.11•n•o. \' M .111111. Loa<k-d. induJin~ T-1t1p Ford----__ 9_9_4_0 I & I ~ ~~l•IP I' Iii:, 2111;i11·q·-. 177fiU''E1 Auto trans ow AMD LEASING '- I m11es (970SLR) <>VERSF:O\.~IJELl \'1-:llY 'i1iCarn;1ro l.T '1'1111>,:11r . NowOnlyS8688 OHU EXPt-;HTS I'll PS. au111 lran:-.. ,tlf Miracle I 53395 P"r ,1t·1·1•:-. . .,l .-r1•0. Mcnda/RettcNH I , EARLE IKE ~itUI h:-.t.hm til5 11'5:! 21Jt.I Harbor Bl.. C M I VOl VO 1978 CAMARO 64s.5_7o_o __ I I 19661larbor Ulvd L(lw mtl1•s. load~d ' 1979 CHEVROLET COST A M 1-:sA l'nn-rl to sell ' CORVETTE T-TOP I • I 646-9~0~ 540·946 7 Mow Only $5988 U>aded ! Silver exten or I ,.. • o..11.!.E COUNTY Miracle with bur~undy leather I VftA...V Maida/Renault interior Lt-ss than 100 I I VOLVO W10lh1rhor RI . L' :it rrules! •Ser 6#11. Must 'J& SILVER F.XO.USIVELY VOLVO see now I I w,gcst Voh·o Drail'r 64s.57oo WON'T LAST!!! MUSTANG mOran~eC'nunty' lilu1· (';,maro SS 'Ill!. \t•ry HOWARD Che•rolet I I BUY or u :l\.'i E l'i1•:ir1 '>:~••. Do•e & c;>uail Sts. Atr cond & loaded DIHJ<:l'T (':1111i:11 22.'l!I NEWPORT IE.ACH .•.................•... " .............. !. .... 0..to''····· Aflt41tfWAlolllO(eoril•• , ....... '111Hll'TY TRL'C'K ! '78COURIER Lo n,gbC'd P11·kup ;, six·<·d. /\~1 FM i>tt·n•11 c·assett<'. 12.345 males 1611481CIK197!f.J1 AT LAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 0 Jlt'O l>uily & Sunday 'til 10 PM ~}29 llarhor Bh If Crn;l:i Me~:i 546-1934 IMMACULATfo: '78 COUGAR XR7 17.500 miles V·l:I. autom;Hic. pe>wer stcer- tn)(. power windows. fi w:iy power st:ats. c·ru1se. fa1't ;ur. AM IF!\t ~lnc•o. l an d au. s unroof . ma~~ 'new rad ial:. 1fil t:W lt579VA \'I $6966 *J.C. FORTUNE '67 Gold Mustang, 289. auto. PS. new pnt & tires Greitt grad girt! Sharp' Sl750. 548.2335 --------~ 9'55 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '770LDS WAGON For that summer \';u·a lion. tan with ta n 11nyl 1111.enor with ind1ndual front seats. tilt whed. AM/FM 8 lrark. roof ra <'k . P /S , l'l l:S . (~f\J) $5095 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN · MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ·m Olci's Delta 1:18 1mma1· IU>/lx.>!it orfer 631 5575 Most Sl'll. take O\'f.'.'r 9965 ··~···················· 1974 PONTIAC VENTURA V-8, automatu.' trans . power steerinf( & brakes. white sidewalls. aar cond., v in y l lop C5S9JCR) Sl995 Exp1re11 10 PM 5.29.79 AT LAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open Daily & Sunda~ 't al 10 P:i-1 2929 llarbor Bl\ c1 Co~ta Mt"'"' 546-1934 SUPf:RSTAH '78TRAMSAM 19,277 mill"' \ K . automallr . powl'r o;;tet·r ing, power windo-4-. ( a r I u I r , \ (• I o u r appearanc·e ).!ruup. lork~. ma I'?:.. l 1 I l . 1\ ~1 F :ii s l l' r l' II I a .. l' , ti004511 N1 t.: ns 1 $7666 •J.C. FORTUNE l'ont1a10.(; ~1< • ·n c.:.itahna •I rh I owner. lo m1, PB. I'S, Al'. many (lther ~tra s $42011 5.52·5321 '16 F'irebml ~:-;pml. J.'>IJ Erono VII, 2.1,000 011. full pwr. AC. A M /FM. new rudaals. S4&IO. 64fi·43.16 1975 PONTIAC TRANS AM Auto tran~.-air l'ond . p11wer sleenni:. !.ll'reo. mag wheels. (55Cj7fil 1 Now Only S4688 Miracle Mcnda/RHault 21~1 tl:..rhor Hl~ll . t' M 645-5700 'liK l..t• ~fan:-. Ont• Uwm•r: ... 11111 G11ud 1·1in s.;su .">.'l!.l·li.'tltl I OWNER Iii Tran:. Am whl 11. r1•tl int .. ~ulJ>. lull P'1"t'I ....... lt.eal t:hrorn1• "" t· "hi-. :!J!K ma. ssom >1o11t iH:~t v~ 9974 .•...•................. l9'i4 l.T llat<•hh,11 lo. .1 ,. I "P· luw mile' 111'" 11ri•-.. a .... '' h:-;l ol r Ii.tu 1:12!1 ~ E bl !-\t . S:rntJ 1\na Autos, M~w 1 714 15.~ 1(11)11 9800 ........•.............. THE DEALS ARE --. BE 11 ER THAN EVER ... AT SADDLEBACK FORD! 1 a~~~.~c;m•"' I[!~~,~:~ ........ !~~~ c-,rm.om m1 I S 3 4 9 5 I 2025 S. Manchester FtNAL 1978 ••••••••••••••• •••• • •• • $4766 Pontiac-GMC ~X> E. !st St.. Santa Ana 1714 )558-1000 pml's. '79 Cutlass, fully 1•-"""' .... ._ ... __.,___ loaded. lo m i. good ~as I I Anaheim 750-2011 C&.EARANCE! 1974 MERCURY I I ·~ V~lvo -PUWO t.;real on Ca~aros. Clj~nces. ~OUG~~ COUP~ shape Elt•c ov~rdrivc Monte Carlos. Mallbus & V8, automatic lrans-. aar I • •. ~w r>irell;!., ~ire s hls: Nov..is. Drastar rC'duc rood . rwr st', & brak,l•s. AM tFM st<'r ncl' dutch lions• AM FM s t~reo " M I I & exh~ust s!.so01b:-.t ofr SAVE MOW!!! track. spht seat. v1~yl 6752921 top & 'W I S I W llrts I I ._ -CJ23KFRI 2£'1 DL Slatton WaJ,!tm ti $2795 COHHRL CHEVROLET I '11 CHM I c•yl '76 Xlnl c•nrul air. F:xpires IOpm 5.29.79 PIS. P /8. rm stt:rc·u c·:is:-. I El c• .. No I roor rat·k John tli5 1164. ~11;.irhor Hl•d \ ., JST \ '1 r .. -.. \ 546-1200 I Rllll work 963· 7829 L1ke New I -d ------ ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH *J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac·G MC 2W> E. Lst Sl .. Santa Ana ( 714 15:°>8· I 000 --- '77GRANADA C:OUpe in gold with tan in tenor. AM tFM II tr~u·k and air condit1oncd !'om fort. 1937T0E) S3995 540-5630 '78MOHA•CH GHIA Coupe in maroon with m:itchinl? interior. air rood. I Hl8URI 1 $4995 540-5630 1011\SO\ ,\SO\ • LINCOL N Mf R1,1JR~ 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA mi. 645-2198. 1979 Toronado Diesel. burg w/tan lthr. 2 wks old. rull warr a nty Sl6.IMXI. &M·.2682 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971FO•D PINTO •UHAIOUT Economi ca l 4 <'YI . a utomal1r trans , pwr steer ing & radi o C31ZJ'JRL CStk. P389'JI '75 Volvo 242DI.. I :-op · GAS SAVER 16 cylinder, 4 Speed .• /\MIFM. ;1ir fo!xt: gas air cond .. shell, more. milea~e. S400H 548·0654 '78 MONZA I (45837). I -2+2 Hatchback V fi. I 0J)<'n 01.11ly & Sunday 't1l IOPM 292!1 lfuroor Blvd Co:.tu Ml'Sll IOH~SO~ & so~ • LINCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD '72 Col. Park 9 puss. wag. White. fully loaded! $3611 THEODORE ·74 Volvo Xlnt <'IJOd . i.ix't'<l. power steenru:. I '5195 I 22 mp,g S4~5 fuct aar. trlt. AM tFM Call 71i8·1~1S ~tcreo. r al lyt>. 19.193 I I ·16 votvo:t.44 DL. air. 1111leli 161145> <975UORI I I AM/FM. snrl. xlnL. t:ond $4966 • 1141848 .1:182;J *J.C. FORTUNE I I Aulos. Used ----~ Pontaac-G MC I I :_•::;.•••••••••••••9••9•0•5• axxi E tst St .. Santa Ana -(714)558-1000 I '7& rMn , ••••••••••••••••••••••• rUllU 64 Rambler Amenean 2 --------- ' llVEllCI dr. Zl MPG. new motor & · tire>. Runs great. Isl s.1541 I e cylinder. •utomatic, takes it . 776-5162 I power steeri ng. ·m Javelin Runs ~ood. (U5803sluPllCID Needs interior wo r k •• ,2495 mllbestoffer 894-9743 .. toOSo.CoeltHwy. '68 Javelin: 343 eng. wide Logi99 •ach mag tires. Net'<l trans. 494-11 l I I work. $450 or best offer. ~~~~~~~~~I 847-3197. ; THlO OO Rf ROBINS r r. 11 r' ' . --- 21 .... C......Drt•• .. --~ . ..-ONM7DAYSA-- 761-7222 '71 Malibu. Runs 1ood. 17MPG ln town. $C50. 642·11242 Leaving country . sacrifice. Capri ce CIMSic "71. immac. ccqt, like new, AM/FM, A l f:. xlraa. Call 140-9449 Leave mtl or 673·1J73 evtl. Chevelte '71 4d r . "II c.aa., cmt.om 4dr, hatchback. alr cond. .... AC, 'ii.O:dio. lood All/Fii, MW Ureta. Beat mecti. . 155·UH oll•o:J::o· 15W081 ...._ wllDdl ,T..U 1111* '11 R.1al Bel&e "11 .._. W111. VI. auto.J t.-.1. lsaona old. lllr, _,ml. Loeded. ,a ~· alt, DIUlh ln· mll•I•. M ua_t HI I ----••.-..na. - COSTA MESA Xlnt! Sl!.100. 675-6161 ROBINS 546·193~_ '77COUGAR Cool while with tan m- ten or. md1v1du:il huckel seats and /\M /FM stereo. C797TPI ) $4995 540-5630 1011\SO\ &~O\ • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA . 76Granada. PS. PR. auto. stereo. S2995. 557-7342 dys, 675·3746 CVS ·71 Mavenck Stack, Rd t'Ond. lo ma. mi. pvt ply. Eves 64().2834 ·n LTD 2. J0.000 miles_ Xlnl cond. Priced to move fast. 979·2728 Have you read today's Classified Ads? If not. you're m1ssm~ the best bargams in town 1 Trucb 9560 Trucb 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 191.P.6. (E.P.l) 350 MILE RANGE 1979 llC 'A TOI PICKUP ·-· (ID.524121) (10820344) ..... Spltl, Cll••c•S. Wftl OYllSTOCllD '76 MEltCU•Y MONARCH GHIA Sedan 1n burnis hed bron7.c with malc hlnj! Ian vinyl interior with air ronditioned eomfort. PIS. P/8. C074PGN> $1195 540-5630 1011\SO\' \\SO\' • LINCOLN MERl,URY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '79MOHAICH GHIA Sedan. tan wilh tao in- terior. tilt steer ing, cruise control. power wmdows, P IS. air cond, AM /FM stereo 8 track t988WCR). $6695 540.563(1 FORD 'J()/,G HARBOR Sl VO COSTA ME ~A t>41 0010 ECONOMICAL '7'PIMTO STATIOM WAGOM 23.374 mil es . V ·6 . automatic, custom ex- terior. luggage r ack . (6U44)Cl85RIY> SH" *J.C. FORTUNE Ponliac-GMC axx> E. lsl St .. Santa Ana (714)SSl-1000 '74 Pinto. like new, make otrer. '73 Pinto Runabout. SU~. 646-8094 '75 Pimo Stn. wgn. pis. p/b. lo/mi. Moving. Must Sell. 12.400. 875-42311. 'TT Pinto Wagon. 4 apd. 2626 HARBOR BLVD. PS, PB. •ir . stereo, COSTA MESA more. Xlnt concl. Must '76MOMAICH GHIA Sedan. Ric h brown metallic with tan In- terior. A precision sized automobile with ramily room (074PGN) $3195 540-5130 2128 HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 77MOMAICH .... Gold llMUlllc rib IH HviDI crlliH control, All /P'll stereo, power ... power wtadowl. tilt ............ (aatl> S1ttl sell. 5511-5862. . ,,, .... ,,,... "15 Squire w.,oa. Auto. air, rack. New car cond . in&out.Mt-5Dt. '74 Pinto Wqon. 4 spd, A/C, low miles. $1600. 64&31133. ..,..... "'° ••••••••••••••••••••••• 197,..,_ ... ._IWTC•I• 251.tli&W ... Blue metallic w /blue int. A/C, All trM stereo, auto.. speed control! eml11ioa1 coatro ............... ,.,, .... • lotb. Priced ........... _,., .. .-. .-.ca••-• .... DIU1 PUot. -w. -··· c.aa .... Of eall Qlftladoa o.,t . . ., ...• LEASE YOUR NEW FORD NOW ·-.. '7t MUSTANG 11 wrG EP• c:sT •cy•M"' ·-&l!O~ O tt 36 fTIO' OCMt"I •nd fPdlSP Cttc n 1 1•6, 5 ,.,...au..• 12S'i' vn dPOt •• •1 c:recl•I '7' FAIR.MONT 17 MrG EPA £:-.1 • cy•mn,,.. 4 1CJill'f'O ~,41 ., 1 "' o~" '?8''''~· J6 mo' C't>l'rt .. ~o i.:. .. "'' l •• r ••6~9 r~f(lu•• 1?-.1q 1 tCD" .,. • '7'COUllB s97°' "9•0 • f •• ~-MILEAGE MAKERS! '16 PINTO WAM>H 4 cylinder, automatic . roof rack. (001RXMl 52977 '76COUllB 4 cytinder. 4 speed. Only 35M miles. (1E06208). 53377 '71YOLAll 6 cylinder ... speed. AM/FM stereo. low mites. ( H029C). 53477 '76MUSTAM6 4 speed. 4 cylinder. po•er steer i n g . stereo. (845POI). '76 GRANADA 4 door 6 cylinder. aut o matic . po we r steering & brakes. air & more (567RXP) 5 3777 '71 ro.D FISOP.U. V-8. a utomatic. power s t eering , a ir . (42230Y). 53977 '71MUSTA*i 2 + 2 . 4 s peed. 4 cylinder. (8F03Y) . 5 4277 '71CHRTSLIA COIOOIA 2 door. Automatic. pow er steering a brakes, (755VOI) . 'NA U1r$ f eatuf ittq ~ _ .. '. il-!'@ooe1,,o0~ .. ~ ,..,__ ·'-- -.. -~ ffil~ l1M Tlt'{'IN6 TO W~TE AN AR11CLE ASOUT SOME OF THE FUNN'( iHtN6S THAT HAPPEN IN_SASESALL SAMES.-... ,,~ NANCY OH , DEAR, WHERE IS IT? LOCAL WANtADS (<~ ~~) t::c=======-~ IF YOU CAN THlNK - OF AN'r'TMIN6 ~UNN'1', LET Mc KNOW- 11E'(, MANA6ER, l'M WORKIN6 ON A SPECIAL PROJECT By Ernie Bushmiller I WAS SUR E I PUT IT UNDER HERE -- ITS NO USE--, I CAN'T FIND IT i-"9111_. ___ 50 THATS WHERE I LEFT MY SKATEBOARD . ~----- IN~l.AL..T ME~ ; r~A . : :-~L..L. M E 4 NAME. ~·~LAI WHY,. MAR'.CIA~ ,r- ~~ :AN' -rHeReFORe ' HAV!! NO 'TIMI! :-r-o &e BLJG<S IN , P80Pt.-e!! .' I I so~e POC"rORS P-OUR 'THES PROFl~S e>ACK IN"f"O • "T"He IR PRAC"T"1ce ,, A~ A ~AVO~. PL•A~• ... OFFENO Me . I'D 81i MUC.H 0 9L..16S:O .' :t eet.-1e:ve IN POURIN ' 'SM e ACK IN"T"O ME:.' W E:L.L., e~, 1r: YOL-L I N~I?~ ... --- -t t.~A , DO MEA FAVO~,. Wil-l- YO&,..( r ,. ... ,s oNe·s A RESA L-WINNE:R , POC.' r - MA.rCIA1 YD&A'lr'E ~ PAtN IN TMI! Nectc !! A "T"INY' PIL.-1-SHAPSP 1,...1Ke A PUCK ?.' H 1, Cf:NN19 .. 1 CM'i; Olll:'Q 10 WATCH )Ot.J RUN AwAY. I l ! ~EAL.LY ~M eeAtATIFtAL. WMEN l 'M ANc'.l~Y!! • 1• C> [> [' , °HAVING &EEN OFFERED A JOB AS A 6HORT OROER COOK &Y THE WOMAN OWNE~ OF'A TRUCK' &TOPCAFe, eEN ltEPOl'T5 FOR~ORK I. AFTER A FOUR· HOUR NAP. -;/jROJP pov -~~ 5 -2 7 ~- . , . ' . . ~ ·~ ·. ' It 's official! Del Montes Catsup has been named the only catsup that1s fit for the happiest place on earth ... Disneyland. And to celebrate our Grand Opening as the Official Catsup of Disneyland. we'd like you to open a bottle at home -for 15¢ less with the coupon at right. .. . . . i i I I ~ e HEY, YOU WEREN'f KIDOIN' WHEN YOU SAID YOU ve DONf THI& &EFORE! <J·<l <J I Al.SO DO SOME GOURMET COOKING/ WHEN WE HAVE TIME I'll-MAl<E YOU A VEAL DISH 1HAT'5 FIT FOR A QUEEN! '); ' • _;:;i . ·--:-.: •••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .i. ,S't'[GG'[ 000ti2 l.5C OFF i.....--~~~~~~ Take this coupon to your grocer. 15e Worth 15~ on your next purchase of any size bottle of Del Monte• Catsup. ' • I MARMADUKE® 5 -27 S1"AMPeV~! SfAMPePEl SAVE! Me FROM IHOSE: -rMUNl7~RING" HOOFS! 11115 IS &JUST AN01"Ht:R OF YOUR SCHE:ME:S "T'ee-f ME \\ IN ¥OUR CLUICHe5, J H IL17e&ARP HAMHOCKeR! HOW VAR&VOU! IFM'/HANVS weRE FREf., l'V SLAP "eR FACE! WHERE:?! r PON'T s~e NO S1AMPt:PE! By Brad Anderson_ HE LL.0 . 5Wt:e·n.~EARI! HOW ~RE ~­ '(OU. t...1 l"1"L E. BEAN '( 1. LOVE. 'fOV, CORN! YOU'RE ALL ~AUTI FUL! :::=:;:x::::==~rrT!Tfr'1 f I I . ~ I CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There •re •t le•st s1ir differ ences in 4raw1n9 det•ils between top and bot1om _,.nels How quickly un you ftnd them? Check •nsweri with those below. ,a,'°"' \t , •• ft ... \ " o .. ,.,._,.w 'i O"tt ~ tld•n lM ,; A•'9 ' &t.1•ft1W.. \I ,.,,.,. )I~ ( •"•• ... 6•0 \1 ••V'I) t •uawuiO \ 41V"\fi\ ' .. ,. "'"jl"'h 'tl -------by ttal ICaufman------- eGEE WHlll "A puuled Y~lt9 lady wld 'Gff. I can't cube the cube root of ftlree. lltou9tt Mwen '"m' plenty. It m ight come to twenty. I wonder how much it can be?'" Can TAKE PICK Of TRI CKS ••and \omeone a dozen loolhpacks and chal lenge him or her lo torm them Into a Ilg ure conlalntng five squares It s easy Simply form a laroe square """th two tooth picks pet' side. a nd u~ the (emalnl09 tovr to form tour smaller squares Inside Now. uslno the Hme 11 toothpteks. chal lenge someone to form a f19ure cont•lnlno sl• triangles Can yov do IP Clue Our friend above ts on the right lrac lr. W4il u• I~ O• l#-.,A\ ~'; P.1W-..i1 •I\ 0"°1..i1"'W"'• .t )~t •AOtlfl ~ ·~ .,._ •M~ you answer In thrM seconds? 4'11\CU ~ ...,_...,,. '' .... U. "'U e A student who heard wrong thovghl the class was g discussing the~ e11pl0f'ers I Christopher Galumpus 'l Seb•st1an Ca bbage J ~ r dnc1sco Ptzla Arrow Can you set htm straight, e Each of these U.S. cities hu a tree 1n its name: l. _land, ul. 2._ville, N.C .. l ._8Hch, Fla. 4._ Rapids. la. Fill blanks. ••i.w) • ..,,.d c "'" , •~o 1 e Riddle Me Th1s 1 Who invented woodwinds, Oboe ri91nes In wnach war dad snakes r1ghP 'The boa war Why was the crabgrass blue, II was rawnsome DISC·CUSSEO! Which lltp of fhe disc above re.ches its tarvet. point X, without undue 1nc1den1? W11'il let you de<1de. FAST FINISH! Addftlnecolors neatly iibove: I-Red. 2-Lt. blue. l -Yellow. 4-lt. brown. S-Flesh. 6-lt. 9rHn. 7-0ll. browft. 1-M;trvon. t-lladl. It-Lt. purple. 11-0ll. pu'1>M. SPELLBINDER SCORE 10 points for using all the letters In the word below lo fOl'm two complete words: VALIDATE --.. ---... THEN "ore, points HCh for all words of fcwr letten or more found among the letters. . Try to tare •t leHt SO points. ~ ·-· .. 11 .... -..... Q!U Od THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES by PASKO, TUSKA, COLLITTA ONLY 6CCAUS£: YOU TWO'' STAR REPr:>kff:/<5 ° C()NSE:N1 £.D TO VI/ACE US WITH tl)J~ P!?t:SENCJ: TOOAY, KENr/ IT~ A60UT THIS. 5l.IPERMAN PAY PARAO~ ••• IT~ ~OTt=i<S CAt.t.~0..A PR~ CCWFERE/'tlcE --81: THERE. NIELSEN TROUf'l...E: WrrH lDU:i~ MtDll.lNc, N(£L.5£tJ, IS fHAf PWPU: CXJNT UtJe IT FA?f tNOUbH TOMAtfE , IT PfWFrfA~e, ~O OUR CAM PAl6rJ CO NVI NCf<? You '{ou Nc E.D A oorn .. t OF ~WEt. T fHROAr A.""' Fo~ A l/AYflME COU6H1 AND A B'.Jlf~ OF?WUT lHPOAT P.~. Af ~t6HI, ••• 6UT IF YOU CAN SPARIJ: THE TIME AWAY FROM YCU~ BOOI< /;¥:ALS AND )Ot)R. 5YNOICAT£P C<XUMN· - "' z .. r t ~ ~.., by Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh V~f<'{ <mP,C}ilXK', f~TEAD OF HAVf l\Ju o~~ HALf .. fli~tD BOlf~ OF COU6H MW/CINE ON ™t 5Mc~ EVERYBODY ~ HA'? TWO QUARTEf\,AlL.tD &nriE.?, ,._ ()r. ,... WANNA <i'l VE-ME. Y00'2 f NPUf ON THI?,,, ? __...._,_ t) l .. I ~ j E -• ' " I I I • AS L.O~b AS WE MA\JE At-1 "°uR 6E.,-uJEE.t-l ll-Ac;sE:S, WENt>'/. I '™OVb~f' "°"' M\6M1 LUCE -ro ~u 1'"'4 1-S PLA'f. ! lf'S lAL\..E 0 ALUM~ I 6ROv( ! M~ NEuJ S~ot 'S A/l..r. "°'~" '° 6£T fut tJEt? . l\.\.. 5t'f '{O\J NE"E:~ ~f.A\..\Z£t> 1\lA1" 6VG~ A 8EAV1"l ~UL. 'SmEAM ~LO\tJE P . SO ~L~f:' 1"0 "f"E CAMPOS t S'fREAM?! 'Tll\~ '~ A SWAMP!! °"• L.OOK, ult'~O~ ~ ~ 'f"A1"0-S NOi A -me:~! 60f.S A OU( K tJUCK. -ntA'f •s ft..OA1"1Nt:r S'I ! A M\Jt> ~£M A~C> rr's OE:At'. I 1S~T f'~HS PLACE:' WONO(R~VL.1 JUS"f" ~OOK AT' AL.\.. \~£" \..l ~€ '·--"'--• ~'fuOE.~TS 0Ff£"1 COMf "ERE 10 lOMMut-le:: Wl"f&.t tJA1"vR£ OR ~A1"'c ~ uv otJ -r~£1R s-ruote:S UJE'.l..L. I \UE 6£1"'1"'Ct< 6€""r SALK 1" lLA~S. tJOW, 6\Ji AR!~'i 'lOV 6L. AO WE 'AMC \.t(RE 1 By tA&AN GORDO J.11, SLICKf #EV/ 'IOlJ DOiJ1T LOOI<. roo GoODr • OOG1 . IM 5EATr • MOON MU'' INS L.JCENSE:S ... 5T,AMPS ... Pt=RMITS ... FORMS ... REGJ'STRATIONS ... WHY? so IHSYCAN INTe~FERE IN ~VERYr~ ... , .. · WEL.L, WoLJLt> You LOOI< AT THAT.' WHAT ARE You MUMBL-IN<:3 A80UT, WINSTON? OR ~ATl~ MAL.ARlA 'l!fJEt;, MV 8001<1 ''dEAT/.I IN TJ.IJ: oAl<DEN,'1 JIAS .JUST 1!3EEAI PUBl-15/.IEOf aur TUE AUTOGIZAP# PART//:ES ARE Yf-5 ... WEL.L, W~ J<,AN OUT OF WEST. By Gus Arriola /PS A 1-IF£-SAVING MANUAL SU/3TITU_Q, ''..SP!<A vs I PELLET~. AND BAIT.Sf • DESICCATING ME./ byFerdJohn•- NOW WE1Vf3 <;,or SURE, 8UT WE'VE Rl.Jl..E5, RE~LlLATIONS, <OOT TO KEEP TtlE · AND GUIDELINES.' ~5HIN~TON URE,AUCRATS ---~BUSY. •HAT'S WHAT I MEAN·-·~~RE 1S .JUST7oo MUCH -Ft;DE~AL. CoNTROL/ ~oot:> ~s:AV~NS~ H,AVE-r~eY 8,ANNEC> v101..er~2, INDl<ao* l, ~REEN~~, 'IE LLOW fc 2, ANI> O~,ANGE~l? -- May 27, 1979 DAILY· PILOT .... Read what smokers had to say about MERIT in a recent nationwide survey. Confirmed: Majority of smokers rate MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes having up to twice the tar. Uinli.rmed: Majority of smokers confirm taste satisfaction of low tar MERIT And in research conducted arrong current MERIT snnkers: Confirmed: 85% of MERIT smokers say it was an "easy switch" from high tar brands. Con.firmed: Overwhelming majority of MERIT smokers say their former high tar brands weren't missed. Confirmed: 9 out of I 0 MERIT smokers not considering other brands. First Miior" Altematiw: 'i> High 1a.r SmOOng ·MERIT has proven conclusively that it not only delivers the flavor of high tar brands -but continues to satisfy! ,, Kilgs: 8 mg"1•: • 0.6 .. niCOliM- 100' s: ,, .... ,.:·oJ1111111ic:MillH1.percignat.FTCRtponM"'78 Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Ctgarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health: L--------------O ..... M-"lnc. lt?f .. ----- --National Smoker Study ---·--------·--- THEm YOURSELF Sena Ille qunllon .• I ....... IO ··Asl<:' f;imtly Wtekly. 641 Leu>l)lon Ave New 'lblk Ny 10022 Wt'ft pay 55 IOf puilloslled QueSlions Sorry we un t answe< othe<s FOR a.EMENT L MARKERT, profes.sor of biology. Yale Unlvenity SIDce you hawe a Federal .,.... to clone a mGllM. pa..-tell me how -· eoclety will beaeftt from your ,__rch. -R.S .• Beachwood. N.J . e Such an achievement will be lmpor· tant In the production of valuable strains of experimental animals and also. perhaps. of economically valuable animals such as cattle. It 'is true that the . only creatures cloned by nuclear trans· J plantation in the laboratory are amphib- ians -frogs, toads, salamanders. He11 clon~ a mouse. Squeak and all? However, vegetative or nonsexual re- production leads to the production of clones, and this Is very common in nature. There are natural clones of fish, amphib- ians and reptiles. but none of birds or mammals. The advantage of cloning mice or other mammals, rather lhan just amphibians, is that lhese mammals are more valuable. both economically and in use for research In biology or medicine. FOR FRANCESCA ANNIS, star of PBS· TV's Lii/ie Pleaee tell me how Elizabeth Taylor dlec:Oftftd you and got you Into filma. -J. Brtgge, Decatw, Ill. e She never "found" me, but I did make my screen debut \ in her movie. CleopotTo I got It by a stJoke of luck. My ap· pointment to see the producer was for 4 :30. but as something else cropped up for that time, I went earlier. The producer was just leaving. Had I waited until 4:30. I never would have seen him. As it was. he saw me In the corridor ·and gave me the part. FOR BOB LAYCOCK. historian, Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation True or falee that your drlvtn ue eo eupentltlou.e about the number 13 that they won't enter a car with that number? -Mre. L Mdle, Hobart, Ind. e It Is a fact that race driven are generally a httle more superstitious than the average peTSOn. But the reason they do not enter number 13 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is that the present-day rules do not permit It. The only time ~ta car with the number 13 participated was In 1914. FOR ELIZABETH POST, etiquette expert Who teta hnrocluced ftnt. the paeoa you•re with or the OM Who ambln Oii the ec:ene? And do lllft 9" ID• troclac:ed before women? -B.G., Prncott, Arla. e It doesn't matter how you do It -as long as you do In- troduce your companion and the passerby. The only real discourtesy Is to leave the one you are talking to unintro- duced while you chat with the other one who happens by. Men should be Introduced to women simply by saying the woman's name first: "Joan. I'd like you to meet John." FOR THE .. ASK" EDITOR I haw a feeU.. daat. daplte all ehe ..,., Fanala Fawcett·Majon rally lape up all the pttbllclty. Am I rltllat? -1.W .• Ba,...,Malae e Read this -and decide for yourself. A while back. Farrah -escorted by four guards (at her right and left, In front and behind) -arrived at New Yoric's Ginger Man restaurant, and the ma'itre d' - assuming sHe sought anonymity -led her to a quiet spot at the back. "Oh. no," Farrah graciously declined and chose a table right next to the full-length front window. Her guards then galvanized Into action. Two took up sentry duty behind her. the other pair parked themselves in Farrah's limo. just outside. A theatrical set· ting. to say the least. Needless to say, five minutes after all this happened, the street was blocked, noses were pressed against the window and the crowd swelled. A back- table seating would have prevented all this. FOR PHO. DONAHUE, talk-show host Mo.t moderaton talk more than their gueeta. lan't It rude to the 9'1estll when eome ol them can't get a word In edgewtee? -K.R .• Gact.den, Ala. e True, many of us in this game are accused of talking too much. Of course. ideally, the guest does most of the chat· ting. Some guests, however, share very little. while othen float a battleship of words around a rowboat of thought. When this happens. the host has to step in and attempt lo control the blizzard of words. FOR LUCIE ARNAZ, star of Broadway's TMy'rf! Ploy· Ing Our Song le Mlll8 the du9'1ter ol lucUle Ball u aclthltl u I thl• It must be? -Mary Winfield, Waterbury, Conn. e Since I've never been anything else. It's hard to compare. To me. my mother was never Lucille Ball. the celebrity and actresl, but a great person who was simply a mom -I felt the same as every girl who had one. I never knew I was living in a goldfish bowl, the way everyone seems to think I was. I didn't notice because I was too busy growing up. FOR MAX CLElAND. administrator . Veterans Admlnl· ltnltlon Wlllch ... ._ haft tM ....... popalatloa of U.S. military ..ten•? -Geocge Hiil. Seattle, Wuh. e The two states with the largest overaD populations. Ac· cording to V.A.'s latest estimates, there are 3,328,000 veterans In California (lncJuding 981.000 Vietnam Era and 1,433,000 World R). In New Yoric there are an estimated 2.494.000 veterans (605.000 Vietnam Era ahd l , 17.J,000 World War II). • • PRO V-'. AMKI, praidtnt, Motof Vehklc Mfr. Ass. PRO Ano con CON 0.... M. Oldow, HK\ltlvc dlrecior. Center for Auto Sefe1y The Government has •t goals without adequately considering manufacturing and sala realltia. Further, the Federal 1tandardt for fleet-average fuel economy require a more sirtngmt "* of lmprownwnt In 1981 ~ 1983 thlin In put years, on the way to a 27.5 m.p.g. fleet average by 198.5. Car m.ken face molt dlfflcult talks In dewlopliig vehicles that meet thae standards -and the tral'lllp0"9don needs ol Amertcan rnoeoriltl. And, because of requirements to meet Yd'fy standsds, ,rnenufacturers can't commit financial rnourccs neca1111y fOJ long-range fuel economy raearch. Government 9tan· dardJ plec. c01t)y burdens on manufacturers. Are Car Fuel Rulea Too Harsh? With the U.S . spending $50 blUlon an· nuaUy for oil Imports, and . gasoline prices fut approaching a dollar a gallon, high fuel-economy smndards. under tt. Energy Polley and Comitr· v.don Act, offer tM bat.way to fight lnftadon, reduce our forqin·trade deftclt and make us lal dependent on foNlgn otl. While the nation wtlJ uve almolt two-mllllon barNll per day cJ gu from tM fuel· economy saandards. consumen will uw $1500 In llfettmc gatoltne and opaattng coas for the awnve new c• In 1985. ln two years, drtvtng new can wtll pay for the cost of meeting the mileage standard• -a bergain for consumers and a boost to the economy. C> 1171 FAMILY WEEKLY. INC., All fl9Mt '9Ml"feCI PETS: WHICH ARE HOT, WHICH ARE NOT By lealte Savon w I f someone tried 10 break into my house. Casey would growl and snarl and. if necessa.ry. attack." Ronni Tendler .. a New York high .school nurse says proud· ~~~ ly of her young 0oberman plnscher. "But ~ the image Dot.ermans have as mean. vi· / f., /,J cious dogs is unfair With family and / friends they are the most loving, affec· 1 tionate dogs I've ever known. Most of them are absolute pussycats." It may come as a surprise that the "pussycat" Doberman has risen from near obscurity 10 become the number·two purebred dog in America But it makes sense The Doberman appears 10 satisfy two of the most important needs of modern pet owners. physical secunty and psychological security -or love. And it seems lo be love -more than anything else -that makes Americans such avid pet keepers. In 1977. according to a study by the marketing research group Frost and Sullivan. we spent $5.8 billion on pet foods and products for our more than 554 million pets About 5 7 percent of all U.S. households own one or more pets. So. our national passion for pets Is going strong as ever. But lhe pets we are choosing to own are changing, and those choices reflect our changing society. Let's take a look at the pets that are "hot" -and those that "'e not -and some of the reasons for our pet choices. · Big 19 betta. Pure poodles have been the number-one breed of dog since 1960, according to American Kennel Club registrations. But a poodle's main attraction, good companionship, may no longer be enc ugh In these pragmalic times. "While the poodle Is still far and away the most popular single breed, It Is nowhere near as popular as It was 10 years ago," says the A.K.C.'s John Mandeville. "The poodle used to account Luk Souan ii a freeloncn who IAl()Uld own pea if site dld11 't live In New York City. for one In four registrations: now it's down to one in 10." Other small breeds. such as the Pe- kingese and Chihuahua, have been total- ly squeezed out of the A.K.C .'s top ten by the bigger dogs. "Over the last several years." Mandeville says, "a number of larger breeds, such as the Doberman. golden and Labrador retrievers. and the German shepherd. have been gaining on the small dogs. "The Doberman has risen from num· ber 19 to number two In 10 years. While you can't pinpoint an exact reason fo r the rise in big dogs. the concern with security seems to be a factor " Some Dobe owners need their dogs only for protection. Ed Lopez, a Col· orado ·barber, bought a Doberman after his Denver shop was burglarized. "llnd it hasn't been broken Into since," he says proudly. But most owners of Dobermans go out of their way to stress how affectionate the breed Is. "It's like having an 80-pound lap dog," says Shirley Goldman of New York City. "They love to cuddle -and yet F.P.O. they'll guard you with their lives." Smaller I• eaeler. But o ther practical concerns may overtake even the concern for security in determining our pet choices. "I think we may see the return of the small dog," says Mandeville. "We're moving from a society of abundance to a society· of less abundance. and many people may decide to stop spending $1 or $2 a day on dog food when they can spend 50 cents a day. The smaller pet is eaSter to walk, fits better into apllrtments and Is easier to pick up after." A number of cities have -or will soon enact -the 59-caUed "poopey- 5Cooper" laws: New York, Chicago, Albuquerque, San Franclsco and Des Moines. And, Indeed, Informal observa· lk>ns at one Manhattan animal shelter in- dicate that shortly after the law went Into effect there In August 1978. small-dog adoptions did seem to rise. But the real beneflclary of such laws may In the long run be cats, whose scooping can be done lndOQrs. Typical __ ,,,... lnlo, Butuu: gllllo/N,Y, Zoolooic.t Society reasons for choosing cats are given by a St. Louis advertising man "They give af- fection. but they're not all over me like a dog They give me sp.xe. and I give them space .. According to the Cat Fanciers Associa· lion, the Persian and the Siamese have remained the number-one and number· two most fancied purebred felines, although most of our 23 million cats are mixed breeds. For many Americans, the cats provide ma}Or relief from the loneliness of modem hie Cleveland Amory. animal expert, col· umnlst, president of the Fund for the Animals and a former "dog' peyson." is now pushing cats as the pet for toda y. "A cat needs so little." he says. "and yet it gives so much." The media Influence. But we don't always choose pets for such straightfor· ward reasons, Sometimes the animal you see on 1V will tum up the next day in your neighbor's backyard. The Old English sheepdog, sta1 ol the Disney film. The Shaggy Dog. and later of the 1V series. Pleo.se Don't Eat The Daisies. illustrates the media's influence most dramatically "In 1959 we had only 112 Old English sheepdogs registered." says the A.K.C .'s Mandeville "But by the mid· 70's after the film and 1V show, they were up to about 16,000. That's incredi· bly popular for a gigantic breed with all that hair. There definitely llppear to be fads m some dog choices " These days. Sandy. the large. sandy· colored mongrel who steals each perfor· mance of the Broadway hit. Annie, is causing quite a stir ... A lot of people call a nd write to ask about him." says Sandy's owner-trainer, Bill Berlonl. "In fact, I got Sandy in a dog pound the day before he was to be put away. He had been an abused dog. So I tell people who want a dog to try their dog pound so they can help abused and forgotten dogs -truly the underdogs." Peta that pleue the eye. Famous animals aside, a growing number of pet owners want to kill two birds -if you'll pardon the expreulon -with one stone, by owning a pet that's fun and decorative al the same time. The eye appeal of birds and fish, In addition to their relatively easy upkeep, may account for their rise in popu lartry. There are now 340 kinds of fish swim- ming around U.S. households. Most of them are the old standbys: goldftsh, gup· pies. mollies. "But saltwater fish. which are much more colorlul and beautiful, are ~ IL ) l All things wlld and wonderful, from ~ft: golden hamsi.r, cockatoo, boll python aboue a Tokav gecJco; beagle puppJI. ·--·--....-. _.....__ - REMOVE HAIR FOREVER You can now remove undesir· able hair PERMANENTLY in the privacy of your own home. A s imp I e electrolysis instrument called Perma Tweez enables everyone to enjoy the benefits of eliminating· the bothersome chores of repeated shaving, de· pilatory use, waxings, forever. Well over one million people I ike yourself found Perma Tweez an effective end to hair on the face, legs and body. Perma Tweez is so unique that a patent was granted because it is the only-electrolysis instru· ment that won't puncture the skin. This feature has made it the choice of over 15,000 phy· sicians as well as hospitals, IOV· emment institutions and uni· versity medical centers. Easy in· strµctions make you expert in a few minutes. You'll save hun· dreds of dollars on salon elec· trolysis by doing it yourself. 14 DAY MONEY BACK 6UARAffTEE $16.95-ADJ'ERTISED ELSEWHERE AT 119.95 Send Check or Money Order Col. '"· odd 6'J, oolet 10, iGENEiAL r.tEDICAL-oo~o.;:;;;:ul 11135 Mnec1o9t Aw. I lwe11t Loe ~ ea. 10025 I lo I encfOM $16.95 In full peyment. I I 0 Muter Charp 0 YIM I Exp. I I• d•t._1 lo coo 19quirn $4.00 ctePostt. 1181·1 I •nee Includes COO charps •nd $1.001 I hancltlnt. I I"-I t~ I I I let• ,_, I I ...,, et,..., .. ,., a. .._.11e11,..,.........,. I ------------------~ .......... _.,,.f!D PETS coming Into their own. especially on the coasts," says a spokesman for Aquarium Stock Company in New York 1' en years ago, we hardly sold any. But now maybe 20 percent of the fish we seU are salt· water. everything from the eight-Inch angelfish to the three-foot nurse shark." Fish prices, he says, range from $1. 99 to $150, averaging about $20. The price is well worth h to Randy Socko, 24, of Manhal1an, who keeps six highly unusual saltwater fish in a bathtub· sized tank In his living room. "Their colors are so bright, so flaming," he says. "For me, they're definitely better than a paint· Ing. And when company comes over, they tend to be a conversation piece." get rid of them." If you still have a yen tor something different, Lattis strongly recommends "animals bred In captivity -gerbils, hamsters. rabbits, land hermit crabs. even laboratory mice and rats." Of course. exotic pets aren't the only pets in danger. The advk:e from virtually every animal authority has been for years and still ls: neuter, neuter, neuter. MYou must neut.er any animal -there are simply too many of them." says Holly Sherer of the Humane Society of the U.S "There are between 15 and 17 million dogs and cats picked up or turned in to shehers every year. At least 13.5 million of them will be put to death." A need for ION. This may indeed be a disposable age: fast food, shorter mar· rillges. higher job turnover. Some people also think in terms of short·term, even disposable pets. But the opposite of disposability is Birds, too. are hlghy decorative, good conversation pieces, and now -as never before -status items. In 1977 ~·----1------.... Americans spent $82 million on the pur· ..: chase of birds -nearly double of what was spent on them only five years earlier. Some of the most expensive status symbols are macaws and cockatOQ par· rots (like the one on Robert Blake's TV show, Saretto}. often costing mofe than $1,000 each. Nevertheless, the biggest bird Is still the parakeet: at an affordable $4 to $8, they account for three of lour birds sold. C.U of the wild. There ls another pet need in America -a need not fulfilled by a practical, popular or even a pretty pet. Some pet owners want to be jostled by a little bit of exotic nature. "I have two snakes, a tarantula and a scorpion," says Donald Hewitt, a 51- year·old machinist in New York. "It's kind of like bringing nature Indoors." "Frog Al." another exotic pet owner, manages to keep some 300 frogs and liz.ard' In his three-bedroom Manhattan apart#nent. "I feel ~e I'm creating a modem-day Noah's Arte," says Al, "be· cause half ol these animals may not be around In another 20 years.'' There are an estimated 145 mllllon "others" crawhng and creeping through our homes and basements. These oddball pets Include 10-inch giant millipedes, 117.ards, spiders. and -probably ite most common of the uncommons -'lhe boa constrictOf. At New York~s Fang and Claw shop. where the boa Is the best seRer, they also sell, mass-martcet style. Its favorite food -a frozen six-pack of freshly killed mice. Aho a smashing success In some uJban , environs Is the gecko, a small lizard that climbs walls and ceilings to chase down and devour Its all-too prevalent prey - roaches. With the money spent on reptiles In· creasing between 15 and 20 percent In the last five years, according to Pet Sup· ply Marketing magazine, the trend towards the exotic does teem to be get· ting healthier. But It's not nec...nly healthy for the aotic pet, says Richard Latdl. • JIOOloglst •nd curator of .duca· Hon at the Bronx Zoo. 'We're conmn~ getttog thae rele· ttvefy rwe antmllls dropped off •t the IOO, almost •• unwanted t.bt!ts Wt •t the doe>r*p." he MY'· "Skunks Md 1'8C· COOM arw cu• 81 blibia, but when lt.y mature Md *'1 to bite, pecple went to I 8 ,AMl&.Y WlllU.Y, -n, .. ,.'\ . /. He's number nine. TEN TOP DOGS 1. Poodle 2. Doberman plnscher 3. German shepherd 4. Cocker spaniel 5. Irish setter 6. l...abnldor retriever 7. Beagle 8. Dechshund 9. Mini.ture 1ehnaU11er 10. Goklen retriever commitment and love -and that's what presumably would cause people to take a pet In the first place. Debbie Reynolds. for instance. takes her apricot·cok>red poo- dle, Kiiier, evnywhere with her -to rehearsals. concerts, lntetviews. "She's turned Into a real show-buslnet1 dog," 111ys Kdler's fond owner. When choosing a pet, there's nothing wrong In considering Its decOf'atlvenesa, Its trendy or exolk: appeal. But the choices must be bated on love and a reallldc •ppralMI of the raponsl>llttles In· volved In the care of the pet. BNn Anderton. 21, lftms to have both love and raponllbllty for hll pertly· exotic, partly-mund8ne rnenegerie. In his eubulban Clndnnelt home. he keepl not only • Doberman. but allo • fem, • l'llC· coon. MYe8' birds and atetlllw ~ on eech anlrnaJ. "It .,_ me • lot of p6wure to lhlnk d\lt tcMMWt.re along the line, I've !urned fTom them." ra heuyt. "Al of them." ... • ,_ sakm . ~--1;.n..1 Has .Oetenninld w.m.,: Thi -~ ~ .. toYowtteehh. Thlleflr••SfllOlling Is-..--. SIZE NO. 126 OR 110 12 EXP. CARTRIDGE. LIMIT TWO CARTRIDGES WITH THE COUPON BELOW 20 or 24 EXP. NO. 110-126-135 -$1.98 postpaid KODAK BRAND ONLYI NEW BORDER LESS PRINTS WE USE KODAI PAPER F•turee Ct9dlt9d Offer ends AUG. 31, 1979 SKRUDLAND .PHOTO HEBRO~, ILLINOIS 60034 Skrucl8ncl Photo, Hebron, •. e.34 ©> 5kndeillll """· 1919 D Here ia my cartridge of 12-expoeure Kodacolor film. . I am enclosing 98f per roll with this special coupon. We pay poetap. D Here la my cartridae of 20 or 24 exposure Kodacolor film . ., I am encl09ing St.98 per roll. We pay poet.age . ........ ;;... , ............ r.;1u ... will be ""'u...r. ~) =an=--------------~ I SWEET EATING IS JUST A BOWL OF STRAWBERRIES By ffiarllyn Honaen I t's fresh strawbeny season again - time to pick your own field-ripened berries, choose the best from a roadside stand or simply select a fragrant basket or two in your own supermarket. One of my lavorite ways to enjoy them is to simply pile fresh berries in a bowl and then lop with sour cream and brown sugar. Here are some other choice strawberry recipes for you to try STRAWBERRY OMELET t;::•wbann, w..tied end hulled ~~-ere- ! laM.p a -CO..-:donett' ...-r YI teMpOOft peted OfMge peel a.uc Omelets lor lour 1. Reserve 4 strawberries for garnish Slice the remaining berries and sprinkle with sugar to 121ste and set aslde 2. Combine sour cream, confectioners' sugar and orange peel, set aside. 3. Make omelets, using Basic Omelet recipe, shown below, for each serving. 4 . To serve, spoon about 1/z cup sliced berries on each folded omelet. Spoon sauce over lhe lops and garnish with the reserved berries. Makes 4 omelets BASIC OMELET ..... ! teblapoonelh.la.---••• ., 'i4 te-..c-Nlt I gw..p-butt. 1. Mix eggs, water and salt with fork. Heat butter in B·lnch omelet pan or fry pan over medium-high heat until just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. 2. Pour In egg mixture. Mixture should set at edges at once With pancake turner turned over, carefully push cooked por· lions at edges toward center so uncooked portions flow to bottom. TUt pan as necessary so uncooked eggs can flow. S. Slide pan rapidly beck and fort~over heat to keep mixture In motion and sliding freely. Cook until top Is still motsi and creamy-looking. With pancake turner, fold in half or roll, turning out on· to plate with a quick flip ol the wrist. Moira 1 1en11ng GAUFRElTE RIVER CAft .......... 1.,. ~ coallcd-.' ....- lY. ~...._Wuc:IMlli..._. .,... ........ 5 11M'" a DM Iii.,..,_. low l ...... lee~ 1· :..,.•a'*"-, rtMell, ...... _. 1 .. , ..... , ..... -. I ~h-.,~.~ I ............ CHfltll .... .... 1. ComblM egg whites, confectioners' atgar, almonds and vanilla. Cowr with plMltc ftlm and refrigeralc for 2 hours. I . Add flour. blmdtng In With • Witt whisk. Cowr wtth plescic: film and refrigerate for 2 hours. Note· First two steps can be done day before. 3 . When ready to bake, preheat oven to 5000f. Grease cookie sheets. 4. Using a 2-oz. (4-tablespoon) mea· sure, ladle out mixture onto greased cookie sheets. Shape each spoonful into a circle (4-to 5-inch diameter). using a wet fork. 5. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes until edges are lightly browned. As soon as possible, quickly remove cookies, ca.lied goufrettes in France, from pans and Invert on in· verted coffee cups. Cool This ls when the gaufrette cools to its cup shape. 6 . Store loosely, covered wilh waxed paper. in an airtight container. Or place in a box covered loosely with waxed paper. Best made on day to be served. 7. J ust before serving, place each gaufrette on a dessert plate. Fill with about a '/2 cup-size scoop of vanilla ice cream. Add about 6 strawbe"les and drizzle with 2 tablespoons melba sauce . Top with a heaping 2 to 3 tablespoons whipped cream, sweetened with confec· tioners' sugar. Makes 6 lo 8 generous seruings Editor's Note: This popular dessert Is sen.ied at The River Cafe, Brooklyn, N. Y. STRAWBE.RRY ICE CREAM .,,. Olp .... 'i4 Olp COhilta~ ""···~-~ Olp '::.: CIDl'.11 .. :: ............... l ..... ., .. kntel l oiphuwy~ ! I JIMl.-aatnet 1. In a hea\iy 4 -quart saucepan, stir together sugar, cornstarch, sah and com syrup) ~radu.Uy stir In milk until smooth. 2. COok, sdning constantly, and bring to boll over medium heat. Boll 1 minute. Remove from heat. S. Stir about 1/t cup of the mixture Into eggs until blended, then add egg mixture to hot mixture in pan. 4 . Stirring constantly, cook over medlum-k>w heat 2 minutes. Pour Into bowl.~; refriguats until chllled. 5. Rime, *"' .00 crush mawben1a; stir Ink> cornstarch mixture. Stir In heavy aum and vanilla. Fnrae ln 5· or (>.quart elec1ric or hand-crank "-r, fohtng manufacturer's dlrectk>ns. Mota obotlt 5 quat11 BIORHYTHMS Can this fascinating theory explain your ups an<I downs? W<''ve c11l had <lays ~·hen nothing goes nght. 0d\ s when ~e ft'<'I depressC'<l . t1ml. or uncJble to c.oncenrrate Bul what c1hout those days ~·twn ~e feel on top of the world. feel full of energ\. or are mentall\ high"' Although Lhcre are man, factors Lhat mnuence how we feel. BIORHYTHMS is d theory lhdt attcmpll> to c>.plc11n lhis dcJy·to·dc1y chdnge in our feelings and performance TIH~ BIORHYTHMS lheOT) S<tys that there c1re C'erldlll inner clocks. or hiorhythms. that hc1ve a constant cycle lime in the human ho<I\ We arc concerned with three: the physical. the c>mo11oncJI. and the mtellcctual biorhythms Edc:h biorhythm stc1rts the day a person 1s born and continues for lhf' rest of his life Biorhythms have highs and lows. as mdicatecl on the wc1vy Ii Res in rhe chart below. The chart also indicates mrtcal days when om system is in a state of change dncl 1s unstablf'. Remember, biorhythms don't predict~ hat will happen. but the~ may indicate your natural 1nclln.mon to hrhavc· in cenain ways at certain times. Being aware of such tendencies could help you ovcrlorne wcc1knesses an1I tat..e advantage ol strengths Although not accepted b\ everyone, reporL'i from mamcl&t' counsrlors. industrial mc1nc1gt>rs. and bus111css exer u11vr !> 1nd1rnrr pos111vp bf'nefits from the use of lhP BIORllYTH!\1 thco11 lllusrra1e<I belov. is a sample ol Biorhythm lnsututr'~ comp111crizrd personal monthl\ biorh\ thm c:hc1rts. l:ach d<l\ of the month 1s shown .inoss the cop and bottom of the t'asy n>ad1ng charts Th(• h1orh\ th ms drC shown as wavv Imes of the letters P (ph~s1cal). I: (emot1onaU. dnd I (intellcc:tu.il). Cnt1cal da ys are h1gh/1ghtt>d separutf.'l y. to the righ1 or ec1ch mun1h·s chc1rt Send for your personalized chdrtS (12 months-one full ~eM). plus cllkl111on.1l descriptive informdl1on. PleasP allow two to three \Y('('l-.5 for ckh\'f'T\ Ol l. l•r~ eu .. -. """· ••· '"'' 0 I 0) u\ 0 1 J.. II I J I> 11 I 'f ll II I~ II • ~ II '' 04 IJ• o• 10 tz '~ •• •• 10 '' '' '" •• >o . " , I I : h1gh f l • I I • • l t . f • I • • t • I I , • n • I • l : .! l : l • ·' 'J t t .t f I .~ P 1... c I f • ( I • I t' t :( • I I I '· l ,, • • J ,, • -• l t , • ' • • ~ • ,. • l I P • I ( • • I, '• t , ', j 1 \:critical: /1 1 : ~,.' • , : ' I • t • da~ • • I • • '' • : :_ ... --~!-:_ ·-------~l-· --~ -. -.. ~i-.. -··-· ~. -~ •·-·· .: .. : i I P, • E -·~ .I l , r • : I , l "'• • t l ' • : I·' f • •• l l 1 .: :s I • ' l , • H P • : t I , • I: t f'. ' t I , fl t • • t I ' : , f • • l I .tt I • , • • .t • • • • : I , • , t l '· • : (' ·~ 1L t . I • l , • l l .1 • ': , t £ • I • I • low t , • r , , I I. : I I. : II • : . •.............................................................. ) Ol 04 0. ..-10 11 I• h I• 10 'II H l • 1e to 01 Ill \)\ or .,. " IJ I\ II •• l l JJ I~ " JY H ... .. I f ll 4 l OU') UAl I C fCI I • , I II I .. ~ 10 " . ,, . • 4 \• ti \f '-I/I Plf•.tst' 1>wp.tn• onf' lull \f'.tr ol BIORHYTHM c h.trl\ Im NAM I 81 RTlfl>A Tt: MON lit llA Y YIAR TWH \I :'-IO:'lo 111 l'HOOIJ SI .\R 11\1 • MO' Ill . YI Alt ADDRESS CITY __ SIATL ___ _ llP --- Num~1 or Sf'I~--di"" 9S l'dC h Add post•Rl' .inrl NMhng of SI 00 J>f'f ~I C.ihromr.i At>stdt>nt.s .tdd 6' u lt's t.t\ IS 90 Pf'I ~II TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLUS~O 54-nd chl'<'k 01 mOflC"\ ordrr 1.vo <" () O l to , , , I llORHYllfM INSTITUTE• P.O. IOX 290l • NEWPOIT BEACH. CA 92661 I~ I~· ,~ ,~ I~ SLIM SLEEPERS · NEW REDUCING PAJAMAS OF DUPONT® FABRIC HELPS Hi~, •teYou ' Sleep ·waist, • WITHOUT DI.ET PILLS OR EXERCISE. SLEEP COMFY AND COZY ••• AND WAKE UP TRIMMER THAN YOU WERE THE NIGHT BEFORE ... THANKS TO SLIM SLEEPERS. The fas'9 safe reducing method you can wear! That's right •.. slip into don'thavetodoathingaboutit! AndSlim-SlimSleepers~ the comfortable new reducing paVamas, and the next Sleepers are guaranteed to work the first morning you will actually wake up thinner than you were the night night you sleep in them. or return them for before. Amazing, but true.. It couldn't be easier. a full refund ... no questions asked! That's Slim-Sleepen® are nutde from DuPont's · how sure we are that they'll work you you. new miracle Tyvek ·. This special fabric EASY .•. AND EFFECTIVE Try them for fifteen days at our risk. See if seals in body heat. and while you're bliss-If you've tried diets and excercise and you aren't convinced that Slim-Sleepers fully asleep, Slim-Slecpen® work to rid found you just couldn't keep up with the really work. Slim-Sleepers are speciall} you of unwanted. excess tissue moisture. dull routine, you're in for a treat with Sli~ designed to provide freedom of move- You wake up thinner. more rested. and Sleepers. This fantastic reducing aid lets ment and comfon. double-seam. rein- ready to go! you do all your daily duties just as you forced . They are available for men and AN EFFORTLESS WAY TO REDUCE nonnally would. The only difference is, women. Slim-Sleepers are machine wash- After the first night with Sllm-Sleepen®, you 're wearing something that is working able-and wilt last' for years uooer nonnar you will notice a difference that you can all the time to help you reduce ... and you use. Hurry and order yours today. measure. Each succeeding night you use MAIL NO DANGEROUS the Slhn-Slecper® plan, the size reduct-NO RISK $1\95 PILLS-DRUGS- ion will continue until you have reached COUPON 7---~~ -f)iff.J'AISI"----·· your ideal measurements. And, just by TODAY -ONLY OR EXERCISE wearing Sllm-Slecpen® for a few days a month (after you've reached your ideal measurements), you can maintain those ideal measurements for as long as you like. Thats right ... now get down to the size you've always dreamed of, a.nd stay there! Now you can be the size you've always wanted to be! , MORE THAN JUST FOR SLEEPING! Sllm-Sleepen® are also perfect for jogging or e~ercising. Or, wear them around the house. You 'II lose inches as you take care of daily house chores, work in the yard, or -----------------•ACTUALLY SUMS WHILE YOU SLEEP •MAKES JOGGING MORE EFFECTIVE •SUM DOWN AS YOU CLEAN HOUSE •LOSE INCHES AS YOU RELAX -----------------sit around relaxing or watching TV. And, if you wear Slhn-Sleepen• while you ex- ercise, you'll slim down even quicker - as you firm up. CREDIT CARO BUYERS- CALL TOLL FREE ••• 24 HOUR SERVICE 1.aocMS3-2444 I SLIM.SLEEPERS -Dept. RS-3117 I 535 Fifth Ave., NewYortt, N.Y.10017 I Ptease send me Slim-Sleepers. I under-I stand that if I am not completely delighted in ~ I way. I can return them for a refund. I I S9.96 each+ S1 .00 shipping . . . . . .. (Total S10.96) 1 SPECIAL! ANY TWO I Two fOf' $18.95 POSTPAID . . .·. SAVE 12.95 All! '""' "st'"" '•= I 1C::: I I I · I 11 I M9le checil 0t money order ~llbte to: Stirn SIHP8'S Charge my: EnclO&ed ia: • I I OBANKAMERICARD OMASTER CHARGE ACCT.• I I M.C. BANK No. _____ EJIP Oete___ I I ...,,,. I Addreea.~------------1 City _______ I cttft MllMA MAMITING Aa90C. L Stal Zip J ·-----------------·--------! -~NEWYOM MllDBfTSAODiAUiTAJC-- PEOPLE QUIZ I 8y John E. Gibson males look more at the eyes, females look at eyes and mouth. It is suggested that "this could reflect a greater Interest in listening on the part of females." It's in- teresting to note that other studies have shown that women do tend to listen to what another is saying with greater em- pathy and more acute perception of the feehngs and thoughts that lie rail behind the words. IAJ DO YOUR EYES mlRROR YOUR SOUL? TRUE OR FALSE? l . When you tell someone what seems to you to be a sidesplitting story. he may laugh just to be polite. But you can tell whether it "bombed" or really went over big just by watching his eyes -if you know what to look for 2. Whether the p upils of a person's eyes habitually become large or small when he encounters others, provides a clue to how well adjusted he Is. 3. When you encounter an acquain- tance and he Is disinclined lo meet your gaze -his eyes keep straying elsewhere -this Indicates that he either has a guilty conscience about something or he's taken a dislike to you for some reason. 4. How well a person's eyes function has a bearing on his general outlook and per· sonality characteristics. 5. Though men are often referred to as having a "roving eye," women actually spend more time looking at others than men do. ANSWERS I. True. A team of investigators at the U.S. Air Force Academy made an in- teresting study, whic h showed that how humor strikes a person -on a scale ranging from a "joke" that died on Its feet to one that Is hilariously funny -is In· stantly registered in the Individual's eyes. It was found that the funnier the joke is thought to be, the bigger the person's eyes get, i.e . the larger the pupils become. 2. True. In an llllnols Institute of Technology study, undergraduates "eye response styles" were compared with scores on personality tests. It was found that when eye response tended to be ac- ~--,·---~~~-....U...---the pupils constricting -this was associated with problems In personality adjustment. "Neurotics showed signif- icantly higher puplllary constriction than did the other personality groups." 3 . Folse. It's mOfe likely that he's depressed about something. Studies at Britain's University of Bristol show that when a person Is depressed, the duration and frequency of his eye contact with others Is significantly reduced. And the Investigators suggest that this may be one of the clues that a specialist learns to use, perhaps uncontclously, when making a diagnosis of depression. 4. True. In a study of over two thousand men and women at the University of Texas, comparing their eyesight with other characteristics, It was found that people with good eyesight tended to be the most optlmlsHc; that nearsighted peo- ple ~d more lllnnses than those with normal v\slon; and that nearsighted women tended to be more ambitious and energeHc, while the NYene was found true fcx men. 5. True. In their definitive monawaph Gem ond Mutual Ga., a team ol peychologltts at Oxford end Untwnity Colege ol Swentu (England) report on studies showtng that women's eyes row I _,, more than men's do. and their curiosity about others causes them to take in more details about people's looks. actions and general demeanor. ("If there's anything interesting to be seen. her eyes aren't still a moment. She's got eyes in the back of her head. checking out the action. never missing a trick.") A further finding: While C i.a • ._.. U \A..''" Kent did it. Tuste with only 3mg.tar. EASY-DRAW ALTER. Sc>ec1a1 double finer allows a free and easy draw. never muffling the good taste. .,.,...,.. .. _____ ,.... _____ _ NEVER BEFORE HAS SO UTllE TAR Y1ELDED SO MUCH TASTE. NewKentm Satisfying taste. 3 mg. tar. Warning. The Sllfgeon General Has Determined That C~arette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ) IMPORTED HIGH-TASTE TOBACCOS. A special blend w1lh imported lobaccos packs as much taste as possible up front. so that enough good taste comes out the other end .,...,""'.._ . ..__ -.. -····-···--·--""---·---.- 25 YEARS OF LOW TAR TECHNOLOGY. We called uP<>n everything we've learned in 25 years of makuig America's leading low tars and put rt alt together with recent taste technOlogy. The result? The lowest low tar with taste. fTTAKESYOUAU. THE WAY TO 3 MG. TAR, WITH TASTE ENOUGH TO SIAY1 r--------------1 Jerry Falwell says: I Cast Your Vote I RlghtNow 1 and Help l'1e I I CLEANUP I CA I I I Let Me Know Where You Stand I I On These Burning Issues: I I 1 Do you approve of PORNOGRAPHIC and obscene I I • classroom textbooks being used under the guise of sex education? I I • D YES • ONO I I I I 2. Do_you approve of the present laws legalizing ABOR-I Tl ON-ON-DEMAND? I • & D YES .... ONO I I 3 Do you approve of the growing trend towards SEX I I • and VIOLENCE repfacing family-oriented programs I on television? I • • DYES _. O NO I I I I Cast Your Vote Today... I I ... and then watch THE OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR Special I L on May 'Z/, 1979 when I'll takeyourvotestraighttothe~~ -·-·I efOttrf"letiontS'Ulpitot and'd1attt!~oot1~M"efSlogef t>uSY .... I and CLEAN UP AMERICA. 1 YOURS FREE! 1 II "~ In return for your vote, you will receive two 11 ~~ • (2) "JESUS FIRST' pins-the lapel pin I .• • I • sweeping across our nation-the pin sym-I I . bolizing that Americans are putting "Jesus I First" in their lives and bringing our nation .back to God. I ~ I I Name I I Address I -I Gey I I I I State Zip I (Any contribution to this Campaign is tu deducti~ and deeply I appreciated!) I I Send"g.~':"'*to: FW• I I Old Time Hour I I P.O. Box 111 I · Lynchburg, Virginia 24514 IL RETURN llflS BmRE BALLOT IMMEDIATELY! .II ---------------- QUOTES ARMOVR"S ARMOURY OJPTHIS A humble thing, the paper clip, Ya /or Its sil:e it has a grip That holds, and /or this use is nice. Two paper piec~ like a uise. One thing alone It holds more tightly Or clings to. If I put it rightly. Ju.st won ) le1 go of. won~ be done with. Becomes. if truth be told. as one with. What makes you then re.sort to force? Another paper clip , of course. -Richard Armour A credit-card battle was raging next door, and I heard some of the spouse-to-spouse argu· ment. Here. surely, was the best line of all: "Ptacticaly everybody has a charge account. And it's nothing new; even the light Brigade charged!"' -Frank Tyger And cut the mustard : Hydroplane -what you get when you orckr a hydro without plclr- les and onion. -Edward Allen Kida ... Ille dllf9fent~ Send Oftainal contrlt» tlons to "Child," Femi Weellty. M 1 Lnlngton Aft. N.Y .• N.Y. 10022. S If ~returned. ntROUGH A CHILD"S EYES Dwtne ~ ...._.,. • vw>OW .,....,...,_...._ ........... ~to-W.pwwldw•a11r 1 _,aett.eclmtl.-............. Atalllell..W....,.lt.abtiM ...... .......... ...., ...... pick dMla .. ••*••• M• .._.. ~ ....... hllllwhyheMt"t jmtplcll ................... ... ... n...-•.:i• .......... ... ...... , ................... . .............. Gr .. &.ICM°IW thela;th.,...,._ ... ,.. ..... -Ma..lolwt ..... ............... 1Ml9SEA I -- IRRITATED ms Pn-m1 ud l/\ VO Pl I 11'.J!I f.yl' W11•h u~ w11'1 ltlonl. Power J-y.,~up Ji'P<""'"r qurcl.ly '"'"'he' aw:oy pollrn. c1u,1. J1r1. hnl. 'and. •all. •mus :.nJ t•lhcr c)'e cont11min11nh I .<\\"OP1 Ill'."" I""' ""1th· ins re her for your r) c• Ger l . .!\\OPflK« al .di run wr.ec .... 11u .. 1i1r J"" ..ivn-• •·•ny""hc'"· J,!mltik PROSTATE WHEN YOU ORDER FROM ADVERTISERS IN FAMILY WEEKLY Pteue allow four to six week• for detlvery. Since our acMKtl• ena often receive thoulanda of orders from all over the coun- try, occask>naJly unlntentlonal =el occur. If they do, Family y wanta to aulat you u much u pouAble. Juat Mnd the detall1 of your order to: Linda Mount, Famlly Weekly. 641 Lexington Avenue, New Y°" NY 10022. An Amazing Diet Breakthrough! HOW TO BURN OFF BODY FAT, HOUR-BY -HOUR! MEDICAL DOCTOR'S NEW DISCOVERY BURNS AWAY MORE FAT THAN IF YOU RAN 98 MILES PER WEEK! DATfUNf SAN DIHiO -An am;uinK chc·t brC"alr.through has bC°«'n dC'\'«'lnpC'd hy a anuth«'m California M.O. This bttalr.thruuJCh lit<·rally allmo you lo bum off body lat fa.stC'r than 1omc•11nr "ho runs almost 100 milrs pc·r "<Tlr.. This may vt•ry .. ..ii bC' the· most amuing "'t'igh1 lost di1rovery nf th<'• c·n11ir)" In fa11 . i1 may bC' the faMC'lll "'ilY to h>SC· wc·iJChl pc·rma· m•nlly that has .. ver bttn d<'H·lnpt'<I. 1'-sting Jo far i1 inn1mpk:u· bu1 1h1·n · i~ a vrry suonK suspic ion that thi~ disc mt'f'f malt·s it possihk-for an ov<'rw.-ight pc-rs1111 1i1 lc!M' ;,u muc·h ;u 'l pounds of fat and fluid "°"""'' for th«' first '-ttlr.. Actually. ti may pnidU<'(' a 6 r•und \<'C'il{ht k11s in 1us1 thr firsc .. 8 hours. Afu•r th«' first "<'ck. 1111• di~- <'<Wc:ry Hlllld CllllC't•i\•ably allo" a r11'1U1fllllN( "'eight loss of as much as ~I pounds n •c·r·y '"'" -.·tt\s therrafcn. If' nttdC'd. it 1h11uld h<-po~· sibk 111 UW' this mt·thod co lost· !">(). 60, 70 ur C'VC'n 100 pounds and mun;. 01 c 11unr. ~tmt·thrng like· 1h1• unnol be· kc•pt It'< rC't. Rumors of this donor-dc-H•lopc·ct hrC'itkthmuich an· sprradinR lilr.'· wildfirt". Tlw ru,h i' un. h i1 rasy lo imal{lnl' 1ha1 1m1· fc--s1nnal ac t11n. ill trt'~t.e•t. and 111ht·r ('C'lc-b· rilH'\ "ill I•• KoinR our of tht•ir "'ilY 1<1 f''t thrir h:.ind, on th" '"'nduful anti· al "l'ilptlll. Y11u 1 an'1 hh1m1· 1hc·m. lmaicttt•· h11w u muM lc,1·1 111 cfmp up 111 2 pound~ ~ day and dtnnk your "ai~1lin•· up 111 3 i1H hn tlw firsl ,,.., ..... " ... The amanng thing, of course, is the speed at which this program worb. It is rather re- markable to throw off as much as 6 pounds of fluid and fat in the very first weekend ... " Tht•n. durinK 1hr rc·n ul 1hc-day. you t•a1 ii .. id(' wit-ct.ion"' tuty ,, .. ch .. hH h ,. SC It'll• 1ili< ally prngr~mmc-d m m;rintam a hi Rh i..,·d of ra1 burn-olT. " .... Imagine how it must feel to drop up to 2 pounds a day and That's all llwrc: is to ii. This may be· the· mnsl t•ITN tiH' fat-burning mt'lhod t'\'c·r dt-· ,·c:k1pc'ff. It is not a drug. II i~ not a Kimmi. k. As you havt' n·ad hC'lnrc·, this is a formula and a pmJtram dt·,·dopc·d by ;i ""!lira/ ""'"" ..-ho UlM'S ii himiw.·IL It ""rks. Mon• fanlastic tt·st n ·sulu ;in· pmarinK in c·•·c·ryday. Ht·rc··s h11" you c'an h • Jc • 1 · prti\'t· all chis h1 youndf wi1hc1111 any linan- Whrn you IX'icin w 1111t· thll program. )'nu c·;m C'Xpl"< I t•) bf' abk 111 rn<";uurc· Ill«' difTt•r· c:nn• in your -.•aistlint' in ju" 24 111 414 houo. You will probably lolC' mofC' rncht-s nc h we~k than cvt'n if you faithfully did hundrc·ds of sicups rvC"ryday. You may very ,.·d i lc!St' ;as mut·h as S to ~ inc·ht"s off your "·alsclinr in ---·----dM-""-t~..ff-,.. ......... , ........... ~...._ ..... ,.._. -~ ~---·- kll(' as mU<'h as a full dreH si1_c in only 7 S ran your waist ine fiat risk .. , .. 11. ··-·--,--..._ . Go aht•;,id and 11rdt.·r a supply ol this u lo-JliiilfiS~tlae Jirs·t-·--------~-1.ttnns.·u\'l'rf'1'f'~•·~r11mftll'tr....-- days. The-donor -.·ho dc\'t•lopt•d lhis formula is rnorr than an ordinary M.O. Ht• is also a p1yrhilllrist who Jpt'<·iali1c-s in :.ik.,hol and dnitr addit'tion•. In addition lh his ochc-r pa-~nl1, ht" has lrratt"d mon-than 2~00 druje addi.11. Bue str~nvly t:"nnuich. his prac1i. c has taugh1 him 1h1111 ove1Ta1in1 i.s 11 diOinrll to deal with as any hard-cnrC' drug addi. tion, Ht-UID<' to ttali1C' that whac ....... nn-ck-d "'as an anti-fat weapon that was both safe-and 1'"1 Paid. Aftrr a lot of retcan·h. he has dr''" l just lut h a "'capon. Appart'nlly. what ppc-n1 is tha1 his rr&IA-6""' 'l'st<"m tum1 up }""'" body·• "inR(·r furnac-r and bR'ili dm.-n your U<'<-• body la1 and au- tomatic·ally Ouahrs it out of your hody fottvt-r. The-amaain1 thing. of n 1ursr. is thC' 1pttd at which th11 program "'orks. It is nith<-r ttmarbblt" to 1hrc1w off as mut h as 6 pounds of fat and Ouid in tht• vrry first wttkc-nd. Aniiehtt nin-thing about 1hi1 di1nwt'ry is that it don ftl1l tt'tfUllT ( .. ing, t'St'n'i.-or wil pnwcor. Now al Int. it n poniblr tn klW wrigt11 withnut fatting or ditmmfon. Thia wright lop fC111("t-pt is now bt'ing tntftt nalionWidr. Sn far. 1hc-pttlnainary tt· .. 11s an: nnthina ""'" nf anaal.i"J(. Thr ftnl informal ~ ind.ir'*' ..,lftilfii"« ~t 11--9 nf • 11turh u It puund1 in the-ftnt 7 daya. 11tett an: nrly iftdiradn111 1 hat trlftM' ~ •tt lnlintr ~ , liatn , .. , th.n ""brf'nrr (lnctuding lipifll"aftt le-. nf as murh ••SO pound1.) as l1111C' aJ you nn·d. 1 hen. as soon as th<' k " mailma11 de'li\'t·rs this lan1as1k "'"il(ht-loss wee . . . mira• k· '" your door -start the· pr11icr111m. If Tht· lir11 1·onc·rm of th<' donor "·ho dc-- vdoped thi1 pmgram is safNy. Thcrdort·. hit. •nli·fal formula n>ntain1 ab1olu1rly no druRJ. h is made-up rntirf'ly of I~ nacural in«tt· dirnts. Ht' lint ttllrd it on himwlf ancf he· no"· usrs it rt'lip1ualy t"\'C'ry day. This pntg· r•m ran t'\IC'n h t'lp proplt' who have' beC'n hoprlt'taly ovc•r...·t'ight all 1hrir livt'I inc ludlng choir whet rM"l'd 10 l<1dlC' !Oto 30 or 70 pounds ,.,. mtlf'C", ..... 4-Mr ••• ... ... *'**' .... ,. .. ---~ ,..., ... 1 ~ ..,_ ,... ......... ..,editt ........... ·n.is is a "1Uly -('t~pt in rhr "·ar :IJPintl fat. Thn1' limpfy hu nrvrr brrn an an1i-f1t wHpon quite-likt' 1hi1. II almosl 1ttm1 to ~ fat and inrhc-s from thr ~ ft,. day. It automatirally m nvrrts body fac ,,, body fuC'I. llrrnnnbrr -th!. amazinK ttdurini aid n a ._,_.,,,'-"I Jw-la. h IC.trtl to wnrlr. a1 ••Ml • it C'ftCrn """ "*"'· h imundy ""aim tn lhrink ,.,.., fat C't'lh and aliio .. ru you ha\'t' noc 1091 up 111 6 pounds in tht• lint 414 hmrn and up 10 12 pounch in tht· first Wl't'k. if you an· not 1001l satislit-d -tht'n st•nd bo.M Ir. &ht· t·mpty pntd110 t < ontainc-r and the c·ompany "'ill rc·turn your t•ntirc· paym<'nt to you c1ui<'tly and "'ithout 1111estic111. Ir you arc· t'Xlr• skepcic al )'OU C'illl poll- dalC' your rhC't Ir. or rnonc·y orckr by SO days. to salt'ly scimulatC' your lat-burning If ynt.1 do this. the-companr pn""i1C"1 and mt"taholism. 1t11aran1N·1 not 111 dC'posic it for at k-ast thal amount nf time'. 'llK·n. if you dt't'i<lt• In n·- tum the-pmd1H'I t ontainn. the-n tinpany "'ill w-nd bat\; your .,,, ... ,.., c·hrc k or rnont-y orckr -.ith no c11H"SCinm •C'Cl. Y1K1 c"an't k•· rncmt•y -you can only lcllt' "·cigh1. If you -.·anc lo lc!M' -.·riichc and can·<' in- c·hc-s off.your budy. hc-o· art' the-rnulu lhac arT pot&1bk-. • 6 iochrs olT "'•istlinC' • 4 inrht'1 off stomlll h • 4 inc hrs off bunc1t b • S inchrs off thigh" • ~ inc·hrs off hips llrm<'mhrr -you don'I ha\•t-10 "ait wttks few this dirt W'nTt 10 'lmrk. It Marts in- 11an1ly! You ran anually 1tt tht' rfl&.lkt in ju11 a f""' day1. Thr way Y'"' uw this fonnula n timplr. AU )'fl" do" mis it with a Kia• nf ynur favo· ritt' tw~,... and drink ic nnyday the-fint rhi"IJ in tilt' morning. At 9fWlf1 as )'IN do 1hi1. )")u wlll haV(' au· tomatirally ltt"pprd up )'f'Ur fal burninK MCUbi*-. This will r"ndr11.K' frw the-nr11t !4 hourt. Thr price is jull SA.•~ for a full 16.da)' 111pply -.·ith wmplMr in11ruttiJOM. A l!kiay supply i1 SI 1.70. A 20-day 111pply it SIS.9~. And finally, • 30-day wf>P'y 11 only SUl.9!>. (This i1 a t~'l di1C'l1un1.) 'Th orck:r. "'ntr your name• and addrna and the """d• ·, ra1h.kou P"'«ram· on a pic:'o' of piprr and .-nd k "Ith,.._. piymrnt 10: Millburn Pmducu Dtr· FW4. 161 M•plr"',wid AvC'. P.( • Bcrx !19 Mapa-.wld. Nl"W Jeni:y 07040 Your ,,...., wil bC' '"" prumpcly by rr- tum mail. If you ha'1' any «jlH'lliom. you t·an trkphctftt' (IOI) 7•4-S777. C.httks and -1nry ordM's lh<iuld bl' lftMIC' 1111yablr IC• Milburtt Prodwta. (It ii MC a Rt•ICJ idc'a to mail c lllh.) ,, Adventurous Traveling U spring has roused yow hibernating wanderlust, and dreams of travel per· sistently"lnvade your thoughts, a glance through the 1979 Worldwtde ~ bare Traftl Gulde (American Adven- turers Association) will put you well on your way to making some of those dreams a reaUty. Published by Bob Citron, a veteran of many Smithsonian and National Geographic expeditions, the Gulde lists information about 3,000 land, sea and air trips that will let you cover territory via every method from bac.kpacking and bicycle-touring to river· rafting and hang glid ing. So, if skydiving or studying swampland wildlife In Florida strikes your fancy, check your local bookstore for this guide. H you're worried that seeking adven· ture will set your budget back. take a look at Gomer'• 1979 Budget Traftl Dbectory (Hammond). The guide lists over 4,000 hotels, motels and tourist homes that are good bets for the cost-conscious traveler, and, In addition, offers a number ol helpful ttps on keeping expen1es down. The directory Is available In bookstores, or by sending $6.50 (postage and handling Included) to Gomer's Gulde '79, Hammond Inc., 515 Valley St., Maplewood, N.J . 07040. Marathon Mathematics ElnAm might have .appredated the dedk.etk>n a !JOUP of MYenth !P"aden In KflOXvtlle, Tenn., hat shown toward malhematlcs. As. protect, the 130 stu· dents decided to collect 1,000,000 ol tomethtng: popcorn kernels weN the 1119 ........ _.......,.,,,,. !Iva H illMPuH1r. MononFrllflll IJIT-~ ....... Patttc:tl M. LJMMr D.11•• ..... Mtlur Cooper lfl me Circus Act ' There's a time In most people's lives when the thought of joining the circus is very enticing. But what Is It really like to practice and perform a circus act? For Wally Naghtin, who travels with the Ring· ling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and whose uncaged bear act is the largest In the world, circus life Is an exciting mix· ture of hard work, glamour and patience. Wally, who's been working with bears for 20 years, has found that "most bears are very intelligent and enjoy learning tricks." He says that most bean are play- ful until they reach reproductive age (at about four years); in fact, his assistant's child plays with the smallest cub. II takes most bears about two years 10 learn the kinds of tricks that Waly wants final choice becau5e they're small and In· expensive. Averaging the number of ~powxl...&he 5h•deAIF ...w.e ...... a ftgure of 3,900. They then divided that numbl'r Into 1,000,000 to antw et the correct number of pounds. The com filled 33 gallon jugs. Twenty-five students volunteered to pop the 528 cups of com. Forty-one hours later, they finished their chore and decided to apply to the Guinness Book of World R~ for a new category. What conclusions did they draw from their experience? It would take the average family 5.8 years to CONU~ 1, 000, 000 kernels of com If they popped at the rate of a pound a day. A Cat-astrophic Problem Every year narly 8.5 mlllk>n un· wanted cats and kittens are placed In animal shelten, and only 20 percent of ~ fellna are actually adopted Into homes. This year, the American Humane Assocllltk>n has proclaimed June as them to perform, and for some of the more compllcated acts. such as bicycle a nd motor-bike riding, it can take even longer. "However, if we're wori<ing on a trick that a bear doesn't like. we don't force him," WaUy says ... To be succes.sful with any animal, you have to respect It." WaUy and his family don't ride the cir· cus train, which is how most of the animals aJe transported. Instead. he drives the bears In a truck that has been specially fitted with cages and collapsible sides. "I'm with them all the lime, and they trust me. Bears are dangerous animals, and my bears have all their teeth and claws intact. But as long as I'm around, they won't bother people. They're awe-Inspiring creatures." j I i Adopt-a-Cat Month, and the Association and 9-Lives Cat Food are launching a campaign designed to help animal shelters find good homes fOJ their cats. Participating AHA shelten will be offer- ing "star kits" to all those who decide to let a "cat be the feature attraction" In their lives. The kit contains a cat-care book, an adoption certtftcate and a number of other treats. So, ti a svelte Slllmae or a ml9chlevous calco teems llM the pet for you, adopt one from your local humane society this June. Lifestyles Employment. An overwhelming 87 percent of the management ex- ecutives of some 3,000 U.S . com· panies agree that affirmative action programs should be just as c~ed with women, the handicapped, vet· erans and older wori<ers as they are with l'CK\al minorities. But the same survey, one commissioned by Barn· hill-Hayes, Inc .. a Milwaukee, Wis .. management consulting firm . found that 47 percent of the employers felt the handicapped would make the least-significant employment strides in the next five years. while women and blacks were felt to have the best chance. Sporu. Rodeo stars and football players have discovered that wearing women's pantie girdles gives them add· ed protection against tom muscles. Because of its grip. a knee-length pan- tie girdle can prevent the thighs from sphtting when a rider lands on the back of a bucking bull, steer or horse. reports Medico/ World News. The gir· die prevents all kinds of bruises, tears and ruptures that might be caused by the rider abruptly hitting the animal's sharp spine. And football players with sore hamstrings have found that wear· Ing a girdle can prevent further injury to those muscles. BIRTHDAYS (aU Gemini) --- Henry Kissinger 56; Hennan Wouk 64; -JmM'O'llWlf"87:"S&ffi SneiaO/.MOii:"" dly -Carrol Baker 44; Gladys Kfli!jlt 35; the mnalnlng Dionne quintuplets 45. Tuacl9y -Bob Hope 76. W~ - Benny Goodman 70: Keir Dullea 43. Th~ -Norman Vincent Peale 81; Prince Rainier 56; Joe Namath 36; Henry Jackson 67; Clint Eastwood 49; John Bonham 31. Frtd., -Pat Boone 45; Andy Grifftth 53; Ron Wood 32. SM· ~ -Sally Kellmnan 41; Johnny Wetsamuller 75; Charlie Watts 36. BIR11tDAY PEOP1£ s.mv K.llrm•, Hwy Kl I .. 1008 "C '/, •• \ •'f 1 (,. '-'• • ... r ' Wlming: The Surv-Gtnlfll His Dtterminld Thlt Cigntte Snding Is Dangerous to Yow Hellth. .. • A Legendary Performer voL 1 I °'*I Enjoy Today's Top H i ts a nd S tars at Top S a v i n gs! Start Savln9 Howl Tm MY Ila 6-Track T...-Of AeCOf'dl Of C1111ttet lot 1• wt"' trial rnembenlllp. (Sony, no milling.) tnclc ... ~r cholcee on the coupon, !NII It tod8yl Colofful M~annel FrH Choice I Eweiy tour ..-1 muat1'81ed MEDUY bf'fnga ne... of almoet 400 •lectlona and feeturee • "Selection of the Monell" In your fevotlte m1181c category. And, "" •mee • reer. you l'9CefVe .... ,...,.. tMturtno • ''llonue Selection" end eltemet" .t tr•t UVl"99. In Ml, you Automatic Shlpmanlal To get the revutar "~on of the Month" or the epec:lal .... "Bonu. Selection,'" do. nottiint; ff wlll be .. nr eutOfl'letically. II you -nc other Mlectlona, or none, advlM ua on the card etweya pr0¥idad end return tt bJ the dete epaclfled. You alwllye hew .t teut 10 deY9 to decide. But If you ewer have .._ tflan 10 deye lo make your declllon, you may return your eutotMtlc Mtectlon at our •penM for tull credit. wtll fleV9 11 purcl\ue opportunltln • yeer. No need lo buy • H lec:tlon anry If PM. You meNly 19,.. to buy' ll'ICH9 lllta In tile next tllrM YHf'I 8t r~• -U9Ulllly $7.18 eech for recMda or tapn. C from top lebet1 Hiie RCA, Cepltol Warner Broa., A&M, Aeptl .. , Atlentic, Alco, ABC, Mercury, Eleldr•. Atlete. A1ylum, Londof'.IJ Polydor, WlndlOftD, MOM, United Artllb, Blue Thumb, Tl\ Ca-I #Mnau r rou wlah altar completing your mam1>1111'tlp agrHmaflt bJ notltyfnt ua In wrttlnt. lf/ou remain a mem-ber, ctioo.e 1 .. 1ect1on FREE for .very .you buy et regular MUlfc Semca prtc"I (Theta 11 • po1tega end hlndllnO cher918dded to aecll llllpmant.) . . . ovet IO more I , "'" 10·0•J Trial! If not utlafted you may 1'9fum your I htta llfter 10 deye for • prompt refund. Mell lfla coupon lod8yl RCll More Hite to Chooae .... s.r: ltltflt .... 43514•llCs-llltll11• .... 3 •NeltSM*:lr.Hlb 24171 ·~ ~ . • CSNY: So ftt . . 30230 •VI .... ~: Mldlo ---• ~lllii!llilCl ~ ltOll Ollw 3 3 t t 0 a T.., llii ... • .... OI ITO . . US t1 • C. a.,te: wi-I °'91111 ArT NOW MAii rr)l_IPON TOQ.llV' o-· ,.., sa.am.. , ..... .., ......,), '-- ,___ - • Orwllndr/Nlltuldllr I 0 SO • lta. ........... : 111111 144t0 • Stltllr: EMlrtalMn . 2 1112 • 1111111: 2112 • 33 11 I • .._.,..._: Od"9 USU • .... OIWM.H..-rd . 33505 • Mff. St .... : Et!1ll 3 0 0 40 .... Sttwlrt: -It .. 1 u tZ a c:.t & T-.: Cir. Hlb 301 II a T• .to.a:. Ct. IMI 23174 • IOll . . . . . • . . 3U 35 • c:.t S..-: Ct. Mlb 20015 • SelW loN "-*. Y. I l 3 7 I I • .., City Rial.: Qr. Hits 2 4 3 t I • U.. llllllfldt: MMI I 3 t 3 3 • Mff. Stlnlli,: s,lttlra l 4 2 1 t • D. ,.,_: lteft Y111 Cellll 3 41 U • OMa rtepws: GIN . . 3 0 211 • M Wllcll: ftttldl IUll U 4 U • a..c:l lllny: GIN Hits . 13 7 21 • LT.D.: T........... . . 144 3 0 • CIMtllr/lelllr: ~ 3 3 7 3 4 •AT•OIHIMJ . 14551 • ....., llwrs: loN 334'1 • ...._~It. H1t1 3U02 •C. .......... : F•GoM 33171 • llltl Ca11141t: l.ollt Ille 2 4 3 3 l • v..t.ia: ~ ~ 2 3 5 0 2 •Allll ,.._: ~...W . 42221 •.._.:f ...... To._ 31112 •TlloWll,.....,c.t . 42403 ..... Of T-...... 13172 •W.,._ a-... .. 34234 •H*,........,c:.t .. OJZU • loMlo l)llt: ltNltadll . 24 13 0 • !Ga: 1M1 0. . . . . 24 131 • £valfw 111-. Sllllllll Tell . 2 41 3 2 • SIMI. Mn. w/Qlflef PrWe U 111 l l E:.f .......................... ~·;;.u • ,..... ..................................... . Qlr ......................................... . ...................... ,. ........... , ...... . .._ •..... .._.............................. I _ .. : ...... ·----.u. r---i9 II ....... ____ ..,....,. I """' I L a.-.••••-..,, •I ----------.... --- Li ....... N)A ~ .... ,...,._ tM rtgflt to,...... ......... 11 .... IHI DP Of .... 1111 .... llR "°"---... ---------·----•---'---- Summer's Almost Here It's Time To Shape Up TV WEEK, MAY 27, 1979 Here it comes -Warm weather and sunshine. They work like magic to make us look and feel good. "But wait. hold it," you say. "I don't dare to bare anything yet -my figure's got the after-winter woes." Well help is at hand; and what better time than now to make a decision to look your best and start turning your own looks and image around. LADIES HERE IS YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT How-.c11.,.. .......... , ......... _ __._.."""' ___ . MADGE CHAMBOSSE reached her goal In 2 months. Melntelns her pre-tty, trim figure the Lllllen Bellard wey. -... IMCl9I 4 II I • I I I J I J • I 4 I I I ' I 7 I • ....... .__,...----- I IO I II ' 0 llUU. = ....... t4-IOI ...... 96-114 111-111 tt-117 1~116 IH-110 117-1 It IOl-1 IJ ..... JJ IOl-116 1 IJ.126 111-llt 116-IJO 114-IJJ IJl-IJI ''"IJ7 124-llt IJJ·I JI IJl-14J --"TD-'nr'"" ~-,n:n7--~ IJ .. 140 116-111 114-144 141-111 11 .. 141 144-llt •s.et ..... ...... ,,_ . ...,....,...,. ........... ..... _ ... •Meltt I ...... LMIM ....... 116-122 lff·IH I IJ·IZI 111-IJI 11a.1J4 IZl·IH IJl-14J IH·l4' llJ.llf 117-114 -,., ..... 141-1•1 14t•l61 llJ.171 Lllllen Bellud will take ure of the dlfflcult pert. Just devote a few plHsant visits to our salon. We promise to make this your heetthifft, hal)l)Mst, most attractive summer to date. You'll pin the assistance of the flnett, most conoenlat figure consultants, who not only vukll you but de- termine and chart • program Just for you. You're on the threahold of ,outhful vltallty. Call now for your demonatratlon. You'll be dellghted you did. 631-2444 SAVE '50 OM ML PloelAN Of'Ptfl.,.,... '''"' 0,. ltlr N. W. N ,_•Mt I. IM• Wulf rt .... • 6114 ... SUllDAY, UY 27 10:00 8 CIJ Cfll ([ll TllrM 0. Tllree Semi hnals rums s.clleduled to compete are Jimmy J J ·· Walker Randy Smith and Chef The lei" Wal~er. David Stembere. Paul Westphal and Sam Jon•s and Kevin Dobson, Ceoree McGinnis and Kevin Loughery 10:30. (f (fi) tlll rJD aa.etW CM~, Game Ill rums lo be announced e rr. llMW o.MeMider The ~llforma Aneels al lhe Chteago Wlu!e Soi 1:90 8 CJ.) [il Cftl .......... lillf r .. lllHllflt Coverage !tom lhe Mu11· lield V1llaee Coll Club in Dublin. Ohio 2:00 m C:.U.C.U LPCA Teu1111111t!lt Coverage lrom New Jerm 3:00 ~~~ 3:30 • ff§) ca, WiM Wtrl4 9' s,.rts Same day coverage ot lhe Grand Pm ol Monaco via satell11e from Monte ~rlo a p1evie11 of the Indy '!>()()' and an encore presentation of lhe Creal Pool Shootout lealu11ng Minnesota rals and Willie Mosconi 4:00 D s,ortsWDftd 9:00. (]) ~ (ft) llldilutlllis 500 Same day coveraee ot Ille 63rd runnrne of this aulo race from lhe lnd1anapol~ Motor Sperdwav 12:00. bliM 0,.. T-• CM•,.~ rmals COltlage TUESDAY, MAY 2' 11:30 B Ct 1ti tf1) ,ro ldttW CM111,io.sllip Game IV learns to be announced WEDflESOAY, UY JO 1:30 m '" Setur 1 he Altecs at the New lnelind I eimen F•HIAY, JUllE I ':00 8 (JJ 112! ,.,. ... ~•Clllll,_., Teams lob"inno~nced Will air only 1f nece~ry lo determine champ1onsh1p • 7:30 g rro ~ The Cleveland Indians al the Cahlorn1a Angels SATURDAY, JUllE 2 ll:GO D llll l)IJ rr. llllNll Philadelphia Phillies at Crnc1nnall Reds 11:00 e Werld DMMes T tllllis Fiut JM 8 CU (f2J ITTl le•r O,.W liolt Semi finals cmrage from lhe Mesa Verde Country Club rn Costa Mesa Ca 4:00 B (J) tT21111> s,orts s,.ctacvllr Same day covmee of the heavy w!l&hl bout between Kallie Knoela and John Tale horn Bophulhalswana in Southern Ahiu 5:00. (11 ~ •• ~ .. s,.ts SUlllAT, UT 27 5:00 • "Tt Hell & lie•" (clra) 'SS-Audit Mu1phy, Marshall Thompson i:JI e lil ''Tiit lutt lrt111 20,000 f1tl!Ms" (sci fr) '53 Paul Ch11shan 7:t0 • ........... (susp) '75-John Wayne. RIChard Attenborou1h lllCMIOAY, MAY ZI 7:t0 • '1lM '-tf ..,lftM .. (adv) '61 -Greaory Pee~. David Niven a.• e lll"Tt ""9 & ""9 lllt" (adv) '44 Humphrey Boeart, Lauren S.c.11. Watter Brennan • ..,....., $Ur" (adv) '60-Elv1s Presley, Barbara Eden TVUOAY, UY 2' a.•• .rJ "lly LMat" (adv) '48-Humplney Botart. lauren S.call • ...._.. .. (dta) ·74 Gia Youn1. Bradford Dillman • "Swill It ClllflhMI" (dra) '60-Ralph Bellamy, Creer Garson 9M8 ([) llJ) (llJ "nit s..11 tf DIM" (dra) '79-Mehssa Sue Anderson, Robert C.rT1d1ne. Taira S.lsam. e 0 QI "Tiit IHHl111" (•U) '72-W1lli1m Holden, Ernest Bor1n1ne. SUSln Hayw11d. MDMSOAY, MAY JI UI e '°C4lllll tf 1111 w.r (adv) '68-Robert Sha•. Jeftrey Hunter e ........ F1ICM "-..__.. (susp) '73-Yul Brynner. Henry Fondl • '1111Ille0.. sun.,. (dra) '67 -Sandy Dennis, Eilm Heckart. 9:11 e ([) llJ) (llJ "Stnt Stft1" (adv) '79-Christopher Connelly, ClwlSIGPlltf Lloyd, Boll S.acrtt1 t:• e@ 9 "11111 Miii ._. ..._ .. (wes) '79-lov Cossett. Clu Culattr. James McEachin fl'MT,JUl(I a.•e '1lM,,.. o.." (•es) '56-Robtrt Ryan, Virc1n11 Mayo, ,. e "Tiit f* c.,11" (com) 'SS-Jack Lemmon, W1rte1 Matthau. e (]) t11 e "CrMe Mt. Ttrrtr" (mp) '78-Ray Mill1ftd, Clwlst°""1 Ceoiae. Lpda Day Ceola• SAl'WMT,,..Z HI e .,... ti .......,,. (Id¥) '66-Stulft Wll1t1111n, Svwn111~ York. • .,.,.... E• .__. .. Mr ..... r (mys) '62-Bette Dawii. Join Ctawford. Victor hofto .. e .:;":"I ....... <••> '&0-S,.llCtf Tr1ey, frdlic Merell • a ...... ....,.. (ICI h) 'J2-M111 YtNllClll. l:JI. ()) 0 ~.,.. .............. (Ht) '71-Settt lloMety, Michlel C.1111. Chmt.,_ ......... . t.» e "1'lle [JI ...._,, (llor) '65-Joltft ~ty. Cyntllil Hu". .... ' TV WEEK, MAY 27. 1979 ~ORANGE COUNTY CAR BUYERS GUIDE ~ .... .._ ______ AND SERVICE DIRECTORY-~ BMW SADDLllACK IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 131-2040 -495.4949 IOI McLA.IEHS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-t I 00 DATSUN IAIWICK DATSUN CllVIB MOTOIS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -135-1171 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHIVIOLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. O:>sta Mesa -546-1200 FORD PHILL~FORD 43 Auto Center Drh'e Irvine-761-5111 33375 Camino Capistrano UMVllSITY OLDSMOllLI IOY CAIVll IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newµort Beach -640-6444 SAIL CHEVROLET 900 So. Coast Hwy Lag una Beach 494-1 Ill -546-9967 SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. Westminster -636-40 IO RV's & SUBARU San Juan Capistrano e86e I la be , Bl d _u_ .. ________ ,_,____ ---·· • --~--n-r.t17Cffl:f37t ... -~--....,,,. Costa Mesa -540-9640 SEA I SUM LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON ft SOM UMC~HCUIY 2626 t!llarbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140.NlO PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVllSOM, IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -67J.OtOO llU1VAM POllCHI AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove 636-23Jl ...... .. <iUSTAFSOH LINCouw.8CUIY 16800 'Beach Blvd .. Hunt. Beach -142·1144 VOLKSWAGEN JIM MAllNO YOLKS WA~ 18711 Beach Blvd .. Hunt. Beach -142·2000 •AIDIMMOYI YOUSWA ... 13731 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove 134-4100 17555 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach - 142°0675 OLDSMOBILE UMIYllSITY OLDSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140.9'40 TOYOTA .U. MAXIY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach .....:. 147 .. 115 -5:30-• s.-Setnesttt e:oo B • II lt§) futures Ti. m Clllt . ._._.. SltllltMr SttMster a» Ulliftnity of tM Air -6:30- USulltlrsi* • 0 .... ,., WoiMn °"" BV'llllAllcr• • Dayllruk LA (JJJ lllltrudionll P'ro1111111 G»IMZ.""u• .., C.rtlolWitlt fD futures l2ll Acrltulture USA 7:00 8 CJ) (l.JI lllorllilll U @~T-yS... e JGOa. • CJ) CBJ rttJ GtM lller111111 Mtria David Hartman hosts GTIM fr.tes • 8t lhcs ..,.., • , ... "' Hultll 8:00 • ()) (IJJ . ii ... ,.., (]) n. ....... DirMlltilll -~..-• 0 ..... .,....... Slllil ••'-..... <II .,.... eu .... i.., . .,.... & .... ....,.. .s... .... .......... Slllil 8 tt la•• 1 .. 1 l.Mlt [lupt Mon -9:30- • ([)(l.l)Wl...t I (])111elt~ .... . ,..., .. ......... a•...,. 98'drkC...., 10100 •wn.M1t11• ... -........... ............. • w a• u.-& ...., ......... LA • .., """* ~ .... DlllM• Slllil ., Mtic #flin E ,. 1IJ Futwes -10:30-• ~ UJ"""' " f~ e LM AMriull Style • (j}) ~ $20,000 ""'"' .. • lllat "'1 ., ......, ' tlM ""'- 11 :00 8 St"' (Mrds S.... CJ) (j}i TIM Y-1 & t11t hstim a n a .....,..,_ e TIM Iii Vllley e ()) a f 1lllily Ftlld C£al All Illy ClliWr111 ID lillolt & Mrs •Ir .., liolMf P'ylt fll) (ltctric Conip1ny -11:30-• !L 1fJJ S..rcll for TOIMlrow B lU) ID> Hol.,._ S41111res • CD a ly111's tt.,. GledtWdils ID Ins fD Dick ~ Slllil ( AFT•llNOON 2:00 ............. 9 Cl><ll• .......... ...... .Litt .. .... a&--. "" ' '• . .... . ........... -2:30- •••-s•tt (1)1.Mlf Ute ......... (IJ) ........ .,.,.,.,.... .,..... •'---~ 3:00 9 LM ol Lilt U IWiul Cttittr • .JJ 2t n. Edee of 11ch1 J .... Dlusla' s.... D Grttn Acres JD; lllttie: See Oa11tmt Mo~1e~ -~ !}) LM If lift .., ...... , *"' •.HI c;,~ SMr\s 8J0wtt bit fD futllltl 5-f\V'llla .... ,. -3:30- UCr•·Wits :J) Mr TltrH Sons • Dlull! • lllttie: See Day11me Movies G Mr fMritt M11ti1n ID llp lull1171P'ony P'i& flli Ti. Wies .., lllrtooft "''""'' 'llJ All Stir Secrets 'Bl V"llll Ntlrt 111)...,..,. ID T111111 * Ulrella IJI Diulll OJ .._. ...... lMlt 4:00 • Mlldl """ (J) ..... 1? . ..,,,.., ..... a Tiie Sli1t; '"It Mon See Daytime Movies @ Clrtl lwllltt ' ,,... @ Stl.i.S.. ··~· -4:30- 5:00 ••• (I) (JJ) Ins •Ulf's~ •~•Empt Mon ms,w.1111111 at Wiit 'Tll Flltltr Gets ,.._ 9 Mllttr lllltn • Sesl4llt StrMI IDJ ....... rt Slllil (II) llldtillltllm 11,.rt -5:30-......... ~ ...... (fJ) Tiit Wlef's WiN ........ ,,.,. o o.r lay ...... IDJ lllfyT,ter.._. ., ..... ••• Topol and Nek llUnc:UIO (I •nd r) •tar .. lltHfl ..,.. who hao;e~Uf'9d Adolf Elctlmann-thelr m8'n PfObleln now la controlling their own dnl,. to kill him •nd be done with tt- ln "The HouM on G8tlb81dl Street," the true ~ the gr .. 1 .. 1 m•nhunt In h18tory, which •Ira •• •n Aadl'hMt,. preMntatlon, Mond8y •t 9PM. ·--------12)) 11lis Is tllt Uft I SUNDAY I : ;:: .::-.. flit~ 9:00 (]) 111 N_..rtl SlllW ecw,-, ~ lllMI: • "Stl.lwly" (com) 36-Sh11ley Temple, Robert Youna. a s.rdi ID>f.._F ... tDJ ~ltfWtffly ., 17 -7:30-•• Mtcrt • CL Qll Ofal llMerts ®) II Is llfrittll -10:30- • (Jj @ Pro laMtlNlf ai......-,eame Ill fumstobe announced I 1101U11iiG ., ......... rtbe ... t 8:00 • lllf\ ..... lilllk .. • llllic I IM ~ ""' -~IA ()) Utill Pltfile ., .. , t11ti.. .n. ... -..r. .......... 9 ........ s,..ill -6:30-• r" o. r111111 Cll SlcM Hult -~ e ._ """"' HMr .£ ....... t.Allctlts ()) Lit Tillrt • UIM • °"" ' lilllllll <II Dlrtetills .• o..m.,, ..... CJZ) T_,,1 CMIO 7:00 91.,. • ...- (J) ..... Apkllbtrt • Tillt'• Cat .... Writtll ()) 11 I ..... It IM111111t • CllllfJ a.,.4 (JI W.W( ...... • °" .. DlaRfJ ()}) ON n.. '-"' .._ .&well.....,...., .. • Del sa.-t ( ....... fDSihia PIU 1)1) .... ,.., .... -9:30- fl Cl) (iJ) f kt tllt """" • a llttt Ille l'rm B II Cluldren·s rv maeuine • °" .. °""""" CIIJ s,.n ... •Tm llJed ill .....,I mown..~ ..... , @ ..... a 1"'""' s..wrt sa.. 10:00 fJ (IJ (ill Tllrtt .. J1lrtt Stm1 hnals· Tea ms scheduled to compete are Jimmy Walker. Randy Smith and Cher Walker, 01v1d Sternber&, Paul Westphal and S,m Jones and Ke~in Dobson, Geor&e McG1nn1s and l\evin louehery. • (]) Houf " , .. ., 8 Ill) l11i1it11 Special (R) ''Sunl11ht & Shadow· Golden Act ol Spanish Je*1';"' Author/educator Or Gerson Cohen hosts this pro1r1m- filmtd 1n Spain 11 such loc1t10ns u Cordoba. Granada. Malaaa. Toledo . Secom and Gibraltar -1n which 4rabs and Jews ltYed and worked toeether to create an 1nterde pendent, flourtsh1n1, c11lturt • Flllilt Fitll ftlllitll • llWI An ,..... T• •HlflMf#Trdl <BJ rlllllk ,.. 'lAl (JI) Km Art ,..,.. T• e"' ...... Dedllh* The Cahforn1a Anaels at the Ch1ca10 WMe Sor ..... , .. '"" • c..tn11 cu,.I atf.ntlS.W 8 MIM: "Tiie Cllar11 at Fut!Mr l m r" (•u) SJ-Guy Madison Fran\ love,oy Vera Mites 11:00 B M OMWitll ., .... rt .. ... Cllllfdl ill Ille ..... 12Jl VttttallleS., Glli1...,.Ma"" -11:30- • (]) QI) All!Nls Allilllals e....-r ... H CJD) ... ,.ctM • lllrit: • Nlioailla ... tM Su Mt11sttr" <scdt) '67 -Akira llkarada, Toru Walanabe (ll) Filll Flltllrt m Dtctric c.,.., E A"8IUIOON I 12:00 .... Cll•••l tti• 1.-• ro crt a -..'.....,. .Sllfdl eT.u. @ ,.... a ......._ nw.p 111e am Sure we have it -but, usually we try to convince customers to buy carpeting that will complement their homes. Often1 in situations where a customer is covering the floor just to sell a house, cheap carpeting may be a liability. In many cases the difference of only a dollar a yard will install a quality of carpeting that looks twice as well and will give much better service. In a nutshell -we' re not trying to necessarily be the "CHEAPEST," (though we often are), but the "BEST." (Which we always are.) TAKES ON DONALD lANG .. ,. l.eV ar Burton (left> \I.Ir' d• I Jonafct Lan JI dnd Br1d11 Uennf'h~ ~tar\ as ht\ 'ympathetu hn" Ourlns the three yHrs since l e\'.•' Burton WH propelled lo lt.,dom H kunl• klnle, the Afrlun youth kidnapped Into ll1very In the mlnl1erte1 "Roots," he h11 portr1yed his 1hwe of 1trfftwl1e kids fl3hlln1 their way up, throu1h, or nut ol the petto. "Donald L1n1 11 different," claims Burton, re1•rdi"1 the ch1racter he portr1y1 In the· two-hour dramatic 1pecial, ~ DUmmf; ..... MWI 5tMnt~n "M"'Oft••t:n:--f'm"1ft'f1'"J" environment It the wme, hut th1t's where 1ny slmllarltles end." The tcrlpt, b.ued on Ernesl Tldym1n'§ book, recounh the true story of 1 deaf bl1ck youth, inupable of speech, who WIS brought to trill for the murder ol 1 prostitute In Chic 1"0. "I w11 Intrigued by the unlqueneu of Don1ld Ling•, pllsht," continues lurton, "but the obst1cle1 were O\'rTWhelmlns. As 1n •ctor, feell"I ind lnslinct .are most lmpott1nt toots. However, verb.al e•prnsion, the di1loaue, is provided H the me1ns to convey those 1bstruh. With Oon11d, there were no word,, only the .abslr.acts. He hid never even been t1u1hr the sign l.ingu•g• for the deaf. Everything WH lnlerNllztd. "Sutt, I WH .able to obt1in the 1v1il1ble l~Corm1tlon. I lfM>lie with fr~nds who hid known him, ind met people wtth slmll1r h1ndlups. I 1pen1 time In the ho me of C1rol McEvoy, who~ the television de•f news bro1dusts on kTLA (Channel S) In lM An1elu-her p.arenb ire deaf-ind II g.we me flrst·h1nd cont.act wleh these h1ndiupped people. Oe1f peope In th's country 1re invlsJble. They're dhcrimin1ttd .aplnst; peope 1re not tenslt~f to their Mtdr. "Thn>u11h study, I w11 1bfe to create .a history for Oon11d l•"I· Whal I couldn't do though, .after h.avin1 met with Dqn.ild, w"s to peiwtr1te beyond this m"n's eyes to know ttie re.illty. No one could, not re.ally. "During the filming. I w•• fotetd lo rely .almosl compelely on the vhu .. l .and ~I to C'onvey wt.I Oon"ld W•s un1bte 10 communlc.at• vertNlfy. ti WH frultr .. tlng, often p.alnful; but ., trite H It m.ay MM.Ind, the eaper~nce w•1 lnctedlbly ,._ .. ~. I ttnffJltd with• ht'flhlened ffftsifMty, • 1re•let und"5t.andtn1 for the problem• encounlerflt by lhe Nndk.,,ecl. "The 1tory, I think, tpe.ab d e.arty. I hope people will Niten." ...... SUNDAY (Condnu9d) fD D111et ill Alwfiu fl I iflltiell: TIM S.fs t11t l 11111• -12:30- • J , tat lhredlOllS .. Me.it: "Mr frittMI FIKh" Id• 1 43 Roddy McOot111ll Rtta /ohnwn Preston fosttt 10. lnlllSidt (H , Mowie: ''Whitt Wiltll Doctor" (d1a) '53 Ro~rt Mtlchutn Sur.an H~,wa1d WaJle1 Sim~ 1:00 B f ll Me1111ri.il Gell Teumi 111t11t finals comaee horn Mu1rt1eld Village Golf Club Oubhn Ohio r3\T• 8 Me.it: "fllll(IS ef Assisi" (dtil I "61 B1adfo1d Dillman Oolo1es Harl Stuart Whitman. Pedro Almenda111 m .... : ''Tiit Ottltr" (susp) 77 Uta Hagen Diana Muldau1 ll)Martu1Wtlby .ll lllowie: "TIM ClltJ"11t $oc11I Clull" (wes) 70 lames Slt walf Shirlfy Ion es Henry f onda (14 Crut "'1tnMllC:es SJ Mowit: tif. "Slof111 Ower Asia"" (dra) 28 V lnh1sh1nov 11! Marillt WlfldtAlric.I USA TV WEElt. 11.AAV 27 1979 D ~Id HtRhltghts tnrltr:l, thr Cymnut1cs f tde1a1ton a match bet-.een the Mtlhamm~d All an~ Joe rratter bo11ne clubs and lhe ftllest ot lnem All tnmp•to11on BloNtlu D MIMe: • "lllt M1r• et Zo110"' (adv) 40 lyronr Pn .. er I 1nda Darnell. Bds1I Rathbone a> srECIAI. Surch fOf t11t SllfMr (lhrJ Bernard Archa1d narratts this documentd1~ on the maktn1 and testing ol th~ lust H bomb Th~ program prnents d IMk •t !he l~th ann1vtt~ry ot the first full scale hydrogen bomb lest l' Hisl1lf) ol Mt1ko fD WIM StrMt Wefl SO HolM &lr6tfttr -4:30- • Mowie: "Dt1tl1 Crviw" <mts/ 14 (dwa1d Albetl Jr Kate latkwn Richard long 1 t Dirtdlofts 'U Whit a Yur! SJ .,,,.,.... ""· ill .,.. ft Mowit: "Set llo Evil" (~u~pt 71 -Mia f'arrow Robin Batley Dorothy Al15-0n 01anr Gtay\On CD 1eai11c HiPliclltstMns 5:00 A llo -.i it t11t ''"' 1.. Tiiis W... 111 9'sthll -1:30-a (lJ Siu Trtl l'uMic hllcy fOflllll • tlf """ fO .... : "urtlt II" (SCI t1) /I u This Is Your Mlt Caiy loc~wood. Scolt Hyla,th II) MIMe: • "IM111111's \It) llMit: ''Tiit lllft Who llttt1 C..11try" (wes) ~8~ Kartn Boot. WIS" (dra) ·~6-Cltfton Webb Geo•ee Mon teomerv Neville Brand 2 :00 'Di Mitt tllt rrns • Firifts lite II Walem o.tMm!l111 f211 ....,..: "U., ill Ctfttent" (adv) D ~it: "TrcNll"' (draJ 47 "68-Ftank Stn1t11 Raquel Welch John Wayne. lor11ne Day RKh11d Conte Din Blocktr at C•u·Col1 L'" Ttur1111u11I JI Hllllllllitla Tllr1111f1 t11t Am Cover11e from New Je1sey ............ , &clttllft -5:30-8 • w..w ..... TI!Mrllt lftt • (]) Cl) ..., llWe C..... Dt I Tllilll LIM fltit! • Cttlt AMlfMrt 2·30 ID Wlllllll i. '"""'' -. -or.. (])""" ~ ... ~ ~~~~~~---~.Liii!'~ ........ _, ______ _ m Or-.. A proaram focus1n1 on lhe churches of Nova Sco1t1 sllow1na how they 1eflect the prov1nct's many IKtttd Sides (ft) 5rlltat s,..11 l ..... (If Grnity Is .,, EMiiy 3:00 ........... ,. CD -.., tt Mwltert ......... (I) llltit; "Sflt Wirt I ftflft Ri...._,. (wes) '49-John Wayne, Joanne Dru, John A111 • fllwit: "Llw & ar.r· (mys) '76-Dirren McCawin. Keir Dullea (J}) .... : "Tiit u.. '" flftH (dra) '69-Bill liners, Ytrt1n11 Mckenna, Geor1e Adamson 0 !JI) S,.tlllleM • ~1•11 zl CMW "' ........ ,.... -3:30-... , ....... e CJ) ltl e WNt W.114 ti s,.rtr Same·d•r com1ce nl l~f <if1nd Pt1~ ol Mo111Co ¥11 satelhfe from Monte C.rto. 1 prevtew ol the llldJ ·socr. and 111 encore 111ewn tatioll ol tllt Grett hot Sllootout lt1l1111111 ,ooi lrttls Ml11ne90f1 fits tnd Wtllle Molco111 oc.e ......... ........... 4100 ., ....... •V•NING 8:00 • • Cl' lfJ1 lJJ ""' CJJ ftca • mew. .... ,. (ihr) Joseph Cam~nella narlites this port1a1t ol lht te&endary Humphrey Bo11rt. Wllh 1oesrs ln111d Berem1n, Geoiee Raft. Ida Lupino and or~m r 1tm thps from om 75 of Bo1art's movres are featured • fllwit: (lllf) ., ..... & ..... (dr1) ·55 • ~udtt MurpllJ, M1'1111ll Thompson, Ch11les Orak Ornd J11115e11 The true 510f't ol Amertet ·s most decorated htro ol World War II-Audre Murphy (flt Cml ...... & ,,... ··-· .. 0 Clldlltr•.., ~ . ........ .. (II 0.. ..... a..6c -•:•-Cl) .. ...... l ... c .... ,... ................ ::r::. ..... • C-)'"111 .... M .... ,. ...... (SCI h) '"-1'1111 Cllrist1111, ,. ... ltlylllCMICI Ctttl lltll1w1y. Alter an up,11m1nt1t 1tomlc Illas!, 1 sctentisl stts 1 lttmendous 1111h11tonc btast-11111 no ont will bellt.e him ff Focm fJ4, Comu111tr SumHI Kit flt) C#4i4 CMlltf' 7:00 8 <I> '12' it Mir111tts • Ill lft Tiit Wlll4efful w..w " DiMeJ (R) llhr) · The M1ll1on Dollar DulP Deliverance ·After b"n& kidnapped by Confederate sold1m five Yankee yoongsters 11sA lheu lives m a da11n1 lh&hl for lreedom lo escape enemy Imes and an in1ured sold•" reluctantly 1grees to 11d I hem 1n thetr escape Brock Peters llyl, Richards Chmlian /ull"e' Chip Courtland Kip Niven Ch11slian Bernean and A1tc1a fleer star • SPEaAL ~: Tiie Sttzllicl Yurs (lhr) Producer Drnd 0 Sel1nick is remembered by tlie stars and d11eclors who worked with him over lhe years and throu1n clips of some of his g1ealesl motion pictures • (}) cm r:iJ) °'"'"'~ falllilJ 5""' Donny and Ma11e and lhe entire Osmond family take the11 viewers behind lhe scenes lo show tiow they put together their pcputa1 vanely hour m lhtit: (Zllr) "111111111111" (Su1!l) '75-John Wayne. Richard Attenboroueh /udy Ceeson Mel r errer A Chicago police lieutenant •S sent lo London to recapture a grand 1ury indicted mobster who m1na1ed to lene the country (li)~o.t m ..,.i Hetfflae ., .... "., ... IA Seutr M• ill limMflf ' 8:00 e The lest Pim to It. • Widow sum new life Deep IM. Oon111 Retd D ID rQ; Tiit lit E'"t: n.. lest Place t. le (lhr) Part I Donna Reed stars as a widow •host efforts lo pull her hie toiether are comph· ca led by a h1pp1e dauehlt1. a rebelhous lttnagt son and an 111 starred love af1a11 111th a younger man Efrem Z1mbahst Jr . John Ph1lhp la•. M~dred Ounnock Betty White and Stephanie Zimbahsl also star ........... r • "ti llll 1-...,. 508 (?hr) Same·day coveraee of the 63rd rurwng ol lh1s auto rKe hom the tnd1anapohs Molm Speedw1y. where a field of 33 compete •IMf"'-•lhn Griffill s... ............ ~ .. f.13 @ llltsttrjlieca Tlleat1t: lilit "Sunset ind Even1n1 Star" Lillie remarries ahei the death ol Edwa1d Lanetry l1ll1e.'s daughltr. Jeanne Ma11e, discovers her lather's true 1dent1ty on the eve ot he1 >¥eddin11. Olhlk/s,..ts (9) Tiie l.allc,Surdl -9:30- D Tiit Kirll h C.illc ..... 10:00 .... ~ ..... , • ln!llt ......., Hiii ·Jiit~~ .. ""94 ""' t2l' ..,.. Htritast m..., .... .._ (9l """' & "" ""*'Ill -10:30-...... 8 fTl fll) All ill tlle flllily (R) 11 :00 Pmltcal 1oke1 Pinky's best-or 8 • ([) ~) hws WOfSf-fli ever leaves Althle Wllh • CJ) (II) (JI)""" some vtry strange bedfellows abHMUm ___ _ ....... ._..,.., ....... .....,...__,_,.,,...,......_ __ Oiirliiins-----·· ·- e ~ qJI !ltJ Clll~\ ...... • llftlt: "lr11111i111" (SUSP) (R) Counter1e1t ~neels When Ihm '7'i-John Wayne Richard Allen beautiful womrn Pu.II oll ~ ~e11es 01 borou1h. Judy <:ee1on Mel ferrer crimes pos1n1 as t'llarlte s Aneels. (fl) 100 Cid the rul Aneels find themselves • n., " DilcMry Wlnled by the pohce l1nd1 Scru11s 0 Ml•·lZ Bo11rt. Hilary Thompson. Robin 0 s.ll,,..... Eisenman and Wynn Irwin 1uest G Tiii AIMcltls • "ls Wriltlll • Sllll Ytlty -11:30- • @ Tiit C..lfm 04ruer e s.erts fillll"'-t " t11e ea. "Meifitctran,en, Cfadle f)r Cof11n" (]) f'h Qilll • Ftlmed ~I locations throu&hcut lhe B ft1 ft .... : "JrMlr Htr11" Medtterr~nun, this film documents (adv) '73-Rod TiylOf, Ju n Sorel, lllt rtstarch of Coustuu·s uptor1 Anne Heywood, Don Kn11hl tion al lllf ltftndlry Stl • 111 a. llll Qle r-. USA? .1 ... 111tt1t: "TtH C1rtal1" _ (dra) '66-Paul Newman, Julie -1:--Andfews. lil.t Kedrov1 9 ('() 0 Olll DIJ It a TilM (R) (() T ... Ann's succ.eiund tnlh»si1sm foi lltr • ... : "fMll II" (Kd1) 71 - ntW hlestyle btcomes •rut PfOblem Tony Frw10S1. Hari llllodes wllen 5he unknwtncly 1nfluenm Ille (JI llllll6r..,........ (d11) '7!>-Jill wron1 penon D1ybfrp. lee llemtCk, Afe1 Rocco • .. .... .. ... .Sdllll .. ..., euraa.11..... ~ ............... • ._...II Alt f llOO 9:00 • ~......,a.di e CJl tfll SfUlllL Dllllllr (7hr) • ..... a,. T_. ~ Tiit llllPISSmlled ln1t·hfe t CCOU"' ol ..... Fin•ls cowrl(t. Do111kl I.Jn&. a black 11111 yovth- llliter1lt 111d ~· of lllMCh-wflo sufferld lnfustftt because of Ills sevtrt handlc1ps affer his lfrnl tn conntclion with Ille muider of 1 Chlc110 proslit11t1. P1ul Sorvino, l1V1r 9urto11. Gren Henry, llti1n 0.lllllfly Ind llotf Gfepio Siii. 1100 e lleM: ''Ptar" (com) '!>0- 0.•flf lynn, Chlrles ~llfft. -l:JI-.... : . .,.. ............. (dra) '60~Jama C.CMYt I ii t&est Idea Since - 1~Shopping Carts Now you can do a week's shoppin·g without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. ,....., =J .,._,..... ....... ,. __________ ,. __ , ,...., .... _..,.,_11...,. I lau-..•,....••~io· 1,.._..,....,..,,npp1,.u.. : l'·O .... ,. I now .• ., 1e. 1 : Coel• ..... , Celtf. talH I ,,.... _____________ _. I I 1'""n-------------1 lan---------"'----.J Send Today To Become A Super Shopper DAILY PILOT L ••••• • •• • •• • • "·---------..... Everyone says she married well ... below her age. And that's good. Because she's joining the growing ranks of older women who are saying "yes" to younger men ... as escorts. room- mates ... even as husbands. May-December romance. It used to be a game reserved only for gray-haired men. But not now. Tonight. join Dr. Joyce Brothers and find out why mature women and men can. and do. seek satis- faction in younger circles. Watch "Throbbing the Cradle:· a six-part Eyewitness News Closeup. (;}EYEWITNESS NEWS5A6PM Because there's more to I ife than news, weather and sports. Pege10 MONDAY llAYft ,. ........ •""-lilti!lp. f!Htt 11t DAntllf l'IOCUllS. .... lef J"f "8¥M ilRCI , llt tlle .,. ...... DAYTIMlllOWS lZ:tO • "De ..,., Uct" (dr1l '!>7-Ray Milland. Anthony Quinn. Oebf a Pa1et • ., "T1lly ..... , .... lie" (dra) '47-Robert Youn& Sllsan Hay.,ard R1t1 Johnson Jane Creer 1:00 llt "De Tra," (adv) '67 Ohm Reed, Rita T ush1nah1m l:OO (l,aJ ''Sllllt Giit" (wes) '71 Greeory Peck, Pal Quinn. lett Corey. James Gre&ory l :JO • ~ Gies II llNM" (com) '&3-James Darren. Cindy Carol. Cesare Oanova, Jess1t Royce Landis 4:00 e "Sa111 WllisbJ'' (com) '69-Burl Reynolds. Cioni Wal~er. OSSle Dam ping and ho• you. the shopper. can save dollars at the market • Tiii Dltilc 511111 • Tlllt's ....,_.. ()) .... ~,- <Bl Tiie ,.... Is Ristll 'Ill ...... rt .. ...... 12 IHJfllllily Ft~ in>,....., fwr Giit frt11t St Mldlell/Ulnr ..,_. Q)J lllws 'If Tiie fr111eh Diet 8:00 •Cl 'W .... r ..... Parll ot looo parts Diana P1once's true 1denhty as Wonder Woman onadwer tentty becomes known to a young man •llO os help•nR hei solve the mystery ot 99 utrale11est11al "mond snatchers" •ho ha~t landed in a Cahlornoa resort town 8 Q1J ID Utttt Houte °" the rnirie (Rl "The Cheaters" Andy Garvey. the teacher's son, lea1ns how Nellie Oleson gets sue h good grades-and he also learns she·~ not above blackmail 8 MIM: lfli (Zltr) "To Hff• I H1we llot" (adv) '44 Humphf@y Boeart. Lauren Bacall Walter •V•NHIQ Brennan, HoaRy Carmichael Ernut Hem1ng•ay's classic story ol Nm 8:00 1nt11gue and romantt 8 <II CW 0 llNs • CJ) ®) f2I) SllWlll I CJ) n. ~ C...,.. 'Confederate Gold" Harry, Skip and 8 • (() 121 hws Melanie suddenly hnd themselves 1n e &.r.-cy Olll daneer wllen in search for tone· • Sl'fCIAI. 80 ,..,.. IR) (lhr) m1ss1nc Confederate cold-the J01eph Cotten hosts this proaram people of a southern town myste· presenhn1 a panorama ol the years. nousty turn 1a11nst them on an effort lht people and the movres that made to auard 1 secret they all share Ned RkO a 11ant 1n lhe industry Flory. R.C. Armstron1. Fran Ryan. en. lf"9 '-II Dirk Blochr and Dub Taylor cues!. e .,_el S.. frllldtcl •CINI lllfMtt & frill* o ......, tf Mulcl • MMll: (Zllr) "n1•i.1 Ster" e °"' IMr (1dw) '60-Elwrs Presley. uban a ..... Eden. Steve Forrest. John Mclnt11t 19 AlllrtcM ""'1t•111t Tiit llllf·b!Hd son ol a wllite stllltt ~. 'lft_ must clloott wh.ch sidt to join when .,... ....... ....,..._._. .......... =I(·~ .......... _..._ _____ .......,. .... '"'''" 'l•'•;'I --·---~ r ":. OTlltMMlfflNll._._. <11 = Cltfftft.,. •a•.,.... ...,. e I LM ltlcJ CD VINM • !ti CMtt .. -1:30-• Tiii Jeklf's WIN • Tiii ~ c..,11 • 0 ~ ~-., (Jtl klll •Olp Ill Cit 7:00 e CD eeo._ . "" ...,_. """ (()n..llU(1WIN • Metit: (Jllr) "TIM &ws If ..._.. (•~) '6l -Cre1ory Peck, Onid Niven. Anlllony Quinn. Antllony Quayle Btihsll lnttlh1t11Ct in tllt Micldte East IS forced lo se11d sii men on 1n 1m~sible llllsJloll· Tiiey are to IO to Ille ISiand of N1mone-lleld by German$-lnd destroy two lluce 1uns 1th1cll threaten tllt 1nn1ll1t1hon of an uolated Alhed fotce and •ll•cll t111110t be clestroytd frofll 11r or wa" .. -, .. <11 ... T ........ • llllMnl a s.. ear_. •E...-,O. ....... .............. -7:JO-!t.':L .. .. ........ : ..... ...... _._... ............. Devfd Horowttr ~· al wpen111rllel SllOP· 9:00 • w o 111•a•s•H CR> Hmeye becomes so distusted with the stilled P1nmunion peace talks ht tmpulsiwety ta•es millers into hrs own hands e G a n. .. hetlt: n. ... PllCt It • (lllr) ConcluSIOll Widowed Slltlla Clllahan hnds a tempomy solulloll fol htf tetn•lt 10ft's problt1111 but fails to block the tr•Ctd'f slalkinc htr cla111hter Slit decldts """" m1rryiflC lier clllld hood swttthtar1 lest lie, too, be touched by her bid luck-uni~ 1n lllltlpedtd SOMIOn C0111tS from a dtsjlrsed source. Oorl111 Reed. £fre111 Zr111bllist Jr .. Mlldted Du11nock. Jolln Phillip ln, Sleplle111t limblhsl 111d BettJ White st•r e CDal • AIC.....,.:n. ,.._ OI ..._.. serwt (21w) Tllis dfllM tllt Miits MIOVnditlt Ille e1pture/k1dn1pp1111 of Adol ph E1chm1nn by the 111 .. 11 Secret Service In Buenos Aires. lll11tin Bllslm. ToPOf, Nick M111cu111. J111tt Siitman and Altrld Bllr\e stM . ........... 8 ...... , .... m ni. Pn. o1 111111 Jt• ar.• .. C1uha .. Ourina a speech about her homeland, a young Italian student reveals she's been promised to a member of lhe r asc1st1 This fact pleases Miss Brodie a Musso•1n1 enthusiast but her v1e•s of llaly cause areat consternation amona the a1rl's family CD S.. llllnical !Sf)Cirut~ -9:30- • l1J.l .., ill CilldMlti As a pubhc servrct Johnny fever and Venus Flytrap submit to an iilrohOl dunking eapeument on the air -with disastrous results-and Herb hrlek 1s •andenn11 around the stalion 1n a "carp" suit lfll11e Andy 1s beine 1nteri1ewed by a maea11ne •Iller m,_...• Alli« 10:00 8 CJ) (fll Liu'""' (R) Animal's e11alic behavior touches otf a l11b inqu11y into the plight ol tht all but foreotlen ~1etnam veleran, who 1s treated much d1llerently than servicemen in previous wars ....... .., ...... Wery ID Iii Mlrm' J111r11al 95'1Mdsbtt IQ)--"' Al1 -10:30-...... 11:00 ••Clla>IBl lllws • CJ) <II (!]) 0 .... ..... • IMlt: "De~" (com) '70-Paul koslo. Slim P1tkens • c:111c1 a • 1111 ..,....., HillSM ~t Tiit OriciMls e~CMttSM m Cune JilMtMl -11:30- • L~lllNs: ni. lllOfor~ rm1111c11a. I Wile • Ill. a w.r c... ..... ,..,,s.. .. • (II l1ll Niu S"'1 .,....c.c ... • Get S.rt Ill' lJia. Y111 I '" St Di,,_1tic SIJlt ti Wrt• Y•1 Thos documentary focuses o" U N Ambassador Andrew Youn& eumonong hos back&round and its 1ntlu,nce on his stylt of democracy 12:00 8Tlilidtt Z.... • Alfrt4 Nitdlcocl ~ lltllllllicllt GJMIM!lllws -12:30- • Dr1111tt • llltwi1: "Hostile liuH" (wes) '&7-Geo11e Monteomery. ~vonne De Clrlo, Tab Hunter Bnan Dontevy. (ID) Malll· l z a» MIM: Ir• ~firllillll SM lly Cllild" (com) '5C -Sp1h Jones, Budd1 Hackett 1:00 a oar..,.. ... w...,,.. .llMric* (llTllta..,si... 2:00 • lletl1: "T11111der 0Hr tl11 ,...,. (wts} '53-Rlndofph Scott e&ets-t See how fast Gidget grows up when she tokes o Romon holiday with boyfriend Jomes Darren. Cindy Carol co-stars. THE J:JO MOVIE .MONDAY~ ...... ,, ..._ S. ..,_IM MM Cam6ll. Greta Garbo's actin1 career be1an when a famous director spotted her serv1n1 as a lather eirl in a Swedish barber shop. Lana Turner. so 1oes the leeend, was discovered sippine a soda in a Hollywood drue store. In the case of Melissa Sue Anderson. her career began when a dancine teacher suuested her parents should 1et her an !te.nt and ~11JM11'1l'Tn!f"mhf.' n.lf111"fl'3"Hy"rmeasafverself0n·tne- beautifu1 youn1 &iris dancine ability Melissa is seen in the title role 1n "The Survival of Dana," a motion picture.for-television 1irin1 on The CBS Tuesday Ni&ht Movie at 9PM. The drama focuses on a 1rowin1 social phenomenon. the mindless antisocial behavior 1mon1 affluent teenaeers. Miss Anderson portrays Dana Lee, a beautiful teenaeer who , when her parents decide on divorce, leaves the security of her North Dakota home to live with her 1randmother (portrayed by Marion Ross of Happy Days) in Southern California. As 1 new student at the local hi1h school, she finds her traditional values chlllen1ed by her peripheral involvement with a middle·class 11n1 of schoolmates. It takes violent confrontation, resultina in a tra&ic duth, fOf htr to rulize that her otiainal values were solid, her way of life true and that she will be a survivor. Althoup Melissa was very youne when her dance teacher sugesttd an 1etin1 career, Melissa remembers her parents were undecided 1bout which direction to take. Durina th1t period of indecision. Melissa's parents met 1 youn1 Ktor who put them in touch with his 11ent. After mtttin1 Melissa. he put her to work doin1 t11maion commtrciala. · "I r11lly enjoytd tht commericals," 1dmits Melissa. "In rapid lllCCISSion I did ont for 1 toy company, a dtp1rtmtnt store, 1 soft drink 1nd 1 ctrul. Everyone WIS very patient 1nd helpful ind in the blck of my mind, youn1 thoup I wu, I knew I had found whit I nnted to do fw tt11 rnt of my life." Her first drlmttlc brukthrouih. IS 1 result of the comm1n:l11t, was in 111p11nt of-The Brldy Bundi. "I sum 'drlmttlc' is t111 wron1 word, but It •IS the first time I ldually hid linn to ape1k which furthered the ldion. "Then It ns blck to commercl1ls, but I knew befw1 lon1 I'd hive ,1notlltr chine• to 1ct." , ... 12 TV WEEK, MAY 27. 1979 Her intuition proved correct She was signed to portray Robert Culp's daughter m an episode of the Network's Shatt series. which led, at age 11. to w1nnine the role of Mary lnealls. the eldest daughter. in little House on the Prairie last season. in a h11hty dramatic two.part story of the series. the character portrayed by Melissa goes bhnd It was a tremendous challenge. which Melissa met with ereat success. being nominated for an Emmy Award Known to telev1S1on viewers primarily as Ron Howard's mother-or The Fonz· landlady -on Happy Days. Marion Ross 1umps to the next generation for her role in "'The Survival of Dana ... "Playing a mother on Happy Days hasn't been d1ff1cull, particularly since I have a son and a daughter of my own." explains the green· eyed actress. "This is the first time I've tried the granny league and in researching today's type of grandmothers. I discovered some interesting lac~ "Grandmothers have undergone a drastic image change, and all for the better No longer 1s Granny releeated to the rocking chair on the front porch. with knitting in her lap and glasses sliding down her nose. Grandparents are much more active and increasin&IY more vocal today. I discovered they don't relish being called 'senior citizens.' since they feel that 1s demeaning." Another fact uncovered by Marion with the help of the film's hairdresser 1s that there aren't too many eray grandmothers today. "I didn't want to bleach my own hair to the desired color and I felt that the simple solution was to shop in Los Aneeles' department stores for a wig that would solve that problem. That should prove to be an easy quest. wouldn't you think? Wrone! II didn't lake lone to discover that not too many w1es are made 1n simple 1ray shades. Blue gray, okay. Silvery. almost platinum. Sun streaked. Blondish. All available. All pretty. Very few plain gray. "finally we discovered one or two and with a few tnck swirls with the curls and a &ood brush. viola· A very useable 111y wig and I w1s in business." TU•SDAY MAY 29 for llllnlillc llld 1fttnloell listillts, !111111 set DAYTIME ftaO'IAllS . .... .. ,.., ~-·· 111 Ille .,. ....... CIAmME llO¥IES lZ:GO D "CllM llllU" (dra) '40 Henry Fonda, Oorolhy Lamour, Linda Darnell -• ti) MA ltlisill "' Ille 54111" Part I (dra) '61 -Sidney Po1t1er, Claudia McNeil. Ruby Dee l:GO <Ill "CM Ellttl • s.•r· (dra) '74-Leshe Nielsen. Louise Fletcher. Michael Par~s 3:30 • "Gid&tl Gels M11ri1d" (com) '71-Macdonald Carey, Paul Lynde. Don Ameche, Joan Bennett. Monie Ellis •V•NING • Cirtlll (JJ Cllict ' Ille 111111 ...... e Tiit 0at1111 ;..... 8 TONIGHT! SOMEONE * MUST WIN $100,000 ON NAME THAT TUNE! SHOW Of THE YEAR! 8 1111111 Thll T1111 (I) Tiit ""• SlllW D Tit TIC Doup <I.al 12)) ....,... ~,., (I]) ......... rt Show G)MIM·12 tJ1l Cit 11111 II: All Eaptfltiw Fm· for..,. m lladltll/Ull11r .. "'1 !DJ "-' rJJj ...... 8:00 • (I) ti) WHdtr ........ Conclusion Diana. 11norant ol the Gidget weds and settles down in the suburbs. But she doesn't stay settled tor long. And the suburbs will never be the some. Monie Ellis and Michael Bums. THE 3:30 MOVIE 8TUBDAY~ llliillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilil ORDER YOURS NOW i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mrs. John Doe 123 Main Street . " Anvtown. Anystate 1 ~5 • • • ACTUAL SIZE 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ONOOOO QUALITY WHITE GUMMED PAPER • PERSONALIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIEND ~;;;-,;,;,: ;o;~~.; ;;-,=.,:,; i7;;: ~-;;;;.~o 1 Piiot Printing, Label Div. Poat Office Box 1580 • 330 W. Bay St. c.o.t1 M911. Cllifoml1 02e2e •lure to U.. 'tour Zlpoode PIL Ol PRINTING ~-----------~----~~---J A RE~LIST "He's a man of action. well-educated and street smart ... is how Alan Feinstein describes Steve Arizz10, the character he plays in The Runaways, a new one-hour drama series wtllch premieres on NBC Tuesday evening at 8PM. Feinstein, too. is a product of the New York streets, a college man. an actor or virtuoso talents in a variety or mediums and In a wide range of roles. He 1s action-oriented and Is also Interested in the concept of the series which deals with contemporary issues and jeopllrdy concerning youthful runaways "Few of us are ready to acknowledg• that tl)e American way of Ille is not all that Idealistic to the young ... Feinstein points out. "The starthng fact 11 that every 15 seconds a young American runs away from home-a total of more than 2,000,000 each year " These statistics are the story thrust of The Runaways. As Arizzio. star or the series, Feinstein 1s an ex-cop. trained in clinical psychology with "street" experience in Juvenile and Missing Persons His role involves him 1n a variety of cases, with the series presenting youthful-guest stars eacl'I week. The roles range from those seeking adventure to youngsters trying to escape from intolerable home conditions or the thoughtless cruelty of their peers. "The average runaway Is not necessarlly from underprivileged groups,'' Feinstein says. "Many are from wealthy and conservative backgrounds. They rebel against conditions unknown lo outsiders One episode follows a young girl whose parents seem de11oted to one another and to her. It Isn't until determined 'digging' by Arizzio that he discovers the lather is a wile and child beater and the wile too spineless to divulge the trulh Another becomes enamored of a country/western singer and leaves In search of a career One 1s a victim of an emotional illness. kleptomania. and runs from shame and humiliation. The cases are based on fact Our research uncovered cases in all strata of society-from the Image of the perfect home to th1t of an <>Yer-wrought w1nton ... According to th• Mrl"' executive producer. Wiiiiam Robert Y1t" and producer Andy White: "In The Runawayt our goal i. to provide action 1nd variety. 11 well •• th• peychologl1t1· ce,.bral approach to human probl1m1." Felnateln 1um1 hl11e,..n role: "Arlzzlo empattllz11 with young people and their problem1. He 00.1 It through action. ____ Jnte'''genca.and.~COAcieiA~~."*,.....~ to bl. How can 1 total of 2,000,000 yearly young American runaweys be Ignored?" hp14 TUEIDA Y (Condnued) lacl he1 ulent1ty as Wonder Woman has ~en discovered. conllnues to mvesttaate a surrephllous invasion of otraterrestr1al enl1t"s who are takone over minds ol lhe p'opl' in a small Cahlorn1a resort town • Ol QI) '11£111£1£ .....,, '"Dark Side ol the Road · A psycho! 0&1S1 Sieve At1mo (Alan fe1nsle1n) 1s hued to rescue two runawar h1&h sc:hool 11ns who are ompfJSoned at a work firm run by a corrupt sheritt Michael Biehn Patio Cohoon. Karen Machon and James Callahan also star in lht limited se11es Susan Myers and Audrey Landers auesl e lllM: 9i (lllr) "Cty Lllr11~ (adv) 'CS-Humphrey Bo1a1t Lauren Bacall. Claire Trevor Edward G Robinson. Lionel Barrymore A cane of hOods take over a hotel on lht r!onda Keys • (J) <Ill QI) ...,,, Dlys (R) '"Stolen Melodies" The fonz crutes an instant craze when he displays his unique way of danc1n1 to the sensa honal new h11 son a. "Do the r on11e .• 1nlroduced by Luther T uscadero e lllM: (lllr) "DIWalt" (dra) '74-G11 Youne. Bradford Dillman. Manna Malfalll A beautiful, child less wife 1s endowed with nlraor dinary psychic powers Alter being involved 1n an accident which kills a pregnanl woman. she becomes convinced-contrary lo medical ewidtnce-she 1s eapectona a child • CM! llnlltt I f'rillln ..... : (Zllr) "Sine It c.,. .... ,. (dra) '60-Ralph Bellamy. Glttr Garson, Hume Cronyn. Jean Hqen A PfOhle ol Fran•hn Delano Roowvtlt's life-from Ille tome he 1s strden with 1nfant1le paralysis 1n 1921 to tllt Otmocrahc N1honat Convention 1n 1924. a All ....., .. °""" ......... ,...... .. ,.n heni111 Witll Comden & Gmn" The music11 comedy writin1 turn or ;'~!2!!!!L!i.1!l!•~fil- 8 t.MINll .,.,.., -l:JO- • (J) crl 9 I.Mme I Sllirtey (R) "A Cllorus line" Laverne. backed by her man11trs. Lenny and SquiUY, and her danct coach. Carmine Ra1usa, seeks stardom when she travels to CllicllO to audition lor a role in 'West Side Story." ..... ~ .... a.. 8:00 • Cl) 0 ... : (!llr) "TN .,... II DIM" (clra) '79-Mehm Sue A11derso11. Robert Carradine. Marion Ron. Tllla &.Isam Tllis COllttmpcnry drama focuses on a .,owin1 social plltno111rnon-llle llliftdless 111thotlal belllYiol llllOfll lflluellt lttftqtR. ••• "' .. l...t."' .......,. (2111) A r111cller-f1lled wittl ,... llld lritf-"rfCTVits" a ._ ti llc1icM prbofters to llelp llirll filld t11t 11tlllm Piii tllat lilltd Ills •• detlToyt4 Iris '""" ""' -Ills llottes. Willitllt Holdttl. S.S.11 ltlynrd, £nnt lor1111ttt, RStr* IM llDter Hlnln *'·. 9 ............. (R) ., l'lllty's 0-" ~ btlty ..,_ "8Yl IUCll a dirty tric• " ,,...... .lid, Jllltt •114 Olrissy """ "°""' • ""' tfllt hit ""' ..... ... Oii llilft. .......... TV WEEK. MAY 27. {g79 1(1) llnttrlliece lllutrt: Lillie -9:30- • (})®'QI) Tari (II) "The Mtmor1ts of Cab 804" Conclusion Mrchanic L1lkl G11vas fr1nllcally works to sawe craded·up Cab 804 as the tabbies londly recall limes 1n the le1endary 1uto-when Alo dthvered a baby, Louie ~at a 11clt bl1I out of a ..ad of money and E111ne met the pttftcl man 8l ... Alltrica. .. •All,....... All °'1111' This Sl>f(lll loc:u5's on the rtlahonsll1p of lwo 1mm1eran1 domestics-one Orient1I one Dutch-wlto sh11t a home Beulah Quo and Kathleen Freeman .,,.,. .... 10:~ ........ • (J) (II • SPfCW. ""9ra Walters S,.Clal (I hr) Barbara Walters intemews Georee Burns. Mary lyler Moore, Rob Reiner. Penny Marshall and R1Ch1rd Pryor ., ..... Witry 18J Vltw11f AIU !Jll lltwlClltc• -10:30-..... tAlhttr's,... 11:00 .(J).(1])(8 .... e wcraoo .... ............ ... :~._.."(adv) '72-Ltt Van Cletl, Stuart W111tman .Qicia ... ... . .., .. .. l:"'r.-1-i.. eu111n•s....rs-r. -ll:J0-• <1>0 ,,. ....... a. . ...,c.m,rv. ··5....,c... ............ ~8M1't . flrttlt• Uwt" (dra) 78-Donn1 Mills. Jolln Gavin. Ed Nelson ....... •c.ts-t o:;:.:~''• . . .... 12100 ., ..... ,,.. .......... ""-b .. , ..... ..... ,... -l2:J0- ... :. '1111 M als1• If r..,... (Id¥) '3'-Glry Cooper . Blsil Ratltbont . .... : ............ _.. (clrl) '51-tittt ll!ittllttm. ...... .,., ...... (COlll) • 41-lrtM °"'"' 1100 ... ,_... ........ 2IOO • 1111111: "lnt Rldt to S.llta Cnlz.'' "A Y•• 111 Vietnam" ...... -2:31- • ...._ "Aflltl on t11t ANIOll," "Hi Jldltd" . • ..... "Al ''"""'" .. OlllllolM... "°"°"'' 1100 ................... (COlll) 0-Gitlltf """'· lwEDNESDAYf MAY JO ftf .... Mil lfttfllllll listillcs, pltase let DA YTlllE l'IOCUllS. ...... ,.r ~. llt tllt Uy'sMl'lils. DAmME llOWIES tl.• G "11lt Of ... Trail" (wes) '59-Fred MacMu11ay Gloroa hlboll, Nrna Shipman Hen11 Hull. Wilham Bishop • .. ...... ill ltM S4111" Concl (dra) 61 Sidney Po1l1t1. Claudia McNeil Ruby Dee Diana Sands. 3:00 (ff) "tt Ha""'4 to line" (com) 59-lack Lemmon. Oo11s Day, Ernie Kovacs l:JO e "Wllert Were Yt11 WMn tllt Upts Went 0utr• (com) '68 OOris Day Roberl Moise. Te1ry Thomas. Steve Allen •V•NINQ 1 t , Cross.Wits Cl Clndid CllMll "Ol lltrY Griffin S11ow IDI LM Lucy m Dk• emtt S11ow l'2t) Tiit Jobr's Wild II> Iii Secrttaria ISO 11111, AIMriu, R1111 7:00 a rv a•~""' • Tiit ......,... Cilllle Cl Tiit Jobr's WiW tB Sis llilliell S 11111 .u, lbry T,i.r Meore -~&Sell 1a fllllily "9rtra1t m 21 TllliPI tlll EIMrlfllCY OM Ollllrialoll 'SO lntrodtltin1 lioklo -7:30- D lilDrkl War II: GI Diary Ill Surcl1 Of ... 8 (fO) ilt f amity feud • Tiie Ottillt GelM • ltollywlod ~UlltS Cl J Tiit llUllPtts Cl TIC Tee Doup (I~ M Newhart Sllow II) Adam·l2 124) Clbrillo Villa1e fli) llac:Ntil / ltllrer •port ltt ""' rfO Comumtr SurriYat lit 8 :00 D '•J 1t1 Tiie lefleno11s (R) Georee is tascrnated by an unconven l1onal slockb1ok" un)1I he finds out about his unusual medttal past II Q.l) !Jt 5'£CIAl All M·Slar •l1MIJ "'"''" ..... -At Su (90m) Bob Hope who, throuch hts assoc1ahon with lhe USO. has Sl>fnl It tokes a power blockout to bring Doris Doy out of~ dork about on atroir. ~r husband's. Terry-Thomas, Potrick O'Neol and Robert Morse. WHERE WERE W>ll WHEN 1ME LIGHTS WINT OUT1 THE JaJO MOVIE ·WIDNESDAY~ T11c1a Cast. Meeno Peluce (from top, lelt to 11ght). Bill Jacoby. Shane B•llterworth, Sparky Marcus, Corey Feldman. Christoff St John and Brenner Sm11h pray members of a baseball team 1n a 1un1or high school for "dilf1cull" kids in the new half.hour comedy se11es, The Bad News Bears. a111n9 Saturdays at 8PM on CBS ..... ,. WEDNESDAY (Continued) countless hours enterta1nu1g the men so, The Mme of Miss Jtan Brocltt and women of lhe Armed roices rs rn the company ot servtct personnel -8:30- once again as he celebrates his 16th II • 12 Goo4 Tu11u birthday aboard the USS two )ima Conclusion rtorida s interest 1n •1nP The Vrllage People gue~t ol her youne passenRerS ~olv~s onr • lllotie: (Zhr) "Custer of !lie serious problem but creates another Wt!t" (adv) '68 Robert Shaw, Mary when the ~ulh becomes convinctd Ure. Jeflrey Hunter ly Hardin hrs own mother doesn t care what Custer is sent west alter the Civil happens to him War where Indian nalions are rebel • fl'ro Slcctr lhe A/tees at rhP ling against governmtnl ru ervalion New [ngtand I ea men and 111lr~ad polrctts 18 llllllMU -.Ca 8 13)(10) ,,.J 'Ei1ht II ElllMlp (R) "Hipbone ts Connected to the lh1ghbone" The Bradford household 1s thrown into an uproar u Mary vents her scholasl1c lrustrahons on lhe lam1ly and gets thrown out ot the house and l am suffers prtmalure aging trying to luch young lommv to drive CJ Mewie: (2flr) "Nill!t flitllt lft111 llltscow'' (susp) '13-Yul Brynner Henry fonda Ouk Boearde. Farley Granger A Soviet othc1al detects to the West. bearing a list ol atf western agents working for Russia • Carel lwMtt &.FrilMs 8) lllowit: (Zllr) "U' Ille DeW11 Sbiru•" (dra) '67 Sandy Dennis _Crleen Heckart Patrick Bedlord. Jeft Howard . A voune teachei burning to leilth !he 1oys of [nghsh h!eralure lo Mr students r\ conlrnually harassed by !ht lacl her students arr. all lrom low income. hostile envuonmenls 1•1 Citut '9rftr1111111US fD. of llllctltlillty ~arl Mara The Massive 01ssenr· A program covering lhP impact of soc1alisl thinkers who prophes1rd and 1ns11 eated "Vlllullon thr01Jgh !he "'"' teenth century ID V'm1111 ACROSS I Burn •IWltllf (with 5 ecroas. Clue to """'9 tn•-> 5 Tells t .. tMn 9 'Much About Nothilw' I 0 Roedsfdt spot 12 Fnt~ theatrlal ~ion 15 lmlt•tinc 11 Sharp 20 Flt to · -(2 wdl.) 21 ~ .. edieftt 22 [ coin 24 Cu lhort 25 Vicki -21 ··-· Yankff Doodle DendY (2 wdl.) Jl Thril . -ct we.) J2 wt'"4 apolle J4 ~ 9"op Item • llfd ,, lhof1 cir"* ,. lfltr8"11tM ~ 41 Neltorl -42 Stor• avent 9:00 B i L <Ill MMe: (211r) "Stunt St.e11" !adv) '79-Chrtslophri Connelly Chr1stopher Lloyd Bob Seagren Soon I ec~ Oh B11an Brodsky, luan1n Clay Morgan Bnttany A tu m of stunt -.pert\ allempt a clarrng au sea and land rPscue of a beaut1lul k1dn~pped movie star e t 11 ffDl Qi! CUrtit's Allpts CR> (2hr) "l ite Angels rn Vega' Amwca's most u c1t1ng r11y La\ Veeas. provides the backdrop ~s tile Angels eo undercoyrr lo solve ~ show&rrl's myst"'ous d,alh Or~n Martin guests ~() Wilder, WIWer fD D111ct i11 a .. riu : lll11th1 GtJllatll Dal!Ct C.,.llJ A per1orm ance of Clytemnestra the ballet based on lhe Greek traRedy 1n wh1cn Clytemnestra murders hei husband lo remarn with her lovet (Ml Dawi4 S-.iM SMia -!:30- • ~~ ())) Mcme: (tcllll) "This M111 Stands MIM" (lm) ·79 too Gossfll Clu Gulager Mary Ahcr lonny Ch~pm1n lames Mc£ad1in An ordained minister retuins to hrs DOWN 2 !mlllMrlf rl!Oblt I T.V. commercial 4 °'°" 5 ltallen -. "~~· 7 Animollty I Trade ot post luff!• 11 HMventy ~(clue to 13 e,;';') 14 UncG'/9r 16 Separetlon 17 fOl'merly II Home 21 ~dtvtcn 2t !'le -mode t7 flt 21 CorNc booll pullllthef' ft Street (Mbf.) ntr- • TlfN Mt'loch ....... ~(....,,.) 40 !OPtien ""' IOd .Answer at end of the Saturday tog '•1• Alabama b1rthpl~ce lollu1111ng thP death ol Mdrt1n l uthtr tl.1nR Jr and 1~ persuad~d lo moynt a c~mpa1~n ~\ lh~ hrsr Btac> c~ndrd1t• tor ~h•,1ll 1n lhP rounly ' h1~lorv 2• C111I PerfomancM mreuc1o•A111or 10:00 Iii. O)Ntws II) llirht Gallery Sd Tiie MM.alts -10:30- • U>llews 24 Th111 Artists"' tlle l'llouv fD CstM,. flH!ellCO A documen tar1 lncus1ng on an Ame11rao llamenco dancer and dance comp~n~ on r~htarsat and oer1prmance 11:00 u 3 • 'J 12 2t News D CHJ in U 1Nws lilMMtMtl..111111 D lilotle: "M111 at tlle T"" cdraJ 75 Harry Andrews m Cllico & Ille Ma" Ill llt!llJ HiN Show 24 Tu,..,.. m DK• c.tttt s... m u tnctom1111e -H:30-u I 12 llloties: Switch 1Hn111 F'M-0 U (23 tt Jelln11Y Carson G llft Stun Salts Show • ri I 'tOI '8J r.tice liloftqn .. Tiie ""• Show .., Get Si!llrt 2• Utias, Y'I• & You fD C.,tiolled UC Ntws 12:00 Ill Twilipt ZOllt TV WEEK MAY 27 1979 m Alfred Hitcllcoc• Presents fD 21 T011i1ht IDMftietNews -12:30-- • MIMe: "lbll1nce Oii Ille Hi1ll Sus" (mu~) '48 Oor1s Dav 8 3 101 it llb1111ia ID lilllMe: 1!1 "h ·Mrs. BrHfof d" t mvsi 36 Wrlliam Powell l!an Arthur James Gleal>On II> liloN: Ill "free for All" (com I 49 Robnr CumminV\ Ann Blvlh 1:00 II 23 Jt T OlllOf tOW Gllrltnd 2:00 B Mo.le: 'Jll ''Tiit li1 lllodle" ladvl ~l [rrol flynn Rosanna Rory Pedro AsmPndar11 Cl liloN: "Tiie Blac• P11tller ol R1t1n1" (mys) '62 Marr11nne Koche He1n1 Drach, ID Mo••t: "lei's De fl A,1in" lcom) SJ lane Wyman Ray Milland Aldo Ray m Ce1 Smart -2:30- • Mowi•: W "The P1ui1n1te Tllief" lcom) '61 Ben Gauara 4:00 llJ lllowie: • "lllWisillle Ttftor" (mys) 63 Hans V Borosody, Hannts Schm1dhallm 18 Me•it: "The M11i< car,tt" lcoml 51 luc1lle Ball John •1ar Pat11cra Medina qaymond Burr -4:30- • MO¥it: 'W "ArHn tor Htre" (d•a) S9 Stev• Rrod1e [THURSDAY™] MAY ll for mGfntna '"° alttl lllOll ~SlrftCS. please see DOTllllE P'ROCRAMS ltlow, !of your convtnltntt, '" Ille day's -.its. o.mME MOVIES 12:00. ff "Jelln~y apotlo" (dta) 40 i)ron, ro.,Pr CD II! '1op Hat" (mu>I J> r ie~ ~lo•r Cini'.'' Rote', l:CIO 10 'W1· Italian Style" 110.n1 6/ B11>H ~~alon J:.JO • 'Wllfn tlte lof' Mttl tllt Crrls" (n r1s1 f,'J C1·,.Mr t 1onc1 tl<1· ir Pr••nell [ EVllNINQ 1 6:00 6 10 12 2> llews 3_, The O+i Couple U 8 • 2t "ews e Emercency Ont a rrs11 CD The Blidl Bunch O> Slrffb of San Franmco 2• H11man1tre~ Th1ou1h Ille -rl\ mo.er USI lt llllldt so Daicnrne Home ln1ert0rs -6:30- J lt News I CrOG _.h U CalldMI Cln1m 8 ~ • 10 21 Moll & Mlndr (10 S'yfl.~h l\•ep t dll111~ on M1 Head II> an out ~1 thi> \\Olld •atdllLJr NhPll Mo1k bur1uw' b tdlJI ) mr:untarn tdb•n h11 1 'r\llul wt•k • 1d but ltnd\ ho'll,• If <Jid Mtndy \trclnd~d rn a bi..~•d rul •urn rust a' a bhnard a11rve) I Stttt M1rt1n 111 ~n14U G Tl111n11 • U at SPECIAL l11f~llon. Tiit Flrr TMI Won't Go Otft (I h1) A probe ol J' 'lalton \ lndm •C11Jnm1~1~ lo· 1n~" •S•&hb on th•~ ,1ruler1 "'"' .11a1~ ot 1olla1'°" ano ho" •t· I>"" 1oa1 •l,'!!Pnl\ r.on1b111• 1. ~.r·.enl ptoblem, "~~~•IP.et lo ~o bel~rt Q) SFEC.laL Jerry Brown/Dnid Su5Utndll4ud Ott (}hr) I~·\ ;pecral pre • nlal1on teahM~ 3 "1len~r~e inl•· v b1 David Su .~ktnd N1lh C<.. , tdm~nd G llwv1 llro·111n fD 24 llova I he 1 •. ~ ... Na" ol r·~~ Y110 .g lh1~ p• ;1,r•m IQ; u~•> ..,,, llr 1 ·,J"11li\ Young ~ NdlAll hho a• d .t11ld hunted ba1eloo1 Mid \lept u.;<I 111 1ar5 fOddy hp 1> a nuclea• phy ;i.1 11 lhe I o~ Al.irw \ 5r1~nlrl1L l.1br .. .::1 , m Nr.,, Me"'" ED Vrv11n1 .so Here's lo Your Health -8:30-u .:or•.cdy Tllulre: fm1lly lounac f'dM wreads lh ough, high 41\1101 t~tull\ ·NOfn thP, l~J!ll lhfy J1P .. ;1 ·~rclecJI) on '"1't due In lh• nr oMud~ ol lhei· u~ion Aile luh., vn Ge11rgt Gob!:I ljanflt• labr.11 Ro~e Mari• Jd1'" tilasun •Od t 1111 Sto•th ~ldr U SPltl•l In Ctltllr1lion ot 0 ONE TO ONE fun with • Julie Andrews, tlle Muppcts 1nd Korun Children's Choir. O SP'CCIAl One to Dttt t I h • 1 lt1t\ m:. al varrtf 1 $Oet•a' IPdlu•r\ )ul1f o\nartw; th~ l'tl~ppet> ind rri 9•une ~~ampror Jdn•I Linn lht ~~r~ v· .,f th• orogr;;rr 1~ to D ., " ~aupho~ uf ~rphar .h1fd1er CD lllm C111f111 Sllotr 24 .,_ ... An Ouqt fD Yitlft of Am: Tiie l'lllhHtnu m llodlH la1Nltas so Tiit Best of fz m1hn -9:30-u 3 10 2t Cuter Counlry l •ddy s Folly Nn• 11 br. r,,., 1r&•·-n1 Ma,01 Trddi 1> lri.tr., hr~ .1~: lotfUM hr~ '!IPOty h"~~I\ r.1~rPr det•dP '' .kip rul 1,d lh> H '"V' drc1d•·~ 1~ ""~ 11 all ft) Peuclo dt •mor 10:00 ti e S.rnaby Jonts tH! J~ ,, JUgM .,n thf hoon, of d 110l•·11t drtl '"ma when h•s htgh~thoc.. w1:rt :,, ail 1urn1 111 him 101 helo wh~n lh:o atened by her forme r hu,b.1~d U IJO)lltws a 1 ,,o n 20120 12 Tiit firt TNI "'41'1 Go IM Q) ll1pl Galltry m Co!isteau Odyssey so NtWKlltd -10:30- • Q)llews z• Tiit Adwoutts so Est1111111 Ft1111tMO 10 Merl Gr1ff1n Sllow m I I.owe lllcy Tutan•Ni1111111 1qom1 lrve hum lhe 11 :00 de Vtoni1 Mu~um rn S..n frdnusco B ~ U 1 10 1f News U C.lt111po11r) Hr.Ith m Did ea"tt S11ow Jt Tiie JMtr's Wild ~nd by \dlethlt from !hr l'y•dm•d> D 1i 23 ~• llews nw Cdllil lh•> PrOk•am lralure> d u llhh Mt uvcll llJ El Chawo l~sl loo' •I the trea>ure$ 01 the boy CJ M"1t: "S<udda·Hoo! Studda· ~'"g belore they return lo L~ypl Also HIJ!'' (dra) 48 Jun~ Hdve• d >1>eml lou' di the actudl tomb and CD Chico l tllt Ma" 7:00 other trea~u•~> Nhrch "''f nol Q) ltl!llY Hill Sllow 50 HolM lilfdtnt r • D ~ • 2i llews 1ntfudPd '" the t\h1b1I m Oitk Cafttt Sllow e Tiie lltwlptd Game • 3 10) ~ Aniif 1Rl 'lhe 11 30 a 1 Tiit ~J)J!N Prooo\dl ~n111e falco. a loveable -: -., 1---illi~Tfi"n ,--·----...,nrtt~ ITbtn T!l'f'WIOnfSid'eOTllie·-e t nr Mmre-Y M ·n1 ; ..: TJltr .... ~: ll~r~. !alls for • seem1n1ily poo• and Mceloud Gt s.::Z..:d l Sin s11uu1rne oed1alr1t•an, Brdd Ben)on D .U 1lt .lollllftJ Carson t8J fllllily l'ortr11t only lo d1110v~r he 1s horn 1>nP ol 8 Ila s..t Slits Sllow e 21 Tlllltllt Ph1lddelph1a s weallhresl lam1lies • U tfOl t2t) St1rar & Hiiiei!/ iJtJ Elntrl'IKY Otlt OJ U tarabiM dt btllrosio :O""ri:. Gone ShOll ID lllril JIM 9:00 G) Ciel Sn11rt IMl HtllNliitlts Tllr0111h the •rts 8 U HIWlli Fiw·O (R) Sim ~1 Lifia. Yot• & You -7:30-1nvestrgales lht dealh DI a young m CaptieM4 MC"""' B SZS,000 l'y11111id scub~ diver dnd a novelist insists ClJ Wild W.W II Allt111ab she has lhe c11mP lo-Olved 8 hi S..rdl Of D <I~ H """ fw Telftisiell: • Tiit Dltiflc ~t Tiit IMOC111t l Ille 0.tled ( R) • Tiie Giiis 5'1111 12hr) P~tt I ol hvt oarls A fool loose (I) SUI lt111ty Sllow dnd ptnn1le~s youne man f Pwy • fie Ta Dllitll t11n~1 who 1s dCCused of commrtltng (Jll IZJJ Mii '-c llom1ctdt becomes lht focal point of (tJ) M ~ Slltlt strunles involwrne a lrnanc•er s e ~12 (Gene Birry) plan to create a h111e 0 ........ resort and a yount attorney (Sim • lllCW/Latrtr -.,.1 Cllt0ll) wtlo reluus to bf rn1tm1 !ltl lll'a daled by a M!fttOI coUugut (Jolin lit ..._._. Houseman) who bun1tes the homr 8••00 c1<1t ease alter 11temphn1 to thwart the youna lawyer's independent 9 ll Tiit W..... (R) (l111btlh. rnvts1t1a1ton John !trlclnltrt. at age lhuleen, upe11ences fe1wenl Michelle Ph1lltps. Tony franc10S1 Ion lo1 Ille new ministt1 on Walton's lessita Ha1per, Wilham P11nte. Aoeei Mountain Andrew M11cll who Dnrs and Bo H09•1ns also star lllmks £.11n 1~ 1nponsiblt tor secrtt (Prev1ouSly ltlltd "Aspen") $llns of love do11e by Clr1abeth • (}) (fG) 1211 """' Millll (R) • ~ "lea & Synthes1ms" "lilt Rldteal" Pohlltal conlrom sy Miyor Cooper 1s 1eilous #hen his dlsrupls the 12th precinct when Woio P'elly secrelary, whom lit had lake~ collars a radical who's been on Ille IOI 111nltd, bt11ns d11tn1 his son run $IOCt t11e 60s e lllt........... tl"l Kill Tiii ....... 12:00 Iii Twificllt Ztlt CD MIM ltitcllctc~ P'rnelltl fli) 21 T oniPt -12:30- • lilllie: "P1tte111" (dril S6 Vin HeJhn ld Btetey •MIN: A "Tiit _. S..,. CM" (com) '49 Ann Solhcrn ... :~lltC.W' (tom) ·50 Celeste Holm 1:00 • ~1) (lf ,..,.... ....... 2:00 e MIN: mi "Tiit ._.... Tr.," (dra) ·59 Ernest 11ot1n111e e ....._ "Seeret of tllt 81Kk Widow." "The Rtd Hand" -2:l0- ...... "lite Empty C.mu," "flocut's Y1'"" e ..... : "The Mob," "Jollnny Atle1ro" rv WEEK, MAY 27, 1979 FRIDAY JUllE I For morninc ind 1lt11110011 tistu11s. ,1tm m DAYTIME PROGRAMS. •io.. lor 709r COllttnitnct, '" tllt day's mowits. DAmME MOVIES 12:00 G • "Carry°" St11tH1" Ctoml 60 Witham Ha•lnPll m ·c. o., tor ' H1111111c" I "P>I 'i9 f red MatMurrar Robert Vauenn Ma~g1e Hay~s l :OO 10 • "Man 110111 lllr Dlne11' Club" (cont f>J I ellv '\a•ald$ Dann) Ka,e J:JO U "Don't Make Wnes" twm) 67 luny Cur!1) •V•NING e:oo U • 12 Pro luhlb1ll Cll•m· pionsllip learn~ to b~ announced Came .. 111 be played onlr 11 neces<arv lo delermrne champ1onsh1p Ptogram1ng sub1ett to change ..i1lhoul no11ce ' J Tiie (Md Couple e • n 11ews e E111trpncy 0.. D f"isll ·~ .u flews • ltldJ lunch 8) Strltb II Sitt Francisco J4 °' u1111 & 11111 mo.er lasy ,..,.. se E111stti11's Ufttnrse Canltnued from S JOPM -6:30- 3 u flews 8 CMdid Cl1111ra to Mtf'f Griffill s... m1 LM Lucy l.41 1111 lllllrtri' ltlt1111I ., Oit' Clfttt Sllew ..... -t .... ,. IDBiefl Crildl 7:00 1 ~1 ••11i1 11tws • Tiit """"'4 "-• Tiit Jehr's WIN •Si• lllllillll llln •SltlfM&S... g 21 T..ipt 1Jt) llllerl"CY °"' .,.,la ... -7:30-m n.. M..,.a eO..fMI e ""' .._... Clm land lnd11ns 11 the Cahlorma Ancets • l!Jl Vi ......... s..m enc Tee.,... ...... ll 0 CllMlr1lil ,_. ...... ,"*"~ 8"-Ai....,.,,.,.... a:oo e CJ) IUl ....... It.a (II) Dn!d 8.ann11 cets c1111ht 1n tllt mtddlt ol 1 lhllOllal ObMr¥tl tlPoW that t1•ts Ille Hulk npl 11110 lltt publtuflOll's pnnt1111 IOOlll e lll 8 Dlfl'llM ........ (II) "Mo¥1n' In" Tiit 111p lrom Harlem to Ille lip ol tuaui~ In Mt Dn1mmoncl's Parh Avenue ptnlllouse crtales unlorseen pt0btems for rounc AtllOfd llld WttllS ..... " • . - --.,,. ' - l FRIDAY CContlnu•d) II 3 10 29 Opt111ion Petti~! C!J Mcwie: (Zhr) "The ,roud Oftes" IN•St 56 Rob~rl Rvdn V11 g1111,1 Mdl•• l•lll•y llunf P1 Wh•11 ~ faffJ rn•m1 1111•-'\ 111 ffdt k111.k "'"'· R11nm1.n anJ r 1mbl1r12 P~utpm•nl ttw •Hdl>hdll " u~ Jgdtrt~I m111r lho1•1 ne llar~~in·d lo• m Clrol lurlltlt ' friends. II) Movie: (2hr) "'a"'' 1n th e W"!Nerlln$H I~ N.1111, docum~n 1111~ In lh' 1~;ie~ t•urlh LOunltw ol C-nada t 1oun? "''" bt~ it 1J11••r rqld ind d ~tllrr b~dr on lhr rr•o ,r tn a \!:arch for h1\ lo•t \l•p lath•1 fiiJ 24 so Wull1n1ton Week fD Viviana -8:30- D n Jt Hello, lmy lkl M01ll!tt Morp~n l Mtt 1Pal11•· .f\ A \tnf'lP P111en1 lh•1• a1• :h1111•1 h• I dllllOI l!Hp 1\1•, d~IJ~htPI\ '"!It \ft MOtt.•l" vtlPt> the g11I~ ~umr ddvir • IJPC (lmHIP. llm1 \IJllllV~IP molhe1 II 3 10 29 Welcome Bick, Kotter Int O~o1y Bui V11u tr Nol 1lt1~u 1)11 I .il.~111· ln\rs Ill\ l11Pnd,htp W'l~h lhP _ .. e llh11~~ whrn lh••v d1Y OVPI IW '\U rnmult•tel, dtdlnl•d Mr Wh•ltn•rt lh•I lhe pr1nc1pal has w111le11 .1 ~luN1ng e•aludf1on ~I him wh1I• w1111ng d•rogal'l•Y 1eport s On Ill~ rt·\! of fleau \ coh•1•I\ 8 Movre: (2hr) "The Hoiptlal" iroml ll GPn·~~ C ~c1111 01dnd R1~· J h• th1•I r•\1M111 nf ,1 IArRr c11v hn•,ptldl led uo wtlh lhr '"~"m 1>Pltn•.t ril ht\ \ro1ll dnd deprt~\PO abnur h1. broktn mam~ge •1WPm orates ,utf tde m Tht Odd eovp1e fD 24 so Wall Street Wtt• m (d~rclo 111'Kldo AJllOI 9:00 u Mofle: (21!1) "Tht Odd Covpft" tcoml 68 I•~~ l emmon Wallrr Mallh~u Hr.1b CdPlm1n ln~n f 1tlde• I wo men onP a ble~rv eyed 11respons1ble \fob lhe olher a wee111 lana11r al hnu5'1eeoe1 set uP llnu\e .._ _ _,~~te.11!!!&. t•l_&SllllUH .. l!YWtlll 11 23 39 IKU01d Fitts IRl A lhree Oay Alla11 W•lh a lhuly Dav fscrow A ma111ed Arabian n11nV\S 1~ drawn 1nlo a real esl~tr ~w1ndf P. .ind Rotkford hired to find lier drscovers he musl protect her from her lam1lv who wanl her pul lo rteath 101 allegedly b11ng1ng sham, lo the household Ma11a Grimm aucsts e • #J !101 f2t Mo•i•: (2hr) "Cruise Into Terror" (suspl 78 Ray Mtlldod Hugh O'Brran lohn lnrsvthe Chmlopher George Lynda Dav George f ran~ Converse Sltlla Stn,ns. l •e Mtrrwelhtr Marshall I hompson ,. doctor on 1 plemJJt cru1\l ship •S Starchina tor a romb lo p1cve his lheorv lhal anc1tnl L&vp trans ~·led In Mea~o 1.000 yea1s 4go and loundtd a Malayan cmh ral111n He finds 1 sarcophatu~ .nd bungs •I aboard wllert 11 unl,ts/\ts dn twtl fOICI! ...... ~s-. 12 ...,..: (211t) "Jtlle (Jft" {dra) 11 (;ttllgt C Scoll, Suwnnah l'otk I~•~ Ha•~•ns Alt O!Ph•n 1ove1ness tall' tn llm ••lh htr employer then hnd\ h• II~\ •n rnune •rft .)4 Martha~ DMct Ce. m llas1ttJitc• TllMtre: llllit so "'" 10:00 D •l' ,,. Qt1111er (Rl "House ot Nn Retutn Quincy 1oes undercover •I ~ county 1nsliM' for lh• crrm1 ,..,.11 •1Jlly m~ane In 'ubstanltdle mu1der ~M oa11en1 abu'e chmP~ made by a dPad 1nmalP s mo!hP1 UDO>llews m lli1ht Gallery fii) !loyal lltrit11e Gr.a1gf IV ~11 lluw Wheldon rake\ vie"''" lh111u~n the p11va1P apar1meots di W1ndso1 l..i~tle and look~ al ';OJnf of the 1re~\01P~ or SPrveS (,h1na f rPnch rurmlo1e ;ind )(ulprure 1~1 conl•tn so V'llWS fff AMI -10:30- • Tht lion& si- O ISSlltS & An-n mm11ews 24 Style of Andrew YOUftl 11:00 U 3 ' II 10 29 llews II • u 13 3t llews 8 Make Mt uuah D Miiwee: "The lltro" (dra l ll Richard Harns Romy SchnP•der m Cinco & the M111 II) Benny Hilt Show 24 Another V111ce fii) Die• CIYtlt Show m Mnies/llews -11:30- 0 e u MoYies: lli1ht Stai.er I "Mousey" tOrdJ 14 Jean Seb"'R D 2l )t JollllllJ Clnon D lltw Sou,y Salts si-ll 3 101129 Soap m The lion& Show II) Gtt S1111rt 24 llli1s. Yota & You fiiJ Clpl!Ollff AIC llews 12:00 0 Twih1ht Zone 11 3 1 o 2' Baretta m 111•• 1t1 fnllo11 ,. SATURDAY I JUllE 2 MORNING 6:00 II Tllat's Cit l Sdlnltr SttNSttr Ill Coiuillllity Fttdtlld ID Uniftrlity of tllt Air -6:30-u Su111111tr Semester II Bly City Wm D llf11net 'T' TV ClnsflOlll-Art a Dawey a Co1ilt11 1Q Cent»ry 21 Sllorthand mSpu• °"' II) Infinity F actorr fiiJ Clplioned ABC Nt1n 31 f1mily l'ortralt 7:00 u Dus1y's TrMhcMe II 23 'lt1 .,in & Ille Ch1pmunh U Bia Blue Marlllt II l ~) tOJ lat Scoollr·Doo. Where are You? tJ TV Cl1S1100111-Splnrsll a Hot Fllfce si- m uet11t11t.11Y ""' m "°""" lltal to llttl fD T0&1 lor Health -7:30-u MMlo's M1t1< ....,tt MKllillt D 'lf IJt F111bstic Ft11r 11 htmtt111 8 }l tl Ol t2t hflC1Kt TV-WEEK MAY 27, 1979 II) Mo•le: "Sm1111ler's lslnll" (advl 51 Jell Chandler fD M i111 Th1111s Wor\ -10:30- 8 I 1 t Tar11n/St1,.r 1 D n lt Tiit JttJons • ~ 10 121 The ,.. '""''" m 0nc. u,.,.. a c11ssic O)Mi ( .... 11:00 D .,3 )t ''° ~sellall Ph1la dflph1a Pl11lhes al Cincrnna11 Reds • 3 t0J ~ Wtt .. M S,.Cial • Tlwilltf fD l'uppeb & tlle l'ltt An adapt~ lton ol E •mots lrom Shakespea1t f!)lilusKl~J -11:30- D D11111t1 II 3 10 129 American llndst•llCI II) Get Smlrt m lucllJ Libre 12:00 • I f 1 S,.Ct Academy g World o.Wts T 11111is r111al D Ust Side llie tt Ilia •• MarMt II> Tarun 24_ c.ttMpor1ry Hattll m A Grut Whitt Bini -12:30- • I 12 FatMtrt 11 To,1< • ,.,.. 7 10 Disco 10 ~I Siii lb lb l.[I TY a..r....t-CUSl!lt 1 : 00 D Tiit Liiie bt1111 12·30 ... n. .. •1 E-... 8 1} 112 An II -. --·-._,.. I) llltematilllll s,.tts D Movie: .. "Ap,.1ntment I~ m """"' ... • MIMt: .......... the lZ·Milt lOlldon" (dra) )!I Otr~ Bogarde • fD lit•• MMMI llMf' (adv) ·~J-Robert Wainer m ~: Jll "U11t11n .. f" (mys) 49 Rober! Rockwell Barbm luller 8:00 : =ls,=ls i . ' II) Mowie: "Cl• Mt Mister" (mus) ~ ~J (j21 ""'7t t!-~: "Tiit ~..!lfs Mtulll" ~I 8•111' Cubla, ~~--H~~-~""'9t·•--··--.,T_.,.. ·-----...-•ii.it: "Mrst•IY of Ille Wu com F-111ec uu1.nnus · 1:00 D 1U tH Midllipt S,.Cill e Movie: IJlf "flle House '" Haunted Hiii" (hor) ·59 V1ncenl Puce Carol OhmArl Rtcharrl I ong a M1Weric• 1CJ1M1t11·1Z 2:00 B Mowie: 1ltll "lh• Scarlet '1mpernel" (dra) 3~-leshe Howard Merle Oberon G ltlerit: t'Sllell First, Dit Uttr" (dra) 73 -RIChard Conte m MtM: ''5*111 0m the ...... (adv) 56-lauren{e Harvey -2:30- • ltlerit: 111' -ca,tM Citr'' (dfa) .'>? John f orsythe. IOln ~md,n mGtt s..rt 3:00 • MtM: Ill "Celli .. Derbes" (hor) lermon Robles. A Alv11•do 4:00 e llttit: "Tiit 'lr•tn .. '"' Mlulul,,i" (1dw) '6'-H1ns1011 f rlmy, Ho1$1 r 11nk • 119wi•: ......... ., .. """" (st1·fl) '67 -Clmeron Mitchell. -4:JO- ..... : "OSS;l77·llilllll "' • lllltr" (susp) '66-freder!Ck St1fford. R,ymond re11e1r1n ...._.. .. (mys) '33-Fay W11y t8l Seip IC1lfY ~ e C.U (]]I) ft Sliptffrltftds ID Wllttf llltrCIM G ... r Stltltr Stars r1t1 Tiit Allltflwl Story ID Mwlt: ti{) "Clnttnlllt &host" -1:30- <com> '44 Charles lau&hton r 8 <U 1q 1 s.twU, FIMI ftlliwal m lllSIPl/Mwlt "N1k•ohn1' A drama about I youn1 Ameucan gul who comes lo accept -1:30-and appreciate her Greek he11t11e .. s.thef11 Calitefllla !J) Crtllllt s,erts ~ ...... • ...... ,e.e... 9:00 • (IJ Cl}) Tiit .., ....,, ..... .... s-. • nw-....n ..... s." -9:30-• o a Ditty Dlld ..... "Cini "" ... Wilt! P'r~t" (d11) ·~8-V1111nr1 Mcl\tnna. P1ul Scolteld • CJ) <11 18 ~··•·SW. .... : e"TW,........,. (wts) '50-Jostph C4tttn ...... •• ,,..Qff . tOaOO ea>W'"''"""' • SPICIM. ,., ..... "' Lh Shtrlty lonn and bty ln11ts host llt•s MCOl!d 11111u1t leu•1m11 spec111 Wiit! Ctltoll O'llo11nor htadrna up 1 list of celebr~y aunts to 11rse money fof re1Urch <Ill .... : "flllllt ff Ille Cellpr'' (adv) 67-las.sre, Robtrl Brar R F.-, '9rtr1it 2:00 •W..W . CJ) &rtee r .... ~ ,_.._ ""''-.~ ....... ...... ())(JI) Sil -$ .. .,_..Ttlll .......... Cllllics ft ...... ....... : .... , Dtrt ... a..tltl•" (WH) '46-Htnry rOlldl. lllldl Otrlltll. Victor M1111re ................. (Jlnlla ............ ................ -2:JO- • Liii " Ille .. eTW'lc.. .(J) ... : -~ .... i...11" (dr1) ·~1-11ma Stewart. ·---~·~-- - l Stl>r9 Q)) en.test s,.ta u.-is 3:00 • (() tlll ... ,., o,.. Qelf Semi·ftnals covtra1e from Ille Mesa Yt1dt Countiy Club in Costa Mesa -~USA • ,..., fillll ,.... •c...t• .... : ............. , .. (tdv) 'ti-Paul Muni, #olln Sulton 9 ... : "TM C.11t1ry T1r11" (..i.) '72-R1th11d Boone. U1 ..... : 9 "Tilt LMJ tr .. Lllilillla" (dr1) 't 2-.lolln W1yne B .. ._ ... Or-.. •W-T11 a .. mslMIJ • o.ipilc ..... llltlrion -3:30-Bl.,....... • "'*" s,.ta 1Jitttl* • ... ~ .... A spec11I uaminin& the country's luc1n1tion 111111 physical emc1se. 4:00 • (J) <Ill S,.rh s,.c11e11lar Same·day boxm1 coveraee of the match between k.tllie Knoeue and Jofln lite l1om Bophuthatsw1n1 1n Souttlern Africa. •1tarsHI • ... : l1le ~ DI(' (dra) '6S-EJ111betlt Asllley .,.,.. ...... . , ....... .,.,...,. .... : "WWlml Slllr*t" (dll) '55-V1tt01 Mature. Ernest 11ot1n1ne ........... °'1111' -4:30-.lir'llt T--erut ,..,.._ GllllC.. U1 ... : ~ M" (Kl It) '71- Alel Cord. Mwiette Hartley SOIEdl ... • Qll hu. USA? 5:00 ----~~.~,....-.-~~?.iniii -~~~· ., ....... .()) .. , .... •w• .... ...,.. .. s,.a .... : .......... c.. ......,.. (wes) '6~-Rod C.m11on, (JlllM .... : .. ...,. , .... , .. , .. (a1111) '50-Judy Hollidly l1J) ... ,, •• , ... ..... es... a.. a.. -5:30-............... .... ............. on.._..,.,_ a~t-­••••11111....., TV WEEK, MAY 27, 1979 avelll (Allred Ryder), 01. Sun Val Sen m HM "'9 HIMy's (Keye Luke) and Eltu beth Bartelt m s,taf.ay 8rown1n1 (Jayne Mu dows Allen) lor 1J1 V°llWI fl Asia -6:30-a lively discussion CD lllils llews e cu e Cl) a 11ews CD Ill • lltaa lAJ LJ LJ, lllUlc it Ml u 9 llpl ltlritllt 10 30 : =-~r .... -•=30-• """ -= - 0 ,........ • (I) (tJ) ... : (2'Mlf) ""' ........... 0r-.. a ,_ w.. UIJirt ......... 11 lilc" (adv) /6 R Mlc*lll _..., ....,_ Sun Con11tty, M1chu l Caine 11 :00 Ch11stoplle1 Plummer Saeed laffrey 9 8 e LU <Di 8 llws 1:00 Two brlw1t11e. dlredevtl roeues set .._,._: "...._ lllle ll· •Tilt Price llllilM themse1Yesupis1ule1sol;ip11m111n Ille...,. (a!h) '5l Terty Moore CJ)~ O.. C011ntiy but find lhe1r dm m ot elory e II* llt Llllp B SLM .._, S11e19 and nches l~led .. 111 daneer B ~ City n ....,_ ·[=.......... ®kAIMriu.hll ..... :ti])'........,~ CJ) • It (tom) 45 Ros.iiind Russell e 1Uc'9 haro aursts 9:00 \111 lltwie: ........, TIU All" (dra) (II l'lllt's ....,.... 8 @ (HJ IJ I lllt ltlf (R) A '75 Laurme luckinbtll • (fJ) al (8l Tiit LJwr-. Coffin With a Vtew . Ceoree lmnby Gt 11t111J Hill S... M 51119 auests as a myslenous stranaer @ Mlllt·IZ (U) ..._ Tlllt T.. whose slldden appearance on a dark o 1t111 @ E-.,. n...c. and stormy m&hl caum BJ lo !BJ TM Fritts/S..p fldtry • ZI TlllllM suspect hrs v1s1tor m11hl be a H A1i1ti11City1.i11ib vampne. John Carradine and Pamela -11:30--7:30-Hensley also euest U "'91/._: ''fltt Cir• SW' • Cl> (ill (21) Ulwt INt (R) (wes) '68-Dm Martin • 2 • t11t TIMI "Folks from Home." starring John B Ol !8l Slluray lill!t B (11 flllilJ ,... Mcintire and Jeanette Nolan, "The B Mttie: • "Dta1llly 11 .. tls" • lllkll QMlt Captain's Cup," s11111n1 Pat (sc1·ft) '57-C1111 Stevens. ~ ~= Harrineton and Florence Hendmon. • ... : • ''Tiie llll llidllrt a Mn'• .. Y• Heellll and "le&al Eacle," stamn1 Berl Slllw'' (dra) '71-C,btll Shepherd • F-Conv, 1nd le11h layfo1 .Youn1 lli lltwie: Ill . .._..,...,..(adv) -81 MILSAP '°6 fllADCAI' 'tJ-Pat 0'811en. Randolplt Scott. 8:00 • Oii HU HAW TOlllT£ 8 llttit: "Sert•• I Sert•• 9 (() (1IJ Tilt w .._ ...,. •HM lllw Ronnie Milsap, M11eo ._.. .. (SC• fl) '70-V111cent Pnu. The Bears· innocent solicitation of Smith and the Stoney Mount ain <JI ..... : '1'• ..... ferpt -.rs ri.... .~• 'is ._ .. (com) '68-0rson Wellt5. public funds for new tum un~orms ...._ers ,...... • Tilt Mies lurns into • mulh-lhousand·dolllr a .... Qr lWs deception Wtth Buttermaker be1n1 tD lli!IWll I "Sllado• •n lhe 12:00 eaposed on telev1S10n as llie un&· Sun" A d11m11tzahon of Queen leader of a maior money fraud Eh11belh in her mtddle yurs. shit in St lltN: ·~ ....._.-(dra) 8@ C1J QtiPa (R) "Nticllbol-quest ol an approp11ate husband '60 Japanese cast hood Watch" A trio of sllaleboard1ne a> Sr nttap -12:30- youncsters and a reckless driver -9:30-• lltwle: "Ttmf ill Ille ...,.,. ~ep the CHP tum occupied in the e Mlwlt: (to.) "Tiie fJ• (adv) '68-Robert Burns ne11llbolhood where ll1ey have been CMtlrls" (llOI) '65 lo/In Ashley, 1 •• 00 slaked out Cynth11 Hull. Hor11bte blood-cu1dhn1 • ... : lllD (21w) "tllMrit Ille a utures from another world land 1n 8 Ill! lllci c..trt WIM" (dra) '60-Spencei Tracy, 1 saucer on the oulu rrls of a small • llltln: "Buckel ol Blood,'' =~~r,,~ J~~-;:;:.~---~·_;~~ac~~~U!WlL::JUJ----1 Tr11I." ill'f0lvin1 1 school teacher, • ....,: ''Three IOI the Show," became the b11tle11ound for a lla!d· 10:00 "Yen1eance of Kall" f1pt1n1. witty lawyer lft~ In Ille 8 Ul 0 s.,.trlill (R) 'And a 1·30 belitls ol people. Cup of Kindness Too" A husband -• - • CJ) CII 8 ......., Cllec· tries to atch S11pert111n In order to • Tilt Ml•lllftfl Ilea (R) "The livin1 lqend" HU· slcp a psyd1opalll1C ISSISSln who 2 00 manlty is threatened wltll 111n1llil1· thinks he's dolne the man a l1W01 by : lion when Ad11111 e11111es in 1 fierce klllin1 his wife. • llMlet: "Code ot Scotland co!lflict with the hot·bloodtd com· e IMtl W. Dtlle 11119 Yard.' "The Carpel of Horror" mander of anotht1 bllllesl11, ofl. e CJ) t9 9 ,...., ..., (R) • ... : "Yamplft 's Coff111" sesstd witll leadiil& botll ships in a "Se111«." starrill1 be Plumb. RO$$ suicldll attack on tlM ~s. Bickell. Marie W111dfol and Lethe 3:00 e ... : (1111) ......_ w. Ill Nietse11; "TrelSUft," starnnc Ceo!&• • llM/Mllll: e '111t U... S.S .......-\tci·fi) '12-Alifl Mllillis and Sllellty Fabires. ,...... (mys) ''7-Jotft C.vtfltld . Yamauclli. Hiloyu.i lllwlse, T osllio Shlbakl. Godzilla llattlts 1 s11101 lllOllSltt !flat llloah itllll Oii fldarry and llltomolltle wntn. IMft hirns it 111to. Slllplluric t1lllust wlltcll dilltl· tt,lttS MfJIMllC ii ....... ....... ........ ''MISS F orrtd" Wllile llicMrd letlMy Is at WO!\ on Ille ...., of Ills fettlef. m-lft, lady M•jorie is ........... to ¥1S1t llew v.-to set Elli*tll. JallltS-llofM tritll Ills iO' i. 1 city """' finll -is on Ille !dolt tor IOlllt td Hlllll ... -ltltlltlon lllrM t .... Ma "CMt"s seattlry. ..... (1111, ............ Ail ••-cGP ...... wlttl 111 .,,...., Ht fipls'1f1J Md sllt lllb ..... , .. bell. (hrtfttll ..,..... ....., ...... ,.., ... ,... ............... '" ....... ""*"' Arittetlt (ltlurd ...,.), lie• lledti· •• -~ ~~ co .. ' - TV WEEK. MAY 27, 1979 NEW! SIGNAL PROCESSORIPRE·AMPLIFIER IP4002 flATUllS: Ouoll(MIOllO 2 15 OI f quolllOllOll Z•o-Oolll/UD lM IOlonclnt SID-SOlllC ,...,5 "' : . _.... Conltdgl loodl!IO. 50 IO IOO pl I• ---•lflOOC)twll,,_lmptOOnee * 20 • '9lollo LM ActjulllMnl ,-.......... ~llllfllbl ... - IN new SH002 111M1. PIOCI .... PlllQmOll , ... " "" lllOll nt•• pftcll!>plfltt _.... .. "'91HUflOll PAfc..t capoooMIM Oii tn01t11 I Ill SP4002 wot OtlAQnecl kif moM OUOIQOllllll wflO 101i1 o "KAllOI or opprooc~ 10 ,,..., ~ ,.,.,,i JOI tonot lll•IOIM'I wt -"""'°'° TWO TUI OC'IAvt .. .....: tOUAllfftl fOI 1111 100t lf\lflullOtl. lflt $Pe()()2 it COPQDll OI ~ up 10 """ tooe llCOIClltl ...m fllltf WAY OUOOoftg COl'f•OI AIOftQ w!111 IM Oii TWO ... Al PIOC- 1-looPs IOI -OCC-lft. O wDIOflrC , .... Ond tltttoltnON> -1-IWIQ 0\11.,..... CMfmAICM' pllOf>O pr~ 0....,. _, N utl Ol lwO ~ C041 CCllWIOgft Wllllllll llMt Ofll9lll••t1 -AOM'IAILI C~ L-on OllOftO I -pllOflO 1 l•Olll 60 IO IOO PIC• 101001 AeQill '"' So..nOCIOl!llMfl ffOO-OI o!IOfOOllll MllOI-" confWlulO HEAR YOUR SYSTEM AT ITS BEST. Atlantic Mulle hll one of Orange County'• --llleetiona of audtophite rec:ordlnga wtth Oi...ct Oiac. Ofgltal and Original Muter Recordlnge.