HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-19 - Orange Coast Pilot17 - TD Foes Flay -{;arter 'Appea~men ' TUESOAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1q, 1979 •Gas Lines,·mgh Costs Bit East. -------. • Barbor Teaeher Bit·run Vietim ·•Fireworks Dealer-Arrested Irvine Death Probe Pushed \ ·• •An Illusion"- Foes Attack SALT -JI Pact WASlll N<:TON <A P 1 Thi· SALT 11 lt•·aty'-. most outs pok en S1•11a l l· rot''> arl' unmovt•d hv Prl'!--idc·nt ( ':irter·~ a pp•· al lh a·t rc11·1·tmg 11 w11uld 1•xp<iM• th1· world ·'lo an 1·w·r gn·utn risk of war ·· St'n l lt-11ry M J ;lf'k!-.on. I> Wa !->h . a1·c u ~l'<I f'art1·r or · · fooli:-h a1J11t·a:-l'mc nl." :Jnd Rc puhl11·an l1•;Hkr Jlow:1rc.J II R<iker of Tcnnc.'~!-.('l' s aid th•· tre<1ly has "no chant·c of twing passed w1lh~l amf'ndmc nt " Sen. John Town I< T<.,c:i-.. s aid the pres ident in hi~ addri·~,,_ M on(iay night to a JOHil ~1·:.:.,111n 2 Mutilated, Nude Bodies DiscQvered LOS ANG lo.:LF.S I AP> ,,. Tht• d ecapitated a nd dis m<•mbered nude bodies of two women wen: found M rly today on the side of a road near a vucanl lot in South Los An~clcs. police said The heads. bands and feet of the two women had been cut off, but neither the women's clothes nor the missing extremities turned up in a search of the im· m e diate area, said detective Roland Drouin. , Police believe the bodies had been dumped in the industrial dis trict sometime during the night. The bodies were discovered at about 5:30 a.m .. by people driv· Ing by on their way to work. Drouin said. ·•Whe n they went by. the}' 1 thought it was a couple or m an· nequins," he said. "They made a U -tum and cam e back and ~ Jound ll was a couple of bodies." 1 Drouin said the women ap· peared to be between 15 'and 25 year1 old. He said police are checking mlsalng persons re- port• to ~ If any fit &lie descrip Uon of the two women. In recent mollhA the mutll•ted bodlea oC several yowa1 men have bMD lound In Loi Anples, Oran1e and San 8ernardln2 counttea. But, Drouin aaJd. "I doubt tr there 111 a connection." nl Crmf:rC''>'> I nc·d f11 1•n·:1t1· "11n dlu:-11111 · th;1f 1h1• 11 t'al \ 1" (:11r 111 tlw l 'n1 h·d Stat":. S 1·11 .Ja k1 · l:.1 111 HI tah, 1":dl1·tl flw µrr-.1d1·11l '" '>Jlcc1·h d 1•1·1•pl1\1·· ,1~ <,,11d II f:1l..,•·h J.!JVP:> lht• 11npn· '"''" I hat SALT 11 :wh1•·v(•:-, :11 rn., 1,.f11wt11111 J\nd S•'ll Harn <:11l rlwat1•1 I< t\r11. !'>illd lh•· <'.11l"1 .1tl 1n1n1strat11m ,., 1111t t1·ll111)! thi· truth on !-IJ\l.T · · 1 a m .;11·k :ind t 11 "" 11f h1·ar 111 g lh1· l'n·!'.11.h ·nt <•f llw 1.:r11t1·d !-itat1•:. 1ry 111g l<1 m1 'i lt-.1d th•· CARTER APPEALS FOR SALT OK-A4 SALT CAN BE BENEFICIAL-Editorial, A6 J\mcn cao people on our military -.1 n·ngth." G oldwate r l'.<J1d "I wi ll vote agains t the SALT II I rcaty solely on the gro\,lnds ur administration dishonesty " Democratic lcudc rs in tht· S"n ate, meanwhile. rallied lo t he defense of the lrc <ity a nd pra ised Carte r's handling of his Vie nna. Austria, s ummit med mg with Soviet Pres ident lA!Oflid I Brezhnev. • Many senators of both partiei. said they believe the pact can be ratified if it can be eo~usivt•ly proved that iL'I terms do not un dc rmine th(' security interests of the United States a nd that Soviet compliance with its terms can be verified. A two·thirds~ vole is r equired for Senate a pproval of the treaty ·'The president began the• education of the treaty o n SALT II ." said Sen. Jacob Javits. R N Y. "I don't think he changed an y mmds. There's o long road ahead." Sen Edward M. KenneJy, D Mass .. often m e ntioned 8R 11 (See SALT, Page A2> F18hennen Return C IUDAD DEL C ARMEN , Mexico (AP) -Fishermen have returned to 12 or the 4s square miles closed by pollulfon from the runaway oil welJ ·in the southern part of the Gulf of Mex- ico arter tides and c he micals dlapen.ed the oil in that area. ' .. ' RECOVERING AT HOAG Former Coach Halley l 'ras/1, Victim ldentij.ied as . NB Teaclwr Unb llailt·y. N1•wpnrt II arbor ll1gh School lwilogy tcaeh"r. r e m :11ncd in SC'r10u'> · 1·nndition at lloag Me m oria l i1o~p1tal 1n N<>wport Bt'ach tod ay ;is police· continued lo sc·c.•k tht.• hit and-run drivt'r who fractured both his legs early Saturday H ailey 43. of Costa Mesa. who rN·cntly n•s1gned as head trnck roach at Newport ffarbor lli~h a fte r 11; yc·<i rs , w<is pinne d between <i car ;md a truck near th<' intcrs('ct1on of Orange Avenue and 16th Street His wiflo. Dorene, 42, who s uf fcrcd a kn<'<' injury in the acci· dent. said llailc.·y is expected to be hospitalized for itl least three morE' weeks "lie is expcrtcnc1nit feeling 1r/ his ankles and toes." said Mrs Hailey. "And that 1s considered nearly a miracle by the doctors. -'Considering the injuries." Police said today they are con· linuing lo talk with witnesses who' might be able to identify the driver of the car. The llaileys were towing their car with a rope attached to their pickup truck at about 1 :45 a.m . Saturday when the rope snapped, police said The hit-and-run motorist struck the rear ot the_ car as Hailey wu standing between the two vehicles rixlng the rope and Mrs. Hailey waa'"atandine to one 11ide with a fla1hll1ht. police said. Victim Identified Cause of Marine's Death Probed lh t"IU'.IH·:Kll'K .S<:llOEMl·:llL • Ol 1'-0•11¥ Polol Sl•fl 'J\n . apparl'nt rnurflc•r \'wlirn who:-1• body wa:. found in Irvi ne· Sat urrl:1y w:i~ 1d1•1H1rw<1 to<la) ;i.., J)onnH' A. Cn st·I. i• lantc 1·11r JH1ral :i11 :1<'hl•d to tlw M1t r11w (' o r p ~ h • • I 1 t , > 11 I 1 • r f :1 r 1 I 1 l \ Tustin Tht· bod' of c·n~1•I , :w. "'"' found on ·1 n ·1n1· l 't•11H•r l>n\ 1• 111·:1 r the n11rthl>'HllHI San l>11·gn Fn·e"" :l\ 11ff1 .1111 1• S:itur1t.1 ~ 111..:111 Tiit• '1\'ltr11 \lo.o • l"cl:1inl~ Ill llll.'lt'l"llJftl' ( 'rt'l.-1 " J•lt-01 II \ \\ ,f • f 1·l1 .1 •·d · Ii\ 1".I 'I 11111 ">1 :1r11w I orp•. i\11 si .lllllfl 11ffw1ah lrnl;I\ .dt1•1 lll" \lt'l1111 o; par•·11h o>I L1t ll1· Hn• 1-. 1\f'I-. l.\l'l 1' 1111t1f11 d •11 lh•'lf 1111 1h .. 1l h l n11w 1'11111 1· I.I (,1•11• '\.1111!i-11 .,;11(! ( '11,,1·1 It.id If'( 111 lll'd [11 l h• h1•l1111pl1·1 ~1.1111111 ·'"'"' t:1 .ifi.-1 ·' I V.II 11111111'1 l ~lll '. Ill llh111,1\.\,• 1'1 lul 111 dul \ lh1 I• ( 11 1·1 h.111 rEast Coast Faces ' Rationing of Gas KyThe•i\ssoclah•d l'rc•s,. Off1(·1a ls in st•vcn t-:astnn .. 1;1tl'~ a n<l lh1• D1~trit•t of Colum b1a moved lod;iy tu e ul hncs at fUl•I pump'> wht•re· ga.; pru:c:. tnpfll'<I SI a )!1t llon 1n sorn1· pliH'CS With proll'!--l111g trut•kt·r~ hot tllng UI' sonll' fut•I dl'11 veric:. an1I 111g poll1·11·., th1·1. ..,;1 ~ .1rt· -.qu1 ·1·1 111g tlwm •1111 <•f ;1 d1·1•1·11t II\ 1111.: Nc·w York (;ov ll11J.!h l'an ·\ ... a 1r1 Monr1a\ h1• wo11l d twg1n "odcl ·t'\'l'n" g:.i:-.ohn1• rationing 111 Nt·w Yo rk City and 1h .,11hur1i~. ;1t n11dn1ghl Thur:.cl a1. .ind Nt·"" ISc•· l.INt-:s . l'a)!I' A:!I l>l·t•11 -.1al111rwd .11 Liii' h1•llt•oplt·r It.hi• (111 1•11•111 1111111tlt• Norden o11d I 11.,•·I ~.,. l.t:•I -.1•1·11 .ti about , 111 .1 111 -;:1111t d<t'r r1111rning, 111111. 1 loolht·d , I• .o\llll' lh•· husc 11·· h:1d r1·portt·dh told 1·omp1;1 1111111 I It.it ho• ""a-. i.:11111 ~ t1'o get , .. 111 .. 1111111• 111 '"11 . N11rd1·11 o;;,ul '\1.1 ti• 11 "·''" 11 11.1 ... 11•1l ht:cn .·-.1 . .t1J1 h1 ·d v.h··1h,·1 ('11<.,1•1 r•· I 111111 cl Ill !ht IJ,,..., p11111 to hi~ ti t .1th :...uf1<11 .ot11111 111 ll111g t1\1•rdo-., II ,. I .... If JM l'o •illl\o 1'.CU:O.t''o 11( dl'alh 111·1111• • 1111 -.11l1·r1·d IJ\ 1n 1•-.t 1 ~·,1111r ., 111 ·11 d111 j.! tox 1.-ul11..:1t·al -.1 ud1t·'> bt·1ng condut·t · •ti IJ} t ht· O r ang1• Cou11l) I 'oronC'r <. otr.r1'. NorrtC'n s aid \' 111 cl,.11 ,,ud t hi' 1><'11.l} wa:, 11111 111111 ll:ill•d . n1ir wa:. lhl'n · an\· •·\ Hlt•O('" 11f "l'\11,il :11·t1Vll ). . Thi• onlv m arks on Crise!")'. hoch . Nordl'll s:11<I. Wl'rt' s1·rapc~ .1µp.1rt·nll.v \'auM•d when tht· v11· 11111 .... a ... clumpt•d from a rnovmg \ t•ll1 1'11 · onh·11 !'>:utl t'ri:-1•1 had a hi!'> ton of h1t1'11h1k1nJ.! and alcohol r 1·l a 11·d prohl l·m s . flt• ha"rt <S.·1· Vl('TIM. Page• i\21 . SENAT~ DEBATE: 'GET A HORSE'-85 mid -mo n th gasol1nt· s torki. dwindling in muny areas. other states W<'re also j.!t'aring for an t1c 1pit t(od :-hortagrs f,ireworks Dealer Held , r 0 '""''-' '.; . 1 I "·" t ~!4/l "Pc•opl<• keep CAiiin~ to ask wha t they l'an do." ~u 1d Wilham Goode . fo'l o r1 da 's c n cr~y watchdog "Mos t of the m can't rac(' the fact that they have to live with less gas .. There W<'fl' a lso rumblings among service statio n owner~ that they might "close up and go fis hing" to protest federal pr1C' COLVMNfST S4YS NOTlllNC CHASKA, Minn. <AP) -Stan Rolfsrud, publisher of the Carver County Herald, came straight lo the point In te lling readers why his regular column didn'trun. Under the usual columri head .. ing In the Chas ka, Minn .. newspaper waa this announce- ment : "Sten Rolfsrud has nothing to say this week." In Newport A Ga rden Grove• m an who n · portcdly was enJoying <i boom ing bus iness as a door-to-door fireworks salesman faces felony eharges today followin~ his ar· rest by Newport Rc:uch pOh<·e Po hce bookt>d David Wilbur Cox . 47, on sus picion of sa le of 11 legal fireworks after hf' alleii<.>d ly sold $900 worth of the banned' pyrotechnic d<'~ces to an un· dcrcover investiga tor Saturday. Officers said they seized !>3 eases or the fire work!! worth an estimated $25,000. ' Police said the fire works are the highly explos ive type banned by s tate law. The devices were turned over to the Oranjile Coun· ty Sheriff's Departme nt's bomb squad. Cox reportedly told pollct.• he bought a truc kload o f th<' fireworks in the Midwest a nd brought them to Orange County In May. n e a s s e r l 1• d I y l n I ti 1 n · <Sfofo DEVICt.:S, Pa•r Al> Pat c h y late n ght throu1eh mid-morninj( low t'loudiness. otherwise fair through Wednesday. Lows tonig ht SS to 60. llil(hs Wednesday in high 70s INSIDE TODA,, It's eene. the c ntac reports 11ctor Robert Saccf11 rt•-creatcs llumphrey Bogart nlmost perfrctly. ~e story nnd photos on Page A9. ...... Al Yevt S.n•<• Alt Ir"'• -.-C-Cl L M .... A6 ltotlH" IH Ctllfw111• At C•rHn CJ Cletuf... Ct·ll c-•u C• ""·-· C4 o. ......... "' ............... ,_,.........,~ ......... Ct·J Met-... Cl ~-L __ ~~~~~~-J~~~~--~.;.._~-• J _, --~--1 SportS Agerit Slain? l' ... 1'_.41 VICTIM •• ·• between a .05 and .10 percent blood aleobol level, wblcb, ac· corcllDI to 1tate 1ta.ndarda, ln· dlca.tet be wu under the ln· nuence, Norden aaid. Gang-style Execution Eyed. .. O,uly Pilot Pttutu by t••tttt It 0 04tftMll LOS ANGELES IAP> -An •Lttumay w 111 ·d u.It-~ to 'lt-ek thf' <'8Ullt' Of ti1•ul h or 11port11 11r11moC1•r 11nd 11uh1 (ft•11l1·r V11·t11r • J Wl'll'IN, wh111>t· (J(•('(irll!IOSlll~ hod Wiii> fo11111I 111 t ht• trunk or u 111uoon und wh1lti ltollK·Hoycu. 1'h1· I"'" l\n~1·l1•K Tl rn1•1; 11uolc·d 1111 Ullrlllllll'd MJUl't't' U!\ ~•l!IYlrl~! W1•1ss hat! lwt•n "hot In llw IH•all "'1th l11i. l11.1ndtl lioumJ buhinc.J Im buc k. but nelthl'c lhu 1mllce nor the t:orOnl•r would confirm that l'ol11'(• I .t ft1111 l.t'w1s i.ald no "'1·<1111m wu11 founcf, but that th<• 1 ,, .., l ' · " l)f' 111 g Ir t· a lt• cl a,.., 1.1 11 j) U1 l ~-1..IJ ~-1.LJ.:.. I' a II l> I' .JJ,. f '1rt·u111:-.t.1111 1·.., :.urh a s Weiss' ~ allel bem~ mtl>i.tng and lhe f.1c t that Wt'l'>!i wa:. known to 1 .1rn th11u..,;111d'> uf d111larl> 111 , , .... h T hi· t'i•r ,in,I holly wf'n· found 111 ;1 pa rking ..,t ru<'t u r" next to I ht· Shcr ;,iton l 1n1 Vl·r~al ll11tC'l Sunday cv1·ning ·'The hody was ck>thed, but 1h1•n· ":ii-no II> on 11,·· Ll•w1:-. ... ,I l(f 'l'ht· rar was ""<'" by a hotPI 1· rn p lo\ l'(' who l' a lll'<l 1mlin: aftt·r h1· lu·ard reports of WC'1ss' di:-.a11· pearanc~. B<Arha ra Wangm· of I rvuw Jog~ pa:-.t orw or :-.i x nt·w ..,1gn~ er ect e d Mond<Ay a lon g Ncwµor l Uc a eh '::. Uack Ul.l) Orivl' Sil-(ns--warn m ot orists to look 0111 for L1g htfnot1·d Clapf.lt'I' Hail. an (;ndan gt•n~d :-.pt·<·w~ o l bird th;.it lla11g!'i 11 ul 1n lht• llp1wr N1·wport Ba~ Wildllfl' l'n·!'-t'l'\t• St•\t·ral of tlw l11rib ha vt•n 't 11 v1·d 11p lo th1·1r n<in11· .111<1 11111~ h :1v1·n ·1 h vt·d afl t•r a llt•mpting t11 tl'O!>~ tht· ro:11h\a \ 011 fo11t Th1!--prnmplt•tl !>lah· Dl'partml'nl ol F1 ">h a11d (;.1ml' to l'f'l'('l lht• ~lgl)S i.ll Cl ('OSl of aboUI $:JfHJ P olict l.l. Da n Cooke s ai<I W1•1:-.s· m1 :-.:-.1ni!: wcillt·t c11uld in d11•al!' (hat W1•1s:-. wa:-. k1 llC'd l>y a rol>IJt·r l>ul h1· sutd· lhe pos:-.itJ1hty of a "h11 m:111" <·oultl not lw d1i. ··11un11·d l.1·\\ 11> s.11d I h1• pollt•t wen· 11•11 ........ 11· 11( :I ll\, l'l>lll)t•f•t 1t1 11 lll'l I.\ 1·1·n V. •'I!'>!'> .11111 ori.::111111·tl 1·111111· nnr did W1·1s:-. 11:1\-1· " 1111111111.il 11'1 Ill d I .1·w1.., ... arc I I h1·i t• "'"ff' ..,.,,.,,. ..,1milarll11·:-. lll'l\~1.'pn th•· ilc·cith:. 11f Wc•1-.i.. 'ii .• inti 101·<11 boxing figure Ho""' Skmdler in 1977 Rut lw would not s pecify the Coast W ornan Kills s1milarrt1t':. • Self With Shotgun SI 1•1ndlc•r w a:-. bc at(•n anrl :.moth1·rl'd. his body left in a Cad11l:1c on the shoulder of tht· Ventura l"rcew a y nc ur t he Laun·I Can} on exit. · /\ Huntinglon Heuch man. "'hu~c youn~ w1fc> dic?d of a :-elf· 1nfl1<"1.NI :.ho(J:11n hla:.t earl}' 111 d.1 .~. w;o, arn·:-.t1•d and 1:.11h•d Ii\ 1•11lin• on :.i $650 lrtiffic warrant l'oli<·c arri vt•d at th<• hornt· 11f I l«:1n :!nd J oanie Valt·n1· GrclJc. • • \•"I 1g,1l11r.., ht• d ... old :l(H) ('<J:,I''> or th•· tlPv1c·1·.., '>int·1· thC'n. :...1•1 I 1:1rn I You It• :.a 1d ('ox "'.1-. g111n).! !lour 111 door in off111· • •Hll pll·Xl·:. n1•ar ()range Count~ \1rw1 r t l<'av1ng h is phon1· 1111m lwr and taking order~ for I 11 , ..... (1rks IS11..,1m· ... :-.nwn inl1Jrm1·cJ polu·1· .i 11 <I Y 11 u I t· a r r a n g l' rl t h t· "'f'l•k•·nd ITll'l'tlO~ at which C'o"< .dl1·g1·tlly sold him the fir<•wr.rk:-. ('ox wa.., the n traill•d · l<l ;1 14:irag1· 1n l\11<1 he1m wh<:rc h1: •• 1 l1·gt•<llv stored th<' firework:-. and wa ... :1rrt·stcd lht•n· II•· wai; hooked 1nt11 1·1t) Fiii .1n<I n ·leas cd after po:-.ting $~,,oou hutl Th<· law unde r wh1 r h he fa<'I'!-. pros ct'ulion is a :-.talc c·1Jd1· llowcvt·r. Newport Hca <!h h<i'l a 1 1ty law which ban!> U!'IC o f 1·v1:n :-.talc-approved fire wor ks Polire Ch1<'f J>ct<· Gr<1!-.S us1•d <'ox · arrl's t to ri•m1nd lnr:il rcs1 dc•nts that "no 11111· 1" immune: ti} 1•nforct'm1·nt" of th1• :-.lat1· or 1·1t) statutc.-s on firt•work:-. ALCOHOL/l'!:} GE1' ~PE(;/AL llEl~I' /\n unconventional hos pital ward at South C1wsl Mcc11ral Ccnlt•r in South Lag una helps ulcohohts on the tough road to n •tnv1•ry Teens and s enior c1l1zens arc among the m ost ~qucnt pa- tients al the facility. where the staff tries to 1>rovide lhc extra ca re thc•y nl'l'd A i.tory and photos or the rare unit aµl)<?ar s today on Page C5. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ltw th,...•f)I ,,._.~t fJ.ult f'tl*1I ft1U -~n ' 111 "'" r~· ,,. "' •·•· nuti.t• •w f'I n-o .. o.,... "> t""' I Vwt.l•"'t•w,t ''"~'"""' .,.,.,,.,., .. ,, • tl•l1fW'I\ 01 l•'-'nt1\h"'d ~ .. , lf1tt>v<•A t ,,,,,,..,. tn1 (n ,,, "1#\A H f'WO')f1 f ...... ft Uyinf;t\IQll')n f\t"'# h f °"" t,un Vlltl• <t U lftftf-'-Oun. ~ .... (f\ 'J,outf\(OAU A •·"Uh 1•01~1 tit11l10ft•\ouh•••N-f1 klu•ft•••-~ • ''~"¥\ '""" fWlftf ttk'I O\~i\hiftO f)lft,,I I\ 1t J)f') 1Hr1t.I 9,., \tit .... (O'\l41 ~w ( •h14Hnl• th>t.i I ..... ,, ...... ,,, .. ,,fjifoftl .t"(J Pvbl•\.tw' '>I IJrt .~~,·~:,~:!:',tM.H~J·• '"•"'·" ........ Loil()• TMfft.a\A ... .,,.._ ~n•q1nq Cttlt~ °'""'" W.• 11\,,..,..,. "•" A\\i\t•nt ~n•o•no CictttC"lt, OfflcH C.0\t• Mt \A llO Wnt 8•v \h••t l -''tl.ifl\A f)IAI h I tit Oitt'W'lt'yr" \l1Ht Huotlt'tijton e..cft 118'\ .. •f\tk>u .. W•ird Telephone (1t41M2·4l21 CIHtlfled AdffrttltfttM2·9171 ' · ?'l.7 Yorktow n I\ vt· lic•forl' Ii a m ..,hu rl 1, Off11·1•rs :.:11d tho · ;!I v1·;ir 11111 wuman had klllc!l htr..,o·lr with a shotgun hla:-.l. a nd that lhf'f< was no 1•vid<'nt'P of foul pluy, Poliet• :-.a11l..,.l>he a ppurenlly was dcsponfll·nt. Uurini.: an inv .. :.I 1g11twn al the !.rene . offln·rs h·arncd that her hu:.band, 21; year old O<:an Allen Crcbc. had an out:-.tanding war· rant on charges of ri·ck lcsi. tin v 111g Ill' w.1i, arr•·..,l1•d a nd l<i k1·n lo ,.,,,. 1;111 /\ 1111111··· "P'lk•·..,m;111 .... 1111 1h1· .... arr<rn1 ,.., a dir1·1·1 ''' 111•1 fro111 thl· Judge lo a r11· ... 1 him · · Th•· :-.pokt•sman :lll<h·d th:rl <; r"t)I' ....... s in th1· 1>nicc:.-. •1r p(1:-.t 111g lr:11l l';11 h lttd;i\ . Llnk s~en In New~ort Bur~Jaric.s Nt"wport l11•a1·h p nl11·1· ari· prnh1n g a stn11i:: 11r hn·ak 111s al 1Ju:-.1Ress1·s l111-;1tt·d on l'at·1f1 1· ('oast lligh"' ;iy tn tlf't1•r m1 ni.· 1f t hC' burglartt·.., art· llnkc·d Thieves took $2.1 lfl wnrth t>f dnthl's fr1Jm Ski M a1 I. 2700 W f'oast l11ghw:1v al I '.!fl a m Sun da't l'11h1·1• ..,airl tl11• huri.:lar.., pr1t•d lllWll l ht• rmn\ dtllll, :.etl1ng o ff lh1· ..,tun··~ IJurglcir ularrn. h111 m;inag1·rl to fl••c hef11ri · p11l1«1· <1r11vf'fl T ht· Im • .., al l.1•w1.., l-.11·1·11111111·" ~~47 W ('11;11 :.t l1 1~hway . totall•cl Si!;:ioo w11rth nr na v1g::it111n eq uip riwnl l<1kc·n (•arl) Mnnd:1y whl'n lh1t·v1·s hrok1• a l.\lndow t11 I.WI 111 In Lhl' ston· l\t The Loft Antique:., 332 1 1-: Coast I hghwa y. $2 .12~ w11rth of a rt OhJt:rts wi:n: taken frt1m a wi.ndow rli:-.pla y afte r U11t:Vt•:. s m ashed lhP window early Mon day Ri#dlts Extt-ndt·d l.fSBON. l'ortu~ul (Al'! Set•retriry of Stah• f'yrui. Vunr1· 1·xch <.1 n gcd not1·:. with th1· l!orlugueM' government extend mg until Feb 4. 191\3, tJ S right!> ·10 us(' the s lrateg1t ally locah·d L:tJ<'S l\1r Ba!>e 1n thl' mid l\tlanlic Azores island chum w ...... s. or En1·1no. W CIS las t :O.l'l'll W1·flnt•sii<1 ~ driving from t h1· ll•·v1·1 Iv ('orn ... to1•k l1111t·I ,1fl•·r 11r1·t.·t1n1-: ..... 11h l.porh Pn l rc:pn·neurs J&('~ Kent Co1ik1· and .l1·rry Buss. It was n ·portc·d t ha t W1·1'>1>, r<'pn•s1•nl111g hi:-friend J•·rry T a r k a 111 :1 n , U 111 v c rs i l v of Nevada La!> Vt·gas ba:-.kc:l h.111 <'Otil'.h. :\greed o n tt·rms fur Tarkanwn to co<i!'h the Na tional Ha:.t..l'l hall l\ssoc·iation 's I.ti!> i\ng1·lo ·i-I .ak t·r:. n1·xl !-.1·a..,on f 'rotn Page . t I ~ALT ... p t1 1 ,. n ' r ,, I r I v a I r 0 r l h ,. I) , . "I (I (' I •• I I 1· " I l ' .., I " , . II I I :1 I n111n 111;11 ion 111 l!IKO. '>it1rl ( 'art1·1 ha.., mach· :1 good .,1arl nn S/\l.'I :ind that lw lll'IH.'Vl'!> his "1 n<·•·nl\ "' '' n ri o 1 n 1 .., w 1 t h m ;1 n \ 1\ nll·rrl'ani. ·1 think hi story will JUd J.!e th1· !-.1·1w 11• harshly 1f it fails lo 1 aufv th 1s I r caty." Kennedy :-.aid ",\ny amc:ndm1·nts will !>enou!-.ly w11p:ird11:1• :ind 'thrl'al en lhl' lrt·:ily. l\nd th1:-. <:c1uld IT)t·an tlw los:-. 11f an hi...lonl· opportunit) t11 mfl\'f• II\ Ill' lht• nl•XI ..,ti.IJ'.:C or S \I .T 11 I ;md beyond .. Sen Alan \r anston. I> Calil . llw maJOnty whip. pl('dJ:Wd to w11rk hard for ral1fin.1lion and '>:I 111 'I rlo11 l!t hf· a n!-.w1·ri·l1 1·\ 1·1 \ q11•· ... 111111 th;el •·vc:rv 11111>'1 · 11 1·111 t•r duh111u'.'. J1t•rs<1r1 has. hut I thi nk ht· rn :11lc a very c11n v1ncmi.: (·a!-.1• that "'II h1·l11 thc· battle thf.11 no"' lwg1n:-. rn tlw S1·1w t1· •• Crasl1 Victim, 91, Improves /\ !>I y1•ar·nld Newl)ort Hcuch. wom an. inJun·d when she was hit hy a t·a.r. w;_1s reported 1n s l1ghlly helter ennd1l1on today a t ll oa~ Mcm<1 ri 11 I Hospital 111 N1•wpor1 Reach Authorit11's s auf t-:unic<> Crol ty. who was rn c rili<•1:tl cond1t111n TtH"sday. was listed toda} in bcrious cond1 t1on. Mrs. Crotty wo~ injured.Satur- day mornin~ as she was walking across the intersection of llalbou 01111lt'vard ;md 15th Street in Newport Beach, police said. ---- 'Crooked Look' U1ieven Smile Brings Suit " · COLOJfADO SPRINGS. Colo. <AP> -A Colorado woman has filed s uit uguinst a plastic surgeon, ch.timing his repair work left her with a crooked s mile. Carole Holloway fil ed the suit against Dr. Alfred Speirs, claiming s urgery he performed on her after an auto accident in 1976 was negligent and deviated from standa rd care exercised by physicjans in the field . As a result. Ms. Holloway, 26, of Woodland P,rk. contended in her suit that she had a marked facial asymmetry which gives her a "crooked look" about her mouth whenshesmilesortalks. -Ur. Speirs said he had not heard from Ms. Holloway since he r accident until her auit waa filed trr Oistricf Court. I l ' reP.laclng Jerry West 'Oh, my God," a~ld Tarka- nl an from J,as Veges when in rornwd hy telcµhone of We1bs' 1ll01tl h . /\s ked 1f he had signt·d with thti Lakers . Tarkanian s 1:11d, "Nnthlng's been done .. Cooke n ·ccntly sold Uu:.s the· Lhk1·ri.. lh1· ,Loi. Angt•h.:s f<irurn. lht· Kingi. hol'kcy cl uh and ht!> 13,000 ·acr e ran c h n ear llf•llo .. World Bakersfield for '87.5 mllllori. Weiss' wife called police lhc morning a leflie was la st seen, when he failed to show up for an 8 a . m . appointment. Wt'iss managed unde feated hghtwcighr Gonz<tlo Montellano. He also St('cred the careers of m1ddh.•wc•1g hl Renato Garcia and Mundo Harnos. who fought s e v e ral t 1mc s r or lh e weiterwe1ght champlonstrip. rtw lt-g , \\••11 · .1 11111•· \\t1l)bl~. 11111 a nt·wl111rn.g1·rl'nUk WCJ!> up ;111ll 11111\ 111;1 .11 •11ind I<·!'.~ th:111 C:.ln l11111r aft1·r 1t~ b11·1 h al .1 I .111q1.1 l•'l.1 wild .1111111.1! p<11 k Gas 'f ank Truck, Driver Kidnapped f"U l.l.EH'fl)~ 11\1'1 l\n 1n d <'pend<'nt tru<·k <frtvl'r k1<1 n,qJJWd at i.:un11mnt Ii\ I wr1 nwn and a l._·n .1g1· 11'1\ ;q11•road11·tl 1:ink<·r .full 11r g;,..,1i11n1· 1n ftl Vl'l""lllt• ('011111\ IJ;i'> IJl't•n 11' li·:ts1·d u11ll .11·1111:c1 lw1 1•. polH·•· ... 111<1 1-:lnH·r J.a11« Williford 1>! or Hl\'t•rs1d(• "a'> rl'l<:11s1·d front I h•• trunk 11f ;1 p:.i:.:-.1•ngcr t·ar ahoul Ii a rn MPncl<i y . ..,;11 d J"11ll<·rt11n 1.111h1·1· Sgt llc·r nan! M l'IJl'i m111t Whtlfqnl':-. two tank1·1 tru1·k and H,HOO ).!1'111011:-. fl l i(a ..,11hn1 • worth $43,000 w1·n • 11111 rt•1·ov1•rf'd •Whilford , wl111 had IJt'l'll work ing fnr tlw Sport11n Oil Co nf San J acinto. told poll('{' t"o m1·n a nd n lt·1·11 :11.wr wh11t· hauling a him Monda\ a hout I 30 •• m 1n S unn v rn oa;I a:-h1• unload('d ga:.oline al u :-.t•r v11·(• l>lat1on Thi• thre<'. who rpportcdly :.111 .... ,.,., •• 11 nw d f11rc 1·d Wl11J(fl rd 1111 the ground ·I 1d111u.I 1111• ..,,.n 11 1 ... 1.1 111111 .inti 11cd hi'> 11..intl!> l.\llh l,llW I ft• .... a~. (lllf lllfll l ht• I .11 1i 1111~ .ind tin\ 1·11 t11 I· ulh·rt1111 \'hit flird lri·•·rl h1.., han1i .... 111t1 ~ •·111 111 " 111 .irli\ rt" 1d1 ·111·c f111 twlp .ifl •·1 lw1111• r d•·a..,1·d Tht· ~.ldll.tJtffl'I " h<HJ tak1·11 111 ... 1111·11 11f11.1IH1ll ..... 11111111.! If \1>11 dt" l I 1111 II '""'' Ii 11111 1/1,1\ 0·11111 1 111 ..... , ;\ll llt•l llJfltl ..... 111 H I \ t. r' Id I ' ( '1111 11 I \' ~ h' I I r' . f11·p.1rt1rn·nt l.t Fl<1 \lf Ocll•ll ... :11cl lh• h11:11 ~.1111• .1pp.1n·r11 I\ "'""not ••·l;ot 1·d lo 'Hl" Ill.ti 1111 11i r1·d M :i~ '..!.'i 11~ !--ant a /\11;1 LO\[)():'\ I /\ I' I ·1 he dollar 'l1 ppt·d ag.11n ... t n111:-.l m;iJc11 Europ1 .. 111 l'lll n ·n1·11·.., tod ay r<11 lht· :-.1 xth ... 11 aight lraclin" rl a) liu t i.tea d11·d il).!Jlll-.t thl· Bnt1:.h pound and th1· .lapa nt·M· yl•n (;old pnc't':-. d irnh1•cl a gciin ;_tft1·r .1 l v. 11 cla.\ h11·l·up 111 lh1• bullion Imo m. hut th••\ \H ' n · ... 11 II h•·lo"' till' n·rnrd m~rk vf $2>!2 K7a a11 1111n<'l' rc111·h1•d in Zunc·h .June· 11 Norden aald be would llOt speculate on whe(her Crisel's de_athjs ceW.ed.Lo.oUU::.L.A.&JIJl~U· :JP---t In which bodies were dumped along Orange County roadways. "We have nothing at this point to show there is a connectioo,'' Norden aaid. It is no rmal proce dure to teletype informut1on gathered on murders t9 s urrounding po lice agencies and r eques t them to m ake--contact if there appear to be similarities . · . Last Junf', the body of Roland Gerald Young. 23. was found on I rvinc Centt•r Dri.ve be tween Deerwood <tnd Culver ·or1ve- Young had bc.'<·n stabbed rour l 1 m e a 1 n l h c c h c s t a n·d em a~cul atc·d Whlll· thl·n· arc s1mllurities both Crii.c l and Young were fou nd on S <Jturctays. in the m onth of .Junl· <Jnd on Irvine (\·ntn l>nvc. Norden said there .1r1· man y d1 .s..,1m1lari lles. rnutllat1011 of Yotrng b<!1ng one In :in11th1·r unul>ual twist, on .lurlf' W. uf la:.I yl·<ir . the nude IJtHI) or a 211 yl':-H old CamJJ 1'1·ndlt·tqn Mar1m· wai. found in th1· northhound lane: of Moulton Pa rkwuy, uhout one ·half mile north of La l';u Hoad 1n Laguna ll1 lls Irvin•· t 't·nll·r IJnvt· 1!'> n;imed Moulton l'arkwu y alter the roC1d lt·avt·i. till' nly uf lrv1111· LINES .. • .J1·r..,,., I ,fl\ llc 1•1111.111 II\ rn1· i.a1d h•· "''1uld d11 llw :.amc in h1.., ... 1.111· ·1 h111 ..,lf ,1.\ New J er:.l'' high"'"' 11ff11 1;1b already h<i;J lwgun lh•· • ,. t1·m lodC1y on a ma I"' .111••r' lh•: C <Jrden Stat" 1•.11 k~ .. \ < 1rr11 iab J l!-.11 111:.inned to :-.tar• 1 .1~11 111111g Thur..,lfa) 1r1 Virg1n1li , \l o1i\l:111d and tlw U1stricl of I •d111n 111 .1 11nl1 ·..,:-. m easures of .1.1gJ.!1•nng i.::1~. ...1 ;11 ion:-· hour:-. .1111! m1n1 11111111 -. • .i,., proved .;_•f r ····11 ~ ,. In l'on·n ·" t1 1·ut . <;o\' i':lt.1· (. ras:.11· m c1 wrtlt lcg 1 ~l ;it 1 \ ,. · l1·a <lc•1 ... tud.1v to d1s c11 ..,:-. hl·r pl an!. f•Jr ;,i r:1l ro111n~ systcn1 · Flo11 da olf1c 1alis .r1 •;-i lf 11·d 1·mcrg1•11cy 111casures s uf'h a.., .1 11:111 on "lopµing off'.' of t;1nk:-. rr1 .1 r ca:-. whc•r1• i.uppliei. Wt•rt• ..,1 .1 r rt• ( lcltl 1•\1•11 1 al111111n~ 1n whwh m 111 11 r .... h .... 1th l11·1•n:-.1• µl ;ll •· 11111n h1·r.., o•ndrni,! in t1dcl numbers 111.1\ h 11 \ fui ·I on •idd numht'rl'1 I ti .111 •.., urHI moton'\t-; with 1·v1·n 1111 111 lwr.., liu} on cv1•n dull's .1h11 1-. to ht·1•111 .\1onda\ 111 1h r1·1· •>I I• \,1" rr111 ... 1 1111pt1lf111~ 1·111111 l it" Dalt.1 ... T a1111nt ;mt! 11 1111 • \\, .... 111 111..,1111111• 1111.., pr•1 - i I .1111 Ill lllusl tllr···· l'IHlllll•" .. 11111 llw 1 , . .,, of llw '>l.111· li.1<1 lwl lt'1 utl(h-r..,t.11111 11 wtll 1-:d ~11r .... · hl'fo11 , .. 11 gl'l:-. lwltt'r ... <:o v J\111 ( ·1 .. 1111 ·111 -.:111! \1 0111la .\ n1t.!hl 'l'IH lrl•1 ... 1 '>l 'l'IOUS pro lil1•n1 ... .... ,. c 1· lw111g 11·1111rt1·tl 1 n tht· N1·w .York t'll \ .11•-.1 wlwn· gas l.\1·111 1111 a ... 111u dl a :. SI 24 a gallon and lhe art·a around llall1111or 1• amt Wa:-.hinglon. D.C Th.-11· . .i ... 11 "'''11· warning:. of I rouhlt-ahl·;1d in 1•c:nn:-.ylvun1 a .111d l,;t•11r~~1a "Tlh· lruth of lh•· matter lb lhal until Wa:-.h1nglon geb off its duff. "'1"n· n11L going to have un a11:-. .... e1 t11 lh1..,, .. :-.aul New York ~IJ)Or t::d l\oth "You have tn find a l.\:t_\-111 d•·ol with the Arab· () r 1-;c holdup .. > ()nly Roll'>.. could irnprovl' on Roll' I lw 1ww l<ull'\ < )\ "h'1qu.1r11 \\l,l fl 11 ..... 1111 111l'l1 I \llllhi Ill' tlw 1.111111u-. n·li.1hilitv 11r l<olt•x with lhl· rn·n-.111n of .l qu.irt, 11111vt•ml'lll with llllll " J.il\' • h<111ht' .1 nJ .... 1pph1rt• l r\'-.ttll ... f.o. 18 kJr,11 \ ••lluw g11ld. 1l<1.9Cj(} 0 14 l...1r,ll r d l11w ~11IJ .1 nJ -,1,11 nil'"' "h 'l'I '!i i .Wl(I (, ~t.11nll'"' ... 11.l·I. $1 .275. 'i' RO LEX • f,1,h1 •111 l,l.111.I N1 .... prn1 ( 1·nrr1 1'1·"1~1rr Hi .uh 17 11J(1 ll·I \MO t hfhf I .,.,•' \\ fl ti''• \1t I I .,., I t.II, \I .II '''•""'' ( .,,,, '\J,., t '" ~" t I ' '\•h, 11 '··• I)".: • I .. , \ ._"' '" .... I u.~ ~ 1 ..... J... • t • • •• • t ~ u, .... Ii.tit 7 • .. I I Orange Coast C1 1 T l()N Today'H c1 ...... f N.'1. St~k,. VOL. 72. NO. 110, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE_COUNTY. CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1979 N TEN CENTS Route 55 Alternatives 'S~rp:i-ising' B)' JACIUt: 11\'MAN , CM W. Deity P1 ... \uft Thursda nt.;hl. som t• Orange Co:i t rf' ldt•nt~ will Rt't a shn<>k "fh~y will h•· amoni.t ttw m tt•re•i-tt'd lk'ttple• who :-.ho w up for u 1>ublH· w11rk~h1111 un thi.' Hrn1h" tht• pubhc', \llW' n ut rn•n) 1111•n1Jw r' 111 lh1· flUb h(' Will IK• 'iUI pr l~t•d '11111 .. -M>· 'fnttlltllart~lloo Stud~. 1o1.h11•h will ht•lp tkl1•rm11w lhl' fu\un· nl Nl'v. poN llt111le•vur1I tfl t'fr .. t 1 Mh a 11( ttwm 111)1.llt-.1 ... u nl h wh1•11 t '1llTr<1n ' 11H1t wh '"'11h1111 tlw .ilt1•r1111t 1v1·' th.ii ,111· 111·111 ~· ,1 u1lll'd '\11rn1· 1,f th11.,,. .tltt•r n.111 v1·-. 111 \ ul t.1: 1·ull1111i1 ,, "111. .11 h w1·,.,tw11nl "' "lle•v.1>111 1 ll1111l••\,11d -.1111th 11( ll .1\ "'lrt·1•t 111.it v.1111ltl tul..l· 11111 '1t 111t· h1111.,1 •, .11111 p1.-. ... 1hl) .1 tr.1ile•1 IMl lo. ,,... II 1 lfl"lt"• ( ·1...,t.1 ,,, . ., .. ' tl 11 v.nt11v.11 r1 il•·\1•11111 lll\011( <ll 1'<1 I I I 'ft11• 7 .llJ I' Ill fll t t 1 111~ Ill the '\un l>tl'l!ll ~.111 1'1·111 .. 1<1"•111 ,JI thl· ~outh C11.1-.\ l'l,11.1 llotd tilll• \111011 Hhd 111 ( 11,1.1 M1 ·:-.a ,.., onP of a Sl'rtl"' u1n1t'll .11 1n v1l111~· 1111 ... r :tlt1·r11;1l1\1•-. v.ould turn 4Ct\APPE R RAIL XING Barhc.ira \\'angtl(' of l rvtnt' JOg~ pt.1s t on(• <Jf 'llX nl'W ~1gn~ ('f"l'l'lt·d M ond .1~ <.il<m g Nl•wport Hl-':JC"h ~ BC:Jck Rc.i~ Jlr1vt· S1g11:-w:1 rn mot"ri ~b to l1H1k t1ut for l.1 g hlfootcd ('lap pl•f' Ha il. ;111 c 11dang1·rl'd ~pt•('ll'"' 11f btnJ that h:inl'.{~ 11ul , in lht· ('pp1·r :'\cwpurt IS:1y Wtldlift• Pn·~<·nt• S1·v1"'r;il of lh•· hirds h<JVl'n 't l1v1·d up to their 11a me and 11·,11 ~ h:iu·n·t ll\t•d after ath·mpttng to cros~ thl· rn;.id"'<i:V ••rt l<">t Tie"' promp tt-d ~l;.itt· Uepur tmcnt 11( Ft'lh ;md f •i:.1111<.' to l'I -<·I tht· :-.tgn..., at a t'o:-.t of ubout S:ll/O Illegal Fireworks Suspect Arrested A (;arfll'n C ruv1· rn an w1io-r1 • 11••rlt•cllv w;1~ 1•11J11yrn14 <i lioom mg hu~1n1·~~ a~ a door llJ d1,.1r r.r .. .,,..,11rk~ ~<-tll'~rn:in r a1·1·~ r•·lon} l'li:.rrgc!> HxJay foll1>wing h1~ <ir rest by Nl'w11nrt llt';1d1 pol1n· P11l iC't' hookNI l>a v1d Wilbur ( 00X , 47, <m ~U!.JllCl<lll or ~u lt• of ti 1 .... 14:11 firework:-. aflt·r hl' allege·d ly sold S!4fJO worrh t>f lht• h;rnrn·rJ JI)' rolcl'hnit· 't!Pvw•·~ to an un dc r<.·over 1nvt•:-.t 1gator S<ct urda} Offtl"crs -,;11d I hl'v M'ltt·d ~>:l ,·a:.t•::, of lhl• r1n·w11rk:-. worth JO t:!.t1mated $25,000.- P11l11·t· !WHJ lh1· f1 n·wo rk~ :rn· the htl.!hl y cxµhJ:-.tVl' t.v pe hMm·d tiy sl<tl1• law Thl' dt·v11·ci-. w1•re lurnccl ovt·r tn lhl' (Jnrn~e-Coun ly Sll1·nH's l>eparl nrcnl's bomb ~tf U tit.I OranJ!"' t:::.• L...... I?',· -.. Coa~• "e ndu•r P a l c h v I li I t• n 1 i.: h I through mid-morning low doudint>::.s. otherwise fsur through Wedncsda). Low!. to111~ht 55 to fiO. llig hs Wednesday in high 70s . INSIDE TODA\' lt"11 et'm. tl'le cnhc reports A r tor Robert Sac c hi re·createa fbjmphrey Bogart almoat perfectly. See ato'JI and photos on Page A9. •••••• At Y-lente• Alt llltff"'IUlett M •rfltll ....... Cl AMI La~ CJ L.M.ee.-A6 Mll ____ Ul6 -..i-• •w Mevlft ., .. c .. HenM at ......,., ,_ u C-• Cl Mllllll•I ..._ A4 C:leHlff.. C .. tt ~•lltt C-y Al c-•~• c• • Cet. '•• cs C,.ttwwll Ct '"'" IM De111t llfllk" Al 1•ec11 110"'•" •• ••terlel ~... M T .. n1t1., 81 ......... ..... ,........ 11·1 ~ Ct•J w .. ,,_, at .. .,_... CJ WMMI ..... A• ( ·o~ ro·port1·1ff\ 1<1ld 1111lw1· .h•· 111111).!hl :1 t r 111·k lt1ad 1,f th•· f1ri •v.1irk' Ill ltw \l 1llV.1•'I .111d h11111ghl lh<·ni lfl 01 :1111.:1· ('fllllll} in M :.i~ fl t• ~·~~1·1 te•dl \ t 11ltl 111 ''"~l1gator~ h1,.d ~old :100 f'IJM''> 111 lht• rll'Vll'l'l> ~lll("l' 1111'11 ~gt ();Hrvl Yirn lt· :-.aid <'nx ISt•t· OE\'ICt;S, p,.~e· /\<!) Cra.sli Vic tini ldent.if'ied as NB Teaclier Bob Hailt>y. Newport Harbor II 1gh School biology tc<tcher . re· m ained in serious condition al lloag Me m orwl llos pital in Newport Beach today as police c·o ntlnut.'<I to sec•k lh1• h1t-und-run drive r who fractured both hih legs early Saturday tlailey, 43, of Costa Me::.a. who rt•ccnlly resignl'd as head track t•oach at Newport llarbor High u fter 16 years. was pinned h!!t w1•cn a c·nr und u truck near the in.terscction o f Oran~t· A venue and 16th Street . llis wife, Dorene. 42, who suf re red a knee injury in the acc1 dent, s aid Hailey is expected to be hosplla~ized for at least three more weeks. "He is e xperiencing feeling in his a nkles and toes." said Mrs. Halley. "And that is considered nearly a miracle by the doctors. considerinR the injuries ... Police said today they are con tlnuing to talk with witncssel!i who might be able to identify the driver of the car. Th~ Haileys were towing their rar with a rope attached t(> their pickup truck al about I :45 a .m S a t u·r d a y w h t• n t h ,. r op,. sn11pped, police su1d "'' l'ral hl1wk~ nf Orungl.' Avenue 11110 ,, 111aJ111 t h111 11ughfart: One ... ud1 11pt 11111 v.1111 ltl ri·q u1 re th•• h'.11 "'Jo! tlm\11 uf .1 l.trgt• numlw1 ,,, h1111-.1·., ..,1,..h dra.,ttt 11111p11-.:.d~ ar en ·1 r '""I\ '!'~w hut plan-. J or Houll-~··· h :t \ •· I><'''" 1 n I 1111 ho '>O long 1h.1t a Int M l'<'llph• an · no long('r f.1111tl1,1f v.1th till" <h·t.11h < ur 11•111 1\ p11hl11· v.1,rk'>hOp' .11 ,. lll'lllJ.! twld ,,., pa1t1,f I hl· fJrlK" ol 1lr ,1Y.111g up ;111 1·nv1rQ11 1111 nt .ii 1mp;11•t o.,t;.11t·111l·n1 ( EIS I I 1•11 .dtL·111.Jt1..,l·:-. ••n· be in g l11o l-.1•tl .11 .ilt hou~h CalTran~ planners :-.trc~:-. that add1t1onul ulternc.it1vt':o. art· poss1hlc Air quality. nots1•. housing, 1· 11 m m t· r t· 1 :J I 1 m p a c· t a n d 1•eonom1t ;ind !.01·1al impc.ict an• a mong tht' topics to ht· 1l1scusscd tn lh•.:...£lS - (I policy adv1i-.ory tommilt<'l' llf loc·:JI public· offi cials and a I •·t•hrtieal ad \J::.<Jry t•om mttlt:t: or -.1aff m<·1nlw r" from lncal gov l·rnmcnh are pr<Jv1d 1ng Mi me 1n fortnatHJll alllf dtrl•t•ltOll for lhl• -;tutl y lhit 1n:-.1gh1 from ind1viduc.i l 1·1t1 1e·n~ 1:-. t.1h11 ~OUl.!hl. o.,a11l proJ eel manager Courtlandt Burrell Jr . a CalTrans·senlor planner. While some people may sec th<' study as JUSt ;m other ex nt·tsl• in paper s huHltng, Burrell 1s con vmced it isn't ~ci "Th'~ fact '-M the matter 1i.-th<il \'t:ry ltttle ttme 1::, wastt:d by h<1v1ng this s tudy.'" Burn:ll s<11d We must havt: an UJ>fJrhVcd EIS hdor e anything <·an ht.· con ... tructcd out t hen · · S1nt·c the 1-.;1s ..... 11 :d:-.11 take 111 to account how lht· all<:rn<Jtive:-. <·ould bt-ftnc.incc1l. Hurrt:ll s aid. hl· lwltcVe!. 11 will result in a ftnlil disposition of Route 55, one way or-anollier. - M ea nwhil e. h e n o t e d . C'<tlTrans is proc·eed1ng with im· provcmcnts on tht· C'X1s t1ng road t11 he lp ease lraffit flow in the 1uLc.rim .. Th('se proJel"l~. which begin in St•ptc mbt.•r a nd ~houhl tw com ph•t1·(1 b) Octoh1·1 1!1811. mclude IJllSltnJ.! advann· s treet signs at 0.,1· vcn mt1·rs ect1on::.. 1 m µroving o.,1gnal lights ;_ind c.idtl1ng turn fant·l-o ;rt st·V(•r;tl 111tcrs1·ct1on~. anli coord1n:rltnl! th e ~•gn at c Sf•f:" (;#\I ,T R ANS. Pagf' A2 l Saudis Issue Warnin·g · Sheik Says Oil Shortage Will Worsen 1.<INIJ()!\ I •\1'1 •,;111d1 i\111 111.111 < >11 M1111:-.lt•r Sht·tk i\h1111·<.l \".1111 .1111 ..;;i HI t11d:1\ lh:1t en llw lll'XI lit \"1·,11' ... tlw1 •·Illa\ 1lt·\1•l••1• • 1 ....... , , " , " 1 ,. • 1 • • " r :-. 11 t 1i r11.1g11111uh· 11 v.111 rn akt· PUrrt·nt p111hlt-rn., •.1•1•111 ·111 .. 1· .. m•·ri· p.1-.s1ng 1·\1•111 u( tr 1\1.JI 1·1111: .. 1· ((lll'lll"t• .. · · I r n · \ 1· r "1 b I 1· I' h v 'I I 1· <•I !>hll rtfolls Ill 'llpplll•., Ill.IV t.1k1· pl;11·1· a~. • ;11 I\ "" l!JX>i ' ht• 111111 I lit• HI 11 l"h Sh 11'1"'1°'• < '011rn·1 I l"ll l\(1 I l'llt01 I'\ I II tf Ill'\\ <Jtl rt• .,..n t·s 111 .i:-. 1111wh ;,•, 1!1 l11ll 1on h:orn·b a \ t•;ir o1r1> .1tld1•d :111d ('\I'll If tlt•lll,llld 1'111 .... ' ,11 ,I I .Iii • • * Prof Asks ·u.s. Eas~ Standards H) 1-"RIWt-:ftH'K sn 101-:Mt-:tll. Ot l~f' D.ttly P11ot S1.-11 . .. ;a:-.111g 11( -.1 :1l•· :11HI fl•d1·r:d " \) I I II I J II II ... I :1 II " :1 I <I .. p1irt11·ul:irl:-11111:-.i• g11\•1·r111ng .111 q11;tl1t) W••rt• ur ).!t•d Montl;1~ lh <Ill 011tl-o p()k1·11 ••ll('r!.:Y ;111th11ri t \ ••~ 11111• wa) 11f """ 1ng the• \ 1·n r 1·al 1 111·rg} o.,IH1rta).!e• f;11·111g lht" I '111te•d ~t ;H1·..., f) r .J II h 11 .J ~I 1· I\ t' I t.1 ,, l 111\•·r-.11;. or T1·"'' pror!!-.~.or ,111d r111 llll'f I h;11rnl.1ll uf the• ;'li;o l1011al .. :111•r1-:.' 1111111"\ ('1111111111 11·1·. l'l;111111•d lh1• !'111 ft•fll ('fll'I ~.\ h11rt,1g1 · 1•. ol111·1·t !\ ro·l.ill ti to ·11·111 1.111llt1t11111 pol0 1t'll'I> 111 ... llllll 1 d It\ ,l.1t1· .111tf lt•11t•ral go\'1"111 1111•1tl .\ld\l'll,1. 1.:1 .1<1<111 •.., .... '(, fl' 1111 rt1•r-. :11 1h1· V111111 C'tir p lw.111 q11art1·r -. 111 11,1n1· 1>er1,r1• !.p1•,1k1nl.( H1 1·1111q1o111 \ 1·11111l11y1·1·:-. at an 1•\1·r1111g 1•r•11~r:1111 111• ;11·1·u!-.1·d 'Iii! 111l'tl1:1 ° of 1·1111t 11h1111n g 111 .1111· 1·111·1 g~ pr11t1 11·111 Ii.' ~upp11rt111 1• •.tr11 I 1"11111 t11111 :-.1;111d~1nf ., 111 1·rl1111riab llld\dl 1 fur th1 •r . .-....i·rlt-d th.it 1111p11.,1t11111 uf 111 w1• 1·1111tr11b ''° dorn1·-.t1(o;olb 11r11d1tC"1•d l'rud1· 1111 '1rt u:illy -.111111>1'11 :tll d•1mt",llt' 1·xpl11ral1 11n ;11111 :dl11Y.t•tl tl11· C It g;1n1tal111n ur l11·trt1lt·11 rn Ex p11rl1ng Cb11111111·-. rC>P t-:<"> to g;11n t'ontrul 11r th1· v.11rlll 1111 rnarkl'l "Wh.11 Wt• v..1111 "' rr111rt· 11( 1111r 11v. n W1· ;1n• ~1t t 1111: 1111 v.1:-.t qu;111 I 1111•:-. or •·n1·r1!.\ 1 l1ir 1·11:11 rr· '>1.·r v 1•:-. m ay t.1· 1·q 11al 111 H 11 ~s 1a 's Oil frt1rr1 '>h:d e a p prn;1rh<'s thal (II th1 · Saum.-.:· M 1· Kt•tta sat<l ('1ttng c·o<.tl a~ :rn 1·xamplf-. hnwt•vcr. Mc Kl·ll .1 ~:rrd ··vou c:.in ffitnl' 1l"' and 'onc·t• yuu mine ti, you c-an·t bl4fll 11 .. • Coal burning •~ -;I rwtly rt•I.! ulatcd du1· to 11~ :-.ulphur <·on tent. hut standard!. n •g ulatmg CSrt> ENfo:R(;V, Pa~t> i\21 of rr nl) :! ,, 111•1'1·1•111 1111111 1!¥.10 and :! 1wr1·1·11t fnir11 lh1·11 unti l tht• \ l':lf 21"~' I ho· :...,11111! oil 1111 111.,t•·r d1tl nlll r11l1· 11ul rl"p111h that h1 -. 1·ountry V.1111111 llll'fl'ol'>I' t•tf f11t1tlUt'fll)l1 11\ •1111 11111111111 h:11 rt•!-. .1 tla\ 111 I 111111(1•1 11111ol 111 I11111 Lilli., 1n t11111hlf'd lr:1n But h1· rt·pi·<.1t1·d war111nJ.!' th.•l th<-. w,.,( rnu~t cut ( fl ll'ol llllpl11111 I h1• .1url1nnt all"" v11ddll· }'.Jq I·:n111•111111· S111\1 •\ r 1·p11rl1·tl th;1I -...111cl1 \1 :.111.1 .111111111• tho· 11111 I 11111d1·r:1t•· 11f lh•· \r.d1 1111 pr•1 tl 111 1·1 ... r111 ...;h1 111 1•••1.,1·d to (J(1•1>' I • I pr11 tl u,.111111 t1·r1111111:1r 11\ ,..,.,, rnonl h Thi· f•;1 •11n1111111· :...urv·1·\ -..11d Saudr 1\1 alu;1 "':10, :n<. .11111.11! lh1· 111111·111111• 11( th•· (If ''.1111/01111111 of 1'1·t 111t1•unr r•:\fllll 1111 1' ' 11111111·11· .. llllTllllL! lrl 1;1 II•\ .1 II• \I V.••t•lo. hd!1n· h1k111 J.! 11 ., p111d111 t1•>11 tl111 1111111•\ I'. ,,, ''"" th•~ 11:11111 in ltw .,,,.,.1, 111;1rkf"ls Ill lt11t t1·1d;1111 :11111 S1111!1ip11n·. Uni() I hi' 11111 •· ,,, 1111 .111d .... .,,. 1t11 ... 11111111111·1· d 1•1111111 '"'"Ill ' .1 11 1.1111 .• 1111 II•· ,,11«1 11" 11 1.1"•·1 "''"' 1n11d1 ""tl•(J ,\1.d11.1 111• r • 1 • pr•~"" ,J J G ___./. I .-;; , ~ µ. -.., • ) -- 0 .. 1h t .... 101 \I.tit P"Olt THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE FOR GASOLINE PRICING In Costa Mesa . Double Takes Before Doubling Amount Look A.gain Halj~~allo11 Pri,'es Po .~l e<I ~ K~ STEPH EN ~AKtU.1-. O• th., O.t11rr P 11•t ~y,11 l'at l .. a11l111111 '>ii)"'> iw lov1!.o., 111 walrh lht· exprt·~'''"' "" h.-. ("11!-.lllnll'r:-. f;rn•., v..ht·n th1•y r1r~t pull 11110 hi '> ( fl~t.J M1·-.;1 ~ ... n ll't·~t;1l1rn1:-. Tll/\T'S Ut:('t\t'SE lht· patron:-. . ._,, r1 r~I glanl't". i1rt· gr1•1·t1•d with pr11·1·" th1:~ ha\<·n't :-..·t·n en a v.h1k lh ·gular J.!"''' l11r '17 e·1·nt-.. 11ro·m1um (11r 50 ancl unlcc.idt."tl for a n·a ~on :d1l1 · ~ii · l1l't1Jll1• I.\ 111 gl't 1·xt1l1•d for :1 w 1·ond or two unt1l lhPy rt• :tltl.I' that ':-, tht• prtCl' for half a gallon 11( ga~.'' t•xplatn:-. Faubion. "'h11s1· Shl'll c;tat1un al 1:w1 W B<.1hr ~t 1s one of thl' first a long lh1· Orangf' Coa~t to !>witch lo h<.tlf µrit·ing Vauh111n ~avs tht• n·:tson for llw hulr J!<Jllon 11r1ces, which fort·e t·u:o;tomer:-. t11 lt-sl out their mathcmat1t«.tl i-;k1lb by <ln in..: a htllc mult1phcat11m. 1s because the d1<Jls on m ost pump:-. w11n 't show ~oil ar nr mo rt· przct: tags for ga ::. ACCORDING TO Manuel Gonzall's. a deputy for the <·ounty"s Wc11~hts :md Me asures Divis ion. s tation owners r an list half·i.!a llon prices only 1rthey can prov!! they've or dered a convt'rsion kit to sell gas by liters or new cltals to <See SECOND 1.00K,'Page A2l Teachers'·Pact Heard 42 Percent Pay lncretJ8e Proposed The union recently clcct<:d to represent d1strtcl tcat'hers prl'- sentcd Newport Mcsu ::.chool of· ficials with a proposed contract Monday whu·h o ffi cials s ay C'ou ld give some teachers 42 per- ce nt salary inc reases The contrnrt wus presented at a ~pet'ial sc·hool hoi.rd mcctin". It Will !)(' lht> sUhJeC't or a l>Uhhc hl011 rin~ al u Junt• 2H bonrd meet tnJ( Tht' actual ::.alary incr ease re quf'stcd wa::. 14 percent. accord· tng to officials of the Newport· M ('!\a fo'~I ,r::1t1011 of Teache rs, an AFL·CIO afftliat<• elected last month as the sole bargaining agent for dis trict teachers . -II owever. the contract also calls for increased sala ry steps. The1w are a utomatic raises re- ceived by teachers who have workt.'<l for the district for a cer· tain specified number of years. "Recause our teaching staff has so much seniority -more than half at the top of the salar y sche dule -the addition of all thes t> steps means that many many more teache rs are goijlg to receive these gigantic salary increases ... said Jcun Harmon. th«> dl11trict ':" c~icf n~J(otlator Mrs . Harmon su1cl d1str1ct of ficials tiaven 't figured out what the contract propos al would <:<>st them. in part because it is writ· ten in broad terrns . She said at least 500 of the dis· tricl's 1,000 teachers arc al the top of the current salary scale . That top figure of $23,020 - not counting additional pay for afterschool activities. serving as department ch11irmen or having a doctorate -would rise lo $29, 973 under the NM FT pro· posal. Mrs . Ha rmon said • The lowest pay level , ror a t encher with no experience . <See PAY, hlJ~ AZ) 111111 rt ·1·a1111ot .11'1111•111• anythlllj.! 111111•.,., tlw 1·1111:-.11m"r' n it hat·k t h1 •1 r 1·11ns i1mtH11111 dr:i-.t wall~ H that d1ws 11't h.1p1w11 11 t~ lw1te•1 1111 S<.1utl1 i\r al11a 111 .,t;1; .11 ltw pn·~.1·nl produ1·t 111n n·rltnJ.! 111 K ;, rn tlh1111 h:irn•h .1 da) \\ 1· Jll~I l.\Jnl 111 lw u:-.dul · 111 .,;Jiii \'.imam o,:111i thal t1\' tht· l'll<l •1f ~1 ... 1·1·111tir\ tit•• 1111 -.h11rtf;i ll v..;1:- l1i-1·h II• lw ''' m1ll111n lo;1rrels a ii.I\ 11t.11 the· 1tr1· 1·xrw1·t..111·' 11( 1 1ir1 ""'oil a111I I'·''• 1,.-,,.r"·" V.:J' 11nh (lj '";If °' o111d 11,;ol V. ·'°' :1:1X '•I' I~ .,.,/(I le 11It~11 l ()i1 1li"r11orl U ~ .I01Y.'.1' f-. HI. \'NOLU~ , '~ \t"f' 0 ... 1, •••lot \t .. u 11 ( f I t. I •• I ' , I I l h t• c: I v I I \,.11111:11111("•, ll11.1td l('i\HI '>i.I} 1.,., v.111 pr1·p.11 1• :1n .. nv1r11n 1111·111 .ii 111111.11•1 .,, :1 t•·rn~·nt 011 fir ,111 g1 ("11111 11\ i\11 1111rt lwf1ir1• L'' 11111n: ""' 111 Ill•· 1:1 p1·ml1ng 1ppl11.it11111 1111 r •1llt1•-. to tho · " I 11 • \l .11 I.. \1-., ... .,1 111 th• <"A B ., 11111•.111 111 llo 11111· .. 111 \\l:illllO . .• 1d !ho Ft-.. v.111 1·\.1111111~· lht· I fliilllll" llllp,111 l1f I \l'.1111).! ;11r r" 11 o111d •Ill' 'r '11 , to1n·<·a:-.I Ill lh1• I:! p1·11d1111 .1ppl11 .tl lll0!-1 ., 111 (. \ll 11111 • '' '.\ :11 .lllll•llllll'(•eJ 1111 ·1 /1• I"\ 1· ,,f 11• '• v.' •·k ' h1·ar 111 ,1h1111 I th• .. 1\111111111cntJI lft1(1,wl •11 fl\ 1· J•• 1111111 • .q1pl 1(";1 11"11 (111 111111•-. h1•I\\• •II llr.111g1· I "lllJ( \ llld \1111 111.1 111" 11 1'.11 111 1'. 111 l•rl , .• HI 11.1111-.tr ;1ll\" l.1\\ 111111.! .. I r.inh. \\ 1111111~· ,, 1'\lll't'lt•ol '" l.1 .t l\\11 tf.1,., h1')~11111111p .J1111•· .~·, It v. ill 1 ... h•·ld .11 11:1\ \ 11•\\ "' h•111l Ill -...1111 .1 ,\na ll1·1ghh 'I h•· h1•an11g \\ :1· •.. 1·h1·1111h·ll .11 I ho· rt·q111·-.t of .'\e•v.11111 I ISi-.1d1 1·1 '' 111f11·1al' who :1pp1o;rr-,.tl <.tt ;1 ·t "i\ H ht•:inni.: 111 :'11 1111·h T ll:rl lwannl! wa" on lh1• f1v1· 1wndtn1! :1 pplll':t l 11111-.. for riiutt- .111 t hori I\ L11 i\1111111:1 Thi· .11 rl1nt•" Sl'l'ktng th'"'' 101111•' ar1· t•:.. \ 1\11 , (';rlif11r111.1 . F r11nt11•1 I '1111111w111 :rl anrl We•:-.11-rn ., 1\lv.1111<1 s~11d :. t "A B ... wrr n · port ha~ 1·1111l'lud1·d that granting • of I ht· roult•:-. "i:-. not a mc.i1or f1·1lt•rnl :it·l1on hav111i.: a s 1gnif1 ' ··ant efft·l"l on the human 1•nv1ron m1•nt ·· ll11w1•vcr. he said that fmdmg applies only lo the 1r1div1dual ap· 1>llcal1ons and thl' CAB staff ht•lit•v<•s the collective impact of thosl' five applications plus eight ottwrs that are pendin~ wi ll bt.• s \1-!ntr1cant The other pendmi.i route <IP· pl1t·ations from Orange County a rrµort includt' apphcot1ons for Heno ~tnd I.as Vcj.!a s l>t' Air f altforma. Wl•slcrn und 1-'ron l1t•r . Salt l.a kt' City, l>t·nvt•r c.ind Sl'lll lll1 hy PS/\. Uc nvt•r b~ llughl·~ A1rwest <.1nd Scalll<· by Wl•slt:m ALCUHtJLICS t;ET SPECIAL HELP An unconvcntfonal hospital ward al South Coast Medica l .. Center in South I .aJ{un1t helps alcoholics on the tou((h mad to recovery Tl•ens and senior citizens art' a mont( l~c m ost frequti nl p1t lienlll at the facility. whe re the staff tries to 1,rovlde the extra care they need A 8lory and photos of the care unit appeurs today on Page CS. I A.I 0.\IL Y PILO f ,. T U0&04tY ,. .. " . ;. () .. " " illl Jur1~ t9f{I l ~ 1 ~ II; "" ,- V• ~ 11~ ·- MAP LCGEND = lxist ing freeway ••••• A1fopt ed Alignment :i' 0000 Alternate Connection (Alignment not adopted) +++ P1oposed Downt own One -Way Couplet 0 .... till ® l"re•P•pAI CAiTRANS PLAN. 4 • • lights from Bristol Street to LSth Street. The signals will be m•lc~ with the s lgoa ls o n other m ajor city roads. includinJ( Harbor Boulevard a nd Fairview Road . Th e signal liJthts not on Newport Boulevard will be aynchronJzed by Costa .Mesa flere, in brie f. are the 10 <ilternatives Ca11'rans _lli study - ing for, the long-te rm dllposiUoo of Ro.ute SS to the northern Newport Beach city limit lthere 1s no pro posal to go furthe r :south > 11 Do nothing. ~ 1 Ma k e s ome additional oper ational improvements. such <.is more turn lanes ;rnd s afety lightinR. 3> Widen Newport Boulevard hy Ont.' lane in ea t·h d1rt!cl1on. us - ing freeway r1ght·of-way north of Mesa Urive and e hminatmg p~rking through the d owntown a rea . taon cosla: $4.5 mllhon. 7) Full freewi.y. Four lanes m each direction wouJd be built south to Wils9n Street . the n three lanes in each d irect ion soulh t.o the city limits . The allgnme nt would be the sam e as alternative ti. Right of way: $33.7 million. Construction : $48 milJion. 8) A "downacope" or modifLed freeway. It would, follow t he Harne allsnment H 6 and 7 but would have fewer interchanges a nd would be less accessible t-0 toe a I tram c . R1ghl of ·Way : $26.9 million. Coltstruclion: S42 million. it J fo'reeway a.nd viaduet 'raatied freeway l. An eight -lane freeway wouJd be built south Lo Wtlson St r eet. A six-lant: freeway would continue south to 20th Street . wher e tra ffic would pass onto a six-lane vfaduct aboVl' Newport Boulevard. • ARROWS. CIRCLES ANO DOTS -THIS IS WHAT HIGHWAY PLANNERS WILL BE TALKING ABOUT THURSDAY 4 I One-way do wntown couplet Bas ically, ·a couple t is a divided h1gh w<.t y, lik e N t.-wporl Boulrvarti north of Ray Streol. Connector roadways would be built a l the southern city limits Right of way cos t s arc m1n1mal. Con struction : $38 m illion . ' They Would Like to Hear From You, Too. During Public SeHlon at South Coast Plaza Hotel Southbound traHic wo uW a s1• e xi!>ting Ne wport Roulevard through d rJwntown Northbound trilfht wo uld veer off <i l 16th Street ont o O r a n ge Avenue . which would bccomt.' a five-lane. onc ·wa"y road . Nor:Jbbound traf • £1 c would r e join Newport 101 As an addition to a ny of thr ahov(• alternati ves. a s p ecial Ia n<· for hu:-.P::. would be huilt . µo:.::.1bly l·xtendmg all lh!o! way to CoJst Highway. --------- East Faces .Long Gasoline Lines Since the la ne could be under g r o und. overhe ad or on the g ro und. cosL'i could va ry wide ly By T1te l\Msociate d PreSh O rffrials in s 1•vcn E <tslt.·rn states and tht.• Ois tn<:t of Colu111 h1 a rnovcdt today to <'Ul lines ;ii ful• I ~111mp:-. whnt· g;,is pru•c !-. IOJJpf'd SI a gallon in s omt· pliJ('I'!> With protr·!>ttng lru<·kt·r:. l.lfJt 1 hng up some ful'I dt.'11 vr·rie::. :.ind SENATE OEBA TE: 'GET A HORSE'-85 mid -month gasoline ~lO<'k !'. dwin dling an many <trca~. othe r <;tates were• also 14-ear ing for a n ti<'1pated s hortages. .. People• keep rallan~ to a sk what they C":in do," s01 1d Wilham Goode. F l orid a ':-. ener g y wutchdog. "Mos t of lht>m t·a n 't k 1ce the fact that th(:y have to la ve with lcs!> ga::,." Tht-re . were u ls o rumbling~ among se rv1 l·c· s tation own1·r~ th il f lht•v m11 . .:ht "d oM' up ;.md go f1s h1nJ,! · to p rof(·:-.t frdnal pr1t· 1111.: ·1111l1<·lt's lhcy .!'.a y an· !>qu1·1·1. inf.! th1·rn out 1•f a <kccnt living •·rum Pa9~ ,t I .ENERGY. • • • ulphur pollul111n <i n : ahout 111<1 1m e::. m ore s tric t than tht.'~ ,hould be. McKNta ~<11d C'oal and mu:k a r µowc r s hould run lht.' nation's power pla nt.!>, \kt<ctt.1 :.:11rl. lhu!-. freeing oil for procluc·tmn of ga::.ollnc 01nd hume h<'al mg 1111 Suc h :.i mlJ\:1· ht· s aul would 1n!>urt.' 'tufficir·nt ga~oltn<· .!'.UJI· pil e::. for thl' r11·xt 100 years ;mcJ 11at11r;il g<r::. o.,up11lu•.., for tht• nr·xt 1 0110 yt·ar!>, MC'l\1·tta ('l<11m1:d Solar cm·ri.:~ will nevt'r ..,,Jlv1· .ill t ht: l):s•111n ., e n•·rgy 1•rylt lt•m -.. d e!-.flllt· a::.!>uran1·e!'. fr11111 1•nvironmt·nt al1st~ t hat 1t will. ~t·K1•fl;j ud1l1 •1I · M 1·Kella prcdwt1·d tlwl U11· t'llUlll ry will fan• M'flllU!'. 1'11t•rgy ~h11rtugc!'. lly 191111 or l'.110 1J('11plt· will not ha v1· h ea t " ;111d that shortage..,"' rll tau. ... e thl' µu bllc opinwn 1wntlul11m to ::.w 1ng in favor r1f l11wt·r <01r qua lity :-.tand01rcb. ''P<•nplc: \\Ill 1•rt·:1s ure tht' l'ongrt·~!> lo ('hJng t· lh<' rule:-..· ~frKctta s:11tl Jlo wevt.•r, /\m1·r1t·an!'. will fal·c: !>a<·r ifH'l'S an11 chan~t·::. in lhe1r day to day busine!>:-., h t.' ::.u1d IJc prl'dlC'lcd tht·re will b(• dcc:rt.•a sed wc·ckend driving. :rn 1nc·rN 1se in the dnv111g <.igc to UI. a h<in on automobtll! air cond1 t1o ners. an end to hom1· UM· of 1·lothcs dryers ;_i nd i11trcm:ed u::.e of carpools <JOd mas~ trans it facilil1es Govf'rnment could do 1t::. part, Ml'Kett.a st11d. by c ndinA forced bus in.i or school ch ildren, reslo r- 1 n g lea d to gas o line a nd l'liminating catalytic converters iexcept in c ritical itir basins such as Los /\n~eles, C hicago and Nt>w York Cit y J, and rcs tor· in~ "free l'nterpris•" · to the l'ner~y marketplace O"ANOE COAST " DAILY PILOT I hi '""'QI' t Ol''-I IMtly f>tl.ftt ••U• •f'lt4 f'I ti\•'"'' nu•4" tf\.I .,......,..., Vu'\\, 1\ °"'"''~ft hf,,..,._..., er ( O•\I llwfM•,~"'ft(~"Y ._,~,Atr~t .. ,,,, '" lk.lbtuft,.,. ~A• tt.rl)UUft f ••fJ"" •ot '°''" ~ • • ,,.,.....,,,,,, ,.._.,., h ••w-nt•AQIOn ~ f'I 1 nu1t '"'" '/Al .. 'f tn;1.w I ~"""' ft,.,.,. h <itl!Ot(°"""I A '\IM>h f.-Qi'""'"f'fttflOf\ 1'\f)Uf)ll'\hrfl \.tft,;rft,.1 til"'ft ',uftrtay• I,_ f~·~ tCJ.U l~ltVh''O t•••4'tf •' •l llu tNt ... ,.,.,. .... .,..., r fl\IA MP'wt ( ,.,,,,...n, ... .,.,.. I•<• tit Cvthtv '>11•• .,,, .. •¥"'""",-,,.,.., .. l"Ath tft-1 ,,_.,,..~, K••••• t 1t11or , ........ "' .......... '-'•"•Olf\t ldOV' C,Pl•ttH" l ••\ "1ttrwr• P N•ll ,.,,._,tfllnl ¥itl"lffl•~J Ltdlhr"' °'"' .. \.q\t• ,.,_, .. l)OW•\I 1'-'•'""'' l •r.tvnf\ t\ift~,, l'" C.,tfloNWlff'''''" .. ' toe~••fll(ll•ff\ A~Mn 'tal\ t;..1" h f\()•1l•'t'1H•t Telephone (714)8424311 CIHettleel Adnf11eing IO·M71 C.-r••irt tt,. °'':1! (U\t P..-,.1\1111"8 (Of'\ ~:r .. , c:_,,.:;.::~,~'r.w:~t':'':.'~~ ::!·:-.:: nCHOdwt.tr• ••tNNt \04'f ••• OfltMt\ IMI 01 COPY••Qftt...,.... ~~~~·,..~··.u .. ~,~~ .r.·t:~ ,.~~~ ~~~ ,.., •1 ,. "'9f"ll~lt .,, •••• ",. "'°"'""" ,,,_1l1t1tt , ~tJ.Ml'9"'\ '1 IO fNA'llM, han <in "li1pprn,:: off" 'of tanks 1n :i , ,.;,.., ""ht· rt· -.uppl rt·., w1·n · .t'.11 I '\' Odd t'\1'11 rat 11min1• 111 ""h1t'h 1rl11 l11r "I' with ltc1•11:-.c plate 1111 m l1t·1.., 1·11!11111-: 111 odd nurnh1·r::. muy buy fue l on odd-numLcred rl ;rtes ;ind moton~.t!> with 1.·v1·n numbt•r:-. huv on t•vt•n dutt•o., ;tl:.o 1::. lf1 lw~1n Mond ay in thn·1· 11f Tr ·x as · rnri:-1 po pu l11u:-. 1·oun t11·.., l>all:i:-.. T a r rant .rnd II arn:-. Boule vard a t Bay Stree t The est1mat<'d right of way 1·ns t is SS 5 m illion Cons truction 1·0!.ts, conserva tive ly. would bt· S4.2 million 5, Oran gt' A venut• hypa!>!> Thi ~ a ltt'rnat1ve would ha vl' 1'\'i'n more· drastic c ffcl'L" un n ·!-o1denls along Or ange /\ vcnut• PAY ... New York <;m 11 11),!h CM 1•y :-.<ir tl Mo11d ;1v h •· would lwg111 ·'odd 1·vt•n" g;1..,ol1rw r:rt w111ng 111 N"w Yurk < '1t v ;11111 11/: o.,u 1J111 "' ;i l 11111t111ght '1'1111 1 <d;i v :111(1 '''"' .l e rM') 1.uv H11•nda11 lly r111• :-.au! lw would d tt 1111' :-.amt· 111 111.., 't ;111' Th111 ... 1l.1 \ ;o..i,.,, .J1•1 ,1., h igh \\ a.v olflf'1.rl -.-'ld 1 t';11lv h.111 h..-gun tht• :-.\:-.I t·111 t11d.ry 1111 a m.1 1nr art(·f\ llir· < .. 11d1•11 :-Ol;1t1· l!:Jrk Wi.1} Victiin Identified "f\1·wport JS11ulf'vard 1n t h1· cl<owntown an·;i would t'ea'\11 lo be a ma Jo r . th 11 ro ugh r u r <· lnst<'ad . the a lrg nm1•nt Wl')Ulcl curve ea !>tw:.ird :st Bay Strcci. and all eight h:in1•!> would lrnvel on a w1dcn1..-d O r ungc A venue to wou 111 r1H fro m $10.802 ltJ $12.:114 . Mr!> H armon ~a id llowl'ver. the dis tric t has nr1 tl·a (·he rs :Jt that lcvf•I T he proposal a ls o s pecif11•!> th a t no teuchers could be laid off for the three· year d uration or t ht• contract. Off11:1ab ,,1._., plan111·d h '>l <rrt rat1onfog 'l'hursd.1~ 111 11orl lu·ru \11r~rnia. :\tar} lallfl :ind lht· l>t'> lr1c t of Col11ml11.1 unit''>' mc·:1:.ures of st;1ggr·r r11i.: gu:-. :-.I a 111111.;' hour:-. :1nrl 111111111111111 s.111·' prov1•d c•ff1•1·t 1 vt· ~ Tustin Marine 16th Street ·Another prov1s1o n s eeks full) paid · psychoiog 1ca l a nd vision care ;,nd incom e protection in· !>ur ance. and an expans io n of tfie rurrcnt hfc. health a nd dental pla n!'. to include e mployee de · pt·ndenL'\. In Conn1·1·t 1n1t (;o , J•;11 ., Gra:.so rnt•t "''" 1_.,.1..,1,,1"" lt•a1lers l11rl;"' f<t d1 ...,·11"" hr•r plans for :1 r;11 1111111w '' :-.t1·m F I 11 n II ; 1 "f I 1 1 1 , ii ..,· r 1• ;1 d 11 "' t•m1 .. rgt'n1·~ 11w:e:-.111 1•:-. :-.u1 h ,,., ,. foes IJlasl Carter ~ta11d U,iSALT II WASJIJ N(;TC1~ t /\P I Tht· SJ\ LT II treat~"s most out!oopl'lk1·n Senate foes :ire unmoved b)"' f'rl'sident Curler 's a ppe al thut rt.·11·<'ting 1l would t•x pO!-.l' lhe "'orld •·to an ever g n ·atcr ris k of Sen ll1·11n M .l<H·k!'.•1n. (J V. ;J !'. h . ;n • i· U S t • d l' OJ I t f • r II f foo ll~h <iJI J1t.'a:.t•mt•nl . · :ind H1·publ11:an leader 11,,w;irrl II CARTER APPEALS FOR SALT OK-A4 SALT CAN BE BENEFICIAL-Editorial, A6 HHk •·r 11f 'l'e nnt:>!>:-.t·t· :-.u1rl the I n ·al v has ·11u 1·hant·1· 11£ l>t!111i.: pas..,t•d \\1th1111I :1nll'11rlr11 1•11t " S1•n ,John T11"'1·r. H 'I 1·x;1:-.. ... aid th(· pn·..,1tlen1 rn Im. acJtl rc:ss Mon day nJ~hl lo a J01nl 'iC''>IOn of C'1111grcs!> tnrd tn ercat« "an dl11')1on" th;11 1h1· I n ·;il " 1c; f;ur ''' lt1t• Unit1·tl S1at1·:-. St·n .J.1kt> (;:irn H ·l 'tah, 1·a I lt·d ltw pn·..,1dP11I '•, 'Jlt•1•1·h '<lt-n·pt l\·1· and "'"I rt £ah,r·I) J,!l\'I'!\ th1• 1mpr•·:-.:-.11111 that S /\l.'I 11 ;11·h1t'\'l'!\ ;irm!'. rt·CIUl'l llm Ancl Sen fia rry c:l)ldw11tn. H J\ r 1 /. • s a 1 rl I h •' < ;r r I ,. r ad m 1111:-.tr;1t1on ,.., not tt•ll1ng th<• truth on SALT An .ippart·nl n1 unkr victim "h11M: body "".1s found in I rvmr· S:rl 111 ll:r\ "'·'' 1dt·rlt1f1erl t1Jdu} ;1•, 1>11111111 · ,, I r1,••I a lan1·t' nir por;rl ;11!;11•hf'll !11 th1• Mar1111 C"11rfr b hl·l1<·o p t.Pr fa 1•1l1l,\ '1'11..,1111 Tltt· liod) 11f c 'riM·I. :>.o. "'a' ltrltrtd 1111 ll'\'1111' ('t•IJtl'I f)fl\1• nt·.i 1 1 lw 11or11tl;ou11d ~~111 l>wgu I· r <·l·w;1v 11flri1mp ~a tu rrl ;1y 1111-:ht Tiie v1cllm w;,ss c lad univ 1n u111lt•rpanl:-. · • < 'ris<•l 's 1dent1t y wa:-. relca~1·d hy El Toro Ma n nt· Corp::. /\1r Slat ton 11f£1('111b today a fte r ll1t· v14·t1111 '!-. pari·nl!'., of L illie Ho1-k . Ark . were notified of their ~n·!> death I rvanc J~ohce Lt. Gene Nordt·n ~aid C risci h<.td returned to the tll•lit'opte r statmn June 13 afte r a two m onth duty in Okinawa . Prior to dutv the re . C n scl h ad hl't-n !>latrl)nl'.:"d al the hdicoptt-r h.J ,l' for eight month!>. Nordt:n s a id C n::.t•I w:.is. lu:-;t s een at ubout I :rn a m. Suturd<.i y morning, fully <·lo tht·d. lcu vm g the ha!>" Ill' had repurtt-dly told compa· f 'rone Pogf-,. ,.t I UEVlt:ES. • • "'a:-grnng door 111 rlnor 111 11ff1 rc 1·11n1 plt.:Xl'!'. n,.ar (>range Cnunty A1 rirnrl leaving his phone numb<'r and Lakin~ orde r!'. for f1n•work:-. B11:.111t·:-.,nwn 111rorm1·d polat·e .1 11 ti You I c a r r a 11 g e d the \\(•t'kt·nd mretinJ! a t wh1rh ('ox .dld:t·tll,\ """'him Lhl· f1rl'WOrb ('ox \lo a 't thl'n tra1ll'd lo a garagt• 111 Anahl•1m wh1·n· hC' al- ll•gt•rlly !'.tOr('d the ftn!worh ;rnd was ;irn'!'.tcd then·. I It· w:1!'. hooked rnlo .• city JiJil a nd n ·lt•aM·tl aft1·r p11st1ng $."l,OIJO hall .,..,, ...... '"" ,._ OFFICER JOE LAMBERT EYES CONTRABAND FIREWORKS Entrepreneur Nebbed for lll•O•I S.lea In Newpor1 ---WW d •• --· •• « nion.., th al h1· "'as gmni.:.. to gt'.t :-.omdh ini.: to •·at. Norrlc n !'.ale! !\ordt•n !>:11d 1l ha.., not bl·t•n 1'!'.l a bll!>lll'd wh l'lh1•r ( 'n M·I n · 1 urn1•1'l to I ht• h:t!>'' prior Lri tw, rlt•at h Suff<w:-11 ion nr rlrug ov•·rrlo:.t· art· two po..,s1hl•· 1•au~t;)o, of <l1·1111t I· ,. 1 11 ~ (' n n s 1rlr•r1• ti Ii \ 1 n 1 ''"'''-':it or' p••11d1n1• 111\ 11·nl11i,:ll';rl ~.t 111111•:-. tw111i.: c·11111lu1•1 •·rl b ) th1· Or .111 ~1· (.'1111n1 ' < '11111n1·r ·s 11fr11 •t" N(lr«t1·11 ... a 11l \. 11rch·n ..,;11d t ht• hrnh "';,.., 11111 111 ut ll.11t·d 11ur ""·'" I ht·r,. a n) .. v11h-m.•t· of !-.t•\ual ;11 11v1t; Thl' nnh · rn:rrk .... 11n ('n \•·I horty ~nrrt<·n ... aid ~,.rr . ..,,·r:.s1w" :.r ppa n·ntly t·au ... cci "'h1·11 th<· \ 11 11m wa::. dumJK:d frorn a llHJ\1111! Vl'hll'lt• H1 g~( of w<iy t·osts would be at ll•ast $12."9 m1lhon a nd con::.truc t llln <1t ll·a~l $5 <! million fi > /\n l'X r,rP:-.s wa v on lht• :1 cl fl pt P II · a I 1 g n m e n t . w h 1 c h 'wings w1·i-.t itl B<J} StreN <Wd JJfOl't.'l'ds south, looµing hat k 1n t1J :'1:1•wpm1 Boult•v<tnl at 15th SLrt•t•I Thi::. ;d1 )!nn11•nl1:-. fill lhl' ""I•():, I I ,. !\HI•· iof N (• w p 11 r\ llouh·\ anl fn1111 < >r:i ng1· /\ vi:n111· /\t·1't'!.s "'''uld bt.• oJ\ a llahll· on ly fr•>m ..i hrn1t,.tf numtwr of ma 111r roads w11h ... m a llt-r ..,tr•·1·t1' ;met tirivt•\\;1\:-. 1·l11M·d ulf or fl'<1 I 11 f rontag1• r~arb Local tr.:ifflr ('Oulrt 'tt1ll UM· t•x .1stmg 'Newport Boulevarrl 1n downtown Co!-.t<.i Me~a E!>t1m<1lt'<l rig ht of way.., c·o* S27 m11l1on J-:..,t1m.11Plf c·on,lru• f 'rune PogP it I SECONU LOOK. • • show flrl('t''> OVl·r ii h1wk "r"'ol too rn;111y ''"' nr·r' h.1,•· '"' 1t1·hNI 111 lht· h;1JI L>• rc1·., hut nur Vll'\\f>lllrll I!'. th:rl th1 · w;iy nf lr·iJ St l'O rlfU..,lftn 1-. pr•1l1 ahly thr ht•::.t ," :-.;i:-s f;11111 :tl1·.., ('nnfusinn. C'l;11rn:-. F ;iuh 1011 . 1s \\hat lw 1·, trv11h ! 111 :1vo1(I Ills unl1•ad1•rt :inrl pn •m1um i.::1sohrw 1-. n 1r•r·ntb ' "•·llln~· f•11 mon· than a 1foll:rr, 11111 h1., n ·gu l;1r g;1:-. 1-. "lltll g111n g f•ir 'J.I f'l'nts "I S UPPOSF: I l'Ollltl ""' th1· r•·i.:ul:sr :Jt a g allon prw;. and th<· r<•:-.t :rt th<• h;ilf.gallo11 pri"'" hut I think th.JI \\11uld J U!>f make· 11 all lht.• mt>rt• ronfu!'.1ni.:.' hl' s<1y.., r.n n:r.alt·:-.. noting that mo~t Or;rnge Count}' ::.tatwn o wnt'r!> havt• ind11·atl'rl the~ will !'.11on bt· •wll111g gu::.-by h lt•rs . s ay:-. pn<'l'S unl'ler a dollar !>hould hl' lh ll'cl b~ thl· gallon r ath<'r than the• hulf gallon "By the ll0ltl0r or the law that'!> the W CI\ rt should be. but we'r e JUSI try ing to µlay ball With th!' owner:-.," :-.a v::. lht· wt•1gh1~ and ml·Jsun·~ dt•pul) "J h all' to !.a y it . hut thl' IJt'~t thmg that could hi.ppcn right now to <1vo1<t ronfus mn 1:-. 1f ;ill ga::. pnce!'. \\t·ri· ovc·r J l'lolk1r " T rust1•es w ill pr<'sent the ir own pay prtlpo!>al .July 10, Mrs llarmon ..,,.111'! N(·~1>t1ution~ an· t•Xp(•<·Wd tn twgm in m1d-Ju.ty- Ttw 1·urrr·n1 thn•c• year <'<111 I r:1l'l t•>.p1r1· ... .Jun1• 30 U nd1•r -.t andard prrwt·dun.·s. tt:acher .., "''Hild 1·1111t1nl1<' to be paid at th,.1r 1•u rn·nt htilary levels until ,, tll'W 1·ontr;,it t was n egotiated. .11 wl11d1 llmt· t he s a la r y 1n ,. n•<1:-.t• would be1·ome rctro<.11· t1 ve tu J ul} I N.-w1•ort Burg lar ~ts $4.,600 Haul ~ t•wpr1rt ffra c h pol ic·e ..ir•· ·:-n ·k1ng lh1• hurgl<.ir "'ho ton!. J""'(·lry \alu1•c1 a l mun.· th.111 S·l ,ti{)() fMm .1 ('11ro11a c1cl M.rr h11n11 · ~loncl :1 \ Thi· hn·ak ·an "'""' r<•p11rt1·d '" l\;rre n Slt>11w r .md Netnr·y 1,.,,, .. who :-.;111l tht•1r 11'!-.ldt•n cc wa!'. ,.,, 1)(·1·up1t•d bt•lwt.T n >! a m <11111 ~. IJ m 1111111·!:>°;1111 t h1· lh1d ~01 oil '11lt· 111 .. 11111111• h.' tak1n~ J M:r1•1•tl ~,If .111 0 1w11 wmrtnw S.·hool~ Scht•Jul•~ Enrolln1e11t Uatt~s F.111 t•nrollmcnt dalt'!'. hJ\ t' 111·1·11 sl'I lor high !-.choob m th1· :'-lt•wport M<•su srhool district Enrollment for new ::.tudcmt:, ht'gins Au,:! 13 a t 1-:::.tanc ia, a nd i\ug 20 at Costa Mesa. Conmu d1•I Mar :ind Nc•wport Harhor h1i.:h :.chools O nly Rolcx could improve on R<)h..' . SLAVIC K'S • .,., I, y t. 1• ,,.. I 11 I h\· rww l~oh·i. l >v,ll'rq11Jrl1 \\,lh.11l· ... 1(11 nwn t.omb1111· lho• f,11l111u' 11•ltc1bd1t\ tlf l(11ft•J>. w11h th1 · p r1·n..,11111 t1l .1 q11.11 l1 11111\ \'lllt.'111 \\llll llll l• "d.itt• t l t.lflbt' .ind • .,,,1ph111· I I )'"l,f l' A IH l...ir.11 \ l'llll\\ b' 11.t ~ l/C,t) fl 14 f...trJI \ 1•1!(1\\' ~llld .111d ... 1.111111·.., ... ... 11·l'I . SI ,"15\l ( ::-.1o1111k .... ,h•1·I. iii .:!75 " RO LEX 1 ,.1i, .. 11 f.l.11 .. I \."Irr 1 ,,,,,, ·''"l"llt ll11olt 1•111 11 11-l •MO I t t I \\ t \t t t \t t \. t I '\l•1• 1tt 1'•• 1,. \ r• I ' It ' • I • .. , • The.• Nor nwn Hotk" ell Saturdt1y Evcu1nl! Post l'O\t.'r b l'in~ built fur the 44 t lt Pageant of the Mas te rs m Laguna Beach shows Pat E ok. ahuH·. applying rn:.t kl·Up t o R obba~ Bruwn HHL 13, of Nt:wµort Beach. Robbie. 1n has sec·o nd yea r ol P aJ,!ranl. 1s -.hown belo w tx-in g fitted mlo "l .t·ap F'rog" hy Carl Calla way, technical oirct'lor and stage manage r. while Bell) ( '<1C1 11 1 ad , wanlrohl' d 1rcC'lor. Ch(•c ks dl· t 1<11b Hohh1l' 1s lt•<Jp1ng over Mitc h I t·rgu:-.on. 11. of Lagun~ llcach. , Mentally Gifted Measure Advances SA CHAM F.NTO I l\P) -Thi' Me ntally Gaftl•d Minor~ progrnm in Cal1fornw':-. publi c :.choob w o uld b e g 1v l•n bro;Jdt'r qua l1f1c at1o n rc:qu1n·m~·nt~ h y l1•g1!>lation <.1µproved IJy the :.la te Asscrnhly vn~1on of the J97!l-kU budgcl But the /\~~C'mblv':-. long -term b<i &lout nw a :-.un · pt·ocling in th1· Sc·na tc, J\B8 by /\~~<-rnblyman Lt:roy C rt:\•n1" () C.:ar111 1l'hacl, 1nrlucle:-. Sl5 m illion for progrnm 11pc r<1taon Mutilated "·Bodies Found LOS /\NGf;J.F.S (/\Pl The· 1h·c·;ipita ted ;incl d1sm c.m 1Jeor cd 11udc bodies of two women wen· found ea rly today o n tht.> s1dt: of ;i road ne ar a vacant lot in South Los Angele s, police said The heads. hands and fc:<•t 11( lhP two wom en had been cut riff hut nf'1 ther the womf'n 's doth•·-. nor lhl' missing t·xtr cm1t11·-. turned up in a Sf':l r<'h of the• 1m m<·diate are a , :.aid d L'lc<·t1 v1· Roland Orouin. Polic<' believe th•· bod ies had hC'en dumrwd m th" industrial district sometime during tht n ight. Tht• bod1N> wt'rl' d1s ro\'ert.•d at a bout 5 ;10 a m by people drt\ mg by on thei r .way tu work. Drouin said "Whe n they wr·nt h y. the~ thought it was a couple of ma n nequins." ht· said "They m<u.k a U-turn and came back and fo und it wus a couple of bodies .. l>rou111 :-.a1tl tlw wonwn up pl·art·d lo bt• bl'f'.l.<'cn 15 a nd 2!'i yl·ars old. lie s a id pol1t'l' art· c hecking missing pe rs ons r<' ports to see if any fit lht.· dt: ... <'r1p lion <>f the two wo ml·ll Tank Truck Driver Freed Unharmed 1-; ~I' I a in e d th l' a uthor o r '~ -A.81040. A:.:-.emblyman Denni:. "I don't think ~1· ~hnuld alhJ~ the govt'm or to m1·1.1t ax the 1·11 tire progrnrn o ut of lht• hudgl'l for polltic:al n •;ison~.' M anl.!;t·rs ~:i 1d . If lht· progra n1 1~ to be eliminated. at ~hould be done afte r a study. wh11.:h his m easure would authorize. he SC11d. rlJLU:rnoN CAP) -/\n IO di' pcn<lt:nt true k cl ra ver k ul n appC'<I al g unpoint by two men a nd a tN-n-agc boy approached 1:1nk e r ful l of g a s o l1nt• ir1 H1 ver~1dt· County ha!> been rt· lt•a scd unh arm ed her e. pohn• ~a11l M:.in J,!l!rs. D-lluntin1non Hca ch. .IJcfo rl' tht' 68·2 vote Monday. "The MGM prol'.!r<im is not <in e litist prognim It 1:-. vt:ry :-.1rnplt· lod<ty to become hon•d an the p ubhc !>Choo!!> w ithout !>fK'<'tal <ittcntaon pail! to one's nt.:t:d:-i ,. C ritil.'s h<iv4: s a id MGM henchts too ft:w pupils, C1nd Gov. t-:dmund Urown JT. has not in- c lu de d funding for it in has T echnacallv. lh<· 1>111 w1iulrt n ·· JJt•al the <.·urrent M<lM proi::ram at the end of the 1!.f/9-80 fisral year E4iitirte Improvements Resolution Seeks Nixon Repayment WASHINGTON <AP> -Sen. Gary Ha rl, D -Colo ., ha s in · .troduccd a Sena te resolution de- . s igned to m a ke sure former P resident Nixon repays the U.S. T re asury for $667.000 in gov· e rnment -rin:mcC'd improve ments to tht> Orange ~ounty estate he is sclhng Ha rt's non-banding resolution calls on the Secret Service ·and the General Services Ad· ministra tion to obtain reim- b urseme nt from Nixon for gov- e rnment improvements that In· c reased the fair market value of has San Clemente estate. · An aide to Hurt s aid the 1ov • 1bief G~l.8 Away CARLSBAD (AP > -A customer grappled with a rob- ber Monday at a s,avinf(s ano loan, forclnJ( the bandit lo drop $400 1tnd several .32-caliber p istol cartridges, police say. The thief wu chased down the street by other customers, but he got away with more than $2,000 in cash. ernme nt spent $600,000 while Nixon was president for security improvements at the oceanside estate. Anothe r $67 ,000 was spent to make the facility mor e useful for official functions. The aide said. These improvements m e luded landscapin~ and an sta lling sewage and air conda· tioning systems , the uide said . It was recently reporte d that Nixon intends to sell the 26-acre compound thut once was known as the Western White House. Neither the sale price n or the Ide ntity of the purchaser has been reported Hart said Monday he in· troduced his "Sen se of the Sena te" resolution bec ua use ex- isting federa l la w is de signed to pre vent for m «rr C h ier Ex · ecutives who sell property from benefitting from 1overnmenl· financed improvements. . "The law is sufficient and It should.be enforced." Hart said. The Colorado Democrat said the issue of Nixon's sale of the San Clemente estate i11 "a test or our dedication to f(Ovcrnmenl ethics." Elmt>r Lane ~Hord . IIB. of H1ver s uk wa::. n ·lca:-.e<I from tht· trunk or :J passcngc·r car about Ii a m M<mday, s aid Fullerton Jll)h cc Sgt fk rnard Mc Ucrmott · Whitford's two-lankt>r truck and H,HOO gallons of gal>ohnc worth $43,000 wt·n· not rccovn cd Whitford. who had bc<'n work mg for the Spartan 011 Co 11f S an Jacinto, told pollC'c two men and a tcen·agt•r while ha uling a him Monday about l.30 <i .m. an Sunn.y m ead a s h e un loaded g as olin(' at a service s tation The thre l'. who r eported ly all we're arml.>d, forced Whitford on the ground bchincl the scrviC'e s tation and tied his hands with t ape. He was put into the car trunk and driven to 1-'u llerton. Whitford freed has hands and went t.o a nea.rby rcsadc nce for help after being released. · Brush Fire Quell~d In Tri:-county Area CORONA CAP> -Firc(aghters con tained a 200-acrc brush fire Monday aftt'r the blaze briefly threatened several homes near t he area w he re ~ Riverside. Or a nge and San Bernardjno counties m eet. A drop ln temperature:i; and the onset of fog combined to ease the lbree·hour s truggle for a bout 160 fire fig hters, who had battled LS to 20 mph winds as the fire burned out of control near Hig hway 91 and Highway 71 , southwest or Corona. Actress ~urild HOLLYWOOD <AP> -T he body of "Our Gang" sweetheart Darla Hood has been e ntombed at Hollywood Memoria l Park following a funeral service at- tended by about 150 or her re· lative s and friends. Tl!!d!y, June 19. 1919 r DAILY PILOT .43 Sports Agent Slain? Gang-style Execution Eyed LOS ANGELES (AP> -An -autopsy was sche duled today lo seek the cause or death or sports promoter and auto dealer Victor 'J . Weiss, whose decompOfdng body was found in the trunk of a maroon-and-white Rolls-Royce . The Los Angeles Times q~ted an uMamed source as saymg Weiss had been s hot in the head with his h ands bound behind hJs back. but neither the police nor the coroner would confirm that. Police LL Ron Le)Y~S said no weapon was found, t>ul lhal the case is being treat e d its a h o mi ci d e becau s e of circumstances s uch as Weiss' wallet being missing and the ract that Weiss was known to carry thousands or donars 1n ca sh. The car and body we re found in a parking structure next to the She raton Unay ers a l Hott·I Sunday c.>venang. "The body wal> clothed. but there was no 10 on at," Lewi:. said The car was seen by a hotel employee who called r.wllce aftt"r he heard reports of Weiss· disap- pear ance Po h ct Lt. Dan Cooke s a id Weiss' missing wa llet could 1n dicatc that Weiss wa!> k illed by <.1 ro bber but he said the poss1brlity of a "hit m a n " could not b<-dJ., <·ountt.-d Le w1l> said the polic<: were not a w<1r<• of a n y conn ection bet ween We 1~s a nd o rganized t rimc, nor did Wt•ass hove a cnmana l n ·cord Ll•w1s said th<:r <' ~ t·re !>Om1- ~1 m 1l 11nt1c~ hNw<·t·n the de ath:. of We1!.S'; SI, nnfl local box1n~ fi g un• llow1t' St1·indle r 1n H.177 But he would n .. ut !ipccafy th1· s 1mllant1l'!i. S l l·1 ndle r ws.a!> beate n anll o.;molht•rl•tl. h1~ t>'1d:, lt:ft 1n a ('~1 clill ar· IJll ttw o.,houldl'r ()f th•· \'l·ntura f"r1·1•way n e ar ltlt' t~tJLUMNl,'-;1' .~ Y.S N t JTI I l/'V (; <'11 1\~KI\. ,\lann t /\f' 1 ~t.111 Ho lf!>r ud . p u bl1 s h1•r o r th•· Carn •r (.'111rnty He ra ld 1•;11111· l>lr a1ght t<i th1· JJ(11nt 1n tt·llin· rf.!ader~ '.1.hy ha:. n·gul<.ir t1Jlumr1 <lidn ·l run Under the u:-.ua l eolurnn head 1n ~ 1n the C has ka , Minn newspape r was thas annow1rt· m t:nl . ·'St an Ho lfs r u tl h a · nothing to sa y th1~ wee k · SUITS a 9'CMTCOATS MO . 49-51 LONG ........ , . •M JC LONG ......... .... f'Ofm.Y MO .... 4oMI "°"""' IHOftT •.• •Hi llicMTlY LONG ...• _.. ...... _,_ ... __ Laurel Canyon exit. We iss . o f Encino. was last s ee n Wednesday driving fro m lhe Beverly Comstoc k Hotel afte r meeting with s ports en· t repreneurs J ack Kent Cooke ond J erry Buss . It was reported lhat Weiss, r ep resenting his friend Jerry Ta r lc a n i an , U n iver s ity of Ncvada·Las Vegas basketball coach. agreed on terms for Tarkanian to coach the National Bas ketball Association's Los Angeles Lakers next season. r eplacing J e rry West. "Oh , m y God." said Tarka· naan from Las Vegjs w hen an· for med by telephmie or Weiss · d eath. Asked if he bad s igned with !~ot~~!:~~~~:~~an saJd, Cooke recenlb'...aoJd .Buss. tbe Lakers, the I.a. Ange les Forum, the Kings hockey club and his 13,000-acre ranc h n ear Bakersfield for $61.5 million. Weiss' wife called police the morning after he was last seen, when he failed to show up for an 8 a.m . appointment. . Weiss managed unde feated lightweight Gon zalo Montellano. He a lso steered the careers of middleweight R ena to Garcia and Mando RamOl'i, who fought se veta l t ime s f o r th e we t terweight cha mp1ons h1p. More Beacli Patrols Eyed in Huntington ' • By ROBERT BARKER Ol Ille 0.1ty l";lel \~ti .. , l'f1 ;:m and boy. J ack Clapp has -.t·l'n his share of disturba nces at t h e llunt1ngto11 Beach city la t•c.ich. lie said ht> witness ed one m e morable r1..:ht about 12 year-; JgO in which ~<:ores ef partic1 pants threw hottlc~. roc k::. and 1·hu nks or a sphalt <It e ach other It wasn't brokPn up until rein f1irn•nwnt-; <i rrivt:d from t ht ( '111' Jnd the Or ange County :-.h 1·rtfr':. lkpartmcnt. h<> ... aid. ( lllpp "Hid there have b<'t·11 11th<·r r1ghb over lht· year ... cind th<1l t•ond1t1ons ;.irP hcroman g <:x·· pto ... 1v1• 0111·1· <i~:J1n W1• h .. d " ""'r1ou!. fi ght a <'OU· ph· ur v.1·1·k:. cigo and I had to :-.liul my plan:'> du wn." he said. ' One bo} wa:-. bnind1:-.hfog a k111r•· •md 111ht·r-. twd h•Jttll'' .. ('lapp, v.h•J f1Jrmt:rly wa~ •• 1111 ,t1'1' on t ht· lluntm gton A•·;wh 1 ·11 v 11t>lt:rn1·nl<i1) 1 :-.c:hoo l Board. - ' ) AP W1tflonc>lo ,11 d h e h..i:. IJ1·.,n 11p1:ra t1 ng lw.tl'h I Vll«'l'!'.~11/0'> '>llll'l' 1~58. 111 , r..1 h1 ·1 t..r 11·d 1 h• hu-.1111 ' • lfl 1 •1:1 1 'BEACH DANGEROUS' Concess1ona~re Clapp 1wn.,.·:-. r111111ng 1 rom ov1·rt1m1· al· 1·ount:-. 111• t·urn:ntlv nrno., 1w11 fa::.t h111d rl':.taur <mto., :ii lt1t ll,.ad1 It 1:-. :.i1-.a111-.1 lh•· l;1v. l•J 11ri111> .d1 oh•1h1 tu•\ "I ·•I!• , 1111 the l'1ly tw.•dt liu l 111.i n > ,1rt· 1g11•J11ng 1l 'Thl'll' 1-; inul'l1 drinkin~ gocng 1111 <i 111.J wh1 •n th., 1>0l1c•· arc not 11 ... n · th1·r1 · " ru1 c 11111r11I ;111d 1·011d1t11Jn:-~111· r1a11i..:1·r11u~ 1'11l1t"t' havl· lw~n µ:1tr<1ll1ng lilt· ucach !>IX>r<iu11:ally with <:x FULLPTON 01ange1.,, M .. I ' LOS ANOUES Hut l'h1 ffl>"tle 1·l;111'<1 that the:-.• 1i-1trob .11 •·n I 1•11ough wh1·n hi' urgl•d t h1· '11} C<Junc·1I Fri<Ja} ln :i11p ropn :1t'· money for full-t1 m1• µJtrob during lht: bu:,y sca:-.on 11 .. 'aul th1· t•1tv ra ised ht·a<"h p .11k1ng f1·1·• l:i·.r }1•ar ;i ncl .,hnuld u~·· th•· r••vt•nut:~ 10 m<.1kt· lht• h t-<1d1 111rn c• or<lt•rly "the look IS YOU " So put yourself into this frame of mind, select from a collection of the finest suits available for the big ·and tall man. Hart Schaffn er & Marx, lanvin, Palm Beach and Botany 500. Solids textures, plaids & stripes. 175. to 295. GRAND OPENING "Ne•f to" Sourh Coasr Plaza 3814 So 811s101 Ave. SANTA ANA 714 • 556 • 2570 ,,.. •• t•o' .. °" • rour • en• .. .., •11°""'"1. he4'4Qvarfer1 IOI IN ... & t•ll Man. - T~l 2CM34 Hewlhorne Blva ,,,., .. QUNDAl.l ,_.,.. CEHTQ Heir• to Aoc>ineona .. , ..... 17M112 NVIRllDE 3'6'~Plu• llNllO ltd & Spttng UH2'3 MOHTCL.Altlt PlAZA Neal 10 GTE. Pnof'e M<1•I UMl7l Ne111 .. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Santa Ana neat "the Treeaury" -..10 M08M:-.111rw ... tM."""" lnll. IM.•1 .... 1.A, tM,$Af,t ... IUN. tt.t. .. ---------- ------.-------... ------.... - • DAILY. PILOT Just Coa§ting ~ ~,~~J ~ith ~ If 'fom '1arphiat> DC-I Os Flying Europe • ID katinu lite Issue T~!-1/f~~;,stf~~~e~:~0~1~~10" ~ ht•tiun flyini: <11'(u1n loduy after t>.:urop~am counlrws adopted new 'W11F.£1.1NC. ~ DEALING DEPT. I\ n••Wt. naish ho., 11111pt•t·llon ilnd malnU::nttnce pro· 1u11t whls tll'<i in uut of Wm;hlrll(ton. P (' · 1nt.11<•1i1llnl( thut i.:r»mK for the• pluntis, which hud th1• f••dt•rnl ..iov1·1 nm1•11t 1a <'orushkr mg u bu11 u11011 ht•t·1t i.:rouncled two w eeks al{o :.k11 t1·ho111di. 11" 11 mt•n11c-t• to MX'lt'lY Thul f11(un·11 11 rt1·r u Us tur d 11111ster. Tlw f1 'il1•11tlll <111'11 I bu'y 1·n11ut:h juhl lrylll~ lo hun 111 Bui llwy s t ill won't b(• ;1llow1:<l t1·r 1 n11t11wntal b ulh1Hll rn1i.N1h•11 Thi·y llt't'll i.omclhtnt; 111 l t.11111 in I ht· United Stal<'li 1·lo:-.·r to lhl· ..ir11u11cl lhhl th1 \'run handlt• Thi· fi r!>l blit k in the ;ur wus a 1\11\Wll~ \'1111 l.riu" ~hut u 'k11h·hot1td h ll'11 ll plunk LH' LO or lh•.' l>utc h charter ca r \\ 1111 111111•1 "k.1t1• llk1· "ht·t·I' ;.it1,1r h1•d to 1•1thrr t'nrt Kid'\ r11·r Mart1na1r It flew lo Palma 111h•1>11111p11(tht·bounl lit• Ma 111r1·a. thf• ~pan1 ~1i M 1•11111•1 1 lHH'Jll ho ltd a y 1~l;rnd . C .... , ... K \TIO"iS Ki\( K , kith wt•rt· dviu~: ltw 'lllllt' ~liurtly 1.1Ill'r 1111dnt~ht EurOf)f.:iJn lh1111: "1th .1 IMlltl ti ll l C•Upl1• o r 11111 'kul{' wht'I'" 111111 llll uj1 llllll' ~~ 1~11 1b1~.1 1ll1il 1L ~ ~~~1 ·~!jl~h~1~1u~·~h~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .1h•Hll b11nu111~ tlw ,1· "u1•lt·r' hut 1lh 11 the frdr-ral J:llVt·r11 a llH'Jll ".I'll t ,1:. 111.: .1. JI 1., 1111~ 11111 It~ 111ll.'Ot 011 11111\l'C'Ull.: lur ,1 fll._:hl Ill Tt•I A\'I\' lhl'> aft"r ,,, •• .:.1111~111111'1 h1·' flu(ln . provuh-d iJUtltonty arnv1·cl u .... i. 111 11111,t• 1"1(11111• 1Jj'r:. 1r \OU c·r."111•11 \11U1 -.kull' 111 11rn1· from Atht·n:. for 11v1·rflv ""lt't ,111d, ,,, ,,.1 \11u1 ~1tt11111 \\llh 111.111 l1u111 \•lll f 111g (~11·1•k a 1r,pJ<'l' - ... ~ ...... - r!Jks .'iaul. ''Tou~h l1onkt•r:--. that ~ ~hat yo~ J::<'l S ~ 1 I 1. 1• r I a n d a n ti 1 h •· '\1·lht:rland'> Wl'n' llw f11 '>l to )'l\1· tlll' go ah1·.HJ f11r r1• .. u111p t11111 cof fl1i.:llt... M11111la). foll<1Wl'tl h) 1'1 am't'. Spa111 <.111d thl' N1irdw ('"ii J\vial111n 1\llm1n1'>lral11)n 111 I h 1 • St' a 11 d 111 :i v 1 i.1 n 1: u u n t rt ,. ~, torl:.iy Thl· W1·-.t <:1·rman T r ar1'>r)(1r1 M 1111 :->tr.v :;:1111 rww <·t·rt1 f1c<.1lmn '>l1t111lcl Ill' 1ssul'cl for Luflh;.cr1 ... :c '" 11 Ml'l>on11t•ll l loug l;.i ... w11lo· lt11d1nl Jl'h lalt•r tod$i\ UKITi\I N c;Avt-: lh1L t'l"l'fl l1 ~·h1 111 l.:1k1·r 1\1ry..a\·.· ;111tl lll'lll'>h C;tl1·tlo111.111. :ind li11lli '>.11 d th1_•\ \\1111lcl n •..,1111w Ill' lit l ll~:hh \\1•d111 •.d :l\ "l .:1k•·r 11, c·r1·l1'. lln1 1 ... 11 <":tl1 cl1111io111 '" "l1i:1·na Jl1·1·au..,1· IH ' llh r 1•111a111 ~·rounch·cl "' lht· l 111.,.cl S lal1" I .ak1 •r "till 1•;,1111111 11-.1· ,111v of 11 • 1 " 1 H · 111-. ru 1 1.... I' 11 ..._, P r :1 n. -.,kvll.1111 ll111hl'. 1111 1" T11dav. ht•t·a u~t: :--k~1tt-hoardE-rs cn.1~h ~11mN1mc·'>, p<'o plf' a n• n111111 ng lo tht: four rn1·mlJ1·r Ft•tkrnl ('on~umn l'rotl 111't Safroty l"11mm1:-;'>11m :.in<l cl1,manding a -.k:.1tcbo~rd liJ 11 ~'atl1Pr , S ttn $4.()(),()(>(> • 'I lw c·ou1m1i.:--111n will 111111111 r 1111:-. "'''1ghlv l'<t!'il" Thur-. ti , .,. .\" .. 1111· 110111 lltc•1•11rn,1111111011 ·t11• .,.,.,. •11 '"ur nf•ht to fall 1111 volll l!IHI., .111tl "klll l11t·111 lll•1f \Oil "''"I lu . Ill•• frdc•ral l111 11·:11111:w~ . .,.., 11~11al . 1~ .• 1!1<1111 ,1 }1·.o r 11111 tall' 111 p1J111IP1 1111:" hun '"' ... 1-..11..t111,111b 1-f«•isl ~USflC:~C.l~ SKi\TEHOi\lll>S t\KE on th1: way 0111 nut lhC' h11arcls did :11h:int·1• tlH' :1rt of m :1k1ng hett1·r :;kat•· wh1·1·h and lw.irint.:1> SlJ what'" 1r1'' Hollt·r :;kal1ng I!> the n ew erazc. Ho ll1•r "kakr'> ar1· r11l1111g t·v1•r) "'h1·rr· (. I i\T I I'< N /\ T t 1 ,\ I' 1 T111 · 1·'11 1 h;1 :-> 1?.'.tl<'tl ;1 11at11111\\1tl1 · :d1·rl lor .1 f:illwr :11111 ~.1 111 p;J11 111 Wc·IJ-. F:trl.!" 1•111pl11y1•t''> ~:1'f1t1•d !111 tht· r1Jl1lot·ry 11f ·;111 ;111111111•.! I ru<·k 1r1 K1·ntueky th;ol rwll• d .111 t·:;t1m:.ill'd SJOO.OOo lo s1ou.cJC.10 Whv, you 1•\1•n •,1•1• i:rown JX'ople rollrr s katmg 1n und out o l ~:.loons .. tu"l lhr· othn n1i:ht. <t whol1· c·on~a lrn" 11f 'nlll'r s k:rl1·1 ... n1·w ,J(:l (1!',!> :\1:.Jln Sln·cl tn H:dhoa wh•'n lhl' I 1,ll ;d l'h:Jllgl•cl l'o l1 l'<' "'-'"' :1 l1111g ll'll"' p1t•rt't'tl with :111 arrow ;1nrl·t1tl1·d ·r llllS I\ Fl-.Ut:flAL HA '\/''" "k;.t1,bt1Jrtls will 111· :JOflUt ,, I 111ll'ly ;,r:, 1( Ll1c ~ovt·rnmcnt outlav.•·d tJugg) whips and fl t' I" 1)\1''> c;1·ru111mu·~ H1 ·\.1•n g1· ... wii" h·fl on tilt' front M 0:1t 1tf tlw rt1l1lwtl t 1 u1·k ~1c111d:n Tlw lt'ltc r t·\1111 pl:Hrll ti that ;1 :111 lll•llf ""·'" IHJI 1•nough for drrvc•r" ti. maki! a liv I II I.! llut l1t·w;J1·,.• ~om1: rolln skaters :JrC' now crns hing and 111 111~111i.: tlwir lilllh ~11rt•h Mj'mc J..'roup will n<1w run lo tht· I· l·d•·1.il ('on-.u.111·r l'111duc t Saft l) Com rn 1~:.111n and l'rl·•·< h l11r :1 IJ:1n 'Ill rc1lkr :-.katt·!> .Joh n l\1·lh :1J1 FBI a1-:•·n1 m ('111t•11111.1l 1 .11d \\,lrl .tlll ........ 11 lw filo•d l•Hl.t\ l11r ll1t• .orr1·•,1· 1,f IJ :r v 111 1'1--t.1· r I' rt·" I 1111 .111d l l11w:1rd T K:d~lw<:k. hoth 111 c '1111·1111w11 ·11w11• ni.1v lw .1 ~nlut111n to .ill lht•!>f' rolling fod" that ·,\llllfil '111l11w 1111' r1 dn;d:, t11 l'iJtc•h UIJ tn the b«.tllfllng hU~I llt''>' 'l'h" g11\ •·rri11J1 ·11l • ould JU!-il out law the whc<'l. 'fa11ker (Jil ~JJ{ll Mopped_ Up 1 :\ l'J•; 11 /\'Jn:H/\S. NC. I /\I') North Carol ma b<'r1chc·s . 'fhf' 1111 . 'Wt· will frl•· v.:irrants in lh<· OI Ortllnl--(. hut If WI' apprf'l11•11tl lh1·rn f1r~l . Wl· will Ct'l'l:1111l v l'ha1 ~:1· Uwm with :i <Time,'' l\<·i ly said Monr1ay r11 ghl. · o a~.t c;11~1ff11·1 :t1 ... :.~.y 1t apparently dump(·1l f rom a K <· 11 y "a 1 <I I\ a h IH• r· k :c n d f'rt•Stton wt·n· fath!'r and son. 11111 1·oulcl not l'xi1l.iin why th1·y l1:1tJ d1fflon·nt fa~t 11:irn1"> ,.,,,i1 1.t11ly v.tll l ake! ;1lrtt11I f1 vi• lanker. wa~h<·d IJ~hon: last Wt'('k 111111 1• d .1\.'· 111 1·!1·a 11 11p 1'.h•li~. of ti :oncl hy MomJ;a y :1 JO mile· slrclC'h 1111 l1111l111g XO milt"• 111 ~J11dy Ii.id lw1·n l'lt·anc•d up Hail Hits Plains States Tor:1uulo Touclies Down iii Nebraska Hi l o Pre l\lf;u l•I ".,, .. ,.r,., ,., .,,,, ,.,,,.,,,,,,,, "''""'''"" .,, .... "''''"" '""""'" ,.;.1 . "''""''' I tirl,111 111 I '"'Y' ,,fil 'nu'"'" .. ,. •I ·~ ,, •/ ,, 'I .. .. , ... '" ., ,, ,, \I ., '" lh .. "' , ' "" l'I r 1ru 1nn1t1t ... ,,, I UI 11 Al .,., I\ •1 •• 01 " '" '11 ••I ,, I It"'' l1H1f. fMI (I W lh ,,, f'\'Wf!f l1•lru1t •i'l•llurd ,,,. ... ,fo /I) 'ol I 18 th111'liUlli th1u,lnn •rt0'1'(;tjh tto k~ vtllf• ~,en,,,,,, I"\ Vt-QI\ 111Utt#4(;fl- I 0\AtUl"'h I ftUl\titttl1 MtMuh1 M1lw~''"''' Mllh \I fl N1t\hi0t1tl1 Nt w Or1,, ~4tw Yon uu a C llf tJ1nnh,. Or•AnOo f•h•l•d pll1411 fJhoenl• f1tl&f"tO,Ort" Ueno Ptchmon<t ,, LOUI\ ... , p ,.,,,.,,. -...11 l~~·· ~.tn 01CIQO ~•n f ronc.•YO ~I '" ~I " ~ .. _, •• " •I .,, ... ,,,, . , ,, ~~ k8 14 ., ~) ~, ,, b8 ·n ~, •Ho ~" 11 ~~ o.-, ,.... htl•ery ............ II I~ '·' f;1r ,, ... 14 ,, ,, I~ "' .. .. '" I • lo) ,, ,, " 61 bl 'Mt ., "" ,. " .. •I )J ·~ ""J••• 1 nrJ•v 11 V\JU .-... mi; I ,,. ,. .. ,, (M(ff•I ht ', 'Y) 0 ff'\ lt1!1 l;11l1 Hi I "m nrm 'f't'\11' Cl•O'Y w;1t ,,., tio1,.,nu"J 1•1'"'lf't "'"'' '•UH'f ,, H Vil I •)I '"'•' •• t'l'tll•-fl#Of '''11 t I ta .. ,., t "li I ••I "'\ 'I 4 ,., _.Nt Y'ilt;f rtH1-1 .-.~·· l1otJ ...... "' .. , .... c~,...,._. ,_Jlt\"t ("'"'!It• (,11,....1; ~'""' ••t='UI ,,.,., "1;f J t .... 1nMt·,• 4'h1 ,.th t It Vf, · f1111nr•H , ... lllt • 1·• < a.~,-~•" C te" ,, .. no Ot•tli(.f\ t' "'"'" f fC h I I h tlhnt •.,,.,.,, L• Jtl"• " I 1 , le N J 11t'4 4U 6IM "' )I Oil ...... 1t11 f uh11 Wfl\flH"JtUo O"°'"·'"·l(JC"Al..IFO•NIA ft? M ... hnfl ,.J hltlh• "tt &S f rt \U•• IJ1 )1 M(Jol,.t• y bfrrt S1 ,,,.~111•\ '"' &1 0 01 .... ., 11 Sl • "' •4trnt nhJ 80 \J '1tn-t'1ton ftS SO f h•r m.-1 90 f>O 04H \h1t1rit tO ~6 RIQ 0~"' \I 17 ( "lalln" I-\\ f I (.1tntro •1t \A M •000 HurtHtn• /fl \I I ~ A"O*"""° •4 3f l t>n!) 8u<'h I j \'> N~wpor! ~""' •~ \I Norlh•1<19e II \I Onldrlo II '1 "•Im !opnn•I\ ¥) bl '•" H•trlat<ll"o A1 61 !>.On Jo\e 18 ~ !odnla An" /~ \1 !oan10 ""'•"• 6b 46 !olml n )t Torrence 7l s. PA" AMR•ICAN AColf>Uko '1 /) 8090te &I 46 Cull•c•n q 4 F•HPO•I 'IO 71 Gu..cia141.,.. •• '7 Hevene 89 71 IC!nt\IOn 'IO 11 Moftl"90 B•• .. 13 M•Hll•ft H 11 ""'-•"o (tty 11 j • 'Mrtd• ~ont-1rey ...... ., hOIH IOOtfP<t : IOJ 11 '1 .. .. 1) " .. -·- frtnldttn VtU4t.tU/ 'lO II II~ IJ Th~~~.~~~'~' not the Pl"'"'· whll" thunde•\tO<m\ COl\llnuec:I 1oc1..., lrom _,,...,. Into PoHh o t Wyomlno. tn. 0•11.otn • IObraU.e -K...W\. Tl>er• ••• ••PGfl\ ol llall lrom Wyom1r19 IMo IM«lr•"'• ...., 1<.onw•. •II" hall\1-• .,,,._ J ;"'""' '" d••meler 1•111"9 n .. r M.,,11..10 In north·t.•"tr•I K•n\•~ •nd •t Mrnatara on WMllll<llfll••I N•bU\U fllrH lorn..-On _,. c.,,,.lrmtd Moncl•Y. -,._, SNrldan. Wyo. and •-j<nl ftOf'lll of OouQI••• Wyo. l lie INrd tout:llM down In lM NeDr••l•_.._ Early mornlnv ......,.,, .. urn wer• In lhe «Is 1n upper Ml<h•O"". """ llOrlllern p.wl of I~ Mlchtf>'ln end '" ,,,.. rMW!llefn and Cl!fllr•I AOO.lt\t T lie mere"'' w•s In I"" 10\ and to• trom llMI MMJlll9rn 11•11 01 th" Pl•ln\ <100\\ Ille 10-r and mlll<lte Ml\ \IH!ppl V.tllty lo Georgl• 11nt1 J lorlel;I and elOftO lhe Corot in• •o•''· .. Mild -wHl""r ••• .. f)f!Cl"d lrom llM Ottal IAltt\ 10 thtt M1d!lll •nd Norlll AllM!llc Coa•I \tel•• end trom the Oolot'" lllrW(ll> Ille <""'''"' •rid \Ovttwfft Roc•le\ to Ille \oulller" Pfal•au. CHI 19mperMIKfl wer1t loreta>I tor Monl•n• and lne northur Rootn -lfta rHI ot the nello< •••U1M<tedlO lle ~llyw11rm hm111tr-n before d••n ••nvtt from Jt fft ttoc• $t»flnQ•. Wyn • to ~; t n Kty Wt \I, fl .... e nd " l!lrow,,..,llte, Tn'" Californfo A w A•rtl•nQ tr .. nd '"'outd hr 1 fl f}h "'-')nt fllfl'f"nPftrAlur"' IO ~1,,fht ', t tt•ttflrr 111 on W•oni:-vi., ,, OUI ,,,.,, '1y lr)W ,. I 1Uft\ itr•• pr.,.ctH t• O f•H ffl• ,,,. ... ,1.11 ••H .l\>, lht' Nat1onftt W•·.ttn., ,,...,.,,.,.,..\.d,•. 'nH1ny , wttrmt-t tl1t'f, ·"" "l'(H'I f••• 1n It;•, Antft"h'\ "fl.,r 1•11rly rrt1Htllr''1 ( luuch f "'"J'fl'Utlurt\ \hr1u1u Pf"•t• in tn• m1+1 /0\ r n•· b•·~' h ....... , .. r .-w•r 1f't1 h; oth, 1un•.lly f~lr \ti:u \ ''Jllnw10IJ •,qfn 1 • t1md\ f'Mly 10 Uh• fJ;1y tt1on\ in 1h1 ltJwM 10\ Of' ul)oPr M)\ fHt• tnr 11c '"' (Jf'\''' •Jr•·~" ""'" tJP •·Hm "'"' \urnm~rv. with tHQn\ nt fil tn tr\f• f\1g1 ""'"'I ~n<l 101 tn ltw 1ow<1e<.er1 Ptth tw .. 11rtv "'°'"'°q tow c 111uch Orn ... ,.,..., t.ur UltOuQn Wedne\d1tV "'""' ,.,nn~ w1u '""'' ct"'' «)m ,111 t ,dfl ..ct111~ 'f O"f!f ff)•• ouf4.1r -'*'''"' \ lrom PfJ1M Contept1on t•• •1nutn ol f:>dn N11 o ld\ 1,1,.no I h•whttr_. llQht vart.,blf' w ind' WP''~' h 10 10 18 •nol\ .. un one tt> lhr'"1· toot w 1not Wd""'' • tf1Qh\ tn h1~ fJCr., hf'M~~. rnut "'' &nl•nd (Ott\lttl t,.mCM"f.th.ite\ .-.ri t.1nt1t l)fll~n !l6 nnti tf'W' ~ lnlnnd 1 .. mp..,.r41tore\ w1U fenqe bertiitl'en ,,, ·•nd •~ 10-. fhe .,,.,~, lempe.-dtur.- ••ll be6J S1111. Moon .. Tld.-• TU£SOAY S..tontl hu11> o 41 p "' \" W(ONESOAY ,_.,,,lo• 1 JI rt m 0 t '''''"">" ,.,.," ,, !.~tond low n ~Ip m 1 • !t<'• on<l l'l1qll I ?? p m ~ 0 \un ,,..._) 01\ m w t\I 01 pm Moon rl~7,2t•m .•ebl J4pm Suri Rrport Fore<•hl o Ud 10 100191>1 · • Surf "'"'"'Mlf' h•1Qht 1n fttrH M aw hT\um ht"tghl 1n te~t. P~rtad 1n ... t l>f\9 \ Av• Mu Pt' Zume / t 10 Snnl• Mon•t• I J 10 POwporl Hun11"9IOI\ > , I/ !ten 01@90 c-·· 1 • ll !.well Aver-h•HOhl tn ••~• M~• !mum he19hl In'""' Ou0t hon A•t Mu 01r \W ~w ~w 'tW lum• I 1 !Mtflt• Motlte• NtwPOrl H,,,..ln(llO<\ 'Mn D•eoo Cou<1h Oullooa tor Wtll~\110 t ...... 11 •• 1 l ) ltftl~ ./ 'l'ht• 1~.10 loot tankt'r Exxon Chester enters Ho..,tw1 harhor today after a collis1on Mon. day "'11 II t lw l.llH'rian freighter Regal / S\\orcl off ('ape Cod. The 38 crew em ber!> of tht· fh:gal Sword wcrc p ed up by the· tankl•r bcf ore their ship w nt down Carter: SALT OK. Vital \\' '\~(11 "l:'f'()\; I I\ f') J'rt''>I d l•11I C'.0 111·1, 111:ck111g h1.., l'<t'>I' f,,r 1111 • !'-11\l 'I II ln·;il)'. ;1rgu1·" th:1t II' It tt't'llOll \'.t,11l1f l1•a\!• l!J1· I 111t1·ol "l.111·-.· l:r 11d lia•,••cl 1111.., i I 1 · • 1111· I 11 d "I 1: I Ii • ' M x "''" .11 d111 d lo \ 1:111" !fig ~J\'l"l 11 ,II Pi II'' 11 1'11111 It Clpp11111 11h a 1 ,. :ii' "a th ;i'IFgu 1111• Ill.ct th•· lll'llt r \\,1\ 1•1 f1rt1 lf't I tho· l:111d h.1'.l'<l "'""111· fon 1· I 11 I 1• 11•1 I t lt1· tr 1·:11\ 1\11d Iii.ct 1•, Jll I IJll•• 1·\:1111pl1· col. ho" 1111' ci t ll.111• 011 ~.\1.·1 JI ;1 p,11•1 tilt• pr t '1111 111 t .ill'> J llldl 11 I 111 t 111i11111111 '>4'11'>•' ' I'> Ii~• I} 111 1 •11if11.,t• tho: pt1 l1l1t .trltl 111·rh.1p.., rt11·"'>1·n.111· ('\l!fl.Jt .• , ... ~,, ... ,I ti 11, .. •1111 •• 111n·1.i 1'0111•11·• .".11111 tl.o•, 1111111, Ii• ",111 I ht ~11·11.tlt' ...,,\I ;1 11 rh ti.II t 1,, ;i~ ... 1·111111• 1111· l ' I . d \ ( t' \ t I ,1 "• 1111' ,If 1"11111 lrl 11111 11( I lic !-.1· 11 I .ti'"" 1;dild11p bul I 1111' I 1 :1111·, !tll!lt' tol l/rfT I 1•11..,ll!ld Ii I 1 . I•" 'I: I . I I".. ,... . " .. \ I. '" ,J Ill ll'tl l11 llllp10\I' ltl I flt It'll'.!' ' I 1111 ol 11111'> 11111:1 :1111'. I'. I h•· \I\ .• :i.:111 h rll11 II 1111' ... 11 •. 111111 ,. ''"'"'"Ill .111d .11 ·1111.111· tlt.111 llt\lltllll! 1111\\ Ill llit• { "> :1rst•nal Mort•t)V<·r . the MX v.oul<l Ix· mob1l1· It <:Ould be sl11ftt•d C1rouncl , p~·rhap" in un d..rgrnund t n•~nt·h1·:-.. to fo ll a potential S<1vt«l atta<·k ··w11hout tlw SJ\l.T I I hrmts. · th•· S<1Vll'l l !n111n l·ould ~uild ;.o 111:111\ ~arht·arh that arw l:i11d li:1'.'>1·<1 ''s t•·m . f1x1·1I 'If 'mol11lo" 'ould h•· J1·1111arll1Lt·cl • 'th1• r1n· ... 1· rlt•nt s ;utl ..., • Ho11e • E.ati11g UJJ' Clii11 J ' l'EKI.'\(; 1i\I'> ·Thi" plan· 1 .. :1 11()11 ! f11r 1\lk.1 S 1·lt1.•·r 111kt•d nmwd1:ir1 llr1h llop1· :1-. h•· \\01111d up ;111tith1·r rJ:i~ of l•llll l lil tllf~li tlH· l 'hJ11l'"I' I'll) or l'1·k lllJ,.! I l<1p1 · """ 11.1•. lwo q t!1 l1ppll1J' ,..,111· 11111.·1•. '>111•·•· lw ilr r1 \1•d 111 ·I :qw a l1•l1·\l'>l•111 .,1i'•~t·1.ol lwi·,., lu1111•lll .1 ( '11111•·-.•· 11r111t M11ntJ;1\ 1111 •ft•lltJ\1.-I lllllt•tll.111 ,j;i('klf• t: I •«•'>"11 lif'f111 ,. p 111 1 th1 .,111~: llro-.1d and l.JUlll'I !•11 ·' ljUl!'I 11u·;ll 1n h" hotl'l -----------. TRF.ATV C RITICS huve a s 1m 1>lc answl•r lo Carter. Th(':. '>ay lht> Un1tC'd Slall'S, wilhoul th1· trl-aty, t·ould build deco~ n11s~tlt: ~ilt>'> fa!>lt·r and for It•"" monf'y lh<in the Sov1"b (•11ulcl cll'ploy :111f111 111na l ~arhca<l-. ,11ml•d al th•· -.110 ... C<.irtPr ..,aid thal wht•o tie fin:.il I\' tJ1·t1d1·... how tit .,f P plO) I h•· ~t X. 1l will bt · 111 a "verif1ablt· rnobilc di·1>lovmcnl '>Y:o.km." ('rtllt•s llk1· Paul N1lzt' ar,gui that th1· lre:.il y in fat·t proh1h1t.. I hl' d<'ploym1•nt rnt>lhod fovon·d hy lh•· /\Ir Fort·l·. tn wh11·h a 111111:-.lll· wnuld '>hu1t11· around .1 1•r11l of •.1111.. "1l h th•· S.1\.ll.'l'. 1A•\l'I . lllt' "htl'll 11111' llit• 1111:.'oil!• \\ ..... 111 ~I TZ t: t'l.i\IMS !hi'> \\t1ult1 \ 1,11 1.tlo· ll't•.tl ) Jll t1hil1tlll111 . .11.1:1111-.t c·1m-.1nwt1111--'. ;idtl1l111n:il i.111111'11t•1 S illld f!t•l1lo1·r;11!· l'Oll t'l':tl1111'11I lo i11qll'dl' vl"rifw;ii11111 11ta1 lht• l1 t'alv 1., lw111g adh1·n·tl 11• T lw s,,, wi... • .. 1v llll'\' h:rv1· ~··' 111 ~1·1· :1 11111h1lc-1t1·plny rn1·n1 lllfl!f1 · lhl'\ \'.IJIJ!tf flOl,I >t·rlf1:1bl1• The only service to Denver ,. · from Orange Count~ Hughes Airwest. And 300/o off coach when you buy your llckat 7 days in advance, stay over at least one Saturday rug ht. but no longer than 30 days. Leave Orange County 8·55 a m 4:30p.m. Leave Denver 7:03a.m. 3:50p.m. .Arrive Denver I : 10 p.m. one-stop 8:'16 p.m . one-stop Arrive Orange County 9:24 a. m . one-stop 6fJ7 p.m. one-stop lust call a Travel Agent, your Corporate Travel A rranger, or Hughes Airwest at (714) 540-2060. • Hughes Alrwest Schrx l11l1n dlm 1v1 •July I \ -------------------------------.--. ------~......-...-~~------,...,.- f • 7 CALIFORNIA FreeSpeee• Firm Flays TV Policy 01\KLANU tt\P ) Kaiser Aluminum & C'ht•mit·al Corp. lod•y accuaed the three major t.-vmon '""works ol. ctf~ to •c<'ept draf\1 of thrct• udvt'rtts('menl.I\ it pr~ oiflRJbtki , . Tht• !\pots. dt>alana with free ent.erpri&e, ene ray 1tnd gov.-rom t•nta1 red tape, wett re~led by N tH '. l'US and /\Ur, dupllf> a rf'cf>nt U S. Supr~mt' Court ruling whlc-h uphe ld a CQrpora· llon'g right o( (r~ S~C'h , the f1rtn u ad SAN'l't\ RARRAftA I AP> The (;(•nter for lht' ~tudy ·~ 1-...tn()('r~llC' lru.Ut.ulloru> l!. lo rner1te with 1ht• llr\1\lt•ns1ty or Cahfornli here, according to Of· f11•i.1li. l111nt•rs1I) rettt•nb, ~hp mui.t upprnv•• the af f1lt11t11111 ur1• i.<'hf'dulf•d to co11~1dt'r the 11roJ><1oal 111 Jul}. 11 'Au" Jnnounr1·d Monday c-~ , MHTM'ltty kK nt,.fl-tft.-Meff~tu.,... will t1e narnt'd afler 11.-. L ) I.it<· r,1u nd1·r . HobPrt ...,~,. 11'f. ~ "' n.ml I h ll 1·h111 ' wtwn , _ 11 11111\ ,., lCo lllt• l ('Sit -------' I J ffi JHh f 'inn I,,,.,. Bat111,.d Pr•f ic·•d .. . Tlmdily.JUM 19, 1979 DAILY PILOT AS End o.f Busing seen? Amlwr Predicts Complete Halt by January ~SACRAMENTO 1 /\ r; It :.eemed like the . Under his m easure. ·'To eontinue to hav4tcom · ' state Assembly got the c art before the horse: It pulsory but11ng in Los An~eles, there would have to passed an anti-school busing bill, and then liste ned be a showing of intenUonal segregation in 1979." Lo a lecture on the evils of racism Robbins said The SJ.19 vote Monday sent SB217 by Sen. Alan Several other measures would also go on the Robbins, O·Van Nuys, back to the Senate for a ballot, including the "Spirit of 13" spending limila· vole on amendments. tlon Initiative by Paul Gann. ---.,.--''--be..bill...backed.b)'_QlU~nents of busing, would WITHOUT A SPECIAL election, those schedule a speclaJ election Nov 6 on a-proposed nrea surt"S-Would ..iO-bcfor-e. lhe..Jmter.sJn..June 1~. ' constitutional amendm~nt that Ro bbins s ays Assemblyman Bruce YoWJg , 0-Cern~.tos~·...,, ~n~oo~r---- would end busing. A winning Senate vote would s ponsor of the bill, said an early election would send it lo Gov. Edmund Brown Jr . who has taken bring "unity to the s tate ." but conceded that ''the ef. no posiUon on it . fcc:t s or SCA2 wo uld ultimately be decided by the THE LECTURE CAM E from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, longtime civil rights activist and h~ad or a Chicago-bcu;cd self-help effort called Operation Push. • Said J ackson, a ddressing the lower house as a g uest or the Black Cauc us and Speaker Leo McCarthy ... Race has s uppressed our s pirits and dissolved valuable energy. Race h<ts caused us lo ~ti':""-;--;~~-;;L-...:.=;,,,_ __ ...JJuild schools where we don't need them " --:faC'kson was o nave-spokerr-bf'fonrlm.-vot Rut black Assemblywoman Maxme Waters . D·Los Angeles. asked that the vote com'c f1r::.l "l THl!'IOK l'f IS im portant tor him 1J ackson1 to under!>land the mentality of this Lc~1sl<tture ... :.aid Ms. Wate rs courts ." "I believe 1t will be overwhelmingly app,.ove<S by lht> voters. So we <·an limit the time the bus inA: question will polariZl' Califom1a," Young saict . Tfft; CHAIRMAN OF THE Black Caucus, As- semblym an Willie Brown, D-San Francisco, said Young's comments m eant persons opposing the measure wt•re prolonging disunity. Said Brown, who opposes tht• meas ure. "To suggesl this adds insult to mJury .. ng-!;a1d-ttl11t-what~v~-t.h ... e .... c~o..,.s,_1 ~d,_f a...;:o.µc:i:.uu_ __ _ e lection, it would be cheap C"omparnd to the cost and proble ms of bus ing LOS /\N<;t-:LES IAP I 1-'or }1·1:1ro:, Ocl'1dentt1l <"hl·m1t".1I ('o nmlommated Wt'll~ 1n San Joaqu111 County >A1tll a 1Jl0St1 c·1de thllt ha.., bet·n bannt>d 111 C'Jhfoi 111a, m'(·urding to l'ump<tny m emos obt111nt-d for u:.c 1n a llow.e :,,ubcumm1ttet-hcarmg today tn Wa:.hington. DC. on haz<trdoui. wa!>tcs Pay Raise Backed .. A~Wlr ..... le Thl• propost•d constJtutional am1·ndment. Rob bans· SCA2, would ban c<Jur t·on krcd hus inR ucept in cases of deliberate segregation. Hobbins says this would halt th<' busing program begun in the Los Angeles Unified Sc.:hool U1strrct last fall. Tht> clet·t1on 1s cxp.•ct,•d to t'ost s tall· and loeiil governments nt•arly $5 million. Hut Hobbins s av!) thl· bill would s <J\1· th<· st:.il1' sifi 5 million in bus1r1J.! 1·osts for ont• st:rnes lt·r . :.ilthough otht:rl-t have put Lbat 1·ost a t $9 m11l1on MS. WATERS SAID a s pecial election would contradict th•·. mood of rt·stril'tC'd spendinJ! after pass age of Propos 1t1on 13 "Thl· sam l' people purporting the bcndrts of th1· 'Sp1r11 of 13' arc ask· m g for this eostly electron," sh<• s;..ul Thl· nlf'mo~ C1bo md1cC1lcd that compuny of f1 rials withheld mformal1on from stale 11gcnc it•:., though a nc1ghtx>r1 ng dog died aft er It went into a poisoned pond and then licked itself LONG HEA<'ll 1/\1'1 A Jl·y(•ar old man ha.., hecn fat;.ill y s hot by JJOh <·•· aft1•r allc~cdly fi ring a W;i dtt· f>Ntdrh. D·Chula Vist a. lower house aut hur of a b all to give 230,000 state workers a 15 µt•rccnt pay raise over a two· y t.•<ff pt·rt<>tl. waves to a union official in the a ud1cn<:<', moments after the Assembl y pa ~st'd tht• nw<.1surl' Monday on a 70·5 vote. S(•etl('(I al lc•ft as /\SSl·mblyman Phillip \\'v man, H Tt·hac hapi J\t{'mbers votc·d w1th!1tJl dl'lwtc.on the sixth dctY of" strike I)\ s1·\ 1·r;.il hundrc·d s talC' worker~ Robbins said h'e doei> O<Jl believe BrdWn will veto his bill. "TllE GOVERNOR H AS SAIU puhlicly that it would be be~t ror I hf' Leg1•ilaturt' lo determine >Ahcn the c lc.:ct1on will tw h1 ·ld," he said. Hobbins a lo.;o prL'<ilc·tt:d :.in erH1 t11 husin~ 111 Lo~ Angeles by .J;rnuary. althnul.!h 111~ rn1 .. 1sur•· (·oulrl tJI' rl1•l<Jvt·d hy J rnurt t'hall1·nl!1 . Shf' add<.'d that th£• monPy for th•! Pl<·ction s hould be in the brJI . Hut H<1bhins twat t1;..ck <sn <£1· tempt 1n comm1tlf'P .last w1·1·k to put money iJttd th1• bill. whrl'h would hav1· rcqu1rt:d a two-thirds m ajonty of :;4 \ 1111•0.., lor p.1ssa~1'. '>f•m1 -automatit· rrflt: at two orf1 <'f'fS >Aho went to , Tht· "Spmt 1)1 1 :~." wh1th G:inn c.:alls a follow up tu Proµ<1 s1t1on 1:1, ""ould limit th1· onnuttl 1n l·rt·aSt· 111 :-.1:111· a nd l<wa l ).!ovcrnml·nt sµend1ng l•l th•· 1w11·1·nt.11.1· ri:-..1· 111 Iii•·"!}!'>\ 11f hv111g plu~ Qll· jlllflll l.11 Uoll Ill\ rt'ol:O.I hrs a parlmt•nt to 1n v•·st1gal!· cJ tl1 !-.lurbant 1.· cun1 M G • I F d K • d d !Jhl l~ffiecrs L:mcc Wallace ond Mike /\ll1son StJld Olll, ' Ir eare I nappe Hcibl)lno.., o..,aul 1f I lw · !)p1 r11 of t:I 10.., cm th•· '>pt•1·1;.il l'lt·ct1011 hallut. 11 would .,a v .. $11 1 m1ll11m 111 1·110..,l!) tu lol':il govt·rnmt>nl rn prep;.iring tw11 tw11i.:et<-nt•xt ye<u·. on1· to 1>4· ust·d 1r the mea~urC' pa-.::.r·d 111 .Junt•, lht• olhl·r 1f 11 f,11lt•d when they arriw d al the bwldtn~ early Monday • · Uona ld Allen Hoyer, :11 . was standing outside 1n h1o.; )UVf:ltSIDE 1AP1 Sheriff's rlcput1 cs say pair's whcrC'.abouts wa:. a t a turnoff of fUghw;.iy 74 undt·~horts The.officers said he then went UlS1de~h e\· bt'lit·vt· a Winch este r woman <J od he r nearby. Late Sunday. ;1b(Jut two-tenths of ;i mile his apartmc-nt. dau.ghter , missing for two days from <1 cam'p· wC'st of tht; camps1tc and C:lbout 50 yard~ frr,m th' Whe n the officers. knocked on his door. BoyC'r ground in Ch•vt'land National For est , may have turnoff, sc~rcht:rs round Jennifer':, nightgown un J allegedly mC't them with a .22 caliber rifle. hred al bt-cn k1dnappt·d bui,h 1h<'m and m issed . police said The officers re · The• sc<1rc h for the missing pair. Pe,::gy Marie Shl'nff's Lt Drw S<·t:l"Y ~<11d the Hunters wt·n· Illinois Saves Fuel turned Hoy1·r's fire with 13 shot:. -killing him. llunter. 35. and ht·r 12-year-old-daughtcr, J ennifer, p;irt of a group o f J.I children ond f1)ur :.idults fr()m SPHINGFIF:l.I>. Ill t/\P J The stat<· of II· they :.aid was calkr1 off <1t at>out 6 JO p.m . Monday when 1t lhl· Sl·Vt·nlh·day Advrnt1o;t Church of ll•1mdund hlllJI'>. v.h1th l:t!-.1 f, .. ,.,iJ >•·ar 1·orio..,um1•d 14 9 m1 l11<1n ,.,_mugglt•r of ;llif•n• Srttfrnc•t•d S/\N DIEGO 11\PJ The for mt'r manager of a San Ysidro molt· I was sentenc·cd loo~ year ;.ind a tl av 111 1arl Monda~ for his role in a smuggling "l'ht>rnt· that 1nvol vt>d hiring Navy wives to 11 uns port 1lll•gal <.tlll'm. anoss lht' border · .Juwntrno Mt·nt1oz<1 was c·onv1l'ted last month of l>mugghng M<.'x 1c<1ns across the border <snd harboring ;.1s many <Js 200 each week in the borde r· hc>e amt· apµan·nt that the woman <t nd he r lll 'NTt:R'S lll'SBAND Ml('IL\t:L told di•p g;_rllons llf gao..,11f1nl-. v.111 1-:"I i-111 of ()rll' in cVf·ry lfl ,1·1u"hlcr W"r" not in th" c.:ampground \!·h11·J('o.., 111 1h fl 1·•·I 111 :111 pif1 1rl 111 1·11n~t·rvP ftJ"I. ' " .. ' ... · ut1f'..; that ht· look1·d nut of his t1·nt <11 iih<Jul 9 :w ., " "\Ii .. arc r1ow trc·"t1n"' th1·s ·•s an 1nvl'Sl1·n··t1on o..,.ncl .I t< l.>1·1wl. ·.1111h1· ... m.1n for lht· IJcp-•rtmcnt 11f ' " ... · .. · ..... pm Saturtl a:-n1i,:ht tw1·:1uS1· 11f not~" tr1m1 a ~rfJup u or a µoss1blt• LlbdUl'tJOn." (;apt Ray C<1mpbell of of m 1JttJrl'}<"l1l-tl'> n r1 h nt• lh1 · 1·:1rrqfl•r11unrl \!.hJl'h ,\dm1ni:-.1r;tlnt· 'wt v1 n • .... the J.ak<• Elsinon.• shl'rtff's subst<1lion s<tid. sits in an :irrnyo ab11u1 ~.II \;,i rrJ• 110111 th•· hi gh"":'' I --- "Tllt:Rt: IS NO K t:ASON behind lhP wom<·n .ind 1s h,.~1\lh ..-.•1•idt·d v.1111 o..,1·1lf11 u.th In·•·-. ~ -·ei141T.11LliN~ leaving the cumpground." Campbell' said. "They ll untl·r told cJt-put11·.., lh;1t lw ~;,,,. ~"" v.1 f1· l•,;11' l ~ · were in tht•ir nightgowns and bare feel. They Jus t <>Ul of hl·r \l'nl nt·xt to h r., :1l 1t.1• , ... me llmt ~h1· · .... ~ had no reason to wander off " was sharing a pup ll·nt v.1th .J\onrnl o·r I :::::-i' '~ . town l"Jammgo Motel. fo'our Nuv~ wiv(.>S, granted immunity t'aM·. admittt:d to driving the illegal C1lien:. The mother and daughter were last M:en i\t ;1bout 1 :i m Su11tJ ay s11m1 1·h1hlren wt·Ol ltJ . /LESS HIAN 2 GALLONS FROM COSTA MESA-L... j aturday night at the Upper San Juan CarnJJ P<•ggy crnd .h·11111fn 'l> t1·nt to tak•· 11 "''"" n ;q1d dh · 1 5 DAIL y CRUISES DOWNTOWN LONG BEACH rn th,e 'l;round in the Santa Rosa Mountains. t·overed lh<it the mother and d<Ju).!hli'r wnc mt~s The last evidence authorities have found orthc . 1ng 775-6111 • 832·4521 • 714 527-7111 BOTANY 500 SUITS Regular '185-'195 Now 149.80 Ent ire stock polyester and wool ve sted suit s~ · plaids, stripes and solids SEDGEWYCK SUITS Regular '165-'1 85 Now129.80 .. Polyester/wool vested suit s imported fabrics. fully lined GINO SALVAGGI SPORT COATS Regular to •155 Now 79.80 Better summer_ weight, sand only, also Sedgewyck Bl azers.-Navy, Brown & Powder BETTER DRESS SLACKS Regular '35-'45 Now 24.80 Polyester knits and polyester/wool tropical worsted -I ---- I FASHION SPORT SHIRT Regular :rn-s22.5o Now 12.80 Short sleeve. solid color., anr: subtle print~. SPORT KNIT SHIRTS Regular 1 t 7.50-'20 Now 11 .80 Short Sleeve poly/cotton · golf and d1Pss sty l•!-; included JOHN WEITZ CASUAL SLACKS Regular '25 Now 16.80 Fashion be lled in b1ue. Ian and white BQSTONIAN SHOES Regu lar value '66 Now 52.99 Glove leather. moc toe, tassle slip-on BOSTONIAN CASUAL SHOES Now 17.99 Suede Desert boots and Wallabee styles with crepe soles Chasln's Mldtea _______ r_Sa_l_e. ____ s0_ut~g~_=:~::._z:. Afflliated with W'Coffee' S. Fresno. Vlaella, Bakersfield •• ' • I• • __ ..., ...... ,~,--,_ .. ,__.---~---' -----.. -----·-- .... Or angP Coa!>t D :ocTD~s lludgt~t Balancing Act nlrN'tnr" of &hr 01 '"'" 1 OC"TO) W<'"°' rau ht N-t • .,~, \\ 1 I 'II\• II \\1•11 11 I th• r• Ht'1 t1111l t•••\ n;'l h urd pltU~t' lhl ••"'t' ,_ h "ttu' mUUon budJt't f,), t ' lh"'""' \\ "·•1111111.. ' On otlt' h111nl1 "~''""' '1 \11\l'h h • ~ 0111 If, moi,stratt'I .-n ~~,,.,.,,~ "'"""' "'''11 """' "''"'' '''" • •1111.1 lk· M <'rill "' "'""t h•1 '"' 1•nh·1 n1 "''''" 11 111to.11 ~' ""''" "' t ht• \"''""'' \)111tw ••ttw1 h• ·• 1ht• ,,,.,, ""' 1•11hll· '~"" tt•'"' \ t'ndt1 t' "l'''"''lt\ t ~. I\\• • h "" I 01111"'"''' •Ill\ 111 ,._,, \\\\I 'h\t '""'""\ II .... I \' \\\\\\ 11\ • I \\ h• hlllllt I tlolo\I 1 n"'"' 1 1h '''" "' ti\ 11\ \" '\\ II\ °'11 1\t t l\H'lll flll1I ill!'' l•'I' d1.t l t ~ "'Ht\lt I I~ I I\ •'I'll 1\1 I •i !1"1 l lh '"""'" ttin nttiit0n•.1 '.,, 1.Y .. lff'- \ ",, ,,, ,,, f .... ~II\ .. ;' ''"lllo\ll ,,,.,q, ,1( I"•' I\ \ ' . . ,, ' • \ ' , t• .. 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"lo\ RO\ l' •'11r l •Wf" Anti "Rf mAI' 1 :1' pl1''1'4'<1 f f\ lNHO lhRI 1"01 I~··· pl l' to•ll l\C'll!oll'l"-thr\ hint.. m1rt'1lr.A~N1 ml'n :\\''• hr mn.;1 :it1rAdt\'r 011 1111• 1 l r !::f'"lll' I l111 I :rn'1 \\ n:in \I ll' nnl pl1':l'-1"'<i 11• l o :ini 01111•.:-.-£111 ... th1nl.. :1" 1' mt•I lh' A~f'd T h., 111.·~ in th" \ nitl'<I ''Alt''-th11\ An' cirvntrrl 1,, thr l!f'1m th nf fo.'<i for .1 Rpnn •"llt n11mlwt th(' nrrr" tn .1 ApAn r('r h """ '"" """'"ml'n "hn rovt'rl'<I lht' R Rkkl' rr\ l"r:o<f' d1:c('rimlnRl1f•n rue 11hould pul in for tnrlf' t~r norm11l '"" 11t thnt timf' ~.·1111v 11 "8' 11 'nm·<'I nnd t'<\m p I e "' · ' <11 t o r ,. " <11 Rt1kk(''11 114~ ·er" AN' 111" • m t1nrl1ni: in (M"" fn1m ' h I' \. I\ I \ r ,, 1 n t If t " >. payer~ •••O'f\""" 'v• '"~"'""" .... ,,,,. mt•t•d It\ ,,..ft,.t\ •f'f' lllft flll~t fllif'(•,~rlf't f"JlitMlit 4-...,. vttt•\ •• tJU "l'••pA~I ,. ... '/tllo!O ..... _ ... "' l•I"""') (I.It• """' !'•"'4 • . ' I h .1 I :1 ' • , ' I "I I ', t " I h" c1·<'w lh Of 1 .... -..11111 .l:•1•11n lti 1 hnl"n ''l.l:i ln·r M r nn<i i\\1 ... l\\n•ol.1 l "11h11h11• ... 1\n ''"'"'H 0 1111 ,lhr hA1i 1u 1n' It th:11 hr .1.1 "''t~h' nrAr\\ 1 '''" "'' ,1,111N 11 twlonJl' to'" m;d t h tPI'' \1 111f thl' 1111p11l1111nn ,,f 1l1 ~711t<.11n:l1•1 l ht Aj.!1' 11( :;>(\ ~ P n 1wnplr rn t RI hi. :il•'I'" " ,<\lh1 lll••t I 1111 ... \'l"'I. Anrl I h r ' 1 • •• ' , 1 r rl 1 n JI I ,. • fl:i 1 ••rflll \ m 1011rl, 1r thf.'' ,,,m f'""' An nll 1i;iAtnr hrh1•1¥n fo111 nnd "'~ fN•I lN\J? ll1~Jlrr 11lh~11tnr!'! 11n-n'1 t 1•cnmmr'nrlN1 T h«> olrlN thf'~ Ji!"' thr moN> tlM?~ tll!itf' ""'' '"-~~ 1~ <~ rrnt~t lnl"nd port ln tht> wnr ld l~ Chh'ARO 1t '11 lhf' nn h pl11rf' whf"N' th«> Grf'"t Lake5 hnk ur with Old MAn R1vt•r lf ~' want to ~"U nff tn Y.'11rof~ (l'OM Chlf.'A51n, """ """ J:•' f'lthc-1 nf twn """ Ntt t hf.' St 1.11• n-n1•1• Sl'AY. "' or d1~v.,, th" Mi~"ll"l l'I" T h nt ""''""nt 1111thnrtt , tt1f' F.nc~ rlop11t'dl A 'Rrllan nlrn , qur11rd A ~1,AhlC' ""mpllnfo( nf <1111tdf'nl!'i tC'\ l flllm th".t nlftf(' (lf 11amf' w11ntPrl tn h4-<'f'mf' plumhf'r!'I th11n rro rr..-~(l'N ennedy, Carter Eye Brown f\1 "''" l t' ~TM 1'hl• •tot\ '~ hMn~ f'f'1¥11tf'oei 11\ "',.,.., "' .......... ,...,., n .. m0t•r111b<' t'tN'I...,. 111' •n tnc11 r 11 1 hr'" 1rh 1fr,•hnln1t l'Oh t1r11I ltt•n lhf't ~f'nnf'd t' mmtntl "" t1111•·• '" l't •''htl'nl •'Art<>1 ,... "'" 11n1' •('('t"p(An<' .. of 11 11t •n ---....~ ... mr m~l~m•'<'• allc .. J.!a.t::l.\... ll'.a ~~ ~ ftnk' t,-, . "'', .. '"'''"' "'!!'" M 111•11r t'•nh thl' ''"l"t3 ·11 IM't •i na •hl<"h ,,,.,, •'\I 1 th• ,.,, • .,.,hlht• hr 1111111i11111 111\'l "hh f'n\"1Rh. h•l' ~n In lhr """" '""''' l\i•m1'•'' "" tto111'" '•' , 11na1111n.1 ('f th<> ttumr <.'llrtf't ••t 11. t •' 111 "11 h h 1 m ""' t """t f1\l t hut tll"<l t•"tf'\iwina n11mh«-1~ 1111•1 ""M' th•' N'"""· '' '" 111 ,,, \lj>mll('l"lltl.· melrlf'rlltf'!I •""' • • • 11 ' I''•'""'"• ''" \ ' ~n """ tht> l~'tc11,nt 11n1i _., • ..., Ad 1' ''" 11.1 "' 1111.-.h 11' ••'•'"l'I 11 '""'" hi!' rN'N'fi hut thin" ht"" ''' "' 111)(\llled to de(rl\.t The feAt lh11t I k1 111i. h1'\t\ •'' ""' thP1 ~f'n thr l)c>n't<'l't "'" hr 1111-.,uht "'"" "'"" , .. "• ,1,,;"'"ll 111 h" tfr 11•'" n 111 tth h im •·N1ltt 1n\'ht<tc- 1.•1 •111111t1om ""I t o~ run in,.__, l'0Nt1<h \'nttfloe1 !"iAil'" ~nllll' in _.,, '' • • • • 0•1111 11111o • t• • •'"''"'"'' , uml.,..nt' t•' Ill' I' ~nl'\t rol "'that 1• 11 h 1. "'' •' I h• '""'''\ "'~ ''" •' h1'.\\h tn lht' Rrr1oMw 11n" ""1 '"' 11 "''' "' "'"" 1'""'nttqlh Rut thf'n'' 111-.11 <ct\\t' ? An c i;-;-.. :i m~ "'I n , ,, ... f ••m I P "P-.,---..,; t'<'';"i.""1-;"Allh1m111 P f'mN't At ,,, ·h • ""I' "• '" "'" I • .1.i 1n 11r \,ho' 11\""' h A~ N't'n 11nrfrf "'"''" "'"'"' '' ''" Pl"f''~"N' ''' l'nrll'nr t'11r1l'r ""'" '"''' 'l"phr•' "n111h ""'' ft'llt'ol 11111t•l h "llh J\.l'nn•-<h ...... ' "'""'' 0 ... '''" \\ "' ;\\' ,,,,.I Rl """'"' AJ<f\ 1'h r \ ·11hfn1 1' "'' ho',I I"' 111o111Ch \11 I\ "'''"" t\flln ,•ht-.i 11'" h i' "''n1" ,~RN'flll ..... I\ '•'• Ill• ··~·"· ""•' \ t •'l"''1"'1 lhi' , ............. 1-.. Ill~ , ••• i ti. I• 1.1 '""" ""'"'l 1. '"1 him ;111ti """'1'\ "''""_..h 1r h·· · lh, '"'"'''' 1'1 " 1 t' 1•), • lto\I' • In 11•11l oi ,,f'T1•1 1111\ Aoh '"' ''" "hlll , ••f 11 11. 1 •Id '•111th h• \I II• th• , 11 1iro1n1~ 1, .. h,,111.1 ,,,, \\ 111111. I" ,I .. 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'"Nlnd '"' ••IM'tiM t'11msuu1n lf hr hlld tn tf'l 1'1't>t11t11'1"1 ,1f 1h1 t\t•nn Nh ukc-1t ""'"'' from 11 ~•11tlnt 'lllnAI' 1111 th. ••'I•'" I ••n• ,·:1111•1 H t\l•n nNh ,1nh ••alt' lhl'rl'"' httlt< .t1111ht thi~t 111 111\ 1mt1I 1~ hi> will tM-ms Jlf\"ollh•n ''"'.!~·~ ~11•11l1111 t• 111 A I•'" _.J.!1 Pl 1tw nom1nt1.~1"!' from A' l~"''t """11111 1h1 ""'''''"' ... rr., ... 11ni1.~ n '"""' :11..., ,, ·" '"'""'iNt' .,1 111th111 lhr p111t~ 11' ''"'''"''''him the• l ~mo.•r.-1, ''' h«' "ith K i>n-n.-.h "111 l'n•7N'A4'f' H r .. "' '" 111~!111 fh'I • c \'I'•'" ''' l''t on · t h•' l ••fl 'hit 1 •• , '"n' r"'"' h t' 111111 11' n11t "t,, Nm \\ f'r h'lrr • h 1111 m •'" ••f I h 1• 1'ht>r•' 1<1 ·1 11•111 Qllt'..,ttt•n "h1•lh•'' :0-.•11tht>-n\ l°Ahf,\11\111 • hlipll'I t\I hi ' l".1'"1'111 l'tlpllln1 It\ Y.t•lllol .\1\\1'1 "'"""' '''' l'1•m•" 1111.. "· h,11 ,1 "I' o•n,•r ,.,,. q 111>.,.tlnn ,,, l1t'11 nn11 "1110 '"' 11. ""'ti ,·h·1pp;"l"""'" i.. 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""" I 1 t I P ii \1 1 I h ' '' 11 1 11 r ' 1 ti < h ""I. 1 h , l' 1' I 1 n it " 1 .\ n n" I 11 t 1• 11 f'nlll'rtlnn nf I A\\"l l"r1nr1rl"" nni:t l n ,lnu•lto'"' (1'1 1'4'All n \l llli lh1 U1•:'ll \\l'lr"1 \\ h nt 11 " A• 1111111' 1c,, An An t h1,l1•r• ''' All thf' '11nn11' 1111•' AtHl llllf'(,,' thAI h•\•f' J'f'Mnt'lll 1'11 11111 <11\< \l'I\ nf lnlf' \t'R I~, l\'-r rn1 k in!lon·" """·Murph ·fl 1 "" Anrl lhr Pf'tf'r r r\nC'\l\ll' M Nq ·Arf' tt 1\.IAI. h'M H ""'' ""'"''°Joi.· h111 !'1•\m f' (lf'nt11t·11tl' rtaht tn thr Nlrf' nf n\1r mnttf'rn fo11I ,,,_ '" tn lhl'·flX-l!'ltl'nLea.I PS:I' • 111• nmrnl of mAn t t Af't•Nl 1n n "'" M h1' """"r m11ttr ~-l~J. 01' 01\ f R\'l'fllM. i'l'th "'"'''''' :111.i p1"1.111n1i. 1n.-l111tr \ I I 1 11 ' I :t " ' ' ft Im''~ t :II\\ I hll\1 It, l'A'-lt'I (11 ~'1'1 ll\f1I th:\ll •'II\,,; r \'h1io. APllllt'' "llh 1•q11AI f(\I r 1' tt) h11-.rnt''l-\ r nl111-.., lt1t•nol,h1p• l(i\1 l\flllll' llHll 11111 "' art.I lll•hl O• 1nl l"f'lll ttl'ni.htt" /\hoHtl lhl" on l ~ lhinR t ""n lh1nk of thAt 1t .1or~n·1 Appl\ t~ lit r111f1ctn~ !\J'"~' l "11 f'lnnl' l A• Wh11n thr plnnt' \'OU nn-on II' 111tr . thr plnnr """ "Ant "' t t ""''"' to I' "n hnw At'J"'''' Ill Srf'kf'I ' I n " 1'ho I' "ho " l\\\f\1''1\ A I Vt\11 1¥1. th.-ll\(\"lt j;!I\" \'tl\I th11 l1•At1t I I '" ,. •'f'l1 a II\ 1'11r,•111 I(' A o'h''" "' "'"'""' ' Rnt1t"'l -. l rrt•,·1'1·,1h11 1 :1 " o•I Clut lt'r 1 n :1 n' h,,,, .. ,.11.,1.t l llltk Ao•1·11m11l:1t1 ... In ttll lh1 'SJlAC"t' A\ atlnhk ,,,, 11 ... ,,1,11\ .. '1 • 1'hl<i I' t'(IAlh :l ,f1\m•''l l• '''I 1•111\1 \ ,,11'111 1.111""' ... I l\\\ • 1ll0GK~•:l'·. llH'T\ M 1'hr' ni••rt lll'll\ 11' ;\ m 11 n '' "'II' l'\l'!'lNi I'' h4' I a' o•oi i h 1 m.•r1 ~-•• , h<' ~ ..... h\ ('1'1'1\\\(' ht'll\.t tll,f'l'i llt 11Mtt1r " Se\04l-nth ~"' mfl St r1'•'!: '"'''"'" Al""' h~'" "'1 '"'"~ lll'f.'Aknl'''"' · •Thi' t' "htt l 11lttmntr\\ \\ N'1''-' thc-1 r "" 14)1 f\I ''('' 1 •'lt1\I ·, p,,,.,,, <'I 1 h AI !:1110 "'All• 1111' 11111\ '1 r1''" Ornt \'1)11 hkl' lw'"' "' ,, ... 1111 "' Allcl ll\111 111• t" lh• ''"'' lhnl '" n1•l '"' .. :itr ""'''" 111n , UuJ.t '"' I \I 1\1 111\o't ti l\;1' t\t t Ill !'1'<1 <'t\I\ hf" m .11!1 h • fl l'l"':ll HW\llllhl,• h\ il . •'"""'"'''' h1 .. l1\l lllll n1r·~~\' h"""''lt '" r<'ir.1"m"' hl11 f.\1 :1 t1,,.,n,•hsnt. 1r nH""'" h•" ,,. ,•onl1 1llt'h'l"IM"I" th11t lh1• '"" o< th•' 1•111 ''"'' lnflkt "'~"' \'OU~t'lf tn '""' ln1t Ill! f1 1l'l"t'I \\ prn)ll\11toonl to thi' tmpo11nno'•' nf thr f'\'f'nl '•'" "'"' !'lh•v1n ,,,1 !"omf' 111 "'' lll\'<tr1tf'' ""' m .... , \nfl . h11t \'('Ill •'Ill\ t hn{lf' for ('1..-n th1nr 1 fin "1-.:h ti <> tu~_. In ,. l11fif'•I 'h1• l1'4'1'1'l'f't 1\'I' M ... to~ ' M n,1m lhnl 11 lht• ronh 10."'ll you hA\ t' " A h AO\Mf\1 . \'Oii IN"lll •''"''Hun~ hi.. • n Atl ~. . ORANGE COUNTY I POLITICS I OBITUAAtes ~Y PILOT A7 ,,____o_ueeN_•E _--· Mangei-s ¥ows .Bolsa Fight DON'T SMOKE? . Cd •AIMllS fer We .............. •· ..... ...., ......... If ,.....,. ·-By O.C'. tlll8TINGS OI Mio U•ll• ~I ... •t•tt l)enrus Mun~t·r~. the Oemoc:rulH' 1A Uf•mbly m1111 frorn Hun l10111 lon lh.•iH·h. :-.11y hl··, •w r1ous about pre· '<'r\'111.i tht• 11111:.a Chica wetlands from tht• hlutk:. of land dt>vclopcr~ · bulltlo.wr' So 8 t•r111u:< in fuel, lh•t he told Go lclt·n W1•sl t 'o lll'l(l' gr1tdu1ttes al tht>lr rt"<'•'lll -.omrucncemcnt "Only over rny tlt·tu.I hcj(IY will ttwy 1•v..r bullet 1rnolht•r llulll111l(tOn llarbour m lht> Holt.a t'tu ra wl'llandi. · Al th<' t·11d of th e Kr1JdUdl1on c-1•rt>mo1uc·r-. M tm~t·ri,, u tc11or, i.<rnt:: "Th« lnlpoi>:.iblt· r>rc•a m " • • * WHEN M•S•;MBLVMAN 1\11:.lcr M I' A li"il\11 ·,, t11d lo 1tm4lnd lhl· /\:. i.t•111 hly dldlt of lhe 1979 KO ~lUll' l;ucJ)tt'I f t.ll ll-d I ,1:-.I Wl·t:k . l hP \. (l~t· W8!> -....-~------'"='!::----"""'!!!!!!!E:-===========~~1-"!~!_JiJ·~·~--------------- ··1 kno111 )VI.I r1• 111 llh•rt' \our 1w••phult• h lil1111chh1t1 -..... ,, ....... . l#al II 1\of 1 .. .-. AMH •M>H ttt Olt••' \ ~rufn' MOMu4tr• r ,, ""~"10...- Vt Vt AN O AA'r' l l •11i1n L R\fHti1 , .. ,_.io M, ••II t)t ,ntt~t h10 ,,. , , •1t ... ., M Un ot f-•,-90 N U-ko•• .. no , .. ,. 1,.,,. .. )) t'lt¥ 41 / oo •1~ 11• ~""'' •t1t1\ __.Of COl\t. NWw Pe,wa •••• lun., t .-met•r, Wh1U''"' C 41 ""''" tf\t" ... •• ,. ..... _,.. of •I ~ 1 •••• , .. ( "•O••·n Ot th• l O\ A.nQt'IP' .. .,., 8-u•tt•nO l •O M Anch •t ,On. On• 0.1Mttmen• end Ow oft•C•'' 01 Hunt 4l•u•111 .. JllO•lh Cl•n81t•••• 01 ll>Qlon s.. .... I U<ly>> "* f &AM 01 •ovtder, C.0•0 1•00 fwo brOU'lf•f'\ tu 1.un9 f.t1to4n l:trnltw,\ ~nuHh. OellMtO Shefmoef'I of MofCH\QID v ..... .,. M Orh.t•'Y Cllfei tOf\ • •m••• \VQ{itf!\I \ C.Uf •ftd u.wr .. nc.,. Wr~n of Hun cc;nt rlbul 1on\ bt '"•Ott to 1rw M.4t'\Of''Ht. .... Oft 8NI<•. C..••• Mr\ Andiet\On C P\llf11f't\0 \ H •m .. In (OY•t\d c . _., • ~ t•lt .. , w1tn ttw> f tttl\10f' \J.t •>•' ''"'' C.OfnPitny 1n E ,.,,.,,,.,,. ~pt1n9\ GUNEnt Mt,,,Ourtforttnumbforat ve•f\ Pflot (.AfH(A1"'1l •U:::L £.N LUNl f11 to,_r twn1unoc•ree-1 \f\t' ••'th«' bu\• , .. ,.a,nr ot hdltl<ld hlnno. c ... Pfl\\410 M -\' m.,,~, tor tM Ar•~n-...\. V•llf'Y ••4'Y on JUf'W" f) ,.,, W1\j0• of Uwt JOWn•I •" L• Junt•. C.otortdO Shf" l11ttt' t-t•rty (.,uif\,.,11. \r Iovino .-nolM t •• , ••M>•tnember of ttw e.,,.,n ~ •• ,_ ot ••• rr., (runf'th, ,, '''"'' o• ,,,,.,, tn E at.l'l~1or Sprt"O~. M1\\0un h.oOf'llf' ~" dnc:t KenMtn Ldwltt Fun•r•t ~rw1(t1>\ hf"ld on fur\dd'f o• M ou"t"m \(,,..., fa Rn\iHY w it\ !Ith' Al"h'J ..:01 fnu r oul of 01 JOgt• ('ounty's .,,>. r<'pl'('o;1•ntat 1vcs an tht' IOwt>r houM· to v11t1• with ham cm lht· a tnt·ndmt'nt :, ..... IHc·h w ould have d am1natcd ni11~t f uncJ1n~ for MC'dt Col abortJOns Thl' four \\ L·rc· O cm onat Chet W r a \ of I : ,, 1 <I 1· o G r o v l' a nd Re puhhc·;m :-. M :.i rian Bergeso n of Nt•\\ port lll':tl'h , Ho:-.s J ohnson of 1-'ullc.·rt1111 ;11111 Un11:t' Ncstande of Orangt• l>t·m <wr;rt ' l>c-nn1:, M a11gers of lluntan gl on Bl•a1:h and Hichard R obuason of Sa11t<1 i\na vokd wnt-the majonty an Jdcall{IJ.: tht: ~kJ\hsttr aint•n<lmt•nl~ • • * J-it.'"'• 3 """ "1 '"" O••<W•• 11tlO 11n cwinn • ., "1 ~ lfl "M "'"·"I"" TH•: STATE SENATE <•O'>roved ·• '"•Ptl tn 0.•04llr Memo, ••• "'"''. I""'" M• '1tfll 1t1I c '"''"'I M•' •. uni 114 ,., t ... G•-·· ••It\ A•v Oon.>10 Slu•Ot"on "''"ho 1 .. ••·n lo .............. n v .... l • IO• l111<h!t•t arnt·111l111t·nt h~. Srn f)av1d offtc 1at1nq '"lttm ent foUO•••d ~• '"'',.,,., .. no 1nt..r'™""' 11t \""''' c l.tf,. O•tld•tf' Memort•I P•tk ')m1lh A M 1 .\1t,,n C•,nt-tt"t f M <i'·' w 1lf O., tvtt..tt •sA<tOt, c.sw,p.1 01rPrt0ts 411 ',,.,, fH11tt<1 Ot• w1··onr•.t1 •• ., .,, 1n uCJ A.M ~ITtttSt .• Co\t•Mift\• ....... 111 '\t IO\t•(ln \ ( nU IUIH Cf1,u 1 ti 1f\ s iule CAaoLU\ Moun1,.1n \lf,..w C 4' ••"'f"tO' • "'""'' t Ill MARGA.A£ f ~UE (AROl U\ ,.,\, Mm.ml Oi.v .. Motto"' yin '""'<>• of ,., $ftt of L....n. H1U\, Cd PA\\rd dlllrctY ,.nq,.m .. nr\ ~·o ,,,. on J u"• 1S, 1•1• lo-nnq .,,,,. tH ---- C verrtt C.~rolu\ o f C.d\tt 'J'""d". HOMES A riton•. motht"t ot M r ' O"ynPllt" AfJ'lmttt ot C.•rt\.tWKll. Ca 1lnd Mr\ M.,9wrtt• BM•~r ot M 1.tm1 6'-dch. FIO<icM Sloe •••• mt"mllf'• ol llW REr ". ·ED C.r•11dmolllU\ <lub of .. orlh • ~ Mott.-oM. F&Mer.t !aef'Y1(t-\ '""''d on T ... ~a., .. II.GO AM .. ·~ H••bOt WASH• NG TON (A p) I..•-~. •1111 A"". C. W•l<lll-r. ,i IMl\IO< CM'llltt by ""' ~· A•'>f'mbly ol A m 0 t CJ r h 0 m t' ~=:~~ ::;."1;.,1 : 1:;:: m anufacturer says al i~ l•wn ¥oun1011vr Mo•1 ...... o,,•ttci•, rec alling OJll' of its 1979 H O HH OGDEN m odt>IS afh'r two d ei.lths Djl.NNE" b 00DE'4 t•",0~1·n1 ol Wl'rl' a llrlbUtecJ t O ~~!~ '?;.;:'p;," . ..,,1~;;:;; ·~···;~~~1 .~· t' a r b o n m '' n o x i d e 1~a .. 1 .,,., oq.· o• 11 ~u"'""' ""~""·· but Id up c;.iu~cd b y an 1.1n .::~:: .. ~;~=-.,!;":17'£ "';';11t~ ';·;:.:;~ v(•nt t•d furna1't' M•'" ~·o-4!111& Kt·n Wt•av1·r . a n al- ourttAuf tornt'y for ( ;l'ur gac Boy t 1t1..1E £ o•JkL•u• , • .,., • .,, "' p r c> J •• <' t ~ I n •. 11 f '"O\I• ll!Ww . C.• P~o~O .. .,.,.., on Jun,. "" " u . t97' .,., tr.. aqp 01 ll c,.,,., •• ,.n n, i.:1khart. Ind .. said the ';;;.::,~~~ :;:;!:< g~1~,~t ;:~~~~.'.: <-omp(jny w<ts recjAlling ol ln91<'"°"°· C• .. ,,., Rotlt'tl vMOnt r tlS 26-foot 1!179 Swinger ·To Speak On SALT Alan Vir k of I rvine. a Junior majoring 1n pohlat·al M.·w nrt> <Jt 1;c I rvint•. ha:-lll'l'n :-.d t•t•t C'd to part1capate an the f ar .s t Ll n il1'<I Stal1•s Pug wash Conff'r cncf: on S<'ten <'P and F:th11·al Rt·~ponsrh1 ht~· The conft'rt•ncc will be ht•ld at C SJn Diego to· day through nl:!xl Tues· day ~ ~::;~:~: ~! ·}~~:~~~:~~:·:; motor horn<' VIC K IS among 60 un o•Co•••""'""·c." -mo .... 1v•v•<•·' ti t' s aid t h e farm d c r g radu<ttl' students ;:;1'.~0o11e~'!:".:"~:,."';~·11Ju:;;;~;,~9:: knows of only on e deft>c-selected to pa rtac1palt! c....,.e ..... An 00n M<Att ot 1"" tivc• vehicle but is •·re..-1from a field of 600 UPJ)l t· w""'"" °""'".,. ""11G""" x•Pn(P ea llinn all of the 1979 cants n ationwide lie offl<l•fll!Q lnut-1 •I C.tttnclYIPW ... M•mo• .. •1 P••~. c;1.,,o .... c .. BP11 mode::b lo tw 1)0 ihc· ~arc wa ll dt>lavt·r hi!> p::iper U•o•O•u•Mot"'':;'~~~~miu" ~uh: .. "Sall II. Thl' C~ut•sl111n of 8ROC.K EDWAR D DAVI', '""'"''"' <..:ounterfon·t•" lit a dc- ol C.o•I• ""'"'· C.d ""'""" ...... un fcnsc workshop ~~~;y;~ .:::.9 Q.~I ~::..:~~· .~ •.• ~:v::. For the The San 1>1c~o mt:l·l· ~:!~~.~:';"~c..~0.',!,:1•~1;:.::~~:~~.:;1 mg. mo<klt-d aftt·r the C.•ema1ton.uw1 buro~1 .. 1 ,~ .• t •Jnaui to·n ff n.Ct•rd 11ltt•rnat1on:.1I l'ug wash oy !om1111 ~ lul"•" Mot1u.itv ,,, 1 •· Cunft•rt•n<·t-. IS -..uµpurtC'd 111hsi .c"'1•:;;~L.~~·!Mill t r.•, ~• (,•' .. N•. M .......... by a Joint grant from tbt• tlURlON HOL.l•'> ~OwLf v '""'' ,., .. n~ ..... ,,~n .. r• ,,..,1"0" Nat1onetl SC'1t.•ncc f'oun ... dttnl ol Ate~•• c.. p,.,..,,o ..... ,v un J..,. 1• "" d d ~ N I lun~ 1e. 1'19 FAlll« ol ttill A~wlry l\f VfL.AlOU£7 Alll"I AS l rnw 'b ataon <tn nil' <:ttlOna !o•nl• An•. (• "-rt•nQo•m .. nl\ otrt' •nO MM•;, I uot•, ~\. b<Jlll (II Hunl f': n d 0 W nl (' f\ l f 11 r t h (' prend1nq •• Smith & ruoutt W• • tc "" inq1on R"'ttt h 1 lum '-'n1"t1"es. Cll•l>f'I. &JI l I/Ir> !ol (O-ld M••.a (,0l0\Tf1NMll(.Mfll """"'" u 6._ •Ml \t,.v .. ,, l? ,..no Clond Adf', 11 nutn 01 W,.\tm1n\tPr ~ MEYElt CHARLES HFNRY Mf YI •;, ~Q•• ., •• ff:'\ll:lt!ftt Of Df'Yrl Ho• !,pt11\Q\, (._ ... dnO fotmer rl"\1d,.nt of Hunt1flQlon 8~•< ft, (. . .a P"''*" d Wit'f' on Jun"' 18, 191• ... H~ Ml)mor•dl Hf\O•tdl M 1 • Me1~r .... "'rf"titt'ft e-ncvf'Wln ntt•r lO ve•'~ w ith ttw LO\ AnOl't•' f-.,,. Oto.trltnent Mt Mt..•yf'I h11CI livr'•O 1n lhf> ~•n C..•btlt'I Vitllt+t to~ 1~ y .. ,,,, OrtOr to mow1nq to H11nf1nQI04' U•~•t• h C.• tr1 19'.l H~ Wtt\ a ~'",,.._' ,,. Huot onQlon 8e<1tll LOllQe :: 180 I &AM ~urv1Ytn9 •tonQ w ith ht\ w1ffl\ Jun" Wh dl~tth whom h e mtH'•,.O Det tomber U , 1939 urt· 3 c_hdd, .. n f t•n•• .. Ann.t MitY*'' of lono e .. ttch C• • Henry 0 ~Yfr anO E rndlm.t Men• bolll 01 Hunl•nqlon B~~•" '" dhO \U"''"'"' "''" S qrdndl h1ldr .. n F t1end• ,.... tall lrnm 11 00 noon lu ~,oo PM nn Tnut,dttY d i P ... ,, r- 111.L llOADW A Y MOllTUAU 110 Broadway Cos1a Mes<1 b42-91SO SMllH & TUTHILL MOaTUAU WISTClff CHA.PR Mortuary • Crema 1ton., Flower Shop POH L PAQK E A' (,+enn K.-.;1n, 18 Of M•,~ton V1r10. i•nd O~btot. Rul'l. 11 nl H unt ington fl•~M tl !.PANC.LEP f.Rl<lf'>()N l)anny '-''""'"n :1) """d Jul1t-Ann 1q both ot Wf>\lm'"''"' Al'U\AVI l[Vf(.M WMI( .. [ A JM ~n. 11 dOd SU,1tn 0 'II Dotn of lf'v1ru), hAkROW t HURC.HI LL Jonn Rot11tnd. 'II et• N1>wpofl 8,..;• n df~ """'• tC.•y,:, ,,, ot Adlb<M l\IAnd 01 VALE PIO I-OWE I l P~I~• F ,,..d 7'. atid t,,...,,. '"'''''"'"' 1b bolh OI Soulh LttOUnd P ( 'PICK JAC.OH!o Jann Pt>ul .. ano C l•ldbf-th A 4\. bOlh "ot San (.lpn1,.nlf' , ..... 1. "" LI N0\£YH!oLION 10!1n J \I .. nd 8rth Jr"n. •O. bOt" ot Jountd1n VAllt"V JU'>llCE HOt\GAAO W•ll•·•m r.,,.n,. lb ttno t ~• M •b b()th ot f ount1.un Vdlll'Y ~tll OE BRANO t,1L VI., \l•~rl••1 Brutt-, J1, of 'f'otrM Lind••, ''"" k t•btt J .. .tn, 19, ot we-.tm•"'''"' \AABECOC: CtMh< R~1 Ju•lu\ ob ttnO M •ro._tr,.I Ann \4 b(}th o • w"'''"'"''"' ANDREWS Ill ..... ~ORO llon .. 10 P_l,,O. 11. and Poul" J••n 18, bOlll 01 Hunhnoton ArJu n COWDEN C.l>MPllZ ... •0 O•nn" Ml<h•tl. lO •nO (yntrud lttt.-. 7b both o f w .. \lmln\ll"f OE MlllO (U"CIO O•v•O M•• n.tttl, 40,1tndCr,..ft•. o .ootnot Hun llnQIOI> 8~d(ll Tilt: SESSIOSS arc namt•d after the site of .thl' first m t:ctmgs which wt·n· held an Pu~wash . Nova Scolla. an 1957. Although ear l y con · f P r c nces a lmost ex - d u:-.1vely dealt with lhe l op• l' _))f arm:-. t•ontrol , ren•.rrt agendas have ex· ponded to include other issues such as problems f at'cd by devel oping <·ou rt t ric~ The cen trcs l t h t' m c o f l' a t' h c o n • h ·r<'n t•e h as bt·en PX · ploralion or the link ~ hclwt>en sncnci• a nd C'l h1cal n •spons1b1ltty Retarde d Roberti. II, like McAllater's, would eliminate most abortion funding The 18·18 vote In the Senate sent the Issue to a twf)·houae conference commit lee ALL THaEE atate senators from O ran1e County ..... Democrat Paul C arpenter of Garden G r ove and . Republicans John Briggs of Fullerton and John Schmitz of Newport Beach - voted In favor of t he Roberti amend· m ent. The meeting starts al 7 .30 p.m . at Hi>public Feder al S1tvings and Loan. 2400 E 17th St * * * "THE DllAFT AND the Equal Rights Amendment" will be the topic of speaker Lyn Kinsky al Thursday's meeting of the Libertarian Supper Club of Orange County The evening m eetiqg_gets unde!:_ way at 6 30 p.m . at the Revere House in Tustin. Oinner·is SlO per per son. M s Kinsky , the Californi a L ibertarian candidate for the U.S. Sen ate in 1976, 1s an el ectronics engineer and current vice president of th e Association of Libertarian fenunists . *** . TWOJVDGES-Aliceman eStotler of the Orange County Superior Court and Frances Munoz of the county 's Municipal Court benc h -will be the speakers Thursday at a m eeting of the :'llational Women':-. Political Caucu~ an Santa Ana. • • • "COASTAL D•:Vt.:LOPMENT" w tl I tx.• lhl' topic· f"rida v when the South Cout Republican Forum gathers al the Officer 's Club o( the .M arlne Corps helicopter facility in T u stin, F or reservations and directions to the 7 p.m. meetins. call Mrs. Cuolyn Rapp. 551·3553. • RAllBITT INSURANCE ....... 19'4 HAMOR 9l.YD. C09TA•IA 15951 GOLDEN WEST (At Edinger) HUNTINGTON BEACH 20°/o OFF- ALL DIPLOMAS & ·cERTIFICA TES FREE. STRETCHING OF ALL NEEDLEWORK l"-41 ...... 1ton) We ~·IO Hcne Stai111cl Glass MCMllclilM) IALL OFFBS GOOD THIU JUHEJ 898-7900 427 E 17th SI CO!tla Mtil.a 1:>4b·4888 '911Clll0Tt8S SMmf'S~UAU 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 CABR•L '>IEFFEN WdyM Allen, 1l. •nd Normtt D1•M•, Jl,l>OlhOI Hun lllM)IOft IH«ll !oAFFEll WYMAN Slr•f'" Ptthl. 1', anO Phyll•• AM, :M, bolh ol Hunl lnQIOft 8'1a<h H0G AN•800AY Tommy Eoward. 4'. •nO ICathlffft Ao.,.., 3•. boll\ of We\lmin~"' Advocacy Talk Set /\ workshop on how to act as advocate fo r a r e· larded p erson wall be held from 9 a.m to 4 p.m . June 29 and JO at Orange Coast College m Costa Mesa Now open. The bank that never doses. UCB Costa Mesa, Nmyport Beach, ,._FAMIU COlOMAL FUMBAL NOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 McCOIMICll MOITUAalH Laguna Beach 494-94t5 L90un1 Hills 768-0933 5*' Juan C.p1strano •95-1ns , J-J. "" ROTHSTEIN !oCHWAATl AOC..rt How.,o, :M, Mid Deni" Cole. H. bOlll ol lrvl,,,. CAPUANO.STE INMEl 1 R•ll.,•lt JOM!pfl, U, -Mliry Aull\, '1. bOlh oc Hun I lnQton llff<" l'OSNIGHT·REYNA Sl~vrfl AllPn. U, 0C Ne-I h"th, end ,.,.. Ao_. R. )I, of S.nla AM MUl..1..EA-MAAOUEZ 1tmB K•nega, 1J. anG Mary S n , bOlh ol Hunt1n9lontifM<n J-·· "" CORRADINI BEEMAN Nl<hol••· 10. and LOti Ann, 1', bOlll ol El Toro J-r. ''" AANOlEMAN·HAM90 P•lrot • let. l•, OI Ne•PO<I fllt•<ll. •nO Pemtl• l..tt. :tt. of Olit..,o. 111 HAGERTY-DEIHi -JoM J .... pfl. Jr , \I, ol DMI• Polnl. &tld Aulll An-na. ••. ol Sar> Cle-nle M•YO-OE WAIDE Wllllam f . "legal -:· of ~· AN, •ncl June L . U . ol We\lmln••• '-'·''" AltOl -ltAGOS Cha•lt~ J • 1', or LOfWI h«ll, --· A...,, 11 Of F-•••n var,.y fllltltlt-MAHFltE Et,...r L • 1\, end Fta<Ktt, •>. bOtll ol ... ...,,.. Hiii\ , NEEOEl..!o·PAl..ACIOS -t<tnMlll Wllll•m. "· 01 S... cre....nle. •nd 01a,,.e1-.11,01C•1Hllrano GltA)'·ICUSti Atlhut W., JI, M>cl 8•111tra ll-. lt, bOlll of Hunt· ........ llMc: .. COOPER·FAltltjl.NCE P•ul It., ... •net e.llyl-Vl•Qlnl•, >?,both of M•l*l llff<h LANll•ltECHT·$N'l"OER -Altllerd J ......... of Ulflt 9M<ll, MIO Jollf'V E11411<*U, U, of Hllfttl ... on 8 .. <11 lEMA'l"·CAltLIN LMNnl I , ,., ol Alltlltlm, ano Olan•, JI, of w.ttm•- T h e work s h o p . spon sored by Arca XI D evel opmental l>t s abilities Board. will ht· he ld in the F orum al 2701 Fairview H o;,id I There is no ch arge Additional informa - tion is available by call· ing 731·4787 o r 657-4605. Fairview Set FM. Grad 'Rite G r aduation ceremonie11 for special education students will be held at 10 ·30 p m . June 26 at Fairview State Hospital i n Costa M esa. ' The event on Program 2. Residence 12, will r e· cogn ize s tudents · pro- gress during the past year . -------..-. · Orange County Airport. 1.,1t• ·rl • \ltlo rn1r1 RanK ~ nc:w tf-'llPr 1c:; o n rl111v l I 1• 1. • u Jd1/, I rlr:1 ys " week We Cdll 1t our Day and l1cJh• l 1 ·lli 1 ltl ut.nin•· You II caU 11 fantastic Now ynu can <JCI c_,sh from e1th~r yo ur Ul'H r l11::d:11. i o r Sdvmqs account, anytime. clay or night You 1 nn • v• ·n rn okt· d!.-!po!:>ll~. transfer lunds lromJour c heck1n') to 'wJVlnq'- '11 vwt-Vt.!r"a. o r mc1k ·a loan or ere 1t card pavm• ·nl And dll you n~ tosel all this m mo11on i.., UCb'> Western Bancard • l 'htick 1he'>f' loca11ons lor lht! Day e1nd N1qh1 Teller me1c-ti.r.1 • 11 ~or• f ·,.. •t l \ Oran9• CoW\IJ Co•t• M•N A&rport ~ . • •.• Ii ., H.tbot 6 S.ket Olhce J029 Haiboo Blvd Cot11• Mee, CA ··-~Oo ~4 ,.,. ·~ ... 6l0 A N.Wl'O<' C."'•' Ot •667 MeoA.thu1 lll•d Newpott 9o•c:h. CA Newpot1 a..th CA . . . . Downtown La. An9ole• 707 W.Jel\iro Blvd 1.oo ""9elM. CA No1 • a4 llcluo 14NIJ . 11, I h..rv1 <•I 01->' I ll (Jr 'I·· th•<" 111'1 nl ','/t'1'1 t1ri r 1.r.: 1r:d .-ipplv for the Cd rd It not only o ff ·1 s yo11 1ti1 t 1y 11 1 ~1qh1 T.-·llt.:r mdchme. but 11 Cdn dlSO bt.1nil(11,1 ,, i. 111111• 111111 1 •r.:-ioo Ch· ·c k GuardnK-e Cdrd. dnd a M l1 Tt r l """ l' ·• • '' V1 a· Cd rd. all roll,·d mto one And 11 won't cost you d penny extrti Now thef'e'::, d bank that nffler d 0se· tJCh D 1n 11 r•v and meet our new teller Anytime .. ~ ............ - J I ·- • .ta ____ DM. __ v_"_L_o_r ____________ r_~~-y._J_un_•_19_·_11_" ____ ~-------------------------:-----------------------=====---------------------!ENTERTAINMENT .... jf ...... '\ WHO'S 80QIE? CH th,· fou r phot o:, 111 thii-n 1lurn11. un h nn•· 1 !'\ 11 f 11 u m p h r t· ~ Hui.:u r·t :nw o t h1·1' t.Jrt• µhuto:, 111 HulJ"·1 l Sru 'l'hl \\'ludt orw i-. Uug.11·1 ' !'w1· :l f\:-\\1•1 ht· lo\\ Bogart ~'Captured' Late Actor 'Ta/res OVer'·Another Career B)' BOB THOM#\!i • llOLL YWOOO c At• l Kohtirt fiatct'ht i\olat'~ fe llow 11tudt'nt11 11t1.1r1n.c 1i1t him wh\ln he· Wl'1• lo hi.Ch ~<'hOOI "II~ . mun. you rt'ally look Ilk" t'umphrey (lo~urt." ltwy Mild T ht• boy w;um'l compllownle·d "VOU KNOW HOW IT u; wtw11 you'r" a kid," tw nw ntH1nl'I "I wttnkd t•> Hhmt1ry with lht , oungt•r mc>Vlt1 :slsr11, ltk•• Kock Hudson r1r l'uul N.-wmim To rrw. Ho.curl w1111 one or •tht' older MUYb " Aud ~o S11rrh1 I pronount·ccJ lhc' lluhan wuy, !loa t ch yl w1:n t 1111 hu. wHy , ~r 11 tlu u ttnl( from · l '.1rdanal 11.n•t·t-High School 111 Nt'w York whcrt: h~ 11lh •11<Jc-cl o n ·• hus..trnll :.d 1C1lu r:.h1 p. l(Clltnl( h11> B /\ ul l1in;1 ('nllt·at· 111 Nc•w Ho<'ht·llt· ht:. 111 ui.t..r':. ,11 Nf'-. Ymk lln1\1•,...ll ) th-lrat1J h1•111i: u11 111·l<1r · It wu' 11111 ,, '1·1' i,:1.1o<l In 111.: al frr't. · ht· ad mat t-·Furtun.11t•h I hdd 1t ~hcid t'duc ullon. '>0 I I u11lcl -.uri.. JI ulht•f JIJIJ~ "'ht•ll I l'llU ldn'l rand rult'l'I '1'h.1t ·, th•· 1411 \ 11 " "'llh 11111'>1 ,1r t11r<, Thl•rc ilrl• '"nll'thm~ lake 10,0oo m1•mtwr'> 111 th•· Sc·ri·t·n Ac· 1111 ' (;111ld .11111 lht· <1\t·•·•Kt· .. 1111uJI 1111·11mt· I'> $3,000 A t Tt:K-IS Vi:ARS ot• t 'AINT ~UCCl"I>!> it!'\ un ,u·tur , S1H•c h1 agis rn cnc·o untcrt-d Bc1ga rl In t 968 he 1m~1t·rMmalt'<I th1· talt' 111·l11r,n u TV l'om mcrraal fo r a Lrc ncht·o1.1t Advt·,-U.'>t n~ 1.1gt-nru·1> hop1wd on th1· ~1rn m1 ck. and hl' did more ac.b. bolh on T V and an prm t "Alwuy:. an good la!'\lt.:," he 1n:.1:-.t:-. "If I don't lhrnk 1111' c·1111Hnl.'r C'1ub ar c rn keeping w ith llogu rt ·.., 1111 :igt'. I C'ha ngc tht· hill'!'\ " not 11 bad pic turf', by the way Or Keefe Hr ui.ell~ in 'The Eddie Cantor Story.'· Larry l'urkt1 u11 Johmn wai, not quite the same because Jol11on't1 voice.' was us~d " Saechl admitted that Bogart could be a dead 4'-nd for hi.s career-. but h~-hope!J to play •n entirely different role aft er "The Man with Bo1art 's f''iH·t· " And ir the Simon production succeed!i, lht•r(.• t'Ould be Sam Marlowe s equels "just like Jurru •i. Hond or the Prnk Pant.her." Whut ubout ucc·us·ullons thut he is ripping orf a lt'Kt'nd to further hii. own fortunes'> Succhi bristled a t lhl' SUKJ.Jl'sllon ''l'M NOT EXPLOITI NG BOG#\llT; 1r a n~lhtn~. ht"s t.'Xploilinl( me I'm perpe tu11Ung a h•l(t•ncl There are people \\'ho see the commcrc11.1ls I v1• cfont· and thrnk he 's. still alr vc 'Tht• luu~hcsl thrng tn the world &!'\ for a n ac· tor to n•µroduce !>omeon~ lh1tl the publtr know:. rn t1 m all'ly H I 'm not t-~t-1r('ly accura tt!. people a re i.:111nli( to 1>a). 'Th<: walk 1:.n 't right,' or 'The vnacc ro.;n'l dec•p t'nough ... T hat':. rt~ht , ba by The whole lhrng woul<ln 't he worth a hall of ht:un:-. You talk. ~WHILE SUPPLY-LASTS! fHtk~tr1 tf~~m~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA 540-6991 O~n daily 'til 9 p.m., Satwday 'Ht 6; S_.y t 2'5 AIDICA'S WDINI CIEISI STlllS SOON liO(;i\K'f TOOK.OVER S:H'dll ''> 1·a re1·r Ill' pl.1~t'(J tlw Boj;!ii rl roll· more tha11 <• th11ui.and trmes on llro;ulw ay rn Woody /\llPu":-. · l'l1ty rt /\j;!arn. S:anr .. 111• a«1<1 r1·!'\Sl'd s alt·!'\ ,:onv1·nt1on1' and appea n•cl rn multi media :-.how!'\. lh· t11un·d t•oll•·i:t· l'a mpust.·i. Ill "Hog1·v ·s Hat·k ," a 11nl··man :-.h11w u la Ita l llolhrook or .I a mt•:-. Wh1t'morc· Now S;ird11 ha!'\ r<·adlt'cl tht· ulltnWlt· II•· I!'\ i.tarr111g a!'\ .Sam Marlowe tn Mc·I S1mon'i. r1roduc "ON THE LINE" Tue /Thur - 8 P. M. (r-., ''~ ,,., , ... , '~ clve~"1~couT1cs 1 DAILY PILOT tron. "The Ma n with Ho,::art'!> FaC't:" The movit· b has l·d on Andrew t'1·nady'!> l>cK>k <ibout a m an who under&CJ(!!'\ plaslH' :.urgt:ry to look lrke H11g<1 rt . M'ls up ." de lt'clrvt· aj(enc·y a nd bcromt'!'\ 1nv11 lv1·d rn a UugartJ<tn 1nl rt~uc Th. ds f · ~~:1~,~~tiJ::~z~I·i~\1~g~j11:\:;g;:r.1 ousan o our customers t•111k f>a nt h1·r 1 Vu·tor Buono r th1·. 1111·v1ta hlt• ... at 1 • ' • th . ·' ll#lrf'"r pr.~ou i\.1Jq<lwn11 10 "'! 010 4d wonoq ·l 4.I. Wins Prizt~ Mark Bcckcnhach of Huntington Hca C'h 1s iJ winner of the .,.lorenet· 1,cas priw from the dt• fl ;t r t m I' n t () f rn a thcmaticul sc iencei. a l O hio Wes l eyu n University. 1\1 a n r .la\ 1!11h1n:-.on anti otht'r:-. "ia1·1'111 .!'\luod an I lh1• 1•1•11lt•; of ltH' l'Ul t hroat l'Cf'W , lrt,nrheoalcd. s~e on etr Ian· tw1lt'h1ni.:. a '15 rn hri. han<I . Tlw r c:>c1111Jla111·1· wa!-. "''rn" 1•:.Jl!'l'liJll} lo one wh11 had kn11w11 Hogarl 1'1w no!'\t' 1~. not q111l•· right. · hut lht· :.h:1(w of th1· fa1·1· rs th" :-.amc-, ttw :,J11ud11 11g _...,.... 1 ctn'• • bills Sl;J IH 'I'. l'\'t•rylh1ng !-:1•f1(• • e e c l'c •oplf• start• a!'\ S:t!'dll walk'> down I hf' st 11d111 , !'\lrt·•·t :111!1 whi·n ht· t'lll<:r'> lht· ('lllfl 111l'>!'\<Jl'Y 0 Vl'I ' •• l11111·h lw :11!m1tt1·d lh1· llang1·1 ti! a ctor:-. wh•i . h1•('om1..· 1'111-.1·ly 1dc·11l1f11·il with f;inH111'> '>tars · "Tllt:RE'S IMNfa:K IN EVERYTHING an ill'llJr doc.'>." he ohst·rvl'CL .. Hut I J:Ul'l>'> there·:-. a !'\J}c<·to1I h;.iz;ird wh1·n yr,u play ·• f;.i m11u:-. pcr:-.ona h t l.1kt· J\nthon.v Dexter \Ai hll '>li1rrt·1l rn 'Vu lcnt1no' Rita (;oolidge ~ Wi1v; To11 Prize TOI\ YI l 1Id '1 Sanger Hila <.:oolidgt· s:rng .. Don't 'ry ()ut l.uu·u .. ll) wan the Grand l'rtzc, w1irth m11n• than $1'1,fll)(J , rn the c•rghth :rnnuul Tokvn Mu!'\11· t-'e slrva l. :fht· MJOJ.: .,qa!'\ writlt·n tJy l;ctcr Allen· ilnd ('arolt· Hay1·r Sagf•r . Thi· <;olcl J'rrn:. worth nea rly $5,()()(J. went to A Ta!'\ll' of ll11 n1·y. a ftu :.i rll'l fcaturan~ .lanrtc .Johnson on has~ <111d 11:.azl.'I Payne on guitar. They i.arrg "Do It .. Tw1•l v1· fort•agn ~ong:-. (p-1m c1ghl rountru::. and thrt.:l' !'\Ong!> from .Japan <'Ompcted rn lhl' fest1vul Lal(W•il Seeks n to llMH 111 f....ity. offlu of JoHplt F. Moriu, M.D., 15)0 W. lahr. Cotto M~to. C A. wll clou Jwjy 'I ti. Ad· R I It dr~n .. c-'cat!Oflt to J. t•cyc e ems F. M.r1c .. M.o .• 111 LulMJ•- 1.;i guna hcac·h rci.1· la .. Co.to Mua, CA 92'2' for for~ 1knl:-. with news pape rs,-------''--------' aluminum or t·ardboa rd --.--------- may lt·av1• lhc.·m at the no n profi t n ·eyd ing center on t he C'orn~r of La ~una Canyon Road and Woodland Drive•. This drop-off cent('r nea r the Ro ys Club 1s run by the 1-:nvironmc n ta l Coalition of Orange County, Inc. !>~rv•c t t •rn .. St1tfh .,, You• Ohf1r l( -'ill \fOtP N ... ,,,,, Your Atl>o t <.O~IA Ml \A642-17SJ I \J• Nf"'W-po' t flhd M l\\IOH Vil Jo49S-0401 11'111 C.•mu'° C.•P•\tf •no ~ I •n 01 f>rw .ii a._ .. , Ptiw I • 1bIB is all it costs them. AUCTION SALE CLOSING DOWN OF 'AGRA GALLERIES For the price o f a postage ~wmp . you can get expert help o n lmw to accurn- pli sh two things wl!·re ~un: you\·c hccn trying to do on your o wn . San: cllL'rt!.'· And save on d ectric hill~. -So far. wc·vc heard from mon; than -l00,000 c u~t nmer~ who arc interc~ted in 'aving c ncrg~and money. We'd like IO put our S.A .V.E.S. compuh.:r to '"'()rk h H .. you. wo. Gut e1 stamp handy'! 14082 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Calif. .. TOTAL INVENTORY PERSIAN & ORIENTAL RUGS Due to the cnormou!> volume of rugs, the inventory has been broken down into 120 p1ec.e c.ollcc.l1on'> and will be offered in various locations rn the State of CJlifornid. When you ma il in the coup1>11 hdow. we'll ~end yuu a :..hu rl que .... 1i1>11· nain; a~king abo ut lhL' !\iZc u f )llllr homL'. ho\.\ you heat and c.:uol ii. \\'hat ... n rl n f uppliunccs you use and !\O on. r Grt hi ;;ncb~i;-- 1 l7J \htil tu: h t Auction t o be held rn, LAGUNA HILLS HOLIDAY INN 25205 La Pon Road Laguna Hills, Calif. on Thureday, June 21at 8:00 P.M. Prewl•w. 1 hour prtOt to .... Inventory includes, Persian, Ch'ine~e, Indian, Turkish, Russian, and Pakistani pieces. Ptus anti"ue and semi antique pieces .in atl sizes. Auction of Antique furniture, Bronzes, Porcelains and Fine Art will be announced ai a later date. Auctioneer: WELLESLEY GALLERIES, L TO. 808 N. LaClenega Blvd. Los 1'ngeles, Callt. 90069 Auctioneer : Anthony Briscoe Info: (213) 657-3782 Terms: Cash I Check Fill it out and wl.!·11 feed it into o u1 S.A .V .E.S. computer. Out wi ll come ~~)llr personal ized computer print -out on hl'm to save energy in your ho me. Tips on how to make your d cctric appliances run more economically. The refrigerator and freezer. T hi.! range and oven. The dishwashl!r. The air cu ndi t io ner. "i.,\.\ .t .. ~ .. '\outhl'rn ( ':1lilorni1.1 Edi,on I .::~· 11.0 . Uo~ XOO, Howml'ml. CA 1H770 1'1n an I .dl\on t•u,loml'r. 11ll'aw wnd mt· a ~.,\.\'.fo:.~. C!Ul'\llonnuirl'. 1~ I f'\ ... nt· I "·"''rl· ...... I (If\ I I I ... ...... Zip E - --. ------- t 1 I f NATION Star's View Open ln/itklity Urged NEW' YORK (A I» Ac tress S h irley MacLalne says she be lieves "ope n Infidelity could save a lot of marriages." according to an article ln t.be July Luue of Ladles' Home JournaJ. "The jeoloUay lbat hurts some marriages is utuaUy a fear of the unknown," sald the actreu, heraelf married and involved at times in well publlclzed• romances. "You think your partner loves M>meOne ·el&e becau.ae somelhlng puaea between them in private so you feel jealoua and · rejected." Miss r.tae Laloe, 45, has been married since 1uss to Steve P1uker, a bu!>inessman in Tokyo, and sees tum twice a year. They have a 22-year-old dau~hter. Sachi "Obviously the m ar riage 1s not importa nt to ''s but the friendship is cverythrng," s he said. M1ss MacLain e said her recent involvement with New York Daily News columnist Pete Hamill e-ndt>il ~use he .w.anlc.:d to get .nrurried arul ·an' thing eon vention al would make me fee l •P ,..,,.....,.,o trapµcd " 'WHY FIGHT CITY HALL?' ONLY THE NAME CHANGES Dover'• 'ConveraaUon Houae· Skirt• Proatltutlon law 'Howe.' .Offers ~ex Clocked as Chutter Uturcl1 Ptiblishe!; NASHVILLE, Tenn <AP1 -The Southern Baptist Sunday school board has launchea a m onthly m agazine for single adults called Christian SUlgle. Aimed al those who have ne ver muned or who :ire divorced or wido~ed. the magazine wa!> ong1nat1.•d ul a tame when many churches are o,howini: 1nc·n·ased concern for single m ember!> DOVER, Ot:l. (Af') On a stretch of U .S. 13 south of here. nestled between a motorcycle shop and fast food stand, s its a sm111l gray hous .. where women ta ke off thf'ir clothe~ and talk to rnen Al least, that's how this "l'llOver'>o . tion parlor" explains Its bu~inf'Ss Similar t>stabhshmcnts have s1)rung up across ttn· t·ountry as a w<ty (frOund li.iws l1m1d11 g massage parlors a nd pr~titution Dt!LAWARE'S LAW, wtur h n aUy prohibits i.I massugc by i.I ix:rson of tbe o ppos ite sex t·xt'l'pl by s uch oersons as doctors . charopructors or barbe.rs, IS OllC Of the nation's toughest But Dt>laware 1s by no m eans unique. Cons1d(·r wh<tt happened lu:.t April in F:.airfax County, Va ., when a law was adopted requir ing massag( parlor oµerators to have a S2,l00 an nua I !teens(' "The massui,:1· pa rlors closed. s aid Dennis Sobin. cd1tQr nf Th•· Adult Bustness Hepor t, a-Washington monthly news l<'llt•r "But in tlll'1r place, and curious ly e nough with th1• same owners and s ame p<'rsonncl. they had ~l<.1xat 111n 1.·c n1t·rs. <1r counseling centers . 11r t·scort t·ourrst:I Jog .. SOBIN SAJD IUS clipping ~crvice s hows there are 26 "nude modeling studios" in Houston, a "VIP Escort Ser vice" in c;rnn-.boro, N.C: . a nd .i "Paradi!>c Relaxation Cente r " an Richmond, Va. In Washington. he said. he watched the "Ad a m and Eve Massa ge Parlor" C'h<.tngc its name to ~'Adam and Eve Modeling Studw · "It's the cheap•·sl wuy. · Sohm ex pla ined "t'd d11 al 1f I were in bu~1 nes s. Why fight City Hall'!" One young pl.Itron leaving the con- ver s ation parlor her<' who a sked not tq be idC'nlaf1c1t lt'fl no t1oubl a .. , 10 its bu.-;iness · "IT'S J UST I\ WHORF.HOUS•:." he s cud "I paacl 40 buc k::; for a con- ver s ation with 11 nude wom110. and the first thing ~he :,;;iad was, · F~ir JIJ I'll kiss you, and for $40 I'll a love with you "' He saul the woman explained that the initial $40 goes to the "house," a nd s he makes all her money on pro~· t 1lulion. The SJO "kis~." he said, was slang for oral sex . .- "There wa:. 110 convcrs auun al all," h~ s aid. Set. KJc·hard ~lrycharz . head of lht· State Police \1c1• squad. was askl'd about lh•· convl'rsation parlor und said, "All the~ clul was c hWl'l:l' their name.to something l'IM· " llOWt:VER, l\UTHORITIES atl matted 10 diffk ultics in mQv ans.: a~ains t c·onvl'rsat1on parlors and i.1 milar t·slabl1shmcnl5 . I> e p u l y D t· I a w arc At l n r n l' y General Timothy liarron said there is nothing illegal about s elling nude c•1111 vt:rsataons "It Ju~t fa lb under the prokl'lions gua rnnll'ed under the First 'Amendm1·nt of the Conslitut wn pe rta ina nl.( to thf• freedoms of speed1. and you cannot proscribe spt·cch, wh1•the r or not 1l pe rtains in the OUdl'." And Strych n·r·1. added "Thc•re·~ no law saying th<.tt a wom a 11 eannot lalk' to you t•ithe r toplt·ss or comph.:tt:ly 11ucl1• JI <'lin lt1· 1!1·'>1·rillt'd as an 1trt form . which is 11rnt1·t'tcd hy the F1r-.1 1\ 1n cndmcnt." 8f:FORE Dt:l.AWl\RE'S h1w t1~1>k f'ffect . theTc w e r e a bout eig ht m:iss age parlors m the statr. s aid Susan E Whe(•lt·r of the Commission on Massage E-;tabla s hments and Adult Book Stores. Thc:rc are no m as sage parlors now, but there arc· :i t>out et~hl -eon ve rsation or relaxa- taon·s tudi06, she said. All of those estublishmenls we re in the populous northern section or this small ~late. Hut las t month "f''1rsl Choice" became the first convers<1 lion parlo r in the more rura l south ern area;.._9.ef"nin~ just outside the s tate c~of Dove r A reporter who kle phoncd First Choice was told by CJ wom<.in who ani'\werC'd "Dover h11s nothin~ It·., rea lly boring here. Most p<.'<)ple wh1; ('Orne here a re lrme ly . . l thmk mt·n need a place for relaxation " MOST NEIGHBORS AND bus l ne ssmcn around First Choiec we n · not !{Ure what h;1ppens Inside and did nut know 1l in vol vcd nude sessions. "The title 'conversation house' has thrown prople orr the trat'k, and they really don't know whul it is," said Dennis Ocakins. who lives in a hou~ m~ deve lopm ent near the business . Howevt·r. Wi.iller Oacheux, night manager of a ne:Jrby restuura nt, said : "I ('<1o'l 1maginc all they do 11> talk to you." ... ,,.,..,- ( \ .NEW. • from Roger's Gardens _ roger's soil activator in 33 lb. DAil v PtLOT A. utility gardening buckets H11•1t>r ' -..011 Ac l1\l,t1or " .sn nrgctnic baw-<,oil condilion•r and mineral fertilizer ... hi<.h .. upptte!> humu ... humi< ite.tds. ctnd bacteri• •bsent from many 10ils, pmduc.inq ctn em1ironm1•nl .i.n which plctnl1> c<1n .uhif'\I(' ma11imum re&ults. -Thes~inqr.-dient" irieifoaw ftwnutnen.-opacttvot rlw sott,lJromott bitcteri.t propoqctlion to impro\1.-~ii 1>iruc turei., and in< rect~ the moisture- rt'lent ion c dpa< ity of the M>il. Ideal for -Lawn, Tree and Shrub feeding and soil preparation. INTRODUCTORY PRICE $11.16 '>.\Ll ftfltcJ JlJNI 1979 . semi-annual clearance 1/3 to 1/2 off You'll love the picture on our free calendar. It's you. original ~rices All sales final. Items in stock on sale are marked in each department. Intermediate markdowns have been taken on some items. Sorry, n.o mail or phone orders. 1.magn1n South Cont Plaza Co•t• Mt11 f967·1611) 2 Fashion Square S1nt1 Ana (647-5911) t ~lll fo INfllll< l lfof11A I /.'I''"• ,, June 19 thru June 23 Stop in, limilc at our computer. It will take your 0 picturc;' rhcn prinr it on a handy calcnJar. And it's all n miplctdy frw! All it takes is a minute. And you'll h ave a uniqul' I J x J.f ' portrait of yourM:lf, rcpro<lun .-<i with uncanny accuracy (anJ quit\.• flatte ringly) hy computer ~ymhol~. · Ir \ realty quite ama:ing. And fun to w atch, t~lo. Sn come on in ... 'r'''u'll find it only at GlcnJalc Federal. · CiLENMLE FEDERAL SAVINCis WITH CMR S3.5 BUION ~ IN ASSETS AND tv10RE lHAN ~ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 70 O:FICES IN CALIFORNIA -.. ![ ... ~. : :~:;~l COSTA MESA': l. l OO H ar~lr Bh-J. (Harho r C ,·ntl·r ) 64.!·4i 11 ~tnndav thru Thur .. J.I\' 9 till 4. Fr1da\· 1) till ~. :-\;iturd.I\ I\' till .!. : •' ' \ I .41• QAILY PILOT TueMj•V Jun• 19 1979 . 8era.r. Cer11 M.-•I ~rn • ...,. l>t:AR t'AT h lbert• & mt•thod or dry1n1e flow1•1 :-. thut d<M•:o1 "t rf'QUlrt• '>lla<·u 1e•·I"' lt"i. too t'X &.K'nM vt• for my budget • . (' O . fluntan11ton Bei.(h TIM-le a11& f'•pealltve way .. prt•Hn~ n.w•n Is '-C'~""' dMI buU.om of • lar1e bef wlU. u equal •t• of f'ef'll mu l ••d horH, plM-1•« llowtin or IHVf'lil lau llP aad HdatJy coYf'rlal &km with more of Uw mls&urf'. '&or.-Liiie Ml ill • dark. d ry room UDtll nower11o dry. •·uUaic .. a li.u C'aD bt-P"'M"rvrd by 11teadln1 tbt' 1&e>m • or lt"u .. , In a mt.turf' ol llalf &IYC't'rl•t' end laalf water uatll tbe ~olore&IOD Ii. tb.-umt' Ullroul(bout tlM> luvf's . Small bardy flowf'r~ <d warf a'8•iaai, mari•ohb, paaaiff ..C IOllle C"irYUD Ullemumb) can bt· prttt'rved by n!movl•& foU•ge and plad nit bluomi. f a<-f' do•n oa a lllla la~er of flnt', dr) s and. S& .. m b n .. f"d not tw <'OYf'r~. Plll more se nd oo &op and pl a rt' In lbr ,un lo bake for ooe ur two day' Bahff f 'o•td l 'ur"'"" Malf"'1J! IH.1\H l 'i\ I I "" n1111c 1'll lhdt 't'ht-n I ft-1·!1 Ill\ hah' .t 1.11 of h,111\ frn1il ll tt'nti!-lo lurn watt-1' bl'fc1r1· 1t :-. t'O•l'I' l'h1• lirnnd I UM! d0t.~n·t M·~m l1J mattt·r <111d I m rurwu'> a bout why th1!> hc.p(Jens I. E . Costa M <'Si:i T ht' mo1ot /tf'Qut"nl cau11f' of tbinninl( ill feedlnl( dlrl'ftly from thf' jar. Sallva from the baby'i. spoon t•ontalns an enzyme that starts "digesting" thf' food. maklnit ll thinner. Usinl( a separatt' dish will 1•liminatf' thiN proble m . Be sure lo refri~erate un· u:-.c·d rMlrlion ai. soon ai. poNslble. Occasionally lt>m pf'r atUrt' rluc·tuatiOR durinl( St-Origt' Cliln ('flUM' baby food to llqut>fy. A m arked te mpe rature c·h a nicf', .. ur h a l> from a warm cupboard to rl'frif(t>ralor ;,ili.o m l~ht cauM' fOCJd lo becomf' thin· nn. T f'mp.-ralurl' d1;.inl(f'S "''"° c:an occ ur in tht· l>t.,rt>. ":.irrhou,o. railroad caroand truc k. Nutri tional quality il> nol ;.irft•l"tf'd by con.;islen cy change:.. rn:AH l'J\1 W1 · houghl ... U'>4:d window <Jlr rond111o:it~r l>o \1111 know of ;111\ way to b i:I\'(• t>n1:rgy 11olw n u~1ns.: 11 , J nrl chi('~ 11 n •ally moth·r wh:it s 111· 11 ...... I 11 .1b1) llk1 • to knr1w 1( 1t .., 1mpor 1<1111 lo 1n.,t.1ll llw 111111 un lhf' :-h;1d~ s1<lc of the hou.,1· I. W . ('1,.,t,1 ~tC·'><I. H fM1!.Mhlr , 1lon'L m'>lall a windo" i.ir t'Ondi· li11n1•r in a ... unn.) window fi.dng wt•!.L or M1ulh. If \OU do, "ht'll lh1· a flt·rnoon '>Un !.lrikf'1t tht> roil and hPat111 IL. thf' c:oolln~ r :iparity of th(' unit will hf' rf'· duc·l'd <"t1n,id1•r:tbly. If i&. h;.ii. lo bt: pl;.iced on lh.e !\Unny !\idc nf thl' hour-•'. builrl:. "un"h:.dc· of shM-t m elal. wood o r t•v.-o pl a 'tit' lo!.hh•ltJ tlw lop of lht> unit. Prupt·r 'i1r j., im1mrt;.nt. If your windo w a ir C'on 111lionf'r j., 11n1h·r.,i7.1•d for tht· an· a you want lo ('tl()I, it will run lAM111fLt·n at full ,pf'1·d. /\n ovnsizt>d until will turn il'>f'lf 1111 a nd off loo. much and we,ar out pn· matur1:h "(~nl a prot>lt•m • 1'111•tt 11 ,,,,. 111 l'ol IJunn 1~n1 will cut r«t lapt. (ltlltlnt,1 lh11 011)U.W1' urirl nrta<m "°" nt'f'fl to ,ol tlf' tnt'Q"lll1·t 111 yot,..r n rrw11t urwl t>1H11tfl,,, Mail uour qu.·~tl<1•~ 111 #'al f>u11n. Al Your .wrvac:e. OrQnflt' rcxut Umlu 1'1/111 I' <J llor /YrO f°O!IO Me~a. ('A 926/b A~ lllUllU ,,.,,,.,, llS JI0 \\1/1/1• will ,,.. OflSWt'rt'd hut µlkftwtl 111(/Utll• ' '" lf'llt•r\ rml 111rlU1lm11 lh1• t1•11</••r a f11ll 11'11n1• oodrt'S arid bu.s111t'.S1I l1uur1> plwrlf' 1111111 li.•ri. oniu11 h•• 1·011 'll"'rttd I h1.\1°ulu111n <lf}J)ffar~ cJm '" •' / t ,.,,, .\1111111111, Mak.-HU,.,. you kl-1•p Uat' condJUonu clea• to ltelp II up..ratt-•t JW•k 1•ffldt'D<'Y aod reduce ener1y use. llt'lhO~t' tbf' unll h o111 ltli C'a..e and clean &t.e coll• with a .cudf'n hoi..-. i\li.o rt>move lht' Iron&, vacuum tile' lnlf'rhn and C'hanl(e or c:leu the niter ~very soooth durtn.c bot wHtber. If your air conditioner dM1tn't N•lf'81W' rool, crh1p air, &be refrigerant prob· ably •ffdN '·ban.clnl(. One olkr energy .wasting mlH· tah ~Ir oflf'n makt" IM lo &11.rn off the unit when thl")' art' l(ont• clurlnl( the day. It ju11t bas to work hardt"r wh•·n ll '., turnt·d on again. "•.tNr.-llttM.-Park Rulf"• Dlttrr l l ... 1\lt l 't\ I (';rn ,, 11111t11h•lm in1: 1rnrk ch<frge fH I t'b ll l\ I J. l CJltWL 11 uru 11., H JU! 1!1.ll.:hl!i" ... Al:&...JJ.1.0 . flhl k c·hu11J•t• tt~ rult· .. rn r tt\I' l<>nants allt>Ul ~uei.lb, l""h ur 1 t11ltl1 1·11 • I I' I luntingttm Beach I ht· m.rna.1tt•m1·n1 of a m11h1lt'home park may not ''""trit•t ¥ lt>11i.11t from ha \1111( J.:UM>b. a nd no chargt• ( 1,1 11 Ill' 111.ult• unit·" KUt•!.t' .. t_.) ror a 1wrlod long1•r lha rr 11 to11,t·1 ullvl'dtn'>. I h•· 1rnrk m il\ not 1•hanl(t· 1I!. rult"'> about ttuest~. hut it <'an nwdlh lht• rul1•04 nf a n l'lli1>Ling contract pm\ icfrd ttw tt·nant h l(ivt'n r.o da .., 'ad\ a nct-notic•· in ~ rilln.1t . Tht• l'11:1111(t' m4.-.t ht-rt'asonabll' and '>iRn£•d h v lh1· t1·11ant. H lht' t1•mint rt•fuM•!. to<,il(n 'ueh a oollc<". tlw c•fft·t·l of tht• ruh· will take place ~u monthi. aftt•r tlll' i..•r vlct• of th(• noticr. o n ~d iv thru Jun.- ~ti:z&~ ~~~ Credte yo ur own SAVE Ha ng in4 BJskc•t . . . 2 0 0 l<.·t1 f '11" ~ ~ I II ~I 1IJ ( 'l -';J ·t ,. . ~phd•tnum Mn.,., ~,. . _-: 1400 < u. in. <,, 1 -I \.\/in• g~,.,J,<•t \ • .• : " II ~ 7 J IJ \.\ol O r IOlll1if 6 i S/\l .E $6 . I f, '11i'ol ltU\ l1111t1 1111 ,,,,j, JI"', tt. \l•f•I h •1•ft I 't11lflo I • , \1 l~j fl ' • .... I ••• 111111 •'' ,, ,. •\10.11 • ,, \I .. 't ~. " ... 1• ·' ' '·'I NATHAN PRITIKIN CAN MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT, LOOK BETTER, AND FEEL GREAT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. f t t t I j • I . ' • ., : ':• :, i: :. : I · ',• ' : 1\• · • :r • '· ., I • : • 1 : , I I ' : ••• LI! .. U f I :: i ~ I ,f ; 0 1• I I Jt I : • '., I • : I ·,, r· r~ I 1, ·H .L , ••. ,. , ;i,~·: ·• • II : : ' T. : I I l' , .. ···.! I • It. .. I :. .... ·I •f J l' :: ,. ! J l• 1f j o 11 t1ri , I,. I• J 1 n • :· l 1 • • ~ 1• : • ••• ,u ,· 1 , 1 d t Nill,·). lf, ;. · ' ., ,'I j I j, I I y I ol l II : "' il , .... t I' J'/J I • , I 'i' '( ., ... , •' ; I/••) J!,•, '(fl !••tt1•Jr : ~ I ; ~I ;1 ' '/'<;1 f . l 1 l t 1•. • : t I . )1 • ! r 1 , .1 l· : • 1 .1 t .. •1 ll.1·PrP1l··1 • ll I" I · " f 'lll1•J, liy <.J11 Jjlllrll. .I • I I 1 t I J f I• ' I f Ir, .. [ •11ir .• 1 IJ. '" 1 ll••<i,•h Pru 11ri:i.1 • J,P ,, ·,'I .• 1 w ,,., i II· 1 ,'J•·L•·.~ 111,,. " ' 1 .f, l 11 l.•1··1!1 ~11t1 bn P:r :: 1 111 !1 Ii 1 t ''"I• f ... 11111•-l n 11 1T1•ll I .t /\ ' f' :; .. . f"' + , P I I" i. free introductory lecture I ... J"I , 'Ji _,··· ' I I I I I II 1111 I ... • " : .. . • I ' : "· 1d1 'I' •. i· • 'I• ' . .,;! :•I •• ·I J•1 t: :y :l .• I ... I.:• ' 1··' 't ,, :.11.1• 11 1 I I 11• I J f •, 4 t 1 !f I l1 :'1· '•I I· 'f. .• I.· l'or furt/11 ·1 r11 /u111m/1 •11 •111r/ I•,, .,, .. 11, , •11/ <213) 393 6785 THE PRITIKIN BmER HEALTH PROGRAM · Starting soon in Orange County mm• 11 PERSOI 1111! an p'ftlAll P1I 1 · ne I~ • RegistrY Hote\0\;1 7:30 pm "'ednesday.1uneR2 ~anons requ1red 'f'f' . \ted-esea. Attendance \~ALL (213) 393.6785 ' .. . • l\u tr1m.1ftr tr1•m,11-'f-0r • l n 1 r<J / ' .. 1v••r <1w 1lc.h • J\•1111• 1,101" '·ht•I Jf·· • H ',/ Cll fl f11~11·1 SAVE '100 WASHER & DRYER I ~-·' • L .Jrq1• caoau1v ? '>0~'f1rl Wil'.h~,,, • A111o ma11 t ~··n.,or c.rlntrol rJryH Mlh O'Jlyl•·,l~·r knit cyr Ir•' CLEAN 'EM UP NOW! SAVE \40 ON THE PAIR DISHWASHER TOP OF THE LINE DISHWASHER • CLOSE-OUT • SAVE s5000 MICROTOUCH•w MICROWAVE OVEN "'THE WHIZ" r,,...,.,t r 1, lt·•. • :" I• n t1•·•.tl1J"' (,c1r\frr1ll"'1 1 r 11·. ',1111m .. , N CooL • (. t)t)~ II -N.tlc.h . Cyr.I•· SAVE s50 •I >•·1• n,1_.t,I.• n.·.1 .. "\ Jut\ ~ ,,,, ''"""II"• \II 1.illf"toi t'\d1 .... ,_·. 111111 •l 11t ft'" "'\1n.,;,•t r\nJr!,lltt '•''·"' ..... , ....... 1 1,d •1"4 t •I .tt•th ~'"j ,.. 'Jbr-~ ...... ' • f11u~ r1u h pttmt• •I 111lt n...tft 1 1inl hJt,•r • ""• tt 1 t.· .. nu-.~ I"'" .. 1.u11 t•f\.tm••I """"'h h N 11 c h1·rk out thl' 'a"i"t(' Noa "'h•'n , uu hu' a lh•pe•ndabll' ";"ta~ Imm O\\i'IS RRO"' ·-. . ,OllOIMc HUii 0 "Multi-Matic. II" ~· SAVE sso WHILE SUPPL 't LASTS! r---------------------, ~ SPECIAL BONUS : I I I ----1 I I t I I I I ' I I I I -- HIZOO THINKING OF REMODELING WI"' tht f>'lrchott of ony l'ono~•c lhrouqh Jw"t JO. 197'1 Yow can af,o pwrc;ho•t lhi• 1 7 c wl ~ rt· tr-1quotor for S69?5 •I .Visit our new1y expan~ed Built-in Department Featurin9: /CALORIC f FRIGIDAIRE f CHAMBERS ./GE /ROPER f JENN-AIR f tlITON ./DACOR . --------.. ( ~l•N•S•ID•E•:••S•t•oc•k•s•••B•u•si•ne•s•s_.._ ........................................... ~.-i~~~ts , •MoYles •Televl1lon 1.-,.Juoo 19 ,.,, DAILVPILOT r-~·- ~------YounRster, 14, Exce& in Athletics, Studies------......-....... ~lng -lleaf-No Handicap 8 1 t:aNIE CASTIUA.> OflMo.ltf~ ..... 8111.ke Smith will never hcl•r lht> roar or a crowd, the c-rac-k of a b•l or lhe s wish or a baskf'tball net When he llnefl up for a track rut. hr wall for tht> smoke , not the sound, of t1'e starter's t1un \'ou ke, lUakc Smith lb dc11f , 111lwayi. hi.i. bc'f'n and always wall l>t• But tha t didn't 11top thf' Coeita M ... su e1(!hth ~r ader from bct'oman.: J four ~port i.tur ul M<·Fadden Jumor IJttih th1:. car And 11 surel 110n'l oln tu sto h11. ath ehc carttr whe n nro s 111 • a e oe High next fall HIS lS ~ STOil \' uf rourn.ce over com 1111; .ad Vt'rS1ty. of a happy. well-ad Justed 14 year old who ha~ u:.cd athlH1cs to bridge the gap bt:I"' cen a handicapped and a norm Ill world "It's good for tht! body and it's a way to bl' accepted into the hea ring world," he sayi., dl'f1nang sports through sign language that i-. trnnslated by a t eacher , ll1s eyf!i.1ght 1::. keen, ht!. reflexe::. t·x tre me ly quick Through years or reading hp:. and s pelling words with tu:. fingers. &long with the d caf's ma te way of improving the othe r senses, Blake has developed the dcx terity and hand·cye coordination necess11ry to become a good athlete. B UT MORE IMP()RTANT than that '' the w11y he surct-t'lh an anyttung he atte~t~ Des pite the inherent compli cations, he cam(' up quickly throui::h the tlarbor area youth basl•ball ranks and through the Costa M(•i.a .I unwt' All-Amcn c:.an football prografll. When he decid ed to try bas ketball th" year , he not only m;1de the school team, ht· wus ·a starter. f'ina lisl for the school 'i. athlete-of-the -year <1 ward. he was C1lso named i.tude nt of the year for his work in the clas~room. "That made me happier than anything else." says his mothe r, Grace "It's meant a lot fo r ham to compete; it's given him a b(:t l!'r image of himself." Says teacher Anita Ferandez-Low: "lfco '!-. a prt·tty diligent worker who triei. hard a nd 1:. cag('r to learn. lle 'i. n·ally a ::.upcr kid." INve Bas No Barriers Former Los Angeles Dodger Bill Buckner. now with the Chicago Cubs. kisses an o ld college friend. Lois Vodhandel, through the netting o f the batting cage in Los Bl.AK•:·s ROOM l'ONVF.VS th~ image of ll healthy. rNi·hlooded Ameri<'an teen-ager Ffrophics 11ta nd t:1longs1dP model rockets on tht• booki.hd vt•i. Autographed baseballs. lt·.irn l>ll'lUre:. und ll picture or ttabe Ruth i.t:111d on thti drc::.:.cr Strt>wn 1n a corne r is a .:1 uwrng collecllon of i.ports 1.oquipment tic hui. u pas:saora for fishing but he abo 'nca w -.k1i., wah ·r i.k1 s 11nd shoot~ i;olf in thc low tKI:. Sm1whow, hl' abo Can<b lam<' to ra1sc hartb u111I grow Vl'gl'lablei, 1n h t'> own bark ard ~urdcn ut 1;-mam ove arc Jlc {(!am spot and he 's gral1>ful for the pa tience· and 1dd~fic·•· .. ·11·,. good for lhP body a11d ;,·,. a u ·a!J lo be oc·- c·c-pf Pd ittffl 1f1p hc•aring en.trfd. • coopcr;1tion ht•:.. 1 t·cc1 Vl'd that madr pl aying poi.i.1blt.· "Kt~VIN GUNTH ER rntcrprcti. plays for me and tells me which w~1y to go," Hlakc s ays or his closest frtcn<l who ll> now ll'arnin~ how to use sign languagc "Koha I McFadden t·oa<'h Hon Koh;:i yui.h1 >. writes things 0 11 1>ap(•r Most of m y n1ach1·i. havt· t·om rn unit·atcd n ·;.al W<'ll Ht•m1•mht·r that '>moll 11w11 n t·oach," he s:1ys l11 h1i. dad, t•:d , v.aving h11> arms wildly . . 1-:vt•n has l'arl\ ,JJ\1\ d.1\., v.1•nt '11\l•tJlhh thou~h ht• l<tu~h., "'h··n ht• 11•1·:1lh . "1 y r1r ... 1 • \•Car. v.c• h<1d a ,::111111(f'ana.1111• "t·111nll \'1•ar at was not i.o ~ood arad tlt1· J;a.,1 y1•;11 11 v.,J, luusy." Olakl''s 1978 7~J s1·ai.11n w••' JU'>l lhf' '•II pusitc. lie pl;,aycd lhml ha:-.e for a has<'lwll team that was th<· Saula Ana <:1ty t·hamp!) on the junior ha gh lcV<·l Al ~ ~ 15'1 t)()Unds, ht· wa& built idcally . to pla\ dd1·11st\f' e nd 111 football and Corn ard 1n hJskl'lhall The wa\ hP performed, noliotl~ tri·alt·cl ham ltk<' lw had a handicap llt:'S AN Ol 'T~T1\:\IH!'ll(; a tlal1•l1 • 1·\'l'll Angeles Monday nig ht pnor to I hl' g amP Bucknt'r wc>nl h1lll·~ in I hrct· at bats as the Dodgers won. 7 :1 Sec stor)' pagl' B:J Angels' Ac~ in .. the Hole Jolutson Acts as Trouble Shooter By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Of Ille o.11, .. , ... $Utl De ron Johnson was a .244 C'Breer hitter, but in his first i;eason as the Angels' balling coach , he is working miracles. On their last road trip the Angels hil .317. and for the season ~y 're hitting .289. IN HIS WHOLE LIFE , Johnson never hit .289. He hit a lot of homers a nd in 1965 drove in 130 runs to lead the lea~. but h e· wu never a .300 biller . So what's his secret? "Just have a bunch of gTe-at bitten,'' be sa.ys with a grin. "When you 1ot 1uys like we do on Ulla club, a hitting instruc- tor'• job is easy." Even eo, some or the An1els h itten have made re markable improvement this year, and it's tou1h not lo lhlnk Johnson bas something lo do with It. BOBBY GRICH h it 251 last yea r a nd is up lo .319 now Brian Downing ·finished al .255 last ~cason. a nd le ads the team now with a .357 average. ' "Downing's done most of it himself," Johnson says modest- ly. ''I tell ya, he's the most im· proved hitter I've ever seen in my life. He turned himself inlO a .300 hitter." And Grich? "He 's turned himself into a super hille r . too. He worked hard on his concentration, and he's (lol hi» s wing down now," says Vte m an the players u ll OJ . TO HEAR JOHNSON tell it, you'd think a hilling coach just stands Mound and smiles , while the hitters do all the work. But that's not quite true . ~henevcr a pla~er comes ou\A for extra batting prad1cc l and th<'Y all <lo ~oonPr or latt•r>, .Johnson 1s t ht· rt· to panpo1 nl fl aws and mak<' <'orrc<·tions m a playl'r's style · "l'ht>r<' is no raght or wron~ way to swang a hat," Jo hnson says. "Everybody hits different- ly . My job is just to watch what I\. ~uy docs naturally, and let him know wh en he s tops doing it .•. .. IN OTHER WORDS, Johnson is a trouble shooter When a player is hot. ht> doesn't need help. But when he ttoes into 1t s l u mp , J o hn son tri e s lo straighten him out. · · Evetybody wor ries when they start going bad They start wondcrin~ if their eyesight is going, or 1f thc>y just can't do ii anymore>," J()hnson says. ··r <~ANGEi .. ~. ragenll D•••Y P•••t \t4fl PMto BLAKE SMITH WITH HIS MOM ANO DAO, GRACE AND ED. \\at h ht!-. handtl'a p. sayi. Kobuyui.h1 · 111· h;,. .1 JffC'i.ll c.IPal <if charat lcr and h · handl"' h1 m l.elf \t'f Y well on the uthlet1c f1c·l<1 I ,,, far Cl' Hlu kt• , athl<'ltl' c·urec1 as nm 1·1·r11('(t · Thi' k1rts rc<1lly ('nJOY him. thf'rc• wt•re n11 probll'm!-. whatso<•v ·r." Kobaydi.ha sa}l>. "llt"s .i grN1l footh11ll player . y11u 'h11ultl 't'I.' hi m 111 uct1on ," Kobay<1i.h1 l>a y-. "111·" 11nl y a v(•rage in basketball but la1·'i. a s u1wr li:J,1•hull proi.pcet. Ovc r<tll, he's ;, vt·rv gool! .itl11l·tl· for an f'tghlh gn.adc r " I know a hltlr i,1gn lunguagt· Mi I ran 1·11m - 1nun11.:;1ll' v.1th him. 111· hai. i.uch a good r<1p - p11r1 with h1-. lt•a mru;111•!-o, ht · NtrnN1 :a trophv 111 ha-,1·liall for lit·sl ft-;arn s111n1 ll<-1ng tlt-ar. 1t M·1·m'> I'> 1nron-.•·q111·n11 ;il · I I•·•, 11·:.ll~ J n!1·1 k ad He's Only Mortal Fans Go-Wild Over Ryan's Gem Uy OJ\VE ('l1NN I NGll A~ Ol llW 0 •1ly Pllol \t•ff J·'or ~· full five mrnult'!-. aflC'r I hl· I ast out. t ht! r rowd uf 37 ,(>91'r' al J\naltt·1m Sladaum ~lno<I ::ind l'hanlN1 for Nolan Hy;in to rnm1· uul and t:1k1• a how lie had carru·d :.i no hitter mtu I h1' 1·i ~hth mning and finished wath " liralltanl two hit shutout over lhl' 'I t•x as I{ anger'>, 1·n<1 hling th<: J\11gels to sC'nrc a 5 0 v11· tory Mond:..y "BVZZlt: Hi\VASI JU.SI cu.lied and h<' i.a y:-. you shou Id ~o out lh<"rl' Thi· fan:, arl' c hanting for \ ou. ' a r lubhoust• l>ny i.aid 111 ll yan, \\ho was s urroundt·tl by rttp11r tPri. al h1~ loc kt•r "W1·ll. I got m y pa nt!-. off. I<) an rt•µlaNI sh1•1•1J1!-.hly ·'Ir h1· gill's out there now I.hf· l'fC>wd will rt.·:ally get 1t:.. money's worth," somcon<' i.houte d So Hyan pulled h1 -; pant:. on, n ne lt•g at a lam!' l1k1· any mortal. and went l<J grt!et tus 1·hcl'nng ran ... "T llE ('ROWD ha' :always I rl'atcd rnc· wt•ll hen•," Hy an :-.a1<1 "It mt•<1ns a s much to m1· as anything I 'vt· l'\'<'r don" on thr• flt'lcl. I e;an 't ai.k for much more " Nor ran the Angrls ask much more of ltyan Jlis rc•cord is now H :1 with a 2 5fl EH /\ :and hC"has p1tehecl two thrf't•·hlllt.•r!-o and two two h1ttc ri. It was t hi' s<'rond l1 me this s1•ason h<' has carried u no·hille r anlo the <'ti:hth inning. In the firi.t, April 21 against Oakland. Hyan's birt was shatte red by Mitchell Pa~c·s single ON MONDA\' it was Oscar (iambic doing the honors. He drilled a J. J pitch through the left side. Hill Sam ple got the other hit. a soft liner lo cente r (a cid in the ninth. "I wasn't concerned with a no hiller. 1 wus concerned with a shutout and winning t he game." Hyan said. "I didn't really have no·h1 t stuff tonight ··But sure. any llmr you get that close it's a d isappointment to let it gel away." Ryan ad- mitted. "The ne xt onf' 1s gonna mean a lot." By that. you can mrer that Ryan believes there will be a next no':hitter. It's just a matter or time . AND IF RVAN is correct. he will go down in histor y as the first pitcher to evenllrow five no-hitters . Right no w he and Samty Koufax each have four It was Ryan 's fourth s hutout or the season <no one else on the staff has more than one) and the seventh time an 1979 he has struck out JO or more batters . ''When I ha ve a good curve und I'm getting It over. than whf:n I get ~ lot of s trikeouts ." lh :111 ""'ii 0 1\rad 111\ l,1,ll1a ll w;1:-. pretty ~oocl.1 110 ftlC:lll t: ZIS I<, "'1111 "' f'\.\ WW of thf' two walk' 1<;;111 1-;i,111•rl 'a11l al v..is H\i.111 ·, ;·11111n1I th.11 m:adt> hin1 unht·:1l.ilJl1• 'I 'n: ::.c1.:11 hun tlaroY. ti.ardcr t>ut l 'vl· nt·\1·1 :-.i·cn him v.1th ha .. l1)('al1on 1>11 good 111· was hit1111~ I h1 · cornC'r wh1·n hl• nr·1!dl'tl 1t · Zai,k :.aid. "lit• w~1:r;n t u:.rng lh1• m111<1lt' of the plate · Angel catchl'r Tom Uo0t1hu1· got a pit<'h down thr m1ddl1· 11( llw plali' m thl' t hird mn111v, <1nd '('Ill 1L 1nt11 th1· lt·fl field :-.1•;Jt:-. for ,, lw11 ru11 h•111wr. all CahformJ ll('Cl..ifo(f Bt-:HT ('AM PA NE RI S 1ollowc·<l wllh a s1ng lf' to centc1 .ig i.1111 ,l h1.., to rmt:r t<:ammal1· F1·r gui.1111 .h·nktni.. and Cam cv I .• rn::.ford lwlterl :.inotht•r homer · ll \\ai, 1.ans lord 'i. c•1ghth horn•· run of llw y1·ar, l!quallmg h1i. total for all of la.st yt•ar "Carn1·y'..; got lht· -;1zc <6·~. 1951 tu bt• a pnwt•r hatte r," say, halting <'oat·h Of'ron Johnson · lit--has A't a<eacht>d ha 'i PQtentaal y<·I. I I hink hC' 1·a n ht· <as good a:. <Sefo R\'AN, P:.g1· HJ> ....~ ..... ., . ., .... _ NOLAN RYAN DOFFS CAP TO CHEIRINQ ANGEL FANS. .. . . .. . .. .. 7 -·DNL V PfLOT Two Angels 1.eaa ·All-sta~ Balloting NEW YOftK <AP> -Rod Carew of the Angels widened his kad for t h e startln first baseman's Job, bu{ close races in rour positions b!tchlighted the fan balloting tor the Amer ican League All·s ta r team, baseball (;ommlssioner Bowie Kuhn's Of· flee annoWlced Monday. Car ew, who has been s idelined recently with a jammed right 1humb, leads all AL players with 1.1 20,326 voles, far ahead of h.Js n e arest competito r , Ceci l Cooper of Milwa ukee, who hus 213.767. BASEBALL I BOATING 1'thletes of Year Top Area Stan Honored Thia ia Uae /1/tla i1a a "1W• o/ orhc~• lwMonno OrOJ9' Coo.st area¥ ttChool al,.,., o/ l.Jw ~· Jt'olloMleftQ u o brW/ nmdolcm on .U Clf tlwm. 1' al!f R .. lt.rN,..,,,.r--C B •r .. r A three-sport telle r wiMer, Rush 111 a junior at Newport. She Is a lhree-year s tarter In volleyball and was named to the All-CJF first te am this year. She has also been a start.er in basketball and softball for two years for the Tars a nd is a m e mbe r o r the Orange County VolfoybaU Association j unior team. aus.i Dla1tf' Paid~ lrl'i1tr • ., . 1- C arew's teammate. JJobby J\ wo-s rt s~_ill:.; Grtc'tr."JUmJ)(!(t'"tntU\:tfe-1Cll<rfirrr--1t--+-i~~~--.~111--~~th~c~. ~lo~p~IO~perc:entof her cl~as......,.s~in_....~ur~a~dc~-~.-.~-==-==~ the second baseman 's s pot. poinlaveragewitha 3.8Seffort.Sb e w as APlllll,._\o Gneh. who as ,second · In the captain of the championship lrvinf! gym· le::1g uc with 15 .hu m e r s, has . 397 ,715 volt's to 384,4'13 for Frank nasties team and also played t.t!nnis. She won the Heritage award, one or the top White of the Kansa:.. City Royals. honors allrvme. She w1 II attend UC Dav.., New York Yank '(' Wurld to the fall to pursue a mathcmatJcs ma- SE'nc:-. hno Bur ky !Jent 1s the JOr . new leader at short.<>lop Dent's total or 455,425 volt.~ plac<.>d him ahead or Kans li :.. C 11 y's f"rt:d l'oh•k t4:3!i,;$2'J I <and J\I. halting • leader Hoy SmC:All t·y of Min Ot.'SOla 11J0,)5{;) l'AUL Graf9P ~i,•(,'arfrfl .. l11tivrr•if fl U 111 vl·rs1ly 1 h gh has done quite well in f1<:ld hoc:kt·y in the past :.everal yc<&rs <ind M cCarlcy has playt.-d a leading role· Two -ti m <' (' y You n g I\ w a f' d wi n n t! r c; aylord Perry ( ldt 1 of th • San Diego P;Jdrcs presents a b1rthd<Jy <:akc Monday to <Another 40-ycar-old, Lou Brock of the St. Loub Card111:.1 ls. Brock leads the Na· t 1onal f.(•aguc in hrtting and Perry i s among lht· l<:agu1•':-. IL·u<krs in e<i rncd run <i vc·r ::igc·. r.<>oriw Brett' of Kansas C ity m aintair1t>d a slam h·ud ut lhird base: Bn:tt h11s fi32.59H vole~ to tt29, I 11 for Nrw York's C rail! !\'t'ltles. C:.tml'Y Lansford of the· /\ngt•b 1s a dt'll..int ll11rd <it lfiO.:!>l'I . m that s uccei;s. Sh e is a lso a two-lime ·1111 Clf" st·ledJOn. Shi· ran on tht-cross rountry and track t'•ams und s e t several school records along with bcmg st-lected to the M.·cond h:arn J\ll·Sea View l..cugm· \<1lleyhall tcam A Capsule Report From the World of Sports Basketball Delusion: 82-h()Ur (;a111P l s l,lay<·d 1·· """ :\ J' Ui)>patdw-. l>A \'f 11 'iA 111•;/\l 'll, l•'l:s B:isk1·thall 1' 1·1111 ),lcl1•1 1•el a q 1111 k J'.1111 •-. '111l :.ii H1•thu111• l'1111kt11 •H1 <"ollt•gc ont• g;11n1 · 1 nrl•·d wtwn a play••r f• II a sl•·•·ri IJuL l)('fon· 11 c·1Hl1•d 1'111l;1y, th<: IO :Jlh leLt!!i l:11d 1•l;11rn lo th1· w11rlll'" mar;ilhon li:1-.kl'lh11ll plav1n1• n·e·111 d kl houi-,, •I 11111111t1••. o f ci r 1hlJl111g , free lh111w~ amt 1.. ~"I'" 111· pn ·v111u ... 1 • f'11rd 11~ t1•1t 111 the• C 11111111·-.-. Hook of Wnrlcl He 1·11 11h wai. 7~ h our '> '>•·t 1n J!)7'/ _( '11!11·1•1• ~ pok•·..,rnan I J11n C'11hh· '"'rl 111<' l<111g h1111r•, 11f 1·x "rt'l">t' t1111k llwtr lull 1111th1·11layf'r~ "W1· found the· pl~yt•r.., ;ill q~rte<l ha vin~ delus1nnc; Om· ~uy :..l.1r11·cl t:tlkinJ.: t<1 ht'> thun11J ht"1·a11M: hl' thou~ht 1t wet.., a rt1 t('fl1J1lt111w . ( '<1lik '>.iHl ------,,.,.,, ,. uf I lw DaH--------. f-11rm1·r ank1·1·" m:in:11•1·r R41b l.A'mon, rJ1·<,rr1l11n~ how t;ilk:111 vc-Tommy J•1hn 1· ·A .I h11n th•· ttnll' ;ir1<l h•· II t 1·11 you how t11 rn J kl• a "';111·h · 111,., •• ,. .-;h1glf" Spa rlu ft••d So.r A lv.o run :--1ngl<· tn the c•11<:hlh mning t>y Ji m • Rir•• ctrov1· in lh<' tying anti winning nan:.. a!> Uo:..tnn rll'fl'al•-<I J)1•tr111t , SI 7 1n J\m1•rwan Lc;igu<· action Monc1ay. St.f'Vf' K('rnp had a wm1d !.lam hf>TTll'r for tht• T1gt'r1'. . ll<1rr1t.i 1 un1'. !Jy Billy Smith, Gory Hocnickc .ind Rick 01·mp~t!Y powNHI lh 1lt1morc to their fourth con •1·1·11t1 ve• tnurnph and llllh 111 the· l;,·,t 11 gam1·:.. 111 ;in >s 7 w111 1t\1•r (.;fl'vt•l;md . . /\ tw11 run :..1ni;lc in the· 1·1ghlh 1nn1n~ hy (;t-<uge S<-utt 1-.napp('(J & ~corclt!>s tu: &nd George Bretl, wh1) :..tarl(.-d t he cighth ·tnnmg upn~ing with a ~ingle, doublt-d home the winning run in the 11tnth <&s K<&nsas City d cfeutcd Oakla nd , 3·2. It w<&s lhe A '~ e ighth straight los~ and lhetr 15th in the last 16 games ... Tom Paciorek and Brute Bocht.e s lashed run-scoring s ingles and Dan Meyer had et two-run d ouble as Seattle dcfe utc d lhe Chicago While Sox, 5· I J\ ~inglc by Dan Drietltu>n capped a two.run Cmcmnatl ratty 1n the fifth inning as lhe Hcds edged Montreal. :t-2, in NatJOnetl L('aguc action. Andre Dawson twltt.~ h1~ 12th homer uf the ye:ir for the Jt:xpos ... Shortstop Craig Reynolds singled home pinch runner Julio Gonzalez 1n the 18th innmg as llou:..ton outlasll·d the New Yo rk Mcls, ~! 2 Randy J ones won h is first gamt· s rnce May 28 as J erry Turner :.walled three hits and scor('d twice as San U1cgo dl'fC<th:d St. Louis. 3-2 ... Gary Mat- thews belted two home runs uncl a double. dnvang in four runs lo power Atlanta past P hiladc·lphia, 10·5 ... Setn f''ran· cisco's Willie McCovey, who last week m oved into ninth placf' on the a ll·timc home run hs t , was named the Nationul League 's p layt..r or the week. McCovey, at '11 the m ajor leagues' oh1csl playf'r. h it four hom e runs during the week, drove in JO runs and hatted .:181 ... St. Louis pitc her Bob Syke11 is schedult.'<.I lo under~o s urgery today for 11 blood clot in his left shoulder . lie has been placed on the 21-day di~abled Jisl. ------Ba•rlJall Today---.--- On this dat.e in b11seball in 1941 : E n route to his rccord·hreaking 56-game hitting s treak, Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees hil in his 32nd consecutive gam e, going 3-for-3, incl~dlng a home run, against the Chicago White Sox. Today's Uirthdays: C leveland Indians' Infielder Duane Kuiper is 29. Milwaukee Brewers' pitcher Jim Slaton is also 29. San Francisco Giants' infielde r Johnnie LeMaster is 25 Too Tall Ion~• io Trr,-Bo.rl•fl Dallas defensive e nd Ed .. Too Tall" Joan was • expected to announce today that he will quit foot· ball In favor or a pro boxing career ... Tanza. nian &alehnaa Nyambul, afte r recording history's second fastest 5,000 m eters (13: 12.29), s ays he'll try to better the mark in July ... Former fettherwelght boxing cham· pion Bobby Q1coa won a unanimous 10-round d ecision over .JOH Torre9 at the Sports Arena ... War has been declared on the National Association for Stock Car Auto R1cin1 by .a new poup headed by a 0ne-lime NASCAR official. The American Truck Racing AsaoclaUon says it can dO a better job and che1per, 1ccordin1 to Pete Keller, a 27-ye1r employee of NASCAR . . . Loeln1 races, not wlnnin1, waa often on the inlnda of Jockeys at Pocono Downs race track accordina to telUmony In a federal race ftxln1 trial. Gin Adley, a Loulal1na truck driver and horse owner, told the court that he turned down bribes from an associate of self-descrtbed mast.er fixer and chJe( 1ovemment witness AaU.0.y P. Cl•H1: r.,.., .. , ... , ll•d•• TV· No events ached,uled. • aAnlO: Tena It AngelA, 7 :2S p .m ., KMPC C710): Cblcaao at Dod1en, 7:2S p .m .. KABC C790> Navratilova., Au~tin Wi11 E J\ S'l' B 0 I J H '\J E . E n i,: t and c J\ I'> Tnp "t·1·1frd M i.lrtinu N a vr~1t tlo\'<1 dl'f1•utc.-d Urill'h Jun111r Jn l>urn• 6·2. 7 5 Tm~day 1 n I Ill' :..1·1 o n rt round o f th1· F a ... 11i11u r nc· Wom1·n ·~ Gra ... ~ ('1111rt l•·nm'> tourn.rnwnl ~:1 vr:1t 1 le1va . lh1· d1·f1·n<lin1:,.. 1'11amp11m 1 r1r1 ... 1·tf lhr11111:h 1111· ( 11 •,I •.t•I .11:;1111 .I h1•r I H \ •·;,r q fd 11pp111w 111 111111111• 1:111Hr11 1 .. 11 1!11 1 J11 11J'.h1 11.ll'k 111 1111 ~.e•1·1ir11I ..,,., 111 t.1k •· ·' 1J ;~ ll-11d '\.1 \ r.1l d11v.1, f11 1 m1111• C'•111f1 <11·111 than .i t f 'h11·IH·:..1t•r 1:1 ... 1 Wt•1•k 7;11t hPr J.'.:11111· l111t•k trtl" Ill •• 11111•1\1 ' ;11111 11•1·l1·ll off f1~1 ',f I :llJ!fll l',11111'" f,,I lhe• 1r1,t11 h 'I f<·•·I 11\111 h lrl fl(f' t·.lJ:PI 1111w ... :utl Na vr;11 Jlova . Y.h11 play ... lln1;1111':.. Anni· lloblJ•, 111 1111· th1nt r111111cJ Wed1wMl<ty 'I l11ril "'''f'Clcd Tracy Au~t111 .1b 11 ,~41ptun·d her :..e t oncl ro11nd mlll<'h l1Jday. The Jt; y1·ar·old ,\u:..1111 won fi 2 . f. :J afte r :1 li.1M·l1rw hall le <JJ'.:Jtn~l anfJthcr 1\mf•r11·.111, Hd-.y i\ag1•b1·n V1·t• 1 .111 t•111t1· .l1·;1n t\1ng dt• f{·:l11·ll :1riolllt'r t • S pl::tyer . K:.i\' ~1!'11;inwl. 1,1 , f11 , .rnd ~111tll 1\!rwan Cr ,.,.r Sll·v1·n-., •,1 ... t11·d 11 1 ri I I 1 , h r 1 n h 1 • cl a "' d 1 • I It 1 • • h :ii I 1 • n J! 1 • 11 f y e • I a 11 o I It c r ,\111t·rt1 ·:111 , :"'tll'rry /\~kcr, 1, :1 , 11 I Tlt1• n·m:iinlllf! ~.1'f•ond round m :1tdw:,. 1rw lutl1ng Chn-. l~v1•rl l.loy d 'o.; m ;1lrh aH:nn.,l /\nn1· !',m1lh. w1•rc-•,l'lwtl ul<·d J:i1 1·r 111 day Ondine Wins Yacht Race N EWPOHT, R I I /\P 1 -On- <ltn<'. ,J 70 foot ..,Joop ..,kippered h" ~um1wr L•mi.: 11f Nc:w York, f1111 ~hed f11-.t 1n 1hf' Anna polis l11 Nt•wport y a<•hl r:1c·1· today C >nd1111· W tt), houro, ahclld of llw other 71 } at'11L-; when 1l t·n>Mit'd the fm1 :..h line oH Castk H1ll l.1 ghl llOUSl' today ol I :13 0 m Thi• ... loop hod l>1•f'n r1T111rt1.'d to he alwam of Mont;iuk Point fJn Lcing J:-.la11cl. :1houl 20 m ile!> from the f1p1sh lln1-. at 7 52 p.m . Mon d&y . l nv1·r11e•-. .... with Hob1·rl M('Cullough of l111· N1·w Y11rk Y:.icht Cluh ul th<· ht·lm . fini~hcd .,t.•cond <Jl a pprox1mat<'ly ti :JO am. Tf>nacaous. 5k lp p c rcd by J\llnnta Bruvcs owne r und J\ mt>rl<':t 's Cup <lcof<'nd<'r Ted Turner, was third ucross the line at apµrox 1male l y H a .m . Despe r ado c·ros~ed fourth a l :Jbout 10 am. with John Tuttle at the helm. ' Early in th1· race, it h nd ap- peared lhut Ondine had a chance lo -t}feak the· t.>l:ipscd-timc ·record Cor the r ace of 55 hours , '10 m1 nult's und 36 seron1ts. whirh was S<'l in 197~ by Kialoa On 1lln<' would h uv<' h ad to c ross thf' finis h linf' hy Ii '10 p m l1J have hrokcn the rcrnr<l T t1c Hoyal'>' Uarrell l'ortn :1111~1'>S<'CI 4~1:;.1:10 vol•· ... lo IJ<in·ly l1 •atl Ho1>ton ''> (':HIUHl Fa ... k I I :1 <1 , fi !J 5 ) :1 II ti I\ • · W Y () r k ' ... 'I ltur uw11 .'Vt uni-1111 t IJ I .1~:11 fur tin 1 .1ldwr'i. l"''>1l11111 f'h r H01>ton lte·d S<ix 'c; tnn of J· rt·d L)nn .. Jim HH·1· :ind C:.irl Y.1:..tr1emsk1h·d1n-th1· voting for tlw lhrt•(• \tartini: l)Utf 1t·IO pO'il t 11in ~ Lynn. th1· lt·11gue l1·a1frr .... II h II,; hOllH' run~ •. t11r1s ull OUI f11·t .te ·rs \.\1!11 ri!I0.751 1<11t t•\, f11ll11v.•·d II\ lt111 11.:11 •. 1:11,1 m11I \',1..,trt•·rn ... i<a 1~1:"1,7!151 l-'11111 th 111 tlw 111Jlfll'ld \•11 1111•. Y.,1'.. :'\1·v. \'111 J.. "1<•·1:1:14· .1:11 k iwi • 1·,:i 1;1H1 .u1d l\;111 .:1•, ('1l y t\111w. (Iii.. I :1:•1:.:1111>1 f)IHI l\L1ylc1r 111 1tw Ar1i.:1•I'>, th" l1·ag1w " H ii i l1·:idt·r , \\;i., ,1 tlt"ll.HH ... 1•vc-111 h "'ii It ~Ii I . lf.f v111t·-, ~·rvic•·s ll•·ld For Coach'M Wif•· WllJTTIF.R Funcrnl M~rvlccs WPrf' held today for D1<1nt· Tho mp ... on, lht· wire of Mann<J ll1gh football \oa1·h O;,v1· Thom pst1r1 ~1 r:1 Thomp:..on , :hi, d1<'d Fn rlay fmm a hv1•t1 ·n a l hl1J<1d 1nf1·e· I 111n :ind wa.., 111 <• 1·11111.i !>lll<:t· M .ev :u1 !'-.h1• 10., l\111\IVl'd IJ y h1·r hu'>IJ:.ind anti l\\cr1 "hlldn·n. Mat 1h1·w, 2. ;ind M.irc· l>an11•I i.1x wct·k ~ llOllOIN\ M<C:AllLEV Maur~f"n Robbin• .. l nirf»r,.il 'i Rohbll'\"..., one of two Un1vns11y Ht~h •:irb h<morc-0 as c:o·.ithl4'l•·:.. of th•· year Shi• WiJS a v ar~ll y r>e rform.-r in fwld hock(•y untl :..oftlwlt for four y1•ars C1nd JO v1Jllcyball for thr<·., Sh•· t!> CJ two-t1m•· t'\ll·Cl F performe r in f.1.ttd hockey and was n::imed play1·r of the yt'ur in lhf' S.·u Vww 1,.•ague· in th<il 1-.flOrt Shi· oh o ga1n<:d ull lt·ugu1· honor.., in i.oftliall l .inda Gtu·~1g••I. ('dff C:11e•J.:>!1•l 1s :in J\11 ('1 t ' first lf'am si•lt'f' 111111 lfl ll,1i.kl•fl);.,IJ ,11111 W <I'> th1· rr1fJ:,I v;tlu:1bli• playr·r tn the Sl>a Vll'W l.ca1:u1· 1111•. )l·Uf Slw w.1:.. a f1Jur y<·t1r van,1ty :-.1 ;11 t1 •r for U11· S.·:1 King'> und pl;.i y1•d .. 'olle·~ li;,ll l.IS w•·IJ this pa:-.t Yl'ar Sht• t'> 11rult•<·11le-<I :tti<1ut h1·r future hut b rur 1 •·ntly \.\e•1gl11 ng lwtw•'<'ll Orange· Coa't l c·,,11c1:1• 11nd (';ti SI 1111· Fullerton . Shi• ;if!>1J 11la\l·rl ''" th · CdM hadminkl11 lellm (,QI GGeL l.ori l lranic•lt. Mat••r D~i Vo ll('yb::ill 1s ht>r m;.im ~port .111<1 ~-h• 1s ~01ng to :i llc•nd Colorado ~t .it •· t 'n1v<·r '>1l y on :.i full :..clH1l <1r~h 111 L'1 .1 nu·h was a four y1·;:1r i.t,1rl•·r in H11l1·ylwll <1l MalL·r Ot·1 :ind a thr1 • } t•ar 'ttar on tht.• h.1:..kHliall le•:ur1 Sh• "'a'> All f\ng1·lu-. ).(·;1gu1: 1n vutl•·yli.111 "itw v.as ;1 1·e·n11·r on th" l1o1'>kl'll1:.ill 11:,11r1 hut wilt nmn·11trntc on vollt·yhall m l't1I · l<·g<· .. • m Billy's Back Town Hut Forgive Reggie f"or Not Clieerinfi By llAI. RO{;K AP~U Wrll•• Prc·senting drum roll, pll'as c. m<&cs lro .. the-p&:..l a nd , 1l turns out . pr<'!><'nt man ;-1~<·r of lht• N1·w Y1>rk YankC(.'S, fl1lly Mart111 Surpri:--t'. :..urpri:--1· (;f'or~1· S tl·1nl>r1·nnt·r wa:..n 't kuld1ng, ;1f1l'r all Ill-:..u1d l11Jly wa:.. c·om· 1ni.: bal'k and , to and O(·hold, h<.·re's nilly . JU'>t as th1· ho~s 1'.a1d he would tw. So why. Sll'tnhn•n nt•r mus t wondc·r. 1:--t·veryliu<l y ~o s urpns1'<1" Well. thc•re wc'n·. you m ust ad mil , a flow doul1ltnl'. Thomas•·s 11round. The·.v w1·rc· "tk1·pl1<')> wh11 lif'IH•vt·d 1hal llw Oldt11n1 ·r),' l>ay i-JJl'e·t:H·ul ar 111:..l )>Un11n1·r wa-. ·n11lh1ng mon• tha n a faf'Udf•, wnlfrn, produtcd and din·rtc<I by St1•1nbrt•nnn with a Cc<'t l B 1>£• M 1llt· fluir lo prt•v1•nl ~1'1.000 unhappy f:rns from doing 1wrn1.1 n t• n l d a m u g e I 11 Y a n k 1· <· Stadium. STEINBRt;NN•:R TURNED t he boos t o c·hct•r s with his ~I :-i rllini:i a nno unrt•mc·nt 1hat M:lrtin, who only fi ve dny:.. hf'for" had n·s1~ncd nnd M'i!med on tht' vc-rge of a n e r vous hrcnkrlown. woulrl lw hark u.., mana~cr in IU80 The announre m 1·nt ca!l!.C as a cornplc.·lc s hoc'k a nd ld t mor e than a h.·w players with their m ouths hanlt.{i ng or>en. 11111 111 tht· clay:-und month:.. :1flN lhat bombshf'll, 1t .st.-em <'-d !\1 a ri m would nt•Vl'r r durn C 1vt·n t•nuugh rope, he would hang h1msdr and frt•<· Stcmhren· rwr from h1.., puhhl'ly s tated 1·om m1trnc.·11t. J\nd Hilly h ud pl_enly of ropt• F1ro.,t, ht• host1•d <i little get t11gPI h1•r of Nt·w York wnlno., a nd drup1wll a low level t ')I plos ive on h1 " longt1mf' ad · ANALY~IS vc•r s ary. s l uggt•r H cg~I {' Jackson It WIJS lhl' return Of .Jarkson :tfl <'f :i M[1rtin·1m posrd -.11s111·ns 11>n . y1111 will r<.:call. llrnt ll"IJ~l.:l'rf'd U1ll y'.., fa mous rr:Jrk ahout Ht'gg1t• and Gt•orJ.!t:. "Ttwy dt·:..c.·rv1• e•arh other ," lht· managt•r :..aid ;d the lime · ·on1·'s .1 horn liar und tht· olht·r".., eonvu·t<'d " i\N EMPl.OYt:J·; doe's not Jnk1· :1h11ul S1•·tnh1 t·nnl'r'i. Wakrgah.• t·r :1 t·11nvH·t1011 for 1ll<·gal r am pai~n contnbutaons unless he i1' seek in~ work c·tsewherc·. Murtin v. ai. 1-.m:trt t•nuuglt to n ·al111· lhul a nd r<'<'<tnlt«I th.it 1·rark with hi:- ..., rill'r frn·ncb Or, at least he re ranted half of 1t "I cltdn't mt·an 1t about (i1•or~1· a nd t probably said 1t in Jest." an nount'C'd Billy .. But I did m1•;in 1t ahout lht• othn guy .. Thi· other ~u~. of courM·. Wit)> .J :wk s on ThNI f':llTII' thf' op1·11 ing or Mt1rt1n 's .Manh<illan Wt''>l<·rn Wl·ar ~hop, clt•1>1J.:m•d to e~u1p N1·w York C:1 t y ':. rowb<Jys w1U1 the·1r boot~ and JO gallon haL'>. In tht• courw or M)m<· informal r n n v 1•rs a 11 on ;1t tht• :..t11r1· Ma rt in offf'n·cl tlw rwws th;1t Y:rnkN• p1lrtwri.. unhaµpv with .Ja<'k~on '1> f1eld1n1<:. h.1d rdu~e ·d lo pitch 1f ltcJ{g1c was listed tu play right field. DID 811.1.V HAVE a n ap pro pria l c pair or boots for .Jac:kson, h1• was a s ked. "Oh ... ure· ll1•r1·· ... 11111' marl1· frorn :-nnk1·s kin :" lhc nr;1nag1:1 rtpli1·d N ICC Tht• rorx· kC'pt gelling lon'i:er and :-.omc ix.·optc will swear they i.aw a noose on the end of it whe n MJrlin decided lo use <c He •1111. Nt·v • ~JXfflS writer's face a::. a ~ubst1l ull' for a punr hing 'hai:. The writer fil{'{J rharge~ and if there's one thing Stein· brc nner likes less than being c· a llt•d a h ur by his c•m ployE.-es. 11 ·s having his <'mployccs s ued fo r ussa ull a nd batkry. Whe n Steinbrenner s aid this sprin~ that Marlin would haVt' to ht· 1·xoneraled in court from thc Hc11t1 charges and tha t an out of c•ourt settle m ent wouldn't do, 11 M't'med Billy was doomed OCC Sailors Finish Second R UT MARTIN, a s he has done hefort•, staged a marvelous re · l'Over y and landed square ly on his feet. Stclnhrc nn<'r a lte re d what see med a rigid position and ac· ccpted the out or court aetUe- ment, untying lhe noose. Much or the rope dis appeared when the Yankees gol off to a slum · bllng, lethargic start unde r Bob Lemon . the careta ker manager . Special to tht D1Uy Pilot . C HICAGO -Orange toast College suilors lost a blanket finish to Navy Monday in the Una.ls or the national team racing cha111pionships on Lake Mich igan here. OCC and Navy were tied after seven ruces Sunday and the Uc wais broken when the two teams met in the finals . The Naval Acade my team cam e u p with 11 win~ a nd no losses for 9!14 point.'> and OCC posted a record or 10· 1 and 11 points. Third place went to the King's Point Maritime Academy <New York ) with a record of 9·2 and UC Berkeley was fourth. 7-4. Yale was fifth also with 7-4. Tw,lve colleges participated in tNt re11atta, s ailing fl ying junior din~1cs t'\ consolallon for OCC wa~ thul Kurt Miller was named among the 19 selections for All· America by the Intercollegiate Yac ht Racmg As· sorlatlon of North America. • Jim Uuck inl{hu m o f U<.; Be rkt'ley was the only othn West Co~ 1'.1u lor named on the All·Amer1ca team ReTI'TVlng honorable· mention werP Phil Hamming of Ne wport n cuch and Mark Rastcllo, Lontt Bearh, both from UCLA Winner of the F.ver"tt n Morns award for s1illor of lhe ycitr wus /\lex Smigelskl, King's Point. Sm lgelski recent.ly beat out Miiler for lhe national sing le -handed-championship and was • member ol lhe Klnt's llolnt team at Chlca110 Le mon Is a comfortaJ>le, low· key 1uy, just what the team m·cdcd lo recover fro m Its first tco ·round with the fi ery Martin. But Stcinbrcnner's prescription for Instant recovery from the Yankees' <'Urre nt doldrums was someone who could llghl a fi re unde r his t.eam. Someone U~e you know who. ( . ~. BA.SEBALL I GOLF AP W lr-M»"OIO\ ALL-OUT EFFORT Los Angeles catcher Steve Yeager makes an all-out effort to catch a foul fl y off the bat of Chicago's D;.i vt• King m<in in front of the Dodger bench Manager Tom Lasorda g1 \·e~ in !>lructions Yeagl·r hit the.· t urf n<'ar tlw dugout but ht·ld the hall fur the out Hooton the Stopper £ /Jest Is Yet Lo Come-Lasortla LOS ANGEU :S (AP) Burt llooton 1i. fast becoming kno wn as' the "sCopper" for the Los Angeles Dodgers. lie has had loL<; o f opportunity This season the l>od~crs go on Cosing streaks until i.t is ~looton's turn t o pitch. Hooton !>nt1pped the m out of 'it a gain Monday night, ending a three-game Los Ange les los ing s treak a:-the Do dgers d efe ated the Ch1 tago ' ·Cubs 7-3 Hooton a llowe d only e ight hits ~'" the flationally-ll'levas<'d iu1rne. and ht• was a s tor,pl'r a!> for as thl· C ub!> were c:oncl'rned a :- well. Chaca~o had a fa vc -gurne wanning streak Aoang into the gamt• ··YOU Rt;Al.l.Y (.'i\N'T aedit m e." :-a11I Hooton 7 J, who has three ~UCC C SS IV l' VIC\Ortl'S. ··Tonight we got sev.,n runs, ont> tame we got nine when I was p1tctJing an~ anothn time I l. If you can't win with that, you might a s wl'llhang 'e rnup." Hooton has slopped six Dodger los111g strt'aks in h is seven vic- t11r1cs. fo'o ur times his victories came after the Dodger s los t three straight. Twice he ended t wo-garne S(•ts or losses. The Do dge rs collt!<?ted four hom e ruru; among their 11 hits off thrP<' Clucago pitchers Dus- ty Haker had two ho me runs for Lo~ A ngt'l<•s Baker was hitless an ha !> pre· vaous IS at-bats, <lrnppmg helow iJ00 for lht• firs t ttrne in SIX w eeks "I ~N'T Cllt:RISll II-for I ~ ~ too much." ::.;ud the Uw:l!!cr lt·f held er. "I wasn't thank 1ng a.t1'•Ul hitting a home run JUSl hitting tht> ball squarely. I want to hit .JOO and I 'm trying for b<i~c hll:- T he hom e· runs will come · S l e v e G a r v ,. y a n.d (; a r ' Thomasson a lso horn1•rctl for th•· Dodgers. who ha vt• hit 86 hum" runs for lht> S('a :-on . tops m th•· major ll·agut·s. Dave King man hit h1 ~ j!'1th home run for Ch1C'a go. und 111 ... fourth 1n :1s many garnr'i llooton :1dmi1t1·tl a ftt·rward that hf' has bl'l·n ~truµgl1n g "f(ut. I· ft·t'I that I'm gelling rn) rhythm :111d my <•onfaden ct.," ht· ~aid. ··1 don't thank about th1· fal'l th:..il we h it a lot of h<inw runs I thank about pn·v1·n t1ng tht· other duh from :-coring T hat's m y JOii .. f 'rom Page •fJ. ANGELS' ACE IN 'ff OLE ... M/\NA<;t:R TOM l ./\SORIM of the Oodgl'rs hinl<'d that lhe be st as yet to corn•· from llooton han to prove' to t.ht>m that they l'an " .. .Johnson says one mistake a s lurnpang hitte r wi ll often make 1s to !>t art hstcnang lo too rmmy people. "I had one guy who was get 11ng h1tt1n g tips fro m a grounds kccper. You gel so many idea s in your ht•ad that pretty :-oon yo u can't do anything right." says DJ JOHNSON PREFERS to have the h itte r listen o nly to his in· structor and to work on one flaw at a time . Trying to revamp an t•ntire hitting style a ll at once rarefy works · Takin~ a look at the Angel averages <seven h itters over 300>. at w ould seem J ohnson has n't h._ad too many flaws to wo rk with But even Rod Carew, seven· tam e American League batting champ, n eeds help oricc in a while. · ''Rod asked me to help him out in Oakland earlie r in the M·ason ... .Johnson says. "lit· was pu I Ian· off the b<tl I. /\ lot o f ta rnc:- it's an obviou~ thing. but a hitter won't know 1t be <:ause hl' ct1n't s eehimsclfhil " CAREW IS A SINGLES hatter In 1raet. Johnson e haracterm:s the crltirc team as a bunch of lanc ·drivc hitte r !>, with Don ~1aylor being the only man with home-run sock . So what can Johnson possibly teJI the m ? H e w;1s s trictly a power man h imsetr. hitting 245 home rs in 16 years for seven dif- fe rent.team s . "Everybody has a d arrerent theory on hitting," s ays .Johnson. "Mine as that you drive the ball with your top hand. That's how you gel bal s peed. And that h olds true whether you're a power hitter or a s ingles hitter." · It's tough to argue. c onsider- ing the results he's gctUng. ··11t-·s a notorious sc·cond half pitc·hcr. lie'!> won a lot of big garnl'S for us th•· last C'Ouplr rif v1·ars . lk '~ durahh· and hi·., ~trnn l'(," l.a~orda s:11d . Ch1 c:.ig11 took a 2·0 le<.id m lh•· s N•ond on four !>U('('t•:-sl\'1• hill> afll'r two we-rt· out But ll:1kt·r ·.., I wo-run hornc·r off loser I >t-nni:- 1.a mp. s.:1. lied the• s tor<.' in th1· h o I l o m o f t h c· ~ t• 1· 11 11 d Thornetssnn w ~tl k ed with tht• bases lnudPd an th<• third tu put the Oodgt•rs in front J -l Gan•py hit his 12th hom r r of the season Lo lead off the fifth A fl e r the n t'xt hallPr Ron Ct•) walked, Ba ker hit his ninth horner of the year and sc•c•onrl two-run blast of lht• gam1· Thorna!>son hit a s olo ho rnn 1n the seventh. h is st·vcnth of th1· season. In th(' <·onr lus1on of th<' l wo game s<.'ri e~ toni~ht . R11·k Reuschel, 5·5. s tarts for Chicago agains t Rick S utrl iffe , 7 4 Sutcliffe as unbeate n in :-1x Dod ger Stadium <lcc1s1ons th1:- season. "'ro• PagrBI RYAN THROWS A GEM. • • a n ybody in the league." Lansford also doubled to score Campane n s from second base in the fifth. His average is now a healthy .319. • DONOllUE'S ROM EA was his second since being called up from Salt Lake City 15 games ago. It helped drop Texas to fourth place In the American League West, which the Angels now lead by five games. Kanus City moved into second place wtth a win over Oakland. TonJght the Rangers' n ew ac· qutsltlon from the A's, John Henry Johnson <2·8>. takes the mound against Jim Bar r < 3-1 > in thesecondofafour-gameserles. * ANOat.. NOTet -... c .. -" ~ ....... ..., lo lleft 1111 <ftl r-O --· l<om locMY Tiie .... ,, llnl•ttlllt ..... "'"""' .... _... ....... ,......... . ....., ....... -··-i... ...... .,~ Ill\ llltllftt •I••-• lo " •• ,.,.,, -- lonq1\t 1n Ano-1 hi\tory \•ttdy Alom•r hOl(h If\" , lub recorrt .. _..,, d 77 Qcttn"' \tr.-d• '" t•ln G rith '' lf'.01nQ t~ Jt.lf \t•r 1>.itllot1nq ,., ,,.ton•1 h lit\.. H,. ""'' '"·"~ YO tfll\ t hl\ .,.... wn11~ K•n\1U Cit~' ''•ttll Wt.Ht ,, ,. <•ov , .. ,ow1 fit Jtc.u J C•tMy L•tttt•f'd '"" oottf"n •n r11tt,. b•\~ hit 1n lO ~ f'lt\ •8 QAme\ th1\ \".t!loon Tom D....._., two.r\M"I l'W>Mtr 0•"•' rum 10 A01 tn u 9•me' ~·nc. .. he *•' <.•UM UP from S..lt L ........ (th flle Af\Orl\ tuH ..-lly bo••l lhe b1Q91'\I •ll•n dAn<e 1n<r-t1t4'~ Wt tHwt»ll, "'""'"Cl Ot••f\ "~.11• thro119t> ll t>ome cute•, • lloO\I 01 10.l" °""' '•'' yur et 1111\ "°""' tllf'l<h•lf I lie AnQel\ \1-4 lt>eir No. I df•ll cl>Olu . r19ht "'"'°"° PllChfl• Mlh k.t-. Moftd•Y ntOlll Al E•\enllO-• M•9h "' Mii•-· ..... , .. , !>.Miit• •l•vca OU1 •• IMI l•r~ In 61 1Mlft9\ H• Wiii "POrl 10 lhfl Ch.0 \ IO•llo ,.... ........... . , ... Ano-I\ \IOMO ,, ... •O•lll D•I• ........ " ,.,.., •• , 0 10 too•b•ll ouerlerl>k• ,,_ C.1 !>•••• Fullerton, who II•• not play.a tM-11 \lno 1>f'rlor'fl1n11 '"' t"" Monrov•• Amer1c.'1ft l•9•0f't t•.tm 1n "'' ••"" w•\ rtt<ommended ,,. f':"11erton Co*<" A1111e Gerr!R •nd I\ ••IMl<tHI to r. Ir~ •t •MrhloP. \.COf>d b•'" •nlT I,,.. ~ul!l'ltld by '"" Anqet\. tM AnQPI\ rc1••1 Qrn,.,.d tr.e conlr•tt nt •-• Me~ on re\fctrY •••""'' from \•II l ,.,,. C•f'f H•mpton •*' h1tt1no 1•• lhf'tr "'''" ~ 1t•9u• •u d•"O II 116mwf\ t n• 1\10 A \(Of'~~d I\ \HfnQ '" •• ,. nom~•--nd ., •• , \Uftd•Y'\ Q4tftV ·~ bO.ttrO .wm com,. down to •c. c ommod•t,. con\truc11on Thtt h011uO w1U bP moved out M•f' tf\t Ort1nQift t rtt••-'• "'"° • '"'"' ",.,, K«f'OO•td W iii t•ll:tt •h pi4!tt• •01 ·~ tt•\t ol IM -Miii Deft ... Jlef'I >tl\f9 lt• lbt ,.,<1"'" ••\hi\ t OOOtf\ c .tr•~• "•I lueeday. June 19, 1979 oc1ET saors ~ :.n8~ .. ~?.o.A ~~()~R THAT FIRST VOLLEY MUST 8£ MADfi ·--·~ our IN FRONT AND PLACED DEEP IN-fHE COURT- KUP tOV~ HANP:> .WO HEAD well FORWAl?O l'IS YOV A10Vc IN (Jt>l/N{) !lie HP/!tllt::A $/IOT McEnroe • Victorious LO NOON (AP l John McEnroe tidied up h1 ::. co urt ma nner.,, m oved f rom double · (aults to aces and de· fe ated Victor P ecci of P a raguay, 6 7, 6·1. 6·1 1n the final of the· Ste lla Artoas Tennis Tournh m c nt Monday. It w<1s Mc Enroe's last to urname nt before ht• sets has s ights at UJOrn Borg for t he Litle at Wimbl ed on . :.l art1ni,: next week Thl' :w-year·old 11·.fl handn took the ('Ourt al DAIL V PILOT 8:J NO OEP0.51T ON APPROVED CREDIT the Queen·s Club after "jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif recetvrng on e ur th i;: wor s t roas tanr~s _evr·r g 1Vl'll tu <J tennis player h:> tht: Drill~h pr (•:-s Irrelevant Golf High H a1idicappers Play, Hy llOWARU I.. 11/\?"U\' O• lfM o ••• , PtiOI s, .... \;l·ver ,1l <i lo-;!> fnr "ortl..,. lrrr·lt· \:ml Wc·rk t·h<11rman l'aul S;,i lata ho:- <·orn1· up with a golf tourr11·v for tht' lour h1ghe:-l hundll'<tfJJH'r" .11 I lrang1· <'ount} 1·ountr) dubs in cu111unt:t1on "'1th tlw "1·1·k of frivoltt ~ II•·.,.,, . .., •1r 1111' thrf'P hull· m·at <·h "'('ht•y 'li ... t;1rl ;ii fi Ill !ht• 11111111111 ~' ,., th(•\ 1·an f1111 ... h "'1th ttw, •. .,1 11r u 111 I tnW ror till' h.lllqlll'I ,11 f, ll1;tl 111ghl • Tht• l1111rn.1m1·nl 1" .., .. , Mond.1\ ;if \l t•:-.1 Vt·rcl1 · I '(' 11 -. .i I~ 'llJ •,1111tg1111 .,tart l.11111lf'tl to 1:10 pl;1\1·r·,. 11·"·1 ',, 111111!'> :-ho11 lrl Ill' l'oifl t·tf 111 111 l\r•11 II i 11ol11J .. , 1;,1:1 0711 1·,irl v 1 h1•. ~ .... 1, (;tJ/"F \l oin·~ r;11.,1·d h' rlw 111urn;1n11·111 /o 111 r •1 [I) tht· ( 'orim.1 dt•I \f .11 :1lhlt·t11 JH Ir 1•1am I 1 n·lt·\ ant \\'1·1·1-. l11111•i1111~! tl1• l.1 ,t Jll'l "<in st·l1·1•t1•tl 111 Iii" :'\.11 11111.d I 1it1I IJ<1 If I .l':tl:IH' di .ift I ' • .-! 111 lw1•111 \1 ollfl a~ .. ' ~0)11·: 01· Tll ... OTllt.tt Wll'\H,'\ 111) tl1t· l.:tdtc•.., l'r11l1·-. ... 11111al <:1111 \ ~ot:ta1Jw1 L1>ur an· lw• om 1111.! 1·11\ 11111 of th1• J111hlu·1ty g1v1·11 lo their .,,I\ 111u1 and th1• <•nl' golf1•1' wh11 h:1., don•· mon• in a s hort 1wrio<t l)f t111w 10 ad ':.in l·e ht:r :-.port lh.111 .111\ 1,1111•1 .'\' ;1111·y Lop1·l These 1w11plP would 111 •·f1•1 thi1t "'"' f i\1· up lht· ltJUr and :-1'1 1111 111·1111:1 n1·11t hou~1·k1·t•p1ng no"' 11i.11 • h•· 1 111:1rru·tl :incl ha., 1h1 · 1.11(11\ 1•1111 1111 11 ... f1'1 •l llt•r •·ff11rl:-O\ 1•1 "II 1rlo"' .111\•irw •·hi"-; 1n .,u1·h a .. 11011 p1•111it l 111 t1rn1· mt•n nr \H11n1•11 If Ba lw 1>1rl rik-.1111 Zah;111.1" ~··• • .tl1v1· trwlav ti 1 ... d11uhtful ..,ht• would ob wct 111 1:opn Sh•· il1rl .1 i.:r•.,11 d1·.1I t<1 1-!l'l Ull' tour 1·s lal1lt.,hl'd in llw '"'' ly tht)S w1d w<i:-;i j.!r.w111us ;1thl•·t1· 111 1•\'Pry s1•ns1· of lht·~wn1 ti l'rior to lhl' [.~(;/\ 1•h;in11111111 ... h111 1<>urnam1·n!. Lo1w1 h ·1d ~II rt1u11tf -. 11( 11ar 11r lww·r in :!:I pl.1\1'.d 1hh """ :111<1 had won l·I •11 :1:! l11urn:1n1 •·nh 111 'A>h1eh :-hl· had •·nt•·r··d ·.irwt• J111n1nl.! t ht• tour llt:R ('/\RE•:R l·.All:'l.l ~(.S Ill 1c ....... lhnn t wo yt•:.i ri., :Jrt• S:1:1!.'1l7 Mlh a moni.: lh1 • a ll 11111 .. r·an•t·r 1111111t·\ "1nn£•r.., In ntnl' ••\f•nt... I h1., H '<tr .,ht• h.1d 1·arnl'd $1 lH.47~, 1·1111111ar1'<I tr1 S~ill.li!IH IJ!>I ve:.ir for !ht• -;aml· numbt.'r ol l11urnanwnt:- On1· ha:-to "ornll·r at lh1• enc:~ •1f •1Llwr nwrnher·s ahout l.11µ1·1. rlurnana l 1n g tht· f.p(;/\ tour ~hl· has thf· t ti.1ris m.1 1lrl\'''" till' bull "" l:.ir 111 f ..t rtht•r I han rn•>'-1 11th1·r pl.t) t·r:-and •lllll•·'> .tl ;,idv<'r ... 1t y fin h•·r g1\1•n i 1111 011-. . ln:-l1·;11I ol 1·1l m pl:J1 n1ng t h1 •y ... h1111 ld pra1..,t• h1·r and ft"1·I fortuoah' h• h.1 ... 1·11m1· .il11n g tu lll'llt•r lht·1r ,. "''' , ....... "'° ('lwc·ki119 , t rt•o ('1u1r1w" COSTA 1".t:SA Thr• "11m1•n .., f( 11•a111 • .1ptun·d th" Wt·..,tt·rn l'uhl11· I .lllk" c ;olf ,\s~on :1t1on .,f Sl)uth•·111 C .il1f11rn1 .1 lt'a1n c·ha mp11111 .hq1 rt· t 1•111 1\ l1ll'IUd1·d 110 Liit' Wtnllllll! I• .1111 ~1·11 ">:11lO) \fl'l'<Jll.ilHI I ••fl I a111 1-'t .111 !.'.:°"I!'> • .1';,.i.l l\Jh'. lia.ctJ;,,1 ,1 \J.,11 1111 1'11111111' :--: .... 1,,. < .1rol\11 f'.illll•I f>,lf'<t lllll <;111•111 !'11 \\ 11 ... 1111 H.1h1 ll11ulo.. \I\ 1.tr1 <.or m lt . t l.1111 111 •1~11111..: .111d l'.11 1111· I<••" I. \ <; t '\ \ HI. \ ('II \1,1 ll'lll IJ 111 \\1111 lw1 .. ,.,,,,,,1 -.11 ;11~•1111 lu1i 1h.1111 1•11111-.t1111 ''" 11 I l .. 1~··111 .1 I<··" I \\ltlll t'll ... l.!1111 1'11111 \\l!h .. ,. .......... ,.,,, .. 11! :.' t:I I ••t 1•11 ! f\ ( >th•·I· \\ 11111••1 \ 1-lu·hl •<;r11:.· · l-1 .111 l:l.11.• :''r.• :\I'! I 11 1'11·11 ( ;111111 . l>I'• II f• lt)..!111 .1;1 11.,,..t \';ol \111111111 ~>Ill 1:"•·11 \l :ir 1•11• Hf·t ••··· tH:1 t ' l·'l1 µh 1 l,;11 ,..,1 f',11 \\111ff. :!>i" '\1 I \ .1ng1 t'h11 ... 11.111 -.•·11 l 11'.1 L1•n1-.• -.i di r\t''> 1\ l-'l1gh1 .\LH lh.1 IS1-• .ur1111111 . H Fli ~hl .11.,111 :\l1.J )l:111. I' l'l11:1t1 f ';lf \\11lfl 'I hl'llfl ,j 'f llltlllt'\ V. .I I fll.,l''ol l11 ltlt' f•lll O il '\11 I '\•.\\l'ORT n .. :.\('11 \11•11 · l.11"' '"' T11ur11.tn1•·111 I l-.1! \nll•·r •'H1 11 ., H11li .\I, I 11•,11 ' I, '! l't1h f... 1•1n11•I t>l ,\l 1 \l'tl H1:111·1 II.di l.11v. ,'\,.! l.11ll I Jrk111 . l-.1! 1\11111 r•n11 11 I-l1gltt A I 1'11111111• ll.1rr11•tl l1111 I· r1· .. rn.111 111 · 11 I-11)'.!ht "h1rl1 \ \11d1 .. ..,.,,. C.1rl l..1r1 ,d1•·1 I" < I· l11•ht l'''J..!I.!\ I ;1.111i Hoh l'1·lh 11 ~ 1'I ll tt!h c;ri1.,. <:1:111• l.•\111 '"'' 1•111111· lttVl'\I· ('0\:-.1 1111 ... lou111.1 111 ••n1 .\ F l1 ~·h1 \1 :11 l.1111 ll 111•1·b11n111 :1:1 1 II Flighl llt·l••n 1<1 ... 1 .. , .!~ C' Flii.:ht .fr:in Furn :r• II Fltf.!hl Maxtn1· lluncll•·\. :11J' Thn·t· l \11n11 .\l ii·•· /I fllghr llt·l1·n II 1-.lt·\. ;i1 II Flight S h11 l1•\ llt•..,1·!1 1'1 (' l"l i:•h! 1111 . 1<111h ll•"t h fo \t·h11 l 'r111.1nl 111 I> f-'lt gh1 \]:1x1111 ll t1 rHJl1•\ II, Baseball Standings :\YI ERIC'A:\ 1.1-:Af,t I·. Wc•!>l Oivbiun \\ I. l'c·t. (,H Ang1•I' 11 :!7 1;0:1 l\an:-a ... C'1!' :1;, :11 ~:111 '\I tnnl':.'11.1 :1:• :!!I Tt•xa:-:1·! :11 Cht('agn :n :i:i St.•allll' l K i!O Oakland l!I IH t:ast l>ivi~ion Ba It 1 mor• · 'll 22 Hoston :1!1 :!I M 1lwa11k1·1· :rn :111 Nl'w York :M :11 Cleveland :12 :12 l>t-t fOI t :!0 :l() Toronlo 21 itli MorHl•f'\ St OtP\ Anq•f\ \ ff'.lA\ I) Uo,ton' Ottro1t 8 O.tll1..,,0tP 8, (lf"Y~tttnO I '""'"~ \ (f'N<•QO 1 ir '8n\ .. , C 1h 1 0 Allt,..nf1 I Only Qltf°'N'\\tneduhU fod•y \ G .. m•\ 5l~l ;,:!:1 i!K·I 41<! ;t~I Ii~!; Ii i!! ~>4[1 5l:t !')00 :ioo :11 :1 ,,..,..,' lohn~on 7 A1 '" An'9h il'l'lf' t ~ .. ~· · . x I.I :!I '·· :;1 .. 'I 11 1. lit 10 2~· ., U1 troll I lt1lltnl,,ldtn 0 ti "' ltU'IH'U1 •• 1n(,, n' flAlltmot,. 1P,.1m,•r & J "' ( 1r,,•·l~"n ll;t••• • n JI n I ornnto • ••uftm•H1 I t ,,, l'<ft""' 'oi • ,~. ""'' I )I n \#dftll' lHOn~ycult l \I ,,I ( l'l11 ••Q11 I U10r11 ' • JI ~ M1nne\Of411 tCJ'Oflt ) •• "' M 1lw1tuk• •· lti•"' • \ k .,,,., Citt 1 Ltton•,d • .tij ,., 0 111t '"nn t 1'.f'ouun 0 ll " '\TIO~AI . 1.E:\Crl ... \\ 1·:-1 Uivi:-ion \\' f. P(·t. (, H I I 1111 -. t I 111 ( • 11ll'l ll1l.1l 1 ~an "'ranc·1-.t·11 Undg1•r.., !-.an Dt•·go \1 I :inl.1 :1!1 ;t!I :11: :rn :1:1 :1:J .11 :n :11 :111 :!:! <II •.:isl Uivis ion \I uni n •:il :1~1 l 4 "it l .ou1-. :1:.? l7 fll11la<ll·lph1.1 :1 1 :Jo l'llt:-hurgh :11 lX ('h11·ag11 :ui :JO '\i1•w York ~~ :!·1 M ond"Y'' \to""' Ondctt:t\ I (h11 1tQo J \•11nt t ,,.. "'"•lttO' 1pn1 t-. 1n fln"''''' M u'll'•fil ' .._.n., ... rnn 1 N •¥t f"'t)' 11 I tl4 u'H't1no \ .. t" l>••'')I' ' ,, l "'"' , •lf'll Y. ffTlf"• I f'11•CIVIHt 'fod•y'\ O•me\ !17 1 ~1; .. 1 I ' ~1)(1 rl 1;,,, x M!l Xl. :1;1!J 11 :»~1:1 ~,.,~ :1 ~1:1 1 :11 r1lr1 ·I ;,110 ~· :• it l l\ !U 'I••• ,.,., Si•"'',,,., \ • .11 Ood4f'r~ '•ult ~1flt ''"' ""·•I• •t "' n, .. Pl ~, H Mnnt•···•• t •·••#\ 1•tt1!1H•• lt1fl1.t t r'\f1\tt1Tt\llf't I 4 ,tt 1\lt,tlHfi t '••1 iltlll' f • . . " I t • ulQ" HU I t f ... ''"'• H,p,f"t'v•-.1 flt.., n ·,1,11•nH' th U1w1•1, • 1• ,,, •1t'' 1 ,,.,, ... ,, •M oo h '"'~ t I '' 1979 Versailles $ · 0Mk Chnmpagnc colo r 1111 whno1 pnwt•r 2 2 6 56 floor tocks wire whf'PI covers AM l·M !>10100 Wtlh lrtPtl 1<,11, llJ9) I ,, 110 •I 1 ,,, 'I • C. '' ., f t • •It f jj :~..:.4 :~,~~~t.:.: . ·1~ i t~~ ·. MON.TH' (.:' t:l • :-i?.. _. -· "'.....@!: . ~ -. -.ti'ii...._tf • -... l ----' I ___...,. DIESEL {1u/r!fa/) ALL MODELS AVAILABLE FOR IMM EDIATE DELIVERY __ __, NABERS (/' . . adtff11/) 2600 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MISA 540-9100 1979 CARS I and TRUCKS e -, ALL MAKE,S! 833-0 555 A~ For Our LEASE SPECIALIST ot HOWARD Chevrolet You con Charge DAILY PILOT Clm!>ificd A(i ~ I L_ 642 -5678 SAL ESPERSON OF THE MONTH --. • •I •• I -......... .. ... . .. . ............. .. .. I ! • I 7 .. DM..YPILOl ,./ JI( . . . ' .. . AMllll<.A• lt.4\0111' ._.. ... _". ,_ t••--........ .., ... {µ-1t ~ .... " ..... ,. t 0 O t (. m•uu' "-' t I I 0 f 0 t O l •"'"• to • t I \ •000 ....... ·~·· ........... '" ~· '"" rf ~ ... J o t o n .. •oo 11 1 o 1 ~ I 0 I 0 At.a•-'' ttt ' f I 0 ) 0 0 0 0•""11 ,,.. • 0 ' 0 ' 0 0 0 H•• tu• 1 ft II' C' "'"""'6nl'-' _ ........... I 0 0 0 L •"" ,.,. -I • I ··-·" Wllh 111 I Ot O l-• II I I u 0 0. '. 0. f •t•h )'I 0 I 0 f ut•I \ J)) IU > .... .,,_..,. .... , c.-.......... O<AI -" • -... -. OP t •"' ""'• • t u h 1•••' ' C•l•h>tn•• \ 10 •"'• "'" \ •fl\tQt11 ""'" ttH l -' I tO II (~\jll!P l tl ...... '" ... , ••• w ., ........ t l ,, 4) II' • o ...... .,.,. I ~ ....... " '""'",, I I nf & Ji ii"'> ~ .. ·--•1 ti••tirl\l.)t• WJ nu •tJt " -. tt. { ,,__.,..,.M 1'$> l>.60 (110 ' • I M H·•l""1..1t 'ft.--....,.,...1 f\1 +.••ntw•v\of •1 t11;I '"''''U'4'Y ····••"9 ~.,nlhl'f!• 1)1 Mot~!Jit ,. < '"' ti~ ""CJ Al••'*"°"' tt•~\• t ll~ "' ~t•n"ou\• •I t (•u l OJ ••W" 8 e lhmurw U \m 1tn 111 •40tt·•••• 111 0 .. mpv•y I H ("f•Y11l1rn\) U #tVHH'"" ! I Ubn<l> 1101 I> 71 'Mii> _..,_., ,, Wtri.•t• M• t ........ OW 1)0 VO) \ I j ~ ' .. _., •QO ICN llUO 000 • • 0 .... ,y1t ,..., t ,,. Ua111t•\11Ul,.t\, ttuwf'l•(S II• tithtM f'fl t.._ .. ,r,o,,. t 'ft •f11J M11y W P•• rolt, \ 1 t U.vm4Jilflen \ • A 1 • 'JI ()fitrolt lic>•h•n .... ~··· ,, ...... Httl 4/ft 1iQt I I\ > 101 ~/I 011 • I\ I W 1lrOI , A"f)Y" l\l A &f\f)I / (•1 ""' W nc lll"ftfU'\-.. k fl"Nlh flt 1ti~ tr.' t ,.,..,_,.,.II e•> eno • 1\io IUtHn\IOI' 'If W lu •uu. \ /Hro'(f1 t t •0 1 t>t h t • '"'t ttu 4 IY HJ fifOf•h J A t I t(4n'f!f\ f 1t, (Jl)I "'O ')]I I '# 0.• t•M OfJi f/(J tfl•/ I b l C,ur •• Ht!4bo\•Y t'ill tthd '11;1t .. , M Hotth, lA<•Y ·~· ... no Hf'WmA• It t utl t •• ' M H otrt\ ,. ttlot o •• ~IU'll) NPWman 11~) " I> 11"4 Hl>flOHlll llACUC ~,1,c.w.1 Cillo<-LO\A--•C>, "bt •b ' " b• Uf' Jf"\U\, \\ J 0 ' 0 t no•" l b I t) I ~ .. 11,.hr, Jit) JI) 11 ti ,,,, •• ~.11 • \ Q •I) Ot•t1vr\, pt. t 0 0 ,, '°" •,4,..11n '' •4 I IO 01tf'9rd, Jn CJ o h " r'"' ,. y '" \ t ' 1 fhu•nr,IO _., tnfl'"" If tm11\n, '' M drhn,1t , 001 ... , JI) f) 0 I• 1 lb I 1 I II ~ 1 I I • 11 n '1 1 " I I I I •l>H It ltttH .. 11 ;, ••• 1. fflJI .. ')11 ... rnt,r. /h ldmf'~ µ l fJ I I I) I ,.-, ''""" ,, I 0 h l HuU'I•'' ffh I u U IAovt • o fl If (J ,,,,,. .. , u J Iii (r •QO lilt 10:1 1 l u• /H•4J• '""' '1 I , I f1• (tuf•t•1 I l r1•a, l\fH41·h'!l J 1l1J• (<hi• •»u t ft· /\t,t'tM•ll ~ IH IA.Hlul ttU ., ..... I I ,, ; 1f Vt I t '''· ,, ''"'m"n ''" r ttomo101. n C••<•<N IP H 11 [11 llll SO ·I -.me; u '• •~ t J J Mt{.,lot"-n t M OO•• 0 ~ ... -.... UOOtfrtt fW I u II t W f.t Uuotu n f>U f ofJla I 1 U A JI~· ···~ 10, .......... ) l'h•l•O"'""°" JOI 000 Ot~ ...... l\t... .10J 000 41, l 'W•no\.4 •wi.M.•f't tJ• Jf..-d ,., • "''•• ' t •• «tnd f\OOf)• 1 M ohtl.it 0 M( l <1JuQn1tl'\ tu <.,.,,-,.., ,., "tnd Noh1n w Mdlu• 1 • \ 1 l w1nO't-A. Ii b ,,..,., f'ti1l1uJit•lul\1n ~, fl••m n f l~I ~11.-nl•, M<1tltht-w\ ' I to . t-4')1,,n ' /'I "' ff,. 11..r, l, l •~, r 1n1 tf'nnt1 (;VO (//') Ull'I I 11 M OflltL•I 100 ~~ 001 I I • hVt'th•M, t.ta1r fCU 1)111, .,, IM fi f.l\J'Qr• •• f t fmon 1'1> nflt.J ((tf1"'' W '""'""'" 1 t • I k OQfl'f"\, 11 • H ~ ,.,.,,,If "' ( 1wv1•• 1111 A 1~,0bl> "•""•tl, C...d1n•h J '-1t l '>Ul"'t ()(H ()t~ fJ(l1 I ... :.on UotQO OIU IUI lo<i• I 1 1 U 1·orv h. M r l'n..tn ... ., 1111'nO :.1(fllf•fltlt J'lO' , f tfW]Pr • .. fffl Ar1'1 fun.At 1 ti• Hd..tll U J W jQnti\,f>\ t 0 t ur•t t1 )f..i Ii 1¥1f/I A \lrO\ l, Mwt\ ) Ne• V0tk 100 W.l IMI OW t!W OIJO 1 I) to HO•l\l<>n 100 010 l~AJ VA t>l(J llJI 1 I\ I [lt1\, (.,tf"M'\ fl J. Mu,,.,. i._l, t1o1HJ\1T11tr, • t1 J •nd \h..,.rn~ W•tl•om· Ntrm•n t JI \•mtuto CIJ, 01#0tt t tl>. WMi>rQ1> f t~J ~'•1 •\l'lbY IW nt t l ., w ,.,,,,..,,y. In t tiev\.mdn, 0) A ••,Ole. llA\E BALL \ TOP 11 H f a...MOOf'I 1)) "' 0 1th f AM( 111(.AN lio4C.1Jl C. All fl H Prt \.mdtlt"¥ Mfrwv-\(H11 M 711 ,., ~I t ll'flmp Oetroll )/ ·111-1 •1 I\ 1v1 -~. Coellto<"'• " 111 u ,. IV c. .... ~ n 11M> nu 1" l:IO<hl~, .......... If 110 )I II 11 Cowen~. K.,,....·\ (.1ty •• It.If 18 '"llf) u1 W1l"'°", l(.,,.,,..\(1ly \8 11• 31 \O tlf1 (, 8rtl1 KA~\ (Uy M> U I )I ~I 17' Nlfe, H°'lon ftJ 1•1 •8 Ml fll A Benni,...., 0 1t1 •llO '>I J>• ll 10 )II "·-·-l ynn, fJoi\lon. t&. r tw>rn~\ M•lw•u• ,.._. I\ Gf'ktt, C..tft ...... , U , ~•nol•tnn. nAltmllftl' I•, Nt~•. flo\ton, 14, R Jon<••. !M!<llllt 11 R-11.tttMln ••ylw, C.litWllM, St, Lvnn. 110'"'" '.' 110<.nl,, ~"""'· \1, Po<lff, K•n"'' c11, 'II) 11 l<t. 80\lon, n Pl ....... It DKl•lot1tl f't ro, texe,, 11. ~t•nhnv\oe. O al1t1l'l(1n• b I , JOhn. f'ttfll# Von·. 10 1 0 MM ltO••I U•t11m""1, ~ 1 (leer, C.111 .. nl•. 1·2, II y•n, C•lll-• ._,; l<•nko, 9,,..1.,.. ) 1, "~'"'''· ~ .. 111e,H . •ATIONAL LI AOUt: 0 A• Ill .. l'tl 8'9<l, 5ol. Laut\ N1 IH 7b ~ .JI/ Mvrplty, Al*"• )' U I J• '9 J .. Ill-, PM.-ott1• I JSO )1 M '141 ....... ltl, $t. Louil .0 71J )I /l )A] Meullll, Ne• Yofk 7>4 lb eo 10 WlftflOld, S-l>t.90 •• 70 41 " lfll FMIH, Ont ...... tl H J O lf 11 Jl\ K Ht-1, !.t. Louil 61 )$7 0 U l1'I K,.ltM, C.lntltlnlltl M JU 11 II J>• ...... ...-. 5M Ft...cltco " ns n 11 J>• -·-Kl"•"'""· Cf11<e90 , ,.; Sthm•dl, Alll"*lcHe. It, "-· LM A ... let, ti; !.Ifft-5ol. Louil, "· Wl,.,t.ld, !>an D1eQO, u. ·-....... ·· Klltf-, Clllt .. o, n ; Wlllfl41d, ~"" 0ie9e, SS;,__., ClftCIM4ltl, U , $1mrn0!'\, SI. LO<llt, •r: 9-y, U. A ... ltt, ... CIMll, S... Fr•n<ltco, 4'. ......_.,o.c .... 1 LeCou . Clllt lftll•ll. l ·O; J .N••••o. .._ .... IO-); 1(,,.....,, Sen ,,_, ... .,, ~' ....... La ........ 1•J: 1'1.l.ff, Monlrul W ; V"'llcMcf\, II. UIM, ._J; ,.,."· ~ .,....,...,, AM9•1CAlll UAOU• AU. ITAa VOYllllO CATCM•a t. Def'Nll ...,_, K-City, •n .oo 2. c:.ri.... ............ ~,..,. J. '"'" ...... Mllftl•"· N•• Yorll, 01,tU . •· Jim ......,.. Tout., Ht,011. l. ..... ~ c ... .., .... ••·•"· '· Gery AIO••""'· CltnlOM, ..... ,.. '· ••o DompHy, .. lllf'llett,IUllS.I. ~· Penltfl, DelrOll ~·~ . ,, .. TIMM • '· ... C-, c .......... t ,ttt,nt. 1 C.UI c-r. -.... ... -... Jll,761, J Chtt• C"-•llM, N-'l'orll, llt,Jlt, • J-T~ Dtttnlt, 14.°" S. a-.. k4itt. ....... Ill.ta. 6. .-Me,_r,.,, Tor-tM,-. J,,.._""""""CMof.,.., l.,'1ti ...... ~~· , '· ...., ...... cete••• ..,,,, •. , , ........... "-Off ........ *· ,,..,, """'· ~ aLJt6. ........ .........,, ittllf Ytrlt, •.ti•, I. Powt Mellttr, ..... ~-'""' M1fw t1w•" tl• 'f • • Mu••• tl<t "" 1 • .,_. l\t .... \ I ~ •Utl,.' I Mttt111•'1•J Ill~ • l•\I WfWt•'•' l•••ntlt f l I\\ _____ ,.,... ..... .,• .1_11\.}_~ t u-.. .,.. ........ 1111 fUI'•' I 1, •ti'~ I '•' ••'1 N•tttf'\ NtJ<w • '' • •1• 1' 4 ( ••.., f ' •• , •• , •. c ..... ,.... uu ~·· • • ... h" HV\'~flft lli1\l1tfl t •• / l'f l lrn1 Mtrhw ' M ll••u • ... tA/I llfil • huM, Hrll 1 .... , tlt O • I WI U;..onu M 1t.-, • ••111 'ft ~JU t 1,evv li-flli h••• h••t n••u• fl t+t \HUN r\ tt.1•' f • .-... ., ''-t1I N "tllo ' ' • ' ' • , I I t I •• 1 ·····-~-·t\• ,,,, .. ,, Ail'tP\A••Ht .. flt 1\il • UoUu• lU/ ""41 h •f011 t it It' ~ M"•• H" • J d TU '•t I luu1 Yttq1r Ale n ''••f'n•I• lwt •I lHJ t•tt t U t •1Mt t , ....... ,.. ........ .-. ........ ,,, ....... . ,. ' . "' It\ • ""''"' •I J ••t \ A tnl1 ~ '' .AJ..Low..ru.. ~.Lot• ...... t.u..., ..... , ...... t ..... l•twl ,, , I '' 710•1' tO t 1rrr t ' ¥••• ...... ,. .. t I W""' t t' • I ,. t I -. h ~• ,... .. H1'#t \ t-.•• I "' • .,, • , h .,, .. " ·•. .. H l lUto &HIOl!. 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'"•"'1•"· I' fl 111 f I ~ J I\ Ill,. i1 ..... ,, "r·' " tim f•u-.n 1rr1 A N•111111/IMf 1<11 AN '•Of Cl I< l l &C.UI N,..t•to1"11tl f'.t.>t•••tt'nc.11 lo •I I I 'II I f I otf t 1 I h ~ ,,. "''' , .. , ,, I 1H,. / 11 11.t I /, IHllJ +1111• • I lff t l ,utr1n li••l\t.Of"" W \ G" (,A llP 1>1\ '· II IOI t •• 1t ,, lit , ,, ,. I ft • 1• II 'I f tntr.11 n. '"'')" ' . . . ' ti it .,, 14 ., ... l /1 ,!I /• (l/t II •I /I ,, W•'•"'" O•v•••o·,. I ,, ,, . •O 71 "' '' '" .... 11 J'l t1I n 'J '·~ A""1'11r .At\ ( '""'' tt 11f • l..•\t~'" [11 ... u10<n f •• ! .. t' f -4 If '1 /'f4 I t t ,,,, flt1htfl1• • I I fl '" ,, tJ II \/ I I t \ 11 ti• l•I 1 '•'"4 f ,. ,11 fl '"''''""' , ,, ,,,, I it ''' ,,. .. , .... I ,/ I 11 I t """"'' U•••'ll•Ooft 1 l I• 11 7J ~• 1 \ II II ,# Hf t -, • ,.. ,... ,,, • ' 1J u ti J\ Wttitu" U lift\tfH\ 1·•1 ' t ,.. ., )\ ,, t ........ ,'I I ht ,, .,., II ,,.. 'llt • ,... '' I\ ,, •" I ,., .~ l'J 11 '4.J1f . "'f ft-·l"I• A#•"I''',.,, f I f VII ft .. y 'jJ;( I , .... f ti j+..,j ft11f It\ l f" '''' I 0 .11 I I' MONt •'f \ (#,.tt1f \ UI\ """'".,. •• , 1.,.•nuu 11 f 004Y (i.-m ... , Ii ,, .. .... ,,. />M(lll(/>H \OC.Cf ll l EACUl -.1.,.-,,,11, 14 I t A 11t '- It llH' 'll•1'n1"' ,. ,. ~f!llll 111•,,,•l.t•<I l: 11\l•t" fJtVl\tOfl 'W L l CF GA OP Pl\ '' • I /t '' 11 t.11 ' • JI I~ /I tll-i ' 1 I ,,, I 'I I\ •t ' I l I 11 II r1 I/ /!) IJ /M II 11 10 7' W1\h11n U1v1\10f1 , Hiil•'''"' 14 I J8 1\ l• t()& ',,. /\11111 Ii·" I ''-)1 IA 'W t 11t• 11111,, t '\ I 1/ H1 17 'M huJ11Ul<lf"j''" ~ I I 1\ /f) U II ,.,111111u(lf1J I t; Iii I I IU /I fj/J 11 f IVf'I t\"l•f'f\ ,.WA1rt1 '' l!A " w in ~' '''' ,, U• , llhd ~·• • '"'""''' point fur •htt h it•Htl \1 111"'{)1.111IU 11111 • IJHit•' I"'' f.lflli)ti M Of'l""f t f \f.14fTH ' ., It 'l•t If I ~I I !J• • 1J T Oft•qht ~ G•mt f ,, ... ,,.W\41 ltt \IP{'" Misc. MOHOii.Y \TRANSACTIONS •A~f lll>ll Am•tttaft l e-.w 1 ~\ , ,., 1QNI#\ l>Nt,,f t ~ t•vrc hrtvfj tl'Jof 1 l•"'''' t 111 1•11 tttMflt()l) f;tfr n.•, ffut't' ~It t ~•· ( 1t,. nt ,,,,. f.JAt ll1t t 1)4\I Lf'""QV" 11110• ti f'llf+al 11,.;tl/'if. l>lfl PUH • dnd 04tlt• llt.t'll\ 1nf1,.lftt•• "'I w YflH• f ""~ E f ~ "'""'~d Hilly M'lf'Un f'nf!H'\.Af.,.t '~PIM•no Onb I ~mon wnt; w1ff lit A"\l\lnt<tt tn ttont oftit t dutlt\ H•Med Art Fowt~r orft "''"CJ <O«t<h N.tlleMIU9' ... PHl~AOFLPHIA PHii llf~ -Pl.oced D!lt.IQ Imo, P•l<IW<, on 111• 11 oay dl"9bl"" 1i.1 Ret •llt>ct Ktv1n !>4lu<10<, pl1<h•<. trom 0-IOMm• Clly ol the Amerl<llf\ Anociallon. tA•KeTeALl NlltleMI ......... 11 Atte<IOll .. u r AH JA/l -N•rnea rom Nl\Mlke ... .., CO••"· <.eno lllllft Oft!I H.tl Wi\MI ........ , •o .. ct1 ... 1'1111 Oerl-• d ln<lo< ot plot• ""o"n~• • .,,., Jim 81""'' "'"''•"' .. ..., .. m •n•Q11t '00feALL ~ ...... ,_ .. ~ Of'NllE• 811()"'(0!> ~IQfltd Joll #I>('" lyr•, lt1Mltlt011< NOCKl-T NttloMI -••Y L•- A t l ANl 4 H AMLS '"O"Od Pot'" ••u••-elllo, "''-•,...."· to • ••o y .. , con hetf IOCCl'lll A __ ._, ........... H EW JElllHY AMl!llllCANS -N ...... EHie fli.-i llNll c.Nlll _. ai911M 111M .. • """ • .,.., ctlltrect. . . - ,, PUBUC NOTICE O•••O• COU•TY •Ul"•atO• COUlllT ,. , ... , ~ Ofl ye .... ._..AM, CA ttltt P L A I Hl lFf \llVEN CHltlUOf'Hl!lll '" llfl OffEHOAN T JOSfPH PH•Ll,IP WEBB, -DOIS I IN°"9ft 10, lft· ''"""·· SUMMONS CAS1•u1111e•a-.1 ... •01'1"1 Tiii -.we.._ ..... ~ PtJBLIC NOTICE lllOTK• TO C011T•ACT0111 MOTtC8 0. UtT•NT .... CM.UNO .-CMt e101 1'0 •MUM IN TM• SALi \<-Oitlrk t lllVINE UN,,1• Of' 4 LCOMOl IC ••v•uou !>(HOOL OISTRICT ~J1·1t e 1• C>MdllM l • o'c.lllU ._-. To..,__ II Moy CMKOfft' .... 10411""" .. ,My, -· ~i.t• .. ··-· ...... 11( ..... -Pl.Ce ... ei. lllK .... DISTllllC'T PtiM '-• Miko I• "°"""' ti-""'' AOMIN1$TlllAflVJ CENTllll -2tt1 Ill• 11 .... ttltM• ptepotH lo \ell Altoft Av., trvW.CoftNnM41tt71• •l<-K .......... el llW •-IWt, P<otecl 1fo"1lf1colloft NOMt _, ...... .,.._. •01oul~flf,..,.....Cltt1-• ,..~...,.._. IJli<e ..._ -., mo. Foclllltet Hllfttl....,. BN<ll, CA FOR THE RE-CORD .... lllO'Tta W '9VITm•'t IAU , ...... __. r.ueu ....... COAITAt. co•~•ATIOH ..... , ......... Tt'ld ... llNW lllf .......... -.C ..... .._." tf'llll WILL HU. AT PUktC AUCTION TO THI HIOHHT •10. DI• POil CASH 11141\' ............ ef .... NI lewflll _., If Ille U..-. 11.RKllfltltM.ttM ........ ceir. c_..n -· -.CIN ........ 1 Y041 "''"'°"' ,_ ...... _,,. -· Y041 ,.....,. Pltnnl119 0111<0 llUSDI. 2tt1 A-...,.._ to -II lrltonllOn, Ille llft Ave,..,., lrvlftO, CA tt71• (Jlol/-.....1 ~ k .....,.,,. lo ""' OeoMt ,,., ........ _ .... ~ ........ ... o ..... Trutl '" tll• '"'"''' llottlftthw-.C,...: -• •"""' ·~ .... llM NIWM.t ...... II you wl\h to -• tho ~hilt ol en •llorno tn 1111• mellor, you \hould \O oromotly ~ th•t y our w11•tt• ••W><>ft.,., It •nv. may Qr 111..,on 1tme AVIM>I U•IM M , .............. .. II t.l._I _. O.Clollt ,...,,. U• ••• • ..,._ .. " -..... u• ,_ •• ·-* • di.ti. LA• I• IAI-• <! .............. ~' U\te<I Ol'\e• \Ollf tlclt rl t on\.PtO 0 un •boO_, "" tt\lw A\vnto, OOtwri• f\•C•f tO t"nwdtAt•m• nt• n .... ,, m•ntr•. \.u •f'C>ur\t• ._..,~ •1t• .,, h • •IQvn• ~ ""' ff'Ql \ffArl'9 di tJllMO I TO THr Dl I flHIAIH A <M l (Ompl6ittt n.\ '""""f iled by I~ p l•1n ••tf -o••.,,• v0u u 1ou ""'\It to Ot''" tf'l1;\ ••w•nitt."""Y'OU ""'1.n:f. *''"''" 10 cttt .u., tM\ ~rf\(,f'\\ I\ W'rvt d on YOU, ,,._..••I" tht' '°"'' • •r•H•n r-•\OOft to tn• t orne>l•int U nlf•\\ 10u oo \0, vour ""''•"'' . .,.,,,. ._,,. • nt.-r•d on •P pit( •hon ot ,,_. 01•11tt1ff and th•\ t O\lrt m •Y .. ntt!'f' "' JuOQn.,.nt •0•'"'' 10u 10 th .. ,_.hPt a.tm•t'!Of"d •n '""' t nmplt1t1nt, ....,"'•<h toukl ftr\IJlt '"' O•'"''.hrnttnf o "'•Vt'\ 1•r.•tw,J6f h !Ao,•y 0' C:,,ootth Ot' Qth,., t••••• ff'QllP'•' .. " tn the t om "'"'"' (),.lf'd fr0HHU 'f. 1fl /lf l toe A b14N f'1 (", .. , .. fiv N111,,11, r uii.' """'''I f llHOOU,IC E NOAll & N/>lllllNClON 11 ... ( 1, .. ,,... .. 4Ht MHA,,.,..,.81vd ~ ..... l!a I Newpon llHoKt1, t i> 91..0 llllom•y• lo< l'~111111t f-'ubll\.h•"d Qt t~ < '''"" 0•11v r•Hnt, Jun• •1, I~. 1~ 4ncJ Jutr J ,.,. 77H I' PUBl.J(' NOTH:•: f,11\1'1f' At~ flCTtrlOV) 8V~IN0) HANI \TAlfMf HT t•I IH' Jl'4A r•f1 $#~''' 11 f H M l•b II f f 11/H f I I ~' If r t /'.,J..• ' "'"'' .. ''' , ,,.,,, r ,, ·"" ,, ,,, f-11 tlr;lA)tf h "'It (I f ol • t jfJfl tt• tf t 1,w,·•f tf tt • t t o t •' t ~ ( 1tl I ''I I l"lllo t I t '' • I ''t "fl'ol f t r1rh t I I;.. t ~ lh ,.,,..,,• 111 i•t ( ,I ,tf t.,,.,.,., I •• ,,., 'tt#I fh. ,. '•llflt''' ..... """" ·J ,,_.,,,., ... ~ •·· ,,. ,. ... '~ , , Ir . . . ... ' ,, .,. . ... .,., ... , ff•#ltl ,,, '•t f # ' ~I ,,, .. "''''' f fJI Jf111 I 1''1 (JI• ,,,,I If' ,.,,.,.ttt \Hl")itU rt I~ A.; Jc I IU( Kl • ;\() t"oft ltf!'"'' I 11ttih 1 IH1u '1VI'• It\ INfWLl(J•l th.1t ,,.,,,/t,,IJ NOflCE IS HElllEBV GIVEN "'9t mtllt .. Ak°""k ......... '9nl<Ol the •bov.....,...,, 5<-Dhltkl of tor k•-• ol .,, el<.-1< t.ewe< ... 0<•-C-ly, c.iltonW•. oct1A9 9y 11u,. .. lor Uco11'°u tor 111e .. t>t•· end lhr""9h II• Gove<nl"9 •oo•C. "'''°' •t ~ he<e lneller <elorro• lo •• "41"0n$ele8"•1.Wlno "OISTlllCl ," will r11olw.,. lo, llMlt IPUB CAf Pl> not litttt "-tlW -...~toted lllfto, f'-LoMMlco, ..... ., blch ... 1M _.,4 ... ,_,_, ,..,..k_ lor Ille-... project. f'utl41thod Or ..... Coot.t Delly PHOI &•d• "*' 1111 , ... ,..,.. "' ""' piece J-s, u , It,"" 110.,. iO.nfllled -.... atMt '11.eil 1111 -" -CK>bll<lf ·-<'iOwd .. , ............ t1•1eO llnw -pteu ' ... ,. will ... ltt 00 --" •• 11ulr•d 10< eech w C>I !Nd.,.._,., to ouer•nl• n.. retum In QO<>cl Condition •fl••nw~O.y•.tl•rl.,.btd-•"9 ·---------- d•I• '9CTITIOU\ euSINllH PUBLIC NOTICE r H h bid mu\I C.OftiOffft •nd 1111 N&Ma STATMll•T r~&o"..__._._~ 11'.lt.J:oflollrlnt~~ 1\ dll!!\e llllU- Ee<fl bod "'"41 be«<~ ~y MU•\ ,,,._,..,........._to ... "'9cofttr41Ct 11111 .-H y ""AH s I 0 H ~ oocumeflh -by""' ltt.t Of"'°"'" HOU\ECLEANIHGo !.E llVICES. Jtt \\lbeont1..-t0f"\ A9 •t• ~tt••I , ,L•Qu"• 8••<h , . fh• Ol!>fAICT ,._,,., "'-••9'11 lo Celllonll•m \1 rt1tr 1 eny °' ell btd'. or to •••n •ny C.trol Goll<~. ln A991e Sl,.et . '"~9u••rit1P"\ °' 1M0tm•lflHt"\ tn •ft'f L~ &e«PI~ C.tlf°"'t• .,.,, btO\ O< "'--•PIQ fflf\ llvtlno\ I\ <Oftdvttod by 41 Th# 01<,IAICT lw\ Obt•lned lrotOI Qene<•l--"""p l'WJ 01,....10< o1 1M o.t>et1.....,I of In C-OI (;Itek Ou\ttta l 14.,,.,._aon, tht Ql'nff"•t p,..v••• '"•\ \t•tef'ftenf ••~ fllfrd ""'" ttw onQ ••I• C>f .,., d•em ,.~, ,,. t.,. Covnty C'letll ot Ote11qe C"""I• on •0t •hty 1n """t<." ""'' wrw11 ,, to w J\otlf'M: 11, tm. p•tfo1mttt f~ t«P\ ,, .. , °" type of WOfl-:M•n ~ to f'Aitf vt .. t1'WJ (Oft'- "~ t 1~ ,,.,l>'\ .,, on 01,. 41 ,._ 01\ I At( I Olllo tou1ed •I 1'1•1 411on A..,,.' •r¥1N> (,el1fO,..fti4 .,,,. CooWt m•y bfil Ubf4ttt'W!d nn N'<)Ue:\t A < Oc>'t of 111 .......... "'•" be PO\le<I ...... '"" \lh• 1 fl• IOrOQl)<PIQ l(hedU"' ol t>e< dltm "''"J'' ,, bd\ed ""°"' • ~•11no d•v of •loll• 111 r.ou~. nw •••~ '"' holld•Y .tf\d o vef"'11rTW wor-\ft.Ill M •• •••\t !Im• •M.,,,..~11 11 \fltlf .,.. m.tn<laton uoon -CON ll>Af10 k to *'"Om -tontr._I I\ d W4 ff1f'l'J, •f"ld UC>Oft lif"V \t.fbc_Of\tr «\Of vMtr htm, to CHIY nof ,,.,, ,,,.,. ttw .,..,,, \()"'f'tf~ r .,tf'"1. 1·0 ••• "°"'•"""""" trnoloteo r..1 uwm .n the ~Lt:c.ut.an of ttM , Utlh N"t ,. t#i~f" fn"1 flftfMf •• "'' D•O lor .,. o• t 1·rft ~ fl'..tPT I t)01C4Y\14f1t•r I~ '"',. •• ,,.... '""' f>OP"lrl" l)f b.ch It CM t,.,....rf f4'1'WJ •n<J <t f;f"•r1fm'!fnf(' h' "'' "'''' t~ r"'l'JVl'.-0 C'W•"' 10 r ... , v h· ., .,. ,, ... r1flff"-:t• t 'P'w p ... vrn• "' btwwt '"'II ,,.. ~n th• .,,,m •,rt 1t1r•" 1n ,,,. "'"'' ""4'tq Ho.rf1 t t A .• ,.,.1 .. ._ 'r,rtt1 .,,,..,,,.,,"., ,11U17 Publt.,,..., Or.t"9f! Co .. t D•olt PllOI, '""" ,, .... ,. -July), 1919 PUBLIC NOTICE •OTICI' TOCal'.OtTOttS SUHalOlt C.OUlllT 0' THI'. STATI' OP CAL.,OaNIA POii THIE COUNTY 0, O•A•Of .... A-J E\lele OI IAI\ l I trC~•£N8E RGo •It• IRIS LIT(H[N8f AC,, O.t .. WJct NOTICE I\ HfAE9Y C.lllfN to ~ < t edit Of\ of tt'Mil ~ n1tf°nt"d d.,.. .. dflftl ttwt tittf .,...,."'°""" ~.-.fftQ c. te•f'T'I\ f!ltQt11tn''t IM Wld Oe<.e<IHl1 ••• r11<1 .. trf:<I ID Ille ltwfn, wUh lhP "'°"t'\\drY vOUthfo'\ in IM Oft•<• c;t t~ ( lil"r; Of I~ .. boy,.'"" lhf" n~t .,,,"4,., i.-nurtwor, tn tn .. "'" C)for\1Q~ttt t"'-" r>U1t " of kt( ltARU IJ rt IN( A Atl'>f,....¥ rtf I .tw "'11 t1 ._.,, .. h t.,.., r V\t•n. C.elifOf'nl.t t?fJ.80 wfh f r. •\ ou• "'""" t>f bu\1n .. \\ ,,, tn .. v n df'r""\1QnMS 1n ftll ~lto1tl\ O'"tt-11nonQ to t~ r~t•t.,. "'' \tud °"'Hf....nt "''thirt tt)\lr montn\ .-u., trw '"" punt.' AflOf• .. , lhl\ tw')h (tf TlllUSTOlll: WALTUt CU•Tt• l"Aattflll,41.._.._ elNl'"C1AaY: SUeUa•AN COAST Al. CX>ltl"OttA T ION ltt(OfWd )WW '· "" .......... . ,.. '" -. 1rno • .,... ... ., 0tt1<1t1 lllK9"1a lft tflo eltke .. llM ate.- of 0r...-C-,.; ............ """ dowrlllo-l""lol_.,,...,_..,, Loi J of Troe I Ho ftlJ, ltl -Ctty OI CO\I• Mna, C:-., of Or .... , St.- of CAlllOrNo, et -..._~In ·-.,, p ..... 11 -1l .. "''"' <•II-"'-· I" 1M ~· ef Ille C-l ylll«cw .. ota.ICIC-IY •1• HoietWI Clrcle, C.le -.W, C..illlot ....... ··111 •tlr'Mt~\orc_ .. \1 .... 1 ... I\ --·,.. •.tn-y u,_9~14~ (--·-~ .. <t<l ... H I " -- The -..ic..,y -..,. DeM ol Tru\I, by,_ .. • _,.°'Wt..," ;,. Ille -··-'9CWM .. ,...,. ,,.,•IOlor~ ••«--._.,_ te , ... ~. -1""' l>e<M1•414- 0f 0.1 ..... -o.n.-.... $416e, -••Ill•" -le• Ol llonetll -.. •le<tlon lo ,..,..., --~lo Mii W•d r><-•IY to ,..,.,Y \o.ttd _,..,_" •nd ...... ~ 1ht -·ltneG ,..,,.,, .... ., nofl(,Of ol ~ ..... ...,Of ........ to lie <UO<-~h J, 191'•\lftalr.Ho .. \1 in -1JOW, .,..._ 1t21, of ,. .. , Otlltiel llt<ord\ \~•0 .... Wiii ~ ...-. tt..1 "'"'°"' CO•~,..,.., « • .,,M\•'f~ ••sw•s' OI ..... Oh•d. •-<d•"9 ltllP, -Wi-. oo •n< umb<en<t'\, to pey ,,,. ,....,•H\i"9 prtnttP•I """ ol ""' notehl ,.....,."' 1>V ~Id ONd OI Trll\I, "'"" ln1erHI it\ In •••d ftOle "'°"''"""· •ctnnu\, It • ...,. """"'IM l•nn$OI w1ct °"" °' T<u'1, ftt \, < f\•r9f\ •ncl ••pton,e\ of It~ ''"'"'" ...., of 1ne '"''" cre•led by '•1d Dffd OI l rll\t »•d , • .., w111 bf' htkl on l hUndev. Jutr '· ""••It 00 • m at uw oHu ... of T 0 ~"'le.• C.Omoonv, 8•nlll u• A~ncd f<'hlttr. \.u1tt> 1110. One C1t't &o411 .. .,.,.o W-\1. Ot«MIW. C•Jit°''"'* 0•1• J-). 191• .""""'"""' c;o.,,., (..Of p 14 .. W•O f,-y,\fl",. ,,. 1 o '>l l'l\/1Cr C.o ........ h 't l •lld.o:t ¥6Vf"'I A\'i1\t..nl ~ '"''•' V Pubh\n.-(j ()fdnl_Jr (,Od\I O•••Y Pilot Jun• •1 ltt "· t~1' ,. .. ,... PUBLIC NOTICE ,, f Ii t"""1 (' •Wlt't ( Od"-t {J111l'1 1.#t~I l>•l•O ,_.) ,.,. 0 NOltCf TOCOt4f•l>CTotl\ • •' ... ,., ,, IJ ''"' P t:IJJ.I(' NOTIC•; lf()TU'• Of' "UIHIC M(AflUtG • 1• , .•• ,, 1 .,, .. , '" ,,... ' .... ,0'"•"' • Lt ,,, 11'11 '""' rv.,ti11 ,, uul,ll•l ,,, .,,,, f• ,,, IHt 11 •.1 F'l•""'J1,,1U•t) (*" i/I /H)' l"lfi,. lt1t lfJifli• 1" •• _.,..II' I 1t1 1 .. nr. ,., (All INC. ,.Ott fllO~ t •k utf")r l'tf ,,,. w .11 • '"' hf,...;1 •• t1 • t'-'IJH•• ""'"rt n ,,_. d'flt>v"' ""41'f\toof1 U•,,. 1 d••r'lt •' Ml'){Jt 0• ... I W If t Gllf'\,(.ALUMAN&MC.ClH•l ftut (,..,,.,htw t0 1)"1 t)ttt11ti """ rJf ••c. .. ••oo •t .. l.R, '"" H)1hdtt-.cH July 111(1 un1 1r•.wltv• ,_.,,.(,, ,,, h10 ,,,.,,101 lJf~fMtf f f t111U•,(•lf'f .-,.-, A(H~I N1•,u1AfJVf 1 ._ N t f q )'Mt f •t Ut,.J ~41Jl Al1 l\•'l"r 1..-,1n..• f ,1hfOff\1tt.,/1t Attor...., fof" P•tttt°"'91"t Vr '• 11 • ' 1t1• •O!f11 ,.,.,,,, ,.,,.,,.."' I ''' t .,_ Puf)t1•h•"'CI n,,.,,,.. t ,,., t f u•-l .1,' i,,,,,,,,.,,,., lf'llln•• U lrJf\ •,f nf"tnt l \tru 11 I'-' /' ,..""' Jtil\o 1 I #11 ,/t'' 11; All'\ldt• I 1 llJ f'l·1• i t'l"n llfl 1,11 #ih f .• 1 ltlfll \ I , . I I •t 1111r ' 'i' t•J ~ ' •· • ,,.. ,,,, 1 n1;,nt...,., I-' 1 ; '"' ,... f 1 ltJI '' l:-J ... 1• l41t,J tu A..Al ; Uf l.dQUfl.d,.!.\t'tf\n '"'''' 11'' ', ! \ ,t 1•• l f t>Qut'"'·' '· ,,., ,,..,'"''' P tlftl.H' NO'flC'Joo~ I u ,_,,,,I 11fl11r 111',f' '111 A llu1( /\.1tm.111. ti IU~.L.ATZ./J• _/l~..&...t;OU. U 11l 1f t 1'. •u lH Ji ., 1o1.Jt •1th.it ,,,., ollt1••"'-f~U1.,U 1i>thJ.A.;I (J.. ... l..tH \... 1..it I t/~ JIJ~ /t~tt•"t,, I Hl 0 •1\ftt\·J IJlf1 'H)t>Wo!tl• l•l•1'"'" rirl't1'"'· ttA'1 \tfH t ,1,1 fl1flir~ ,\M , ,,, l'I HJJ(' "'"''" • I"" I•"' ...... N '". ""'!"""'' ..... . H'·• II, ti ' otVt1 •ll• ,1 I ·l""t f "•'1'1 .... -.y ·I flCTlllOU\ ll U\l"'t \\ '"""'r '1r"11 "'' "'r ' .... 11 •• , 1 .. , • fH UHjl ( IJ11tUV I •I,,,,,.,,,,, I ... , ,. , .. , ..... 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"'' 10 ' , ,,,,.. ,,... t~fvtn ,,, QOOlt Cond•IUlft -. f1 I• • t•"U,ill'\'4fh f ff'M ftfft ~t II I ,, ... P\1011\tw-oo f)f~ .. ,., lJ.111~ ·~~~I ,. '1 :,, ","': ~ ;:'~' ·~::,:','>:,:; .. :~~1~11 J t#f'W" 11 t'f )• d~I Jut r l 't/ft /1 'f!t llf 1 I t ... tJ I ,1H I~ tit l;IT t~ tfUf'-fj f)t f' t f I• f 1 I f "It r 1• ' f I •II 1 fti I f\ ••I ~f '9hf11Qf'I m4y f (J"lf tf t .,..'\ ,, .. , •• , t 11 '·' 4f I 1h *'•ft .... 1' I;•: ~ t 1 :,~ r. I I I JI 1• fl UUJ' fl A MIU 1 Ot f/j .... 0 0 t' I lfH' I ffll I M I (•tlW"ft••· 11 '' ' ' I ••t vuvt Oull'(tbf l•tt .. t I# II ft UI ., ftj .,, f' I f •lf'1f ... f hr 1fr•l'\I t·i.f1 n, '""" 11\f 1,1 (1.1 /'VO'";tt ,,,, "''""" .... ,~,~~,:,~:.~: ~~ .. 1n c1 M.,1>11>ur 61•d P 0 Ho• /1t0 "'4w-.p..,1tU•,i1•tt !'AthoJ • lf•ll\ 111.1!111•,P,,.,.t In If••• ' ~10,I t 1' l"f t ''I llftf J. I t I' I I f•t I II I /ttJ/; t'llUl.I(' NOTl<'t•: ("' .,, ""' "'l')lt'I "" llt r>ITOH\ \IJJol 1<1l:pt (011'11 ''' rtH ~IA!I ()I (/\1110 .. Hl• l llH f~l lfJIJNfV ''' n11~N,_..I ,.,., " ,,.._,.u.q ' lo I I t; I'' 1 •.owlh ( 04'' Jif••;H>n.,1 Con'""""'°"' I '-~,, t Ot "•" tth•fJ l \uoO 110/ , P n tto• •oo I O"<!RUtfl (A-1 • ,,,,,,, ... ., ,.,. .,,..,,. r~-..• n""• f •t10• 11.nt "11, '''' HJt lf"f '~· .. f't'IU.lf' NOTI('•; f: I< r I 1 IOV\ l!IU\IN( \\ Nl>MI: H a Tl:Ml NT ff..tlh ..._ltl(J ",,,.,,, t\ <k>tn.q °""' /lfllM/\1 11•1,f HAI !ti liJ.alA ~I 1•A • 1f'C fft .,.., 1t f111rt f n .. 10 M• \u r .-ittv•n•fll i•Jb/t; 1"#1111,..,lfl f ho1J ,,11 fl I M \111 PUBUC NOTW•; flCflfl~' llU\IHf\' N-t: \TATloMfNt l ~· 11,tl•r•"''"" "' • ._,,, "'' •l1.t1ru1 bv\r.-\\ ,., .. f H l>(J lll l l'l l W A Y Hf"AO l.IU AUff Joi\ l till j.>IMI Nr }()It) M 1' ,_1V'lt'I Ori'#t r ,,11•orn11• 'tl?1 Ii M •lllf1 v Jt)UI' '°tit. "j ... lft Coron,, d• 1 Mtu f 4'l1l11t n. , '1'>1\ A ldn r.Joti,l\Ot\ ))9 I ~'j•lfl H.,, t .. oun,. h•'M " r ,.11fot111 • '11ri .. 1 Pf)fWft \ Whlh l)\J I 1m , tltJ P rt';' I A')t"""'A.tl,...h (i1•1•11t\t1 ,,,q '"''"" h ( 11h• '"' ,,. f "''' f Uf f1nn ""' M ... , r"1,1~n1·• w 1111.wn 8~ •ff1 t m~r.110 lt1tv l "f.llJMl'I Ut fl,, f ntlt ''"••• 1/f1'11 ft\ .. t l\f lH f •l"'\-1•\ In. ''QM t fl, ... f ,,,, t •• u , .. ,,, • ,, ..... ,.. ~"' .,, .. ,,., •• ,.,.. .. lf\t(r; ti "" " ,,. ,, I 11J• , .. '"" o .. h•nri•n<f t h .. f•• '''"'ti t• f'Jfil11tH'~"'" f..-or,. Ir·• fH 1 h•• •I I~ (,,.1, .. , l~1t•11I ul J•\ .,,,,,,,,.., " .. '"'''""' 1rw 'lf"'" .. '"' 011 11•·• 111u ,,.,. tlf ,..,., n1 .. m -.,,.<Jr\ .,, '"' I I' .tld , ol #,!It fJ lfh•1 N11if I' tu Ill' f1• 1 •ntn ;i.n ''" , ,,....n , ,,,,. n. ty(JP u• #llfll fMl'lf\ """"f .. ..f1 fff ##f"f IJf .. U\f' I (Ill ,,,.,' fhtt\.• '·•h' .. ,. ,,,,, ,, f1ltl ,,, .... IH t f.t 1( l Ml111• IOI' 11fl•(I ,., /(Ul Altiff' f\<1., Ir vin• ( nhU'1t n11t ~1/U (n();, '• 1n.t , ft• •11• h •Wfl ''' ''llU• \I A (\lilt' 11 tru· , 1.it .. • "'·•II f11• IHI' h •rl -tf th~ t''° "' f tw fll"f .. t"Jt)lnO ·J~,.,., nt ,,.., rt1tm #•fl"''• I , t>•t\14' ut""' ,, 'N'>'• !f'\U "••Y .,, 1 IQhf '"~ "'°"''' rp)1 tfll.., f10 ~lllf•tV l•iriilfl•l f' 1'•111'0 f "111'11''-·1 tll'\ f h1•,fHJ\l"'°\'t''fJfl'ft1•lflffh'l1otlt fo1I t ;fl• ·H'I ·~"""-•" ri111r••• •".•••k•"• ftlt u '"'• u 1"' ,,,.,,,hn r . ., .• n.n,., 'fl ,,,,, f 111 Ill f,. t• ' H11 ti I 1 1 J1•fht li•llJl;.tl 4'l (/h '~':~In 'J ",,,_.... f ~l/'•;"11:·,:: ;·:•l:l~:::lf ~ti~~~~~::, :j~' ,,.,,, ·•" ,,. ' .. ' •• ,, f •• •·• ' '¥'"• I "'' t ,..·:,*. ''"'1<1 wun tM T "'" \ldl• ,..,.n1 ""• • ,,.,..,.,., •tth fht> ''"" '''" tf ffnt1 *""'"" ''"'' i.on-,,.,.,..,~ tnt ,,. ···~ ,,,., i·•tt ,, ''' , ' t••11 • tf l•1 ' '' f "'' • '"", .. ••• (ount1 ( ''"'" of Or lt\Of' r 0•1"'' on ••nd .. t ~·"' ''> fM 'I "''' ..... , """" ''"' tf"\t ' ,,101 "'' '" i •' •'' "''"• ,., • " t uunl • r h '• ii 4 '' 1n111 (..(M.lttly on J""ft I . tr..ir9 14•'1 \P'-tflHl '"'"' -,0 ttll W'Qlf"tin~,. '"' •f ' '' H • 11 " ' 1 "• '' •1 1 " '""' " ''' llJ "''" ,.mvtoy.., or thium '" ttw-v•th.uUon .,, ltlil-t1 I fl!u 1 I I I•• I ti -' t I •h • '" </Ill lrt fJ11lolo\I• •f f,. '"U' f ,..,., rJ•olJy ','.•,,1011• P\Jbl10,.t·•-O f)r.tncpo r,,.,.,, (l.11ly ff11o)I IP.• tOl"tflrt<t ft.• nt••\\H 1 "''''"'' I•''" u '' t f ~ t ''' r H·• ·I f'lt ''' ,.,,_. t •· "' t if• #M / IV''* .... , ~ if)""-' July J 1~14i Jtfl/ l'f Ju,,c-11, 11f }~and Juty I t'f,._. J l14t /f• • ~·, ,;;:, OI' ;~::~ .. ""; ~7'::.,~';.~~ ::::. t / "' 11 II '' •'¥ t• " "' d•th v I l•tt '"' ~n1ntff;I ''~~ "lo I 'It I 1'1-J' \ U 1f f A t11 A 04t f'Tlt.lfll I~ ~tnl) ft l>t'rlC>f""mMWf'" #ltt11. U1 lti t I 1 If . If I"' '''Ml• '""t"' ~I' ••.• , •t., I j ,, ... 1t\; 1 1 tn1 t "''" ' ,.,, 1t•,. ,,. ,,. ,,,..., ... 1 ,1 H1tnu t lle • ff• I' I 11;1,t hl lf11• ti f I (14th•fU.,., I'' 1J i 11/d11 IH"I· ft I\'' ltl\I t J t I h •, t ''" flt •I • • lht .. ,, ,, It tll J I t~ I'"''' I I IHOMl>\l 10110 \uol• 701 II Un• '"'·•\IJ'C)Cf,. v,IJ.-.n<•• l-ctQun .. H1lh. CA •1•)t Toi 1114 > \11 ).141) Altorn1 • IOir ' •t• v•n• Puhlt 1tlo '1 1 ""'o'' 1 .• ,, f I , 1, f 11•+1 Jvrt• ' 11 f!f /6 I 1/1' , 11) J 1 PURU(' NOTl<'t: f ICflTIOU' 8U\IHI \S "'4ME SlATlME Hl f t1,.. fu11nw111y ru r-.ori\ ,., u Oo1no f>v\•nt"• ,,. Aftl,lf(1A11 I t ~·I f ttt'l',11/\N f-l ll<JW\•UP ll"'t ,.,.wl11110 ,..h••fl'• tturi11nQttl'1 lh '" h C 1t '" H ht A\\,.mOlv 11t t,o4) U vnhnrtlf,o Heit• h tA f Alitr11n+,. , ,.,,.,,. ,.111m t tl\i1 '4• 'N't•nd '''"''' t41111flnQtUn fl .. cn ( d <r/l;AI r "" bv\I~\\ I~ Condu' lr'1 th " I (lot s.ru••t•on 1,1 .,,,..mbfv flt (~ u ontl'W'tf•lft h'"'" th .; A Ut11•t11w1 n 'fl•• ........ , ... "' •.• 1111" ...,,,,, ttwt ( 1hfnt, ( fl>t i. ul f u nin/' I ,.,.,,,1.., oh lur'I• 1~ ro\j ,. 11u• l"utH•\hl •I <>r·otnQt• CO.t\t fJ.it1•v t•1•01 1.,n .. h 111 Jut, l 1~ _.,. 1 tit " '• PUBLIC NOTH'•: ...,,... NOTICE fOc •rOllO•s He A t•tJ SU,,lllllOlll COURT 0'° lNf! ~fATI 0' CALl,O•NIA .. o • fMt: COU•TY Of: ORANG( In lh• M•ll•• OI Ille I:,, ••• ol MAltTHA l lOffO, 0f'f'U~ Nolltt I• flllt"tl>V 01•"" lo <lodllo" l'l•wln9 tt•6m\ ~1n\t tt\.-i wtkl ct*'<•· dMI 10 Ill• '"'II <IAlm\ In I,,. oll1c~ OI ,,,. ( .. ,. ol Ille •IGf'\<1111 C.OU'1 or 10 pre.,.nl '"""' 10 lhe u ..... r\IQnf!d •I th• Oltlo OI H()Mr A GOOING, •'II> Alt .. A"""'· 5ullt JOS. ~· 0 llO• Uet. Hun 11n111on PllO, """'°"''• '01)1. •hl<h ••II•• o411o '' ,.,. P•<K~ C>I hU\fn•u ot IM unct-nlQntd 6n •II m111tt., \Pf'''"'" tnt 10 Wld "''•I• ~11"11 <•••m• wllll ""' r-.t•'~'' ¥Ou<M,-, ""'"' hP ftlt'd or Pt•o·~•M ..,, ••o••,.~uo •""•" •nv• _,., ,...., ,.,. "'" ,,.,.,..,.,,,... ot HU\ ftOttfe D•leCI J -I ttrt J_,,. l Ol'Q E-utorntl.,.Wtl1 olHklOM•-1 ..oM• a eootNG ......... u. ..... _ ...... P.O. - ---..... CA .... 11'*11...., 0r..,.. C-4 D .. ly P llOI -1-It, It, .. Mlf Ji;ty J, .. ,. UJ).I -~ .. Pt '8LIC NOTICE PUBU(.' NOTl<'t. b<>M will,,.. r..qutr<>O l>'•O• 10 ..... , '"• flt 11 TIOU\ ftU\INE 5\ H4Mt \f/>TEMEHT '' .. ,...,,n\4 pt>t\v• • "'"' Oo•no ''" 1n1 "',., J tCTlf10US eU\IHt:\\ NAMt: STAlFM(Nl f rw tulln.rt1nq pi.or~ '' fh>•n') bu\I nt\~ ,., tu:,,, nf ttw t 'lf\trM t rrw pa,rnent bOftd '""" '>"' lrt ttw '~ yit tor1P\ 1n ,.,,. '~ • .-.. 101rw1 H~o'1 fl\' A ',t..,,ft'Y ( Ot•~ I 11.U Ir; II Rl'AI\,., 1000 Mir , "'°'4' tu•,,.. ••vnt•noton lJ .. ••C"' r,.1111,,n,_.1,)~ \1'0Tl£\'i CAA ....... ~ .. Ill> l I .......... . U tf\ \ttf"+'I, (O\t• Mr, .. ( ttllfornitt &tuo41\f'liWt 0.ttnqP ( .. Otnt O•ff P1fot 97'11 Jun~ I~ 7' 1'1~ 11J1 I~ <h•rh\ W C'on•hn. l()C).41 M-r , .,,,.,,., tor"' H vot1nQton bf'"jH" r .. 11rtur'111~.; Hu•111t1H'1 "' O"ntMth, 11' futlld , Apt 11 t I 'i''t~ u .... , n f f'fllfOf "*" '080) f tu , hv· ,,.. .. ,, 1~ < onOvt ted o, tt ,,..m ,,.1p,111M•\"11p •• ,,,....,.," R O•nforth f P,1·, • roff'~I Wit\ fllfl'd With Ow f 11un1 'f r ,,... •. nt Ot AnQf' County on Jun,. e.1•1n llHtlJ l*uf'>ll~'1ii'O Ord~· (o..\t Dau, f>hot. Jun• I) l'I, 1& .. na July J, 1q1' 11•l·1'l P UBLIC NOTICt.: rnorn.,, Wototd Jrt•• fl l10 A•motwt Pl • ( ""• -... c,111nrnM "1•11 f n1\ b\l\~N\\ t\ (on<Ju1 11-0 by 111n Ut 01v1duttf ,....,,,..._, WMd }filtllf~lf T P\I\ \f(lltin..nt ..,,, .. h h'tt w tlh th. Cov"t y r , .. ,. ot 01 nn~a" Lvunty uo Jun• 8. 1'1' F tltn~ Pubtl'httd OrttnQt' '°"'' Dft•ly 1•1101, J .,_ 11, I~. 11>-July I, l~l'I 1 .. \ 1' PUBLH; NOTICE NOTIQ 0, PVILIC Hl A•ING c .................. 1,,.,.1 ... QMMlty c.tYOI -· HO H CE OF eULk TRAN,f:llll ~AM 1119'- lh u 6111 -6101 0 .C.C.I _l..._A•- •<O Tl(l I\ l~HtE SY GolllfN 10 "'9 ~- (r•cll1of\ c.r John M1Mao1n •nd a twnWo,CAttJet AO!lo'rl ""'M•t •1~. -nq oo"n'"' ... °" F.tw ... ry >•. 1•1~ lhr llOA•d N~W P<>UI >O E ICHT\ l llAVEl •Oocll..SOrd"' No l•l\,Nf'0£S HO \f PVlf'I A /"'rlN!r"'4p, frMUl.,nt\, (A 0106011, )111.t\le 01M:h4'1.,. llM111tr~ •"'O"t_. b u\1nf'\' t10dr .. -. .. t'\ >O• m«nh for.._ (.ownty Of Ot-~. ln u,,, •. '"" .. Av,.nu1•, \tr /Ii. (•h or ••'Or.t'ntnt.tr ~qt'tnent AQt"ntY P-4• •CH>•I R111tt h c ounh ol o''"'Ofl. O@wttloe>f'Nlnt Otw1\1on ron,t,V<t1°" '>l•lr ol Celll<><ftf• '7..:1, IMI A tt..I• 0.w•l••lnQ f 111.,.nt l •1'111411-A 1 ff'*"\'•r '' •bt'tut to tw fr\ddf> '10 o• Ord~r ,..o '' U 11m1f\ trw-dft<I\., .. 1 1'1>11 '><0 T A Ai/f i . IN (. lr()ffteny<JP1Qi.pto1e<l lo ""~''"­ 'tA,,, ... , ...... •hOY bu~\~ AdOff.),), ., 100.000 --~ Pff U y u~ r nWtrOft "'" J .,.."""1> Cltrlt:, C.tty Of Irvin<' moni.1 -....-A-y ~ .. , r• ( OVnh ()I °'-· !>i.t• Of C.hlorP11• QllUIOCI ·~·· '"" llm•t•1io" ~· 97/lf '"'"'"•""° T"-"°"'"'' •loll he\ CS. l h,. f)l~rty to .,... ttdn~ftitred i~ term1ned tt'Mtt ,,._ •llmtMOot\ Of tttt1 PUBLIC NOTICE Cf'- F 11•1t1 'ICTITIOU' l!IVSl•t:U Hl>ME S l A f EMl NT I""' tOHOW1nq f ...... r..On\ •t~ cjtUl'IQ l>u\IMI'\\ A\ \llAOOIN AU'N BAL/>, "" l •nfJf"V Aw-nue, lrv1nf', (A t?IU WArmtngton Con\trU(tton. enc. f;t ( ,.11tu,ru,., ~,..,,,.., .. •hon>. fMt l.tftV~t ,..,,.nV"' 1r~1,,..., (A 911t,. .C•1tu11, Inc: •·• (-ttllfOf'"nMt <Of"POfJ· l1nnl, IH I L.e"""o A.,....,., Irv....,, CA ~''" 8A¥hOl'lt Prol)«'rtlfl\, Inc . ,,. C•lltotnt• <O<Pofdtlonl, llU L~y Av.,.""'° trv,,..., CA.,,., I h 10,. bu\tn,." i\ COndY< t•d by • Qe,.., ............ .,,,,,p W411MINC lOH COHSfRUCrtON, INC. Hy J P w .. m,,>vlon p,.._._. '"•\. \eiitt~t W4t\ ftlfld Wftft tNp Couftly c 1e'n. ot Or-c-ty """"'Y JO, "" at•OH. & ANMlt10ee •Y O•w .. O P•n ..... , .. ,,.1l•• ,.,. .. _.,....., Se"'•A-.<••1111 f'ubl1.-Or~ C-\t 0 .. ly Piiot J-), I), 1', lt, 1'1t 71'1-1• ff)(Atltd "' '?& N;v .. t\td .. Aw~.~·-lfmU••*' wUt not .0Wr"~. •fN<t , ... A, (fly "4 ~I II#•<•.,_,., Of -lllyolw4ll11notll-.'l•I• !.---------------.. OrAnq• "'"" OI (alfl0<noe•1'6l ""' 8oe<d 1>'-"' to .. mone10re1., ~••d l>'Ol"''IY I\ <IP'.\Cflhrd '"-••I No 1• 1\ by •llmln<11lnQ f llluelll ~\ />II •IG•' tn Ir-. ll•l11rn, -IP· Llmll•llGft A I -· IO< lhl\ PllrJIOtot, m •nt "no QOOd "''" ot '""' r, ~••• bv\f wtlf hc>kt • Cklb'lc. "'4hlrlnq .. , toUowa · ~ n•\\ kMwn A\ Nl-WPORr Hf>GHT<, DAlE "-I )1, ''" fll/>llfl \flllllCf """'°'"'""•I :ro. flM( • lO~ m 11, ..... ~ ............. Still• A, Clly OI PLACl.1Cltye,_..11chAn•n N•wl>(frl "•M•. C-y o4 0<41n90, • ~ M41M \1,...1 .,l•I• OI (Allt0<nlA 1t1wn1do, Ce11l..-"40 Tll• ti.ilk lren•l•r wlll lie ~-· lnlt'"4ecl llH°lOM .,., iftVllH le •I· m•I~ on 0< ~!er 11'9 61'1 dflY ol Jilly, 1"'4 lo • ._. hi<,.,...,, on lflew ••· .. ,.. "' AMERICAN !>rATE llAHK. ~ .......... 10 .... -v• ....... ,. \00 N•w00<1 CeftW< Orlv., !>lo.~. Cl· <11et11. "'""°"' ..,_,"9 P<t-ltll- 1 y ot Ntwpo<t 1'1~ .. 11. County ot _,. c.oMIN tllolr \l.llt-1\ lo IN O•~no•. ~•I• C>I C.Cll-• ....,,. ,, .... 1-Orel ''•'-'' '>o ter ., •-lo ""' h e11tfof ... •Ill llO llMnl, illlut, '9r llW «<llfetY ot ell bu\I'-\\ "-' -ecldreun uMCI IM •«-. 4111 ,,,_,.,,, lftllmorty by lt•n•lrroo lor lht lllf'ft -· 101 tllClvl• w ...,,..n.d In ""'"..,. OrOI .,. .. , .... NOHf ( " ... _, .......... "''"to •!low •II THE LA~I DAY CAEDtrOR~ MAY ll!ltr11\1H.....,.,..ll""' lt>beN•d J'llfo C.L l>IM$ INITH 1.SCROW ,,..,_, .. ..,., .. Cl,.._hM .. ,ttlel· HOlD(ll l'i JUL 'I' t. te1' 119(-a, lllCI -I\ IM ... rd'• 0 •1•11 IUM 14, 1t1t ,.....,..,_,..,, 1llftd .it Ctn" 1 llANSCO TlllAvn INC " ... ...tlli-roolwd _, '" lr.tMlerM IMfot<tM ... c,..iM 411 Ille lt..-iet lh JOft A, Lllffl_,, ... ,. tftkt .... Inell-A-, """'-I• JOI, 1111~. CA "* I,.._ UM•tCAltlTAT11..... .......,_, ._ llW .......... etcltOWMf'T. M ...... pM ,M9NO\'~ .. ....,..ClllllW..... '*"· ....... ...... ...... .....-. .. -... ::u::::ar----···:W.:::.:=.::. °"" .... o.lr ......... .... ,.., ........... ,.. ..... .. ........ , ... ....,., ~ ....... °""" Olelt °""' ""' ........... Or .... CNt4 o.lly ... ,.. ->-... .... ,,...,. "'"" 2JIJ."•"------------· --'l- c, .. ·1 -~ '· ). ' Q . I I , 7 .. Business T~. June 19. t979 DAil V Ptt.OT II& Get a Horse. It Won't Help Defense Budget By DONALD •• aOTRBt;aG .. _.,... __ WASlllNGTON nack In the (lood old dlfy~. btforc wt> rai:-oul o f 1as1_!.Javorue. joke whr n Amrnr ans uw 1iom f'on«' wTfh a d1 11 tt hl ~d 1tutosnobUe waa, "Get • hor11e." Maybe that's not tiu<"h a bad 1dea 8Ut'd oo .ome dt batf' tn lbe Senate last week. u rC'tum to t.bf' ravalr)' rould 10 a lon1 way toward .olv ~ au n unch u well u balanttna the f t . AT TOKAI BANK ••• this IGLOO -''six-packer'' plus a Aand-McNally Road Atlas ~ I /ffllll•O Q11dflllfltj~ d dUll!. (Jl)I~ *A no service charge c hecking account. including a free initial order of personalized checks ALL FREE with & now on8-year, 6% certificate account of $1,000 or more. Your checking account will be free of all monthly fees as long as you maintain a minimum $ r ,000 certificate balance. :,,ub .. 1uDh.n ~"'u'-"' '"''""'"t '"°''"'""'' '"' !""''' "'''""' ,,.. ,, And tor every visitor ... a chance to win .......,._,-#~ a gas-saving cycle STOP IN NOW for your drawing card. No obligation of any kind, and evf!ry Tokai branch will ., . be giving away one high·spirited, money· saving cycle. Drawings will be held August 15, and winners w ill be notified. AmKAIBANK '' ~ Of ~Ur-ORNIA ....... v .... 11 '' ) f/l'I~ t:!CilATt: ,WAS DEBATING whtither to 1t1Jprovt· 1 r~·hlll\c 011 a $1 8 billion u1rcrnft carrier · V>'ht'I\. al ent1011 lur nc d a udde ol to c-.valry ( J hor1w11. h lch i.tiH tor ENERCY bt-1 wt•t•n 1.111d $~ .()00 , with Oil l~t ov••(lruns _...,. _______ __, s. .. , l>ule k umix·ri.. U Ar k . was r racwntit that the u1rcr1&Jt carrier was u btt1t 1ct1·~ I t-0kt:1> ia lot of fuel lo run an a1rcnafl ('arflt'r I Firm1Confirms Bankruptcy 1 H umori. thul blandt!r Yachts of Irvine ha5 flh•cl ... rtlerul Ch:ipter 11 (bankruptcy I proceedings have tx•en r onhrmtd by Busler Hamm ond, pres•· d ent 11nd · ltt-nl·ral mun age r of ~-sail hoal rn an uf jC'tutifl~ company l sl.111dur: Ya~blS .:,, a suhs1diury of Mission M arir1f' wh1('h also OW{b t:g~ llubor . Pacemaker Y .1cht~ dfld Siin U1ego M arine Hardware All of I.he ·comJJurut'l> ~re affected by the Ch apter 11 proccud· lnK$ •· l HAMMOND SAID THE DIFFICULTY uro!>e w ht>n M 1ss1on M arine• h qutdaled its marine harc1 w are division at a loss, creating a cash Clow 1 1roblcm that nt-cei:.s1tall'd I.he Char1tn 1 I proceed· ng~ t1 11m mond also tJlaml'd olhf'r far t1,rs. larRt:ly .. ron<•rn•<'. such ai. the bpiraJlrng coi:.t of m ate-nab and h1J,!h irhC'n:st ruki. 1\drr11lt111g tUffilJI''> that li.l andt·r Y:11'11t!> I'> for b;JI•·: tlcimmund saul th;.it altnnpti. ur1· lw1ng m11de frn r1·financ·in~. amt that tn lh~ rn1•anl1mt> th1· N>m p any would t:ont1nu1· r1ruduc-ing YJ•·hts 1n tht· 1$lanat"r hnc ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--, $50,000 ·to $500,000 EQUITY CAPITAL LOANS American Fmada Over One MWlon Monthly Ai. !>outhern Cohfotmd'!I money supply dwlndles due lo mfldtlon l)Od H'U'SSIOO IM rdrt.' ts o n I<> hnd cm t\ll•·tn-nh! ~\ire~ H,•..,t ,,,. ·p··rlv own···~ rllld t11v1·~1rir~ hl'lv•> Riund 1111' JfL"W*'I with Afn\'ll( ·If! I i11nlt' ,, fd.,1 yrr>W111•1. lull "'MC'" mnrtq11g .. • 1)mp.111v which 11tfor., ......... t.a.pbo .. qllOt.-•-t.co-" •Co-a·dal • Ruw.ntt-1 • Weekly com•itm«nts • Monthly f11t1dift9• .. • Short •-loan•, 6 aaondae to l ,,_,. •So.diem C.Hfonaia property ......... . C l?I your ('(lll1l•/ l'i1p1!t1I wmktn'.) 111<1.111 h•/ crml•t1 1111•)0 11ur lu.m 111f1;rmdll(Jn i.<•rv1c ot f11r ~1 11 k .ind 1 ff11'11m1 · • hr1ndl111g vi yuur 1111<\llCIOg lll!>'th (714> 759·1515 AMERICAH HOME MORTOAGE 230 Newport Cenler Ortve • Design P\01a Ncwt>orf Boadt Cehlom•a 112660 ~ 0 pager ( BY CADILLAC WIDE AREA COVERAGE ORANGE CO.-L.A. First of the fuel-efficient U.S. luxury cars by Cadillac. Introduced as a clram.itic new concept tn U.S luxury car'>. Scv11lc has become an Am1·nc.rn success story. ln1crna11ona! "' :.azc ... Cadillac in crafo.man!>hap .. one of the world\ 1no::.1 honored c~. W11 h 11:. EPA estimated ~m~ lc11y) and it:, h i11thway estimate of 19 mpg .. Seville continue!> lcl l1·a<l 1he w:iy as the luxury car <1f th e dl·rndl· Rcmcmhcr: Compare rhe nr cled ernmatt!d mpg tu the l''>l1· ma1nl rnrg 11( othl·r c:ir..,, Yo u m.1y gt.•1 <liffl·rt·nt milc·age depl·nding on yuur !>peed, trip lt:ngrll and weather Yo ur actual nty milc.1gc will he lnwt·r in heavy City traffic Your actua l h1~hway m1lt·ag1· will pmhahly he 1<'5." th an tht: h1gJ1way , .. ,11m:Ht' C.1l1fm.n1;i EPA t"1l1matc (Clly I will ~· lower Ca<ldl,ic'> :ire equipped w11h G M ·huilt t'llgtnt':> producnl hy varr<1u .. (IM d1v1· .,H ill'>. Sci· your C:1J1ll.1c Jt·ak-r fnr <let:11 I' It's a Golden Opportunity to own a fuel-efficient Cadillac! NABERS 2600 HARBOR Bl.VD. COSTA MESA SM>-9100 '17.10 ......... ........ :-;o DEPOSIT OS APPROVED CREDIT THE SLIM GOURMET Aec:lpe1 to add dining plea1ure wllll• 1ubtractlng calorl••· Wedne1day lnth• ... ·'Wher e will that oil com e from 20 lo '3o yurs from now"'" asked Bumpers . HE ~,\ID THE AlaCRAFT carrier would l~t 30 years and during that perioo would cost the gov· ernmcnl about $42 billion. His figure included not only the price of oil, but ~ cost ol t.be airplanes. the crew, the spare parts, etc Sen . John Tower, R·T exas, who supports aircraft carriers. turned to Bumpers and said. "May be, the gentlem an rrom ArkllMaS would pre· fer that we substitute horses.'· Or course. Tower wasn't serious But be of· fer ed some figures that sure make horses sound a lot m ore attractive than aircraft carrier s. "A GOOD CAVALRY HORSE probably can be purcha~ for $500," said the Texas sen ator .. And 1f )'011 turn him out to pasture and buy the reed for him. that would cost about an add1l1onal $400 a yc1:1 r "SO the life cycle or a good cavalry horse, which I!> about that of a good tank. 1s abou.l $6,500 . . Incidentally . dunng peacetime. the horse would be muc h mor e u:<"t:ful ror cer emonial p urpost.--s tban t he tank." TowPr w ent on to &rguc,tr1 favor t1f the carrif'r But Sen. John Melcb<:r', 0 -Mont .• also comes f rom horse country. Melcher said he wouldn't argue with tower ahout carrier!>. "BUT I CHALl~t:NG F. IDS expertise on the pr ice• of cavalry horsei.," said the Montana !>enalor. "Whf'n the cavalry was buying hdrses hat·k m the 1930s and 1940s, the remount officers v. h(·n th<·y accepted an /\rmy horM: even in those d;iy<> pa ul $100 or Sl25 and w11h inflat ion. I think 1 hl' 11r1e,. should t;e at least St 000 ··1 th111k tht· :-1·nator h;is 1•orrcc tly 1•-;t1m<1tcrt th(' t•ns t of ff'1•<h n1~ a hors<' at ubl>ul $400.-bul he ha~. n11t 111r luch•d th•· cost of waste disposal I think tht· ""nalor sh<1uld 1•ro1wr ly readJU!>l h1:; f•Slrmah· iHIOlhf'r $W0 Or $~/ti() JUSl to handle I.he waslt' dtSIKJs;.il Of lhul stubh:d horse for an-entir e Y<·ar " Each year. the hearinl record OD the defeaae appropriation bill runs about elght volumes at 000 pages each. This year# the foUowlna nOlice •P· pearedattbestartoft.be int volume: "To u ve t.be expense of printinc, all prepared witness statemen~ ln exceu of 20 typewritten pages are not reprinted in °'* volu~ea. All"'luch st at ements have been made part of the permanent committee records and will be retained lo the committee files." Tower replied t hat <t !> a Texan he fl'lt "hum1lrnted that a s<•nator from M onlan<t should rorrt•1·t him rm the CO!>t of ... horse. I wa:.. of cour..<'. figuring a very low cost hon.c .. Communit.•ator IT'I-\ HM 'fo: TO l\SSU M fo: CONGR ESS won 'l upl for h11r '>1"' anti lhl' dt·n·n~H· buc1Rcl will n1:vn ag:n n drop lx'lnw $120 h1 ll1on Hut <1•m't think th•· rnn ~r1•o;s1<mal r<m11n1tt1·1· lh<1t µa'>Sf~ on 1frfl•nsc :.pend 111).! 1sn 'll0<1kmg for w a} s lO '>il v•· n111n<'y Thi· t•omputt·r dwil-~ thl' operator. print 111g. ·'i\ow Ti a('y , .v<•U know helter ." to tdl ~l.Jrc•a.i Tr<H'\" L~nrlrum to rcrhtck :1 p;1r1 nu•n lwr ·,h1· 11r ;dly IOJ.:JWd into th.c 111.inu1c11 luring 11 ;11 huw Tht· :.ystcm 1s m tP .. 1· .ti I ,iwkh<·•·<I ;\llo.,~tl1·~ .ind Sp~c·c Co . :--unn\ \•air. wh<'n· ~J:.; Landrum 1s ~n d ct'· I 111111< .... :10.,0.,vnihl•·r N( IN V()RK l•Pl (OM'otP ,, ~n .. ,~~~~ni;.•,\t ~~g~/~ .. t'""'ltf *t \1ttlH'' (utltF-.. 0 f:::.·1~~~~!i" i3!~~~ 6~~'.';~ tn\vrttnf'• & '"°"'' Ot~h"\ 41 \lot_., 0 14ylM1tl •fl 11\d ~"" tt'•t11 ()totllb"-Q AfAProt ~'' 1t1 1 CJf'Lw.1( A't/M ro '~ •1<-o.1r-,.,,1 1\11(11\M~ 1flu 1' (J .. Unt~ AcJ.,,Ar1'\ 1\, l'• 0.•• .. y( I J..f11Mttt 'rl .,.,., Oi•f ry\ Al•,,,.,,.. II lfl'• Du nt '" Al• Ol'lt )f ... )S'1• 0'>' uh·t J\Hynt1 '°'• 1n• • Dn'lrt." Al '"' D ,., , )I 0t-f'l•'1\n ,., utf' (if,,.. r.(.,. \ I I•~~ ·~ llo•IOll Ar,,,,,t AtnHt1J AMtff'1\ ,,.N .. •n•1Q ,, .. ,, ., Ait6 dll,. Al'f\•"'R ""',,'C> At'f1fln(,0 .,.w,,.,. A•i<J((JI" f\U'•\t I :~:~o~r 0\>Af9'N1 U•t\t ... •, fl .... \.\ff , h"1f .M • lh•r lln•• th~t1t ttO h•hU' ,, b1tdYlft h1rtt~• f11"'.-.1tiP 9Qtt•"I• lJ•,,.,,..1 A'""' u·n Hut •h••r ltu• •"1!' ~~;~~p~ <""'"OH r ~o\wr r doQ'""'' , "'"r" r nVtP•, (t"unt • 11 ( h• \Vil r.,.-,., f 1t1UtA r •lllHU ( ~··It (tow (r> '•~UVH\t ( "''"' ltt ( '"'~"' f1nwlrl l1 ''"* l1uf'••f"IO V\.1 \t , Ou,.o,,, '~'·• 1"' '· E A•n Vf"l•,. 1i. 1~· Lc.cml *'" i 1• f lfJ_., f I ~ , ~""' f lftr1 h~ /)\. 14 l l,..'411• I pl, 14 • t IM#K'tut l 1\. f nrU•" J; , 1•, I"'' .. 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O.l•Oll•"CICl1><1M elo\IO(• •H ..... \Mtdlflfl!Ott .. bytM .......... ,\OC.•••&oti•\.M.u..-ut .. , o. ... , •• M ln\IH'Wt .. '•' . -.... ---.... ----- .... __..._. --_... --.,._ .. .. ' ---. . . . .. -- 'I ' , . ... ~ . . I I •• •• '. J • ,, .... f I ,,, I~ , , , , .. " . " ,.. • ,, .. hi I I . • ,,.., ... , h u I(• f I It I~ ' f J,..J. I ,, I f 4 t I I 1' I 1t 1-1 I ' O , ........ ~ '. I I I I i ~ I f • I~' I '' t ,,, , . , . • , ., i• tw• ... I I ' i;; f w f c• / , ..,,, ,,, t ,, ,, . ' f, tt , I , , •' ' /4 t, t ,.,, I •11 ' I If ' I I /\ It) I II I , , , ,. ftf f f fl It ti• I I ',,, ,,, • , ,, 11 .. f I,,, f1I-: f • I • lrt.I 1• I' I I I• ,,, ,,_ • '' '• 11 .. ,1# I ~ • 111,.1 1! ti I f, ,,,. I'' ,,,,,,,..,. f 1 11 I I ' ., , ... II I' , f I 11 ~I I• I I 't I II I f~ I :·,''/~'1 .;\~;; ~~ tr t l• I fl; I J •1 f N "i 1 I It f ; I 11 ... 1 , •• ,, fl ',.,\hi I fot I 1 !: : f I I ~ \ l1MI f I t uu 111 •• ., ,, " I .. .. I I I /I ,,, .. ' 1 /I I •II I . . I J I lf /1 I ''" 4 ,, ,,, 4• ,,, ,, ., . " ' .. I ' .. ., ... '• I ... STOCKS I BUSINESS To.p l•porier Wine Drinkers Salute Italy By MILTON MOSKOWITZ Which country ships more w10e to the United States than any other ' If you said France, you're wrone That's the old No 1 The leade r today -by a wide marfin -1s Italy French vintners we re the tn1d1llonal leaders In th.is market But they los t that pos1t1on in 197~. and they are dange r or beang displaced from second poslUon by German vintners M f:ANWHILE, THE ITALIANS HA VE m oved far ()\It .l.Il.l.nmt Jn 1978 they shipped more tban '6 mJllioo~~s-e:1----. wine to the United States, nearly triple the amount expc>rt ed by the French Ry the m selves the Italians accounted for half the impor ts of table wane '· T his year the Italian wane makers are extending their ll'ad 1-'igures reported for the first three months of 1979 -;ho w that Italian wanes have capture d 53 7 percent or the 1 m port market According to the in d ustry nt•w!>letter, Im pact the following wen Lhl 10 top sf•ll1ng 1m p11rll•d WIOl' hrnnd!> 111 1n x Riumtc. 4 6 m11l1on cascb G1aCl>bau1 1..6 Money Tree milhon cases Mateus, I 3 m11l1on ca~1·!>, Cella 1 3 million c .1sC's Blue Nun. 1 2•11lhon ca!>cs, Yago Saot'Gr1a, I 2 m1 1l1on cases. Brilla , I 2 m11l1on cases, Folo nan, I I r1111lwn cases. Lancer's IWOOOO t:ast!>, a nd Zon1n. n oooo cas es ThcsC' hr;inds .1c1 nunl1 If f11r nt•arly 511 J)cr<·cnt or all 1m pnrt('d w1n1: sale" 111 Amcr11 a or tht: ll)p 10, SIX .H t• 11,1f1<1n H1u m1ll', (;1;Jf'Obazz1 ( '1. Ila Boll.1 I-nl11n;.1r1 .1011 /'.1in1n I wo .. n from J•orlugal \1 ,1t1 u .... entl I .1n1 .. r -:; 'ln1 1 ... from '1..rm .1ny Hlut· l"un Arid 11111 1., fr .. m !'IJ•J111 Y.1g u Sant'Cn iJ a 'OT 1\ SJ~(,J .t t Rt:~( II WINI-. pf.111•<1 ;.imnng lht> 11111 Ill 111 p l I \ ICIU' ~ f .H ., lh1 lt•.1dini.: I-rc1H h ampurt WiJS \f11uf1011 l '.111<-t J llor<l10,111 >. It 1.1.;,i., 1m1• or lh1 f1 w Frcn1h "'1111 .., h 11 k"I 11~ .11l\ .11f v1 rll">ing 10 th•• l' Si markll ll1·fp111g 111 •,pur th1• lt.il1.1 n -.11rg1 1 ... lht• ris ing populan t, '111 I .11nh11 h 1 o I\ JI• w11w~ ()f 1h1 Ill f1·a d1ng 101 porl 't ll 1•r s four 111 l..1m1Jru.,1 ''' H1unilt (;1u111 tia7.7.I, Ccll u .ind Z1m1n \111 ... I \flf'l l ,11 Ill.ff I'> 1111• '>h<IWIOj.! or ft1Un lll Wh OSI ..,,,,,., 1 11;p.111d•·d 1,0 Jll'rt 1 nt in l't7ij 111 t<1k • flr-.1 1•l<1t:1 for thl· llu nl 11111'><1·111 1\1 \".JI Hwn1t1 ">1 lh hcrr f<ir .1 hout $l 70 ,, fi•1ll I•• l111p.11 t .. .,11111.it•., tti .11 /\m 1•rir.111 ~ ~pcnl Slofli m1lhon 1..-.1 \ 1•.11 mt 1111-. 11111 l11 o111tl t '\I.It\! T iit t tn "' 11, 1111. 11.t11J1t'> h.1-.i turn• 11 ,,, 11h, 111 ... 11111 111 tnultl 1 h1 11 li r<1 11d I r .. n , h1 .,, ~ 1n 1111· 1\1111·111 111 111 '' k1 t l<1ll11t11 1• 'll•'ll d111~1 111111 1 th<1n $'J 111lll1t111 1 \1 11 Y•111 111 o1 \ fs,,,, '•• 111 lh• If 1111111111 rt 1ah 1111 I• f, \ t...11111 Ga1nbli11g, E1iergy Issues Lead Market \H\ v. ,. I I Ir.. 11.1 \ \()Ith .1.11111•1111 11\ I' <:.1 mt1l1111! .11111 t·nerg.> :.lork ~ lh1 '>IJ11 k 111o1rk1 t wJ., urll'hungt•cl lo Tilt' '"'"' .l111)t'' ..... • ·•i:!•' 11r 'Ill llllhJ'llri.el-. nrr I !JI/ JHJlnh \111111! I \ I• r11.11111·d ,,, >S:l'I Ill l•lfl.1 \ (,,11111 r-. 111 Ill .1 7 1, Ir ,11! 1ni•1 ti,.,. r' .11111rnl{ N1•w Y111 k ~llJI k ,.,:\l h.tl1J!• 11 ... 11 d ....... u ..... .fitlu•·k" 111 ·r1w ._pu1ligh1 "rw -yf'~"Pt>' :).-1 > I• • I I n J r I ",,I I ff I II tt N ._. I ll I , jJ It 1d ntl I Iii I ff I II I I I If 11\ \1 ' II ,, ""'I ) " L)l i t41' '••t ,, "' I I,,; I , .. l trtl IJ • , ., ' t ,, tt1J ,, lltM ! •c HI> '''' ii/ I/I/ It ,11 ,Mtt1 11• VIO 41 h '" Ii "',,.., fl , ,. '" .. ; ,, 1, ,,. • I "'.,,' ,, I 1 1-.. 11 f11 r U I 1} 4 •1 I • • , t i• 1ti.tf1 I t t , •t , 1 I l ' . .,, ,,. '" ' '' • "'' t I I ~ '> I t W .-. ,, I'll'-11) I I 'If II f µ, '•h t I rn ;n, '• ~ t 1 I',.._,, 'f, ,/f t~f .:',,'ltn ';, U I II tflr' t 1t ol I 1 tf I ft'' \I It n I tr I l tll!I I 11 • t f I I 11 I A f 'I t I I It r\ It " . I, ,.,.,,.~ •118•••1t I ltit t ft• •llrl,. , 11H ,._ ; • ,. ,, t I ''•"''' • n ( t'l(hl I , .. 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(~~.,:,~.: ::~~::;,~ ~~·~,:~~~ ~\IN~~~~~~ P~O~~tl:::d :._r,::~n r':!:':'~ :·:~~· W'~7U:~:·:·~W'l2nd~·:; ft~;:·,~~~~ "'''" • " t1f"•°"1'Wt Of fl• tiQM\ y E• d ivtcMnd •tt•(I "I•\ tn lull / Mle\ In 11111 <Id C•llect wt!_.,. 111\lrlbult CI ,., W""" t\\uttd •• W'9f\ w•rt•nh 1w W'lf\Ovt ••tr•t'th •Oi\ C• Clh lrtC>utton P E ••llO flle ... ke 01 e \IOC t ., • MUlfiC)I• Of t:f' \Nrft ~ArnlnQ\ dftrtWd by ~~~,..~, ,'Z'~ :::. U -II H'lll/19\ lf9Q1~ .. ... . . '• . ,_ ""'"' "'w • ::~g;O I H ~. ':1 ";:, =~~,:~. t ~ ' t: ~' '~ w .. c P I • e UI }ti• Wyl•lft 10 • 1e 11'~ • " •. ljlOlh l pf I II I 100 11 I Wyl•llll 40 • 44 l!t t I • "'°'h G•• I ., t U U "i • .. Wyly lj 41 S•t Wl\G pl 1 \I 11 -.l-Y-1- ljlOllKPL I It I 11 11-. Xt r•• 1 •II m• li ... • .. Wl~P l t J I ti II llTltA\ SJ4 .. •'• Wllto I tlQ t I Uh V•lt' 10 • I y, -~ ,,.. II -e 1 _--19'l't, JO • JI 10.. • ~. .. • -II ., 'T"' Ml I .. '"' eyr•C. 4 1' 1 "'• '• 441 11 IS It'-• l •ftlllllf I • •S> 12" I .. t -,.._._ luflltl'MI 16 • '9 If'-t l o ------------ I -' TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS · Television T~.June 1t. t97' ·:~ O~tl-Y-~LOT 8f I I t -..11 \) ~ a_oo1•• .... K\Mfl\I f"4t POld11to" ...... An ~1'11C P,~y 'l'tvo.nt ""'-••v-wct ~ ""'<•4'tll• .,w; "" ..,,.,,_,.,, t At ''''••twtt n•d '1t'uN "'-"" Sg '""' hie -...nt ... at aOtft • fHI .. .-..TMIOI l'AMelV lh9 60-)nll I'!~ • STN:l'tt °' MN ,.9'ANC18CO c-.,,, ._,.. _,1,.1>1<1 '"' ., ""(lwn • .ouQl'tl l•v>•'O 10 fJ9' aOO* ,,.. l>leltl~· ~ ... • • •tUnq hH In• s I 000 ()()() ....... .,,, • O'IV' l.A8T n._, c .. \lll .. WT••'<• (RI Cl) ™« SP!AI f OF 8 N 1 "«AWWY ftw. ••1.w.tf"h1fllf'I h• t"-kw :'II ~~H•&~ Ht r•un•).tJfl'I"'° •ooy Pa ,,.,.,,.1 u.., """"'• t>l u.1t-4 -...or,.,nuutt"'"' l.I CUHEWS 00) A9CNEW8 ffpfping llo111f. t 30 0 CANOIO CAMERA G) llOvE IUCY t ••t 01~ M tt111 .. _ u ftf"'' . .,.,., lnt.4 f1Motctu. "1'" eh.1n \ .. ttlh:t"la..\"tn ... ft.,, ... Ot)O"" I WO<~ ti:) DICK CA l/ETI t •Ut.J:O.lit Mic..'-.~·, M "'111tu Hank .\3t()ll I , .. J rt1HcJ ,r.fot lo•n '•< ttuun t• ·"'I u l }I .l uanna Mtil'!-. play!. Lin und(•r·s1and1ng fnt>nd of high school t r.wk !'ltar Ph1hp Hrown, who b t roubled wit h <iou bts :i b o u t h 1 :, m a s c u I 1 n 1 t y <1 n · T h c Hunawayl:I" tonight at 8 un NH<'. ChJn nel 11 !f l CAOSS.WITS O..C.oOtl to """9" ttM;u ,un~ bu$•0U~M>~ into on.. mJ10.. onu &i) 29 TONIGHT Contus111g I 1 .. the l u'••" ~ 81XU'IE8 llOJ MERI/ OAIFAH (.UftSIS Mel l tllt•. Vltl)ol\fil Gtj h3m, t onny ano lht1 5Quiogton .. s 7.30 II CIACUS ., ()() II C8S NEWS 0 N8CNEWS 0 NEWL YWEO (lAME 0 A&C NEWS 0 (I) JOt<ER'S WILD g) SOI MIUION DOI.LAA MAN iu '.S:ltl(' t)I lf•rTtPOO:~ \' 11111)() nA\~ !'iff''I<• must takA Ov••f 10 .. c un'•Ob or a smoll ""· p1.m11 ..,,,.,n mo ~1u0t. pilot ·~ stnc~Atl G) SAHFOAO ANO SON JuloO eno thtl SanlOfOs Host~ Clll Oo<ld. 5hu11~"'' l av<l'fl(.t' 0 SHANANA Guetn JoantU "•nnlrrtt!t?.. 0 DA tlNO GAME 8 I t00,000 NAME tHA T TUNE 0 TIC TAC DOUGH 0) AOAM-t2 R£~ •<> j 'Sog•>t'CI tu wr1tr 1 ma1).111n-0 ~•t•cle about M 61k"f fl) MACHU. / LEHAEA llEPOAT c·1aa ... r1 ~b•i•g• 6 KNXT (CBS) Los Angelec; D l<NBC (NBC) Lo ... Angel .. s 0 KTLA (lltd ~LO!> Ang!'lu'> D MbC. Iv ( Al3C) LO!> AIH)l' I·:. rt i-rMB 1CBSI St1n Docgo () °'HJ· TV (l1td) I OS An<Jt.•h·~ "l()J k.C5l lt.UCI !:J,m Dt"'W «D >o.T TV tine!) Lo-. An91·to ·, C!) KCOP TV flntl J Los Anc,wh·'> ID kCET TV (PB'il Los J\nqNe-; EID KOCE· TV I PBS) Hunronqton 8edc.n 1 ~ NEWSCHECK l f l THE GONG SHOW r16) HOLLYWOOO 80UAR£8 $ 00 I) THE PAPER CHASE Hart ·~ -.h()( k•'<l wn...-n h•• ,,.,,,,,s "''' 1hP UHi /It-' l't ~ttco"""Cl tc1m.1nt1t tlttv U\..-Ohl•KJ wtth 1~ Ptnft.t"l'\Ot "'"ll"''f~<I 'n.11,qnr.·1 1111 0 THE RUNAWAYS '•ttt•vu f•••h f.,.ru1-. .t f\1Uf\ • n ot1I ·.tt111•·• I "'' •• • <10t1'11\. .1b0ul h1\ ftt,j""-4' ulln 1tv uro ~'HHCUPn1t1C1 ,11-,. ,,d.i ht.Hl'\tl1p~ w 1H1 n111 t.1,r111,, ,.o{lhi-e•••l• 0 MO\llE • • ··th•" fk\1m'y k uhW" I t%41 0Jn f1111y.-a. Rt,ri (..,,,,..._.,0<1 A !J''OllU f ,, •I c..,n.., tM~·s ti ruthto· ... ~ oounry nunt.., alt.,. ar.ro· dent.illy ·C·•Otu11n y u b&l'>'!tl 12 h1•, I 0 110) HAPPY DAYS Wrt•I'• '" ,,..t.Jtlf1rt 1t t iw-~1.-..r1 dut.:• ' 11\i '• •••• • 11• 11nf1 • ""'*'' f ,u •U Inv,• Wflh I tn•J ·,JITlu gui \I·~•· I i .11 .. t (ll) • 0 MO\/IE • * · R1 011ht •I'· ( lt.h,, f (#<1•J f111t..n.rn1 M\l''" Ht m I ,., n An, ., ~h1Ht t11t•ru . IO••LG•\.•vh.H .. l!t UIJ\;dlll t•\J I I~ 111~ •• '*"'' to • Onrlo•ll l•l>O<•tOty ..,,..... 10 "'" l!OttOt OI ell, •I 1-*Qtfl .. II) ,.,... .... loOd •UllJf\41 • hllllto<m (I"' ')()min) • CA..c>L 8UfW£Tl ANOFMN08 S llott "t1MI At lo<. Oto MM And f1l6 S.• ' • MOVIE • • • • A Wa1m O&C41m. ""' t 1\ll'JI SllJn•v P0ttN>f £ etn.t AtlOl!<_,,O A 0,,.11'1 pttvaic1an 111115 in IQ .. v.oth d my~lu110ul Alrocell wom• an wt><> hH 11 ~ul &nn cannot '\l\eH1 t:> h•~ J ff) THE L08 ANGELES PHIL.HAAMONIC AT THE Hbu. YWOOO 90Wl l ublfl M~ta c<>'lducts th" t A Pn11n11rmomc 1n a lfllJfl"" 0 1 fhtt ~t.lnClll I m "~"'9 llAelllD ~ lor.i tutu ••'>6<1 •Pe><;"&ranc,. as ''' (Sit ftCHH Wit P\ YI( hnt~I tttllu~ P1•tlm .. n ~~-01111(1 ,,..,.,,.,.,.,M A 00' "••1• nt oth· ot Jno .• n • 1r'IU!:iot t,.rnous c.n1H/tl , ... , tC..10t ~ 5 h•AtHttJ Kdl'° I\. l>ftlSOl\tOCl 161 SEHIOA OLYMPICS l tc.m 11 .. nneov no'>•s 1n1' 9tf\ dflnu1..-•I compu11uon m .. ntC n a group ot m•<l<llf' "\JOO mod t>l(le< ly ,11 nl .. ff)'> t omp.At6 1n sw1mtn1n9 llil\ ~ 11nd toeld .1tJO 01ne• arn1t11.c f>\lenb 4:30 CD THE 000 COUPLE Osca• aod r "'" ~pot1d j I r.tmv fllff<it•ti.~nd 1n ltw• r oun II v IOQ~UlCJ "" "1(1~1 II"' I 9:00 6 (I) MOVIE • • 1 he tntut nt•f •h•• P101uc t 1197~1 J t••w~ r.nn111n le<> t..r mt /& llfOm1n1"'' f'.et.CHlt11no1t wttn ,~, ()UAttld ,, tuqn hW••I f10 V l"flm ......,t 00"i lutn·, It) /1'hJI <>•'t 1() t•11m1n111~ I hit ~• 1"4t~ toot. m n•t.t ~lo<."I 0 NBC MO\/IE • • • f-1t11ur1• 11 f • lllYf'ly ' 119/~t lltf,.lt MttchuH'. Cn11•1u t11• ~om11t1ug L\1cpqqJ 11 ~ t1ch:'4 ti..., Pr.ihu t.A •• ,, >w• 1ncnww\ u q• u.Jt (1 •• ,.., 1 ' Ct1ff0fllh')H U\ 'hn I,, Ar~IPS '0CH'IV of •ti•• ,,•40~ wrWf<' ..,. 111 r•1rw.1 fut d mys'M•OU~ w('1m.•n t••, O M1 THREE'S COMPANY fl•n~I 1r ... 11t1od bv ,. "\t>U~" tn hot"f tf"Om u()rt"'@". ''' ''"'' h ltt•oh '"""' J.,r.~ I n1 U) MERV GRIFFIN hur-.1•. ~.~ f1ll1 V111,.r11 t .111t uffl I t4nt11 1110 lru !.aw(l.,hJn<•. l .uoh· LutJ~ 1maufltJ ~ :tfHl ff) AMAnEROF OIGNITV Chartavru~ '1u••t• • ~,.,u11 IJ~t"' i..1 :1••r .vti,..:I u,.,,~ ..,, TUBE TOPPERS KCET9 8:00 -LA Ph.ilharmonic at the llollywood Howl. Zubin Mehta 's last ,_televi.se<t_~pearance as director of the Philharmonic with viollnist ltzhak Pert man. CBS fJ 9:00 -"The Internecine Project." James Coburn and Lee Grant head the cast of this suspense movie <see photo bel ow). NBC IJ 9:00 -''Farewell. My Love· ly ... Robert Mitchum plays Philip Marlowe in this 1975 mystery drama with Charlotte Rampling. 11>A 1mp1ement11t•on (It tne Browri vs f!W' eoa1d Ot Eouca1t0n·• dee:•~ al tt>e h•Qh scnotll she an;)n(leo EID MASTERPIECE THEATRE (' ll111d 1ur. F amotv .AUd1•' ltbermS ,}n!)AtS llugu>!U\ ..,,,.,., oo meeti. .. ~oerPll( with V1span1a, wno he wa~ lorceo 10 rJ•vorc.e '•'-' th&I nc c.ovto mdtt y AUQu•tus claugnu,• Juhu (f'.11 11.30 0 lfb, TAXI I •lny H•lurns troni 0111 (ii 1 ·,.,n tn d•!o<.OYI!< 111•1• Uc.I> t11 1..-1 h•S oiut~ go•oh•~n tlit~ of ..,,,,.,..,atton fR) 0 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH ff) TELEVIS!Off· INCREASING ITS BENEFTTS TO SOCIETY ( OvPt.•Qf~ ot a Janut:tty PJ 7~ t r;nh .. t.....n<..•• on th• .. tilh,n ul fl·•u111"11•r:.in ,u-u1 tt'. hf•Mf•hl" th "/K 1••ty, Q1H"'ih !11 1Ufl••(1 J't..-WIOU M1f\(J-.N tt •fl•n1 J Cun11 Cn ~~s f wr•'• rJr J"m••'• I ''f>-->' I u Summ R;,1no .u1d Hon fl ' H.Ull'l t0·00 00 NEWS 0 10 JULIE FARR, M 0 Jul1t\ b/Ull'"Q,tu LdYH HUJ tlfo OI 11 C.tiltCalty 111 WOflltt't unknowingly b(<QmQS ,, contfJO<IOr to< a pi l6tig•OI•> no:.p11a1 IJOS•hon 0) NIGHT GAU.ERV t'oek mAn <; MO<J"f • tnh:t c.,t 1~ ,, .. nuwed '" ,1n anrM wf'l() <11~ ... pp~an1tJ yY•.,1 -. 'KY' wr.rn tus • tuth' 1•., flt .c.nYl'f .. fJ €D TAnOOEO fEARS Jt1J.O (.t1urc..h1ll .,,d N11 "' J fh P(JMf~O r1n ,.,, • .,, " ti1'-I 11,,,. .. l': •. ,,,t, "' , ,.,, I f '11t5• 1f11• h .11 1 Vt ,n't I ft1:t1fltr~ ~tAOtJI ~U'if •'!'0 i lJ~ '' •• l.1tflfNt1t t VIM.Jlh ~1Aut~INE 11:00 D. (() [Oj NEWS 0 MAKE ME LAUGH 0 MOVI£ * • •, fallPn A'l!J01 t 19451 Alice f ayo. Dana And•~ A mlln weds a wealthy •O<nlln for he< mOtley so ,,,. t.an dump '''" '"' .i wuotress. only to !leeomfs '"" Pflm& suspect wnen 1!19 w altr96S •s murdered (2 "'~ I g) BEDTIME 8TOAJ£8 0) BENNY HIU SHOW 811nny 1mpe1sonal"S d po pulat $p()tls comm.•nla· IOI t 1:30 6 fl' BARNABY JON£S FldtnaO'( tea.ns th.ti an f1m1>en1111 wl>O wa• \1.1'1 pOsedly killed in an ,outn .,cc;"'9nt is. dltvtt ano .... 11 fRt 0 BEST OF CARSON Ht;•,t Johnny L t~f \tu1 <.ues11> s,,.._>c~ 1 o""'"" 11.1ut W1th.lrT\~ w.u • ..,m '1Pvt#ttJ, <..v' •• Mc.f .tOOun tfll 0 DICK llA.N OYICE ff Ob hM~ P•tfn')'•lt r ~UQhf ''1 tt>o mo<kll.. jfter Buoctv .nnouncr-:; ,,.. rS QO<r>q tu Ol•OtCe P >r.ki..s 0 ®; A8C MOVIE • • • > "Adam·~ wc;m,,n·• I 19721 6".iu Btldq'1'> J()hn M1US A Pf'~"'"' ~ d 1~th c, .. n1u'V Austru••un """"'".-., \ oft1ny Nlaff\' t};.. ' r•n Vt· '"'' un Pfe\lJ;lhl)n 1t t1• r u g) THE GONG SHOW '1) FERHWOOO 2NIGHT f_, rtn.IS ..,, d•Hf.,f-Vtl "'''fJll • .ntn1\. tl·1'JI ••n••' th "' ff rn _..,H,.•1 ~tt/lfl' • ff) CAPTIONED ABC Ntws 'Ba%ters 'Breaks New Ground in TV Bv PF.TF.R J . BOYER LOS 1\NG ELES <AP> -This fall. when the networks are busy popping firecrackers over t heir .,lick nf'w progra ms. be s ure to watch for a little numbf>r not on the networks called "The Baxters." It is .. n innovation , a breakthrough for com· men ·1alTV "The Baxt<'rs" is rme entertainment. and will (•a m points for its cHorts toward responsible broadcast.mg. But, perhaps more than a nything l·lsf>. this proi:ram is the product or very clever husine:i~ reasoning • ."THI<: BAXTER$" IS PART sitcom , part puhll<.' aff:tirs program. The first part or the hair· hour show 1s a scene from the life of the Baxter 'am1ly. a typif'~1I American TV family. The Bax· trrs have problt-ms. but lhey don't work them out themselves Jnste<id or coming back to Ute Baxters after th1· first <'Omm n cial. the camnas cut lo the s tudio ;111d1 cncc in the local statwn that is airing· the ~how A discussion follows . with audlence m embers TY BE\'I E\\' de bating the possible res· olutions of the dih:mma --~~~~~~~~--presented in the scene t.h <>y viewerl. Evny s ta· lion that carries "The Raxters" will h ave its own !>lud10 audience partic1pat1 on TIUS PURI.IC A•'FAIRS-entert.ainment mix· r urc was invented by Uoston Rroadcaslers Inc. and made into a national syndication by Norman Lear, tc>levision's resident innovator. The entertainment portion of the program will be typical Lear - blc•nd in~ whut he calls "the comedy and the tears in the reality of our lives." The comf'dy, in essence. makes the m essage more palatable Jn a sample show, made to sell stations across the country on lhe idea, the Baxters return hom e from an insura nce convent ion. It has been a disap· <'llS~ his trouble·!> Ill· i n~tsL<> on '>I''< She n :fu'>c.., lie forces her to the bcc1 She Lncs to fight him off CUT TO THE STUDIO a ucticnre Norman Ll'a r tells them they've just wa tched .i t11ugh scent-. Thl·y agree. Thl·Y di~(·u:.s it "His lwha111or 1s as rcpub1vc as wife bealin~. · says a bearded man • "I think then ··s the whol<> mall<'r of im pllt'rl consent th«>re .. " nffcors a woman. "II (• is m a m<-ir· r iagc and has ~· r!ftht lo c~rtam things that come in mar r iage. I'm not saying tus way or doml! 1t 1.., particularly wrrific. but I can undt•rsland his fct:I · ing of rl'jcction " Many views an· oHered. with Lea r CH·rus11mal ly ~timul:.itmg d1scuss1on "Otd you think tl wa~ rape?" "Do you reel !.ht· shOuld have ~ubmittcd ·1 •• FORTY·TllREt; STATIONS have bought the show. a nd I can s ee why Thb is where tho bu.si· ne,.i; an~~ comb jn Onl~ 49 perc·ent or Ntch ~p1!>odt: b delivered by U:ar s eomp;m y. The other 51 percent, the discussion part, 1s done by the local stations. Uy this mclh<>d, the show will count as a local· ly prudun·d public Mfa1rs broadca~l. and <1 certain amount nf public :tff airs bro<idcasting is required hy s tations l>y the f't.-dcral Communicatioos Com· mission. Lear h~tS made fulf11lmcnl or thJS obhgatfon easy. wh1<:h makes his produc·t all the more attrac· li\'c to llX:a l Mal1ons . In the bargain, he has offered the au<l>l·m·t· th•· opportumty to respond "TIL\T'S IN THE GRAIN or the Amcr1 ran." L1·nr says. "lht'nt•edtosp('ak out .. fH!d rC'SSing lht.• m all(.'r of ~ublic <ll'CCSS. mak rng an t•n1<:rta1nm ent with broad app<"al . and !'ICOr· ing a t'1lm mcn·1:.il !-.U('<•ess at th<' same time An 1rnprt-ss1v(' work. Mr. Lc<t r. School's In at KOCE Channel 50 Offers Large Telecourse Schedule l\OCE·T V. <'h<i nnc l 50. t ~ "hroadcasling with class" this s ummer as 1t begins its ne w t clecourse schedule for college crcdi( on Monday -the largest course schedule ever offered by the station Bc~inrtinj? next week. Channel 50. will offer 11 courses via tele vi sion as a convenient way to "attend" classes at home. Telecourses combint:: the ease of a rrangmg playtime around the study program offered by ea<'h telccourse work It 111r"> :1t IO a .m. Mond11 :, through Thursd ay. repeating <.it 10 a.m . to l:! noon on Sat urday. "Project Universe " Hhree units) is a n a ward-winning astronomy course covering his· tory of tht· ~c1ences, the con· stellallons. ~olar systems. struc- ture of the unive rse and more. It ui rs at 10 30 a .m . Mond1:1y through Friday, repealing at 6.30 p.m. Lhc same d1:1ys and 4 to fi .30 p.m . Sunclay. "As Man Behave!\ .. (three units I 1s an introduction to the ps.' choloi.:y of human behavior . It air~ at 12·30 pm. Monday through Thursday. n •pcating al Ii p .m . the same day!-. and 6 to 8 " m. Saturday. Pointing year for insurance salesman Baxter, and THEY COMBINE the visual he boozes to cope stimulation or instruction. with ''Introducing Biolol(y" Ctllret• units) Ls a survey for nonscicnce majors <'mphasmng basic con· c erts or human . pla nt a nd a nimal evolution. life processes and ecology. It airs at 11 a.m. Mon day through i''riday, repeat· ing at 7 p.m . the s ame days and 4 to 6:30 p.m . Saturday. • • Dt"signing Home Interiors .. (three units) is al\ introductory stud y of the basic principles of inte rior decorating applied to planning residential interiors. It mrs at l p.m . Monday through Thursday, repeating at 3 :30 p.m . on the same d ays and 12 noon to 2 p.m. Saturday. "llumanilie s Through &be Arts" (three uniL'i ) is a survey of the human condition as seen throug h film. d rama. music, literature. painting, sculpture and architectu~. It airs al 1: 30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, repeating 12 noon to 2 p.m. Sun· day. On this particular night, be tries to push his textbooks and s tudy guides for disappointment out of his mind. He's drunk, and reading. and frequent mail in· _r_o_m_a_n_u_· c_a_1_1y_i_n_c_li_n_ed_. _M_rs_._B_a_x_te_r_w_a_n_t_s_to_d_is_·_ ter action and personal dialogue w1lb faculty members ror a com· MUPWA Bru !>29-!>339 lllOCllUIUHT Anaheim 772·6446 NOW PLAYING OIWllll MAll Orange 637·0340 ITADI• DRtft-t• Olaoge 639-8770 llWAllDI' IRllTOl Sima Alll '"S4G-7 «4 plete learning package, Viewers can watch them for enterta inment or for college credit. THE FOLWWING is a list or telecourses orrered by Channel 50: "The Growing Years" (three units), is a study or the Interplay of biological factors. human in· leraction, social structure and other cuJlural forces In shaping lhe growing child. It airs at 9:30 a.m . Monday through Thursday .!===================!...and repeats 8 lo 10 a.IJl . on ANDERoncr · -Gent Shellt. teelV Marcello Mastroianni Saturday. "Yoga wUb Madellae" <two units) is a course 0£ basic yogic postures, breathing and relaxing techniques leading to advanced "The American Story: A His· tory of the U.S. to 1876" (three units) emphasizes the evolution or the nation 's political and economic ins titutions, so<'ial and intellectual history and forei~n policy. 1t airs at 11 : 30 p. m. Mon· day through Thursday. repeat· ing at 3 p.m. the same days and 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday. ·•A me rican Government"' (three units) is an introduction to the principles and problems of Jl011er nment with particular em· phusis on the American political system at all levels. It airs al 12 noon Monday through Thursday. repeating at 5:30 p.m. the same days and 10 a.m . to 12 noon Sun· day. "Personal Ftnandng" (three units) features various aspects of financial planning, taxation. etc. It airs al 2 p .ni . Monday through Thursday. repeating 8 to 10 a.m . Sunday. ••Applied Sketching Tech· qaes" <two units> is designed for both the beginne r a nd ac· complished artist alike. It airs at 2: 30 p.m. Monday th.rough Thurs· day, repeaUng 2 to 4 p.m. Salur· day. ln£ormation and registration materials are available by call· Ing Coastline Community Colleie at 963-0824. :. CATALINA 1stre~ ~ .._ .. AH p-·"--mil• ship "C.•··'"· Holldey" ~ I•-9;00 em deity from the Belboe h vlllon ~d fSLA.ND (R) 1N1111 Avllon et 4:30 pm. Round Tnp.,. $11.00. Under 12 ... $5.50. A-•ttlont SUB-TITLES a tnform .. lon: 1114> 17!-52415. SUNbAY MATINEE 2:00 ... M. -----......... .._._._.., ... ... -.. ~ ,,. • 1WIUllHT a. Ml' F'rl.ety l\M tfle IT\Ollt v!Yld ifnegjftetlOn In town. end ilftC)f-quil• .... ·~"Witt\ rt • AU'MI) MMITClnlCHCOQ(f'.IWll¥VW ......,.. ··11tc1oue Cwc:te" A OMO· ~·--In~ •no rou\lnt 10 _get rJct ..ot peopM he ao.tll'I Wiii'· • OETWMT Sme•t '' OOwn end out and KAOS t•les to buy ll1m ltom hi• tormet emptoy11r11 I MTOHIOHT t2:30 MOVIE * • "Wlldet .-a Journey · t IG701 OocumeolatV An AIM!can boy Ovef~S tl'WI perots ol ttoe ArcttC w•I· dvtnei.s '" PltS S(l!JtGPI tor hos lat-I 1 h• • 55 mm I CD MO • I __. .• *one-t OOUl'tw• ~"'~'°-· ":T:::P'"-· :1 MON .• ••~" ..... WlpOtT .. ~ Pllldl" Ct.., P.,.._ LOtd, ZMu Pitts., ... • -*', .... tour~' elOne but llCMda °"'° .. dfMM .,...,., . Wiii ~ Nlufn. He1= 3a MD¥W • •'-. "Along The 0... OMOe" (1Q511 Kirk~ IH . lltrg•"4• Mayo. All eac;eped Cttmonel la ceugllt and relurned to lac• IUlllOe ( 1t11 .. 50 .,.,, j S:aO. MCWll * '" "Ktl Me Gently" C-, ..,.,. plot 10 pol.on Ille •••• 9UPPIY °' • "-•vv !>09Ul•led ctty 12 1111 I :t:861 NIW8 • 4:00 'OD< YAM DYKE ? • .. • .. • • ! • * •., 0 01 GIO•y ' t t9UI Tam 11 Toumano- va, Grego•y P k lhc vsh· an1 RU-sssan AM>atance Ourong WOfld " ll tll0$ 10 Aoai ..... ...,~llmlu.J.W:..-f..~..._:_-11 •• -h • huge. honlble · hOIO t>aclt tnvadtng Niuos I t h• • .r"'" I G) MO\/lE * • Play91 ' ( t9S•) St>et· loy W1ntofs arry Sull1v,.•n A P<OllV country 9"' too~s Int love ;mo o•cit.,..,.,nt •tJ t~e tHq c.11y ( 1 nr . 30 mon I fiil 00< CAVETT C.u~t~ MtCkey Mantle, HatJ" A&•on l oo Ou•o- c;ho•• Tom G0tmdn CPa11 t .... , 31 12:AO II ~ C8S I.ATE MOlllE • • Tn•• Cot iw ... t> ( l'l!>!>I ~orh•lld W1om:ir~. l 6t1•t>n A:-.coll Aclmint'll '1l· · 10<"5 111nc1 pa1oeni.s alike try II) ""'st on'"" 1n>;an<> 11>"9ffl ..,, rt tnAnt •• 1 '*'Vlum t:OO 0 TOMORROW H1•tu f Mc tQ11u 0 MAI/ERICK Th• .. Gotr1f1n f ~t"•' •Hy t·300 NEWS 200 0 NEWS (J MOlllE • • • • l ••'• M10:tt 1 11blµ~ t 1') J'l1 • •••Otu M.1H n , c t,d,, ...... L,uJ'JtlltJf"I h .1y..o ''" tt"•_. r·o~·.. vy V1r.10 • ti.Vt'J'l 1 ht!' l.111.d 1r:.,1 il !>O'-<:IO< Jave<t "'~' h.·~~•y p ur sv~~ If;'.'" VAl1•1an. an .,.,, .. (.()flv1r-1 "v•nQ to ')'> suaoql•t ,,, t•.' g) MOVIE • • ( .11lt .·4 • .. ~... (J1•.1tt' t '1"11 I li,1t°'J V/11 1 it•1 ,, r '"ct_,.. 11 tt 1tht,n '•' '' 1 r ,,~ t .... •m-tn l'• ,., l+" lj , t• 11 ftf ·~~I r ' ,,_.,rt• t • I,., . .,, ., " .... "'' ' ', r, ,,,, , '1) GETSMART 'ttnih l •'i> t>•H• d "~1J1n~t tn. THE TICKET SHACK C 01turh-Sporh· ThHtr• 24 hr ll1fo LiM 714-445·•51 I '""°"~ Ordtt• 714445-1990 ~~~~~~~~~~--=-- .,\~GING ).\. 1v"° ~· ~ c 642-2697 ... •""YM.C-•Moft P•""°"""' ~ ..,..,. O• C>t •N.,.. nectll-. but 9he CM'' btong hllraelt to 1 .. him rt'• ;"'MOVIE * * '1> "Ne\oflf Lei Me Oo" f 19!>31 Clatk 0.ble, O- T re<""Y 4~30 8 MO\/lE • • C0tmt!lfsPy" < t95Jr Of'ln\Ot wa1""· Hiuat C.ov•t Mf•dnt-11day•11 Dayrimr Mo"ies 12:00 0 • • ''The Resness Brf!l!(J • ( 19'>71 S<.ott Btacty. A•tt"' Bal"l<.•Oll Allllf a ~"'"'' Set vo<.o .-.gt.on! •!I .,llud by 0) 9AngStltf. ~ m.m s •,on ""empts to ''"""IJ'l l'llS tlPiilh (I hf . 30 ,,,,n • • 0) • • * "Hltftow" I 1965) (..d,, ull 0~~ ;., • M at fin l:l.:itsam A H()ltywOOd SIAf- ~·t tltlc.onlf•\ <11•,1llu!>ICH'ed dflct IUtn>i to .. ~, ... ul alCO· "<>4 I t h• • !><> mtn I 3:00 tlO) • * • "lt..., l ady f•()n\ ')n,mqM1'" C 19•81 'R1t.1 ~A'(Worlh ()<'>()<\ w ... ..,,.. 01t1<t•>d by Or'lOn w~ A" OVfllol\ CIUltltt ltlad$ to J mu•!l"' onvQIY\nq a litdy. ,,.,,, 1.,.,.,..y ... tlu·.OtJ"<) •nd ., '"'""<. !>d•k>< t I hr. 30 rmn ~ 3300 * • ,, Hatman f 1'1/ili) Ad,1m w ,v,p rturr W1t11t C\ul)t•fhttt"• h +il· t11u n tntJ nobm df P mu•,j~ • ...,..., tty ttlil• comt>-1 .. ·J 1. " ... r1f ''""'' tf.)5.t • ..-nty Ull0•·~...,t,1rlcf' h~Wt·~ ( 1 tit iltn,1n I hill«•r .I ;1 m i·-. Co bur n p J ,1 j s a n l'<·o nomis l who k ti l!'I 111 COV('r his p<h-.t i11 "The In l ••r('t tH· l>r o · lt'C't .. I omght a t !J on CHS, Chan· ncl :! _________ __. ''Dawa Of n. Dead'' ... lrood"' ••• GEORGE HAMtl TON "LOVE AT FIRST BITE" (PG) :·THE DEER HUNTER" (R) Daily I> JO • !>at s,,.. Hol I 2· 30 So. Coast 1141~•·1111 34t0 l#ttlOI frtt PM~•"t Leet ) .,.,., SUPlltMAM INI ,.,..., ... , ....... 'MO~ AIMc.,._ "ft.AntS• INI l;H.MMlll .......... TaHa Shire .,.Of'MICr ,,., .-... .. I l.ftt'M '111119 l-J ,...-ft=iw-1 -&-•·-~.,.---.-,.,. .. ....._ .-.................... ~ ...... -·~.,._ .... .,. .• , llWMIS' C.• Wllf CM-Ma.Ill Wtstmt!ISltf 891·0 9) 0•A"9f 6.14 ~~3 COili ~ ~~· IT._ ..... OratlQt 639·8770 .. OAIL.Y PILOT ENTERTAINMENT / INTERMISSION /.BROADWAY Three Shows Opening 'trl' tht'ntnral h1c+1tr lfC) up un Ot~~ rltfft'rt-r1l 81 •~IUI or Uu· Or unwc Cirnbl lh1:-. WCtk ll!I South Con~t H 1•t1t•1 l111, S 1d1tlt•ht1l'k \'oll<'j.11• ;and the ~an ._.!&:!:.~~~:..;::::.....-J.1.~;:::..:..:~.:.::.;:.::..:.:.~==-:::::::::=::::----'" et,· 1111 •11 l • · t • 11111 11111111 t ~ TI 1t•11 ll' r t r1Jl o u l the 1 r I a ll'M IF YOU FORGOT WHAT TERROR WAS LIKE 1 IT'S BACK Hilt U('ll\111" 'I h•• !-.n t /'ruthwl 11111, 111w111111< Wt-dni·sday ufle r J 14 1•1:1..,•utl u 1111·\ 11·\\11 111 'Spokc110111.t'' or "The l 0111 111011 ~ h1•1•I ' .111 l ri-.h plu.y With fnUl-111' :-.el ,,1·,1111 ,t ""' lrn('l..1o1 roulld •if 1·1v1I wur in lh·lfas t ..... 14,loll1•l1.11 k l.tllll\ Ill'" 11' "'•'hllcl '"lltlnll·r :!>lO<'k ,. 1,.,11 \qlh lh•· fr• 1•wlw1•ll11~ 1•orrH·d v "S1•1.1pino," v. 111 1• ' .. 111 1 ·1 .. 1111 1111 wilt 11•1;11;(' Liit' C'la-.,11• 1 om••dy I h• \I 111 Vo h11 ( "HH 1• to l>lllllc l , ' h<1ll1 howrni; 111 I 11111 d I Intermission Tom Ti~.-s c•xt>~Jll Mondhys ~l k with wf:eke nd matinees at ~ .'lO through .July <!5 at thP Fourth S tep The ate r , fl~1~ Town Cente r {Jr1vt" ('1>11lC:t Mcsa Heservaliom. !1r,1 ·4033 At Saddlt:h:i1·k. '!'lcaprno · b<:grns rls lengthy 1·nga g<'mt:nl <fi ve "'"t'k'i and JO pe rformances I ·in t he t·oll<:~t"s i.malln Stud1('1 Theater w ith J;.y ---1-1.,.--.---1.,._ ----"' •~ +ft--·lo'.I ·""'Cf.:.'~li:-' IHl>~Hfhr,--1R~ ..... afT""h .... a"'i"l,...d .. 'tr'"""'e ... ct"l ... n""g...,a""n"'1·r-t1~,....,...,..,,acxv""o"""""'p""a"'yr;;1'"'n=-in;-;;e~1->c-()rt,'''"" r I ' l'"i..l ,.1111..: "'h11 h l Jiu<• , 1·<1111pan y rt•l(u ;i r' llr· role• of :.in Jtal1 i>n rogul· 111 the ·updated Mohen MWS . ' [J>Gi H \ • NOW ftlAYING l~llll~~~M! 11 IO~A=i>S .~!.~~ U A Cl•llO lil&ll IOW••D• WllJO •1 "1t I"' 1f' •' •J ~ • I j I\ t I I • f IOW&llDI lllU•Ulll Ulllf 91 J tt111n\41' \I tit', I' 11 ~ ~ l&IHUM IJMIVI I" l'll:;t1IC0~ Ml WAY J9 UMIVI IH ""' ,. ... , .... J w~'i'io'o . ., ... •-m• MOV•r ,.O,HICT 1..01 IJtl09J11t•&1ll .......... 10.t I IOH ..,_, e rau OUNAWAT THI CHAM' 1..01 PIUI tfVINCM Of ..... 'lHTMfl l"°I ..,.._. __ ,_....,._ ...... _. JAWS1"°' lr ... J1tt el1 .. l.oe 6 t01lt ...... ••ut .......... ... THI IN-UWS IN t ', .... , ... , .. ,•.t••t•t ,,., a io.o . , J "I" .. aa NO OM CAN 11tU fOU K tu.MJ ··•·· -Alll N 1•1 •t 'f~o•I 1>1M • ~ ... e ttM • l tM • 1 .. JO .-. , . . .. .., I ~ t ,ti 1 ...... · ··-Hl'I 'Hl'><J ........ A .... 821 40/0 \t• •• ,,. ······· ........... ~ %224.'11 ... , .... h .,~., ... r.•9lt •f11et1 !>34·b287 ,, .. , ... . ""'' ..... .. !')34·1212 ...... , .. , .... , ..... , .... h•••tt ~J.4 .. 212 • 11-ICUI l!WOtl-l llO OUM>1 1 ''THf MC>f<lftl MOYll P•O .. HICY 1•01 I ,1lOeJ1>0e• lO•••.)O l t>O a IOJJO WOOOT Alli" e OIAHI llflOH MANHATIAN111 • ,,.u • > •s • .,., • • "' ••• ., .. 10.0 llUCTTII , .. GAMI Of OfATHc-1 I J )0 e J1M • e,es e 4,es ...... 10.0 ~., .. ••l• •Lo• Alllff "THI IM·lAWS" U'GI C .. f\forMH' •M•U "SU .. HMAH" "GI I O f \CHtlD .. fHtc>elG••L "JAWS" "lllHK'S JOI" "GI llUU Ill OAMl Of DEATH 111 PIUt Cl•Cll Of l•ON 111 -'-·--·-....... 'HI CHINA SYNDltOMI 1•01 PIUI MIDHtGHf ut'•ISS111 ION ,,_ e •ATI -WAl THI CHAM''"°' PtUI HflOlltN I ''TNI llOMIT'll MOVll • ,.0,HfC'f 1..01 ""' HIOtffMAll ... 14000111 ., INO llO -CM -YOU _. .. :-AlllN Il l -..... 111••• •-ISOllT, NO "'llUJ -l 1M AM ntOAT A UIU90AT ... -.--.... ...,. .. IA:eJ"' • '* Ml .. "" ..., IN I ""8.aue-UtltN THI IN-LAWSINI '"" WM01 _.,. llUT OIPSt1N1 OPENING SOON ""nl!llr-:::-:::--. ""'-...,c.-11 __ .,._...._ IOQ(T "'"' ""' OllAT TRAIN IOUllY IHI ... -............ ....... JA~NI nl ML• nl '"''"' .I 11111 , cl1•l 11·1 .. M IC1't'h~rd L>ovle. J ohn ,.~llin~torr: ('<Jml·d} 1 11111 11 •• , 111 t\t•I 11·1 .111tl I' h1i.hf>lh <> 1 <t11lt, cilon~ "rllt 111 141 •11111 ,., lum• \\ 111k1·r und K<Jren ll1·n.,.,f 111• ''""'".., f111,1l1 '' 111 lw 1111·.,1·11t1·cJ nig htly A Stret:1t Mugger nv MAK\' ('Al\1P8ELL "\ E \\' \'I) It K ( 1\1' l A I P ;i ri n n 1 ~ n n 11111.111""' 1•111 lray111 g a Hwhard 111 who!.I' c•vd 111 1111h ~kll l d1 ·1·11 1';1111111 " lt1d1:ird, .11 th1· l'<>r~Thl'att·r . 111 v1·1 v 1·1,,.,,. tn ,1 1111• I'll\' v111 11·r.,n1 111· ,,, mugger 111· II ktll .111 \'l,.ich Yohn 1·111n1·.., ;d11111: ;incl gr·t ~ 1n' l11'. w;" ~l n•1 t "'1~.1· .11111 ~.ly. "" g1•h aY.a) w1l tt rnu11h·r f<tr (lllllt' :.L \\lt1lo• H111 1111 .. H1d1.11 rl ' 1111nd ""I reully C'll\'1011 1~ ,., 1 1 111:. 1·1111111011" .11 •·n 't in J'h1r. lw 111'1\ 11iu11ly hc1 . "" ..,1111:-.1"1 111a~h·r pl;i11 I It"" a v1M•1·ral Hll'hc1rrl 11 .1• l llJI~ I•> 1..1111111· 111 .. 1.111t lu·.M·11111 ·~ a t11rcdl I:\ lllS fH' ... ~I ~(, 'iJH·•·t·h. Ht<'har_,;· Ill t'<1lh li11n ... 1·1f ..... uhll•'. r <1h •· ;inti I ro ·ad1l•11111-.." flut l':.11·1n11 1 ... 11't :-.11htl1· 111· d1·1'1:.11rni. loudl y and 1•J\Urll'rah'11 1·::i rd11ll v, \(1 that h111 ;1u<l u·n<·1· m1~..,, . .., ;wth111~~ Ill\ ·"flll flw:-. \~It· p;1-.1 tlit· m 1rl ti It· of 1111• h1111 ..,1· l '.11 11111 • t t·rnt·d lll!ll>I lti 1·11 l'I\ Hll'li.11 d ' .1.,1tl1•., 111 tlll' Jll llH·111·1· Ill-11ll1 ·n d1·l1,1·11·d llw 1:1··1 lllH' .,f llit',..1· Ill ,1 l"rt•· !II p11lo.1111• 11111 ;11 l11rn~•·lr .111d g111 :1 P'MINO l;111glt 1111111 lf1t• <tUdh•ll('I' 'I t.1• 11111\ liU111l1l \/\•' f111111d corrqil1l1•I\ 11111 1,f 11111• .,...,., l';w111•1 '. :t ~lfl~' '11.1111"\ \/\II.ii °' 1111' Ill\/\,.," "Ill\ .1 °'"" 'r't11 ~ .11"1 ,11 111!11·1·111111 111 111·1 .1 l;iu1•l 1 ·1111., 1'1.i\ \ I'• \o\Ot<Tll '''''111~· 11 ·,•111 1• 111111 J' I' I 111 :...11.1k1·,111 .11 • a11cl "'dll11i.: tu <tt'I.'.• pl, .1· v. • "''·1h .. :11d 11n•· 111o1 n -;uv . • i.:1>ocl but 11<11 n1dJ~rnf1 ·~~:r POO~~mr H ~~~! fl~ll!ru 1:t•1\'1=4!!YAl:M OREA PLAZA PLITT CITY CENTER Brea !:>29-!>3311 Orange 63 4·928? SOUTH COAST BUENA PARK DRIYE·IN Cost~ Mesa J4G·?111 Buena Park 821 ·4070 JIRRr fiOIO~MHH POBIRI IVINS lHl~ONrH1t~l t•f, 1"1• •••• , ,. ,, \,; . --, .. BRU PLAZA SOUTH COAST UA CINEMAS lllfM '1llJ •, IJ'j (,0\101 Mil'.~ '1411 1111 Wr .. ,1111111~1t1 I''• 111'.d>. STADIUM OIUYl·IN Orange bJ'I 8/l(J .. SCAPI NO" ~II.I. ht: ON lht· ho ord:-. '1'111·~da)~ through S;..turday:-. •it k 1/('lot'k <J nd S un· d:1\\ 111 :1 pm 1n tl11· !'ll ud111 Tht:tttl·r while "Lu v" 1 ''Ill nm:: lll'>.l Wl·"k 1 Ont.-Fh:w Over t~t' < 111·!-.110'1' ;\;t•:-.1" ;_in1l '(;uy-. and Uolb " p lay rn tht: 111 .. .11 :1 1111•:.ilc·r Hcst:n auon.., for ttll i.huw' HJI 7414. !--'.m l'lt:nwntc.."~ · M ;in Who Cttm<· lo Uinncr" 1s 111111 tCicrn<I•·!.. ri·pri1-1ng 1h1• roll· of ~hl'rrdan \\ h1t1·~ 11h• hP pcrfOl'mc·d '>•·vt:ral y1·;H~ a go Me rrill (,rirnrn ts 1!1rc·t 1ing th1· l<.1rg1··1·:.i~t Koufma11-llart l'IJllll'dl Ollwr m:1,1or rolt•.., will hi• play,.d by Carolyn Illa.kt• a:. M<1gg11 " Non ·1·11 1-)rlt·y as Lnrr<iint.-, Ht:n · "·' t;oo<lman a1' Ht•rl .Jf'ff1·r"1n. l>1C'k Vorf.I <JS Ban· Jll, H1·1· ll:.igl1·y a~ M1 11~ l'n•t•n anrl :v1 ;,ix Ke lly a !. H1•\'1·1 l} t'.11 ll11n ('1m111lt·ltng lh" 1·a~ I <Ht' Honah.J \\t' 1•1 1111"'. 1'1·1111~· :...t1·1.1. a rt. Sh1·rr; Cr11ft T 1 m Crnrt. \ < 'r111 l'1·n·1. I.Ill\ a11 N11rrn;,i11 1',ug1·n 1· fr<.tnk L11u1 .. 1.: Hoil.-1•k1 ·r .• luh11 :-,;Jntn11. hh1 ~ll<J1C:1r. Niin <' < '.1qwnt1•1 ;_111111\:11,.. :-.«01rlt'l1 l't~H FOf011\,('t:s Wll.I. Ht. gl\1•11 'I hur,11.j,, lhroul!h S.111ir1l:.1\.., al k :111 f111 l••Ut 1.1.1·1·k1·111h ;J I th•· I .ol11 rlln l'l:i,\ IH.•ll'>t' 202 J\\1•111d.1 (';il111ll11 :...;_i r1 < 'l•·m1·n11· lt1·'11·n ;11 '""' 1!12 1141,;, <J1l11·r :-.l;1 g1• 11111rl1111111n-, 111nt1nurng th1•11 1 l''llt'('ll\t' t'llgog1•1111•111 , :rl1111g llt1· Or;rng1· < 11<1'>1 .1 I l ' · (':.im1·l1J~ :11 S1 l1<t <,l1<1n·, W1 ·11 1 f>1nr1,.1 l'la>ho11M·, MO Avl·1111l.J C';.tlirtll•1, Sa11 Cll•m1·nl•· l•l'..12 !l!J!t'll 1'1·rform:in1·"' 111ghll\ 1·>.o'r·pl ~1>11di.1) ;it 'J I') 111g t·urt Jiii 111111--. "'11 Ii 1111 1 l11·.111g datt· <1n 111111111·1·11 "l./\UIES /\T 1 t1'i'. Al.A:\14>" Ii\ 1111 In 1111 ( 11111r11w111\ 'l ll1•.1IP1 .ol I '111\l·r· 11 \ I l1 µh ~1·t111•1I . '' t111 111h 1>1"1 .ti ! '111\ • 1 I >11 \I' 111 11\ 111• • 7:"1 :11;,1;!, l'1tl11r111:11t11 ", 1-'11do1 \• .111d ~.111111!.1 \'• .it Ii 1•11. I I 11 111 t •II . I 111 w : Ill ' ltf111I ' f11 ·l11•ltt .of lh1 • ('11•11.t \11" .1 1'1\ 11' l'l,I\ 111111.,,. •111 llw I 11.11111· I i.11111 \ I• :111 J'ff11111d" f '11,1,1 \11· .... 1 r 't''1·1 :ii '1'1 1 l '1 •1ln1111.1111 "" I· 11d :1' • ;111d ":11111tf;1\' :11x :11111t1111u•lt .11111•· :111 F1ddl1•1 1111 llw lt1 1nl .11 llw 11:1111 q 11111 1>111 1w1 1•1a,..1t1111-.1• .1~.0:1 :-, lf.irl,1111 Hhd 1u ... t 111111h •11 < ·0 ... 1.1 ~1 ·11.1 1 !17!1 ~"~"1 1·1·rlor111<Jn1·1•.., nightly t·x "t•pt ~111nd.1\ "'1tl1 1111 •·lo'.111~: dat•· a111111un1·,.tJ The f IRST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy. PETER ALAN FALK ',!;.ff~~ rf1 .... ARKIN ~I f ;~~\"Afl~~ , ;,,.;,:.; _.,, ,/\rJ.) ......... 0 .... ·••' I ~· ' "'It I~ , ~ llAOIUM ~ DlllYll• ....... _. "' .............. Ut 1110 • o.lt IMO .... ,,""''"•' ..... !:t•OOf~"' G••O .. ,.. t..10.,, ~.JG..440• c1nename Ei scAEEn 63" 25 53 comPLEX (h,.pm.,n Avf't a. ~ .. nl.t An.t F•rrw.1v MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY AL I TTL E ROMANCE' (PG) "MOVI E.MOVI E . "JAWS "1PC 1 "ROCKY II " 1PG • "THE CH AMP" 1PG1 "MANHATTAN" (R) "DEER HUNTER " (R) STAOIUm 6scReen 6 39 7860 DAIVE·l n K•tcU' N••• Sl•d•um BUTCH & SUNDANCE THE DUCHESS & THE DIRTWATER FOX tPGl · JAWS THECA~ IPGI 'THE IN·LAWS" !POI "WHO IS KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE? CALIFORNIA DREAMING ' OUR WINNING SEASON' tRl 'GREASE FQU~ PLl\Y IPOI "THE DEER HUNTER" (RI "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C" ALL. OAIV L INS OP [N •:JO,,M,HIGKTL'f CllllCI Un••• 11 '••• Unleu • "•Cid•• l'l•v••OtHUI • ' \ •O .lO HANO't[R STREET Plul> "NORMA RAE l'I I 11~ '" I II" ., fl,. PI( I :o.O:'V 1,.)4 1>1- n /Ii''" • "''"" • 111 , •• ' ,. ..... "" ... , J t\ 1 ,, , ,, . ,, " " ,.,., •I&.,, • ~u,,f,..\.. •ON VOtl':ttr ~ fPG~ '"~ t'iftt "t tut,.,.\ ~ ·-THE j IOf ()IJtlllWAT :::"~"EXOR~IST.Jl THE -,,, \, .-- GR~ASt" CHAMA !t7TCH C. S111WCE fl~ 1111 I AUi V Ul\V._ f • "''•I t 1111 t\M h -_, Ar i\fll•m• Aw ufl-, Btt ~t Pu tut1• U••\t Onrc.1o r ftlt I'< .H 111 DEER IRl ! ~ I lJf • .() HUNTE BAUCE LEE "GAME OF DEATH" <A> •Otf.•-·, ... .. ..... .... .. .. ... ,,..,.. ' ...... . .. , .. CV-THE ,·S ~ ORIGINAL , aws ······· , .. ~ I ~ \\;,f tJril•" ••"·' Atµiu.... .... ~··· ''THE IN-LAWS" (PG) ~~ ~~"~~ .. ,,... \ .. ., ...... .. "IAMI TIMI ..... ., •• ,. NEXT YIAA" -· ·-O " Mort-Fri e·oo. •·oo. 10·oo l•IJS11ft 2:00, 4:00, 1:00, 1:00. 10:00 . , .. IM . nk (J • " IJ. l • r~ I ti I! ... r I' I INSIQE: •Erma Bombeck-•Horoscope •Ann Landers uring_._. -·---c• . !! lmpl-ov ClaM • • Bishop's_!_Gym' Comedian schedules 1mpro v1 sa tion \NOrk-ol.J(s 1n N e wport B each. t\ n•:!\S I~ Md to I.I.A'\ Of .... o ............. \t•ff to:v'''' 'tond ,1\ ,., n1nJ,? Int ' U1 -.l11111 .11111 h1-. p.il l'h1I .. u,lt'I r11 I•• 1h1• ··.:\In 111 111111 \ V.t Ku l I lw .:' 111 '' no t v. h1 re• tlw\ J,lll 111 ltrt Wt'l~\l'. h1\~1·\ •'I It .. '"'''" tit 1111 Hun1'.) l.r·mli.>t•k ' 1mprov1i.ttl1u11 l'lft:-1:1 wt\t'r~ 8 f't0r' j{O Ill flt•ll. lit U 1·rt'ull\'t:' .ind 1X'rform1ni: 1111L-.l'lt•' <:umj.! lll lh1· 111111r11\ 1 l.1.,, u1t.,,11 111.: lo 111.,ht•~ ii. ltl.1• .1 lx1.ll.•·• .,:01h.: II• tlll' a,!\ 111 Im J v.11rl.uut I ht• ... 111d1•11b .11 I ~· 1\1•11 d '>trt1plt -.11u.1t11111 :-.udl <l' nwl'\lllJ..\ " .. t1 .w~t·t 1111 d hu. ... tw nt·h 'I hi·' 11 w tl1Jt ti' ,t t.1kt-off potnt t11 ,111 1111 .1 -.1·t·111 Ill· 11 tlrJnl.tltl' OI l'lllltt•d 1t· HI' hop a c11rn1·1t1.111 fllr 111111 1• th.rn ·10 v1·;11 :-. 11-.11.ill\ J,.\•11'' 1111 1111' l<rnj.!h' "l rnpro\ .tll ow!'I 1t11•111 ltht· -.111 flt•uL-.1 lo be what lht•y .t (·ally w,1111 to h1•. ·' hi' -.ayi. · ll :. nakt~I ..irul 11 " h"n1·~t A11tl It !> ft-ttlly ,11lli11·11vt> \ 011 <"111 1 Y.all tu tl•1 anolhl'r ut1l' lil~llOP, I\ l.IUO l~I. ... 11·'>lcl111t ,.q1ph1·i. tu., g, 111 a11,tl1JJ,.\) lu N1°Y. p111 I lkaeh II ' lllw h;I\ 111g 111•11r1I•· .,..1th i.:n·a l 11ol l•1111af ;,:, IM1x1•r:-. <111il 1111~!.\111 to work 11ul Ill" 11 1· 0pl.1n-. 1•1 ri·m•·rh Lh:it I" h·;11·h1n~ h1 ' .. wn 1mrrov1-.dl111n 1 f;,..,, The f1r-.L th rl·t· h«>ur ..,, . .,.,1110 " "'h(:dult·d l11 ht·i.:1n T1w-.da}, ~·111 ·1 1n tlw Halh11:1 Ha~ Cluh 1'r1c·1· a11d Jflfll u·at1011 information " ,I\ ;1d.1hl1• from I .1ncl a Baillw ;it lh1· Ila\ t'luh. ti45 ~1000, 1·\l1·n..i11n 177 pl I\\ .11111" •. 1h• 111 111 Ii• wh.11 lht•\. ll'J ll.\ ..... 111t t11 ,,. It t "" \ -.. ON to. i\t 'TK to;.~ in lht> llttll\ v.11ud • 1,,,.., f111 1•xarn"1lt·. ron , , 1111 ,,1, ti .. 111•·1\ 1111 t.1 1 umu Hul 1 h111u~J111111tl11\1i..•l11111 . lw h·urncd 1.IJ II • \t' lt•11 111.. kook ll' ~ldt: or .her p..r .. 1111.illl \ •• 1111 nuw d0t·!> rontt!dy lll'-hofi v. ho has advised m any 111111.: ,,. .. ,Jill-111ll·r£·i.l1•d In :.how hw.1 111 ., 11'11 th.it lhn1uj.!h h1 :. cla!>!-> he'd I•• .d1k tu 11111•1 guu.11Jnt 1· tu a larger 1111rr1h1·1 ul ·"(.Jl flllJ,.\ Jll·rfurtllt>r:. 111· "·".., h• ,tl...i1 y. 111 rt·l'umnwnd to fJI 11tltll'l'I ' ,111\ '>lUdt•11li. ht• h.'C b Jrt' t.d1·nlt'd 111 t,1lo.1· thl·rn lu l'h1I f''o\Lcr II I .. I .. 1 \ I I II,. oJ 1111 ~ h Ir I\: y .. "ho It,,.., -.1.11 tt·d .i -.1,1nd up comc::dy 1·1 ........ Hhh11 p • mpha-.11.1·-.. IH>wl•ver. lhal ht:. 111111111\ d ;i:.:-. ,.. not r cstnrlt·d o,nlt·lv to ~11't11r-. 11 ·i. also open to t """' ""ho JU'>1 want 111 ll·Hrn LQ over 1·111111· ..... u 1 11n..,1·io11:-.nt-..,, · 1'111· ·" t•ragl' 1wr:-.on (1nrl1-. 1l d1f f11·11 lt lo ".ill-. 1hro11gh <1 liar wllh11ul :i d1 .u.llo. 111 1h1·11 hand " h l' '")" •]Ii.ii :-lt11Y. :-.l·I( l'CIO!>t'll1 U ... lhl') ,11 1· T lltWt c.11 IM PKOVISATIO~. ht ,,,.., 11t1•\ 11·.irn ,t'fft·xprl•-.:.111n \ 1111 II' ";" ing wh.1lt:Yt:r )'OU rl'<tll) f 1··· I . In llant•\ l.A•mh<'C'k ':, rla!->:,, wh1r h h1• ha:-. IM.·1·ri ath'ncl1nJ,.\ for six month .... 111:-.llnp nnt•·<I that 'w<' had kid!-> who w1•n · ~t·tr 1·11ni.1·111u.., w<Jlk1ng rtown tht· .11s h' 10 g1·I on :-.lagt: In thn·c month!-> 11 "'a~ 1111twh1·v1'Jl1· what lht:y r<•vt:al B1-.h111> :1b11 1-. 11rf1·r1ng t o lh1· Iii·"·· ..,1•11111r 111 :.lt-a nd femal1· d1 .1111 ,1 •,1 uch•nt 1.it Nc·wport II arbor 1f1i,:h S o h1111I f1•11t Y.(•{'k:-, 11f fru • r-ta-.-.t<-. to g1"t' th1·111 a chJnl't: l<1 gel 1ti,·1r fl·1·t ""l · !\01111g that puhl1t '>l>"~k 1ng " th.•· 1n1111 h1·r "'"' ft·ar B1'>hr1p -.u.vi-. that II ':'' ha"•"l ttp1m tlllt'•·rt a mt ~· fo':n•n 1!110tl -.peak1·r·. \~ hn art• h1·111~( applaudt·tl h t· ,;, '., 111,l\ lt•t·I unn·rlain th al th1 ·\ did 11 r1ghl Joey Bishop and Phil Foster run through an 1mprpv1sat1on < ln•· ,., .1~1 111 ll1..,l111p d1·1·11fl·d to :-.t.11 t t110, "''n 1·1.1..,., 1.., h1·1·;111..,•· h1· fr1·qw·nl I' " .1 ... t..i•d Im ;i dv1t·t· on huY. l 11 l1rt·d k in Lu i.lmw buSllll!.'>:O. lit' -.a.'s ht· urtl·n lw:ir!'> a parent ~a~ .. r tu., .. on ··1 "~111'1 (·xpluin what ht· dl11'!->,hUth1· !>VNytalt:nLed .. ''That .., what thl' 1mprov d ab!'> 1•1111111 !lt>tcrminc." ~lly:. 01:shop .. Im .. tit• a1.frt ~ that ft•ar JlrCvcnb :1 .. peakn from . laking ~1dvantagc of ""hatc•\N advf'rsit y prcsenL., lbtlf wh il e thcy 'r(' s peaking lie usf'' a dead m1c rophonc a1> an {'x;.impll• The pcr~on who lb fearful .111d 11nr·1•rt;,11n and who 11> loek1•d into .. \\ 1111 1•n.11r ffil'll10r11.erl s r\l'l'l'h might lr1·1·11• .... htl•• :-.om1•on1· whn f1•(•1!'> r·om lorto.ilJh· probuhly w11u ld mah a j11k1· :i bnut tt BISHOP RECALLS Tiit: TIME .1 major movie !>tar asked ,him at lht· la!>I minute to fill 1n a !> MC for :.i lwncf1t Business Women: New Slant l\v Jl'OIT ll OLSON • OllloeD•1I, Pilot ~1•11 rh1·n · arc le~cndary 1>lonc:-. al>Oul how million dollar 11'-ab an• made 111 lol'l-.l•r room :-, how hu.,ine:--. 11> t ran!'>aCtl•d <m C'Orktt11l napkins and how information 15 l'XC'hangcd in the ba throom There's orw qualification to the "tories , which is never mentioned. Th'• lockn room <> ~i re usually 111 rnt·n·s dub:.. tht• Jund1l•ons an• for m:tll·S and tt w halhroo m u:-ually 1!-> I h1• nh·n ·.., room W11m1•n ;ire· IC'ft nut /\ h•m ;i ltt 1n 1 ht• bu:-.1111·-... y,,orl<l ho.i.., ,, vt•ry d1f f1l·t1lt t1m1· gdt1111~ lt-a1b . nhtain111~ 'ital 111form:it111n ;i nd making lhP ... a011• l ran~.1<'l1<1n s that men tlo h 1•1·0USl'. s 1n1pl). t h(• "old h11y n1•t y. ork" dot·:-. not ex 1:,l ro r women S 1· "~· 1 a I gr u u 11 :-. h d H : bl· l· n Uy JtHl1llt Ol::.011 Events A.bound 11rgan1ll'<1 to lry lo 1mplcmcnt thi.. k rnd 11f informal 1nformalinn !->hunng hul I h1•y "" fnr. l;u·kt·rl p<1rlll'lpal111n h\ th(' k1ncl of ~ulman who <·an mo..,t t11:nt'f1t EnlN :.1 m•w group, Woml•n 111 Rus 1nl's:-.. Thi:. on{·, fou nd1•d in 1974 in Los ~Angele!->. has spilled ov<:r mt11 Orange• County with a new ch<Jptcr s tart1·d 1·arly lh1s year. Thl· main diff<'n·n1·t· hetwt•t-n V. 11rn1·n in Bu~ineM •• ind other s u<'h ~:n•ups 1:-. lht· !'>tring1·nl rcqU1 n·m1:nt~ 'Io lielong L11 \VIB st·vcr11l require· m1•n1 s must be m1•t . I/lo ADDITION TO attending ;ii h•a.,I t wo general meeting:,, prm.pcc I IV(· m1•mhNs must m ccl al lellsl two ,1 f the following n1t..r1li have. sUtrr or hnl' munaJ,.\c•mcnl rcl>ponsih1lity at m1ddlt:, !->l•n1or or uppt·r lt.:vcl , hav1• a Sunset in Newport Harbor Art Museum's Sl'ulpture Garden is un~table -especially ~n a warm evening when re's a wine tasting m progress. Such w as the case last week when the Jrviae Ma8te r Chorale celebrated its forthcom· mg trip to Europe. Trader Joe Coloumbe brought the wine and c heese and explained the difference between the vintages. As usual. his theme was getting good wine without paying d fortune. We tasted a River Bend burgundy, a 1974 Widner pinot noir and a delicious 1.,,ovingcup Lie bframilch Rheinpfalz. which are all availa· ble for less than $2 a bottle. Afte r proposing a toast to the chorale, ·which will t>erfotm In Europe, °Coloumbe said . "Most people work too bard al· wine. Find something you enjoy and drink It. You don't ha\oe to spend a lot." fu ll -ttm<.· commitment to Lhcir bu!->1 n1· ... :. 1r they arc an entrepreneur . ha \'I' a professional credential a nd 1hree years or manageriaJ or pro fl'ss1orral experience and makt..· at IC'asl $25,000 per year. There will ~ mem~rs from a \'aricly of fi'elds as the group in· cr ease's. according to Velmet Tim· mons . a vice president of Newport Equity Funds. who ht>ads the group. In a cid itio n lo prov iding tht• nt'l work so necessary for success 1,n lhro husint·s~ world. th~ organization ~ 111 pro\'ldc educational speake r!\ on various topics. ONE SUCH MEETING " .,r heduled for Wednesday in the Velvet Turtle restaurant, Newport <See NEW SLANT, Page Cl> t-~\t•r1 Ill•· ~wl or-\\htt fn1t'"' .11: rl11·n1·•·' n1•1·tf, th" r ru1d 1 111 ,, ""P' 111 lt·1·I rr11nfor1:Jhl1· · h• ;,,.. In 1ml)n>\ \tJU do11 'l ha\ .. lh"I 1 rul1·h /\ Inf nf gu~' -.a ~ If I hJ v•· ,, f, . ..,. drink -. I'll lw ;di 11 gh1 Th;1l ' ;,1-.o ,, 1 ru11·h · Bt•t·au"' 1'\l'ntin1• p;1rllC'1pa1t..., ciu r 1n g l'a<·h C'l<1s.., "''"'"n. Ht'>hllJ• ..,J~-. 111 11111:-.I r•· Ii w1 1·I;,.,..,,. 111 • .t1011f :•11 11:d1·111 ........ ,.,, • •n1· 111 llt1 · q1w ... 111111 111; Ill•' ,1j1Jil1• .i 111111 Jnrm 1.1.ll l :1 ... i.. wft, 1ltt ·.• 1.1.t.1nl ~o 1.ik1• th1 · 1 l;i-. l\1 .,h11p d 1w-. nut v.;1111 .1 n\11n1• 1;1l..111 r 11 ... 1n1plv 11111 111 hn 11•do111 111 .t' .1 1111 \ • If\. ·1 h•• 1•,11111 .. ,111.. •11 llw «l•Pltt•anl h1• ..,;I\:-.... ,11 h,I\•' " 1111 lo "" Y.t1h ~ h11 " ( 1111-.1·11 Sophia Loren in· "Sunflower, ·· one of the less successful hims co-starring Sophia and Marcello Mastr0tanm. Two Mrs. Pontis This u the &eCOnd o/ o /our-port ttnes on Soplua 1.-orm. Ezcerpted trom the book "Forever. Soplua,'' by Alan U?vy Published by BarDl'W!t Publishing Co . New York Caty Permau10n granted bJ1 Alezandna Hatcher, Q{lf!ftt. AU nghts re ser ved By ALAN LEVY Rebuffed by her father and reviled by their landledy during those post "Quo Vadis?'~innlngs ln Rome of the late 19405-;-~pbia Scicoloae and her mother moved from furniabed room to furmshed room. And all the while during those belUah times. Sophia recalls tbat·she "worked con- s t a ntly with ups and downs. naturally." the fnur day~ 1t took J esus to do the Job tn the New Testament. EVEN SO. MOVIE JOBS wer e ~<'a rce Sophia Lazzaro turned to the next·best vocation m odeling for 1umett1. a n art form of true · l'Onfess1on and chettp·crime comil' strips to ld in posed p hotos with melodramatic dia logue in b1dloons. Fume1t1 look like grainy stills of 8 - movles you wouJdn 't pay to see. But for 10,000 lire ($16) a day, Sophia ex- celled in them for three years, twirl· Ing a two.root phallic eel. being lassoed by Indians. having her bra adjusted by a volunteer fireman and 1olng to Maas in a skirt so mini that the police confiscated the entire is- sue. tn early 1951, not yel 17, Sophie Leuaro took two SSO·a·day movie The evening drew chorale members as well its friends and supporte rs, including Clluck Weltl and UM• Epperley (they're husband and wlfe). Dr. ud Mrs. Wllllem FlelscJamH, Mick Krape, .._ •ad Mery Ment h•rl Vemes. lay Key, Artlnlr Alldrewa visiting from Greeley. Colo., and Mr. elld Mn. Bill Fruta. ........................ Soon, s he s hed the name of Sclcolone: too large a mouthful for cestlng directors to swallow, she wu told. lnatead. sbe became Sophia Lazzaro, a name m Biblical derive· lion sugpsUng. in this lncemation, that she could either raise or ~ Laaarua from tbe deed in fewer than ·jobs: first In "The Plano-Tuner Hu Arrived."· starring Alberto Sordi: then in the Herem scenes of ''It's Him -Yes! Veal" <See HAPPENINGS. Pe1e C3> . ··-~--· ...... -·- From left. Stan Cochran. Betti Stucky, Tom Moore, Joe VW:>od and host Joe Coloumbe sample wine at festivities held for Irvine Master Chorale. fSee SOPHIA, Pete CZ> :ar. vho h~ ver ~­ lit UIJ nd he ·rs a ·d· n • rs . a ll-1 le s r r I, r j t = CWLY PtLOT •• • Sophia LOren ,..,.. .... ~) VlllnJAu.Y THE ONLY extut topleaa pbo&o of Sopbla dates bac:lil to "It'• Hlm -~-I c, v .. , .. wt lbe upla1ned bow U»e-to-dlr__.. Vittorio Meta and Marc:eUo Mitchell lullted lbat Pe and hu harem mau. 1ll"lp fOr the Hile of UMt Jl'ftnC'h veraion. "Betidel," abe add.a. "I waa bUf\lry " ~aid it IOWMSed m ore like a COC'J>l'4S than its re· surrecUon>. Thus. tn t.be hope that "Pontl's starlet" m l1ht one day amount to "'another Marta Tonn" ja Swedil.b actress who was being tout. ed as the next Ingrid Bergman. 'which she wasn't>. Lombardo worked bis way through the alphabet -from Boren to Horen to Koren before stopping at Loren. ERMA BOMBECK J posMble that the police would conflacat.e ber passport and perhaps e ven arrest her. At the same tamt'. an anevatable pilla r or ltah a n morah ty. a houi.ew1fe na m ed Luisa BrambUla, arose t.o dcnounro the couple "~-a mother or a fa m ily . to'!>Mvc lhe cons UtuUon of m atrimony an ltitly." 'She is quite imposs ib le to photograph. Too tall. That was lh.i aame year Marilyn Monroe waa ~t~ nud.-for • calcnd.r In Hollywood and her n lan•l.lon and att lude were much the same u a 11 u te na even to n1. THE· &EST OF the Pygm alion proces1>, however, was Ponti 's domg He picked her ~~lof'J~~~~~t&;-~~il-hief'-~FR4'ir-i»·~·ed-~~...U5-~~~~========~~~~~~~~~~~· alullnac but pu donablt' pride years late r Then. latt<r th•l yur. fate intervened In the form ol a Mts: ftomt• twauty ("()nlH t TIM: r1nal8 ' we re b.•lng t•ooduc-tt .. I In iul open air night cluh overlook~ the ('olo!>&t>um, and Sopt,ia went there on aa rurc douhll' dull· with a gftl fneod Always lndJrectly by leaving a book on her dressing table, never hy forcing his ideas upon her ·-Ponti reshaped her p<:rsonality a nd her ~des. . .__ ___ _!Jnd two ,roun ·men When, after awhile, she went to live with him , first in has apartm<:nt an the Palazzo Colon· na and then in Ma n no. he was the one who d e corated ~r homei.. "I n~<.>d-Carlo a t my s ide," i;he said. "I am sure of myself only when he as• Exercising a right <tva1lablc to any citizen unde r lta lwu law for a fc·w hundred lire. S ig nor a Hnimball a f4,lcd c riminal c ha rge~ againM tht· Pontas :.1.., part1<:iJ,1ants an big<tmy J\lthoui.:h the· (•aM· dra~~'''J •111 for nearly 10 yea rs, '>ht· d1i.app<·arcd before 1t ever ca me to tria l. jT l Sl'M'ING IN A front row i;eat, !wph1a took thl' t>ye ol Otll' of the Judgeb, Or Carlo Fortunato Pietro PonlJ . 11 buldang rotund Milanese lawyer turned Roman film produce.r Sapping a soft drink. Sophia tliud him no mind unttl he.sent a friend over to a1.k af bhc wanted to entt:r th · coolest Enter she dad , com mg an second. The n llh: hegan to 1m1tate had a rt when Ponti g av~ Sophia h"as c·ard und in vited her to call upon him at his off1ct! in the P1aua D' AracoelJ the next day Sophia as:c;urnvd thas was a re run of a line that . al Hi. she "d a lready beard many limes. "Men. when they approached me, it was onlf for one purpose Still, this one didn't see m lo Took at me the same way most men did 'T - FOR THE INTERVIEW with Ponti, i.he borrowed a red dress with while polka dot~ from a friend To her surprise. Ponti himself was ootb,business like and encouragmg. "I saw in Sophia," he said later, "all the best t hat is Italian: not just Neopolitan gaiety but 11 vitality. sensitivity and s ense of rhythm that no actors' studio can teach. She was not an actress. she was an artist." Ponti invited Sophia to make a screen test. "It was tcrrablc ," s he recalls. "All I did was :.mile. look profile. full face, that's all. And walk. I thought it was a wful " SO DID ntE cameraman. who hardly wail- ed untll s he was out of earshot ~fore telling Ponti· "She 1s quite impossible lo photograph. Too tall. Too big-boned . Too hea vy all around. The face 1s too short. The mouth is too wide. The nose as too long Wh at do you want <Jf mt·. rnirac·k~·, ' 1'11111 1 d11l n 't think <ihf• wHs all that bad II•· .1i.kcd :)oph1a gently ·w ould you con=>1dcr do· tnE! something to your .!).OSe a nd maybe los ing 20 pounds or so·1" Ves uvius e rupted . Ponti backed off -but he liked the way she fumed aniJ smoldered He put her under contrac·t: bein g a minor. Sophia had to sC'nd ror her mothe r to sign the pact. And qui etly. without any prodding or s haring ot con· f1denccs. she s ht•d som(' 20 pounds. Rut as for the nose bob, she would ha ve none of 1t -or rll ther. all of it. "I HAVE A FEEi.iNG you could go fa r ," Ponti told her , "'but it will be very ha rd work." lie found her a speech tutor lo cure her thick Neopolitan a('cent and then cast her in a sma ll part in "The White Sla ve Trade" (also peddled as "Garis ry1 arked for Danger " J. From the re. she went ·or\ to bigge r 1md slightly better roles for other producers on loan from Ponti. Somewhere during her third film. "Africa Under the Sea." Sophia Lazzaro became Sophia Lor e n. Cont r a r y to the pre vailing Pizza Pygm alion legend, at wasn't Po nti who initiated this name ch<mge but his long time friend and t·ollt·ag1w. <:1·off n ·do l.omhar<l11, t.:hwf or lhl' Tat.an us f1h n rnml11nc U1at m ade the film_ l.111nh:11 do tl1dn 1 Ilk{· th1· n11m1· r1f l.a11;ir1.1 tur a n underwate r epic thl' 1;, :.upposcd to have near me." Though Carlo wa~ more than 20 years older and three-a nd-a-half inches :r;hortcr tha n Sophia giving rise to JOkt !> that "he's twice her age a nd half he r size" this was no r eal obstacle Jlt-r precocious muturily made her doubly at tractive to Ponti And Sophia. still searchmg for the father she'd ncvt·r hud. was happies t of all in Carlo·s company There was an oh~ta<'I('. however . a sn1ous one· J ust likt> he r own fut.her . Car lo Ponti had " wife -plu.s two chaldn:n ACCORDI NG TO ~<Jph1a. ·c.,rJ·u " m<J r raaElC had ended lx>fore I 4.!ver met him ." And in- deed, Giuli:ma J·'ia..,tra Ponti was wal ling l•1 Sophia took the eye of one of the judges. Or. Ca rlo Fortuna to Pietro Ponti. · divorce him or se•·k .111 on11ulm1·nl both of which, however. wt·ra· 1n1µ<r..:,1tJll' m Italy <J( the 1950s Ponti. himself .1 la'.\)cr by tnurung, wa:-. a mazed at the hop•·l1·-. ... "'"''ular <tnd n·hgH1us legal labyrinth he 1·nt1·rt·d liut rnn tht· ~auntli·t ~amely lie· a nd ha' w1f1• upµlted for an a nnul m'ent from the V<ttwan·.., Sacrl'd Rota thP r>nlv r our t honorC'd by Italian l:1w in s uch m atters iii the time But, 1t wa~ dc·n tc:d Al tha t llmt' ,,; lt ;ily. '\ome thre._. m illion c1tilens. incluchng !\:otwl P rttP J}()(_•t Salvatf)r" Quas imodo . Com1n1ir11 ..,t l'arly c·h1d Lu1~1 l.1111gn a nd Sc1 ph1a '."> fa vorall' dJ rtctor . De Sw<t . v.erc J}\t!ll'. v.1lh m ate:, who wer en 't th1·1r o,p 1111w .... I.ml 111 ;in 01;e nly lt'gal !>wtus tw1lh 111a n v of t ht• ri ght~ lilnd <J IJ l1 go l11.>n~ <Jf m .11 r11no11 v) ··all1 ·d 1·:.lalila~hcd concubanui.:t· M•:ANWlllLE . SOM E THING e ls e was afoot the Frt>n1·h Solution. as th4: Romans call 11 To cstahla~ll re!>tdcncc Ill France. <t Cathol1(· 1·ount1 y th at a lrf'ady permitte d davorct·. (';,1 lo l'ont1 had bought rnto I the tune or more 1!1;111 a m allaon doll<tr''l l the res 1dencf' Georgi• ;, posh a parlmt'nl housl• oppo5alt:! the famou:. l'ari.., hnt•·I or lht· .. amt· name on the: .1 venu1• of th1• -.a nH· n<i rn1· And "ln<'l' J a nuary 100!>. ht· and Sophia <inrt lhl' fa r~t M r'i 1'1int1 ~Hiii 111.-r ~OH a nd daughlt!r ha d a ll i.:radualh lwrornl" 1-"n•nc·h c1t1zens. A:. Carlo 1'1111ll put 11 wlt1·11 his eoup wa~ re \Calcd · l'tl i.:ladlv l>t·1·om1· un E:.k1mo 1f I had to, JU~t l•1 ... t.J.Y m 11 r111•d to ~1ph1:J " Sta-It'll lhl· '\Um•· w(Jy al>out ham ''{'arl•1 i:1encr<tlc!<. J Ln :ancn<lou:. t:xc1tcmcnL fur inc.. He. is a 5t·n:.1ln 1· h1v1•1 a c·ul1 111'<-1I f1 •"nd thc· ·1m <IN~tandin~ falh..r I nt·v1·1 hud /\II m y nt:ed.., a r(• wr JJl l>l·d up 111:.11!1· I h:11 rn an Fl ~/\1.1.V . ON i\J>lt ll. !I l'.tf.h . "'Sophia S1•11•11lo111·. •.p1 n~t1·r :i b1. kn11w11 :1.., L111 ••11' mar riN1 om "<"h:t 1 It ·-. t-'f1t1111w J>11•1 rt· l'ont 1. 1l<wtor 11f l:1v. .1t th1· r1·~11 ... 1r.1r , r1rf 11•1· 111 tht· Town ll;tl l "'!:it•\ r1· .... 11uhl(l• l'.111 '-•'1•111,1 1r1 .1 p.1rl1t•11l:1r I \ ftn•· rn1111 rl .i~n1 II the-r1 ·!(1!'lf"r with o fioura~h :-.t 1J,1hl J !',t wolon1 arla...lt 'T h o re staclc wife.· w a Carlo s <1 n Ponti 0 b - h a<.1 a V. h• 11 tt.•· ... 1m p l• •'l\IJ 11 11·111•111\ 'A H •1v••r "11ph1 .1 v..1 11·ll1·\1·fl t.ut 11h11r1..,•1phw.il · 11k.1\ 11·.., 011111.11 :\uv. ...,,. t..1vc-.1 1•11·1··· 11f 11.qwr watlt .t rt1 l1I ~ I l.tOll' 1111 11 • ht • .111! ··11111 11 , ;, 11 11 11· l1k1· t •·.1<11111 ., tli1 .t1 1• pr••1 r" 11111 • a ll ~·r VIJi i \ •. 1·1•11 I ....... tio w N t·.~."1 ~µhia ~u1wr ''"' Decorator Look Slow Going IT Wl\S i\t<I ~ TO t u ru m 1111 law rel.• 11011 • hip" 111 111:111 \ .u (·,1:-. :'\fJhod ) ra1!>ed an 1•\ 1 hrov. l>'I :ilon1 · t1 11 uproar But. evt•n thOUl!h 1·~t11 li lt'\ht•d c·•111t·11t11n.11•(• nH~ht have 0Hord1·<1 Sopl11:1 tlw m ont \ .ind pov.1·r th:Jl h1·r union w1tl1 l'ont1 prt1m1-.•·'I. 11;1.., w:1~ nnl ull :.ht' v.a!-. <iftPr H wlUIJJ St ~rv i<~~~ N~~ds H(>lllf•S Vo u 'n • l1>ok1ng at :.i r"::i l ''dN·orutur hook " JUllktl· Vt-<•r.., ago I 11f•. <'ld•·1I rt WLI:> mrirt• fun l <1 rt-ad a0vu1 a house than to clean 1t flc1>1dt·'>. 1t got me out of a lot or :-tacky situations mv hou.•w Tht•..,t· a rc 111 room~ \'OU..M•c v.-1lh.out a <;tn~lt'. lag hl Ill tht'm I ht·n··s a ('Onvt·r-.at1on J.nl "'here 1woplc·~ face~ a re 1ll uman<ttcd • 1n lht: hre and the candles. but no hght. I ca nnot 1m · agine walkmg a cross the floor without tripping over a la mpcord a nd three extension!< E .... a B091herk If 1·H•r ~nv v.11m .1n l u-.tf-<l f!ft Pr rr·~pertahil l 1, .ind 1ti11 ..... 11·d for 1·11nn ·nt1on:.al1t ). 11 """'' :-,oph1;.i !-,1.:1t vlor1c, tivrn <Jf WI un'o\t:d mothe r and 1tiv..11·11•d 111 h1 •r 11v.n 11u1·'.">h fo r f1r-.t. normt1 I v.1 cllrn·!.. .1ml lulcr. 11111lh1:rhuocl B11lh n<T•h ~ 1·11.: to tukt· mvrt· th:111 .• dccudl· to fulfi ll. I h1· I lr.111 ~'.•· I 111rn1 \ I lu111.111 ~• 1 'w1 · \1:• 11 ('\' S11t1 al S4•rvw•"• /\llnflt 11111 "''"' m,1tl1111 11'>1' li1111P 111•1•d• ti 1•11 • h<IQI ··~·· • t11l dren. 1, 1x ~1.:a• .ind '1blan~ >-,roup" ~very time som eone r amc in a n d :.::iw a 1haper pall in the li ving ro<Jm . a ladder in the h:11lw:.iy with a roaster on top of 1t. or the con- t c•nts of a C'losl't an the m iddle of the floor , I 'd look up from my read- ing , shrug a nd s ay. "It 's go1 ng slow, but it' II be wor th at." T H E R E I SN'T et magazine an the house thut has not had a razor hlade taken to it. But :.o me h ow the · ide a s never really worked for m e and I finally figured out why. Their decor at- ing styles a re just too in· novalive for m e. fo~o r example , I 've ne ver been able to adopt t:A RLY G ROPING in I 'm t oo l a t e f o r C ON T E M PO R A R Y CE LIBACY. These are the a us t e r e .. w h ile · wa lled. white ·carpe ted. childless homes that ar e a cross between a space center and a recove r y r oom·. No fingerprints a r o und th e l i g ht switches. no basketballs in the entrance way. and no s weat socks on the countertop. JUNGLE AMBIANCE never wor ked for me I once counted 87 plants in a single living room - all in full bloom ! Do you have a ny idea what the (and autumn and always) Moke this your summer to look the woy you·ve always wonted to look. You've got plenty of time if you ston now. And or Xhi<:k you won't put the weight bock on wMn summ4tr is over. because you'll I.am n.w .aring habits thoT Wiii stoy wtth you. Moke 1979 the first of o llfeflm4t of ~UM SUMMERS. You des.tve the t>.srl odds arc fo r 87 pl:JnL-. to be in fu ll lJloom <Jl the same tim e" <One wa1. bearing bana n:.t!>.) I h a ve two Afnca n viole ts on th(• window sill an the kitchen. The y won 't die and they won't bloom und I 'm s t uc k with them unlit plun- thanasla becomes lcSla l, P E R C A L E PERSUASION : It's a m ystery how s heets on e veryone e lse's windows and walls ca n iook li ke impo rt ed broc ade, but on mine they look like someone JUi.l sle pt on ·cm The other day a dr yer r e pairm an prese nte d m e with his bill. l put '•I lllJI W<1tl 1ng 11t·110d<; illl(I t1tlo11t1on I•·· Arluull y, Sophia .111d Carl<1 were marncrl '"111· llw (11 .. 1 11111 1 .1111und v.,1.., ·• rirox'. u·n·111011~ . ..il .J11;111 1 , ~t 1·x 1n1 in ">e11tl·mliu 1~57 follnwmg ('arlo.., prf)X ' d1 v<J rn· from h a~ wrft:. c;ruli ;.1 1\a. v.1111 v.h111n h1· h.1d :Jl n:<idy rn.Hfr an ;.i mwalJI(· fm.mn .tl ~t·ttlcml'nt I II 11• I I tltlf"t•d • \\ II\ I rl .tlld (111 ,1111 I.JI I !lo" n m v rl c<'o r <1to r rn<A~a 1.1r11· 'to write ha m a rhcrk · I I''". \111 l11r .\1!111111\t ( lilltlrr I I •• \.111,1 hit· · I know whnt vou're gorng thr ou~h." hC. !"aid · Wh<·n •,w rTl'>''t•d into 11 ur hous•· w1· ne a r l y v.(·111 1·ra7.y trying to gt'l than~!'! fi nished ·· LATER. TO /\ VOi 0 go1ni.: to J.Ji..I for l)nt· t11 f1vt• Yl'<ff'>. Snph1.1 :11111 C'arl11 Wl'rt: fo rn·d to h<I\<• h1!> Ml'x1c:i n <11 vf1r<'1· and n ·marria gt· nullifl"cl a n<I , for .i whtl•'. tn l1v•· and work out <>ade tl11·1r nalt\I' 11:.l y It's easy to put a few words to work for you. Calf 642 • 5678. v~~::::.~·~:: I 1t1 I QI QI NI I ti 11ln 't ha V<' tht· hNirl to ll·ll him wc 'v<' livcc1 he n· for t'ight yt>ars But. t'\'t:n aft Pr tlw M1·x11·.111 annulment-. thl' Italian r1 1111111.d 1n vt·~t 1 i.:at1on r onl1nucd anct. •"'vrry t11n1· :v-,phrn set foot an It aly. 1l wa-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Your Haircut Should Look as GoodAfter Five Days as It Does After Five Minutes. And 1t will whe n you come to Command Perform- ance We shampoo. cut and blow dry your hair with precision Prec1sron haircutting keeps your hair looking qreat long after you·ve had 11 done. because the hair ts cut 1n harmony with the way 11 grows. And because ifs cut to fall into place naturally. you don't have to keep fussing with 11 Summer's Here It's Time To Shape Up Hert! 11 com~5 -Warm we athur <ihe1 -.11n ... h1nP f hPy wr"k ""''" mnf'l •C to make u-. look C1nd leP.I qnod f3 111 w;i11 h111<1 ,, y1J11 · .. 1v 1 oon 1 .. dare lo barP dnyth1ng ye t my l1q11r1· · q•it th1 .ift• , w1 111,·r w<H". We ll he lp 1<: a l hand and wh.11bf>ltr>r1 1mf• th.11' nciw Ir m.tl>.' 1 clc•< l'>Hlll to look your best and sta rt turninq ynur n wn luol-. .irHI 1n1.1q1 .11111111<1 " . .-I ,• MADGE CHAMBOSSE , .. che<:l "'" 00.1 In 1 month~. M•lnt•1n' her pt l' tty, trim figure the Lllll•n Bdll•rd w•y. -· • ' \ \ ' \ ' \ \ \ s s ' • -........ I I 0 I I I • \ • , I • 10 II 0 LADIES HERE IS YOUR IDEAL WEIGHl How -11 do '°" hou to loH1 , ...... ~--...... , ...... .. 101 0 .110 •& 104 101 .t I ~ " 101 104·11• IOI I 10 101.1" 10\ II I 110 IH 101 I I l II I 116 111-11• '"·•lo 11 4.llJ UO.IJ\ 111 111 1u .1n I 11 1 l l f JI 10 1 u .1 J6 1 ll·147 I JO·l 40 I J6-15l I 14·144 140-15' 111-141 144·1\t • S.,.+1.-rr •""'-a,_. ......... ,._.. .. ..,......._. . ,_._ ..... .... ,"-~ ..... . ...... 10• Ill 1ot.1n I IJ.111 111-1 Jf 11 1 IH 111.! l l 111.10 IJt.10 l0 JJ-llO I 17.! S4 141·1U 10-IU 149-161 1\l-11J fOI\ A f'N:E HO ODUGATION It costs just sixteen dollars tor gals or guys. SCHICK Institute '" No appointments necessary We also offer perms· Llltlttn S.llerd wlll t•k• cere ot the dlfflcult P•rt Ju't ~val,.• ll'w n1&11\11nt v1\lh to our ~•ton. Wt promlM! to m•ll• 1111• your hedlthle''· happ1MI mo'' 11111 1tlll1111 \1tntm1r to date Vou·11 Q•ln the Hslst•nce Of tht fin.st, mint tongenl•I t1gure ton\ull1111h, who nol only guide you but de ttrmlM •rid cN!rl • pro0r•m 1u,1 for you INTERVIEW. CALL ICHICK SHADIL HOPITALI nent waves. coloring. frosting and cond1t1on1ng. 520.8000 1oi A1co1te1 A11<11e110r1 Make your next haircut a prec1s1on haircut. and SCHICK SMOKtNO a wet0ttr you won t hate yourself the morning after IM SAM Dl£G0-714-299·7800 Control Comera "'--------~ I ltol~AMG£COUNTY•71,·55e-~ _ _ 1--....;.;.;.~~;.;.._-..;.;..;...;..;.... ________ -t Co•••nd Perfo ... anee DCVlM.Y HIW •ENCINO PIUld)[HA lOP.UHCE ~N LoCteneQOOlvd. 1~720 Ven1vroOlvd 27JS Lol<e Ave J61QPoc1hcCOOY H""V OMNGl COllC>ff aMJlOS 't.'ESN OOO town OOd Counrrv C9nl., 11200 '°" Velnol'I A.Jit 12J Los Cernto. C•ni•• ' 1 d 7 \lJei!W()t)(J Olvd CODvt...., •tJ9M> .. _. .,...,f"'ftW}l\4llt~9"'f'"ntn N IYININOI a MONDAYI (t AM · t ftM DAILV /I AM · 6 PM SAT.) COSTA MESA • MESA VERDE C!NTEA 2101 HMaOR •LVD. (HAR90R a ADAMI) 540-8153 - Call NOW for your demonst ra tion A new ftgure a waits you fo r only 631-2444 ,~lQQian CBaQQOJld Figure Control Salon "'" ulh"'•'" t1•tw1r11nee 111 ftqur\! con1ro1 '°' lhON wno ClelNl'<f and ac>o<Ktlle •• •141nc• °"911 OMl\IM .... W p"' •)ff f 11111 •Cotta ..... • W.ttport Sque,. • ll1·2«4 -I ............ .-...... --.-............ ., .. 4 4 --........... --....... .......---...... --..._. __ .. .....-... ............ ,...,,....,.....,......,.,..._.,. ......... _.. '-·- ANNLANOERS /HOROSCOPc •• Happenings • ... c •·rom P al(f' c·11 Glrl ~out TfflOp 14 15 rrom Ct>bl8 Mvhll II\ In 1frh11 1.11111 lht' olh1·1-. 11111k1111( lht•1r bow::. this ye1tr ,111d '.I. t' II l>c th~n· ~cu·rdffit'l\111 .\•11.1ltn1i1 ou r lcJCtbh1tor~ t<J uno.c Ulll ('on~i .ituullwu:. Ill the "SboreelJff Coucars" Town und hll\ in~ "' guml llnw Wt· 'lf"' lhl'lll uH 1111 1•11m11ll'l1ni.: <I:! n11lct. an the, tleurl Associa- <•t Or,inut• C'o unt) Atrp<irt ul 7 15 u rt1 ~ull11 da) UUO 'li recent bake ride 1:0111 wi~h•-d "~· <"11uld i:n alona T ht• r t•11H1r k11blt· 1 h1n~ about the brave Thi· 111111 111' .1rt• m 1•,•t1ni.: with Ma rian .. th tr , 1 1 l , fl quurlt•t 1s lht•11 u.:v., T hn•e ure unde r ll and the o t'.rftC'MNI I' l lJ llhl II '<0 .tr\• l>rl'b\'n In~ » D~ Id · ,.,.1 t'll1•lll\. uc·c•or<h n.: tc• Trudy Ohlt1&. the.• lt-1tdN fourth II' 1;1 Y1>u ~ui•i.M•d 1l The 73 yeca r -o 1s 1111111• oth1•1 thtan T. Ounr an Skwart, the daunt· i\1·1·11111p1111' 1111'. tht·m i·. Kath) ,\1·una '""lbl.tnl le•:.•. H '1i.1•11 111k1•1 .11111 hu1ldt·r who never s lows h•,tllt•r dt1\\'ll • Kath\ John'<on .. 1 ll•'" .1rr1,11I '" i c1r11nll rid 1111'1 11Jt.. ,11 1. Uonnlt> IJarne ll, 9, Blake T~.June 19, 1979 DAILY PILOT Among the wmners of the G. Willard Basset Memorial Foundation Award and encouragement awards are. from left. Douglas Rubio; Mira nda Wu and M II . "a ''"''' Plllt'll v.11h I lurwh1·1111 Ill lh1· ~llrf u .. rh'a, ti 1111tl l\lt·~ Kc•tlt:IA , 11 -------~ut ..,., •l111u.,,.11r I n:t:unn 141 1wl1 ho,..+.-.f-*tc--..:.:..:~:.::..:..:..:......:.:.:.:....:....;..:..:..;._:....:.;~.::..:;..;;.;...;_;_ _______ . __ ___. Mrs Ml<-h1i•·l U. R1n ,.r.(l;;J \. La Vaun Salaets \I 1, .l"hn,11n "1(1 111 C harlr, II. John .. on, ,, r .. ,•111111 '11 ,. pr , -.1111 111 1 I \\•II· Ftirl(IJ Hu11I.. 11 ... , t'lll''' ,.d I'll' 1011 h.1111..111~· 1 .. 111' 111 N11 ,,r,11:u11 ..inll lt11n.: 1\.111,.; .11111 11., .. II ,I\ I h•d \\ 11 lt " Ill h1·r '"'rlo. f111 l '.111 \111\111.111 \11 \.\lf\-.. ,;111! llu.:111·., ,\If \\ '''I Tlw J ul11v.11n.:. h.1' L 1110\ l.'.d f1i.1 l.'. Trum San Fr ,1111·1"·11 .111.I ~1 1 ' 1111111-.<111 ''' \' 'he , loo k llW h11 v. .1rtl '" '""..-i··ilf .111.J 11•11111, \l,.,_p11,.,1·nt .11 1~, l11n1 h1·1111 "''''' '1 r'<. t-d lbh•aJt•n. 01.uw lhht•l'<oo, \111 h1•l1· Rll bard\, 4. 11 1111 "t•lp .111.t \It 1111 1_. "mu•" . ~:) • r" ttll' 'I ...... 1, ,. .. , 11< t.111J1111 J• '" 1t11·-. ·11 ... ('11111111•11 11111111 •,.11 11'1' d1·I" 1 .. 111.-tl ltw ( II~ lli-.t r111 0!11 <1• 111 ""'''' 1 \11,1 '.1.llh tb.-11· f;11h1·r' :11111 l"lll'" l d d t ' ,, 11 "1'1 d 11\ 1+!<' .\tnH·"'· l.loyll R . M1&'-'n Jr .. John \'rooin. l<11·h;w-d Ht•:ul anti Kohc•rt :-Od10ll..r. ~''"· ltoh1•r1 Ha m ill \\t·I• 0 1111'11 Lh1· d1·li-. and clads und fo,lt•1 11,1r1•1tl ... ( 'ht1Ck ;AOd f'lilt l'OWt•ll ~hnrf'<1 ttw1r c•,pror 1N1r1•.., 111 r :11:W li! ;; ~1wn:il d11ld . flilh. Ftn:il1' '"'"" <"11..., Jlf"~lllt•nl John f>orh•r l:ilkt•d ~11141111 llw 1m 1.111rt .. nn · of .tU.\ d1;;r11•' Tlll'rt' \\di h1· 1111111• J1,11111·-. 111 ('nll\1: for ('II~ (.n 111i... h.1\1• 111•1•11 ~l\·1•0 for the f1r::.l l1me by lh•· <. W1ll..i11I 11.i -.·w ll Memor1C1i l"oundat1on n ... , v.1·11• ,,, , ...... nti-11 1lunni.: ;; tea hosted by °"" llu1•l 1S11.,.,t·ll .1l th•· Bd'>!->cll !lly_d1os 1n ~dlltj 1\11,1 ~\ 111111·1-. "'••11• 'I irantJa Wu , p1an1 ~t . Uoul(la' Huhio. ~u11 .ir1-.1 .rntl• Dale We ndel. ::.0111 .11111 ,\1 .111\ or \1111 \\ill rcmt·m bt·r Bai.sett a s a 111111u 11w 111 .11 11:.1 .11111 tt'dC'ht·r in Orange County · for o1 num hl·r 111 \I .11 ~ II•· "'a~ president of lhe t. ., \ngl·fl·., C 11n°'l0r\Jh1r~ <J nd Wal> nctivc in l\1v.an " Elk'. \l it ~nn' lht· Shrine cand (he I ho1,1I ("11111l11\t111.., (;u1ld ·r h1·r1• 11<1.\ IHJCL' ,, t1r1/ 11u1111•d SuP \\ /111 li.llt'tl s11y11n1 !JllU :i/w ltH!kO/I t/11' C'Hlld!J 1-·111111 \f1t•h111'111ntl t\11cl11 If 11n 11 "' /udn1 .~hl''ll 911•1• 11 lt1 tl(lu 1.rnll'rwk... likl' tin~ ar1• lh1• highlight of the \t•ar for lltt· lrvllll' ('(1mmunat\ :'l/urs ery School. :1 rath1·r <:ra t._\' plHl'I' wl11<·h 1:·,'f1llcd with people \\ho ltk1 • \II h;1Vt' r1111 ( Boros cope ) \\ E O~F.'\Ui\ \', J\':'~I>: Zll H.\ :-0\'U:O-.t·:V O~ARtt \Rlt:s c \l ar ;t i 1\p1 1!11 :\1 nnt·.' """''r and l11v<· <·ould (•11mh11w kno'.I. 1\ a nJ d11n °l J11·rm 11 m ;1.1o r 1ippor l •1111t ,,., lo -.11 p ;iway TJ\l 'Kl'~ cf\pr :!II \1 :1\ ;.li1 1 \\'11fc·r rt•r 11g 111 Iron clu<· :irtrl "'" "inak•· 11 hH J•Jll'fl ('.' c-lt• n11111nu1•:. a1h :i 11t :1~1·1111-, for 111'\\ :-.tart:-. j.!.rt·at<·r 1nd<·1wnd<·n<·1· . t;t;!'11 !'/I 11\l ;iy :i i .l un1• :•111 <:rc·:itc·r l1~h1 'hl'll 1111 l<fl'CI" prt·\·111u~l.\' 11ll'.1·Urt!<l or fittr~ Yo11 gl'I nrl or ··tr:ic l clrl':11n . ' Ally I\ found <lln uul-( I h11~t· a~!'c11·1:ill•d with group ('J\~('ER 1.111111· ::1 .l ul~ 221 V11llo .... f1.:,l'l1ng.., :it t'<·nl 111t1111 11111 lnr·ndly l><•r:-.ua:.11m , <Jb1hty lo 1nflw·111•1• 111 ho ·r~ II• '11111 p111nl of v11:w Lt:O f.1 11l v :~:1 1\11~ :!21 If flt.•xihle. you m<ikt: :.1g111f1cu11 t i.:.:11n!-> Know al. net accurdmg I\ (.';;n1·<·r. S.1~1t l.JrtU:-.. Gemini wdiv.idual::. f~gun· prom1n1·rtll) VIRGO t Aug :!:J Sc•pt · :.!21 1-;mph<1s1~ 11n lravl'I. puhhs hing . long rani.:~ pl<in~ and NJm n1 un l(·at ron~ ''h1·l'I• ,q1J1<• n ·nl rnan1Jr Jk11 nt:-. UKRA 1S1·p\ 23 <>t-t 221 lk analytic al .:;1 vrl\ \'1rg11 na·'-!-l:tJ.!1' O nl' d o:-.e lo ) ou lallo.:-. 11HJO.l'.' '""k qu,.,111111., and olita1n 01n:.w1•r:. ~('OKf>IO IOc·t 2:1 :\uv 2 1 1 t-·am1h nw m lwr r<11iltl ht· Ip 'ou gain :-.1.·nM: 11( d1n·c·t1on \1 ak c• 1·11rH'<'~'1011 1)1111 t 1wrni1t pr1d1: tc1 l1lock progrc·~., S.\(;rrTAltll 'S ':'-i1" :.!2 l>el' 21 > l>l'f1ne tl·r m i;. thtot·k '"""' n ·q111rcmcnts ~umeime 111 ~1\· t r\' tcJ sdl ,·ou a ··r.11--1· liargain ·Sec in r•· a ltst 11· i1gh1 ~;1111 gr·t nothing for nothing. ("Al•tUCORN 1 [)1•1• 22 .l;m l!I / G0<td lur111r :1 ... 111.•<·t 1·0tnC'i<l1·s with long range pn ... sihililtl''>, c-omputing ltw 111hl .... gHt1ng •·jn.tou('h " with one who mi~:ht ha\'l' mu<·h lo do wilh your fulurt'. i\OUJ\Rll'S !.J an ~o I-Hi lR1 All tndiea llon!-1 point lo t·mwlu:.11111,, nol new acJventun•:-. Arie:.. Libra und the nun1bcr !t figure pro m 11wnl Iv p1s(·Es < l"t'I> Hl-~t<.ir 2<JJ Strc~s humo r . \'l'rl>attltty . w1lhngm·~~ to tic ··vulnt.;rablc" Whl're uffarr or ht•:rrf IS C'llOf'CrTIC<l •• .New Slant rt rom 1•aj(1·('11 fh-.1,·h ,\ft t·r ;., r; p rn .,.. ,m. n ·n·pwin S u .... 1n Sll<illl. ,, P rl\ '"'' 1111·1 a111·.t "'ill ~111 ·ak 1111 h11w'\H;11w11 "ti h11t;igt• lh1·1 r .-:i rl'l'r~ rn :-.111J1l1• '.l.l:IY" 11fll·n w1trioul r1·:1l11ing 11 "Worn1•n ~<·t up l 1 m1lat111n~ for lh1·rn:.i•h '1•., .. ~h Sh:illl '><lltl !'-th1· v. 111 f;tll. ;1ht•1JI how t•'<fJfJ'>••rJ womt•n want Ill Ill· 11:-:1 µ1 Mt-s:>ional or b11 ..,1n1·!->.,D•·r ..,11n . h11w lhl:) cl1·;rl ..... 11t lh1· ·~~11t· 11f uggrl'..,sivt·r.t·~~ anrl M•x u;d ~ • .t><1 l a;!.-, hc1w w11 m1 ·n ).!IH' up pow1•r \\ 1lh1111t rt·a l11.1ng rt a nrl how .,..11m1•n nl•t'fl a pJlrova l whllt• mt•n an· pr111w d t11 M•f'k Slll'f"t:!-'> •·hapH·r t"'o yt•..tr:. ago and hcg<tn 111 s1•t•k '.l.omt·n in Ornng•· C'ounty who '.l.111Jld tw 111tcn·'-lt'd in Lhl' t.,:tml' kind or g roup S l ' BSEQU ENTI. V . A:'llOTll ER' bus i n 1·ssw oma11 . /\nn Yuha!-1 , a fnrrner e du<·ator who nov. i~ an t!X 1·c-utin· rt•t·niilcr, w:i!-1 lhrnk1ng alnng t he same lin<·s ;ind th1.· wnnwn fin11ll y gM tog('lh(•r to form WI R Tht· found<·rs all agrc•· th<1t wr>mcn lr:t\'l' had no rol1• modcb f11r i,uccc·~~. thi1l .,..tintt>n an· prrm1•fl 111 h<: ··thl' \\0 1T1<111 IK.'htncl the man ' The members had their a nnual e nd-of-year potluck r ecently <it Harvard Ball Park a nd a lot of l<rnghs -when tht t radittonal--verse were- gi "en to those who had e<trt'led them · Limerick}. nrc written to commem orate humorous events or s ignificant contr ibutions. acrordJng to Marsha Kaye, s uch as the above \'Crse for dict1t1an su~an Strab.-.. Thl•re 1s one s ingle father al lht-s chool . Randy Meier • .and his verse went like this There once was a mother named Handy A manmlheclass1ssure bandy lie was11ftt'11 late Jiu/ u•c• /1'/ that sl.ut1• · •Arula.~ l\C1/llll't:n 1. :.ub I it' u.:us ha rut !I Tht• '••n.1·., ar1· w ritltn 1lur1ng ~p1:rwl ~ ··1tmc r1t·k \\riling ..,,.,:.1r1n:..·· :\'t r:. Kuyt· !><IHI. :ind u~uall" :Jrt' d1rn 1· 1>1·:.t w1lh a little wint: . The l'~1·n1111,dndu.d1:d :J ovUuck dmoc.r 111·1th ~;tlad~. qutdll' :ind d1·:.:-.1.:rl ll"NS 1~ lr1catctl al c; n ·1:nt r<·• · !-.d111ol t\m•·rirun Can1•1·r ~1><'1•·ly \olunlecr:> found out lhl' ollw r d a~ tha t then · ;ire· m any k 1nrl:. or rt•.,.. anb tu thl'II w11rk On1• \\cs~ o li,iVl~h huff•·t lunch1·on at thr· 1\n:1he1m !-,ta'11um C'ltlh 111 1•1'1t·br:tlwn of th<-g 1111d p rogrt·~~ 1Jf lht: 1!:17!J n· -.1 dl·rtt1:il t·ru ,1clt· :--;earl\ 200 gut•..,...., ,,,..,,.rnhh·cl altmg .... 11h Calrforni:; t\ngt·b f1r:.I l1d,\'fl\i,il1 Kod (.';Art>~. t11 1•1·ldir.;tt• f'h1·f"L' \l ,9' 1·11ll·r l;o1 n1111·nl 1,, .1 \t•nrnlrn1u1'l .111<1 J oan (,fl lden·, 1);1n1·•· !-,tud111 111 I.a I la't1r • ;111d t•ilih· f;;'"'' .I>..\ Burr\ lnl crml·cha ll' ~1 f11111 t 111 Tu~tan . • '. ' Tht• lunt h1·11n "a-. ho:.u·d Ir~ rn•·mher~ 11f r 111• n·:.ldl·ntal 1·r11~:1d1· a1h "''r.' (·11m1111t11-.· a nd Ur J ame.•!-> ~t·thhry, pre~1dcnt uf lhl· lJl,;1ru Wt· n·l:ix1•d \I. tl h J1·an l.ut·a' al J n1•\\ pt;;• 1· 111 tn\\n. Clt<·t. l.:iutrl't' ill ;\(·ww11·t Bl-<•t•h . .,..ti• r• ('ht•f ('hri"tian Houdin pr1•(1ar''', lunr h '.1.rl h g n·at t art· and a 1 ~11 11f lo,·1· l"h1 · r••-,\:ill! :int h.i-. n·placed i\ll y.,1111 :-. People Peering t .... f) WE ARE DIFFER-E~ W•· .1r" 01 0.1 i'l 10 h.1vP on~ o f f nnno., · 1on1·'r (jrP.,.,mdllf't ., 1n OLlr ·.n-,o V'/1• wul b" hdOPY 10 heto you w1lh vr1111 WP<ld1nq Gown Oeb11tante (,n w " & (, •wn-. f(Jr Jll lhOC.P <.;1,mm••r V rrl11•· Wh1IP tn our <;hOO , ,,1.,v 01r1w· ,,,,, lh"JUtJh dll o l our 11n1 )II" 11,Htdfllddf• tlt•m-. 369 E. 17th St. (In Weetpon Square) ••• J' Jf~ .I l• ! •• J' Costa Mesa • 645-0924 '' r I .. -. I .u • Come And Hear TONI GRANT, . J»'4.0--kABC RADIO .,. Thursday, June 21 , 7:00 -8:30 P .M . s20 PAUL BRENNER. M .0 . MURIEL JAMES. PH.O Co-author of "Born To Win" VALERIE HUNT. PH.O EVARTS LOOMIS. M .D Saturday. Jun~ 23~:30-4:30 ~30 SU MMER CELEBRATION OF HEAL TH & WELL BEING Jun~ 21 thni June 24 40 Workshops Full Conference Fee -$50 REGJ.STRY HOTEL l.ouist" Wa~nc·r, puhltr rl'l:it111n ... C'.(J(J,rrltnat111 t 8800 MacArttlur Blvd.. M.I . for Chrt:-.l ( 'ol l1°i.:l1 In IOl', al"ridtd thl' :1lnrl R~qht~r ol DOG( or Hcltg1on trl :\°1l'd1<1 hanquct al the.· ~hl'rntun Call OCITA House -544-8061 l 'nl\·r·r ..,:il "'Ith ll\'r h_u_,h;ind,_J_o hn ______ ~=.'.:::.::.:-:_=---------------:~-::::-~ r: BULLOCKS WILSHIR E ANNOUNCES NEW SUMMER HOURS Tue sday. Wednesday ;ind S;-!ti:ro Jy Bullocks W1l s!1ire Newport will · clo se at 6 00 p m Monc1 .~y. TIHJ1 ~d;iy and Friday th ere w1i l h(1 l)1 1s11 H~s~; as usua l un til 9 00 Doo r:., open Thl• group h;" h1·1·11 111 th1· furma t1on :-.lag(·~ fo r a houl a )t·a r. :ll'c·ord mg to Elll'n /\pp1•I, a \I. rrl 1·r who d<ll"'> puhhl' rl'l:itwn:. for Cm •• ind Bun-h 1\dvcrt1..,1ng. N<:Wphrt lka1·h Hut w11h W11mc•n 1n Bu:-.1111·:.s then· 1K1 II ht• models for wtJm en whci on· cit•\ l'loping ran.:t·r.., and <1p1.1orrun1tu·s for a ll Wllmt•n lo l1l•nc•f1l from 1h1· ··old hoy:. nt'lwork .. for the "nt'"- "'om -.in <'llll' group ··we all ha\C· the :O.Jmt· problem!-> " at 10·00 a m every day exo~pl Sun day. noon until S 00 Sitt· ll·<1rru.·d a houl ltw L11s /\ngt•k .., It 1~ 11111. :\b T1m m11n1> st n ·s'>ccl , an Wom<.'n inlt•rest1:d 1n thl' group mav <.·all Sandr<a C Ve ntura. rn1·n1 hcr~h1p chaarmun, at 5!;1 lfiOO 'The Truth' ' Taken to Heart Ol::All /\NN L/\NDEJl!-. I take vigorous ex- ception to your udvicu to lhc woman whose lov- e r was a married m un with ht!a rt t rouble . Yotf :,hould hav1;• advised her to end the affair im - mediate ly an d :-end h er lover to a psychiatrist. . One of the m<aJor undiscussed aftcr -effc<'ts of he art a ttacks in middle -aged males is lhe in- ability lo l'O~ with the fact tha t they nrc not immortal Also th,•y are scart'CI out of their wits ... Su what 'lo ltll·~· dri'' S low up·1 Not on your life ' Tticy rni,h out und have <in aHatr to prove they arc still young and vigorous. I userl It> think I was the only wife 1n the • world who had lh1· p roble m , hut after talking with other wives of hC'a rt uttack victims I re- a lize I have plenty of rompany. Ple use don't advise lhe wifo of a man who beh aves this wuy lo d iscl\SS the proble m with her family physician . My hus ban<lTs one. Sign me AN AUTllOlllTY . DEAR AUTHOR IT\': I received a surprls· iag number ol reAponses to that let&er but your comments are unique. Many wives bhe written over the years to complain dlat their husbands s&opped having sex when they were strkk~n with a coronary for fear exertion might bring oa another aUack. The y asked me to check wldl authorities and print "t~ trdth." I did. The experti said tllat af&er a reuoaable period of recuperation tltere ls no reallOll the patieftt should not resume-sex- ual acUvlty. In fact, oa dlsmlnal from most lilospltals, coronai:y pat1e•ta are liven dais ad- vice ln wrlUng. U humbly SUllffl, llowever, tllat e..plul penoanel he more drcamapect wllea &llley hamd Ht these forms. Nertltwea&en Medical Cee&er la Cblcaso reeeeUy cracliHI ap &M at.If wbell lllley gave &Illa nMltiH aemo &o a ... " -- Ann, 1'an~s Catholic mon1dgnor from 1.ima, Ohto. l DEAR ANN L/\NDt:RS After being gain- fu lly employed for a year , I thought it would be nic·c lo get a credit card. My only financial ob- ltg~1t ioni, were for rent und fUOfl When I applied for an ull-purpose charge t•ard, lhl' bank suid I was a good risk . I t he n de - ciclf'd to get a rl•w more cards and build a good r r ed it rating I now hav<' t•h•vcn cha r..:e card s and am in debt $4.500 I lo"'t m y job and my unemployment t•ompl'nsalao n ..,n·t cnou~h to m a k e the m inimum puym1•nts , let a lone pay rent and buy food. I have rcsortccl to st'lling blood plasm a a nd d oing odd jobs Ducking creditors is driving m e c ra7.y. I'm a n ervous wreck . Any advice" - OVERCHARGED DEAR O.C.: Go to each and every creditor at once. Tell them about the m ess you are In. Make It clear you Intend &o pay them as soon u poaalble. Take a scissors and cut all your credit cards Into small bits. Then take an oath never to buy another thing on credit UDUI you are completely debt feee. DEAR ANN . I a m a secretar y in an or- thopedist's ofriec. /\ woman I work with lights one c igaret after the other. She leaves the m burning in an ashtray on m y desk In the recep· tlon area. Then she oes into another room to ass\st the doctor: If an yone mentfons anything a bout her smoking she becomes d erensive and hos tile. What am I to do'> RLACK LUNG DEAR LUNG: Mo!at reception arH1 la doc· &on' offtcee have !allH that read, "No Smolll•I. Please." If youn doe1•'t, I& lllotdd llne • I RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY wtleft YOU W Clflt .... ~ .. 1922 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -S48-11S6 To huild your m.11r11·d fu!urt· m10 .1 world ol .mPlt''" ... clv1•r, c h111,1 . .ind <r~~t.11 . l\•I HOWl '' r nordm,111 · \ 1w1 p.t!ll'rll' no l I""' Im tod.I\ hut to r .ti\\,\\,, .i... .. ur1"g \l'lu 1h,1t rl 11 \ Imm I lnw1•-. \ll ll ''ill b1· h.tJ)fl\ .1t lll .uul 1·~1hl'l11 ,11 15 W1· know "h.11 \\tll l.t,r 1'11•\ 11· tlw 011h p.lllt•rn' '"'' < o111 \ v\ic• 'P<•1 r,1llll'111 .1t;l'l1•" lw.11 11 \ .md wl'\1• h1·<·11domg 11 1111 11\1•1 ,111•111111\ 8. D. HOWES and SON NlW,OltT ILAUt 14 u \ ,,, I 11ln •.. ' ·'.ti ••• •11 ,., •11t .,.,, ,,. \ """'h"•'• I '\1\t<\IHl't ' ,1\\\4 . ~ .. ,. .................... ,,.,... ...................... -- NTWPORT The Bride's Helper / -...~ .............. .,,,... ' I I I } • -------- Cf ONLY PILOT Tueldly. Jun.19. 1979 MARMADUKE by Brld AndtrlOll FUNKY WINKERIEAN Don t 91v1' mt: thot I rn lon'1~omv lool.. 1 SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS J" ~~WC> ~ClAAED f1tt; AN,,11/t ~ <'¥'. INJPEPAIAN:S .ARRfllAL IOI AV ,~,, ro ee .SUPE/lMAN tlAY ..• l ~ APPttEC.JA1E ~ ~IN& 1:) 8W l.NfatMS '°' ~1EAN\,N«.~. . I • by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta .. ,ANO SJPrr./lfiAN HI~ L ~ HAl'7 AC-iQEf:O 1n rA .. ~ r'AR r 1N 1HI: 5')~R,.iAN 0AY -._ P.MAA!i I - rrr; . I ·~) . ~ ' l _J 'l. .-IYIY Pt /IN l•J l(> ;//( .,1A('lf' A'l'AC'f.'10/:NT• I 1 r '1)111""3 l o.f, i>Ai<-NJf:-... by Jeff Ma'tNelly T~iters,at .30 nri2s. THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane GORDO --------------------~ W.itlA, OWL ! by Tom Bltiuk by Mell Lazarius CUfAINL.V- ''TrE N! W YLAK'.K'Elr: .'' DRABBLE • PEANUTS FAAA(ER?WAAT FARMER? ~01" REAl.1.'{. IHAf '':. ALL I l Avo\.11 OR . SMOCK YE:S. YOUR ""f'1-1Ro~-r HAS He:AL..60 Vf:;RY NICet..Y MY D5>?'-R.' SWA t....i...OWS .;us-r CAME. · BACK 1'0 MRS . CAPI SIRANO I WE:(....(.., ""f'H~ , __ -~. ... AtJD fOI? Mi lb~~i<rnDAY, MVM.M, il-lt /l{;t,t.YWfYJ) )1~1-~. HAL HlP 641SINfSl MANA"tR BllY Kt A JAUJA • by Gus Arriola . AU {{1A 1( 1[;</t:L ~. '/1 / ;y.......- COMICS./ CROSSWORD by Charles M. Scllulz by Kevin Fagan I 0 K,NOW1 I (.A UC.1-4 f t I.I( ~v ... KE,.- by George Lemont I • ' !." T>-1 :.• Ti/[ t.ATTEI..' n \J...°7 ,11- .Jt)NEP' ~r, T ... "'V.. · ._-v:: 5i....vL~\P. l\'ILL Dr..rv-· ... v..1 LIS A._N / 1.\Y A/(.'I\"./ CXW1T IVli!frT, AF=TE~ ALL I SOEA1Tl6 TS lfli!OUGl{T us oooe-L./J<.N I T..::o, PLASTIC:;;, PESTIC!r>E:::-, PRE5ER- l/AT1VE:S, A t::-e.t.::-T._ l..- ...\A IPL 11-IE.O M{/....O:.IC 1 TELE VISl(W , AJtlCLEAR F1~1(VJ1 J. ~AT.' .SCIENTl~7S ARE ~ MEAIA.:.cf TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE "We need them for bo~es." ~DENNIS THE MENACE -....-- JUDGE PARKER YOU SAY II !:> CALLE 0 H ll EN'!i Vt.ACE' YES. I'll lRY TO ~EACH 6E N ANO !HE N ORIV( OUT TO 5£E YOU, PATIY' TUMBLEWEEDS IMf GOIN' HLJNllN' NOW, swe e15! WHA1CHA WANT ME 10 ~RING-YA? MlANWHJU THIS ISN'T A KE&TAU~ANT ANYMORE. Hf.LEN ... !T'5ACIRCUS1ENT.' SOMffilNG-1l-IAI 00E:S Wet.L Wini V£GE:IA~Lf:S WOVl..V ~ NICE:, UMPIO LJ1ARl7. . by Harold Le Doux ANO SO HAS lHE PHONE! I WIS~ SOME&ODY:O TA"-t IT OFF TH( HOOi<.' by Ernie Bushmiller R~ ·RING RING· l KNO W I'M LAT/:. YOUR BIRDSEED ; . ACkQ:, ')I I -''"'''' I 'l A .... sldlll r+1 I !.,,1 n1 «11\ ,t / I ' f11: ~ '''-'''''\, •• n.u ' ,, 1 'I• H '"~ f •j1,r t '1 ().,, r ')(I M 1n II 1n11 ·~ <,0111 J '' -n I •h• Ot• It> Hr.(]'1· nJ I I 1..-i11r1•· U ·h• '" , I ,, "•' 11f ' I ,. ,,,.. ,., 1(111.:. t 'IJI"' :c (1.., '• 1 II-, • I •'• t I 1IOt '"' t • I h1•,11 ,. q l' ,.: Hh;H1J•. I (ti itl1•011 I II 1<1ng h 111 0111 .lnrt - 1q OrnO'. 0.11 • 41 bptor1:1 - Jorinstin 42 !:>1:rv1c1• gp •Aoc.k1"'.. IMI\ d~ Hc'l(Mv• 4'1 !,1.11e <f(ld•n d/ k1n(J 1tf ffl',..I• cJt!t1Ct• ~ ''" t lu!alf ,, , ,. ~ I fh 1• ' ,11• ~;I" J It I 11 I t fl I I I I J·r - "' 11 1',f'.,.I flofl1A, 1 ~n'''JI 111''' '•'fl• <Jh '111 •1 A1,1h n ,1•111 I fl1nq 11 "11111. I! 111~1:· 1·. ~ Unw.iv1:11nri 10 H•:.tvl•ntv boo•c·. 11 0 1 N1nq·, 1;> Cntov 11 B,. • .,<l " t: 111 0 1 m<1ult'I·. n lrt••· trunk· 111'fhr p I ••.J'1111 :,.nr111 ,,. ·~1J"d•l'f '• ~>u_, .'I•• r,, ;IV• ·•1 Iii 1 Pul 1 1, ., ,, .. ,,,,, •1>' J.tt11~·1tJ ,11\ •, lq " ~ 111 Ii t f I '"''•'t.t\ J? A CIVt' IJ M11thl11I Jb !.lllJll llYt:tl 1IYllJ 39 P11•1i.trt.:CI ~o t"~·'' 1mpct11m1•nt 4~ 011• lll'<tltflll , I I h 11 ,, ,.,,, r 1, !.J••l1' .ih·r d•t Lriv• iv J t 1Jrlt C.1(1'.i ~J (.,.,uv At)l1r )4 /\f,1-,0,10 I llV !l'l 111 .. 11·1or,. )I !:>ub~1r.t Sll l •:vt:I !i9 H0::mJ1nc:lt!1 b' 111., ~cit 6J Oouov '101 ) 6 1 • , 11 ll i -,..-~r • .. -·------·· •·.· ·• --·-.•·.·~-:--:.:.::::;:.-:/• -··- LOCAL I ANALYSIS I CAREERS T'*liey, June tt, 1979 DAILY PILOT Care Unit Gives 'Last Charice' to Alcoholics Speeial ·ward at South Coast Medical Ce~ter Resembles Exclusive Club By STEVE MITCHt;u . ... .,...,_...,.. Pink hippo• and ~millna i?tralf• anMtt Lbe' viAitor on lbe f ifth floor of South Co•l't Mt.>dlcal Center tn SOUtb La1waa Th.-braght det'als a.re n·m nanta of lhfl Pf'dlatrlo w11rd. w blcb wu mo ved out ol lhf-top fl oor two ><:•tr~ ••o to b•' rt>plMct-'Ci b ) Uw C'ar.• Unit. u 26 bed f•t'lbty fur lht.' lrt• 1tmt•n l 'fU t; ('OST II 16.500. but Care t 'nit omnals say the program .. l'huntic~ hves and is worth the 111vci»tmcot Aud, 11{·cording to bosp1tal r e· r o11ti; tht• program appears to he workrnl(. Nearly 2.000 pa· tu:ntb have l)C1·n through the 111 o rll h Ion,; tr ea l men t s ince I IJ7:1 "Or the husband may have been lhe outgoing one in the re- lationship, and the widow finds it hard to make friends on her own. She becomes isolated in h er own grief and begins drink; ang." • Zepel agret.'ti with the program coordin0t\')r. • "I TALKED WITH an 80·ye<ir· 1----~---4:1J-M.k,Q1M11Uelli------------------.!~~ 'f1·l.,11hon<· 1>u rvey s walh fur 1111•r puti.:nls -or recovering ..i 1·0 w llt<S" as lln:y ure eel& o ld woman at Leisure World who told me s he drmks all day," he 1>uid. "The only time she ever wonrout-was to-walk-heF-doc.-~- I I I ANO WIUl.t: A PINK h1p1.c1 "' probMbly th\• I •:>t th1n.c di\ ... 11,,w '/4 lli:rn•nl maintain sobne· '' lor lht· lir::.t s ix monlh'S after lrt:'<1lmcnL _ ltl<.:ut\WJt n~ to silt> wht•n ht· or Sht' volw1tttnly shuv.' u11 for ,1 m o nth of lrt!atmcnt. ( ·, .. ,. t '111l ... ta ff m1•rt1b••r ... !'lllY ll 111 1~h1t•11' the plal't' Th .;t(i-~u-r-,,---:d-1 p-:;-· -to---:60:-::---p<:>_r_c_c-·n_l __ ..,,..._. .. And s he said she dldn 't think liift""'"'=-~~T-'-::=-.,.-,..,~~hb@e~h~ad~a·~~r1~nk*~•n~i~Pt'el~ifti~-=---,.: "You thank" those people ju.'>t play ::.tlufflcboard and visit with fr1cnd1> all day, but there an· <J lot M lonely people out ther e,' he ::.aad. .lftl·r J yl.'..ir, 7.cpel ::.C:J 1d The~· ar e other thing:. Lh ttt makt! the h0!itp1t:.tl '4 lU d unC'on '..-ntrnnal Thi· nur:.cs don't cl reiss hkt: 11ur:.t•i. l'ht· patJt:nti. Jrt' e ncoura);t!d to gt'l out uf the 1 r room:. i\nd t ht:1 t ':> .i cam ar1tder1t: among lhc p1ttu:nU. not unhke an exC'lus1~e hunting dub. a s l(roups or recovenng al<iohohcs cha t, watch t1•lf'v1~1<111 o r read lhe Wall Strct:l J ournul Ht T ncaITING THF. uri;:e to 111111k 1~ onl· uf hh· !'> tous.:hest d1allcris:l''· s<Jys Sui· Mardon. p rugrttrn cuo rd111 ater al the , h11sp1tal COORDINATES PROGRAM Care Unit's Arnie Zepel Thl' b1ggc<>t s uccess sto ries O<' 1·ur 10 the older age g roups and .1moo~ tht• teen-age drinking set. ,,111! i.a1d And though the Cttn· u nit l"nter s to wo m en. nnc1 cm or t·a s ion children <JS ,mws.: al. 14, many of the pat11·nts :1n• olrlt-r mt-n. yto;.ir olri :.kohol progr~1 m at th1· , hu::.p1lal The fifth Ouor w:.rd 1.., .1 l.1:.l rhan ce for some .• 1::. lht'l Hl tem"Pt to ovrr romt• rf q nk ITIJ' pr•1ls lems that may h:1\t• h1·1·n 111 11111 l'<I out h y farntl )' 111t•11rlll'I , I rtNlds ur C:J dot:tur The ::.e111or c1t1zcn with a dnok1nit problem and the tee n ··~er who drink:. tend lo soak up I h•· attt•nt1on ... nd s upport of I ••llow p.1ltcnt,., :.ind the ~luff hne," s ht• said "T hf'V ('<IO w1ilk t1Ut of hN •· a ny tune tht'y want." Zt·111·I ~.a11l • adding mos l p:t111·nt , •.t.1\ .1 month and part 11·111ti1· 111 :i th ree-m onth aftt•r l·:.ir1· 11 r<1 gram "They normally do not have a "iu>usl'. .uid lite e xtr'.1 t:ar c really nrnk1·s a diffc renct·" "FORTY , .. ,,:ac•:NT Ot' o ur pa trc·nts arc o vt.'r' 60," sa ys Arn11· Zcp<' I. a beCJrdcd pu hlic· n• I a lions mun who 1s t ht• ('Ornmun1ly ::.cr v1ces coordinator for the six SHE SAID Nt~ARLY 40 w·r t•1•11t of the Care nil p:alle nts an· older c1t1zcns, many ,,f th1·m f rnm l..t•1s11rt· World Critics Shift Coastal Focus Ry TllOM/\S D. ELIAS Houndc·d hy an 1•v1·1; lar~<·r h<Jnrl of cntH'S, ('a h fornia'::. 1'l:.ite a nd r 1·g111n-.I coasla l cCJm 1:11'>S1onc; havt· sh1ftN11111 • f•wu' of t h,.1!"'M ork t<1 lht' pl<ins wh1<;h m lh1· l<ir1J.' 1 u11 will he th•·1r fnl)~l tm pi>rtilnt produr·ts Most pulJlrt· :rll1•nt ion !.1ncc Propo~it1on 20 passt-d.1n W72 h.1s f1wu~1·d on commission pe rmit µrotcss1•s. w"tth tlcfcndc•rs <.'laiming the t•oastal a~cm·y a ppruv1·s mon· than nine of IO proposed p roJCl'ls and crrtit·s 1·omplarnrng that th~ mo:.l 1m· p1Jrtanl projects u1>ually t1r1.• tumcd down WITHIN TWO YEARS THAT o ·E:Bi\Tf; will .rcced t· mto relut1vt· unimportance. Ry then, the six re~1onal comm1s1>1ons that het ve operated along the ~horelane s ince 197:1 will. he out of business. their a 4thonty r everting t11 c1t1es and counties, whose· local plans are s upposed to be 111 place by 1111cl· l!!HI About 8l> pt·rt·<•nt of tht1 platb prom1!.P to IJe ready bdon· tht· dC'adlln" F rom the n <in, th1~ ::.Lall' comm1ss~on will hc «itr 11othing but appN1ls from local dec1s1ons Bel'ause it 1s running hf·hand schedule in ap· proving the local c<1a~.tal JJldns, t he s tate com· SOUTtlf.K~ CAL.IFOKNI .\ F(H :t l ~ m 1ss1on h as alrl.'adv µulled back slightly fr<1m it s longtime emph<:i~is <m pt•rmats J.t h as ~iv e n c ategorical pc rmal ex 1• m p l 1 o n ., I '' a I I :q.:rH·ullural d eve l<•pmc nts in Del Norte, Humboldt and Mf'ndo1·1no counties. with s1m1la1 1.·x C'lusions bt>mg <:ons1rlercd in Sunta Cruz. Mon tcrt'Y and S<:in Luis Ohr!>po cuunt 1c1> AP W11•pMIO ProfP'lf'f ConduC'lor L eon ard Ber r;stc in 1~ one of S l' Vt' ra I ,\ mt>r11· ~ n Jc \\~ who :-.t.•nt ~ c·;l'- hll' to brat•lt I 'r1mt· :\J in1 slt~r :\J<•n.ll'lll·m Hegan prot(•'>l111g h is gov ·rn mt·111 ·._ pol1<·v of e~t:1 hl1 ~h111 g .l1•wis h M·ll I< 111t·n1 -. o n oct·up1<·d Arah I cinch -Artwork Give11 to THE AIM IS FOR COMMISSION s tafft r1> lo -;pe nd lhcir lim1• o n th~ local plans rather th11n 110 rcvat'wing ch•vclopmcnts th<Jt don 't usua lly i.-n danger a ny coastal resources. L• b ' -The c hange IS &lso an part a rcspon~ JO ,. .. 1 rary 1·r1ll<.'1sm m thf' slntr l.cg1slaturc. where mor1• • than 50 bills h~ve bt!cn s ubmitted. each tramming SAN MAHlNO '1\1' 1 some Coastal Cl)mmassion a uthority. A c·olleet1on c,f 17th. ll!th None of these balls, though, would senous ly a nd 19th l't•nl urv art. 1n e rode the locC1 l coastal plans once they're ap 'f'luchng v.01 k-. hv Hl·m proved The plans cover zoning, land use and pm brnndl, V<in Dyc·k ::ind tection of 1x'C.1ch es and other coastal rc.~ources Watteau <ind worth an The coai-;ta l blueprint~ hccome part of local estimated $7 mlll1•rn , ~enerat plans. and will bt>. more permane nt anrl h:is.bel·n don at1·t.l t11 the harde r t o c hange th an Coastal Coflm1si.1on llunlington Libra1} µollt'i(.'S, which can be revised by a s~aft of the votes on the comm1ss1on. BECAUSt~ THEY ARE SO PERMANENT and c rucial to the long-term futur e of the Sioreline, thr: local plans ar e being scrutinized by the regional and state commissions They're a lso starting lo draw criticism . "The term 'local coastal program ' is a mis· nomer." says David Eaton, a Ventura County supervisor and regional commis~ioner. "The re's nothing local about them. They ute being writte n by the Coasta l Commission staff.'' . Admits Mic hael l"lscher , the state com· 'mission's executive director, "There yo-ill be con· flicts tough ones. Some city tounclls will find it impossible to te ll local pr'opert.Y owners that the ir earlier expe<'lation s fot high de nsity de velopment an flood plains or ne a r hiRhly sensitive areas will not be realized,·· · WREaE COUNCILS ASD COUNTY boards don't make those hurd du:isions, Fische r s aid, t he commi!lsion will. "We are not. after all, s imply in the bus iness of approving plans." he said . That means Eaton is essentially correct The plans won't be stric tly local. Nor did the voters who.approved Proposlt.,n 20 and lhe Legislature which passed the 1976 Coastal Act want the m to be. A profo1µ1 d_dlstrust or local governme nts, fre· quent~y dominated by 4eve lopers, was behind both measures. But the Jury is still out on the local plans. Only • 15 or lhe 68 needed are In place. None of these cov· crs an area under lnlense development pressure. IF THE 8TAT~ COMMl~ION can skillfully compromise by planning future developme nt where It won't hlrm beaches. views and other OOHlal resources enjoyed by lar1e numben of Californians. It wUI win acceptance of ill plan1. But if it falls into the kind of tactics It bu used lbe lut two years, with m inor projects and even repairs obstructed wheneve r a sll1bt question ariaes atnlt tffm, the Conllll Com minion wm perpetuate the coDfllcta that have made lhi• year's crillcllm &M &oughesl It has ever faoed. J • I A G·a ll <'r y <:ur al111 Robert Wark 1>aid th•· h e quesl b y the l:ilf• M 1l d rcd B r11 wn1 11 1: Green a nd ht·r hush;11ill . Jud ge L u,·1us Pf'yl<•n O reen. was tht• h1rg<·1>t to the museum s1nr1• thro death o( )lS fo11nd1•r an 1927. Tiit: COU.,F:CTION includes th«> work of Old Ma sters s uch a s Rem· b r a n d t • V a n· 0 y c· k . David a nd Watteau It consists of 42 paintings, eight portra i t m iniatures and some S<.'Ulpture, fo rn1c;h in gs and dc<:onative obJt:l'tS. O f the 42 paintingc;, all but e ight arc 18th crn tury works a nd the col leetion is predominantly Fre nch. Wa rk suid ::.omc o f the paintings a r e world-class ra rities, a nd espec ially rure in the west. "OF PARTICULAR joy is the compnllbilily o r the collect1on with our existing collec taon,'' Wark said . Wark c!llimn tes the Huntington's eollecllon of 18th century British art lo be o ne o r the largest ln this country. IN ADDITION lo the art work, the gallery will receive lbe e ntire G reen estate, esthuated at between $2 and $2.S ...million. UCI ~ets Public Programs • t n .. f •lt'Wr1~t •I'° •r•1f...-''"""'1"•'" ,., ... f".IO• r0lrJl""'r .Jt•· FAIOAY ~AIUPOAY N1 1-:<;hlt..1" l•1'tr '''"" •Ir•·• 1•\ M ''' 1 I .t•U •I •t<fl fJf' f• \ t1rtAI ,, 'I• I I! 1f1• "' I ltt fl ti• /t f!IW ..... "''") 0'f"l"H'l f '' I ill 11,n1 1f I I Ht t ' nl')Hll H•'~ 1 'If "' fHt t)" h,1n1" ',ruOt• t I"'' A' t• , ,,,., u•• ~ I I( j ••• , I ,., • ,.,. \H •flt •v•J• \ \AIUJIOAV ( ut, ,.,., t r• ,1,,~,. W1•11f f 'trill• ' '"'"'' "Q H1J11••t J Hr11v.f\ H •, '''•tlh.u "'°"'*t•O'' H~dlt f A Of!• '-.Juy ''"n''""' , \(') •• m ' JO p fn ,,,..,, f 114 M1•'111 ~f ',c. 1ttnr 1 I Uf I r HM\ ,,.,. I .,., \NJ u1c ludtt\ rrt.;1or 1,11, lull•, 1H\d l . .idfll'lniJ MOHOAV ~,.,l(.,t1"f) lhr In h.1•,ff11.U •"r•>tJu• t .,., •• tr~ Ottv .. 100 m H'J M..t•l\t ''" r r1 '' 'omp~1t11-.r E cJ'l• w11 1d"' •• W ''t)\ltf. ti\ M [ Ylt@ f)l..,.\10e-'1I m ... n t:t•nq, P"'"'"" u ,1nrhtin A on,. nllr; ~"m•n•' ) •pm Am 1tj 1 (Ofn outer !>Utnf"e BtOQ UC 1 'dmpu .. J ,.,. $.6\ uvl~· m1tt•••~•I u1n1w1 •ndtt1t11u na MONDAY. TUESDAY, AHO wEOH ESOAY, JUI YU, lt. ANO H ',, ,111r••t •• II• II flouOO;.rt FJ• •d1n•1 ""'''''' •" f • ·t'•t k H•O"" ~ S '" ,,, n '' 1• '' • 0111.1 •t u f11nt ,.,,, 1 .. ne1 ,.,_ O\ft,n fl. "" 1' dftV c-t.K11 ._., fl ... m I/ rtt, r. ·•"'I I • ,;o "n Rtn 1 "> tHJ'n,.1+1tu •. t 4..tl ti< 1 t "mou~ t • • U'f. 1ru luCS. \ 'o•1m• m,.,,,, .. ,, .1111] JHtr••n'J WEOHESDAV, J VL V H I ,,.,., '"'" f ,m,. M"n~f'11•m,..n1 H;h•\ r,, ..,,.,. dt' Wt4h , J t; l)tH,1f1"n~ '""" O•· W11h•t Avo• ,,,~1·•. Int A on• O;t 'f 1 m,,,,., J ·1 u 1n U 1n l\4 11\;n 11nlt1••\ •-i11W •J( I t flff'ilJU, t l't" \-.; 1r1r luC)..-\ Ul11h·r 1 •I•. d1nnor .ttUI Ill''° t1•1 WEOHESOAV JUl'f H \ A I U H 0 A Y I H H 0 U G H . THUJISDAf, AUGU\T11 I) •· 1111 f nv t hr"1Y•in th1• t .orQ••'-vi "" f ~d11r.111~ ..,,,,,., r ' tl1•V ( JJ-i\lt t ~ '1 11,,.,u,lr1r, '""''•'-mOnl (t1lluyi-· tit ".ti t1A; flt•l<1 \tl1t1'f lt1(), (1t1fl'nt11l•C.ll'\ '""'' '''"'· 1 H J 1 pm . J~m '"8 1ftt11tt '1t1J•f\lt f df> ltfl f"•lrl10U '''Id t'IJJ 8 ~ / l I 11 \t;)t.I, ,n• •vlJ.,., ,.i IOr)rJ lu t '•I • d•Jf \00 ''""' dlt rt1i11, r un,,1n') ,..,.u•CH'r1'~nl n ... lu opt,., r •d• '' .,,., t}'f 1 ,.,. t l'I'•' I ttlh to "'"\lr•o ".,,.'l w1f\Q tll~hl hd« ii: to P.10• or 1 "' ./•Qn\ r"' '"''"", 1nf')rm•hon t ttlt Uf.1 I: 't•n\t""' U U 811 )•U FJllOA't' JULYH M ulf1()lt Pt!Or•.t)n 1l•tv Undf't~l&nd 111q 1n1 th''""'" Mind (.orn• 11 e •N ilbur. M (), J. -;(n1;t"1'.I hn ,..,,,. nm(, lt"t' tur .. 1 10 u m ,,IC""~''"'"'"' H.oll U( tf dm()U'\ F fio!• \\ l'lllOAV AHO ~ATUJI OllY JUl Y 11 AHO II /J.n loh •11J,1 1n,n I•, t•,;rn1r f•httn')(nt OA • M .. , • S""'' t M S "'" ,.,, ... \IUdHnl .-,. hMf ~ t \or .... ",,," U( 1t '"'' to N • • "'' '1n pro f'l"I'" .,_,,,ltOom ti '·•m 11 It• )U tnd 1 ~ p rTl JH'tt I tll ~(H i.1t ,, ... n, • I •ti IJ( I '"m''"' t 1 r \ i), 1htli.1fJ•\ 0"1 11>1nq If '•11tttf1\f (hQlr1fJy ,tflf) '.111 VtYl'jl t.f I UOll'f U1•.tth IN •o A. "I ""0 N,.w rh ""IOOM,.l'\h 1n P1tr•P\'f't hnlOQV \'11'1 ' •fl 1• ~ )S; "'''' 1t1'0 tn•••n, lh•• '"'~•or .w th"'" wor~.,hl')f)\ •\ 111 "llDAY AHO SA IUllDAY, JUL 't' 11 AHO ll "(1tr•1.Pr r tWnp•tttnc 1P' Winf"lir'tO ,p W1u " L iit1I R"\n1k, M A , Pnt\Ol'n1>f 01t1r ttr, Arrwtrll11n f1lr11 tM\l1tulr A W"r+k .. nd WOrlul'lop, ~rl . I 10 p m , S1tl 1 'tnm 11noon •nd1Som ,um JO&, !>!>tlOI !>c< .... te Le t>. UCI (Ampus f ,,,. rhm ( ,,.(11t, \)0, < rrdll. j•O. SATUllOAV, JULY H • Muu1uh• ,..t>,Y.>hallt'f OMono,,,. dnd I •u1men1. C0<0011a Wilbur. M O . p\y(f\1~trl\I A ~ dl'IV wor•,.hbp, .. • m 11 "''"'""'"I \pm . Um f 110 Mtdlr•I !>clen<n !ll<tq. I UCI t Am pu\ F .... \AO, •N lude\ Q:4rluno SATUllOAY ANO SUNDAY, JULY nAN02' 'Sc 1fllnte •net Non S< 1en<.e F~s •nO , 11nr •I \, Myth\ And M on'\ter\ • low1n Krupp, Pn 0 , 01tettor. Grtf tun 00\•·rw.,IOry A we-e~end pro or•m. Sat . fi lO c.t m -U noo,.. 1tnd 17 lO S D rn !>un.. I lO • m 11 ,_,. dnf'I 1 4 0 m Am ,.,, st .. tnhAU\ t-1"H. ur 1 '•"'PU\ re-• "°" t r1d 1t \I\ '·~"'' 00 MONOAY,JULV• \uct tt\\lul AporO•the' ,,, R••• f 'lllttt (#thAnQlno:· AIC"•'d l ,..,,,.e,. 8 S . prt\H:tetft, .Audtlf-0 tn v .. \tment Prottflrtte\ A on• d•Y \em1n•r. 9 lO am • lO o ni , Am I \I, Phy\ltlll 'illentH 111".IO . UC I 'J\MPU\ •• ,,.,. \60 1n(: lud•\ m"t@rl•l•, lurw n.•nd.,.,.,.nq 2 Sentenced SAN DIEGO (AP> Michae l Lewis Green of K e y WeRt , Fla .• has been sentenced to 10 ye ars in prison and his wife, Judith, lo seven years in prison after they were convicted or conspiring lo plant LSD at a ctiemkal laboratory in San Dieco. Which 11> why many older pt'i1 pie c·omc to the Car e Unit: to dry out. .attend cla::.ses, grou1• d1scu::.s10~ view films, attcnrJ Sunday bur bcc·ues out!>ide Uir- hO'>JHl;tl. and l1st f'n to other., "ho, like lhc m::.el vc::., have lJ dnnk111g problem . Tllt~Y MINGLE WITH m11J dl c -:q~t! bu ::.an c ss m cn , h ousewlv£>s a nd e ven teen-ages., al the South L:.s.:una fa<.:llaty. ONE OF LIFE'S TOUGH FIGHTS-ALCOHOLISM S outh Coast Medical Center Helps Fighters Win And when their month is up, ;i ~tuff('(i dog namt·<I "i\lky'' '' pl;irl'd nuts H1r ltll' door <>f the de p.1rt1 ng pal wnt •.. ~hf' .,,11J many olchtt·rs t ake tlH·1 r prohl<'ms wrth thc•m wtie n 1 h1·v n1ovt• 1nl<1 a f"(;mrnun1ty -.udl ,1:-. l.t•1surc Wo rld "They m <Jy hav1· lust a ... pou1>•· they 've tx>en upniot1•d and llh'v a re n 't n :C:Jllv anto tht• r11mrnun1t ,\ y(•l ,"Ms i a rdon ,a1d . ··11 ·., a u rnv1l<.1laon for the pa 'lf'l11 .... lll'W lrte111Js I() d rn11 by CllHI '>J) ~01idlly1 ·, Z•·1"'l "a1d New Book n .. tps Shop Security Eyed Uy JOVC'f'. l.. Kl· ..... :-01·.IH' l>Par Jo}f t•: Ph•"''~ '>•·nd m1· ·.,"""' rnru1 mation 110 -.ton• M'rurity. I ha \•· a s mall shop,and m y in\'.•'nlory ri· cords a n• l'Oming up '>llOrt. PIC'iil\1• don't llU~~··"l a hi1<· guard:. bf•t•au<,P I l'a n't arford it. Thanks to lhe N11tronnl Criminal .Justll'C HC'fior1·ricc ~(;rv1 <:t•, a g<Jv•·rn rncnl :igt•nC'y, you 1•t1 n get a new hook w 1 t h 1> u g i.: t• s t i <1 n ~ 1J 11 e om La 1 111 g 1'ho pl 1rt 1ng. t·rn11loyt't· t h1·r1 . hurgl;11 y und rohtwr } Fo r a f, .. ,. •··111v 11f • S•·1·11 rr1 v and the Small Hu,11u·s~ I<• 1a1lt·1 · 117 pages. st•ml ,, -.1·lf :.s1tdr1 :-....1·<1 ma1lan~ l:.ib<'I with your n ·qu•·'>t 11, 1!11" l~iO. Costa ;\k1>a 9:!62fi i 'lt'etSf' u~.•· l;.ihels that an• !>t•vernl mch"~ an sw· • • • Dear Joyce: I havf' 1>11me valuablt• phono~raph rf'cord" an d a utographs of famous JH'Ople. Inflation makf's It nf"c•·ssa r~· lo i.t>ll thf'm . Do you know ~ bo w11ulrl buy my thinr,s ? -H.N., M••mphi"· Tenn. ;-.Jo , 11111 I g1•t tt11s krn<I nf q111·st1on oft1•11 l'rttlugh th:il I w:r'> rf'lit·vt•<I 1<1 Sf'I' ;1 ll(•W f)llpl'fhark "hH·h ll'>l!. deal1·rs and coll•·<'lors who will buy ( ___ ~_:A_~_·E_"K_,_· __ J almost an\ll11oc. ti\ 111:111 fr11m JIJlri gr ;qrh~ t11 "1·:1p1111.., "Th•· Wh .. n · ·111 !-il'll It IS a n ail:-thli• fur S:I !15 n ook ..... "J.17 fifth i\\ ,. :". Y. IOIH ti 1>1 r"'·tor \ f111m 1'1t:i1 :"t·W York t'\ddttmnalh ,1 S.1~• non 1•rt>(ht "'r rc:.pond<•n1 1• 1·01u-'>t· /\n I ntrodui· t1on to ('oll1•nll1lc-. · "' ht·ing 111 ft-red by l h<· I ndt>pe ndt·nl St utJ } 01vis 1011. (Jy, 1·n ll:i ll :io:1, lnd1:.1 n.1 l 'n1v<'r!>1ty. l1loomingt1in . Ind 47405 It will help )uu IC'arn lt> '4hl'{·I an<J 11'· a l in c han<r. furn11 un· .rnd 11thl·r 1 ,,1 lectiblcs • • • 0f"ar Jo vre: I would llkf" inform a lion on orwning a b a k..ry bu,int-si.. -l.S., Toledo, Ohio Cont :u·t th•·· I<• tall Uak<·r.., 111 Aml•rrc<i . ~11111· <![1(J J>r1·..,1dl·nt1:J I Hld g , fi52~. ll1·l1·r1·,t l«1:id llvat lsvllk .. \lei 20iH(! A'>k '>P(·1·1fll' ri·u1•s t1on-; 01wr;1t1nJ.! ,.,,..,,..,_ -.oun·< .. s of l'qu1pm1•nt ;ind · '' lorth Thi•. 11> th11 11 ad1' L11>soc·1Jt1•>11 filr nH1m anrl r1op b~ kNJt•!i OCC Sets Lectures O range C'oast ('nil<•:!•· 111 Costa !\11·!-.<1 w1U pt• s<'l11 ;1 "•'flt•s t>f l 1~·tu1 ,., rf1 ,c·u~ ... 1n~ :11i a~pec·t ,,• hit fl g t·I tit I Ill .d I fig Ill Thurs dav ;111u .Jun•· :!h .I I ii v : ' ;r "" I.! Thi· 11 ·1•! Uri... ~ill ,,. h•·ld .11 1 J( 1 ·., Frn 1· /\rt ll11ild111 1• J<oom l J f, l 111r11 I :111111 !J :10 p. m. .\dm1 ... '-11111 .... $<! ~.o ,,,, 111d1 \ uJual Jtortun· :111<J ~ 1 ~tl for t h4' :-,1•r11 " '1 ll'k•·ts ar1· :1v::ai lahl1! ;it 1 lw I 1t·k1·I nfftt't' 111 lt1• n1il1·j!1•' /\dn11111s tr;.at1 1111 Bl11ld1rw Uoo~t t ·r <:luh N anu~s Chief Ttw Hoo!.IN Club •• r lh•· l 'n1n·r -.1lv J l 11•h ~di<111I 1n I r v1nr It ,.., 1· I t· 1· t t' ti T r a v 1 •, llorwvrutt pr<'s1dPnf" f\ ...... I.,, 111 ~. w I 11 J,, <:1 .. 1t1wn Slaff f1 1 1 \,11·1· pr1·,11l1•nl 1 .. 1 l<1 -.,1J1a . '>•·l'11n d '''' J> I ' I cl I' 11 \ , .J ;! II V1 ,11wk1-, -,1·1•n•ta1 \ .111d I. " \. 11 p n 1 • II • 1 I I 1• I I t rl':t"ll'f•f' umile a11:hile. Whether it's coverage of your city counci I or Congress, Daily Pilot writers and editors look for the all too rare, humorous twist that adds spice to living. Brighten your day with the enter\aining, readable DAILY PILOT 642-4321 - ,, # ~ . ........ ~ ... ~..,, ·-~ ''· .. . .. a CWl..Y PILOT Tueeday, Ju~ 11, 11?! The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast. 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I 11111111", .or 1• 1:"1t1111• 1111• l'>•lllJllllj' 11111! • 1111. " ,, 1 If '<•1 11 11 ;1 ,. t' ;a • .1r111H·r th.it .., n .. 1 ~"'I 1111• llA1f -.1•fl II llUW 'W iiii ,f n .. ,..,,, ""' "" Only the Daily Ptlol really ••Ila you what tt new In your loc•I community . -•ydaJ 1i1mu1t111 DESERTED C>t.' FARMHOUSE JI, ... h ( ;,,,.,, .' ''" :1 1111 ' ' ...... 1111 I ' '"" .,,, II ........ 1 .. 11111• 1<111. lplt """' • Ph """. 11a11l1 1., ,. "'""" tl1 t'k I 0\ d fl·'''" M"'' 11.t.1-. w lit\\ 1111 II ., ""' h.111L111i: t. 1111 I~ ~·~1 >11 .. fl I .111 11111.t\ Bio d 1 :•hi 1t11.' DAVID WHO? l>av1<I Hol1·nrw '" li111ll 1111! ,,.,. l111iy •111.1hl1o•tl I< 1-. :...1h··1•"•PI•· w.111tmH lo 1·;1r11 tup 111t1flt'\ llo·~I c n .1n1•1• ( '11 1111 .11 11111 l .1 I I tnr 1>;" 111 c,11, 'l.!."1., I'"'""""'' 111 I· .1 "" tl'k111 . 1111• Ht•itr I 11:.Cli'-'t It Maki·-. mitt :, .q1I I 11r :-..1 h• ~1.1.)fil t11 I r.1111· I'll t "" tf t1 Ill 01 ,tflj'l (II '•IX ~).'ill\ 1;,,~1 1•,1,. 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I, ,\ ;'>; I l 11 •·:Ar ;rv li7:1 K71KI EAST BLUFF 5BB>ROOM ,~ .. 11111ru1 LllSK In lt•1 .. 1 t•\1•1 Ull\1' l1tl0h' l".111111\ l tltllll .... 1111 llft•pl.t1 ' (111111.il tl111111 ,• I I .11 1•.1r.11'• 11:•· rn.1 -.l•·1 hd1111 ~1111•• W.111< tu f'll,\1 1111•11 .... 1 ... ,1 & N .. w1-10H llo•,.wlt 1'1·11111,., l "lult .111d ~ft11p 1'1111' f~H .1lt-lf 1111 .I ljlfll'I .... ~ l ~1lh 111.111\ l,1q ,. ,,,., "\ "''•• • ., h1•J11 \••' "'M' LISTI 'loc.;....:, 11. 1111 s COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE , INC. VA BUYERS If ""ll rn.1k1· SI 1110 11111 ~"" 11~1\ 1111;tltfv ''' """" v1111r u"W n lw1111·' l.11\\ llo1w11 1 1~1.111-. ltl ~llMI IJl~I ""' 'l' ~how )41\.1 how 111 il•11I' (.'.111 Nuw' Tal6c to Red Carpet WeLiden! 7!>4-1202 •.i . • IRING SHOVELS WHAT A MESS!! nu, 1~ lltt• f1>.1 ·r ''' .111 1 11111· ' I. fl(' .1 I t• tf I II t·~1~l:-.1tf1· t '.•II """ 1111 fur1h•·rtld.11h i;u, 7111 I ! •• I CE DEDBIE BLllltS CD. O VtR ~O YEARS OF SlRVICC NEWPORT ILUFFS tfl11ff, l..1r1'•''l ~111i•l1• !'>t un· l'a11l.1 l'l.111 Tf111·1· l11'tlrc"11)1" l 'lu~ I• .1111rlv ll•.M111i 1'11,111111 I· 1 ·:1111n·~ Thr11 11111 l nd11cl1• S 1111w V1n•pl;11·1· ,. • .,.,, Jo ... 1·no.,., flw1ll'r Will 111'111 Fin:inr1· 0111\ ~1t11; ~oo INCU JJ>I NG I.ANO. r=:r 631-1800 ·~--.--"''';••w .. • 81 I DOVElt DRIVE $<r:RJUµ-LGr..trs · That Intriguing W ord Gome with o Chudle ------""•" ~. CU" • POllAN ------ Q llmJ•IO'Ufrl f,,.lh'I!\ ,,f 1t,,. It ' ., !l)IUblfttl #JI/lo! h I • If "'•• • 1'H't t ' 11111,. wt •I\ I RUYL(~ I I I I' I I I MYH E T I I I r I I H I T S OJ • Every morning I get up, lill'P I I I' I ~ outslClo, ancJ take a broel walk . _ _ ! It's not tnat I'm Into exe1c1se ..---------11'1> fus1 111.,1 lllO paper bov I p y T S I T I atwayr. ...... tne porcn 1--.. ,-.. ,-.. 15..--.. ,~--, --1 0 ,~, ,.,. ••• h"'>'• Qw•"" • • .. .. .. • • I t t t '' ,~ • \"'' ' ""' ••I ________ __. .,c... It o I frql'f ••uµ t, • 't #Ir II •'• l,tjlv'Pl~ll• 11111 ~, IN IHI :,.f !i'JIJ.A ... l ~ IJll' PA'l~ll ,\11';\lf llllfR~ l•t' II ,.NW<llo SC.•M-lETS A1t1wen iR ClctttlflccatiOtl IOIO Boy and Beocr1 Rea lty IA YCREST P rtt·c· n ·duC'lwn on lh1~ <k ltg htful :J twdn1om . form:d dining room horn<·. U1l·n · ,.., :1 "llOMEY," c:om fort:tlill' IL·t·l1ng about th1 ~ horrw . then· :in· J ru1t tn·f·~. y et i.lmpll· room for pool. Thl· m<1llvt.1 ted :-.l·lll'r "a"" ~ell it for S W-1 .~100 }Uu own the land 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH · 759-0811 WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. REAL TORS since 1946 OCEAN VIEW IM JASMINE CREEi< t\11 1·-.;c 1t111g ·~H;1 v !\11s t " rru l'lt•I w1lh lw :w l tltil v11·w ,,f 1w1•;111 & g ri·1·nlwlt ~ l ,.i l"J'.'' h l'rlro11111 ·,. d1•n l:1n 1•· cl1111ng rm & :! 11.1111 " Ht 1g lll 1:anl1·11 k1Ld11·n tw11 p:tlio:-. ll11•hl.\ 1111pr11v1·rl v.11h i·u:-.t11m 1·;1qwl 111 1• ,11.; dr .lfll'l'll'" 1\ r:11 1· \ ww l w t lt10, :111•j1Tc·111w.1·h p11t1I ~· :?lho11 r '••·1·11111 \ g;t11· :)~:>O (JOO WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO .. REALTORS 2.111· Son Joaquin Hills Road HEW PORT C~TER . N.B. 64~-49 I 0 BEACHFROHT HOME OCEAHAIRE ONLY S75,000. DUPLEX llwrw1 1 .. 111, fol .ittulli• 1 I lloll Ill~ , ! lo.1111 1111 Ji,Uftl' ,u1d 11t••·d rpu1 ~ ,,,~, 111 . I l1.dt1 d tn-.n 11 "·"'' 1•11 I l\1lo "' I ' l1.dl1 hoi:t·,• 1t1al• 1-. l,1·,11 la ''"' • \1ftd1t ll1fl '-· •• Jll \t•V. t f 11 •ti •t• f( \ ot I t ' \, I I ,4 f "'.!1 ., •• t'a1.111•· ••Hf "•• Inf IC Hun """-~"'#t' I,\ '.,I." f111 ·1• 1<11 •ti 11 1111 I 1 • ltd11111l 1h1· p.11111 ~.u1v1111 ,., ~\,.\ l•L~!um•mm. associated "·· 9n2-4471 c. :. • J 546-8 11:>3 IROKEAS-AIALTOIS 20H W lefbo<f t'l· HJ OCEANFRONT l.u x uro1111-. :11\1 :•11 1 v. l1 n •pl .,.,. ti. .-;II 1·lo1·., t»I (;111 I \pl ~.1:'.1 l~~I JONL~ 10 1\ I I Y I '-( . ,., .I\...., \lf;'li I I Ill· ' .... • l'l.111 •• :-0.11 11 , ... "••f•·U tlir··• 1 ... o111111r11 I (714) f)I J 1'>:>10 I l.1111,tJ 11•1111 ,,.,,,,. f II\ ./U(H W U.,fhr1' Bl~ct Nt""WDt>rl U.•.t( Pl ~ •• +t•fOtti•d 1J.lt 1~1 Uft11tl '""IHt 1·l~I ~ll ft1 W i i i! l/f I '' .MESA VER DE c \'IM I '-1\ \ 11 \\ .•. "' .iclJ•" "Ill l•fl \ .1 I•· I l•I' v.1lh II 11v.11 1111·111 "• l 'rHal" /'.ll•·d • "1111111111 I\ 1,,11,I ~ 1.1111111 I 1 11111 ti llJrL' 1i. ... t ,,, " ,. '" 1111· POOL I\ b.11 1::1111 .I 111'111111 1 •.• 111. "'fl 1;11111 111 1111··~ '"" ~·11.11.111· pl.t\ \ .tld llttl'" "IJ:ll kl1111: l>C•••I ·' l1.1t1:.1111 .11 ~'" ."111 1 .d I 1~1~ · 1lwr1· " rnllv n111" .111-.1 COLE OF HEW PORT REALTORS 675-5511 ...... :~11:1 - I• A-.. .. Uml' !l' , •• \ \ 11•.111 ,,, $77 [1011 '-i Ill I "I .1 I 11:1\t' -.11ml'lh1r11• v1111 w.inl '"-...ti" 1 ·1.1~-.ll1l·tl ad:. 1h1 11 wl'!I 1"1.l flli71i I'} mnl ~·11 IHHI """" l ~·th 111.' ;• li.1111 ' I " I ,1 M1·\.1 (.di 1111v. llt..1 !tllli ;c11:1 macnab I irvine realty CALIFORNIA HOMES You 11 J~l'I "luxury al a h;irgam pm·1··· 111 this <ll·hghtful 4 BH f:tm1lv hnml' Family rm -<·u~tom1icrJ kttl'IH•n compll't<' Wf lnicrowavc OVl'n -IH·aultful g ardrns + <'l'ntral ;11r c·1ind. Offl'rcd for $91.500 ~ Belle' l'artt·h 1:;2-1411. <Q· 109 > 642-8235 644-6200 901 Oo11c:r Drive Hdrbor View Center lr111ne at Campu, Valley Center 752-1414 Y,J]?l-STAR GA'ZEK,..•. -II\• I •\~ 1•11 I ~N---.----t A•lt\ lllt~ 'ii/. _._ 11 t-f' t(,""' lJo.1, At••• '1 t.~wf• ~ "" II "l• .I -V-~uorJ f'IO fO •*'• ~luu .. ,. " t •l<u ii,,,.,""""'* h;1 V.eJr.~1tlr t• ' lltiei ~ G;~~~ .... ~·~···· ~ ... ,.,...,""'""'....i, ... , ~:~~; SJ1·7: I 1•u•v~ I •tluf /vJ•Ut L••tt1 '"'" \C0•1<t0 r'--· ,,_,. Iii :;~;:-:.,._,r :;:,'..,~ CX.I Hf ~MAF IO 1•1.1•• H U• "Hlrl,,..t • •J64'~l •l •l"-""9• U'••~t ::.~· ';,./1S 16 1 ~t;.: 1 ~:_:.:, b6'~• C.MIHI '"' tlfe u ..... ~ .. , ••• _. ~f .... " ,... ,. JU#lfl It J1.!" nn ~_t1 80tl (AHCll ( ... ; AJ~t I• ~Jf,llf' 7 1111) _u~­uo ~..... ..~. -~, ~··· , .. ~., .... t '... ~~ ..... IQH.,. 111 _ _, fll-..·)~ ''~' .,,, t.lh•#\11 llt1••" t U'*f1•w" •t..,_fll•<t4• f )t~ Ill tt• •• ..... , ... , I t h,.el'r\ •' '" .... ,~ ;,,.~. l'J f'4tl~· M_) 1t/f• /fi '"• H W1t1 ti,,., llh•N 111 1111.,. .... ti •"' '" ""•, .,. .. •1\)ooo. ,, ••• ,... ,v... ~.,....... ..,. 1• • .. A••n •1 ·• 11•• .,,e ,, .. .. ' ., t .. ., ... . /IA; 'H....,.,_, .... ,_ f , ... .. ,f l l•ltl\ •4 ,. , .. .,,..... k-t f It I 1• n. -.· ", •• 1111\1.,, .. lflA '"''"ti •1tr1Mt~t ,, '. ..,~jli"' ''""''" ,,..,,.... ~At•O•"•>l..I" M (;wo1t•1()WW"• ;"'f\tl•l'IV4"i '"''""~,· ....... ""''~ ;Q •w• .->A\t 4!0~..iiH "' ". ,,,_,.. ~) ,.,.,,., t '"""'j SOY • GYC-MfAtfS •.... Sr11n 1· (k<•:1n VH•W C:n·:rl C';ini.on Vu:w and 11 's :ill 0 11 ,\1 11ford Driv<· in prt·~t1 g 1riu :-. (';1 m1·0 Shr1r1·"· :1 IH'tlrooms. ;i "l·l'l111l1 ·<1 p1111I. :wt'l'Ss to :1 Jll'I\ <-ill' l><':wh . ..,k\ l1L'11h :,t a m gl:i~s w 1ndc1 '.\:-. ;1 11.cl ,, .1rn11y 111H·n .1 1 lllll~ph<>rt• "I lt1· Ill\ 1· I rnt·nl 1•, S:l:!fi.000 I I ('I. I ; 111 d I It .1 1 ' I" 11fjl11' I 111· I h .... 1 ..i I tllt'r 111 pl 11p 1 t I·. I J ~lf )I JI I if "ii~ f( I f· I I ( J II ' I I • 11(JIJ( I ! 11 l I •I I (.11.,·1 If 1' .... , ( 111(),.,f 1 .. 1 M II llG CANYON 'inll I Cllll "'' \ ,, ...... Ir •tltl "Jlill'lflll ' ·' nl~ I 11;1 ll':id11 11111.tl h11rr 11 · 1 ~1· l .rrlllh I llllfll fll>fll, J.11'11//1 '' ,11111~1 LIDO ISLE I '11'-l11r11 1radtl11111 ,d .. HI' 111111)• 1111 pr tnJ•• 1111 1111 1111 l·r 11fl111A111. 11•1111 pl.111 :!11d I 111 \ 11111 11 11,1 •. \ 11•\\ S:1:!:1,IM~I. . AVALON I 1,: ""I.. , I ""' I 1·1 •. \'1'1 •ll 1·1111 .Ir111 11 ti. :~ H! II 111r. fl ·" Ir .ti li.1 • 11 • • • ·,1r 111r11l.t111111 I I o1 .11 , , I II IHlll I I • BAYFRO PH ""''\ 1·r :ti I 1111· lt.t \I 111111 1!111111'' \\ 11 fl JI I" I' l\ I q I 4 BR-like New! $79,900 . '"' ,, ,. 1t1 1t hJ· I . I I ,.. \ I· II\ '"" lt.1· I ' 'lh ' I .... 111 II\ Ill.' ' Ill I SI'\' I< I I I 1 I II• 111 • d 1 t I • I'" ,. l<I! .,,.1114 I I• I 111 (.111 .... ,-.~11 11 hi '"' 3 BEDRO OM Sl30.000 \lr,•11111• I\ 1111111.Hlll., fll( )1111\ ""'"'' II 1"" d· II""' ... ' ' II• 1, ,, •• 1111 I . •I·•·· 'Ah1it tV.111 ~ •' "' ''·' j "d'1•l l •'I \ d 1 1 f11t1M ,11I ...,fiuV-tl Ii ·'4'1' "'"' \\ Ir .1111 . , •• , ,, '·"· ,,,, 4°nCOMMISSION ~·II '"ll' 111.111• 1"1 '"'" I • • 11111111 1111 l11d, 111 "'I\ 11 1 .. c .tit II.I\,. .,, ' I l.llo \f:t PEHIHSULA POINT I h.1nn111c ·1 ltt • 1 I\ ~ll'l1> In -..111d .J11,1 lo-i··ll .11111111i •·1·1I lq1 •11111 I-.,,,,. I all ·'""'' 1,.11, 1 I II FOR THE ''KITC HEfl' GOURMET" ,, , Jll d· qt "''" t tt11 tlJ\IUff•U fi+!fll• \Atlfl 1111 ..... ,,, ,,.,.,,,, ••• '"1,p1 I II• •I •11Uf t rH I l.ll1 l1o•11, hw, ,. tf, t.11 111 ti f.,,, 11 ''''"' "' .,. I ., • I I ' , \ I • I tJ 11• .tUt•-t •' 1111} IHI ,11111\ .o11111r11 "' l.1r" 1 11\Jll ,.tftl 1t1d t p ,1111 1 ••111 I fll · 1 111 f 'I hl I ~f JI. • ASSUMA BLE .. Abandofled Home" •~ti II • lt.1111 I I• I 'I I II I I ' I ft •. tS I '" "' ~ I I I ' j I t ' I I· .. I ' j I • '""" v.1 •1 h.11 ,\ '"' I 14tl J'I IUI p01t ~LUI' , ..... , ,, 11ot J.1• ull t· 11 •'I"' \tt • · u t, r I ,., u • t h .. rl 1t •, 'I 11111.1 Ill• 11 ... r .. r ,,. '" , ..... !>1'• •• I I.I I .. ti I [~ -KISS ''111 f,1v.11 '"""'"'* ''·""' ft\i t• \111\ •' flt t o tlu • IACICIAY•IAMT Th.ti1 lovely 5 bdrm, 3 both home was built b} John 1.ytlc It 111 located I bk.l<'k from mlllJon dollar t'lilalrs. The dramatr(' I. II I r a ll I' I' • m a i d ... qWArwrs, b1lh•rd rm & htndscaptnte makes U\1:. l'X<.••:u11vl' home very d1• ~1rnhlc. t:llll ui1 now for iJrl <tlJPotntmcnl to m srwr l tlw1 home . l"u II p~11·1· ~)59 ,000, <.;ull !ll'il'f2li60 «;:SELEC T' PROPERT.IES ':11~~~~~,·~~/\ I 11Jl1 ~' n.·w rt 's b4·1•n 11\l'd m tor JUJ>=i I } r )H:!.ooo :!hr nmdo 111 ••·1·:111. 9Y1.UOO !164·4370 or '. .. .i>I Iii lfl .tj:.'l Bol:loa Peninsula I 007 ............••.•••••••. 4IDRMFIXER Penimulo Pt. IMI .1n 1f\t•r,,111'il 47' lf)I '""'"~ 11.:,11 ..,.111 fJnh l 1111 1111111 tho• l11•,11·h, I 'I.I. \IC H 'I\ 644-7211 !~~~~~~.!?:'.~ L &f'TEAT AIHER'S ' DELIGHT : flllrm. 1•, 11.1 • ..,,,111 I• , .. 1 11'•' h\ rm. 111111 tllflllll' 1.1111 I Ill "" .I ff'lt ,\ ""''"'" p.11wl1111• l"ull\ 1.11 .. 1 ••• 11~·•1 "' riM1m f11r II\ 1\ .k1n1• ~I I,' fOI 'ollh 11111 ,di olli•r•, ·1!11, 11•1:1 VIA VERDE Bu\ ol•I •• ,., Uh l H .1n«•· t • t.u, HIJ' Iha .. , •·11~.t••ln 1A.1Y)l1 IV t•l.1'' tf11pl1•' 1111 t1u1111 ;( flfflt'•• ltll UflH' I ,..;r-oi:.. 1111 :-OmnForP;in '""" '-l•,X tO I logWia V illaqe R. E 497-1761 Corono <kl Mor I 022 ····~·················· DUPLEX HOME l-'1111 .... 1 t'ur111•r hwatt0n: '"" Iv ? h•lrm re:s1dt>nt'r v.1111 lunn.d111111111• r 111 • HU Offt• urut t ··~•Ill• • H I ~· ~ ''llJllV I ht· ht·~t lt11 11:~-,~ S.!:!'.I t•~I OPEH 1-5 W~(T~J.Sat/Sun S200RCHID PAULMARTIH REALEST ATE 644-7383 II 1111 ot 1111• ' "11 h t••"I •\ ' It• •I 11'111.tf• ~ l~.(J(Jlt 1i.., .. ,.,., 1.111 t'rl'• . ll.111.,, \ ww 11111· .. llor • ~ ..... 1111 "'•II•"""'''' l,.•.1111 t 1•tl1111• ft.11tpt•'I "'"" . ' .... 111111 -.111111 .. 1 ,.,.,,,.,. nt•111ltl1111• l.g \ti v. 111 .. nn1· S':' f 1)1}1) :1>11"1 f\,.v ll.1 Y ~ .. 11,·r. h r ti .11•1·111 ,,7:1 :!'/I;, ... 1-11:1:-,1 I ~H·ll S;1l /Sc111 I '1 1..11111•0 1f 1 ~•hl a 111J •lllf, ·111npl1·tl.' n •111otlo·lt'll· · 11 v ttV.11•'1 . .::Ol7't IKJ1l l'rtn "'11·11.,.,.11• 7~1!• rrJtl:, llELlJW ~1 1\llKl-:T' :1 llr 11 "t' th 1 I. (' (I n I y !1-1:1:1.:11111 l 'r111 onl y Iii~• ·l:ll:f 1\J!I. [~IE&H·.W] •.1n•r10 111• '''ll'•'•tl 111.1111 <!'•hJ,brnrm lwnh'. 11t1 .1~,, I\ 11111·1 1111\ 1 •111 1;Jr:iJ!t· :' vr 1ww 1'0111. .~. w .• ,.. ... ' 11111 I fllollll ll'fllllS Slti>.~•HI MO·!ifi7'.,, 111r • ,, r ,, 111111111 ·1 ..... 11·t•tll• .,,., 111 .111·11 llyowiwr Distress Sale WES TC LIFF 111111 .'C, ,1 ,,,ull•·tl ltv r11 I•---------• ,., ·111111: :-..•II• 1 v. 111 hl'i1 f '"' ttt•r Ir a n' I•· 1 1 •••J 11<•1b 1:. .. 1 ~al,. 11-.. 111111111 1111.1111·1· ll11lv '-Xll,Jl)ll ( ,1ll IM1W 't'i'l ,>.fifl I hr '"'l!lo· ~•or" l.111111, h•111w :!.11t)11 .... , 11 11111•,· 1011 ~llt"I IOI with 111111 lr•'\'l> ,'It 1:;.i rch:n loo' f 'all 1~11 •• 1 1 /I ALLSTATE llAl~l';('I( l'~ST HOM 1-: I ', 11,1 :1 twlrm 11, I /wrlt'r ~l .7!'JC'I (.'all /\II 7p11 1 !f7!j.!J:ltiH SEJJ. idle• 1t•·m ' \\1th .1 Dally 1'1lol Clai,.,1f"•tl Ail ft42 56711 REALTORS *ATTH:VETS• AmrHJnl 111 loar lur l Al. V t-:'I S tU~l lll'f t'otM•1l Int 5 ti',, L'a II tor UL· latl'> < 'ovrn1.iton It E °4;/i :1oox ---Cla~i.1(1cd i\cb al": I fw an-.W<•r to a .,twt •.'>~luf 1wrai.:.-or v.1rd ,,,If' lt , ,, h1•111·r """'> 111 11•11 nm 1• J,lt'Ul)I•·' PARICUICE VISTA on lar~est j!reen belt with view or mountain~ f.;nd unit of Bluff~ most popular pl;in Wood pa neled family room. $1~.500. A COlOWl&L ....... CO. 644·9060 7111 SANJOAOUIN ... llSRO. IN NEwt'Oflll ClNTUt ...._ ~ ....... ----------------------------~ ... I SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX \11 1•x•·1·p11on:i I 1•uslom l'lDlt hum•· Wtlh vaultc·•I "'"'" l110,1m •'1•ll1ni.:'. lw.1ut1lul s olid 0~1lo. ,. a h I n l' I s I h ,. u : 0 u l • lm •pluec•.s m ltvm1t rm an<I nlil:.lt·r bdrm. leadt••I· i.:t~·~~ w i ndows ancl l't_'nlffilC Ille Jlll'UZZI Ill n~:.wrbalh l'LUS a rhar mtn~ 2 hrtrm M'p:irato rental w1lh ltrt•plar1• and own P1tl10 dt'C'k $279,000 CALL 644-7211 l'Y>R IN .. 'OHM~TION ~~l[J[L DAILEY & ASSil:JCIATESi Sl'ECT ACULA• .•• ,\ I h\l'<lllfl nf I l.11 lur lt11 '"t nwnt 1"11 .#. WANT ACTION" <1a.~iled Ads 642·567ll -.. --........... -------. . - ••• ...... ,...We ....................... .............................. . c.-.-..... 1022 C..MHe 1024 ............................................. t;.u.tpu tlona l Duplex ~&a ooJy pktu~ ITMIMI. ----wt••c•- Mtw.a Vri·. u11urt1e !.I~. w . owe 111 1nd 2 .,,~ 1 r l'• Ht1 . cit•n t'll' 2",•&00 Lu Clo.& l\IJlt 831 1Zl7 New Plan I. high))' Ull grad.-d . orun vH•w MOQUAUFYIMG 1221.9~. Ope n hou11 1• ~ C(·Nk•t•11t1•d11rn1 ,, S.t./Sun 12 J t•tty 01 ddiaht 4lir. 21111. 11·~11 /. SAW by Owiwr 644 lMIJ JM' Sl1u.c()O ONLY 15°0 DOWN C11t1 Uue 1024-e:.u ftnh to drtTiit~ ....................... 87)~.•ICl IUILDERS IMYESTOftS ~ Hdrm, lur.:e ltw llt.t11l1· R 2 lot $79 0011 1 '.di ~51111) f oc mon· 1.kt.11 b -~HERITAGE REALTORS lnwslor must sell I hom1· 10 Costa Mr:.a 1\11 brokera~t' :!Xi Amh<'rst $1$2.54~1 Call 831·!081 Fur 111lurrr111 lion. RB>UCED!!! 4br, <!ha M<·l>a V1•r1li• llome on l'omt·r lot IC V "t.orai:e Wall Carry l!'>I w lmm. S2.'l.OOO tJn. lh Owner A!.kml{ SI IG.500 962 7620. l..ow do~ n Fii A V f\ I bdrm. 2 b11 fom 1 ro SRS. 000. 6.11-07&l llEl..OW M/\llKET • Ek1?anl upl{radf'll :mr Must !>ell. J>rin only 6T.UJ13 /\gt $97,500.100/o On. Mesa del Mar •t hr 1·or IX'f' lot. noqualJfym J! f\-. !'> u m a b I t· I " .1 n Owner I AJ,:1 751.,.1ff:l6. CEDAR GLEN Olsllllt'l1vc :.! and :1 hlodroona <'OOdomm1urn ... trom$!.l't.~ -~ 1-;ldL>n Ave_, C.M. 642·6734 MODELS NOW FOR SALE "UITTANYWOODS" N l' w t o w n h u 111 t• " 1-:a sts 1df' Cos ta M ,.,., 414~ Santa Ana 1\\1• f'"6-006 I or 955-1 !r&O Great 4br. fam ily home• With assumablt· lo<Jn <'.all 751 1578. VACANT Mesa Verrlc 4 br. 2 ha. low dn. h!e assum lo:in. noquahfyml! Or11.·n lla1lv lll d~o;k Only SI 19.54"1 <Nmrl/\i,1. 751 38~ ASSUMAILE !! 1lu.<. beaut •I llr :! 11.1 home has $S\l,HllO "' ::.umablc lna.n. Im mJt' 1·01"1 S96,50ll So. Calif. Re-atty 546-5605 REST AND RB •XATION It 1s lht· o rdt·r of tht· d av m Uu!> 3 Udrm dch1!hl- l-'cat ures: Self d1·;t111ni.: ovl'n, wax fret· flflur)> formal di n in~ rm, :! J>ijlJoti & milny l!XI r:1!'>. CAUNOW 754-7100 .~ Mulhearn. ~~r"' 2927 Bn stol. CM 20% DOWN Own e r wall c;1 rry bahince on ar-'a Bdrm JlOWle + pool a nd thn•t• 2 l:tdrm unj_ts. 2 years new Call 645-9161 . . OPEN HOUSE RE ALTY / HAUX:RE>T HOME l ~ ba. 3 BR. By Owner $81,750. Call art. 7pm . 97IMl268 Attractive to wn ho ui.('. popular 2 Br 2 Ba lort lndl, many cstm extras. Lo m alnt. fee. Ai:t m.eo&i6 FWW.lyO...... 3Br. 28a, fam rm. frplr . quiet neighborhood, IR bkyd. nr So. Cst rtazil Sll0,000. Pr i n only . ~forappt. 20%DOWM Owner will finance at 9.15%. no points or clos· in1 coats. Su per 3 bedroom. 2 bath & ·.s.cum1 Squeaky clean, blle bnnd new. Askins .... 950. l.C. TAYLOI CO. '41-1111 DESIGNJI HOMES 1-Jt-,:.tnt ~yr n1·v. :1 H1 't •Ila. 1·i.11·u,n. ;1, • v. JJ I' & -.up1•1 l111h1 II I' W1-.,11JIUll Sra\IUI 1026 ••.•••................. MARIHITA S p<'r t:.al'ul ar h iTll 11p hc1nle!'> :..'VI.! :1:!1J11 :.q II l 0l1l!>'' tu M.1n n..1 S..t\ 1 lld & ( •• tilt• 1..1 1'11 111.• v .. r;1 <.11,.r, 10 1 '" C>!:.:. 111111 R:ll :JMO. it!1:1 llJIN; Hl<l1 FalMtain Valley I 0 34 •..•••••.....•.•....... AffORDABLE , ·I lltirm '< 1111 l•!I· "' I '-U In ;i h I 1• !I ;! • !t !1 II \j~~l7 HuntiwM#on leach I 040 ••..........•.......... LEAVING CALIF. S*ByOwner Nr llunlmi..'l•m ll.11 h11t11 I A1v1·ly hom1· h•I' 111 1111 ~r.1tf1.._, 1 Ill( I 11 h I frvlt-. l:wn11" lri• 1.1111 nn.111·1.Zlv r1·1h·• "' ·'""' 111 & out 1:12:! \l,1w C 'in It x.\t, ..:n .i ai2 ·"' r0 ~Poolt+ml' v.1lll ;l t.1t~lrm . :1 11.1 1111 Ir•· 11 !11• 1111( \1 :111\' lllJ i.:rml•~ 111..iu~ , .. 1• ~r··• l'ark 1'1:11·•· h u·l\ol:! 'hil llOl'!-.I·: <-lll'V. dul'tn' 1111 · •. mil· li1t It!• .11 '"' 1•V.U1·r Ul'l'U_JJ,111• ~ 1>111 t.J'\. wn t1 ·11tf ., 1111 •11111' 11• h1·l11 lllJlo.I' 111111I 1 .• , .•. tM\llll'flb l'f•11t1.111 J I low-. t•a ... v I 111 .1111 1111: v. lluw 1nt1·rt·"1 ral1-.1l HY . S!W,om Kil 1;1:;1J 3 & '1 Bdrm hom1•\ 1111 . .. 1lt• H1'.1...,.1t1Jhl~ pnc 1•d CN.1wrs rn;1y 1·a rry l11v. 1nt1·n'!'.t loJ11:. SCOTT REAL TY 536-7533 ll"YiM 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hl-:UJW M1\HK 1:·1 Elt·~'.Ull u11~r.11h'<I .I Br Mu"t ,,.II 1'1111 l•llh CiT:I l.'113 Ai..'1 WOODBRIDGE :1 llr. 2 lialh T11 ... nll1011 ..... /\ C". + 111.111\ "'""' l'tl!'>Llllll 11pl-. ::-111:1 .. 11 111 !!:{, 111111.~ 1;.i.i l:.'111:1 ilt1111o· l\)>"llm•· larg1· ... 1 "'111• 1 .. ... 1 .. r. I llH il•'.1111 v 111 Wuuclhmlr,c· !1:11 1,.11;11 lJOJ\l'l-.l(V l'.1rk 1'1'11·1•, "H " ·i-:arth 11111 •'" Sl:tl.~f() l\~t·11t J.1~ i Ii'• MOVE IN TODAY! Sutll-·r :.lrnrp I >ru 11gd 11•1• l'altu homl• with t·1•111 r.11 ;ur. 2 lw•1Jr1M11n'i. :/ h;1l11.., ;ind 111 11nm;1C•ul;Jt1• 111m· •• in t•ontlltf{)ll 1'1111!:-. ~pas. knr11s urul 1•x1•rt·1•,1 r11C1 111 1\11 1111 , 1111 ~T.>lm11 1111 1; 11111111 h 11r I year ll'aSl' Call \11d:i v -= RANC H ~ REALTY w 551 2000 Prestiaious R a 1· fl u t' (' (' I 11 Ii Ml' Ibo u rnl' M o<.11'1 :1 bdrm.. 2 ba. lJpriracl1·" t.:ak>re. Gn:ut l11('1Jl11111 • Te mf1c• covcretJ pat 111 and pal.Jo cover . 't573 CAMPUsl>t~IRvr~E WOOOlllOGE Nt-w on market: Broad moor Oakwood. :! BR. de n, 2 .ba • cov<·red atrium fc patio. Cul de sac Joe. Extensive up· grade!!. Aaswnable loan $1CXJ950 1TUITLEIOCK POOL Only Olcnneyrc Model by Broadmoor in The G le n , on m ark et 4 Ddn:ns .. family rm., d tn· 1ng rm .. 2 baths. 2 Crpks. O!ntral :ttrium Xlnl de· cor . Ucautlful prl\ ntc pool Ir spa. Outstandintt value al $199.950 DAVID D. CAllLSON llAl.TOI UJ.t29l ~ HotiH\ for S• W.Ht few S. ······•••········•····· ................. ~ .... . How .. tForS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TUllCMy, June t 9. 1979 DAI( y PILOT --------------0:------;.;..;;,;;;..;...~----..;:a:;,.:. a...-le•ll I 041 U.,.. ••II I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oltwf-1 ......... Ml.,,.. le•ll I 06t Ml..,....._.. I 06t a..-..... .... ....................... ....................... ... ................... . ....................... • •••••••••••••••••••••• IF YOU KNEW LAGUNA. W .. to Wood• Con frOM IW• Z IM*°°- clt__..... $147,SOO u .. i .. ) b.droo.. wlttt .... lot ......... . ii 56.tOO Q11ltf ) be•00tn foMlly i.o... Wftt. OCNR •I•••· $214,500 lrHIMoldlMJ l IMdrooM. ] baftt ............ •lew e.o.-. U99,SOO El•9Clllt l bedroom. 21h b-"' "-with tROC)Aific .. t OUCIR •l•w•. $)75,000 Thro brdr ooM, J bath r.sldenu ht ..,._..~, ·1 OCJ1Mita .. un.ooo 497 .. 3331 LAGOMA BEACH 499-455 ' South La9una 493-8812 Dana Point 1044 ......•.•.••..•••••...• Go Ah ead 495-1720 L aquna Nic)HI 644-7020 Newport leocll SWllDU'EI DUPLIX Walk to bc-11r h. 2 h1r.i1· 3 Udrm un i t s w t lh £111l1>l1i1cl' und bw It mi. (j reut w1nt1•r Ii.u rn nwr 1m'Ome pote nl11tl l-0t'l' 1>1lnplc. <:all for uppt !)41 .. 11~1 -~HERITAGE . . REALTORS NEWPORT HGTS 1lu.s tuddf•n hf•auty 1s on dead end st 2 st y :; lit ;1 Ha, ~ml CJ('l'UO Vll'W, lull Sw1•tJ1 1:1 h i-uunu. h1 ~ Jll<'W.ZI, lnts nf l'>.trn~ Must SL'I' t•1 appr1•t•1at1· S0.CXX> Owner wlll hl!lp f wam:t! A PR€HIG€ ~~HOM€ Xn'.I W Coa!'>t llw}, NO 64§..6646 LIDO ISLE l-'.Xt'l!pt1onal 41Jr. ZIJJ 1111 v..1(!1• St tu St liJl, I l'1·1wh d<Air., & 111.'.lrll 1·1 ·11111~:< lhru uu), hardw1;c>1I t Ii-.. formal J>H. II! Su p11t111 u s ed brt l'k tr pl1• Com11lt•t1•I> n •m111lt•lt-1I Ry Uwnl·r S lfiO,UOU 67~ EA'i't ttl.L'J-'FS l.11 I flll lot <lhr :11 .. i,.. n I "II Tl•nn1 -. :-; ... till 1·11111 \\~~'~! !i~~~~~~. ' i;ho~ ... 1'111<. :>11 1.:111u 714 &14 111117 orH4'1 ::!M:! lt•-.1!1•1111 llll'l' I ltfl\11111111• I\ w1t11 .11·1, "·'lo Jkt4.1l .md 11·11111·. ll ttllll' 11 .... l11•h1••lll" 11111111,: I ll•llll 1.11 1 •· 1 nit\ h.111 tl1111lol1· tu •·itl.1• 1• .,, .. ·111011 1ut .. 111·11 .111d 11 \Ill,' 11111111 M.1 '"' '""·11·tl t.1111 • I'·'' 111 \'t r11111 It t 11 '" 1 .11 .. , \lnr•·' ~·1>1 11 111 t '.111 .... 1 >I l'ol TARBEll. 48DRM BEAUTY 9 l/4°/o LOAN I '11.1r1n1111• ... 111i.:I•• • 1111 ' ( ttl\ I 1111\ r Ill " I, " t1pk. 11111 I n 11 ... ,,, ,h.nf1· root e.. "huv..., Iii.••,, 111wh I \o1 .11 1•ct' ,1 I• 11.1rlo. I ,11\1 "' ,., · 11t111" I t1• t \I" IUIJ1 1f I lf•1tf1 11111·11 I \I' '"'" ... I•, .,J ,11 ,I I; 1011 ;:,:J 1,,111 Harwh•• ~ .. 111 .110.11111111 .'lt1 t.11•11 :!lt.1 l1pl1· l"I p.1l111:>. Jll Ull 1.!0U I lJlll'''' t-.111• 1\ '"'"' I r11111 111<1,I 11111111·, 1'11111 ,\ J·l l sn1.;.oo r.10 111'1; LaqytO Beac:h 1048 ....•..............•... *DUPLEX* ! ~···an""''' 111 1, .... \. l1·v1•I 1111, l'a:.} .1CTl'h~ ,,; h1•,1d1 N1't.1b p.u11t. 10111111 r1· putr.-11li•:1I 1111 ho11w & 111111111•'. llurr). 11111\ ::.11:-1.mo ~1h 11111 lt1•.1ll \ l:M Ill.II IC H-.111-.1! HI· \I.I'\' I lill111p 111 ·\ 1·1011••1 . l ult'UU 1t f111f lfH'I "I ·-'"'" ...... w 1·w C ond o' <\ :-. ...... 111111"' Causey & Company EXECUTIVE HOME \ 1-..,11it1ful r. llt'••l hHI d1•11 ,11110111: I h1• t 11•1" .. 1•11· 11 t•1r •·1111·r1;11n 1111: v.ilh pn\':111· 1•.1rd1·11~, , •.• 110 ... ;111d 1!1•1 "' ~ ..... ··11 111i! 1,11·1•.111 .11111 l'lly h1:ht \ 11·~-. ~l.'111 IMMI • 11• ~I !'-11 f '11;J"I I Ii v. .1 \ 111 \.111.1~:1• I· .111 I \C :t "\I.I. \t II 497-2457 Emerald Bay lot 1.1:1 1'4.:~1 • Laqyt0 Ni9uel I 052 ...•..•......••...•.... Laguna Niguel Realty .. GRACIOUS& SPACIOUS LIVING Jo:Xc'1·ptm11:tl '1cw u11 El :-0 11-:111•1 (;ulf ('•1Ur!'>t' 1'1 1·~l1g111U:. •I 11th 111 . :1 li:1th h11nw, f11r111al d111 1ni.:. lamtly rm wl'l li:1r , l'<•lllJllt•ld.V ri·nwdc·l1·d & ri ~h'l'l/f" lt ·ti $:12'1.!JOO 491-9494 495-5220 496-241 J 830-5050 Assumable Loan J-':urw.1v ~:I 1\11:111•1 :lhr. s·:~1.1u1 t u.-.1u111 111 .. i It v 11t,.•n11 I wo ~'"'" ulcl p.1t111 11111111.: ;•tor.I rm 11111 rm , I :1!1~~'1 II \11v. l.•1l. 1\rlult ( '11tnrn 'I 1·11.int l1· ..... 1·d 1111111 <11·1 1.1:11:1 SH1:!.:1:~1. .\11111 011ly ;,:111 !l:.?!11 l~l!I :1057 I ltlk It< h I ,;• 'I hth 11:• Mewport leach I 069 l ,.,, •• , ··' I lff'tt I •••••••••••••••••••••••• r l\o.11• 1 111·v1·l11111·r 11111 lol 1 r llr11~1·r \.\II.I < 0111'1"11 \'I I l'l'I lf·.'.1 h ni .,• 11r 11~1 t:ll.1 11 '1111 flt;, I Ill It • Luxury Liv in9 For Two I'. x1 ·1 •ll1•11 I 1 .. , -.1111111 I 111 th•' 1·lt:1nn1111· :! l11·1h 00111 4'THI 111111 I uv. 1111111111· I 11 h1•autil11I park "·111111• Wlfll fll l'C' \ lf•W 11( ~ull 1•t0r.4' I rttm JJ:tl 111 1>1n 1111-: ruum .11111 •,111111' k1t1•h1•fl \0. 1lh , .... 1,·1·h ~alor•• 5'11!,IJHll I 11111 t "'·"' l'.1114!1:1 11~;.1 TARBEll. Wt•ll c•a r1•d lnr hom1 -. i.:unk:u Im m;11• :! tor . I !ta. ck·~trahlc an•a. ·lhlk~ from lw h. By llwn1·1 $13!),5011 P r1111· 1111l y 494 Z1H6i99$. r . l-'!a.'c opt111n or salP N1·w c.U1tcm11orury :cotlft ~II fl view homr s:w:i.aoo <;;it I l'aul 4:17 i\Mil t.1ass1rtc<I /\els. your one st.op shopQmi.: l'l'ntl'r FANTASTIC FINANCING ! 11i.1rrn IJm rm l l.1 rh11r V11·v. II \;1·w c 111 '1• lli·aul 111111·1 •.tr .. 1·1. or patio, ~l'hJ, liCJlll ~17fj,IHXI, 1;11 .. 1140 Hll4r ... 111Jr. <!',~lt.1 fJn1 rm. 1111k, pV1 g;ircl1·n pat 10. :.rn I V1M;1 dl'I 'lro. N II IM 17:i7 ~l i!l .. )l~I :1 Hr :! H.1 llhrl (,. 111111111, l Id, 111101, nr "ho11111111• 11'11111). -.1'111101... Sl;!: .. tHHI lirm l'nn nnly 1.1~. O!il:1 TERMS MEWPOIT Ca4TER 640-5357 LarfMa •och I 048 ...,.... 1.och I 048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE EMO OF THI' SEAICH For e ver ~onarch Hay Te rrace ocean view. wittY open reeling noor pla n. lmmaC'ulale 2 bedroom plus den and sunken wet bar on large lot. $325.000 AC~IAMIBCO. 496-7222 831-0836 ,,.,... ....... .., ... ............. UDO WATERFRONT 0111.-.ta111t111~: \ 1t•v. pt\ I llr1f'li II\ 11v.111•r I 1111 :1 ha $1,:ltl0.011(1, 11n11npal . IHll~ 1j1r, :!.'1i I By Owner SI 29,500 '.I lir .!. ha l.1• l,Hll 1111 I ;ri-.ct 1111 .1111111 I( 111·1 111 .\IU!>I "'" ,\•.-.111111• lo.111 I 1n1111nl.> 1 i.l.1 W.<I IS} c111.c1t·f lt1·.i111t111 I :• -.tt1rv I vr 11ld l ·oncl•o N1•"' 1'11r1 1'1•11 ,w• ,• 1111 :u ~ k t, jlltl<.li I ,If 111·1 lllj' h:11d w 1111 d 1111111 . v..1ll<'lt\1•t11l1"• ~· 111111 l>tl 771'/. 17!1 IJIX.1 OCEAN VIEW St 11n111111• 111111h I 111• I 1 d \h'"' 11111111111 I'''. 111\1 ;tl l'!I :1 h<l1111 ,,, "I• I h11111<· C.1111>1.1 7:!.!I Ontu~ Tif Jl• ·21 . Wtttcliff Realty CUSTOM BIG CANYON ~Kl S4t Ft I .) fltl1 Ill . r.• ~ bJth ... :1 , .11 , .. , , Lo«atl·cl 1111 1·1d ii•• • :11 · WJ01 \ lt'W!> of j!flll I 11111'"1' & mt""· F or p1 1\.1t 1• ~hllWlllJ.! Ill !111" I 1>,I 1111' t•ont;wt llan 1\1111'" ROGEftS REAL TY 675-2311 Nl•v. :!. h1lrm Z 11.1 t 11111111 Nwprt T1·rr.111· I I• i.:r:11l1·" -.in.di 1 '''"' 99!.5'-.i ('iill 1.111 :!•:::1 Newport Penin~ula I nd1•r 1 -.11 ... 11 111'1 l'•ll w;1lk l•t 1111' '"''"'"' ltllo. :1 Hr :1 Ito, v.1·1 11.11 1t\ • t IH("I "'I II I .di llk1 m .. :11:111 NEWPORT HEIGHTS $115,000 418 El MODENA c;...111,;:1 ~ .1fl .1 .111 :-.1•.,.Jt11rl !-.h1111·-. 1111111• s I :! Ooutl "' fl T .• I I' ~Imo 1;ttr>Si7:.! LIDO ISLE SpaC'u111!'> 11 •• -.I\ 1111 1,, It kit. hll)!I' 111'11 '11111' llp :! hdrms d11v.11 Iii.kl .1 rm lur11~il 111111111• .11 '"' tinrk po.11111 ~l,!'.t .~Ml The Lawson Realty o75·45ul Company IEST ORIGINAL ILUFFSAREA S1•n!'>at111nal l'la 11 E . 111 ~ h I y 1· u !->t u rn 11 1• ti . hf)af'1ou.« :! h1lrm :.ui It·" + m;1.;s1vl· fo mily rm & ;i cl d t• cl h u h h v r m Ov1•rlu11k-. 1·n1;rm111 h t.:rl'enbC'll llu111•:.l I) pnt't.~ al SIR!J,500 i!i~t!ltlll tl!I ,\: Q:p., i.!\t•alt11n1 R111q b40 · 5560 Anytime Eastblull Prol Bldq UDO ISLE 4Br. JRa. 2 1-'q 1lt·'· ., story, st to st $4!'1(),000 Pnn only 673 ~ IAYCREST $149,700 Dt.n 5 br plu11 fmly r m Burrola h~ll fmly humc locate d 1n prcblll(cous Baycri!:'lt u rea P ricl•tl ror rw.t sale s.>llt•r.s "' aKc nt arl! mottvutcd &16-7711 1be f1tslesl draw In Lht' West . a Daily P ilot CIB.'!lrif1ed Ad 642•5678. t'am 'TWnh11e. Pels o k f'r1mc NH ar l'a 2br. 1"4bot, frplc, W Id, 2 l'IU J(:tr, patio. pool: Jal'. SUW\ll. Only 60un c mplx. Ot'eM vu Lowest pnt·l! 111 urt'a SJ ~.ooo. Pnnc only ITT~/645·Z3m ............ ,_We . 1100 aicr. Lah for We JJOO 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• 10 UNJT UYI'. Anaheim ------•I UtlJS-UNITS! M¥1u· olCer, Morn s & A:1 • Sl4,950 • ~ ~13-'37_4_·4984 MUST SEU .. ~ ! 1 2 year new SKY LlN E o n l' Bargain Time! bedroom. Al'f'HOX 45,000' Harbor Blvd. 200' frontage, an Lu fleibrlil. t·1111979-509'j SACRIFICE ! "'-611·3474 :t Rdrm homl· w 12UX40 ~ <~1y $1~.000 £oiui &. flRICED RIGMT llG CAMYOM I.ow par k rl.'n t. 1976 ('ONI>OS 13.l\Jll U>ll1r dblw1de.n('WC'Pls. bi3>4JlJ/\"l c•orncr lot, '>ha r p' .. ti\ Ul81B) ...... HOftiR Ston MESA DUPU:X $114,000. 2 BR 'i., I pit''>, nelllly 8 p1i1mlcd, ~ilrllJ!\':.. t1 undry l'OC>m:- SAN <.1.. t:M t-:Nn: Hl'l.X $116.WO lX'ean v ... w .1trn .+2 1rn pndl' o( owner, hip HUlLDt:n ·s P/\CKAG t: ~vcd plans b.Y..cilY & C'<lli.'ilal r4'ady lo 1(0. View & wul.k to l.,<il(W'la lk'at·h SIHS ,000. Call Paul 497-4844. 1076 848·8895 Mf}\i\ i''OlJHl'Lt-:X 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------Sl5.5.000' 11 L:nth prull· PRICEDIOPPED SIOO olowrwr~l11 11' r>i1·w 11ou11t..._11111111_,,...,_.__-.._...._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCHANGE OwnN m vv 1ng . ·11; n t·w r11uf l'r •.r •SKYUME ·OR SALE 'l\uitwood dbl w1tJ1-, 2 full land.<lc•a!)l'<I N1•w ''""l'' tlavc to i.cll l bednti, 2y1 Nl.'w d uplt·x . wa lk to bat hs. f amil y pk & rl'frii:" 1111 111111"' n1·w S k y l i n e . O n l y bt·<H'h. $18!1,500. N1•w (=)U--Stor· s,,pnnkll'r 'Y'lt'lll , 11111 ' SM.~ Call 1rans (crrublc 11'11 ': ,...._ "' urf)' liJl3474 loon tEvcs t•a ll 75!1-IH77) ___ 848_ ~ non·s -~,JUClL 1.--------1L ~ .... ~"'--¥ H--ffftl~-~~~.u· REALTY 759-0111 •E-XCITING• ~5: .. ~7~· ••• ., ......... I "'~g~~~~:.'~N SanJuan Capistrano Mewporl ~och-Lido ' . Moi11ldKJnlt' m t'1w St ;11 I® - I V'"""'°'"'""' lwu """" II •• a u t c f u I I !t 7 Ii I' ,11 k Sh a ~ l' r fl I I r;11Ml•nw('st 2Hr. 211:.i throug hout, l11rlry ;1r'"' ......•............•... 1078 BY OWNl-:H l'11 po \111111· .. :mr. 21\u lront·un1t. :! c·:ir J!<tr:i,i: ... d:.1• 1111·0111 rnu111 ty µuol, :-.thb & !>h11p)>llll! home w1thm w11lktr1K d"' ~ 1wa~h m:11·h111•·. I aru t ,11w1· of l.1<l11 !'> f11w ... 1 N1•w lJlx l>ph; :1u11 Brnall rm. 1w~nn & din rm i.hc>1111111i.: ;rre<i Sm;1ll 1w1 ~ t . I: :• 1 111· 11 . .I .1 1 11 / 1 & 111111 t wt'11·ornc. II' pa1w .... (pie·, n ... 111•r w dullhou: 11111> ~11'1" S'l;j,5011 lilil IX? I . . ,..-Sc.tta Ano I 080 ...••.......•..•....... True Pride Of Ownership <'harming hunw h11'.1l1·ri m1 '-!Wni prof1· .... 11111.ilh liltld~rap••i1 l•il l"rt· ... hl) pal!lil'd. :1 l11:dm11111" chn 1111: room. tan11h flln111 v.11 h (1r1•Jtl.11•1• -l'lu .. h n1·y. 1,,,11t·~111• ( ·11~ 1•r1·1I flJ\l(J ~1~c.~~)I) 111'\\l'I hlUT\' l'.111 ~.IU I 1:!11 TAABEU.. ....... ~11 ·1 •. 1 Irr I , 11.1 "' Ir 1 \Ill Ill ;:ii 111'11,!hlktl 111111.J llr11 k lllH/ l'l.11111•1 • l'lld d ll••tl•1 ~ I 111111 In Ill 11111 ;:ar v. ,1•ld1l 11111.tl li.1 $.11 11:,11 .1.l I ·, .1.l:I l'\1"> V.klld• j1', •lfllll 1111 I' l'n11 ""!" · ~ .. ,. ? • $78,5010 VA, FHA Financing \111 I •" I ho II''" h .. ... 1.11~11.1111h,,\11 h•lll ll v. 11 h .I 111 111 "''111 leoch Area Youn~ A1lult l'c·I 1'.1rk lli ·:.aut1ful ~PJ<'1ou-. <lo\ '(fi.'1 S1i.:n.itur1· ll orn•· v. ., lari.:1• ht'tJroom-. plu~ 211.1 larg1· li\'m)! rl1111n)! 1 rn ~ .... l'l smk & JJm rm v. 1•111·lu-.c•d 1111 1 l'h . ;! !'>lor.11!1' :.h1·ils & ;.oft v.:1tl'r \'l'r v 1l1•l11\.1' tl'Kllf.lbl . LCICJU"a Hilli. Special Buy 11.:auu ful :, S1.11 ,\dull l'k ~ht.Cl Scaa1 .... 1. ..: 11: llr l ll.1 l;nn rm v. 1th . .ti tl11·l\trJ:. Onlr S!~.:AJll CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MOBILE HOME SALES .'7111, ll:irbur. St•' :!(JI, ,\ 540.5917 3BR IN FAMILY PM l'lilt H.trrtOJ!l•111. .•1\,1 ~ltr111111tlo-r, t·\ ll7i x 11 Mobile Home S tore 848-8895 llr•vl.111· h•• 1 11<1d1u11'. f 1 ,,u ,1 111\1111:f..••l'f1··""""l CUTE, CLEAN , 111' W <I < .• II"' ..c.lJ I J J 11\J huiil 1th L.d1111 1 •• 11 , ' COZY 11111 111• 1 I' .ti 1t 1 \\ 1111 I 1.1~1 , .. ,11 ... 111 1.:•11 TAARElL ........ PR08ATE~l LOT Sunw+Beach 1088 •.••••.....•....•...... L o \\ ,p ,t ( t.' , ''JI ' t t \\ •• 1111111-.t ,.,. .J ~.i ti I I '.trk. 1111.. :-Ol.1r "II\ 11 p,1110 II• V. I pl \ It llt' \lclhl'llll••t ( h \J>I. H •" Mobile Home Store 956.4500 ADULT PARK PETS WElCOME 1.., .... mamt Ind,,·,,~:. 11•" 111 r lhh!'>t'. tlltl w111 .. llr1>'1kv.u1.cl lll:-.X1:!1o ii I Mobile Home Sto~ MX X>i!t:1 /!\J.';' \1oh1lt• 1111111" \ I I 111111 tn•,101• <'\. l1lol SfjllJ Off1·1 1.11; ~.IA PRICE SLASHED RENT FOR SUMMER? An>.111u.-. 11v.n1·1 rn1i:.1 "'II 'I.I-:\ EH -.; .. 1 v.lt1•11 \1 111 11•1"' :!'l ;o..:i:! 111111·1 ,.,, 1'.111 n .... n 1h1'. hr .11111111 1:n11 w x,..:w 1·111•11 ... , .t :m r :!ll.1 t rn11h• • '"" 11 1••fl h :, !'.t.1r \11.1h1·1111 1•1';!11 !'l'.tl>lf1''"""llt,1'1 l'1•I l':irk l(,.rl1111d I l1.11t'1111.1 l1ph 11111 i·,11 S11, (K-1 ~.1k1 · ull1·1 I•• 11l1111tl\llllllflll 11\\1 "·"'d (~;..r.771 846-5502 Mobile Home Sto rl' · A~L 95t..45oo ~J~ /1: .. 1d1·n W1•~L :'l\r.01 ~-~ l1tlrlll I h,t I.till ffll Tl6tin 109( ···················:··· SALE OR LEASE ( 'll';Jll :1 111 :.? 11.1 h111l11 Ill 1·111111111 ·11 1.tl lul ... ~11111 parkul)' 11111 ;'1:1'"'1'""1 lll\tl s:.111 11111 1 •..• ,, •• "' s1::;..cu i....i11 o" 111•1 111u "'t••J.d,t\'> !I ,1, .•l·I !Ni l I Westminster 109~ ..•.........•••••••.••. $75,000 .I llrlrm . l 1 1 h.1th I• m •pl.wc• Ill' 11~1 1111 I .ill llrU<·•· 111 .. 1·1· 7;,•1 ~('-;!:• ti )'' I \I' • .:.:!1m :, OCEANSPRA Y R.E. 759-9222 Othet' RHI Estate . ..............•....... (°ll'olt>m r1·d v.1M .;I <h •lo. .1 • l'.1rk. S.111 .111.111 I .q \!., XJ;.!i' Acttaqefor Sale 1200 .....•..............•.. l.1• tll\!'"lor v..11111·tl 1.1 p;1rt1npat•· 111 """ 1111111 1ng •r11lo1'1 r1 ,.t l.1 nrl {(. IC I l.11111 1 1111111111 1~1 .11111111111 111 1i1owc·t ~ 1h111111•h 11111 IC l\l'r'.'>1111· C 'o l'r1111 1p.1L 11111 v \1 r !'>I•• 11hl'1t'. 711 1::11.ii>et th ' r.:t.J 1•111 . ti:(l •ll!fl t'\'I'' 11 .l ACRES 111 :-111 S.m 1>11•1!0 ( '11unl \' lJt'.J I lt•r :.m.tll h11r-..· ra11rh or lol :.pht Z11n1·ll i\ :! Sl!ill.llOll II .I H l..md Co , 1111· :111 V1~1a W a y . 0 t' ,. a 11 ' 1 ll , .. '7 M )757 5420 Mobile Hamts CarmtPrcial For 5* I I 00 Property 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT Nt•w horn1'". fl\'( 1 11111 munity. :S he;wlw~. 21 hr M't'Unly. :.ub lt·ttmi.: CIK 1-'rom ~:t:.!.!llHI 17 14 1 '1!'-1 :11 llj llOW I.IOI':." 'I lllS <:Hl\11 YOU" Lovl'ly llhl w1tJ1• ~Hr ~den. !'.pat· w11od1 •11 1k•1·k!> and llw m11).l 1h· :.ind wh11ew11t1·r \ "'" $75,000 A~f'Ot J o .in 4!11 1964 -------- B.MOIROIAY EnJOY 1wr i:l'ous m•c;in sun'!CI.." from bcaut1rully upgraded :.? Rdrm :.? hath mobile hom l' 1n prl' slJl(IOUS El Morro Hay Many extras mrlude 1·ov t•red redwood cl1·1·k. dbl ('arport and sl Of'lll!l' shed. ~.(MX} don osen r ••• , ! 111 r ... 401 <iU:NNt:vnt: 497 48411' l' M Co1111111•rnal bid)!. !.torl' or 11ff1t·c· J2ti() -.<1 ft lkur prk'~ $96.00IJ Iii I w l:llh St nr l'l,1t·t·n11.1 Allan Wtllram!'>. Hk r . 770.IZIO Candominiunn/Town· houift for scH 1700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kona. llaw:11 1 ('11n1l11 '\alt"> & v11<·a t111n n•nlal' llarl Hc·:tlU'. 75 SCili.1 Kuakini HW'Y. Kallu.1 Ko n a . ltt . !167 111 UOU322· 3668 Deconlfor MocS.I $69,IOb :! bedroom . 11 2 bu .. Adult r ummun1ty Orl'an .1 !:>outh . Occan s t dt'. F urni s h e d or un · furnis hed. Phone for a1J tJn1ntme nr In s ec : C7l 411 "'33-4422. "J,1. 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCUN DUPLEXES New 3 bedroom hom l'ic t-apt. Stonis Con~• r. fi46..1414 or 492·1300 !n!I .mJ ltWU ~ 1 .. ~l'!'> & W1·ck11ll bceffent Term~ ~ !A)111) Onlv I~/, cl11\.\11 11v.1wr Maulltain,Dewrl. ""ill 1 .1rn ii• 11r1 1 ii Re-MWi 2400 p)tMI .!oft 11> •Ut th1 ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1war rwv. I 1111•\ 111 ~1 I lunt111~'t1111 11o Jd1 l'ark l1l;11 c· Im 11-1:1 7 lfit lnconr Property 2000 ~~·lul11•1I & 11t·.1c·,.ful lol 111 An-11wh1·a1I t ·.111 w:tlk 111 i.:• 111 C'CIU,...l' L.Jk1· I r11111 n1•hL' l'r111 cinlv I ';,II M1k1·t;.\.t ~,:r,11; • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C>ul of Stat• INVESTORS SPECIAL 1-:a:.t-.11J.• Tr~ 1•1• , '""' r l\vw1111rt ll1·1j.(hl'. 1\11 l.11 R•· .! l~rni 111111' 111 l\iflt n•mJ ""ar ,111111111111: :u111 c·11 \ p;1rk I .oan ,.., a' 'u m .1 h 11' . \ 'i. • 11 ,• SI 17.:AJIJ I '.ill ~•IU 11.,1 ~HERITAGE REALTORS 16 UNITS Property 2600 ..•..•.•..•.••••.••.... l'Ol.111<.\llO -.1·•·n11 '"""11·11 11111111·11v ,, 'It.I.ti! •• (', I' I' I 7 I I .l[tf'fll,ffl 2700 ....................... ~ .. Mm11· s;:• ~Jn ::yr o ld l'IL'oll/111 rlt ''>ll'l\i•d ~ 11. 1i1r:111'fl h111111• 1111 :~·:·;II' 111 ,\ppll• \ .dll'y ';, 1111• "' 1·nu1111 \ ,, 11'-.1 $ll~l,.1Ul 1 \1-1 l 'hn~l llH' I :}11 '! l'i.1 1-.i'I Mi 111·111111 • .t I l IHC. Rea Edate ,tf\o\,1\' 11111 "''"'"' I" It b chc.tqe 280 0 tf.lltlt f IV\flt J fl I q Jf d ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.111•1·r pt ti(~ 11' "I l••t 111111 1111 IC· ,, 111 I I ,1•1 7 UNITS-C M flo ,1111 r • '\,. 1 1d 11 t··t•s1l...it'• ... .a,, 0 1 .•••n 1'-tl. In\ tnl . 1.;. 11.11 FOUR Ut-41'fS C.M.' '\f. .. ,, 11•'1..\ H1 11~· II I tJrlll ''·. If Id I ., 1 tlf •' f frq UfJI ·1-.,1 I 11. 111 I ltl ' It•• I l>lth't In pl .. 1·1.,.1,1 h I -11 I " 11!1 ·I 11111 1111 ,, \l(I IJ\11'11 ·1111\. .' • .. I lot· I \' • I \I I II\. tllr h""" I ti• 11• I 1\J~11 J.!1lr 11·111 11 I .11• I .1 l l ~' t I • 141; f ' REHTS C OYER MQRTGAGE 15°o OOWN 11'11•\ ·' Ullll ..... 11• I \\ I 11 I •• I I \ " .. I • I \l.111.1 ' I' Ill I ' I •• \ .1 I I. \1"'111. L 11\ p llo t II 1 • • ., 1.Kkttl "'" .~ • 4 l'11111 q1.1I "'"' II\ ,,.,.n,:1 I l.11 I'• 111 l'nd• .,, 11"1111 ft•p 1 pi••\ s:c..u• .,.h•1uup I• I . ""' 'I 11 '"' (MU• I "' ltfl Ill•'' '"I tlllllC 11 I v, fl• 1Jlt11lflllttl' ...,ill IM~f tit"'" \\.tit .1 'ftflUllHtl 1h I, .. ft tfl . lHll(lt1 ll111'\\.1\ \pt I' I> I l " 111'•; •n t•· ..:'7'1 .I U/111 · Ii\• I ,\ t l lt.1 I " I h ,. ., . I •• " t I t >1 , ••• rt 1 e! I .... ~ l I " \\11111 .1111 \1'l I •I I, ,J llll~H. ~ I.,, ·11 \1 1 .. llr .11111111 "' II• nl . 11 1·111 11•111 11~1! k1•I ' hr 11 .. 111,. I lnpl«~ lfl 1 t'.11' l..11'1!1' ltn1h l'rin ""'" '.•7·1 :1.r.1. 111 -;~ii '.•UC •• 1· lo. 1C1r'l 1•n lmc..,1m1•nt t.1ml l.11 1111 r at1•.... ••I "'' 111' f ,111 l.L'llll' 1ppl• I 1.1111111' :0.11 mn1-1 h1 .111.11 1.... F111111 :i.1-: .-.011 up 1 .. • 1i.u cu111 t'.d l 1-:d I' 1-.11. Hi ii !'>\H !lfiiJ 33 UMITS Xlnt ronol . 111 1-uot! .111•.1 111 Sant .1 /\11,1 Sh11w , :.1wn1l alill' St .1:111 1100 Hon."''" H .. alty KICI t·i:'ilMI :1 l11lrm & :: hJrrn n ·nt .1h Zonc•ll ('11n1111t·r1•1~11 'llunt l\<·h Xl11t l1•rin ... $1111.001 i\l(t'lll !ilb· M~I or 5:lb lj(JIJ lly OV.Til'r. S.111 ( 'lt•1111•nl•• dttllll'X , do:-1• I to 1· \ 1•1 y1h1n)! $11·1.lllJO :\lnl tt•rm:. 4~ 1~:10 MUST SELL! 111~ bl'uc·h 7 l '111t h111 ld lllJ!, a.~k 1111! $.:r.l!l,IMMl sconREALTY 536-7533 VIEW LOT /\llcntton bui ldt'n;' H ·:.! lot. 0. x 3f10 m pnmt· Qisla M<"Su area Tnplr->. presl'ntl)' on J nl C:u 11 S46 5880 for more• tn ronmtaon. r~·· HERITAGE . REALTORS Oceanfront /\pt. tlotd. Stores. Npt lil':t<'h ~t carry. S79S.000 Ph'67S-~ Wn Ad Resul b 642 56711 UDO "'.oril I''(< 11.lllt'• I '"" I I "" ,., ' 1•11 ' ltt , ... , ,. p• 'fll •" I .• 'I Ii I .. ,,' "' ",,,J,, I 11111 1'jtltl .1111• ... 'I I . I 11 It I Ill ..-o~ 1'11111 qo,11• Real Es t ote Wanted 2900 ............•••••.•••.. 1 .. tnr, h11tnt• t t•HH •w.11.-t I ' 1111 (I " II I Ill 1~A1 d11"' 11 1•111 .I ~I I Rentals .........•••...•..••... ~Furnished •.•••.•.....•..••.•.... Newport Beach 3 169 ···•··•·••···•••••·•·•· 111• . 'I l.1 1:.•1 \ 1.1 J '" '-•lfd :S' '""'' fllll f , •• ,.,,, \ti; :';~1IMI .'l I ."ill l.1 I, "' • 1111 !i:ll lr•:!C• •\.I"\~ l'flll'I llC:ll 1-..,• :!111 , :•11.1 .' lq>h Ju ,I ( I llh' ltMtlhl11 ll"h \tfllfl '" l'1·h 1 . .111 IC1·1ll.111d !'.I ~-~' .:1.1111.1 ;-.1 1 ~Unfurnished ...•...•....••••...•... 3202 . ..........••.••.•••••. BUDGET REHTS l'.1'111111111 \ .... .• \, t ••••• 111111 • 11 1 \pi-. I 'le! .. I· I 111 ,~a tl•t l-1•f · l"'I ti1,11,1 ..,.::· .• lt.11 Ii 11ttl 1111 Ill'" .; t. 11 t i'.11 p.11 I 11111 ,• , tu ~t.f· .• \ 11 tt S'"t 1 1IH • ,11. ,tppln lu h '\~" Ill f..111• fl•'I' p.d 111 '~ •.• 111 i..111, 1111111 :->1'1 • lltr ~ 11h l'"I 1'.11 '<JAl,illl """' p••I . ht•U'• 557.0825 111•1111'1111111•1 .. :-.1.11t· v .. 111. \,w.t11l ~•111 ~h.1 •·t.,:oii, I•• I"''' ..:Cttl 11111 ,\,.!. 1111 l\1°lt h !llo:' l·l/ I Corona del Mar 3222 ...•................... 1 ·:11111•11 ll1 c hl.1 nd 111, 111rnrl•·tl\' r1·n11icl1•l1•d '9<1 ·' .1!1 11!111.o :-./1on• l 'lrll t ll'n c 'nv11 '11 1111 . :llJ.1, 1a111 r111 1\1·" ,., pl 'I r h" ~10:111 m~, :111iX. c;;:c 1;!1 It :.: llr :! Ha w hit ins. 111 hc•:id1, \ rl\• bt• S:>!'ill rn11 ,\dutL .... i111 i1..i:. m: .. ~1111;x SPYGLASS \H ;W (M.'i':/\N·r lly hll'!> thr, :Iha. 1kn, f>H Sl7UO t'J II t~10·2'1:11i 1>1-:u IX .. : 2 Br ,:! I lit. v,.,., 1 h .1 r m 1 11 I! w I ,, I I ,1 111••11 1111• .... l'11r111·1 111 c·h1ll & :o1 h . 'i\~7 .1 1"1 .ink 1;.rn 7+iH . w11r" X:l.'1 .1.'.:l.'1 toMHa 3224 ............•.......... HOM lo:..'\ FOH H ENT :i or I br Pnl'l'<I fr11n 1 SM.5to~ fo'ncd yarr1 & ~a r a.:l·~ l-'11 mal 11·~ plt•usf". Kid s & pt·h Wl•lt•onw. Call 964 256tl or 973 2971 /\i,1.. no fl'ic'. N1..•wport llciithls 2 b1 . lo(UrJ)!C. NO P t.'TS. $150. 673 ZZJI) -------EASTSIDI 3 Rr. 2 ha, l1w ya rd. 2 l'ltr l(aralo(c . $485. mo. ~:· Luxury 2 br . l ' 2 ba condo. dbl 1tar. f 1p. pool. Isl & l1&St. M7S mo. 642·5290. 4hr, 2ha, q1.1et cul-de ·suc. Mfll.ictcl Mar . $576/mo . 754-0!l86 - ----.... -..-.-:A--•·-•.. _.. ..... . . ~ . . --........ -...,,. ... ·' ... ' ~YPtLOT Tuetday, June 191 '11>19 "t 1111Uu .. '•1d H .. 1" U.fw .... d •t••••••eeaeae•••••••• ••••••••••••••••A••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C...._ 1224 .,.. U44 Mtw,.... ...... lHt .,, , .................................................. , ..•.......... Ubr, lbli hwSd. ~ & a.1~ Avall 1mmed &t6 7174 2 Br + den. I Ba, I': ,_1d1· l.11•••ion. ltc ynl w /Ir ult ''"'•· nt1wly pitrn\NI l'ft('I aar. trpk ch1ktr .. n lprtl 0 K ._, Aft :WM Mi ... \),11"'9cf' Parll !t br l bo \ t' lllfl 11pnr mttn' •I r .a ' S ~Oll mu 11 14~.tl:i!I tMrm hou,t• I ·"" $ 3 ~ (I I Ill 11 I 1 11 V " :/I 3 I MHl M 7 !I I , ~· H • i 14"'4::. lltl I 2br. Iba No l 'Ph ~111 i hllcl 01\ ~ ltll(.' '\ Ml•H 'I Pl ... !l ~ Jttr, wall lu •Mil q >h ">Ill lkMUl1fu.I 2 bd1 m hwnt• WAJ.J( 'I'() Tll to: Ul•,A('tl near t1('h11o ll' puoli. :i ~nnur-2 ~lrm 1 1l1·n 1111 r II 1 " h o Jl r1 1 n 1: 11111 le• mo No 11t•I" S.11'1 $ 411 r, I tn 0 I t' II .. ,. 11111 1111·11111 l'll''' jlil'U/11 W1a11hflr /dry1•r ic111 "~"° VfUU• t\ l'tthlr 'I V H1•fJ1 •~•JI 1111!1lfJ:J14 I 1 t q d t :1'J VJ <l I Ill UNTALS l 61l, l ba -·~ $.)1"41 2 RR, 21>11 ·1 lllt 2 ~){! 3 HR. 2'' !hi .aHH :l1.,h4' • ' Jiit 211;1 J.'t)() 1117!'1 N II S:ll'• $.a7 •• 1111 -..WI I ltHlll'fllt• 7!*QMt s-a.-• 1276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 2 alAJf"Y on••n 111"" h~mo 7711 "2Z.! ....... C ... treo l211 ...•...... , •••••....... I tlwnhorrlt' •111 1 1lt-11 M11r11wrr. V11fw.i•· "'" t"m ., fir I flu 1 unclu ~WO 111u I~ !.. .!uJ d. SllJO ••I 111 \\lttl luh I 11411 111;(1 hM'I vd l:JbU m u 171 11 'f 513 CAMPll5 l)a · f R'l.,.E at~~ $...!:1 1111 .!lJ.. I' I 0 1 l ti Yi'Jh'l jlHlll I i.11. 1110 3UH 2tw.. fun 1111 llH dl-~wr ti••r. diw Iv .,, h Ol I J)LoUt "'*' ~ .::HI llDS/PfTS Oil I•. S.c61.•tnvl1•J1 $4U.'l 11u1 • MZ 2:'.IU111 1...i~; "11411 (JWt'l t:ai.h11h• 1.1 I( l11ln n 2 llJ f 11 ''"'"' ,. •IL'h""l"h"r, 11•111 ,.,, y1111I ! c'JI l(.t f ltl(t' ll11rho1 ll11(h ~ po·r m o hl 1w,1 s:too ,,., u11ty •h &JUMl 00 <llttl M•~ V{·ri1•· 4 & l.11n1ly I 1 r " p I 11 1• t• 2 Ii .i ('nmph•I t•I y """Cir It l •·II ~/mu 751 ~ U"·rl11•l1I 1 .. w11h1•111t •1 1111 I.'' lMI )17'> ""' 1\1(1 WIN1U .I llr .,.. ktrltl.•11<' 111 ~11 I.St 111 & t1111h "' 1111111 .. 11 I 111. 11(1' I 111111 h I.,, w lq1h '1 .......... 11111 1il1·k ,t .. 111111ni: ar , • ., l-1 ,jl 11•• I .ill IS.I.I II II,)/. ti.·nt,1.it· l'k .1111< .!.' 1'·'. f,arn rru .! '.u f \-11 ... y 1\\1111111 x htl '111111 No l'l' I ' ):11111 "o !e>J "~-t LOIJiMo •och 3148 .•.•.•...•••••.......•. Ho•1111t1tul .1 111 11 .. ont til'f••vww lvw11h11u~t· 1 Ni•w ,I 1111. :1 h11 11" 11111 wt•t lmr 111·.1111.., I 1 p h Cll'l'llll VH'"' fl•l lH1 f.t Ur ;t•,, U.i, I\ I(' ull ~·" W /flfll'nt'f 1111111. I·•" & tl'flflll\ SblAJ 751 i:l7!1 ( 1iann cJ( 1'1.t"t!>1'1t· < • M 1 hrWlil 111 lht1> :!llr , I lt:t htllN' WOO I •·h llt.l I IK NoPf>l." 1>:11 2012 :t Br t'•·nn'<I m 1>ul "' l.1:• t111rky:ird , no w·h ,,, C'h1ltlr1•11 Sn5 -t 1,,1 & '"·~· f'of\li IC".t47 • 11(l11w w1lh c h.11 Ill 111 Nunh I .ui.:111111 /. lllk>o 111 Sh,1w"• (.'ov1• $1150 1\111 July l:.th l ltlht• 4:11 7!1!11 S1•dud1·1I t.rirk v1ll.1 •M~'llll vww, wulk In Mo"~ P111nt I ll H , 2 hu rrlil::.is1v1• ltv rrn Viwunt $'125 l\~clll '1\14 75.'1 I )280 ..•.....•.•••.•.......• t 11 1\llMl"'I• ;>fir Iii .. t .......... ' 11111111 11111\ '"' l>t'l ' ~:111 ·1 11111 ( .tll ·1:11 K'I,/ 3298 . ..•..........•••••.... 111 IM I'.-, H 111 It I."\ I J IN I 111 1'1111•d fl Hiii ~H'.1 lU $V.!.1 .. 11n J y.11 d j\. '.1 r ,, ..: ,. ' F .• tu 1 l 1 P' 11l 1•u,1·. k ,,i , & ""1' "'''"'"""' l '.111 'IV1 :~.i ... "' !Ila :dfl I I\ 1~. 1111 I l't' CondooNniuntt Utrfwnl~ )425 .••.•••.•......••••.... S.O Blyff Canyon l·.1,.1.!,IJll 1·x1·1 1·nr1il1• I ''.1 .I 1111 :1 Jl,1 11 I "' 1·.111 t '11rnm ,.,.,1 J:..-1 ,..,.,,. Nu 111·h S"/t MI 11111 ,,,, Jll" Iii '*i7 IZ:l<I d "' 'H.~ 11,•Ji 11\1 ' ~nb Fumi$h~d ..............•...•.... Corona dft Mar 372 2 ....................... l;Ut-:-.l ... 1utl 10, v .. ry ..,,.,,,JJ '""Y· nu k1tl'lu·11, t•11111I ii :>llljtlt', 1111 !1llH1kc1 S'.:!:J Ii.I. la.'>l, de1> 6'10 '1~J:1 :• lllh fll h•IU"'· F1•1t('1•il I nJ11I lfi 1i.11·ky.1rll I '"' •>I 1011 & J•"' ••wlv ii•· 1•11r,1l1~I lul 111 •·h.11 .11 I Pf 'l.'1 mu 1•,.1 ''" t-:M ... Hl\t,I> ll i\Y Cl 1 • .. :I\ N I'' I< " ~'I' Him :.tu1lm 11111, uttl 11cl ~ mo N11 d11ltlr1·11 •Ir C:url.!l'llU' \l!W , I•'' 111·.11 h <I llolt 111 ii l;,1 L'l' J•1 . .., IU'I UK:.!I or:.',:! I :~1>1 n .. "" l\\t11l .lu111· .luf\ Coda M.ta 3724 M.!47~ It,, l\Ufo!ll •I •ti "11 \I h 11."1" IM 111r.e.1 l\ll 0 1'1-.A JI-. W 1\1 "'·' Bit'" :!ltr ~· lt.1 hr.111<1 -----------nr•w 1'1111<111 $.'Viii '\1 j!1 11:i::1-:t117 ( 'ornlo a<lulb :i-1;~, <!hi ..... 1 ,~.11 i•j!l• I fl>h :,,u, llZ!j I 11r !1411 ll!WI :1 fir I '• lilt .• 1vall 1111w .ltUJ rrN1 I ,1•:1..,1• '" 11111 I• rm C;ill Ml t:S:J.1 l!;iy, 1,12 &'17tl eve::. Newport ~och 3269 ....•....•............. NO ,..EE' 1'\pl & <"011d11 n ·111a1 ... Vtll.1 l!.·111 ;.I,.. Iii!'> 4l:ll2 Hkr E.l\.<;T Bl.Un~ .ll\1 ~/1,1 .! jllttll"' :/.'I I oll j..Oll w..tu 1d ry r rt'I n v si .. ,41 1r•1 t21J1U.1Hli021 'Ill< I Ill\ l'n' \,11.t ~ .11 ;-.i,, 1,,.1,., I\ 1 cl I Ltt1wir Vu :1h1 :!h,J }-I< m1.v1 ... M t!~11r111 11 llrd!wr 1111·1 ~n.o ~11 .111 11!1.tkll 1123ti:H l:!hf1 .July l:.t ti4'171Jl7 t.J1>L-..11h·. 2 111, 2 h,1 n1 k11b n u Jlt'l1> s:J.<o11'11111 ltolwrl M1l l1k1•11. l\l(t l:Jl ~. Hi.wtitq°" ~och 124 ......•..........•.••• llOMj.::) ... ,HI H .. N I :1 11C" 4 hr l'nl't'tl from Wl\'r t-:IH'llO 'I' ilhr .• t.;, 1'111 ltw t:arwl tw .. rnl tf,. 1·•1rut1"J . l'l1111111 JMJHh ,..., '"""'~ ~!1~11110 1. .. 1• t4~1 :i:no !x1111·rl1 lll111'1 ... 1·1111110 . l>pa1·mu.'> 4 1111 ;s ha SlU.I M•> 1\1(1 641 I J:SJ 544.'J 111 s.'>25 ... m-c1 v:1rd & ----------· 1·" r a I.! t· i> F ,1 m 1 I 1 •·' tol t•a..,t• 'lc11Jo. & p1·1" ,.,.kom•· c .. 11 ~A 25Gt. '" ·11;1 ~fll t\a:t ucit1·•· ;>.1-v.• 1·l•·i.:u1rt ~ 1,..1lrc111m 1 llc•11 ~·1?!1 (···•Jar & wm llow 11<11111• Five• lilol'k~ I• l11 .. 1C'l1 l'rtvall' 2 C":t 1•.tr .11.(t' ... u lly r()hlll l.11rt•1! ynrrl l\tlulh Ne~ l"'L" lnttw n • al ~l'l.7 J>lthl ~n~·I 17M 100() li.:t:ll :, h111 m :J Iii. tmmt• ~'IJ("11n11 IS4t. 56'7!1 Meed a loot Slip l.1110 ti.It· Cl:1m1}r111b .. 11 ,,. lk;yfmnt 1•0111111 v.11 h Iii.wt ... of room 'n·w a 11oJ 1ma•h rnon· Sl q1 ,1\.1tl.1 111" fu111 •11 uni 11 rn 1:w 1r110 Perfect Location ll;dl)u., l'cn1n :.ula 1111 M11 11111ar I hlol'k 1•1 11;1 v "' •K't•a11 4 Udrrn. 2 t..1111 :1 ... 111ry 1\ \ ·'' 1,11111· 7 1:!:' St.t111no uoury Boyfront Condo With Jll1<1I Ill l\I'(' llfl IV ltwld111i.: :t llr. :t. lt.1 ~)1m11 sn . 1 1111 111111111•· t"'"'" M.1lur1· atlult 11111\ "'" J11•I.-. ~>Wl'I '"l'IH•· l'l'tl 'llv.ot lllvcl 1;.1r. 11:n·1 SUSCASITAS ;c.:11~1 1'11111 II: I I 1111 Ill I'll• I l'Uf 1\dttll , .. , 1•·t:. .!I 111 """'l'"f'I Ill :M •Uill Nt-wh d1•1111 I 111 tJ11µh-x "'ll hv i.:.11.11:•·' l)uwf F.mtiloy 11 arl ull 11\'1•r :1., 'l:u l"'b $250 5-US lift I Huntin«1°" leach 37 4 0 ...•.•..•.•.....•...... 1\\,11 lahk Julv I 11111· t.d1 Ill t 0111111 iJ:!•1 ""' ' ultl l\tlull .11 "" X.17 11112 I H.wport Beach 37 69 ........•...•••.••..•.. WE HAVE SUMMER RENTALS 11\KI NC; JU~l':lt V l\Tl<J~S associated I ROI< ERS--REAl TORS JOH W lofboo H l·H6 I SUMMER RENTALS DIAMOND REAlESTATE IA~1 757:1 ~ll\1Ml':H t<l-;"l:Tl\I,!-. lh l~h' W•·,.k. n•1w a vail 1\bo W1111t•1 ll1•nt ,1 I' N11 I•·•· Ai.:•·nt li7~1 Ii 1 IU :mr. J ll.11 h"'· 1111 t.1011 .1 u l.> l'.Xf't'Ultvc home near Ilic la•al'h :J br. 2 ha, l1Jm1I\' 1m, frpk, di:hwhr, J1Ul1•1 c;11rdc nt•r/w ut1·r Jiii Kut-; ok, nu pell. 1!1•fn1: llll'l. '1875 ~, tu~ IC1· Hff4·2566 or 973·~17 1 Wl\W-li.l~ I ... I I\ ll jl I •I M II JI t U 1MI ., Int-Y 11 tJ1v1•ly '1 hr. 2 liu . lrpl1·, •lltl l(llr, ll(t' vd Sinith·. uk $48'.1 !Q.9724 Al AL l!:SIAH. ITl:I :."7:11i 11 SI 1'11J(I 4 fir. :1 bu Ulufb 1·11111111 titli 2JJlh St '1 hr. 2' > Im. ftt-uut1ful t·onll. 11r 1>t>41I frplr. d shwhr. yd t·an· 1125 l'hti44 2007 l\vatl 6r.i!J $65() IS46·7~1G I Jhr. I"'•~•. Ir!!. fn1•cl ynf w/fnat lrf'e8 2 car i.:u1 Nr. Adami. & liushard M25 mo tl73-61ilt>- BFJ\lrr&FUJ.. Cl.t:AN & f(j.~y '1Hr or 3Hr/dt•n. 211u, " pa c 1 o u ~ k 1 ( l' h e n . lnd11cpd yd q u1 t-l re s1dcnt1al nc11<hborhood: nr i.ctils. ma:1or s hoprllll( +fwy. SMOmo l\va1 .Ju ly J, Dave ~ron ui.:t ~Of'~'IIOI 2 bdrm. new c arpet11, drapes. lurl(C yi.rcl MOO/mo. 536· 19Q5 or 80"629 --·--------IWW• Hlltlar 3242 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'nnld.cl l11land. Bt•aut. 4 Hr. 3 bath. SlOOO/mo yr ly.P /-7177 lluntlngt on H 11 r hour hou~l! with 50' dotk $13IO/mo. 3 Br, 2 ba. xlnt hay location. 1trro111 lrom Bea ch C lub . :llJ/592·3177 3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• The Lakes. lux h vlnl( wtall amenities. Up 1tradt.>d 2 BR. ~ mo ~4(112 -----1 BR. $350 .• 2 BR. M~. 4 RR. 167$. Call an 5PM. ~~a~~-·~~~~1 The Spnn1s. Bl<'h Coodo $110rftO. p~. Jae, tennJ11 8ll 0861 II V K1Jtlll 2 llr-t 1J1·n. 2tJJ t'u1•· <. 'od un=h1t•·11 1m · f.Amm1 "°°' & tc11n" •-rl• ~mo_ 752 z~:us , 644 254;! WtltltcbU nri·u. 4 Hit, <l111- m1t or fum1ly rm. n1(·c yunJ l\vu1I 6f/.5 Lsc or L~ w iopt1on 6'16·717'1 nr ~-1fllr1 <kcan & &y V1aw Jlomu 4br. Jtm. wl'l bar, 2 c11r g1iragt• SI ,295mo. IMS-~ Dlx. 2br, 21>M. furn or nn Slt1Jh lo pier & bay ~I summer. Winter redul·cd rate 675·5464. 202 21st NH. ..wr<>RT CREST ..'ront row ponura m 11· •11•con view. 38r. JHu. -~wl June~. 646-.2017 3br, 3ba, fo'R: study 14th br, renovated, immur·. nt'W Wld • bit-In DP· I p&lances. Furn or purl Westc hff 1hups, srhls . library park. Lawn care. Wlilt..,., S720lse. 642-3235 1417 Ma nners Or .• NU (Off lrvlnt' !we) -----LIASI ON UDO Luxurious 2 Bdrm. den condo. Blyfront and boat illp. On pre9llglous Lido Park Orive 11400 mo. don o sen f ••JI if i • • 731-3111 I llllrno . I lialh. "" ll.1\ l\\l'. N II ;1 1111 :! 11.i . ,.111Kl11 I '1r.l:o M••,;1 J\l(Nll ti7:1 :slili:J Puph·x I Br i.:<ir.11(1· I 1 hlk" Imm IH 1•:m 1~101 7171 <\!rt ..,,n ••••••••••••••••••••••• lc6oo Pffthtwta 3807 ••••••••••••••••••••••• oc .. :l\N .. 'HONT Z llr, sundt·•·k. l\va 1l. now yrly 1 t1dult S4ba1Cuuplt· ~ ind . uttl. No l)th bi3-6312 2 Br, lgc sundc«k, istcp!l tn bearh ~yrly In cl utll. No pt'lll. 5·~. -----Corona.. 3122 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sml bachelor, $250 mo ftcr1·nt rt•modc lln i.:. s hort walk to h1•o<·h . 673-7~2 1124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA MANCHA •ns WI(~. 1.2&3 bd 11arden upls. Adults . Oahwhr. blln'>. encl l(ar. l(os hlw1 . Pool Gas Pd 7711 Scutt Pl. fH2. 5(173 • 645 St! It 2Rrw/1Utr·nu r pts.paint Wtr pd 631HJ20 l·5pm 2176 Placentia • • B · · S300 2 Hr, I ba, c•pta, dl"J)ll. no doll l306 mo li4S 7'22 • 2 Rr, I ba. cpts, small yard No dou l330 mo 867522. 2 Bdrm11 . 1 b11th ept Adu.Its 1.175 mu. <i11~ paid. IM2·5'173 ---- .......... h u..r.. .,.. ....... """""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Y...._I ....... 4210 Office._... 4400 hllMM L..t&~ HOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·············'········· <>,, •. ,....., 1001 ...................... . C...MIN JIZ4 ..._.~-••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ..... for ti!nl, ff•• Hear 50> 12!.0 sq n ttwy •VIS· ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.<>ST· Black • white <'ity lllJlll 6. llnen!i fum 1h1llty l.1111un 1. 11 u1J Used J1n1lonal equip· ~fordllure BuU TC'r· 1142 Nt-wly d•'f'llf'lllt•d J 111 . J. ha tow11ho11'\u S t1lH'h11111 llrt'Vl111•,. & !A.W•I Uw••t 1111•11 Adult,, nu t••·h $4UI (14!) :011 . 07~ ~, l!J '/. Uk. I hu 1•••nt 101• ()11 l111o; I llUlt'. tlVlll l ll fl Jutll' 13 111 SJJ ~1 Mo !'4..'1200 t "OUlt S .. J\'\(JNS I\ l"'l'S "i>•W 4! hr 1ownh111"t'. 111 lrn, j)Vt 1>111 Ill, JJlllll l\dul\J;. S:t;!O 1;1;> 11,1110 It tltl1 641iJ l'\ \ll, l H\>t•I)' I llr $:11111 11111 IH,tlj l'vm1111.1 ~w1·t .. rc·t• lfJI llltl I , I\ J.: ,. flt l fl.I I lftlft-t '\ $1!1:1 I 111 tf " du Ith t•11 ~·• 11f'l' 1 1a I' ltlth ~l &Ill 1#1!1.1 Wl\l.J.A('F .... r ,,, .. r-; ~>W Wollt111•"1 Now 11•111111..: <! 111 I 11.1 11711 """ 11 .. , ...... 11 ' , "'I •I t 111 I 1 I II k ' " "I I ' ~40> ~all 111111 I $:1.'.0 l 1111 I"" uh ' 11'1• p,tf 111 II. uudt•• ~ .HI t t" ;>tt ',t, l ll IJlll.(1' •\ Jll '\ 1,.1:, /11>1 I tf Wrt I<~ 1111 "'1 9 1.1111. 1'11 •,111 :! 1111 I 11:1 l1llfl'>. :• ) 1 11111 I pit·\ W .,14*-K1dJ, UK. Ott IJl'h s.1·,1i 1.i., 7 1 l'J n t'' &! wk11d1' :! IJC!J Ill 1.!dl Jl.!l·. ll·ltt l'U \.int 11.11111 I'•·• l)f\ ~':!" 1•·r mo ~i 7~11i HEW IRES> APTS I l!llrm $:.Ito 11.11'11 s:•1.o .,.r!Jll·. n·1 r1111111 f't111I J it ' u I I I ,. II ,. I "" .. ii g..iri•l4<'' 1;11.., /I,. "''' pd /\dull" 11 0 11••1 :i•1:1 ll.11ntlt1J11, I' M 1,1.1 4 ti I S'J1 '!Jiii ~·111 :-. .. k id .. 1111 f•C'h "I.ti UI 1• \'>11111,111 .rl>lf~1 ... ,1,1l'IOU'> :1111 I• '"" ,,., St'M F.1rn1l v 111111 11 .... 1 N l'l.1vi:111uncl ':0-111111,1111, W1..,l l\pl.... l'l'lt. \1.1f1l1· tilt:! l!f.11 hl'lw1·1·n I ll &~ ... Sult• 2111 I ' ·Ila llllt" tlxhw'>h t Pll• I ~"'' 1111 , ....... ~Ill !(..Iii L1•,. :t111 :111.1 1•11c·l•1i,111 )1.11!11, 1•.1rp11rl 111 ( H 'I '"tfll•I:.. ~r.1.1 1:.1 .11111. "'""' 2 llr ;> lo.1 ·'l'I 1• ••I y,.111•1 pcl '-1'~' ( .. 11.·i:1· \ \. I " , ., I Bil I /lfll dt •II"'" .. I Ill' • lt1'1' lu lu·.11 It .AH l!AZJ ,\11\cl "l'\1 \,17~1 '.I Ill ;' 1101 ,I I II t'.ttlll'•·, vuril . W I) II I ll\U l'l 1111 tli' '..ii , f'. 'tilt• ·1~1. "'1 1(1111 f,.1;• 11.11:1 !/>!li.1 :•lot I 11.1 l1111111lr. 1111 h11l1• lt1•:1111 I I ti 1••11 l\tlulh. fllJ 11• '' l~l. '11:mt 1; t:• 11:111 I ;;tr1l1•11 V1..,t a 1\ 1lh l!t•uul llr•rn1I "''"' IA.' Hr. ffl•I• lu11111l1 ~ 1 rot lmnwd IHTlfl•' ~1.s:, If• Sl2'1 'nlf. M i.:1111 1·11;t;Y lllllTI•. 1111 111 ~llillfh & 1.11,., 1\!11111 1111 1.w·t... S2'1V t;>l'.1 /H:ll1 :mr Sllll poc1I ad II IHI 111·h ll1r ~I 111 ti pd 1:~1 ~ :JH,( W Hay :;.111 'ff>ll1 All u1 1I 1111 L g1• I ~' n •ft•J.' h lt w. ~.01(1 t\dull:.. 1111 pl'l"I 111:1 H.11') ,)4K 1:111 :'lj,.,., !-Mi I c.a:.I I 'l.11.1 1111 0"'111'1 .. 11111J '" tnph·~ '.! ll.1 . t1pl 11111 I IO Jlilllll. j~jjf ,t)!I' •. \'I tr•L.., $47;, M1,*li:1.1 ~t~'.1.1 Dana Point 3826 ..........••..••....... :! 1!1 I lt.1 ~I 11 111 .I Ill :11 •• hd $1:1~1 lllO J•, I I"' I JJ<lllll & J,lJI ,11.(1· l,tth 111 11na. ... :.. :i:l.'i~1I llhw l.,in lt•n1 111h '1:t:,'I) ur l'H> :1.1:, I or4!M• .1:!1.> 'Ill(' I': 11u1t•l :!Ill . t'f pl dl°f2' d,...h'h 11·fng i.:111 SU:i ~ill 4:1 M SllA HP, l1t.•;wh I '.!& :J BH. lfl>lr'. <ll'>llW:..ltr 1:.11 .11:1• & pal1•1 ... N•1 IH'I " 960 235H. wkn<I' 11-IU 1;'.J(.111 Seawind Village N1·w 1&-2 hdrm luxut ' .ulult ,1µh1 111 M 111.111' fr1111f $1101) • JWHlh I 1•11 111,,, 'halc·rf.111.., JHllHI'' (:a . ., for ('llOk tnJ.: & ht"'' 1111: pu1ft l"rom :-..111 D1ci.:11 l''rwy tin V•· North 110 lll·a1'11 lo Mt·t-';111tll'11 then Wt•icl on Mt• 1"111ltl1·n to S1•uw1n1I Vtll11 ~1· 1711)1S!J:J 51!M •DELUXE• GARDEN APT. 2 Ir, .... , only J pools Covt'rt-d car port peuoapt.s . HHQ'i:. dO!IC! to r wys & hr"" wulk tns hOPl""I-? 17111 Gold.ftwHt atw.,..,. 847-6064 """'""'°"Gr_. Deluxe beach apts .. 'rpk. encl garal(c . 1>at1os ~gy, 960-439;! ----Deluxe pooll11de xt ro lit<· 2br. 2ba. Bltns , d11hwhr Nr. beach Al'lllll, no pelt..· DX> mo SJ6.8J62 ----1 Rr I 1111. 4! blkll from water. no pt•t11 S3oo 225 1lllh St 842·0355, ~·8229 New pa111t. 38r, Iba Frple, patio, OtW. W ID h ookup. 1(11rut11• "Or Galf1ekJ & 9eal'h m~. 964 !iall ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUNOMIW OHlY 6 LEFT! 1'uw11l1111111• 11pl11 :1 hr,:!', hll C''lll,_ .. Clf11!1. f '!•It pvt f111l111. v11ult1'<I t'l'tl mv.Ji 1111 l.(11r11v,1•11 "1!111 11111 170111 1:11•1·11 ~t CWnnwr 4t UolNll ('hlt'lll 11411 il:lf a..,..•ocll 1148 ····················~·· North end. 2hr. 2hw, tux ury 11pt ht t1•rr1tr1·. 11wi.,·r11n1:. whit•• wati•r <'OHla l .Vf('W'I rf'5(10ll'(t 1)11., m..1tu1•• .tilulh . 11nly lu11·n ·111 ,.,. r1·11wrc·1I, N11 l•'ti., 1111 l11e. Sfl:>ll. 11111 4:)1 ~tr/ I Jlr Ji.: rm,, 1.111v1· l'll'lH'll'tJ J1 l1 IH'd. • ·I nyofl \>u·w '1N•k l\votl 7 I. S:~J lll1 ·1:1:12 LOIJMO MIC)Yel 3852 .•...............••..•. l"l\C'l'\IC c;ot .. 1'0IH'IC!-.jo, l Ofll.Jv.. a b1 . 2 Im. II •wly lt'fll'<'Or!tll'(l $.'1:-il1 W1•-.I 111111· IJ1 Lo\ 1•11; .11 , • ., llltn:o.. w:...,h1•1 111 ~1·1 lt'fn~. p11n h :1 ('11r 1•.11 .1ulo OIJ''ll''' l\1l11ll~ '" 111·\~. ('1tl I H:fl 114i'7 H.wport•aeh 3869 ...................•..• PARK NEWPORT ll,11·ht>l•11 ' I 111 t llt·clrt.11111" If< 'I 11w11h1111 ..... ., I• 111111 ~U:I ~)II :0.l'"l't .11 ul:11 "I'·• 1•11.it f1"4 r 1•fel PHI f1I UjfJ 11 fll ........ ti 111111•r ;1111 / 1111111• >I l1·n11" 1 111111' Al .. ·"l1111n hl.111d, .l.11nh•1ri·,. 6' ~.111 J•11111ui11 11111, 1(11.111 17141644·1900 t' ht ;• hit <urHlu l'ilf .111h1 t1flflt f.,f\ \ t 'A ·1'-.1. \11:1111 .' f •• , lll•,1111 IArpli·~ 1111 .'t..11111 II I, ..... I ,, II .1 I YI .1 I • I I , II II , 1'n\.1t.-• lult "'''" "'"" l"l'1h """" 1.11,J~· 41Ut... 1,:11 .1:!.1 i FWl'llll'I 11 ~ 11; 11'1" ()llll'f I IMll 'l\fl 1111111 p.1l 11 t. adult 1111 p1 I S:"1 M111 1.1:• 1.~111 :> llr 11··11 'pl I lpl " 1111,11• 1111 1.;,·~, 11111 111• I 1tttl 1 \t" 1,11 .''l'H, '\1" 'I lit 'I 11.1 1 ... 111111•11• I r pl• 1•· I 1•·1 .... ' .)I, I I, Sat Clemrnte It II I• ltf I ,, ~··. 3876 I II• ·'I'' ,, f ,1 11.11 I• II• "' lfqr., • IJlh• potlltl \ o I\ II\ f $:!'..II 1'1;' r.i,f Scst Juan Capittrano 38 78 ··················•···· ;1111 <!IJ.1 j.!,I/ l,11 j'l'. \I d 1•n11 tt1 & 1 l'I., lwt \\" 11 .-. , 1.~1 .llJll 1\ ,k I< 11 \1 t 11 •• ~ ... 1°\l'" 1:11. 1~111 Apcr1mr:nt' Furnished or Unfumished 3900 . ...........•.....•••.. 1111·. l· . .\t l'I I'll<, PALM MESA APTS \11.'."1 ''11·~~·111"1111 111111 l:.11 h IA 1 ll ll I r11111 ~.' ,;, "' 1111 J\•htll•, \o11p..i~ I.Ad \11•,;i l 11 • 'l\Jk I· •• I ••I • ... "IM•t I 111\.cl ' 'J,1rrt 11u11 •'" 'f.x.t41 TREES· TREES \Ill l;l l\11 \1(1\11•:-.I .... '·~ti.~1 .1111•1!11' 1.tll 11111•' ,'(,I n'IUlll' I I 1·.11 11' 1•,\1 11·11 \\tlOIJ:O. H:e1 :•t 111 4000 ••.........•..•••••.... ftt•lffl V. k11l lll'fll'll1• SI:! 'hC'1•k & 1111 ~!1755 l.i.: r(Jlnm, ht• ktlc 111" '"" lndrv l)n' l•·ff1.t1 .. I" 1· lc•tr •,J 11'1 rc"I ~~IJi IJ1i.! n1 SunwnPr Rentals 4200 ............•.••.•..•.. 1.11.:una t!l .. wh W1·1·I. I\ 11-H1P-O+-m4~ f'J,wp 111•1111 11 ·\:!~ H7!M 2111 -.,,,, ( 'lt~l' l11 ht'.11 h "' ston·:. $2:!:, wkl\ :1~1h 'l1t.1ltU. l.<Jl{Ull..t <1:111 liX'1)1 OCEANFRONT llt'.tUl :1 hr. 2 h;1 It pl1 )' ' .11 I' u I .q: 1· I-' u II ~ t11n11..,h1¥1 S.'ll•i wk 'ISL ,\1i;:m1 t>tli.! lli11:1 Udo I• layfront l'vl ht·nrh l.art.tt· unit loo ~_.,to $500 wk 6:11 -32:111 l''orm1·r IJ:Junl or 11111v1,. l.(N'llL'I l'vt Ot'l'lHI 1'111111 M'JRI fon111st11· v11•w •1f I. u !:! 1111 11 1 • ll !I I 11 HI fum1lurt· Sip .. ~ 1\111111:.. only S.'100 Wt•ek '\!M 1~~1 . 4004673 Npl Hd1. .11 lln .•1• n t 'am1hcs Lu.:una u n Oreun Adultl-.. 675·0'J2'.l. ~5 (;omplete ly furn1s h1•1I weekly ren\Ulis, St!OO & 1.q:1 Sun Cl11m t•ntc Cull mlleM 121:t 1211!Vi!i12fi N 0 S U M M I': It SWF.1.T .. '.UINU J.ovf!IY furn 2 Bit .! I(~ 1li•n rl uplex Wllt Newly 111• l'Or'd. perfcct ly ll><'•led :it Balboa l't>ntn Pt t!lt tune as summer rental. Only step, fr ~Hml Av .. 11 .luU5·St•t't 15. S2.000 mo Interested vurtlc!l. call IZ 111h,11 pr <'Pl C!All parklnl{. New 1•urpf't. '?Wnl fo1 •:tit'-Uulh:r "'-'· Ch!ld llurtbroUn. alter3p m ~ 19"1) drapes ft patn\, 111r rond Shampooer I yr old K.t:WARD. IU·OIU. UI C: 11 ... 1\ I< l.11kJ•I ro11H l '.1 h111 ~ ~ml ''' I•••· •t r 1111 11 ' M i.:r 7 M fllliG-'1701 I J111w·1u. f>C.'l.'811fro11l !'n v II 1• II I' h , ( I II h I) /! wt•ekly 1n111 W111t••1 JU.14~. 4!'-f :fl Iii f' r r <' 1• n 1• JI 11 t , u b I u llOO Vunuu.'I f'Ctulpmt<nl 8fM·2:Sl!iZ. 1 549·1Llt8. M7 !i870 flrtlf pnt•ti 4!lfl 8M3 ~ - --1 __ • --Ulb'T. lmh SeUer. p1th'h Of' .. 1CE space av11tl;it1li• MoMv to.._ 5025 ot 11rey on l'hest. M. Vu· al 17875 84.111 l'h 111,11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• uf C M No.ofSD.Fwy near Talbert 1n ll unt RF.WARD! 546-7214. m._tton Beut h S:,.1 t•<·r VNEED ---month Phont! ""'""·•it•· Ulb'T: TortoiH •h~ll ion~ llttVICe SIO per fllltlll h haired Yem. Manx kll L"" to. I I I IA'n. 4rntlll. weanng s1lvn 1 ""' 9'I per mont ' '·" Y ./MONEY rtunt,"lllone collar. Vt•·. l1 llot 11rt11·•· l'hn11c ....._toSllar. 4100 (i424321elll :!76 Irv. Cntr Dr betwn J1•I rt•ry & C ol v 1:r 55 1 ·0H55/552 J:SJ I ftl-.'WARD ••••••••••••••••••••••• MovmJ('' l\vmd ftt•111n111!-. & l'lll If Vlfl j( l'ltJH'll'>•'•.' Profcuwnally 11 1111·1· l!fl I HOUSfMATES "32 41:J4 ... cm11lc to shun: 2hr. 2hu :1pl 1r1 lrv1111· Tur ll1·11wk i.u t•a clunn.i :;urnm1·r 11n ly $17~ 752 171SJ l):J\ I' Sh:art• :!Ill a11t , I', h11 1•1111 1111 with :u yr IJ11thclur 111<1 ha• h 111 II II 2 c·ar i.:.1r 'nt.lk 1.r,1111. Jt11 . vvt en trv $;Ii" ~ Ultl S:lti :r75'J 1tu11nrt\Jt!•· w11nt1·'1 N .... J•t I I l1lk lll hc•1t1 h $:11•1 11111 IA2 lf,{1~ Yit I-•mly 111 "ti' :•111 .1111 111 ;uJlt 1·11tr11Jl1 l(. 111 'I; II $175 ~ t 1i.1 tl1·p c 'all .11111 f.'.11 ;:;111 Iv 1ma.: Ft:m:a lt' ~:. :s:. p11·r,.rri·1I :-.1uM ti'• 11•'••1 I loltwk fl1 ....... h :1 111. <! Ila . s1:,11 I'll '•lH 'lf!Jt, flrn10\111 ,1I 1 YI 1111 I ••fl I II 'harr :1l1r \11 1""'"' 11110..w 111 ('(JM I' I 111• 1 c·ll,11 & hw I 1w1 I hk ',, 111 ~1llm11 C.tll M.11.1~ ,.,,., 1;1:. :11i'l3 .... )''> ;,2:1 ~ "' ··~ ~'i I""""" 111 .,lt,11 •· .I l1d1111 h .o•"' f11t ff~lfl 111 111 11 111 II I! 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SOO to 5000 Sq F1. \1 ...... 1\ \ 1-.ICIJI' 111< l'l.A/.,\ I .~ \11•,,1 V1•11h•.. l \I 54S.4123 ,'\1• .... t10f1 11:'.H h "ft k~ldw11/I., 11.1111 I 1111 "''''h1-"•" .\1.1n111·1 \1 t11 ,, ::) t it;> ON NEWPORT BAY • l50 to 2000 s,. F1 •Plush 54aite\ •Marin~ View\ ·W~Bor UDO MARINA VILLAGE 67s.8662 \1,. h'rtl ~I'.: '>'l fl 1 .. 1. • ,, .. 1f11 c· Z1>:M1 I Av<11t It 1W ... ,,, :!1:1 477 '7001 "" '' & ·,h11p J lt.rt1 'I 11 Xhtl le~ 1.:11. \11.11111t11 "' f \1 1,;:1 :'1.:.1 I l"l~ \T'\ I\ r 1\ t 1 ~ \I 1""'1 11'.111 ·II 'I ••I 11 11 ftM,1tlHfl ttl llJIHlf1J 1f1fl fi t•,11 ' •• ,, ...... • t ht f I f, I t t I .,, 4,:.,.l•> h/,'• lll:t11 ..... ''"'"" l .... I .11.1 .... 11. tl \o . 1. 11111 I 'ton-.. •11 I t.11>·1 '"' • llt'ottlt 1111.1 ... ,~.11 ., 1111 ,,, ........ 1.111 "'(' ,1111,,, 111l • J 111 1i1lll••"''' A~11 1.,.~1 ,11 "'"""ti ""'' .. "''"' •• ~.111.11111• 1\ll .11111•111111 ' lndiatrial RH!tal 4500 1r1•·tucf~11f 1r1 ,,,.,,.,,, ,,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ill fl II l ,, I I II I ·' I \l,11 \nlw1 ·'' .l.1111h•11• • r.Xl'l'I 011 \ f· tel/"' l\oi '·'·' 1 l;U t-.1. )'.1111 •111 fl ..... "'''""'"',, 111 .. 11 1,1,, :>I 11 lh•rl "'' (ill11 .. 1111 11•111 ... , )I>. 111 H:IA1 \\ I'll 11 "' 1 ·M 1;11; •111711 1111 1111" J11f;!..q H S:'!•I '"" IWI 11111 to II :"-II 1\1•1•1;1 rl I .~1:1;• ~ll'1U1;1 lttlh ' \tit 110 •'I It \1 I 111111 111 ,. ltltl1 ,\ 1 011 11 , I r11111 "" ''""'''''I Ill I ·k· ...... , J , ••• , ""'" 'I'll IHlt<' 4S50 •••••.•............•... '1•111 I " I ( •1· • •• ,, , I "ll11t ll't' 'II "'" lv·lltt)t •0 1 ''I 11 ... lt.oll II "llJ,tf • 11~11 1.I.' Ii o>I • caB>ITNO PROILEM 2nd & lrd TD loant 547-5402 l\rrunl(tld by COGlt HOfl9 Lo.ts MON .. :Y l\Vl\ILl\Hl.t-: I\ II Y fl U r p U :.. C , :a II Y amount Mr llur~rav1· f7Ml!t°>I J:'.35 PIUV. lNVES'I . Lt:NIJFHS '*~ proJc<·h 11f SIOOK or rnon• hu<11n1·~'· HI':. plunt~. l111ub W It IHJUUl.t-:.<;TON H:l'l 777~1, l'Xt MI SWING LOANS i.lnt.l 2h< f 1'ruRt bf>C'f1 lmcno;; 111 11 ... 111t-1111.1 I f1rop1·r1" ( 'tl..,1•1111111'11111 mc••t "our rh·•·•t'' II t-. U ... VI SANTIAGO BANK 7 M IK:ll ~141111 Muatqa9n, Trust Dftch 5035 ...•......•••.....•.... Sattt.r Mtq. Co. All ""I""• 111 1 •·.ti •·o,l.1 11· Ill\<' 11111•111 "Ill t• 111 l'I SpKialtainq in 2nd TO\ 642-2171 545-061 I \\, l1u\ d o .1 ••11111•·•1 :1ntl It .1 111 1r 11· 1 111•1•11 , \I I It 1111 u ltt ),11) Ullll • , 11 ·r,,•, .~1 ,, \\,tf]f!;J (II l111J Jt /W $1 1,rlfl .·~l i "·" """ "'" 111 "' •·II r .. 1111 1'1! ti/I,:• ~emt"nt>/ Penonat\/ LcKt& Found ···•··•··•·•··•·•···•·· 5 100 ······················· PENNY PtNCHER ADS ONLY S2 .... 1 111 . 1•· '" ur r•u' ln11.1l 11111 ••t ti•''" f••r S• •' I• """'"' •• J•, on, t•tu• h•' \1J 1 hru l•u I t;fl~t t tjf I • t tf,j\' ,. ,tf ft ,1tt1t1t 1ou,JI hn•• " ".tt tu1 I tu .'ti,,\ ( ll.•1 ~··· 11 ''I I H lftfflt'(f l1l f 1tt ' I '' "•'''' tlllf 1• i l.tt t \llUf 11CI f ,tll 642·5678 _____ __, LOST C a.t . l(r e y /wht ll1malayun . IH IK 1111· <.;mwn Vulll·y l'kway & Lu t'luta in La11 un.1 Nil(u t-1. IO:WAllll ' 49(M61K. t'ound. l.tt pup. gold1 ·11 {i(·rm. Shepht•rd. Mt·"·' Vcnk• arca 557 73.'ti .,·oun1t pitrl t>ohf'r m a 11 fc1T111le do.:. A11prux. H mt)I Santa An11 556-642:1 t'ound : .,·cmal1• clo1'. Shepherd /llui.k y /(;o>" I c• '> 111 I x 'V 1 1· (;,llc.l(·nw(·lll & c ·,, II\\, 1'l11'<'k w /llH 1111111.1111 :-V11·1cl)'. >i:.1'1 7MH l-'11111111 Wht t•11111llc· Mui•'. .1p~ ·1y1 :- lillti llli~i fo'O( INtJ-t:'rrytn,. ,-_ t t' Ill , II u loo It a r cl tv <:11rf1t·ld. llll OOH 7til2 1-ClllNI• 1'1t•·.,,q11•11k•· llav ltl'lnt•\C'f . 17th "' (" .11111 '.111 I .1 I\ 11 ,, 11 I! AH IX:1I ,,ft til'M l'Hl1Nll :-111 wf11l•' Ft•11• llf11J(lft f 'q1,,1hl1• Jo:'\f lllH '" ,,.,,,.., t1l1·:1•1•' ••l;uru ,,. .11111111 \II:>! ~11~11, J F111 :\II l'1·k1t11 ,1· \I ( 011'.IJll t.'111111 \ 11 \,1111 I I .d"' I .11t1I U I .1111 < ., ... , ~~,; .. s 5JSO .........•....••••.•... 111.1.,\Xl\ot, \1 t\.\~,\c;1- h 1lt.l.11111·" l.11 .\J ..... :...:111 ( 111tc·,1ll !l·'.I I'll ~.I II MICHELLE'S •Outc:all • l 11\.\1 ~i\ \1 x:1:. ·r, 1 • •FOXY LADY• IJI "ll',\I J.()-.1.Y •972-1138• l'ICt-1,\o \\o I ' I .11 111 '•.>Cl111h-111 1.tl 'llllfl"'llf•I ,\ t • t•1n .1I 1\tt1ut1•u• ,1fi •,1• '""I"' k····111rtv. ,\l't 1\ll~. Spiritual Re~r llil.1:0. 1-.11 .11111rto1 IC1 ti .,,Jll C 'l,.J111•J11<· F1tlh It• h ir l\ppl l!t:• ,..,.,,., l'h\,ll oil fll: ... ~ •• , .. 11~ 111 .j lf\""1'11( .... tul11 '"" '\I' \ptll I I li l'\1 .>Ill :1Xl 7 COUNTRY GIRL •ESCORTS• :n th , •171 1:i1 I I \'\ \ ' .I 11'1'1 · \I 1. 111\\1 '\\! Ii ' 1~1·1:1 111111111\ ,111 '\1•WJ~1JI ~I l 11ft '4'f \i t 111•1Hftt' t .. "'>flH " ·""•~' t •• I • \.I Rftltals Wanted 4600 1411-~--~--......... -.... -...... ~-\\ t• If t Ir& ,ti I / # ln1·11d Ill .~1 lnr h•tt,t• «i')fJ ''I 11 '>.l.11 • •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fttll Wll h 11 .tl 111 ,\ (1 •Jlflll'othl•· "'"' • k I l 1 hl'llO'I t' \o o•.t I "'I 111 I 1 l k I I ..... 11·!11 11111 ·1 .tll ""' '""'"'•Ill !•111.1 " 1.11 I II)() ( .. 1.111,1 ,,, I \I .11 • ,, I I ' "'l''h .t1ld11t1111 l11 • tJllt 11111 11111 .... , \ 11'1' ,., .. , ~llJI•·~ HI ;-,,.w111111 1 ·1·1111·1 l t rt•·W 11ff1• ,., 111 plu~l1 'ill• I tlillffllll~, YI llftllt•I I ff11llld ·" 1~11•"1 11.111-. Ull! Vr<11n S:.~1'.1 mo l\'k ,111<1111 our m• ,, ,. 111 .1 I luv.-~u1•••t :-.,l'"IJCll1 Jlt•j.!1'111 ~ I 111 It 171111;..ll 71H'I Jll.,.,k.!>pm·e~• 11111 011 111 ~100 mo 1n J..1i.:u11.1 N1i.:ui·I ~1 1111,1r•·h l rt \<.,.,lfrll" X:ll t~~I:! LEASE OR RENT l'on1011 •>r •·•1mpll'I•· 111·w :ICIOll l>'I ft hhlit "' Tu:..l 111 l/u.1hl y W(l!NI ... taakt· '•Ill '1ru1·111111 011 111 ,.,111:•• I 111'.1 I 1 "n I' r 1 " .ti ,. h.11 h,, Wt•I lllll ' 1•t I W1•ll111~1 on l'l .11.1 Wt""kdayl> !.I 5 5-14 01>1 t UDO IUILDING hiL' lllAI sq rt l>h• •II ,, ...... . "' 2 11111ms & hut h ~I l.11111 ('an bt· d1v1<lt'd :1:t~1~1 V1.1 l.1()11, Nt·wport lh·ac h b73-11151l OfftCE SUITES II }'llU "'"'d an ofr11•1• 1·qu1p111•d Y1 1t h full !>f'<'l't'Unul Sl'tVU.'l' w ,, h pleasant s urrouncl1111t .... foom$2fi()up 1w1th m11\1· m a llowanc·1•1. ult•allv s1\unkd fl<'Ur S I> N II Ftwys , l'ull "79·2161 .... k for lll'Vt!rly rtllME LOCA TIOM ON WATER l\v11 al a lJlt: for JHo· fcss1onal or re tiul offil'es 'l'otul of 3000 sq rt <'an ht• d1v1ded into s mulicr ltfl 1L'\. Drive by 263.1 Weict l'o11i1t Hwr . then (\1111 Nlt'n1 at 6.'11 140ll MIDICAL SUITE Gn1t1ntl n r. Coro nu tl<'I Mai . S6 5 U M u . 1teol on om1l'S Corr 61~00 \1, I l)tfl• I 111 II.ti \\1110 I I." tl11d \I u:n , ll.11h P1l111 I'" It"' I ,1,11 I ., .. 1,, \t, , •\1111 '' ud1•1 \o pl II• h I ii \1 U I I. I I I I I I 1'1111•..,!<IOrt.rl 111.tl•· ,Ill lld ' ll.1 \ .•.• ..: 11 11111 \\•1111.111 • I..!' I ., .. , ··•111 "''~h 111 ,h,,r•· h•11t,•· '\II .1n·.1 Xlnl 11•h \r lo '"' Iii.I l~J:J11 RENTAL NEEDED! W11rkml! mol lt•·r r"' ' '1 •1ltl dau.iht,.r r 1w1"h .' 1111 h11\11<l' Ill !111111··' 1111 ffll'drntt•h l(t•: ...... r1.t111 .. r1•n1 llav1• rc•f' & 1•11•11 1 'tt•ud V JUI) I "'I .1 "<11·...i1 N1·wp11rt IJ,111.1 1'01111 J r<',t l' ... ,t ... • I ,di 11 I I ltjlllf Jac·kfl' •..••.•....•..••....• IYMnH• Opportunity 5005 •••••••••••••••••••••• TENNIS Sii< >I' Xlnt N R urea lcw Tc111 hrund'\ H1i;:h prol 11 • l<•w ovcrtlead. 67J-'1JIJ AJ.1 Nt."t.'dlccrafts/V 11rm. S Makt:r in bu!>y shop 1'1 1 (;().\a Musa l\J<t :>411 7~>30 .11 t>s l a hh..,hr-d 11 w11r•I winnil18 mo-pt:d dlri>h1p Pnmc OC t oa::.tul lc1e· Same uwnr 31 , yr~ SOOM l(ro:.::. per mo l'rt l'c , ~1M Ytilf 1007 aft 7pm ~ ~~~c~~~wrv V1Ua.ce. NewPort lnven tory v11l11r $17,000 Hill Grundy l<ltr. 675·611il - Hl':l\Clt CONl'l':SSION .. 'OR SALE. •&:.1:1 7CIOJ or 5t!l).~t'Vt'!> HAPPY BIRTHDAY JO lo•e. C hn\, Julie &Doug Lo\t& Fowtd 5300 ••••...•......••.•••... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5678 IJ'lht or t•ounll d J>l•I" C al I •••• tAf.•, O.C. AIRPORT SECT'Y & ESCORT • •SERVICE* S l1l·.l'f1\l.IZl:'1<1 I'.\ I' Ill II"~ .'>SI fl'\ .\I, ''Ill H'l fo.111 :0.!-.1-.11\'11 I H )!('fl W T l< \\' t-I I I· II N Ill !-.I Nl-:.'>~~1 \ '\ I J IC /\I. IC "-"11 11· \ol ., ~U.tOMI" 739-5248 7ti:U W. t'11rrin1unw .. ulll1 II I' "ll·rv111t All I I ( ;•.1 111 l\n• y1111 t 1n-cl 11t 1111 •m•• h:>ll'llflll:' C ',tll U\ l11r .111 ••flllt W1· "'tll I""'" l•1 ;.•1u 'J h1· f ;.,111,.11 l· .. 1 r 71411;.u /..'>.'<Al l\n1ma l """1~1an1·1· Ettililoyw..t& l•·a~ut•_5J._, 221_:i_._11_0 h•t• _ ,...,;oHOft t-'OllNI> Whll•· r11111pv .lpl\ lj OIOC> , VICITlll V of Nt•wport We,,t, Jl 11J1I 111.,'\011 IJ.•:wh Look~ hkc ~)IHl'lllYl'll Call !ll;J l~j, _ I.OST S 1lk1•v 'l\•rncr "Ht•ht•" lrt1m :-it uC Wash C.1111'.t>I Z.35 ~JC .....•................. 700S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Janhnc Dun\·et:xcn•1s1 for Adults. j.\m & tlealrlt 642·4titll -~~---~~ JablW..-.ct, 7075 ... . ..................... . l.1"1 W t•dcl 111 1• IC 1 ll I.! "'t1twmontb .11 C'\1 llw h l(r:ulu1tl1011 .11 fJ l'. (. 0 11 .. J.: •• " I •• " I It Ill IU•w11n1 oU.·rc~I ~.:,.1 11 :1H 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Man, 'JI 1wt.ods Job. 17 yr-. Un"it exp 7 yr~ ro111.1 1>1.q>Cr .. :xp 64fi 1~ Want_ M llelp :__: fl42_ !"im>I Sdloott& .......... 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOGA FOR HEALTH SHAPE UP FOR SUMMER AIM .ct TOME 714-67~·8899 -----l...llw offl<'(' or othe r pro v---. ........ 4250 fetJS1onal omr .. I\ VCO Plants & •·ut flowe r,; Newport Buch. '3,000 ...,..,, net Owrwr rct1nnl(. ~en\. Time 751-1~00 _ tlAIM RB.AXA TION AND CORRICT lllA THIMG •••••••••• ••••••• • ••• • • I'' 1 n it n ~· 1 11 I 'I' 11 w 1• r Palm Sprin1<11 new 2hr N<.oWPort t 'C'l1t1•r S 1n11lt· t'Olld(J, lt•nni~. ~ J>C'Kllll, Offtrei Or 3 offl('I' !IUllC 1acu1111. nr downtown R.et-ept100 arcll. Xrmx. S umm er rat ~ s law ltbn~. ~~ 2411 ur 1714>968·9623 m<!m Sdhng anythml( w11 h a Owly Pilol Clas111fle1I Ail '" » simple rrwuer . Jllll call 642-5678 __ $175 mo Wood l>t•11m!I 1·ha rm & ~·ha rart t' r l'erft'('t for smitll bwil neu. ulll Incl 1131·~2 tm'ITAURANT IRVINF: Gd potail 'I, hl'uvy lunch . lerrtflc hie, 'Ill<' for 11\aik sale SSl-3.'>44 Flor1!it Pres tq.t1 11us l.MgWHt Nt/(Ut•I, t'!il ll }'1'11. all wm· scrv1rei>. t'k· <' r I I t' 11 I t' I 1 l' n I f' I f' SI00,000. Mr Jim . e-0500 11,..tlllad , .. ...,. ...... -wa .... ,. Cr••••• ............................... _ .. .... _ ........ _, ___ .......... ·-·~ -............ . ... ··- 7 ............ ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM Pauo coven/ l>t>t·kmlf ~7 7086 -S.ve MOfWy• Dnvt!waya .. l•ark1nt1 101 •ltepaln. ·!W~lco•1lln C:.,.. S..-.ke •l.1t• NU. <. M S ... •••••••-·••••••••••••• ~it6 4171 SN1m1J1,., A. "ll 1>111 1 l\•1111 ft t a $w.k• ('<Jk>r l)n pht.t•n('r'i . whl •••••••••••••••••••• •• ciie,. 10 mm tllc111l h I 'h•11n flbvon'tl lllO Kankrupc)' b\, 1bn rm, h11ll $1~ \I' f1'0 Arcioo I o1•1111l Tv1•1n11 nn 'S7 till, <'t•u1·k SltJ. du IMi-~100 I'> c~~r .. tun 1><'1 11do1 ltu;.u_,. ICW1ll'lllW1' .1r •'Ou11t1n11. n111:.ull111 1L N U uJ\•11 11 vr. 11:$.1 Kl~ tlx~'1''"t: '>'Ill I'll" .. Ill & debH·r l'•11tl ~vu1 t; I ,\ I', tl. r it ll.ank ... t'11fl Al'-4111\'r_,,.,Hl«I lull, & h41n,I. ... 1ak111t•n1... llr I\ rut.-:id l!lti7 l )le 1'11Ntlf I!. )'I' t'!o. µr lA> ~·or\ m)i;c•ll H1•f!> ~I 011.>I c:-..t/CCMK,..._ •.•.........•.......... n •11)1•111 ... nr ..... 1111 l..1111h 1-h -.· ..... ·~ \"" ''"[~·· Abov biod1 '1111 .al~ Mb U ~I ~o.111.ln1111n... I• 1.,1111111! '"""" hit" i...., t• 11111.., I J1· U !):'It\ ~11:1 :>4X I.Im t 'ft'J l'rtl'l'!KHI l'totll.. .... ., ... u11( & HW>lll\..,.., St:1 \ .. ,., c.c.e.-tor t;t! T~ ~W 7S1") • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Klwlt t Ulltom wood r1•n1• lfll(, l(Uh.,. & lo•m 1· 1 <'fll•ll ~1'* JllJll ... 1111 P.· • ••••••••••••••••••••• Gardt'n1n11 df'.tn up,. . & l1tnd11l'"'P'"li! (~\·or111 ... lb&ahl S'5 71172 •Vt-:KY 1.ow l'Hll'I-:.'\• Of1 lundn 111lll' rnu rnt < ,.'(Jfltt' Mii 2015 ('1.-i. fl llfl "• f1l111 I I II j\ l.1111,li.1·,. 1111111 I rn m ''\I ~·I Vll'llll( tt42 !11_~7 l'rnl J:tpUOt'"'' ~urih·m·r, luw.u.. ~111 oylnw t1 1, .. ,, 1 l1•1u1 Uf> & llldllll '•~ l(fl~ lo411lk·n ( •.,, ,. ~1,11111ldt•1 l\'IHJll Ill lllll' t II"''°' 1 UI ~ I t"tl~t(.lt'I IC<'fJ~ftl• fl )I :. np 556 .. 5 111 7~1 .!l2K l-\IJ 1.wrt.k•Ol'I ...,11111111\·1 l1rld1111111 flfUlllll;! IS.. I l<•Jll lllJ'• l'J I J:1!J.' l 'OLl. f·;(; I--,T ll I) I'. 'I'~ 11 .. 11111 .idJ1t 11111 I i llt:J\'I 1\l.L l'llll'E :-, rn11clrh (it'll «11111 llvt1111ll1n1: ( l1.,1nup ... a.-:liti:!t 7!11 •••II ·,·:1:! :!Ir.ti ~11;1 !'M·•:<'l1111:. :-.pnnkler., 1:...u1wntcr Jo'rt't' 1-~l ""' llKtri al lh-t• 1'1u11101!. llJull111: ... 11,1· Joh:. Cull All.rn 1)1 ••••••~•••••••••••• ••.. l Jll J1H1 5.'>& Gl!M '•Jt1¥ 64&Hti4lf -'t..LhL~fR l{;l~1t:i·i:i·cL-.µ._ __ ~llKt CUSTOM nl!hl rr .... • eslllllJlt' 1111 •••••••••••••••• ~.;;-•• 4 nwnor l"aflk•nlrv • IJ1 K1·11r ... rn;1ll 1111~ hy Jay • 64l 81!&.l I~· 11~2:'14 117:1 O:i.1!1 <'llfTlpl rt'novtg, m l/t•xl ~~chic 1·.ihrn..t maki; C'h.11 i;.15 m7<1 1!1·n<)V Jl1n ~ !'t t·n 11 ,. \;15 31'1!1 Fotncing ••••••••••••••••••••••• •l<t-;MOl>l-:1.11"C: • Woo.I I ••111·1·~ g;ol 1·-. I\ 1tc•hl·t1,., hit n t l11~l'l,. r»•t ""' n·.1,.1111.11111· ,. .Jll"• vt•Ol'lllll-\. 1·ui.l111 1'1111:-h 1+17 ·17!•:1 work. dt:r k .... ft•111·1·~ ... :-killL'tl \'r:lll!>mi·u 1-·rc•• Si'.l.J . 1<.lh· 111•111?> with ;1 l~l tl-1..S ~;u9 n .111) 1'11111 c1a~,.1r11 .. 1 Acl t•;it .. 11ornl' Marntt·nunc .... lri:.tJllJ llvn ,1n•l lkp.11r., ~ 7tll l V1\('/\NT 1\l'T& llOMt-: HAl/1.(1 ... :1\N 111':1' \IH l'Alfl/T LOW< 'OST ri:lll Zl.'>2111' •~ltl 14-11:1 Hmdywan .....•..••..•.......... n1rpt•ntry. ft•n1·1nj! & roor mg No Joh tw ~ml 11:.p.1 c:11rr ti3• .ill>l Ho•Kllu•s1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• <>LX" Studtlnl I '\'on trlK·k Trbh, &.n't! trim . Oun R1•lrnbh•, cfrh.·rcnl. "''" 642-32'.M p1•n1•n1'1'fl <:le unlnt( ull houn.. 646-4611.5 H.auh11J1. & c:lt•u11111,H lfavc dump lruck ~7 8271 I tfl• 11 all 11k1plo1uh•r , tlwnvtruck. Krud•·. h1t11I '"""-'nl, w.phull. trl~ r•· 11111v111l, t•ll· "31 1~7 M1k•"' lt11uhnl( & Lilt• MrwmtJ (;c11'l lr11m.\M11 l & ol..t Lo mt\•:., ~ I l.1 I 1-·1...,t haulln;!. ·re ... $14 & lllJ Ytl & i:ur dnu1J:. Fr•·1· t'l'll c I 14 1"42 <1~»7 HolMca..:iftc) . .......•.............. Want J IU:/\1.LY <'l.l-:1\N ~ • C.tll (.;uldw.w flirt t-'ret' t..,I *'45'!\ 123 Ho tun .., lluu,t•1·h•1111111 1! ~\1 l11r ,, thor11111!hl 1•h•u11 l1<1U'l' 5'10 UK.'>7 DAHOY DUSTIR~ Wk ly or I llmt• II o u c• r I •· a n 1 n .: VA<:AN'I~. r entalJo. rcitl '"l11lc work o r 11pec rnhty S T t: I\ M <.: I\ H I' t:; T Cl.~:ANIN(; Uonded I n !l ll r •·\I Jo' r t• t• lo~ :. l ~4100 Ct·dar <:qH Clt'an'I!. steam/shampoo, wndow wi;h ·~. fir wax'.:, l!cn d11°1; scrv lfrs /Comm llt:ason<tblt·. S imo n 7M'81J.'11 l'ompll'll' hou~t·l lt·anm.: l.Jy duy. wkly. mnlhly. lso Ir Vl' "'' J v J ii Hrghty tT3111ecf )JeT'l'On ncl Uondt'<I Im. 55l 0105 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Robertson l 'tlM ( 'h'.111111;! !-tl'I \ ll'I' lf1'41f'CllOC~ !'>f.11·1·1.;ll} r111 C'UM & Ill ru.11l1·11t:. fi75 WU!I Auociate1, Inc. l"ull 'ulut' t•onll·nh 011 l\lll'lll ion ri·a I 1·~lult•r-. honit,"Uwner~ l"O\ l.'r ai.:c ~l.'l'l~' l!>t ,1 happy l'lll'lll t.75·05(;2 W;: ..,Pt'l'IJht.1· in n 11•an e!.a'6r WITH t'll-:. C.111 '1'h1· Mop1~t?> ,,_...,~ ~ 111 I! s l' r v 1 l_' ~-··_. ~~:...~ntwfKO Ml<S Cl.I-: N mJkl' 11 1-( h·.irn ll.11 Ii . .1 fJ I:. hnmr... lk•I !I 11r aft ;,, 5'l9!1:n:! I-' 11 r l' " 1° 1· II 1• n 1• 1• 111 hOU.'>l'l'il'UrllllJ: ( 'l1·anlfll! \~nil rntll'tl Mtl :n;i1; Xlnl I louM·1·h•a11111g 110111• hy l;uly "' a'lq11•r ll1·p1•11 f1 <i h I t· " w n I r ,, n ' • ~n :11m ••••••••••••••••••••••• DARWISH ,J/\MTlllllAI. :-,t:H \.It' E W1· do 1·rp1 dt:Ulllfll! & llr W,l\lllg Jl low 1·11st. .11 \ 11ur 1·1111 \ l' n11•1u·1•' 21 hr wn l'all ht ... II !I \ \1 I If f I \1 ti 15.(iJilf; Maki• vuur ... h11pp1ng •·a...,.cr IJ\ 11~111t.: th1· 1>.111} l'llot ( 'lai.!>tll '"''All.., l••c•· ,.......,.......... g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• t:uropean Landscit~>cr. Flrw•xwr Painting by R. 'fop work Fiur pncc. Sinor. Sl. UC'., U\ll. Try ~t drain clc11n Kela. 646-4871 dy11/eveii. mt'.1136-5.sM:M hrs 11\M· 15.50 up Retiults no ---chr1' 646-9017 Jap»nese L a ndscaper . fo:XCELL. PAINTING -- new homes. rtdan d . twits rllltl!>. Jo"reeetil TIM! Pipe Surl(eon Plumh sprinklers 10 yrs t>xJ)j!r. 5'9·Z106 1o;xpr'd ~ 1-ully 111Sured, he'd lo prit.•c, ht· & bondt.'<I t.'Onlr Jo"rt!e est Guar. Noboru 531 ·816~ or Pamt·Jo:xwnon.. Heat All q~bly wor~M0·7~_ IJ> <rnce Servit'el. Prof t)'JIU'I, term papers, rt'- s u mes Cl e:' t.O UHS\' lillgMn. 642-1221 • If.fl~ Pru~. Proof Job1> Lmil IO Yurs. Lie• 363090 lf17~~y~mt' Let Us Install ;1 N lo. W I. a n d 1> c d p e 11 r Kl!:JUV~NATE The l>IO On c . Call Anytrm l'. 645-6716 LI e II 3644 IU Low tUt typing of idtm llcal onguu1I lettt'rs on your ldt.erhead. Free m · ~en«IJ· 75~6893 bofllecJ Wiii d a. iii ••••••••••••••••••••••••w-g Repa1 r & Hl•roor A II ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mmfllr'/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bnckwork Small JOI>:-. Newpo11., <.:ostu Mt'Sll & frvlll(' 675·3t75evcs Yuur Hu rbor art"a painter , 1nl1exl l'ror qua Ill) work.' fteasun Ul'/lru;. El.t cheerfully g1ycn Uuve 586·8425 -------- !'roper prcpar11t111n , i>nme & paint rtt-r-~ Fret• e s t . ti4G 080 I Uiwrt'nre l y p ,. ?> , h 1 11 I! I ;: :-. eoue.ce students. wmdo"' n wk ... hukc:-. com1111 tar washml(. Rtlll1d / ~lorc:- t"rl'c c~t !>41 5930 Fm Xlnl work . 642·544!1. Avail ~71172 RA.U111~. cxl·cllenl work. low pncc~. Sut1s rart1on gu..r l"rcc L~l. !>49 11672 Wlftdow TWing • •••••••••••••••••••••• Unck. s lont', block work 1 L ' U d bl lilt• Clouri.. cont·rcll' nli .-.xl. · t:pcn a t• HOllZOM ROOFING Jo:x)>l•rt rcw1fer?>. not i.alt.-smen 54K 3ti()9 Window Mm. d1.i.en1 Slop lud1·. cool yr h m & n· dun • i:t:.in· add p v1·~ 54!t~ pah ·, wallb, di"~-_1lfi.wmable t:n:1: <;~t ways t'rl'c l'\I J ohu 0 111 Jay S48-6159 l141~158:l Mo¥incJ ..........•....•.•..... Orange Cly Trut·kini.: fo'l·l'1ght bldg ll'l<llt•n.ih rurruture ~II 955·:lti5il Pm..tinq/PapftirtCJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PETERS P/\INTIN<: Jo:xpr'd lt('<1S Ha lt"' f''r\'(• fat ('all (;t•n1· S."2-CMSR 1 • l'rul p;unlmg t-.i<t ((.· mt I "w ra h•s !fol s I-1 1 ,. I ~l 5:JG..171!U, SJ6.4Jf(;J I' 111 n t 1 n 1-\ I NT I-, :<'I' :-0.L•at, h<1m...,l ro·11' I.• yr~ l'Xf}. 1~1c· d D:H •· !Jl>4-H»S 1111 l'a1111 & "'.dlp.11wr l~1ial work r '"'' p1 i'h'l.· •·~l Stl'\ •:i ;)-17 IZlll Int i-:xt. l>c1,1c ndahll• ftea~on<1 ble. Frei• c:-.1 C<tll Hrll :><ll.i-0507 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlUCl"•J. r~tui·t•o Sp<t111s h h•xtun· 1-t•alt ht·:. < 111 t. l•Xll ~')7 (fllJt: fltaltet-/Repair T-'-· • R · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1...r•1M011 e-paer . ..•......•••.......... N1·al patl't1e~ & texlun·.., <.:olor 'IV St·r v . SJJt:t'iah?>I RtHEST. ~93-1439 all brand?>. tlay!> evc~ , wknd. ... K41i 91tii "....eitecJ ....•.......•.......... Plwnlun~ rcp1t1r ~pct•. m rl'ITllJdt.'llO~. l'~ rt· t":St u~ 'lumbtnl! 5:r. :H94 ll It !-it I 'l;11r ... l'lurnhml! ~I i! fJ' l1r . All 14 v r k l!U,Jrilnh't.'IJ G45 :1.'>11:1 ~a11ch1•x l'lumhm~ l~·al th1· h1•JI ll1 ·p1 P''' 1rn11rovl' wal•·r 1ir1·-. ... l1r1· !->!Jt.'C Ill l"OIJIJt'f' I l'fllll\'~, hllU!>•'' ;q ll Ullll ' ,11 ::~u,0::1!17 . L11t.1I t •I" ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'nm. lop. re movl:' lr~.,. Also lands cup1• & spnn1rter.-McWt:ene ~5124 T~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TP(' tnal lesson. creden lialed teat her. ex per, will tutor readU1g. malh, Fl"cnt·ll. Rsnbl A II lot·a I calb returned b/3 601:! -' 11:1\ ,. .oml'I h1n l! 111 "'II ' 1'l:L'"''11~1 .1•h110 1t wl'll ll>oklnrtorrtio your own'' Yo u'll find rrony homes advert1st'<I for '<tll• 111 I 'la:.s1hcd cvery clay you wllll'• new HI your focal commun1ly .. weryday 111 m14u.11 Jabs W..ted. 7075 H .. W...ttd 7100 Help W..t~ 7100 tWp Wantfll 7100 Help Wanted 7100 Help W..tfll 7100 tWp Want~ 7100 Hetp Want~d 7100 tWp Wanted 7100 ...•.••.•..•.....•.••......•.........................•.•.•••.....•... ········~·············· •........•.........••...•••••.•.•••••••...•..•...•••••.....•.......•.••••.....•.......•••••. •••········•·••········ ~t·f'·y . K l'('efH I' T f'Syrhothcrap1:-t's umc•t• SnO C 4!J4 157ti HetpW..ted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• /\1°111! Bkkpni.: n :Ml'O ltARY Ht•IW>ll.!r Iuchs)' to work <in vanou:. :.i1•countrn~ & b11okkccp111~ ;.s :-~r ~n nwnt!> Wurk t'l•1~c tu .,,1t1r tM1m•· A<"<1 J! o·l ... rk,, l1ut1kkl'l.l/l'I') ,l l"f lllfll r • .nL ... art: llL"l'tlt'tl t hruuul ()r;u1i.:1· ( 11unl v C1 II u' for more 1nf11rrn;1t11111 Hobl'rt ll;1lf", ace~ Zl:l:l No Rrnarlw:1\' ~:,,•1. Colllw1•ll l~nk1•r IJld~ .. Sanw /\11,1 1714183§.4103 .ACUVITIESDIR nt>edcd for ronval ho.'p Xlnt ~nr i''rec in~ J fl prob penoo Apply 144!> Supenor. NR •/\(•riu;ss..:s Mi't11ts •All AJlt'i> J\11 Typ1·' •I no t:xf)l'r N1·1·1 • "SI\ M •· lnl1•rv11.•w11w now Our 1'111.·111,. ha vo· workl•d ''Hut k y 11 ·'l;oldll' & Tht• Bdxt•r "Liidv In llt.-<I' "' · 1<11ho:rt ·onrad. Wrr g lt·." ., t>uubll·mml" & with Ill,. fM•ySlud1oe. J\n y()ll(' mtn1· .. 11'il 111 "MOV I!':.-; or Tt:Lt:VISON •1;;111 "S J\ M ' tu<la" • 1714 1 63:J 223:! ••Xl !I~ AHTIST PASTE-UP ARTIST l'art 11111.: pu?>h' up •• n1st ne{'ded for ~row1n i,: Nt•w1•1rl llt'.Jl'h '"''t•klv lll'""''fJart·r i\llJ?>\ lw •. ~. 111•n1•n1·1..J 111 IJ."11Ut. d1· "l'n and pa• II' un W11rk "'ht•ll11l1· "i.l'\I :!\~1 '.\1oru l,1Y .11111 T U1•,d ,1\ IJl h••r hour-. ll•·~1hlt• ('ull 1lr11.1n .• 1 NEWPORT ENSIGN 2721 t-:C11a:-t l llghw~v l • 1ro11 d ti l'I ;\1.i r 1714 1 li7J 05~1 l::qu.11 Oppon unrt y 1-:1111>loycr m 1f h PAGERS l'lll!{'r.-111·t-1l1·1I for pa~ lnl! 1·d1tur 1a l Jiit! da~-.-.1f1t••I 'l"'' wn~ 111 141'1'kly Nt.'Wpllrt lk•U\'h '"''"'Jla111·r Will ;.bo tl11 11a.~ll' up W111 tru"' I ·,, 11 471-0550 NEWPORT ENSIGN 1\IH C'l)Nl)ITIONIN<i INSTALLl::H· cxpt:r, rt· :.1ck-nlrnl or <·omrncr1·1a l. l!:t1ua l Opr:>ortun1LY ..... r mund employ ml•nt. 111 t:mploycr M IF Ill vd day:, off I wk Vi.It' 111'1 ---------- lbl y_r 2 Wk!> va1· aft l n<.l A'-;SEM Ul.t-:H Tll JN 1-: t-. YTS 3 wk:. Vitt' art 5th yr for boat h;,srclw<1r.· I 1lav U nl1rn1l e d major W\'Ck ~75 Ill'• hr l '.111 ~J1c·al 1n!> Poh<'Y llt1\ ~i&iioi <:-Ompa ny p11rtu·1pul10lo! :.uvin~:. plan Call T 1111 lllwn 7AM & K ;JOA:\I ~.15 5!iH or <tpply 111 IA'™X'I .il I'; I. 1';1yrw. 01 :Uti So l htllJtl.1v, S A A ...... l '" ,1 ... 11 ,t 1(11 goaranl1•1• 1\ppJ" .it Alfn.'<.lo':. Jt>IU ~·al' ('ua't lfw~ NII 1>75 00711 1\ol11 \'arncr. H1·1t...,l1·r \'itrly AM . 11,. ~ hr' Alarm ~urgla r Nd ... sn!i-$\50 mo MU!oil twv1• trwm·t• scrvwc pers on n •hahh• 1·ar Moo11ll~h1<·1 Wlt'lt.'<'lronir bat kJ!roun<I & ,till hav1· ro·j!ul,or Joh hc lpl ul l~K 1-'urcs l . ~l ~UMi,540·ti722 W1HMI\. 1.al!una Uc.·uth Anlweri'"J Service l'HX operator .., for a tclcphonc ani<Wl'rln).! ?>('fVI Cl' ••xpen cnn·d or will lram i'ull lime Qr part t11n1.· shirts a vall<t blc. Days. afternoon ~vcnllll-(?> or 1o1ravc yard Must he ahlt> lo work .soroc wt.~kcnds. 1'y11m~ 35 wpm. rnquirnd. Ma ny ro. benefits available . Plea.% call Mon t'ri Fashron Is land a rea 640-1791 Cost:. M es:. are a ~ll66E.O.E. APT MANAG ER fo'or SS units in Costa ~a. Exper'd couple w.rc bkkp ~ exp Husband mainl. exp f'a ll 642.5073 or 1213 1 Mil,'; 'IJ!)1 1\\"fOMtrnvE AUTO MECHANIC "'1th t:la~s J\ V I I' ..,m•1L! ltr1'f\.•W Contat•t t~t-nt•nal M11n11;!1•r '"'H..-.,11•4. c ......... . " .. ,.,101 ... uo.uu 1\\ "l'OMOTI Vt-; lOTMAH 0\\'r Iii )car.. ulll 1-;, 1wr1t:rll'~·d ~lu~l hJ\t own tr.1n:.p11rt.il11111 & ' ,II r II C ;d r f ol ri \l' 1 ,. l11·1·1L.,.._ Appl) 111 fll'r.,1111 L11 otUr S.·rvH•t· I It-pl ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCE li>10.l:lmhllrc<' 1toa1I NEWl'OHT llh:J\1"11 lluby ... rllt•r. matur•· WOO'll'll for I ~ r ulil l!•tl m my Irv horn•· ... t <1 rlmg Sept fur tcal'llcr !!·I 5.'6-~ 11;.rnkrnl( E.XPERIE:N CED TELLERS SI HJTI I {'( li\ST NATIONAL BANK 11 lndt•JtCndt:nl Hank l\IW~nfluwn SI < 'o-.tu Ml·,,1 Bar;!1rl f'"/l 1i l lll'•l!hllumcl har &Mi 55<14C'M 1111.1.I NI. C..:L t:atl\ 1·xpcr'd, S750 mu to ~l:tf1 <JI' morl· for t1ualiftl'd IJC™NI lnvo1n'. typm l!. li'lepllont·~. 1•11mpan} ht>nef1ts Santu Anu Call M:iry !fl!J.7 4_7_4 __ •BICKPR/SEC1Y nt·cdcd for lurn1tur1· 'ltort• 1;,,ocJ l!t•ner.il h:wkground. 10 kc) "" lotUl'h !')JI Jr}' I Hiii rm:n:.uralc w . t'X J.1. (;a II ~""' ll600 lt1at asM:mhl..r-. wanll'•I 1-'ull & parl time ~~. H.11 4ti4i/f Boal l'ln'~ Womt•n rn fl •n..,lt>tl m above wait·• hoal clcarunl! m Uan u f'oml OJ 11642-0671 looldcttpinq Ci.rti 1'11:-.t ilCl"l!°I pay . l.V Ill' 50 ... w11m. 1nvo1ec•s, ;.., ~•~l port:ha?>t' dcµl He1Jev1· !.W1td1board, for lrvmt: I-um rnrg MO l!X!l-1 fnrap11t CUSTODIAN AT EASE 111 Fa:-.h1on Isl<rnd . '.\l('wporl Jfra ('h. h:1 ~ ~1n immedtal(' 01w rung fol' a Full T ime Cusl od1a 11 with light maintcnanh· ahllillt·:-.. C ompct1t1H· :-.alarv ;tnrt goort lwr)(•1'1ts <..':i ll 644-5070 Wttlldays. ask for Mr. Finn~qon CIVILEHG. ESTIMATOR J-:'l(f)t•nl'f'H'l•d llldl\ 1d11;d wanll'<I 1•1 pri•pare •·11 ... 1 t·:.t1mat1·-. cd -.uh rt1v1s1on.o;. 1111111 ... tnal 111· \ t· I 11 p n11• n I ', u L II 1 l \ '.)!ih.'m:. & 111 p•·ftlll Ill uUltty 111ve~l1galw11., & l·.1kul:i1•· ··a• th 1111.111 l1lll'.., Suf1l'rv1~1wl I'\ lll'nt'nrt: vital A1>JJI~ 111 ix·rson with rcsum1• l11 Mr f\1l·nt1·?> at flohl·rl lla•m, Wiiham l-'ro1~l & A..,~u1· . 14111 Qu.1rl ~I Nt•wpt1rl ·~·.H·h c I. f': H ll' A I. 111 ,1 t II ' I. JX•r..tlfl ;11•1°U1«1ll· lyflr?>l . good w11h frJ.!un·' Xl111 Hclll' Jame,. Im, ~'all Maunnc·. 7!'12 IY.l!IO 1-: 0 t-: Q.BtlCAL TRAINEE lll•l'f>ffi(' ,, m1·mlM·r 111 .1 rt,)11am1c N•·"' pnrt l-.·nll'I Ftrnmc·ial Firm W1· hu\o' rl'Tlmt·drnl11 1111e:nml!" fr1r l-11l· & Offw1· <.:Ink ... Of f11•1• 1·x1x-nl'11<·1• ht:lrrul hut not n•'<'•·..,~arv A I) I' orft·r?> x 1111 w11rk 1 n g l' o n d 1 l r u n ,. . .1 d iallengmi.: 1•nv1ronmcn1 & ~ood t•an "t•r & !>alar~ PMJ.!r!.'!;Sllln Plt:a.'o(• nmt.11·t l'l·r,11n nd or i.11/fllY cl.illy ti H A.D.P. PENSION SERVICES JI() /lh·w11urt C1•11lt'r l)r m NR 6'1'1 '1:Jl;O 1·xl21i'.I ~u<tl 0111JOr f':m 1>IOY<'I Mil" Ll.EHICAI. !'::am Exira Morn•\' '1.1·;11 II' A I. Summer Jobs TEACHERS STUDENTS HOUSEWIVES F:.am extra SS$.., l11r \11111 llvull! \ ;11·at111n., 111111 I ll'I lht: I!<!!> !>hlll 1.1.:1• ill'l you down ' VOLT , TE ""1PORAR V m.AVK..:.f' • :1K111H'a mpu~ llnH· 5'11i 17 11 ·1,\ero~~ I rnm ur.rnJ,!t• C111\1rp11r1 t 1-..qual Oppor i-:mph•} 1•r L11·nral II vou wcr1• .1 111111 '"" JOU wotul<.l havl' It• p11~ .111 al!C lll Y(Jl I N I·. v 1·; I{ I IJ\VI-: TO I'/\ Y COASTAL PERSONNEL AGENCY 540-6055 :..'i'JO H;,rh1Jr HI l'\I :-a:v1-:1t A n :1·: I 'sill aflt·r hour~ appl CLERK/MGR t'o:-.mel 11'" 1; ii 1-. ~ Carfk. 1-:xJll·r pn •f'd ('a 11 IYI(). 737:1 Clt·rk i 11 !-ttnro• I l111n 7..ro ~l n1ghh . $:1 It) rwr hr lo ... t.irl H1•t1r1"'' .,.l'l«om1• ti7:; 1'.1ulann11 (' ,\1 75 I lti.'>2 Q.ERK TYPIST h111Tl\'(h;,sl•· 0111.•nmg 1111 t'XIJl.'lll'nt'l'll md 1' id u.11,. to hll our d..rk l~ Pbl rxX'l1t1ons l>cwuml•nt 1•on I rol & or ae1·uunl1nl! t•)( 11o·m·nrc helpful. T ypml! & to key addml! ma1·h1111' s kills requ1 r l'd. Good t.'OfTlpany paid bene fit:. & · worlon.~ cood1l1ons m our Newport Beach ofrll"t' i"or appt. l'llll 640 •1$1411 t:XI 244. ·--·----....... ._ ...__ ..... _ .. _ C()()l(jExpr'd l'<'rmtncnl cmpfovmt:nt <~I work •·ond1111m?> 1111 nl!hl lll'rson ('a 11 ht'"" .I H 11m ;,:11; :JH~>li Covk1ni,:. ~111111· w:-hg l11r 'I :11111:... l lll'-'1 I th '> 14 k w 1•ar, 111111 ~11111k1·1 ~1 hr i;,J7 11.l~i ·co·oK \l,lffff t• l;id ) jtr1·I d l1llj .Ill '.\11111 Fr I \ 1111 ... 11rk'1! \IJIHI \\ lwnl t·:Ot-: Huy\ I<'\\ ( 't1U\ ,1!to' ··1·11l llo !.prt.il ::11 .•. 1 ·n1un11 <'\1 1;1:.: :i:-.o .• l°l• 1k 1!1·h..t 1·1•1k l11r p11 \ ,111· l"Wllf) l'lull Full 11111•• 'Int lwnl'f1h i\111 1 lw l..1111wled.:cahlt• 111 .i II ,l..,fl\.'l1' v( food pr 1•11.11.1 lll IO 19ti ;, 71;7 'l'tioll.' lhnn1·r f111u~l' -.;, . .,. n ... 1aur:ml 111 Lii n1·•·"' •••lit." 1\pJll~ m t1t•r-.1111 11 Hali S l'u<1-.t 11 °1'' 1!11 440H ~11uk~. L:i 1~un a lh.:.H h llotcl !:il't:k~ l ull t1rn1· vc<tr ruuntJ 1·1111k,. and p:intry ll'l<ln Food 11p .. 111 lion now under 111•.,. man a gt• m c n l . { d 11 '4~1 11;,1 John Sharfw ---.- COOKSWANTB> I< 1-:1.11-:F & St:CI 1/1, I> ,,pply m per:-on Tht• \111· tor llUl!UO Inn :lh I I 'h 11 l>r I .;iJ!una li\·,11'1\ Counlt·r hdfJ full 111111• (.'a 111 l' u <;I l• a n l' 1 ' , Newport llea1·h M4·01itl:l COUNTER WOMAN '" wn t1· 1·11111rad?> rn n·n t al 1·1•nt1·r .\1u ~I h" av.11luhll· w1•1•kt•n1t... /\J• vl.v l!nl N1·wpor1 111\\I CM (;.oupll.., wanlt'11 t•1 11'.trll m:1111tt.:l'lllt'nt 111 ~m.111 hu .... int·~o; .\1u~t 111• 1•11 1h1~..,.ast 11· & hk1· nw..tml' p1•111Jl1·. l'arl t 1ml· !lli.:1 7225 l 'rew llt't'<kd tor Yad11 Engm•"Cr. 1·1M1k '°::t l'"' .1 rol fir !>lcWetrdt•S?>, & 1lt•1·k ha nil painter. 111:1 ~:tuo hlwn!i·711m DELI HELP IH 11r m·1•r )-'ull t1mo· !-\illy t•xpr cl H1·h n •11 f;;\4 Siil!I l>cli vt·ry rn.111 l';\I furmtun · ~l11rt· •I<! hr Wt.'Ck S:l.25 hr Call lk-1 ty bt.'l 11·11642-:!0C>a. ~livery . Hc~111rn?>r hli· Pt'rs<>n rwc'flt'(I full I lflW for lund plannmi.: firm 1n Newport Ucat·h $3.51fhr 752 92'.!:J Ucl men over Iii for LA Time s 1n NB&l'M Pcrm/p I. $350/$400/mu 646-~ DENT Al/ChotrsiM " th1y ~····k ... ,,.. ,, 11uin.'\l !151 17fi:l. Ii 11 :!11'1 ICl2 trJ77 IJEN'l 1\I. FHllN'I' o .. I· I< t- i '"I.\ lir\l, 1'h11no·, 1 ,,11,·c 1 I 0 fl • \ JI I f ft t• t Jo:' lJIJlt.,hl•cl [11 ,II I II • ' II .1rt•J !'>.•hn "I"'" 111111 ... n111i.. .. r i. t;, i;:-~11 llt•t;,sil Sh•n• W1ll 1r;1111 ,,.,,,,'""II \ ,11 1.,I 111dl\ 1(f11.1I 111r do 1.111 trq• B t 11 \ t d H .1 I " Si t'\•·, ll1·1 .11111q 1;.~. 11:11. IJi'hw.i-.lwr 111·• il1·•I "" ... ,.~.11 llu.,1111•,,;, 1111 lll•·ol l•fll'lllflg tii .. I I IX I Ill .i~l riln-t .•~k r.,1 1,1.n l>r;ipt·~· .,.r1rkroM•fl l m•·•I """''' lahl,·r I \ 'J!ill Uf,."M IJrPt•r \1u1nt1·n,a11• • :\111,l know O t ,,. , • :-,tul1 I 25 hr 1\ ~ I> 1<111 t.1b 1112 11x.. J>HI\ 1-:tc t>r;111i.:1• t."11 1h- llH·J'\. '111111· ,f111p '14 0rlo. ::.a 7 !, 11t· 1 h , t •• 11 541;.1w1 DRIVERS :\lt·o ~ 1o1.orn1·11 25 \ r ... 111 11hlt•r. l\n11\4 th·· ......... , t'llll-:... l\.l•l $1.XO .1 '>'l'l'k Ill mort• Or ,1 11 .,:1· l'••·•"' Y 1•1111"' t".i h. I i;JOO :\1 t lh·rrm.1nn, Fount.1111 \.;ll;:y 1:'1o11 ol !'.l.1111 h1·l '>'n N,•1o1.h 1•11•· f.. b.1..J11j I 1>111 v I': ns (.rm .... 1•1111111 1 \ :-.. II ... fl l' ,. I II' ( .. 'I \l,1l'lin·gor Y.u•ht:-, 11 •• 11 l'lacl'nlia. C:'.\1 t:lnln1 1;111 n.·,·d··d "" m1'tlraldv lur rl'l1:1hJ.o 111 m f>.xj,.•r prl'lt·1-r1·tl l'11mni·1 ~· l11du-.l11 .d work l 'a 11:,;;7 IH7:.! IRctr'Ofti' AssflnbleN l-.\fll'nt•m·1• 11f' Tr.i1na·1·-. 1\ pµI~ Ill J>t'l'MUI <I I 'Tl! :!:: ;.iy12 Ht•:-.t:.JI di 111 II II ~: 0 ~; fo:Xl-:C S l<:t:IU-:T/\H Y. rt• 'I II I ,. I' ' I' x l' l' I I ,. II I ' "• r 1• 1 .1 r 1 :1 I • .1 ti Ill I 11 ' 1 I ,1 1 I \ • · ~ rn.11 h1·n1.1111·.il -.k ii 1-. lhll:tnlfl' 14 01'1..111~· ,.,. \ 1r11111n mt•111 ~11i.M1111 Wnh• in 1 nnl ult'nt ,. 111 floi. :!!Mi. Coronet th•I Mar t-'.iq.>t•nt•m'1c"tl ml>tllf al '" :-·1. orlhuflt'\111· ?>url!l'""· lyµ1ng litn•k 11fl 1n·. II.on !.nlOkt'r 646 519-1 ••EXTRAS•• Nt't....00' Hit player?> & xtrus for muJ motion ptrt, lv Sl'rit'S & po~:-. l\ ('Ommert•1als We nt•1•1I Jll'Of>lt• lor OrJ,t Cn & I.,\ hw ~hootm~:.. ca~• 1111-\ now' Call 1714 I ~Ill:!<) t'll1 94 Wt• kan• 1·a?>h'll for .. 1-'a'I R r1·a k ". "Hocky II", "l.llVt' Al First Rill»' Sm fl<t• Wt• hav(' filled over 5K JOh,., J!Om~ mtoour Slh yr ' t 'acl or y w ork er~ 1n t-Ntnural refant'ry. fo\1 II lHTll'. ix•rm pos1t1ons 111 st·kool chcm1slrv or work Pxp e r . w chi·rnlctib helpf'ul Start $4 hr, will train. Complf'le med & tnsur benefits potld for by comp1iny. Pa id vac;1 tJon plan July & Dee + merit bonus plan. Auto. salary 1nr rettse pro· iuam. E.0 . E. 549-3281. F<'rh lll' t'JI• f1•n,1 Work (;K'lEH/\I. 111-·1· I' 11111• II• I \1 I'. ::.:.! 1.10 to ... 1ar1 m11n1111i.:. 11111'1 1)111· ,\ m:1 Hiii ,tJl'll (',111 \.17!1 I "ii I 1-'IJ 11tfll. l11·~1~rwr t11 run I•----------'"' ... twp Will hantllt· IM ••k:. ll··h\1•111·~. '" ll• 11· 1111\ 1' !'>,ol,11 \ 1•11rn 1111 II II ,. .it 1• ... I 'I• t.t:. ··~~I FlORIST lntqll• f1l,t1I 11111 '••1 \ '"'~' t 11•,1!1\ 1 11•'•11.1h· 1111 11111 "' p.1n 11111•· 111·rm.1 Ill Ill p 11 1111'.ll \1 11 ! h .l\1" ,.,, .... ,, •• ,11, Ill 11 ...... lit"•tt•rt f• 't'1•l lf fll HJ• 1·11·t11111t I It• \\ ..... Ill I 11r.-j q 11111 "'11111 , l'I• I ••• qtpl. ,,, I" I "" \11111 1)11 11 I' I I ROGER 1 S GARDENS !1111 1'an J11.i110111 11111' H11,1tl I I t\I 1·· 111111• f1 t11.·1 d ·"" .... t111pp1 ·r It 111)t ·1 1-.' p .. 1 111•• SI a r! ~~ !:>.J :.11 h1 t .ill :.:1:1 1;.:~1 7HIMI i .j :10 ... hill ~l I.I. 1 'llt\ l(t , f·. filJ( )" t\ J-t-. I' ~. If I. ,q• U II .1 lit .11 h lu.-,111011 :'II 11,1 lio ,11>1• lo h.1111111 I 1•111•1 .1 I 11~J.:1 I IJl"lHlt! I hru t 1.111 lo ,d .1 111 , • 11 J \ r 11 II ,, 1i.1' 1 "11 1 ,,..., r 1· 1111 11 ~.11.11 \ 111111111• 11 ... u r .111· .... 111 "\IJlll\'1111' l.d l 1:;1 lllll. F ur111r 11 11· ....,111 Pfl•'r fll''l.h'lf 1 ull 11111• ;\11 ,., 1~·1 111·11.,., 'l>:I .>41 hr . \lu~I IJt• 'I llJ 11\t'I l l'~p ii. , lfl:llUI , .. •\ppl\ IJI IJ"l ""' Tu..·' \\'I ;11,, \\ lith SI <•"'l.1M•"·' t;l-.Nl-:1</\I. LABORERS TRAINEES ~SEMBLERS PACKERS \Ill I h I\ o' I I l1 .1ll lr t 1.uhp IV ph11111· I .urn lo. h•111 ,,., '" ·''"1'111111'111 Jl11l11t.1 \ <\ \,II .1li'HI p,I\ IJ'"l•l\,1lit 11l 1{1JI 11'.111 .••. 111.tltll' VOLT Te~AAV R9AV IC:E11 :h<ll! C.11npu ... lln w ·""· 1711 • \o·r"'' 1' 111111 I Jr:alll!•' ( ·., \1f11'111 1 httu.1l I lp1••r i'.mpl11v1·1 ~~COM1EWHERE THE ACTION IS THIS SUMMER Calt us b.fore 'chool i' out & choose your own hours & location We Med: \\ ,1n•ht1U"' \\ 111 "' I rrallll'I' J\!t~1·ml1h•r ... T} IJl'l • \t-.·rt'lan1•-. Jl'lo'n · 1;, N t::V 1:.1! 1\ J· I.I :>11l't\l.I IJS l11•l.1 \' VICTOR T~rart Service .... 556-8520 °"9 835-2622 EOE M /F GENERAL OFFICE " II r k t 11 1 .J \ U U fl i• 1----------· ti \ 11 ,1 Ill I 11h.1rm.11·1·u111-.ll l!r lllll' IC...lfll! \11111 flfU\t'll '.klJ1._ 111 l.li.:ht \ I' & \ II Ill k1·y h) 10111· h t \ p1111! & ' ., I I •• t •• f I ;1 I n • ... pi1n-.i111h11•·" ,\d1f1 11110.11 km1wl1•dl!l'. ~ t'' fJl'lhUI'\' 111 Cl.ll.1 fffOl'l'S~ 1111! lwlpllll Y1111 will n · 1111r1 1f111 ·1·ll\ lo l h •• l'IN1lmll1·1 aml "•rv .. ;1.., ~l't:l'l'lHI'\ tn I h.al 11lf11·1· Slar1mg'-.:11.1rv Imm ~.ti ~·r mv. Compan~ ofll•r.., t"11mph1°hl00:-I\ 1· l11•m•l 1I fl;ll'kal!l' 6:11 11155 (rl•ll1•1.lll lf f111 PERSONNEL CLERK l1111·ro•,t111 1! a111t \ ,., fl •il J•l:'olllllll Ill Ill"\ I 11•r,1111 ncl 11 .. 11:11 t m1•nl S11n11 ilutH·-. ro e ludo• ph11111•-. lilt..,, f11rtn..,, I y p1nl! 11'1 lt•r-. :mtf IOl'frlfl'>. -.111111• ill!Uf 1• w11rk Skill ro <JWrt,'\I I} 111111.! :..1wp111 ;!1)0(1 f)hllfW \'11111• f1i.:111 1 .1pl1t U11t• m•ut hant1~ 1·11 - 1 n g .1 11 fl p I l' a :. a 11 r fll'NNtahh (;\'nl'r;il 111 f I l ' l' l' ' p \' r I l' II I • • 111•1·1•..,..,;1r v t-::i.•·•·111·111 (icneral OHit•t• l11.•fll•l1t' inl'lutlm~ dt•rit.11 TR ... 1.,.EE pla11 .. 111ply H.1m 11 a111 '°'" IJ1m :111111. 'l:il11111,ol $650 START Educ·ut111n '1'1111 Br rr h Ni·wport Ht•at·h •·oo:-ult Slrt'l'l. Nl'WIJUrt lk'ad1 ml( lrrm. IH'l'US t•nlry INt:.ir 0 <" 1\1rp11rl • h·Vl·I st•t•n•lary who ·calf t:qual O p port un11 \ IYPt-' ~,,c,w1>m .11·turat .. ly' l•f•:m-.r:>•lcii1)'•t'•r------ will I ram 1111 won I 11n 1 ('i)S.'i()f Call 640·114711. AMEKICAN l'.nr e<-r i\1tcm·\ liltl Nl'WJ>Ort Cl·nlt·r I Ir Ncw1JOrt Bt•aeh No n:~: General Ofc Worker WHo·s #11 YOU ARE!!!! AT TOD YOU!LLUIE QMPBSOHAL l·TO.I An&mOM C>0me In & apply ror Ion~ & :short tt•rm 11ss1.:n men ts c,icntoral OH1rc C'h•rk~ 'J'ypL..,b. St.·rrct;in1•o;, At l'llt l'l t·r k~. ll1•1·;•p llom~h Toµ pJy. No Jto•· Paul Wl't•kly MORRELL T11.-wary S~•ice IRVlN}; 7f1<! 1illlll1 ~i'IN S.">11-!•l:.!I 1-: 0.1': M 1F Gtte1 Offc Sec'y Net.'<1 a lert person..tf•" .icnt.oral olk duties. and typm~ & bpokkt'Cpmg for small <.AJsta Mesa Cu Phone: 548-5688. Good employm ent op pol1.un1ly for quMllf1t'cl penoKJn to work 4·12pm·& 'M!dlends. Responsibil1 ty, !wavy phon~ fr typ ""'· Need phone & own transpor1at1on. Hc~ii1tr.v t:Xperienl-e ~Mui. Ca ll 4131-0610. GROOMER Anamet holS-pital CdM t;~ per, reqd. 644-$463. ... ····--..-... . .... . ... r• DM.Y~LOT Tunday, JutM 19, 1919 ....,w,.w 7100 ....,w..w • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ....,w .. ted 1100 ....,w..tect 1100 ""'w-'" 1100 ....,w..tect 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -·~ Jiit MllpW..W 71ot NllpWfllh4 7100 .c>f"CIQ.HKS ~•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• U1•l11 pr11r r ""'"lt t•o llALISTATI •SALIS* SECURITY rrPAYSTO SHUS Come In 1ultl t'\' I hi.· '· ~ \'1111\& thllllt' 1h.1l ... t• h"PIH'n111 i: .1l W t•ll, .. ·11rwu w •. 1w1 d ,., 1H·r1o•n t•t•tl "•'• 11 rl '" <.oorO-m , ,,.., .... port ... c .. s.te AM/...._ .... Nle:J1oR/.__ Pert& Co.to..._,. I ttw Whitff .. r Clt9G I \1\H Ill \I I 1ll'I 'I''·" f nl -. Ul •\' I \ I..,,,, \ l• \ t I •. un\\ ••Ith 1•1' up t-1 S4.25 '"r H ou r 'AUh 11lh ~•t I th H tlhth IJI II• ~· j.;llJI .1 .. I \ .... jl\il\ ,,. l\o, ''""ti' \li\U t I '\.Pl.I ij' ti I .~·\\ t ~1ll•l111ot't\• 1Uli I "'" I I II I \ ''··It I I " •• I ~)11 \\\\ 111u1 IC111 -... ... U1ftl \11 l I \ WR.LS FARGO GUARD SERVICES 111 \I ,IHI! .. 1 It I~• I I '1111. 'I I 11111 '" I I I I l-.q11.1l I 11>1•11 I 11111 l-.1npl<1\ • 1 \I I GUARDS - 1-\ill & p.111 111111 \II ,1 r I' ,1' l 11 I I 11 I Ill l11rn1-.lwd \f •'' .'I "' tl\l'r lld1ft•d "I h 111111' ''' "~lll'IH'll' I' 111 ·1 \ltlt h I 111\t'"·'' 1'111!1•1111111 :0-.l'r\ 11 ' I,' .'lo Y, d Ii :...1n·1·1 :....111!.• \11.1 In 11·n ,,.,. 110111 ' •1 I ' A I I ~l11nlhr 11 l-r 1 I (;,If '" 11•.I IA t 111•111,.11 ft:t J..!U.1f.Hll1•1 f~nt ll~,.. .. •111.11111 .. tl 1.. l.111 ,\tfrt.,(o ' llolll I '.11 I 11,1 I 11"' '°II 1;7~, 1~1i11 MIDISALIS MAMA•ltt..-f m·t-.ls ,,..:-m 111w111 1u11 lmmed ·o~nlnl(• for Lar icest lnlrrn111101111I Urnt• 11tW1c to a{rt1<'•1'" & """JIOfllltlblt', m.iture i.('11 U.lff'IJJlll\Y owrwcl f114un • t'C.ht '"'"' from ut'l'11u11 i.lltr trr who 1·u m u.loo for wonw11 *"' llU"' hull .. l't111,1 "" 111•1.111 Sul·r.-11d ul llr11kc•r;11(1• ltrlll h,1, l llHlll'llllllP ·~•·111ni:., for 1·1111111wrt•tul .111tl 1111l u .,lrt.1I '1111•' IJl'NIJfl't w•lh 1111' l11l111w 1111ttlu.1llf11 .1111111' m un1t•a 1e t11i.1ly w11 h turini.t hll m.rn 1wc·m1•111 11111.mlt'll ltu ukk1·1·p111•l ~ 1.UWn. Sak-ti WIJll'O ncv po•llwn Mui.I h u\I' 10 k t')' l'\Jtt'll•'ll"' • plui. but not rt•qwn'll had1a,:rnun1l 1n 1•11lwr l11•l11f ul I II•"• ~.1 1 W1ll lrn1n Mullilbll\t•ht•· hw.tn1•1111, 11•1.1d11 1Ht 111 llo1W1t•w••1•o;l11•11•-..111 11p I uh II I•, LH't'llM' tYPIOX kill~ dH'\'l1 ,.._.i..,. l'.111111 \ • 1•11 l utlll\ 111 11'111 • 11 111 t'Olnlrl"'lltlll , 11tlll(l11ll\ \o\tNk & ll'dl 'I 1l,1l.1 11111 I 011ll1·1t1· I 1t·1:rt"' M111111111111 :! \1 -, ''" "'"'"'"' 1t•11I •-.t11I" ., .. 1 .. , 1·x111·111•111·•· 1 ( •1•11111 I & lt11.h111l1111l 1 lllb~ton P1•r,11mwl "" 1Jt•rTl1r -"1\u1t <'nm1m Ol'fllloo .. II lllt'U M 1ll1•ll II•h1111n1.,., 714 K4T ·~i .• h"L'>IU dnt t' I h•rk 'I ) p1'<t 1111 11t•r"inttl Im•·' 111 ... wnn 1.1111w:11•11•1 h~ur.1111 1• I ••I l1'll otlll \flll lt1I .1111'\o\ I ll't°!'I 11\N'• \otllf '"' "'Ill I•''' ""''' '•Ill '" 1lq••f11lt0lllt' ptt"oll!:t' I ,.,,.•tin.: ,,, ,,, t ••1t1p li t1 UM •U A ,., ttUH'1tte , •• , tll t ,, lllM~ ""' h1111ltlt .tll. lo\1lh ~ lll tilt I" lll'Ul •tllt t 1 ...... 1• 1 .. 1,, i~1n ..,.,,, I ~ ll.11 ii K-UC .t I I I 11111111 I "lli'lt \I Ill! It"""·· ~··•kt\.' •I.a\ \l•l•I\ Ill JI•\[ "II '\.1 "i"" I 1111111 11 11 I II I. II.I\ 111 .... I ••I I I~ I " t \ I I t 1111 \I 11 I I I' \\ \~1 1 11 \\, 1 .. 1111 111111 ''' \Luul1·n.1h• • t 111 I• I I .. ,,. Ill Ill I• •I I • l1.1 lol1 , .... ,,,,. !h ttUf I It ....... , ""' ~ 11." ~ '"""' 1t111 \I• .t fft!fOfthHll \o\.U'• 111 l.111 I IJ•ld .otl\,1111'1 llt• 111 I . .1 1, II 111 1l•t"11 >\,\ I.''"' L111tl1111.al "11 11• '\I 1tll "1 11 ,\ "••\!II 11 \(ll'.I h 11\t' ''tlitiid "lfl ~ I! 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I· Ill h11 llll't Ill 111111•11111111·1111!.11 I l1t1l1111 1l, 1!1J 11::.1 ,,.,11 M>\Nll 'l 111:0-.'I' .fl II.I .. :'rt I· l\l.11111 111 "1 \\ lol ~tll 11 11111 111 \11)•111 111 .. 11 I' I "' 1"1111 l '11IJ /I I ..,Ill II/ to I il•ll I \'1ahUt "-01"•''' lttt "dt• 111 ltt',1111 \ ·•ll•l'h \J 1 ·.111U \It J•• 1H 11 I ti\ t t,111tlt1·· ·.111. t•I ttt tl1t - 'dlpJd\ f ''"Iii lit I IU't t •• tt \ .. 11t hlttU ~;11111 ll!Tlh'11 lol l••tlkllll; It 111,tl \.II ti l n1u.1t • • ,.rCl l1tdtt .... I I \I, tl1• .ti I I"''' 11111 tt Ht• I" lt••lll I lttl ' I·" .. 1 , II • •I • >111 "· 1111 " I I""' ""''I 1(1•1 t•p\1t1UI f 111• l•U \ I 11111111 .... 1.. 111111 I \1 I ., • 'I " 1111 I I 11· II " ll"tlt flt 'i.tl,11 \ 11p1 II ......... 1, ,., ... ,,, t.. \11 11 '"' (IJll\ l'tl••l I' II 1111\ 1 •• 1.0 I '.!..~' I \I t ~.· I I !(lfi:!I· MEDIC Al: l.t \t' Ill, S!IMI 111 I \o\ I'( I. 11llL" rnorn ii< 1.1.onl 111 I IHO li ltil 11r 1~1:1 1 ·l:~>t 1,1.li Mm& Women Wanted Sunwntr or Perm. Positions It \1111 ,,,,. rw" 111 !''"'·' ,,, .... 1 l<'1111•11 ,1nh di· r·•H•llfllllft~· \flUr • d•u •• t1•1n '' • • 1111\ d "t h.11 ~'"" II tUll lh1· ,. I\ It t t•I fol .... , ,, ,t'->tll) , •••• ~ ..... ft llf 11 .. r .11 \ 1·11111111• 1111 111 .·.~J t-11ir \ ,,.,,., 11 .1 I ,..,l,1 1\10•'11 i>lfo l~~I '\II jo:C1u11l llp1w11 f lllllh .. 1111111111•1 PART TIME CUR KS <.1111\1111' 111 111: .,, .... 11 •• llltlll••ll.1l1 "1"'11111"' • 1111 ""''f.11 ll<'l 111;1111•111 p,11 I ""It llllli ..... , ft!U I If I fl II., 11 UIJ' .11f 1 I II•• 1tt 1.\ 1 \ t ft Ill; • 1111 ltollll Jllf.11111,11 I ' j t I ~ • •I I' II I I I I 1\ '"~··· ...... ,,, I''"' II t I t I 1 11 •i.' 1.111, '""" 111 I 1111 I TWE GUICD DRUG 5404 W._,. Ave . I J~•ry Rd at S.A. Frwyl E.O .E. l'.111llt1h·d1lt\1I\ 1•11\ flt f ti I tf I' f ,, Fl II ,\ llt1'.1rh 1!11r11h.11l \111,11 , ,, 11 •1 ~rote Realty Inc . :I{',:,,• \1 ,11 /\cllt111 l!hil ..,, ,. '111 I 1 1 111 t• I .1 It I 'r~'71.otll 1 .111111 'Ii • OXXX flt-. \I I S i',\ 11.:...,\1 .I•.:... I I 11 I II I II )1 I II " I' I I , .. 1.1l1lu.lu-tl In tll< f1111 , , •lfltfl~ ,, "' '.lflt . I ,, •• ,.,u . 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Ill l ,.q• 111 h llt'I ti I llllh" \\.11l •f Yt ••• , ••• ,.,.'1! i.11 .111 Ip l1.1n •·111l1·1 /1. 1(1"h" ,,...II, I • \pph )II I• I '"' .11 11..X ~ ( •1:1\I ""'' I 111•1, I lllK f(l•,l,1111,1111 \~ I .t \111111 ,Hl11 I 11111·1 ..,ltop l'.Ptl \ ,11.1111111 ( 1•1klll)11 \JU'I 111•1 \1•1•h I·"'"'' 11.· .t lktlh1ll A •, \ 1·,., l 1L~l111 'it • 1(1111 \\ !'-. j' 111 I II• I "" .1111 ·" II.ii 1111 I I ',, . ' , I' '"" t JI I tr I ~. I Ill '"' • .....,.._,,., .... ,_ IAJil1U---t-._ ho ... t• '"· ftit>·.hu\ d1• fl\t•I\ d"lt\\.1 .lfl'I ' \ft "'' "' 1•·1 ... 1111 :' 1,1 •\I I~ .I I :111111 11•1 \l.1111 ...,I BUFFUMS NEWPORT BEACH 1111.t\ l'\11'1 l'l\11 . • I 11'1'.'\l,t,.., I· 111! COOK CASHIER lrt'staurantl BUS PERSON .\1~1111 111-.'-Ufl ·· \l'l'I ' ",., J(',f t'\ 111 I.',\.' I II \IWW A II~ '·'''" part 11111•· ·~".tl'h l!t7 1111:1 II• 1.itl l.\'\IN \l'I-\Ill II 111 I l .. 11"1111.1 11'"1' IC.-t pt ..,,., ' ''111' ltkl ~'I'. I\ 1'1111' .111 "11111 I I llll'ltl••I 1111' Ullllllh t1j1 1 .. n111111 \ Y04A Can ~a"' s.216 P er W k.. I'll\ lull"' 1•111 11111• ·"·II' ""' ''·"" 'I"' I 111·110·111 \ppl1 .1111111 "'" I•· ,11·1 ''""'" ·'' 11 t 11.11 ll1tl t ·I·.,,,. .... , .. •t \ , , I 1111 .., ....... 111 .1 I·· ........ ,I \II I ,t111.Ult\t llt,fl\ 1111,t I •• , •• ,, .• I I I ... ·~ 11 ph••f1• \\u •I tu 1 ' ,,.. ' I I h' ~· d I •, I ·, ,, :: I Fashion lslond I 11•1,il I IJIJtfl (·,11111110\ t I IH"°'l'IT\I Emergency ' Room Clerk Pm'i·tinr day and full· 1inr 'J:lO.midnilJht. Ex- ~rience p r e f ernd, al!>O bi-lingual o de- finite .au et. I \I ·'""' ·•111•1 II\ "I '" 11•1 .111 • •• ~ I .1111 i,.., .1p111i.: lmtdsca~ labo rers I 111•1111· 11·1.1 tl 1111r 1•n t11'•1tl ilU' )'fllf\j1 fH '•1pJ•· 1111 11111 '""" l..1111!-1 .. , ... I .. tlu;, 1 I t·,\p1•11t•111 1· llt't , •• • .. 11 \ l'lt•.1 t .q1pl\ \.11111 llll ll 1-'1 I ROGER'S GARDENS .::1t11 '-·•II .l11.1q11111 111 JI, I< I 1, 1 d (()\1 1.llt • .'tll This position i!> with a _________ _ fast--cyowinq hos pital that offen c xceBlt'nt betwofits. Pleast' apply to Penonne l Deparl- 1rrnt at. SANTAANA TUSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1001 HTustin A ve Santa.Ana. Ca 92705 l'.lfll.d 011J1I \ 111 II 1• 111 pl11 \I llOT l·J. \1 11'1'1-:I. I N t>l S 11< Y lt11-.1 11111111 in~r. o pJll y lo l1<a fll S.111 ('l1·1111•11tt• l11 n I~~' \\' l·)..pl:1111ha11 ;1:-k 1111 M 1 t·'•it>l l'r llOlJ~1';<;1.1-:i\i'l ... II:... l',1r rwc·. I' 'I 'I •111 ~ CINl;lli\~ 1:1111 1.:1:, 11.!:l Jl11U't't'h '.1ll llll' t.:lf I , 111·rll1•1l lu 1A 111k 1111 .Jame•\•!.. ll.1i.:i.:1·11\ 1\1111 .., l'ar1 ltlllt'. ltr' .11 ,. 'l'u1· f''rt H A! 1;.-1:1 IHIMI HOUSECLEAHERS AUTO DETAILER S rf·:Xvr'1l with 1·;ir, $t 111 111 !..lilr1 N1!l's 7[1!t l[l17 HOUSEKEEPER .\1ui.l hav1• o w11 1l4.').tmj ' ... llOUS .. ;Kt-:l':t•l':ll ll\•1•111 Npt. lk'h. :;•,,day!'> ~111111· l':nl(ltsh n •qw rc•cl l"ou 1• l'htldrcn. $7!.wk 111 \t:iri Pfo~ltM/\Nfo:N'I'. 7[1tl llj)j:t. .. ,~~., Hou:u-k tcpl·r 11 v1· 1n . n11tun·. wonuin, 2 d y:-, t!l'n huu:whuhl 11 ut II''. non s rnokl•r11lr1nk1•1, own trarr.1>. r1•ft•r1·n1·•·' 67J. 7474 for mfo HOUSBCEEPER M11ture lady I'' I X lnl work 01( 1·im 1I ~ lw n I foX>F.. h:iyv1t•W (:•JO\/ a It .. , l'c n t Ll m1v11a 1. 211;,5 'll'1unn. (.;M V42 :l.'~1;, Housekeeper W a n l e d L , ' 1· 1 n llouseke4.'Pl'r . 1 1111k . Room. board & 1111l.1ry ~-29!_8_. - . --' HOUSllCHf'1MG COUPLE 1lnusua l opportun1t). Live In exclu~1Vl' N.B 1 ommun1ty ne1111 hmm· Mature. entcbsh Nl>t'uk· lnl(, oon 11moken. w 1rcrs Spacio us e xrepl111n11I ~invale quarteri.. l.111inJ< nn. bedroom . l~e h11th, color TV. 11-12 53511 or ~ H11dleeper 2 days .wk, 2 hnl ea .. Reference11 Call JOl!Me 673--4281 l.t·i.:.d :-,,., \ ,,.,.. p111 I II• st 11 II• 'V'"' !lilt " .. rt·l.•r\ ... ""''' k '" t loll\ \I ( tt:flt I' \111t I.Ill 1 •~11111• ii ...,,tl,1n ''I" 11 I .111 ll11th 1,1 I k:!.'I I Jlflllll I.,,.," I 1111 t" .S.1111 v.1;·k l':\I"'' '''I l'"·') \ ~.:ti :tr.1:• .111 :111rn IJlflllll t 'l1•r k .! 1111 1·' I 11111· \lr.1 1·:1th 111<111lls A111;1'y 111 1wrw11 x 1::prn \ir11111l1·r 111 11 11111 ••1, 111'11"1 \l.11 ,\1111111 111\d lnll'll' I. IV It; I -., I h I' Io, I 1 ,, It h•·l1wr < ;1111·;"1.111 1111 t•ld 1•r l} I.id \ I\( :l'IH :l'b<ll 1,11·al l,1tl.\ 1111 (1.1r1 11111•· 11·1.,·pl 111 111 of1.,.,,,111.1 I 11H11·1• tl11w111t1" 11 ( · M \ti j1Naltl1· ··• ltt d11l1· \I 1- Wnll• I' II l ll1\ 1,:1, 1 ',\I !ftJlL'l l~••kllll! fur ,, "'""'"'' Jllh • ~mall N p l fl• II rn.11'111111· -.hop lh'<'tl , h111 hi hl'IJI WIJlll'kllJi' II. "" It \l'l11"'t /\b•t hdp •111! Ill lh•• 'h•11• Min "·''"' 1111 1·i.p1·1 111·11•:..:..,11 v \lu ( h .1q• ('o1ld d11 \1•1 111'1'!1. ... 1· I 'a II 1111 •t11111 :...11 l':n).!1111•1·n11i.: 1.11:.! x:.x-1 IAll .1l1••11ol1•nl ... lllll'•I "" full 11r p.1r1 111n1· Mu .1 111• IHvr.-111'1 ~1:1i ll'1<'ft 1.VN :1 11 ~1·tl11 .ii'""' M1...,,1 \11·rtl1• I '1111\ 11 .. ,p 1.1.i 1 '1,nl .,, :...1 1 M r;IH ~.t".x!1 M:uct-. •• 1r1plv 'l'h1· I n11 ;ti l.al!IHW, <!I I N ('11l"I llwy. l.ai.:una llo•;ll'lt M111l I >i·partrn1·n1 PACKER Wlll1ni.: lo lr<1111 1n du:-lrwu:-rna~urt• 111 1l1v1dual lo p:u·kaj.!1· anti m a 1 I t· cl u c• ;1 I 1 o 11 a I ma1t•r1als 1-:xn •lll•11l ~rlun).! t•11od1llon~ anil l11.'flt'f1L<1 1nd1.11lm~ 1h•11l<1I 11lan /\JJJ>l y 'No rl h I\ m l' ri f' a n S l' r v 1 l' l' ''••nlc•r, 1.33!1 1-:. Warrwr, Santu Anu. t-:qu;il Op µortumty t-:mployc•r Mamtt'flance man for' l):l urut apt tom plu m C. M. 642·51173; (2l3)86S·3R51 - MAJNTENANCF. IUFFUMS ..wPOIT IEACH f\ill·Time Opening M A I N T to: N A N C .. : P ERSON NO t-:XPt-:R Nt:<.:. XJ.NTCO tifo:Nt:t'l1'S APPL.YIN PF.HSON lnlerv1ewln !( llour!'I 10.12" 2-4 #I F11lllOR l"-d Equel~y t;mployc r t'.;,,-t~Mt uu \IJUf pttnht• ,,, II\ . I 111 111111~-.1•111 • ,., .. 111ct•11ll\1 ... ,\ t'\lr,1 f1rnl1l '" .11 111 1' ''""II I II• \\OfUPtl ,, fllf'fl \\ , .• If I' lu1klll~' I'll Ill.I\ 111 ltf P l( 111 '\ 111111: l11ltJ11,;• 11.q11·1' "'J'•·h1111 ,. 1•il• .ill'I "'1rlo.1111! l11r ,, l1111111·d 111 t1HJlc•· IJ.11f~ \\Ith ~'•'lllt' l""l'I•• ll.q11d .1d\ .1111' 1111·111 1,.,_',11tl1• II ""' .11 " I>! 111 11\1•1 .11111 \\1011ld 11" ,,,;ulahle tu ,t,1n "'"r" 11111111• ,(I .1 I I' I I ' ·"I IA·l \\1·1·11 ., 111 , ,Ill Costa Me sa 645-6514 :\11· I .1 I I '1111 .., It' r • ' 11•·ru•111 ,.c( lull I 1111•· m:1 :r.itt :\1111!1·1' We nH'd new faces: \11~1t·I' \\,ii•· I\ I·•"'"" I I ~,,II I I •• I •• It·' ' h .1 r.1 1I 1· r , .. It 11• 11 r.~ ... t111111 ltl l•••k llk1· lh· i.:1 rl lll'XI d1111r t ,tlf 1111 .111 ·'lilJll l lll ITH'lll lt1I ,1 1•·1..,.111:.I 111t,.1 'It'" '1111 • 1111ltl Ii•· rnrnl1•l11111 ,.., t'.trly ·" 111·\I w1 ... ~' ~" 111111 I ht.,,11 .111 I ;t II """' .• :.1.111r 11:17..t 711 1,:11 .nMI ·'•'W Y11!'k ", .. 1 ;\1u h•li111• 1\g1•111 ' Hi~i W ll1llt :0-.1 .~II .\lttlt•I 111111 ... ·lo.1 ''l'"I., :~l.1)!.. ..,,.,.k :1 .' Ill .)o."I 11•r 1•x11., I ::i.'1 t•l\p ,, l.1 ~17 I :\1~11 \1111111' 111.111 Ill ""' h ,. T .11 •111111111111• I,.,,,,., ~cl1l .1•I. 'ur..c.., /\1111·' , ,1,.·111·111 ,. or 11 .11nl'•' ('• rt1l111I trJ1111111-: 11ru~·1·.1111 7 .I ""'""·' V•·nl1· t '1111• 11•"1' l_,I I '1·11t1•r ~I I ' \I LYN :1 11 ,11111. ~'.J 111'11 .... 1111 I Corupt'l1t1v1• ''"·"" X 1111 work 111..: 1·011d '' '"'"' Ii fta11I llf1l11l:1 ~' "f•k lt".1\ t' ~ otlll'r h1•111•l11.., t': c 1 I. lla yvu•w 1· .. nv llt"I' ~0 5~1 Tlt ur111 , t ' M vll :J."-.(t , NlJHSINfl · 11urs e:.. :11cl1· 11r ord..rly m'l.•lt•cl for 111,,:111 s,tuJt m 1·11r1v ho:-.11 Xl111 waRl-:.. & lwrll' 1'11·11:-t• a p ply lk.·vt•rly Manoi , ;141) V1ttuna.CM •OFFICE• fo:xl'1l 1ng po:-11 ion 1111w open in pro,::n·:..~1v1· <·111n pany fur 1·on:.c·wnt '""' J)('r.i()fl To lw as'i1~l ;1111 o(fn'C' mana~1·r in l1n1· Jt'Wt'lry :.Ion· Mu1>l h;1v1• 11N'OWlL'i rcn•1v11bk t'X pN & hle pubh1· 1·ont:w1 Full l1ffil' Suuth <.:11.1:..t Pluia. Xlnt. benc . <.:.ill fo:Jh•n. !°)49·14:M Offire help wanh·d. up com1n~ s m eompany oeeds career m11uh•d penioiawtmm I yrexswr. Reccptionlsl/se<'rl'lary , must type 65 WPM & phooo 11billty to sum Im med . Salary rum · meMurale w /cxpt•r ... ·or 1 a pp l r u I I M i c· h c I l• 645-8551 STOP!! Toe Ume lo rl'lux 11nd shop at home . I l's s1 m pit• w i th Dai l y l'il ol Classified Ads. And 1r you have ll()methiog to 11ell, r 11ll a friendly Clu111fted Ad· Visor 11t ff42.~ PBX O PER. CJ111· I ., I Ill I 1 I I 111111 Ii' 1Ul~\.\Plllll' 11\H t \1 1 I , •.. .i.1 •. ,., """' k • •·1111 I \\t•t1k•-11d 1 ., ..... ,,' "I"" 11•q 11 1111 I· J't 'l 'l'flt 1• Jllt•I• It• it ''' \\Ill I I 01111 \l,1111 I "Ill I'·'"' l•·n..t11· I 1111 11111• 111 110111 111111' o(,1\ ~ .tilt I 11•11•11 •'\1'11111 ,' lstl l •• \ ll I l.1 Ii I·. I' I• .• I ·"I ,\11•11 111111 I· 1. ..~1~11 ... () '" •M-1•111 I 1111 ''"" I 11 l•1 tl'lt.\U I d HUI' 'f,'f ,J11I n ... p11 .. 111 1 1 1 ,,, ' t 'h1u1• • \Ju"' 111 1 1 • • I ·l'llt)' /p'I'"' t.1~ ,,~ ~ J11 111.tl Ill• I" I d 'Ill.I I I t II \\ I 1 #t •U Ud ~ J l 1 •\ I 11 , I 1 •I I Ii I I ' t\ '"'''' 111 I \I I' I• .. •' ' 1111-1.' J.,1.1 H I'. I I I' I I 11 \ I , I """)•!I' II• ... " \ti \••rlr•mi• \rrn1 \ flT•d IL11'p jH•! "'Hfl dd1 II RN OR LVN \\ 11 t. :• I to I 1 ti \ t.-,..,,. ,.,,~., I••""' "1. 1111 ltl• d 11 " I ii• 'f \I• I \1111 I'·•\ ''"" " ti I lfJ , '' llfl \ .111 ..... 1 ~'" II I , II \ i 11 ti II !11 • I "I t 1 , l , ., 1 ". 1 n I • ptl~ di h1111 I It I • , .. I I • \\If Ill "11'/I I 11 .111d ~fl1H1L.' 1111 I t .1111111,1' lfl ht1• ... t11.,1 t••'"'•lt•H• .11t14' ,.&,M'•l PBX/RECEPT "'"' 1''""1 ,i.,u .. 11 I •11• I ,, .. \ .... 1,dJ r1t1iHH 11•.•ttt", \J 1111 11111111 '· '• " I• Ill ll.111111•/•l•I :1lt'.' ..,,,,, ARE YOU A 'l111111•1ldtl.11h v.1t lt 1111111 ",.' k ,, I• I•' .• I .1 II I •• t ·,,,,"•It' P\IM'rt•'I'' •. ,,, ,. l•·n ... 1 f ..... 1 """''Ill \ -....al.If"'\ \1•·• t 1'·•~'' 111 .. .._ •. , 111 '\1·\o\1•111 I• Ill• I I 111 \11 0,\1,1 tollkK.'l PERM P(T SEC TYPIST :-0:11 Sii 1w1 111, 11 I~ , J);1~ 'Af•t•~ • Uft\ •'ft11•0 ' IJtl•1 l1w tn1111· l'•·r,11111 11·1 '1, 111. !'>111h·:!~I 1.1,• I l"ill l'har111.1• 1 1 ... .,, ... , . .,, 1;141 f;,"t1.1 I I• 1 I.. \11111 l'r I I·• 'I I l1n1·1 .... 11111111• "" 11111 11•11 """' 1111111111·1 '.\t •• ~. 111111 1· I' I 11111· I '111 lill lllll!'t t I 1lljllt • II< •t tit •ti I II •"IJ1:t11•I I' 1111""'"•" f .1 I I lt1ro111111 l~~I .111.X 1•nnt1111• PRESS OPERATOR ~ftfUf• P\ IH' r1t•t1t t ' UH ll.l\ltl.,.111 71-• "' 11111111 111.1111111· \\1111111• 1 .. 11 ·1111 11 111111 \ 111 II.,( It, 1 .... , .... 1111111 • lt•ll' "·'' • l!lllUlltl l-'1111 tl.1 \ "''"~ ~ .. ·k 1: ..... 1 ''"II'111 Ill I IL~ll111• tl1•11l.1I pl.111 '"" '' N.11 11111,11 I du• .1111111 I I fl I 111 I I It ~' I , t I I l\t'Wlllll I ll•".11 h k.t Ill llam /l.t 111111 .111111 1 ~ •. ,,, I \ I ' 1;\1rp11fl I l·.q11.1 I Ill' IMlrlllllll y l'.111pl1t.) t'I PRINTING l,1,_111k111).! f11r 1·11111(1Hll\ wh1•rc yo11 1·.111 11111 lcl a c•urt'\•r? W1• w11ul•I hk1· 111 talk lo y11u < '0111110:-10..: Uc·pt. now at'l'l'l'l lnj.( a p 11hn1l 1•>n~ lur p a:..h· u11 A11ply l11•nm1...:11<1·r 11;1.u l'lan·nl1;1, (':\t '1'11111 ' fnl.tnllllj.!:O. I' T lkl11'.1ll·!'>"•'ll 1l1·l1• W1·1•k 1·111b 11wld Will l r:itn. IH & u\11 s .... 'l'f'rl')' or l 't•1!1-!~. I Ii 1'11111• f)l•h 4!1!. I". 171 It SI QUALITY CONTROL Nl'lod IK'r:.1111 w11h ()(_: •"< IJl'nt•nf't• A1lm1111-.1ral '"' ba<'kl(n1Uod hl'lpf11I I-.\ 1icn l'n <'c 1n hy1lr .1uln flt>ld d l'SI n •cl nol 1 t' qtan'(I. A Kmdav1~ l111b U>. lrvm1• 54(). 71)39 ... : (') t-: R .. :AL l::STAn: INVEST t:ounselor Young grow· Ing 1·11. nc1.•ds a~gn•":. JICl"l! who dl'ttls w /puhht'. .. :Um blK -t rnll lfll:l ~171 I IN\ our l'ruf1•ss111n ~ , tmM .. : u .. :PArns·· 0.d you Know ~ou 1·1111 11h1u · 11 f'la:..:-1f1l•d ud 111 the Omly 1'1101 S..•r1111·1• Dlrl'C1ory fur u whole month for 1111 l1ttl1c• a" St 77 per 1111y" .. 'or more information. <'llll 6'2>5678 - .... - RECEPTIONIST "\1 ,., .. ,, U · If I \!111·1~"''"' ll.1111 1111' I II II h.1· tU1Ulf•dt ii•· ,,,,. ffltl ffH .t U\.t I Ill 1· tft'ft\ 1tltt,1 ""1111 ' 7 \I. I 'jl• fl• ltt • \1110• 111 111.111 11•1 \\ 1!1 I l,;1,11d l'fi t 1111 111 ,,,._ 1111 '•llt • ,\. I 1 •1tot I. ii I DYNAMIC SALESLADY? S PECIAL TY S HOP BEACH AREA Call 6 75-5260 I 0-6pm 646-752 I off 7pm. 11 ·~"Jlt t d C t11n11.1u t•.111 1 ...... 111 ,\ '"' I '"I ..... , ... ATHLETICS \\HI"''''" • ,,uilll l•HI I ., .tJtpl 11f1 Io''" I'"' ,1111111 J .ti 1.111 1 .• 1111 I ~ ~I\ "' H l·.1 'l·;I' I I 1 l'\ I.., I I ti~' 1·:11 "'<WI 'fl ., ·J "p1u , 1.1\o\ I''" f11 "\ II .t II • II 111 II I " 'I" I 't.11111 ,\ l't 11 11110 ""' t• j fj f"'t II ·, 11, I I I IA1 '"""''''' '""'''I Ullt'llUH' ~1.1 'II. 1111.tltlt 1 · i1 11.,11.,1· ~ , .11n1>1 , ,,1,1 ltl•)'l•,l'llfl'l:0-.1 ........ ,, I. •• ~ t Ir\ u1 111 iHI'. 111• h11t 111111 ' .111 7.1.' I 1 •" RECEPTIOMIS T \1 ,11111•', • h.1q1 I" I •1lt I ,,, •• ,. 11holll' I\, .. 1U t \4.f'IUT"'-tU\Uj..j,._~ •11•1l.1t11111 1t11l1 I 111•11 •• 11 11 f ·11'1'' ,ti .1111 ,. , .. , ',II.II\ plll 11"1 I I ti ltt 1 r 1 111 • I· 11 1 11 \I I 1 .111KX!•l 1111 ·•l•l•l .. II., 1•pl 'f'\ 111 I I· 111111• .11 111 • 1~·· "' .. ~ , •• ,1.111 .1111 11111•· 111 ·•l'I''"' • ., d ,, I<'"' I I I ,fl ,. 11 I ' II '-°••\\J•1rl I 1111 (,di \f1 '.lt·;1'>11ll. l•lll '" 1.· I .it II '-l.~1 .t "f . ~ , .... I I 11111· 1•11 . ., ,\ """ I 1 ,\ 11llft1 ,,..,.,h·tl '"du I' II \\ 111 I. I 111 I • 111 :1•11 .t It 'Ill ·'' "'"' ,. I It ·111 11-t(, \ 1•1111• .... ·•Iii\ 1.. ,1l ltl1·f 1 II :• II ,,, I 11111·1··· ,\ ' ·" ,, 1,1 lldl t I 1 I ,J lfl•'•' tJll I I lttt 1 .11 .11 l.d1I•· <;;:.111 ""~ 11111111 I' ".t I'" 11111111 , \\111 ~ltl 1 '\I f0f1,• fllJlll 1 ,dl \It .11111111111-11 ··~' II 'I CAREER \(.111111• '''fl 1·nll1·1'" • t .t•I "' ...... , 111 I I lp111 I I tt ·' 11 1 " .. 111 Ir,''' 1111.111 I 1,11 I ti! JI Ill "!II (If ........ ' t """" \11•111111 """'''' r .. 111 i.f ·11111 (lr<lr I; ,-.t, ll~~' •,_ 11 I \I I ..... i. .... HICKORY FARMS 1>"11111·1 ll1t• \\1t11d1·1l11I "Ill l1i.111 I h 1·1 "' ,\ 1•1111 I 111 I 1 I 11• 1d " '" I I 111tf lllflf t•\f I .1 UH ll• \ I' I .11• .... l'.11. 1111: ·'11 11111.111111" :ii "'''" 1111 1•1,,1.1 1,1;1 "'7!' I .1 ~1111111 hl.11111.1;111 m:Ml , •RECEPTIONIST* SALES MAHAGEMEHT *TYPIST* W1· h:1v1• 1rn1111•lla11· 1~1:.1 111111 ;t\atl;d 1l1· l11 r :1 TO $900 lll'f1't'ill.-. \'XIH'l'll'IH't•tl Ill •I 'u~h Nt·wpot1 lk h oli' •Mt'l:t 1Cn·1·I m•w dwnh •I '1L'>I St•r v llt·~µon •l'l·rnr11 fa:-1 j.\rllWtnj.! t'OITIJ>Un\ •l'ro111olahli· 1111 ... lrvuw 1'1·r.,on11d Ai.:1·111 !'-tulll' ~ 1'12 117• ~ Refttal Personnel 1r11·n·:.. & wonll'11·-. 1':11111 lll';tll t•ont l 'rll llltr,1 I \ 1•l11t h1111! :-ull·:.. & m .111Ul!t' Olt'lll fo)1 ll /l.t I' IT ltr' ,,, a1 l a hll' ~:il 111·1 . ~ 1•11111111 ... I'll IH•111•l1h L~1ll ~fon ~al. 111 •I lo !'>t'I lll' 1111t·rv11·w ·'TWELOOK llt'ntal !->lnr1·' 111 ('11,t.1 Sl\J .t-:o;l'EllSON l111l 11mc :\<l;•c;,, & El T11r11 h.1\1 11•1!..1 lt11n 111 11•1,11 1 "Ill' 11111 f.! •• t 11 r ' ,, r, 1anlw.1n· ~111r1· No Sun I"''"'":-Wiii 11.1111 1l.1\" 11r c\t'llllll:' II W l\11111rnurn :! ~ r' 1·11111•1•1· Wn).(hl L'v llli lltK ht•:-ll·r M1·{•h;11111·al :i p111111l1· .\~ Sl 'M "'y 1~'1 N•·"" ,,.111 111. 1 • s .... r.s911t.ftso .... or :!21iUJ La mlwr1, ~u 1l1 __, f'U\ ""' l:.!W. fo:I Tnro TrainN• tor upl(r111l1•1l II t-: S 1\ I. F: S M 1\ N WANTF.D. Ei\HN (J l'TO lH'. COMMISSION NET 1-t-:am $.';OK tu SlllOK h v l'hns l m u:-;. 2· 1'1n<I 0 111 why O<'W hr t'llm h1~ $~$ here Come t alk w11 I them. :H>ur 11nM111('I / 1n l'XJ*f\SIVl' llmtl / hulhlt' ll•rm~ ·l·Prt• ~•·I 11 1•pb ~:ilort, ~-1"11111 0 111 whv "Wl'0VC 1(01 lh1' .l.ti:'-I 111111) l(otnlt". As k~'' M 1 lloward 95.S-3411~ Oet GRfo: .. ~N cash ftw-WHITf: elcpl111nt:. w'llh a Cl&1s1f1t>d Ad Call M2·S67R 1ilum b 1n j.\ pr11dul'l :- !->h1tw r oo rn I': IC 1· •> Jl p11rt 11n11y rnr 1·an•1•r m1ndl•d 1nd1v 1<lu11I 111 l(rnw1n~ s mull firm ~tlllr)' & rnn.;t• l11ml'l 1ls 'nl .. : llAT ll Mi\ICT Z7 II II .. : Co11:..I llw ( '11II1175.411311 A.~k for l'l'lt•r Srhur Sall"• pcopl1• w 1111l t'<J . 1'/t1nw 11r ~·11mw. 1111 1•x t••r 1w1·t•:>:.U I)'. w t r11111 Ci1ll htwn !I t:l, K:la 7Hl4 A,kfor.lattlW Sell With .. :AS .. :. lt'u BRF: .. :ZI" ClaAs1f1ed Ads f.W2·567K S A I. t! S · P • I n t ., wallpaper lncludmK l't!· ceivtng, i.W<'kint: md"". rruxinl( cui>tom colors f'.xper ck"fl1r1-d 5 dyst•. incl Sat Al.1>11 p11rt •l1mc avail 640-!flU:l Salt-s St!ncta ry Wl' rt· looklni.: f11r -111mt<CHW to luuldll• mot.lcralc phone•:-. typinl( & "''" IJlc.: & ul'>lJ a.....,L~ rn ull t>hll"c" of 'alt-.,, adm.'!t t;xl' 111 lh1:- arl'111>reftorrcd. Grcl!>:.. 1111 µ11"\wuly, -.alary buwd ''° tXIJ Xlnl IJCnd1I 1>k~ <: M 646 oiu; Sn1•t'fl 1innlmi.: 11n.l(]u1· l1tm manai.:1·r "'a11t1·1l. Mu.-<l havt• ""'P 540 ~11111 S4·a1rn.tr1·~:.. rtt'l·tlt·d 1111· '>:111 ('11 St11111· 1·x 11 Wt' f1·rrt1l trn 4fif~1. li41: :i>1111. SECRETARY F;Lo,I 11a1·1•l f1 r 111 1 ••111111 , • ., 1ori.:;imn11•tl 111·r,1111 "11 h x Int '1· 1 1 1• t ,1 1 1 a I ((, l'11·n u 1I )kill-. lor '"'"''' 11111 Ill 1Jl••t1-..+-A-l '1•WIJOI t c .. ·nl1·r \ '''"'. Jlnl11'Jltlt'rt· <:11l.l1·an7;.!1 11!".I St•·n1.1!"' l11r rt«•I ,., .. ,,,. c1 .. , •• 1 .. 111·1 l..1i.:1111 .1 !'lo'1~u••I ari·.1 Sliflll ·!11111 rall).'1· ('.111 :\1r , (irtl 11th ·l\G 2:$41 SK~ary /Rt'cpt. IJll' 1r.1f111 "-1•1'""·''" :-urroundmi.:!'> l•1r ,111.1 I I rrt;_l~~.1/IOt' (1111111•,hllli' I II Sh11rll1.111d -.1.111. 11••1 \t111on1u111 •, \ 1' • '111·1 :0-.,11.11 \ t 111111111 ll~UI ,11• 11111111•! lllll'flllll! l1lt11111 f11 1 111111111111• .q 1pt ~ r,r;;r ltTTn;:IT<>tttrn - SECRETARY :-..11 ,1 I I' .. r , ... n I/ I '" '"' ''"L•I\ 1111 '\ tll•1f1,sl IJ,1l,1 I 't t)l'l"''llll' I '11 WI If I•• .1lil1· 111 I I 11' f,11 \o\ p111 ~'' • p.i r ,, r • ,, '11 o •· ' u r ,....,11111111·111 I· ,\ r11.11nl.1111 d1·p11••111d Xl111 ..... 11. • II\ I I ~) fj lfl 1· ft 1 A ( 11 I• 'II• I 11 .I '.1 ti I .l.1111t 1 .. 1 llll••f \I• \4 ·•Pl 11 I' 11-.111.11 \I1-.11 11,\ I \ I., llt I' ~I I .11!\1•·• .. ll•I I \I 1 f; t.l°"O .. I) ~ "".,fi•l.1f \ •\•fUIH• Int ti• n 11 111111 111 11 ""' llnl ··1··•1 t p tl•·l,111• •I '' 1f \. I ·, I •• , \ I I • ,, ' tt•d l h.111tl '''llill t•d l\.Ll .L~-1 ..,1,,((~l\I(' l'ltr· rnu.tli.1\• •''""'l l\PU• \ ·"''' 'lt.111d ~ tll " ,, ,,, ft I j I IA. Jj I 1 ti I I \ • I I l'1.,l11• I l'"•I II• olh.t! I·: pl.111 111• I •I· I•• I ~ ... l.1 \I· ,, \l·I" ,,, I J• I'·"""' 1 .1ll .. 1•'t 11u1 I "-. • · • r ~ I .1 1 1 , 1 t ... , I 1 , 1 1 , ll ~dt111• I•"' •111 lo .1 t I ,111 1111111,lr .1101 111 I 1.!1 J""'f·· r ·, ,,1t1111,111l , \ , 11 \l11l lq11 I " II 111•1 hi• lilo.l..111' h..J1t1•1l I'll I t11u I '°'•' J.1 t \ t q 111 1111·11-.ur.H•· " 1ltd111 1 .111 for ,1ppl 1,;:11, f, 11 SECRET.ARY l 1111-.1 1111t u111 '""''"'' I'' ••J • •I 1u • u'' ''"'' r •f\I\• ll)f..'IU' '-h•tt' /1.1r1<I 1'v I\ (•lllJ! t•.,11111 • d lt1•t11 ... 11 \ "'-lh n• ''' · •· ''' 1hl1· --...11.11 \ ·~I" r • lit u• 111 '°'' r.d • • uu 1 111 I l.1 "'""" \•I • ., 1 11.111\ l1il1ot. I' !I 11<1, I '" 1 '1""' \·1, ... ,, •1~~._,,, SECRETARY \11'11111•1·1 Ill .sl ~·1 'l.!. ,,..,.,, t • ·1 "'' rd .1n • .io.;r, 111 • pn•I.. 'ial.1f'!o 1tl'l!1Jl1.il1I" i.1:.1~11. • :-...~·rt'lal\ I.iv. .. r111 1 . pt 111111• ~•11111111;11 1;1M1tll \I• 1111:.:... II l-'\p•'I' lllll 11•'1 I ..... 1·w1~1r1 llo'.H h Cati How 644-5040 SECRETARY 1-:>.lnl '*II'' l11r o,l1,1rp 111 P"T S.•1•\ "°' '(lnl 'lo ll" 111 ""' k Ill I 11111'•'111.il °'Jpl lld1 H t-. •ih llt".11 ' ,.,,. 1~~,1,-.1 \llll :-.al i\ 11111•1 \ 1•11 'Ill·•' 1f)tll\ 1 '.illl l.il.1 IUl :'IM• SECRETARY •SICllTAl•S• Secy/Gent Ofr/Rel'e pt .OO.Sl800 Ran1w Appotntment Only t:mploycr:.. l'ay All fo'f'Cs l.iz Jtemderi. AJ(cnt·y 4000 Jt1rch. ti.tub '6'1 Newpon Reach. 833 ltl~ StiX;RF.TAHY RECEPTIONIS1 PERSONNEL SECRETARY Wt• hav<· 11n ''Xl'ltlOU. cluul JIUl"JKll\I' Jllh tn OU r Hc1o:111nill <1H11•,. ll 1n 1•lucl1·:-n·1·1·1v1nl! a ll l-C•l(•J>ht"11w 1";1lb amt VI!. 1111n , plui. prov11l1n J.1 ~1~·rH<ina 1 ... uµpor1 In 1f11• l 't·r..unrwl Manal!t•r Th•· ''"' 1•:.tll' l11r ~•·ry J.1CM11l tyµ111i.:. 'urn•· 11 .1n ... 1·n1J 111111 1!111111 l1•lt'ph111H' h'\·tu1111u•.., ·anti l!•·nt·r .11 1•l1•11t".sl "kil t... Tltt· ..,,,(Jr) 1~ ~1 ltt Sl•KI u 11T11• 1n an1l c•ornpll'\1• an ;111plll'at1011 lh" w1••·k HUMANA INC. ·1!111 N•·" p11r1 < '11 Un"' Su1I•· .1.10 !'\••\\p11r1 111 .... Ii. '"' :1:11,,1 'ii~ 7.>!1 IH!tl f'.11u.1l 0111111rt 111111 )' t-:mplfiv<',.--M •I-' Security Officer .. II I I .• ' I ti ' \ ... ' p1·ri •·111 .. ·tl l ull 11111 .. t '""" ttll 1:• 111 ulr11~:h1 't'.!:!!l.J!.!.''' 11111 :O-.l ,1 rt ~I I"' I h I (I II Ill .. IP'" ,. ftll 1111 ·" ~ 111... 111°111'1 11 11.11d l•tf '" 'ti l'.t1d \ ·""'''''" pl.111 ,llJh to. l.1<•1 1\111 .. 111.11" .•. d .11 \ I fH , •• ,, I ' " • ., ~· t tf f(\ ~." ........ :1:.ix1 SECURITY MARRIOTT HOTEL \\ • ., ... ''""'· 11111.1111• I• r 1111 I•· ''"" h ti• \II.It ..... u J .,t-V. l'ftlue 1 I ffll Ill "' t I "' "' \ •• , , .. I ..... I 11< 1111111 I "I'•' •• ~1 •" ,,. lld tl \ppl) \11111 I I I ·•.attt ~'"•ti f '••f n t1rt• I ··~· '· .. , .... 11 • 11•· I I Ir '\."I"" I\. .1• 11 I •fU.1L!IJ1Jl'tl J-111111\ fll I '"-•t ... , ........ , •• .,,. .......... ,, ... . ''"I" 111l.d1f• 11 I. lttlt .,, ',,,,1, • '\It i ,,; "Pd "I• ftil If,, I ' "I ,\ "• t •I '·• 11 'l•lfll II lj,1 . ·\ I ,. If\\ 111 "' "'"'' '.·~· ,, ", .... 1 I II t \1 ...... 1\11 I"' tfl/1( \llt fj ti. U 11 ~ 1," I I If 11' ' 4 I .. ' I I \pph Ill 11•·1 olll 111 \.\ l',1 I It t I it ,._ 11"\ '-"I~"·'" 11.1111 "./•• ...... ti• I"''"'" t'\I" I I 1111" "' •· I 1111 111111 lt1li t t tllllll itHI \ffl,I\ Ill j11•f"111 1'1111 \lf .111 :-..I~•" •1 I-.1,1111111 1,1.11111.. '\ II ~n.u ~ Ii'' '111ut1' 1 ur u1.11 u1, 1•··r "'' • d ,1 \ ""'''~nit"''~'''" "' 111 I I '11\ ,1 I• I I '" ,;; I LJI I So. Oranqe Cty ~cipol Court I \• , t :'-. \ '\ ll; l I· I. l.lt·J>Ut\ llt•1l..I 1r .. 1111r,.. I '• do 111 ,ii' , 1 .. 1 I\ Ill' 111'4 lflll I 1•1:111.11 ft1ll llfl\\' 1111,1111111 )\ I \11111 ~·,., ~mr 1~• m• • 1· 111 .111111 • .111 1'1~1 l ltM ~.!I I·. STOCK CLERKS Summer 111r , nmrrwn 1.tl 1(,•pl 111 • '\II In-. 1\1.!l'll•'' ~;llll 111 t loL'°1!U)ll Temporary Help! SECRETARY OfftCE MANAGER ..;,.,. '' fur1111·<I 0,111 .ill 1·11~1n1'1•n11g nit' ro•11111 n •' ' •• f' • ,. I ... t. \ II I I • •' I 111.111.11:1•1 .\i11 ~I "" .1 l 11.1l'tl\•'"' 1·x11·ll1·111 l ~p 1111: & hi.:hl '""1kk1•1•111 111' !'>k1lb l':u · .. 11t·111 ~;II.in A h1·nl'f1ts <'all .l1m I lav•·'· IHTEttNA Tl ON AL CONSULTING EHGtNEERS !15[1 ox1:1 JrVllK' St't·rctanes ALLINA GOOODAYS WORK!!! 'fltlll ' Wh.tl WI' 11'11 ttlll lllflltV , fl1,111 y l'flt'll" 1h r11 11 ~:h11111 Nl'wporl If\ Ill •' w'h1·n U1t·y l':tll 111 thank llh 1111 ass1f.!111n f.! ··,\11111h1·r" <1uahf1rd f1l'11l slaff1•1 I 11 lht•m . and .. thal ':-. what wt•11 hkt.> to say ubout yo11 1'' If you're lookml-! l1Jr ,, 1· h a I I t' n j.\ t• . • w a n I 1hvPr:-.1ty. or ... OL'i'<I th•· St't'unly of employm ent, but not lh<' C'omm1l ml•nl u r vrrm a n l·nl work . you're what w1•r1• lookinit for' YOU'LL LIK .. : 011 1! /\'l'T'ITUDI':' 557-0061 t,0~ of flee · ~OJ overload • • •• t Wt' nH'd Stock Cle,.k~ to hcMcle kit pulls for lftlflllf acturinq WE WILL TRAIN! YouCgnEam WAGES PLUS I SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL P'ltow ~ in ,,.n()ft Moftday. thrOUCJh Fri· dilyat: REM EX &.Cel-0 Corp 173lAttoftA•._. lniM, Cat 27 14 1714t 557-6160 .. jqual oppty e m11ly m If Slo<'k f\Jll & J)Urt•llffi(' JX1S1Uon11 avntlublt• 111· <Jt.lrf' Scur -; lt11t•hul' 11 & Co ·9045 Adam:-. AH" II B. 003·26fiti St•11 r:o. •~ 11 n 1-:11u11 l Ot>JHHl11n1 1 v foATlployrr --------If you'rt• not rl'udtnw lhl• httle ads 1n Cluss1f1ed. you'n> m1s11tnl! a lol uf ne wsy 1nform111wn a s ~II ai. some itr6l1tt uuyi_, 'hllcber. pnt-11cho0l • yr old c l•ill. 8 :30·1Pll. l.ookin1 ror • apec:lal 1*11Gft ID JQin our ataff. CerW1c• or ex~rieoce ruquired. 640-1831> __ _ n:u;PllON~ SOLICITOR Ul yoor home, evt!lS no salctl. a hr + bonus. t:x per only 9ll0-1468 T~Solic1tors Lucky you! We have 2 (IPlWni<s & at 's not often when wt> lose a te lephorw :solicitor I low would you like to earn a nywhere from S3.!"J0.$6/hr and stJIJ ''"'"d a ll 'day ut the hcu.-·h" Ttw h~ :ire Sun thru Thur:. 5 JO 9pm . 'f'hl'rt:':-no :..t•lhng 111 vu I v 1· d & n o t' x p 1wc·ci.sary :;,to 41.ltili ;.ift l(Jrn 11sk for Sul' T E I. E I' II ll N E SOl.l<'ITOllS. 1 'dy wk f11'M·!ll'!\t, nu sc·ll. 1111 l'lt. pi·r s.!01' mo -+ honu:- 54!) 5lH~1 'f4•Jci1h.ot1 • w.w:k... £.Ll'. __ _ Sun Thur -. ~, :io !) :JU I ';in Earn S4fJO $7110 p r mo Will lr<im Mu ... t h1 r•·..,pt1n...,hl" & .ihll• t•1 follow mstruc·t 11111!> !I: II ilrt'.I v.i.:i :J.\lll . TELEPHONE SALES N1•w"J>JIJl'r :-.uh~. Your phllrl4' 4lna h r.., , , 1J .1 ' ~l•t !. Ulf 1'11111 Ill \o\ (.. 1-:,,, 11n·f fl \•·r :!1 1 D :-.1·~'V·•1••r l·:n t x:1.1 1,1,,,1 I 111:1l•M 011h '1'11" '1'111.·I. llr•H~r~ t'' 11t·r 1 I I • •1•--ttnw--,;\.µµi.:._ ____ _J. I ; t\o \\ I t1 " 1 11 ~'. 7 ·I 11 I! I Jl1111 , I,\ ,I\ I ' \1 1,I;! l~'.1:! Tt.11111·1· t11r I ' I l.1111 tit .ol..r Jo.I 'l 11r11· .1r1·.1 ""'' 11 .11111 .ii Iv 1111'1111 .. d "' .-.1·111.tl1l1• 111 1 It·· p11l11t. 7t:X II.HI • TRAINEE ""' 1.111 I'·"'" t•tr •. '•".ti ·if'IH .If ,tit! I It' •tUl I • ti f •1 11 rt 111 C ,, ,,,, ... , 11111111¥ ·'" , .. ·11 TRA VU AG EMT l-.xp1·ri,.11t.,~I """ 1 ;ii I 1111 .. '\I "' .... 1.I' \I •.•. : ••t'iO I Ill • 'h 11111 \ I· II "\I'\ I \I '' 1 .. 1 111 •It• 1111• .,I rrir,· • o 'I '1 ........ ,., .... .. •ftl\tttr' , ..... , .. ftt---;tt ·'i•I~ ·" •ftl tl' I I I' \I \1,,11 IA .-1 I· I """', t • It.. \',,I\ I \I • 11lrdt1• f 1 .1 ti.."\ II)\ \f I ' fl I I I ' I . I I l ,, ..... t t1h· ,,., I qlfl I '. 11• I' I I f' • ' ' I • ' • \,.\ j I , ~. , ft ''" 'nut Ji, 1J1 ii \h1 I t lot\ I f ,..,.. " f 'I' 11" ~ f I t I • It I ' f\ jtl I tl\r• 1101 1111• 11 "'°'' \\ 111 r r:11n ""m• I \ 1' '"'' r;,,,,tl •11'111•111" "'•'t ( t t I \ t• .f I \\ t ohN 'llfl ..... , I '•l·l'l (' \I :•Ill '•l'At TYPIST 11 .. 11 I Ii• l'l.11.1 \\,• "'~"I ,1 l1n 1•1tt. h:11tf \\11r l.111 1· 1nd1 \ 11111 .1 I :-,i,..,,( I• lllll•tr(,1111 ,f• I llr .• , \ I '-\ ........ ,•fltf ttl ..... 1111 I I· 11• .if ........ Ill 1 1.S ltH.ttdt , •d1 \1.1tu1 • U••lt -..u1ulod·t pt, ll'n t If I .111 I '.11 ''IK II,., l1t1 t1H1·1\11·\o\ l.1 1 I I I 11111 11t1t1•r 1.1111 II 4'\,111l•"' ".111•h1111 .... ·111.111 f \1 ,, f ' h •• • ' " •• I I I fl I I lwl11l ul I .111 tl'I •111il Wa11t"I '''I' 11 l 11 ~1 ·01t1r' l k I I. I.'·" I l' It'""" II'" l';11.1t•r ~.1:1.1 t;17 WAHTEO DRIVER SUHDAYOHLY '111 d1•llv1•r llallv 1'1lul llurnll1·~ 111 t'.1r11.:r:-ll· q111rl~ \:tll 11r l.1rg1· :-1.1 111111 v.:igon .111tl ,1 1!11•111 tlrt\1111.: n ·•"•nJ l1h11111 1,1~ i :1:.i 1 Jllll ..... k 1111 1l.1rn ~ .. e lev 01 Lw11 Wtlh.1m:- ~:tJll/\ I. Ol 'I '0 lffl' :'1111' EMl'J,1)\'l-:11 rw-AR EPf-0 U , 1:-----m WORKER l.1111k 111 I-! ( 11r 111.1111 r, ,tJ,·n 1111hv11lu,1l "1ll111j.! t11 I 1· .11" "' ;1 t' I' 1' 11 t I , .... 1111 11 ' I 11 I I 1 I v I II '''lahlt'h"fl Nt'Wflorl 111 .. 11'11 f1 r111 111\11lv1·1I 111 "''llJ>ly1111! lt'lllil•"• u.,1~1 111 ,,111 mak111i.:. lt.u·I. p.wl. 1111! & ">kl w .. :1r 111a1111l.11· 111m1~ S.·t·un· l11tu11· 1111 nl!hl 111:r~1111. F1ll111i.: 111 11r111• r ., & I! 1· 11 t• r a I wan•housC' •lutll':-.. :n 1 · hr Wt't•k. Xlnt ('o 11a1<l l111wf1l:-l'uy haM•tl 011 ah1hty ('all 1'1[1 tOli'i W A II I·: II 0 lJ S E n1-:uv1-:uv 111.1r:..11n lor Jlltrty n·nWL'i :.tort· Fu II or l'/11mi· /\1lply <!fl~:, N4,wpof't IU. <.: M Window tint 111~ ""' all1•r m•••tlt•cl t-:,qwri .. nc•NI Mu.'I 111· w1ll11w 111 cir"1• l'a)1~1 on l111urh• lt.1,,1~ t ';1J I aft ~, K-ll IMi li WOOOWORKH <:mw1n i.: 11111: f '11 nt•1·1t, )II .Jil l-! man wit h m1·1·h.tnll0a l a t>Pll\ U•I·· full tlllll' wornl work '"l!"h1pptnl( IW1ll tru111 umbt\HJU.\ hard work1•r 1 Opportumly to advunn • Sc'\·un• future. Only lhos,· who a rt• dependahll' & clt's1n · to learn nt.'ed npp ly Call for appt. 645 6777. Walton Corltwood. 934 W. 17thSt.C M. ------ Yueh! i.alCllman. We:-.lsa1l Yal0hls &. u11ed boats S;ulmA c xpencncc pre f('m_'(f ITT5·5lllO Youn~ mun for Yan1 llWll1l SJ.25 per hour 646·3182. Trade )'OUr old stuff for new 1oodle11 with a CIU11ifled ad. ~2·5678 ... . . ... . . . _ ... _ .... .._ '• ...,._........._......,. ---...... -.... .;,e ._. --------· . . . .. .._. -. -----. -.. -.. .. ., -~-...-~· ' ..... '.... ,,_ .. v. I04S Mite••··-' 1010 ..... 1017 loah, Soil 9060 AIM.-•! .. •••••••••• •• • • • ••• • •• ••••••• •• ••••••• ••• • • •• ••••••••• •••• • • • •• ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• ••• •• • • ••• •••• •• • • ••• •• ••• ••• • CICllllc1 9120 T • June 19, 1979 • 'U II -1001 N.udllov\nl{homes for3 H1 v•t1t'r Mt•1111n1n11 3llftP'.xc1:1hhursloop vury ..................... .. -"•••••••••••••••••• well adju ll'<f luttenit ll&Ont~e 'Y•h'm l'\ppro11 3 W '"' k o Id 8 • b Y cleul Mui.t Sell. '79 MG JO .._ W..t.ci '590 Alltot, IMporW Allto•.l•pore.d ·····'················· .............•.•.••.. -. ...................... . 4 Ant~-~ chair Circa likeidn«11 ~ 4eo4 ~ Ml n. w 111latrW•.)' HMni'ltt'ftl ror u h•. ht••icc 873 ,.., • ~ Gfllvanb~ l lf'\!I ell••'" • wh1tt1 'J'ecldy 81•.r ltB'UCAI -..._ lddltiul ~ Mt..ncr • 3 luuena t '1 ct· inte. deilt~ for part• 11 00 ca IM8 8~7V a rt 21' Saooana w /trlr & lancJ BRAND N t:w 1 ~. 213 7*·..U tolCC)Od home M.Oraac11 0.11 Sc-1~nt1f1f tll'M dot'k. 0 18 . fa(ll1ly boat. Your choice ol bu ut1ful '"'me" 10 IO __ ~..()ttlJ 0 r 1 ll 1 n ii 1 ·o n I r u I ~83.1-322.8 black or elegant cham -••••••••••••••••••••• 'r.>l ull'playfulK1llclb ~1 e1 Ai.II. for UiH•'. Pl-.&n.--1090 N4.-w30'RobcrtPerrydl• paane, tht•s1• art• ran· P'ltEIC llT OAMAr. F..n w..._.....· ~·d •10 _....,_. ~ I cla.'ISIC'S not to tw found __ .,. •••-•••••••••••••••••• stan .. · 1'1>lu :stccn n.:. 1 h o Hal'POINT SALK :ocJ8 Sil.\ 147t ~-w1xtras. lots of e i.1:-w N e tn r.1nwc W~ w.,..... M Harbor. ___ .... AN'T1QtJF: UPRIGHT h·u.k Great to sail fu!>I. C.OW.ty l..cather tnknor. S-OU.Ana m.m1 ~able b<1tl OulH•rrrurn Ql .. •MCI SALi C'.(W>l>CONU. IMO • 673 3 D wood dash . AM / f'M •11 ""'·.-... 1''"' aal• m'·"th 982 79311 f.ve · 671 • ays : stereo casNeltt-"la :.l) fflm, •PP«>JI 8 1oui.. dnt ""' .,...,.,.,. ""' ' ""' 631 ~Ask for Bob ,.. CAStl PAIO ~l ~ ~ of Juoc i\!)l'lo:N 64~ lii51 side curtains l11j!hltght W~tu·O r)ta /Refr1 ti11>. n.nw..ea·s~lall l::lil"b()flZl'O H VIit'& lhas coll<.•ttor ~ item·, ~or oot V.:,7-&W to'f<• Klltcn Low rid«' c•ompact 14!111\ ..,...... many extras $15.900 fo.ialW'ei. l'ttu!iit ~ sUwi to M•lr . IJ wilt-tent tralll'f' w /awnlnti & All Kawai Modl'IS 801 &IS-0470. cvl':. 67~ 5677 be apprc'f•1atcd U to' l'l'nnt•v• "''"h ·r. 114e~ t1blH ll1ti. portubl1· ~v1alu.·.newS19!.1:, -------.H"MMARINOVW dr).-r Ide " N<All) 'II ram11 .. tl•1 rlc,wn for <! BRIMHALL PIANOS 14 ' Hobie & trailer. llJ711 Hcach Blvd UCW\&lA.-lh11112 \lltl t'rcf'. 3 M klltc•ni., 1 rnot<111·~·'•'" '300/IH111l A<:•unhom •1amer sa1I <ioodconcl. UUN'l'INGTON l:Jt:A<.:11 N<•"' tin>. will , .. 11 Sla1001t• A wki. wunc'() ott1•r :..im1c• fl~h1ni: & Sou1h COMt Ptete $1000. 675·3252 142-2000 1111· $300 llli l 60411 ' l'\ftrrA I)~ l57h i UJn,>Jflj,(1'qUll> &4l lil.I:. /&I 1111 ------ KM*' Etl'ht:lls 22 •389. SupN '64 l.lnrnln 4dr <·onvt Im ,_.... 1050 "'111n1ly M .. ml)1·r ... h11• tu • l'OO<I Wh1ll1 hull, ydlow ITVH'. Ovrr ~.000 mvl·~I Wu~hcr. Jrn•1 "-111~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• !-.un Juuti u.111 1ti.1 ,11u1•t l-'t11l' lll1111h..ill Vun1>1Jlt• dt!1·k Ha t't' rt«1dy . ed Mu:;t Sdl l:Jst iulr hwit!Jwr tub t'll• h l•il"' CA.'>ll l'AI LI . tliAll C lull ('1111 !\.'ltJ 1:!9'J 8i11nd µ1111111:1, Oil '<Uk for t•nccd ror qwck ,,d1• 11:f1 1228. •w111•· Slll1I t'411 .'\ilMH Sit~ up (;1 ..irlll t11J110 Sl0.000 Call Ro11 t~1~1 >101~ ... ,. 1((1 lll!('(i furn ""'' Ur.inti rt•'" II l u1111t1 ' -x.1l1· ii· I to 'I ~111·C'111 I or751 llOOO Ra.re '71 Tram, AM •l'.15 llS~O Ht-:.-·tm: EttA'l'\H<~ w (_)i:y ~ 1\-'>l 8U\1' H.ia r.:.1111~ Ut-~l' \l'l'l 11\Nt' .. ~ ~ell'' & ~·1 \II t ...... "-'01 'l3t.1 ~I I Wru.lk>r Sl1' l>l"\1'r $1;!0 lt 1th tll' 111Jb, I~ & rwt l1k1• ll•"W !Ir .inti Ill'""' "·•nl ~ C~ Mallll' 30" "''''· I lll~l", Ill'\ 1 I U'rol Sl!ll5 1'r11~h , ;111q;.11 c .. 1 •IY'°" & i lc I"\ '%i' Ill.I;! 1-°'rt.•fl('h th ..tV<'Mt'l> 11111•11 , 'hllllnt'lll J~l J rrl V1•rl Ill). 4 spd, ra('l :11r h11m·v i.11rnJ11rd .. 11c ~111111 UHIMHALL PIANOS <!I>' IJ~hlrung Uay Sallcr comb wheels. f.\0.000 m 1, ••I IUY * * -&ai~tt.·tH1~rl \11pltc1m't•s OR I "'ill ....ti oa s •:u . for \' uu MAST BS AUC TIOH .......... , & lll-'625 1\.101( to' ~ oltl'I li~cJ . 4 l-U>lcl . l ..Ult' hc.ullt11Jl ll & hciat.cr, $300 642 !Xl:!2. !)57'8470 tm:1 .. ~. ~l.l l.a!l-444 Ac1o" lr<>m w 'trailer. $1400 28 1:qusp'd withes ... r:in• --~ .. ~~ ~~.O~m;od.,_m 'H 1!>1 11 .11 Uobac l6ft w1tra11t•r. full C.1•~'>1l' collel·ton •lcm • l'~llt1l11&"'"} he'll WI J4H 11r ~11o::c 1.il !'tumow1 ll"ntal i.alt· sm nw 11,1\•· 11 111 )ll{fr hon II' fur S.S0 t11l.1I UHl\111 \1,L f'IANUS 151 1121 "76 Spuuwt P1J110. Lake Bumper pool SJ 2S Box nt!w llOO or ofr s1mn)( & mn ti N'S'\ 1911 494 SllJ6 1-:i.-r1r11 tul,lf\ l.11Art ----- llll•W\:t, $.10 'lo!S I 'J:I:! ,• Will tleltver $.'l ()()11 or race. &ttras $1.850. hl"l <iHcr 406 5.117 !11;17 540-0042 FREESTYLE CATAMARANS NEW & USED 645·9054 2006W.Coasl Hwy, N.B loah,SUpa/ Dom '53 ~!(; Tl> Ycllm.. 1'iJn vcrt ~Int C'nnrl 1:J.llflcl onl{1nal mt. rnrho "" t pty 64.S-425 __ 1 ____ _ ~ Ythiclei 9530 ·················~····· WE PAY TOI• OOLLAH for lop Uli4l(i car!ii·fore1ain. donw.9lle1 or clasa1cs 1r )'OUr car 1i. extra clean. see 111 n RST! ~ If I S.. Orw.p C-.ty 29'.!S Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 979-2500' WANTED! I.ah• model 'l'oyuta .•. Vol\os, PH:ku~ & Van:. Call us today' ............... Co•l•"'1"• f'k-•~~~~ .. .., ~lmporhd ....................... A#aRomro 9705 ...................•... 78S$1.)dcf. ~1110 l'n ,ate IJ iHI ) C'.t ll • '1.im, ~1370. AAlli 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9720 ,.,, .. 9750 ...•.....•..•.•..•..... ~······················ ···-2)W5 If AR H() R RI.\' IJ 540.6410 540-0213 'n!YM 20.ooom1 Ma.:~. am/fm, snrf. xlnt 1·•1ncl 673-1970d)'li ,675·483St• Vt• '72 9ll1' Coupe. ong µa1111 . adult owned &c pro foss1onally maintarnc•1I 1741MJL> Metal !>prnln to:uropeao HI l1gh 1i. $12,000. 'rf•tt.PonclM Ml>·7888 'Ill 911, Alloys. cassetll.'. clean. S5000. Aft 6:30pm rall661 ·3419 '70 91 lS Coupt>. thu, IS II very special car w/many '<tras Proff'ssion a lly rl-slorcd. ( 182H EHi PrittiMPonct.. ~7888 '71 91 IS CPE. '76 911 s largo '769121 '7291 IT w 1 .. aJ~1 ,, ~•I""• uf t.,,~, ~:Mi) 117C~I ....... 1 l'Ji1I t.n,·n .11111qul I.ill ll'I h .. , lb!ll Ii''"' jl> l>tt•fl•u l dl>C Otr dn:2..w r, 72" w1\ll", 'l7" tu 21" 1h:ep. $9S 01 off1·r &w70t9 t' ... M J l I u l' .... I I 1.111eum.11 11· l1111 h &. '~1raycc $J5U :! '>lJl:t' t1JC1att•I\11•111· lori•h & 1.cnks, ~.o zi:t x:n 1~1f1t1 1·~t'S, 71<1 !>Jtl 3!/[111 wk ncl' 9070 Sportinq Goodt. 8094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......•.••........•.•. . 7 8 2 !I ft I:: ll l' l' u l 1 v (• lot mtla~e xlnl ronrl F\Jll 3l'Ct.~SOnc!> Ont· of u kmd inlenor $31.000 PP Days 714 9!'.7-8Hll, eves 494 1237 ·-I ...... \ ' .. OO•t\f ,,, •tH I\ 100 .'; 4 cJr !>VU ', It ....... -.. ~ 1llc a btl\'t· autumoln h·' .in· 1•xfcpt1onally n•r•· 'nmc h a vt' v1·rv 1,," null'S. a ll an• di·taah•cl ..end ready tn dn\c t;i.. ot.ar /\uto Import.-. ( 7 I 4'642-8366 u tton Ii! t·1.11><1111, 1111· .• t 111 I ~ro\lo,1\1· m 1•11 Inc I ('llOk ht1ok {t 11111 I I• brow rw r $~1111 ' .t, h 0-4186 Gn·en high ba1·k c1t· cascon.il c hair "' nt ll>nlll n $45 MO 71>1~ l~fu! -WH:kc.c... cuuclL lkydH 8020 louse bat•k rui.h1uns. •••••••••• •••••• •• • •• • • $350. 6-1()..57·•~ SchWlM. i.t1r" "Ltl' Ch1 k ' C'J.F./\N 1<0 1.1. I\ W ,\ Y -CERAMICS 1'ole ma11 l'cak I 11 .1 t' k p a l' k • b I u c . 1'11l.1q:u.Htl mummy ,1i~·111nR hul! 1 mo old. ~i.:"l •·U 6-'~·97!16 ---- MI$ C. DIVING EQUIPMENT~ Call 751-8967 SUPS A Y AILA I LE YAC Newport 646·0551 Npl s lip 24 -30' power cruiser an exch. ror use. t::xper. yachts man 673-ai67 Dock s pace Newpo rt Beach up lo 26' powtr boat. S100 per mo. <.:11 I I 675-9174 or 581 J!i2S 4 wt.el Dri••s 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • GORGcOllS4x4 . '77DODGE Mr. $2400 &12-2.SIOor646·4841< - -- -- 1MW 9712 ~ 9723 ••............•..........••.••................ 11\JPI 111,1· l">RSUIE. ·75 ~14 I IC xlnl nmcl , '"" mtlc;,. 1'1p (.t7till EM 1 <"all all 1:11'M Zl.J 1HH :.!!>[1!1 l'or !HIS '7ci. JWK m1 :.ruf. Jl''rf Fk·' offowr SIH, :n1 tl4il-51h5 wkdy~ ·77 !124 , 27,000 m1 a11 • i.llnA ray. lk nw S7~ tw2·3449 17411 H1111a1r1· Way. NII. ocur t orrll'r TIJSUn &.21st. $25 111':11 631-3474 llandpuanted l'l·ram1rs. pllH)uf''I, nativity s1'1 plait·~. mut•h m"' 1Cl'fn.' 1\l,11 "IWl"IJI OI ck r-. & l'Ol11r' 1lom• at r.• ason11blc l'OSI. K-lfi 1$5 7~ ews. TV.Radio. --. ~& Hif;. Ster~ . 8098 ~ ..,.... ..... CUSTOM 150 rower Wal(on wtl h campt>r sh('fl & boot V Ii. automattl'. powt•r st1•1·r 1ni:. mai:s with fJ\'uls (U~I IM'.\11 :111 \IE !>El.I\ f. HY' LARGE SELECTION OF MEW 1979 320i's 528i1 ' '\1•\!o ,., rr.111 :11111(.T IC '1M m 1. '>1 111 undo r "'Jrr \ r r' .111"1 "; r .-<f musl St·ll. tu·~t '>ll·r1:11. all xtras, hot fl<1011n~ n•d An ll~h.111 <Jcl11:ht Wlt v not ' You 1,wt• 1t 111 yourst!lf. A s:n .:A IO ~ n: :1 I l1llll· C:Jr li75 5ti4,!) <Jnyt1m1• -.Lc·rt.'Oltapt.' xlnl Mnel ~) 642-~·· CYCLE .&CO. New & u~c d bt kPs . l:loughl. '"l<I & t r ;cc h •d 2470 l1h ·wp11rt Bh d 542,7910 Do._,. 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J\f,ghan th1• hl<cC"kr·i:-1 masked pl<1t1num ~ou·, L' ever st-en Show q u .. l1 ly. Sire champion. Vantage . Cla:ss1c 1m11:. 4 11>11 Syr. olct lnlt'm<JL10nal qiam· pion 1>1r{'tl bl.11·k 111 full ~ coal pcunlt.:<l. :\<tu~1 s 1·1l t o S ut1f·r tiu111I llome:. ti4tl·l.1609 or ~-0613 For S11ll· 7 ix·-. Moctular couch Urn cor tl . MOO/olr •l!M·stl..'lli -------BUNK BF.t>S. eompl "' m:1ttn·~-.1.~. 1-'r l'rO\. cillW(.'rt~ lu twn~. hkc• 1lu $110. 54.'> 3482 Beaut.irul ~OOll s 1u...-d eh urn c·abuwt S2so Like nev. 2 tl<'r ai.tonal c haari. ssu l'at:h. t>W :m:v. Ve"'-cl If liofa ~ loo~" pdlOws $200 3 marlill· tbls l200 67~1.!81 flltl"-' Tnplr dr1~~1·r w h1~ mirror. S IUCI N1tc l:X('l' de.k$1W !14~7 300 gal ~all "att.·r a quarium w 1all a1· t·c.o:.:.um·~ $.')llt) li73 :l:!!Hi SCRAM.t.ETS ANSWERS ~n·ly Thy1111• 11111:.I 1\p1M \ll~t-:S -MOVI Nt;. Must St>ll al Musl find good home for great loss. &·aut game male lnsh Seller , prcr table 411" and newly. up. beach arc<A. 644·2264 h o I . c h r s . Io v c I y l~llerman blk/tan Fem. 'lllomas vtllc velvet h1i;ih· $1 N.gh k d back chr. hand made 8' i-;\l'fY momm~ I gd u11. :.tcp out.i.Jde. a nd lakl' a bnd walk It's not that I'm into exerC'1se tt·~ J~l that lhl' papt·r IMy alw•ys M ISSt:S th'\ porch. Plont!t'r Hcce1vcr. ~anyo tape, Honda molurt yclt' 175. Misc. l:Jcbl Offer cal I: 642-7267 titi~-67w. ls or woo en s maJmafacent r r('denz;a, comer desk-& 2 roelun~ chrs. Evt:s 644·8067 o r 631·2300 LUGGAGE TAGS .Jn~h Setter puppies Pure but no pa pers. Call 963-Um af!_5pm. Sofa & c hair. fl oral 1\KC Golden Hctnever bo<*case headbd bed. t'emale, 5 mo. s hol:.. other cheap ite ms. Aft 5 from your business curd Send one card for t!ach tAR plus one s pare. We return permanently sealed attractive tag & strap, meeting a1r hne J.D. requireme nts. Pre· vent loss & theft! For a penonabzed tag t'nCIO!\e wallpaper , fabric or "Day Glo" paJ)t:r & we will back & tnm your lags. Or try two carrl.'I back to back. ~3'W7 eve5.57'3.196. ---------~ ~-~!~ ....... ~~-~~ ...... ~ 1055 rue puppies. 10 wks old. ·-···················· noodsgood home Thursday Only, maple · dlrung table + 6 ch, bunk ___ 548-__ 5031 beds. dresser. s tuffed f')'ce J.rg dog. Golden Lab chairs. toy!> & m 1sr 97•10 mix. La Zapat•lla , F .V PRICES S! ca or J tS.S kind d1spos1taon ~6W7 4/5 la~s $1 .tiO ca 619 Laits SI 5'1 ea IOor more $1 40 ••a 494·32'78 evc·i. --- \kirk. blk & wht M kitll'n, torhal-ous 8080 Sales Tax lnC'llidt>d lJ<ly, rnskey. ~ood indoor ••••••••••••••••••••••• NO CARL>' ~t ~7-~4 2 Rod Stewa rt l1 t·kcts Draw your own ur sl!nd narTlt!, address. phone & we'll nwk~ one <·a rd per ~g. Add ~each Sell thttliis fast wath Oaaly OIQ\lnl( rught llc~t oflcr. l~lut Want i\ds · ~s _ .. 0n11 tlle oauv Ptto11 .. 11r '-''• YoCI wtwtl 't new 1n your loc•I COftl"'un11y ... -•1 day i 0ilillijj(.ll Stereo w/reconl n 1bin1·t. rc.dao com ho S.tu I' l;J l rorrn..cocker. SS. ti40-7089. Jo'or Sa le Frlgld11irf' llt:avy duly was her & gas dryer &. baby items. Send check or money or· derto· PILOT PRINTING P.O. Box 1560 Calta Mesa. Ca. 92ti26 All5pm, 759-9540. MllQllll~IMll 8081 ••••••••••••••••••••••• St.tu Ill the box duplicate wedding gift 20 pc. waterless 11tainlcss slt:el WANTED cookware. 968-6495. Gas Rern gcrator 547-3182. L rg w r o u g ht ·, r o n 1----------- blrdcagc for lrg bird. $50. Mlllicall 67J.86SJ eves-IMtr.,. ll'h 8083 fine 1\ rt collect ion. 3 Stumwu. 2 Anton Gut- nacht. l\evcral Amy Han.'IOl'C. all rsnbl offers 1•1iru.1tlen.'CI 581·8781 aft Ii. ....................... YAMl'\HA 12 ~tnn.: J!Ulllir w1hard ~hell 1·a~t· X Int conc.J Satrirll'•' $17~> M I k t' • 1$4 ti :11 ~ 7 . 0 r' 644 6700 'ftTO r11u mtlESS OllYOUR •••• Hota•"Q 1911taot' -.le •• • '"" •<•Y 10 ao lt Utlk) bu9iOOS!t()ft y0of Own b~t U loli<4'$. btt ol ol•nn1n11 L ll<u 'l'O.. 11 •anl 10 oectOe •h•t 10 sen Incl hO* l'IUCl,.IO ChefVe lot el!Ctl 1lel'I tnd ,.,... 'l'OUll neecl 11<1Ce lflOt tO Olher peOC)Ce Wiii know •ha! YOU It ch.,Q'"O Anet 'l'OU" h-co tie Ible to m•e ctoenoe IOI '" \IOU< c-. to !hit --"'"' sl!oillel n1v11 tols oc on~ ooc•n• t>~lt 1no en usort,.,...,t 01 COlftt l llefl y()u H ....... IO ~ "°"' .... lo <1CIT~ "'-era-a 'fOU Clll dO 11 w~n • •'O" 01 ••on-"' 'f04Jf ""'9h00t!>ood l>ul yw Ii wel\t • 1>"9991 Crowd Chan lhal tO you ILfun 111 ell 111 C•-"9cl wNctt tens lhe lllftf' ono o••Oll 01 yOU1 ••le 10 1 N>sr 01 pa1en1111 ~· 0"9 -ltl"'ll 'Qel up ea11y the d..,, ot Y<Klf ,_. ""'*>people reed ObO<•I • Gar1941 s ... "' c ..... 11eo,.,.... •hOo • .,,.,. ••..•...•........•.•••• C:t ,\:-.IT ~('Hf..1'.~ TV ~1r11 •r flll'llln • l'rtr·1•1I for q UI C lo. .I I 1 lo ti .ill ... k.1111 f'\' K:t:l :?l:."l lll-.:1\lJTI FlJL z:-; l 'OL.U I! 1V St~ :!yr warranty F'rf'C dd f;.$6 178ti L' M l'l". /Am1tfl U/W 1'11r1.il1li· 'I\' compl 11H·rh.i11kol. $4.) 556-6425 l' \ , ... Z3" Mal!n11 .. nx 1•olor TV. AM /FM slcrc..'<>. phon . l(l'aph. 2 yn. old. ~ 11. 67~M20 loah & Marifte &,ipMtnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• G.erall 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAJtBOATS/\1.1-:S Selim.: cx1x·r prdcrrt"'tl l)aillng l'XJICr l'S~l·ntial. Kona Manne, G75· MU:! loah, Morin~ EqiipMtnt 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 KW Yanmar Diesel generator w/murflcr. ball. remote. all acc. Run only 10 hrs. $1995 759-9367 Sachs Wa nkle Rotar} 7 .S ll P l nhoard . Complete. Harbor Body Wuc;Jcs. 2076 Placcnlta, Makeofrcr Perkin:. 0 1t·s cl 4 99 ~HP 21176 Plal.'cntta. llarhur Body Works Makcofrer. ISft Montgomery sathng dtnghy w1oars $325. 646-3631 ----Wanted 8'-10 ' dan i.:hy Jl .. '1-1 1n uoy c·ond1t 1un. 64.'i 5029, 673·4700 Hi ck. TJo~ (or sale Isl quahly Burma. vancty or thil'k· r~:;es. widths & lcnKthx. ~.75 bd fl & up. Call Craig ~t 545-52711.lllys. IDah, Power 9040 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Scar ah·J30 TS out· dnvcs. "5 hours. Loaded• 6S mph plus Stored on tr-dller. Mu11t scll lbcbl of· fer 7ll.aZl6Chotntl 546-l 2001wortCI A,k ror .Jerry Pnkin" 11' rhr~l:s. l!f7fi ::)l.11uk11•n).!, xlnt trlr SISOOtbs t 1Jfr 64f',..8}~ l'Yl'S ~I IU•uwll F B. 1~17.1, 11 Ir many ,.,., Ir·" ~Ill ,!ltrll ~ 7WH11Stlti ~1,)j ~KIPJAC'I\ :!-I' Fil '75 luad(.'(f " 'tras n1·w 1· n U. &, 0 I). d a \ ' 2 13/53fl .Jl112, C\O 714/846-<.WYl l llf Sun~t·r l!unn1•r w Mr 1-;<1 trailer :Jn blown Chry /\II Fr1·!-.h. SJ,&'l<l Iii> 7535 IK' F1bt·rl!la:.:. hoal & Ira.tier, 1 tr1 hp, Evmrude mot.or. 6 ti hp l'hr;.-,lcr motor 4 hp lroll1ng motor Over I 0110 worth or ~ear, VII I-' radio. palh.r1ndcr. etc l:.l SISllO cub takes all, MG-8704, 564·"81 50· Mmg-Sllp .w· Osl Spt Fsh Aft C'ab. s lttps 8 A/P . 138 .000 Npt. 642-5706 I.A 830-5060 'S7 AllRIHa Paeema kt·r 2:5' w /9'"' • beam. ""II. D/F. radios, bait tank. outnggcn, ru11 eanvus. SllJ8 '1 $10,950. 968 7437 ----Class1<' Bay Boat. IR' South Coal. lOOhp (-;ray MAnnc. DIOO. 675·31<1~'. ~~--~----UI fol. Lyman Inboard bay & fishing launch: SO'~ tn· terest. Xlnt cond. Pn v. dor~, Npt, Harbor fHC). 1136 Or 494.:l2169 ~~--- ...... Still 9060 DA&Y Pl&.OT CLASS ... ADI . PHOt• '4W71 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCIAN uc•/CRUISB • F\ custom CfsC Rae · inc YKht. P~nlJy In A-1 llrietol Ctlnd SI Ill. 000 Owfter/Olr. 8'75·2111 or aft« 5 ca.II 940·8'753 -------- 9080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19' Tahtt1, Jl'l. rt>hlt '155 Ohl.; en~. trlr. 1·0vl•r , '>Jrl·I> rtiwpmt•nt & !>kts ~.rw &tl 7.!_70 day:. IK' llonwn Jl't <ltiO Forrt Tandem trlr I .1kt' new 5500(1. !11)8.2542, !H)lj 2"173 ; I Stt.oek Craft llf Jl't JU•·. 455 Olds. good con<I $3200/ofr. 979-KWJ 9140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dad:.&Grad~ llUPt•r ~..ill• The MO·Jll'<ldlt·r 631 JHJ(J ---MOPED M<n'(>HE< 'i\:'11 E MOO milt•<.. $J7 1 67J·tiH9K ~:~~/ 91SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1970Suzuki 50. 80 M l'G OFFER. li7:H 119 1970Stuukl SO ll>MPG Of for 673-4419 Mab-Homu. Sa~/ Reftt/Sforo9e 9 l&O ••••••••••••••••••••••• RENT Luxury Motor home 22· Palomar . Sleeps 6. $2.'>0/W(.'Ck + w mi 640.ss&'i \ RENT 23' F IREBl\LL SELF CONTAINEO REASONABLE 645·2283 '71 A~llo motortiome 27' "318 · Ood$(e l!ng. roor & dash. air. t·uslom slcer- ml.! system. A M / F M 4·ch cass. Must sec to uµ. precaale SlS,000. Cull Gary 631 ·4304 art 5 PM '78 HOL.IDAV RAMBLl-:H class A. rmesl on the road. all extrus. IOK m1, ml.L'll sell. P P. 631 1234 . '76 MAYFLOW ER 19' Mlm motor home. Gd rond. ReposlleSst.'<f. Must sel l . $84 10. cJG l 714/675-7417 Trailers. Trani 9170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16' Aristocrat. ~e ll · ('Ofltillnt'd tralll•r ~Ip-. I Xlnt <'OOd urn; Onolt•' C M 556 7it8 21' Prowler. '7:1. 'lct:ps 7. ,\ < •• awninl!. ~ ( · $12m H:t:c Iii 111 Traih!n UtiLity 9180 ••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••• '1x6 'S.'I Ford box t rlr $2Soororrer 557 1\388 Auto S..-.ice, Parts & AccntoriH 9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SERVICE DEPT. ()pen6 llays I\ Week Mon .Fri. :7 :w 5.30 Sjlturdays .8 00-5: 00 S6295 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontrn1 I; '.\W mJ 1-: l!\I, San I,, l\llJ I 71 t ) S!lX 11)01) 'S2 l>udl.!l' l•11w1•1 \\. J~f111 1-'.ur tof"lll ,\.,~.1nl.! Sl f11.i 1>;.111,1 1'111111 "I 111" .11 tf, ti61 J.:tlJ·Hl"n" ·, l.Jnd (.1111M0I , mnil ~!ZOii Lukes !flf, 0477 .... ,i,11 B••.,l u l r "':7 F'nrcl FJJll 1, r 111 "" >-l11t t·o11d. ;iu111 I' .., ''" r 1h~1-. ~lttlmi-: fl'<• r 1oo 111 llnw, hrn..,h ~u.itd :"•1 l'IJWIVtl(' toll\ •·rt"r "" ., tel! fuel, Sti:c1., .111. •1:1..•1 Trucks 9560 ......•...•..•...•..... •SJ~1 1)C1W:"•1 \1 • '77FORD CUSTOM 150 LOMGBEO P.U • ti lylmnc-r .. 11111matll", pc1wt•r 1>tn·11n~ tu111m• pa 1 n l . n c w I 1 r ,. , <1F'895!Jl:ll $4295 *J.C. FORTUNE Pont111t (;MC ~ i.; ht. S.1n1.r .\11,1 <714 )558 IUOO 1977FORD RAHCHERO V8, dUlOITitl \I('. ,11r ('Onci , pwr 'leenn.: & pwr brakt"'s. llGO!IOfi1 <Slk. Pl6771' I 14151 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 UAAaOA BLVD. CO'tlA M UA' 642·0010 WANTED: WR ECKS Wtlh ROOd cni;:1flt's . 10 1:1 spd n1'-''l'I lraC1or Z·J uxl(.'. ronvt•n lionuJ or t·ab41Vl'r. 1-:arl v '70's Alsu rdrt~t'rdt(ir trailer Min 40" 2L3 771 :?0711 '66 t:-TonCht·~v l11e l. 1·11 Fair mml 1\-.l.uw ~7" '7'2 1-;1 1·um111 .. "1111 Ill •· 1 J!llll'"-'hl'll I op • oml \.°'klll~ "\!2.'.CI ~Ill t'l11t• trf1 I 1111.1111 Ill ..... q1 p1 11 \1tl .t11l 1t Llan;c 11111111 '-'1 11v.1111~ Iii\! 1:i 1:1 Ill \!o 1111 ·' ALSOn·1;1o ,1·, IN STOCK! 1~~11 loduy \\~ m11 ' h.nt t he· prt· n w1:c1I H.\1\\ "•JU .irl' lookin.: l•u • 831-2040 495-4949 f; 11.\IW '1:!111 l<l.11 k "'1th l..t.11 uik11<1r .111 l'UnJ '1.t•rt·o 1·11~'1t'll1· tv ON I.\ '"'mo m111·'' ":"·•·II• 01 n1rnlll1•11I' :\1 u'I 't't" l 'n pl \' (',dlf.1~ JI, I ~HGE COUNTY'S OLDEST :'>.ti•'' ..... ,.It I "'"•l>Hl K Roy Corver,lnc. l!olh R11~1·1· liM" 1 ... 11) J otlllll!tfl'I' Nc'IA1Jtll1 l~'.1• h t.40 f>.14 I CREVIER &. I '>T 6 llOAOW"Y ~AHIA """ 8353171 fHE Ull lMAfE OA1V1t;C. MACHl•41 •USEDBMWs• 71l2WHsµd (8!J61'ZB I n~46pd Sdt <017!1• 78320! <l'pd ltOlt;OR I -~Sundays Qin"t&•ll Your t ar • CREVIER MOTORS Pl\\'STOl' IJOl.l,1\H ,..01 Clean t ·~··ti lm11or h <.:all M1kl' u1 Uo11 835-3.171 ·n BMW 630 CSJ 26"rn1 .C>wrwr T ncnl Auto. ;11r stereo. mai: whel'I!'> A'k IOI{_ $111.75() 7l~t~l73 ).")oil M I' Kt.n 5 BMW :c Ol.'SI. .. i i 2CIOhlJ, i impg, JUi.t ht·.11111tul fl.12 C6lti K.Jlt ' I~ .ic h HIHI 1.\11\Hf(,\ ·' \11 "" Ill~·\,.. .... \ 17 141522-5333 ~ncl.1\' It' \ppl '7J O:ct -.url 1•11 \C' 1111 ''"tl' 11111 1mt pf11., ,\\I I-' \I 1 ,, ·, ·, 1; ·" ~4J\l'r S!>\t•11.-1.'.I IO.> I 9715 . ~ li.'i F'11rd f(.1n<'hl'111 2K.fJ \ 8 ••••••••••• •• •••••••• • • ( riJOcl l "1111cl :~Iii 5t00 ·72 Ootl1!1· Pkkll1•. Cll•,cn, nPw tin·~. wh1tl· s pok ... ;. 1wlu. a11·, I' !"-., :1111 1·11µ l'111nrn·1 '"·ti t'" ,\tu~• ''-'" 7~1 j 1-1!1 ,'7fi Ca11n II , V 6 4 ~1lfl. c;tereo ca~s. a n m .11: "his, ISK ,101 mpg Sl.'100 r.;~.J;t.1-1 673 \922 71 (',1f111 , \Ii ,1Hl~). l'inr1 , AM l-;\1 1,1d11). n1·w hrttkl'~. \Int n•lltl $22\JO ri[k! :~1 '7•i ('apn II h 'I :.nrf. 1\M V\.I l.1p1 l~pd. µrt 9725 ·········•·•···•·•····· '71 F'IJl K."I• ~, ... ,f,·r . l!•r "I nn11l 11m SI ltlll bt·~t ola ~'lhlh\'.! i•· l ~mn.1 lk·l 1 !'>th .1• Ut I· .\I I ..... , w'tl.\I 'lnl I t)O•I. $4401) "7 :1 1 I • I •'!Jim 7ti f-t ,1 I 111 11'" ft1 I ,\\I 1-M 'I• 11°11 11 .. ~ • <.1111J r i.1.1!11~, 11 .i1tl SJ.400 C:r Jig, rir.:: :1!•17 9727 ·····••••••·····•·•···• 8rmtd Hew '79 HONDA Cars MMO To Choose From' UNIVERSITY Otdtmob.iM- Hondo Can • G MC TNClcs :'>1..0 llJrf.14)1 111 \ o1 \ •f;'-1.J \1t''J ,; Ill 'Jt,.11) ;1, \•,uni 'cl \ 1·1 \ '111 m•·1•h , , n •I <> 1 u; i5.' 11'111 11)' l '!h 11 1'1 t•\ ,.,. ''j!( \111ml lltr hl•t., lfih m1 I o\lon1·1 A 1· \hll <•WI iM!•I rirm 'iltl 1471\l ..tflt th 9 732 ···•··•···•············ ., ' _,, ... I II 11. 11\ I ...... lh IA lilut I I UUU m t ~t1•1 ~ .tll l!fl .!IJ• Rois Roye~ 9 756 . •..•..•..•..•.....••.. "1 DEALER IN 0.S.A . ROY JRR CARVER ROLLS ~YCl r tWOJ41mtJotf"• I -:_...:r.• e~ ..... '-- CtO\t (J 'ollliOAY\ !.!I S1 I\ <·r Cloud 1 )'l fJ111 :IK.'1 •1 l l 4 9762 ............••..••.•... in • 'P"•·•l :!!, 111.10 1111 t;,:',1111 (.elf \l.1 i1 t •·•It .1 1 'Ck1 ,,,JI• .~1111 I :J1I Toyota 9765 . ......•........••.••.. d l •1111tl,1 t • \f lift" '""' 1111h·a.:•· •·r•·a1 •1111 ..... s 1uoo 1 1-·,,,,1 !Jl>J fj.'V,j, ,l'\ l 1·IH'.1 (;'I' l.1(th:1d .1m Im K lrac·k 'lt·r•·" 'I.Ill Hadial t1r .. -, .'l •~M• 1111 Xl.;-.:T (; \.'"-'"' \\ ,.-h ")I '1111 IS. ~ l " I I I I i31 11117 Aft ., r,;..., 9767 ....................... '7i1'numph Tic , wtth lo"- mllr·wi;•' IV in 1mm;rC'ulal· ·~ond111un :-. ,r,..,.,, 'iJ11 ""'' .\ •\\I •f-'\I .,,,.r,•11 .\ I ........ 111• Pn pl ' r·i. ·' ' • .1ll .1f11•r ,, pm •Ill •x . ;11 l'n umph :-;pill 1r1• \ 1111 """" l.!l\m1 ~ .. 1.111 .~1 71lftor 7:$:! ~\'I 9770 •..•........•.......... Mmdc 9738 \\4. 1·1.1 .. rni.: 1roulJl1· w it ••••• •• ••••••• • •• •• ••• •' uu .. \QU_r t'c-tr·• Tr\ u' J ,111 l.t•J l-AJ11 ;•c IL\• \l.11d.1 d11ll.ir f'a1rt for or .;\111' .I 11111 111.11!• •1,111 1111 f1n11~· \1111r , .er '" .1111 \4. d1'11u01 $1 1,1o1~1 nr h"'l \1.tr1r111 \!11lk,wa r •·11 .. 111•1 <101\~7 '11./;· 11\.11 l~·.H'h llhd .1111111 Mef"C:~det Benz 9740 1n1-'t1)n ll•·:it·h 1\:.k lo• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• H J11k Manno or Tn111 ·79 ~II II ') I/Oii mcle• wh1Lt·"' 1ba111hno 1111 ... u11 r11111' Rl.111p1mk1 ,1tll d 111 1 ·'~"t'"" M 1dwl111 SH! :'tl•I offer ;,,!1 -ll•• •'71~ 450 SEL • ~ta p e I h I 11 11 tl \t1•1 h.1 111• .ilh /.. i •I 111t•l 11 .cl h l.11 .11 11 cl r.;11 Iii:! "i~111 Hill tf7 \lllZIO r•·• ""' 1.1r1111 \ • n~ ;•:•m 1JJ.' 7.11 ~I '.\!HZ ZJU :--1 lih. l!C!l1I mrtalll1 ,1111 ;111111 ' 1111 .. "1151~· 1.1.: lllilh 7H ~11 IJ11•" I I "P'I 'llll rnol , <1m Im •'11'''''1•• 1A h111•tli!u1• 11111 11 11r .17.000 f·irm fli'3 2·•:11 il 3'A.I Sl:..I. Ii J F11llv hllcdt.'tl Top t•ond S!.MH.lct 1K' lit,-:sl oH 1 49'J '1!1'J11 '69 280 SL J\1k111 ''""''I llahl11t ·1~1 i;;\1 n11 to1t111iv ", r· .. 1n1 11.11n1 ,..!\ .. , ... ,... ..., ...... , \\°'>lnd:.711 "'' !J~:I ;.1 \ \ Hu' 7 10.t". rhtl d1•;c11 .:noel I.,,.,.. $32:111 l'ht;t:, ~'-~u h 5 wkml' ill Hui-! Nrw p:11nl & inl lhuh . >!_;.1otl t;rcal lll-JJI! 'l!U I Clft.•r l',cll >Ill 11:11:1 .111' 1J1 \'\-\. hu~ 1110" 6 loo!.' i.:r.-. .. 1 Sl:!iMI ;,•11 f.•1111 h.i rrlv I.an,·. Lai:uno1 li.t. .. 1·h 6 REASONS TO BUY & SERVICE AT JIM MARINO VOUCSWAGEN :.! top;. 11r (•on<t .•uto~ ·I· "Int 'hUPI-' mKm1 lk·~1 s1-:11v1ci:: o to:P'r OPF:" CX'rer 494·2l20 '1'11.'l f' M MOND ·\Y~ Affas Chrys.·Plv. 2!el llarbor Blvd. <::osta Mesa 546-1934 '5!1 l"ord PI " u1.111·h1111: trlr . rbll 'I I:.! .1 "Pd AM /f'\1 111 rk """ "h 1., & I ire:., ~):,·,· 1o:~11 Sl.iOO firm Rv n•ltrNi c·ouplt• I "':'·I ' • tnn ( 'h1•\ \ l'l' :S:~llMJ "< 1111 ("tJOO. ~ <CJOOHA:.1 t.il'M 111 II i.: :) .! '• 5 0 Must ~<'II. llk1• nc•w. 7~1 \:;II SI., •l,000 1111, S,:,c WIO & Tll ·-.~t'pmL' ~7 :?1!>7 li7:J Jll.'17 Iii:, :1t;Rx 9717 . -2-- l'l'\RTS 01'-:PT 01'1-'.N 'TIL !l PM MON DAYS .& 'T I L 2 ·p M ~ATUROAVS ---- IRmSHAUTO ••••• Herb'sGaragt' l.995Harbor Blvd.CM 548 6226 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1MPORT1\NT NOTl<.'1':TO READER~AND ADVF.RTl:>ERS The pri ce ot 1lemi; adven ised hy vehlrlc dealen in the vehlrle ola111f1 ed advertlalnJ( colWJV\8 docs nol lncludt• any applicable taxc:i, 1Jcent1e, transfer ree:J. finance char1es. ree1 for air pollution control dt•· vice eertlflcatlons or dt• aler documentatY pre parallon charges unless otherwise s~c tfted by the advertiser ~. HJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• '8'1..t Multan' Convert!· ble. 280. Oni.fn.-1 21.3 / 4.I0-'7!NOA w r-.21i 1 ------v.. 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 •·ont van. xlnt. new llre!i, only 4HK miles. i;p t1U8pens1on, II dutv ral'k. Clean• Clean ' Mu'~1':.cll 754-7449 ·72 ())evy Van \ K, ·~ T PIS. auto, r n. {1d t•ond SU'50. ~·4 I0~1 ·71 Chevy l'ontempo Vin C"onv<'r~wn Stand·UP headroom. Stove. Ice box. 11mk, dlncll<' that makes into bed AM I FM s tereo tape . Bul'ket ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 COLT waJ?on. l''<lr;i extra dt>an" 25 .\t Pt: on ~e.i $1 4!15 11\ I l'ly 7!>4-()16() 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 2llOZ ~ • ::!. xlnt, bh11" air. m&f.!i>, stereo. fi90o 966-2057 Must sell' ·n 280 Z 2+ 2 ~7 ,ur. <t sJjd. 17800 '71 O.taun pickup. Must sell. Sacnr1ce. A/C. eic traa. 75'1·0157. Scott. 111 9pm seats. e tc Od cond. uno Dauun 240Z, runs <ArizBCM8001 $6640. Ph IOOd. needs liOme bod)' 875-7414 wortc. ~. 752 ... 7 ~ Alltol W..t.d HtO ·77 Datsu" 0210. 4 dr. ......................... _ AC • pd -..... WI WIU IUY ~tr ' .. • ' ..,,,..., YOUIDATSUH PAID FOH OR NOT TOflDOl~I . . ... ... . BARWIC k D/\T".UN ' ' l:! _l ! ! J .' :, i 1) ~ J ..> l J When you nll Claa1ilfl('(f t.o place an ad, you'l"fttoQ1; sured ot a friend ly welcome and help tn wonting your ad ror best response. Call No"' ea.Simi 71 \1~ 4SK m 1, hkc l'H'\lo llt•1>l Ill t U\ Cl S!l!l()ct lio\.~ :ii~ ~d!." .3. Mei 9742 S1\l.J-~ OEPT C>P~;~ 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• D1"~1\WF:EK 6!"> MG Nc<'d~ work Rut oflcr 673 ~117 '!.J MG TD. YC'llo" n111 vert Xlnt <'llllcl 43,CHIO on1nnal m1. rad111 l'\l ply IWS-4251 ftonc:M 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1916PORSCHE "escoure· s :1peed, Ii c-yl cnt;tnt•. Kon 1 'h o(' k i-. f~ l lfly wheel11. !lunroor, ;ilr cond. & sLerco. L1 1o1ht ycllow/li.n 1nlcir1111 . 16WB> ONLY Sll.'50 R.J. Dameron 4t A1111oc 7SJ..JU6 ----'7l911T TGnJO CJS en&lne. 5 -;pct. 7' ,II I~ xtrua. S.12.500 I DYi Pria.._Pondle 538·711M () .4. W E Lt:ASt.: ALI MAKES & MODEl,S. SPF.CIALIZING IN VW & Ml-:RC~l>t:.5 tH:NZ .5. WI-: HAVE OVER 1011 l'Rt; O WN E D El'ONOM\' CARS To l110<~~ FRO M ... I MMF.O t AT t:: O!-"JJVEKY ON MOST MODl::.l.S 1B71l BF.ACH BL D utJNTINOTON 8t;ACll 14Z..JOIO"" -• -•• - -----... -· •• ~ -· --..... .,_ -& _,,, ----........ -- • YPILOT A111M. ..,,rW ...._, UIH ....._ UM4 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ... t172 c ... "".... .. ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• YOl.YO SM.IS, SllYIC I ANDLIASIM• OVERSEAS Ot-;LJV .. :RY EXPl':R"r.; IAILIHCI YOUO 11* llartkM HI\ o lWl'A M .. :.'\A 646-UOJ '40.'4' 1 Ol.AHM COUNTY YOl.VO t-:.Xl'LllSI Vl':I Y \'01.\'f) l~fllc."tit Volv11 U1•ult•1 in Or1.111.i1• < 'rnll\I ~ • Ill IV or I. t-~AS " IHHt-:twr lll\nf11· lori 1' '"It o•I l'loh \uh u ~'&'t ', ~IA • 1 ol I oli 111111(111111o· l•.'1 '11 1 \111\11 ,11111 1•11 >.!II "····· ''*' X:l'IO, l'-J'I 4.'7(1'1 \1~l .. di 7!) \'111\ H d lll H .... llh1 11 ,, " \lll l l'(Jlnl lrl:! 111;,i:! 111 '""'I. .... ~~· (,,.,, .••.....•.............. 9910 ················••••!•• t1J 1-;IL-.1 r.1 llwh l(ll•otl run:-. guocl ~1UlJ ( '.o 11 !•J.3. 749t; Ev1·:-. aJ!t.Rc1wl lli·1~1" ISM 1111. ;J rntoc-., /\ M · l"M . ,,, .. 11lu"h int, S!X/4) l!l!I lli73 Cadlloc 9915 ..•..........•...•..... NABERS rJ-dtlk1t 1 lTI!r Quatity & Price I. \RC:f:<\T SEl(,..n ·11 1'\ tWNJ-:Wt\-._.,.,I) IN Oll,\!';C: I': COi 'NTY t ""'I.I.,\('\< I\ 1.1 ' t- l'HOTl-.C Tl t I'\ l'l.1\:\~ \\,11l,1fil1• 1111 <\111-.l (JI • Oran<)t' County·~ Seville Center 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE \\1111 1 .. 11h1·1 ll•\1•111J "'' l.1J1• Ji I .o" 1 I ,\, '"•"11••1•·1 11111 t:l?U\ llX I $3299 • 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE \\ Iii 11 ,11111 r l.1J1t', I 111 V.h ot I I ll?l of' I Hfll J1tl f ·" 111 .. 11 I l I' I 11 II I" 1\1. I I l.t1'11·I .tfl (l1t1d l4.. Jt1\.\ 111111 ·II \H 11>. • $4799 • 1976 CADILLAC Sf:DAN OE VILLE \1!11 •j1l1I l•fo\ .. 'I I ,11 lull' "'It• 11 h ,Ill •ol 1h1· ( .utoll 11 J~/V,1•1 '°'"I'!-. U 1f'fj\1 $4 999 • • 1118 DOWN (.}A(; • 771LDC>aADO COWi f\l 11 power r 1 C't '"'" lt'atht-r. <'•bnolct lllflrl'u t ape, nf'w rad11l1> 1dMMMl Miff * lC. FllTUNE "-tlli<' OM(' "100 to: bl, S1tnl11 l\n.1 1714 )MA 1000 ·711 t'OY(.11' 111• \ 1 llr I Al rm. lo&c:h"1 . 1mmur 1 0 11d : I l~art ~ '/h .._.., 111(' $1\~o(MI l•'lol 1 V I •tt llJ ""'~I I .oll 1'•\ 1'111111(~ ~I ·~ 1'1 :-.•\Ilk 1111 .. ,1·1 11111\ k~M't,,1 7M m o 0 111"1 wll Olll\'11~ 1>15 11;711 7b ~\llllt' lum.h-d. ulL' rni't fiTu1·-11lirlr1I m1 M11 h• ltn t .uh t i\1 1111 IOlltldl ~.!"I •~I..' '11\'1 C-o 9917 .......••...•..•...... n lornarn J I! -.11 ,,., Mini t'flOd $.I tll!I Jll l'M nOtl'113 O..n*t 9920 ················~······ Ft .. Al 1978 CLEARANCE! 11n l'.1 mJ ru~ I JI'" I'<·-. \111<11<-I .1rl11!o M,1 1111" /1,, 1'<11\ "'" Ur .i ... 111· n •1l111· ... ,, .. ,. . SAVE HOW!!! COHHElL CHEVIOUT 2112ti llarhor Hl'd 1·11STA Ml''..-..\ 546-1200 • lif.l uow !'/ 0 1\ c .• '71 MALl8U CLASSIC H.T. \. H •• 111turn:otw II'•" •·r '>lt••nn~. lal'I .ur n o·" r.11Ji.of.., :1!1.~,;11 rnd o·-. H.'171('1 I Sl695 *J.C. FORTUNE f'lin11.11 (,~f(' <lf•u t-, h t ..... 1111 :1 \n.1 17 141:,.lll It~~· .. " -- ~ 4~rk\ ft ... ~~ -~ , .... .,.._,.,; ~ ol e, • S.Ww" e •Lee •°"'J -n41NU , .... ._ 6 U\a (.Al ••UM\ IN 0.....-COUO<lf 2 I Atoto C et1ttt Ono ,,.._.-.c ...... ...-.,... O,.Et-4 1 DAYS A Wf8 76t.7222 .:1 ~font•· C.irlh 111.11.J••tl \l'fY 111 1111 l1lk '"' r.1i.. ;•1:1 'IL;! X-111 i 11 1;7:, !U.1~ .111 :.. 7·• ;>.o°' ,1 .I 'IHI .L~I '\ f11l I 111111111~ I 1111d "I.II .. h11•1\ .~,'.;~~1.?t~1:11 1 ... 1 '"' , s lrnp.ol.1 I"' I'll \l l<lr 11111' i.:••111 11,.,1 111 t 1,1411->W.l 1.' l~·I \ir \H .• 111111. I' '\ I •lft1 "\1·v. I\ 1 lilt •·ng //., 11.111" lrotr l111ll) ~l11t sur.o m:1 1.7t1s 9925 1976CAOILLAC COUPE DE VILLE . .••.•........•. , ..... . V..11h 1,.,,1h1·1. o·rim.1• 1 '''' I" tl \ \I I• \1 .. 11'1 t I I II.· " It .11 k l.1114' I 117'1 I<h.(/1 $5999 • 1976 CADILLAC SEVILLE l>."tlh \<.1rt• wh1·1·I 1 "' o·t -.11l1t IJll\<. 1·1 .,,.,,1 /\M FM .. 1..r1·11 ~ H 11 oll k 1u11t· ,oml 1 ru1-.; 1·111111111 1SUffKU1 $7999 • 1977 CADILLAC 8.DORADO COUPE \lo " h l;·.1tht•r :-.I 1·1 ,.,, fitt1111. IT UIM' I 111111 IJI Al 1:.,11n11f••t l•1p n 1:•1<:<..11 S/\C'l<IJo'l<'f<:• CHRYSLER '77 CORDOBA l,11,1111•1f 1ndulf111J! -,u11 1u1l.j h'11·11, full 1111v.1·1 A 111"' "11h•ag1· 1 ~2!1H' X 1 \.\,orr.tnty ti\ :u lahh: Sl99S JIMSLEMOMS IMPORTS 1!170 II/\ l<BOH Ill.\' I> <'I ~T /\ M ... SA 631-1276 833·9300 77 l .41111111111 l 1S1PB. :11L t 1(• 1'phl ""' r w:1i.. pwr wirul11v." 1111 k'o lr·:ol h 111 Ir l .. 1nd.111 11111 1t11, /\~1 1-'.\1 -.11•ri II l.o p1• '>11 nr111tl I' I ' ):illllt 1:1'.l ;;'•17 9932 .•.........•....•••.... SAU SAi.£ SALE 1"91 .,...1, Sat. fW•. lion 6 1W Ovt'r Z f'orct. to rhoo8e from 11(1rit_y-of ~ t•1tr 11r~ ltn llnm 1td11 4 dn1, wwth a ,.,..,., IW76 l.TD'11, Ttln.OOll • Tonno w1tn11 MU h61vt1 111r rond, 1•11• All .1 r o I n v ., r y .i 11 11 J tOL.,.h 1.1J111•11I 1'01111 lo ,.ll l••rtu1t't1 W1• musl M·I~ t-.. r1tni & IH'•' vfll•11111( ttwm to tht• vul.>111· rw 1.11.1 11tiu lllOI> tv l l lW urul .. r 1•urrw1t Whult'!>ltlt• tllm• IQak .. or 010<~ llllormu lion & wh1·1 (• to 1w 1• lht•m n 1ll lluw11111111 /\1rt(.'ll{'llll ( 'o 7~ 75.11 ur ~~ll 5!J~ , ........................... , .... _,_,_ ....... -..). '7U l"ie..tu. 7M m1, 40mpg. AM /l'M /r11i.11. bt'st olr OV\'r $4100 644 516S w.ra., ttSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• a:as HarbOr s-. -..o-- 54().~ ..... --.-.-... ----.. ,2 .•...•.... , ........... ~ .,_, CLASS!<' Coupe •• V 8 • atM, pwr steennl(. ne~ br-dkci;, mt.drier. battery, l.Jreti Ong ownf'r Onl y to a gd homl· SI ,7501 642-L')2:'I 'f.o6 MUST CONV $3150 640·<>-ii18 --r ' . ........••............. ·················~···· ..•................•.........•................ tkslq ttlZ ...... tt57 ....... Jt60 ...,_... tHO ......u.H · ...•................... ········'·············· ............................................. . '18 Muat. II Ghia · dlxc I '71 FOID lt75 PL YMOU1H ...-.. like nu, to blue PINfO IUNAIOUT rwy C.W l>oc*. &omi 673-~ 8 cyl . ilutomall<'. pwr Su• n• "7t Muat.ang, 4 cyl. Gas Slt!l'nnf( & brakc11. dt• J Seat Station Waiton tty .retired c·oul)h• 1009 Valiant. ~ X nt ccmd 8'2-43008AM·6PM rOllNoc 11 v e r , ~r . 8 t r k , lwte ext en or & intenor .... orq•-fli•-tr on", v II. d I I " 11 U'll:; ~ -"! ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMt•'M illy sharp an ow. a w m1 lh unt glass, e m1s111om. 9965 lm>/hlt olr. Call <:h.nh 17!1!tlZU I control ll)'lllem. l~IH rr' w.kdyi.. 964 2949 . ar • SJ751 mote control mirrorh, •S!V900WNOAt' • '77 IOHNEVlllE llOUGHAM wtndll, 962-7553 A/C. a utom 1t1 r, pwr _ _.......__ ta•l11ete w1Adow • dOOI' -,_.,.., •utO. ~. loclul Pnred 900 below P/H,~r cle an. nu Bl u .. B o ok ll i ~h l~power, F•n 111r-+im-- duu, stereo tape. 1111 l'fUJStl, 111 .. ks. l'U!ll<trn whtlelli, more 12.'i2VQD1 ~~~71~~ mileage. SJ .295 plus yuu '6600NVEftTIRLlo: g(-t a.free tanJi of .:ah XLNT. CONO IU•:S'lj Ctn I~· ~t"Vn <tl The Owly Ol''l'~ER ov1rn 3,000, 9960 l'llot. ~IO w Hit y St .. $5195 *J.C. f ORTUNE (173-5662/64().~ •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coi.lu M1·~.u 111 1·:1 I I ( • 1 r 1· u 1 :1 t 111 n u i.: p I Pontuw G 1"C' '75 Fury Custom ti42·4J;!I, ext :no <JUI I': 1st, Sant:1 Ana Suburi>anStoW~ (714 >551'1 IOOO ack•INle '9tS5 All t·xtro1.. 1·,~. I H '76 Arrow GT llatrhbk ·n/'71l Tf<ANS ,\M l"ully ••••••••••••••••••••••• /\M /VM 1\ (' l1111·k . /\('. l\M tFM I J JH', lo p lo;ult'ft xlnt 1·ond. Cull ·77 Cul I""'' !>up rt· m 1·. hlut•k. 6 tyl. JUl>l ft kf. llCW $45()() 552 11449 •71; Cullu:-.1> S11 pr1·m 1· l!J.Jl)f)~m1 M:my i1trJ1> ~~7~-- Mu..,t ~di 'ff! C'utlui." I' H. 1'1S. auto tr:ui.. \111 \I Ill!> nt<•r· mt. mui.t "''' f lW 751 9:'182 n ru:-.win 1·•11H111I '}"l1·m •·und $2:~1 ~ tiJ7U 5.'1'!:;!1112 v ll. •1•11• O'(( lf11(h m1l1•;,i.:1· f'r11 1·11 f :11111 YeC)IJ 9974 Ol·lnw lilur• Houk $1.Z:I~ Little;, 119!! ••••••••••••••••• •••••• f1l 1t'> you .ii·l d lr••t• tank <Ja:-.MfK<tl /\<lh an· reJllv '72Vc~u w.11.:1111 1111 m>ll•1r 1111:r1-. (';or.,,....,..,.,, .11 th•· 'rnill 'j)('Oplt· 111 i)(•oplo•' Iran.' llrt'' Iv 11,111 \ ,.n I: I • 1 ' · ~~.., i·;.J.h, wJ1lL.l.w;t ..cc._ t<~i\u~ r .111ft1-+.U.,,_ _____ _ Sl . O~Ln M~.i 11r Cdli ilut;:nihtp anrl h1" r<'i:.ull .. ' ~I'm> c·ir1111.1111.11 '"'l•t To pla<'(• ;11ur d;i1.~1ftcd · 111:• ,i,,,. ••xi :!111 Jd. <'illl tod;iy ti42 567H Want Ad 114'1µ' ••ll ·ll-11' ~~·.~~·.~~.~ ....... !~.~~ ~!·.~~.~ ....... !~.~~ ~~·.~~.~ ....... !~.~~ 1.980 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA HERE. NOW T·EST DRIVE TODAY .. ... \ . $7999 • 1978 CADILLAC SB>AM DE VILLE With duul «omforl 11ow1•r .. ea(s. nutsl' c·on1rol. Wtrl' wh1•1•I ('flH•rJ. & ru11 v in y l patl1l1'll (o p t:A:n ·1.-;1. CORVETIE COUNTRY! Ill To ( 'hoost• l·'rurn l!lf>-l' To l!JW~ HOW ARD Chenol•t I Uovr & Quo1I Str-. ' SEE TODAY'S CAR $9399 • 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE With slerl'O lupc. nu1i.r 1·onlrol & (;abnoh•t toµ. 17K,!'r~W ) $9499 • 1977 CADILLAC SEVILLE With lc1t~r. l'rwM· 1·on trol. ~tcrcc) ra dii> & 8 lr.tck tape. 1483RKQ I $9999 • .OVER 100 QUALITY Cl\ HS TOSELECT FROM • NABERS ~) J.C'J(X) H.1rbol Blvct (~lo\ Me..1. 54().Qf()() To Settle Estate-'73 DUldo. Uke new. 111 ltbr, full pwr, •Jlptx ..., mi. M2.Sl19 rind wlaal you want 1n 0..11 P11ot ca .. 1r1ecta. Nl".Wf'OHT OEl\C:.:11 . lll-0555 /iii Vet ro11dslN nt·ccb mmor work. $4,700/oHcr. f>49-IWG.'l --+ Dodip 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • IJ!l OOWN 01\C • '77.UftEN S.Cial lditi°" :J4 .9Kl mile:-., V H. uutomahc. PoWl'r :-.tcf•r ml(. fact u1r, landau. l\M /l'~M ste r <>o . till. 1·ro111 e , s plit -.t·a t (lfM"Oll) Sltt5 *J.C. FORTUNE Pont1ac-GMC an> E. 1111. Santa /\nu (714 I SSIHOOO 77 Dodge SE As p e n l.neded. 33.000 mi. Xlnl cood. ~. 963·2808. ,.... 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llJBOOWN OAC • '7'GIAMADA GHIACOUPI V·8, automatic . full power, fact. air . land•u. tilt , stereo tape . 1582PHK1 SJ7t5 *J.C. FOITUNE Pon&J•c·GMC 3000F.. i.t.Santa An a (714)$51-1000 ·NOW AT • • • .. - I • -------.. __ - { .. Dun~ington. Beach FoDntaln Valley lr'>l fl CI N f VOL. 72 . N O. 110, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1979 Beaeh l'et Seeks Mol-e Patrols .. By amu.:aT Bt\llKU\ Ot -o .... ,., ... ''•" Mun and hcH . J r11·k l'lapp h,,, :-.t't•n hlb :-.h111 t• nf d1st11rhun1 ,., .11 l h ,. II 1111 t 1n ~t1111 H 1 · 1t <' h , 11 ' t11t•11wr eblt• r1~:h1 .1lloul ll )'1•u1 ~ t"lu!Jp -.;ud there huvc been k111fe and othl'r:. had l>cittles " .1~11 1n ~h1th .,,.,,, ,., uf 11u1 t11·1 uth1·r fl.:hti. uvcr the yc<tn. <1ml Clapp, who formerly wah u pont-. thn ·w holllt;;> rod.-. t1111I th.ti <'Olllhllon:. <1rc becoming ex trwill't' on the Huntington Beach 1hunki.111 J:.1>h11 lt at • J 1·h 11th1·1 11!0""'' orwt· a~a111 Caty (t•lt•mcntary 1 School Board. II w1t1>n t brok•·ll_ up 1111t1I 1t•111 Wt' hud .1 i.t'rt11u:. f1 j(ht u cou ..,<s td he huh b1·cn 0 11crett1n g fo11·1·m··nt.., .1111~;d ft""' tt,.. pit• llf wn·k~ .t~o :ind I had to IJeaeh <:on<·cs:.1on<; s 1nte 19!i8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~a~1~11~l~tl~1~1·~1~>1~1~1 r~1~r~1~(~1w1u~1~1l~•~~'>~l~IL~ll~~ll~l~~~1l~,1£~~l'~'Jl~lt~1w~n~.·~t~lt~·:s~a1d Iii:. rather -.tartl'Cl the bUhlO~hh ""'' "hC'nff .. I 1t•p1u-1 mt•nl i, .. ...,. .. 1 Orw "1' .,.. u~ s g·~µ=--.,,in=--!nr- Lines Strangle East Truc k Protest Adds to Ga soline W o es 8yTht•1h hOt'illlt'<1 Pn·..,., Ofrttl<tb tn :.c' l'll E<•htt·rrt stall'::. and the 01:.trn·t or Culurn bia moved loday to <·ul 11 111•-. at fu(.ol pumps WhNt' J.:il' lffH'l'"i topped $1 a g.illon 1n -.unu· pl<tt't'S. W tlh prol(•st ing true· h r" t-"11 thng u p .. om<: fu1•I d1·ll Vl'rtt·~ w1d m 1 ct · m o nth g a ' 11 I 1 n <' ~t ock., dwindling in m<iny ar1:11-.. oth<·r s t<t ll'S wf•rt> abo J:!<:.,nng for an u c·1patt'<.l 'hortt1g1'•!>. ·· P<•opll· k1·1·p l'all111g 111 i:lhk what they c·<1n dr1. · .,;11d Wtlltarn Goodt', Flor1t1a ·~ en i·rg\' W<1lrhc1ug 'l\111-.t of 1t11·rn 1·;m I • ~Shift D ue; Huntington I ·· Eyes P la11s \' t'lw11gl' in th . 111;11.cup or lht.• ll unt1nglo n H1 .. 11·h l'liinn1ng Com rn1i.s1011 appear., to l1c 111 U1c rn<1k1ng today Counc·1lma11 Kirn l'att1n-.1111 said hl.' h;i<; strong n•,crvat111t1h a ho ut the commi.,s 1on 's :11· tivities a nd w;inls to do awa> w ith appo1nlm<:n l of com m1ss1oners by the cnt1n· council Instead. he w<Jnti. ca l'h <·uunnl m e mber to tt ppu1nt a com ' mi ssione r . His proµosa l a1> parenlly htts p1c kc•d up the .,up port of the cou11<·1I m<.1Jonty Pattinson i.a1tl ~on<J<J~ \h·11 .1 r hange m lhe methcid <1f ;iµprnnt mc nt would m ake tht· µlannmg comm1ss1on :1 bt:ttcr YOll'C for thr citv cnun<'ll " "They also would s1'rv1· at our will :.ind not for :.pt·c1 f1c tcrrnh, • he c1dded. l'attmson adtlt·d today lhal lht• l)h slosphy of the• ('IH;l m IM>IOO 'isn 't C'Vl'n <·lose· to that of lh1· council 1r1 man v art'!t!- 'I it l'io h ;.1 ~1· pcr,on;tl 1.·1111 c:crns <thout a couplf' of Lh1· c·orn m1~fi;iont·r:..." Pallin-;on '<1111 lie declined ''' elaborntc • Roh M n nd H' OJI pos ed <1n) c h<1nge. "We may be formJn~ som ething trf our nu rror· rm ~I!<' We 'll be kllins~ them to volt· Ith we do or Wl''ll t!et rid of them ·'I don't want ... om<"on<· 1•lM: in our mirror image Wt• h11vt· cnou~h problem:. us it 1:. .. The issut· is <'Xpect('d lo l>f• dis cussed m ore thoroui.:hly at a rctrt>al of 1·1tv l1•a1lt·r.., Saturrla' morn1nA at City llall l:i1·1· tlw (:11 •1 lh.11 1h1' Ii,,,. '" II\ 1· v.rlh 11·~-. j!.1. Tltt'I <' v. l'r•· .il -.c1 11111l11llng-. a rnong -.i·rv11·1· ''al 11111 11v.111·r.., th:1t th1·y 1111~111 1'111i.t• lip .111d ).!11 r1i.h111g " Ill pr11t1·'\t ft <frral Jll U SENA TE DEBATE: 'GET A HORSE'-BS .ti 1111d111g)ll l'h111 ... <1;1y "'"' "\1•1A .t,•1 "''' (;11\ llr'1·ndun II\ 1111: ... utl h1• v. 11uld tlu th•· '>:1111.1• 1n h1' -.1.111· Th11r,<lav .'IJ1·\~ Jl.,.,,., lt1ghw;1.\ 111fll'1;;b .. dn·acJ y h:1d ltt'g1111 1h1· '~'" 111 111d.1\ 11n a 111.1 Jo r .1rl\·1 y. 1h1• <::1rd1·n !-,t..iu· l':1rk v.;1v ing p11lt<·11 ·-. tl11·\ '·" :.in· -.qu1•1·1 1ng th1·r11 11111 c•t :1 t11·~·1·n1 II\ 111g ,'\Jt·v. York (;nv fl ug h ( '.1r1•\· -..11d Mu11tl ,1y ht· .,.. 1111 Id li1•g111 t1dd 1•\'t'll • j.!it~f1l1111• I :!llttllllll! 111 \.1•1A r ori.. ('11~ .111d lh -.u littrli~ I 1ff1nab ,d,11 pl.111111•1! 111 •.1.1 r1 r:1110111ng 'l'h11r~.da~ 111 V1rg1111a \!:inland .11HI llw flt '.lrwl .,( 1·0111mb1.1 uni•·,·-1111·.1-.u r 1•-. 11[ 'I i1J.:J.:1•1'JOJ.! g;1'> '.I .ti IOI" hot rt '. .111<1 n111111num "'·"''" pr ov1·1I .. 1 t•·rt 1' 1 I rt I 1J1ll1t'C I II 11 I I. ro \ I-. II ,1 (;I ........ 111 .. 1 "'II h 11·11 I ' l,11,1 \ j • . ·-.,._ ,. $ i .... -~ - fl • ... ~-.. f. -- m u w //t.Jtcf V~'· ~ --/ ,,. -... J ,.J ,,, .. . ,, ....... .. O~uly Pt••• \lttll PhOIO THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE FOR GASOLINE PRICING In Costa Mesa. Double Takes Before Doubling Amount Look Again lla ((-ga/(011 P.r il·es .Poste<I "' H.> s n :1•11t::--. )1 ,\KKLt. 01 lt>tt O•••r Pool S•~tl Pal 1":111l >1••n · ;", lw 111\t•'i LIJ w;il l h lh• ,.,pr•"•:..lnn l)n ht• l'USlllm(•I'<; f;w,..., V. 111•1) th1 ·~ f1n l pull 1nl11 hi .. ('o'>l!1 .\1 1•i..1 -..·rvt<·t• <;1~1 111111 Tlli\T'S H EC/\l '~J" lh1• patnin .... ..ii f1ri.1 gl.Hll't· .1r i gre('ll'd with prH't'" l h1·~ h<.tv1·n ·1 \1•1·11 in a wh1lt· H1·gula1 gt1l'S for <17 c·t·nL'i. p1 1•rn111m for 511 a11tl unlc::id1·d f<>r ii r1·a · ~on:1 hl1 · ~I 'f't'•)J>I•· wrll t.;l'I •'X('lll'd for a :..1•1·<Jlld or lwn until lh1·v t t• .Jl17.l' that ·.., Lill' pflet· for hair :1 gallon or gas," 1•x pfntn-. l''a uh11111 , wh<J~c· Sh1·1l -.1:r t11in :11 12111 W Hakf'r St l'i on1· 11r tht• fir~t :llonJ.! llll' ()r;.i11g1• ('11a~t to ~w1trtt lo h:Jlf pricing Faul11on "'-'YS the· n ·ai.on for th•· h:.ilf g;dlon prtc·•·'· wh1C'11 fnn·c~ l'Uhl1t1nl'r' lo ll·ht out their mathl·malwal 'krll.., '" doing ..i Jillie rnult1pl11·:i1rnn. ti. h«cuus1• th<· rl1;1h 1111 1110~1 µump., won't s how dollar or mun: J)rtt'c l<•I.!'> for J.!~1~. . . l1'.tdt·1' t11rla\ tn t.11 ·,c·11-.; h1·1 pl:ut:-o 1111 a 1.1ltt111111g ') '>l1·111 F l11 11d.1 11ffH'1<1h r1•a<l1··d 1•1111•1 g1•1tt'\ 1111-.1-.1111•~ !>Ut·h ,1\ .1 Ii.in 1111 lnpp111~· 11ff" 11f t.111k-. 111 II •'•" v.lt111 'UIJIJl11· .,.,,.,,. .. ,. :111 ,. ( )tfd I'\ I'll I otlJlllllllJ.! Ill \\ h1d1 111ol11r i..t-.. v..11 h ~1n•11•,1 pl.II•· 11111111,..,., ··111l1ni.: 111 •Hid 11u nll1t·1 111..l\ 1111\ 1111 I Ort 11dcl lllll1tl111 t d d.1t\'' .md 1111111111·•h 1A1lh t•\1•11 1111111111•1-. Im~ 'II\ 1·v1·11 d.tl•·.., ·""" 1• t•• 1 .. r 111 M111111.., 1n tltr 1·•· 111 '1'1·\;1•, 11111·-it p•1p1Jl111 .... 1·111111 I II' l >.tll.1• 'I .il'I ,111 1 .111d (~·1· 1.1 ... E .... , 1':1 1!1• \:!I !Wut i l<t lP<l &1Lit'.-.. Fou11d 1.llS 1\:\lil·.1.f•,!-. .\1'1 lit" 1fl-1 ,1p1l.1[1•d ,11111 11 1 •ltt••111IH·11 d 1111d1• 1 ..... :11 .... 111 I \\I~ IA 111111·11 "''I• . l111111d t'(jJ h ll;d:1~ lift thi ~·•ii•·,,, .1 flt,1d 111·;11 .1 \ ,11 .tilt 1111 lfl !:>11UI 11 l.1" \111•1•!1". 1111l111· .aid 1'111• lwo1d, hamh ~111d f1-1•l 111 1111• lv.11 V.\1ll1t11 h.td lwt·fl (.Uf llfl ' ltul 11t·1tl11·1 lltt• \\1111 1\'ll .• 1 lhlht·~ n11r 1!11· 1111-. ... 1111: 1·xt11•m1l1t· tlir111·rl up 111 ,, -,1•a11 h •if llll' 1111 1111·d1.1l1• ·'""' ~.11d "' lt •l'll\I' H 11Ia11d IJr 1•u~11 I 'Jll1<·1· lll'ltt•\ •• lht· l111tf1t'S h.11J IH'l'll rl11111111•d HI l111 • 111du-.1ri.tl t11 ~11 1d .111111·111111· durl11g 'th•· 111ght T hi· li<11l11:s v.. rn rh•.n" 1•11•rl .11 .11111111 ·1 .!11 ~,1 111 11. ·i i• "l'lt· rll I\ 111g It'\ 1111 1111·11 v.J\ Lu \H>l'k l>r<1l1111 ":11d \\'h1•11 t 111 ' v. • Ill II\ I h1 1h•111~1i1 11 ,,,,.... ,1 11111p l•· 111 111.1n n••q11111" I• ,11d 'I Ji,., m.1d1· ,I l,; lUl'l l ,Uttl t':tltll' h.tl'K ;111d lountl 11 v. ,,, ,, 1·1111111-· 01 IJ<11l11·~· IJr1111111 ,;11tl 1111· v.111111~11 .111 J"""''" lo ht• lwtw1·111 1;, .11111 ;'f· ~ 1':11 , •1ltl Ill' ..,,11d t'».!11 •· .1r1· 1'111·rk111g n11:.i.1ni.; p1·1 .,1111 ... 11 p111 l\ lO .,,.,.ti :111\ (11 t h• 11,.,, 1·1p t 11111 t1J lh1 I\\•• v.111111 11 l:orr11n a1 ul Fornu·•I BA<;110,\D. l1aq (1\l'I l'r'1•.,.d1•nt-. J\l11111·rl ll:1S'-•1n 1\I llakr c1f l1 aq a nd l laft:1. 1\s1>ad of -.,, r1.1 1·11tl~d 1111·11 1111tfc::.il11111 1.dk!i h1•11• twla\ .,..,111 1lw ft11111.1 l llJO o( .1 ll•llll pol ti tt'.tl 1•0111 mand Bui th1·\ 1·11111·1 tit d f.Jl1111~ -.horl .,r lh1 · p1111~1'1·:,s th•·' h.111 linp1•1f 111 111.tkl' l11w.ird p11lit11 .ii 111111111 He l'urrently runs two fast· food rc::.taurant:. at the be <tch "It ts <tga111:.t thc law lo drink a lcohuhc· bcvcra~c:. on lhc city hecscll but many arc ignoring tt ··ThC're 1s much drinking going 1Jn-lrfld-w.ht!A th~ µolicc. are noL there. lhcr\: 1s no control and 1•ond1t1ons arc dangerous " . Polin• havt-bct·n patroll1n~ 1 he bt·:.ith sporadin d ly with ex pl'nSt'' com111~ from uvt'rt1m e <tt 1·riunh Bui Clapp cJ1·<·IC:tr1·d thC:tt thc:.t.• , ... troli. aren't C'n<;ugh when he· 111 ged the C'1ty Cr1un1·ll fo'rtd<i y to .q1 propri;1tf· monPv for rull·timt• p:1trolh during ttw bu:.y wason 111• -.~ud ltH' <.'tly r 31'-l'd bt:uth I•·• rk 1ng (l't·'> 1: ... 1 ~ 1·.1r anrl h11uld u. ... t: th<' rt•\ 1·mt1•-. lo m<tkt· 1 h1· tkiwh nwr1· onl•·rl ~ \ C'llttplt· of pla11-. for· tw;idt .ind do .,..nt11v.11 ·llu11t1ngtt1n ll1·:tl'h p<1trol1• :11 •· inl'ludf'<1 IO t 11 .. rmh<"' d1•p:i rt 11 ... 111 .., hud11et pr 11p11..,,1l-. 'I h•· ('11\ ( '111111• 11 \\ill I 1111'.tdt, th•·"· :111!1 ••tit•·• d• • 1-.11111. at ,, t1111l)..lt·l ..,,.,, •. ,,,fl \\,.tf11r•-.d ..i\ 1111-:ht I .. 1 ... 1 1-'r t<l,J\ ' p11hl11 ll1·:1r111..: 1111 llt• 1•1111 Kii 111111111•1 ·"'" cJn ·v. t1 h!-.l:in11;1! !·1111111wnt fro111 •11p J1•11 t1·r-. of 11t1· ~1·111111 1·1111 •·11 .111tl 11,,i., \11·1A 11111•·• • l'1 111Kit1l '" Ii.id I• .. ,. tJ .t·\j•11 1H h.1 1 "' tll I•• I Hllfl' I .... 1111ld' '"' •.•. lh• ·'·"let.ti l1111d11\\ll i1r t11il l\ l•l'l•>..I :1111 • \ flOV..t •\t I lflJ•\ \.\°l •t 1 llJfll IJ\ I I I; 'olftr I.ti-. 111 11 .f,.1llt Ir\ 11 t• 11°1• l'\J11tl1ol ,, .. ,,11 1111 1 .11 .!111111 ll11 -,,tf111 11•\ •·I l.1 I '\I .1 f "' \ ;\''I \ \I :\ I< I \ \I' .\ J _,v.,\111,1·1<.·~.111J..l.l l"Uld!1' .,,1A ,ill11\\ ll1• 111111 Ill •• ~l;,11;!:1 I Ill~' l•d h1• II •Ill• f p11l11·1· .,1\ "' t'l• v. ,11 l11v. ,. I tlw rrrl)' 111-.l• .1d ) '11ltt I' ~.ttd 111• I l"I' IA .i~ I t I II \ I' I I.' d ; 1 I I • I ll , 1 I 11 l I I 1,111., t I~ I 11111 • • K 1111 lkllc:o1k .!" .ii l1 •g1•dl~ d!1\\n1·d llr1• I lllJ.: .1fl1•1 :-ov.Jtd11rtr II \\tilt .1 I :1 kt' v. It 1I1• h • .111 d ,1 \\ 11111;111 )11 tdt•llllt 11 ti ,, ht fi.1111 •'l' """"""" !111 •' 11111-; .wr 111d111g111 p11l tt ,. • --·--- rfr()()/)S //j~/,./ "·,,,. !jl11111 .. ..; \1 1\\.\l,l \ \.11 .111~1.,1 t \I Pr 1· ... 11!1·111 1\11.r -.1.i.-.1•1 ~•1111e11..i 1111·<:1·" b•.il t l1'fl 1111 f.1 :1n.igu<J h slum-. tod,I\ .1111J 1t1•·<l l11 1 lt1•1 k .1 't.!lll'I 11Jl.1 ,tllll\ Ill lflllh1·111 :-.; 11·.11.1).!u.1 11•.t \ 1111 1 llt' !-ian d1111-.t.1 1 dwl" 111 1 1•11trul 11( ""'J'" 111v..n:.. 111 th1· nr1rll1w1·-.1 parl of r ~1· 1·m111t \ ·rill· pn"i.1d1·111 ..... t1 tht: ,,,, t111n;d i.:u.trd v..ou ld l1gltt until 11 1·1 us hl·J ltw rcb··b "·11' lltJ.! lhl·tr "'1°ond off1.•11:-l\'c 1n 111 ni11ntll~ to •·ncl I:! 't•ari. of S111111n.1 f,unilv rol1• llul lw l'olll t•ilNJ 11 woul;I 1.tkt• 111111-:••t th.tit tlw [\.\If IA<'•·k~ Ill' 1111·dt1 'l\·d 1111111 lh.111 .1 1A1 .. ·I.. ·•J..!tl Tank T ruck ACCORDING TO M a nucl c;oni ales. I <i dc-p111 y r11r th• county's Weights and Measureh 01 v1~si n. stat111n nwnt·r-. can list half-gallon prtCC'h only if they ca prov•· th1-y'v1• ur dcred a conversion kt\ to sell gas hy lit rh or n1·w tltal:.. to :.how prices over a bur·k Sc hool Dis tric t Driver F r eed Unharmed FULLERTON !APJ J\n tn· d ep ende nt truck driver kid· napped at g unpomt hy two men and a teen-age boy approuched r'a nk er full .of gasoline in ·Riverside County has b{.'Cn re· leased unharmed he re. police said. Elmer Lane Whitford, 48, of Ri~erside wH released from the trunk of a passenge r car about 6 a .m . Monday, said Fullert o n police Sit. Bernard McDermott. , Whi\ford'i. two-tanker truck anrt 1 8.800 gallons of gasoline worth $-43.000 were not recovered, Whitford. who had been work· Ing for the Spartan Oil Co. or I San Jacinto. told police two men and i t.een·ager while hauling a him Monday about J :30 a .m. in Supnymead as h e unloaded g11110Une at a service station. t ' The three. wbo reportedly aJI were a:rmed. forced Whitford on the 1round behind the service station and lied his hands with tape. He was put Into t he car trunk and driven to Fullerton. - Whitford treed his handtl and w•t to a nearby residence for help after betna releued. "Not too many owrll'r-. havl' ~w1tchc tu th1: half pr11•c· .... bul OUr Viewpoint IS that I.he way Of leas COllfUSIOrl I~ proh ~1 bly the best," sny:. Gon1.ah~ Con fus ion, claims Jo'uul11on . 1:. what he 1s tr} 1ng 111 ;"1111l lfis unleadt·d and premium ~a:..oltnc is curr1·11tly i.1•1!101: for more than a dollar. but hi.. rc~ular gus 1s 'till g<un~ for !H cents. "I SUPPOSE I coulct list Ute regular at a g;illon prw1· nnd the rc~t at the half·gttllon price, but I think thal w<iulcl JUSl make it all the more confusing," he says Gonzales. noting that most Orange Cou nty s tat1011 <~wners have indicated they will soon be selling SlCtS by lite rs, says prices under a dollar should be hstcd by the gallon rathe r than the half gallon. • "By Ute letter of the law that's the way 1t should bf', hut we're just trying to play ball with the owners ... sayr. the weights and measures de puty. "I hate lo say it, but the bt.'Sl. thing that could happen right now lo avoid confus ion is if a ll gas prices were ovt•r a dollar." · BANGKOK. Thailand <AP> • An unidentified object which landed near the Gulf of Thailand in Phctburi Province caused a panic amon g reside nts, who though t it w as part or the American Skylab' satellite fall· in1 lo Earth. the Thal language newsp•per "Tha i Rath" re · por ted. A group of e1tpe rls from a technical school went to ins pc<'t the object to d etermine whut it was . Skylab is not e1tpected to rall lo Earth until next month. A Phetburi resident told a Thai Rath reporter that a cylin- d er-shaped object about three fee t lon-g a nd thr ee feel In diameter made a loud whtstUng noise befor~ it hit the ground wTlh a SlronJ impact ... Survey Fav orable With cx<·1·pt1011 of lhc• hChuol lunch progr:rm . par<:nl!-. 1n lh•· 0l'<·an View l~l<'mcnla ry School D1s tnrt ·an• generally plcUhl'd wi th a ll as·pcrt s nf th1•11· 1·hildrcns' cxpcricnCl·S 1n the: dis trict ·RC'sulL<> of a s urvey. prescnt<'d to d1str1l't tru,kt·., Monday ni){ht s howed tha t 79 percent or par en ts WhO were polled beli<'VC the district 1s plac m~ a proper emph asis on baste skills hk(; math. reading and language skills District public 1nformut1on of ricer Gayle Wuyne s aid the positive response fi~un· is up three percent over last year llnd I he hi~hest ta lly In the six ycurs of surveying by the Apphcd Technolo~y Center. an Indepen- dent rel'icar ch group. The distn<'t a lso received its highest mark ever on lhe ques- tion of school discipline. with 67 percent of parents saying they feel It is being prope rly handled. Ftfteen perttnl said they did no\ approve . A bout 77 percent of parents uid d istric t programs con· tribute to their c hildren's sense of pn!!ltl vt.1 rcc ~out l hrms1·lv1•.,, :ind ~ IH'rc<'nl of p11rcnts s:11d thl'Y thi11k lh1.·11· kids ltkl' school. The dJstnc:l's school lunch pro J.?ram was deem ed un::.atisfat• tor y by 3.2 percent of parcnL"i versus 45 percent who s aid 1t was accepta ble Other parenb rt:?m amed undec ided o r suid lhcY didn't ha ve enough inform ation.' T he distric t provides luncht's by agrccnwnt with Lh c Hunt 111~ton Beach Union High School District. Later during Monday's reg· ular school board m eeting , trustees renewed the agrecmen1 for next school year. The cost of lunch will increase from 65 cenli. lo 75 cents. • A school by school breakdown of the parents' responses to the April questionnaire s hould be available at eac h school in late l\ugust. Mrs. Wayne said. A six·year compilation of sur- vey results on a dislr ictwide basis 1s available at district headquarters. More th an 2000 people who have children in the 1istrlct were polled In the ran- tom survey this year at a C06t t(l 1h t' t11n r1ct nf about s.t .500. . \ '\'oar Honie tow n J Dal ly Ne•Hpape r 1 AP W•r•pttolo 'BEACH P~NGEROUS' Concesstonaire C lapp P act ·Foes ._ Say S.ALT Wo n 't Pass \\\:-Ollll\C:'ltl'\ •\1'1 'lh1• ...,,\IT 11 tn·;,t~ . 11111-.1 11ui..1.,.,k,·r1 -.;, 11.111· Hw-. .11•1 l11111111v0•if In 1•1 ··,1r1t·111 1 •• rr.·r :1111w • .i thu1 1 •·I'· 1 11111 • 11 "'1 iu Id •·'pi''" I 111 \\ 111 Id l•t :lll l'\l'I ~\I l'dll'I l'li.k Ill "' .• r ....,,.,, 11,.,,,' \I .l.11·k-,1111 IJ \\ .1 ft ,II I'll r•lf (',111 ••I 1,f 11 • t1 ·•l'I" .1 •II 1·11 1 .111d I<• puliltt .111 11 ;,,J,., 1l11v...11d II ll ,1 l.1·r 11! '1'1·n1w-;.,1•.. aid lh1 111-.11\ h.1 11• 1h,1111·• 11f lw111g P•I • 1•11 \lllht1UI :11111 11tlnt1·1tl ">•'II .1111!11 I 11v. .. 1 II I ••\ ,1• 1111 !In l'l ''"td1·11I 111 hi~ ,11!rt11 ·:-, \1.111d;1) LW!hl Jo •,J•illll · 1•\:-.1r11) CARTER APPEALS FOR SALT OK-A4 SALT CAN BE BENEFl1JAL-Editorial. ~6 "' l'oni;r , .... s t11t'<l II• 1 1, .11' · .111 rlhl'>lllO . th;1t lht• I ll•Jt) ••• C.111 111 lhl" I '1111 1·rl St.II••• :0..1·11 .l .11..•· t.;1111 H l•l:il1 ':lll•·d tl\I' 1111•:..1d••111 :.. .,,. .... ,." tl•'l'l'j1l1\1·" ;111(.J -.,1111 11 l.th•·h· 1'1 \1'" lht lllljll L~hllJrl lh<tl ~,\j ;f II ,11•h11•\1•:.. .11111:, 11·d11t·t1 1111 \11rl s. 11 ll;,11 r~ c;•>ldw.i11·1 H \ I I I 1 I d ' h I ( 'ii I I • I ,1 d 't.1111 •ll ,1111111 I 11111 tt:Jll ll) lit•• 11 11th 1111 !-..Al .T I .1111 :-11·1.. .11111 l111·tl 11t lll'.•I 1111· 111 .. l'n·-;11!1·11 1 111 1h1· l '111\\·d I ill" I I\ 1111.! Ill Ill h lt'.11! tl11· ,\llll'l I\ .111 jl• llpll 1•11 •1UI llllltlJf\ •.1r1·11g1h · 1;oldw.111·1 ... a11J "I "ill \11l1 • ;1~.t1n..,1 lh1• ~Al.1 ti 11 1'.t'\ ..,11lr·h 'In tlo1•, 11>Ul1th t1l .1tlm1111.-11 .!l11111 dt~ltl'lr1t':..I~ " D1·n11>1 rat11· 1 ... •d t r•, 111 lit• S1·n.t11· 1111·.111\\ hll•· 1.1 1!11·tl I•• 1 lt1· d1·l••w11 • ol th•· I r1•,11' ;11111 pr,11"'" ( 0 l1rltor '-h.111dl 1111 . or h1 \'11•n11,1 o\U:-.lrt..L !>UlnlJltl m('l'I 111g wiH1 S11\'1l'I £'1 t'"itrl1.•n1 f .1•1111111 I llri•1 hnt•\' M;in) -;t•n :ll•1r~ or hoth par111•-. ';ucJ lhl•y bdtt'Vl' tlw pac·t 1·:111 h1· rallf1 c.-d 1f 1t 1·an tx· 1·unclU hlV<'h f'l"UV<.'tl that ltS lt•rm ... do not Un 1krm1m• llw !>4•c urity 111LNestc; ol the United St atci. and th at SovH·I com phancc with its terms can hl' verified. A two-thirds vote ti. n·quircd for Senate' a1>µro vaJ of ttw treaty. . • ·'The µrc~idcnt b egan th1· l·d ucation of the treaty on SALT I 1 :· said Sen ... Jacob Javits, H ~ V . "I don't think he changed .11w m111ds Thl'n>'.; a Ion~ rottd .1ht·ttd ... Or :~:Q7 :."M Weath e r Pat c h y late nq~ht through mid-morning low cloudiness. oUterwise fair th·rou~h Wednesday. Lows 1onight 55 to 60. High:. Wednesday in high 70s. INSIDE TOD"' Y It's ttrie, tM cnhc report!>. Ac t or R obert Sacchi re-creates Humphrey Bogart almoat perfectly. .~f! story and phoCol on ~ A9. ···~ .. ~ .......... .. ,. ............ CJ M ............. .. ...,... er:t ............. ....._.. .... M or...-c:-ey "' S.CM.P.-CS ..... eH ............ Ttl'91... er T'llMWt ., .. .,..._ A4 ..,...._ A4 .. DAILY PILOT Hif I ~•day June 19 HUQ [ Piiot J ___ L_og_b_ook __ What Happened o Summer-Camp? By l 'HAllU :S H. l.OOS ()f .... &Mtlt ll'i ...... " I don't know ubuut a.II y11u <1lh,.r molh,·r' 11111 th1·n -. hut Jftt-'1 tht! f11111 cli.y 11( i.11m1111•r v111·11tiou. Ill) wilt• ul11·"ch ll'Ul't "1sh1n~ thut -.c•hoo l ~011\11 .. 1111t UK1un -.11or1 .. "l 'M J)fo:Tf:RMINt:H n111 111 lo••t' rrn i••k1 I '· '"'' 11•11wrk1·d u' ~l1l' 1·01111·111plu1 t•1I tlw 1•1 .. ,1w•·t of th11·1· 1111,lrtH'IUt •••I mont ll\ w rth th rt·f' k 1ll i. ,1111u11tJ th• h110M' Hut nftc•r th.-(H~l tin~ "' lht' 4-Ulltm hi I II), ht'I t l'Mlh l ' "'i.lh W l't.tl 111~ llllU II, w 1•n1 \1111wth11w l1k1· 1111 .. It ••lh " huol 11~1· \ull I\ 1111 1 .11 I y UIHI IHIJ" 111f lo llll' IM.•d1'h w II h " I 111 rul I h1· fri .. 111.I "·•' .i cJrt\1·r ' ll11•n-.1·, fll'wl~ a1 qulrt>d \l111lw1 1tr II ' Ii-• ll1 NO. 2 SON, ""h11\1• r\'t 1·n1 IJ1rthd,1) h,1 , t•Ul htm 11H•1 dou liu• ct1 ~1l">. ~n·1·1-. thl· d}1y dbdgrt·1·.tl1ly Ur l'lld111g tht· rhuughl 11( tH:-tn~ 111 d11i.c• 1111.11 tt-r:> wl!h t)1111 for ally lcnl(lh of 111111• M110wi thrt'.1t1•n , tr1 kt'PP htm 111 th .. 111111~1· ;JI mornin~ unlc~i. ht· ">httl>t -. lll> M11thn ., 1110011 11n·:-.:-.u11• r ,.,,.l> lO µmnt? T1:i·ny l;11pp1 ·1 tla11,.:h11·r 1·11w 1 g1·~ ••I 111111 n111rn111g , gru111 fly :rnd wv11clt•1111i; ;_il1111d wti.11 111 1111 w101 1~1..·r ..,t·lf 1111w th.it i.h t? hu~· nil tt11:-. frt·t· 111111• 1111 h1•1 h1tn1b She opt ... f111 Liii' twnt•h :inn 1nv1l1·:,,a fr wrnl M11th f.'r dnv1· ... Both WllY' Nii J !)1111 11•.q11w;ir ' w1l11 t:il1·' t>f krlll'r :-.urf Ltlld ho" ht' rrwr1d lo:-.t holh bWllll rrn .... tn tlH· W<tlt•r Moltwr ('flllj.ll':O., th111k1ng u( ll'POy IJ1Jf1Jll'r d;i11ghlt·1 who lh :-t ill a l lh1 • IJt·U<'h NO. 2 SON /\PPt:t\KS ;i111t .1nn11un<:_<•:-. that Nu :1 f<1111ilv <·ut ha:-ti<·<.·n U!'trng :-.tr;mgd y and proli11lily h11:-. <'al f1·v1•1 bet·a u:.e the n1•1ghbor's <'<JI Ju:-.t d11·tl <.S 11 lit• tHl<l~. w1 l II g rr;_it authortl) lhal No :! ('al h;_i:-. a 5/J :>I> rh<Jn<'I.' 11f 111.1k 111g 11 Moth1·r rrwnt a ll) c·t1lc·ulatc·~ vt•l1•nnunan l>tll Tt'c ny t.11111p1·r rl<iught<'r 1h·C'lart·:> during return tn11 fri1rr 1 the h<'<H'h that Big Coron;, •!> u·ky und that, from t111w 1in ..,ht· anrt hc•r frlf'nrl n ·all> ought to 1:•> l11 H.Jl1111a l't•111n:-.ul.1 li\•ac·h1·::. h'ru·ntl :.ig11•1·:-. "W;_i1t ;1 minute," w:11h· l't1 l1lh1•1 I m 11111 lfrl\'llli.! )t111 kid:. t11 th1• l'cnrn!>ul;_i t.·verv dJ> " ··OU, Tll/\T'l-; HKt\ V ." ..,;1v·, d;,111-:htc·r ' I 111•1111 ~1111 1-.111 JUSt drop us off at thc• Ball1oa blanrl I-,., r) · M ntht•r tnt(':-. tlJng uc· No I :-.11n 1fr· .. u111w11r:.. 1t11·ro·hy ,1v111tl111~ 1111,ro·' JI ,... lt'itrrwrl i:Jlcl tlwt ht· h.i•, 111·•·11 111 11·-.1d1·111·1· .If I h1• 11t•1ghhor:. µool t:1blt.• Molh<·r bJ~l1-. . \ . Promoter Victim Of Gang? 1.0~ ANGELES tAP> -Ml ,111lopi..y wui. sr hl~Juled today l-o lll'ek 1111' l'UUl>t> u( death or Sports 111 <>rrr111fo1 und uut-0 dealer Victor • I w,·1si., whose decomposing hotly wu:.. foutul "' the trunk of a 11111r111111 01111 whrll' Ho11s Hoyce l'lw L ol'I /\ngt:lcs Tames quott.'<I .ari 11r11uur11:d sourt'•· as s aymg W1·1!'>' had l:J('l'l1 ~hot rn the head w 11 h ht' huntls bound behind h1 l'I hu1·k hul 1tf·1ti11·r the p0l1ce nor 1111 c•o 11111c·r would confirm that 1•11ft1·1· l.1 Hon Lewis s a.ad n1J ", •II" •11 14 J:-. found but that lh1· ,.,,,f• '" hPtn~ lrPa1ed a s a IJ ti Ill I r· I d (• h t' ·c d U !. (' C/ ( , 11 1 u 111,t.1111 , . ., "lwh as Weis:-.· "'.dll'l l1t·111•: 111 1:-.~1ng and th1· l,11 t th.It We":-was known I•> I ,If I\ thllU .... 311dS ()( <f11Jlar1> fn ' ,, ,11 I lt1 1 .11 .11111 hotly w1•r1· fount! Ill ·' IJ.11 k1111: :-.lrtll'IUI I ' lll•Xl llJ 1111· '-l11•1.1tw1 I 1111vcr,;,d ll11ll'l '-Urtd.1\ 1•\1•111111! The hody "'":> r l•1th,..<I. t>ut 1ti1•1 ,. 14:1\ 1111 II> fir\ 11 ," J..1•w1•, .... 1111 'l'lw 1·:11 w ;p, '1•1•11 hy :1 hoL1·l 1·111pl11H·t· 14ho , . ._,111·d p11ltcc <Jftl·r h1• lt1·-.rtl 11·p11rl:-. cif Wt•1...,:-.' d ....,;ip pt• a r· a ru·e • l'11l1ct l.l 1>:111 <'1wk1• ~.:1111 W<·t'' m1 :-.:-.1111: w;dlPt <·<1uld rn dtc :111· lh:tl w, ..... ~ 14;1:-, k1l1C'd hy .1 111hh"r l111t h•· -..i1d th1• poss11'd1t~ of a "htl m an'. c·ould not rn· di'> l'l•tllHl'll I .t•\4 1:-. :-.:11d tll1• pol11•1· w4 •r1· n111 ·'"' :111· 1if an v 1•1111 r11·<·t tc111 111•1w1•111 W1·1-.:-. :inti 11rg;111111·tl 1·111111• 1111r dtd W1•1:.'o h;rv1• ,, I fllllfl aa l t1•t'lll d l.1·w1-. ..,;iul I h1•11· w 1•r 1· v11111 · 11111l.111t11 .. , lwtw1•1•11 th1· d1".1tll'o vi \\ '''"· 11 .11111 1111 .ii t;e1x111g 111:1111• "''"''' ~11•111dl11 111 1:rn 11111 he• "'"11ld 1111t :-.111·c·1fy th• 11111 l.1 n t 11 •-. ~t 1 111tll1 I 14 ol', l1t'dl I'll .11111 "'"'"ll11 1 ... 1 111•. IH1d v l1·fl 111 .1 , .;11r11.., .. ,, 1111· .... 111111111 •• r. "' ""' \1·11 1111.1 fo'r1·1·w.1\ 111·ar 1h1 l.o11111·I {';111\11111·~11 M t:ANWIUl.t., DAVGll'rt:tt ,1nd frll'n11 .11 •· ·,1 al'lrn11-: tlw lour wagonl!Jud!-. 11f flld n1·w:-,p:ap1·10 lh•"'r l1.1v1• tlurnpt:fl in ------;----~-:-,,-,°",-:--'-11-!l' <1T lfiCgrc·:1l !>Urnmr·r11~1'r11•1 <lr1 v1· J!H \ U11 11t•r way 'J'111:, :JllJIUIJI CV(:fl l U!>Uirll y l:a:-.h 11nlll ''-"'' fitll ,\.!1Jl111'1 '>11-!h ... W1·1-., 111 1·;111 11J11. w:..' l.1..,1 1'•·11 \\1·llrll':-.<l.1v drrv1ng (1 0111 th>' IH'W'11V C7Jm~to1•k Jfo(o·T .1lt e·1 llll'l'lllll! 141tll ~.11111h 1·11 111 •p11·111•111 -. .f<11·k K1·nt C(111kt· o1flll .l1·rrv llu~;..., , .lu:-.t twfo11• cl1111w1, d ;o111:tnl r '1fld (r11·n1l tl•·v.-11111 ur go•nl l\l•t•d lO h('C lJ m11v11• .J;owo, '(hey hUVl'll I :-1·1·11 ll f111 1 wu :rt•:1r:-. Jo'rw111.J':-. old1·r t.1 oth1:r wall llrup th1·111 t.1l Uw:itt·r M11tlll'1 on'c·;dl 1111 pwku11 Nc1 I :-1111 µl<Jn :-. lri11 to li.1ll11ag 1·ag1·.., l11r :-urpmL·r lt:<ij.(111• '1111L'UIJ N1•gnt1ata1m•, •111 wh11 1•, ).(C1111g ;,1111 t111w :irt· l 1mduf't ,.<f with fru•111h vi.1 l•·l1·pl1•;111• tlur 1111• ol1111wr Mt1llll'1 111,111'-l~Ch lf11·.11d1·,111t1·111 11 1111J;l11in._ NO. 2 SON 1..., pu:-.hl·d out ••f ... ti;1rw hc·1·au..,1• hr..., u1t1•ntlun<·1· .11 hatting l ogt.·:-i 1:-.n t ck:-.1n·1I hy :-..o l !'o'>n , h1 · d1dn'l get l<> i.:11 :-1•c 'J:nv:-. · "'rth h1:, 'l!>l(•r and ht:c·;_iusc a friend hi· ha<I rrlv111 .. 1 lo :-.1wnd the night wa<.n't :ihll· lo M<1thcr :-.ym 11.1lh11I·'.'., pr.11111~.111~ tu tak1· 1\11 2 '>on -tu :-.ee ".l;_1w\" tn ttw rut 111 1· "'' :! '>1111 ·•JlfWJf'> lat1•r wrlh n1·wfo11 nrl frtt·nd w;_int1ng t11 k111Jw rl n1·wfound fric•ntl '';111 'lll·T11l lht· night Mnthr·r \1•1111·~ 1111·· 11vl111n , t·xpla111111g l11a1 llll'n· wrll ht· 11tl11•r 1111 p11rtt1111l11•:-111 ha vr· g1w:..t.., l14•fnrt• lh1· i.u111m1•r '' nvr·r t>'.111ghlN :11 r1v1•.., hr1rr11· fr11rn 11111v11• a111l r ""'''' k-. \ ''" k1111w , If JUl..I dot"•ll I "'l'lll Ilk!• '>Ulflflll!I . Coast Woman Kills Self With Shotgun A II urrttn ~tor) u,. a r h m a n . whose young wrfr cltt·d or ... !>!•If 1nfhc ted hhotgun bliJhl (•;_irly 111 1fay. w;1:-. urn·slt·d and JlHlt:d I>} 1>ohcc· 011 ;_i $fj50 lraffte wacrunt P ohC'l' arnvt•d <Jt Uw hurm· 111 Ucan ;_ind .Joanie V;_ilcril' <;n•IM· 727 Yorktown Av<:., !>ho rtly bcfor l' 6 •• m. Officer:.. :..;ml tht: l t year ohl wo m1Jn had killed hl•r:-.clf with .1 ..,hotgun hlust, :ind that tht·n was no •vidt•ntc of foul pl:t> Polict• :.;ai<I she• upparcnlly wa:-. des pondent Ourmg nn 1nvcst1gal1on at lh1· ::.ccn c. omccrs lcuncd that her hus band. 26·y<·nr·o ld Dean All1·n Grebe. had an oulslunding war runt o n c hurgcs of rt•ck less drr v 1ng lie wa:-. urrcstcd :.ind tnkc·n 1t1 OAANOE COASl tt ' DAILY PILOT , , .. ()t .. ttt~ t ..u 0.Ut Ptl01 .-.itt ..,,..,. "'"' ''" t •1'<0 tftfl ~Ptf!'•" ,, i>utlf1 ........ «1 by, ... ,,.,. ... I f f fluf.,l"""fWJ( ..,,,.,..~, \lt .... r ... fo f'dlh UI\ "" I II \ ~ .. II 11 1l1·r h1111 )"ii I\ p11l11" "J111k1".,n1.111 1111· WJrrant 1·. :i 1111 1·<·! 111 f.'••m the )t11li;1· t11 arn··,1 · Thi· :..pok1·..,rna11 ;1d d1·d th;ot c;rc·h1· w:1:-111 lh1· 1irrw1",~ ••f 1>'1">1 111g lw1l 1·arly l1xJ:1y Hio t..-rs Ch m;•·cl Into ~a nal Zon•~ l'/\N/\M/\ C I TY , P;_inam11 1/\1'> N;_il11111ul ~uard tn>111,:-. r1nng :-.holgun:-. and ll'ar J,la:-. d1;1sl'd untr·govt•rnnrc•nl. rrott·r:- 111to .th<• US. Panama Can a l Zon<' today. qucllrn ~ vtolc·n('I' tn wh1eh u hu.., drtvt•r wa:-. hl''-ttc·n to tl1:<1th ;rnd u111Hhc·r m:rn WiJ:-. ... c-rious l y 1nJurl·d h y thl' runaway hus <Hficials s a1rl 11 11thcr pcr!..1m:-. were treated for IOJUrlt:l> und ri· leased. II \1r;1:-. I l'JHll l•·d lh.11 W1•1· .... r:·pr 1•-.1·11U11g lrrs fr tend .lt·r 1 ~ Tu r k an 1<111 . I; n 1 v t' r..., 1 t y' •; f "i 1· v .1tl 11 L.1 :-. V1·g;i:-. ha!'okl'll1,il I 1·r1,11 h :rgr·N·<f nn trrm<: tnr 'I ,1rka111.111 111 t'l>:u·h the• N:1t1on;1l IL1 :-. k I'! Im II I\ :-.:..1H' I alt <in '> Lo..., /\11g1·ll·.., l..:1k1 ·r-. n1·xl '>t•u:-.1111 , rl'pla1•111v, .Jc·rrv Wc:-L 'Oh, mv Cod ." SH1d Tark.1 111.111 fr11111 l.a !'o Vt·J,!a:-. whf'l1 111 furrrwrl hy lt·l(•phon1· of Wt·1::. ... tll•;tl h A:.k1•(I rl tw h;1tl "J.!n•·ll w1lh tilt· l..1k1·1..., I ar l..Jrllan ..... 1111. ·~11ll11ng ·.., ht·i·n don•· " < '1111k1· 11·l·1·11tl} '111ltl Bu.,..., t h1 l.:1k1·r.., lht• Lo' /\rrg1·h·!> F11rur11 t h1 • l\111g:-. ll11('kl'y 1·lt1h <1nd t.1 ... I :l II 0 0 a ,. I 1· r ;1 II (' h rt e (I I ll.1k 1·1 :-.f11·ltl f11r $1i7 ~> m1ll1cm W1·1i..i. Wlfl• 1';dl1•tl fllllt<'I' ll1• rrH>rr1111g aflt·r lw wa!-. 1:1:-.t :-.1·1·11 wh1•11 Ill' f.11l 1·d to !.how up for ,if, k :1 111 ap1M11nt11)1·nt W I'll>'> r11•inag 1·rt 111Hl<.:f1·11t1•d light '-'l'IJ~hl (;1)1);<<1111 Mt)lllt:ll!Jlll) . LINE~. • • lla r ris "W1· will lll!>lttul1· th.., pr•1 g r .1 m ru lho ... t· thn·1· rr1u nl 11·' hut I ht• "''l of th<' :-.t ;1t1· had t>.·1 11·r unclc-r:-.t;_ind 11 will JWt w11 r:-.1• lwfon · 11 ).(f'lh ht·lll'r," Gov Brll I 'l1 •m1·nt~ :-.:11<1 Monday n1J.!hl Thi· .1111>'>1 ..,,.n1111~ pr11hl1·m'> w1•11• ht •111g ri·1111rl1•d 111 lht· N1•w York City arc·a wlwrf' t.:a"> wt•nl for :i:-. mul'h a s $1 24 a gf!ll1>11 an<I thP area <Jrnunrl ll11lt11n11n• and Wa:-.h1ngton. (I(' Tht•rt• :d !-.o w1·n · warning!> of trouhll' ;c1hcad -1n Pcnnsylvun1a and (;Porg1a. "The· truth 111 Uw m<illt·r ...., I h at until W~1:-.hrngton gels off 1t~ rturr. w1•'r<.• not ).(oing to havc.:. un a nswer to this." s aid New York Mayor f';d K0<·h "You have 111 fmc1 tt way lo dt·al with lhc Arah- OP F.C holdup " t ,t;l,...twid ""'1n4f_.., lf\U)WQI\ f t•f1AT t ,, f 1 •I• #• "" ., .. ~1 ""...," •• .,,,. .. ~~· h ..... ft ',...,., ,_..h .., .... ,.,., • .,,,. ·~o ... , .... "'"'o''""'"'' I\ tttql• rf'fJtQno•t ~ltOf' '" 1Mpl1VWJort '..torftAr •'•I Wnd.itt\ ,,.,,,~•MI PflOIVUNIOIMtt,,,., '' #ltr\t ., .. ,. \lt"1 (W• Ml-~ <.o111lit0t"'•••7'14i ·-·"-''"''"""' •nd Pvt.A1\N-t ~Crooked LOok' J•t•• c..n., \111 f' tft tt\l(}lrf\t Af'WJ (_fli#,.,,.tltf """""llf' "~ ..... , ..... ,, f O•tf>I f-•AM ......... MAHt11Ul1fWJ f d!itOf 0 •''" M. lMt IUt"-4 .. -.11 A\"\t11M M,A.•Qlnq ( dhf)'"' ..... , ... , ... w.i,t Ot•n.o. (O"ttly {tlrllO• ,...,_ ... (1t4)MMU'I Cl~•tlfled AdHrtfllng M2·5171 ,-,.,,.~tl'l!0r•f'W)11>(ttl,fl'Vty(~1U ... \ 540-tHO (Mi,11:: .. ,. 6t:r.; (.W\I l>wl)I""'"" ( .. • ::r .• , o.,~::r. .. ~'m.!~~~·,,,·~!C::~ ::'.":~~: uprothHH *'Ul'MtWt ~· ·•• 1Ntm1\\lon nt '-•• , ..... a.Ml • '9lend tll'\~ ,.,, ... p11n .-1 fe\t• ,...,,. c.i11trllj• 111\l'S 1u1111 ,,..,..,~..., i.. i"' .... " \it ~•-"'• .... ,,.,.,, n ,.. '"""'"'• ,,.._, __ uJt .... 11.1• • J U1ieven Smile Brings Suit COLO·R~OO SPRINGS. Colo. <API -A Colorado woman has filed s uit against a plastic surgeon. claiming his repair work left her with a c rooked smile .. Carole Holloway fil ed the suit agains t Or. Alfred Speirs, claiming s urger y h~ pcrform~d on !ier ~fte_r an auto accident in 1976 was negligent and deviateo from standard care exercised by physicians in the field. As a res ult. M s. Jlolloway. 26, or Woodland Park. contended in her s uit that she had a marked racial asymmetry which gives her a "crooked look " about he r mouth when she smiles or talks. . Dr. Speirs said he had not heard from ~s. Holloway since her accident until her suit was fil ed in District Court. I ' \ Units Switch Denied L T he Huntington Beach City -Council alammtd lht: door Mon · day on a rt.'Quesl to convert 448 a p artment unit s into con domlnlum dwellings. The council a lM> considered . but .rejected, a moratorium on all adc11tional condom1n1um con vn s1on efforts in the city. Counci lm an C lancy Yodf:r :-. a 1 d h u c a I I c d ( o r t h •· morulorium lo protect the pe<>· &>It-or tlunhn~ton Beach "I didn't want lo have people f ;H·t· th1· ~irnw tragedies thal 1·ondomin1um <·onvt>riuons havt' c. .... u~~1 m .othcr-CJ.Ue.!>.,' '_ 'iodM 1·><1>l <unt·d loday llt· .... wd he w;i.., referring t<1 n·ntt·r~ who w1·n· forc1·d from thl·tr apartment:-. rn other area:.. of th' l'OUOI V The c·ouncil m slc ad d1rc<'l1!1t 1h;t1 " lop 11rrnraty tw plan 'CJ on llr.1fl111g 1on l111.1i11 •·"> 1·11vcrrng lut 1111• t flfl\t·r:-.11111..., /\I ISSUt· Munday ni,c:hl w.i .... a pr 111>usal t11 1·onvc·rl the Ca:-..1 tl1 •I ~111 :i p.1 r lm•·nt 11n11 :-. at Hr ookhur:-.t Strt•1·I ;,ind llam1lt1111 1\\f'nuc· .ftili tlf• I 11 t '' .'i 11 "' "' -.~ r <'11mp11ny 'of)(Jkf·:-.rn;rn l':tlw;_ird P1·H ·r~11n tolrl offwiah th&I <·nn \'l'r\1110:-. wuulrl allow 11wnf'rsh1p 11f l1<1mt·"> lly "f11q~11tt1·11 1·1t111·n~ · "4'h<1 r1t h•·rw,....1· n 111 '1 afford th•· /111!11 fil fl't''> C1( TH'"' ht11t1t'"o .Ja y ('ontr1·r:1-... !I, g1 ·I ~ thl· <.,um~t:r off to <1 ~h1pp1·ry .... tart 111 F ountarn V;dl1·\ .J ;1y . 111820 S an L1·on l\vt· :.ind h1-. lr11•11d•. t1 ~t11•·d rt"''!\ ~1 gn·al W<:iy to C"•·l1--hr:1t1· th1·11 It 1·1·<111111t111ni th1· d1·m :1111l-. 111 -.d111<1I a!> th ~ t1 r-.1 lull v.1·1·k I I•· :-.at<I 11l.1n.., W"rt' lo •,1•11 lh•· 11n•· 1111<1 1 .... 11 h1·1lro11m aparl 1111·111 ... for $li11 0110 ~111 0011 ot ·,111111ru·t \ :1<·:rl tc111 lwg:in \11111da y .. Illeg~l Fireworks Susp-:ct Arrested T .. nanh of 1 h1• Ill y•·ar·11ld 1•11 rri11l1·\ •1flfl''"'''' lh•· c-n 11 \ "' .i1111 l'h•·v .,,1111 lh•·v <'f1ult111·1 1ft11rtl tu 1111_' 1h1·1r ;q,ar1m•·11h .111cl 111.11 ,, "'"J'1n1 v 11f lh1·m • y.1111 ltl It• f1111 1·d I •1 look 1111 pf.11 •• ., '" 11,\' "''''"' ft•·ri· 'lh"\ .ol" 11.111111·!1 that II 'A1111lct lw 11tlf1111lt 1•1 f111<l nt'" ''"'' 1·. 1,..,.,;11.,•· 111 th•· l11w apart Ill • 111 \ ·" ·'"' \ I ,11" 1n th1· r1I v :\ <:.11d1·11·cr11\1 rn.111 who r• p111 lt•<ll} W:t!'o l•OJll\-1111-',. ii t..10111 ·.,,,~ liu:-.111 .. ..,.., ;,..., " 1111111 l•1 lfoo1 flrt·'Aork ........ 1l1•....,11 a11 f<J t•·' h·l1111~ 1·twrg.-.. tiHl11 v followin g h..., <ir n:'il by Ncwp11rr ll1•:wh p<1lir1· l'nlll'l' boo kl·<I l>a\ 111 Wdt)ur -rmc 111;-® ~nmrnr ~a1-,.--nri 1 l<·g:il fin•worh aftr·r h1· iJll1·g1·d Iv ~old $!~1() w11rth 111 llll' liann1•u fl .\ r11t<·d11111· d1•vll·1·' to ;in ur1 d1·r1·11v1·r ln\•·..,1 1g.11 01 Salull'fay Olfll'1·r' i..11<1 1h1·' ··•·111·<1 ~.:s 1',llo.t'' Ill lltt· fll l'WC>rk:-. 14flfltr Jll 1·i.l 1 m.1t1•rl $<!~1.hOO l'nlr1 ,. -.:ird !111 • f" ""'!•rk' u ri• Bandit Wails li1 Line, Robs l:om1ty Bank I-ullc·r 11111 11•1lic·1• .. 1111 11111.1\ lho •\ ,111• hHlkllll' flll ,1 lllOlll 1o'h11 'A.11l1•tl 11.1111•11\h 111 .1 t1·ll 1•r ..; 1111•· lwf1ir1• 111lil1111i.: .1 h<111k 11f ;rn 1111 .,111·1·1f11·d ;_im11unl of 1·11 ... h l'.11'(\ \.1111111.1\ afl1•111111111 1'11111·1· ... :11d 1111' lia11d11 1•1111·1 •·d 11,.. ll.111k of /\m .. r11·a lt)lt :-.; IL t ) r111111d l"ull .. 111111 ..,J1111 lh .1 f It •' I ,, Ill /\(fo·I 14 :11 1111~'. Ill 11111' lht• rllh 111'1 '"1>11rt1·dl~ luld ,, woman l•·llt•r Ill' had .1 1•u11 under hh •.l11rt . war111·1f th•· 14111n:in ai..:arn..,t p11 .... h111g ''"" ti11t1111i... :i11tl lh1·11 111·<1 11111 a "''-'' d11111 11f 1 h1· l1a11 I. '-'llh rn•inr•) from h1·r <'cJ~h ti r :11A< 1·r ·1 h1• rohlu•r "';,.., d•·"'·rthl'd :1.., .1 111:111 rn hr:-rutcl :!II '· about :.L\ f1·1·f tall., htr.,k} :i111J w1·un11g .1 l11111o1.•n .incl 1o1. hat(" dll'Ckcrcd ...,,., rt th1· h1ghl\ 1·xtpJoqV(• l \fl• twnt1• •I h\ -.tall• l;1w Thi• 1J .. v11 1· "''I • lurnt·<l 11\l·r to lhP (Jr.1rq.~1· (:111J1• ty Sht·nfl·, f)1 ·purtrn1·nt '•, t;.nil, ..,4uad~ Cmc rcµortt-'CJI ~ t11ltl t>olin 111 houghl d tn11·kl11a11 ,,f 11t1 fi reworks 111 tlw 1M;-dwr-'11-11n~ hro111-:ht thl·m l1> Or.1:21g1· C1111n1 tr1 M ay l I 1· ,1 s ..., t' r t ,, 11 I y 1 11 \••st 1g<itQrh ht· d •;olfl 311(} t''-'''' •if t ht' de, lt'C'S ""ll'" th1·n Sgt Darn I Y11ul" '>Hiil t ,,, w a~ ~orng <locJr t11 l11111r 111 11ff11 • 1·0111 plcx·~ nr>a r l"tr;ingr C 'n11nl\ 1\ 1 r p o rt It· .1 \'I n g 1, ·,' I' h 11111 nun1 bt·r and t :1)o ng •1rcJ1•r' f111 rin•works Bustnel>:-.mt•n 111Corm1·d JJ'>l11 • ,1 n d Y n u I t• .1 r r a n g 1• d 1 h • wN·kend mt:c:trn~ .11 wh1e·h ('11\ a llC>g<:dly "''Id him th1• flfl•wor k <'•n "'·"' th1•11 1r;11l1•1l ,,, , )'Jr:.ai.:l· 111 i\n.1111·1 111 lo'h•·r•· h• .11 l1·~o>rlh -.11111•11 lh1· f1f1·w 11r~· •.• 11ol -.;is ;_irr•·...,11-11 thc•11• 111• w a' liu11l.1•<I tlllo, 1·1t \ J.111 .1nd n ·l1""' d . .r1o 1 11'"1"'1111~· ~;, t11M. lia1 I AJ-A;VJIUl~lt~·s t ;J(/' .t.;/'El'l.·f l.i l//j.L/' ,\ 11 Ul11'1lll\ •·nt 11111.d 1)11-.pll ;d ":1rd .1t· S1wtt1 '11.1:-.1 i\'11•d11-.i1 ('o•llt\'I Ill Si1ulh l..q.!llll.1 h1·IJ1• .tl1•11h<1l11·-. un llH· louglt r11,11I 1 .. t t'f't •\ t 'F\ I t·t•11:-. and -..i·n1111 , 1L111·n· .111· ;1 n1ong the· mo">I f11·t1ut·111 I'" IH·nts ;it th\' f:J111th 'Ahl,,. Ill• -.1:1rr rne<; ''> pn1v1tl1· thl· 1·xtr.1 rare the} nt•t·d 1\ :-.lory and phot11" 111 th• 1 .1n unit aplX'ar> lu<la) 011f-'.1g1·1 ·~, I II• , 1111111 11 1111.1111111•111-. .11 111111 11pli1 hi .111 • .11 ht r pl:111r11111: , 11nim1 -.11111 111•111 • .t .. r th1· "'" !"•'I ti I llfl\l•r'.11111 L1 ~layi11~ of l1~x-boy f ri,~ n<J 1\ 11 ,q1p.ii 1•111 1111.i·r :-. •PHH r .. 1 •·111lo ·tl ,\J1111tl:1\ n1 hl11 111 Y11il1.1 l.111cl.1 'A 1lh th1· :-.h1111ttn1: dl'11th 11( ,_, :M \ c.•,J 1 oltl 111:111 <11111 Uw arrcs1 iif llh' nran':. •1111' t1m1· garlfrlf'nd .111rl h1·1 -.••·pl11oth .. r •111 11111rtl1•r t h<J r ~··'· 1111lrn· '''l>l>flf'Cf lo<la\ · 'I h1• 11l1·n111 \ 111 lilt' <!1•:111 man .1, \Ill ha f.t1tdo1 rl• .... 11f1•nl I' 114'1n~· "'" hh1•l1l 111·n1l111~ 11ot 1f1r;.i 111m 111 11•1.olf\t"" ull11 1•r-. ... :11d I le· 14 ,,, pr 11111111111 ••d !11 ".11f ,,f tit• -11·111• nl lh" Ill l> Ill "il11Jot111~· "'h11 h 111•1 111 rc•d .11 IA•· 1111111" 111 tho· fur 1111·1 1•1rllt1•·111l /J1.i111 • I\ .11 1111.111 ·k Ix.I I \ ;d,.111·1.1 1\\" 111ol11 ,. I ''Ifill l1·d \1 , l\:w1111.ir1·k :n .1nrl 1t1·1 t1 •phr11tlw1 1\l.111 ll111•g1w r. :M Ill ,\1 l'.1(/f,1 \o\o'll li1111kt•d 1111 11 l 1r.1111" 1'1111111\ .I .ill •·arlv 1111 la \ ••n ,t1i..1111·11111 qi 11111rclo-r. l"1lic•1· . .i 111 Pow.-r Bla .. kout 1<11sToN , ",. 1 1-:1411111011·111 p111hl1 ·111:-. .111d h l·avy 1lt·m a11tl~~ 1-.111:..t·tl ,, f.JtltJn• th.it hlew 11111 1·l1·t'lrtl',1f 1,.11o1.,•r 111 1111ir1· than .! II II • II II II I' ti ·' I II nr I' r ., I n .\1 a-::-.:1,.hu:-.1•11.,, Hhotl1· l:.land J llcJ \ 1:rmuu1. an:onh11~ to tit•· l'lot•w t-:n)!lanli l'ol.4t•r Pool Only Rulcx couJd improvt• on f~t )lt•x . t 1. 1 .... ,1 I i1 I loo Ill\\ 1~111 1 • l )\ ··h'1q11o11 t/ \\,tl1 h1·-. 1111 1111'11''1111h111o• th1• l.11111 llJ•, 11•lt,ll11l1I V (IJ l<11ln \'\ illi 1I 11 I" ''t I '>11111 111 .1 q11.1rt1 11111\ I llll'fl l \\ lfli 'l"" ~ d .tl•· I h.ii1~',I' ol lld .... 1ppl11ri· • r~ ... 1.11-. 1\ IH l..t1r.11 '""'"' ~ ~·•Id '!-11 •ic.,o 0 11 l..11o11 vdl11\\ 1;11l d .ind -.1.111111•-.-, .t1•1•I. SI 'I~( < '-It.uni .. -.. -.11•1•1, ~I 27t; ... ROL£J[ ,·,h11tt l l111o l ''"1"'"'•11111 ,, .. , •• ,,,11 .... 1t •'t11f1 11 l•>(fl • ,, • 'I \\ It H •• , "II J 1h• lh11 ''·'~ ''• ,.,, ... l'\t .. t l 11• ,,, • I ... "''•'" ,.,, ''"I I ' \ • f ... ', • ' I , . ' Irvine ()tfl O N VOL 72. NO. 170, 3 SECTIONS, lO PAGES , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA "our Ho•e&owa Dally New~paper TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1979 TEN CENTS CAB Plans County Airport EIS •r JOANN•: ••~vNouas n11ri·o11 ol Ooml'1>lll' Aviut1u11 oe-o.u,~-,.... ,1ud lht• t:IS will l"XL1111111r th1· O ffll'lat l i. o f th,· C 11111 rornbint'd 11111ntt•t or t'Xtl>lin~ Mr T It t' h t• ill' I "J.: h .. (" r l! II II llf'nd mi: applic a lums rur routl· 1111n1:.l1ul1v1• l;iw JUd ~1· fo'ntnk a uthori t y l o Arr i nna Th1: Wh1l1n.: 1s t'Xpc('t('(I to l<isl two airlines seeking those n>utc:. &re ' 1 A~ron~uUt.'11 lku.rcl I ('AU l i. .. ) rnutf•1' und Uw "'I v1n· fort"t'U.'>l ---th" will prt•l!_art> fl rc.u.,_.... ...... ...__o+f~&..bt113 t-ltlttt~~wk1!-lthun1» menh1 ampacC i.l atl'mclll 011 Th•• <'A H move• w11:. unnoun1"l'd ilays bt.o~1n111ng Jun1: l1 It wil l JISA. Air Ct1l1fornia, f rontier . tn-"hrid-at Hay View School-m -Continental and Weste rn llowcver . he said thut frnding applies only to thP rnd1vidual ap plic·ations a nd the CAB s taff believes the ~ollectl Y£ un1iact or those five <tppli<"allons plus c1~h1 others that <t re pe11d111g will tw srgn1f1r <t nt 11lltat1ons rrom Orcrnge County ;urport includl· applications for Hcno and Las Ve~as by Air <..:~laCom1a, Westt:rn and Fron- tin Salt L:.ikt.· City, Denver and Seattle by P SA. Denve r by II ught•s Aarwcst and St: attic by We:. tern 7 - J • I I l .:J ' Oranttt> County Airport bt•for1· 1111 tht· t•\'t' <•f rn •xt Wl't·k·., t1t'1H grantin.c any of t ht• 13 ll(·ndini.t 111 .:~ u l>out t ht· ''" v tr1111111t;111t.il apphcauons for r11u11•:. 111 tt11 111111t1i•1 of f1 \ 1• 1wnd1ni.: ~•1J1Jhl'<1 ( 8('1 h ly · 111101\ for l'Olll\'' lwl Wt'\'11 t )ru11.:1• Mark Atwood t•f tht• I · II ' ('111111t) .mil 1\1 1101111 · Bird c:rossi11g Barban.a Wetngot of Irvine Jogs pas t one of s ix new sign~ t:'r ectt'd Mondet.V a lon g Ne wpo rt Heach 's Bac.:k ll<J~ Orivt· Sig ns warn m otOrl!>L'> to look out for L1ghtfrmted Clappt•r Hail. an c ndangt·red !->pcc.:11:!'> of bird that h <ings o ut in t h<: UpJJc r Newport lfay Wildlife Prc~c rvt­ Sevt.•ral of tht.· birds h'avcn 'l ll vcd· up to tne1r name ,rnd Lhu~ haven 't li ved aft<•r a ttempting to cr o!:.s the roa d w<iy •H1 foot Tht!-t ·prompted ..,, a te 01:'.pa rl mcnt of Fish and G ame lo cn :c.:I thv !-.lj!ll S :Jl lJ ('0!-.t of about s:mo -• Victim Identified As Tustin Marine An «1pp<.1 rent murr:lt>r v1rt1m whosl' body w<Js fuu11rl 111 l rvtn•· Saturday was 1rfcnt1 f1t•d tmlav :tli Donnrc A Crist.'l. a 111 111'1• ror por<.a l a1ta1•ht•fl to t he· Manne· C 0 r p S h CI 1 I' 0 p t l' r ( ll I' I I 1 t V Tustin. Thl' ht><h uf Crts•·I. :w. w:1'- fou11d on °Jrv1nt· C1•n h'r Onvt· ne ar lht.' northl>oun1I San IJll'g11 Freeway off rum J> S,1 turd ;iy night Th .. v1cl1m was r la<I rllll ) in underp;ml:. .Crisd '!-. rd1~nt1Ly was rt·h•usNI by Jt;I Toro Munnt· <.:riq>s /\tr· Statton ofhc1al~ toduy <.artcr lh•· vrct1m's piJ rt•nts. of l.it tlt.' ltock . Ark., we re not1hl.'d of their son's death ' Irvin•' P<>hc1:• l.l. (;e nc Norcif•n said Crisci hud rt'turned to lh1· helicopter s tation June 13 after 11 two-mqnlh duly 111 Okinawu Prior to duty there. Crisci had been stationed al the helicopter base ror eight months, Norden said Crisel was last set•n a t <1bout I :30 a .m . Saturd ay m ornin J(. fully clothed, leaving the b11sc. lie• hacl rt·p11rH·1ll} told 1•11r11p:1 111011~ lh;rl ht• was go1nJ,! 1!1 j.!t·I -.111111•lh ini.: to •'.tl. N11nlt·11 sa11 I !'oord\•n l\:Jld 11 h ..... nut lw•·r1 r•<;I ahlis lw d wh.-tht·r ln~PI rt· 1 urrwd Lo th1· has1· 11r111r lt1 h1.., Ot•R I h Suffot~1t1 on or r11 ul! 11v1·nl1>s1· :irf' two po:.s il1lt· l':1u~··s ()( 1h-;1th la l ' I II ~ l ' () n )\ Id 1• r .. d h } I n \ t• !> l 11.! :1l11 r.., p 1• n rl 1 n g l 11 x 11·olo~it·:.i l sturl1f's hP1ni.: t·ondul'I t'<I h y lhl· Ora ngt· <'11Lint y C'or1111cr '!-. off11·c·, N11nh·n S<llfl Norden saul the body wai. Ml mutilated. nor was lhnr any 1•v idcnce of sexual ac llvaty The only ma rks on Crtsl.'I'~ hody. Norden s aid. wer e scrap1·.., :q>parcntly caused whe n the vrc Lim was dumped from u moving vehicle. Norden said Crr sel had a has tory of hitchhiking u nd :i lcohnl r elated problem s li e h :11J h<.'lwecn a .05 and 10 perct'nt blood alcohol level, which. ac cording lo slate s tandards, in· dicates he was unde r the in fluenre, Norden ·said Norde n said he w<,uld not f8ee VIC.'TIM, Pa«e AZ) 'Crooked Look' ' ·Uneve~ Smile Brings Suit COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP> -A Colorado woman has filed .~it against a plastic surgeon, claiming his rep~ work left her with a crooked smile. Carole Holloway filed the suit against Dr. Alf red Speirs, claiming surgery he performed on her after an auto accident in 1976 was negligent and deviated from standard care exercised by physicians in the rield. As jl result, Ms . Holloway , 26, of Woodland Park , cobtended in her suit that she had 8 marked facial asymmetry which gives her a "crooked look .. about her mou·th when she s miles or talks. Dr. Speirs said he had not heard from Ms. Holloway since her accident until her suit was filed -in District Court. .S:inla l\n<i lf(•1ght-; Atwood S<tid :i CAR i.t:iff n · Tht· h('arrnR was ~cheduh..>d al port has c·oncludcd that granting tht· re<jUl':>I of Newport Reach c1 of lht' route:. "1s not u major I} offil'lals who et pptwrcd al u fcdcral a<:taon ha\'11lg a s1i:m f1 t'AH hl•anng 1n March 1·11ntdfl•ct on lh1•hur11 <1nt•nv1rrm Thal lwanng. wal> on the f1vf.' mt•11t · For that rE>ason, hf· :.u1d th1· F: IS will IX' prepared hy the CAB '>tar< • T h" •1lher oendin~ rou11· ar1 M l'anwhlll', 0H11·1<sb in tht• "'1·llPntl Av1atron Admtn1s trntion i s .... i\IRf'ORT. f'a~·· J\21 Saudis Issue Warning Sheik Says Oil Shortage WiJ! W orSen LON DON I AP 1 Sautl1 /\ri.1 hllHI Oil Min1stl·r Stw1k /\hmt:d \';u narn .,~11d today lh:il 111 th1· nl'x 1 Ill Yt·i1r'> tht·n· may 11t·v1•l11p a W II r) cl IJ ii l' r I S IS IJ r ~ U l°ll magn1t 111l1· 11 will n1:1k1· 1·urn ·111 p rohlt·111 ... "'""' 'llk1• a men· 11as..,1ng (•111•111 11f trivial eonst· qut·nc•t· · · I r r r· \ 1· 1 ., 1 h I 1· J• h y .., 1 t' ;1 I ..,h11r1fall!>. 111 'Ul111l1 ••'1 111a\ t:ik1· plan· a '-1•a 1 h ,,., J!IR>I, .. h1· told lhf' Brrll"ih ~li1p1wr.., 1·1111ne1l ('11nf1•n ·nt·" 1 ' .. 11 1r n .. -.. otl 11· :>l·rv(•:, of :I'> rnuf'h as l!I l11ll1or1 ha rrt•ls :1 ~ •·:11 ;ir,. ;1iJd,.<J, and t•\·1·11 1r d1•111;111d 1:nrn,.., :al " r..11 1· • • • Prof Asks U.~. Ea~.-. ~tru1dards Uy .. Kt-:l>ERl{'K S('lfOEMt-:111. 0t thf' D•••¥ Pilot ~1 .. tf 1-:as1ng 11( 'll<1ll' :inf! fl'l'lt·ral I> '' I I 11 I i 11 n s 1 a n ti ;, r <I !>. 1wrtirularly llH1M• J!11v1·rr11ng ,111 qu:i Ill v •,q·rc IJrJ.!1·11 M1Jnd;iy hv an 11ut:-.1)(>kt·n c·nt•r[!y a ulhon l} n:-. 11n1• way I)( s11lv1ng ~h·· "vc·ry n ·:d" 1•111·rgy ..,h,1rt:iJ.!" fa(•ing th•· lJ n1t 1•tl St:ilt"> Dr J 11h 11 J Mt Kdt:I . a l 111v1·rs1l\ 11! 'I 1•>.:i•, pr11r1•),<,r11 ,rnd f1 wm1•r di;11cm~11 1 '>f the Nu t111r1:i I t:111 ·1 J! \ l'oliq Cnrnn11L t1·1-. 1·l.11m··d 1111• curr1•n1 •·ncr~y ..,hort <1~1· 1" tl11 l'f·1 I\ n ·h1l1'<l t11 1.1•111 pult11t11111 11•1lil'1l·!'. IOl>lltut t·tl h> !-.l<Jte arid fcclt:fal g11v .. rn m1·n t M ('l\t·lt:a , 1;;1, arld1 1·:-.<.,NI r1· porl<•ri. :11 llw Fluor Corp h1·:ill q 11arl1·r .., 1n l r v1111· '11·f11r1· "lll':tk1ng to 1·111n11a11y ••111pl1Jy1·1-. ... ell ;1n t•vt•11111g progrorn 11 (' :1.-1·11!-.1•cl "ltw m 1•(1! ,1" of 1·1111t n h11t1 11g Ill ltw 1·1H·rl.!) prut1 l1•m lay 'LIPJlllrllng !->I fll'I poll11 111111 stancl :.inh1111·tl1tonal-. ~h'Kc·tla fur llwr .1't:.1·rt1·tl lh;11 1111 pos1t1on 11f pnt·f· tflntrol., 1111 d1 1m1·sl wally pr11d111·r1l c:r11cl1· 1111 ·''lrtuall} ~L11pp1•d .11 1 d11m1•sL11 r·x11lor:t1 11111 :incl :dlov.1•tl th•· ( >ri.:an11al111n of l'Nr<rl1·11m Ex p11rt111g C't111nt111·.., 1c11 •Jo.('1 t•1 g ai n 1·1111tr11I 11f ltw world 1111 markc•l "What we• w.rnl 1!>. mon· of 11111 own Wl· an· :-.11l111g on v:-1st 'luan lil1t·s of t•rll'ri.!y Our r 11;1I n· s t·rv1•!-. m ay ht• 1·qu a l t•1 Russia 's. 011 rr11111 shat.· ••r1 pro:ich1·s th:1l or Ille • Sa11rl1s .' McKt•llu said (;rlin~ coal :t'> an 1•xample howt•vf'r , Mc·Kt·lla :.11111 "w1u1·an rntn1· 1l" ancl "011t·1· yt111 in1111· 1l. you can't hurn 11 " Coal hurning 1s sl rn·l ly n·g ulatrd duf' to its ... utphur c·on te nt. hut sl an1l:.rrls rer.(ulattng sulphur pollution art· about 1011 ti m es mon• sJ rrt·t th an th1•y should be. Mc·Kt·tt:i said 11( only ~ :l pt·r 1•1·11t 11r111l l!t'IO :111d :~ 111·1t·•·r1I f111 111 th•·n 11ntll tlw \l'ill' :!11110 Thi• S:1111h ''" 1111111 ... t• I d11 t 11111 11111• 11111 rt prn h 111.11 111.., n111ntr} 140U1tl 1111·1,.;1..,1• 1111 J1Fl1tllJ1'tl•Jll h\ 1111t· rr11ll11111 li:11 r •·I• ,1 d.I\ 11, 1·1111111•·1 p1 11d111·111111 f :dl' 111 ln111hl1 ·d 11 :111 flul 111· 11·1,..;111 rl v. .1rr1111c•. 111 .• 1 1111· w ..... 1 11111 ... 1 I UI l"IJll'IUlllp l 11111 Thi· .IUI ,,, •I 11 ill I\ I \11 dd It· l· ...... 1 1':111111111111 ~111 \1\ 1.p .. 1l1·d 111,,1 ~:1111!1 ,'11.1 111.1 .1 1111111r lh•· n111•.1 111uclt·1 ~1l1· 11( tlw i\1 ah nll p rr1 <111c·1·r.., m1glt1 111 · 11111•.••d 111 IJ1H1•,1 111•JCl11111111 1 1•·1111111 1.irrl, 11••x1 11111111 h Thi• E1·fJ110IT1ll' Su rv1·y °'""l Saudi l\n1l11:1 was ;1wa1t111J.! lh•· out1•111111· 11f thi: ( >r i.:a1111.(JI 11111 of I 'I'! r11lt-11r11 E \'IMrlrn~ I '11u111 ri,. llll't'l 1111-\ Ill (;t'lll'\',I rw>.t "''"'k ht'l .. 1 t• l11k111g 1l'. 11r11tl111t 11111 1 lui p•1 lu \ .-. 111 .,l••I• 1111 · f1,1111r Ill lttt• ">t•1•·k 111.rrk• 1 ... 111 H11t tc·rcl.•m .111d ~111g.q1111 • 111111 \ '1... "' ,. ... "' 1111 .111d ''''" 1111 11111l1 11 w1 •:d 1•1111 111· -.\.,11·111 '.1111 .1111 ... 1111 Ill' :ud 11'• 111:rl l1·1 h11\\ 111\1111 "l,ll lfl l 1\r:ih1.1 llll'l l'i1<;1•°' l•lllflU• 111 111 II t•;tlllltll ,l/'hll \I" rlll \'1111111 11111''' tlh· < 11n.,u11 wr.., 1·ul liat k CURTAIN'S GOING UP Tlt 1~ 1!11!1 S:1 t urd..1 \ Evl'rllnl! l'o~t ('O\l'I "';1~ 1111\ 1·rl1·d h~ lltt· l':1g t•<Jnt of tht• M<1 ~l(;'r~ ~1 111 1<1 ;1 ~· 111 ghl as lhc· pn·s:, i.:111 <1 pn•k ;1t th(.' offerings for I ht· Mlh "t·a s1111 of I h1· ;cr l "l>t'<·l:Jt·ul;ir It 111H:ns July HI fo1 :1 111ghtl~· "IX w1'<'k run Hohhit• Brn"' n1ng . 13. Nt•wport lk:u·h 1!-1 h -;1p111g II\'('!" ~l it eh Ft•rgu~on . 11 . Laguna B1·:1!'h 1Add1t111n .d p11"t11r't''· l':1gc· ,\:1 1 Pageant Peek Press Previews Production Hy STt:vt: MIT(.'llt:u . 01111• 0 4111< Pilot Sl•ll f1nng of his son The yt•:.ir-lunJ! fra l'a~ w1th1n I ht· ft'sti'Val t·onllnut.'<I with I ht· fir in~ of two veteran festi val workers by the fl('W director lh1·1r (•1in~ump111111 llrcrstwall} 'If thal dfws n't happt·n. 1t 1~ h••l11·r for Sau<f1 /\•·a t)la to Sla v .ti 1 llt• pr1•sc·111 produ,·t mn 1·1·il111~ 111 H 5 11111111111 laarn·I.., .1 <lav \\ ,. JUsl -..;1111 111 lw us..,ul · 111· •. 11d · \ .1111:1111 ':11d tllal h} th•· •·n<t 111 flw 11·11111n th• 1111 .,h11rrf:11t -...,. l1k"h t11 lw Iii 1111lh11n h.irri·b .1 rlJ \ th.11 th1 · llf1· ··x 1u·t·t,lfll'} or l 'llll 1•1il 1111 .1111f J.::t' lt'"'f\l''I W <l ... toll!\ .iX \.l",11 '> .1nlf 1•11;rl .., W<t:-O 2:Ui \t• .,. II•• ..,,11rt 111.11 .t111l1111~h '"l•t>lw~ "'II 1!1•1"11. l1i!hkr 111 lh• 11,.x, 111 t "'w•" ( H_l :O-.l !'o, l'.t~•· \:!I • • II\ 'fh1• i\"o;ol'iatt•fj t>n·" I )I f11·1,tl• Ill ..., Vf"ll ~ .. 1 .. lt" II 1.111·' .11111 1111• f)1 ... 1111·t 111 ('1 1111111 t.1.1 11111\•·d f111 l<I\ '"('Ill 11, ... .., ,11 1111•1 JllHfll/" "ht•fl• J.::t:-0 lfl'll'\''t l•11J111•1I $1 :i g.tl lun 111 '>111111• 1•l.11 .. , \\1ftr l'r'Oll''>llllg ll lll"kt•I '°' ho1I 11111 1.! 1111 ..,,,111, fu1·t tl~·ll\ 1•rrt·~ awl SENA TE OEBA TE: 'GET A HORSE'-85 111 Ill 11111111 h I! :1'°'"I1n1• q Ill" k •, rl~ 1ndl11w 111 ni.111) ;1r .. :1!>., other .,(,11,..., W"I •' al~11 1(1"1ll'llJ!; f111 ;111 111 q1.111•d -.h•11·1 a1~1·:- l '1·11plt• k1·1·1> 1·.d l111~· lo :.i.-.k "h;tl 1 111·~· 1·;111 d11. ,,wJ Wdll;1111 <, q 11 ti •· FI 11 1 1 rl ,, .., 1· 111· r I!\ \\ .111•1l1taw M n• I nr '"•'Ill 1·:.11 '1 1.,,.,. lh1· 't.11·1 I hat 1111·'. It.iv•• to 11\1• w1lh 1,.,, 14:i.., ·· Th1•11· W•·r•· .its11 r11111hl1n11' .111)•1111' "'I Vll'•' ·,1,1t11111 llWf11•1• I II.ii lh••\ 1111i.:ht "1'11,-.1· Up <11111 i,:o f1..,h111~1 '" 1111111· ... 1 r1·d1·1.1t ·prw 1111! p11lll'1t"' lh1 •'( '")' IHI' '>ljU•'I'/ 111 ~· t lw111 ""' "' :i dc•t•t•nl ll vrn g '''" ) ork (;m llugh \arc.\ ... 11d M 1111tlll) h1 · w"11 l1I IJ1•g1n odd 1·\ t•n · ca~11t111t· r,.1t1onrnc 111 .'\t•lo\ \'urk L'11 v and 1l~ s uhurli:-. .1t m11l111 ,.:ht Thurvlay and Nt•w .lt•1 "''Y <:11v Bn·n<l:rn Hy rnc s;uct lw "'milll do' tht• :-.amc m his ... 1.1 11· Thur!-.11:1) Nt•w .J erst'y l11gh \\'a~ uHic1al:-<1lrcady · h:id lll'l.!U ll Lht· :>)1'tt•m today on <1 ma 111r artc•ry, Ille Garden Stutt• l'arkw;iy OHtC'rals a lso olan11f'd to start rat 111nrng Thursday in 1111rthcrn V1rg rni11, Marylun<I ancl the 0 1:-. l r 1c t o f C'o tumh i a uni t::.~ 111~·~1 sun•s of stag~t·rcng gas sta t 111n:. hour~ ancl m1111m11m :-.alc:- 11rovt'fl cfft·1·t 1vt• • Coal nml nurlt•a r 11owcr ~hould run the nataon 's rmwcr plants. Mc Kctlt1 ~aid . thu:-. fn·cing oil for production of l(a'>ohnc and hom e heatin~ oil Such a move. he sa id. would ins ure sufficient ~asolinl.' sup plies for the next 100 years and natural gas s upplies for the next l ,000 years. McKcttu clu1med Tht· 44 th ~11111u:d Po~t·11111 ol lht• Mastc•rs prom1i.cil vrt nhty . n 1lor and hghtt•r l't111t1•nt Mon clny mj!ht as m•w m1rnugem1•nt gave the media a IJ<'Ck at what it has wrou~ht l\1 ore Lhan JOO pr<'~S phutuJ,! r<tphcrs and re porters. !-.OOll' from as far awa y as Pa ris <rnd West Gc rm<iny . rCl'c1vcd u prl' view in Laguna Beach Monduy r11itht of a few of the s ummer of fermgs in lrvinC' fiowl Rut lo lhost• who fcan'<.I b11.! r hanges tn the paJ.!eant lh1:- y<'ar . the preview perform ance fo r the pr<'ss showed a contmu1 ty with µa:-.t durinJ{ the 44th M':lSOn. Oran;.fa:~Coa~• £. ; --~ "'eather P a trhy l a t e ni g h t lhrOUJ!h mid·morninJ( low doudiness. otherwise fair th rou~h Wednesday. Lo ws tonight 55 to 60. High\ Wednesday in high 70s. J . <See ENERGY, Page A2> ALCOHOLICS GET SPECIAL HELi' An unconventional hospital ward at South Coast Medical Center In South Laguna helps alcoholics on the tou~h road to recovery. Teens and se nior c1ti:r.ens are a mong the m ost frequent pa· tlents at lhe facility. whe re the st•rf tries to provide the extr• care they need. A Rtory and photos of the c are un1t appears today on Page Cs. Th e l.aguna Dcac h e x lrava.:an~IJ presents works' of art , re -c r eated w i th ll v inK models. And wh1h' the Jlaf(CHml hlih beC'n predictably samll nr In pust yea rs. prcsi> m e mbe rs wer e looking for l.'hanges in lhis year's art selections under the directorship of Glenn f!;ytchlson, a 2"·year -old Newport Beach musician. The new pugcenl d11ector WMS named last year th replace veteran Pageant director Don Williamson, who angrily re - aigned the poslllon b~ held for 'more than 15 years in a dis pute with lhe PPstival hoard ovt•r th<' T he nc·w pagP-n nt offe rings JI' µcar to be mon· colorful, with fewe r moody and dramatic re presentations Adding t~ the light mood is a :.c ri es of se ve n No rma n Rockwell paintin~s in this year's se lections, include d lo com- m1•moratc ·the American artist who dit.'<f Inst year at· the age of 84 Press me m bers got a first glance at a Rockwell piece that adorned the cover of a 1919 Saturday Evening Post, enUUed "Leap Frog," Monday night. And backstage, photographers snapped away at Robbie S,Own ing. a 13-yea r -old Newport Beach youngster, who portray!> f the yQun& scilool boy 1 leapin11 over the l>ack or a friend • C~PAGF.ANr. P•«ic-AZI INSIDE TOD~\' /1'3 eene. the cntac reports A c t o r Hobert Sa cchi rc·creales Uumpllrey Bogart almost perfectly See &lnry and photo11 on Page A9. ••••• 1 I -- ------------· A.I DAIL v PILOT I ueatt•r Jun I! I g lfl/\I CollegeDlsfrirl• Attendance Feud Settled? SI u<tf'nls r aull hl m lht' m1ttdlt' 1.f irn 1n1t·rd1 .. 1n1·t 11 t11•n'1u o4 •· frud lwt ~ et10 S •ddlt<back ~rlll ''11111"11 l 'ommunit v Collt•.it I h' tr'"'" l(Ol somf' .:ood ncw11 M c111 1.la\ T'lw v probuhly will be u hlo· tu :1111•1111;·011rs1,'l 11t f'1lh1>r lnNl1h1 t 11111 11111lt•1 1•1•rl,1111n1111l1t11111' Satl11l1•t1111·k H1111rd l'r1·,1cl1•11t llobt•rt ftrlt·t• 11noou1u•t•d Moo du' thot trustC't'" h t11t v1111•c1 fl 1(1 I om· wn·k twfn11• tu upp1 1ovt• h h1111kJ ~'1 lllll P>\< .. tt•ll\ Wllh tho· <'oust 1hstr ll'I Hoord m.-mbt'r N~J r rt ~d llrumlt of l rv1n1· voh •r11111 l'lw 1. 11to• 111 .1uvru\ ,. u fl t•\.\ Httrtl t ;'"'''' 1(> Swal Lou· S1\NTA MA HI (Ai"J A Los An.:ell'lt man <·uuliln t ... wallo\.\ th1· pr11·1· 1111 ·' Sfi.Ol!~ r111i.: r111 h1" r1.11wo·1· pol11·1· '"'. "' 111· '"' .dl11\.\ •·ti tilt' rl II g 111!'. II' :I ti l'o hl'C ~:ml tht• ring "'a" l'l'l'llVl'f't•d .tfl 1•r 11.,t l 111 I ' took II!> 1·1111r!'.t' K 1 rn lk ll.:i.tlt:!-., l :!, .ii ll•gNlly dowm•d lhl· nni.: a ftt.•r s w1kh1ng II wit h a f a k e w hil e h« and a worn an he 11knllf1ed a !> h1i. f1a111·1·t· :-.l1oppcd for a r111i.:. .1t·1·11nh ng l•> poht·1· f 'ro• Pa9r ,t' CRISIS ... ,,.,H~. tht·\ wn{· l1 kd) to 111utrt1 d1;-nrnnd althou gh a t h1gh1.·r pr 1<·1·l'- H 11 t "111•11 tf1·nwr1tl .,1:..rt:-. t11 11 u1 p.11·1• 'll JIP I-" ' I h •• IH t1 11o u111Ttl 'h11rt fa tl wh11'11 ma _,. 1·rn1·1 i.:•· .., likely to push mark<·t ur .,., . ., 111 l1•vt•b thr1·1• to four 11 11w~ tht; 1·urn •nt 11111· ... tw !>a Ht .111<1 ,, · d1·•·11. 1rn·v1·rs1bh· re o , . .,.,ion will bt• 1n1·:-.c:q wblt·' v. 111'11 poor 11;.it111n!'. l'afll11Jl Ji"' 1111 11111111n11111 'llJIJlltt·~ T hi• I ra111:1n r n -;1:-. ha~ !>t'i'vt'·<l ,, .. " g1wxl warning," he sa td "I hll ll" "(' Wiii ll'afll rrorn It If WP rl•1J1 t. I ;11n ~uri· that !>Ornl' t1 m •· 111 the l!M>:-. wt· w ill facl· 'cr wu' proh ll•m:-. This t1m1· w1• h av1· ., u r JI I ul'-l' Cl P'-H' I h • " /\s hr wa!> ll'a v1ng thf' l'Un f1•n ·nr •· h" ~:11d h1., n ·m;Hk!> .1ho ut .1 1°1~ nil t'rl'1~ wnt· not <• war11111g 'JUl'-t a1lvu·t• from ;, t fl ·1111 f "n•rn PagP Al AIRPORT. • • !>a ) tht·y haw•n 't cor1c-ludcd th1·1r 10 vt>:-.t1ga llon 1ntn 11 llcgallon:-. I hat lht· t·11u 1 11v·~ n·fus al to gr <t nt !iparc at the :11 rp1irt to other car fll'r~ than A1rwc·~t 11nd Air Ca l c·ons tttuH•s unjus t d1 :-.c·rim1na I 11m . Tt11Js 1· a llt·gal1on~ l1·d tr1 a h 1•a ri11 g 111 Ma rdi Finding., from the :uim1 n is trat-1vf' law hearing art· l'X JH'<'lf'd l h t ~ mo nth Refug~·~ Furor Suhi;ideM KUALA 1.lJMl'U H, M:ilay!-.1<1 1 A l' J Thl' intt•rn:1li1Jn al furor o ve r Malay:.1a ·~ tre a t ment or Victna m1•s c rcfugf'l•s !>uhs aded today following Prime M101S4.c r Jl us~can Onn':. w1thdr&wa1 of ha~ d e put)':. thr e at!> to s h ip the 75 ,54(1 boat 1~oplt: an lht rnunlr) lrnc·k 11111 to"'"' and 111 shool new arrival:. or tho~c· w .. o try to rt' turn ., , u s:, c I II c: u b I c d u . N S e c r e t a r y · G t' n c r a I K u r t Wuldhcam that the• Muluys rnn government ha~ no intentio n of i,hnotmg Vll'tnamcse hoat pt.'Oplc arn vmg 111 t ht' l'ountry I OflANOE COAST DAILY PILOT lhf (h .. n f.ll"'f t\•'ll .. 1lyf•otn• •lt"#h1•l'l t'•H" ,. •t>•·tt lh• ,., .,. l•tpO\\ l\OWOf•\"*"'I by .... , ..... , 11-., t l•vt1'1 PttftQC~, .... ;.,,..,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,,.,. "' I· 11 lt•h.,4\ Moftiri*\ lf'tf~ J'ttdA't tf)t t ,,.,, .. ,,_,.., IH -.••I Ut.wt\ """Hn(J10h It"''" h I t•f'I f,.1nV .. lh ~ ffVfftl' I #NfWf\r•fh '°'1lhf , .. , I A 1f'rf)h , f (,f~ Ht'f..nft I\ puhh,Nott \,.l\fl,, I 9 ..., .. , .. fMA'f\ fLIW ~1n. t•.-4 O\lf .. l ..... t"(f Ql .. 1'11 t\ •t f W #l••lk•w \ltr-tl f,,_.,l•llM-.. (Ahlf.1n111•tfri."" •• •MiHtN .... t•r •\.O.nt •nd P!.10111Ywt , .... ~-· ff/ • t•t• •Olnl A,_,.f,,..,,.t•1M.it~• '"...._., .. , ... l CMOt '"'-"'-"A ¥~N ,,..,. .. '"' (Olilor a.., •• ," "'"' .. ., ........... 11 A Ul\f•fU M.tn•Qt"QldUOf\ OfflCH (0\t-. 'M~ l lf)'fti•\f u., \lff1Pf t •OU'ft" ,._~ t , .. Otfll~Y'" \hf'•t ... ""' '"°'~ tHi••"' ''''\ 0.11Kn ttou1•.,., n Tetephon~ 1114)"2·43)1 C•••llflff Actwe,......IQ.11n Jlt'rrtlll <iy.,lt>lll C'1t1111· in lt 1'111tit-il flt1tll 't'''lllll V. II h t 11111•.:1• uf f111 ,tl' ,1ft I ( '11a11t l I ll~lt•t•' hull .11'11•11 tr• h.11 1•111 t \ 11f !'-Hddlt•li I\ k II l11t rt('t S\\ttll'llt& 111t11 th11 C:t.>11111 M l'llil lla1>1·1I d1 .... tr11•l oa"t '1> BuKlll•''" M an1tl(1•r t or r1·1l.m Th11111p..,nt1 'tlt lr1 111<111 \ 111' ~1111ltl 11•1·1111111w111I th.at h 8' I r111.tt'l '1' lH 1·1·pt t ht• St11ldl1•l11wk 11rnp110:ul l'lw 1w v. ptopo~ul " ,II tu,tlh lht• ,,Hiit' 11111' 11ffrtt·d h'f l 't111'>I t ltl'>tt•I''> "l'\l 'l <d \ll!'t'k' 11 ~II I'" 1•pt tilt' .... tt111i It· h:ll'k lllf l' I eal.llllut ueautL"I to O.· •'i~ut·tl 11 f '"'"' II 11-.11 •1 •, dt't't•pl tho pl.ttl oil <I llll'\'ltltl: \\ t•eJ11t•1>tl,t) .. 1111h·11h \.\1111111 lw ,11>11· to t•th•wt 1111 t 11•!.1 ,,, .......... o·tl 111 .. 1111·1 "111 1· tltt•\ li11tl ,, 1w1 11111 \.\ 1lh11ul l'•I\ 111~· ll1t· $'.t I" I 111111 lllllllllt f,,. 1111 s.1 r •.• "''111111 "·"' IH't 11 r l'fl \111 l'tl 111·1·,111 t I t1,t'>I 111tl ..... 1tltl l1•l1.1 l'k 11.1.f 1111 Ill lt'rlhi.11 t('I Jtlt;.fl UJUt..C 4.l l!Ccc ll1t•i11 S.1ddlt'l1.1<·I-. ., \1tto-t .11111· it!\ .1 "urpri''' 111 11111,I ot.~1·1\1•1 ~. '1111·1· 't h o· M ,..,:-.1111 1 \ 11•111 i,,..,o ti d 1 .. 111t'I 1i,1d \Oll•tl "t'\1 •1,tl 111111'" Ill tlll' pii!-.l Ill !-.ll pp111 I .I '" I .dlo·tl rro•o flow" s .\ :-.t1·111 ,u u1111 g Orango• ('011nt, 1·1111111111111ty l'tillt·1~<·!'. t lncl•·r t 1T1· f111\\ :-.;1tl tll1·liat•k "l tHlt-llh ;1l l l'1ttl111 ~· 111111•1 tl 1•, l 1 11• t ~ "' 11 t II ti h a \' • 1·11 !'. t S :i ti 1lll'l1nek It•!-.!-. 11111111•y . Moocl:-1\":-. :1111111u11t·l'd •w t1011 nlt'!HIS Ill.Ht '>lllclt•11h who r1I 111111 1·1·rtain 1·n t1·n a v. Il l tw g1vt·11 pt•r m ll!> \II l:tkl' ('fltlf ... f')', I/I t h•· C'<1a!-.l ('11m1;r111r11t v < 'oll1•i.:1• 11 .... I rtC'l Spe r1fl<':tlh . Saclr1 1c·h;wl-. ''" dt•nt:-. will bt· a llow1·d to a th·ntl ('11a~t lo lakt· Cmtr.,.·:-. 1101 offt·rt·tl at Satl tll•·h;lf'k tha r lt•atl to a n •rt1rll'at1 1.11 a pr11j!r;1111 11111 11r(1·n ·rl al Sad tllt•b:1ch Ap1>r<·nl1t·1•.,t1111 ('tlll r..l''> f\111 11fflo rc·d :ti Sadrlldi;11·k c 'lrtS~I'' 11111 cifft·rt·tl a l Sad r1lf't1:1l'k th11I :in· 1 t·1 1111r1·d f111 t·m plo_vm1•11t :-.111'11 a:-. 111!'.ura n1·1· Ulll r.,1•:-. A Coll1•g1· 0H!C'1:1I ... aid t'il!-.1·~ 11f 't''<lrt•ml• h :c1r<h''htp' '""' w1111ld llt' n·Vtl'Wt·tl for p11-,~1 hl1· 1wrr111 t-. to ;1tt 1·n<I Cw"t And !'.tudt•11l!-. "ho a ln·:11I~ .11 11•nd l'11a:-.I arul ha,·1· l••:-.i. than I:! units to <·ompll'll' ft1r ~1 d1·gr1:1· will hf' allo\.\t·d 111 c·t111llnue l o u n.~·'> 1o f f1•rc·ll a l S a d d I 1· h <ll' k . ;, ti u It e d u t· al• o 11 . 11•t r cat11111 <ind1111nc r c dll 1·111Jr'l'!'. "di n111 tw a ppr11vl'cl for 111•rm1ls. lht• 'IJ<1kl'~nu11\ ~111d Thl· 1:1\i·~t move 1-;1rn1· a fter Saddll'l>a c k bo<Jrd mc·m twrs had volt'd M'Vl'ral lime·., to bac·k iJ frPt• flow SyS tt·m o r ~tUdf•OI ... lJet w1•en lht• ~C'hools Coa:-.t o ff1t1a h a r gu t·r1 t hat f rM· flov. "'o u lei 1.·us t th rm a l <>rg<• a m11 11n1 of m <JOt.•y anti hoord ffif'nihl·r~ thl·re rcl'Cnlly rc~urrcl'lcd a 1961i nol1t·1• 11' re~tri ctwn to bar SetdrllC'hal'k n~:-.1dents ·frvrr> a ttending c!a~:.1·:-. 1n I ht· Coas t d1i.tr 1c·t •A S:iclcl ll'l1;u ·k ~1111kf'!>man l'-:111J 1 t g ht n : !>id 1: n I'> h a ti a p JH' a b pc11d111g w ith tlw County Bt1ard uf f;c..lul';.i \11111 lw1-;1 uM· tht;y Wl'r•· th·n tt.·d pt'"Olt!'.:-.10 11 l o allt•ntl t:la!-.!'.e!'. ctl ( 'ti:t!-.l lit· :-.aid thoi. .. :q1p1·a l 1·:tM'' wo u let lw rcv1<:w<:d to M't' 1f tht· "'ould qua ltf) for swrmn~ u111Jt-r t ht· i,y~tcm a onount ctl Monday f 'rom PoflP :l I ENERGY. • • Solar cru·rgy will n1·v•·r '.-t11\•· .di t he nati on ·~ 1•n1·r l!y prol1 lt·m~. dC'sp1tl' a ssurmwt•!> from 1·nv1ronment a lt~t:-. th at 11 will, Mc· Kett a a<ldc·rl M <·Kt'lla pn·cl 1r ll'd thal th1· l'tHmtry will fa<·I• •,1·r11111!'. 1•111•1 gy s hort a~I'!> hy 1!11$CJ t)f l!IH I ll<'opk will not ha vt• ht•al" and that !-.h11rt a j.!<'!-. will c·:1uM· llw 1iuhlic opinuin pe ndulum to -;w lnll in favor of low•:r ttir quality .. tand:1rdi. "Pt·opl1• will pn·i.!'.tlrl.' th1· Cnn~rcss lo ch<Jnge lht• rult-~." Ml' K f'lta s:rnl llnwf'ver, Amt'rt('an!'. will fiit·t· !>ac rthl't'!'. an<I C'hanf.(t•:-. in lh1'1r day-to-day hu~inc.>ss, he• :-.aid H{' prcdactccl lht·re will ht· dc•cre a sed weeke nd driving, an m ('rc ase in th{' drivmi.: a ..:1• to IH. a ban on automoh11t-<11r cond1 ttoners . an end to homt' ui.<· or c lothes dryers and inc·r<>asf'1I us1· of c arpools iln<I ma!>s tran!>1I focilitit·i. Gove rnment could r1o 1ls p11r1. Mc Kctta said, hy t·ndmg forr1·1I hmiing of s chool r hildrcn. restnr 1 n g I c a cl t o f.( a s o I 1 n <' a n ti · t•nmlnaling catalyti1· converter s .except in <'r it1t·al uar has ins s uch as Los Anf(c les . Chicttgo • a nd New Yo rk City I . und rt'Rlo r IOJ! "free.> c nt.c·rpr1sc" · to tht• energy marketplace Power Blackout BOSTON ~AP> f'_;quipmt·nt Jiroblem s a nd hcuvy d cm on<I caused a ruilurt thut ble w 11vt electrical power lo mor<' thun 200 ,000 c ustom1'rs In Masuchuseus. Rhode lslan1I and Ve rmont. arrorc11n.i lo lht· New England Power Pool ---- -------------- 1\1·\ 111 ltuol . !I, t ld't 1 ;ind Chri1., .lt·n-.1•n . 10 li.1\ ,. 111;uh-$1 12 "" for ...i·lltng (lalfll :1cl1· Jen 111 1·1·11h ;1 i..:l.i~~ ;incl <·J ;1<•kt•r!> f11r t hrt·c· 10 1 :1 fH 'llll2:_ at :1~1u1d1J•>t~I :i11d 1w;11 '°l i111d t1u1J \\.i.\ ;n1d 'I 111·\ • ;1\ t f, .. , II t f\ tllf•'ll 1111 11111'1 111 lilt' Mil nrlr ~kt· S lrcl't ecp lhea r sl<Jnd Public Comment S ught SALT II Attacked By Foes WASHINGTON c AP I -The SALT 11 lrewty's moHt outspoken Se nalA• foe~ nrc unmoved by Pres ident Carter 's a p peal that reJHting 11 would upo11e the world "to un ever greater risk of war " Se n llenry M . .Jackson, D· Was h . a ('('ll St.'d C art er or ''foolis h ap11c>as cmcot." and It e·publicun leader Howard II Ba ke r of T«>nnes see s aid thc I rc·aty has "no <·ha n<'e of being pasiwd without am endment " Sen J ohn Tower, R -Tcxas. .sau:Llhc...pt:csidcnLin..bi:. address --- M ooday night lo a Joint session CAR:f'ER APPEALS FOR SALT OK-A4 SALT CAN BE BENEFftlAL-E~ltorlal. A6 ot Congrc·p,~ lru•d to 1·rt-alc "an 1llu,.,1on" th:at 1h1· lre;1ty as fair lo t hl· l 'rutt:d Stat1·~ Sr·n .l akt· C:a rn , H·Uta h , n 1 llccl 1 he prt•s1dent ':-. s peech · d1•t•1·pt1v1·" anrl s a id it falsely gnc·~ lhl• m11H·1·s~1on that SAL'J 11 uc·h1<'vt·~ arm~ rr·duction And S.•n Harry Coldwater . R A r 1 z . s it 111 t h P C urt c r Ml m 1n1 stratic111 1~ not telling tht' truth on SALT (;al11r<i11~ Pla11 }·or Hou,lei ard /Way !Sl:~ock Some "I a rn ~ll'k 11 rul ll r<:tl of hc a r- 111 g the f'r<''>11knt of the Unite d St :tll•!-.. trying lo m1 ~l «,ad the \mt·rwa111w11plt· on o ur m i lilt.1r~ 'ilrt'ngth " C oldwat1·r s aid "I "111 \ol<' :igain~l the SALT II trt•,1t v '''l<'l v on t h<· i:rounds ol .111m1r11'1r:1t111n 1h~honc~ty " t\.' JA<'KIE llY '1,\N 0 1 tM O•tl' Pilot \t .. u Th11 1,d:1\ night '.t11t1•· Or;1111:• ( 0t1i1'I I , . .,1tl1•nh \.\ tll j'l•I it .,hfll I< 'I h••\ \.\Ill lw .111111ni.: 1111' 111 lt·rt"-.l;·d 1w11pl1· ''ht1 ""''"' up fo11 :i p11hh1• "ork,tt11J1 1.11 lh1· H0t.t• !"1!"1 Tr a11•.11111·tat11111 Sttttl\ "'h11 h will h1•lp tl1 •t1•11111111• 1111 · r11111r1· •• r ~ 1· \.\ 11111 t Hr11d ••' ·" d 111 < 't1"lt.1 \1 1· .... 1 Tht· 7 :111 11 '" rno·t·11ni.: in tlw S.1 11 llto·~·o 0....111 l'o·tl t 11 l(11t1lll ,ti tlw South Ct1.1:-.t l'lit/il llolt•I, t:+;i, 1\111 1111 Blvd . 111 ('11-,t.1 M1·~.1 . '' llllt• or ,I "t'fll'!'. ,11f1ll'd !ti lllVJllll~! thc ·p11hl1o" \14'"' 11111 tt1 a 11 v rn 1•11tlwr' •>f th•· p11lll11· will 1~1· "ul"(ff8't·tl s11rr11· of t h1·11' 1t11pl1•;,-.;111lly wti1•11 ('alT r:1n'> 11rt1c·1ah t'XJl l<iin th• :ilt c:rrl:•ll 1·:-' tha t ;irr• l1c1A I!. .. t111l1t·d S11n11· 11f tli11"'' a lt1·r11 i1l 1v1·., 1n vi1lv1· 1·utt 1ng ~· ~w:cth W•·st"an l or l\i (0 \.\J1<1rl H11ul1·v .. rd !\(IUl h or lla v Strc·d that "ou ld h1kc 11u1 .,o rnt· h11u'l'" anll 1111~_...1 bl y :1 • tra1l1•r park a!> 11 1'1tt·les ('o:-.t:o ~1 t·!>a ·~ tlo\.\ nt11wn r ed•·v1•lup mt·nt lJrt·a Oth1·r alt t·rrt .111\1·' v.11u lcl turn '>t'\'t•I ;cl ltltwk .... ltf ( lr:111g1· 1\\COlll' 111!11 ,, 111 o1i•11 tltw11u1•llL11 1• (/111 •Ill Ii !1plt1Jll \.\tlllld I I 'llltff• !ht 11•,lf lllJ f1111A.ll 11f .t I.II )'I' rllllll!it I ul h11t1:.1·-. ~lldt d1 .1,lt• 111 111111 .d . ,111·11 I 11 ,.ti\ Ill'" 11111 Jll.011;, ft1I 1(111111 1,1 li,1\1 lit I'll 111 l111tl1'1 'oll ltlll~' Ill.ti .t 1111 Of t11 •111lt-:ti" II•• 1'111~1·1 l,1111tl1.11 """th·· tl •·l.1tl ( ... , 11•111 h Jlllblt• v.111 k .h .. p 11 • lw1111• 11• Iii ,,. 11.11 l t1f l he 111111 ,., 11f dr;c11A.1111• up .,,. 1•11v11•11r 1111·101.tl 1111p;11 I ... 1.t11 ·11w11t t t-:l!->1 11·11 :d l1 ·111 :t11 v ... 11 1· li•·1111• lt111k1 cl .ti , :.ill llfllll!li I .d 'I I .111 td 11 l'll"I ·Ir•'' l h;1 t .1tftltl lltll:tl "I l 1'1 JI.ti I\, . .., .11 1• 1111•, .!lilt· \11 q11;tlll \, "'""" ht1tl'.t l1~· ' "Ill Ill,. t I I·' I I Ill I• .1' I .. II " I I •11 1111111t .11111 • ltt 1.il llllJl.t• I :11 t .111111111.: 1111 t11p11·., to Iii• d1~.r u.,~.t·d Ill 11 ... El~ \ ""'"'' "'" '""' \ 1·11111 111111 •' of lcll'.il puhlw 11ffw1.1J.. .ind ,, II t lt111t ,i( ;111\'l'>fll'\ t'lllllllllll• 1• r1f .... 1.11 I llll'tt1l1o'I '. ft11l tl 1 ..... 11 1!11\ t·t 11n11•flh ,11 1 llltt\ 1!flll l! "lllllt' Ill f111 r11 ;1lt1)ll .111d d1n·t tllln r111 llw !-.lt11h But 111.,.1•h1 1111111 111dl\ 11l11al < 111/t'll!'. 1:-. .il ... 11 ·.uu1•ht .... 1111 p1111 1·1·1 111.111.11•1•1 ( '1111rll.1111lt Hui n·ll Ir .i t '.ti I 1 .111 .. °'''llltll 11l.11111t·r l_,AGEANT PREVIEW. • • .. ' • C anicrarnc.n !-.h11ult!d for Hi.h h1t· tu tum lh1:-. wav a nd that ai. 1n11 k1·ttp ~a:-. l1hera.lly a pplied lo h1:-. f:H·1· :11111 arm:-. The· .v01mg pa~1·;ul1 vr1lunl<•1•1 w a 'i nonpl u!-.~f'd hy tilt' :it t Pnt1r111 ~ay 1 11 g 1 l'~ h1!-. :.ct·ond y•·a r ii!> .1 n 1ud1·I "Las t vt·a r I played -an old 111 an 1n "Sword J>ance," Hohl.i11· '<11<1 "It wa~ <t !'.l\11ng po~1t1nn .11111 I had tut' of m a kt·up on. :-.o 11 d idn't matt1 ·r that I wu~ ~o '<1un ~ · 111'1' 11f th•· r11otl•+. tit•• ,,, l lA.•!I k , ... 1:-. 1111µ1 , . .,,."' F\·t rh1~on '>:t\I'• 1111 ... \••:1r · ''I :tr t';.,.Jll t''('tll :1t11111' "111 lw n·:ul\ ..,ror t h1• pulll11· liv •1111 111111: tl a'' .111 " 111 . T iii' r ..... 11va l ""'" 1111!htlv r111 ..,,, v.1·t·k' h1·1:11111111i.: a l Ii thro11i.:li /\ u i.: 2fi in Ir v 1 rw llo\.\ I T lf'kl't!-. to th1· l';11:1·;111 t or rt ... \1 a!-.lt'I''> h ilYI' ·t11lg '>llll'I' hN'rl 'nit! 11111 Hu t 11111''' v. ho w1~h 111 ...i•t• ,, pc· rr llrllt •• 111'1' ~tllllt'll O\t'' Ill.I\ ,11<·k 1111 111·1<1•1'> 'h.11 h,t\ •. lw1·11 11·t11nwd to th1· lio\ offw•· tho· d,1\ of th• '"':"" Iii•· ... , .. \I J .. JU!-.I a r1t>lhl'r t·X \.\ 1111•1 'ion11• 1>''''"''' m;,} .,,.t. • 11'1.,t· 1 ·p<1J1t·r '.'.hurfhnt:. Uurn•ll .., 1'1111\ 1nr1·d rt 8'1l t .,,, Tht· r:ic·t 11f lh1 m ;1t t1:r.., lhC:ll \l'I \,. l1 ttlt· ltnl<'.1:-. "'J .... lt·d 11} It.I\ 1111• th"' '>lU <h . Bur n ·ll 'aid . Wt• rr1U'>l h:t\I' a n ;,pprovt:r1 El!-i twf1111· ;111vth1n i.: 1-.111 11'' c·t111 .. 11111'11·d 11111 t h1·n·~· :0-111t'I• !Ill' E l ~ "Ill ;1h11 l:tkt· Ill to :11·1·111111t -h•1w t he~ <cl t1·r n;.t1v••.., 0·1111111 lw f111 .1t1t'f'tl, Burn·ll 'a1rl lw lw l11 ·v1•., 1t · "'1 11 r1·<.,ult. in :1 l111<il th:-ipt1!>1t 111n 01f H11utl· !'>~. 11111· "';"or a n•1tlw1 ~1 ,. .t 11 " h 1 I 1• I: 1 11 11 t •·ti 1 .ti I 1 .i11-. 1" p1·1w1 ·o·d 11w ""11h 1111 Jll ll\('lllf'lll'> tlll th• l '.~11'11 1 11! 111,11! Ill lll'lp l':t!'.I' l1,tff11· fl11V. Ill the· 111t1·n 111 . -- 'l'lt •'"'' pri1Jt'('h Whl('h ht·~lll Ill 'wptt•111h1·1 1111d :-.hoo ld t11 1 11111 p It-ti-If 11y (II It 1!.1 r l '.JXIJ 1111 l 11tl• ftt1..,l lllg ;~(I\ \1111''' ... 11 ( t•I 11'11' ,ti o•\ 1•n }111\.·r!-.·1·1·11n11~ 1m 1ir11v111f• "IJ!llitl J1t;hb ,Jlld J fld111 g lUl 11 l.1r11·:-. .ii "('\ f'fitl 1nter .,t·1·t111n' .ind 1·0 11rrh 11:11 1n g t h1· .tgn.tl llghh rro111 1111..,tol St rt t'1 Ill l ~t h '\\ r1•1·t ·1 hi• "\11.!11t11 .. will ht· millt'lw•I v.1 th th(• "ll:ll.tl• 11r1 oth1·1 m,11111 , 11 , n is111i., 1n1·lutl 111 )! llJ rl1111 B11i11t-v<ird · .tnd I-;111 'lt'V. ll11:1tl I h·· -.1g11.d ·llJ!hl. ... 1101 1111 :--;, "'lll•l 1 B•1t1l 1·\..r rd "'II IJ• :>)Ill h11Hll l1.·1l Ii\ ( (l' .. t.1 ~1 ..... ;. lf >'to• 111 11111•( .11•· 1h1 Ill .tll••t 11.ct 1vl'~ < .11'1 r a n-, 1 ... tutl\ 111;: 1•11 the 11111~ t1·r rn tl 1-.p1..,1t1or. nf lt nutr ~,~. I•· 1hr-north1 •1 n \1·1.<. p111'1 IS.-.n I: 1 IL\ 1111111 1th1 I1 I 1101 ltl ll l1t1".d II, ~·1 , I UI tlw1 ... 11 t II 1 I > I lo not h111 g · ~l. ti, • · .11011 · . t d d ll 111 II .d 11p1•ra1 1t)pal 111111roq ·n1<·nt!'.. -;ud: ,,., rn •1n ' turn la11•"' anrl .,aft·t' lll!ht lllj! :11 Wuh·n .'\t•v. port Boull'va rtf h~ ont· l:11w in 1·al'h ci t n ·t·Lu.tn. u~ 111..: 11 t'l'\.\il~ right of way north "' ·;\!1·~.1 l>rt\1· .111d t·l11111na t1ni.: p.arkmg throu).!h tht: d o"ntow11 ,,,,.,, f>•·m o(·r :at 11· lt·adl'r~ 1n the· '\1·11a l1·. m1·an\.\h1h., rallied to t ht· tl 1'11·n ... 1· or lh t• lrea-ty <tnd pra1.,1·tl (':trtt·r ·~ hanr11mg of h1~ Vwn11.1. /\u~lria :-.umm1t mec·t 111~ w11h St1v1l'l l 'n·~1<11·11l Lt;on u.J I Bn •/.hn1·v ~1 any '>l·n:1lor ... 11( both rHsrtlC., -.:11 d t ht·v lwlwvt· th•· pat l cun ht· 1 ,,1 tf1 .. c1 1f •t 1·:.n -l>4~H1t·lw;1vl'I\. (II 11 .. 1·tl th;11 ''' \t·rm :-. d 11 not 1111 tl1•r111111 .. tho· ""t'tfnl \' 111t t·r<"SI!-. 1ot tht· l '111t•·•I ~t.1t 1•:-. and tha t StJ\t1•l 1·11111 p h.111<·0· with at-, te rm-, 1•:111 tw 11·11f11·tl Vlt:TIM. • • 11• n1l.it1 1111 "'l1••f h•·t ( 'r1-.1·l d1 .ttli ,., 11 J.1t1•tl lo 11tlw r i.l:.cy lilg-, 111 ~ hwh ho<l1•·!'. w1·n· dump1•d .1 lo11g i Ir .111g1· I '1111111 \ r11:-11IWa)., '\\'1• h:l\'t• nothing <it this po1ot 111 'h"" th1·n · '" a •·onnecl1011 · :'l-111 tl •·n -.aul It '' 11111111 .11 r•rm·l'dur•· t•1 ll'lo•I ~ p~· 111f11i 111.it 11 111 ~:ilht•fl"I 1111 r11111 tl1 •r ' !11 •,11rr1111n rl 1 11 ~· pol11 1• ;q•o•t11't1"• ;111 tl r1·q ll•" I I h1·111 111 ttt.1ko· 1·11111 :wt ii llt1 t,. .q1po .. ir t(1 tw -,1mtl.111t11•.., 1 .. ,..,1 .t111w lho· h11th of H<1l.1111 I C:1•r :tlrl Y1111n1• ;.i:1 ":1':' f11111111 '"' 11 \1111 ('1•11!•·1' 1111\•• lwh\•·1·11 1)1 "I \.\lllHI .111tf f'111\1•r l)r t\t' ~ 11un~ ls.HI lw1•11 :-.I :thl11'1I f t111t' l I Ill I' ' I II I h t • t' h t • ~ t :1 IJ d 1•t1l.1'1't1l.tl l'tl \\ htl1• tlt1·1·1· .1r1 • -.11111l:1rs t11", hi d h Ct'"'' a 11tl \'111111 g w1·r o· 1•111111! 11 11 S:1tur<l a \". i n th o• 111011lh •>f .lurw and on lrv1111• t 1·111t'r l>11v•-. N11rd1 •11 ~a11l lttf'f" .1r 1• m a 11 y 11 ... s 1milar 1tll'!>, 111 ut d :1t11111 111 V11u ng be ing Orll' In an11lh1·r llllU!-.U<i l tw1s l. 1111 .Jun1· 1!1, of ta i.I yea r. the nud t• h t1 d } tif a lll yt•ar old Ca mp 1'1·n1fll'l11n Manrw w ai. found 1n t h1• 1111r1 h h1111ntl l:11w nf Moulton l'.11 ""''" •• 1l111ut one ha lf n11lt• north or"L.1 l':it H<>Jd in Lagu'1t'a II 111 ., · · ·· Tht· i.wgcant v1•t1•rnn <,aul h.., • 1·1 1 t·I of n·n1 ;11111n g l't'rf1•1·t h '' "' tl11 n11g a , ... , r11rma n1·1· ...... pwk !'.lllllf'lhsng out 1l1 l ht· o111 fl11•111'1• 111 loo k at. t hen t•11n11·11 I rail' rin 11 l )nly Rull'A could 1mprovl' on Roll·" M a)-IM· 'that .., wh)' th1·y l(t·1·11 Jlll'k tllg hllll t•al'h _\'l':JI Th"' • .., tht· r1 r~t y1·~11 lt':lf'h1·I l·'a J!:tn """ had lo Wl':1r !'.11 1111wh r11 ;1k1· "" ro11 h1•r p :1rt Tht· th11·t· ~"ar f1·!-.ll\:tl 111od•·I 11o rtrays a woman 111 Sir J nh11 E v1•r1•lt Milla1:-.' "Chrt!-.t in th•· lloll!-.1' or ll is l'an·n h ... anti 'ht•'!-. try1ni.: 1101 to1 !'>1·rald\ lht• lirown goo on lw1 1w~1·,c,111d unclt-1 lwr •'Yl'!> 'l'tw hrow11 w1tl g rt·1·11 t•olt•r' hook luzarri• at t·los t• s1·ut 111; hut a ppc·ar :ii. norma l tom•i. 1111 ~I a gt• uncl t·r Uw ltghlan~ •·x pc rtasl• of p,t a~•· m ana~cr Carl Calloway But Uadll'I I!> m on · 1·ontnnt·d ahoul J.!l'l I m g thl· ~unk off uft('r t ht• 111•1 for111a11i·1· · "l'IHi. 1i. 1111 · rir~1 y1·:11 r v1· w1Jrn this k 1n1I of tnitk1·11p," .. 110· .. a yo; "I us ually play a slitlui· a n1I tlw goht I!'. e·11i.11·r 111 gt'I off Tht• M11>i.1on V11•111 moth1•r ha!-. two s1111i. who urc• uls o rno<lc ls 1n t111s vt•ar·., pr11d11l't 1110 Tht• pr .. ss also vac>wNt a rot 11rf11I 1111 hy T hom11!'. llurt 01•n11111 t•11ll1•cl "F11rw11rll Puss ," portr11y 1nl( foothnll 111!1)-er:-.1111 th1• held Anti, dt•i.Jlll•· 11 1111 of :-.~11yrn~ h y 11 11niformNI t11c·kl1•, tht..· n ·1wt•11t•nlntlo11 wu:-i loudly 1111 pl11111l1•cl hy lh1• llll<llf'll('(> l'l·rhups lht• m111>t trl\flrc11~••v1• of lh•• oH..rinf.(N Mond11 y w11s 11 M odif•ld l'orr ish 1111 ('Ullt•d "Thi· G 1tr1l('n of All oh " lt1•:;vlt-11d1•111 In hh1t•K . Jtrt•cn~ und rt•tls . I ht• ~('c•n1• 11f thn~· 1111om1•11 rf'C'hlllll~ lay " l•OOI Wiii\ nwl with oohi.. 1tnd 1111ht1 hy lh•· .:111h.-r1n1< In Irvine• Howl Wllh tht• •·xr1·f1tlo11 or II hlat•k wl1 tbnt ut 1dlRhtly M k f'W on ' •. SLAVICK'§ I ,,,,, .. ,.hi ... ,t t t It r I \ ., 1 ,,, th, I '· ~f'"" ( t Uh I \\ , • \I I I , I ,, ''I"'" lh " ,, I t t f 11 \t II I •t, . ' I lit· Ill'\\/ l{11li·\ t 1,· ... 11•r1111.trl 1 \\,tit 111 • ... 11 11 ll lo'll t 11111!•11 11 tlw 1.111101u -. 1d1.1bilt1 \ "' l\11lt•\ Wll h I ho ' 1111 •1 1 ... 1111 I 111 .i q11,11 l/ llhlVt'lllt'lll \\1th I )1111 I.. tf,t l I. d t.11 11:·· .1 1111 "·'I 'I' 11 t t l l\1"1·11., 1\ 18 i...11.11 \ 1 •llt1 \\ t;1tld ~i.11'111 fl 11 l..,ir.11 \d i II\\ P' •Id .int.I -.1.11n11·.,-, ,,,.,.1, 1'1.4C-.Cl ( 4.,t.11 "" .,.., "t"d. Sd ,27-. 'tit' ROLEX , '"' • I i I I -·1 I Laguna/South Coast VOL. 72 . NO. 170, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES Your Hometo•n Daily Nt.·w~pap.-r TEN CENTS Preview Pi-omises Col rful Pagea11t Ry STEVE MITClll:LL Of'"' 0111ly ._,1tot \IAft Th" <14th aruiu:.il l•a~c<1nl 1,f 1111• M:t!>H•rs prmn1st•rl v1talll~ 1·11lor anrl ll ghtn 1·unt (•nl Mon it:i y nig ht as n1•w rnanaJtt·m<·nt j,:11\''' ffi<0 ml'a1a a P<'<'K al w a 11 ha' ~ rrought \I Ill I' th.HI :JOO Jiff''' ph11t11g r ,q1h1·r"' anti 1 •·11111 ll'I :. . .,11m1 · rr n m :t:-. far ,1v.;1'y •I" )'a rt-. dlltl \\.'~·:-,! (;t l lllLt fl \ I •'I f'I\ 1·d <I IJI I' \ 11·v. 111 I "1gu11:1 111.,.1 It Monti.I\ ll lj.!hl of I f1•V. u r lltt 'Ulllllll'I 11( ll'r llll.!' 1n In 1111' llu v. I Th ·· l..11•1111o1 11,.,11 h ,., 11,,,,11.:.1nL.J ltll'"t·111 . work•. or J r l f'(• ( ('I '<t l (' d w II h I 1 v I n J.: llHl(Jto I ... l\nrl v.hil1· lh1· l-'ai.:1·anl ha!> 11\'t'rt 1.n·1·1l1el:.it1ly s imilar 111 past 'ea rs. p n •s!-. m1 ·m 111..:r '. v.{•rt• !1Jok1ng for l'h:ing~s 1r: this "Vt·11 r " art ~c-i1·rl 111n' un1frr t tw d 1ri•C"LOrs h1p of (;11·1111 ,.:v11'111:-.11n. .1 2 1 ~t·:1r oltl :\t•v. p•1r1 lll'ac·h 1111" II I ~Ill 'I h1· llt''-' fl·•J.!1':1111 d11,.c•lr11 v.-m, 11.1111 111 1:1·.1 \f·;1r 111 1t·J1la1·1 \ 1'11·1,111 l':1i!1•;1111 tl1rt•1·t11r Don \\ 1111.1111·.111 "ho .111 c rih ri· IJ,!llt'tl lht l>'l..,111•111 ht ht•ld (111 111111'1' lh.111 l ~l \l•;ir<, 111 .t d'°'f1Ul1 'II h I ht· •.. , ... 1 1~ al h1t.1rd fl\ 1·1 I h1 111 111~' 11f !11 ... ~.1 IJI Tht· y1•ar long f nw:is w1th10 the· lt:~1 1va l Nlllltnu1•d with the l1r111g 11f two vctenm f1·:.l1 11al wurk1•rs hy thl· n<'w dirt·('lor · Bui lo thosi• who fcarc <I big 1·hang1· ... 111 tht· p<JJ,!Cant thi:. V('O r. th<' lll'f'VIC.'W 1>1'rfOl'lTHil'f<·e-- llll' th•· 11n•ss -,h11w1·<l a 1·11nl1nu1 I\ Wllh Jlil:O.I during lht· 4'11h " a s11n '!'ht n1:v. pui.:t•a nl 11ff1·rt11J,!s <ifl I""" '" l>1· more· e11l11rful -'llh t1•v. • 1 111o'111h anrl 11ra111;,it11· 11•1111·M·llf .JI 111n' ,\11(11111.: 111 lht· ltghl 111111111 i-. a ·, I r I t ' " tt f °' I ' \ f • 11 'I, I 1 f Ill o II H1wkv.1·1l pa11111ng ... 111 th" \Viti'" t ~1·1· 1•,\(; t:i\NT ••ae1· •\:! 1 Shappel Hit Capo to Fight for School Site 1',q.1 •1 1.111111 '11111• ti"'''"'''' 111 11" I t rii l o'• 1.11 11 ti 1 11·1 .d Ii1! 111 \l.,1111.1' "''" h11111 • l1111ltl• r 111 I .q 1111.1 '1»11• I .,11,, lh• ·, 1 l.11111 I t fll • In I f ll\llf• I t lt•~•I -.111 1111 .111 XIMI •11111 pl 111rwtl I •II 1 111111111' ..... , lto111J 1!1 ! I ft I 1ttl1 11 0 ti 111 11 111• 111.tl \ t 111 11,1 111 llt•·ll HIHUlllllll' f\111 1~1 •' tf l'r • Iii• nt 1,, 111 , • ',\ 1111 • .11d ti ~Ii.If•!•' I t.111ltl1 I 1•1f !t U•' lilflll• •JU 'ht Htl• rid• tf •li .. d '""ti •· 11111• r• 111 •,ot1 •In dt • • '1f1 ~. • f,. ',tt ., •t I I' 11 11 j I f J 11 If "I I 'I • It • I t 1 ..... 1 .1 1111111 ,111 I 111·.11 ,. I 1·11 1\111111 "I: l }..I 0"'\I I •If I 11i...11·1·· \1111·11 1111.111 11111111 h 111 11111 Ill!\ .11t ·'"'" llt'\ ,,, l.1 .. 1• d t.tlt \t l 11 1.:,ll ,1111 .. 11 !I ll.JI fl,, ht •l'1''1Jf'•1.1f1 ,,, II• I' ••• \ ''· ,1 '· ..... lfl 111.11111.111 Ill I t h11<1I t'1 lh lht• k tl• fflll . .c I 1 t"t"''' llw\ I •·'1• \,. .h.qqwl I•• •·-tl11 l11t tft\1•l•1t 1•1 t.f1111 !\I (Ill ' tfl h f I I ltf I I I ti· \ l'lllJl lll• Ill '1 ltt k.tl• Ifill otll'ol I ll U,1l 1•tf ll • II \lit 1.1 I' 11 h\\ ol\ o1 hu11I ;1 m1t1 north 111 c'r""" \',J.lJe.\ 1 .1 I l \\ ,t \ o .... , P+tot Pno•o b• l •11J , ... •"• CURTAIN'S GOING UP Thi-. l!ll!I ~atur ila~ E \ <.'1111lg J'(lst co\ Pl ".1.., Liil\ 1•1\ ·d 1,, I ill' f'~lj..l'Wll ol t 111 • \1.1-.t t'I , \}(Ind.I\ 111gltl O!Jl'll!-. .)111\ Ill 1111 ,1 111 g hlJ \ !--1>. \\l'l·k I Ull l<o lilm· Ht II\\ 1111 111 n :'-l'\\ port H1 ·ad1 I l1·,q 11tl" 11\1 •1 \l1t1·lt F 1•1 g 11-.l111 11 l.:1..!llll:I ~ ;1-. 1111 • p1 1·s~ got .1 Jl('i·k :ti I Ill' 11tr1·n11i.0'-f11r 'f ~1·;1 d1 • \dd1I 11111.il pll'I lll't'S l'itl!\' .\:!I I ht• 1.1111 ""IS(lll 111 1111· .irt '>Pl'('l:ll'uh; ,, Carter Plea Rejected ~AL1., II f 'oes W<111 't IJ¢v -Wa r Risk' IJitL . \\ J\ s II I N ( ; 'I' ( ) N f 1\ I' I ')' h I S.\ l.T I I tr•·al' ·, rn11-,1 •1ll h f1<1k1•11 :-wn:.i lt• frn •.., ;i11• 1rrirn11\ 1·d II\ l'r t''oldt·nl C :111 .. r ' :a pp•·:ol lt1.11 n.•11·1·t11rg 11 v.1111111 t'l•1111<,t• tlw v.11rld "to .1111·\1·r g n •;1f1·r r"k 11f "'"r Sf'n 11 .. nrv :\'1 .la1•ks11n IJ \\ .1 ' h :11 · 1· u " 1' <I (' a r1 1 • r 1 ti f1tt1 l '°'h .l flflt'.ISl'lll••nl .tnd H1·1n1hl11·:1n lroarll'f llov..1rtl II HJ k l'I' of Tr·n111·ss1·1· -.:1111 1111• \I t•al ~ h<tS 1111 C'h;trlt'I' of 1 11·111~ pa:-.M•rl w1lh1111t amt·111lmt•n1 · Sc•n .John T ow.-r. It 'I'•"< . .-. s at<l lht· prt:s tdt•nl tn ht!> adclri·:-.-. M11nda.' n1i.:ht to 11 1111nt s c:-.s1on of C11ngr1·ss I r1t·d 111 1·ri·at1· •an lllus mn" lh:tl !ht• trr•aly 1s hur t11 tht• l 'ntlNI Slat<':-. st• n. .J II k (' (; II rll . H lJ I a h ealll-d llw pn·..,1clt·nt 's ~pc·1·1·h · dcn·µt1fr " and s~11d 1t falsely ~t Vl'~ tht• 1mpr1•ss11111 lhat S/\L'I' Ori .... ~ ... a ~ -. tz L _ dz ' .- \\c•a&lu•r Patc h y la te n11(hl through mid morning low cloudi~ess . othe rwise fair t.hrough Wt•dncsday Lows top ,i g ht 5'5 lo 60 ftighi. W~dnesduy In hiAh 70s INS IDE TOD/'\\' It '11 eene. Ifie cnt1c report.~ A 1· I u r R o b c r I S a c " h 1 re·creal£•& llumphrey /Jogart almnsl perfectly ... See Mory and pholn11 on Page A9 ..... " 11 ,11 h11·\I·' ,11111• 11·d1n·t 11111 t\11d ~;1•11 ll.1rr' C.11ldw:11t ·r I< \r 11 .i 1d lh• f ':11tr r .id 1111111 II .tfllllt I lltlf f1 •:l1111! fl it' Ir 11th 1111 ..... \I T ·1 :rm , ... k .11111 111,.lf of lll':tt 11w 1h1• 1·rr·~1d1111 t•f 1111' l 'n1111l !'.I Ill·" Ir \lllt !11 1111' ll';1tl 1111· \1111•rt1•.1n l""'PI•· •ill 1111 r 111il1l.1n I 11•111•111 c; •• td1A .11 .. r L :11rl I \<Ill \Oft a1:.1111,1 1111· ~1\LT II 11 t'o tl \ 11ld \ 1111 lht• J.!I 1111 1111•· t1f .1drr11111 11.111111 tit f111111 .,,, I >1 111111 I "" I· .11!1•1 .. Ill 1111 !'-11•11.11 •· 1111'""'' ltd1· r .dt. .. tf "' 1111 tl1•f1 •11 ,,. or I ht· 11 1 .11 \ .11rd p r.11'l·tl < "" 11·1 .. J1.111d l1111 .. r 111 \'1 1·1111.1. \u• Ir 1.1 ,..1111111111 1111 •·I 111,• \\lllt s,., 11•1 l't r· 11!1 :11 l.1•111111! I 111 •·1!1111·\ '1.111' •·11.11111 fll I.11th , •.• 1111 ISt•1• ~\l.T. J•ai,:1• \:!I Victini Identified As Tustin Marine Hy FRIWfo:RICK S{'llOl<:Mt·:llJ. 01 ll>t: Dally Pilot SUll l\n appan·nt murder v11·t11n whos e t>od y was found trl I rv1n1· Saturda v wa:-. iclcntrf11·d tn1la v a!> 1>0111111· · /\. Cris t· I. a h1nc ·c ·cor pon tl allachf'tl to lhc Marini· Co rµs h1•l1 t11 pt c r f aril1l y T11 stin The hwl ~ 11f ( 'nsl'I, :w. wa:-. found on l rv1 m · C't•nll'r Uriv .. nt:>ar the northl>ound San D1c•..io Freeway o ffram p .Saturday night The victim wa~ dad onh in undl'rpanls . C n sr•l's identity was rl'l(•aiwd hy F:I Torn Manne Corps Air St1-1lton officials tod ay after the v1l't1m':-. 11arcnls, of Little Ht)Ck. COLUMNIST S4YS NOTHING CHASKA. Min n <A P> -Stan lloHs rurt. publis he r o f lhc• Carver County Hera ld , came stra11i{ht ln _the point an telling readers why his rc"ular column didn't run. Under lhc usu al column he ad· Ing in the C h a s ka . Minn . m;wRpaper Wits thi!I ttnnounc-e· mc•nl "Stan Rolts 'rud has nothin g to s ay.this week " " • Ark . w1·n· 11ottf1t•ll 111 llt••1r """" <k :ll h I r v111t· f'11l1t·1· I .I ( :1•111· -.;111 tfr·n sa id C'rt:-.1·1 had r l'lttr 111·d 111 lh•· ltt•ltl'OJ>l(•r °'IHl llHI .lttllf' I:! ;aflM ,f two month drtl\ 111 Ok111.m;1 flr111r tu tluf\ t111·11·. ('rt<,i·I hall lw t•n "' :1l 1mwfl al thl· h1·ltroplt•r ha-;t• ror 1·1gh1 11111111 ""· Norden s:ud Cn:-.i•I v. ;1:-. las t -..•t•n al 11h1mt I JO a Ill S:llunla) 1norn111g, full ~ l'lulhl•d, h·av111g th1· hasi· II 1· h:1d rr ·1111r11•1 II v 1111<1 1·11m p:1 nio11-. lhat lw v.a:-. gm11 g t11 J~l'l SOmt'lh111g Ill l'ltl. N11rd1•n s ;1ul Norden s:11tl ti has 11111 hN•n t·.'41 a hi isht•<I wlll'I ht•r <.'rtsl'I rl· lurn1·cl to th1· ha:-.i· prior to his d1•uth Suffot'nt1on or <:trug ovNdost· an• two poss 1hll' euuses or 'h-<1lh hc 1n J1 co n :-.1d1•r1•cf h v 1n v cs ti gut ors pc n d r n g ' t 11 x i<'ologu·al st uclit•s ht·ing conduct 1•rl h y lht• Oran~<· C11unt.y Coroner's office. Norden s111d Norclt•n s ard lh1• hody wus not mutilated . nor wus th<'r<' uny t•vldt•nt•(' of scxu ;i l <ictivity Tht' only m a rks on Cnsel's hody , Norden su1d , were scrapes a1Jp11rcnlly 1·au:c;1·d whf•n the vie tun wui:. dumped from a moving vehicle Nord(•n •rnhf. Crist•! hud a his tory of h1lchh1k111.i und a lrohol- % 1 Jil J ('p111,I I\ \Ill 11'1 If !',I lo\ tll 111~111 m on lmu ... un .1 1.!r .Jd• '' lu111I •II• 111 1lw 11111ll!lt 111 tl11 lllt/ilt' I tf I llllf!ltllllll \ "11 1···111111 11tl 1•11 t 1••1 .. 111• I h•ir 11' I•' .11tl ·,1·11"1 111 II• pl.tlJlll ti li••Jl ll' ,fl I ll•tltrt,' 11111 'ollt't•ll\1• '11 .111!111·1. fltt •ll Y.11111• '11 rus t.~.~~ I ;q11 ... 11.11 1•• I 111f11·d !"o1·h11<1I I 11~ 11111 1111 • ,. \1111 d :. '":.: \11111 ti.I\ 111 I I\• tlt•'lll'.t I\'" 1111 I•• .111 .:;x.111 .• 1111111111 1.11 -.• I " o1lt• 1111111 'I"""' lo<1 II ti 111•'1'111 >,' Iii" I ,, lttl-" ,,111 111 I lltt· d1• Ill• I 111• 111 ') t;IMI 1111111 tlt.111 111•• "H 11111 111111~ I fl rl f11 r 1111:-,ft•t• 1·0111 JI'• 11 _~II 11111 I I l \ I • t I I 111,l1 •t•, 111 1\ lt•I\\ I 1•1•1•t\t' Ill' 111 'l..!fl .1 llll>lltlt hi!. tll\'11 \\\II h. -..1 lt1111I l111o11 d 111•·11d1•·t • h:1\ ,. '11•1•11 f1.11tl ~::11 11•·1 1111•••1 1111' llti•\ .11!1·11 d1•d 11111 l11·1•1·11t11 .. 1 1•1,,; '1'111• t111;11 rl 11 .11.tlh m"•'I l.\11 I ll llll •'t' illllt'• .I llll11tlh 1:11.11 ol l'r •··ilfr 111 1,"1111·•' \\hit·· .111.J T1 1i...l111· J•:fh\.i r rl W1 ••,ltll'I · \Olr•tl .l~'.llfl',I lht· l•,t\ ltik1• 'J'ftt \ t .tt:•·tl 11 lflllH't t •. 11 \ 1\11! Wl1111 • .111 1·1g h l '''•" li11 11 ti lllt'lllllt'I Y. lt11 I l'l'f'I\ 1•11 ' , : ·11 ! "1 -.. h ""I ti 1. f 1 1, t "' • 11 " I" I ', .11 .11d I h•·t •· 111o1' !11 .,111111 111•opl1· '' "'' 1·01rld n111 ;iff11nl 111 lw 11 •1 I•• h1ro1u 1·1111h1·111 ... 1 I 1 d It •• \\ 1111 .1111 ·1 lt1,111p -.u11 "h" \t1l1•tl 1•11 lht 1 .11~1· ':tlf l ht h11111·" 11 \\ill 11111•11 I Ill' tlt11 11 1111 11101 t ! t' loft Ill'-ftt I 1111 f11r °'''ltt Mtl li11,11tf 'l',tf • l•t11fr fflhft•t·-. II < llfl 1111 II I l1•1'l l!HI 111 'fl\t'lllh• I '1 11011111~•111 1111l 1•tl I It.ti h•· v. .t 111111111111...,·tl "'11 .. n lw r .111 1111 h1 1111.rrd ,1-.11 l1A t1 ''"1r ·, .t)'ll \\ t'°'' 111•1 I 'I d1·t1l l '>I . ";1111 I r11-.H•1•°' 1·.111 rl1 •tl111·1 •'\fll'fi"'' I lw\' m:1 \ 11wt11 :i~ •• 1'11rn1I boar ti 1111·1111 ... 1-.11 11111 tlw11 1111·11rnl' la\ , .... Thi· $:!ti ii 1111·1·1111 g p:t~ I!'> :idt q11 ;t1 1• ht• :1tld1 ·d ~1·~.llit•rg ... :11tl tr11 ... 11 ·1·:-"l1t ·11d .1h11t1t .10 I•) fill lt11111 :-. a 1111111111 011 -.i·h1111I d1 ... rn• 1 1111:-.1111•:0.!-. 11 111 Th11111p.<,1 11t -..1 1d -.11rn1• rn1•rnll!'rs of lh1· ...,.\1·n lru ... 11·1· .. 1·h1111I h11:1rrl r11:1\ -.111 ·nd llfl 111 ltlll ht1lll ' .1 1111111th 1111 11H11•1:il hu ... 1111·:-.s l'r..-sidt--nl i4]•·<·h·el ('\l•fo: 'I'll\~'°"· S1111lh 1\f11t-.1 1AI'1 Fornw1 !-.1•11ut<· l'rc•s1 dt•nt Mar:.11s V1l11x·n w:1:-. t•ll'<·k rl t h1· f1r1 h pn·s1clr·11t .... r S1111 1 h Afr11·;i lo<la~ 111• -.u<·1·1·1·1t.. ,J11h11 \'111 sll'r. whu n •s11o{ncd tn 11!~ i.:r :at'C' two Wf'l'ks a~o Al£UH(JLIC.ti; (;i"/' SP!'(~IA L I/Et/' I\ 11 un1·unvt·11t ionu t hosp1tul w:ircf al South Coast Mc d1 r ul CPntcr 111 South Lu~una he lp ... u kohnlH's 011 I ht• tou~h road to recovery Tet'ns und iwnror t·1t1zcn~ Jrt.' umnng the most frequent pu ltf•nls at lht• far 1hty , whnc the.• sl:sff lnc:-. lo µrov1dc the extru l'Dr(• thC'y Ill'<'" A s tory an<I photoio. nf thl' r are• unit t1 p1~ar' t11da) on l'OJ'<' C':l 11• ' . '1 1.11 I I '. • :,\di i. .• '. I 1 ... J11HJ1 UI :t1• fill~ .. r .1o. t ·If !1,\1 111 I I I• Ito• d11,\• I• I 1t1ol lltt I 1l ~ t. ttil "~ J; I ' l1t di ft ffp ,, fl, f \. "" 1'11 I " • I •?•'' ' 1t1d I I ti 111)1111• 11 .. 1 I• jtf I •' r1I J .. ., flt I 11ttltlII 11 " I 1111 I ,tf ,. I I : I•, .. ii It ti··· trl•·if 111 (fll't 'l '·ti• I l1 o1t1• 1 I •llHll I "'If'' r \ t "I I 1 " IC tit •\ '" ,,,.I"' I'" '" "'' I "I 1-..1·1·H\l"ll.l . l1 .1~1· \''I I CLAPP E RAl l_ X NG l\.1 111.11',1 \\ ,tll"lf• 111 11 \ lllt 1111.!' p :.-.1 11111' OI -.1.\ IH'\\ °'1~11' 1·11·1 ll'rl ;\l 11 11d ;1' :d11 11l! '\1·\\ p 111·1 B1·:1<'h '.; H:11·k Ha.1 I,,,,•' !->1 :..11' ";1111 11•1111111. 1 111 look 11111 f11r L tl-!hllvott·d I 'l;1p pr·r 1{;11 1. :111 1•11danl.!t'r 1·d '>fw 1·11 .. ., 111 IH n l thal h;ing.., 11111 111 1111 . I p p1·1 \;1•1\ p n l'l H<i.' Wtlclltfc P r1·"·n·1· S1 1 l'f':d 111 th1• l11rrl.., lt ;111•11 1 li \.r•d up to their 11 ;Jllll' and 11111-. 11:1\1·11 t 11\t'd .d11•r ;1tt l'lllflf lll~! to c·ro:-.s lh11 111,1dv.a,1 •Ill l1111l Tin-. 1m111 q1t1·d s l.111· l>t 0fl.ll'l 1l1l'lll til r1 ~h ;ind 1;;11m· 111 l'l'('C I 111 1 "ll~ll~ .II .1 C't>:-.1 <11 :ihoul S:ll1l1 '. Two Mutilated Dismen1bered IJodies f,ou1id l.ClS 1\NCEJ.1<:s c 11 • Thi· t1••1•:q 11La lt•1l and d1s rn1•mti .. n·cl 1111d1 h1111ti·.., of l\\o ~r1nw11 ~··n· f1111nd 1•.11 h lotla\ 1111 I h·· '""' of ,1 road 111 .. 1.r .1 \Ji° .1111 1111 tn S11111 It '·"" \llJ,!l'lt'" J1t1l11··· .;11 tl Tlt1• ht .11b. h.111d.., .111d lt•t•I 111 I lt1• I Wtl WIHlll'll had h1·1 ·11 1·ut (•ff i.111 11t•1tht•r tlw v.o nwn ' 1•l11lht·i- 1Hll t ht• 1111:-.:-.1111: l'X I n•t111l 11•s t11rr1t·d llfl cr1 .1 M'ard1 11/ lltt• 1111 m1•rl111ll' an·;. !>111<1 ll1·l1•r·l 1v1• Ho I a mJ l>ro11111 P nllt't• bt'fit•Vt' lht• ho<fll'I-h:tcl ht·t·n <lumpl·d in lht· 1ndustn ul d1strit t :.om<•t1m1· during lht.: n ight Tht• bod1t·~ w1•n· d1i.t·o~cr<'d ut about 5 30 a m hy pcoplt· driv tnjt? by on their woy to work. Drouin said "When th<.') """' hy thc'y thought It "as 11 t·uu1.1ll• u( muu n~1111m~. ht• i.:-ud • 'Thf• m:uh• ,, . L: turn und cum c b:.ck and 111111111 II ~a .... 1 l'tlllfll\• of hOCIH':O. llr1111111 :-.a1cf tlw v.11n11·n :.ip· 111 .. 111 •1! 111 ht· h1:tv.1•1.•11 l.l and 25 ' .... r ... old I It• ~utd voltt•t· an • 1·ht••·k111g rn1:-.s 111g pt·r"•lll!> 1 ,. p11 n s lo :-.1•1· rf any ft! th1• rl1•s1•np 111111 11( 1111· I ~II li:\'Olllt'll .J•·wPlry TakPn At l.af.,'11 na Ho nu· More thon Sl.400 in jewelr.- was stolen from a La~una Hmu:h mun 's ho me Monday after I burli(lurs ent ered the ho me I lhrouJ(h u rc ur w indow James Ch upman . 61. of 320 El Cum 1no Del Mar told police he • rc>turnt"d home 'to find a gold 1 ring with J\Ule di"m1mds. a long ... with lH'VJral o tht!r cosU-y bou bl\•s. m1:.Nin'! from the home • \ \ DAILY PILOT L§C fueaday Junu IV 19f11 ( Piiot Logbook r What Happened To Summer Canip? a,. CHAaLt:S H. 1.oos ..... .,....-, .. 11 I <11111 t Imo"' about all )'lllJ oth1•r ni11lh1•111 qui tlw rr h111 1d1t•r lht• first du\ or l'IUITllTlf'r \'11t'llllllll 111\ 'A if1· ,ifl t•ll lf\ "'llb Wll\hlO~ th Ill '('he)l)I "'11ulr1 ~lurl lt~itlll \1)011 ''l 'M o•-:T•.llMIN•:n llt)f ht hi"'' Ill \ 1•11111 "h" r1•11\111 k1•1t ,,., •1h1· e·1111h•11tl'lu1 1•d 1111' pr<•"ll(•l'I of lhr 1•1· tlll.,fl 111 IUI •·ti n1unlh' -At lh lh11•1 k11h ,1t 11011d ,1i,. hOUM' ttnt. 71ftf'Mh...--f t ""t ~ *~~-8Uffir++M ht11llll\ ht•• I t''>lllH· .... ti!'. ..... JI 111.: tl1111 It 'A t•111 i.11111dh11w ""'' 11 .... 111.:h ,1•h11uf ti.:•· '>VII h Ill' • 1111\ ollll ll\ljll\ 11H 111 lht• 1 ... 1d1 14 llh •• f1II 1111 1'111 ll ll'lld h<A~ ,1 tll l\l'I °' ft1 "11'1' Ill 14 f\ •" qu11t•ll M11tht 1 .irih I• .. 1t. C'AJllefle Buirte•• Attendance Feud Settled? ~. f',...P~AI PAGEANT. • selections. Included \o com m emorate the American artist who died lat yu.r at ta.. ... of 84 Press member!I gol 11 firsl g lunce at a Rockwell piece thal adorned lhe cover of a 1919 Saturday Evening Poat, entitled . •."" Promoter --Victim • Of Gang? .. Leap Frog," Monday night. I.OS ANGELES CA Pl -An Mmh-11li. rau~hl It\ the mu.ldk fees The '" fee wo uld have And backstage, pholographe rs autopsy was scheduled today t.o M 1111 111tl•rit1slrtc·t atttindanc·•· been required bccautw Co1ts\ snapped away at Robbie Brown· seek the cause of death .i aJ*>rtJi r,·iHI l>t•lwel·n S1.u.ldldJ11c k and a nd S addle b1tc k had no in ing. a 13-year·o ld Newport prom~ and•* deaJier Victor ('ouist Comq1un1ty Coll ege Dis· terdlst rlct attendance agree· Beach youngster. who f>Ortrays J . Wehui, wholt decogiposing 1r1t·l1> l(Of 11nr11t• good news Mon ment the young school boy le aping body was found In the trunk or a tl ,1\ 'l'ht•v p111huhly wall tx: ahle Suddlcb1.ick 's vote c am(! as a over lhe back of u friend maroon·and·white Rolls-Royce. 111.1111·1111 i·11111 '>•''> Jl 1·1th1:r Jn!'>litu :;urprisc Lo most ob111.1rvers since Cameramen shouted for Rob· The Loe Angelea Times quoted w1 111 t111d1•r <·t•r1 11m <0ond1t111n:1 lhe Mission Vie)o-based district bie to turn this way and that as an unnamed source aa aaying ...,,111.ttdn u•k l11111rit l'r(•!-.lllf•nl had voted several times In the makeup was liberally applied lo Welss had been shot In the head Holwrt P1 tl'~· 11111111unC'NI Mon past to support a so·c alled "free his face and a rms. wilh hia hands bound behind his llit\ tit.it tr u11tl·•·.., had voted6to t flow" Kyste m among Orange The young pageant volunteer b<1ck. but neither the police nor •llt•· OA1·.-k twfur<· t'• urm rovc a County communit y colleges. was nonplussed by the attention. the coroner would confirm that J1111111•cl 1,.., 1r11l ~>:>t1·m wrth lht• Under fre<> flow, S oddleback saying it's his second year as a Police Lt. Ron Lewis said no I 11,1,I ll111lrll'I s tudents ultending o ther dis model weapon W8B found, but that the t• 11.11 rl m-rrn "'"' N fM"'1"1"""· --·t .... l'l""'""~'""'t!S..-wil'rJOo"'U,..1 .. d-tl""~"v:"ne..-.l"""o"'s,,,tr-.is~11 ... d..,·=---"""'1Llhl•mltl~r I pla:yed an o ca1feaofil11T-trucei _ll 111.i11tlt 11I Ir\ 11w vull:d no d leback less money man in "Sword Dance." Robbie h o mi c 1 d e b e cau se or ' I h• m il' t•i .q1prnv1· <t nl·w Monday's a nnounced action said. "It was a silting .POSilion. circ ums tances such as Weis:.' rwr 11111 .,, .,,,.m n 1m1· 111 11 1'10!11:<1 means thut students who fit into a nd I had lots of m a keup on, so wallet being m11111ng and th1· d11111 • ..,,1011 -A 11 It l'lillt·sH· of ccrlain c·riter iu will be g iven tt didn't matter that I WMS so racl that Weiss Wlt.S known to I 11 1,if .., .1ft1·1 1 ·,ia..,t t ru~t•·I.''> httd permits tn takl' courses m lhl' young " carry thousands of dollars in .11 t1·d to liar 1•nlr\ ,,f ~11tldlt·h<11·k coa~t Community College 1)1~ The pageant veteran said h1i. cash 111-.11 11 1 ..,, wlt•nl'-into the· Co'lta trict -;c•c rel of re m aining perfectly The ca·r and body were fou.nd "o.:: SON, ~h11M' r1'll'lll 1J1r1h1l,1\ hu· 11111 111111 t11l11 duu bll· d11(1l11. j.!1 cclb Lh1..-J .. \ 1h~~i.cc.i.Lh f 1r ... 1d111~ 1.bc. llWught or ht'llll( Ill t•l11:-.~ l(Uo1lll't ., 'Alllt 111111 f11r ,111 \ f•·ll~lh o f 111111• M11thl·r th11 .t1 111 111 kt 1·1• h1111 II• 1111 h1111.,1· .111 '\1 1 ,,, li.1,t·d d"t n1 t Spet1f1 rally, S11ddl1:back stu s till during a performan ce ii. Lu in a parktnl( structure next tu t~:r;t -; Hus tnt''l'I M :1n:rgl'r <Jenn Will tx-aifow~ to aH.end "pick sometbmg in lhe ~a~u~-t~at.oo-Untllff~!.~atJ.l_.l~le~l<f"+----t r '••rr ,.fl,tn The1111p ... on ... Hui tt>tlll\ Collsl to takt· oience to look al. the n conccn Sunday evening ; f 11111r11111i.: u11l1•-. ... h1· ... t..1p1 ., up M11tlwr ltf111,.I 111 1·v.1.1 11 111 \\1.ulrl 1 ••1·11111 111•·11d lh<1t hi., Courses nut oHcr('(I at Sad Ira te on rt .. "The body was C'lothed, bul t ""' ,., • ., .11·1·l'l>I the· ~a1fllle·tiark cll1•ba('k that lt•1ul to a tl·rtifll'!.llt -Maybe that's why they keep there wai. no I U on 11." Lewr!'> I t't''> Ill point:,, l't•1·ny h11µpl.'r dau~htc1 1:rn1 ·1 J(f'h a t 1111d 1111111111 11! ~1 u111 I"' a11<1 w0t1dertnl( dloud wh;.11 to clo with hl·r..,..lf n11w that .,h t• hu!-. ull U11:-frt·•· t1m1· 1111 h1·r hundh She uµl h for tilt' ltc•ae h und inv1t1•s a rru:nd MotllC'r llrtvt·s Hull• WllV" p1 opo.,al Tlw n•·w pr111111!-.al 10., 1n a 1>n1~ram not otre red al Sad picking rum each year ~aid ,11·iu.lllv tht· •wn11· 11111· oHnt•tl liv dlebuC'k This is lhe first ·year Rac hel Tht' c·ar w;.i!'> seen hy a hotel ( oa:--1 t111!-.ll0 t'" .,, . ., 1·1 al wi·•·k-. J\ppn•nt1cc•sh1 11 n iur!'>l'!'> nc11 Fagan has had to weC1r so much f'mploycc who c ulled p,ohce aftcr ;q.:e>. 1•xre·pt Ilic· S.cddlt·li,"'k ofrn offe red al Sm.ldl1·IJ1lf'k muke -up for her part he heard n•r.1ort!'> or Weiss' disa11 Ne1 1 son rt·ap1•t•:11·.., with t1Jh ·., or klllt·r !-.Uri a nd h11-A ht!'> fr1t•nel lo!-.I lll>lh !'>w1m hn!-. Ill Liu· w;i l<·1· M11tht·r e·1111gt•!-o, 1h111ktnl! ot l1·t•ny llf1p111·r claught1•1 wl1111!'> :-1111 ;If 1ti:· 111·111 h 'alt... for• p1·rr1111 .; 1<1 lw l'·"U•·rl tlt1sSc!'> not oH<·r<·d ot Surl· The three-year festival model µcarance If n ...... 1 1111 ... 11•1·•, a<·e·1·p1 tht· cilclrntk thut an· re11u1n·d ror portrays a woman in Sir John Polit·! Lt Uan Cooke said pl:.11 .ii .1 11w1·t1111 ~ W1•d111•!-.rlay -t·m11loy111t·nt. 'iUt h al> 111su rc111n· i':v(•r<'ll Millais' "Christ m the Weiss' m1 ss1n1< wallcl could in ... 111d1·111 ' Yo.mild 1 ... ahl1• 111 :ith·11rl cour st•!-. llous c of His Parents," and d1 catc that Weis!'> was killed by a NO. 2 SON APPt;ARS und a nnounc1·s that :'\n ~ fa1111f\ cat hus bt·cn actm~ slr an~cl y 11ncl prohalll> ha~ 1·at '''"t'I hl'('UUM' lht.• ll('l~hllf>r'!-. 1•at JU!-ol cltt·d ,,f ti 11 1• aclll -. 'A 11 h g reat authurrt}. tfi'ut No 2 <·at h:.r !-. a ~' !'>IJ d1c111<·1· 111 111.1k rni.: 11 Motht•r m cntu lly c:alt·ulal<·!'> vt'l••rrn:1na11 11111 llw ('11:,1.1 ,\lt•o.,.i liaM·tl d1!>lr1t'I, A ('ollc~t· 0H1e1al s <11d Ca!-.1•:-. cir she's tryrn~ not to scratch the ro bbe r but he s aid the ~iossibility 1111(01· 1111•\ h:il'I :t fll'rrn1l, without '1•xtrt'm1· h;,irds h111" alst1 would brown ~uo on her nose and under or a "hit man" 1,.'0uld nut be di:. P·•' 1111' lht ~r;:I IJl'I 11 1111 lutlllill h1· fl'Vll'Wl•(f ror r111 ... s1hl1· pcrrnrl!-. her CYl'!'o ('0Unlcd to <•tl1.·ruJ Cl1asl The brown and gr een color:, Lewis sa id Lhl.' police w«re not Tt•t'ny bl>p1wr daught<'f 11<-c:l;1r1·s elunog 1 •·turn lri'p fro111 t he· twar h that Rig ('11rona 1s icky and that . fro111 n11w 1111 .,ht.· :inti h<>r fncn1t really 11u~hl lo ~" 111 B11lho11 1't'l1111 ... uli1 hc":lC'h<'1-o J"n end agn•1°!'> "Wait a m rnull.'. · 'A ;11b Mothe1 kuh to tht• l'enrns ula evt·r~ da\ " I Ill 11••! dri1.-1111· \41ll "Oii, THAT'S OKI\\'," '"\ s 1l.1ught1·1 .., f r11·111I 'ou~.111 '"'' drop u:. 11rr ut 1111· Bi1llH1a h.lanrl I· t·rr} Mnth1.·r b1tcs longut· N•J I -;cm d1sa1111<·ar:.. lherellv avo1d1ni.: l'hor1·-. It 1• 1t·:ir11l'll lat1·r that ht· ha!-. he(·n in r1·-;1dt·n1-.· 111 tit•· 111•1ghhor'!-. 1.1001 tal>lc· Mollll'r -;rgh:-. 1'1 t:ANWlllJ,t:. OA U<t llTER ancl fri1•ocl a r1• ..,, lwk1n1-' I h•· fc1u,r wagorrl oatb or llhl ncW~IJUl/('f'> lh<·}' ILil\f• tlurn1wcl Ill lo!Ur11J?.1• a!'> th1• i.in·:rl !'>Umrrwr pap1·r dl'I\'•· I!•·~ ontl1·r ",1\ Th1h .1nnu:il 1.•v•·nl us u;tlly l:1sts 1mttl lat•· fall M11lht•1 !'ol j.!h~ J u'l•l1t•ron · d1nrH·r. tl •w1?.hl1•r an<I fr11•nrl ell'v1•l11p 11r~1·nl ncc-cl lo sel· u rnovll' ",Jaw:-." Tht•y h:H t>fl 0t !'>t'Cll rt for twu yt'urs. 1-·n 1.·ml'!-. hltler lirolhN will dr.'?n l~!·m a l tht·11tt·r Mother cm 1·<.rll for p1<·kup · N11 I ~im plan!'> trip to hatting l'tll!.C:~ for Mirnmr·r l«·a~uc tuneup Nc~ollation~ on who 1s goinf.l a111I how ._.r1• 1·111111111'1 ('(1 with friends via tl'lcphone rlurrn}( rlrn11er Motlwr manal!,C!'> to cat d1•:,p1te tnlcrruptron!'> NO. 2 SON lb pushed out or s h<ip<.: lwcauM· h1!-. attC'ndan1·1.· al batting cagc"s isn't debtred hy No I :.on, he didn't get to .J.!O ~<'<' ",Jaws" w1lh his s ister and because ci friend he hac1 rnv1tl'Cf to sµctt1I the night wasn 't alill' to M11thl'r ... ym palh1 zt·s. prnm1s1llg l<1 tak~ N<1 2 !'>On lo !'>l't' Juw.,· 111 th•· ruturc Nu i son appt:ar~ later with newfound rrrl'nd wanting 111 k11ow if n1•wfrlund fr1t·nd t'tm· s p1·nd th1• ni l!,hl Mnth1 •r v1•lC1t'!'> Lhl' notum. 1·xplamrng th<t l then • will lw •1tl11:1 011 portun1lt<·., to h<Jvc· guests heror<• thc <iumnw1 1.., 11v"r ()uul!,hll'r ;.rrnves home from mc1VI<! 11nd ri·rn.i rk.., Y11u know. it just does n't seem l1k1· surnmcr · • MOTHER'S SHOUU>t:Rs sag fllllll'f'i.ihl ) Funding Plan Eyed For S·an Clemente - J\ plan to use• $43,000 or lhc c ity 's $275.67~ in f1·c1cral r cvcnu1· sharin~ funds to pay for San C lc m entf' Cit Ha ll air condr· lioning, carpetm~ and offll'e e quipment will be drsc·usscd at u Wt.•dnt•sday publir he:mn~ r11 r an11t h1•1 J.(arag1· <•l th•· l'n •!-.ttl111 l-'111• St al rnn San ('lf'mC'ntc• C1l y <'ounc-11 nwmlH•n, hav1· !-.<"h ·dul1·d a 7 :Jll fl m hf'l1r111~ l<> alh1w t•1tt1.cnh to fllSt'US~ U.'>l' or thl' fund!-. C i ty a id e s ~x r>ccl san Ch·mt•ntc will receive S275.fi79 Ill federa l revenue sharing dur111g riscal 1979 RO. /\ides havt! also proi>oscd wws for the funds includin~ $160,000 fnr an equipment storage shf'd and rity yard pavinj(. s:18,000 to install dratns a lon i.t a Pacif1<· Coast llighway bluff irnd $3,800 ORANGE COASl I•,• DAILY PILOT t rw Ot•.,..C.~I ~lly Pi.a• •Ith i#h'Chl\t.Ut" f 1no 0 11\t ~··""I'" ... t fn1•1t1 t• •t 11, ,,,. (fft<lh<'Y I,,,. t f•yf,41J\-AUf'°'' fwt' t 1o1 I''""'" t ,,,,,,,. .. ·t•• outiti"''"'f1 ""'""'"' tM"ttft" t ti lfll it ,,., t '" ~. N•..,,,.I • .,..,.,ft ti 1M1ft10ftfl\ tt_,IM'. h I ~ OthC'r 11rn110:.:1h e·;oll for $7.314 for pararnt·dll' t·4u1pm1·nt . $/i,li9!1 for u r1re 1h•part nw nt porlahlt• hvelr <tul11· t•xl l':tl'IH1n 11n1l. $1i,l.lf.lll for ol r1 r1· ch·r1arl lll •·lll '>f'cli.lll , Sa x7~l f•1r :1 1111111·•· w1·ap1111.., -.tandarih 1.~it11111 pr11gr:i111 aocl M.fSOO for golf 1·11ur..,1· n•p;11r Rwnm~4~ Sal-.~ S••I For Slid•~ Victinu~ A runima!<(e !'><tll' lo ralM' ft111dl-. for the Bl1Jt'h1r1I Cany1111 U1!-. astcr F und will ht• hl'ld ul tlw old l'<Jl111 Shop al ('oast ll1 1-(hw11 y and St Ann'!-> l>nv<· .luly 7 and H Furm11ir1" cl11tl11111{, h1111M·h11ltl item ~ and 11th<·1 i.:1101b may 111• d ropped off :tl llw ~al•· •ute J uly 5 a nd 6 l'lt'kup of lurg1·r ill·m~ may be arrnn J,tt•c1 by t•ttl11ng 4!17 I 5'15 Vl(~TJM. • • 11T:t11·rl 111 ohfl •m o., 11 1· h,1d lwl \• 1·1·11 .1 11'1 .ind II> IWfl'l0ril ltlrn11I .de 11h11I 11·\ 1·1 wt11d1 .. 11· CCII ell Ill! 111 -.I ;tl1• ... 1 ;111IJ:11tJ.... In 1111".111·-. 111 OA,1.., 1111tlc·r lh1· 111 I I 111•11•·t· '\111 cl1 •11 ';i 1•1 '\ tll 111·11 'lltl 111• 'A Otlltl ll•ll -.pt·1·11l..il1· 111\ "h!'lhcr ( 0fl!'>l'I !'> t11 .. 11h 1· 11·l.1t1 ·1I to 11ttwr ... 1av1r1i.:-. 111 'A h11 h 11111111·' w1·1 e· clurn1wd • .1lo11i: llr :1111~1 ( '111ml' r1Jadw;.r y•. \\-1 • h,1\I' 1111111111).! oll fhl !-o fl(lllll 111 '>ht 1-A H11•r l' i-. .1 ('11nn1•t·t 111n '\111 tl1·11 ';,tld It 1., rn1 1111 .d f1r111 1·1f url0 l•i 1 1 °11I ~111 · 111l111111;i l11>11 ~;1tl11·r1·1f •111 r1111rct1•r.., lo '.'oo t11 round111~· l•tdll •.• 1)!1·111 ... , .111tl fl'ifll'"·' llll'llt t~. 111 .1kt· ('lt!ll .11'1 1r 1111°1 f• .1p111•a1 111 lw '>1n1iJ;111l 11· .. l.:tl\I .111111 •, 1111' ll111t v or H•>l.111d I 11'1 ,tfif \ IJllllJ.' :!:( 'A a!'> (Cltlllll 1111 lr \1111· ( 1·11t•·r l>rt\t' lwtw«"t'll 1>1·•·1-Aood :111rl ('11lw·r l>rtvt· \ •1u111! hart 111·1•11 ..,, :1hlll'd fr1u1 ' I rn ,. I n ' II I . I' ll t• !'> t ii II ti f' 111 U <, ('11 f :t f I •tf Wl11l1• 1t11·r1· ;111· "11nll:1nw· .. 11111 h «r1..,1•I :111rl Y11un.1<: "'"'" 111u11d ••11 ~al 11rcta y'>, 1n th•· 111•1nlh 111 lurll' ;111tl on lr v11ll' \ '1·nll'r l>rtVl' Norclt•o !-.aHI Lhe·11· ,11 I' 111 ,1 II\ !11 ~ h I Ill ii ;11 I I II'°' mu11l111 11111 •11 \ 1111111! l11·111g 1111t• Ill a1111lf11•1 llllll'>ll;d IWISl, 1111 .Junt·, l'.J. 11( l.1!->l v1·.er, lh1• nucl1• 1>1111\ e1f .1 :!fl v•·:1r olcl (';imp l'1·11rll1·111r1 Mar11 w wa~ foun<.J 111 1111· 11iwthlw111111I r<Jllf' of M11u ll1111 1';11 kw;I\ ;11)rn1i 11111· h:rlf mil•· 11e1rlll or' l.;1 1';11. Heiacl 1n Lngun<J II lib Areo11 Prolled IJ1 (],~n1e11 t~ Bluff Blaz.-. San ('11·r11l·nt1· f1ri ·m1·n clouM·tl ,1 hru-.h frr .. Mmtr lay 111.l!hl lh;il !'>" c•pl up a hlurr ancl t hr1 ·at1·111·rl lw.1d1r1 11111 hom1·!'> '1'h1· Ill :111 I' Ill Ill.JI.I' Wa !-o !-otrlk 1n g l v ... 1mll:ir to 11 !.I 'l.7 pm hruhlt r1r1· 1111 .)1111(• :1thilt1•h<trn·d Mlm1• of 1111· ... :11111· a1 "a s outh 11f ·11 :dalg:11 l.a111· rll'ar H:tmbla ~1 1 1•1•1 F11t· (',q1ta1n N1('k Maulf· ~uul th1· fHIS!-.thtl1l) e1r l.ll'~On is betng lllVl0:i t1gale·d Ill h olh l'ases 'l'ftl'ft' :tl'I' 1111 !'>USJll 'l,.'LS <t l lhi!-o l 11111 • Tw1•11I v·~t ·v1•n f1 rl'men, rndu1I IOI! :111 11va1l1Jlilt· H'SNVl!l> andoH 1lul ;. f1rl'f1g htt·r-.., "ii.: fl' 1·;.illed Ill f h1• S('t'lll' Ill lmttlt• tht.• bf <l:t.f' that wa!'> t•xtrngu1sh1•el w1thtn 20 m1n11h0!-o or their arrival M ;w h· ~a id the hlu1.e wa:. hull 1•d J 11!'.t lid on· 1t n ·cic hcd tht· ete·t•an v11•w home•!-> on Hamhla !-.I rt•1·I l.1'11\Ylllltl't I•••,.. I ~tu'.,_......,,..h \J'°Utf'l{t1o1\t I> ·•"1ll• "U-~1·"•111~• 1111,1l_;t1'\hli'I~ 1huft1t't •t'1 '""""-<ty I PW 111 If" !IMI l1itltl1 t.fltQ 111,.hl I II I 'I Wt'\t h•,)I~ (~I•"""'-" ( •lllnfft1.1~)f)lo .... " .. -, ••• 1(jllr\l•1'1lt•vtt11~·· 'Crooked Look' JM•• ,_. .. P <t/•e • ,,._...,,,,.,..,, •nd r..,~ .. t M.tf\ifQI'• f9'eMUtlte•w•I ldltftf , ...... ,. "" ........... Mfllf1"1J'"0 t f'IU'- CA•tlU M L .. , ........ ,.. f' N.ifH '6\'it\lt ol M"'""'11•"0 t ttlt')I' OlflClH (.fl\t ... ,.,..,. now .. ,, o .. , ,,.,.,., 11""'111(1100\ ll .. t" llllUlo0<" lkNlo••rn Urieven Smile Bri11gs Suit • COLOllAl>O Sl'RINGS. Colo. (AP > A C~lorado woman has filed suit against u plastic surgeon. claiming his rl·pair work left her with .a crooke<t smile (;urolt: llollow~y filed tht· s utl agaim1t Or Alfred Speirs. claimin~ sur~cry he performed on he r ~fter , ... pllon•C7141142·~21 un <tuto accident in 1976 was negligent and deviated cea.ltftedA-.•rtt11"1ta-517• from standard ('urc exercised by physicians in the L..-a .. •11••0...,,..•:. field · '-=:,•,=:-As a result, Ms. Holloway, 2fl. of Woodland Park. • ...-contended in her suit that s he had a marked racial c ,,..,. .. ,. °'-c-p...,. ...... ,..""" asymmetry whic h Rives her a "crooked look " about ,.:r' . Jrft *-"" ,_,,~, 11(Wr.tt.~' -.tftftttttt .... r ...• , ...... ,,,, ..... ft .. ""'01• .... , ., he r mou•h whe n s he smiles or talks. . . M r•e~•ey•H wlfeii.tvt ... ca•I Ht"l1\\t ... 6 \. d ( ... ,,..,.,_, Or Speirs said he had not hear rom i!J 't'J~~"Mssrl~~·~.,,wa11-~ .... ~~.;...-t-~-t-~-1'fnttrn111~~:tTl~!"'t11!1..,~t:tth!ll'lt"l1l'lt1t"~ , .. , ~1 ,. _,,.,, b,, ...... '' '° -' 1·n 01'strlct Court. "" .......... -1-.u w ....,..,,.,, ' • J\ntl !'>tuf'ft·nl !'>whoalrcady al book b1zarn· <t l close scutJny. a w art' or a n v ronn t:ct11111 tclld Cuai.t anrl hav1• It''>'> than I:! but appear as normal tone!> on between W1.·1i.i. <rnfl 11rg<rnizet1 units Lei t·ompll'll' ror a dcgn~c :.l <t~C under th1.· lighting ex l,.'rtme. nor eltcJ Wc.:1i.h h<tv1· :1 will bt· allow<.:tl to Mntmul' pc·rtrse of ~la~e mcinciger Curl t rimrnal r ecord C'1111r 111.·!> o rf1·rJ'(.l a t Sud C::tl loway rlll•hae·k . aclult l'dun.rtwu But Hachl:l 1!-. mnn· l'Onl,.'erncd n·cri·al1<1ti a rid non c·redrl about l{ettllH! Lht• gunk off after rou r!'>c!'> w1 II not lw a llP~t.'<I for th1· pl'rform;rncc pnmits, thi· .,p<ikl'sman ... al'lt--"Thi:. rs lhe fi rst year J'v .. Tht· l:Jk!-.I rn<ivl· n imc· cirti·r worn lhl!-. k1nfl of makeup." !>hr· Saddl1.·ba<·k l>'i tml mnnbt:r:. hart ""Y!-. "I usu;i lly pl:.ry a slalu•· \Oll'rl scvl'ral tirnt.•!-. lo hac·k a 11nrl the gold 1s 1:<1s1l·r to ~ct 11rr · fret• fluw ~v~li·m 11r ~l udcnh 'f'hl· M1lf!l1~m V1c10 mother has lif•I wi•<•n tlt1• ~l'llo<ib two ~11ns who ar1· also modeb rn t'<ill!-.l offi<·ial.., arguNl ,,fh<Jt this )1•<J r's production frt•t· flo'N "''iuld <'.Ohl ttwrn ti , --'rh1· pn·~s also v1ew1•d ;J ccJI l;fr'gt ainouut or mon1.·y anct orful ml by Thomas ll1:1rl Bt!nt1in board mcmlJl'r!'> there n ·1·ently <";rl ll'd "1-'orwarrl l'a:.s," port.my n ·surrl'l'lt•d ·u l !Jfjk notic·c of ing footballplaycrs onthefwl<I r1•:-.lrr<:ti11n 10 bur S<iddlc lrni·k Anrl. dcsp1lt• a lul of !'>way1ng r't'!-.ldt·nl!'> froni atl cn<1tn~ l'la!-.!'>CS li v :1 11n1forrn cd lat·kl1·, th•· 111 llH·\o:r!-.I dihlric·L r1•prcsentalt0n was loudly :1p /\ Such.111.·h:t<'k :-.1x.1kt.•h mun 11a 111 plaudcd hy the aud1cm·e i·q.!ht~Tl'Sldi:nl!'> had ;rppl·ab Pcrhaps· the most lmpr<·s~1v1• 1wnc1 1ng with Lht· ('ounty Ho;ird of the offerrn~s Monday WCI!'> ,, of i-~il ut'al 11111 h•·(·aust• they wt•n· M axr1eld Parrish oil ca lled "Ttw elt•ntt•d pt•rrll ... !-otlll) to uttc·nd (;arden or /\llah .. 1·t.J:-Sl'!'> a l <:oust Resplendent ill blu1;:s , g reen!'> Ill· suid thos1· <ippt·a l c•as•·!'> ;111d reds. lhc scene of thrct• would bt· n·vtl•w1-Q t11 M't: if (h1.·y ~omen rcchmng by a r)()OI wa!'> would qu;rlify fur 1,1.rmrt:. under met Wtlh OOhh and ciahs by lhe thc !-.YSlem announced Mtindciy gathe ring in lrvml' Bowl ,.,.. .... PRflf# . ' I BAT'I,LE. • • w ilh lhl' 1•xc•t•pl 11m or .• lllat'k wig lhal !'oat ..,li~hlh :.r .. k•"·'· •111 oiw of the models. th1· art-Aork -A a:-. 1m11rCS!'>I\ .. E\ tt·h1:-.<111 ~av~ th1:-y1-.1r ., ll ,t rt r1·prt":.1·n1 ;1k1111s wil I be n·arly for th1· pullli1· 11) 11111:nrng !la) Ju. h ffl f 'l"fntt Pa,,.. ,, I SALT.~ .. !'>aid lht•y IH•l11·v1· th1• pact 1°<tn b•· ra11ri1>d 1f 11 1.·an lit• condusivel~ µr11vcd that rls lt!rm!'> du not un clNm'lnt• tlH' '>C('Urtly intnests or th1· Un1let1 Stalt'!'> anrl that Sf>Vtt·I 1·11m µhanc·t• with 11 !'> le•rm:. 1·;111 ht· vt>rrf11.'<I /\ t wo thirds volt· ·~ n •q u1rt'd for Scnalt· appmval of 1111· tn•aty . 'T he p rt•'lrlf'nl hl'gan Lh•· 1·clt1 eat1on of th1• tn·aty on SALT 11, ..,;urt ~1 ·11 .I an ill .J a vii!'>, H :--1 \' "I 1t11n 't U11 nk ht• <·hanged ;111y0 n11nds· Th<·re·~ :1 lc>ng rt111d ahc·ad CARTER APPEALS FOR SALT OK-A4 SALT CAN BE BENEFICIAL-Editorial, A6 KPnrw.J v. II ~1 a!'>l\ 11lte·11 1111·1111on1·d ;,, ,, f I e) I c • II I I J I I I \ , 1 I I 11 I I II ' I) 1· m l/1 1 ·" 11 111 t·.., 1111· n t 1" I 1111m m.1111111 111 l!IHO, -..a1tl < ':•rt•·1 h.1!'> mack a !-!"IHI '>larl on SA l.T .ttlll th:1t h•• h1•lt1•yf'o., h'°' °"nt•i•11t \ It \l'l'lll!'o !'>llllJll) llll'fl'll1l1h · I hat 1111' t·11u11b would 11111 lw 111 nr1· u1Hlt ·1 ~1 :111 rl1 n g 11f Lh1 '> -.1111:.llon :i11d require· Shatitid 111 ·r111!->l I'll'!'> to m:11ntain u prop1·r . Th<· h.•!-.11\,tl 111111\ 111ghth r111 'IX Wl'('~S 1'1!-g11111111g "' x lnrt>ug h . 1\ug 2fi 111 lrvirw Bowl \\ 11 n r• o t 11 I w 1 t h rn :t n ' \ 111 t' ri l' .Ill'> • I lh1nR 111..,1111 \ wil l JU<lf.!" Iii•· !')cnut<; harshly 1f rl fa1h to r:illly 1 h1 ~ ,trt·al' " K•!nrwdy .. a1cl M'h1111I s1l1• w1th1n the ir proJ('C'l." Thornsl1·y r1 •1111rt1·d 111 t lt1• M'ho11I l111:1rd "'l'h1•y 1Shappcl1 li:1 v1• rough 1•111 ancl graclf·d hu1hl1ng 111t<I~ ;1r11I rn11tlw11 y.., thrt1ugh th•· :1rc·:1 , !'>a11I Hill l>ttw!'>on, cit:-. I I'll'! f;11·d1 t11°!'> an<1 !'>l'fVJl'f'!'> tl1 rt·1·111r Ttt"kt•I'-tu tht-Pa~c·unl of ltt1· Mas ters h:ivt· long !'>1n c1· lie1·11 '>o ld out Hui lh11!->1· who w1 -.h 111 .,1•1· a pt•rformann• '>l1m1•t1m1°'> 111.1~ pwk 11 11 lwk1·h that hav•· llf't•n n•I urnNI ll1 th•· hox 11f(1t·1· tht· 1t a~ of th\· show / Skylab Contaclf•d W /\SlllNCTON I J\ P l Thi• · t\11 v anw nclnwnb will o.,i•rllltl!•IY · p·npan li11· and 1h r1•a1 .. n tlw 1 n·:ll \' An1t 1111 ' e 11ulrl m1·;111 lt11• 111!-o!'o ~r an hi!-.lon«' opportumty 111 1111> 1· · 11.. 111 I ht' next !'>tagc· 11f ~,\ l.T t 11 .1n(I tK0} 1ind ' S1•n J\1.rn ('rnnston, I.).( 'ullf SC'hool cl1sl rrl'l aufrs 1°'>l1 rnatt•tl that ahout 120 of lht' K1t1· llrll honH'S an • t·on!-.lrut l<·d About :!II or the ho mt'S :trt' nl)W O('('UIJll:d :'II al1onal Aer11naul1C!'> and Spact· /\dm1mstrat1on !'>a)'!-. 1l will try t1> ,. h an g c Sky I ab ~ 11o s 1t1 o11 t h1• milJorltY wt11p, 111t•clgcd L11 work hard for raHftc·at ion and ... aut. "I clnuht ·ht-a ns wen •cl t' t·r y 1111t'!'>l111n that 1·vcry oppo nc·nl or rluh11111~ J>t•rson has. but .f 1h111k bt· m:rd1· a vc•ry ('1111v1ncrni: 1·al\e that will hl:lp lhl· hcitlle lhal now l>t·g1n!'> m lhc S1.·rwh· · Shappl'I nffu·wls t•ould...nnt l"x· rP;H·he<l for rom m<'nt today -Wt·dnesday m hopl.'~f making 11 abll' to receive command!-. lon!o(e• Only Rolex could improvc on Roll'x. I 111 h '°'" I ''" I f'tl J ,.,l11o111 f,l 11111 N, "1"''1 < 1111.r ''"I""" 1~1.,nh t )Jiu I 1 \\ '"''' , , \I tit I .. , , t I.ti-. ''di I h 111 \lv1t1ft 1hl I '"'."'' , ... ,. .. , ..•• '··I \ ·~ " ,, t ., , j, I lw 1ww l<oln <. >y'>ll'flfll.trl/ \\olh h1•1\ lnr llll'll n1mb1rw lilt· l.1 1111111 ... 11'11.tbilll)' nl l<11k :.. w ith tilt· pn·n-.11111 111 .• ,,tl .l 1'11 11111\ 1·1111·111 \'\1th i[tltt lo. d .111• I h,11ti-;1• .tltd ... 1prhin· , rv ... 1.1 1 ... I\ IX. k.11.tl . vt•lle t\\ gtlld. 4Ml,4')\) 0 14 i...1r.11 \t01l11w p11ltf .inti ''·"nit•., ... -.1t•1•I '!ii .Ye;(! <. ~l.\lnll'l\~ -.h•t•I 1'1 ,27'1 " RO LEX I 'I 11 f1..I I I \1'41 1 • '· ( , The Norman Rockw••ll Saturdal Evening Post <'over tw in~ buitt for t ht! 44th Pageant CJf lhl· Ma~tcrs m La guna Bl'ath ~ho w~ P ;1t t·:ok. alx1\<c, <tµµly 1ng m<tkt•up • o H obbi t! l.Sru\\ 111ng, 13, ol Nt!wport lie.ich. llobbw, in his s.-rond year ol 0.oly Pllel -. lly I.ff P•y,,. Pagt••ml, 1~ -.hown brlow tJc1ng fitted into ·· Ll'ap f rog " by Carl Callaway. t echnical tl11 cl'lOr and :,Lage mt1m.1ger. while Be tty < 1111111 :iii. \\ .1riln1lH' d1rt·t·lor, l'h l't'k:, <fr t .1 1 h Huh h 1" 1.... I l· a p 1 n g t) v · r M 1 t ch I· u r gu:-.011, 11 •>f Lagun<i Ueach. Ownersliip Of. Visbeek Disputed A group of invcstm<.·nt firm ;c t I II r n ,. '! s pl .. n s t 0 d I s p u I t• owne rship or th~ 2,000 acn: Vt , h1·ck k <Jnl'h project an a sent!'\ 11r pubhl' hearings before the ~an Cl.-mt•ntc Council W1•ctnesd:1) n1 ~hl. San ( 'lt·m cn le' lnvc!>lments 1"•1 1 :r ttornt·ys will a11pf':il lhl' P lan 2 Death Warrants Signed TALLAHASSEE. f'lu. <AP> - Death warranu were sh~ned to· day for lwo convicted murderer!'> as Florida prcpued to put them lo d eath next week, a month after John A . S p e nkelink became the first person to be ex ecutcd ugainst his will in the United States in more than 12 years . Gov. Bob Graham signed the warrants for Robert A. Sullivan of M iam1 and Charles W. Prof fill of Tampa today. his office said. The executions wen: sclieawed fo r 7 a .Di. June zz~- ln a rcl<1ll'd matter. Graham tecommcndcd c le m e n cy for Death Row inmates Learae Leu Alford or Rivers Beach and Cllr ford Hallma n of Tampa Sullivan was convic lf'CI in thr Nov. 12. l!f73 , s la y in~ 111 Hom estc·a d rc!>laurant manai::<'r Donald S<:hmadt lie was abdul't e d and s hot In th~ head with <i shotgun afte>r l wo ffi l'n robbt·rJ the res taurnnt <.tnd m o l<'I Proffitt wa-. sente n c ed \11 dN1th for th<' Marc·h 21. 197ii m urdl'r 111 Ti:tmpa wrci.ll1f'l'i: coach Jo<>I Mc•dgcbow. who wa~ a s l ee p an ha :. home wh{'n ;i prowler broke 10 and st<ihbl.'tl ham the rhl·~.t with a k1tch1·n kntfr 1'r()ff1tt'!'\ l':tSI.' lc ll 10 lh1• L "> c1i.wn upholding Flunda ·.., rlt•atl1 vena It} law an 1971) ~µcnhlink . :n1. tor ffi{'rly •11 Hul·na l'a rk . .,.. a:. ·x1·1 ult·d M~1y '.:!5 JI 1-'l1111tl :c St.tit· l'ra:.on aft.., ftghtang hs:. dt•J th :-.t•ntc•nt'l' ror more th;m !>1X y(·ar:.. Ht-"""' ron vit·ll'tl ,,, k1ll1ng a f•·ll•>" <!ra fter 111 a Tullah<.1:-.~1·1· 1111111·1 crr 1•11:1 n1ng conim1!.s1on's approval ,,r In 'f ri-county Art~a l'lt·mcnb or l ht J ,0(10-homc pro p11sul by Nu-West Ucvt•loµml'rll < 'orporat1on for the ranch l<tnd The publi<· ht•arang s wall bcg111 :ct 7 JO p m an the Coun1·1I t'hamht>r:-.. IOU l\ve. Prc s 1d10 Torn <.:lark, one of the inv1·..,1 m1·nt group attor nt•ys, da1rn-; Nu West officw ls hav1· v1ola tt·d rou ,1N1\. ,,., F1r .. r1 a.:ht•·1· n mt:11ncd J :wu ~1<.:n• liru:.h f11 1· M•1nday ;tft t.:1 t ht· hlan· hrn:fh 1ttn•;111•n1•d "''\•·r :il t.1.111~·" 111 ·.0 1 lh•· ;ort•:t \\ht•r •• HIV l'l''.ld1 •, Or<i ng<.' a nd !-iu11 l kr11ar1l1 1111 eounlll'S mcl·l U:rm!. of thv Vis twck kmd i;all:' A droµ m t cnipcraturc~ ;111cJ a~rccmen\dr.:Twnup last yeiH -"thr onsN of fog <·0111b1nt·d l•i San Clemente l11vcslmcnts No l'asc the thn•c ho ur :-.I r ugglt· for I, a i:!<'n"ra l partnN ship, s ole! :rhnut lfi{J (m·f1ghter!., who h;11J tht• ram·h land to Nu .Wt•st hut halllNI 15 to 2f1 mph wind~ <i~ th•· ('!aim!. thl'y still h<i v(' a n inlerc:-.1 hr<' burned out <1( c·1111lrol nc•ar 1n al ll rghw<iy 9 1 ~1n<I flag hwuy 71 ('la.r.ls .... aad :'\u Wt•:-.t nfft<·1ah so ulhwc·SL or C11ron<1 .in• altt·mpting to hu1ld fi~I hQmt·.., --- Tlad!y. June 19, 1979 s DAILY PILOT .4 :J Glad Bands Grad Shakes Can Surprille By n :aav CLAUSEN ot-. -ty PMM Melt Marina High had about the nicest graduation ceremony he can recall. Dr. Frank J . Abbott said after the cere mony last week. HE SHOOK hands wilh 4M sraduates Thursday night while handing out diplomas. Only three of the seniors palmed off marbles durtn.c the event. Only one crossed rus palm overmtbe popular "Right On" grip. Times, he says, may be changing. Hls biggest shock was five years ago when, aa the new superintendent of Huntington Beach Union High School Olstrict, he was handing out diplomas at Westminster High. "IT WAS ABOUT the third kid who came up." he n~calls. "l ended up shak· mg hands with a big s ausa ge. ... " J took the saaw,at1e. -a•ve b1m 1J diploma and laid th .. sau!\age on lhe ta· ble. They're looking for a reaction. but you Just carry on and don't look at a ll surprised " Abbott admiu that'!I not a lways easy. He was liter ally shocked one year at Edison High. "THE IUD HAD 11 buzzer in his palm," Abbott ex· pl a ans lie rl'm embcrs the year a board mtombcr rcacht.-d out to s h<ike anlt en ded up :.tJll clutcrun~ u falst: hand tong afte r the graduate had walh'<.I orrs taiw Marina Hjgh graduated !HO !>cnmr!'\ T hursd ay. Abhl~tt '>hnok hands with h alf of the m. the rc:.t <ICCCpling diplo ma!'\ from another :.chool official. "AFl'ER \'OU'V•: shaken 400 h;inds. YQUr hand ~•'l " ~retly sore," he explain!> "Toward lh1· e nd, you 're givm~ 1t sort of a limp fis h grab. You a re an pain. ··You always hope th<it the last ones a re petite you11~ ladies. Then you see ham coming a bi~ struppin~ athl<~l t• and you know he's goin~ 111 bear 1l11w11 'He doe:.. He give:. you the grip " A880Tf SI\ VS h <· JU:.l fl <'X1:s h1:. hand afll'r :.u1·h cer emoml':-. uni JI at .., loo'>" e noug h to olay golf. Mentally Gifted Measure Advances SACllAMt::NT O t A l'1 Th·· \lt·nt:olh <;1n•·d \limir ... µr11a.:r.1111 1n (. <1l1f1,rn1 <1 .., µublw :.l lln111!> ~ I I 11 I d h • . j! I \ I I) ti I II •• ,, '. I •11ial1f1t -:it11'11 n ·11 u 1ri·1111·nt:. l)y l1·g1:-.lal1l)O dj)IJl'f>V l 'IJ IJy lht• '•li:tt1· \..,:-.e ml.Jly F \ Id .J I II •• tl I Ii I .. II I 111 I l <If ,\Ii 10111 1\'"''"lth rr1,111 J), 11111, \I a11ger:. I> llunl 11111.tun H1·1w11, h..for1· Ilk tiK z vute M111ulay T ht· MC:'1 11rui.:1 am 1 ... 0111 un .. 1111.,l J•l''>~l'rlnt It .... v1•rv !'\IMplt· t111l a~ to l.1el·•1m•· hon·<.I in th,. p11blrl' sc·h•><>h "'1thout :-.pt·c·1al .11 tent1011 µaid t111m•·.., nl·c<b " < • r 1 l 11·... Ii .1 \ 1· .., ;1 1 <I M C: M l11·11dll!> too ft·w puptb a111t <;11\ 1-:1lrnuml Hrown Jr. has not 1n • lucfrd fu nd111~ (or It 111 h1.., v1•r:-.1CJn of lhl' 1~7!Hm hutlfil:_! Hui lht· i\,... .. ,.mhl ~ '>. lo11g 11•r m hJtlt1ul n11·.1..,ure pt·nd111~ 111 tlw ...,,.n.itt., /\HK h) /\!'\!'\f'ml11\n1a11 l.1•r11 v (;n•t·m·. fJ (';rrrn11·h:wl 111d u<J1·.., $1.> rr111l11m for· pc t1gr1.1111 1111t•ral.rur . _ -\ "I d1111 l tt1111k w•• .,houlfl .ollr1~ •h·· ~f)\.l•fllfll t11 1111·;11 ;1\ 1111· f•fl I 1n· progru111 o ut ol l111· lt1Jd1.!l'I tur pol rt rl'al n•a'llltls," ~ .11·1~l·1 ·· ~:nd I( ll1v proc ram 1:, Lu h•· 1•l1m1n.11t-<l tl ... 1wuld lw tl11rw ;tllt'r .1 :.ludy, v.hlt'h hi:. 111··~•:-.ur1· "ou Id a uU111nzl·, hi· :.aid · · 'I 1•1·hnll'ally. th"' 11111 w1111ltl r" IJt'.tl 1111' l'Ul'rf'lll Ml; M Jl lf•l.!1 am .11 t hl· t·nd o( lhl/ 1!:17!l XO r...,i:.d 1m lan<J on~inatly •k sag natcd for 11111••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... -~~ open s pac t· whtl'h hl' a!'\Sl'rt .... E4-itatt~ lmprt•vt•ments Resolution Seeks Nixon Repayment W/\SlllNCTON 1/\l'I ~<·1 1. Gary llarl I> ('0 111 ,. h a:. tn trodu<·ccl a S€·11<1l1· rt·:-.olutcon 1l1· s ignl·d to 1t1 ~1lu · :-.urt· l11rm1·r P rt-s1denl N ixon n ·1111.v-. I ht! lJ S T rca:-.ury for $tlll'i,1JOl1 1n ~rtv f>rnmf'nt f111a111·p(l 1mpr11v 1·m1 ·nb to th1• < >rm1~1· County 1·~tat1· h1· · IS St'llang ll art'.., rum hind1ng n ·:-.<1lut1<1n calls on lht• S<·crf'l S('rv1cl' and t h e G 1· n t' utl S ,. r v 1 t •·:. I\ d man1s lr;,1l1on to uh1a 1n rt•1rn bur:-.cmcnt from Nllwn for gu" e rnmcnl 1mprovcmcnl!> that 111 c re ast'CI the fair m arke t value or his San Clem ente estate. An a ide to lla r1 s:11rt t hC' ~ov­ e rn m e n,t s pent Sfl00.000 whale Nixon was president for security improvements at the oceanside estate. Anothe r S67,000 was s pent to make 1he facility more uscrul for Offi(·aal functions . The aide said. These improvements llH'hldl'd la111h1·.1ptr1g :11HI 111 ~.1 ;1ll 111g :-.1·";1g1· .end ;111 (•1inc11 t11111111g ...,y.,t,.111 .., l h1• .11cll' .,a11l 11 w:1~ 11·1·1•111 Iv 11·11111 I1·tl I h.ct N1xo11 1111!•11<b In !'\I'll lh1• 2'; a1•11· u1mpou11d th.It 1in1·1· w.1!'\ k n11w11 ,,., t ht· W1• ... l 1·rn Wh1 lt• I l111J..,,. N1•1tlw1 lh1• !'.;tic· Jll'll'f' nm th•· llll•flllly 11( tire • JWl't'hJ»l'r h;,.., hcen n·p<Jrt1•d , H a rt said Mo nday h e an l rod uc cd his "Sense of th e Sen ate" n •solut1on ~<·uausP rx. isling f1•11t•ral law 1:-. dt·!'\1i!11t·rl tu preven t (orrner <.:hid t;x . ecuta vcs who sell property from be nefilling from g overnment· fina nced improvemcnts . "The la w as sufftcacnt and 1l should be enfor ced," Ha rt said. The Color ado De mocrat said the issue of Nixon's sa le or the San Clem ente estate 1s "a kM of o u r dedication Lo government ethics ... 'Bin.d-. Tort urt•" K ~II' v1ol at~ th" !'\al<· :i~r,·cm<'nt San Clem<·ntto In t•:-.t nH'nl!> No I atlorm·y~ hav1· lrtt·d un!>Ut' cessfuJly In take part 1n planning session.... ht•t w1•1•n the· 1·1ty a nrl Nu ·Wt!'\l a .... <i p~1rt owrw r or 1111· ranch la nd C aty AtlOrf\t:Y M1t hHt•I Ba rtll'lt has ruled that Utt· l'll.v ~hould r1•1·ogn1ze Nu West nflH'1;1ls ,,.., t h1• ... olt• legal owner of Che V1., lin·k llan1·h land M a.Y ''' l'ro ·T e rn Myrt1 o,; W:1g nl·r .... :11111111 furthe r action nn tltl' lll'Vt•lopmt•nl ... twul<I be tak•·n 11nlrl th1· 11wn•·r .... h1p quest111n.., .1r1· r1 •:-.c1l v1•1l Parents Seek Sterilization ~OHrtlSTOWN. N .J CA I» /\ rl·lanh'd lt•t·n -:tger wriuld h1· able lo cnJny a better life tf a court grants a rt•qut·:-.t hy h<:r parents that she ht• skralizcd. the parmts ' attorney :.aid W1ll1 ;.1m Coo per . wh<> represen~ Edward and Luanne Grady, said "life would he mun• fruitful" for JS.year old I.cc Ann Grady if a luhal ligation wl.'n! upprove d by S uµ1 ·nor Court Judge Bertram Polow. Straiigler Resurfacing WI ClllTA , K a n . fAP) - Police sat they have received m o re than 600 telephone calls on a special hoUioe since lhe BTK Strangler resurfaced, Including some tips that the y hope may lead them to the killer. The person claiming to be the BTK Strangler has sald tn let· lers tbal the initials s tand for ''Bind. Torture, Kill ... More than 600 calls came In within 48 hours of Deputy Chief Bobby Stout'R announcement Saturday that RTK had bee'n beard from for the rirs t time In 11 months. BTK c lalm s the seven victims were kllled in five years BTK's ne w communication was a poem written to a 63·year· o ld wido w whose ho m e h e burglarized April 28. H e said he had intended to k ill her and regretted that she did not return home while he was there . The woma n . who had been al a dance that night, received an en velope in the m ail Friday con· tain{ng the typewritten poem, a sketch and an article of clothing and a piece ol Jewelry taken ln the burelary. Te levision station KAKE-TV r eceived in lhe mall Saturday a c opy of the poem and other items taken in the bur1lary. The •velape11 and their con· tent.a were tJtamlnecl ln a police laboratory, then forwarded lo &b,e FBI in Waahlqton. elabor ate. Thlmmef'<'h s aid m any hoUine l'alls were fro m people wh·o "are JU Sl ba sica ll y s cared ." However , he said the fear was not aa widespread as 16 months a10. "When it ca m e o ut in February 1978, p eople were m ude a war e for the first time that we had an individual in the city· who h ad killed seven peo· pie." he said . "There's concern no~. it regenerated this fea r. but it's not the same shock. This coupled with the fact we had rw h omlclde this Ume." UTI I 9'0f!TCOATS lll90 •M LONG .• , , ..... X LONG ..... u.N '°"n.Y MG . , . ' . ..., ..awn,y~ .. OU "°""'' LONG ....... ---·-.. -- ~ ..at Hewtllome IMS J1M- CIUNDAU 'Mt90M caflllU ........... fUUUTON Of.tnQel .. tMell l?Mttl ..,, .. , .. ...., ...... ,.... lOS AHOElEI "the lobk IS YOU" So put yourself in to this frame of mind, select from a collection of the finest sui1s available for the big and tall man. Hart Schaffner & Man<, lanvin, Palm Beach and Botany 500. Solids textures, plaids & stripes. 175. to 295. GRANO OPENING "Nell to" South Coast Pl•za 3814 So 811sl0l Awe. SANTAANA 714 . 556 . 2!170 ..... h,,. ...... ,..,, ... .... ·~· l···"'"" ,., , .... ' , ...... ,,, 310 & S1><1ng ·Qt.HU llONTCUM ftlAZA .... 1toGl~~....,, Many of the calls have been women wanting to know how to protect the m selves, bul the re alto have been 10me Ups, police 1ald Monday. 0 We're always hopeful, .. said -Lt. Bernie Drowata&v. ••There are a number of leads at this point that look good," • said Detective Capt. Al Thim me1ct., wbo decline d to The RTK Strangler was last h ea rd fro m whe n he wrote KAKE In February 1978 to claim responsibility for the murde rs of four ·me mbers of the J oseph Otero fa mily in J anuary 1974 and the 1layin1 of Shirley Vian In March 1t71 and Nancy JI' Fox in Oecembertm. - .. , .... .. .. .. 121-7113 ................... ntUM ............. , .............. IUlll.t•t. .._. IOUTH COAST~ Sent. Ane""' "1"9 T,..,,Y" lllNIN 0.-MUIDA ... ll ~ .. ~. -.U71 IMOllOO° .......... _ au.nn • ~. ' .. •' . .. ·: . .. .. .44 ., T--.. Ju• 1t, tt11 -~ ...... ~I; Tom"~'~' M•rphi• .. kating the Issue . wan:•:UNG .. DEALING DEPT. /\ news na11h hu1' Juiol ••hl11U1-.I 1n uu1 uf W•i.hancton, 0 C . lndlcatin1 thul t h u (1·tit.•ral 1oto' t•NHrwnt 111 con blde rlnit a barn upo11 :-.kutc·hourtb .1i. u nwnar\' to SCX'1c ty T hut f1gur~i. Ttw C1>tlt•rnlb un•n ·1 hui.y t•nough jw1t trylntt lo ha11 111 t 1•r1•m1t 11wn1u1 h11 lh11ll(' m1M1lle~ Tht· y 1wt·d :.omc lhll11< 1 h1~1·1 lo 1111• ~r111111tl thttl ttw:v c·un hundh• \ll\Wtt\, )!Ill k'~uw wh11t .. ,,k111t•IM11ttd IS ll'i. a pl1111k ...,,lh 1011,•1 ..,k ull• Ill..•• \loh1•1•h 1thwht'd tu t:ttht·t t·nd KHh I 11h• 1111 lll~) 11( lht• ~llll d (, t-"li f:RATION!'\ ftt\C "K , kuh ...,,., ,. ll11tnK th1· i.brn1· 11111111 .... 1th .1 hour d , 11 11111 plt• 111 olil .,kuk v. hedis und an 1111 I'~' lkl\ l'h1•11. tlw\ 1 u lh·d 11 J ,t·ootN NolJtKi> thought .1 ;i 1mm0l! thew "iroottT'>i?\11 tht n th• f~~~~o 111t·1 w,1:-11 t ,1 111..: ..... ,t 11> ov w 11111 .. , ullcnt 1111 11ruleclin1ot ,,.., .1_.:,1111,t 11111 , .. h ,., H.11 I. 111 1111 1-.1• II\ ~11111· 1hn -. ti )OU 1 na,ht·d your 'k1.111 11-.•lt l .11t•I t"''·11 1I \llUI IJOJlU1m "'1th ro Jd 1111111~. you1 ' ...... . \/.,,1 />1J•1•1•1111" /i.·1 '' • ·''""' /11 /le Hunnt'd '"' t ;1111•n1111t'nt 11111..:-'1111 ·r 11111-!lr 1111111.."r.., that":-. whe1l you get . Tf•d.n lw1 .1u,1· -.k.11t•lioilrtl1·r~ e re1sh som1·t1m1·:-.. p1-c1 I It-.111· 11111rt11l1' 1 .. 1111 l•wr nw rn lwr f-"t•dtral Cono.,umer l'111d111 1 ..,,ifl"I \' 1'11111n11 ,,-..•1n .ind 1fl·m<ind1ng a s kat1:boarcl h.111 ·1111' 11 11 tlrn1..,•.11111 v..111 JK111cl1 ·r th" w1·1ght v r asc Thurs rid\ "' \ ,Jt1• f r<•rn I h1· 1 1111• I llul loti:tl 1•,,,111• of your n~ht tf> fall "" \11111 tt~'W' .111d .,i..111 th•·m up 1r y11u wanl t•1, the red1:ral h1111.,1111 1.11·,. ·'" 11•.11.d 1:-. ;tl11111I ,, v•·a r 11111 lat" 1r1 pondt·r 1 11~: .1 t1.1u on ... k.11t•lioanh -·• '-1\/\TEfiO/\kUS /\R.._ •ln lh•• "":tv oul kul tlrt• lim1nb 11111 .iitv.111.• P 1tH' :1r1 <if rr1:-.uni:;11<•n1·r <,Rate-v;1rcels :inlJ l11•.11111w. ~. wlr;1t " 1n ·· Holl1·r ..,k;iting rs lh<· new <:r:.rz1· 1~11 111·1 ..,k.it •,.., ,111• 111111111-! 1•v1•rvwhl'rt' Whv. ,i.1111 ,.,,.,. .,,.,. 1:r11v..n 111'<1plr· rr>lh·r :-.kat1ng in anll r111t 111 .... ilooll' .. /11~t lhi· 111t11·r night. ;,, \loht1l1· 1·onga hnt• of roll1•r •,k:i l1•r rl1•w .11•111: ... :\1am StrceLm UaltJ<UL. wheo the -..i.:nJI d1;,11g1·cl Tiil S J\ I· l·,Ut·.t</\L. H/\:'lt r1n ~k.1tl'l111anb will tw <iboul .1 ' I 111wl} ;,,~ If th1· govcrnnll'nt 11utl;;iwl'(f huggy whips and tl'l' b11x1•.., · But li<·warc·' Some rollt·r :-.katcr~ ;ire now crashing und liru...,rng thPir IHJn.., Sun·lv -;om1• group wall now run lo the I· 1•!11·r.il <'11n~11111 1·a l'r111luc t S<Jfl'lY Comm1 s1'1on und .,,·a 1•1'C·h for :i l1a11 1111 r11ll1·r •.kale' Th1·r1· n1:t\ lw .1 :-•ilutrcm lu all th1•1'1· rollini.: f;uJ.., th<il ''""Id .rlltm tlic· H·<h·r;1h 111 • ;1tc·h u~1 1n the IJ<innrng hu::.1 'I Ii•• 1:•n1•r11tn~·nt 11111ltJ JU"I 11utlaw the wheel 1'.\l'J; llt\'l"l'l'.H/\S. N (' 11\/'1 ~orth Carnhn<i hcuch(·s Tht• 1111. ( oa.'>t <:11:11 cl qlf w1.d" .. 1v 11 p111 b1rllh ,w1H l11 k1· :d 1••11I• (1 1;1· 111111 l' d,l\' to 1·11•;111 11p 1•l•.1l1..., 111 111 1 lt1 ul 111g kO rn rl t", 11( .. 11111\' •. qi p arently <1 um 1>cd rrnm a 1.1n kt:r. wa:-hcd a::.horc l a~l week .1 nri hv Monrlav a Ill mile strPtt'h h:id h<'l'n f'lc·ancrl up OC-lOs Flying Europe • ID zt:JRl\tt, Switzerland IAPJ - The r1rl't of Europe·~ S8 OC· IOs ltt<Rltn flylnR alfMln today aft.er t-:urol"'an counlr1c.-s adopted new 111:11,..<'l1on and maintenance pro ~rums for Utt.· planes. which had hl·t·n .:rounded two weeks ago urll'r u {J s. arr disatstcr . But they still won't be allowed to Jund 111 the United Stutes. Thl' first buck in thl' a ir was u l)(' 10 of th(• f>ulC'h c harter CClr· 11 .. r Mart1nair It fle w to Palma d c M J J o r t· u . t h c Sp a n i s h M l'tl tll-rram·un holid<ty isla nd, -.hortly afll•r midnight £uropcan I 11ru• SW~l\.l\Al&.-&EADIEQ a ne-m for a flight to Tel Aviv this after· 11von . provided authority arrived Ill (lffit' from /\tht:n~ for overfly 111g t;n"l'k arrspat:e ~w tltl·rlu nd and the t·t hl·rland~ were the first to gn1· the go-aht·ad for resump 1111n or flight:-. Monday, followed II\ Frunct:. Sµum and the Nordw t"I\ ti /\v1allon /\t.lmrn1stre1t1on 111 th1· Sc·an1l1nav·1 an n>untrit'.., toda) Tht· Wt .. .,t Ct•rrnan Tr;in:-.µort :\11111:-.try said m·w <·crt1f1<:at ron i.hc1uld b(.' iss lH:d fnr Lurthansa '!-. 11 M d>on nl'll D oug I us wtdl' l1111j1 t'd Jl'l!-. lall'r>lttthty. -- KKITJ\IN (;/\VE t he gn•1•n lig ht tc1 1.:ikcr /\1rw11y:-. a 11 d fl rtll"h ('a ll'd11n1 ;1n . and tioth ,, .. 11 1lwv .... oulrl n·-.urn(' l>f ' 111 ll1ghh W1•d111•..,cla v l.akt·r ti. ("r1•t1· Hn11:-.h (";ilelfon1an to N1g 1·rt:r Ht· t· au .., f• I>(' 111 , rt• nt a 111 g n111111ll·d in tlw l in1ll·ll St:1t"'• l.;i kt·r .. till t·;rr11111I us1· :rnv t>f 1h ""' IH ' 111 ... for 11 :-. .1·h1·~111 f;.r1· Sl.\11 .1111 f11 gl1 h Llat re ~"'atla~r, Son $4()0,0()() H~isl Susp~cl s CI N ('I N~i\T I 1A l'1 "l h•· 1"111 has 1s:-.111•d a nat 1onw1d1 .d1·rt for a f:itlwr :inrl ...,m 1wrr 11r W1 ·lt... f-";1ri.:11 1·111ploye1·s ...,ant•·il 1111 llw r11hlll'ry of :an arrnr1rt·d I rutk 1n Kt·nt111·kv II.at nl'ltt·d .111 1·1'l1matt·d S.:IOCl,1100 lo S'IOO,Ol.1(1 l'o lit'e -'>:Jld a long lcttc1 . 1>11.:rt·1·d with an arrow :and lttl1·1I .. (;1·rnn1 mo·, H1 ·v1·ni.:1·. ·· was ldt 11n the· rront s1·al or lh•· rnhh1·tl lrtwk Mondav Tht• ll'llt·r 1•11m platnc·d that $4 an hour wa~ n111 c•nough for dn v1·r:-. to m a ke a h v 1111-! .John K••ll\, :111 Fill a~l'nl 111 C11w1nna11. 1';1111 ""arrr1ni... v.11 ulcl ht· f1 h·d t1.11!;1~ for llw ;1rn·:-.t:-. 11f l><in<I l'Lo.t c·r f'rt•...to n ;1n<I llowartl T . Kals hec·k. bcJlh 11r Crnc rnn:a l 1 "Wt' v.ill f1k v..arr:inls an 1iw m11rn111g, liul 1f w.. apprc·h1·11d lhc·m rtr'il, w1· will c·crta1 nlv ('hargl' lht·m with t1 1·r1mc," Kt•i ly ""rl Monda y night Ke lly s a id K;1h h1·rk ;ind l'.n ·ston wt•n • fath1·r a nd son, but 1·11ulcl not <·xpl:11n why lht·y h,11f <ltff!·rc•nt l.Jst nanlt':-.. Hail Hits Plains States 1(>rnnt~ Touclies Down in Nebraska 'f 'p•pProt ur•--• Ho lo Pre A 1hu tfU• •I ' J..fOdftll{1 •• '•' AUAottt II fi~lt1•t1•1r• .. .. numnr1nnnt •I '" Ht.ti\# .. II htl\,UO "" .... "' htt1flll'h ·1v1ll1· ?t .. , Uulfnlft ... "' f ,,., ... ,, ••• , " " ( "'"'•ttnrt• M •• ·-( hH M~11 ""' ... 1•1 r,,,1nt1nn1•t1 ~· •• 1 01 r 1~.,.,..,,11, '" 41 [Joi f I Win ·~ '" u .. ,w,., •I •• 1)1 fn•tr.ou II 11h ... ,., .. ,,,,, .,, ,, II tt~lttn,. Ill .', I 1 IH •t11~lulu ~· II llnv\IOO "' lk lnd'AJ)Utt•, "' ;,. ltt( k \"'v1111 " .. , r'11n·, t itt "' /1 l A\"' 'l". "' 'oft ''"'" hn<• •.. , . I O'\ Aoo1 lu " '•'' I OU1,11llh ., ,, M f'tnp h 1\ ,,, "· M ojortu • •• ., M11*""''"' ''4 .. M pl\ \I p 'l'l •• N1nh¥tUlo 'f!J I;/ H,..., Orlr" «) ,. N•w Yor• M ,,, o"'" (lty ••·. n Qrn•lld " It Ort•noo 'fl II Pllll•<l'Pft•• 8\ .1 Pf'\Oer'U•, '1 ~, l'll•nd. 0.• II \• • Nono .... •• ll•t nmond . ~, "" ~t LOU•\ • q1 " St P ,.,.,,.... 'IO II '>•tt l ••p .. 1,11 ... .,..n cf1•QO ,, lJ !left Fr <tnt-t'M.O •• )J D-, .... o.tl.wy ......... ~ V •10d tt'I • '"""-t it '(flit f1"' t1r,1 h ,..,1 '1111u1 UUfWJlf t.tv '•JO'' m f .111 t11•hitn f Jt f'1 t1nn Y'lltJf (.•i(,)y Wtll f)tl tlftliwMf~ '.t1li1Ht1t'9 it1111 ?"'""·''I II V'Jll lhht)I 1t•\.,.,.,,,• 'l'JUI "nt)1 nv O um ull ht'lh1tt• t 1 t •f' ""'1 YOH' C001 wtll t .. t 0•1hv••h1tJ • c~,...,._.. M I ,.,~ (.4Jodw A't9M ...... ,,. ft -l .. 11t!l>f'fl'W"tf-..~t· , "' W"""tt h"' ...... ,. ·.,nC'4 ""'"' .. r.,. . .,.,_.,uo••h • • "' tf ". tl t, i '-"'•nit ,.,,,,, L.oun.11 I tit) tt•A N 1_.... ••MIM 01 .,, 1111 i.:.:; :J ',••ollh• ftH'1l ~· \1 ~ T rtn1dad w""'""'''°" •I() '"' Vtr•uu1 88 &I CAL.,OltNIA Utt•,,, ·.ht lft 8) 60 th\hOU , I\ .. ,......... q1 6\ , fft','Wt • 82 ~, Monltr"'V &-6; \1 N'"...-J'"'' 8• 6) Oa~l•M ll SJ ~(.f4ttm·nl~ fO Sl ,_.I~ ~ St "fhf"rm1tl 4'JO '6 01t·t \tOw 81 ~ fl•Q 9,.,Jt ~, J? Cal~hn.o 11 H r 1 C•ol•n q1 'Ill H'WQOCI Uur b-tnlr 1• \,I I • ArtOWfW'MI &4 )4 1 ong o._,,, 11 s• N"'•POr t n .. ath •• St N~n•l!lll'> II )7 OnlMtO /1 \l PAim Sprinq\ •l hi \an ll~tn•rll•,,.,. 87 61 • ~~n JO\f 19 )() !>AnlO llnA 14 \1 \4'nlit MMH• 66 • 46 !.1m1 n S4 To<rence l l St PAN AMEltlCAN llc .. pulto tt1 1' 00901• ., •• Cull•t •n •• ,,, .. _, 'Cl II Oueelel•ler• •• 61 H•v•n• M 17 Kl"9\lon 'O It Mont-Bey 116 /l Muet1at1 M 11 M .. ICO Ctll' 11 ,. M~rlO• Molll01r•1 N .. \<lu Tt9"<1 ... oe 10l II t1 .. M IJ ~ .. IJ.S. s .... r,, Tllu,,.r, "-ll, ••In •nd I°'"""°"' hot Ille Pllll"'· Wllll,. lhUf!Ckr\lorm' "'""-loci.y from ¥onl•n• lnlo parh 01 Wyoml"11. 11141 D•ko1 ... Nebruke end ICettw•. Tll.,• en r-h ot ,..11 trom WyOfrllftQ llllo Nebr~• -IC•n••• . wllll ... il\I~ •r-J lnthe\ 1n lllemeter 1•111"9 ,,.., Menk•to In norl"·(.entr•t K•n,A\ •nd •I M1n•I••• in 'IOUtt\-u:nl••• N•ll<•••• Three lou*""'• -•• tonl1tmed Mond•y, one ne•r SN!rldeft. Wyo , •t1d. et\Ol,_, l~I "°'111 Of Oov(llA\. Wyo. llle third IOU<.,.d -lt1 \he Nebr••••-""""~ Eerly mornlno te,,..,.r.tu"'' .. .,,. In Ille -,.Cn ._r Mith!-, Ill•" northern P«t ol 1-Mitll•11•n •nd In lllfl nortllern 8nd u t1lr•I ~oo le' . Tiie ..,.""''WA\ In '"" 10\ •nd '°' from 'he '6utl'ltrn ,..It OI tllfl Pl•ln• f<rO\\ ,.,. -r •"" mlddle Ml\ ~·1~',',~~· ."..~1:ro~: ~~··t~~o1~~: tCMO~I. Miid -I -•1"41r •H\ ••P«ll!d trom 1119 O.t.t l elL .. to 11141 Mlddte end-ff0f111 Allenllt Coe\I at•I•• encl trom l'" Dllltol•\ lllfOUOfl tit!!""''•' •M ....,_,, ltecllt.\ to'"" tOUlr..r" PlelH4i. Coot Mmller .. ..,_. .,.,. torPt•\I lor Mo,.tene •"d the northerr RoOIH -.,. ... , OI ,,,,. nettor wo tlt!!«ted to Ille motlly w•rm r. ........ .,,ft ... ~. deWf'I ··-''°"' • II' ltecll S...l"f', Wyo , to 1; lft K•y Wt \I, Fie., e "a Ir ••-viii., Tue~ C'alifornia A •AtmHUf ,,. .. ,..d ,,.oultt t1' •n•t flfP .. \-tnt 1...-n()t~r"tlltto\ IO '>i01•U11 ,,, f 0tlll'>r "• • on W"Jtn-.\OitY buf J;1tl• h,, H1w • lt.lu tJ\ .,,. pt1•<tu '""" ,,,, ft\, t '''''•11'1 ,., .. ...,, IM NdhOnttl iN• .. tn. • 'l• t4U .. ~V\ ''>unriv wtttf'f'Wr "'•f\ ,.,,. .. ,, .. 1t•1 .n l O\ A not It'"\ •"'"' ~d' ly 11•m n•nv f touch I rm °"'"tuff \ '"f'H.lld pe•• tn '"' muf fO\ '" .. t>••ftl fW\ ,.,,.. ··•oP<h"" "' <J•h~• mo ... tly f1t1r 0111 , roltow Jno ... "m . r ir)ud\ ,...., ly 0 1 tn .. r1Ay HIQP\\ '" lht •owiti"r )0., 6• u('f1t:'' t.1>•1 t'trr tor 1•1 ~•\t 01!\ert ~tft•,f•, W tll r)i'> _,,,, UI tt"4 \umm11r Y. with h1urt' ot ~J In 1n.~ n191 dt'tftrt ,.,,d 101 10 tf'\.t1 luw ~i,.rt Pt1t1 nv ••tttly '"°'''*no tow <.lolula. Ottu·+rw1~.1· l,11,-tr'ltnuQh WecJf'M•\dity w un \unnv w,,,mt>r n ... .,., '-,m.111 t utfl ndv1\t>f' v OvtH th.• ()11t11., *"'"'-.. from J•u1nt (.onu•pt.nn to 'nuth nt \,•n N 11old' t'lttnn f 1-.ttw h.,., .. 11qht v~dabl,. wind• W•'\h•rtv 10 •o HI •nol\ wnn nM-h1 lht .... toot Wlnrl •ttVf"\ 1·t1Qh\ 1n h•Qn 6lh. f)fl.•cfte,, m•d 10, 1nlftrld (<M\lttl lf'mper"tutr-._ will f ;,_'tnQ•• t)f-1-. .... n \I) t'tnd thft 6iO'\ lnf,.nd tftm~r,.hHfl\ wtll '""<I" brtlwt f"n ~6 end the 10\ 'l'M" ........ , ••ml)itf'AIUf,. will ba .:). .S1111, lffoo11, Tldr11 TUE\OAY ~<ond h>Qh • •1 p m . \ t WEDNESDAY ( tnl low I JI°" m 0 I flr\l lllQll 1 41 d m J I !.•<ond lo• 11 \Ip m 1 • ~tOndhlQh I 1)pm 60 ~un r 1-.n \ 0 • m • ..ef\ a 0111 m MOOflrl...,..711am .uf\J ~PIT\. S11rl Rr,,ori Foret•'' vetid lo lo•llllfll Suri A•tf'-llOllVfll 1n 1 .... 1 Mo I mutn htrlV"t tn •••1. Prrtuct tn MtOfl•\, Ave Mota Ptr lume 1 I 10 S.,,I• MO<Mt• J 10 Nt#pOrl H\lnllftQlon l 11 !oeft D1.,.. c_,, , • ., Swell Awr ... helglll In '"'· M••- lmum 111!19111 In '"' OirKllon_ lum• ~lefllllorlKe Newport H""llftOfon ,.,. D•eeo c_,, A .. Mu Dir I ) 'iW I 1 SW 1 SW ) SW O ulloo• for W•--t41•y Llllle <lleftte. ------- Crippled Tanker Home Tht: 600-foot t~nkcr E xxon Chester e nters Ho~lon harbor today after a collision Mon· d ;1y with tht· Ltb('rian freighter Regal Sword off Cape Cod. The JS <:rcw mem - be r s of the Rc~a l Sword were picked up by the lanker before· their ship went down. Carter: SALT OK Vital W /\Sii I NGTCJ N r /\II I I' rest t11•nl Cart1·r. making h 1'i ca~t· for t 111• Si\ LT II I l'P<1ly. urgue' the1l lb 1 •'Jt·c·t1on wuuld h·ave the l 'r11lt·d Stat1·..,· land 11<1:-.<·d m as ,,Ii·., 111cl11d1n g tht· MX . 11•11p:1rcl111 ·d hy g rflwing Sovwt -..11 :r ler11 ... trr·ngth I >pp•m1·nl.., :tr•· alri·adv argu Hlj! that th1· li\"ll('r 1.1.;1y tfl prfl t1·1 t th1· I.ind IM..,•·rt m1'i~rl1· r1irc·p ''lo 11·11·1•1 th1· tn·.it v A11tl that " J""' 11111· "xa mplt· 11f """ tht• tl1•1t.111 "'' Si\l.T II. :1 p .11'1 th1· ('rl'"1Cl1•n1 c·:1ll :i mat 11·1 11f 1·•11111111111 '''II"' . " lrk•·I\ I •1 1·110111 ... •· I It•· pu Iii 11· anti ,.,. rh.J JI' t tw ~· ·11.111 · ( ,\HTl·:n . ''' Ill~ s1w•·1·h ll• a 1111111 ..,. . ..,..,.,," 11r 1·1111i,!1i·..,.., :vr11n d.J.' 1111'111 1,..~·.111 tin· !'wnalt·" ~\I :r II d..!1.1 11· II\ a ...... 1·rt 111~ th1· Ir•·"' 11·\1:1 .,i·.., th1 · rr111rn•·ntum 111 lh•• So\'l..t .1rrn -. l1111lllup il1Jt 'r11 11•.1r.1111.., 1111111· "' lht· rt·as(.ln<t li lr• pr11g r:1111!, w1• hav1• pl:1rrr11'll tu 1a1p1.:o\l! 11u1 11t·lt-11:-1· .. '1111· ''' th11-..•· p1(11~ra11 .... " Iii•· \IX. ,1 "-:111 l11llr"n 1111'>-..I•· m11rt • p11\\ 1·1 f11 I .ind a1 ·i·ur;1l <· th1111 .111 \ I It Ill ~o II i ) V. I fl t IH' (' ~ a r sena l. More over , the M X would be m obile It could be shirte d around, perhaps in un t.lerground trenches, to foll a potential Soviet all<Jck. ..Without th<' SALT If hmrls , the Soviet t;n1on <"ould butld so m<iny w<Jrhc·<ids the1l any land· haM·cl syst1·m. rrxt·rt or mnbill', tould bt· JC-C1pard11l·tl," the pres1 · 1Jcnt '>a id. Hope •Eati1t!{ U1>'. l 'lii1 ia l'El\l:'\G 1Al11 Th" p~T IS a front (Or i\lk ~I ~1·Jt/.(•r 111kt·d eom ('(1t.1n Hoh 11 0111· ~·s h1 · \lo11und up an1Jth1·r da} of t1111r' through th1· Chanl'!'lt' I'll} <if I'd. Ill t.! llop•· \loh<i h:r:.. IH·•·n dropping 11fll' lrnt•rs ... rne1· hr· arrrvt:•d 111 l:qw' u tl·h·v1::,11111 ~Pl'l'tal hen· huughLa-Chrncs.c µnnt Munda> for rl'llow e11m1·tl1a n .1.!l'kll' (; l•·a son hl'fnn· p11rd1;1:-..1ng l1r1•ad and trnl ll·r f•1r ;_1 quwt m<·a I tn h1 .., hott·I -------- TR•:ATV C RITICS h <tv<' <• s imple answer Ln C<irtcr. Th1·v s ay lhe United Stales, withmi1 the treaty. could hurld deco\ missile silos fo:.ter unrt for le'~ mont~Y than thl' Sov1t•l.s could ell-ploy addit ional warhead ~ <1 1m ed <1l the salos . Cart<'r ~<Jtrt that when he ranal ly dec1dt•s how to cl<:plo}' th• MX. 1l writ h•· an :.. ··verrfrablo mobile dcplm ml·nt :-.y•Hem · · C ritic!-> lrk1· Pa ul 'l,1t7.•' anw1 that the tn·aty in foc·t prnh1b11 I he dC'ph1} mt·nt m ·th1Ki fa von·<l hy tht· Air l'on·1· 1n wh1t·h " m1:-.::.11t· v..ould ..,h111L11· around ,, t.!rtd or ·..,110-. \lo llh th•· Sl1v1H m·"1·r -.1111· v. hwh 11n1· the m1s-,1l• ....... , 1n :'lo/ITZI-. ("l ./\l~S 1h1.., ~r>Ultl \ 1111,111· 1 r1·:.i1 .' vrnn 1h 1111111 a i.:a1n1'l e1m:-.ln11·t1ni.: a1Jd1t1<m.d l.1unc·h1·r' .ind. rlt'lrlll'r:1t1· ('On ('t•almPnt Lo 1rnp1·tl1· v•·rr frc·,1t11m th<.il tht· tri·:•t.' ·.., h11 1n~ <1 rlh1·n·1! t11 Thi· Sii\ll'l'i -..1\ tht·v ha\•· Y"I 111 ... 1.,. a m11 t11 l1• tlf'plo." n11·11l n\tHI•· th''' .... 1111111 f1n1I Vl'rrfrahl• Theonly - service to Denver from Orange Count}' Hughes Airwest. Ahd 30% off coach when you buy your tlcket 7 days w advance, slay over dt least one Saturday rug ht, but lf>.longer thdll 30 days. Leave Orange CoWlty 8:55a.m. 4:30p.m. Leave Denver 7:03a.m. 3:50p.m. Arrive Denver 1: 10 p.m. one-stop 8:46 p.m . one-stop Arrive Orange County 9:24 a. m. one-stop 6fJ7 p.m . one-stop Just call a Trave1 Agent, your Corporate Travel Arranger, or Hughes Airwest at (714) 540-2060. ) I _Schedules effectwc July I ... , .., • , Orange Coast i \'our llometown ~ ltall,· ~c·wspaper . i I 1 I I I I I 1'J ORANGE COUNTY. CALI FOR NIA TUESDAY. JUNE 19, 1979 c TEN CENTS Route 55 Alternatives 'Surprising' .th Ji\t'Klt. ti\ MA' ()f UW O .. tty fll!Uat \t•tt Thm -.clu~ ni.:hl ·mm .. th 11ni.1,· l "ou11 t n ·:-1rlt·11t-. .... 111 i.!t•l ,, 'h't' k '1'hey wtll hr 1u1wn.-thr 111 \I' rt•>; It-ti 1wi1ph· "h11 ,1111 .... 1111 f111 .1 puhlte ""' k'h"I' 1111 tlw H1111t• ~5 Tran'l"•rt.1111111 "11111• "h11 h \'o Ill ht')p !11•h I 111111• llw fll \1111 111 ~,·wpnrt lln11l1•\ .11 ii 111 ( '"t 1 !\11•,a l'ht• 7 '.10 p Ill lllt I 1111~ Ill 1111 S.rn I h,•i.111 ~ 111 1•1111 11 l{, ... rn ,,, tht· South C 11.1,1 l'l,11<1 Jl11t.-I 11111. ,\ n t'l.lO Bh ti 111 < 11· t •• '\I 1" .. 1 1 Ont• or J '' I II ' .111111•tl .1 t 111\ 11 Ill~ tlll' p11hl11 '\II'"' ... llUt Ol<ll\\ flll'llllH I • t1I fl11• publi c v.tll lw -.111p11 ·.P1I ''""' 11f t lw111 u11pl1·a -..111t h v. h1·11 r:1l'f1att' l•ff1r111h ,.,,.i..111 lh• .ol 11' I 11.1t 1" ' I h ·" .• I I IH 111; ... 111dw1I ..... 1111 111 th11' .il11·111.1ll\1 "' \011\1• •lllllllg .1 '"·1th" ......... trtl 11f 'l'\\JU•l t l!11111f \ II ti 1tt1lll 111 II.I\ '-Ht'l'I th.it \'o 1111ltl t.1k•· t1lll 0 11n11• h11l1'''' .11111 ''"' il•I\ ·' I I .1111•1 p.11 k .1 II I I • I• ' ('11• t.1 \J 1•,,I ' tJl1\\ 1tl11\\ fl I I dt \I lop llll'lll .11 1·.1 111111r .tl1t>111,1t1\•'' ""uld turn ll•tll fJtl~ VhOIQ b., ..... 1,1t,'i, 0 l>&H"r U B arh.ir;1 \\ ,11H!"'' 111 11'1111• 111g!> p: .... 1 w1t· 111 ''' n c•\e,, ~•J!n~ t•ri·1·ti-d :\l1111cl.1 \. .dung '.\1·v.rH1rt H(•:1c·h-. H;u·k H.1\ ()ri\ 1• \.\1g 11" ".1111 111111111 "'" to h111k out tor l.1ghtf11ol 1·d < l.qi1wr l<.111 .111 1•11cl :1111~1·n·d '>pt·c·w.., ol 111111 tlt;tl 1!;1111-:, 0111 111 1111 l 11p11 '\1·v.p111I ILi\ \\ddlil •· l'n ·..,1·1\1· ...,,., 1 r :II 111 1h1 1111 d ll:t\1•11 t 11, 1·d up lo tht·11 nanw ;,111d 1h11-. ll;t\t 11 I li\1•1l :t1 11·r· ;1 t11 •rnpi1ng l11 C"r11:-.' tlw ro;1d\\.t \ "" 111111 I !11 p111111ptt d · 1.111· Ut·p:1rtrn1·111 111 I· t!>lt 111d (1 .Jllll' 111 I J f't 'I 1111· ·l)..11 ·" ·' l'(J:-Ot ,,, ;J IJ(1Ul .;JOI) Mesa Asks Review Of· Fair Master Plan C'n'>l.1 \11• ,, ( '11 \ I '0111w1I rrwm twr" \olt'd 1111,11 1111 .. 11·.h \1111111.1\ 111 fot 111.ilh ;uh 1•.1 lh1· Ot ,111g1· < 'nu111' f.11 r H11o11 ti tu 'ltlir1111 11· m:i._tt."r plan ht 1 11 \ 11·q1·w <i111l to -,1·•·k 1·11' :1ppr 11\ .ti 11f ,, 'ul1 cit\ 1:-11111 lwfort· v.111 k lws:1n., 1111 ,, l•rtllHl'-l'd H,1100 l'>l':tl I :111 gn1u111b ;1 fll pl11 ltw:tI1' I Although tl1t· l:111 1:roun1h "lh '11n·1·t Iv :ll'r"'' ttu· "'' t·1·t frnrn L'tl \ Hall a1icl ..., '-t1 rrountl1·cl h\ Co~l a M1·:-a , fa11 cl111•1·1o r:-hav1• ht•lcJ that 11 1:-.,, ate· 111 01H·rt v a11cl not ~uti11·1·I tu t·t\) pl;111111ng 111 11 l't:d u rl':-. Plan:, a n · uml1•r wa \ for :i mil jor re v:1m1111H' o f tin: f <i 1r ,::round:-. l111·l11dt•d .., lhl' ••rn ph1lhl•a l4'r, v.ltll'lt w1111 ltl h t• built "•"etlh•"r p a t \' h y I a t l' II I g h t through m id morning low l'loudme~!.. olhe rw1s t• fair through Wednesday I.o w!. t onight 55 lo 60 lli ~h ~ WcdrlCl)duy 1n h1J,th 7~ INSIDE TODA" It's eene, thr cn11c reporl.~ A c t or RotJe rt Sa c ct11 re-creoles llumphrey Bogart almost per}eclly. See story and photos on Page A9 ..... x At Y .. r Senl<e Alt lrM•~• CJ L. M e oyf A6 ....... " ., .. C•lllertoi• AS c...... cs ClntlllM C6 U c-ru C• Cr"'_. CA O.eNI Netk" Af ...... 14 .. _ ... llltwtall9Mllt51·1 ........... CH ..__.,. () '"'"""".... ..I """"•"'"" Cl Nllll•" MMll-11• •• M•••.. e 1 I M•IOl f-s '' N•ll..,•IN,,_ A4 ou,...c-• u I C..I '•• Cl '-" •1 • Sl1td M•rtltts .. Tetnhllll ., f11Hl•n e11 " .. _, .. Wertf NOW\ A4 "' ,, 1·0111 r.wt11r .inti 11p1·r.1t11r \\ h11 1A>mrld lt.1\1 ,1 111 \•.tr I•,,.•· 1111 t 111· 111 11111•1 l \ .1111111 11111' I• 111 l11r 111.1ltOll llflt\ Hlt•tl to 1111• I ••1111 1·tl Wt• 11• nut g11rn1: \11 Jtl"I ti 1d I\ II\ anti w:st1·h I ht·m tlwt;1t 1-. ,,1 1d ('1111111·rl111.111 1111111 IL1l'llt 'II IN(' lt;1\1· lo go 111 1·ourt l1•t" d t1 ll l 'rasli Victirn ldentif"ied as NB Teaclier Boh llailcy, Newport llarbor ll1gh Sc·hool biology le:Jchcr , re maincd 1n serious c·ond1t1o n at II oa"' M c m o raa I Hospital 1n N<·wport Bcat'h today <i~ poltce l'Ontinued lo Sl·ck lhl' hit and·run rlnver who rraclured both ht~ ll•gs early Saturday lla1lt'y, 43, of Cos ta Mcse1. who rl'nntly rl's igne d a :-. h e.id tnu·k c·oaC'h al Newport Harbor Hti;!h artPr 16 year s. was pinned hc lwcen a car and a tru<:k near the 1nlH s cclion of O run~t· /\venue and 16th Street. llis wi fe. Dorene, 42. who sur fc rcd a knee injury in the acc1 dent, s aid Hailey Is e xpcclc.-d lo be hospitaiized for al least three more weeks . "He is experiencing feeling In his a nkles and toes." said Mrl> Hailey. "And that is considered nearly a miracle by the doctors. <'OnRiderln~ the injuries." Poli<'e s aid today they a re con tinulnJ( lo tulk with wiln<'sse:. who m1"'hl be able lo identify the driver of the car The Haileys were towin~ their car w1lh a rope ultached to their pickup truck at about I 45 u.m Sa turday wh e n th e rope s napped, police siud. • I\····" hl111)., 111 ')1 ""~~·· l\\l'nU{' 11111 1 .1 111.IJl•I lh1Jr11111-:ltl,1 rt· Ont' "II' II 11p111111 "''>tlld r 1•q 111 n · th•• t•-.1111111 d""'" "' • 1.11 ..:•· numlw r 111 h1111 ....... ""' h ol1 1 It• I'' "I"' ,ti, .11 I'll I r 1 .dh 111 v. 11111 1 l.111· f " Hout•· 'I II I\' l1t I II II li 11d111 '" llllll' llt.11 .1 1111 "' 11111111•· .11· .. Ill/ l1111g1·1 """"' ,, v.111t th1 '" 1.111~ I 11111 11th p11hl11 \.\Ill k'ltllJI" II • 111.111'111 ltf ,1 p.11 I nl 1111' pr111 , •11 cit ;1" ing up .111 1•nviron 1111·111..t 1111p.11•t t.11t·m •·nt 1 EIS1 11•11 df••1111tt\t ' .111• 111•111~" ln11lo.1 ti ,II .dtlt•1111•1t <'.olT1 .111~ pl<•nrwr~ -.tn·'>:-. that addtlll>n~I .tllt•rnat 1vt·~ ;in• 111 1~-.thl•· ,\ 1r qu;ol1 t \' 1lfJl'>I', hflu .... n g t 11 rn m ,. r c· 1 a I 1 m 1T;1 1· l .1 n ti "''11non111• an.ti '1w1:il impart ar~ .11111101.! tlt1· t11p11· ... t11 Ito tl t'>('U'>'t·rl 111 1111• El~ 1\ p11l11·v :11h '"" ~ 1·1111irn1tt1·1• 11r lcw:.il puhlll' ofr11 t:.1h <1011 o1 lt·i·hnu·;ri all\ 1•,11n 1·ornn111t1·1· of .. 1.ifl 1111·111h1·r " f111111 1111 .ii 1•<1\ •·rn1nt•11t-. .111• p1•1\1d1111 ,111111• 111 for01.1t1on JIHI 1f1r1•t•l111n r<1r lh• '""b n111 111 11·h1 r11.111 111d1\ 1t111.r1 t tll/l'l\'o I ,tl..,1 ,1111i•ht .old f1rll) •·t•I mmw1.wr ( 'ourlla11<1t Burrell .Jr ,, ('alTran~ "<'nwr pl<inm·r \\'11111· :-.orn1· p1·11plr· 1n<1y ~1·1· t II•· '>ludy a.'> JU!il anulJ1cr ex r·ri·1•w m pafwr 'hufrlini.:. f!urr•·ll ,._ ('1)11\'lflf'l •d 11 1-.11 I '><t T h<· f;wt of !111· rn;1U1 ·r .-. th,1t \l'I) ltllll l1m1· 1. w;1 .tf'rl h ' ho1\ lllJ~ tht'. •,1 u1f\ Hurri•ll -.u11I Wl· m11'>t h:rv•· .111 .1pr1111\1•1! E l~ lwf1111· dn:.th1nc • ,111 IH <·•111 l t llt'lt•tl 1\fl llll'l I °'"w' th1· t-:1s v.rll :•"" takt· 111 l•• ,111•1,111ll huv. lht ,1lh·rncill\l''> •·•11tld 1 ... f1 11;1n1 •·ti IWrr•·ll .. 1111 ho hi Ill•\•" II \lo Ill r(• 11tl 11. ,, I 111;,11 rhi,110~1t r1111 111 lh1utc 55, one ~ .1 \ u r anotht·r M t' t1 n w h 1 I ,. h t· n '' l t· d . Ca lT rnn:. tl> procl'<1di1u.:. wrlh 1m· pr11v1•m1•nts on thP <'Xl'>lin~ road t11 h1·lp 1·;1:-.1· I r:.iHtt· rlti\\ Ill tlll' 111 11·11111 Th1·._,. pr1111·1·h "'h11'h twg111 in ~··pt 1 ·mtll'r anti ~h1111ld lw 1·•1n1 p l1·l1·1I IJ\ Ol'l11lll'I l~Xfl 1nl'luoh: p11'-olll\J! ;111\ ,1n1··· ·,tri·c·I '1)!11~ ;.11 't'\ 1·11 1nlt·r,et·l1011·. 1111p1II\111~~ ,11.:n .tl lt~hh and ..itltl1111• lurn l,.Hll'" ,11 M'\l'f.ol lllfl'I ,1•1 ltlJll' .. 111t 1·1111111111.1• 11 1 ~ t lw -.1g nal 1 ~1·1· (·\I .TH\ '1~. l'a f.{1· l\:!l Saudis Issue Warning Sheik Says Oil Shortage Will Worsen l 11'1111'\ •\I'• ...,,111cl1 ,\ra ·1,1:111 I >ti \1 1111'-l••t ~ l11'1k i\hnll'd \ ,1111 ,1111 -,,11d Ind I \ llt,11 Ill flt1 111•'1.I Ill \1·a1 1twr• m.1. ti• \1·l••P ·' \.\ II I I ti .. I I I • I ., I • II ( " ' t I 111.t )!til'llllt II \\ tll 111.1k1 · I Ill rt•lll p1'11ftl1 Ill' '.1•1'111 ltkr• I fl,t•f I pa'> .... 111! t•\ I 111 Ill f 11 \ t.tl 1'1111~1 q 111•111·1· l r11·\•·1 .... 1ltl1· ph)·11·al •l11111r.1Jh "' .11p1.i1 .. • 1f1 :1\ t.1k•· pl:11·1· ,1 <, 1':11 I\ .1' t'li<X ' ht• t11lrJ I h1• l!rtl I ti :0-:hq 111•r ' I '111111• ii I llftf t'll'lll 1 I '\ t•fl I! llt \.\ •>t i It• l'I \ , • ., 111 ,, 111111'11 .. I'• 1111111111 11.11111' d \l'oll .11•· .idtle•tl , .111d I'\ I'll If oj1•f1i,l1ld l'J II\\ .1f ol f .1f 1 Li.~ . .Ea~t~ n.' ,. Rt.l>Fl<l('li S ('llOE:vll.lll. 01 '" .. O.t1ly Poot St.,etl l· .. 1:-.11111 11f ... 1.11 ... 111d k<l•·r.11 p ,, I I ll I I "II ' I ,, II !I ;1 I " ., p:11 I w11l;11 h 11111"· g11\ 1·1 111111.! :11r 1111.tltl\ V.••f t 1111•1·1! \11>11tl:t\ I•\ .111 11111· ""'·•·11 • 111•1 ;{\ a11tl111t 1 t\ .t., 011•· ...,,,\ 111 'ulvrng lh1· \ 1·1' r1-.ol ··n··r I'' ,h11rt.11•1· !;11•1111: th•· l 11111·d ........... . 111 l•tl111 .I .\l 1 h •·I l ;, ,, 1 111\ ··r· ,,, 111 , ,.,,, ,,,.,f, ... 11r o111rl 11111111 ·1 • lt;111 r11 :111 11r llw "lia 111111,tf f•,111•1 L:\ l'11l tt'\ ( 0tlllllflll •• ,. 1 l.1111wll llt1· 1111 r1·nl t-n•·rg' h11 rl.q•1· ,., d 1r1·1·1(, ,. .. 1:1t•·d to 11'101 .. 11111111111 '1111111·11·' trl'.111111 ••ti h\ "'alt• anti f1·d1·1 :ti g11v1•1 11 1111•111 \1 d\••tt.1 1;:1 .illclrt·"''" r1 · 1111rl •·l'> .11th•· f·lu11r ('11rp h1·a<1 q11.t1t1·1•. Ill 11\llll' lt1•f11r•· 'lll'.11..111~· to 11111111:111\ 1•111pl11\.1·•· .11 .111 1•\1•111111: p1111•1 a111 II•· .1• 111..,.•rl tit• 111 •·dr.1' 11f 1•1 111t 11t.11t1ng ••• lhr· 1 n•·rg\ prttll 11·111 II\ .up11111t11111 '11 ll'I pollu 111111-.1.11111:11 1"111 c·1ltt11n ;d, \!11\•·tl.1 lutlli• 1 a•,.,1·1l 1·rl llt.11 11111111• 1111111 11f 11111·•· 1·1111lrol' on t!11fl1t''l1t ,Ill\ Ill 11cJt111•d C'rtllll' 1111 '111 11.oll\ -,1np111 d .di rl<irn•·•,111 ,.,..,.111r:it111r1 .111cl .1ll11v.•'Cl 1111· (11 j!.11111,1111111 ul l't l rt1l•·t1111 .. :,. p11r11nJ,! ('1111 nt111·.., t <l l'E<'> l11 J!:11n t'onlrol r1f 11t 1· \lo t11 ltl 1111 mat kc•t "Whal wr• v.:1111 1•, mori• 11( 11ur (JY. n Wt· art· ~1lf 1111• •111 ',,.,, q11.111 lilt\''> of l'rlt'll\V lltll t·11;tl fl• ., 1· r ,. (' s m :1 ·' b •· 1· q u ,, l I •• Hu:-.'-l a '-; O ri fn1111 o,h alt• ;ip pr 11;ll'ht·~ that 111 I It•· S a1 i't11 ... · M<·K1•tta saul C 1l 1ni.: 1·<1al a ... an \'Xam pl•-. howt•vt•r , Mt·Kl'll :1 ~;11rl ")ou C'an mint· it"' and "1in1·1· you m int~ 1t, you tan 't hurn 11 " · Coal burmni:: 1-. '' rn·t ly n ·g ulatcd dut• lo 11.•. 'u lphur 1·on ll•fll, hut :-.I antlarcb n ·gulal1ng CS1•1• 1-: E K(;\', l'a~1· i\ll 111 llftl\ " 1 p•'I t'l'lll 1111111 l'/'-1 .JI d .' p•·1 1•·111 f111111 ltw11 1111111 tit•· \ 1-.11 ~M~I I It•• :-..111d1 I ti '111111 .... , rl 11l "''' 1111•· t11ll f1 ·1u11I 111,ol lt1 t11111 ff\ \lo111tlfl 1111 I I ,1 I Ill Jlll1tf111 ltt1f f1\ 11111· 1111111•111 lo.1111 I ,, d.1 '•• 1111111111 I :11 ol 11 11111 t,tll 11• t111uliltd 11 .111 lltil It• r•p .. o11d \.\.Jl'llHIJ,!'> llo,1l tlt1 \\, ,I 11 111,It111 11111 .... 11 r1111tt1111 • I ht .1111 1111111 "I\. \l 1d1ll1 I I I l'l'I Jllllffl ll "tfl \I'\ flp1o1l1•d l ) ii _:.,,1111f I ,\I ;till.! ,11111111 I I It' 11111 ,t 11111d1·r at• .,1 t Ill' /1 1 .ol1 "" 111" d111·1 '" 1111, tir t11 I"''" d 111 I~ .. , ' f)' p • "11 1. 1 1 1 • '" 1 • 111 p 11 r , , r 1 l \ 111 , 1 111n•t1 I I •t f ,t'/11 q1f>ol ..,IJr \I o ollrl .... I 1.f1 \r .111, I \\I tV.,111111~ th1• t1 It 111 11( Iii• ( 11 .till/ 1111111 11f I'• l1 •1h 11111 I ,,, .. 11111, < •1u11t11• ltl• t "'. ,, t , ... , • flt• • \,\t•f ~ ... 11111• t11k11i. ,, , l•lt1tllJ1 lr11tr 11111 p11!11 \ ,,, .••• , 1111 p.11111 111 1)1 '''"I 111,11 Y.1•1 111 l<•tl!t i d :tfl l lllif llll,'.tj•l lf I llflll • 'I· I""' 11 •·ll ,t1:.J '"' tlu 111 11 It I I '' I ' •I "I I •I \ I ' I 1 \.1 111.1111 ttil I I• .1;" "' 'I 11 1 ..... 111d1 \,,!Ill I 1111 ~. \ It.>. I ''''• 1·• 1d 1l r J ' ,,, ''·"'V ~tot '.t .. H l'l't'JlfJ THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE FOR GASOLINE PRICING In Costa M esa. Double Takes Before Doubling Amount Look Again Hal.f-ga //,,,, I' rice~ l'''·"'/f!t/ lh "i'l'l.1'111.'-'1 \Rttl.I. O• "''" CJ .. ,,. J.'tlOI ""'" l',tl l".11tl11111t •,I\'-It•· 111\1 , 111 \\,1t1 h lh• I \lll t' 'lo ll 1111 h1 1·11,1111111•1 l,11 I'" "'lw11 lh1 ·\ fll I 1•1111 111l c1 ht ,\ ·,,.,l,1 \lo ,, ··r \ 11·1•<,l.lfllllh '111\'I"~ Ul'.('\I :--• Ill•· patron ., ,,1 f1r't i.:l.11111 .11• gr1·1·1t ·rl \\llh 11111 ·1•-. tl11•\ lo,1\•·11 I ,,.,.II in .• "'1111• l<1·g11l.11 J!OI', f11r t7 1·1·11h pl 1·111111111 r111 :11J .ind 1111 le·,11l1 ·d f111 .1 11•,1 -.1111 :il1li·~ol l'1•11pk \\tll 1••·1 1•\1•1l1•d for :1•,1•1•1111d111 f\.\1111111tl tit••\ 11· .il11<· 1h:1t ' th1• pr11•1· 1111 lt all .1 gallon ot ga:-, t·xpl:.11 .... Fauh111n . wlt11-.1• Slll'll .,1:1111111 ;it llOI W Hal\1·r h t '" 11111 •II lllt' f1r°'t :rl1111 1t 1111' ()1 :ing•• ('11:1<,I lo '"1t1•h l111half 1'1'1•'1111' F.111h11ln ~a\" 1111' ,.,.,...,.,11 f111 1111· h;olf J!<il l11~ prw1•-,, wttwlt lort•t· 1·11:-.1111111·r-, 111 11·0,f 11ul lh•·1r 111:ll h1·111.11w.d -.k ill" "' doing a ltttl•· m 11lt1pl11•;il 11111 , '" tw <·;111M' 1h11 d1a h 11n mu"t pump}. won't i;how dollar or 1111ir1• prtt •' lal!:-. for g;i .. t\( '('OK IUN(, TO M a111wl {;onza 11·' .1 rlcput \ f111 th•· 1·11u111y·:-. W1•1ght:-. anti M 1·:1:-.tir1·~ 1>1' ,.,um. i.tat1on 11w111'1-. 1·a n 11:-1 h a lf i.::.1 11111 prt<·t·' 11nl~ 1£ thl·~ t·;111 rirnv1· lh1·\ ,.,. 111 cl1·11•1I .1 t •llH l·r,11111 kit to -,1•11 g11' hy lll1•r' or rwv. 1!1;11-. t11 cS1•1• St-;('0"1/U LOOK , l'ai!t' t\2• Teachers Pact Heard 42 Percent Pay Increase Proposed T h<' union r c1·cntly t•h•ctctl to rc•prcscnt d.Js tril'l lt•a chl'fh µn· scnlc d Ncwp<>rt M<•s a ~··hool of rit'ials w1lh u proj>0!.cd contract Mon duy wh i c· h orri <· 1 a ls s 11y could give some tc:achcrs '12 pt:r· t•c nt· iialury incre ase!'\ The contr:ll'I wus rircscnt<.'fl al a 11pccial ~chnol IH1ard ml'l'ltnJt , It will bt• lht• :-11hJ1'<'I 11f 11 publtt· ht•artnl( al u .111111• :!fi l1<1.1rtl mcf't 1ng Th<' actuul s :ilar} tnc rcuM' n · q~~ted wai, 14 11t•rcenl. accord IO I( to 0H1<·1t1b or lhc Nt'Wporl Meba Ft•<il'rutt0n or TNH'ht•rs, .1n A 1-'L·CIO afflll all' clct·t t•rl lui,t month a., Lht· ~olt• Im rga111111g agent for dis tric·t tc :wher:-. llowl•ver. llw t•ontr:wt a lso 1·alls for ull'rcasc d s al&Jry step~ Tht•s t· arc a utomaLH· n.11 sc:-. re ('l>1vcd by teac her:-. who have worked for the district ror a ccr ta in specified number of yeur!> .. Rctuusc our tcuching ~luff has so murh senionty mon · than half JI lhl· top of lht..• i,alary ,chcduh .. • th1..• addltthn of all these sttipi. mNmi. that ma ny many more ll'Ut'hcrs arc goln~ to rece1vt' thet-t• t(iganltc •u1lury inc reases." s aid Jcun lla rmon. tht' distr1l'l 's C'hief nol(olialm Mrs llarm nn :,aid dt:-lrtrl or fu•1ab haven I f1 g11n·d out whul the· t·onlra<'I t>ropo~al wc111ld c•ost lht•m. 1n par~ bct·ausc 1t 1s writ lt'n in broad t >rms Shl' !iatd a t • least 500 of the d1:-. trtrt ':-< 1,000 Ct•ac hcri, arc a t lht 101> of tht• <'urhmt salary !>Cale fhal lop f~urc of $23,020 not countin~ additional pay ror afler sct1ool aN1v1l1c:;, hCl'VIOfit a:, d epartme nt r hmrmcn or huvtn~ J d octo rate would rise lo S29-,9i:l un<k!r th<> NMf'T pru imsal. Mr~ llarrnon :said The lowes t pay level. for a ll'actlt>r w1Lh no c xpc r1cnc£•, <See PAV. Paite 1\21 ljolll If l'.IJllllff ti 1111 \I ,Ill\ llllll' tlllt• 1111 I 1111 lllllt I I 111 IJ,11 f I It,·, r • 11n '11111 p I It II I " I . I 'I II • "h It th,11 tl•ll"fl I h.1p1w11 11 1 111 II 1·1 1111 ..,,1t1dt \ ~ ,,t11 I I" l.1\ .11 t Ito 1111 t 111 pl 111!1,• l .1111 • 1 111111! nl w lllllllt•I Ii 1111 I"> ,1 d I• \\ • 1mt v. 1111 r11 1,. 11 • lul Ii· .11tl \ 01fll,1lfl ,lfrl Ill II It\ flt l I flol tJI lh• 1• 1.111r\ "'' "'' 1i .. r11 di ·.-:1· 1 1~• I '• 111 I• 11111:11111 !111 111 ,, I 1\ 111" 111• "'' I' 111 •1 I '"'. "' liJ 111 rit tJ 111.! 1 t "f \• .,_,, ,, x . 'I • , ,., I .. ., \ J ,., * • I\\ 1111' \"Ill I :JI I'll I' 11 "' 1111 .I 111 ''"" V 1 l1111 1,o!. .111d , , ' 111 I ft(I •• , ( 11111111 1 •••• 11111· •• of 11.tl,t\ '" • tll 11111 ' ·'' I• I I• II'" I• 11 .. it•!o1 \\ '" I I ·'I •II 'I l't I" \\tit• p1 11t1 'ltt l 1111ol1·r h•1I tfllf I 111 I dt I!\ I If ,lftd SFNATf' DC:BA Tl:. GET A HUHS?: -8 '> t ,, Jl'itfl' fl .... ttl dt•• I t ' I .. ·~ t1ll1t I I• 11 .111 ti ·' I fl if I 11, II I: " 111 ' 11 • .1 I ii I ""f I ' ii .. • I t 't I~· I 11 11•·"' i! .111111,,~·· l'•·;·J-" 'h d 1111 \ '1 ti H ,, j >\.tl I ht lt1 ~··~I • I .11:1:1, •. 1 ~~ r .111 d1 .11.I \\I 11.1111 "'l 11 I I ii .I I I I I \111 I 111 I Ito 11• • ,11 I t I 1 t I ··' 11 •\ I 1 I • I. "" I•. I \\If h 1.. • .... 1111 ,,. Y.t•r1 · .o1 ... 1111:11111111• .I IUHlh.. • •• , \" t I .11 tOft ti..\,., I llt,11 fltt' ffll 111tf I 111-.1 llf' llltl 'I I •llllll 111 p1 1111· t 11 il•·1 .tl 11111 1111 1111111 11'~ lhe•\ ,,I\ ,111 • '111"1'/ 1111' lh1l1i11llf fll .1d1 11 llf lt \111)' '1•\\ \ 111 k I;.,\ ll 11~·h ( ';or1•\ "" ,\lt111rl.t\ 1 ... V.1t11 lrl 111·1~111 11rftf t'\1'11 J.:.1-.1111111' I :ol t11111nl-: Ill '•'\' \ 111 I.. ('11\ .11111 11-. ... ut.urti ... o1 11111lr111-:h1 Tl11ir,1l:t'v .ind '\1·t,.1; 1.•r-,1'' (;I\\ Hr•·r11l:in lhrn1· ~:11 d II•· \\11t1ld <In llll· ";111(1· 111 h1:- 1 :t i,. Th111 ..,da,\ N1•v. .lr•f'"'\ 1111.!lt\\:t\' 11ff11·1al'> ;ilrt·<1cly had h1•i!llll lh1• .,\.,11•111 l111l:n· 1111 a ma 111 r .1rl1·n: 11t1· (;,1rd1·11 Stall' l'ark\\:t\ Off11•tab ;ols o ul:innl·d lo <;I art 1 .11 111111111! T h111",d:t,\ 111 north<'rn \ 1rJ,!1111 a. ,\1arvlantl and th1· 1>1~ 1 1 it· t 11 f C ,; I u m h 1 .1 u n I(·.,., 1Ht·:1.,11rl·~ 11r .. 1:11.:..wnng ~a~ ~la 111111' hour~ and m in11num ~ah·:­ pr11' t•tll'ff1•1•lt\ I' I 11 t '11n 11t·1·l 11'ltl {:cl\ Ell.1 1:1.1 •'11 1111'1 \\It h ll'J.!1:-.l:Jll\'1' l•·,1d1·r' 11111:1\ 111 tl "l'U"" lwr pl.111' for ,1 ral 111111111.! ") :-.ll'm f' l11rt<l.1 1.t f11·1 .ii ~ r1·;ul11·rl , 1111·1 111'111'\ nw;1:-.11r1· .. :-.11l'h ;i, .1 h.111 1111 "t1111111111: 11rr· nr ta11k' Ill ,II l'.I ~ \\ hl'rl' l'>\l flflllt'" \'o ('rt• '''i_l l('•' ALl'UHULICS t;E1' ~PECIAL HELP An uneonvcntional h osp1tar wurd al Soulh Coast Mcrhrt1I Ct•nlt'r in Smith Lai.:una hl'fp:-. alrohollC's on th1• t11uJ.!h ruud l<• r t'l'(l\lt•rv 1'1•1•1111' und !.cn1or <·•ti7.f'ns an· among lhl' mo~I frt·qu(•nt 1.w t lt'Ols ;.11 lh<• rac iltt,y , whore lht-~tuff lrici. to µrovid<' tht> extn care lhu) need.. /\ ~tor)' and pho101. o r the care un1l npJX•nrs todity on Paj(t' C5 \ AZ twl y PILOT c T UHOIY Junw 19, 1~ • 1 ~ MAP UGlNO -histing Freew1y ••••• Adopted Alignment < >nuo Alternate Connection (Alignment not adopted) • + + Propo sed Downtown One -Way Couplet f'r.ta P_,,e A I CALTRANS PLAN. • • lights from Bristol S treet to 15th Street The signals will be rnatcbed with the signals on other major ('lly r oads, including Harbor Boulevard 1tnd fa1tvie w Road The s ignal lights not on Newport Boulevard will be synchroruzed by Costa Mesa . ll <'rc. in brit!f, it re the 10 alte rnatives CalTrnns is study 1ng for the long.term dis position o f Route 5:> t o t he northe rn Newport Buch city limit (thefe 1s no proposal to go further l>OUlh ) I l 0<> nothm~ ~ l M8k e soml· a dditio nal operational improvem e nts. such as m ore turn lanes and safety hghtini:? . "31 Wtd<'n~ft Boulevard hy on•· lam· tn each dirf'ctioo, us 1n~. freeway nght·of.way north of Ml'Sa Drivf' and climinatinf! parking through the downtown art· a Southbound traffic would use exis ting Newport Boulevard throup downtown. NortbbowMI tra ffic would veer off at 16th Str eet onlo O range Avenue, which wo uld becom e a five-lane, one .way road. Northbound traf. fl~ would r e join N ewport Boulevard at Bay Street . The e!Jtlmated right of way cor;t is $5.:> million. Construction (.'Osts, COf\bervatively, wouJd be 14 .2 million. 5) O range Avenue bypasi; This a lte rna tive would have· 1·vt'n mor" dras tic e ffects on n·:-.1dents along O r ange Avenue . Nt.•wport Boulevard In the do wntown an·a would cease to be a maJor tho r o ughfare . Ins tead, the alignm ent would ~ve £utwncr at Baf Street and all eight lanes would lr1tvc l on a widened Orange Ave nue lo 16th Street Right of way costs would be at l('<.i!>t $12 9 m1ll1on and construc- tion at least $5.2 m illion. L 1- AAAOWS, CIRCLES AND DOTS -THIS IS WHAT HIGHWAY PLANNERS WILL BE TALKING ABOUT THURSDAY They Would Uk• to Hear From You, Tuo, Ourtng PubHc Se1'9ioft-at-Sovth-eo.ai Plaza Hotel 11 One way downtown couplet U"'1s1caJly. a roul'let 1s a dwided h 1 ~ h way , I 1 k e Ne \41 p ort' ,U.cwlcv_ru:d norllio1Jiay Strt.~t 6 l An e xpressway on the a d o pte d alig n ment. whic h ::.w1~ west at Bay_Str..eeL ..... >A-----1 pro<'e<.-ds south, looping back 10 * * • Freeway. Long Time • in Planning Stages to Newport Boulevard a t ISth Strt'd 1'h1~ ahgnme nlb on tht· oppo:o.1tc· -..1d1· 11f Ne wport Bo ulevard from Orange Avenue . Acct.>ss would tw available on- ly from a limited number of ma- JOr roads. wittt sm aile111treet and driveways closed o ff or fed to frontage roads. Stut e offir 1a li. began plaM1n~· to tum Newport Ooul1·v;m1 Route 5S into 11 fr1•l'way 111 1!144 So f:Jr. Ill•· fn·•·W<t} h:1.;n 't ~ot te n any furthe r south thu11 Mei.11 Dnvl· · The story (I( 1b dPs1·1·nt 1nt11 llmho und lb sllll unt·1·rt;i1n ,.. . ., ur n ·d11111 rov1•r\ t 111· 11.1::.t 111 ~ l'ill h It WIJl't Ill l!Hi!I !11,11 !'>lal•· eef fH'IUl i. .1duptl'd .111 al1~!11rn e·11f 1111 the l<outt· :,:, f1 .,,;w a y 111 e11o rd1natt.· with th1· pt:inn1•1l Co;is l f<"'rf'1·w;iv Tha t rout1• "'nuld folle1\.\ N1·..;.,1111rt Houlc·v111 II M1trlh to Hav !-.t1P1•t, ttu·n -..w111g •· . Victilll Identified As Tustin M·arine i\n app;1rcnl murder v1c t11n whobe body w;is found 1n Jrv111c Saturday wus 1d1·nt1 f1cd lo1l<.1y as Donnie /\. Crt!'>\'I, a lancl' cor por<.i l ;1tt;1dwd to tht: Marn ... C I) r p !'> ht• 11 l' II J) l t• r fa I' j l j l\. , T11 sl i11 Thi· l111d \' 11( ('rt:-.PI :!II \.\ots fuund 011 In 1n•· ( '1·11t1·r· llrt \1· Ol·ar lht• nm·ttihounlf !-.:111 ''"'I.:'• Frt·t·w,1 y o ff 1ant 1• ~;1tu r ila y 111ghl Tht· v1ct1m wa~. <'lad 011ly 111 un<krpunh ('ras t•I':-. 1de11t1l; w ;p, n ·l•·<:JM·U Ii} 1-:1 Tor<J M;.,r1n1• ('urp:-. /\ir ~tut ion officials tcxfay <Jfler the '1c·t1 m s p;.irl0nh . 11f I.11th· Hot k, Ark . wen· n11t1f1cu of th .. 1r :.on :, dl•<J th . fOes Blast Carter !;ta1u1 U,·1 !;AL1, II Wl\SllJ N(iTON t l\P 1 Tiit· "i/\ I :r I ( tn·aty '::. mos t outs pok•·11 "i1·nat•• fops arc unnH>Vf'd Ii\ Pn·:i11knt Cartt·r ·-. i.llll1cal l11 al rl'J1·1·linJ..( 1l would 1·x1m s e tlll' world "to :in (•v1•r J.(n•ater n :-.k of Wilt " Sl'n llt nry M .J:it·k-;lln, fl W a S h , ;i ('CU I> l' d ('a r I 1· r rJ f · 'foo l1::.h uppeuseroent,' · und Hcpublic an l<•acler ll<1war~ JI CARTER APPEALS FOR SALT OK-A4 SALT CAN BE BENEFICIAL~dltorlal, A6 Uak~r o f Tenne•i,::.ct.· l>a 1c.J lhl' 1 reaty has .. no C'han<"t' or bein~ pa:,scd without amen dment · Sen John T1Jwer, ft·l'l·xus. '><Aid lhl! president in h1:, 11ddrt·s:. Monda y niJ(ht lo <• JOint scsswn of Cong ress t ried to <:rcute .. an illusion" that th(' treat y 1s fair tu the United States St:n . Juke Gurn . H ·Utuh . calle d the pr<·s 1d<•nl 's s pet:rh "dect:pl1ve" an~l s aid 1t falsely g ives the 1mprcss1on that SAL'! 11 achie ves a rms r eduC't1on /\nd Sen. Harry Goldwatcr It Ariz .. said the C<irter ~d m inis tration as nol tellin g the truth on SALT ORANGE CO~ DAILY PILOT I tw f)••"'Qll•fCMt.• tt.-1•• 111•M wtl" •"•'" ''' "''" lttftrdfpwt Nfo•'\'''"'' l'\fH#bl•\.ohef't•·t°'• ,, • ..,, <o•\t P\if>ft\f'hfta(~t"°'4*"'f ""'011ttjltt~flfflt~11t•• vvhll'" .. a NtlJNJ•• tnfOVQ!f\ t • ,.,,." •o• ' • .._,. ,_.,.~. H f"wpv1 tff-M ,,_ t•,lllil1NJ'1-. ,._.wt I n.rt t••n Y.el••• I,.,,_. I "'"""'•th,.," \ov1"" f\A\I A •f'Wll• IPQtQt\1111 ,,.ft.tttO"'I •'t pvfl'f•• N 0 't11I 1•11 ..... ,,_,,,,, '#Vl'llf'IA'• '"" rw1N tflM puri-41\P\tf'tft f•f•f'lt ... ,_, ~\I h•Y \hN'f (~I• M.r\• t 111ht~"'• t)t.1'f ·--~· ........ ,,, .. ,,,,.,.,.f'WtJIWf:',.1h t J<M• lllt , ... , \fof I j;lf,.\"(liltftf •f'M1 r.,,. .... , •• M,tl'\.;•,.. f , ....... ,9( .. 111• t n1tr1• ,. .................... ... Mftn,.c11n41 I f.J1t1o1 ca., .. , .. L .. , •uc.flt.t•• ..... " A\\1\t•""' MAl\1'0•"0 I ()lll'lf Co•I• MeH Offlcie M4•h~ ~c:::~~· :o ·~t.'·:llO '"''" Offtee• •• ~~~~n;:~7,_ I ~~~'l.::tt;;.~:: :!rij Tel ... h011• (1t•l .. )-U)t aetelfted Aow.,...... ..,...71 I rv1nr• Po1J1·1· J .r f ;1•111· Nordi·n !'l:11d < 'n M·I h.1c1 n •turrrl'l'f l11 the hPlan1p11•r st;1l1or'! .Jun1• 13 aflN ;1 twn month d111 v in f1k1 n:i w;; l'r111r 111 d1tt .} ll11 ·n:, ('ra~vl h;;d ht•1•11 ~1at 1on1«I ;1l thr IH:h1:r111t1·1 li;1M' for .. 1i.:hr nionthi.. Ni'1fd1·11 'dHf !. ' , ('11:.d "';" .. '"'' ,,.,.ti ;,t ;1hou1 I :111 .1 111 >\:t i 111 d a ) 111111 r1111g . Julh t'lollwtl. L.•:1v1n1~ lh1· l1a:-.(• 111• h<HJ n·port ·uly told compa n1•1n~ th:al he "'a:-. going lo get -..11 n11.:th111g lo t'.tl.' N11rilt·n s aid 'Jorcfrn l'ta1d 1 t h11:i not liN ·n l':-.la hhsh1•d wlwthcr Cri-.cl re turn1•ct ·to the· ~,1;.t· f1ntJr t•' hlh drath _ !-.uffocalwn or: drug ov<'rdo'>t' an· two ~1::.::.1bk t'i.t\HiCh of dc&lh I. e• I II ~ l' 0 n s I tie ·rt• d b y I n v 1·:..t1 gat<i r ~ i1cnd1ng t ox 1t·olog1t·al ,stutlil's be ing C<Jnducl ··d hy tht• OranJ!c -'f :ounty C'•1roner's offl<·e . Norden s aid :°':orden h<ud tht· t1ody w;ih nut llllll ilatt•d. n1)r was lhfrt· any ••v 1dt·net· of se•x11;1l il l t1v1ty · The <inl y mark ~ •In .C n :-.el'i. h11dy. N11rdt·n :-.a1<1, Wt'r<' M·ra111·:. app;i rt'nllv <'<1u-..1·fl wh1·11 th1 · v11· 11111 was tlu1111)1'd from :.i movini; \/l'h11'11· .. - !\•irdco -.a11l Criwl h;uJ it )11-.. 111n of h1ld1l11k111l' .11111 .111 e1h<1I r1'1;1tl'd p ro ld1•11 10, Ill: hull 111·1 w1·1·n <I I)!) .ind Ill Jll'orl't•11I hlonc l all'l1hol l•·VPI wh1r h ;ii· ,.,11 <11111: '" !olfal•· -..t .1n<l .1r11.., 111 <l1t·:i11•" lw w.1!'1 unrl1·r llH· in flllt'lll'I', :"1irf1e•11 !><lid \.0 1d1·n ~:.i H I Ii•· would not 'fl"' 11l:11e· 1111 "'li•·lh•·1 <:r1'>1•I'-. cl1•;olh 1-.. rt·l.1 ft ·d 11111llt• I -.f.1'v111g-.. 111 "'h1d1 t1e1d11", wt·ri· dum11('(l .ilong Orange· ( '1111111 \ r 11:11lwa~-.. W1· lr;i\1• 11of h111g .11 1111-.. prnnl 111 "h''"' !lwrt· 1-. ,, 1·1inn1•rlmn, :'li111 cl1·11 ..,;ud 11 1:, normal priH·t·dur1• 111 lt·l•·I' pt• 1nfurru;1111111 g allwrc•d on niurtlt-1 ., 111 -.111 r11u 111l1n 1: ""I 11·1· .1 g1·n ,. 11•:. ,1 11d r •·q u•·:-.f th1·111 tn 111;1k{' t·<1nta<·t 1r thc·tt· appt•ar lo h4· s 1mile:ir1l1t•!'> l.?1:-.t .lune', th<· bmly of R<ilfinl'I (;1·ralll Young, i:1, wus found 1111 lrv 111f:' Cente•r U rive bf'tW{'t•n Oe •1·rw11eJd 1Jnd f 'ul ver l>rl v1• 'r' o ung h;.111 li(•c•n s ta hlwd fnur t 1 rn 1· !'I i n • l h " t• h t• s l a r1 rl l'lll ll'>l'Ul:tl.N I While th1•rc art• i.1rr11l;.1rat1e:-. hnth ('riSt·I und Y1rnng wer e round o n S :aturllay:i, 1n th1· m onth of Jun1· and on Jrv101~ Cc·nte•r Unvt', Norden said there arl' many t.l1 !'1~1milC1r1t 1 c~. mutd;it11>n of Young bl'in~ one In .iinotlwr unusual twist , on .I uni· I!), 111 la:,t y1•1ir, tht• nudl' hody of i.I 20 y Pur ol<I Cump l'tntlll'lo11 Murin1• wa:-. found m t ht• northbound l<.im· of Moulton Parkway, about one-ha lf milt· 1111rth of La Paz Road 1n Laguna 11 1 lls Irvin.., C(.'nt .. r Dri vr• 1~ num"rl Moulton Purktvay 8rte r the road lt:ave!'I Ult • city of Irvine Rioter8 Chased Into Canal Zone P/\NAMA C ITY, Pan amu I AP l Nation al guard troop!I f iring shotguns a nd tear gA!I <'hased anti.governm ent rioters into the U.S . Pana m H Can a l Zone today, quelling violence in which #bus driver was beaten to .duth a nd another m an wns Hr_lously injured by the runaway bus Offtctals ~aid n other pe~~ns were treated for lnJur il'1> and re lc1uicd wes t ;md t·ontanuc westward of <.;11 p1•f'11Jr /\ Vl'OU(', JOllll Ilg th1• ('oao.,t Fr1•1•way n1·:1r ltw t•urrcnt 111 tt•rM·<·tio11 •>f Superior and I 'o:aM lhghw;i y Hut 111 l!J?l. r 1t1zN1>-111 ).(}!> l\ngt·h·~ and. Ornngt• c·ounhcs l fl!'I•' 1111 111 .1rinh and :.hot down th1· ('oa:-.t l''n •1·wav With nuwht•ft• to g o und fn·t·way fund:-. dwin.J,lhn~. lht !i5 l"rt ·•·"' :1\ 1•xt1·n-..11111 plan:, :,ank 111111 111111111 during lhl· mid 1971b Th1•\ wt•n ·n't ulnnl' Also !>U!> l•l'ndt·d WNI' 11l<1n~ to extend the Or:sng(· Fret.·w~ t Route ~~1 1 .dong lht> Sunw /\~a Ra ver to tht· t oa!>t . tn t•xtend the Coron<.i del ~1 :1 r f<'n ·cway to ncpr vr l rvtnt'. :incl tr» build a ffeeway <ilong 1!1 ·;H'h 1111111 .. varrl tht' lt'ngth of I hl' l'l)Ulll ~ ll•1u te• 55 :-.pr<Jhg lo hfc again u11tfr r tJw m1u1!>Lrauun:. .ur C..:o~t.<s M c:-.;1 e·11 y of£1 t•11Jl :o. and /\':. .ENERGY ... !iUlphur pollution arc uboul HIO t1mc:1 mun· s trict than tht;y :-.houlrl Ix:, Mc Kt'lla sai!J Coal ;rnd nuclear power should run the nation's powe r plant!'., Mc Kl'ltit srud, thus freeing 011 fur produl'l1on (If gasoline and homl' hf'at1ng oil. StH·h o mov<'. he said, would· 1ns un' ·,-.uffac1cnt gai.ohnc s up.- plies for·the. next 100 years and natural gas s upplies for the next 1,000 years. Mt·Kett<i ch11med Solar t•n<·rgy will n1>11cr solv1· .di ·the nation 's ••nf•rgy proh lt,m :,, despite <issuranccs from l•nv1ronmenlalibtS th:1t 1l will. Mt' K I'll a al'lded. Mc· Kl'tl a prNltjttJd-that th•· 1·ounlry will f:u·c serious ene rt;y :-.ho rt a gt•":. lay l!Jf!O or 1981 p1·11pl1· wtl I not ha v1· hi' at" .111d that ~horta~1 ·:-. will 1·auM· the· pulilic· opinwn pendulum lo :-.w ing in f:1vor of lower air quul1ty •.t .111tl:11 d":. . l't•<>J>I•· "'111 Jll'Cl>:O.Urt· llw ('trnj{rcsi. to t'hangt: the rul<•:., · · \li'Kc·tta said. flqw1·vt·r /\m1·n l'ans will f:1N: ~ ... nfw•·-... ;111d 1·h :1ng,.:. 1n their rl;o ~ 111 day hu:-.1nt•!\b, he ~aid II•· 11n·1h 1•t1•d tht'rt' will lw ""''1 e~tM·<I w1·Pk1•111l 1lr1v1ng , an int'rt a-;e in lhl' dri ving ;Jgl' t11 'us. ,, ha11 on automoliale u1r c·on1li 1101wrs. ;in 1•nd th home U':.l' 11f dot 111•-.. rli \l'I'~ und mc re<iscd u:-.e of e·:1rpoob .tnd mti!>!'I tran-..1l rat· 111 tit·:. (;OVl'fllnll'lll t'l)Uld do llS rwrt, Md\1·tt11 !'>aid, l>Y 1·nding fort'•·d hu:-.111g of school d11ldren, rcstor 1ng l ca<I t o ga!'loli n e <Jnd t•l1m 1nating <:atalytic converfrrs texccpl in e,ritical air h1J::.ins :.uc h ;1s Los Angeles, Chicago ;111d Ne w York C ity I, and restor- ing "fr~c °t'nl(.'r'J)rai,e " to the t•ncrgy market place f 'rtHn Pag~ ,, I PAY.-•• "'oulc1 ri s t• from $10,802 lo $1 2,:ltil , Mr s. Harmon '>aid ll1Jwcvt·r , the d istnel h<i~ nu I c:J('hl!rs al that lt.'V(.'I The propo!>al a lso !l perlfics that no tNJrht·r-.. ('ould be laid off for the thr«,. y1·ar: d11rat1on of I h<' contract. I\ nothrr pr()vis ion .seeks fully 11a 1d psy<·hologtcal a nd vision r are a nd Income protection in - s urnnre. arul' an <·xpans lon or the c·urr(.'nt Ii(~. health and dental plans to include e mployee de · pendents . Tru11tccs will present their own puf pror!ltJI July 10, Mrs lllirmon sal Negotiations are expected to begin In mld'-July. The C'Urrenl three-year con tract expires .June 3(). Under standa rd procedures, teacher!I would continu e to be eald al their cu.rrcnl ~alary levels until a new cnntract was negotiated. a which tlmP the sala r y in· rrc>a~e wo uld becom e retro•<' live lo July l -. -' semblyman Oenni:-. Manger':., f> ll11nli11gton llt·;11·h Th1·1r ll'llt•r!> pho n1· 1·..ill-.. <ind JU:. l JI I a Ill 11 a g g Ill j.! f I fl ti I I ~ brou ~ht al1nul a pr•·l1111 1 r~;i r ; roul1· s tudy 111 l!t77 78 tn -..1;11f mcmlll'rs of t ht.• C';,allf11r11 1;1 1>1·1i;1 rlrrwnt 11f T r;1n:o.1111rtal 1w1 ' They t l'SUmcd m eetings with M!'I. G1anturco and Gov Ed- rn und nrown Jr .. and in August :1 further announ<·emenl was madt· Local traffi c could still use cx- 1s t in g Newpo rt B<mlevard in downtown Costa Ml•s<i. Estimated n~ht of ways costs $27 m illion 1-:sttmatPd cons true two <:<>:-.ls $4 5 malhon · t ('a lTr:in..,1 . with h1·lp 11 11111 C:o:-.ta Mc!>.11·1ty :.t aff in1•111lJ(·r-.. Tht• -..tudy. whwh lookc•d uni) J l th1· frt·t·way 11:-..·lf and ncil .it rdatvc.J ISSUC'h !'IUl 'h .1-. 11a rk1ng .ind publw trans purt.it11in . v.<1' compkt1'<1 in /\lJrll, lnij M ~ tiiant1.1rcb said a n e n '1ronn11•nlal st udy would ~gin 1111m1·d1a1c·ly. anr: the rescinding of th1· rnutt• wou d be~ s us ptmdcd u11t1l tomplN1on 1f the s tudy So, In Novt.·mhn o f 1!17H, <'a l'l'rans a nd loqal 11fflc1als and -..t<:i ff fn•·mlK•r:-. ~gan a two·pitrt, t w o y1•:1r pro Jct t t o exa m inC' alll·rnut 1ve::. for /{UUH~ :>5 and to prepare an E1S, :/ > Full frl't'way Four lanes in • 1·a<"h d1rct·twn would be built <,ou th to Wilson Street, then thn•e lanes an c·ac h direct ion ~uuth to ll1<" city hm1t~ Jt f'Ci'Otnmt'Oc.J :<.J l1111k111g at <I num bcr of allt·rn<il1 \I''> r<1n~1n~· from upg1 atl111g lh1· 1•x1!'lt1 ng l11 ~hwa y, lhrough l>11il<11nJ} a n e·xprl'SS W/I Y With ;11 t'l'SS hmtlCU to witlely ~pa1·1·d 11lll:fM·ct1•10'i 111 t·rt·at1 n1: ,1 ful I fll'd g 1·rl f rt•l'W .. ~ An EIS wh1r h meets fede ral ~l<.ind <trds rather than a s tall· l1·vl·I environmental 1mp<Jct re · port wa::. undt•rtake n bf'<'CIUl>C of th•· po:-.s1 hil1ty of obtiian1ng frd1·1 al fund1ni:: for whall'vf'r road t'IH}structwn 1s Pventually elt•<·1df~I 011 The ala~nmcnt wo~d be the :-.a me a:, a lternallve IJ6 Right of way · $33 7 million Construction $48 m 1lhon 10 A "downsco~" or modified frt•t•wity It would fo llo w the :-.amt' ah~nmt·nt as fl and "'h>but would havl' f<"wt>r inter c h anges and woutil bl' lt·ss ac{'essible tu lot· a I truffi<· /\ mouth lall•I, l'.1ITr,1n:, d1tl'I' t 11 r t\dri a11.1 c; 1.1n t u 1111 .111 1111u rH·c·tl a thr•'" 111 emgl'rl pl a11 11 1r·11pr ov•· t r;1ff11 f111v. .ol11111• 1·x1 -..t111µ N1·v.p11rl fl1111 l•·va1rl 111. 11pg rat.l111g tr:1 ffi• l1ghl!'I -.tr•·•·I -.1g11:-. <JrHI 4Jn1 lam·" Tht• EIS 1::. -:urn·ntly 1n l'h&:-.•· I nw f,!a(hPring or puhlrr-icom~ 1111'111 wh1 r h l'lllls ltllh N•1 \l•111ht•1 I\ }t 0a r .<1f dralt111g the · ,11·1 u:il pr1·l1mlnury s tette m e nt w ii I follow H1i::ht or way S2fi 9 m1il11m C'Oll!'ll rul'lioo $42 011111011 9·1 Fr1•1•w:i y and v1adu1•1 r r:a 1s 1•<l f1t•1·wµy 1 /\n ctghl-larlf' tn·t•Wt:i}' WrJUlt.l bl· built !>OUth l.11 W1l -.11n S lrt••·t I\ :-1x ·l an1• fre •1•w:1y would 1•nnt111ut· i..uuth t11 20th Slrt't'l,. wbnl' traffic-would jliJ!'I., unto .1 '>Ix lanl' v1a dul't .1 IJll\ ,. N1·w~>11rt Huulcva rd ~I ILt.•:,dnd tl1t• ;,atltJPl•·d a h1:11 1111·111 ali 11w '< .. v.11111t B11ull·\;i1t1 ;111(1 W(.'~t Ot !-.11p1•1'll1I :11 St·t 1111 :in t·11v1rt1111111·11t:1 l 1111 p J (' \ :. I "") I .. : I !'l I II f I II• fnT way a ll1•rn<itnt·:-. at :-.111n1· Ull'>JICC'tfwd lall'r I 11ne• ('11!'.t:l ~t'1'>tl 11ff11·1ab Wl'rt'll I pka:-.l·d lo l:ill· UJ~, th1· p rr llminary E l~ Will ht· th1· o;ubjecl or furtht'r public hearings and rcvu:w hy l'alTran:-. In Novcmbt'r 19Hl , a fan<.il t:IS will be s ubmitted to the U .S ·Departm e nt o r Trans portation. re1·ommendan~ ollt' or d i:11mh1na~to11 of, lh1• .1lt1·rn.1t1H·s unc.Jt·r :,Ludy f 'rnne 1•11gt* ;t l SECOND LOOK. • • show flfll'l''> ov1·1 11 llllt'k "N•1l ll)ll m.1n v •>wrwr -.. h.1\1· w111'1wd to lh•· h<ilf prw•"> hul 11tir vu·wpoinl 1s that 111 .. w:" 11f lt•:.i:-.t N1nfuh1on ,., i.iroti ul>lv lht· tw -..t. :.a v:. <;11111.11!1•-.. ('nnfui.11111, 1·1:11111" f"aut111111 , 1·. "'""I h•· I-1r~1ng t11 ,,vnHI Ill':. unlf·ath•d :ind prt·m111n1 i•.i:-11ltrlt' ,~, ( urr··11ll) ..... 111ng ro1 mori· tlw11 :J dollar, 11111 hi-. r1·i:11l.11 ;•••·· " ..,till grn r1g f111 !M CClllS "I SUPPOSt-: I 1·<11li<l 11 :.1 1 he· r •·1:ul.1r at :1 gullon µr11·1· anti tht· n ·i.I u• tht· half g11 llrin 111 11·1· liul I lliink th.it 1A 11uld JU~I m:rkt· 11 ,11'1 lh1· lllflrt• ('OllfU'olOJ' h·· "'1Y'- (;011iall'!o1. n111111g lhal .,,,,..,, 111:1111 . .!" Counl} -..1at11111 ownPr::. h;iw 1n<l1l·atP<1 th't•y """I sr10n be srlhn~ ga::. by lile·r-... says pnn•:-. un<lt•r a d111lar -.houlll lw hste•tl by lht· gallon ratht•r lh:in th<' h :Jlf g :illo11 'By tht· lcttt·r 11f lht· law lh;tt ., lhl' W!J)' 1t s hould llt:, liul wt·'rl' JU:-.! Ir~ ing t1' 11lay h.111 with the ov.ncr:o.." :,<.iy::. the Wl'l~hts and nwa!'lun ·:-. l'leput} "I hale tu s:1v 1l, hut thf• h1•:-.t thing t hat 4'ould happen 1•1ght n<iw t11 a 111d confu-.1on 1:-1f ;Jll g;i.., prlt'l''> "'''fl' ovc·r <i ctollar ·• 'onnt'c:to r roadway!> would be bu all al lht' southern city limits U I g llf Ill In I Ill.ii Ill " 11 t Jll of "',1 \ \'t>'>lh ( · • 111 .. I r u ,. 11 tJ n IOl ,,.., .111 ;11ltlat111n t11 any of lh\• .1bov1· ,1lt<-r11at1 ves a ~~wr1al l,1 11,· for hu::.•·-. would IJl' hu1 lt po-..-.a'tJI\ "Xll·11d1ng ull ltit· wuy tu ( ·o.1"t. ll1~h""a \ !'!11l•'l' 1 h•• l:int 1·<111lcl 111· 11nd1·r ~rnu ntl ovt'rht·.itl 11r 1111 1h1• 1-:r1111111l. 1'11!'11~ 1·oultJ v;iry Wtth!I M•·••tiu~ Slah·tl ()n I la1uli•~uppt~d ~1·mli1·1 -.. 11f .e 1·omm1llt•e· "'o rk 1ni.: 0111 ,1 pl;111 f11r l'dU<"alin..: h<1nd11-.q 1p1·d · rh1ldre n 1n :'lkwport lkac·h . ('osta M1:sa and l r v111t• \.\Ill mt·t·t 111 7 30 p.m Ju h :• 111 11 ,t l'J>•·r ('o mmun1ty c \•llll'I. t:!!i E IHlh St . Cost ;i :\1 1':,,1 Thf' n ... 1~tu1g 1:-. open to the· pu hlk Tht· rom m1ttee 1~ :-.crVlnJ.t lmtH th(• N1•wpor1 M c~a anti lrv1n1• ~chool d1:-tr11"b O nl y Rol ex could improve on Rok'x. . SLAVIC K'S f •UI I "" It '. I,,. I ho• 11t•w l<olt"1. ~I\ "'l'flfll.trtl \\,1 ll ht'" lur 1111 '11 I \llllhllh 1111· 1.11111111 .. 1d1,1h1htv 111 1<1111·\ with t lw rn·ll ... 11111 111 ,, q11.1rt 1 1111 I\ l'lll\'111 With ILllll"' d .d1· l lM ll ~t • .111d ""Pl'h111· 1 rv-.1.i1 ... /\ IX l.,11,11 dlll\\ g11ld '!ifi.'1 II I'\ 11 l-..11.1 1 \ ··llrnv g t•ld .1 nJ ... 1.1111k ..... -..!I'd, 'S 1,9'11 I < C,1,11 nl~·-. ... ~h'd. $1.::!75 i' ROLCX I I .111 .. 11 ''' Ill· I ,,,,, I I ' .. , .. '" ( W•:• ,, ", .... ,, 111 "" '71 11 ,, I j I 'Ml I 'II. ,., "'" • 't ol 1,,..... 11.11. \l .. u 1>1..ii...o t. u • 'ti•·· ,,. 1,.,, f l I \I t ... \ ~ ' \I ' • ,_ .. I Business T~.Jime 19, 1979 DAil Y Ptl OT 8lJ Get a Horse? It Won't Help Defense Budget By OON~l_.D M . aOTHBEa G ··-.. -~ ... -WASlllNGTON Uac-k In the good oht ditY'· bf-fore we ran out of iaA, a ravor1te )okc whe•n Ame r h'ans il•W <1o meone with a d1 ablf'd automobUe wH , ''Get a horH " M aybe th1t 's not auch • bltd Idea 8~ on aome dt>ba lt In th .. Sf-nate last wMtk . a rt>tum to I.ht' t'av11lry <'Quid go • long way to ward IOlv the 1u ~run<·h as wt>ll as bala nclna the f, ~t ------li-'W'------- TO KA I BANK .... this IGLOO ''six-packer'' plus a Aand-Mc Nally Road Atlas *A no service charge checking account, including a free initial order of personalized checks ALL FREE with a new one-year, 6% certificate account of $1,000 or more. Your checking account will be free ot.all monthly lees as long as you maintain a minimum $1,000 certificate ~----_,.,,t>_..atan.I;.e. :..iu~lilDl•aJillU..lL.t.Jwn .. u. ''-<l"''""'""....u'""'ltdt-"''" • And tor every visitor ..• a chance to win -a gas-saving cycle STOP IN NOW for your drawing card. No obligation of any ki nd, and every 'Tokai branch will be giving away one high-spirited, money- saving cycle. Draw ings will be held August 15, and winners w il l be notified. AIDKAIBANK ,~~ OF CAUFORNIA HUNTINGTOM tlfACH OFTICE 81001\hut S4 a1 Gartield r ' 114 / %3·!>6'1 NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE Paci he Co.isl Hwy south' ot Archt:s 1 , Tl 4 / fA!i 112 • \ I ) f71Ji~ Tiit: 8ENATE WAS 0 £BATING whether to upprov~ purch1tisc or a $1 8 bllllon alrcralt carrlt1r wht•n attention t u r ned 11 1J<I d t• n I y l o <' a v u I r y ( 1 horst's, which :-.e ll ror ENER"'Y bet ween $!)()() and $1,000, .., with no t"tltit overruns ---------- St•n l>ltlt" Buri1pt•rs. () Ark , WUA arttuint: thut lhe alrcralt carrier was it b u1t 1clcu It tukcll u lot or rucl to run 1.tn aircraft c·arru.•r Firm Confirms Bankruptcy Humors that Is lander Yachts of Jrvine has filed t'edi.'ral Chapter 11 I bankruptcy) proceedings have Ix-en confirmed by Bus ter Hammond, presi- dent and general manc.g\!r of t he sailboat ma nu!arturmg company. Islander Yachts is a .subsidiary of Mission Marim ... whic h also owns Egg Harbor. Pacemaker Yachts and San 01e~o Marine llardware. All or the c.o.mpani•·s 11re..affoctud by the Chapter 11 proceed:. mgs JIAMMONO SAID THE DIFFICULTY arose when Mission Marine liquidated its ma r ine h!lrdwate djvis1on a l a loss. creating a cash now problem that nccl'ssitated the Chapter 11 proc~­ in~s llammond also hlti mt'd other factors. largely ecqo1UT1ic. s~ch as the spirallinB cost or material~ and bigh mter('st rutt•s Admittin~ rumor), thl1t lslandl'r Ya('hts is for sale. llammond s:ud that atte mpts are being made for rcfinanrang, and that in the me antime the com pany would continue producing yachts m t he Islander line $50.000 to $500,000 EQUITY CAPITA-L LOANS A.mericaa hnda Over 0.. Mamo. MoatWy As !:>outhem Cnllfornla's • ... aio. .. ..._. monev supply dwindles due .. q90fee ro lnfl4t1on and reccs~lon, • '"lacoee'" the rct<"e b on to find on • eo.-.ra.• 'dlrrrn.:>te sourc~ Rl;;;J • 8..W..dat prup1'.l1y nwrwr) and • Weekly c:oaaltmenu m1,..<t0" '1,1w fi1und llw • NoatMv land ..... .·rn~w1·1 wnh Arnmr.-1n • Slaort tnm l~ae. Hom••. 11 f11sl gmwm•1. 6 80lldia to 3 ve-ir• full ~<..'Tvii_.:> mmtLtlll)'-' • Soathern CalHornU. c .• 11np1my whtch oilers: ' property_....._ (,et your l'Q\ltly Cl)pllat working today by contacting 0111 form infv rma11on servlc~· for quu:k .:md ('tficient h1,ndlm9 of y<>ur finctndng needs. I .. ,,_ HOHi ) ~-INFORMS in the (714) 759-1515 AMEAtCAN HOME MORTGAGE 230 Newpon Center Duve OeelQn Pfaza Newport Be.cit. Caltfomlo 926eO Short Term financing ~~lahsts DAILY PILOT ( BY CADILLAC ra o P•@er WIDE AREA COVERAGE ORANGE 00.-L.A. , First of the fuel-efficient U.S. luxury cars by Cadillac. Introduced a~ a dr::imut1c m·w concept in U.S luxury rnrc,, Seville has hccnmc an America n success story. International "' size ... Cadillac in er ,lft smamh1p ... one of the world's most ho nored c~~: With its EPA esamated \ljl mpg (city) .rnJ 11~ highway estimate 0f 19 mpg •. Seville continue:, to lead the way as the luxury car of the dccadt>. RemcmbeT: Compare the cir· clcdeshmatcd mpi;: to the cst1· mated mpg of otht•r cars. Ynu mny get different milcn~c Jcpcn~tn~ on your llpccd, trip lcni::th and weather. Your actual city milengt· will he lnwl·r in hopvy etty 1raffte. Your actual hi~hwfiy mtlr:igc wi ll prohahly ht-less th:rn 1hc hi~hwav l'Stimate. California EPA c:,um;uc (cit)') will he lower Cadillac<; arc equipped with GM-built cn~rnt•:i produced by vannu' GM d1v1 · :,1(lns. See ynur'CuJtll.JC dealer for dctail'i. •(!) lt's a Golden Opportu~o own a fuel-efficient C · c! 540-9100 '17.10 .:.:r-~ ~O DEPOSIT ON APPROVED CREDIT THE SLIM GOURMET Recipe• to add dining p1ee1ure wllll• 1ubtrectlng e11lorle1. W.dneaday In Ute DAILY PILOT "When~ will that oil come from ~ lo 30 yea rs rrom now?" asked Bumpers. HE SA.ID THE AlaCaAn carrier would last 30 yea rs and during that period would coal the gov- ernment about $U billion. Hia figure included not only lhe price of oil. but the coat of the airplanes. the crew. the s pare parts, etc. Sen . J ohn T owe r, R·Texas, who supports aircraft carriers. turned to Bumpers and said. "Maybe, the gentleman from Arkansas would pre - fer that we substitute horses ... Of~. Tower waso'.t serio\as. Bul-~of~ fered some figures that sure make horses sound a lot more attractive than aircraft carriers . "A GOOD CAVALRY HORSE probably can be purchased for $500." said lhe Texas senator. "And if you tum him out to pasture and buy the reed for him. tha t wouJd cost about an additional $400 a year- " So the life cycle or a good cavalry horse. which is about that or a good tank . is about $6,500 .... Incidentally. during peacetime. the horse would be much more useful for ceremonial purposes than the tank.·· Tower went on t.o argue in favor <>f the carrier . But Sen. ;John Melcher. D·Monl., also comes from horse country. Melcher said he woutan•t argue about carriers. . "BUT I CHA LLENGE IDS expertlse on the price or cavalry horses.·" said . the Montana senator. "When lhe cavalry was buying horses back in the 1930s and 1940!i. the remount orricers when they accepted an Army horse t:ven in those days paid $100 or $12.5 and with innation, l lhtnk (he price' should be at least Sl .000 • ··1 ttunk thi.' st'nator has correctl y estimate'1 the cost of k edtni:; a hors r a t about S400. but he has not in<'ludcd the cos t or wahte disposal . I think the senator should properly read1ust his estim ate <mother $600 or $700 just to handle the waste dJsposal of that s tablc.-d horse for an.entire year ." T ower r Eplied that as a Teun he fell "humlhate<f that a s enator from Montana should <'Or rect tum on lhe cost of a horse. I was. of course. figuring a very .tow-cost ho™-'" JT'SSi\t'E TO ASSUM t: CONGRF..SS won't opt for hors~ and the dcrensr· budget will nevn again drop hclow $120 b11l11m llul don't thank the con grl·S~1onal cnrn m 1ttf:1• that pashes on defense SPf•n<I ang is n 'tlookan g for ways tosav1· money. Each year, the hearing record on the defense a ppropriation bill runs about eight volumes at 500 page& each. This year/ the following notice •P· pea red alt he start or the irst volume : "To save the expense of printing, all prepared witness statemenL'i in excess of ~ typewritten pages are not reprinted In these volumes. AU suc h s tatements have been made part of th~ permanent committee records and will be retained in tbe committee riles." Comnauni«.-otor The computl·r r h1de:-. lh1· operator. prinl- 1nJ,!. "Now a·r ;11·v. )OU know better," to tell M ttrtia "Tr~l'v" L andrum to rcr h ·r k <i µ:.irt n11m l,.'·r ·-.tw <1r<tll y· logged int o ttw m;inufa1·tunng rn ,1ehin1• The !'>Y~lcm 1~ 111 11..,1· <it l.m·kh1·1·d Mtl'l'>ll•·!'> <ind Spac·1· <'o . ~unn~\;tl 1·. \.\h1·n j\I ~ L andrum 1s ;m t·IN· t 1 on w~ ;1"'>•·n11ll1·r ()v •·r 'l'lu• C :ou n t•• 1· t_4AS0 ~\tltKJS - Ar,,,..,,., Alnl(,o AM 1,ro\ AWptdnq .l.mt,.rr An•Clll• An...,u\O Ant1'f p Ar<1rnG1> Ar~W(,\ A'..d<'lld All(•\lt ~~~:~~ BUmRt dO\ICH\ Q Ott\\tFt 8~yt\Mt O.~Unfl­ Orlll"b 1111>4>':0 8trd'>ort 86rtch, OlkHlll,. Aonen1• 8roo.S BrwTom 8uObl'f' 11u0•Y• ~~rw1~~ (•nr""H (ltl)~W( (•c>•nA1r '"'~(.p CnVIPC, rnml,.d (he\Ull C.trc6,.F (•UUIA <ll1Ulll (l•r1l ll CrowCo (otUVP>nt ComflH (ml!,nr rmwt .. 1 n , 11• •• ,, .. ,,.' fr • tO ... ,, •• _...r f YI 1 JO•.,, cu.IP.-~ t I n n"-.. '11.u ti I • 1.-. l ""'' ., \ b • 1•'V"' I f ,_.,. f,.nn,..nl t)' • ., .... t lf)f0', 1~ 1~. IO•<nfo • • ·~ • , ,~ ,,. 0 \. \~ l,1t .. JP'1 ~·. 'h_. Jrtlnf)r ~ Qi')•,,,~., ~ ,., "'"" ,,., '· •• J .J' .. ··"' ., ,... • Y>' lJ'. t •• t: ft Ut/4'11 n c •1 IJ(>P t-,.1• . ..,, '• , ,_. ... ,,. .. 1\ ... y,."""'' &•• 4'• V• h ' 1 \"""I "" , If~) f, It W'nt r U ., 17\lot. W1tt>nt1 II • '"""• \Nt•lftHA U • 1\ ._ NHJt"'Ni'• 11•. ,1 • W•l1'f , 14 h • l'tfnM ' J 11 ..... \~ WMfitJ I\ ,, Att1Ufrl I 1, .• "4 wwr, • )' • )•;',. W r1fJl"ltW 1· • Je, • / 1{)f,l It ' .. . ,. . l 'p N and Doarns ' • 1 tJC .. , APIO ()l)W N "> 'J.'1 ., "'' w Vf)Qtt ,,.Pl r~ touow1~ /t4 • ..,,,11.,,... .,. rJ,,.,., ttw-r ouf'l\f>' 11 • I 1 \tl)t ~ , ftNf "' ttt ftnf\ lh(ft l\otltf CIO""' \JP 11 • "' ttw """' t ~s ctown ,,,.. "'°'' br•v-d t1'l HI t 1 r-• '"'nt rJf '"*'<Pt rt~OI,.•' u• volurru u 41 tor MonO"'\' 't , I , .. ., \t fUf'lh•~ hMJ1~ bt-k)w i 1 dt~ tN I I• • 1\ •""'" ,,.,., MYS OM't .. nt~QI· <~•,.., df,. lrw ~ , • 1 ... r2•'''"'' ,..,,,. n. ,._.._...,.. '""" Oh "'OU' <kt<t fllq t'I ,, )"'! • tMJ &1r11 .. <+"d tun..y '\ lo\t (>t<J Qf'lft!' I I U~ /I • 14 '4 '"""' ... , I . ,, . , ,, .. ,.,,. ., ,. ~...... ~~:;: •• ":'., 1 ~ ·~ ,, .. Up )jl U ''P #it\• IJo 1J I ,.. • 1.-u uno .... • ~ UO I)" ttp ltft ,,, ,. :;';*t;'IP•t flt •ff.~~ .. ., 14 t M•q tN ,,,. -,, f 11-f'' •-1 -t A .. ifj/tl ~ : I ~,,·.;.".~:',; I\ t M H)h vW , .... ' t ( ''""''' '1., " • ,. tnff 1,1 I 1. 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N lfllr<•o I 00 NL MA\\ FINll(I "'"' II .. IJ 0 lncom 11.a1 " .. ~ .. , Cll•rl 'O u .i 1&.:n ''" Rw ..,.. •• u 1n1 '""'I 14 81 •• H "'' r 1n 11 tt 11 r im• 11 >t n • In•"'' 11"11 n AOE f d • ~ • '7 (N M Gr 80\ (onlld 10 '7 NL 11• G111d 10 11 NL Ai!IG • 1• •'I(> OTC ~ 11'O10 !><•rr• GI 10 •1 NI. <'torn f 11 11 NL FUftd ,.. 1 lt C)ty Inc I 00 Nl In• tndlc I H NL Mr 0 I• r• IS 1S Puotm M • e. 10 1 !>fotrm 0 >i '1 NL. Allll11rr U 4l NL Fronl • .. S 0 0\lny II II In• 80\ • 4\ 10 It MCO tO JI II II PMn !ioq 1.. NL 1-c GI , jt Nl Alpl\11 F 11~ NL Sll1tre IJt lift (Q In< ttft NL lnw\lon ~ MFO 14 ... 1&11 PPnn Mu •01 Nl T•n( In< 11' Nl A 8 1rlhT 1011 H ll; $H(I •ti ISi M•~1 Jt '1 NL 105 8d S .. \ 0 MF8 tUO t\ I• Pflll11 ,,_ -~ I )I • U!>A• Gt t JI NL Amtrt< .. ,_, ("P Olr 11" Nl Mwn lld • ,. Nl IDS ,..,, s 00 NL MMB •••• M ..,,.,. ..._ • n • ~ u!.A• Inc to SI 'lfl " B•• • JI • OI CM m fd '" • ,, f-IOPI IS.. NL 105 GI'! , ,. 1., "'' H I •\ ~OJ Pho.n ro • JI 10 II U"' •u u • 20 -N L Am{p .... •t (olOnl.i F-\ Ht Yid .. 0 NL •OS ndl \ llO • JO MCM '00 Nl Pllortm (;rp u nrr Mui •a. Nl 4 Mvll 10 to 11.. ~" Sec I .. • n LI Mun t 1' NL Mutt ~'I(> •If 11114111••\ •&IO Nl • PHQ Fd t1 •l I) Unt C.i\11 t 01 NI. An Giii 11' / t'J rUflCI • O 10 7t Purlt11 t0 U Nl PrOQ l ~ 111 M<orrtll L'tl'fn M~ C J t? • t1 unll>'\ So< Grit' 8""" ll ...... Gr-\10 \\/ !Mrom ~\\ Nl t ... E• 46' •88 8A•ll ,~.,II )' M~Q II\ ,., •• 8ro;od 10 .. 11 .. (\ll MQ I 00 ~l '"'""' • O'I • ,, Tllr111 • ., "!l Sloe I< II \II 10 10 (.ep•I I\~ I\ Ml p,,,_.,, '""" Niii In• .... 1 •• F d In• • ... I '° Ot>ln 10 M II u ',.,,., n 0) Nt ~-·~I . ,. ' H f Ou 8d ~ '° •O 00 , """ t\ .. ti • u C•o .. IJ n tt Grwlh • 10 • ~ r.. ""9 !Hit u tel F1nAn<.1el Proo v .. , Py , )& • 00 Ht '"' • ~ 10 °" II In( ... 10 u .. In( II,, u •• ln<om I IS t •I (otu Giil II 11 NI Oyn• \ 9' Nl I"• Rt\I\ ~ O!I & ,,. Mun• • t~ • U Pl•n In• I)~ Nl unllrd f'Uft!I\ 1(4 1111 IS\ (wlffl /tFI 0 I 0\ lndu\I • \II Nl 1\1•1 1\ M 1' 6• Rd A\I t 00 Nl PhQrth •11 11 U II <'<cm • IJ 1 ,Jt, N Ptn • ,, 1 IJ Cwllfl (0 I., I w l•1<0m I JS NL I•• 1-d • ., NL !><>• ...... • 0 ... Pttfrn(I 11,. 11 Bond • ,. 1 11 W•ll Ml •" I JI Como !kl I It t o ,.,I lft•~•'°" JP Grtll 10 •• 11 \J Mid ""' \ \• • 0) p,1,,. PUl\O\ con Gr • 61 1o '° 6\!n<'I C...-111 !8"'P fd I.. I M llnc! Ap U t0 I& Oii J•n11\ .. ~S Nl MONY I t 4t1 10 ;IA (;rwlh II U NL (on In< ' t• 'fi (AC> 8d • JI • OI oncord u u NI Oll(O 1., • '° )OM Han<OO M\8 F d 14 11 NI rncom '" NI Inc om • " 10 II CACI Giit • U S.OI Ofl\ Inv t IJ 10 H c;,.ortll I~ t Bond II ti "00 Mui 8011 • 1' IO t H r r• IJ JO NI Mvnl •AO • rt Enltp •. .,, 1 n Oft\ltl 0 • " IOL r...:om • IJ • " C.••ffl • S7 I Ot Ml F .. d I., • • N Hor Ir 10 u NL !>tl•n ,,. l°JJ HI Vld H .. tt W -Mui • S. Nl Oolll ••> 1 U ll•l•n 8 4J • 16 Mii" C• • W •ti Prlmr 10 00 N v .. no ... 7 JO 0 In< f-41 •JO •1' .v .. St IU• lt•I \f•O I ~ I TH E • 11• ISOt 1'Wl1111 h Frt t it Nl UICI Srt\ >tS Hl Mun II 1J ,, n 00 E'' c., It ,. u u f \IMll • • "' NL JOflrl\ln n °' Hl Am•r I 0 fllftCI '·"° NL 11.1.,. Llfle Fd· Toi Ret 1 •I I 10 y C.tll I 00 NL. f lMll OI ,ti Nl ICt mper FUNDS Grwt!I •OJ •)I Pro lrK ID 00 V•I Un t It t0 en Vtlllr io1 ..... yln<m . I 00 NL "'I Vor IO OO IOL ln<m 10.17 10 II ln<om • IJ • ., PN "" IO'U "· 1-,:., ,:oe Cm t ltl ,. t U 1--~· U Well 16 1' NL Gr-t 01 •ti h Fr• U AO U. ""'"•"' ,_ L.n 0 1 U.11 .... 2• (4t c;.,. 111 .... F.t•I IUI 1),6 l'M C.tfl • >4 •. Ho Yid 11 » 11 tt M11I 5"' (Oftv -•1111 ~ ~I 6 ... ... F«I Am 1 t1 t .11 •• II ... U f'-n r.r...· Mny M 1.00 Nl JI •t NL Oly 0.. I 00 H VM<e ~· HH W •.• tO.U 1<11 • " • " Gl'Mll '11 '·" "'"" 8 ... ,, '°·" N•I •v•• JO Jt N lnl EQ -•II IMOfft n . .O I,,,, "A<• "i.'1 1UO I ,,. • n • • 11'(9191 n ,. u" Ooln tt t.J "IO ,. •• Incl u ,. NI, <ieor1 -•1111 In . .,.,, 1.n to ,....,.. J.7J •.CM Oele. U7 6.• M11l el 1.IO LU ~m 1i1o1 ILil N•I t.ect1t1ti.•: ORWTH c .... ,.. , .. .:t) A Olfll'41 , " '·" C111 ., I0.00 H ~I n. n l1H hcl'o -'·" • l1 g•let1 • ., IO u N " II A I l 5-ttcl tt ti It 11 " """' '00 ... ' !r c.. 101 l. ,,_lln a.-, f ol RI IO It " IJ -• l:I • • HI VIII _ .. I U41!11t41Md rr.r· .. A 111141... • .. ; • • •1 n ts !fl l town ,,, •• OJ l(Iy"-'""°' lvltt • 4J •. Ill< om .-v.Ct E 1plr I\ ... L A 111"9\I 1.U NL 1 " It.II NI. ONT( l,tt t .•t lq Tr 1 00 Nl Grwffl SIS •· ,,,,,.,, _v .. I ,, Id• t• NL A !nvlftC It JI Nl u a111 10 I) N Orwltl • .. M • M u~ 81 16 .. 17 •1 fl'rt141 1 '.' I• Ootn -•II lvol ,;* NL 0 ANIOlll M J'9 tYh•\1 Ullh ... ,., "'111112 10JI ln<om >~•' tita C.une•llll llil'O!t I. Id. ,,.,,., •• , ti •.OJ C>rtyl t » u lft(Oftt I .. t, 11 "' • • .. • .. l <1 ,.,. I 00 Nl Vhl• -·" w $11'1 u . El A OtMI'<' _v .. I L ,..., I JO " ~\ 0.. t.. t.. Cw• 111 1 :It I 0. $teo I JI 8 llopet un.tvell W llrm IJ ~ l ... He .-..... ll• .,,.\ I 00 Nl 41Pll • 4l • " '"' 111 ':M \.. ,., ,, II .. ,, 1 ..... .,.., 1 tel Nl w l~ 1i:t.J l ,,,.. e 1 .. t ., MM ~ 1 oo NL ca1111 •.ot • •1 '"' •1 "n ,. ., NEL••• .. """ .... _ 1 • ,. w.u" 11 I NL !11<...., 4 61 S 01 N NIN I 4l H '-4' ••w I 00 NL (11\ \J IM • •• f<IUll tt .. 10 0 Rtvtrf' J It • N °"""'" .. !fL SIO<' L» .. _. ... t1I< 1 IJ N """°'* JN J.Jt Cu• S• \ ~ ) tO Grwlll 11 \I 11 \ !l•lt< [tit t It '!I W~\l 10 .. HI.. i l(; Gf U" U .. h 1 lb U '1 -..1 ""'"' IM Of11• Por•r JJ• H'l lr>t Dm 11 • 1) tet.~Oth tr .. I Ml MM f ' NL "' Ill< I.. HL '"'• c 11 .. H Com111 • " Hl L•'"'''"" ~p Rtl [Q u .. ,, • Ill" ., •. u . Wnew ". "ti "' 111• 10" NL I"' 01t1 •,. 10 '"'H< -.-11 C• LO< u.11 14 .. Ctll ""-~oo N 1P "' "' 10 s JIJflo. ln 4 .. K Giii U' lfL. "-'-"&.....,_ 11111 Tr 1a 1u1 1. .. -~ .... u., -..-._.... ..._.. weT!il G • t 9MLMIL ' M4. ...., r• I ~ '4 NL. lu 111 •.11 141•1 flltt <f It NL. ~ M lt.b w.111 l• tt NL .. , .. r ~ ,_, • ., "' ' filA< "" NL. l u R I~ .. I•" Gw••• ,. ., NL 111<919\ 1u• H WI\< If!( ut NL "' f41 ••• NL or w111 11,. tt. i. o. is.; NL LI .. 1,., 10• •O" 1.1t1y • • NL '"'' H '"" " -... St~: IOI ... t Q Nl Int em }-•I • S&l 1 l 14 C.. 10 00 Nl 111191\M 1 It HI. Miii' R If• •lltt &it Et ~ '-, ... n Jt.!cl t" • Ste tO ••• Hl ~" S.Y"' P•t111 I)°' H\. llo'Mll t ,IJ H ..._ • .., \. .... r ... ::; Jl~ 16'1;~· "= ';. :":. ri~u ct ~I ar. =t ... ~";,. ~: : =~1, ,,::: .., '::~ -. .:-.... 8 1111 I. .... 0. ·41\!0 t" N 11111._, Ler41 -...... N•wt GI ll ti Nl t 1' J.lJ~ (Mlet ,...,., c..,,, I 11 HL. I. Uwn , It •t I' H04 • HI t .. 4 1flll0 ~ I.JI H•wt In< • U H IWIY •ti i \ -OM.Y PILOT s Tuetdey June 19 1911 lue1day~8 NYSE COMPOSITE 2 p.m. (EST) Price8 TRANSACTIONS ··-.... ... ... , O..o••lt-wh••·-· ... ""'-•Vor• MifWe\I Pe(lll( P•W llMI ... O.Otll•flCICl11pn ... 10\IO(-·~'-•-·-ledb•I"" ~allonel ,.,_l•lt011 .. lec11•ll .. , 0.ale" •fld '"'llMI .. ·~ . .. . ' n.4. I' .. . .. · ... . , . .. '• • STOCKS I BUSINES~ Top lnaporter Wine · Drinkers Salute Italy By MILTON MOSKOWm• Which country shaps more wine lo the United States than any other ' If you s aid France, you're wronc Tbat'a the old No 1. The leader today -by a wade marcln -la Italy French vintne rs were the traditional leaders ln this market But they lost that p0s1tion in 1975, aod they are d anger or being displaced from second position by German vintners MEANWHILE. THE ITALIANS KAVE moved fa r out in front In 1978, they shipped more than 1~ million casei. of wine lo lhe United Slates, neatly tnple the amount export- ed by the French. By themselves the Italians accounted for ~aJI .lb!' 1m~of l~~ win~ _ _ __ -~~-• ThJs year lbe Italian wine make rs are extending their lead Figures reported for the first three months of 1979 show that Italian wines h ave captured S3 7 percent or the import market A1·cordmg to the in dustry newsletter Im pt.let. the following were the 10 top sclhng 1m Pflt'lt'd-1.w M<o1ndi.-tn. 1978 H1urutf'. 1 6 mtlhoo c•as es G1a<.'ohaiz1, 1 6 Money m1lhon ease:-. Matf•us, I 3 m1lhon cas1·s Ct:lle1. I 3 m1lhon cases. Blue Nun. I 2 m1lhon cases Yago Sant Gr1a, l l mllhon cas<·s. Holla J 2 malhon cases. F'olonarl, 1 I n11lhon cases. Lancer's. 840 000 cases, ancl Zonan , 720,000 r:is t s __ --· T hese brands arrfJunled ror nearly so percent or all imported wine sa les in America Of the lop IO ~1x arf' Hallan R1um1tc G1acobazz1 < • Ila Boll:i F'olon.Jfl <1nd Zonin Tw11 ctr' from Portugal . M t.1t eus and Lanrc•r 9 ·One 1s from <ierman v Blue Nun And <me 1s frt>m Sp<1in Y1.1go Se1nt Gr1<.1 NOT I\ SINGLt. •'Kf:NCll WIN t: plaC'ed among thl' top lfl In pn•v1ou'i ye<i r' the h:ading French 1mp0rt Wa'> Moulton Cad1·t ,1 Bofd1~aux It was <inc• of the frw fo'rench IA'ln c:-. t><icked by any a<Jv1·rt1s10~ 1n the lJ S mar ket tlelping to :,pur the ll:ihan sur~I:' '"the r1 s1ng populan- t v ()( l,amhnL'\<11 l yp1· wines Of the 10 leading import sf'lll rs four an• Lambru~e<x> Riun1te. G1a cobazz1, Cellci und Y.onm M<>Rl srw«ta<:ul<:1r 1s the shnwang of R1un1le who~c "iu ll ' f'Xp:snch•d 6-0 1>< rccnt 1n l!nR to tak•· first place for the 1h1rt1 lf)O.'i« cut1 v1• ".1r k1un1tt· 'ells hen> for about S2 70 a h11tll1 Jmpac t f'!>tim.11f''> that Am1•r11 ,ins ~w·nt $14>1 m1lhon h1:-.t year on th1!> on•· hr,1nc1 l ~UKt-Tllfo. FR t.Nnr. T iii~ lt<1h<in'> h.1v1 turned to 111\ • rt1 "i1ng t11 l1uilcl th1 1r hr.ind fr<Jn < hh•·~ in th<: rnPnran markl'l ll w rul! ,., ~pt-nd1n~ m'lre than · S5 1r111l1<m ,, .,, 1r' Y11u m.1y II 1vt "• n th•·er c urnmercwl:, 011 r. 11 \1-.1on Import..., hold .!.7 1>• re• 111 ()f th .. l ~ l.1bl1• wine market 1111 Ir run lt1 ~wr• c111 .11 \hl 'tarl •1f lhl'o tll'ra<le a nd th•~ ~1 •1W lh l>ulJIJlc-. fr111n Ilk ..,, 1•ndun• v ''' llw ltulian ... Anaheim Firm's I Revenues Rise '•••rwr 11 /\11i11rn Jll•H1 Inc Irvan• , hi.I' rl'J>ortcd n \ ,.nut•,.101 the· 11 inl flU l.l rt• r • n<111l J\prtl ix of $'11 472 ooo 1 om µand with 2ti,M I ()()0 for tht 'anw JH: r111tl the prev1ou ... \t'olr 01wr.1t 1011-. i11r tht p 1•1111<1 1 •·~ult"d 1n u1111m1· heron~ ex trJord1n.1r) 1 n·rJ1l' 11( $11)(, t)(1iJ , or 4 t'• nt~ L1 ..,h<Jre, <'Om p.1r~t1 \I.Ith ~1 .41;(, 000 or~ <'f'll1 ,, in fowal J971t J-:xtr,tOrfllrJLlfy I rt•d rl._ Of $10(),()()() Of 4 ('(!0(<, [I '>h.trc 10 I Wi'9 .1 ru.J S:J7 ooo or 4 cents. an J97H from mcomf• lcix lwrwf1ts L111d Sl K25 000. or 72 <.'Int~. 1n 1978 from a gain on 1h1• ~<J lt• of th• c•ompany' mtn 5t en Syncrlck. Inc . m 1·n :Jhf'fJ nl'l rni l)mfl to $206 ooo f>r Ji < 1•nts, for the c urrent q u.ir1l•r comµal't•rt with $3, J87,000, or $1 34, one year ago Rt:Vt:Nl't:S tOR Tiit: t'IRST NI NF. months of f1 sc.sl 197'1Wl'rt'$8ii714 000 <Ompared with $67 217 000 the year ht forf' <>1wr.1Llor1h for th( nm1• month period rc•s ultt•d 1n m- cornl' l:x:forr l'Xtraordtn.iry <'red1ls of $1 ,307,000, or 50 cents .1 'hart• r;'(1mpal"\:d with S2 259 000, or 90 l cnt!>, the prcv1ou:-. Yt«1r t-:xtr<1or1hnary credits m creascd net inc'lme lo SI .'>17 ooo or 75 u•nts .1 'hart• an 1979, compared with $4 2311,000. or $1 (iJI ont· y(•,tr a(.!') /\ ikcn•,1s 1• 111 ~ro'>s mar~1n anrl tJn in1 rcasc in ~akh .ind .1dmin1ht r .ill v1• 1·x P''""' ~ 'ontnhut(•tl to th1 lowe r than e•x lH 1 led n·sulb the company ~lJld (icnl•ral Tt>ll'phont.• or California I!> u~ing 1ls o wn tcll"phont!s to le<.1rn wh,1t <.'ustomers think of the service 1t provides A survf•y callec1 Telephone Custome r Expecta tlon l.ev<•I ITcl Ct'I) uses brier custom er 1nterv1ews to de lt'r m1nc how well tht <'ompany 1s responding to customer~· ncedc; Customers rnl'<JSUrl' our s..rv1ce IO terms or time. ltC· c uraty a nd couru·:-.y, said Stan Botelho. Oran~e d1v1s1011 man3gcr Qul'st1on:-. asked durin~ the five minute m lt rv1ew 1ncludl' Wah thl· operator courteous? Jfow would -. ou ratt> quality o ( h erv1re " And how wou ld yo u rat e Gl•ne r a l s r e pair service'' T -\KIN(; S'fOCK T~I Cel results sum m arfze c ustomer con cern for dial, operator. rl'pnar and 1nstall:Jllon services and show that three out o( four cuslomc:rs rule Gener al s service as good or excellent, the company said "We find Tt•I t;(•I res ult., quite satisfying, but as a c·us tomer oriented hus1nf'ss we realize the need to con stuntly improve our operation.' Botelho s aid "We will continue hstcnanJ? to our c ustomers and continue prov1d1ng tht•m Wlth services to meet their needs and concerns " General Telt•pho ne a lso is involved in mllrketang llnd forccastins:i ..,urvt·ys. ht· added These !>Urveys, performed 1 ompanvw1dc, ullow the ut1hty to ant1c1p1tte trends and growth rattcrns. tw stud ,d Battk Oflrn ltfott..,, Pfettttrr ff the United States economy goes Into a recession. as many economists predict, budgeting will be andispensable to consumers If they are lo deal with It effectively, accont- lng to Rank or America As an example, the a mount o( (ood purchased (or 1100 in April 1978 cost Sl 11 70 ln Aprtl 1979 If 1nnauon ls only modestly lower, aR predicted. lhe same amount of food by April 1980 would cost approximately Sl22 40 In it ron!lumcr information report. the oank explains pen1onal money plunnini;c as a means of reducing lhe Im pact of lnflallonary pressures on households and ln· div1duals Cople11 or the rc~rt. "Personal Mone y Planner." are available free In the bank 's branches The report &Uflle&t.Lway.s to atart..LmoM~ p&aa.-pre- vldes ntp·bY·step Instructions and contelm worltlbeetl on which to record income. e•pen.-and flnancial .,U.. •