HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-28 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • f ,,, Orange coast L O il i O N Di•e·a-~lne argain• Toda11 VOL. 72, NO. 209, 3 SECTIONS, ~2 PAGES ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1979 Fl FTEEN CENTS County Deputies Shun 'Ex~ra Effort' Oranp County abertrf'a dep. utlH ••id Fdday nltbt they will no l~r Co the extra milt to provide "exceptl~al law tD· rorcement ·' to county residents. Starting at mldnl&ht, a policy was to be lnaUtuted by deputies, who are embroiled ln a pay dis· pule, to no longer "unduly en· daneer their peraonaJ safety." Bob MacLeod. gen eral m anager ot tbe 440-member As· aoelatJon for Or a nre County l>eputJ Sberlfft , said that the coune d actJon was adopted after unsuccessful contract talks with county negotJntors earlier 1-"riday. "Tbe aherirrs deputies will do everything they need to do but nothing ext ra," M <1 cC leotJ declared. Sickout.'l previously have bc<!n Ru11 for the Surf .authorized but MacLeod s aid nothing would happen in that re· gard for al least a re w days MacLcod said lhat most or the sheriff deputies would be taking a net pay dt!crease under the county offer of a 7 percent pay inc rease for deputies and a 4 percent hike for bailiffs and in· vesllgators. Offi cers will be going in the hole . h<' said. because of infl:J. o ••• , PolOI PllOIO Of ll•<lwtd Koehl .. Junior lifeg uards point their surfboards toward the ocean <:1t the st art of the B Di vision paddle relay race at the San Clem ente Pier. It's all part of the city 's Occ::rn Festi val toduy and Sunday involv ing lcl·n-agc lifeguard c<.idcts from <1round the nation. NelV Cabinet Pair \ Win Praise on Hill - WASIUNGTON CAP> -Pres1· dent Carter 's fi nal two ~clec· lions for hi s revamped Cabinet arc drawing praise on Capitol Hill as the Senate hastens to con· firm s om e o f the ea rlie r nominees before its August re· ce1's. P a tri c ia Robe rts H a rris became the fi rst to win Senate approval when she was con· firmed F riday as secretary or health. education and welfare. Mrs . Harris. former secretary of housing and urban development.. replaces J oseph Califa no J r., who was fired as HEW secretary last week. Also confirmed Friday was W. Gr aham Claytor to be deputy de· rense secretary. a spot vacated by Charles W. Duncan Jr .. Carter's c hoi ce to becom e energy secretary Since last week. Claytor has been serving as acti ng transpor ta tion secretary. . Elsewher e . the Senate Finance Committee conducted hearings oo G. William Miller's nomination to be treasury secr et a r y, and t h e Senate Judiciary Committee completed three days or hearin gs on -Carter's no m ination of Ben· jamln R. Civilelti to be attorney general. Both notninatjons are expect· ed lo go lo the Senate floor next week in time for action before Congress rece8ses Aug. 3 for one-month break. pointed forme r New Orleans M ayor Moon Landr 1cu a ~ sec retary of !IUD and Portland. Ore., Mayor Neil GoldschmuJl as secretary of of transportation c Photo Pa~e A3 >. R e p . H e nr y S . R eu ss . chairma n of the House Commit· lee on Banking, Fina nce C:tnd Ur ban Affairs, ter m ed L an· drieu's nomination a "good ap· pointment. .. '·Mayor Landrieu knows hous· ing and cities, iswidcly respect· ed as a successful mayor and 1s well known to our committee thro u gh h is fr e qu e nt ap· pe arances befo re us," th e Wisconsin De mocrat said . Landrieu, former president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and now employed by a large commercial dev~lopment firm in New Orleans, 'illso drew s up· port from Sen. Russel I Long, D· La .• chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. Sen. Willia m Proxmire, O· Wis., chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Ur ban Af. fairs Committee. said he will wait to hear testimony before deciding whethe r to s upport Landrieu in confirmation hear· ings. ''He 's bee n an excellent mayor. he's a very personable m a n , and he obviously un· derstands the problems of New Orleans very well," Proxmire said. "But I trunk I should sus· <See CABINET, Page A2> Rams' France Quits Camp, Blmts Team A bombshell was laid at the R am s· Cal St a t e Fullerton training site Fri· day hy offens ive guard Doug Fra nce as he ac· cused his teammates of pn'JlldiCl' and racism. r•rance, who has walked ou t o f camp a nd a n · nounced his r etireme nt bec·ause of the rift. says he wi ll not return until the black and while fa ctions arc lifted and the team becomes one. "I think this can only have a positive reaction." said France. "I 'm happy I 'm talking about it Maybe' what this team needs 1s a firecracker up its ass." For story. Sec Sports Page Bl. Means on Parole SIOUX FALLS. S .. D. <AP > - Indian activist leader Russell Means was paroled Friday from the South Dakota Penitentiary, exactly one year after he began serving a four-year sentence for a riot conviction. Me ans, 39, was convicted or charges stemming from a 1974 clash between police and American Indian Movemenr supporters a t a Sioux Falls courthouse. Meanwhile, Carter completed ntlin~ the vacancies left by last week s Cabinet purge as he ap· House Panel Declares And he said public hearings will be held and new regulaUODB developed In 14 different areu dealing with emergency plan· nlng. The report, scheduled for re· le ase next week, contends : "Emergency preparedness at every level of responsibility la inadequate to protect the pubUc health and safety In the event of a severe nuclear power plant at· cident.'' A preliminary draft of the re• port was obtained by The Al~ 1oclated Press. _ "Rathe r than leadln1. tile NRC bu milled the American peop•• u to tile need foi' plan· Dial fOf' nuelear aecidentl ltd lulled uUUUea and 1ta&e aad local aovernments Into Cfm· placency," ll taJd. ---' tion and inc reased contributions lQ the retirement system. A bout 250 deputies took their pay protest directly to the Board of Supervisors Tuesday. They were promised a meeting with negotiators a fter the stormy episode. .. Some mem bers of the au- dience hooted and jeered at of· ficials and Supervisor Harriett Wi eder accused officers or using bullying tactics :·that were de- meaning to law enforcement as well as to super visors." Spokesmen s ay that the of· ficers a r e unde rpaid , over · worked and that the department is losing experienced personnel to other poUce agencies in the county at higher pay. M acLeod said th at further meetings with negotiators are n ot j ust ifi e d and will seek another fa.ce-t.o-face session with supc rvu;ors . "We won't cut corners to con· tinue to be more efficie nt," MacLeod said. ··w e arc going to dot every 1 and cross every t . "If the supervisors want to puy for less quality law enforce· mcnt that's what they are going to get." 'Grandstanding' Wieder Assails er Pay Cut Hy ROBt:tCT H/\RKElt Of ow O•••Y P1101 51•11 Orange County Su1wrv1 ~or lla rr11·tl W1 ed(•r ac·r11 ... 1·d r·ol lea gm• Edison M 1 lll·r FntJ.1y of "gr<rndstanding" when hl' un nounced thal hl· and his staff will ta kt' JO Pl'r<'l'nt tuts m pay M 1ller. the nl'w s upervisor 1n the 3rd 01stnct, .d~o had sug geslcd lhat employt•es earning mon· than tlw s up e rvi sor~· salary of $29,898 also follow suit with s imilar volunli.Jry cuts Mrs. W1edl'r s:ud she was "furious" at Miller fo r making such a "shallow, hollow pro posal. "What Supervisor Miller 1s es· sent1ally doing is reducing the a m ount of pay for bis office s taff. all of w hom ar e new employees who had not accrued pay increases through lhe years as Supervisor Ralph D1edrich's s taff had. "Miller's so-called sym bolir gesture is grandstanding of the worst kind because it is not in the spml of Proposition 13 It docs not reduce the cost of coun- ty govemmenl by one red cent.·' she sa1<1. "Apparently Mr. Miller feel ... very comfortahlc reducing his own s:ilary lo S27,000 becaus<' hP reCl'IVl'S something like $2'1.000 annuall y from a militar y pension which combined with h1~ reduced salary adds up to :m an· nu al income of $51 ,000," Mrs. Wieder declared. Mrs. Wieder said that 1f Miller is genuinely sincere about r1' ducang the cost of government he s hould ta lk to "his friend Governor Rrown" a bout rL-du r ing the number of state :rnd federal m<1ndatcs imposed on local government. "IL is not in the best interest of the p<'Oplc of Orange County to attempt to divert their attention from the real issue of cutting costs. ·'Sy mboli c s m ok escreens don 't take the place or solid homework on the budget nor does it dis play the kind of leade rship the public expects fro m elect ed officeholde rs," Mrs. Wieder said. Miller. who was appointed Ju. ly 13 by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to succeed Diedrich, was not available ror comme nt. Mill er sugges ted Thursday that well-paid county employees take pay cuts in order to free more money for the salary or lower paid workers "who arc be· ing eaten alive by inflation." The study claims that the NRC "has given only m inimal atten· tion and resources to e me rgency planning and has a llowed plants to be built in areas wbere the feasibility or e vacuation Is in 1rave doubt." The report ·rouows an in· ve1li1allon conducted by the House committee's envi ron· ment, energy and natural re· 101,.1rce1 subcommittee in lM af. termalh of the March 28 acci· dent at the central PeM1ylvanl1 auclear plant -the wont auch accident in the hl1tory of U.S. nuclear power. Subcommittee Chairman Toby Mollett. D-CoM .• decllned to dis· cun the study on 1roundl the full committee had yet to authorize lta releaH. f RAPS 'GRANDSTANDING' Supervisor Wieder OMIY ~119' StMt ,_. PAY 'CUT' ASSAILED Supervisor Miller Bruit Dealer Vietim Slayer Convicted In Valley Execution By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ' Of 11• 0•1ly Polol Sl•ll A 32-year-old San Diego man charged with lhP gangland -style sl:1ying of a purported mi.Jn· jua n a s mugi:lc•r in f'ountain Valley was fnuncJ ~uilty of first· degr<'t> murder by an Or:mgc County Superior Court Jury Fri· day afternoon The <'ight-woman , four-man pa nc•I deh hernted four duys before returning the verdict against Thomas Landry, who. among associates, was known as Mr. Cash. Landry, tl former San Diego car s alesman. sat impassively beside his atto rn ey, Brad Ooeckman. as Jurors issued the verdict. Sentencing was scheduled for Au g. 17 by Superior Court Judge John Flynn. Jimmy Lee Larson. 26. was killed Aug. 14. 1976, by murder· for -hire assassins who lured him to a Fountain Valley residence assertedly rented ror the slaying. It was alleged by prosecutor Paul Meyer that Landry. a form er Connecticut resident. fired two shots into Larson's head and late r a bandoned the body in the trunk of Larson's 1973 Cad.iliac which was parked Crash Fatal To Countian A SO.year-old Buena Part man was killed Friday evening when his car drifted orr the Santa Ana Freeway near Newport Avenue and slammed into the rear ot a parked vehicle transport truck, authorities said. Orange County cor one'r•s deputies identified the victim as VtctorCnaz. Hedled at Sant.a Ana· Tustin Community Hoapltal abou\onebow'atterthe'1 p.m. col· lillo8 wlth the three· axle vehicle. A Callfomla Hipw ay Patrol 1pokeeman aaid the northbound car waa mow., at leut SS miles per bour wlMm It atruck the UD• occvpted auto transP4"k. • near :i Long Hc;H'h rc·s taurant Thl' body wo1•. 1lt sC'OVl'rl'd 12 days after thl· k11l111g. Mever contended that John Garfield of Hndgt•port , Conn . wanted Larson k11lect hc:c:rnsc of a dispute ovrr a mar11uanu deal Garfie ld hire d Lan<lrv a nd George M a~~.iro also of Con nee lieut. to travt'I to California tu kill Larson. Meyn claimed Garfield was prl'v1ous ly fou nd guilty or cons piracy to rnmmat murder. Massaro pleadcct guilty to a !>econd·dcgree murder charge. TPstimony in the tr ial indicC:tt· ed that L:.indry a nd Massaro flew from Ne w York to Los Angeles two days prior to the kill ing then went to t he Orchid Street residence which had been re nted jus t d ays be fo r e by another participa nt. Louis Rodn guez. He was granted im· m unaty from prosecution in ex cha nge for hi s testimony in the case. Another key prosecution wit· <See GUILTY, Page A2) Orange Coast Weather Low clouds and morning fog will delay the suns hine along the Orange Coast to· day and Saturday, while inl a nd a r eas will get s li ghtly warmer t e rn · peratures. INSIDE TODAY Tlaol old tmw ~"°'°'9 '-r~· """'"'1 to on or~o once /om~d °' "Ciotpll Swamp." SftP(Jl}eAl. . .... AU .,. •t-4 .. ., .. .. A1 .,. • 1 1 I I A cutro•eray over tht traHponaUon ol meetal pa· U.tl from VC Jrvlne Mtctical Center &o MelropolltH Slat• HoepU.al • Norwalk may hHe been teMlwd ID Oran1• ~Y bud1et heariftaa P'nday. Jn the ~. tbe actlons of Sheriff Brad Oates ln th matter cam e lo tor cr11Jc11m from Supervilor Thomu Riley. For )'tint, the 'sheriff's dl' partment had been transporting patient.I to the st.ate an~tJtutJon at an annual coal of about tM.000. But Oates put the brakes to the program on July 6. sayin~ bis department was not mandat ed to perform the activity. He also reported that the prison er trans portation workload has become such that he no longer had the staff or the equipment to <.'Ofltinue transport Ing p~tients. Instead . the d uty wai:. transferred lo th(! II um an Service Agency which contract. ed with a private ambulance service. The costs of travel rose to $120 per paUent. Yearly costs for this mode or travel are estimated at $180,000. This development apparently dido 't sit weH with Riley or with other officials. .. I have no sympathy with the sheriff tor deliberately throwing this service onto another agen· cy," Riley said . Harriett Wieder also said she was disturbed by the way things were haadJed. Gates aaid, however, that be bad attempted without success to r•aolve the issues for two years. He a1ao added that he is get- ting tired of being blamed for being uncooperative. The sheriCf consented to re· instate the service in his depart- ment for an interim period alter s upervisors directed starr studies to get patients to the hospital by other means and at less expen.c;e. Jn other action, supervisors approved the addition or nine de· puty sheriff deputies lo relieve -crowded conditions a l the -women's jail. Analys t s said tha t th e women's Jail population, jail bookings and general workload has tripled since the facility opened in 1969 but the staff posi - tions have remained the same Costs or the nine deputies are estimated al $160,47!1 over 12 months. Meanwhile. thrnt: progr ams requested to beef up enforce- ment activities in South Orange County were rejected by the board. They included· Two sergeant pos1twns to increase supervision or patrols. -Two sheriff deputy positions to reduce the response time in emergency cal ls from 8 .5 minutes to 6 minutes on 80 per· cent or the calls. -Two investigator positions for the South County substation 1n Laguna Niguel requested because or increased workloads Requests by the department to add a senjor crimalist at the crime lab and for an instrument to analyze blood and urine also were rejected. The department was suc· cessful in wiMing approval for a $4,000 X·ray unit to aid in bomb detection work and for five new washers and dryers lo handle the laundry for male and female Jail inmates. Meanwhile. supervisors left programs comparatively un· touched about $111 mlJUon in ex· pendilures involving the grand jury, fire protection, marshal. municipal and s uperior courts, JUvenUe hall and public defen. der'aolftce. DAILY PILOT l._Ot_t_O..ly "1i101.wit1t-"""'-.._ __ ,.,.ft>, .. _,_..,, ... Or_ ~,,.... ...... ~ .._ ............. . jNllll-• -.. ,,,,_ '''"•' ... c ... . Mow,.._. llHdl, ...,..,,.,...., ""•"'"-tAHt".tft•,, 1,w.,~a...c."''°"'.,ca.u A ....... ,--....ll-•-'411 .......... ...i ~· , ...... ._.._.....,. ..... ,, ... l. .......... ..-.c.e.~. c.i-..... ,.,. ............. ~---... ,. e.n.., llot• "'ft'-M _Ge_ .. ,__, ,_.,....._ I•• "::t ... -:=- ~.:..!:9.......:9..::. - t1•fhl ... (7H).._, 01 T1f.WVM•4..-. ,._ .... a.-..... .. --°'-'-'~ .... ... ,. l alunlay. July •· 'm 0.ty ~let Slaff ll'Mt• SACHIA LONG MIMICS HER MARLENE DIETRICH ART ·A Captivating, All-powerful, Indelible Look' Festival A r:'tist Portraits Capture Strength of Women By STEVE MITCHELL Ol 1,_ 0.11' Pli.t Slaff Her accent betrays her Mb sissippi and Texas upbnnging but it's her watercolor portrait!. ·of women that vividly illustrate the essence that is Sachia Lon~ Her portraits a re or strong women. those super stars or yesterday that portray strength and sex appeal There's a portr&.1it of Marlen« Dietrich. lounging in a chair with a look in her eye th;.il could chill the most macho of men. "She seems to be saying 'drop dead.' " Sachia laughs . "It's a captivatiog, all·powerful look - an indeUbfe look ." And her subjects are not un. like Sachia herself, who admit!> she relates to her watercolor counterpart.'i. "I'm a Uppy person." ~ht•'ll tell you. "And my humor l(!nd!> toward the bawdy " Th at accou nt s for d walcrcolonng on display <tl th<· Arl·A·F'a1r that ~hows a port11m or a woman's anatom y done in rainbow hul's ThP p<iinlinJl i~ C'allt·d "It l'11mcs in Colori1," and Sarhta says the piece hus drawn m1x(!d reactions from viewers. But it's her portrait~ of mov11• stars. such a~ lhl' sultry Mu.~ D i c t r i c h t h a l h a s l h 1· ft>s l1valgocrs stnpping by hl'r bnoth. "It's the s trong personality that shines through ."' Sach1 :i s ays. ··w omen like Marlcn1· Dietrich, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis hav(! 'that look.' " Sacbia says she can red uce graphicall y :1 face like Mi ss Dietrich lo three single lines. "and it still will read. People will know who the subject as." Not (!Veryone who views Sac hi a ·s wate r colors is enamored with th(• work. ·'Some th.ink the women arc too strong. They're the samt' ones who feel uncomfortable in the presence or strong·willed women." She says some people would rather yjew a portrait of a doc· eyed woman with daisies blow· mg in her hair, something they won 'l get al Sachia 's booth. The 33·ycar·old Santa Ana arliat has dabbled in other sub· ject.a since she was graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with a degree in fin • art.a. 1'"'91 Paflr A I CABINET~ .. pend final judgment until the hearings." Sen. Bob Packwood, rank•n1 Republican on the Senate Com- merce Committee, praised the cholce of Ooldachmldl, a retlow Ore1on1an, to replace ousted TrantpOrtaUon Secreter~ Brock Adams. Packwood Hid he WH "look· inl forward to workin1 with the mayor •• 1ecretary of tran1portat.1on for the benefit ot Ore1on a nd the nallon ." Gold1chmldt had been men· tloaed • • potenUal Demqcratlc cballeaser for Packwood's 8en1te 1Nt ned )'Hr, The Hlectloa Of Landrteu and Oold1dunldt allo aeemtd cer· taln to pie ... the n1Uoe'1 bl1· city mayon, wbo have com· platn..S about cuta ln the ad· mln.&ltratlon'• urban prosrarna. \I "I c•xhibit~ in an erotic show an Laguna Beach and the gallery owner asked me to make my art more explicit," she says. "They wanted me to tum it up a notch or two lo fit the theme or th<.· show " But for tht> most part. Sacha.. usc•s photos clipped out or old VoguP and L' Official fashaon maga1.1m·s for her s ubJects. Sh<> has friC'nds thumbing through old m aga1.anes and photos for subjects. and, on oc easion. s hC''ll use a live model for her portraits. And as long as th(! subject fits he r strict criteria, Sachia will reproduce "that look" in watercolors. England Tell,s Fear in Band Case Hearing Former Newport llarbor High School hand director Richard England testifi ed Friday that he "was very frightC'ned" when h•· wa s told he would be reassigned if lht' band didn't play at a cer tam footbull game . England, testifying in the eighth day of a h(!aring into un· professional conduct charges fil e d :.iga ins t him by the NC'wport-Mesa Unifi ed School District. said it was his rear that IC'd him lo read band parents the confidential letter from Prin· cipal Tom Jacobson ordering the band to perform. lie suad he was afraid that. if they weren 't informed of the reassignment threat hanging over his head. parents might op· pose the performance. England is charged with dis· obeying Jacobson's orders re· garding band performances and with involving parents and stu· dents m an administrative dJs· pule . The hearing at Costa Mesa High School. which has already surpassed the original five days set aside for it. will be In recess next week because or scheduling conflicts by members of the three-person commission on pro· fesslonal conduct that is hearing the charges. The hearing will resume Aug. 6 at the same location. The panel is expected to take three to four weeks after the hea.ring concludes to submit to the district Its declalon as to whether Eneland can be dis· missed. f',.... rla,,eAI GUILTY ••• ness wu John Toomey. a Un· dry intimate who i1 servin1 a live year pri'<>n lerm In Florida on 1 marijuana 1mu11Un1 con- viction. Dunn1 the trial a de· taUed aonleuion to the crime wae alle1ed to have been made by Landry. Following the verdict. 80ffkman 11ld he wUI Mek • new trtaJ a"'°"'~ &o win one. wlU a~al the convtetton. . Landry wu returned to Oran1• County Jail wbtre he b11 been held In Utu of N00.000 ball, F~nda Rips Senate Act~sS Upset at 1.rts ParielRejection SACRAVEN'TO CAP> -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and Jane Fonda delivered scath1n& al· tacks Friday on the California Senate's rejection or t.he actress as a member or the slate Arts Council. "Small-mindedness has always been In conflict with a rtistic excellence," the Dem ocratic governor said before an arts council meeting. Brown accompanied Ms . Fon· da. whose confirmation to the council was rejected one week ago in a 28-5 Senate vote. "Whether it"s within the spirit of the First Amendment lo punish someone for opposing the war in Vietnam. I have serious doubts." the De mocratic gov- ernor said later or M~. ft'onda's political activity. Brown's appointment of th<: Academy Award-winning ac· tress was r ejec t ed a fte r widespread criticism of her ac· tivilies and Drown·s appoint· ment of controversial former POW Edison Miller as an Orange County supervisor. lie said Ms. Fonda had chosen not to serve out the remaining 60 days or her term on the councJI. on which she served 31h months. The governor said in not granting Ms . Fonda a public hearing before rejecting her ap· poinlment. the Senat(! showed itself as "a group or little kids a ll huddled together on the last d a y or the legislative session " Ms. Fonda, who appeared moved by re marks m ade by Brown and other council mem- bers praising her work on the council. called her rejection "shocking" and said her name and reputation were "excoriated ..• in the most vicious terms on the floor or the Senate without offering me any opportunity to answer the charges_" Several Senate mt·mbcrs called her disloyal ant1 un- -~-·,..... .. GOVERNOR BROWN, JANE FONDA AT ARTS COUNCIL ChaJnnan Peter Coyote Wetc:omea P•lr to State Seaalon patriotic because of her oppos1· would appoint Ms. ft'onda t11 tion to the Vietnam war and a anot.her swtc pos t trip she made to North Vietnam "She certainly as not interest during the war. ed in bucking heads with the.'ll' ''It is sad lo see that people people. They have . the con who represent us have learned stitutional power to block ai.i so little from history," she said. pointme nts." which h(! s i.1 d m a prepared statement. "Thal many senators did becaus•· some senators . still bent on ··they were afrmd for th.cir owr1 fighting the merits of the Viel· elections .·· nam war and smarting from the He also reJectt'd th«: idei;t t~<1t tragic consequences or the posi· Ms. F~da was a poltt1 cal liabah lion they ooce advocated, have ty.~o tum. resurrected the tactics or the./ Jane Fonda as a great art.isl McCarthy and Nixon periods.'. I was proud lo appoint her 1 am . proud to work with her an ;1 . Ms . Fonda saad she woul~ con· number or endeavors. ~~nuc to .r~llow her consc1en~. "I don't mind if lht·y want t11 rt!COgmz1og lhal ther.e wall c x pr es s l h c 1 r n a rr 0 w always be t!.'ose who w1U call mindedness agaan~l mt·. hut r this treason. certainly don't Lhmk lht•y oughl The gove rnor c alled the lo lake it out <lg<un~t Jani· fo'ond.1 Senate rejection "Round one." without giving ht·r u dwnc1· t•• hut declined to suy whether he be hl•ard · Alcohol-Caused Death? Internal bleeding brouJ(ht on by extensive and prolonged use or alcohol ft'riday was reported to be the cause· or d(!ath or an an mate at Orange County Jail. Gerald Guzman Moreno. " 23·year·old res ident of S1inta Ana, was pronounced dead upon <arrival at St Joseph 'i. Hospital at 12 30 a m . Friday. Lt. Wyatt Hart of the Oran~l' County Sher iff's Departme nt s:.11d Moreno was arrested by Santa Ana police on a forgery c·hargc and placed in Orange County Jail shortly after 8 pm. Thursday. Deputies later he<ird Moren(> moaning while lying on the floor of the holding C(!ll al about 11 30 p m . llart said. llart reported th<tt the J&11'-.. medical staff and paramedic!-. Olhaese ltfisdle La .. e~ administered <11d but Moreno was pronounced d<wd a!> he ar rived at St. J os<>r>h '!-. I fos pital b> ;.i m bulanc1· Hnrt s:titl a 1•11rnrwr ·~ ,rnlopi-,y -;howecl that rlt•:t lh · 11va~. 1·..iu~1·d by 1nll·rnitl h1•n111rr h;igi ni..: brought on by dl·tenorat1ng d1-. r·ase 1>rot·ess c·:.iu!.1•11 hv lon1: tt>rm ;_i nd l''<1f'n-..1Yl' ;if coh1il use ·· Naval forces of the Chinese P eople's Liberatjon Army held battle exer cises in the China Sea with a .. show of farce .. in view of the recent buildup of Vietnam forces on its borders. This photo of the launching of a s hip·lo·ship missile. dis· patched by Xinhua news agency. was re· ceived in Tokyo. ra Flap· ·Settled • 8y MICHA££. P,\8KEYICH ..................... SeaJ Bc•ch't 1ummer battle alnal bu1load1 of youn1 ~b~rs haa •nded, at leut porartly, with 1 romprom.ile wttn clty and bua compel\)' clals. r ru1 Cou.ocu member• h»Vl' tdtld to remove ll doWl'ltOwn atop at Al uln Strttt and an Avenue. two blocks from , c lty pJer. · • : ,. Arriving buses wlll now drop :f sengers off right nut to the • • r , ehminaUng the need for ~· ung folks to w<ilk through the ~ am Street busuwss dastnct to ~ t to lht.' shorl'hnl'. ~ ounc1lman Konald K redell "• 4"d some downtown merchants -:~im the kids ht1ve been steal. ~g from sloreh. vandalizing pr<» :·~rty. m<ik1ng too much no1se :_. n d leaving piles of litter .. hind. ;~ Kredl!ll has !>aid the 1nc reas· ~:tg number of youngsters arriv- : ng in town this s ummer is ·!. reaterun~ to turn lhe city "into a nother Balboa " T hre<' bus compan 1ei. Oran ge Count y Truns1t District, Sou th c·rn C CJ l 1forn1 <.1 R <1p1d Trans it and Long B e ach 'l"r ansportation Co have been u:;1 ng th· uptown hus stop. Hu.., line officiab said the tHv 's <•l1mination of the stop would crNil« no real hardships • 1-fow<'v(•r, lhl'Y are oppos«:d to th{' cit) :. pl:..n to 1·1Jm1ncitc a Javov<'r s lOJ) ne:.i r the pier. Dri' t·rs. protN'l<'d IJy union rule:. Us•· thl· !>fl<tCt' fo r lhear . rest periods. Councilmen said thc>y would \hill for t 'A.Cl months before dis -.. <'llsi.ing lh<' luyover s top and to <;<·<' how th<' new bus s top ar- r:ini.:1·rn1·nt as working Germs Foand I n Alta Dena Non-fat Milk ·~s ,H·HAM ENTO (J\f') ('"trltfit'rl r<iw non fat <md whole milk from th<• Alta Dena Dairy t•odcd with th<' pull date of 81 B "'as ordered removed from sale 'Qy the state Friday because ~almon<'lla ha<'teria were found 111 <i Sdmple. No other Alla De na D~ury pro· ducts were affected .Beverlee Myers. state director of health <,erv1ces. said she IS· sued lhe order at the request or the slate Department of Food . and Agncullun• SalmonC'lla haC'tcria cause d1 arrhN1 ;ind fever in young or ih·hihtall'fJ p<>oplt• Infection can ht· serious and hf('·thrcaterung. the dcpurtmenl smd Off1e·1.i ls ur~<'d con s ume rs who r<'f·('nlly pur<·hused Alta Dena r:o"" non -fat or wholE' milk to <'hN·k for lh<' Rt R pull date anrl .J v111<l dnnkin~ thl' milk or fccdin~ 1t to pets. Woman Slain By Burglar VALLf';.Jo 1/\1'1 A 57-year· old ~ran<lmothPr was shot to death in her suburban home Fri· ~ay in what police l;elieve was a ~r~l<.iry attempt • A 4-vear old ga rl, the victim 's <cranddaughtcr. was in the house ;111 the tJmc of the shooting and ~w~nt next door to summon help. :: Evelyn C. Fischer was found '"ing on lhe kitchen floor of her .~e-story. wood-framed tract ~me. located in the northern 2•rt of ValleJo o.llyPl ... Si.tf ........ PUSHING OLD TIME AELIOION IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Wea Cohen (left), E•r1 Summervlll• With Goepel Tent Faith Revived Gospel Tent A.dorm Pier By JERRY CLAUSEN Of U. O•llJ ...... Sl•ff A gospel lent has risen <1l the foot of Huntington Beach's city pier and the same old hymns that once echoed throug h Gospel Swamp in the 1920s <1re being heard by today's beach crowds The 40-by 80-foot tent strad- dles 40 parking spaces adjacent to Sunny's food concession on the beach. It is filled with ban- ners and enough se<1ts for 400 people rt 's not unlike the tents that revival groups once piLched in parts or the city known in the early 1900s as Gospel Swa mp because various religious groups often met there . Wes Cohe n , a Huntington Beach b o d y a n d f e n d e r m echanic. secured a s pecial permit for the tent with the blessing of Sunny's. which holds a lease on the parking facility. Cohen. 24. calls the canvas <'difice and the 8 p.m. gospel meetings scheduled over the next eight days the work of the Lord through "efforts by some Christia ns here in Huntington Beach and an assembly in Fulterton." ll 's the result of no organized church. he says, and there will be n o call for or acceptance of donations during any o r the m eetings. The meetings consist o r prayer . gos p e l h ym n s. performances by Christian en· t e rtainmenl g r oups. som e p e r sonal t estimony and a m essage to be d e livere d by various "brothers." The theme, Coh en says. is messages based on Chris t's "I am .. teachings. Cohen says it is the second tim e his group has raised a gospel tent in Huntington Beach. One was pitched last July at Lake Street and Atlanta Avenue. About 200 lo 350 people at- tended the meetings each mghl l<1st year. Cohen suys. Cohen says the tent has been placed at the bei.ich this year because that's where the Lord wants il. But Tom Miller. Bolsa Chica Stat e Beach manager. s ays Cohen indicated the beach pm- pc rty was preferred because more people could be reached there. Cohen says all of the Chris- tians involved "work for a liv· ing " and are seeking no dona- tions. "We don't believe in paid, professional ministers, .. he adds. "We helievc in serving the Lord Jesus with our Ii vcs full lime , and the Lord provides but not through donation::;." It was o n the Huntington Beach pier. Cohe n soy~. that he met some Christians who "inter- rupted" his own life two years ago. "I was in volved in a uscd m er chandise business. purswng peace, happiness and a plot or land up north." That. he says, is before he met a group led by Tim Geftakys, who is master or ceremonjes during this year's gospel tent ef. fort. Cohen s ays he subsequently was saved and now hopes to aid in "sharing the good news of the gospel that Christ cam e not only to delive r us from a passing world and the tyranny of sin but to give us hope in God that Jesus lives." lie adds. "We have <1 good lime ." Sunshine Studio Mesa Faces Court Over Nude Mode/'8 A hearing has been scheduled for Aug. 22 in Or ange County Superior Court at which a judge may rule on the constitutionality or Costa Mesa's zonin g or - dinance requiring adult busi- nesses s uch as a nude modeling studio -to obtain a conditional use permit. The hearing was set Friday by Judge Edward Wallin during a he aring in which the city of Costa Mesa clashed once again with operators of a nude model- 1 ng studio that refuses to go away. The city has been trying to close down Sunshine Studio, 583 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. for about a year, ever since city of· ficials got wind of what was go- ing on in the former cllamber or commerce building. The studio offers nude models tor sketchin1, photography or con venation. Assiltaot City Attorney Tom Wood said tbe city won one iasue Friday: the hearing ln Wallin's Broun Pltuu ·Mexico Trip · SACRAMENTO <AP> -Gov. courtroom wasn't continued. It had been postponed twice be fore, once when the Sunshine attorney didn't show up and a second time whe n h e was replaced because of illness and the new attorney. Don Hobson of Santa Ana, ha dn't had time to prepare. Wood said Hobson asked for yet another continuance Friday but it was denied . After that, things we nt somewhat downhill for the city. Wallin agreed to take the issue or constitutionality under sub- mission prior lo the Aug. 22 hearinR. Wood said. Mom Sought After Baby Abandoned • Edmund 8l'OWD •Jr1 •••llQBffd rr14a1 .aa... 1ae wW .... ,,.. to Jlealco~IDMtwttb ...... "°" Lopes-..... VENTURA (AP> -A search of r1i1ued terrain at M ugu Slate Partr. waa baited by darkness late Friday after authorities falled to locate a young unwed mothr who allegedly aban· doned her two-hour-old son in a tra1b bin earlier this week. 1herlff'1 deputies said. Ventura County aherilf's of· ncera Hid an aJl·polnta bulletln had been laaued for .Brenda Sue JobnlOD, 20. of Newbury Park, in eocmeetlon wtth lbe alleged abandonment. .... C'Me,,. Nell Golds chmidt, ti•• mayor of Portland, Ore., baa been nominated 81 the 11ew tran1portatlon eecretary by Pre1ident Carter, wbo alto named mer N..-Oriana JI~ ooa LMdrtea to llead U.. ou1ln1 and Urban tel!Jpme!nt department. • • • ••'• lteea meetlaa wUb Lopea·POrtlHo on • reaular buia, '' Nici Barbara Metqer, Bro .. ·a,,... aeeretary. 81.M NW tlll mH""I wu Mt lMt ·:;nbul arraaaem•ta GDtJ ................... M1. ...... 111kl Brown and tile llmcu p....W.•t ..... dlleu.a•~ollllue.. Lt. Dtm Ga.lits •aid the search would rwume Saturday. The Mattb be1an late Friday mona.lnl WblD tbe wom~ P•rea&IJ cliltraulbt. told .... wanted to flnd • peaceful place....,.. aocme woald llotber her, •llcl Lt. Oeort• Conaha¥ . ... Co~ty Rejects Action on JIB By 8TEVE MARBLE Of -o.14• ...... It.ft The Orange County Dlltrict Attorney decided Friday not to file criminal charges a1alnst four Huntington Beach City Council members for alh;gedly violating their own City Charter. Deputy District Attorney Gary Pohlson said the foursome had committed a "technical" viola- tion tiut that it wouht serve no purpose to prosecute the m . PohJson pointed out that John Thomas. Ruth Bailey. Bob Man· die and Ruth Finley had re- ceived "sufficient punishment" from bad publicity Councilm a n Ron P attison h ad asked the dis trict attorney June 28 to fJle ch<irges cigains t ha s colleagues He contended they comm1tt<.""(J the viol<.1l1ons when they dump«:d the city administrator 's top choice for a new department he<1d and namctJ thl•1r own man instead. ··1·m r1.:ally upset <1bout this dec is ion .·· !><.i id Councalm<.in Cl<.incy Yoder, who s upported Pattinson 's contention th<1t the four sho uld be prosecuted . "I th.ink th('n"s no doubt t hey viol<1led the C'hurter and l think they should huvc at least btlen reprimanded.•• Yoder sa&d. Mayor Don MacAlliater said he to-0 was upset over the dis- trict attorney's verdict . "If there's a technical viola· tion then something should be done to make s ure it doesn't h appe n again," said M.acAIUsler. Pohlson. in a letter to the council members and City At- torney Gail Hutton. said that prosecution against the council m embers should come from the city attorney. Mrs. Hutton had been asked by M acAllister last month to prepare a legal opinion on the June 25 council e1ppointment of Jim Palin as the new director or development services. In her opinion. Mrs. Hutton concluded that she was unable to decide whether the appointment of Palm constituted a violation or not M acAllister. who said he was disappointed an the c ity at torney's opinion. says he will ag<1in ask Mr!> Hutton to review lhe charter for possible v1olu lions. "Somewher (' e1 long the line someone has to make a decision,'· insisted MacAIUster. DAILY PILOT .43 Cuddly f 't-Hor This 1s Mopsy. a purebred Lh asa a pso. He's a year and a half old. housebrok en and likes children. You can J1nd him a l th e I rvine A n1 mal C<1 rc· Center. 20401 S un Valley, Laguna Beach Uut hurry. '79 CLOSEOUTS 4 HR. VIDEO RECORDERS 25" DIAGONAL COLOR SELECT AVISI~ WITH ZOOM REMOTE CONTROL ~ :~fuw~· ~ ~-[£)' r~~:D .·~ •LOW LOW CCOOI .,!.'r"" .~ YC P'RICE COLOa CAMfU SKZS41X -SK2S77 •lUCTaOHIC CALL l'IOW FOii SlUUM THE IEST YCR TUMH SUl"E« LOW w AVAILAILE !"RICES! ,-'.[ --1,, • _________ '_D_A_Y_l"_R_O_G•R-AM __ M_A.IL_E_U_M.IT----.-.-..... ~-'!t'__,, , ., YDTlOI AHD lS.O ALSO IH SJOCI( I -.-l ~ OUT THEY GO!! Sk2S27D • SlH4• l"alCfD LESS THAM THE DISCOUHTHS CALL 961-)129 25" DIAGONAL COLORTRAK WITH HURRY FOR THESE IEST IUYS! GC7'0 SCAM REMOTE COMTROL GC7'4 GC761 CHICIC THI DISCOUHTBIS -IUY AT AIC ~ ---KtJosa GCtJH 1910 MODEl.S NOW AT AIC LOW INTRODUCTORY PllCIS! ALL NEW FOR 1980 ••. ZENITH WITH RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE 1 t •• DIAGONAL 1 t •• DIAGONAL ~20A:i sus•• 2 1 l5" DIAGONAL SLIHI 2rDIAGONAL SLl971 ZS" DIAfiONAL ~ ..,,., SH THISI STATI OJ THI ART TY'S AT AIC'S TaUI DISCOUMT NtCIS 25" DIAGOtfAL 25" DIAGONAL CALL FOR AIC's GD7'0• LOW J;I Swn'k IASI PRICE llMOTI .--~::..:::::.=:.=...-!.:=:;;:r:;:.:::1;c,.:~ma.~ 21" DIAGOtfAL OHL Y! '44900 4TAICTHI HALDIKOUMY ITOU WHY llUY AT ABC? 90 days 13 peymenb> seme H cesh or low clown end 36 months to pey <O.A.C.> -Fr" Delivery end Set~ on •II console models -S.nkAmerfcard -Mester Cherot -We Mntlce what we Mii - No Commissioned S.lesm.n -All cltllvetlff mede by f•ctory trelned tKhnlclens. ASK A90UT OUR IXTINO.D WARRANTY 11041 BAOOKHUMT, HUNTINGTON BUCH (Cotwe1••1111t.,.. Md a.,..._ HOUftl: MON • .nr. 10.7 Mf. 1N:•; IUN. 1M • ' ~ • , • .. f .M . -~-........ ON 10TH aHmtOAY Jvi1tJ •, 1 NI AS YOUNG BRIDE Jackie In 1163 WHITE HOUSE HOITE88 Flrat lltdy In 1M1 .Jaekle Turns 50 Today Fonner First Lady Retains Youthful Veneer NEW YORK <AP> -J acqueline Ken· nedy Onaasb, who still turns heads when she enten a room. was chatting with two re· s)orters in their twenties al li re ception in Manhattan. "You girls look so young. How long have you been . in journalism '!" she asked. AND WHEN ONE OF THE women later made reference to her husband. the former first lady stopped lo mid·s entence and gasped: "You have a hus band? You look too young to have a husband." Age was apparently on the mind of the wide-eyed, whispery-voiced celebrity. And no wonder. The woman known for her youthful ap- pearance and trend-selling style turned 50 to- day. Only now, though, Is the widow of two or the world's most powerfuJ men establishing an idenUty apart from her historic role. A novice in the publishing world, she has been .carving a life or her own in New York as a Doubleday and Co. editor. Some say she has never been more content. THE PUBLIC NEVER SEEMS TO forget her dignity in leading the stunned nation in moumio&.Jhe assassinated John F. Kennedy or the cnlicism she drew five years later when she married Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis. Her popularity fluctuates , yet people strain to get a glimpse or her and paparaul swarm around her . Yet, as always, she stands aloof and calm amid the clamor, flirt· ing with the spotlight. yet forbidding it lo trespass the boundaries of her private life. These days, though, Mrs. Onasst& has been focusing on he r life as u working woman. Tuesdays through Thursdays she's al her desk 1n her Park A venue publishing of fice, often with her door wide open. SHE ORA WS ON HER ltsts journalism experienc(' us an inquiring photographer for the now.defunct Washington Times-Herald a nd her work as a consultant-editor for Vik· ing Press. She quit Viking over its publica· lion or a fictional account or the assaasinaUon of Ted Kennedy a fter his election as presi- dent. Her Doubleday co-workers have been Im· pressed with what they describe as her down- to·earlh attitude and "knack for publishing." ·'She's very good at what she does,·· says her assistant Hope M arinetti. "She's good at follow-through. She's a good writer." When she is not working, the former llrst lady is often seen jogging or bicycling in Cen· trnl Park or dashing from the exlusive Ken- neth hair salon she reportedly visits at least three times a week. Her expensive clothes and youthfuJ, slender appearance continue to prompt jealous r e marks from fe male passersby. WHEN AWAY FROM HER FIFTH Avenue apartment, Mrs. Onassis is usually riding horses at the family farm in Peapack, N.J ., or relaxing al her home in the Kennedy compound in Jlyannisport, Mass. And she s pends time with her children. John, 18, who will enter Brown University In Providence, R.I., this fall, and her 21 .year· old daughter . Caroline, will be a junior at Radclirre in Cambridge. Mass. · Mrs. Onassis continues to enjoy the com· pany of many men and has been seen fre- quently on the arm or film director Peter Davis. Any word of plans for remarriage, though, ls sheer speculation. l • ' • , : . r ' ' AFTER JFK'S DEATH Jactde In 1 tl4 AS MRS. ONASSIS Jackie In 1968 STILL SHARP AT 43 In New York, 1972 ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------' : Energy Board Backed favor or selling up a board with authority to speed development of up to two dozen specially de· 11ignated, high priority energy project.a. momentum in Congress when a House commerce subcommittee gave It.a approval to a different version or the legislation. 1 WASHINGTON (AP) -The "House lnterlor Committee gave overwhelming approval Friday to legislation establishing a powerful energy mobilization board. a principal part or Presl- • dent Carter's energy program. The committee voted 40-l Jo The proposal. outlined by Carter in a speech less than two weeks ago, picked up added The aubcommtttee'a meuure places no limit on the number ot projects that could receive the special designation. .. - Floods Engl:IH Plains Stonn Claims 11 Livea; More Rain Expected .. n .. . . .. ••• ,, . -" . .. •• . " : ;; .. ,. iH . .. •n •" .. . . .. I; " " ,. " ,. " ,. ., n =~ . ,. "' . ,. ., . .. ... , ., JI . .. .. ,, . ,, ft ,. "' .. ,, .. .... ,, .. ., 64 ,, w " " " ,. '10fe<ftl ¥Mlcl IO teftl9flll wrt: ,....., ... llelQM Ill fMI. M411• lmum 1Ml9lll 111 lt1I. Perlo• 111 M<OflO•. lvm• """'·~· .... '°' ... _., s.n o .... c.-t' . ...... ""' ' ' It ' , . , ) " J 4 " a.,. ... ..., I .2 IW I 2 IW I t IW I t IW • NATION I CALIFORNIA/ WEATHER Wound Intentional? Doctor Testifies ~t MacDonald Trial RALEIGH, N.C. (AP> -Say· ins that be bad cban1ed bll mind, a former Army doctor teetlfied Frtclay In the trtple- murder trial of Dr. Jeffrey Mac· Doaakl that tbe depth of a MU· lnfilcted wound could be c:on· trolled. Dr. Evert Jacob6on, now a Pinehurst neurosur1eon, aald that alnce tbe Army's beartnc on cbar1es that MacDonald killed his family, be bu decided, "It one were to 1rab tbe knife carefully," uaini a tllumb aa a brake, "you would only 10 in as far as you wanted to go." HOWEVEa, .IACOBSON said he wu unable to say whether MacDonald's chest wound was sctr-lnflicted. MacDonald, 3S, of Runtlngton Harbour, is charged '41ilh killing his pregnant wife Colette, 26, and daughters Kimberly. 5, and Kristen, 2, while be was a Green Heret doctor In 1970. The govern· mcnt maintains that his own few wounds were self-inflicted or m ade by his wtfe In defense. MacDonald says his family was attacked by four intruders, one of whom carried a candle and chanted. "Acid is groovy. Kill the pigs.'' JACOBSON WAS THE .first doctor to examine MacDonald when he was brought into the Fort Bragg hospital. Jn 1970. he testified at the Army's hearing in which the Army round the charges "not true." Friday, he described most or M ac Donald's wound s as s uperficial. However. he s aid one st ab wound partially col· lapsed MacDonald's right lung and was potentially dangerous. "Could a doctor reasonably estimate or guess wh&t the con· seq ucnces wou Id be?·· pro- s ecutor James Blackburn asked of the chest wound. "STAnSTICALLY, HE could guess ... statistically. the risk is relatively sm all," Jacobson replied. Jacobson also said MacDonald was in good condition when he was brought to the hos pital • Housing Panel Interview Set Laguna Beach City Council members will interview appll· cants for two seats on the city's Housing Committee Aug. 7 at Ca- ty Hall • Applicants can contact City Clerk Verna Rollinger before Aug. 3 at 5 p.m . to fill in applica· lions and provide the city with a resume. The Hous ing Committee pa rticipates in an advisory role to the City Council in planning and implementation of federal Housing and Urban Develop- ment block fund programs. For more information, call the city clerk at 497-3311.· altbouCh be seemed excited and asked repeated queatlona about hla family. Tbe te1Umony about M1c- Doaald'1 condiUon was repeated by aeveral wt~ Friday. A former emer;ency room technician aald MacDonald waa not ln shock, and invesUgaton said he waa able to 1lve fairly coherent statements. PAUL CONNOLLY, a former Army lnveatlgator, said Mac- Donald's answers about Kristen were evasive. "The only lime he really showed emotion was when he waa asked about the youngest girl (Kristen >," Connolly said. "A couple of things Or. Mac· Donald told m e didn't ring true ," Connolly said. 1500,080 Bail Connolly aaya MacDonald told him rainwater was pouring orr the intnaders, but he found no wet spots. MacDonald also told him. Connolly said , that he moved Krlaten's body, but he found no evidence of thitt. • ELIZABETH KR'YSTIA Ramage, one of Colette 's night· school clusmates. also testifled Friday. saying that Colette ap· peared happy the night before h er death and bad expressed pride in her husband, especially in his status as a Green Beret. M acOonald was Indicted by a federal grand jury in 1975. The trial started last week after pre- trial appeals were exhausted. He is an emergency-room physi- cian al Long Beach. Police Nab Suspect In Campus Slayings SANTA BARBARA CAP> -A 2J.year-old Goleta man was arrested Friday in connect ion with the "look·alike" murders or three young women whjch had terroriz.ed the University of California campus in 1976 and '77. The 1976 killings prompted a campus campaign to eliminate hitchhiking, provide night bus service to Isla Vista and campus ~~~~r,t5 for women out •ate al Coast Guard THOR NIS CHRISTIANSEN, a forme r ser v ice s t a tion employee. was booked ror in vestigation of murder . said Sun la Harbara County Sheriff John Carpenter. Christiansen was be- ing held in the county jail on SS00,000 bond. Pat Laney, 21. Jacque line Rook, 21, and Mary Ann Sarris. 19, appare ntly h a d bee n hitchh.iking in the lsla Vista area near the UC Santa Barbara campus when they disa ppeared 1n lute 1976, authorities said. Ms . Laney and Ms. Rook were univerf'iity s tudents. <i nd Ms. Sarris worked in the vicinity. THE THREE WOMEN a ll wor e the ir h air lo n g a nd straight, had about the same build and taste in clothes and were frequent hitchhikers. Ballist ics h ave sh own the sam e s mall·calib\:r gun k1l h.'<f all three women, authorities said. Since the bodies were found in ('a rly 1977, s h e riff's an · vc s tigators have interviewed more than 115 persons -includ· ing Christiansen -an connection with the case. Deputies would not discuss evidence allegedly linking him to the killings, but added it was obtained after consulting with Los Angeles county authorities investigating a similar murder this year. Seizes Boat, Cache of Pot SAN FRANCISCO CAP > Amid high, choppy sea:-., ('mist Guard cutters convcr~ed on a sinking shrimp boat 180 miles off tht· coast Friday and <Jrr1•sll:d four people and recovered 16 balls of marijuana Arkr ;.an mvc•st1gal1on anvolv mg fede ral and local law 1·n forccmC'nt officials , tht' Coast <;uard sent three cutlers a(tc-r the Miss Yvellc and encountcn·d the 67-foot vessel in rouRh seas Friday. AFTER THREE WARNING shots wer e fire d across the boat's bow. crewmen attempted· to scuttle th•· boat, the Coti'il Gua rd :.aid. a nd na me~ wen · seen in the cabin of the M1i-.s YvC'lte The four crewmen we re taken into custody for investi$(ation of v io lating dru~ laws a nd the floa ting baals of marijuana were recovered as the ship sank, the Coa st Guard said. The boat was owned by New Approach, Inc., of Coos Bay , Ore .. the Coast Gua rd said. the sam e rirm that had a motor yacht seized by the federal Drug Enforcement Administra tion last month in Sausalito. Subscribe to the Orange Coast newspaper that entertains nd informs you fu.lly about your community and the wor.ld. Read the stimulating • " DAILY PI LOT 842-4321 A .. WINpllOlo CAROLYN AND AMANDA (OR IS IT AMANDA AND CAROLYN) ARE DOUBLE TROUBLE Two-year·old Twtna of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kramer of Manchester, Conn. Fuel Crisis Casualty World's Oldest Ford Dealership Calls It Quits SAN FRANCISCO (APJ Hughson Ford, a fixture on S<.in Francisco's "auto row,·· and the world's oldest Ford dealership, is caJJing 1t quits becuus e c us t ome rs ' thirs t for gas · guzzling cars has dried up. parently caught this Ford de;ilt·r unprepared. Hughson's s tuck with gas gulping models hke the Thun· dcrb1rd Wllh the v.s eng ine that was delivered to the showroom before Chnstmas <Jnd has done little but ~ather dust -.pt•a k llughso11 I'> -.old out of 1-'ll'sta!> But C'Onsumcrs who want a h1i;gl•r, yet 1·<:nnurn1ca l 1·ar, arc hungry for Cil•rwral Molor.; re · volutionary, rront wheel drive "X bodiC'd" cars that went ••n th1• markl'l earht:r this yNir. .................... Saturday, July 28. 1979 DAILY PILOT ,45 Double Trouble I • Mothers ·of Twins Attend Coi:ivention ~ HARTFORD, Conn. <AP> - The first time Linda J ackson left her 3-montb·old twins for tbe e vening, her mother , father, aunt and cousin took charge. Grandfather got so nervous he went home early, and when Lin· da returned home, the three other baby sitters were "flat on the floor" -exhausted from caring for the twins and a 2· year-old. "WHAT'S GOING ON? I do this all the time -alone," Mrs. Jackson recalled saying. • Mrs. Jackson, a resident of Columbia. Conn., and nearly 500 othe r mothers of twins from across the country are swapping tales about twins and having a good time this week al the an· nual convention or the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club. They left their children al home. At the convention. which ends today. the women a rc conduct· ing club bus iness. '<.ittending workshops on dealing with twins and listening lo s peakers who talk about twins. "OUR MESSAGE IS that twins a r e two s e para te in - dividuals. Treat them as s uch." said Nannette Couturic of Ken· ner. La., national president "Don't stress the cuteinncss. Look for the differences. We arc not freaks," said 44-year-old identical twin Donald M Keith. t-xcc utive director of The Center for Study of Multiple Gestation tn Chicago and one of the con· vention speakers. ·'These women are the veterans of the trench warfare," Keith said of motben. He said bis mother hid an ea-sler time because hh grandmother and 1unt lived next door. But today, he said, most mothers must go it alone. LOCAL CLUBS -TBE&E are 232 in 44 atatea -bill themaelvea as self -help groups. Jlothera Pair Burned By Kettle of Molten Lead SAN BERNARDINO CAP> - Two employees were burned, one critically, when a kettle of molten lead blew a hole in the roof of Southwest Metals Com. pany Friday. · The lid of the large industrial kettle tore a 20-foot-square bole in the roof. and the hot lead caused three small fires inside the bujJdiog. The fires were qui c kly extinguis he d , Sa n Bernardino Fire Capt. Bill Dahl· quist said. Juan Morales. 34 . was listed in c ritical condition at burn ward of San Bernardino County Medical Center. He had second and Uurd degree burns over 16 percent of his body, including portions of bis face and arms. Treated a nd released was Matthew Bodeen. 27. com monJy join when their twin.I are youn1er than a year. They tend to drop out wben the chitdren are 5 to 1 yean old, althousb some mothers said tbey know of members with teen-agers. Many women believe they can do their children more good by joining parent~teacber aaaocia· lions, or they gel buay with scouts or other activities \!(bell the children are in elementary school, one mother said. But the fint yeara are "tough. time·wiae and emotionally," -. Mrs. Jack.-on said. THE LOCAL CBAnEas of. fer solace as well as clothing and equipment exchanges, a re- lief for parents burdened with the double costs of two infants. Stories of $7 ,ooo to $10,000 hospital bills for premature baby care are common at a Mothers or Twins convention. The organization also stresses research. said Marguerite Adams of Baton Rouge, La .. a vice president. The group can provide researchers access to a pool or 7,980 sets or twins. Since. women pregnant with twins are subject to increased risks . the organization passed out a questionnaire at the con- vention to help the Berkeley Twin Cafe Study Center try to improve early diagnosis of a m ultiple pregnancy. "There arc far too many sur· prises in the delivery room," Mrs . Jackson said. NAME OUR CAROUSEL HORSES DETAILS FROM CAROUSEL OPERATOR SOUTH COAST PLAZA Owner Martin Swig sa id that he'll shut the Van Ness Avenue doors for the last time Tuesday ' because the dealership "doesn't m ake money any more." BILL PURCELL , WHO handles financing and msu.run cl' for Hughson, says he 'll sell un $11.000 LTD for the factory in· voice pricl.' which 1s nearly $3,000 Jess. Despite the g(·nerous offe r, Purcell said only six of the luxury cars have been sold in six months. and one of the takers was the sister of a salesman. FORD. J.IKE CH~YSLE R. ------------------------------------- THE HUGHSON SHOWROOM ·got its start 76 years ago when Henry Ford came to San Fran- cisco. shook William Hughson's hand and said, "BiUy, you're m y first dealer.·• But Ame ricans' t as te for a utomobiles changed during the century, and their latest penchant for high-mileage cars to ride out the fuel crisis ap· Hughson does have some hot· selling models, like the small Fiesta, which takes itc; gas in sips rather than gulps, so to ENTIRE BASKET INVENTORY 20°/o OFF . . dOl's not have an '"X bodil•d" t:ountcrp;irt. t•ord announced plans this week to permanl'ntly cut pro· duction or full s1.tcd car~ and light trucks al two plants. The decision will eli minate jobs for 2,000 employees Hug hson Ford has already seen its layoffs. PurceJl said his sales staff dropped from 10 to four. Sales of C<JrS over the year dropped from more than 125 a month to about. 75. • SHERMAN CLAY'S ORANGE COUNTY STORE JOINS IN THE Piano a Organ Grand Opening Celebration ,, jj;:-; ·;-,,,_ ;~ .. .,,.., ~·1 • t : ·"'~· • ~~1 l~~ k 11 .......... ,.,...,,.00< • )mu" ~ .......... .. U'1 ,,. ... t-..u .. , SELECT GROUP OF USED ~".ORGANS RED TAGGED .SPECIALS Selection of "As-ls" Organs from .. . • • . • • • . s49 Gulbransen Spinet ... : .. s499 Hammond M-3 ........ s599 Lowrey T. Genie . . . . . • s 799 Conn 625 Console •••.•• s999 Thomas 263 w I color glo ...••••••• s 1299 Wurfttzer 625 like new s 3499 Kimball 1570 Console •. s3699 , •~111,111,1a:11r,1~1fM1fl1:11;1~,Maw,r1a.riiiiJ1U.1.a GRAND OPENING SPECIALS IN EVERY DEPT. ~~~~. LOOK FOR THE RED TAGGED SPECIALS SPINET & CONSOLE ~~PIANOS ftED T400ED IPECIA&.a . lj GRANDS flsW Cr.-• • ..... • SZ2J9 ..., Cl1IMI .............. 12999 s.... 51" Milt ........ s319 r-----------------------· Cllicalitl ................. sa SAVE $500 OM AM DCITIM4t MIW PL.A YER PIANO Come '"· MMe Your Sett Deel, Then PreMnt Thia Coupon For A $500 ~5T ' llilllllll • • • • • . . • • • . • '• ..... rMlllt .. 11111 _, .... llilllllll ••••• ._. • • • • • s,. S-lngal _________________________ ._ __ ...,--'! ______ ... SHOP IN CONFIDENCE•OVER ONE MILUON MU81CAL INITRUMENTS IOlD SINCE 1870. · CONVENIENT FINANCING WE LEASE PIANOS CG""l1t1 Une of klmuan ,.... ... ~ 18349 SOUTH EUCLID cit 401·FR&WAY 545-0415 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. NEXT DOOR TO RALPH'S FURNITURE t .. - Leftward Ho! Swing Right Teniporary Iii r Ola t haiwr. Pro/•_,, ol ~ GI COQWU U..._.,.,, u n,,...,_ a11 /II £ H F~ at th. A"'.nc. t..,.,npri# JufilMI•. Al polilieal anlmw. mlft are naturally ~ffmed "''th wbat wlll be They "1AAl to know wb.._her thlnp wlU 1t1t better or w9rse. PoUUcal men lead to worry and be tloomy. ao it atanda to rtaaon that conaervalivn, or men OI tbe Ri&ht, should main· taln that Wn11 are movlnc to the Left, while liberal.a. or men of the Left. ~hould ln.alat that we are heading to the Rlaht A GLOOMY liberal can point to the growth of f iscal con servatiam, the majority's new insistence on stricter law en· forceme nt, the trouble into which ERA bas been running, the trouble for which SALT II seems headed and much more However, what happens when we listen to a gloomy con· serv ative" He will point to HEW '• t mpervlou1neu to r.han1in1 need•. the fact lh•t Ju.at about enrybocb hH come to ac~ the bulc pr•m!Ha aa Wfll H tbe vHl majority of s peclflc m•Hur .. connecled "Ith the wel(art1 ahte. the 1rowtb of left·win1 orthodoxlca 'n the 1rov , of Academe 1tnd much more HOW THEN, are W\: to decide b e twe~n contradi c t ory Mnaly~?: . The temptation for mtin who consl•r them1ielve11 11bove the batlle betw~n Left and kl&hl 15 to stt back In their easy chfun;, or academic chairs, and declare that both sides are equall y nght, whaeh ~ tantamow1t to say1m~ that both 11ides are equally wrong. Such a position is re latively easy lo articulate because one can always seek rt!· fugc in the well-known image of the swinging s><:ndulum . The pendulum th<.'Ory of hib· tory a nd politics h as 1t tha.t events show a cyclical pattern Thus in the '60s the pendulum was s winging lo the Left. Op· position to the Vietnam War mounted and whe reus it had pre- vlo\ally been M 1l1n of dllcrace to h•ve M priM>n record ll now berame u mark of <Uatlnction lO h•vt! served Ume. 8lJT lN tht '7lhl, uccording lO the pendulum theory , thinas be&an to move the olher way. The war 4tnded and Ha noi's triumphs an no way ended the miaerles of Southuust Asis.. The rci>t of the world looked so bad that our own country began to look good again Having discovered the folly of t.•xtrwvagance, we were bound to rediscover the virtue of modera· taon . rr one does not Uke the state or uffairs at any given time one need only watt and there ts bound to be a different state or affairs If a given view has Jost its vigor in the course of time. 1t will neverthe less have another day. BUT A moment's refl ection wall cause one to realize that what i s co mforting as not nccessanly true Our knowledge of history and our personal experience tell us that things do not work this way Sorne chan1ea. at far as we can tell, are irrevocable. We rnay no lon•er rush lo kias the feet of lhe young whenever they are of· fered to us, but il would surely be political suicide to come out ln favor of raising the voling age beca use "you can't trust • anybody under thirty.·· Weighty thinkers conffrm such impressions by pointing to long· range trends in human history. From quUe different pe rspec· t1ves. both Tocqueville and Marx discerned the inexorable march of egalitarianism in Wes tern histor y. Tocqueville viewed it as a "providential fact." though he sought to temper equality with liberty ; Marx worked tirelessly for a world without class distinction. In good measure the diagnoses of lhese thinkers were 1n agree· ment, notwithstandin~ the great difference between them . ONE CAN be a conservutive and applaud many aspecL'I of this long-range trend. One may well be against affirmative ac lion but who would fail to reJ01cc at the disappea rance of s lavt>ry from our land'! Similarly. one can be a liberal and deplor · some of the tendencies of the past few centuries. One may seek lo maximize in· dividual liberty but few can ob· serve without sadness the in· creasing disruption of family life. For both conservative and Uberal the long-range trend Is simply there and one must simply reckon with it. Where does that leave us? The man of the Left is right in th.ink· ing that the pendulum is s~ing­ ing to the Right but he is observ- ing a short-range phe nomenon. The man or the Right 1s right m thinking that we are. moving Left but he is observing a Ion)( range phenomenon. We mu!>l think of a pendulum lhat 1s mov In~ to the ftighl hut is s us pended from a point that i:. mQvang lo the Left WILL IT continue to move in that d.Jrection" What has bct:n true even for a lon1:: t1mt: need not be eternally true. Even 1f wt· did know wt• might with honor choost• to fight against th<: 1n l'V1tablc But wf> do not know. :-.o we m U.'<l hope f<>r lhl' hcst. work for lht• best. prciy for tht· t><!M ~--- Anet Wl' mu:-.1 lt•arn 1Jnt1• uncl for <ill lh<il lht· mu-.1 1rnpor1a111 4ut>slion 1:-. not "Wh<'n· ~ir1• w1· hN1d1ng'1 " II 1:-. ··Wh1·n: ought w1· to hc hcadsnJ.!'' .. Long Hop •.•• • •• for Bay 'Spy' ONCE MORE INTO lhe fray. A day earlier , he would have bet every ~nl he'd saved and 1tl0len that oolhmf could drag him away from his Telegr:aph Hil fla t , wher e he lived In rea· sonable contentment with Sarah. his pure-bred Afgha n . A s he g1ncd o ut the window at the Bay Bridge, a view of which he never tired. Sarah ~rnwled silkily and licked h1~ hand lits hp curled. Her tail wagged. It wal. not a bad rcle1 tionship. enough to o wn a 1933 Pleyde ll Bou vnH· droph~ad in mint condition "Drop the head." he c ried out lo the dwarf "It'!> such a beautiful day, I wish lo gel the full mant 'navor " The twin t:.iilp1pcs huhblm~ in his wakt', ht• drovt' along Sixth St , his ravoritc rout t• to th<' <J1rport All those bums, rollmg on th<> :-.id<·wa lk. passe<.I out in thf' ~utter It was a preview or what would happen to him, once has peni;1on slopped. Al a r ed light. he threw a $5 bill to a wino. "OH, THANK YOU, mas ter" hollered the bum, getting on his knees and kissing his tailpipes. Al the airport, he turned the car over to the faithful dwarf. admonishing "Take good can· of her," and' strode a hoard the Boeing 747 <ind headed immediately for the upst<Jirs lounge As toria \OWl'r,, ,,.,,11·cl .it hh l.•1111, :'\\'I p1.1r111 looking out CJVl'I "h1:-.' <'II~ So Wl' rhl·C'kt•1l 111to whul ari· llf/w known ,,, The Towers of the W;1ldorf. which ha:-. 11:-. own entrance. 1L'i own s mall lobby, <ind re;.i l h vc p4:o pie operating 1ls ornatt' 1930 f'lc vatnrs wi t h metal doors of museum quality Surah watched him mournfully a:-. h t!~ !lacked. Ile· set the Rolex Submunncr. which ran so well at 660 feet below sea level but te nded to guin limt' on dry land. and strapped on the Wil.kes-Bashford .357 magnum. slathered with Di-J el to foil the met al detector at the airport lie was ready. ··Arc you first ('lass'>" a steward<'ss de mandc'<I ' Haven't had any complaints yet ," he repll<'d. lip l'urlinR • • • Okay. I'm olf on a vacat1m1, loaded up a.t alwoys with paperback tales of espWnage. "Chewsng gum for thl' mind." ,,cold thl' c nhc3. but they make the mrbome hour.t fly by, and furtherrrwre. 11 1s fun to pretend All I can tell you now about our hero 1s that he got to New York. checked in at the Waldorf To~rs. :ret h1:r hp an curlers and slept the deep. dreamless ON TIIE UST FLOOR, W<' w<•n• h•l into •>u r rooms hy an anl'tent bt·llman who might ha\1· :-.een scrv1ct• tn th1· I\ rgonnt· "I t·un 't twll1·v" rl ' .. cxultt'd l ht• applt· kncll'kN rrom Sanam1·11 IO "flere f <Jm wh<.•r4• ff(•rt>f•n llO<JV{'r lt vc-d •• incl John Foster l>ull(·:-.. und Doug la:-. M acA rthu r and Eb1t· Woo<lwt1 rd " · Mrs Mar/\rthur .111d Mrs Woodward ar.--.1111 hl"n' ... hl· l>Wd -.t1Hh .. and if you wish to M•t• Mr Porter !> pnino. 11 1!> in the main lobby " Later , I found two hooks 1n my bcd!>1dt• t <J ble the Bable a nd Conrad lhlton's autob•c>· graphy. "He My Guest. .. The Waldorf W&!t llilton ·s proudest a cq u1sit1on "Now mayhc they 'II take me seriously." he !>&1d. I\ deeply r<' hgious man. lie prayt•d every night before ~o ing to bed with his wife. Zsu Zsa Gahor. who once told me. ''There he'd be."" his knees. pray. ingtoGod. "So Jong, old girl." he said to Sarah m a soft. sentimental voice that .vould have· sur· prised his enemies . THE DWARF HAD his car waiting for him lie paused lo admire once again iLo; :-.uperb --::=-~--~lines. Few people in th~ .world ~c~: 0fortunate ~ ::::-------:::-~ ->--...-_ ----\ --~ ~ .._ -..__.. __ Annual s...,, JJ.laeek Like lg SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS \ I By TIIOMAS D. ELIAS Until about 10 years ago. virtually-no Cali(ornla politician wanted his name asaociated with state income tax withhold· ing. Yet. virtually all polit.lclans agreed lt waa needed. Finally, Ronald R eagan pushed the practice lbrouah ln hi.1 f\nt term u governor. N~w! the pr1~u la taJten for granteo and not sen.rally auoelated with a.acan. THERE'S another ·necessity today that virtually all poUt.I· clana an trytni t.o hold at arm'• leasth -tM comln& practice of annual 1mo1 coatrol device In· 1peeUoD. Sapeeially amon1 Sout.h.rn CaUfonda ~latoft, &.H Jdea I• viewed with fear tlaat aa1 1ueb blatant Interference wltb Ca IUornla 11 auto·orl•ated Uf ••trle will brtn• clown Uaa wrath ol UM YOten. But rqardle11 of Political fean. die pneUee II IM.t\able. For :,:ii'-:' la a 11., part of &Mair , ·= pJlllll ......... area,tllil.-...CoaMA.tr aro .... Loi Aac••· tM IM FrallltlmhJaNa, ... ..,... portlou ot U.• laa 1o•ca•tn sleep of the born killer ' The adventures awmting him Wiii now be re- counted. so curl your lrp and relax • • • New York , New York It's a wonde rful town the prices iJrc up (so what e lse is new l and the Battery's down So what else is old? There 1s lhc Manhattan of 0 . Henry. who christened it Baghdad ·On·the-Suhwuy "Then r ·d walk ltl , Wt'tt rang a black negli~cc . 'T ake your ch111Cl'.' I'd say, 'lfim or me.' ·'I won every lime .. Everybody's reully fuvorite city may have bei?n Manhattan in the 1930s, when Art Deco '""" was In angular flower and Cole Porter lived 1f~ thi• Art Deco l•••••« house. the Waldo•~ ~:;:::: "'= - Valley and the Santa Cru7. Monterey Bay area. THOSE PLANS were adopted by local and stale officials in re1ponse to lhe demands o( the federal Clean Air Act. If lt dis· approves those plans, the federal Environmental PNXec· lion Agency can Impose "no growth" rules on California. That would mean a prohibition on major new conatrucUon and an e mbargo on federal highway and aewa"e treatment funds. ~) ! \. Without annual inspections, EPA approval of the California plan is unlikely, for only with the Inspections can air quality be brought near to federal stan- dards by 1987. as the law now re· quires. Without a plan ror a nnual vehicle inspections, EPA of- ficials have testified, they're not likely lo see California as mak· Ing headway in lhe smog battle. "The parade is toward lnspeC· lion and maintenance and only n few people are out or step ' says ,-... :,~1 I ~fiti · l -· ''Jult gt¥e NM tllM he ..... bla awn mUllc. ' • David Hawkins. chie( or EPA's air quality program. "If (California) does n't movt• on this, they've got a problem," adds deputy EPA administrator Barbara Hlum. "THE STATE Air Resources Board is committed under the air quality plans to grant the re· quest of any local agency that requests annual inspections," said ARB spokesm an William Sessa. "And the local smog control agencles are committed lo make the requests as soon u11 the Legislature passes a law maklnc lnapeclions possible " So the laaue ls completely In th• handl of the Le1islature, where an annual lna~Uon bill now la before the Senate Finance Committee. It Is sponsored by Democratic Sen. John Foran of San Fr1ncl1co, but bu no 'Southern Callfomla ~·•poneors. Ill major problem• are twofold : Lon1Ume driver r•· •l•tanu to any kind of form1I annual vehicle ln1pectlonl ud 1 belief that the !PA •UI never lmpoee 1ancUom on C1UfornJa. oarvsu Ullnl the current 1tat•·mandat.d lnapectlon •t•· t1on::. when ust•d cur11 ct"lnn~e hands 1n four Southern California countu•s now actually a pprove or the vro~ram , nccortJ· IOI( to a n<'w poll That's a radical ~h1ft stnt'<' the station!> opened last sprin~. EPA officials s ay they're not blurring this tame. no moltc,. what their pust record may be The upshot is that annual vehl· cle inspections urc coming. Only the timing 111 unsure. And, like Income lax wil.hholdinl(, they may not be much of a polltlcal liability. O"ANOl COAST DAILY PILOT The• Mmnwnt pu~e of the Ouily r11111 ,;t•t•ks to Inform· un<t sc1rnul1Jl t' reuc1er11 by Pl't'!Wnlln11 u v1m c-ty ol com· mrnlery on topics of lntt!re1t and 'l11nltirancl' from Jntor· nud o b Ae r vc r s and IPC)kt'llmcn R.oOert N. Weld, Publ&her Sa&an1a7. l11J1 •.1m , 1 • CHILDAEN'S PAOE STACK Of 01ns WINS ARTIST TOP PRIZE Bryenne Cobb Wiii Collect SS m boys and girls. It's obvious you youngsters e njoying speodlng your birthday tn a vuncty of ways but cake, lee cream and a party are still J}()pular. Uncle Len received a stack or mail on the subje<:t or birth· day parties. BRYANNE COBB, Newport Beach, dreams of receiving lots of gifts tor her birthday. A drawing or her sitting at.op a stack of gifts with the caption, All for Me,? wins first prize of $5 an this week's drawing coot.est Eyal Goldmann, 7, Costa Mesa, earns runner.up s pot and $2 for a drawing or a giant birthday cake and candles . Richard Johnson, 11. Huntington Beach. sent a clever draw mg of Superman bringing in a cake to a birthday party He gets an honorabJe mention this week along with Esther Wood, 13, who sent a drawing of a birthday party under the palms m Hawail and a note reading, "l would like to spend my birth· day 1n Hawaii next lime on the beach." DAILY PtLOT .4 f 80 ALSO DESBaVES an honorable mention aloftl wlth Jannie Clark, Fountain Valley, and regular contributor Mary Walten of lrvlne who would like to spend her birthday on a trip t.o the roo. Mary'• drawin1 had ca1es ot snakes, a Uoo, a hippo ud a picture of a"lroc jumpllla contest. Contributor Teresa Campbell of Fountain Valley wrote she "aot a new puppy, three parts husky and one part collie." What's your favorite pet? ls it a dog, kitten, hone or another anima l? UNCLE LEN FOR next week Invites you t.o do a drawin~ of your favorite pet or animal. Send It by Wednesday noon t.o Uncle Len, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, Calli. 92626. The drawings, aa us ual, should be in black ink on white paper tour by four inches. WnW next Saturday goodbye and have tun drawing. .. SjJritlfls Originate Rivers Andy sends a World Book Year Book t.o Rodney Gibbs, age 10, of Pamplico, S C.. for hu, q uestion: HOW ARE RIVERS FORMED? Throu~hout history. man hai. depe nded on the r1v<•r:-. that cross the land. The rivers ~upply water fo r farmlands and electric power for industries. In addition, the large naviga. hie rivers u r e vit.,I ror trans portation m m<1ny arN.1!:> M nny nv1·r~ pM\ 111P h:-.h that Ctll import;mt food nl·Cd l> for lht· 11 t' o p I 1 • v. h ri I 1 v 1• Jl 1· a r h y Old World Rode11f Dormice Cross Of Squirrel, Rat Ot>a r Ellie, How did a dormouse get such a stnmgc name. <ind CJ re the re any of them in thjs country " near JuJic. Dormice come from Europe • and other parts of lhe old world. and they do not live in Americ., at <.111. In the o r de r o f r odents , dormice are considered lo be a link hetween squir rels and rats although they have been g iven the a name "mice " Th<'y hav<> several rescmhlanc<:s to squ1r rels in that most li ve in tn·t·~ und some have long, bus hy WJtls On the other hand, the pointed nose~ and th<' •gcncr;il body :.hupc make Lht:m look like rats OORMtc•; ar(' amon~ thr· world s greatest h1bc rnall)rs. ~i"'ndmg al leC;tsl h<Jtr of lht· ycur m a de1•p sleep in whil'h their body functions such as heart bcut and breathing drop to a very low rate. This long period of d ormancy has Co;) rncd for these little ani m11ls lh<' name .. dor·mousf' ·· IThc "dor" pro ba bly comes rrom a fo'rt·nch Bird Feed More Than Fish Story SPOKANE, Wash. CAP > -Oscar the osprey's food bill was taking too biK a bite out of its keeper 's s m all budget. Oscar. a hawk·like bird, is the newest resident at the Wa lk in the Wi ld Animal Compound he re. Oscar, like all or his kin, feeds solely on fish, and needs three or them each mornina before he can face the world. AS EVERY s h opp er knows, fish do not come cheap -even for those who eat like birds. The zoo, operated by the Spokane 1.oologlcal Soele· ty , couldn't hire a fish· erman. ZOo keepen were get· ttn1 delperate untll Mike Albert, mana1er of the Gerden Sprln11 Flab Hatchery here, came up wttb • happy -me for W11tory. A few ftab, normally a1· tq brood ltock, die e very ,., at tbe betdlery. Tb• flab uaed to be uuled •••J and buried, AlbeltllM. Bet DOW, Albert freeRI .... dead nu and tura tMm 0'9I' to IOO keepers wllD ptlk ap Olar'• meall ........ JuUe C word meaning lo sleep 1 In "'Jme p<Jrll> or E UroJX•, a spt·c11•s of this group of unim<Jls, <'Ullt•d lhe fol durm<JUS(', 1s u~cd for food by pc'<lple But all thl' d o r m 1 c t• t h e m ~ c I v r s a r c vegelanans. living 11n <.1 v<iri cly or fruit , li•uvt·'i and tend<•r sprouts that lht•y find 1n their tre<: homt·~ ~Ille Dur Eltit·. At our place. we kcl·p both p1~conl> and r.,hickc ns. I was wondl.'rmg why some baby birds like the pigc·ons :,,ire so helpless when they are hatched while others can run a round right away? Jeff M Dear J eff, 8as 1cally, thi s happe ns because there arc two types or ba !)y birds: the ones that hatch :.i lmos t n.,ked with eyes closed and who bear little resemblance lo the parents; and the ones that hatch with a complete covering or down. eyes that can see, and legs that can s upport the body a lmost at once. The first type stay in the nest for quite a long time because they are completely he lpless and would b e u nable to f eed the m selves e ven if food were placed beside them. T he second group leave the nest sometimes within an hour or two of hatching and while de· pendent on the m other for warmth and protection, are able lo follow her and pick up food that she locates. WATER FOWL COME under this category and baby ducks; for example, can swim quite well aa soon aa they become nurty. Pl1eons and chickens make ,ood examples or the two dif· erent ki nds or h a tc h llngs. Nature taket care of aucb dif. fe rencee, and the slow develop· ln• types are in neats that are relallvely 11te while the actlve lnf antt are batched on the cround for the ID09t part. Theae baby blrdt have to leave their ant because too m1ny pr9dators could ritld lt e11Uy. <On• eacepUon l1 the tree duck w~ IOVDI must drop to the sroun at a very JOUlll .... ) Minerals ure also taken from rivt•r heds Most river!:> !'lturt for up m the mountains or hills. The source 1s usually a ~mall spring or a re- gular supply of wat<.'r from a me lting i.:laC'lt'r OllRJ NG A ruinstorm , water collects into Little rills and these un11 e with others lo form larger rill~ Soon lht· wall'r can move 1nlo <t stn•CJmbed that may be dry during the summer The walN lhc•n movt•s downward un- lit 1l mC'f'L'I a larger stream thal may 11ng1n:.ite at a spring. Suon a numbc·r of stre::1ms JOIO lo form :.i river The rushmg walC'r wt·~ir~ itself CJ channel The sides of a nvt·r arc caJlcd hanks, with the left bank of a rivl'r Being on your l<.'ft side as you are looking downstream. Branches of <i river arc called tnhuta n cs and they m ake up what is called a river system. A distributary is a river branch flowmg out of the main stream and not rejoining it. The area which a river system drains is known as the river basin. SOMETIMES the s wift cur· rent from a river will carve a deep channel with verticaJ walls forming a canyon. This is how t h e Grand C anyon of the Colorado Rive r was formed. As a river finally and slowly flows into a SC'u, and 1( 1t is pro- tected from great waves and high tides. 1t will depos it silt at its mouth :.ind build up land then•. Such a p1c•ce of land 1s an alluvial plain c:.illed a delta noth the Nil<• a nd M iss1ss1pp1 rivt•rs have large deltas . Andy smds the 1979 World Rook Sctl'OCC v e .. r Annual to C hris ty Garher, ;,ig e 9. of Wichita. Kan . for her question: HOW IS EARWAX FORMED? Doctors who work on cars h<Jve some very sound advice which lh<'y often give: "Never put unythfhg s maller than your elbow into your ear " You can Business Tough, KidFinJs ROSELAND, N.J . CAP> -Bil· ly llalliwcll has discovered that the American free e nterprise system can be tough to break in· lo for an J J.year-old "kid with ambition." • BilJy saw the recent long lines of drivers waiting ror gasoline and started selling coffee, juice and doughnuts from a wagon he pulls along the street. The problem ls that Billy was undercutting the pr ices of a nearby luncheonette owner , who got the Board of Health to close him down. "l'M TAKING a bum rap. I was a kid a nd I have three kids," says Barry Werfel, the JJ.year·old owner ot Barry's Place. "I'm not trying t.o st.op them . But when th ey 're mot.orista sticklna their heads in my door saying, 'You can get It cheaper outside,• it makes you Irritable." Barry's Place cbar1ea 35 cents for a cup or coffee. Billy charges 30 cents. THE BOARD of Health .. Id the boy wa.a vlolaUna boroqh ordinances because he had tlO peddler'• Ucenae. "Tb e whole thln1 Is s o rtdlculoua," aaya Bllly'1 father, William Halliwell. "Tb• kid ts out mlklnl tlve doll1n profit a day. Aacl Barry tells the policeman and Bllly that he baa mouthl to feed at honae and 811· ly li c~ lato bll b\lllneu." H11Uwelf ~~fl he'll apply for blt 1on'1 peddJer'1 UcenM Mon· d1y. • cause senous trouble if you try to fish an obJCCt from your eur. If you have an car problem thCJt can't t'asily be solved al home. set• your doctor. Sometimes people CJrt• te mpt· f'd to try lo clcap out earwax by poking rrito the C<J r. This 1s <1 vt.·ry bad thing to do sinc1· the wax can be pushed farther hack mto the canal BIRTHDAY CAKE SKETCH WORTH $2 TO MESAN Eyal Goldmann Did Runner·up Drawing Lar,::t• amounts or <'a rwax , called cerumt.>n, somt•t1mcs ac· cumulate an lht· l'ar Wax 11> <i normal secretion of gt .ind~ in the t•:.ir can:.il and us uully dr1C!> and rails out w11 hout trouble· Cushions Food lf i.I plug dcvC'lops. o nly a doc tor should rcmflvc· it Ile ortt-n uses a n t·:.ir !>y ringr• and a strC'am of warm walc•r Great car e is ta ken so the t•ardrum 1s not d<tmaged. Pygmy Goat Eats Anytlii11g HUNTINGTON , W V:i 11\1'1 Don I '.'ln1·.1k ,111 v h.1C'k .... 1v.-. into the newt-st occupant at the lluntingtnn Antmul Slwlll'r 111''111:11\ 'cm The 22·volume World Rook En· cyclopedi a. Andy's o wn rt-· ferenct• library, 1s S<'nt as an award lo the wrilt:'r of the ques- tion or the month, and a two. volume World Book D1cl.Jonary goes lo the writer or the question or the week. Send your question on a post card to As k Andy in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Co8ta Mesa, Calif. 92626 m8king sure to Inc lude your name, age and address. Entries are open t.o boys a nd girls 7 lo 17. The cuJpnt . a pygmy gfJat. 1~ :J<"t'UM:d ,,r ••<Jllng $50 worth or hOUl>•' pl ants a nd cushions on an :.int1qu1· ch~11 r She lle r d1rt·ctor P;,il Thom<Jl> '><IY'> :-.hP fJt!'k1·1I up th1· anima l <ifter rece1v1ng a com pl a mt rrom Jo<in llt·n:-.ll·y. :-iht· ..,ay:. Mr:.. Hensley told her the ~oat !>udllf•nly <.1ppcarcd on her porc:h und 1>ro ceeded to devour the plant:. and !.'ush1uns "That goat can do more damage· in un hour lha n a bunch of kids can do in a wee k." s aid Mrs. Hensley. wh<i c:omplain1•d Lhut the anima l butted her front door anct gcnl'rnlly made hc·r ":i nervous wreck." Unless the owner shows up. Ms. T.tiomas said she would keep the pesky pygmy under lock and key l'br five days, then put it up for adoption. THE QUIZ world scope (10 point• tor ••ch quttlton •n•wtt•d correct11l 1 When the Skylab space s1<11ton reentered the ;11mosphe1e recently, betw('en 20 and 25 ton\ of wreckage wrv1ved and fell 10 Earth. What continent did debm from Skylab h1tl 2 Canada announced 11 will raise the e•port price of tis natural g.n ne•I month Canada supplies about . l .. pe1cent of the na1ural gas the United States uses. a·S o-15 c·25 3 True or False: President Carter said nuclear power will not play a major pan in the country's future energy program. 4 Nicarilguan President •. l .. resigned lilsl week, and fled the coun11y his l;imily had ruled for more than 40 years. S Prime Minister Morarji DeHi of .. l . resigned last week, aher almost 100 lawmakers from his own party announceji they would no longer support him In P.uliament. a·Pi1k1stan b·Turkey c·lndia newsname ( 10 polntt 11 yc>11 c.n ldenHly ttll1 pertOft In ltle newel hrlier this year, I took office u Z1mbi1bwe· Rhodesiil'\ first black pri~ minister. President Cilrter recently told me he would not lift economic unctions asainst my country, and oiled for bli1Cks to play .t biger role In my 9overn- ment. Who am I l match words 1"'pan .-.globe. ball 2-ipare IMtretdl C>Yet, btkfae ~rse ~"1Corn, reject 4-tphtte d-wve, praerve 5-tpUm .-few. 1anered In addJtion to being a family fun feature, Tift; QUIZ is an intt>gral part of the ln·classroom nt>w' program present~d in Orangf' Coast area '.'>choob as a public st>rvicf' hy lhf' Daily Pilot. Ant•rn•pip.41r (upstckdewnl ti.lio•Qull • newsp1cture (10 point• II you •ntwe< lhlt quHllOn correctly) Speaking to 1he natio n alter a 10-dc1v domr\11c summit at Camp David, President Caner announced c1 plm to redure U S. dependence on foreign 0 11 by o ne·hdlf hy 1ciqo. T J•rs wh11 h (CHOOSE ONE: con\umef\, 011 comp.inrt•\) p.iy woultl 1 over the cost of C.irter's p1oposed enl'ff(y pruKtJm. sportlight (2 polnt1 fOt Heh quHt1on •nswtrtd c;orr~cllyl t The United Stalt'\ wo n 264 to1al m1·d;il\ .11 1he tt'(enl Pan American Gaml"i, a new rN01d (CHOOSF ONl: Canada, Cuboij linishcd second 111 total m(•<Jab at this year\ games. 2 su~n Hagt'Y .ind I rc·y lt!WI~ won mt•t.ldh lor lh • Un11ed Stale~ In .. l .. b·tennis c·gymn.u11cs 3 Goalie Ken Drydt!n. who helped the (CHOOSE. ONl: Philadelphia Flyers, Mon1re;1I Can.id1eml win lour maight Si.nley Cup lltle\ in the National Hockey Le1gue, recently .tnnounced his re111emen1. 4 Last week's baseb.tll All·Star Gilme marked the SOth meeting between Americ<1n and N,wonal Leigue All-Star teams. Which le1gue hu won the most All·Star gilmesf ~ S Manasef Tom lasorda named pitchers foe N1ekro. J~quln Andujar. and Joe ~mbito 10 th11 year's National leilgue All· ~ Star team. All three hurlers play for the •. l .• •·Montreal hPoS b·Hou,ton Awos c-Chlugo Cubs roundtable ,_.., ,.._"°" (no tcoB) If you were Prftldent Carter. what would you do to tolve our countTy'• economic and eMf1Y probk!mtl TO\M IC0..1: t1 10 10I ,_,.-TOI' ICOMl It .. 11 ,.iMt -bcetletlt. 1t to IO pojnlt -OllM. 11 '° 10 '*"'--Faif •WIC ...... 723-71 •Ht:) DM.YPl.OT Gardening ________________ _ r. . • Fancy Fenu ·Favored Here we •re In the mlddJe of 1umrner. Some of WJ .re 1ettJn1 that IOUlht art.er tan and others 1re e1U0Y1n1 outdoor water ac· dvltlta -1wlmmln1. boallntt and wa~ aiding. Out many of 1.11 1re enJoyin1 the outdoora right around our own Mine. Theru'a barbequlng en.baneed hy ta.ty. homearown berba arowintt jn pols that de· corate tbe barbeque area . Our wcet.able aardens are yielding ats for the dinner table and the redwood hot tub 1s there to soothe away our troubles after a tong d<•Y at the ofrtce. "WHAT MORE COULD you ask for ?" you say . Atmosphere. of course! What better way than t o c r eate t ~bea uty o r a back woods glen right In and around those fuvoritc s pots in your garden with the use of Fe rns. They Cit into formal or in· J formal settings and are perfectly , ·j at home with other plants . f'ems o.u ,.1 ... &uit ""° .. can be planted by the garden SHE'S 'PLUM PROUD' AS SHE SURVEYS HER GARDEN Mrs. Gertrude Kottrach of Coate M••• With Fruit . ~lant Squash. ' pond, accent the landscape or a pool or hot tub. or be put in hang-91 in 0.nto. her ing baskets around the patio· "-i; r & t . r- • David Cloud. 14, of 10342 La Despensa, Fountain Valley, and his pal, Winchester. admire the gigantic squash that David g re w in his backyard. The tremendous ye llow vegetable measures 21 inches long a nd 45 inches around, and David says if he can find scales big enough, he's going to weigh it. All Winchester wants to know, is it fit food for dogs·~ ba rbcquc area. T hey can be featured in s hady G d • K • places along with other shade ar emng . eep1ng loving be aut ies -Azaleas, Camellias , Fuchsias -or as vr-- north side plantings and under M w y sha de trees. If you live in a esa oman oung coastal climate, you will get · By HARRY FISHER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- away with giving Jt'em s a fair amount of sun. Fems also like the ir fair share of moisture. Keep them in a well-drained soil OflMo.ltyl'l ... Sl•H Mrs. Gertrude Kos trac h, r esident of Cost a Me sa for 19 years and gardener "extraordrna1re". s ays the secret to her good health and long tire is hard wort< since age 13. ' Herbs Cook's Best Friend There has been a trend in the last ft:w yean. of people trying to recapture, a nd re-enjoy lhe past.. We have old movie huff~. i.lnl1quc Ci.Ir collectors. . comic book freaks and on and on. Then. there a rc those who don't think it's nice to fool Mother Nature and h<ivc decided to live. work. eat and play without adding any prcscrvo.livcs. While some may carry "back to nature" a bit far. many people ure gelling back into home • vegetable gardenin~ not only because it's cheaper • as a rule Ulan buying produce, 1t is also fun a nd everything tastes better , especially e nhi.lnced with fresh herbs. NO MATTER WHAT or how many vegetables 1 you are growing, they can all benefit from herbs - :. the good cook 's best friends. Aside from the won· :• derful things they do to food, herbs are also de· • corative and fragrant j ust crush fresh Thyme or Rosemary and savor the <1roma A tomato is just a tomato until it's s prinkled WJth oil and vmegar and Sweet Basil, which changes it into something memorable. For the same reason, Rosemary and Gra li c are a leg of lamb's best friend, or fresh Dill a nd sour cream to blend with your pickled cucumbers. And . could you seriously con- sider making poultry slurring withour Sage and • Thyme? Since most culinary herbs are natives orthe dry regions of the Mediterranean, the only thing you have to provide for them in your garden is good drainage. Herbs usually grow most vigorous ly and develop their best fl avor in thin unfertile soil, so rich loam and frequent fertilizing is not necessary. • piseases rarely trouble them and their scent seems •, to repel insect pests. . whi ch conta ins cons ide rable humus and peat moss for aera· Hon. T HERE ARE MANY Fems to be found al your local nursery. They range from the delicately petaled Maidenhair Fern to the Lowering height of an Aus tralian Tree F em . And. in between , take a glance at the F'em Asparagus with its dark gre en feathery s prays that resemble Fern fronds and is good used as a screen against walls a nd fences or the Sprenger As par agus great m a hanging bi.lsket, trained up a trellis or used as groundcover. Weekend Gardening Checklist • This is the peak season for garden insects. At the first signs o f troubl e . e s p ecia lly on tomatoes and other vegetables. go to your nurseryman and get advice on what to spray. • For la rgl!r fl<>wer s ize, divide c r owde d clumps or S hasta Daisies. Divisions can be made every two years or so. • Make sure your lawn mower blades are set at 2-3" high. Leav- ing taller grass plants will help keep the soil and their roots s haded and cooler , which means less frequent waterin~s. Ge rtrude, as she prefers to be called, will be 91 years young in Oc· tober. Although she has occasional heart spasms a nd cannot hea r very well, she has the ene rgy and effe rvescence of someone in their 20's. .. I DON'T KNOW that I have any secrets about gardening," she says , "but m y daughter (who won't divulge her ::tge ) always tells me that I have a green thumb because she s ays eve ry- Garden Show Scheduled Aug.18-26 Amateur gardeners -whethe r they raise flowe rs or vegetables -will find helpful informallon at the South.land Home & Carden Show, Aug. 18·26 in Anaheim Convention Center. Booths in the a rena, which will be the setting for the flower show, will be manned by experts in a ll phases of gardening who will offer helpful advice. AS A P UBLIC se rvice, show management has added a new feature, the F a mily Cir<.'l c T he ater. to be held at 3 p.m ., the weekend of Aug. 18. The theater will offer talks a nd demonstra· lions on gardening, care of in· door plants and health tips, tn· eluding djeting and exercise. thing I put into the ground seems to lhri Vt' " And everything in her yard 1!> neatly pruned a nd blooming pro ruse ly. She admits to havinR m ore types of plants 1n he r garden than can be found in most good size neighborhoods And she works very hci rd in her garden despite a few physical handicaps (like not being able to drive a ca r) and the fruits of hl'r labo r arc many. lier pl um t ree for instance reaches nearly lo the telephone lines and ha~ yielded i.lt least s1x bushl'ls of firm, sweet purple fruit, "with plenty more on the tree.'' "I PLANTED THAT plum tree myself yea rs ago," she said, "and each year it seems to bear more and more fruit." .. My garden 1s hard work," she admits, "but my son (who is 60 years old> tells m l' that is what keeps me young." She has been i.tardenmg for about 67 years. Ma rried 63 years. her husband passed a way in 1975. "We court· cd for seven yea rs before .we were married," she said. She said that they built houses toge ther, put in driveways, shoveled ce ment and gravel, and just plain "worked hard." GERTRUDE HAS PUT in step· ping stones in her yard. built a rock garden and is now washing white s tones for a planter for her front ya rd . Even though friends a nd July 'Great' F-or Gartkner Tbe month of July Is a aood one for the sardener. Except for a min1mum of maintenance, he s hould be able to enjoy hi8 garden and leave it alone. There Is no planUng that need to be done and plenty of loafing that should be!! • But, at the same time. July is a month in which you'll find plenty to do If you've a mind to do it. You could utilize your vacation in the garden redesign. ing bol'ders and paths. installing a waterfall or even line-out your planting for the colorful fall season t.bat Ues just around the comer. THE GABDENER who plans to s pend his vaca- tion away from borne. however. should take a few precautions to protect his garden while he's gone. Mulch heavily around Camellias. Azaleas, and Fuchsias. Do likewise around Roses. Then move the potted plants to a shady spot where they won't dry out and whe re they will be easily reached by a hose. Another good Idea is to set up a watering schedule for your "garden s itter" so that nothing is left to chance. Be s ure to line out what areas should be watered. when and for how long. Disable Exhibit At Fair A new progra m has 1 Aug. 17·Sept. 4, for dis· ~~~i~o:~:~1 a~~:t<' atF!~r~ . :·:·.··Vi· O·l· I'.·:; ......... ~.·. abled people. A garde n exhibit will be created and mani.lg c d h y •··· phys ica lly a nd t'mo-· ·· Lion ally handicapped m· ,. · ·c · · · · · ·· · t~r:~uals during the state :·:· . . .. · a ··n· ..... · ... ~~.:.:. The a re a ho hc ing .· .... c·r eated to p rovide a ,, .• · s h o w cas e f or h a n · d1 cappl'd hortic u lture ·. Q :. : .. · · r;o::i~~~~a~~bi:~~l> a~~ ·.-; u··.· · ··t·· --~.· .. · tent1on to the ·abihtic~ of th{' h and 1ca ppt•d t o pt>rfor m 1n thf'~c sk 1 llccJ <ir:::~: PROJECT 1s h4.·1. ·n·. ·:· . 5 ··~·~·-.. - rn g co-ordinated by the S tatt> F a ir :rnd Op· portunit1es fo r H a n· d1 c·apped. Jn c They h"v" Da~· ... · . 8 ... · been JOtned by C rant Un111n School U1strict. R o s cv ill<' A c t 1v 1ty Cente r . Su:rra Coll•·gl' :ind Hed Hos<· 4 H C:luh Ac cor ding to J oh n Burton, co-ordinator, t he garden is to be an ongo. ing project to b<> m ::ttn· tatncd on a year round basis by different ha n- d1ca pped groups. ANY GROUP tntcre:-.t- ed in takrn~ pa rt in tht> exhi bit <'a n co nta c t Burton for furtht•r m- ro rm41ll0n IJy t•;11Jin ,; (916) 925-3522 The ~arden 1s to ~"' ·cons tructed durin~ the state fair and .wi ll lfl· e lude a lath house, ra 1sed flo we r b e d s . pathways a nd landscap· ing. Now more th•n ever you need Ute Information printed every d•y t n thet •1•z. .. u~r,.IP!'llQ"ltP!'ll•l~I ·. . .. . ...... Thousands .have quit smoking in 5 days with this guaranteed Medi-Health Method IJ111I' 111 iU",I l1v1• flll<! ll{)1JI .1·•,•,11 ''" w•ll•1Kll ~nmono I l)ln\lf" (lt a llf'!VOUS WIP.l'k "' l).llRlflQ WMQtll Lall lor cl 111111.111: r~1 oot1Q<j110111nh~v"'W (714) 964-5204 ltr I j;'/ fllOO~llUl'il ~I h1Hdll~Jl()ll H/>.A<'ll ;. ·Dutch Elm Disease The arena a lso will contain booths exhibiting the latest tools and aids for gardening and flower raising. neighbors tell her that she is --------------------- • 'On Run' in State SACRAMENTO (AP) -After a four-year state eradication program costing about .S2 m~Uion. a year. Dutch elm disease is on.the run 1n Cahfom1a, • the st ate Food and Agriculture Department says . • If you have excessive runoff prohlcms when watering or if your soil can't seem to soak up the water, try perforating it with a lawn spiker or aerator and re- move soil cores a rter you finish. The flower show will feature displays of flowe rs by pro· fessional florists and designers plus exhibits by amateur ar- rangers. over~ing it. she refuses to limit her rd work because. "m y hus ba a lways kept a neat garden," she says proudly. "and I know how he would feel if I did any differently." Robert Roberson. the department's assistant 1 director for pint industry, says , "Our records show I we are flnfing fewer and fewer diseased trcs and I can only say the efforts of the crew~ a~d the w_ork of ~he CaWornia agricultural comm1ss1oners in the , tOUntiesaffectedare-paying off." • THE DISEASE, c auRed by a fungus spread by a f beetle, can kill an elm tree in a month or two. In : other countrtes and states it has practically wiped ' oul the elm trees. .. Spotted first in California at Sonoma in 1975, the state has fought it by re moving and disposing of in· fected elms and weakened trees and firewood piles •• "Which can attract the beetles. FREE CONIULTATION ·--·at 142-8484 • 1120 lrvlne llvd. Newport e .. ch . --~---~--------~----------~----- 5 Galon T•m• .. Seagre•• ICefle ••• everydar In the DAILY PILOT JUNIPERS NOW $9.95 Regularly $12.25 Oii .. thnt ,Mv. • r:=;a...·•--................. ,_ .. ,. ESTATE SALE OF JEWELRY- <!RYSTAL- PORCELAIN - BROlVZES- <!HllVA - SILVER aad ••re. J.ou of dlemond rings arid eerrlngs, gold ct\elns, fine china and crvst1I, bronzes, some furni· turt, olll, c:hlf'ldtliers, brass lempc, etc. Frld•y, ........ ,, 1111d8unAy nights July 27, 28 and29 Inspection of all merc:hlndite Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 2 • 5 P.M. and 7 • 8 P .M. lomtthlnt for everyoM" -from S1 .00 up. Free edmJ11lon. Btnk of America, Mtster Charge, ct*k1. tome terms ev1llabl•. aewport gallerle• ltd. • I 2642 West Coett Highway Newport Beech, CA (714) 145-2200 COMSHltl •m ACC&I• ' 9T&IPM .. By Bruce Bates July 1s n month . of warm. summery afte r· noons nnd cool, breezy evenings. This type or weather is 1ust right for sprucing up the yard wtlh sturdy evergreens Now is also the time when plants thrive with prope r care and ma1nte· nance . Broad-leafed and ncedlellke evergreens g1vf! year-round beauty to 1.ny landscape Garden accent plants s uch as Indian laurel, Holly- wood 1un1per and Pillo· sporum give perma· nence and background 10 annual color beds Lawn substitutes such as Natal plum, Tam 1un1per aad Siar jasmine off er low maintenance nno are very attractive. H1rrs1de e rosion can be ettecuvely reduced with the use of Coprosma. Grevlllea and Seag reen jumper. Proper planting will help ensure successful growth. Start with a hole dug twice the size or the container. Lightly loosen or acore the ptant root bell ano caretulty p1ent In 1 one to one • mixture 01 Redwood Soil Pt1•1) •ind na11ve soil BP surn lo use a mea- ..urP<1 amounl of Roger's ~011 Acllv<ttor and douse w•th B· 1 sotullon to pre- vl'nt trano;p lant shock Ot'<•P watering will uncournq • deep roots .111rt 1w1cc· ;:i month feed· 1nq., w11h Roger's Flower Food w111 produce healthy and 1'>1~1wt1ful pla nts J11l v 1s ;in excellent time 10 give established everqrecns a kick 1n the pl;in1c; Ch1oros1s. a gen- eral vc11owing of leaves. rends 10 appear in such PVOrgreens as Garden1f'ls, Camellias and Azaleas Along with regular fer- 1111zing throughout the ycnr. a -;urnmer appltca - 11on ol a chelated eron :ino 11nc solution can pre- v1>n1 chloros1s Thriving plants may :tllr:ict many insects such ac; spide r mites tgr:iv or yellow. dry· 1ook1ng foliage) and 11ph1ds (s11cky deposits a nd sooty mildew). Both can bo controlled w11h Merro Malalhlon or Spectrac1de 01azinon. Twig bhght disease (die bflck) 1s prevented with ALCO copper sprays. A tow hours spent in the garden each week cAn turn your yard into n tasting investment. Featured at Roger's 0 Ardena through July, hm ano Seagreen 1un1pera. 5 gallon $9.95 regularty $12.25. ---·-·--,_,.- NATION/AT YOUR SERVICE Tale of 2 Cities Nogalea Ha. Culture of Its ~n . ~~~~°!'. NOGALES, Art.I. A cbMlt· ·link fence clivt... the United Staa.a and Mexico at Ulla border el~, but, at leut to the law ab , It ll more a nuilanee uaan a m er. . "l auppuae l croaa lhe border ball a dozen Umea a day, M bu1lne11, •• u td Apoato lo• .J( y riakla. • ••1 NEV&& FEEL like I'm ac· tually leavin1 60e country and ' .,. .. 1 ........ Tiie S,_.., G~• Oa Kenny Rogers, one of the hottest singers on the coun· t ry music circuit. drew re- cord crowds again this year at the C heyenne, Wyo .• rodeo -thjs time with a difference. He performed du r in g a cloudburs t for 11 .000 fans one night and again the next ni ght. Position Retained Pauline Leona rd has been re· a ppointe d as Sa n J u an Capistrano's representative on the Orange County Health Plan- ning Council. Jerry Kaufman will serve as her a lternate lo the Orange County health planning board ( MIERIC4 ) entering another. Growtn1& up he r e , l aru eu I 've a lways t.bou1hl ol both aJdos •8 sort ot lh 1arne piaee." True. Ulte other border towns, No1alee, on bOth 1ldd of lb4! fence, ii somethin1 of ai pla~ apart. : Ila culture is it.a own, neither •typically American nor typically Mexican. Ironies a bound. The e xperienc e o r Apost o l os Kyriakia LI an eiample. ''MY PAltENTS BOTH came from Greece," be said. "My father worked his way over on a ship that docked at Tampico. That was in 1920. He met my mother in Phoenix. Later, they settled in Nogales, on a ranch, and became Mexican citizens. • • 1 was born on the American s ide of the borde r , though , because in 1948 that was whe re the hospital was. "I also went all through school on the American side. It was closer, even though my home was in Mexico. So I spoke English at school, Spanish with my playmates and Greek at home. "BECAUSE MY PARENTS were Mexican citizens and I was born in Ame rica, I was actually a citizen or both countries. When I turned 18. I had to choose. I chose Mexico because that·was where we lived." Kyriak:is still lives in Mexico, runs a restaurant there, but his business card lists post offi ce boxes in both Nogales, Mexico, and Nogales, Ariz. He has to go abroad to pick up his mail. The r es taura nt Apostolos l{yriakis runs is most unusual, with a mos t unus ua l past, a lthough somehow, in a border town, the unus ual becomes the commonplace a nd it doesn 't really tum many heads. IT IS A CAVE. Three caves. actually, 25-fool·wide tunne ls dug 100 feet deep into the side of a rock mountain. • The best information Kyriakis has is that a Frenchman from Ma gdalena dug them 90 years ago. prospecting for gold. The man'• dau1hter, allll alive, for aome reuon doean't want to say more about it and ln a border town. you don't press a person's privacy. ln any event, the caves were uaed variously as a warehouse for whiskey smueglen, a stable. u 1ambling de n, <J Chinese reitta urant, a nd, back when nobody really knew where the bordtir was, or cared. by the U .S Cavalry as a jail for the Apache renegade Geronimo. "MY FATHER BOUGIJI' the caves in 1927 from a man named Hughes," Kyriakis said. "One cave was a restaurant, one a casino and one a wine cellar. My fa ther didn't like the easlno business -too rough, in this town -so in 1937 he cut through the rock and joined two of the caves to make one big restaurant." Thal is the way it remains to- day. The sign out front respects both languages of the border : "La Cavema," a nd underneath, "The Cavern Cafe." INSIDE, THE ROUGH rock wa lls are cool, the lights soft . The menu features American food, a favorite of Mexican tourists. and Mexican food, a favorite or American tourists. On special occasions, Kyria kis serves Greek dishes. ·'Come visit a t Christmas time," he sa id. "We will eat lam b and chicken and listen to a mariacru band. Ambulance Curbs OK'd San Juan Capistrano city councilmen ha ve approved a new ordinance aimed at regulat· ing ambulance services iD' the Mission City. Under the new la w, the county Board of Supervisors would reg- ulate services and set stand· ards for the private emergency vehicles. Companies could ap- peal county decisions to the San J uan City Council. The new ordinance was sug. gested by county health officials to s treamline la ws regulating the services. r Got a prob4em? Then write to Pat Dunn. Pat will e11t red tope. getting the anawers and action YoU ~ to sol~ inequujea in government and busmen. Mad your questaom to Pat Dunn, At Your Service. Orange Ccxut Daily Pilot, P.O Bo:r 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters as pos$tble will be answeTed, but phoned inquines or letters not mcluding the reader's fuJl name. address and bwmess hours' phone number cannot beconsulered Thtscolumnappearsda1· ly except Sundays Wa.r ltf ake• Sa"'IJlade GHdr high interest penalty. One skipped year of paying property tax can result In the property being tu deeded, even If succeeding years' taxes have been paid. If the county taxes your property, you can reclaim It If you pay the full amount due between July 1 and the October auction date. DEAR PAT: I bought an expensive new hand s aw recently, and would like to know if there is an y type or coating 1 can put on the metal to keep it from rusting. S.S., Costa Mesa An application of paate wax sboald eUmlaate any possibility of rut. Check the saw after yoa use it and apply more was where the aawlag action bas worn It off. Relttal Olul9 W'ftla Taz People DEAR PAT: We purchased a new home three m onths before our old home sold. Our old home was always our personal residence, but we rented it out for three months before it sold. Will this dis· quali!y us from deferring the gain on the sale or the old home" G.B., Irvine IRS 1ay1 tllat lf, as a matter of coavealeace, or for eome otlaer DOD·b•slaeu parpoee, you &em· porartty reat oat yoar old resldelMe before aelllng It, or y~ 11ew residence bef0tt occ•pylag It, the reated pnperty will aot be coasklered basl.Hss pro~ ud UM regular deferred gala nles will appl~. Bel•• Stiffed Wit• 8earel1 DEAR PAT: I have a chance to buy a used "accetatron board." The person who is trying to sell it says it relieves tbe pain of arthriUa. Do you know anything about this? J.D .• Costa Mesa PNINIHMa of tWa deYiee, wllidl WU ltelllt eold aew 1nenl 7ean ap. claimed It wu effee· tlwe la Ille treatmeat el nrto. dlleuee, lael.U.1 artllrtdl. ca11eer, e•pll1sema, Mari aad e79 ~· dltloa1, 111111 bloed pre11•re, ... JM& abo•t ••J11dmc elle 1• care .. ume. i.tete•llellt tel&· las, lwwever, IMlcalH tlaat Ille bunf, .... ~ u •• ••Elf.,.,_" mil or •"Sllan••" beard, llad die tllenfNlk .... of a .... au np& lllllllb. &11•es ,...,_ ••••..,••• E..ter DEAR PAT: How Ions can you be dellnquent In paytnc property tu before it's sold for back taxes? I've heard ft'a ftve yean, but I'd U~e all tbe detalll about bow tbll woru. L.S., Costa Mesa C ....... law allowl the ,.an•~ tax ••1•11er....,. ... ,,.,..., .. ~ .... ,. ........ ..., •••••• If , ..... , ,., JRI' lfll.ft ,.... • ..., &aUI (= l·IW • ftleal ,..,,,,. ............. et••··=~ llllJ I l:fll, y_, pr:r:rtJ -eMIM s .......... ...,, ....... ,,...... .. ...... Hdllr+ .......... Oet•'•'· D•lr••• r::·• ................ .., .... = .. ,..,...,, ........ ---·. , Cai Scettt W' ••'• Fade A 1ea11 DEAR PAT: I have moved into a house that has JUSt one problem. The odor of cal "accidents" has permeated the living room rug. I've tried everything to get r id of this stubborn scent. but nothing seems to work. Do you have any sugges· lions' S.H .. Costa Mesa AYS contacted Steam Master Carpet & Uphobtery Cleaners Ille. witla the hope tllat a special carpet cleane r collld be reeommeacled to solve di.la problem for you. However, It appears that cat odon are virtually hnpoaJble to remove. CleaDIDg tlle carpet will belp temporarily, as will some of die commercial odor·removlag aDd carpet· freshealal sprays on the market. but there Is ao permaaeat 10laUon. Tbe odor will retara after a few days. U you can plapolat Ute area of ottenae, It may be poealble to replace the affected parts, bat 011ly U die carpet can be matched in color and con· dltloa. lfl•t• for •••eetmeen DEAR &BABERS: A1 every bomeowaer kaow1, tltere II DO elld to lite tldap yoa laue &o do wile• yoa llue a lloue to mala&ala. Aad tile Sa•· mer lt'lt edltloll of Ute "V..mer lafwmatloa Catalepe" Usta muy bookleU tlaat wW be llelpfal la eaalal the Job ud uvlag ,.. IHMJ. Y• caa lean llow to lb a leaky faucet. replace a lamp pla1, cat col&l oa eaergy, ud evea llow to make a wile real ettate pucllase. Tlte eatalo1ae al10 U1ts abe•t 2" otller p•blle.11111 • nery&Mat from MJlal a car to pre•_... .. ban aad f*'81D maldll1 a Md1et to .maklq JellJ. Fer a free cepy el Ille earn•& catalepe, leDd a potteard to tile Collnmer I•· forma.-ee.ter. heblo. Colo. 81•. NteeAN ,.tuurT. M .D . . l'NHC)UNCal THa ONNING OP' Hll Ofl,ICI '°" THe ""AOTIO• 011 D• .. MATOLOO-Y A'f WA"""•" VIL.LAG• lllllUUCA&. CfNTll" 10900 w.-...•" 11.Ytr .. aurrs '10 flOUHTAIN YAU.SY. CA~IA ~ Olll'tc:• HOV•• ev A,.ll!OiNTM•HT T8'.8""° ... "'''~ • THINKING OF REMODELING • • • Visit our newly expanded Built-in Department FeahrinCJ: ./CALORIC ./FRIGIDAIRE \!CHAMBERS ./GE ./ROPER ./JENN-AIR ./LITTON ./DACOR 0 pf'rrOrtrlMlct• f • • t vi-. ... ,.. • 1 q D1aqnn.il • Color Monitor 11 • lh,c1rnn1c l uninq YOUR CHOICE • ?5' Diagonal • 100% So110 State •VIA -.\ DAILY PILOT TOP RATED • 1 3 · Diagonal • 100%SohdS!illr• • Color Monitor SAVE NOW • 1·-~ ~rrormance , • f "''-"*''""' SAVE s5000 • Randon Access Rpmo tP Control Modern or Classic Stytillg $20 CASHREIATE ~ dlrtet frOM Gl ' wi"-pw<lloM i 2 in 1 WASHER· w1tt't Mini-Basket· Tub • Large capacity • 5 wash/rinse trmo~ • 4 cylces OMLY GE DISPEH~ES CRUSHED ICE. CUIES. OR COLD WATER! • 6 64 cu It freezer • Porta bin door shelves • roll-. on wheels • 33" wide. 66Y> · high • Energy saver switch · • 5 cycles 1nc tud1ng Power Scrubit for Pols end pans • 3-Levet wash action • Low water use cycles • Ene(YJy Saver • Ory Cycle. .... DM.Y ... LOT ...,,..~ .. ,..,. QUEENIE It' o..en ~ose Kenya Keeps Chauvinisrn NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -Ke nya's Parlia· ment, rejecting a marriage rcrorm bill that broke with centuries of Arrican tradition, has voted lo protect , a species endangered elsewhere in the world the male chauvinist pig. . The polygamous and macho majority in the 172-seat legis lature shouted down in an over· whelming voice vole a government-sponsored bill t hal would have banned wife-beating, allowed wives access to the family checkbt>ok a nd given women a veto over their husband's taking a second ..yife AMID BOOS, JEERS AND foot-sta mpi ng by ma lt• parliamenta rians, the protests of four women legislato rs and a female crowd in the gall~ry were d rowned out. Attorney General Charles Njonjo. who has tttlY one wife. an Englishwoman, made a last· IJ\ioute attempt lo soften lhe leg1~lation and avoid de· ftat ofthe govc rnmcnt'ssecond atLempt al marriage ~form in lhret· yc•a rs. Hut the National Assembly ba rr11d de bu te for ut lea!il six month:-.. which will be after Kt·nya 1·lc•cts a parliament. "I swe:ir that :.iny man who heals his wife onrt! U.la bill is kill<'d . 1f it <·omes to my attention, will t1e pro~N·utto!I ," NJOnJo ~aid, acknowledging a rare defe<tl tn u c·ha mlJc r whN e the govn nmt·nl usually gets its way l\NOTllt:R GOVt-:RNMENT OFf'ICli\l., nprmally a close all y of N.JOnJO, :.aid the hi ll was t'"' work of a l'tmall, t:llte. We~lcm-0r1enled pres· •regroup ' "Our cuslomi-. arc being thrown to the dogs," "'9'Slslant Lands Minii.lcr G.G. Kariuk1 said. • Other assemblymen. saying al was time the f6rmer colony stopped t ry ing to imitate the British vlay or lire. contended that the hill would cause fam ily chaos a nd flood the courts with divorce Cjl8.CS Th'• <lchat1• rf'rt er lcd lht• deep cultural con - t fad1cl1ons 1n Kenyu und most J\fn cC1 n states wht>rl' wealthy c hlc:-. d rive W<•slcrn cars and t ake• J>tic.k in s pt.·ak ing W<•slern languaf,!es, but often rOn their prlvalt• li ves ucc:ordin~ to tribal customs. A LEGISLATOR Wll:ARlNG a lhrce·picc·e suit ~e during (he dcbaf('. to announce thut, in his tf0w, a man could b<•at has wife <.it night and no <tae was permitted to intervene. : The hill t·ould have opened th<> way for u re· 1Ph~t1on tn ramity habits s preading from mud huts tp t•11y :Apartments : Kenyu's three kinds of marriages c1v1l, rt-· lg1ous and tribal would have been affected. The MgislatJon would ha ve baMed arranged, pre-teen ~arnages by setting minimum ma rriage ages of " for girls and 18 fo r boys. It would have let ~men use their husband's credit facilities and uld have provided for equal property-sharing ghts, even in poly~amous marriages McCODlla ...onu•••s Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cep1atrano 495-1ns • la&.llOAllWAY MDnUAIY 110 Broedway Cotta Meta 642-9150 1MTM a TVnlLL MOn'UMY ~CHAl'IL Mof1'*Y • er.m.uont FkMer Shoe> 421 E 17th St CoetaMeta 1484199 Wl..,._I ........ ......, m~ll ...... IHch 5 BeoP.le Doomed For Lack of Skin? SAN 01£00 (AP> -"v• bum vtellma could die IOOll bluuae a San Dhtto bolpll&I bu nm out of doo...S b"man ekla and hu rHOrWd to Pie tkln u 1 •laPl•P m•uure. The &um unit at Unlvtnlly Holpllal ba1 been wllhoul Ilda for two Wffkl, a 1poke1woman 1ald Wednetday. dd t.he llve may not Uve. DOCT0&8 U8£ SKIN F&OM RllMAN u d aven to buy time befort trylQI to 1raft • pa· ttent '• own 1kln, and wh.Ue plf ekln can be used u a d""ifinl. ll ml'lt be cban1td every few daya. Hwnan 1kin donatlona will laal for two months before belnt reject4'd , aaid Dr. Thomas Wachtel, but ll takt>11 lht-akin from t wo to three donora to help lbe bum vlt'tim. Oonallona from livi ng donors are not accepted, Wachtel !iWd, be<'8Wie or lhe danger to the doflor of infection 1tnd scars SPOKF .. ~MEN AT THE BUllN UNIT said ~e PVSUCNOTIC& ~kin ht'lps prl'vl'nl infection and sca rl'ing in the PUBUC NOTICE bum puttenl und also reduces excessive evapora--------- lion of body nulds through the open wound. '~~~!:~:.:::r Tht' f1 vt> patients include a 23-year-old man r,,.1011-'"'-'°""-"ll"""""" w1lh bums over 82 percent or his body. He was in· 0 11oe£11 r o eucoc . AE•L E Sf ATE. i South SIOnl"910ft, ~tn JUred 1n a gasoline fire and 65 percent of the bunlB Le911n•. c e mornt• .,.,, 1101»•• a rc third-degree ~:;:~!.~!.·.,~~:,~;r•nQ•on !>ov'" A 54-yea r-old man caught in an a mmunition .,,!.':;;.~·" <ondll<t9d bv •n '" u plosion was b.rouJtht to the unit e~rUer this wffk ~"°'" o ttllfi with bums ovc r 52 percent or his body. J oan Htlc y, th e hospital 's s k i n bank coordinator. said the shortage may in part be the result of the doctors' reluctance lo approach the families or dead put1cnts and as k for skln dona- tions Animal Cruelty Fined MJLW /\UK EF; (AP> I\ man accused or i<lving a heated coin lo a n entertainer 's monkey al Milwaukee's Summe rfesl was fined $200 by Municipal J udge John Siefert. Mark Charles Fagan, 20, of Chicago, was cha rged with cruelty to animals . He told police he had been drinking and that friends goaded him io· to heating the coin with a cigarette tighter and giv· ing it lo the monkey belonging to Willia m E. Hoff· man. 33, also of Chicago. In his act, HoHman pushes a cart while enter· t aining s pectators, and a monkey named Mr Monk sits on the cart and accepts coins. Chief Named LOS ANGELES (AP> Language professor Arthur Avila, 62, has hcen named president or F:a s t Los An g e les Collegl' He had been the inkrim president s ince Novem ber I PUBLIC NOTICE ------ FICTITIOUS 8 Uil .. IU HAJllllf STATl MEHT I"" lt>llOW!nQ ""''°" I\ dcHnQ b\1\1 ~\4'\ AM A I CUR OOWI £11'> I OUll, 6\J I W.-\lm•n\ter AvttnUtr \utl,.. ). We\IMllt\I"'. C..lllomt• ., .. ) """""'" .1 Oal••~n. tV•• '>••"' btoo• Otttt. L• M1t.ctA, (.AtltotnM ~Jt fl\t\ OU\.,.,, I\ C.C)nOu(h-0 hf 1tft 11\ <h1t•du•I Kf'-lllJ 0,.let<len T hf'\ \tAt.-f'l1oPnt WS\ fllf'kd wtlh tht~ (?On•1 Chrn: of 0t4'f'Qr (.ouflly Of'\ JufY 10. 1¥19 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USIHfSS HAMf STATl!Mf HT Jt'lt~ •ouow1no P'PtY.>n '' OO•nQ bY\t n.,;. ... , IJN IT ( 0 BOO K.If E E Pf R ~ '>AL (~. \61 W llln !>lr~•·I. (O\I• M~'>il. C•hlomo4 'n676 John h ~tmd•·rwn 111. 101" ~wan 0 '"''"' CO'-fd Mt;w, C«1lltorn11t 91ti1b A rn1\ bu\1n.-\\ i\ <.Ot'tdu<te<I t;'t ,,,, "' tt\Chv•duttl JOhn 8 \oundt">f Y)fl 111 ll'h\ '''t1..-mef't w ttt\ fthtd wit" 1ne C oun1y ''"'" ol 0•<"'9" County on July 10; 1919 FlltUI Publl\...., °""'-C.0..\1 Oeoly Pllo1, '"''"· 7'.•"9"•14, 11, 197' 1110-19 PUBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUS aUSINl"SS H_. UATEMENT T 11<' loll-lnQ _ _. I\ 00.nq DU" nl\\ ., K E I I H M JOHN!iON A ~ .. OCIAT E!i. 30111 Orlltw-Ort,,., '>Outll Leoune. C•ht0<nu1 tlt11 Keit h M JOhMOn. >0111 Orllt- Ortv ... '-.111 l..AQ\IM. C..lllON11• 9'61' '""""'""'"I\ <oncllKled by ... "' OtY•Oual K ellll M Jol\M Oft Fll'111 Thi\ ""'~""'"' .. .,, Ille<! wllll I"" Pul>lo\fV'(f ''"•"I> (()o\I 0Ally """' county (lti•• Ill or ... oo Covnty Oft Jvly tu•v 71. '~ """ A.,q • II, IY/9 '801 N '" 1~1~ PURLIC NOTICE ,.IC1'1TIOU!. IUSIHU~ HAMf UATEMf HT l h<t IOllOWlnQ P"""" I\ OOHIQ bu\I• ~\\;;t' SUDSY VF NOINC, SUPPllf !>. •••07 Hon•~· ..... ~ •• p 0 Uo• JJI. Wf"\tm1rnt-r, Co•norn•• ~ntAl MMy Pn~• ?tot, P"'m*llO Cl , l •oun• N•OI"''· (.AlllornlA '17•11 Thn tKn.tM\\ "tOtWtuc.htd by an •n 01•1dua1 """"'" Pt-.1 Thi\. .\tAh•"""'ni Wilt\ f1fflll1 with OW Govnly , .. , .. Of OfonQe Covnty on July 20. '"'· ,.lltUJ Publlw.1 OrM\91 '°"" 1>41411 Pllo1. Ju1'71,21,A119U\ol4, I 1, lt1' 7t117.,. PUBLIC NOTICE \_ '"""'J Puhl!\,,..., o. .. noe '°"'' Oally Piiot. J111y t•, 1t, 11l...OA119 •, 1919 1•90·19 Th t\ \t•t•"""'4"t ""''" t1tfld with Uv1 Cou~l\I Cl•r~ O! Olen<)!' C.OUnty on Jvly 10. 1q19 ,.lltlff PuDlo\lv>O OtMQI' '°"'' 0 .. 11, Piiot July11.11,AUQU\14. II, 1'19 'aoe I• PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUS IUSIHe U NAME UATEMI NY T h11t t0Uow•rt0 "''°"' "'"' do I no bU\iM \\ A\ JAl l C~Trl>IN(",, ~· IM\l)fvO Otlv,., HU/\11"Cf'M tJtf<h, (.a litOf'rt•• 9no Mt1\0Ud ~'lOUdl 'H>At IM\~U(- 0 ,lvP, tiun'llf'Q10" 8 •.t(h. (•llfor"•• -n ... l ouh P Nutrtt.t <o 101 Not th GUt>ert ~''"'· An•l\i@ltf\, C.•lifOf'f"I•• '7IOI Sort\ VutoVKh. /(fl No<th Ci•ltwll ')1.--1. A..-1m. C..hlorn•• -neo1 f hi~ biJ\INt\\ I\ (()tWjy( ltd b¥ ,, Q<tMr•I ....,-tnotr\h '9 M.o-M.o-· TIU\ \l•l..-..1 WO\ ""'" Wllll ,,,. <;oun t y Cle rll of Cl< MIQI' C.OUntv on July ) ... ,. ""' .. Pvbll\Md °''°"°" Coe\I Oelly PllOI, Jvly U . 11. 1'-AUQ •. 1'7'1 7••1 It PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUS IUSIHt!H "AMI STAT&.M t!HT '"" '°''"'*'"9 ""'""' "-no b11\• f\e'\\41\ A U TO U P H O l'o l l llY fjy S TAN lfY 111 W 11111 '>I , (0\1• ~ .... ,,,..,,,. 5it•nte, k•utmeft. H w Yttl"' l.OOP. l••I~. (A 97M>4 f ht\ t>4.lfii~' ·~ tonoun--o f}y ""' 1" dtv1du•• ......... , """'"''"' f n1\ '\lttlrr"V'ftl """'-••lf'd with thn f ounty (l<'rll ot o"'"OI' '°""''Oft Jvty "· ,.,~ • PllBUC NOTICE NO'TICI IHVITINO llD$ ft10..rEM NO OD NOTICI"' I\ H l!llEllV C:.IVl!N INI valttd "'""°""'' w lll lie ••<•I•~ bV IM (lly O! (&\la -w .10 w il ,,,. (I IY (Oline••.,., 0 fto• ''°°·Of '"" C•ly o• (O\le ,......, c..tllnrno•. Oft Of "'"°'• I ... hour O! 11 00 4' tn on lllurwey, A uQu\t •, ••I'' fl '""" b• t f'I• IOOO"\I0-1111 f/I ,,,. .,_, 10 0"11"4' Ill\ b id I'> ltw> rlly (lt!r~" ttfflf, llV Ille pr-t --cl 11,,.. ""'' wlll .,_ oubht •;o OOf'#\.O •~ 1•.a A•O'id •• It 00 A m , Of ., \OOlft ttwr·•Aftfl't 4t\ Qr•tU<~.,. °"' f hvrW.y. ltuqt.nt o. 1t1', 11• thO C-11 CN"'li"f\, t •IY H•ll. II I 4'1r Cl"•t. (a<.1• Mt H . C•Ufo tn'" for th .. f urn"hinQ of \Pql NKI E llHAllOWARf AOdlloONI "'" OI IM \(l0'( .. 1(•1-~ IJ'tY ~ nQl~IN"(j "' '"" ()tfl(<' ol Ille Purtlle\l"'I AQl'nt •1 11 r •'' Orlw . C.0\1• -\<!. (.alilO#nl• lilO\ \llOlllO bit r•tvr~d '" u-"" """""'•on Of ti\,. cuv (.lflrk, 1n,. \•1tlfllld •nwl()fMf u:t .. ntU1" ••n 1t\~ Out\10• w U" "'e 810 tttitm Hutnbh• """I,... l)IJ'l'>•"O 0•1• f:Afh bid \h1ttl \pfK.lfY ••(:h ltftd ¥tV'"' 11f!m •\ ~t torH\ '" OW~l11(4 t 1on\ A"" .. no .tf• ,. '( ,.o, ion' to tt'I~ \Pftf lttf' •HM \ m utt be < lft .. rly \fA1fM:S 1n H1ir bMl. MWJ lallur .. lo v t '°''" Mty 1f f0tn 11' tNt '\ot'Cftf( <tli~\ \IMll ()I> 9rounO\ lrw t•fH lion ot •~ n•d r •<" b1tf \httll Wot f'>rth '"""' tull n,.m,., 11no ,,..,~nc·' o• (tll Oii?'"°"~ •no CMfUtt' int .. ,,.~,,_., "' ,,.. ti"OP&\11t ,., pt1n<1Pwtl\ Inf A\of'I "' (l')tptJto!tfiOn·. ltt( ludfl th'" M'Tiflf\ at trw> PrP'\ide-1\I, Y< ,,..,,.,., r '""'V'"'. ,."'° M"""°""' T n ... < ,,., t trVIV '' ot •twt (ny ot (°'t• Mft\1t rta•'1w\ thff t li,lhl ,,, ,.,,.,ct •n1 or ,.11 b•<h O•lfO IUlt'?\ 1q1~ PWbll\htvt OriVW1'~ Lo.-.t (;)Mlt Plte>t lul• 1' t••I~ 1•0 I~ PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE WORLD! OBITUARIES P\J8UC NOTICE _ ____. "'""'°" COUltT CW T•e •TATI OP CM,ll'Olt•IA l'Olt Ttll COUWTV 0 ' CNIA ... I MO•A•MMlt ftMl'WHA f 4tfft fht)l'n~ "'"--' J...,..,. "' ..... "-'iO' Cl.NII PAUL 0•111001"'' lltll•-11 .. , ....__, IN<.11, CA t1 .. I c_,, .. °'_ .,, .. ,.~--· """'"'..., tJ<•,,,,. '°'"'' r1•••v "''9' J11ty]I ,__AuQ t II i.1' Utl 1' PUBLIC NOTICE . ,.. .. sura111011 c.cw1n 0 " '"' STAT• 0' CALIPOllHIA ,.0 11 T"f COUNTY 0 ,. O•ANCH Ne A1"'11 H O TICI 0 1' "l"A•t N O 0 ' PlflTION 'Olt l'llOIATIJ 0 ,. Wll.l AHO '011 L[TTI!•\ Tl\TA.,_I " TAllY E\l•t• &I JAC:08 Pt)\\ WUl'o!r It O.-c11•._..,, HOllfl ·~ HCPr 8 ( r.1v1 ....... , M •(UACI 14 WUl\!f ~ n~• l1i•lf n-r•1n " (i10 1Uf'" 1()1 f.#ri,f)Jtt_. ot W ill ttnd fot 1 •llfllr\ ffll\htm.,nt 4r 1. ,,. IP'""'" lo •h•t" t\ n\4d,. fOf' tutU\,., P•rt•'ufM'\. ""'° lrt4tl '"" ~trn. i!tf'l'9 C>IM• of MAtlnQ thf+ ~1trtW-""-\ f)iltfllfl\ Wtt tor AuqU\t '· t(JI• "'' ti) fl() I m • 1n ,,... ft>urlroom '11 Otto4rt~nt Nrt I r-lf ''"" toort, "'100 (1¥flll t .. n ... , ru.~r w .. ,, tft .,,,. ( Uy('Jf •w.,,tA Anlf ( AltfQrru ,.. o .. , .. ,, July tf# l'•/tf I J ( Ai h"A'-'t' H (t'.AJ"4 (rt,.n AMACHER, AMCJf & WUl .. f (fl Nll(HA(L SI WUt\Tfll Mlt hl-~llNf Oowft•f . C..ht•rN• M1.t0 h i 171ll '7U/U Attw"•Y' tor PtJ11l•Oftflt f.tubl1\~ <Jt "'"'1• r 011 .t c,,..i r Ptlt)t Ju'" 11 11 ?fj aJfl 11 IQ I, PUBLIC NOTICF. k t),,.' i.t ( 1.-.rt .,.,,Vim r ,.,m,.r1 ~tt .. nw• N,.,.-,,,,, f\ .. ,,,n 'A lf"lt#i t "'' t>u\1~\\ •• , "''"'"'' tt•n ,,., , i')"'fH't'"' o...,,,.~,·r-•v IMl\I Int h ,~,._.,,., ..,,.,,~, '')•\ \lttl...,.....nl w11 f•l""'d Nttn '""' ( O\IAtw c1 .. rl l)f Ot..nQJ-l.OY#Uy fjl\ JUIY \ '"'" Pl18UC NOTICE ,ICTITtOUI IUlllllH ~ITATIMlllT TM fetl-1~ "'''4111\ •I• dol"• DvM,..Ull\ AU MRI Y Tl"CMHOI ()GI,-!> ()f C.Al l'ONNIA le UI'°" turpou lioftl llt 0 (," ~f l'•t .. (II( hi ltVIM , (..A 'tl/U A, .. .....,., fe<"""'l<IO••• < orp. >\ Sol/Ill >00 a.i. ~It la>• C •h Ul•h Ml II I hi\ l>v\llWO\\ I\ •-1•0 by e <or OOtllllall A\'lf'MliLV r (llNOI 001 f'\ ft>A P ltwt,.ttw "wrnt\•tn, .., ,., .. ,, '"'' \tat.,Mnt Me \ fll~ Wit" Ir. (-hunt; r .. ,. '" Or•n~ r (Nnt f ,~ •u•'I '· "" ,..,.,., f-'•mll\twwt l1t!'ftff.I" ( ,,.,t Oa1ty r uot IWf"I I H , )I 1• •'»I"> )~'I~, PUflLI(; NOTlt t: P1< fl ti(~\ !1V\11ou lfAM, ''Af•M,H f , ,.. ,,,CJlt#H•'..t "9' .,,, .,. '''H'',., ,.-"',,,.,.. .... " ,,,, •• ,,,p, ,,,,,., .._ .. , , ,.,., .... ,,,.,,. tf1##• .. ,,.,,, ...... , , •' .,,,.,.. ,, ... , l •1Ji ' MAI~ U\I 'l~•U ,,,.,,. u ,,...,,.,.,.,,, ..... , , • ,,.,.,,. .. ,., ... , lftl>t•i.f•U,.#..,,,,,. "'· ''•*""'• ti•*'I• • .....,..,. ,,.,.,,, .........,, , ..... ,.,, • .,,.., ,l\t ,.,., ,, .. ~,.., .. ~., .. ,, , ... ,,. , '1. •1~·-""" , "''' ,_..,. .. -. •• • .. ., ·~ #4t f')'fftf f , ,.,,.,, v ,~.,,..,. ~,,,, I"' Ii ''" .,,IM•\,...,,,,,,.,,,,, "4o<t • 1,. ,~_.,,, ,, ,...,.~."l. "tl'l . -I • .- 111>? ,. .. 0 f t(f O~ fJUAl.'' • t • • t .. ,, •• ,,ftfJ ........ ,..,\, '• , •••. , .. OVt\U"M fl, ,., I,,,. .;llf ..__. • t l'W', t l\~O'"'" " ,.,. "'•.... .., , ,, , ,,. t,_ ~Mth ......,. _.....,.,I ,,,,,,._,. M '"• \t4t• ~ I ,A(lrf,,..A9<111 i ;,,~ ,..,. •"' ,.,., '#Ill ,,. ,_,,, f;tlt It "J l'I f )>') •• I p m ,n 1rw. f ,,.,, •• _,, s:. ·;,, • , "'"''' ,., .. ,,... , ,, ...... '~ .. , , ,,,,.,,~ ~·.,,,. ti'' •• ,'•·,. , ..• M l>.H ,,,.,,,,,.,n. "' .,r.~,. "'1 I--· ''°""' hn"''" .f r1.•• .,, ··• .,. f,,. , .. /tit~·• , .. ,,,,..., f '" '' ,. ' " r,,,. l).-lf"f'fl'\1r• (1t t1t•\t "''"' llwt A• • ... '"'" ,.,.,,....,,, ,,,,, "',,.,..,,, ... ,, . ~ , '· .~ .. 'i"lf'IY"'t ... • "i' ,,,. , • ,,.,,, , , • ,, ') .. ,,.,.., •• , ........ ".. ,.. ,,,,.,. " 4 '• fl'1" , f""1 "'''" ,,. ... "', ........ ,, •• "f •. ,,, ...... ,... ,,,,,, •• ,, .... ' • t '' I 4 •' (1• "' t ,, 1., M.1 1 I ... I r '4 ,,11fl< J I, 1tl "t ht I liol t•H , t,1 /f t4 ., 1t •r-t .,.,;'fl '•f I • Out l)U ll r 11• ''" r ,. t 1 "' "" '"''"', LI•.,.,, ,, ~ ,, ,,, IP' ''.u'" ·~., Jlr,,.,"41/m .. ,r,,,._ "'"1'-t• ,,._ ~1r .,.. '" ,,,.,, \ ,,., r IJ't A .YIA AtH 1 A'°' t t .f" t I , h ,. , ...... ,,,., .... •··1n•1·t• 11µ ., .. ,. ,,.,., 11, .• , , 1•1•-tlft 11 '""' Pl 81.H' NOTU"t-: HO Tiff or PilAt 1( HI ........ Ill FON! I HI Pl ANNI N(, rOMMl\,tOPll (JJ f HI C It Y f)t rr>UH TAIN YAlll ~ tl#J I If I I It! Ill PI 11/f ,, !l,1f •111 M •1n•l.11 I\ • .,, I " • ,,, 1• J•,,. ,,, It• I IJ•H" 1• 'ho•nh• 1 li11ll ll1fl'At ,! th I '1 w• liu• i \J ., .... _. .,,, I I IHlllh!j I ••H•nu "'If J ·f (111nl1• •11• .. 1 fl+j I ! ffu f ''*" I ltl1,tt1 ,,,,, I• ft t I• ' . I"""''' '''""'I I A fJu I •I 1t jl< f f<I I • fl 11 t 'I l•t fl •• , t. ..... ,, ,, '• "' .. """' ' ,, '"' , " . ,.,, ,,.,, "''"'''" .,u.1·1 .• 11 ,.w0 ft A•••'••" ltl ,,. .. M4 \t•t Pl•" 01 Or••n•q•• ,._,,, °'''''' lflf11~lt •J ,,, .... , ', t I U,jf. f \f1Jt0 I ult I tlh 'I u•u•1•~ lft1 t ,,. l•ufth\hlod ()r.._., ( OA\I O•tl• 1-'1,l)t l 1t.tn I 111 l•n .... I• • 1111, ,4 UM ll"t Juh / u n 1" 1q1' 1,1 .. 1q o~ , •. _, "'·"' , , ti• ,,, .,,. c ,,., PUBLIC NOTIC F. f 'tfj1n-1 •111 ••I ,t I 11 r H ,111 Ho•u:. ot Pt•P•t•hAft •' Nfl'Q4ttWfl D•<l•t•h°" J ,, IPh . ...,,,, '"'' ... . '•' '''•II IJ.t'•fl '''"'' tt• ltul ,11 • ltt•t• N• U,.lf•¥• (,. 1 . ., tl•'lt 11,, t"' fl I·'• O·u• ti lh· I', ''''''th 1 ~1 111,1, 1 J.l•·--u # l1,,n11t11H11 JV1ll 1n\ I 111 I JJU11i1'.1I f,f •~ l'lt•• .. 11 • .,,, In t.u.ih .t1 '" I''''''" Aur1v t I ,,,,, f ltl \t "'°"I II t1 1 '" t• •• I •i•H M\TION I HOROSCOPE I MISCELLANY Bats Driving 'em Batty Hundred8 Occupy Family's Ancient House • t PITl'UUROH (AP> t.,'wty _.,.t fbr three mootu. Tom lmlth .... ••ictH,d bWldreda ol ball crawl from th_, roof ol biS H1ttury-old horn In ubur.,_n Wuford Md wln1 lftlO lM ally Tb•y lltart to emerat around 1U1e1. eomb the nt1ht 1ky ror lMeeta. then return about 4•wn Bll_PEaT8 TELL SM ITH I.ht nl1111Uy ritual hi.I occurred al the boute for $0 )'Hl'1' betwttn Aprtl and Oetober omt-Uun" Smith aald he didn't know wf\tn be bought tM bouat! I• t Nov· ember. At thut tlml'. the brown bats were hJbemat1111 m caves Expert.a say the bats may use ti• boa.-e for <Another SO years, wl&esa something lS done "I d e finitely want them dntroyed, even ir we have lo keep lllooling them one by one.'' said South's wife, Pat --Polso.u have failed, 1t s ap- parently too big a job for most exterminators. and local health authorities h ave not decided wb&.Yl~I. tne flying mammals p(>se a public healtp threat SO ntE SMITHS and their children, Hennifer, 6. and Tom· my, 2, remain in the 211'.1·Story. w>iite frame house -with the bats. nu th, 38. own r of a hof'f\e ,_,. modelln1 firm, wa1 llxlnc • bedroom ceilln1 ln April when ht spot.Ltd bau ban~ana rrom the alllt raftel'J Hearing Set On Cable TV Rate Increa8e S11 n Jua n Capis trano city \'Uu nc1lmen have set Aug 15 us the publtc heanng date for pr-0· posed c.ible television rate 1n creases soueht by TM Com m uni r ations. The company 1s requesting a hike from $6.75 to $7.50 pe r month for Mission City re· s1dcnces serviced by the firm Under the company's request, installation charges also would be r aised lo $25 from $20 for in· 1llal outlets and to SlO from $7.50 for each additional home outlet. Monthly charges for addi· tionul outlets would also be upped from $2 to $2.50 per month 1f the request is granted. Monthly charges for connec- Uons in apartments. mobile homes and condominiums would increase from $5.25 to $6 per month. Additional outlets would go up from $1.60 to S2 pef' month. Ito lhot and killed about 75 of them and cover('d the hole with plaatlc. •ure that only a few we re lttft. Ht wus wrong. Thal nlaht. he noticed bats squeezing through gutte~ and cracks in the roof hundrcdis of them "l 'V•~ NEV E R S•~EN so many of Um1 type an 1t house in western Pcnn1>ylva nia The usu1tl numbt!r of buts living in a house 1 50 at the most,'' said Duane Schlttlcr. a mammalogist" ut the \a rn1·~1l' Muse u m of Natural 111!.lory an P1lt~burgh Most exterminator'!, howe\•cr. say they handle a maximum of 30 bats, Mrs Smith said And t'Onstruction firms have told them that roof rC'pa1r would ~ hawrdous, she added. So far, only the Smiths' doi:i has been bitten BUT ~1RS. SMITH said the> bats bang against the outt·r walls at night und try crawling through wmdOW!-i Orie entered her daughlt•r's room . ~ending the girl s c r eaming for he r mother. Slilurdly. July 28. 1979 DAILY PILOT A1Jl Aetna ., To Settle f ! Lawsuit \ ,. ' .. " LOS ANGELES (AP> -A ten·~ • talive settle m ent of a $1.5 ~ million class action suit has 1 been agreed upon by Aetna Life! & Casualty. which would pay ~ that a mount plus interest to ~ some 60,000 Californians holding • money orders from the now : bank r upt Universal Money Order Co. T he out·of·court agre~ment, s ubject to approval a t a scheduled Oct. 10 court hearing. wou ld set up a fund for d istribu-: lion of the money paid by the: Hartford, Conn.-based ins urance and financial services compaqy. NOTICE o•· THE proposed s e ttlement and heari ng ap- peared thas week in 29 Californi~ newspapers. Universal Money Orde r. an af· faliatc of International Express Co . stopped <·ashing money or· ders presented to it for payml•nl m 1977. :md 1s in hankruptcy pro cccding~ in New York. RONALD WlllTLl-:V filed lht• cluss·action ~uil 1n Apri l of that v<•ar on lich~ilf of Californians ~v h o hav<' Un1 v(•rsal <·la ims t otall1n ~ a n t·..,l1ma t L•d SIO m 1 ll1on "We moved here because of th e ni ce sc ho ol and neighborhood," said Mrs. Smith. "We never woold have bought the house 1f we knew there were bats here " The public hearing will lake place at 7 p.m. in council cham- hl'r:-,, 32400 Pasco Adelanto. "F.ver since then. Jenny won't go to bed by herself. Shl' won't evC'n go lo the bathroom alone,· Mrs. Smith said. "We sent her for psychiatric counseli ng, but they told me the only way to cor rcct the problem 1s to get nd •If the bals. ·· WHERE ARE THOSE DARN BATS ... ? Thi:' SI 5 million a v<1ilablL0 to Californians w ill Ul' over and ahove that wh1 (0h I!. ava ll<1ble 111 lhl· bankrupt<·)' pron·NllOJ( Libra Cycle High -Concentrate on Future, No Brooding By SV9NEY 01'1/\RR Sunday, July 29 ARIES (Marc h 21-April l9). Shore up past efforts. vt-rify cre<lits due, "advance boolcings ... Means con· tracts, rights a.od permissions. '1C · livity by partner or mate command atte ntion TAURUS <Apnl 20-May 20> New approach lo basic ,;ssues. dependents. job a nd nutrition grab s potlight. Make fresh start, st~css more in· dependence, originulity. Get to heart of matters. G EM IN I ( M a y 21 · J u n e 20 I Cr eativity, significant c ha nges. a reas of speculation these are highlighted. You get good news in connection with one close lo you -a family member or other loved one. CANCER <June 21 -July 22 >· Di versify, expe rime nt. m ake in· quiries. given full rein to intellectual curios ity. Gemini. Sagittarius persons figure in picture. Build on solid base. se lect quality, be sure or source material. LEO <J uly 23-Au g. 221 Accent on getting answers. opt•n1n g Imes of com munication witb rc l'1t1vcs, catchinf( up on calls, cor rl's pondcncc. Aquarius. Taurm;. Scorpio persons fi gure prominently. VIRGO (Au~. 2:1-Scpt 221 Hold on to possessions. Wh al you havl' may be due to increase in value. Cycle on upswing you locutc "missing link." Profit figures prominently Georgia, Suh LIBRA <Sep t 23 ·0ct. 22 ). Domestic adjustments on lap CY· ell' high: you can rectify past mis· lakes. Push ahead, concentrate on future ins tead of brooding. Taurus, another Li bra and a Scorpio figure in scena rio. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 ·Nov . 21): Secrets. clandestinl' conference. in· stitulion, hospital thes<.• are in spotlight. Avoid dccc1 vmg yourself. Get facts. whether pleasant or otherwise. SAGITrARIUS I Nov. 22-0cc. 21>: Keynote is achjevement You are fulfilled. fantasy could become a re- a lity. Accent on friendly persuasion, c reative and romant ic concerns . Capricorn. Cancer natives figure pro· minently. CAPRICORN <Dec 22-Jan. 19): Wh a l seem e d a s etb ack could boomer ang in your favor. Aries. Libra figure prominently. One who can "lake charge" wi ll seek your cooperation. aid. Accept this as a valid compliment. AQUARIUS <J an. 20 -Fcb. 181. You get chance to rent•w acquaintances. to open lines of communication. One who is attracted to you "proves" it. Tr avel possibilities arc enhanced. PISCES <Feb. l9·March 201. Ynu gather needed m aterial. You're able to synthesize information at hand. Accent on money affecting partner, mate or other individual close to you. 'Crackers' Have Day ATLANTA (AP) Georgians, m· eluding Jimmy Ca rter, have learned to s uffer the word "cracker" with a cer tain good humor. Now one of the m. Bob Mccorkle. s ays they should be proud. "I was ra is ing caln one day because everybody else seems to have their day: St. Patrick's Day. Greek Independence Day. German Heritage Day. So when a re cracker.:; going to have the ir day ?" said Mccorkle. a me mber or the Chatham County Commission. THE OTHER commissioners. he said. "made Aug. 27. my birthday, Georgia Cracker Day." "They did it as a joke, but it backfired on them.·• said' McCorkle, who has a s t a te c ha r ter for the Georgia Cracker Society. Inc., and is planning the second annua l Georgia Cracker Day Aug. 25-27 in Savannah. THE SOCIETY AND celebration are lo stress the va lues or the origiaal "crackers." Research has shown, he said. that they were Scols· l rish immigrants who migrated to Georgia from North Carolil)a. The word "cracker" he said. comes from the Scots. and means forceful or proud. ·'The word got changed somehow a nd people think of crackers as red· necks and all kinds of things." Mccorkle said. "AU sorts of things were tacked on there by people who didn't know any better." Priest's ReDJark Sets Off Sex Flap GENOA, Italy <AP> -Residents of nearby Rio Ma11iore, where most of the men are sailors. de· mended a town meeting to denounce their pariah priest after the local newspaper reported be said mptt wives were unfaithful while their buabands wereataea. The Rev. Dino Bonanni, 54, denied maklnl the statement. ·'It's true I spoke of the difficult life of a sailor,·• he aald, ''but I said notblq about Hxual problems. It'• 1ometbln1 ever1one ba1 to re1olve by tbemeelwl, tffll lf Hx l1 a liftolGod. •• ne dream boat you seek .. pro· •••IJ ID &be Boat1111 elaullled adl of Ille DAILY PILOT 142.1171 Toni Williams, Bat Expert, SearctTes Attic for Them Ovon dean• 11Mlf •111omn11rally for prn111~· Exlr• on "tlauon .. we> ~nerqy •~ vnu IMke Rot4rv cc.ntrol\ for 1ht C1lr1Xf o,url.irf' llllllS D1qil•I Clt)(k .md dUIOmdtlC ov•n tllUftr Ow w...-.. Dhc-' f'ric• .....• S461.M L.nt •I Celli...................... 40.M YOUI AMA.I. COST •..••••..•.... '42800 Includes delivery & normal 1ns1a11a11on Get crushed ice, cubes or cold water ... without opening the door! 'fh1s no.frost s1de·by s 1dA 1s 21 6 cu ft. hip: 011 tl11· J nstde,y et. only 33 inches wide ouw1dc W1Lh wht: b l:lO it. rolls out for easy cluarung T11mperod glasll shelves h elp cat.ch s pills Shelves are adjust.a.bit . t.o<, so lt.'s easy to stor e large or t.all th111g11 And thimi's an Energy Saver s w1tch that., wht:n tiet ln Lh1> rwrm.~I posll1on, can cuL operatmg cost.s IL all adds u p Ln 1.t good Investment.I OUR WAREHOUSE DISCOUMT 'RICE ••••.••• $918.00 LESS GE CASH REIA TE • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . 50.00 YOUR RHAL COST ......•.•.••••.••...•• '868°0 Includes delivery & normal in~1a11a11on I Ub rutVJng IWO wash ~2~~" llllq. Lat~ c.pac11y S WnhfRinse Tempera 1urn. 4 Cyda includ· 1119 Penn.anent Prn. WWA83SOV Ow W ........ Dhc..e Prk• ...... SJ41.M ....... c... ..................... JO.to YOUI AHAL COST •••••••.•••••. 532800 Includes delivery & normal installatiOn BIG SAVER Automatic Sensor Control Gas Dryer Glo Ba1'"p1lo1IPSS 1qruuon s.iv~ up 10 30" of the q.u you use ro, dry1n9 4 dryin9 selectJons and 3 cycln 1n· dudmgyennanent Pf.a Option.J eittre eve selec· Uon Nt,>w Air Foret• Sc•rrt't nrv llons M. Ma rk a nd n<•w l 'nd('rl'('cn•t:.1ry · Antonio llundlcr Ch u~'l'~ dl·~cribc.• thl' Oit:ht or som~ or the Air For<'"'·s ncw t•r:tf't :it thl• Pentagon. Hoth Wl•rc sworn in lhas wt•ek with Chayc:; bt•cnming the first woman undersecre tary m one of the arml•d forct.•s Kids Abandoned Desertions of Tots on Upswing By &M Aleeei•le4 Preu A rash of child abandonme nt.a has left child care professional a nd law enforcement otrlclala baffled and pleadlng for help t.o de.it.ermine why parents leave their offsprin1 on 11trect comers and In garbage bins. In Los Angeles County, an average of 34 children a rc lost or deserted each month, said Diana Bic hler. director o f Juven ile Court ser vices for the county Depart me nt· of Public Socaul Services. "WE'VE HAD A RASH of ttwm late ly." Ms . BJchler said. "I don't know if the s ummer hull anything tn do with it or not. But we need u rcul in-depth analyslK of the problem before we can unswl•r the question of why " Tht.· latest spalt' of abandon m ents rungl>d from Long Beuch to Vl•nturu County, where two in fonts w1•rt• round in garhaJ(C hins w1th1n f1v1• dayi-.. The g<irhagt· cun seems t.o be a c·om mo11 denominator in many cus1·1- Loa Ang eles police . m canwhlle. !'!Ought the prmmt.s of a year-old boy left at a ha m· burger stand July 17. said detec· live Doug las Collisson. Two men apparently left him there with a bag or diapers. he suid. "WE AR E MVSTll''I E O ," Colllsson said. "The h<iby wus in re al great s hape when we aol him. lie had no inJuntis , hl' was clean and we<irin~ c lean clothes und wa.'i well nourished We don't know why he was left." /\happy ending muy he in store for a year·old boy found on a Long Beach sidewalk last Satur· day, police Sgt. Jim Cook stud. "T he grandmother JUSt 1dcn tarlc:d him," Cook said. But the child's mother a juvc•nilc was still being sou~ht Their names wNf' withheld. AL THOUGH THE CHILO had nnt been v1s1 hly a hus1'd . Cook sa id he• hai. ··.,omt· qu1•-.t1nn!-. It'!. 1>0ss1ble I will s1•('k criman:.il pro ct·t·drn~s Tht· mothN is a s1·m1 -.uspc•ct n~ht now 1n a <•hlld <i h<in don m c n l r a !-. 1· So I wo n · 1 :1uthorii'.1· hih n·l•·ast· until I hav(• tulki•d to Mama " 'fht· n_•a sons for ch1hl :ihundon mt·nl varv Kerby T. AJ vy. executive. direc- t.or of the Center for Improve• ment of Child Carin g in Loa Angeles. "THE ACT OF abandonm ent la perceived by them as an act ol mercy because t hey just can't handle the pressure or rearing a child. They foar thul pressure may lead them to kill the child if they don't J,!ivc them up," said the child psycholo1ust. His organ1zut1on offers child abuse anformut1on , counseling and p<irent effectiveness tram- ang ' "When JX..'Ople IW to this length. they arc be1s1eally immature. un- able to be respons ible, isolated a nd h~1vc• no plact• to turn,·· Dr. St:oir s<.1ici mun tnll'rview. ''It's an tnd11:<1t1on of how fll'Oplc perceive lhC'1r ah1hty to c hungc their li fe." ALVY , llOW EV E R , SAID -;oc1ety should s houlde r m ost of the blam e. "It r efl ect." th<it thcre 's a home that's m «ris1s <ind thCJt the com- munity h as not adequately he lped that f:tm1l y ," Alvy said. "It rencct~ a hroader soci<il pro- blem. CJ lack of su111>ort for people who are rais ing childre n." • • UCI Classes Announced "THE (;i\RRAGE Ci\N senns lo lw a favored way. and we hvt· 111 a dis po.l{ublc society," s ;,iys f>r B>irhara Slur. USC associatc· 1,ro ft•ssor of social work. ··Hut 1n most t·ai-.c-s. the i:arhage c·<in ,., Just n •adily a cccsi-.iblr-." Two groct.'ry st11rt" «m µloyc•t·'I dug a nt·whorn hoy out or ,, "dumµskr" ban in the• V1·ntura County !.Uhurh of Newlit'rry l':trk on Monday. i-.:.11d s hcriff'i-. Lt t;N1rgc Con<ihey. T he c htld. Just two hours old, had been wrapped m a hloody terrycloth lwthrolw and !>luck in a pl1:Ast1c tote hug, ht· -.aid "Somr."or th1 ·m c<.1 n 't affortl t11 l·:1n· for th1·m <.1nd lht·y don't know wh1·n· to l<1kt• lh1•nt." -.auJ Lt /\I T rat.lt-r . ;t JUV<'n1lt· c·onsul tant with lht· 1.11-. J\n~<·h·'t f'olt<·•· IJl-partm •·nt 0th ·r., 1u .. t thin't • • • • • • Daily Pilot classifieds work for you.call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. The following scht•dult• of uch v1tu•s oswn to the public has been announcl'd lhc the UC Irvine Ex· tens ion program WEDNESDAY AND TltUltSDAT l'itO'\,' ~Ow•rO .-r..,rso1>. Ph 0 lf'Clurttr. e•t!<Ufh;e olr•<Cor, Tr.• N""'""'~ IA¥nll\Q Cen14t<. Oflou ol Cir.Ou•te E-•llOn Prt>Qr•m• A two O•Y courw, I .. m • pm .. Arn 101. Pfloool Sc.;ence\ 8IOQ • uc1 <•mPV• Fee S.0 TlfUltSDAY Empto~ Tt•1mnQ nno 0P¥~100 menl, ' HowA<O Wol....,,, pre\IOMI. Admuo\tr•Urtt Ae--.edrth As~••tH. 1 "" A one day "'mlnoH. ' JO " '" • )() pm . Ho•IO.ty tn'I, JIJI HrlllOI, Co\la ,,,.,...., FH . \SS In• '•u<le\ lunc:n and clt1i~ matert1th1 l'RtDAY AND SATURDAY "Undor\lanO•no .. no H91ponq 11><· 1 l'••nonq 01wllfto1 v c 11110," Jilrn•'' hr Id Vb Pl\ 0 , PfO lt\\Or OI tn"n"Qf tnflf\f, rhUd C>\YChOIOQH.t, \an Ot' qo ~tttt•1 Un1¥t'f\1lv. and C•oftv Molnonto 0 ~, Oor~Clor. AO( Chn'l A •ttt"-kttnO ~U\"1r. Frt , I 10 p m ').01,'l,.ml1noon<1ndl \p m Um Jflo 5oo<1<1I S<,..no UID UCI C.1tnPu• Ff't-M0.1n<.IUO-\D•tr .. I~ WllUNUAY A~. Le-1U.1p How to C.el II •no >iow lo Kflf!t) II," Cunll"'r W. Klltul , "'" 0 . llort<lor, ln\lllUIP tor All "'""'0 "'"""'"O A ono<.<J<ly ~mlrutr, Y 30 •.m 4 .10 om , Am , ... Soco•I SclHI<" Ult>, UCI cllmPV•. Fee. SSS, on<IUdH ma1•ro~rs. 1uncn. alld Pilrk· •no · 1mp1ov1nq '>UoPrvl\ory Skllh , • 110 .. <1rO W•hon. P•~~1oen1, Aa 1 niin••trativ~ R•wercf\ A\\O( tctl••\, tn• A onf<' Uy ~m•ndt. 9 JO • m " m., Shtor•ton Inn. Ain~•m Ft!",. SH. ln(IUO'!\ IU'lt ll •nO ( li!H mc\lt'riAI' SATURDAY'"'" SUNDAY AU'f ....... s T II• Jou'""' Prnc: .. -. ... °"°'" J Whit~ M A ......,tOf' '°""'•tor dnd 1our n1tt <On,ult"""'· CentPt for Counw lono &n<I Pwtholh•r .. py A • weflkftnd wor~'hoP. q .,. m n noon ~no 1 A pm Rm 1&1, Slrtnhrtu) Hiill, UCI t donp'"· Frot ~o. "'""°"' ""'~1no MONDAY""-"' ,.tlOAY Alie 6,1,l,t-IO ' Cr~•""" Wrt11no on llW Cl••.room P•r• I A won..noo AP!'<OO(I\,' M•• IO••• llrUf\11 MA . El\Qll .... 1 ... < .... r. Culvfl Coty J r H'911 S.Cllool A 11 .. oo tourw, ' • rn 11 noon ""o I 4 pm • OU<"N P""' Hiol\ '><'-t. Am U 8uo nd P•1\ .. ~ \49 TUESDAY A,,.' C:.tlrth"'•• ~ttt\ Man•oemenl Tnoma\ l ew1-.., M 8 A. d1tKlor ot Wit\ •no >"rYoO PIAntWf>O, T~ Fly •no T •QiPr\ Li~ A one-<Say wm•n•r. 7 •P rn .• 'th,.totton Inn. Nf"w port Ae~c n f,..., \0\, 1nch.,oe, mdlenah otlO d1nnt•r TUESDAY A .... 7,14•1\C111 THURSDAY AU'I t , 1'•l\CI U • t don t Want to M1.u, v A Q1t1n, Jlt,1f f(f')Dt'' I f tt' dYdnrtu(Jh f'n 0 to, tt n t•liltf'\ c oun\,.. .. nQ p Y< llnlOQ0\1, UC ...... OH•OO A "' "'' elll\Q <ourw. I 10 1S pm Rm 1&1. 4}tl'1nMu\ .. .,11 U(t fdl'fll)U\ ._ .... non ttl'd•t ~. <'l'"d•t. \\~ f'ltlDAY -SATURDAY A ... 10-11 ..P•r"IJ'\Y<llolOQy itnO Survov.,1 ot 6o01ty OH ll\, .. M41r'1' SNler, M ... ooc1or•1 •.1.-n1. School ot Soc1.,o S<len te, UC Irvine A wPekeno wotk\hop, Fro . l·•O p.m .. Sal . 9 •.m 17 ,,_, •nd M p.m .. Am. uo, !>o<lal Science L .. b. UCI c•mPill. Fee );JS, 11><1.-,o•nclno FRIDAY, SATURDAY .oMI SUNDAY A .... 10, 11 _ IJ Or11wlf>O CArlOO<I Ca roCdlur,... tor Ille Cl1J\~1oom." Ero< Tt:il.,lb<lum. M A . tr• ~ffln(t•/(Ortttd(I <nr100f'H\I c1nd W11U~ Tf11t,.ltMtl.Hl' Qr-tpt'l1< dtJ0 '•'1Mt 6' ..,..,.~tnd #Of'~'\N)CJ Fd 1 10 11 m , .,..I & Sun • 8 JO " m ~ pm , '" tr¥tn+-T&wn (tr . tr¥1nt f,.,. \10. il'\<.I~\ mi!tl"r•dl~ dnd rurkonQ TUESDAY -WEOHESDAY A .... 14.l\CI 1S Pro4~CI <tncl Proqr<tm M.in_. m•nl, .. Mlll0<1 O Ro..,.n.tu. Jr ll ~ . prtr\ldunt, Ro\ienf'\u Con:wtttng Co A IWO !ldY '°"'""· 8 JO ... m s 30 I• m . Um 14\ ...,. '"I ... wno I ,JI> UC I < ·•mou' f 4.. \JOO, in<.tude\ wor~mu manual. 1unc1111no ,,.,, ,.,,O W ~DNISDAY, TlfUltS DAY •ftd l'RIDAY A .... IS, 16 .OM 11 .. '>ell l"\l~•'fn M<iln•PflnQ 10< l>uc; t~\\ful lf'•rn1nq," Jan .. Vennard, M A • uouc.1tt1onal con".1ftdnt A 1111<'" O•y WO<~"-• Wl'O . I I Pm Tl\uf\ '-Fri. 8 lO "m 17 )() pm and 1 ~p m . Rm 1S9 ~t.tl '>c.u .. nu• L•D , UCI <effiOU\ r,~ SS/ on<lu<I>' ·.omtt mal•r•al\ond p1rtti.tnq TlfURSDAY A ... " ' Und'Jr ~l t.lnO•no Y o ur,•-tt f Ptor'\on11ly\t\), Hu w itrd W 1l\t>n, pre\1oen1. Aom1n1\lrattvt R•\edrcn A\'°'1tUM., tf\f A o,._. O.,y ~mln,iir. 9 30" m •JO p.m , Hooo .. v tnn, Jill 11r l\IOI, C0\1• Me.... Ft'l' u s. on· t h;dO\ tvncn ·•l"ld '''-''" m.:;h:r ""b SA TU ADAY A .... 11 'UCH'l•Jll\ un [\.<row Proc"dv,.·\ J•tdO l0'1(f"tt•f P"'-ldt·n•, t d Vttllt• c \trow. ~no qu.'"'\t ··P'"dkrr-. A on• tf.t'f \rm1n,u 1• lO .. , m 4 JO p m Am 10 , "°'Ml ~ ll•n(t• Ldl>, U( I , ·•fnOv\ ,.. I.. us •nc IU(Ji•\ ( ,., .. ml'lll~rt.tl\ lunt n dr\d JidtktnQ R1· ln.t• f.At.r•.on Vou 'N•r.-Mt•nol to ff•· •· J,.,,.., (,t••t•nw1tld Ph 0 t hn1c.A1 "'~' hoh)CJ1\I A orw dt1J' r.Jtt1· u"un. ~ ,. rfl t1 noon •• ~ 1 • p m . Rm 180, (OfTiput..r ~ it•nc., Alt1Q ur1 cam11t1' 1, •. no .nctu~·· Pd, .. 1nu "Uflfl/tnO rim..-. F-tt1•Cll¥t'I V U ow 1utJ Wtl\fu\, fH••\tdl'nl , Ail m1n1\tr11l1vr Mt! tt-orth A\~MI• \ I n (. A o n" o , • ., \ •• m • o "' , ~ JO d m • 10 pm ~~ f"UfOO f(\fl Andh1•1m f-l• \\S 1ortu,,,-. .. torw n c.1nd r •~• -.. O'Mh•tt,Jh ~ATUADAY .. .,., ~UH DAY """ 11 •nd " 101 Pt.it,,, 11 (.1 ,, ... ,OIJ''' AHt>rn,\lntt•• WtUtLtm R P'"'' ll ~, tOn\Ult1tnl rt1t• filf-t,f'\Y•ll•• ltMrn1rll) (1•rH..,,. Ofl1rt• ot Gro.tau11h (du<dtion '''t>t''""'' A w rt•k••no cour \P, 8 "m 6 11 rn . R1n llJI, <tt••1nhou\ Hdlt, UC t t dm pu' Fe4t \W, 'OtlUO\•\()(tri.1ng FRIDAY and SATURDAY AuQ 14 41WJ 1S • ' N 1• w (11• ~ 1• I 1J n '" •· n I \ 1 o Piil'•Jt>\Y' N1ftl(,; tYl 1 Mort> ~h1th•, M \ ft'H UH,11 \lu«t• n.t 4:>r nt'\111 "' cy,, ••ti 1.,f n Ott• U( tr ¥1n• A Wt"f t • Hfj w.-.tti\no" • '' I ht pm '>1•f ' d m ll nG(M'1 11nd I \ p n• um 11<1 \ot.t•I \c. u nc•~ldb. IJ(f <•'"OU' f N \J\.1nr lvtlr"'\tki'~ 1nQ Library Sponsors Niguel Festival Area children get a n opportunity to t:xpcrience a nother culture T hursday when the Da na-Niguel Library s ponsors a McxicCJn festival. The program for sch ool age children begins al 7 p.m. in the library at 33841 Niguel Ro<id in Laguna Niguel. The festival will feature-a typical Mcx ic<i n gam e , construction of <Jn "OJo de Oios" and the brc<ikmg of a pinat a. For information, phone 400·5517 Tht• inf:mt, born outs 1dt· or :.i ho!>p1ta l. was m "ver y good con d1tion," i-.u1d a spokes woman :11 Los Robles I lospital in Thuu.-.and Oaks .. ~ROM T HE RE, TllE chllrl will be placed in a fos ter honw hy the county unless the parent:; an· round. Conahcy said. fiul he <1ddc•d : "It's on<• of lhttSt• casL•:. wlwre there's a very s lim (·h:rnc« of finding the pare nts un h•ss wt• haVl' i-.om1· w1lnt-ss1•!-. All llu· evide nce wt• have d ll(·:.n I lead u:. to tbc mother " lhJwt•ver , farm wo rker Man a Cons uelo Me l a , a 32-ycar old II lej.(<i I alien. w<is in cus tody in Ox na rd charged with attempted murder and felony child ab<in donmcnt after he r 2-wcck·old daughter was found in a similar situation last week, s aid Oxn<Jrcl polict' Lt Don Hunlinc. THE BABY GIRi"' W<Js ali-.11 wrapped in plastic' and hunl·d hl'nl·~1th three feet of gar bag(• 1n J ''dum'"'ter" hm. A postal workt·r found th • infant. who is now 1n .t fo!>tc r home. "S he's a very healthy kid." Hanline said. ' He said the mother told or ricers s he was out of money. v. ant lht m · ' 'Mo.Jny lrn11·-. llllh-kiri!. an · .tl1andom·d 1>111 11r rrusl ral111n!'. pu n ·nts hrm ~ 1m thl'nt-.1·1 .,., . ., 11r a<'tually expnwnce. ' sa id l>r 144 ··~tu111ps for 3Jrsus" Exact Sile ol lhe Stamps tor Jesus p11ntel1 in y,loriou~ color IJ • •Jiit 111 II • ,1 o 11 •,,, J u Nh•·lt• v•·f 'f•tu ru '11 '1 lt<llt 1 ;Pn1t , fJ.10 • 01 •· r11 1 , 11 11., I •1111 • 01 J•· ,, 1 .. 11 11111rh1• ,. 1•ft'f11.1I , 101 y 111111 Jiu• .110 l>I If, • ' v• [JI• •t 11111 ' 111 lt;i C 111 1wl ()11 .. \h1•1 1 u1111.1111 111•1 11tlll•u·111 lo111111 11• 1 ll11 <1ll'11 lc;t ,.,, ,y 11·011 ufl A .hPt·t ur two w1ll 10<1k1· .1U1•tl1ll1lul 1111 lor <1 tov .. 11 om• ~u1t.i1Jl1• tor tr <1u1111g 11111 • )t;irnp" fl•r Jt·'>u will m>1k•· 1 IV'.iultlul 1•nrt1•.irinp 1111 lur1· on your Wdll )1m11lv 111.111 $ J to "it.imp" lur J1 .. ,u ... 10 '.':11•quo1;i P•P'>'> 160'.:J S M<11n ')t I A. CA G(J() 11 PIP~ ,P nn p1•r\n11.tl ctwrk» ~ phonr· 01<11•1\ II l.hurrt10· 111 R1·hi•1ou' tirnu u" .tt1 111t.•ll",ll'r1 111 lu111I 1.11w111 .1 p1·11.1I q111r1t1tv rl1·.11111111 ,. 11111t.1hlt• W11t1· 11)1 1l1•f.t1f\. plt•.1,1• 1111 11111 pt111111· "111•· ,,, ,111·1 • 11' , (0 U•·l•v1·r~ J w1•l'k'. CA IM .l11pp111 • 1ri1 lu1ti·1t I~" off on oon~ "°" Plt4'• v11n1 •WIJ'lfl anct ondo'.4' ~10~1 1n!l 1•111 to "SIMTII>' fOf Jesos-. Sequo..i Press 1605 S Mam St l A CA 9001!) 1 PllASl PlllNI l,otv ____ _ '111 ,_,,, t .,,. 1111 __ _ ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY 1· ?r:=====~=:=::~=-========.-rr:---====-~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~--r~~~~~==--=======-' . 1 , F~~!!,..Af CHRISTIAN SCIENCE '> ... ,''~o~ lSTCHURCHOfRft.IGtOUSSClfNCf PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES ,~0~~~.::::.w~~':u CHURCHES lg a • ~ M .. mo ... l•·~·~·~·~.~.~~!.1!~~ .... ~ .. o A c~JR~~~Fc~:~~JE:: ... ~a_s ___ _ PASToa DAYID L WILSOH ut-CHHISI llCltNTISI IN BOSTON MASbACHUSETIS ·~'°I RfY.' ALHIT IUIUll. IScf. MIMISTE• 2850 Folr•t(!W Rd .. Co•la Mt\d ORi\NC>tCS OF IHEMOIHEA CHURCH rME llASI C,tURCH ~ ... ~ ~J • IO:OOA.M.-latSlUDY "TRUTM" .... ~. :;..JS WOltSHlr AND SUNDAY SCHOOL lrvc:• 4 1Cwrrl1i. Pa,tor .11:00..,... ~Wenllfp 7;00,_-...... w..., --5Wtdoy Wonhip & Chwch School ,. Jiiiy 29, 1979 I 0:00 A.M. 8:10 & I 0:00 A M HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH c-•• Fw••• .... ~. c .... ....,. •••·Hilt• ••is. '"tor . "'-17141 55_.7717 SUNDAY WOISHtP SRYICIS I 1:00 A.M.-SUteAY SCHOO&. 9:45 A.M. IYfMIMG SIAYICI -6:00 P.M. WIOMUOA Y IYIMt .. G • 7:00 ,, .... YOUTH A,_ ADULT lllU STUDIH CHUICH OF CHllST 217W. -..... C .......... ,41-Jltt We re A Going <.;towing Growing Church su.e+T sawcn lllBLESTUDY9A.M. WOftlHtP10A.M.&ISP.-... "fOOUSHMHI OP flllAC ..... ... C.htllJ•• 1:11-21 PAUL THOMAI, MtftllTU CHUKH IY THI IA Y ................... ....... , __ ,.,_, ........ .. IWW#Mr ............... ~= ........... -lllA,-M9.1-IWUL .... ,.. ... ...,.,.. ... = ..... .-,. ....... _ ................... .... ............. ,, ... ....... ,... Phoft•· 557. Jl40 Coste Ml•• Fla II a.rc11 of Cllrtst, Sd.ttat JIM Mete,_. Dr~ c .... ,... Monday Morning and Thurlday Ev•nlng Healing Wo rkshop CCMNNlftity Pretbyterian Church S...,S...-llA.M. UllAMUSSQUARE 41 5F-t A•• .• ~S.ed1 4t4-75H c-...S...-IOA.M. MacArlhwatFordRood-MewPGrl•ach Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Eldon H. Thies .... lltS....,Oflllcll..._._,,_ f-OAAN1HSPtRAttONAl"1E6SA(IC0tM.10WtGt 9 30 AM -Wo rsh10 ...... .._, JllO ..... ,.,.. Dr. ll'-6t12 MWttw'• Ne. uo.5111 Ch1ldren·'l WorkshOo & Nursery Care t A.MA:H P.M. Mea. tin s.t. 10 45 AM -Fellowship Hour WM. 1·1:11 P.M. -f ·t :JO P.M. H..rt at• IMdl -Finl ct.cit of Cr.rlat, Sci••"" ltlt I Gift, .......... .._. c ..... as...., WINI -10:00 A.M. .......... -u1....-st. u!.. .._.. -First Cwcll of Cltrtst, Sek••• ............ c .... as...., SdlMt -10 A.M. ......... -JM .......... Mew,.,t .._. -Ant Cllm'dl of Ce.rtst, Sela.., JHJ"9U..t .. w,.,t ..... c ..... a~ WINI-tiOO I llllJO A.M. ...... ._ ........ u. M-. .. M-fA.M,IP,M, I C* C......,.,..., T....._. -•»11.X> AM '°'Study·- New,.. IHclt -S.C1d ct.ch of Cr.rlat, Sc ....... JIOl'-HlcYlewDr .. C_ .. ..._ c-... as...., Sc._.. -10 A.M. ...... I-HOO,. LC.-HwJ .. C4M w• ....... nsnMOMY ..-nNGS- • P.M.. AU CHUICHIS . 111.1 ... ....., ................... .,.,... ......... ...,, ............ 111 .............. C .... C...,,_•"'4 AT ALL WYICH PACIM4t HUYY PIOILIMS7 ,,... ..... ,.......,. w • ..., ... ... , C .. ISnAM C ... CH ... .. ..... ~Y: f' 11'11~ Claw• ••a 10:tl All ... I ls 11•, 1t:tl Ml, '"' Piii ..... , ... .....,._....., ....... ow.~rta• • 1111; OMoe ..... ... $ l't 1C11tst ... '"' • • LAGUNA UNITED METHODIST 11w11 .. vou 10 lund•y s.i.ic.1 -f...,w1hlp '•110<T1toma1w-·.a..mon· •lllST lftMa. .... c..ca ,._ 2 lfl32 W-y Or louth .......... 4H 301ll ~al IOOOAM tWt80R CHRISTIAN CHURCH IDltc ..... ef Cllrtttl 2401 tr•lffets_. • ..-.. 645·571H w_..,a c ..... ·.a.. ll:OO ...... ts-rs.a.we• ...,~ ... '"' MTI,.... Of .oo· Rew. Gene R. lweon ·- . CNlllT PM11"91ANCHUICM 20112M ...... a,H.I ..... ,_,...._.MO ... ..... ~ ....... ,.... w.,.1wctec-1tea ~-=-·:~..._ ..... A r.t~ial W*-tr1111 ttle UNITED CHUICH OF CHllST co•MITY CHUICH COMCllHJIOMAL .. .................... ~ c ... -..... ... 644-7400 DllMldW.•wts.M"9i1ter ·o~ ~:~-:7.~1.~~~~ MEIClllMll COMmCATIOMAL CMllCJt J40St.A_',PI. tit Gl11s 1 rr•, L...-Inch 494°1061 JOHN .... llYMO&.Dl. MIMISTa Ml5. Alft• SIMIAlllAN Dtrechref c ................ IOA.M.-._.,W ... Cllrdl ~' ....._, SlllPllll If fll( •LS l0121Mlpltl .... L...-...... 495-IJIO Dw9Nt1 ............... I 0 A . .M.-C:••IWll lr"'Y ....,w.,...., ... a.. .. Sc ..... Freedom of Worship An American Choice Th1') Sunday Worsh1n 1n ST. ANDREW'S PRESIYTERIAM CHURCH 600 S I Andrews Road• Newoort Be acf, • 631·2880' Dr .... A. Uwrt •·Jr . ....._. WortNp S~•ICH -t :OO I I 0:10 "A CHAHGE IH ATITTUDES" DI. llCHAID TODD, NIACHIMG CHUICH SCHOOL \I 00 lnl•n• T"'OUO" Cot._ 1030 1nlM1I llllOUQl\81h0o- AIC HILl'UMf -•n-zuz START YOUR WEEK WITH WORSHIP ..................................................... • .. ~ .. ~---~-~-.~ ........................ a.. .. ~.o.v •.• ~.~.~.·.1.9~ ............. 0.A.IL·Y ·~-LO·T·A .. J .. ~ 'l'f l Papal Delight Pope .John Paul 11 appt·ars <Jt•hghted as ht> picks up a ha by. holds her aloft then gives her a Papal hug The Pontiff spotted lht· • lw hy a~ h<.· ~n·t'll·tl the a1thful during his n ·s.(ul<1r Wetlnl.'~d ay audu:nc:c m St. Peter's ~qu:1rc• m lht· V;1t1 c:rn City. Clergy Taboos Detailed Lutheran Church Dra~ Up Guidelines NEW YORK I /\ PI Most dcrgy are dis· c1vl1ned . able lead<'rs of their floch. hut a few somt•llmes get out of line, a nd a m aJOr Protestant dc11omination 1s s pelling out some cxphc1t deed!> coni.1dcred unat·t·t•plahlc in the profession Among the tahoo" neglecting pers onal debts. peri.1stent lying or m1Hepresentallon. engaging in extramartial affair!>. s puming coun!>cl from cc ch:siasl1cal superiors or coUeagues, prcJud1c1al at Utudes about rtlce, sex, socioeconom1c classes or ~, .. "THE VAST MAJORITY of clergy .. arc faithful. discipl\ned and competent in their work," says the guidelines drawn up by djstr1ct presidents, or bishops. of lh1• American Lutheran Church and its m1n1slerial department. Hut the guidelines add that misconduct "must lie dealt with when it occurs. Whether publicly known or not . un;,rre ptablc behavior must he chulh.•ng<'d hy th<· chun·h " Although the con~t1tution and by laws of the 2 4 million-m ember dc·nominaLion provide processes for discipUning clergy , thl'Y do not !>J)('C1f y JUSt what cons titutes conduct unl11•t·omani: clc·rgy Thi' new guuklines specifying clca r ground rull-s for mmisteri. an: being suhm1tled to the church '!> 6,22.5 clt·rgy for their reaction bt·fore final uct1on •HI them by a 1980 Church Council m eeting Most olhl'r d1•nom1nallons also lack i.uch cx- pl1l·1t hstmgs or v111l:.it11Jns of mimslen a l propriety. s imply provHhni: for d1s c1plin1ng of conduct gl•nt·r:.illy desrntw<l as "unbecoming " "The• only ri•aso n ror singling out the matter or cll'rgy cnnduet 1s that C"11·ri:y occupy a puhhc office and therefor" a rt· ahl•· 1·1thl.'r to enhance or to negate the 1mpu1·t 11r that office by their behavior," the proposed gu1d1·hnei-. say They came at thl' i.amc liml' :J!'> an unofficial study paper issued liy a pc.inel of a siste r denominu· lion, the 3. l million mc•mhcr Lutheran Church in /\mc n ca , on ..,t,rndarih of conduc t :.it its nine M·minanf's IT Cl\LLS l 'OR J\ d1 st•1plincd '11•vot1ona l hfc among M·mmarian ... :ind faculty <·ehhacy c·xcept "11h1n hc·tc·ro..,1·x11;d murnil).!l', Jll'rltooul antc~rity, adhcrencr to C'I\ II law nn drug and alcohol UM: a nd rc•spnns1bli> use· 11f 1111111ry Harbor Services SIDted Sailors Invited to Newport Event Sermons on the Sea wlll M COG· duc ted each or four Sundays ln Au1u1t at Anchorage C·l off the east end oC Lldo Isle, Newport Beach. Congregational singmg, scrit>· ture reading, programs for c hildre n . special mus ic a nd prcachlng are planned. Materials will be distributed by dinghies cr ew. Those planning to attend are asked to hang fenders or tires Crom the sides of their boats and Ket a port and starboard watch. T he se rvices will be conducted by Hurbor Chaplain. working n u m e for Harbor M1n1stries, Inc • a non-de nomin<.1 t10nal, evungehcal ministry on inland waterways. • Go:.pt•I Mcs scnJ(c rs , u male quarll•l, will Mn~ at fi pm Sun- d<.1y ut •'in;t Christian ~hurcb, Main Street and /\dum.., Avenue , II un lmgton Beach • Jfl , a pluy h y Archibald M acLc1sh, will provide lht' focus of lhl' 10·30 a.m Sunduy st•rv1t·1· of the combined congregations of Laguna Beach and Saddlebuck Valley Unltarlan-U nlversalisl!i <J t Luguna Reach C<•nlcr, 429 Cypress Drive, Judy lfanse will direct u rea ding of the play with Rurhara J>emht·rton-Williams reading the lead role The play 1s u "modem" interpreUtion of lht· book of Job • Vi ctory Singcri. from Com- munity Chapel and lhblc Train· mg Center of Seattle will sing <.il the 9 and 10.30 a .m . Sunday serv1tcs ••l Plymouth Congrega. tlon Churc h, J2G2 Broud Sl . N(•wport lk<.irh • St . J am1·s Episcopal Church, Newport Beach, is a part1c1panl m a n inte rstudy. c·ducat ional and travel group that g1vc1> visiting .J ar>ancsl' students an o pportuni· ty to lcam of American c ulture and lifestyles • A new buildmg that will in- clude a s anctuary, cdurat1onal complex and dining halr1s being planned by Tc·mplc Bal Vahm of Nt·w1X>rt Ht•ach Marsh<.111 f''ishcr ~and Elliott Mercer have b<.>en Church Installs Ne w Mini8te r The Rev. J efferson Wallin~ w a s n· ct· n ti y 1ni.t<J 11 o d a" m1111~h'r or th<' Newlnnd Street C hurc h of Chris t 1n Garden G rove. The Jtt:v. Walling I!'> iJ ~ruduall' of UC Irvine where hi· i.crvcd a!> youth minister [ __ B_R_IE_Fs_...J named as chairm a n a nd co- chairman of a major gifts com· mitlee. * The Rev. Eleanor C. Jacbon. minister o f Newport Harbor Cburcb of ReUgloua Scleace, has been elected to the executive board of Religious Science ln- ternallonal. The church will have its annual picnic al 2 p.m . Sun· day at Costa Mesa Park, Center Drive a nd Park Avenue. Costa Mesa . • Tis ha B'av, a Jewish holid<.iy which pays homage lf> Jews who h ave been persecuted throughout h11ttory, will be observed ut 7·30 p. m . Wednesday la keside at Laguna Niguel Heg1onal Park. La Paz Road. L<tgunu l11lb fn- rormation 955-0040 • Mary Laui;:hl1n . Bl'lty Brinas lool. The H<·v Thorhes Wathne, Luc y W1utt and Kathlttn Round, m1ss1onanes to N1caraguu, China , Cuha, Aurma and South India re11pectively will 11peak Sunday at 8outll 8MrH Baptl1t Church , 327 12 C rown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel. The event 1s scheduled for 6 p.m. • The movie. "The GreateRt Story Ever Told ." will screen at 7:30 p,m . f'riday at the Smn Cle m ente Community Cente r auditonum. • A two·week Bible s c hool 1s scheduled 9 a.m . to noon Mon- days through Fridays beginning Aug . 6 at Christ Lutheran Church, 760 Victoriu St .. Costa Mesa. The school is for children ages three through eighth gradtl. Information 631-1611. • A .. ..,p1r1tual awakening" seminar 1s planned Aug 4.5 al the Quality Inn 1n /\nahoim. C hri!.l1an f<.imil y fin a nce, lt p1ntuul growth, time manal{t""- mcnt. family r elationships a nd i.pl'c 1al mui.1c arc plunne d for th1· ... l'm 1na1 HcservatH1n u nit 1n form ut1on may he obtained bv tel•·11hon1ng 545.1n 1 Sr>irilual aw;1kt·nrni: 1s a non-profit. m lcrd1•nom1national o rga n1zataon hea<lquurtcr cd 1r1 Wootllu nd llilb Agency to Poliee Charity Groups N F;W YORK c /\I' 1 With the· appoantmt·nl of a n t•x1•t·ut1 \ ,. <lirN·tnr the ma chinery 1-; IJl'g1nnmg to roll for <J new nut1onal agf'ncy t11 uohct· thP finances of hundn·d i. of Chni.t1an c hanl1Clt "It 1~ <.in idea >who~1· t1m1• hui. com1., .. says thC' Ht'v Olan ll1·nt1nx. 52, u B~Jpl1st m1n1 i.t1·r :ind lhl• nt>wly n;im1·d full time <itrl'ctor of lht: Evungl·lleal Coun1·il for Frn<.in c1ul A<·t·ounta bihty "EVERY Chri ... ti.en 1·h;1n1-. mui.t Ix· fully accountabh· to 1t-. g1' mg pubht· E<ich dollar must be regarded a" a i.acn ·d tru..'>l ECF/\ Yl lll seek to ins ure that et dOt:S '' Plan!> for the n1·w agen('y Wl'fl' adopkd this spring ttl a mt·c•lang of re prescntat1 vei. nf a h1,u1 1. l<lll Christian chantu·lt with t om bm ed annu:.il 1ncomt· of neurly SI billion. Acting in th<• ruC'1 · or s poradic crit1c1s ms and m ounting pres s ures for more gon·rnmenl rt· g ulat1on O( re ligtOUS·Chant<JIJlt· groups, they formt'<l lht· ne"' ... c1r governing a~cncy and adopted for 1t u set of strict uniform stan· dards forfinancial d1sdosurC' These r<.'Quire. among othe r things /\n annual audit by a n outside public accounting firm , muking the aud1ll•d slalcm1•nti. avaaluhlt· to anyone. lht• e!>tahhshml'nl llf cont1nuou. ... audit <·11m m 1llcei. of non-cm ployt"s and un .11·t 1vl" rt· gularly mt·t·lin g g11 v1·r n1ng boa~rl. a m uJonly ()( \.\horn .ir1· nun 1·m11l 11\ , . .., . J< 1l h p11l1 1·y rnak1ng .iuthortl\ ('11m m •·nlf1n:1 1 h•· 111 11\ 1 fo1 ... t r 1 1· 1 1· r .., I ,, 11 d ,1 r ti .., t II 1• 1·vang1•l11·al wt't•kly ( 'hn..,t1.rn11 ' T oday !'>aid that ··up to now. 1l ha.., U!->Uillly lx·t·n 1·as 11·r to find oul :ih11111 th1· f1n ;in('1:JI . .r1 :11r ... 111 st·1·ular com1w1111· ... than .1hout ... 01111• ri•h.c:1ous 11rJ.{an11.;.i t1•m ... thul a ppl·al l•1th(•1Juhhc for funtt ... ' J\l.TllOl'GH som1· .c:roup.., muy h1· re·llwtant to opt·n up th1•1r rt· c·ord ... the wt>ekly urgt·lt thPrn lo do so. '"1y1ni.: that part1ciputang 1n tht· new agency offers them the ml'ani. lo "prove to th<· puhlic th1·" h:1'"' nothrng tn h1d1· " Th<· a1·c·ountab1hty that EC· FA inh•nd ... to promolt• I!> a dt'- monstrat1on of respon!>1hl1· C'hn s· lian ltlf'war'1s h1p," th1• w1•1·kly adds It IS l'Xpt'Cted lo takt· iJl)()Ul a yl'ar for lh1· new mon1to rini.: ag<•nt y 111 l11•1"11m1· fully •11lf'ra flOnal. fo r J!lllUJI!'> lll formallv ;Jf firm µa rt1t 1pat111n. f<1r r·hN·k mg th1·1r t•omphun1·1· .inti 1 ... ~uan1•1· 11r "Sf':il'-1111\pprov;il' to tho..,,· that 111m ph ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY Ph jllWl t1h ( l111qrcql11 il11ll1I L IH 1 rl Ii l \. \. 3262 aaoAD ST .. NEWroaT HACH 642-2740 SUteA Y SUYfCIS -9:00 & I t:JO A.M. VICTORY SINGERS IN CONCERT DR. JOHN LIHDV ALL. rASTOR ST. JOHN THE DIVINE '--~~~~~SCO,ALCHURCH llJ I.e.,, c:..te ..._541-UJ7 n4f ll¥. COMIAD A. '4C>IDQUIST. YICA• 9:00 AM-HOLY EUCHARIST I ~~ ST.JAMESEPISCOPAlOfURCH WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, Ntwp0rt Beoch S...., l:M A..M. Pnpr ...._ twr C MIAM.CllntlS..._._. ...... .._ IMIA..M. ....... .....,, ...... ... ew,c = .......... ....,~ ..... ..... lllMA.M......, c.. CMMllMA TIC MASI ...................... ,.., ..... ,....,_ , .... A.M._....,. 2 ... ....., ..,.,... w• &..,11110. Of.._. n.1_.. . .,...,.At11ayll,locter-,.._'7M110 Saint Michael And Alt Angels Episcopal Church l2JJ P•lfk Ylew Dri••· CorORedel M.. MUUll'I CNa.9 CAii a CMUICM latOOf. IW A.M. IWTla.T90111IMOMI WllWA.M. ..... c ., .. ,....,. '·--.... ..., .. t:JO ..... .,.. .............. hrit.a.ctw ...._644-M6J AU SAINTS ANCiUCAN f PISCf'..ff.CHURCH ............ lfll...... ,,..,.... 102 Buehard, Fountain Vol':lc~l ..... , •• w ...... NEWPOR T H BOR • LUTHERAN CHURCH 791 Do•tr Or. "-wpon a.och ~~ S41·l6ll •oqtr J ltrq, 'cnlor G-. A. Mlltw, l'ethlr WORSHIP SERVICE 8 00 AM CHRIS TIAN EDUCATION 9 15 AM WORSHIP SU M Ct 10 JO AM HtJl\tlf C Aif •••ll.t,lf.I WELCOME CHRIST LUTHER.AH CHURCH M1•,•.ouro Synod 7 60 Yoctorie St .. Co•t• M.•• lotllor V, T°"'°w. l'o•lor -6)1·16 11 WOlts.4., SllVICU-l :IS •I 1:00 A.M. ~IMMy Scltool•AtMtlibffClau-•:104..M. Cllrittl• lle-..twy Sclloal -S41·H6' LUTHEltAN CHURCH OF THI MASTH, LCA 2toOhclfic Yi...Dr"C_ .. ..._ 1H·IOJI SUteA Y CHUaCH ICHOO&. -t:OO A..M. WOl.IMIP llaYICI-IO:JO A..M. MUlllaY CAii PIO¥ .. -.. ...... o .c.-a.,..... WESTMINSTIR LUTHERAN OfUROf 1)141 ............ . ....... "-..... llr•y& .............. Jlf l l :lO & I 0:30 A.M.-WC>aSHIP •¥1CIS f :JO A.M.-S•dey Scltool ........ PNOMlltJ.aH• 64M111 • ' A Cordial W .tcotMfrom THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (,11-.1.1 M1" .. J FIRST U"ITEO METHODIST CHURCH 19 1h SI & H<i<Oor Bivrt ci.r.c .. Sc ..... few AllAqH-•:lO Wortlllp -I I :00 A.M. Cl>.trli" f) I l.ir> fvl1111· I"' .:::;rJ\l,i M1 .. ,.1 Norlh MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH ._..""" VetM & 8•111M St 97~}4 W<J#"'9e> & (.hu•tn Xftoot •:lO A.M. Dr. w•-I. stwot HunlmQlo n U'"" I FIRST UMITEO METHODIST CHURCH .'I~ 1 1 /In ~>I '1Jl1 ,J11,\/ W°"'"' SorYk•: I 0: IS &Mo t,,,. 1•<,. t_.,,. At•'J·,. •·'"'J Chwch Sc...._t:OO &llL Hunl1ng1on Bnc.1Ln Nn nn COMMUNITY UMITEO METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hrul Avf' 84:? 446 1 ·--·-c-..M:- cH:~siH<i~~!CH NEWt'ORT C!MTER Nr!wOIJrt Bl:dc.11 UNITED METHODIST 1400W 8<1lboa BlvO 1601 MarQueril,. Av4! b /J-380!> Coron .. oar M,il1 Ri>v Rober! Sh(!paro Jr 644-0741 w...w,:.~~~~._. &C~ wtidey 'rt·School/DtrY Cen t 1JO A.M. 7:00 ..... -6,... ............. . 'OUMf .... YAUIY FtaST UHITID MITHOOIST CHURCH llUS .. tltwdSt .......... .-.......... •H·Htl • ...., .. c.....-w......,aa....._. t:)~ A.M EDWIN LOUIS COLE • MINISTER SUNOAV 740W. Wll50n Cotta Mesa 5'49·2906 9 00 Family Worship Hour 10 00 Famtly Fellowship 10 30 Ch11dreni Forum 10 30 Wouh1p Service Find A Friend-Go ., To The Church Of TEMPLE BAT Y AHM thto""1 U:ih1J1 J\l:.erk S \11111•1 f'an11ir Hrm:il1I t·: F11rtl1· SAllATH SYVICES • FttlDAY • 8:00 ,M ~l 1r1am Ka urma11. l>1r 111 1·:11 W1nnw H1J'' l'n·,11J .. 111 flf'h.l!lllU' S1•h1oul ~untlJy '.I I:) ,\ .\I I •I I I 1;, \ \I .I r & Sr lhgh Grrtuf'l' ·Adult 1-~dtu:almn I kbrew School 'I hur..,ll:iy 4 15 r; l~l l'M 11111 C';1111d h:wk. '"WfH•t l ll1·a1·h •Off .l;1m h11n•1•. V1,1tur-. Wclt'omt' f.44 l!l!l'I 1\li•m l11•r 111\11(' SH~~.~~~.r~~~T frldoyo~ l :tS,.M. • : • a , a , a, ,......, S« .. ;u FtntFr•••••,...-• 1:10'""· R<tbb• 8r>rna111 p K1no ? 100-A MM V1'.I01 ~: Atie~hlkler NPWr>Or1 8PACh ('al1I EducalOf Hildy She1nman ,_ illf~. c ... '44-7201 Att Yi'tlfat't W•W-twNt HARBOR FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH ~a JJ"' st .. c.... ..._. DI. fl. ll llSHOll. Pntw '41-IOIO I UNOAY tCHOOL•:1S em WORIHIP-10:30 pm ... :30 pm ...... ,.,,...0.,........., ......... . WOID 0. PMOU •CT Mea.-M.. Die· 6:11 AM, 1111 PM XIMO • 7:10 AM. l :ff flM: IHOf • 11 :JO AM PORT-MESA atRlmAN SCHOOL ENROLL NOW! .......... 119 IMlftUCTIOM • ACC1'9 AT9 9UCATIOM IA.c.aJ • ACMalC ac••eecJ • CtmlftAM ltMIOUt •tr KINDDGARTIN THRU HIGH SCHOOL Alto Av911111f• • "9-School & FulM>lly C... 1:30 AM • 1:00 PM ~· YQur Choice ___,..---........... --~-----1 ... I -· Te lt'M Charles "Tex" Wat.aon, ~vlcl· ed m u rderer a n d former member of tbe harlea Munson ¥Un g, plans t o murry .a woma&n hf' m-.•t ut o prlson nenr Sun Lul8 ObJRpO 5avon ~PR ICE BODY ON TAP SHAMPOO -- ASSOAtt-0 FORM UL AS 11 u.1.49u. Sl\VE -51\VE -51\VE -51\VE MOLDED • PLASTIC BY THERMOS A\Jst1>1oot cooltir w11n nc"' no 1111 d1 .tin Urttllilnto 1nsulalt'd 1t.111t r .iQDeO trld llJnOle!> 53 QUAftT 17 95 •7744. 01 St • EA. NABISCO COOKIES • 16 oz. FIG NEWTONS • 13 ot. CHIPS AHOY • 13 ot. COCOANUT CHOCOLATE Cfflt" YOUR ggc CHOICE EA. CROSS & OLIVE CRYSTAL SERVING WAR E 5avon ~ PRICE Sf\VE-Sf\VE -Sf\VE -Sf\VF. V-8 COCKTAIL • VEGETABLE JUICE CALIFORNIA c ...... z • .ia • • l- CHP Testmg 12 New Cruisers ~~=.:~:,:;~""'·M"''"" ., ap.d•I Juty 21 . Juff at. ttn ('"., -"" LOS ,\NGEl.P:S <AP) Follo wlnl( tht• Jo1lc th•t "It takes u thl f t.o u tch a thief," teated at ,.tuUorus In lteddlng, there have been no complaints Bale ntlocheUu• melanopt•rua: · • • · · ·'· · 11.n BakeriO~ld and El Centro. ( th rr· h h'· The proud and contemptuoos way I hold my rom e o icers or t e pu uc fin<> erect cl'> I relentlessly search for food Qlves ubout the cars m e <.omewhat lhe same appearance as that thf' tthfomla Hlahway Patrol DODGE, WIRCH SVPPLIED hua decldt•d th.-Camuro Z·2Jl, the CUP with cruiser s for TO THE CONSTERNATION with la 350 cubl<· inch cml(lnl' Rt:vcral years, is phasing out its or those Jookin~ for the familiar ond rl'ur l'nd 111X>l h•r. muy tk lhl' huge 440·cub1c·lnch engine. bank or lJght.s atop the blttck· Wfl)' lo rotch 111wt•d1•r!l and-white cars . the Camaro's 'l'wc•lv•• of th•• Z 2"~ t•r<· belnw Sgt Bob Caldwell said the swept-roof design doesn't permit tt•stt•d throughout the 11lalf' by <'an will be e valuated for t he anstallauon of the flashers. A tht• ('Ill', whwh took dcllvt>ry on lifl' of their usefoJncss to the blinking light mounted i nsid<· ferocious man eating m arouder of the deep; hence my n1~k-name. "Bala Shark", h()wever , the re· semblance f>nds with 1ooks, ac; I am m ost peaceful even with th · smalle<it of fish, mi nding my own bu.,lnpsc; at <'Ill tim e<>. Aquatic Tropical'> has a sale on me for only \9.99. • 54~-~1~~~ g:::;, ·"~~= :9::ker JZ thl~ cu111 Muy l Uosldo11 Wt'!lt CllP, uftt!r 75,000 miles or about gives speed ing drivers the bud · ___!-o• Anstih.!•, th•• t•urs url' bt•ln_g _1s_m_o_nlh_s._!')()_· _f_<1_r._>_w_ad_d_ed_. _n....;.c_w~.;;.=:..---------------------- 5avon ~ PRICE LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 5avon ~PRICE EFFERDENT DENTURE CLEANSER 32H.l.99 2.19 51\VE-Sl\VE-Sl\VE-Sl\VE BY HEAL TH RITE Super Essentials jlM~~:~~~1 5 89 100's • 100's2.69 4001.U. 100 CAPSULES 3.99 - Sl\VE -Sl\VE-Sl\VE-Sl\VE • • • • • PANTYHOS E BYCHARMCCN ALL NUDE · WITH SAHOALFOOT AIR SUP PORT All NUO[ 2!$5 ( } ( \ ( .... \ \ J .' ,J COTTON SOL£ KNEE-Hi's l!$2 _-. STORE-IT-ALL EFFECTIVE PARKE-DAVIS TINS ALLEREST .................. MYADEC TABLETS H1qh Po1enr;y V11am1n Supplrment W11h M1ne1<1I'> ~ I 5avon ~ PRICE CLAIROL NICE 'N EASY SHAMPOO-IN- HAIR COLOR 2.19 SftVE-SftVE-SftVE-51\VE LADY SHAVER ~~ BY BIC ·:. \ • A Wol • 1 i·''''·'''l•·••rl 111r will I I I I If . ,·, / PAKOF2 ~ STP CAR CAR E • 13 oz. CARB. SPRAY CLEANER • ~~::~:~T 9 9 c EA.~ SON OF A GUN! ~;;,~~.::,;;;,,:'.~bl: 1 8 8 .!1111 WC)IJI! 8 oz. • I~ STAYFREE MAX l·PAOS Nr>IM1• N•i l'ln REGULAR OR SUPER 5avon ~PRICE NICE 'N SOFT FACIAL TISSUE ~,~6 tins lor all your • houseware needs YOUR 1 99 CHOICE • U. Hay Fr ver And Allergy Me01cin11 ~ li[99 c (lt PHOTO 31 801 OF 150 HMd.you1 pmcr1p11on fllltcl fut? YOUI &iv Ofl 011•11111c:y flH IUIO m•ttd dltptntlno mac:flln" 111•1 c;1n 1111 your pmc:rlptlon QlllCkly Ind IC(Ullltl1 Clle 111 TIW "'9crt ..... t•wt YOtH Bey on pt111maclat -.111 lit htllflY 10..,.ln YOttt doctor'•O IC IOfyW-UllOl'I, lt 1 .. 1y_, COIMl!llftt. DECORATIVE Bar-B-Q Allracllvely nesioned boxes In assorted shapes. 1r LOMG IOIOFIO MATCHES 69C VINYL Tote BAGS Lara-size In assorted 59 CU. •lyltl to choose lrom. Hendy hem for 111 .,....,,., needs. SPECIAL PRINTS FROM YOUR PRINTS SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK f •1 00 AM ro 9 H1 PM MONflflY TllHll \AlllRDAY .... -• 'I 00 AM 1 II 7 00 J'M \IJNf)fl Y , • Sl\VE -Sl\VE -51\VE -51\VE 5avon -PRICE DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER It's Concentrated. Si\VF. -Sf\VF. -Si\VF. -Sf\VF. ' ' •Televl1lon •l.NS.•.DE·:--·C_o_m.•c.·~--------...... ~~------ml!lll!---------------S ... P-orts I DAILY PILOT Bit With Raeis• Otarge · Fronce Says Prejudices Keeping Team From Super Bowl • a, .IUllN SEV ANO OI-..... ~ .... Doq Franc. dkln't mlace words ud be waan't bitter. But he did but someWna to •.a1 and ln do6na '° prob-ably laid the blCC•l controversy 1ur rouDdiq the Ra1m •inc• Georse Allen ·1 hlria1. ftrtnc. rebirtac and refiriftl. Abruptly aad wit.'9ut not.Ice, f)'ance ~ulk9' Out of the Rama' Cal State F-.llerton complex Tbunday afternoon with the olftcial report sayinc it waa to heal bis acblq rt1ht arm. France came back to pick up his belooiinas Friday and revealed the true nature of his de· parture. .. , FEEL WE HA VE a racial problem on the team," said France, taking every· body by surprise. "I don't want to play for a group of guys who are prejudice. It's not.every· body but there are a lot or lndlv1duals and lhey know who lbey are." •"rance~Hdn't • .,,alt in toar1e tones at the lmpn)mplu preu 1atherln1 in the m iddle of th_, Untveraity Vllh&ge dormJt.ory where the playen are stay· Ins. He wu cordial, relaxed, loose and deadly ser\oua about bis accusations. "l'M HAPPY l'M DOING this," said the Fountain Valley resident. "Maybe what this team needs ls a flr~cracker up its ass." France emphasized he was not alone In his accusations. That many of lhe other black players had noticed lhe same thing. "Guys go out after practice and there are two different bars they go t<>-<>ne for_the blacks and one for the whites."· he says. "I ao to both and all I hear is a lot of bitching from the blacks and the whites." France said his walkout Che actually called it a retirement so he couldn't be fined) could be brief, or permanent, de· pending on the circumstanc~. France s aid the racial problems ranged from player s not eating together. to not drinklng together. to even the publicity the two factions re· ceive. "WHEN I FIRST walked out there was only two things that would have brought me back into camp. An exorbi· tant amount of money, $2.5 mlllion for one year. 'which is ridiculous. Or if the "IT SEEMS the while guys get more press than the blacks. I've re,_d stories so far on Pat Haden and Vince <Fer· ragamo) and there are a lot of other stories that could have been written. Do you ever hea r about Oakland's backup quarterback? Or Baltimore's? Rams traded me. , · · 1 • ve talked to some or the guys since though and they made me look at some things I hadn't seen before .. J ust prior to his m eeting with the press. France was in Room 3 talking wi th Larry Brooks. Jack and Jim Youngblood, Rich Saul and Fred Dryer "Heck. I came into camp 56 pounds lighter this year. I'm not trying to brag but I thought that would make for a prel· ly good story but nobody has talked to me. "THEY DON'T FEEL like I do ... but they're listening," Fr ance says. DOUG FRANCE "It's r eally not all the write rs though," he continue "Just one or~.'· "You sec. in my opinion the two CSee RACISM, Page 8 31 ... w ... ,.,. •• Zahn Zaps Angels Twins' Hurkra Winner, 3-1 By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Of llw O•llY Pll .. Sutt Geoff Zahn must be wondering what kind of year this would be 1f he hadn't ~at out a month with a bad shoulder. With the li mited lime he ha:-. had. Zahn has fashioned a 9·2 record and a 3 34 ERA. in cluding a 'Be'• pftrltfng likf" It.-did la1't year~ Ind getf hag more IJrraks. • five·hil. 3· 1 victory over the Angels Friday night at Ana heim Stadium Zahn faced a lineup dominat<·d by right handed hitters, but scoffed at the percentage~ and wasn't touched for anything more <,cnous than Don Haylor 's solo home run m the fourth 1nmng. DESPITE ZAHN'S RF.CORD last year 114 14 1. Ma n ager Gene Mau c h sa y~ h is pitc he r 's performance is no surprise .. Last year Zahn was one of the best 1n the American League. You may not beljevc that, hut it's true," Mauch says . pitching hke he du.I last year. bul getting more brc:aks " Tht• victory ena bled the second plact> Twins to cut Ce1 lifornia 's W t s tern 01 vision lead to two g<1mcs ~11NNESOTA i\NSWfo:REO Haylor's homer "'hen Hob Wilfong lined a shot into the right fi eld sC'a ts The fencP is 33'.J feet away and Wilfong hit h1i. homer 334 rcet Th<' go·ahead run ,ag;.11 nst Cahforn1a·s Dave Frost was unearned KC'n Landreaux reached scc:ond whe n center fielder Dan Ford misplayed his sinking hrn:r. and Glenn Adams singled him horn{· Thl' Twins added a third run in the eighth "'hen Landrcaux hit a two out single, scoring Jnhn Ca stino from second R1~ht fic lller Jo<' Hurl1 stumbled while tryin g to make a throw to the plate. a throw which would have kept <.:astino at th1ro 1f il had been made l'lcanly Ca~tino had put on the brakes. and only c:on t1nued after Rudi lost his footing. ZAHN WALK E D TWO and struck out three in his 71 :i stint. Helicver M 1kc Ma rshall mopped up after the Angels got a pair or base runners in the eighth RACISM AMONG RAMS? -It doesn 't show her e in a view of running back Cullen Bryant (left> a nd qua rterback Pat H ad en following the Rams thrashing of Minnesota in playoff game i n December. "lie gave up two or less runs 13 ti mes. and eight times he went into lhe eighth inning giving up j ust one run, .. the Twins skipper said. "He's Uut the .. rally" that chased Zahn consisted or CSee ANGELS. Page BZ> !Dodgers Ryan's Arm Trouble Vague, Uncertain I :continue Barrage HOUSTON CAP ) Du sty Baker c lubbed a three-run homer Friday night, helping Los Angeles t.O an 11 ·7 victory over the Houston Astros and gi vang th e Dodge r s t heir eight h triumph in nine games since the All·star break. Veteran Los Angeles reliever Charlie Hough, making only his third major league start, held Houston to eight hits over seven 1 innings as the Dodgers recorded their sixth consecutive victory. He needed relief help from Ler- rm LaGrow and Dave Patterson ' to put down a six·run Houston uprising in the eighth. Houston's rally was highlight· ed by a pair or two·run singles by Terry Puhl and Jesus Alou. Hough. 2·2. was forced into the starling rotation by Los Angeles pitching injuries. RUN·SCORING singles by Joe Ferguson and Derre l Thomas and an error by left fielder Jose Cruz gave the Dodge rs a 3--0 lead in the second a g ains t off Houston starter J oe Niekro, 14-6. The Dodgers chased Niekro in the third lnning with five more • runs. Niekro walked Ron Cey with the bases loaded to force in the first run before reliever Ric Williams yielded consecutive run·•corina sln1Jes to Thomas and Hoqb. A fielder'• choice by Davey • Lopes delivered another run and Thomas scored on the front end of a double steal. BOUGH ADMITl'EO be was faU1ued ln tbe et1bth but saJd he wanted to finish the 1ame "and pitch when I wu tired. I know that I 'll have to do that." "I think we've found ouraelves aD out1tandln1 atarUn1 pileller," TOiDmy Lasorda Mid. "We•" wanted to st.rt him for some tame now but thl• wu our ftn& opportunJty to 1lve him a t'l:_.. . ....... ..,. ..... enJOJtns tbe 111•8'7 ol a UrtinC UllplDIDt. • .,.... bll ddaa about llartial llu.llllantinw ... 111& balla wttllout WOITJIDI about li•l., 1., a double ., MID• ,.. ..... laid. ....... ,._ latOIM .... ••nlW,.._ ..... ,.. ..... n .. w ,_.. .. Angel Star Dopes Rest Will Be the Cure By DAVE CUNNINGHAM OI , .. O•llY ...... SUit When Nolan Ryan walked out of the trainer's room Friday with his head down , It was a tipoff that the news wasn't good. "It's probably a muscle strain. or m aybe some tissue has been tom.'' Ryan said. "I didn't feel a ny pain. but the re was definitely some dis· comfort." THE BO'M'OM LINE: Ryan will rest his valuable pitching arm for three or four d ays, then undergo another examination by Dr. Robert Kerlan. "DiBcouraging? Yea, I guess you could say thal," Ryan said. "I can't . be optimistic about it. I can only hope a little rest is all that is needed.·· Ryan will miss the scheduled start Sunday, but after that his status de· pe nds on how his t e nder elbow responds lo rest and oral drug treat· ment (he will take anti-inflammatory medication >. "I JUST DON'T know. I might be able to pitch later this week, or I might be out longer ... Ryan said. H e wasn't the only one wearing an expression of discouragement Fri· day. Angel Manager' J im Fregosi had to face a roomful or reporters mo ments after learning or Ryan's cond1· tion. "I guess it's sort of like :. ham string pull, where rest is the only thing which will help," Fregosl said. HE CAN ILL AFFORD lo give another starting pitcher a lengthy rest. Frunk T<t nan<i and Chns Knapp a rc a lready on the s idelines with in· Juries. neither expected to contribute anything fpr the remainder of the sea son. "I 'll. probably start either Steve Eddy or R<tlph Botting On Sunday, depending on whom 1 don 't have to use in the next couple of days," Fregosi said. Both arc rookies. If Ryan were lost for an extended period of time. it would present an obvious question : Are the An gels dead'? "NO. I DON'T think so." says second basem an Bobby Grich "Nolan's our best pitche r. and if we lose him it's going to make it a lot tougher on us. But we·11 JUSt ha ve to bring somebody out of th e bullpen Reggie, Brewer in Brawl Cholcing Match Ignites Mob Scene MILWAUKEE <AP> -3'he New York Yankes played their game with Milwaukee Friday night under protest after the Yankee's Reggie Jackson was ejected as a result of a fight with Brewers pitcher Mike Caldwell In the fourth inning. Jackson, the first Yankee to bat in the fourth, had t-0 Jump out of the way of Caldwell's flnt pitch to him. Then, after the count reached 2·2, a high Inside pitch from Caldwell sent Jackson to the dirt a1ain. J ackson hit a popup to Brewers third baseman Sal Bando on the next pitch. The Yankees slu11er flipped bis bat in Caldwell's direction as he left lhe batter's box. CALDWELL ancrl- ly grabbed lbe bat, put his foot on It and ap- parenUy tried to break It as he protested to plate umpire John ShuJock. Jackson, who by this tlme had rounded tlrat base, abruptly turned and cbarJed \be mound. action 1rabbed Caldwell around the tlaroa with both handl and tJle two wreetled eacla o&htr to the lround In front ol the pl&tlaer'• mound H ~ ,..,... elaaqed to th• MeBe mm ..... du1outa. Stv•al allO ru to I.be ................ ,.. .. ~n.w. thumbed out, Caldwell should be ejected as well. ' Caldwell remained in the game. AS MARTIN ANGRILY re turned to the dugout, he had to be restrained momentarily by stadium security guards from charging Into the third base box seats to challenge a he<:kler. The heckler, who apparently threw something onto the field, was eje<:ted from the ball game. Caldwell denied having deliberately tried to brush back Jackson. "It wu just an accident looking for a place to happen," Caldwell said. "I don't throw at people. and that pitch Just got away from me. But in the heat of the game, I can understand what he did. ''I was very mad because I felt he nipped his bat towards me," Caldwell said. "The umpire <Shuloclt) yelled at m e because I guess he thought I wa .• throwing at Reggie. That got me mad. t slammed down Re11ie'1 bat. I tuesa I did break it, but who cares? They've 1ot plenty of bats. "111£N I TlJ&NEO around and went back to the mound and there was Re11ie," he said. "He pro- bably CCMdd have klUed me, butbedidn 't. "I put '4P my bandl IO he coWdn't bit me in the lace, and be rrabbed me and pulbed me. We went down and there WU a lot of srabbln1 and pusbint. He dldn't punch me any. There were too many IU11 WI top of UI . • .,,_.. ..... about 25 IUYI on top of UI and •• wen bavinl a discussion under there," he said. '"lie ......rto bow lf I wu throwin1 at him and I t.okl blm, 'No." He said, 'Do you •••_,.!' I said, 'YH. •We were really havtna a convenaUon. I Ilk• to Ul1I* '" ltill have a lot ol mutual reapeet." and into the starting rotation and m<ike the hcst of 1t. .. The im portance of Hyan's health wa s apparent by the media attention given to the fe w s imple warmup tosses he made Friday. Ryan first noticed the injury Wednesday during the second inning of his start in New York. lie left the game. and after an examination Ryan said he would test the arm by warming up .,".r1d<i y. i\ SMALL ARMY of radio. TV and newspaper reporters. came to see Ry arr throw. but the group was t urned away. Ryan w<inled to wa rmup wi t hout a ci rcus at· mosphere. So the army waited patrenUy a few <See RYAN, Page BZ> ,.._ WM eJeelell. WllWa ~--i beat· eel pftllell b)' v.-... ii....., aw Martin, wbo lvtatual11 <Mil Cooper hit bit tblrd bomer ol the nllht with two out la \.he nlntb lnnln1 to Oft Mtl~•'*• to a 9-1 victory. ......... Mm CA&.f'WSLL II ClllU81D 8Y RI~ MCIC~ • • ,,.~ eoatellll1d .............. .. • -· ~tP#'* ... !fhia One a Real Mi&match, , 6-7 Willial08 Must Pay Up , rnt.-AP ._.u._ NEW HAVEN -8lall.aball 1tar Sty WllUam1, m ,irho wu drafted ln June by th~ New York Knkb ol the NaUonal BuhtNU AJl'Otl•Uon, hu been ', ord•red ln court t.o pay •t.'100 to a ma.n who c laims WUllama puntbed h'lm In tbe race WUUam1 Dou&l&a. 2'7. a market ~mployt:o. uys ln h11111ull that WUUama punched him Murch 28. 1977. c1tuslng lnJurl{•:t lnclud.lna a Up cul tbat required about 15 atitches No e~planauon or the incident was 11ven. Oouafaa teatlflod In court t hut h~ had been di'llnw Williama' alJter. A~ th um~. Wllh8m~ was ath:nd1ng the> Unlvenlly ol Rhode Is land. Williama, 21. atanda 8-7 .md we1ihs 2"5 pounds. whtlt! Douglas is 5-4 and 130 pounds. according to court documcnl.-1 The suit was decided In Douglas' fa vor earllcr W s month a rter William s failed to res pond to the legal claim. Williams was arrested after the incident on chargci. of third·degl'ee assault and third degree criminal mischief. He was granted "uccclcrakd rehabilitation" May 12. 1977. which provided that has urrei.t record would be t>raitcd 1( .he s tayed out or.trouble ror one year. William!i became eligible fur the NBA druft uftc r his Junior year in college. r------Quo• .. of ..... oa,, -------, ''It's only m y fourth year, but I feel hke a war-torn veteran. In some ways I'm 26 going on 76. Life ina fishbowl 1s vt>r y tough. Sometimes I wonder what I have to <.lo to satisfy people." Pal Haden of the Ritms . Ma11. Slngl.-lon llo•...-. Parr OriofP• Ken Slngle&on a nd Lee May each slammed la ho m e runs and Mike Flanagan became the Ame rican League's first 14·game winner us streaking Baltimore downed Kansas City. 8-0 ... Pal PuUlam's bases·loaded double in the first innfog fus~ an 18·hil attack by Texas that buned Boston. 11·2 . . Pinch· runner Lynn Jones s cored on an errant thro~ by sho~stop Alfredo Griffin in the 11th inning to give Detroit a 4-3 v1cto~y over Toronto ... Cliff Johnson drove tn • three runs with a solo hom er and a two· run single. und Ted Cox a~so ho~ered as Cleveland took its fifth straight victory un· dcr Dave Garcia, whipping the Chicago Whitc Sox. 7·2 ... Rick Honeycutt und Byron Mc Laughlin struggled throu~h un 11 ·hittcr and Larry Miibourne drove In the only run with a third inning sacrifice ny , giving Seattle a l·O win over Oakhm~ ... John Miine r drove in four runs with a s ingl<' and lhrc<. .. run hom er to back lht: MAY fiv<··h1l pitching o f Bert _Blyleven, pacm~ Pa tls burl(h to a !J I triumph ::ind complet1n~ the Pirates s weep of Montr<>al in a double head~r. Jn the firi.t gam.e Pbll (;arnrr's HHI ~mglt· 111 lhl· 1•1ghth inning snapped tt t.1e and CClrricd the f'1 rulCS to a 5 4 Win before a crowd Of 59,260 the hight>st attt.•ndant·f· in lht· m:i1ors lh1s :.l·ason Bob Forsch pilched u three·hatter and George Hendrick drove an two runs for the st.·c·ond r onsccut1ve gam<' as St. Louis defcuted Philadelphia. 5 o Mike Lacoss und Do~g ~air co mbined o n a s ix·hilter a s Cincinnati recorded their its fourth con s ecut1vc victory. a 2 IJ hl·:.it1ng of Atlanltt . Dave Kingman drovf' an thr(·(· runs w1lh a pair of homers, powering the Chu·ago C'ulJs 111 u 4 l triumph uv<:r the New York Mets . Jack nark ~lrok1·d hi'> 20th horn<: run of the yeur ·~ the 11th inning. ~1v1nk San F1 a nc·1.,c<1 a 4·3 vic tory over San Diego Montrt-al s horts toµ <:hris Speie r was activated fro m the 15·d ay disabled list und New York Met outfi~lder Elliott Mad· dox has been pla<:t·d on thC' 15-rlay disabled hs l. taood~ll Sparkl*"" al Sanla Clara St\NTt\ CLAltA Worl<t Record holder Briar. 1:1 Goodell M Mission Viejo a nd unheralded Tom Kel- ly or Kelso. Was h .. hrokc meet records on the open ing day of the Sunta Clara lnv1tutional Swim· min~ Mt.'cl Friday. · Goodell , who won three J:(old medals C1l lhe Pan·Amencan Games wus un e ui.y winner in the 400-meter freestyle. lie finished the eight laps on tt chilly night in 3·55.28. more th~m four seconds foster than th e meet murk or 3 .59.70 set last yea r by Mike Brunn. The 20·year-old Goodell, however. was <1 lmosl four seconds from h is world rl'cord of 3·51 56. Landa J e7.e k of M1ssw n Viejo, who won five gold medals in the f':m Americ<in G<1m es. ca me from behind to win the 20<J·meter back s troke m :!.20.25. He r Lime was well off her own meet record of 2 · 18.21 and her world record of 2: 11.93. Lakt-n WHI Anno1111r~ Coa~lt Met1fla11 INGLEWOOD The Los Angeles J.ake rs Cln· m nouneed Friday they will ho ld a pr~ss conferen~e Monday at 11 a .m ., at the l''orum lo introduce lhear new coach. J ack McKinney. an assistant with the Portland Trail Blazers, ls expected to be lhe Lakers' choice to succeed Jerry West, who stepped down following the 1978·79 season. McKinney met with J erry Buss, new owner or the Na- tional Basketbull Association team, a nd general m anager Bill Shuman ror the second time Thursday night to discuss terms. N....,.t• .Sf9t1 Tltree-pelt1t Sltarp• .... fer The Denver Nuggets of the National~asketball • Aaan. have signed Joba Roche, who built a reputa- Uon durtn1 five years wltb the American Basket- ball Aaaoclation as one of the deadUer lhree·point fleld goal shooters . • • The Detroit Pistons announced they have signed free agent guard Jama McElroy t.o a multlyear contract ... A fractured left arm has put Pittsbur1h Steelers • rookie nannin1 back R11a1eU Davia out of training camp prac· Uce (or six t.o el1ht weeks ... ao. Maee&rt was approved aa the athletJc director for the University of New Orleans, and 0. 8_.... was okayed for the job of head bukelball coach . . . Did BWlaply, who coached Culver City Hilb School lo a atate divisional football championship in 1.971, haa been ap· pointed bAekfield coach al Cal Stale Northridge. -~----...... --.. ·--· --·---....... -..-: ··-·· - OE OFF ZAHN ......... ~., ANGELS ••• :i bunt sinJtl«'. a walk and ~ suc•rifH'l'. ~o the J2 year·old left· hundcr was n'l t•x;tctly s helled. "I had mudt• up my mind wus n 't going tu let 7.ahn fa.cc Don Baylor again." Mauch saJtl. "That was t h e third homer Baylor has hit off ham lo two years." . M a rshull. who, like Zahn. as a Dodiwr l' astoff. rcti red fl vt' of thl' six batters he fuct>d lo log his leagul' lt:uding 20th s ave. When lht• Angels weren't get ting hurt by rormt'r Dodgers they wen• llcin14 tlon1..· in hy e x· Angels. Landreaux, who scor~ the winning run, went to Min ncsota in lht' ttod Carew deal And formc•r Angel Hon .Jackson y, l'nt I for 3 "TllER•: IS FRICTION 1n Uw a ir when we play 1n Anahe im ... Landreaux said. "The med1t1 and fans mukc 1t that wuy I feel good when 1· play well agami.1 the Angc•I!> but I really dorr'l haveanythin~toprovl' .. What he m euns 1s he dncs n't have to prove Lo the Angels that tht'y made tt mistake in letting him go. "llcy. I'm 1us t haPP,Y tu be on u team thut feels if I can play up to my cupabilitics I t·an play every day," L:indreaux s aid. ··Suppos edly the Twins got four mediocre players IJ ackson, l':wl 11Hrt7.<'ll. Dan Good win and hims elf) from the Angels ... Lan drt>aux s ai d . "h ut I ct on 't nl•<·essanly belieVl' that 1s true .. 1.ANDR•:AUX <'o nccdes4h"Ht . with the departures of Carew and Oun Ford. the Twins an· without a mttJOr star. "WhCll we hav<' lO provt'," l.andrcaux says, "1s that even though we don't have the s uperstur players. we C.'a n s till µla y m;1Jor le ugue bas ebttll " ENJOYING the game· 1s 2nf• thing but can the Twins rent"'dm a ('Ontender') "We need ll few more hreuks to stay up tht•n ·." Landrcaux s aid ruut111 u s l y M a u c h . hnw1•vc•r, simply r hangcs the suhJe cl "This team h;.is uma7.tng rf'· silacncy," Mauc h sau1. ''They hav«> suffered some galling de floats this y1•ur ;rnd then bounced right buck ... And Marshall. who has world s eries expc·riencc f rom h is Dodger days, suys it's JUSl a matter of timt· "Come Sept I ." he s a ys. "pt·oplc will start believing 1n U:-0 * ANOEL NOTC!. 0... 941yler 1>8\ hit II "°'"''' ~ Otittn ,n )I tun' in July He \ t•~O "'"" • ..., ...... IAuqu\I 19111 101 mO\I RBI on one month b1 en AnQOI Bo lo• ""'«I• '"" l~•gue on RBI ltll •nd •\ tied lo• llW •e«I on """'"" 11\1 ,,,.. Al'q'I\ """~ ""mort' QOm•• '411 w1t11 O..lirnotl', ao.1on O< ~ew Vora. -on ly ~·· l•fl wtlh Mth•wttu~r~ Out e•t.h of •~ AnQf'll'\' dtvt\tan r1v•I\ hd\ to fft1.~ I~ f •''''" D1vt\1on ~~,, MtnM \014 h•~ 11 Q.8nY'\ 1.-n ..,tfh lho~ fO\if CIUblt, ftWe\ mu\t """' ttwm '1 llm•'· ..,d l<•n••• City 11 11,,..... llW "'""°"I" troll\ 1111-r..ointo<1l•von theAn04lh f'roraP~BI RYAN ••• hundred feel lAWay, watching cloRely as Ryan took his tentative tosses. The mome nt c1trried heavy drama because this was no or· dinary pitc he r warming up on his day otr. The Angels· pennant chances mlaht very well have been h analng In the balanc~. "I dldn 'l reel any pain or d.itcomlort. I was just gelling looae then,'' Ryan said lat~r. "I won't need surgery or a nything like tha t," Ryan aaJd . "It's a mWJCular problem. All ll need• la rest. The o nly question lJ how much." - HORSE RACING I BASEBALL I FOOTBALL Getting the Needle Horse HOB Acupuncture Treatments 8)' ERNIE CASTILLO Of .. OM!y Het IWt ll wouldn't be loo hard t.o find 11 needle in Easy Nuncy Lee's hay stack. On e or the 10 finalists ror tonight's •725,000 Dash For Citsh Yuturity a t Los Alamitos. the two·year-o ld quarterhorae has been taking acupuncture treat· m cnls lo cleur up n throat lnfec- llon and hoof p roblems . Judging f rom l ast week's trials. the filly has res~dcd quite well lo lhe ancient Chmet1e practice in more ways than o oe . "A CUP UNCT U RE HAS BEEN the turning pomt. no doubt about it," says trainer W.D. ''Bill" Taylor. "It's done as much for ht·r mc ntully as 1l did physically Not only dad at lake care of hl·r injury und ill ness. 1t causl·d l(t bag mentul ch:rngc in her Shc"s mentally prl'purcd to run a b1~ rac1· hkt· U1js." -Just a few weeks ago. the ch ances of finding the daughter of Easy Six compe ting in California's richest horse race seem ed s lim. In her firs t four sta rts al Los Alamitos, the filly foile d to make the board. But with the treatment. a lonl( with a ht•althy d ose of tender loving curt.• from Taylor. the 50 I long shot scored an upset win m las t wec•k 's trials with a tame of 20 .25 for the 400 yard s . "IT'S NOTHING NEW. ac· tually," s ays Tay lor . down playing the ~1cupuncture "I 'm :-.un· not the· hrs t to l:)(.'hevc• 1n 11 I've seen som1• rt:sults fr<Jm 1t BILL TAYLOR a nd I've seen it work in people. "Any kind of thcrc1py and m e dication th at works for humuns will work for horses " Lake mos t trainers. Taylor treats his horSC!S almost C.ll> If lhPy were h umun. As ht· pul.., 1l "They ar<'." "In tr::umng a racing hors e, you have to approach 1l from lht• s l a n d po 1 n l 1 h a t t h l' y ' r 1• ~1thletl's." ht· s uy1>. "Tht.•rc•'1> no d1ffc·rencl' tra101n~ Muhammad Ah fo r a world he a vyw<.:1 J(hl flJ(ht than training a hon.1· for a b1~ n.1ct· like this "HORSES TAK E J ST ac., muc h t•ffort to tra m ai. <my other N eivport Standouts Shine in Colorado f'rom AP Dlspatcht•s COLORADO SPHI NGS, Colo. C y nthia W ood h e ad or Jlivt.•rs idt· swc•pl to c us y v1c torit•s f''nduy 1n thl' womt·n 's 400·mt.·ler md1v1dual m edley ;ind the :!00-mf'lt·r hullcrfly in swam ming c·ompl'l1t1o n at th<· Na tional S1)C1rts 1-'t·st avul Thl' 15 year old h1i:h sthool ~oµhomorc was virtually un <'hallC'nJ(ed in hoth t·vcnts Sht· took the <!fJO butterfly an a t1m1• of i . l 7 .42 und recorded a lime of 5 07 33 in thC' 400 md1v1dua l mcdlt·y Hoh McAdttm t·dRNI N1·wport fka<.·h 's John Muff•·l 1n th•· mt.·n 'i. 100 hrl'a:-.l 111 I llf; fiH Mof fl·l n •rord('d a I UfJ Kli LINCOLN MOFFEf /\rl C:nfftlh tcx1k lht• m1•n ., Hltl f n·•· y, 1th a t1m1· of 5;! ;!~. 1•'11.!lnl.! .John J-:hun.1 of l lll\t·r.,11\. 11( 'J'1·nn1 ·~"''''· <1l ;,;! Hi r acer . They've gol to be In· telll1enl. c ompetitive a nd ug. greHlve. Whe n Nancy Lee goes out there and thinks s he cun out run the others, 11he 's liable w get it done." . With the fie ld pared from last year 's nominating list or 700 yearlings, that's not going to be easy. Among the entrieR are Fis· hers f'avorite •• which pos ted the fastest qualifying lime (20.12) last week. and Easy Angel. the Kindergarte n Slakes champion which qualified m 20.16. The two have combined for seven wins an 11 s tarts But though Nancy Lef! hC1s Just two w1n.o; in six career !'!tarts. Taylor feels s h€' ca n be an th«> runnin~ for tht· $264 ,0()IJ first place prize money. "I DON'T THINK we'v1• seen ht·r a pproach her potential yet . · Tuylor s uys. "Shc•'s JUSt slartmJ,l 10 comt· around W1 •'v1• known <i ll along that she had the tale nt Now. she's overcome lh1· minor problems thut have kept her from s howing 1t." W h <' n N a n c y I. <' e w a s nominated for the inaugural Dush f''or Cm·1h , s he was only c•ag ht months old. lll•r origin<tl (I r I (' I' t a g () f $ J 9 , 5 ()I) h a :-0 m u shroom1'd into $30,0fJO for ownl·rs Ed and c:ral·1· H11hmson but th at llUm pales lo whal th1· winnn <'an cxpc<'l "If she wmf.. this rac·1·. sh(''ll f)I' worth up lo ii qua rll·r or }t m 1ll1on dollar<,," 1>a ys Taylor 'Thal ., y, hy Y..<•' VI' ov<•rtumcd 1·very r<ll'k . rl':-.<·arc ht·d c•v(•ry avt·nu1· to ~<'l he r rt·ady . This 1~ not the Maddie· Agl':-., you know. l'h 1: r e a rl' a lot of mode rn 1n1•l h ods u s ed n1>w:rday:-. Acupuncture 1s Just an11thcr tool "Tiii-: OBJECT IS TO ff•~T t ht· horo;<· ,..., n u.or s ha rp a:-. p11ss1bll· and ltll'n hold 1l thPrt· It 'l> JU:-.l llkt· training for th1· Oly m1.11cs, lht•rt":-o a 1· .. rta1r1 l1m1· you h<.1\l' to r nmpett• You hav1· Io ht• fully prt•pa n·d tu run ;ii that g1v1•n t1ml· and giv1· ISO 1wr <'1·nt 11r you'll g1•1 nothing hack " l\ll thinJ,!:-. cons1dt•rf'd , 1l 1·11m1·.., down to 11 m ad dash lll'tw1•1•n 111 hllrSl'S of l'qu;tl :1hal1t Y lJ nltk1• t h t• I o n g 1 • r r ;c 1· 1· " ( 11 1 1 horo11ghhri·1b , I ht ·rr· .., 11111 mud1 room fur t•rr11r "You <·:1n 't mak1· l'Vt•n a ..,m ;ill m1stako<>." ..,ay1> T:.tylor "1-;vt•ry t1m1· you run. 11 h;1.., to 11<· .1 IJl·rh·C.'l pt·rformanc:e That'!> "" h v r at' 1 n g t w o v" a r o I 1J qu:i0rt1·1 hor...i·• 1s tlw l11ggt.·s 1 gambl<· m th1· Y..orlll · f':q·n Y.llh ,J('UJIUIH'I UI I' 11•1!111 1111! lht 111l1b Another Newport Ue11ch stuntl out. Todd LinC'oln. w<Js fourth in th1• 400 frt·c• with :1 -1 12 55 l'lockmg. Dash For Ca h Goes Tonight In thc womt.·n 's 2/10 hn·as t. Dana Morton or S hrl'Wl>hcrry. N J . and Terry Baxter of Pa lo A Ito batUl'<f he mt to ht·atl until .Jeanne Childs of l>l'n Vl'r movt'd out of the pa<.·k in lht· finul ~,CJ mcll'rs·and surged ahead. Childs won with a liml' of 2 45 34 , follo wed hy Morton at 2:46.36 und Baxter 2 46.45 nonnic GlaSjCOW or G le n Arm. Md .. t·dgcd Octh W u:-.hul of Wheaton. Ill.. 1n thl· womt>n 's 200-mctn frel•slyl<' with a l1m<.- of 2 06 21 . Thl· inaugura I IJas h ror C;1sh Futurity th<' ra ch1•st hor!>t' r act· in California history wall be c:ontt'sll'rt at Los AJam1to1> race course tonight T ht• winne r will t.•arn S2f>4,8f,O for a bout 20 S<'conds of work J\ fi1•ld of to will tah part in lht· 400 vard event for two Y<'ar old quartl'r horses t\ total purs e of $727,000 wtll bt· sprc•ad among lhl' field of Ill thut y, <1s to compete m Friday ni~ht':-. consolation race, and tht.· group who qualified for tonight '" fmuls Tht• 1•vcnt 11> tht' rit hcst Baseball Standings AMF.RICAN l,EAGU •: Wt'sl Olvislon An~els M1n11esota Texas Kansas City Ch icago Seattle Oakhmd W I. Pct. GB 58 45 .564 54 45 .545 2 !}II 4fi .540 21h 4!1 51 .400 11r1 46 55 .'155 11 44 60 .423 14'.-\ 27 76 .267 31 Ea11t Dlvl11lon Baltimore 68 33 .673 Boston 60 37 .619 6 Mliwaukee fil 41 .598 71.-\ New York 55 46 .545 13 De troit 51 48 .515 16 Cleveland 48 52 .480 191h Toronto 31 7l .304 37'h NATIONAL LF.AGU•: West Division Houston Cinc innati San Francisco San Diego Dod~ers Atlanta w 1. Pc t. c;B 58 46 .558 55 49 .529 3 50 53 485 7 112 47 5H .44H 11 1 ~ 411 5H 4;11 1:1 ill (i() .4 1:.! 15 East DlviHion Montreal 54 4 1 .5&1 Chicago 54 42 .5()3 11 Pitts burgh 55 43 .561 1 ~ Philadelphia 52 47 525 <I St. Louis 48 '17 .505 6 New York 40 55 421 M f'r .. 0 '1Sor .. Ded .. " 11, HOU\lon I Plll\IMHQI> S·'· Monlt,..I • t C1nc1-h 1, A•IMll• O Clllt •QO 4. N~w Yor• > 51 Lou••~. P1111-1p1>1• 0 ~n frenc.l"O •. S<N\ OltQO I t II 1nn•n<1" T .. O 't G•-0......-. IA..-\\ l 11 ., Hov\10<\ II( ~o.-.n • ''• n (IU<•QO IH()ll/m&n. m •I ...... YOt~ IF•l•- 1 11 c •nttnMtl I 8on41em • • -Moo.t u \ Jt •I Allt nl• t M l\Mlllt t 1' •nd 8r1110IM • \ \I Pllltbur(ll> I 8lDC11•1 el lilentrUl IX li.11-• S·J I,,, !.I LOUll IF111Qli.m l· l •1 Pllll<ICl<lll)N• INOI .. 1 ~I~; Fr...CIKO ICUftlt •'61 et ~II Dl•OO I Pt1ry tO-•t. n 1n.1ugural hors1· ra n · 1•\"r run in lh1· U nlled St.ilc:-. The 10 finalists 1·.,irnt•d tlll'1r way mlu lh1• 1-'uturity by n ·c·urd 1ng tht· fustcst qualifyin~ t1m1·.., m c·1ght 41.10 yard tri::.t l il iv1s11in:-. st a g1·d Ii 1st WC'l'k A 1 ota I of 71 f1ll11·s anti {'Olis l·nt1·rerl th1· quahfy1n~ F1Shl•rs Favorilt• and F:asy Ani.wl f1~urt· as thC' hors es to ht'a t f-'1 -.h1•r s FavoritC'. a homL•bred ll:iughtc r <if Beduino. captun•d her tria l heat m 20.J<! S{'l'O nds. fastt•st llmt• among thl· qua hfi{•rs SPECIAL PURCHASE Ford Motor Co. lnc•tl•• Cars - "ear new •71 Lincolns, Mercurys a11d Zephyra at tr ................ . All l11MM1C•late nd priced way Hder ........... --· --..... __ ..... ------·-.......... ... ...... -.. ... .. ••••• • '-t CaU Me Su%g Roller Skate AP Wtr•plWto F orme r U.S. Olympic skier Suzy Ch affee. n ow a televis ion commentator al the Spartacade Games, stuns women passe rs- by on a Moscow s treet F riday as s he rolle r skates around town. Chaffee said s he wanted to deli ver <.1 L '1 kt· Placid Winter Olympic fil m and a pair of roller skates to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnt'\'. but couldn't get <m uppomtment Fro• Pag~ 8 I RACISM CHARGES HURLED. le aders on this team are Jack Youngblood a nd Ron J essie and they hardly talk to e ach other . H they ever got together . boom . everybody would feel m ore com - fort able. ''l ',yc also talke d to Steve t R o se nbl oo m ) a n d Do n K losterma n but m an agem ent doesn't know about these things. ·'Th e y (Rose n b loom und Klos te r m a n ) thought it was wrong for me to gave up the ga m e , but I'm ah.o thinking about my marriage. I come h ome cussing to my wife ever y night about t his guy bitcbing or what this guy !.O:Aid. "I KNOW I CAN'T 50lve the p roblem by myself. But I feel now that it's a ired out it can't have anything but a positive cf. feet on us. • "To me. this as the main rca· son we haven 't reached the Supe r Bowl. There is nobody better than us but we 've got t.o do everything togethe r. Team means something to me . We're suppose to li ve up to tha t and we ha ven't. .. I don't bcUt·vc in a scpitralcd t e am . I kn o w I 've d o n e something for everybody on this team at least once "I DON'T KNOW, this thing 1s tough. There's ::i reason, with ull our talent. we haven 'l been lo the Super Bowl. And I'm not go· ing to put the blame on P at CHadenl or the fact wc·rc the lame duck Rams. "I'm still going to t<1 lk l o (La rry> Mccutcheon. <John1 Williams and <Tom> M <1c k. It's a shame it took something like this for J><:.'<>ple to liste n to me." F r ance. a fi ve-year veteran out of Ohio Slate. used his alma m ater as an example of a team playing together "OIOO STATE WAS a group of guys and that's why we won. And I've heard the same is true w he r e the Oa llas Cowboys practice They have things in common." France also said the black- a nd-white rift has gone as far as the practice fi eld. •·One of the black ph1 ycrs on the team told m e to watch how som e of the players were getting hit. that John Cappelle tti and .Ji m J odal weren't gelling hit as ha rd as s ome o f the black players. Well , I watc hed and J noticed it." Most of the players were on • the practice fi eld when France was m a king his com m ents . Those that were found for re· actions were somewhat shocked . "I WASN'T AWAR E but I'm going to start looking into it." s a id Haden when asked if there was a problem . .. I really think the playe rs care about one anothe r. I guess Doug doesn't see It that way. "I 'm going to nave to ta lk to Doug some mor e. There could be some validity to what he's saying." Asked if this would have a positive eUect on the club Haden a ns we red . "Possibly , a nd it m ight hurt, too. "IT'S NOT A giant problem yet but it could creep in to one." lladen claimed many of his friends on the team we re black a n d th<1 t there was u lot of respect amongst one another. Another pl ayer who voiced an opinion was linebacker J a ck Reynolds who only shook his head when told of F ra nce's com- ments. "YOU <PRESS> G UYS are just going to eat this up aren't you," he said with a smile. "You guys love stuff like this. • · 1 t 's a bunch of bull," he said of France's re ma rks . "If there's a split among us it's news lo me. "All I do is try to come o ut here and do the best l can. I can 't worry about who 's carry. ing the ball. Th is ha s been brought up before and I 'm sure it wHI be brought up again but a s fa r a s I'm con ce rne d it doesn 't exis t. "l'M REALLY SICK and tired of t his." he continued. "I've got CAREER OPPORTUNITY SALES/MARK~TING MANAGEMENT A sales oriented 1nd1vidual, early In career de- velopment with the desire and capability to move quickly to significant client and/or management responsibility with a highly pro- fitable. dynamic and expanding company with national corporate headquarters In Newport Beach. This opportunity can be explained In con- fidence by calling Mr. Friess at (714) 640-3748 on Sunday, July 29 from 12 pm to 5 pm. or Monday. July 30 from 9 am to 5 pm. or by writ- ing to the firm. Pacific Consulting Corporation A SUBSIDIARY OF PACIFIC MUTUAL 700 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 • • two blacks who plav an front of m e a nd prolt.•t'l mt· .rn<I I lov<.' t he m both. '•If t h(•rt• 1c; ru<·1-.m I dun l know ubout 11 · • Couch Ruy l\1 a l;1v as 1. whu was running a prc·tt v smooth l>hap un· til this O<'CUrrl'<I. tlu.Ju L "<Jnt to com ment. "I haven ·1 la lked to Uuug y1:l so I don·l w:.inl lo s.1y unything I have no commL·nl " F rance said h1· 1s n 't wo1-r1NI about his t1:ammau··.., n ·,11•tmn to all t his "ANYBODY WHO gets b1llt·r is a Vt.>ry weak ind1vidu<tl." he says .. Some pcopl<.' just halt• ti> admit they are prejudice, but they. "!r~: I wasn't brought up like that and ncathN as my fam ily. .. A II I know •~ "c should s up· port each other." he conclu<lcd. ··a ut I wasn't he re ye~tcrday and somebody told me 1t w:.is still going on." If t he r e 1s prej ud ice <i nd racism on the Ham ..... France's remarks an<I the '>Uhs<·quenl rl'· action by his tci.lm m<Jt1:s will varify the ch<1rges. RELEASE MERCEDES ACT NOW SENSIBLE PAYMENTS NEXT TO NOTHING DOWN & 808 McLAREN'S BMW, INC. 1979 BMW 733 Ft1ll'r F•<1ory Equ1Pl)ed IS.r • S170J701 $346 ~~~ • •• •nd t•• tor a 60 mon111 OjMn end lffM CAP ••lue ot sn .sn 40 etter suoo oo '""'" tlOft w111t rem.1lnlr>11 ., •• ..,. or St3,J0..20. 1979 BMW 5281 Fvlly FK tory Cqulpc>ed <Ser. • m11001 $226 ~~~ • .11 ...., ,., lor • 60 "'°"'" Of"Jn end lffM. C... ••Cue ol JU,000 alw ll.0.00 •-<llon wltll r•M•lftlnQ 11ecue ot s•.OIO. 808 McLAREN'S BMW . 150 N. e.ach Blvd. u Habra (Intl. No.Ofl.A. 'twr.) 22-53 • . s.twdey. July 28, 1979 U41LY PILOT ·~ Vacancies Aplenty~ Does UCI Exodus Knock Program? By EllNIE CASTILLO Of *-o.llJ ~llet St.ff Linda Dempsay is spe nding a lot oc time screening job appli· cants these days . No sooner had the UC Irvine athletic director found the right man for the head track coaching job. two more vacancies popped up in the tennis a nd crew offices. But the way De mpsay sees it, the exodus s pea ks well, not poorly. of the An• teaters' all-around athletic pro· gram. · "IN SOME W~YS, I F EEL sort of honored that our coaches a r e hig h l y sou ght a fte r ." Dem psay said after losing track coach Len Mille r and tennis coach My ron McNam ara lo Arizona Sta te and crew coach Bob Newman to UCLA. ·'The r e's no question that when you Jose coaches people arc going to a s k why," she added. "On the othe r hand. look wh;!re they went." K evan McNai r . wh o wo n NC AA Divis io n Ill ch a m · paonships in both cross country and track two seasons ago, has already failed Miller 's post. The othe r positions. Dcmpsay says, will be fiJled "by the end of the s um mer." ''It 's a di fficult l i m e tc) rl"cruit. .. she says. "We want l·nough time to recr uit the best p11ss1 ble athletes we can. but on the other ha nd, we want to take enough t ime lo pick the right coach " D E MPSAV AIJSO HAS one other job to fi ll . that of sports an form~1tion d ir ector afte r J im Brochu accepted a pubhc rcla lions JOb with ABC·TV. O n e of the ma1or reason:. ~l iller left was the lack of :.cholarsh1p money available for track. Newman a lso cited finan c·i<il r(•asons for his move t11 l.:CLA. Dl'mpsay refused to detail 1 :c r ·~ scho la rs hi p commit mc nl!>, sa ying 1t was .. confidcn tial .. She d id aomat. however. track d1dn·t have unybody on tc full athletic scholars hip last s ummer. no crew scholarship!. :ire handed out a t UCl and ten nis. which had a lmost a full al lotmcnt of schola rships thr«i.:l' years ago, no longer doci. UCI WAS A NATIONAL figun· on t he Di vision II le ve l for several years before it stepped up to Division I and joined th<' P;;icif1c Coast Athletic Associu· lion in the fall of 1977. To satisfy a PCAA r equire. ment, the school had lo fund a m ini m u m 14 b ask e tba l l s ch o la rs h ips, one u nde r the NCAA maximum. Meanwhile. Miller often claimed, the other s ports we re lcrt out in the cold . Whe n he le ft . he said has budge t h adn't noticeably in· c reased in five years despite the upgraded schedule which last ye a r inc l uded UC L A a nd Oregon. "WE'RE WORKING with the new track coach right now as to what his needs are." Oem psay says. "Whal you've heard about track budget cuts haven't been accurate statem ents. T here has bee n very little inc rease in any budget particularly because of infla tion. This Is why fund raas· ing is crucia l becaust> that 's whe re we're going to get addi· tional support. "When we make a commit· menl, we look at that as a con- fidential commitment between the unJversity and the athlete." she adds. "For us to indicate how much a s tudent ts receiving dollar-wise is not the type of in· for mation we feel we should give out." Since Mille r has left. reports ha ve been circulating that most of last year's track alhletes- es peci a lly the dis t a nce run· n e r s we r e tra ns fe rring t o UCLA. Says Dempsay: "(think it reflects the past coaching staff. "Se vera l have t alked of leav. ang, apparently the cross coun- t ry runners. But until they ac• t u a ll y le a v e a nd a ppear som ewhere else. it's ha rd lo say how many will actually be go-ing ... Today's TV By JOHN SEVANO 0 1 t~ 0•1\y Piie! St.II Following are the ma1or sports events on televc s1on to· day. Ratings a re ' ' ,. ,. excellent. ,. ' / worth watching. ' ' fdtr; / forget ct. ~ 11 :15 a .m .. Channel 4 ./ BASEBALL: Clnc1nnat1 at Atlanta Announcers: Joe Garag1ola and Tony Kubek The Cinc.1nnat1 Rede,, who trail the fir'>I place Houston Astroc, by three game">. v1s1t the last place Braves in Atla nta. Reds' Bi ll Bonham (d-41 w111 oppose Mike Mahler <2·9l in the fi rst game of a doubleht ad!:'r e 12:30 p.m., Channel 7 ./ ./ FOOTBALL: Dalla'> vs Oakland Announcers : Franlr Giff ord, Howdrd Co<,ell and Fra n Tarkenton Bf'lceve 1t or not. ct s that time again. The Oakland Raider'>, .1 d1sappo1ntm1:nt tao,t season <q·ll. meet Super Bowl fcna11 st Dallas ( 12·41 1n the Hall of Fame game at Canton Ohio ll'c, the l1rs1 exh•bct1 on game for thP two teams so plen'. ty of rook ifs should se1• the ma1onty of act con. OTHE R TELEVISION Ip m 1221 PRO SOCCER. 2 pm 141 U.S MINI-OLYMPI CS Sponsored by the U S. Olympe( CommcttPe, the Minc·Olympcc.s wa s initiated 1n 1978 to provide athle tes wcth the opportumty to tra in and c.ompelP en an Olympic like setting More than 2,300 a thletes hav e come to Colorado Sprcngs. Colo to ava11 themselves of that opportunity. Coverage !lcve a nd on tape) will focus on trac.k and field, gymnastics. boxing, diving and figure skat- ina. ( 11 ) SPARTACAO E Pre·Olym p1c competition from Russia Coverage will include track and field, boxing and bas ketball. 3·30 p.m 121 SPORTS SPECTACULAR Highlight s fnc.lude the Tour de F rance bicycle race: the final in the PBA Amarillo Open in Texas. and the U.S. Si ngle Seat Unl imit· ed Offroad racing c.hampionshcps in Los Angeles. Commen- tator<, will cnclude D1t k Stockton, Jean Shepherd a nd Frank Glieber 5 p.m. 13) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 128) PRO SOCCER. 8 p.m. 134 ) BOXING DE MEXICO. 10 p.m. CS) SOCCE R California Surf pla y lhe Seattle Sounders in a game played earlier IOday. RADIO Baseball DOdgers at Houston, s·Jo p.m . KABC 17901 . Minnesota at Angels, 6 55 pm . KMPC <7101 . THE PRICE IS RIGHT! llOU RS· Due to our excellent sales pace. Nabers Cadillac has been able to obtain a large shipment of brand new Cadillacs - all :.pt:c111lly sale pr1c1:d' 8·30 a.m. lo 9 p.m weekdays 9 :00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 10 ·00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday R1J(ht now we have one of the all time be:.t ~wlecttl)n., of Ol'W Cadall uts m our h1"lory. prtel•<l lowl'r thun you cvt•r thou.iht poss1hlt• When wci.uy. "priced rii:ht:· we mean you <«Ill !.ave T llOUSANUS OF' DOLLARS and you can rhoosc rrom over 400 can; durini: th•~ ~al<.'. wh1<•h w1ll l;1'1 t hroui:h Sunduy . July 29th. Abo. we n1.>t.-d good trade· in~ So you'll get an cxcclk nl pnec for your ol<.I cur too Remember. tha!> •~a golden opportunity to own a fut'I efflcwnl new Cud1llac & !>3\IC thousand!. or dolfuri; Oil lhl.' pr1ct." $40-9100 2600 HARBOR Bl.VD. COSTA MESA ........ ,.,. For the .mtttai9 LSMMle ~,____~ ......... -<.,._... ...... .. ... ........,,, J ••• C.-.t• •••• WI ....... •I I I \._,,,._. I t It .,......,,"' attt "-·c• •tot ~ .. 0 •111 ... ..,,,. •1 11 ,....., It ) t I I 0.-.. c .t t t ' D •• ~lt I tt t •"4fl.•I •ttt a.-.• Jt 1 t Gfk"... • ••• ..... \..I tt t ltl,_.,_. .t t I 0 ..... II, rl J t t t A1•e"' .. I t 0 0 ··-.. rt I t t t I .... _ .. t t I t • JOW1,la JI I 0 (Ml-» JI 11 ..... , • at a• 't I Olt lt 11 I ) I w: ............. ....__. tot ... ,, ""-"'• tml 1• -I e .......... "'"'' loe "''-*• •. ('Ill-'-1 18 GeclOw•" HI. WI~ I)•,••¥* CU I S Wy-r, J -..-. L ... \ ... d ----i-•w ... 1• ... I M • •• tt IO 4 I I 1 J .,r,,ltf1n ·~ 0 0 0 0 ~-914 rr~l IL ... 11 I • UAOt,.. I 0 0 0 0 I ' t1 s... .. -~,,.._.1 oe. • -.... ~ ·~11.lt .. S.•l ......... 000 000 010 ' ~ 0 •••• , 4!0 011 00• 11 11 0 Slt"I..,, Fltoc1' Ul tnO Fl\k; COMeo -s .... -ro w c-. 11.-L s, ..... ,. 11 1 Mlh -8M1Gn, W .. _ 111. A-U ,910. T .... , ....... Ja.,.l 0.11011 000 071 000 01 • IJ , f °'onlo 000 100 007 oo J 9 1 Wllcoa, A lof>el I I ANO Pulm•n. teuff. 'fft•n, 8 . -· !SI, 8•nke• !11 _,d Ceron. W A. i..OPet , S 1. L 8u•h•, • S llA' O.lroll, 8rOOllen• UI, Wooenfuu UI fel'onlo, <:¥one UI A n.a •• ,.._ 1, Wllite S.1 J Cle...,1....0 011 000 JOI I 9 I 0.H.-011 000 000 1 I I Cl,., V, OW Ill -HU\ey, S<M-y, ... oft"'"' CTI. F.,mer 171 Ind N--· W -Clylle, >-1. L S<•.Wry, l·S. HA\ , ....... nO. '-JO'>n~ Cll, I Co• CJI "' n.343 OrloofA '· •• , .... e..1 .. _.. l01 000 '°' ... 0 «-~ Clly 000 000 000 o 1 1 Fl•"-Ind 0..mp"''· l4HWl.,d. E «-~'Ill -Por1er w Fl-. ..... L L-d. •·• HA• B•lllmo•e. Sl ...... IOfl l~I. L. M•' 11 SI A ll.619 .._.,,6,Y-•S H•• Y-100 100 110 S 11 0 Mtl•-· 100 001 JOI _. ll 0 Ft.....-611, •. O•vf• c.i. Go\W911 111 •ncl M""""'; "'°'"fl· ~tro ••>. M<CI.,•• "' .. nd C. Moore. W M< Clur e. S I L G0\'1911. 1·1 >iA\ Mil•"""""· Coo!>e• l 1111. N-Yor\, *"'"' fl?l. Randolph ISi. "' ·•7,9?1. ~·~l.A'•I !>UUle 001 000 000-I • 0 06«1-000 000 000 0 II I t4onocutl . MclAUQl\lln fll end Slln\Of't, '-•nQfO<d llfld """"""" W HOfleyCUll, 11 L unQIOnl, s. n."' • 1.s~. NATIONAL LEAGUE o..,.rt II, A1tret I Let....... M-• ... "... . ...... LOpe\, 1b 4 0 I I J c:;o..111, 7b S I I 0 Au•Yll." l O O O C Arnio,," J O I O l Mrtnt, -,, I I 0 0 l•ncl\ly,1 1 I I 0 G.rvey, lb S 1 1 o Puhl, cl • 1 7 7 Cey,:111 •170 J Cru1,lf 3 1 10 <Mol•, pll I 0 I 0 W•lll~ If 1 I 1 1 -· rl 0 0 0 0 C•bell, lb 1 o o o e......... s > 1 , •-·~. P o o o o F.,~rl 11 I I Boclly,pll 0 1 00 fllon""· rt l 0 1 0 Norm...,,..,p O O O O Veeoe<,< 4 I 0 I (-,pll I 0 0 0 0 T ....... \, <I • I 1 1 l..ontrd. rl • I 1 I H-h, P 1 0 I I >iOWt , Jb 4 0 1 0 L•C.•-.P 0 0 0 0 '°''lll>Y,< 7 0 0 0 P•lleon, p 1 O O O r IW'oop, p o o o o AICMI lb I 0 I 1 J Nlr~rtl,P 1 0 0 0 Wtlh•m•, Ii 0 0 0 0 Y •IOfl, pll I 0 0 0 L•Corle, p o O O O 8•1dWon, c 1 0 0 I lo lell J'I II I\ • fOl•I\ l7 7 IJ I ~--•Yl•RI~ L01 Aft9elto\ 03S 01n 000-II HIH<\lon 000 000 IMI I ~ J. Crv.t OP LO\ A"lflll"" J, Mou•lor1 1, LOB-Loi A119•IH e. H OllllOfl t . 18- <Ltnd,,~toy, J Cru1 38 W<1lllno. MA tlou llJI. !>8 0 Tllom in 7, Y1t"9"'· Leondrd. S HouQn. P-'11er'°41. LffA...... I" M It llt a• io HOuQll (W, 1 " I I l l 1 3 UG~w 0 7 4 4 7 O P•ller\On 1 J O O O I " ....... J Nh!V O IL, 14 Ill ) , fl I fl l 1 Wllhem\ ' • ? I I I 0 LACor le 4 J l 0 I l ll•-0 0 0 I 0 Aot>erQe 0 0 0 0 .N ......... n I 7 0 0 0 0 l•Gr-ltefld • btll~r\ •n 1111 MBP By HouQh IC.~tll WP-HOUQll, ... _,., l -1 ~ A Jl.011 .... , .... ~· ''"''"""" 000 001 100-1 • , AllMI• 000 000 000-0 fl I L.CO.\.S, 8.ttr Ill -BeftcJI, P Nl~~ro tnd 8e,.ec:ltcf W La(Oh, 10 4 L P '""''"o, 1•11. A-71,'71 CtrtiMh S, .......... !>I. LOUii tn OOI 00.-5 • 0 PMl_I...,.. W -.._. ) I 8 . Foncll AM sc .......... ; Etpll\Ott, 6tuti.r UI, Ee\lwklt CTI -M<CMwr. W-8 . FM~Cll, 4 t , L-1!!1 ... •0H , IH A-tO.m cm. ...... , Cltkf90 OIO ... 012-t ' l He• YMlt 000 001 001-7 1 0 M<O..,.,_, Tidrow Cll, Sufi.er Ill and 81•<11 .. 11, ~~Ill; 0 . CUit -Sl .. rM. W Tldrow, t 1. L-£. 1:1111 l·l. Hlt1- Clllc-.I(....,.,_ l , IJ71, A-13,IU. 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H•.,., J im Colbe'1 l OU C,ritMm Forrett Fe1le-t Jell Mllchlltl Rn Flo~ v1c1or A-•-Morr•\ H•t•ti•' C•tv1n Peet"' l(ermll Tarley p.,, .. , J.t<ob"'fl !>t .. vt-Ve-r•ato J,~,, • Pate fom Kiie J1m~1m~ Kf"n\ttll M lllt> A~tO How•rd fw1Uy oa.~s1ou1on '>coll .,,....,.,.,.. JOit Inman N otnMrCumbe• Art Wi&U Aon S1tM.I!. flol)Oy Col~ 80ll GllOer e.,,, Jee<i.et Rooor Olvln Boll Sl>e•••• Jerry H...,d 8111 l(rall.,.I Jnry Mc<.- 8ot>Wynn Ol.rl•• c-i, At• CAidweli l•nfly Waclktn~ Ll"GA TOUltNAMEHT 1•1 S... Jylle, 0...M<I C•lllyS-k Mary aw,., Pt1m HiOQtM 8•rN'.t Nto1tM\\ Donn& Horton w 1>11e Judy Cl••k O.Ollb!e -l•lrrlon K"'"' Wllllworln Kollls Stacy Am y AICOll !>ilvlt lle<toliKtlnl ... "''~' P•I 9r>ldl"Y J-IAI .. K.tlly~ oo-. c:..... vouno !.ally Llttle ~Floyd Amelleltor-f'f s.ndf • ,..,_. JMci.,11 ......... AllU RtlLt'NNI Bfllll ~­ M.J .5"11111 ~·Poll WOMIN , ... , ... ,,._..,.., .... 111 0 •• 114 .~ .. IJ\ 6161 Ill> 61 f>'f I.I!, u /I 1)6 61 •• Ill> 61 10 Ill &8 •• 1)1 Ml 10 IJI! 101>8 1 IJ b~ 10 118 01 17 IJ<I 611 /I l't'I I I 61 l)<t hi 17 140 ., 11 uu 10 10 140 10 10 140 68" 140 118 II 1411 fl~ II 140 n 61 1•0 t.• II l•U 1>• II 140 ""17 140 "., .. ,, 1>1 n 14CI II•• 140 llHO 140 61 IJ 140 /().10 140 IJ.41 ... 10 /I 141 n•• "' &• 11 141 11 •• U I IU II 141 IJ '8 141 •• n u1 10 II lfl II 10 141 ""' 141 1110 ... 10,. 141 '9·1•-10 11·11-10 11 n 1u /J" ... /J 71 ... 11 IJ 14\ 13 11 14S I> n .,, 1l·l1 10 1\.10 10 11 I) 14) 1' 70-1 .. ,. ,, 141 7, , ... , .. 1111>-I .. 1•10-1 .. 11rn-u1 ll-71>-14' l'rl•-14• 1H4-1 .. 11·11-14' J4·14-I .. IHI-I .. 1111 ·I .. ,..,~ ... 400 free -I. Merybetll Ull•-•.,., ""'"'°" Viejo, •••. 14; '· AnM , ... d .. l. StOllll e..-e. 4:1t.1t; l. Jlldy Scowl, ue ANa SC, 4: ft.14. too bt<k 1. Ll..0• Jete4', MIMIOfl \llejO, 7 .20.1~; 2. Sultnnt Owatl\Y, Can11dla11 Oolplll" SC., 111AM; J. Tine teel,.., PIHIMI HUI SC, J:21AJ, IOO fly -I. ,.....,.,,. Yol(oyan,., El -·· l :Ol.tl; 1, ~le Grltflle>f, ~· Clar•, 1:01.'1: ), ,.,... ....... Oe M1t, 1 :CM.It. .........,,..., -1.s...1.aoar•.•·n• . ·-· -d; Old rKorO . 71.01, CM9dlM ~1e.m..1 200 llldlvl-1 ,,,.ctl•Y I. M•y11ml \'......,_, l"I MMM. 1 11 ~. 1. Mk twllfl AflllOI, Mlufofl VlejO, 2 71.4'; l . 0 1..,. .,..._,~.1 2lJ7 . MaN 400 fr• -I. llrlM a-II, MIHIOll Viejo, )'U.21. C"'"' ..coni; Old record l tt.70 • #Ille er-, "77.1 1. Hll Floel, A ...... Hiii•, l :,..Ot; J, PWloet' Sr-. uMi, J ff At • ,.. !"* -I T°"' ltelly, Wtl....C C,_, 1.-.11, '"'"' Ntonl; old record 1·a.t1, II-f<...W., 1'7•·.I 2 .JolWI Slnlmt. 0. AMAi, t :Ot.lol; 1. Dt .. BtrM•, MhtiOOI Vie- jo, t lt.Jt 2tO ._.. I, .Jft• VMMllO, Min ion v ... jt, t :OUIJ; I. J-"...ttr. El MOiiie, t :-.N: J, ......... 9Mlll<MI, MIUIOOI Viejo. 21-.n. ttt ,.., -t. ~ Slll9ff, Ceowlultl-• ,._...I< ,._, "-JI: 1. Joe lloltofft, Olllcll ..., IC, M.»; l. a. Plac:MI, Mttlfl AC, ,.,, .. ._...,,.._, f, o.tcfl a.y t(, l :SU t. ....,. ,..,,VA&. ............... ......... ...,., .... .. Mt ,,.. -t. lelllltt CM..... Ollft "'"'· Md., t 1 ... u , 2 ...... WHllllt, WM••• Ill,, f:l7M1 l. Mef9llle lltllt, .. ._.... t :a11; •. ~ ......... Cllt-, ................. AM:: ... -:-· . ..,_ .. ~ ......... t:t7A; t. OIMI ""'"~Ina-. """""· t :tt ... : .... c.ttt. ONfW' Mktl,. t 1tt.'81 4. ICatltY H .. llM. Pll.._,911. ,, ..... , .............. ...,_ .... ,,.,... . ....... _ ..... Olllfll, ..... -... Cttt., t i..,./ •• DMe ~ ..........,,, """ 11..at; .. """' .......... Mat 11..WI •. 1'Jlll II t 11, OM ...... . ••••• ,, ........ CIMtar, ~ ..... 1i.w,N..1.,1;•n. Miit ltt tr...iy.. 1 ,111'1 Gr1n1111, Ar"ff<' ~. "n. l Jenn 1"""41. Adem• fll• C.I• , U .. I Jee• ..... JllH r~ 'tt .. lt y, UM. • AlfO t arlef ~ .... 'I ..... , l'e U II I 1100 MIJtry, f•ml)e, ~le , U.,,, •00 in.i.t If.. I Jelln \ll•ld, Atlll A•llt•, ·~· t .ltmel K1191tr, Oloom "'1 1011, 1..0 , • 01 10, J, lrl•n lto!My, W-1-HUI\, 4 QIU, 4 T ... LlllC.._, .... _, e.dl, ••11.ff '~ Cl!Lllc Kit.Ow • ll•M~•y, H .I • 4 It J,l 100 flJ I Jim H•lllbul"IOfl, 8loom- l11tltt1, IM • U U. l. O•ot Pol'1e•. C.tbon- d•I•• IU .• SI 11. J ""•J Murl•\h, Fe,rt••, Y•. I I,.,• l'tlU HOtl'l-1 8aflll0', M•lnt, M 01 ' lltlK• 1"11rn"~· l11•Un, M SI , I MOii Mo1c..-., C..o.n c;ro••.,. oo l.0$ A&.AllllTOS rr1My'111....i1t llltl ti U""tM ~..-tt-11"'1' r tr\I , •• KtUQllillt ROr'I I Ad•"'\ r ... N , 00, CllMAO\ Klodo llt•••u••• I 80. S .0 ')mooln Country CW.Iv_,, l UO, $1 e~I• CJ .i P•ld IOJ 'IO *on" •e<.• C.....<H Duel 0.hQ"I IH•'11 I l10 • V, 1 IO SOild V•lutt l~•nl 13 .0, • .,.. I •net HOu"' IW•l""'I J IO 1 hlrO rll(e c.1111 ... 1 CNl•QC I Ht •ll ) 00. I .0. 7 10, C.0 Cll.t<ljl On I MllCMlll J 00. 7 .0 Wo1""°"lll 181 O<lh l J 00 Four111 •t<t &oooi. ,.,e<klo IAO->l•I )I IO, IS IO, I .0, lc!•llO W11y tFr~yl t IO, •IO Krh11 I'll~ IMolc.llt'lll t llO \7 •u clo It 11 P••<l&&)OO f lffn 14U.• kuth Allt• C8tOO"-\) \110 I' 70, • 40 Jeh..O.ltr Ou• O I (r•oll"" • 80. J 00. ~··· E• Up ' '""'W'•'. 00 S l•th tM.e f •t tiite u.,n • P•·tnttrr 10 7U, I 40. ) 10. \rnoulhy <;trthf;,I Bur tSwofnJ 10 ~. I llO. ,,... (,•"I PMrM>fl l>iMll J 40, S7 ~· ••I~ II &I P6•d 1911 XI ~--•nth fMff f_.,\•1(h c.~n~t\OYA , .. Mftl I 80, 4 .0. 4 00 M ilo ),;t C rr'*A\urttt It 00 ~ •O. Oh w ...... (hi•~ IOU!\jl'\\I b '° f •Qhlh t.C• f 11111" \flitf IW.lt\'~"' t?OO, 6 •O, •IA f ~\I AePrn•1 l(.<11d01•I 8 70, \ 411 tma . 1t\I JPI c lrfl.t\U, .. , 310 Ninth t4Kt" LUltd U~ r r~ l\•,1nt }} tO. 8 60. ~ 00 A• '"u,. Jonn-.on f C,, riQ• r • 18 /0 10 10 Oyn•••• fAdnltt J 10 S.1 •'.f1J(tot HS 10 p.tld 10 10 f .. nth •.i•,. rn ... on 1i11•1n tl\+1Qlt>•'f f<t•••O-tl t14() '... )() t IM1t\tu• Untdt 4 'O ') o.0 M r t• t l ttt• ~ f N••I ""' J 4U I { .,., l1t If> 101 P•llllU / IA) Allt n(JAnt,. t )(it DELMA II PrtCi.Ay'\ A•,t.ttt' c >•• .. 4J.<Uy "'°'"".,._"'"'I~ .. , r .,\t t 4K'1 fUCl"IO rt.a\h t('mr,_.,, 4 bO. l 70, 1 bO M4..0n \lr~ll IMf tt.1rQ""' t ~ bO, 4 10 W lnrt M.1tt.vr f UttltA/.tr J \ 10 Y<ond r.-.t .. f¥11tp ,,.,, tOflv"r~I ) IO. 180 J .0 PM\ ._,,.,,,,, At tf'""•tlfll 1 00 J .tO, Oold r,rountJ'·d If 1t\t1tn• <Mf I 10 \I Otuly dOv bh f I J, I.Mid 14 00 fhlld trt<•• (ut th .. l.0'\1 f M,t"torQVfl'- q oo. 4 00, "t 40 ""'"•' tt,n ... 0m •• tittt 1 l lllM> 1 00 ( nvo1 f•• D&Qd"d fUhv,., .. ,, 1 40 \~ .,,.,.(t" f1 U lkUO II 00 I our th,.._.,,. trriu,• •,·,1v1 f.oh1 '''"'''ft Ml. 4 .t0, l JU 'Jl•J() H u• '"'"' C(JlnMH'\I 4 .0 J IO. Ho\I .. ,~. r &rotyn f Hov1lt-\t 11 •o I tflh rtt,.... W;.mcJ.,.,,ul t tlll.1 cc 1tml).1'I 1 80, 3 80, J 00 Mour~t fNC11um101ni Q 4'0 .. 40, Lfl'Of'if'""O ( 84"011\) ) 00, ,., t'A,U. '" 14 61 p"o<l 111 ~ \11tl" rtK-1• J~t.80'1~..-'M' tt11to1w1 tie 00 ~ 40, ) 00, Mt\\ MdHdkP\h f Pl .. tl .. f ) 6() 1 llO lntlQIOf' I Put< ay I 7 lO S"vftnth rot... Pttl~11m (~hr,.~m ... -..,, I HJ(.() 3 80. 3 •O. rlf\I '>•P I P1n<·••' 7 80, '60. P10n <1mo f fOfol l IO '""'~ti" (f> o p-41d bl W I ; 0 h t h , " I ,. K t ,. b y· M u • I ,, •• f 0f"l•hOU\\Ay.-I b 10, 160. J 40, "'""" f'\\ K•'"'"d• ( ... 1 .. r«f"t 4 60, J 60 ( Utrtt "'OU f M••n.tl 4 00 N inth rM,. H.t()t)y ll"i" •M( .. ,,,,Q\it>I b 80. l 80. 1 10 C.IO()IJ f.lr1 •1(1Alif'1 ( f(il'(1; • .0 ) .tO (•\\left,... f~hO(Hn100t I J 10 \~ 4•Attt 1..e 17 bl Pdtd II 'lO •11•n<1M1<.e 14.407 DUTC" Ol'EH t•t Hitve rtt1m,. N•ttwrt•tMhJ O...rtertl11•i. Uh p,.n,ne,. Of'f J,..ttn lou1\ ti.till• to I I ft b • J•n JffJiCltt\ drf P .. lpr M< ""'"n.,1 4 & J. • I LOUISVILLE CLASSIC Oll.art•rtln•I\ John A•t-.canc:)flr Ot•f Httrold SrJlornon b J. &·•. CllOI fell"IW!' d<Jf Oeon Jaull<'rl I ~. 6 I EOctot Olbl>\ d<•I VlllOr Amay~ b 1, b I, (>' GAAHO PRIX TOUANAMEHl U I Kll1-llel, AU\lrt<tl O...rlertln•I• Vlt"' t,...rulmfl\ dot , .. ,,.w r t 1mulOYH. I \ b J ••mn1 L~·nth•,HJt ().-f WOtl•·~ r 10..•t t, I, ..... ' He~n" Anhol d••t V1n4u11" H11111 t h J b <4 Hof'\• M ttndltkOv01it4 ~·, f lty y,.,,, .... ~ J • s I .... EXMl81fl0H TOURNAMENT l •I MOm .... llltr, F,,1101 s.""''""''' Jof\n Ml£ nrOJI' df"I r.,u;flHmo \ltll'I\ • ~ ~ 1, ~l .. J~mmr (.onnor~ <t•·• fl·~ t4a\lflft..• ~ b ft 1. .. , OIRASIHOOORTOUllNAMENT ••• ·-· Atr••I Sem1f1nci1t• 81111• _,..~n KtnQ ~I ( YOl\nf GOOIAQ!)n C.o.,ley,,_J J • I\ T"ll W•a1t'S TltOUT l'LANTS LOS ANORLl!S -Bouc!~I C•nyon Crt••. C•\tatc L•k•. Pvr4'M•d q9\1uwoir, \An G•btlfl AlvM IC&\I Fora1, UpPtft Ptru Creek IFrOlft<CIWnMt'\ ftall. SAN a •1tNAltOIHO -Olq Uear LA,e, JenU l.tU, LYll" Crl}f'k IMlctdl• .•no Norlll ForUI, !lllvtrWOOO A~MJ•VOlr ' Misc. ,ltlDA'l"S TltANJACTIOHS •AHtALL NetlettalLt,.. ... MONTltlAL EXPO~ A<fl.,..led Cllrl\ '""'· •••rU1op, from Ille dlWt>O.O llSI $af!t Ken MKllt, lnll~lder, to a.ti ... , OI Ille A-tkM ,.._lellon ~llC!TaALL .......... -A.-1t1i... O E T ROI T P1STOHS-Sl9ned J •"'o Mcllroy, Ol/Md, 10 a mulll·Y••• tOOlirttl. POOTMLL ......... , ............... l(AHU.S CITY CMlll'S-Pltte4 Clyde POWtn, '''°"' t•ltlY, enll Fernat100 ..., ... ,, °"9fltlvw ~ki., Oft 1M ltll-lltl LOS ANOELH RAMS-A_ ... 1"'l 0.11t .... ,,u . ofle n tl•• l•OI•. MyfOOI .lolltl-. 1'9M """• ..... 0...wlfl T11<1ter. dr-f.,.tlve INC.It, .... <<Hftlt. PltUd ....... Whit•, C•M•r. en .,.. llljurtcl ,. ...... "''· W•l-•"'11• W•"".,....., llneN<k•• . PHI LAOI Lll'HIA IAOLI S-Wolved ,._ Mite.Miii M9 Jllllge TllOfftat, r11MlllO --·· ' $AM Oll OO CHAll'Olltt-Wlll\tM Ok1t .................... C...... ....... ""9119 TOIUHtTO AlltOOMAUTt-i lorted e 111 P.....W, llOlllll(W, W Oellt lttcll, ttl'lltf'. Plec•JIM......._ .. .....,.,.,ecllte,on IM lll)lll'Y l'ftff" II... Atl .. 9" Oetd ._. ............. COLUH UHIVl ll9$1TV or HIW OALIANI-,.__ "°"' MMtlr altllttle "'""' -Dell lmltlllllM ........... '41K"· .... TM AMe•tCAN t0«81 '-•a•ul .. ........, I. IM Melltl I AMlttCM ..ece• &.ueua .. .................... . c.et ..... I, lect-• I Ille, U O • . . . . . FOR THE RECORD / GOLF Ir :50, Y~ -l~E Plo8A8'Y /lf/IKJNt5 CA11-r11er Mfll TW /JllU 'Tl» FllR I# F6M'f' ~r 'l~Vll. /I/RIST': rh /1f'tr1,v& 71(6 6'1U. ,11 'IOP~ l'IKA ~/UC.Ker l'I~~ FVU'I eX,T?lf/NO IK ,f $1/MltiHT" /../Ale lf#/J 5tttJtm.Y IN HNI/(' ()fl YQtl~ 11~,fp. / r '{()Vil ON'tJHNI IS t.06611..C /KTtJ Tif! 4'11/AI a '111 6tfJ.L. w/U.'~VP /?Affrll., 11!:£~1"6 YOV 7lJ lldl.I> Ydt4t ~ FJ.ICJ( IHX .,,µGHn-f · J.C. Fires 6 4 • Snead Leads Philly Classic Pllll.J\DELPll lJ\ (/\f>) J .C. Snead, a real li ve golfer like his Unch: Sum. pl1tyed White m ars h Country Club's courM· with 1L-. hi~h rough and tree 11n1.-d narrow ru1rwuy), 1n record-tying seven unrkr par &1 Fnd:.iy to lukc· :.i two.stroke l(·ud afll'r two rounds of l ht· J'h1ladelph1a Golf Classic Sn1..•a<I . who l1mg ago e mcrgcd from lhl· .,hadow of unclt• Sam Sn<·<id. c.:h<ir~cd into the· k<Jd tht• lwrd way· lit· had to gl'l up bcfnrt• dawn to t•omph-t1· four h<Jil'" hf his first round -w<ished out IJy an t•arly <·vt·nm g r uin storm lie rardt•ll a lurd1t· and thrf'l' pari> for a lhret· under-par f'8, JUSt three strokes off co leader:. Di.I Vici c;raham a nd Bill Hoger:.. T llf:N ll E Ol't::Nt::O lllS t:\'t::S. Anolhl·r storm '>lruC'k Wh1kmars h. but 1l wa1>n't r am It "'as Sm•<id. lhl· tour's 2Hlh l<·admg mont'y winner with $7li.717 lh · slosh1•rl pa..,s lht· scramhhng c;rah am. a ncl stc·afiy Hogc·rs to 11pcn h1i. 36-holt·. two st roke· a<lv:mlHJW Ill' op1•111•d a Ill st rok1' lt•ad nvcr dd1·nd1ng <·h<tmp111n .Jac·k NiC'klaus who 1s at par 1<12 for two rounds Ni t•klaus JUSt rcturn~·d rrom England wht•r1• lw lll'd for sc•t·ond in thC' Hr1t1s h Open Ho1:wrs, who st<1r t1·d lhc· day <.don~ w ith (;r;cham :.sl GH, playt•cl t•v<·n p;1r Fnday. /\t one potnt ht· :.lq1J1••cl f1 v1· ~trok <·s hat·k But lht• J\ustrahan golr C'fuh d1·-.ignn ralli1·d t11 r.ni.,h th1• day al six undc·r fo r lwo munch. four strok"s off lht· p.1c1· Ill" wai., at t:lli Others 1>lill 1n the· 1·h:1sc 1nt'lut.11· B1·n Crl'nshaw 169·Htl l:l51 and J\nt.ly BP;rn 16868·1361. and Tommy Valentin<· <67·6!l-l:lli1 Al 137 arc Uob Hyman and .John Schrocdt•r Leader Shirks Off Her Butterflies ST~: .. IUl.I E. <Juchc•c 1/\J'I -Cathy Sherk or l'ort Colhorn1•, Onlart•J, overcume <1 rare c<cse of early butterflies to r1re a one ·OVt'r·par 74 <t nd re t ain a share or the lead 1n f''m lay's second round of a Ladies Proftossional Golf J\:.soc1at1on tournament her<.'. S herk. who h ad a rour-u nd e r·par 69 i n Thursday's opening round. 1s tu:.'<f al 143 with Mary Dwyer or Geneva, N. Y., who had a 71 to go with her opening.round 72. "I GOT Off to <1 vc.•ry shuky s tart." Sherk said "I had bt.'<!n fine at the pract1<:1· tee but when I got between the tee blocks on the firs t hole. I had but· tcrfhcs. Jt 's the first time I've experienced this kind of ne rvousness." She rk, a former Canadian <1nd U.S. amateur champion. is in hedirstyear on the protour.1 As a result of he r nervous ness, Sherk saw her three-stroke lead fade quickly. She took bogeys on the fi rst and third holes, then missed good chances for birdies on three other holes on the front nine. She started the back nine with a bo~cy as she missed a IS.foot putt. but got that one stroke back with a sparkling 40-footer on the par-five, 515-yard 12th hole on thC' Richelieu Valley course. T IU: FORM E R AMATEUR champion finis hed in s t yle with a birdie on 18. "It was nice lo finish with a bird and start out on a ~ood note tom orrow," said She rk , when as ked if she would play more conservatively for the re- maining two rounds. "I hale playing chicken when I have the lead ," s he n •plicd . "I will play uggrcss1vcly until the last putt is in the hole ." Magic Pacb Gym As Lakers Romp LOS ANGELES CAP I -Earvin "Magic ' Johnson made his public professional basketball debut Friday night. scoring 24 points to lead the Los Angeles I'..akers to a 107·96 victory over the Det roit Pistons In a summer rookie leaeue game at California State·Los Ange les. Johnson's presence accounted for the largest summer -3,600 -In the leagues nine-year· h istorr and more than 1,000 eager fana wer e turned away from the 1mall 1ymnaslum. Playlng about 29 minutes, the 6·8 J ohnson, the Lakera No. 1 draft c hoice this year from Mlchlean State, scored 15 points tn the second half. He wait n ine for 16 from the tloor, six for el1ht from the roul line and recorded el1ht u11l1ta a nd four steals . The crowd. which has averaaed about 700 a game, greeted Johnaon with a 1tandln1 ovaUon. Laura Ge neral Mana1er Bill Sharman and Portland Trail Bla&en a11l1tant coach Jack Mc KlMey, expect.eel to be named Lakera bead coach Monday, looked on In dellpt. The Pi1ton1 were led by rookie Earl Evana of Nevada·Laa Vt1a1. who bad 24 polnta, followed by Terry Tyler with 20 . "In IM nrst half, I WU PNll~. In tbt MCODd half I felt at ....... Johnton Hid. •I bad beard so much about the crowd rHcUon tn Loi Ana•lt1, but lhl• wu JUlt beauUful, bHuUIUJ." . ...... ' .,. _____________ _ It> > -It> o"O Ill > -... ... <ll • o>..c: -Q) -E-g OOE u::: <1.1 Q. <ll c ..c: > 0 -= ... >It> 0 o -0 V'I ·2'i ": <1.1 M ... tn 0 111 Ill -.~·- 111 Q; a! Ill .:.: "O Ill Ill := <i> .2 <1.1 111 E ... -o E ~ "O l'O "O • 0 w z cf -..c: Q) c 0 ..c: a. >- u <1.1 \,. ::> -l'O c OI If) u ... -I/I 0 ): :;, w ... 0 0 ... ~ Q. w 0 z 0 5 :> u a: u f!ICS /CAO§WOAQ llAIMADUll 'Y lrM Andlr• FUNKY WINK!RllAN .. ·~ ·) \"" . I "Mormodukel You con't get your fovor· lte choir Into your dog house I" SUPERHEROES ~ Cl.<mw6 IN A~ ALLIJV l~OROe~ T06£1 ~AEr Ct;Alfl< KINT. •• SHOE ' 1 ~ II • MOON MULLINS THE FAMILY CIRCUS "Ever since the day y041 broke Y04K arm falin' off your skateboard, I haven't been atMe to find mine.'' DENNIS THE MENACE t-i~~------~~~-1 1 I MISS PEACH • A~f~U~ l~C,AUlf I ntf O'-'t> ' S-oNG{ I ~ > 1 • '-' I 1 , 1 • 1 , 1')) f/,l V It I I 1 by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta ME.4NWHIJ.F .•. I \ ,. .... . /1 by Jeff MacNelly by Ferd & Tom Johnson NANCY MY DOLL CAN TALKCWAL.K I AND RY ORABBLE OR . SMOCK CAR e -ro Rf;;N.,-A HE:Ac::>se-r -ro 1.-ISTe N .,-o 1"H e MOYie, c::>ocroR? by Tom Batiuk 'f~IS l~AIR ~A"f '°"°' <:.1H•~CT 1N? or-1 -. I.IC>, or tooRsf: i.JO"f 1 DAILY PILOf .. ,---------------------------------~ ' PEANUTS by Chartes M. SCftull ME'S SORE lt> SET WELL NO\IJ .. ME MAS I ~H6 TO LIVE FOl. I • . • • ! ! • , I • , t ~ , ~ : ~ . i ~~~========:=l i.:.::::~~Yliil& .... _____ ' 6E "''l 6\X ~'f ! IT 'S All .. "#005 I "fMAl-llCS A LOf by Kevin Fagan 11 tlf.. 6M 'fo S'fAitT 6'tt-16-MoRf: ~<>RlLf"IJ\... by George L..emont I 7.zg NIELSEN i -rnc>V6Uf "TUE NerWO!ZK? WCl<E ~~~ YDJ-W 1r--<m1JE lllC QJAL...rrY a= Ql.IW~/J·~ J/!?06,r(ftM Ml~b .. ,, I by Harofd Le Ooux tiE WA5 me G(fAlfST ATHt.!TE THAf 'ffifltf EVf~ ~AS IN HIGH SCMOOL ... AN' WMEN l GU A LITILE OLDER, HE'S GONl'IA TEACH ME TO ,.. ... ~E JU&T LIKE HIM ... by Jeff Millar & Jon Mcintosh TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS ~ 01·11, t Timt~'., -S·t 'Jitui: -Bd'>l:lldll S~ (.. ,1,,,11° '" ~n1 l.itmr 1 ~ NYS£ 'ii> P•,• u11ooy111 [ltH.i,1 ] wort)•, 11 Snak" 14 -lJIJOCfto• t ~ Four C..ornt> lorm 10 Ctiine'>e pa. god.i 17 Banat 18 EApanlJ 1 Wf)rtJS 20Pante1 22 ScOlhSh Skrth 23 Boi 25 Jnaran 28 Weaver s 1eoo 29 Ch11c1 JO Nest wrttr 2 words 32 The cream 34 Part of NRA 39 Sou1h - 42 F'ee 43 Seamen 45 Man's nick- name 46 Handled 49 Abner's fa· lher 'J6 lnv•r.1 bO fol'•'lh•·'. b3 Stt:nl 66 Unlll• J 61 S11.i1qhll·11 f>8 $coldW.tl.j 6q -Aorem 10 S.inc.11ty 11 Loather DOWN I Pp1fl)Hl1 ) 5"1101 l -00""'"' 4 Fragrant w1 S Golf items o Common phrase 7 word<, I I Opoqraphy d School orq 'I Alder Scot 10 Frame 11 COfal mass 12 Fry lllJhlly 13 Dupe t9 Posse551v•• p1onoun 21 Luau food 23 Energy 24 Ma1orca poll 26Growl UNHED FF1al0rr Synd1ca1c F 110<ov !> Puutr• Sol~ecl 21 Small Sult1x JO Srrataqem l l Lul:lo~ted J3 Th1ee Pre· foy l~ AOove Poet 36 Milk source 1 worcll> 31 One of E11a's ~Cllb0!. 38 Ogles 40 C1ncn 0111 41 Space •4 Fabrics 47 Pesters 48 Siumble ~Pork prod- uct 51 Solo 51 Pa.nted 53 Race sec· 11on ~5 AbOul ~l Tablet !19 launder 61 Bu1lamg ad· c1111on 6:> Bmcl EM Fr. lltle 65 Month: Abbr. j ' ! l I I ~( • JI Telerision ........ ..... • • 141 ''TM OllMw .. C ... , lteJll•" le•CI, '"• le'""•' All Oeo,e r ............ ,..'°~" ,....., ....... ...ci ft ..... l.lnl ~~IAU.• ....... • *" "l •• 0 1 '"• Law .... " (1"4) Oale "9lleft1M1 YWOIM'e 0. c.tio. A IYClle -.i e Ulmi• Ml ~ __ ..,.. 1141 ,....., •• __ ., !ti • ............. ,,II lo.in 11 "'·· 301'11111./ I vax~ 11GawMAMle -TMeW\-YIAM -1 =ANP l.AIUWf * • • "fronll•r Ge1· I 1 .. 51 ~ OeCetlO AOd C-on. A lei•tr ...,.. NIOOn-ll~ , ... e WMllfy INlflma.Wel l<nOI wt1tl • notortou• ouu-11 hf., 30 rnltl ) F run T ark1•nt on I r1,.:h U d1ub w1lh AB • :o,µor t:il'tt:>h .•r JIU \\ urd ('o~dl dur111g his p laying <la ys \\1th t ht.• M1nnctsola V 1k1n ~-. !\lo\\ ht•':. 1oim •d th(' ABC brott<ku:,t ll'<lltl a ncl will <khut Ill thl· lmnth for todav ·~ lla ll of Fam<• Gunw lwtwt.•\•n l)l.l lla ; mtd 011kl:ind :tl 12 JO 0 11 ('ha nnt•I 7 • ~UPONA Ct.AUIO • YOGAwmt ~ 10;IO. Cl) TMZAH I aUPER llYIH I THI JET80HI O~AHO WILD90Y I NAatMLlE MU8C YOGAWl'TH MADILM Uitol PM~ SHOW 0 N*PAHTHE" 90M i<N'lOFF'S .,....,,...,. ''The Oe\111' 1 Tldlet" T 1141 Oe\111 Pfoml-lo give en ettlat -'th and lame II he wlll p-.n hi. IOUt • NATIONAL ~8"CtA1. "The Great Mojave Oeaert" The Mojaw 11 a lllet'lt, -· landtcape Of twilled rock. arid p1e1n1 and dty !ekes I llST OF FAMlllES YOGAWfTH MADIUNE 11;118 MIUALL UllOI DMONET 0 AMIAICAN MNDITANO I QETSMART YOGA WITH MAD€UNE 11JOO 8 Cl) SPACE ACADEMY 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA "A Time To Ole" G MOVE * ~ "Eut Side Kida" I 19401 Denni• Moore. Vtnc. Barnett T"-Eut Side Kldl get tengi.o up •n • -• ol c<>n1lc adven. turM. (I ht., 30 min) I IOUllMIN T~ lorllldled by en lnf«teel ,..,., • Jal eotMa down with. deadly,..,.,, • MOVIE * * "Tawny Plptl" p9U ) Adwntura Englllh town .. peoplfl orgenl~8 10 oull a epecle1 of la•~ corn• to hale!\ her egg1 ( I hr 30 mlnJ CD OUIOHIHO HOMIE ~ "Flni-'>•no Wiii\ FabrlCI 1a-.JO I (() f AT AlMJlrT (II WIOI! WORLD OF SPORTS LI,,. co .... aoe or '"" AFC I NFC Miii OI Fame game b etween th• 0•11•• Cowl>Oy1 •nd the Oe~ llM Atldetl ltom Cen ton. Ohio 69 0£$0HtNO HOME INT£AIOA8 "Tl\e End• Ano Oull 01 WlndoW9" 1:CIO I (() AM ff 81GVAU.EY VICtOfla ...,., to f1no me Oetall• of her huebeno'a pe11 • HONEYMOOHEM' TAfP TO IUAOPE "You'•• In Tl\e Poctu1e" Aalpt> ge11 Into trouble when • Spenl1h pl\otogra- pnet ano his girl lrl&nd ettempl 10 blackm•ll l\lm wllh a pnoto ,,...., took of R1lpt> wotl\ Ille gift 11J MAACUSWEl8Y, M.O. A young man wtio r egeina hrs alglll ht& 1ec;ono l houghll about h•s engegenient 10 a bllnO g1r1 11'1!) 0£81GNINO HOME 1N'T£At0As ··what To M•ke Ot A Wall 1:30 II Cl) FILM FESTIVAL ··soap Box O&rby" A g•OIJP ol IChOOlgl•I~ dec108 10 P<OYll 1"6ir worth to theit m•le 11Cnoolrnath by entetlng 11141 annuel M>t p bO• detby (R) G MOVIE * • "Abbott AnO eo.1e110 In The FOfeign Legton" f 19!50) Patrlc:lt Medine, Waltw Slezak. The boyt 1reve1 to Alglera ano promptly become Inv~ In IOcal lnlf~ ( f hr • 30 min I • AlTONOCHSH£RAT 80 Dr AllO'I Ochsn(!<. one of ChannPI Li#I ing• 9 KNXT !CBS) Los Angele':> 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angelo!. • KTLA (Ind ) Los Angele!> 8 1<.ABC· TV !ABC) Los Angelo•!> (() t<FMB (CBS) San Diego D KHJ·TV (Ind) Los An11elo~ 9 KCST (ABC) San Diogo I KTIV (Ind I Los Anqof!,., KCOP·TV (Ind l Lo~ Angt•I••<> • KCET· TV (PBS) LO!. An90Co!> • t<OCE·TV (PBS) Hun11n!)to n Bti<JLfl th<J '"'' lt1 1 unn4Ct llmoll 1ng """ lung Cl'llGlll, 11 hon0tlld on '111 l!Oltl bllll\ d •Y OI) OHIONINO HOME INT£AIOM "Ore .. The W1J19' 2:00 9 l<ID8WORLD (!) U .S MINI · OLYMPICS U BOHANZA A dying m8fl H~I [ lllle Joe 10 111ke hi• or•ml· <1•UOhl81 10 Sen Francisco 10 lrnd ,_ paternal gr•no- , .. het G) SPARTACADE '79 G) MOVIE • * ·~ "flame 01 The Bar· bttY Cout" ( 19461 JOlln Wayne. Ann Dvorak A C•I· , .. ren<:,..., trevels to San Franc;l1co wher• become• Involved gemblt111. 011\get 1omence (2 l\rs I fll) BEYOND SANO OUHE8 h• will\ •no Thala..a Ceruso n•rtfltea tl\11 dOC\lmentary on how tl'le .. nd du"" at Cape COO eppeer to walk ano swallow frees 6'!) APPUED SKETCHING "Sketching Flo-a·· CJ) MOVIE * * * ' TM Thing .. (19~ I) Jame1 Atn&u, Dewey Martin A U S re!Mlirch Slellon In Ille Arctic II haun1eo by an -ie being (I hr . 30 min ) 2:30 9 CORAL JUNGLE fB THE AMERICAN fWtR E.llernlllft en unpollul.O river In C•lllornl• and eaplo<M the hletory of maintaining the river'• purity G APPlm> SKETCHING ''Sketching EyH With Expreulon" UIO 0 AONCUl TUM U.8.A. Hoat Jonn Steern1 g MOVE * * 'h "Topper Te1c••· A Trip" ( 193111 Con11ance 8ennell. Roland Young. Topp.< 11 IOll<>wad by a gl>Osl when he tlkn • trip to the Rlvlflra. (2 hrl.) l1J MOVIE * • \h "Tl\e Day Oi The Trtlt10s" I 1963) HOWltd Keel. Nicole Maurey Aller • meteorite ahow9r leavee mOll of E11rth'a lnh11bU11n1s bllna. eome 11r1nge IM<ls tum Into mtn-eellng planll which engulf enyl hlng coming neer them. (2 ,..... ) fll OUTINTAO 6'!) APPllEO lt<ETCHINO ,.'fl-&,~" INCTAGUL.Nl C-• ti Pet1 1 of IN --~~ Tl'ldl MCI ~ 0- frOM H•lrolll, Kan~•: ...,.., "o .,..,.. "-· .. °'*'• "°"' ~. r-. ~ .,,.,. -MOt~ reGlng lrOM l'\oriCSa: U.I . llngle .... UllllrlllMd ~ ~. ofl-foed ........... lrom lOe Angelee. • IVlltVWHPa Holte· loyd Mll!M)n, fell· cl• Jelet • WW • * * ' Tygboet Annie" (1933) ~.,1. 0r ..... r. W..._ llMry A WO<klng woman and her 9tlltt .... l'lulbtnd atay togethet OUI ol law fOf ll\elr IOn ( I ht . 30mtn) • TUNWIOllT "Htrd-Hatte<I Woman" Fem• blue-collar worl<- .,, lace prC>Clleme 01 pr•IU· dic. •n<I h.,.._, on Ille lob • APt'lJU> IUTCHINO "Sketc;tilng Wood And Wooden Thing•" ttl MOVll • • ·~ "Congralulallon1, lt'a A Boyl" I 19711 8111 Bixby. Dien• Blk9f A carefree pllyboy Oel• tv•ned 11ouno wt1en a teen-eg• boy •PP••" clalmlng to be "'' son ( I hr ,30mln l • MOVlf ••'A "Ptlm Springs W"ken<I" (19631 T•oy Donehlle, Connie St11Yen1 Palm-Sptlnga la lnvllOe<I by hOfOM of eoffege llUOtlnlf 12 hrs I flil LATINO COHIORTIUM "P••• Me Pueblo' '1i) IHTROOUCIHG IMOlOOY "The Sen1111" • QUE PAJM, U.S.A.? Adele b1lng1 e p1HKI to coonMI Carm1111 end JOtl aher ,,...., 11111 doing YoO" end Hllng macroblotrc; lood• CAI 11'1!)~ BIOlOOY "Tt.._ Eye And TM Eer·· 6:00 9 PE<>Pl£'8 OORNEA Holl Joe [)yet GuMtt M arcelle Meyer. Leo Mouton. Mery Noble. ond Debbie Barber or 1"41 Los Angelell Councll on Deal- nesa Cl FRU-4-ALL Moel· frenlt Kwen 8 8TARTAEK Thi Ente<PtlM I• •ur- rounded by an ellen "'9b .. Spock and McCoy -Ch for Kin 's body whiCh wu IOll In l()ac41 11J MOVIE e • "King Kong Eaca1>11" (llltf) AhoclM AHaon, Lind• Miiier. 0.. Who con- alrucll • giant rol>Ot and p111 tt egelnll Klno Kong In • 1trugole for wo1td doml- n•llon. (2 hra I • MOVIE * * "When The North Wind Blows" (1974) Oen Haogarty, Herbert Nelson. An old trappet Ml• out to ,_., • pef( ol Siberian 1110W tiger•. 12 hra I 9 IOCCEA W•I Bromwich Alblon Vt Wohlerharnpton Winder· .,. ID INTROOUCIHO IMOl.OOY "The Endocrine Glenda" CJ) SIX MIUJOH OOl.l.AA MAN Ttte doctor wtio crNteO s 1-·1 bionic 11mb1 •• kid· TUBE TOPPERS ABC 8 12:30-Hall ot Fame Game. Football mukes its entrunce as the Oulla8' Cowboys and Oakland· Raiders op~n exnibltion play (see photo at left>. KCOP m 6:00 -"Boeing. Boeing." To ny Curtis and J erry Lewis star in this comedy about love on an airli ne sche dule. CBS II 9 :00 -"Th e Wilby Cons piracy." Revolution in South Africa is the theme of this movie drama with Sidney Poitier and Michael Caine. n~ and St-11 ulteel IO f*C> llnd him. o..-l:JO. wcw.D Of' IU'MYAL "TheQf .. I Salt OMerl" ..... ID "'"'®UCIHO lllOl.OOY "Autonomic Narvoua Sy1tem" QI MOVIE **'It "A T111e 01 Evil .. I 1971) 8etbar• S1anwyck, Barbar• P.,1r.1n1 Altar t perl(llng NVet1 )'Nia In en in.-••Ylum, • young woman return• to her VIC- IOflan manek>n whet• ...., molhet It... IO drl.,. het mad (I hr . 30 min.I EVENING t:OO. ()) cu NlW8 I HeCHEWa MOVll! • • "40 PounCla 0 1 Trouble" I 1963) Tony Curtla. Siaenne P!Mhetll A cabaret owrier and his club alnget find their hanaa lull wnen l"-Y egrM to take In • trou~ but lovable tytie (2 tin I ., MOVIE * •·~ "Boeillg. Boeing" ( 1965) Tony Curtll, J9fry Lewi•. A coupole of c:elcu· 1111ng pleyt>oya devl-• cittYer plan 10 keep up wtfh their hee'llc kWe llv••· I' hre) 9 PAIUETIME .. In~ Strangth1" Hoa1 Don McNeol dlec:u-hll vi-11\111 lllftfe IS no un4- ve<1el lorrnull '°' 1urv1va1 into en excellenl Ola age m INTM>OUCIHO BIOLOGY "Anlrnel BehavlOf'' 8:30 I Cl) NEWS MARY TYLER MOOM Tao hu •udhloneO 10 noat a New Y0tk gerne ano... ana Orlvaa everyona up 11\e wall 'With hit lmpettenCfl 10 know II he'•~ choHn 9 OPEHMINO "Why D0419 Everybooy Sue?" OuNI Wllllam J McGiii. 8i) HOa<IHQ VAUEY llWEGMM "Stoney lonetom41·· 7:00 9 THIE PAICE 18 RIGHT 0 11.lt BEAUTY SHOW 8 W£ TfACH OUR CHIU>AEN Thia d~lery explOr• Ille experlencN ol • blade. a W114t• end • Chicano chMd during the llrll l ht rnonlha of • new ICtlOol lntegr ••Ion plan ,,,., too« ettect S..,i.tnber. 19711 11J IUCKS Hoat· Je" Kulish. Oueata· Cerol DouglH, Na.red• Mlchael Walden • 1.A~WEU< .. BroedWey Mulical•" • 2'TOMGHT Gi) AU8'TIN CfTY lMO'I "V.-Clement• I Gii• rnoulh 8rown" Clemerlll pity• l>luegrue; Brown pl•y• a numb« of dlflerent ln11rurnent1. ()) I.A TIN PAOf'U . I THAT'I HOU.YWOOO 7:IO TWO OM TMa TOWN Connie CflunO ooea to Oektand to Yllll with • ..._ 1>1 .... couple and 1Mlt child. Si.-Edwwda tr.,,.._ to Yuma, Attzone to uplofe the world of ho«>oe. ·~'8JO ''I'll Dance At Your Wedding" The Alley1 1truogle to eoMe to gripe with their Cf!lld'a dNI,_., unm lhey rNllia that t'*< eon can gtow up to 11,.. • productive, normal Ille CJ) KUN'8 PeOPt.E t:OO 8 Cl) MO HEWS MAM To In-• e hol b9' thet t.._ pieced on''"' Beer• to win a big game, Bunermeker IHChetl hie l .. rn llVfllY dirty lrlCk he cart 11\ltlk of (A) 0 Ct4IPI Ponct> and Jon go under· COVllf 10 ••P<>M e PfOll(; tlon recht preying on a -""Y OIO man IRuoy Vallflel anO hi• g<ancl· oeugh111 CAI 8 IMO 8ATTL£8 "Pacific Rlllng Sun .. 8 QI 1.ATTLUTAA OAlACTlCA A my•latlou1 wtrengat gr1n11 the Ga11c11c;1·1 crew thre• wlshaa In e1<Change for their bllnO Obed+ene4I (Pirt 2 Of 21 (A) 9 MOVE • • • "Lora Jim .. ( 196!>1 Pete• O'Toote. Jam&A Muon B•Md on 1114 novel by Joaeph Conrad A young man H crlltces 1\11 Ille fOf ti.. nallv• ol 11'141 Malay1n jungle 13 hra I • UPSTAIAI, OOWNSTAIM "GOOOWlll To AN Men" WMle 1"41 tMI OI lh<t '1ooaellold M foya Ch1111. mu Cfllebrallona, 01111y and Q4org1ne go on • cl\erll•bte m1M1on 8) MOVIE 4t *'~ .. L1e ulenent Scttuste<'a Wife .. (19721 LM Grant. Jeck Warden A oeed pollcemen ·a wife e11emp11 to clea• him of bribery cnergee ( 1 hr 30 min I • MaTlNO OF MIH08 Steve Afletl dl9Cu-UP• •Ill puntah,,_,t. revOlullOn. crlmlnel 1ual~ and the erlecla Of 11ave1y on numen 1>e1no1 will\ F'redllt· lck Doug! ... (Aoac;oe l M Bfowne). T1'u-hll (Beuleh Quo). C•1•r• 89ClCarla (Rober'! Cerrlcar1 I. and n.e Marqui. de Sade CSteten Gteruc:h) (R) • COW90Y Cl "i88eC8 "o..th v...., Outi-" l:tO 8 Cl) JUST FNEH08 A <lelperete Su..,, ...... advice on how 10 dl1COUrege 11\e romantte attenttona ol ,_ kinky,_ nelQnbOI t:oO e ()) cee MOV1£ • * '-9 "The WMby Conic*· ecy·· I 19761 Sidney Poitier. MlchMI Caine A blac:tl Soulh Alrlcan revolution· •rr .... ott wtth hill i...,.,. end • reluctent while ,,.,_ '20·20'-Eyewitness News on Road By PETER J . BOYER LOS ANGELES <A P > ll scemi,, at first. like a scene from a movie. A gritty. shabbily constructed movie. Then you reali ze it is some kind or news report from Southeast As ia. The reporter tells us in grave tones that he is about to e mbark on a dark and dangerous misHion. Wit.h a thick mus t ache a nd wearing a c ute kerchief around his neck, our cor- respondent looks spiffy, and ready for the jungle. • THEaE 18 MUCH walking and runnini through the jungle, more re- minders of the dange-rs that turk • the rein. and a return trip. We never • find out exacUy wh11t all or Ulla is • about. where the "mission" was ... ' ... · . .. .. •• .. .. < ... .. • • • headed or what were its aims. No matter though. It looked just swell. W e l come t o Eyewitn ess Ncws magaiine, a ls o known as "20·20. •• Your reporter this evening Geraldo Rivera, natty dresser and fancy turner or the snappy phrase. On this partic ular night, Gera ldo ends his segment in lhe s tudio, polis hing it off with a neat little sum· mation of the whole history of In· dochina. "20-20" is the working man's "60 Minutes.·· You might have thought that "60 Minutes" was the working man's "60 Minutes." But t.hls is the newsmagazine formal brought to t.he people -flashy, preferably visually exciting bits aimed hcyond the heads of no one. AND IT IS WORKING. Earlier this month, "20-20" was ABC's top.rated s how of the week, finishing third. ahe ad of CBS' ··GO Minutes," the pro· totype or current TV news magazines . It was n 't ulways so. The first "20·20," last summe r. was a fizzle, a kind or mlsh·mas h or entertainment and news. bul mostly neither. Then came a period in which It was con- Kldcred a "special" of sorts, showing up occaslonally, getting low ratings, then quietly going away. Still sold on the idea or a "60 Minutes"-type show. ABC brought In its news fixer, Al lllleson, to make "20·20" work. lttleson. you may not be surprised to learn. had earned high murks with the network by s preading the Eyewitness News philosophy among ABC's local s ta- tions across the country. IN CASE YOU are fortunate enough to live in a n area without Eyewitness Ne ws. a brief explana- tion. Eyewitness News is a style that has come to be associated with Jazzy. UtillaUng, fast.paced, highly visual news. often (but not always> tem- pered by a little happy talk. lttleson kept host Rugh Downs, fired some folks . hired some folks, and infused the Eyewitness spirit. TODAY 'S LATEST LISTINGS 1111 ....,_ on • croat- ~ Itek to tocete •· ...... .....,. )'Ml't ..,fl. •• (fl!) • IWOM) Of1...,..,.,. ..., encl Na ti""'tend .,. 1114ftepped b~ en ...... l'llilllOMlt• WllOfn ~-_, ... ..-.no ......... t.-.one MCI __,,oduolnO tfwn. (Al ..... ~ ''Pecllle: a.t1inO &II> •• eO LOVllOAT "Super Mom" Ann • Meera. ~ St .... "I'll Bee You Aoaln" Craig 81-, Cyel Oharl1M: "Apr#'1 RMw11" Chato. (Al .... ..,. . aw.ta: Rey Prjee, Slit Andetaon, Roy Ac;u". .......... T The Pw Taylor Del\Ce Company perform• .. Profllea,.. • W«ld pt9"'· lele ~ comm111loned -oecllllly by the AIMflCM Dance Featlv•I. trom OU.ham. Notlh Ca.r~ • IOUNOeTAOE "The Chatlla O.nlela 8eod I Leo Kollk•" Ti,. Cherll• Olnlela Bend pet1orma Ila UnlqUe mla of -tetn 9Wlllg, country roca end b"-: leo l<ollka, m111er of 11141 12·11rlng gult•r. alng1 hta own eompo•l- tH>n. Ind lteOltionel IOlk llOngl f".JO. NIGHT GA1UllV "The TUM 111 o.n·. Cele" A oouple lallc OW< t/Wtot marltel ptobl..,.a 111 a roedeld• cate • Mar- melede w ine·· A youno men lefln ref\io4> 1n • fetlfeel doe10f'• hcJn>e 10:00. 80PPTJWN " rouno men ti.no IOUQlll by lhe l)Ol1C41 l\old• -·· ltl ln ~' ha.te(/41 Wl\lta tie P40t • "'' nc-c;e IAJ • NA.k80CCER Cll1lornie SU'! ~ S..11 .. Sounder• D n}) fAHTMY ISi.AHO A •ececa• orrv.,, 1,..,. tr; rec1w111 ,,., cripQlfnq acG1 df!nl. and a beautolul "'°" toure w•ntli tn l•VI! .. oo< ma1 weei<f!llO IR1 • HU HAW HOHEY8 GUM! TOM T MaH e SPENCEMY Mo.I Marllyn Solomon CD AT THE Wt11TE HOUSE r et1"f lot ,,,. ,,_der ot • 11or• guwd 1n ,.... of lfle cr.eltl OI • Qlltf, • 'AU.Of1.~ "Tiie Leet TMr'' ~ "*'ender "' dlee ~ ly, weell-wllled ~ 1nh•rll1 the Ru111an 111tone CJ) MOYtl * * * "The Red T1111t" 119711 ...._ Finch. SMn ConNfY. A t928 lllgtll to AIMii• .. ~.end,_ cuer• et11mpt to rNdl the •lrended Cf-. (2 hr1., 16 min.I al WW * ··~ "Mecho Cell...,, •. 1111701 Oav10 Ja,,11en, JaM $Iberg ft, CMI W111 P o w MCllPM to •venoe Ne caplut•. 12 hri,, If) rntn I U:AI • MOYIE • * "Fran1<11111teln. The T1ue Story" (Per1 I) I 19731 MIChMI Semuin. J-.,._, °' flrlnlt-1 .. n c;r .. ,.. hi• lmaQe ol .... perlect man elld -•n (2 hra) t.ORNING 12:00 8 MOVIE • • "The Monollll\ Monatera" 119571 Grent WMllerna, Lola Albright Strenge del!ha occur wf'9t\ • meteot 11111• in10 11\e Calll0tn11 deeert 1 t hr ,30m1n I 12:30. MOVIE • • ··rower 0 1 Tettor" I t9n1 Slay Kendall. Frank l'lnlly A leecfler end 9 oetecttve ettempt 10 c11c:t> a mutderer ._ •• " oir11· 'l(.hoOI 11 nr , 30 min I • MOVIE • • ·~ "M<>'11er·· CSllflnt) I 1112111 Vere Beranovallaya, Nl~OlaJ Setalov A temuy •lt1>Q0181 10 ......,.,,. In tll'n-ol-11\e-oenlury Ru- (1 hr.~min l 1:00 0 AOQ< CONCERT OUMta S..ate & Crofte, Glen C1mpb•ll. Doug Kerlt\tW. II.taut_, UcGo- ...,,,, Edd• S.atA EnQtana Oen ~ JOhn f OfO C9"l'f m MOVIE PtM>dtlnt Ind Mrs Carl8r and their gueall '"' ante< 1 llllned by Andt'MI Segovia, a.an Of ci....eal gu•l•rtall, • • • ·~ "C•Uten Kane" I 194 II 0,,on Welln J~ C011&n A young man "'"""' g1eet Wtl4111h, "'11 Cl>OOM111 IO b4 " n-f>- jjlpet OUbllllh4< alter IM:an· dAI 1u1n1 h•I polftic.11 asp•· ••tlOfts 12 nrs 30 m1n I 1.30 D MOVIE •'It '"The Und88d .. ( 111671 Pam411• Ouncen. Rlchero G9'1end 1n 11\e e .. 1 Room 01 111e WM e Houae lO'.» •. NEWS 1':00 I 0. CJ)@) NEWS 8EC()H() CfTY TV • MOVIE • * • ··auona Sf!fa. Mt• Cempbe41' (19691 G1ntt LOOotmgld•. Telly Sav111u An f111111n "'0''Hln " ec-beckllres ,..,,.., llltM Yetfl<llnt lllPl)ellt H eh wanting 10 -1116 dlll.IQhler 1'141'• suppo.-led tor -•y yeare 12 "" I • THE OOOOl£8 T....,. .• •roublll ,..,,,.. • Tyrenf\os1u1u~ R•• G·-·· IOv4 01 a1chMM>I· ogy lano• the Goooo&t on • 1ubterrenaen p1eo1c• "*'' 11:118 MIC NEWS 11:80 8 SA TUN)A Y ...OHT LIVI! Hoel Ric.hara Ben11m1n (RI • MOVIE * * '" "Prudllnee At><! T tie Pllt" ( 19e4) Oeootet> Ker• OeYld NI.,.,, 4 woman l:Mlc-pregnenl - uprln .. 1.i.en 11'\lleed 01 t>+rlh contrOI ptllS C2 ht-a I G MOYIE * * * "Nlglll Gell••~ 1111681 Joan C•t•t..."'o S.. ,.., 5u111....,.. 4 It .... ol Su4- natur el •-.. pr_,.,., ·~(;tlvs' T'IOO .... •tudenlt "- 0 AOYENTUMRS .. M .. Any°"9 Mere SOlll K114ty'1" 1·46 IJ TAUCA80VT WITH TRUMAN JACOUE.8 ®) A8CNEW8 2:00 l1J MOVIE • *' • "l 1111 R11111urt9CllOll Ot ZachAty Wheeler" ( 197 11 AnQ•fl 0.Ckin~on. 8111otoro Diiiman Cl) MOVIE • •1, ~on11111 DemOllah- flf" I 19681 German Robie~. Domingo Soter. 2;111 8 NEWS 2:300 NEWS 2:469 MOVIE * • • "lho Prince Arld Ttwt Sho..girl" ( 19571 Lf<u· •encto Ollvrtor M•rilyn Monroe ~li6 G NEWS 3:00 8 MOVIE • • .. lnv911on 01 TN! SaUCfll Men" I 19~71 St8Vll T.wrell. Glo<la Curmo 3·30-·MOVIE • • • .. A p,.,. or Ootd " ( 19551 Roch•trO Wlornark, '-111 ZeUerllng ., NEWS 4 °' l1J MOYIE • • -w.., Oevtla" (19701 Guy uaoo"on. Jottn .,_,., ._,.I NEWS •JO Ola< VAN DYKE R,)O tn¥11 .. U fellow PT A "_,,'-• 10 "" 1111<W ... on •h""' bul r<><QIH• lo 091 I"" W'lllS Ot1 •Todapf Tony Guida will JOi n the "To· da y" program us "' ncwsc<.1stcr Mond ay, the fourth person in that s lot in 27 years. "Today" 1 s s e C:' n weekdays <.1t 7 a .m . on NBC. Channel 4. FROM Fashion Island Newport Bca~h ST.:EREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR I;-' I ' ' t I -.............. ___ .. _____ -·-- .•ENTERTAINMENT.' MOVIES s.turdev. Jutv 28, 1979 ·~~~----------------------------------~~~~~---------------~~----~~--------~ DAIL V PILOT rt -:: :"'f'riRe Klcl' . I • I I I Gene's Wilder 'l'han Ever a, CllAllLU aYWECll .,.... ............... NSW YOR.K -If It la true tbat tM belt eom· •1 41ertwe from cbuacter. t.Mft Gee~ Wilder ••Y ha" IUa rtebMt movlt P•l1 \0 date ln the title .-o1w..,..r·1 ''TIM FrlteolUd. •· WUcler playa a youna Polish rabbi who I» 1lver\ 8'e mtukw> of aolnc LO I.be New World ln 1850 \0 '-eome tM lfll1tual leader ot a con1re1aUon in Ian ll'rme~. Kls mlsadv('ftturea as ht> travels t acrou tM U.S .. Hpedal· : i ,.._,,.. •o makes Ulla a wlld and ~ Mlnvi&' J Ly lhrouah the Wild Weat. : t REJllEJJ' woolly adventure com· • , _ _ edy that on the strenath : ~...! or the Wilder name IUld 1 "'fl uniquely colorful characte r he plays, »hould _,. too•t "The Frisco Kid" to t.op grosses for this 1enre. , AS AVRAM, A SORT of Holy Fool who gradual· td 87th out of a class of 88 at the seminary. t.rilder brings a kind or sweet res11nallon, yet 1t , fllnaUcal belief in his destiny. that e levates his ~ I . I E••cullw produur THIE l"•l'CO IUO ........ • Proe1uc•r H_.,d w Ko<n Jr M.lt_e N~ut•IO Aot>itrt A10rtCh M•'"'~' Elin. Fr•~lr s ..... I 0 1t .. (10F' • !.Mune>l~y~.. . AM«eNeto1ei.,,_,_ C<HI. GoHle WllOOtr, H•rrlM>n Forc:t, R•rnon 81111, V•I 81S09ilo. Georv• R•l"'1 01Ctn10, Leo Fu<lll, Pennv Pener. Wllll•m Smltll, J"c•Som..:11 Run111nv h me 177 m1nut..s M"AA r•tl"9: "0 J)t!rformance above the usual comic shtick. He is tf>e most inept or Western udventurers, the ten· de rest or tendcrfeet. But for the cool resourcefulness or Tommy <flarrison Ford). a young bank robber with a soft heart who attaches himself to tbis outlandis h out- sider , Avram would perish as fast as a thirsty fish in the desert. But with his deep and abiding faith. and a sort of cele!itial pipeline to the Almighty. Avram is courageous. can be fanatically stubborn and in<'redibly foolhardy It is a plum role that Wilder plays to the hilt. Ford. or "Star Wars" fame as Ha ns Solo. plays Tommy with an acute sense of barnement at the in- cl'edible ways of his s idekick. Avram will not travel on Saturday. the J ewish Sabbath, even when p6rsued by a posse HE STOICALLY t::NDURES trial by fire at the hands of Indian Chief Gray Cloud <Val Bisohlio> lie starts" a saloon brawl with three plugu~hcs <Ra mon Bieri. George Ralph DiCenzo, William Smith> while trying to retri eve a silver or· nament or the siJcrcd Toruh they have stolen from b)m And in a display or utmost Chaplinesque poignancy. Avram go<'s through agonies before he oan hring himself to i.hoot u mun coming at him with death in the eye To !>itY nothing of returning t.h Wl'lls Far~o 'his s hure of Tommy's ill-gotten ~ains from a bank robbery. All in a ll, quite a character Di rector Robert Aldrich. an old hand at bring- f\g out the maximum. entertainment potential trom adventure mms. displays a sure touch for the r obust comedy of "The Frisco Kid... Robert B. Hauser's photography is first-rate in reproducing \he rugged beauty of the Western rs:o.ntier. Frank De Vol's music Is in the Western tradition. Fll.M EDITORS MAURY Winetrobl'. Irvin~ Rosenblum and J ack Horger have given a com· uactiness to this spra wling film .. E spec1a.lly praiseworthy is the screenplay by Michael ~h<;ts ;1nd Frank Shaw which has tappt:d a new vein in the off beat Western hero. A footnote : chunks or Yiddis h o n the soundtrack, mostly without translation, however t-xotic tht·y m uy seem. muy provl' puzzling lo ~he uninitiated; this may he an inlitngiblc in assesstng the Clim 's comme rcial destiny. Mace Neufeld pro· duced this "different" Western comedy; Howard W Koch Jr. was executive (lroduccr LVt:HY ~UMMU< THL (. Rt:.AM OF- AM l:HI AN YOUTH Got:.STO SUMMER CAMP- ANOTI-IE ,. ru:5TGOTO 11 CAMP NORTI-ISTAH. ow ... ·-'*'• 1tA1M1•n-11 "~ hatft "4t·0388 Otfr!Qt 839 8770 --·...uuca .. c ..... U 1oro 51Ml80 Ol.anot 634 3911 ..... tmlll llllT WnlmlllSW 17141 t 9t·393!> Stunt Action Spectators s tood 1n awe watching pro· fessiona l s tunt men dis play their skills with moving trains and h t·licopters for the s hoot· ing of the TV muvat· ··coastal Express." I k ,I ~¥11,l, Ii· ·• BARBRA STREISAND · RYAN O'NEAL ,. , ~ ~1 fl JI' ™''' '"'°' l<IWMllAJlllM I•• ·:· '• 111~1 A• ',:1w;d<tU1 J.'11J·l•·~J,f'o• rl1.'.AA. ~. WJ.'1,,-1"1'1i lJ it Ill• ' 1 ·Al.,,J ~1 iA' 'W!1f) ttr,I & •" " • r f.All 1l~t ~ ~ J.!(l Id W 'llf~ l't:11,.·H 1 JJt\Hl!ll\ r •a•PI<~ ,f~I A' 1 ™"" J'rlth'A"l /ttf ~ l tMA.•lll~l """ttlta IAl'.1•&•~·~•11".Hlll ,. .. ,.,,..,AA~H.1 Iii JJ(/ S 0 ,,, Iola ... , "' Chnu"t'I Mlu1on Ylefo a»attO f "1 ·~!\' .... 'l ~~ ., , . ••. AUDACIOUS, BIZARRE, HILARIOUS ..• " Richard Grenier , Cosmopolitan " ... decidedly entertaining." GENE WILDER 1-f ARRISON t·ORD "THE FRISCO KID" CINEOOME CllA,.HAVI 11IA JIWY O•AIMI IMMJ World War I Remake Filmed HOLLYWOOD CAP> -Richard Thomas and Ernest Borgnine star in "All Qul~t on the Western ti'ront.'' now in production in Czechoslovakia. The film, adaptpd from the classic novel or World War I by Erich Ma ria Remarque. also stars Ian Holm, Pulricia Neal and DonaJd Pleasence. De lbert Mann 1s directing from a screenplay by Paul Monash. · . Lew Ayres starr ed in the original movie. which won an Academy Award as Bes t Pit ture of 1930 . Movie Director . . On Broadway Next HOLLYWOOD CA I» Maya Angelou hus <'Om pleted pos t·product1on on her film "Sister. Sis- ter " and will dlrC<'l her own plc.1) ... And Still l Rise ... in New York "Sister. S ister" ~tit rs Di:.thann Citrrol\ Rosalind Cash and Irene Cara us three ~1str•'S caught in a web or conkmporary mores and m tcrpcrsonal conflict "And Still I H1~t·' ~Ill open ..it the Amai. Theater 1n New York in S<·pkmbcr • "DRACULA IS A DUZLER. It lltl I ltllllllr1i u.t will N difficult lo ovll1ook wt. .. •xt Oso1 .. ,... out. Dn ha llvtr -I lllO'I visllly lllllltifut ........... ,,, HUI I UI IMN. -Gary ~mold. wuning1on Post "LangeHa is a marvelous Count Dracula and gives the kind of stylized perlormance which brings Oscar nominations. It is a fine blend of art. fright and tun ... NOW PLAYING HWlllOS' BlllSTOt OllAMGE Mlll STADIUM DRIVE-IN S~nld An~ !'>40·7444 Ornnge 637 0340 Orang!' ld'I M 71' ,. A ., "' .,,_.,r-1,,,. • • ...._ BUl?NC, SHIElDSfii:' BIU.MlJHRAV JUST YOU ,.... " -ANO ft ME,KIO ~ Plus (PG) "lCE CASTLES" n rNl wtlt>r1111 "••••\ON n,.o .-c; .• -·~·-. ' Mot1 f tt ' •\ t '' H IO .... , ~ .. ,. t t\ 1 '' ' ,, ,.~•t\llOi ---"lun •••• .. •• ~ I SC A Pf ,.0 .. ALCAlRAZ ,,,,. •l" Mon fu 6 00 8 15. tO·JO Sat Sun I IS l 30. • HIU.MlJHHAY -IJI(; ... '""" .... ·~ Mon.·Ftl 7 15, 9·15, I 1 00 Sat./Sun t 15, 3 tS, 5 15. 7 15. 9 15. 11.00 PCTCR Al.AN 11'LK The A~ r.·ln-Laws ._ .: 0 ••. " ,.1-" Plua --·--...:-tl'Ol-LOST..-dFOUND 01. 6 00 9 15 10·30 * .. ~:"..O:-o1 N•ltoMI L.....-·1 I. ANIMM. HOUU' Gf(ljlGf e.QCIC •ILL MURRAY BURNS SHtflOS tte ~--'MIAT9ALL9': .. Cl .... ... .. Oeltjhtl,S:OI, ,... ,. l:tl, ''°'· "T .. CHMIP'' t:el, 1t:• ' ----. . . . . A hall·dolen p&rf •~ -includllll one b)' Craa1 OU., .-bO movu. Ml MkMt &.\ the 1i.n dan11 ti1hten d tho ~ •v'" rurlher tbl1 wHll, and now only two ta ...,arate I.he rant nane conlfftdfra The Wet••• and tht-•-' DAI are atlll cUneinl to llnit pllre. _ thfn'• not murh breathana room as T rlvla Bow v headl Into ll11 fourth wl'dl. This may be tht> m hotly eonle led camplliJn yet S-_y aoodbye lo G Marx if hf• . n't u y thl' aee ret word ntilll wee k after Mt a out two ..... -·utt 11 •• ........... ,_. 0 "1 &.me ..... .,.. I Ill u T,...,_1 Cl1 .. t a. •-1111 ,, II c ..... u. .,.., ltll •a . ............ _,,,, ,. .. u .. .......... <ti 11 ..... ...........,1111 •1<t 9'11e o..t••l'-1<1 n.eu.1111 •. , u •1.__,.u 1 ,, • ~, ......... , • ·o w.ra m 1 ... ~ ... flt l ,. "-L.Mt•• ,._, (t J t ... _.... .... :':1:" 111 ··"" IS J.,f'faMUCI• m • .... ~·· ltll It -lil1t\WllUI t 1 CruYO.. Ill It 11 ··-••ll•yltl • • .. _,,...., 10 It '"• .,..ry nc.••vH ...... , l••I t. Tiie a.y ""'" OI " MWe•wM'tle9 J _J.,UI 0 s tra ight Saturdays . Look tor Xam on The Joker 's Wild Monday night al 7 Here 's the ne xt 10 trivial tantulizer~ with number eight doing double duty this week. Dive in. I. THE SI NGER NOSTALGICALLY en visioned a group or aborigines devouring a repast of cler,zyme n in what musical ? 2 Dawn Bethel would seem Uke an ideal na me for a Hollywood st arlet , yet this actn.!ss changed it. To what? 3. Who, in the comic 11tr1p Crock. 1!. always t ossing explosives·? 4. What politician wus known a~ th<: ''ha ppy wa rrior?" S. NAME THE SINGING g roup to which Ba rbra Streisand belonged in the latest version or .. A Star is Born." 6. How about the goal's name in "Hcturn F rom Witch Mountain?" 7 Whal sports figu re once bragged thut ··t·m the straw that stirs the dnnk" on his te am·• 'Crazy' Movie Set HOLLYWOOD <A P> -Ann·Ma r g re t e1nd Bruce Dem share the s potlight in "Middle Age Crazy," a film being s hot on location in Texas as;. Sad and Marty Krom P resentation. Dem plays a Texas construction tycoon who turns in his Olds mobile for a Pors che a nd trades his wife for a c heerlea der when he hits middl<: <.tgl' Ann-Mar gret plays Oe rn's wire ( ) 1M1 W. IUNFLOWEA W. CW aAllTOL C.M. l40-05N ''THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG AIDES AGAIN" "8EDt<N088 • BAOOMmCKS"(G) "lOYE AT A.ST 1rrr "LOST AHO FOUHD .. IPGI So. COlst 7W\•6 ?111 )41011 .. IOI h H PtOIPO DoltfSter.o THE M""'ET MOYll IGI IJ•J .......... •oMrtD....WO TMl DIH HUHTH 1•1 1:>-.MM SM wffl fi.d YOU NOl'HlCY IPGI 1,.......,. "THI AMtTYYIW HO .. ott"t•t OPEM DAILY ' 12 )0 Call 642-5678. Put • few words to work tor ou. "1ALIEN' is a cortter, a walloper, a rouser, a screecher and a ton of fun:· Cene Shellt. NBC TV L I E 10thSMASH WEEKI The FltST C.tified Crazy Penclt'I Camedy. By T.T. 8 Jn ttw movh• 'Re port lo the Comm1sa1onc r," wh11t. wu• Swsun IJlakcly'• unde.rcovv a lhta? t . WHO. IN THI": SONG . "c1tptured the drrum r with o thOOl\ltnd lhrilh1'1 " 10 1.1h · Wllll u ll rug for <.:hrt8 untll has buddy made• hh1 lt·lcv11;1on ~I bul. and tiUddenly ht: wns 10 th<' 11potliuht loo In whul movie·> l.a11t Wt't!k '11 Anlfw~r. 1''1ddll·ron tht-Hoof"< lf\UJ$1cul t1uc11t1onJ 2 l'luyboy ( t:d Ill' ad ) .1 Shortstop und 11ccond bau;e <Kelly und S10.it ru 1 1 Harry (;oldwut1·1 Aull2o I pres1dent1 al cnn· chdUll' I 5 SJO I Hm1tw1ck 's e1.trnmgs1 Ii "'l'hc Lat11I 1''11rl'wcll" <song lyric> 7 Hl'rt C<ampupt:rib I u ll l>Osalloni.) H Squt•a ke r <Ste wa rt'!. dog) !I Chuck Wepnt•r (Ali fiJthtl IO ···C<mncn Jones .. <movie rlddlc > ISt•nd yuur u nswers lo 'I'HIVIA. clo the Dady Pilot . 'lox 156(). Costa Mesa 92626 All entnes must be recewed ~ W£'dlwxday. utl1erWlse half the player's la8t score will Movies G·oAJP In NY Wh e n Samu e l z. llJlllllDlll Arlrnrr and ;fa mes H. ..... Ill-..._ "OWID\! PK'KCR SIDNEY etn.ERMAN ,,._ ENTERTAINMENT ! TRIVIA ROMAN ' IN ''AUTUMN SONATA" Nic h ohon starte d American lntem ational P ictures back In 1954 w ith $3,000, the la s t thing they expected was t h at t h e i r y o uth oriented. upbeat films w o u ld e n d up 1n a "SIDNEYSHELOON'S ll.OOOUNE" -----------------......;;.. museum. But now, 25 yea rs a nd ~00 fil ms lat er , New York 's Muse um o r Modem Art in New Yor k City and the Amcmcan Fi l m Ins titu t e 1n Wa s h ingto n D C are honoring Al P with a summer-long retrospec· live tribute or 1ls most nota bll' fil m in July and August ~" D\VID\£ P('K£R _. SIDNEY BCCKt.RMAN o..cwi. TIR£NCC ml!NG ""......--, lAJ RD KOCNIG llowf1111flt11i...cltlSIDNEYSHELOON .......(.....-... l......., ... ENNIO MORJOCONE 4 PARAMOUNT PKTUR£ I,_ I R, ~ _!. ·~·::--· . -~--J BAU Pl AU J r.,s '1'• \ 1 UA-CINEMAS • We!>lm1os1~1 wn o•,41, lDWARDs· llEW,ORT CINEMA N11wpor1 Beat h 644 0760 STADIUM DRIYE·IN Orange li39·87 70 MISSION OAIVl-IN .Jf JUdf '' 1' 1' t/1414 11 4•,a•, ~ mf 1~00Mlfttll 1:r•M~m1:M PLITT CITY CENTER STADIUM DRIYE·IN 1 Orange 634·9282 Orange 639·8770 • SOUTH COAST Costa Mesa !:>46·2711 /)(' y WU r ded) -~~~~~~~~p;;;:;;;::;;:::;;:;;:::;;=:=~~~;;;;;;;;;;-====:=========================- ._., Fl 'EPAIR Honor Lites I 0·6 hery .. y ktcl. S_..y 1107Me~lf-¥d. Cotta14.eM '45-7 I UA ClllEMA Costa Mesa 5-40·0594 Ml·WAY ll DRIVE·lll Wes1mins1er 534·6282 642-2697 ,.,.,,,,,MIC:. .... .. ~ ... -.......... ... ..,_. .. -..c,... TDAPK&DUIO'LING :_ GA.NG a1ma MADI •M.t _.,-,,.~-~--• ·'*CO-WAY, DOM .-..on~ 1'111 MA~......,,. IUM.1 •t.U .... . ···-····--,,..,_..,....,._ . ...._. ..... -......... . . .._.... .. -. •• • ._._ •••••• ·-........ ,, • ...._ __ G '" •• A" AOOIO OISNfr llf AI •••••••••••••••••••••• : ... adklft """'-' ~ ........... .. : =·= lledkndK _, Dn>ornstkks • .... •MJ FIJt(l "f .... tfo "-•-•V·~ .-!. ..._1 • ... ..,,,~,.""',....,'~··· -c •. -.,, ... ,.......,..~ .. ..,....._~'°"· ..,G M PlAYll8 AT A THEATRE •EAR YOUt ANAllllM 8'oo~hwn1 111 6446 OHANG( OllnQ• 011•• In '.~ff 1011 8AlA UA Mo"u 3I11 •I 990 4021 UHANGI 011n~• IA.II I flt I l)'J41J COSTA MlSA UA C111tmt 'J ~·o 0~9• llHANfol UA l••• 1 ....... 1 ~J· )~ 11 • • • I • ll fOllO Se4Nlt!MU !>81 ~eao Wl SIMINSl(fl UA 1; ..... 3 193 Ob•6 fOUIUAIN VAllCY '"'"'"" Vtlltr 1 839 1 ~(10 More Entertaining Than Humanly Possible t ',11(11 Wl.RAllf .M loWfllN\lllH(A Hi-'"'A JIM IH l'N"" l'h• • O IR ll't llll MlJl'I, I MUW l""°"""~'lr•M<., MNOIN.,IAHIA H· l"'"~.....il"v ftMltt ,.,, ... w,_.1l\I Jf RHV .111111 6 Jl(;IC lllJRN'>· l.llt"'atll"' 11\MI "111/\Wl n Mo..lllllllo.•llyr\'1111 Wlll !AM'.M.:ll<I NN\ l\"41111< l .... ,,.1< ... 11"1 1\WllllM IC llWt'""!llW~l.......,.,wn JIM lll,...,.11'1 lllAMil/./ HIOl'l 'tll""IN kk 111\klJIUf l IW..11.or1.1 t..i.._•• 1<lWCl I 'llO<M1'«,..,.11\1"11Nl,,~I~ I Irv. ~~loool"""" ''4->n llX,.\lilll H<'ilN• Mii HW.111 kll •Ml I IWCl'll'I" ,WI" "i f'flllUHN lXJM 0.l l.11"4 • 1111011 UJUI II llU H 11111 ll UNI IW IN • t 'N Wll llJ\llll • l 11~J.,11 N llMl\/'I '>II 111 ~\l\Hlll• KICI Wiil l'IM>fl • l 111 V ''-'"I.A'> OH~ \At\ 111 '> tN II Wll I IAM'• _____ .... ____ ,__ ___ _ .,1- .. -......... .,,. ·-· -·~ ..... .... ~, ...... w1111amPC..1~qe ·-·-· • 1.::~=~ .. s~.~;t::~l lPGI lii.jJRl1W "' .,, ' .. ' •HJU f • t I t t t ~II c1nenome c scAEEn 6JU 2553 c comPLEX C,,_.pm•n Afl,. &. .-... nt.1 l\o,; f •f!~W''f MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVENT" (PG) "MOONRAKEA " PGl "ROCKY II " IPGl "FRI SCO KID" (PG ) "JUST YOU AND ME. KID " (PG) "RUST NEVER SLEEPS" (PG) "•1•11• ...... "OR l A BUCK ROGERS AND THE 26th CENTURY 1R1 .. BLOODLINE" !Al "LOOKING FOR MR OOODBAR' THE IN-t.AWS" (PO) WHO IS KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE '1 .. SUMMER CAMP" UP IN SMOKE .. (A) PROPHESY IR) 'THC LI TTl.E QIRL WHO LIVGO OOWN THE LANI " .. MEATBALLS" "WHICH WAY IS UP?"(R) Sl1d1u m Al.'-o .. 1v••INI Ol'IN 6111,.M .... Nn.T CIUlf U11der I I '"• Untou • "Ii.• .. ~ ..... •lll'll 110011 MOoel Al -I IOHO-•? MOONUKll CPO> l114'•>111e lr>Oel100 a 10.IJ _..,.."""',,_----,. ... ,,. .............. <•" ...... , .. ti(_,...... ... f I l••- ' 1 't' I'll 9 ;1,· :.:~1 Ni «I · ... ;~I ' ..... .. IH9 911'>0 ••••• •11•• ... , ... . ...... .. . 1171 1862 ~ N.•• ••• •0 1 ....... " ~27 2223 ALllH 121>0e >100el1>0et 100 & IO.>e 11-~ .. , ,_11'-"Y· ... ,._, OOH WllD ... "'""~ 1oeo JllSCO ICIDCPOI 11 o.i .u ... oo.• u a 10.•J OIOllOI I UINI e U OOCI SMIUOI JUST YOU AHO Ml IUDIPOI ,, >OltJ )----···. , ... "MEATIALLS" "GI w•O•fS-1 00 & I 4\ ,.,,,..,.._, ,.., ,, l 00·1·004A\ WOOOT..U.-0 .. MAHHAnAH" "THI IM-UWS .. lrGI "RUSCO KID .. CPGa ,.._,,H LADY IN 1101111 •lUS l lO UD MOMMA 1111 CNNI WllDU • MAllttOH roe• fllSCO KIDff'OI ••ul OH OODlfPOI IUST NI Vll SlU,.StPOI •lUI IUDOY HOll Y STOllT !PO> IYlWIUI lfAUONI aOCKY 11 INI MUI OllAT TUIH IOllllT IN> , ............. --lflW-RAUOMI IOCKT HCNI """ ' .. O.IAT HAIN IOllllY INI MMlt UOt•n a•.o aw AMnYVILU NOllll094'91 PUii IYll Of LAUIA MAlll1'91 ..................... MOOM.M4111 ..... NITTT MIT 1!1t •• • -_......... •t--...----..--.--...... _______ ._............ • ... ,.. --.. --. NEWPORT llACH ·nonan ''MOOEl HOME•· CONDITION 1>.lux .. ~OR & den Pmehurst modeJ orfered by onginal owner Mirrored wet bar & rplc. "Mini·View!'" $199,500. J oyce Edlu.nd 642 d23S. OPEN SAT. l·S P.M. 128 CANYON fSLAND. BIG CANYON "f'OWNJIOMF:s CX-m ONE OF SEAVIEWS FINEST! Panoramic view · Harbor. Big Canyon & naghl hghts ' Port Royal original model w1a1r cond , alarm system. much added storage. eustom tW{'Or & upi;(rudt•!> Award winning p<>OI & spa wtsunkcn b11r JdJ. pool llelen Wood fi416200. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 P.M. 2011 YACHT DEl''E NDE ll 1X·161 HARBOR "VIEW" HOMES! snn Somcri;t•l Modt.•I W/Vll!W' Rum1shed bnck entry. U!>ed bnck 11:1110. m any up~rad1•!> to d1·hght the most d1sC'riminatini;( Ca rl Butler fi42·8235. OPEN SAT SUN 14! 5 1' M 4!5(17 PORT WH ITBY. IX-171 THE BALBOA PENINSUlA ... where· t•I<,(• would vou rind thb a~lutely ··o,w-0f·a ·k1nd'" home"' It i~ thl' pcrf£'ct plan· for lh1)> ve ry t:uropean & quiet trnd1t1onal <>UALITV llOM E. A mu:.t '>t't.'' SS6S.OOO Clint Most-s 642·8235. OPl::N SAT Sl!:'ll 1·5 PM 4!025 EA~T BALBOA ALVO. <X-llU S 10.000 PRICE REDUCTION! Mol1vat1.-d M•llf•r · 1Jon"t ovl'rlook th1:. lovt-ly Nl'w Bt-d ford !\lodc·I 1n Scav1ew 3HHS · 1·nr1v <ll·n fom1ly rm · VIEW & privary too' lmmN1 0<.,.up;mrv pu!.!>lhlc 0 :-.:1. Y S259.SOO 111rl land Relle Ch<iw L1·1· 641·62iJO Ol'E'i SAT SI;['; I 30 S.30 PM 1004 YACHT MARIA 1X t!J• PRIVATE BEAOtES -BA YSHORfS! Y1·;ir round fun• l'LIJS a -\Bil home W'!>P:t<'t' for cveryonl· 111 the family• l'anell-rl hbrarv cllmn)! rm & brkfM area · family rm ~125 000 [)Qna Ch1chc~lt'r 642-8235 OPE~ SATtSl!N I 5 P.M 2555 VISTA n111v1-: CX·<!fll 18CY' V1EWI One of tht' tw_st views from so· of pvt .decking 10 th1:. fonta11llc Bluffs localion Carl Butler 642·8235. OPF'°" SAT1SUN 1·5 P.M 321 AVF: CERRITOS IX 211 JUSTllsm>f .. ACrf' • .. •·'>la lt• in Nt·wport Beach• Room for pool & tennis rourt' J,1iv1·lv & -.pac·1ou~ :JBH runch homt· Appl only Cookie Alhi;on 1.1;! 1123.r) Ol't-:N st:N 2·5 r M 2401 4!2N l>STrtl':ET. IX 221 DOVER SHORES • VIEW! JllO Uppn flay Vww lrom lhl'> beautiful 4HR home ~IJtalcd 1•11urt,,,rtl ••ntry lmmacul:ih' Isl time on the market · won I l11st at ~17 0011 lt•J-.1•holcl J1·ri llunt M2·ll235. I X·23J OAKCREST -BIG CANYON! C.olf Cour..e vn•w from nearly all rooms' PLUS lg deck overlookinR lakf.' & i;ln '\·nery St•curlty s.:atc· · tennis court · comm. pool & s pa. A rwrft·ct plurl' to hVl' & relax for only 5193.5000 Joyce Edlund 642-8235. 1 X-2'11 RARE OPPORTUNITYI Undl'r S300,000 fer rn B:i yshori:s.. n guarded community. Enjoy the !>um mer on 2 private bt!ach~. parks for the childre n · what n perfect pla<'e to raise a family' LR 4RR & den home newly decorated & palnlro. Beverly Morphy 642-8235 X 251 MOVE IN TIME FOR SOtOOU Right into th<' perfect neiJ(ht>orhood • Harbor Highlands • and within walking disl.ance or Mariners school cone or Nl>t's finesll! Neat 3BH home w1h11rdwood noors & ramily rm w1rplc. Big back yard wllrees & shade Quiet IO<'olion & ONLY SIJ9.500. Cathryn Tennille 642-8235 <X·2fil ONE Of BIG C.AHYON' S fl•m Highly upgraded Vers a1lle on panoramic VIEW! Pool. spa expanded ramlly rm & 4th BR. Custom Cabinetry • Beaulifully appointed throuRhouL. $695.000. Sandie Fix 64U20Q. ( X-27> EXEOITM ELEGANCE •.• for entertalnlng & gracious llvillg In a pn?11Uglou11 community. This 48R horre features a lg yard 'N/3 re~ areas • yet requires min. maint. so you can enjoy your own pool Ii spa ! S339.000 ·owner will consider leuse w/optlon. Bob Owens 642·8235. I X·2.8> DRAMATIC & BBWm Picture yourae'f livin g & enlfl'\ainln« In thla l ·atory. 4BR h<1ft' e In the Dover Shores Area. Summertime perfect w/very priv•te yard Ir aparkllnl pool. Le ramlly rr1 ·form al dlnin1rmfl1ourmtt ~ltchen Ii 11 brkM rm.1113.750. Barbara Aune M2·1215. CX·291 SCl'MUTICA11D IAYflONTI TM flMlt m~all. deeor • wurlunant1hlp create an elec:trit mood Tldl trl·lftel llloftM feetune 4BR& ronnaJ llvtq • dtnlnl rm plua INC• bOMllnt m . Hbr.,.,, 11m Ir spe. Perfect for exetUtlve Uvln1 It enterHlnln•· ll.ll0,000. Ma~ha Macnab M2·Daa. CX·30) fBB tg FINER PROPERTIES fllEWPORT IEACH · PROPERn . CAREFREE LIVING \>N THE BAY! t>LUS inrrt'dlblc loc:at1on w1upprox 411' or bai.lront ll v1n1? <!BH <·ond<immium rn dc:.iruble Mui Kai compl~x. S465.000 fee Martha Mocnab642·1S235. IX 311 "CANYON CORNER!" 1':11JOY lh<· "''<'urity or a 24·hr l!ille i.:ua rded community & one or tht· lu·-.t !otn~h· -.1ory rloorpl:cns avall:1hlt-' Scl'ludc•d ht1c·k rn ·c·fr>rm pool & 'l'a A 4HH fa mily rm t•i.1•rul1\1· rl'!>ldc·nt t· 111 l'rt'!oollit1ou-. B11! C;invc>n ~~.000. J1·r1 llunt 644! 8235 IX :!<!I SOUTH BAYFRONT DUPLEX! 2·!-.lory French contt•m1>0rary 110 -.Jnrb h1·Jth. U;ilboa bl;ind • M al!Olficcnt VJC W !> or bu.v & hout1111• from holh 3HH unit:-Ot.'!ill!fll•d & c1croralt'1J w t many cu:.tom fcatun·' ~l.Oli5,00(I lt•t• Appl only IJll·k llaldcrmJn l'A2·82:!5 t X .:1.11 WESTCUFF POOL HOME! l'nm•· :in•,, . v. alk t11 -.h11pp1ni.: ~t;inn..r ''>l"h•>11I '11,lrll'I' Charm1nl! :HI It w ht«n•y -.ha kl· rr11.f 2 u .. •'11 hrn•k t 11k-. Ii.: h11(h ht·;im1-0 fom1ly rm ovcrlookrni.t pc:111I s11;.,1xJ1> I•·•· fh·vt•r h Morphy li'12 Hl!JS < X :151 NEWPORT SHORES! T ;C'oll•fully n •turhl'>lwrl :!Bit f;•milv h11m1· ronvc•n11•n1 l" !}4·11rh, 1)1'1111 & tt•nn1~ Expanrlc-<I 111 mC'fudc• family rm d1nini.: rm & pof'kc•l i:;irtlo•rh to :iffonl 'l'•t:t'> fr11m 1·v1·rv rrn !)l:l!l '1~,11 k.1..,1·holrl f'ullv .J11hfl'>lun M2 IS4!:15 IX :11,1 "COUNTRY ESTATE!" rrt•f' Ji nc'fl drive• lt•ath [11th" [,filt ( :1•Ml!IJn home•"" :..pprnx 21 • 1\1 v. -.wl'i>p1ni.: Vl'>la'> of t 'ppc:•r ll;1v ~ flf'l•an 1;ui.,l !'Olt:•l.'I" ,1,,hlc• & r11l10I! rrnl.' 1)'1111 r11111n tor t1·11nl'> c·rn11 t S2 'MICI CIOO llurrn·t l't·rn 1)42 ~:JS I X :H I A GREAT HOME! In a 1?r<::1t n1·1i.:hhorh111wl. nl'ar park & hhr;,rv llrii.:ht & c·h~·crful v. :1 h! HHS. c·onv d t·n. h;1rilwmKI n11or'> thrnur hout & a II! priv;1ll' yard Ma rvdou.'o value• a t Sl ~17.fHlO 11.irlJara i\uue 644!·114!35 IX :18> PANORAMIC VIEW ... -l'1ty hitl'it:. & Pa lm. Vt·rdcs frnm thb :mn & den Nantucket model in S<.'avicw Vaullt.-rl <'l•1hn.R'> add spaciousness to thl' dr amat1<' li ving & dininl.! rooms 5299.500 l.y nm· V:t lf'nt1nc• fi14 fl201J 1 X :r.11 RARE "R" PlANI Ocautirully deroratcd '·nd·untl "lla1nl'<I gla". wood walls. many lovely upgrndc.'Y"~ r 1ly hghl<. VIEW'' 3HHS ·forma l d1111ni.t & brkflll ;ircu S2~1.000 Jrun l>alC'!> &14!·1<l35 < X·401 BEAUTIFUll Y UPGRADED PAlfRMO! /\II m•v.I) d1·rora1 .. d ' Tino, 11Ut. f:im1lv rm llarhor V11•14-lfo mc.·<..., a dl'l1i:ht tn h<·hold Ne•" on lh1· m.1rkH .1ml won't 1 .... 1 •• t 2J5.ll01l 1n1 I land Belli• Cha-.c L1·c· li'M ·fi<!Oll 1 X ·111 THE HOME FOR YOU! Supe~ v;iluc• on lhl' llalhoa P1·n1m~ula Prn nt. If you an · looking f11r 40HS. lamllv & formal d1n1n~ rm this hnmf' 1<; onlv 7• · v1·;.tr!oo old & '" l!rl•al cond1t1on ;rnd 1·fiuld lw the.· 11<.·rfect plart• for v11u • SJ95 0011 Chnt M O:.t>!-. l;i.ti8235. IX·421 . . A SUPER BAYFRONT BUY! rric('d n ghl al S5!'15.000. Like nl'w. B:clhria Is land Carx· Cocf duplt-x tor <'onvert to Ii;: ~inglc fom1ly1 Cnrnn hwut100 & a beautiful vu•w Appl only Mury Ll•u Manon 642.1<2.35 t X ·1:ll CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTY ON THE HIGHEST KNOUI l-:xquas1te Country English t:-.tatl' presenting a s pectuC'ular view 1rom cwry room ~ Elel!ancC? l'Vcrywhcre ... t"rcnch doors · imported anliqul' chandeliers ·onyx. m arhle & brass fi xtures . SfiRS & maid's quarters · rumlly rm & library St .200.000 Lynne Valentrne 644·6200. OPt:N SAT. 1·5 P.M. !1 16 ROCKY POINT. S PYGLASS. <X -441 IRVINE mtRACt! Lovely! Immaculat e ' L lkl' New ' Co mpletely remodeled & rcdccorotcd JBR & den tioml' w loC'can view! L". beautifully landscaped lot w/mature trees &: room for pool. $475,000 • nexible financing avail. Lynne Valentine 644·6200. OPEN SAT1SUN 1·5 P.M 1801 TAJ IUNA Tt:RR. 1X-45l CHARM & A VIEWI Finely constructed Bayrront t>ome wtwlnd-protecled. s par kling pool & 3BRS & Ion for t{'(!nS. 3-car garai.tc & off-street parktng. S750,000. Elaine Svedecn 642·8235. < X-461 A•STBUYI ONLY $277 .500 for thi!I charmlnR 4BR home localed In Cameo Shore11 rlose to s chools. shopping. park & private beaches. Don't delay · e njoy your summer In the beouurul 11ardens .. and start plans ror a pool or spa. Donna Godshall 644·6200. c X"47> SUPER IULEXI Charming 2BR front unit 4r I-year old 3BR rear unit. Both have rplcs • 2 garages • 2 carports . Excellent Investment ror '225.000. Flexible fina ncing av all. from owner11111ent. Barbar• Wrlaht 644-6200. c X·48> OCEAN & CMYON WWI . Ele11nt 2·•tor> Spy1laS1 Rldae home for 6Nl. 'i ~.000! Cul-de-He locaUon f& extra.lg lot. 48RS · family rm Ir view dlnln1 rm. Lorratne Rennie '752·1414. < X·49> 644-6200 1644 S• hl••I Dr. ~Ha bor View Ca•ler CORONA del. MAR PROPERTIES NEWl Y LISTED! 3BH. ramlly rm ln •rnt• Tl'rriJCl· hom1:" •·'larmlnR VIEW' Complctt· pn val·y f)oOI ONL V sz:1s.ooo. IJonntt l.ods h.-.111644 li<!llO. 1 X si11 "ORIGINAL HARBOR VIEW HIUS!" bl time· on th1· mark1·t ,p;w1•1u-. :tBI< 1.11011\ rm homo· that h:" ,, frl'(' rlowtnf.! lie.or plan & 1•1•111•r11u-. van! • •111v1•n1•·n1 loeat111n & • m1n1 111•c-.1r1 \..ic.•w "'><!lll.000 11••11 C"h.,.,, 1. .. t. •·M 1,~00 1;.. '1t 1 IRVINE PROPERTY THE BEST Of TURTLE ROCK ! l'nrnp;cr·,. 1h1• m . .-.t11n1' tl•H•r pl.111 1•11 1•111·1 ti•· 1i:n ~ 1111-.1111111 (I; \•111 \\Ill .1i•n·1· th.ii 1111, v.11uloJ 111 .• 'up•""' 'h"" • -..n ~ ,110 111,111111\ I.••\\ " ''':! 1111 • \ .... ONE OF THE BEST VIEWS Turtlc·111d< 1,t1•n' "fh1 l11.11111!11t 11p)!1;11l•tl llt·.1lh• • l'l.111 '"'' •. '" ,,1 the• l••fl "I<.· l'l\t '"'' 111 • \p.111· I\• \I•""' Iii• \di•' 111 hi I 11111111 1 ·1 1 cl1·n 1 l'v l.11111lv 1 m .. di .. n .1111•1 •I 11• 1 ~r" •I 11 .... r pl 111 111 .1· , .. , •• Pll\.H'\ l111 lht•1•11t111•t.111111\ f/111olh\ l.11'1 ;.:1 111 11'1; ,:11 SUPER SPA! lflll l\1·n-.1n1"l••11 "' • '" '' II li•o,1111 11111 1\ 1 111d •·•I'"'' lot 1,,,.,.11 .. 111 ofJlj.lllllllOtc•Ot •Ill lhl cl1·l1~•1lltlll h11ffll \ lo11t.tclll11' !1)11'1!.1 111 Ill 1111• .11rwm l-11rn1.ol tl111111 • 1 m v. 111111pu 111 111 •1,•111• ·1.,,, 'I"·"''' 1•:1qwt11w & 11:11. 111101101· Ill ~,II• h•·11 -..1•1 .. ~Kl '"'" \ .rt \\11" II i52 1111 IX ;,1 1 HOW ABOUT THIS? l.11ok1111.: lnr ,1 'l'u1•1•111'> to\\11hom1· v. 1t1;.tl\,.l1u1• 111·w • II• 1•· cl 1· en Tur11P lt<>1·k' Clnlv 1111< Ill 'I 101 , ••t .1nwnll1•• & rfo ·n IV d1n1n~· u11 that mock1• 1t 1H·1l1•1·t l111 c·li·i;.1111 "''"!! t11r fl'\l 'I ... 11•1t1Cil1 (11l"•W.i1ll 1144! H;t:I!"> ( x ;i,, I LAKEFRONT W/FANTASTIC VIEW! Su1wrlif) UJJJ.;I ,1dc•1l (;Ii 111.1.rn1d 111•,.f•·I 111 1•\t dl,.nl 11" .1111111 11• .11 p • he:ll"h . yt•t M•t•ludc.·rl in qull'l arc•;J 11f t\rlJOrlakl' i\ tn ff"\tt•I tx-:.utv w :111ns. hhrury & rlc•c·k-. v. min & lak1• v1c·w-. f'rol lanch ra1m11: Jdd!oo lht· f1nl'>hllli! tou1 h . ~:i!1.r,c•1 .\l.cn1in F n//1•11 7;1:1. 111 1 Ix ;,i;, LUXURIOUS POOL HOME! Turtle• l<ot·k T•·rr.w1· ~Ill! h11m1· 11ff1·nn1• ,, "'lc•t ll\I' IJ1111h .• 11 lh•, n .. 1·11 111 rtll th1·1r r"ctU11Pnwn1 1 .. 111·1\ '"'"' 11t 11111 un·•·I ii< llll!hl hi.:ht .. Sp:w11111-. lam11\ rm II. fl\ 111~· 1111 1•1111. ""t 1111 1111 11•1111 '"1 ,'(, t11u111:un ::;.11r. IKICI M.11l..t11w I.,.. ',:i 1111 ( .'( :.;1 TIRED OF INRATEO PRICES? flv.n"r tr.111-.IPrre-<I & 11111 .. 1 •1·11 th1 ,.,..,, 11111111.il llo·.11h1·r m11d1 I Int 1u-.1 '-l~.:.uo t l!llS ~ l.11n i1, 1111lo11 .11 I 111 .1111111 1,,,,,1 1 •111tl1111m li11·.1l al111 lil.1 ll.111wr t;•~ tlll 1.1( JI TURnE ROCX CONTEMPORARY! l.:c\I h u l' 111 1•1...,., & r•h lll \\•~Kh 11'lh.11w• tho II•"' 11t tho· roll1111~ , vallc·'· n t\ hght!oo IV lm•·h "1""'·1•, lf:l<s It• p.1111 lc·tl t,1mcl' 111; v. 'l11lc-IV 1•at1n~ .1r1•;1 ,'I,, 111111111• I Ill loll "I'•'• IKlll It•• I "'' ll1 ·nlo.1 I 152 1111 IX f1'.l1 THE RIGHT PlACE TO LIVE! Thi-. llanc•ho O...,a11 .ln.111uin :!IJH & tl1•r1 t11w11hrmw 1 rc·.111 •, lor \11111 • c asv h\ rni.: & Ir." ··hn1• I l'f• ''' hi•· °"'"'r 111mm n<1'1I & 11r1fv m tnUll" Ill ;\'.pt Ill"" h '11.IC •. l~HI .lulu· V.111 w ... ri·•·, 14! 1111 l x 1.11 1 COSTA MESA PROPERTY EASTSIDE • R-2! Oa rllng 2Rll 'lhlll h•rPrl r11lta1!1• llUll.I> <ind unit rnr rncomt• nn lh" II! lot 1n upi:rad1111t ar1•11 S!l2.500 Cathv S1·hw,.1t•kt•rt 644!·114!:15 Ol'~;N' SAT I r1 f' M 1007 t'ltrll'Cll ST ltt-:1-:T tX lil t EASTSIDE SPECIAL! Pll't urc thl)> arC'h1lcct ·., own hom1· hcuuttlullv n·modch•d v. t manv t.·xtra dr..1J(n rc.•aturt·!oo . . then .uld .1 111\dy. IJrJ! yard & fllllet c·ul·dt.• su1· IOC'ut1on . ;rnrl J>t•rh11fJ"o you haq• th1• pt·rfc·rt :JUH hom1" NOW ONLY Sl17.!IOO .. lt"tlnnc Nt•wrnan li4<!·112J5. IX ti21 LIVE aoSE TO THE BEACH and enjoy a spectacular hilltop v11·w or m·c•an &: sun!>et:. too' 2·!iilorv • 4BR home s uited fur e nlt'rlaininl( & lo<'at~d In u un1q u1· ne1J(hborhood. SIS!l.900 l"'ee Henkel 752·1414 <X fiJI UPPER BAY AREAi 3 Bdrm t•oodo. <'lost' to the bl':1rh & JU't S92.500 Fnrmal t•ntrv leach to ll vani.t rm. & dminR area. Pnvatc yttrcl & rovt.•n -<1 1rnt10 t,orramc Henn le 752-1414 I X ·641 THINK & GltOW RICHI lnvestor'll' Dr1vc by 180 Cecil m Cofita Mesa & 11ee the excellc•nt lncomf & potential on this well kept triplex ONl.Y 5185,000 Appl. only. <Mner/AJCent Lois M111er642·8235. (X·6SI OUTSTANDING 6-UNIT HMSTMENTI Reduce4 to S330.000 • only I year old & fuJly rented! Located close to sht>ps &employment this approx. 730011q. ft. building has two 3BR & four 2BR unilli • en<'h w/pallo. fplc. 3ara1e & 11pace. $27,500 gross Income.Tom AIUnson 642·823S. C X-86> 752-1414 ~tll.ge (Pop. 4) . -Doomed ~NDVTOWN. Fl• CAV> A-,dytown, populaUon 4, wu bona 30 yeara •Co whn • O rttk lmW1lrrant dl•f\11'*1 by I.be Iii an • roadlkkt ~ale boqhl lbt- ahac k •nd eome swampland It n•~t1r boomt.'d. Now 1t l h doomed Come Septembt>r, tht1 town wlll ~ dtomolished to muk(' wa) ror' hiJChwaay mlt.'rchuntill ••ANDYTOWN WILL Bf, •lped out." ud John V 1'eodore. whv rum~ Andyto"n 0911. the s~rv1ct• .~utlon that a long Wlth a bur und restaurant laMe up the wwn "When w go, at 's reully going to hurt a lot of people people come here really beggrng ror help " Andytown's locution explains both its put good fortune and IL'i coming g em1sc. The rour-acre community 1s at the 1ntcrscct1on of State Road 84 and U S. 27 al the eastern end or "Alligator Al ley ... the main cast -wes t roud through lflc Evcri:tlades across South Florida The town's locnt1on led statt• officials to designate il recently as one or JO sr><>ts where one or more servu.•c stations would get unlimited gasoline a move <fe. signed to assure touris L<> they'll be able to get around 1r they come to the Sunshine Stale B UT THE IMPORTANCE or the cross roads also led to lht· selection of Andytown as a site for a n Inters tate 75 interchange. "It seems ndiculous ," Sally Woody s aid as she worked the bar .. Th ~ s tate work ::. 1n mys tc riou::. way:., · agreed Theodore. Gus Tsanos, who r uns-An dytown's restaurant and bar, thinks likCWIS(' .. , <::m 't unders tand." he said "I think this is the end " It was in 1947 that Andy Poulos st-0pped for c·ofrcc at <t roacts1de s hack at the 1nte rscc-· ti9n. He pushed the cofh~l' aside becausc thNt• Wf'rt• too many flies on u nm of c·onclcnst'd milk oo l hl• c·uuntPr ·~·July •. ,.,, Fingers Mending A~Wl ...... 1• Eddie Safford, 28, !>hoots pool tn the recreation room of Mass~1chus<.·ll ~ C.cncra l llospilal. fios ton . while recover· mg from !)Ul'gL'I y to rcµl;.1c·C' four finger~ on his lcf.t hand. I-fr severed lhL· finge r~ with a paµcr-cull111g m achme last mon th Surgeons worked 111 lL'l..lfnl> for ncurly 28 hour~ lo rcl·onncct lht• fingt·r!> Participants Hail Friendship Travels ATLANTA <Al'> Whl·n tlw Gcord1c~ or Newcastle cind the G eorgians or Atlanta swapJK,'CI home:-. 1n tht· inaugural exchange of the Friendship Foret'. lhey fell for each (1ther like hamhocks and grits or fish and chips . Smee then. the two c1t1es one an a cornl'r of northeast England, the other in a co rner or the Ut·c p --- South -have made :-.evcral ex changes. and fas t rnend::.h1p:-. have sprung up. THAT IS WHAT l'rt•:·.idl·nl C:lrter's Fnends h1p 1-'ort'l' '>Pl o ut lo do when il began lwo yf'ars ago on the 1-'ourlh of July Thal first com fortable exchCJngt· involved about 300 Americans 1·xc han g 1ng h o m es, work . friends a nd adventure '> with abo ut 300 Britons for JO day'> AmC'rn·nn family s home later. ~11nwl1mt•s th:il ,.., nt1t pracl1ce1l, howt·vt·r. :incl om· <Jr lhc other ram ily m:i y sl:.i y with anothc:r h1Jst famtl) SMITH •:STIMATF.S THAT by lht• end of th1~ year , more than 50.000 pnson:-. will havl' ~en hosts lo fort.·1~n visitors <ill ovl'r tlw w11rld ~·s a res ult of the Fr1<·11ds h111 l•'or<·t• This has s pawned some l'1 range rclationstups A wom an frl)m Wt•sl Virginia vis ited with a proslitulP an Gl•rm any, where JJrOS l1t ut 1on IS ll'J.:~d NATION Retard"" Marry Handicapped Freedoms Increase DOYL~'TOWN, J'a. (AP} - She wq lonely and shy. He was ea1er lo make friends . While others danc.ct inside, they met outside ln the moonlight and fell ln Ion. Later this year, Kathy, 28, and Victor, 30. will marry. Both arc r etarded. It would h ave been un- thinka ble a few d ecades ago, whe n most s tates banned mar· riacea. between '•imbeciles." "morons," "r etardates'' or "Idiots ," a nd many o r those j udge d "m entally deficient" we re sterilized .· PLANNING TO MARRY ne.xl year are Bob and Shirl<'y He 's 44 and she's 50. Bob has spent 2S years in a n inslltut1o n ror the mentally re tarded. "I've been waiting 25 years to gel married," s aid Shirley, who is mildly retarded. "Good gnef. We love each othe·r . •· S h e w as never inst1l u · ti o nalized but s p<•n t her c hildhood and most of her adult life caring for a s ick aunl. Both couples asked that their full na mes not be used. T oday, a growing number of p hysically a nd mt:nl::d ly han- dicapped people art' marrying, having c hildren and bci.:innini.: lo share in mainstream Ame rican life. Now more aware or thc•ir rights and needs and moving a way from ins titutiona liwt1on toward mlcgral1on 1n tht· larger eommuruty , th<' rc•lar<.l4'd arc• de manding l'qual t realml·nt fr11m society AP Wlr•JlollOlo RETARDED COUPLE PLAN WEDDING LATER THIS YEAR Victor, 30 , And Kathy, 28, Fight The Odds B UT THEY MUST s till c·on tend with the w1dc•ly hl'ld bc-hef that two mentally hand1cappt:d people will produce a mentally r etarded child. They abu arc· subJcct to c ertain s late la ws pro Janitorial work 1n Phtlad1•lph1 a K:..Lh y , who has s peech e1nd hearing problems. works al :J child de velopment center 'I wou ld hav1· c1 normal !·hlld," sht· ~aid .. Hut v.t• th111k I l '.., h1·:-. t l h ;JI \'I I ' llJ r h ;J \ (' .1 \ a:-.C'c-tomv · Victor, ·who 1n ~lassl's and ,J° lr<'ndy haircut re sl•mlJles H11· college kid down the bloc·k, nodde>d rn agrcC'mcnl "HE IN<! ON THIS borclt-rlln1· Hy ttw As"ociatf'd l're"~ Thirty st:..ite:-. prnh1h1t 1Jr othc:rw1~t' re::.tru·t the· rPlarrh·d a 11<1 m entally 111 from m arrying. acc<1rdmg to the l'ubltc lntt·n·-;t L.1w Center of Philadelphta. Herc is a hst Caltfomia. Ueh1wan·. Ce11rg1a. Idaho. lov.a. Kt·nlu1·k). Ma11t1'. MassuchuSl'lts, M1 ch1gan. M1nn{':o.11la. M1":-.1~~1pp1 , M1~ ... 11u1 1 Nebras ka. Nevada. New .frrst·y. N(•W McXH'll, N1•v. Yor k. ;\rirth Carolina. North Uakota. Oh11l, Okluhoma . Orr·gon. l'l·nns ' I\ <1n1a South Carolina, Tcnn<'ss<.·1-, Vl·rrnont, Virgini<J , Wa:.hington. Wisconsm and Wyoming. h1b1lmg or n •stnct1ni.: tht•tr m;ir riages . 11•\ l'f 11 " tw ..,t ' Ii• ,,1111 \\, '"1 11 adopt 1 hrltJ1 •·ri 1f ",. "' 1·1 ii• l1ht·nylkN<1 nu rta or PK U. It af. (•ct::. on~· in lli.f.100 l11rths. tom- o<irNI to Down's :-.yndroml' or M o n golis m , w liH·h i .., not h 1•n•cl1tarv :ind oct·ur~ oncl' t \ l'I V 7~10 1111'1 tt ... l'l\t \111111i•..,1t ·1•., forml·rly tn· :-.lllutionall11·d t',111 lw treated through dlt'L .1n manageme nt. TJ<1:.st•m ... au! 1o1vh1<.·h me a n~ mo1 c· 1nd1 v1i111:il~ with l'KU g1·nrs ,1r1· func·t111n1ng in soc1C'ly. "l '\('ftEASIM.l.Y WE AKE ruo\ 1ni.: lo~ a1 ti .111 1ct.·:i th:1 1 1t 1:. I h• 1111.1111 \ .111d q ua1111t v of ltk 1·x p1·n i-r11 •·. Ill.it I' 11111 ... t potent Ill I ht• dr·I 1•1 1111 llH t111n or I a ter t· o i.: n 11 1"1• 11t•v1· I 11JI m1· n t ... TJo:-...,t·m ..,,111l · If ~1· 11-..r 1·hlllfr "" al horn" 111 1111,111\1· 1 .. ~ .. r 1t 1n 1{ :-ind 111111 1111111• 1·11 \ 1 r111irr11•n i..., then \"' 1 'fl''' t 1ti1•11 1 111 d•• lwll••r thun if r•·Jrl'O 111 .1 d1•111 l\'t·d 1·11\ 1rrm 1111•111 .. lt1111 ., of llw No1t11111.il i\·,~cx·1a 111111 1111 ll1·t .11d .. I) C'1111.t•11:-.. '.'.aid r .. 1 11 dt•d JH'11pl1• f.11·,. lh•· :-.am<· 111 olil• 111 111 111.111 '·•I-!•' ,,.., ;rnyonc: ,.J I THE N•:xT DAV ht• cam<' back :md bou~ht the> s huck. gas pump and ahout lO acrf'.., of $Wampland for S51J.000 lh• ..,low ly built th<• rc'>t:.iurunt .incl ln11 plu=-a s mall motel In 195 l , Andylown 10l'Orp<1ral ed. Jn 196.1, four yean. before h1.., death. Poul~ sent to Greece for his nc•pht·w 1\anos Tht<idorf• 1s T::.anos ' brother 1n law 111 1967. the• slcik hought the lcind The Rev. Wu yne Smith. whose• brninchild the project 1s, said ht• hopes to have a million person::. involved next year in an ex pandcd progra m St> far fewer than 20,000 per~ons havl· b<-••n in 'olved 10 exchanges. ·This i s one of J1mm} (':.rte r 's programs thut h a:. "orkcd ." he s <.11d an an in t1·rv1ew A <·h1mnc:y ~wt·t·p tn Great Unlain took his American vis · 1tor with h im lo work. They :-.wt·pt t•h1mnt•y<; A man from Custa 1l1ca vis ited <in Idaho farm<·r 1usl when 1t \\a~ t1mt· lo flo rt1ll z(· the fi elds . Tht• \'lhllor had p<.ud his $300 fee JUl>l hkl' other .. cimhassadors" und for t11s mon<·y spent four d:.iys s pn•ading munurc with his hos t Ill· mude a r<'lurn visit lasl ) car. telling his friends al home t hat hl' was going t o Jdaho to s pread manurt.'. Accordrng lo the PuhlH· In t e rc s t Law Ccnt<.·r of P hiladelphia. tht•n • :.ir<· ::.ult :IQ s t a t es prohih1l1ni:: "lun:1tws " "id iots." "1mhN·ilt·~ · or lht• 11· larded from marry 1n~ I l(j,. \\t' v.:1111 ..,01111• llut II '4111 lw lt.ir<I t•noug li g1'11111i.: our th.Jn)( together " I· Ill .111111 • II •I )'IH1d thin~... - h• """ 1·111 11!h1·r •. 11 .., utter Wh e n An d}tuwn d i e:-.. Theodore and Tsanos will haH' 1T1emunes, hke a thank you card from a Czethoslovak1an touris t wtiost· c·ar brnke down on Al · 1tgator Alh.·y Tht• card was .id ~ressc·d lo·· Andytown. U.S.A.•' THEODORF, IS R F.SIGNED U> seeing Andytown i;:o, hut he Jtas onl• rc•qut>st. lk wanL'> the state to name the 1ntl'r<:h<1ngc • llridge for Andytown ; "We have to leuvc somethm~ b,ehind." he ::.aid routh, 14, found Guilty :r.!~W YORK (AP) Luis ifbnilla. at 14 the youngest ~r5on ever tried for murder in rtew York state's adult courts, was. convicted Friday o r a re· duced c ha r ge o f firsl·degree manslaughter. A jury of six m en a nd six womeo deliberated for 15 hours be.fore returning the verdict a1ainst Bonilla for killing a 17· y~ar-old boy in an attempt to SlJ!a 1 a radio in 1978. •Bronx Supreme Court Justice 11onald Sullivan tentative ly 10\eduled sentencing for Aug. 21 IQ Fam il y Co urt, whic h ostomarlly handles cases in- vcSlving indlviduals of Bonilla's a1e. New York 's Supreme Court ii-a trial court. , "'OMt: SAY I AM a dreamt·r But I say this . Jn m y 45 yl'a~. I have never failed to do ;.inything I have tried. I would rather l1v1· 1n a beautiful dream than tu work in a world which m ight n1>l have ever tned to do a nything l•1 r elieve world tension "Ji mmy and Ros aly nn Carter bC'liC've in this. They're s upport 1ng this progam with lhc tr unor fit'1al e ndorse me nt " Smith believed an l11s drcum so d ee ply tha t h e r c s 1gnt·d a:-. pastor of the Decatur, Gll . Presbyterian Church to give tht· program his rull attention 111· hud nouris h<'d the ide a sint·1• Carter was govt~rnor or G1•orgia and the e xchange· mvolvcd only Georgia and Brazil SI NCE TllF.N, THER E have been 3U exchanges. involving I G,430 "rr 1e nds h1p am bassadors " from 14 foreign countries. 23 states an d the Dis tract of Columbia "They do not go as touri:.L-;," Sm ith said. "We tell th em that 1f they want to lour . ~hey should t ake a tour. We are not intcrcsl· ed in tourism . We arc intcrei;ted in people. "People travel all over the world and they never make a friend when they travel," he said. U nder the prog ram , an American family will stay with a foreign one, then the fa mily fro m overseas will stay in the !~ondors Aided r Zoo Park Home May Save 4 : SAN DIEGO <AP) -A last-ditch effort lo save lhe almost ex· Uact California condor will begin in January, when four young con· crors will be taken from their nests in the wilds and transferred lo a breeding cage at the San Oieao Zoo's Wild AnJmal Park. "A federal grant or $70,000 baa been appropriated," said Dr. Arthur JUuer, curator of birds at the zoo. 8188Ea SAID A zt.PO&f high cage is being designed for tho condon at the Wild Anlmal Park, In the San Pasqual Valley north di San Diego. The enc losure will be about 50 feet long and 30 feet "Ide. he tald. • ; The birds wUl be kept in a secluded area of lhe park away = public vlow. RlHtt said any otr1prln1 wlll be return .. to the · ! The condor. lhe lar1est bird tn North America, it on t~ ver1e ~ ext.inctlon. Le•• than ao of the birds survive, all of them Uvtn1 ln c ~oador retuce l.o the midst ol tbe Loi Padres National Forest ~"!' ol Ojai. f. IN THE WILD, TH& CWl'OaNIA condor does not bteed for ._. lint six years ol ltt Ute. laJilal only one • ., every two 1eara. · RllMr uld detalll of tbl bnldtq flock project wlll becwoned oit wbea members of the Cabfornla Condor Recovery Tea" draft· ~.the Jl'bb and WUclllle Servh:e mm with soo oltlclell thl• ' ~ . 'f II E R E W E R E I 9 t·xchang1·:-. last year. S mith :.aid tlwn· will bt• 27 this year. "In 21,:i years, we will have ha d 46 exchanges, which will have takl'n on 23.500 people - without any governme nt money :.ind \\ 1thnut any government Ill· tt·rft>rcnn.'." :.au! Smith ··For tht· future. we're plan· 111ng 51 exchanges nexl year and w tll add many states and many n1untri<'::.." s111d Smith. If lhc• govt·rnment had done this. 1l would have cos t much mon• and involved many more pl.'r:-.on::.. he ::.aid. "WE HAVE A STAFF of 11 to mnkc a ll this h:ippen. They don't do 1t for lhc money. They do 1l for the cause " The countries invol ved arc Engla nd. Germany, Guatem ala, Venezuela. Costa Rica, Korea. Honduras , llaly , Belgi um. Switzerland , Ireland, Mexico. Is r ael a nd De nma rk. The s tates invo lved are Gt'orgia, Iowa. Te nnessee, Con- n cc tic u t. P enn s y lv ania, Virginia. New York, Wisconsin, Ida ho, Minnesota, Montana, Alaba ma , Ke ntucky, North Carolina. Massachusetts, Utah, N(•br aska , West Virginia, N<.>vad 11 . New Mexico, Wyom· i n~. North Dakota and Okla h o m a . a s w e ll as W41shlngton, D.C. SMITH SAID HE does not know when the Soviet Union and the Peoples Re public of China might JOin the project. "We 've agreed . It's up to the m ," he said. "They're the two countries that are ul the top of m y lis t. "I hope wo will have ex· changes with Albania, North Korea, Libya, Iraq and Cuba, because we're talking about people-to·people. not gov · ernmcnl·to·govemment. "M y 'oal 111 to make the Friendship Force like a small plant thal bur1t.1 throu1h the concrete -It can't be stopped," he uld. In many of the states \\h1 <'h pe rmit such unions, thc rr 1:-. Ill tie. sometimes no. hous ing for those m;irried n'tarded coupl«s who live m msl1tutiun::. /\ t'l:.11>..,. action s uit has lJCcn rilc:d on behalf or four res ide nt:. or lhe Southbury Trainin~ School 1n Southbury, Conn , an an attempt lo ha ve lhal s t a te· l'rc·atc: facilities for m arrn•d couplt.•:. "MENTALLY RETARDED adults have the same r ight to m a rry as anyone e lse," said Ronald Soskin, an a ttorney with the Nationa l Centl'r fo r Law and the Handicapped 1n South Bend. Jnd. "Ma rriage 1s a rundamenlHI r ight. To pass a law that says because or function. ability or m e n tal IQ a p erson h a -; no legilim ate n ghl Lo murry 1:-. un· constitutional." S uch r estr1ct1 ve laws were based on "an implied assump- tion a mo n g the A m erica n populace that rct<irdcd people we ren't entirely human." said Dr. Philip Roos. executive direc· tor of the Arlington. Texas,. based National Association ror Retarded Citizens. ''There's only been a recent recognition that retarded pciHJlc a re human. a rc citizens and a rc cove red by the Constitution," he suid. "Certain class-action suits. involving the right lo education and the right to humane treat· m ent in stale Ins titutions. wC'rc major forces that led to u re· examination of luws and civil rights.'' VICTOR AND KATHY beamed and nudged one another -already like un old married couple -as they discussed their courtship and wedding plans. "It seems like it's •Romeo and Juliet ,' " Kathy s aid with a gig- gle . "I went to a dance a nd didn't know anybody. I'm very s hy and ve ry lonely. So I went outalde and s at by the beautiful moon and t started to talk to lhc moon. t wanted to talk to somebody and the moon was so beautiful." Victor came out from the dance, saw Kathy and said, "What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here talking to the moon?" • ~ue wanted somebody like me for company," Kathy aald. "I Uve wttb my mother. She's retir- ing and moving lo Florida and doesn't want me to be alone. My famllt want.a us to Uve our own E Di bn1. . Ex·TV xec ee auT aE• MOTRE• 1110 N E W Y 0 R K ( A P ) , waata V~r lo have a vuec· DavldM>n Taylor. a formw Tice tomJ. 8be doesn't think they will president of CBS and NBC, ,SS.ct have enoucb money to 1upport J'rtday of a heart auack at tbe both tbtmHlves and a famlly, •l•ol72. • Kathy ••ld. Victor dou ~ .. , Th<'y ~n·" <.llf'nl for J m 11 rnt·nl Then K.1lh\ ... p111(1· .1houl liov. m11d1 11 1111hl1· h1·1 111<1!·1 1 h ·r ha .., v.1 1h h1 ·1 1 l11lcl 11·11 t•..,p1•1•1,1ll\ \4h1•1) lllt•\ J 1• 'll'k •H "hl·n ..,hc nt·t·cb .1 l1.tl1\ :-.1ll1 r Kathy and V1C:lor .1n· m.1k1ni.: a voluntarv l'ho1<'«' for :.knl11.i tion For many other mt·nt~ilh hand1cap1>cd 111·11pl1" I h1 · < h11w1· v. a .., m a d 1• I 11 1 t 11 1• 1r1 ... nm l' I Im t' <; ..... I I It 11 ll I I Ii,. I I knowll'clgl' or c·on:.cnl. I N AN INDIANA l'll..,<-. for t·x ample '. the par1•111" of a 1;1 vt•:Jr o ld rt>lardc·d i.:1rl !tall h1·1 s t1·nl11.c•tl Shl· ct1~t·o' t•r1·tl ... 11.· cou 1<1 not «on<.·c·n 1· \\ IH·n .h•· m:.irncd 111 )!}75 lier ~u1l ag:11n ... 1 the Judge who pt'rm1tlt•<I 1111• operation r es ulted in a l!l7R l ' S Supreme Court ruling wh1t h said j udges in surh ctt ~f''> «'annot hC' s ued for da mage., "T here long wa~ Lht· ft•ar 11t.t1 lhc ret:.irded \\OUld n :pro<IU tT ret ardL>d c·hlldn·n ." said Lind.£ Carcll1. progr:Jm coordmalor for developmenta l d isabilities at tht- Rutge rs Univers ity Graduate Srhool of Social Work in New J e rsey. "Aul to gt.·L a rl'La rdt·d pc·rson slenhzed todcc y U1>1ni: pubhc money 1s ver y d1fflc-ull You must go to court now. It'~ u tough thing to get done today, but it's still being done. "l sat on a panel with a phys1 clan who had a retarded son." she said . "lie had him gN a vast'ctomy a l tht· agt.· of 11. Ile didn'l <'Ven wait to :,ct• what his potC'ntiul was Obviously, 1h1• rear is still there ... ABOUT!ttSYNDROMESare associated with returda h on. ac· co rd 1 n g l o Dr Th cod o r 1• Tjossem, chief or the mental rt lardation brancn of the Nauon al Ins titute o f Child Health and Human Development Most re· s uit from environmental factors. not heredity. Abo ut J pl'r cent o r thl' Amencan population is menta lly retarded. Tjossem said, break ing down to 2.6 percent mildly reta·rded, 0.3 percent moderate· ly retarded and 0.1 percent severely and profoundly re· larded. Most of lhose marrymR fA re in the category of mildly retarded, people who function quite ln· denendently. Many receive counseling ln budgeting, s hop· pins and sexual response before marryln1. THE POSSIBILITY OF two retarded persons producln1 a re· larded child at blr&h ia remote, TJ011emHld. "It would call for a person who 11 a carrier merryinc a car- rier." One hereditary disorder CIUS· ln1 retardation la " 111• .. 1..,ll·r i\ rl'l.H 1h•d 1·011)111• may f111cl ti 1hff1111ll ,,, (·<1p(• v.1lh the • 11111 plt·,1111•, o f d11hl n ·annJ.! .111d 111.1 \ 1 .... 11 .• d1 .111\ .1nta~1· tu Jll "\Id • 11111•11• ti 11.rl ,11111 Uhl'> ' I' t:1n . 1'111 . Jll II 1!.il ... , :it II'• of rn1·n t .ilh rr•l.1rtl1 tl 111d1 \ 11111(.tls v. Ito h;1d Ii \ l'tl .ii tlw l·:t\\yn lrh 111111t• 111 l'hd;11h'lph1u 1.1..1 ... 1•x .•nllJll'd 1'111 '11111 \', \\hteh Ill '"" ··d :,1 t·1111pti·.. l111111d 1111lv 11111 1,1"·111 "llwl1 a l'h1hl w;i.., n · n1 0,·1·d lw<':cu'" 111 nt·g lt•1·1 While• lh1· 1'.irt' of ..,omc of the !'hlldn•n 1o1vo11hl ht· qu1·stionablc lw m1cl<llC' f'l.1s~ ... 1an'1ards , tht·re .11 1' 111111'r" \\ho .1ppt•ar lO he rc- ,.,.1, 1ni.: 111111wr ml'd1t·:il altt•nt1on d llll ,df1•1•l1tHI ll'll fll IJolh 1wrt•nls. 1lw 1 t•p111 l :;.;11!1 Thi· :.rtr\t·\ lounll lhal in 31 p1•rt·1·11t of th<· marnagc'i. the p.1rtn1·r..,hq 1 \\a:-. ma1nl <11ncd ...i11 ..,f.1e lunh Twt•nty pt•rcenl \\1·r .. ""''"'·"tun hut showed ... 1g 11.., 111 "'"'"'· 1, 1wn·<.·nt we re 1111 .... 111..,f.11 1111' I ~ Jll'r('t·nt wt•rc cit\ on·1·d 111 ..,,.p.crall'cl and the :.t.1 t u:-. \\ .1~ unkllO\\ n 111 2M per· tl'lll or llw mJrrw ge:. NO ONE KNOWS FOR cert.pin 1111'' n1an v m;1rn;1g1•'i there are 11( lll t'lll .tll v h .1nd1capped pc·ro;lln!>, '>tn1·1• 11iu:-.t mildly re· larded and1 v11lua b do nol hvc in 1n:,t1lUt1on1>. They live an g roup settings a shan•rl apartment or hnuSl' with otht•r r etarded pC'oplf' or 111 tht•ir own private home·~ Boh :md Sh1rlt•y, who m e>l two H ·..i r.., ugn, lt av1• hl.'cn living logt•tlwr fw lwo months 1n a tiny 11n 1' lwrlrourn a partment in Bucks ('ounty. Pa Ro b does most of Uw t•ooking and Shirley c it> ans "Orw tinw I c·ookl·d lasagna," Bob ~uut , ,1 hUAt' ~rrn splitting hts red bc>urcl "I had a bet with onother man. And we had a race to sec who could cook 1l the fas test. I won." 808, WHO LIMPS and has a ~hrivclcd right arm. proudly described his work counting employee tips Shirley, e ver the s upportive wite ·to-be. reached \nto her purse and pulled out a baa to show how Bob seals it. They said they had a lot or frac>nds coming to their wedding. llut not Stllrley's sister. •'I told my sister 1 had found a btyfrlend and was getlins mar· rltd," Shirley said rapidly, as 11~ relived the conversaUon. ''She seJd I'm not ptcklna tbe ri~t one, and I s houldn't pt m rried. She cursed me out. f do 't care. She don 't call me. l d 't call he r." ~HIRE WAS SILENCE • Sb ey kept her head lowered. Bo (urled hla brow. ... don't care," eh• said. "It jusUMl• aood to be allve." L ' NATION I CAREERS Nuke Mishap Leaves Scars On Town MIDDLS'r()WN, Pa CAP > -Even wllh the ... IMltqe, lratflc h11 been bumper to bumper lD M t.wa.town °" w kenda. The euriOWJ contJnue to drive ln trom all over -to catch • 1llmptu1 of th.la ce.nlr1l Penn1ytn nia town and UMl l1hu1d that a horrific.>d nlttlon watcb~d rour month.1110. IT WAS HERi:, IN TRIS picture posturd town on th Susqut1hanna Rtvflr , that the 'rbrt.~ MUe Island nuclear power phmt 1ccldent <X:· curred. · ADd Middletown's m a yor. a b111b school teacher ot aovemment named Robt'n G Reid. suddenly found blmself r~•ponslblc ror sareguard la& the lives and property ol ils 12,000 citiu:ns. Reid said In a.n lftlerview that the nuclear acc1· denl hu probably left psychological scu s on M 1d ' cUetown's mostly blue -collar inhabitants. but the ecomonic damaae to lbe town that everyone feared b&11 nor maleriahied. No pisnic selling or REID homes. and business i!-i as good as ever. Like most s mall to wns and many large cities a('ross the nation, Middletown found itself without a specific dis- as t c r or evacuation plan whe n confronted with a crisis -In this case. a possible rudia· tlon haza rd from a nuclear plant. ''Prior to, the acci· dent, I felt we needed a disaste r plan. Our town in near a mainline of Amtrak a nd I wa s always afraid of a de- railment. We arc near a busy interstate highway wht:re ~rucks carry hazardous materials . I just never got the plan finished because I lacked he lp, · s aid Reid. "ALL OF A SUDDEN. lfERt; WE were with Three Mile li;land ·· Recounting some or the !'.>tcps he took Heid mentioned that he ordered J)(>li<:c to shoot looters urte r hulf of Middletown·~ c1l1zcns ev<.1cuutcd dur· 1ng the accid<•n t. Was tha t <.1 difficult step lo lake'' "It wusn't al a ll l 've :i lways hecn or thl' opinion that If I want something I've got Lo go out und cam it . not t uke il from someone else . A lot of my p1"0plc left from fcC:Jr and l w<.1sn't going to kt them come bad< to nothing." /\s a res ult, Heid said, lhl're was a total ;1bsencc of looting. In fa<:t, <inc J1t·rson who mis· tiskenly l<'rt his door o~wn for six days found not <1 sti('k of furniture missing. BUT llJS TOWN AND 11'8 PEOPLE huve c hanged since the accident, perhaps forever , said Reid. who since the accide nt has lirgued against nu('lear power in Pennsylvania which he reels has enough coal to fill that state's ene rgy needs. "You can tell t he town has been divided . and it's been heated at times . You have a number or people for and against nuclear power. "The accident will always be in the back of their minds. And should the plant open again 1t 'II he tough on some JX'Oplc. ·· RF.ID. NOT A PROFESSIONAL politit'i<in, had been m uyor for JUSl <.1 yc<ir <ind w<i s tf't1ching his high school government class when the· a<:ci· dent occurred. Was he ~cared·1 "Concernl'd" wus (he word he chose . "I was concerned because I had 12.QOO people to bu concerned for. I was the mayor. I had to ht• their leetder." Reeordinl( Engineer Ai'Wlr9 ..... I• .... ,, .... b•tw H uµL•rl Mure.loch . Australt~n publis her of the N (•w York Po s t un<I 87 oth e r papers on three con- t u.•nti,, da1m t·d ht• 1s ,in /\ust 1 .1ll<.1n r<.'SI and lh<•rcforl' c nlallcd lo hu y a s y d n L' y tt• ho v i s 10 n s t a tion Sea Otter Count Holj)sFirm SACRAMENTO <AP> The population of s ea otte rs seem s to be hold- 1 n g s t ea d y on th e California coast, accord· mg to a trie nnial census hy the state Department of F'b h :md Game. T he de panment said that during the thre('· day census from Pismo lil'ach to S<i nta Cruz. c·ountcrs e::.t1matc·d 1.443 otters . down from the I, 789 IO 1976, BlJT A SPOKESMAN sc.11d lhl' lower count was probably caused hy gus· ty winds and c hoflJ>Y wat ers, whi ch hampered s t <i t e and f~d e rul b1o lo~ists a nd volun· leers who worked from an airplane and s hore locations. One reason for bc licv· ing the popul31 ion is sta· , ble is a 1ack or increase I in the numher of sea ot- ter carcasses found. 8 U T •• 0 I, t, 0 W U P s pot ch<'cks to confirm the s us pcC'lt'd unde r - e s tim at ion ur c be ing ro n s id <'r ed , the s pokesman said. The th re e area s monitor ed t he m o s t c los e ly we r e Pi s m o Reach. Santa Cruz and San Simeon. Hard Buslness to Crack By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: I love music. I've always wanted lo become a record· in~ enllneer. How can I break lnto tbi1 exciting work? -R.D., Mempbls, Tena. All that glitters Is not gold, and even less oft.en platinum. According to Bill McCullough, who has the kind or job you want at a ma· jor Was hington, D.C. r ecording s tudio, you might have to start in lhas career pushing n broom. Recording engineers -who arc not engineers in the sense or a civil or mechanical engineer -a re grouped as broadcast technicians in most career literature. BY WHATEVER JOB lit.le, the trick is to get yourself into a studio, learn the operation and make yourself Indispensable . McCullough, who literally trained himself. offers lheHtiPI: -Get experience any way poss i· ble. Work as a "grip," asslatiq local bancb with recording and sound rein· forcement. Seek work in a tape dupllcatJon plant. Record bi&h school or collese 1rouP1 -then 1et a pro- teHlonal opinion of your efrorta. -A lood buslneu sense la a real •Hel. Chancea are you'll start out with a amaU operauon where you'll be needed ln the office aa well u the 1tudlo. Check out the "Blllboard Studio Dlreet.ory" -a1k your librarian to locate Wa ref•restce. It lllta i tud.lOI tlaroupout the world. •eCVl.LOtJGR ALSO notes that 1be Job wW attect you penonally ln . ...., .. ,.: -Be .,...,.net for loaf, lrreplar llOurl ... ~ DO lllep la tbe .... to .... MUoe dtedlinee . ......_.,., low,~tbe .... ,.. &llllt -tkllll. n. ..... ol •• eaalneer vary ,,_ r!S::plaffment to ml.a· .... ;topt&beclel&rwd _ ...... ....., ........ ...,: ' ( CAREERS J -Develop a keen sense or rhythm und timing. Learn to appreciate all kinds of music. -An engineer has to understand e l ectronics, logic a nd m a th. Knowledge or computers is fast becoming essentia l. -Acquaint yourself with the tools or the trade . St art by re ading journals s uch as ·•R ecording Engineer-Producer" and "Ob," and by studying your own audio equip· menl. WHILE SOME recording studio engineers took courses, m any ac· quired their skills Informally. Jr you do choose the school route, in· vesligat.e the institution thoroughly before enrolling. As McCullough says. "Your educa- tion is your own gig -m aximize every opportunity to learn about music and recording." READER SERVICE: Coiirlt'JI of t~ Audio E~ SoddJI. J10U con re· cdve a COAi of corHr Ulttlllunl! ,,,.., 1c'1oo&. lhot Inch recordmg orta. Aak for "RecordinQ Engfnetr." EncloH 21 Cf"fd1 in lfomps plUI a gMmmed, atl/-oddreaed matlmg ~l. &mid JIOUr rtqwd lo J"f/Ct Lam KfftlWdfl at Boz 15'0, Coalo Meta 92Gf. Black Engli1h Eyed 6 4 2 • 5 . 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • U111-1 .. h .una h• •t 11-f.u...-t utuuo h• •t ftlN'"' .. Urft trf t n, c·fAdon'lln1um" turn t ~,maotur't1' I r.1 1"'-.r...~'""""'"'" 1tW.l\fMAhc.""t t l\f l.>uJ1l•o~J-1uo INv••, ..... t nr At.1h .. 'Ut1t ~&,t, I nt11rt1 A1,t ~ t u1 nor t nf "'"JOI ku1h1~ lt11 .. 11t UM1 h \l1A1 I t_,u•"·' Uuo"'' "'nuna r u.,01,.1 \iet'»h•1" H• 11'ti1I k•·•il.il"" l•l ~h.,u • ,, .. ,_..,. lot H•·n1 ttth1,. h•olf+I 1iv .. 1n1 "' ltt n1 ... 1 lndu 0h1ttt H,.ut..il 'l•if ••'' It• ht..ih "'"'°'''' \tu~• tc,,,,1 .. 1 BUSINESS. INVEST· MENT, FINANCE '"'"''n. • ''Jl'""t• Sllurd!y, July 21, 1979 DAILY PILOT The Blggeat Marketplace on th• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With • Want Ad [842-5878 ) One Call Service Faat Credit Approvl!I IOUI l'*I ~= ......... 1• ,.,.. Ur.It 11111 IG)I 11141.1 l<H-4 11!411 li.:IJ 116a IUlll l!M l(ffll Wl'ii ICJIJ II .. UM '""' llW .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• EQUAL HOUSING . OPPORTUNIT~ ,... ........ Moffc•: All reul Ctltale 11dvert1scd in tius newspaper ts sub· Jcct to the Federal Fat r Housing Act of 196H which makes it illegal lo advertise "any p rl' ferencc, hm1latwn. or du.cnarun11t1on bm.cd on race. color. rcllg.ion. sex. or nalJooal oni:m. ur :.in mtcnlmn to m ake uny such prefen ·nt·l'. ltmtta lion. or d1scn mtnalton. · · "" 1iu!> ncwspup(•r wtll nu1 .~ knowingly ucccpl any ~~ advcrtis111i: for r cul i)J• e5Ulle which 1s 1n viola ~~ uonofthe law ..... r•.111 '"'' '"'' tHU 1111 ..... , "" '"'' I I'l l '~" ,,,, ,.,,. 1,,, h•" .... .ii ERRORS: Advertis~ ~check ~Ir ods cWly .ct r.,of"t ~r­ ron iM111tdiat.ty. The DAILY PILOT auumu liceitity for the first in- c:.ornd insertion oftly. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G....... 1002 G.,.... 1002 fhMf'• 1012 .........•..........................................•••.•• , .........• DUPLD $71.900 2 Dedrm, 1 balh each. Rear unil, bric k fplc, dble c a r ~ar a~e A bargam, call 546-23 13 •)Hf'I llf v • ,, 1ur, H "1' '•~, [~RMI .._.IVllT" MISA VIEllDE /\ lit.eel galcd courtyard adds t.o elegant entry tu u 2500 sq.ft. family home . L&rge l1 v1 n g room . formal drnrng, s unny garden kitchen overlooks pecan paneled fa mily room. 4 Bedrm, 2 bulh. added-on game room with 7 stool wet bar, bwll in refrigerator, corn SUGAR 'N SPICE rnerc1al indoor JUI<~. and everything nice in pool table, huge added on I.his clean 3br , 1 ~ ba ulLIJly room. low maml. home w /covered p:tlto. -Yard with wooded di!ck nv ac·ces~. h: }d & m·w spa Jo~xlra lonR double roof. Only $7!1.000 C.:all car garage and much ; now 979-5370 much more /\ mu!>t <,ct• • · ()Uy $139.000 Seemi: 1s ALLSTATE behcvmg ! Call MG·2:!13 -I,. "tt .. , '. J ' ., ,, I __ REAL~ORS [~ lfl!ll HEIGHTS Why Pay 6% COIN'ft.? CHARMER •S950• $146,500! s .. ;u.!> ~o~.1~ llOM ~ G 11 r g "o u ~ \' w 1> 11 r t • f /\. ~ I • , llc 11.thls <·h 1r mn ' :i I-lJ I. L H 1-. /\ 1.1 Y Bc drm" ~ ha t h ~ S l-:HVIC E ' Compll'll•iv r\•1111v111 .. 1t ASSIST U St-;LL with ma11y uµg rndc :. !157 117117 Sµac111u.~ yard Takt· ;.d S.:11 things fu:<I with l>mly vantal!c. c•,1ll 75l 17()(1 l'll11l Want /\1b. ,,, .... ~ 4 lmllOOM 2 STY Ai;s ume $63,800 loan. Minut.e!i lo the PoUJ1dl1'1$; 11urr. l<'orma l Ii ving room , s unny kitc he n. n11ss1ve bnck fplc, huge fimuly rm Sla1111 leadinK LO all bcdrms. Wall of· wass overlooking park like 1:rounds. lluge cor· ner lot w/RV access. $.500 /mo. Call for a ll amen1l1 cs Appt. fo r JJf1Vate preview, 963·7881 ..... ,,,,, , .. , ... 1,,,, .. ,, •• , [®1*11 OCEANFttOMTS 2 BH house $375,0001 2 & 1 HH cluplcx $rlS.000' 2 & 2 UH duplex $3!15, lj)()J 4 & J 1m duplex $550,000' fj12Blt UllllS $1.2.50,000' IAYFltOMT 3 & 2 BR duplex $425,001.1' NEWPORT IEACH 3 & 3 Bit duplex $1119,000' 1a1M»a lay Prop. RHlton • 675-7060 .. I 'w 111•• 1>.11lv l'ilol 11'4 '""' v.. •ll••il '"'""'"'•t1t ''M"'~I" h1\• tn .. "' ,. .. ,,h-J ;::·: ft'uK.t what you wc.nl 111 J)Jily l'tlot l'l.i:.:.ifu:d .., II )'llU rl' lliokm~ lur .J lwl utUl· Miss Muffl'l :.Ill 1111 LI Tufft.-L. aloni: 1·a m 1• ,1 'pult·r and n·;1tl 1n th•· IJally l'llol Cl.t!>..,.f11·1I .,. .. 1111n .. hout '11:.!> Mui fct .., Tufl\'l u11d b'1u~hl 11 for ~ !j;, Yllu t·a11 -.1•11 your t uffl·t .ind lol" ul <Jt hl·r t hi n ~., thr11u1:h Dally 1'11111 C'l.i..,:.11 1 .. 11 Atb Call &i;i 56/H ' F;,...t f<,·.,1111 ' "'' v 11·1· 1Jir .. l'l 11n 'uut \I•~~' '" l.t••tli 'f•#l•t \4,.M•--tf• \t•41.,•t• th ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND \tH..,tufW t lht 1;f 1 ,, f•1,.1I 1.-..:.•l ,,,., •• ....... ,. t ·~·""· '''"' ·~ .. 1 . ....... I 11 I lul~ • ,,.,., ... SERVICES £MPLOYM£NT & PREPARATION "~,,,i ftl\ltwt11,,, l1oh't\ Ullo t• Hd•1 't\wnt•'I \11. t MERCHANDISE i\HIHtU•' l\1111h.1t1• •• .\1.-.11•1'• lh• •,1 t. h1ut.l1u, \t,111 f!,•I f .. ft!•,.,,& t'l flll(lfl" Ill t ,.t\o '"•k' I .. I ,,, \ 'l'V tUtthlHt• '·•' .. ti. '411• ll1+f \I'\ th~"' ho~d f1f1"1d Jr'tllf'lr" l.n ..... 1r. k M .. ~ rm~ r\ "t~'f'il.onf"llN M~ll•~-u \\ '"""" \h1· 1• .;I In I 1 ~th• 111 fJfhf'f' t-urn ft t'•1v1" ,._.. .. ~n~t~:~:,:~ '*-"llnl(f.-t,.."1· '°ltor .. t(.,,,.._., .. nt h .. r .., ... µ.. T" ft.dti1J llt .. t 'It trtf BOATS & MARIN[ EQUIPMENT C,t,,•1i•I l~.1 •t \t .-int "n 11 •• '"*""' \l<11r111• t.•1oiµ llo~t ,,,, ... 1 '"'"' him f h • .rt•·r ... _;iat ·1 ... 11 hioi.-t \Jib• lhr • '"' .. ' 1J11t•'1 &~1 ..,Nth "''' .1lr{• TRANSPORTATION .. , "'·• ... ,, . ... .... "' .,,,. ····"' '••tu ..... , .,,,, .,_,. ,,,,,, ... , .. ,., "''' r •• n 11n11 t lilfHI"''" ""'' ltr·,~I .,.,,, .. ,,.,,,., , .. ,. tl)I' ~M11li•llon1•.. ''''• Mot.or f;yde-\ Vr,,1h'r.!1• tH:IJ \1()(1,.,-ll•M· '·''' lh nt 111111 lr .. 11"" Tr1n•I 11111 T, .. ,._,,, hllh 'fl"'• Au•u Vr-..11 •• 11.1'1 , '•~•1 AUTOMOBILE Co•'ttf•f.-1 Alihlf~"' t 'lo1i11t\I+ lh ,r• 611tmn \1 lt1• h "~f'f'h Jt,11 I lcotl IWf\tl('tUtt\• I I IUI ~ .. v ...... Altt•1I"' • 01, .\vlo"~"f1h 1t AUTOS, IMPORTED ····n. t ... t \U.i H•11t,.'1t ,..., .. .<\\ol~11rt lh .. 1.) 11\IW t"""'' ,,lrom '''" h .. l'\Ull ••rttUI ..... , th1tl·I-' J .. ~""' J1 OM Ji IC..•trn.Jnrtl•fl111 1..&mbot1lloru M.-J:ifl.i M .. , ......... h.•IU "'· 1•1.11 .. , .. , f'.tnh'l.t •I l'•·uJ.1•11t • • .,,,, h1• u.n .. uh ltJtlh U•1)rt' U11\CI !W.i!U SlUll !'Juh1o1ru • • ru>w .. ln umµh VuHu~w"f( .. n Vm¥o AUTOS, NEW .,,,., ., '~t ..... , 1i·,~1 ···-' ·1 ... n 1 ..... •J.AJ ..... ) Sl .89 per DAY Th.1l 'I\ LI. you 11.1) lr11 ,, :JO tkl)' .111 Ill t111· DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY UO IT NOW' 642-5678 ter JOb, )ou v.1111 l w.1nl Ill mi~' th\· 1·m µloymc11l \'Olumn:. tn l 'lil-. ... 1111 .. J r--------, 1 Going Into 1 : Business? : I I 1As required by law, I new bu s1 n e sses 1 1us1ng a Fictit i o u s l euslness Name must I regist er that name I 1w11h the County Clerk I 1Call the DAIL V PILOT I LEGAL DEPARTMENT : tor forms and lurther information. 1 I 642-4321 ~ Ext. 332 j A COHV(NllNT SHOl'PlNC ANO s r w1NC CUIOl fOR lti[ CAL ON TH( CO Sew A Sweetdress 9346 8-20 "" 1lf ""•-1Tf ~-r .... 't'r\ 14 •·''our 'IH'll.tlh t'.111 lo-I:! 'Iii?~ 1·~ I 122 macnab I irvlne realty HARBOR VIEW PORTOFfHO Orw ot :i k11 1<I rl:rnod1•l<.·d hornt• in 1d1·;1I l11<·:1t11Jn IJ ;11·k ~ 1rn natur e pa rk w 1 11\J r1 ·:r r n 1·t g hbor'-. hut I hc·n · an· fruit t n·t·!'-1 & room tor a pllol 1 !'llSl b TWO l ~1 mil,\-rm!'-1 - t·nd11:-;('(I g~1 rdt•11 t·nt ry and ~uch ;1nwn11 H'!'-1 a:-. wo11d f loor!-.. c·cthng:-. & h:rndrrnb .Joy<·t· l·:dlund 642 82:35. OPEN SAT. 1-S P.M. 1820 NEWPORT HILLS DR. EAST 644·6200 f>42·823S 901 Dover Onvt' Harbor View Genier Irvine di Cctmpus Valley Center 7S2·1414 Big Canyon Golf Course View leautiNI new townhome -eosy occHs to pool mtd jocu11i -tettnis cowts. • :1 llc·ilruom., or:• plu" 1·1111,,.rl "''" • \If ('!Jllllft lllllt•cl • ,. ' . 11.11 It~ •I· .111111\' ..,11•· k1ll'll!'t1 . I >1111111• ll1•1fll • ( '1•1 .111111 I II•· l'llt l'VI kll 1 111·11 • ()11.il1I "' • .11 lll'h \\•,di• uv1·r1111• • 1·11..,111m ... 1t11111•r.., 1 11 .1111·~ c It h1·r 1 u ... 111111 .1m1·111t 11·. Sale by OWMr 960.4432 Or your ag(•nl <:ourtc:-.y to brokers Realistic price for quicks• $239,000 a. Cote Realty • .,. ... & Investment Company YOU'VE ARRIVED AT. .. IALIOA ISLAND E xtra lan~c tornc r duplex in xlnl t'Ond. On ·sh or e i.I nd off.s hore m oorings available . Recenlly r e m odeled . Could be elegant single family home. E¥clusive and off c rt.>d at $695 ,000. llG CANYON Exet·utavc family hom e with four bdrms. 3 baths & playroom . Beautiful pool and s pa. All ne w paint and and carpet. Move in cond. lmmed. occupancy available. Open Sat/S\m 1·5. You 'v e arrived al #35 ,t'ontaineble u II• CAHYOM Lovely 6 bdrm home, all on l floor. Beautiful pool and spa with two fu mlly rooms. V~ry large and prlvate yards ... that's correct - yards. Shown by appl. and offered at 1795,000. 640-5777 NEWPORT CENTER ·. A OM.YP!.OT ,.,,..,,,.a 1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t 1 ti 1002 .,.,.. 1002 .............................................. .......... ._.. tt111n .... 1.ee ... ., ........................................ ••·······••········•··· •• IA •••• I .. IMZ ••• ,.. 1002 ----------------~ .................................................. ~·············· .. CM._. • ..,.,..kif\. vi.wot .................. ....... ,.,.. u.a. ... lac.tar hom~ lhlr• tar .. llvl•I room , ~ k"t'ft9A, ap&ral 1talff•H leadhtl to t• SOHl•r I .Ut e ewld paUo Oaly .oou Cat i for pn nal Interview - .. Wwll .... YOUI ~ .. . ...... Pr'Ol*\1 t~=~1 MS-7573 _.TOllACH frona lh1:1 Newport Vlsto 3 bedim beauty. Larg1· yud. good t erm i. S77JIOO. Act now! Call 546--1313 /i 1 J lealnars 1:1:1a S1·.u·rL·:.t Uri\ t• ( u ron.1 111•1 ;\I Jr '\1•• por1 l~·iwh (' .ili1111 n1J !J:.'li~!l ';° 14 I Ii-II 11~11 1, I I t.X.i!t GARAGt: SALE ads rn lhe Daily 1'1lol bnng hap- py results. To place your drawing card , phone 00,5678 loday I 4 """'""' REALTORS '7S.Htl OPIM HOUSIS H40 IAY ... DlfYI: c ........ M.-; • ...... , ...................... . ... , .... ••• t.w wtlll .._wllM IAY ..... """ .......... ... ... ._, ,..., ..... ~ ....... ..., .... ....... r••• •4l•l•ht •••hr ••lh. .... ., ..... ., ........ ...., ............. peil a ,..._ wt IM• cam & IKwlty ,,..._ SlH,000. Of'IM SAT & SUM. 1.s. 2ll POPPY: c ....... ~ .... thpl to ... a... ............. to .... pott .............. ,... ........ off ........ ,_.... for Z ..... un; two be .. o.s, f•alty r•••· 1t•dr & gord•• roolft. SpeclHr "--wttt. wh pfhacy. OwMr w• 111111t ~--$360,000. <>PIH SAT & SUM l·S EXCLUSIVE llG CAHYOM: OM half acr• ••tahi w of • ldttd. fiY« M*ooMs. 511> botltt, recreation room with w•t. bar & fir.,t••· . gtirdeft roo•, cadfoillilMJ two patio• & ~/51ta ar.a. Approal....tely 7000 ....-feet of lftCIC)lllflc...t H•llMJ In a MOit nch1d•d pri•at• conununlty o••rlooldllCJ 1MJ C•y0tt Golf Coww. CaU for cMtaih & ~· COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coost Hwy., Corona.._. Mar 675-5511 6 75-3411 OM THE WATER A s u mmer placl' ;.md winter to o' 1 Bdrm s ini:.{lt· family home an Nt·wpor t Under $200.000. Fantast ie terms Pcrftort for :1 s t•t·ond home or investment. $179.900 NEWPORT'S IEST 5 Bdrm home in perf ec·t communitv fo r C'hild ren. with (j yard that has had ~reen.lhumb care with fountains and pools This 1s a ho m e lo e njoy with pride. $209.000 WHAT PRICE CHARM Less than you'd 1•xpN:t for t his immac.'ulatC' 3 Bdrm + dt•n Cameo If 1g h l:mds hom e with pool. Under Sl!J5,000 and you 'II enjoy pr1vac:y + a ~loriow, Catalina ~unset from the yard. LUSK IM SEAVIEW -The h1ggest model. now higgc r and bette r . Custom ized 4 Btl rm Por t Hoy a l with game room and view. $338.000. IEACH DUPLEX Looking for an investment and a re treat ? You can have your c<1ke und cut 1t ~ Owner is moving oul of a rt!<.a a nd mus t sell lhb duph.•x. One hlock from the beach in tht• l'cntcr of t he s ummer scene . $219.500. EXECUTIVE REW ARD -Yo u d es e r ve t his t:omfortable 4 Bdrm McGreggar plan on ;J n ove rsized . private lot in Turtle rock Highla nds It 's ui r c·o nd i tio ne d . & you ca n choose carp"ctin~ plus. builder s terms . $214.900. POOL HOME IM IA YCREST -Spae1ous custom built 4 Bdrm ho m e . Ideal for entcrta inin~ with a large pool a nd p<.itio, but room enou~h for a s a fe play yard. ll's a great fa mily ho me, a nd a fa bulous buy. Red uced to $237,500. HOTTEST NOPHTY IM TOWH -lmmaculatc 4 Bdrm Peter s Townhome. Present owner JUSl m o ved in, decorated in super s umptuous taste .. and now they're transferred. You can assume the ir low interest loan point free. IL won't last thru the weekend. $155,900. TIRED OF CAITIM• KIDS -Yo u won't need to do as muc h if you choose this 4 Bdrm Lus k built Eas lbluff home in walking distance lo schools. shopping, churches a nd m arkets, and It's ideal for c hildre n. Reduced to $239,000 fee. UMDH SZ00,000 IM MIWPORT -Supe r 3 Bdrm ho me on one of our best streets. lt's vacant, the owner is anxious. You ca n't beat this value at $198.000. FOR THI SICUllTY MtMDID -This 3 Bdrm J us mine Cr eek home is an investme nt in peace of m ind, freedom. Pool. tennis, convenience & a peek of the oc ean! Don 't let it s lip away. $225,000. .... DAVIDSON REAL TY PRESENTS MIWPOIT YU DUPLIX Nf:W ' Jus t t·omplC'ted. 4 doors to ocean: 2 BR Nlrh Own r w/ht lp finon<:t' f<~r. dr!'I .. rrplcs .• putio. 1289.500. UDO ISLI P e rfect family hom e on wld c lot . 4 BR . + fam . rm. P a rquet firs . 2 trpk ~ .. cust om kitc h e n . $475,000 LIDO ISLI Dra m a tlt· dbl. doors open Ii() l'loistt•r d ~ttrdt>n e ntry . forma l d in r m . tnformu l den . G rt:tdous home. proudly offor cd a l $459,500 LIDO ISU The lux ury of space in lh1s 5 RH . d~n . family rm .. on lgc st-to-st. lot fo'1n ·st loc . S unny So. patio. S527 .~>. M!W UMITS tn prim e Cost a Mesa n ·nl<.11 a rcu. with frplcs . Lge. existing l oa n ANX IOUS O W NE R SAYS S U BMIT NOW ! Asking $243.500 D A v r D s 0 N R E A L T t r N C. J' 'I, ~~' •.. P"'' I',. : ', • 673· 90 60 PERSONAL HOME OPEHHOUSE SATURDAY 1-4 SUNDAY 10·4 253E. 2310 COSTA MESA St·L on ovn I /5 acn .' 1111 a toVl'ly :.ln'Ct m t"asl:.1dt" (;o:.ta M1·:.a A I01:al hwhJt"r 1:. now :-.t·llrn~ h1' p1•r:.on a I n•:. 1 d l' n l" l' Natural n :dar :.ultn~ I f1n :placl· 111 nrn ~ti>r I h 1• 11 r o" m . ., I' I <' n cl 1 ti I and' ca pt n I( II u i: 1· l11rmal d1n1nK r1111m . b • · a rn 1• d l' t' 1 I 1 n .: ' . bt•:Jllllfully wallpapcrt.'d 1\J I thl· l'Xlra:. 'ln:.1<11· & 11111.,.t.Jt· Nu t·XJll'll:.t• :.p:ircd h y 1Ju1 Id er owrwr /\ t'u111 I Pl<.tl'I' l'X d1L-.ivt• <.;all I.lea Arnold. 7~~ 1!rl\J t 9UAIL A_,~~~~- 10,... Tit l :l O P.M.I HOTICE h<rw Dmly P1lol ('la.,., 1f1t.otl ad:. t.11:.pl<iy their ITk~.,agt.-:. w1Lh lc1:11J1lily an<l 1m~1.'l? Our ads, we i.re proud lo s uy. rea lly i:ct res ult:. l'honc 6'2 5678 Fftside Cotnfort Conven1c nlly lcoeull'd 3br. :!bu hom(•. St1·p down I 0 l 11 h U g (' f a lfl I nl w/bnt·k frpk & p11rq1~·l nrs. Endosctl 1.n.1111) w 1,1 dt'l1ghtful Ja l' Only Slf1. !OJ <.;a II \17Y 5:f7 o t 11 duy ALLSTATE REALTORS Shade. Fruit Tr~H . l'ror de<·or 21;00 "I It llack &y llm lm111:11 parq flr:. :> bdrm I a 111 rm In: yrcl s12•1 !KW ~141 Khrw Ill S /\ ll}!t-. 751 7721 1\i:t Opr•n Slll!Sun lla\t' :J-1 dll·:.1•1 ,t i!\ sari ho al, wa JI l ,, 111 • .t I houM·. Ora111:1• ("111 , 5-10 (Jl1.}J OLYMPIC POOL A'ISUITit' 7', lu;111 J•ay 111t:fll UfJllrllX $."~1~,IJ 111'1 mo ()mwrtcd t 1111 . :1 It:., uvi.:n1t.Je1I th1110111 <..i•.t><' Lu all :.d11111h .,11.ip 11rng 1rnd ( w .v ')n, 'l!iO l"11srnaim•mm 962·44n (7.'!~ > 546·810 3 'if<:U. 1dh• item., with ,1 U;uly P1lol C.:la:1.-.1f1e<l /\11 /HARD TO FIND Two I u 11 v f 11r11 i s h c· d B :.i I ho ;1 Pc nin:-.ul:J unats on IL·gal H ~lot. On1· ho u sl' f r om s a n d . P rit·ed for 1mmt:d iale sail' al j u~t S J8!l.500 on ft·e !a nti. St•t• t h is pr<>tll'rty on Suturduy or Sunday hct wl·cn I and ~, pm ;it 1607 W.st Balboa Purking J\vail11blc 111 He:-Jr JVewport Pier Realty S©~~lA-~t.~s - ,,.,at /nlri9uin9 Word Game with o Chuck/~ -----l <llfe4 .. , Ct.A' I POUAN ~ .... s,_v...,,..N..,.w_,or-11 ~.: 11 I' I I _ ~ Two minds seldom run in the same channel& At 111ast, where there la --· tele•ls1on .--------:--, set at home OYNHIG l li-~1:......;1,....;.;..,.1--,lr--"Tjfrl 0 l.n"'o"'•e "'• chu<~I" Qu"'"'' _ ht 1.t1tnv •tt the ''""1ft0 wouh L-.l--'--'--'..._.&,_.J vw de"•'°'1 f1om step No 3 betc,w PRINI l~UM80f0 ICIT[P'; Ill HU~( ~ ARI S ONSOAMIU U IUU 10 1 ANSWU sc:a•M-UTS AMwen 111Cloltfficatiott1010 • 1111( & RN,,. CORN PRODUCTS C A E C G T A I R H I S N H A E R V S P N H S E S 0 S I R S R 0 t W L E V H C P E V E H E N G U S P R £ I 0 R E 0 A M C £ G T ~ I T A S A G P H C P 0 R l W A H I P V P I H G U R R C W K V T I L A T U M Y A M 0 R M E 0 N R l U N I D R 0 S A U P R R A A R N C N N G S N N 0 E R U P C M T M N I E E S G R W T t G H T A P 0 V £ C $ C G l U 0 H A N A t R E E K R A N 0 I A R M X I L G S S M I 0 L S A P I R R U Q Y S L S U H M L A 0 W I P T N N P Z H K C t A E C W S K l A H G A G C A T Y W R S S H 0 R T I N E W C E M R A E L C E C S I Y H I R N 0 S E ........ Hlddllt ........................... • ..... •· .0-• di S .. w. Plnd-" IMI "°"It"'-~ .., lllC.... •• •: ~ r..-....... *'Irr v.... .w:z ~ ;::.. =:... a.cc::&: T...,...:mrr .. .. •"'\,,... ... .. . ....... ...... . .. HMMt For 5* .._..,For S. HMMt For S. HcMnet For S. •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• Ilg. IOOZ 11 1r_. 1002 •••r.e 1002 •••r.e tl02 Cl .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... . ....................... . ..................... . Vv l<~ I. I ·, ·.., TAY LOR CO . IU-'.:\1.,I11: ' ... ' l'l·}I; MeGU& SNOllS OCIAMNOMT A lou<'h of Hawaii right here on the nc·l•u nfront in the clos ed g a t e t•ornmunily or Niguel Shores . Serene & h caut1ful loc ation a nd a great tnvf'strnunt. Private steps to the lovely c·o mmunity be a c h . Spacious home w ith it b •drms . forma l dining, study & .twg(• n •t·reation rm. Spa & blt-in fish \tquanurri. By appl. $97~.000. · GREAT GlllHllLT & OCEAN VIEW T he lit•s t vie w in J asmine Creek' Supcrhly dl'l'Oraled. this bright. airy & uh c·cr·ful homt• w/l~o patios will win your hc·art Situa ted on one or the best ~11<·:-. 111 Ph11st• 111. Near -ne w popular 'Ba v Mis t '' mod e l This q u iet ht·uu.ttful arc~• o tre r s the best in It v1n1: l1·nn1s tourls . pools, s pa & 2 1 lu1111" .... 1·1·uraty i.tatl'. $250.000. COST A MESA IMCOMIE UNITS TWO OUPLEXES--U.RGE LOT l•.;1d1 d11pl1·x t·on la rns two 2-bdrm. I 11.rlh s 11w.l1· ll•vt·I units Near SC'hool\~ :-.lu1 pp111H. l'tt· llt·<..l utc<..I pn cc al only S l !l~1,000 fo r· li1>l11 hldg~. Call lo1fay 1 Wafter S.-1<mg & _A.66oc. 673-2500 COUNTRY FRENCH -CclM Meed to Ml -MOW S2tt,IOOt 3415 9'1llT COYE OPIM DAILY l·I : Ouly need to turn the key on this C'harmin~ 4 BR & f1:tm . rm. home with 1 piC'turesquc d ay & ni,ght VIEW of ~ offshorC' islu nds. hay & ocean. Com e l'njoy meande ring throu~h our used ; brick w<ilkways. enter o nto soft brown ~ M exi C'an p a vc r s & re lax in the comfort of wood flooring, beamed C'ei lings, Fn•neh d oors & shutters . Visit or l'all for a pp'l. -easy to sh ow. PRIME EASTSIDE C.M. ~i Hedroom ho use in front. Re ally s h;Jrp :l B('(fr oom duplex in r e ar. O W (' at IO't, lntt'rest rate . $230,000. Owm•r anx1ou~ :wso G<.i r den Lane WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO .• REALTORS 2 I I I Son Joaquin Hll1 Rood I · NEWPORT BEACH, M.B. 644-4910 ';~-. · ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ I B4l~~~}~l~~~0~~&ty 673-8700 ! ••••••.•.•••••••. Ht•;iul1lul <! Bflrm 1·11nil11 •Al tht.' J.!Olf l"llU f !>l'. t•rul unit, ffiJllY Ul'l:I .1tl1·s. WESTCLIFF IEAUTY OP8I SUM. I ·5 EASTSIDE ~PLEX '1'11\\ 11111111..,t· s l vlt·. walk to shopp111 ~. 1•11·.11 ;11 (';t , 'iLip t•I' buy Only s20;>.1.>00 ( '.1 JI . 645-9161 · : 1783 Orenge. Coit• Men OPEN HOUSE S.ATURDA Y 1-5 221 16TH STREET UCWPORT BEAC H .l h1"Jn 1orr1 f111·11l.tl'I', .! 11.1\to ., •1\l"l 't/1•tl 1111 l1!·:1ut1l11l l\ l.11111.,.·111.,·11 l\l·-.1 IHI\ Ht "l1·v.p111t ll1•:Jt·h ~111 ~>•HI f".dl I!'..! l!fiO t QUAIL A,~~,~~~- I°"" Toi l :l O r.M.I SPECTACULAR Vll·:W llCJ~H: V11•w 11f N1•w1><1rt Ila~ (';1t..iltn,1 .11HI I II y 11.:ht:. from ltv1111: 11111m. drn111g 11111m k tl dH:n a nd m"ll'I htlrrn lk..,1m1·tl 1·1·11Jni:..,. l-'11·nd1 cloor~. ·,t,11n1-.I gla.,i. "oo<I & l11Wk l.11-.h JIOOI .H l'J '-low 1111·-.t·nt 1.•d .11 f,1 15.000 \1ary J\nn Andn i.11n, ai.,rt M4· lllJ4 111 1, 7 r, tiOOO ••• ~A.AmbroH llllfi V1c1ona <;11.,111 Mt•s:1 Vou an· thl' w mncr nf thrff frH tiek~h ($22 fill value). tu llrn.:1111~ Uru:. Ban1um & Ui.1h>y ( "tr!"US /\ug. <iml thru 1:1t h J\1whc1m (."l)nvc.•ntwn C.:1'111.t:r T 1l'kt·t:. mus t hi• l'X ('h:Hll{l'll r11r rc 11t•rv1•d '\l'HL'i al lht• Omv1•nt111n (Hiller ahead uf I 1m1• CHll oo 567K, ext tn to dmm your l1 ckcli1. • *. MHOHB.r7 llclp yourself to a llcaplng s('lcctron of Qualrfwd llopofu ls rn the DAILY PIU YT' llELP WANTJ.o;O AOS MEANDERING down tr('l' lml·tl 11. .ti k U1ru lcrra1·1• 1;ard1·1l'o -.0·1 lht• mv1goral111J.! 11111•· •11 tlus J:tJndo n 1111111u1111' ~u:.l ~··(· Lh1!> :! lwtlr•l'•lll air l't1nd11111nt·d 111 .1111' 11frf'r('(J al ltSl ,!IJIJ l".111 5-lO Jl.J".l(j .., 141at1~1'Ja EASTSIDE, CM $89.900 ('u..,tom cl1•1:111t-.1 1.111111\ h 11 m ,. .I h 1· d 1 rn ' l'athcc.lral (•f'11ln1:' la1 g1• tpk ... un .. h1n1• • u 111111 k1tc:hen J\ I h·)' .11 ,.,,.,, llV parkini:. 111111•11 1 .. s l·l I. o.r 1•1 now ' I" .1 II ~ZJl3 .. ., , ~ t ,, ., • , •'' [elil1IJ FW POSSESSION J u:.t rl'duN•d $5.0011 <;rl.'al Nt•wport lk-ad1 <1r,•u Spa1·1out. b<lrm:. low ma 111ll'nan<'t'. gn.,11 ~ ~Lory hom t• on 1·ul d1· ,;,.. Pnt•c.od to :.di last Call 6\5--0:m FORESTE OLSON .... ••e //la •••U~ WOODIRIDGE ~$127.950 Owner Lransfor rc1I , 2 bcdrm & den. vaulted wnod cc1hngs. wet b.1r & de1·oralor wall covl.'r m~. Pnvale df'<'k. Cf'n tral vai.:uum. :.elf t•lean 111¥ oven & much rraort-' Q111673-8S50 f!f'f,1 H1'/•ll t f 1 I f f, I USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST IESULT" SERVICE DllECTORY For Re sult Service Call 642-5678 ht.UJ plu.'lh Whlll' 1·,1rjll"I IOI! purqUl'I floorllll! mtr f(JI"'\ 1 llnllflllnll\ I""'" 1'111 ,-.1 1•1 ,1 II .11 1:,:1, 111111 1,11 7:•.J:!. 01'1111r1\J ... ·•1!1 , ............... . DUPLEX- Great lneomP UhM·k.-, [11 l11•;11·h & .. 11111"' 'I n 1:,•, tlov.11.i11•l 1111.111·1 1111.int 11111 ,JI IU , 1111 Sl!H.(J,tl <":tll ll1111 y 1,111 1i7:J ~J[~1 •, 1224 MC>mMGHAM '1111., 1-. <1n extra '>pt'Cllll. lmm..i l·ulalt· llomt.'' Ila:. .,l)..,lutcl) 1•vt·rythrn~ • 3 l!<lrin., . .:or~l·ou-. pool. -.t1•rtot1 ..;y:.lcm. i.t't:Unly '>'Lt-m . 1ntcrtom. all r~w k1Lch ·n with bit-In m1c:ri1wavt' On l111aut1ru1 1onw1 lul SlO'J.l.AAl llGCAMYOM 11 .. aut1ful l'Ustom hom1· 1111 the 1-(oll c·ou r :·d·. h:atunn.: 5 hw lxlr mi. [~ THE REAL ESTATERS ~ r-u.1}. cnurmou:. lam1ly rm & 4 l>allL., Complctt• walk 1n liar. Luvcly .:round.., 111"1 pool & J:ll'U7.ll. $7!)~1.0011 /\:.k fol Eashi~ F1ur1 $89,000 1•n11\•· l•H ,1111111 ' I< ' lol Hu )' n11" ,111.i 111.1k1 d11l1J r:. Call Mir 7171 160' OH BAY Hr:1ncl n•·w .• Ur 'I 11.1. l14·l11nd ~u.1rtl•·d g.11\·• l'•· .. 1 \ ...... Ill h .11 II'" ... ,.... h-.11-(I lluri' \111-.1 1·1· lo Jltllft•11,1ll' ~!l.1U UUU !•'1 Z.W.! t·)I GOLF COURSE VU <;n·al Bal'k I~.> h.Jh1l 11111 'llu:. big 5 lwdroom h11m1• rl'aLur1•'\ a h111tl' family ' <hmni.: rm 111hlltm11 l)lg t'l\lllJ.:h (111 \ 11\tr JKll II l.t hll' t'('f1t'CI Im lt11• h11: family and th1• Jlrll'l' 1., nght at $1 IR.SOU FULUR REAL TY 546-0814 karliur.1 ll uLd11n g , 1,.1;\ ll ll OPEN SAT /SUM 1-5 20 CYPRESS POIMT IROADMOOR, HcriMw Vww HiU• 1-":u1Ui.'>l1t: Yll'W includes ot•t•un. IMY & nii:ht hJ.:hll> fri1m lh" cnchantmi: I htlrm ram1ly rm hum1• w 1 l h I 11 v t• I y cl' n l r •• 1 1·1iurt)'anl llumt' 1:. 110 ldrl(c i.:round:. 11rfl'r1t1i: maximum p r Lll.AC.\' i;!'JK,!JUI A.,k for Harbara llu11·h1ni.:~ 1~14 1i 11· Ol'EH SAT/SUM 1-5 250 I WIMDOYER m.!~rLI &OMMW 631-3444 STEPS TO BEACH RACH DUPLll Owner ready to vucall' S 110,000 th" n1·a1 .I lll'drm 1 Htl·yclc· to beach Scl0 lh1s fa11ulv rm • I 11 l•pl.il'l" J and :i bt...odrm duplt.'x hcuf'ti 1·hlla1:1• /\llth1 .. 11n w11h a:.:.umaull• !J'"· lt'(• l,11111lor11111) s1:r.1.~10ll loan Owner ma.> l·arr~ I lurr), won t la11t. l",111 sofl)I..• paper llurry. call 67:J ll.')Jll 673-8550 I• ' lf'f'I 1 , J IC•'• fl' t ',•I [ ® IH~IHI [ ® IRftltl CE 110111 ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE I LUFFS SHARP MEW OFFl:RIMG ll;art• SINC:l.I•: '\TOHV 1'1\Ul.A PLAN Thn:e 1ti·tl11111n1., 1'111., t•':1m11\ Hoom Ol'htruhll, Fntl 1 ·1111 W11lt Wra111\rountl 1'111111' "'or I II ii 11111 "111 ti II II I 1-; fl t (' r I a I n I n r.: A i r t '11111tit 111n1-.I I.ow I n11•r1"ll H Jll' /\!l!>um;Jbll' l.1i:111 l 'r11·1•11 /\I Slll2.5011 /\ ··.Joy or -. 1·w r o rt .. Ll!>l tnA SPKTACULAI SPYGLASS l.m l'ly VI\ 1· lll•lln H1nl M1Mh•I Nil(ht L11(hlS \, 11•w P rnl1•s,1111utllv La ndsrapcd. Ma ny 1-;,1 rn 1<'1•att1rt''I S11it. Snuna. Pool., Entry 1,0·11111\ '1'11 L11r1o11• l.I\ 1ni.: Room & Formal 0 1n111.: M111lc111 6'1tchcn. G1:1mc Hoom. Subm it Oflt·r. FAIULOUS WA TUROMT Trul\• c;oritl'IJlOI Cu.,tom Built Six B~room llum 1• In N"wl1orl llNH'h., lk'llt /\ \/l!llAhll• l.o1·:it h•n ()n ,fllO !St.f. Hur.te f om1ty ttoom l,,J1rJl1• Mll'llt•r ~u1tf' l"'ort-ver View Of llurhor OvenH1f'd l.ot Ph111 Lo ri;tt• Ool:k. Call 1-'ur APJ10lntnwnl UC&LIMT MIW LISTING IRVIMI l>l•l'rfh•lrl'll Populor l'lan 5 f our Bedroom11 l'lttK Thrl'l' 1i11th11 f<'amlly Room With t-'11·1·11lnct' Scr111r11fr Hreakf1111l Room. Huse Mmill'r Suitt• Nl•w D<•cor Up11r11dcd . Good L11n1lloo IA w M otnt •nonce Yard. Hurry, It Won't I.mil! 011ty SJ 6~.ooo. HUMT1M4HOM aur•. 1AUTT Orl'lll On~ Story f'w· \ \\ ?me IN LA CU •:STA ft.. \\ Privacy. Profeaslooal ~ ... 11n Carpets· Thru·Ouc Gn ~ •••lied Yard W/WY J\<'CH" M•n)I ··' ••. C•ll For Appointment . Only $119,700. 131·1• lllDO _ _,. ------------- J • DAILY PILOT IN THE SOUTH COAST AREA· The Number •' To See Is Walker & Lee NEWPORT BEACH UDO ISLAND o•asalD LOT Sr>ut·lo~ \llll(ltl i.torv hum•• butll c•n!'trr hni.: l'Xlrll lurl(I' l•UllO Lot run1t 11ln·t•I W 11tr.11lu 'J hrt•t li.1rl(t• lit•r!room" I v.11 bu th' t'11rm.1I d1nini: niom Thi' rww 11 .. 111111 h J' "'·" 11\ll1 .1r1tl 1 ht•rrn W11ll' 111 l(lus11 <1vt•rlnuk1n11 l1<·uut1t11I p.11111 .1rt•J 1Jtl1•rt1J ut S4~:, 11'111 l'hofll' 75!.I I SOI TWO-STORY, ONLY $115,SOO R1•autiful l''<t'•'lll I\ 1• h11m1• 111 1'111m·1• t-.11,1 hlulf :! •,1,10 "I rt ul rhurm IJrl(1· p11vot1· \Jld v.11h tv.11 IJJllll\ 1111 1·nh•rlu1orn1: llu1:1· lurrulv ro11111 .ind l.111:i-t11rr1111l 1h11111v ri.om l'h1m1• 1~1!1 t ~i411 llG CAMYOH • 91/>% T aki• nvl'r "uh11·1·t 111t·>.a'>llnf.!111.-,·. lt111n Pro·,t1g111u:. l11n1t1n11 m·ar 11001, :.pu a nil ll'f1nl"I .l••I! 1•1 I-'"h1•111 hll111rl Thn·1· ll"tlrt11ir11' ;!' • l)alh!t, w1·t har formul 1f111mj.l flll•fTI , two :o.11:11·111u' tr1>1· 'hl'fll'rt·•I ha ll'Ollll'' l.,1r1tt· lflll'l•·r '11111• with w,tlk to d11,1·1' t-:l1·J.(a11l l11wnh11111t· Onl\' o,;1>14,[,tW1 l'lo11111• 7~1!1 1:101 ILUFF'S TRl-UVIEL WITH VIEW Show:. 1'X(luii-.1tl'ly I hi' I hr 1•1· tw1lr •.111m. :!' .· 1,,,, h 1·11nrl11mm1um "'11 h 1·ho1t•l' ~r1"f•nlwlt 'wv. 11111\ Sli!l.!IOO l'h11ll1· 7[,!l l~I llG CAHYOH BEAUTY · OWNER DESrUATE 1;r:wrou' ll\rnJ,! al 1h 111--.1 tl1 :1mal1<: l1vrni: r11om v.1th vault1·1I r1·1hr111. h111w fi1•·11lu1·• 1111111.11 1h111n~ r11um. 1·1>1v fllmlly r<J'1m with " "4·1·111111 l1rl'J1la1 ,. 1·0111 l.11 ~··· l>1·tfrrw1111' 11v1·r,11•·'1 m11~l1•r '11111· with ,.,,. d1·11 hath ·11111•. ,, pr''''"'''''" h•1m,. l'hon•· 7.~!i 1r,111 IA YCREST ·SI 49,700 l\1•,111lol 11I flu• 1111.1 l>Utll l.1m1 I\ hnrnc· l"c .1tr·tl 111 prt0'>ll1t111u' IS.l\t'rt"I .111·,c l'n•·o·tl l•ir f;,.,1 ,,,11· /\• k l11r 1!1•111. l'h11n1• '•'Iii 7711 NEWPORT PLUS POOL • S 162,500 f'.fljllV '\1·~111111 .11 lh hr•'I V.llh 1111'. 11111'>1 l'\t'lflfll! laqHlJ: 1 hl'> 11111•1111 II.wk I\,,, 1w1ol h•mw r 11<·1111.! 11tt'1·r•·d l11r l:l'•l "'"'' lor v1111r .,11rnm1·r I'"""'"'' A•.k l••r 111·11111.1 l'h1>111 1o11, 77 11 IACIC BAY VILLAGE l>••l11•hl lul l11v.11l111nw 111 ti,. .11 .1l1lo· ll.11·k JI.I\ l•w.1t 11cn ('lo,,.. to gull 1·•1ur"· .1111f 1110111 \1111•111111•' phi' "1111I"''in11111•· f11r 'um rn1·r wlll1 ,, lw,rn11 r111 pool .111.S 'fl·• 0111 ·1 •·•I fur '"JM 'lflO /\'k fm ~111,111111• l1h1u11· 1,11, T/11 LOCA TIOH PLUS ICITCHEH 1'h1• 1111 :11111n .ol1111p '' 1111,111 fl·"'''"• I ft·rt· '' v1111r <lr,.arn hom1· 11111•11 v.1lh ,,.,,11111•' l\11• 1 ... 11 r f1\t11l.,..'I,. v.1th r:ic1ar .l1·n ;11r ''"\ ,. 11111ip;wt11r •·I• I 'w111• ,,,.,. 1 JI I• 1 •·ti 1111 ., 1r17 t,1111 A~k l •>r ~111.1111w l'h11rw loll, 77 1 I FOREVER VIEW • IA Y FROHT rLUS DOCK /\ ll l'>l11wll\1· l.11l1J l•l:intl ll:t\• lrw1t h1Jm•• ofrt·rrni: Ntewpurt 1111•.,f vii· b,.v1111tJ 1·11m11ar1· /\ 11n111u,. 1·orn h111:.ot 1on 1,r J.0('/\l,I•: 1>1-:su ;N VAr.r ·,.; t·r.mpl1•t,. with µ1er. hhp and tl<Wk Ollo·rt·d for SI, IOll.0110 Ask for Hnil l'honl' ijij6. 77 I I CLIFF HAVEN ('111v famllv horn•· Nlh1rnrN1by1x·,•an hrf'1•1.ei. This 111 a mu'>I "'1•1 ()f lt•n •tJ for 1:J!1,000 A'>k f1ir Landu Phone· fWl 771 1 OCEAN FttOMT II 11r1• 111·1·;111 Ir •1111 hnnl!' I.in "IV •'lCl'l'UI f Vl' homt• eompll'lt• with 1111•11 and rn:utl''I quar lt·r' 1-.xdu-.ivt• rr1v:111• llt•al·h loc·;Jtwn You l1w1 c•;m own p.11 ;i11f. .. 1· I .111 llllb \ Olh•rc"fl f•ir SI O!l<J,lj(JO /\'k lr11 111'1' 111.1 Jlh11111• 1¥\fi 7711 LIVE OH UDO Thi• 'f1:11 1111,... I .111•1 I• 1111111 h111111• " 111rlc·1 <I an c•ntt·rta1n1·r ' 1•:aradr"'' 1 IMJ(I "'I ff 1>111111• ""'"' 11•f't>ntly n ·modc·lcrl i\mc·n1t11·' plo ... t ':111 11111.n 1111 v11u1 :1p1w11111 nu·nl 111 pn•vlf'w IHfl'rt'lf fur \.,·1.1.lll"J t\-,k 1111 ll1·nl 1'1111111· 1,11, 7'/I I NEWPORT IEACH • $19,900 I .11vdv 1·11nd11m1111um 111 111111 h '''U~!hl aftr·r ilrt'J lluill 10 .,hl'lv•·' c ll'>l•nn hutr•·r"I .• 1111111"''"' .11111 w.tllf1:1p1•r• I.,.,.,,,. to 'h11pp111)!, 11rul 11 :111,pur l11t1011 /\'>k lor V1 l'horw Mti·771 I IEACH HOME/VA H 1111' l11·1wh h11011• 1111 11·1· la11tl ~.,.,,..to th•· lw:H·h . J)<)()h :10rl tl'nn" Ah-.ol11tt'ly 1mma<'ulatc-.11111 l11ghlv Ul)J.lr:J<h·d lhrouuhout (;rl'itl ,tartn ,,; ~11mrrwr hurrw Whv 11111 lak(• a1lvant11y.i• 11f VA'' 10'/. in t1•rt"•l ri1k Ofl1·r1•d 111 ~I.I~. 1100 A:.k fur Su1Jnn1· l'hont• &4ll 7711 CATAUHA VIEW S p11rk llOJ.I 111iol. hrA y.irtl, larg1• :.harp four l>l'droom an amoZUlJ( N1·wport lk•uch vulul' ('1111 now for full dl'lmlN Phom· 545·0491 IRVINE MEW HOME • S 116,000 • f l/40/o LOAM <:h a rmanl( four bedroo m. t wo bnth Nlnich~ lllory home. Co:r.y fnmrly room with l:irgc rirc•ph11·t•, rllninA room. heavy s hake roof 1mrl i.how" hk1• 11 m11dl'I N1•ar rrrvalt• pork Ta kt· over s ubject to <'kl' I• 1n2 H·v,•;. Joun ('hou•1• lot·al1on l'hnnc 759·1501 OWHEll DISPIRA Tl • 91/•°lo LOAM Tok • ovt.'r sut>j1•cl lo 1•xist1nic 9 14'/. loan. Exqu lr11Lely dttoraltd. lovt•ly f11rjle m 1t11te r suite wrlh prlvule bulcony. Spurious ~oom11. thn•c bolhll, formol d111 ing room . larjlc· fumlly room. Pnre re· duccd to SHIS.~. Phone 75!1-1501 HtsnlD AGAINST THI HIUS Thl11 coott•mporury hom1· fealt1rt'K an eleunl llvlnl( room . ru11t1c ramlly room und country kltr hen. Profe1111ionally d ecorated SparkllnA 11p11! Won't lui;t . Offered for U00.000. Ask for Tom Phone• 646-7711. IRVINE IT"S A HOMIYI • l.<wuk1I m 111uc·h w;,nlf·d Ir vine community c;rowinl.! rum1ly will a1111r1·raalt• "fljlll• vu· 1•wHJllloo Charm1n11 lll'l'or Spu1·iou:.n1·:.!>. 'I'll rk hnl! fll>O . "''ft• for vour r h1ldn•n isnd ft·1tt ur"' <'Ohunrt- 11\ 1·;ol11hl\' With c•\t'l'llllfln;.11 n:.11r 1'r11•1·d Ill ~ll'J,!J~IJ A:1k for 1·:h•:rnorc• l'htmt· 1l1G· 771 l surER srECIAL . S77,500 ,\Iv .111 "'''' lo \ ou l"I 1·11m 11a n · hut OC)l I cir l•w• lnn11' ()v. oo·r"I Ill "''''''on tho· 1,,.,1 '" t;iko• .11l11:.inta11" 1.1 lh1' 'Jl;11·1ou' hr1m1• olf•·r 1111• ,, laqt•· \01111. pn\,fl) .it d pr1t·•· \flU c•un ,11f•irll l.ol':.ilt·d to If\ 1111• l1h11111• ~>!i<! I 171 WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED 11, ri1ll1111• t11lh anti ll·r~11n·l11 itotf•·" .. 1n,f11nl! 11> and 1111 ll11m.111tw l•M1 rl'fh·<·ttnlt Jll'.wc:lul hJrrn1111\ v.1lh 11.1t11ri· All th1' " l1w11tc-cl '" :-,..,, .Joaq uin V1lla1.w E:.t;itc·' 111 In 101· tor onl~ '12H.flllfl 1'1111111· ;;~,<! M77 RESORT VACATION TIMESHARES • HOW AV All.AIL! OH MAUI lll\'l'"lll1!:1tc· l•Kl;t \ h•1v. \1111 f':UI llWO a \,jf'.1111111 li•1fllf• Oii :'-l a111 f111 11•'' th.Ill '>lfl,IJ(J(/ 1'11• 'lfrll1h· IOV.fli'r'>lllp V.lfh flVhl f11 lr:td1• \llUI 111111• tnl1•1 \ .d t11r '"''' :!Hll rl''>lll'l' all l>H'I th•·"''" lrl l'h11rw f\1·11 t.~ll•hl \\ .dk1•r ~ l.1·•·"' I 1m1·,h.1r•· ~w·• 1.1h I l••r lurlh•·r r!rt;,11 .rml 11ro·"·11t :1111111 111 li1·111·l II '> 1'1111111· :i:,;i 4177 WOODIRIDGE • SI 28, 900 S11111·11111' 1111111 .. w11h 1·11 .. 111111 l1•atur1·-. 111f1·11n1' l•1,Hf, 111 ,q11 .1ri 11101.11!1 I uml•il t..111•· rrw.1n!l1·rinl!" v.1th 11 .1rl1t11m l1r•·.1k1r1~· hl'.1tr I \ 1·:11111\ Ill•• 11·l:1J11•d 1111•-.I \ 11· i1f 1111' d1•:11l l:ok•· .11111 tho· "'llt•r h.J .1 '11h1•·1I111111.111 '" .11l.1l1h· al 'I:,•, 1'111101 ,;,,! t Iii IT'S H·E-W • S97,800 .\11tf I h1·n · ,,, ,. I h11•1• 111 I h•"W d 1.1r111111i: h•lfllt''> ·'' ;1i1.1lik ••:td oll1•ri111• d11111 ·1· ••I .... 11111t•1111·1·.1rp .. 111w 1·111"'' v.••.tlth 111 v.•11k .1111 .,1111 ...... ·"'"' \\Ith k1l 1 lw11 pla11111·d ''" • 1111 11 II•' '·''' ·''"'' II '\tlf lhv.1~111-•11 Jr \1111· 1•111111•• :,:,;i •1177 VA AHTIQUE • S97,000 1>..t .111., lh.11 ,.,.,k,. th•· ol!l worlrl 1·1l v 1·n11·r 1111" th•· h•.1111 th.11 1·11ml11rw' .111l1•1u1· 1·l•·m1·nh with 1111' rn111l•·rn 111 hll'h ta .. tlion 111 f1 •r1111• hu~··· r .11nl1f111J' n111rn ' 111 f'f1l1•r f .1rnm1·111 Thi .. ..il1·1 1, • • l•w.111n1• "" u·w \•1ur VA 1·l1g1hlhlv l'ho111• '.,~,;i llTi MA YH SOMEDAY IS HOW! ! l:r.11·1 1111 ,,111ml'l 1 v 1·mp h11 .. 111·d v.11h l"':11•1·f11I "urrouml 11111~ 1•11h:1111 , • ., I h•· '''111111! 111 • ,.., hui.:•· h11rrll' v.11 h 1·x1·1·plu>11.1I fl\ 111~· '>Pa• 1· I l1J!h 1a-.h11111 10 h1~· r:ornhl1111! t·u,111m d1·ganr•1· 1111 onlv :-fl'.! <••1 L1J1':Jl1•fJ 111 ( '•1ll1·1t•· l'ark of Ir v1n1· l'h11111· !122 il177 OFfERIMG • $99,100 lf1·r1 · '' :011 1111•111 f.1m1 lv ''"' 1r11nm\•n1 111 ;, lr11·ntllv '1·tlln1t A c•u,.,t11m h11111,. i.-.1t un·-. i·l1•1ta11t·l· ut 11>-,,..,.,, :inti v1111 r an r hor'"'' your own 1·11l11r 1·1w1r1llnat•·' i\ll th1• 111•\fl,!11 the· clramu lhJI mak•· frvtn•· ll\'1111! '" rl1•.,1r;chll· 1' •1ffrn •1I Ill th1· nc•w Nnrthwonrh 11n•11 I 'horw ~5'i 4477 THE WAY IT SHOULD IE! ! Tllr'> h11m1• l'l•mhinl'" 10011.\ ·,., mr11>t d1·,1ralih• IN1lun·' with rlt·ltul' lh11 t 1·nhan1·1• th1" 1·an•full v rlt·,,,1gnt•d floor J)lan w1t.h n!'w warm ton1· 1·11rrwt1nl! a111I fr•·'h p:Jtnl r11u, .. 'llilfkhnit r1<1ol wrth i.p<i St•llc·r ofh·r' ""fll'r VA Lnm" 1111 for $l0~1.f.l(.l(J l'h11n1• 552·4477 TUSTIN VIEW OF THE HILLS 1-'r11m lhl" f11u r tw1lrc1<1m lw;111ty to l.•·mon ll1·1~•hh th.cl ha' •·v1·rv th1ni: l.:Jrl!•' vww w1111lnw' Sunkn1 h'rrlJ.t room .inti ll<m1:1n luh lllJ'hlv u1wrad1•1I rn :di :1rr·:o~ T<i:.tf'lullv tl•·•·11r.t1 1•1I Onlv S24!111<1'1 0 1wn 1·vt•lllfll!:. l'hunc ~"'~' !Jt!ll COSTA MESA MESA DEL MAR • ANXIOUS OWNER WJnl' 1:0 .. t 'al1• on th" four hc'flr11om tx-:wty lmmarulal" l'nnd1 111m :onil r•rir·,.tf flhl r 1•1lu1·1·d f11r f11 ,t :-.al•• Ex1·1·ll••nt n1·1vhbl1rhriu<l rwar lw-.1 11ark & "'·1111111-. ;\ow univ ~!lH,OIJO l>nn't v.:111 Phonl' fol!i !M!JI HEW USTtHG: HO rA YMEHTS FOR FOUR MOHTHS! .. or wtll i.l'll with \'/\ TPrmi. anti p:1v .,omc· 1·0'" lfl(1' CorRMU!. thref'·llf'(frr,l()m h11m1· rn M••'n V1•rd1• Manv upJ(r:ido•-. llii: llll 1;re ut fur kids Mu'il lw wt•ll t.11 lw a11flr<'1·1all'<1 Only $!J5.(MX> Anx "'"'I l'htlfll' 54~1 ~!II HEW USTIHG • MESA VERDE IEAUTY (;or1:1·nu., twn s t111 v wrth 1•1.irthton1· l'arpdtnU llu1ow t•ounlrv ktt1·h1•1l Sp111•1011:; lhrn11J.(h11ul V<'ry prrvah• y:ortl Owner anx1oui. ('all now ~M!I,~ l'hurw 545·9<191 VETS • HEW USTIHG IM·LA W 9'JARTERS l11 J,thly 11purnd1«I. thrC'l'·bt•droomi. plus tn·law upnr l m«'nt ~:arlhlOfll' 1·;1rpd ~:u t·in kitchen Praml' M<'Sa V.-rrk and only AA!l.000 wrlh VA 1'1'rms . Anx1ou1> ownn will 11ay i.omc co~ti. loo' llurry . Phone 545 !M91 STIJKIHG A IALAHCI WITH MATUH <'ui.tom ronlrar tor 's homt• In Mt•11a Vt•rd<' wrth lush nlrium 11, 11pnrkhng fountain:., pcrfl'Cl p:Jtms for lovC'ly l'nlertalnment' Supc>r family 1.1rN1 and rour lnvttlng bt'Clrooms' VA Tl'rm11 We wlll qu111ify you over the phone. Ctill now. SIJ!l.500. Phone ~~·9491 Slt,tOO IM MISA YBDI? You 001 ! Rut not for lonf(' Four hc'Clroom11. or convert lo lhrtt plull den. No neighbors behind you and walk to 11chool and puk. Vu· cant, Phone :WS.9491. COSTA MESA FOi MIMOIAILE DAYS THROUGHOUT THE YEAa And that -.pM·1:il lt•elrn11 ul <i l11vd1ni.:lv l'aro·d for h11mt·' Surrn' 1ngly :t f11ur IJl'tlr1111m at ,1 lhrc·t' lw1lro111n pr111• Ill ,1n t'icr·Pll1•11I famllv 111•11<hl"irh1111d "''"" '>l'hO<JI (Jnlv $tr.I !IOU I 1111 now ' Pt11111t• ~'15·!fil!ll EXrAHD ... EXPAND ... • <'tom••.,,.,. th1'> n•·.11h•1rrw1n rrnwh tl1·,11.1l1l1• 1 ...... 1 .. 1111· ('1,.,t;, \11·,;c 111 .. 111 , 111 r•.111m 1111 ··~ pati..1011 11r 1•r11v. \11111 """" 1•:1111••11 :-,,., .inti 1111\ 1Jff1·r 1•d tur Ki ~i410 /\ 'k l11r \ r l'h11n1· 1r11, 771 I OFFICE SPACE LEASE '''"'Iv n •m111ll'l1·d 111111 ,. liu1ltl1n11 <.11 .11 11.dt11 """' i\-,k l11r J.1•1· H.it..1111 I '1111111• 1,111, i'7 I I .. CAPE COD Tt11" Px•·1111111 Ill'\\ 11' I 1111! '' ,, mu-.1 "''' fl.11 k fl.1\ ••• • •• """ ''" 1111 ~1..2 !1011 ti-Iii 77 11 J1w.1t1·d 111 ,.,, . .,111111111" A·.k l•ir 'I •lln 1'1'11111· ~ HAWAII PLEASE f.11\ I I\ Jl111 1111,1 1111111 l.1r1111\ h••lll•' Ill l11Jl?hl .oltl'I f1t1 ,1fl1tfl flll lfl ,11'\Jl,1f1• 11111\1' Ill I loll•flllllll '\1'fl1·r I .tflfllll lt•;l\t' f11I lf,1v..111 1111111 "'Id IHl111d 1 .. 1 111,1~-11\-.k1111 \1 l•h11111 1,11. Till HIGH ASSUMABLE LOAH 1>.11••, 1h11nw11 .,, ,,,,,,,111 i111111r1 t· '"''. ,.,, h·· ", 1,, 1111 "''"' hll'h '. 111111• 111.tk•· 1111 111 ... 1 .. "•••1111 '"'" t..1111 111>1111 •• '"'' "11111'1 f'1 nft• ,1t;r1.1lh ft,,1•1tl•l•lf u11 t t1dt•t1U ,1l1·d I 1k1 lt\lf ltbtt•tf 111 ''" 11111' 111.on l'I"'"' , '" I 1111 EXECUTIVE FIVE-BEDROOM MESA VERDE ,, ..... "" 1111' r11 .01 ~ .. 1 I 111 ,. ,., .. , ,, .. II\' "' "' '""" I 1111 ·····ti "" .. ""''' "'' l11rl1" ,,,, \\ ''" ' I••\' I•. "''~"''"' '·" d "'I ••lllld1111• , ..... 1 .orrrl '"·' '\1•,11 J"•ll ''"" 1 11tol 1r1111111 , 1!11t. ll11~"· l.1rr11h ''~'" l••r tu.fl tf11uu, I"'-•• '"' 111.11 • J1fl\,1l1 "'" 11·1 u 1t• l'hfftt• 1 111 I ,111 C URI APPEAL · OHLY '92.500 I 111111•1• """·' l)ool \l.11 lhl"' l1•·fl rtff1fll IV.•1 lo,1lfo lltlfl• fl.11 tfA••itl ll1111r . I'"'" ••l\•1•·dp.1l111 ''""''"""'1•1 h11p111111•.1111l •11•1111 .1 11111\ 1111111· ,,, ''"'"''' li1p 11111111• 1'1111111 I ••• 1 .• 111 VETERANS ... OWHER MOTIV A TEO l-t111r l1•••lrt1<1111 . 11111111 .111 ,, v.11/i n·11111d• l•·rl hr1 h .. 11 \l.1011 .1m•·ll1fll" l ';1ll 1111v. and .. 11ti11111 \I 1•1 ,1~1 l'h••n•· .111 •1°1!11 HUNTINGTON BEACH HUHTIHGTOM HARIOR "REDUCED" S1rn1·11ou., c·u;.111111 built hunw rn t·ic1'1u:o.1v1· lfunt 1ni;it1111 lfarh11111 :on·a l1r1 v,1tr• lw.11 h .111d IJ:trk I 111nrnun1t ~· 1.ic ... t '"I' u\la1f.1hf,. S1·d ud1·tl pool. 'Jla a111l l11un1 .11n Tnn11l11t1 hla111I Owner unx111u" <Hflort'f1 for S:1>1:;,1M.111 A-.k r1ir lknt l'h11n1· fi46 7711 LAKE FOREST FtSHIHG, SAILING. AHO SWIMMING Your 111\l·lv tl•r•·" 1 ... t1rc1<1m l111m1· w11h lam1lv r1111m "hwall'cl onlv -,11•t1' lrrml the• l.1r111· al•· v.111•11· \llll ,,,al f,..h .11111 .. v.1m l;n•.11 famrl) 111•n?hh1nh11otl l 'all 11•11" l1111•n 1·\1•r1rn~'' l'hu111• ~"'~' ~14tll SANTA ANA FIXER .•. VA.BARGAIN!! 1'h1 1•1• lll'lll l•Jfll, flhl h1lj'1• ,11l1f11f l.10111\ llH11f1 \11<11111 • 11f1•1 \\lfl I""' .... Ill•· 1·11 I 1 ..... ''""' '7:• ;~~· W1· Wiii lfll.dll \ \1111 ''"''' ''" ph11n1·' llur I\' f'h1111•' 111 '11'11 OHLY $68.900 • 10•10 OOWH l>n•• ,, .• r 11•"' 1111 'h.111111111 '"'' 1 .. "''"'"' • .. 1111•1111111111111 v.11h '""''''"·•I i•;u.•1'•' 1 lo• .11~ d n1·11t ",quth f ,,,,,1 111.11,1 f ''•'1P h1 t•Hftl .11111 'I"' 111.11111 11••v. ••II 1 h• 111.11 k• r I<• tr 11•• 1 .11•11 111• h11l1•d 111 111 11 • l'h1J11t• 7:ill ·~"" INVESTMENT PROPERTIES SUPER FtVE-rLEX I lnlv 11 ic I:'''" .1111l 1·\1·1·ll1·11t l••r 111-. ·1.1kl' ''"''' """''''I lo 1·11ulrJ 1·v•·11 h,J\1' 11•·111l<ilif,.• ''""I v..111 l'h110r• :;.i:. !M!MI MOBILE HOME PARK • $250,000 ·"'" IS 'flat·t•' wll h lak" I 111111.1111• Ill t-:h11H1rt• 1•r 10,tl ft1r own1·r•n1wrat11r ul1ht11·' ilr•· 1n1 h11l•·cl plu-. • 11111 ,,.,,. hll1< k l.wn1lrv huoltl1111• ""'' h p .11 k 11v.111'll l.111111lrv c•qu1f'm1·n1 a111I man:ai.:1·r·, tr:11l•·1 :--1'11t•1 wrll 1·.1rc v /\I 'I II, at Ill'. fll'r Jm1urr1 M 11kf' nfft·r 1'1111111· '•'•l 1177 I 6-rLEX ArARTMEHT COMPLEX $410,000 Two 111 thrc~· 1i .. 11r11um un1h lrH'.1l•·tl 111 ""' ••111•111 .1r1·:i \\<1th,,., m, that 1·~1111• llw 111H•,t11r m1111ll'•I 111·1..,111•. All ur11i.. 111 1· r1•11 It'd 1•111·h h:1vc• lhl'lr own 1·arr~1rh :01111 'l11rni.:1• :O.lloll''' Call 1111 m11r1· dt-l:11l{·1l 111f11rmJt1on. l'h1"11· 5:;2 1477 IEACH AVf.f'l.EX • Ab1mlul<'IY tx·aul1ful. n1•:1r n1•w lwarh un11'1 OnP m ill' from "11n1l l,ow malntc•mir11·1• Cl11<11· to all rt·l111t'f1 '"1 Vll't'' llcll••r :.t•e th1.., unc Of(ered for S2'J'J,70fl A'>k fur llc•rrl. l'hOfll' fo41l 771 I WEST HEWPOaT .. IHCOME'' Spariou."i dupl<'x tn N<·v.ipn rt 's llnt•-.t n •ntul uro•u lloth unit~ four bedrooms. St"P' to .. un<1. Won't la:-.t Ofr<'r~·d for S2~.000 A~k l11r Oer1t. Phone li46· n 11. Walker & Lee sells over 15,000 homes a year! Whether buying or selling, let the winner start working for you. ee COST A MESA OFFICE: IRVINE OFFICE: 2790 H•rbot Blvd. 5396 Walnut Avenue, Suite E Co~t1t M<'sa, CA 92626 Irvine, CA 9271<4 (714) S.5·9'491 or (71'4) S.S·CM6S (71<4) SS2-+4n NEWPOaT IEACH OfflCEi NEWPOaT /llVINE OFFICE: 200 Wettdlff Drive 2670-8 San Ml1uel Drive Newport Be1ch, CA 92660 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (71<4) 540-8944 or (714) ..._ml (711) 759-1501 • lift) ...... ,_,... M•O(•llC)tlt Gl' ·~ .. ""'"' ............... , ID. ' - ~arket €valuation of a Re~idcntial Property Analysis will be made by a Walker & lee, Inc. market specidli\t . There is no co~t or obltrca11on. You may rt'turn th1$ certificate or call for an appointment. Offer ·~ ROOd ind~flnitely-please retain with your household document\. '""'""'""•f'll ......... ffl•ooG•OlfwM1'fll•~ .. ,._,.._ti, ..... _.. .............. . l•"'9t, ,._ ............ Ull•t, .. II " --lfl4f"I~ ltl '°"'" IJll•ttl\fl\ QI ot .... lf•ltOI• •, j - ·-····'!?! .. , • 1• .. IOOJ ..._... 1002,Gt•NI 1002 Hones For S• 0 !••= .. IOOJ ., .. ,.. 100.1 .. r ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••· . • ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 100• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •• ewer.. a ... 1SU &MTBLU'"F 09' NEWPORT BEACH. CA. ...... IAITILUff CllAM PUff Brltcht. dais)' fresh tbruoul : lush landsca~. l(le corner lot 3 Bdrnu • 2 baths: rich paneled family rm with frplc Walk to CdM "'•h • Ea lblurr V l llag shoppln' 1161.500. HOUSIS FOi SALE 2 _.OOM ecaahew, lrvlne 0 Sat/SUn 1(18 551·1002 pen . 2113 Seville Ave., Newport Bch. • 29 HALP MOON IA Y °"" •.• Your opportunity to purchase this fH1per Southport 6 Hr + bonu1 r<>qm , po0I 6 pa wtUt om! of the belt oc~an Ir hart>nr vkws in Spy1hu11. Orl11nal owner M . ~T • Jt;LI,' t)u1"k c)(·cuµuncy •••• 752-0254 lll-llll • SIX· UNITS One of the lar~cst R-3 fee lots in Old CclM All lar~c 2 bdrm units ~Ith electric..· huiltins 1n c lud1n g tlishwuAhcra. rrivaatu beach access . Offered below land value at 1480,000. This property lis the moat for the mon •y i.n Corona del Mar. COHONA PACI F l(; REALTORS t.144·8567 ~5115 .-.ooo Sal/Sw\ u .. 2932 Edgewood Rd .. San Juan Capis. 540-1720 $89,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 104 Antibes, Udo lsle, N.B. 631·1400 $210,000 Sat/Sun l ·S DIRECTORY 1967 Church Street, Cost a Mesa 642·82.15 $92,500 Sat. l ·5 128 26th, Newport Beach 640-53S7 $130,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 ....... , ............ 409 62nd St., NewPort Beach 646-6769 $110,000 Sat/Sun 11·6 219 Via San Re m o (Lido Isle) NB 675·6000 $477,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 231 Poppy, Cor ona del Mar 675·5511 $360,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 2000 Pt.Cardiff (HVHm s) NB 675·6000 $156,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 224 13th St., Seal Beach 847-6335 $135.000 Sal. 1·5 28 Canyon Island, Ne wport Beach 642·8235 $199,500 Sat. 1·5 2017 Yacht Mischief, NewJ>Ort Bch 644·6200 $299,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 l llDIOOM 145 Via Undine (Lido Is le> N.B. 645-5000 X216 $295,000 Sa/Sun 1 ·5 253 E . 23rd St., Costa Mesa 752·19'l0 $139,900 Sat. 1-4 221 16th St., Ne wport Beach 752·19'l0 $114 ,500 Sal . 1-5 504 Rt.>dlands (Newport Hts) NB 752·19'.:!0 $134,500 Sat /Sun 1·5 2512 Vis ta d el Oro. Nwpt Bch . 962·1464 $122,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 700 Marguerite, Corona de l Mar 644·9260 $149,500 Sat /Sun 11·5 4812 River Ave (Lido Sands) NB 673·4691 $169.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 425 Mendoza T e rr <Coro n a Hlnds)CdM 675-8783 $240,000 Sun l·S 228 La rks pur <Old CdM) CdM 675-6000 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2656 Redlands Dr .• Costa Mesa 540·1720 $93,900 Sat . 1·5 600 Gary, Newport Beac h 645·0303 $144,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 3253 Washington C Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $96,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 116 Sunset Terr., Laguna Beach 497-2426 $439,900 219 62nd St., Newpor t Beach $139,500 Sat 1·5 324 Colleen Pl., Costa Mesa 645-0003 $95,000 Sat. 1·5 21 Black Oak, Irvine 546-2.113 $96,000 Sat 2·5 1964 Rosemar y, Eastside, C.M. 546·2313 $89,900 Sat 1·4 321 Ave Cerritos. Bluffs, NB 642-8235 $132,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5405 Bruce Crescent (Lido Sands> NB 644·7020 $129,900 Sat. 12·4 24 1 Evening Can yon, CdM 631·1266 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 2804 Cliff, Newport Beach 646·7171 $299,000 Sun.12·4 549 Irvine, Newport Bch 646-7171 $205 ,000 Sunday 12·5 3692 Claremont, Irvine 631·1266 $89,900·Fee Sat. 1·4 •25165 Rivende ll Dr .. Lake Forest 768·8.130 $123,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 llll ... FAMIMwDIM 3620 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 759-8930 $499,000 Sat/Sun 2·6 4952 Hemlock (Univ Pk) Irvine 552·3728 Sat & Sun 12·5 207 Albert ( E. Side) C .M. 642·1031 Sat /Sun 12·5 •2340 Bayside Dr .. Corona d el Mar 675·5511 $535,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 211 Sapphire (Balboa Island) NB 644·9060 $375,000·Fee Sun. 1·5 221 Via San Remo (Lido Isl) NB 675-6000 $472,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 15841 Monroe, Weslminater 540·3666 $113,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1362 S. E. Skyline, Tustin 540·3866 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 3246 New York, Costa Mesa 540·3666 $95,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 34 Silver Crescent (Trtlrk Hln) Irv 675-6000 $198,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2581 V&Sta Dr. ( Bayshores) N.B. 644·9080 $395,000.Fee Sun.1·5 1721 Miramar (Perun Pt) Balboa 631·1400 $359,500 Sunday 1·5 2511 Vista Dr <Bayshores) NB 67UOOO $385,000 ' Sat. 1·5 1428 Keel (HVHla) NB 675-8000 $220,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4881 Royce Rd. (Univ Pk) Irv. 875-8000 $181000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2005 Yaebt~luat, Newport Bch 631·1400 ,000 Sun. 1·5 1801 Tahuna Terr., Corona del Mar 644-8200 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J 903 Y acbt Marla, New Port Beeeb fl PomtSur<Spy1la11) N.B. 541-88 $415,000 Sat/S-1.S •4708 Hamp&en Rd. (Cameo lbn> ca Ml 1111 ... 000 Sat/IUD l·I 17 ..... .., Dr., Jumlne Crk, CdM CaU AptM0-1111 P15,CIO S/81·5 ...... ....,..._...,,...,.. ... ...._. .. ,..,.. •• r • ., .. .....__....,...._ -*•••• • .,...tw .... .., ••M*t .. .._. .. ....,..DAILY PILOT WIMJ ADS.,..,_ ............................. _.,... ...... _ ....... _ .......... .._. ... ~_. 1-611J. 1961 La Colina Or1ve , Tustin . 759.0422 $ lS!J,500 Starts Sun I ·5 2249 Tustin. Newport Beach 546·2313 $174 ,500 Sun 1-5 'WOl Samoa (Mesa Verdel CM · 556_2660 Sat/Sun 1-5 2865 Chios, Cos ta Mesa 546-2313 $129.~ Sal 1·4 218 Via Palermo (Lido ls lc J N B 644.9060 $410,000·fo,ce S un. 1·5 1700 Palau Place. Cost a Mesa . 546·2313 $109,900 Sun 1-4 931 Paularino. Coslu Mesa · 546·2313 $117.000 Sal/Son 1·4 934 Helena, Costa M<·~a 546-2313 $117.000 Sal/Sun 1-4 1724 Samar, CosU1 Mesa 546·2313 Sat/Sun t-4 205 Via Koron . Lido Isle. N. 8 . 673·8423 $460,000 Sun 1·5 116 Sunset Terrace. La ~unu Bch 673·8550 $439,000 Sat 1·5/Sun 2·6 3805 Sandune. Corona d el Mar 673-8550 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·S 1736 lli~hland, Ne wport Beach 642 823.5 $157 .000 S:.it. 2-4 2825 Zell Dr .. Laguna Beach 494·8.519 $695.000 Sun. l ·5 •1329Sussex (Wcstclirf> N.B. 759·0811 $2 18,000 Sun 1-5 285 Hobinhood f>lat·t•, Co~la Mesa 631 -1266 $124,900 Sat 1·6 • 1521 Dorothy Ln ( llbr. lllnds) NB 642·5200 $169,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 250 Colton <N ewport Shores) NB 642·5200 $118,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·!"i •436 E. 19th. Costa Mesa 963-6767, 548-5359 _ Sat/Sun 1·5 1807 Tradewinds < Ua ycresll NR 675·3411 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1741Tustin,13A, Costa Mesa 646-3'l55 $89.500 Daily 1·5 616 St. James, Newport Beach 646-7711 $135,000 Sat l·5 4 IEDROOM 1514 Dover Dr. ( Wcslcliff) NB 642-9186 $159,500 Sun 12 :30·4·30 •604 OaktJlOnt, Orange 556·2660 $120,000 Sal. 12·4 204 Via San Re mo (Lido Isle) NB 644.9060 Sun. 1·5 1050 Vallejo <Mesa Woods) C.M. 644·7383 $114.950 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1807 Newport If ills Dr., N.R. 645·0303 $257,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1816 Butlonshell ( Baycresl) NB 644·9060 $319,500 Sal. 1·5 •3607 Sausalito, Corona del Mar 673·8550 $390,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2016 Calvert, Costa Mcs~1 546·2313 $1 38.500 Sun 1·4 •941 Dahlia, Grccnbrook, C.M. 546-2313 $125,900 Sun 1·4 •2005 Balearic. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $165,000 Sun 1-4 324 Esthe r St .. Costa Mesa 546-5605 $110,000 Sunday 12·4 •4500 Wa yne, Corona dc l Mar 673·8.550 $215,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2634 Vist a Ornada (The Bluffs> NB 642·5200 $165,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4518 Wayne, Cam eo Hghlnds, CdM 640·5357 $225,000 Sal/Sun l ·5 12 Silver Crescent, Trtlrk llln, Irv C75·3411 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Ill pin FAM RM or DEH 1431 WaL-;on Ave., Costa Mesa 545·5960 Saturday/Sunday 347 Vista Baya, Costa Mesa 548-8952 $129,900 Sat/Sun 11 ·6 426 Magnolia, Costa Mesa 646·2633 $139,500 Sat/Sun 10·5 376 E .22nd <Backbay) N.B. 642·8833 s~.ooo Sat/Sun 1·6 2931 VJa San Gorgonio 492-9646 $125,500 Sat /Sun 12·5 •227 Sherwood Pl., Costa Mesa 642·0467 $165,000 Sun 1 ·5 4 1 5 1 PI ea s a rrt St. (G r e c n l r e e HmsHrv 213/439·4423 $108,90() Sun 1·5 2522 Vista Dr. < B~shores> Npt. Bch . 645·2717 $395,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 29592 Anna Ma ria, Lag Niguel 540-3666 $143,000 S un. 1·5 3112 Broad St., Newport Bch 631·1400 S205,000 Sat. l·S •1801 Galatea Terr., Irv. TerrJ. NB 631·1400 ~.ooo z,at. 1-5 718 Aleppo CEaslblu(() N.B. 644·909> $169,900 Sun. 1 ·5 620 Donald Pl (~wpt Hta) NB 675-8000 $345,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2351 Bay Farm Pl,, Santa Ana Hts. .........., ttft '°° Sun. 1·5 2U7 Alta VIie.a ciutbluro N.B. 87UllO t239,500-Fee Sat l.M/lun 11·1 6401 llclhng<'r Or.< Prcsta ~c> l~n r: 846.2657 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1 .1 2lfl91 Impala, lluntington B<:h. ... !lG2·4454 $128.500 . S:a.l!Sun 12 " 2501 Windover (JIV ll11lsJ <. dM. r. 63 I ·3444 $2iJR,f,00 Sal/Sun I .> • 1749 Skylark Nl~wport B ·a<:h fi75 f>fi70 $200,000 Sul/Sun 1 :; •HJli:JVi~:th:a l>r CMl·s aW0<wtsJ ('M 540·1720 $187.500 $at/Sun I 5 520 Via Lulo Soud. N B fi45-!'8.50 Oµcm Sun I S 2no22 Via d r l lt(•y, Sun .Juan <.::_1po '193-7951 $117 ,500 Sat/Sun 11 Ii 1421 Kings H<I • Nl'wport Re etch fi:H 1400 $4!J5,0CIO Sc.it/Sun I 5 190!J2 llomc•slN1d, Lu Cuc~ta . II 13 !)f;J.8l7k $129,900 Sunday 1-5 1089 S:.1nta Cruz t 1r c<M t~a Woods>CM 67:J.:J663 $M;J,OO<l Sal/Sun I 5 436 Vis ta Roma. Newport B<'aC'h 631 · 1400 Slk2,000 Sat/Sun I 5 25 14 Lake Park Ln <Cherry Lk l NB 675-6000 $245,000 S.-t!Sun I ·5 14272 Saarincn. Irvine 752·1700 $126.500 Sun 1 5 # 17 Coventry < Harbo r Ridgel NB 759·0811 $450,000 Sal/Sun I ·5 :J33 Milford (CetmeoShorc::,) CdM fi44 ·6200 $277 ,500 Sett I 5 2033 Swan Dr . Costa M t·~c.i 546·2.')13 $169,000 Sun I 4 • I G32 Galaxy Drive. Ncwµort fi<"h fi42-8235 S4G5,000 Sat I 5 l!Jtj!J Pt. Curd1ff ( flV llomcs> N B fiil4 -9060 $215.000· Ft'l' Sat 1 ·5 • W 15 Ruth Lane c Hrbr Hinds l NH 75!J 0811 $179.500 Sal/Sun 1·5 1709 Port Provence. Newport Bch fi7:1·8550 $249,1)()() Sa 12·4/Sn 1·5 451 5 Orrington. Coronc.i de l Metr 673·8.550 5349,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1807 Toyon Ln. ( Baycrcst ) NB 759-0811 $239,500 Sun I ·5 21516 Vi a Scrpicnte (Lake Forest) 640·5777 Sat/Sun I 5 :14 15 Quiet Cove, Corona del Mar 673-2500 $299,500 Daily I 5 8441 Dontast<.:r , llunl. Beach !Hi0·1729 $87,000 Sal/Sun 12·5 1545 Cumberlc.ind Ln., Npt Bch 545-2737 Sunday I ·5 2012 Yacht Resolute, N.R. 644·6200 $365,000 Sat/ Sun 1 ·5 2555 Vista Drive, Newport Beach 642·8235 $425,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2025 E Hal boa Blvd ., Newport Reh 642·82.'lS $565,000 Sat/Sun I ·5 2011 Yacht Defender, Newport Beach 644·6200 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3906 Inlet Isle< llV Hills) CdM 642·5200 $258,000·F ee Sat/Sun 1·5 2510 Vista Bay a (Back Bay) NB fi42·5200 $269,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Sil Vl'r Crescent, Trtlrk Hin, Irv (i75-341 I $214,900 Sal/Sun 1·5 G54 Viu Lido Nord, Lido Isle, ~.B. 646·771 l $1,100,000 Sat/Sun 14 llollyLanc, (Univ Park). Irv. 646·7711 Sal/Sun 1·5 24 14 Bonnie Place. Costa Mesa 646·7711 $152.500 Sat /Sun 1·5 3253 Minnesota <Mesa Ve rde) C.M. 751·3191 Sunday 1·5 •2200 Heather Ln., Newport Bch 646·3255 $229,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 IEDaOOM •921 .J asmine. Greenbrook. CM 54.6·2313 $140,000 Sun 1·4 1014 Mariner Dr., Dover Shr s .. N.R. 640·5357 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 S ....... FAM IM or DEH • #G Cherry I fills (Big Cyn ) NB 640-5711 $1,375,000 Sun. 1·5 1091 El Camino. Costa Mesa 546·8044 $119,500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 Z014 1 Kline Dr., Santa Ana Hpts 751·7721 $129,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 19 Rippling Strea m <Trtle r c k Glen)Jrv 955.2988 $245,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 •29 Halt Moon Bay. Corona del Mar 54 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) NB 631·1lm Sat/Sun 1·5 1512 Antigua Way <Dover Shores > N.B. Sj4·9060 $435,000·Fee Sun. 1·5 •20 Cypress Pt. (Big Cyn) N.B. 631·3444 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1 Deerwood C Big Canyon> N.B. 644·9990 $995,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1820 NeWPQrt Hills Drive, East, NB 642-8235 $259,900 Sat. 1·5 16 Roc,ky Point, C9fon• del llar 644-8200 $1,200 000 Sit. 1·5 2$07 Port WbJtby, Newport Beaeh 64t~ t139,000 . Sal/Sun 12·5 •ti unt• Ba)'. (Spy.tau> NB RXEI UPPEI DUPLEX N cur H url>or Hi ~h . Fixer upper dur>lcx on t•ozy. quiet Eastsidc street -1.:1l>r, & 1·2br. ALSO Gooll 2br. house on 50><175 buildable We,;l8ide R·2 lot. Walk to schooh.. ston.'8 & bus lint:'s . A 1k for Pat Skllllft•, 646-7 4 I 4 Uftihd lrokers -RHlton 7!iD·OK11 $465.000 Sun. 1·5 18~W Newport Hills Dr E (lfVJlmsJ NB 642·8235 Sat. 1·5 1807 Sandalwood< Baycresl) N .B. 75~11 $310,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2029 pt, Bristol CHVHms> NB 675·3411 $209.000 Sat. 1·5 J03:3 .Juvo lloud. Costa Mesa 545.0023 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1806 Irvine /\ vf' .. N<'wport Beach li4G 771 1 $1'1!.1,700 Sat/Sun l ·S 6 UDROOM * Hil>liS<•:1 lkll Cm ·lc, CdM fi44 ~r>R Sun 1 ·5 * •'143 Vi:a Lido Soud <Lie.Jo Isle> NR fj4'1 !IOGO $750.000·f'(•C Sun 1·5 204ff2 Bird1. S;anta Ana Jfeif(hts 75!J·fMI I $4!tH,OOOSat /Sun/Mon 1·5 6 U pin FAM RM or DEH 1:14H (iala xy I l>ovt·r Shores ) Nfi 75!1 0811 Sl\1 5,000 Sa l/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE llR&21R 1700Wcstclafl l>r .N B fi42·858.1 $7!1,000·UIJ Sal/Sun I 5 2 IEDROOM 2 105 l>t-sc;m:-.o c Blurfs> N.H G44 1<r.m Slfi!1.ooo Sat/Sun I 5 2J54 Eldc•n /\ vt• (Cedar Glen J C.M . f.i42·ti734 S!J 1,500 Sat/Sun 10·5 505 Orange Hl o-.som ( Orcrngclrcc l Jn 55 1 5575 $75,000 Sal S un 11 ·4 Jfi:H I rv1n(.•, Co~lu Mc'i:..i 75!1 081 l $112,;,()() 2105 l)csc·c.inso C Bluff~) N B fi4 4 7020 S lli!J .000 SJt Sun I :> 2 BR pfu' FAM RM oir DEH #:~Flor<•!-., lrvint· fi4~ ~J Sal & S un 1 !i 111 V1-.t :1 c;r;ind t· 1Th1· Bluff~>~ B 75!1 Okl l $25!J,500 Sat1Su11 I :> l BEDROOM :ii 1 A Ila Lane. C<J::.l a M c::,a 5'18 J647 $89.500 Sal/Sun 2·5 l IR ptus FAM RM or DEH 19 Canyon Crest <Canyon Cre!\tl NH 75~J0811 S182.000 Sun I 5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 IR & 2 IR 719 Ft•rnlcaf. Corona del Mar 673·8550 $194.000 Sun 1·5 4000 River <W Newport) NB 675-6000 S7fi5 .000 Sat/Sun 1-5 420 Fcrnleaf I Old CdM) CdM f;75-6000 $240.000 Sat/Sun I ·5 2 U & 2 IR phis FAM RM 3226 Broad SI.. Newport Beach 97!).5(199 $250 ,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 l IR & 2 IR 423 Carnation. Corona del Mar 673·8.550 $287 ,500 Sun l ·S l IR & l IR 604 Marigold, -Corona de l Mar 673-7300 Sun . 1·5 l .... FAM RM-2 II 417·4171h l>oinsellia, CdM 644-6200 $225.000 Sal/Sun l ·S TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IR ,... FAM IM w DIM 40 Pinewood, Irvine 673·8.550 $127 ,500 l IEDROOM #1 Crest Circ le, N.ll. 673-8550 $175,000 4 ..... FAM IM w DIN 26 Tahoe (Peters Twohm) Irv. 675·34Jl $155,900 Sat /Sun 1·5 HOME & INCOME . FOR SALE ,. I 2 II 71J .711 'Al Heliotrope, CdM 673·8494 $265,000 415·4151h Goldenrod. CdM 673·8494 $365,000 Sun . l ·S 211 Sapphire (Balboa Island> N. B. 644·9060 $375,00C»Fee Sun. 1·5 l .. ,... I • 2567 Elden <all new> Costa Mesa 979.5099 Sat 1 ·5 . .... ** w .... ... w ......... , ... •••••••••••••••••••••• VA BUYERS tr you make 11400/mo, ynu lllay qu41ltfy tu own you1 own h1rnl<'' Low Uown I Loan/I tv $100,UOO. u't u." ~oow you how to lloal! <.:wl Now• , Tal&to Red Carpet Weu.hftl 754-1202 OPINSAT/SUM 1·5 1089 s-toCnaClrc. Mt-:-u W ood ,, <.:011 la Me.a 4 lidrmi. . 3 bat.M, dlrung rm., family rm.: 1cp. workshop, 2 car gar•((e, large pie 'ha~ lot, separate f1 ·n1•cd garden area. room for pnol $143. 000 1.1:1 J!ill:l 751 17117 1·;11c11 associated llROt<ERS-RE Al TORS 101'• W 8ulbou b I I JU l AGREATIUY! l~n of $:!2,800 :.it 7', in· 1.t•rt:l>l, pay mt"' Si! 1!1 91 , ll)tal l)nt'(• $72.f,l.111 I ltlf.t(• 111101 h111:1· l,t1nily r m 'A1lh rrvlc . formal <111110~ rm . 1 .. u1\dry rna & 2 1111•0· hdrm . ., . in mt·1· •• n.,, of Santa l\J1a . Jlurry. "'''"I lus t' MURCHISON litt~prisH 645·24 I I OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUH 1-5 504 REOLAHDS NEWPORT HEIGHTS 100/o DOWM '·,,._, .,,~, ... ,. hr •• ,., •• ,, w:ilk1111~ 111-.t.1111·1· H1 ll\• h••'I ~1·w 11111 l llo·.11•h 11111111 -. ll .ar1l 11o•H1•I ll•,1111-. f 1r,.11l;111• 1·11111wr J•ltmtlmtl! I'. II V Ito.ti ac· l't"I 1111.111•1 wrll 1 .irn "~1flnl ' l.1'1. 1~1~11 ~ QUAIL A p~~p~~~~ l<>p..i T1I I )!) , M I COLORADO RIVER I' .• I k ,. I •• I ,. ll w .ol1·ll11o111 .a.,, a.. ll'hlll • 1 ••• 111 .. 'l'ffll'lll l1!i1C k I ••It It ttt I 1ur1 11.x 1 '· "'""rt,. i.. t1 1·11h.lllJ 11111 '"'' ·•l:t' 11lt111l llit 11111l1rl• h11rlH 1111 'ltt,JOO, f1 1• l.111d ~IJ.'I .:AJll ALSO I V.11·11 nt loll->. 411X20U - ... 1111 •• 111 ..... 11111 1•1 \fl'\lo • & l.1t1tll'lttt11( Ill I\ 1lq.(('!I l1rt("1•1I at ~:!II 111111 I •1 tll.t-,lf '""II "C .. THOMAS REALTOR ~IW l '11o1l->l llw1 1' pt lll'.t• It '1~ ~>5:-li THE BEST OCEANFRONT :lllr ~ 2 Br 111, UI lflrtt. 11upl1"( wrth •qi.11•1011~ UWllt' r~ U 1111 OCEAN FRO HT l.uxunou' JBr, 2Ua with f1r('pla1•1• & all l(IJ~s p\1 <:ul'l>l a pt $52.'• IMIU BEACH HOUSE I 111111."' tu h1•a1'11 Could be cJuJJl('J< Only Tinw frn~:.t·ll & lwt 1tft• y1111 lmuw rt thr:-lli.l\JM' writ lw worth • ~ n11 l lto11 S l"t 1 btzy now al ONI. Y ~nu 0110. CONDO Owrwr will '"'rrv :!1111 al IO'' JONES RLALl V l\IC I '1 "'""' 1114) 673 6210 I EASTILUFF SIEDROOM 1·run11ferred Own1:r' /\nx1ous tu ~t·ll lhh b1•11u t 1 I ul 1-:x 1•1•ut I v1• homt• ldcu lly lm·ule(t, C'lft"' lo t:l>M hl~h sehool, NII tl'11n111 r lub. :'; 1hopp1n ~ "JUSl Rto:DUC tW" ! f.!O'J,500 c~u 5441 ... 1141 I\ 11um1rwr pltu•1• und w1111t•r tt-1' 4 Bllrm llllll(lt• ramrly home 1n N<'w1111r1 tinder 12011.000 1-'unta"lil' h•rmi. l'<'rfr<•l for o " 1• " 11 n 1J h nm t• o r investment llW,900. I ~·' .. .' w ~ ........ Fer S-. IHottHt ,..,. S. Ho.Mt,_~ ....... ,..,. I* Ho.ff1 For Sde &t!urdiy, July :>I), 19~ C>i'll y PILOT Q ~····;;···········=: .•.•........................•••.•...••.............•..••.•...••...•.......•..........•......................•...... ...!!' 1-eu .. IMI •111.. t•I e1 .,... ttu ewNI tOOJ •••r• tOOJ ........ Fors. HoMwsForS. Houff1ForS. .................................................................................................................................... ·•··············•••···· •............•.................•.•........••.• '"-"• I 002 .. I OOZ I OOZ ~<® Beach Realty ' REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 • OPIN HOUSES * SANTA AMA ..-.n'S 6 aedrooms. 7/8'Acrc. View. Horse O .K . 20462 Birch OPEN SAT/SUN/MON .. . . . . .. . .................. $499,000 VYeLASS S Bdrms. dining & family rooms. POOi:.. VIEW. #8 Drakes Bay OPEN SUN. l·S ...... . . · ........................... 1465,000 HAalOI RIMI 4 Bedrooms, dirung & family rooms. View. "17 Coventry 0Pt;N SAT/SUN J·5. .' . . .. . . . . . . ........................ $450.000 DOY8 SHOIU 6 ~rooms. dining & family rooms, view. 1548 O•laxy OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ........................................... $415,000 • • IAYCllST 5 Bedroom:,, famity & dining area. 4 Baths. 1807 Sandalwood OPF:N SAT/SUN l 5 ............................. $310,0"0 ILUFfS Cus tomi7.ed 2 bedroom & fa mily room. 414 Vi sta Grande OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ............................................. $259,500 IA YCIHT 4 Bedrooms, dining & family room s. 1807 Toyon Ln. OPEN SUN. l ·S .................................................... $239,500 WESTCUff 3 Bedrooms , dining & family rooms, POOL. 1329 Sussex OPEN SUN 1·5 ..................................................... $218,000 CANYON CIEST 3 Bedroom, family room condo. 19 Canyon Crest OPEN SUN. l·S .................................................... $182,000 HAllott HIGHLANDS 4 Bedrooms. family r oom . POOL. 1615 Ruth Lane OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 .......... : .................................... $179,500 COSTA MESA Unde r construction: 6 condos. 3 & 2 Bedrooms. 1631 Irvine OPEN SUN 1·5 ....................................... St a rting $112,500 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 OPEN HOUSH SA TUttDA Y 2·5 PM: 21 llackoak, l"IM -3 bedrm, s ingle s t y, tow nhome, $8000 in upgrades. Nr pool/ s&>a/ttnnis/ btke tra ils. PRICE REDUCED IN SPYGLASS Need quick ~a l e . Immaculate 3 bedroo m. family r oom. on la rge corne r lot with fa ntast ic ocean & hurbor view. Terrific buy at $415,000. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5; #1 POINT SUR. I ·4 ftM: 1964 loHntary, C .M. - Desirable, Eastside loc. Best priced in a rea. Large lot, RV alley access. ONN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·4 PM: 921 J...,..._, 4ir11•oot, CM - No qua lifying, OWC lsl al 10%. 5 BR, poul home on quiet cul.de-sac. Aa fw D'-Y. P'let1,.1I THE llEAL ISTATMS 546-2313 I ,/\. •J • ~6/MttC· ' l}, -;r. J:~~~ I • • ., ..,. . ' . IRYINE TERRACE Corona del Ma r Executive home. Walls of glass bcin~ outside inside. Large lot . fee land. 3 large Bdr. + huge dining area. Live in one or Or ange County's prestige areas fo r only $255,000. Call Charley Darr 631·1266 IDYLL WU 2 Bdr. home nea r town. Overlooks ld y llwild P a rk Trade or exchange; $64,900. Ask for Roy Siemens 631-1266 llDUCID Sl,000 Very customized 4 Bdr. home in Mesa Verde. near park. Hardwood flooring. low maintenance yards. $148,500. Jac kie R a ndle m a n . 631-1266 3 CAI GAU• 4 Bdr., 2'.r.t Ba., RV access, High Assum. Ln., Lrg. tree filled lot on CuJ de Sac. Irvine schools. No assoc. fees. Tom Baron 631·1266 )c1MTUL All 4 Bdr., 2"'2 Ba., Pool s ize yd. Owner will carry 1st at 10%. 3 car gar. Tom Baron 631·1266 4 Ol I ... OOM Spacious. bright, 2250 sq.ft. home. 3 car gar .• 3 Ba .• private pool size yd. Tom Baron 631·1286 ' l'M ASSUMAILll I'm an adorable 3 Bdr., 2 Ba., on a lovely tree lined street. I've Just bad a face lift. and I loot great! Jea.nne Inalla 831·1288 or &52-7381 YAmMlf lmmac. 3 Bdr., 2 Ba. •,900. Alie for Jeanne ln1U1 831·1288 or 152·'1387 IEST OF ALL VllWS Ha rbor, ocean, night lights. Highly upgraded 4 bedroom, family room. formal djning, gorgeous pool & spa . De lightful property. Priced r ight al $549,500. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 · 69 MONTECJTO ($PYGLA$HILL>. OCEAN VIEW ESTATE Enjoy this beautifully landscaped yard. pool & s pa with panoramic ocean view for a background. 1 of CAMEO SHORES' finest properties. Fee land & owner will carry financing -at 10% interest. Extra large rooms. 3 bedrooms, 5 baths. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 : 4709 HAMPTEN RD. $499,000. llG CANYON CONDO Lovely upgr aded 2 & den, in s uper sharp condition. Formal dining, wet bar, la r ge deck, view of hills & excelle nt value al $189,500. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 ; 35 SEA ISLAND DRIVE. CORPORA TE Pl.Ali IEALTY 548-2953 c;::: SELEC T I PROPERTIES LUXUIY COMDO'S FOil LEASE All 3 condo's are 3 bedroom, 2'h bath. All have garage door openers, fireplaces, patios, community pool & tennjs and are in Costa Mesa. 2 have never been lived in & l has a wet bar. They rent ror '600, $725, $775. Call 556-2660. MESA VEIDE Super 3 bedroom on a quiet & shady cul-de·sac street in Costa Mesa's finest neighborhood. It's jus t been completely painted, has a ne w roof & is. in excellent condition. Features in c lude extra large patio, 2 fireplaces, built-in kitchen with dishwasher & walJ.to-wall carpeting throughout. Full price $pt,900. Cell 751·3191. WBTSIDI DUPUX $14,500 Needs some work but has good lncome. Anumable IA VA loan • owner may help finance. 2 Bedroom 1 bath " 1 Bedroom, 1 -th unit. 11111'1'1 oa this one. Call 558-ae&O. UMDB TIN In fact, lt's only 7 yean old. 3 bedrooms. 2 batha with wall·to-waU carpetln1. custom draperies, bullt·ln kitchen, commUIUty pool • It'• clole to everythJn1. Full price II only fl• 000 • the owner la ready to deal. cab 151.a1e1. ........... C.M. 711-lltl 110'' 4tOLf COUISI YllW A s upe r two bed room Mc Lain Townhomc with a 180~ view or the fairways of Big Can yon: popula r Greenbrier floor pla11 with several upg r adt!s , h a rdwood floors, l op quality wall treatments a nd neutra l tones in a ve ry t asteful decor. Presented at $219,500. IJ~lf)IJI: li()Ml:i REAL TORS'. 675-6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar TAKE OVEI LOAN 4 Bdrm Baycrest home w/h\Jge formal dining. cpts. drps, bltns, frplc. Lrg heated pool, elec garage door opener. Vacant & read y lo go. Take over $168,000 loan al JO%t;t, INTEREST. Offer you r d own payment. Asking $200,000. FURNISHED DUPLEX Close to beach. 3 Dd rm & 2 Bdrm, bltns, pvt patios, frplc & big garage. Xtra lrg lot w/o\lcr 3600 sq ft. Redu<:ed to $229.000. Et.ts y rents. Owner most anxious. Try a low down. JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2919 Newport llYd. Contfl' JOfh Pete Barrett presents BIG IN THE BLUFFS SECLUSION Ir COMYEMIEMCE Large Carmelita 4 Bdrm home on wide greenbe lt. Many exceptional features in th is lovely model. $165,000. Set! it for the first lime! 2634 Vista Ontoda, H!" Opet1 Sot/S. I ·S HARBOR HIGHLANDS-POOL STAY HOME AMD ENJOY Ni<:c de· ep lot. mature trees and covered patio. 3 Bdrms. fa mily r oom, hobby room. $169,000. I 521 Dorollty La., HI Opn Sat/S. I ·5 WIDE OPEN SPACES IN NEWPORT '!J ACRI IH IACIC IA Y -Vi ew of the bay. hills and mountains. from this 4 Bdrm home on cul de >me . Safe haven for playing children. plenty of area for games, hobbies. sport~ See this custom designed and well built home. 5269.000 fee 25 I 0 Vista a.yo, HI Sot/S... 1-5 CORONA on MAR HIAltT OF HAltlOlt VIEW HILLS Love ly family home -now vacant. 4 Bdrms. 3 car garage. heavy shake roof and much more. Super quiet location -fee land. $258,000. 3906 Wet 1• Dr. 0,... Sot/S.. 1 ·5 EASY CARE WESTCLIFF-IOOL IOOM FOi FAMILY FUN -3 Bdrms. family room, pool just outside door. and extra RV/t:1oal parking. $165,500. 1212 DonrDr •• Ml 0,... S... 1·5 A TOUCH Of EUROPE YllW-cufFHAVIH -This unusual home is on over lf.1 acre -privacy a nd elegance abound. See this 4 Bdrm home with its lovely ~ardens, large pool with grand entertaining area -containing BBQ pit, bar and s tage for dancing. No other like it ! I 20 ... Pl, Ml ()ptft S.. l·I NEWPORT SHORES CllATIYI FIMAHCIMG -On a land contract -owner will carrv lar&Ze loan balance with 9'h% interest, on· ty $15,000 down. Best terms in town! 3 Bdrm, family room. $118,000. Call Liz Beasley for more information. 21oc•-.M1 o,..w1s-1.s ·MOUNTAIN CABIN AT TH£ BUCH WOODSY IXTlllOI A-NAMI - Complete with skylights and fireplace. 3 Bdrm 2 baths, com. munity clubhouse, pool and teMis. Affordable at $105.0QOI c,u to see this new llaUng. ASI US.._. ow..._ wau_.,,,.. ............................... 642·5200====~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4'Ye COMMISSION Praleulor\al a&enl pro- vldint total aerv1ces (Ml.S) will sell or assist you in pu.rchasl.na your home for only 4%. Call V7S-1Ll6 All. fAMI\. Y ORllMTED ANO CLOSE TO WORK Center of N e wporl Harbor area. lS min to Airport, beach. F·ashlon bland or S. Coast Plaza. H a rbor Hig hlands school, Spacious 4 Bdrm, formitl dining. step·down living room wtbeamed celling. lge gourmel kitchen & lam1Jy room. Super large pool and deck waiting for the ex• ecutive family. • ziooHEATHER LN. tComer Irvine Ave.> OPENSAT1SUN I 5 INVESTORS SP'lCIAL $89,900 L;irge 2 bedrm home localed on l"Orner Jot H 4! wrung w1lh room for 4! m>re wi1ts. Ju.st lbll~ ! CUii now for more th-· t;ub 616·7171 (,l;t, I ~ • I •. 41DRM 2 bath, r1replan:. cu;.torn draJ)t"'> A I tond1t11J11 Sl«l.500 2 STORY Shu.kl' roor, 1 Bl<. 21 , ha, $1.;!J.~ ~~t:.11lc <.c1'>lJ M ::.a EASTILUA= C.."ho1ce romer l<x•at1on 5 Ult, J Ha Sl!f7 ,500 Roy McCcrcle, RJtr. 548-7729 2 Story-4 lednn PO()L,.IEACH $73.f.x> Dr;imiit1c llvin)! room 1-'ormul d 1n1· <iurdt'n v1t•w kit 1'111·11 SparkJJn1t pool U1kP tu bcikh lrorn lh1:-. lw;iut ~ardcn h11m1· i\s:.um~c bh• l-1ii\ luau No qu.d1 · rying llurr:.'' ('1111 711 963-6767 ,,.,.,,. J •lt p ' .. Al.AHDONEO RtEHCH COLONIAL ESTATE Real circu lar dri ' c wtparlung. Elegant l·~ty beach. 5 BR incl gul·:.l qtrs 3 BA. Two sc-p dens w beams. f'plc "s formal din. rm. Sep pare nt relrcal orr hu1te m :.lr '>UI lt• w s undcck 3 Hukorut.,., Walk to g11lf It ha.'> 1l all Mo\'l' tod;iy /\sJu n1>1 low SJ 3:1.!>IJO (" .J II !Jti3-0!ll2 Hk r IMYESTORS! DUPLEX 9i0,()X) A.<isumablt• loan. llom'' +income' l'nmc Loc•uch li1c:atwn s:>H:-i. rnu pay!> all' C a ll 17 141 !lfi3..f.767 f~,'fN llf fJ •I ( I t I o I' IARGAIM I ST TIME OFFERED SS.S.500 home in $G5.ooo nc1J!hbomood. 28 r. JBa. ~clean area. L~ lol . room to expand. 846-5502 cr4wnw BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! Panorarruc NewPort Bay views from gorgeous. 3 bedrm upper unit or spacious 2 bedrm lower unit! Natural bnck fplcs. Wet bar.;. 4 Car "arai:e. Boat space. Steps lo beach. Dial 752-1700 FA~! ()(1 N TU fJ • '' \ 'll"' ! '1tt N" f • l•lllil llD'JCED $7 ,000 Reduced for fa.st sale I Owner ls VffY anxioua and Is sacnficlng this lovely home. All new carpets, clean as a wM1· Ue! Features: 3 Bdrms. l~ baths. Build your equity today, In thia lloriaus home. Oflen!d at only $89,950. Call ~ F O~f_ST E CJL.SON MAtee•• RUSTIC llACHHOUll Hiiitop cottale w/Splalth motif. 3 R lncl 2nd aty 20· loft mm rwtreat w/tf!P rm. + pvt 1undeck. hp. 111nlrto fonul din. rm. Den . ..,.c. ••in. tbrv-out. Arolloa . de c k1 • ~on a . Want -11111111U1--An .. 1 unique? Onl1 muoo ... £.z ttr1lle for al. Otll 1JKR. ID.o802 BEST IN BLUFFS END UNIT 3 •• 21/2 IA. Greenbelt, bay view; 1900 sq. ft .• new neutral carpet; like ne w thruout. Lovely. lge. tiled spa. $185.000. O,EN SAT/SUH 1·5 406 P&.ATA (off ftoroda) IAIGAIM llAUTY Lge. 2 BR, 2 ba., form. din ., li v a r e a on 1-level: cathedral ceil'.s .. new carpets, lovely setlin~. som e vie w. Lge., low int. asi;umable loan. Only $159,000 OPEN SAT. l·S 2012 Vitt. C ... LEASE WITH Of'TION TO PUICHASI Hi ghly upgraded. spacious 2,000 sq. ft.. wide ~reenbelt : 3 BR. 2 ba .. liv a rca on l ·levcl. Cathedral ceil 's. Xlnt tPrms. $179,500 or lease $750 m o. fND UNIT SUPH E Lovely view: 2400 SQ. ft.. 3 BH. form. din., 2 1/·l b a., 2nd rrpl. in hu~e fam . rm. w/wet bar . S233.500 Including the land ! ~UPER IARGAIH Sharp as a model. n•cJt·(·or . thruout. ~nd umt. 3 BR .. 2 ha . $123.000 OPEM SUM. I ·5 1972 SAH IRUMO HELEN 8. DOWD REAlTOR INC. 644·01l4 List & Ivy With the Experts QUALITY PROftERTIES LINDA ISLE J llS l I isled . beaut. fo:n J..!11 !->h Tudor . Elega n t l'rafls man!->h1p lhrunul Gorgeous h·adl'd window'> Sl.fi50.000 TURnetOCI< F1nl·st vu•w lo<:ation. 4 rm . l -.t~. pool & ll·nn1 s Open today, 4 l'anyon H1dge. S207.UOO JA.SMIME CREEK Lowest priced a nd I hl" IX"'>l buy l'ICln ( 1. Open today. IO .J f"l ty S20H.500 LAGUMA BEACH -J <:usl o<:can vu~w llomt·'>. w;ilk tu lwac·h llO Crescent Hav S;!24.!)()0 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Oest huy tn 1·n l in· an'.1 '1 BH . s plit lt.:v<.·I. O<·t·<rn & II.I\ v 1Pw, Opc·n today, 2515 Windover. '-i:!~l!l .HOO LUSK EXCLUSIVE ,. A11 '"'ll'-'<T:tl1l1· Vt•r sa tlll·s in Big C<t 11 }1111 I 'ri s urpt.ts!'i t'd luxury. Corn(·r lm·al 111n on ~· t·ul de sac. Truly <Jill' ol l hl' f1nt.• homes in Nt·1.Ao'po1 I H<':1d1 Sli:J0,000. By appo1ntm<·nt 2515 E. Coast Hwy CdM 675-341 I PRIVATE COMMUNITY 2 blocb frOM .... bHch. l bodroo1111. 2 baths. Lido S.- hw. T....,, cowts, cassu:Mlllty pool. iltoppilMJ close by. A plooHr• h• b•ach li•l•CJ· S 129. 900. <>PIM SA TUUAY 12 ·4 : 5405 llUCE CltESCIMT, MEWPOIT IEACH. HOME OR OFFICl TMs ... No111tL1 .. 1llw hos bHtl llic.ty NfwW•d. ,. ........... d ........ ..., wl•dows o•orleekl•t tlae Pacific, ...... kffclaea wflla J ................... ..... parthllaatltc.. ..... . , ........... c.1 ....... A ....................... La9Ha ••ti loat Ca•J•• ......... $111,910 • ' .. .... lllT I llS Fm A flillt •1 Then show your wife this ctuirmer. 5 bt'droom, 4V. batht. 1014 Marlntn, Dov~r Shore • OPEN SAT 6 UN l .S Ask for~ Wb lobead. llY A IT OF llSTllY Y ou wouldn't b Uev this homey beach <'ottag\• wo~ once the c.-ook ho uw fur th" P clrl<.' Railway. 128 26th St . Nl'wport Be ch ()PF:N SAT & SUN I 5. Ask for Ohvl' Rumbdk>w. mEAMS DON1 LAST a nd nc1thl'r do dream house See this bcuullf ul Hulboo Duplex bt.•f ort! 1t ·~ too lult•. A~k for Ellet>n Artukuvu·h n1m OF PAYING IENT? Then lnkt• o look at t htl\ wood~y Woodslream Concto . LN ul\ tell ou how you t•..in own 1t Ask for Theo Wh1tt•twmt THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR WIFE ar • SJX!nl 1rt twr home Make them wonderful year~ with ttw; <:harming t1 hcdroom homl.' in beuut1ru1 Cun'll'o Highlands. 4518 Wayne. OPEN SAT""& SUN 1·5. Ask for T om Mcsercau. REMEMBER WHEN the family couldn't a ll sit ttround tht• t abl "! When you trowdcd the kuJs mto inadl-'QUalc bedrooms? Wht-n they had to go lo a puhl1c pool to swim ? Sec ttrn; great 4 bedroom. family room. dining room pool home and put an end to lhosc re m e mber when s . 1907 Glcnw .id. Newport Beach. OPEN SUN. 10·5 Ask for Theo Whitehead. IAYFROHT S<·vn<JI fin e hayfronl homl·S w1Lh ptt•r & ~ltp AVALON Wt·ll <·onstru('led. :J BH. 1 hu .. O<Jk floor. p artial basem ent, concr ete foundation. f"la ts are<1 . $120,000-Fee. .BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J4 I !\uy\•cl1· 01•11•· N B o7S 0101 HO POOL YETu. ... hut the yard is big enough for one & at this price, you may want lo put in your own. A delightful 3 bdrm. horn('. nicely dc<·orated. with nl'w t·arpcb & dr:.ipcs. 'J'lu·n"~ a g n ·a l . family room that opt·w. •11llo lltt· yard Cor m;1ylw y11Ur n1•• pool i . & ;i lovt·ly k1ld11•n I a I d o IJ l I fl I' t h r• 111 o ~ t d1s n111111H1ltn1: dtcf. Lon1l1•d m th<• vc·r.v p•Jl1ttl ;11 L;1kl• l"ort's l ;in·:1. Prn·t·d lo :-.di :.it $!1J,:,oo. TRIPLEXES FOR SALE CORONA DEL MAR On U1u ocl'an s ide of lh<• Jlwy . on l.v 1 ·hlol.'k from the heach : r:m• 111v(·~tment opportunity with xfnt I 111 a nl'tng available. Tht·~l' arc dt:luxc units. some with frplt:s .. h camt·d c·1·1lings & pri v ate balconies . A total of 3 triplexes. a vailahle :Jl $270,000 each. INVESTMENT MINDED? We ha ve a new ('Onv<:n1cncc center in nearby Fountain Valley, lOO'k. h.•uscd. with 7·11 as the anchor tenant. Lillie or no m anagement. X lnt location. fi'ull price $535,000. LUXURY WITH PRIVACY GENTLEMAN'S RAHCH .Just minuteR fro m Hemet; :mo ~l'clud('<l ucrcs with a rn ugniriccnt H.000 Kq . ft. ranch st yl e home t· over l ook in g th e ranc h . . ' Air-conditioning & pool, guest home also with a pool, is nearby . Add in the paddocks , stables fo r cmun 's h ome, f e n cing: cross·fencln~. etc. & you have an outstanding value ~l $790,000. IRVIMI TBRACI IEMT AL Avuil. Aug. Isl. Spectacular view home on the front row. Perfect home for entertaining, with large pool, family rm. & billiard rm. 3 Bdrms .. 3 baths. ~2500 Per month. WAMT TO KNOW WHAT YOUI HOMI IS WOITH7 A computerized market analysis of your hom e Is a vailable by celllng Ha r.bor R ea tty . No cost. No obllgallon. Some talk about It, we have It : Computerized Marketing. "Let 'Our Experience Work for You." ........... ____ ,.. ~._._ ......... .-...... .. - * OP9t HOUSIS I ·I • oraM IM HAllOI YllW HOMll Spatl<>t.a.tt 4 l>f-'tlroom. 3 bath home with o lor1e nvlUnte pool $214,000. SEE JOii; KIEVA AT 1973 PORT ~A KDIOAN Pl... o, ... IN IAYCllST Total t•xc1wmenl will nurruund Y')U ln thht 4 bedroom pool home. '3L9,500. SJ.;£ EVAN CO RKETT AT 1816 UUTfONSHEl..L. I.AN 1<: OPIM IM MIW,OIT HllaHTS 4 Hr l><m. 11_., bulhs. pool & spu so lur hl'Ull"<l Gr •ti t sturte1· humc pr1ct'd to l'lt'll al Sl50,000 Sl';t<: KAY ltAN<a;H AT 2300 MA IWAHKl' O'IH OH THI 'IHIHSULA Ouhtandmi.t n•·w h~tin~ 4 l:J<.'droom i'\1rn1ly llomc tumph•U• with ouk rt o or-. & ~ J> a $ 4 K 5 , 0 0 0. S fo: ~ I.A VONIJJ\ llOERUt-:MANN AT 402 Ufo;L VU I•: LANK O,EM IM HARIOlt VIEW HOMIS Lovt'ly wt:ll dt•('orutt•d l'tJl('rmo two ~torv '1 h~:drnorn ttonw on rum1ly Orll'lllt'd ~I rt•t•l l'ruh·~~IUllll ll y lu111bt·ar><·d SZ15,000 SE I~ JAN I•: M 1 'IT ll J. EH AT 1 !Hi 5 POHT <'A H l>Jl"I" SOME'fHIMG DIFFHEMT IM IAYCREST A nts uul Z story h11rm· in <·hoicc: lo<·ation. :1 b<·«tr11oms, :1 hath . I o f l f a rn 1 I y r o o m . I> r a rn 11 I 1 c· f 11·e pl:w1'. pn v:itc• yard w ith l:irgt• rwtto Prtt't' $1!~~1 .000 OCEAH VIEW CORONA DEL MAR DU,LEX l'it'l 1H't' pn•Uy honw w1Lh ;,i n·11l;,i l and guc·sl quarlt·rs f,ovt•ly 1•xtra w1dt• lot lh:Jl ts full y lancJsC'apccl . This oru· ol ;1 ktnd property, just off 01·t·11n Bl vd .. can he yours for $:1!1~.000. llG CAMYOM TOWMHOME /\n 1mm<H'Ulak, light and airy 3 ht·tl room ··E l Dor:.ido" plan. Less I han ~ yrs. old . with t·ommunity pools. spas and tennis 1·ourts. Walk to shopping. Assume t·x1sltng low 111l1·r1•sl loa n a 11d own1•t will ('011 s 1d1·r u s:-.is t 1n g financing . $)8;>,000. MAGNIFfCENT VIEW l"rorn lhts s rH·1·l:ic·ul;1r c·ustom111·cl 5 lit'llroorn Somt•t'M·I. 111orll·I. Orw of llu• la rg1·~t lnh Ill Jl:1rltor Vlf'w llorm·s. J>1Jol :incl :-.p:J , too A v<·r y ~IH'l'ial horn•• for a vt·ry special fa m 1ly, s:m;,ooo llG CAHYOM TOWHHOME The prime loci.Ilion of the McLain town homes. A .. Ptnehur~t" with 2 bedrooms plus de n anrl forma l dining mom. ll's ;11r (.'onditumcd <.ind IH'a11l1full v <lt:coratcd with ('Oord111al rd 1-;Hp ·l & wall1>apers. s222.rioo COROHA DEL MAR CHARMH f.uw1 ·~L J>l'll'<'d ~111glt· I a mt ly humt• South of ttw h1 ghw:.i y an old Corona cl<:I Mar 11':! bl(l(•ks from lht· h1·:td1. :1 Bd rm~. plu~ room tu acJcl on $I !I0,000. COURTYARD EMTitY Into this relaxing and hcaultfully maintained 5 hl'Clroom home. ldc<il fomily homt• with lar~c enclosed pool. Prtct• $285,000. EXECUTIVE MAHOR Cu s lom huilt 4 Br . :J bath with vaulted l.'<.>tl tnJ.{s, dramatic fi n·plac·es l'<>mpl<·te with pool & spa. Corner fm·altun m pres tigious ne1ghhorhoo<l. S:J:l0,000 Fe<'. GRACIOUS LIVING in Jas mine Creek, 2 sto ry model with 3 ocdrooms, 21h baths, wide s taircase lo balcony over looking living r oom with large rock fire pl<Jce ; "''ar <·ommunity pool. Npa & 6 tcnnii; tourls. 24hr ~uard gate. Price $255,000. DOVEi SHORIS Al lust, the perfect home with an outstanding ocean, bay. mountain & night light view. Gracious entry Into large li ving room & formal dining room. Gourmet kitchen & separate family room. Plantation shutters -a bed room and master s uite. $632,500 Including the land. LUK HAllOI YtlW HIUS 4 b e droom Sandpiper with s 'cctacular canyon & ocean vicwH . p.us large exciting pool & private yard. Formal dining. separate fomily room & 3 car garage. S317,500 land inc luded . IPY6LASI HILL 4 bedroom, f amlly room, pool & 1pa. City U1ht view. Unusual, l•!'se, beautifully londsca.P-.~~ lot. YQU must see thls ut only pvo,OQO. SIAL llACH-PllMI Ploran 2 llocb to s-d Nice family home or Investment. l't'.; lots. 2 Bdrms+dcn+ l~ baths. 2 cur J<oru~t . Sl3S,OOO ... Flexlble rmon ci nl(. IEAL ISTATE by LUCIA 1474US t6MZ71 * *FEATURES OF THE WEEI * * VIEW & POOL-IRY. TEii. A holM of HbdHd dl .. ltJ la •• nt•lltlltlted Newport Inch locetlOR. Mewly cupeted Hd bH•tlf•llr ........ d 4 be*'°"' hOMt ..... ....., roo"' aRd lar9e o•tdoor patio WTllllll ... .-tdllMJ pool IR ,..otechd cowty•d. 1..-h....,... gr1 .. 111ry. Oww wll c-l•r f'-'c"'9-$525,000 fff. MAGNIACENT WATERFRONT-VU Alu~ perf.ct ln e•ery w.,. "Mr. & Mrs. 'erlectfoft cmtd fcnlfr he here". WAomr Hterlor & wltt. '-die~ flowen .ct CJ""M'J! phts ... bGlcOllJ and patio. Two story 4 IM*OOIR hw wtth for"'ol d lnl nq. leHtlhllr coordlnahd decor ttwOUC)hout. MHkan tile. 1ta1Md C)lon entry doon, cantoM w•HconriftCJ' cmtd window tnatMe.t1. htclude1 yow own boot _.., In o nry prJYGte Httinq. $975,000 '-cJ.di1t9 IMd. WATERFRONT FOR 2 YACHTS Excitl1t9 fri-le•.t hont• on WATltt wfHI slip to acc om ... odate two raclth. Expansln ruidence wlth step-down 1iYin9 room, family """ Md fOf'1llClll dht. room. Four ~droom1 lnct.dltM) Mahr uiite with finplace and balcony oYertooldlwj the WATER. A •lbrmt holM for the WATER LOVERS! S 765,000 Unctu•s land) WATERFRONT LUXURY/BOAT SLIP An exclusin residettce OM THE WA TH with wbdued diC)ftity and educated CJOOd taste. Special i"'ported nd aattqtM f.atures qroce the entire four be*ooM, 4'h bath residence. Stained qlou windows & French doors ltt the fonnol dlnlnq room; rare caned fireplace mantle In the family rooM: plus a handsome study. Separate master wite with ih own li•lrKJ room and balcony. Lu1ury In e•ery res~ct t>.st describes this home. Boat slip ln~udtd Clftd YOU OWN THE LAND . Shown by appointment to qualifle4 buyers. Red11ced to S 1,215,000. SPECTACULAR VU-Day & Night bpani•e ...,.... CMt large lot ..... rOCMa for pool mtd deck. N•wtr dec:onhd a. & out! Two story 4 bedroo111 plH blHiard/fam. ""· lncludlfMJ lcrcp bar, 4 firepleces, den .ct loads of roem to entertain in and out. Eosr to show. $495.000. DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE This cOftdominium home Ofl the WATH is in a class by itMlf. An:hitectur8' Oiqest would boost obout the dHICJMr feoturH and Hied decor of stalMd qlass, custom wood pon.tifM), ..tlcple brealcfroftt .ct so meteh ....,.., ~ than many homH this 2 bed, pl•• den/ office .ct roiffd dinl1t9 arH oH.rt priYOcy, H<:wity and aYaHablltty for your own boat. $620,000. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT-VIEW 'rhocy, wc.-fty 2 IM4. 2 b& coop. lo.t llip OYoil $197,500. LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT-BEACH StlM thM to select c..,.t & decor few tt.ls l or 4 bed. °" WA Ta. S..... HCllG9C)H GI ii $ 710,000. OUTSTANDING BLUFFS "Z" SpoclOMI ..ct welk~ •or I• this ...ct •t with 2 ,.t1os. Two-story 4 bedrOOM l bath cOlldofttl11hMt haRw wtlt. forMal ch.""-, tpaclCMIS fClllllfr r00M ..ct an ....-..., for qreckMts '"""' Reel to $112,000. YOUNG & LARGE-NPT. HTS. s,.c1... fa•lll.~a.:,• i• • .. •••• ,............... 2......,...,, wltt. 4 IM•oo.. t-, "°°"' & ,__, ....... e.,.c..., ... ,.... ..... fnllt .................. ,.... .... ,...... lxc .... tm..c .... SfOl,000. AFFORDABLE .NEWPORT BUCH c • .._~_.., .. ~2w. tow•lloHo co•d• wtth Sthato HP It ......... ,.... • ...... .., .......... ,.2 .ooo. PENINSUl.A POINT CHARMER ,,..... .................... ..,. oc ............... n'i2..., .... ....... ™ ............. ..... Now.,,. ......... II• ... ,..., J ..... .__...-/ .......... ... ......... ff ..... WATERFRONT HOMESIK. / JUWAID IYOWMR 8 e 1tulllul & st·1H c:e Unlvendly Pk plan. Over ZD> ft. w/vaulted c:c1I Inga, huge llm rm w/pool tbl. 3 br. 2 ba. din rm. lg. k1lc:hen w/ealLOI( area1 l\ecently paant.ed & deoonlted. Hawaii bound owner offers very rlcJC1 ble r1nanc 1ng plan Shown by appl. Pr1n c:1ples only plea:.c !562-8878. ------ EAST SIDE TllPUX '179,000 Prune <:orner locallon l::n<:lused gurages lluge lot. Spacious un1t11 with warm wood punehn.:. owner will carry with low down. Call 646 7171 ,,,, .• ,,llj 1/•f1•,H/lll'IMI' t• [®IElltd 1c6oa l.aand I 006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Uup lxi> 1nt·I 1H.·w }il!yfront lo be Xchgd dn Owrwr 213~ 3200 LGE 2-STORY HOME :J lldrm. film rm. i.:rcat lfx:al.Jr)ll, !>Offi4' VH'W ,,, South Ba y ~1.01111 2 Uwtits/$279.000 Near North Bay :J Hdrrn huu.'>'.· with guf">l room and u l! Udrm aJJ<irtml'nl IJJU Brcthlcl & /\1o..,.,.· zaM anncAvr, U I. 675-333 I •.......•.•............ TRl-PLEX Nu·p Ohlr(' in .1 lo(Ol.ld lrw.1 t1•111 A d1an1·1· lor ;.i f.:l'l 11way Llpl ur 111t·t· lllcunw tulll. .. 4-PLEX All I ~droom /\ n ·ul rrmrwy 111ak1·1 ' CJwno·r will ll ~lt·n 111 anythmi.: l'l<t!>•·. · For J11form1Jt1011 C;1ll 1'11·w ~hr , 3ha 11 :1 1-. li11ltx1a Blvd 1 t·rm' ~.<XX.I 1!'10 :J~H Carano dtf Mer I 022 •..•.•.........•....... IYOWHER 3 Br, I U/\, romn H 2 101 l'lans c·ompletC'd fur ln•I unit, n ew cpl!>. drp ... r 0 •> f , 1· 1• 111 n !: 'i 7 0 II Muri:cu1•rile, Sat /Sun 11 ooam ·5 :0011m $149 ,!'JOO 644 • !Y..!11(1 -- UNUSUAL DU,LEX On Puppy Ave , old CdM Allr. 2 bdrm & pluyrm owner·-. unit &. good ren t.w. Hoth adJOirung swim ming pool. $249,500 t'irm ftAULMAITIH IEALESTATE 644-7lll VACAMr R· I LOT IHTHE '-VtLLAGI" BEST BAY VIEW nrHIN TERRACE 2br. 3 ~ba. llbrary/l('U cst room. fo~ormal dining rm. Indoor BBQ. cov. er cd living terrace. $505,000. Install · ' m cnt sale, owner will finuncc JO{k. Open House Sun. 1·5 l Mwteflepolch 640-5390 1'urrll'r A!i11oc1ul1•>1 SUPEI VIEW JASMIHE CREH PL.AH V SJ 15,000. IY OWNER WILL CARRY ,A'8S GuardCd entry . Tennis, p00ls. s pas. Beautiful ~reenbcll. Wa lk to shopping l'enlcr. YOU OWN Tll E LANO. Owner/ A'gl. Call for appl. 640-1127 Oc•·an lll vd ;J hdrrn family rm :-.pa, hu•!c lol Cn·al buy Own••r / B roker . $'1!J!J ,VIJO 7~. OPEN SAT f.SUM I ·S 142 Ht:;(,ONI/\ Ownt'r!i will 1·11111oirkr r1rui.n('1ng lhh1 2 Bdrm . dl'fl, r111lc ('Ollai;:e Lurit•· It 2 lot. lknlal u111l . O:caOli1d1· or llw y Evelyn Smith li7:1 OR22 IJn1kd llr11kn' Uy Owner, J aM11in1• <:rk, l'lon :1 •• I llr, 1·nd ui11l . $a'Al,(j•1 f~W OH~n IEACHHOUSE 3 Bdr $1!1.>.l,OJ. f1·1· U.1r n·ll l'a.,h , A1,'l 1:i10 :!J:>l1 m 1,.11 1::-J)h OCEAN VU lyOwntt ( l\armJnl( :JUr, 2 palu1~. rk'(·k. ru·wly rr-ino•kh·d. l"I'. larl(•' lril $<!'10.000 Op1•n ~Ill I ~ ii'75 H7H:J Hy ow rH' r . s p y i: I..., • ltJdW'. I l1•1·an vu :11:11 ~'I fl fillr , 110•1l 1>p .1, $5511 .01111 J•rin onl y t,l-1 ;!It.II SHORECllFFS J-:x1·1·11t11111:ol '1 111 , .1h.1 wilrg n ·mo1lt•lt·•I k 11 I" II f l;1nlw11111I floor '· I• n·111 h ti...,, lmv w1111l11w•., l1r1t k jmll41, hid llflfll llv I l""llf'I )l;.r/I/ 10 .J fi7.l li t;cl 1 .. w, .... 1 pn• 1-.I llu11I••' 111 C'l>M I 111 Ii • t l1o1!'l1"lo•r un11 .' < .11 '"'' I 1• XI r .1 II :1 r k 111 I' $ I .; 'I • II ti II 642 17:Jfi/6:.ll 12tili •IWt-:N llOlJS I-.• 212JASMINt:,CttM •S:tl 1Sun I ~•• Owner I A._'\ fi7;t 4~7'1 SPYGLASS Hill SI0,000 REDUCTION Sn1!l 'l•W)' I Ille I h.1 "f\J••Wt)l1n··r ", :!W10 •,q II w1poul, ''"'· 1.111t.1 It• la111h1 JIJllll' A 1111\hl\ up.:ratti:ll t''<•·• h11nr 1· (~1·ut1v1· f1nann11.: av.111 /\\klllK $1(.111.0l~J R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 eo.to Mesa I 024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CEDAR GLEN IJ1M1r111.1v•• l and :1 1)1.'(Jroom c11rulum1n1um·, from~ I .::.00 ~~ t·:ld1•11 A"'' . C M 1.iz u1:w RESTAHD RELAXATION ll "Uw urtl1•r of th•· •I.iv 111 lh" J Bdrm 1l1·ll1'111 Fo~.itun.,_ · S4•1l 1 I• .111111 • 11111·11. wa x I 11·1· """' • l11r111al 4.1111111 1.: 1111. ~ p.Jll•1'> If. Ill.Ill}' •'lll t .1, CAUHOW 754-7800 ., Ml:i~~~ I{t;glswr 'ft. \l•• .. t V• I di• 1111 ..... , '"" 4lllWI) 11, .ll11l,.l1I•• ~ .. I '""I 11 ... 11 •1.1'.. fl<,, •1u.d1lv111 ~n:uu •A1, 11 .. 1 .!lllfl I'll \I. \ICIJl'I". M1·,.1 \ •'111•·. .1 \'• Iv '•l'l't I.ii 11111•1111 1' 114'\\ Jl•tU1I , llf•W l.111.Jo.4 .151111,• 11•·111 l y • .1rp1·11·11, 1111• t'I Vh IH.IJtt lll>M ~ :1 h ;ol lt'o, f;1111 ii V I '" 1111 ~ ....... (111.1111·1111: ,,, ~ .. ·ir <·ho11 1• 1'1~1•1.:•10 Cotto Mesa I 0 24 ....................... 1---------- COLE Of NEWPORT REALTORS 675-~~I I MEWUSTIMG MESAVHDE IEAUTY l<l'l 1 rc"I 1·•1111> 1" wan h ohJt•r dplx or oth .. r Hi! lYI•' pm1••rt Y 111 C•>Slu Mt-:>J JfCiJ. l 13 /2111 ~7:. A~ IAOC IA Y ·OWNER l'rcsl11tmu .. , Im· l J>ty, :iur + fum r m, Z t.11.i, for mal din, htU:l' rm'>, I) yr.,, <!60(1 Ml n $H;M,f.OJ ri411 7Hil I COSTA MESA in the I.st block orr 0..-eon --------Ul vd. with some ocean 4 HoMMt on I Lot 1.0Wfo:ST l'HIC:I': 1n (h\UJ Mt~u Only JO•,, down OWC A lwayi. n'l'ltf>d View poleollal. $125,000 land loan a lready 11r· trull(od.. $205,000. <.:ALL QUICK 644-7211 ~Nl(J[l Gl\ILl Y t. l\s~ur'" 1 r li Wortd IHI &tot. 556-5777 VACANT & ANXIOUS ()wnl'r Wiii ht'lp ftnan1•1• Uus l1ttge ~ Bdrm :.I t>uth Mei>a Vl'rd1• home 11 fealW'C!i m•w c·urp4•tm.i. laTl(c fanuly room unrl --------wetbar. Subm1l 1111 uf fers . A s k 1n 11 onl y 1149,750 0111 ~6-~IRllO · , :. HERITAGE . . REALTORS COSTA MESA 19UNITS f'tllUt-: of OWNl-:llSJIJI• ON ovr:1t 1 A<.:. or I .AND. St-llinl( for U X ·,, ltNJt;.'i. No units like U11s ms.MEW USTIHG an1whc rc . 1 .. ow OOWN DWI.IX nest buy in Corona del I~~~~~~~~ Milt'. 3 Bdrm. home at Ol'W 3 bdrm. unll. Open &i.n. 1.s. 604 Mariaold.. NJ. 873-7D> JAS ... C ... Only oew Plan 3 on ~t w/ocean view. llove in Immediately. Mtt%. 1252,000. Prln ooly. 31AU>U. Oyw 1·8218·2800 .... AMTlqUIS To tabanee lhla 2-atory atuike I& atone home with a French touc h ! 3 Bdrms .• den, 2~ bathe; fll)k:a. in llvln1 rm. 6 rnlU'. IUite, 1~k. too. Vow leunt wUI love the 2 bdrm .• 2 bath apt. All ahiny "new. •.OOO. Wt-~ * 673-~# 2'H I . C:O... ...... CdM •CllATM ··~......_,.,,. ... Mme • lf•bulou ...... CGUldMI *"'-· Qll Tla ....... ···-' ' ..._. ""W t:YIAITllS owe. ..._ T-WoHd IHI &hlte Hl11hly upgruded 3 br SSL 7777 plus tn.f 11 w a pt .1~~~~-~~~-­EtrtbWne C rpl. 1'.:11 l In· I~ kitchen. Prime Mesa Verne & only ssu.ooo. w/VA ter m11. /\nx1ou:-. owner will pay some <'08· t • loo . H urr y! 714/561M91. C:.:I Walker E lee Real Estate , .. Of PwfwctlOlll Bu utlrul Me.. Wcl()d1 home with pool 1nd 1pa. Approx m> aq ft. with 4 bidrooml. formal dinlnl room. family roo m, kJtctaen with bulltlna. Hlln1 area, wetbar1 fireplace. mlrroreo cathedral cellln111 und rovtnc1 pauo. ILl7 ,500. II( R. MG-1730 fll!!!ll&. OWNER WlU..CARRY ()Mm' ..w.. • Br, 2 ba • r.mu, nn, C1bl aar11e • l&rH. '92,100. C.11 . ..... fASTSIDI CHAIMH Helrcah1ng st.'a brcc:ies surround UUs buuttful 3 bedroo m, I 1. h11th c11sts1tle hom~. Won ·1 Jut long al this r educed pnee. Only S00.500. Call ~3966 (Wl#...,~tJll....,·kJ MHAYllDI 4 Rdnn 2 bath, quality ~It, 11haJce root, double nn.'W)laCf•. Ort:.t loutlorl, Ideal ror enlertalnlna. Larae rec room, k'4.tl of decl1.1n111 low main· tenanoo yard. ()ftered at SlOt ,000. <;.II 540 lJ 61 · -HERITAGE IH Al TOH~ r.-t S6de Cll. larae tbr. b, w/lrp F.R. +llJ)lc. ti aUty acceu f« ll V. Prtctd' to 8'111 ta•,IOO. -- -----l t ~· .. . . •, •• . ' ....... ,_Wt ...... ,., Wt &llurd!y, July 21. 1971 DAILY PILOT C7 ;w·-··,·141 ·······~·····,·1; ....... ,.,'* ........... w. ,_...,.,Wt .............. ........ ~ .................................................................................... . ......... , ...... , 1411 W fsrs A.._ QWet Ana Latp Lot A ...Bdrm. lamU1 room. L~ batha. Cualom p1lntln1. New ropper plumblaa Uma-ou~ Completely new balbroom. New root. Double enclOHd 1erqe. Nlce lendaupiftl. · For Sale by Owner Atent 54$-~ • ... LOCATION SNc6oua Kaalald• • ... I ........ Ct.ea ...... ,...~ ..... pelDt • Id& ... .... nd.v... ......... . ........ ... Cell. .... ...... ....... *=:'' LA CUllTA leet ... lzttwelJwlMct. 1121,eoo Two Lorr~· l bdrma. 3 full beth.I. IPormul dlnana rm, ramlly rm with wet bar " flr pJace~ aonua room. 3 car gar. Boat " trall(lr acceas. 4 ycan new Vucunl Fast E1crow BAL IST A Tl IY LUCIA ,, ... 17. 147 .. 010 SOUTH HUMTl•TOM llACH Secluded lilll~ beach home on quiet cu1·d ·sac Mlr~l. 9 years old. Trailer access. Vacant, only $87.000. So. of Atlanta, east of Brookhurst. Ron Ort . .......... ,,.. ... ,.,..J77 lJppw' Attb .. Kb fftts, byOWMr. Aaume K In. 2 BR, dH. 2 \-it ba, ......... AMIATMOMI overlooldn1 c•nyon. ocem view, a •"°'Y· t800 eq ft, 3 Bdrm. Stt0.000. Prtpty.•·- LA.uMA .llWll. SoarllliDI whlle w1ter view oUlaln ... ch Park tr d\y ~ ot La1un1 ftocn tNI 5 bdrm. • (ljtn. Cbrla Abel de1l1ned home: au wood. ita.a. beams Is tile; on quiet cul de UC atreet. See thla larte. unique, home to- clll)', It tG$,000. MIMI' COMDfT1C>til 3 Bdrml .. 2 betha North IAcuna collate: walk t.o Ctr.scent B1y Be1ch. l"rlv1t e yard with sweral fruit trees. Large :.ttached 2 cir garage with door opener. Priced lit S17S.OOO. IMVIST MOW! . 1bil could well be your hedle aea.lnll 1.nnsuon. Many poulblUUes for ox· panalon amd remodellnR -make lh1a your dream cott.a11e. 2 Bedroom. l Bath. 118.500 SIClUDID ,,. beMA1u11aome hu•~~~~~~~~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .. 1ionally de··· _ m\':Z~tr€.\ STUIT U PPER VICTORIA BEACH -Terrific oc:e1n views, large lot allows room for e xp1ns 1on . Master suite with ram1ly room on lower level ul· IOW!i for pnvacy and en· tertalnlng. Ttus home 11> well m111ntaine d and shows extremely well. $214,000 corl&.ed U, aDd uul. ll SICOte CHA.MCI fea&urrH : natural If yoiA m lued th ii. arw. 1044 '"'-1044 ~naw wood1, wallpape r . beaUlllul 4bdrm.,2bMth ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4t9 •29oo lt.liAed aJua wlodows, Ill L050 Vallejo, for only T URTLt:ROCK GU ;N Uerttage Park Twnhm. 2 lllllt lub. wood deekan1. Sll4 ,VS0 .. 1l 'li b ack ! GAKl>EN ltOM t:. As· stry, Jbr, l.,_.,ba. $74.900 Hy Owner. 4 bdrm. den. 3 eeumic tile , auto Hurry! sumci 9 'k l oa n on OpeoSunl2·S.S59-4I07. ba. formal dinini,:. new ~aDd c1thedral PAUl.MAmM 11pactOU11 He•lher moocl carp!!l . drape:,. up· C9UiD11. A must lo see: ...... w/beautlful view. family CALIFORNIA pll"'lces. Ocean & ca· For more info t•all --ISTATI rm. 3 full Ba, A/C. Prin fl.YOll view. ~.000. Call _.., 644-7311 cipals only. 7~ 7159 494-~06. ' AVHY PUSOMA&. STATIMIHT D1 scri m1naling i n · div1duals will appn-e1all' lh1:-. funtust1c home . z rireplac~. formal e ntry . wraparound ocean views, den. family room. luundry, oHlcc. larl(l' lot , 2 adult CXl'l'UU Vl' '>Ul ll'!> Sec t o apprec i at e m,1,00) ~., HERITAGE o.ar-.t 1026 RANC.1-tO SAN J OAQUIN. HOMES HY OWN1-;R 2,500!lq. rt. Charming San (;arlos 4 ..... 2 Story 3br & den. While water & H[ l\LTORS *'YC>WaB• 3br. I ~be. trplc In 11 v rm. dlD area, 2 c ar ...,.., blt·lns, wet b•r. • ....,.. be•ut lnds<:pnic. AMume loan at 9.W '.t ion Concord S t. S . ltlorccJs. 2~-eu1 ext 31115. 714·556·3'183. Open s.tlSu.n. WW c:oope.rate with aaenta. aJSTOY E·SIDE CM 21~sq fl, 4br, 2""1ba, l'K. $1.29,900. l..r& tiliume In ()pen hie wknda. 347 V1s- t.a BayL Hl-8952. ---Mesa Del Mar large$ fir, 3 Ba. $119,500. Loe near sdlO .t. S4ll-8044 Owne r. E. SJD&BY OWN !!:It 0 E S P A R A T t; ! REDVC F.U 3Br. 28a. fam rm , 2 frplcs. big big custom home. 111.$,000. Move in cond. 642· 1031 Mesa Verde 4 bdrm. 2 ba 1900 sq. fl. large yard. newly re decorated M .500. 549-0424. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAllMITA Spectacular hilltop home&. 2012-3206 sq. fl. Cbe t.o Marin . Selva Rd & Calle La Prima vera . $1.S9,000 t. · $24$,000. IDl·lStO; 493-4<' 6 Bldr. lntOce.VJ.w o.n.roMt This 3 Br 2 & 2200 sq fl home hu hrdwd floors. a wet bar. lri·level w/sper tacuJar OC'ean & night liloi view. 1174,900. Ask f<K Norm Phillips, We11t Coast Pac ific R . E . ~11131·2600 $97,000 Like ne w 2 Br o c·can Vlew. won't last long. Call Jeff Home. 493-0202 REDUCED HOW A STEAL a l $1 l!>,000. Princ ipals only. 3 Bdrm, dining rm. 2'h ba, dining rm, family rm. frplc. j11 c, auto s prinklcn1 . t,'J mile to Mluina. Only 4 yrs 11ld. Owner wlll even carry HURRY! JJUHKY! MIL FUCHS, RLTR 675-1120 Ea.'itlide red brkk ln m. 3 U. ~ unll 3-2, f rpk, eoc1 car. 2.2. i.nc. SJ 1001~~~~~~~~ Pf:I' mo. No quallf. will a11ial w /20% dwn Owner 532-4649. ---- E11t11de c harmer . ex· ec\llive f1mily home. 4 br. 2 ba, pool, gues t house. frplcs, cus tom fam rm. Muat be seen ! Priced undel' martiet al $16.S,000. Call 642.-0467 A.,'l or9fi3..0081 Broker. Dy owner. Weits1df'. 3 llR ._ den. fanuly rm , 4!' z ba.. upgraded carpelJi. ceranuc tile. microwave oven. frpl('., 2-i.lory. SI <JI, 500. 97 5 O'.JAA Slpet" Ea11t.11ade :I bdrm. 3 b a hom e . Wulk t o Wc atcnff s hopi.. H u great io·l•w unit. Coast "Country lUty 646..SUll BUILDER1S DELIGHT ~ IJr l ba. room for 4 un its. 1.oned K4. Close to oceain. SIOS,000. Prln· c1pals only. Broker. ~ hra.633-:mtl Meaa Verde. 4 br, 2 ba, patio, nr park, MVOC. AMume a.rae 9.4% loan. Sl.25.000,owner. ~S726. 2 Br, I« lot. t;.alde, Sl9. tl'iO. ,... • 873-7-.a .-ec1sJ1,ooo ......... _ NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT nos BUT YOU! 2 BR, full sec condo. w /ocean view. Only 1117.000. A.gt. Mik e Bry a ol. TI4-497 ·3009 BT.-o 1012 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nx UP&SAVE 48r. 2sly, 193.500. Te rms t.o suit. Agl. 67$-~UI or 968-3331 Fa.a• V•y I 034 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Last Chance, 4br, 2'1tb11. ZlOOsq . H. l"ounlain Valley llome. Needs 80mC work, bul look a l thctcrm'I. 111,SOO. moves )'OU Ul wit.h pymts. $1,327. or you can assume the praent $591 /mo. w tooly 143,000dn. We are n ex.I· ble Ind anxious. Call rast il won't last. Arma.nd or Michelle, 540-4646 or ~ll. Pager llOOSJ ............. 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SWBSHARP 4 Br. family rm, r~Uy remodelecl Must see t.o appreciate. ()pen House Sat /SuD l ·S. $104,000. 6721 Melbourne. Alt. 541·5032 WALICTOllACH Sbrp4br, 1\.itba, f1m rm w/frpk, RV atteM, by ownw .-,,ooo. Mull aee! &Ml Doncaater. 1111).1729. LaC..taY• A '*'· Two side by Klde homel. Buy I or bolb. 3 Bdrm, 2 baths. '80.000 each. WlU sell or trade. C all t o see Mickey Sbafer, Bkr. 960-l98l 3400 aq ft, 5br , 4b•, Ubruy, OR, •'K, m aids qua11era, 200 yds rrom dublne. Golf, tonnl1, t1wimmlng. Open Hae s.t.1aan 1·$ at 3033 J•va Rd. Lee Kearns·All ~ 8V OWNER, 2 BR; l 'At blk --------•I h'Ol'O be1ch, la,..r lot. Alley •eceu. S36oa52 wAn 1 r1 llb'bdcb. Jbr, 2 aty, beloollr OU z bdrm, 1 .,_ hocne nuirket., won 'l l•st 1t -IW. Property c-... .-O.IU-3007/775-1174. wl&.b plMI '°' addkional --.. Ulllil OW# pn,e. rrteed ... _, __ fGr .. dl aale. Adj. to 4 Ir, 2\-it be, fam rm. By """8rt HPta -000 CMm'. -aq ft. Mann• 0...-... y tUry 2nc1: ... u .ooo. ---7 ~-··, i. ·-IY1MlllA WONTMDT Coar famlly bome. ' .......... a b9llla. Wooday yard• with t..Hllful ..-sotalulMeaummer rr+r• n ,., ,......, ........ Pri-1 I• qlld aat.I Qtdet trH·llHd ll.1 eteaa bree1e1, I ................... ............ &e.Our .......... ... Jllalllt•-..... 116-1461 mode.I townhome. 2 Rr + This is a shitrp Plan IOS town vie w. Stred to den, 2~ a.. clOflc to golr w I l h n ew p a in l . Street lot. S4!4 5,00o. course, prl v. p ool & wallpaper a nd d rapes 714/494·21 l.3 l'VCS. romm. park. l'nncipab ldetllly located close lo BRE/\TiiTAKING 3 llH 2 only. OC>5-l27a schools, park and shop· H 3 • w 1 f 1 aw 1 es:. ------p1ni,: As king only OIARMING . l<:dinbur.: $103,:>00 fur this .:real wortumn.~hip & s tunning not. Townhomc. Univ funuly home. Call nuw I e a se o p l . le rm s Pk. Irv. 3br, 2'hbo. I" K.. $245.000 A gl M ike frpc, & palio. On grtcn Bryant, 714-497·3009 bell. By adult pool. 17005 Iron &ark. 551 t.(MJ. Hy Owner. SH17.077. fORSAU IYOWHU TUITlHOCk 4Br. family, dining. hv in~. lg kllCh€'n, Z frplt·'· :.! car garage <;all ()on Olk fM :.ppt. at 833 960'J or 7$1-400! lUITlHOCk GLEH IYOWHU 5br, 3ba, 3 car gar. frm U.K .. 1-'.R .. many cstm extras . t:ul ·d e ·!>ac O>mm. pool & spa. l'lus 3 lighted tennis crts By Owner Prinl'. Only ~5.000 OJH•n llo ust• Sat/Sun IZ :> l!I H1pphng Sl.rcum 95.>~. UNI V. PAHK. Model perfect end unit 2 putKJS, ~as UBQ. wL>tbar, pool, l.etUUS & YleW! 673·4313 RJ::/MAX TURTLHOCK POOi. Only Glenoeyre Model by Broad moor, in Thl! Glen, on the m.rket. 4 Bdmvl .. family rm .. dm· Ing rm., 2 baths. 2 fr1)1cs.. central atnum . XJnl decor lkauliful private pool & i.p a . Outst anding value al $l99,950 DAVID D. CARLSON ltf.ALTOlt lll-9293 SUPER Callr home. Jbr. den. din.rm . a/<·. Wi!>Um I. 8~% or New I01"2'.4,. 1.13.~. ~613!}1752-8191. latk"' The Rays In pravuC'y or o wn yard ... n exl lo heated pool! Lu.ah yard, corm:r lot with good locaUon. 3 bedrooms. cut.mi are1, fanuly kitch en , entry and fireplace. l'atio and Ute accents. $1 IS.000. BKR.~l TRlllEIL -· OPENHSESAT/SlJN 12·5 4962 Hemlock Univenlty Pk. 38r, rum rm. I blk t.o 1chls, pk, poot, t.cnnitl, by owner. Sl75,000. $52·3'128 Woodbrtd1e Cr oi.s\111( FMt.oD ...clel, 3 Br 2YJ Bl, maQY upjttldea, de· siper'• realdence. By owner. 551 ·"320 1'utleroclc Brolldmoor 3 Br 2 Bl, formal dlnin« rm. family rm, separate matr suit.el •lrium off mltr Br • •mllY rm, lg "911' petjo, newly r•lnlM l.n/oul. MW urpe 6 Ulc. new batbroOm vaniu"" .. · c1&m dr•pe11 1 on lemlhald. e..t nnae In '1\u11erock. SllUOO. tty "'*'· CoDtad J. Manly, •-or•aeoa.Open HouH Sunday 7 /H , 1-61'11. 11Ul2 8Wd)e Or, In. Entel' Emporia otr 'l\art1erock Or, r11Sbt Orf ....._,, left oo Blan &o llddleDr. P non. Ranebo lea Joa b, 2ar, den, cw•r· ... ,,,.,-..... ta, aat,IGO. <>Paa HM =1 ... 1 ... qt. RAN<..110SAN J OAQUIN On golf course. 2br dl'n. <iba, frpk , II( dbl ~aruge. pool & JUC. $131,500 640-0'.)'Jl ORAHGETaEE Pion S condo. $7!>,000 ()pl:n house Sal/Son 11 4 Pnn only. !>SI ·s.575 Turtle Rock l>oo'~t!c:~~unl· Ly lo buy a 5 bdrm .. SU.'Wart Mod<!I in orw or the fa."lll,'fil appn."Ciatmi: areas in Irvine. This ont· Is 9 months old, localed on a quiet. c ul-de·s ac" with pooltnt.ed lot. M11ny upgrudl's Won 't last long ... hurry! 't523 C\MPllS~IRVHfE a..,-..... I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN HOUSE Afternoon Charming 2 Udrm b1 · levt•I home on la rge l>llaut1fully landscuped lot Co\lcr cd patio & BBQ. Greul location, walido1 dis tance lo beach, s h ops and dlurches. PLUS. 1 Bdrm guest"°'*'· 1259 .000. 6llSIAVIEW don osen 'I lot' I!° .... BC>Of THEIAIMIOW r~ze a good buy? Short walk to Crescent U.y from 2 Bdrm, rustic charmer. Surrounded by lovety fruit trees. don'l Wiil r S ee It l od•y I ~.500. don osen ; I d I 1 ( 1 r ~, 401 GLY.NN•:VRE 41r1·4848 IHACLASS IYITSILF Ex.q\!Wte cuat.om borne on bule lol wllb 1ardena and IYO(ado tre••· Large livlna r oom . b e 1me d cel lln1•. m1uive brtck fireplace, oawral WOoda uaruout. 0ovme& klttbeO, lUX· urloua m•eter s uite; m11nlflcent view o COMl • vlUaae UaJtll, fltCanl Laaun• Livlna. 11'7S.OOO. don o~t~n CMUMtEH WELCOME nus super .. bdrm. fam1 Iv home oHen loll! or pnvacy & a lovely mt view A walled courty11rd & hot tub a re among the extras. $139,500 SOUTH L.AGUMA /\ disl.lnctivt1, CQ'ilOOI J bdrm. home in popular <;oai.t Royalc Thl! i>pacious decks offf'r un· beli evab l e view s . $289.000 PROIAnSALE An Italian v11l1t oo 1111· West Coas t H1 va•ru. localed in Monurch U..y & olfcring lhe sccun ty or :!4 guarded (:ate. b4•ul'h c lub & t e nnis court Ocean vww:s & a lar.:4• romer lot make thli. a highly desirahh• home for a family SobJ1•11 to court conrlrm1.1l 1nn $400,000. 90% RMAMCING AVAILAIU REEDER REAi.TY lli.Ut.op Developen• Ocean View Only 2-2 bdrm. :!'h hu. Condos left. Broker will cooper all'. Immediate occupanry can be arranged with 5Ubstant.iaJ down lo app· ly on purchase 1mcc. Office 494-4315, 10·6. Opeo 7 days. Other limes 499·1625 let ring llll ..wcr leave mes1a1e. 11!: Mac nab -Irvine SPAllLI•· flrwclt,.........! NolhlDc hu been over· &ooked In th1I exceptional Portolino home perched h11b on a hill w/180' view! An c lceunt re. sldence offered for :::i:°· Loi1 Mille r ix.fll • 111» So (.;oas t I l1way 1n V1lla.:c fo':ur LAGUNA H~At:ll 497-2457 SPAR.KUNG m ovl' 1n l'Ond 1t 1110 dcscnl)(."l. th1.., :1 h(lrrn, 212 bu, .i rrvk' \ ww homl' on prei.t1g111u:. Monart'l1 Buy 'l\•rrun: <lfferrtl at $24!5.000 494-1519 955-1570 LC191'"1 leach P~IC W'HfnWATU CaLailna Sun11ct.s und r1ly V11..'W!I from Utls beautiful l''re nc h ma nor . Th1!-. home. consl rut'led uy rrwst.er craftsmen 1i. a virtual showpiece. Open house Sunday I S at l82S 7.ell Dr. 494-1519 955-1570 =·-h COUMTitY con AGE Uruq~ styllnit fit:. tlw rurul a tmosph1·re of aroa. New 4 Udrm, 4ha, frplcli, wet bur. $214,000. L..,.... Vlllap ll.E. 4'7-1761 -......,.,,,ir.I>-Hlllll ~ McCOAMACKRC ~ .. ... early l~ICWla Norm an· dy style. r:amblrnJ( c·ot lage o n s p aci o u s grounds. 4 Bdrmi... :1 baths + gut.>fil cotlul(c, an he1rt ol town. $349.$00. AhVlttaYJ.w Red liJe roofed c harml•r 3 Rdnns .. 21,1, baths. Only JD.:;()O 494-7551 CALIF. CLASSIC 180 deg while w ater view, nr beach. 6 Bdrm, 3~ ba+den. dbl lot. One ol • lund. $400,000 Is a steal. $100,000 d own. F.a1y lerm11. OWNl-:R Ca ll f or uppt , 7141833-3581or499""247 orlM '" MOMAICH SUMMIT fl: BeauWuJ A·Plan with 2 bedrooms, den and 2 baths. Adult community . pool, clubhouse and apa, S129.500. SEE HAL CARDWELL AT 31342 CAMPANA WAY, OPEN l·S MIW DUPL1X One block to beach with ocean vlew . 2 bedroom. 2 car garage each. Flnanc1n1 available. S280,000. LIMll POIMTI Recreation ror everyone 1econds from your door, Next to an ocean view plua country club Uvln1 : 3 bedroom, a bath•, bu1e famll)' room, CUit.om deeoratln1, bM,500. ............. 1041 ... ..,.,..... 106t ... .,..,..... '°" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• STOP THE WORLD HERE'S A Pt.ACE TO 0£1' OFF " see the vM!u.-in--thla striklna. ClOIUmporll'y bome with low rootUnea • detailed architectur e of wood. atucco " PalOI Verde stone . Sprawlln_a 4 BDRM. & 0 EN floor plan servic ed by 3 BATHS (RECENTLY REDECORATED>. i11 loc1led h i8h abovci Laeuna's f1med Riviera Co astlin e w i th Ot.rTSTANOING Vlt:W or SADDLEBA (;K MOUNTAIN S & VALLEY BELOW . Spacious living r<Jom \approx. 28 fl. lonri>. with WOOD BEAMED CEILING & Cl!:NTER FIREPLACE St:T IN WAJ.J..OF GLASS, opens t.o patio a r ea. G•lley lltylc lutA:hen wilh blll·m range, oven, dishwasher & la undry area with washer . dryer. <ALL Lt-;ss TllAN l y H OLD I: opens lo den /· forrrul dmlllg room Th1i, bc.-'Uer bwll home 1i. hard LO beat at only $149,500 F.U Price CALLONTlllS ONl-.:TOOAY !! MISSIOH REALTY 9115S. Cst. Hwy, Laguna Phone 494-0731 •UclM Optioft • Presti gious L aguna ~a .. new con!Rmporary Ol'Clill Yll'W, ~ Ml ft home. O wnl'r hi ghly mol.lvakoe:I. i\.'>k lur 111111 or O<Mc Kuop. 10-:1 MI\ X t;ll l.a;6 -----......,._ Hi11 I 050 .....................•. BeauL Monterey l'onllo. :i Bit, 2 l.Ja .. Ldgun.1 Village . many up grad1•s. t>t-low markd 11nrt• at S81i,UOU Owner tk.,.J>('rute /\h'l liJ1 S\198 ( '.1ll o•v1.., 1052 ....................... Laguna Niguel Realty • OCEAN VIEW !II~'!, 1n l<'ft·~I. W /20'.; clown on ~alt·' 1•11nt nll'I :1 llllrm hom1• on I rg lot 111 ~ult• prvt "Shon:l'I" Nr ll•11n1b, J>Ool . ~.111na ,.,, bcac:h. $20'-J,500. FAIULOUS MORTHVIEW J Bdrm, 2'h bath hnm1• nestled 1n the vullcy cooltd by se1.1 brc:-ei•~ Pool & re<.' 1-'pw mm 111 o<-ean & beach commun Owne r Lr<tn ll f 'd & rmuvated. Sl21.9:i0 OUTSTAHDIMG TOWHHOME in gate guarded c·om· mun. 3 Bdrm. w1all 1?la~lt add1l1on fuc1ng un ol>s tr Ul' l <>d on• an & t•ua.'ital vie w Cated c'n l r a n r c· o rr c• r 'I 11 r , L I> n ,, I I ,., p .1 l' " m ti 0 $llil,~I 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830.5050 .......... Lo. Fwrway t:I N1~uel :1hr. StW.000 Custom 1<1·al1y 770-9777 By Owner N1gud ~hurc-.. gatc'<i l'Ommunll y Im rrnl'ulatc. profclls1onu lly dl·n1r11tcd l.ovl'ly garden & a trium 4! bdrm & den. $149,500 ~Z732. fo:ves <\96-7:M>I 1055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DEANE Gtrdltl/Pool Home . R u r e A t 1· I (' 11 m cl I w/IM!llm cc1I. 3 Ur ancl. hb m s tct s ll'. hu.:c count. k1tch . Van I.wt pa pers. Trellia~l'. a ir. uut.o sprklrs. Illus. gar opnr. Club pnv1I. Tolal priv. Top loc. Own/AKI SlZl.500. 761l..s330 Ms.._Vl•io 1067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• USTEHTO TH19UIET In this lmpressivt'. former m odel home . Bordered by the lran· ~~or quiet, rolhng , I.his upgr•ded 3 bdrm 2 Ol>M cul-dc·sMc retre1t I/fords a unique <JPpOrtunity t.o live In an ldNl enYlronment. Architectl " decor1t.ors both hive been 10 thou1htrul with this home·the llvinl r oom boaats 1 white brick fireplace lhat reaches to lbe eeWDa. wtltl(' wood mlrY noorin1. up11raded carpe\U\I & drapes, mlr· rored clOMt doon. •Dd flO many other feetunt lend eddtUon&I ... ,ane. •nd ttyle t.o the ovely In· Lerlor. A ~ patio over· looa the surroundlna lilll, and UM apacMM&a, ClOll..i..t kitchen ana formal dinln1 area make Uala bome perleet for en· tMtaln1nJ. M If 1 11 lhll ,....., enouth •• eotn· nmity pool Md &enaJa oaurt.I ve jult a ¥4!1'1 lbor\ walk rrom rout ... !ldudad. dramaUc .... ._ ........ tlaia ....... .................. ~II Two 9"!1-la • _ .......... 671-1112 llDAllCHA"" IMLlY CATALINA Y11W Olluseduplex. 3br • Sbr. SOut.Un1 pool. 811 yrd. Over llJ9G tq ft. ~bill t.o Le• 1barp 4 bdr. An bey • lllt•ch. 1231.000 amaliq Newport Be1ch N-1'757. value. Call u.a for fwt de· ---,-..... -.,UDO----t.alla. 714/5i&S-IMIU. ~ MIWPOIT HGTS Thia bidden beauty 111 on deld end at . 2-11ty 5 Br J BM, sml oeitan view. full S wedis h saun•. b ig jacuul, k>ta of extriu1. Must Me to appreciate . 1225,000. Owner will help fl.nance L':-PR€HIGE: q_----~-HOl'IE:\ '3333W. Coast llwy. NB 645-6646 UDO ISLE Exceptional 4br. 2ba on wide St lo St lol. rrcnch doors & beam ceihnic11 lhru out. hardwood nr11. f<>rm1I DR. lg So. 1>at10, u sed IHll'k f rp l c . <.:omplelely remodelt>d Uy Own l'f $460,000 67J.&IZJ. Broker coopera· uon -------- A VBtY SPECIAL PINMSULA POIMT S•clt'Ga• UDO ISLE a BR 2 e.. lge paUo. S'll6,000. ()pen Sat/Sun l ·S. Ownr/bltr. 645·5000 X216 •DN ND Cnclt Me•~ 3 Ht 2 Ha, completely re· mode led, lanla•t 1c backyard. $13~ m oo· lhly, -Owner will carry. See lo appreciate. Great West c laff location . 1164-2502 Ed Owner Must Sell. 1'rop· pmg pnce P>OO. Oclux1· 2br. Newport He ight!>. Open house week·ell41b ~. 42'l l'\tllerton ..-. OCEAH wfflt POOL 500' from beitcb. 3 UR, z ba. w/(rpll'. Ju11l re modeled. 11W.500. ()pl·n house ~l/Son 1-5. 41114! luver Ave'. lteal&tahSton 673-46' I ; 675-1771 OnJy 2 years old with feulur~ too numcrou~ lo l•--------rnenllon 111 detail indud u11( u gourmet klll'l1t·n. Ual<.'On)' i:amt> roorn Jnd a sumpluou~ full '>Ill' JU<"UU1 in mas ter bath, •MO QUAUFYIMG • Only $10,000, lakf' 0111•r fantasUl' lease option on 3 Bil exec. home Won 't last. Owner 541-0210 not JU 'I u huth t uh 1---------w /J t'l'i. Solid oak cabinets thru out :rntl 1---------much mor~ Ir yw want OricjRal llllffs "The l'o111l" and c·.111 Nc:>wcst IJsting. vny ran· <'Onltldl·r $43!.1,0011 1111 1 ~t.ory. 3 bdrm , i palloi-. TIU-: Ut-~'T. tht•n c·all townhome. cul ·de :..w 644-7211 lol·atcd a m1d::.l t :ill I~. overlookm.: r1nt'bl "1n NIGEL ~AILEY & ASSOCIATE§ COHDOMIHIUMS Wl-:STt'l.-11"1-' 1&2 hr S7!J,00U & U f) 171111 Wc-slchH Ur <Jp<•n tl.11ly 1 :> 1112 l!58;J11r m :1 1,1~111 :.! flal llll l>upht~ 1111'1 11 .. w Hu yfrunt l•1 Ix· xrh~ll tin Ow1wr 2 l3 /tiM :IZ<XI llfl't.'flbdl SIW,500 AJ(enl 640 !>."J6() HARIOIVIEW i':ll'ganlly upgraded J Hr 1n i.:rc.·lltloc.· Lovely yard fi7J.4:1t:l 1t1·:1 M /\X !'.cai.h1J11· Uri v•• du111t·"'. I hr l'ad\ w /add1l1011.ol l11l Mu.-.l 'ell ~75,UOU I fl.'1 71 !>:J IZ I :J 44tl I G.'l!f IA YSMOllE DRIVE BAY vn;w fro m up stairs 4 Ur, Jba, fam r111 IALIOA DUPUX ~.ooo Curol Tatum . 3 hr li>lllJl(c, plui. l.iach ~ 4!»-002'J ;ipt. Step:. to hay or , ____ -_-;.-;.;; __ o<:('Un 1n old Ballw <• " ltcmod1•l<:d •fl & out l"•'.fl<.'t.-d b<tck yd w 1:1 1·a r park111g. l..uwe1t "ric't."11 duplex 1n a re a Agl Oi5-677S Mewport leach 12UMITS I Door from Ui1• 0 Cl.'Un Unbcllveably low pnr4-.I aL $425,000. Owner will Lritdc. WortdRNl&fllt• 556-7777 LOVEl Y MOHTEGO '' Br. 2 ba. lgc family rm "'4r park, pool & i.<:hOOI. Xlnt terms. Assumt> ~~~~~~~~~ $119,500 ft-t:. G40 1440 z Ull. i l\i.i . t ';.im ltm . t IJlk lil()('t'an, l'l1mm pooli. &h:nru-. N1·w c•pt & puinl lhruoul $1111.0UH 011t·n Fr 'Sul 1:-;on 1~; 1;1~1 3 bdrm. ;i•, Ila "°'''· IW W k1l r hl•n. Uay•Tl.':.t lly Ow1wr G-12 0 I H'J DB.UXE UVIMG ~Al' from N(·wporl Ua y . 2 Bdrm Mobile huin<:. lt••a l f 1 rep I <t l't'. $52 ,!1110 ~!°):(6 Jhr. 2•,,ba, ovnlookin..: ~oir <'our..e Hy Ownl'r. 64.').~00. 642·5001 SPACIOUS HOME OPt:NS/\T/SUN I lj l.-0eatcd near backbay at :rrn t; 22nd St, Iron-~at ed courtyard leuds lo pr o re ss 1 o null y landscaped completely remodeled 4 Br 21h Ua home 2nd-sly 625 sq fl VOTED ..• ff('!.l buy. Harbor VICW llOml' o n f ee l anfl Formul entry. formal chmnl( room J..oL-. of w111 !1i1w-. bnng hnght 'tllll 'thllll' St.i bm1t un U-rn, •. Own('r n-.1w r1-s fas( ~oill' $1.'>ll.!Y.~ 1;.i:; 1i!l I ~~21 . !'fSTCU~Reatty MEWPORT DUPLEX Own the land, walk to th1· beach Super sh3q, :1 Udrm 11w n 1·rs u 111l . wmeat :t lldrm r1:n\11I l*>lh have fireplaces and are in movr in cond1hrn1 Ai.kin I( $235,0110. C<d I 54(}.1151 lor appl ,. :.. HERITAGE dt'fl w 1wet. bor & pool la· ·~~~~~~~~~~ bll!, II( lutch , dining rm a: . . REALTORS w/frplt-, lg llvin.: rm oPCnS Oflli> poohuzc yd & l a th e ho use . c~tm features include : tile nrs. bll·in cabintry, Juc .. rdwd d cck111 g, llV swragc Cwilom qu11hty al$285,000 By owner. Courtc11y to Bkrs. ---------- VllW AND SOME a&perb duplex, overlook· lQI water ind Lido Isle . 2 Dclrm, frplc & decklnJC eKh aide. Room t.o CX• pand. Selle r will fln1 ncc. Fu II prl cc 136(),000. Call Mic key Sbafer. Bll.r. 990-18'0 DOVER SHORES, be•t bl.ly. Q.iat cte.lped hme f« family Uvln •. Bay 6 lilhU v\ew. S RR, 4\-it Bl. Ip fam rm. bOftua rm, 2 wetban, 2 fpk'a. Ciat pool " Jacuu1. Meld• qt.rs + avat •uite. f'asl poaM_llllOG. Fum. ne1. see ODen House dire~· Lory. tkMM C\lrt.1tl. •ll · m.aoz2or7'MJat OCEAHVllW! 14(e 4 lldrm. 2 pal1os, many extras. BELOW MARKET. R E ·MA X 6'T.MJ13 l&UflP OCEAH vu Lt( 3 BR 2\-it Ba .. 2 fp's l''am Rm, rock ·r<Hlc grdns , wr Iron fnl'!', ~ul redec. $275,00010<: la nd. Ownr. &«-<>184, 7a>-9288 ......... .............. ~le1anl Newport Bay townbome on lniJl!f'lbclt with excellent view or ~ and rnounta!ol. Ap. ::: sq.ft. with 3 •· d_lnJnfr area. U beU.. k.ltcbelt with bul ltlns , we lb• r . fireplace, llled P•tio. co mmun i ty p ool. Sl8UOO. BKR. 540-1720 ........ --. Bl CANYON Spectacular •olf course estate. 6800 aq. ft., 4 to 6 Bdrm11, 5~ baths. Pa,l and Jacuai. ONM MMAY 1-1 PM #6 CHBRY HUS 11.111.111 111 ST..S Cl 14N711 LOWll1 .. C. PAmU90 . , .. ,. .. ftil lllildlll J ......... ..,_ II ... imalllla.,.., ju.at __ .,,.,._ .... .,,., • .. av......_ for oa.l)' llU.-. FHturHI a • -...-.,,u.wUw IAvlat room. lovUln• fireplaee. and quiet, lllrblded patio 41reec1y ..._..IO both Uv1111 ~ dilaiDa roC>IN, thJi ..... i. both ete1aot and ~ ... MOIU .HOME lnfll llatiln .............. u ...... ,.., We're here to aipwer Your ~ 6 t~ flnd 1°0" a mobile home you delire. We bave many c:boice ,....._ In Oruae Count¥ • beach areu. Pha no down payment. •(lr more into call our prornalon•I courteouH sWr. TORTOISI M.H . SALIS 102 t:. 17th St. S.A. '7J..1421 U..taJn, 2 bedrooms Mve a refaxiftl VteW or tllle pool area and ftleely •IM.aiaed. 1urroundmg 1reenbe lt. A well· ......., home, laundry lacllitles have been placed in the kitchen, wllere you ·u aJso find plenty of c upboard specie. Unuaual, aurac· Uw wiftdow lreatmenl ,Pws t.llis home a light. sunny feeling through· oat. Beaulltul 4 Br, t 'H. secluded patio, pvt beachclub. m ove·tn cond. Owner off en a real buy al $125,SOO.' Opn I~~~~~~~~~ Sal/SOn 12·5. 2931 Via Sur............ · Golden Weal a.xeo. 2Br, __ ....,.~•=vruo:..:..:.·..:;49'l:::.·8446 2Ba, lam rm. Cu.atom S...... redwood deck. 5• Pk. Sim C•llflw 1071 JuanCapo.4Y6-3337 . c.11 now to see this great home ln a really prime location. ••••••••••••••••••••••• w 1>pc renl. sml, furn. '75-7512 ~lfHCHAaUS llAl.TY ..-.SULA POINT OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 12·4 W3SEVILLE AVK 281'. 2Ba. remodeled. Im rmc home in a quiet pre· stigioua area. 1295,000. Arthur Ke.II.man Rltr 548·SLSS BeauUrul Baysh ores! SUMIM "SUM HOLLOW" Highly up gr111 d ed 4 Bdrm, 2~ "clus te r " home on quiet greenbelt. Cozy country kitchen/· fam rm. Prof. decorated In ea.rthtone c<>'ors+plus community pool. A must see. 1116,000 CALL644-721 I Hmdilome 2·sly on cor--------- ner lot w/xtra lrg. pnv. pat.lo. 4br, 3ba. $395.000. 662717 Sale/Lease/Rent Jbr. 2ba, pool, JllCUltZI, nm decor. $1000. ~4798. HAUORVIEW on greenbelt. Upgraded Somerset 5 br. Joo, 3 c11r g.:.Arage. Assumable loun S2S9.SOO. Own t AJ:t ~. 8J0..8600 w.k ror lhbOrr. 4 Br, 2 &. tot.al upgrade, poolldze IOl, lundscapc.-d. Sl17,SOO. 493-7001 S-.Alla 1010 ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• UDO CU~'TOM llOM E. s horl walk lO ocean New con· :.lruclioo w /qual1 ty 5.080 a sq ft.-1:-;lc~unt feature1:1. llooflop Kun- encl pallo, .cus rrec. pm, CM 646·2573. Orean view Tratlerama. pvt beaches. pier. pool, 2 Br. Vl(.>w lanaJ, garden privacy . $16.500. Treasu.r e I s l and . 64&-208.S/ 400.2:j(n 2Dx40, 2 Udrrru; . 2 ba .. 3 yrs. old. Adull pa rk, Ne wpo rt Terrace. 642-7023 Permanent t ra1lcr. El Morro Bay. PJ.500 t1rm. Owner. 644 .4688 Mobile Home 1977, owner. Westminster udll pk, 2Br. 28a, ff94·2660 --- CJl.AMC9E COUNTY IEAUTY NEAJl GOl.F COURS~ 24x60 Keyw1..~l ·10. Cen- tral air, dl;hwsher, 1m· muc. ~n·itl locatrnn tS0176X XUI. Mobile..__ stor~ 956-4500 On I.be Bay Side, OcAnza Bllystde Viii, 300 t::. Csl Hwy, NB. Bch, pool • jacuzu. #61 lll26·V1ew from up· per ~wideck, 28r. 28a, nu k.Jt. many umonatics. bolne. rec rm. view. bar. deck. ram rm w/frplc =~Sun 1·5. l\gt. skylights. 3 bd, 21r, bu· Creal oppty lo own new 0,... Int.., llt SIMwn home in desirable urea. :. i.:-3, By Owner. Npt Shorru.. 3 ()pen~ Sun lC.-4. 220 Br, pool, t ennu, e rli1, 8thSt.S.8 . (714)960·52A•. 1167 lBr, 28 a , lovely pal.lo, cll!e to bay. siouoo. "Courtci.y to SClllfll Lo.,_. 1016 *".''S48--385l ••••••••••••••••••••••• O n t h e South S ide WANT A FROM IEAUTIRIL 1134S-2Br, 2Ba. + lg encl 110 .. VllWS lanai, ne w cpl11/drps. 111ss oC whitewater und north Bkr. Leona Mo r gan ft cout. 0 ce a ns i de of 1~6'1~$-40~l~O~. ~~~· ~~~I OMM Hwy 4 Bdrm. fam I· rm. 3 ba home. Pvt. com· l•-------- "A fiEllJ Giil? =~~1."0S:.i3~.u~~ 1';.; allow )'OW' wife thl.I dn. owe bal 00 contract. ~IS bedroom,21Ai for 2 yrs. 400·1282 or MOBILE HOME BUY-SELL· RENT· ;;-in Dover Sborea. -1222 WocaU l·li---.. - 2 ....:.... ____ _ FINANCE ........... Stare W.wtlowC...... CALL USU l·I 021 Acn .. fw w. 1200 ....................... 20ACUS Will aplit. Paved road, power, 13 miles lo Hemet. Flat to gentle elo9p. *"C:t fuU price. l'erma. act Dave Knap,er , ac t . 21a• ... ~-.. --.. .,.. ........................ -- . . . ·--~ ....... , ·-. -..... _ .. ~ ,,_.,.._. .. ...... ,, .. .,,...... ..... ......... -... ..-. \.... ... .. --· I ~~.~.~~ ...... ~·-··· oee..r1..i11a.. ,OMNrlffl•t... ......,.. ....... a..!.;........ . ................................................................ . -...... ,1rt IMO .._,._ ~ a.. • ........ -• .. •••••-••'" ........... !!.:t ....... ·-... =!!!J .. ~~ ..... ~~ ...... ~~!4! OIL.,.,~,, .. ., .. 111 _,.. 112•··· -~-......, ___ .., . .. ..................... .::) ~MT'lie.M. -.... I.rt.plea. xlat. M kll. IO'al.22._.'. 2 bUc.t ••••••••••••••••••••••• iadw. euptt 1 IR VWa, Nier .... I • ~ ...._ OW.. ualt eacl. I froom oeeu, a.vet, -.. me vt rt d •• CMMrlMI• .... umlt, I be, trpl, l ·tar yrs. old. Have lo~~ flo. NoLAcwaaJocaUociP p Yt1CCAVAJ.J..£Y ..... ;,:_~ .. !!~,.!!'· ,,.') -----=--~---1 ... ,Wlr.lbe,uka. 81'0.000!blet otf«. 1rkr ....... ' ' CUSTOM HOME ~--TIL .......... leol ~ Jbr. l :V.ba. 2"41 yr old. •-...... 2J lAtA • Pluitt, carpet· -..- MIM'OIT .. CH v.-. &oe. OD Pen1D. 6 lfw,& a.,. avail. All amenlUH. PteHnUy a...d. 'l'um·lley oper•· uoe. Pro,.rty m1mt av.U. l'JM8U. BKR . ......... ...... St ... l!'Aacb Unit ha 28r •den db kit W/oU cablnet.t: bklw. trucrowave oven. frolc ln liv rm • mat.I' bdrm, 1kyllte11, P•tio. c.d11r teilln1 In mstr bdrm. ffPMl'•le yd. lg dbl car1ara19 .. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 To tee caJJ •et. 97&-5089 .._ ,.,.,...., 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UUMITS Prime TusUn locution. Gr eal in com e, x lnl terms. iseUer will help. arered Ml S7SO.OOO. Call ~31186. ( .. , ............ , ....... '.11 IUMITS Santa Anu. All I Br units, owner Wlll carry ul 10%. F\JU price $185.000. Lots d spendable. £r·~ 333.1 W Coast Hwy. NU 645-6646 16MtmUMTS PRDI& &AITllDll:, <;M tl*mead. 'ftlSITADISCO. MMTU a Bal 111 Duplu incl new layfronl to be achad dwla. 0..-213/IM·aaGO Covlnctoo 4·plex near ~Ctr. '206.000. XJnt flnandn1 avail. Owlliw/AI& 91MU8. f!CMmUX • Wllb oc:eu view. Lets than 3 yean o..s and In I.op coadiUon. ~=:~·y W/SMMLDWMI S*,000 lUMA;R UM.TY 151-7'17 TB'LD Pnme condition, I block to San Clemente Ueach rumillhed 2 bedrm units: Owne r will flni.ncc . $164,000. ltEGBfT' REALTY s:n.3114 or496-9501 12 units. Modem, O'i'. vac rac. XJ.nt for out or town owner, Synd, etc. Walk to all. Ocean side beach comm. Asking $32,000 per unit. Re1tl Propcrtleti Syste ms . 714·729-3059. 434-4576. COSTA MESA 4 ........... Lot Lowesl price in Costa l·--------Meaa. Only 103 down, owe. AJways rented. WortdRfflll'* 556-1717 ..... , . .,.... w/extra bldg. SI 15,500. Owner wUI carry at 10'/,. 5Ubmllondown. $1J~.soo. 4' f1€STIG€ HOME:S ~--~ Cousttlwy.NB 645-6646 l*WPORT IEACH 12UHITS 1 DOOR from OCEAN . Unbelievably low I.OW PlUCED al $425.000 Owner will trade. Wortd Rffl lltah 556-7777 CDMDUPLEX 3 Br I'll Ba owner's urul w/frplc & 1 Br 1 & unit. 9'k assumable loan. ;c"''fR€°iT1G€ HOME:~ 645-6646 xmw. Coai.tHwy, NB 645-4646 COSTA MESA ltUMITS P R I D I!: 0 fo' OWNERSHIP ON OVER 1 AC. of LANO. Sellmg for 9 X's gross. No units like Uua uywber e. LOW DOWN.owe. Wortdleallltah. 556-7777 CIUtitiY 4-PUX AU 2 Br apls, all sgl sly. Tenanta pay ulil. Only $130,000. Owne r will c~tt&'£~TIG€ ~HOM€S 645-6846 3333WC.outHwy, NB '41 H46 32UMTS Bad area.crummy • Property needa M0.000 ol fix-up. All 2 Br units. Pool. 7 .5 x gross. -~ Pl€STIG€ 4==i:HOM£S -~~y,NB '41 H46 7UNITS.c.M. Beaut. new bwldlnc. ,,.,....,_, xlnt locaUoD. 11Llnvnu 842-ta CONFUSED ••• by so many ads'! Don'l know where lo bci;an planning your in ves t · ment. program ? You will find our highly trained sllJf ol over 40 helplul Phone for an a ppoint · menl. One of these cu n get you started Ill a solid investment program ... 2untts, C.M. $1:Kl,OOO 2wlits, Orange $152,500 2wlits,C.M. $163,000 2wlils, C.M. $100.000 2 uruls. UlC! Al am1lo:; .. $150,000 '1 uruls, H1vcrs1dc .... $115,000 4 uruLs. fo\i lie rt on ... $150,000 <I wiiL'i; fo\i llert.on .... sum.500 4 uruls, Ocoanside .... $200.000 4 uniUI, Los Ala miloi. ... $225,000 4 uruls, H. 8. $260,000 14 uruts. Garden Grove .... $42.S,UOO 16 wut.s, Buena Park .. .. $600.000 l8 unlts, Temple City .... $600,000 36urul'i, HR St .935.000 40 units, Temple C1ly .... $1 ,2SO,OOO 561.Wt.s, Montana (new) .... $1 ,950 .ooo OHtce bldg. Gurde n Grove .... $500,000 Motel, Anaheim .... $4.275,000 L••a1•.,.-· ... not born. Apartment ownership iso 't a matter of luck. Jt represents careful. slep.by·s tc p planning. We can help you des ign an invest· men!. program tailored ID YoUt financing at your needs. A t,EWOPENINGS on our s taff. O range County 's m ost pre. at.ilioua invest menl o(. nee with uns sales or ova' ts7 million, bas a rew openln11 f o r qualified profeulonals. ,..,,....... to iDn.tment real estate. We offer temi·prtvate otn~. full technical 6 1upporl •Y•tema, a aeneroua CX"'V"Nkm split • ex· cellenl lnve1lmenl a. ..a. Lrainin&. Call fw an appolntlaeaL, 712·19a0. J&i. =· .. ·~· .......... Oeli,M ... lllO. Z ._..... ln Cal. Gold Country. P<Mntlal 3rd u. a-l-. t. • O w " • r (tia)au.IDO. DWI.IX Cbatmlnc Corona del liar, J Br hou1e + ~ W\lt, clo.e to bHch • ahoppln1. ' l 5 9 • 0 0 0 . 142-1'718/Ul-1286 TllePLIX Cole to beach, 8 yrs old, all 2 Br w11ar. s hake root. ANumable lst al 9.73. $169.000. Agt . ea. 1 '1311/631-1266 74UMITS SACll.t.t•ITO Sl.450,000 '250.000 dn. 7 .5Xgross, owners will trade down . Call Ruaa Carpenter. Newport Ame rican Prop. ~7-1900, 631-0468 2-4PLEXES Colltl& Mesa. SlS5.000 ca. Will comlder 1all offers. ~ll03. DOU.HOUSE ----CUt.e 2 bdrm. 1 ba home on R·2. Property comes with plllllll for addilaonal unit over garage. Prlcc..>d for quick sale. Adj. lo Newport HghtH. $95,000. Owner m11 y carry 2nd Prin only. WON'T LAST ! .......... , ".,.,.., 2100 . ..................... . 55 Acres consiallng or 1 to LO acre parcels, lrans1· Uonal to M-1, M·2, C-1, + mobile home zonings. Easy fwy accei.s Rapid ly g ro w1n,1t arua o f western R1ven11dc Coun· ty. Priced from 1Z lo 34' per sq. fl." Owncr Mr. Stephens 851-0366 l*WPORTHACH 3000 fl. 1000 fl orr.ce space, q1.1el hte indus. area No aulom11t1vc or fiberglai.1ng. 645-3323 dys. LohforSde 2200 • •••••••••••••••••••••• U.G HACH LOTS From 70·11S5.0llO All ocean view. I .w/pcrm1t~ tobuald . rATTl:ISOM/P ARKS ll 4t7..a44 ACI( LOT ed. blt·lna. rock frplc --••••••••••• '.J, ceramic tile, thermal ~Bey, what.er....,. " ... .,.,..... .. .. _ ... _,_ n t &al. 3 ea. maid'• ~t.n. ....__ WUIUUWlt,. a a••· COY ,. ....... g_,o ·-· .. .-~Pr' ; bnlaway_walledp&&io..2 ..... ._.,. ..... _ o. ll Some back bav view, car• .. •aaa ••-bed~"" 1'*11erl\leoc. " •-•-·•• .. c ...., -..i ~ ..... 1111 fu&alt.lc area for huae ~ rm. Inc pool tbl. ... :> ~-.bomeCall J+i'mbar_:an• .. ....._._lJ"" lot. cbalft • Hrn .... INcll Jl6' -.. • ...,.... 1ence. Much more --·-•••-•••••••• ; den (714) •~o dys, Only S'19,SOO. Call owner ( 7 1 4 ) 5 8 I • S 7 8 7 714·316-3178. 111 Via Udo Nord .,6/mo. Lie 2 bdrm. 2 evea/wllftdl. Elea.u>t Cal. Gold Coun bl wlUI den • paUo. try charm. 2 houises W.a.rfru>tffomellJnc 'I BEAUTIFUL VIEW LAND Rancho Calif. area. 22ac . Build a minl·ranch or profit tbnA 1ub-divu11on. Good t e rms. Agt. '754.Q18. Potential 3rd. unit 363BW.CoMtHwy S 9 9 • 9 5 0 . 0 w n e r 1---.....;63;.;;.;..1'..;;.14.;;..;.00 ___ 4 (911)E-9330. ...... a.......... •1 CWof se.te ••-••-••-•••••••••• ,...,,,.. HOO -... JZOZ .•...............•..... . ..................... . WYowDN-. 800' river frontace. ti HOl m lll8S .._°"The acres on Hwy 199. House •tbr Balboll laland ... rtr 1 _. •cabin. Water ri&hta •2bl'kklaprnice ,..,... t ••! M8,SOO.ll03-586-2'12. SJ753brCGDdo1arfee This ~ 'x70' lot, s teps $41J04lll'lddll rrom the beach & a short 20 Acres, wooded. 4 mi pool cute 2.blk.s from the Newport from town. EJectricity, 1 __ _;1:.;l:.;7_.ol:.::.:21::.;;.. __ pter, LS an excellent op-gd water area. $.1,000 per portunlty IA> build ~n im-acre. (503) 596-2412. pressivc cuswm home m IDAHO an ideal location. Call to-Sun Valley area lot on day ror details reek 675-7512 c . waler & power. $11,SOO. S48·298.5 STOP ARE YOU FED UP WITH IT ALL? ,. GIORC.E CHARLES ......_Far.. U your knuckles 11re raw from lmoctdng If your car is about .. HAI.TY W,,.n ' 2700 ~~/ ...................... . •r.-~ 2l00 r.o•aWnA,..a ••••••••••••••••• •••••• J2U acre. with term:. call TIADEWIMOS for inro. Senior citizens. Compl SH ucres with almond foc11iUes. 2191 Harbor HI, trees, house & pool. C.M. Spuce rent $150. :J<!' TernL• .. max.Nopets.6464151. 16 ;icreli w1lh mobile home·$05,000. Tcrmb t1aa t• Dnen. 2000 a c re developed ._.. 2400 ranc:h·$2,000.000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SevcraJ 40 acre parcels: FOil LEASE New 2 bedroom 2 bath home Mission Lakus Counlry Club. Golf· lenrus·pool. Beautifully landscaped , no main· t.cnance yard !lWO Clubhouse Rd. Desert Hot Spnngs 213·378-2572 CM of CCMlty ,..,ty 2550 •......•..•.....•...... N . Sun U11·1(11 Co tfo'allbrook •U>vely h<im<' w Ill( rm:. Good for enlcrl<a1n111.: secluded·$35.000 cacb. Good terms. SeV(.'f'aJ imgalL.od ;ilralla ranchel.$2400/acrc. Large vacation homo on Lake Nac 1m1e nlu 1n private deve lopment. Good fcslung & waler ski· 1111(. ·SI XI, 000. Pnncipals onJy please . U>nlad. Keo Marks al ~W.Hnaicll ftcaltur & J\s!iOClall·:. 1646 Spnng Street Puso ltol>lc:. CIOSJ 2ll·5l50 Cl05) 46t..l049 2900 .•.................•... Accci.:. lo µool . Jal·, SCIWUt Pnmc 1:ommu111 1---------l y n r K 11 Ir l' o u r :. 1• • Sll!J.500 WILL PAY CASH '"a na:.h for your ru1uw . •llor'>l' C1Juntry :J ,JI' UJlJL-.or lan1I hoffil• ~1tt• ehtl' Jrt·a nr SCOTT REALTY hon11· ln11n1nl.! ccnln 5lt..7Sl) Great vu. ndinJ! Lra1b t---------S 9 9 . !'> u !I 1-. I ,. <• no 1 J "h n :. II n ' J g ,. II I 7M 74'1 441:.! T1ghl $ forcci. i.alc of tlu:. 13.!>1 uc p;ireel •1n E -.1dl' of ltancho Call fornw 4·way d1v1-..on 1n pr11 C't':>S. On pavc-d t·t y ro;ill Ulll. S7000 pr ;ic Pnn oo ly.676-51~ .••.••••............... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll°' ..••.......•..••.•.•••• Yrly. l UH. I lM. U It fll'h'. µal. Jo:Jr Ul1I ind SS7!'> m:1 ~3 out of gas Your ncrvew are getun1 frayed And you need to move fut CALL IOOllES & START PAO<ING 631-4555 HOME AND RENTAL APT SPECIALISTS Open 7 daya 9·7 t~ee .... , ...... lZ07 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautlful Bay view 2 bdrm. 2 b.i, 2 car ~itr. yrly. $675. 675·6670 or bi~ ask for Connie Near Dl!W , 3 BR home, ciose lo bay & ocean. He<Amed ccal':... frplc., J acuz:u . Obi. .iara.:c. RIO Mo .. yrly. Bill Grun- dy, RJtr. 67~6161 l222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br. Iba, duplex, J(arn.:c • l..N· Lrg yrd l'rv b1·h. $:;25. l\dulL-. Nu pt·h. bi:J.291.3 Jasmmc <.:r1..~k : ti l'lun on wecnbcU : ste~ lo pool It ~pu. 3 UR. fom rm . <!1-7 ba $1600 Mo . yt·arly. 7~ . II.arbor Ridge :I 1$drm. <!'1? ba. beaut1ru1 1nlt•r111r. outstanding v1t•w, $WOO per 111<1. Spyglass llJll 3 Bdrm & forruly rm. formal chn· 101(. terrific ocean view. S20C0mo. CORf'OHl\TI-: PLA:t.I\ lll::ALTY S48 2953 -Want Ad Help '' 642 S67H NO POWER SHORTAGE at the PILO I wer with a ble your Ad ~~ast Life oou oailY pilot & --" '""' pO Any merchandise for sale priced at S100 or lesa qualifies for a ljilot Power Ad 4 lines, any Wednesday -$2.00 Call today, we 'II bill you or charge It to your BankAmericard I VISA or Master Charge. (Mototcyele ads must be prepaid) Deadline: Any time before 5 p.m. Tuesday • All Items muat be priced •Ad can run In any appropriate claalflcation •Sony, no commercial buaineuea Try the Power of the Pilot with an ad In the «Nnbined power of The DaUy Pilot and Coast LIFE 4..,_.. -!'111'l. ..... •t I N11111 Uak hl11• Cm i p 'ui 1 At• I••......, _..__ __ ... _Juty __ ..... _1_111 ___ .. ______ D_Al_L_Y_Pl_LOT __ .,.p_ ··! ...................................... ~1t=1=:1r.==~~~~ ... ~~--.. ~ ••• U. .. h•1• 1421 ....................... a I t • ........._ --•••••••••••••••• ,._ .. ....._ JIJJ II*•••-Afal•alt....... 4 :=1:===;::;~1,..-. • ....... ... --....................... . ............................................ . r .. ra, ~a"'be:fr.ic:' ._..._ ............. C...... Jl24 C:...... 3124 .......... •• ... _.vt dbl •-;:r.' I a, Z ba .. bl&M. frpl, --·•-•••••••• -. • ............ ••••• -·-••••H••••••-• ........ ~ -""--from 6 suadeck, 1ar. door -1..,._.2 ....... _ lM .. lllU.bbl.POOl. •downst.a.lrt.lbrlld. ft±!Br ~~-­......W...l•s rt-•wmo.Prtad• o,.aer. blk. to ••1 ;._.,wld;-::" ...._ eo...., -• .._privatacledr, wal.k •.a..s.cwiult,.-.. Ollly.MMJ01'. Ccnlfta.tBOOllo.ITJ.1510 fpk.~rm.paUo ~~l W. lttb St. to6eada.484-•7. v .............. ., .u ... ~eohte. TSL.,. .. _, IG-1803 _..,_ s.•wc.a. Apt.torN11t.New2Wrm. -• 1_..__. ~·s~ ............. ( ........ ).to ~t1.ey Pt1•t1u1 U. .... _. ....... a•-Wk ialt, near oceu In "'--rt H• 2 BR ...._,_ 2 .. , 2 .. ~ N ...,....,.,....... -• ·-· --+ fem Cdll. Call after f . ,_ .. ..., •·'· · ·-new "'· -· ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 2 ldrm+ n f"rtthlY rm w/rr,k fl wet bar. .,.1840 a.,.. yard, sara1e. $915. Colt.a ..... Adult.I only, 2 BR, a ti. Condo .. 00 &olr Ott• decor...._ N1u. pa.Uo. Incl. wasller/dryer. · •m• no peg. Daya '7$-0562; aoune, La&Wlll Niguel. .-1mo. Sborelloe Mcmt Corp. o.y l br, frp&c , pvt poo1.1 ewsf73.t41.8 sn5 a8700 ··~..,-.·~· .... _... ..... _.,Mlw.=2bdrm6 Aul a.cl UllV 13tb Aaahlll ID ConvMtlon Center Ttckel• m¥tt be u cban&ed for reaerved .-. at the ConvcnLlun Center ahud ol U na1J1. CaU 142>1118. ext 272 lu ~hum 1uur Uckeu. .. * * Nlw S BR. 3 '*" l&c. lot, Wit b&r. be•mt. trplc •• ocean view, path~ " .,low with cbarm. Ir\ North LafllU, 2 blki to Shaw's Covt ~Mu. HJ1Ue4!H·7~1 WATI RfHONT HOMl..b Ille. R AL ISlAtE 631·1400 I 8•y1horo1 exclusive priv•tu 1Jummunat1 wl•cc:••• lo 2 lovely be11cha., 3 lie' /1lud1 2 Ua home, W\lum. lllOO incl. ~ Av•ll Sept 1. ~ °' if no amwer 4it·2797P.P. •WALK TO BJ::ACH·3.Dr. rmo mo. !Ml, tenols. pool ts volleyball. aar. •ll· 9112-6628 4 bdrm. 2 bill. view ho.me.. l bdrm. I'll. ba. ram rm, .. dNhlru or peta. ,_ .,.Imo> pt119h . ___,,__,,.. -..... -. e· ~ ba ctldar • -.,... 5 bUul to ocean ---earl.vt Jar, fully •· lll. It.it + depcM11t ntce yd. 19SMTI OIC maiat. 1 . Adult&, no 4196--3416 675-0562 r..aWe 1br 6 ........ pe&a. Jequlre at 527 18th 3 Bdrm. ;ti,., bu. New Bhlfs. pool : lovely 3 BR. - ._....... .__ .._ 8L 114--.a!l hocnt!. Occun view Avail cndunll. $750Mo. • -•vo •-... 1mmed $75 0 /mo . Ageot644-0134 _____ ,.;.:..;..•_•_• ___ 1 VllCANf HB loc:. 4 BR, 496-31118 eQlla 1111' e08do ar. So. Cat Pl aaa . Pool . MH·•4H. No peta . ..... Fam Rm, fpk, t1i50 mo. ------- Alk for Keith, 112M11 Swmy 3 BR 2 Ba. fplc. dbl Adult Oomptex luxury :t l*m. 2 bli. t.ennis, pool. . ..-. aecurily &ale. $475. r..t8'de.4br.Zba.mlri· tsl. luH,depos it. ...... Drpa, bl&lu, dbl ~ 982-2586 ,,., IDdry, 2 frplc, waler ' · 6& I pd. Older cbildreh <keaa!ronl 2 bdrm. 2 ba. No Peta. •· 203 pool, clulnouae, iiecuri· 5el-ml. ty, no sm children. $750 mo. F\!rnished w /util. •llllCOteOS paid or unfurnished. 2•311& .... MWlable 714 /636 -3724 " · w/aUaelMd ,1ara1e. 213/633-4989. pr, W ID bkup. Oen & cyn vu. S725. 499-19!!__ Oiarmer: 2 BK. den, 3 ba SOOOMonlh Quality home. ocean vu. 3 BR, 2 ba. SSSC> Mo. Turner Assoc. 499-4591 494·1177 Charm house, steps to Victoria beach. ocean view. 2 Ur $550 yrly. 494-9333 Urand new Newport Ter· race Condo. 3 br. 21.-'l ba. stove, retng, wshr/dryr, pool. No pet.s ~75/mo. 631-1317 or 213-477-8474 !-'or gracious Ii vlng-this is 1t! Big canyon condo 2 8r 3 0. w/pool, tennis, jac. Nu JH:l1L $875. 833-3349 LCM 4 IDIM. 3 IA Ulna! front. Comm pools & t.enn.ls Av ail now. $11.25 Lse~3370 flpk, 2""' bau. ea unit. ---------N ~ y .... tn5 It Sbar1) 3 br w/new plush 1&. Call 11-F, 9 to s, crpl lhruoul, Ii v rm m.zmz w/frplc, brite cheerful Elegant 3br, 2ba, wallt'd Bh4fs condos, lellscs ~ patios, comm pool. walk l.0$750 to bch, avail 8/21. $625 Agent644 1133 Mind roomy 4 BR. 3 Ba. prd w/RV apace, or Bick Bey. Sml family pref'd, DO pet.a .• ~ mo. ~ ldldlen, pvt back yard. '500 . 847-1622; 848.9840 Ji\"aosdscan Flrui: Exec t.>me. 4br, den, 3ba, nu decor, lo; mi to bch, 1ardener, vacant. &Bly Md clean 3 Br, 2 53&-0425. be. E 'aide CM w/frplie, •---------Pllio. dbl 1ar. Close to n..ll ..... ,,lllll· & home. Choice .-... parka, Westcliff L a k e I' a r k 1~oppin1 center . neigbborbood. 10 blks Lo 8D/mo.63t-L084 bcb. 3BR +lg fam rm. lse. 499-3638. OCEANFRONT-Wkly or yearly renlls $W0 & up 499-3579. LGiJ-a Hill 3250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDO 3 Br. 2 ba. · frml din'g, really sharp. $450. Call 770-4259. .............. 3252 ........................ frplc. Gardener & wtr in-BUPLBX. Zbr, Iba, new cld. No pets. S650. Niguel Shores. 3br, den, Cl)U. drps A paint. Sm. SIM083 752-6484 3ba, fncd yd, all blt·ins, e'lld OK. No Pe l a. ' · -all comm'ly rec racs, -.UO. llM-A·Meyer Pl. •---------walk to beach, $800/mo, 549·l484 aft. 5 ;30 & Moveup&move In' 1,2.3 yr lses. 497 1751, 1'1mds. SUperb2br2ba Air! $375 4~1 Mardi Spauld· 4 Br. 2 Ba $535 pr mo. No Fireplace! Yard (84260) .-. Mesa Verde area. SM-7586 3 Br. 2 bli house, fam rm. din rm. frplc. pool &t 11erv. Nr. S.C. Plaza. California dreaming• Roomy 2brl Kids ok: S300 Fenced yard! (96360) RENTIM~631·4SSS Jo'ee S7S. 613-0t73aller6pm. •--------- ing. MsliollYi•io 3267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Pnced from $46.5 Lo $495. Jo'ncd yard & garages. Fa mili es please. Kids & pets :tBr. 2 ba. den. lovely Newport Ocuch area. {,'kl6e lo ocean w/view $675/mo 760·9:!77 or 675-1771 a.,k for Loi:. Sharp:! bdrm. Nice area. Sunken bdrm & hvmg rm was h e r /dryer , refril{ $S75 Call 645-2988. ---For Lea.~e J asmine Cre1:k Condo. Sec. gate, pools. tennis, priv. jac. $l,200mo. Call Tanya al &13-1357 or 646·5096. EASTILUFF HOME Large splil·lcvel exec. 3 br. 3 ba. Pool, jacuzzi. fantastic view, full 0 . rm. rec rm w/pool table & full bar. Walk to N.B. Tennis Club & besl CdM Schools. Unf. or part furn. Lse. Avail. 8/1. Refs & sec. dep. S1150 mo. 640-2363; 00-0350. 38r'~.frplc,2cargu, VACANr, xlnl HB loc. 3 welcome.Call964·2566or e . .-1mo. Daya BR, 2 Ba. $500 mo. Call 973-2971. Agl, no fee. --LOST--&•ALO-•N•E-'! - -.-: e¥el m.8197 Keith. SIG-4471 ... .,.. '-odt 1269 UMTIMIS 4 BR. l't'a ba .. pool. Lge. It I --....................... SHOWSYOUTHEWAY ywd ai peUoa. '550 Mo. t•tam 3242 NO FEE! Apt. It Condo TOGOHOME m.30Ti/-.elMS ... -•••••••••••••••••• rentals. Villa Renlals CAU. 631 ... 555 Exeeutlve home 4br, 4ba, 675-49128kr. *· gar. fncd yd, pet ok. couples pref'd. c rpt, c1r1a. ti32$. 546-7*· 3 ·car 1ar , fully landvaped on-Trinidad lll1and. Lease lyr. Avail t..Mly 2 Br condo, pool, l~/19. ~1000/mo. Roal Wanted yng. Fem student 3 blks to ocean. Darling or empl lo shr 3br, N.H. 3br borne, pool & tenrus pool home w /2 Fem. facs No pets. S650/mo. Pllio. garaie Ir carport, slip avaiJ. 840-2682. 631-11128 Penny 848-8080 1425. Iowa St. C M· 56' dodl w/dramatic new M&.aM6 house. Main channel, Hewport Helgbl.s 3 br. 1 Cora I Ca Y. 4 B ~. ba NO p ETS. S450. cathedral clgs, 2 fplc s. • lux rock spa. Pvt 111uard fn.1Zi6 gate, prestige comm .. O>ndo. 3 Br 3 Ba, fabulous ocean view. frplc . m de· luxe Npt Crest w /many upgrades. Resort living w/s wimming, tennis, sauna. Bargain $695. 644-8722, 75!1 ·114411, 642·8362 11118 Verde 4 br. 2 ba, fumorunfurn. Avail. 1m- fmnily rm. Bu/:r sharp! med. S2400 mo. 59'l· 1608 Bltnl, frplc, ned yard. _C21.3 __ > _______ 1New luxury condo. nr Avail. 8/ 15. $625. &Ml-1535 _ , -~ b d ab bea b ~ s · .. u. ............,, 2 r. en, a, c .. ~· WJmmmg, dlidc> near bch for lease. overiooldng water. $750. tennis, etc. Lrg 2br, 2ba, -Iii.' 2ba, trl-level. Solar IMOCll3 leave mes11age refrig, dshwshr. compac-M.i.cl Prplc, bltlos. on tape. tor, etc. No pets, I chUd '.!tee gar, rec. rac. -.__.__---------considered. 21.3-924-5357 momo. Iocl aasoc. tees . .......-3244 anytime. 613-0872 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 2""' Ba, dlx . spaciou5, brand new &Mme. Attached 2 car 1ar. solar water btr, pool. jac., t e nnis. dublale. exereue rm. w,aJ for roommates. No ...... 7'4-oMI ltlMTALS 3 BR. 2 bli ....... $6001900 4 BR, 3 e... . .. . . . .. $750 5Bft.3Ba .......... $750 2BR, 2 Ba ........... SiOO San Clemente Westcliff 4br, Cam rm model cond. $795 incld gardener & water. $UI07, 497-1744. 2 Bdrm, 1 bath condo. Fantastic location In Bhlfs. $600/mo. Amie. 840-~19 2br, 2'hba, lux. all appl. Crpts & drps. 3 blks lo ocean. Avail. July 26th. $54.Smo. / lse. $40-3342. S1B'S TO HACH 3br. 2ba. 2 car gar. l<)"plc, w /outside s tudio. 1-'ncd. yrd. f'r1v. pool. llOO' from bch. SleJIB to taJnis & racket ball crts. No parking problem ever. Priv. community. Yrly I he. S8SOmo. 6.11·5'e. ~ S BR 2t,<a Ba, nr comm pool, t e nnis. sbopl. SJ()Olse. Avail Aug J. Agl. 64().6259 OCEAN VIEW Newport Creel 4 BR. 2'h e... din rm, ram rm, tcn- NS, pool, & rec area. S800 mo. 673-&WI. IO-GD empi'd penon, DO child 2 Br, 1 ba, pool, partly ----....... J12' · · or peg. NlO Leue. Non turn. mo to mo. adulta -.--............... ....................... Smoker 84CM999 only, no peta1 $33$ up, s:ll)down. Jelr 673-4804 . .......................... ,....... .,, Charming 2br. 2·8l1 !••••••••••••••••••••••• duplex. (prlc, util pd, 1 PAllCMIWPOIT .... ,I ' 1 1• l:t07 2br, tba, towohae, deck, -••••••••••••••••••••• pool, bll·lna, adult, child 2br Yrly on the Bay 16+. no pets. $430 lse. .omo. fJIT1 E. Balboa Bl 673-003. .Also 2br, unfum. $400. ---------6'r.MIB> ~.Lg 2br, elec kitchen. ---------dswahr. beach access. c......... 3722 49M825. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1Br. utlJ pd. aep aarage. else t.o sboppins. newiy redecD·744'7 . 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SZll5. 1 Br mobile home. Mature adult only. No pets. Quiel, secure. L991 Nwpt Blvd. 64&1373. SUSCASITAS Beams & glass. huge 4Br dplx. F/P, patio, tennis • 187S/mo. t~l.(MJ93 PINTHOUSI Sharp. upgraded. 2bd . W/deck. ~/mo Oob or Dovie Koop. RE/MAX. 63J.l266 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f\Jm. l br apt s;ns. & M~ VERDE home al· $300. Avail. Aug. U l . mosphere 2&3 br dlx Encl. gar. Adults, no apts, no pets. 546-1004 pets. 2JJO Newport 81, •------------- 548-49611 LA MANCHA A"S a..,...IHctl 3741 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNA BEACH MTR INN. Maid serv .. color TV, heoted pool. Util. <714'494·5:!94. 985 No. Coast Hwy. North End studio. $275 in· eludes utilities . Call 499-~or 499·3636. Bach., blk from Victon;i bch. $350. tst mo., $290 there after. $250. sec. dcp. Part.iully furn. Uul meld 1 ·963-2527. I br. covered parking, walk t.o beach. shopptng, v illage. $425 /mo . 494·0066. Large, 1,2&3 bd garden apts. Adults. Dshwhr. bltns, encl gar, gas bbq. Pool. GttS Pd. 778 Scott Pl.00·5'173: 645·5611 2 Bdrm·s. 1 bath apt Adults. $3'15. mo. Gas paid. OO·SCY13. Spac1ous 2 br, apls. f''am1· Jy unit. Pool & Play· ground. Sundance West Apls, 1996 M apl e . KH951between 12·5. Garden V1sl<l Apt.i> Beaut brand new 1&2 Ur, frplc. laundry rm. lrnmed. occupy. S39S t.o $405. TSLMgml 642 941 2 NEW 2 Git twnhse, Jf,~ Mewport leach 3769 Ba. f'rplc . no pets. l!J.iO ••••••••••••••••••••••• W&llace,$J60.546-ID85 SUMMER RENTALS Uy the week. now avail. Al.so Winter Rentab No fee. Agent 675-8170 :! BR l'h Ua . 610 J oann St . CM . $340. No children, ~II dog OK. 642-7344 Mull 2 bedroom. Super locaUon. Redwood beam ceilinp. No pets. $3()() mo. Inquire 568 W. WUlon Apt E. 645-M48 Bachelor. new great E - slde location. $270. 75&-U31; eves 837 ·066& 2 BR, 1 ba. encl gar, bllns, dshwsr, no pets, kids. 5'9-7529 liwn 5-9pm. Slper E'Side loc. SmalJ 2 Bdrm home. lge yard. Kidl OK. Close to scboot and shops. Move in to- day. $450/mo. Aft 6 call 7Sl·Z348 Nice 5 Bdrm. ~ per mo + S300 dep. at 2257 Placentia, Cosu Meaa. For more info c all Renata !)56. 7707 EASI' SIDE·lBr, totally redecorated $300 mo. 307 Mesa Dr. S49-2042 WESTIA Y ELDEN ziu t:lden. Eastside nice extra lge 2 br, 2 ba, din rm, new crpt , $395 Oshwhr, newly painted, garage & puol. Water paid. Adults, no pets. Avail. Aug 1st. Mgr, 645-5780. '500. Mrs. Hartley, 33872 B b I I 2 Zan ito, 714/493·1910. ac e ors· or . Fin\" last, sec. dep, no ~or!~~ pet.II, deck.a front" back. Spectacular spa, t.o,al $100 FREE RENT recreation program. 2 Br 2 ba + den encl 2 llOdal program. 7 pooll!, ts car' garage. s.;ndcc.k. t.ennill cowts. Al Fashion MOO. mo. 33411 Cheltam Island_. Ja.mboree & San Way. 496-1097 or 496-5275 J01q1an H.ills Road. 17141644-1900 ffi1J\op view of roasl. D. P. maria•. frplc, priv gar, 2 Br. 2 ha condo, 't'a blk t.o patio, $415. 496-8818. beach, 2 car gar .. ~uto Upper duplex, ocean view, deck. 2 Br :t 8&, ra.rn rm. garage, refrig, wshr/dryr, $450. 494-4931 1Wfa4•1eocl9 ll40 • •••••••••••••••••••••• · •DELUXE• GARDEN APT. 2 ... Adlllh Ollly 3pools Covered car port patJoupt.s .. BBQ's clo;c lo f wy:i & behb walk lo sboppin~. 171 11 Goldettwnt atW~ 847-6064 IWllq•Grmodo opir. Beaut. bay view. TSL Mgmt 642-1003 3 BR. 2 ba., upper apt. Near Lido. Quiet area. Adull'i pref. Agt. 675-8170 Brand new 3 Br, 2!h bit . fol\ lwnb1te. panora01Jc view or ocn & cily l~. pool, saWla, jac & cmpll rt.'C fac. S69St mo. Call 714/963-0902 Jim/ Lynn 1»1·1317 ------- 2br. Um, Yearly. Steps to bch. 1116 W . Balboa Blvd. $450. 213/865·2542, 714/673·5187. ----BACHELOR UNITS from ~ per mo unfurn. 1011" from oceun. l'~or more i11- ro call Hen a ta at 556· 7707 2Br. frt:Shly painted, dlx unit. S3SO mo. lst /lst, 0"4774 afl SPM/wk:nds . Lovely all adult. no pclS, 1. 2. &3 BR apts, 6200 t;d. mger, HB. 84G-06l9 Ste~ to beach, lge upper 2 br, beam ce1hng, frpll', i:ar door upcralor. All hltns $495·$375 y rly 642-3400 Lg JBr. 2Ba newly dee up. per-, else Lo OCC. $400 mo. Avail immed 751-9905 Avail 8-1, 36r, 2Ba. frpk, -----~wshr, paho. 1:ara~c. Park Newport luxury I Ur, view of Upper 8<1y. ~I mo All 7PM 760·1731 or 640-0088 2!£1 Elden·$450 mo. no pets $435 mo. 960·3521 _ New dlx 2Hr twnbse i.tud10. l'hlia, frplc. l cloi>ed gar & I pari(lng space. Lg patio, dlx kitchen. To sci: call mSOO'J Lg 2br. 2ba dplx. Gara~·· New deluxe 3 Or, 2° • ba. CIObc w ocn. J\dlls only Lge yard, i:aru.:c Kid:. 2111 <..:cd.ir . Newpnrt ok. no p(: h $500. Shore:. 675 7935, G37-7255 5.'W·2306: 848·26M SUMti4ER/WIMTElt RBfTALS 2 BR, encl gar, fncd yard. 2br. 2ba townhouse. clean. $375 mo. Adults . 1st. lat>t $360. 191 2 Wallacl', + :.l.'t' 796 w. Wil sun, m anager wanted 631.1005. 3 Br condo, JI,, ka, ava1l 8tl. ~~I 213 /1167 l!'l~t :! Br 2 llll studw. J.t:.iragc', <..:ool & quiet Newp111 t ll~hls 21:JR :.i pl Pool, paUo & ~aragc : J\dulb , no JX:L' S39S lllOI 15th St ~-n·w OfAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 645-7573 Bl!:AUTfFULL Y decornl· ed 2 Bdrm on Lido with all amenities. Miru view. $800/mo. Waterfront Homes. 631-1400. WE HAVE SUta•UMTA&.S ......... ......... ..... for ....... ,...... associated BR J• ER':> Rf II . 'f'QS 2 I J '/w 8 1 I'" ! 1' • f' • NWPT PENINSULA·2Br, lBa, gar. $600 mo., no pets, lst/lsl + S<.'C. Aug l·MaY 3t. 675-5196 Yearly rental. S500 Mo .. 2 bdrms. Avail. Sept. Agent i7J.3663 3776 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Oceanfront 2 Br condo, pool/jac .• $450 pr mo. Sept IS-June 15. Bkr. 492-9400 Bachelor on the bch. Stove. refrig, balcony. S250 incl ut.iJ. 642-3014 64:>-7300. • • • Michae41C.Ry• 14122 K Ice Or lrv1oe You 11rc the winntr or ttn.frfftickeh ($22.50 value>. to Rmgling Bros Ba mum & Baile Circus Aug. 2nd thru 13th Anabei m Convention Center Tickets must be ex chanced for reserved seats al t.he Cooventlon Cent.er ahead of lime. Call 642·5678, ext. 272 to claim your tickets. *** Newport Flgts, 2 OR + den. lge yard, g11r. $410 mo.~7814 F..amside I br, small but cmy. newly redecorate.'(!, natural wood cabDls, $270 STUNNING large. lbr, garden apt., pool, rec. area. s:ns. 710 w. lllh Sl. 1 Br apt, incl. stove .. Adults only, no pets. References.646-0983 l Br, remodeled. like new. Garage. Adults-no pets. p)O. 646-2001. 2 Br duplex. $325. ~Victoria. Nodogs. 546-91.at I bdrm. with encl. yard. Spacious 2br, apt. near Bluffs. Enc gar. pets s:m. ()pen Sun l ·3. :~1 Monte Vista. s1nl yrd, 11u IJCL'>. $385 U.·eanfrunl. yearly. 3 UH . mo. 536-~ 2 bu, bllns. frplt', garage Walk tobeat•h !hr, stove & rcfn l(. $27f1mo. !):)6.2,151i, 962 fl()[)() SR50 645·:~'> . DLX ., "llSUl>Ett vu:w New 2 bdrm. I b11. neur co o bea r h . M5U. (.'all Qi.jet, nr shops, SJ60 mo. 631·1309, 675·9595. i\dlls, no pets. 675-2345. ZJDI Pacific. B 1 i.: <.;a n y on Con rJ •1 wt<·l<t:.:.! :!br, :!ba, frplc', wet. bar, St..'Cunty, lcn111:-.. pool , sµ;i Like new 6404000; fjll().5!»7 TRIPLEX. excelle nt quiet location. Newly de · corated w /overs ized roorm. 2 Br. Beam ceil· mgs throughout w /huge frplc. Pvt pal.io. Obi encl. garage. Gas/water pd. lmm ac . c ouple w/references wanted. No pe t s /c hildren. S395. 511)..8963, GlS Lge 2br. Iba. lndry fac1I & gar. No children or pets. 548·6185. VIEW' OF OCEAN & CITY. 2 Hr, 2 ba. frplc, beam Ceil. J3C U ZZI , gar<tge. $450 mo. Call l:bb Hill 63l·OO!n ---INSTANTJN New 2 br, 2112 ba duplex. ocean view. 1650 sq ft of IU)(ury . fn cd yd. $495. G73-6336 or 642·9666 Prime East Side loc, e x· c:ept.ionaJly s pacious 3Br. 28a. frplc .. In sm com · plex, adlt.s. no pets. L.se or mo/ m o S49Smo. ~26t2 Mesa Verde deluxe 2 br. den. frplc, lge palio. encl. garage . Adult coupl«S. No kids, no pets. $350. 979-3432. Sl.udio apt. Bal Pcmnsul;i. Near Heach. :tbr. uul pd. $:IOU pr mu. Mark CaJl Joyce. M&3301 eves. biJ.60069-5. Call 49'l-9482. ------- LBr, adhs only, no peL' Avail Aug I 960-2675 Brand nu dupll!X'. W w crpl. bH·ins. frplcs. spacious, fully encl gar. no pets. up to 2 ch11dren. 2br. "'35; 2br + den. $48.5. 968-65811. OCEANFRONT, inland View, 2 BR i i,, Ua. sec bldg,. pool & sauna. $600. Call Tom. 536 :1483; ~ 3 Br condo. 1 11~ ba unfurn. Xlnt cond. Washe r/ dryer. Pvl p;it1u. hld pool. $450/mo. Owner 842-5345. •OHL Y 2 LEFT• New 3br. apts. pr1 v pabOR, dishwsr. frplcs, 2 encl garages wteach apt. Close Lo shopptnJ:, schls &shortdnve lo fwy. 3br, 2'hba, with W /D only S495. 3br, 3ba, only $475. Crpcs, drps. & tile are color coordinated. No Pets. Marth:. 846·1371. eves 846-7473. •lwM?4• llist•• 3142 32'4; Broad St.·$750 mo New dlx 21:Sr + den lwnhse :,Ludio. 1800 sq fl , lg encl dbl car garage, 2~Ba . blfl yd , dl ic kitche n w /mic rowave oven. frplc in mslr bdrm & I.Iv rm. lg pvt patio deck off mslr bdrm. To S(.'t:Cail 97!f .. S099 2 Bdrm. I ba. pool. carport. elec. k1lch1•0, $335. mu. No children m pets. 673-4162 Oays. Award winning 3br, 3h;i twnhse. Pool, s pa. l1•11 nis . Nr beach. $67~ 84&1676 2 bdrm. l ba. upper year ly. IJO'rl 40lh. St. $11011. Don 673-0007. CLOSE TO IEACH Jbr.. 3ba.. Pool. J ,,.. . S600mo Hob or Dovie Koop RE/MAX 631 ·1.266 s.a..a... l876 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I & 2br. move in today Walk lo bch. S285 to SJ:tS. 646-0507 or 498· 1003. IAST1M ••••••••••••••••••••••• Seaview Community, 3 Br s.ta ._ 3210 G 1 u1' 3102 pvt borne w/super view. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pets OK. Util. paid. SliS. Lsl & last + deposit . S49-4834 days. 642·5673 eves & wk:nds. Ask for Dick Newport Heights. nr. shop;, 2br. l lhba, patio. Adults, no pets. Avail Aue 15. $375 mo. 675-7213. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br, Condo. I ""ba , frpcl. gar opnr, pool, tennis Crls, ~. 213/598.fi640, 7141842-6297. &!per deluxe oceanfronl. 1500 sq, ft. 2 br. 2 ha. w/rmrron!d dressing rm. dbl oven. d s hwh r , 1cemake r . frpl l'. winerack. jacuzzi in lge bathtub, securi ty system, prof. decor. Drastically r e duced! 498-6234. ..._. ... ier,2~ ea wt at 1m1. scar praae. trpto, 1k1ll1bt, al wwave. Peal, ....i.. -. mo. o.,. .....aG; "'9 ...;;...e.....;;...;;.•,;.;..__114 ____ 1 t5ut'AMNSDl:fRvlflE • .i... nr.ut!ve living, Wood· ~ -eoMo near briclte brand new 2 Br + llllllla eo.t Pina. New dee, 2 Ba frplc. A /C, ~ drpl, A/C, pool. 1116cn>-wave. W/D rm, lg ......., ..... No pet., IM Yard. 2 car 1ar. Use t•lldrea ok. $UO. privileael of lake, t.emtls ~~~-~·~·~IJ~SJ~.~~ ata, DOOt It Jae iocl. Ao· = ... lie. No pet.a. '6SC> -S:-..!°~f'1*· aaa.:.sl .... Adlllts. ~~. U..aded 2 bdr + den, 2 Ill&. A..U A;;~. tta. On 1olf course. -.;..----~-"'---!---I ~~view tndd1 cnite t.,..., -... ..:. -_,mo. au }.....,.. ........ pr Olea ellwartb, ~ R&lllAXlll·ml Available now. SllOO pr wveJy adll, l sty, 2 BR 2 mo. 67S-3411 Ba, condo. M25 mo. Call l ·BR. 1 house from sand; fi'pl .. gar. $400 Mo. Year· l.y.~9111 WATERFRONT w/dock. 2 lge Bdrms, gar. Remodeled recently. $695/mo. Dock extra. 675-J.BOS YOU'ft AlllYED AT 601UDO Newport '1 mo1t pre- sdgioua hiOI me condo with spectacular Bay & Ocean views. On the Wiiier. 2 Bdnm, a twiths. Total panted eecurity. You'•e arrived a t IOl Udo. Sl'150 per mo. Cote Realty as Invest· meot ~777 J~"iJ.,.n,i:1 !r~ine c Mike, 556-7512; 540-6406 Newly remodeled 2br Spanjah bowte. Spacious yd, rruu trees. nice nei~boriM>od. Nr ever· ythang. SOO. 642-3555 eves. The talk of the town! Bread!Ulring 2br ! $3()(). QJcloeedyardl (5432D) The end of the rainbow! SIUanY 2br 2ba I Pool $350 Fenced lol I (9827D) R.ENTJMES at-4555 Fee s...a..p.a 3216 ....................... y_. 32'0 ~ ...................... . t-llal7 .. _.•12BR· I ~r twllMe, l~ Ba, fpk clabll rm• a i• tw , ..._/dryer, paU~. Comm. pool. ,.uo:ereplace, A /C, •I Mo. llantet Perry paal. ~ IOGl'1l .... ex•> wtt' I t Jltl ~~ ..........•............ aa 11ome ln "*•roa aarr -. ............... ...... -= ................ ,..... *ij.'L':' m = IP•IH&.1, f aaJllH . . ................... ,., . ,..... --rn11 .... . (Se) !IN!(' ...... . ·~ .... ,..,. .... A/C. ·o .. a elee. .. , .. ..,. ... u. IM IH •• , .. ,, or ....... .,..... . ----~ AT LAST Lower It upper 3br. 2ba. A HOME RENTAL SERVICE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS CAN FEELATHOMEWITll 2 bdrm. J ba. with encl. p1tio. carports, $325. lsl fr la..t+depoeit. No pets. 549-4134 days, 642-5673 eves. wknds. Ask for Dick. Mesa del Ma.r area. $400. Specious, clean 3br. 2ba. 2 children . no pe\:1. frplc, bltins. I mi bch . 751-2156. 21.3/4..12-7936 ask for Da n. 4Lf lwwllh Fa Ri•d wU.twRi•d 3900 RENTIMES America's Fir s t Compjete Home Rental Service call 631-4555 OrStopBy 19J6Hm•orlL Remimee ()pen 7 Daya Fee ............ 2br. Jba, gar, very nice. No Pets. No Kids. $360. 548·1234 Lrg 2 Br. 1ar. W/D hookup. new cpts, drps, stv. a<tlts no pet.s. '335. 2178 A Placentia, call 545-7983. VIEW OF OCt:AN & crrv. 2 Br, 2 ba. frplc, beam cell, Jac uui, aaraae. SSOO mo. Call Bib HW 831.«»'J ....................... --------- 2 BJ\, 2 ~· Avail Sept l . 2 br w/gar. Adulta, cpts. Ydrl)'. Frpk. auncfeck, ctrs-. raase. lbcd ycl, wtr encfHr,cpg.~. pd.531.oMOl·5. •0r rent deluxe apt, l br imfum intA!nded primari- ly ror senior adults. Mu~t see t.o appreciate. S2SO mo. Avail. Aug. 15th. 646-0016 2br, 2ba. $425: J\,r, 2ba. $525 ; New w /fprle I< yrds.~ Newly decorated adult apt. 2br, lba. open beamed celtinl wtlb lots of wood. $.125/mo. No Pta.~eves. lllr, l blk from shopping. S2SS. Aull. Aul(. 4. MS-7088. -3Ut"B"Oraue ... saso ..... Pc ' h 3107 97 "K" Vlctoria ... $320 E. Side. nr Back Bay. 2Br. -·•••••••••••••••••••• att "F" Sant.a Ana. Sl50 I:; pvt focd yd. no doga Sml 2 Br, sundeck, WALLACEST APTS mo.541-7933 ...... nrbeacb,utilpd, 3NIW.U..C.St NewZ Br 1~ Ba twnblle, tmyrlle. MMt• Newl1 decota'*i. beam nr So. eo..t Piasa, cor· 815 11r APL uw pd. No 1 'M •• aw. 1 -. •o. nerlllll9ioa/Meado.a, 110 -. .IOI£ Bay Ave, It. ND• n1t• ~·d + l mo peta. tao••· M-tlDI 8-p'ladlta. rr. NIL CMlct ak. No lbr, Iba. •• ar, t'Aiba, Sm Jbr, nr bcb. lG7 w. Jll!.-.....&. 1175. P'rplc, ...,./Cleyr Ballm. -.11e. UtJlpd. 111r. a.. .... wl09n book up, •tUcbed 6'Ml88. ....... f1W1i ··= )'d. f:: m W. Wilton. Jbr,lbe.30UDSt. ........... ... ,'73·-· .... E'••d• HW Jbr. aba 2 Bldroom. l bath. Yard, M&-Wl.tn--. ...... "'*· Co•Pl. ~!•I•· t l da OK. 3144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail 8-1. New 2Br. IOU cnndo. AC. tennis. pool, oo pets $435 mo. 960-3521 <lleck it oull Woodbrid~e lwnhse 2·sty. 2 Br. I~ Ba. W ID rm. pvt patio, +rec pkg loci. lake, pool. Jacuzzis 4' tennis cr\8. No pd.II. Annual lease. $450. 59062 ~ .... 3141 .. .................... . 28r,ocean view, new crpt & paint. Very c lean ! ses. 548-1186 or 833-8917 OCEANFRONT 2 Br. 2 ba w/privacy, 1reenery. • crublnl 1urf Ir 1upcr beac h . UU/mo . Waterfront H omu . Gl-1400 ~ 2 ea, laoal rm. --· Tumet Alloc • -.un I*. er.t., ...... frplc, ..,.,.._-...rt c._ ... ....,. •n diet.--· No ..... a...u•• •::.:= ... ....., _., • & .......... , ...... -.... A4•1&e OalJ. 111·1 ....... wllla ~••all Aul l . ..__In ...... -.a. I ., ...... WMI f« .... ~±':=-.:..:-.., 'I Jr ......... .._ ft • ...._°""& ....... Itta ntw-•ckt ......... Alal,J...s,A/C.-... LDWAU Arn. -..._,,_..,_.IW.I et .. wer ltl•t· llO ,...._ Aft. Cl Mk b9 IHu~. &•c:l. l~ llb to oea, Baell. .... ......... The&. rm. "'--' A" a J ...... lldulla . =Ull.Alllon.UlBr. PHl1rtao ........ ltlk ... flt ., •• ,,. •ef•rH ••• LHU ... .,. --. .-. ..,..,....,, • ••••••••••••••••••••••• TiiE EXCITING PALM MESA APTS MINUTESTONPl'BCll ' O.ch. 1"2 BR rrom~&op. Adults. No pets. 1561 Mesa Dr. (5 Blk.a East of Newport Blvd> 9am·5pm 546-9860 Slllill lillln New 162 bd;.;Tury adult apt.a in 14 plans from S3:iO + pools, ten· nis. waterfall•. ponds! Gu for coolliog A heal· Ing paid. From Su DietO F'twy drive North on Beach to McFadden U. West oo Mchdd~tt to Seawlnd Vlllage. CTM-.5111. ........ H•ff•C ............... pl••• a ...... ,., ··-. •Oym , ••unaa . .._. ..... •Walll-la c:lo1et1 -'Dml .... ldl.b- •Alr I ••ta I I •Diem ........ NCIRCWOOliS • ime...._...,._,._v,1 a ..... ,.., t1 • f'r7 UNI• --........ -·--· ~=s~:~ :4=-:.·-· ..... -....... t.laYI-.~·-.,..--.-.-.-.... --. -,-.-,a-,-.-•• -. ·v:a.=.=:c:.=· hl••••L,M•••n•1 ........... ... ... "-11.a. •••lot. a-. .... u n ~ In • ~ 6111 ! Uc' .. --..,...... Nome Prldt0 1ardeo : .... &.•" ,., ;;; 1•_9'..:.:.:::. .... .-. TH1 Olaa1re1orlo. ~. llaul away1, --·-o...I ~or. Uc t•"'9 .... ,. ,..,,. ---~ ta.a.. PaUo., walk iunnuuunn-• ....... •.~ ware, drht waya . 0.. 0 t1, me• ..... eoe.. ....,....,_ m.-. lnd1capln1. 8ob. on .... ,. • ..,..._ lot ·•"-:;!' ""° • ,....,,.,, 2u1 m...-rao ...... " ••alcoaU•& Ue Tr, .wr .e"::· C J •• • •WN -.._..~,1--... LI NI CM 16 ... •••••••• .. • .. •••••••••• ...., _.-..,"'......, -.wu • e . ...-i hacta, •ll0tlltd ro., Olu1re1orto. Kape.dtan-11P1. • trafta .. a. r rH Hl o..iin1 c..tndor. Uc. baullls1. MZ·tm7 &.-.n-, .. .,. aharry ._. UU IOI. Tr• ti I a , .... • ....... ft'ee •· ~-=--=---.-Aa-Rl _l_ a..c_,., caocnte. A • .., ... 111 ,::'" • co19plelt aervl ce. ,. na Uc....._ __ -. .,,.. ~-.. ..... e111III111ee•ee•eeeeeee ~ .-, °'•~,Ill\• PIO.I • ·-'-'· P,.. •. 8.n&l\lftCY tl ..... ,..dMe1, in ~Lqa1Typln1. lied ..._...._., room _;;,._.;-'--------• addlUou, dfflla. etc. .._, I ti I Sml ~ ..-.awc1. as ........ -····-.. -· 11'1 ..,. Ovfirby • Soa HMd poUabla1 ol your _eo.Jf __ u ______ •IM~ :!. ·-~ bocDe or ol· c.,.t Iii •kw ·--·-·-•••••••••••• _.-..;....;. __________ _. •••-•••-••••••••••• 0.tX:l'RIClAN·Prie«t Shampoo• atea l ript.f,... estlmale OQ M;s•1 ,.._._ bri ..... ~ c eahn. 1-orasmll L..i... 11H11 • leeeee•ee e e e • e ee VU9UO .-.... ., ; W t - -,.,_. • _,_ ....._ __ b. JM. t311254 673-0lt58 l''t•48"trtc ~· Reliable mother lo cptalOuuu-Clean llebys.ltdya. afe lnfaat lo liv, din rm, hall sis. Avg lO. nr. Bolla Cilka/Ed· rm fl.SO, coucb SlO. ebr &npr. H.B. 141.1541 aft ~ ~1~Um5 pet odor. e:311pm ..,... ,__.. 1 yn ex pr. C b r I 1 t y 4' S o n ---....:...------• Do work myself. Refs. UctC1037M99. Bonded. BabysKllA&. my home, 531-0101 Ra/c.omm'l. Froo t.'fll. ~•care. exper . ln· UL.Ca r..-tCI m1312 flftU we&comecL "2·5299 "" re-.-...,.. eaners. ------------------•Steam clean. Allo up· p 1"'9 ....,Sttrlces holstery. Work guar. •••••n••••n•••••••••• ·-••••••••••••••••• Truck mount unit. Fr<.-e WOOD, renc.es. g11tes . For ,Mlpeffluoua ha!r re· eat, reaa. rel.es. 645-3718 pelios, reuonable rates. mwal-ffalr Ban wax. c.. .... Call N1-C793. ing Method. 839-017$,a_, Prof ... loaal 1arduter1 wW do )'OW' )' arcl •t • fraction or the 1oln1 ~~ ........... 0.WMJ·a.-i ,.,..._,Summer fertllialn1. prunln& • dMn ... 7$1·1114lrl. ....................... WWWMIYMAMT. Wealern Ualled Co .. oper•&« of 12 motels 8'8t'e ._,Lt now expand· Ina Into lhe com· mer cl a I /do mes ti c narket -Area.a or In· ~-pelnUng, carpen· try. tile, plumbing, carpet cleaning or In· lilallauan. We would Uke tho opportunlty to bid on your work. Call M3-8200 fromllAM-4PM Mon-Fri. -,:m::z I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Your complete service. L« Mhdlon or paapers & ~es.87~5 642·3258. ·-··-•-••-••••••••• W 0 0 D G A T E S & ---------1~. CttUen fr boulebound, FENCES Work guar If ,..., a I • s.r.ke eourmel m e~l s de· localrels. Guy 499-1-rat .• .. ................... .. ·--·-•••••••••••••• bvered. Mon-Fri. $3.00, Carpenll)'. fencing & roof. RmJMES-cover letters, s pec. r ates Sat/Sun. Ing. Nojobloos mJ. Papa lllX&'IKAUUNO A1J. llouNtieaalnl. reuoa~ TYPl'll UTt MOVINO b I e r a t a 1 • C a I I LORATF.8~·1411 ~·a HouMeleM· tflulinl, t.t1CDnaln1, yard Ull. MT' Tit• • ..,.,.ea.am..,.. Rtmarillbly effectual 111.afl aeuoned lady to or'· ••nl1t • clun your ~. chunp truc111 home. Noteworthy ro· lr'8dAnl.hauJ,tnt•yru ferenc ... Audre y . Wrt, mllc. UJ.12$7 4'M04ilor 1•1D ---......... -....;.... ____ _ ~··• Haulitall fl Lit• SUSIF.'Hdeanlnuervice. bMovlq. Exp. ,Reuon•· 'Jboroulh, 1 time, wkly, ble. Lona d alancc. mn&hly 751·'139 ~ II m1d1 I I ....................... Want• REALLY CLEAN HOUSE? CaU Gingham Glrl. Free eat . 641-5123 Robin's Houaecleanlnic Srvc. for ·a thorou11hly cle-.i house. 540-0857 MRS CLEAN ma ke il gleam. Da ch .• apts, homes. Def 9 or aft s. 5'$-9372 Ced a r <;rpt Cl ea n ·~. !!team/shampoo. wndow wsb 'g, nr wax'g, gen cln'g serv. Rcs/Comm Rea1;onable. Sim o n. 'm-89151 DANDY DUSTEllS 'Mtly or 1 lime scrv VACANTS. rentals our s pecl a laly. ST•:AM CARPET CLEANING lbnded. Jn.s. •'ree ~t. 552-4106. '' ........ ....................... HOUSn'IMDaS A pwp of local teacben will cue for your home wbiJe )'OU are away. Ph ~ex.2. ....................... European Landscape r. Top work. Jo'air pnce. Refs. 64fH871 dys/eves. Roe.olllli.ng & rcoovatmg, spnnklers, new lawm .. g nl cleanup. Uave. 642-CiJ or Bud 646-8481 prolesslooal presenla· c-n06 ..... Deermd OiCf.831~ UoM, reasouable ralci.. ........ TIM! Moppets Cleaning fut senice, "93-1973 ask c-.t/Cona ••• .. _................. ....... Service. Professiona ls. Prof. landtlcap111g. •'re.-for~ ••••-••••••••••••••••• Complete ~rvlce & sales. ·-·-••••••••••••••• well estab. 546-2393 consultation. Hon lloelt· --Cement work of aJI kinds. Automatic operators . OCC Sludenl. l Too truck. ang. 497-4620 Van Pauly. WANTACTJON? .. t ee esl. 15 yrs exper. Re p air s pe c i a lly, Truh. tree trim. Dan SELL idle 1lems with a ~9636 Oasailed Adil 642·5678 Also !*>ck walls. 556--0757 911Mf74 642-37.M. l.)aily Pilot Clas.'lified i\d Wanl i\d llclp? 00 5678 !!!.E!~:f!'!!!-~.~ ......... . ....... 8aaU Jobe hlll&lu lat/Ed. Qua.It~ "'-.. '°"' ...... ~ c.a .... • wart is maa.ta1. ,.,.. .,,.... ~ ..... lrvtM. f71.n71eves. ..Uaat. ..... uu Ev•. owrtiaJ 1&11i11ft. -..m Brick...Jl&o!De~~k_. tile floora1 cone r ete paUo.. wa Ila. drl Ye· waya Free e1t John ...... .... "--'*''' .... .............................................. All level1·1hlt1·a1t1 U.M•'• TV Loeal Gabriella Stuclio/Muak ..... OM Nit. Rubi Acron from NHHS ....., ... +.111·1• Solid maaoory. brick _eo-_au _______ ODlar TV aerv Spadaliat. wart. $1.llO aq ft. Call ...... ~. a 1 1 b r a D d 1 , lfter5.~ -··-•••••••••••-da11/evea/wkoda. ........ ....................... IACll mcMnJ • bauJine. l'l'ellbt. office auppliee, hoUlllbokl looda fi COD· atructlon c leanups. Reaaooable rates. CaJI &-m4 mornlnp it eves OK. , •• llP• .... ....................... P~PAINTING Hes paldMw fr tnturee •INIT ... IST. n>-1419 11-,.-.Srflce----- n fl I ...................... . "•-••••••••••-••••• ~ "-lrimmiac 6: re-Phunblnc repair. Spec. ln DD¥al Mrtic:e. Free etll. remodelln1. copper re· OIU•-AM . pipe. Fl"ee est. Top Hal ~ Plwnblna. 537·31M 111111, .............. .. We're only 12, but w do it ftee Trial Leuon. Creel. better. Free est. Vlaa/ l.eredaer, eap. Rudin«. MC, lic/lnad Joe 5U51'1t mat.b, P'reMh. Ran bl. £.pr'd . Reas R•tea. Any plumbing. water Free Eat. Call Gene aerv. leW. balb.rm encl, ~ cera m ic tile . Rea1. Local calla returned mau ~Srrice Prof pmnting. Ext • Int. Low rates. Refs. Free ell. SJM780. 536--4383 8J2.2t68 ":C:ti .... Painting. INT/E XT. ;:.;:=;~·c;::;~; Neal. booest. re as., l2 P yrs. exp. L1c"d. Dave roperty Mgmt Co. 964-100. Complete aerv 760-1666 fo1ne ext Painting. St. Lie.. =~.~-~ ...... Im. Try me. 836·~ 2A hrs. fUchard Sinor Concrete. paUos. fen<ft, room ad 's &i remodeling. B&CConstr. 548-0512 Int/Ext. Dependable_ Reasonable. fo'ree est. CallJay.548-6159 IG1f1A9 AU. P A.IMTING Neat SS9-1.32S Compl. ExU4SO lnt.SJSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Repair & Re roof All ty p e s s hingl es · rockshakes compo-tar7 Free esl. 54 1·5930 •'in. Avail ••••••••••••••••••••••• LP <rfice Services. Prof' tnanc, term papers, re- s ume• e t c . Louise Hqan. &42-7221. '')' I bu, Cit I I ' ....................... We expertly clean pro. blem f•brics others rl' f\lle to clean. Such att bleeders. velvets, Hai Uan cottons. brocade" etc. Ooalt Fabric Care. 567433 W f wCle I I ....................... ~window w&ahinK lO yn experience ~743.1 C..ColorP~ Custom work Jnt/Exl. u c 11364813. 6'2·8521. ---------CcXilllt Window Cleaning. Yo ur Harbo r area paioler. ant/ext Pror quality work. Heason u c/ln.'i. t.J>t cheerfully given. Dave_ ~-842.S lnl Paml & wullpaper QuaJ work, rcas. pr ... 'rcc· a>t. St.eve 547-4.22ll. t'or ext pwnt. caJI J 1 m Hoilw 1toof1nt Prof window washing al i':xp.-rl roof ~ri. no t n nbl rates . Refs . :.We>men. 5411·3609 642-51861 ----SewinlJ/............. Sil.op!! Take Lime to relax ••••••••••••••••••••••• and shop at home. it·~ PIC11n '~w1n.c . mend · 11\1(-& hand f1JUSh111g, no drt."S!I makmg Re~nbl rate. 541HJO 17 Sell idle item.' sir:npk with Daily Pilot a aaslf1ed Ads. And 1f you bave something t•l se ll, ull aa friendly CllS81fled Ad-Viser lit 642-5678 -4000 .... to~ 4300 Offkit....... 4400 Office....... 4400 ................... 4500 ....... .......,toL.o.t 5025 ~· 5100 &.alt&,.... 5300 •••-•••••••••••••••••••• 'JF:J art-aty 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... . ........................ ....................... ........ _ ..................................... . Roomw/kUchenetlc M 21·30. kS4! xlnt cond '1'J OFFICE space available MIWPOITCIMTH S72 week & up. mi lrm bcb, w14hr /dryer, al 17875 Beach UI vd. Deflign Plaza. Luxurious S48·9'155 gu space S200 mo incl near Talbert in Hunt· ''flee. Sub-lel. 642·5456. uUJ *5()depotlil H.B. non· angton llcuch. S50 per ~7020. CdM, rlose lo bearh. $1Z>mo. indd.-1 ulll. 675-1497 Room ror rent Pool. non Mmok e r . $1 50/m o . ~~10aft 6. ----- smoker. no pets. Ste ve month. Phone mcssaiic ------96S-7493 service $10 per monlh, llartlor & Frwy. C.M-2 desk $5 per monlh. Daily rmi, $190. 3 rm:i. $280. Turlle rock large new Piiot o rri ce . Phone l\/C, cpts, drps. Alln:. & highly upgraded pool, 642-4321 ext. 276. <.-ves. &tG-9612. Jae, l''.R .. frplc, wct bar, ,..-.-.--PO--,~---Small Hide·Away Office. all appl. Own rm. & bath. ~·-"'., Chly $50/per month. Va· f\un. dupln. Npl. Shrs. JO's . S320mo. 9 -5, DIC. sums cant. 32S No. Broadway, Mat. 30+ need Inquire. 752-6S71.eves. 75e-1419. JamboreeitMacArthur Santa Ana. Hlator1cal Ref'a. ~..:...~1·5387 __ . _ Rmmte wanted to shr :i Br Bey Window1 Bldg. For more info call Prival.e bome, fumlsbed, In.we nr OCC. SJ2S + ''11 Plush Carpel. Sam Warren s.s8-61nll or Lagwia Hills · 2 Adj. 5000 •••••••••••••• ••••••••• sq ft. M·I units, new 'J'cruli.s Shop. llJgh profit. bldg, A/C office. •'ronts low ovurllcad. SH.000 -+ on Moulton nr Litke Inv. 673·4313 HE/MAX Forest Lt>e! by ownr ~llBOH NEW INDUSTRIAL IHTSFOILEASE Close lo 4-05, 605, & !JI freeways. 1000 sq ft with omce. 7l4/89ff·2030 , • ..,. 4550 ....................... 20" sq ft. lSOO It of storage Owner mus t st·ll 1m- m 1• d I a t c I y 0 t: L I JU:,"'iTAURANT. 3600 :sq fl. Sl.S0.000 gr~l>. 2()',;. Ol't. $200.000 + puh."nll81. XJnt le11se & locution. Low rcnl. Cm be help run. Submit all offer:.. W1·~7eves. ----------------- fNEED I MONEY • CaDITNO PIOILIM 21111 & WTD .._ 547-5402 Arranged by PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 f'OUND· Sm Jo'. cat. Grey/Wtute/yellow. Bm. flea collar. Jrv. 83l-3148. Larr: I-beige Cockapoo Jo'. l·whlte mt..>d s:i mix M _ Vic. Niguel & Al.ic111. 1·2'L eves. 631-3494. "9$-1679. Lost rrom Vista 8onrt<1 <Blutrs ) female cat. grey/apricot/White. 7·24, fi"r le ndly, Ang e l REWAJU>640-2'm. d ay. employed M•le. ut.11.642-1440 752-2737. Renala556-7707 -sas.srno.S48.o8lJR __ e_s _p_o_o_s-lb-l e_m_a_J_e_/ $230 UP. Office-store, fenwle. mid JO's to share cpts, drps, A/C. 17301 3 Br. 3 b4' home in CdM, Beach. JLO. L.'le. 842·2834 Snail otrice. Perfect for answering service. elr. Only S75 per mo. 110'.! West 17th St. Santa Ana. For more inlo call Joe Can ale 547 ·418 1 or Rena tu al 5.56-770'1 or s hop. C.M. a r ea D06K .... 642-4758 Costa Mesa a rea xlnt -localJOn and going busi · ....... W..ted 4600 ooM. lnchJdes attraUve eo..t ...... Lems ~ .. 11 .iny rttm o.-C"Om· h•n.1111.111 ,,, 1ttm~ fnr S7S or In' wit h a Penny l'1ndl<.'r Ad J h~ ror 2 ('fln'ot'CUllY<' d :l)':O. E.ial'h addth()nal lino· " fi(t ror llw2rt.iy, l"harJ:l' tl' cit brn bllt Burmese cat is • lolit w/yalow eyes & Oea coOar. Owner is heart bro ken . Rew a rd 846-7323. .. ·' Mature noo srnoller. Ma le aolihare hm an C.M. •um or unfum. M7 -91189. 80Ulh of hwy. $350/mo in· erg util Larry 615.9886 Newport llcarh ofc/apl ••••••••••••••••••••••• home on large lot with Responsib le, work1n~ I~ d room for kennel 5c , ...... 4200 eves ~-Cunnery section. wri t er seek s o n t• expan.'l1on. ....................... 1...Mguna, oceanfront rriv. l''em lo s hr 2 Br apt b c a c h , f 1 11 h n g w/same. $1K2/mo. CM. weekly I m o . Wint er Jaclcie.646·3385 61s.-ull2 br<*er bedroom collage in -Corona del Mar or C05t<i I MO. Fall llHT •:stablls hed Ne wport Beach full service ex· eculive s uite. 3 in · dlvldui.I offices now avail1tble. AIJ amenities iocJuded in month lo m o nth r e nt :d . MacArthur at Jamboree. EX.ro.mVE ROW INC. 475 N. Newport Blvd. N.U. Mesa. Quietness esscn· Rates, 499-3816. M. seeks •·.-r-m_m_lf_o_r_2-br-, Secreta r ial services lial. Wnte Cla.'lsiricd Ad avail. Desk space or or-11ais. Oiily l'ilot, l'.0 . ficeorsuile. 646-4481. Box 1560. Costa Mesa Completely furn. 3 br home, Newport Beach. Avail Aua. l3 thru Sept l. s:m. 548-4734. ------............ 4250 ....................... condo nr fairground&. S200rno. J.st. last + lh util. Al!k for llob ufter 7pm 646-2194. Prof. M·fo' Lo share lrg condo m Bluffs, N.B. Houle f~ ren1J Bia Bear next t.o pool, prvt bath. Qty alps 6; linens furn. sns mo. Dys ;557·7883, 125 nltely pr cpl. Call eves ;~. _aft.er __ a~p_.m_._$48-__ 1989 __ . __ Uvem SlepJ to Newport Beach. Young mot.her wilb a son SpedcM 1 bdrm. s115. d 2. Responsible wanted Wee kly Aug. 18th. to ahr apt. Please call Tl4/S29-•1 67S-0379or67~. Mammo!h l..Uea coodo, 2 br, a ba. SlSO week. ~ Fem to ahare 2 BR condo, lo HB. $125 per mo. 114-348-96:M 752-7170 bealll••S.ths New addition to suite 180. ~service exec. suitefl lD Newport Center. 14 new offices In plush sur· roundlngs w /unde r · l1'0Wld asslaned park· lna-From S29Ci mo. A1k about our move-In al· lowance. Newport Recency Corp. (714 >644-7189 ...... se-. 4300 F aeelta M/F l.o abare 3 ........................ bdrm condo nr. Deb/ l or 2 Rm Suites lrom S75. lnlen or De11lgn Studio, ~ 11r., hlghly Improved. $4!15 mo. 28S5 E. Cst ltwy. 675-alOO ••Neu new office bwld· Ing s uites. Will re nt below compettton;. Own ree parking. Ocean view. Superior ull respech. Mi&hl arranic partlcipa· Uon ror tax shelter, but not necessary. Owners au.balaoUaJ. Next to P08t Office, Lln10 • other prominent bulineuea . ..., rrAle to Latuu Heach In So. l.apoa. Call OwMr 499·112S II N A cull Own•ra R .•;. offlte lO·Spm Open 1 days. 4IMSU llcMnl? Avoid depoelt.a • Atlanta H.B. l'olOOtmo + Tiii W. lJlb St. Call Tom cut Ovlng expenses 1 ~ut.IJ. ~ 1· 5t0-23JO. Sml dnce w/dcsk. Melfi• ProfeHlonally a loco Nwpt seelt aualabt prof. •~--Am'OtrT----AUA----Verde uea, <.:M. Nice, 1111. man lbare hu. ocean vu Briltol St. Expoaurc SlOO. 5l6-00TO/M7·T733 HOUSIMATIS hie. Le PoOI. pvt entr. mo aq. ft. 4 office auile t ' w ._... 4450 m.41.34 peUo •bath Oar. $400 with litbted a l1n -·-••••••••••-••••• ~ Bcb 1117. 2 BR 2 mo. Inc. utll, maid. availability. Xlftt acceall For•tore•otne?eapace al BA \1W IDel pool eM-MM to new CdM frwy. Con· reMODable rat.ea. •1'M'1. ' 'tennit. WMted _,0 • •·em. atu· tact PaUudea Center IOO te IOOO ~l't. ,,... Leaalnf Office al 2082 Mind tent. 2 br. 2 ba, dent or empt to abr 3br, &E. Briatol #200 or call MESA VERDE R N.B. poor bome w 12 70 PLAZA lplc, pool, rec rm, priv .-.m.a1-1,_. 91· 10· .a.m-.v rdeE' c M .. ent;ru, UZS. 873·2111 -e ... , · · Q:,IJ_ "'-m. --:6""'a'A J>wl offlC8 for tenl, aprX 14MIJJ -"" ,..._...._ .., l "lllO' 830 W. 19th St, -E-xp_ud __ y_o_u_r _l_lf_ea-t-yl-e abr ~~-•pt. CM/NB C.M.leMmoforlnlo. Hewpon. Nr P.O. Modern wit.la a oompalible room-.,..., _._, 1. Mt aq ft, at.ore or olc. 2630 ..... W. cu.cover that rea.ie to abare a bdrm· Retall/Cfftee apace, 700 AVON·<E>. 213..f17·1001 1'-11 11q n. We1tcllff area. .--,_ apt.Maaalberetpoulb&e 1 ....... -.u ~"-s? Balboa hland, am•ll TM>PIASINAPAD !'_~ allfficlent. Call 1-..,_•-_.-_,c __ ~-"""-"·-l&ore. 111 A&ate. Avall. lla.-Uor7 .. LD --FMbionaNe, proleuioaaJ now.All~170 wrM. WAM'Tm Roomma..,Nllable worll· dftc9 ca Belboa Ptnln. Brand MW buUdtn\ oo v ., 1 •• --' .. nda room In , ... 400 Sq. ft., ooly S7$ mo. •Gllllll-. •a, dtllres ..... ' --. To tQJo1 UU. lwuary • = C1m1er' Dr, .B. to....,.row•Pl N l I 0 ' v I c • &oeatloa, call Oar1, in November. For or.._. (II/,-) •JMOl.WLll 1Q.4G:1 call17Mm. llJbllanlU• La1u1 Nl1uel condo. --IXIC--SUrTIS----•.,...,.... C.M. Space for --,__1......_ Pool, Jae, neat, quiet, "" ... "..___ or ....._.. .. v -·.,.. -nao-1mollt. pr.I male Hats ' we la laavinl Yo"' ... --uuuui· •kt"~ a+. •+sioo cttp, incl place of bHlDtH at •••· 141-ntt. Jw ... :.... • .-11.lla.t.Gll Beller Cenltr. fttetp• Fat Real UO&q. ft. bull· .£llClll • ~ conlrc f'IDt pbooe lltH apace. Balboa •• u te~) ..... _ cover•1•, 100 Xtroa ......._,,.._, - ' .... •-···-....... 4JH =-:/rao, coif ... ln·i·------· ----••••i••··············.. '--.___._ .... . !.~=·· Por ur or 1ton1t. .._ ;'.;u."',.;-;:;&... -....... ......NptJICla lo, .... eaU •v at -. ... IUI .,.,_ ~.P.0.1.lfll Ull,.lllU11,CAW • Doub&e 1ara11 for lllllPACI ...... ll•Ja • ..,.. ...._. UllUalk. Huac. ••Uf.IDC. •Ntwot---rt CUIMI YU.AM ,-. totbr ~ lleli. Call Wl>IJM• •• NIL CIJI MWDi16 or •-"-1_.._ brick ·-••>•• •1111 ,,.............. "9_, JI.I . HJrb9ur tlPO. __, _______ 1 -w/119 Ill· ft. far ---·./lld. ...... , ....... Rarrtel ,.,., --(X-11) !m26. Desire ll>e/rent of house cpl looking for unfurn 2·3 bdrm w /encl yd for 2 m1 I.Ure dogs. lluvc good ref 's for a ll o r u s . 7~1-9100, 12·4 pref. Steve or Jean. 33yr. old F. w/2yr old child. Looking for home Prefe r M 35 /undcr. 673-5032. SWpba.nJe. Reap~ adull w /2 cats, eee&1ng l or 2 Br apt. Re asonable . Aft 4, 631-0376 Ledy exec reloc•lan" from Mont.reaJ desires lo lae nke home or condo tliOO range. F\lm or un furn. No ~hlldren/pets. Ex . r e fs . Cathy ~s:Ml/957.00U M•ture couple 11cek i:q,&ex/l Br apt, mwil be rea1on•ble. Anytime Sept. 541.fJll08. Lutheran Church, vie: IJrooldwnt Is Hamilton, needa 2 BR unfurn upt for intern. No children, no pets. Btwn $.W>-137 5 mo for 1 year. Needl.'d Ale 2,1, 982-5005, 1110617. Olriat.lu motber Is dtr 6 )Tl need 2br hae or a pt 11>t.ot:no. XJ.nt rer·a. Non smoker, drinker. Wiii care lab. 548·2938. I ft:t.-•11t/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ ;::..., 1001 ....................... FEE or LEASE f'rmcb Pof)'Mlla TahW or ou&er ltlaada. BeacJI froata available. °'"lc:perw onlJ lliHM. 0-.. In Hl•ail look· lal for lcn6p 1nve11on. Cell area todt ......... R.OWllt SHOP I\ Gotng busines11. Top location In Balboa. Fine opportunity to own a cleun exciting business With fanta.!IUc pc>UnUal. Call for information on thelM:. Deli lt.aJi11n. BHch area. Sandwiches, 1roceriell, beer & wine. Catering etc. By Owner. Prin· cip&Js ooly 644·5619 aft 8PM. EARN $60000 + Seamlesa \ia1n Carrying Syatems. We mala:e our own it lnalaU them on the Job. Guarantee bualnetla from relerra!a. Plua lots more bu1ineu . Mo re room to expand, sorvina all of Ora n1e Co. &llabllahed business over 5 years. '15,000 2 trucks and machinery. fltione ~ T1ZJ aft Spm . W.at to Incorporate! Calif. Corporate Shell for sale. Never uaed. No deb&a, no llabWUes. All atate feea paid. Coat $1,030; aell for 1450. TI4·55Ma0d11 Deft'ALPIACTICI 3' yr old *wport Prac· llct In alol Faabloo I.a.ad Location. Modenl ...... ~Wlyde· conMd otflcea. Newport Harbor Prol. Practice a.a.. 1'1).ll0'7 s.tmmin1 Pool 9.vtce Route. $U,OOO net. -..OOpr.1·8'3·5088 ..OI f • , .. . ~ASH FAST 2nd & 3rd homcownl'r loans fas t.. ror any purpose' t:Z terms. pa!>t credit no problem. <;ull now ... NooblJgallon. Hkr 955-1610 M 0 N E Y AVAILABLE·S20,000 min .• any purpose. Mr. Hargrave 95J ·3535 Business/ in vestment lous. any purpose. Agt. 842-0455 Acy lype business loan. RN1 Dilate, Constr. & , Dev. Agl.54CH~ :.....,w..tect 5010 No rommerrtal ad:. t-'or moro• 1nformatton .:1111 lu vi.ice y•JU r ud 1·:111 642-5671 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L~ ... •••••••••••••••••• NEED $200K & SS50K, c.,iil.al needed for apart· ' menl projects . Mike a-yant. 714-67·3009 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: ... 2-5'71 Mwlg I a. T,..t LOST: Lone -h a ired Deidi 5035 Siame.e coiored female ..... •••••••••••••••••• cat. Vicln.ily Magnoba • s.tllar-~ Co. f.dmler. 9tll09 All types of rea! estate loveatmenta since 1949. S,.i: .. zl , ... WTDs '42-2171 545-0611 CASH FOi TD11 American Mort. 5f7-7151 19UiTYLOAMS UPT080% OF APPRAISAL SL50 + I pt.a. at 13% int. M0-14JJ fDIY AIAILULE ZNDTD«c SWING LOA.NS ... IH1'£RESTONL Y OR FUU.Y AMORTIZED ... Lee Realty R.£. Broker. teo.1957 20% YIELD I Need •10.120. a1t. Mike Oryut_ 714-411.3009 , Im II BJ'9/ r:.af~'' II ....................... , F .... 1100 ....................... Lost or Found a pet? Call An imal Assul a n c e League. 537 ·22'73, DO fee. FOUND: Wbite puppy apx. e moe .• vlclnily of Newport Weal, Hunt· lnl!on Beach. Loots like Samoyed. Call 113-IDJ. Found vie. Golden_...L le Hell, H.B. ht•ck male German Sbepherd. IC'7.QOt LOST: 8Ul female Lab/ Setter. wht f1e• collar, vie Newland/ Oufleld, H.8.961Mm7 LOST: Blk/browll male D•achund , vie Newtand/Gatfleld, H.B. ..., FOUND: Claim or adollt llt lrriDe Animal Can Center. a darlln1 Dachabunda, 2 olce Doblea, alao dofa to rocQP with • ~t. ( Atll for Ma111e, lase or Oaa. ) Sea Dully (f YoU WMl a rtal balla*yer. Our BlaCle lllUle bad -~;U..,.wtubt ..-41 · few ::t.* I• ewtia. Alloeau ILIMM. All need~ ...... 'JM.l'IM. F'owMi: Puppy Blk Lab nu, appro1t 6 mos. rel collar. So. H.B. IC not Claimed: Free to good bome.9&Hli08 Found: Broach. Marat• Cook. 644·7162 day:., rn.gi.s eves. f"ound. Sm ma le dog. Short O"eY curley hair. Loni ears 4' tail fM6.«ln. I "' .... SlSO ---·-··· 0.C. AIRPORT SIC'rY Ir ESCORT •saYICI• Spec&all1ln1 In busi· neumen, r esidents ~- nt-12• 24HIS. f.:DerllJiq M~OE ~lamea·Uc: lluaeur <MeaU•u .... ~m couMraY911L •iscOITS• lllln. '71·1$13 'lbenpeuUc: .. ...,. by lk'd teebalcl••· Na Apf&. l :»IPJll 141-1117 .. ...,, .. I 11H fW.:._ll. IHO .. W.W 7100 ....,W..a.4 7100 .... W-.4 7IOO HlfpW9hd 1100 ...,,._.. ....................... ....................... ...•.•...............•• ....................... ..••.......•.••.......• . .. , .................. . .... "........ Add \0 YfNI' lKOIM with AU'IOMOMVIC Dkkpr/Dl1patt'h , t'Om · Q.lllCA&. CounHlor1, married . ~0.. • •P wtlh Kkty tl wen ta eartJ AM w•..-t mat> Svc co . lypl.n1. 81*1.Uedlerviceeg;::· touple1 , or tlerl• _ _...._ °"'· U • Tl b d _.,.,_ Ok fo'(f .... t t .i~-•-women . Live • o . ,, ·--••· Ive-" m.. o me • 1&11trl•nctd painters ey, • .. • u • ._. u• Investment m· Su 1 1 6Clrd llflW1 rouw av~I ln Mt I I t lie M7 1111 ml11lon1 accountlna. :superv ae 6 teenaa• • • 'IOlllllY'IO.. HW ""'-•-11... s' ... _._!If. °'• ,mporM -----,._....., .. eepl .. I 1 .. 1111/ev llJU.~$513 "· NEWPOltTr , ...... ~ "---"'-.. ":"• ::""_-.!f ..... ~~~~~h•. tWOt<KJo:f;.,Etc / AS · ........_., ... a •. ---'n.. ......,.,___,. --._.u...,.._ b lSTANT Part t l m o per req Independent COUNTER H e lp for Ull '·MPfll <'lit a ....... t~ I bn dai ~ o1 bkM)tr .. ndlflll 8.im t.O I pm Accounlli dak with challen1ln& Bakery. Ovr It . Apply ••· ~-... =' ly D)O ~/mo Call • PIWl&iol Jama ~•l•r~ rN'. II&,;• typing, phones. r1111ponalblll ty. Xlnl fr • 10l5 E. Belboa BJ, Balboa :· ISC ,_M-4411• .... __ a .OO/hr lhdlcal. u~ ten key, l!JCPf'• only ln1 e b e nefits. Call lll.m-9pm. ........ INl ....... "TlVS Ac Unl •dlot.al lntturanrt! Mer111 r llardw a r ~ 640-01.23 I .. ...._ ··1·"ll0 IV'• ..,, "" ~ ab :I) &imtlll'nl.0" COUNTER HELP • "'111 ,.. -v SISTAHT PQbii&h!n1 c,p _.. ,.. M .. nur t•a y C'o mm --.......... ,, ,,_,_ ----MC/YIM-....... 1room UW'D· )'"you qualify Wf o 1q,1 e r c-li e rr yl.l . __ ..... ume . ..._...M .. aarea. •• ------·~ eorduuiUni l 4W, 111k fur 64a f!60IJ f\111 lime oponln1 for 548--4243 l • ................. -vall" "'.mu. ty""'.... J11t•k•J1y -geiwral clericul LHlul. • .,.......,._ "'1 1 •• ....... ..... .... 1 r+a Ma.&&l be wilUoi lo le•m Couoler peraon full or I« ·Rllm MODll.S ban., 1n1. '"' voll'lna. ••• .. ~l11111 "w~1lh..,.pEllrom'{11Ccot & have the abllHy to aet part Ume lO $.'5 hr. Apply p h n n ~ 1 ton t If~ t 11181 Harbor l&lv1l r""' ul-Ona well witb others . al Del T1co. Laguna ISCOlrrS wrpublir Jmo mo t114l C'U"tTA MEHA 1'1&:\11 l•I lh•11I t 1tt11tc In Vrev1ou.c:lencal or matl ttlla. 25252 La PH Rd. OUl'CAU.OMLY llJOJ.JOShtorry ---vci!il l''trro Xlnl 0 " room exper. helpful but 581..f720. _ _ J-lrturuty 640 012:1___ not X1 t ....._ -Alarm Cnmp•ny needa Al./T'OM(Tfl VJo; neceiws1ry. n co. Counter person to work • Jl40 l.riunH ld'vlce pcnoo. • DIALllSHIP bltnl-f~~ECUAKD evenings . Apply 1n 9()1J)8l •HU. d'°"rooJ~ b•ck1rvund flOSfTIOMSt l()()l(IHPU llUSINfo~SY~lt:MS s;rson. MacMurray's • ---~!'~. za:t~'or ... t A vu (lr~e Couo1 t y Wicro~lh l'ull cht.qcu 111ull1 ho(lkl 22113 l>'aitvl~w Rd. C.M. Bl~d. "~ta2:5M7!._aN. ewport Male 40, wanl.'J tem1tle ---_ r e qul rcu I 0 A,( U t o r vi o ve rly rnti nt ~ """' "'" OOIGl*nkln btwn 30 .O -~Senk 0.Vro&et EXJ'ANSION1 "40-012:1 COUNTER help WMnt.ed. U.. 'llOf1.i, travel, pit' PBX f e I H it av y duly 1111 l· -.. ......_.d Sandwich man, nau eh· Kidi OK upiera ora or a ltdwucl11.JU1 ' HOOKK l-.t-.Pt-;lt l'urt U.ERJCAL .._.,.., S41~aft 6JlM. te lepbo1u1 itn•wcrl n I 2 New cur 1i1.•I rt:ud y u mc for Ortho-.l>cntal of· Need pef1'0n to work eves l>~/lJme. Apply in person ---~IC\• e11.~rh•fl('tld vr ··-tinl~taJ•~, • flN N U T wo "~ d.ay:, •. d lO' J:j()9 I:!: Coast Hwy, •• . "'' .., "' weeke n s. • days Cd ,._.., Ser\okft 5J60 will t rain Jt'\All l1111e vr ctM ('llpcrti.•ll ct• v rt Jll.'l"~·k 642 2626_ __ ~-i. .... h l pe ood m. ~ ll,,_ -"1'"-llV"ll.. ~. '911 r5, Y • g -•••••••••••••••••••• ..... .,, ,..., .. '" tel'l'tld.. 1'1 "~1u1t wu1 ku1u ·• rt -.. ·~ ... --. ntv"'e commun1cat1ons. Golaa WI buaJnet.lo lnflll ua)'l\, • ('r(IOOO ('OOdiUOO!I 111 O runHl.' _,_"u;r.... .... ...... Have fun. 0.11 Trnullo& cvt'Rlll(lb or ,U-»vl' y11rd Ulunty Airport complex Pw:Huou lur Nwpl Uch 1'.:Xpcr. hclpfuJ. Xlnt job t• SeC'ntariu, Bre n ch MU.'it ht· 11ble to work t;xc P»Y. IJ1·nt:fitt1 OprJ I.aw Offrrc <.:out..in PJ I oWQrtwiity. Call 631-0160 186..7:ilil MXDe wl"t'kend.t.. Typ1n ft for advunct:mt·n t &·. !lrt-OOOK between Uum·Spm. :6 ~ n -qwrc.'<1 Me1n y ~·cc Mgr at hu11y .. T...... 5450 co •nl'f1111 nvullablc . HOWAID Che.,... •••••••••• ••• ••• • •• • •• • l'll.'l.a;(· <'all Mon t'ri. AJKUNl>.:COUPONS l-'1111hw11 h lund urt'a Oovc-&Qut1il Slb Credit cards ut·c·e:pti-d b*}l'Ttll N~-Wl'OllT 11Jo:l\1.. II • ~/Sell Uondc.'l1 1L1<' C:o11 tu M t.'~U a r c u . AlTl'OMUrlVE Murray'11 740 W S urita t.i~l 1100 to; O.Jo: l'ARTS DRIVY Barbara Ave, LA ~ - 213 L23 Must bl' HI y1·ar:. uh!, • • 1234-0 •ext 10 __ have valid (.;alrf 1ln wr'1> · ~:,_..-! APROPOS hl-cn-.c & i:00t1 dr11111i.: "'_,.,..._ UDO ISLE ft'('Ord Apply 10 J>CN lll -·-•••••••••••••••••• TOWN Ir COUKTIY lli>k for Wully ' Sct11al1& SHOPS HEWPORTDATSUH ' ....,_._ 7005 L' 888 Oove St reel A .. 1 n c 1-; u rope a n Nt:WJ'OltT u":A(:ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01•:.rgnc r Boutique IH __ _ tc&ndergarte n regu.tr;,Uo11 11 ee k 1 n g a s t' 111 n g L'I now m progr~b al The manager & addrllonal • Ger b e r Ch 1 l d re n s 11t.afl. Salury open <:enter. We offer u SUM Cal~-S47-l925 certified K1nder1<arlt-n ._ ________ _ protUam mcludinl( math -& read.mg readlnt.'!lis uc· \IVllJCS. Afternoon (•hiltJ care provided. (;;ill for 111/orma uon. 640-8820 .Piano ir1:1lruelion. Adull • Of' ctuld. Class·jau·pop. Adv/b egin. Hegan ' now/fall. 971 ll95 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ,.:x p er1c n c cd l c~al l>t•cret.ary desln:s tcm _ J)Otary work Aug 1J 31. Npl /CM a r ea. flyb z1 2 13/244 OJ 23, eve·~ •• 213/35.J.~l APT MA NA(il.;tt For !'>5 units "' C1111ta Mesa. E xpcr'd cou1>le w 1 r e b k k p g t· x " . Uui.band m :unl. 1·x11. t;ull 642 507J or (:.!13) ~:llSI Ardutcc'\, pc•rm11nent. full 11rnc, IJurlduu: l:nPrgy ana lyi,l. 2 J Yr!I. t•xpcr. arch1ll"l'lu re/ l'n1t111eer Ullt oHtcc or cJel(rc-e or ('omt>1nut1<Jn. 1.;ncr~y t.'Of\.'W!l"VolJun t'Oni..ull111~. Send rel!umc. Malcom LeWlli Al.!IOC • 220 l'ark Ave , LiJ1.1 u11a JJcach , !«.51. Auto Trim.'> Shop look1111' forquallr1L'tl pcrl>onm:I. !WI :a88. BABYS ITT ~R-mutu n• ror 4 D'llJ ohJ, 2 3 1lyl> wk, ff ·:.JAM·G OOPM 645 w11:1 ·~bys1llcr ne<..'tll>d ror yr old girl Jo~st lilurr J r•·u <I Newport Ucach. (',111 111\. 6. 64().0o:n Babysit inr11ot, JO M llvs m o Lovin g 111.1t u1 l' woman CUM. 1~111 UHlll Uabys1tln to wat1·h :; yr old dau~htc-r. H :; JU Mou fo'r1, 1Jwn tr un:.. !'.!ill <IA!JJ ail.6. llAKEll. t·xµ 1>rd Will tram. Apply tn vcr .., 711!'1 to; Hallx>u lll, llJ 1l111a 9am Sµrn. • Mature. n •hablP, llC·li vc ITlln with refs S<'<!k.-. tcm porary work. 642 1Y.ll2 1\l>.:.1.·mhkr T rurnc"· Uanlun~/~. _ Jmrned opt>nrn1:. will TELLER • l'ruct ic•11I nil(hl rHirsl'. tr.un, Nt•wport Ilea ch 1-'u llcrt11n S.1 11rn1!1> & l" lNlder loving c lln', pvt ~ 9HlS ---U:>8n ~kin~ ll·lln ror '1uty, expt>r w/1•lclnly, i----------Newport Uc11rh orru·1· Palm Spr1n1tli n fa. A~t:MOLi-;rt-.; Will tru111 1'yprng n · 731 4781 -... TORS quired. JS wvm. Call - ---vw--~ lnl @l4 for appt a-;.u i:: , Wnman d(.-:ifrt.'3 po:ollon T ....... /&p.ri..ced Ur.A&nn,. ...... hvc 1n C.:OffifHHHOn/ ~ 1 housettooper. Cao d.nve. 646-21181 Aou&eteepmg-Oana Pl & Olp1strano Heh areas. •\ Olll l'am eves. 661 6756 HltpW..e.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1 Accu1llwq/C111twr •• ~1c. VO you bkt' pmhlc•m i.olv· J o in prog r ess iv e Western DlgilaJ for ex· c 1llnK car eer OP· purtun1lles. You can learn new s kills lhut will prepare you to grow with our expandmg scm1coo ductorfirm. We have OJJeningi. m our t'&cile11(mg Oepurtmcnt, Wafor & Mask OpcralJon ;ulCI Test area. TB.LH/P.tHIM Downey Sav1.11gs & Loan has a n opening in it~ <:osta Mesa branch ror & part time 1.Cllcr. Savmwi & IA<lll or banking ex per preferred. Must be 11bk to work Salurduys. Xh1l workinf( con 1I. l'a1d vacations. •'or furthn mlo. contact Mr. Maher ty. 714/642 74.2't Equ11I ()p~lOr l·:111plyr Uankrnl( TELLER HEW ACCOUHTS f'crmuncnt. port lrmc , h~l lyµ1n~ Will ro11 BOOKKEEPER F /C Thru r1n11n('1td :.talc 11w n li. (':sl I Jlc I ty . lil:J 1V'I. lkildillCJ Supply Sales 1-\Jll t rnll'ti1K hr,,. [W I' "'-~·k Mu'l h•· ahl1· ll1 "~ll"k SJt & Suu ~alary t'(1m1nt·n1>u1 ut•• w rth t.'X "l' ri I! ll 1' I'. /\ ""I y Ill JH.' r :..1111 K 1• rru It rm,, J larrlwur l'. 2Gfjj, I IJ1 bor HI ('M IUSPERSOH :-;.•r1111·1• Sy,lt•ml't t:ori>. l.aguni1 1111 1:.. 7AM l l'M Ovµty for J rl v 11 n1·1·rncnl U1ll lt11 UIJ)Jl 5/il !'.140 CANDY UI J>J•f;I( Exp Apµly m pn :, ·10!1 E Hul b ou HI . llalbllJ :!t)m IOJJm Uln•1•r Opportu1111y (11r 1·x~·r J)l•r'\011 w1111 1•nJ1>y1> 11unt:ty. h.1'1 ~0011 1yp1111: i,krlll't, Ilk i.lior1 h;1111I ill 1-. .1 gu111I or11u111w1 \,;all 7:JJ 7!1111 Car~·11tn I 1111 ... h 1111.111, t:XIJl•n1•rll'l~I 111 rr.11r11n1t Mui.t ha\11' loolh f1~7 ~1H7 CAIU•t·:N'l'l-:tt FINl !-!.11 t•xi.wt <:11•111 JJJY ... ti·utly work, 1·Jll ><lli :101:1 1·v1·,.. Ci\'illllm1c·1.1-:HK l'\ iicr lo work pa r1 I 1 m1· 111 CdM phurfOJt'Y ('all Mrs Young, ul 1)11'1 nm; for mkrvn:w CASHIYS STOCIC PEOPLE Cost Plus lmporl!:I, u re · La.JJ company LS now hir· 1.11g cashleni & stock peo- ple for 1ts new So Cousl st.ore . Apply In Jl(•ri;on at 131.3 Sunflow1•r Ave, CM hPt. 9AM·nOOO (Jll July :M> Aug J CASHIER Jo:Xp prd JO 40 hr' pc•r wk Sat /So11 11 mui.I. a pp ly rn pcri. Kcrm Jt1m a J l;1nlwun" 4!60li II u rbo r Lii. CM <.:1\Slll l•:Jt full nr fJlffl ''"''" IJJJJJIY HI p1•r,.,n11 , ('rown lthrdwurc , :11117 E GM Hwy, CdM C.1crk. exp payroll, A IC puy, typrng ~wpm. good phone vo1ct' Salary opefl Cootact V. Martin. 540-9570 ------CLEltKffYJ'IST In community counsel 1111-: uf(cm:y Mu sl be prc·· i.t'fllly wiemploycd & n " i.1de m heach i.rcu <.:aJI Gerry 642 o:m ----- CURK/TYl'IST We orrer excel company 11a1d benefits along with our challenging 1>o!i1Lion now u vu1 lulilt• ul our N1·w1111rt ~uch office Pnur urru·l· e x pr . typm~ of ul lcw.l 45 wpm anil ah1hty tv operate an ad dm1t rnaclune 1:-. dt·:.ira· 11 11· W•• will tra i n •1uahf1l'tl rndw1duali. fur the right pos 1t1on. t:;ntry lo·vc·I JlU!>lltoni.. b ut i.alary commc n!)ur;itc w1tJ1 ex pcncnce Call ff>r llPJ>l. ti40..45fJJ, l'Xl 202 a-;() I':. COLLECTION SECRETARY lkLW property mt111a~1· lllt!llt r1rrn Ill Fountl!IO V.il ll'.Y h,.-. 1mm1•d1 a t1· 11~·11rn~ for l'CJllct·tro11 '>('<'11-Wry Ouli<:i. rnl'lud•• .111 phas1.., of n •nt collN' 1111n rnclud1n i,: •·11urt ap 111·ara11c·l'' Would 11~ •1urrt• 1'XC'l'llc11t l yp111i: :.k1lb & abrhty for or· gamtalron. Wouhl aho work dw;cly with l'Ur poratc ullorncy Ex· cellent llturtmg i.alary or $1000 or commen.'>urale W/cxpencnce plus gai. allowance. <.:all Sue Mon t.hnJ f'ri 9 to s. 964 256fl. COMPANION for LADY. Nursing cxpr. hclprut. li te h ou sekeepin g . $40/day. Pvt room & bath. l"'ove ly La1.tuna home 4M·4457 Companion. M alUrt'. hl>kpr. hv1• 111, l>UI, pvt rmt ba. 'JV (;dM. ltt·rl>. 644-966() ~O,.ratcw • ing. d4.'lrul work in u bu!iy di1la µro<•1•smnl( c•n111ron rncnL We 11et:d i.om1·111w lo ha I u n c e & t• d 1 t t-ui-1.orrwr mpul Ac 1•orn· pulef rt•fJ11rt~ who hll' .. som1· l>0okket.·p1nl(/a1· ccHmlrng or DI' b <tl·k WUUnd Sorne t•u:.lomn coulat'l hy phont'. Tut.'l> l hru Sul. Xl11l t·o . Take advuntai:e or our ext-client s tart.Jog irn lary plL&S me nt poy mcn·us''l> dunni: your !10 rl11y train 111~ pt•no<I folluwl'l1 by wui:c n ·v1t•w t.•vt•ry l20 1l11yi. Our m l• ny out ~umd1n1t lnn1tc lwnd1t~ m-ikr 11 worth your wh11t· IA> 1•ome 111 und St:t' w.. Apply l'crsonnel · 1>1dcr truuwe. (;all for ---------• af)f•'l l-'111 l.Jme opcmni;: fur I tu 2 yrs. ex1H!nl'nt•(• w II h work1n~ knowlt•tlgt· 111 UOS I VS. O S VSI , l'OWl-:lt VS on tlual IHM :p o/t41! wllh commun1l'a· uons. Xlnl fac1ht11•;; & fr. mgC' ht'ner.ts. 1'111-K thru SaL fi rst shift. C:sll for 1111.CrVlt.'W appl 1> • ht.'fl4..f1ts Call JK'.fi.onrwl • f<Jf' llllf'r vww upµl S Al"t-:G UAHD f 11us1N1·:sssv s·n :Ms (,AiNll.I M1~u 5'16 GO!() Wnhnl Dic)ital CorporaHoet 3128 Hcdhill Ave<;M Cur llt-'dhill & Rakt<r l714t 557-3550 l>t:s1wunR Technology l•'orThe fUturc Jo:.o .K Muluul Suvmits & Loan Corona del Mar Mr Conopa:.t 675 5010 _ t:qual Oppor l•:!.!:!111~ Mank.mg TB.1.ER CASHIERS UTOTEM MARKETS SAF1'.:C:UAJW 11us1N1·:....s sys n :Ms 228:1 Fu1rv1rw ltd.<.: M. 54G-6080 (.)p(!rung.11 now uv.11lubh· for full lune ai.i.1slanl rmnaw·rl) 1m l nd. & 3rll. l•--------- Counter Help llONt:Y BAKED HAMS Corona dcJ Mar store. Deli counter help want· ed. FUil & part·Ume. Will train . (;a ll M a rk . lilJ..0000. for appt. Wed· :iul. C USTOD I AN -Pu rt Time . 7AM·12 noon General cleanlnst or of. fr ees & cars Pad f1c View Mc monal P11rk, <;dM . 6 44 °2700 . fJAM-4 XlPM. UJ.'ilOmcr Service Hep I' a r t I t • a :. s 1 :. t w/c us tomen., uni.wer ~ & ca:.h1cr Xl11t benefit.s Apply in pen.on 'lllc Antique Gw ld. lM()J Jo;. Dyt:r ltd, SA. DATA E:MTitY OPHATOI IBM :nia 1 l•Xpcril'rll'I' "'" i.1rahlf' Will tr11111 1•1 liecorne back UJJ t•oru pulrr opc rulur ~x t'cllcnt fringe ~11d1l$ & """' iung c®dll1oru;. Cull pl'rsonncl~ ----- DATA ENTRY W1! arc a d1111~.11111 11r u 1n11or puhhc cor 11orat11111 urrenn1t J iirowth lljl portunrty ror the n .:llt IJOOJ)lc. 'Chi· rm mr'flrak l)(r..11 11111-. ClfX!O In rl 11rl1 • l>ul a 1-;nlry Data An:.tlYl>t T rauw<· Sale1ry rungc• 1:. ~ 75 hi $7.00 per hour W1• an: s1..-ek111g both lull l rmt• and part lmw i1coplc l'lea:.e rall b 1.•twec 11 l :OOJ>m·S:OOpm ror 1.1n appomlmcnt. (7141557-0909 Equal Opportunity ~mployer LEAD DATA ENTRY OPERATOR lnd1v1duul mu-.1 h~111r muumum or J 6 monthl> <'urrent r•xpt•rrc11c1• rri tupe handling anrl wnl 1111( runcllons L1 tx·r1il lwncf1l pat·ka~c. E x c·ellent workrn1t t·omlr lllins l'lt•U)>I' C'(Jllll.l t'l l'er..onncl. ® PACIFIC mUTUAL J\IX OUNTING CU.HK p ort lime. Sun Tuc•l>. Halbo a Yac ht <.:lub. fl73·3SIS. HEW ACCOUHTS Part lime permanl"nl, -typing required Will A si. r ~la n t I o <' r cd 1 t consider tramt.-c. <.:allr11r munu ~cr . $HOO $875. apr>'t. J oan M1:11·111•lle. AlhlcUc cquiprncnl dis· 4!n-!ill.5l -.hlft No expenen1•1· nee C()()l(/DA YS W<·tre111 ~lart S:I Hllol-1 F:xpanding re!)laurant 700NewportCcnll'rl>r 111·r hour /\<lv<111t·cm1ml ch;im w1lh over 50 unrL'!. .Newport Beach, Ca !J2tjlill uvportu111ty for mun11g1" FamHy-0wncd orf(nnrzu· rr11:nl l)U!>1twns to $.5 511 t1on oHc r s plt'as ant _l Al'ltg IJkkpog 'tEMPORAHY tnbutor neOOs d cpenda· Mut.ual Savin~i. & L<1;,n hi • md1v11lual with good 570Camruo de 11.lr<'lld 1ierhour1f riut1lrhcd Fur working e on1htioni. 1-;qualOpportumty mun· mformilllon & Ill <;ood opporlunrl1cs for i-:mployer MI F , Rejpstcr today In work un vunous accountJnl( & boc>kkecping o ss1g n · mcnt.s. Work clo1w to yuor home. ACClJC clerk.8, tclcphotw skills. Credit San Clcmcnlt· ~xpcriencc appreciated, Et1Wll Opp<>r i'.:mJJIYr tt·rvH'w i10 to s t.on• K2 al 11d11anccmcnt. Exl·ellenl 1·~~·-------_-•I 300011 Crown V ull<>Y. C'Ompany benefit:;. i-;x. Laguno Nrguc•I, 4!f.>·9950 penenc.-00 desired. Apply bUl will tram the nghl - upphcant. Previous of-HanJungtS&L ,. bookkee pers, acroun· · tants are needed thruout Ortil\Se County. Call us ror more l.nformatlon. Hobert Kulf 's • ace 11 .. 1 • 2333 No Broadway ~ f200. Coklwell Hanker Bldg., Suta Ana C714•1lMIOl •I' •• ------ ACCTS PAYA.ILi I CLBI A clivenlfied p roperty .._ company '" ~­Aac • lharp aecta _,aya. • ble clerk to ualat lhe I ~troller w /lhe com · (f.P•D1 books/payroll. flee experience a must. Ught typing & filing. Cu II 642·5'!54 AuistM..1pr lluntinl(lon Beach apt bid~ Mutst have main· tenaoce e xperie,nce & abdH,y, <.ttc. 45 + yrs. Salary + apt. 521-8541. ASST.HEAD HOUSEl(HPEI needed for Pvt resort. ~ lmmodiat~ly. Exp prererrcd, will train. l>UJl tin~. Apply ln pel'800, 4l9 N. Coeal Hwy. Lag Reh. or call 714-494-8521 Uk lor Elaine. Oood pay 6 benelltt . Call '<'-' ar 1191111 reaume to Bev. Attractive fun loving ~t 9574'711. vlvaclouA slnale 1lrl1 'ALTA PIOPllTY lrom»30abtetotravel. ... , =r~·o.~~1~orbZ~ ll7Z1 HaJ. Ave, l rvlae -PPt. Areftda.114-7513 ll'l714. Aclhl t r Direc t or, ' ll4lellMd. Good .. ~ ....... N.B . .,.... ,...... to Clalal(Jed Ad ,_. D.U, Pilat, P .O. IDs IMO, CGeY 11 ... CA.-. ,•ACl'ltDIEB/ACl'ORS. AU .... , ... tn-. No _, -· •'S.A.11." Ut-' &etYlewl•I aow. Oar "' .,., 1llnta hH worked .. ..., U" .. Goldie A ....... "' ... ...., .. ........ ,~o.nd. ··wrt1 u '• Doubl•· _ ....... ..., ..... . • .,_ ............. la llHlnt 'hl•• . .Lull ·~··....,.-f•. .......... AUTOCAltW needed evnlap, Lal Bch, Lac Nf) Dan• Pt. Call The Reaht er lb-041. AUTO ELECTRICIAN· ~ed.._.+ com· n-'onMl-191 ••DAY ,..,...,.,.,, .. daJl!dlDU. DM.YPILOT llmCI lfllTV,Y MJ.1671 orcull 714 /5;r7 o\IWO. mpersonto; Ec1ual Oppor 1-;mployer TB.LEI <.:llAUl>'f'IWH & other ,,, '" "'·. Newport orrice Fullerton Savin l(s & Loan seeking full time teller. Will trall\. Typing r equire m ent J5wpm. Call 871·4244 for uppl. E.O.E duties. Male college stu· 22873 L.alw fonst Dr dent. 25-35 hrs per wcC"k Day or eve nmg dnvrnl( 1~~~&..alw~~~Fons~~·~~ Banking EXrBllNCID T&LBS SOlmlCOAST NATIONAL BANK An Independent Bank lM9 Sunflower St. Cost.a Mesa Barber Styli.st to manage pa.rt.Ume. 631·9577. Tuc11· Fri, IM, Sal/ 9.:;. eves. B ·302I. Beauty Rem.al spaces available for balr atyliata & other relat.ed een1cea. UQOllAIR FASIDONS M3' Via Udo, N.8. 873-7850, 671-1970 Beauty 1lyll1t aasi1ta nt ~ for bwly salon. Cbaoct lor" cllenlele . Guaranteed salary. 111.mt. 9S74SO. &M).5335. Newprt (leach 1 urea. dtild care our hom-;, Oc~ l ·March I, 2 grc11l gals. 00-7390. CIVILEHG. OIDISIGHY Expe rienced career mmded. REGISTERED C I VIL ~N<i O R DFSIGNER with buck· IO'OWld in pubUc works ond or Land development engincenna wanted for design 4c supe r visory PoSitJon. Apply to Mr. •uentee at Robtrt. Bern. Wl lllam Fr08t & Assoc. lAOI Q\tall St., Npt. Bch. CIVIL .... ISTIMATOtt Experitnc:ed Individual wanted lo prepare cOllt U l i mate l Of JI U b • divtakn, lndt11lrial de· velopment11, ulllll.Y ......,. _ 1yatema • to perform BAQl DISIONl!!RS uUUt.y lnvesU1auon1 " Dlniellllelon -.5534 calculate earth quan· 8 o I 1 a c b l e a a t tJll•. 8upervl1lqn ex· W ff 8 pertence vital. Apply In .,.., ' • penon with rteume to -·BIKESTOR& Kr. l'Uent.et al Robert 8lort ,...,. ..... 11t. mar., Belil, Wllllam f'roat • • blM ll'lectwUe IMtded Auoc.. 1401 Quall St. for lcbwlnn d ealer. Newport Beach. lal•f'J tta,000. Mull bave prior btke U · SP.:LL ~. Items with • perieace In 1 a ton. DaU1 PllotClaullltd Ad. ........ ....,.. ~~-~~--~~ Cook • Mother's Kitchen Rest a urant, 175-0 S.C llwy, Laguna Jleach. 4!17·:mo. c.- t'\Jll time exped enced Apply in penion 3·6. Jolly Hoger, 4005. Coasl Hwy. Laguna Beach. COOKS For conv bo•P. free health lna after proba · lion period, every other wdmd olf,. Apply \445 &lperior Ave., N.H. Odtll: Morning • e ven· 11'1 ahll\I, Sluony Haven Restaurant, 25254 l .. Par Rd, La1una lllllr.. 511t.....O. c;oSMmC SAi.iS PreeUlkM» dnlll l'«e ln Irv l• aeeltlGI • F It Cosmetician exper In ldlina •II the lranch.lae 11neta. ut yr 1vtr c:omf ll3.000 + xlnt co bene . l0hrday-4day wit. Call I.be P..-.onnel Def)\. for Uta.view appt • THE(MJILD DRU(i C21Jt 17Ml61 , Haw IOIMthlnl to Mil? Ca-'Oed ada doll well. l Delivcey, I'll, 4 30·9pm. Own tr;ins, Mon·fo'ri Some wknds rcq. Must beovr lK. 531-0fll l DEi.i V t-:H Y tO f fo'IC E DOY ,."'ull·lime. Vahd drivers license. r e · qlDrcd. Neal. Over Iii. Apply i.n person lo Mr f\lentes al Robert lkrn & WLUiam Frost & Assoc. 1401 Quall Del men over 11:1 for LA Times rn NH & CM . f'erm /p·l. $350/ $400/ mo. 646-5844. DIMTAL Periodontist needs full lime asst. Expand..:d duties oppty. X -ray certificate reqd. Exper pref'd Salary open. Call 84U631. DENTAL ORTHO. Ouairilde assist. R.0 .A. exper. pref. Full or part· lime. Beautiful a rea. Xlnt. o ppo rtunity . IMne. 5.W-0777. aft. 6 • wtcndl. 640-4292. Deda.I rrorrt office. f'U II time. exp preftrred but not nee. Hon smoker. M4.o&ll. DIMa1 Ala'l. Ortbo .• Cbr .• N.B. Part Ume or run Ume up to 4 da)'I per week. Top 1alary. Ori.ho eJ(p. •RDA rtq. 14.1-Jllal. Dependable adult to ope ratt parktn1 lot sweeper. ..ldnlaht lo e.ut. Mon·P'rl. aa.•n. DIETARY AIDD Al co.v bOlp, day·Pll 1blf\, stable tmplo1•· ....., .ant blnelltl. ,,... Int. AWIY lffl fuptrior Ave .. N.8 • a.,.,-, .1u1y a , 1m DA'LY PILOT CJ J HllpW-.4 71H ....,W..t.Mll 71H ....,._.. 7100 .....•.•........•....•. ....................•.. . ..................... . DRAFl'U, electrtul, ln· dmtttal 6 commercial bldll, call 5*7480 R.E. w.r& • AMoc. lac:. ma1 Skypartt Ctr. Irv. # D. DIAPTllS RelaUd exp • oducat.lon req'd. S.mplea requat· ed. Pleue cootad: .....,,....,.e_, San Clemente. CA Carol Defeo d8-IOOO itW. DRAPERY workroom Seamat.reaa needed. Nr O.C. Arprt Sal open lllB-8435. DIUVER·Wuehouse. full time. sal ary open . 646-UI~ Driver for AM Ti meis paper route. Good ltal•ry + bonus, So. llWll. Bch. 89'-8307 IMUYBS Men or women 2S yrs or older. Know the coast clues. N(.>t $U!O a week or more . Orangt: Coast Yellow Cab, 17300 Ml. Herrmann . l>'o unla1n Valley. <No or SJater betwn Ne who p e & Euclid> DRUG STORE CLt;RK 1-.:xper preferred. musl wurk wknds. WC8t H B IH6-0688 t:any AM auto route Wall Street Journal S mall l't1r reqwn-d. 5 day week. lrvine.1192·6566 EDITOR A pro(c:...'i10naJ creal1v1· &lilor who thnv<.'li in .i dynamu.• & thulll'n1t1111~ 1·nvirunm1·nt -:..oJml!orw who ha.'1 the talent &. l h1· de.in· tu cam a 1ircat dt· ;ii mun· mon1·y wh1l1· :. ho u I d c r 1 n i: m o r ,. rt'spon~1b1hly lhr~ 1:0. I.ht· Jln)r.lt· or th•· pt~rson Wl' arc loolunl.( (cir. Wt• urc ,, rww cl111"mn or u tn:.1JOr N Y S a-; t•nm )Jany. /\ IJJfl or u ... :..ysll•m w1· &I'll lo our d•cnt:. dl·m a ud:. u ur wnun1t. pnnunr,. & d1~ Lnbul.Jnl! lht· f'lll'nt:.. 1r1 hlJUM' ncws ll'lll' r . Uu r t'fhlor must bt· ti h it· to tl•1 lJw ™•w-.l1·llt'N Our pro J>01>ah, workl11111k, & 11t h1·r 1n s t r u c•t 111n.ll mat•·n ul'I art' wn ll1·n lly prof(':,1>111n;,I l r .111w.-. 'lhl'!>l' rnat.cnah m ui.t lw ..llllll'(i. 1'1easc I.ell w-. :.omc•th m1t about your JOb & salary hackground m your f1r.ll reply. Apply to: Ad 1479, C/O 'Ibc Dally Pdot. P.O. liox 1560. Cost a Mesa. CA 9:!&16 B.ICTIIOHIC ASSEMILYS Oiverslfled wor k load m mfg 1ni.trume nti.. /\d van('cd Ktnt'lrc:... ll :JI V1 ttl>fla Sl., <.:.M 1;.v; 71~ Jo~ 0 E fo;l1'f1.roni<-:. Crrruil lloarrl lrL~JX.'l'tor. f\Jll or I' 'J' t-:Xpent•11c1•rl Fr 11·ntl I)' t.'fivm>nment m W C1~1 ;1 Mesa fo11·x1hll' hour., IY\.'~5 Jo:x EC. s 1-:c ll 1''.'I' /\Hy lll•a<ls lltJ w1•ll or ganin'll pro fldtJ 1 un or flt•c '" SUJX'r ~'f1pl1', d l':tl with d11•nL-. Xl nt. al l1lU<h.• & 1>ersonalrty 11 must. (;uod :..ulary /lw bi~'l'K' CM.la Mc•i.a. Semi resurrw tn llox till:! l>:uly f'llut PO l111x 1 :>60, <;M !r~ EXl'('Ulf lll' Sl.'crc•tary ror ~ c.k:s1.:n t'1·nter Xlnl ~kill• requrrl•d . All o(f1n d U l I I' S ( U r 5 lt fl mtnJ!ilrlHOr!i. Nenl ap pe;u-ancc. Sal a ry open Call Sharon 55G 160 I. ••EXTRAS•• neeck-d' Bit player:.. & xtra.'I ror maj mollOn pit'. 111 series & poss t11 com mcrcials . N~ peoplt for Org Co/ LA loc bhoot togs . C11st1n1: n ow' •(714)5$-0120 ext M Wr have cas ted for "Fasl Break" "Love At First Rite" "Rocky ll ". Sm foe. Going into Slh yr, fl.lied over 5.000 jobs. •'ast Food Service. grill & counter work. fUll & p/lhne. Call 673-3152 01 apply ti Newport Pier, NB. F1GURE CONSULTANT wanted. Will train rn thu slaslic m atu r e woman for pitrl·limt: evenings . 4·8pm. Call 631·3'44. FLOllST =e retail nurtery cniatlvc people for full ii part limo perm•· neDt po1ltlon1. Must have aperteMe In Ooral deal1n. E•cellent op porl.t.Wty lo work m a pwt1alom1ttUn1 . Aeue •Pl>lr in pet'l()ft, Mon thni tr . ROCiER'S (6ARDIMS mi.::=·· a>M ........ l'OOO HONi(,AKED HAMS '\dl·U . bani proc .... lftl. WW re.la. No .aper. oeeetaary. Call Mark 873-8000, lor appt. Wed.· a.in. FOOD MA.NAGER DeU ltyle anack bar la lookln& for-an experienced -worlr· Via manager. Expandlna volume makes t.hU an 11.lnl. opportunity for the nght person. Call Mr. Ford al '17()..()05$. fOOD rtlOOUCTIOM Service Syat.erm Corp la .-ma mature, exper • food & salad preparation people m La&Wla Hills. lbt.b 8 hr Ir 4 hr shil\s av&il. Also Sal/Sun shifts avail. Xlnl salary I& com· pany benefit.a. Call for appt. S8l·SJ40 FOOD SERVICE ASSTh 2,3 hJ? da.i1~. (lo up nee SJ.JS hr beg1.11iilng SeJ>l 4 Apply tu Irvine Untried Sehl Dilsl 2941 Allon Ave. Irv. SS6·4900 Ext 30 l::X>E. FOTOMATCOIP. has 2 openings for pl lime route drl v c r:.. Pickup & dehvcr film in process1nl( lo F'olomat St.ore. 111 lhe O.C. area Must bP at lea.c;t 25 yrs ol &lie & hitve a good dnv· mg record as verified by GENEJlALOP"CE ll&kp'a Ute t.Ypia&. 1ood ........ 1 llrl olOC., op. preftrrec[ Good start aaluy. Newport Plumb. inl6HNUns.~ GENERAL 111-UllE 't: 'II •f Per11•1I Serwlcet are pleued lo oiler long term ua1pmenlll lor Jr . Oeritl, Genera.I ornc:e • Secretaries. Sucb aa: Fiie Clerk /U>-ke~ Unt.emt 'l ()peraUona I lC>-keyTouch -Unteml'l Act.'lg I 4SWPM <Genl ore Typist> Cleric Typist w 110 key A/PCltirk (det;AU on e nt.ed I A/K·lOKey Secret.an es w /SH: Dala ProcCJJsing Contracts Admin <detail oriented> 20iro1Mater'l.s Purchas ing t;ngineennu (Tt.-chnical type I CALI..: en-Lin: llMl'OQAllY PlesoNNll SllMCI~ UMV check. Vun pro 557-0045 Vlded. SUtttmg pay $3 31 3723 Birch Street per hr. Apply in person NcwJlC)rt Hench only on Mon July JO al ---------• llMR.S Kalama River Rd. S...1tc A, t~nln Va lle y. lltl4-4455 ... K 0 1>;. H>WldatJon, cxpencnct:d form crew 111 Or <.:t y area 95.S-0791 67~4522 <; e n c r IJ I 0 r f I c I' M1't11cal1Sorg1c<J I hu~• nL~ Will tram. Maturl' ~rson tor Grrl t-'r1dt1 y <.:all be t. 11·10 1\M , 4.»-0PM,644 0065 G.,.ralotfiu Mu.'>l CflJOY phone CIJll tact , workrn ~ with t~mcrs &. dclarl work f•;ud v.it.'JllOn. i.rt·k pay, l11·allh UL'> Apply !lam· •llJln. Mon l-'r1 BARUt-:N S Pf'~'TCONTHOI. tl ltJ Handolph, <.: M f~)~-.?11 GfHH.AL OF<: TRAINEE Var1t)11:. dul1l'i. Ill ,. m 1la la proc•c!>Sl nJ( 1•11111 J>JIIY (.<11111 polcnlla l ff)r r r Rh t 11 e r s on , 11 on :.mo kt·r. o c.; /\rrport are;i 7:i I trrM GEHBAL MAIMTB4AHCE for pnvate community . Laguna Beach. Must have valid CaJ1f. dn vcr's lie. CaJI Mon lhru •'r1. ti lo 12. 4!H-857 l . GBBAL OFFICE INSUllAHCE large Ins. /\gcncy in Jo'ounlain Valley ha:-. opening.-. rn entr y level prl!irlJOO.'> available for or r11·1· pcrSOIHll'I x Int '>alary & 1·0 twn1·f1h C:.tll Kuthy J4tl IOtil t:..1wral OH11•1· l'"r">n l-'r1 tlay fhr 1iul1l.-.h1nl( fir m I\•' ('\Jfal(• l)'JHn~ IJ1tw11rn <:oc)(l phorw m a nn<'ro; Compo-..• c·orr<·i.pon de11C'c Self motrvatcd Giri ~iday/McJ!" (rficc skill:. rcqoin'<l N11 9horthand Will I ra111 Salary open 642·34!•1 GUARDS fou ll & p11rt time /\II a r l!a-. U nrf n r •n -. furn1!>ht•d /\~e'I i:!l n r OllC'r. llt•llrl't.I Wt•lcurlW No 1•x111·nence m•1· Apv ly Umvcrsal l'rntccl1on Ser v1c1'. t221l W. 5th Street. Santa /\na . In l•'fVll'W hour.c 9 12 & I A Mon lhru I' 'r 1 llAHUW/\IO-; SA i.i':~ ruJl·Um1• apply rn fk 'r'>Oll f'rown lltt rdwari-. 311'1 1-. l \t llwy. <'dM II () It 'I' I t: IJ 1. 'I ll I< 1- M A N A I; t·: It ll l'l a 1 I houM· plunl -;11h •<, I 'n 111• l•>rdlltlll llurt11•ullur" trwnmg & mana1w rrll'nt 1•x111·r rl'ff\lJrNI Sul JI ) & 1·111111ll ll•11ul :tlJI• ~cVi 111:n l•ir tllllJI llotcl I-< c :." r 11 Jt 11111' Al> '\f!>t;,inl I Fro nt lh•-;k (,1erk. K 5. Mon 1•r1 Xlnt Newport Beach lo<'. t:oll for ai>pt ()it5 5000 en.~~·· HOTB. SANMAAITEN LAGUNA IEACH Accepting apphcul1oni. for the followrng pos 1 lJOrb 1-Jo; x l' r u I r v " Jlouscic('<!pcr fur s~, r"m luxury hotC'I Mu-.1 httv1• rl'<'COl drfl.'t1. l'Xlll'nl'nt'>• ln run r>Ur hou'lt•k1'l'llllll'. !ll<tff I Ma1d 'I &llo11-.1·m"11 .. 7)( r>f•(f (• rll'I' IJrt•r I' r rt•lf 1'1·rroo nNll & I ull l 1111o 1JUN1t1tlfL'\ av.ul Apply in p...rsou !IA M '" ~1PM darly, IJ91l S ('•1a ... 1 lhvy l..;J~Lma l1t·.1l'h $8S01mo to i.tart Call for l•---------lll'flC M:. Isley 5'19 41l:l4. ----- Gt-neral Office: Enjoy in lt'n •sllnK. challenging work w/a natronw1dl' sale:. rrn11nce eo. We net.'t.1 a r It C'lc n cal pc ri,on w/typmg 45-S.Swpm, bk· kcepmg hkgrd prcr'd, xlnt llcner11s H46·21!:11 1:1 30 S lo a rranl(c rn lt.:orill'W t-:Qt-;.M ff Cit:neral Office. l't-timl'. no typrnf:l, mulh hc k 1otrnd Work Sal. Sun . holida y,.. only . II B. 536·7551 Mon·f'l'1 General llOMEMAKEHS MONi-;Y ! t~lhw11a!llJc md1 111dua ls · cam comm. lo S2.000 by Thank11 1(1vi n R' Demonstrate toys & gifts. Complete lraininR. No delivering or collect· ing Need C»r. Calf 714·551·"46, collect to seehnc. Gifts's Gadgets "Our 29lh Year " GENERAL OF F ICE TYPISTS SF.cRETARIES ACCl'G CLERKS Top Pay Paid Weekly MOlllLL TCSC4L..., Serricft IRVINE 752-6886 IDE Mii-' ....OfCMIO+ Sm friendly otc 1eek1 person w /pleuant pboee vdct. U lypi.ol ii math lbil.I t.Y. Call COASTAL PERSONNEL AGENCY 54o.6055 moffarbor C .. NEVERAFIE Call aAw boun aPl'l-. lluM SUPERVISOR IOOM SERVICE Oppor with c11r1•1•r 1111h·n· tJal t"Xr:..L-. for rl'1111hl1• person WI bU JWfY IM>ry :..krll., ~11m1· fo111cl •1r n:staur:mt knlrli.: pr('f'1f t:n.Joy outstundmK 1•om pany l>t•nd1li. /\pplv :Jam·12 noon, Mou F1 r Personnel MAUJOTI HOTEL 000 Newport C~nler !Jr Newport Ucarh E.O.Jo: Mt F llOUSl!:Cl.EANJo:ltS Car nt.-c, P rT. Top$ tilNGHAM GllU. 645-SlZI lfOUSEKEEPEH · L1vcin $225+ITIQ. No childrtin Spanish spc11km g OK. H.B. a re a . 1!46·5:J77 MS-9007' -------II 0 US Jo: K E F: P E ll needed ror private re· sort. Exper. & non· expe r . Full·ll m e nr wtmda.E.O.E. 419 N. CKl. Hwy. Laguna lieach. 714/494-8521 call Elaine ...... Tl PdTTIMI IMPLOY..-.T $400-$750 + ...... The OAlLY P ILOT needs auto route drlveri. '"' home newspaper de· liver y In th e San Clemente area. Mus l l\Ave dependable car . Sewn days. Aftemoon11 (2:»&:30) M·F t. morn· 1n11 on R•l /Sun (5:»1:30). Some collect· inl required. Eaminaa bllled on 1be ol rootc. Call 4M·el00. A1k for ro.t.-o.u.t· or Mike a.la. luurance Property • CUualt.y A1.,..,...t. E•· per nae. lllalmum l yni . lncld t 1 pln1. Xlftt ........... a-1aa.ca11 ........10.-.. &.0.t.:. ........_. apoey needa ..... Exp not'*· Call for ......,,.. ... . it •UIAMCI -01'(q> .....,_ ci!Ub\I fl~ ...._,~ l'.ap at lfa...'lt l) r ~,..,.., Jani&Gnal/aaPN°Vllllll" fulf tuoe et1hu G ou d pay • buuf•l aPCllltlll lW ONLY Joomau. J AMTOtt:i Ptirt llnu., t'~~o1n a" 1a<0., WVCDCI\ .. couph ... Cost.a M"••· N••l"'rt ~ Alla a&re-... Mui.I tutve car • horn. ptw1111 Call ~ or appl) ul 123 N Olive, Onrntt'' MonUwFrl JANl1'0fUAI. t o h J " 1rnme'\l111h• ovcn1n1t tor full & vurt llOll.' h\•lp 1n U.. (M,tu M,•111&. II.II lll'eafl. Mon F'r1. wm to 2:30am. Pit"•~•· call 211~9 8 to 4 pm or 0.11 2J.3/2H2~ bt w1•n 4pmw6_:!)1>n~ t-'r1 .K I N D E R <.iA ll TEN 'f.cher. credonll:al nee. P\lt elem 1whl. Sc•ml 1 , .. ~mo to I' 0 llox llW, Qi6ta Mesta, t:A 9262'7. LAB TECH lie not ru· quared. ASCP preft:rrt.'<I. part·Umt" wknd!'I & som1' night!!. Jlemutology & ehemastry f'xper p re· f f!n"td. 831 · 2lkl I ---- Lad1 in whcclchuar 1h!· sires lavc-10 J\Ucndcnt. Good salary. 63&11~ _ L J\. Tunc11 borne delivery ag1'1\l oe«is Wl USKlbWJll lo h~am all pha.">e l> or .;j!ency opcrallon. II you .ire rt:Ur~ or work <ind -.tun & &vatluble to work approx. ~ hrH tHJtwcen 2AM & noon. call ~1>-44111 11r!J11'1 <l!lltl2 I .f',C;l\LSf':CRIITAI< Y ChJllt'nl!m~ & exc•1tini:: 1.011llon walh genel'al luw 11fflc1· N<'w~1rt Cenw r. Mm l yrs ex per 75WfJm !'\ala ry cornm1•ns urul1· """k1ll11 & t:x1>er. Urnoe, •·14 1:!1l. Uqal Se-cr.tary lrvim: area. M1n11num :! \ p , ('11laf, ('Xl ll'rll'lll 'I' llt>:t VV l yp1 11K. S ina ll hrm 833 Jt~. Lt-,CAL !-.t-..CIU:TAHY \11 1 ... rtrll'r rcquarc111t•nh I u l . t y IJ I ll I! ,,, llo r t h o nff , 11 ul u tvJX,.-wntc·r .. ,~·r 1lc1>1r11 1.1 •• s I\ & ., tlhl111 J(('.f Xl11l ... ul j ry c11mm w ith , 1.1I1 l v Al 1· x 111• r . d I ~(1;1 :.!U7. 1 1 ' t• a n ,. '' u 11 I ,. t o ul)t'r v1w "'n.ull r·~1df'n llal h11.11'd & f'nri· trw1hty l••f c·ltlnly Will ron.,utcr • 1 n H I 1· 1• •· r ~ u 11 7 1<1 11 :1:s 1:1 2 11 cl y:., 7M [~ z.!1:1 t •V(•!i ~~~11rur hJftl \olume ta•t loo-I u~--·liift t-.11 ~I '4110 f U\lf'CY~W lW' a~)' •I ..._. ,._ro. L.alC\11111 tl.111.a l.a l'U ttd Manait'r train<"" No •'" PM~ ~!taty S:t !Al pr ta« u'7W10 I MANUto'Al.'1'U HINli 1 l't!u on c•t m Jt'Wl'I r y 1hop '" Kruwau.i fu t Nwd ~ Cutter for IO lay JC)ti.. " c&tm c utt an lot Wall tnun 11pvn mth·u. v-=tt•r1rn11 b(lnd uv111 I Auy 11rt nll11t •d t•xp h\llpful. lihk'' IJt•11ul un11.,wk at twt vcJ vtiry well. Mah•/rtim. Pll.'llS4l c.U for 1111cr v1ew Mon · t 'rl 4111 I orlS. MATEkJALCONTROI. Mialertul Cunln•I ~X· µudrWr entry leve l Pol>• lKln Mm1rnum 1 yr of fu•c• 1•xv1•r. n •Qu1rC'll. Ability to w ork wath riirUN:S. ck-11ulic, info 11 must. Call for: ap1>l. ~7ra> 1-; () f:..I\ Ken- <Uiva~ Co Irvan.-. MAlUU SALESLADY $715/mo+ benc· Hef(aJ Ueauty S.Jflply. 263 t;. 17th St , CM • • Mt:CllANJ(; wath 1Jt4rl)lt JJlescl or On:in 1·xix·n coce. Tom Kl'lly M:.ir1ne Eng1 o ccrin~. :1"11 !lbl 7 Ml-X:llJ\.NI(,;, l'Xpcr. with fl'll>Jllld'I or rnotorc·yl'f,., Mu:.t have tools A111•ly fdOJltd <.:1ty 290ti W <..:oast llwy, NU. 642-8870 MIDICAL SUPPLY •1Qllhl1• Cl;f1v t 'l'J1l\lr •Ha.-hl~ lid N U Alliu or oraerly I fUt 111.iht a_lul\ In bP l•ref Nl~r XII• 11otM w / Ina. ., 111 l'WltJ\ r 11f1J) &vcrl)' Mllllllf", !MOV11"lonn, l'M IAlll I, 1•11 atttt JI)' '1 lw ~·u llu•{lll al, IHI ••l U\t' ph;111atn1 fudllly hu' pul\IUm~ OIVual rm t-"ull time t•ha1.i1• UN 3 I I. ,, UOIU ttN·~ lor 11 7 U"l' •Pit & F il II 7 t-'or mf urmu lluc 1 uu l>Oll•tlon .. 11\1111 l>l•·ta~t· <·all 400 ~702 N\JJL';IN<: ~ HN ot l~VN lor i''ri & S-t aujtbt 1.dufl Ill ronv hOOlp, Xlnl. wtalury & IM·111· 11ff1•rl.'1I tu purt· 1J11lt.' t>C11l>fl.1y1wi. l\p11ly lliverty Munor :140 V 1c· tt1oa.CM. ---- t>:i.inter m•cdcd full turw 1'!11JM•rierwe prcforrcd ~or963-CMOO. l'AJtTTIMt-.; I >n Vl'r for Hunl111~1on lti•;ll'IL :to HJ'~ 1x·r wk. Mul'il have largu bli.I t1onw111(on or v<1 n, ant.I ~ood dnv111~ rt•cord. Jo'or 1nror m a t lon , <..:a ll 642-4.321 A.-ik for Morton Nielbon or llarry Seely. EOE P~TE.UP ~SEMBLER with ul least I ye•ur 1•i.. per u:nr e , p rcfe r a h ly newspup<•r t:x('~llc•nt rornpany bcncftL'I l\pplv tJ1..-iween 91\M :.ind 61'M Moodby through t-'tiday. OUHGECOAST OAILYPILOT h42-51;K<! :1:10 W Uay St, <;ir..w Mci.u t-:Quu I < )JJJJOrlunaly 1-;mploye r SALESMAH l'BX l\NSSV(' Ex111 'd in Orang(' CQUO· Expcr or w11l tra111. I' f l' Iv XJnl l'umm. Full or Uvm 7<l m i.hafl. 1'11-.1"> I' t1rl'll' ReauWul orr11·t·!> uCc 1n med lltd~. F11r '.: ci w p o r l H o r b o r appt 631 51'AO M I'!', !I 5 l'ml~~saonul P ractice -Sall'!> 700.2007 1'8X Opt: rat.or. T <·lcphunt· answennl( Scrv1C·c. f'"Ull & Part ume. Day"I, c:v1·., & i:rave yard open. Wilt trllill. ~35hZ Meclcdl~t •·ur llo;iJ,t llo!»pital S.·rrc•l:inal <'Xpr. llC<'. M1·tl 1c a l o ffi ce 1·x 1wric 11ce des arcable . :-.·oo lY11t·wntwn tcu...r ui\d r1~umc w I' O.llux fili6, Suru;et Hcach, <..:/\ !l17<&2 M t-tl1 c u l u i.:.'l l.'X · 1>n11·nt·crl 0 rt hoswd ll' Surlo(l'IJll, I YPUI~. hack ()f. f11·1· Nrin ;,m ok e r . IH&!ilU4 ML•Ju·al AM11 • .,l11nl. B11ck ol'flc:t·, :.U:nll· lcdu11q1ll!, 11•1m1· X·r••Y. t y µ111 1(. Urolul(y offltc, Nµl llch : 1'18-:tbl 7 MEDICAL I.ave 111, $200 pcr w<·1·k plw. room & bourd (714) l'.MO-IJl6l or 1213) 44'1··f'A31. PIXOPU. t-:am while you le•ar n Telephone Answ 1•n oi.: Service full t1rn1·/p11r1 lame. Van ed shirt !> Da)'S, afternoon or eve n· ~ Locations in. FA<;IUON JSLANI> ~"J'A MBSA/lltvlNB TUST IN HUNTINGTON BEACI I Ide al for s tude nt:. & hou.11ew1ves. Man y co benefits inclut.lanu p:ud vac at1oni.. Ty pln ~ 35wpm ... 1-;.o . E . C ull 543 4Zl> Mon. lhru .. 'r1. Pest eo.trol Tr._. LooldMI for c~7 eallWltiir pr()ft::.s1unul ~lmg & pll.1cemcn1 ma pu&llon that i.s r1 t;hl fOf' you! i---------- SU!ady jolJ for rcspon 111 ble penoo. J'ro fal sh:..r mg, group heulth A11ply m person W~. thru Fri 9-5. Lloyd 's P<.'fit (.;onlrol 500 t:. Dyer Rd. Santa Ana l rvine PunlOflnel Agcnr y 488 1-; 17\,h, <.:mla M~a SU 2'M 644! 1<1711 •MACHIMIST• 4-d.iy 40 hr. Wl'Ck F:OLEIC. INOUSTHI f:S :llOI Dovt•St N.H Acm.11 from O.c,;. Alrput\ MACHtHIST OtVer11Jf1ed work lo11cJ mfg elt•ctrnnlr 1n11lru m e n l a . M o tJ 1• r 11 works hop. Advuncrd KJnetlcs. 1231 Vk t or1a St,CM.fJ4&71115. E.1 1-:. MachinlHt. Tr;aam~e. 11rofor iwme shop cxpeneftc(I for s ml mfg firm in Jrv~nc. Call Riiey for 8J1pt. -m.SBI MACtMST Ll productlon back· Kround. 3-& 1n elll)er. Pref knlda or tracer cepeble ol own set up. <mill Ir lathe>. Good benefb. Call~ • ErnphHI• on qua hty, c:.m&. plannln1 "tcbedul· &nl. WW tuperv~ 15,25 llllIDtd 1111 c1'l1Dltta " tool raatera lo Job 1bop. Tool•, dlt•. preclelon ........... pro&ot.JPt. abort run production p&rU • fabricated ... ~ .... b• ••. ve, amblllou1 " y .-perieoced. /tffflAI pen1C1D or Mad ....... ' pµ:MI PHONE rOR APPT. ' MERVYN'S Employment applicJ · tJtJns r111w hcmg accept· ed. P1Js1l1ons uvoal 10 :.1111-s & stock. No pre· VllitJS t::xp ne<" AJJply an 1•·ri.tK\ Mon t-'rl, lOAM · '11'M. 91111 Adams /\ve II II Vim ; ------ Moycrhof'll, pnmary s u11 11ller or good foocl lo lrvuw Corp. 1•mnlllunlty, llt localed at. M acArthur &.&n Diego "'wy or O.C. Au1>ort. Nt.-ed J>t."Oplu ror &imple IOQd preparallon. No exp nC<.'. Mot1tly m om hn. Through by 2:00 dul· ly, uri t.ct-5 d)'ll. ft1exlble hrA. Ideal ror youn ~ ~ken or 11tudenta with e vo . cla111es . '3. U-$3.25 hr. call K ns. 567-G32 aft. 2 :oo. •MOOBJHG • Qua formlng for ramp & vl&lo, to be ready for 'pro joba late aummef . Newty opened 11ehool and free plac e m ent to gndualell S<Xmt COAJrr MODELS Plumbers needed for new construct wn & 11c rv1n• work. Mui.l h uv1: own t ruc k Xlnt.. wal(t'H Please apply, 20341 So We&. Barch. S1mlu Anu H£..jgbt.s. PWMIHS Non-union service & n · ~air s h op n ee d ~ ourneymcn. £'"' in eating he lpfu l. If qualified eam on pcrccn· tag c Jlu y $25,000·$30,000/yr . You n eed o nl y yo ur handloolK. We furni!ih truck, uniforms & health insurance. Apply Mon Fri 8·4. The F.url'i. J'1umbing, 1533 W. Lio coin. AN 64.2-1753. Plum bing T r ainee He&ptr. Mul l be clcun, nea. reliable 4' wllllnit lo work. 6f.'>.1J61 &557-1807 P<YITER · net.>ded high wages. Mual have pro duetJoo C!Jlpef'. 6'S-8835._ PIACTICAL MUase Mature person for 1>Vl duly al Convalc•Cc:nl H0tpllal. Pairl lime . .... So.~1:0,9;,~l~aae Pre School teacher, exp'd ---------wit.h t.oddlen. P1rt time. MOO&WSCOITS fMO.ml. Attractive femal• tlOO Prellman: Letterpress wk +,..,._ 1hop loolllln1 for pre· Ml:Mt o.t Clerk. Kellef .man. New J;ra or let· p0eltJOn avail. Cell for In· _,,.... .. p helpful, but ~ . .-...a. wW\ndll.Ml-mG. MOW II THI TIMI ............ dleck tbt Da~ Piiot Help ...... _ ......... If ta.jab ,.. .... .. u...,.. --comlder Clff..._ ,.... Mrwlc• ............. ,ob W .... nt J I · ...... ..... •• Ptr ci.1cal, u-. typln1. .... Mature, reliable. Clll for appt. IU·Z2M Q C IJllS Pl:CT ION 'rRAIMl:&·e spe r w/mlcromet.e n • tall ... pnferrtd. w 1_11 e .... otlft. Xlntooi: • A IM1l IA °'if'.: 3., Nt_ ...... - ~?~ ••... !!~! llJ.:ADINO AIOI': UM~ hr. Cu~ or eon IU oeoe. The Readlnll CJun11 RF.Al~ i:STATt: 8Al.r.&MAN WANT1'!0 t.A.RH UP TO 15~ COM· MDlllON N.,_'T l·~n1 HUK l o UUOK b y C'hrblmH 2 l'tod out wby,... lit earn bll ta hc-r Come talk with Uwn S Our ~uct I In c•JMllllve land/ budatit k-fftlll, 4 Pre lid 11ppl3. plo«• S Find ool wt\y " 've gut Uw b4*t lhlnw .iol n&"· A111l lur Mr Tkiward ~ 34-02 ---.......... w.. s..ill be11c:h IJn~rty, t'WI dual, cui.torn ~lllt!lll, -.ilc Ml.Ill tMt lull tame, tucprd & dc~'n<bbl_,, Gruwang corvorauo11 with luae loventory ot propertJ-=i; a nd d ynam1 t s a le s lhKhwl ''ummic pot~n tlul 1n a r u\a ied cuupcr11t1nu •·nv lroo m1•nt Atok for .Joh n At.bt 1111 f CH cont ldtmll 11 I lntervicw. V1ru11on/lnvet1tmcnt l"rol)t! rtl es 491-9381 Rl-:AJ, ~"Tl\'l'J-;SALBS U 1J u 11 1o g 111 w e ll u.tllbb:.boo 1 rv1ne farm. T ra1n1111(, 1111i.1:1la11cl!. i'Crlurouli corn m is11wn l!Chcdulc Cu.II l>uwo or Lu. ft33.ll4!00 -----~ REALEST ATE SALESPERSONS Uln11ge olraccs und sell with w; . whe re affluent .W,W•ted 7100 HetpW•ted 7100 HltpW..e.d 7100 .W,W..tH 7100 C... IOH ••.•.........••...••••. ······················~ .................................................................... . •SALIS CL .. • SCTIY /•• Ofc. Se<-urlty omcera. S•d· WAREHOUSt Pwalan lllU.u , champ loalde 1alea. ft'/l. llU TIVJ NY.Jo..., 1.iaiht typlnl dhlb11ck Colle1e. Miu l'ACTORV tlnld.thotl .,...., Xlnt co b.nd. ti and bookkut<l)lna for Vie.lo •rM·12PM Mon· .......... 1118L .. RS S*<MS VIOl"kinacoad. lnautanco/K K office in t 'ra 7AM JPM , Thun ,_,,,.. .,. ._, Himalayan Kllteu. APPLY JNPERSON c M. so oo t o 1t1rt Mon Se l•rr r uae BluePolnlfemalea.Xlnt OEN£RAL O•'f'ICft: bendlta Call St.ephanle SIJ3..SIUO 83M'700, ext utUcornoe~perience quality. St'"· ~llllO. P A.Liii 8T AT 1ON1': HS Id &U-IMM 8 hftWHfl_ :.....;8..;.'5 __ _ INC -T(4> Pay Vaid Weekly ... 1040 UIO•S H.arborBI. SF!C/RECP'f. -Keal SICUIITT St.artNow ••••••••••••••••••••••• t"llt:rte>n t:itat. firm oear 0 C GATI GUAlD MOll&L ~Tiu. cheap ---airport. aeeu llldtv1du11I Guu'd for pr1vatt: com .. tr-•-~ wt bneden wma. SAU:S/01';LIVlo:RY . If wilh x lnt. typlnl( & mun.lly. uauna heach ,, .. .,., __..._ 957-1718. )'OU 11Ct!d a decent pay In I( ic.:neraJ ufflc;e 1110lh1 No Pref QWlure per50fl with IRVJNE 752-4MMNI --- lob. up lo S4·Sti + c.11~ abclrtbaod roqd. &lacy s et'urlty baekl(round EOE M/F' u..a.a AJ)6o puppi~ .;t $Vpm, call lift lpm , <~n.Qfll8um.~7·65IO 0.11 Monthrul''rl,Uwt2. M a l•·11 . AkC r e «. ~t.Q8ll Mon·fl'rl 49U57t 752_~ __ . ___ _ SALD>En: PERSON SBCRll:TARY • Purl Sl..'<"r /K«eptior1l11t . IU :. Mii I ••N DOBI E AK<.: M. 1'.:ttr:. 5thAve. Forbl, larno . 10 3 wkda r11 · devclopcr . •ltMI( typml( ••••••••••••••••••••••• c•ropped " h c e n:.ed . ~ S»lary Open. ly pinl( & good phone cxpcr req, .W .. u 1005 5'Nno. $200/belit oUur. 11k1lls mundulory . <..:ull It f'! /l-}lcrowcxperprct ••••••••••••••••••••••• duys498-4285 __ _ ELECTRONIC llGAN SALES Rotnn ut 6H·:l507 or ""J r.1••1. --• u-"'UCT10 ... '"' """ rv-"' " (lut.'lwndinl( llotllon T1•r - tJ64 !)Mlj. SNiking kind, lfta bll', MANYITEMSOP'Jo'lNf: raor, M. 11 mos. Pun: SICRETAIY rc.ponsllJlc woman to ES'fATl': H :Wl':l.ftY • brct:d. Papors. l-714 · Xlnl opply for elricac nl t•are for convah:sinl( ART ORJ ECTS, AN fl0.1479 !.(Ill W/lop lll'Cr •t1m:il wom11n. Duties meld Ille ·~ul ~NulTEUSR. E F '•·TNCt-; ~lJt:.'8, AKC rt::~. 8"1118 '" work In hu>l IW!kp". meal prep, le c r · f' " • • · .. ..., "' PJIONE 1-'0 R INfl'O •· Show 11uahly. l'vl 1'ty . paced NJ)l Och ft.t;. olc. rund.'I. Non smoke r. llvl' ~ • 7fl8..t.l47 Cull Liia, 833-2900. lfl dC111rt>d. C<intact. fl BROCHU R F.. MS~. ---__ Secretary part uroe. fl cx1 hie huuri. Nc.wvorl C.:enter. Thomas l:M1k Travel, 75EI 9361 Cummmits. 644-7454 or ~7003. ------- STOCK CLERK AntJq!Je'!. wicker tcnran., AKC Oic·kcr Sµanlct. llurr chrur, fem !\l and, chmd ooWf'. M. · doll Pl'492-00IM 7!'.1·1508 Highest. comm1ss1on / benefita. Sell in a h1ich tridfic e nclosed mull for tuwons largest organ de Iller. You OlUSl be able w pill)' the organ, including pedals. Call Mrs. J ell &crow s.u.tsy ·l~7~14~J ~-~7~XJ2~·~~~~ t;xµl' ra l' n ced Sa I a r y ~ -o pe n <.:all Uarbu ru nwdtld for handling of in· coming/outgoing 11loc:k. m1:.e. 0H1ce dulac:s J• u r c h a b 1 n I( -= x p l' r helpful. Must have: a valid {;/\ dnvcrs lir Ir v loc Please contcict Al f 714) 556-4671_. ------ Upnl(hl piano. hkti new an.'tldt:/out. SllW . 154·75111 . /\KC Tl'.:l\C.:U I' s 11.:vt-:1< MAU: l'OOOLJ:;. $117:, CA511 ONC Y 9'J2 2178 SALES/HAllDWAIE Mu.lit tuive knowledge uf locks. bualcJer ·~ a nd cw;tom hardware. Mon thru Jo'r1. Be n ef i t s. t.iguna Deach Lumber <llH-GS:ti or ~7 SALESLADY Lad1cK apparel i.hop, uver 28, n eut appe ar Cull 10-6, 673-8530. Young or Mary 1140 103t ----S fo:C;llf':'l'A ll Y 1-\all tum• clll't'rlul. •·x· v1•r1t'll l't•d 11Hl1v1du;il with slroflg shorthand & typing wanted l\pply rn l'l'™"l with resum•· 10 Mr. l'\atmll.l:I ul Hohe rt llc1n, W1lharn t-'ru)>l & /\M OC. MOI Quail M. Newport llout•h. T t-: AC.: II f: R S · P It Jo:· SCHOOL t;xpenenC'ed, full tame 10-6 II n area. H.a!Se.i, all benefits Call Ma rilyn 844!-2U48 or M7 5:!Jl.1 TB.BHOHE J\nlaquc dllllOI( liC:t R c·hri. I. u Ii II u IJ " • " K c . huHP\, <:hm<t c:11b. I' P blk/Yt•lluw. di.u np hilt">, Mij~-Ii wk.I, hill, ~Mi >WJ:J Afllllmten 10 I 0 .........•...........•. f''HJ-.:1<;111' 1'1\Ml\G 1-:1> 11(11' i'O I NT SAL t:;, :JJOIJ W Warner nr ll<lrl111r, Santa Ana. !179-2921 Cl\Sll PI\ 11) l't'll.ll{rt'I' <:1·r Shorthair M A1111111ic :11, m•l!t ohl ~00 MIJ IM!Jk afl ~pm •MA'iTll''"':-\ !:SJ\NTS• Slrt'll hy #I A Kt' Cll 'I 11p IJ1H-. Ml•' I'!' I lf.lf!ll0 4'1 UJlc 11u111111•:., T•·rn.l'oo· Ws hr/Dry rs/R1·fraw .... lluski·v 1111 " ,, wk:.. $IO . workang or not !157 H1:i:1 ~14&50!~l w11lk Ill:! buy pre11t1gc SALESLADY SECRETARY Specu1h 1.t.'<i Jllh Ul'INl l(n · mcnt rN1u1 r111 1! uood t1t'c·rc·t ur1:d & wn11111t -. k 11 1 ~. Int 1• rt• s t 111 ~, 1hVl'r.<t• 01>1'Urtur11ty for wlr hlUrl..r lnv .. ~trn1·11t St.-rvic·t.~ farm M U Oil:!. We• h ave a pos allun a vw la llle for an cff11·1tnt pns nna blc lc lephonc c•1wi1>oll' a ttendant ( F.ic · 1-..·u1.1.11w U 1000) who abo 11.1~ retail t•11sl11el' t•x · p1·r1 c n1•p T h e Jl · 11u.phcn· lS fun &. bus y. <..:omµcru.al1on & lit:nefalJI 11r1· Kood. If you have the qual1f1cat1uns & the nwv11\Joo t1> work 111 an t•x•·1ltnl( l•n varonmc nt, pl1·~L'W ront:111. Mr t-'an · nc~an or Mr <:line ul ·~14-W70 t.il':1 P c n11c ys wu11h 1•r , dryer loh•l') M-'JllY 01> tJons Lch..'I tllan l yr:. •ild Nt-w 9~. will i.cll I"'" ror SJ OU . li1'1·bU4tl/ 834 5'1iil. FrHtoYou 8045 trlmes. Of'llce at 33:l(I Via For exclusive ctuldren 's U do . ON TH t; WATElt store . So. Coast Plaza 111 Nc:w1iort Ocach. Kxpencnce ei>i;enllul Le R.OCJI" lrowtt R.E. Muga.sm. 5<19-~ 673-1020 .. ,,...-~ ...... --._ ... -..... ._ ... --.. ~ ...... -,.._ ... Sale. MEH'S FASHION Real Estate SALESPEOPLE We have un opcmng (or 2 lll'C~ who a re really umbauous A l11vcly or f1 ce oflennu your OWll vnvat•· ch·sk IV all tltt· lll'l'es1.1l1e:.. for ~UCt'•''o'• 11lu~ up to 70'4 f'!Jlrl rrus-.11111 ('all MurJ11rat· (;lark , ll t>i-.1d l'n ll ul Manug1•r for ap1>'l. Wftky H. Taylor Co. Rt•alt.11,.... lll•H tllO hal Estate Sales OJWrHni.: fnr la rcn'i l'd i..ol 1"1 l.l l.'O t>l l', loea lly uwncd, w1lh nat1cmul ,, .. f1 ·rral wst•·m. l':xc1•1lc11l wo rk111 g cund 1l1011-.. t~m 100'1. l'Omm1!>:.11m. For t·u11f1denlla l :.&JIJJ0l. !'all 75!1 022fi E XCl'U System'! Hc•:iltor, lti•a l 1-:t.WU?. Top N'pl l'ciun 11fftt•c has openln~ for 1•xµ1 ·r. :.alL..,vcr~•m ur nt•w hcensoe. Wu tram m:i woo fll'l'CJll11x11~ nc'<:dcd RJ<" quel Clul) IJf l rvau t:. 552 5Gl3 U..'>k for C rail( Hl·:Cl';tl'J'IONl~i' · Uw.y !'1.Jll!:'I office. lyp1nit !..'°• to 1;0 WIJlll E xp l·r . 11· •ital r ed. Vanl·ly or 111 t1·t1'!'ilmg cJutws. IAJ\l••ly 11H11·1~. Xlnt. b<'nd 1h Newport Center. Call Mr.4 Uudzlk t>44·7454 RECEPTIONIST Jo'ull t1mP. Prope rty MW181(t:mcnt firm loc:il· <.'<I an Irvine. t.:<.111tuct. Kirn or Sou mne, ll:30 lo !>.:JO. 5'W-a111'J RECEPTIONIST Xl11L l'll. rt•4 uood l"''"'maltl y, It ty11111 ~. IOI)': E mploy1•r 1 , .. t:um-.t ll):lry hlf kif' aw•ncv 170 Newport Ctr Dr !-ilt~~ Newport Ucat h 04(). :.!92() It I•: C t: I' T I t) N I S 'I' I St:;Clt~Tl\HY l'honci.. IYJ)IOJ( for 11\.'1. <.'O. hy 0 (.; uirport 7S2._17_!M.I ___ _ 1rnc1-;PTIONJST / AS S I S TA N T f o r Vcwnnury clJnw. ex~r p re ferred. Oanu l'l. area. 66\.1658, 495·2012. --- R"t.....t/Pino f'\.111 or p/t opcningii for ~cocr11I rcstaurunt work near 0 <: Airporl. Mu11t he 111 or over . Apply i11 JlC.'l'liOfl. 541·'=-·· Z300So.Easl nnst.ol SanUI MD lfc1"h~ 549-8674 Next to McDonald 's IConauranl Full l im e helper ror Country Club. Dus!iln&. dilhes, banquet. 1cl up ai kitchen help. Neat & de· pendab l u p er•on . 54().7500~~~~--­ RETAIL lffOllE nccda cne racuc " r esp 11.8· UOoary &i xerox clerk f/lJme, Baker St, C.M. Call Mn. Malung11 756-1000. Wr 're looktnJt for fine uv · JJClln ll!:, Oul)t()IOJ! t•i< pcneoct.-d sa:~p<·o1,h· 111 qualit y fas hion 111t•11 ''I wea r . t-'ul l o r l'/T 7 Mlfi75-I 717 STUARD'S LTD N1•W1J11rt IJ1·1wh SAU~MAN l(l·laLl/Wbolesall' t:.1u111 1111.·nl c;orp Inside !\J I•·'>. tunni: yout1g men 11$ yr.t & olde r . $:!00-$500/wk wtlh guar :.a l & t·11mm New h><·alion nr I rvin1·, C M & H.B. Start 1m 11\1'\halcly. flapad alf v • .r1 eC'mcnl OJ>PlY lo 111 a11 !t>7 U!M.I. Mr Arthur Sales . M a ture p1•r:w 11 . i.:r11phic arts IJaC'k~mcl II.! n.'l<J1I expt.·r pref 11 ,.,, II llm•'. wcc kday'I only. l'/\S Craphacs, J:J50 <.:a m· J)lL'\ l>r • N. li. 754 oilll. S.alcs Newport Pe nmi.ula Heal H1Litle off~c 0 11 a husr corner local.lonis annN..'<l o f amb1t1ou ~ s al e!i personnel. GOOd comm. svht. Call 1j7:1-~ for 11ppt_·--~---~- Sall ... l'art·lJITI<! Job, full lime puy Public s r1c•ak1ng, t1·ud1111g or '>lilt•'> lladl· 1tm1.md & lht• 111·-..n · for lll'NJOUI 1!rnwth & h11-:h 11arom<• are a ll you Ol'L'ff 111 l.':trn u11 to SIK 1><:r hr. comm. lrnmcd loca l opt'nings . <;all Uawn, :ti:JrM .J'.flA SAL~ l'EJL'iON nct·1JccJ full tame ror ma rin e hardware dastri but11r . Mar 1 n t• c x pc n 1· n t• ,. n l' c· 1• s .., <1 r y • U a I b o 11 Man ne 54!f·!lfi71 fo r uppl. KO f';. M t~f __ S I\ I. 1·: s . Q u u I I I y S;;l~pcrson m•cde•d f11r t reatJve, ha fa.'lh Jt!Welry i.:allc ry . Muli l 1•n J"Y wurkiog with lJUbltc. t-:x calUlg hnanc1ul bend. C;d base pay + comm. In· tcrcslcd )}<'rs p l::.r cull Laguna Be<lch l\!J7·IO!l5. Sale:. THE LOOK Known for Lht! finest 1n rn 1• n :; & w o m c n · s fa'h11111 clothani.: as pre· !it.'11tl) loolunu for 3 peo· plr· interes ted 1n ,, fst11htcHI t'Uret•r In ~.11h•'I w1lh adv<1nl·t·rr11•11I Hlln rronagerncnt. tr lhah 1-. your go:.al call for upr1l l0amt.o6pm. Til,.:U>OK SALES WOMl\N, mature. rnendly. apparel t•xpcr f<'or 1h i.azcs Steady 11 I 541 U:,00. 8:)<1-4i2:12. •SALES YACHTS Must ttave s alhni: exp Co mm on l y . Ko na Marine 714-675·140.1 Savings at l,oan ....... ~Cteril Major State-wide S1o1 \ lngs &t Loan organliulloo has Immediate n~ for s part Umc graveyard du1 tnbullon clerk. Averugc 30hrw. per. week SundayDPM·5AM Moo·Th llPM·4AM Fot del•lled lnformouon conllct : Jl'r ank Oriti coll 714/7~-4M3 ~·t·rclary rr y111 .. 1 !'>l ru11~ t y 11111 .: hkil h 1Jt.'f'<1t-.I 1nducll111: M11nt• ~lall~t 1c .il t y p1n1: l'X penf·nr 1• w11h 1:e-11 .. ral 1 lcn t·.d l1.;1·k.:r oun d Sal.iry 101111111.'ll">UI '•lc w 1 l h J IJ I I 1 I )' ~ I' X v c r 1 ,. n 1• 1· (' o 111 p r1·h1·11 •.a vt• IH'nc f 1l '> package i :i wt•f•k!. 1m11l \larulUHl F11'th11111 !:.lam.I loc:ulahn watJ1 vlca~anl )>mu 11 1· u 111p1111 y u t mr11>r>hl·n· l'l1·a-.1· :.l!ml r~um1· or c•all llr~p1tal l"111a11 !-M·rvir·•· 170 N1•wp111 l Ct•11l••r 1>1 , Su1 L1• :HO, N U !nfifjl) 700-0'lZI SECRETARY Offic~ Co-Ordinator lw l1ahil' 1·nl•ri.tcl11 M·ll -.t .. rtf'r ,;1111' lo IH.111Jl1• .111 phi.ISl"> Ill 11(1 IC't' <.lul11·-. ~.10 mo ll> i.lJt rl t 'cl.~ S t'r r l'l:.t ry f o r It ,.: . Developer Maturi' & non smolct'r <i<>OO s k1IL'I, No a s,:l'll e y 's p l e a ~l., ~00(11. Sf'X;1tt;T l\lt Y /TY l'IST , sx:iu .. rriu , Tu,,t 1r1 . l~l't~ f ;nginct•flOJ!. 540 OtlHI . l)t·hhtt• SECRET ARY /Lec)al 'l'ra1n\~; for 1-:....tah• 11lan rung Uf·pl, "" law •ilc., .111111•rt .1rC'.1 II X lnl 1y111n.: .,k1ll:., unusuul 1111 Jl(Y IS,}:I !i!IK<! Scc'Y /1'y1J1Sl ll1·lia hlt-, 1·ni:1•rl1 1:, :.cir :.t artc·r . ahlt• to handle 1111 phmw~ of ofc· tlutai>R lJ(.'PA (;ufl l':.it M1•1dcll. 54fl·57tlO SECRETARY COUECTIOH llu.'IY prnpcrty mana ~e· rrk'fll firm 111 Jo'ount;1111 V<11ley has 1rnrnet.11 ul c opening for t·ollett wn i.ecn.wry l)uur .. mdut.11! all phWJ(.'!O or n·nl rnlh·C'· uon ancludtnit c·ourt up pcuranccll W<iu ld rt• <1wrc excellent ty p111 u !'lk.1118 & :.ab1hty for or ~ao1zallon Wo uld :ili;o work cloi.cly with 1·11r J)(>r&lc attornt·y t-:x tetlent sturtlnl( ~ulary or SJOOO or commt•ru.ura11• w1cxpericnce 11lu1> KU'> 11llowa.nce <..:all Sue Mon thru fo'rl 9 Lo 5 9ti4 4!56'1 • SECRET ARIES • Sc•c/C1v F.ng SH.40ll St«· /Slut nr-: $14,400 ti O.tllE/dlc'\. $12K l\cJm t\.'>Hl /hao-md S2!'1K • l•:xpt•r Counsl•lor Sules. Our Office• l\ppt Only 1 "h •· Liz ltl'indc r!l Micnry 4M> Uirch. I':-. tub '64 Newport l.lcal'h, l!J:t 8100 Secretary. Bookket11ll'I'. re<:eptJonlllt for R K ofc. Joull or part time. ~xp pre fe rre d !'ho n e 673-3355 ror appt Security Guards · Gal<• duties. xl n~ locution. Lagun 11 n c h C ov l' Security4!M »tu __ _ securi ty omc,r11 Sad dJeback Colle11e. M 111s Viejo. l"ull t1rnc J)C)lll t1ons lll'M·7AM Sul, Sun " holld•)'ll. llrly rate '3 77 + 4% 11hlh diHurc n th1l. 831·9700. Cllll 302, between 8-5. ---- fl 10; & <; f': N R R A 1~ l\l/TO SJ-:H VIC t-: S IJuy w 11 r k w 1· 1• k I\ I' p I y N1·w1Jfirl '1'111· <..;1·11kr . :t.W E Ct1tt.'tl I Iv.>. CIJM _ Tov. Trm•k Unvcr' ''"· I"'" tJ ·1 op p:.y A1111lv c; /It w ·1 II ... 1111! • 7 '11.1 H I lhrri:. Way (' M Gl\4! 1254! TRAINEE POS. Sw1td1lloa rd 1Jp1·ratnr . f ll, IJ/l ht "> uv11.1I, CJll fur u1>Pl 1Yl:r1~ TRAVR.+.GEHT lkl:.y 1.'X(.mndanlt il~l'lll'Y. rn111 ;1vr.1·x111·r Ill 111L 'I & dmnt.~llt' lravl'I , prrfrr lwve t:omput.cr tramml! aJ0.6100 ------ Travc•I Al~cnl · Mm 2yrs exp for bw.y office. Com- mrrcaaJ exp ne e Salary o 1J t• n . S o C n a :. l 1°r'JVt•l /JUd )' f}l16-44!lft T It U I ' K U It I V I·: H I' II 0 I> II c; T l 0 N 'I Ht\ I N E 1•: f 1t r ., 111 l'llt'OIJC'.11 mf~: l'C> :II yr~ mm lljtl', 1t•I dr1 Vllll( 11• 111nl rll'UI ·'fll""'r A11ply I l l'M M1in 1"11 E I. :\1loor1· C:o . I :1:i ( "''° · rrlt'rl'I UI Wa y , C.M ~!JIS.11 'l'y1n~t I' I, general of· r1c·1-. IWlwpm. 'oal;;ry t:Om· Ill c 11 h U r iJ I 1• W 1 1.: X JJ. !(J7 18111) KaU1y. ----T Yl'IST Exp rcpnidutt1on typ1)>l w1full ranw· uf tvpm~ & i.:rurnm;;r ~kilb ~0-4!00:! 'rYl'IST I\ 1· c• u r :a l <' t y IJ I -; t I u uocra t.c Burroughs Uocu· mcnl mac·h11w Mui.l typt• SOwprn t:xpc•n C'ncc tft-:.irahl" hut will tram W1· flrft·r .. ~ood o p 1•1rtu111ly for advnm·1· llll'fll with xlnt t'O pa11l bl.'nehl'I. Sala r y 1·or11 1r11·n.suralc with <'XJ'){'r f"ur :1p11t pleaM' c all l'l'r'>1111nt•I al 640-4:-.HO TYPIST w I' 11 1' ,. t.l a Ii r I ~ h I 1•nt•r .:1•111· vcrson-opced L~ I rll1JUrl1tnt. at'CUflll'Y I~ et.....Cnt..iul. Good :..lurllOI( w,a i.t e • f ra c n d I y o l · ITlObJlhcn·, mu tu re . Non s moker. l\sk for l'ul. IUl-4:1.57 15S41 computer 1~1rt1',H.B ------- Wmdow iu r 1.:und1ti111wr . Zl.1,000 BTU, U O vulb 6:11 377K l'VCl. Uo y'-; 10 s pll Sc hw11111 Var..aly. Very gwd cond ft> M33-M>i$1 Washer, 'tupcr dlx, ·'" 1 y ch· model Sl:J.1 llry•·r $13> Ht.Ul look & run Ilk•• llf'W G 1-; l\nwn< J llJ l'ro J!j"armblc dl>I ov1·n. :10" w1d•-. clec· r :..raul: Sl7'i !'>41) H7f>1 strn111 M1c1u w.1v.. I.fl! 11101l c l , l':t r u 11 ~1·I Wltft•flft">l, rw rt1·f'I I 11011, 'S!J~• 1,li.1 (l.J;! I H Moo; n1·w 17 f 'U 11 F'r11~1d:.a1rc $:1ti0, 1:01t1·.1>ol dl'i!J) rn-.vl.I' cht•i.t I•. t'U ll S'J.ill ~~ l(/fil• f'nl()d&are le•· Muker. l.:'!41 lh 1·;1p IO 24 hr'.. S70() !'M~..'JI or fo41r •i@:I fo'rrewr , WharltJ(JOI. ltJ cu fl. fn~I fr•-c· Xlnl 1'1111\J. $aXJ ~--4)(58. ----- JtcfrlRcrat o r , G .t-;. wai.hci-. Ra'> da c:r. !'>46-4~ -~~ ~--Gt-: 2d1.11'1 r rdnl) $1(1() l<t·fn ~. 17ru It. 1•1•·•·11 rnr;.• .. 1011 Wt•,'l1n~h11u:.1·. :1 > r. oh I Si!Ofl ')fiX ~_;:~, K1•1111111rc h 1•f1vy <lu t y wu:.hcr , gd cond. i;J:!O Elden.<.:M Sciir; Washrr $50. 01<1 hut ~IJU(I '>CC II Ill u:;1•' lj.12 zt72. CVCllllll(_~·--- 1-4: At.lmaral rt•fnr., hm, s 1d1• hy 'llclc, 41 ··xfi S" $1W ti4•t-C.WI -----w h I L l' ... r I I( I ct •• I r ,. frt:t..l/frt•c refn~ ll~1.Y. h1 ~H.doop :n ~.wldc. Sii.'> (; 1-:. upr1 i;h1 foucl ll"f~.ZCr 71hnh1, :!H1mll•t·11. :nnwid~. SSO 5-10-61;.2 111 ~1-1255 Oryc·r , !-!·"· r l1-.111 $1~. 54H 44X5 1«-rn~ l!lr.! W(.~t1111thoww, frostrret•. 19 t'u ft $J~1ol'r 4W 3.')!'A •·•••·••·•··•····••···· ••• HetWt1 Schrichtt :,111•,,. Avuc·;cifu Avl.' 1.;orun:. fl•-1 M <1r You ure lhc w1111tl•r •1f """frff ticket• (s;!l !JI) valU<' I. l•) ltinulin i.t llnY.\ U.in1u111 & lla 11t•y t .,,,.IJ., Au~ 2ml lhru l:llh An.;llt'an1 I '011v1•11l1•1u l.'1•11kf T1 f'k•·I , 1n1i.t 111• 1·x , h.111•wd f111 11· ···n ,.,J i.c.1L't al Iii•· <.:011v1•11l11111 (.A•11l1•1 Ull"Jt.l 11( I I nl• t:<ill •Al :.Ji7>i, t·XI :U:! ll> ('1l11m your 11c kt•l , * ... * F'r• ,. :....1uw~1·d 1•·111.il•· ">l>'JY•'IJ I y1 11111 1w1w1 -.. 'l">l' lllJ 111 1l.1I•· 1111,1·-. kul;, !0:.!l li:!M., 'l:,% t.1'/U l·'r1"1· k1U1·11 ., ;111 1·ulor ·,, t•) w.oJ tw11111·. Cull 11o1>1 l'M!lll.1y" C:1•m1111 K1l l1•11' l1c·1•, 11 ~'Cl<»•JliJ !1W :11~~/ Lov11bh· man ::0.1·hnau1t'1. l-'l-1.'I' t.o "'"')ff hom1· ti:IJ Zl<lH ~fovan~ wo11l1crf ul 1wt. l.ahrudo1 free lo 1t1111d lw1fl•". h •l U ~e d u ~. 5.57 n,;· 1\1l'>l1 Sl11•••11<Jn1:. ' S.uu ' l•1v.ihl1• fr•·•· t11 1•111111 11111™· w y;inl 1.i:. ?1 .. :1 8050 ....................... {'AS ll l'l\111 t'•>r wJ u,,.,j fulll, .111t1 · 4U<~/lr tlr 'l'V ... :1:,1111:1:1 **I BUY** ('e(JOd usf"d Furniture• lY l\ppllune·t.'is OH I will MCll or St-:LL fur You MASTERS .+.UO·TIOH 646-8686 & 8ll-962S (;l'L't"fl ·unllquc buffcl·has lxof'11 u-.t.•d a!> ~lcn•o l'<IM' or clrt..,M'r . 72" w11k , '/.?" tu.21· det:p. $7Soroffc·r. fi40. 71>1!1 c;n·•·n h1.:h hac·k o t· r ;i.,11111Jf •hair w /ol · Will.JO~ IAO /04!J ~Sue Kruc·hln -.ofo IK-d, hm v11yl llutJ. l .1ic hm "")I 'tw vl 1 u,·kcr $50, !•>.! 1?13 licycll'$ 8020 Kini.: .,.,, & 11111 .,, w11l1·r •••••••••• •• •• ••• •• • • • • bc<b . hoth 1wrf1•1•l n1ml. SchWJnn , ~1 rl't ··Lil' <.:h1k ' Makt· o(lt·r 1;;11 ~.a.~. :sling ray , lk llW $7!j 1>'1l 3'14!1 174K llonu1n · Way. NII; nl·:ar C'em wr '1\1.,un & Zllit SCllWINN STINCHAY. New paJ.nl xi nt 1'1111tl. $35. ti:JJ,5615 55 ftDadmasll'r, xlnl ron thllon, $JOO or bchl offl•r m:11ill25 L H fll'';Sl<;N t:ll ,..lJ ltN. K arl(c., l'111f1•1• t ltl , •n·ust11m ~oru & mm" G:!l IJ:WI Pix K111tt Wult•rl>t•t.l llt-.111 huanJ, tll'ul~r. <haw1•1i., 11111ldf"d ru1l11. Uci.l of r fl!•l ~all & Mu~~~(~~~a!>l, IOSP M-o-to_l)_a_c_a_n_c_n_cur xlnlbcnc fits 549·1767 new~. 831_m~ ~.pt· K.11 Cont1•m1111rary dinm.: :wt. Very uooc1 1•11nd $<1 75. /\f l. Ii T ypl!lt & Ont a e ntry t roi ncc Musl be self i;lllrtt'r, willing to leorn :Al wpm typsnl( & 111· c•uracy u m Ulll . Call for 11pp t. S o . Co a s t rtcpcrt.OrY 957-260_2_. __ WAITUSSES f'\111 lime expcr1u11c1'<l. Apply in pcf'j(ln 3 5 J olly Ho((cr, 400 S. Coa11t llwy, I ..i11(Wlu De11ch Waitress part Umc. 5 do)"! pc.'1' week. Pnvalc Club. Call MC·StCM. -----Waltreu · Muturc, prlv club exp pref'd . Afl3. Wed Sal, 1099 Bays ide nr .. NB. 67:>,.()638·--- --- 1'>)'lj 10 s pt'<.'11 26m 1u•n nalc Ille nl•w. $7!.. MUm. ---------- SnllU Cruiser frame hike GoocJ 1•ond lt...i.l offer 1131 5433 Schwinn Co nl 1nc ntal Men's l~pd. Like new, 100. 988-356t; ---................ 1025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clcn Mahoea.ny lx3, lit' o I\. 1'ull lu 10< a ft. ~ ply f7.D9. IM8..QU. c-...... ·~···.. 1030 •••••••••••••••••••••• lli\Z·OOtlJ U11ll.'>1.-d, S pt• 1lanmi.:1.ia111e 'ICL W /lcuf, ull wood l'ar<1u1•t Viny l 11ph11I (•hrs, 111tc i.tuncl. l'I'. T10 :t!t!) •WE PAY CASH• <iuod W.t'll furniture. l\pµhum·C!>. 1V'i. clc. 616-1610. 547.9153 1 ll' doubll.' cunopy ll('fl Sl'l P>O White &t 11pread. :.4().0IJZA_. _____ _ lllaple hi.Ink b<od!I, <'Om· plelr, ~ood condition, J15.~942 Queen 11li e watcrbtid. cumph..'l.o, $120 f).W. 2.'162 Sall to ureece. women on· ly wanltd for ullboat cr\&iH . Depart winter 'Tt. Share advent ure11, IOOd t.imetl, choNI. ex· ...... 1•211:5".-r GW OR EAT WESTERN SAVI NOS tnde your old •tulf for new &oodlu with 11 Cluellied t1d. M2·5671f !!l'!!,Yor • 30 day ad ln t.M WAMTID oatva sweAYOM.Y To deliver Oally Pilot bundlel to carriers. Ro qure11 van or larae it.a tJon waaon end • good drivlnl record. Phone 642·4321 and ull for llarry Seeley or Don WlWarna . Konica aut.orofl cx T2 CMJn(,'f'8, trlJ)Od, Vlv•tar electronlc/lllO, Vlvot&r 11uto Tele convc>tt.er for Konlc:ll 2X 7, Vlva\11r •ulo t e le photo ten11 • 200mm, <:arounl 1lldc proje(.1or 6 lll'reetl, xlnt cond.M-•ae .... Movin1 lit•lc . Stereo, & •Prkrll, calm cablncl . Teak dlnlna rm Ml. &i 6 cbnl, rouch, bar •tool&, llftllq. 141wina m1chlne cablnel, t'1llm c:tit.t. of drawers, bar rtlfrllt. 1'Mk detk tJ ~hr. MM07tt ........... Cl..uMd Ada are reallv .,..n "people to peopler• ... Calli wtu9 "61 N • ~ .... ""f'tlUltal 1b place )aUr ct...u\ed td. eall leday ..,.. An affirmaUve attlontequel ~remploycr WI wtte IA&tf lt't a BRSf!Zt! a-vted A4M IU·5111 OMLYPILOT SllYICI DlllCTOIY DO IT NOW I 641-1671 ----- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPWYU J c. 1031 Dinlna room ut wltb ... ••••••••••••••• .. ••• tud\. • chain, 2 l•al1. f'RR: I~ wtr oad kilt.en•. C..d (lond ..... houaebn*•. oel1 J ten ...-r. Want.Ad R.etultt ta,"78 Iba I v IOIO 1bu I a IOH .... S. IOH .... S. 1111 ..... S. IOH ttn••11• IOIO ....................... •...•.•................ .. ......... ,........... ....................... ....................... . ...•......•........... I • DAI. Y '!rQT CJ• , IWW,.. • ....................... ~ cqan. OARAOI! &A l.I'~ ll'fl~ l"our fwnlllt1•11 , piano. ~UNOAV ·on, wHhe r, WAMTID llltqubty,.tra. ~t lt•l•t•• Honduru Marcuullto CdM 1lln•H• ut, pluypt<n d ryer, mow er. TOP CAlll OOLLAll tu''""' Look• new •bot dildnc rm M't su 1s.,.n o •'. ••~• cou1h. drapt>•, 111y11 , howlt1hold. aoo·1 l<*1, J>AJD r ott vou R Mlnl•1w 1010 Me11l1111.-1010 Mtc•••w 1010 ....................... ................•...... . ............... ; ..... . ....... a.am ~. ...... ITW~ 1111-r 1t1•1t111 S1Jl duon ............ Ulla, JNP'.LRY, WATCHf.S, lllw• (bed> •/~hr M Unique old dbl btd -U .x.a 1•1nest. lrvl11t' etodct, aml app, office ART OBJJo;cTS, OOLO, Plnbl.ll miichlnc·Swmaer lll.VER·llal•rnat1oa1I· Com .. rcial PINIA!.l. Needl f'lec rt>p1tlr. m>. Kine LouUI, JOC4> plar~ mecbine, s.150/olfer. 548·~ or 5411-7309 ae l U D 11 • mo r..,. 87a.a38 .......... Wf4 """ II ~ bNci • ,.,. ..... w~ din~ ta • .. •• u ... 21S.S Jki•lol, SILVt:R S!RVIC£, ._ .......... +-muc. Ma&tfUa&drt'U41r'•r••r «llorTV, 111port.1, .W.. m U•r•1t1 S•h·. Hal Oflly CIL" ae1011 froia new PIKE FURNITURE • ARCA llUG 6 x 9'. Mor· ~an all wu-01. ll11nd imott.d. 011 wtute with frln1e 1t nd edteed 1n brown dllip. SilOlfirm. M0-11Y clay.&. 675 3Sl5 eves. Marion 2U-tlf-9317 8Ht otrer. ..-... _ 10 .. t .. ,_ • -~" : •-uw Weiltll bench • wftlbtl. w/taWeell&elWUon. •· -... .. ~ Napn CM !IN :rrM 11rH Tew1nkle l'tttk, marwry ... ..-QU l\W', Mii-•< IDa r hlff~tUb t.!, 10 icul N_..... ES.646-m>. Uku new ~. Schwlftn 10 •t•ia __ _ CCMKla, TV 1tat1d TV ~ cotf" tbl. md tbl • ,...._""' le land, t..1 Atta ==~=.~·SUI . ..,_\Ill KAW, rurn, 100IM, 11Q1.61tium 1 11tand, t 1111 MOVIiie SALi HiJd 16" noor m•ch1ne 6 many tern• Sat /Sun 1.oqwp . 1.'Lothlni . rnaoy l'\lndtunl, br11111 ICtHI. w /tank & t) r u 11 " • 11 pea c..'OCC» brn ~t'lle v: a& ~anw IHtK!U11. ml.a< ll•ma wr t•rewtd10. ~. bl•. UUQ, t>lc. f1751otr. surf board !fl "' Mt. brn 6 l(Old prlnl CM Cull for •PPL only ~ 673~ rhra lfoovf'r d111 • t7S-4MZ --·--· --·-----matt e pwr drt H t n AMnfUIDIAl.HS YanJ Halt· aora. ch1111'11. 8'1ofa yel/belge $299. VaN\lln. l rr old, \'~I') ...... SALi tablw., t vlnj&. " otlll'r Garatti Sale: Sat & Sun. StftwiM 18" Pixie/train· &ood t"ond l.o\ 11ut Antlquea •rally"* UIM!lulltt-m S..l/&.tn!>4, VWbu.-s&much morf' iA&whetl11.125.8x9area of•. htrrulun brn .. ~. <'Ollv<'tlbl ' W\!l 11171 A.t1M)t~u__ 331186 Mala1a. Dana nc.125. 9e8-31MO. bt> •t 1tnp llt•ry •ood • u I t • h 111 r d w " ' ti • ~ Quedado, Newport fl1lult Misc. Ofllce l'Urniture . c:uod. <"Omfur&11 blv IQUaJ1Um. 111rt liUJ1Pllc11, Uu itt'IL Vista dt•I GARAGE SALE·Sal/Sun Reaao n1tblu Copy -------Wlity Shed. 10 x &O' SlOO. IPaN c.mper w/boot for mint ~k $100. :WOCfm Holl y /Offen ha u u r w/he11der1. for J800C(; Counur or Maida. $175. Ph 8111 ·4230 ------- 1pd. men1 ,bike. needa Pool table:i:too. pins g wortt $30. toldlna plna· table. StO. w .. her/d,Yer, PM6I table on rolltm1 f76. SIOO tPC"ll both fW6-6.'t30 Oak d1nlote rm. lable ---· · 42Jc121225. 982-5311. For Sale llWlllman reach ---In cooler . New com · 4 Beautiful Perelan rup ,.... •. _ 67" 0812 faraaie ~ ..... ..:.p. " · ~l-0562 646-~ WANTED· Multi stnped rug & plld. OILPAINT'"'GS' Good t'OOd. l3xl2. $35. .,,. 87:J. 7796. Scenea. scenee with pe<>· ·-----~ 161\ • 11r1cnc...._. fh.11011 bk•. Orot l'A11thluff Ur Sul ICM. Mc·Lane 7 blade reel Machine. $25, Lounl(c a..., rm. Stanl•y. lt1tl htehld lttm11 '1 00 10 4 Sa n yu Vldf•o rrvwer w/catchcr SlOO. OWr • Otwmi.n. $50, Prov.,lable,8ctuun, l11 AnlhlUl" <" ihnlC fun, 2 Avotado, CdM. Sul /Sou lttit·urdcr. Jewe l ry, Much, murh more 2(110 Wheel Chair, $75. 2 Studio comer group!I. I w/atereo, phono AM/FM & full set qual. R1ttU.n furn. Ores11erli, tables. rrusc hou.w hold & sport11 equipment lncl'g water s kis . Muc h m or.- UrJ(ent -C ash o n I y 9fS2.8756 pie. figures. On conai&n· Rl(.ft. Antique: Welahtfld clO<'k. piano, organ & roll t<>p. lO·aun rifle cabinet. rrUC. 673-1194 dMna, .tnt &l2W ~ 74' .,._., ":: ~ i 5 ('llllhes u 7 IJ (Na m1· Thunn, CM Nt>JCt lo l>ai· 8 3 0 · 6 6 8 6 1t C t e r o..tawn aof• off wh1tt' • --Otd boob , c•lulhtnl(. <.1111 brand!.) Tcnm11. k1, etc ly Pilot parking lot. St.-e 6PM/~-3846d1ty1i. CamesGalk:ry lMISo. C:O..l llwy l..aauna Beach 41M-6783 twtlaoc;-«wn.id11t t0t1d Sota, cu.I m11d • IH>O. h1111, frplr . rt·<'l1n..r , f''\muture &•l'P~•~ Uime·•·line. .:.._ __ •Ulboroucb p) Ruth in Liv1ogrm, d ln1ngrm ao iww ::Mill for DJO 'rts niuth mueh mort• 2'lf> I.a CU11t1>rn · 11uf a i., d ishe11. tllee glllrage sale. fum. drapent.>:1, rods incl, ex· Wal.Ir.er, $12, Ceramic tile & e1. Sm record playt:r, $l2. 541M011 . fl'hoto«raphic equl pmenl. deluxe rrucrowave oven, air c o n d, m e n 's golf c lubs, " men '11 leis ure s uits, s ll~ed 42-34-28. EverythlnlC hkc new. 5'M·2234. Cati Unda ~ 47~ ur prrfta cund 5 STllJ Jollu IAnCI, NH b4ll 474a ml11c. clothing, (ump~. tbls, beds. household cellent, 5 windows. Offer ~U:.---_ '1 ' llerc ulon <;ourh Sid it;oollS. ~/Son 115. 2.445:t Alla 1.1ppl. t.oots,.tamPK &. lots ~1»36 MwilSet11 0.,.·bJrm•cl, Grunt whtll" 11tri11111t SMlon1Jt.*>C4lt1.1llna St . V1111u , IU, U·;111U"l't tfHt re. t;vcrythrng ---.,.. Xlnt runcJ $150 rh I •• h 9 a blk ..,.. U\cup. Gibson Cir Nr JAQ( WALSH 1reat coad, mu•l l •'l', llllrb • ~11 vm i 11 S111lcr & Golde nwts l. 9'7S. D6run&la•m.., tbl, 4 .,. "df UJ.luil Hwy ul Anit1t M•1vln" S11te ' Hcfri ". ..,.. Onl CAIHT CO ------- 48" OC'lagonal Tabh' Sacnfice at S200, (f700 new I Ca 11 842-8632 ~yne-Laurs pool htr 325,000 btu'8, Pool pump, pool lllter . $200. 6hp SUn1 riding mower. nd11 work, $35 L2xl2 green & white shag r~. xlnl, $50. 8' custom made PU box, $35. Sears 10" rad111l 111.1w w/stand $280. 18" Scuri. r«'I mowe r & l'Ulchcr. $."A.I. 646-!)558. ----- .............. c: .. ~1-, IC'' "011d, e. ., " .--l. )'. has c•--~ .... f *""" ,...._ , .. '" u ~ ...... S. 1015 """ W1t 11i ber. t ypewriter. wnc ........ or -"'"'• ..,IO ...... ,.,., tbl .. ~..... h h b MC>V I NG S A' L' 1010 $3.99, •~ 119. fo'or com· SCIAM-l.ETS ANSWERS -~'"""' . .,..,,o, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mo\/\tl"8al"2141.u"or11u, couc .can-, arswoli." "'"' ~ --a..--..1 ...._aut ..... ..,..,. " ' "' V··•,...,.,· A t /\ ''M -1tive btd come to 711 '~'""""·"""' ,....,_,.,, Hlodr S11l1• 11 1.1t /i.un N"B Sltt/8'.11111/\M Ml&I.' mt5<'649-m37 w-.mll I' ~ ..,.-.. Slerting Sliver. Wallace "Rose Point". II place set. Wood 11trg chcsl. new, never u....00. $1000. 560-!'hl I "'"'" ........... ~ ---"5 Sat/P··n W. 17th St, (;.2, or call --. -· "' .... """"· 7128--29 10201 Nlt8.s&u l.n. household .,.. ,,., 631 ~M"• :i farn farager: '74 200Z .........., llrown l~1tt.tacr 1«1fu lnt~L.Jfl II H N r · S fl r · 2 • 2, Olldl•d . an'ltlU" U I\ ll AG a-; S A I, 1'; • -------lnacJale/ M to I k a t '1urulv, 11l1•rco t!l'WIJ. ' " M ' If I I & "' 4 llOn'M:rej>jMr), s:tOO. ,. etH w llr · " ' drc.ss1•r, furn, ha by 1':VEllYTlflNU MUST en 8 go cu 11'1 uau. PeP11m-<:olon-Snowy-Dinghy ..,.3 Antq kll A l i.lldc a>rOj. + J2 truys ........... " $75 • .,.. u • ,9344 . c ic . u q11 , Ile~~. t'l"l ....... t"Yll. de· GO Sat/Sun. 8·~. 2273 """"""'· " 1rorn1, . <>v ----..,.,-~hold f bt k H.,el lt<wl r t·c·onlt·r "'"' """" " · •. · Sl , • ......., • urn, 1ot1 1>, tor lterns. ctt Sul/Sun Pomona Apt. U. gir,s • ingruy bike, SlQ. ----- Twin t)('(Js, bux spnn"'s & lra1n1"' + ta ble to muke comer l(roup $75 Ex- er c y c le $5. l'lunli., 81..-U 1 l'h braided r ug $JS. Charcoal barbeque $3. tt.ake, shovel, h-Ot! S3 cu Ulue/~rcen s t'cl 1o n11l couch $25. IJ68.8635. ONl.YONt: Two nund.s seldom run In the same channels. /\t least. whPre there 1i. ONLY ONt:: television set at home . ------- Waterbtd. custom bit Ulk f•kllhel .-..r IJl11ck /wh1lt• ·rv. 11cwan1: 840-4782 eves & whl fur , m1rrur ' much. wu11on Ull'-1, 11 ~Jpm 002~0 18252 Ji\lm., collet1.ibk'S, infant ------ Metal toolbox for pickup truck. S80. :>X-7767 hudMner wlrf'<l lll(hts. 11 In 4 Sun 4()1 Holero furrutun " hair dryer' Ml Sh•wurt, (t;lhs & 1t.erm. Sat, Sun J0-2. 2625 Newport I.Wach Tt•nn1s i.acnf1ce szoo. !1'18 !iJ44 or Way N 8. t l'l1Jt"cnt111 & LoW ol hke 11cw tlothinl(. Mait_no_lrn....;)______ Jwupcr. S./\ Oub mcmber:.h1p. Mov· --- S48 7:MIO. Supenur alley) Odd & vlllllt.\, m1111: Sul 011ly New balhrm faueN & ing out of the urea. $750. -------t'flli'I for icatt>. c·omc by. ~~. 721 lh:hutrupc, t;dM. ,l\ .... ~""r hca-" 0 ,,.0 & m.·iny MJ.s<· murine cqu1pmt•nt, 960-5421 'IV. color rons. nc;A, nf'w v11t tube RI(). Lowry or !(an altchmt for piano $12!> 54H.fi232 --------- Dbl Oitk chest w1mirror --- --fi4CM671l. '"""'' " ........ , Tn ltad.laJ Spinakcr. lurr $LSO. 6 llghlS DH chan· GAHAGt<; SAu;.c.;ommlc ucce<o. M11>c hou!>chold & <W. Uf. new. fo'1ts 2S 2'l' &tavus Mo l'cd . rn7Y n¥Jdel llS.'iO, only 7 mi , SSOO/bc>t1l llrtmhall Sptnet piano: <! mos. t.o. pymnts oo approv crt.-d1t. ~L68. IOll ••••••••••••••••••••••• oollerm 493-7001! stereo. vacuum, l1t111JJR, Moving frorn stall'. Muny prrsonnl items. 512 bout Whult• H pum p, <flllis, pictures. patnllrll(8, fant.a.'ll1c buy11. July ill & 1''l·mh-uf. CdM Ui m1ni r>O AM radio. Old Hell BraKs Bronze 1·ol l ectwn $:100.00. Se c Butane Kitngaroo ~al Dune A·Unc -----1 biptt.al beds. u:-.t'tl, S80 ca. Simmons i.:t·m 1. automlllk , 842·1473 t.:xt 2£! Non·proht orl(anlzalion looking fur unwantc1I merchand1:;e for rum rrwl(e sale. fore<: p1cku11 Mon·Frl, 642 OJ77 Like new H EN HEOON many muc. ltem11. l"ri. 29. 1820 Port Charles l'I. G s 1 s l .. h vanou.s marine! lll•m s . end tbls. Spectacul:ir. ~ .. l •• ""rl 9 4. "'"'1 Jl .. ron "'Awport n.•••c" orul(e ·I.I e. a · lnl • .,... •""' ....., " ,,., °"" •L "·· L'·rnltur" ru" & J.1nes. hardware. d1vt' Reta.ti S27S ea. Make ofr Orch::. JI H .,,.., .-u ~. "" ,,... ........ 1A . ___ -----15 .,,., I I ITUSC. J71 <:ost.u Mes11 St. ~cllr. etc. 1!14H Kt·ntu<•ky u, ... _.,._., ----Garul{e Sale, moving, K~;'de;ru":~~~~1·,p1~~,: C.M________ Plat·c. C M. 540 00!.13 ------- SOt'A. 96", rust. brown&. furn , hou:ichold 1(0t1d, phanc:cs, h1kc:i. cit'. SAT/SUN. 2:16 IAyola fld, Sul/Sun. be11(e on orr wt11h:. (;d misc. ;di m KOO<! cond. S ol/ S un 1 IJ 2. I 80!J2 CM Movinl(. Frcctcr . Hones 1060 our famous DIME-A-LINES 1'00d. $175. 863-517:1 Sal & Sun, July l8 &. ~. Wcllhrook C.:1rclc.H.H. l(as i.love, lamP14, books, 1~ V1>rmont Sl . orr 9' s<lla $125, G pc din'g -;1•t S"J(} & klnl! l>Z bed $100 549-Zll!I Coul'h UCll(l'. Hlut•-; & brown noral $15() Hnd tbl & 1·hr:., SliO. Twn whl c olo n1ul bcd i. $40 IW. tflSll Kitchen, 1lmml( rm. & hv ml( room furn. for :;alt: tw~mublc. 549.4230 K.mr. st waterbt'fl Xlnt. c·ond Mus t Sat•r1f11·1· 9.iOO bed to $3.50. tlJ 1 5:!114 Mu:st sell th111 wknd my l>caut formal Dlt Sl.'l, Lil 11et, <'OHcc & e111lthb, flut't'll llr set. lamµs, pit· tunis & Ul'CX'b.'> All il"I~ t han Jmo'I n ew IJt~pcrate! t'lca i;c CJll ltcm1ce213 594 ~l. (;Qu('h &. t•hair scl clean. S'TS. S-W-4485 2 Wall Away RECJ.INER CIWRS. Xlnl cood. $50 ca. Ph557-4544 Rust & Beige Couch & Mul ching Love11eul. $2$1K'l, washer & dryer $1.'>ca.'4~0274 ALL REW Goldenwcsl & Mr.,.ad · Sat Only. Uto2 l!lOll t;d . Tools.dothe>1.clc. ti4..'fl. ington, Turtlcr1ll'k lot SUl•f':R Movinl( x;ill'. f\Jrn., baby lttm-.. & m1:.c. 3125 Corot Avc .. C.M.Sat&Sun8 Spm Sat/Sun 19231 l>t•lawarc St. II. Ii. 8411·5847 rum, ~ 1tlllll & m lliC. Movml(, sclltnl( ttll the house plant.II 25' S3.00. 347 Hamilton, <.:.M. Sal/Sun, 9-4. Gar:i~e Sale. fo\lm1t urt'. cluth1nl(, m1s1· llc1111>. m12 Kini: Kt:nwiC'k (;ir. Jiil Sat 7 28, H 1115 :1Jl71 Pas<JO Pinto, S11n Juan 2 htm1ly i.alc· l refnl(., bake , m1i;c houks, hcw~cho ld 1tc rns & plants. -------- Edgehill. Like ni•w ltol'k'l: chr, vic·ture ... clothing, gulf l'lub.... book.'!, m11>c. household j<-'Wclry, lo)'!>_4!._m1:-_e_.__ 11..em .. & you naml'JI. Sal Sat & Sun 9u rn 4pm. & Sun !12 WtS Sh1pway wa.,h'K much, {'hum link l.11, NII. S411·3270. fnt 'I(, rull ect11>1<·s & Gara1<e S:il1:, multi Junk. :n 11 Ct.111l11ll(c Ave, family. Clothing, furn , CM hooM:wart!l> & misc Sul Lrg elc'C1.rumc t•omrlOocnt inventory Mct'I dc:ik, bt.'dli, d~.~t .... aquanums. wtut1· tbl & chum.. Rt·cl Mowers. hurul & pwr. Sat/Sti11 2806Shantar Or, <.: M Cu:.h or w1ll lradc. Uarn~cSalc Sul/!-ion!l '1 2485 lrvmc, <;M --------Mull1·1''amJly, IJ yrs UC· cum. 2 11 Broa dway, C.M. __ Hlll4 Sa~Only_. __ & Sun, !lam 5pm. l'ulrn Me.a Apll., JS6 l Mc:;a Or~ S.A. llc11(hts. SAT ONI. Y ! fo~than All1·n Truoolc lx.'<I, rurn, c11rd 11 rgu n , lamps, kit g11diwtJ1. hookli & cloU1c:-. lfll5Tuxlm. C.:M. --- Sat & Sun. 2005 V1sla Caudal, N u. 1'urnllun" 11nt1qucs , l ot~ o f l(OUtht'l!! ! ------- Garage Sale, Sal &. Sun, M ; 5782Su:rra Ca.au ttd., Giant Garag c ~al e . Irv. (Turtlerock). Sat/Sun 10·4. 55tJ.ll3U. Good furniture. 11ofa l)('(I, lampi, nul'le. Start Sun duy only al llAM. 612 Poppy, CD_M ___ _ ---lat21Jcllast, C M. Old pine ch est, Cri h --- -Mov111g Salc-cvcrylhtnl( goci., c omp l elu household. fros t.free refng, lreczcr. qn h1de-a- b e d , co l o r TV, microwave etc. 911 Vic· torla. 645-6236 w1m11ll, coffee tbls, rol.'k'g chr11 , 5 drwr waterfall chest , muc h rmre. See Dime A·l.mc. Sat/Sun 9·4. 217 CO!ll a M~a Sl. off Orange. Moving 11alc: Sat & Sun II t.o ., 232 Monte Vista, C.M. Antique hutch, 11chool desk. butche r block. planl11. baby furniture, lot.'! of l(oodlcs. August 2nd through August .13, 1979 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must sell' 9 Yt'ar old Geld I n K . S n u w w h 1 t t· • fla:.hy.$650. Gr('at for teenager. <:all 4!J5·4!"i97 1-:ve. Hala1hciWGooch 8065 ......•....•..•........ ~ hf! yds bi·lt.1 Crfll, m1'(J l)fWn, $5 yrd m d pad. 551 !f747 or 752·00W Mui ••• ,., 1078 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'lcturc fram1• rn1ter t•ut ter, dnll press, slaplc gun, l /8" partklc board. moldmJ:, work lhb , & llllSC. 1Lcm'l ()4!;..G."JJ.'j dy'!, lf19.Ul77eves. 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LUGGAGE TAGS from yoor bwuncss card. Send one card for each w~ plus onu spurc. Wi• r e turn pcrmonenlly Mlal<.'Ci attractive tuj( & strop, meelinlC airline I 0 requirement.~. Pre· vent los.'J & theft! For a peniona1i7.ed l•I! enclose wallpaper, f»brlc ur "Oay Glo " paper & we will back & tnm your taJC,'J. Or try l wo t·ard.-1 bock to hark. f'IU(;t:S: S!caor 3/$5 4/Stlllli St 60 cu. G/9l.ll~ Sl.50ea. IOor more $1 .40eu Sales Tax Included NOC.:/\RI)? Draw your own or s<•nd name. address, phone & we'U make! OO<' Cllrd per tag. Add 2.'>' each Send check or mont'y or. dcrto: rtLOT NIMTIMG P 0 . Uox 1~ Ulsla Me.o, C.:a. 926211 CERAMICS llandpalnkd ccr11mic11 , plaques, nullvity s1•t, plales, muth m1 11r ltcrM. Also 11pccial or- dcr.i le rolorr; dooc ut rt·· ll!IOnable cost. 846·11!i79 eves COPIU lJllel'l any paper 1h pnce 982-7033. U N I V t~ R S I T Y A11-ILETIC CLUB mcm. ber 11 hl1L Own e r U'llMferred. Make offer. 979-8D>, Lyn. *** .... su.. 2346 Santa Ana Ave Collta Met1a You are lh4l winner or ttnehetldieh CS22.~ vahae), to' HUJl(llaa On». Bllmum •Balley Circu. At.11. 2nd thru 13th Anaheim Convention Center Tlrket• muet be u - cba11ged ror r e1erved aeata al the Convention Center ahead of time. CaU 642-5878. ext. 272 ta claim your tlcketa. *** u..d 1earaae cabln«M. v. ol tho ori1. CO!ll . Xlnt eood. AlllO ccramlr tlh .. '11 • lheMq. 5$2.1298 bfr 9Pll. T lllll-:f-: dr:1wn 1k-.k ~35. tl.1 :inc1 I rhn1 I a hit· d1:11r ... $15 M .. 11s l'lolh"' IJr/{'' ~)Ill· 'i:1:, lllCYCJ.t-:S. :11110 :•' i... $4·$8 l(l11l.tW,tV 111•11 trnm1· S:. l.1f1·1at•kl't 1· h 1 I 11 ., n c• Yo S :i l>ouhlc•l.M~I lwarll1'1anl $2. M;1kcup n11rror ;):I. W~1ll rrnrror $5 E t1rlwq11c· 1111 wh •·1+. ~II. 1•11·111r1• fr:ru11•.., ~I ~;-('hi Ill' l'lol h•"• ra1·k -.1. 'I 11ys ancl ~.1011·.., 111t· 50<· I' Cl l t I' r y cl I .. h I'' 101 .. ~•0l' 730'1 w. 01·<•1cr1frnnt. N lL N 1• u r Sa n t n /\ n a !liver 6'15·'131i!I. --- C/\Jl l'ET :ind pall· dinR. usc•tl. ap11rox· lmakly 45 S'lu;1 r c .vardi.. S2 5qUi1rt• y ard or lw sl orft•r. 751 875H. ('OF'f'J-:t-: l:chle. larl(e mahu l(a n y S I S Smuk1•(l RIUS'! 2Hx4f. for $25. /\rr"w ~l"w1ng m;1 eh1n1., port 11bl1·, n11 ra'lt' $:!5 Wo nll'll't l'loth1•:., "'"' 111 I:! S3·SH 111111 /\1fl• Ulf Cll r C'OOli·r $25 Box or m1·c:l11·11I bn11k11 $10. Caq wt plc·1·1•11. nf'w S Ill. It <• II I 1 ii I I l' C II mike. nc>w $~1 llnovn portalil1· vuc:uurn SI:!. l'11 l ar11 11l l'r1111lu 1·arn1•r .1 with ca:.l' $20. N<•w Ul uck and l>l"t'k t r i.aw $20 Knal1• i.harpcncr $3. c:erht•r stainl1•11s Slc'C'I knift• $.'i. Mens hcir(f' vinyl 1·11at. heavy 1.•x. t r a tar K 1•. n c v ,. r worn. 1·11<1t $60, 111•11 for $15 Saturday only 11 5. 577 llamlltnn. Apt JI. t'll!ltu M1~0. 6"8·1U IJ ------co Cit. Ht•t hncr , und rorkcr $25 1•111'h. 16111 rh ~iris hik<· $20. J'op- r o r n po p pt· r $ 7 . 1146 1700 I'll t:VY rrm:-. rc.111· 11 111 1•h111111" '>l11t11·1l ro r :i,;~o ~>'15 ri41111~ <.;ATIJl(f),\ \ !I 12. 17Hk 011•1h' l)r l'l.1yp1•11 $:•:• 'IJ1•W i.trr1l It I h11'11d1arr ~2" S.tllou '••ul(ha rl m .. k,·r S7 ..,, r11llc·1 hv '>lr11ll1·r s:, l'Oll y thuir $4. lla hy c•h otlll!IOJ.( tahh• S20 S W I :-.l(;S f':T, d11lrl:- ":.!;, ll1mn1.t 1al1I•· '1:1~. F•1ur l'11airs s:. r•;u·h l .. 1rJ!f' doi~ hnw.c s1: .. 1<.cl1l11t h ut l'h SIO. ~I .11 I 111 1( ~ u 1111 ;1 y ~11!.I tl'llH s 1-:w1~c; m .11 h1n1•, I' I :i rr . prir I :t h I l' in ,.,, ... l. ll4·Jut1ru1 ('1.n111. I 111r1 S:l'.. TrM1 m .m y ICO lllllO('t• IJ1111k •,, 11):1n y r .. c·Pn l Ill<' '"'' h, N1·:11 lar~c hlu1· fl oor < u ... hum.,, good "011d1 l111n s~ t•.1c h 1'hrt•t• l llN'l' f'UI hnl! 1r11n $5. T11ai.t1·r uv1·n. <:I::. work6 l(r•·al. pr c·- lly mcc $20. AFIElt 1 1 /\M S unday. ~4>1 M27 -----~-· J\NTH)IJE oa k I 1 av $!!2 E111:l1 -.h hr .. :111 l>Utt nl S7 /\11t1qut· o.rk :l t1<·r cake· :.l~md $35. T w 1• nt 1 eo.., I q~h t1'<l 1tmukini.: amt or planl 1>lond SS Fireplace loohs $.'i. C.:hild!I 1·M1PI S5. Mn pl•· frame d m i rror 3 1x37 SUL l.aqw drr'>scr S20. Ov;1l tx•veled mirror SCUHA dlvl'NJ wr ight Slfl l..1 r~" kt·nnt·I l>f'll with we1ghL'> SIS. <'lH !I' S I S. Jx Ht ll1v1•r'l kn1fl' $12. fr11rn1•d ml ii:untrnl( J11v1·rs tot(' bag $111. $10 '1lt Pme c n •dl'nt.• ~<·uha l'rr1 d l"plh $7. c:11ti. "'111 St·hwinn l!oJUAf' S20. f>1 v1·r ' hike" nc·t'Cis M~al ;111cJ inr1-.k $5 Carnn1· door I utws $10. Child1t ,... 111•1·n1·r t•omplt•tc> $:};. ('Clrtl pl:Jvc•r $2. <'on· c;araj.(f' dor1r hinr.c:<; n1.,l1•1 va1·uum , you Wit h .. p rini.:<o SIS. 11<;<;c-mbl1· ~ii.le t .. u IW 1 '..-.h rmly 5~.7 '111111 rl111( hou.w $7. l'a1l1JI J.''1 ;> llc•lfa <;l, ('oo:ta ..... 1 llnt.•ntCJ .Ir. 11 "'''" lit·•·• l.tlJPl'I , '11lu1111h , $5. Su11i.d i '11:: pu.'lh $35. C•><in "How Tei" hook:-1 :151· 111.1111 l><·•·r 'llJ!n $4!5 •'.ll'h. Vny uhl lli71i ThrN• dr11w1·r lool l 'n111n urithmullr 11·xt IMix $15. I.awn mnwc•r ~J .:10 , llan .l lJ111111cl ~~5 N1•w 11•tau1 :111t h II Ii k .'\ 2 ~H" ;, 114· •,f.111111'11\ '>t••\•I l)t1l~ C'h1lcJr1•11s booh ~ll' .ind l.MJdi.. SI ~' s 1111n- Old "lth•a Is·' ...,..,u,..., """' 1>l .. •·I t·h:iH .. r Sl!• :if)C l'JCh •11 J for $1 ~I 11 I" IP..,' "I 1· ,. I l'J \I ll>l>ll"' ~uni.f'l rl.1lw:ir1• ~I SO d1w·11. ~ind Ocl11·1 llornl's Ilk' Two til 5 gallon Rll'I 1·at h. Oropc:;, yclh1w , ... 11., $7 c :ii·h. Ni·w 7!JI. x !ll w $4. 361n llong Tt·n !-.U mt>l•· r11Und tuhl<' toµ $4. .,11 ir1.., mi•n., i.11,,. S k .i1 ..ti11ard s horts rni·dium $6 $!1 Ni•w ST 1-; H ECI C'1tn.,11h·, 5(1 , ~ CHiii l'Cllllli l lOO S:liJ !°;•10-71><0 .l11l11l /\:'-Tl<Jl'f';!-\, r o lleoc· I .1 h It' , I :-. 'I II /\1111:1n11111 $7 Ho11k'<. r11r111lu11· ,, \2!'1 1;111 1l•'m' SI SHI SJl .ind Suu !J H :!iii E IHth St. C•.1:-.t.1 .\11•!-.J ltO<'K F:lt $10 Sm a ll har ~IO Bar-.1ooh Sit V1•IV1•1 -.waJ,! lumr1 SIO. lkl'hn1·r $!i Mir r11r S!i. t.a m11" SS I-' I o o r 1 u m v S t o l'ohr,.. <icunt1•r pa1•1• '1 channrl with t'lldt• book $35. Porta hit· llC!wing mat"hin<' S'lO S mall kltc:h1•n 11e1 with two cha1r'N Ilk•· new ~. Ot-sk!I SS ;mrl SIO. M:ttr hlnK dre3S('r and chc'tilt of drllw<'n. bt'::iutilut nnd Kturdy $3."> N1rh. Exf'rri'IOl"r $5 Clothl''I Hie S2. 1>111h1·<;. pots 11nrl pan!-. HJr "S:!. '11itl ·~,111 1':M1' M 10f 111111 rtl!lcl S'1 !II ) V ll'l I /11, I fit J fiZ:Jll llltlCKS. ('1•m1·nt. r.·11 . f11 1• an1I a n t1'l11•· 111<' 35c ,., ... h r .. m !1.1911 CO PY \l1\T1-: m:ll'h1nt• S7. S.1lth•nni.: l(Ull M (il:1-.:.W.1f\•, b.J:.kt•h . <;1·v•·r11 I 111rt 1l c·m ., ~. H r · S 1 !1 • I' a 1 r lw 1111 l1 f u I ,.,.ram 11· hor .,, ••· while• :1011 i.:t1ltl :Sl2 WJll h.1nl{ 1n~" $2 $15 Eh·1•1rn• 11t·m'I Sl·Slll. IJrap.•-., H panc·h S211 SIJlur ll a v n n <I S 11nl111 v >Hlpm 27~• 1';. lht h St, Cost:i M1 ... 11 nn1l !(Im •·s, 111·w $4 ('I 1•11r h L.1mp 1.ha1l1: l ;inli•nna SIO lli·ll f\AH llJ-:<lllE. v..11:•111 '(I ,. 'O lllol•1n·y d1· hf'lmN .. lyl .. ..,.,,, •1.11JI\· .. c. ••1m1·' ;, c Sl. ~10 lluntmi.: knife $5. ... " ll.1 rh11· h o 1.1 -.1· S 1 Look ..,k• hindm1ei. S20. ntl(hlstanll ~10 lllvm flnrb1 vun 50C'. <:I .l1M· ll;arl .'\llow .'\kilt> Ml, p11· lll:•t k 111111 wh11 .. Cuph ·r 25c (;I Jm• 170.~ $35. llousi·hold T V $:1~ .. K1·nm11n• ll•nl i !'i<· Toys 5c r.ot· uhJt't'h lll<'·SIO. Two M'WlllK rn111't11111• ~l.'i ·ryt·o r.1t·1· w l s.'1 K1d11 Twu 1111111,., SIU 1•.1cll C•lc•ctrlt· -.t l1>i>or S:!. rnl'\ul SpaldStni: ti•nni~ Tv.11 h:urdry('rs S:1 $H Old r N•11rd 11lburn'I ;!"'qut'ts Ill i•u i•h , 1;11111 fr11m1•1l m1rmr 35c !iOt.'. Vny ollt 45 'I wo MaJC ·ply lc'nnlR Slli. N1·w 1.pk1• r:wk for 25" 1•11ch or 5 for 1 aNiul'IR SIZ <'fll'h . $~1 . Trav(•I a l a r m S S H<>ckw<•ll rnutrr Sl5 c•loi·k •r, "ttrir h" ,.,,,d,. TRUNl>I F'O"'I> Iron I , u1tca.,es S2 S:l 'l'wo wh1 I •1•1 .. " ' ' '' "' ' ' {)Id round h .~tbo v, •c• t•r • ' SIO. Su1IC.1.SC' $~1 0 11r two clc•n n mnllrt·s~ " " I 11 r ~ c• r 11 I I of s:io TNikwood love su1l CU!>(' SJ ~lt·t·pinA · h h 1 SJ.. S3 Two hra<1s o ar b I I n au I( :1 VI •' " lock~,' ~"•· f'-.. tu•1l •A i.:1•11t .., .. Jlund mowc•r ai;t. AOOf · ne4·1 s ZIP ••Q • I lft t I " ... "'" " -..., .. sc. u (' rr $3 .,, .. sy • rnt t·r l.ar"l' l.1.•1n or .·l•wlr•u un•I calch"r $7.50. pi•r "· , .. r 11 t•i• · Ii l"h • ..,. WI k " "" " '"' ' ~ ,. ff I' .... , (' ('r ror· rnmn.·1nt ~ S5. N""W tlout11•hold 1himi. "I Y ri•x i•u •'I.! riot ll r I 3 1 I $1' ' ' ,. • $2 .~0 . llluc 50•11 ,. pi·c<' ·•·vi•11 .J t11blt'<'lothnndnar1kin M5·89r'3 pitcher Sl.50. Old tins ~;4:.! Rt'lfust, <..'ot1tu R<'t $7 Four n1•w tiAS t>lall'. :1 hurnC!r 15<' 5()(> Old custurd rs o. 11l11r1• mnL'i $.'i Slrllw SIS. Arc·a ru..: SHI. d111h«!113.'k' Oldnowcr SA1'Urtl>AYonly.<;nf· h111 s Sl ·S3. Ni el' Couch $10. <:11mera lrof! SI . Ofo? watfl<" flot• table S25. t.onl( jf'wMry 25<'·$4 . >J·foot $4 . TV t a blcK $8. g rill $4 (;a-; ha nd 1·o ffce t n b lc U:... 1.tr11n(i 1•u l turt•cl St artin!( c·ublu $4. mixer 15 Old cof.pcr Childs t 11ble $12 SQ 1w11 rl"I $20 ll1 b~1chl Men and wom ens lcuk<'tll<' $4.50. '1'n· Wnle r hcall'r cubin<•t ~ 3 · T w" IJ l' u c h t•loth1·ii 5flc·.!i. 2320 ny'11 lt11i11y curt11ln11 ·~· nooktnds $2.1'h1r· hitrkrl'Nt'I S2 l 'lH'h . Eldl·n.Collta Mcso. $2~ l'<'MYll m atching ty r up colltoe. pot 13. Hathroom mirro r b1•d11prNtd, douhlt• !'l oser c rnft s2 . w ith 11t111rht•d S I NG I'~ R llC w I h R S2.50. Twin chlnlle Kltch1•n lt1•mi< 2Sc. mi•dlrln« l'lll'lll 110. muchlnc dcsk l'Obln1•t yclluw brosprN.ld 12. S h<'t'I" SI. Slow K1tr ht•n ftlu cct H Sl5.Studcntd1•!1k$IO. Woolblrmkt>tS3.Glrll'I t ook••r SIO. Lari(• M c n i. o ntl l u dl "" Old fushlont'd school nnd boys clothes lllU'li holllcrs $$. floskC'ls sh1w11 SI $.'I M1·n." Hnd dc•k SIS. Two are<'n G· 12. for IOc·SOc :isc. Avon Jan S:t. Indies <'011ts , Mwl"ulc>ni velvet choirs $35 l.ntlll'l'I dothcs. n11 Wi n <' rnck SI . und nc:w nc>vc r worn e a ch . 0 rr · w h tt c 11 1 y h •"' 11 n ct 8 h . 11 J 0 w {' I r y, 2 ~ c . 1rn m 11 I ~ c Io th In i;t twn.phicc c•Ou<'h 125 I Ot··S3. Two m en ~poonro c k n .so . St.$2!\. Oowllna ball. t'oeh piece. Dus k lclKliro 11u1~. 11lic 42 llu1te blue brandy hrii.t 11nd 11htw» Sltl. 3:.! l u m1lil 12 eac h . r c:Jtu l or 14 epeh 17.60. l'resscd alo1111 Scar11l'lll'OlllfCI 11lldc- Chlldren1 boolul SOc. Wlrlh•r l'OW1t11 S2 l'och. hot 15.25. :MCJ E. l6th truy11 S2 t'lic:h. Onyx Papcrbock1boob20c. ureenk>lllUr('!IUlt !lirt' St.C<MllaMC'lia. boo ke nd111 18. 721 Two twin beds $10 42 rcaulor SJ Sport ll f'llotropc. CdM e11ch. Dinette act 115. coit llll'A' 4.2 lonll 14 SOf'ABEO $25 Two 1140 ·4678. 9 -Gpm S h c 1 f u n I l I I 5 . fCost 1130> Six Cout'h 1'111'1 t baini with ot• Saturday only. Chlldrcna 1>6cturca SS. cullhiont1 SI nple'ce. tom •hll Sl5 t'ach. OM Skateboard $2. Nl1ht Motor $3.75. Rik.-11eat hoy1t, one atrl1 Stln· SK I L l. 1t • w I I 9 tablet 12. Bolla. 11lul· 50c <:i>cMh· SI. Vf'ry 11ray b6ke>, hoth need Crftft1m1.1n Route r feda 1.1nlm11l11 a11mea1 nlcl' It Allan !lklrt ond work ss. Round coffee Table 18. F.lectr ic ~ u n I H 2 0 c · S 1. awi•tlf•r llhc ll, • aln• 5 l tt b I e SI O. 8 ma II drill •· Many lOOl8 Wldteeportrinw (S)toftt 1.1uball mill 12. ror u . Dli hee 25,.. h oo hhclr 110 lOc·st. Lock• sz.so. R.V.orvanlUln.Muat ModelaDOc.Oookth<>tr Kodak Trlnllle Wooden kit c h en Radio 14. Pinball ..a•. Malle ......... llll.-$4. Three maple twir <"Omero $5 SYlurday rhalna Sl tach. Black lhchlrw al. Peuter -""' elooll '30 eac h . I Ill 5 PM 273 ond wtatt.9 TV worti1 coffc•• llC't US. I•· or-....Dll. Grecn·told chair w . on Y t • 110. Child• corner crcycle '22. Cycle Otl • • Llk hcrwood ~. c.M. orr d ... 1 ~ table UI BruMwt~ oinan 1... • ~ant• Ana and zut l'lk llffdl pllklt ... earner or tar 110. '"°"Nd. ..,. new W01MM ckltbn 541 aa~ Dal•" n J a c k a & • Opera alueet euo. •4U'rl pm cw'. H ·tl5. M•n• 1lalrta --· ' KllcbtnWHt 11·11. N•ta, bolU. 1GNW1 .... 11'-'•14Ja. llfnl 8 1LK ·ICll1£SN t · 1 lltnt dodll .. ale·•· IO t"ll. Pleture p1al1 •u. to. 1hlru, aw, ...-t.. Cltlldreu lo ~• lrame1 u . Boob, ll•H Ytrdt tennla • Slltlltda11Dc18unday 1lae1,oo1on•.1AM· ur.u . 04·0U 1amtt lOc·ll 1~1t11Min ...,.lllttnberlhlp. MO. JO·•· 2110 !lleemwt. IPM 111 llalllOlll Saturday and Sun· u_ ~ S1"'9 Ana. ,_.. COit• .._. k. Col&a ae.a. day. · cma Mesa c-1'-----------------1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;:========·~.:=:~======:=J-=~-=:::C:==:...JL:::::::::::~=====..:L-:.....:..:...========-.L::::::::::::::::::==~•--, . ,. . ........ .. ---~ . . -........ ..... l .... YtMCMU• 'i~F P•••• Dl .. ·A·LI ... ............. -............ ·----·-I 11• ....... • ... ......... •• £ .. -·,~ ... -........ _ .... _!1111.-.............................................. - oUrfamous DIME-A-LINES r • ' FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU DEADLINE : 1,.m . Frkl•Y now. S..y St., C.M . 12 ltOOft-All br•nch offlcH • LAGUNA a.IACH . . . . . . . 11M Glenneyre St. • COSTA M!IA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 WHl Bey • HUNTINGTON l!ACH . . 17175 .. ech Blvd . • SADOLEIACK VALLEVH201 Le,ai Rd., Legune Hilla •i111111t ....... .... . _ ............. ... ·-~---' - . . ' 4:.IDAI war•·u· WIND ct11mia9 .._1 tllX ~or tltaln. MAPl.1! bench H . TV Blac' and wblterrOOLS a nd c heat s LUOGAGESHU . 1890 ELECTRICAi. con· PATIO habl~. 6ft with TOASTERS. Procte-r .... ..,,, •: a.U.• ..._.,. •: hllh bH'll whll• Walnut rhlr su. portable. Pe rfect. :!Oc·l30. ua> 16th St, 18th St . Apt K·l06. s truclion s upplies 2 bencht.'ll S20. Five c u 11 to m a n cl two 1.U. e ...... marror •: tWID oW nau1ati)'de. beautUul White 5 drawer chnl neC'!d1 entenna Sl5. Apt K -106, NB. 2 to NB. 2to7 PM only. 10c·$S. Electric boxes 1 or t t e n i;c th s 1·ou11tmutc r llko ,.._,.. lrttillt Hl'I • •kycln taa eaee.. ror dlnln1 room nr 135 Rocker U&-"35. 141-7•Terry. 7pm onJy. 2Sc. Wire 10c·U . g a lva nized Rulle r new S4 each. Singer ........ drlftwo od St U , dlMlh1 '2$rarh, plr Kldt n>tk"r Sl2-tUS. SEAR8mtna lO. peed HARDWAR E d PICTURE fr a mea Circuit breakers $2. trough $3. Sumsonlte port11hl1.> li e win~ u_v OAI J>O•_ ered 0 f0xl4 tu. .. eac'h . tur~ tram~. anllqu~ 'rib with m attre11 • blkt_ complete' S15 pllln t SO ·S12 ~S9-0 l 2·S12. 1890 J6th St, P lastic sewr pipe curd table $3.50. Anti· muchlnc. old but rums ....,.._ •: bnu flowe r pot1 lk,St, whit" 23lt l 1t \.ot, '35. 135. Coffcu, ll&blu L • r · c · Apl K-106, Ne wport 10c·$JO. Camper boot que Hurroughs ad· 1eood ne~!> new cord nre~AS· l>unetift .... yfe t.ibkt b••Vt"le d mirror HSIS P1ct1tl't'IS2·H . Marr a rrot .~~ ~e~h2~~MAptl K·lot, 8each.2to7PMonly. $3. Motors Sl-$3 . dlnr< m ach ine. $2S $10' Hu~11 s m a ll lie,__ Mawr ao: baae SIG. top Pl: W'I· Z~t ftx4rt, 136. two f'rt1m1'i ~-12. Punch at:~ jj, ~~ · . pn y. CLOSET eUdlng doors G unar amplifier $5. Er Id a n e I cc t re c nwdium und l:irgt: plck up •Ir coedl· usual eoffet1 t•blH cornlcn. <'Ulih1m. bowl 11et l7 Swea · · BUTANE k anga r oo ralla and all $20a scl Shutters $1.SO. Ping calcuJator $25.Amb<'r vny i:nod condition U..r m; Pac. CB I 2 0 ·I 3 5 . m I I · auld , nf•ver uat'd SUI l1unp ~ Nl1ht1tand FIS ti l NO t ackl e kitc hen camp stove Inside doors $4-$10. Po n g t a b I e $I 0 s wag I am JI $ S . SS $25 1•och Clolh•"S H : true' m irrors c.-llantOUA tab&ftl Hd t•ach , whit\! w1ckt1r Sl5 N11w h otd oti 2Sc·Sl Three ocean ui1ed once Sl Wood Wooden d oo r s s2 P ho ne m ald SS'. /\d· 1'°J gilllo n bur lamps m1·ns, wom1·ns ••n< '5-AO aa lM PI> l a mp1 Sl·SH . It" h analn1 l11mp t3~ cook1·r~ lrl'cru h€1r p u l e~ w it h rt·cls h'a n ging la~p kit eac h Dlrch stuln ding machine $1 . $8. One g111lo11 bar 1<1 rh• l11rg<'. m1•fllu11 new \i"'f::.. l•te portebkt 8'Mtl/W1Ut• whh\l ~it'lrnr ch 11lr Sl 60 l'ortu crib Sl5 ll2·Sl5. f ly rods $3 complete $3 Two 9ln grad~ cabinet door Electric heate r $10. la mps SIS. Table and >,mall. punt" t I a 40 illoft TV '25. ~ carpt't Sll>. t\llllnai r urt!Ain IU~w~l,$3 Kitc~l'n 16. Com bo 'in wood clamp on ~potllghts $30 air Donner J Oes k chair S35. 211 l a mps S I so $6 lops, 1t·v1• .. ::.h1r1 ,. ::.~•I••; te":•U$; SI yd . L' c:oppc r rod, dti1wstrin11 Z3ft stool.,~ ~ul and Sun case $8. Nc•w pole n ear new s4 each: p ap:r holde r s SS Broadway, C.M. 8-4 1-·1~i'ston(• t'tt711"14 1uc:kt-ti... ~w1•at1•r ... al •••• ford pickup ren pipe JOft, SS och . or mor{' $11. mllpl1• ~·· .. 11 C0ttu Ml'au with Mitchell 308 reel Four packages 100 each Dummy knobs Sat. Only. WS tart· $3.50. Two 1n 1·iccdlt11t t<int11t11111 SIO;-nowVkt~ox r\I 1mall upplt•n cu d t"sk C'ho1r t12~0 . S\.off Orunae ta5. ~Costa Meta per cent rag typlne SOc ~uch Docorator a fghanN $12 SO SIS $01•SS 11:1,kdi.,,m;ill 1ulator 1$40. SU. !~:~·~'e!!~~ fa:,P~~~~ia:h'n~~:~ NEW tlrt! ch~lns. re· -~COIJtuMeso pa per. 500 sheets, knobs 25c eac h . {~~ORB~~~h ~~~~~ ~~.~~~~·i~~:'~ ::''.:1,~n~-.1i11~r;~~;!1 ~'1() truek Ure lrooa SIS Hut'l\lnttontit.conK•r 1n itmbt-r gl111jl1 $.~ • .iularllSpaar Bowl· t'IRE extinguishers S 2 ·50 pack a g e TowelrockBS2a s<'t K -106. NB. 2·1PM t:os taMt's;a ·' h.Hdb1ll·k1t Ukt! n1• u da: new Mlco lever or AtlanW Av •• HWlt· old mu~;iunc tabll' 1n11 bull. Hi lbii, m•ar protecUon for home, Wooden Jewelry chest ABS pipe Scoeld 40 only . " ' tock IS$; ale mm lnttoo Beach $7. cry11tt1l boudalr<· nr w SI~. M1•t11I und boot or car $10 each. 12., Liberty Bell wind 30c a foot Like new • COUCH 9ft. i:1><>d <'llll ~1111• '"'<'h f•;_11>nlH1rk'> preudr US; n eiw --lamp S35. qu<·en 1tof.i ~·orrnlcu von1ty toble RadloS2. OU painting chime S2 Ne ver used 700·13 Ure SlO Wilson M.AG~t: h a t SI 50 dit ion, brown s:is 15t> a nti 4!5i· '"11'11 plywoodremsl0c30cSEVEN piece dinette b ·d mulln·u SIO $S. Metul bookc ase 2xs25 548-0908 Blssel rug 11ham pooer tennis racque t SS Skywinder 50c Two S4ll·29fi5 <'•1t1h•r<'olemun H·n IQ ft~ typewriter SIS. set SIS, slnale bed : , • · · $2 S.IS-311'J · • $4.SO. Thirty inch doll Clothes SOc·S5 Two ball guns 50c t'<ich ~nr .. t 1·11n•hlHin $Ill 11 e w t>"a n F o rlh t'omplete SLS. animal <' ystal JtWt'lry, m•w WOOD tughchair $20. cradle perfrcl cond1· commercrnl g lass Aurora race sC'l $1 lllDE /\"'HF.Ow ~1m l•ur"·" liki· rww a n c h o r #IS, S20; cagcs$8.847·7011 rSO·SS: oc;lpt{'':r~G/\KU turnt11hll• S2S Bassine tle S I S lionS6-SO.Blue glu11s d oo r s S20 t•uc h flagofKe nnersSSPi. month, :.•>fl i.:r•·t•n l1t•aul ifu l I '"11'h Volvo prop 14x19R ---'---rn~l',1" un , ~1~ •·,. II M W :l 0 11 h o P Curpet sweeper s5 l op with brass stand Rea list1c s peaker $3 Scubu mask 25<' fabr1<' S3S /\1mrt111••nt End tahh" :I ~hl'lf. 011 120; J eep Ve dis· ARNOLD P almer de-~C' r'f'~h . lur~~· 1·•rt munuul l'O'll S.43 1tell Car seat SS. Twin bed centerpiece $10. l.<11y $7 50 Hooks 2Sc-Sl J ohnny Apollo :.ct $1 runi.:'-" •I burnt•r r•· rrl:ipli• hi·uutif1tl Sl5 trlbutor D); Ford 4ec1 luxe IJOlf earl S20 , s 0u '; lt:f 11 1"s ~ ~· for 15 ~ ijtl()<I S20 N K' Sus an lSin diamf'tcr Colt·mon upright ic1• Ho llC' r s k a t el> 50<' )(ulatur $.15 llra1lll'll tllll ant111u•· ~•vi•· hur eurbu~or '35; aua three CE po rtable ~oryaso~11 ~·:~lr 1:,'. rH:SK 53S lludson trc~s ~~Oo::ib~efufJ: S?.SO. T~o twin hot chc!ll for caml)t'r or Bloc~'> and Ql)wt•b ru~ Rlllift f•>1 S IS 111•arn·larn1>i.. '~11 .. 11'11 m I se r H o I l y TV's, $35 us Is; 240Z k ' • I b<.-'d $35 Kl pink bcdsprcuds und bo:.il S3S Stingrny $1 Swim v1.,il $1 511! li2.12 ·'"""lry hllXI"> ani ('&rburctor for 350 front w r d am. JWt_'(f::, .. llh'S, ~& G, llki• m·~ llpr:t)'l'f ss. 1-lourl'S· ,~:s $25. Antlq~~ ~~(: matching pillow~ like bike nl.'W t1 rt· and O uii;y po pgun 751• jl'\\t•lrv i~c· s:i l>t-. Chev 135; Sun Turh r e P u Ir $1 2 ; . 69 18, boys ~lrt hlk~· $10, rent hRht .r1xture StO. fct $30. King fra me new $12.SO. Chrome tube S3S Hain Aird Two ma<'hin•· i:um,. BO/\ T fo ct111') built. h ,. ' '' a " ' for J tx>p D); rt"bulll F'lrebird ld t h llnd toptabl{ ortur~l' ·1.1r A!loynm.o;fur l"!~rt SIS. Anliqut• mirror shelvc:s 5fl·6fl long. s p r 1nkll•r $2 t oy soc t•ar h 11 •.,•x4J/<!ft tur v,.11 kil <"h4•nlo\JI•' ftt'"SI Ford p I c ll up door, rt'piiirable SIO, ~~~;~, g~~~c. 'ti:~ ~·r~ huts ~~O~ di $1{: $20-Night table $S. ~S-24in deep lots or Sprinklcn..Sl. C.ut orr Am.l'ricun t,>rick~ $1 hull wood , i.t•uli.. 5 ti, T vp••14 nl"1 .11111 t.il1l1 •.Oltematcw m : ne w r I n l 0 2 . 0 0 0 e c ln~lon lkach orr 111•11 llydrnphonkli kit $7 l:h<>st of druwcrs $5. SC'pa ru~ors $10. each. valves. pipe f1t~1n g f 0 r 2 ea n s . 0 r I JJ !'> I d ,. i.. ,. a l ... .• l ~:!~· S.il 111 ll.i y. ~llll Toye>Ufl'C'ltupwh('el r orbure tor $1 0 : b ._. •. d .,_. Tableand 2 chairs s7. Ma tching milk can 10c·Sl. Cht!vy , l'ortJ dr ai::s t <'r 50<' tr:ini.om . 1n wutf'I ti.i v ;111<1 Mo11d .I\ a nd Utt' I t OO'a of Wea ton multlm t•tc r a c~ dCl'E d.,~r!1n~ d a~l' f,11l5 11"'· Vucuum cleaner s7. Npic1· und rannl!>l«r 8·holl' 5/4 ton truck f'unlight SOc. Finl(t•r Cramt Canal llaltw1a '.~[ti·r1 in . :!2CM 'I> - olht>r lhln11s an1 S26; Jurob11cn self 846_38740 846.7980 • G I ll LS mat c hin g Antique vunity desk s e t 10 p1c·ct•s $7 wht>t•ls SIO. Black und puint Md pai>t·r 75e ls lanrl , 11wn1·r 111•11• • 11 p ,, S f . 11 11 W Jtalf'tS Sl.C 988-0147 propeUed rotary lawn ____ r __ bt•d room sc•t bt.'d . s Ill. 97 2 . 27 5 7 0 r C I f1 t~ k . a I a rm , whitl• TV works S20 J u pit..r Gyro 7Sc lni:. Ol'l•ds 1wlnl s:}~> W1l~on. < ·0~1:1 ~1 .. -,:, · mower '25: 11 H P. W om uns blkt• Sl O. d(·sk . C'huir. rlri·i.1ii·r 543-2987. AJ\l l fl\l r11d 111 SI O Kodakmov1c t·umt•ra J-:tc h·A·Sketr h 501· SilH \Jfj4 7, /\~1 .incl r llAl ll ho·a vy ~1101 t'Rl GIDA IR E 1us Gust vacuum pump Biol' Naug u h y d<• s2o i·;ich Turntablt• --l'a1r3rundkcryi.tul $15.Dri11~sand Strat· S k1ttl•• bowl $I SO N1ghb ~~> l>ir•·l'l1tr diair• d ryn, 4 spffd, runs 120: Haig Ultra golf Swivel Ch air $10 $JO ~0 74Ho I.ii.a <>r FENWICK rustom fis· J:l:.iss t•and1·labru~ $10 ton 5hp cnJ(ml' SIS 1201 Pembroke L11n1-. s11 $l2 Bl.ii·k 1,.,.'IUI'• "oodS3S 984·2102 Iro ns 2·9, $3S. mis· S\'wlng machine $15 Shi•lli•y hlni;: p o ll's, n l•w 11a1r. l.ad11•:< ~111· 5 The rmo 1c1· C'ht•i.t W cstd1rr ar1•a , "~·~'/1 f".,'"h~~:·lki~J~!ll1~ 1,,ifcl•·• ltai•k r·h .111 rrlla ncous welding Teuk c0H e1• talJle 'll•t•lh{'atJ Pl-'9012 rty l1cp1>h'r hull 10,:ii;:crh. $7 50 Jim fk·am bot NC'wport R <'a hc h Cl',~~~cd~:ft ~: •·quklpment Sl·S2S: CO tand one end t able OF.SK $:!.') C'hild' tlt•'k $25 JB7G2. TI<!, light hkt· n1·w SJ T~o ~··t<; tics $2"$5 llt·avv 1r1·1· t;.i2.105.sor6'1S·9694 trnni.mittn fmni un :~~h ,~::;~;.1r.,"1~1~1:::;: tan convertible to $13 llampsh'r caf(t' S7 Soll<I \\,1lnut 1·nd nr•·a n . dt•t•p ::.r a H ryhnd1•r GM R45S :.takc•s Slt•ach :12S W -------'"t·d l>wthnmv with t":.~.l:eSla ~~r~~f~<.'8~ oxyg,•n SI~: two SI. llB SO. Rhtck and tJhlcS20 GoH1·1·tabh· S::!5 SJS MatC'h1ni;: spark 11lu1:~. nt·w Sil Ba y. Co!>la Mc1>J T fo~/\C/\HT a nd TV lu.: (';ihh· for m.ivlw 11111 1 ' l-'ih•·11-•l.1'' R ~a l u l1 c m o del 14hlte SIS. 211!6erican S<!O. Walnut cltn ing rt•i•li. a l $15 ·$20 .;I'( Two dir••Ct'>r' ri-tll·S~ lrayi; SI $7 SO IR90 lnw ~oil h•'.tl. Twu '1''1'' m1tl>1I•· h1imi ~ortt>d dishes 5c·2Sc: TRC-2SA two c hannel Avr. Cob1a Mt.-sa 1b11blt• $I S Card tahlt• :,4k 9832 hl.•<'k n;1ui;:hu hyd(: IGth S t. Apt K·106. tul'W·' 1 HI !IH nwti·r' 111 lu.:il ~111 "1·1"111 baby c lothes. 0 -3 tr11nsceiversS3S pa1r: ------$5. <.:h1ltls table• SS ---.1n1I <'hrnmt· b a r l'/\T IO doorlO foot NR 2·7pmonly 21:12, Kil111'}1•t1· fm" ll\t' i.:.1llon hollli· ~:! )t'ars.~& lOc . men saltwaterroc:t andre· 8ABVSyellowdre5srr I>ouble box ~pr1 n~. C(>f.l~E<l/\flLE doJI'. 'i t oo l h $2!i pa ar . ~l1d1ng ~l:t!'\"-, (•om· --------l"!•"'t'. ffil'll'r .ind l·cu\ "f hr1·• 11.-r 'n>.all u.1k ;ind women'&clothes clS14;palntgunSIO. $20. Girls c lothc•i. fra mt· und m attn·.,, old and n<·w $5·$3S l'•·rft·t t Ilk\• nl'W l-'ll'l1·~1thlr:1rh.md POOL l abl,. Sl :HI ff1·n't·r , th1 ' •dfl •·n1tt.1hh·$H 1~1~.~.1~. SC & IOc: paperbacks 897 7082 11lze11 0-7 years plus StS Rra!>s lh·adboard 64S-01!17 -I-i1ur kllc·h <'n w:all !>ldlni;: $30 l'U<'h ~rdt• Eh·rtric foot ball SI 1>1.1lhnmv h.1n1wll 1.J•: ... 11<1/\Hl> .11111 f11 IOc. $3turday -an d ----hhfJCS 25r·S3. l e •· SlO Twin hox ~1>nn~ mc·1no hliet•khna rd~ 9".R Of~7!J El•·ctne b~eball ~1 ror uu't!u·;1I .,, nlht·• ''""' 1111 ·• ~.du11 \,._.'O Sunday 8am ·4pm. BEIGE rt>r liner "25. ('re · m m k "·t 411 Cllll.S b1kl· S2S 0 1" Tip It 51)(> Gn1p c;nop uw hu HT u11l"'' .. r "' •· " '•1 a er -r SIO ChannL·I b.al·k "' m .1 h11~a 11y fr :1 m1·~ 1;1:1 :•1••1 fi l9·16th St., llunl· four old l·•dd"r b"ck l l t I Wh1·1·bSti and $l Sou ICO C K I N(; c h .11r . 75c Marhl1·Ma111·$I n .. w 1 "1~ 11 ('h·1nn t -.. ... u quar g 00 coo r r , t'ha1r $10 Wm" ch:t1r s I so 1••11·h Jim m n · I • ,. ington B<>och I Palm chuirs $25: Monday nl•w $15 in box. l'op-SS Oi·i.k chu~r SIO flr ll1b;,irh1 $6. Youthi. Su n , ,.11 fH' m ,, v 11, y1·1low. Irk•· n1·w SJO Klomp It SJ Hw111·h1•t r11ntrol ""''""tu ''"II 1-; I. 1-:< "I 11 ,, ,\ \l 1. \ .md l6lh St.l afler4pm.5361861 <'Or npopP\!rS:l. Potty Ho wbuck rh;ur SIO 'l •·l•p1nl( bu g $5 r.imi·r:i flo()f! h i:ht. Slul m:ach11w 'ltilnd Ha t·•·r ' S3 ~O 141111 -.1111•:111 TV 111 Htr.ll•k ,1,.1,.0 "111 -~ ---r huir 7x C· t$2 Clothe·~. tovs. b1k1· i..h·l•I S2:'i !rt• rhl·~l. Th und•·r S h1ft1·ri. t1·rf,.n·nc·1· with T ' '64 ENCON LI NE B E IGE cu rpt•t ing, N h"t arscudd d Jk ntwood chair Sit. 11arts 5c$L5. Sh:n·n. fHMol g rip, C'ui.i•'" aluminum Ilk'" nt·w S I 511 fo'l ;1~h r;ird!> Sn1·r' tunf'rt f1l .1l1· aulomotic trans. and four room .• 1,,,8 •s · i·w w 1 l' pu c M uplc hl~hchuir St2 1'1 u d t· ti S t 5 211 n ,. ~ " " toych t'sl $15 Crib l urntabll's S.5. Wh1lt• $12 Box fun :.!·.,J><'t•d 251• Ciolf i.hO<'' 75c t u1w1l l!rHl, -.11·1111·" l \.\n "-SH .1 k.•'r ' b:L, \-\111k' 11111 11"\\I -..11·1·111111• 11.1 I' -.:1;, 'I "I q11.il1l\ It.ti "'"" k ..,. Sill 11111 k .wk ''" S• .. 11.!1111 :lh1> 11ullt1>.i11 OH1l111 -;:i;, Z<'nllh 'I\ · 5~ t'd.n eon lln~ ~t-and SIO. blul· rug $6: Hui.y &x SJ Musical ~~I: ~~1P ~ ,:j:a;~\ r:illan drl•s'>lniz ~tool f,·~',;'~1~~1/~i~h~td~ SH GE TV li111 l1kt-0 I' :-.hut 50c. Hui;: r 1•.,1111.101"' rnnl ml. Qn a r lruns m1ss1on bicyck SlS; Hoya lite mo bile $l Electr SJ W h 1 I l' tJ v 11 1 111• w $35 Cha ffl n" " •· r ::. h 1 rt l! ~ 1· m•'l"r th•·rr~111<·11111"•I" .. 3.. h t · IC m<1 "111:1nt• ruc k $.". 1~r·"' t'iltch•·r works .. .. ' ,. ' .., " (•IJr • 1' I O P typ1•wr1trr $7 ' M'Ul hrl> m $8 f>·r b' " '' b.1throom s ink$..>' dir.h, bniss ••nd r op-Tublc•cloth <!5c• !-1n.111i; l ,\P". l1n1· l11.11l l11"·1I .... t 20" II • >:I I C Mlrr11r $3. l'oluro1d :ind look.w l1k1· n1•w ,,. v11cuum ~a: wo ch1·!lt $5, mapll' l\\in l""•nh . ~"-ll d Trav 1·r~<' r od f1ir per SI! Soda hottll• I I I u s tr a I•· 11 C'.1h1n1•1 1111r l .1l1I " I hk •t• h "" ousi·"""· a 10 l a n d r:-i m1•r 11 Sl S35 Chill s woodt•n • >oy::. I t'S ... 1 c•a<' • ti 1• d S 1 0 . c I t· a n ., 1 ,,63 .. 1.,A 10331 patio door $5. Booh with cci rlndlll'l> $5 m aJ(:tllOf'' !'1t· 1•:11·h 1>h w11111t 1\1·1 alul 1·11\ l :i" l"1y• "'1'k1• w'th "IOlllin•• llJrS'·. 701 " " .. ,, ..... T y 111·wrlte r $10 k :10)!a r l)1) .ind 2 .. ,.,.,.., ~1., •11111 tor " d 11 • , ... v Sh ungri I.a . llun\ Ilk 2rl!' Chiltls '"''" 1 t • h C11l1·m1m ram11 i..tuvt• Whit•• hani:ing llghh ,., "" 17• · h11•li .111tl ~111 Alc••ilwl ;• 1111111,,. traln1n~ whe••li., llke U t· I aw a r 1· S t , in••trn l.karh ltt•c·ord IJla yt·r $10 i1prcad SJ 50 T wrn >11111•s '" f)Ollr 11nc1 $:!<1. ('l)ll•man lantern $:! St.orv lalH'' 141lh "'""° hv Ii!'·· 11w1w, •1,,.,. ., 111 1.,.11 •. ,ki n l·W $2 5 , two downt own II fl ,. 1 ' • ltadHI S!> Wolk•ni..ak r•11 n o py, l>JH l'J d , i•a1:•·pu1.1ll"huur!>of S I H ('ol l•man book!> 75c T V lr;1v 14 1111 1t1 ""'''' •,11 ' ' '' ' l'lay::.chool dci.k $2 53fi 397:J TE LY.l'fl0NJ-: IJflll''> t ::i 111· n ·c<1rdt•r $4. i..ham SIO fialk ru~~ fun $:l 5t> l'i•l\•rsc>1i c:-it:alytk hl'atn S:JO 25•· 120 1 1-'1•rnh111k•• pound• s;i:, :.111 !IM'i • fll'tfl•' l.tt·h•1111t •11' ,., 111.1 \1• 11111 \ "'" 11•1,1 flf ' I 0..,\\ 1111 ,I! l carh two bar ::.too lK --firt Ions: S7 1·u ch I.awn ~pn·adt·r SS SI l•anl ra1·k $1 :-.<1 i·hild., i·:ir "'at. 11n·t Waff11 · iron and s:nd 1.allt'. W• ... tdrfl .1r'"' $3, pt_-dulfirl· engine, FOX I Mnp1·d pa rt' t'h1·\ )' pickup wh1·('ls S1·winA mar h1n1· S7 B•>~'> ri1llt•r!.kall·~ '>llt' I> hi U•· ~3 5() l!.hn cll1· l1k•· m·w $10 'I lo\u '." II 1; ·1 ::! I '' !i ~. u f ('111 '('I I •1(1 ~lfHH1 1'1111 d>f l•lfl 1111114 II \o:l.1 ~)<Iii l'~) nccdssl(.oeringwh£•d, l c·S:lS.WoodC'am pn 5 fof Sl!i Apll'l11n Wofflf' iron $:J Wud-r, tor JO 0 1•<'oratlv1· SJn)ii lilJ t'k ,ind lari;:1• WOtl<kn f1sh1ni;: f~1500~1 $4 : 27" m u ns 10 · for mini truck $35, spolhghLS25 !l?l''or<l ini;pool $3 /\MFhnl ·1ftWoodl•n !>oldll'rSlll 14hlll' TV, work.'>, tarklt•buxei..J3x l6xl4·. -.\I i\' 'I,\(; ~;"h1 I ,;s I l'u .. h 1.1~1lllllll4 f'I S:!ll !H>H !'t4!)7 s peed frame $2: 10. p air of d t-ror a t o r carbs $5 20in buv' i.1•at S5 C.:a n \:1s c;old .,h.,.I: t·arpl'ltnA 1wrfrr t. IH m onth!> Ins~ c •ich ll'lir (;AflD l;1blci; folding speed back rim $2, lamps S20 t:ach , fou r S·spccd S25. Set or ~1 harkpark and frnmc J,!OOd fo r boat sa \'l;Ull~. l'OJUY ha1wbull rlryers Sl and 's4 $12. 189ll 16th St. Apt NEW plu.VJJt•n l}Jl<l 20" boys frame $2, :.t oc k w hc1•ls fo r Cht•vy pistons $2S S7. fl;immock·t c nt Me xiran pebbles SlO S35 l'H·ture clock. lllt•ndt•r $6 !ltrtalt<"Jl t<-106, NB. 2 -7pm SSO . Sell fn r S:rn, C'aptains ch a ir S4; Counl'r/Mu:r.d::i at S5 (';imper holdown~ for $10 Tt·nnis rucqul'ls fia sohnc drum SS n ice h :appy sct:n l'. rack . new 54 Two nnly 11 .... "01•ll 14 1lh li111•1 t.. I It 11' , ,11· 1111 11 doubfl' sink SS: two each . two f'60x 14 L'o rd tru c k s2o $5. C'opf)('r dish SS c,·a~· t·.Jnk for boat .. 8 $12.SO. Portable Un b 1 u 0 ,. •1 n v 110111 .ind '""' ~I 1 di.,111, 1 11 . .-111,1,1 " J W ' ,-" " d d I '-. .: ' a !I ' WAl.Nl'1 d1·sk y,11 11 t ' I I h obby h orstos, 2-4 < L llrt'b o n l<I " G.,,7...... l"'lppc•r howl SS Cop-209l ll:ilm~ .. IPl.CM "rwoo O 1vc:lll 1 n m 1 t '""1 11111 ' 1• 11°n "'·" 11111··11 1 111 h' k h I I J .,,., ' •.nu l l I k :.i uma u >Par l whll1· llllJ <!x4fl 'II) l I I II 'A •Yt!:ll'I>. SG t•tich. nl'W w ,,,.,.po,. w t.·t· ~at 1w r CUI''> S5 Glass •, 1.·1r1n·.1 fl 1"hlJnd• YP"~n l"r. I <" nf·w. t'h "1r• 101u h1"h •s m .1 t·m1 v',. u·'. "' "'"•I· n1"" 'nnl ,.1.1 $20 h ( " " ·' I mod I $ S u ~. "' " M ;1 I 1· h 1 n 1.: " J l n u l I S:! Sii '\ I h h o bby h'>Pot!, 2·5 c•;ar • 1vC' Mock SC llWl~:'I/ 10 !>p1·1•1l l'.lh1i.ln i..c·t SIO l'IC· t.U. r,70tl Vt'ry at<.'St ,. 3 i•Jctl Six fl)t>I ~oodi·n i•rt•dt·ni.i "ith ,11,.1111•. 11 ''"' • 0 "'" 1,11; INill• y 1· 1H 11 S I 4!, t I 110 r 12" lltirnla ~b(•l•b $15 bi kl' s:is flSOx 1 fl !'I I u r1· fr:• mt'' I $!'1 S\•a r' 126 rartridgl' dd -" .J u 111 11 s:i I .. 11111•'> h L'2 "' I:. •·r SH A.nt111.u,•· d1•Ar' ""1'1n h1 °h 11• lfl I lh ' l "" c· I "-L' \II"-II ' h wrubbn$3,tnke,3S l'J<'h.'>'4 al:lum11$10. llre~$S·SIS r-.;o ll'ak .. :ns Cror u~ ('1r <'l1-, UIKI-:. l.idw., 3,n..1·d ra m 1•r a wit r " ,.., "' ~ • 1·11 l''·K° ,, .. 1 •'"" .,r, ,, unu "" 111 b k ,... I I ·• wood trunk $.IS 2 ,. l1nl11n" ""·'• 1•·1v '''' -' l I I ,y1·ar~. SS. h:tndmadt• QO '>. l'l uyb•1}' F1<!h tanksuppht·i..$5 Costa Mt'sa 55'1 1369 26tn. h.ind and root 1·11!'>. a utomal c au II I .. "'' "~ t•nnul lfln. m.1nv .111· '·"·1111m ~Ill ..... 1 .. 1 1 h d I th 1>1a on a um inum 1n "·· .·and nl~. Ill•''' · I th • l I I 'If .._ IH1by o utfit:. a nd m ug.111n<·"· <''>t P'>. A 1r ,h o<'k !> $20 . br;1kei..S3S.5'\8·8066 va nct· .rn e:1 t•r h ,.,., .. 1w~.m1•n ,r 11 ,.,,,<' ,,11111n :s 1 .w.1r' bootlC'l> S2·S7 each . 5 i.i11·ak 1·ri.. IU<• S:JS /\M i l''M caliScttc• car BOYS 23in 10 s prcd --('ar ry•n~ C';'ISC' with 1. t•rmt1s JUJt SS SIO Chc•:.l of d1 .1.,.1•1' l•t 251· '>hflt•s :!~II' 111 p.11111 i..pra\ 1><1t ~l i:allon fii.h ta nk $4, 15051 ('ap1·tuwn l.n, ~t i•r t•o $25 <.:a r an d lJoyi. 22in 10 WOVEN wood shade· 'trap SIS Two pll·c1• Slt•l•pinJt ba1-:SS. Bio~ S3S <;i :''' '"" S~1 SI l':J1>f•rh1ll'k h<><>ki. i\1011 hu<'kl'I \\1lh "' M oo n wagon $2 : fl unl1n~ton Jfraeh, CU N'H•ltc la pt• rt· i..~t•cl , t:Xt'~~l ·nt c·on· with valanc1· 4xHfl. 5'ifl Sh11kcs pc•ar<• ~un. n(•W m box 51 2 Urnpt·ry rnd 7fl with ~11• t11 ~101· T11 • .-.L1•r 1n t.t•·r' $~• ll.111• '" G ref'n Wnrhinc> $5; aft n llJum,1:1914230 C'Ordcr :tnd 11tcn "lS30. ~111 ,f~n $Ja cueh. browns. bt·11wi. and f1be r J(lass (is h lni: SmJ(ll·bnx spnngancl lr ft pullan1l all11:arh (1\1'0 $1:-1 l'l.•'>ll(• llllllpt"r\ s:• 1-1~111111• Nullonal Gt'O~rnphics . llN•''Y duty bike rar nU-flll37 wh1lt'l> $12. New lined pole $2.!iO Campcr:i. m :ittr\>!>!> like• ni•w $5 Bathroom tnrrr11r 11lant ho ld1·r,, all 1-:alf ~:! F1~li l.111111111-: SAO OT S3S m · •l l d 1 h I d s35. Waln i.kus hkt' :.ind •. l1 ·11n " 1:1011 1 'J I 2' II I •· "' I l !Oc earh <.:ai.h Only. · • · .i., • ru·r '"15. Dai.hes. pot• .. Olt y L'll. Cl••"lnc 520. c1• t>ry Rn'l.!n raP\!S. a Cl) o i..t ovc a n Sl /\ .. , " u .. '"t''· ~t' " a1· 11m1• 11 1• :s ;! .. 1 1 1• 1 ' su ll rudd ·r t11lt r • " "' ~ 11 k B d Ol'W 5· uli•t·ntic m"d1r 1n" <'h•·i..L s:1s ·• c> I h I s S7 Saturday llAm. 9671 . I • • •• k.•trhen llt•ms 2x.·Sl vw tow b ··r s 2·s . m i.l1 IO puc ag<>s. 3 l '':rqu1trt pot. ran d h t h ... "' \l(,(•I) t.tamt• ((·i..~··y ,. m •·li.. ~I ~, .. Albacore Ur .. Hunt· center h11 1!r d S35 ; I o ~, I , b d d 1 u p air c<11·h 125x54in, nPw $3 i.qua re twn wou 11 I' covrr 64S·!l44l! IOO by 1\1,11-(nuvox $35 1-:lt·c•l r11• m11l 11r ~~. m~ton ~.'Reh 962-2365 brund 11t•w Sabot rud-• s • t· n lo: M r·rl iral "11u11>mi·nt, $20 for a ll. Good full door chest for sloreo. IX S 'l:!ft 120· c: n •i·n -1'1•nn1i. ;ind h1wk .. y W a ti 1• 1-. h 111 hon 1 • --·------dl·r , l1llc r and Ice $I ·S3 . ll 1tmsl e r w11 lkcr $15 W·Jlk\or i.i7.l' box s pring and rv k r<"ra mic barbl•qu1.• J-1/\IHDRYF,HS $[>$IS foos hall S:JS 0111 ~1th 'u111wndt'r" ::,,, TANK typ" v"cuum boardS35.002·1.!008 lf_n hitroll SS. Childfl with whl·e ls 's 2s . lll,F1,' :.t<.ind.dar cost $100 for $35. 11190 16th-St . /\pt r h d d 'I' I I II ... .. hike• ea r r 11•r s2 5o Mli ll:!.."lS m :ittrt'l>S und frum<· w;Jlnut rnlor 19ln high t:leclric ht•l•l<·r SS. K -l 06• N ti. :! ipm ,1:-, 1nnt· •·n t:Jblc• rm c·r 111 y Sl5 ~m cloanerSIO: new frt.1lh F'O U It p · t AM car radio $J S __ $20. Hobby Mac in· 2Hin i.fluurc $17 SO <.ii r t S4 'ti' 1 ~~. ;-.;, . .,.. hand rn 11rk Thur111, 111·xt tu UJ11I " wolc r rlshlng poles ll OOxlS ,;rt·t.don e t'nur intf'no rdoors S2 S /\Tlt lJ D/\Y 9 _4 fant cur :scutSIO.Ao· Old still 1n original mS~~3~0811~~·ncw1~n on y _ .tfi1;1n s:w S1•w in1-: l'1li1l 11ark1ng lot' SlO: AM table rudlo 12« "' coh r?6a7 t1Vrews c:ach. /\n1mAI ca"C!i lloui.{'h <>ld ll (•m ". t111u•· prc·si.-b ar k wra p, 6 :.liver plnll-d 121n mllkr.·in $S VW Flart-d f1brt·"l."i.. pa111•m' !ii' SallSu11. Hlum .. lpm S3: Ma ritn fis hing dooar;-aS2S· • h d k S2-S A. 1-.. ,ml>oo 1,"ir·t i:irl.•"li"'h'n,.1 •. ,n-'toy'· C'h111r, nl't-'lls work $7. l.t•xey pa!>try forki. " 131[> ll:•k1·r . ""'''' lures u .. t~dJ~. I"' vis "• t•uc : ec ., >u • "~ " ' .. " ' S" ,. Id ·• Kingsiw pillow::.. n1·w rt'.ir f e nrlc r~ ;1 n d .. i (in m11l1ll I c ;01.f r luh>.. t 'S fin.val .., " "'" ... lid S"" r t f d CU"l' ..... Oartx·quc •c. s I ·S I t; I "ti" .s w .. n Wovt•n wOul King s u.e :,, ..,ui..tom W(' t'b $ h 'k h t•n"•"" ('llVC'r $30 St·l ... ,., • ,. (I n n d pants s m a ll "": ron en c•r11 .. -.., u ., ., u I d d S VW t I ht hf s cac s i wit .. ;11 11•\' h1·t w 1.,·n 111111 ,., :•!r s:1~'-S.11n ~mes St ea~b ; like $1 S t-uch . '89 front r;·n &::~/~~~~~~~ <:~rt·l0'~ta MP~a .j.~cl~: ~~ib JUVC~~~ any ~~~ 1·;12.~~ T;~ t~~ld:u~7~at":::d ;~~/·:~~;_in~ a~~·::;; F II 1 1 v 1 1, 14 ,1 11 II ~1·,:,1•a/\d 1~1t1;111111;rr ~11•1llS1l'~"·· new lectric cdgt'r $20, flondcni SlS each · 1600 t un<" deck SJ.S. Re"r SOI-'/\, Mt·d1teranean print wallpaper, was un1ver!>a l bike car· Mini dirt bike. rw1·rli. II.II btir 1 1tOlf clubs Sl each h e-ater boxes $1S ,. ~ I $ II IJ r t S un. 46 WC'ls ton•'. ,l.1rt1•1 .,,., s2r, l.1•ft b I. b II . h. each · f1V<! lun br11ke window for 69 72 :-1ty t', in l(OOd cond1 IS u ro •a or $10. riers $5 <ind S7 eac I I rvine'. Woodbr1d1tc r ham $35 Whirlpool <.:OlTfl. 1111 •!" c"fl han1l ,1a 11o·r i..>'l l!l. ow an g 11 Wll . .. Ch1·vy p1ck•on SS f"o r lion S20 165 Tulip, IS47 493!J l.a t c·r modl."I w ith b h r t '· "" case St; leMls r:.tc· dr ums SLS eorh; 40 ~.. C __ nl•ar<.:ulv<'r und Bur :it · n••w m acory l.a ri:•· rdrt•!'·r.•tor ('luh,~I S:I •11•11.591'1 111• hedsS20 h '611$2.369Droadwuy. 'osta Mt•'lll 631-0326 UUI-'. RC.:/\ Vi r tor ranca r.arton S25 Schwinn s:lll l>r .i i>•·~ ''·• quet $1; table lamp · ·A"~l ,P ... _e ad·c : C M ,,A_,2742 BIKE dut•I rt':ir s tec•I p o rta h le TV with s 20 b ., T Wt) SS ,...,..ri new . ..,.-rrea crs "'"'. 1 (E T ddl bk -.lln,::rny 1n •>YS f'rlllKSl l m .1pl•• 111;1ltt ; e"""~ c veget11ble s~· .67 ~o·r t .1 · 'A; N o f The· s a .. s hop as <'l.'1 <'us to m roll-a round FIS flF:R l'rict• toys b1k•'. net.-ds TLC $5 r h:11r'> SS 1-.1d1 '\1•w J ulc e r $10; beuch II h ' r acr 81 LOVELY block lace M a~ters tic ket s, 2 I n ew $Ill 45J now i.t:ind. works ns good new arwf us.:d IOt S2 'ash only 673·6956 R I SS t~l.I . 1•1t•1·trll· 4'111111 o.1k 1111111 s:15. ~halraS2each ;elce-e!ri~!r ~adii;~~~ m a nlWa rromSpa in sea\!> for Monday $6.SO~ us ncW.Cl)mplcle S3S K1d11 clothl•S 25t·S3 -· --b r1111m $:!5 T~•· 1.1r t.t 1· (o.1rn trlc meal Rrinder SS. each . 536-l3l2 Nev e r worn $1 O. Aug us l 6 , S3S for /\VON roUectlon bot· f-'orty 11k1•m.s ru.111 r ol-Mens sportcoal'> $2 J IGSAW._standm~ S35 st t' m w 11 ro·. r h 1 n n t•oi.h 11111 , 111·~. pl ui. 20S Lake. Huntington -1146·S667. bo th 675 7781 or ti S2 •c: w · 1 $3 orcd Orlon-Suyelll·. Small a ppli a n c es Raby r nb with m at· $2·S25 l.1·nnoxwur1·, 1•11 1r.1 u1J hobl•·1 v Beach teo-2200 80 97S·4633 es . ..,, ig cts · I s " t .... c St II •c KER t able 1~5 : REAL lt:u the r ond . Jewelry SOc-11. La rge all SalTW dye ot In $1 ·$10 Stroller SlO rl'llS -.. .. ro l'r""' Ii ~l'rVll'I'. IWW SIS m:iH·r-wl 7 so 1-~h ·c· green a r ti f I c 1 a I ) bl 0 fo'or the lot Rock¥tell C 11 r be d Sil N r w Sing IC' l>t'd headboa rd V.t)t•.;. d111h•·'> fillC' SS 1 rir hun w.1rnw1 s2. ONE pair 8'x17' gold Mntlqu e s ati n dra pe ries S35; one 'p •lr 8 'x17' c ha m · pa1ne colored sheers 130: one p air 8'x9' cold •ntiquc aatln draperies S2S ; one l• pelr I 'd ' chemp•1ne • colored aheera l20; • black recliner 135: ' 8rlf fffl '20; 'WO : cold ctWra 811 e.ch; ebrome a nd wood • ete1ere with ll«hl : 110; wroqltt Iron din· • ln1 chandelier sao: • wroupt lroo entr~ • eheadeller OO : • kltc laen ebendeller Christmas t d wood dln.lng chairs fo'IREST< NE tlrt•s. ouSl'S s3. rcsses lntemalion~I 12 digit bassln<'ll(' complete S6 Outdoor lamp a nd Th r ,. 1· I' 1 1· 1• ,. 111.,111111-: 1>a1l $<!. llahv dccorallona~~~a::.n s s2s each. S leeping four l.7S·lS for 520 >tl7.r 16· like Ol'W S8 desk lo p lhc>rmal S25. lfil'(hcha1r $2. post $20. Baby frt·d h1:1k1•w11n'. m•w $15 h1k1• ~l·ut S:.! riO 51. SI and 12: ciothln~. ~~~~h J:t'ar:i~~'!!'~ each. S48-61186. ~uecc~r~)cf~abi~~~ :Jg: prlntinR c:-ilc ulator rotty chu1rs S2·$4 . 1ng _t <ibl<' $5. 8mm c: 1f1 111•111s 1 $;!5 yard!> cd1•ry dr:111····~ 12· 14 , 50c·SS : 120 mowerS20 l3l-6lS9 USED TV a nd radio Poot stools S8. Gumes with me mo ry. Pt'r· M ut<•rnlty riot hes movie camera. pro· t::l1•etr11· .111pll.1n1·1· m11t1•rial s:1 l>i1titul drye r $35 ; Hoover · · lubes 160 SS. 631-0326. for a ll uges 13.15. cent , multiplic:itlon. :.!Sc·SOc. Toa11teroven Jector :ind scrccr:i $2S. S2 S2S 27S 1-: IHth St. l'loc:k s:;, C'1•1h11~ hl{hl po rtable w ashing ROLLAWAY bed $2S. Books $1. Stainless decimal and, works $10. N<•w 20·piecc Clork rudlo $3. Siz<: 6 <.:oi..tu ~kso ~utur fi xture· SS ll1H1k1·1m· m achine $25· m an's 548 1364 GAS OvCT'I, broiler $35. b Sc f and look11 llke new $3S Mclamlme d h1h set sports shOC's $3. Wh_itc d uy und Sunday A·fi. or room d lvid•·I' $15 10-speed bike 13S · · Oi1hwnshcr $35. Ca11 lu leworc· 15· t 0 with cover. Snoopy 13. Infant scat $1. nurse uniforms. s ize · -Wuffl•· ifl)n $5. c :ood kl"gslzc .bed $3S; 3 DU~EBUGGY type ~-In stove und ~:=~~,:'1~: :!:'i~~ tennis bag, mom ror Wulker Sl. Cur seat 14 for $2. Halrdrie rs /\NTI QUE s c h oo l s uit,. 11 s ,. s 2 1ets klngs lz.c •hoota lra ale r $35. Curre nt $20. White alok set cookwirre -;-SS. eve rything. lnchHJing $2. New 8-glass 11et $2. $6. Baby ~ampcr $8. bench $29. Old wood 11 nus1•h 11 Ill It e rn 1< 14 each , 1 Act 16; llcente.6'2-4036. $S.49J.e12S. Dnybed $20 Electric rac quet S2. Office Six piece snack set Dress palter~s 2Sr pulpit SIO. fli~hchalr !it"SI 10/\M·il rM. k ln1t1lzc plllow1 Sl k · !: 1 C h c c k W r I t .. r new SS. New Chip n en ch. Pink twm bed $<1. AnllqUl' porrl'luln 2070 Thurm. nc·x t tn e a c h blanke t St · MIRRORS 13-SIO ARG US R e m o t e· nlfe $10. leclrc cPaymns t c r typ (') Dlpset.11$1·$4.Corft'<! ruffle$2.3Smm 11llde decorator :1culc· S3S 1)111 ly Pilot p:irkiru~ E lectro nic books Lamp1SS. Squ11re control"Ude projec· ~un warm e r.,s 5. 8-diglt.works pcrfcct tablcand 2 cnds$20. pr ojecto r $20 . Antiqu1•ouk s<·hool lot 25c·SJ · 12 a trlnt pane Window 8x 10ft lorS20.SUdc tray"S3· Saturday ll!'tU .. 160 S2S. Household Items Forty piece glass set C h l ldre n s books. desk with draw1.·rS33. a ult ar 0S30· CIHMI 120.,Stepplna etonea P r rsto llo t Dog E 23rd S l , Cost a 10c·$3S. Saturday $5. 211 Broadway , gumes and puz,zles Two hangtnJI ran:.. ANTIQUE wr1n~1·r· l Oc each; silver rim $1.". Framet1 S1·$S. cooker,newlnbox$S. Meu.646-6425. 10-4.27SEast l8lhSt, C .M. 8·4 Saturduy 2Sc"S2. Saturday 9.5 small St.-ctional couch was hl•r, wurk!I $'15 • 11luaes t2 &et: ate.7th Arta nap SlO. Jorden 975-7781or9'7S..te33. BIKES. mens Royce C<>11ta Me11a. only o nly 751-9941. 3283 $3. P:idded bur!ltool 64~-3603 . S t., Hunt1n1ton 8B.!t_ow1n1 chalae SlO. 01 s 11 wA 5 ti ER Union $30. Girls Slin· --Arizona, Q>sla Mesa. SS. Orum cofft•c --n -a"h ml llblea U • •-........... ..., PING-PONG t u ble K ITC H EN WAR E m "ke r StO. Good TWI N cunony ht·d llXl .. • ~uar• table 17.50·. t'rll ldalre built· In «ray """· v.......... v A c u U M s .. '' .... with net and paddles 2Sc ·S4.SO. 1880 18Ut St, • ea rs Hobart scale $35 An-com pick 1nt'lud1n1 \r* fenden '15·AO· MAPLE round eottee 0 d · muele a nd re-sas. Rrass hangln1 CLEAR bottle 1losa 129. Wa lnut neve r· Apt K-106. Newport P owcrm ate, com· t 1 q u l' ~· h 1 t ,. 0 1 d eunopys untl 11prl•ariic , food W : rear . lid table saD ~ 1k1tq eord1 $1. Che at.I S20 ll1ht $20. Ten aallon window With screen mar of1ice desk $35. Be•ch. 2·7PM only. plete $3S. Porta Ole dresser wilh mirror on•• in yc•llow, nnt• lo • tao. JM.i.m ". JS: Gide rear lid 11111 wtndo • 'aod $25. ~llhelvea aqua r ium $5. Gold 3d S20 Amber bol0 Wood office desk~-TV black and white. S3S 1-·our m etttl pink S3S l'1H'h <;iont ·125: MW1J11 mec:b.lne 1ft one lft ~. US. '151·9'a. U18 The ~·-~ec~l1h t SSd tie '1taas window 2XS BraH plated double TWIN bed Sl5. Nl1tit plays 11oodS2S. Read· ch airs SS Portnblr rt'd bt>u n b11J1 $15 hi: 11.,wtMellwtth each. Dollboule tll . M11ten Circle, C.M. •IHI end=.: ::'o with rra m e S l2. alze headboard 110. s tand $S. Bnrheque out clock radio solid TV SlO nro kc•n 548·!Hlr7 : P'H·U Urea US. l ·ll1hta cbendelier Sunday JCM. Shoesh1ner ... n-1•-: IM2·7228 ot 435 Colton Large llU .. 'CI construe· 1rlll 112.50. Ta~le top stole SU. Good 12 volt A•·t tcnll'r m I m 1-•0· • -1 -.mt t30 T t 1*~-· -· oc UI St Newport Beach uon. type wheel bar· s tove CoW_ r 0 Keefe 11toru11e battery SIS. "1 r a P h $ 1 0 . WETSUfT . thick for · wen Y 1a -G.M.C. trucl wheelt, ners darkroom equtp-' · r o w s2s . Large a nd Mtrr1tt 115. Five Ca nis t er vac uum R"'•t "urant ,,1.,.clrlc d1vin11 $10. ~fl'dium ll'llltS w-ttee •quertum complete 15ln I-bole '8 each. ment 131S. Rou\er la· 1 d a e r chest $JO let $1& After "" u ~" male 6.11-0326 :":ii-"J::b,r.; :'n:o'~• 17Mm. ble s10. Polaroid Sw· STAINLESS 1teel ~i~:~ ~~~·i~::e e!ch~M2-1171. ~g;':f.~ws.' R~~~~r:~:ns~~; c~!~: --. SU· 24" llune7 J . iM. ' HOT tnce r cemer• '10. camp or boat POrt•· st a ndlnl vent t ype I d I t vw flb<>rglou front ~ap ~e d tao · H'; near 14&-5401. _ ..... heater ta. Mecreme plent 4 ble i to•etop ov en 111 panel ray heater AP PLIANCES, elec-LAMPS 50c. Electric ~~.~ ~o~ S3S~ksto~~ ~5~~ta 68·72 SIS. : ra,Jllll ....... llO. TENNIS rucauet, l medtlne •· h.~"C" and POU5. Of. fll. Mlbotany Sabet s10. UGO Dover Or, ~~1:0 ·t:~~~en 1511:i ~==•12',2&!~:~~ s it e douhle Atalnleaa -------•Ill-a. Dunlop l .. xply •11 RRo la11reHJ bded H . f w Ile lha1 Carpet• e e boa rd with NB 548--5558 St. 1te"'I •Ink •""'. E)(tra 0 /\1.VANlZEU nipple. • Te8lala ,. ,· 1n1e oo 110. ln1. room 1hu bardwanl Sll. otn•h>' · · K-108, NB. 2 to 7pm 2~. Two-cup coffee "' " ..,., ffSW Mir*"' ... D 11 n 1 0 peq,u: '. ,R11obertt 440 nK:Order SI&· ... Or 11 iard., m.ut SU. Divert BOOKCASE •u. only. p e r co I a t or 1 . I a r • e •a r • • c 75-v,tn , auorto d . ,CoflH table ••· ltetltoaoope ti .540-mt. Ski. Pol•• ••· Cur• a pur 1un ST.40. Slader rack 115. 1880 Dlltf•c end 1l•11e1 h o ueehold H e ma refri1erator for oom · with nipple box $30 . • ._.. ..... -. IUnrplat• ••rwlai talna 16e·Hc. uot Clallda bldtpac~,}.~ lttb st. Apt K·lOI, .... 1-1 190 leth 8t Zk·50c. &Dheme.riclet merclal uae SSS. 178 21·'r'lln br*" pnipple11 :=:-t.~o!'r. r::.4:.9.:-:··~.~:.~~~··~ ~e':b~olt; ~·~et fve::-'!v.:.r= NB.1-7PMonly. ~·K:Ull,N8.2·7PM ~~~~~.:,..B•lboa ~c:a::.:=:.·coeta ~?:.~:.!nu!~!!i·E . ...,..y. c *IUD. Co,per t••JOl 111' Apt K·IGI, NB. &-7 pm Buch ... Wutc lllf • l•llon 1teanle11 OLlD It odlt bell table Oft>'· " LE v AL 0 R NSW in car10U toUet 1prlnkler11 n ew 16 ;--. T''" Hh 1rat1t' ...,, UH. IO·JOH or ateel fuel laa .. ti :'_ t _!a.•· .. ~..!~!· DINl:TT& •• , UI ., .... _..._ kl D :.: •u . ., ... blnlt •io. eahch. P1lr new o•n • ; . ...., = • ..... i.. -.... •aclt. Flberm1IH• .... r1e -__ , ..,. 8--' . • -..•--i1e • 8 ,.. II k s •• -I t .. .,_ 11·"AVSL Mr ... Im doell llol 4i.1ft .._ blt I drawn tU. Roeker ao. w1vel _Upltolatend arm • aroom n • with 01rlock1 125. .• • -_IL..:-,.; 1~ 1::;. C.:-JtUI It, ~ K·••· llSDIUM aiae oalt fer • ._ Dovtr Mower, tlHUle, thlr •11. C,.oun11 eb•lr, dmD DOt won lorH• doou Jt. New e..,. paddi. •· r--~~-. ~ = ......... '..uii-"!·'·' •· ::r:--.::r.~ Dr .... .-..... :;:~..:.-.: :u:..:: :.:.~~ •1 · :.~r.:.::i:. r:r: ~~=:. :::r; • • -~··• alt~ ...... ,.,.a R = •a. llf. htal&.,. V.CUUll _. .a.ett-H lroftl 111. ,,. I ... ..-. Hd •· Pl•mbtDI lrvlne itation, qualnl .! !:. ~ =-"iitiiilii ~-• fl·IH. l•t•r= s-:,: • .. lall H••lltoa, Ge•t• Bi• •el•et~~lft.IDOd::",· ,.C:.,..,1:'.~ ... .'. ~,. farm1M>u111, with "~ , ;j 1 ,~-··.l:t:..,.~"'' •••t. • a. Aft a.-. n •T 11 .. +• ,... ..., 11 •1-N-1 di~, ltrowD -• vv • •• aot1·1::::.11a11 15 ,.,.,_ ' ' 11 •• ·~ !!!· •c.. ..... ,, .. .... . ..... 7 . Colla·~ ...... . • 1 ~· -~ .~ -~ .. ·~ -~, u • , • j . ' ___ , I ~t~"~!=i•!s~·~-~~:::•:•:•;•J"tn.,_ lltl ~= ..... ~~.! ~.~ ........ ~~! te':'I "'° 11111-••• -•••••••••••••••• Jt' .... I llr7t, l()w, l()w 17 2'M\ K.nU•nll Sloop, & •HHH•••••••••••n••• AC D • llllet ler)' S · · hn, belt 1y11em he1td A i.11 . t l l p 1va11 . TM &nulti ZM>· fi'rl'Jh ... , ... TV W/ All/t'M """'· llM • .-.ove. twlm S.0001olr illtl 1813 4l80 lldOr, 86W 11huclw, rork -,_... "" Pa.._1"' al.,, V wrt'-. h••l • ev• 7l4141.1 0146 •v a ...i. .ti Uret, Vt!ry very ACIDC coaor ., .. pn. ecoaomlcal. HOO ~lean • fut. •no. .. ... ••11 •-...._....., --fA I 'P ~nb1a, Cully OUl· llultaco AJt""'na . Fteth, .... ·-u '"uva... ------fitted lncludrnti lcK>h . ,.. --ti' 1m Hao11•r Lt'•• moonQJ avail. An exc~ll "'Y atroog Ir rell1bl~. ......... Wft&e M Hit, Oall)' ..... po. ... '*· Ollla ...... Ca.- Ullt ... Pan.._it re- Cllllivs wJllllko&e I lrk • 2 &Jllull" 'nrwttr ''*"'' Pr emp Intl ll U . Traualldlo, »00 top lo.Aiq CHHUe dt'C"k ............ -· ~"::.:·pelf ('(ln(I, .. -.. ····-········· ----,...., .lua beN toll>' Zmltb lJ", cotor. r"m<it• UM MW. a50. tloflot'r SI U . R/W 'fV r1td10 lftd,kle baM HIP D). comb. M p I fMMTs.'I ~al <iuitar VH· ... .. Call Ml-M03. ,, .. ---------llarUa Guitar Modt!I -··· New 0"911 COl!lt -· Haw mine for ...,. ·a.-. day1, 153·2121 ~- FRENCH HORN, ('onn s.o. llSO Lh1l PtlCt a.mo. new. M2 4t&2 otmdD l\lllar W /Call4' 100 114-1264 U!dr. 1Wta1. Ln P11ul eop)' ••• 60-seJO ~,. ..... & 'VJ ,., 1015 ....................... EreculiW! deak, ch1ur & ,..t. BiO value, for $.175. ~15-2274 1.8.11. Correcting Sclec· \ric JI typewriter. NEW. 41D-IM15 Walnut Ca~ 21" rol· ured TV Pt<rf ct tU ID ~b&TVDO a.~7 ............ lt'I II ....................... •• .. 9010 ....................... WMl'nm IUYING or SELLING TW1 l1 Yow DAILY PILOT IOATMAIT • .. ~ -.. _ -·· ...... 000 67 mo. IUtwualll f"·7 ltAI· uO.t -nnt un lh1• 1t12 'f-V• _,, ~-~ duro Colh1~t1nw clu11t. Ford fnbuiard WlU •nl IANr ,,... XllM cond $1.10 54M.15'. '4> W 10. Allirn1 f7BOO Never r~ 11000 Cull Oall NI 'Ill I GTJ 7u:D ....... "--a. S./ 23' Bay Liner wd"I" • ... /Sier"• fl60 I '71 27' &...a,.,._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• bridle LoMded w xtrnli ~-Ooocl oond. wJtrlr "100 Unbelievably uquJp~d. RENT '711 22' Lu Kury t44-4llO w/b4.lautlful Nti 111111 motorhomc Sleeps fl. 11.5,l'IOO Ml_..., 64~617:1 Self ~ont. S'lSO/wk. +8• 3>', 1'74 l'.cti tlarbor two Ch ry.-. f 11 h e qu111 •• 000. Alao 30' AvMIUll moc.\nJ. '114/»f·2iltW -:.M' Sf:4 RAY wttrl1 , ··u. elclrtlca, full carwa10, well cqui p 'd Sii ,000 673 3318 ---'79 Thunderbl NJ II' HI .!00 c IMC. $1$00 t l'11tr11.;. lul" NB . t11H·rif1 \'t• 213/472.8087 3'' Se. ft.My ·•.hard 1011, oulrigiiera. 7 · bunki., galley, elt'C rt>fni.i clec tnm tabtl. Viti". t:lwv i><llp. OMC. Jnrlds 1m mac Varurnn 1r;11h•1 ll.450. p I' 64~2888 Nb'W 18' 1'n. top, bow & 11lt.'"1 rails, ladd1•r, dlx lrlr. $6000. 536 57:W ur 540-6:172 USED BOATS! 250 On Display Actian Boat Bkrs l4 ' ll'rnn 'rrlr, lf\rai., Mwll, 61~. or Het!d, 1173~ 25' LANCl!:K '77 Trutlur. .W... 1t.ovu, rufrt1 Mui.t 11t.-ll9M56R<I ------- mi. 640 MSS --------------'78 Soothwind: 25', sl~ 8, 11cncr~tor. loudcd. lli1·7817. 27· motor home ror rent: lmmac, 11lps 6, avail from 8/20 on 646-4S46. ...... , ..... / DocJis 9070 'Tl Itasca 25'. Cusl int, aJI ••••••••••••••-••••••• xt ras. 1mmac. 24M , SUPS AVAii.AiU YA<.; Ntswpon 646-0551 M ' dotk w1dremut1t· rww hoUM' Main <:h<mnd, Coral Cay. 4 llH , cathedral clgs, 2 fpk's, lux rock spa l•vt guurd gutc. pres tige comm • rumor unfurn Ava1l 1m· rood. $!400 mo. Wl-1008 1213) $15,W> pp 642 8833. 'i1 Sunland 20', 440 CnJC, gen, 111,000 mi. xl ra s harp, only S82SO . 8Si!li6 'Tl W'uuue. Loaded. 2G'. 5(XXl nu. Perl ct1. for rel 1 r mg 5 yr warr S43·lWO 9170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -um Komfort• t7 w'. Si t:. lbal Kllp wunted for 27' I ad·_. t-:ncllon wlll ronMtlc•r uir. o· """ w/xtrais, c" 1tn PP. 551-4938 any urranl(eml'nl. Mon to Mon. :-.a1hnl( prtw. etc'. /iw)o Service, P..+s PleaNc l'all u s . 1-:11 &Accesaorin 9400 7 14 /631 ·041111, Stun, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714/1131 6148 --SERVICE DEPT. :.;· sUµ uva1luble w /side f HO ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1'T Chev. L~.eooml aux tank . crul11e control. shell. air. a.tereo. SS.llOO 6Ga18/tu-~. '!le fi'Ord PU Runs go11d , n eed• red!ator 493 882$ 'TlJ f'Ol'd R1n1er -... Ton. ~ cir take over puy menta. Or beat ofrer. (198.42M. 'i1 GMC •r4 T. P.U .. full power, xlnt cond. 3.1M. Reg gas $4895. 548· llJOO '73 l>alAIW\ PU: Cusl in & wt. WIO/be11t offer. 96Z·l2A4. 'Tl Cl <.;amino Kuns l(ood. 12000 Or belll offer. 77Q.&'568. Pri Ya le I' a rt y . 'i1Vz ToyOUI SR :>Jong tx-d w1shell. Lo/nu Xlnt. t'OOd. $4,500 962.6884 '73 Chevy •Y4 lC>n r u . air. P S . PH . t o wi ng eqiapped, new mtr. Cnm· borac cmpr, ull ldl A I cond. s:sso. 673 7078 '75 fA <.:ammo <.:lassie. J>S. PB. air. ult whl. tx'<i cov er. 44,000 m1, onlo( ownr. ~. 64540'.fl '75 Ctwvy Luv I'll (;oco<J l'UOC.I $1C0011J:.l 0T1 . Must -.ell 499 23!13 '72 GMC \4 JSOc:wn 1>/s, µ/b , a /t , air ~1wke wh~ls. J tanki.. $2,50(1 979-4627 '73 F'ord 'I« Lon p I u. load(:d . 1-\Jll pwr A 1r. ~; 5091 S!urd!y. July 28, 1979 DAM..Y ,.LOT (;Jj .._ W..e.4 fHO .......... ,.... _...._ I~ rtM ....................... ................... _,,.,.,, WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Allll ' fJOJ ;,;;;,•••• ••••••••••••• for top used cars·foreian. •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ••••••• f7 I Z domeltict Of' claa.ICjj If n•••••••••••••• YoUr car la extra cl~:in, •EASY ON ON; • 77..W JJOI teeUI f1RST• 76 flOX Mao. &tlM .. auorool. air #I e. 0......, C-..fy 29'l5 Harbor Iii vd. c;()STAM~A 979-JSOO Can'lSell YourCar'! CllVIHIMW PAYS TOI' DOLLAR ForGleMn Used lmPorts <:sill Mike or Don 13S.l17l PORSCHE's WANTED Allow us tbc opportunity t.o consider the purchase or trade-rn of your clean Porsch<:. Check with Us Today• ·---~~ 13631 Hoobu< Hfw•I (11ttdftfl Grow••• &».·llll l'r1 vate Party ne>1•ds aut.omobilc for apwux ~' 64().2776 9701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 door Mdan. Sunroot, ccm.. .~... ca ... u •. automatic. 1weo tape. immaculate thtllOUL ! <mPWX> lfMl'JA> SJ4H Severa!toebooMfrom. * lC. FOITUNE' v:t==s PonUac·GMC IJl.Jt4049Mf4t 2llOO E. JJlt, Santa Am• (7141558-UlOO '71 100 LS . auto, anrf, am1rm. air, 20+. $1350. Mwltsell! 67S.12llO -.AV 9712 CREVIER & I Sl a llOAOWAY SAHlA AMA 835·3171 ' ... "'-f*41fl Otll""° MM:H4 .... •USEDIMW1• '765.'lliAS/R Cl95RK01 'i1320411pd. al C670Sl'V I '77 s.-.>411pd St R IOl7!1 I '7HJ2046p. C239UKll 1 '78 633caiA St R <00621 CloMdS••~• IM MEDfATt-: L>lo:LIVl':RY! •IMW7132• Lo mileage, tmmacwat.e co nditi o n. full y equipped, llBZ trade·ln. <6?:lCJJP> SIO.IOO JIMSl8tOMS 1...-c>ITS 1W70HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 6Jl-1276 IJJ.tJOO 761MW2002 AulomlUc, Sunroof • .\1r 1·ond1tlonin~. Stcnw, pnct!d to sell. <he. NO tlJMAR> SADOIBACll VALLEY 1...-ottTS 131·2040 4fMt49 Sules·Scrvicc·Lcasin.: Row ~ ... :111c. l<olls Aoyt-(' BMW Must Sell! Exec. metul desk 915. " 2 steel lcual faJe cab. · 1 $75. 4drw I· °"9'Ud xtra hvy gauge J.drwr. ~ ... 12216. , ..... ,.... c•642·5678 21622Cst Hwy at Hwy ;r.1 I tunlinl(lon Heh S.1G·8119 I tic. Pre::.t1i!c lfays1dc Onve n -s1dct1l'I'. L1ndu L'>lc Channel $7,50/i:>IJal foot. per rnon. $250m111. ~I~. G7~SSJS Open fl Da~ A WN•k Mon. l''ra.. 7 :JO·S.;JO Saturdays :8 :00·5 uo Atlas Clwy1.-Ply. 29211Harbor m vd Costa Mesa '7l l>al.hun P U , cam1wr ---------ATTENTION! LARGE Sll.ICTIOM OFMEW 1979 320i's SJll's l~Jamboree N.owport Hoa.ch 640·6444 '761MW5lOI Aut.ormlic, s unroof. air oondlt1omng, stereo. 3 to choo6e rrom. l571 PQM l OMCI llUIM 2 large delb. 2 jud~e ebeirl, 1 couch, 2 lamps, 3 tables. all 1n xlnl cond. All6PM,675-9281 1017 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baby Muskovey Ducki. SJ e... Pairs onJy. Quack· lflllS. 546-142 l. QJcbtiel & cage, $60 945-3746. Ul."ie 520 Backhoe louder w/Lilt t.rai.&er. 5 yard In· ternatiooal dump tru<:k All good shape. A SlC'UI for $14.SOO. Ask for Un;m aft. 5. 642·0ZJ9 197S 19\.;' Glalitron, IOOhp ---------• 0/8, boat complc l<'IY ••• GtettSpHt- L:lSS Logan Ave Costa Ml'l>a You <tre t.he winner or ttnefrftffclwh <122.SO value>. to lllnl(lmg Bros &mum & Railey Carew; Aug. :.!rid lhru 13th Anah<'1m Convcnlw11 t:t'ntl'r Tickets must bl· c•x changed for reserved !Je'dts at lhe Convention Cenler ahead of time. Uttll 642 567H. c•xl Z72 Lo cl&m your lickclb ••• -----Caruvelle 86, lnflnlable boat , with oar s & bellowi;. Llkt• 11cw $65. b#J-0993 rbll, many extras, in eludes lrlr W/14 " whb 003-6148 Uf Lyman: Cla.%1t· inlxl, rn.ach new m cch 'I don('. $1.99.5/best ofr. 1144 9'l60 1-.~TATt.: SAU;. Mui.I 11 · qwdale ·73 Carnvc•llc· 18' Runahoul. I 1:; Mere Used Ill fresh waler o nly $3850. 2 Cunoe:.. Nc·w Mere Trolling cn~11w. 1-'1s h1n~ cqu1 p ment Makcorr. 711/962 4!f.!4 --------........ / a.en..-9050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Westsai l 32 Sall boa t avatlablc for bar(.' boat c har ter 111 Augu:-.l. 67~5191 loah, Sall 9060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:Gd race record. lk al· Stngl<' C.'Xl'C has house & l2'x50' boat shp on Lido L'lle. Will Khare boat i.h p tor ~ of power boat. O 'N{'al lnvci.l ('uqi 7141G7S 7R96 546--1934 Mercedes n -servc d1t"l>l'I tanks avJilabll' All modPls Ml·Ma11u:. Ulc11roo. l814 1-; bl SI s A 5'tl·6057. Slip for power boal up lO Limo s ize Gnody t·:ir 17' Nwpt Heh. Avail Au~ yi:arly. $65/mo 675 4i121 Ticmpo radial L1rc•s. hl.1• cv~ new, 11'2 pnn'. 552·tili-llt loats. Speed & Sid 9080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • "' :M' Subrc 11177, h1~h µcrforma ncc. runabout w1cutty culnn , l'rt11~1· :w +al 3 MPG w1Mc·n· 11111. SJJ,!MX.I ind duu l axlc· lrh . 64S-69X> Ilk r . "' • Must ~"'" w· t:lwctah Jl'l ~k1. 4'i0 l"orci, t'ovn. sk11'. muny extras, JCl a· valor roadrunner trlr w/brakl>s. 546-7317 . ...•••..•••.........•• IMPORTANT N<Yllt:ETO HEAOEHS AN IJ ADVEHTISEHS :-.hell. new tires. n ·tent C'fllo(lllP work. $MIJ010UO Uy:. S40 ·5'14!:J, l'V l'S 1)15~J!j ·~ <..1wvy 1·;1 < ':111111111 I''\, l'U. A<.:. newly 1 d1h 1·111:. nu :-.11orl y p.11nl, '1:-.1111, I I'll J(b $1 f,00 5'1H 41SHk n l'ly Tru1ldw.1t·1 '<Int l<tHld, lo milea~v. $W(IO 1175 8:WlH • '76 IJUhUll I' lJ , 111·w nc.i~., & Lirc·s :10M. x lnl rn111.I 01.: s;m1111ofr :,il!!·IW~ '7K l'h1·~ y !"\llv1·1 ,Hiii Cmµr shl'll, lully l'llWIJ, i.. I n t ,. 11 n d • !JllM ~I /~~•li ~>H7J 9570 .....•.....•........... LOOICIHG FOR A V AM OR PICKUP? f'or Sale . R eticulated ~· 10'. Beautiful, y, lamc. L~ cal(e & rat·rau11ng s uppliei. PIO/mkofr. 675-:n?A. 15•1•,' Sundance tn hull: Jo'l:Ju11" or ski html. X lnl IY cln. gd cond. Trlr mc·I. 1!17~ Giroux dbl whl I rlr, $2400/besl. 673-4061 w/fonders, 3500 lh. <:a l'· The price or Items advcrl1~cd hy vel11 l'le dculcrs 111 the vch1l'11• elas:..1r1ed ad111·rti:.tng 1•olumns docs not 1r11•1t11ll' uny apphc abll· tau·:-.. ht·ensc, trans fer hoc:-.. fmallCP t•hargl•S, fr-1•s fur air Pollution control cit· VJCl.' ccrt1f1eat11in~ or ck all'r documentary pr1· parat1on charnes unle:..., otherwise. SJ>t't:Jfu .. '<I by t.hc advo.rt1ser. S.:t• IL' lh1s w1•1•kc•ml .11 our bl unnuul u!wd t•ur sule' ~ McCaw Parrou bl & cond, xlras . S2!l00 · uc 4115-2'183 Udo l4·w/trlr & extra JW&d, good vocabulary sails . Xlnt cond. ms. very gealle, xlnt pet. 3 ..,...._ w.w S75-saM; arts yrs dd. llust Sell Tom, ... , • tOlO ------- 86G229. evet.14.5-~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cal 20 OB. t :xlrl.lh. ,.._&<>r,... .1090 -.YMARIME Newport. shp. $3600/bst -••••••••••••••••• 1betrad1Uonal heavy du· Piano, Geo. Steck. ex· ty, lightweight manne c,-ellenl cond. Maki! otrer. engine To 3SO HP. Ge· olr. 548-4488. 19'. SIOOO. 642·0li71 Glas tron 17' V·hull. Mercury Crwscr, llS hp. tnbrd/oulbrd dnve. lot.'! ol xlras. In very good cond. On trlr. ready to ITVIVel $2500. Shown 9.5, Sat. 2728 San Juan Ln. <.:M. iM-5464 nui ne n e w po rl s NEWCURRJL'R Authonzed Di.str: linstol UDO 14 ~~ Full COV• er, whisker pole. nu cen· te rbd. gd cond. $850. !m-5799. Te a tp a riatioe ... Services. 1714189'.!·8541 S'I " Grand pi a n o. -------Regular~. sal1: $4295. New Easy trailer & s pace 1 ONLY. 751·1121 al lhc Dunes. New Kawai 5'9" Regular 11.000. Sale $5995. ONLY I MADEi 75Ht2l MEWMAUAHTI PIANO COIOER Reg. $4295, sale '2995. Includes 20 ca11sc tte tape&, caMett.e recorder, p!IUIO & bench. BRIMHALL PIANOS AC•Oll lfom Sou1h Conl Plat• 75Hl21 642-01 ~.644-6687 'J'n radii.II spinnaker. luff :&1 4, foot 18. new, $400, rudlo, H1mjo1 50, Sl()(I., whale 8 pumJ>, $25, smlill ship'11 bell. misc m arine hardware & l.'Qu1p. 1848 Kentucky, C.M. 540-0093 Sat&8un. ------------..,,ow.,. 9040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DAY SAILER 13' GhoM. Good fibcrglai. boat for ramilil>s. Seats four and Is car topablc. $000, call 5.'i7-{)4511 after !ipm or on weekend. Coronado 15 w /trl r & d1w k s pace. m a ny c·xtrui. SL'i00.213/~39·7074 20' F'ihl•r g l ns Scow w/dacron Rails & trlr. llOO. 548·~1 . ------ 22' DORY KET<.:H. Sails, rigg1ng, masts. trlr. 0 /8. Nc'Cds minor repair.:. $600. l'h 646·2(17!1 ....................... c +1ra.5*/ ..... 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chinook m1n1 tru r k camper 8u~r tnck, ~d l'()lid. $5011. 645 5:!68 '76 Ford IT C1•wc·a h XJ.T IJ>adl'tl, pull out n:ur bd, H I p s II . (' a n 0 l! • 1 motorl'yl'lllb, lru whl trlr. 771HH61 Fiberglas min1·lrut·k shell. cub high w1tinterl windows . & l11111l rur Dats un. s 2r1u <.:all 5'18 ~I I. ask for M 1kl· ------------ 9520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I OFAKIMD l!K'IOMERCEDES nos Cabriolet 2 door con· vert1ble. tan e d er1or brwn llhr ant, 4 cyl flat head mtr. 4 spd tran..,, unbe l1 evabll• automo bil e. a rc:J I cla.'i.'IJC:. Autohaltl lertitt l:JOO W. Coa11t llw y Nwpt Heb Ci42 G7fi3 $17,(QI car whf'n rc~tOru· lion 1s completed W~'6 MllZ219 (Classic) :-.<.'(la11. IW\·4017. '6.1 Buick ll1 v1eru, xlnt t'Ol'ld1l1<Hl, &!!KIO or muk(' offc:r 1·354 7814 #I M 0r_,. C..ty 2!IZi llarbor Blvd t:OsT A M ES/\ 979-2500 1961 lnternul111nal Step Van. '16.f.IOIJ ong m1lc11. Self l'Ofll. QJll 631 5726 fi5 1-'ord Vun. r. t·yl auto. l'Pl'>, panl·llmi.t. many Xlr.i.'I $10011 Firm f-15 G2:.lfi '74 Ford 1-:100 $;.!,f1Cl(W1rm New hrok1·s. 11h1, 1·arl)C•I 1ng & pancll1n~. 11 .. w llrl~ :l02 1·n~. & 0 111•r loads. ~All 1151'1 al'tk lur (,'harhc '6!1 l>odi.tl' Va11 1111,.. w / ll I a 1· k 111 l Wu 11 d 1}aneled. $000 M l>t·st. 1145.;1939 '71 Avant1 · Xlnt concl , 'Tl Ood~1· u .l(J()· I'S, I'll. lclOOt.'<1, musl SCl' $m00. AC, AM1FM 1a111·, 't l111 974·29'13 rood. S5500 642.o;r16 M•·rl•e dcs. UMW . f'or.>chl', Clm.Mt' & .. :x w e. We will 1'.Cll your car 1.111 t·11n.-.1j.!nm{'nl at your pnr•· Uf·-.t l0t·at111n 111 (lrtllll{l' <..:ounty For in formation call Jim Cur· ran AutohaYI ...... lJOO W. t:oa~t Hwy Nwpt Bch b42·67f.J NfaRomro '705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALFA ROMEO SALES. SERVICE AHOLEASIHG l!nll & 197!1 SALi-: NOW IN PttOGJU.;ss• BEACH IMPORTS K48 Dovl' Street NEWl'ORT Bl-:ACJI 75~0900 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HHEMOW! The t::xccpllonal AUDI 4000 Nice Selection. Wide Ar· ray of <..:olors. Call Us for ~uipmenl and Octa1ls Today! IJl\31 -bo< Hl.,1 C'""OHI CofCM' "' .._23» '78 AUDI "5000" Autumal1l'. 1;11r. cruis<' cwtrol. s unroor. vinyl top. /\M / FM s tereo. IJ!12ULV J S9599 t:M;U ttdfrn1t hlW'I Cn•<len 010W" '" U6-iJU llammond 11382 Orl(an. ~61 key manualK, uuto rhythm , 25 pe dal1' 548-&\3 dys or 522·7305 eves. •SEA RAY* HARRISON 17·36' Mu:st S(!ll! 16' Calamarun MaloriDdlikH '9140 '5.'i Packard Clipper, :ti'; '71; Uodl(l:-an like nc·w with truiler Make offl_lr ••••••••••••••••••••••• reitored. liesl offer uvttr 100 t; cyl auto 23.000 011 71 ~UX 2 dr 4 spd ate, Doug8J!H6SO Smily moµc cl llall•1a:h S15M 55fi-06J7 $3,000.S4S-IHO'J OIUl' 1-'ox Sp. t-:d. Must ...... Hut' 11 I092 ....................... I.lee model Rl ccar porta- ble le'lring machine, dbl ...... $175. 7l4..s9'l-6211M. " .. he41 1094 ....................... Come to our store cir look atlheulthnat.e. SRV 360 u,ress ............. 631-2547 26' Erickson , m ain . Genoa. spmnakn, clet· head cir bilge pump, dual batttt;es, 6HP Johnson. Udo Marina shp, SH.000. 536-5130 or 540-6372 (Jobie 16, xlnl cond1l1on Price ncl(oliable 640·270<J On the water store ~~~~~~~~~114 'h' Chrysler Dag l(cr , -XJnl cond. Brand new Grand Prll(, framt: lJ" ---.,l'I' t u ap11rc•c1atc whli.27' 75!1-07fB ·r.:1 Studebaker (ir;ind '7fi Oodl(c vun Mu:-.t :.di i.16 !Ml72 Bat.avus Mo-Ped: Won m oonte!lt. never used. sale 5'50. 536-96fl2 '79 llonda expn~s moped. Dluc, 150 rm. $350 or b~t ofr Call Doree n , !157·00:n, •i42 2S77 art WM Puch maxH1PQrl, Xlnt shape. $375. 'l\msmo "Hawk" Tulal· lh1:-. wc·1·k1·nd Mtikl· of ly rc.'Stor<'d lo showrm r1·r r.;11 !17'.17 rond. Aulo. I' tS. P tn. ()dy $4500 979-18"0. ---Sfl!ris, Race • ·~ 9540 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLEHET ·711 fo'<ard Van <.;onvns11m Lon~t hell M1nt eund lt4!fn.:. hc.'tl. thl, t·u.-.tum seal!\ $1o!JllO !163 3tl7!1. ms O'Jtl '7'1 Doditl' WI N DO W VAN. w t hcd, a11111 , powC'r , s tc>rco. mai::s l'rpt $3100/1.11.·i.1 67!).1401 '71 Audi. New p :11n1. llfl">. ml Movmi:: lo 1-.urolJI.'. :-.arrir1ce SIOOO 1·a11 73145()1 i4 1-'0X. Auto. 1:1.0011 ml on new t'lll{ ('ll'an, ~mpl(. S!OUO. ~o~tt.14 ·75 l<JI L~ Automat 11· 4 dr :;tereo cassl'tlc.. :-.un roof 1>'75-9826 ALSO 63.1(.,'Si' s IHST()Q(! t:all today We also may havl' that pre 11wn1•d BMW you arc look111g ror! 831·2040 4tS.4949 •IMW •77 l20I FUiiy equipped. locally owned & Kcrv1ccd, MHZ t.rade·m. Cl79SPH> S9650 JIMSLEMOMS IMPORTS 1!170llAkHUR BLVD . CQ!o,TA MESA 63I·1276 lll-9l00 BOB Mcl.AIEH's $ 11.:"JON &ach Ullld L.a llabrats.22 s:c.:c.:1 1:>MI No ofSA "'wyl • USED IMW'' • IMVIMTOIY UDUCTION '78 3204apd 1464UCTI '7620024 apd <WRIY J '75 s.'KJ Auto <07!1b • '74 Bav Auto <09721 5-1".,. 9'y ..... '77 6lOc1i 4 SJX,'\.od. Polan~ Silver, lealhCT mlcm or, sl.-n~• l'U.'>.~lte. maw.. Sold :ind ~ I' r \< I l' C d ti y U -. t749UVHI SADDlEIACK VAUEYIMPOltTS 831 -2040 495-4949 72 3.0 CS, good l'Oflll. !l.l,(XX) rru." :-.pd, 1·all CVS , 714-497·~!11\ '7K 3201 l\lp11111 i;u..,11 , Ai:ulra('. A 1(', am1fm l'Ul't'> hllll'k t.1n 1•l11lh Factory s•·rv 1\11 ri· Ct.'lpts SIO,fltlCI 557 4titifi or 847 4346. '76 HMW ~ I Al rn 1. -.u11 mor. auto. ic lnt 1·11n!J $7250 fi7J. 71(11 HMW 5301 Lale 197fi model . Lo m1. An lhrac1tc. leather . bnrf. stert'O, Cll. nardc N C Alpma -.pun .. w.pen:-.ion Call 759 1561 evcl't or !fl~l6d~---- '75530!. xlnl cond. Best offer. Linda fl4.2..2210 or S48·4732 Coleman Pcuk I backpack . blue . Polar1uard mummy 'aleeplng bag. l mo old. eu. &45-9796 16' CEN'MJRY Mahogany Classic wllh Trailer . $!400. 760-lO'JJ trai~. perfect for begin· net. $1195. 499-2785. 714t li45 r'401 l!Y79 112251250. Cream I tan All upl1on~. $65,000 Pn vale l'a rty . Call ~!>1·2525 'n UOI)(; E B:.!1111. .1,, lon Van :jl!IJVK. 127 ' w b. f'S/ l'B. uuto, reg .iui. A~loni;i $412.'). U51 73:1:.! 1971 100 LS. Auto. ;11r, '7!1 3201 Tak<> over l>UI OOU' CLU8S, Wllt1on •X31, 9 lron:s. 1.3.4 ,5 woochl, like new, Sac. GOO. Call 648·1395 a rt ~·· Jloa1linol 1kl11, 180cm Xlm cond. SlUO. Caber booU. 8, $30. 548·5344 or •1•. 81rfboard.7• 10" Cast.er, like new 1125. 99.QOI ----'"~-..~ '"' ....................... ----------LASER, complete. good condition $600, 642-4942 ~:f!':'I 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fant M!l ti C aa' Uoston Whaler, 40 Johnson. full cov er. Jo'lrst $1500. '78 St11.uk1 2511 Enduro, ----------4 Whtel Drh n 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7:1 <.:.J ·5 .J f:EP VR Many extras, very cleun. 492-7t7l and 492·6l72 lr75-W152. Cotonadot'--115 H w/trnlllor , ~ shufM'. $7!10 ur ll(.'8l. --------------• ov IUl&.1 • vane~ po e. MUl'M,s:;i uri65 23' Fl burfo rm, '75. $1400. 545-9159. '75 Jeep, 30,00> miles, nvw f1)'bridgci, galley, t.rlr. Arnertcan 23 .75: Head, '69 Harley Davidso n tires & rims . $4500. Sac. rt .SOO. 1145-4891 Sportslcr. c11tm chopper, 5'18·591tafl4 1J1Alley, sips 4, Honda ma perfc..'<.1., lul'I chrome --- dock Nwpt or truilcr , sz.ooo.842.3974 "74 ·royotn Lundrrwscr . must sell. mu kc Mr. Many xtras, xlnt cond, PACalT Red. Needa nothlna. 2 aetl ol oowra. S14K firm. ad. 714/142-9405. Irr~. '75 YAMAHA 4!50 llD must see. $4500/best. 0-ic racing sloop 26' Ludera w/.Up. Newpurt. !!!!!I!!!!!!!!~!!!!!! I OaJl 804305 evs. "13 Ca.I 25 hinacd mut. n•w 8HP. full race- cNM. x1nt cond. SI 1,900. MM09'7 rMI BE&N A GOOD bNt. 'niun. around tbe bay. evenla1 crui1es. e ven .... sk.llna In the ocean M "'re leavlna the waterfront. 16' 120HP Cd Mt-~!'"' II, diesel l /0, enalne overhaul RDF. VHF' 129.~. 8179, run• areat, ms m.3339 ........ "500. A true 1------· '*lain. fm..1.323 PACXET II' ... ~t F/R, D/F, W Needa DOtbln •. 2 ,..... 0UU1...,., trtr aet1 ol eoven. (;oa)plete ..,..., P.P. llu1t 1ell wltll Hill. Sl4K . tlrm. fHt. ht ""° bu11. M•TM-MOI. ---!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .,..... Whaler 40 hp. .. C•U I'll--or ·-11· •••ra1 v ·u. =·Mt lltrc 10 lrtr .... .., ... '~•n •ffer. N<>w e ng, 300 milf's . &tS-9003. Xlras. 1599. Call 830 7189 •'77 Triumph Sl vr Jubll~. JM. mint. rood. S2500 (offer). '74 Norton minl rond $1800. 831·771 1970 Harley Davidson 1~ cc, ol( road bike. runa " loolLt IOOd. must sell. Sacrlrlce SlOO. 5:16 1147 "18 Yruniaha l~Y1., xlnt oond. lo mi, $400 firm. 536.3582 ~iuki 380, very ad cond, '4IOO wttb IMlmel. CaJI Jotntomt ,.. 8i.lluld GS 750 CUltom ...... • •.h-.t. sun . llllt. l'CIDd .• ..,. I lllllltlaftJdel W /trlt. New mee OU.•. •· 175 YalDMa • .,,, Hooda D11 •. .,..., .,. ,.. ........ alM --~-· ..... 'Tl u4 Ford F2SO Ran11cr · PS. PB. AC. AM t •'M stereo. 29M mi, sh~ll • '8DJ, 549-2745. 9560 ....................... 1971DATSUM L0el81B PICKUP 4 • •Pffd tranR. " step bumpu " mlrro r i.. (lKJUl). OM.YS44tt Ml\WOl'T DATSUM 8M Dovo Street . Nf.."WPORT BEACH llJ.IJOO '• li'ord F·lOO. 3 Spd, Ille> ..... run& 1reat. aood bod)'. $1421firm.49U'731 '17 l.H. Scout. Perfect rmcb'l cand. '1500 Flrm. 22111111. C.11 M2·2Sll '71 l>ollllc' t:l.impc•r Van fo)1lly loud<•d . l'op·t1111. S2!l'J!1 or tr ad•· ()/ J\1<1 Must sell. 631 ·48G9 or ti4.Hof>4fi Allio U.llMJ 9510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WHY WORRY? LEAS F; W !OPTION TO llUY l00'.4 or all lcaw pay rnenl'l llpply to purC"ha.w 4 mo. t.o :s yrs. /\II make:c & models 1ncludrn1t Wll'<I & exotic cars. Te rms t11ilored to fit your budf(et. Tradn accept· oo. pcHoror not. CALL 833-991 2 PHYSICIANS FINANCIAL L~ING 1885i2 MacArthur Blvd sae a Nwpt Bch m 1s tlfO • •••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED I Late model To1ol111. Volvoe, Pkkupe 6 Vant1. Calh• todaJ I AM /FM . xln t t'o nd. $287mo S,OOO rr11 Art•llc $1350 li75·1004 blue. 559-4250. SADOLllACa VAU.IYIWOllTS ll 1 ·2040 49~949 c.; t715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7ii Black Cal, SW\roor. 4 t YI. 21J MPG. 34.000 mi':. . I ownr 645-8404. . ·12<.:apn. Good cond. Many extras. S9:"J(J t.75-4382 "79 Carm HS · 4ryl. 4spd. l\l'. I'S, l'H, cassette·. lo;t(ll-d, 4~.00 ml. mu!.L 1'.ell, $.'i895 firm. 646.06()) I ~7 4'!iUh!Yt.'S. ·n Capn r;h1a. 2.H. Supc·r l"ond. St1<·k, s nrf . AM /FM tape , extra:-.. $4.'JOO/bst ofr. 544·48l~" 5'Mi4764. ------'76 Capri. 6 cyl. auto. lo ma. AMWM, s nrf, xlnt cond $3200. 675-lb'73. '73 V-6. 4's'l>. sunroof. new IJres&eng. $1.595. MU~T SU.I.~ !n!l-7M4. '73 C::apn 2000: Auto. !>Un rf. l(d oond. Sl&OObc.-.l. 673-2811. t720 . ..................... . '76 280Z Sharp & cle1111. New a /c & brakes. Mai.t:-.. stereo cassette. 46M . $6500 Oays 979·4485 l::Vt'S/Wkncfs 673-4285. 1976DATSUM 1210COUH 4 ~peed trun.-.. & nir con<I 12~2NLli I. Great gai-rrulual(~! OHLYS2999 HEWPOttT OATSUM KllK l>ovc Street Nt-:WPOl<T OEAC lf lll·llOO ---- '72 1200 HlC'hbk . Cspd. to11 l'Ond. bc:-.t ufr . flekll ~15<1:,.:n 14 art llpm ---1976DATSUM 21022+2 •1 !>peed trans . <11r c00<I. & only 34.1100 m i le:-. . <0428931. kuns on r l'· gulargus• OMLYS6799 Over IH used "Zs" 'lo chootic from ! MIWPOUOATSUtot R8H Dove Street Nl-.~RT B~ACll llJ.IJOO '72 5l-O: 4 dr. standard trans, air. One Owner $12!15. 540·2934 da Yb, 8J3.2l28 t!Yell. ...... 1.r...... ......1.,.rtM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ., ......... .. DATSUM -z·c.as WL"re kHldOO wtlh lt\t.:m 1 MtlMt .a )'Mn Ii 11Ml(Jt•l11 1 II.MOii TOY OT A l$300 BEAC:H Ul.Vl> Wl-:sTMINSTt-;tt n•nzt 1'71DATSUM 2IO%COUPE !>is~ tram .. 111r 1.·ond , ster eo, ma~11 & only 12.000 milCb. Rurui on re gular l(lt.'I ! ( 433100). OMLYSlf99 HEWPOIT DATSUM Hll8 Dove Stre<.'t NEWPORT Ut;ACH 133-1300 ·71 1200 Sprta cpe, great mileage, looks f(Ood , runs great W75. 661 29tl3 tt740ATSUM 260%COUPE Automallr trans , air rond .• ma11,1, low m1le11 & w.ed run\ on re1:uh1r • gas! (01bifo6). OMLYS4999 NEWPORT DA TSUM OovP & (lua1I Stll Nl:.Wl'(IR'r HEA<.:ll u•• ...... Of MLMalaJ _.6COMPdl 11 \I ,..., lllo 0 4 . ITOPtL Md II""• a tall cftl11n• uur """ .-nual llHd •11 r .. ,f'«)Wf ,,, .. a.-. c:..., .. Hart.lit Ulvd OOb'TA M t.:sA t?t-1100 •DATSUNS• L99tt••··-OfAIMMlla WISllCIAUU IMeooD •Y1C• COSTA MESA DA TSU~ 2'MSllARBOR BLVD. 540-641054 .. 0Z13 tt7tDATWH ZIODCOUPE <lnly s.ooo m1lc11, s NrJC<'d trllf\8 , AM / 1-'M rMdlo, u1r <..uld .• rftllyc whccli. & an IJK~ N~W condillC)n ! (670WZOI $11,499 NABERS ~fie }l,(X) H.1rhol Blvcl (" 00-a.\ ,..,.,...... S40 <)(()() 8l_l-_l l~0 __ 111....,:u.u~ .... ~~~ ....................... ...... 7. HOleAc., MANY TeGIJ1111..._. UMY•llTY CM tin .... C..• •MC ,... ... ., ICarbof m VII Olftalll .. 11 M0004U '71 ('ivll 'Vt'\' Whl . AM t ti'M 1uu. a:wou &U •t!MI b4lf ll 1111, a ll u.,m 'nl lb1d11 A«c·ont 1.x "I s pd, •ll H •I , t tlllUU tr1J~ ....... f7JO ••••••••••••••••••••••• JA.UAIS XJtilA. XJtn ... • XJS {'oupm1 MOf.t ,-va.n 11v111lubl" 1111 lmtN!diib• dt•llY('I Y 1IST DllVI OMI TOOAYI!! 21125 llurbor lllvll l'<~'TA MES/\ 979-2500 '1it XJtl. fully cQlU 11111·cl . chaufft•ur dri v1•11, B111 olr Uit!i ~la L!AilS Ju~ XKI': lld1-t1·r. 11n IM C. ('01111 $.571.10 ur 111•:-.1 offrr. ff:IJ.314:1 art.~ JAGUARXKE 70'1'• l t l . li<•yl, ~llOJll!. wt'll c·u n-d for $7~10U/uf1 PP754 11:J(1 i l'r.i Vil l 1 2 :icr , .wl11 Wirt' wh•'4:b 1\1\1 tFM H lrlll'k $7.JOIJ fill:! ,l(il~I liea ut1ful d a!'f•.it· Ma r MK2 'Iii X In t 1·111111 Ill rcr (h er ~1.0110 Mm II mJC>ftMI <!!n :1 IC.-GWo 9734 ••..•••.•..•.•..•...... '&!Ghia w/:-.1,ar<' ·1:11·11~!"" • 7 ~ O a t i; u n U . 2 I OJt.:.::~~~.;;;;;;;;;;;.-;.;;:llJ lran'>. ni-.'fl:. work, $tCMlll llulchbat k, xlnl c ond, _ _ ____ _ firm ~~ it~1:M AM!f-'M, H lri.ck, llCW 1 lut•·h, JI. ~Jm1. S!:'l.IO ~;'11) ~Jl7 '72 D a ts un I :>110, l tJr Scci<ln. rl'I cn1l\ht1J. M•UJ.1 µy ln(J cllr , ;11'km1< S!lrlO. 4!11 1711 J•lt! ·n rno Wrui /\er, AMW M , a'it>. HC' xlnt c:und. s..')400. f>45 1679 'Tl 280-Z i.Uvcr u/c, m111t'>. A MlFM casi.. S7 .200. P.P.&1&-2142. '711 2JlY/,· uutomauc. urr. :.lA.!r4'.1, lr>Uver!>, l!k1 rark . 28.~M> mill!li. ~•.IO. C all JIH1 :S>-1 fJI :>Ill lwn~ Wt'<•I . n· buJlt C'lll(, $l5CJ ~Jl t)J!JH Fiat 9725 ...•.•......•.......... 1975 FIAT SPIDEil Mmoeuatl 9739 ...•.........•..•...... '71'"1 VIZ 4!1 :t 111r , 1111111, wire wht'4·1~ /\~I FM H lc.:ll'k $7 .~1IJO l•I:! Jin :, Uh IJ'1.">fl!J:I JOl,!I 0 7:!H fl'/;J'I lk•a11l1lu l Ila v-.h oc ··~' llmld'-'1rn!' 2 ,1 y 1111 1·111 ncr lot W/Klra lri~ 1111 v JJill.IO 1hr, :11m. $:!J~.ouo 1~4!717 9740 .......................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ?•time•s nee 1"6rilun<I)' with l11n up hol1h•r)', a>ower win duwtl, pu..-r bralal'll, air tu.dltlunl.nf. \'NI r un U'Ut (ml.t;J) IADOL•ACll YA&.LIYl...-OITI Hl·l040 4tMt41 ICOMOMY SNCIALI Ul'TOllO Ml'U •Mlt·u HODllllL l.11 .1t ury 1HHl u11 . 1111 1111u•ul•h' on l(11111I 1•1111111 11110 , h1l·11lly 11wm•(I & ., vh'tod, uuto t 11m 11 & lllr1•011ll I :w!M Vl. I C•To49y! JtM S&.IMOHS IMPORTS 1!110 11.AllUOll Hl.Vh l'C~'T~ M l'::\.A U 1-1276 8ll·tl00 '77 M IJ OOS I': 111•r f(•1•1 {'(JOtl ll(lt n ~t·rnl 1'11 011 11 ll).1••1 nu $1H.:.CJO ~IO IOI I I.I t:4'>E fullv 1'4fC11 1' ti. \llll n 1111I ( iolll :17 ,IMMI 011 ·~ l\11Jitl i.1·1• $!1HllCI 1~1i; nm "/:, MllZ :!.:IO Muth-I ~·O.IMMI ICU 1\11111 1•111111, '\l'I' 111 1111 pr1'l'l,11t• $111,IU I /:1\l 11'/ IK 'l'hrt'l' M1·11·1·1l1•i. 111· 111 ' ·n 1111 M111'1 111· 111.,11rnwct 111 Tlu'I WPl'k f\11 l.o111•11lly I lw1w1I Wllh .. 'ull S1•c'v 11.,· lln.1111 \ S11w1•N,.w l'ltlC 't•:ll T l I S I·:! .I. '72 250 SEO. UINlll ~.:ICMI '73 280SE SEO. l l HICiYNJ $'/Wit W ill llC'1111"111a111·,. li:ll ;>I :11 I Ii I 11 " ·1:11 K:r.11, I l1t1c11· 1.:1 M 11 l!•k". I • \I ,111l 1t r111h.1I ... 1·1 ... 111 111 11111 I 1lc . ~~K.'~I I.I I 11.1:1.' 1:1 M llZ ,'H ll 1>11 1 k Ill ""ll/l,111 11111 ( ;11 I 111111 Mu"l .. ..ii 1111m•·d ~/WCI ,,,,,.... 'I \II 7 71( I, w I/I k :.ri •n ix "1:1 am 111•"·1·1 •.1 ... i.. '1111 1·•111!1 Yl'llow ~I I ,!11111 .a•i:1 11w~. "i~· M llZ ;>.MO .. ,.,,,,,. I VIII \ M111t llt·~t 1>111·1 H\H \MW 1.H :~>tl Xl11l10111 I •l'flll. /\1 ', ~1:-tlMI !Jljij ri1iKll II II '76 8210 1lus one's in great cond1- lJOO! (4tf.3MYC). MUST Sl£HUllllY IEACHIWORTS IJI MUZi50SE Cl11w11lall' lirn, /\C, i.unrl. ,iuto. /\Mt .. 'M, l"IPan $<!Uf•O ·----------1 752·94ll d y:.1673 2236 •MIZ.78 ev~ good coodrt1on. $2650 6'n-J860 or 4!M • I 4<Yl 'Tl Pick Up Wulk thru, CU'!Uxn paint & cntenor. l,u w mclc :.. m a~N .1mifm New hnikt•b, xlnl mnd ~'fJS t~r l.K.-:.l ulft·r (~•II 5't8 !Kil"iO ·w l>atsun f' U • n•·w rm gs & llr~. :10M. xlnt t·1.ond. Orni.:. $320<1/ofr . '"'~ 848 Dove Street NEWPORT lil!:ACH 752-0900 '7J f11i1t l2t Spyder eon· vcrt Goud m nd. 644~ 'UHs.~J Spyder <:rinv. lli.ird Ulf>. Hblt cng. itompl!. Go 11 d t• on d . $ l 1. o o . ~.l5.fi13 itl22. pp lOODtESB. 5 cyl .. luxury sedan. up lO:llmpg, fully cqwppNI including e ledric :.un roof, low m1leai:c & war rJ11ly (74025) JIMSLEMOMS IMPORTS l!Y70 Ill\ ltuOH HI. V H <X~"T .f\ M ES/\ 631 -1276 833-9300 i!J <1110 t>..I Whet•-. :.nrr. fully cqw 11. :.huwruom l' on d $ 1 7 , 1, o o t 11 I 1 • 7~J :Jj4() 71;2'«1(; (':11111·! 1·111111 'l 1111c•11111I M11,1 .,,.,. ~1:1 ~~I !/!..:; 11.llS!I '71 l!tll<' Wh1l1·/l1lk 1111 !'iu11, 1 un:. gc,;l{J, look:. W•.id. ~WI l:lJll /\111•11, 770 :-.11111 day:. 9800 Alttot, Mew 9800 Alltos, Mew 9100 Altto1, Hew 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAJID NEW 1979 YW 1 PASSENGER BUS Fully FKtOfv Equipped with 11utomallc tr11ns .. tinted glau lo m"'h. much more. (119371 BRAID IEI 1979 II DASHER 2 DOOR BRAID NEW 1979 VW RABBIT "C" MODEL --~4Ji~'~-1 i-- Fullv Factorv Equipped with • ,peed, 'poc1111 Plllnl, tinted glaH lo much much more 113971 ) BRAllD NEW 1979 VI CAMPI BILE Fully l.ctory equipped lnchldlng llll·UP root. .....,_ 4, tint!, 11oYe. refrlferelOr. & Muell. mucn more. (062'71 •99 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '8' leosf!• Xlnt r ond, Ivory. •II ropalr rt>cotda, ~1olr 813 l llM .... f742 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mew lt1t MCh I MIDGIT1 In t«>ck r 04' hn rot't.I h• le lirllv' I 8-e Utt 1Htfor•1 you li\.1¥ TOOAYlll ~+.;) .................... _. .. M&i Uurhm Hlv1I t '( IS'l'A M t•:.'ll\ 979-2500 1 1 l«:T 1111w 1•111( , 111111 nM•c·h 1·1111tl /\I I 11111 v rt·•· ~oo. li..·111 ufh•• 1: .. ~:r.1().1 1 11 Mt: Mull(1•1, Z'K n11. )111',ll l'fMHI. l(,.l ITll, bc!ll 11(h·1 ,I'll ~. ltl I IUl(\I 9744 ..........•....•....... Hew 1979 MGl1 Mt11 t' 1w1•1>h• huy I h1• r\IC ill 1'1111Y1'1 lllllc• lh1111 ,.,,.,. 11tlll'r 1·1111 vc•r l 1hh• 1 ~~·l l:-O hdm·1• v1111 l111v TODAY!!! ....... '? .. :\ !If•-',~•"' I "'" .... ·-··· ••4· ... ·~··---· .11r..::, 1J111'hor 111\•tl c 't 1.'l'I'/\ M l'::-0/\ 979-2500 IH M<; H 1111\ 1111 1\ '1 J"M t .1•,•, I 1•fl IUf!f'Hf:' I 1lf k 1\11111' 111111.h lk tl ~1.H!•1 •·'-' uc11:..t PeulJ'tot 9748 .•••.•.•............... PEUC.EOT SALES. SERVICE ANOLEASIHG I 11 .. ;.-.1•.I • .._NI IW i\ VI\ II ,I\ Ill.lo, BEACH IMPORTS l(.IH I .1tw 1· ~I 1 ,.,., Nl•:Wl'(llt'I' 1\1•:1\( 'II 752-0900 Poncf.e 9750 ..................•.••. :?i?,,~J J,~ £~~:K Sl11111H1I .. 111 '"111111111111 lllJ~ •• 1ll11y'.. '.lt'I t•O 111111' ( .I Cl !1 ll S It ) $18,995 ~~ ..°""' ._. • .,. 1 ru u ....... t !f>.11 '""°"' Ullul (.Mft(Jl.:t • ( ,r(JW" , ... 6J9 2::J;JJ 1917 PORSCHE 91 ISTARGA Bla l·k on hl.1ck w11h n ·:il le<Jtlwr ,,.·111.:>, L11r n 11ul Ula u 11 u11k t A 1 1 1"\1 1·:.~-..-.dll· '"''urth·r II,, .ti h1y wh1·d ·. n 1:11<Xll1 OHLY $17,999 BEACH IMPORTS 11-18 l>llYI' Sl rt •l't NEWl'OllT 111·:/\C ll 752-0900 '78 ''924" I 3113 1 ll11<D<H fllwr r ... °"'' G•.-·~Ila 23Jl 'T.l''2 914 :! 0, 30mp~. nu dutch & brak1-:.. SUl't;u ear ~I t;7r, :1Jl7 '76 9121': Sunroor. 2.'.,000 m.11to:.. mr, ;1lloy:., :.kn-O <'a:.M'llt". blul·k Call C,73-~ Iii 912-IU)ll cllJ( & lran!. Nu c lulch, l(cn . trr<>:.. brks Xlnt m /tHJt Hr pL' Grcu t huy S5500/ofr 491 3!15!.I '73TarJ;ta, ~ood m nd1lmn, SIO.~itJO l'P 1173 llOM '7'1 !JM Pon1chc 1.K I.Ilk Cu.>1tom nm11, runs xlnt. SM()I 5'\8·!112U, 117J.t!7MJ. ---- '7it 2.0 Lllc r l'orNrhc. 11 II blk. 1mmac, $M(lOO firm . 171~!.l'-.nl afl lll'M 'i1 Porsche Tarl{a, 70110 ITl.l 's, blk o n blk, fully ('(tlllP'd., hkc new. bcsl olfcr f..46-7700 -----------'71 914 Low m1lc a1w AM ffM c·ass. xlnl cond. $4800 675-5159 '78Turbo. muck on black BBS 8" & 9" wheel,.. $44.500 .. 3000 Miles. 642-SlZl '78 924, yellow, p an. strlped, map, bra & rog lan\pfl. $11,995.4M·~. '56 Porsche CabrloleL. Nice. $.'S600/blt. 538-5014 '67 911 Xlnl. cond. 64K orte. ml. Muat be teen? Pre ·& m o1: $7 , &00 . 6'5-9~7 '7f tl.2E: Sunrf, 30M ml, AC. alloys, atereo, 1Uver. Ubnu. f73·3227. ,. 814: 2.0, llpd W/8P• p e1 r a n ce 1rp , AMt FMtceu. lo ml, ~Ol)O.MNl.11 • . '. . , ....... ... . ...... .. ·-···-·· ... . ...... t7IO ••••••••••••••••••••••• "II ltllS. blk, •Unrf. C:lean 5 1000 rnl auoo or bfll ""'MG-UWJ -------"19 1'U'bo C.rrt r•. black on blerk. 3100 mllH 1.01dt d wllh •lru D .000. *·l30l Atlk for ~v• t..t.avle.r L,t,"vlna 111 lllll CfiUll lltl 111. ...... t756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 l DEALER IN U.S.A . IOY CAltVER ROUS·ROYCE IMOJ•mborH Nttw-1 &<ouh \'-___ .,...,.. C.LOUO ~UNOAYS ~tll Sil Vl·r {;lc)l1IJ l $1!1.000 ~4M<t 9760 .•...•.•..•............ Sill SM.IS, SYVICE AMO LEASIMC. 1!1'7H & I {l"Tfl SAL h NOW IN l'llC )(.:ltt·:.'\.'i I IEACH IMPORTS K<IX Uuvc• ~I n•••I N,.;Wf'Olff Hl·;l\Cll 75~0900 Toyota 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOYOTA 1974 ('f•;l,I(' /\ ~T I ~111·1•11. rn•w t11 1•i., l"M :.t1·r"" $:~.li·t:1 110 J ,11•1•1111c• 7Hfl I\ VV c '1111 (7 MI K:111 1: Uri ·11 ( '111 ulla, •,"IHI lt:11 li:1I". .11111 I 111 .......... 1 t •• ··"". ~t:UI K:t:I %1rl 1\17 / < '111111!.1 lf,111 hf1a1·\\ ~It.:,, $11C"' Xl111 1 •11111 t .. ll :ttnH I I I 11\lll.1 t '1111111.1 tll\ t 11'1111. l(t,.111 I r.111 11111 I .1 111111 ,, ;•01 'i.M1 .~. '/H t 1111111.1 I .p<I 'ch 111• 111 .. •· '1111 111' 11 .... 11111111 'urnl \.~l:~I 1•1·, ·•1,.•1, /1 I 1•1 11 ,1 l.111111 ( 111111 i\M FM•·'"" 111·w 111 1 .Sl."~1'1 I 'II 1:,1 I.IOI '76 TOYOTA CELICA 'I tll' 111111111.11 111111.11 k' Stl<ll kfl111: lt'tf W1l l1 .1111•1 111111., , /\ i'Jl 1 f"M .I 1·11·•1 c:~m11 Oney S3495 &.MORE TOY OT A 1:.:•1t1 l!lo,I\( 11 111.VfJ W ....... TM IN~,'11-.ll 894-332 ' ii 1 Wl1•«·I Im ,,•· I' 1rt 1111 lv W r1·1 k•·•I I .di :::,1 :n-..<! ( ~ .. ,.1 r1o1r1 '70 TO)l,llJ v. .:11. Cll'"' trJn,,. n·...,11rl.,·1I ml1. rruk•·tifftor ~ l.1t1l ...,., l .. h 1 ·' I 111 h.h ... I' I :1 :-.11 .111 \\I I \I ,1111 llMlll ).:1.:11•l 1>l 1 Ml" ii ('u111t 111 ~Ill \\II~ .:~1<1 1 1111tl ~I 11111 lk l <1111 I •1,•t .• OKi 'IK 1·..i11 ,, :-.I' 1\M F\I ~lt·n~I Wll 1' 'JMll.1•tl "'hi'. l11 1111li•.1j(t', l11!1 :1.1:11 'Ill Tuy11t.1. ~~Ml /\lo,11 '/I /\MC l:r.•1111111 , S!100 l~ti(f.1:1 2925 Jf11rbor Ol vd COSTA MESA 979-2500 •TRIUM'H '7 6 SPITFtRE Under J0.000 rnll<'s, ••1< ('t.'lll•nt 1.'011d1t1on, 11L1·rt·o <'llS!>Clll' <:n1TU1>1 Sl850 JIMSLEMOMS IMPORTS l!nollAltnOR Bl.VI> COST /\ M 1-:.-.f\ 631-1276133.9300 COHVERTllLE TR-7s HOW HERE! ( '•HIJJ'''I f\1110 I\ vu1l11lil1• 1111 1rnm l-.lh1tc · 111'11\ ,., y 1 ~'(·US l1d11n • YllU hll\ TODAY! Ba· .. ~~, Mu(~tn 1 ................. ......... ,........,.~_, .. 211~1 fl urt1111 lllv1J ('OST /\ M fo,~I\ 979-2500 'Tl T f(7 ;, "I'. ,, t /\ M I• \'! t'il'-'•'"11•· { 111tl• t w.n • .111 IV ~.!olMI i,,..,, X.17 1.:1(;, 'II< 1, 11. X 1111 "'"" 1\\I I· M • ·", I" 1111 ,,, / 1111 11 • I 11 I I I' ,. ,II( I IHX 71 :-.1111111 • Xl111 '"""· 1 l'lill • llj' /I. I 1 .111 1111 • lul• Ii \ '1 I '1 , 1 1111 1111>· ~·-~-I 111 ...... 9770 ..............••....•.• VW II "1111• I r1111lol1 •·II lllJ' \lt\U < .11 I 1 \ H f toll .~.11.11 1·.11i1 1111 '" ...... l\n 111• \11111 • ,11 '" 11111 M.11 111" V11lk "'·""II, 11!'/ll '"""'h llhd 1111111 lllJ'llltl Jlt-.11 h fl.~ fl•I l·11111k \11111111 Ill ·1 .. 111 tuk111 1969 VWBUG l .o~hl hlow ··~l•·n•ir /I.I 1111 Iv 1,1 l#~J ""1'111.d 11111•· '>11,11 I' ( '.11 ' I Y!->.1!1':111 I Won't Lent Lonq! HEWPORT OATSUH >'MI"•'• <.,1 ri·1·1 '-I.WI'< 11t I 111.t\I II 833-1300 7.1 lwr,1111 .! 1lr u111 •1t•I Il l\ 1mmc1e d1·nll·d lt'fldt•r 1!>-l 7 Hp( , l ;-')J'''-~t·r Lua ' ,,."- " lt•hll 1·111 ~ 11 Jll'\ :)";1\1 •I.I I 11111 f\1111 '\, H 111 \ \\ I l,1 lo .\hlCo 1!1111~ ,\ lo••i... r1•1tl )1'11.10 ''d i..:>il• , I \ \\ l 111111 \11111 1\I 'Ill\•' 11•11 11: .'.IM 1111 1 I 1'.t ll , :ol 11 k , ) I/I ,JCI :.:11' IC•~• :-.di with 1':1\.-. ~.' 11 ·:..1 BHl-:EZ I•: < ·1w .. -.1(lt'tl /\tl:. ti;ll [~i711 ................ ..... .. ,uw ... ........................................... ~ v•...-tno ~ .... •• t71' .•..•..........•....•.• . ..................... . '72 Bua. new en1ine • is Rabb6t: Jdr, 41pd, •hit' S*inl. xlnl eond. IUlW>/ cond, 1 owner. lo nw bmloffer ~ 641 31$1/'111 ·2011 evn . -Kllnd '10 VW Bua. en(&. at body ---'-"-· ------ work ~. $'700. ll24 '79 vw Rabbll Dill. 1i1ir,•4 W Balboa 81. •4. NB dr allver, 460C> ml, ..-. '71 V W Dul(, •l ock . AM11''M. rum &c lookll rt• a l good $111)0 1714) fMO. Ul97 or 84G·89b 1. ~ ~--·w vw OiesPI N t;W S/\CRI "'IC .. :~. W I 318" '00 VW UuK, cll'wly rc•bll tlflf(, lll'W bfkli, /\ M II-' M t•as ... :.ll•r1•11 Vc•I y dc•u11 ~) 1)4~ 47 l!J ·u:,vw Uuu w •11orf $1500 ho,t ofr !Alt 77711 '71 VW BUS Xl111 1111111 Nl•w l'lllotlllt'. 111•w t1 .111., $2!.UI :~I H7;!1 1!17!1 vw IC.1111111 IJ11·M·I, .,olv••1 """''"'· /\ C' 1w w ""'""" 111fc·nu1 7~ 1r.!l-111r 1.0 1 1:1t1.1 IMO-l0l7 '19 VW Blk convert., only 2'15m.I AM/l"M Cllllll, t'OV· er, •II X'lraa, S9,750 . 642-8122. -------'Gti VW Ca mper ne"lll rud11d11 new enf( .. brak~; clutch. & oiler cooler~ $1 ,700 962·"°51. cull at\• 5 -------·~ ilJ ltnbh1t 1>111 L. 800 m i . AM / l''M 11t1•r co, J\('. hmdc'(f ~ ur l>c11l uf h·r r,...-,1 171ilt 'ii ltubl11l Sacn f1cc Xlnl 1•111111 1:,2 71llll day11, 71i>I ;J47!1 l'V•"\/Wl<ncli\ 1~, VW, runi. 11oi;d Sli.:..tl !.-1•1 Iii-ti 71, 1• VW S111H·•~1 lut'l 10 1 l\M ,..~ 111 .. i., 11 M. $.'j(JCJU 1.1"1 ~u. 7.! VW Si.111t·rl11••·tl•· 11111 rcmn111H \11:ol1 1 ..... 1 11111•1 N••w h1•;JC", v,11\l'., 1:1•11 • f'll••••••••• '"' 111111111 .,11. IC",li' ''" •, u .... 1111·1 llt•t•llt' "'"''"''I hl1· $;~Ml or ).,.-.t 1111 ,., Mu'll ""'I ' :,,11, ~Y/1~1 6 REASONS TO BUY & SERVICE AT JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN · • · SU'tlCE Off'T orEH 'Ttl 9 r M MOMOA YS -2· rART'> OlrT OPEH 'TIL 9 r M MOHOA YS & 'Til 2 .. M. \ATURO.t.Y\ .]. ~AlE\ OlrT O"lH 1 DAY~ A WUtl .... Wf Ll:ASE All MAKES ' MODI.LS, S"fCtALIZl"'G '"' 'tW & Ml:lCEOl:S IEN1 .5. WE HA 'tf O'tER I 00 PllE OWNED ECO,..OMY CARS TO CHOO\l: FllOM .&. IMMlOIATE DlLIVEllY Ol'f MO\ T MOOEL\ ,-,-- 117 I I UACH I LVD HUP4Tl~TOH IUCH 842·2000 111 1Cu1 \1111 • •11111 '' ~ p.11111 M 1t h1·l111 11111 .:c "·'' l \Ill <'Ill '111111! ,.,.,, ~.011 ~ ••• 11~1 71 :-.u111·r 11111• h111I l'M F\1 1111 111 •" Vl'I v dt'.111lh1 u,,11I ~'i'IAICI ('Jll (IJ'>C" 7hli ~~12 .tlil 12:11 IOI WITHAM SAYS WE'VE GOT ·eM ALL! OVER 120 MIW & USIO • COMYBTIILES • DAStBS • RAlllTS • SCIROCCOS • IUSSES • DIESElS OM SALE THISWHUMO BOB WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN 1•00 wu~ra Avt. Wl:STMIHSTH 893-7551 • 63&-7880 Vmvo 9772 . ..................... . VOLVO SALES. SEtlVICE AMOLEASIHG 11\ FIL ... !-\.'-l>l-.1 I\ I-It' ~.XI ' 1-.ll IS EARLE tl(E VOLVO l '•I' I l.1r hi11 l\h d n >."1 1'\ '"'~' 646-9303 540-946 7 1972 VOLVO 145EWAGOH 1\11111111.1111 .11r 11>11rl \\I V \1 ~· .1 )n.-.it l qV.IH'I l',lf 'f\ Uri\\' \_,!,1)(._l 111111" .. •!lihF' \I MUST SEE! BEACH IMPORTS MH lkJ\ l' Slrt'l'l Ni-;WPOttT tH·:A .H 752-0900 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO 1·.X11.l 'SI\. ELY\ 0 1.VC'f I ~11 i.:1•.,1 \ uh u I k .1 l\'I 111 (II :i11~" l \1unl \ Illy,,.. I.I-:\.'-}" 111 ll t-:( ... f!te\l'l~, 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 Auto1, H•w 9800 Altto1, Hew 9800 Auto1, Hew 9800 Auto1. Hew 9800 •··•···············•··· .......•.............................................•.•......•... , .. DON'T GET CAUGHT OUR CAR RUNS ON ANY TYPE OF AUTOMOTIVE GASOLINE . . . ,•*ACCORDS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ·HATOfBACJ(S. S SPOS •• AUTOMATICS WITH YOUR GOOD CREDIT OTHER MODELS ARRIVING DAILY CALL TODAY FOR AVAILABILITY . ...... _ .......... . . ..... ·-· ~----.,...,.. .. .. Vel"9 1"-A/C, hip ..._lllGOorbiitolr "1 e.Or-..c..., 0.U-191~ 2m5 Harbor OMS .......... 008TAlllCSA ... .................... ___ ,_,,. __ ,... ____ _ IL 4 "" .,.. ... _•••••••••••• S.VWe "11: 81klblk lthr. jmmat . 1111• nu, n u ll•l!loor••0•A•TS•u•N•••I Mlchellu. mut \ ,._.,! AU.IO'fDATIUM Gt 0748meaare Ul9CAIS '18 Seville . Bl•tk l blk. .. c. TO •-1 ~I lQI>, leath tntr, •Pih _,. I.ah pwrae.alal, AM/l'M · · TODAY! ~ la.PC' <1«1t, ·~I! 0.. Ill 10UI' i mUeu" coolroi, Wl·•COS* lllt"t·r •t Oranie County "a Ina. auw dr Jock11. l ruak lll'lllt De&.wndeal r . rele.ue. wire wttl rv~. 18,000 ml. $12,000. 8-1117 C O NNfl l < ~HVR (ll fl ' , . '>4b I JOO • •• S...Strlcll# s.\S c:.nyun Ac:re11 Ur Laatlna Oc1u:h YOU lfC the wlnntir I)( MnefNeKcMtt cm ~valu ), tu HJ.nglln~ UrOll liam um & ~»llcy CJrCWt A~ Zod thru l:llb J\Jluhe1 m C-Oti Vtm t 11111 Center Tacket~ mui.t tic ex c ha nged for rc hcrved • SJWOOWllLOAC • '7' MlltCUIY COUGAIXl7 20 M m tlc s , v .I\, 1AUWnwt1c. power slc.~r· uiti. fue,,1. uu·. till, c:rwsc . hulduu. cwitom whl-cls • 1371'J(JX I . $39'5 * J.C. FORTUNE Porauac.GMC :DX>~ 1st, Santu Ana (714 1558 1000 9940 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Grand Torino Xlnl. oood. Sl.800. S48-7l36 '71MUSlANG COUPE V·6. auto. tran s .. air cond .. pwr. s teering, stereo tape, gorgeous ! Aaltoa, Mew 'W Mark Ill, xlnt cond. Loaded + air. adJ trlr lulch. s.!250. 968· I0:.!6 Placing a Classlried ad is as easy as dialing your phone. Give us a call. We'll do the rest. 64Z·S878 9100 AMtos, New 9100 Aallos, New • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :······················································· ?llAlllT Sl2tt 41pd., AM/FM radio '1Jm.at9NOG > '76 Seville, ex:tr~. copper tan. 8 Uk 11000 964-1303 se::at.-. a t tbe Coovcntwn !~~~~~~~~~~ l:entt.>r ahead of t irm· I Olli 642 5678. ext 27~ to claJm your ticket:. m:l.\o ' $5095 TOYOTA 15.'lX>BKACH BLVD. • • • • • • • • @Rabbit • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :.. "76DATSUM 710WA90N SZftt AM/PM racbo, 4 speed (~RJCS) •CAD77 SIYIUI Low mileage. loaded ! Loc a ll y o wn ed & serviced, M BZ tradc·rn (~l) *** '71 Chcvclle S tn w~n Ong. Own<'r AM /FM p1:., p/b, a I t'. a u l11. roolrack. $1 ,250/hc)>I of fer. 968-3940 '12 Cougur. l\M I f'M Mert-o. u1r, new lire~. xlnt cn g S2J00 tbei.l. 642~ 00 XR7. ull xtra~. new golden paint. very nice sum. 846-7019 dys WESI'MINST~ft 194-3321 '72 Pinto. a uto. rnd1u. great mileage, $950 or bst oHcr. 714/761H 286 i2 Ranchcro PU. Dodgt 9935 Stereo &Air '73 TORINO Station Wagon : BRAND NEW '79 • • • ONLY ?I DATSUN 110 $62'9 $9150 JIMSUMONS IMPOITS '76 No va a t e. lo/m1 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---~_:2005.:_ __ $2,850. Xln t. ('(Jnd. '7'1 Moniu:o Uroul(ha rn '76 Granad;.i, 'I dr, SWOO or Automatic. power l>ll'C'r· tn!l & brakes. u1r, radio U42GNP J s99,! 4 door, 4 speed. air cond, AM /FM radi o . <13583-l~E> . 1970HARDO COSTA M ESA 631-1276 lll-9300 496-1730 powt•r. ('lean. radiab . ..._t off"r (5:IOPDI 1 Cull ---!>4H-MOl I uo;;;, ~ 76TOYOTA PICK Ur $3299 4speed 113836-}018417 ) • 76G«AHAOA $21'9 ~. trans.. air cond . tpwer suertng & brake:;. Cl31m-1SIRLG > 77TOYOTA rtaUPSIS $4299 Sspeed, rud10 '1.'MJH f'81989 I 77DATSUM 2IOZ2+2 $1199 :> s pe ed . a ir co nd .. AM/FM Rad io & m :.tit wheel~ ( 1J560.66:l7 91 '76DATSUN 1-210 $3499 • speed, a ir cond. & C'lldiO. U3831Vi l21'C I') .. •DOT• DATSUN l8ll3S BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACll 540-0442•142-771 I 9905 C.1•0 9917 '64 Chevellt': 4dr, vH, uuto. OOM , body xlnt , nd )> paint, dependable. $450. &»~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Monte Carlo 2 dr. Ian STOP!!! Oieck out our r1rst an- nual ust.-d car s ale lhu. weekend ' ~ 1'1 htO,.-..Ce.ty 2925 llarbor Blvd. CO&IA M.:S/\ 979-2500 •CHERRY Z·28 • '78CAMARO Z..28 1 7 M m il es, V -H, automatic. power stt•c•r 1n l(, po w f:r windo ws, locks. fot1.. air , :;terno tape. <:MUJQ > $6795 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontrnc·GMC 2IJOO I'~. Isl , Santa Ana (714)~·1000 '71CAMAIO E qu i pp e d w i th automatic transm ission, a1r condtllorung, AM I f' M s ter eo c a ss tt tte . l422ULB) SADDl.HACIC YAWYIMPOITS 131-2040 495-4949 dau, silver. V8. auto. l\C, PS. PH. 51.000 m 1, hucket scats. S2800. 536-4328 76Chevy Nova Concourse, 4 dr, R/H, air. 350CU VJ(. d ean. xlnl cond $21100. 673-4396; 642·5200 ;c.k for Bill/Helen ------- '761mp:.tlu. 4-dr. AtC, 43M. S'lro<J. 75H U22 '79 Impala. 4 dr. <11r, l'IS. f> 13, VH, )>t1:rt·o. :WOO rru'i.. Mu:-.t !'tat• l~·G5:1J '73 Impala. mint co11d , $1750. 714 /&10· 7841 '78Cht•vcttc 13Km1. S3.4CJO Loi m1 531 11182 '76 Monte C:.trlo Landuu T top, fully loudcd. low rrulagc Call 5411 ttifiO. . -- Clrplft-••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 Newport. Like.new 111t. ext. A/<:. Xlnl running rood. On g owner . SJ500. afl664(Hi242 ----'70Chrys. 300 4·dr, loadcd, xlnl bargain, 540-7873 c ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·•••••••••••••••••••• '00 Camaro VS. Cente r '77 Pacer w agon . rull lines. :.tere<1, gd com! ~r~.~c:I 3826 $1000. 559·1:1~ K32-9:i62 •LUXURIOUS! • 77UNCOLH COHTINEHT AL MARKV Loaded! FUii pown, Ci way st!at. till, cru1~1-. stereo Cill>SCllc. landau . l41JVWG I l.s Rambler. t::n~mc :.hot. 18 Cal'Ollro Z28, Sh:.trJl, ~'t ofr. loadc.'CI. $6,950./ Best ol· -642.0030 for. 493-2672. ---- -"---------$7295 "73 AMC J uvclin, Hurst romp. + ~ brl. Bfo"G •Nld1al Tl/\'~. /\Mlf"M ·~115.'1. good l'Ond. $750 M offer. 675·1U29 ---.• Concord L>L. lo/m1. tilt.'i of cxlros . 4-d r J~i.l (lfer. 549-4:Kn •c1c 9910 ~···················· :~WE'ii THE OHf!l! lfTS lhru llr79 Regals now Ila sale during our Jsl a n· ipaJ ~car sale ! ~~~ .. •• •• ~--·-~c-ty :: 2925Harbor Blvd. :! COSTAMESA ·: '79-2500 'aepa LTD. met. gm, cond. AM/FM cass, wbla. MJy loaded. ~ ml. IS500. Oya • 8\1411873-49llO ''" ..................... SeViUe: Yellow, A. R. rill. Genuine Wire eels. low mileaae. I 87M646. Lido tale. Yer SevilJe: Wire whl re mounts on trunk. abarpl T.O.P . 544-2234. ·ai Camaro 327. Stert•o Sl.SOO/bstofr. ~5 uft 6PM . '77 C am a r o Z 2 8 nrowntsuddlc inl. J>W, PL, PO. PS, /\/C. Cruise, 29,000 nu. AM/fo'M tape. mxl/bst ofr. Slj6.322Q. •CAM/\R0 75 LT• VB. auto. uir . PS, PU, P w r wd s /d r l c k s . AM/FM. lilt, cstm wbls. $4 l 7 S . 0 r 1 g o wn r . 714-49'-8966. '74 Camaro: AM/FM I 8trk. V6. auto. on ~ owner. xlnt cond, 52M ITll. 12700. 646-5417. '18 Camero T·lop, lo mi's, Ta keove r 1 'h yr lsc. * J.C. FORTUNE Pontiat• CMC :.nJO K l!!I. Sant;.i J\na (7J1)~ 1000 '73 Mark IV. Sonroor. ful· ly loaded Whl on whl Must sell $1!.1!)5 OBO. 631 ·48W or fi<IS-0046 77 MARklV COMTIMEHT AL 36.(XX) rrules, loaded with extras. Bill Blass ed1tton. (74895816706) Sl575 BARWIC K D ATSUN I ' ' 11 S J l .137~ 49J.JJ7S Hom e ; 759·0597, Of c; ean.tt. '752-0211. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quvw•t 9920 COIVETTI OwMn! ••••••••••••••••••••••• See us fint during our Jsl "JO Wagon. PS/PB; Air, 2 annualusedcarsule! new tires. de nted door. saso. 548·1504 eves or ~ weekends • '72 lmP9Ja: l owner, 63M ml, xlnt cond thruout, siaoo. 894·9619. # l t. e>r..., C-.ty 2925Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 '73 Ce>rveltt! w /454 cng. '11 Monza. xlnt cond. Many xtras. Xlnt. cond. Sl300or Bestof'fcr. fl.300. 549-2973 Jean or ~2589. M>-8379 tlOO ......_Mew tlOO Alltos. New •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llAND NEW 179 •1•! OR ., ........ _. 1 -'I li•IH•,~ • • • 962.IWiU "' ' .. ,,,. + I' I ,... U fol ••,.) • .,,, f II" '""' •1• " • otll"'.-I ft• ,,. ,, ,,, • .,, t ~f<ij11 \ 1 1 !It!• "•"'J l'""~'l'I• 'I• •• \H 4 f 1 •I n I• " I • .\""I I Al It f l I ,,., '1• DON'T WORRY ABOUT UNLEADED GAS RE ULAR! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON CALIFO IA'S #1 SELLING IMPORT,. GOOD CHOICE OF HONDA WAGONS *R. L POLK REPORT FOR IMPORT PASSENGER CARS FOR FEBRUARY/YEAR TO DATE •• • • • • • ... $ ' BRAND NEW 1979 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 12 TO CHOOSE FROM I ,. 2J37 A9P595282 2J37A9P607372 2J37A9P584892 2J3729P621987 2J3729P628365 2J3729P628331 2J3729P625590 2J3729P625444 2J3729P625570 2J3729P621914 2J3729P621966 2J3729P637981 ITAKE YOUR CHOICEf • e PLUS TAX, UC. DOC FEE OR Down plus tax, license & documentary fee '14892 PER MONTH ..... "'9_,~ ..... I<' ooc .............. t ... ()ow1' OI~ '49S • '20 OOOJmot<ltaty '"" • '3!>190 IA> + J1 t~ IC 11114 80 <It~ monriy Ptt~OI 1'892APR 14 Ut'lio loWot~• '71'8 16 OefflOtlCl ~ pnce $8133 Oii s..t,,.a ID eppio.90 er- LEASE S1Q830 Per month, 36 months open end INle. S429 BO dohvers on apPJoved credit S 108 30 1>0f month plus S6 50 use ta)( tor 36 months Caprtahze<l cost $5895 Re· stdual value at ond ot lease $3800 I FULLY EQUIPPED INCLUDING I e V-6 ENGINE e AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION eAM RADIO eHEATER e WSW RADIAL TIRES e POWER DISC BRAKES e POWER STEERING e TINTED GLASS e DELUXE WHEEL COVERS • BODY SIDE MOLDING e ACCENT STRIPES PICO --1/Jl/JI .- ...... UNd ........ , .............• ... ..., '''° ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S MIWUT lJNCOLN·MERCURY Ot:ALER8HI I" IAYPLADllOI lJNOOl.N·Ml'!kCURY lf 1' AW> C.ntu Dr SOFwy·l.akc Yoret1t exit lflVINt! 130-7000 '12 Colony J'k Wan. rra .-. loaded. full 11wr, A(;, $1Dl. I* 3014 11fl 5PM 'T1 Or11nd M1m1ult1 lu11d1-d w/xtruit. lmmuc. Ntiw tlrc11 . $3,600. I'. I' 644-6327. • ---- '71 Mc:rc·. Slut Win. 11n.: own<•r, lllllk u 11rr cr ~0000 Al"41 lunt trlr .... ..., 9'52 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1979fORD ...._UNd Alltot,Uted ....._,Used • .................................................................... ~ ..... tt17 ...... tHO ,.._ ft61 • ....................... ....................... ...................... . --------1 • Plymouth, blk. 11ood ~ac '71 Trana Am. Lo cond. brand new race ni. loeded, T·LC>PI, tape. '73F• ftlltl •••at Auto matic, rad io, hea\81', more. <MeGNG> $1677 SAODUIAQ( .oaD ZNOS. Muln. Santa Ana AU.he Corner of Warner 146-7070 J•1o.&S. UMC~CURY ··Spec1aJ of lhe Wc.-ck •. 1978PIMTO S 1 I v ,. r <' x t t• r 1 o r , .,utomutu·. r udw & hc11u:r. (081Ulr.fU $1450 2n3> I I arbor UI • C M. )4()-503() cam, ~. Ma-0709 all llllOO. M>-1135. - 5PM t9H ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... " ... Oon ·t mlu u• th 111 weekend dunng our llil annual used c:11r sale! ~· ; #I I• 0r-..c . ..ty •: 29'~ l(urbor Ulvtl. (;()STAM t-;.<;A 979-2500 • SlOO OOWN O/\C " '78rH08UX LJCOUPE • 11,15() MJL~ • 79TIAMSAM V-8, automatic, power 1teer1n1. power w n · dc>w11, locks, tilt, fact. &r. velour, 11ppearance, <'U !l l om wheel s . (7~VZP> $7195 * J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac·GMC :.DJO 1':. lilt, Santa Ana (714)~1000 72 ,_.. Muns, auw, xlnt 1'00d, runs great, SlS!IS 4!«/MG? '7(1 ,.:S pr t t, x Int cond. 40.CW mt '11 l..c>i·al f'llr , ~I ftrm s.11\ 17115 l'Vt"S MUSTANG COllA 'l\JIWO 4 <'YI . <I 1111t·t•d t r11m1. 11un r o11r, 11wr 11 tt•1•rin.: & h n1k 1·'· •••••••••• t 2 M m 1 I t• ' • V II . aulomutu·. 1iuw•·1 "t•·•·r m.:. powt·r w1111l11w• •• t 111 , st1·r1•11 t uµt•. 1·u:.to111 wht_•t:li. lli<tOU J 11 1 ·1;ci na;wm· ( ;'1'0 Jt..-,.11.n.-d, mu. .. t :.t-t> w. 48Cfl t•\11'' AM/,..M lllt•rl'(), nWf<l,'t • hkf• rww only :1000 rmh·" (l~I. <Stk 1'~101. $6511 THEODORE ROBINS FORD lOt>O HAA80A Bl VO CO~TA MUA t>4l 0010 1974FORD MUST4HG II •I 1·yl . •t i<fll't'11 t r1111•, , .11 r 1•111111 & ~ltPH•O l'llS'll'llt• lfllHK Yllt ONLY $2699 NEWPORT DATSUH llliH U11v1• SI r1.,.1 'l·.Wl'Ol<T 111•.At'll Bll-1 JOO 1:, Ml l:-lT1\f'/I, i.ol lfllll.l llt ,I 01ll••f /1'1 °1.1'11. 1.1 1'""111.11 k :'1'1 •,1 M 1111 :).I ,1111111 .. • .tool l/1111 .. .,.,h· ~I :rr., t•I(, ,· / Ill. Iii \lw,l 01111• 1111 11.11111 I ,ulf ,,lut I 1 .111". t Utt 1•1•·,ol ~1 1\1111 111· I 4'U H/'/'I f •• Mu·.IHUJ~ 1, ' \ 1 I IUI . I''" 141 1111 , l111tl r .,. 111 k ,.,l,1111• \I •••1 I,/ I 'II/I, ,, M11 .I 11 11• •II .0111•1 ,,, 1:d • ""'' 1111 '"'"' 11111·.1 I 11 I It I ""I< 1111 . \I /\II II 11 • I I ·'I I ~ lftl Hlll,.1 k , 1,01 Mtt ,I 1111· I"''· l'I: I , II Ill" 0111111 Jll,O o•J I ttfltl !l,ll~MI lt11 lo; 1,1.i .~Jll 1 '7 t Mu·.t 1111• II ~ 1111 • ""'I :i.;1AJIJ Ir.I 1111 .Vl .11 y i\11111 · f;.11, 7UI 111 ·,.,;.! lf/11, Oldurobtl~ 9955 ••..................... l!l.OOOMILl-:S • '77CUTLASS SUPREME H.T. VII. JUt11m.1t11· IJOW<·r ~tl't'rlllj' p 11Yot•f Wiil tltl\\ s I d t I .11 I .11 r . ,11•1 t•n 1.qw. I JlltlJU I ,;CJl(I-. \~ I S419S * J.C. FORTUNE l'•111t1.11· 1; \I\ ~~UJ f·. J'I S.1111.1 ,\11.1 I i It 1:1~11! llMIO DiH~ Special •OLDS '79 DElTA DIESEL 11111)' t.IMJll 1111h•,, lll'W 1·;,r w:ir r:rnt y. -.111.•1·1.ol f :11· t11ry 111lt·rtu1 /1. 1•1111111 m1·11I 11lu' m1111111oul . ~ .. •H'nr1t•1• lwlow lll•Ult·• rc:.alt• vulU\' JIMSLEMONS IMPORTS 1!170 11A HB<Ht Bl.VI> c-rn,'T/\ MES,\ 631-1276 833-9300 iM Olds <.:ulla.,s Supr fut ly loaded. $700 & lukl' over paym 1•nt., 91iH !015 ·79 Diesel <.:ut lass <I dr Salon Brougham Lo m t Many xtra:.. SH.950 5."l).-0133 ·70 Old-; lux si•tlan. Xlnl roncl. SI .:mo Pho n t• 9W-3845 !<'rt PM or Sut AM 72 Cutlas.o; Supreme. PIS. P I H. air. xlnt <·ond. Sl 700t bs t ofr. ~vcs ij4().5J32 TT Cutlass wul(on. all ex tra opt10fl-.. rrcam·putr. 7 $4300 /0BO. P .I'. 673-~77 _____ _ 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 Plnto. A~to. AC. nu tires. clean, gd mcch. m>tbesl offer 494· 7962. '74 FORD PINTO WAGON 4 s pee d . AM ·f'M cassette. m ore . <483WWRI $1877 S ........ ACI FOltD 23408. Main. Santa Ana Ai Che Comer of Warner 146-7070 "Tf Arato Wp: Slvrtred trim. sport pkt. AC. PS. PB. trot 11a11. ••pd. bucket H•ta. wlrea. Slll/!Uft ..Z Elflnaham 8L. off Brookhun\ bel ~liHamillea. "72 Plato. 4 cyl automatic, new tires, flOO Firm. l6Gll '74 FORD PINTO /\ut omo1l11·. /\M ... ~ 1·11s1wllt·. m11n· Mus t ~~ lf;Hftl ITV l S1877 SADDLEIACK FottD ~lltS M11111.Su11ta ""·' Al tlk ( ·111 rwr ul Wi.rrtt·r S41>-7070 "/:I l'111t11 W11,11, xl11t 1111111 t l11ilt•1 111.11011 1111 $1H!l!I ••.:1 ;,.;•1 II 1•111111 l·.111:1 Vunl •·111• .. "'' 1•111 t 11111•1111 J .. 11 I t•ll, t:llMo "//I '111111 1\111•1, I" lrll I 1111, vrr v wdl 11• w I 11 , ... 1.11. Ill.I I.' ltt111.1t11111 I I 'I\ "" t~o••f 1111lo·.1V• , ~lfl hflo I 1· 1· 11\11 , ..... J''', I '1111•1 '-,f .1111u1 Y. t'll i\ \1 f• \I 'J ' I ''It tll "' 111•· ,\r ~, '''°· 9960 , I 11't '·I ., f ,t .,, f• u I' ~ .1u1,, 'trt\ I '"JI ·"1111'1 ::•1 \1 \ h 11 I• lllol f,/t/I • ., ~. >1 Ail 11 I Ill. 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T 'I 1111 1"11·1. w1n tl11ws m:.1010 7H l'lfH>1rrJ ..-urmula I' II W I' I , i\ (; , /\ "'1 • ,..M '"'s'. T to1>-.. lull~ ltw1h'1I, \lnl. 11111s t -.di )..'l.11111 :.:Jli~MI t:H 1'111111,u· Tt•mj.11·:.t Wgn . ~OI ·t'l!I 1;.:w ·m l"1n•l11nl Xlnl. n md ::.1 ... m ti 1'1Jtt-.1\m S11t·1·1 .. 1 Eth 111111 lll:rl'k, "illl \"lllld ""4.0I l'J:I ;;!J'J:I Tlutderi>ird 9970 .............•......... • s1'" uow-.; 11 \l' • '77 T-BIRD \ II tUllln!Jlll • ,_ • • r 11 ... ·nn~ t.act ••r ,,. ol .111 11 l "" r J J .. 1 , ' l.11 HI\ SJ 99S * J.C. FORTUNE I' 111lt , I; \le )01 I I · .., 11 •• \r 1 ; ' JI lo.ll\ l 1• • , '1 lhr•I ( 11 ... 1 'nr" ~.,, I.ti lllJlll. J;;' . lo•.o !,.l. l•'\>•111d, t1 ....... ~"' • ~ 'l)!(I I I II I' "' 1· II n111 11 I 'li•'"' ••I ft1d • \i I \I \4 .. '11 ... I• )! ..... , .. , ''" '• . I I .! 111,M.11 d ,, ' o• ,, ... .... ·~ " .. Veqo 997• if1 l>u.-.u·r cww rHill •·1w rww with, nr·w ltr1·-., m;,kcurrt·r s;Jl~~ix iO f)o.;trr nl'f'f't.~ work. $50 Cl\.'\ II I' I '. iJl~I i i F1n_•b1rd l•),µnt ~h.1rp ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mu-.t !>t'l' l k :.l uflt•1. ";°I \<')(JUT ""~" I ·e<· Mu-.t , .. 11 . 1'1' I'\\ ~L-.1..brl..-. 1, :i\oofl•l v >t;c1 '!!•~ i.•r 1:r. .!t-;y 9800 Autos, H~w 9800 A.Mtos. H•w '800 •••..............•.••.• ....••.•..•............ ...............•....... For The Man Who Thinks He Has herytftinq 1979 MARK Y "ST. TROPEZ" Custom-Desi9ned by America's Finest Craftsmen 1979 MARK V WITH / 7f CLA~BED Break away trom the crowt:I with lh1s beauty Wh1tf'/Wh1tfl w1tn padded vinyl rool and Jealtler upnol<,te1y CrwSP con1ro1 till wheel twin comlort seals. power ·wcndows and "iC:Jts headlamp convenience group. slereo·tape. deep pile pluc;n $ 2 919 9 5 cor p e t 1ng SeP 11 on nu1 shOwrooms now' (Ser 1*684960) HEW! JUST INTRODUCED -llLL BLASS COUGAR XR·7 SPECIAL EDITION ... Fully equipped with speed control. arr cond • AMIFM stereo c assette, po we r ..... R:L...~ window s t. door locks. power steenng & brake'l. IWO·lono paint. and more that you SEI n 1ust must see! IN OUR SHOWROOM HOWi 1 l YIAIS OP SBVICI SA TISPACTIOM SAllll.FsAllA I JO I MO. TUSTIN A VIMUI • SAMT A AMA 547-0Sfl . l .. •