HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-29 - Orange Coast Pilot--- •• 'Sting' First Felt • in SUNDAY declfne to clelcribe hQtlMr. AaotMr member ol the arnst· M ~ le Mich.Ml ~wman. of lh.ryland ud Ar,aoaa. He's now • South La1una resident. Accordlnl to A.Ddy Wataon, an lnve1tl1ator for tbe Phoenix Police Department, Newman and DeA1h had aorne acquaintances In common when they were ln Arlsona. Among them are John J ay Dugan a n d Leo Anthony Weikert. the lnves&lgalor aala. The two men were among more lban 50 crime figures pro· flied last summer In a copyrlght-e d s tory by the Arizona Republic. Here's what tbe newspaper bad to "Y about the ....-o men: "Deepite hi• yeuth, Weitert la considered by law elllorcement autflorltlea to be one of the top five card mecbanlc1 <expert cheats> In the country. "The FBI estimated be and Dugan were making $2,000 a day fleecing the unwary at Your Social Club in Phoenix. FBI agents confiscated a blackjack shoe from Weikert that allowed him to see the faces of all the cards he dealt." · Watson aald that Newman was a rrested along with Weikert and Dt.igan when lhat crooked deaJ- ing device was confiscated. · (SeeSTING. Page AZ> VOL. 72, NO. 210, 7 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES 'ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA S':JNOAY, JULY 29, 1979 T HI RTY·FIVE CENTS Go For It! Greg Bums of Corona del Mar does exact- ly that in body skimming competition held Saturday at Big Corona Beach fo r the fourth year in a row. In this sport. partici- pants t ake a running start then fling -themselves onto a wet plastic s urf ace and end up where they end up. Burns traveled 41 feet. four inches. lt earned him fourth place. More pictures. page A2. County Jail Fee& Pinch Deputies Slow Things to a Snail's Pace Effeeta or a~work slowdown by Oraoge County Sheriff's dep- utles are hitting hardest at Oraa1e County JaU, supervisory penoanel said Saturday night. Tb• slowdown took effect at midnigbt Friday as a protest MARSEILLE. France (AP)- A lone gunman robbed the head- quarters of an armored car service in M araellle or ao .Umllted 17 million Saturday ni6t. Police reported. 1-ollee 1ave few details ol the· armed robbery, one of the lalpat In hlatory, but said tbe lime or aboul ao mllltoft trues WM the ent1te day's recetpg ol 1118 8'dlm 1upe1 market cbaln in IMMUMIJle....-. They said then were no ln· JarMI tn tbe holdup at the..otncea of Protection lud la central ........ TIM .r• drvYe awa1 ln a •••t car and road)loekl .... • llP tluvqJaout ......... against a seven percent salary increase ofler made to deputies by the county. The deputies are seeking a 17 percent increase. Lt. Donald Chaney. a Jail watch commander, cited the following examples of the s lowdown's effects: -lndlvidual booklnas are taJc. Ing 14 to 15 hours to complete in· stead of the usual three to four houn. -Feedings are taking (our hours instead of two, -PubUc visitation of lnmatea has been alowed, and, in some cases, apparently stopped. Lt. Chaney said deputies as- siped to the Jail, wblcb houses 1,100 lnmatee, are "dolnl eYWY· thlnJbytbebook." •'They're not euttlnl any cor- ners. Tlley're dotq very de- t alled teJrcbn and security cheeb," Cbasaey 1aid. TMt at· t•tlon to detail bu thrown Jail operaticml into •low moUoa, be explalBed. In contrHt, the •lowdown dona't appear to be bavtna a 1Ub1tanttal •fleet on patrol ........ "Our 11118 .. ~. fteJ'N -IDiDI to D0t do tbllr Job,•• ••ld Lt. aa1mond Graham, a patrol watch c-om- mander. Deputies are responding to calls in much the same maMer as in the past. Graham said. He stressed, however. that it is too early to tell what the uJ· timate effects or the slowdown might be on patrol functions. Dunne the slowdown, deputies are sbowtng up for work but are "taking lime to do everything by the book." "For example, instead ofalack· lng up reports and wrtUnc them after the shift'• end, on their own Ume -aa they normall1 do -they are wrtUn1 reports at the scene," aald Gene Lutlto, presl· dent of the A11ociaUon of Oran1eCounty Deputy Sherttrs. Tbe deputies have said they wtll pursue tbe slowdown unW they U'e utllfNd wttb tbe COUD· ty 't pay blcNaH GC'ter, aeeord· tn1 to Bob MacLeod, • u · aoclaUan'1 bul:INP man.,.,. Lut weelr, about 2IO deputlel and tbelr reprnentatlvn tn talary dl1eu11ton1, appeared before C!01mtJ eupervllOl'I to de· mud a...., pq Ii*• Oller. Tbe, d*'t wta lL ht U., ( ..... AIL, .... AJ) 20 Victims Claiined Paroled Killer Con/ esses Murders POUGHKEEPSIE. N Y. <API /\ 50·y(•ar-old puro lt·d murderer. who says he com milted 20 other murders. •·fi vt• or six'' in Southern California, 1n the past year, was being held in the Dutchess County Jail here Saturday, s tate police s aid. "We could be s itting on a mass murderer here." s aid Senior In vesti ga t o r John Crodelle of the s tate police's ·Bureau of Criminal lnvestigc,1. ti on. Joseph J-~ischer. pc,1roled from a New Jersey s lat<: prison in .June 1978 after serving 25 years for a murder conv1clion. wc,1s held without bail on a charge or s ccond·dc~ree murder while author i ties investigated his claims. Crodelle said Fischer turned himself in lo New York City police on Friday and told them n e had killed his . wile in Dutchess County. State police said lhey went lo the Wassaic home Fischer had shared with Claudine Eggers. 78. and found her body Friday morning. They said the relmod s t ale Department of Mental Hygiene employee had died of multiple s t;.ib wounds. In vcstigators said they found a marriage certificate al the house. but had been unable to a uthenticate it. Later Friday, Fischer wa!> brought to Dutchess County APWt~to STATE mOOPER ESCORTS SUSPECT JOSEPH FISCHER He's Charged in New York Death, Wanted In Other States whe re CrodC'll<' said he· con· fcsst!d to "20 more murdl•rs." Crodelle smd thul warr:.mt!> for Fischer's &irrest have been Hot Winds Pushing Southland Blazes issuctf in Ar11.ona and Oklahom.1 for two murders he said he com- m1lled there. lie s aid dctcctlvl~ from the tv.o states arc on their way here to qut:st1on the SU!'>· pet't Officials in Oklahoma siwl lilSCher 1s wanted Jn cunncclmn "1th the bloogeoning dc<ith lh1' ~p r1n~ of a Moor<'. Okla., woman. They -;aid he had bec•n rta ling Betty .lo G11J!\cm bcfort· ht>r body was discovered fay :!5 in a nailed·shut closet in her ho m t•. By The Associated Press Hot, dry weather Canned brus hfires across Southern California as firefighters batUed a series of blazes Saturday in San Bernardino. San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties. The hot winds pushed a brush and timber blaze in Cajon Pass over a firebreak, doubling the acreage to 2,000 acres Saturday. despite effort.a by federal and state firefighters. Al Carrizo P lains near San Luis Obisp0, 2,500 acres were re· ported charred and 100 acres were l06t in an arson fire in San Diego County near the Barona Indian Reservation, authorities said . Nixons Take Penthouse . ·NEW YORK (AP> -Richard Nixon has made a down pay· ment on a nine· room. $750,000 penthouse in Manhattan. the New York Times reported Satur- day. The Times, quoting an uniden· tified source. said the penthouse is atop a cooperative building at M adiaon Avenue and 72nd Street. The former president and his wife, Pat, who sold thelr San Ciemente estate la CaWornia, reportedl.1 wanted to return to New Yotk to be aear tbelr dauabten. But the nmes quoted a recent -n.t10r to San Clemeate al llY· tn1 lt WM blt tmpnglon tbat Nlxoa •-.cl to mon to New York "to punae a more Yimbly acttn Ille" tbaa be bu bMI\ ••= ba calllonla tlaee be re-al tM PNSkleacr la *' durlDI tM ........ HIDdal • At Cajon Pass. California Department o f Fores tr y spokesman George Riddle said firefighters we re Ct ghting a 1,000-acre fire in 100-degree we ather when t h e winds changed. "The wind picked up and blew the fi re up a canyon. ft raced over the line and burned another 1,000 acres." Biddle said. Some 900 firefighters were on the firelines late Saturday. Earlier. the fire had briefly threatened to move towards three nearby ranches. Durmg a backfire operation at the Cajon Pass blaze. intense flames developed just outside the firebreak at the northwest corner or the fire &i rea. the spokesman said. Authorities in Ariiona saut Fischer 1s wanted in connection with the stabbing death of a Mt'x ican·Amc rican man in Flc,1gstnrr. Ariz .. in late March or early April. Crodelle said authorities arc a lso inves tigating claims by Fischer that he committed "fiv~ or s ix" murde rs in the Lo:.~ AnReles area: three in the San Francisco area. "numerous" m the Bowery section or New York City and single murders in Cooperstown. N. Y.; Portla nd, Ma ine; Hartford. Conn .. Newark. N.J .. and in New Mex· ico. "I'm tired of runnin~." SRt. A nt hony DiCh uro quoted Fischer as say mg. -~~ '£H•: INSlltt: SHAKE. RATTLE AND - Ro ll along the San Andrea~ Fault With scientists who ai'e trying to predict "the next big one'' by measurtng small jitters where two of Earth's plates meet. Page All. COPS GALORE -That's what It looks like as producers talk about some of the H aeries that will be on TV thia fall. The creators say new shows will use humor and 1lmmlcb to keep your eyes 1Jued to the ael • . . they hope. Pace 88. COU&TING DllASTE&f - For raden wbo loll tract of the Committee on JudJctal Wonn '• beartna on state supreme Court Justl~ a wtt.Deaa to tbe pro- teedlap proytdel coaclle re· vtew ot ...-ldl&ocie probe. Pace A7. ELECTRON IC S ANONYMOUS -Tech!l,Ology Marketing has designed com- puters for many clients, yet you pmbably -never beard or them. The low·key "super engineering. department" Js profiled on Pag · Cl . I I r ~. Defenae Picks at etail8 aALSIOH. N,O. CAPt -, ....... .,.... ...... ...... __ ., .,, .................. -.0 ,.Id• ta II~ a.eta. ............ ., .., .... wattlalal a ""'"·••>' l.-ta ..... ...... .,... are ukld Md •••••red. tMlr •1•• 1wllth ~ tbe ~ attoneys te tM 7*£n to llael>ooald. n. .....,. to be ll'Yial lo Ned ll~DoeaW'a face aad •Y u Ute IOftrDment eoallauea to pr ..... t llt evldence ln t.he trial of lhe -.year-old rormer Green Beret ~ . .He·1 ch•rftd with · blud1eonin1 and Atabl>lng to death hla preanant. wife Colette. 28, ..... tt'en IUmberty, S, ud Krilten. 2. while stationed al Fort Braa1in 1970. MacDonald maintains lh•t four Intruders. described by tome as drug·craied hippies. killed his ra mily and injured lalm. The &ti.al 1oe9 &A&o !ta Utb day Mon4Q. When the Army brought charges against MacDonald in 1970. defense altomey Bernard Segal sought. lo show that the Mrvlce botched its investlga- tiGD. AD ArlQ beuiq offlcer found the charges "not true." SegaJ's lrying the same thing now, with meliculoua and ex- tr aordinarlly detailed cross- namlMttan of lh• ptOMeutJon WltMIMI ti 1cDon1ld. now hlef of emer~)' mtdtnl aervlcet If\ a Loni B each hoa pltal . t..alH aolM and leans over oc caa.lonally to tonfer with Se1.,1 or Wade Smith, hit other •l' torney. When ptcturf'a and alld~ of tht vlctima were 11hown la11t week, he avtrwd hla hetd So tar lhe pr011ecuUon 's Clllt' haa focu.ed on lhe cri-me sce1w and wh•t doctor8 found when lhey txamloed the bodies. Doc tors teallficd last week thut Colette 's arm~ were hrokeo 111 stverctl plac"-when sho tried lo ward oft bee chiP·caArry&nj 1&t tacker and that she had 40 sU.h und puncture woundis. Kristen had 17 atab wounds. most of them in her back. Pi<'· lures taken at the scene showed her bloodied body and a baby bottle nest.led In the c rook of. her lelL arm. Kimbe rly s uttercd two crashing blowa lo her head. multiple fractures and elaht to 10 stab wounds. MacDona ld suffered minor wounds. a doctor.said. The most aevere wound. said Dr. Severt Jacobson. was in M acDonald '~ right chest. The defense con· tends his wounds were potential- ly so sen ous that he couldn't and ' .... ,,....,. , VIETNAM-MOTHER, CHILO SCANNING HORIZON More Fleeing .:! U.S. Boosting Escapes? ra"k, •ND CAP> -The U.S. ··create an explos'ive situallon in Nav~hission to rescue ref· Southeast Asia.·· ugeei"ln the South China Sea is encouraging m ore Vietnamese .. boat people" to flee the ir homeland. rescued refugees said Saturday. The refugees, brought into port Saturday a boa rd the U.S. 7th Fleet tanker Wabash, also aald ethnlc Chinese sUU are be· ln1 allowed lo leave Vietnam. provided they pay offi cials. but etbnlc Vietna mese are being stopped. Hanoi. meanwhile, attacked lbe '7th Fleet operation as a ··,aaow-ofr'' tactic by President C~r. and Malaysia said it was onSt worsening the situation. ·l'M Voice of Vietnam radio. q~lPI an oflicial Vietnamese newspaper edit.Orial, said that with lt.a new sea-rescue poUcy United States was "showing with the 7th Fleet" to ominate lhe region militarily. It. said Carter was using the operatloo to distract voters rrom other illues. and that the United States and China were trying to prolon1 the now of refugees to Maluys i a's ho rn <: uffa1rs minister. Ghazali Sharie, ~aid rescue missions by the United States and other nations were well intended, but would be seen as a n 1nvital1Q11 to the refu~ecs lo get out illega lly. ·'The Vietnamese authorit1t's must b~ given time to fulfill their promises," to control the refugee flow, he said. "They m us t not have a ny ex:cus<' later ... Vietnam promised its cooperation at an international conference on the refugee situu· lion two weeks ago Malaysia, continuing Its policy or rejecting new boat people, forced 319 more back out to scu in four wooden boaL5 Saturday. Jn Washington, a Carter ad- ministration offi cial who w:.is asked whether the rescue opera lion mig ht prove counter pr oductive, said the policy repre se nt s a pur e l y humanitarian effort to save live~ a nd was not intended to en- courage the flight of boat people. BirtU, Gootb Bum "" "" . In Blaze at Knott's A pre~awn ftre r aged through a Knott'• Berry Farm retail a tore in Buena Park Saturday, cau11n1 an estimated Sm_,ooo damqe and ldWn1 alx exotic birds. Two aecurity guards, Fred C11l1 and James Ower , were the flnt to reepond to tbe 2:35 a.m. elarm. 11ley attempted to ftght the blue wttb •1 carbon dioxide ft re exUquilber, but were o.er· come bl llllOU. The two IDft weN treated ror· smoke tnlaalatloa at West Anabelm Communlt.f H01pttal andl..,,.Med. • Tw•ntY·l•o Butnl Park ftremm luPPOf'Md by unit.a from AneMI• beUled tbe blue for 20 mlnut..befoN qaellla1 t~e flam• a ftre department of· Odalaald. Damage was confined lo one building in the amusement park's Fie.~ VUlage. The build· ln1 houaed candle·makina equip · ment, potte ry, s traw hall>. baskets and other glft Items. F ire lnapectors said they believe the blue may have been cauaed by a parattJn heater that war left on when employees went home Friday. Three Amazon parrota and three aulfur·cretted cockatoos used ln a trained bird act died In the flre. Tiiey alone were valued at 175.000, accordlnLto Knolt'11 1pokenoman Terrl cOowell. There ~ was an eatlmaled $100,000 dama1e to tbe buUdtna and •100.000 dam11e to llt con· tenta, nremen aald. wouldn't have lalUcted d.em hlmMlf. J •,o ba o n dha1re1d . "StaUIUcally. OM cu n,.. tht1 potenllal for dlsaater la low," he laid. conUauln1 U..t be beUeveia lf I.be llnlle were held carefully, "it would 10 in •1 as far u he woUild want It to to-" Much of lhe evidence lbow• how llUle privacy it afforded victlrna ol vl°'enl deatba -how Kristen used to crawl Into her parlmt.a bed at ni1ht and pua!,t her mother away; the evidence or Colette's five-month prepan· <:Y whlcb one wilneaa said ahe wus told was unplanned: the orange liqueur a former FBI · a1enl aay1 MacDonald lold him lhe couple shared the night before the deal.hi. Woman Talia Abductor Out Of RiJpe Try ' ,. Costa Mesa police today are investigalin& the kidnapping and attempted rape or a 19-year ·old woman who was forced al gun· point to drive her male attacker to two destinations before being freed unharmed. Poli ce said the woma n. whose city or resid('nce was not lm- ml•diatcly ava1lahlc, was park· ing her car at South Coast Plaza Friday afternoon when a male Mexican strode up, brandished a n·volvcr and demanded that she drive ttim to a Costa Mesa apart.· mcnt complex. Arter arriving at lhe apart.· ments, the male assailant re- moved the wom an's blouse and attempted an attack. but was dissuaded by the woman's re- peated pleas that he not hurt her. police said. The man then ordered the woman to return him to South Coast Plaza, where he jumped out of the vehicle and disap pt'::i red Poli ce said thal although the incident occurred F riday, the victim d id not report il until Saturday afternoon. Further de· tuils were not available, police s1u<J. Driver Kills Cluuchgoer, Flees Scene A hit·and·run accident in San· ta Ana Saturday claimed the life of a woman who had been walk· ing home afte r a tte nding church. 1'he identity or the victim or the 8 :25 p.m . incident at the in· tersection of Flower Street and Wilshire Avenue was withheld pending notification of next or ktn. Accordin~ to witnesseR. the "oman, believed to be between 45 and 50 years old. was struck by a dark-colored pick up truck with attached cab·over camper :as she was crossing Flower in a crosswalk, pollce s aid. She had JU St left St. Anne's Catholic Church. T he vehicle sped away from the scene, witnesses said. Police s aid that both headlights were broken by the impact. The wom an died al Mercy General Hospita l about an hour after the collis ion. Police asked that anyone ob· serving the vehicle in question to contact them. F,.... Pflfle A I JAIL ... wer e rebuked by supervisors Chairman Philip Anthony and ~u pervlsor Harriett Wieder for JCerin~ al the board. Under the current county of· f c r . deputies and seraeants would receive a seven percent salary Increase, while court halliffs and lnvesti1ators would receive a four percent booel. Office Hei8t Take Valued at 84,000 o mce equipment valued at mo re than $4,000 was stolen from a bualneu complex at 125 Ba ker St., Costa Meaa by burglars who broke down doOrs to aix 1uile1, police reported Saturday. I Slain at Diaco VALENCIA (AP) -At. leut nlne penona wen stabbed, one ot them fatally, durta1 a m•Jor dlaturbace late Saturday aJpt. In th• dilco area of II •1lc Moun· taln amu1e m ent park , aulboriU• aald. The HUM of tbe melee WU nql lmmediatelr kaowa. Sld••lng Sholl'Manslalp For three of the four year!> that the body skimming competition has been held. Robin Yould. above, has been number two. A band and the girls didn't change t hat for him. Be low . Doug B;,irtCJf . ol Coro n a del Mar s hows how 1h dom· _.k set a record 46 fc<!l -one foot , onl' wch more than last year's mark ,•I f .• .. .. .. ', .. ·' t, •• f ',....PageAI STING STARTED IN ARIZONA • • • "He'd brag about his prowess with the ladies and his ability lo s windle banks ." Walson said. ··He Is well·known all over the southwest in the banking in duslr y and he used to brag thul he could steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from them even though they knew who he was. ''They'd get involved with him because-he'd have them con· vinced they were going to mah money ·· Th<' way tht· /\ri1.0n;1 H<·puhlac tells it. that was how he ended up in federal prison in 1974 "lie was nailed while working one of his favorite S<.'am!> ddrauding banks with phony che<.'ks. In this fraud. according to a uthorities, OeAgh woulrl befriend a bank t•mployc(', opt'n an account and depo!>il a check from an out·of-statt· bank DeAgh's inside contact would credit the ae<.'ounl and OeAgh would be go1w b<·fon· lhl' bank realized it was holding worthies:. paper.·· Uoull'Y s u1d l>c/\g h t'Vf'n boasted about the t erm hl· served in Lompoc federal prison for the resultant mail fraud con victlon. ·'He bragged he lost <!O pounds, got a great ta n and Im · proved hJs teMJs game." the in· vestlgator said. Ever since DeAgh cam e to the Harbor Area nearly two years ago. police have been watchln~ him. but they said they had no evldenc and thus no case against him because no victim!> could be round . Sgt. John S I mon or thl' Newport Beach police said it·s a combination of fear of reprisal and embarrassment that kept the confidence scheme victinis qu.let. unUl a Corona dcl Mar bu1lniuman lost $160 000 and hi• Rolla Royce In "theatlng." The arrest.a on Tuesday were t.rl11ered by two sets or war· rapt•. each alleginl a different t)1>e of fraud. One c11e, lnveeUgaled by Trey S6erk1 of the Orange Police Department. Involved an ad· vanced lee loen scheme. He Hid the thr•• men acted the perta ol • wealthy lnveator and hit two nnanclal advisers to conv~• one wouJd·be developer that a fee of SS0.000 would pro· duce a $2 million loan. Sierks said m eetings were held m lush locations from lhf: Newporter Inn to La Costa Coun· try Cl ub and the Beverly Hills Hotel. 1'hc v1ct1m in Sierks" case was even driven around in a chauf- feured Cadillac Limousine. The same loan scheme may have been the basis for the sting case. police said. The businessmen. introduced to the m\'n by Mrs . Claydon. was app:.ir<•nlly mlC'rcslcd in a loan for a development proJect when he waR invited by the group to a llollywood Hills home which he was told was u private gambUng club for millionaires. lie was also introduced to a club employee who had a grudge ai::~unst the club's management and who wanted the ma rk's help tn cheating the mana.cement out of som(• gambling money. Poli cl' said up to 40 shills, or a('tors. werl' hired lo play the parts of club employees and patrons in the e laborately !ltagcd ruse The murk later told police he agreed to help out in the crooked 1{a m e because the people tn· Boy Drowns While Diving In Toro Lake A youth who was not certified in the use or scuba apparatus drowned Saturday afternoon while diving in a lake ln lhe El Toro community of Lake Forest. The drownina victim wu Iden· llfied by a coroner's office depu- ty OS Randall Plejdrup, 17, or Miaaioo Viejo. According to tbe deputy, PleJ· drup, and a acuba·certlfled companion, Chad Nkhols, 17, of Anaheim, were employed by the Lake Forest A11oclatlon Number 2 at the Um• of the lncl· dent. The lwo became separated while ~archin1 ror a I01t obJett. When PleJdrup dldn 't aurf ace, the ah•rllh underwater March and recovery team wu •&am· moned. volvcd hud told him all lh1• d•· tail~ and ht• dadn 't wunl W hu.,,1• them qucM1on h1~ loy ;ilLY Simon allt'~l·d that pr:wt11·1· sessions m cheating "en· ht•ld ;it Mrs Claydon 's hom l' Th<· scheme w:.is for the mark lo r1111 up some hugt• bl't!-1 '" ;1 r;1111 ga m e and w1Lh llw 11nhappy dealer on his side. hc"d c-lc:.in 1111t thchous1•. Rut wh<>r1 Lhe last h1f.( het v.;1.., mad<'. police allt·gl' lh" murk y, as 1rnrpos('full y d1..,1 r.H·l1·d ;ind I0!-.1 Th~al s whf'n ht• Wf'nl tn polH'1· J\nother lol·al v1t"t1 m -Ah•> came forward :1fter rl'<Hl1111: 11f the arrests said hl· lo!>t $Jf; l)IMI playin~ poker wi th Dci\gh, Newman and Morns According to pohc-c. the mun • was anoth<'r cundad:.all" for an ad· vancl' fc<· loan who was ~•k1•d LI> JOin a poker gam1: with a Sl.000 buy· in and no limit on be!Ji. lie told police later that he re· alized he :.hould havt· lwcnmc s uspicious when he won lht• first fi ve hands tn a row. Afkr that. he lost consistently unt1 I h1· "a!> down $16.000 SUNDAY DAILY PILOT t "~ Q;-,.nQIP (CM\I f~ll'f' Plk)t """"""'"It"' t\ I'"" f'H.vtJ 1M N~ Pr~\ "ouot•"""" n., uw Orilll'O' ( o••• o"'*"''";""l(Otl"Olltn.., •.-rw,,.,,.,,,,, '"'' ... f)\UllliU\-wd Mond"" '""hJtl~ , tHlil\' 'M1 I t,. Mfl~A fifJWl:Jfl•t '" N n .. 11ut1flUll'H\ Hf'lit(f'I• t t•ol• ~:;.: ~::;~:::.:o:~~~~:,:.:~ ~~~'.:~:':.; ~·iii. f""-,,.1nt~f.....,.,.tVliN1Dl•,..h.;1t 1G W''-'h"J\1"'1 (Mf,.Mf"'A f Mhhrfl\11,}tlf_ ,, ·~"''"'''"''•'"', uc• • t~'-'' V 1•t>t1 •fll11I t'tll '"•'~·"A•"•"', '"··~ .. ,It ... ,.,, I I ffiMt,,.,n A -..,_,,,_..._. M t'' I 1, ~ r 11 ,, ( .. •IMM4'• \Uftdl••l.f!th,. OlllCH ""°''• ~'• J.)OWot 8 •y '" .. • l~ ... '" tOJl frrifo C"4,t t1~"""" .. ............ e. ..... ""• ............. Yt•• Teleptlone (714)842·4321 CIHtlllecl Adve,1111"9142•$Cll t t"'9'1..,.,f._()o'•"@t (~ ..... ,-..,,.,.,.,,.,.hr\ S40•1HO • . ------------- llow's Cbina~s Health UCI &.id.y Tour io Claeelc Up on Mainland ~ .. K•Mlebow <C.· K;:.~· K•ml .. wl N•· IWIJ 1 ... tMet._. wW tndUde ,.reoeallaed vlalta to com· •••• ......,.., boeDllall._ IJ1 _. m'-*c eveiata. Tbe tour II he· lq arranced by UC Irvine Ex ,_.,°" lad nt1lltrat6oo de.ctUne lfllo.day .Dr. 9lcne. •ho J111t ·recently MurMd fl'Olll Chl• wbere he ans Start 'f.ask Flood Cleanup HOaiiroN (AP) -Tbouaandl of Texans, cba.sed from tbeir es along the upper Gulf t by the worst floods in 18 ye returned Saturday· and beta~ utting wate r -logged cirp«d-and sofas out to dry. In Was hington . P res ident Carter declared the six hardest hit counties of southeastern Tex· as a major disaster area, allow. ing federal relief funds for hous · ing assistance a nd low-mterest loans. Gov. Bill C le m ents said dama&e could total $7SO million, and insurance indus try officials estimated that private ly insured flood and wind losses were Sll.4 million. Clements asked Carter to add Matagorda and Hardin counties to the disaster declara lion. "I 've liv·e d 1n Di ck1hson almos t 28 yeu rs ." sa id Bill Bra dy, Galveston County Civil Defense coordinator. "I went through Hurricune Carla. l 've wor ked every hurricane that has hit here In the pas t 28 years. And J've never seen water ltke this." The Ooods. whi ch were caused by rains of up to 30 inches from the remnants of tropical storm Cla udette. s ubsided enough to allow the remuind er of an estimated 5,000 refugees to leave Red Crosi:. shelters More thaa 15,000 homes were damaaect. and at least six deaUls were blamed on the storm. in eluding those or fi ve members or a c hurch group who drowned l''rtd11y when t heir bus was knocked into a rl ooded creek near Centerville, 120 miles northwest of Houston. Up to 85 percent of the homes JO the Galveston County town or Di c kinson were d a m aged . Fl oodwate r s began rating through expensive. bayou-front hom es early Thursday From th e air Frid<a y, it appeared about half of the town was still under water. "I fi~ure 85 ~ercent of the homes and businesses an north Galveston County were affected by this," Brady suid "I Just can't believe anythjng escaped 1t .. In nearby Alvin, evacuations continued through Friday as more rain fell, bringing the two day total to about 30 inches. Alvin Police Chief Mike J ez said mos t r es idents could leave evacuation centers Saturday. He estimal~ 80 percent of the homes in the 18,000-population town wer e damaged. "The water wUI subside." he said. '"but a lot o f people have ubsolutely nothing to go home to ... .. c. ............. , prol•lloul aroup, is • ...,. tor anoew .... al th• mer1la1 of .. ,.,. medlrl"' and wleat Ori.all practlcet 1ucb u acupuaetan. "f.ut time we 1aw U..m tnal· Ina deprealon by puttJac a pe. lient ln a deeomp,..uloe mat <llke we do for dlvera> &o modify the air f.re11ure aad ehaqe bt-havior, • he explained . "They've alto done a lot to,.. duce the tamw of competlMaa; T here'• no profeulonal ta t harge of a bolpltal; everyone haa equal status. "The doctors alwaya bave a pot of tea ready for silting down to talk about their pro1ram1 and hare ideas. Jnle llectuaUam la gettin1 back lo fu_ll steam. and t heir psychologists are ex· perimentlng with beh~vior modification." Dr. Slone, who is chairman of the advisory committee for ex· ceptional children Cor the Irvine School District. said social pro- i-t rams f r o m the People's Republic of China that could be adopted here span a lifetime. li e h as seen C h i ldre n's C ultural Palaces which a r e supervised, a!ter·school project.5 1n recreation , .music and science. And older persons. who retire at 55 or 60 with 70 percent salary and free hospilahzation, look after grandchildren in a "child care factory." "f'irst·lime vlsitorg are over- whelmed by the sheer number of people , their honesty and con- s tant motion ,'" Dr. Stone addf'd ·'They rise early in the morning to do exercises JO the street and walk about the s treets late at ni~ht, mostly going to movies. .. There's a great feeling of community among the families. People who are having problems can get cons ulta tion help at work and more assistance from 'adju s te r s' in th e ir neighborhood." Noting that the curiosity works both ways, Or. Stone said the Chinese seem "more com fortable welcoming Western fuces as a sign of hope." • .. ) ( KINDERGARTNERS IN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GET HEALTH EXAM Magazines a re a llo wed in without censoring; churchei:. an• recognized as "museums " and kept open for tourists. "Plus the Foreign Languai;e Institute at Peking University is a n ideal destination for anyonl· ~ecking guide or teaching JOI>"> rn English as a second language,·· he added. The freedom of passage is also very evident betw(.-.?n PRC c.nd the teeming apartment complex· cs of Hong Kong where many Chinese have relati ves. "Thi! British colony couldn't s urviw without the wuter and vcgetuhles from PRC."' Or. Stone· saad ··But you ought to sec all lht· big TV sets people q irry back on the trams " He flcctang on has previous trips to Sc•and1nav1a, Europe, R us s aa and the Orient. he f ig ured so m e of the best workshop!-he had attended were in Hong Kong a.nd Thailand. In these shelters, handicapped pe rsons did the weaving ror t·yclone w1rc fences or made the toys frequently stamped ··Made JO Hong Kong." "A country's l)ealth and social progr am and finances are !>11 en twined ." he said. "As the economy changes, so do the op portunities for the handicapped and these people had the best chance to express themselves and sell their product." He isn't promising Utopia on this $3,000 trip; but "it's a g<>04 chance to overcome preconcep- tions and see how far China has come." Her Strings Have Pull By WILLIAM HODGt; 011iw 0.11, .. u.esutt Guests at Dana P o int 's Mar ina Inn who pass Susann McDonald's class probably think they'.ve died and gone to heaven. And lf they fa\I to wander by her classroom. they're s till apt to get a heavenly sen-sat ion from the 30 or so other rooms that harbor "angels." Thal 's because 45 of the world's best young harpists have assembled at the seaside lodge to t ake part 1n a three-week workshop on the instrument. Thf'y'vc comt· to the harbor retreat to learn rrom one of the world'i:. best hurpists Miss McDonald. "I've been playing th1· harp sm cu I wus six year~ old." ::.ays the 44·year-old virtuoso. In contrast to the soothing, rippling music of the harp, Miss McDonald 's schedule more re- i:.emblcs the furious blaring of an electric guitar. She heads the harp ,JJepart- ments of four major universities inc l uding the r e known Juilliard School in New York - tours frequently as a solo artist und jets around the world for performances and to do judging at various harp contests. But jet lag isn't a problem for her. she explains, when travel- ing betwee n classes at the U n ive r s ity or So u t h ern Cu liforn1<1 a nd the Juilliard School. "It isn't that difficult <a pro- blem." she insist~. "I try to teach in California time; I tend to start late and work very late." S h e a lso t each es a t the University of Arizona one week a month. And in September she flies to Israel to j udge the International Harp Contest. In October. it's a week of performing with the NHK Orchestra in Tokyo. In Dcccm~r it's a tour that begins in Los Angeles and winds up i n Michigan j us t before Christmas. "I 'm doing some thing now I've wanted to do ull my Ufe ," she says. "I've ulways wanted lo be a soloist and teach." She must be s u ccessful. Harpists laking part m the Dana Statie Eeeentrieity Umdidate Denies He's a Nuisance By MICHAEL PASKEVICH OllM O•llJ P li.tSYH '· George Arnold, perhaps Huntington Jlcpch 's most ramous character. says he's been l!etting a "bunch of gum"" hurled his direction this summer. • '•Nol to mention the BB gun pellets that ~leochel off his guard trailer every few l\ights, or the rocks and beer bottles he says l!ome crashing down from the top of a nearby building. There's also been a steady stream of ~nty Health Department inspectors, city )'.flannlng types and dog catchers visiting Arnold's tiny trailer tucked in the corner of a Fifth Street parking lot near the beach. It's George's job to collect the fees (he gets half) and provide security on the lot next fo the Surf Theater . But some neighbors aren't happy about 4""old and his four-dog support force, "so tt'ty've turned me in lo every department you Cfft think of." · County health Inspector J efr Benedicl says the trailer violates hous ing codes because it has no electricity, runn.ifta water, h eat or toilet. Arnold denies that he lives there full time ''I stay at a girlflcnd's house" -and he's got a key to bathroom facilities at Terry Buick dealership across the street. He does sleep In his "office" sometimes because "you got lo have a few hours you know." That'• when a nel1bborhoocl anlper has been firing off a few rounds or haraument, · punchina litUe boles in the trailer windows. Arnold qy1 the police have't done anything about it. , A Jocal petition clalmina Amold and bia ·=:i&..dala Ne a "public: nlliawe"-baa ~ tbe cltJ, plaDDlnl statrer Bob Kirby_.., ''AM w a..n ~ provtatoa •::,:::ws a watch= .. ~ la a com 1 dis· trlct: l'U have &o write him up; ball .......... , .• , Arnold'• f8M maJ Nit with u.e city~­.ell, wbicb CID back lh pdblic nuiaanee al· O.lly ,. ........ ,..... WON'T BUDGE FROM PARKING LOT ' Cempelgner George Amold legations or grant him a special permit to re· main on the property. Amold, who claims lo be 50, HYS be ln· tends to figbl the charge1 in court If need be. "I 'm not going to leave," he •tressed. 'TU be back (each summer> for the next 20 years.•· In tact, Arnold intends to add another trailer next year. You tee\ the man who once 1tood for city council and also appeared on TV's "Gon1 !Chow" with a "Popeye" Impression plans to rua forttaae1ovemorin 1982. The' extra trailer wtu be hi• campal1n headquarters. • Point works hop come rrom all over the world. The students will be offering a recital Aug. 7 al 3 p.m . and Aug. 8 at 8 p.m. in the Marina Inn's conference room. They a lso will perform Wednesday from 4 to 7 p.m. on the Festival of Arts g rounds in Laguna Beach. Miss McDonald treasures the seminar because it allows her the opportunity to work with othe rs. "With the harp you work alone so much of the time," she ex- plains. "In teaching you get to exper ience so many people , each one different" Despite the brisk pace of her life, s he believes s he 's even more taken with her instrument tha n ever. But she thinks hurps haven't been a ppreciat<.'<i as much as they should be. "I don't think the harp is real- ly a ppreciated as a solo instru· ment as much as at should tx:, ·· the Pasadena resident says. "A harp adds s uch a grcut de- al of color to music," s he con· tinues. "We can imita t e a guitar, harpsicord, cello. nutc and so m a ny othe r ins tru- ments." She believes, however, the lack of recogn ition m ay be changing. ~ly Pllet Suff l'l!Ole "I think the harp may be com· ing into Its own, .. s he says "When you sec the greut intcrcst in a workshop like this it's very gratifying." SUSANN MC DONALD INSTRUCTS JENNIFER MALONE, 13 45 Harpists AHembled In Dana Point Marin• Inn -J J / There's nothing like as back home! . . Thl·11··s nothing like Lido Mnrm..i V1l1<1gc ,111ywht-r<• but rrght here in Newport lk:.1c:h hum us cobblestom· '>treets 10 1h,· frl'.Sh nowcrs h.:ingmg in basket~. Lido Mt1rlna Village 1s n spec1..ilty center with that l:.uropean Oair ... rrght on the water. Hnve your hair done at one or our fabu· lous ::.a Ions. or treat yourself to a mant· '!:< cure. Find something sensational to tf.f.1 wear In any of our intemaltonal bov 'If< tiqu\!:S .ind designer shops for men and women Bring home marvelous glf\s ... ofjewel· ry. children's toys, speoal soaps and rragrances. gourmet kitchenware. unlquv and beauhful treasures from around thf! world .. even o yacht! Dine indoors or al fresca along the water's edQe at one of our many fine restaurants and ta.ke o harbor cruise. Whether you ere browsing. shopping or dlnl~ ••. er\joy the fee Ung or Lido Manna VIII• After all, you're on vaca- tion. and there's nothing Uke us beck home I Udo Marina. VIiiage Just off Pld8c Coast HIQhwav at Newpon 8ellch Blvd. and Via Udo -. I ---------- . . . . • . • ~ .· <I , ~ , . . .. ,, ·: ....... fl!llY ll'tteC Sutt .._ • ROBERT DeBERRY 'RAIDS' CRICKET ROUNDUP Cos t,1 M(·~.i Chirping crickets create crisis The chfrping or crickets in a Costa Mesa neighborhood couldn't drown out the furore the creatures stirred up among residents. A 10-acre field where lettuce used to grow <and crickets didn't) was sold for a school site . The school never s prouted, but weeds and crickets did. Neighbors asked Newport-Mesa Unified School District to do something. The district mowed down the growth. That. and construction nearby. reportedly forced the critters, millions of 'em, to look for new digs .. .in the homes or resi- dents. A second petition by citizens followed and the district ~prayed the cricket crop -with weed killer. It took a visit by dist n et officials to get the right solution sprayed on the vacant lot near Sunflower Avenue and Smalley Road. The district also passed some educationaJ brochures a long to re- sidents. who may be using them to s wat the remaining crickets. o.lty ,., ... SIMI ,,_e RICE AND SAWDUST MIXED FOR THE MILLERS Laquna Beach A-lofty plans blown by winds Freestyle marriage ceremonies m ade the news twice last week. A couple of Sawdust Festival exhibitors, Douglas Miller and Becky Fowler, used the site for their ceremony and wound up with rice in their hair and wood chips on their s hoes. And in Costa Mesa, gusty winds thwarted the nol·so-tradilional honeymoon plans that were to have followed a traditional Catholic wedding at St. John the Baptist. Pamela Amburgey and Brad Gilbert were scheduJed to go aloft in a hot air balloon launched 1 from the parking lot behind the church. Winds burreting the hot·air bag forced cancellation of their aerial love nest's night. 2 Fhf;w Blazing In Idaho ., ,.. Aa11et .... Prw llwidredl ol ftnftlbten ........ •led tbroUlb thiek amoke ud 1teep t.erraln Saturday to ma- ta l n two fires that bave blackened more than 8,000 aena ln the mountain• of central Idaho. Some S50 firefighten launcbed an all-out effort to contain the 2, 100 acre Mortar Creek fire where 1molce was so thick "the fire boa can't see the lire," a Porest Service spokesman said. ( __ B_R_IE_Fs_] A bout 170 men fought a hold· Ing action on the 6,000·acre ShJp IsJand blaze 60 miles upstream on the Middle Fork of the Sa lmon River where a spokeswoman said "It's been speculated that it could bum up to 20,000 acres." EXXON Bid 011 WAS HINGTON (AP > -A federal judge Saturday tem- porarily blocked Exxon Corp. 's proposed $1.17 billion acquisition of a leading elec tric motor m anufacturer in order to make electric motors that urc more ene rgy.efficient. ll .S District Jutli:c Harold II . Greene. acltnJ: on u request by the FNfcoral Trade Commission, grunted a tf·mporary restraamn~ ord<'r which halls Exxon 's µurr hasc of Rt·liance Electric Co. of Clcvt.•land for al least 10 days. Pa• A• Poi•ed M !AMI <AP I -Pan American World Airways said Saturday il has an a~recmcnt to buy out Na· tional Airlines stock owned by Texas Inte rnational. whi ch st arted tht.• hattle to lake over National 13 monlh~ c.tgo. The ai.:reement. c-onfirmed by Tt•x as lnte rnationu l officials Saturday. calls for u later pay mcnt of SJ million. plus S50 u -.han·. for thc bal:m cc of Texas lntcrniJ t1on a l "s 2 1 milli on shares of th(• Mwm1·based Na· lwn<i I. Girl's Death Concealed by Brushfire? BURLJNGT0!'-1 Conn. CAP> T he body or a ll -ye<ir-old ~irl who disappeared Friday njght w hile riding her bicycle was found Saturday amid burned brush in a wooded are a less than a mtle from her home . authorities s aid. A preliminary examination re· vealed stab wounds on the body of Kathe r ine K . Ebe r s old . accord.mg to Catherine Galvin, s tate assoc iate medical ex- aminer. "It was evident that it was a homicide. but we can't go into detail," slate police s pokesman J ohn McLc.>Od said. lie said the cause of death had not been de· termined and that the re were no suspects. M c Leod wou l d n ot s a y whe ther the bod y had been burned, but s aid the fire thut burned the brush was out when searchers arrived Saturday. Actor KiUs Self ROME CAP> Actor Ettore Manni. who appeared in more than 50 Italian films, died Fri· day of a gunshot wound that ap· parently was accide nta l a nd se lf-inflicted, police r\!ported. lie was 52. • Tropical Storm Lingers . South Share• Stormy Sky With Indiana (J.8. s .... ,,, . .,,....._ ..... ~ TIM r.-tt et lrOtll<•I """' (I_.. ............. relnt to I"" 411.,.t Oft S.llrrdey, Wiiiie str•~ _,,,.,..... -, __ ... ,_,,.,u....,.. ..,._. ,.., °" 1*11111• Of .... °"" .,...,..........,v .... w..a.~ ~ ltedl ... ..,. -" ...... Mlklll .,. ......... llOI ........ """•· ............... Wvlc.e Ylcl. '" ,.....,.....,. ,_ o.11 <-•. "'*"'* .... ,...,,,,,, .. to , ... , _.,. _...............,.,1ffll<ll °"· .... OtlNMI .... ~ ..... .,."' ..... Mter-~llt11rn (II"*" a"we 100 In Ille leulhWttl •11t II.,. In IM l'tl Mid .. ewr ,_. ........ ~-.... Nie-.. ltl .... .... < ______ ........ ........ 1 ... 19111, 11....-W• lltM 91f ..... ..... ...,..... ....... ::= ... . ........ I....... . .... . ..,,..,..,.,.... .. .. .. ....,..._.. ........ '--(......_ ...... _....,.......,. 11111111., ........ 1. ...... , ... tO .. .. 71 1S .. •t ,. .. 11 .. 71 < .. 11 II 11 IOI 1' ts ,, ., .. • , 1t .. . , . ., ,. ,. llO " .. ~ Ml•ml " 87 MllwaUllM " u MPl•·SI. P, IJ u N.u11v111e IS 1J Htw Orin$ ., ., New York '° /J Olll•. City .. .. 10 Pll1141d' Piii• " 10 PMenl• llJ " PllllO<lrgll 71 .. Piiand, Ore 11 )I At no ., 0 51 I.OU" .. •9 Seit l..akl! .. •• Sen Oleoo II •I S.n FrMt ., ~ SHltll! .. )/ Stloll•"" 11 •J we.111n91on ~ ...., ..... w..,, ..... 1 ... M"""~noay II "°" "° flQ4 ._ "°'" -bll 630 ""' ,.,, !lelOr•, I> M -'f'IU C00y wtH be !lflfl_.., !IMIJfOty ll1CI lkil\aty II \'Ou Oii 1101 1"10•"9 ¥\Al' ooo, DY 9 • M .. DelOt"• t I • M 11'11 yo.it COOy -be .... _., 1) • NATIONAL NEWS /~tfHER B..., Bot Was ft! With temperature and humidity a match at 85 Saturday, these four Washmgton. D.C .. tourists decided park benches near the White House were as good a place to drop as any. JI may s e rve as a transcon- tmental re minde r of why so many from the East coast now count themselves as Orange Coas t people. Separated Twins Better Parents Share Hope, Fears: for 2 Girls OGDEN, Uta h (AP> Former Siamese twins Lisa und E lisa Hanse n eme rged from their historic separation s urgery part.ially paralyzed. the lwms' father. David Hansen. s ays an a copyright interview with the Church News. "One s ide was com plete ly paralyzed. with one fool pointing down and the hand clenched." Hansen told the weekly publica- tion of the Churc h of Jes us Christ of Latter-day Saints. THE TWINS arc coming out of the paralys is by under~otni.: f'X- tcns ivc physical therapy to re·· build muscles necessary for sup porting the head and for walk· ing. he said. • The twins. now 21 months old. we re separated May 29 after 16 hours of surgery. Doctors s<11d the twins, joined at the top of the head since birth, were the first s uch conjoined twins to be separated with both twins livin'g. Elisa was admitted to the Univers ity of Utah Me dical Center Friday for observut1on and anticipated non -serious sut· gery early this week to adjust in· ca~ions in her head. said hospital s pokc!>man John Dwan. llE SAID doctors continue to watch the twins very closely "Because of the ser iousness of the operation, they still remain vulnera ble to pofential prob· lem :,. "he sa1d llans cn said his daughters arc :.iclJusting to (•arh olhn Elisa 1s m urt.· :Jntrnatt'd . L1~a 1~ more thoughtful. h1· ~aid W l' ar<· :-.l11l <itlJusttn ~· lo h<i\.· 1ng lhl·m ht1m1-." :-aid l hl' Lwtn:-. mothn . l'atrwia Han~cn . "It 1s J m1r:1<:lc lhal they an· ~1·µa ratc<I ... llanscn s:11<1. 'A mtlhun thtni.:i. t·11uld go \Honi.: with that 0111,·r allon Tht· doctor-. often told us the chanc:c~ were· near zero that the twins would make it." Hansen said he and his family were always in favor of separa· ti on. "H the docto rs hadn't felt the r e wa ~ a c:han cc t hry wouldn't have operated, They s tarted doing little oper ett,ions to tie off some hlood from a com- mon vein Everything we nt perfectly -there was never a setback." THE MOST d1Hi cult time for ham . Hans en said. was when doctors tied a band lig htly between the twms' heads . "'They were m constant pain and 1 t really lore me up.·· Anotht·r r r1 l1l'<J I momunl was durt n~ ~cparatwn i.urgor;. v.hc·n lht• 1am1lv """'" tnformNf th.it pJrt of th1· lw1m," hr:o11s h.111 IWit•tl LOgt•tht·r and W•Jll ltl hJ\'0' 111 he separa kd It JU..,l about lirokc 1•\L'l 'I' 11111·., he<ir1. I rt•allv thn11i.:ht 1111 l \\IO~ \H•ro· J,!01ng ll• 1l1c n ghl t h1•n . · ~<JHI Mr~ llam,1·n. But when Ell!><.1 enw rtct.'d from 01nt•thes1a and cried, Dw:m ::.:Jt<I, There were s miles a nd JJruo1> ing shouJdcrs and the doctprs re laxt>d " Hansen was quote<! :-is ~aymg , "It 's a miracle , a dre arq comt· true " • .. .. .. The Qaily Pilot brings you the world, na · tion, state and especially. your hometown -all for only 120 a day. All delivered to 1our door for less than the price of a cup of coffee. ' . You get It all in the DAILY PILOT ~ ~ 642·4321 ~ v . ' after he dftlded that "lhe male thJftC waa lhe reaeUon of th• other charat· ten." ''IT nJaNSD out lh1t Martie r•llY ltked O.arUe Brewn, I.bat tt.ppwmtnt Pat~ la 1Ull ..,_. abou& her f..Un,. for Charlle. tbat hl1 1l1ter Immediately •old hi• belonaln11. and that Ill• do& <Snoopy) dlda't •ven mlH h.lm at all." ln the ltrip H heduled to run today', Snoopy alt. alop hi do1houae, as u.sual, and Uatem. puuled, H hla m uter. now home from the hOlpltal wtthoul ex· plan•Uon, exclaims: "It seem• like I've been &co.forever. J 1ure mllHdyou." Al Charlie abufflM •way, the world's most famoua bH&J• thinks, "Now. I re· • • member. He's that rouod-headed kid who alwa)'I feeda tne." 8CHtJLZ PaO .. SES the ,un will con· tlnue as the reeevered Charlie rreeta the rett ol lhe replan, not~bly the utual· ly uU·bulinesa,no-heartLGcy. Before CtiarUe got well. Lucy found that she couldn't eat or s leep and she even went so tar as to teU Charlie: "If you get well. J promise I 'll never pull the football away again ." Jn Mooday's strip, Charlie Brown, football in hand, comes to Lucy's door. ''She's been pulling the football away for 22 years ." Schulz said. "Now she's tr•J?ped· She made a death-bed prom· 1se. .. I 8und9y. July 29. 1979 DAILY PILOT A• ' ~· CHARLIE BROWN'S ILLNESS HAS PROMPTED OET·WEU. WISHES riter-produ~er ·George Seaton Dies • Quackers Better Duck CONCORD CAP) -Who, Concord police want enough qualified Hispanics around to consider for to know. Is com mitting duckicide on scores of the vacancies. birds around Ellis Park Lake? Dozens of ducks have been killed and mutilat-Attacker Drepa l•tlnlflH l"l~t ... ed in recent weeks. and police have been intensify. SAN DIEGO <AP) -A young San Diego mg patrols in the area. woman was hospitalized with critical head injuries BEVERLY HILLS tAPl M'oviemaker George Seaton, who 1wrote and directed "Mira· cle on 34th Street," "Airport" and several other memorable Hollywood films, died in his s leep at hls Beverly Jlalls home Saturday. The 68-year-old Seaton had ~n suffering from cancer for abiut two years, s aid Alan Rivkin of the Writers Guild or America. West. D URING A 40-year film c~eer. Seaton won two Academy Awa rd s f or his scr eenwriting and was beloved by actors and actresses for his soft-spoken "human quality'' as a director. Seaton won his Oscars for his scr eenplay of "Miracle on 34th Street" and his 1954 adaptation of. Clifford Odets' play '"The Country Gi rl," which he also directed. Grace Kelly won the Oscar for best actress in "Coun- try Girl.·• Tn 1973. Seaton produced and directed h is last film , .. S ~owdown.' · st arring Rock H~d~on and Dean Ma rtin. ~JIE WROTE the screenplay fO;. the 1943 box office SUCCl'SS "Song of Bernadette." which began a string of llollywood re· Ht1nt Slows For Mom of Tot in Trash THOUSAND OAKS CAP> Police reduced the scope or their search Saturday for a 20-yt!ar· old unwe d m o the r whose newborn baby was found alive in a supermarket trash bin. Ventura County s he riffs deputies said that afte r tracking down the mother, she was dis· tr aught and disappeared The baby boy, with its um· bilical cord still attached. was found Monday by a supermarket employee. The child was report· ed in good condition at Los Robtes R e gion a l Medica l Center. Lt. George Conahay s aid an all-points bulletin was issued for Brenda Sue Johnson of Newbury Park. who h ad told friends she wanted to find a peaceful place where no one would bother her. Nab Angels? SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -A federal grand jury has issued a new indictment accusing 33 members or the He ll 's Angels motorcycle club and their as- sociates of racketeering. traf· ticking in drugs and illegal possessioo of suns. Arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday before U.S. District Court Judge Samuel Conti. l igious e p1 cs. "Son g of Be rnadette" was one of many films in which Seaton collaborat- ed with produce r WI Iii am Perlberg. His firs t scree n credits were as co-writer for a string of 1930s Marx Brothers films including the classic "A Day at the Races." Lean and hawk-nosed with a low radio-trained voice, Seaton h ad put a personal stamp on performing history even before coming to Hollywood. As the U· lie character's voice of the original "Lone Hanger" s how at a radio station in his hometown of Detroit in the early 19305, the 20-year-old Seaton s houted "Hi llo Silverrrr'" a nd beat his chest with coconut shells to give the sound effect of Silver gallop- ing off. HIS BIGGEST commercial success was as writer and direc· tor of "Airport" for producer Ross Hunter in 1969. ''Airport" grossed $45 million in film rent· als in the U.S. and Canada and was the biggest moneymaker In Universal Pictures history until "Jaws.'' Other films he directed in· eluded the 1950s Clark Gable comedies "Teacher 's Pet" and ''But Not for Me." and William .,..1,..,.... Of Sl~at Era ••• Silent movie s tar Shirley Mason died Friday al C edars-Si n ai Medical Center. Cancer took the sis· t e r of Viola Dana, with whom she formed a learn. at age 79, accordin g to friends. Funeral services a re pending. Newton Trial Due OA KLAND (AP ) -Black Panther leude r Huey Newton, o nce convicted of killing a policeman, goes on trial for the second time Monday on charges or murdering a 17-year-old street prostitute. APWl ..... to 40-YEAR CAREER OVER George Seeton Dies Holden's films "Counte rfr1t Traitor.'' "Bridges at Toko R1" a nd ··The Proud and lht' Profane." HOLDEN IS to delive r the eulogy at the Seaton's funera l se r vice Tuesday at All-Saints Church in Beverly Jlills . the Writers' Guild said. He is survived by his w1fl' Phyllis. one or Hollywood 's best known drama coaches of the post-war era; their daughter. Mrs. Mary Henderson; a sister. dialogue coach Ruth Roberts; und three grandchildren. Porn Maker a.iklMolest Charge Out OAKLAND (AP> -A child molesting charge against movie producer Artie Mitchell. 33. was dis missed 1'~riday by a judge who asserted there were loo many djscrepancies in the story told by the nine-year-old girl who claimed to be the victim. Oakland Municipal Court Judge Lewis May issued his rul ing after two days of testimony by the girlandhermother. MITCHELL STI LL faces charges of contributing to the delinqueney of minors. Alameda County prosecutor Kenneth Burr said it has not been decided whether his office will prosecute the r cmc.ining charge or refile the one dii. missed Fnday. Mitche ll and his brothe r James produce a nd distributt: pornographic movies. They also own several movie theaters throughout CaJifom1a. includmg one in Santa Ana. According to police reports . Mitchell held a slumber party March 30 for hi s younge s t daughter. Six of the girl's friends were invited to the par· ty , whic h took pla ce in Mitchell's home in the Oakland hills. AUTHORITIES alleged that during the evening pornographic cartoons depleting sexual acts between humans and animals were shown to the children. Running• •ply? z 0 ~ ~· 8 The city had, at one point, planned to take the af~er a would·be·k1dnapper was frightened by a remaining ducks into "protective custody" untiJ neighbor and dropped her. police said. Her identi· the duck-hater was caught. but a local committee ty was withheld until pohce determine whether she convinced the city to catch the culprit first. was raped during the incident, but police said a Detween 50 and 60 of neighbor who heard a prowler shouted when he the lake's 120 quackers ( ... --------) 3aw a man carrying her away from her apartment have been attacked at .err ~T'E Friday near San Di cito State Universitv. night within the past two .~• .tt • 1 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii weeks and butc here d. REMQDE. LING police reported. --------~ MMClqf A Ir E'or A II Btd Coasf EL MONTE (AP) -Unhealthful air quality was forecast for today in all sections of the South Coust Air .Basin except near the beach and in the high desert. The Air Quality Management District said Salurday that the smog level s hould be unhealthful for e veryone in the San Gabnel and Pomona valleys and the Riverside-San Bernardino area Air quaJity will be somewhat better but still un· healthlul for sensitive persons -in inland Orange County. Obpa1dcs Out ol Sltaketap LOS ANGELES <AP> -Two political leaders from Los Angeles · largely Hi spanic east side CLEARANCE SALE Ma11y ltet111 MusJ Go 51 00 plants or 12 for s 10 s5oo plants or 6 for s25 V2 OFF SALE MANY ITEMS Come and be ..,.nwct Paul Brecht • Orchid Gardens 1989 Harbor Blvd" Costa Mesa 548-2314 ~ Saturday criticized President Carter for not tn· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~ eluding Chicanos in his Cabinet reorganization and - fo r not setting a new policy toward undocumented ( workers. Hamilton Jordan, the president's new chief of staff. reportedly commented that there were not I.. M. HOYH ) INFORMS in ttie DAILY PILOT NAME OUR CAROUSEL HORSES DETAILS FROM CAROUSEL OPERATOR SOUTH COAST PLAZA Every sofa, love seat, sleeper and chair now on sale for one week only ! .) ~!'S . ~j>I J l .-: I i1 . ~lJ Every Sherrill 20·3QOo11 Every Stanlon·Cooper 15·30%o11 Every Z&H ... .... 20·50%o11 EveryMargeCarson. 20-40%011 Every landmark ... .. . ... 20% off rot Cl"<' ... , .... ~ only M!IOCt trom h\Jn'1r00. ot ocogo111 .I~• <ilt<l IJO<<, dU<•ng '"" ttol" ...... """'' clr'!l'ltnc:o Ynu • ltnO trlOotOlitl. cnn11vnr>0> .i<y. tQUntry eno mote o4 .,. ,1 • lht· l!IX">I Qo.>ithly Consl!UCIOO by Am«~u .,,,...,.,, t~IT\ilk()<ll. tlof•v tor 1>1• t 1ot'4t-Ct'fin y,., II t>.; ql.l<lyuu 1Joll1 Every Henredon 20-30% o11 EveryW~ark 10·25%ott Every Hibriten. 10·20% .. , Every Import 1.: .. ,,,,0..1~1 . 40%°" Every Barcalounger . lD-50% ot1 ' , ' ,4. °'•nuec.-to.11~~,o• Editorial P~e ............................................... Aoblrt N. ~/PUbUwr Tt.ome1 Kttvll IEdltor It -C U.at 0.-..• County ud the cit)'. of Ne• 9'ave wma a &emporary victory in their na ...... •Ull wtth tbe federal pvemment over addl~ • , ..... to ....... ,.. Airport. lAll wwlt. 1dmlaMtr8llve law Judie Frank WhiUng rulecl tMt "" pendlna applicatJona for routes between Or~ Count¥ and ArllOna will be auspenc1ed while lho CAB prtparW an .-ovlronmental impact statement to 1•"'9 tlw t'lfHt ol addillonal route. •t the airport. l"'k board llMlf ~ Whltln1 '1 dee Ion a atep rurtht.~r ttnd:E \be Maapeftlkln lO lour airlines' appllcMlions for GlMr l*Mlla1 rout Th1t mcana the routo MP pile• haYe l>ffn put on hold for at Itta t u year whlle lhe f}IS aa bt'iAl.Pttpared Of coune. Wh.lain 's order l~ a long wuy rrom tindin~ the ls;sue l't'(lurdtnc m o re lrllne ut the air port. It ta kes tho prcssureQff t~mporardy. but thut ' obout a ll It docM. Abr compl~ion of tM f::tS. th<.· CA 8 could slall a r'unt all 13 route oppUcu11on · al board mcrn lwri, C"hoo~~ lo do so The rt' ol. o remains unresolvt!rl the Issue or the Federal Avia tion Administration's unjus t discrimination Trlvcstlgution at the {11rport. T ht> :admlnlstrutivt• lww judg • in that cu 'e httsn't m udc has ruhna yet und it b poss iblL' that he could forn' t'Ounty om c1als to {.{ra nt ll•ttscs to uny a irline that can l:rnd a roult' ut the fac1tty, ~ But for now. tl a ppears some caution is bl'mg ust•d before a go-ahcud 1s constdt!rl'd to fu11 hf?r burcfton ttw ove rcrowdcd facilit y Delays Unreasonable Several weeks ago. it was our obsl'rvation that tht· state Attorney General's officl' has draggt•d its f ect in prosecutin g allegatio n s of cam pa ig n funding im proprieties by Orange County Boc.1rd of Supcrv•:-;111 Chairman Philip Anthony a nd lo1·m<.'r '-;u1wr• 1~1 r 1<:1lph OiE:dric h. Now. 1l a r..pcdr.: a c::1m1 ldr cb~t:f\ at ion t·an ht• marlt• 8gaim1t th'· Gefcnsc. attc,rr.eys rcpr('St:nting Ant hony. 01~d ncll a r.c.1 a thir d defend ant, Wil h am Kott, a form(.•r Ana heim city councilman. The defense last week d id some footllraggmg of its own. They've questioned the legal issul'S m vol\'ed m th<· disqualification of a municip<:tl court judge who was to preside over a prelimin ary hearinl-! The legal ~y mnast1 cs haw dl'1<1~·pfl th•· :--t:irt of l ht· prelimina ry hearing to Sept. 11 that 1:-1f t lw 111-. qua lificat ion issue is rc<;olvt:d HC'a r in mind that the dcl:J\ w ~1~ t'<W"it'd Ii\ th<-· saml' attorneys who plan to argue that chuq.ws <.1g<.1111~t lh1•1r clH'nL<; !'>hould hl· cJ1~mi~sl'd bl·t..iu1>1· th1·11 right lo .1 speedy tr·iat wul:> cll'nll'd hy the /\tturnc..·y Gl·nL·ral :, µc.1sl actions We can onl y wondL·r. Who's delaying whom" Fresher Faces Wanted Jin\Jny Carte r is going to s pread has press con- fe rences around the country. He'll hold one of his m onth· ly sessions with the regula r p ress corps in Washingt()n, the other m Louis ville. Miami . Bangor. San Franc is <:o or Des Moines. \ T he Washm~ton press crew does n 't p<irt1cularly t:.ir<• for the id ea <m d th<.·re a re suggest ion\ that thl' prl'suJent wi ll face softL·r q u<:'stion s from t he out of-town Journal1Ms. Well. maybe. W<:'ll get some different questions, to he s ure· And he may g('l hy with some answer\ or non u nswcrs th:.i t t he n·gul~r presidcntiul pn•ss corps would zero m on . But it <ilso seems to us that th1• regular tH't'!'>!'> .corps can get so 1mm <.'rl:>ed in Wal>htngton ~t y lc politics and so m tcnt on following the day to·day 1ssl11·s th<tt it loocs sight of m an y q uestions Americans reall y wan I a nswered . Of course it's b as ically intended as a pu rt of tht• Carter image-building c~1mpaign , but that doesn't mc:un it's a bad idea . Some fresh questions from somC' fres h faces might be good for all of us . • Op1n1ons expressed 1n the space above are lho~e of lhc Daily Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is 1nv1ted. Address The Daily Pilot, P O Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714') 642·432 1 Boyd I Phony Gold By L.M. BOYD It's a lot easier to make phony gold bullion than coun· terfeit currency. All you need is $40Q worth or 14·karat gold and some brass to turn out tl.000 worth of "24·karat" gold bars. And If you do so, it's n one o r the Sec r et Service's concern. T h al burea u de als with funny fllOney, not misrepresented m erchandise: No doubt there's a law or two in the fraud legislation that would •et you1 when caught. But such bad business la essen· Ually the Inte rest of the Pederal Trade Commission, which Is known lo be out to lunch much or the lime. Dear Gloomy Gus How cu our cblldru 1ro1' up to r•1pect a..ua.tiJ when IO per· eeat at our teadaen Pollie, nremea and 1o•era1nent workv1 anU..? llelsoall, ...... ! J.W.ll. Some prognosticators now think that half the country's Baptist ministers will have to find second jobs by 1985. A major publishing house puts out a cookbook that an· nua lly sell s about 100.000 copies. Not bad, not bad. So pleased were the publishing moguls, m facl, that they de· cided to put out the volume with dillerent bindings in four colors: red, (?reen, blue a nd yeUow. Most mysterious· ly. the · book in the yellow didn't sell. Q . "How long does the average rattleenake live?" A. 18 years 6 month11. What do you think of the notion that famous work music, like the Volga Boat Sons . did more thun ju•t coordJnate the muscles o( the men at tbelr labor? True. when they sang In rhythm, they tuned In cadenco. and that 1ave them thelr best power. But when they 11n1. a lso. they exhaled slowly. How elle, when 1lnl\fts? And that 1••• them th eir 1t1mln1. Maybe tt'• just eolnd•ce. but • numw"' the outdoor men I've bown wttb tbe pea&elt endura..ee lllYe .... IMll who steadllJ wnt about tbe&r wortc wbll• llu1nmln1 , or wbl1tlln1 1"t•••• tbetr teeth. or ~ ......... lyrlea, ~ ~ br .. tll con· trol tdl." ' 11lB From Wae~n 'Stabilize Erosion of liicomes' lvent.. are movln• very rut lowest of any prNict.nt 11nee ln WDlbiaaton and It la hard to 1ucb pOl1I be11n under the bam· ketp up w"fih them mtr baow. of. adven e dewlop· We have had wh•t amount.I to meats: There lt at once inti•· 1 chanJc or direction In our • Uon . reeealoo and a 1pectacular polltlu l IC"ldel'lhlp which la the fuel crunch. ne1r .-1t Wl' can • come to a Also the wa1e·prtce 1uldellne1 parll•mentary chanie or IOV· appear to be collapsing with th'; trnm\•t\l bf'l Wt'l'n e lections start of the automobile workers followin-' u vot r or "no con'. borgainln1 sesslona. lld t'O('tl •' ONLY H•;KE tho vote or "no confidf'nre" r omes In the opln· hm poll", el1•vollntt thl1 devlco to whot nmounls to on lnstltu· tlonu l purt t1C th" Ame rican pollth·ul 11y11tem C'11rtflr'14 n aUnlf c1tuppt.od to lho BEIDND THAT there Is lbe steady eroelon or the average Amedcan family's purchulng power <almoet unnoticed by the • preaa). a pllin1 up or conaumer debt that· could topple ove r dan1tirously If wt• hit really aerloua bumps, the decli ne of thf' dollar du4' to .an unfavorable ~~'-~.,..... ~ •ffP~ '-"'- f tf I were 4 prof titer, wouY I let yo\J ~tep 'the bdrrel?" Art Hoppe trade balance. a dramatic (and temporarily downwa rd> change ln U.S. lifettyles and the overall threat of a worldwide recesaion. We are In a bad Jam . J immy Carter rtxed the nation with a hypnotic stare la.at Sun· day and gave a kind of re- vlvalltt, meo cWpa "t.eatimon.lal" over television aaylng the pro· blem la a spiritual crisis m Isn't: it is m ostly n ltly ·grHt y ·economict> and goine on from there to announce some hardllne energy de<: is ions which are highly welcome. Now all he has to do is to get the Democratic Congress to go along. Has it been watching: does it know what is ha ppening? On May 11, Congress 159·246 killed a pla n to give Carte r sland·by authority to ratwn gasoline sub· j ect to its late r veto : 106 Democrats voted against hi m. Cu rter d e<"l u r e d h e wa s "shocked" and "embarrassed." WE 8HALl1 !'lee how Con~ress reacts to the gasoline lines at the filllng pumps On Ma y 2 4 . the Ho us e Democrats. meeting 1n caucus. put themselves on record, ~69, against the Carter plan to allow d o111e st1c 011 pr ices to rise gradually to world levels. start· ing June I Decontrol. of course. means higher pnces. Is it better to have h1gh-pncc fuel or no fuel at all? JODY POWELL hJasted the cauc us ac-tion as "a pohllcall y att ract ive nona ns wcr to our e ner gy problems. It w ill not m ake them better. It will mak • them worse ... I s Ca rte r guil ty o f non- leadersh1p? Or 1s he up again~t problems and a no-win. self serving Congress'' Carter 1s no F r:t nklin Roosevelt. FDlt mad(• a Sundny rughl :-,penh Marr h I:!. 1933 <h1!. first .. F'in·s1dr rh:Jt 1 that was :-,o r ompuls1vel y n • assuring 1l rC'OPl'Ol'd lhl' bank!\ Cart{'r can ·l du11hl':t l1• th:il hut 1t wus hard ni;t 1•1 :-,ym p:.ith1 zp with him la :-,l 1o1o1·l•k, with his new. rathl·r !>t•lf t•on:-,ciuu:-. ~csturc or a ch:nch('d fist. up pealing ror support and dcclar mg his determination to end our vassalage to foreign oll imPotfill. '. "YOU SEE A Congren,'' Carter told the country, · 'tw11fed and pulled in every direction• by hundreds of well·financed a&ld powerful special interests. "You see every extreme posi· lion defended to the last vow. almost to the last bre ath, by ~ unyielding group or another." Yes, that's what it is in a political system whe re pan,ies have lost their discipline. Now 1t;s a question whether vacation· prone Congress will give Cafter the windfall profits tax legf81a· lion which is the heart or his energy program, before go1ni; away for its s ummer rcce~i;. Aug. 3. THERE IS a good dear ()( economic weakness in Amenc<1, I be lieve, that makes a chaotic in lifestyle likely. temporarily Ill least. Society is built around ~'1<: motor car. Interfere with Lhut and alfnO!'ll every aspect of IJ(e c hanges. Higher ener gy cos~ s timulate 1nrlat1on , u lrf'&dy fo recast <tt 10 6 pcrct·nt hy th1· end or the year The Congressional Bud get Of fice now says we <tr<• 1n a te· cus1on and that uncmploymr:nt will probably nse shortly by· 1 million. Each I percent of un- employed adds $20 billion to th(! fede ral deficit, 1n lost l<ixes and unemployment insurance. This isn't all. People are 1n de hl Cons umN 1ns tallm'tnt credit 1s <iround $400 h1llmn. un all t1mt· h1~h. THE AVERAGE fa mily 1n come hasn't kept up The Cen..<,u ... Bureau says the med1<1n fum1ly income rose 97 percent Can 1977 dollars1 between 1950 and 197'.l <from $8.356 to $16,1331 But 11 s lipped to $16.0IO in 1977 , and in 1978 was still below l!*?:l Work1•r-.' tak1• h11m1· p:1y •'> part1c·ularl) Jff1•c tl'd H1·.tl 1o1o a~1:!> .1n• ;ot • .1111111 ttw l'.111~ IM't'I AclJU~l m .. 111 to .di lh1 °' 1,1,oilf. of n 1ur-.1· «11111 .. 1n t in11· l1ut th:il ., th•· l11C'11-. ,,f th1 · 1·r1-.1:-. c1f Conf1d1•n1·1· • TI< fl 1~ 11 l1m11,11111dm11 ~ 11.,/1111911111 b11lrn1• ,, ..... 11111//IJI I UI 11•nl /11 " R1d10 rd St rout 11/ till· Clm\ll•Jn Science Mor11111r Confession of Money AddicfHits Home I' rrs1<.lcnt Car t(·r . as yf)U know , announcl'd a vigorous ;.in l1 1nrtal1011 pro~r:im lh1 • 1Hhl'r niAhl J>..rsonally. I t h ough t 1l was just as \ 1goruu:-. a~ u n y '' f th,. o t h «r anti 1nrlal1on pro g ra m s a n · no un t·c·d by ;my of our l;,isl five Presidents. So the next morning, just as I was polishing my WI N button a nd pre pa r ing to volunteer patriotically for a scvcm percent pay raise, the dollur fell to new record lows in thP international money m arkets. This lack of confidence in Mr Carter ·s program is due. I thjnk . to his failure to face up to the real oroblem We kec_p s weeping that problem under the rug. But it's time wc saw ourselves for Mailbox what we arc. We a rt' a nation or money addicL'\ WHAT causes inflation 1s lhL· fact thut, like most addicts. Wl· t•o n s tanlly demand ever increasing doses of lhC' stuff. The laborer who makes S5 an hour <'raves $10 and I never met a millionaire ycl who didn 't yearn to be ;1 mulli-m1llionaire. Once you're hooked thl're ·s no t'nd tO it. My own story is as sordid as anyone ·s. I bring it out in th<' open now in hopes that it will h<.'l p other u nfor tun ntes un dersta nd a nd deal with their problems. I was hooked by my own parents~ Thl'y w ere a dd ir t :-,. themselves, or course, though I didn't realize it at the ti me. But how well I remember m y father saying when I was six or seven. "Here's a nickel. son. Buy yourseu an ice cream cone ... I was too innorcnt lo rcahzl' what I was getting into. for 1 ·it never tried money befon · Nec:d less to say. I liked 1t I wn ntc<I more . SOON, my own parent!. wen· shamelessly supplying me with 25 cents a week. They said they wanted to teach ml' "the value or money.·· But I can sec now lhat. like most addicts, they wanted to hook me the way they we re hooked. And lht'Y did As soon as I was old enough, lhcy cut orr my supply. "U you wa nt money," they sa id rallous· ly. "you'll have to go out and work for it." Wh at else could I do'> By then I was forrcd to s upport a $25-a d ay habit. And in the years since, that habit has grown lo ... No! Like most addicts, I can 't bring myself lo tell others what my depravity rosts me. Suffice it t o say , that a ll m' ;1dult lif1• I h:l\'t• h1•1'n ,, mi>nt•v <1dd1ct .. 1 -.I<"'" to the• d•· n1on ·dollar Tru1·. I havt> I.')> pt.•riC'nccd that ran· {'ll1>ho11::i :• money h1 J.{h (•;in bring Hut at 1111• -.amt• t1m«. I hav1· ur11l.-rgon1· thoSC' constant fi ts of dl·rn·,~11111 I hat an inadt•qualt• do,ugt• in t.•v1tably induct'!> Worst of all. I ha \'l' bl't'n ;1p proached b_v thost· t rc•mhllng wrt'r ks on Skid Road pleading ror a r heap 25 cent fi x onrf' useful nK'mlx>r:-. or sat·iety who an • now m lh(' la:-.t stagl'i'i 6f mont.•y addiction. th1.• poor bf>g gar:-,. R UT I am hN c lo 11•11 you lh:11 money addiction eun ~ 1·\1 rt.'fJ • Wa nt to rid yours1.•lf of lhi'( ht.'llish 1.•urse? Simply :.l'ntl me SIOO tn small unmarked bills m n plain envelope Ac tually . li ke l'rl'si dt'nt Carter's program. this m ay not wo rk. Uul, l1k t· P r cs iilc·nl Carter, you'll be showi ng you 'n• trying. Dependency Hurting Economic Health To the Editor: e Ye11. we do have a crisis of freedom and President Carter's pronouncement did nothing to break the shackles that have been Increasingly hea vy since we entered the Industrial age. As a result or his announced po licies the stock m a rket dropped, the pMce or gold set a ne w record, and the dollar slumped to its lowest level yet The world res ponded with a groan to "business as u1mal," when II wus hoped for a real turnaround. The f r eed o m th a t we desperately need Is the freedom from the Idea that we are totally dependent on hydrocarbons and uranium a.sour primary sources of energy. This erroneoua depen dence Is ruinln.1 lhe health of the world U\rouih pollution, and lt Is also ru lnl n1 the world '• e conomy throu1b t h e un r"tralned c1prlcloW1 1reed of the oil lords . foreig n and domestic. And it is at present a most dangerous cause or an Ob· literatlve war. boiling point> and thlA could very easily be s upplied with solar.units now. Waste heat from generating plant s moke stacks coutd be tapped for the same purpose. WE NEED TO wean the BlllionaofBTUaredlaperaedinto machines or our country and the atmosphere every day lbat world or lbeir deadly diet of non· could be used in lhla andolberpro- replace able hydrocarbons. Thetr duclive ways. Waste heat should · work CAN be done using other be stopped. fu els <al cohol , methane, Make m andatory the solar hydrogen, 1olar, photovolt.aic, heat in1 of all new construction. wind,aeaand1eothermal). and encourage the conve rsion to The pre1ldent was so right solar in old structures by tax in· when he said that all we have lo cen t.ives. Cut all adve rtising export at present Is technology. lights at 10 p .m . Le ave We couJd s upply the whole world thermostat.a at 70 in summer in with the technolo1y that would public buUd1n11 for better work forever free them from bondage efficiency. Sixty-five ls OK for to oil. coal and uranium -lbe winter -it even peps you up. non·renewable polluters of the Get Detrolt 1otn1 on electric world. tar• and hydrosen. They have He 1tated that It was hls plan bffn hinderiq Ulil effort, not to convert a ll electric 1eneraUq belpln1. plan ta back to coal. • . which la a health and environmental dlt· GET 1'IE OIL Compudel out aat4'r . There exlat now a few ot all new .:;::r bulf.wle1. small ciUet that have aarbae• Create a N Bureau that and aewaae dl•etten that pro-would tap our lDVIDUve 1entua duce .......,. that l1 uaed to hMl berelntbeU.S.AlkJMOPl•toHQCI tbelr local electric 1eneratlq la their klea for eoe.en.uon plantl. No fuel coet.s, no pollu-and/or uU.Uution of nnewabl• tlon. plua hlth 1rade ferUU..r. tuela. 'l'llm PAY &Mm ll Mr Thie la exportable. ldeuan.-d. 1'be ~ c:ould ........ DllTILLATION OJ' 1lcoMI world 1ucb • by aaaoundDI from ,..... npn tU• a very a revenal tNndl that " ~all -.... of beet <below UM t have aU been, 1ufferlq uncfitr. T hen watch the stock market , and the dollar JUmp. J OSEPH NOLEN a..ec.,,.., 1• To the F.dltor: Your Sunday (July 22> artJcle by Skip Fickling was touching and beaullful. You could tell the tragic story of two 19·year·old boys be· ing killed came from his heart. And what a heart! He neglect ed to menUon how close be came· to never reaching 20. While. he was 19 Skip new bloody miSlk>ns over Germany, eamln1 tour air medals. He celebrated his ~h blrthday over Rt1Jeoaburg In a violent alr battle. • MARY MAGDELANA ft'OSTER ftN•ri•• T•ettew To. the Editor: Jf'bi-beeft Hid that ao oil company tried to buy BatDUm and Baileyetmaa. ' After the latMt 1how that Jtm· my Carter., putUnc on ln order to ln,ereue h1I popularity befpre electloo day, I am eurprised tl'at the Democratic Party haan't bouatJlBaraumandBaUey. , If they would 1f ll It on er.flt~. I'm sure the Democ:rat.s woulil buy fl Tbere'1 one born e~_.., mlnute )'OU know. JUI W. BOLDDIG -or~ ~ .•• ·t.a.J ....... ••••••••••••••••••T•o•w•r•1·'··t•he•o.•11y•P•11o•t•1•eo•••'S60 •.• eos.'.•.M."' •• · "CA•92•6•26•~··~ j .,.. ~ ~ ~.P..! .,, •• .,,_, ~ 29, 1979 To Clll the D•llY Pllotfl1042~1 A 7 .~State Jndicia:ey Ieathe~g-~crutiny at Top • • • .,llAaYCAl-.',l.D. .... Ollnll ... ~ ........ oU ,_ ...... c ... C1 •11 •••It -,,...., P.ljof'wa •rt .....,_ fMo ., ....... o/ Ille.,..,.. .... ea.rt _,.,,, .. ...,.. ._.,. U. ,_.. '9t ,........ ••a eoert ... ,,.... _,. ,_, .0.t I Ul'lftV •iften wu.a time wh• UM CaOfornla State .. Court wu c:ouldend to tM-the be l of u lllllllatMudoD. ,.... l111aae it rapidly ctiaappeartnC la the m.& al -laMSUl•Uoo .. tu procedu ..... It.a aa8iCua&ed methodl of comkterlf\I caae1, and lU ouutpt pltebed battle• wtthin it.a own raau. ·. PvD asrou tn blatorJ bu there been au~, a publie dilp&ay ol tM iuer worttln11 of a •~v~t aceac1. wblah watll now has been eo .. p&Mely 1ecret la all It.a moves and moUva· lii: •1 curtain 1ot ripped away by the Los A Times on election day 1978 when it pu lshed a story that the state Supreme Court wa• •ittlng on a case unUl aft.er the election. The purpose was reportedly lo save Chief J~ce Rose Bird's political lite. She was up for ccmftrmatioo by the vol.ens along with the three otliernewest members of the court. ,The nmes story said that the Tanner case in"t'o)vinl the ao-caUed "use a gun, eo to prison" la* 'Was being deliberately held up be<:ause of th~(obvious impact it would otherwise have on th51,~ection SUPPOSEDLY, IF California voters found out. ~at the court had decided to scrap the staie'a brand new law requiring jail terms for ~-and bandits who use a gun in their ennuis. there would have been a howl or out- ra1e that would surely have been reflected at the1polls. ;,Not only had the Times alleged s ubstantial evidence ol a purposeful de lay, but candidate fo~.govemor Evelle Younger had, loo. , A~ the time Younger made his rema rks the prestige of the court was so high that most peo· pie flied his remarks away as campaign political rhetoric. Jn any event Younger retract· ed liis statement several days after he made it. "Mlere is a s tate agency whose job is to look in on judges and make sure they are doing a eood job, and if not, bounce them orr the bench. It has happened before, most spectacula rly in the case of Marshill ltlcComb, the Supreme Court justice who was suspended from t he bench and then ultimately removed. HOWEVER, McCOMB was so udvanced in age' and so completely unaware of his surround· 1n~~ 'that he would fall asleep in the courtroom and !doze for hours. Once a bright and respected judge, McComb continued to come to his offi ce and discuss cases even after his removal, un- aw.~rc anything was amiss. The agency that caused his removal is the C .. Hfornia Commissio n o n Judici a l Performance. TbJs commission is now probing the allega. ticJM..of m.iacooduct of the bJgh court, not only in the Tanner case, but in several others of the sam e period. Additionally, the commission wants to find out who on the court leaked the in- formation that led to the charges. • IULE A LOT of people are grateful for wtloever it was that blabbed on the court, such leaking is a violation of a judicial canon-of eth,cs. Therefore, the commission is taking a lodk even though oo one in his right m'.nd would admit to being the one who leaked. Without such leaks the news media would h~ye to print recipes on the front page and read ih~m on the evening news. Some believe the guy wt)o pulled the s witch on the court 's shenanigans should be given a meda l. The commission has held five weeks of pu\lllc hearings, dragging in justices, staff at· ter~eys, memos, and records by the pound. As t~ ,testimony unfolded , it became cle ar the C'4~tt has some highly individualist.J c members wbo toss legal zingers al one another in the way o f .footnotes t o major decisions. fire nasty memos back and forth, a nd generally behave like law school undergraduates ,. , THE CHIEF CHA&ACl'ERS 10 the cast ai:o 1 · ,,,-Chief Justice Rose Bird, a highly educal· e4 lormer Stanford Law School professor. She ylews herself as "cool and correct." She is a 6- fl)ot.Qall, band.some, strong woman. Justice Mathew Tobrioer, 75, is an e legant gentleman of old world potii: .. h. He is hig hly educated and views him~clC as a craftsman. Justice William Clark, 42, Is a boyish looking sell-educated lawyer. He Is the most conservative member or the court and views himself as a strict law and order man. A maJor news paper named him as one of the two justices charging the court with delays. J ustice Stanley Mosk is a highly educat· cd former attorney general or California. It is rumored he wus lippointed to the Supreme Court by Brown, Sr. to keep hlm out of the gov· crnor's race. It is an open secret that he was royally piqued when Brown, Jr. did not promote him to CbJef Justice. THE CA.ST OF law clerks ranges from young, bright, and brash to old , devious and sensitive. Their testimony was seldom more than a rehash of hallway gossip and coffee break jousting. Some of it apparently got into the coffee cup. Justice Clark testified he was asked by the Times if he would "throw his coffee cup against the wall if the delay story appeared on election day." From the hearings has come little in the way of coocrete evidence of deli berate delays. But the very nature of the court procedure at. lows for politically inspired delays under the cloak of high· minded contemplations. Ll'M'LE BOXES FILLED with papers are shuttled among th e j ustices, who sometimes keep the material for months. It took 10 months and two weeks for the court to decide the Tanner case. And then it was wrong. Three days after the hearings began. the court reversed itseU on a re· hearingoflhecasc. First the high court said lhe Legislature does not have the right to restncl what courts can do. Then the court ruled the legislature docs have the right to place restrictions on the court. The only diffe rence in the two opinions is Stanley Mosk switched sides. The commission hearings have also created an entire new way of looking at the English language. Chief Justice Rose Bird testified th,at her five-day list of cases pending before the court was not a ''list," but l'ather was just the names of the cases on a sheet of paper. JUST LIKE A scene from the Mad Tea Par- ty, even the commission chairman, Bertram NOW I KNOW WHAT THEY MfA~ BY JUSTICc BEING BLINb ... .Janes, joined in the frippery tiy sayrng at one point, ··1 know this is not li list, but how was whatever it is circulating?" As the hearings droned on. Lhc central focus moved from leaks .and delays mW .he area of how quaint and out·moded arc the court·~ work in gs. Also s urfacing regularly were the bitter feelings be tween Jus tice <.:lark and other jus tices J ustice Clark "felt"' the coldness of Justice Bird, but not enou~h tu defang his d1~ senting footnote she claimed was meant Lo cm · barrass her. Justice Tobriner testified he told Justice Clark it would be wrong, wrong. wrong to have a delay in the Tanner case. But Clark in his testimony could not remember a word or 1t. In fact he could not rem ember anything Tobriner said wruch is unusual in that T robnner always has a lot to say. A STllONG CASE could be made for the en- tire brouhaha being just an interoffice squabble between new and old law clerks. JustJce Clark"s law clerk testified the offending footnote was solely to get the attention of the Chief Justice. He could not explain his actions after he got her attention. It was Justice Stanley Mosk who fired a flare gun right into the commission 's mid section by seeking a court order to prevent his pubhc testimony. A Long Reach JUd~l' refused the order: Mosk appealed and won at the next level. Then lhe commission appealed that ruling to the s tate Supreme Court, the very body 1l °"'as investigating . It asked the high court to take jurisdiction, disqualify itself, appoint sevt·n acting justices by lot. and decide the Mosk mat- ter in 24 hours. That was quite SJ dem and on a court accused of moving too slowly. FROM nus POINT on the muck becomes yuk. The htgh court justices, apparently tired of being publicly viewed. weary or being unwilling participants in a game they were not winning, decided to punt. The court ques.tioned lhl' legality or having all seven justices disqualified. suggesting a few would have to r.emain to keep 1t a Supreme Court. The implication was something li ke needing a sourdough sta rter to get good bread. They further questioned that s ince all the justices were equally tainted shouldn't they just rule together on the case? The real yuk to that om• 1:-.. having St1rnlcy Mosk ruh· on his own c·a~c . THESE QUESTIONS were sent by letter to the comm1~ion with a IO·day lime frame for response!S. Since the invcst1gallon was already 90 percent completed. it was clear the high court was throwtng sand m the race of the com· m1si.1on Chairman Janes' rngc at th(' thinly con- l't'alcd attempt to delay the pr0<·ccdmg~ !>howed 11nly on hi:-. face. Through clenched teeth he an· nounced that the hearings would continue the next day ul commission offi ces in the State Building . lie took a very narrow view of what a confidential hearing should be and denied ac· cess e ven to Rose Bird's attorneys. Whal was once j ust an uns ubstantiated charge that the court Indulged in delays for personal gain s uddenly emerged in an example or bald·faced maneuvering to delay matters. JUSTICE CLARK, as usual. flied a dissent. However. his one·line dii..~ent merely urged the commis.<Jlon to take notice that he did not think they should res pond to the court's questions. It is only an assumption that he was encouraging the commission to continue pubhc hearings in contempt of the court of civil ap~als. The commissio n has now ~taken its in- vl•St&Rat1on unde rground. What was ongmally probably ROIDg to result in a slap on the wnst and an admonitJon to modcrn11.t· procedures m<Ay now become J de<ith gnp on th(' high court Jugular Justices Stanley Musk and Frank Newman \I. tll holh have lo an::.wcr quc:.t1on:. 10 private. Th1•y an• the• only two of lht> 20 per'lons sub· r>ocna~ lo testify who have ftJJlc..-<J Lo do Sii. REGARDLESS OF HOW lhc court rules on the comm1ss1on·s appeal, lht: hearings will be long over The final ruling mity or may not make ava1la blt> to the public and the presi. a len~thy transcript devoid of all the e motions of tough quest.Ions. the mflcct1ons or lei.s Lhan truthful answers, and the cxtrn r1uci.t1ons of pro lt'ctlvt· counsel A JI I hat 1s possible now 1i. to wondc•r what Slanl('y Mosk wanted to conceal from the puhlic so badly that he was willing to emharrass the state Supreme Court. insult the Comm1ss1on on Judicial Performance and tear to shreds the remnants or the high court's prestige and rep- utation. ... • • .But Jury Duty in Home Court's Eyed With Relish By JOSEPH S. DENNY Joeplt S. Dmny, o retired engineer, 1n1de1 in lrvfM 1 • To date, I must have received about eight requests to appear for jury duty. ti'. .. Wblle I have always ta.ken prtde in my aotlal and civic responalbWUes, aucb recolDi· tlon baa not been able to prevail Oftr wbat I've defensively defined as my p,ragmatlc needl and somehow, one way or another, I bad weaseled t•l •my way out of servlna on any jury. 11'11 JI ~· TBU8, WREN I received my latest request •.-!_ bavtng reached an aae of dlacretion and two yean Into my retirement -there wenn1 m1n7 1·, ftCUMI left and I submitted meetly enoqb to 11-tbe eall In dUe Ume I WM l~Ued; twice 1)11 IWOl"ll bl nd MUed lD I munlelpal ~ "n'ebe Yef'1 model ~:/uror. · ' '•' '1'1111 w• a eue. The plalDIUf elalmed. I ht)aat be CW lilome of ... ..-nc .... decided to • 1fh blmMtf bot dop for 1upper. Jn hit fl'eeler tbere were t"° wieners -·tbe nmaaata of a "1Met.,. ol ellbt, bouabt at tbe loeal market. He bolled" tbe wlenen in 1 pan, plactd one .a. • blm, put • UWe 111ulard oa ~ and be1en. -lo eat. On tbe MeOnd bite be •came upon , 10m9tbin1 hard" ud broke hll tooth. 1'bll re· IOMllted ID IOIDe ~ort, tript to UM denUtt to n•~ .. tie tlOatb ea,;ed, HbMquent Med for root ··m~ wan, man pa1a ad time 1o1t.. , b D 1'0W IUD tlM wiaDel' maufaetarw to in lar d fll .. above. 'l1ll8l'e nre DO wt~ a.d die .. rook", or wlaateYer, ••• ..... at-~ toletMr ..... ~ .._., '*· m-.rct ana a put ot UM ellllt ~ .. took • daJ ~ • I I Jutt couldn't believe lt. I kept wait.ins for the other lltoe to drop. You mean to tell me that th1-la it -a Judie. hi• aeeretary, balUlf, one lawyer for the defenae and one for I.be plaintiff, 12 men and women in tbe Jury box -aU of this becaue a 1uy claims to laav• broken a tooth white Ntinl a hot doe! And no evidence ucl no .ua ... TIWe baa to be a puneb line aomewbere blN -~ up, lnteW1• people llmplr do not •PIDd their Ume la lbll •81· II tllat llow w. wu&e ta.. public buck? TD 111DGB GAVB U1 laltruct&oaa, ex-. ·ptalnbla tllat In a cl•ll HM clreumatantlal ~II acceptable and t.bat we doll'' u" to M nMlmout fn arriYlq at a "rdl.ot. .\11111 , •• there we were -seven women and five men bent on finding a proper ret0lut100 for what ap· peered a truly rlcllculoua cue . We atarted by talkln1 about the case, each ln turn 1lqWMllD1 bla or ber tmpreaslon about the proceecl1Dp. There qulcldy evolved a 1lmple tboulbt, t... you eltber believed the 1u1'1 at.ory or 1ou didn't. He wu a auperclUoua type of 1 man ucl made a bed wttnea. Moat ot \II did Dot Uk• or truat hbn. ADd yet -we wen ct.termlntd to be fair. TmJ wsas mass roun1 women and two mm amoaa us wbo dlarlJ dominated tlM rt1t, TbeJ carried tlM ~.a ncllmwe ol ~ They were tlM IN'llll&. tM uUcula&e- and high IQ people. They, of couNie, brought up the possibility or doubt. • What if? Whal if it happened to a truly honest man? What regress would be have but go through this very procedure of which we were a part. ll dawned on us that this was not all that ridiculous after all. We were involved; we were a part of the process. We were cooklog now! "What If" led us to t.be old saw that It is bet· ter to let 10 guilty men run free than put one in· nocent man in jail. With some soul searching and plenty of argument we decided the hot dog story, nine to three. WE THEN TURNED around and found no neaurence by the wiener manufacturer. \'es- he was liable for this accident in spite of being a totally competent producer of wieners. It was getUng late. One Juror had 1uest.s due for dinner at 6:39. I had a bridge game ar- ran1ed for 1 p.m . Do we give tbe guy any ol bia coatJ back? How about bis lost time and pain? Anotber hour went by -spent oo various arsu· menll and evaluations. And then we had a verdict. We found for the plalntUf, awarded bim bis actual coat.s and for the lolt Ume and that's all. Truly a Pyrrhic vic-tory. IT WM t:•; we had deliberated for over lour boun. I weal atralpt bome. tired but nqt a Uttl• pleaaed wltb myself. I bave done m, dYlc duty. We wen Mriout, eanaeat, dilcerulna and fair. M to tbe el'Qllon ot conftdnce in UM futon of Amertc. -fol'let It. Tbe executive and the Leailt.Uve braache1 ma)' ba•e tbelr problema but JOU may be 1ure tbat tbe ·Judiciary. on the manleq,al eourt level, ii dollll ·...U, nn. - thank,.,. . . . . . ~ Take In '"irgi~ • Orange County, new films are born ' 81 lllCllASL PUKSYICll "Tndt:.~~~ ~ of Rape." fte ......... ,_ ln bl•rilla '1P9 ....... ,.... ..... ot ''The~ CeuMJ ow..'"·---· Sh..,.......,._. • .-._. Fowa.r. -.o1u.r.. men wlloM we•ll• .._... utp-. a. 1 Ml uaa411 biY01YlD1 a ll·year-old 1irl '•*'"• attl at..aecl at t.be .. .....,.. ....... 1111 wan 11 rur1oua. llhak1nc him b1 tlae ._.., u 1i.e verbal· fy ............ . "But a.ute1 Obe vlllaln> pro-c,alMd tbat 1111 frt9Dd would keep It out of the .,........ " 1''owler c:n.. A ruia•d reputation. A "'icich •bead. · .. A take." aaya a man otr tt.e set. The bl&b·inteaaity U•htl dim. the camera stope ana the crew ' startl pacttq up the eqwpment that hu ta.ken over Bob and Loia Farah's Westminster home. THE MORNING or shooting ·'The Hunting Season·· h1ts been s low but. rewarding. Some of the men and wom~n working behind th!.i scenes are re· !alive newcomer!J to the mm busl· ncss. The act.ors in lhe Orange County-based indepen<tcnl produc· Uon Include John Shuttle, a Hunt· ln1ton Buch policeman wbo · pla71 1 lawyer, • ellnlc•I peJtbokl' t and • &octal St'curity emp'°'9e • Bu' lb•>'· llke the lnve1ton who've put up the! backlnc for lb• film. are confident lb.,y•re In on the Jrouad noor of fl bur1oonln1 bu.lllMlll. "OaANO" '*1NTY it vlrain," H)'I Her1il*im• Saddleback Colle11 and associate produeer of . "Wu're goan~ to brin~ ttolt)'wood to Orlinlw County.· The 1,1ent and prime set loca • liona ere here, 8nd Jobns udcb that local bualJieues and re&idents are enthu.sia9tlc and cooperauve in openin& their doors to the movie crew. G a uting use ot lbe Farah home was no problem. Mrs. F'arab, an ac tive community theater performer. was cast as a bitchy secretary who drives Bruce Fowler <actor Scott Alexander> to s uicide. A yacht in Newport Harbor also served as a locale. Shoolln& s hould e nd in about rour weeks. THE FILM, A joint venture or Newport Pacifica Films, The Via· ual Works or Laguna' Nlrucl and the SoYlb Coatt Acton Sta&dio, should be rc.ady for di1trlbutJon by December. · Richard Ccardner, who wrote th~ 1creenplay. play• the "pro· ta1ont.l" and co-produces the ef· fort wilh Dick Horton, pllUll to preview the fllm at Joe al theaten. A search tor a worldwide dis· lributor will follow. C a rdoer stya the PQMlbilltles are nwnerou., ror inde pendent films these days. AMONG VARIOUS avenues open for the PG rated. full-length rare are pa,y TV, network time &lots and overseas dis tributing. Most imPortaot. says Johns, is that a succeuful run for "The Hunting Season" will mean another step toward county autonomy in a Hollywood· dominated market. Producer-protagonist Richard Gardner wrote film being shot in what an associate calls 'virgin Orange County' 'Double Fault:' Sunshine, Beaches By JERRY CLAUSEN Of .... 0.11, ...... r COUNTIANS AS AR ISTS Direct or collect, to subscribe to YOUR hometown paper, the .: ....... .;. .......... : .... . .. : .. YI:·· · ....... ·:·::: ... -.: ,· i···" I u· ...... .... ·.·· ,· '·. . .. . . ~··e · ........ ·.:::·::::· .. . "··a· ·· .. .· . . .. ~ . .. .. ··.··· .. n .. ··.··· . . .. :· . . · .. u: · .... -~ ... Uit :.· .......... 5 ······ . · 1·n .. ··::· ··: .... . ...... .. . . ·· ..... . . ·: ,:_o_ays •. .... · . Thousands have quit smoking In 5 days wtth this guaranteed Medi-Health Method Uuill Ill tu'~ 11~1 Olll' ~•Jiii • • • 1° 1;111 •1ul I• •JJIMIQ d 'J''HJ~ '1 ' d lf;f lfJ(J~ Nit'\ r IJI QiJ•M"J ""9(/111 I ~II II 1 J !)!•~II! no •Jbl«1a11111 on'*"'-~w (714) 964-5204 /11 •i I'• ~1• ni.1 .I '>I t11, ,1.0!Jm Ho .... n " Novelist Dan Brennan is suffering a love affair was a Royal Air Force tollgunner. received high acclaim and 1s m 1ls s ixth printing, a fa cLlb.jaJ Brennan says has brought tus royalt1t!s from the piece to about $100,000. plo1ts <ht· .... rnnkt•ll liy th1· .''forthv.t·st Lawn T('nn1s Assoc1at1on 1 and thus1· 11f this thn·e sons. who pl<•Y t he gamt· well 1·noul(h to hav1· ..:arncred some 500 trophies and earned college• d<•grecs through tennis scholars hips ftlflt;l,;1 ,,._ with Southern California , a romance so hectic that he leaves his typewrite r for a week at a time. THE COLD DROVE HIM FROM MinneapolL'>, he says. The s un and some prodding from his wife Helen brought him lo Huntington Beach nearly Thal story, "Never So Young Again." became :i novel at the urging or an actor friend who want· ed the voung American RAF~ volunteer lo combine three short stories into book length. The fictional ht·ro such as ht· 1s 1s a f1 <' L lional composite. s ays Brennan. cvt·n though many or his friends have recognized themsc:l vcs <is charac tcrs in the book. ..,ffl(, .. tnl, '~'~'1lrr1I • three months ago. AFl'ER Tiit: WAR, IN WJDCH Brennan even· tually found himself In the U.S. Army Air Corps, the young writer returned to his native Minnesota to report for the Minneapolis Tribune. Writing, hc says, has made tum a good living for nearly 30 years, hought him a 12-room brick mans ion 1n M1nnt·apoh!> iJnd hclpt·d him reur h"' family. MAIM/£ . • . . f r Getting Brennan. 61 and greying at the s ideburns, away from his typewriter isn't easy. His 38lh novel. a torrid glimpse into profe:.:.1on:.il tennis. has jus t rolled off the presses and can bt· purchased through B. Da lton. he reminds. T h e r c ·s no hig • m essage in "Double Fault," h£• 11::iys. If the re is one in any of' his novels, it's simply tha t "people a rc n 't what they seem on the outside." he confides. · " 'Double Fault' will Improve your tiCX ltfe and your tennis game." he qolpe on the terrace or his mobile home a r ew blocks from the ocean. The s t o r y o f a scheming young tennis pro bent on becoming 1.1 BRENNAN Forest Kills champion without regard lo mora l cost is Bre nnan's fi rst sports novel. Like the novel he is writing now -between s unnmgs on a ncarhy beach and tennis matches at Huntington Harbour Brennan's first novel was about World War II m the skies over Europe. HB IS llO PAGES INTO the manuscript on '·Each Dawn I Die," a n Eighth Air Force epic brovghl about by u resurging interest in war stories. His first novel. published in England when he When Hubert H. Humphrey, then mayor of M lnneapolis. asked Hrennan to become his pres:. s<>cretary, th(• writer found himself working 18- hour days on Humphrey's fi rst senatorial bid. When Humphrey won, Brennan decided to r<'· m ain in Minnesota lo concentrate on short ston es <i nd novels IT WAS DURING THAT prolific period that Brennan produced three original pape rbacks in less than fi ve months. Brennan likes to work at least three hours every day, and the re was no problem hitting the typewnter during a Minnesota winter. he says. "We had 90 days last winter when the lcm· perature never got above rive degrees, and we were buried under six feet or snow. "But here ... " He gestures toward the two tall p alms topped by sunlight out front. "l'M GOING IN STREAKS. I had a fit when· I couldn't do anything for six weeks. Now I h &vt· maybe four or rive days when I reall y work h ard and lhen lay off for a week." In a n hour or conve rsation. he regal-cs a listener with enough tales and experiences from his past to easily launch another30 books. He says he "thinly disguises" many of the peo pie and experiences he knows in composing his books, making changes here and there lo fit a plot. SUCH WAS THE CASE WITH "Double Faull ," he admits. Combined we re his own ex- DIVORCE CAN BE A LONELY EXPERIENCE . . . but don't take the risk of being alone in court M urkctmg 1s the trick, he says. "NOVELS /\Rt: LIKt: /\NY OTHER product Somr young wrsl£>rs manufactun: liluc shoe~ <ind :o.t'nd thc·m lo a hlac k shOt' manufacturn. Then they can't f1gun· out why tht-y arc not puhhsh1·c1 "The real prohll·m." he s ays, "1s manufoc·tur ing thus<' shoes at all when lht'rc <1 rc so m<1n) things to do m all of this sunshim· .. " Bay Theater Will Survive SAN FRANCISCO CAP > -The prest1 g1ous Am<·ric•rtn Cons t·rvatory Theatn>. wh1 <'h det•lart•d this i.pring a s tate.• of encrgency wh<'n •l ran short or fund11. has nearly reached 1t!> fun drais ing goal of $433,000 and wi ll go ahead with its r<'~rtory seascm, officials say. "We arc so pleased ut the outpouring of sup· port from the community," Cyril Magin. d<·· partmenl store magnate 1:1nd president o r the Callfomia Association for ACT. said Wednes- day. "Th<' company is sure for next year." But Magin said ACT must tighten its finan· cial operations If It wants to continue as a first· rate the atre company. A lawyer provides protection of your right.e aa well as ~our rightlul possessions. At Southern California Law Center we arranae a 'free consdltaUon with our domestic lawyers. Experts , who specialize in assisting people through the lonely experience of divorce. Early Week Dinner ' .. . t-~N c~,,~ SIHCE 1958 A.q. U/Vt.iu ~ Se"'"*"~ & tus.i.-r,. I l 't ·~ f / _,, I ~w L~-·"?1 On~ Monthly F~~ No ExtrCl5 l;i1 .. 1u11tv Y· •JI hnnu ' "" •• I I btJ'>lnl">'• Wllh I OICIUI'"· fJ1Ju nror"""' m.olly rr 11nl<1t111•<1 .101111ri11m Om· monthly l•·l• 1n h1rJ1·. ''"'' ""''' ~ 1.,. .,1·rv1<.1• l<1nk Jnd t:ou1omunt w. pro•ld. fmt<y CJO'dfi"'· II ol trcip4c .. fiih I tf'*~ °' _...., wtt'1 dKor to 'f-tHt•. W • aho ttocll a.d , ..... 1c. talttl.q ......... CALL 714-675-5023 FOR RATES ft.O. lox 481, latboa laJ-.d. Ca. 92662 includes salad bar and beverage* ~~ o~ .j>.)LAW 'CENTER \ 908 We11t Sanle Ano Boulevard •Santa Ana. CA moa Tht• price of li vinR it up come:, down early in the week at the Sizzler. So come feast on our prime rib au jt..s. It comes with all lhe ulad you can eat from our salad bar. And your riiiiiiin;i;qiil:~ choice of dressing including our famous bleu ebeese. Plus your choice ()f coffee, tea or a regular size soft drink, At the Sizzler you can enjoy prime rib and all the trlmminf(~ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wedncsday. At a price that won't leave you broke lhc relit of the week. (714) 172-4801 • 24 HRS. Gu•lllr bpr111 ........ Med not M lxpenelve . .... L.nfefa ......... ,.. ... .....,, ................ aM ............. " Au.,.,. Ceap11 .. ve a baked polato or french fries. Sizzler cheese toast and NIWPOIT llACH 1000 Bristol St. Noftti In Plaut Newport Shopping Vlllaae Bristol .. _,_ __ .. _ -------....----------· . .... TAA VEL I DELAPLANE SUndlty. Juty 29. 1e1e OAJL Y PILOT ..t• :f~isO More Rare Than Air in Nepal 8' STAN DELAPLANE Friend retumln1 from a walkine tour f f > acl'Oll Nepal '8 completely hook d on il . Plans to return and. with the RoyaJ 1ov emment. bulld day.apart treWna lnru;. San: ''You bave no idea of th~ lhrtU or • bean1 up al 6.000 feet. and you look around you and all~ moun tains rise to 13.000 .. rr8 aE&N A aAaE country to visit. A tfew ~ tbe beards. beads .BJ'\d sandals .. t penetrated Katrnandu in the last 10 ye arh Mainly drawn by laklnl a quick cour~e m ~uddhlsm. Plus rumors of free board and lodfint at monutertes. Most people h ave h eard of Nt'pul through Mount Everest exped1llons Now y,ou can fly in from Delhi ( I·' ;: hours> or Banakok <8 hour l T here are a dozen hotels . Highest price around $22 * •• ~ ••'ftOS IS GOING TO be a gateway io Tibet,., says the American hike r "Th~ C hinese and Nepalese have reached an agreement to let Royal Nepal Airlines fl y to Lhasa. •I "The re IS a road running through the highest peaks in the world." 1 Average altitude in Tibet is 15.000 feet.> "It's just been opened for the first time since 1951 when the DaJai Lama ran out ahead or the Chinese.'' * *. •·• DOESN'T MEAN YOU fly into KiJl · m andu and catch a taxi or a irplane to Lhasa. But Chinese visas arc getting easier to get into China. "I'd g uess you 'll be able to get into Tibet within a couple of years. Maybe onl'..~ For Nepal, you need a visa from a Royal Nepalese Embassy -there's one in London. Or you can get one good for 15 days on arrival at Katmandu. <H 's cxten- dable1 > Sm all-pox vaccination and cholera shots r<.~uired . Plus S250 or ;..i round trip ticket • • * ON THE OFFBEAT SIDE, friend of mine from Africa is back from hunting hea rs in Russia . (He didn't think much of it :.is a sport. l imagine the bears don't can.• for it either., On getting a long with the Russwn!-> "P op music is a gift of great v<.1 luc. Records sometimes change hands at $40 U.S. each . .. Don't belie ve young Russians will go wild over ANY record as they US(•d to With rriodc rn radios they pick up latl· music a ll over the world." • *. "We planned to drive into Mexico in· 4ttead or to California because we heard there's no gas shortage. We can't find a cool route. ltallseemsbotdesert." I never found a summer route into Mexico that wasn't hot as a sheriff's pistol. ~apitalbe? DC Tours Boomi,ng WASHINGTON (AP) -The umbrella ladies a re out in force, leading brigades or tourists through the tulips and dogwoods to the monuments and shrines of the nation's capital Unfurled on the sunniest or days. the um- brellas serve as g uidons for a corps of private tou r guides. Held high, they mark the progress of cr;n. verging streams of visitors t.rooping from tour bus Lo monument. THE TOURISTS or 1979 have arrived by the hundreds of thousands. There. will be millions more "'Mercy, all these people," says a Capitol Hall policem an watching the line into the Senate .... ~alleries. "They all seem to bo here at the sam e :~Jame. In the winter we could use a few people. Right : wit's a pain In the butt." :! During the Easter vacation more than 10,000 :!• .,lsitors a day marched up the Capitol's central i arble steps to place themselves in the hands or e of a band of 28 red· jacketed tour guides -the ficial ones. Thousands more fo llow the lead of e umbrella wa vers. ! • Tom Nottingham, : chief or t he Capitol ... .I• •.. Guides, pred icts the number of people tuk· ing official tours of the Capitol will reach 1.6 .million this year , the la rgest number since the 1.5 million who took the bicentennial tours in 1976. THE OFFICE OF the Architect or the _ Capitol says a total 4 -'9 million visitors or all kinds entered the build· ing in 1978. ·'The word is getting out that there is less crime a nd more policemen, so people feel its rea_sonably safe to come here now," says a plalDclolhes·securlty guard. "~e·re letting an awful lot or for eigners. this year. says an old Capitol hand. "The dollar has gone so low that a lot or people are coming over "'from Europe. It's probabl.y cheaper for them to \ake a vacation here than there." Out.aide, some tourists hunt Cor scarce parking space, .tllle otben trud1e fr0m museum to museum. Some see the clty from blue and white ,1 tourmobiJes. A more affluent few mue the roundl • o\ in the comfort of rented limousines •m . ... ,; ' IN THE Bl18TLB of the tourist routine there is one ouls ol IOlitude and quiet. It la the NaUonal Tourtat Center ln Wubinston's landmark Union Statioa, two blocks from tbe Capttol. Tbe center baa never mana1ed to become the tourllt baab tbat Concl'ell orlllnally intended it to be. OD • recent Aertl day only 140 pel'IODI bid "6Ped Ua l'tllltef. 'l1INe ......,,... were on hand to ft~,ld qwtloaa ~ a ~kle of travelen. I ~ PIODle that ii they want to flt away from tbe eMdl ad ftDd a mee, quiet, cool ptaee to aJt and rest undllturbed, the Vbltor's Center la U.. plaee to be,'' one WNbtftlt.on tourist expert uid. .. I Puncla ••• COSTA MESA GUEST HOME TOURIST COUNCIL ALSO warns about cattle and burros, goats and pigs jumping up in front of your car. Quote: "Most of the highways of Mexico are fenced. but they just don 't seem to work." <They don't work because the fences are on paper, not along the highways.> I Retire In a home·llke atmosphere. Let vs serve vou white you r elax. We offer a sel'vlce of nutrltl~s meals. 2.e hour care. Activities to keep you active. Reasonable rates. S.S.I. Welcome! ·'The regular gasoline from the blue pump is Nova with an octane rating of 81. It may make your engine ping a little ... " 2819 Orange lwe., Coate Meaa MM711 ..\bout three. days of this before you climb lo th~ central plateau at 5.000 feet and the weather'b delicious The Me"icun Tourist Council says there IS ple nty of gas : 68 cents a gallon for bigh-test, u11l ·aded. You can also get 92 oc- tane unlcadt·d gas. <No price quoted.) Jt 's been my experience that the man who pumps out public information and the one who pumps the gas are not acquainted. Keep your t a nk topped up wherever you see a station with gas to sell. OPEN DAILY 10·10 SAT., 9-10, SUN., 10·6 t!=,·r• 3 Skeins For me. Mexican gasoline and Mex· ican roads have lO times the excitement of say. hunting Russian bears. Last time I got gas that "made the car ping a little," it blew off the No. 1 cylinder head. I SPENT THREE DAYS in Tepic wail· ing for spare parts to be sen t up. Tepic in summer is not April in Paris . There is gas, but . . . When the only shiny s tation in town is not working, it's because the electricity is off. The pump won't pump. Power goes off often in the land of Montezum<!. "Vaya con Dios" they say. ··Go with God ." (You need all the help you can get.> -.... , ... -MOlll$ -$1CHlSUINC ·1~1 -lll GaflllNO • IUCHIAG GIRLS' PULL-ON PANTS 2 Days Only 88 Ea th Coro~· rug yarn is the versolole lr1vorote Colorfast Docron 9 polyester :\ rnochme woshoble. Sovong prices! Battery, operoted '" 1hre1• rieco101tve YOUR CHOtCE Of 3 ISLANDS ••• . BLUE YELLOW T~ GINGEB GINGER GIM&B WAI~ 1k.1 w ,;1k1k1 tTl! u rr..-iuo I< AU 11 hf-JWBll All -WAYI TOUA/ (, TRAVEL IHll IHGftOt• JJ•Hf WflTmlftllE• allJfOAtlM tH83 PMOM: <JIU 14e • IOll Ov l'•nf .... tM • I 8 , .. 8 •, 00 S•l e Shop 0 1 1Cmor1 sty es. 1 " i::::::::::::::: .......... "'' ......... d i BUY THE PAIR SAVE 'I SHARE Fint '''"' lttulor 'rk• Plus Developing order two prints of each when Y01J brilllt in your roll of~nt film ... and save I T oroder spaghetti with meot !oOU<e, cole llow, roll orod butter. ,, o:, /'i ' ~:-t\ I ,'Ju• I ·-· VALUPAI FOISAMILY GIOOMllG 86( 7-piece fomily-pock includes 6 combs ond l flare· style brush, In coloo. PUS Tl-I On• ~___;,. SA•AILI ..... 111 Second s~i Print :. IMPORTED POUID* HAM 200 Dokl!I hom imported from Hollond. With no turol juices: gelatin added. 10" oll·purpose b ro om with polypropylene bris· ties. Woshoble. Sov· in st S·GALLOI SHOP VAC® 29 88 5·gollon sleel drum, eo\y roll swivel costen Indoors or out1 Attochmenl\ 1rotluded. IMAIP CASSlnl TAPE 1~!. Pkg ot 3. 60-min. blonk couette topes wilh roew irostorol· \tort recordinQ. Sovel ·~I ~ ~ ~I 9" Ofoe. MMt. ... .. •I-OZ.* f USRlllE MOizA~ An•is eptic mout' wo1h orod gorgle fi• r qenerol or I hygiene. Sovel W11h rel1obl• Soltd Stot• chon11 olutNrwred pt(lu•• tub~ "Equol fo••"' UHF /'t'Hf tun•At1 ... Automotive primtt In red, oroy metal or blocii. l2 \ii ·01. • ....... , lantern complete with •prit19 type 6-V bottery. Shof> now . ~~~~~~~~~~~ CIMff a Tm : --CIWIM flUllftl ~ ....... • I 11. llOl.lTWNI IMfAR9- ~ llRTlllll• -•MWr .. lll--- • Cllla lllA • -''" IMICAITEll lAW• l911UC11 -..... llAllt .... -.TA AM • ._ .• cumm tmllcm ....... r...a ..... . ...._ .... ,.,. COUNTY I OBITUARJ§~ . OC ReseOrch Helps Solve Puzzling Behavior .,,,~--....................... .ee ............ lndtttr d Mt llftl 9'1 It.-. llllN ._. far,.. ~,... ,.,..... ud t no ••fftr from _..aviol'al cHeorden auct. H r.1,.racthlt1, ........... JC ...... 11w1 ::Cr allo clau .. lM ••1 nonnal MODle ct.al WW. own ..._rior, __., •Mlnl ltatilu aadpU. AMONG THS PlJUUNG aad aometlmH 1tartllaa ftndlnp, mott made wlUUa t.IM pa.at 10 or •llyean. an: Al~ anyone can team to control 1ueh bodily~ H tw>•rtbe•t. blood PN!llure and bra•n ••v• lhat were OOH U.OU,hl to be i.nvolun llf1. -lncreJ1ln1 th• heartbeat lhroush aelt control or maalP'41•tion ol • pacemaker ak>wa down the brain wave1. retultint ln • more atud.ioua add poMlbly cre.Uve h'ame ol mind. -OoMt of pepUdea derived from hormone& can te mporatlly lnortH18e conct1 ntratlon and 1re1ariouanet1. In pr{'llmlnary .-xperlmenta, re larded peraons have shown from a 20 to a 300 per· cent lMreaae ln lntellectulll functioning, ale.hough 11 rcsurcher warns thut "It's not a smart pnt " Stu<Ues with rut fetuses and newborn11 show that injections can have a significant and long-lasting effect in in· creasing their learning ubillty in comparison to othe r rats born in the same litter. -Substances pro· duced naturally by humans, called e n- dorphins , hav e morphine·like effects in killing pain without side DR. CURT SANDMAN effects. HOW THESE FINDINGS can help disordered or retarded people is the subject of studies now un- de r way ln Orange County. One or the key figures in the research is Dr. Curt Sandman, a 38·year-0ld researcher who ar- rlyed in Costa Mesa from Ohio State University 011ly three weeks ago. · He has a dual a ppointment. serving as a clinical psychologist and researcher al Fairview Slate Hospital and as professor in residence of piycttiatry and adjunct professor of psychobiology al UC Irvine Medical Center. Previously, Dr. Sandman spent 12 years in re- search. Among his colleagues is Andrew V. Scbal· ly, who received a Nobel Prize in physiology. medicine in 1977 · DR. SANDMAN HAS focused on two a reai>. electrophysiology and peptides. He offered a brief lc1yman's description or each: li:lectrophysiology · Measuring •the electrical acti vily in the body. "It probably is the definition of 11(1' as we know il. If you don't have electrical artivity in your bn.11n and your heart, you're dead." : Peptides: Chains or ammo acids, which are U\e building blocks of life. He focuses on peptides that are part of hormones. : Or. Sandman also dcscnbed his research suc- r inclly: "Generally, il is the study of body-brain re· lationsttips in an attempt to rind out what the mind IS." f' d' Hp; special interest is applying the an mgs to the retarded and those s ufCering from behavioral d'6orden . ' 0 iE nnNG HE would like lo find out is wjlethe r -some basic bioche mical a nd el~c· tPOp byii<H.ogical functions that arrect learning have go{le out of whack in these individuals. ~ "l:LJ.tlJS a way of understanding disordered beh~~ he said. "Do some people not have ac· cess to their body?'' Or. Sandm an, who with colleagues has been written up in pubU cutions ranging from i:-ort~ne to the Nationcil Enquirer, said other scientists an the field throu~hout the country "take an active in· terest in what we're doing here.·· BUT WIULE THE results or the Orange Coun· ty studi<'s won 't begin coming in for months yet, preliminary findings in earlier studies shed light on the potentiul of Or. Sandman's research. He outlined some of the fields he and col· leagues have explored. 1 > Elcctrophysiology. Dr. Sandman's special interest is how information from the body in· nuences the brain. An example is a study that re· vealed that an elevated heartbeat -not through external means such aa exercise but through self· McCOl.Mlal MOITUA .. S Laguna Beach •~94 15 ·~i-iguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano ' '495-1776 ~,LAWN-MT. OUYI ~or1uary • Ceme1ery Cre~tory I 1e2s G1slor Avo , · t Costa Mesa l 5-40-555'4 I IA&.n.tM•ao .. llUI IPAL NOMI 646-2A2• Cosla Mesa 673-9-450 m.LMOMIWAY NORTUAaY '108roldway c-. ..... 142-9160 INllMATVIN&L NOITUAIY • "'-"""' c ...... ~ • Cfem1uon1 • 'k>wer Shop • ~E.171h8t • • Cott• Me.41 • MS41• :-- CAllUC* GEATAUOE MARIA CARLSON, toun., Soulh Be<ld, tndtaM rnlelent, pn~o •••Y on Jiiiy n. t'7t In Co\141 AMM. Ce , .....,. he 11.o been • re.I·· oent tlnce ltU. She •erved u • IH<lltr In Ille South &.nd tndt•n• Publlt S<hooh trom ttt? untlt lier ••· tlr•ment tn ttS4. Sf>e ••• llOrn In South Reno, tno•-Al>f•I 10, 1"4. sn. ta 1urvtved by lier abler Elu C. Hunt, • nl1<1 Nencv I.. LAlr>e-bOth ot Hu"t lnQton Be«ll, Ce., • nephew Auuelt G. Hunt of Cos141 Mtse, CA. •ncl • nl•<• ""•''I Jine Har dy of f'dwerd.OUrQ, Mt<l'llo-n. S.rvkei. •r• \ChedUled for Moftcley July 30, 197' •t the Wet1t1etmer Funertl Home In So<itll Bend, Inell ..... D•HNI JAN E OEHHE, tOt u, rest defll OI Hu:_~·~·~·:'~r~·.!, ~::.'.:~ with Atc:t Cerlltt RHI Est .... OIH '"°" Oenty on July 26. ltlf •I .... cmt H0\911411. Mr1. OelWw ••• • memlllr Of WM H.,,..intln lleK/I and F-teln V•ltey 8Mn1 of ltMtlOrt Md IM HUM· l1ttl"'·Set<lllf Ledtt•\ Goll Chill. .,,.,,,,...., 2 ..... ""'' --Md MMy "''" llliOtfl Of .. ._., Teats .... e11 ... MIM!t LU9d9rt Md t 11 .. ttr•lfl·I-LtKlllt Afldfl<ll ot S..tt AM, CA. Friella m.-, <•II from 12 -to •:• ,._. on "'""" et Pl«o lrothrt imltfl'• Mo«u.ry ..,.,.,. Mnlk .. llWltf lie ~led tt'7·00 PM Mtflfty e t Ille First Chrttlltn CllWcll ef Hlllltk ..... o e.dl, CA, t1to ..,_... wlll • INdl et f'et"'"91\ 1.,.erltl -•''· -•erce llrotllt" tM' ..,,_., Dinoen . .,._.S,. ..... u. -~. control or manlpuJaUon of 1 pacemaker -1low1 down brain wavet but r thJnJc It would certainly be an Important tool in leumJn1.'' be cautioned. "It ian't a 'smart pill.". "It's very subtle: It's not a tranquilizer -it's almost senauoua. It'1 undeacribabltt." COMPtJTEll8 HAVE been Uffd in studies of how tardk>vuc:ul1r chaftlft, viaul 1tJmulatJon aM odaer ,._11ical etrtctl clwlce aormal people's perHlltlcJm. "We hive found that we can teach talmoat anybod)' lO control body funcUona 1uch u blood flow , heart rate and brain wavea." Dr. Sandman aaid, explalnlna th•t 1 •opbl1Uuted form of blof eedbtack la uaf'd TentaUve atudlea show lhat information or skill• teamed whUe under the influence of peptides are lon1·laaUn1. Dr. Sandman 11id he'• tried the stuff himself DIWG COMPANIES are already interestl&,in applic"'ona to elderly paUenta. and the effect of peptides on memory la under study al UCJ. r . for eumpl.,, work with a child molester sue ctHfUll)' reduct1d his undesirable reactions lo photo1rapha of touna alrla. AT nll8T A 1m all ulectrlc shock was applied to the mlln'a linM •r when he vi ewed phot.ograpbs. Later, he was 1lven money for accumulating time on a clock tor lohlbltln(( auch responses, even thouah they Involved ·such oncc·believed-to·be· lnvoluntAry funclionR us heartbeat. 2> Peptid 8. t>niltminary tests, ,show lhal dOHPll Of peptides derived (rom certain ho~monei. mcrerute conc·entrat1on und gregariousnesti an rat.s, norm ul humurui und retarded persons. D~ Suodmuo quickly notes that be hopes the µublk won't Jum1> the gun on the findings . "UeUev1.• it or not. I had a letter from a Harva rd student saying she was only a 8 -plus stu· dent und muybe with our peptides she could be an A s tudent." he said. "Thal is not our purpose. "We know It has as much as a 300 percent im· provement in intellcctuul functioning in retarded clients," Or. Sandman s aid. THESE EFFECTS, which last about two ho urs, result from inc reased concentration. friendliness and reduction in anxiety. ''It certainly is not a normalizing substance, UCI seeks Aides Dozens of volunteer jobs arc open with UC Irvine Medical Cent.er. according to Na ncy McGill, coordinator of a training session for new helpers. lnfl•tlon beating tlpa ... Every d•J In th• l•tJIQQmll Sandman aaid. PUBLIC WORKSHOP Positions arc avuila- ble in admissions, the e m e rge ncy a nd r e · covcr y room . inrorma· lion desk, pedrnt rics, lubs und pharmacy , and an a number or rrn · tient support progn 1ms. TO DETERMINE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT NEWPORT BOULEVARD (ROUTE 55) IN ORANGE COUNTY THOSE WllO sign up by ca lling Mc Gi ll ul 634·5541 in Orange• will attend a training ses:.ion al the center, IOI City Drive South, Ora nge, Aug. 14from l lo3p.m.1n the Murigold Room • • • The Chjldrcn's llomc Society or California has added emphasis to its public e ducation ci nd c h i ld a dvocacy ac tivitics and need~ P<:oplc to work as discussion leade rs. A lraininl! session 1s scheduled Tucsduy from 9:30 a .m. lo 2 30 p.m. at the Orange County Di s · lrict Office. 300 South Sycamore,Sanhl Ana. ANYONE interested in telling about the or· ganizalion's udoptloo, foster care, pregnancy a nd parent c h i l d counseling und pare nt e du c ation program l> s hould cu ll .J u d y Davidson, director of volunteers. al 542· I 147 ••• The Voluntary Action Center or West Orange County matches pc...'Ople with op e nings. Ca ll 898·0043 for details on the following: A number of prn;ations ean be failed with the county Mental Health Association, which helps people get back into the mainstream. Spots remain open to help with the Sept. 2 and 3 Muscular Dystrophy telethon at the Grand Hotel, Anaheim. THE COUNTY Office of Consumer AHuirs needs aides who aren't aCraid to use the phone to straighten out com- plainta. A roster ot enter- tainers for vialta to area homes for the elderly and convalescent Pl· tlenta ls being drawn up . The upcomln1 cam- p a i 1 n for multiple 1cler91i1 r:Jq&Ures en· velope stuffing now. Can be done at homo. VALLEY .... HUNTINGTON BEACH Ir. a .. MdtAk I HUk m .... CJ Bl V(J f1eewoy\{-•••• IRVINE TELL US YOUR IDEAS AT TtlS WORKSHOP LEGEND Compleled Adopted SAN JOA()UIN • .,;.JI,. .. 11•L l 'I CORRlOOll The California Department of Transportation ( Caltrans) will conduct a workshop. You will have an opportunity there to discuss your own views regarding transportation problems along Newport Boulevard (Route 55) ood you Ideas fOf solvi'lg those problems. The workshop Is bei'lg conducted as pat of a study on present and futl.l'e troosportatlon problems ak>ng Route 55. lklder study is the part of Route 55 between Pacific Coast Highway (Route 1) In Newport Beach and the end of the Newport Freeway near Bristol Street In Costa Mesa. THE WORKSHOP IS SCl-EDULED AT T~ FOLLOWING TME.AND LOCATION: Tlu'IClay, August 9, 1979, 7:30 p.m • Orange Coalt Colege Fine Arts Ilda.· loom 119 2701 Faltwtew RO., Cotta Mesa ·' '. • .. ~~~ ff:-~M: ... TYi•,:., v1•• J , MOttlttu., "".,.. et ---'""" ..,, .. .., ................. c. . Thia workshop Is one In a series betng ce>nciJcted as pat of the contlnUng ctttzen participation progam for the Route 56 Trauportotlon Study. this •tudV. which wl last about .two years, wl produce a Draft Envronmental Impact Statement, evatuotlng several poMlble solutlons. These Include """'wav, street ald tr<ntt atematives and ther respective enwormental hl)QCtl. .•! .. .. :: -.......... , :• CO&MMNLM ': ... :: _, llolM Awe. . ....,.,...., ~= .... .... ...... .... ,.; ... "'9. lwvlWf .., ..... .._.. A. Mlwllf .. lelltll L.llllM. ea ... .., ..,. c. ~ et '"'• ~ •• ee .. 1 •••• .......................... .,.... ., __ .... llrVIC9I .... , .J•y .. "" .. ltilMM• ..... ffk v ... ..,._, C111911, "' ..... .....,....... ...,._ --....... lllfk • ...-' ~Mlfllllfy...... ..._...., ... ______ .. FOr qUeltlonl Of fu1her Information, conMct Cot.rt 8'1rel, z~t ~ for '1'f •tudv. at the Catrans office, 120'~! ~ StJ , LOI (213) 620-3090. . ' ' ' • • • t ' • • .. . I ~.July 29. 1979 DAILY PILOT A J I ... son Vlnd~ea.s: Spring Ready to Snap 1$C~ta CGn't .''Pinpoint Tirrw ~·· ' • • 81 aoasaT LOCllS A#k-•-• San rruc~ ud lAI Aftfta. are lndaln1 ~r war toward each other •lonl a nearly. In ;'vtltbJe llae called the San Meire., Fawt. th•l :Umlnoul, ~arnoua prochac.rol .......... -.. Wilh more c.,.. U... a ...U..r with 1 tOI· ck.1 dMJll. MM•Ulll ..,. ud .... me move ._ fll Mrn!a MU.. lrrilaMd far9\land. theo >eat 1ullurbl Ud the 1-'i,loresta aloft• U.at ~e. awue thal mut'h or thtt could perlah ln one ~arrln• rcleue ot pent up tner1Y between two Aaamrnoth •«lk>au ot urlh. • ': ST&EW~ ALONG TME toO·mlle fault ~rore It deli<'end Into the Pacln<' Ot'ean l\Orth :if San 1''tanNaco ure hunclreda of iel.lm ometeu, )ravimetera, m••neto m etera, llltmotera, feodllneten. 'W '· Someday those ins trument.a may add up t-0 a -tame ly wamlnJ( They may tell sclenh11ts thut :&be San Andreas •~ about to give birth to anothe r 'Wupe rquuke 1.1 rl!put, perb~PI· of the mualve lremor that dPvustuted San f"ranclsco on April II. 1906, or the huge fo'orl Tejon quake of 1157 jbal devastated a then sparMly populated Loa ~Angeles. -: The San Andreas 111 stortni energy Uke a -..atch sprinA ll\Ul'S being wound too tightly. Mmcduy It will snap · • "Th" 1857 und 1006 eurthqu1:1kes will be re- . pealed -there 's iu rnr,ly no wuy around ll," U ys J erry Eaton ot lhe U.S. Oeoloetcal Survcy's earthquake research center ln Menlo Park. .~EDt:llA.L STUDIES INDICATE that between 3.000 land 12,000 people might be killed In a great quake alone the &tn Andreas fault. A re liable wamlng lhat "the Big One" is lmmi· ncmt couJd save 11 lot of II ves Muny sclenlists believe lhat som e sort of fon·cas t 1s already possible. and all th<>H In· strum('nt.'> along the San Andreas fault are in· tended to refine that possibility. Bu\ promlaing as lhl· longer·r ange outlook for predJcUon may b<.'. •l's still a young and Imprecise sclenee. "If a lur9e earthquake started In one ot our nHworks." says Robert Wallace, chief scientist a t thl• USGS center, "there's a good chance we would :-.el' the physical changes that precede It." <a :or11vs1crsT C LARENCE Allen of the CJJ 1lh1rni.1 Institute• of Technology ugrees. "We c1111 lrl ! 1 um hie on something tomorrow. But the prol1fl rn 1s thut pn•dlcllng earthquakes con· Sl!.lt·nll.v 1!1 a far t·ry from prcdictlns a few of th1·m 1>11<·1·N111fully, which w<' have done." /\ r1·w quakes gene rally sm all and ha rm. less haw been accurately predicted by Am n 1c1rn sclcnliKls : a 1979 tremor near San .Jo~t'. for exumple, nnd a smull jolt in 1975 at Blue Mountain Lake, N.Y. Callfo rnlu. says the Goologacal Survey'a Burry Kaleigh, "is a laboratory r1aht now. lf we cun learn lo do it here. lhCJI perhapa we can ap· -ply It to other places In the country." T "o broad pred1cllons have already been " ARROW: WHERE EARTH'S PLATES MEET CalHornla on Edge of Cru1t'1 Joint • m ade for Cullfornia: both the northe rn a nd aouthem lel(s of the San Andreas will some day produce glunl etlrthquakl·i. "Now the proble m 111 lo define those predic· lions so they will be useful. so we'll be able t.o • any that over most or that interval of a century or 10 between great quakes that lhc big earth· quake ii not ut hand yet. "Then ultimately It will come down t.o a 1hort period, when W<''ll be uhlc lo say that the 1ystem haa rec:harccd und aymptoms suggest the big earlhqu11ke ts imminent." • 8YMPTOll8 ARE PREC\JR80R8, e ve nts • or chongc; that occur herorc tho qunke. Nearly 200 possible rrecursons h uvc been Identified. The list Is sUI growinR They Include forcKhock11, s mall quakes that · i1reeede larKer onc11 : flurricii or swarm of ............ SAN ANDREAS, SUBURBS SHARE SPACE F•utt Follow• Ridge Behind Homee microquakes : changci. 1n lht· spt:cd with which shock wuves move through lht· earth: change:-. in local ma gnetic f1<'lds . minulc tilL'i in lhl' ground . changes 1n wuter level~. 1.-·ven strange behavior by a nimals With so much lo choose from. Eaton !'la y!>, geologists were full of optimism ahout rive yeurs ugo. "Many peoplc thought it would be· u simple thing to run out und n ·cord any <'hang.- able "eophy11ical fa ctors you could dream up and a prediction would dr<ip out "liut now it appenri; that's not going tn h;ip pen a nd wc'r t· g1>ing lo huv(• l<J do 1t the hard way Wc•'rc going to have· ln n ·ully understand lhc processes and d1sc<1ve r which arc the critical purumetcrs." SO SCIENTISTS ARE trying lo unders tand the physical system that produces quahs The mot1l basic of quake producing pro cesses on a globa l seal!• 1s the theory of plat.c tectonics. which explains the awesome power or lhe San Andreas. The north American plate encompusses the United Stales and the P aclrlc plate carries the Paci fl<' Ocean a nd one long. thin sll ver of t he Weal Const. Los Angeles sits on that s ilver Movement along the rims is often slowed or s topped by friction while lhe rest or the still· moving plale11 feed pressure Into the locked junction. Sooner or lalN. the s tram become11 too great and the plutcs lurch apart with the Rhat terlng motion of an ca rthquakc THE NORTHERN AND southern h.·gs . 1·ach about 2SO miles lonJ(, seem to lock up for a Cl'n· l~ry or so before breukm g into major quukcs. That cycle Is being studied by Caltech geologist Kerry Sleh. He suys the iwuthe rn San Andreas is ap· parently quie t for un averakc of ubout tflO years before it HhudderH with u great qua ke. But lhut's jw1t 11n uvt.'rlJll!t' Thul nw tins . ~l l'h s 11111. Uwt 1 rying 111 1ir<" diet a nd pn ·pan· for 1·arthquakt•1> 1n South<'rn Culifomi1:1 "i1> IJ valid thing lo s f)(!nt..I our money on , bccuust· you tHn very m u1·h expl·ct 1l lo lw a problem dun"l our hfctim1· or at lcust c1ur children's hfrtime." An example of i;urt·i·~:-.ful pn·1hct1on caml' last Novemht:r when a ma1ur 1·urlhquakl' Jnllf·t..I the Oaxaca area or M1·x1co ubout a y1•ar after University of Tt•xas M·1cnt1st.'l said 1ust !'>uch an curthquukc could ol'cur at any t1m1• THAT FORECAST . Al.ONG with a ff>w others, wus based on S<·1sm1c gaps, a normally active stretch of ;c major fault that has bf.'cn un usually free of b1u quuke11. Something similar cx1111JI along the San An ere as. "About 30 or 40 ycurs ago, we recognized the Hi3nilc 1ap," where stre11cs are beini< fc'1 into the southern San Andreas, xays Callr<'h's Allen. The sumt' ominou11 Riluation l'xis ts along the northern s egme nt But while theiw gups sugges t thut major earthquakes a re coming, Allen says, tht· dungl'r period is too broud, within ul>oul a century . Preventive.• steps cun work c ffccllvcly II the rorecaat ieroo11 In on a day or two, Allen uys, "but It you havti a month It gct11 much more dif· flcult. That would involve great c_conomlc. Aild aoclal problems ." * * * * * * Would Waniing Just Increase Hann? LOS ANG ELES CAPI -What Ir this headline upf)(!are<lln tomorrow'11 ne wspaper - "Clanl E1trthqua\o Predicted for Southern California?'' Would Los Angeles become a ghost town as m illions of pa nicked cltliens overwhelm freeways untl riot ut airport.a? Would banks and businesses close. causing economic chaos and ireater losses thun the earthquake itself? NO ONE IS SURE what would hap~n if sclenlist.s refine their procedures to the point whe re a frightening pred1clion like this can be made with a high proh11b1 lily They're not ut th1,1l point yet 1t may be a decade away but gcologasts, S0<'1oloa1sLc;, public offi cials and bus ln1•si.men are giving a lot of thought to the po~s1bl llly Says g1•ophyi,1c·1st Clar<'ncc Allen of th<' Cahfomrn Institute of 1'echnoloey : "We're hv mg in earthquake rountry." There'll be pro- bl£'ms wilh panll' dfrcts of prcdlctioni., tlc con <:C'dl'!'>, but if you dtin 't lry t11 pn•d1ct and "let th•· earthquake coml· w1lh<1ut trytnR to prepare for 1t. you're ~1r1g u llllle inhumane." The city of Los Ani.:cles. which lives under the• Vll'tua l ct·rtulnly thal a big carthquah will explode aloni.: the San Andreas fa ult, har\ly 35 miles awa y. studied the problem last ye;,r TIU: CITY'S TASK Foret' on Eurlhquak!.' l'n·d1<•lJ1111 <·ons1<11·n·<I tht· social und economic f'ffco c t of s1·v1·rsd dlffc•rf'nl prcdirtions . Tht· wor!l l hypol h\:ll(' s1\uat111n 1nvolv1·d ;1 ma1or t•arlhquuh prt·d1cl1·d thrl'e yc;,ri, ahead of t1m<· ali scientists ultimately b('comc 80 percent s ure of the forecast. The study . :;poni.ored by the National Science Foundation. ll:1tcd these likely pre · quukc effects Popululwn growth slow!'>. few new busi nesi.es move 1nlu tht· ta rgf'l an·a und many rl!sl dt nls con&1dcr mov1nJ( out Ju~L bcfor<: lht pn·- d1 ctcd datt-, m·arly liO J>l·rc·t·nt uf th1· rcs1denb will h;,vc left und IO p1·r1•cnt pl;rn never to n· turn Most con!.l ructwn stop!. as homei. and buildings arc ;dmost 1mposs1blc to sell. Real l'Slalc values plumml•L Uanks rc_•duc(· by 80 pt•rcent the number of louns m;ide In lh<' thrcal1.-nt:d urea and great- ly st1ffcon loan r1.'<1u1rcmcnli. -UN•:MPLOYMENT SKYROCKETS in lht• hulld1ng trade:-. and tht· impact ripph:i. throughout ttw loC'al 1•c·11nomy lttotail !'>al1·s fall off as most fam1li('s poslpom· larg1· 11urcha:.1·i. At leusl a fourth of a ll sm ull hus1111•s1.1·s 1.1•11 out or go bankrupt M uny olhl'rs l'foM• <luwn JUSl before the lur~ct date.• That sct•nantJ. howt·vcr. 1i. buscd on u prt·· diction wllh a long ll•ad time and an 80 pe rcent probal>ihly Most (•xpcrts doubt s uch a prcdic· lion will soon be sc1t·nt1ficully possible . ''It 'i. inlerC'stsni: lhal the longer ahead we can predict. the more significant some of the t"conom1c eff('Cls." Allen says "If' W•: ('OUl.O PREDIC.T un eurthquake with ;J on t•"hiY l('ad lime. t his could have :111tn1ricant i.oci~tl b«nl'fils Uul if we predict with a one-year lc.•ud t1ml'. you J(et into trouble." /\ pred1c t11m of 11 frw <fayi. or a week would have lh1· l(n •alcsl 1mpad on people's bch<1v1or. says Halph Turnt·r , a l 'CL/\ sociologist who :;tud1c.•d lht· proble m But even then, most soclolol{isl.8 a"rce. the p•nic thal'l'i onen pre· dieted is Wlllkc ly "People wi II bf' look sng for s trong leaderHhlp and if they don't get 1t from lhe con· stltuted a uthorities . lhcy may respond lo so - meone who uriscs ai. u sort or lcuder oC the mo· ment." Turner said Though muny people might conJlder lcuv· ing lhl' are11, Tumcr said. that reaction will be countered by "doubtlt and questions about whether they could get out, what the freeways. will be like. where they could go and what they would find when tht'y got there. and whether t hey would wunt to lcuvl' th •1r homes un· protccwd " NISSAN PIL.EST. M .O ANlllOUNCet. ™C OPl:iNINC. 0,_ HIS Olll'ICI!' FOlll THI!' ~R.llClJCC 0~ 01!'1 ... IATOLOOV "'' W.llRNl!'R ll•LL"'CiC MEDIC.AL C EN I EH 10900 WARNUI .llVL S UllC I 10 'O UNTAIN \IAl lL f C.llLIFO RNI" V2708 (J•••lt .. (JiJfp,. l)'f' APVt)H.ff~f ''' A-11 Tropic~! Fish• Fresh e M~ri~ Aqu~rium Suoolin f t Lt ftHONt f /I 4 1 964 ·4070 Speclel July 25 · July 31. 1979 \ " Balantlochellus melanopterus:. . . $9.99 Thr· proud .rnd conh•mptuou\ w;,y I holcJ my fins ereCI •l '> 1 ri•lenlf<"''IY v"irc h lor 100<1 CJ•lll'\ m e '>Omewhill lht• <.t1m" •'Pli'""anu• ·l'> l ha l feroc1ou\ mun '"*''"Q morau<l,·r ol lh1• d1·1>p, h• nt e my nick~. "B<tlit Sh.irk·', ho w1•11e r, lhr· '" 'iPmbldn< ,, Pnd·. With IOl)k \, .1 ... I .1m m o<,I pe;icPful f>Ven wi th lh•· .,m t1l lt ... t 0 1 "'"· m 1nd1nca my own buc,1ne\'; ,lf .ill ltmf'•, Aqu.1t1c Tropic ti l'> h,1., <l StllC' on me for only W "l"I • 1510 W. Baker• Costa MeH - 549-1391 • Corner Harbor & Bake,.iiiiii. REMATION The Neptune Soclely offers a simple •nd dignified crem•tlon Mrvlce with dl11em1natlon •t eea, de· eert, or mount1ln1. Your Soclal Security and Ve1eran1 Admlnl1trellon beneUta may apply toward• our crelft•tlon 1ervk:e1. for Immediate nffd. Of free pot1follo, c.aa Of write. The Nept11ne Soelety 2400 W Coalt Highway Newport lleacn. Ca .. 92663 CEM. 646 7431 24 HOUR ,.,.......,.., ~A. • SERVICE •uJ -------, •• ,.,..,,.,.,. ... c.,.v"' .,,II Fr" Po"'ollo 10 ,.., ""'• c. •n• ,.;r,, -· t NAME I ...... ..-_, 11•···- I tO\ f eM .. tit 0...-,re at I AOOAESS ----... ,. ··-· c. tll01 *""'· .. ·• CITY __ STATE _I ~~~c:._::~-::.,. . .,,, .. ., -------~ SHOP LIKE THE BUILDERS DO -WAREHOUSE DIRECT AT FACTORY PRICES DRAPERIES • PARQUET • CERAMIC FLOORING • . Convor11onlly 1ocato1J at [dingoi anll Nuwporl Frooway in Sanla Ana (714) ~~·J92t,,_ Op on Monday lhru Fflday 9 10 6. Salurday 9 lo 5 JJ's INTRODUCTORY OFFER Short & dense 100% nylon plush $8.95 installed over rubber pad. Excellent fo r resldenllal or com· merclal use. Available in a wide array o f ele~en decorator colors . • Buy your fl oor covering here and gel 20o/o off on drapenes • ........... ·-~ ... ---......... ~ _ ......... ·····---· • We're Out TO Make This The ~est Weeken~ Sale ~ver By ~ering The Two Most Popular Buicks At Fantastic Savings! &ery Ririera &1 Regal In Stock- Of/TM M01Wf acturer's Retail Sticker Price Riviera, Motor Trend Magazine's "Car Of The Year" Regal., Southern California's "Most Popular" Car ••• YOur Choiee ••• Both At An.11% Diseount! N' SS -SSA Co•plete Leasing 4 Finanre Farilltles Our price includes everythin~ except tax, license and a 820 documentary fee. ... C'fir, S•all Car - We Need 'l"o•r Trades! FRI., SAT. 4 SIJN.O~Y! Open 'Till 9 P .M. Mon.:Sai. · . , ... .fh-flttflf! C•ntru,,'s Ye1 ••• 0pen EtJery Sunday Tdl 5 P.M. ~-· #f ff.MIC Oenln- 3 blocks_ So11tll of Ille HARBOR 81. VD /SAN DIEGO FREEWAY S.11 Diego Frttwt1J A divis ion of Bouer Motors. 979 2 l!!.00 2925 HARBOR BL VD., aJSTA MESA Opel .Jaguar· TriumphMG • d All makes, models aDd colors Class~fied :Au~ 1\~V.ertising · ! ~ I ' • · in tile .. DAILY PILOT . . 642-5678 . . 7 \ INllD•: •Entertainment •Erma Bombeck • ....... ·"~Ol'OIC .................... A.n."L.•ncle ... "----------. .......... ._ _________ S __ ;,..0 rts -· ....... 1110 DMLV ptLOT :::.=: 8J . lodes Ag~in; Aiigels Win, 3-0 Aase Goes the Distance 8 y DAVI CVNMNGHAM .. _ .............. In the Muon'• llnit h.U. every tlmt Don Ba1lol' b8d a IOOd 1•m• they talked about him ·mu-. an All·etar team. • Now nery tlme Bayk>f explodes lh~y talk •about Mm...._ tM American Leaiue MVP ........, afaht before a sellout crowd of •1 ,891 at Aesbd lD a.dhn . 4itayk>r drove in three run fu tbe Antell and Oon Aue blanked Mlnne11oli., '•a . TBSY. WE&EN'T TWPICAL Bayl6r h1b Strletly a puU hiller. Baylor punch~ a sinele to the opposite rield In the first inning, and added a rt1bt·fielddouble in lhe (i(th '''naey've been pilchln1 me out.side, and 1f I'm 1otn1 to be a s uccessful hitter I can 'l be pulling that out.aide pitch." Baylor says. "It gives me a better chance for hits if 1 can open up the field." Tbe talk about Baylor being an MVP can· didate isn't just idle chatter. CONSIDIE& HIS STATISTICS: 25 homers, 96 ..RBI, and a .295 aver age . He's got a seven-gam e hitting streak, and In J uly alone he has amassed 11 bomen. 22 runs scored and 31 RBI. "With lhtt yur he has had, al this point there 1s no other cund1<1atc for MVP," Manager Jim Frnaoal uya. "lle'a played right field, left field. DH, hit homers. It.ohm b88es and played every g1A me. What mo"' can you ask rr~m a mao?" l?a t:G081 SAID H E WAS happy to see Baylor finally hJt to the opposite field. but thMt wasn't the (haw in Baylor's 11tyle that the manager was too concerned ubout "l feel he cao h.il .320 if he went to right more, b.ut when the guy's &oL2S bomers in July. you just let him do his 'thlni." Fregosl said. , Hitters pursue the IOO·RBI season like pitchers seek 30 v1clortes, but Baylor is ln a position now where he may gel his lOOth RBI with two full monLh.s-1eft In lhe season. Three gumes remain in July, and he 1s only four RBI short of that plateau. "THE THING l 'D RIEAU.V like to shoot for is 150 RBI." Baylor said. "No one hw; done that since -Tommy Duv1s in '62 " CSt.-e ANGELS. Page 8 3) CHRIS KNAPP • * * * * * Knapp to Return By DAVE CUNNINGHAM OfU.o.lly ............ It's been a long lime since the Angels got any good news in the injury department. They were due. It finally came this week when starting pitcher Chris Knapp threw from the mound ror the fint time ln 53 days. "It felt good. I'm pretty optimistic that I'll be back this year ... Knapp says. · · Uut I can't pm down exactly when.'· K NAPP SAID THE EAKL.lt:sl' he m ight return, assuming cverythlng goes pe rfectly, would be three weeks . II 1t takes him an udditional two weeks to work himself into prim<! condition that would still leave him the entire month of Sep· tcmber · · 1 guess mo:-.t guys who gel this kind of injury end up having sur i.:c ry," Knapp :.ays. "but unle:.!'.> something drastic happens. I think mine will heal 1t:.elf .. KNAPP 'S INJ URY 1~ a ruptured disc, a problem similar tu th e one Hobby Grich got while liflln~ an air conditioner during the :.pring or 1977 G r1th felt thl' <iftercffcct~ orthat inJury for twoseai.ons. And when Kn<tpp '!'.> back pain wa!'.> diagnosed during the first ISt'f• K NAPP, Pag" HJI Baeism on Rams? Who Knows Track Payoffs Charged By .JOHN 8£V ANO Of .. Deify l'ffet SUff LA JOLLA -It was a quiet bus r i d e from Ca l State Fullerton to UC San Diego as the Rams prepared to meet the San Diego Chargers in a light • scrimmageSaturday. One can only s peculate the m oo d or the t e am . but newspapers were being passed from player to player as the Rams read the charges leveled against them by team mate Doug France Friday. RACISM IS A SERIOUS ac- cusation and the Rams weren't taking tbe charge lightly as a m atter of fact. most of the Ram players didn't want to talk about the subject at all. When they did comment. the white players seem ed to s lough 1t off while the blacks appeared to want to sweep it under the carpet. The feeling wus 1f racism und prejudices exist and that wai. ~ers {Brawl, I rfumble HOUSTON <AP I The Houst.on Astros collected 10 hits -six of them doubles -to back the three-hit pitching of Ken Forsch and lead the llouston Astros to a 5·2 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgtffs in a ri ght· m arred ~ame Saturday night. The loss snapped a six-game Los Angeles winning i-trcak. DODGERS MANAGER Tom· m y Lasorda was <'JCC ted from the game in lhe fifth innin~ for arg uing with home plate umpire Eric Gregg a nd both benches 'cleared in the ci~hth wh<!n "' 1 fight erupted between Dodger pltcher Ken Brett and Astros 1 tblrd baseman Enos Cabell. I Lasorda was ejected after an apparent Los An geles double play was nullified by Gregg's call. Art Howe was on first with a slnele when For&ch hit a ball in t.he air in front of the plate. · Dodger catcher Steve Yeager . caught the ball before 1t dropped to the ground and threw to first to attem pt a double rJlay. , G R EGG. HOW EVER , ruled tbe ball had hit the plate before -1olng in the air t hus Mowe l was safe at second. Lasorda and I Yeager argued the decision. tben the game resumed. But when Cedeno doubled to acore Howe, Lasorda burst from l the d.ugout and appeared lo bump Gregg, prompting the ejection. L The fight erupted In the eighth f when Bretl dropped Cabell with a pitch. Cabell got up off the IJ:OUnd and ruahed the mound, with catcher Yeaaer in pursuit. THE TRaEE COl.UDED and 9mbled '° tbe sro"9d. Several llow• were lande d a nd the .... , ........ hi tbe 1ame. the A•troa got llur hltl. includlnc doublet by .-1'1 Puld m Cabell, uortq ..... nml lD tbe l°'tftb IDDlq. The Dodpn ea•• Nell wttb bro ftlUl·lllniDI 111111 Wben l>ult:r l•k•r a nd Joe r er1u•on ,...._ ....... ~·-.doable llJDlrN,,.., .•. ' 11o111&oa~for-.1e.,... .. .=~1.o..w::'.:-... ~ r::.tf 1 CN••· a b ig 1f then nothing could be 1oeained by ta lking a bout it. Rather. the best for <t ll <·on· cerned would bt: to drop the mat· ter and make it a dead issue. TH E RAMS PLAYERS and management begrudging ly talk<>d about lhe cha rges. llere are their comments · DON KLOST ERMAN "I don't lhmk 1t exists but you'd better talk to the players. They would kn ow better than I would. I 've talked to some of the players since the. article and they've said there 's nothing to the story." STEV E R OSENB LOOM "Doug is a sensitive guy anti a tough competitor . lie may have overreacted a nd r ead Into things. 1 respect him , I think h e's a hc llava g uy. I don 't believe racism exists. r don't think Doug's intentions were bad. he's a well intentioned person." PAT TllOMAS -"I think a lot of things c.in be said. I think Follote tlae Bou11eing Ball. • • John Newcomer Cleft) spikes over Steve Obradovich as Newcomer 's partner. Greg Mathes, and opponent Gar y Hooper look on during the Cuervo Laguna Beach Open HA OEN JEUlf w hat Doug S1l1d will hav<· " pos1t1vc effc{'l on u~ It was i.:oo<I because 1t gave our tPam a sense of awurcnc:.s It'~ llt'rtl nenl to team unity If thl'rc t!'> racism-and 1 don't think thc·n· is -it wi ll make <.111 of us more aware to guard againi.t 11 Everybody respects NiCh other as a teammate and a person I agree with some or the thinJ.(s he s aid I think our PR <public rc·la lio ns I departme nt can tl.lkt: some or the blame. A lot of key fi gures on the team ure whit!! and they tend to publicize und I YOUN08LOOO lt0SEN8LOOM promolt' them. Th1·rc arc· a lot of Iii ack pl<iycrs \\ho should bt· in tht· viewpoint of the puhltt' anti .in· not I don't kno"" ""hY th1 .., 1·x1st~ Some of tltt• m1·<11 ..i fe1+, I he bl1l<'k play<'I'" :.t n ·n 't intf'llP<' tual enou~h to {'<irry 1111 a l'on v1•rsat1on ( W<Jnl lo VlhC'll lhal lht·rc··.., a lot or un1tv on th1 .., tt·am thou~h .. · RON JESSI E Doug 1~ an in d1v1du<i l .1u:.l l1kt• I am and <'an say what he wanti-. I don't ISee RAM PL AVERS, Page 831 volleyball tourney Saturday. Hooper and Obradovich wo n. Aiction winds up today at Main Beach. Jackson Bolds No Grudge Yankee Went After Caldwell to 'Prese"'e Some Respect' MILWAUKEE (AP> -Re1cfe Jackaon, cheerful and relaxed, 4aid Salurday be held no= •l•lnlt Mike CaldWetl but doesn't thlt be &brew bill bet at U.. Milwaukee Brew•" pitcher and tben wrestled wttll blm the Dllbt before. · ''I tbouebt.lt ... a knockdown and I ftlt l had to Clo Wlaat I did to pnaerve aom. raped," .lacklOft latd. , ... vr I BAD "° JDBA of lr)'lnl to hurt anyone," lie 1aMi "Tlaank God no OM 1ot hurt. U ~ l8ta burta, wboever it l1, I'• lcinl to be U. IOler pubUcly beca'IH ......... JlfUoa.'' JacUon. * N .. Yon Yank"'' •IUC· 1111•=.....,·--n=towbat II •••• tf be two br ptWMI II thrown at bim by Caldwell in the fourth In· ntn• ol tbe tearna' pme Friday night. The Brewen won 8-5 tieldnd f.hree home runs '91Cedl~. • \ L __ _ • l~CIUJON, FOULED OUT one pitch #ter whal be cOllfklered to have been the ~ Neohd bruM·ttAek attecnpt. A• lie left tbe bitter'• • ,_ ftrtt baM, Jaclrpon threw hit bat -•rd C.U.ell'• feel ._ • ., the pltehlnl mound. WIMn an Ull'J Caldwell ...,..... up. &be bat na bl'Oka lt, IH~ 'ib= rounded nn t bue Ind cha U.. . He gabbed Catd•ll near ..._ wttb I bodi bands and tM lWO-wNlllld .._ otMr to the·~~ • ._.... olNrtas melM. \" '· • Yankee Manage r Biily Martm played the aame under protest . after Jackson was ejec&ed bul c .idw-11 waa allowed to re· ruaia i.D U.. JHM• 1A~N RAD NeTlllNG to say about the matter c J&DtU 'Saturday, ha vine left County Stadium ln tbt ninth iJullq the nl1ht before. "t 9::/."° u loni u J eould, but when the p . wu aboUt to come ln J 19'\ beCIUle ~Al I H Y IN 'blown out of proportloli, • Jacbon H ld. "It WU better to uu a 1tiu. =•um about tt. I.alt or :'Jr =rand , .t...91 = ~M ............. ,,.... ... COl.OH/\l>O SPIUNGS. Colo c A I'. lllm'~"l'S IOJUfll':O., Vl!>a pruhl11m!'> anti ot h1·r rc·asoni, that hav<' been 11..,t'<I ;ii, l'XCUM·:. Ii} manv big name' tr;wk anll fu·ld ath ll'll'!-. for ~k1pp1ng N<tlumal s p " r I s I'' l':. t I I/ a I r I :1 n cl Sµartacadl' app<tn·ntly an· un tru1· m st:vl'r<il l'ast·.., Th,.-,." ""IU rc·p:-. ..i os <· 1 o t hl' ..,port 10111 Thi· /\:.sotialelf l'n ·:. ... th1• rc•:i l r1•ason for thl' many wllhdrawab from hoth c•vl.'nl'> during th•· past w1•1·k 1s mrmcy 11 r mon· :.1>N:1fkully. lht· lack of II /\<·1·ording to the ~ourrt·s. many of lh1· athlete:. did not n·· ('CIVl' SO·C<Jlll•d "under tht· la· b it>'' paym<•nt!-. they expected from ('Or porate s ponsors con nectcd with the F'est1val, includ mg Coea Cola. nor did they rc- Cl'1vc money they expecte.d from lhl· Am<1Lt·ur Athlt·llc t1n1on . which 1s m churgt: of sending U S. uthletes to Spa rtacadl'. T H E A P LEA R NEIJ c:x clus1vt•ly :ibout the Jack of pay menL'I from Wilma Rudolph. thl' first woman to wm thre<· Ol ym ptc· gold ml'tl<.il!-. 1n track und flt·ld, :1 trat·k and fu:ld athlete and an insider m ttw sport Thc: athlell· and th1• ini,11.h.'r pr •ftorre<I not to h(• 1dt•nt1 fwd · 'Thl'r" ,.., JU:.I nut •·nough rnon1'} to J!o <iround." 1'1lHI H udolµh . th1· lorm1·r ~Jlrtnl ~tar noY. ..,c•rv1ng a:. a cons ultant to th1• l>cpartrm·nt of L<ibor'!-. nl.I· tion;ll :.port:. trn1ning proi.:rum and an t•mployl·t· 1)( Coca Coli.I '"l'h1•rl' 1:-. no way to pay all the kid:-. hen· no\\ ln 1>.irt1c1pall• 1n lht' Fcst1 val Tht• 1 ISOC <I' S Olymp1t• C'omm1tt1•1•) doe.., nol have enough m1>nl'Y tu pay lhl·m all "I ('i\N'T SIT llt .R E anti lt•ll you that lht• athll0t1·s don t gl•I m o n e y u n d t' r t h c· la h I <· Hu dolph told lht· A P. "It wouldn't bl' honc:i,t It would bother my consc1cn<'<' 1f I lit~d to you ·· Saturday <'vcnlng. the USOC delivered a ncWt rt'leasc rrom Rudolph to reporters. It said "Wilma Hudolph v•hcmently de nicd the cont.extol an Associated Press story that she discussed the non -appearanc e of any athletes at the lJn1ted State::. Oly mpic Committee Nationa l S p o r t s I'' c s t 1 v a I o r l h c Sparta<'ade m Mos<·ow." The statement said Rudolph "at no time 1n an Interview with a n Associated Press s'orts writer discussed any financial conditions of the Nationa l Sports Festival." THERE WAS NO am pltf1ca· t1on of the statement and it did not make clear what "context" 1t referred to In the interview with the AP, however, Rudolph said most of the under-the-table m oney was reser ved for s~ciflc athletes. the top names. And she said she didn't think It was fair . "How can you justify paying 15 klds when there are so many othe rs in the p ro1r a m 't" she asked. ''J'm not aaainat those 15 kldl 1etUna the money. I Just think it ahould be a rair distrlbu· lion. • 'l Wok everyo.., involved should be dealt wttb OD the aame level. You Just ca~'\ laand·plck certain athlet es for 'certain thln••· ••DOINO IT TllAT .AY, JOU CID 't Qome up '"lb • fair and hpaett ......... ~Mk ii •ueh an _,,..._.,.. IPQl't. TMn 11 no 1111r._ that a hand.picked ,..... Wiii wln all the ti••· .. , ... . .. • ............. !Ml.ti# .. Gaylord Perry Now No. 2 On All-Time Strikeout List ...... "' .......... SAN 01£00 Veteran n1ht hander Oaylord • Perry ol lhe San otqo PIMl..-flMed 0.nnl• l.U· tltJobn al Uw San f'l'antiuo Glanfl for the 3, l l8th •trlkeou& ol blt tareer Saturda,y nlchl to take over 4K'OOd·plac-e 4W\ baltball's •ll·t1me atrtlleout U1t Tbe •year·old Perry. a two lime Cy You.na aw1rd win ner. m ttnod \be pmt oeedln1 two t\nkeout• to t.ae Bob GJblon, the nreballin1 St. Loub Cardinali right·band~r who retired tn l975 Perry U\"d Gtb on when he Ntruck out RO&f'r Metzgt>r 1n thf' four\h mnmg lie got LittleJohn on a f11ttball m thf' fifth mmnK to bold second plflce alone behind W•ltcr Johnson of the old Washington Senators Johni.on struck out 3,SOtl Perry, a five·time 20-game winner. be1an hia career in 1962 with the G1anti. lit> "'us traded lO lh1• ('leveland Indian:-;, then to the Texas Rangers before he JOineJ Lhe Padres in a deal with the Rangers for pitche r Dave Tomlin prior to the 1978 PER~Y bCOson . fie postl'd u 21-6 record for San Diego 1ast year a nct en l e red Saturday night ·s ~ume with a 10·6 mark bnd IM strikeout!> fourth highest in the National League Oh yes. Siln D1cito also beat San Francisco an the gam e. 4 3 -----Qttolr al dw Dat1 -------. "What I liked about softball was being able to drink beer before the game. But the meal money was terri· ble." -Infie lder Bad Harrel10D, who played s low.pitch soflbaU this season before returning to the Philadelphia Phillies when the National League baseball team suf· fered injuries lo Its pul(le ld. "'-l"flCl•lla E'orlelt• SJ IS 8ail S EATTLE The "kissing bandit," who stole • a smooch from a baller in the All·star baseball game.. has forfeited SI 15 be11I after s he failed to ap- pear an court. Mor~~ma Collrell, a Columbus, Ohio s tripper, was taken to Jail after she rushed onto the field during the July 17 game m the Kmgdome and kissed George Brett. American League third baseman from the Kansas City Royals. Afte r being taken lo Jail after the game, Cottrell failed to appear al a Municipal Court arraignment Friday on a c harge or criminal trespass. Assistant City Attorney Sean Sheehan said he did not re quest a w<trrnnt for Cottrell's arrest because "it's the kind of in('idcnt not likely lo pose any danger or threat to anyone." "I don't I hmk I hl• butter felt threatened." Sheehan said '"Al·ll•ast we didn't rN·c1ve uny Mmplutnts from him." Qubenbrrry Sporlci.-a Again for "C and Oran~c Coa~t College pitcher Dan Qu1scn· ·-· ,..,, ea,..., ., .... 011er ''r•• Da'9hderbomeNdand .. a~•1fift.b·· • lnnl.na aacrUlce ny drove ln U.. w1Dnln1 run u Plttaburlb took over first place la the MaUonal lAa1ue Eutern Dtvlsloa with a 5-1 victory over Montreal . . . leM ....,.,.. drove ln tllree runa and Lee· ..... hit • two-run homer to belp lb• N•w York Mets de· fHt Ute Cbk•to Cubl, e..e, and o..-eome three home runa by th• Cut.· O.we Ill .. &•••· Kincman'• two home runs f'riday and three Saturday tJed a major leacue rec· ord shared by Miile Sela•tdl and Carl Yal&nemMJ . ·. . Loe B~ collected a 11.n1le. double und triple, 1.nd drove lo Lbe wlnnln1 run in the nlnth lMlng u St. Louis defeated Philadelphia, 5·4 ... Bob HorNr drove in three runs with a 11lr11le and hia 19th home run or the season. helpln« Allan· t a to an 8-5 victory over ClnclMutl ond a spilt of their doubleheader. Joluuay Beeela drove in three runs with a pair or sln11les a1NOMA" as the Reds won the opener, 8-6 . . A rtt· ord-tyl.ng third triple play of the season and JI• Dwyer'• third·lnning RBI double helped Boston t.o a l 0 victory over Texas. In the triple play, Texas had runners on fi rst and third with none out In the first inning when Red Sox second baseman Jack Broltamer ran into shallow right field t.o make a diving cal.ch of Al OUver'• looper. Ile then got up and threw to first baseman Bob W1tao11 In time to double orr lltddy 8eU al first. Watson then relayed lo h&elt Hoblolt aet third before John Grubb could get back to the b•c ... Sino Le1cuo, Bea O,Uvle, Sal B1odo aod 'Ina Wolllford 1lammc:.td run.scoring doubles In a she.run rlflh lnnlnft. powerlnK Miiwaukee to a 9-2 win over the New York Yuniief'S Larry Murplly'a one·out double In the fafth 1nnln1< !lrored MltdaeU Pa1e from first buse. c racking a 4 4 lie und giving Oakland a 6·5 win over Seattle A's pitcher Mau Keouich. '' 12 lhls season, was lifted in the.fifth and wus Mt lnv()lv••d In th1• decision ... Two·run s ingles by Ron Pruitt and Miit .. Har grove featured 1.1 seven·run eighth inruni: wh1c•h kd Cltvt•l11111I to u 10-5 triumph ovt'r lht· Ch1 rul(1> Whitt' S.>11 Oav,. l.f'manczyk flirted with a no-h1tkr for ~1x 111111111<1. h1•f1111• finishinJt with a three· hiller in llil l'h111~ Tcu 01110 th H :1 CJ w111 over Oclroil ------Basr.•aH Toda11------ 0n this dale in baseball in 1978 Five days alter he resigned under fare. hPry U11ly Marlin was re·bired to munugc the New York Yank~s ln 1980, in one of the strange-st munagcrlal turnaround11 in baseball Mstory . Martin t•ventually returned neiarly a year earlie r than expected, on June 18. 1!1711 On this dale in 1940: The Brooklyn Dodgers heat the Pitts burgh l11rutei. 1·6 in a game marked by a near·r1otous lJrawl between Pirate cnplain Arky Vaugh<tn and l>odgcr catcher Uabc Phelps. Today's Birthdays : Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Gary Thomasson 1s 28 . San fo'r<tncisco Giants pitcher Greg Mmlon 1s also 28 Cincinnati Reds first bascm<Jn Dan Driessen 1s 27. F .. r Gai11 Foot.•all BaH ol E'a•r Professional football greats Johnny Unltas, [i] Dick BulkWJ, Ron Mix and Yale Lary were induct· ••• ed into the Pro Football llall of fame Saturday ... Stan Vinson anchored the United States men ·~ SUPER SPORT OnRtreum Super SPQrt Gives His View It 'is not as ca11y I•S block und wMte. The problem11 Lhul huvu hil the Rams the past couple or cJay11 aren't anythlnl( nnw . Rarl111n goea ull tho wuy hac·k l<> tht• early days of Al'unh'rul hh1\ory when gluveH wi•rf' forr••d t>w•r from Africa agulmit thc•lr will And dc8plt.c• Cor111Utot1111111I umcn1lmcntA. ltwltulln" thr· flr11t one which 11wt1.'11 11 II rn1·n 11 t •· . CrtHtted l'lflllll , IH'fllJI•• 111 part lcular wh1t1· 1w1111I•, 111r.t aren ·r r.-ncly tu llC'('t•ul Iii Mritr; ·• whether at ht-ut w11rk . 111 "'"'"'· or at ht>mc· MAVBF. I I.IVY. Ill II '''"""' world hut l'v•· 11lw11 y111 w1rnh,.l It• f••••I I hul 11j,lt'lrtn 111 A'°''''"" w11t. ali11v1· pr(•JUlllc·•· I ~"''GM I w.1 . ju11t loo wl11hf11I It 1•x1"'" 1•v1•rvwh1•rf· '"''' ''" 11 11 h a>1 uriv11r•·ntlv c·ri·pt lr1t1> tli• II 11l1°llllS( ''""''' ,,, ltw HIHll'l Wh y 1·1111'1 w•· 111•il f111111 '•I•"' lf/1111 llfl Jlf'll(lll', fll/I f f1 lf1fll I Hll11·k•1 or•· n11 t1Hf1•11•111 lh11r1 wh111·,. or l)rbwn11 fir 1rnrJ>h"' ''' blu1•11 Th•· hlnck11 don't t1l•·NI " tht fncnt t•olor St-1 why mu11t lh1· 1 cat scpcratcly from their whit,. tcammalcff" Or why cit> lxilh sides go to d1ffen·nt t1ar11 ·• The Ram'! arrn 't th1· mll y onl's. The Dnd ~•·rs. and th•· Angels hav<· hi.11! their l>h.1rt· 11' f)fOblems With Lhl'> l'>'>UI' Ill pa .I years SOME Tt:AMS tn prt1f1·'>s1on;1I sports use ra<·1i.m oS :Jn .,.,.,1'1 and many, t1m<·'> tc·am-. t:om1· clos er together bet·aus« of 11 Others just pick their s1dt·'> and the rift geu. farther and farther apart. Weil l know one thing for s ure·. l 'vl' nl'vcr JUd~ed a man by th1· color of his s kin und I nev..r will I know ~' lot uf hl <wks with mor~ diaratlt·r d1 g n11 y anti hont•sty thun some· of m y wh1IP eountprp;,irts Thosl' :.ir•· th1 · d1arat·tt•n stic:s 11:. Y.h1t h I JUdt.:•· an tnd1v1dual For me the rt· 's nu nth1:r Wil)' to do it. hf> t1l11 ,.IPl'I Al l•llt;I 'YJ rf111"'I I I l!l(l<lr4: I '"'I 'l""i fr11m l~J 1111 t111j!J1 ltfr.I tllrtP t4"»~1'" 1111 /f/fl 'tlf1Uli ,,.,,, 111• t1r~t I.II 1 '" r ..-... p.~, 'f"~ ,,, , .... ,ti u ... "'•'I"'''"'-''' .. ~In•,.,,.,,, ~It lh•tl•,lo11 ..... M'h I ,,,,,.., , , ,, ... 1.1 1 •;.t, 1•1" / .J'ily 11t111 "''' t.J.1) f'tr It .. Jlf)hll•IJlcN• f!tU 'I"~ '1111) '·"'' tt1t1•b J\f-1)1. ,,,,m J~...,, ·~~ ,,,,..,, o~· 111-.t 1.11 t Ito l.•rtj!11• r t•, t •J• • •t,fvll y ,,,., .... 11 11. lto1> ''"' , .. ., hilll! •• , '" ,.,., """"' •A~' ~I I 1t'a11t .tf aUt '•U/tl'• '1V"1 •YJnh L•1 hl'•Jr /rttm 1/f1lJ I ;rr/f.i 111 m '' t11v , ''' .'iv~r ·(J'•rl \,,,,,,. ru•vt•lrn•·nt, /Jmtu /'1/1,1 : l/1 Vt /11111 .'•I f;r,11ta Me1111, I u '1IJ11/1 Bando's Wife Accosted M II.WAUKEE <AP) --Sandra Bando, wife o f Milwaukee Hn•wor.. third bas<:m<tn Sal Ban do. "'a-. trc·~1t<'d .it il first aid sl:i· 'llHI ,1ft1·r l>l'lllg ;J('C'OSLNi in th~ :i.11tv.aukl'1' C'nunt y Stad,ium parking lot folio\\ mg ~aturd<Jy n 1 g h t · s g a ni e b 1· I w l' l' n t h c I< 1 1• wt' r '.'> ;J n d N e w York 'y ,Jll k t'C!> .. Somt•body Jumped her when • ' KANSAS CITY i''ormer Costa Mesa Jli~h • oorry conllnued to baffle Ame rican League hitters Saturday ni~ht Qwsenbcrry, a ri~hl ·hander who throws sidearm, came on an relief of Rich Gale to help the Kansas City Royals top- ple the Balt.imore Orioles, 6·3. l .600·meler r elay team to an easy semifinal win at the Sp<trt<1cade track and field compclil1on in Moscow Olhcr semifinal winners included Craig Masbach in the mile <tnd Ben Fields <7·!3141 in the high Jump .. Rookie driver Harry Gaol, who did not finish in the top ri ve 1n any <>f his 12 pr.- vious st<Arts, took the pole pos1twn Saturday <it a !>peed of 148.712 mph for today's NAS<;AH Grand National 500 race at Pocono Raceway . . University of Pac1f1c <Jctmg athletic dirl'ctor F.lkln "Ike" Isaac, 56, has been namlXI the l>thool's athletic director . . . Kim Suag.Jwa of South Korea. the World Boxing Council light·flyweight champion, scored u split decision over Philippine challenger Slony Carupo in & lS·rounder ln Seoul ... G1ry Dk:lduoe rolled five straight strikes midway through the championship match. turned back the c h<tllenge of rookie Mike Aulby and won the $8,000 first prize in the Amarillo Open pro bowling tournament. 248·216 ... Green Ray Packer linebacker Jobn Ander1'on, who missed the final two games of the 1978 season with a broken <Jrm. broke the s ame left arm during the team's first m aJor prescason scrimmage Bo•e Ru11 •~~ord I heard that Eddie M athcws holds a home run record. Is th1-. true? .. 1w V.('01 to th«: car." Bando '.'><.1 1d "~he 4.!ppcars to ht! all _ nghL " It w• Qlllsenberry's 10th appearance since being called up from Orneha July 7. He has pitched in 12~. allowing three earned ruftl, only nine hits und giving up JUSl one walk. His c .r .a. Is 2.2l. Quisenberry p1t('hed 1 ~. Saturday night. giving up just one hit Geor~c lirctt had <J three·run homer to s park the Hoyals ofCensJvcly. David's Two Goals Spark Surf, 3-1 SEATTLE <Al» The Seattle Sounders saw their chance 11f making the North Americun Soccer League playoffs dwindle Saturday ni11Chl as California's Steve David kicked in two J(Oals and assisted In another for a 3· I Surf victory. California scored the next three goals on a l S.yard kick by David. a 10-yard kick by J ohann Scharmann assisted by David and a 4-yard kick from the right post by David wllh help from M a rk Lindsay and Laurre Abrahams . shootouts won by Dallas and Washington. The Sounders arc now 11·15, the Surf 12-15. With the victory California moves two poinl<i in front of San Diego in the American Con· ference's Western Division race. Seattle scored fm~t on a 15· yard kick by Mackey Cave w1lh an assis t from Steve Bullie in the 28th minute· A crowd of 14,037 saw the Sounders lose their third ~ame in a -week. The last two losses were nea rly ide ntical 2·1 The Surf's next game will be with San Jose. the last place team in their division. Wednes· day. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE We11t Dtvl8lon Angela Mlnnesot" Texas Kansas City Chicago Seattle Oakland W L Pd. GB St 4.5 .567 54 46 .540 J 54 47 .535 31h 50 51 .495 711-l 46 56 .455 12 44 61 .419 151.i4J 28 76 .269 31 F.•t Plvlalon Baltimore 68 34 .667 Boston 6 1 37 .622 5 Milwaukee 62 41 .602 6•h New York 55 47 .539 13 Detroit 51 49 .510 16 Cleveland 49 52 .480 18•h Toronto 32 71 .311 36'h ... 4HW,'•S<- ........ s. ·---· 0.klelld •· SHiii•) Toront• 1, Oelroo o Nlllw-., '•New 'l'ork 1 Clo--.1.-10, Cllk<tvO S IC 011\ot\ City•. 8.tllHnflro > 80ll0ft l, , ... ,o ,....,..o_ MlllMtOto cJocuonJ.11 e1.,..., IPddVO.OI Oelrolt c~. ~ ~11 _. ror-o 1C1e11<y H I (lovo1.-1Wl\e 10 JI et Cltlcf'OO l l(re-.c tel ..... Y•• (~ ,.,. II Mllw-.. llr•W•\ ... , 1•111"'°'• IM<Cir911GT s " 01 l(ente.i. C11y l~flllllorlf •IOI itetllt ,..,.,.,.._,Ml al O•~lent fMoroloft I •I 90•1on !Torr•• IHI., h11\ IAltUllOt• J ~· NATIONAL LEAGUE West Dlvlaion Houston Cincinnati San Francisco San Diego Dodgers Atlanta W L Pd. GB 59 46 .562 56 so .528 31"'1 50 54 .481 81h 48 58 .4~ ll1h 44 59 .427 14 43 61 .413 l51f.t East Dlvl1lon Pittsburgh 56 43 .566 Montreal 54 42 .5&3 '"' Chicaao 54 43 .557 1 Philadelphia 52 48 .520 41,o<i St . Louis 49 47 .510 5'fj New York .fl 55 .427 13'1.t s.. ... ~,·· k-• HCklUOl'I). ~·1 New 'l'or-~ •. CNtaQO ~ CoMlnMll .. S. Allent• •I PU hburfjll S, MonfrNI J '>I L°"'' S, Phtl.O.IPIW• 4 !tall Oievo 4. Sett ~OllCIKO S T ... .,..o._ o.._-. IHOOIOl'I •• ,. el "°"''on lltl<IM•CI I Ill, II Clll<A90 IL.Miii 1 ....... c.udlll 0.21 .e Ntw Yor• l lC_4-f __ Ha..,.,i.JI P1tt•bu<9'I 11<1-.,,. at MontrMf ut....-. NJ .,.,s11 L""4• 1 v1111ov1<11 •r1 at Pt>ll.._a cun:11 S.•n FtMl<IW:O fMo!MfliKO ,_., el Son 0....,. t$111fl•y 4·101 Cll'l<lllMO tHOr-1 .. 1 el Atl-.to CMM!lfe 1r.i, II ' '/ .,/, SPECIAL PURCHASE Pord Motor Co. laec•tl•• Cera - 1teer 1t•w '71 U1teolft1, M•rc•ry• ••• Je'lt'r' et tr ............. ... AH·~·· 9N ,,,Cl.. .., .. d., .......... HOURS: Thanks, R .C., Costa Me11a Bando said has wife, who is t·1ght months pregnant. was pun eherl 1n the face as she l ou~hl th\• man orr. She was tn·atl'd al the :.tadium's first-aid '-l<ilmn li.:lore going home with hn hui.band Yes. Mathews, who played 17 seasons with fi ve different teams <the maJonty of l1mt.> with the Milwaukee Braves I. hol<b the record for h1tt1ng JO or mon· hom e runs 1n con s ccut1Vf' seasons. Playing for the Bruvei.. M Jl\\;.1Uk1·e 1>ollce were in· \ 1·~11i.:at111g lht• incident. THE PRICE IS RIGHT! Uue to our excellent sale11 pare. Nabers Cadillac has been able to obtain a har11e shipment or brand new Cadlllacs - ull i.pt·clully sale pnCL'd' RiAhl now wt• hu vt' 11nt• 111 th1· alHim1• best sl'11•rtton1o 111 ll•'" Cad1lhic•s m our h1s111rv. r>r'1ncl lll\\•·r thun y11u t•vt•r lhc>ul!hl 110:.:.1blt• When W<' -1ny, "pn1·1•1I n.:ht ... w1• nwan you t·un s:1v1· TflOLISANDS OF OOLLA R~ ;ind you 1•nn l'huo"' from ,,,.,.,MIO l':tr1> dur1n1t this sal<'. whu·h w11l l.1~l throui<h Sunday, .July 29th Also. we nt~'<l l(ood trudl'·IO'>. So you'll l(l'I un <'Xl'1•ll1•nl µr11·1• ror your old car 11111 1.30 am. to9 p.m. wffkdays 9 00 a.m. toG p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.ft\. tol p.a . S.nd•r Hemcmher. thui 1'> n MOiden opportunity to own A rU('I dJ11·1l'llt n1·w t'11d1lh1r &- save th0us11nd!i of dull11r!'l 1Jn 1h1• l)rln" ~9100 2600 HARBOR II.VD. COSTA MESA , ' FOCJnlAU. /BASEBALL/ SPORTS ON TV APWl,..,._lo DALLAS FULLBACK ROBERT NEWHOUSE HEA~ FOR DAYLIGHT AGAINST OAKLAND. C.Owboys Can't Catch Wdlimns CANTON. Ohio (APl -for rookie Henry Williams, it was the thrill of a lifetime. and for Coach Tom Flores, it was a big plus as the Oakland Raiders beat the Dallas Cowboys 20-13 Saturday in the annual Pro Foot- ball Hall of Fame game. Williams. a comcrback from San Diego State, scored what prov ed t o be the winning touchdown on the last play of the first half when he picked off a blocked field goal in the air and raced 63 yards to give Oakland a 20-6 lead. " I was just standing there when the ball popped into my hands." said Williams, who runs the 40-yard dash in 4.5 seconds. ·"fhis is the biggest thrill in foot- ball for me. "When I caught the ball. I thought to myself. these guys <the Cowboy defenders) have an angle on me and they're gonna trv to catch me and I can't let the m ." Flores. djrecting the Raiders as head coach for the first time as the 1979 National Football League preseason sch edule opened. said . "I was especially pleased with our special t eams. "We've bt.>en putting emphasis on them and today we showed bow it can pay off when the field goal was bloc k e d . Henry Williams really turned it on. It gave us a good feeling going into the locker room." he s aid. Da ll as Coach Tom Landry s hrugged and said : "They (Oakland> were just a better team than we were. We're a slow-jelling team during this time of the season because we have to work on a lot of our multiple stuff. "We felt like we h ad ac- complished what we bad in- tended. to play a lot or people. but we didn't intend to lose." A pair of field goals by 12-year veteran Errol Mann a nd the direction or David Humm, who started at quarterback, helped the Raiders build their first half bulge. The Cowboys controlled most of the second-half action in the NFL's preseason opener, making it close with a 56-yard drive capped by rookie Ron Springs' one-yard touchdown scorlng plunge with 6: 36 left. RAM PLAYERS REACT. • • want to be involved. It's a dead issue as far as I'm concerned." JACK YO UNGBLOOD - "You have to check with the head man (Ray Malavasi>. He has all the answers . To say anything would be to de fend yourself." JAMES HARRIS <now with San Diego> -"l"ve been away Goodell Sets Santa Clara Swim Record SANTA CLARA CAP) -Mis- sion Viejo's Brian Goodell broke his second meet rerord in as many d ays a nd Mayumi Yokoyama won her third and fourth events, one or them another record, at the 13th am· nua l Santa Clara Invitational swimming meet Saturday. Goodell. fresh from winning three gold medals at the Pan American games, set his meet record Saturday in the 200-meter· freestyle. His time or 1:53.04 just edged Bruce Furniss' 1976 mark of 1 :53.06: On Friday. Goodell set a meet record in the 400 freestyle, an event in which he is the world record bolder. The 16-year-old Yokoyama. of Covina, was the only double win· ner Saturday, duplicating he r feat of the meet's opening day. She won the 400 individual medley in 4:56.04 and the 200 butterfly in 2: 16.22. Mary Beth Linzmejer of Mission Viejo won the 200 free in 2:02.86, bettering Annelies Maas' mark of 2:04.08 s et in urn. The Mission Viejo women's team set a meet mark in the 800 freestyle relay. Forme r Olympian John Hencken of Santa Clara won the 100 breaststroke, an event in which he holds the American record, in 1 :06.09. Jesse Vassallo, also of Mission Viejo, did his part by capturing the 400-meter individual medley with a time of 4:32.25. Vassallo bad won the 200- meter.backstroke on Friday. for a couple of years so I don •t want lo comment. 1 have my opinion but I don 't want to stir up any trouble. Doug's a truthful pe r son a nd says wh a l he believes." RAV MALAVASI -"I've been associated with pro· fessional football tea ms for 20 years and have been involved with things 10 times worse than thi s . It 's nothing r e ally. Everybody is making a big thing out of this and it's not. As far as J know there is no racis m. We're trying to prepa re for a season. I can't let one individual disrupt the team. Ir I let one guy disrupt then you have problem s." FRED DRYER -"Is there any s ubs tance to Doug's charges? For Doug there is but not for anybody else on this team." PAT HADEN -"I spoke to some of the black players and I don't see this a s a significanl problem. I'm close to a lot of the black players , especiaJly the re- ceivers. l hope something like thi s does n 't pla gue u s throughout the season ... LARRY BROOKS --"To re- act wouJd be to admit something exists. It would give his state· ments validity." JOHN CAPPELLETTI - "This is silly. I don't think there is any real conflict except for the social atmos phere. The blacks have their element and the whites have theirs. J hate to comment on the whole thing because I don't see any problem. 1 haven't seen anything up to this point. That's why I don't want to say anythlng because I 'm c omm e ntin g on a hypothetical situation." The players say they want to let the issue die. The question is is Doug France ready to drop the issue? That will be answered if and when ho reports back to camp. ,,..,. P.,,e • J ANGELS ••• Would that ~ more Important t.o him than wlnnlnlf an MVP award? "If I drive ln UO nm• I'll &et the MVP," Baylor tald assured- ly. "But tile MVP thine ls out of my coatrol, 10 l don't think ebout it tbal much." In addition to Baylor's performance Saturday, the Angels got two hlts apiece from Rod Carew and Rick Mlller. and a solid nine innings from Aase. AASE GAVE UP JUST five hits and said it was a big game for the team and himself. "The pressure is on everybody because of the injuries. I haven't had a big game in awhile and maybe this will turn things around ror me," Aase said. Twins starter Jerry Koosman. on the other hand, struggled Crom the beginning when leadoff hitter Carew doubled. AASE ONLY THREW seven pitches to get out or his half of the first inning, while Koosman needed 44 . By the time Koosman left in the fifth innjng. he had deUvcred 116 pitches. the equivalent of a complete game. The Angels touched him for six bits, three walks and three runs. Today it will be the battle M the youngsters 21-year-old Steve Eddy takes the mound for the Angels opposing 23-year -old DarreU Jackson. Eddy is replacing Nolan Ryan, who will rest his l<•ndt:r elbow another few days. Jackson i~ a s pot starter ma king only h1~ eighth appearance of the season: · After today's series finale with the Twins, the Angels will host Seattle at the Ri g A for tht! first time this season. The Manners will be in town for a three-game set and then the Angels will t ake to the road for three-game ~cries c.il Min nesota and Oakland. * •HGELHOTES l""<IUO l\ol\IO\l .,.......,ol 1h 11 9dtnt-\ \.tn<.-. t~ Atl \tdr tltet1~. out tn•• A'"""' Pttctunq ~ O<.hMllY tmP'O'-'•-O 'tnc.t• '""n •no ' t>•tCtter\ htld d 4 It f kA bt tnf.-. ttwr Of'r•fl .. ~nc:I 11<>.J\I • J 81 ER• allrr ,,,.. "" •• . Artql'I (jo•, •9natPd h1ltPf' •~ltd thf" , .. ,,0""" Wtth " JO 11wPrc1qe L«hl vt•"' 1rwo OU\"'' 7•0 . Wr-on. .. , dd'f'\ teltca't trom New YOf• on (h11nrw-1 'a t•drnt-0 d n Pf'1t• f•J11t'IQ 1tncl dn ffl 1 rtV• ff'tOi~ tW Art>ttron f lt>.1 trom N .. ,,._..," Ar1>,Hnf\ ,....hml"lh""' 40.000 home' Pf'' PfHnl, •.o '"" An~i Y1tnk,; qam~ wa\ \l"f"n .n 8ffO 000 \outnvrn <:;tllt0tnH nom~\ • formN A<lq.•1 Ron J...:tt..., '' dC> (Mr,.n1l't t>Utf'r dbOut n,•-..lnq e>..~t•n tr~ to M•" nP\Oftl He gretolt'C't Anqit_•I wr1h1r\ b'f Yutk1nu nan<h all "round 'dy1nq, "tt1, hOw vou ~en, 11•11 euut 8•v•s. to \nov" ,,.. \1tturd-ttv n1on'-. '''llout Wd\ tht_• 10th ot thf· Anotd\ rt•Qulttr w,t-.or1 "'Ome qa~ ftt. .. , he)()°"" \.t'UOvl for tf'WI' v•tub1 •Ion 9•~ wOh 1hC Ood0t·r,1 ThP AnQel\ •• , •• ,,ye rdQlnQ J0,•46 ,,.., tMh , •tnd .;11• 419,M MliftottJ o! le\t ~ • ...,..., An.tt><•om <;1ao1um rocor<J Pl•n ,.,,., Ju/ti/ 2t. 1971 DAILY PILOT a BV JOHN SEVANO ~ .. OlllY "91 Meff Followi"9 are the major sports events on television to- day. Ratings are: ./''./excellent; / './worth watching; ./' fair; ./ torvet It. · 9 11 :30 •·"'·· Ch•nnel 7 ./ ./ SOCCER: Aztecs at Washl"9\on. Announcers: Jim M c Kay, Paul Gardner and Verne Lund- quist . The Los Angeles Aztecs < 14-11 ) play the Diplomats < 17-8> In a NASL contest . Both team s afe in second place '" their r espective divisions as the Diplomats trall the Cosmos while the Aztecs are behind Vancouver . Johann Cruyff, the Dutch import signed to a multi-year contract, leads the Aztecs. II 5:30 p.m., Ch•nnel 11 ./ ./ ./ BASEBALL: Dodgers at Houston. A'"*HKers: Vin Scully, Ross Porter and Jerry Doggett. The Dodgers, who have taken two of three games thus far from the Astros in the series, desperately need a victory tonigh t to make their charge tor the top valid. Burt Hooton C9-7) will take the mound for the Dodger s and he'll be opposed bY flame-thrower J .R. Richard <8-111. OTHER TELEVISION 9 : JO a.m. (1 l) THIS WEEK IN BASE BALL. 1 p.m . (2) -SPORTS SPECTACULAR Highlights tn· elude the First Professional Underwater Sportsman's com- petition from the Virgin Islands; National AAU Indoor diving championships from Austin, Te><as; and segments from the Celebrity Ott-road r ace from Los Angeles featuring Lou Rawls. Charley Pride and Bruce Jenner. Commentators in- clude Dick Stockton. Garv Bender and Don Cr iQut. _ . 1: 30 p.m . < 11> -SPARTACADE Pre·Olymp1c. com . petition from Russia. Cover age will mc.lude lrack and t1e10 . bo><ing and basketball . 2:30 p.m . (4) U.S. MINI-OLYMPICS Coverage will focus on track and field, gymnastics, boxing, d1vmg and figure skating from Colorado Springs, Coto. 3:30 p .m . (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS . Highlights inc.lude a Muhammad Ali retrospe(tive. 1nclud1no tilm clips from some of ht'> f1ghtc-,; National spring car rac- ing irom Terre Haute, Ind ; and the World Acroba1tc. diving champt0nships from Orlando, Fla. Commentator<> rnc.lude Howard Cosell. Al M ichaels and K en S1tztx:rger. 9 p.m . (24 ) TENNIS The single'> f1ni:1 1 rn the Lousiville International Classic. 10 p.m . (50) COLLEGE WRESTLING. RADIO Baseball M innesota at Angplc,, 1.> S'> pm, KM PC C710l; Dodqer~dl Houston, S·JOp.m., KABC 17901. f'r•• Page BI KNAPP TO RETURN. • • week of June, it looked like he, loo, wa!> due for a long :.pell or m1l>- cry. , ''For six w~ks 1 didn't do a thin~. But fo r the last 10 days l vc been throwing on the l>ldehne. every other day," Knapp ~ay:. "Becaw;e of all that inactivity l 'm ahout e11~ht pound!> overweight but I'm working myself back into shape with exercises now." ON FRIDAY KNAPP toed the rubbe r on a pitching mound for the fi rst time in more than seven weeks. . ··1 threw about ha lf to three·quartcrs speed. I was JUSt trying to bcsmoothanditfeltgood," Knapp says. Wadkins (Bobby) Ahead in Philly PHILADELPHIA <AP> Bobby Wadkins. who has spent years struggling with a recognition problem because of i:tolfing brother Lanny. shot a fou r -unde r-par 67 Saturday to take a one-stroke lead after three rounds in the Philadelphia Golf Classic. Wadkins. who celebrated his 28th birthday Thursday. put together rounds of 67. 69 and 67 for a 54-hole total of 203, one stroke better tha n Australia's David Graham. Graham shot a one under-par 70 Saturday and held second alone at 204. J . C. Snead, who led going Into Saturday·s round, carded a one-over-par 70. lie slipped into a third-place tic with Mark Hayes at 205. De~nding champion Jack Nicklaus carded a four-under 67 in the third round and was in a J(roup at 209 in the tight scramble for the $45,000 fi rst prize. Wadkins, who joined the PGA tour in 1974 and h as career earnings of $138,134, hasn't won yet but came close this year when he finish'!<! second at Tucson and third at Tallahassee. Dwyer Leads; Lopez 4 Back STE. J ULIE, Quebec (AP) -Mary Dwyer, who never has won a tournament since joining the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour in 1971, moved into sole possession of fi rst place in a Cana- dian tourney, here, Saturday. Dwyer fired a three-under-par 70 over the 6,434-yard Richelieu Valley Golf Club course for a six-under 213 after 54 holes of the '72-hole tourna- ment. Amy Alcott and Donna White are two strokes back, Barbara Moxness trails by three and Nancy Lopez ia lour behind. U your anchot''s away you can find a new one in th e Boating classifiects of the Daily Pilot 642-5678 DAILY Dial-a-Taoe® EYE CARE INFO~MATION PIEA:>l REOUFSf TAPE RY NllAl/1111 l"rtitllPbOI\ U litoc.11 Cofttlci llltHl u (Vtt••hl ... ,IOftd - Ot1lloltt11toloqy [C Nt llM 111"'4 ltftHS TAPE CENTER a I 'V' . .. " --··~•u•..,• ~ ,_,, ~ ~· ....... .. .... WilMf , fll f 0 0 0 C.•••w, 111 f J l 0 VIieiio "' •• I 0 l •"""' " , I I ' "'""' It • t t t te.-. rt 1 o to l •Adt •••••• , 0 ~........ J 0 ' ' h (W,j ... ft "" t t I 0 llf*"'l'e. \ ) 0 0 0 '"'••II 11 I 0 I t lllHli II • 0 t 0 Wwtw~• \ t II 0 0 Utl\I\ lll J I I 0 111 JO '"· 10 1 e t 0 " "'Hier \I ) 0 1 0 \ ••llM lb I I 0 0 I And•n " I 0 n 0 c.~"' '''" IOC•h tO t\I fol•I\ llll l • Mtn~"Ot• (•Utorn•• k • .-. .......... oat 000 • 100 WJ "' ) ~ .. ~) ... _ OIO ,..,,.,....,.., C•l•IOtf\I .. I I 0 11 t •h fOI tt•• I JU ( ., ew .... , ....... , .. \,r l<ll IUyl<>< ~ " Miii•• ,.,_ , .. " It Ill ea M> I l I • tt ... ,,. .... 0 J ' c ... ,.,_ AA\19 WI H 0 II I I II A 11 ... ..... J•" J, , • ..,.. • O•l•oll 000 (,iQO 000 0 l I loron10 000 00'1 10• ~ • O H0Dt>1n\, H1lhAOf\e m 4 IJ. Hille r 'It Ml4f P or'•'" L•M•f'<tY~ •nd Ce1one w I .. .,.,,(IV~. ti. l flobl:>1n\ 0-1 A •• "' A >•.Man ..... 15 -..,~111• on ooo 001 s • , C)u•IAnel 101 010 Ola • 10 O AOllOll 0 JOtlf'• 01 &nd !>lln>On, Co• ISi K••uuQh, HM'',.lttJn f~1 •nd f:\\1tln W •~<tm.llon l • l O Jonh. J 10. A l,•71 8r-ttn t , Yen•"• 1 "'""' tnrk 010 010 000 7 1 O M.1w.1uk~ 001 0.1 00• Q 1• 0 I 14rll, CIM 1\1. 1( • .,1 161, nurr1• t&I •no N"rrnn ';)orf'n\tm ,,00 R Maritn.,, W ~9tUn\On, 17 10 L Ttotl>I I ) A Sl,t U . A..t Soi I, lt•"Oltn 0 llo\ton 001 000 000 1 • I I•'" 000 000 000 0 I 0 t , .. ~(\f ... ,.ntJ r 1\il. J~nku, .. ~no c,.,o lh•trf) W [ r "-tr .It f t7 ~ • Jt-nl""' lfl -A I~ 1•11 C1• vH, •11 h" tUCI lnd1~n\ 10 White !to• !t J<ll 100 010 IU II 1 •JI 011 OJO S 10 I 1 ,ut il"J f> ~,. It './ f ttU 111 4tnd C.. r • ,, t • , , .,,,•It fl ,, Ir 1' • """ r "' ._.ottm11n ll J, H #off t I oJI I Wt M•'f W I t .,.,, • HR (nu AOO. M v .• , .. " . 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C•tJ~no. lb • 0 1 I J Unnt I 1, 1\ ' I I 0 µynJ I I A } } • t,1 1m .1H1,rt 4 #) 1 1 (.,1!>f•ll, 'Ill I I 1 I '•••.-.ft#'I pr 0 0 0 0 1 tru1,11 •0 11 Hl)Nf 711 I I I 0 I ,tnrt Jy '1h 0 U 0 U Hu• ti• ' l 0 I() It' f or,, n '' 'I U O U TOie" ll\ ' l I I ol•I\ l I ~ 10 ) \(ore oy lnni"'' lo•Anq<.I... 000 010 oc.o I HouW><1 000 311 oo, \ LO» lo """' .,, I H ..... >1611• 18 Punll C.• .... 11 D H•Hn.t•, L-d•d C.dd"O, s !> ll rorvti l.••A""9let R .. U\"i I L-t "'' ti Ur II Pan~r'J\f\ HOW\lOn llO H It E It 8 8 SO 1 10 ) I 0 ) n o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ f (Ir\ h IW I ~l ~ i HHP lly " 81ell •Cebtlli WP ~' u• ! I 1)1! A 1" 141 Mel••· C.Ub\. t "" •t'lO 000 101 110 4 II 3 Ne"' YOr• 001 ?70 10• I> 17 0 H ,111man, Moot11 n1, H~'"""'"' •II ... a r ..... 1~ l•IC•'"'1 Alhnf71 .... dTrnlfto w F <ti < ~n• 7 I l Helltlm"n, 6 I HR~ Ch1t.,90 IClnomtn J IH I N~"' Vo" ltl"Mn\ t~l. M~ttllh 1101 A 11,JSQ Fl""\O•mt ( in1 mnol• Rt., I, "~~vt~~ 000 8 I) 0 All,.nl•• 001 01• 000 ~ I 0 U<mthun M o•1kou Utl. Humt 111 or.a llttnt n, llr11101Jr11. C,~o~ t7f, U Mr LJuqhl1n •?1, D~vnw 111, J Mct.IUQhhn 111. varb\11 i; J ,H•d "'ol11:U'I W Oonhtul'!. S 41 L Hnt10l'1f•t, ~ 6 tHh Allttnlo M d1tt'le w \ 7 1n 1. k oy\tt r tn ~ll<Oftd0.tmt •••vu I, RH\ S '"'' 1nt1.1I• 000 001 011 ~ n 0 All.,t•I" 117J 300 00• I II 0 "'·• tor• \.H•n11·nto •'l~. tomllo UL Soto ''' •nd Ccnr .. tl M ~nler. 6 M cLAUOnhn &I, <,•rlif'r It ttno Be-ned1c.t w M M.1hh r 1 ~ l P.a• 1ore. I· S HR Alldnlo HO""'' tlQ I A JI 165 ... , Pw1ia. S, Ea.-.\ J P11t•ourqll 110 011 000 S 10 I MonHUI 000 001 100 J • ) O•Oby Jac~'On I 11, lellui•f 181 •nd "41<0"1 !.crMtroder 8"'1n>en 171, ~" (I) and C•r1er W 8°"', 1 2 l S<n.uedl><, \ • HR• PHl\burq n, PArk•r 1111. Mon Ir""' """'"'I IJI A 3',6'1 c......a, ......... . St L.U" tit ... ltl I It 0 ~li..i.111• Ill •t 110 t II 0 "~Met_,"'· llllltll Ill ...., ,,_ ,..._,M<G•-"' it..-111 - .... 1 • .,_,. ill W U tlilll t J I. lleed J • .... Pllll•f•IOlllt l llfttui.I 1111 .. .OU ................ , \;In ... -~. ·~ 000 011 J 10 Ii ""' o.... 000 010 001 t 10 0 '"ll•llt, ~ill L• .. llt Il l lt9<00ft ttl e/\111 Lllt1ti-...,,,y, ~' .... " 111 6ftd lltJtl ..... W flf\ll'f\, t f l, llot-.... , S t •IA ,.., l'r~~-. 0 tv~• Oil A ti.II\ 4Ulee1.1a111••0" .... c;11(" Miiiot l-411\•lttll ., ...... r orCI "o I ... t\ft\\lnd AlkMI• Atleltr...,.. o.M- ""°' C..mp.,.., .. 0.vl• .... -fol91• "'""' Cit .. "'• .. a.,, Fro\1 Eddy T•n•n• 8••1ow Kt11pp 1.aR0<ne eoutno ... "" ... "" 111 0 1' J U j<I ;• M 11) t SI Jlt d 4 IJ 0 I JIO 1U n 101 It '1 JO• IO'I h ~ I I\ )01 O• " 114 11 \0 HI '°4 II l lt n ... l'f) JI\ 0 lot If )) .. •I I 11 I I 11• Ill 41 1' II ll 111 Ill " " " ,,.. " 11 It 10 l•I Ill JI Ml • H no 11' II )t 0 10 ~I •I \ I 0 I I~\ llS It ,. 0 I ltJ J ~ 14>' fl) IO'I HI /I~ l'lldll"9 II' N ea SO W L EllA l\O'. 100 .. I .. " 1 , 10 If I SI .. 10 I().) J /I I_, 1 l•I Ml II I I J to 111 1)1 :i. )7 I• H • t.S IU ..... 11 •OJ n 1' I ) 00 •SO s•• . ..i 19 lJ s • • IN> •9' > ff 1' 11 I I 4 •J S7'' St 71 13 J 1 HI St4"l 1>3 1• ll J I S lb 10 JO • ' 1.0 10 tlO 9,. 'I04 ,.. S.) s• o • 01 Tot1h S•ve~ Cleior I, L<1R0<nf' I, F ro•I I aASl!BALl.'!t TOP TIN 1a....i ... uu1a1u1 AMElllCAN 1.EAGUE !>m a lley,Mlt1 o. ... i,..,ea1 Leic•no. MU 8oc111t, Sea Kemp, 0.1 t_ynn, 8.sn Adam~. Mu" GBrell, itC A1te. Bsn Wlll<>nq, Min 0 Aa II H PO 100 31,3 ., 12' .JJI H :U. U Ill .~ ... J07 so 101 ll4 .. 360 s.. no m '1 J.t3 SI 1 ll J:l<I 93 JAQ 10 IU 3'1 16 1SI '1'I U J13 101 •1' If Ill )11 91 Jiii /1 Ill 311 116 141 48 II JIO HomeR""' B•ylor, C•hlor,.ia. 1S. S1nQll"IOn 6athmore. l!t Lynn. 80\ton, 1~ R tlt' 80\lOn, 7•. Tf>Om,l\, MllwllUU f', 1• lt"'"91ttMI" Baylor, C.hterfti•, M, Lynn, Bo\lon ii Sl"Qle!Of>, Ballimo<f', 11; fllu, 8o•lon /1 o(f'mc>, ~tro.I, IS NATIONAl 1.EAOUE f o\ter (m Wonlleld, SO Simmons, SIL Brnck, SIL t(, Hrt\dnc:u . ~IL hrnp1e1on, SIL Horn,.,., Atl "'"'0~11. Pgh Gar.er.LA C,rute~. Cm 0 AB It M Pel IQ 18S •S Q) )JJ 10s 19• ~ u1 m • , 131 0 /1 "' II 161 JI U :I?• 'b 110 II 110 J7• QI 381 61 IH JU b9 111 •o 88 '" bQ 738 JI 16 ll' IOJ 411 SI Ul .)11 'I? )16 61 Iii )I• Homelt11111 I( 1nqma n. Cn1caQo. lL Scnm1d l. Ph1la<lelpl11• JS W1nll~ld, S•n D1•QO. 1• M•llllf'w>. AllMll.t. ??: L-•· l.o• "" .. '"· n . "'"" ... 11ec1 '" K 1ngmAn, C.h •t.ttOO 1'1 , S t hm1a1. Ph1lad~lptlld, II, Wonloeld, Slln Ol~QO. II r O)l~r, C1ntinna11." (.ldrk. '!Hin Frdn(l\(U "~ Hl'I.. EllMlalTION l•I ee..1 .... OM91 It••*" 10, CowllO'' IJ s.,.,t DYO...rte" O"lla\ 0 • 0 I IJ 011• l•Jrld 10 10 0 0 10 Oe• Wrut11nq1on I run tM.trwt tiltt•, Oak FG MaM i'I 0 •1 !>taUC>iK.h ) run flut ~ t.ult<i 1 0<1• FG Mannn 0dk Wilham• &l tJI«•..., llt ld QO.tl relu111 I Mann ltt<k l Odl !>Pr•nQ• I run f!M'Plll'n ko<• I A 70,"'8 fftdlvld<lal le.Mer• R USHING Oalld\, Cl>rl\l•n••n e "· Laldl~w •·78, NPWMU~ I 1• Ou~ldnd, Whit Hr191on 10-•J. AOOO••le l·l2. lfoo &•Gl>r" 1>·18 PA!>~ING Dann•, Staub/Kii • 1>·1, S7 [) White 11·13-I, 150, Cat<Jl'IO • ~ 0, 43. Ouklut>d Humm i. 11 0, b9. Plun~e•I • 9 O. •8 RECEIVING DAiia•. Saldi 3-1>1, OuPr•4' 1-37, P. P""r'°" l·78. Da•land, e,,,.,,,., 7 71 6 r11chh4w 1·1•. Martin• 1 71 EJIHIBITION ~CMEDUL E T-Ml•Y'\ Oamtt St. Lout"I. di HOU\ltW\, n Minnewttt •I YJOttlle, n FrltUY'I 0.tmH Nttw Orie~ at M1&m1, n Phll•dl!l"""9 al 8all1mot~, n s.1..-uy'•O•m" Polhl>urqll al Bufl•lo, n New York Jf'I• "' Ot•ta90," Wll\hlnQlon ti T.tmp.t Bav, n New El'Qi.nel al l<llM\la. n Ctncll\Nltl al ~troll, n Clew •-o11 "'-Y0<1< C.••n". n O.nwra1 Dall•• l(tnHS Colv ;ii C.reen B•Y. n Ot~ land .ol LO\ AOQl!I.,._ II p m I ~" 0•<'90 •• Stn FranclM:o, n .. ~6> '' • LOU••v•u.a un••NATIO.AL IM Ullll• ..... Ky.I ....... ....-... .. lo••Lul• Cter< Clel 11 ..... OlllO\ •-A. •·t o.i...,. ......... . M•rly llelHen.W"°'oecl &tur•rl def, VI( ••• AM•Yt•JOM J•mH •·4, •·l ; 8 r110 lliltft\Qn·~w P•lll\Oll del. A-rt y.,.., Hot Jal 0.lOllle •a. • ), Ron C•-Jt lrne "'"'Ol Clel J9'1n Aleaander0 Ptlll 0.nl •·3, H . • 1 Vll•Y AM•lll•l·•t!UI R•mlre1 dtf Colin OowOe• .... I ~1111\ 11:.cnel •·I, W. •·J. OUTCMOIOIN l•I Mil~-. -rlaftlltl -·· ~s-lflHll 6•1eU TMOCl'(Clel. J.,. I(~ •·6 •·l , I·~. • 1, • l fomt• ~kl dtf, Uh P111ner S-1, •l. I I • I -··~~,,..,, 10"' Olllle< T•rO(IY doll 8oO C..rm1<1Wfol Pett• M<H•l'N•• • ], ••• l<odtt·Smld d.1 '-•O•• Go.,....8e,,•e«I Fr111 • • •·I AUSTltlAN INTEllNATIOMAI. TOUltNIEY loll l(ltr-MI, A!t\lrl•) -·tS~t ...... tlUlt VIit\ Oe<ul•lll\O.I H!ttnr GuentPl•rdl•7, • I P•vel Slorll def Cnrl\IOOlll'r F'reyu •·l. • J ·-·· s1,.1e1 '""1111•••• !>llvl• HM1••• df>I Reqln.. Mar\lllova .. ,. i. 4, Han1 AMllCM11'ov• Clef Helen• An tool .. l •• OaltA!t '1' TOUllNIET lat-· Aoro\, Ar9911U11•I s 1,.., .. F111a1 M•rtlnl NnrAlllOYll 0.1 01111~ Je•n KtllQ • J .•.• TP!ird Piao ( vonnr• C.001"9QOnQ C.ctwlev drt V1rv1n1 .. W'•OC •.t. 6·0 ' IOHILAOEl.l'MIAClAU tC 000llY W..,,.,n\ David c;.,..,,..,.,. J C !>nt<HI M d 't H..t'i't•'\ I ommv v,.1.-nllnt" (,•-nf" l1lll•r Oouq lf'lwf"tt 11111 Roqer\ Ben Cr~Mhdw C•lvtn Pet-tt' J:orre\I Feiler He>b evmAn Andy Bean Jtt tt' N1CMlau\ Bill IC r.tl1.-I lloql'r C•lvln Slf"vt-Ver htlo Od•t Stockton Howard fwllty M •h M'Cumber Jell"''"""" Ray Floyd Lou C.•41Mm Rod Curl OoD G1taor 8 drtV JhU<.•ct Ke rmit Z.:u tev J .. rry Pal•• Ml"'° R••O P.;w1d rn .. ,, furn Pun1..-, Jom Ct1<1nc•y s'o" s"""'°" Jonn!><hroe<fl'• V1< lor R•Qdl..00 &I 6'1 61 10J b~-6" 10 10< .. ,...,, 70S i.8 llHI 10) ~I 6'110 m.. "10 I>~ 101 II II t.t\ /1'1 &S II II 101 69 .. 11 101 IU 10-68 208 •1·11·•9 10ll ., 10-11 ?08 "'"' n 20e ,, 10-61 70'1 ,.,.,,... 70'1 ,, " ... 70'I 1>8· 1l ·"8 20'! "8·17-69 70'1 II 69 •Y 709 l>I 13-69 70'1 ... , 1-10-70'1 llof>l.10-709 ••·10 11 709 1;<j.f4.f>I 110 11·69·&Q ?10 &9·'2·119 710 10 10·10 210 "' /1°70 110 b8·11·10 210 &• IJ 1>• 711 10 ,,.,,, .. 111 11 lf/b'I 711 11-69" 711 .......... ,. 711 68 11·11 Ill l POATOUltNEY c~tste.Jwt .. ,OueM<l Mary Dwyer Amy Al<OCI Donn• Hof1on wn11.- 81utMr tt #lto•ftl.. \'. \1l•td 84!-rtOftt((tn• D•bll•eM,n"'t Nfn< v LOP!'l OOnno C•c>on< Younq s.tnora Sou1tc" "4011•\ Sl¥y Cdlhy Sn.,rk !><Illy Lllll< P•m H1991n\ l(a111y Wllilw0<tn MMl•ne Floyd S.1ndra Palrnur Juav !ldn• 1,., Pal 8r<tdl~~ Afftt A.,1nh1trdt Judy Clar• lle1n OM•~' Lynn A<ldm~ .... nCl•A PO•I O\<D1>1e M"l"trhn n 11.10 . nJ IS 10 10 71\ n 11.11 71S I) II 11 11~ n n n 111 ,. ,,.,, 111 16 10 71 711 Ill 70 10 718 13 11 "' 718 13 n n 714 b'l H H 711 //) ,, 11 71' n 11 IS 119 n n .1s -710 IJ '" n n1 1) ,, 12 7?1 17.11.71 7?1 ,..JJ.1' . 771 16·1S·IO 771 ,,.,,.,,, 7?1 19 11 n 111 '",. n 111 14 1S-ll 711 1l·1'·11 111 I AHT A CL-'ltA INVITATIONAL WOMEN cOO~M1tfer •ndtv 1du•I medl~y ' Yot<OV•tn<I. El Monl• AQubllo Club, ol·S. 04, tmffl rec.ord, old record • S. U, HoOUlctael, 1'1111. 1 Ur\ln, Kern AC, S 00 S~ l We1dem•n. M t\\1on V l•)o Nadadote,. ) 01 .. 100 lrl>~l'fie I l int,..,.,rer, Mol\oon Vte10. 1 01 ... 1"'"1 record old record, 1 04 ot. .._, ttnt. J. Stleilfl"t. knt• CIMt IC 2·os.oe. a WlllM, t• Mon••· J:M 14, • 100 ........,_, t. 0.vlt, PIHHftt Hill K . ' , • .., ,_. rKOfdl .id recMCI, 1; IUO. M1trt-tl'lll, tt1tl. J. , .. ,, &...tt Clare SC. "14.00 J. ....... ,, OoMu, 1;16,0S • .. f~ Nlty-1. MllJion Viejo IJullo Wllll•"'•· Ml<"'"' AIMft, Sfltry1 8tn1k oe1, M•ryhlll Llfu-lerl, 1:2'.SJ, c..-1 rec· ord; old rtcOfd, I . U,.,, MIHICHI 11 .. le. 1'71.1 J, DtMu, l:~M. a. IOlee.-Niii, 112' .... Add Mltfl llOO lr-yl• •tltY' I C-lll-r .. A," <Shew, ConnrM, Horthw•v. OtMonll. 7:'1.4 . ,.._. rt<orCI; Oki recOf'd 1:•n. Mlu Jon Viejo "''·' 2. Mlnlo11 VltJo. 7:4J,Ol.1. ConQl.lbt-r "8," 7· ... 7'. too htttrlly l. Yolo.oyem•, l!I Moftte, 7 1.,72. 2. Aleunotr, Do Anu, 2: 17.l •. J, w .. ter, Oe MU, J; 11.1$. MeN 400 tnolvkluol meclloy '· J. V•IMllo, Ml .. •Ion Vl•lo. 4;32.2S. 1. 8MtW>, Minion lllolo, • l7 11. J. Stofllr, 0. AnH Swim Clllll, 4 u ... 100 lrOtilyle: I. Oooclell, MIHlorl lllojo, I ».CM,,_ record; old rt<O<d, I si.o.. a Furntu , 1'1•1. 7. ThOrnton. Concord SC. 1 S..ll. l Srrnidl, Untl, I H 7f. 100 bre.ststre>lle 1 Hennen. S..lt Cler•. I °'.. 3 SjCKtrom. WH I ll•O•v Aqualk T-. I 07.Jt. 200 k lltrfly. t. Or991, Coft<tulJl-r Aouellc Ttt"1, 2 03.00 1..-1 rtcord; old rt<· O<d , 1'03.$1, 8'\lne<, 1'771, 1. Flo.I, "''*" >tllll , 1'03.01 J. llol•rdl, 0. AnL•. J •OS 01 01'1. MAii ltl!SUl.T$ , .. ., Saoltonl•'fl (4t~••J.UYlllerMtll-f"1ffllllf) F'l"I ••ce Splendld Hour CM<HtrQ\191 12 .70 , S.•O . 3 •o. G r•y D •ndy CO.l•hOU.Me"tel 3.40. 7 60. WnHI IRo .. 1-.1 4.00. y- Second r.ce Corwen1ent1y I Plnc•rl 6.70. 4 oo. HO. Bluon CC••l•nMl•I '·'°· s 40, A;;k Ack l •" I To•ol II II) 57 cl•llv doubt• (9.,i1 P<llCI "40 40 Third ••<e Son 01 MocM\ IPoncdyl 10 IO, • f O , J 00 , Sc>••lan fndu••n ce • OPl1thou''••Y"• ? 80 ? 40 O•,,o•n I M<~MQUlll) 00UP ... ,1 .. 11 i.1 P••d~ 00 Fourth rA(f' R•'\tnQ El'"<J tMe-n•l ~ .O J 00 ? •O fk>'d C11.-.11rin 1 O.•l.tnou\~Yft't 7 IO 1 tO /4t II! r,,ttltttnf 'fou'U '}HO r 1 tt n r d '~ M t>"ll Mo n"••f' 0 .. 1.,,..,"''""" • -, '° .. "Jo J .co < ttt,. •< .. , A~· tt=,,,,, .. ,, 1t 40 't<t() Jnnnnv C,O(lrfl,, ta\tdn•d~, ,00 '~ ... ,.c.t• f1·S• P"•O \1''1 00 \11rtl't rd(" M(AVOY tMrC.,,,on t 11&() ) 80 1 40 OwlNOOd Pon< dfl 1 •0 ) •~ f r-'J1ftn H·tfO Ol•vttrt.-· J • 80 ~""""'" '4'C"' fUono,,., o"'"<"'' •Pinc,.~• ) 60 l 70, 1 flO S•.O..,.,.\ 1011•"'~" \ 60 • tO Doub•~ O•"ounl CM• H~•<jUO'I l 00 u t •dCI• ••SI l>d•d l/300 Pincay Has 4 Winne r s DEL MAR <APl Anc ient Art s printed to <.tn easy five-len~th vic- tory i n Satu r da y's S39.JOO Sap Cle mente Stakes at Del Mar but the day be long ed to leading jockey LaHit P1 ncay. who boote d home four winners. Ancient Art. ridden by Fernando Toro at 121 pounds. covered the 11 / 16-rnile turf course in 1.441 /5. finding racing room near the inside when the fie ld bunched on the final turn to dart into the lead . Our Suiti Pie, unde r Chris Mccarron and 116 pounds. finished a neck in front or third-place fi nisher Double Deceit, with Pincay up al 117, in the race contested by nine 3-year-olds . Anci1ml Art earned S23,550 and paid $10.20, $5 and $3.40 for the vic - tory. Our Suitl Pie re· turned S4.60 and $3.60 whil e Double Deceit paid $4 lo show. Pincay scored in the second race aboard Con· veniently to pay $6.20. Son of Midas in the third a t Sto.80, Blond ie's Dancer in the seventh for SS.60. Ameri Flyer in the finale Lo return $6.40 Easy A ngel Wins Rich Los Al Race From Ap Dtspatcbes Easy An~el became the youngest quarter hors1;: t•vcr to earn more than $400,000 by coming from behind Saturday night. to win the $727.000 Dash Tor Cash l''uturlty at Los Alamitos Race Course. 808 McLAREN'S BMW, INC. 1979 BMW 733 Fully F•<IO•'f Equlppoo 1s.r. •smmo1 $346 ~~~ WHATA BIYI Easy Angel. winner of the $450,000 Kin· dergarten Stakes here last month, stumbled at. the ~ate and waited unt.iJ some 150 yards from the fin ish to take the lead for good. Winning time in the 4()().yard event, richest horse race ever run in California. was 19.91 seconds. Easy Angel was ridden by Billy Hunt. who fl ew in from New Mexico for the race. The winner of the event for two.year-old quarter horses. a qaOf'hler or Easy J ct, carried 119 pounds. Fishers Favorite. who had the fastest qualify- ing time for the race and w as the wagering favorite of the crowd of more than 161000, finished second. u neck behind the winner . The runne rup waa ridden by John Creager and a lso carried I 19 pounds. CONSERVE ENERGY ' with the finest 1n1ulatlon evallable. Wrap your home In a complete blanket. Wiii ke,eP you cool In aummer end warm 1n winter C•T-., '9r M tfJ 3 I at ... , PACTOll IMC. AIM S.,.Ct•1t1 .. ~:.':' ..,_ Dill••• •-II PAINT OM UTHIOI WAU.I WITM IACH *MLAW CONltlACT tlOI DAILY PILOT Mti-. 17141 141-7141 llc9nte t3 / • . .. tftfl ... .. • 60 '"°"'" open eno le-. C. ,..,.,. Of tu.sn.• ..... $1100.00 redllc· !IOfl •ltll rt,.,..ftlnt Vtlut pf \IJ,206.10. 1171 IMW 5281 ...... .,,ecwy ........ llk.dlnllOI $226 :,~ • ,17 ........ ,., • .., -°"°" eM ..... c:. .. -.. $15,000 eftef t1•.IO rMIKti.o. •lltl .~ ........... . 101 Mal.ARI N'I ·BMW ·HO N. leKh llvd. LaHebt• (I Ml. No. of I .A. Prwy.) '79 PONTIAC 54943 This sporty PontlK Sunblrd Is tnnd new . with automatic tramsmlsslon Coneole. power steering and wire Wheel covers. (558961) 79 GRAND PRIX The Luxury LOOker and Performer. Power steering. automatic transm111lon & d11C bfakes (507770) $5606 SUP9t NICll OM AU. L9'T 0¥9 DIMOI IN STOCICI Take your ChOloe now whll• the MIKtlon la still good! E IQlllll r•<e ·Anc.._,t Ml ITo•ol 10 to. t 00, J.olO; Ow Sllltl Pie IM<Ctrronl 4 60, ~ .O; Ool*e Oe<.tll llOltt<tYI 4.00 Nlftltl rK• Amen Flyer IPln<OI • '°· 4.00. UO: HIOelOO IOtl-ueyel UO, J -0 Ctl>sclws t4 Art IM41ntl 1 40 U uectt lllH I p.tl4 $1 ... 00 All~-21,027 . LO.ALAMITOSltHULU IPwlMWftYI HIM .. .,_.._.,_,._11 .. 1 First rA<:t-Love Sc-CAAl•lrl ll'.20, •.10 • 3.20; TIJu•"' Ooo IC•rdOt•I 3 00. 1 tO. JOllft• Ctnyon ITretsurel l 10 U u•CI• C•O pald\21.00. Second r•ct-OtVICI Ctort IMltt nel•I 10 • .0, 4.60, 1.60; Jeb's Jet 1H1r1l J.40, J.20. TOftlllj'I-Sllutfltf' 4MylHI 2.20. ThlrCI rat e-WHtona IT<enurel •.ao ... l .40, J.00, Apollo EiQltl CH•rll 4.00, J.00 • 8ed-ff CClo<lH•I 3.00. Four11\ rtcce-LM!y Trlpl ICtt<lot•I •.20. J.40. J.00; Tiie F0<1une Hun I er IT r••tV<e I 4.40, 3.IO: Jotew•y Sau v IPtrnerl 7.fO '7 •••ct• , .. l l peicl 02.60 • Fllln r.ce--M4Qnurn 1.ote1 IH•r11 3.10. 7.60, 1 ... ; Hlo H Oudt IC.,doHI •AO. 2 IO. Rutfem IAclaorl J.00 Slxlh rtce Euler Apollo IClerl\)tl 11 00, •.OO, 1.10. Sllle< Tl1••e ... ICrtta04trl f 00. l 10. Me JU\I ICMctozel I Ml l7 u acl1 t•ll paid"' 60 S.ventto r.ce EHY At19el I "4Uflll S 40. J.60. , JO; Fl-n FHorlt• ICre~l M.O, 7.10. Pit in I~ 511' CCtr<lottl 1 Ml E IQlllll rtcce a.mes Jol\ft IW<ll\Of\I ]I'° 10.00. 1.00. Nulher Runne< IH•r11 4JO.J40 '"'" 8uu IMl1c1>elll •·"° Hinlh rtc.e Sky.,lnder IC.,doH I lO 60, '00, S.10; Rtlte Ille Roof IMylHI •Ml, 4 10. TOP llOM Men l Tre.w<tl f 00 U Utclt I 4·1l paid 514'.00. Alltndllf\Gt 1'.000 IHlll'Nlecll. NOllTMAME•ICANSOCCIElt 1.EAOUE 5"" ], !.Httle I Ca ll form• ~ .. me !.Mtt ~y H•IVtl • 10 II I 16 1) ~•Y&\ JOkf't~t t (dltrornt.tt ti tvanr,w tS.._.tlltU 8, Corr.tr"-•< Ill\ C.•1ttorn1d • ~~"' 11~ f> Foul\ (.,11torn•t1 6. Sf'4ttt~ tb OH\.1d4•'j, C.•htornut 1 Sc ;tUI.-· '1 \<..or.no 1 Yon1 .. c~~.. fivttll t Jif ~ ) (dhtorn1a Ot1tv1~ 'Und' .1\t"tU )I') 00 l (ailtorni~. \,t"h .. utn,rnn lJdV•d Vt SI • (•lltorru4, O"'"'"' I •'•fl ,,., A t1•~th,,rn,1 8~ 31 All .. nOdnt.' I• 011 !Mitwr4'1 •NASL \<orn Fort LaUOf'tO..H,. • r~n c,,. J1i1 , t ampa 8"Y \ Ot ""'•l 1 N1 w f "9'"'"° I p, .... H,. '-"'H·• I Ottll• • Cn1f ,,.fJf) t M1nn.-\Ot" 1 H ,., tU "I l t)f rul\i\ 1 A tld'11a t (: (Jm(J.nton • M.•mot. • "ldn(ou .... ..-). Portldnd, 1 r CAREER OPPOR TUNITY FOR THE RECORD Misc. NATICIMAI. SPOtlTI PISTii/AL , .. CeNI' .. Wlflta, CM.I •OWING Meft'S Seftlor Pair I. J•blonic •tlCI ErlhOI', Mtellton. WI•. 1 S2.2. 2. Roc:k, Norin Syr•cu•e, H Y , enCI 8 1clllord, Cne"nut, eo..n .. 1:~.1. J • ._...,, v .. "•"· , ..... L•111•• .. Hll, • ..-Ctft Ceullw , .............. ,.,, l :M.t . 4. Pur,ell, l •venwor111, Ko11n., tno LallOry, Arllf!OtOll, v •. 1·00• Men'• Stnlor Sino•• 1. ,,..... Wet-. New..-t 9Mcll, 2:0.e 1 t<trnon, T...,INI, Fili , 1 11 l 3 H•w1ye, Mount Verr.n, Ind., 1 IJ,4, 4. HalelhM, Ptul-lpllle, J . IJ.S. TllACI( AND l'IEl.D Womtn'\ 100 Meler Hurdlel I. HIQhlOWOf, ColumC>U\, Ot•., IJ •J 1 ...... 1 •«· ord, old record , U \7 by Smllnl. ?. F(llQertld, WOOC1or1~. v •• 1] ll 3. A ... ""''°"· Lot AnqoolM, tl IO • Wffllly, St. LOU,., Mo .• ll (IJ Wom t1> • 1,\00 M•I•,. I, 8 etklorCI, • 11 .IA 1 w-. l(noo olle. Tenn .. •·17 JS, J 8rtm~r Madt\Oll WI\., ,,,. 1' 4 l.ocl<JY. H•verto'llM. P11 , .t 30 ~• women' SN>! Put I StMwall. W1nc1sioe, "4tb , I) ll 7 Oev1tlf'. Au\ltn, Teall>. IS.S7. 1 J'<OO'>Oft, Cll!lrl<\lon, W••h • IS.. 4. Bur~o. CN\lnut Hill, Mn~ , IS 311 6 Doto, Bu~,,. PArll, 14 61> H•m""'' Thro.., 1 Berry, E• Pa~. 11)-4 tme~I re<O<d, 01<1rtta<d,110 J, by Berry). 2. Moote\, Sf!alll~. J09 8 J C.allp, l.O\ Af\lll!lts, 10) I 4 Jtck\Ofl, C1n<1nna11. t'>'l· 10 10,000 MPler Run I Sl\Orler, 8ou1Cler. (010 • 79 1'I Q lllilnd llml'CI m~•I rl!Cord, old ••cord lO 01 8 n y l';r•qoroo1 1 Rola!>, Boulder JO l)Q I J BucklM!ll, Nf'W York, ll 19 9 • C••••. f'avt1t•v111e. Arll . JI 0 .9. •DO M"l"r 1n1,.rm~<Hllte hur dlf'S 1 WAike r, Auburn, Aid . 49 I 7 Kino. San D•eQo, 49 7 l Wo111a m 1o. Ct>ar1011ew1llf', Va .. IO I 4 0111\, C,,..I...,_., Mith , SO) Women·, 100.-1111 Oa\h I MoreMad, lote<lo. Oll•o. 11 tO 1m~•1 record, old 1ec0<d, 1 I 0 by Hawk1M1 1 Glover. WilllnQbOro, H J • II /1 l Bover. All>uQueroue, 11 "· 4. f ·~•wooo, LO\ t"O"•~. I I 'I? \WIMMINO M,.n \ 100 ""''"' br .. ct,l\trnll.f' I. J.-n Mollet, Newport llHCll, 7 7',11, 1 McAd•rn, o~r "lur 111 , 7 l O bl J 8onr,ah Mn. '•'"''"'"°"() N ( 1 }I 11 .t ChAtt11>ld . Lonq Jt1,.,n I,_. ~l 'J 0 1a., Hdmc>1on. """'·· ' '' m ,. Gr l t"'\/(/f ... r.ree-n~bOf-o. N c . I Jl '•' \aTUAOAT'\ TRAH\ACTIOH\ 8ASE81<lL •"'""•<,.n l.•.tqfH , .. .,(A (.10 WM t r( '.ox Af'acttVdf~d '-"••• p,, 1., 011trw-r Plrl(.t0 M •llr (Otbrrn •'" ,,, ' ""' fn-t\ """ uoot• mf'nt1111 01~ · 1f1t1•Ji .t \OCCE A Nof'11't a,,.,...,,,."*'"' Le.-.\W • ''" ( 1 AUDI ROAL[ '>TAt o<E.11~ • "' ,. ~,. I f~rqo °""' tor 111r1trO, tot dn 11\ Ji • f +t• " r 1u<.1~t1tm' SALES/MARKETI NG MANAGEMENT A sales oriented ind1v1dual. early en career de- velopment with the desire and capability to move quick ly to s1gn 1f1 cant c lie nt and/or management respons1b11tty with a highly pro htable, dynamic and expanding company w ith national corporate headquarters in Newport Beach. This opportunity can be explained 1n con· ftdence by calling Mr. Friess al (714) 640·3748 on Sunday. July 29 from 12 pm to 5 pm or Monday. July 30 from 9 am to 5 pm. or by wnl· ing lo the firm Pacific Consulti ng Corporation A SUBSIDIARY OF PACIFIC MUTUAL 700 Newport Center Onve Newport Beach. California 92660 A MAN ARRESTED FOR DRUNK DRIVING IS NOT A CRIMINAL ..• but he may: lose his license, go to jail, have his Insurance cancelled, lose his job. However. with pro~r legal represenl11Uon all of those problems may be eliminated. All too often the reaall ln court ls dlred ly related to the quality of your lawyer. At Southern Callfornia Law Center we arran1e a free consultatloa wttb a lawyer who is skilled In the area or criminal law. CAt./1:-, o~ CENTER\ a Wett ianta Ana Boulev"'d •Santa Ana, CA WT03 ,. (714) 172,4801 • 24 HAS. QMllly ,..,...Mntdon nMd not be ibpeftllv• ... .............. ......,, ......................... "°" A uwrer1 Oo1p1r ... a .. ~~Cl~tl.-i~ .. • .. • .. • ........... Sundlw .... .Nty .. a•.•''n ............ o.M.•Y•N.•O•T .... _ Pretty Hands, Feet Need Special Care -, Seay sudall and antEle bracelet& are ln faaMon. aow that lklrtl are aUm. abort and 1Ut fl'Om here to the,., Bare arma and bri1ht ban1lei call attention lo the handa. aVT US YOO& hands and feet ready for complimentary look•'' Here are a few easy steps for at-home nail seulona: rtnt, Uoe up all the "tools" you need -a bowl of wann 1uday water, polish remover. emery board, ateeJ nail file. fine-tipped oran1e atlcb, 1mall cuticle scissors, hand cream or lo· Uon, a bue coal and nail ena mel. Or if you prefer a natural finish, have a nail buffer. paste or dry powder to use for shJne. Remov~ old nail polish. New. saturated, polish remover pads are inexpensive and much tidier to use than cotton balls and bottled re· mover SHAPE NAILS WITH an emery board, fil. ing in one direction only. Leave the sides unfiled and squared off for added strength if nails a re weak or If you int.end to let them grow. Next. apply cuticle cream or oil. Apply •paringly at the hase of each nail, gently pushing back the c uticle with the fine tip or an orange stick to loosen the cuticle and minimize the occurrence of h1rngnails. but be cart>ful not to cut the cuticle itself. Cutting sim ply toughens it Soak each ha nd in warm, sudsy water for a few minutes and scrub nails with a brush. Dry with a sort towel. gently pushing back cuticles. a 1ood routine every lime you wash and dr1 your bandl. Now you are ready to begin buffing or lo apply Nall pollilh, whiche ver method you prefer. THE STEPS f'OA A m anicure and pedicure baalcally are the aame. Line up an \he it.ems oeceaury to do the .)ob and then soak \he feet in soapy water <el&hl mlnutes 9hould do it; soak feel whUe dolna preliminary steps on hands). Push cutlcles back while drylng and clean underneath nails. Use an emery board to shape toenails straight across. Never file into tbe cor· nera. This is a s ure invitation lo ingrown toenails. Apply cuticle oil and massage into cuticles. Rinse off oil. Paint toenails as you would fingernails. with a basecoot, polish and topcoat, but first separate toes with cotton balls or folded tissue to keep nails from touching each other. Use a quick dry spray if you wish. AS FOR POLISH color, the subject is wide open to individual preferences. Pule beige tones arc good this summer. especially with pastels a nd neutrals. Soft colors are generally more flattering to large hands and shorter nails. Short fingernails painted dark tend to look odd, like hand-held polka dots. Bright. clear na il C"lors look best wom with the dazzling shades or white, yellow, blue . red and pink so prevalent in ready-to-wear fashions this season Petite: Nice, Neat Fourteen million women in the United States are petite You're 5 foot 2 inches, weight 105 pounds. ctte 25·plus ycurs and need a new dress for that special day Whc·re lo st.art'! Up until quite recently, you might have gone to the pn··ll'<.'O shop an your favorite depart· ment store and hopt:;d to rind something that would allow you to look older than 12 Or you might have inve!ltcd in costly altera- tions to make that regular siie 8 come down to your height. Or you m ight have sewn an outfit yourself. THE FASIDON establishment has come to your rescue. About two years ago. a couple of perceptive m anufacturers realized there wats a large gap in the ma rket -a gap that encompassed 14 million women lhroul(hout the United States. This figu rl' was romprist·d of "petite·· women -women an the nmgc of between 4 feel 10 inches and s feet 4 inches. weighing 85 to 115 pounds. who were over 25 years of age. Those one or two manufacturers who start· ed to design exclusively for the petite woman have. in 1979. grown in number to more than 40 companies UNDERSTANDING TH}; csthetic, prac- tical and proportiona l needs of the s m a ll woman. they offer her sophisticated, contcm· por ary fashion created especially for her in- volved and active lifestyle. Because or proportional differences. dP· signers ke<'p certain points in mind when creat- ing for J>('lites. The first priority is fa bric. Designers know thi.' petite woman wants tht• same luxurious yet easy-care fabrics as are available lo the taller wom an-fabrics like soft challis. full-bodied knits and li ght. sheer crystal pleatings. in ·com- te m por ary fibers. Fa brics like these a re fashion-right for 1979 a nd provide her the com· fort and ease-of-care s he desires. ALMOST ANYTHING can be worn by a petite woman as long <tS the proportions are cor- rect . Petites can 't carry much layerio1 so silhouettes are clean and simplified. The e dre m es of fashion, like wider shouldeni. are modified lo a suggestion. Prints on petite-sized dresses are s maller. more closely spaced, and border prints -once anathema becawie they resist shortening -are now scaled to her size . Stripes look best when mite red or vertical giving height, not horizontal implying width. Pleats mu.st be at the right length and details honed proportionally. Good things come in small packages and now those small packages can be wrapped in fashion created just for them. Patsy Bruder, above, who plays Ellen Stewart on CBS-TV 's 'As the World Tums,• is a typical representative of the petite customer. Outfits, from left, include knit pleated dress, classic shirtdress and belted suit. Even Rocky Had a Second Chance at Title Some of you may remember that iD the day• prior to changing my image to a feminine fillff wbo wears dresses, Sbirlef Temple curls ·and baa stran1ely shape(!, proreasionally ap· piled acrylic fingernails, 1 was known in my nel1hborbood as Macho Mother. Thia IUU1lr1ou1, aounda-Uke·a·lady-wreatler- tille wu Mll·conveyed alter I learned that I bad acquired the status ot folk hero of the moment becaUM of my surfing activlUea. IT 8EEM8 THAT my children and the other --youaptera ln the nelshborhoocl bad never beU'd of a mother who 1urftd. Alld lt didn't matter to t.bem tblt I wua't any 1ood and wu coutuUy belDI DUlbed out of lbe water by IOme little hot dot Wftb DO respect for h1a elders. Eve tboulb tbe k>n1nt ride 1 'd ever had ~a• oaly JO aecond• lon1 before I wu catapult. Id forward ln a pearl dive and then po\IDCMd rtpteoully Into the Hnd, the UW. klda 1Ull U.0.Pt I wu 10methia1 1pecla1. Till)' uw IM u a curtoullty. And after awblle, I wu a curtotity wtth prcMcUon u my .. ud ldl frteDdl kept a watcblul eye oa m> a.erui ..... whereabout.a and tried to teach me how to stand up on a borrowed 8-foot Herbte Fletcher board. Then one day while I was surfin& San Onofre, I met the Big One. The Big One waa cauatd by a hurricane off the coast of Mell!co and becauae I was 1azln1 at tbe shoreline ln· uad of beblnd me, It uught me unaware. The Btl One must have been U feet high. The harder 1 tried to paddle away from lt, tbe more I wu pulled into lta force field. WUN I MW IT waa too late to do anyWn1 but to IJ'ab my board wtth both hands and pro· slrate m1aelf In hopet of beln1 able to maneuver under It. I froze. Then I took one deep last breath and prayed. The Big One s howed no mercy for a cower- ing Macho Mothe r who lacked the muscle power to gel out of its way . When ll came crashln1 down on me with \be force of a tumblln1 office buildln&, I felt sure I had teen my last sunrise. Nerve diuolved, 1 promlled myself that if I was allowed to 1et out alive, I would mothball the sw1board and put the fooli1lmels of youth beblnd me. Jn the calm ot tbe wake, I floated to the top with a mouth full of Hnd and bal.r Wiied with seaweed. I dra11ed my ellh•'l!ted, wet·sulted bOdr back to tbe car and tbe ..,_, of bome. THATS WIDN I turned ln my UU. and ~came a mere wh.lm·wham wantonly crulsln1 the 1treeta looldna for more dipifted pleuures. Eventually, t even stopped Joainl Jn tbe momlnc and aave up ex•re"1nc comp&etety and lft my body 1lowl1 tum Into vUW• puddlnlf I had Clnally rHcbed tbt dfflialn1 stale of cautk>m adult. My children were noticeably dismayed. They had lost their non·hero. But in r ecent months I have become ashamed of myself. I am bored with beln1 a whim-wham-vanllla·puddln&·femlnlne fluff. And as I regain some of my formerly loll nerve. I feel that perhaps ll '1 nol too late. Jr I dedicate myself and work bard, I mi1bt be able to set back into shape for a re·mat.cb with tbe Bia One. And another •bot at tbe Macho Mother title. IN Pal:PA&ATION• I Joined the local women'• atbJetlc club <the om> and made a· commitment to myMlt. Tbe flnt day'• wonout WH a1molt smooth and It felt u lf lbe old muacles were stilt wortda1. t ••·of course, beln1 oPt)mlatlc. Thia waa proven oa tbe leeoed d._y wlMD lbe muscles re· belled vlolemly. 0. tM Ualnl 4a1 I knew what trouble felt like. . .No matter. l latend to CCIBtiD• traiaial un· Ul I'm ltl"Oal eaoulb to face &be 8" 0.. a1atn. Wllo nrt Rocky .. tM oalJ OM •llo C:U malle a comeback? .. • I ................. WMdl•gs/Engagements Mrs. Dedeaux Mrs. Bodendorfer Grorud-Eaton . Mr. aad Mrs. Norman Gronld ot Balboa Is land tuave announced t.he en1aaeme:nt of their dau1hter, Swanoe Grorud, to Pb.IWp Eaton. The bride-elect 1raduated from Corona del Mar Hip School and Orange Coast College. The future bride1room.10n of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eaton of Newport Beach, allended Los Angeles City CoUege . A September weddi!l(i ts piano~ an St. James Episcopal Church. L1dolsle. McDermott-Martin Stacey Martin and Michael McDermott ex· changed wedding vows al the groom's Fountain Valley home. The bride, daughter or Mrs. Miriam Martin of Fountain Valley, graduated from t'ountain Valley Hillb School and Iowa State University. Tbe bridegroom, son or Mr. and Mrs. He rbert McDermott or Fountain Valley, graduated from Fountain Valley High School and Iowa State University. He attends Pep· perdine University School of Law. The couple plan to live in Fountain Valley after a wedding trip to Europe Schuler-Herberts Kathleen Herberts e nd Bruce Schuler ex- changed we dding vows in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. . The bride, daughter of Mr. and M rs. Curtis Herberts or Newport Beach, graduated from Newport Harbor High School and USC. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and mrs. Oarold Schuler or Burlingame, graduated from Cal State Polyte<:hnical University. Pomona. The couple plan to live in Costa Mesa alter a wedding trip to Central America Hendren-Bowman Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Costa Mesa, was the setting for the wedding of Karen Bowman to Michael Hendren. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowman of Costa Mesa, graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College. She is e mployed by Western Federal Savir1gs Tbe brideirroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Hendren of Rewa rlt, Calif.. graduated from LaQuinta Hilb School in Westminster and at· tended Orange Coast ColJege. He is employed by Pacific Telephone Co. The couple plan to live in Costa Mesa after a wedding trip lo Lake Tahoe. Bodendorfer-McCammon Kathleen McCammon and Thomas Boden· dorfer exchanged wedding vows in St. Bonaven- ture Catholic Church, Huntington Beach. The bride, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCammon of Huntington Beach, graduated from Long Beach City College a nd is a registered nurse at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. The bridegroom, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Bodeodorfer of Lathrup Village, Mich., graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.S. degree and a doctorate in pharmacology. He is employed by Long Beach Memorial Hospital. T he couple plan to live in Huntington Harbour aft.er. a wedding trip lo Hawaii and Las v .... CoPre' Christian School GradesK-6 • Small a-(20 etudents) • Adv8fteld ~program • AccMll llled mlltt PtOQtam • • Ac8demk: Klndefgerten -full-day Including reeding, mdt. ~ languege, & muttc &ppredatlon • Fcnign lenQulOe -beQina In Klnderger1en and contn.. In It! 9"ldee. French will be teught. • New n ~ W9Y9 of ec:Mdulfng and ..ant .....,, ..., t-. been tuccn.f\My ~. • E,..._.• on the underst8"dtnQ Of the Melllitv for order ni dllclpli• In .. -Of ..... · • D•l8"*' lo prepere ttudent1 for oolleoe-P1"9D , IHDildllr lcttOOll lhlt require CN11Ne "**'"I Md KR 11 INo •e1111noe wftNn the hmNortc o1 one'• true~. • 8"dlfl11d PIOllWi In,__..._ ....... • 611 I I au IL. ..... _. Cei 91717 ........ ,_,._......,.,, , Mrs. Berka Mrs. McDermott Crowley-Szelinski Heidi Jo Szelislta of Costa Mesa and Mark Crowley of 'Carlsbad exchanged wedding vows m St. Mark Presbyteraan Church, Newport Beach. The bride, daughte r of Dr. and Mrs. John von Szellski of Costa Mesa, graduated from Newport Harbor High School and attended U.C. Sun Diego. The bridegroom. son of Marshall Crowley Sr. or La Costa, allends U.C. San Diego. The couple plan lo live in Carlsbad after a wedding trip lo Northern California. Malits-Johnsbn Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Malits or San Juan Capistrano have announced the engagement of their daughter, Celia Malits, to Jeffrey Johnson of Corona del Mar The bride-elect graduated from Troy High School in FuUerton and Arizona State Universi- ty where she was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi. She is a teacher with the Irvine Unified School District and is studying for a master's degree al Chapman College. The future bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson of Anaheim Hills, graduated from Arizona Slate University where he was affiliat· ed with Phi Delta T heta. He is an architect with Ladd , Kelsey and Woodard, Newport Beach. He is studying for a master's degree at Cal Slate Polytechnical University, Pomona. An October wedding is planned in the Laguna Beach Presbyterian Church. Dedeaux-Cox Our Lady Queen of Angels tn Corona del Mar was the selling for the wedding or Christine Cox to Terry Dedeaux. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Cox of Corona del Mar, graduated from USC and is a real estate agent. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Dedeaux of Glendale, graduated from USC and 1s employed by Commercial Transfer Trucking Co. The couple plan to live m Long Beach after a wedding trip to the Virgm Islands. Johnson-Warner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Laguna Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Diana Johnson. to Rickey Warner of Irvine. The bride-e lect g raduated from Laguna Beach High School and attended USC and UCLA where she was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi. The future bridegroom, son of Mrs . Stanley Warner and Roy Wa rner of Moravia, N.Y., graduated from Michigan State University. A September wedding is planned In Laguna Beach Community Presbyterian Church. Berka-Smith Tracy Smith and Christopher Berka ex- c ha n ged wedding vows in Community Presbyterian Church, Laguna Beach. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Smith of Laguna Beach , graduated from Santa Ana High School and Stanford University. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt Berka of Los Altos, graduated from Stanford University and attends tbe University of Michigan Law School. The couple plan to live in Ann Arbor, Mich., arter a wedding trip to Canada. 25th Anniversary A reception followed a service in St. Joachim Church, Costa Mesa, celebrating the 25th wedding anniversary of Bem adino a nd Soledad Rodriguez. The couple married June 19, 1954 in Havana, Cuba. They previously lived In Florida and Michigan and moved to Costa Mesa in 1.966. The Rodriguez' have three children, Tania, Edward and Alex, and two grandchildren. (See WEDDINGS, Page 87) FOR NAILS WE'RE #1 THANKS TO Y01Jtt T•,.-·,.----•-of•"*llm.._._,.,.._..... ..._of Ille,,,,. ,.....To. of 111il ...-.1ioM. I (wMl 1lle •-· ""' ... ,.Mic -.,,.... .......... ,_.... ......... rot """°"'7. .... " ............... ·-·~· .......... . art -..... Iii die ..... of C8lifonlil. Nn1 .... ,._k •Ila -................ -... .... "'°""" .. = --· ..., ...... , ............ ftldi _... .. ,_ • ..................... 1"'_ .... , .... 4fy_ .... ..... ,_...,...... ..... _,~ ._ r.....-. or,_ ... lllil. = .......... ' .................. 1',,.W. nil ...... ii I ll ... ll• ................... Tillnll_,, .. _... .. , .... ~ ................. .., .... ",,... .... •llft..•..._ .. ,,,. .... ...... ... ......... ,..r: ... °'·---· .............. ~!.::~ ... ._ .................. , •. ··-··•-of ~ .. _..., • .,, .... o.. .... ,...., ......... , ,..,..,._.., ................ a........., fllRl ... ...... ...... _ .. ,._,. . ................................... ,I N a ,, llMllf\;, ot;nJ. e1.,,.. ~ .K,..,Jtl.J p_4-•1•c:iHiA~--10I • Mrs. Hendren Miss Grorud Mr. Warner. Miss Johnson Mr. Johnson, Miss Malits Wenrick-Johnsonbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wenrick or Costa Mesa have announced the engagement of their daughter. Sydnee Wenrick to David John~on­ baugh of North Long Beach. The bride-elect graduated from Estancia High School and Mount Saint Mary ·~ College, Los Angeles. T he future bridegroom, son or Mrs L. Johnsonbaugh of Bellflower, graduated from use. An August wedding is planned m Calvary Chapel. Costa Mesa. FREE CONSULTATION !!"'!' 842-8484 '·· -1120 lrvtne Blvd. N9wport BHch ' Mr. and Mrs. Schuler • 'fie '~ . .,, • ..._ fl I Miss Wenrick Mrs. Crowley··· ~~~~l ~~ -NEWPORT'S ~. ;,,Favorite Drug Store~/ l~) R Fa•t Delivery , ~ ~ ~ . ~- :l I A ~ L 1J:DO ]J lf-{UG8 1··~ 3445 VI• lido .""\ Newport BHctl !I -----........... -....~ ~ • >-~/ liiC£:1t-Off .. Quick ... a structured. 8-week seminar program tor tas1er weight loss. Enrollment limited.. Pre-registration Call today. JL@) CLASSES STARTING AUG. 13 l6iliiiP · Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach ------(714) 894-2022------ NEWPORT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Grades 7 -12 • College Preo • High Academic $landing • Small Classes ( 20 1 ) • League Soorts (boys and g1rl~J • Oceanography (vessel owned by schocr, • Cheerlead1ng • MUSIC • New gymnasium. new classrooms GIVE US A CALL NOW! 645-9282 Whether it's coverage of ·. .. your city council or Congress, Daily Pilot writers and editors look for the al I too rare, humorous twist that adds spice to I iving. Brighten your day with the entertaining, readable DAILY PILOT 642-4321 =·~ .. ~ I ANN LANDERS I ERMA BOMBECK I HOROSCOPE ~ Poollide Freeloaders ming Intolerable AlfN ~: We Wit a lovely &e w DP .......... lot. ... _....._ .... eajoylt. ....... ......... ... ba"** friend.I ...... I ....... tD _, _,. _. ,...a •u eaueed ....... ,,.. ._. ...... ...,._ we barely ............. ..., .... brtqthtlr .................... oun. v..-ntay aom~ ..... .,....,. ... ~ tMll\~lv .. aa ·--...e ... MAlbborltrom acl"CINtbultfft. • ... adQ aftMloaa I C!IMlted ftve klda ln ou tM4b11. Two I Md Hftl' aeea before. Tbey ea n' ol &M "MW ne6ala.bon,".rwack· .......... IMftlWll for ••• eeld driU ... fll ........ bad elloeola&e crwnb9 all 111111 ,._, lie bM. eut u.eo a oab I bad jult .~~.:-·_ ... _ ... .,..,......dub. · Wll towela (Ml oun> are left at poolalde • el eolll'M, I mlllt wub them or they will . • 111 lambud Md I are at a lou. Wbat abotald .. about tbll terrible Frantens&eln we have I ....... , -WJSB WI: HADN'T BUILT IT . DU& -= TeU •"'1 pe ......... ,. ' •• IUt &lie ,... .., beeeme a pro. _. fNm .. • ,..U are ..t weleome ..... ..., un lleell laft&ed bJ ...... TeU .... ,_ cu aeeo••oda&e oaly a Umlted ••W ud Y• llope dtey ... ntaDd. If &Mlr .... , set°"' el Johll, so ., .. ., w• a llWe luck &My wW pt •Mud Mt n .. ..er u.ymore. . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I waa surprised at that letter -trom the 1irl who wrote and aaid "olde r" people, in U..ir earl~_•. tbouJcl think twlce before bav!AJ a baby. Tbe writer pointed out that abe wu born when ber parents were in their 40I aDd lbe was alwaya uncomfortable at acbool attain beeauie tbey were t.be oJdest- looklq parent.a present. In fact, people mi.stoolc them for ber 1randparenta. I wonder why you didn't ask that young snip ii abe would have preferred that her mot.her bad underto0e an abortion? You must have been aaleep at the switch. dearie. -STILL FUMING DEA& STILL FVlllNG: Toe bad I dida't laave JOU brataa la my lilead wltem I reapeeded lo that letter. Bat tlaHb for tl•e Happy co•eback-ewem lf I& 11 abou& Ulree weeki late. ·A Swat for all Reasons Wherever parents gather , the question ~mes up whether It is harder to raise children aowadays than it used to be. ·., Tbe vote la a unanimous, "Yes!" • Everyone bas their theories and I have •mine. I think a lot of it binges on t.be passing of law• that worked on us, but a re frowned upon by modern-day parents. • FO& EXAMPLE, who among you over age 38 can ever forget the Hit·Now-Ask-Later Dis· clpllnary Act used by your parents. It worked OUll CIDLDREN don't know how lucky :'f!ry simply. Whenever your mother "thought " they are to be protected by lhe You·Cannot-Be· ~ou did something, she'd reach over and give Tr ied -Twice·for·lhe-Same·Crime Decision. I you a swat. When it was proven you didn't do it, was tried at least 5,000 times for a lamp I broke .she reminded you of her bookkeeping system while doing a cartwheel in the living room. To •here that rap was for au the times she didn't this day wheneve r I make an illegal left turn or eee you when you did do something. For some drop an ecg on the fioor. my mother will remind ~eaaoa, I always owed her. She never owed me. me of the lamp. I I miss using t.be Search and Seizure Statute. A lot of laws for r aising children have gone ~ cannot, for a minute, imagine my mother by t.be boards ln the past 20 years. Some of them }standing outside. of a closed door in respect for should have gone. I always fell that soap in the )Dy privacy saying, "Do you have a dog in mouth was never an effective cure for profani· ~ere?" ty, and switching legs with branches from a l Yet. the other day when I was missing my tree was not in the besl interest of ecology. ~ennis racket, I was not permitted to enter my But sometimes when l 've listened to a child ,kids' rooms until they were sure 1 was only take three hours to tell about a movie that only looking for my ra cket. No one wi ll ever con-lasted an hour and a half, I yearn for the days -Ytnce me that they did not flush my racket down when you didn't "have a right to remain 'the commode. silent?" ... YoU bad a duty! ! ... Wedding I Engagements .. • • I I <Fre• Pase•> Miss Miller, Mr. Turner Miller-Turner Mrs. A. Donna Castro of Costa Mesa has an- nouaced t.be engagement of her daughter, Lisa Miller, to David Turner J r. The bride-eiecl g raduated from Estancia Hilb School and attended Orange Coast College. The future bridegroom, son of David Turner Sr. of Rancho Palos Verdes, graduated from UCLA and attends Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. An August wedding is planned in Wayfarers Chapel, Rancho Palos Verdes. Miller-Schweighardt St. John Vianney Chapel on Balboa Is land was the setting for tbe wedding of Gayle Scbweigbardl to H. Ross Miller Jr. T h e brid e . daught e r of St e phen Scbweighardt of San Clemente, graduated from San Clemente High School and Saddleback ColJege. She is e mployed by Dr. Lawrence BrownJee. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Miller Sr. of Corona del Mar, graduated from Aquinas High School in San Bernardino and Cal Slate Long Beach. He is employed by lbe Huntington Beach Unified School District . The couple plan to live in Tustin after a wedding trip to Aspen. Alderfer-Gaffey Linda Gaffey a nd Alan Alderfer exchanged weddin g vows in Candlelight Chapel, Las Vegas. T he bride, daughter or Mrs. Nena Galfey of Costa Mesa, graduated from Newport Harbor HJgh School and is employed by Ralphs Grocery Co. t · The bridegroom, son or Mrs. Doris Alderfer and Harold Alderfer or Costa Mesa, graduated from Newport Harbor High School. He is self· employed. The couple plan to live in Costa Mesa. RUFFEU.'S ... 1Dl1111Y UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ... , .... ..... 1m.....,.a1vd., C..UM1N--.1tM · Tocl•r ..,. than ever ............ beet bur •IU"i"'ll Let us re.tore the beGut, of your uphol8tered furniture We clean ordinary fabrics, but toe~ ift problem fabric•, auch a.s bleeders, velvets, haitfon cottOtt, brocade• & 1uede1 with out1tanding re.sulta! Wealeoa=cleaftcefP9hl•8Pff FOR PRll I JI, ........ (714) ~7W Qioast Jrabrir Qiarr .................. AM (AdJ_.,.t toSoutft Cont Plaia> ~·July 29. 1979 DAILY PILOT 9V Boros«!ope ) MONDAY, SULY• By SYDNEY OllA&a ARJES (March 2l·Aprtl lt): Go alow. lie low. teet waters, gel Jee al clearances, prepare for new atarta. contacts, slept iD different dlrec· tiou . TAtJ&VS (April 20-May 20): Accent OD de· .pendents. pets, employment, "catching up" with relatives in transit. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persona figure in scenario . GEMINI <Ma y 2l·June 20 1: Highlight versatility, humor, enla rging or horizons. Apply special, creative touch to efforts. Young person becomes enthusiastic ally. CANCER (June 21 ·July 22) : Be a ware of subtle nuances, security requirements. quality of material. Basic issu~s. long.range plans are spotlighted. Aquarius. Leo, Scorpio persons figure in scenario -so does the number 4. Olde r family wants r eassurances. LEO <JuJy 23-Aug. 22): Accent on short t rips, calls, messages, written reports. Ideas can be transformed into via ble concepts. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives figure pro- minently . VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sepl. 22): Accent on pay. ing special fee. getting what you need. Taurus, Libra. Scorpio natives figure prominently. Your judgment concerning special luxury item. art object, proves correct. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Cycle high - hold fast to principles, insist on quality, ignore catcalls implying that you have an "impossible dream." Pisces. Vi rgo persons play important roles. You smash through pretense. SCORPIO COct. 23·No v. 211: Obtain valua- ble hint by studying Libra message. You have more "strength" on your side than might be ap. parent to superficial observers . You gain access to secrets. SAGITl'ARJVS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21>: Accent on credit received from "noble effort," winning friends and influencing people. You could come to the end of a search. You conclude transac· tion. you learn what you are seekmg. CAPRICORN <Dec 22-Jan. 19>: Obtain hint by reading Sugittanus message. Accent pn fresh concept whi ch could result in elevating pr estige. Leo. Aquarius persons fi gure pro- minently. Your popularity receives boost. AQUARIUS CJ<Jn . 20-F'eb. 181 · Good Moon aspect tells of long-distance ealls, travels. sub· mission of m;,inuscnpts llunch pays off -one who "secretly" adorPs you m ay s urface . Another Aquarian. a Cancer and a Scorpio figure in scenario. PISCES (Feb 19·M arch 20): You get beneath layers of pretense. superficiality. Finances, prospects, "condition" of special re- lationships arc revealed. Per mit yourself freedom of inquiry, thought. The Precision Haircut (And why 1t m1gh1 be nghl for you l If you hate the way your haircut disappears the day after, come to Command Performance where we specialize in the precision haircut. Precision haircutting is our technique for cul· tin~ the hair in harmony with the way it grows. So. as 1t grows, It doesn't lose its shape. And because the hair Is cut to fall naturally, you don't have to keep fussing with it. Usually a shake of the head does it. The precision haircut with shampoo and blow· dry costs just sixteen dollars for guys and gals. We also offer permanent waves, coloring, frosting and conditioning. No appointment Is needed, just come In. And you'll see that precision is right for you. t¥94------~ ~mmand Perfonnanee • t919""" lntntnef~ 8-tw<-""t•"'O °'8 llWJllMGI & _,..,. .. (t All • t N Dal&.\'/ t All • • N IAT j SANTA ANA -12321. 171h ST • (l.W. Cor. of 17th A Grand) M7-t711 COSTA MESA • MESA VIRDE ceNTO hNnd 1oe lbtlftl Rink~ A AdelM) 14CM113 4 Dress llfft11r ~~ WOMEN'S APPAREL ANO ACCESSORIES END-OF-SUMMER SALE > All REMAINING SUMMERTIME WEAR All SALES FINAl SALE STARTS MONDAY 9555 GARFIElD-FOUNTAIN VAlilY lWe•n klc.tM i. W.._. c.terl 968-46n Yes ••• We are the Be$t LAMPS ltUS· 5 GIANT SHOWROOMS-SA VE ~ O n More Lamps and L1ght1ng Fixtures->' Than You Con Possibly Imagine! I 1995 ., LARGE 38 IN. LAMP • I FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBO .. ........ 1111 TV PERSONALTDt TV's DiJJhing Up More Cop Shows But Will 14 Series in One Season Be too Much for Viewers? 1171saav auCll u ............. ...... 1101..LYWOOD -ll'1 t .20 ln \ht .,. •. ,... ...,. bq1 TUIMltowD like • blkiDl oe a bloNM. I tot I hot Up. Tbe TV top la trylq to IMU bee}. lDto town. I '"*9t m)' LaSaJa. In th dJ~Uon of U. Strip. That '1 whe-re the 1h1mUH11 but out. I park It at Dino'• I II.IP INTO 1 dark booth wheN! I cu lleep an eye on lh door. It lan 't klll1 before he comH tn. H~ 11)'1 tu name la Rlchud LevlMon. He'• 1ot a record u lont as your a rm He and his r:rtHr, WllHam Link. 11r~ responinbll' r "lhnnla." "al cCloud " 11nd "Columbo " ''The police show went ot! the atr an tbe h ue und cry O\•e r violence." • Levinaon says. "I gueas things have cooled olf enouab for them to return If there ii a trend, It's because we haven't had cop shows In a while, and television la an endless repetition of cydes." I prea for an answer: Is the cop show cominc baclt too soon" He says, "If som etblna 'a 1ood it doesn 'l n eed jualificalion. The a udience likes to watcb dramaUc conflict involving life and death situations, a nd the forms arc limjted. There's a lways room for a st1lish private eye or a procedural police show." My uf bad come in the early morning hciun. set down a brunette to pick up U.. phone. The voice was like death warmed over. ••rM ONLY going to say this once," he said. "Cops and private eyes are coming back to the tube. NBC's got 'Ejscbied, • about the c hief of detectives in the Big Apple. CBS has ·Paris,• a big c ity d et ective c a ptain, and 'Big Shamus, Lillie Shamus,' a hotel dick in Atlantic City and his young son, ABC's got 'Hart to Hart.' a wealthy husband· and -wife detective te am, and '240· Robert,' a chip off 'CHIPs,' and waiting in the wings is 'Stone,' a detective who becomes a famous writer and slays a cop." I pulled out an old Raci ng Form and did some fi guring . That's six shows. Last fall the networks had juBt three new cop shows. Only "Vega$" could take the heal. So. with "Charlie s Angels," "Hawaii Fivc -0 ," "RC1 rnaby .J on es," "Ka te Columbo," 'CIIiPs ," "Quincy" and "Hock ford Files." that makes 14 cop shows. Last year there we re only 10. I tooled ove r to a ~in Joint wh ere I met Mr. Big in the b:J ckroom. Quinn Martin HUMOR KEY TO SUCCESS RECIPE? once ruled this town . For slurters. he had ''The f'ugltlvt'." "Most Wuntcd," "Strei'll'i of Sun f'runcisro." "Cunnon" and "The Untouchables." QM l'roduc· lion's still got "Uurnuby Jones" and u new spy show, "A Mun Called Sloane." MR. BIG pinned the rup on the networks. "Just like tht· W<'Sterns," ht· s ays, "it got beat into the ground. You can't do a genre l hut much without buildJng up an audience reaction. You had a consumer boycott because of the violence. "I think they 're coming back Loo soon. When you kill a gcnrr you've got to wail fi ve or six years . I don 't think u true cop show li ke · E1sch1cd' even though it's good is where the au· dience lS today. I think lhcy're lookini:t for their cop shows with humor and not real." I ran into Fred Baum al a luau pl ace>. He runs the islundi. as capo de capo for "Hawaii Fivt.:·O " lie !lay:., "A ~ood police show deals with pl'oplc, problem~. rea lity :Jnd lhin~s right out of the ncwspapcri.. ll 's what pt•oplc ct.1n idc>n l1£y with. "THE BEST way t(1 take curn·nt <'ve nts a nti put lhcm d r amaticall y before the public is the police show There's no better way to deal with whllt li fe's ull C1 bout. You start with u character with a problem or a v11la1n who's motivated by a reason. You play TD DA I'S CID I SID ID PVIZLI ACROSS ~Purvey'.> 107 Stupefy 19 Devote 74 Hall l')a1ners t Church part eo Bay·; 108 Swiss river 20 Great Bar· 75 Buffets 5 Hereditary 61 Hor:.e t11 Ranted rler 11>ldnd 76 Scheme right 112 Compass pt 113 Weber op-?2 Kellledrum 76 Lmoer over 9 Chinese 65 Add., UP era 30 Gasp 79 Fleshy fruits 1omplo 68 Brtllbh 116 Oo1eriord· 32 Soltd1ty 80 Tire mishap 15 Get along mother hon 34 Groat Lake 81 Gets up 2 words 67 Brw1h away 118 Landed 35 Female 82 EdQU 21 Retrnrves 68 Sw.m oon•Jlt r_.:operty horse 83 Accomplish- 2 wnrds b9 Soap plant 119 exicc.n 36 Duct ment 23 Poplarb 7CJ Flutlers do sh 37 Fruit drinks 85 Adventure 24 E~JI dtllh 71 Zulu weapon 120 Named be· 38 l'hong 86 Overhead 25 0 wall 72 Entertain fore 39 Arrived trains work 73 Father Fr. 121 Cubic mea:.· 40 Conquers 87 Oriental 26 Priestly gar· 74 Ate ures 41 Home heat· area ments 75 Sr.outed 122 Spring hOli· ers ? words rt Harangue 79 Gold mine day 42 Dictionary 88 British legis- 28 Ceylon 77 Donkey 123 Quart part enlry 1a1or measure 78 Conceals 124 Concludei. 43 Lawi.u1ts 69 Sl'ladow 29 Roman ora· 79 Fac.1ory 44 Hurry 90 V1c.1ous IOI 80 Orn.,te 45 Marry 91' Peel 30 Dabs 81 Wanders 47 R1d1cu1es 93 Advance 31 Second· 82 Lima and DOWN 48 Pry 94 Globule hand Siring 1 Rep111es 49 Slumber 95 Move back 33 Aunt: Sp 83 Arctic drift 2 Hawa11an 51 Possessive 97 Also 34 Ivory Latin 6" Excavate ~oddess pronoun 98 Leveler 35 Manulac-86 Animate 3 ky stghl 52 Stirs 99 Germ.in tu red 89 Snares 4 Curved let-53 Ole, e O composer 38 Dromedary 90 Food 11om ter S5 D1stanl Pro· 101 Mori.a. et al. 38 Ory: Fr 91 Jewelry set· 5 Serviceable fix 102 School Fr 39 Gather ting 6 More dread· 56 Famous 103 -and e,gga 42 Decline II? Charters lut 57 LIOU 104 Near Fr. 43 Weal 93 Couples 7 B1b1tcal 59 Story 106 -noiro Pointer 94 Thrash name 60 Caverns 106 He was. ~ Soda·SIPi>Of 95 Has status 8 Conducted 61 Sugary Laun "8Proflt 96 Cavalry 9 Procession 62 EKplain 107 Defy Fr. 47 Harbor sword tO Winged 63 Plummets. '8 P1th1 87 Prunes 11 Challers 2 words 108 B1bllca1 'llElf Ill Turf fuel 12 Tumor: Sol-64 Sooner. Ob· name 50 Persian 99 Barest "• so1ote t09 Caustic 51 Rllbbll 100 Varanglana 13 Speck 65 Mulberry 110 Maroons 52 Tableland• 101 Chltta 14 Supposes bark 112 Gibbon 53 Wiped 102 Spirit 15 Traveler's ' 68 Jubae 1 1~ Lamb's cry 5'A111m 103 Cotorlul fish atop 87 Revolves 115 Printing altkworn1 104 For each 16 Among 88 Persian poet MOVeraff 106 Spar 17 Greek ghost 70 Broaden measures 5e Unu101I 106 Habitat plant 18 Chemical 71 Bridges 118 Olbbte 57 Meek ol\ee form subatance 72 Lily 117 Compaaa pt. ll out and good triumphs over evil . There've been shows about crooked doc· tors and other negative ractors, but peo· pie want to sec good win out. That's why 'Hawa.U fi'ivc-0 ' has been on for 12 years." I hit the Swank Club, where the swells hung oul. Grant Tinker vouches ror me . Tlnkt'r, who made his reP. with ''The Ma ry Tyler Moore Show ' and other romedles, Is making his first venture into crime with "Puris." Ill' 1rny11 .. 'Purls' is not In the tradi· tlon ot th ~· cop s how . It's more thoughtful. The central churucter nr- rt ve11 at u solution more through think· 1111< rulher lhun shoolmg someom· down In lhut sense. Jl's nol u return t.o th cop Rhows lhal we all remember. .. •PARIS' IS lr11s a rcnt!clJon or the times. tht• pressures ut(uln11t vloh•ncc. than the kind of thing thut Interests ll!f here at MTM . We wouldn't want to do JUSl another cop show. Shows like 'fA>u Grant' and 'The White Shadow' that are off the beaten pulh are wh at Interest us .. Jn a wate rfront dive, David Gertwr Is singing like a canary. He's got "Police .Story," "Police Woman," "Mun Un· dl'rCOVer." "Th<'rc is a sll"ht re vival. but it tends to be more offbeat cop s hows ... he says . Network rcseLJrch sho~s people want what he culls . "the 'Death Wis h' syn· drome," after the movie in which a man avenges the death of his family. "Ucscarch shows that people want cops and detectives who wi ll bend the rult• to protect the community ," he says. "They want lo S<'C cops protecting people und not Just worryi ng about the rtJ,thts of crimmul!>. "IN 'EISClllF.D.' h<' wtll takt• on the hurcaueracy ut hi gh l1•vcl!> and gel mto s1luat1ons where he will bt•nd the• r ules un t1 l they ('rack to protect peoplr We'll have ston es uboul d1plomat1c 1mmun1ty and a cnme th<.1t turns into a media circus .. "They wa nt someone who 1s emo- tionally lied up in prou·ctmg thei r com· m unity. I think people want to be as- sured of that." Fin a lly. as the s un i.1nks o vf'r Wt•slwood , I drop hy lh·adquurtcrs to ~<'l' Brandon Tart1koff lh-'s b11{ in pro· grnmmini:! at NRC. "The furor has died down, hut it's t<.1kcn tht• cr<·ativt· <:11mmunity a yc;ir and a hulf lo figun· nul how lQ d" a cop ~how in loduy's cnv1ronml'nl," he says "You can 'l dn what u~l·d to be donC' the violc·nc1·. tlw car c:hu:-.cs. thl· cons- McCLOUO'S CREATOR THINKS VIOLENCE REACTION HAS COOLED a::.t!N'VllReAL eTUDeCJe TOU lloaHflllCA~ ~O:Jl ... IAll•l),.l!IJ"" THE CllllCllBDE AIRPORT79 A1Al'dk,f'll1 ~1 !'1 r:.••'1f :. " .nm l.llM "'"'" .~ 1:, :·. • 01 · HllJI :,· r'" .. U:l.ldJIM "''I·" '" • EDWARDS' HUNTINGTON Huntlnglon Beach 848·0388 I I ! I' I ~Ir.I A', II( 1 'I r11',~'l '\~ 11'.',1. •11 'I ',' "J11 1 ll/.~lh:IUu!Ml,"r''Jl·1l1t11111,1l1i1'I , '.'. f ' H ~ 11 \ 1 t. i (1· ' I 11 t •·-·-·/ I p r; 'Yf•ta.1.;.-.n ..nnn1.ca' .. .. _~ 4 I --·-.--··•·•-· ·--· t.il't:U-ia:tl•l\'4 CINEDOME BUENA PARk DRIYE·IN 11111:11.J !'.ir k 821 4070 Or.mge bJ4 :>'>'• ·lbe sights and ~ of the '60's. There were bittersweet times_ There were crazy times... and it was all unforgettable. PAll LE MAT · Clf'.()Y WILLIAMS· ~DY Cl.ARK G1ARLES MARTIN SMITH · MACKENZIE PHIWPS·BO HOPKINS onct RON HOWARD Aluc:ASJUAllO flllOOUC hON "MORE AMERICAN GRAFATI" B w. L NORTON _.,,,,.c,,,_,_c_.,. --~-IJf . , 1..t~1UCAS-UI01MW7•MV.lin"ll'<r• --°"HOWARD KAZANJIAN '"''"'""'~GEORGE LUCAS . AHOWOU' ... #"""'•GO-lfTN(lleTOO• .,,,,.,.._ .. -.r•U'W • ....,..._, : I .... ..., •K•........ I r..."'9.1111\(;;;.,.1 [Dibii&!&I ____ , • ... ......., ..... ""'•"."" '-=--. . .;~:... .. -..t:::::.·:~J \I \RI\ lf.'11)\\ Cl 1111111 Orange 834-'Z&S3 ............... SantaAna 531-1271 WPEASONALtTY Gilda's Ceunting on Everybody 'lll•T. PA.LC, brown·IW.-.d Ollda Kadner taa•a .......... SIM H)ll the uadertlHclln• I• cwhft. lier lll'owa t>~I hrinkle and ahe ei- ~ ''I Just flpred out y .. terday • Aldon." a. ......... f'lll• a sweatband around bt r .... IUIU 1 very alow·motion run. all t.he ••A"nl IOOtbUy a t aa lmairinuy camera. ... are beard. Sht bums . AJI WI occurs ln a rt hn rsal hall, when· ... II.year-old Inmate of NBC'a "Saturtby ~ Uve" 1s r<>•dyin.a her ftrst 8rolldwa,y lllliW. In previews now. Lt offaciully st arts u one lllll9tb rua Wednesday. "1'111818N'T A one-woman lihow, because I 't think I could do one." she uys . "J like DI everybody around me." 'Everybody lncludes her show's proclucet· tor. Lome Michaels, head of ''Saturday t Uve:" Don Novello, SNL 's saintly Father o Sarduccl, and Rouge. a three-woman up singing troupe. Other everybodys inc lude various Radncr acters, some new, others from SNL. such Baba Wawa , a famous ancho r person bara Walter never inte rvie wed , and eAnn Roseannadanna, based on a local ale. ,. "It's pretty loose, so Baba may be in. dlaybe not," notes Gilda, who also will essay some •lngjng and dancing. "As long as I show rup e very night. there's a chan ce everyone will rbe there ... SHE HAS BEEN plotting a Broadway show a long time, it seems. "From the lime I was about 6," she says. "I was practicing in my buck yard, with the s heets on the line. for this s how." A wee sigh escapes lier. "Noone ever came to sec 1t." That was back home an Detroit. She grew \lp, a ttend the Um vers ity of Michigan and ·' l .,es an ·oral interpre tation m11jor. · re11ding out loud l majored in" -and then broke into show bb. ButnotinNewYork. lnTorol'\tO. Why? MISS KADNER, A zany on TV but in the nesh a bit shy a nd wary, a vulnerable pixie. IOflly and simply explains it this way. "A guy. I lnet a guy, a Canadian." She offers no further details on this party But she does say she was in a Toronto version of .. Codspell" a year, then Joined the Toronto twanch of Chicago's fumed Second City Im· provlsalion group. Then it was off to New York. to work on the TV COPS ..• (From Page 88) tant Jeopardy. So you often tum to humor to m ake up the screen t ime. "I'll grant that if ·Eischied' or the others are a bit you'll see more of a willingness by the networks to bring on more cop shows. January would be the t.irn~. · · Anallei• Trg·outs ) Circus Seeking · Showgirls-to-be Showgirl auditions for Hingling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be held on Wed· nes day, Aug.8. from 10 a.m. to noon in the arena of the Anaheim Convention Center. 800 W. Kate Ila Ave. Antoinette Concello, aeria l director of The Greatest Show on Earth. and J erry Fries. stager and choreographer. will conduct the try- outs. • . · ~ifcus showgirls ser~e as dancers. ~nd performers in the ptoducbon numbers, riding ~ e lephants and participatang in the aerial ballet ; routine. Girls must be at least 18 years old and have some dance training. Applicants should wear leotards for the audltton and e nte r the Convention Cente r through the stage door and proceed to the arena • floor. DAllY PILC T APPl>olt GREW UP IN FRONT OF TELEVISION Giida Radner Growing Old Inside TV National Lampoon Hadw llour. the Lampoon!> off-Hro;idway show and then. C1vt· year' ago, to the start of the lalt:·hour cratanc!>s on "Saturday Night L1ve." 1-~ive hundred mend icants anlerv1cwf..-d for that show. But Gilda had an 1:dge, as producer Michaels already knew her work. The FIDI Team aro at It again In llllllr au new hllarious advenbnsl _,_..~noc-.~--­---~··-""°'""'* ... ~ ~-· ... -~ .... •• ... • •• ,.,4 •• KA#Y M()lil(l,A.N ·-~ ... • •• _,. •• ,.., -•· • •it • ..,., -.. ~·-...... _ _, ....... ···--.. -· ... -... , .. ~ r:- • ~.~-1~1.z1~M~·'~'·*~·'!"C:t~•1i1a1~es~•i-e·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·""··· : -... .UC.. WU1' ~ Nllu.ntDW : • .... .....,,. DedkndK ...s 13n>unstkks : : •••::atJDn .. #.4'>,..lbvt ...... Jf't_.•'-•W4., _[G] • e M ~ t \I• t~,,~,,~ 1 u wr o+ ;1\ _. u..-.. ...._.... • .._, ltCMMC~ • ~I e -· PLAYlll AT A TMEATIE IBll YOUI ANAHEIM. lftok,..,nl 112 ~48 lllllA. UA Metiu 3 Ill 41 990 4022 COSTA MlSA. UA C1nt11111 3 S40 0~94 (l TORO. S1441t~ S8 I 6880 fOOfllAJN VAlllY fo~11111n y,u.., I 839 1~00 OAAlllCL Ott11 .. o .... In ~S8 1012 ORANG! O"n9t M•A I 631 0340 O"ANGI UA C11y C1otm1 3534 JY 11 WlSTMINSTEll. llA C...1M1 3 893-0S48 '11RACULA IS l Dml fll ........... dt1111wll•llllclll11 M1lok .. 11111111 Olen .. ,..... ... Tlln Im .. bem I ml villlly 'llutiful .__ .. . RUllUI .... -0 1ry Arnold, W .. hlnglon Poal "lJnlllll is I marvelous l:oUld .Dracula and .. 1bl klld of styliDd ,.r1D111111D which brillp Oscar ........... II is I ftM blend of art. frillll lld ... " -Dale Sic~1>ns. C1n<:onn1111 Posl ·...,1 )\\ l'I .\\I....,• • ..... llMl "._ ....... Orlllgl 93Mll40 Orange 139-1770 "I also knew his work, because he used to have a comedy show on TV in Canada, and I uaed to watch hJm," •be aaye. Sbe l•u•lll· "So now that's what we do for • Uvtn1. We watch each other." Mill Radner, whoa• fam• eomH from television. readily admit.a to beln1 a child of sam e. "I waa once quoted aa aaytns, 'l ll'eW up ln front ot a·television aet and I'm Soft.D• 1row old Inside one.' But now, I'm really 1onna a1e quickly from going on Broadway. "But I thlnk what a lot of people don't re· alize i.s that with 'Saturday Nil.ht Uve' we do this every week , an under-rehearsed off· Broadway show e very week for 40 mlllloa peo· pie." SHE SCRATCHED HER head. "So then why am I so scared to have three weeks ~­ hearsal for a show in a place with 1,500 seats? But that's my dream, that the people are there." Miss Radner. of course. isn't the first SNL star to make an effort outside the Saturday night arena. Chevy Chase quit the show several years ago to t ry his luck in Hollywood. He's still trying. ·· John Belushi became the first to really hit it big with "Anim al House." and Bill Murray is having a good run with his new movie, "Meat- balls." Rut both remain with SNL. WIUC'll IS WHAT Miss Radner plans to do. despite what she calls her "summer job'' on Broadway "It !the NBC s how 1 is one of the best jobs in show business." she says. "There aren't that many performl'rS who know they've got a job to go back to I figure. if things go wrong o n Broadway. at least" -s he starts grinning -"I know I've got work in the fall. "It's wonderful in terms of getting a chance to pe rform . I've gotten to explore e ve ry performing fantasy on the show, from being a rock singer lo ;1 nt-w!>caster . And n 's only going to becomt· as boring a:. J makt: 1l " _; A YEAH ACO, ~he was t;.ilking of doing \.\h at ft•ll uw Ut·tro1ll·r Lily Tomlin <.tlrcady ha:. dom· t rl'<it1ng an al'l ;.ind taking al a round the l'ountr y, pl;,ayang c;,ampu::.c::. and concert h<ilb And"""'., Gilda Hadncr gave t ha s great thought. And winked und saad . "Well. what I'm doing is test- ing out the uct in New York to sec if it's ready to take on the road." More Entertaining Than Humanly Possible! • lk 111'> •.hr.!~ , 1 Ml\k"'• 1111<1 J k r••·. "' llM Iii ..,..,. •' 11« ~ • • , ., ••• 1111 MUl11 I 'l' Jl.11 ' 1 .. ,• , • ._.,,111.1MAM1~,l~H•.tK ·l~·~h••t• 'JJll ;,·. w, .. ,.,, .... "IOI'! l!JI ti ,., IM ~. llUK';• • 1 ...... I .. , j,\MI I li/\ .... 11 ' "h-I'. I"• ••, l'l\1 JI Wll 111\M' ''"'Kl'•'.;\/\•• 1111< t 11t1,.1.,,, 11. rlil\'\/11dNIU ••. ,, •.•• ,11 .,,.,1,..11·, ...... ,,.~. ttMtllf".; ..... ;r .. tli,l\;'\K(I/ H W<vr.t l"'l1~ • I '' I "l<l t 1 P ...., ·I 1.\1.I t I • I/ I ,,,.. f t\Afocfl fitft1',1~o ,.11\11" u·,'1'fl(t 11 ~~. '-111 , , • .1 tfit..,\HIUf•t.I'-. ~"'•ll'*"•tW l11 t "1tl li.k1111 1t l/\1"l '''Jl~11(l'o lll>Mllo ll'N lll WJlll~Jlltll Hl~llP Jl1 MA!JtlJt.f 111\ltN ·(.Alt<A IV\M •<I 01<1-.11.111 HM.\N ·-.ILVI M/ll<llN IOCH.>\lllll'IMlH · lfl 1\1VM\1.11-.·\JR!>fl!'<WI 111 .... ·ll'llJl Wll I IAM-. ~·· ...... _Al'--""'-· ........ ·-~ "-...._-...... ..._.. ... -'-.' MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVENT" (PG) "MOON RAKER" <PG > "ROCKY II" !PG> "FRI SCO KID" (PG) "JU ST YOU AND ME. KID" (PG) ··~uST NEVER SLEEPS" (PG) .. BLOODLINE" (R) "LOOKING FOR MR. GOOOBAR" "THE IN·LA "(PO) .. WHO IS KIUING THE G~EAT CHEFS O'F EUAOPE?• .. SUMMER CAMP" "UP IN SMOKE" (A) "PROPHE8 A) "THE LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVED DOWN THE LANE" "MEATBAUS" 'WHICH WAY IS aw?" (R) A'-1.. OllUYl•I ... oN.N kJIP.M.--..Y Cllt .. U• .. 11 ,.,.. U• .... e ....._ "'"'••M Cff'~I !li<JOrl ..., BURNS SHIEtOSfii JUST YOU t'.-, • AND "" ME,KIO :-. Plua (PG) "ICE CASTLES" Bill.MURRAY -[PG, • ..._.,..._ • Mon.·Frl. 1·1s. 9:15, 11.00 S1t./Sun 1 15, 3 1~. !»15, 7 15,9 15.11.00 DAIL V PILOT •• Bill.MURRAY -'II'(}~ • ~--•JI'#' -•• .# MOf'I IA 1 •t t1 .. tt OO •• , ""'" t u . J •• ' " I I\ t t\ ti M <UMT IASf .. 00 15CA.-1 F•OM ALCAY•AZ .. ' Mon ·Fu 6 00. 8 15 10 30 Sal Sun 1 15, 3 30, 600,815,1030 PRANK a LANGELLA ~~ ~ ._..._ . ..._r_. ................. -~ 'PO'"lu1 GIORGI ..... I! "OH GOD!" • t i 'Akatraz,' 'M~pets' contrasting Mil and fun .... Om ..... tbe dlNdGr oL ··~ .... ---,,.. MN&raa," ... dM ....,., 1&'11 luer. ~ &1Ad trim• ar. hll daubl· dto. IMll· ly eoa&emporary-urban, IOIMti ... Ill priloa. altho~b he dlNl'ltd · 'Tht ShooUat,.. Jobn Wayne 1 lut plthart nm SNQ)UNTB& OF 81,EG&L ANO hla Illar, CUni &utwood, tbelr ftft.h C'Oll•bor•Uon. 11 I mani ... lnlde In hell. S6e&tl'1 film alyle lffml al,aoet a cine111aUc n-ndlllon of lh• Eut.-ood ,_nona. lean. clean and U9't We never ltam why l!:aatwood'a character ii la prieon and U 00.sn't m atter Eaatwood la hlm..U a dlaUllatton, an at.traction OttaUa would Ofdy c:oalUH t.h~ ab,lracuon • That ... ot •betracuon ulu siceel well He waan'l makln1 a film about penal ~ru lty or miacamaae or JWlll<'t' or unyUuna hke that. tie was execuUna a complex llttttem Of acUon, wl\h a st ar strong enouah In hlm:-elf to JOtn one it· quence to the next. TIDS 18 NM TO SAY THAT Sie1el has no inte rest ln chaaracler . he IS def\ It (a&l•lll'ote maaaiine portraiture. like the librarian played by Paul Benjamin or the old con played by Roberts Blossom Dul Siegel is smart enough not to burden his star with particulars . Eastwood. moving through the film like a scalpel. Is whul Siegel likes. what he bandies exactly. Siegel and Eai1 twood a r e known for violence, but there's relatively little this time. Eastwood punches someone only once Blossom (what a good a ctor> mutilates himself. Otherwise it's ult relatively cool -coldly excit · lJlg Bruce Surtees, who clad "The Shootist'' {n gold, was the cincmulOgraphcr for this mm. which was shot in Alcatraz, refurbished for the occ:.ision All tht' photography is good. but t.hc work al night or in dark passages 1s stunning. l'VE NEVt:R SEEN MORE SUBTLE night lighting an color film ll catches just enough of faces to keep us informed. yet it's without trick or preciousness. Surtees conveys that the place is a lmost black al the same time we're seeing what we need to see. The script is a first effort by Richard Tug· gle. from a book by J . Campbell Bruce. and it docs it'i job concisely. in speakable dialogue. In I The FIRST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy. AIAN ARKIN 111AUEN' la a~-a ........... .__, """'llUn, ... ....,... , a rousor, 8 ICtllct." and • ton of fun." 0.. ..... NIC-TY ---------- LEAN ANO MEAN !ASTWOOD CONTRASTS WITH REFLECTIVE KERMIT IN CURRENT HITS Suatalnlng the llghtheertedn•H of >'fhe Muppet•' Mey Heve Been Tougheet Chore thl' 29 yl'urs of Alcutruz's existence. 39 men tried lo escape. JG of whom fulled. Ttus script IH about the other three. or who m noth111i.t Ii. known , they may have drowned in Sun f''runcilicO Uuy, as three known fulled fugit1v<'S did They muy have gotten • • • THE MOST D ... FICUl,T nLM mood lo sustum, l'vt• always thought, is lighthearted· ness. Whm you think or all the piecework in pie· ture-moklng. tht• de lays, the retakes, the length or lime OV<'r whi ch the whole fragmented pro· cess goes on. it's much mort> of a wonder lhal then · 1s suC'h a thin~ us 11 hubhly film lhan lhal there 1s a sust um<"tl dram a And 1( 11 's toul(h with actors, imagine what 1t must ht• "1th pu1>pcts, wht•re every sli ghtest movem('nt has tu Ix• planned mechanically and yel 1t all has lo <'<>mt• out frt•e and easy That's lht• n •al achievement of "The Mup· pN Movat• " It's r:.isual The film is like thl' Muppets thcmst•lvt.•s, casual <ind engaging. It's nol hilarious. a lthou~h lht.·re are some laughs; not overwh<'lman g. although at h<Js some high points It's Just pleasant to sat an front oL r&l ~ NOW PLAYING UA CINEMA OUlll MAU UA CINEMA Mill Costa Mesa ~0·0594 Orange 637·0340 Wes1m1ns111 893·0546 Ml·WAY JI INUVE·IN RU PlAlA Westm1ns1cr 53'1·6?82 Brea !>29·5339 " ••• AUDACIOUS, BIZARRE, HILARIOUS ••• " Jticllard Or'eftWr C.mopoUt.an a... Wiider • llarrlloa Ford ln ''Tlael'llKoBld'' .. ... -....... -,, -.. ~. , -. -. -... The story is about the journey of Kermit the Frog from hls swamp home in Hollywood in quest of movie succeKs. his adventures along the way and his recruitme nt of companions including Fozzie Bear. Miss Piggy a nd -oh, practically all of them. There are only two really weak elements: a slight tendency to syrup and the fact that most of the cameo appcurances by big stars -Bob Hope..! Ri chard Pryor and others-are just that, mere appearances without sharp "ba~ .. With the exception of Mel Brooks . who has a scene. and Orson Wells, who has one line, the guests don't add ;myth In g. SONGS BV PAUL Williams and Kenny Ascher h"IP matters to move. (The first one. s ung by Kermit an his s wamp. b<>gins "Why c.t rf' Lhcrt-so many songs about rainbows'"') The lone 1s en.:aganl( The chuckltos nt"vcr boffs come often t·nough Sance the days or Kukla, l''ran and 01- lw. the MuppeL'> c.tn• my favorite non-people ; and I <'Ven adm1r<· Jam Henson and Frank Oz , their main tx·~ctlt'rs , fo r not trying to make 4:1 ham-wow-1.ow1t· pu:tun· IL would have e.mbar· rnsst•d Kl•rmat I VI RY C.,UMMI I< TI ILCHl.A M<)I /\MLHll /\N YOlITTI L<>I .~ T<> ~UMMt.R (..AMl'- AND ll"fl HLSTGOTO ~ CAMP NC )lnl IS'l/\H llllA ,LUA brf"J 11/"t '.dS'I lDIHMI' IMITlllllT°" STADIUll IMllfH• 11u•1 l'Qll)n Se.<.h 848 o·~ O••ll!if' b'l'l 8110 lOWAllOI" tllKlllltulllll C.~14 !ot~M lj/<j •"I IDWMIH" HDOl.IUCI UA CtlllMH I I fOfo 'Ill ~fl() 0WIQ« !ilol Jiii I OWlUI' CIMMl WllT W~tM<fl\IM 111418~1 l~1' MATIMHS DAILY AU SIA TS SJ.00 TIU. 2:JO P.M. For lllfo c .. 534-Rll ~ut ..... Nd ..... "' yeur IUftNtl. auy.,.. of the drNm boats ll•t· td '" Ult Boa ti"' cleulfltd •d• of the Deity "91ot. 642-5671 I 1111----------~ ~ (4 -M009t .... -· IOl94l1 MOONaAKU1N1 ., .. ..a. ............... . -· NOi• •• ...,., --AMnYVIUI MOllllOI ---IUIT YOU AHO Ml KIO!NI -~~------. ... -----,_ .. _,. ~ :.:.:;;_ A lllN 11Jt\ll q'MI() l11»e1-.1.-.-& 1 .. M I •• <t, ............ 11Jt\JI ~\dU ..... , ........... ,, j1l'J1 ~··"'" ............. . ' ....... ......... , 494 1'>14 \" .. ., ......... 494 IS 14 ........ ... ~. 496 11~3 " _ _,, ._, . ......,., --· .... -.. -·--7 MOO«aAICU <"> •• -,.-......... 11 ... Ool NI -Oii i e MAltllOOI POllD PllSCO •IO!l'OI U 10el 1 I le6100.l1 IS & I 014 I OI~ IUllMI e &IOOSI ,_, .. JUST YOU ANO Ml KIOtN I 111-l1J_1_1_l110 & I01M "MlATIAUS" lfl'GI WllDaf)-7 .. & I 0 \.,,, __ , ,~, ,, , ... , .... o WOOOY~ "MAMHAnAM" ''THf IM-LAWS" lfl'GI "RUSCO IUD" IPGI ,_.JI PACIFIC THEATRES DRIVE-IN SWAP MEETS ~ '°"" .ucu -W'lMD r.-OAT ar HAMOR Ill.VD. DNVE .. 6 ORANGE DRIVE .. I ,.. TO J NI IA T\MDAT & IUMOAT "'ff ,AMM IUllOATS AT MIAH!m llAOIUlt .......... , •••• Ill t.111 •-..... -IMPOfHANT NOTIC(' CMILOIUN UltO(A 12 fAU! f•'-... ".-Ct# I•, ft• ........ ,' II ~ • ., ...... l•ot ••=m~-::::::-;:-1---· ·-_,,_.-..,.. .:·;:::: ~: THI MUPPn MOVll 101 919 91150 "'" WILDllNHI PAMll 'f ti 101 ......... I t i U•t• 979 911!>0 lAD'f IN 110111 ~lUI MO IAD MOMMA 111 -.... -°'• • ..-•om• PllSCO Kto !NI "'" °" OOOt1"9I IUST NIVfl SlllHl,..1 'tUI IUOO'f HOUY ITOll'f INI lAO'f IN •ID '"" MO llAO MOMMA -.=.:..;i:::::...J ·-...... -....... ,.. ...... _ _....,,......,.,...--,. loell ll009I ••• ,.,.... - MOONUJCU1Nt "UI ~~~"!~04/flAW 81.Ullt"t t.-C ...... . .,,., . ...,. '27-222) , ............ ·- AMlf'fYl\U MCMltm ".,. 11&.UI 1UN11•• ,. ........ ,_ .. ,...._. .................. MIAfl&UllNt '"" IUHftAHlfltl mw .. 1ta&&OM1 llOarT •tNt NII 11' "'Ul• .. UT flAIN IOelllYINI ......... ,..., p- 1•1 ,,, Ml• ......... .., .. _ AMIJYYIW-tNt ...... IYllOf &A.aMMI"'°' ____ ...., .......... NII HMILMAYINt ........... = ... MMIM lllOI · ,.. _,. ..... I i ! I f "' . INDIX: •8u9'ne.. •Conaumer •Reel Eatete •ltocka DM•-.D· Vou Electronics AnonyIDoµs? TMI Must Keep Its Best Work Under a Hat Ot .. o.11,, ........... ll1"THOM LE('()Q l You cna,y never bawfl heard of T chnoJon M .rketlni fnc. One reason tor lhitl arnonymlty Ii. ut TM I '1t contrkt.I ortt n for bid lallc lnf& aboul p ucu or .. CUl lO ...... TMI OF.SIGN~ ANU bul ld~ computer ~yateima. digital elect ronl<'I tuld other devil' 'b for comoank·• lhut would-Just aa M>On not let '"' u product dldn't com t• from 1l!1 own engmeen According lo Kill Huhn, vi.ct• pres1dunl 11nd he11d ol m urkc11ni:, "Tau t& u resource you'd have to be a S600 million ronapuny to supporl." a sort ot Ru~r Cnj(1neer ang department. President und co·owoor G(.>0rgc Wells pulh ll thia way . "We're a cumpuny whO!fe usela go homl!everyrJhcht " THOSE ASSETS ARE e nl(tneers hlrt'd especially for tht•tr ub1hly lo carefully plan 1.1nd complc:.'le proJects under fuu .. -d cost conlracll> "When I interview un engineer, I ask about lho&e things he 's finis hed ." M•YS Welh; Unfinished produC'l~ don't make money, an<I one frequent reason JS carclesi. plirnning at t hP start. Defining in dota1l wh<.tt <.t user expects the device lo do prevents wh1.1t Wells calls creepin~ excellence. ''You do u Jll'OJt!<'t part way and think 'Wouldn't it he nice 1f 1t <:ould do this .. the project contmue:. to 1-:el better, b·ut not finished." For starters We lls put his top engineer~ with the client's lop people on u consulting fo e basis AFTER SPE 'll<~IC N •~EOS a r e nu1lcd down. the client pays a fixed fee. "Our con tncta are often for hall a million doth.rs or more." suy11 Hahn . If TMJ can't flnlllh the job. its profits fa ll Since engineers a re on :.i profll·s hunng plan. they gain by keeping on turget. "A lar~ pcrcentuge of profits ~o into the plan," says Wells It u; one exumplf• of th(• le nJ!.ths to which hE• a nd pa rtner Hobert Lowry will J!.'> lo keep staff happy , "You may have not1n>d how nice lh1s place 1r. whe n you cam e in," he suys. gei.turing to a s un f1llf'<i atrium <tl the cent<•r or decorated of· fu:cll. It keeps everyone l'Omfortuhlc·. BUT THE REAi~ HOOK for engineers is the constunt cha llenge ot solving new problems. Wells, an eng.inecr himself, rcC'ulls the days he was ";,i young Turk " with 1dl·1.1s uplcnty Many of his staff 1Jrc lhe same way. "They don't know that somcthJOJ!. '('an 'l be done' so they do 1l. We 're walling to t ry new ideas " All this is moderutc·d by oldl•r h<.&nds I .. No ont' m the comput<:r industry 1s n ·ally old,·· cuu lions Wells> who keep un t'ye ''" whethe r the de· vice can he made on a procltwt111n lint'. Ac<.'ording to lla hn, lhut •~ vil <.tl to TM 1 ·, reputation among c·licnts. for a big regional teh:phonc company, and u <11•. vice to cont rol the ma kinl(of che m1cal1>. Hoth Wells and Lowry have· deep root... 1n I hl· t•ompult•r industry Lowry was on .. of th•· I hn·c M1crodala foundn!> W1·ll~ ~tarted w1lh RCA in the· E ru.t, mov1!d wt:i-.t lo work with ,, c-umpany th;1t helpt'd found tht· 1·lr·clrt1n1t· nlt'mory hu~me~~ and '>lu"k with 1t until after 11 ht·l·am1· :1 purt of Am1wx . Wclb a nd Lowry ha v(.• hc·cn tog<Tthl'r for ll yeu r;,, and own a ll of TM I. I' ~------------------------------------...... "ANY NUMBER o•· c11mpan1es could de· s ign u compute r. hut we"rc• i.:t·un·d to design <• product ready lo manufat·ture . that':-. <:asy lo te:-.t and easy lo makt' W F.U~~ OVERS•:•:s OPERATIONS and managc•mt-nt while· L1>wry handlc•s markf~tinu chon•s. "Lowry also has ara M E. d1·gn ••-. hut h•· '>ay~ lw 1Jrok1· l11s sl1d1· rult· very to;.irly on · · 'Dae Compang ••• Technology Marketing Inc. is a pnvatety held corporation that designs and builds prototypes of computer systems and other d1g1tal electronic equipment for manufacturing clients. It also designs controllers for other ap- phcat1ons. Located at 3170 Red Htll Ave .. Costa Mesa. the firm emplo ys about 50, many of that number are engineers. The of- fices will soon be moved to 17862 Fitch St, Irvine Sales last year unavailable TMI s co-owners are Robert Low ry. chairman of the board and George Wells, president. 8111 Hahn is vice presi· dent and handles sales Sun Power Puts Home lnsuratM!e In Shadows .. "We unde rstand the manuf<ictunng, tc:-.l :.ind service discipline:-..·· Ha hn says despite lhl' know ·hCJw , ht· sometimes has diffacultu•s ~elltng because of ('O nlractuul confidcntwltty c lauses Hut, he finds l>olh U S and inlern:ttionul computer company head~ have for med a i,ort o r presldcnLc; c lub. "What typically happens 1s that the pres1 dent or <me company wi II :.igrc•(' lo t<.tlk conflden· liully with the prei'iidc nl of anothn ... if he '~ not u competitor." Hathn does a lot of busines~ 1n Europe, .. m fact, I 'm findln" I may huvc to li ve over then · soon." In the meanwhtl c, he mukes ha lf a dozen trips per ye-. WmtOUT NAMING CLIENTS, Wells men· taons u few products : a control device for a m tt· JOI' typt.:.sctU.g equipment m aker ; a m ajor com· pole r system lo guide call placing and billing By PAT DUNN Of Ille O•llY f'll.i Sl.tff More and more pcople 1Jrc taking advan Lage of tax credit~ to install fuel-sa ving solur power. Rut does sun power tum on insur:rnce companies a1> much a s it does the tieal" BEING ABLE TO <'<iv<'r real estate w1lh ad e quate ins u rance is n ecessar y to guara ntee S<.tfety lo owners and prospec- tive buyers, so t he N:.tlional &>lar fleatm g and Cooling lnform11t1on Center surveyed 10 major msurunce firms to find o ut aoout coverage. T h e y I e a r n 1• J l h u t n o c o m p a n y automaucally :,aid no lo solur homes and that agents report no trouble in gelling policies from home offices. Solar heating, with all 1ts pipes and col· leclors, Is just unothe r type of >-tome hC atl · lng as fa r as insurance underwnters are concerned. But there arc a few conditions COVERAGE COSTS ABOUT tne sam e as conventiona l bec ause companie11 see the units as presenting no specia1 hazards. There is a Int of 1•xtra cost connected Thl· staff of ricar !';(I 1s ul>oul t11 move· lo :1 G3,000·MjU<.trt• foot hulld111g al 17fllil F1t('h St . Irvin«·. TMI will O('<'Ul>Y half, ··i.lnd we'n, lryan~ lo find a tenant for Lh1· olhl·r h:ilf " MovmJ!. along with thl· ~t arr will tw th1· 1~1im 11uh·r <ind olhl'r "tools" u1>t·d lo d1·~1gn equip IOl'nt De-sign infor mation Jtlcancd from a dl'C«HJ•· of work has been programmed into 1ls computt·r lo muke producing ne w cqu1r1m1:nt ca:.ier HAHN SA VS ENGINEERS dt•hvc r com 1>letc documentation or thl· produrt's develop mcnl lo assure c.1 nswers lo future product11m question!\. T M I ;.ilso trams somconr• from tht· client company, turning them mto a !>Ort of fathe r t11 the product : "Every product needs one. s1) m eone people can coml' Lo and ask ·what would happen if they added this or that to a com p uler ." Wells a dds that one of the best lhings about having TMI In Irvine as the lurgc number of local s mall firms in the computer h•15'1ness. with <'OveraJ!e heca u~t· rC'pl<.trmg a -;olar unit is mon• ex pen~1v£' 1f 1t '-. damaged thun convcnt101wl h1·alrrs Homeowne rs who mst all units on ex1sl mg houses shouhl lw s ure to ll'll their a1-:c·nts :md hav<' e·xtra roverai.:c added. lht· center reported. A few companies o.ilso add stiffer 6\11ld- lng require me nts and ~lundards ~uch a~ heavie r roof supports to he ar the• solar equipment's added wc11J!.ht. THE BIG REQUIR•:M F.NT, howc•vc·r. 1s proper inslallataon. Sola r gear must mt•«·l lht· ~a mc· s tun d a rds as conv.-nt1ona l plumhini:t. elcctnc«JI or other construction Left 81111-f ahn 5 WJ lltnq puts h1f'Tl in nff1cos of gmnt computor maker':> amuncJ tho wortd M uny w1•r1· ... 1art1•11 h v p•·•ip.P Nho h ad a i.:oo<l 1d1·a anti ll'ft l:irge·r 1·11m panws Lo (':trr y the m throuJ.(h · · Eac·h one• adv a n1·1·.., th•· ;,t at1· ur lht• <•rt .1 111111• in the•1r own s1w1·1all" · • ay-. We ·lls a1ld1ng' 111 th<' p<iol ol ton not1·h 111·11pl1• ·1 MI frequently <'llm m1ss11111~ for h1·l11 .. Ir lwlp'-. ;n ail:eloll" 11ut~11l1· al ,, 11·a~unul1lt· prtct•. wc•'ll C'Ontra1·t w111 k 11111 1r1sl1 ·:11111r de·velo11 1ng un in· house Ci.1p<.tb1ltty "We'rC' not lookini.t l•> butld an cmpirt•. wt•'re lookmJ!. lo g1·t a lot 111 wor"k clunr· I nsun•" n•port 1 h1·y 1·x1><.:<·l th•· prl'M·n1 h<Hlg1·podg1· of 1·11y .inti 1·oun1y ;,olar hull cling n•i:tula l111ns 111 lw r epla1·1•11 hy a uniform 1·od1• J"an chng an 1·xpc·rwn<'1'<l r·onlr act.or 111110 lht• w11rk :tnd making .. urc· 1nr,t:-il11•r-:1rc•11 t n11v11·f's 111:1k1•-; 1n~u ri•r-. m11rr 1·ornfort.il1I<' al11111t wnling pol11•11·-. OWNt:ltS WlfO INST.\1.1. tllf'1r ow11 may hav1· a l11l more• troulih• 1>rovini.: th1·v 1lld :1 11ro1wr 1nslallal 111n JOii That'-. made• 1•a-.11•r if "'•l:tr unit'> ,,.,.,., a ll lc>l'iil C'tKI•·~ for 1·1111~tr 1w1111n :ind pl11mb 1nJ.(. and hv having ,, <·11 'r 11i..111•1·111r :.ip prov1• f':wh -.t1·p ln-.11 11·r-. '<•'r hall high w1nrl 11·•· ''' snow ·~ w1•1i.:ht an<I v:111tl:1ll;,111 l1•;,p1·1·1altv on J!.found m111111fl•tl unit-. 1 .1ri· p11tl'nl 1al ha1.a nls, hut 1111 n1oro• ''' tt1110 olh<'r tla maw· nsk:-. Using llt'avwr than r 1·qu1r1·d glus~ 1·11v,.r pant•ls. w r1·1·n1ng . .,lmng plaslH' p:int·!'. ur tc·m1wr<·cl glass ht•lps On oldt·r hou"''· make• -..11·1· <J n v nt'<Tss:iry 1·xtra :..upports arc· put 111 so lhi• r ool won 'I ~.1J!. oir 1·1111.iJ"' ln.,111 ann· IS..•t•SOl./\tt, l•agH ':!1 ' * I J I ' I Playful County Marketing F11;n . ~ If there is one thing Orange County knows a bout, it's clm use- me nt parks. Lion C'.ountry Safari, Knoll's Re rry Farm a nd the granda ddy or all theme porks, Disneyla nd, ure he re and so ure many of the firms that helped design the m . NO WONDfo:R that whe n Kuwait wanted a them e park a few years ago on the Persian Gulf they culled on VTN Corp. of Irvine, a major builder or parks . The same cxver lence brought Argentinean park planners to R o nald D. Mc Mahon & As · soc lat.es. Mc Mahon was a key designer of Knott's floarlnl( '208 Alrlleld full or the kind of thrill rides thai flt Buenoa Aires ' 240·acre park plana to a lee. The TwtUn architect say1 the rorelan proJect 11 a lood attp for hll firm because he lffl (ew up. comln1 In the U.S. ··•,u1alO'M''8 moat recent project 11 Probebly lhe lut o1 the b61 •muaement parka la um countr)'. " Developln1 nat1on1 have 1 cryln1 noect for ent.rtelnmem as well a11 econo mies that urc ready for growth. Parks c:.in pm v1dc both. Disneyland's effect on Orange County growth during th<' mid lo· late '508 lsn 't overlooked by foreign de velopers. ''There 's already a lot of lund spcc-ulalion in the urea where the purk's lo be located.'' ho HOy8 . Plans for n zoo and con· slde roble lndustrlul deve lop· menl in lht• vicinity art· ulso un· dcr way "TllERE'l~L be 60 rides in the flrRt phase -m ost a lot less sophisticated that Dis ney's" Thrills to suit Lutin te mper· ments are the commo n de · nominator. "There will be a lot or 8ptnnlnir set upa with centrifugal force, and rides wherf}thc bottom (a ll80Ul:' He H)'I the plan la to put In at tncUona with low lnllial coet and not worry about main· t.nance coeta. "Part ol the idea 11 lo provide Jobi, eo lt'I au rt1ht tor rideJ to bt labor lnt.nllve ... for exam- ple. •II the restroom• wlll have •ttendantt a nd there'll oo 11 lot of 1u1rda and aecurtt1 peoftt. '' Oucnoi> A1rei., you may n· ct1ll. hns been the site of socct•r n ots where people hav<' died Th::il sort of crowd control 1>r<>· hlcm is l>Cin~ attacked by pro· Viding plent y or open SpUCC for family s itting und playmJ( and by plans to use a com putcr t1~ 1>che•dulc n dc times on patrons t1ckclls. McMahon s ays the pork ,I!'! divided into sector1> J.utm America. lnlemational. Funtusy. f'ulun st1 c and Carn1 vlll F.ACH WILi. he d one> 1n materials comm on to the arna and will carry out themes In de· tall, which is e xpcnslv(', but odds the touch to m a ke pt!Ople forget troubles. Thal is vilal because the do· vclopen want re pc11t family bu11loe11 and AraentlneoM hav~ plenty of troublca to roncet. lnrlaUon. for example "The governme nt suld Its taraet wu to hold it tt> only 80 ~rcent. Actually. Inflation hit aeo percent II.Al )'tlr "11'1 ALL anyone talk& about (&e.nJN,PaseCI» \ Architect McMahOn sells ~ amusement know·how --- BUSINESS I REAL ESTATE I MONEYTREE SChool's a Student Joh · CETA. Funda Cover Time in Claa1room 4 f'rank T .... n bu loud b1I Macblne Worka la Cotta M•a nlcM .. Ult. by May. Te.Mn , who llvel In Hunt· A a.o tal of 18 a tudenta ln1toD Beath wllh hla wife ind ~nrolled with Te11ert ln the OCC lf.moatb.okl son, hu worktd for ., proaram. Slxteen are now ~rk· a HllbNl f~-e body th9P ln1, &WO othert 11'9 ltlll lD tbo and ln cGD1truet1on dW'ln1 UMl pro1r1m hkln1 a dditional p111l thNe years. Thoul(h he n claase1. Joys work\na with his hand•. • none ot t.hote jobli were rewurd "Tilt; PROOllAM otters •-',', ln& opt>n entry and exJL approecb, H E FOUND himself without work IMSt Junuuy when tht• ullboat firm ht workl'd ror went out of buaine1u1. "I'd been hovang sonw pr1) blenus with uthntis und didn't want to go lnlo corustrucllon, so I .decidud to go to th~ Department oC RehubilitaUon to scareh f9r u Job thiAt wasn't u~ stre nuoUll. Hu wu referred to a CETA <Comprehensive Employment and TrainJng Act) counselor, and e nded up e nro lling in Orange Coast Colle1e's rour· month machine technology pro- gram. said Ouvid Price, OCC'1 CSTA coordinator. "A atudeat -.n thl' program, la tralDed, tbeD ll'3Vl'S when he or llile ii rudytG fill a job." There will be addi· uonul openings in tbe prosram whl'n it begins agala Sept. 10. · "'We we r e asked by the Orange County Manpower Com· mission to train students for machine trades positions ." Price aays local industry Is snatrblng up the OCC students as soon as they 're ready. the prosram wttb 10me reserve· Uont . "Machlne t ecbnolo11 sounded lnieresUnl( but, to be hOneat, l wH n't s ure how well I wo uld do," he uys. "I bid taken a couple ol machine 11bop clas11e11 in bl1h aehool, but that bad been aomc Ume a«o." • "The program 'ta geared for a perton wbU b moUvated ud Nally Wanta to i.arn a trade and 10 to work," ... addl. Wbea be wu clole to compi,t. In« COW'Me, COUMelon Mt up job lot erviewa with 1ever1l employen, HE 8EGAN In Criterion's lathe department, won a pay ruisc alter only a month nnd then moved lo lhe mill depart ment. Tes~rs plans to continue hi~. machme technology education. While working a l C!'iterion, h.c w i ll t u k c a w e l din g and numerical control class. Machine shop skills put Frank Tessers into new. more satisfying career He began the progra m In January, completed 12 units or machine technology courses. and landed u job with Criterion OCC'• tall schedule Includes l6·weelc CETA programs an weldl n1 . w as t e w a t e r technology, food services and electronics. Students earn $2.90 per hour while attending classt.>S 35 hours per week . TESSERS SA VS H E entem:l OCC will be signing up stu· dents for its September pro grams dun n ~ l hl' rinttl t wo weeks of August. ,..or inrorma lion, contact the CETA orticc at 556·56&1. FUN'S FOR SALE. • • (From Page Cl ) down there." It has also complicated things for McMahon and the builders, who must anticipate massive increases in materials and other costs. .Singer Stitches Wound lly Buying Overseas Money Tree After the park is open and running, the architect and builder will add a complex of boat rides on planned waterways. By MILTON MOSKOWITZ The next sewing machine you buy al a Singer store may not be a Singer . A oenmeter railroad and aerial tra m will give patrons a Disney.style lift Crom one area to another. Rail lines a nd freeways will provide access to the park with a n emphasis on bus t ransport m the ruel·poor nation. The spectacle or the world's largest sewmi,: machine manufacturer buying from other manufacturers is a silly one -but it's a silly world. THE PARK is scheduled to open io 1980 and appears to be on lJme so far, McMahon says. THE REASON SING ER is filling its re· quircme nts from oul<iide sources is not that it's overwhelmed by demand. As a matter or fact , it has too much capacity. It's buyiog from other!> because they can m ake sewing machines more cheaply than Singer . If future amusement areas are going to b<: built overseas, says McMahon. the U.S. will at le<ist see a proliferation of sports complexes and mmi·centers. "A few w:.itcrslides. game buildings a nd miniature golf will provide an arte rnoon 's out I ing, as opposed to a ruu day at Dis neyland ... In a rem arkably candid commentary on where the company stands, Chai rman Joseph H. Flavin told shareholders last month c.ibout lh1· steps being take n to pull Singer out or a rut that saw it make less money last year than JO year:.. ago. I But what's been learned JO building the bi~ r parks won't be forgoll<:n or wast.ed. ll will become a sort of exr>0rt commodity of mcrea:.. , , mg value as nations develop and a place to play becomes more imporl<tnt. ,..lavin c<1 mc from Xerox to rescue StngN cit the t•nd of 1975. Hts rar~t move w<ts to takt' Singer out of the bu!>tnci.s machines markt.•l. which it had entered with the <tcq ui sition or ,..ridcn, producing one of the biggest write·offs Beal Estate Mailbag ••• By ROBERT J. BRUSS DEAR BOB: I'm wondering if you think we are in for a "bust" in property va lues soon. say within the next 12 months? With hlgb mortgage interest rates. how can anyooe afford to buy a hom e today? . J en M. DEAR J EN: Due to limited SDpply Hcl Stroag demand, all ladlca&ora polat toward coa· tlaaed laflaUoa and continued rJslac market values for ltomes and otlaer realty lnvestmen"'. But &oday'1 bip mortgage In· terest rates are s lowiag tlae bome ba.yillg rever that drove price• •P so rapidly ha 1978. Un· tll Mareb or 1979, ho m e mort1ace aoaey was easily available. Tben the Federal Home Lou Bank Board cut off Ute savla,. aaaoclatloa'• one· roarlll perceat advantage over bans • &ate moeey.market "T· BUI CertUlu&es." Tbe res ult wH lo dry ap aaviags Inflows alld drtve home mortgage iD· &eres& ratet ap lo rttord levels. Wllllle llOlllfJ areas are seeing a "pl1te1a•• la bome price In· creases. meat are s till ex· ,.rteMlal nlae appredatloa eseeetJCtltl laflaUon rate. A• fw yoar question oa how ••JOM eta afford &o buy a llome I04ay, die •••er ta tltat people are atretelll•C tbelr budsets. •••1 aw. laeome families can affe,. ,.,__.. • a •ortsa1e nn M Wa1'• nta. o.e way •• , ...... ,, • fa•UJ tllat ii ........... MJ a••• will ..... ., ....... searc hinJC average property values, you can vh;lt the nation's largest real etilale library at lbe Nation a l Association or R e altors, 430 N. Mic higan Avenue, Chicago, 111. DEAR BOB: I wish to sell a property that I bought seven months a~o. How long must I own 1l to get long.term capital gains'! Edward J . D EAR 1-:0WARD: To qualify for tht> low long term capital gains tax ra~. you must own the property over 12 months. Your tax adviser bas details. F~clos•res Seid DEAR BOB: P)ease give me information how to buy i'"ederal llousing Authority and Veterans Administration forec losed homes. Mrs. L.D. DEAR MRS. L.D.: Coa&act the nearest district office of HUD (Depart meat of Housing and Urbaa Development) for the c urreat list or FHA ud VA rorecloeed homes in your area. In m aay &owns, however. lbere are rew aacb fore cloaures beeaDM llome valaea laave beH golag .. so fu& &Ila& a defaaltiag owaer cu Mil &Ile lloue before forecllea.re beeome1 HeePU'f. Sales Up In Office LOS ANGELF.S <AP1 The marke t ror crntomated omcc pro ducts will cxc<.'ed $15 billion by 1982. reporl<> AM International. In c l u d e d i n th e category arc such com· moo item s as duplicators and such ex• otic items as laser op· lic a l r ecog n iti o n systems that turn typed copy into com puter language. AUDl4000 m corporate h1str1ry . $37 J million. Now Flavin is a ttacking th<: ~!'wing machine prob' ·m IN A NUTSHELL, IT IS lhut Singer plants in the United Sl:it1•i-. and Europe cunnol compete with plants muking s t·wing machines in ne wly t·merging industrialized nations where iubor costs a rc lower. Singer came out or World War 11 with the prc-t•m in<'nt position in sewing. Then the J ;1 panest! entered the market. By 1957 more than 300 Japf.ln••sc companies were making sew· ing machines. more than half or wh1cb were ex· ported, pnmartly to the U.S It ·~ a lactic pioneered by Singer . which bcg:an making sewing m achine~ an 1851 By 18G3 tl was making 20,000 u year. exportJOg mon.• than half or lht·m Sanger still do1·-, Wl'll JO tht· ~o-callt>d "rl•·· veloping counlrit·~" where they urc g<:tti ng the ir industrial at·L-. togethl·r BUT CONDITIONS AKE rough for Singer in the induslna lly a dvanc1·d nc.it1ons m th<' U.S .. Canad<t and Bril:.11n , for examples Last year the company began phasmg out producllon of induslnal sewing machines units used by :.ipparcl makc•rs -al 1Ls oldest foreign plant. the Clydebank facility in ScoUand. A similar program may be m the works for Singer's giant plant at Elizabeth, N.J . In addt· lion to buying machines from others. Singer may ll•ase mon· or its 1·xcess pl:int :.pan• to other m;mufaclurt•rs You can ~•lso look for Smger lo dose· as ma ny as 150 of its S rt'la1I ~lort"' this yt·Jr F l.AVIN Bl.AM F.O SOME of S1ni!l'r ·'i troubh..'S on a c hunge in American ltfrslylc·i-. During the 1960s there was a strong up!>Ur J:!l' in hom e sewing. Today, 50 percent or Amt'rican women are working outside the home. leaving less lime for sewing. The chairman of Singer also noted th:1l the sewing industry was hurl by the boom m ll·tsurc time sports (Jogging instead of sewing) <ind lht' mass appeal or blue jeans <why make your own clothes when you can just slip into jeans? l Result: Sewing machme sales in t he U.S slid from three million a year in the early 1970s to 2 million tod:.iy. ..... a. .......... • ....... 011n-H1 Like the revolutionary Audi 5000, the new Audi 4000 represents a new dimension in modern luxury cars. It has the fine lines and interior SOLAR COVERED tl'rom Pa&e CU ;e)(1•nh1 will mokc 1t 11 point t.o check for ltll'llf' AN(mft:R~PROIU.r.M THAT can he 1111 lv .. 1I SJ l lnlllal1 1Uon Um .. ls mold y 11h lnJ(lf'" f Mm watr·r rollectln« undor V'rn••I• ·n,,. wtxwt mt11, hr1Jalu1 ind the ('f)t)r lf•flkl4 unlH,A ttw unit' 11r•• m11unted on felt P»f>N. ttni1 ,.,,. tht•n prti~rly fl a11hed anrl IJf'b la;d r,,1,,,,. llh nl(lmr r1r th'! unit.a C81' 1>4" r :11-.•d 11tr I hr •tHht·•' Wh"" ~· 1wn h1d•1~ 1'ur1nrc wlnlPr, plp<·11 1·1m fr1·1·1,1· ,,,,,, hr1•.1k An f!ltftl)mat1c-or m ;wu<1I 1lra1n••K'' vtJlv,. 11w h1,J11. ,,, &nl1 rrt'f•1.P m11y t ..... uMi·'1 I.fl th#-N1ll••Ml1 r fltwt R;1d w1•ltht1 5! ,,, r1,1rtAt11n trr.m 1nr•1m put1hl1· mf't11lt. r 11n 11lv, t "'~ l,.a.lc11 t1ul rar(•ly hupf*Oll wtl"rt Uv· ,,,,,tr•illf?hr I' "" J><: r If• O(•Pd SOLAR HJ>,ATINf~ PAf' .. 'if!~~ r.11 m~ or "IN·lnc<il fir1· lfl 1t,~lf r.ut lhiP> ltn~ between w lar unit af>IJ t1al'JC1Jl-l'l",_l,., mr.i / present a problPm 1f rn~ul,.tv..n 1' t.r~i lt11n where wires pa~~ thrhuf(.h m~t .. 1 ,.oil,., tor11 Not enourch th1:rmal in.11ufatJr,n ;,r r11m" collt'clor~ may rlry .,,,,,.,,, t;1>n i-ath ant1 ::.omt foamr. in<'rf'a!i<> ftrf' n.o;k Pressunzed c,yc,temc; rHJuir<> r hi>r lc:1ng r<:lld valv(·S 111 rr-d u<·1· ".<plri<.1r;n rt~k , Frir mon· 1nf1,rm<1t1rm r,n h<•.ii v 1lc.r ir1 ..,lf.l ll at1ons a ff ct t home v;,luf' wntP. in the lfo ustnJ.t &nd Urban Uevf'lopmP.nt 1t·c·hn1c:al n:~><1rt . · S1·ll1n g the Solilr Hom•· Some l'rehm1nary Findings ," ava1lahlf· from SuJ>{:nntl'ndcnt or Document'>. U ~ Covcmmenl Pnnlang Office. Washington, O C 20402 <Stock No. 023-000·00444·5. pnc«> SI fill ) To IJt: on the ma1ltn1;! hst fo r the nt cai.1ona l pubhc<tt1on "II UO Solar St<ttui-., write . Solar Sl:itus , I'. 0 Uox 1607 , Hockv1lle. Md. 4!0850 $50,000 to $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS • lnter«•t only P"tV-nl • lncoae • C-•erc:lal • A~ideftrial • w-ldy co-itmcnla • "'-•hlv f•IMI-.• • 6 -•tit• 10 3 ,,..,.. • Soulhe"' CaUfona&. ' '" ,,., '''" lo•n information •f'nticc ... (714 ) 759-1515 AM(RICAN HOMl MOAlGAGt: 4 1t I f f1 All + 1fT ( ••r1t1 t (Jqy1• r If• •an JJI II•• fH•W(1iJ'1 Fit•tf tt c ·•'•''''.'' DEAR BOB: How can I find out tbe value of appreclatlon of m1 laoule7 Where can I find t.he . averap price ol a alnale family • bome and tbe percentaae in· cre ... atoce 1912? ... Karts. DEAR BOB : Where can I find the best bargains? I am COD· sidering bu)'lng either single· family rental houses or small in· come properties such as stores, a partments or offices. HantM. DEAa HANK : Newspaper wa•t adl are 1•r beat l4Mlrff, comfort you associate with a luxury car. And the superior performance you expect of an Audi. Standard engineering features inc lude a highly reliable CIS fuel injection system, rack and pinion steering. independent front suspension and more. Discover the exciting new Audi 4000 today. i' DSAa &ASL: Awerq• are :~ ............ ,.. ..... .... ....... ,.. ......... ,. ·l=...., .............. ... _ ............... .. ..... <at? ........... ,.. ...... ,... .....,, llJltlfte I ..... (I) ... =... fJ ..... , .............. lmt I&, • (I) If . ,.. ........ ...., .......... .............. ......, ...... .......... _, __ .,... ...... ,.., ........... ........... ,..~. '1':'·--.. ~ ... Cllffll .... fret...UJ ...... ~ ............. )&.,....., ow•er•Mllen. Y .. eH oftetl ,....,....._ .... "ree,ID· ..................... nllre-·-.......... , .... ,,.. ••'8r 1eH at It •n,.rtle1 ....... ,. ........ b ........ ~,.. ....... _.,_~ .............. .... NGI .., ... qwlffoN So Rokrf J . Brw1, Bos '110, Soft ,.,.....,.,, ~· Hltl Exceptional luxury . Extraordinary ride. ---------- 445 EAST COAST HIWAY NEW~T BEACH c 673·0900 POASC:Erl~ TAUDI NOTMINO EVEN COMES CLOSE ....,.Ju!•.1m OM.YPILOT A ~---...... -......... ,. . -~_,...~A~-~ ...... ~~...-~•~----~~-~~~~~~~·~·~·--~~~-----~~-~ir\.,_-~,..,,,rt,, "'-~ .. -~ ......... ,,..,..,..,f""'""""•'' ........... ._, ••• ~, ....... "., • ..-. ... ,, .. ,,.. ··"'-....... ~~ ' Of 'Recession' ~·i~ TRI "11UCATION ... ka ~-~,.. ...... flll ... !..... .. : . •arablp ,..,... b'om Ii to .... ·~cat. \ ' ···"""· .......... , ____ _...... ____ .. __ ·-~--.-.. I Moving Up In Real Estate P&ftlal I . MVILL& bu ;omM Amen;ao ,_ .......... Nallaut Corp ...... ,"...., ~roaa.r s.vtu.. • cinm.a p"b c ntouelant, wall aul1t '"' a variC!l1 ol ftnaoclal duU" and ~rvile Ute f1nn'1 •ccountina operaU. A ltT& anduate of Loyola Unlvenity ln Loe An1elt1 with a bart-.&or ol science de1ree ln I C'<'ounUn&. Saville lhen .erved for t.hN.>e y .. ,.. u a aenlor ac: countant with Emal " Ernst. PA 'a. ol Santa Ana 1n D•n• Po1nl with his wife, KAa&N a . SPAao'o of lrvtne hH been named aa1et m•n•a•r for Turtle Rock Ridge. in the Irvine Company'• V1lla1e of TUrtle Rock. Al aalel mana1er. Mn. Sparao will supervise ud CCX)tdlna~ Ule aalee and m~budiliJl« pro 1ram1 for the new d evelop meat. SM hu funcuoned In a simllar capacity at other Akins Company communities. A nallve Californian, Mrs Sparao was born in Santa Monica, and attended El Cam ino Colle ge . She Is a member ot the Building Jn- dustry Association's Sales and Marketing Council a nd the Hom e Builders Council . ~PARGO JOHN W. LENTZ of Irvine has joined the real estate firm of Donald M. Bird Associates. Lenu, a real estate brohr for three years was sales manager with J erry Goodwin Dodge i~ Fullerton s ince 1958. Prior to that he helped start the l~wa _Drug Comp~ny in Des Moioes. building that farm into a 16-malhon-dollar operation. Lentz is on the board or directors Of both the Lio!ls' Club and Kiwanis organization. He has been assigned to Bird's Irvine office BOB OGLE, whose background encompasses both real estate sales and tennis club manage- ment, has Joined McLain Development Company's s~les t~am for the tennis-on ented "Wimbledon Vi llage development. in Costa Mesa . . The community of 189 single family homes. taking shape at Sunflower and Fairview. i~ de· signtid to rf'rlt•ct the environ· m ent of an Englis h country village. Tenni~ courts, u swim· ming pool and swirl pool. com- plcmcnlcd by luvii::;h greenbelts, are exclusive umcnitics pro- vided for the r esidents or Wimbledon Village. Oglti, who is acli ve in ten· ni~. rttcquetball and running, Joined McLain De velopment OGLE following a successful associa· lion with a Costa Mesa Realtor Prior to that time. he had been Tennis Club Manager at Mesa Verde Country Club ~EBORAJI E. O'REILLY has IH!en promoted to vtce pres 1dPnt in c harge of the Relocation Divison or Century 21 Real Estate Corporation. Mrs. O'Re11ly joined Century 21 as assistant vice president, Relocation Division. in 1978. She was formerly prcl>tdenl or Rclocat1on Spcc1alts Ls Inc . in Cincinnati ' Senate Support. Strong • ~.July 29. 1979 OAll Y l'tlOT €/$ Zoning a Penalty? . ~....,~~~-1A' Analysis Seminars Plalllled BIA Official Citea Price lnereaaes SAN FRANCISCO A model at.ate nclualonary aonlnl ordlD&DU , -purportedly •imed 1t provldhll home1 for &ow and modtrat. LMoal• ramm ... wHI pen&UM middle IDC!ome homob~trt by artlllclally lDc:NU· • 11\8 the home prlcef tn that sfftor of the houalna murktt. Thl1 was the ctntral cooc:luaion dra wn by Ralph Lewia, an ottldal of the California Bulld1n1 Jnduatry A.a· sociallon (COIA> d11tln1 the recmtJy concluded P•clf\c Coast 8uUder1 Conference. ClUA la the statewide repreaentative of the homebwldinc and Utihl com\rucUon lnduatry. LEWIS, CHAlaMAN 0,. Lewi• Hom es or Uvhrnd. expressed tbe state housing industry's ienuine COD· cern for the acute problem ol houllftl low and moderate income families in C ali fornia Accordingly, be. a n · nounced the formation of an Allord&· ble Housing Task Force wilhln CBlA. which he chairs, lo "study and un- cover new and innovative options and m ethods through which housing OP· portunity can be enjoyed by these families." As an example, Le wis revealed that CBIA is fully behind the concept or using tax·exempt munlcipal bonds to generate mortgage capital for af. fordable housing producUon. Alte rnative mortgage vehlclea and program s lo c l ear away "bureaucratit underbrush" are other potential soluUons. Lewis added. But, for the moment, said Lewis. the so·called "model lnclusionary zoning ordinance" being promoted by the State Department of Housing and Community Development will have a potentially damaging impact on this effort and on the houalng market. The ordina nce is being fostered b y HCD a s a r equired Rouillard Heads Housing Council The Board of Directors ot t he Orange County Fair Housing Council has announced the a ppointment ot Carol Roulllarrl as executive direc- tor. Ms. Rouillurd, who has served as acting director for several months joined the staff of the Fair Housing Council in early 1978 as a housing ad· vocate to impleme nt community awareness and education programs. In addition to her position as ex· ecuta ve director of the Fair Houalne Council. Ms . Rouilla rd currently scr vei. as commissioner on the Orange County Human RelaUons Commissio n. a ppointed by the League of Cities from Irvine. She is alllo active in the Hou11ing Coalition or Ora nge County and the Equal Op· portumty Employers Association LEWIS URGED THE s t a te Legislature to clarify the specific re· lalionship between state a uthority and local officials. "HCD has leaped into the void to make state housing guldeUnes -and its incluslonary housing concept - mandatory. Local officials believe, as we do. that they are purely ad· vlsory." ( AKTHOPPE ) SATIRIZES In the DAILY PILOT { Your New Ho01e i l~ On the Water at HUNTINGTON HARBOUR! Dock your boat at your patio! Thi• Shdp1 ro Company. one of the '-inuthl.rnd'c. moc,t rcspectl'd l U'>l om ho me bl1tld1nK firm.., ofll'r!:." collection o f luxury. l)n-tht>-watcr homes an prt•..,t1~1ou':I Huntington Harbour. , Autht'nl1t Mt·J1tt-rr.:1nccln motif, ~ • hJnJuaf ted details, dr.1mJt 1c h vin~ space. P m t·d fro m $550.000 0 J)t'n S.u ., Sun . Mc1n . Tues I 00 to S 00 pm Or C.lll fur .i~potnl mt'nl, (714) t-45·3 120 ~ OH P.ac1f1c Co.ut H1~hw.iy dt =.:l.:J Admm1lty Way Mortgage Expansion Passed WASHINqTON -Legislation that would bring homeownership within the reach of an additional eight million tlrsl-tlme buyers has cleared the U.S. Senate with strong, bipartisan support. The proposal to expand the current FllA·245 graduated payment mortguge <GPM 1 plan by re· ducing. the down payment requirements and stre tching out the g raduation period was in- corporated In the Housing and Community Development Amcndmen~ of 1979. which cleared the Senate by a unanimous votl' SEN. JAKE GARR (R·Utah>. ranking minori· ty member of the Banking Committee, said the ex· panded GPM program was "particularly attrac- tive" because It would help first-lime buyers in the $15,000 to '25.000 income bracket qualify fot hous- mg "without any federal s ubsidy." "Other key senators s upporting the GPM plan included Bankln1 Committee Chairman William Proxmire <l>·Wis.> and Sen. Harri.aon A. Williams CD-N.J .), who i1 chalrm1n of the Subcommittee on Hou•lr'I a.od Urban Affalra of the parent Banking Committee. Vondal S. Gravlee, president of the National Association of Home Builders. called the Senate MACNAB·IRVINE REAL TY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Sales Persons An unusual opportunity to join the highly successful Macnab-Irvine Realty Company on the expansion or our Comm'l./Jftd. OWce in Newport Beach The ideal candidate will have had i.uccessful .experience in Comm'l. tnd. Sal~s & will have demonstrated hlgh ethical 8landards. We offer marketlng support needed to achieve r esults . Send resume in complete confidence, or' call (714 ) 642 .... MACNAB·IRVINE REAl TY BRUCE BARSAMIAN. Vice President P.O. Box 1338, New.-.. Beach Ca ..,.,.,. .. '. (A Wblkliary of The l"lne Co.> • Daul Opportunity Employer action particularly significant and .Umely in two respects ' FIRST, TIIE EXPANDED GPM plan would open the door lo homeownerahlp for millions of first-time home buyers who otherwise would be unable to meet the high down payment require· ment8 or monthly payments under the existing GP M plan and are unable to qualify for conven· tional rmancing as mortaa1e rat.ea approach 11 percent nationally," G ravlee said ... Secondly, the program would give today's slugglsb housing market a much needed boost, thereby moderating housing's anticipated producUon decline in the coming months." NAHB ia proJectln1 that boualnl starts will decline from the two mllUon·plua Inell or the past two years t.o about 1.8 million atarts tn lt'19 and 1.5 million in 1980. "A d ecline of that ma1nltude,.. Grav lee warned, "would result In an annual lou or about 600,000 job&, $9 billion In wa1e1, and SZ.5 billion tn tax revenues for local, state and federal govern· menu.·· The housing bill now 1oe1 to a joint House· Senate conference committee. _,,,,,._,.,. ... ,, ... ------- ~tate ., ........... . .. , ......... ..., t40IM ..... c111p111 ........ - Despite all the hllk th e se days abo ut protecting your doll1r. sound 1nvutments anc1 hedges ag11inst Inflation. the purchase or a home Is seldom mentioned. Yet. a well·bulll home In • 1ood neighborhood 11 one of the ~st hedRes against inflallon yoor money can buy. In the recent yeurs of inrlatlon. for example. home ond land values have more than kept abreast or the l{tlnerul rlMe In prices. This m ea ns your hom e lnvut mtnl pul1 /011 on1tder1bly attta of tbe 1•mc tln•ttelally. Noc to menUon the pride and ptf'uure that hom e ownerahlp can brln~ you . There '9 no rtuon to btltttt Ut•t Otis 11ltuatlon will ehanc• In the Mir Cnr not•to-ntar (11lure ), The 1overnmtnt '• t11ht mone ldftl ha.,t l a t'rimp Into s lnttle family home building ~tarts during the past few yea r s but t he dem1nd ror these homes 11 t'on1tantly lncreasin1. lie> It looks like prices will continue to rise. Add IO this the tax benem of home ownership which allow you to keep more of what you earn. Look for the best home your money can buy and enJe>y your 1nn1t1on hedge. Whateve~ .. y"ou r rea1 est1te needs. call us. We - have all the tool• and rxpertlee to handle your .......... traMHtklnl •attr. Plul we olf« UM unklat • ..,_ ol UM natloa -wtde l!ltA Mtwortl ....... ,.: tltlt Het )'OU nothln1 .. lra. Olwe UI • un todar. We'rt btrf' to help! £1tA Shoret'rftt .... 171f) ... 517J ·~ • In San Juan Capistrano California Living ... The Way It Should B e. 11 "'1 l'has11 Close-0111 F111a1 l'flase lto111 Ooen Etght lntrigutng ffoorpMina. twenty-one trldttlOn-rieft e.-1.nc>r dfflgna awart your eelectlon TiteN eumptuoua home9 otter the molt contemporaty ltteetyte btendlng tmoothfy with the embiela ot Nrly Call· fonMe "°"'*'ure. NMtted trnQnG the gentle green hill• IUfT'OUndlng thl• beautiful million village. Loi Corra,.. la but tour mil• from the Ml and Dana Point Marina. Practleally next doOr to 9011, tenntt .,_, rtdtng •• full ranoe of ftellltlel are llt hllnd. TMee "°"'"combine today's mOlt delff'..,.. fMturea with detalla tt11t tnhenoe thlt oaretutly l)feMrwd environ· ment. There 11 much to att~t VoU to Loa COnalel. Come ... •icperlence today'• hOmle with I NMtyte that Itta bOth the lfMOI Ind teaHty of Callfomlti living_ .. ......... ......,,. 2 Bedrooma Ii Den • 3 ledroom• I Den 4 Bedroom• • 2. 2'1t a s ..._ From $134,950 lo $249,500 ·- t - fl I • • fl ..... .,MOT . ...,., .. ,.,. REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidating domestic subsidiaries of the Irvine Na- t ional Bank of lrvtM In the st.ate of C.llfornia, at the close of buslMss on June 30, 1979 published in response to call ma«M by Comptroller of the Curr-.n· cv. under title 12, United St.at.s Co*, S.Ction 161; Charter numbu 16161·3, National Bank AegiOft Number 14. Statement of RHCM.lrus and Liabilities ASSETS Thousands of Dollars PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE lt·•l'IJ f'llt11' NOflCE Of' $Al.I! Af Publl\IW'd °'-((Ml\I o .. uy Pilol, f'Uauc AUCTIOH July 17.1'1-A~ ). U. 1'1t 1111 1• R"<tl"'I• lnvlln ofl~r\ )2-!ool "11 PUBLIC NOTICE Coh1mbla Ya<lll, Hull CL YCOOOI 0. n HI. Aoo,.o ~r1ne Yud, "" Pl,.<•nll.,, Co••• M~•&; alltnllon Karen Fenn f 110 "'' -ao.1 Mvor If\ waf~ S..lt W-y. A~u\I I, 1'19, I I 00 it m •• parkonq tot AdvMK# Marin• Y.ird l lt,)00 ••klno prtU• IMIY•blP <•\II "1 lllM of \411" John E Fl\her, C•hforn1• Fir" 8 ;t<>k 1\01 W~ltlltf Oro.., • N.-wP0<1 !Inch,CA97.i.o lei 1110 M1·l 111 Publl•hecl Or-Coa\f O•lly Pllol. July IS. n . 1'1, It~ 1649-1• PVBUC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STAfCMENT TM fOll-inq peNO<! Ii doh14 !>UM nit'\'.\., CHIC.KEN KI TCHEN, ~S A hi Slrttl, $an\a AM, C.hlorn1• f'llU71 T•-8r<hM>, l07 A.o".•do #,0, P\11>11-Or-Co.HI Oat It P1IOI, Cost• Me...,, CM•lorn1a 91'" July tt-"" Auo ), 12, It. lt1t ?Ut 79 fhl\ ~~\ I\ conduc.ted by •n on Olvlduel. PVBUC NOTICE 1 1111.><Br&<>M> Thi\ \l<tlemenl w as 111.0 will\ '"" c-1, C.1-ol Or-Counly"" July Cash and due from ·1CTtTtou"!"au•11tl!s• n. 197t. ..11~u depository Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,381 r ,. ,. .. .. U.S. Treasury securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 NAM« nATUdMT Puou'""" °'""II" c'""1 O••ly Pilot. 0 II ti of th U S G t The fOll-1"9 IHI''°"' •re doing July 29 endAUQ. S, 11, 19, 19'9 11}"1~ b ge ons o er . . overnmen .,..~,,0 .. " agencies and corporations................. 1, 194 NORfH STAR INTE RNAflONAL ·----- Obligations of States and politic.at oF CALIFORNIA. uSA. 1u Ootl>fl•n PVBLIC NOTICE s ubdivisions In the United States . . . . . . . . . . . 1,25.C Street, AIJ4, a. s.111 0e.u.. c e111orn1d All ottwsecurlties ......... ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 77 tcM7~HAeazz OfTEllNAl10 NAL, Federaf funds sold and securities INC •• • c.i1'°""'" t O<POf•llon purchased under aoreements Tiii' _.,.H "conduct.., by "ror· to resell . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300 P«•''°"s,..,,... si...,. .. Loans, total (excluding unearned '""-• inc<>nie •.•.•••• , ......................... 17,474 T11I• ... t_l •-fll•d with llw LessAllowancefor possible loan '-'• OWtl of LM AllQO!ln C:OVt1fy on tosses ...................................... 2.50 ~':~~i. ':."Go..OON Loans, Net •••.••••••...................... 17,224 A-• Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, 111twlttlll.-• .... and other assets representing LM....,..,CA..,, rt1tM\ bank premises........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,247 Pueu~ 0r.,.. '°"'1 0 •• 1, 1>1101, All other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~3 '"'fl'-"'""' s.11. 1t, mt ,,,, " TOT AL ASSETS .................•............ 28,421 LiABILITIES Demand depoSlts of lndlvlduals, partnerships, and corps ..................... 11,699 Time and savlnas deposits of PUBUC NOTICE f'ICT•nous 8UllNIH MAMI STATaMINf f'ICTITIOUS auSINESS NAME STATEMENf The tollOWlng penon Is dOor>Q bu\• IMt'\\ ., .. C RUISI NG CENTER, H O• Via OPO<IO, ~rl BM<h, C•liform" ,,,,., J E. Huft, l •O• Vu1 Qpo11n. N••Po•I ee .. d •• C•lllornM 9766? fh" b<N"""'" tondu(led llv •n ,,. d 1v1du•I. J l Huff Thi\ 'tdt~I wa'\ flt~ w Hr\ the Count, C.l•r' ot Or-Counly on Ju11 11, "19 F'llU1' PuOll\hed °'""<I""°"'' 0.11, Pllol. July" -Auo '· 11, 1~. '~" ,.~,. PUBLIC NOTICE lndMduals, partnerships, and Tiie loflOWlne ""''°" " dolno bu\I ,,. .. H . "ICTITIOUS. aUSINl!H corporations •••........................... 11 ,0S4 Deposits of United States Government . . . . . . . . 9S Deposits of sta .. s and pof ltlcal subdivisions In the U.S. . . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . .. 100 Certified and officers' checks . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 1,279 Total Oeooslts ....................... . ....... 24,227 Tot.lldemanddeposlts •.... , ..••••••....... 13,073 Totatttmeandsavlnosdeposits ••••••........ 11,1~ I nterest·bHrlng demand notes C note balances) Issued to the U.S. Treasury anct other llabllltles for borrowed money •.• , • • • • • • • • 263 All other IJ.bUltles •..•..•••.................. , 261 TOTAL LIABILITIES (txcludtng C LA SS I C AH T f Ou I! NAMESTATllllENT ltESTOllATIOH, 10• NewPOl't 8 tvCI., T ... lollOWlng pertOn ll dOl"t bu\I• Cotl• Mtw, CAlllMnl• ""''' M U u . ·-L.oyMNljl•n,U72Pomona. OANll!LLES' GREEN CACHI!. Cotl•Mtw.CAlllOflli•t2•l1 S""" 11900"1• Avenu•, CO<Ofl• Cl•I Tlll1 Mlnesa 11 <onclu(led b1 en In-~', CelHornl• nus dlvlO...I. Cerol OenyH Trower. $11''> W-&Lo'(Abell•n B•oonl• A,,.nue, CorOfl• oec M••. Thll II•-wn filed wlfll lhe Colltornle .,.,S Couftty Cler1I of Or.noe C:-IJ °"July Tiiis bullnesa Is <OlldlKl.O by en lft. 10, lt1t. dlvldllel. f'lltlt7 C. 0 . Tr- ..... ,....., Oronoe CNll 0.11, Piiot. TM6 ~ .. _, ... , filed wlll'I II• J11ly 22, 2'-Auo. S, 12, 1t1't 11n.79 Collntr Cl•rll of Or.noe CoYnty on July -----------10, 1t7t, PUBUC NOTICE "'"'H PWlllllM OrMQe CO.II O•lly Piiot, J1111 n , ,..,. Avo. ,, 12, '"" 211 •• ,. subordinated notes and debentures) ........ 24,7S1 MllMOttANDA •GUITY CAPITAL "'CTITIOUI •UIOIHS Common st-a. MAMa ITATeMaNT _.. Tiit loflOWllll jler-t er• CIOl"f NOSIWl'9Sautttor1Zed ..•.••.•.••.•.••.•••.. 760,000 ....,_ .. : PlJBUC NOTICE No. shllt'Moutstanctlno •..•..•.•.•••••••.•• 649,161 OUllACUAN SYSTUU, ., Vic· (narvetue) 1 L23 ... 1 •• He. •• CM!• ....... CMltwlll• __________ _ .... -· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. ,..,_, ••CTt'10UI au11••11 SuUlrpllY~ :.:.,:.:.·.;.;·.:.,;._:.:;~~:.:.:,·or·• con·•• ·t·l;_;.:.;.,;C· 1·.;,· • • f79 J-H, M!Nff, 3'S Yl<lwi., Mo. NAMa ITATaMeNT ndl ll""vw ~-"" .._.. • ., • ._.. .. ,. •.CottoMHo,~•V TNl .. towifta--kOOl'19butl· •net oeherc~tal reserves .................... 1,068 Tony L K•-..•. ,., v1,cor1•. ,,.,. .. TOTAL EQUI CAPITAL •..•......•. , •..• , .• 3,670 c.;~~:-:-.i~~"'::~'" _., • • .of.~~u~~f.~;,,::-.:' TOTALLIABILITIESANO 11m1tH.--t111p. Jamu E. P•lmer. no Vtt•• EQUITY CAPITAL •.•••••................• 21,421 J-H. Mllllff ~"•· Hew-1 hac11, C•llton11• •m--........ __.,_ .. of,__. ...... Tl1l1 _...,... wet lllH Willl Ille ·- "' St~ ~.::.'="ot'""'c=..11 .-r1 • .,.., • 1.... c-1y c-.. 0r ..... c-t• °" ""'" '"'' 11v11MU 1• ~Of!O\Kt" b, .,, .... .,""'-".., .... u:n.a IWV , \U\49 , , , • • • • • •, • • • • • • ~ It tf7t ftvftkMtl, Tlmecertlfieatttofdtposltln · · "'"'"' J. •· "'•1,,.. dlnOmtnatklnlofS100,000ormore 2,..0 ,....,.,...0r,....c.otto.11r,.11o1 Tiii• .... _ -111ec1 "'"" '"' other ttm9 dlPOaltl In amounts .• ' ' .. '.'. -Jiiiy n , 2foMAue. s. tt, "" 2'1 .. 1t ~~.Cl9fll ol OrMOe Co\lnty t11 J iiiy of $1CID,OOO or more ........................... 100 --· "'" NOTICE . f'ttffU ave: tor --•lender ... .,. (Gr ea•_..• ..-"-. ll"llOlleMCI Of ..... Coetl Deily .. llol, "" --'"'•• ...-r _ Jutrttllftdaue.~.u.1t,1t1• ttti.r• m ) ending wltt'I rtport de .. : Ptnmeu11U1tH11 Totlll dlpOllt• ••••••••••••........••.••..•.. 24,a1 .. ,.. ,T., .. "", I, ,.......... MC:Nally, AISl1tant Cashier of tM Ttt. ,..,... .,._, .,. "'"' PVBUC NOTICE •bov....,,.. b9nk do hereby dlcl•rt tt'let thll Report ....,-:-::I 0 " T ~ • " T lt-----------Of conditions 11 true and correct to tM best of my uctHIWMAHOCitans. ''" w . "te:Tmou1 eu11Nn1 lnowledllabltlef. "'" llHlll, C:..&e -... Callfwftlo UMelTAHMaMT ,__., .... -McN 11 ...,, Tiie toti.wt111 t'ff1911t ere ... ,,. ...-..-.wn a y ...wt. H. Diii, ... , •Ml Clrc" Wtl-•i Allfstent Calhltr ._.,,,...,, .._, eo1!f9nllo tM4t • c o L • M a ,. c a s K 1 v JUfy 11 197' , Lony M. Diii, ... , ,,...,, Clrtle, AltCHITllCn, -llcfl*'ll e1wt., We, the ..-,~ dlrte*'t 8hHt the correct-............. c:.i...,.. • .,... ,,..,,. c:.i...,.."'" REAL ES:Y-ATE Second Half Housing Market Viewed Hom e bul.lders and home buyers hold on tight. The houaln& industry ls braclnc for yet. another harrowing ride on the financial roller coaster that has shaped lta character for de · cadea. But this latest ride wlU be in· tenalfled by elec lion·year po11uc.: first a tightening of fund s t o cool inflation, then a loosen· Ing o f th e purse strings to counter re· cession. So predicts R obert L . -vu M a y e r . founder and chairman of the Mayer Croup, one of Southern California's largest and most d1 versified rcsldcnt.ial builders In an address before the Orange County Chapter o( the Building Industry Association CBIAL "For the second half of this year. I believe we face a con- tinuation or mortgage rate in· creases. perhaps headed to re co rd h c i g hts, and a fas t dlrnlnishing s upply or funds. Because or the 10 percent usury limitation, Insurance companies have been dis interest e d in California for several months," Mayer Haid. WHILE THE PERIOD o f tight, expensive money is predic· table. its degree of impact is un- certain, according to Mayer. "Jn past years, buyers reacted quick· ly and ne~at1vely to rising in t erest rates. But the mentality has changed and most of the rules we used to count on <ire out the window. "People have been ignoring interest rates, realizing that waiting for fractional reducllon!> while home prices soared , cam ing only fi ve to seven pe rcent on s avings, was more econom1cally detrimental than biting the an t crest rate bulUt a nd realum~ a pprec iation from hom e purchase . 'Can I ha ndle the monthly payment"' hai. been the buyer's k1;:y question," Mayer said. However, Maye r con ceded that as r ates c limb to e x- t raordjnary heigh L'i. sales will turn down as more and more buyers arc prtCC'd out of the· mark l't 1n r t><il , n o t psychological, terms "Most builders a re at the m ercy of the resale ma rket," said Mayer . "ESCROWS WILi. become longer and cancella\.Jons will in· crease as wouJd·be buyen ex· perlence difficulty aelllnl t.belr existing homes with over·the· counter llnancln1." Further complicatlnl at· tempts to eaze lnto the crystal ball is the fact that 1980 I• an election year. ·'Sound economics inevitably 1ive way to expedient politics." noted Mayer. "The fl1bt aaatnat lnnauon ls today's adminlatra· lion priority. and ti1btenln& the supply of money Is one of the few direct actions available to lt. '·But the administration is walking a tightrope ," said Mayer. ''It needs to curb inlla· lion . However, a• severe re· c ession would be e ven more dam aging t o re -election chances. Thus, we can expect an attempt to slow inflation t.broulh tight, expensive money for the next six to nine months, followed by a loosening of the purse strings to stimulate the economy in thesummerof1980. "IF INFLATION slows to a single-digit pace without the on· s lought of a crippling recession, the administration can claim full credit," said Mayer. "Then, as the election draws nearer, it can tum around and battle the slowdown. ·'Even ir the first phase of this strategy fails and inflation stub- bornly persists, the administra· t ion cannot afford both intense infla tion and a deepening re· cession. It would undoubtedly surrender to inflation , blaming uncooperative labor and busi· ness practices, and go after a more positive ecooomi c climat.e," said Mayer . Mayer advised builders t o take advantage or the difficult months ahead to sharpen basic s kills and practices, noting that the "basics" have changed over the pas t decade "LOCATION HAS a lwayc; been the single greatest element 1 n t h e h u i I d t: ,. ' 5 s u c c e s s formula ," salCI Mayer "And while the 1mportancP Jf good loC"alion has not changed , its de• rinit.ion has shifted a long with our lifes tyles a nd economy. Poc kets of lon g overlooked urban land are becoming gems, while outJ ymg areal. are becom· ang question mark!> as gasoline prices rise and fi rst-lime buyers think .twice about long com· mutes. "At the same time, each seg- ment of the market has a dif· ferent perspective on good loca· taon ," said Mayer ... Proximity to 1ood school• If crltlcal to famlllea. Irrelevant or even detrimental to lduJta. Vlewa are top priority to luxury buyers and more desirable tllan you mlSht expect for others. We can't af. ford to luell what buyers want. We have to know. Market re· search, therefore, Is definitely a basic.'' Mayer alJO ad\'iaed builders to look closely at home deal1n. ''Not only muat a home be well conceived in terms of now and appearance, lt must be seared to segment.a of the market which can and will buy under existing economic conditions. Soccess dependa upon identifying unsup- plied and underaupplied &el· ment.a of the market and creat· in1 s uperior products for them. Equally critical will be the abili· ty to make quick shifts in pro- duct design to respond to ll)e changing market." O&G~ATIONAL efficien· cy becomes paramount in dif. ficult times. "Builders who may have grown lax during lbe re· cent boom must again learn to watch costs like a hawk and streamline whenever possible, Tax planning becomes essential as the opportunity to sweep mis- takes under the rug of inflation diminis hes," Mayer said. According to Mayer, merchan· dil\ing. considered by many builders to be a luxury, has become a basic. "When new homes averaged $20,000, no-frills hous ing was acceptable. But in the era of $100,000-olus housing, buyers demand man II ayer heht>ves that the most crucial basic for the eighties is 1n the area of government rela· lions. "Whtie housing has un- d ergone radical change in the past decade, the most dramatic revolution has occurred in the role of government. Nol only must we locate, design, price <tnd finance producLc; correctly, w e must obt:.an permission to build them. permission that 1s orten very hard lo come by. Mayer called for builders to meet this challenge by wortung •;i m ultaneously on two fronts ··we must actively sei!k to build hrldges or cooperation with local ~overnm cnt . persua ding with logic and Q,Uahty products. Al the same tame, we need to con· tinuc our collective industry ef. fort toward educating officials and the public alike on key is- sues so that tomorrow's officials will be more sympathetic, not only to the needs of builders, but the needs or lhe public." 'Stur1 wi1h Jasmine C reek, ceruinly one of the choice locations in Newport Bea.ch. AJJ a 24-hour uttcnded gate·housc. Now imeaine one·story, two- ~1ory, and split·lcvel, single.family attached homes, all or them architccrural 11cm loaded with distinctive features. Then the Clubhouse with pools end night·lighted tennis courts. Put these elements toacther and you have a lircstylc mmt people dream or aod only a rew rcahu. H you are the kind or person who demands a ft nc residence in a private community, Jasmine C reek deserve' your strong considct4tlon. A /act lth11t on /llcil1tlf's, ;,,eluding ot>nclot/on u~U.Unlt'nt,f, f.r 01101lohlr. nets of this ••tement of r•IOUtCll..., llabUlttet. We ~=:....~.:=.~· 0t1!'.~ "::...~.em.~::t declare thlt It has been t•amlNCI bf us, and to tM ...,,.. T. wi-'"'' • .,,....., o .... ,. ••••• c= '" .. Nit of our iu---"-anet _. ... 11 trut •-cor--"_,....,. e..ct1, eo1Hw111•.,... L.MtMI ..-. ,,....., c.i ...,,. -_... _..... ._ ,_, Tlllt ..,_,_, It ,OIWll, .. f llY e T11t1 ....,_, It '~lof .. • JASMINI Clllll'I In the Vlllaaoof Harbor View Hom.,,.. $202,950 By DINCton ..-e1 =::."& .-r•• =-· Paul I . •ranctt Tlltl .......'!e W:. '"" w1t11 ,,_ TMI ..._:·::::::, wit.ti ... ~VIO~eon c..r Cltfll • °' ..... ~"' Jiiiy CiMMY °"""or-c..M' °" ""' _... n-.. ""· t. ""· _ ,_.,....., Oranee Cout 0.llY ~ ... _..July 2!&_ -,_,.._. °'.,,.. e... o.t~= ltWI..._. °'""' c... Doi~= "WY .,.,.,..,, Jlllrlt."WM9.J,Jt,1"9 171t,pt Jlllrl,U,tt,!t,..,. ,.n \ • ·---··-•.#It.~· ....... , ........ .. .. . -. . . • M. J. Brock l Sons, Inc. Phone (714 ) 640.4020 . -·· ,, ' REAL ESTATE 21. tm * DAJL v PILOT C·7 ~~··----------.....-.-------------------------------------------------------------=;....-----------------------------IHe.Mt,.,.S.. HeuwtForSm• 0 1 ft ~ ., Ii bn Jii '• '" ' OJ fl u t Record Sales In Mesa . RHCll'd ....... Wffk ..... NMl'V ........... . tna approslmat.ly t4 •IW. Mve beela r.port· eel by Mct..a•n Devtlop- m•nl Oom,.ay foUowlQI tM r.-illlroducUoo ol a.he new tennla-ori"'t~ Wimbledoa vua._. com· munlty lnC:O.ta Ila • A.._ ball ol t.M flrtt • ..... Ulll .. ra1nl· b ....._ &o M offered at the .. mAWoa. llt-•il protect wt re reserved dur na the Utn.-. openln1 day a ~ 8EL£C'l'10N of thrf'e jllfft'rent floCN' plans are ·a· available In countr y '' Ea1Uaa. architectural styll1111. FeaturiJll three and fou r b edroo m s. Wimbledon Vllla1e hom• u-e priced from $143,500t.o$176,950 tr .tJ 0 1 '" f n· \JI '(Cl ,.,,, OJ bu "I Im ... , ,,. "' r. ,11 ")I ' ')I '(It .,, ( .,, ~· ot ~,, .. , F ocal point or the uni· que development is the private Cente r Court T ennis and Swimming Club. Three nl&ht-lighted tennis courts, a s wim· mini pool, bot swirl pool a nd wading pool a re among the private club's racillties WHEN111E commun1- t y is c omple t e , the lifestyle or Wimbledon Village will be enhanced hy landscaped greenbelts etched with CUl·de·RHCS To reach the Mel.um Ue velo pment project, l a k o· the Sun D ieJ(o 1-"'recway to lhe Fairview exit, andgosoulh lo South Co<1sl Drive VAULTED CEILING EN~ANCES ROYAL PRESTWICK MODEL HOME Niguel Heights Opens , T h e Uurd anrrem c•nt of El Ni guel Jl c1ghL-,. llrnc;dmoor flume~ singlt .. famllydcv1•loprr1eril lo<·ated in Laguna Niguel IS nuw 111>1•n Sale:. 111 t·\t·c~~ uf SI l.~.580 huve aln•ady ht·1 n r1 .. 1l11.1·ll -.1nt•c the popular 1m1J1•rl r11 :.t OJH.'ncd in the foll ofla Hl ycar PRICES ST/\RT AT $210,450. eHec· live J ul y 20 I lowc·vt'r . homes sold suh Sl'f!Ut·nt lo this dale may result m lhc unavallah1hty or any or a ll price lt•vt· h.. i\mnn~ overall a11poi ntm(•nL'> ;Jrc vuultc•d c .. 1hni~s. c·l1 rt•story windows. formal d1n1ng an·as a nd wet bars. /\II horn1·s h:iv1· c;1•111·rnl l·:lc!clri<' a p· pll :i111·1-s, 1wntru., l11m1nou-. c·1·il111gs, 11111•rinr l:iunrtry .ir1·a!'., pass lhroul(h k 1 l c h P n s h t· I v 1·.,. w o u cJ burn ing fi r1•plat1·~ and 11111'.I offer three-car garage!> Extl'nur lr1.•:.ilm1·nti-. include am pie wood and hn<·k w1lh woo<lshukt· ruors The Royal Carnoustie ts a three bt>droom, two and one·halr bath home with family room in its 2,040 s~uurc (el'I The Hoyal Prestwick 1s ii fo ur bedroom. three hath home f'ncom· J>ilSStng2,5G!J squurc rcl'l TUE ROVAI. MUIRFIELD is a two story hom <' with 2,670s quarc•fcelof h v , in~ a rea. Ceilings reach to lhc rooftop in lltt! balconied entry and i-.unkl·n h v mg room with fi replace and bay "'an dow. The Hoyul St. Andre ws Hls111s :i l wo story homt· With lU.175 :,,quan· rc1·t /\ bonus ro<1m ;Jt·compan1t·:-. tw11 s<•r1mdary b<:drooms ;Jnd mai-.ter :.ullc on the upr>cr lt·v<:I of this ho mt·. To reach thl· Bro<11lrno"r llornt·~.' di· Vf'lopmc nl . tak1· lhr· ~an IJ11·g 11 Frt.·eway lo <'rown Valh·y l'ari...~ ;1y t·a:-.l lo Clubhouse f)r1 v1• Tht.• i-.alf'~ 11( f1<:t· and m1Kll·I complex an· 11rx:n rmm 1ou.m.tol)1> m SINCE 1920 Solar Heating Set At Irvine Project While conatrucUon pro1resaes on schedule on its T urtle Rock Rld1e townhomedevelopment ln Irvine, the Akins Company has announced the ava ilability or a n optlonalaolar waterheatlqayatem. The Incorporation or the sya~m should provide 80 percent oflhe average fa mily's hot wa~r require· ments. thus realizln1 s avings in the es calatlnt COil or natural gua. This. combined with tax credits from state and r~deral governmen ts, s hould pay for the solar In· slallalion in as little as five years. according to Mike Cortney. pro1ect manager for the Akins Company. Two floor plans, Sa1e and Laurel, will be offered at Turlc Rock Ridge. Each is a two-bedroom , two· bath plan highlig hted by extensive use or windows . sliding 1lass •patio doors , decks and patio op· port unities. .., ,, .... ..,., ... " Keeps you on top of the entertainment scene, Fridays In the Land Wanted DAILY PILOT Ma j or d e v e lope r seeks r esidential or mobile home property I n South e rn California. Mr.-Farrell I 714) 540.0500 CONSIDERING POTENTIAL AVOCADO ACREAGE? Call me collect at (714) 676-4138 or write : DICK HALDERMAN 28121 FRONT STREET RANCHO CALIFORNIA. CA 92390 FOR OUR FREE AVOCADO BOOKLET lie No 0~7·1 ING TON btl f11. c1 Jt JA ANE HOME IN IRYINE : n \'l ah· ,(j ,,, r ... ., Deslgn,Valu9 and Qualify ... right from fM beginning. Since 1926. Warmlngron hos gained o flne reputation as a builder of homes of great distinction and e.xcepttonol worth. Now, we're building rwo fine communities In The new Irvine Village of Nont-t.Nood. We ~of no better envtronmenr for home ownenhlp. Worrrungton in lrvtne ... your double OS&Jronce of present and fvf\.R vol~. Kai\ 3 6 ' ledlooms • 2 & 21h Ooths I One 6 Two Story Plans 2. 3 6 4 Bedrooms • 2. 2'12 6 3 Doths OM 6 Two Story Plans fforn l:t 13,880 from $97 ,990 (71,) 551.0055 A treat Location In Onlng1 Countyl (714) 5'9·5'CM m.PNa. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ewr.I IOOJ 4hMrol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• QUALITY PlOfl•TllS LIMDA ISLI -Juist listed. beaut. E n g li s h Tud o r . E l ega nt c rafts m a ns hip thruout. Gorgeous leaded windows. $2.650.000 TUITLBOCIC -F inest view location . 4, BR. 2 sty. pool & tennis. OpcniO<Jay, 4 Canyon Ridge. S207 .000 . JASMI.,. CIEB -Lowest priced a nd the best buy. Plan JI . Open today. 10 Jetty. S208.500. LA•UHA IEACH 3 cusl o<:can view · homes. wa lk to bca<:h. 120 .Cres<:ent i · Bay. 5324.900. ,: SPYGLASS HIU -Fabulous 4 Br SOLD HAUO. VllW HIUS -Best buy in entire area. 4 BR. s plit level, ocean & bay view. Open today, 2S15 Windovt:r. $299,900 .. llG CAMYOH H ighly upgraded 3 liR. se1> dining , view. S215.000 ~ . 1,',j, ,/. 'lloll /1. (, ~J1r>u·1~1k.J , 'J,~·al 1->lab, li~O-!l~l(J ~I~" 'ldn l·•.iqu1n 11111~ HJ. 1n '.'ol~wport C~ter sa..dt. Fnit ,,..., Prof. decor. 2lfiOO sq fl Back Bay Hm. lmmac. parq. nni. s bdrm. ram. rm lrg yrd S1 29.!JOO Uav•• 34' di•""'' au' ';11lboat want .. m1oll house, ()1 .111 g1• t 11L) !">100093 20141 Kl.inc Ur.S I\ lh.tt-..1-------- 75 1 .7721. A .:t. Upl'n Sal/Sun . Of'B4HOUSE SAT&SUH 1-5 S04RB>LAHDS MEWPORT HEIGHTS 100/oDOWH ('uul c,ct•an brt·t·t<'' wuJkmg d1i.Lanct.· to lhc bl'i.l Ncwp11rt Bl'a1·h ..,t·hools . llarcJwood norir... frreplal'l', ('11(.J j.ll•r plumbing & tt V boat ;,t n~ ... Owner wall carry :.4..-C:'OOd ! 752 19'.!0 J QUAIL PLACE PIOPERTIES • 10,... Tll 1:)0 f' >it.I ASSUME LOAM Heaut1ful 3 H<.lrm. pool. l l'nn1S, hul(t• p .ll 111 1 $K7.SOO. :l6tl Genoa Ln . C M. /\gt . 646·7414 ur !1'11 lC.00 WHAT A STEAL! <k:can Vll'W fr11m hmm , room a nil 11!· ,. I. 'I h 1 • -.ru.rv 3 lld1111 h•>nll' w1111 'ol'('l11d•·d ro·:o r \ard .111d JJ•~ll lr;1~ Jlll\I lw1•11 I ,. du•·t•tl 11\f' I 'l I 111111 I " $12!1,!tlfl f\ ltll\o y1111 f :111 I 1111~... c.111 tor 1!1•1 :011 , ~1'.4111 s .-.. ,~ COATS&WALlACt REAL ESTATE), INC; PERSONAL HOME OPEN H OUSE SATURDAY 1-4 SUNDAY 10-4 253 E. 2lRO COSTA MESA ~1 on ovt•r I ;, '"''" 011 .. lolVf'ly sln·d 111 <'J:.l:.11J1• (;11.,1.1 M1•.,,1 /\ t111 .11 INVESTORS! l.Julld ·r 1.., now ...,.111ng hi· DUP\.EX pers onal r""1cl1•111·1• El.OOO Assumable loan Natural 1·t·llur :.11h11g liofnc + incomt-' l'r\mf' f1n•pla t•1• 111 111."1i•1 beach location ~% mu tw11 roo rn .... p I 1• 11d1 d Pays a ll ! Call (714) lunl.l:.c .iµ111J.! ll u J.!1· format d1111n g r11111'11 ~'f'J'!1 , .. , , ",,. IJcJmt•l.l t·crl111g·:. !®NIIMI h1.·uuufuUy w:1ll11.111<•1 .. rl All the cxlr.1., "'""''' /I. ouli.11h! Np l'~1wn ,, s p:1rt·cJ b v t.111lol1•1 uwiwr /\ <>11.111 1•1,11 •· "' al-c-Oft l'llL'tl\t• (',JI( lk•,1 1\1 f11tl1I -.., -, 7::.:l l!rlO , .. YcAanne o,..ttome s. .. •·5 ' QUAIL Secunly i:utirdcd J fir PLA.C E Mun~l'O mdl l'l-.· la ud at ~ 0!9.500. __ PROPERTIES ... T=l'Cllty I IOp: Til 1:)0 I'M.I LUSK EXCLUSIVE An im pcn·alJll• Vl'r!'i alllt·~ 111 Big Ca ny on. Unsu rpa!'is(•d lux u r y Cor nf'r l0<:al1on on a c·ul d <' s:.i<· Truly om· of t h<· f11w homes in Ne wpor t Bc a l'.h. $1i 50,00(). B y appointment. 25 IS E. Coast Hwy CdM 675-3411 S@~~lA-~£~s-- r1ia1 Intriguing Word Gome wifli a CliucHe -----14'te4 ..., ClAY I.. POUAN •1_......, Ille 6 Kro.,.bi.d _. ...... IO tod:e 6 ...... -d\ '''"' ~ °' eo<h ... "' llM of -·· I HOQTUM '1*1111' ,, C U L S I E I I I I I' H E E T I R I I I I r I YOLREC Htwe lt9m: "When a .... _f_l_l._"_,l_I_ well-Mown oper1tor of • --------. ~wide oMtn of hotel• 1 1--...R_Y_D-.-H_l-w.-l--t oot to M8"ft he found -· _l_l __ l _l' __ I ... ~ "*' 1o11 hi• I RELIAG ... , -, .. ,-i, .. , .. , ,-,-, .. ,opt, ! fnS..:~ 't;:i1 \, .. I . • .. . . r -, • For The First Time In Our HUltory ••• At Orange County's # 1 Buick Dealership I I •, UK! n · Is aving A ONE PRICE IJSED ~ ·SA:LE GROUP I GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 GROUP 6 '1499 '2999 '3999 '4999 '5999 '73 NOVA '75 REGAL 1191231) f 834NCVl '77 MOVA 177 GRAND PRIX '79 REGAL 18 l2TXJ1 1566WOXI ( 134SLR) '74 PINTO '73 MARK IV (098VOOJ (396WOZ) . '72 PINTO '74 VW BUS I 120056) (349LJSI GROUP 2 '76 PINTO WAGON '1999 !539PEI) '75 CORDOeA !905MEBJ '74 SPOllTABOUT '7 6 SPORT AC>O t;·; (744KXZ) (660RKSI '77 REGAL '78 CENTURY 1409PUZ1 '78 MONTE CARLO 1378UBDl '77 T-BIRD 192SWN I '78 COUGAR XR7 •432VGNt '78 FIREBIRD •77 GRANADA G'18RWE1 1263SPMJ 177 REGAL '77 DA TSUH BZ I 0 (604WAll T TOP 1146459 '78 MALIBU 1<'12VNN '79 OPIEl. 1588WCOI '78 MIDGET 1208133G, '73 OPEL '78 FORD PICKUP r I L 114061 '73 OM~GA '76 BOBCAT (529GIT) (257PAAJ '74 MALIBU t820LAB) '75 REGAL '76 LE MANS tOO!iMIMl (553N1Ml '75 COROLLA '76 DATSUN (879NOM) 710 COUPE (888PCM) 10225? '78 CAMARO 790TK0 1 179 CAPRI 030WGB• '78 EL CAMINO I 1K01570l l !i8SWCOJ '78 MONTE CARLO 1007UPMI '77 M~"G;;7 !446VPY) '77 GMC SPRINT r 1G94189t '77 GRANACA (624TJJ) '78 REGAL 18 18\/PBJ '75 ESTATE WAGON 174 ECONOLINE VAN I t99UEEJ (67403W) '79 REGAL 1664WOWI '76 ReGA~ '78 MALIBU 1379PHM CLASSIC (851 ULZI ~ I l ~ I Plus Many More Specially Priced Used Cars!!! · Any ~eniaining A~toniohiles NOT SOLD By Monday Night Will Be Offered To Our W~olesale Buye~ At The Sa01e Prices! It's Quite Simple ••• H You Have Been Thinking Of Trading Or Buying Another Autoniobile Anytbne Soon ... N' SS SSA Big Car, Small Car - We Need Your Trades! Our price include8 everything except tax, licen8e and a 820 documentary fee. Thtt .... definitely end• 9 P.M. Mondey night, July 30th. All c:ara IUblect to prior NI• Utr I ---~ Open 'Till 9 P.M. Mon.-Sat. · , fh-Rnfr! Cm•nl!f 'S DURR Y! Yea ••• Open Every Sunday 'Till 5 P.M. ... ~, · :s:tf B~ll Oenle.- 3 blocks So11tll of tlle HARBOR BL VD /SAN DIEGO FREEWAY San Diego Freeway A division ol 8old!ffaotors. 9 ·79.2 l!!.oo 2925 HARBOR BL VD., aJSTA MESA Opel-Jaguar· Tnump#\MG d • All makes, models and colors Classified Auto Advertising · , in the DAILY PILOT 642-5678 I .., -• --..... • ... <9 # t .. ~ " ,~ .. •• I •• t • • .-t .. . ,_ , . ' •• ~ft .. .._ 4111-. .......... .,_ .... -.. ... •• • ... -# ... -· - --.. I ..... Jytr 21. 1979 DAILY PILOT ., The IJ••t M'!tketplece on the-Or•ngtp Coast DAILY PllO' CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, [ 642 5678 ] One Call Service Trade It WHh a W•nt ad • Fast Credit Approval ....._hr S. ..._..For Seti HottMt For S. Ho.Mt For S. ......_For Sale Ho.wt for Sale Ho.Ms for S. Hoaes Ltor Sale ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... tw 4 IMJ I rr4 IOIJ •-r• 1002 1002 .... ,.. 1002 51•1.t 1002 G1Mral 1002 G1 1 4 1002 .......................................................................................................................................... •·•········•··········· .•.............••.•.... ' " 0 .. .WCr. All~ estate advertised ift tbia new.paper LS sub Ject to lbe "'eek.rat Fair Housing Act of l~6K wbida aMlle& it iUqal tu -&dYuUu ''any-PU ferenee, Umltatioa. or dilctimieetkw baled on raoe. eolDr. relig10Q. .ex. or natioaal origin. or an intention to make any such preference. Hm1ta lion. or discri minatlon. · · 1bis newspaper will not knowinaly accept any advertjsing for r e al estate wbadt ia in viola. Uonoftbelaw. mS: ......... . ...... dlecll ....... och .., .... report .,... ron-.clahly. The DAILY PILOT cn-1 ....., for .... first .. corftd im«tioll Ollly. ••••••••••••••••••••••• G-rd 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWi& DESHttA TE SU bIDJl any ofrer on this 3 Bdrm, 2 bath Mesa Verde bea uty. Locate d on a quiet cul·de ·!lac with add-on offi ce or den. Also has fireplace & lari.:c pantry 1n the kilchcn. .. uu pnce, $96,ll50. l:all 556-2660. PllCI llDUC!D IM SPY&LASS Need q u ar k sale . l mmatulutc 3 bedroom, family room , on Jarg cornt'r lot with fantu»lll' oee an & harbor vl(\w. Tcrrlf1r buy at $415.000. OPJ<:N SA'r & S\IN 1 5; #J POINT SUH. llST OF All VIEWS Ha rbor . Ot"e,1n, ni ght lt~hts H1~hly upgraded I bf'dfoom. fu rnily t oom. for mal chning . ~orgcous pool & spa Oeh~htlul pTopcrty. Priced right at S549.500. OP1':N SUNDAY 1-5 , 69 MONTECJTO tSPYGLASs HJLL >. OCEAN VIEW ESTATE E njoy this beaut ifully landscaped ya rd. pool & s pu with µanora mit Ot·can Vlt'W for a bul'kJ!r OUtld. 1 Of CAMEO SllORES ' finest propert1t•s Fee Jun d & owner will tarry financing a t 10': inkrcst. Extra large rooms . 3 ,bedrooms. 5 baths . OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5; 4709 HJ\MPTEN RD. $499.000. BIG CANYON CONDO Lovely upgraded .2 & den, in super sha rp condition. F'ormal dining. wet bar. large d e c k . vie w of hills & t'x cellcnt value at $189 .500. O PEN S U N DI\ Y I · 5 ; :i 5 S E A l SL AND DRIVE CORPORA TE PLAZA REALTY 548-2953 EAST SIDE TRIPLEX $179,000 Pnme comer local1on. Enclosed garage:. I luge lot. Spac ious ur11ls with warm wood paneling. owner will curry with lowdown Call 646 7171 lflf'' ! ,.. f • REDUCED $7,000 Reducc.-d for fa.st Mile ' Owner Le; very anx1ou1. and 1s 1.acn f1cin.: th1:. lovely hom e . All new carpel'!, d ean as a wh1:.· lk ' i''(•atures. 3' lldrm:.. I '• b.Jlhs JJuild your t•t1u1ty tod ay, 1n 1111:. gJonous home. Offe red at only S8!1,9So. C all ().1.>{).'W «=SELECT T'PROPERTIES --•4•1D-RM __ _ FOREST E OLSON •••~ED 2 balh. fireplace. cuJ>tc>m ~ drapes . A·l cond1lion. MIMCH COLONIAL BJ.SOO. ESTATE Real cir c ular dr1 Yl' 2 STORY w/parlcing. Elegant 2-sly Shake roof. 4 AR . 2'• ba . • beach. S BR inc l guest $129,WO. Easts1dc Cost.Cl ' Qtr5. 3 BA. Two sep dens Mesa. w/beams. Fplc's formal din . rm. Sep pa re nt , EASTILUFf retreat off huge mstr Oloice comer loca tion. s s uite w /s unde c k . 3 UR.JBa.$187,500. Uelconies. Walk to golf. •--Mee-.. -Rltr ll has it aU. Move today. ._.., --· • Asking low SIJJ.500. Call --·5·41--7•7•2•9--• 963-0002 Bkr CLASSIFIED HOUU M\••r1\~ 1 '"·'' 11L•rP lt"W•11 .uh 1,, t•·lt·1•h••H'' l' •11 ., m lh • 4'&•\1 en \Jhflll.I\ I hi (I ~ I II I.I\ Klo nohn ,,,tut tt •• , I 'I"'''' \I ~-"A I If•~ II I'. .I Ml \\ 11,o\ IH'VESTORS SPECIAL $89.900 Large 2 budrm hom e located on comer lot. R·2 wrung with room ror 2 more uruLc; Just h!>led ' Call now for mcm.· de t.aJls. 646-7171 lM'P• • / • r , 1r; "'· • ............. u .... BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! Panora mic Newport Ray v11'ws from gorgcou~ 3 bedrm u ppe r un1l ur spacious 2 bedrm lower urnt? Nature1l bnck fplcs. Wet bars. 4 Car guragc. lloal s pace. Slcps lo bea ch. Uial 754! 1700 FAST! If I'' t1 I • ,,1•1 It, Al.AHDONED RUSTIC IEACHHOUSE ll1 l l top c ot ta "t' w1Sµar111.h motif :J UH incl 2nd sty 20· l11fl mi.tr rel.real w /sep rm + pvl EASTSIDE 4-Pl.EX T ownhouse style . walk to shopping. great area. s uper buy. Only $205,000. Call 645-9161 1 763 Oran'ile Costa Mesa 'WafterS.~ &_A~~oc. 673-2500 COUNTRY FRENCH -CdM Priced to sell -NOW $299,500! 341 5 9'JIET COVE OPEN DAILY 1-5 Only ncl'd to turn the-·ke} on t hifi 1·har m1ng 1 HR & furn . rm. home w ith p 1t'lurcsqul' da y & n ift ht V I Ew-of uffshort• is lands. bav & o r e<in . Come t'n.1ny ml'andl'ring through 1mr used hri<'k walkways. cntc.>r onto sofl brown M l '.X l l'a n pa ve r s & relax 1n the comfort nf wood fl oor ing, bea med 'l·t·lling~. Frcnth doors & s hutte rs. Vis it or <:all for app 't. -easy to show. LOOKS CAM BE 2 Story-4 Bedrm DECEIVING POOL-BEACH but not. Ill lh~ ca~c· Ju-..t $73.~. Oram at1t· liV1t11! as beautiful 1n~1dc t1sout r oom FormJ I dine· s1dc 1::.lhci;orgcoun.4hr. <.;ardcn v iew k1ll·h c 11 3ba horm• which hJ:. :! Sparkling pool Bike t•1 wcl ban,, 3 frpk . Frrnl beach from this bc<iul din rm, covered pulw & garden home. As::.uma BUQ. Call 979-5370 now ble FHA loan. No quah A fying. Hurry" Call 714 LLSTATE ~.:?.o/.,. ·" .. -~EA~1:()RS [ ~ IU!lfll COLORADO RIVER Park e r ar<'a . waterfro nt: dock. 2 bdrms., 2 balhs; cemr nl block cons trucl1on . 16X 16 Sun dl'c k & cabana ~ dbl. gar a i.:c. rooo:i for mobile home : lot 30x200. fee l a nd . $134,500 ALSO 4 Vac anl IOl$, 40xWO each. <11.,.wilh river v11'wi. & 1<1wlchmg pn v1ll•i;1•s. P ric t•d a l S<!IJ.000 t (> S22.W>cach "C"THOMAS REALTOR ~ W. Coasl llwy. N'pt. Beach 548•5527 IARGAIH I ST TIME OFFERED SSS.500 home in $65.000 ooghborhood, 2Br, lfW. 1-!ood d ean :m~u. Lg lot. ruom to 1•xpund. 846-5502 Going Into Business? :As required by law, 1 "'"' ·,i,71( [e_Jfdfil sundl•ck Sep. s unken •--- new bu s i ne sses lu si ng a Fictitious lousiness Name must !register that name I with the County Clerk. I ll'Vn" ;'I fl"I. II" \t ·11 11Ki:\ 1i. .... h '""' Mo l~I l .Af:l'NA llEA!"ll 11111\ <ilt-rin1·1 r•• l.111tuna lit•1t••h 4:Jt •111.i1. "I.Ill< r111 t 11""1. I\ 11t,1l 1r1·1· ~>'Ill 1<!.!11 CLASSlflED DIADLIHES l~adftnt• 101' ('Oil \ llt kill' '" ~·ao p m th•• llJ•' tlt'fott puhhC'1111on ... " ,,1lt tnr SUnd;,v & Mon· d;,iv •:tt1t 111n' wht-n ttt<.-dine 111 S..turd11,. 12 noon. CUSS1FIED lllGUl.ATIOHS t-:k kOllS Ad l'l'r l •~t·r' .Jloould r h••f'k th1•1r ·"I' d:uh & rt•rw•rt t•rrur'< 1mmf'd1 11 ttd ~ T ll I': OAll.Y 1•11.crr a~wum•"• lwhlhlv rur 1hr l1rs1 to t1lffl>C'I m.wn 1011 nn I\ '-'l\."l('t:l.l .ATIONS wtw-n k1lltn11 un 11d lw !IUI'" to m11k~ ;1 n•<•ord of thf' Kii.i. NllMtU~H 1!1""11 you hy your ud t11kl'r 1tll re1·t•1pt of ,vo11r 1·11n<•t•lh11100. 'l'hu. kill numtw mll!ll llt' flrN•t•n· It'd by I~ IH!vl'tlil«'r on ('_,..ohdh putc•. CAN('t:1.1.ATIUN OH ('ORRt:t'T ION o~· Nl>!W All tH:t-'0 111': HllNNIN<: 1-!vcory 1•ll0t1 h1 m11d.-In k.itl or ~t'\'f'l 11 nt•w 11d INt hitll bl¥n nrON'('d. hut ~ r11nnot ~unun '-" \0 dn 11n unhl th\< 11(J ~•• •PPf'•rlPd 1n lhe '*""' OIM•:.M .INf. AO". .,,.._ .. !Wf Ark•tlv ~ • ••~ hv nuail f1" ill •nv tint' nl Our nl flttll NO ptlon(• orckr'< Ooctltn•· :i p m ~•'" l'~l11 M.-u Ill• h~ 12 nnon ul all llrlWll °''"'"· form al d in. r m Oen ANAHEIM HILLS f'plc. Beams l hru out. Lovely 3 Bdrm. 3 b a. 1\ r " h e s . d cc k ~ & farruly rm. sep formal g a r d c n 1> W a n t dining, t·ustom P<>OI & sorrwl11injl umqul"1 Only sp<i C<:ntral uir cnnd SI 12.500 + i:;.z term:. for Pnccd al onJy $14!5.UOO CAIL.SIAD IEACH IJ'J.ln>. Neal Jbr, 2ba. collage . 2 blks from ocean. on cul·de :-.ac. S • I •S • llc11lly 71.i 1434· IS.SO all Call UKR. 96.1 ()l)IJ2 Call Tod ay !Call the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT tor forms and further Information. I 642-4321 --------Wanl Ad llclp" 642 5678 ./HARD TO FIND Tw o full y fu r ni s h ed Balboa Penins ul a units on leg a l R-2 lot. One h o u se from s and . Priced for jmmed.iate sale al just $189,500 on fe e land. See this property on Saturday or ~unday between 1 and 5 pm at 1607 Wnt lolboo Parking Available in Rear JJewporl Pier Realty THE BEST OCEANYIEW IN NEWPORT L g . 38r & 2 Br Duplex , l ux urious. wilh spacious owners unit, which sips 6. Even a s andy front yard. A very Solid income, a lways booked on a s ummer/Winte r rental basis. 1 IREH/Mon~elc 536-1461 I Ert. 332 The Lawson RealtylSLANU.RI ArllA Uol.Yf"llONT llOMLS Company OP'EH SUH. 1.5 HEW1'0RT HEIGHTS '11 1 'l'l'STIN :1 Bit + rlln r m ~ d1•11 L~c. c•orner lot. Ot•cun view from 1nslr. bdrm. stoo.ooo UOO ISLE 111 VIA llNDINF.. 4 BR. din rm & sp11. Bay view from living rm. $398,000 Ken Uri1tini:l1.1m Virginid NJ~h How.ird L.iww n, Ir ~htiht Ldwwn 3418 VI• Lido • Newport Be~ch • 67S·4S62 macnab I lrwne realty HAUOI VllW POlTOAMO One..ol·a·kind rem odeled home in ideal location ... backs on nature park w/nb rear neighbors ... but 1 there are fruit trees & room for a p<>Ol! .5BRs -TWO family rms - enclosed garden entry -and such a m enities as wood noors, ceilings & handrails. J oyce Edlund 642·~. '42·1215 644-6200 901 Oo,,.r Drive Hatbor View Cent« l rvl"' •t c.tmpus Valley c.n-., 752·1414 Colesworthy & Co. 2545 EASTBLUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 84CM>020 ILUFFS IEST VA.CAMT-eE SETTLEO FOR SCHOOL Lmda Plan ; s pacious single level 3 bdrm .. wraparound patio, g ated entry. dramatic vaulted ceilings ; new carpets & paint. Walk to s chools & village shopping . $168,500 Bright end unit. popular 2.-level family ho me ; 3 bdrms ., 2 1h baths; frplc . e ating area in kitchen + forma l dining area . Cozy, paneled fa mily rm. Wide greenbelt & park view. $185,900. '8. Cote Realty ~nv~stm cnt Company YOU'VE ARRIVED AT. .. IALIOA ISLAHD E x tra lur~l' eorncr duplex in xlnt eond. On ·Shore ~· nd o ff.s hore moorings a v ai lable . Recently n•modclcd. Could be elegant s ingle family home. Jo:xclusive and offered at S695.000. BIG CANYON - Ex('C'Ut svt• family horn~ w ith four hdrms. :1 bath s & pla y r oom Beautiful pool a nd sp<J All new paint and and carpet. Move in t ond. l mmcd . ot cupanty avusl<iblc.:. Open Sat/Stm 1·5. Y o u 've a r r iv e d i.l t t::l 5 t<'ontainebleu llG CANYON L ovely 6 bdrm home, all on I floor . Bea utiful pool and spa with two fa mi ty rooms . Ve ry large and priva te yards ... that's correct - ya rds. Shown by appt. and offered at $795.000. 640-5777 NEWPORT CENTER Big Canyon Golf Course View leautiful new townttc>u. -"'Y accn1 to poot mid iCICllD.i -tennis courls. • :! Bt'drooms or :! plus tl>ll\'(•rl dc•n •Air 1·orHhl1nn1:1I • 21 • Hathi. • F <1m1lv ~111• k1khl•11 • l>inin~ ll11um • ('1•ram11· lll1· 1·n1n kltl·h1·n • (~uahty 1·aqw1 .. Wall co\l•rrng._ • cu~tom :-.hull 1'1· .. 1 ut:.ipt•' • Olh<•r cu:.tom amt•niti~~ s• by OWMf' 960.co2 Or your a~ent-Courtesy to broke rs RNlistk price for qllick '* $239.000 MAGNIRCENT WATERFRONT-VU AJtsollhfy perfect Iii ••err Wfl'f· ·'Mr. & Mrs. P•fec:HOll md ta.11y l•e ....... Woodsy HhriOI' & . wltt. 8-dsc_,..t flowers mid CJl'HMry: ... 14rCJ1 IMlcCNty .ct patio. Two story 4 beclrOOiil ...._. w ilh for111al dlnl•9. l•a.tlf•lly coordinated decor ltw11glla.t. MeJdc• Hie. stm.ed C)lou ...,Y doors. c•to. wallco.""'9 cmd wlsMlow .... ..,..,.,,, ltlC .... 'fOIS' OWft boot tllp lta a •try ,... .... ........,. $'75.000 ......... BETWEEN TWO .BAYFRONTS C'* d1 I 2-ttory ....._ 1"-d hoM wltlt add·OR poulbllltlu. 3 ....... + ..... ,..... 1241,000. BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX Wtl ... Hid ...... wffll lwfdi ... ............ , .... two ........ .. Mlc.ty I ............... two 2 ..... ... ..... OwMf' ... • ....... , .,.... •• fla•c .... SJ4f ,OOO • .... .., .. ..., 315Mam.Aw. Bahoe ltland 6714900 TAKI! OVER LOAM 4 Bdrm Baycres t home w/ ht.&ge forma l dining, cpts. drps, bltns. frplc. Lrg heated pool, elec garage door opener. Vacant & ready to go. Take over $168,000 Joan at JO:Y,.v;,., INTEREST. Offer y our down pay ment. Asking · $200.000. FURNISHED DUPLEX Close to beach 3 Bdrm & 2 Bdrm. bltns, pvt patios. frplc & big gar age. Xtra lrg Jot w/o\'er 3t>OO sq ft. Reduced to S229,000. Easy r ents. Owner mosl anxious. Try a low down. JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 2919 N~wport Blvd. com~r 30th OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, NOOH-6PM H F.:IU': IT IS Thi' b1~ h11uw ni:ar Lh<' He al'h with .1 lo w 'l 7 ~1'. 111 :.in W t-: I N VITI': YOUR I ....... S I' E n · 1 0 .'1 o F T II I S I M I' E C CA B L 1-: l'HOl'EllT\. nl'WI) rHurtm.ht'<i wllh all new k1l <'ht•n. four li<>droom:. lhrt•t' bath,, \unde<'k ofl m a-.tf'r 'Ulll-latt1C'1· c·ov(•rNl palm 2fiOO i;q ft of i.:r:ir1nu-. hvmi.: JU'I :-..orth of the new 200.000 lluntini.:ton St r and llomc.., 931 t HUDSON, HUNTINGTON IEACH Call li1HIMJ agent for clracHOM PHYWS SALYEa '62-4454 COATS & WALLA.CE RE.Al ESTATE 9021 Affmtta NO POOL YET ... .. but lht• ya rd I!-. bi.J! enouJ?h for onl' & <.it this pnec . you m ay w41nt lo put in your own. A dc,V~hlful 3 bdrm. home. n1 cl'I}' cl~<·on.1t cd . w i t h n l'w carpl'I ~ & drapt·~. Thc rl' ~ u ,:!rC'a t . fam ily room that opens onto the y a rd. (or maybe your new pool >. & a lo\ cty ki tchen l a 1<1 nul f o r th <.• mo s t d1 ~t·rim1m.1lrng d wf. L<w;.itl'd in l h l· \t·r~ po pula r L.1\..(• l•'o n •s l a r<'a P n eccJ tn M·ll a l S!1.J.50o ,.; TRIPLEXES FOR SALE CORONA DEL MAR On l h<· ocea n ssdt· ol thl' Jl w v .. 011ly I hloc:k from the ht·arh. r ;.;rc an Vl's t mcnt oppor tunity wit h "'Int l in <.ineinJ.! <1\.<.iilabll·. Th11~l' are dt•luXl' units . :-;omc• with frpk s .. IH • a m l' d c· <· t I 1 n J! !> & pr 1 v a t l' lrnltonit•:-. It total o l 3 l npl<•:>.(•s . :t\.~11labl<• al S270.000 t•ach. . INVESTMENT MINDED? ~· We havl'"' new <·onvC'nicnl'c t·l'nter in nearby Fountain Valley. 100% leased. with 7·11 as ~ 'elchor tenant. Little or no m.-i ~cnl. Xlnt l<X:ation . Full priceJ$ ~000. LUXURY WITH PRIY~CY GENTLEMAH·s RANCH .Just m inutes from lle mN: 360 :-;edudcd a c res with a magn1fi l'cnt 8 .000 sq. ft. nint·h s tyle hom e o vc rlook1n 1.1. the r a n t h . A1r·eon d1t1oning & poo l. g uest hom e also with a pool. is ne arby. Add in the paddo<:ks. s tahlcs. fore m a n 's h om e. f encin g. cross-fencing, etc. & you ha ve an outstanding value at $790.000. IRVINE TERRACE RENT AL Avail. Aug. 1st. Spectacular view hom e on the front row. Perfect hom e for entertaining, with large pool. family rm. & billiard rm. 3 Bdrms., 3 baths . $2500 Per month. WAMT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH? A computerized market analysis of your home is avail able by calling H arbor R eally . No cos t . No <>bli~ation. Some ta lk about it. we have It: Computerized Marketing. "Let Our Experience Work for Ypu." .. I ........ .... ........ ,.,. s. ............ s. ........... s. ............ s. ....... ,_,. • .•..•.................. ···•·•···•········••··• ............................................................................................ . :'I=~ .. ~ Wt lh ft'9r.. th&lft..,.W. .... ,.. IOOJ 9sw.. IMI ••ller<ll 1001 G1 1r.. 1002 ••• t11 IOOJ •••rill Id .:. ·-······· ·············-···-....................... ....................... .................•..... ........•.............. ··-··················· --················· ..................... .,,, ·-.... .. .., llOJ ' ................................................................. LIDO llU P~rlerl f1em ly home on wide lot : 4 BR. + ram. rm . Parquet Un .. 2 rrplc , , C\lstom kitc hen. i475.000 LIDO Ill.I DramaUr dbl. doors open to ~loisttirfd 1i1rden entry. rormaJ din itn .. lnrormol den. Gracious hom e . ptoudly orrcred at uso.soo 1.IDO ISU The luxury of s pace in this 5 BR . den. rum1ty rm . on l~e. st·to·st tot. Fin-..st tor Sunny So patio ... .-..cm.1 .... UU.S YoU'R HOM I f'AS'f l P U L I. R t: A L r Y SEAVICt;• AS8l8'I' U 'ELL 8611797 --- ••• n •••• , • ..._.. •Undfa"f c:.taM_. You are lhe winner ot lllrwhtttckeh <122.00 v•lue1. tu Rln1Un• Br<lll llomu"' & fl111lr·y Ch t'uw AUfl 2ndthn.il3lh Anahtet m C-On vtlnt 11x1 Cenltir 'l, J.527 .500. Tir k ·t• muat bl' ••)( c•hi.ntwd ror r u•"rvlld a.ea~ ut th" Con vt!tll ton Center a.head of ti me Ca.II 6@56711, e .. t tl:l to chum yuur liclu:lb MIW UMITS In prame Costa Mc~a re ntul urea. with frplcs. Lge. exi1Jting loan. ANXIOU. O WNER 8A Y S SU BMIT NOW! Ask in g S243.500 • * * HEIGHTS CHARMER DAVIDSON REALTY !NC Sltt6,500! • ...... " ' 1.:1 'J(ltJU 29 HALF MOON IA Y OHH 1.5 GorJ1 eous Newport Heights churmer 1 J Bed rm s • w 1 bu l h s Completely r enuvJll'<l with many upgradc1>. Spacious yurd. · T akl' ud vantaie. call 7S2·1700 <11'!1' 111 V •It \ 11111 If) I I 1,' I' Yo ur opportunity to purch ase this -s uper Southport 5 Br + bonus room. pool & s pa with one of the best oc:ean \ & harbor views in S pyglass. Original ~owner MUST SELL ! Quick occupancy l•1lllM 160'0NBAY \ : Agt. \ 752-0254 833-1333 Brand new s Ur J lta. behind uuurdcd gatcb Mesl view in harbor Just listed. Hurry Mui.I hl'~' lo upprec1 utc S950 ,0UO 964·2502 Ed --- 675-3411 OM THE WATER A s ummer p lace and wintl·r loo' 4 Bdrm s ing le f amity home in Ne wport. Un<I C'r $200.000. Fantastic terms. Pcrf cct for u second ho m e or in vestm ent. $179.900. MEWPORT"S HST -5 Bdrm home in perfect community for c hildren. with a yard that has had ~recn thumb care with founta ins and pools. Thb is a home to enjoy with pride. $209.000. WHAT NICE CHARM -Less than you'd expect fur this 1mma<:ulatc 3 Bdrm + den Cameo ffiS?hlaJl<is home with pool. Under SI95.000 and you'll enjoy privacy + a g lor ious CatalinC1 sun~el from the yard . L~St< IM SEAVIEW -The biggest model. now b1~ger a nd better. C ustomized 4 Bdr m Port Hoy8l with game room a nd view. $338.000. HACH DUPLEX -Looking for an inves tme nt a nd a retreat'! You can have your cake a nd eat 1t ! Owner is moving out of area and must s e ll this rluplcx. One block from the beach in th<! l'Clltcr of the summe r seen<!. $2 19,500. EXICUTIVE REWARD - Y ou deserve this eom fortablc 4 Bdrm McGreggar plan on an overs ized . private lot in Turtle rock H ighlands. ll 's air <:onditioned. & you can c hoose carpeting plus. builde rs terms. $214 ,900. f'OOL HOME IN IA YCIEST -Spacious c ustom built 1 Bdrm h omC'. Ideal for entertaining with c.i Jarg<! pool and patio. but room enough for a safe play yard. It's a g r eat family home. a nd a fabulous buy. Reduced to $237,500. HOTTEST P•OPERTY IH TOWN -Immacula te 4 Bdrm Peters Townhom e. Present owner just IJ'IOvcd in, decorated in super sumptuous taste. and pC>w they'r e tra ns ferred. You can assume their tow Interest loan point free. It won't la st thfu the weekend. $155,900. · • Tl•iD OF CA•TIMGi ICIOS -You won 't n eed to do ~ much if you choose this 4 Bdrm Lusk built Eastbluff hom e in walking distance to schools s hopp!ng, churches a nd markets. and It's ideai for childre n . Reduced to $239,000 f cc. UMDEI $200,000 IN MEWPORT -Super 3 Bdrm home on one of our best streets. It's vacant. the owne r is anxious. You can't beat this value at $198.000. FOi THI SICUllTY MIMD& -This 3 Bdrm J at;mine Creek h om e is an inves tment in peace of mind, freedom . Pool, tennis , convenience & a peek of the ocean ! Don't let it s lip away. 1225,obo. o/ n.wpa~I REALTORS 675-5511 OPIN HOUSES JJ4Q IA YSIDI DllYI: c-.. Mr. o •o•t •••tM .,... le•M. cmto. ..... co .. .._..,.ory .._. wlttl ..._..M IAY VllW. TlwM 1119i•*••••· .. ,_ .. , f-.lly , ............ ..__...., ............ roo• odlolnlRfJ •••l•r ••It•, •do ... _. • .,. l•l1MJ, •ery ..... ,........, fHHtl Ii patio ..... 1 llltwc .. & MCriy ,,.t ..... nn.ooo. °''" SUMDA Y ~ .s. Jl I POPPY: CCM"OH .. Mr. 1-f shpt to tlte beeclll ,, • .-... ... to .... '°'t office, baRll.t & ,..,,_ illh. oft alrMt ~ for 2 C)llHf c .... two ........ . f ••lly roo•. 1t•dy & 9ardH roo•. SpacN.. tto.. with fNteh pri•ocy. OWMr will ltelp fiHRU. Sl60,000. O,.H SUMOAY 1-5. 2040 PHALAaOPE: MeM Ywde; a •err tp•clal offerlRg -HW ,.1 .. t. HW laRdsceplftCJ, Hwly co,.,..ed, blCJ FIVE HD•OOMs. l baths, f_.ty rooa s.c.,.. finCIRClncj of row cholce. S I 56. 900. OPEH SU ... DAY IZ-4. I ... NEWPORT IEACH: TIM llYffs; ~ "E" ,..__ nw.. bedrooms, t.nily room: opH beomld ~elllng1, on wide gree•lt. bullettt prtc. at $179,500. EXCLUSIVE llG CANYON: OM hatf acre Htah; OM of a kind, fin bedrootn1, 51/J baths, NCreation rOOM with wet bw & fireplace, 9ard.n roo"', adjoiRiMJ two patios & pool/ spa area. Approxb11ately 7000 ~ fHt of mCIC)ftificent IMIMJ In a most ucluded pri•ote co•111unlty onriootdlMJ liq C•yon Golf COWM. Call for defaifs & appoinhM..t. JASMl ... E CREEK : Corona d•I Mar: s.ca.decl, pri•ah co.....uty, ~ llMlde tnu. pool. spa. TENNIS, dose to schools. •artceh, cllllrclMs, restaurants, ht the heart of Corono del M41r lit's .,.at. I Ii•• then too! -JHn Cole I. A lovely thrft bedroom home -master suite with adfoinilMJ study. finplace & an ocean view balcony. $241,500. SIX UMITS: One block from Bi9 Corona Beach; private patios & swtdecks. Built in ran9es, ovens, dishw_ashers. brick fireplaces -one large owner's unit. Tax shelter. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy .• Coroea del Mar 675-5511 OPE... HOUSES SATURDAY 2·5 PM: 21 Blackoak, Irvine 3 b<:drm. ~lll ~I(· s ty . townhome. $8000 111 upg rades. N r pool/ st>a/ tennis/ b\kc lrnils 1-4 PM : 1964 Roumory, C.M. Dl'~i ra hle. Eas ts ide loc n est priced in ar ·:1. LarJ.(<.· lot. HV alley a ccess. OP9' HOUSE SUNDAY I ·4 PM: 921 Jasmine, Greenbrook, CM - No q11alify1ng. OWC Isl al 10'/,. 5 BH, pool home on quiet cul-de·sac. Ask for Dlcma V. Pi.ttftPOI THE REAL ESTATERS 546-Zlll ~It macnab I Irvine ~ realty "A LITTLE BIT AIOVE EVBtYTHl ... G!" Dover Shores View -overlooking Bay & ni~hl lights ! New decor - new k1ll'he n ! 4 s p acious BRs Lovely entry flows onlo view patio p er r cc·t flo o rplan f or (•ntertai ning . $335.000 -s ho rt escrow possible . Beverly Morphy 642·823.5. CX·88l CUSTOM IM SEAVIEW! 4BR s plit-le vel home by Valentine! 1''ull of the fines t materials & appointments! The last of only 3 b uilt in this private community w l t ennis . pool & s p a . $365.000. Lynne Valentine 644·6200. <X·89) PALM SNIMGS! 2 n ew condominiums in pri m e locations. or Riviera Garde ns at the Riviera Hilton Now only $75,000 Fee for lBR & l bath & lg pat io. C2) Es tudos South o n South Palm Cyn . Dr. 3 BRs. fully furnished Sl24.500 LH . Both w/pbols. s pas & tennis. Tom Allinson '642·8235. C X·90 l HAYI OCIAMNONT- WIU. TIADI OI SILL! Mag nificent 4BR S~a l Beach home w/.2f> ft. wlndo~s ortering a fabulous coutline view. PLUS 2 lncom e units wtrf>lcs. & private access. Ample park ing. Submit otrers. f875.000. Holly Markas 644·6200. (X·9l) Ml•Ull. SHOllS OCIAMfltOMT A touch or Ha waii right here on the OCl!unfro nt in the c losed gate communitf of Niguel Shores. Serene & b eautifu locatio n and a great investment. Private steps to the lovely community beach. Spacious home with 4 bcdrms. formal dining, study & huge recreation rm. Spa & bit-in fis h uquarium. By appt. $975.000. GllA T GIHNIELT & OCIAH VllW The bes t view in Jas mine Creek' S uperbly decorated. this bright. airy & c hcerfuJ home w/tf.'o patios will win your tieart. Situated on one of the best s ites in Phase III. Near.new popular "Bay Mist" mod<!I. Thi ~ quie t beautiful a rea offe rs the bes t in ll vin~: tennis courts. pools. s pa & 24·hour security gate. $250.000. COST A MESA INCOME UNITS TWO OUPLEXES-U•GE LOT Each duplex contains two 2·bdrm. l ·bath s ingle ·level units . Near schools. s hopping. etc. Reduced price at only $195.000 for both bldgs. Call today' WESLEY .... TAYLOR CO., •EALTORS 21 I I S-Joaquin Hil1 RQCld NEWPORT IEACH, .... I. 644°4910 BEST 1.N BLUFFS ILU~S LARGiEST Z Pl.AM 2600 Sq. fl.. 4 Bit fam. rm .. 211:.0 ba .. huge bonus rm. N<!w carpet~ & k1tch<!n appliC1nce!> Im muculul<' ! Pncl'd to ~e ll S220.UOO Including land! OPEN SUH. 1-5 2753 Vista Umbrota SUPElt IARGAIM Sharp a-; a modt·I. n •det·or. lhruout. End unit. J OR . 2 ba. s 123.000. OPEH SUN. I ·5 1972 SAM IRUHO ILU~S IAYFROMT Full water Vll'W . profess. decorated. fmt•st quality 1950 Sq. fl.. :i HH. 2 1 :· h:.i : end unit Chou:t• t arly Bluffs. GurJ.(eou~ ! S2~.000 E ... D UNIT 3 BR , 2112 BA. Gn·enlJl"ll. hav v1t·w. WOO s q. ft . rww ncutrnl <·arpl'l·. l1k1· rww thruout l.o\'1•ly. lg1· ttlt«l s µa. St8:i,OOO OPEN SU .... 1·5 406 PLATA (off Poradol BARGAIN BEAUTY I .gt· 2 UR. 2 h:.i . form. din .. liv an·a on I l<•\t·I <:alh<·dral t·t·1 1 ·~ : rww t'arpt'ls. lon·I~ setting. s omt• v ww Lgl' . lot int <Assumable loan . Only $159,000. HELEN 8. DOWD REALTOR INC. 644-0134 List & Buy Witt! ~ &perts BAYFROHT Severa l fine bayfront home~ with pier & slip AVALON Well constructed. J BR. l ba .. oak floor. paritia l bas ement. con cret e foundatio(l. 1''1als area. $120.000-Fce. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1dt• 01111 .. N B 675 6161 l!E 810111 BLlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 54 DRAKES IA Y OPIN SU ... 1·5 S111•c·1 arnlar SpyJ.tla~i. l.m "' v I•'",. AC'droom \1 och•I Nlghl L1Ahl:-. VH""' l'roh •s.,1onally l,,ind"l·•JlClf Many F:'llra f-'l';1ture' Pool. Sauna, !'.f>:t f•:ntry Lt·;111!\ T11 Larj!•• L1vin1i Flemm & 1-'ormal l>ining Modern K1l1 h1·11 Cianll' Houm S11hm1l OH<•r-. 2712 VISTA UMIROSA OPEM SUN 1-5 Sharµ Nt!w Ofkring Hun• S IN<;1.i:; ST<>llY f'/\U L/\ PLAN. Thrt·t• B1·11room:. Pl11' Farnilv Hoom De~1r:1hll· Enll !11111 \\ 11h Wrnp·/\rouncl Pnt10-; Vor lnllo111 011111001 1-:nl l'fl111nrn~ /\1r Cond1t1oncd. Low 1011•1 l''>I fl:tl l' i\i.:<omahlc l~oun. Pr1 c-cd /\t SIK2.SOO /\ -.111v Of Nl•wµcirt .. l.1sltng. I 0 RUE FONT AINHUAU OPEH SUH 1·5 U1g C'<1nvon Prtml' Sl•t·uralt-' 111 Tht• Ocunc Built llom<'N. lmmatulall' Oov1Jr Model. Two Bedroom:.. Two Bnlhi., Plus Den. llu~c Mn<1tcr Suite l>cl·oratcd In Be111e Tones f':nd l 'nat In f':'<c~llt•nt l.otat1 on l11·rfrct llomc fo'nr Small f'am1I~ S2!!9 !.100 LIMOA ISLE Sl't'l't:wulur 1-·arnlly llomc On Tht• Waler In N1·w purt fl•·ut·h Thret• B~oroom11 Plu11 \la1d '11 ll 11nm l,url(l' F am ily Room lmfn;ll'ulall· C'•mtl1tmf1 Hu1w l)o(•k For Your Y:11·ht ('ull Now Sl.500.000 FAIULOUS WA THROHT Truly <lorl(('llU~ CoKtnm Ou1lt Six Bedroom lfnmc In Nt•wport Beach. Best Av1d lable Lot•at1on ON I.ID() ISl.E Huge fo'am1ly Room. Larae Ma~tcr Suite. F'orcver View Of llurbor. Oversized Lot Plus Lor~r Dock. Call t-'or Appointment DUPUX IUILDBSll Large R2 Lot WllJI Pour Pi•droom llouiw In The F'ront. With Top ft enta l l'O!ll41h11it1ca. Plenty Or Room To Build Socond Unit Without Moving Two Car Oor1111c f'ront Unit !llceds Sprud nlf Up. But llos Great Pot•ntlal. Assumable 81,\~ LOl)n $95,000 631·1• ... ADOftl, ... ,. ...... • WANT A llSS FIOM I A PIETTY Cll? Then show your ware thla charmer. s bedroom. 4't'..I baths. 1014 Mariners. Dover Shores. OPEN SAT & SUN l·S. Ask for Theo Whitehead. BUY l BIT OF HISTORY You wouldn't b.elieve this homey beach cottage was once the cook hOUl)t' for the Pacific Railway. 128 26th St .. Newport Beach. OPEN SA'r & SUN 1·5. Ask tor Olive Rumbellow. DREAMS DON1 LAST and neithe r do dream houses. See this beautiful Balboa Ouplex before it's too late. As k for 1';iteen Artukovich . TIRED OF PAYING RENT? The n lak(' a look a t t hi!S woodsy Woodstreum Condo Let us tell you how· you tan own 1l. Ask· for Theo Whitehead. THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR WIFE arc s pent in her h ome. Make them wonderful y(•ars with this charming 4 bedroom homl' an beautiful Cameo llighland:-: 45tR Wayne. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5. As k for Tom Mescrcau. REMEMBER WHEN lht• family t·ouldn't all 8it around the tubfe? Wh<-•n you erowdec1 the kids into inadequa te hcrtrnoms·> When they hoa~ lo go to a puhltc· pool to swam'? See t~-. gr ea t 4 bedroom, fa m ily room. dining roo{Tl pool ho mt• and put an e nd lo t h o s c r t: m <.' m b e r w h c n s . l 9 0 7 G lcnwood. Newport Hcach. OPEN SUN 10·5 J\!-.k tor Theo Whitehead. ()nluig21 NEWPORT CENTER tcd_ f 7f . 640-5357 MAGNIFICENT WATERFRONT-VU Absollftfy perfect in every way. "Mr. & Mrs. Perfection ond family Ii•• a.n". Woodsy exterior & with landscaped flowen and cyeenery: plus larcie balcony and potio. Two itory 4 bedroom home with formal dining. Beautifully coordinated decor Htrouqhout. Mexicon tile. stoined 9lau entry ooors, cu>'°"' wallco•eri"CJS and window tttohMtth. Includes yow own boot slip in o •err private setti"CJ. S975,000 includilMJ land. WATERFRONT FOR 2 YACHTS Exe itinq tn-tnel home on WA Tet wlth slip to ac:commodate two yachts. Expansive residence with step-down li•i•uJ room, f0111ily rm., Md ton.al dia. room. Fow bedrooms inci.dinc) 111C1Ster uite with f ireplace aRd balcotty o•erloolli"CJ the WATER. A vibrant hotM for the WATER LOVERS! S765.000 !includes landl WATERFRONT LUXURY /BOAT SLIP An uclusive residHU 0 ... THE WA Tet with subdued diqnity and educated good taste. Special imported and antique features groce ~ entire fow bedroom, 4 'h bath residence. Stained glou windows & French doon in the formal diRiRCJ room; rare car•ed fireplace mutle in the fo111ily room; plus a hctt1d101M shtdy. Separate master suite with its OWft ll•l"CJ root11 and balcNy. Luxury in e•ery respect best ct.scribes this honw. loaf slip included and YOU OWM THE LAND . Shown by oppoiRt111ut to qualified buyers. ledtlced to S 1,215,000. DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE This cOftdomiftiUlll hotM °" the WA TY is in a clots by itMH. Archihctwol Digest would boatt abCMlf the desip1r featw.s ..ct Mlect c:t.cor of stalMd glass, custom wood pwll•9t ..tique breakfront and so much ...,..., ~r ' than many ho111es this 2 bed, pl•s deR/ office and rai&ed dlnllMJ crea offers . pri•acy, wcurity ond o•ailability for yovr OWft boat. S620.000. LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT-BEACH Still tifM to s.-Ct c6topet & decor for thl1 l or 4 bed. °". WA TH. S..... Heh~ A1 l1 $710,000 BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT-VIEW Pri .. cy, wcmity 2 bed. 2 bo. coop. IMt slip ••oil S 197,500. LAKEFRONJ WITH DOCK Lelle ~ cOOf clR.ted dtcer 4 bed. with co••Httlty focllitlH. led. to Ult,500. VIEW OCEANFRONT-1.AGUNA IHClt c.., 2 W. 2 IHI .............. or wll c..,, S.COINI T.D. S2H. • N.B. WATERFRONT CONDO/SUP • ....... ....tty,Vt1WJW.21t& ......, ............... ,u •• ooo. WATERFRONT HOMES 1-.c. :at:lh W CoJ-.1 f f11Jh'4111. ~1-wnon llt•och 631·1400 \, .. ........ w. HM. ISTATI uc•• ••ca MCI •••• . IALIOA ...... Eleaant BAYFRONT duplex <unita side by s ide>. 3 & i bedrooms. Owner helpful with crt'IUve financmR Fee land (not leasehold' SW.GOO. U90 -OM 1MI IAY A spectacular condominium with particular appeal to the bmy or tr.veling ramUy. The harbor view 1s bile an oil painting. The ~ecurtty la complete. lncludinte elevator service 2 Lovely bedrooms. den & gourmet kitchen. $.M0,000. Boat stlp available. DOY• lllOllS A landmark property that everyone has 'Cen. E veryone has adm ired. Everyone has waJ\led BUT ... until now. this offering has never been av.Ulable .. The sprawling house 1s situated on s pacious grounds. with et permanent• unobstructable view. Lavis h use of used brick. of French doors & wiridows .. & so1aring beamed celllngs. 4 Bedrooms. Formal dining room. Family ro.e.~ ~re you. the one destined to ownJbis classic? llYM lmaACI #4 This entertainment oriented 4 bedroom. formal dininf( room home has EYE APPEAL from the c urb to the tropical patio. Everything is spacious. including the 3 car garage. $299,500. * OPEN HOUSES * SANTA ANA Hll6HTS 6 Bedrooms. country living Ccity style>. overlooking golf course. r. Acre. A-1 zoning, horse O.K. 20462 Birch OPEN SUN./ MON. 1·5 •••••••.•.......•..•••..........•.•..••. -· .••• $499,000 S'Y•LASS 5 Bdrms .. dining & fa mily rooms, POOL. VIEW. #8 Drakes Bay OPEN SUN. 1·5 . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ $465,000 HAllOl leGol 4 Bedrooms, dining & family rooms. Vie w. #17 Coventry OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ............................................. $450,000 DOY• SHOUS 6 Bedrooms. dining & fa m ily rooms. view. 1548 Galaxy OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ................................................ S415.000 IAYCllST 5 Bedrooms, family & dining area . 4 Baths. 1807 Sanda lwood .w_,....,._,........_ ... , • .,.,..1 w ............ , .... , .............. ... llga .... C.-7H.02U SEAL llEACH-PRIME PROPERTY 2 11oc•1 to Smcl Nice family home or investment. 11"2 lols. 2 Bdrnis +den+l% baths . 2 car garage. $135.000 ... Flexible financ ing. REAL ESTATE by LUCIA 147·6535 '6J.1211 Pete Barrett presents BIG IN THE BLUFFS SECLUSION Ir CONVENIENCE Large Carmelita 4 Bdrm home on wide greenbelt. Many exceptional feature s in this love ly mode l. $165,000. See tl for the first lime! 2634 Vista Ontoda, NIOfMtt Sat/S. 1-5 1.5 HARBOR HIGHLANDS-POOL STAY HOME AND ENJOY -Nice deep lol. malure lrees a nd covered patio. 3 Bdrms , family room. hobby room. $169,000. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 ............................................... S310.000 -t-1-l~LUewotity Lft., NI OfM" Sot/S. f·S ILUFFS Customized 2 bedroom & family room. 414 Vis ta Gra nde OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ............................................... $259,500 IAYCllST 4 Bedrooms, dining & family r ooms. 1807 Toyon Ln. OPEN SUN. 1·5 . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... S239.500 WISTCUFF 3 Bedrooms, dining & family rooms. POOL. 1329 Sussex OPEN SlJN. 1·5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................ S218,000 CAMYON CRIST 3 Bedroom, family room condo. 19 Canyon Crest OPEN SUN 1·5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. $182,000 HAllOI HfGHl.ANDS 4 Bedrooms, family room, POOL. 1615 Ruth La ne OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ........................ · ........................ $179,500 COSTA MESA Under construction ; 6 condos . 3 & 2 Bedrooms. 163 1 Irvine OPEN SUN. 1·5 .......................................... Starlin g $ll2,SOO 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPllT BEACH llY1NE TRUCE Corona del Ma r Executive homt. Wa lls of glass being outside inside. Large lot; fee land. 3 large Bdr. + huge dining area. Live in one of Orange County 's prestige areas for only $255,000. Call Charley Darr 631·1266 IDYUWILD 2 Bdr. hom e near town. Overlooks ldyllwild Park . Trade or exchange; $64,900. As k for Roy Siemens 631-1266 RIDUCID SS.000 Ve ry customized 4 Bdr. home in Mesa Verde, near park. Hardwood flooring, low maintenance yards . $1 48,500. Jackie Handle man. 631·1266 3 CAI GAIAM 4 Bdr .. 21h Ba., RV access, High Assum . Ln., Lrg. tree filled lot on Cul de. Sac. Irvine schools. No assoc. fees. Tom Baron 631·1266 CIMTIAL d 4 Bdr., 2'h Ba .. Pool size yd. Owner will carry Isl at 10%. 3 car gar. Tom Baron 631-1266 4 OI S .. IOOM Spacious, bright, 2250 sq.ft. home. 3 car gar .. 3 Ba., private pool size yd. Tom 8art>D 681-1266 rM ASSUMAIU! I 'm an adorable 3 Bdr., 2 Ba ., on a lovely tree lined street. I've just had a face lift, and I look great ! Jeanne Inglis 631-1266 or 552·7367 VA TllMll lmmac. 3 Bek'., 2 Ba. 189,900. As k f 01 Jeaaae la1li1 831-1266 oi: .. .,.., . 759-0811 PRIME AREA BRAND NEW 3 bdrm pool. s pa home. Cus tom throughout. Close to beach. view. w<t lk to Marina. Excellent financinA. $299,500 btugo FRENCH COUNTRY ESTATE At Hte top of Spyglost HUI ltHd• tlli1 brop••• 1tyl•d .. ,... wffll 5 ..... b••n•• ••d 7 •l•CJ••t betltroo••· , ....... c 110" ..... nt.d .. ., ................... ,acfflc Oc.-t.f •· wftlt ........... . city ICJlth flfcUtilM) by ...... . L•••rr •bo••d• tltr••tll .. t ............................ ........ ., ..... .-...... ,... ... eced ...... ., .... 5 ftr• .. Hn. Y• c• .... , ... ,... ............. ,..,.... .. ......................... ............................ rOMt ..... lldl•W.g ,... -faculf. Yo•r prl••cr h t••r•••••d wltlt aft •l•ctro•lcally co•troll•d IH...., I,..... C)tMr ..... f••t•r•• ar• cobltl•1to•t ••tr_f/foyer. oak c•Hl•91, ,...... ................. 1000 ..... feet of ............. -............. ···•···· ... ,,.. ••• 'ala11• _... .. ........................ c •••t•rtop1. Offeretl et Sl.7H.000. 644-7020 WIDE OPEN SPACES IN NEWPORT 'h ACRE IN IACIC IA Y -View of the bay. hills and mountains. from this 4 Bdrm home on cul de sac. Safe haven for playing children. plenly or area for gam es. hobbies. sports. Sec this cus tom cJcs11~ned and well bmlt home. $26!J,OOO fee 2510 Vista laya, HI Sat/St.wt I ·5 CORONA DEL MAR HEART OF HARIOR VIEW HILLS - Lovely fa mily home -now vacant. 4 Bdrms. 3 car garage, heavy s ha ke roof and much more. Super quiet location -f ee land. $258,000. 1906 Wet I• Dr. 0,.. W/S-1·5 EASY CARE WESTCLIFF-POOL ROOM FOR FAMILY FUN -3 Bdr'ms. family room. pool just outside door, and extra RV/bbat parking.$165.000. 1212 Do•er Dr .. NI Opeft Sun. I ·5 A TOUCH OF EUROPE VIEW-CUFFHAV&I -This unusual home is-on over 11:1 acre -privacy and elegance a bound. See this 4 Bdrm home with its lovely gardens, large pool with g r and entertaining area -conta ining BBQ pit, bar and stage for rlancing . No othe r like it! 120 IClncJs Pl., HI 0,... S.. I ·5 NEWPORT SHORES CREATIVE FINANCING -On a la nd contract -owne r will catry large loan balance with 9 1/:.!% interest. on· ly $15,000 down. Best t erms in town! 3 Bdrm. family room. Sl18,000. Call Liz Beazley for more information. 250 Coltoft. NI OpH s.t/S.. I ·S GOLF COURSE VIEW RANCHO SAN JOA9UIH COMDO -2 Bdrms and d e n with upgrades inc luding brick fireplace. shutters and mirrored wa rdrobes. Mus t see to appreciate. You own land. I Sol-. In 0,.. S-. I ·S CUSTOM QUALITY-NEW LISTING MEW'°91T HEIGHTS AllEA -Enjoy gracious living in this highly upg raded and g r eatly expanded h ome . An ex tra l arg e fami)y/ehtertainment room with wetbar and Cupola complement this 3 Bdrm and formal dining room home. $164.500. Call for showing. PUTTING GREEN PERFECTION LIGAL STUL IN MISA D& MAI - An immacu late 3 Bdrm home loca ted in peaceful neighborhood. Lillie ones <'an w a lk to school safely. $105.000. SKYLIGHTS-VAULTED CEILINGS S'ACIOUS WISTCLIFF -Privacy prevails in this s leek "Up Town .. 3 Bdrm home. All the attractive features in this home are very welcominJiC. $174 ,000 fee . .,. us .... .., ..... .., •• , ............. U.Wl Mytn & ........ 642-5200 DWUX-... .._ llocb to beadt " shops . Try lK down and owner r•nancln1 at 10% lnl. a»lOOO. Call Hurry, call ~ ()#'fN Ill 0 •II \ llJOl 1()111 'I" I ' [911111 OCUJ-.OMTS 2BRboGM·11'15.000' 2 • 1 BR duplex "75.000! 2&2 BR duplex - $385,000! 4 & 3 BR diq>lex - $S50,000! 612BR units · Sl.250.000 ' IAYROMT 3 & 2 BR duplex S42S.000' NIWPOIT HACH 3&38Rduplex $189,000' Wboaloyf'rop. lHlton * 675-7060'• 4 llDROOM 2 STY Assume $63,800 loan. RI ...... ,. OlDI 01 HIW The challenge --·cun you tell the Antiques from the e xquis ite Reproductions in this recre ation or '* New England collage. All fixtures arid finishings are eithe r very oldc or very ne w. subtly ble nded with wood a11~ beamed ceilings, European oak floors. antique New England fireplace (Cir<:~ 1860). pastoral views a nd carefr~e Ha rbor View Kn oll condo li vi ng. 2 Bdrm -den -2112 hath!\ -pnced al · $198.750. U~l()UI: t1()Ml:i REALTORS', 675,6000 -2443 E as\ Coast Highway. Corona del Mdr l • M.mutes to the poundrn surf. Form a I l 1 vii1~nfJ(1lll1ii~~~--'!.: room. s unny k1tch~n. missive bnck rplc. nuge fanuly rm Stairs leading . to aJI bedrms. Wall or gl~ overlookinJ( p<>rk Uke grou.nds. Hu~<' t or ner lol w JR V atcc~s $S50Jmo. Call for a ll amenities. Avpt for private preview, 963·7881 [i'liflill We Worit For YOU! Res1dent1 al & Income Property DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 645-7573 HACH HOME 2 Story. plw. tort View of orean & walk to pound m~ ~urf from lhl!> spec· lllculur homt• Extra large li v1 n i.: room . ~t k1t cht·n. ~1.11ral sta1rc:us~: lea d1n ~ to pr1 va lt• mas tt•r -.u1t•· Large t·ndd palw 0111} $1:18 .000 C all f ur personal 1nll'rV1C'w !J63. 7881 ,. r.1 : » ri 1 J Seminars 15:1:1 lwant•-.1 Ori\\' C:orun.1 tl(•I M11r \ 1·~ l)Ofl Ht•ad'I C:alil11r 111.1 :1~;;?;, I~ l l 1 It 11 111!1 l It \.1 tillf;!l •ICE TO IEACH rrom I.Jui. Newport V1!>la 3 bedrm beauty L;iri:c ya rd. good l <'rm .. m.900 Act now• Call 546-iJIJ ()11r.J ,,, I• ti l t1t1 fl H' • I Emhi• Fixft'! SH.000 Pn me locullon' R l lul Buy now and rnakl' dollars C..11646-7 171 (Jll"f '• t I • t I •. I r, I [~li~MI JUWARD BY OWNER Beautiful & scar1·e Uruversaty Pk plan. Over zn> ft. w/vaulted cc1I· ings , huge ram rm w1pool tbl J br. 2 ba. dm rm. lg. kitchen w/eauni:: area. Rt.-tenlly painlt.'d & decorated. Hawau·bound owner offers very flex• ble f1nanc1n~ p lan Shown by appl Prin c1plcs only please 5.\2·8878 . Nawpart Heights BRANO NEW Walls ol glass enhance this unique 3 bedrm home. floor lo ce1hn1t brick rplc. vaulted ccil· ings, skylight, huge master suite overlooking sundeck and patio, walk· in wardrobe too. Owner will carry. no qualifyinl(. Call for personal preview 646-7171 CU'tli ,,, ,, • ,, 'llJf~ f( 'fif '• , I [91111 ""-COMMISSIOM Prd .. aonal agent pro. vidlna total aervtcea (fllUS) will aell or uallt )QI m purchaains yoar home ror only •~. Call f15. UJS Alt. VIEW & POOL-IRV. TERR. A ho•• of 1t1bd11ed quality In an Htobll11ted Newport leocll location. Newly carpeted aftd beautifully MOifttaiMd 4 ~ hOMe With f ... ly roo"' and lar9e outdoor patio · swrotllldiM) .,..tdiftC) pool U. protected cowtyard. lM"9 ....,.... CJrffMrY. Owner wiH cOMi-fiftCllteiftCJ. $525,000 fee. SPECTACULAR YU-Day & Night , Eqtcmtsin ho.-Oft lareje lot with room for poal C99d ct.ck. Newly dKorofed ht & • 01tt! Two story 4 bedroo"' plus bMlard/t.a. ""-inchtdhtq ... bar ... ff,.,aoces, deft -.ct loods of roolft to entertain in and out. Ea1y to show. $495.000. PENINSULA POINT CHARMER Freslt -MW .. Oltd out. Steps to loy & Oce-. Fnftch MorMclftdy 2 story hoMe with donMr-willdows. T ast.M c»cor: ~ New kitch-... Larqe li•lnCJ room, l ·. ldrnts, fmnity room/ dh•i"CJ or.a. interiot• patio. $359,500. • ·~ *AFFORDABLE NEWPORT BEACH; CustORt dKorated Md -..DdH 2 bed.; townho•n• condo with prl•ate! c~ facilitifl of pool. iocnzi • so.no. Eosy wall to beach. S 120.000. ! *YOUNG & LARGE-NPT. HTS .. ; Spocio1t1 faMily hoMe in a quiet• residewtial area. So.'iltCJ 2~ ..my with 4 ~. fClfllily rOOl'9 & f..,..... din.rift. &pecially large yard with 8 fruit trus. pltts separate patio with jocuui. Excetletlt ~ $205,000. *OUTSTANDING BLUFFS NZ" Spaciom mtd wdl-coordiAatH dKor in• this Hd unit with 2 patios. Two-story 4 bedroom 3 both con .......... ,.._ with. format din.nn., spacious family roofft and att o!Mnities for CJraciOMs ai•iMJ. Red. to • s 182.000. IMMACULATE SEAVIEWv VltW Special thrvout l ~d. f-. ,..,. patio •• atriltfft. Gated cOtNN11tity. $355,000. : . HARBOR VIEW KNOLLS-CONDO : lnte~stiftC) pastoral VIEW 3 bed. fam. ; ""· Conwn. pool & te.is. S 182.509. " BACK BAY VIEW-LARGE . Owfter wll exc~ this apadous 4 ~ bed. dift. nn. cust°"' hOIM. s..bmit terms. : $241.000. 11 (' . OPEN BRIGHT AND AIRY-1.ARGE : SpaclM1 2·story hoMe witll •s ft;" frontage. A fin bedrOOlft hOIM ...... deft • and diniftq "" and a larqe IMnq room, ~ Nice deck mtd patio. Venatile ._. plmt " with loads of rOOM ta expnu yOWMff, Oft Lido Isle, $495,000. I I NEAR BEACH DUPLEX Y 0H9 & lar9e 4 & 2 bed. c ...... to .. uso.ooo . DUPLEX FOR EXCHANGE Step1 to leeclt h1 actlH ,.,.h11ulO: locaffoa. 3 & 2 bed. ...... Sllt,000 . EXECUTIVE TOWN"OUSE CONDO : EltfoyaMe 2 bed. wfth Mini YU. 5...-: pool, jocmJ & ---. Shpt ta hech: Fon.er Mo•5-Actrft1' e.o-. S 120,000.: LIVEABLE LIDO ISLE-2 CONDOS : .. ,., ... Udo lffntyte -... to • 1N1•••a. ......... '"'""-' ... . CHdl I , ........... -.... ••11 price I:" e prHtl9I"• ad4reul: ,,. ................ Wk ...... ; fre1• tlllr•1... I le4r....._ I ltatlt,: ... .......... ,..... 1210.000 C>.e'"912'"4.. I MtttSIH.000 . ' NEWPOftT IEACH 4tt94111 491-1720 ............ down lrH lined walk tin terrace 1ardena. set tbe lllvtpetln• tone of I lhlt condo community. WATERFRONT HOME8111ie. hlilla&.-... L1; ,.._.. 497•111 f ,. 4tJ.ll 1 I Lieu ••• .,_.,.... ..... dill a a.troom. air condltloaed beauty Gftend at 1151.•. Call --· ~ WHELAt. j ' ~ , • ' • ,, • I . , ;.( { ... , i J, I •• I .,~ !l• . , h > 1! • l I( • ' . Vtrvlna raaltg .......... •1MIMA._. Dun 't mlu Uda llnmlna new Jaaml..L OR fr den c::ondomlahn" • eorner lot w/lanclacapln1 by Rocer•a Oarden. asis.ooo. Barbara Wlnaale 642·8235. OPEN SUN. 1·$ P .M. 105 JASMINE CREEK DRIVE. <X·71) TUITLllOCI tMHLA .. SI Beautlrul alr·cond. home w/hlxur y & N>mrort. Living rm w/fr;Jc. 4\ P'ren.ch doors to uarden off • formal dining rm. ~parate fanuly rm w/wet bat. P1 clore yourself li ving & cntertu ininf in thi s marvelous re6ldeoce ! 1215.000. Own ~r wll consider 2nd trust deed. l.orralne Rehnle 752 1414. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. t5 SUNBURST. (X -72 ) ...... COUNT'IY UTA.Tl" • 1~2.5001 Spuc1ous 4BR ho me . Formttl dining w /Wt!t b ur & country kitchen w t nook 1 Lg family rm opens to poolidze yutd & there are pvt BR patios & the ovcrsiicd master suite foatures an atrium bathroom. Paula BuHey 642-8235. OPEN SUN. 2·'1 P .M. 2365 MESA OttlV~. SANTA AJllA HEIGHTS. <X·73) "'OMl.c».A .... t• • Spettacul a r O cau ville P lan in Bili( Can yon -w1p:.moramic VIEW! Highly customized & expanded perfect for executive entertaining. Pool & spa . ~:mdic Fix 644·6200. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P .M. lt l RUE MONTREAUX. <X·74) DIMIAILI U YCRIST! S m a s hing home w I rt? a l s tyle & conv enient focallon ... walk to schools, park & s hopping from this bright & fresh 4BR/family rm residence. Don't miss this opportunity at $237.000. Jane Paquin 642·823.5. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. 1909 COMMODORE RD. <X -75) lfG CANYON VALUE! Owner leaving urea -REDUCED TO $550.000 fee & quick p ossession poss ible! Privat e. n e wly la ndscaped Jot with lg pool, separate spa & sauna off mas ter suite. The home hlis been prof. redecorated & remodeled a nd is re<#dY for even the most discriminating. Don 't miss this opportunity to own property in this cxclul;ivc. secure. guard.gated ~ommunily. Tom Atlinson 642·8235. OPEN SUN. J.4 :30 1'.M. #19 ROYAL ST. GEORGE. <X·76) G«IAT HOME. LOCATION & IMVESTMEMT! Highly upgraded 3BR ho me w/ lots of privacy & greenbelt & cul-de·sac location! Family rm w/fplc - formal dining rm -redwood deck off ma ster s uite. Prof. landscaping. Walk to pool $122.000. Marion Frizzell 752·1414 . OPEN SUN. 1 2·~ P.M. n 15 Dlt:EHCHJ<:fo:K. DEERFIELD. (X.77 > FftONT ROW IA Y & OCUM VIEW! Single·lcvcl "J " Plan Bluffs condominium w/nt•w c·pts/dtps. & fresh paint. Just wailing for you at S219,000 leasehold .. Jeon Dales 642·8235. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. 507 AVENIDA CA MPO <off Vista del Oro & C<.audul). <X-78) CLOSE TO THE IUCH! PLUS conve oie qt t o freewa ys Upp er Bay condominium for ONLY $9'l,500! Lg m aster suite & 2 add'l.BR,-;. -private yard w/cOvered patio. HURRY! Lor rain~ Jlennic 752· 1414. OPEN SUN. 1 ·5 P . M. 345 UN IVERS ITY #83. COSTA MESA. <X-79> MINIMUM C:AIE " But ~1 'f>(~Jutiful lawn & private corner location. '"' lmma~Ulatc J RR/f<imily rm Home priced to sell a t S25!1,000 incl tc.and. Rosemary M yers 642·8235. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. 1218 KEEL. HARBOR VIEW HILLS. • ' ~ • ,. ' . • . • • • • . . . . .. .. " ~ <X·80) HAllOtt ISLAHD~ Cus tom Bayfront Prope rly on FEE land ! Lawn & tn•cs & pil'r & s li p! E njoy the privacy of this unique isla nd & th<· quality of this fine hom e. A special place to li ve! $1,500,000. Beverly Morphy 642·8235. ex 81' MAGMIFIC!MT llG CANYON CUSTOM! Thi~ Valentine built 5BR home was decorated by Dale Farney & is being offered complete w/all the furnishings! It is situated beautifully on the golf <·ourf\l;! & has a view from almost every room. Appl only. Ai~sc.a Wayne 642-8235. <X·82> IA YROMT!! Approa. 147' in a s weeping curve on "Promontory Bay" 'f¥/dt>cking accommodations for lg vessel! The 1s l fls)or of this fabulous home features living rm. formal ctining rm & kitchen all overlooking the bay & s unny deck. 28Rs & e legant mas ter s uite w/fplc & sillin&. rm on 2nd level. A marvelous home for h~)lfJ'Of'lt living! Appl. only. Larry Dy~t 642·8235. <X ·8.1) OCIAN VllW & A llST IUY TOO! BcctuWul private setting frames this large 3BR custWr'll home in Cameo Shores. Enjoy the "country .atm~phcrc" in the city & the luxury of your own s parkling pool & ocean view. Je~ Dales 642·8235. <X·84) FOi THI YACtfTIN6 FAMIL YI A marycloua --4900 sq.It. (approx.) Dover Shores Custom Home -buUt by present owner. It offers sp~ce for yoar boat ·& private beaches for your enJOX~· 5QRs -Jamily rm & a GORO EOUS VIEW! .$970,00o leasehold. Barbara Aune 6'2·~. <X·85) WIST'CUflPt 48R family home on tree·llned street in a most .convenient location. Family rm -3 fplcs . -open beam ceilings -pvt. yard & POOL! Real11Ucally priced at $248,000 Incl. land. Polly John1ton 6'2·8235 . <X·M> LAMI .. MNl.Y HOMll Cul-de-fiac locaUon on Inside ot tract. Perfect tor the lar1e family btlc•upeHa~ TWO muter suites U up; 1 doWn) -rate family rm & family kitchen w1eaun1 area. re la even one room ror a reconUq atudio ... IOUDd·proofed for the practkinl mualclan ..-da)'Ume ,....,...: Le yard •l"'ature fruit. trees. The perfect••"' SUl,IOO. lllrtaa Ftluell '111-141•. CX-l'lt • ; ' ., .. ,., IOOJIG•..,,_, 1002 a...,..e 10011•• .. ,.. !~!JG,..rel 10021•• .. ,.. IOOJ .........••...•........ ···············•····••· .........•....•.••••.•. .................. . ......•................. , .................... . NOMIOWNIU · ••• ~W TH .. 'S NO llASON TO WAIT TO IU YqUR NUT HOMI •.• LOAMS NOW AYAll..AI~ .WITH IMTERIST AS LOW AS 81/2°/o - Her''' how it works. Yiu can use the equity in your present home as u down payment on the l}ew hpm e you wunl Lo buy •.• then you can la ke over or assurn~ th~ cxislln~ loan on th<• n<'w home you want to buy ... at thl! uld anturest rat •. And bl•sl of ull . . w1thoul a m:.1.1or 1n c·rvusc in your monthly paym ent. ll 's t•asy. tl 's lcitul ... and il !'>~ v<·!'> you money. H1~ht now;'Tarbell hus htcrally HUNDREDS of properlws h~ted with us~um<ihle loam.. 'all . VA AHO FHA FIHAHCIHG $79.900 1'.;xccllcnt VA ur Fii/\ riOam·ing a v a i I u bl t· o n l h 1 .., · • p ri d l ' or owncrsh11> 3 bedroom home". c<J~y t•arc floor plun 111clu~ lovely fami l y room with ·new plus h 1·tlfJH.'ltn~. wood U<.'(.'l'llkd kil<:ht·n wllh ull built-ins plus new <·ounll·1 hur. forma l dining room . c·o1.y firn>l:il·e tind uc:ow;t1<· 1·t·d111 i..( lll'W ly J>U lnll'cl l"OVl'l'l'fl JHlllU I Iii your cnJoyml·nt. C<ill 540-rnW UPPll NEWPORT IA Y S 166,500 li('aullful :i tw clrnom townhorrn· ~itualcd on lovl'l.Y grccnlwll 111 Newport Beach with t·xcl"llcnl view of !Jay and mou11la111s . f':tt'gant I Joor plan upproximalL•ly 18~0 :-4u~t1·1· ft:t'l ftoat un•s <'l1'11·111111g d1n111 g :1n::1 , gour m e t ktlthl·ll 1·11tnpll'lt·l y furni:-.ht·d with t•ating un·.1 . wc·t har with rt.'frigl•ralnr. hi1il'nnv ancl toasty fircpla1·1· Ttlt·d µ;11111 and t' o m m u n 1 l y p o o I P 1 , • 1 1 v I <.1 rHb <' u µ' n g . I I 11 r r v :i 11 d 1· ;i 11 540· 1720 POOL & SPA Sl87,SOO Spoil yoursl'lf with th1!'> l11x11rm11s tw droom I am1l;v hom.-t·omph·t •· w1Lh u s parkl111 g_ pool <.1 ntl l'>P<• F:xn·llcnl ltv1ng indlHIP~ forrn,11 clininJ.! room . :->t'P<ctrak f:11rnly room deluxl' k1tl"ht·n with all hu1l1 111s, wd h<.1r with gl uss st11·lv1·.., r111·1• f1repli..1<·t• :.11111 mon•' /\pprox1111al"1 y 2600 s quun· plu-. 11ov1·1·(·d p;1t10. Won 't la~l ~ Cail 510.1no LllC£ UVIHG IN A. PA.RK! S89,500 With a lov<·l v lak<· to l1sh 111 and ht•:iul11'ul pooi lo \'llJOY with all "y our n<•1ghh01·s. ('11s torn rl1•c·11r:1l1·cl J lll'dr oorn lt·alu 1·•·~ ch:11 ming dinmi.: ;1 r t' a • d t· I u x 1· k 1 t 1· h <· n w 1 l h 1·angp/o•v 1•n :incl d1'i hw.1 s h1·r . t·c·r;.i ml<" tilt· I hr110111 .11111 t11;1.,t v f1rcp lal·t•. l1 1g hl ) upg 1 t.1t1ccl uccoralor mirrors. dl'<tJJC!->. ul rru.J:.. and plush ~arp<'ling. Extra l;.i rJ.!(• patio with ga~ harbt·qUl' µ1l CJll now. 540 1720 TAkE OVER 9 1/4% LOAN S9l,900 !'\lJIJmit all Olll'rS llOW Oil lilt!'> t•xtcllc nt t•11111 t·m1rnrar> . .,t v Ii· :t IH'droo111 lot·alt•d 1111 111<•1• qutl'f c:ul·uc ~<ic ~ll'cl'l . Fl·;.ilun·~ gourint'l k 1tc h t:n w i th rangl·/o'V1·n ..irHI , dis hwasher. nit.:l' liming an·a. WlhHI a<·<·cnl s and c·ozy I 1n·pla1·t• to s nuggle up lo. ll<.i!-> nt·w plu:-,h <·c.arpclrng and p:lint lhnmut. I l ug" h;H·k yard with lar,:?t· ll"l'l'S 111 l'ronl and in ht1<·k. Submit now. (;a ll 540·1720 TAKE OVER PA YMEHTS S 114,000 This is your t"h<.1n<:c lo take over 10'1. Loan on a beautifu l 2-s torv Sand Pointe w1lh ideal locul1on. Unique floor plan approximately 2.350 squart! ff'l'I has 2.5 baths. b1~ l>onu~ room. nH·t· ll1nm~ room arc•a, l amal y room. gourmet k1tchl·n with all h0u 1l t·in~ and cozy firc,plart•. S punish a<:('ented. Nire yard with ~ a s h a r b l' q u c . S i t u :i l l ' fl o n ('Ul -de ·S»<' slr('el clos<• to South Coai;t Pluza. <Jll now. 540·1720 O,,ORTUNITY FOR VETEttAMS $71,900 Veterans this is your hl<'ky duy . V /\ o r F HA financm~ ava1lablc on a t h a rm i n g 3 bedroom h o m e upgr aded thruoul. lnclud<'s . nice dining area. hcautiful remodeled kitchen with huilt-in dish washe r. stove 6 months old. double oven and new no wax vinyl. Almost new c arthtonc t'arpe ts and c·ove r ed patio. For more details t•all 540·1720 YA. FHA TllMS $78.900 Great fin ancing for VA or FHA buyers on this beautiful 3 b~droom with lovely open beet m cejlings lo en joy. Has forma l dining room. e ntry hall. mom ·lovintt kitc hen with range/o\'en , large fireplace. and covered patio. New roof and new painl thruout. Located near South Coast Plaza. Hur~y, call 540·1720 540-1720 2fll S. HAUOR ILVD. COSTA MISA • UNIQUE HOMES OPEH I ·5 TODAY UtollQUE IN UNIYllSln ,ARIC -Deane home. Candl e w ood model, prof. ldscp(• .. upgrades. view. 3 bdrms. $166.000. Sec Marilyn Hodges at 4881 Hoyce Hoad. UtollQUf IM HARIOI VIEW HOMES - Monaco. 2 bdrm. den. corner lot. vacant. $156,000 fee. See Bob Hodges al 2000 Port Car diff. UMIQUE IN TURnEIOCIC Ht(';Hl.AHDS - :l h'1rm view hom e. country Fr e nch dt·<·or . profcs~ la ndscaping, top q uality a ppointme nts. $198.500. See (;~1thy Cray at :w Sal ver Crescent. UMl9UE IH MEWPOIT HEIGHTS -new :woo :.q. r~. custom homes. private cul dt· ~al". e ucaly ptus trees and spacwu!\ l loor plans. $245.900. Sec Allan Heller ~1l H20 Dontild l'I. UMIQUE IM TURTLEROCK GLEN J' r1";ti~ious town home. 2 bdrm. 2V2 baths. supcrl) lo<:ation <ind romanl1c '•t·ws. on ly $1fi5,000. Set> Larraine Shaw at 1t8 °Whrll'w<Jtcr . UHl9UE IH HARIOR VIEW KNOLL B1 ·:1ut1ful Nl·w l•:nglt.1nd (.'Oltagt.· ~lyll· t·ondu. 2 hdrrn. wood. beam!>. anl1qU1:~ lV 1>a~toral Vlt'W $1!}8.750. S<."i• f\ll:rn llt'llt·r <•l 2758 l111l v 1 ·w. UNl9UE IN SEAVIEW 4 hdrm. gn·at v tt•w. j •H·uzzi. p~1tt0!'> and nt'ar lt·nni!'> ;1 nd pool!'>. S~73 .000 . Sl'c N <1lal 1<: 1-'o~arty ut 1~11 Yut·ht Mana. UMIQUE IM TUSTIM -2 bdrm. loft. lgc vanl. newer. clet.1nl'r <.il $92.500 St·c Stwron C:oninl· ul 12720 Newport l\ vf• , ll l X UMIQUE OH LIDO ISLE 2 nc ·w hom1·<;, I 11 • " u l a p po 1 n t m t: n l s . g o u r m l' I k 1 I t°tll'll". panl'led dt>ns . Sel' Ka y f'a rkl'f al 21~1 Via San Remo. UN19UE IM HARBOR VIEW HILLS rw ~ 11!->I ing, split ll'vel Burlingame. '-• ~H·rt'. honus room. 2 frplcc:-.. SJ27.:>IJ<J. St•t• Halph Wakef1clrt at 15 11> K<•t·I Drive. UNt9UE IN HARIOI VIEW HOMES - H1•:1ut. cornl'r lot. trees. shrubs. etc . 3 bdrm nr 2 + cfrn. fel', only S169.000 S <' <' M a r v W o I cl <J l 2 0-15 P o r t Wt•yhmlgl·." UMIQUE IN CAMEO HIGHLANDS -'1 hdrm, 3 halh. sing le story; privacy abounds; pri vate beach access . n •<luced lo $172.000. Sec Marw n Reedy a l 4800 Cortland. UNIQUE IN HAAIOR VIEW HIUS - Corner lot 3 bdrm offered by original owners. neat as a pin, $220.000. Sec Bonnie Darrington al 1428 Keel Dr. UMl9UE IH IALIOA -Inc r edible! Completely redone duplex (3 + I ). pi er and dock. spa. sauna a nd Catif. l"tml<•mp. det·or . $765.000. Sec Shirley Harris :.it 4000 R1vcr. UMl9UE IN IAYCREST -4 bdrm "t·rcam puff". beaut. inside & out. priced al $240.000. See Marily n Ho ussclol at 1846 Tra dewinds. UNIQUE ON CHEltlY LAJCE -Eastern reeling. I\ bdrm. Z'h bath overlooking Chc:'rry Lake . $245.000. See Vergilene llutl at 2514 Lake Park Lane. UNIQUE IN HAalOR Y1IW HIUS -3 bdrm + guest . pool, s tone frplce, stained glass & tiles, grt view. $415.000 (f<.•c). See Mary Ann Anderson at 2821 Pebble. UNIQUI IN OLD COllOMA DB. MAI -3 bdrm cottage, s teps to beach, gourmet kitchen, extensive use of brick. casual elegance, $255,000. See Dwayne Merry at 228 Larkspur. UNIQUI MIAR C ... RY LAD - 3 bdrm, lgc lot. 2 stone frplces, cul de sac, nifty fa mily location. $189.000. See Nancy Laux at 2300 Heather Lane • Nc wPort Beach. UMlqul IM OLD COIOMA -MAI -3 bdrm on 40' R·2 lot. vacant. 2 lge bdrm s. 2 frplces, 3 car garage, $229,900. See Diane Wakefield at 3'11 Iris. UMf9UI '" coaOMA D& MAR Corner lot. S. of Hwy, 3 Bdrm. l~ bath house with fireplace in living room and fireplace on patJq. master bdrm opens to pvt. patio With detkln1. Price of $240,000 lnclds a l bdrm + loft apart. over the 1ara1e. See Sara Marvin •i GO Fernleaf. U~lt:>UI: t1()"'H .. EA~TO~ NI #IChr"-°"-1 llLLINO THI NIA mr .,..., CCMONA DIL MA,.,.,..._ • CAU. UI o/A~·_, RE A T ¥ TOP Vlll£S-OPEN TOIAY IL""5, ~01 PllLA OPIH l·I 3 BR. s pilt level end unll. Tastefully upgraded. pvt enclosed patios on lovely greenbelt. PRICED T0 SELL AT $169,500 550 VISTA GUHDI OPIH 2-6PM European decor in this beautiful Dolores Plan, loaded with Italian tJlc. overlooks park. PRIC~D TO SELL AT Jl74,900 UNIYlltSITY P AllC, IRYM 4142 PINYON TIH LH.-3 BR. loaded w/ ur>grades. Only 3 years new, a ir cond.. & air puririe r for comfort. lovely yard w/spa you can'enjoy year round. REDUCED TO $159,500 A 11.UffS LIASI 444 VISTA IOMA . °"" %.6PM FURNISHED l II, 21/a Ba. overlooks pool. $975 mo .. yrly lease. Avail. Scpll'mhcr for Wot IMflon .oa _,of tt. alton 640-6259 • in SUMDAY 1545 CUMBERLAND LANE In chcm.:t· ure<:i n c~r ~hoppmg, school!'>, library & p~rk , th1 ~ warm . frtend ly horn(' has 4 Hdrms. 21h Baths. Beam· C't·tlrng in J,1vmJ! Hoom, Family Room & '11h Bdrm Thi· home I!'> a n excellent v alUl' ~incl has h<'C'n pn c:cd at $164.500 t o :i II ow re• fl P <:o r a 1 r on 0 w n e r 1 !'> mot n al 1·tJ c.ind mov ing 1n Au~u~l. Hr11H! <iff<·r". Otcupan<:y m lime for -;r h1.H1I ('all to -.1•c•. 7 I 4/S4S-27l7 ~ylv; Hru rn:-; Jni~, Realtor macnab I tr vine realty PRESTIGIOUS BIG CAHYO~ SPECTACULAR VIEW! 1•111 ... t'\lra 11-~. n is lum lot! Sp:.i1:1ou~ farnrly hu111c \Hll1 '>Ul"h t.1mcniltc!) a!'> !->lCJ 111 cd ~la~:-i . wa lnut parquet rtour ~. tl !->cd 1Jr1t·k t e rraces & sc<:lu<fod den r e treat wlff'k .• oak & hras-. har & wint· rm. 5BRs f:tmil v rm $64~1 .000 OPF.N SUN 1·5 I' ~J ·::11 HlJH;\;IN(; THEE. (X ~J:J> EXCLUSIVE LOCATION! (h t'r 'IOllO ~'I It . o l l'U~lom11.l'U l arn1f\. orwrHt·d living & ideal for c•u !->u ;ll or lurrnul t•ntcrtaining. ~RR::. -a ll on l·levcl. fo~amlly rm w/ 16' hl'am<:<I t"l'J ling. 3 fpks. on•· in m:1-.lt'r M••I<'. l'nv;1tt• p;,atlo!-> :J.c<.ir ~:i r<.1 ~:1', S1r~1.ooo. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P .M . 111 !'llEHHY HILLS. <X !14 > EXPANDED DOVY! Elt•gant . handsomely upgrad ed 2HK & de n residence w/clevated v1<:w of lak1· & golf course. f'eatures completl· ~ccur1ty & s uch amenities as handpatntNI ltles. hardwood fl oors. br ass hardware & deluxe s pa. $:lfa.5.000 (X-~>5; STUHHI~ CUSTOM HO.,..E! '"Country Club Livin g" 1n a n <>X c cll e nt "C ity C l ose" location ... ~1tu a tcd a lo ng the beautiful fai rways this spacious rcs1dcnct' fc<it urcs formal Ji ving & dining rms perfect for executive e n tertaining. Fa m1Jy rm & lg billia rd rm -:JBRs & m aid's. POOL. $775,000. CX·96) IEAUTIFUL DUUYILLE wil-h commanding VIEW & quiet c ul -de-sac location. A sophisticated & cl e~anl 4BR residen ce w/ ll private patios & deluxe s pa . Alr·cond. & complete security. $599,000. <X-97) IORDEAUX TOWMHOMI!! Pr1vate courtyard entry leads you to this 3BR home where you can e nj oy Sunday brunc h on the patio-orie nted brkfst. area.. Carefree golf course living for only $365,000. <X-88> IDEAL ~ COWUI Expanded Dover condominium offering TWO master: suites & informal den W/'Ylct bar. 10• ceilings -lovely atrium -living rm open& to patio for easy entertaining. $280,000. (X·99) PIUYACY, PLUS VALUI! 2BR & den Pinehurst model ,townhome near comm. tennis, l)C>OJ & spa. Dining rm -wet bar -tplc. -pvt. deck. 2·C&r aara,ae. Don't miss this at S1'14,500! <X·lOO> LYNNE VALENTINI 8'4.620Q 642.eHS ••DowrOrlw • "I , ltvtftt .. C.,... VaU9"0irtW 7D-Ml4 . •.• ••fl.· ~ -- ti 1 ,, • il ,,. 11 -<" "' ., ,~I ' Ii ,, Jrl 1d f' Pll .,. 1J I ., ~ ., ... " JI ht ~ fH[ RfAl. ~ f ';l l\H~<i F¥T POSSESSION • J•al reduud ts,ooo. 6"at Newport Buda ..... S,.doua bdrm•. low maineenancel creal 2 story~ Oft CU de U C. Priced to &ell fHl. Call --I ' H 'f '. r l OLSON •~ ..... c • • WOCIGIRIJ•I 11 .. na• SIZ7,tl0 Owner tran1rerred. 2 bedrm It den, vaulted wood ceilings, wet bar & decorator wall cover- ings. Private deck, cen· tra1 vacuum, self clean· 11111 oven ac much more! Olll673-&50 ,,.,,,,,, '•fl\•f'fJh •·11.' ['tllNI ••••••••••••••••• Beautiful 2 Bdrm condo on lbe Rolf coune. end unit, many upgrades, plwih while carpelin~. parquet flooring. mir· rors, t'Ommwuty puols. Pnced to sell al $126.000. 644·7~. lbomas. agt. •••••••••••••••••• RACH DUPLEX ~ SI 10,000 &cycle to beach. Sc..oe this :J and 2 bedrm duplex with asl\umable 9 14 c~ loan. Owner may carry some paper. Hum. caJI • m&S50 ~I< Ill q, II~ '0"' IOtt N• I ·(9111 I, VA BUYERS U you make $1400/mo. you may qualify to own yOl&r own home ! Low Down. Loans to $100.000. Let us abow you bow lo doit! Call Now! TtllfoledCarpet w. u.t.! 754-1202 -----~ 5-.s TO IEACH Owner ready to vacate this neat 3 bcdrm + family rm + fireplace beach cottage. AJI thls on fee land for only $13'.SOO Hurry. won "t lai;t. call b~ , i41f1 ltt Q • It \ I t..iN •t. n I , , • [CIHlll HOUllS POI ULI I IRIOOM e ~Irvine ()pea Wl&wl 1• llU&m&a. Ave , Newpaet Bch. HI 'IP .-.ooo · lll/S.11"4 911'*"":-od Rd.,SanJuuCapAa. MO-l'llD .. teo Sat/lkaD l ·S JM A.UbM. LkiO lite. N.8 . 111-1• a10.ooo Sat/&un 1-s t8 Whitewater CTrtlrk Gin> Irv 87Miloo $1~..i.~ Sun. l·S 2751 HWYiew (Hvl\nolla> NB 11~ S1•,7IO SWl. i .. 5 507 Aveold1 CtmPo, Newport Beach 142.gm '219.000 Sun. l·S l2I ab. Newport Beach 640-5.15'7 $130,000 Sat/SUD 1·5 ...... ,AMIM•Deil 409 and St • Newport Beach MM79 $110,000 Sat/Sun 11·6 219 Via San Remo <Lido Isle> NB 675.-00 $477,SOO Sat/SWl l ·S 231 Poppy, Corona del Mar 81$.5511 DM> 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2000 PtCarcliff CHVHms> NB 675-6000 $156,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2017 Yacht Mischief, ~ewport Uch 644-62ido $299,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 10 Rue Fontainebleau <Big Cyn) NB 631·1800 $289,900 SWlday 1·5 307 Iris (Old CdM> CdM 67S·600p $229.900 Sun. 1·5 #8 Solana <Rancho San Joaq > Irv. 642-5200 $134,500-Fee Sun. 1·5 •fl Rue Montreaux, Newport Bch 644-6200 $650,000 SWl. 1·5 105 Jasmine Creek Drive, CdM 642-8235 $255.000 Sun. 1·5 l llDIOOM 145 Via Undine <Udo Isle) N.B. 645·5000 X216 $296,000 Sa/Sun l·S 253 E. 23rd Sl., Costa Mesa 752-1920 $139,900 Sun. 10·4 •368 Genoa Ln., Costa Mesa 646-7414 $87.500 Sun.1:30-7:30 •1224 Nottingha m< Westcliff) NB 631 -3444 $209,000 Sun 1·5 2045 Pt Weybridge ( HVHms) NB 675-6000 $169,000 Sun. 1-5 3169 Madeira (Mesa Verde) C.M. 673-8700 $118,500 Sunday 1·5 1107 Ridge Crest Cr .• Costa Mesa 546·5880 $131,900 Sun. 1-5 5 Sunburst. Irvine 752-1414 $215,000 Sun. 1-5 345 Unjversity 83, Costa Mesa 752-1414 $92.500 Sun. 1·5 504 Redlands (Newport Hts) NB 752-1920 $134,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2512 Vista del Oro. Nwpt Bch. 962· 1464 $122,SOO Sat/Sun 12·5 700 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 644-9260 $149,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 4812 River Ave (Lido Sands> NB 673"4691 $1•,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 2 5 M e pd o!rl a T e r r ( C o r o n a Hlnds>Cdlr 675-8783 $240.000 Sun 1·5 228 Larkspur (Old CdM > CdM 675-6000 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 600 Gary, Newwrt Beach 645-0303 $144,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 32S3 Washington (Mesa Verdel CM 64S.o:.>3 $96,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 116Sunset Terr., Laguna Beach 497 ·2.426 $439,900 321 Ave Cerritos, Bluffs, N 8 642-8235 $1.32,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •25165 Rivendell Dr., Lake Forest 768-8330 $123,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 241 Evening Canyon. CdM 631 ·1266 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2804 Cliff. Newport Beach 646·7171 $299,000 Sun. 12-4 549 Irvine, Newport Bch 646-7171 $205,000 Sunday 12·5 l IR ... FAM IM or DIH 3620 Ocean Blvd., CdM 759-8930 $499,000 Sat/Sun 2·6 3100 Madeira (Mesa Verde) CM 673-8700 $118,500 Sun 1-5 207 Albert (E. Side) C.M. 642·1031 Sat/Sun 12·5 •2340 Bayside Dr., Coronadel Mar 675-5.511 $5.35,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 211 Sapphire (Balboa Island) NB 644-9060 $375,000-Fee Sun.1-5 221 Via San Remo (Lido Isl) NB 675-«>00 $472,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 15841 Monroe, Westminster 540-3666 $113,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 J362 S. E. Skyline, Tustin 54~3666 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 3246 New York. Costa Mesa 640-8988 $95,000 • Sat/Sun 1·5 34 Silv.er Crescent (Trtlrk Hin) Irv 675-8000 Sl98,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2581 Vtsta Dr. <Bayshores> N.B. 644-~ $995,000.Fee Sun. 1 ·S 1721 Miramar< Penln Pt) Balboa 631·1400 $359,SOO &andal)' 1·5 1428 Keel<HVHls > NB m-8000 $220,000 Sat/Sun 1·S 41U RoyceRd. <Univ Pk> Irv. · '7MOOO $166,000 Sat/Sun l ·S ,.1005 Yacht Viailant, Newport Bch 631·1400 $355,000 Sun. l ·S 1801 Tahuna Terr., COl'OftJ det Mar 644-63>0 $475,0IO Sat/Sun 1 ·S .1903 Yacht Karla, Newport Beach fl PointSur(Spytlas1> N.8 . 548-2118 $415,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ,.,709 Hampten Rd. <Cmneo SbfM> 1MM 5'8-2951 $498,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 )1 Whltec•J:' .. .l•mim at, c.11 C'aU Apt 1iJt Sllf1000 S/Sl·J • 12U Dlmr' Dt. (W•t.cuff) NB 90:_, ..... Sun 1·5 11• ""'"' Newpart Befab ' 8'1-1111 . ..,,.. Sun. 1·4 l40l ad..,_, MeWl*t Beacb .... I-lun.J~ tlS Dllnil Deertllld 111-Sun. 12·5 1211 DIRECIORY ...... .-... .., ... ,. ......... c••· ··="' ......... ... .. t ..... .,.._ ... .,,.aV c•a ..1....... TPILOTWAMJAa~ ......... ~ ............................................. ... ~ 102 Vja Koron ( t..1do Jsle > NB 844·9880 $$55,000 Sunday 1 ·S 2300 Heather Ln (Ch~rry lJ() NB 675.eooo s1ee.ooo . Jun. 1·$ 2712 Vista Urnbrosa ( Bluf.., Ni 63l·la>G $182.500 ..... y 1·5 444 Tustirr( Newport .. eifh&t> N9 ' 675·~ S196.ooo sua.1-s 1790 Jowu, Costa Mesfl 545-9'91 $89,900 Sw11·5 •291 Paseo Picaro, Anaheim Hills - 536-1461 1125,000 Sunday 1-5 '99 Nyes, Laguna Beach 645-0303 $253,500 Sun. 1·5 2005 Yacht Mischief (Seavu) NB 6'15·3411 $265,000 Swt. 1·5 1961 La Colina Drive. Tustin 759-0422 $159,500 Starts Sun 1·5 2249 Tustin, Newport Beach 546-2313 $174.500 Sun 1·5 3001 Samoa (Mesa Verde> C.M. 556-2660 Sat/Sun 1-5 218 Via Palermo (Lido Isle) N.B. 644·9060 $410,000-Fee Sun. 1·5 1700 Palau Place, Costa Mesa 546·2313 $109,900 Sun 1·4 931 PauJarino. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $117.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 934 Helena, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $117.000 Sat /Sun 1·4 1724 Samar, Costa Mesa 546-2313 Sat /Sun l ·4 205 Via Koron. Lido Is le. N.B. 673-8423 $460,000 Sun 1 ·5 116Sunset Terrace. Laguna Bch 673-8550 $439,900 Sat 1·5/Sun 2-6 3805 Sandune, Corona de l Mar 673-8.550 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2825 Zell Dr .• Lag una Beach 494-8519 $695,000 Sun. 1-5 •1329Sussex <Westcliff) N.B. 759-~ll $218.000 Sun. 1·5 •1521 Dorothy Ln <Hbr. lllndsl NB 642·5200 $169.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 250 Colton (Newport Shores) NB 642-5200 $118.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •436 E . 19th. Cos ta Mesa 963-6767, 548-5359 Sat/Sun J ·5 1807 Tradewinds ( Baycresll NB 675-3411 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1741Tustin,13A, Costa Mes a 646·3255 $89,500 Daily l·S 4 IEOROOM 1514 Dover Dr. <Westcliff) NB 642-9186 $159,500 Sun 12 :30-4:30 204 Via San Remo (Lido Isle> NB 644-9060 Sun. 1·5 1050 Vallejo< Mesa Woods) C.M. 644-7383 $114.950 Sat/Sun 1·5 1807 Newport Hills Dr .. N.B. 645·0303 $257 .500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 •3607 Sausalito. Corona del Mar 673-~ $390.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2016 Calvert, Costa Mesa. 546·2313 $138,500 Sun 1·4 •941 Dahlia. Greenbrook, C.M. 546·2313 $125.900 Sun 1-4 •2005 Balearic. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $165.000 Sun 1·4 324 Esther St.. Costa Mesa 546-5605 SI 10,000 Sunday 12·4 •4500 Wayne. Corona de l Mar 673-8550 $215,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2634 Vista Ornada <The Bluffs> NB 642·5200 $165.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4518 Wayne. Cameo Hghlnds, CdM 640-5357 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 12 Silver Crescent. Trtlrk Hln, Irv 675-3411 $.245,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1514 Dover Drive . Newport Bch 642·91'86 $159,500 Sun. 12 :30-4 :30 223 Vla Ithaca (Lido Isle> NB 644-9990 $425,000 Sun. 1-5 111 Via Undine (Lido Isle) N.B. 675-4562 $398.000 Sun. 1·5 2895 Velasco Lane, Costa Mes a 545.9491 $98,000 Sun 1·5 615 Rockford Rd. (CameoShrs> NB 675·3411 $194,950 Sun. 1-5 •1907 Glenwood, Baycrest, N.B. 640-~7 ~.500 Sun 10.5 6 Rue Deauvil\e (Big Cynl N.B. 642·8235 $.599,000 Sun. 12·5 4 • .... FAM RM_. oe. 1431 Watson Ave., Costa Mesa 545-5960 Saturday I Sunday 347 Vista Bay-a , Costa Mesa 548-8952 $129,900 Sat/Sun 11·6 426 Magnolia, Costa Mesa 648·21633 $139,500 Sat/Sun 10·5 316 E.22nd <Backbay) N.B. 608833 ~.ooo Sat/Sun 1·6 2931 Via San Gorgonio 492.a546 $125,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 •221 Sherwood Pl., Costa Mesa 642..(M67 1185.000 Sun 1·5 4151 Pleasant St.(Greentree Hms)Irv 213/439-4423 $108,900 Sun 1·5 2522 Vista Dr. <Bayshoret) Npt. Bcb. 6U-Z717 $395,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 asea Ama Mari•, Lal Nl,uel 540-3888 $14.1,000 • San. 1·5 7Ur Aleppo ( E11ibluro N.8. ~1 644·aG h•.too . . .. 1·5 820 o.ald Pl <Nwpt Hta) NW· .,... IMl,900 . ·s.vs.1.,a • .., •1 r~ Pl .• SMta ~,..., ~ ·~ Sl'rl.IOO . 8uft.'l•5 atlala Villa (Ealtbluff> rt.a. eft.9ao tm,eoo.ree . ~-4/Sua lJ.5 masnndr.,c.i , · Niimi '111000 .. 1 .. 6401 Bellinge r Dr. (Prestige> HB 846-216.57 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 21691 Impala, Huntington Bch 962-~ $128,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2501 Windover (HV Hills> CdM 631·3444 $298,500 • Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1749 Skylark, Newport Beach 675-6670 $200.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1083 Visalia Dr.< Mesa Woods> CM 540-1720 Sl87.500 Sat/Swi 1·5 520 Via L:idoSoud, N.B. 645-9850 Open Sun 1·5 26022 Via del Rey, San Juan Capo 493·7951 $117.500 Sat/Sun 11·6 1421 Kings Rd .. Newport Beach 631-1400 S495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1089 Sc.t nl a C ruz Ci r c(Mesa WoodslCM 673-3663 $143.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 436 Vista Roma. Newport Beach 631·1400 $182.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2514 Lake Park Ln (Cherry Lk.) NB 675-6000 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 14272 Saarinen. Irvine 752-1700 $126.500 Sun. 1-5 #17 Coventry <Harbor Ridge) NB 759-0811 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 6721 Me lbourne, llunt Bch 541-5032 $104.000 S un 1·5 1516 Keel Or . Corona del Mar 675·6000 S327 .500 Sun. 1-5 Hit J Yacht Maria <Scavu l NB 675-6000 $273.000 Sun. 1·5 4806 Cortland <C ameo Hlnds1 CdM 675·6000 $172,000 Sun. 1·5 1846 Trade winds <Bay c rest ) NB 675-6000 $240.000 Sun. l ·5 3900 Park Gr een < llV Hills I CdM 640-5.560 S260.000 Sun. 1-5 1032Santiago Or .. Newport Bch 675 -6670 $497,500 Sunday 1·5 1729 Terrapin Way< Baycrest ) NB 675-341 l $237.500 Sun J ·5 •511 Sturgeon, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $140,000 Sun. l·S 473 Nye~. Laguna Reach 645-0303 $243,500 Sun. 1·5 ~)()6 Bellis C Et Bluff ) NB 675-3411 $239,000 Sun. 1·5 •69 Montecito (Spyglass Hill) NB 548-2953 $.549,500 Sunday 1-5 9442 Rambler, Huntington Beacb 536·1461 $137,500 Sunday l ·S 1909 Commodore Road . Newport Beach 642-823.5 $237.000 Sun. 1-5 2365 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Hghts . 642-8235 $152,500 Sun. 2·4 • 19 floyaJ St. George. N B 642 -8235 $550.000 Sun. 1·4: JO • 1412 Santiago, Newport Beach 642·8235 $323,750 Sun. 1-5 20892 Queen's Pa rk Ln., Hunt'g Bch '536·1461 $125.000 Sunday 1-5 • 1615 Ruth Lane < Ilrbr Hlnds) NB 759-~11 $179,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 1709 Port Provence. Newport Bc h 673·8550 $249.000 Sa 12·4/Sn l·S 4515 Orrington, Corona del Mar 673·8550 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1807 Toyon Ln. (Ba ye rest) NB ' 759.~11 $239.500 Sun. 1-5 21516 Vi a Serpientc < LaJce Forest) li40-5777 Sat/Sun l ·5 3415 Quie l Cove, Corona del Mar 673-2500 $299,500 Daily 1-5 8441 Doncaster. Hunt. Beach 960·1--.$87,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1545 Cu~rland Ln .. Npt Bch 545.2737 Sunday 1-5 2012 Yacht Reso1ute. N.B. 644-6200 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2555 Vista Drive, Newport. Beach 642-8235 $425,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2025 E. Balboa Blvd. Newport Bch 642·8235 $565,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2011 Yacht Defe nde r, Newport Beach 644·6200 $425,000 Sat/Sun l·S 3906 Inlet Is le <HV Hills) CdM 642-5200 $258,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-S 2510 Vista Bay a (Back Bay) NB 642·5200 $269,000 Sat/Sun l·S 17 Silver Crescent, Trtlrk Hln, Irv 675-3411 $214,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 654 Via Lido Nord, Lido Jsle, N.B. 646-7711 $1 ,100,000 Sat/Sun 14 HollyLane, <Univ Park), Irv. 1 646-7711 Sat/Sun 1·5 Z-414 Bonniel'Jace, Costa Mesa 646-7711 $152,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 3253 Minnesota (Mesa Verde> C.M. 751 -3191 Sunday 1·5 •2200 Heather Ln .. Newport Bch i48·3255 $229,000 Sat/Sun l·S I ... OOM •921 Jasmine, Greenbrook. CM 546·2313 $140,00.0 . Sun 1·4 1014 Mariner Dr .• Dover Shrs .. N.8 . 640-5357 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 lla~l'AMIMwD .. •#6 Cherry Hills CBigCyn) NB 840-5711 $1,375,000 Sun. l ·S 19;t~mino, cosia Mesa SUJ 500 Sat/Sua 1 ·5 201 Klble Dr., Santa Ana Hchts 151·'1'121 $129,900 SaUSun 1·5 ti~ Rtot>Un1 Stream<Trtlerck Glen>ln ~ ...... ta'5,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 •29 Half Moon Bey. Corona del Mir 54 Drabs Bay C8py1la11> NB SSl·tmO Sat/SUn 1·5 1512 NiUsua Way <Dover Shont) N.B. Ht..._ "31,000-Fee Sun. 1-1 •15MAntlpa Wa,<DoverShn> NB 710.ml 1534.MO Sun, l·I 1 Deerwood< Bl1 Canyon> NB 644·_, t886,ooe Sunday 1·5 2040 PIWarope ( Meaa Verde> CM 675-Mll $158,900 Sun.12·4 11 Bu.mine Tree, Newport Beach 644-GOO 184.5.000 Sun. 1 ·5 7 Cherry Hilla, Newport Beach 644.m> $439,000 Sun. l·~ •20Cypress Pt. <Big Cyn) N.a·. 631·3"4 $795,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 1807 Sandalwood <Baycrest> N.B . 759.()811 $310,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3033 Java Road, Costa Mesa 545·0823 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1.806 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach 646-7711 $149,700 Sat/Sun l·S ~ Port Whitby. Newport Beach 642-8235 $239,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 •#8 Drakes Bay <Spyglass> NB 759·~11 $465,000 Si&n.1·5. 6 -IOOM •1606Sea Bell Cjrcle, CdM 644·2A58 Sun 1·5 ••443 Via Lido Soud <Lido Isle> NB 644·9060 $750,()()().Fee Sun 1·5 20462 Birch, Santa Ana Heights 759-0811 $499,000Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 6 • .... FAM RM _. DIM 1548 Galaxy <Dover Shores) NB 759-~ll $415.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE I• & 2 n 1700 Weslcliff Dr .. N.B. 642·8583 $79,000-up Sat /Sun 1·5 2 llDIOOM 2105 Descanso <Bluffs I N. 8 . 644-7020 $169,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 2554 Elden Ave <Cedar Glen I C.M. 642·6734 $91 .500 Sat/Sun 10-5 505 Orange Blossom <Orangetree) Jrv 551·5575 S75,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 1631 Irvine, Cos ta Mesa 759·0811 $112.500 Sun. 1·5 2105 Descanso <Bluffs) N.B. 644·7020 $169.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 31516 West Nine. Laguna Niguel 1\97-2426 $85,000 Sun 2·5 2 • ,... FAM aM or DEH #3 Flores, Irvine 645·9850 Sat & Sun 1-5 414 Vista Grande (The Bluff!'.S) N.B. 759-~ll $259,500 Sat/Sun 1·5. 35 Sea Island Dr . (Big Cyn > N tt 548-2953 $189,500 Sun4ay 1 ·S 1 2 720 N e wport Ave, #18( Cascades>Tus. 675.fJOOO $92,500 Sun. l·S l llDIOOM 311 Alta Lane. Costa Mesa 548·5647 $89.500 Sat/Sun 2-5 505 Vista Grande <The Bluffs) N.B. 640-5560 Sl63.000 Sun. 1·5 l II ... FAM aM or 01H 19 Canyon Cres t (Canyon Crest > N B 759-0811 $182.000 Sun. 1 ·5 4 llOIOOM 1658 Vista Ornada CThe Bluffs ) N.B. 640·5560 $163,500 Sun. 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 •• & 2 .. 719 Fcrnleaf. Corona del Mar 673-8550 $194 ,000 Sun 1-5 4000 ruver (W. Newport) NB 675-6000 $765,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 420 Fe mleaf COid CdM) CdM 675-6000 $240,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 IA & 2 IR ,-FAM aM 3226 Broad St., Newport Beach 979-5009 $250,000 Sat/'Sun 1·5 l U & Z U 423 Carnation, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $287 ,500 Sun 1·5 l .. & l .. 604 Marigold, Corona del Mar 673-7300 s'Y1. 1.5 l,._FAMRM-2• 417-417112 Poinsettia, CdM 644·6200 $225.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·S TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE J • .... FAM IN or DIM 40 Pinewood, Irvine 673-8550 $127,500 Sun 11·2 l-OOM 11 Crest Circle, N.B. 673-8550 $175,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 • .. PAM 1M w DIM 26 Tahoe <Peters Twnhm) Irv. 87S·:W11 ·sw,900 Sat/Sun l ·S HOME a INCOME FOR SAU J••a• 711·7ll"" Heliotrope, CdM 173-MN -,000 Sun. 1·5 416-41S't'.t Goldenrod, CdM 11u. .-,oao Sun. 1.5 211 Sal>Ohln! (Balboa Island) N.8 . IM·iOlo $171,000.Fee ~ 1·5 .. • • ·OPIM .. IAYSHOllS tmmaculat.. •ome. cuslom dt-slaned throuanout, w llh oak noon, Fw-e.nc h doors. used ·brick, 3 bedrooms. den 1395,000 Fee. SEE J ANE MITCHLER AT 2581 VISTA DRIVE 'or1M '" TUITLllOCIC HILLS 4 •b ed r oom Preside nt home o n cul·de·suc street with family room. 1•nd exci ting courtyard entry . ,$162.850. SElo~ PETE JOHNSON AT ·, .. 18762 VIA SAN MARCO ·OPIM IN WISTCLIFF 3 Bedroom hom e, family room. new carpets . 'PRICED TO SELL $168,000. SEE 'LA VONDA HOERDEMANN AT 1307 OXFORD LANE . ' OPEN OM LIDO 1$LI Bayfront 4 bedrooms. 4 i.A..1 baths. pool and spa. $495.000. SEE PHYLLIS DILLON AT 204 VIA SAN REMO OPEN IN CAMEO SHORIS Assumable loan on FEE land. Cus tom built home on canyon. 'Three bedroom. family room. most prestigious location. Feel ocean br ee v.es . SEE NANCY ·JM BERNI NO AT 315 MILFORD DR IVE OPEN ON UDO Master s uit e, plus 2 • ·bedrooms & den. custom kitchen. ~eg & groove floors. cathedral ~ei l ings; on a 45' lot. Price, ~10.000. SEE FRANK SENNES AT , ~18 VIA PALERMO OPEN IN IASnLUFF Three bedroom. 'family home . Located on quiet str eet. s urro unded by trees &. fl owers ~a lore. Used brick. Price I Ii 2 . 7 5 0 . S F. E C A R 0 L Y N .CtdtPENT f<~H J\T 70U RJSON OPEM OM IALIOA ISLAND First or- dering or a lovely year 'round home . with 2 fireplaces 3 or 4 bedrooms and 3112 haths , plus an outstanding 2 ; bedroom apt. $375,000. SEE LUCY n osE AT 211 SAPPHIRE OPEN OH UDO ISU 2 Bayfronl units, • 3 bedrooms each. newly decorated; ' could be conve rted to sing le family h o m t· or dupl e x ; als o g r ea t invc:stml•nt prop ·rty. $750.000. SEE 1-:DI E OLSON AT '143 VIA LIOO SOlJO OPEN IN EAST ILUFF 4 bedroom . 21n bath. Private r (;!:Jr y <ard . many ' ma ture lrccs. a ll new appliances. SlG9,900. SEE GINNY ANDERSON 'AT 718 ALEPPO STREET OP'EN IN HARIOR VIEW HOMES 2 bedrooms. den & 2 bath home. :Professiopally landscaped & '.'m aintained. Prie.c $165,000. SEE :J OE ·10SIJ/\ AT 1806 PORT Wll EEL ER PLACE OPEM IN IAYCREST Total ~x cltemcnt will s urround you in this 4 bedroom pool home. $319,500. WHME LIVING IS EASY- • llG CANYON We suggest you shop and compare "a II the others with this 3 BR El · j)orado iownho m e with lovely : $f ccorator accents. Immaculate ly cared for, excell e nt va lue at : ~193,500. COIOMA DEL MAR DUPLEX Pool & spa. This co;r.y 2 bedroom home, near the beach, for mom & dad he ~ 2 bedroom rental. The jXtra Wtde lot allows for a garden e s we ll a s r e creation. Bring creative terms. $225,000. SUH-SHADE-SOLITUDE Som ething for every m ember of the r.amily in this primely located ., home. 4 Bdrms, pool, patios and play yard all for $229,000. THI ILUPFS BeautifullJ decorated "Z" plan. 4 -Bedrooms, ramily room, and large ~nus room. Walk to schools, shops · and tennis club from this lovely •family home. $185,000. .. HAllOI YllW HOMIS. MOMTl60 New carpet and ceramic tile in this &Jue Montego plan. Pool and park CIOBe by. Ready for a great ramlly. 1172,000. IMYISTOISI Pabulous buy near bay Ir •alking dis tance lo ocean. Each unit wlth 3 bd & separale addreu. Owner will finance al 10%. Price ta35.000. ...... IT'" ...... A ..... ef9111tyerd ... to •LrYLOa -...... •mlb ...... Lari• lhl•I room. =t -.Uq, •UHY ~overlook• pecan paitelod h11nlly romn • BNitlll. a .bM.Lll.. ..sd4MI oa 1•m• room wkh T aitoo1 wet btlr. Wit Jn rdrt1erator. com merr lal Indoor BBQ, pool tahl•. h~c added on u&Jllty ~m. h,1w ni11nt yard with w~l dN·k •I* t:xtra IOO& doullltl ear ,.,...,. and mU<'h. much more. A mwi1 lil't' • Q\l,y sue.we> ~• " belltw\ft&! Call MB 23t3 •f "f'l lj• P\ f L}f/h~f~ ''I ' [eNNHI WOULD YOU .-v1. $14,910? No rrua\Ue only $M,!+OO for thl:< oittra\:tlVc 2br l'OOdo w /jj '" VlltlO & (I c•omm pool Also 11clln will help finance Won ·1 l<L'>t. Cuh now 97!1 ~J70 Open Sun. l·S. ALLSTATE REALTORS D\IP'LEX $78,900 2 ~'<irm. l balJ\ earh. Rear unit , brick fplc. dble c ar gar age. A bargain, caU 54&23l3 (J''ffl hi 'I• t I fl 11 l,J •. t ',A summer placl' and wintl'r loo' <1 Bdrm !11ni;:lc family home 1n Nl'wPort L'nder s200.ooo .. ·antast1<· term' l'crfo1·t fur .i s " t' •• n d h IJ rn •· 11 r 111\ , . ..,, rn1·nl ;; 17!1 !llMI FAMILY OIU&ITED AND CLOSE TO WORK Center o f Newpo rt Harbor area. 15 min to Airport, beach, Fashion Ii.land or S. Coast Plaza llarbnr H 11:hla11d., ~1'11001 Spac10U11 '1 lldrm, formal d1111ng, :1lcp down 1Jv111g mom w/bcamed 1·c1ling. lgc gour met kitchen & family room Super large pool and tleclt waiting fur the cx- ecuuve family. 2200 HEATllER LN. <Comer Irvine A vc. I OPt:NSAT/SUN 1·5 400lll" 8li IOli Ill C.Mid'f?§"ih ..us OP94SAT/5UN 1·5 I 08' s.to Cna Clrc. Mes a Woods, Cost a Mesa. 4 Bdrms., 3 baths, dining rm .. family rm.; sep. works hop. 2 car garage , large p1e·shaped lot, separate fenced garden area , room for pool $143,900. 613-3663 75J.1767 ~ves associated BROk.£11<; llfllt TC•rl', J ) l' "1f & 1 ~ n Iii ' I • t, OW"8 WILLAMAMCE $6500 down. 3 Bdrm, huge lot, cloee LO schools and(wya. tM.000. 1rnmw·m1 -4471 r:ir - A....-TIUY! Loan d $22,900 at 7% in· terett. pay~. $215.91, tot.al price '72.•. Huge pool, bqe ramlly rm. with frplc., formal dining rm., taundr)' rm. &2nlce bdnnl.; ln nice area or Senta Ana. Hu.rry. won't last! ...-C .. SOH 641-2411 ............ 1006 ....................... z Duplxa I n c l new Bl)'fn)nt LO be Xchad dn. Owner 21M84-DJO. tA11-ITOIT HOM1 3 BdrJn. fam rm, sreat loclllion, tome vteW of SouLh .,. 890,000. -2 ':!:tll7t,OOO Ne# 8a1. a Bdrm ..._ with ,_, room and a 2 Bdrm lpaftmtat. Lou ........ lrA.Moe. •MactHAve, 8.1. 671-JJJI mw~1j • OPIM HOUll SAT. A ~AY 1411 w ..... A••· IOOM TO IOAM Hdlr Yin Hils Qulet Area Larae Lot 4 Bdrm, family room, l 1h baths. <;u s tom painting. New copper plumblnf( thru·out. Completely new bathroom. New roof. Double enclosed garage.Nice lanascaping . SOUTH ~TOH llACM Secluded Uttle beach home on quiet c ul-de·sac street, 9 years old. TraHer access. Vacant, only $87,000. So. or Atlanta, east of Brookhunt. Ron Ort. . $280,llJ Hot PAii .... oNM TODAY 1-1 .._...,.,,......_._,,,..an Well over 'h acre or gorgeous a rounds. dranwUcully 1tyled 4 bdrm. formal dining room & s pacious family room. H paratc 3·cur ~araJ(e . basketball ('Ourt. vc((etable ~urden. & room to add on almost a nything -almost For Sale by Owner Agent 545·5960 DICOIATOIS ODAM nu. beaUOIUI home has hem proleulooally de· corawel in and out. It features: naU,ral woods. wallpapers, s taine d glaa windows. hot tub, Wood deckinJ. ceramic We, auto spr\nklers »nd cathedral ceilings. A mw;l t.o see! ~5880 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1·5 COSTA MESA 19UMITS PRIDE of OWNERSHIP ON OVER I AC. o r ~. Selling for 9 X's gnJSS. No unita li.ke this anywhere. LOW DOWN. owe. LA CUESTA .... .., .. Hmtl•wt• ..... anywher~. 1107 Ridge Crest Cr . · ~.-... HERITAGE REALTORS W.WIHIEatate 556-7777 ·s 129.900. Two story, 4 bdrms. 3 full baths. Formal din1ng rm, family rm with wet bar & fireplace. Bonus room, 3 car gar. Boat & trailer access. 4 years new Vacant Fast Escrow REAL ESTATE IY LUCIA 963-1271 147.a070 1024 SWBSHAIP ••••••••••••••••••••••• BEST BAY VIEW ~LISTING IM-LAW 9UARTEflS HJgbly upgreded 3 br p I u s 1 n · I •w a p t Eartht.one crpl. F.at in· kitc hen . Prime Mesa Verde Ir only $89,900 w/VA lermi. AllXIOU!> owner w11J pay some coi. ls t oo . llur ry' TI4/~9t91. EASTSIDI CHAIMER Refresbldg sea breezes surround Uus beautiful 3 bedroom. l..Y• bath eastsidc home. Won 't last long at Lb.ts reduced pnce Only $9'3,500. Call ~3666. CUSTOM root. w/Spo Pool builder 's ho m e Lovely lri·leve l 4Ur, 2h ba, ram rtrt, for maJ din· illlC rm. frplc, wet bar, gourmel kltchlln. <.;11 II Altl G1" ant. 640-5777 4 Br. ramily rm, recenUy remodeled. Must see ln appreciate. Open llou.'1<! Sal /Sun l·5. $104,000. 6721 Melbourn4!. Agt. DOLPHIN TERRACE [ ..,, ~,-.ij~,~.....,·:iJ 541·5032 • 2 br , 3:v..ba. libra ryJ j?'Uest room. Formal dTnlng rm . Indoor BBQ, cov· crtd living terrace. $505,000. Install· menl sale. owner will finance 10%. MISAVHDE 4 Bdrm 2 bath, quallty built, shake roof. double fireplace Great location, ideal for entertain1n.: WAUTOllACH Sharp4br, l lf.iba, fam rm w/frplc, RV acceu. by owner lr/,000. Must s~· 8441Doncaster .96().1729. Open House Sun . 1·5 DOUHOUSE W/1KO.-LaC..taVlla Muriel Reynolch 640-5390 L.arge rce room, lots or d ec k111 ~. low m ain tenane<! yard. Offered at $104,000. Ca ll S40 1151 Cut.e 2 bdrm. I ba home on R 2. Property c·omes with plans for additional wut over garage. Pnced for q1.ack sale. Adj. to Newport Hghts . $9$,000. Owner may carry 2nd Pnn.onty. A pair. Two 111de by side homeA. Buy l or bolh. 3 l:ldnn. 2 baths. 1116.000 each. Will sell or trade. Call t o see Mic key Shaler, Bkr. 960· llltlO Turm·r A~~ociatcs ·::"'» HERITAGE CEDARGLEM l>Lstmct1ve2 and J bedroom condominiums from $91,500 . • REALTORS WON'T LAST 8YOWNER,2 8 R, 11"a blk rrom beach. larger lol . Alley access 536·6352 SUPER VIEW JASMINE CREEK Pl.AM V $315,000. IY OWNER 2$S<l £Iden Ave .. <.; M 642-6734 MESA DELMAR IESTIUY OM WESTSIDE 2 Bdrm home. a mple room roe 2nd urut. As k mg only S19.900. Cull 546·~ .......... &tlllt lsSICiltts 11141 '4S825 Nr ~ch. 3br, 2 sty, below market, won't last at 111.900. 963-30071775· l 174. WILL CARRY PAPllS Guarded entry. Tennis. pools. s pas . Beautiful greenbelt. Walk to shopping center . YOU OWN THE LAND. AHXIOUS OWNER WanL'I rut sale on this 4 bdrm b e aut y . Im · maculate cond1t1on & priced to move! Xlnt neighbo rhood nc ;ir ~' S > HERITAGE . REALTORS Pnccd for qwck sale ! Qu1 c t tree·ltned s L • ocean breezes, 3 bdrm+sep. mother·ln· law or st...Senl swtc. Our ex.c.h~1ve. $82,500. PllSTIGE 4 Br. 2YJ ba, ram rm. By ownr. 2300 sq fl. Marina Hi S1.2S,OOO. 846-2657 IYTHESEA Owne r/ i\'gt. Ca ll for appt. 640°1127 schools. Only $98,000. l•--------Cozy family home . 4 ~. 3 baths. Woodsy yards with beautiful pal.to LO enhance i.umm1•r entcrtatnmcnt. ..'1t your- farruly 111 her<' WboaP ...... 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TRl-PLEX N1l'e Oldie in a goocJ Inca llOll A chance for a get· away apt. or nice rncumc urut.s 4-PLEX Al I leclroom A real money maker! Owner will h sten to anyt.tung close. For lDlormalioo Call Don't waJt! 714/545 94!il Real t~Lalt> IYOWHER 3 llr. I BA. corner R·2 lol l'lan.s completed for 2nd 1---------unit. new c pts. drp1>, roo r . ce 11tn~s 70U Marguerite. S al/Sun 11 .ooum ·S .UOpm $149,500 GM 9'lGO UNUSUAL DUPLEX On Poppy Ave .. old CdM. Allr. 2 bdrm. & playrm owner's urul & good ren Lal. Both adjoining swim· mini pool. $249,500 Fi rm, PAUL MAITIN REAL ESTATE 644-7383 DUPLEX Ul•!.1. buy in Corona dcl Mar. J lidrm. homl! & nt:W J bdrm. unit Open REST AND RB.AXATION It 1r. the ordl'r of thl· cl;iy m Uu.\ 3 Bdrm d1'11)!ht Feature:.. SClf l'll·aning oven, wax free floors, formal d1n1ng rm, 2 pc.UOti & many extra~ CALI.MOW 754-7100 2'J27 Bristol, CM E;c,t Side CM tarJte 4br. 2ba,w/lr11e l•tt t-frµk & alley accel>i. for H V Pnct.-0 to Sdl' Sl:JS.500 l)i\(j.2633 •IYOWHER• 3hr, I '•h<.i, frµk Ill l1v rm, d111 are <i 2 <·ar garniw. till tn!>, wl'l l>ar, 1.bwi.hr, beaut lnd~<'Vflll i\'>Sunw loan al !J 125'" IOH Concord St. S MorCC6 213·842 6131 ext 395, 714 556·3783. Open Sal/Sun. WiU cooperate with agents. ____ _ CUSTOM E·SIDE CM 2175 sq ft. 4br. 2'"2ba, •·R. $129,000 l.rg assume In Open hsc wknd\ 347 Vi i. La Baya SNl·89S2 Mesa Lk:I Mar lar11l'"5 Hr, 3 lia Sl 19.500 Lot· near M:hoob 546-8()<14 Own<'r DEVIN R.E. 642-6368 Tab Over fl/4°/o Loan Su1Jm1l all urrn., on con tcmp1Jrar.>-t·ll'Jll :1 IJedroom with k1tl·h,.n compll'lcly furn1-.hc1l. lar gt: flrcplat·•-. nrw JMUbh carpeting tJ1ruout lACulcd on a Ql<'l <·ul de• sac m desirable area of Costa Mes a. $93,900. llKll. 540-1721) TILWEU. -· IREH/MoMet 536-1461 TOTALLY CUSTOMIZED New ('arpcts, new pa.int, new balh. new k1tche11, nt>w s tove, n1•w di~· hwasher, new noors, o~w Con a m counter lop~. NOW we need a new owner ... VOlJ ... Call ~1461 IW/Mo.Hk __ FAMILY RM llG ~ ............ !?.~~ FAMILY ROOM r ftTLEfW CK ca.EN New Sbr. 3ba. 113 E . Sun. 1·5. 604 Marigold. Mesa Verde 3br. 2ba, low down, assumublc !64.000 loan 9.5%. No quaUfying Sln.900. 646 l757 E. SIDE BY OWNER OES PEH i\TE 1 ~:Kl f:lmily room. hnrk c;AHUEN llOM .. : A' fplc. 1 UR. lx·aut hath~. ., um l' !I '~ 1.1.i 11 1111 n e w k 1 l (' h . B 1 I • 11pacKJU.'l lleatht-r modl'I microw a ve Pc·rfl·1·t wtbeauttful vww. family rood Just hi.tl.'d. S00.500 rm. 3 full Ba , A/C. l'nn Ruth Laurie . Rltr. cipaJsonly 75271~ 64&4JBO Bal boa Ul vd . Terms . 1~ASIJ.~-~67~3~7~~~~~~ $235,000. 840-3244. I· HEDUCEO JBr, 2Ba. ram r m . 2 frplcs, big big custom home. S115,000 Move in cond. s.2 I 031 ----RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN DELUX I:: D UO -2 Charming San Carloi. eon.a--.. -M.---10-2-2 JASMIHICRHK ------- Only new Plan 3 on )) be<lul1ful homes on one rmdel lownhome. 2 Br + lol. BolJ\ xlnl cond -one den. 2i,.z Ba, close to golf brand new. 3 Udrms course, priv. pool & each. pvt pulios , pvt comm. park. Principuls garages. Large assuma· only. 915&-1Z75 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPICY ACULAR c;MIAUTY DUPLEX An exceptional custom bull home with vaulted wood beam ceilings, beautiful solid oak c abine t s thru·out, Ii.replaces in living rm and master bdrm. leaded g lass windows and ceramic tile jacuzzi m lllll st.er bath PLUS a c harming 2 bdrm separate rental with rtreplace and own patio deck. $279,000. CALL 644-7211 FOR lNFORMATION /.Jn N'l,fL UJ\I LE'l '.. J\55Urll\l [5 .OPEN HOUSE• 212 JA.5MlNE,CdM •Sat/Sun 1·5• Owner/Agt. 673-4577 JASMIMI CRHIC Plan I"Baymist", 2 lrg Bdrm & den, 2 patios, sprinklers . huge rrplc. Vacant Ir ready to move in. Auumable~% loan. Owner wanl8 quick sale. Aakln& only $210,000. ~bmit your t.ernu. 1.c. TA no1 co. 640-5112 ... AMT19UIS To mbuce this 2-atory ebake Ir atone home with a Frenc h touch I 3 Bdrml .. den, 2~ baths; rr,,1aa. in IMn1 rna. " lllltr. suite, 1undeck. too. Your t.enanl wlll love the 2 bdrm .. 2 bath apt. All llhlny & new. SZIS.000. <&cwna tie/ vllm ~ .. 673-81/N ..... a......., .. o... greenbelt w /ocean view !'..?!e .!,~2 1000mm1~~iatc11y. ---. . ort•-m. -• . nn on y. 20 Atoll. Dys 1 ·826-2800 Mesa Verde 4 bdrm 2 ba. 1000 i.q. fl large y;,ird. newly r e d e c o r ated. $88.~. 549>042;1. ble lo an ! $1 9~.900. ------- ~stside. nc·ar Nwpl OIARMlNG · 1-;dmburi: Ocean Blvd . 3 t>drm. family rm. spa, huge lot Great buy Own e r / Broker. $499 ,000 . 2040 P HALAROP E : Hgt_.,. mod. Townbome. Univ. Mella Verde ; a very spenal dfenng -new paint, new landscaping. ne wly carpe t ed, big Easts1de red bnck tnm 3 U. Owners unit 3·2. frplc. <.'flcl gar. 2·2. me. Sll~ per mo. No qualif. will assis t w 12or,; dwn. Owner 5324649 Barrett RJty lkg1stcr Pk. Irv. 3br, 21h ba ..... H . 642 5200 frpc. & pal.lo. On green ----bclt. By adult pool. 17665 759~. 0-PoW I 026 Iron Bark SSl-6083. By F IVE BEDROOMS. 3 OPIHSAT/SUM l·S baths, family room . • •• • • • • • • • • •. • • •••• • • • • <>wner Sl 07.(Y77. "2BEGoNJA Owners will consider Secure financing of your financing this 2 Bdrm, choice. SU6.li00. den. frplc cottage. Larg~ COLI Of NEWPORT R·2 lot, Rental unit. IEM.TotlS OceansideorHwy. 675-5511 Evelyn Smith 673-0822 --------United Brokers By Owner, J asmine Crk, Plan 3, 3 Br. end unit, $260, 000. 64().<Mt9'7 IEACHHOUSE 3 Bdr. $195.000, fee. Dar. roll Pash. Agt. 640-2326 or 631 ·13i6 OWNER WILL CARRY Owner selling 4 Br. 2 ba. family rm. dbl garage, xtras. $92,500. <.;.M. ~9608. Easls1de charmt.•r , ex· ecutive family home. 4 br, 2 be, pool, g uest house. frplcs , c us tom fam rm. Must be SE.'Cn ! Priced under market at $1&'5,000. Call 642·0467 Agt or963--0961 Broker. -------- By owner. West.•dde, 3 BR + den, family rm .. 2'r.r ba .. upgraded c·arpets. ceranuc tile. microwave oven, frplc.. 2 s tory $l<ll,500. 975·0988 MARtNnA Specta cula r h illto p homes. 2012·3206 sq n. Close t.o Manna. Selva Rd & Calle La Prima vera. $159.000 to $245.000. 831 3.S40 , 493-4006 Bldr. ... Oc...VJ.w o..n..Poiltt SUPlll LOCATION Spacious Easts ide 4 bdrm 2 ba bome, Clean 1lus 3 Br 2 Ha 2200 sq ft home has hrdwd noors. a wet bar, tn-level w /spec· Lacular ocean & night lites view. $174,900. A&k for Norm Phllli!l'l. West Coa s t Pac ific R .E . 496-'8S3S /83 l ·2600 inslde w /ne'JI earthlone &aper Eastside 3 bdrm, 3 OCEAN VU cpta,paintAklt hn. New ~~src~i~fe~h~p!~kH~~ , ________ _ • ' "----root. Vacant, owner arut· 1 9eAl.,.ED ""~ · SW&.000 great n·law urut. ~ Charmlng 3Br. 2 patios. ....;__ C~. 1 _.. CA>asl"Country RJty HOW A STEAL deck, newly remodeled. -...... .__., 6"-8181 FP, large lot. $2-40,000. 546-160I 645-69 18 at $J 15,000. Prlocipals Open Sun 1·:5 175-8783 BUILDER'S only. 3 Bdrm. dining rm, Retired couple wants 2'h ba, d.ininl rm, family By own e r , Spygl ass older dplx or other R2 DELIGHT rm, frptc, Jae. a uto Rldae. Ocean vu 3137 sq t.ype property in Costa sprink.lers. .,.., mile to ft. 6Br, poo\/s pa, Mesa area. 213/281·2475 2 Brlba,room for4un· Marina.Ooly4yrs~. $SSO,OOO. Prln only. AM ita. Zoned R4. Close t.o Owner will even canf. 644-~ ocean. $105.000. Prln· HURRY! HUIJJ'Y' IACICIAY·OWHM cipat.s only. Broker. J4 M&PUCHi:ltl.TI SHOUCl.lffS Preat.lgjom loc, 2a~. 3Br hl'l. m.330S 67M 120 ExcepUonal 4br, 3ba, +Cam rm. 2~a. formal --------l•------•'-w/lri relbodeled kit /FR. din. twp nm. 6 yrs, 2800 Hardwood noon. French 911.ft. Sl•.ooo.646-7841 $82 500 NOONE KNOWS ABOUT ctn, bay windows, brick --------11US BlTf YOO! 2 BR. peUo,ht.dpool.ByOwner 3 Bdrm 2 Cth.1. family fulJ aec rondo, w/ocean $110,000.873,~. COSTA MISA room. bulltio BnQ. dou· vtew. Only Sl17.000. Alt. tow.\ priced duplex In 4 .._.. _ I LAii ble prep, walk LO sbop· M I It e 8 r Y a n l , CDM. 2 Br h se + LOWEST PRICE In pin&.M$-9lll nMr7-30lll ~ unit. 2•c.11ir 11ar Coat.a lleaa. Only lO% .,.. llJI + ex tra park l n1. down. OWC . Always ..... ••••••••••H•••-• I 1 5 9 . 0 0 0 . ~............ rutUP6SAYE 642-1738/83J.1218 48r, 21ty, tu.JOO. Tonn.I lw.lm LO Mil All· f75..5'19 or C...MIM IOJA I~~~~~~ --....................... '~~~!!~~~~~ --------- a Br, 11 lot, E .tlde. --~ ,?!'!. ·•• 1MIPl.IOO ...... , .. _ IMO 1q h , '1 4ba. ..._,, DR.~ matds ..,._., aoo from ...... ..-r •• ,..., toH 9COl4> c~• .......... , ........... . ~:a~d2~ Liit aauee. 4br, 2~-. • 1050 Vallejo ;~ ~ 2100.q. ft. P'o"ntala ~~50 .. lt 'i baf k l ~·~~':t .::!t 'AULMAITIM aa.r:; ... i,aoe . .,... 644-7•1 tll!/90 •• ,.,, .... -. •• .,. f1lll. .... V .... 4 br t..!. u., . Call Ill& FOR SALE IYOWta TURTl.m>CK 48r, family, dlnin~. liv- ing, lg kitchen, 2 rrplcs, 2 car garage. Call Don Olk ror appt. at 833·9609 or 751-4642 TUIT\.m>CIC CiUM IYOWHEI Sbr, 3ba, 3 car gar, rrm. D.R .. F.R .. many cstm e xtras. Cul·d e·s 11c . Comm. pool &spa. Plus 3 lighted tennis crts . 8 y Owner. P rine. Only . $245,000. Open Hous<' SMt/Suo 12·5. 19 Rippling 9ream. 9155-2988 . BDTBUY OPBf SUM I ·IPM •41.Sl Pleasant St. Brookfteld model ln Irv. Greentree Hms. <Culver Ir Walnut St.> Comer lot · wh.icb means pri v. & open vua. 2·aty. 4br, 2~. Prof. decor. & lodap. Priced under saouoo. to sell toda.y. Ast . 213 /431 ·0715, amt, UNIV. PARK. Mod e l perfect end unit. 2 paUoe. pa BBQ, wetbm', pool, ..... fl riew I fJl.4313 RE/llAX -W.tlku i; 11:1 elubhle. Golf. teHla, .1wtmll6n£ Open lite 1111/allt W at acm Jan Id. Lff K".na·All .... -ftTAft s~~~ ..UO. ar park, .,oc. I AnYM• -.. .... t.4,. lcNIL , ........ w WAlft A.CTIONt ~ • ....... ..,.., .......... ,.... ... WL ~Ml--~ ...... ~~~~=:::;;;:;;;:::;:::;L:=::;;:=::::==:.t.:=:::=:::::=~::::J::=::::==:====i;========~====::::==::=.1=:=======::. ~ ...... 'i" , • - I II .1i I • 'I .. ..... 2 2' - ··• ~I ~· ,, J II I ,, .,fl ,. d :Jo IJ) ~ ·Ill •AMII¥• ,,_a d•u. 4 llr I le, ....... tit,., .... :::.~.~-= au qt • s>vl. Only 8M.000.Jaa.Gou.w --... ll.12 ---28r. 1-.aa. '°"· ,_, wet blar. l&U.)' ~· ... pOOI, ldll, I a, _lCJ_;_, 115_1·1• OP'1'1HUIAT1SUN 12~ alRtmJock l.Wwnlty ft 38r, fam rm. l bll lO •dllli, pk. .-. teeaia, by OWMr •11.•w.ir• Woodbrid1e I C rou1ng ,...... model, 3 Br 2\.'a N 1 111tny uparack1, de •itner'1 re1l~nce. By owner.Ml-43a0 -----'l\a'\len>ck 8roadmoor 3 Br 2 ea. formal dining rm. family rm. 1tepariat~ .,.tr suite atnum orr mstr Dr • #amity rm, la rearpaUo, newly painl•'<f intout, new carpel le tile, new bathroom vanatie11. cstin drlipc !i, o n ~d. Be8t value in Turtlerock. $1 19,900. Uy ownei-. Contact J . Manly. ~or 5511-2603. Open Hous~ Sunday 1 12~. l·SPM. 19162 Biddle Dr. Irv. F.nter EmPona orr Turtleroek Dr. nl(ht orr Delhally, left on Blinn to Biddle Or CULVERDALE Close to U.C.I. Heautalul 2 b edroom OPEN HOUSE Afternoon Charmin¥ 2 Bdrm 1>1 le vel home on large ~aullfully landscaped lot. Covered patio & BBQ. Great lol·nt1on, walking distance l o b e a c h . s hops and churches. PLUS. l Bdrm guest hou.sc. $'lS9 .000. 6llSIAVllW don osen rc~ltc1r~ 497-4848 hnme locaWd on cul de 1---------:.;ic with 81•J•..: assumable loan AskUl" only S&~.000 forth1s CO'tY comfortable dwelling. C..11 toda.y tlJRTHWOOD PARK Lovely :l lx-.lrnom Plan 2 In lhc Northwood Park urcu of Irvine. 1-'ealures OCEANFRONT New Modular Home:.. pvl communit y. 3 bcachc!i. 24 hr sccunty. l>Ub·letllni: OK F rum $29,000. Treasure Island Mobile Home Park. 30801 &I. Coast !fwy, Laguna Beach. t714 J 4119·357!.I. m<:IUl.ltt centrul 111r & air l•--------f1lt.cr. bca.uti(ul utnum. k>W m1untcnancl' yards. mmmunity.pool & tc•nnis c·ou.rts. Asking SlUll.~ e--HANr:H Hf All Y c,r, 1 .'000 •3 Plore!I. lh.1n<'ht1 ~8n Joaqwn. 2Ur, tfon, 11\'C'r luukl ~ coul'!>e. park, U:l. $139,500 Opt·n Ilse Sat Sun I 5 kSI o:c&. a._tt. ~9850 «ANCllOSAN JOA'-'UIJ'li c.i golf rouri.e. 2br. dl'n. 200, frplc, IR clhl ltUrlll.!t', ll<Jlll & J.iC i l3 1.50U ~,,J.n ORAHGETRH Pl;m 5 c:on<lo S75,000. (J111•nhoui.t•Sa1 1Sun 111 l'nn only 5f>l ·5.'17f1 S IEDROOM lrSpo u eautlful u1H: r a d cd f>re11cotl with i.pu in· rl udl'S 5 b edroom i;, lurmal tJrn1ni.: ro•1m . l11mily r oom . d1·lux lolchcn w1U1 bwll1111i, :.! lireplaca-s lo ertJOY l'atm und wood dl'ck. /\1J1>ruJ( lflaJ sq.fl $189.000 UKH. ~l TM8BL -· VA Use your VI\ loun to purchase lht:\ 4 ~rm .. 2 be. 11m11le f11m1ly hom e in prest.11c area o r lrvine. C.1ose to elem. school and 4 comm. pools. Walk to shopping center. Priced at SlU.000. Vacant and fast po6SCSl!IOn l)06111blc. B.EGAMT DUPUX Only 2 Yl'li old. Side hy side , 2 s tory deluxe . 1-~ch urut has 2·~~ l>a, fr pk. lgc wa lled pvt patio yd 11, dbl rar ~rages Walk to beach. town. Victor llugo. Sy It.GI.EAT HOME overlooking canyon. OC..'CU&ll view, 2 story. l~ llQ n. 3 Bdrm. $140,000. Pvt pty 497.~_· ___ _ U.SUMA JEWEL Spurkling white water view of Main Beach Park & <01ly center or Lugun11 from this 5 bdr m . & den. (;hris Ahe l des1i:ned home; all wood. g lass. beams & tile: on qui11t t.'Ul de sac s treet. See lhL~ large, unique home to- day, at $425,000. MIHT CONDITION 3 Bdrms .. 2 baths, North IAiguna cottage; walk to Crescent Bay Be ach. Pri v ate y ard wit h ~veral frwt trce1>. U.rgc attached l car ~..rage Wlth door opcucr Pnced at St 75,CJOO. By Owner. 4 bdrm. den. 3 be. formal dining, new carpe t , drapes, ap- phanr es. Ocean & ca· nyon view. S329.ooo~ Call Lingo Rulf.nn • LMIMA PllCIS WILL NIYll II LOWll -1Blm:ATIWIM ••2 •• .. .. ............ .,, ............ . ....... -MOllOUI llMODW 111 .. 1 .... • 1111 1 a11 • n• Arce. ...... "''••• ,..._, SIU.IM -LAW ~SUMA .. LOAN_... twa ,... .......... ..., ....... .... •ewata T., ..... w .... 116t.IOO -WAI.I TO THI llACH .,._,_.MW. I twt ... l J .... 1 ................. •111•1 ._..._..._.,....Sl1t,OOI -Ml.AT Al A "" ~--· tMs l .... , • ..._ ••...tuldlit th oc•• ...... Slit.HO 4t7-lJJI LA&UMA llACH 4'9-4111 4H·l7JO s..laU.-. L1 .. • • NHJ-1 4tUll2 644-7020 .... ,.... ... .,.. ..... CALIF. CLAS SIC 180 deg whit e wulcr View, nr beach. 5 Ddrm. 3~ ba+dcn. dhl lot. One ol a kind. $400.000 Is u steal. $100,00U d own f;ai;y terms. OWN1-;1t C all f o r appl 7141833-~1 or 499·4~7 90% FINANCING AVAILAILE l\EEOF:n HE/\l.TV I llllto p Ocvelosx;r11 Oceun View Only 2·2 bdrm 2•,., ba Cood<k> left Broker will coopcrut1• Immediate uccupanc:y can be arran~ed w1lh subtilant..i11I down ln DPll ly on purchase pnct" Office 494 431 S. IO·G. Open 7 dayi1 OUwr llml•i. 499·1625 le t rtn#( 1111 an11wer leave mcs!tage. A GREEN THOUGHT IN THE SHADE' l.ocat ed oo seclud ed ground.' a SHORT STROLL 1-'ROM THE BEA C H ANU Vll.LAGE w10 UTSTAN DING VIEW 01-' TllJ:: Causey & Company IMVESTHOW! ·nus t'Ololld well be your hedge against inflallon Many poss1b1 lllle1S for ex pe11111on and re m()(fehnl! mllke lhlS your dream COlla~e. 2 l~droom. l &th. IO'J,500 SECLUDED SlltEET UPPF.R VICTOJtlA IU:J\Cll Tcrnfac ucc<>n vwwi;, large lol allowi. room for cxpan111 on . Mast.er i.wle with fumrly n.iom on lower level al lows for privucy and en wrtamlnl(. Thu; hom e ii, well m a1nta1ncd and !!hows extremely well. $214,<m A VHY PIASOMAL STATl.MEHT D11cri m i nuting in dividuals will appreciate thJI fantastic: homl' 2 fireploct.-s, formal entry. wraparound orca n Vlews, den. rarruly room. loundry, ofrllc. lar1tc lot, 2 adult ext.~utlve suites See l o appre c 11tlc. $\.'JO, 1.00 • 1104 So. Coast lliw11y m V11lai.te F':ur J.AC;UNA Ul-:/\Cll 497-2457 SEA. Unique two story a.rchitec.-turc w tdctal led cxtcnor or UOJ\ HO & B A T T 1-: N , WEATHERI::D UY Tm ; SALT /\JR. Sparious J bdrm. & ram. rm floor plan :>t:rv1ccd hy :.!'• baths. feature:; ltv. rm w/RAI SEO COl'Pt:R l•--------llOODED Fill I·: PIT, parquet noors. WALLS OF <~LA S S & EXTENSIVt-: USE OF WOOD S HU TTE RS . Master suite operus thru sliding glass w all t o enc losed "S E C H 1-;T GARDEN" fille d with lush plantanf(s . Tut·ked behind the "St;cRt;T GARDEN" the t•unnui. m ay find separate WRKSHPISTUOIO llM For those who i.ct-k a home wtcharm , warmth tk privacy. tn the much dfalred No. end sc l'tlOn ol Laguna Bea c h, wt• btilieve Uus is a rurc $21 S.000 fVll Price CALL TODAY hlSSION UALTY flmS. C.t HWy, La1una ........ ,4-0711 UR EATirfAKING 3 Bil :.! Uu . w /(lawl l'SS Wt1rkman.'ll11p & stunnin~ ll•IH e o p t. t l·r m s $245,00 0 Al(l Mike Bryunt, 714-497-3000 WARKUHG move In r o nd 1t1on d111cnbe!I lhas :S bdr m . 2~, hll, 2 frplc::o. . \'lew home on pr c!>ll!!H>U!! Monarch Ray Te rrace ctfered at "22.5,000 494-1519 955-1570 L.,..IHch 494-a406. ·--------- .. &23 C.MIUSla:I~ Must setl 1paclous Z.aty home, 4 Br 3 Ba . den, 2 fam rtnt. A.IC. gourmet IU&dMI\ loeded w textrat. LNW\11 are•. 1130,000. 81 owner. Prln only ~-~1-3544 ........... 1049 ....................... PAMCMIAMIG, wtl'TIWATll Catatina •=and city ~from th beautiful rrench muor. Tbl• bome. con•tructed by •Iller crallamen 11 a vtrtull lbow~. = bault~l·S&t Ziii Dr. j •I BY OWNER 2.5005q. fl. 3br & den. White water & town view. Street lo Street lot. $245,000. 'ltt/'494-:uu eves. IMACLAIS IYITSU ExqliaJte custom home on ~ lot with gardens itnd avoc1i1do trees. Ler1e lhla11 room , beamed ceilia&a. rmaatve brick fireplace, natural woods th.ruout. Gour~t kitchen, lux· u rioua ma1ter 1ulte1 ma1alllcent view of ~ 6 village Ughta. iltlant Lal\llla LMn1. 117$,GOO. don osen . . 401 OLENNE'YRE 4f7 ... ~!~~ OPIM IH THI P ACISITTIA HOMIS: Three bedroom. 2 bath home on corner lot, pine trees. room for pool. SlO'l,900. SEE LINDA BEARD AT 22952 MALTASO PLACE. 1·5 P.M. OPIM IM MOHAICH SUMMIT I: Professionally decorated a nd landscaped 2 bedroom . 2 bath + den unit. Coastline views Crom Dana Point to San Cle mente, $142,500. SEE HAL CARDWELL AT 30972 LUCIA LANE. 1·5 P.M. VllW MOI ti U•UNA Ht•Ull Charmine 4 bedroom. f a mity rooro, dining room wJth sweeping view from multi-level covered patio. Many decorator touches. Fire pit, Mexican tlle floo rs. Compare and you 'll agree that $184 ,750 18 an exclUna Yalue. • • HettMt ,., We He.Mt 'er We !!:Su1'd!t=:z.·:..:::Ju=ly:L..!!2t:.:.., .::19:..:.::11.1:...-.. ____ -:-_.;.0:.:.::All:::..:...Y ..:....P'tl;.::;.O;:;.T~~~ . .....•............••.. ················~······ :~ .... ~!~.! ~~ .... ~!!~ ~!:.~~ ........ ~:::.~~ ...... . ....... Ylete I 0'7 Miu,..~ I°'' I blQOO LACIUNA N .. UIL COMTIMUIS TO OflPM llACH l'IOPllTY AT APH>IDAIU PllCIS! OW.. Tl.AMSNlllDt AMW the .,,. ......... 1 ..... -.21/a lteHI ..... ..... ,...,,.... ............... of tttla = ..._ ;Le•etr ..._ StJ,500 -9U IT CUL·Ol·$AC ,,...eta yfff' ,,.. •• , ........ I .... lot ......... M.e "6eiy tt.e ,....W ..,. ••'11•1' of ............... 115,000 -DttAmcAu v ••uc•• rw. .... ud"COIY ) ta1• OOM f-'r .... la leclhd la Tep .. te.e Wort4. Low at.Wu •H ywd wll .... ,.. _.. ffltw for tecreettoL s 121.500 -GA Tl GUARDED COMMUNITY la o c....,... loc..._ ....... '"°" ".._ for 10llr M~TWt l .._.,OORI, 21/J battl tow.ho&M la w S 130.000 -LIA /OPTION thl• 2-story hOIM Mar the gre1•tt If yo.. dolt't hon o do.,.oy· mHt OYClilable ltOW. A terrific t.Nly hoMe with 3 IMdrOOfltl ..d 21/J baths. $115.000 495-1720 LAGUMA MIGUEL 499.455 1 South 1.acJuna 4'7-3331 LOCJIMG leach 1048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• El BALD IA Y LOT 673-6634 COMM'LZOHE llc<1 ut. ocean vu. i.l l•1 i.t (; I lol. ac roi.i. from beach. 1 blk to town I Br un it +l g compl '(.' )tud.lo apt Gootl JlOI I'll llal for oHace or i.t1111• Owner mw.l st•ll, :o.o II) J()<,? dn. $155,<m. OCEAHFROMT RENTAL Oiarm cottul(c un d 1 (( Great vu and stc•ps lci pvt beach. Yrly $450. 497-1 711 .. · · llee ,tt ~ REALTY Woods Cove Area Gracious 5 Bdrm on ap prux ~, acre . l!otanac:ul gardens. Koi pond!>, ar~ custom lighted for m i.x CllJO)'mcnt. Thi!! lov('ly i.etting affords pn vucy t•> enjoy LbJs Ui'>lcfUll} UI) graded home. L.,..Vill.,-R.E 497-1761 l'ORTEll REALTY l<XX> N. COA<;T llWY 497-2468 EMDALD TERR. North Lag un;i /\rt Colony charm; <t hdrms .. de n, 3 l>aths, vaull<·cJ wood celllnf.!.~. swecpini.: ocean view; large lc1l ~.500 NORTH LAGUMA Emerald 1'crr:H·1·, 2 bdrms.. 2 bllths, dC"rk . hdwd. floori>. frp le Ocean vu•w11 of 1-.:mernld Bay S235,0UO MONARCH TERR. Beautiful family homl· with a Spanish flair. \ bdrrn'I .. 21"a bath.~. J t·ar gar a g e . S 1-: L l. 0 H EXCHANG E FOH IN D U STR IAL C O M M t;R C IAL ll NCOM E PROl'i':RTY. 1259,000 -._,,~ Hllllf ~ Mc CORMACI< Rl A.utttewtic. ~ ... early U.guna Norman· dy style, rambling cot· lage o n spa c i o u 11 i<rounds . 4 Utlr ms . :1 baths + l{U~l Cotlll!!C. in heart of town. $.149,SOO. Alta Vista View Red tile roofed charmer. 3 Bdrma., 2'tll balhll. Only fl(»,SOO 494-7551 493.1112 DCIRCll'olnt 644-7020 Newport leoch Laguna Niguel Realty • OCEAM VIEW !112'< 1nt{'rc::it w ::rn·. down on 1>all'~ 1·11nlr.i<1 :J lldrm homt• on tri.: lol 111 1o1tJc 11n l "~hurt..,· "Jr tennis , 1mul. 1>a u n .. ,.,, l11·ac:h S2<1J.50CI F A IULOU S MO«THVIEW :1 Rdrm, ;.i•, ba th h11111t· 11t•:.ll(•d 1n t h(• voll1·} l.'UJ!cd by :.t•a brl'l'tt•i. Pool & rf'c 1-·cw m111 to ocean & l>cach commun Uwn <'r lr a n i.f 'll & motlvatt'tl $121,!)50 OUTSTAHDl~G TOWMHOME 1n i.:atr i.:uarf11•d 1·o m 111un. 3 Bdrm. w1all i.:la..,:. t1dtl 1t 1on fa c 111 ~ un ob1>t ru('\C d 01·1·a n & l'Oa.'lllll View Galt.'fi l'll trance offer.., r>r 1.t p o ol /s pa l'll m h o $)67,500 493-9494 495-52 20 496-241 3 ll0-5050 OPF.N SUN 2 ~ 31516 W~t N1nc> Very dl.~1rnl>le :l br lower un1l lmmetl ncc:u11 y Lowc•i.t 1ir1t·•· 111 an·a ~.(XX). FAUST A VITALI REALTO R 497-2426 Uy Owner N1"uel Shorl"'>. gated c9mmun1ty Im maculatc, proft·~~lnnally dec ora t c tJ Love ly gard e n & utr1um z bdrm. & den. $1<111.:-.<111 '192 27'.?2. E Vl'S 400· 7:10 I LOCATION LOCATION <..\L,tom home an dt•"i1ra bl" La Vila ur<"a l'ool aod !ipa, beuut1ful rnoun tam ;rnd valley views Gracious hvml(. $1W,OOO POOL .ct VIEW ~y lhL'I 4 Udrm, 2 ba home from your p<>ol with sw1>t•pmg view. On ly $134.500 . Ldlt .... t 1055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• C.UTIUI &DALln.AN TM one 1ou've bee n waia.lnc ror. 3 bdrm, fam rm. and view ln 1tn Ideal loulion. Talco over $41,500 8o/.% loan. A scoop at only $103,500 CAU.644-721. /Jn NIUl I '11\l l I t o. ASS[)( 1td I 5 USTIMTO n.41M1llT in this i mpressi v e , former model home. liordered by the lran· q\.11.ily of qwet, rolling hillaides, thls u111radcd 3 bdrm 2 liba cul·de·sac retreat affords a un1(1ue opportwlity to live 1n an ideal environment Architects & decorator!! both have been ~o thQ!JKJ!tful wiltl th1 ~ home ·the living room boas ts a white brl(•k fU"eplace that reache!i to the ceiling, while wood tml.ry OoonnR. upgraded carpeting & drapes, m1 r rored closet door), and "o 111:.111y Olh.er feuturc,., l1•nd add111ooal elegance and !.tyle to the lovt•ly 111 u:nor A c..<overed patio over looks ll>t: i.urro undrng tulL'I. and lhe s pa1.:wu,, mnvemcnl k1tcht-n and furmbl d1rung area make· th.ls l'lome pcrfet1 for L·n tertammi.: As 1f all lh1i. wcrcn"t t•nough, a r om rnumty pool and lt·nn1!t court:. "r<· JU.'l a ve1 \ s hort walk from y•mr door S-.>t·ludc'<l, dr~1m<1llt', ;en cl 11nmaculate. th1:. huow \ltuat.ed in thP M1i.s11m V1l'.IU 1-:1 Toro an·a. 1,., .1 mui.tlo!tt'(! al Sll!•.500 675-751 2 GEOtlGE CHARLES REALTY Mtwporl leach I 0 69 •.........•..•.....•... P&IMSULA POINT OPl':N llOUSE SAT SUN 12·4 :m :JSEVll.1.1<. "v1 .. :.!lir, 2lia, remodeled . 1m mac homl' In a quwt pre !!llt:J<Jl.IS ilfCa . $2!J5,0t-J i\rthur KeUm<.in IUtr 518-515!'1 Sale /I.cast• 111·111 :1hr, 21.Ja, pool. JJ<:u111 , 111ndccor, $1000. 645..\7:18 HARBOR VIEW on gra-nbelt Upgradt.-d Somerset 5 br. :Iha. 3 t·:i r J.:Jrai:e A.'iSumabl~· loan ~259, 500 CJ w n I\ J!l 644~. 8J0-8600 as k for ltJbOrr EASTILUFf FEE LAND 1 Hdrm.o; . ra m1ly rm formal dining . hui.:1· k1lcht•n. pnvatC" p.1t1tJ. v11·w nf lil!h~. 11Jc•al Im·<> uon. ()pen Sat 12 4. ~n 12 5 s.!3!1.500 Inc lutl1•' land. Owrwr may lll'lp with fananl'tnj.( 26t7 i\lla V1s1a • 675-5930 • UDO 5,0fJtJ s q fl fo:l<'i:1111t ho1rw•. n -.· rm, Vll'W. h,1r ( .IJ••n llousc Sun I :. /\ i:t fA~ !KJCI ltd luy in Shores By Owner. Npt Shorf',, :1 Hr, pool, tennis 1·rt i., $103,900 · ·<.:ou r tei. y lo Ukr..."~ 3851 II ,.; S T B lJ Y I N EA .... ~fULUFF'S SlflJ,500 4br. 2"'2ba home· un lar~e crnr lot acros~ r r11m i;hops , te nnus cluh & s cho ols . 644 tllK7 . 644-2442. OPEH SUtt 1-5 245 I loyshore Dr. lleoutiful spacious honw with view. 3 Bdrms. (:.! ITtiSler swtcs) plus jCUt•lll room, 3 baths . $3'.Pl.000 Cnrol T atum . llltr. o\!M-0029 MYCIHT $14t.700 an 8iaccola bit tmly home louted In pr • •UIMJul Baycrest arta. PrfC*l for fut .. le. JUit Uated. 714/t48-1711. e Walkt!r t; l trn JlnJ Ell tale --- HEWPOIT H6TS Th1I hidden beauty 111 on deed end al . 2·1ty S Hr 3 ea. •ml oce•n view, tuu Swed11h sauna, big jucuul, lot.I of extras. Must see lO appreci11le. ~.000. Owner will help finance A U€HIG€ q_--~-~-HO,..€\ 3333W. CoW1t Hwy, NU 64M 646 • .. ACllAY VIL.I.AGE .. DeU&hUuL townbomc 1n desirable Back Buy luca uoo. CI08e to golf couri.e & schools /\men1tll'l> plus & JWl in lime for. summer w in tit.fl pool & spa. 714/6'16 7711 . (~l~'M13Ji$1Jij lt.caJ tlitatl' LIDO ISLE ,.:Xc·ept.ional 4br, 2b:1 on wide St to St lol. frent·h door.. & beam l't'1linv.11 l.hru 001. hardwoutl rrr~. forrrol DH. lj.( So patio. u l> C' d l> r 1 1· k f r p I c· Com1>letely remndch•ll By Owner $41l0.000 llll-8423 Uroker 1·001>\'ra hon A VBlY SPECIAL r&INSULA .-OIMT 51e•OOM• ·Only 2 )'Pars old wllh featun~ ruo numl•rou.., LIJ m<'f'lllOO 10 d1•l01I tnc-lud ing a 1:ourmet .k1tc·ht•n, balcuny ~amc room an<I a s umvtuoui. full ,11.1· 1acwJ..I 1n mu~tcr IMth. not JU't J hath tub ~ Jl'l '> S1>1u1 o.1k c·11IJ11H·h thru •111l .11111 '"""h mort• II "'" w :int ''l'h1• l'mnl "1111 t•.111 • 1111:.1tl t·1 $4J!I 111111 fo1 1111·: 111·~·.;T lht·n c·.111 644-721 1 COHOOMIHIUMS Wl-:STCl.l 1-'F I &2 hr S7~1 .00U & UIJ 1711 0 Wf'l>tchfr Dr Open <1!111} I 5 &t2 8511:1 or li7:l.f;tl40 2 Bal bl OUJ1IX!! uwl nt•w Jtayfrnot to be: xc·hl!d tJn Owner 21316Kil l200 IALIOA DUrt.EX :1 br m llagc. plui. htrt•h apl Sl i.'ps tu bay 111 on•an 1n old fl;tll>oa Ht•modelr d en & 11ut FNlt't-d bm·k yd w1:J 1·11r parking l.owci.t pnt't'il duplc11 1n ,1rc•a A.it 67~b775 OCEANNOMT DUl'LEX Dynamite lcx::hion. 3 hr. 2 br Rents S /W /\skin.: $3!19,000. Musl sell '. bought otht>r LOWISTPllC PAIKUOO ~· AV.All.AMI ~ nu. alrildne 3 Bdrm,_.., 88 adult t.ownbocne. -l moments from the~. ia now avaJlable I~ Oflly $111 ,9~. t~eaturlnl1t step.down entry Into e living room. lnvit g fireplac e . and qu~' • secluded patio dir y ~acent to both "v " and dining roorns. ·s home ts both elegant •d comfortable . .: Upsllllrs. 2 bedroo,.s have a relaxing vie~J>f the pool area and ni~y ITIUnt.amed. s urroundWg gre enbelt. A wctj planned home. llftm41>' rac1hl1cs have bet1n plact-d 1n the kitchen. wh1;:r(' you ·rr a Tso fJid p lenty nf cupbOffll space Unusual, attric live window trealmflll J(I YC:. Uus home a Li~l. 11unny fe('hng lhroutb oul •, Qjll now to i.c-e lh1s "rlpl home: in a really Pri!ic IC)(0al1on • 675-7512 ~ GEORGE CHARL• REALTY ~ .. Beauuful IJ<1ys hort t' Handsome 2·sty on ~r nt!r lot w1xlru lrl(. pfi.v putto. 4br. :Iba. $395.00o G45-Z717 -----....-- NEWPORT HEIGHTS NJ<;W L ISTJN(; (~tJ S,>anish churm 2 H 1rnt 10 room. '>t'IJ I:\ .1 •• l11x1u.' room lrn ana1·ulll1 1· in .mtJ out Wun 't la ... t;.••I s 1:1s.sou C a 11 lt4 1· JUJ2,K".:._..t~ ~ ~~.;..: IA YSHORES! :• Year 'n>und lam1ly f1Jt1 l'nvalt' bt>a1'hc'i Thre>•· honlt.."> lo c•h()()!>l' r n1m . IJl)na Ch1chci.ler 642-SZ35 IX IOI I THE BLUFFS . OPEN TODAY: 26.Sl:I VIST/\ OHNAD)\. r11r your active lam1lyt I bdrm:. . 3 baths, a r oond f'ncc reducetJ ·to $163.SOO. with ove r 2.()1"' Ml fl , here lb your vet bcsl doUar '"'' 11q )1 value w uur awm d ~J• rung community /\ 11111 ~bf f't an S<:ou • .\ 505 VISTA <:flAN l~t. ll "• .1 l.tnda. I '>lY. ellil un11. 3 hdrm:. . nh-•· lan {l'. pnvatc patio Th•· rrr.lr bdrm 1i. 1111• 6f11• } 1111 ' ve a I w a~~ w a11 tcd. 1nrlude:o. a n aln ij/11 too~ (.;1>1111· i.~ your 1lClw home Now av~111 111 $1t'i3.000! /\ hl>llrl){ of ~l I)' /\h!XHlldt•r i.fo ~· 11 !\l;lli ,'\: ~-, 1 ~:L".dl11r~; Rin<.1 t,,40 · :,,560 Any111 10 E:i<.tlJl•.Jll Prnf B1dg IJtlo lslt•. 3 hr. rurn or 1)11. ru.m. $XSlJ (i7:J 4f~7 ... Nl-:Wl'OHT Sllont-.& :1 Hr beach hou.sc ; SHJO,ttlll IJ.\2 3361 2 llH, 2 !Ju,, Jo'am Rnt I l~k Lo ocean, «omm pc)oli. &tc1Ull!> New c pt& pal11l lhruout $110,000. Olt11 1-'r S:tl/Sun &16-6769 -~ Deluxe duplex. 3br & ~r Over :.x>O :JQ ft. 'h blll:to hay & beach. $239.fJO 646-17~ y PAQUDO : a BR ~<t ull Con d<t l'ools1de, dbl gar. Wlttk to l louR Hospital. 3 iNn to Lado & beach. Vlry qiact. Cull for a ppl. lo !!00 A.cent. !175-0616 ' ----....................... --------- Ml'T.SHORES Immaculate tJollhoww 2 l>r. plus den w tall xtrnb Drive by 230 G2nd Stre•·l and call for appt Owner re.idy t.o move. CANALNOMT woo1su: ,· 3 BR 2 Ba. lge pa\OJ, $295,000. Open Sat/$pn 1 5. Ownr/bkr. 645·5'1<> X216 •LMMo,tt...• P resUiiou1 Laaunu Bea., new contemporary ocean view. S2l5 11q . ft. home. Owner h ighly mot~v•ted. Aak for Bob or DOvte Koop, RE/MAX 83HJllS , DIAM! ~/Pooltto.... R1re Azelea mdl w/beam ce1I. 3 Br Incl fab m 11ter ate. huge count. kllch . Vin Luil papen. Trelll•ge, air. au&o 1prklr1, Ute•. IJlr opir, Club prlvll. Total llSTIUYlll priv. Top loc. Own/Agt. 06d Top Of Tlte World Sl.23•500. 78M330 N1tic A·fraine, 2 BR. SPAIKUMG POOL writer'• lo ll, 1 ho p , IWdio, &afden ai paUOll. RF.D. 110,000. Popu lar 9andeck.1129JOO! Mesa Ve rde 3 Bdrm. -... --1.• •-s .__ FDR, F /P1 tie corner lot. --·-- prof lanaacaped. C ull 64J..46JJ ~· Grant640-sm WANT A KISS FROM A PIEi IY GIRL? 1bea lhow your wire this channlr ! 5 bedroom,2...., beth8 ln Dover Shores. Air info call 3 br 3 ba. Loaded With xtru. 1265,000 u>cl. land. MAIUNA REALTY 642-~ Nlnfa Jarvis •DN : LOVIL Y MOMTIGO M, er.cit M91di• 4 Br. 2 ba. l1e family rm. 3 Sr 2 e., completely (\I· Nr park, pool ai itbool. m odele d , rantas tk ~7'9terms,soor·~~f4.o backyard. $1350 m•· .. "" U\b'. Owner will ca.,,. 3 bdrm. 2\'J ba. pool, new See to appreciat.a. O~\. 21 kitchen. Baycreat By Westc llff loc at iop. Owner. 642-0188 -.,2500 Ed. / .1~~~ Ml.,....C....... 640-1317 BIG CANYON ......... 1010 ......... 10671~~~~~~ •...........•.........• ...... ................. . Blll.ll. Monwrey coqdo; a BR 2 ba., L ahn • vuia 1•; mn1 up· "'*'; ...._, market. prtce at •.ooo. Owner ...... Af>· 01·18111 c.a ..... ~~r..! .... !!.~~ •• th Lem ~11Nlpea3br, liMm o.tom ...., 90&.P COUISI VU ~ 3 Bdrm, 2\.'I ba a d&M•wl La. Maacb• 'l'owMoUM. Unobetl'Uet: .t view. Onb llot,000. u .. 41su a.tom waterfront , 5 Br 6 Ba, 1Up ac pler for your 1achl. Wlll con1id er tradel. MoUvat.ed .. 11er. Prtc:e 12,000,000 . Spectacular golf course estate. 6600 sq. rt., 4 to 6 Bclrma, Slh baths. Pool and jacuzzi. • ' . JISTCUFfR.., ~DUPLIX Own the land, walk to the bepch. Super i.harp 3 Bdrm owners unH, w/neat 3 Bdrm rental. &th have fireplaces and are 10 move-in cond1t1on. Askine $235.000. Ca II 540-Wl lot appt --~-HERITAGE . . REALTORS OCIAHYIEW! Lf: 4 Bdrm. 2 patios. many extrus. BELOW MARKET RE-M AX 67)4313 . _,, ___ _ ...wFF OCEAN VU 14; 3 BR 21..-.i l:iu . ~ fp's ... a m H.m , rol'k r o:.c• grcJnh, wr iron fnc· .... lx'all\ rcdc1· Sl7:i,OO<hnc land Ow11r 6•1J 04H'1 . 7fiMf.!8H ---,..nn- DB.UXI UVIHG so· from N~port Hay. 2 Bdrm Mobile home Real fire place . $62,900. s.')9-~ • abr'. 2'hba. ·<kocirlookin~ golf COW's~.t BY Owner. ~aeee. 542.5031' SP.AClcNS HOM£ OPENS.\'.()Sl)N 1-6 Located nUr ba•ckbay at J16.E. ~SI. 1wn gal· ed courty11rd leads lo pro r e s.a·.i1~ n a I I y landacaped compl .. tely reGIDdeled It 1 'lJr 2 '1i UM bolne. 2nd·sly 625 sq fl den W /Wet. bar ft pool ta· ble, II kllch., dining rm w/frplc, lg living rm oper1S onto pool.size yd & lathe house. Calm fqtwes include: tJle flra, bit-la cabiot.ry, Jae .. rdwd dec k i n g, RV ti&« •. Cullom fl'Ullity •t ... • Byoner-. Coumly r loBlln. • .WAtelOMI .......... 0¥9llooll. ir'l n&er and IJdo Ille. a 8*m, frplc • cleclliac eldl Ude. ~ to u~ pad. Seller will help tlithce. P'u II prl ce sao.ooo. Call lffckef Sbel•. Bkr ..... DOVER SllORU:-ttnt. ...... c.t ........ b•• ,.,...,u ..... ,. .......... , .... ~ ... .... ,., ....... rm,I ....._a'-"· OIJlt ................ •·r ....... .. C' ..... .: .., .• "&::I. . .,.. ,,.. ..... '"' ........... I __ ......... oee.trlHt• .... 0..-IMI ..... '*"" ......... Olw ...... ....................... ....................... .........•...•.•....... ...................... . ···~····· .. ··••t.J••••t ................. • .. ..... ......... )'! .llOO ..... ,. ••• ,., 2000 .._,,,,)'., JOOO ...................... -··················· .. _ .............. , .. . ..... ... w. 2261 Qitflf~ ··~· ·-··················· ,..,, • .,., Jiii: f!CMll IMTl-C.M. DIM'*...._; I BR. a Bii bl ~ laet new Nllr .... a ar OWDtrt 2 bL, l BR. l "be., 2 11>1. a &.Jfroot. to be .ch1d -*.a 1111, trpl. 2·cer c.:,u.ooo. Pet Alie, chaO...Jia/94.saGO •.• N~,abe.uniu. -.ma bJ.1',';"J, 2.3 .,.. LIT ... ~vAU.i.:v .. ~ ~ CUITOllltOllE ··• .... ,.,...... aw. liMM. ~ 1r dd ....... " IP •rtr I.Mb • ,.__, eerpeiti .......... 1a-1tm SHAllt4.ft.U 2100 SOme back b•y view, ed, btt·lu, rwk 1..,1d f.....SC .,.. tor bu• ceramic tUe, &bermal raDCb tloate ... ...,. • wlltdowt. ... ..... eo9' ........ Call Jim Plaa· ..._.ay,walleilpatio.~ ds'I <Tm •·lltlO dra. ar ...... au.acibedt09l (114 ) 581 ·5T8T ,.,_rm,lMpoolU1M eves~. lJO'xlJO' lot, chain a, t6__.MTS 3 BrOWW"1 •*·Near .......... --....... . PIUU SAITll.DE, CM SouUt Co.at Plua. S A.cr9 camtatillta ol 1 to ..... eeda Owner wW llouce. 10 .... pare.Ill. t.ruai· ~ftA.aNESCO. o.~ Bourlte, l\llr Ucml to ll·l, 11·2, C·l, + •nu 546-lli50 mobile bome IODlDI•· F.uy fwy acceu. Rapid· MOllLE HOME lnr..tiln ............ '-It Macnnh lrwine u,..w.,..1 LA.uHA llACH! FIM£X RmUCES Priced •t OOlf ••t50,00U fGr prhia&e ownenblp un ita. Eada wtt.b fireplace. ...... JNitio or 'f U dl' 4' cnclouid icara1ec1. Owner'• IUMt. Shake roof. Beautiful tree lined llU'elt. c.JI 7$2-19:30. J 9UAIL PLACE . NOfaTIIS"' We're here lo auwcr >WI' ~liolw "lo Cl..nd you a mobil• hocoe you deail'e. We have many cbolce resaJe:ii 1n Or.age QJuoly ti&. beach arua- Greil lo veatme nl OP· portunrty oo Coast llwy. Bid&. DOW 11bows over • ~Tl l:ll P.M.l .iotmo UJl'Ome It 2 vi.-~~~~~~~~~ cant lots w /plans & pet'llllt.I f<W olf1Ct'll, shops & parlun~. Fle xible financing avaul. 1!95.000. Barbara Wnght 644·6200 BV 11tE B~ett4 Phlil no dQwn paymenl. La.rat home w 1occ1Ao For more mro call our new.1273,.500. 1 49:H288 profess1om1I courteous Beautiful 4 8 r, 1-'R , $Lall. seclude d patio, pvt TORTOISE M.H .i--------- C.X·l06) beu~bclub, move.,n SALIS cond. OwMr olfers a real 100 t;, 17th St. S.A. • buy aa\ S125.SOO. Opn &in 97~1421 12 5. 293J Via San 1~~~~.,.~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Corgowo. d'l-8446 1----l .... 21ath f'rplc. dbl garagt'. OPJ::NSat/Sun2 5 Jll ALTA LANI•: THISISIT Secluded on top ol the hill. 180 degree ocean view, across the golf course. This home is 2800 sq ft o( beauty. Fireplace in Mstr Bdrm, crys tal chandeliers. A highly UP· gradOO property for the most d1s c r1m1nuling buycri.. Priced a l $249,000. This home rcpreiients truo value. c.:onu.ct Norm Phillips. 'we:.t (;oasl Pat·1f1c R 1-;. Dana Pl. 496 ·8535. 831·2600 ...... G<*teo West ~xoo, Wr, 28a, lam rm. Custom redwood ~k. 5• Pk. San J uan Capo. 496·8337 . U> spc rent. sml. furn. encl patio, i::us free . sms. CM 646-2573. Cln 2500 block Santa Ana Ave. J $89,500, offer. Rob1n8on, Broker, 5&5647. Bradford Pl. $67 ,000 11~,. • :, Ck-eao view Tra1lcrama. int rate assum. 2Br. Call pvt beachc.~. pier, pool. 2 af\5:30pm751·G182. Br. view lamu. ga1 den • p r i vacy . $ l 6 ,5 0 0 . ())olce ~· ~asl Wulf, Treas ure l h lan d . U Pl:m. 1-ormer model. 646-<nl.S/499-Zl97 Jbr, 2ba. $122.500/bci.t. 20x40. 2 IJdrms . 2 ba . 3 yrs old Adult flark . New p o rt Terrace . ~7~ By owner 5~~·067 3 I 9fi'l.1464. 1800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C•1tn.o I 071 Permanent trailer. El OCEAN DUPLEXES New 3 bedroom homc.'l> +apt. Storus Coni.lr. 646-4414 or 492-1393 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Morro Bay. tlS,500 Firm. 4 Br. 2 Ba. tot.al upgrade. Owner. 644-4688 pools1zc lot. landscaped, ----500 93-951 Motx.le Home 197'7 .. owner. Sll7. ·4 1---Westminster adll pk, MEwPORT IEACH Vunou.s toe. on l'cn111. & Nwpl Shr s riva1I All amt•n1t1c:. l'rc:.l'nlly lcu.-..-0. Turn kl'y operu 11on Properly mll m l a\a1\ 675 4!H2. BK It CUSTOM HOME OH >/•ACRE Two story 4 Bdrm t'IL'>lOm home. Pool a nd i.pa vn ' 1 ttc :.i hori.ch ;i I l11w1,.'<I l'anon.11n1l' vww S/:8.5,<nl ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW LISTING! St>a<' 5 Md.rm. 3 ba, 2400 fl rcmodele•I hom1· nr i.t•ht.ob , & fo'V ONLY Sil6 .000 4~18 Ac·uvuko HE MAX 67:.I <1:11:J llbr .. 1-· It I vcJ1 o ld. Nr ~ 11 ( 'I I' I a /, a 7 M li'1!J :J;!l!I 1084 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM llOM "-=· short walJc to ocean. New con · s l ruc l1on w /quall ly features. Hool'top sun· d~k. ram rm w /frpk . hkyh~hts. 3 hd . 2'r.t ba Great oppty to own new h1Jmc in dchirable area. ()pen llou!>e Sun 10·4 220 !AA St. S H 171'1 >960 5~4. South Larpta I 086 ··•····••·•··········•· IEAUTIFUL 180 deCJ VIEWS or wlutt'water and north £•ua ~t Ocea ns1cJc o f Coast Hwy 4 Hdrm. fam rm. 3 ba home. Pvt. com· mwuty. tcnrus. secluded cove beach $473,000. 25'~ dn. owe bal on contract for 2 yrs 499·1282 or 4!M>-tm 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. 2Ba. 894-2660 OltANGE COUNTY BEAUTY Nl':J\H GOL F COUl!!-.E 24xfi0 Keyw1•st 70 < '1•n Lr;.il :11r, cbhw:-.1 ... r 1111 mac· llfl•al lul·a\111 11 . C~ll76X-XU>. Mabi~~St~e 956-4500 $18,900 Bnng k111g s ize lx.-d fur this Ii; ma:-.lt•r bdrm. :.cllcr tncludcs :-.1cJc hy '>Ide rcfrt Kcr41tnr wa:.hcr. lg front k llt'ht·n w new 1Jn1·k Lil•· rto•ir 12xli(J Flcctwo11d. li7 l~i9'i:tl Mabi~ ~ Stor~ 956-4500 NEW DUPLEX 3226 lroad St. HI Eat·h Unit hus ~Br & dl'rl, dlx k1l w/oak c·ahml'lh, bll.n.,, 011('fllWUV(• OVt•n . fri>lc 1n llv rm & m:-.lr bdrm. :-.kyhl1·s. patio. cedar ce1linll Ill mstr bdrm. separalt' yd. li;i dbl car garni:c Open ~al/Sun I !) T11~1·11ll a,:.'l 979 50'.l.l ltKomt Properly 2000 ···•········•··•······· 23 UNITS l'nmc Tu~lm l11c:cl1un Gn·al 1n1·n m l' x lnl ll:rrn'>. M~ller will ht·lp <Xlcrc..-d ut $750.000. Call !"~36(;6 On lbe Bay Side. DeAn1.a ( W fii.U1A'i:f 1 Bayside V1ll. 300 !::. <.:st _ Hwy, NU. Uch . pool. i---------· jacuzzi. 1167 #l26°V1ew from up· per :-.undcck, 2Ur. 2BJ nu lul. ITlll ny umcnilw:-. Open Sat I 0-3, COSTA MESA 4 Houln on I Lot l..owesl price an Costo M~a. Only 10% down. owe. J\Jways renlc.'<l Wortd R•al &tat~ 556-7777 Sun 12·5 11117 lUr, ZUa. l11vl•ly , ________ _ patio. else lo bay On Lh e South S all e· NEWPORTIEACH !IJ45.2Hr. :ma. + lg encl 1.Z UMITS lanai, new cpt:.1drps I DOOR from OCEAN. Bkr. Leona Morgan Unbebevably low LOW 6'1~10. PRICED al $425.000. ---------1 Owner wdl lrade. MOBILE HOME BUY·SE LL· R .. :NT l-1NANCI:: Mobile tto.. Store ...... .... c ........ CAU.US661·1021 WortdlHIEstah 5~7777 7 UNITS.C.M. Beaut. new bui ld1ng. Fireplaces. xlnt location . TSLlnvml.8 642·1603 COSTA MESA Covinitoo 4-plc.x near ·~00 Ctr. $206.000. Xlnt fmanem g avail. Owner/A# 962·8118. FOuaPUX With ocean vi~w. 1.t.-t-11 UlW1 3 years old ancJ in l.<ll>condltlon OWHBW/CARRY CONTRACT W /SMALL OWN! $265,000 RUMAllEALTY 551-7977 TRnUX Prime coodition. 1 block to San Clemente Beach, f um.ished 2 bedrm un1lh Owner w ill finance . $164.000. ttlCHMT REAL TY 831·3114 or496-9501 SUNITS Well kept. furnished, Z bedroom unit:. clost· to center of town. Owner of· lt!l'S good t.ermh. Call us to see. $260,000. Century 21 OM&A Realtor:.. (714 )496-61~. 20 PRIME UNITS Ni>. S;.in Diciw County, S6~.uoo owc w.21·: cJw11al111·; Mikl' llrya11l , •1!17 :1111)!1 <714) Quality West Nt•wpurt [)pix. steps lO beach, xlnl income. Mcx1blc te rm'>. Call fo r dcla1b ui.:t ~JJJI HOME + INCOME 2567 Sdeft, CM Dix spacious home w 5 2Hr stud.to twnhhC un1l'> Home has J lg bdrm:-.. 2"2Ba. :.eparale yd. dlx lulchcn. Mediterranea n st y l e arc h1 t e('l u r e , hcaullfuJly lnclscpd J\ re ul pndcor owncr:.h11> ()pen Sal I .5 To:;cccall agt 979·50'.J'J Cut.la Ml!l>a l n ·plc i.. lllnl t'fJOC.I. Ownrs unit l'nl'I. r. yr... old. Have 101 ~·, rm $170,000/bc:;t offer llrkr 7~04 lnVt'!ilor·s Dc!Jght $W,950 2 houses m Cal. Gold Country. Potential 3rd u n 1 l O w n ,. r (916)265·9330. DUPLEX Charming Corona dcl Mar. Z Br ho us e + bachelor uml, close to beach & hhopping. $1 59 ,000 642-1736/631-1286 TRl-PLEX CIObe lo beach. 8 yr~ old. all 2 Br wrgar, shake rool. Assumable 1st ot 9.7 •;. $169,000. Agt. 642-1736/631-1266 74UHITS SACIAMEMTO $1 ,450,000 $250,000 dn, 7.5Xgroi.h, owners will trade down. Call Russ Carpenter. Newpo rt Ame ri can Prop. 957·1900, 631·046fl TUSTIN ESTA TE Executive h o m e of adobe. 1h acre with lots of fruit &. shade lre<.'S. A very disUnguished 2300 sq fl home with new carpel & paint. Won't last at $1 39,900. Call ~31186. HUNTING1'0N BYTIIESEA 2 BR 2 Ba + den. Call agt.646-43l!O 19 UNITS 2-4 Pl.EXES P R I D E 0 F C.OSta Mesa. $155,000 ca. OWNERSHIP ON OVER Will consider all offers. 1 AC. of LAND. Selling ~1103. ~-........ ~- Aa-etllJt for We 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• for 9 X 's gf'06s. No units 1--------- like this anywhere. LOW SWtER 5-PLEX 20 ACUS DOWN. owe. OnJy 11 X gross & xlnt Will split. Paved road, Wortd IHI....... terms. Take over "sub· powe r, 13 miles lo 556-7777 jec.'l to" & l'OiJld even Hemet. Fial to eenlle •--------have spendable! Don't. owt• DISPRATI Ma y b e f•t!l n g foreclosure! Cua tom 3 BR home with s pec· tacuJar view of olfbt li«bta and aeaue rolling aloep. ~.ooo full price. walt! 714 /545-9491. Terms. Contact Dave Knapper, a1t . m..Ml80 ~-CA.UY Z.38r 2Ba units, 1 blk to oc:n, view rrom pa.Uos. Si!25,000. Very low rents. c::= Walker & lee llilla. FonmJ cliDUle, MID• 1-------•I • ....,,,...u,room uaMAC1•no "MUST" ask for Les !•-------• Barnhart, a1l. (7U) 9'12-IDIO. ••ftll raom ..a open to e.12 ...,., Trw covered entert•i•meat alaetl f011iQ1 btlll. Opportunity dedla. ~of room foe to ~uire natural un· WILL fOC)l. Owner ls open to spaUed wUdameaa area. I ...... c~·cT etta\lv .• e O~~QC~I. aa. to J.llle OD paved .,_., ~'""' ~llDD roed. Water and elec-Shup 3 houses. rm for MA&.-'""-..... .-4th. Lre grounds. Kay ff1{'' ' .. ,......, ..,...,...,.... .y. Me ase n IC e r ( 2 \ 3 ) • 971 · _.._.._5200 434-7920. El Dorado Real· ........ ly (21.J) 428·~ *ACIE ··ri~ -CCM1nlr1 atmo1phere, ~ t••• •crow lb , 2ba, OVtrtlUld S,11l•1t1 Ill t.c1M1 ... "1, Oiftn pt ., 1rty ...... ... I ...... IDQl'e. • •1 llti• c. .. .... 8aUJ at .,...., fw .......... CeN DOUHOUSI wllll .... Qde 2 bdrm. l ba home on R-2. Property comes With plaoa for adcllUonal WI.it oYtt 1arage. Priced for quick sale. Adj. to Newport Hghts. 195,000. Owner may . carry 2nd. Prin.only. WOfotTLAST ! &.Daild•Co. '~~~~~~~' 711·1771 •1• •• , '"' ,_llill'!y _____ ~~~~~~ ... a.tlftad Ad ACnON call• ~~ ...,. lt 8'111 Cluatned •da art ~ 1roa ll ·-,....to ....... 'caDa with Dll .... dertlilp mdtQ,..I Topl•ce ,.-a...... ad, calJ ___ ..,., 11 &Dta. llodam. K vac lac. Xlnt for oot of town ~. Synd, tte. W•lk to all. Ocean •kl• be•ch ~. A.lklnJ 112.~ ...... Re.al PrOperUa =-· 714·72·-· CONFUSED ... by IO m.ny ada? Don't know where to begin plannlna your lnve11t· menl Pf'OIJ'am T You will llnd our hJlbJy trained lltall o( over 40 helpful. Phone for an a ppoint· mmt. One of theae can at you started In a llOlid lfivelltmenl program ... 21.Wta, C.M. SJ,30.000 2 unitl, Orange Si 52.SOO 2 unit.a, C M. $163,900 2 uni\B, C.M. $15,900 2 unit.a. Loll Allrniloa .. •• $1.SO.OOO 4 wu~. R1vt:r.11de ... SJ 15,000 1 UfllL'I. 1-'u llerton .... $150.000 •t urul.s. f\l llerton $18'J.SOO 4 uruls, Occan ... 1dc ... $200.000 4 wut.s. Los AJam1lo!I .... $225,000 4 wUl.!I, JI. u $260,000 14 unJt.s. Gurdcn Grove . ... $425.000 16 urut.11. liucou Park .... $600.000 18 units. Temple City .... $600.000 :r> units, HB $1,935,000 40 unil8, Temple City .... $1.250.000 S6 units. Montana <new> .... $1 .950.000 Office bldg, Garden Grove . .SS00.000 Motel, Anaheim ... $\.275.000 l.Gtcloe•~ .... not born. Apartmt·nl owner..tup 1:;n 'l a matter of luck. It repreM•nls careful. s te p -by :.tcp planrung. We can help you deMllO a n 1nve1>t· tnCflt prol{ram lu1lornd to your f111ancan1l & your ~ A .. • .. ;woP~NINGS on our :.taff. Oranllc County ':. mohl 11n· :O.tllllOU:. 1n VChlmt•nt tif f1t1· with 197H :-.ult•s 111 ovt·r $#i7 m1llw11. hus u f e W II J> I' 11 I II ~ S f II r quuli rwcl prflf Pss1un;1 b . 1·11mm1llt"<I l11111 v1•s l mt'nl n •al t :-.l;l(P WP 11H1·r :-.t·mi pn vale· nff11·•·'> lull t1•1·hnic·;il I'. 'UllflClf l :-.yslt•n ", a ~1·11c•r11u:-. c·ornrn1ss11n1 s plit & 1·x 1·•·ll1·nl invc•:-.lrnc•nt & salt-:-. traininll C;1ll for .in • 1pp111nlml'nl. 1~>'1. t~l~U ~ Cf)UAIL A-!~~~- 10,... 1'11 1:10 P.M.I ly 1rowJ01 are• o f western Rivenlde-Coun· ty. Priced Crom w to 34t per sq. ft. Owner Mr. ~&'51-0386 lMllACN LOTS From 70·185,000. All ocelD view. l w /t*'mita to.,..ld. PAnBSOM/PAIKS u. 4'7-4144 R*>dl fence. Much rnor«i ~ 179..500. Call owner. 714 .... :Jl'N. N . san Diego Co./Fallbrook. • , •Lovdy home w/llC rml\·I Good ror enler\a1ning,, NIWPOtn' llACH 3000 fl, 1000. (\ office apace, quiet lite indWI. area. No automotive or riberelaalog. 645·3323 dys. Access to pool, j a i:, sauna. Prime communi;; 2300 ty nr golf course, ••••••••••••••••••••••• $119.SOO. ' I TIADEWtMDS &Dor citizens. Compl. facilities. 2191 Harbor lil. C.M. Space rent $150. 32' mu. No pets. 846-4151. 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ft,2 lot. ~·xl221h'. 2 bib from ocean, level. prfme No Laguna loc.lion, P. P. 4fH.0458 t 1a • •• Detert, Bl!:AUTIF1JL VJEWLAND Rancho cam. area. 22ac. &aid a mini-ranch or profit th.ru sub-divisaon. Good t e rm s . Agt. 754-ti218. MldYo.-On.t ..__,_ Mlwport P111l11'mla! This 2S'x70' lot . steps lftart MOO ....................... FOii.EASE New 2 bedroom 2 batb home. Mission Lakes Country Club. Golr. t.enrus·poo(. Beautifully landscaped, no main- tenance yanJ. 9WOClubhousc Hd Desert llolSpnngh 213·3'18·2572 from the beach & a short 1---------2 blks from the Newport - pier, ls an excellent op-Out of~ portwllty to build an im· Property 2550 press.ive custom home in ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mil ideaJ location. Call to-FANTASTIC day Cor detwls lJI Acr.s 675-7512 Coate. R-.ch GEORGE CHARLES Wrt.h 4 cottages in pnmc UAL.TY San Diego loc. $7,1188 per acre. ~~~ 255G S.l.S. UALTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 __ c_1-_1_4_•_•_1_4-_15_5_o __ •Horse Country. a tt(' home site-elite area or horse training cent.er ~l vu. riding tra1b. $99,500 . E l eanor J o hn so n, agent 71'-nfl..4412. Eleg"11t Cal. Goki Cou.JI try charm 2 houses Potential 3 rd. unit ,• $ 9 9 , 9 5 o . 0 w n --~- 1916)265 93JO 260G' . ..................... . 800' river frontage. G l6CnllJ on Hwy IW. Hou- & cabin. Waler n ghlh $t9.500. 503·596·24 I~ .., .. --... ~ Acres, woodt'<.l. 4 IUJH from Lown. t::lcctnc1ly_. gd water. area._ sa._ooo Plffi,a acre. (SOJ> 591HA12. . •• ------- IDAHO < Sun Valley area lot mi1 lTeek. water & pown· $17 ,500. :-;48-2985 _JI --------~ o.tofeo.ty Property 255t1 I . ..•.•...........•...... ·························~J • =" 1-:w 21111 ... ' h<Hlll' 1111 I .. di Ill pn·,tll!lllU' ".1llhrn<ik I HH\. :!1 .... • t1:1 . t11-n 1 lam roum v.11 h \lrl'l h.1r h• .. 1til.1111r f 1r,pl 1a1·u111 tuh • • t • m wrol4.1\1· m111 h mun · '1:1:! f,4~1 •'/ • !l:I 1; .n Pl'l'"'llllV 111 lot 'Ph1 ~:1·~1 prc11~111·1111: av11carlo \rt't"·· .!'IO(I ' I • • 11,.lu\I' h11m•· w • M1•i<11·an tilt· fl.1n11ramu-\'It'" of Ut· l.u1 \-Jllt·y • 'i'l7:i 1100. 'uhmH 1r.1ll•·' 11r 2!1'.( ctn. I. 11wnl•r will f1nani l' . ·~ • I" • ·" prrHl111·111~ ·'"'wa<111 ~·1 '" •· h11m• • ..:11t .. .,1 h1111•.. 'I rt·Jm .• • l.1lo.1 ;1 wdh l'1r.'lhk -.plll ,:._ry;, 10 1 • • Cl"-111·1 11111·.1 -•II l1111r l•rlllh· I • '" '' hdl111p t1111lll11w .. 111·• w11h • • l.t11l ,1 111 \II'\< Ill I'" 111,1\1' ,111 I \l,1!,1 "flo I • • • • • • • • • • ,! !,'I ,11 ,l \11• .ttlo ~'I"'• /I.. If• Ill \" "'11.1111• fl h,11 lo 11.J .1 Ill 1)1 111 11 :1 l·:-.1.11 1" t-.1111.1 ,111· \II'\\ 111101 "11111' I 1!•11111 "1111111 \.rld 11\Uf\Ln n" \\rhh)1ht \ftttl ,., 111 ''' 1•,•I• , '•" ·.i.,r.q .. •c· .... ,:,i'1 OHH <'11 :111111tl1"11•111·d 111·"' ~:!fill I I'""" "" I 1 .. 1 ... h1rm.t1111111111 , ... ,.,1 fll 1'.1111 l.1l1 lt1•ll \\ n:1k 1',d/1111'1' ,~ I l.111tl 1 llllklttp Ill " 11 I lllf• \I lr11 pl t\ 'lllll.••11 11111 111111111 1111 111•11111 hltl '•'~ '(lljj 1IMI 111 .11 phi 111 '"" p ,111·1·h 11•• 1111\ d11 111• 11111n Xl111 .11 •1• ·"'" 1111 111.,11111 11.111·1 .11.111 '" '~'o 1· \' 111 t111 1111,.,,.,1 111111 1.,1 11111\ 1w ·'' ''""I l~o \ "'''" l l111 :!ct cor 111 a1 1 t·' • • .,;( ... •. ~ • • •• • • • • ))7 E. Miuion • 714 728·1410 VILLAGE REAL TY Fallbrook IO• S. Mlnlooo • 71 4 721-1121 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• NO POWER SHORTAGE at the PILOT wer with a y 0 ur Ad po st Life ooubl~ pilot & coa e ... oa1IY p0"'85P '"err ReachOO , •••• AnY Household~~-~ .......... Any merchandise for sale priced at $100 or less qualifies for a Pilot Power Ad 4 lines, any Wednesday -$2.00 Call today, we 'II bill you or charge it to your BankAmericard I VISA or Master Charge. (Motorcycle ads must be prepaid) Deadline: Any time before 5 p.m. Tuesd~y • All items must be priced •Ad can run in any appropriate clsssiftcst10n • Sorry, no commercial businesses 1.......-----------------------------~J Try the Power of the Pilot with an ad in the combined power of The Daily Pilot and Coast LIFE I f ~ CO•sl's W M11ae ForPrlvllte~ 842·8878 1:: I .. "" II I .. .II I II I A ... .I 7• •• .. . .. . &i "" J I •I ,, ,. .. fll )!11 - 2 2 .,. -. . n .:i 11 ~I ,, ••• ')1, '"" I I • • ,,. ".Ill• Jcl . cl :un. , 1# 111 ,,, n ut WIU. PAY CASH "' • n..a. for )'OUI" ~. .... lud. ~ tCOnUALTY IJ6.71Jl .... ....................... ....... ,. ........ ....................... 3 Br. 2 ba house. Cam rm. dm rm. lrplc, pool & aerv. Nr. SC. Plau 1875. bl3-0473 lll'l~r6pm. 3 Br. 2 ba, f'1)1c:, 2 car gar. no dogs. $480/tDO. Duys 642-4W5; eves 873-8 un Move up & move In! Superb2br2ba Air? $375 f'lreplace1 Yard 184260> Qahfomia dreamin1t ! Roomy 2br' Kids ok' 0)() Fcnced yard! t96360l RENT1MES631·4MS Fe<> ........... 4 BR. H~ ba .. pool. Lgc. yard fl patios. 1650 Mo. '19-30'19/556-804.5 3106 --------VACANT, xlnl 118 10<'. 3 ...... ••••••••••••••••• 2br. gar, fncd yd, pet ok. BR. 2 Ba, $500 mo. Coll Yrly. 2 BR. l ba. D.R.. couples pref 'd . crpl, Keith. 962·4471 f.-plc. pat, pr Util incl drps. ~. s-16-7506. lm.17H283. -----IW1!4• lmely 2 Br condo, pool, t•ti all' l242 4 bdrm. 2 ba view home •· U.l. last + depqs1t. • 3'.16. 3 Bdrm. 2~ ba New home Ocean view Avail i mm e d . S750 /m o 494-8.188 -----~\)' 3 BR 2 Ba, fpk. dbl gar. W/0 hkup. Oen & cyn vu: $72S. 499-1997 Outrmt-r: 2 BR, den, 3 bu 8>0Moolh ~~ly home. occun vu 3 llR, 2 ba. SOSO Mo Turner AssOl' 499-4591 494 · 1177 Wanted yng. Fem student or empl lo shr 3br. N.8 . pool home w/2 Fem . 63H028 <.:oodo. 3 Br 3 Ba. fabulous ocean view, (rplc, rn de· lwce Np( Crest w/many upgrades. Resort llvtng w/s wimm ing. leon1s. s auna. Ba rgain $C95 644·8122, H9·9441L 642,8362. New luxury condo. nr beach, $595. Swimmmg, Lenn.is, elc. Lrg 2br, 2ba. refng, dahwshr. l'OmptH' I.or, etc. No pets, 1 child considered. 213·924 5357 anytime. Charm house. steps to Victoria beach, ocean Westcliff 4br , (am rm view. 2 Br $550 yrly. model cond. $795 meld 4~.9333 gardene r & w a l er 759-llm. 497-1744. .... ,.... 312' ....................... Older. s~r 1 BR Villa. view, courtyard, gar. s:.125. m.2111 or 49&-6684 pallo. garage & carport. •••••••••••••••••••••• • $425. Io wa Sl . CM Executive home 4br. 4ba . 646-8648 • 3 -ca r gar . rull )' &....-...,.... 1252 2 Bdrm, I bath <'Ondo ••••••••••••••••••••••• f''anlastic locatio n 1n Newport Heights 3 br . l landscaped, on Tnn1da,1 Niguel Shores. 3br . dl'n. Bluffs. S0001mo. Arnie. 3ba. fncd yd , all blt·ms. _&»_~_19 _____ _ L..-.... 1141 ....................... F..mer'ald Bay. wmter ren· ta1. 3 BR. maid's qtr:. Avail. Sept lSl. SlSOO Mo TumetAssoc 491M59i 494. u 77 ............. lt'9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll1 Via Lido Nord S'lStmo. L.«e 2 bdrm. 2 ba with den & pal.lo. Waterfront Hom~ lnr ""36 W. Coast IJwy 631-1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• G1 ., .. 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOt&fMDHS S285 lbr Balboa Island ~2br kids gar nicl' s:r1' 3br condo aar ree St004br kids pool cute 157..olJS STOP ARE YOU FED UP WITH IT ALL? • If your knuckles ar<' • raw from knoclun~ If your car 1s about outol gas Your nerves ar1· geulnR frayed And you need to move fast. ~ CALL ba. NO PETS. 5450. Island. Lease t yr. Avarl fin.22S6 II /79. $1000 tm o Botti _ ____ _ sbpava1I 840-26112 Mesa Verde 4 br, 2 ba; 56· dock wldramallc n.-w family rm. Super sharp. house Main chann e l, Dito:>. frplc. fncd yard Cor ;i I c a Y <I u H Av~~~l5.$62S.646-1535_ cathcdrid clgs: 2 (pie's'. <Ando near bch for least>. lwc rock s pa. Pvt ~uard Jbr. 2ba. tn·level. Solar gate, prestige comm .• tiealed. Frplc, bllins. (umorunfum A\•ail. Im· elec gar. rec. fac . med. S2400 mo 592-1608 S150m0. Incl. assoc fees. l2_13_> ______ _ 673-0672 F'Of' Lease. 2br, den. 3b:i. overlooking wat('r, $750 !M().6383 leave me!lsagc oou.pe all comm'ly rec foes, walk to beach, $800/mo, 1.2.:1 yr lscs. 4!17 1751. 4!13~1 MardJ Spauld- ing. --------- Mhsiolt Vlefo 3267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Priced from $465 lo $i95. Fncd yard & garages . Fa mili e s please. Kids & pe t s weh:ome. call 964·2566 or 973-2!f71 Aln. no rec. 2 Br . 2 1,12 Ba . dlx . s pacious. brand new twri>"lse. AtUiched 4! car gar. i.ola r waler hlr. poo 1. j a c . , t c n n 1 s. ('fubhi;e. exen•ti>t• rm, 1ckal for roommates. No l)(!IS.16.'iO. 7S4·0446 Ml.,.. t ·-1269 3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• UMTALS 3 BR. 2 ba . . .. $1;()()/!~ -4 HR, 3 Ba. .. .. $750 EAST SIDE Brand new 3 Br, 2'h Ba t.ownbome, 3 car garage. rrpl c . s ky l ight , microwave. Pool. tennis -5.. tno. Days 646-4262; evcsM$.9M3 •28a. IBa condo near South Coast Plaza. New crptB, drps. A /C, PoQt. secwily gal<!. No pets . Childre n o k. $450 . ~3652 or MS-51Sl. lbr ~ util p;ud. Crpt&. drps, stove at refrig. No dogs . Adults. $275m o. I.st, last. Avail Aug . 4lh. &»7464. 5 HR,3Ba ......... $750 2 BR, 2 Ba .. .. ..... S.SUO San Cle ment<• ~vc living, Wood bndge brand new 2 Ur ~ den, 2 Ba (rpll'. I\ l'. micre>-wuve. W1L> r m . lit pvt yard. 2 car gar. Use privileges or lake, tcnm~ crts, pool & Jae incl. /\n nual lse. No ~t.1; $650 NO f'EE! Apt. & <.:ondo rentals Villa Renluls 67~l2Bkr lMl Monac:o, 2 btJrm, 2 ba. den, gardent>r. $6SO. mo.~. ----Bayshores exclus i ve pri vate community wlacces1 t o 2 lovely beac~. 3 Br/study 2 Ila home. Wllllrn. S900 me I. gardener. Avail Sept 1. 642-&&55 or 1r no answer 494·27!17 P.P. •WALK TO Bt:ACH-3Br. S™> mo. lse. tennis, pool & volleyball. gar, agt. 962-6628. 3 bdrm, H~ ba, f:tm rm. rucc yd 67~562 JlluHs. pool. lovely 3 AH. .,nd unit. $750 Mo Mtent 644·0134 SeaVJew Commuruty. 3 Br pvt home w1s uper ''te w /\vaJlable now. SJ 100 pr mo. 675-341 1 1-0R, I house from sand . frpl .. gar. $400 Mo. Year ly blS.9111 WATERFRONT w 1dock 2 l ge Bdrms, ~ar Remodeled r ecenlly $695/mo . Dock extra 675-1~ YOU'VE ARRIVED AT ' 60l LIDO Newport's most pre stigious high rise CCJndo with spectacular Bay & Ocean views . On the water. 2 Bdrms. 3 buths Tot.al guarded sC<'unty. You've arrived al 601 Udo. 11750 per mo. Cote Heally & Invest menl 640-5777 BLUFFS Twnhse 3 BR. 21 i &t. lge pvt gre<'nbcll $750, lse ain. 646-..\380 ----s.ta Ano 1210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely adlt, l sty, 2 BR 2 Ba, condo. $\25 mo. Call Mike. 556-7512: 540-6406 Newly re m odeled 21Jr Sparush house. Spacious yd , fruit trees. ni ce neighborhood. Nr ever ytbing. S450. 642·3555 eves. ~ST~~~~ING 631-411$ lllEAND RENTAL APT SPECIALISTS ~~~7Fee 2 Bdrm. l ba, yard, i;ar, IUd'I OK. $375/mo. 645-4479 mo. 559·ft>62 -lirand new Newport Tcr-r---------The talk of the town' Breathtaking 2hr' $300 1::.nclosed yard ! (S43:t0 I , ......... 3207 ••••••••••••••••• The apple or your eye! Spacious 2 br ! Den! ~ Patio! Garage! (!J7J40) It must be love! Jlugelbrw/appls! S250 LI.AH Upgraded 2 brlr + dl·n. 2 ba. On goW coursl· Beaut. view ind d f.? n11c lit.es. Only S65lltmo. (;all Glen H e llw ar1 h • Rt-:1MAX 63l·1200 race COndo. 3 br. 2'12 ba, st.ov~. ~fng, wshr1dryr , pool. No pets S575tmo. 631 l.117 or 21.3.477 ·847<1 uUlul Bu y view z::bdrm, 2 ba. 2 car gar. .)tly. $675. 67~·6670 or ~ uk for Coonle ~tudedarea. (95510 ) Univ. Park Terrace. 2 fir RENTIMES631-~ Fee 2 Ba Cardiff. close Lo po()I for tuaCIOUS living-this IS 11! Big Canyon condo 2 Br 3 Ba w /pool, tennis, ja c. No pets . S875 83,3..3349 new. 3 BR home, E lo bay & ocean. med ce11's .. frplc .. u 1. Dbl. gara~c. .Mo., yrly. BiU Grun- 2 Brhousc, I sml collage 548-llQ 1226 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1· Rllr. 675-8161 - ., Ms l222 ReOl or lease lovely view •••••••••••••••• home. 1585. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. d I huge U111Utira bonus rm ~ex, guage. with deck. f'Ully fenced. = Lrg. yrd. Prv. bch. CJ<.Be to scbools1 shop-. Adults No pets. 29\3 pmg1 Marina/ beaches/ bus. 496--0642 2br cottage on ocean • e of Fernlea l . •1oro 3232 /rrv;>. 673· 1734 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltOMF.S FOR RENT A1'9ost new 3 Br duplex-3 or 4 br. Priced from ntar Be1onia Park. $46.5loM95. Fncd yard & Ayailabae Aug. 8th. S'100 garages. F am i Ii cs 875-3' pleuse. Kids & pets welcome. Call 964·2S66 or e 3 Bdrm, 2~ 973-ZIJ'll. Nil no Cee. ful lntenor. • Olllitmclirul ~lew, $2000 F •• v.-., 3214 ....................... HOMES FOR RENT &shopping. Av1t1L AuJ: I $510. 551·2340 LGi 4 IDRM, 3 IA Qinal front. Comm pool!'> Leu. Twhse, 2br. tcnn1~. & lenru:. Avail now ~s pool, jac. $\2.S. Uie 64.s·3370 ___ 7_14_,_55_9_·5_7_27 ___ 1 Ahtrs condos. lca:.es S.560 'n\e ColcSoy 4 Br 2 Ha lo S750 wigas BBQ. clubhouse. Agent 644·1133 p ool. t e nni s $625 28r, 2 ba, den. lovely 7$(0)5 Newport Beach ar ea. WOODBRIDGE. $750 CIOM! to ocean wlview. Super 4 BR. 3 ba. 3·r ar $675/mo. 760 ·9277 o r ga r . a trium. O nr, 675-IT1111skfor Lo1s 552-3446. Sharl) 2 bdrm. Nice area 2 mslr bdrms, bath. Sunken bdrm & livin..i widen. Lake, tenrus, pool rm. w a11be r I d r ye r . facl. Newly painted. If 16 rc!rig. $$75. Call 645·2'J88 Creekwood. 675-3130 0.arming Jbr, 2ba, home ORANGETREE. 2 Rr, 1 close lo bch, shopping, & ba condo. ReCrig, A 1C. 11ehool11. S750mo. 645·7498, T e nnis. poo l , jac. 631·3191. $450/mo. 752-0G> IASTILUFf HOME Woodbrid1tt new 3 Br 2 Laree split-level exec. 3 Be. Crplc. patio. $550. br, 3 ba. Pool. jacuzzi. 644-7780 f11ntaaUc view, full D. 3 or 4 br. Priced from •to se. Focd yard & 1--------•I rm, rec rru w/pool lable Ir fUl1 bar. Walk to N.8 . Tenoi.s Club " best CdM Schools. Unf. or part Cum. Liie. Avail. 81 I. Reis Is sec. dep. Sl 150 mo. •2183: 842-0350. 1araie1. Famllles please, kids fl pets wllkoaw CaJllN-ZMSor flWl'Tl, ~.no fee. 'ft: Mar.nab · Irv me The end of lhl' rainbow' Sunny 2br 2ba ! Pool SJ50 Fenced lol! <962701 RENTIMES631-455S Fee Soulll LGIJllllG 3216 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l little cottage with \'Jew, decks, fireplace. abounding in wood & stained glass. Ideal ror s ingle apprec1at1ve per son . $450 1n cld utilities. Chuc k Ayres 499-2512. 3291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOM ES FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Priced from $465 lo $495. F'ncd yard & garuges F a mili es please. k ids & p et s welcome. Call 964·2566 or 973-2971. A6't. no ree. 3 Bdrm, 2 ba w /2 car gar A t C . Gas & e l cc $i75/mo. days 558·1006 a s k for D e bby . o r 1111. 4211-eves. l425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Ren\ Woodbrid1c 3br. lam rm. 2~ba. frplc, microwave, dbl garage, paUo, across Crom pool & perk. '62S mo. Principles only. 640-0018. s. .... c.-. Huot. Bch. 2 Ba + ram rm w/frplc fl wet bar . Inc l. waaber/dryer. Shon-line Mamt Corp. 847.aa " ..... ,.. ..... ....................... ..... Pin' d1 1707 ..•••................. , 2br Yrly on the Day teeOrno. 6117 E. Balboa DI A.ltO 2br, unfum. '400. m.9> l722 ....................... lBr, llW }l!l.Hp 1ara1e. die .., ........... .,..,,. ndec ... 1 .. 1 . C...MIM l1J4 ·········~············· ........ l\*l bOuM. $1001mo, utll. P•ld Walw/clry U.cl. ......,.., Bach.. blk from V1ctona bcb. $350. 1.sl mo .. S290 there arter $250 sec dep. Partially rum. Ulll incld. 1-963-~ • I br, covered parking, walk to beach. shopping. vl llag ~. $425 /m o 4&4.()066 Mlwport .... 3769 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUMMER RJ-:NTA.l.S By the w<.~k. now ;,v;,11. Also Winter Rcnlals ~rec. Agent 675-8170 SUMMH/WIHTEI RIH'TALS DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 645-7573 ---- THE "GOOD LIFE" SUMMERTIME FUN: ~al Ac.llv1lll'5. 01rec. l o r • r 101e 5ur1tJJV Brurocn • BBQ !. • Par "'"· GREAT RECREATION: T•·nn1<, • Ftf'I! l e!>'tono, 1p1n I'. pru -.honl • 2 llr•Jllh (.lul>f. • :,.oun.:i • J.1c.u111 • 5w11nm1n9 • Gull V11v1110 R1rnq1: BEAUTIFUL APART· MENTS: 51nglt•\. 1 t. ? Ho1J room" • h11 no~lll'd & Unlutno&tled • At.full L1111nq. No P()I~ • Moc:Joli. Opon c:J,111v 9 10 b Oakwood Garden Apartment• NewPoft Beach/No. 68() llVll1t! '"' lhfrll I 7141 (,4 5 05f,0 Newport Be.ch/So. 1100 16th $1 ,nt . .,,,;, ·•' •htht 17141b4281/0 H~lITI f'VLL Y decorlll cod 2 Udrm on Lido with all ameruue:.. Mint view $800 1mo. Waterfront Hornell. 6:11-1400 WIHAVE SUMMH RE.KT ALS AlsotallllMJ rnenatioMfor ._...... ......... associated B Q () '" E p ,.., " f A I T ( 'll '• J •' W 8 nit / , ,. ' ~ ,. ' ' NWPT PENINSULA-28r. !Ba. gar, SOOO mo .. no pets, lsttlsl + sec /\ug I May 31 675·5196 ---Yearly rental. $500 Mo .. 2 bdrms Avail. Sept Ag,nt 673·:1fo63 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oceanfront Z Br rondo. pool/jac . $450 pr mo Sept 15 JunC' IS Bkr 49'l-9400 -------Bachelor on the bch Stove. refril(. balc'ooy $?50 incl util. fi42 3014 At! ........ ~shed ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3102 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AT [AST A HOME RENTAL SERVICE YOU AND YOUR FRJENOSCAN FEEL AT HOME wm1 RENTIMES Am e ri c a ·~ Fi r s t ~:e Home Rental Call 631-4555 OrStop 8)' .. 1936 .......... Renl.imet Open 7 OayA Fee ...... , ...... 3107 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sml 2 Br. aundeclt. PJ'IP. nr beach, uUI pd. sm yr a.e. MMl• • t8r 1pt. Ulll•Pd. No peu. 108 E S.y Ave. 119. Rtlp1~ta. 8m uw. nr bcb. ten w. lllbol. •· lM. Utll pd. ........ . lbr, Iba, duplH W/O'Wrt 2br, 2be. 162:5: 3br. aoit:~ pr.,., fronl 6 back yd. tNS: Ne• •If Prle • unique. $12$. a1.-.. )'fdl.. MMZ9 2br. fam. rm .• duplex. baclt haJf. $500mo. 640-5668 aft 6 E'aide new 2br. 2ba duplex. upper. Compl. kit. Crpl. drpe. CrplC", deck. tuSmo. No l'eta. Adults Only . 13$· B f1ower.8'7MOU. 3 Br condo. 1.500 sq. ft. Pwl. jacuui. A/C. leClft1a ct . newer bldg. 630 Rhine. Brookview Trac:\, Paularlno. $&SO mo. D-8081 2 Bl;, I ba, pool, partly IW"O. mo to mo. adults only, no pets, S33S up, m>down. Jetr 673--4804 M.&lt 2 bedroom. Super locaUoo. Redwood beam ceilings. No pets. $300 mo. Inquire $68 W. Wilson Apt~. 645-6448 Newly decorated liduJt • apt. 2br. lba. open"' beamed cellinl wit.b lot& • ol wood. WStmo. No ,,,. AU. 811.-o3ev•. lbr. 1 blk Crom 11hopplnK~ • 12$5. Avail. Aua. 4 " _MS-__ 7086_. ______ ·~·'~ E. Side, nr Back Bay, 2Bt, pr, prt Cncd yd, nodog11 SBl mo. 548· "1933 New 2 Br 1"41 Ba twnhst. ' nr So. Coast Plaza, cor· ner Misak>n/Mendoza, no peta. ~" $460. 546~ 2br. Iba. S28S. 2br. 1"'1~ .... $375. Frplc. ws hr/dry, hook up. a ttac hed aarue. m W. Wllson. M>l8l9. 972-9999. Bacbetor. new great t;. 2 Bedroom. I balh. Yard;.' Beams&iglass.buge4Br s ide location . $270. Ra r a ge. kids OK'• dplx. ,.., P, patio, teMJS. 759.1131: eves 8:17 ·0866 $375/mo. 64S-U19 $450. Li 2br. elec kilcben, dswshr. beach a ccess. a.4625. ,;75/mo. 1-4i6t-Om3 ramtOUSI Sharp. upgraded. 2bd W1dcck. SS2S/mo. Bob or Dovie Koop. RE/MAX. 631·1.2JfR 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE home at· mosphere 2&3 br dlx apts. no pets. 546-1034 LA MANCHA AnS Large, 1,2&3 bd garden apts. Adults Oshwhr, bltns. encl gar, Ras bbq. Pool Gas Pd. 178 Scott Pl. ti42·5CY73. 645-5611 2 Hdrms. I bath apt /\dull~ $3'15 mo <.i as pwd. 6'12-5073. Spacious 2 br. apt:.. r am1- ly unit. Pool & Play- ground Sundance West Apls. 19\J6 Mapl e . 642-UIC>l between 12-~ Garden Vista Apts Beaut. brand new 1&2 lir. frplc, la undry rm. Lmmtld. occupy $395 lo 2 BR. Iba, encl Ra.r, blln:., ctihwsr. no pets. kids 548· 75.29 bt wn 5-9pm SUper E'Side loc. Small 2 Bdrm home. lgc yard. Kids OK. Close to school and shopg Move In to- day. $450/mo Aft 6 call 751·2348 Nice 5 Bdrm. ~ ~r mo + SJOO dep. a t 2257 Placentia. Costa Mesa. For m or e info call Renata 5.56-7707 EAST SJDE·IBr. totally redecorated $300 mo 30'1 Mesa Or !)49-2042 WISTIA Ya.DIM 2311 Elden f'.a11ts1dc ni''" extra lge 2 br. 2 ba, din rm. new c rpt , $395 Dshwhr, newly painted. garage & pool Wa ter paid. Adults. no pets . Avail Au~ Isl. M.ir, ~5180. 2Br. fresh.ly paint~. dlx unrt, $350 mo. lst /lsl, 0 -4114 all 5PM /wkndi>. ~. ~ 3Rr. 2Ba newly dee up TSLMgrnl __ 642 9412 per, dbl'loOCC. $1/XI mo NF,W 2 llR twnhse. 1 '"1 Lio•. t'rplc .. no pets. 19-10 Wallace. $360 546·0085 2 BR 11~ Ba. 610 Joann St . CM . $340 No children, small dog OK 642 734<1 2br. 2ba townhouse. clean. $360, 191 2 Wallace, m a na ge r wante d . ~T.nl. STUNNING larRc. lbr. garc:k-n a pl . pool. rec area SUS, 710 W IRlh St l Hr apt , incl. SI OVC Adults only. no pe ts Refcrenc~. 646-0983 I Rr. remodeled. like nt.'w Garage. Adults-no Pl'l:. SjX). 646·200 I 2 Br duplex, $325. 645 Victoria. No dof!i. 546-912' I bdrm. with end yard Pct.s OK Ulll paid. $195. Is l & last + depos it S49·4834 days. 642-5673 eves & wlrnd.s. A:sk for Dick Avail 1mmed 751-9005 2Yi1 Eldcn·$4!JO mo New dlx 2lir lwnhse studio. l \.'J Ra. frpk , 1 closed ~ar & I pllrkang s pace . Lg patio. dlx kitche n. To 11ce call !179-5009 Dl..X 2 RR SUl't::R Vl t::W Quwt. nr i.hopi>. ~1 mo Adlt.s. no pets t;75·23-'5 2201 Par1f1l' TR I r Lr: X. e Xl' ('!I c n I qliet locatron Newly df'· roraled w /overs1zed room'> ·2 Rr Heam re1I ings throughout w/hugt! frplc Pvt patio Doi end . garage Gas/water pd. lm ma•' r o up l !' w/reforenrcs wllntt•d No p ets tr htldr••n $395 ~ S32S 4c 2br. Iba. lndry rac1I & gar No l'hildren or pets. ~_6_1ss ___ _ VI EW Of' OC f:i\N & CITY 2 Dr. 2 ba. frpl<'. be a m cc d . j a r u 1. i 1 • garai:e $450 mn Call Larae 2 bdrm $.100. Qulef · WldinR with beaulifut landscaping. Ideal far: adults over 3.S. No pe~.> Lt.:EWARD APTS. 20<ro~ t\lllerlon Ave. <1 blk I .. A'll Newport Ave ~ ·i- b I k South o f Bay 1 6.ll ..()31J7 Near new 2 br. 2 blot N. COsta Mesa. Adults only.- no pelS. Uays 675-0562: eves673-1418 ------3 lk' duplex. gar. fenced'. yard. children OK. no pets. ml. 545-21611 ~et newly decoratl'd I Br dplx. carpet:./drapc~. kit. furn. 242 t1owf'r _re~------....::~ U>&orua I t \oVl'\h.\c. 2 Hr I ' ._ < Ha . new paint. sha, ... ~ pal.lo. ldry. quiet mature · adults ~. 642 1276 O..PoW 312' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Charming 2br. 2-st y duplex. fprlc . util pd, srioo. Mr!' ffortlry, ~n iar21to. 71'1 t<\!13 191•• - First & last. sec. dep. no pell>. dt.'<'k.!oo front & bat t. SlOO FREE RENT 2 Hr. 2 ba o. den, cnt l i car garage. Sundcck $400. mo. 331\11 t;lleltam Way.496-1097 or 496·S275 , • f~lt.op vie w of coast. O. l• ~ manna. frplc. priv gar. pauo, $485. 496-Ml8. *IB.IXE* GAIBAPT. z ........ ..., J pool-; l:overed car port pauo apts . dBQ'r1 <'IOHe to fwys & bchs waJk lo shoppmg. I 7 t 11 Gotdeftw•st ..w ... 847-6064 .• ,_; ..... .. .... "....,_ ~-·d•~. Lovely ull adult, no pets. I. 2. &3 BR a pls, 6200 Ed ingt:f'. HB. 846-0619 -------- Avail IH. 3Br. 2Ba. frpk dshwsbr. pal.lo. gara~t· • , no pets 5'35 mo 960-3521 2 bdrm. I ba. with end pal.lo. carports, $325. l~l & l11Sl +deposit. No pet:. 549.4334 days, 642-5673 eves wknds Ask for Ulck. _&_b_m_u_~_.OOGJ_' ____ New deluxe 3 Br. <!lh b" INSTANT IN Uite yll.l"d, g.ara&e. Kid!) New 2br.2"'1baduplex. ok, n o p~ls . ssou. 2br. Iba. l(ar. very nice No Pe~. No Kids. $360 548-74!34 ocean view. 1650 q f\ or ~-~~841$-26.'lS ___ _ luxury. rncd yd. $495 IJ73.6336 or 642-9666 Pnme Ea11t Side 10<'. ex· cepoonwlly !>pac1ous 38r. 2Ba. r11>lc. In sm rom plex. adlts, no pets. L."c or m o t mo $<1 95rn o . 2 Br 2 Ba ~udio, garag1•. sm! yrd. no peLs. SJ8il mo. SJ6.m7 ·--- Walk lo beach. lbr. • stove & relrig. S275mo. - SJ6.M56. 962-i.>SO Lri.: 2 Br. gar. Wt U hookup, new cpts, tJrps, .!oolV. adlL'> no pets . $335 . 2li ll A Placentia . call ~798.1. VIE W OF OCEAN & ClTV 2 Br. 2 ba. ffJ)lc. bea m ceil, jac u zzi, garage. $SOO mo. Call Ebb Hlll 548-066.5 549-204.2 New 2 bdrm. I ba. near • -----•be a c h . S4SO . Ca ll Mesa Verde deluxe 2 br. den, frpk. l~w p a tio. 2 br w1gar. Adults. cpt.s. d:rp&, range. fncd yd. wtr pd. 537·o:llO 1·5. 3439 .. 8"' Orange. $.150 667 "K'' Victoria .. $320 2619"f'"Santa Ana.S350 WALLACE Sf APTS 2049 Wallace St Newly decorated. beam reillnp, 2 br. 1 ba. $370. No deposits req 'd + 1 mo frtt rent. Child ok. No pets. 645-441 I. SELL idle items with a Dally PUot Clusifted Ad. e ncl (laragc . Adull couples. No kidi;, no pets. $350. 97~3432. Newport lle ighh . nr shop.. 2br. I "'1ba. patio. Adults. no pets. t\vnH Aug U. $375 mo. 6_!5 721!!_ Lower & upper Jbr. 2btt. Mesa del Mar area. $400. 2 c h ildren , no pel'>. 751-21.~. f'or rent delWMl OPl, I br mf1&m intended pnman· ty ror senior aduJta. Mu11l eee lo apprec:iale. S2SQ mo. Avail. Ault. 15th. M&-0018 editerraneanVtllage ·•Beamed ceilinas. wood paneling •Grallcloth waUcovertna •Fireplaces. wet ban •Dlthwaabers, walk·in cloMtl • BalCM111ie1 patios •Park-like \andacaplna -Swtmmtnl pools, JJCUui •Ughted tenDll cow'ta •Minutes to freewa11 • btacbee I ::::ow · ···1 zaa-a•TOWt~• MUia Onlj• SorrJ. Ptta Olllee Open DallY 1 toe 'fl) • ,,. .... , ..... ~Blvd., Colta ..... calf.' 631.IJ09,6'15·~. Near Ueach. '.!br. ulil pd. a.JI Joyce. 846-3301 eve11 •. Call 49'l·9482 I Br. adll8 only. no peb Avail Aug I 900-2675 Brand nu duplex. W-w crpl. bll ln11. frplcs. ·' 1J>11Cioo8, fully encl 1a1";' \ no J)et8. up to 2 childrerf 2br. 1435; 2br ~ den. •. 9fll8.a.w. OCEANFRONT. inland v\ew, 2 BR 1"'1 Ba, sec- bldg.. pool & sauna. Slot Call Tom. ~36 ·3483• SlM.100 3 er condo. 1 ~ ba unl'4m. · Xlnl cond. Wuber1 ' dryer. Pvt patio. htd pool. $450/mo. Owner 142·$.'MS. •OM.YZL..r• ~1 New 3br. apte. prlv. , '**-ditbwar. frptu. a -1 pra,.. w teach •JI'_, • ao.. to lboppln1, adali,,. lslbort drive to fwy. Jbr.,, a~. wlda W ID onb.., Jllr.Jbe,OAIY "''"') . *"· .. tile .... ~ eoordiaated. ~°' ~ ...... llalUa• ... 137 ----~---'M'll. _ __.;.'--~" . ••Mn. tm 4411 ... w~ ••oo ~.~= .... ~.~~ ~.~.~ ...... ~?~ •i=.~ ....... t··············· . ·'~ ...... . ....... _ .............. -.. . . a• ...... v ....... r,,,. . 6 pelat. Very r lon I • S..llllorm.llll OC£ANfRONT2 Br. l b• w1prlv1c1. 1re~n•r • cruauna i.utf • •upet b e a c lil 119 ) mo Waterfro n t llu m l'i> cu1a l BR OC'~llll YIClW, I . hlk fr ~llt'h. s:ns s.49 1 1~ 11r IB'M817 S&*clOUli 2 BR. li.niu rm, illOJ&o.1\lmt:r MSO< <llM 1177 '1 Br. pauo. pvt lill'Pb tu ~h. ~to~ mo 04·1212 ••••• '2br uPRthi. :indk, on Sl ',..,., Anni., avau l A u~ I n 1 4'7~. f'V~ll ,,, ____ _ SPfX:J"AClJl..AR"()(•ean & (;1l) vtews fro m unfuro i r 1 br. 2 bit IUXUr) apt. t:nd ••• ', pr1tge. Mature adult:1 R e fe r e n res L eu:.c ' I ' llOO/mo. 494·5397. .. ~ •I '• J room apt. plw. pu110. 't Arch Beach Hghls S300 Incl. util. 494.J:rlA L...-...... 1152 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ~ BR, 2 b¥ Condo. on ttolC oourse. U.lluna N1..:uel. S.75. '92·bi00 Mtwport •ach 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ., NOW YW CAN AFFORD NEWPORT BEACH Park New~rt LlJX fJl!V /\1''1'1.IVl,N(; t lvnlool<tnj.( 'l'h1• Wat1•1 l·,nJu\' S7:lll.11011 'IH't' t;.H·ulur 'IJc•. 7 :.w1111m1n..: l).a.-1:,. II ll1<:hll.'d t·uurh. rrule:. 11f h1k1· trails, pul ung. shufflehoard:. liolc~ from S:lm 50/mo Abo 1112 bdr m plani. 2 story lOWTlhoubt::. ....................... ......... e.o.a~ W.kllldl -· .. -...,or••• ---......... .....,,. .. i.. 141 " I lw, t k . ., ................ '-'""' dbl ov111\ d 11hwltr 1 ,. " m 1 ar • r r r p 1 • wvwr~. ~01 1n 111 b 1 th t ub. r f'u rl l \>' •Y•tem prof detor Orutlc·•lh N h H't>d ' ~· t ............. ~ ....-.,U. I b1~ ~tOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11i£&XCITlNG 'ALM ..SA ArTS MIN\~TONPT Mell twctl. 162 8H from 1256 • u1> Aclult.a Nc1 rwt :4 1501 Mea111 Or I~ Dl~ t:aal of Nt>~Pof" 81vdl !lam ~pm W 9"1fi41 Sawind Vil-e New 1112 bdrm luxur~ adult upl.11 In 14 •ilunl' fmm S35(l ~ pools. ten nls. wa terhll11. ponds! Gu for cooking Ir he11l· Ing p111d. F r om San Otego t'rwy drive North on Ueach w Mcf<'adden then West on Mc Fadden lo Seuw i nd Vi llag e . 171411193-Sl9ff NATURE LOVERS AcWt apts. •Htled ~tall, ....... pittes & r•uhi•CJ ..... •Gym , ~a u n<i s •l'ool&:1pa:. •W a l k a n c l osets •'J'imcsaver kitchens •Air eond111onmg •Oe1..-orulor aecenl'i PACIFtC WOODS lfi:l5jl II arbor 111 vd. Jo' V l Mlle~ No of 405 "'rv 839-2140 Root.. 4000 ...............•..•.... H1)(1m w 1k1tc·henelll' Si2 week & up :AR·m:>s CdM. close to beaC'h S\2.Smo meld!. ul1I ... ~ec. k11ch. pn v. pal10!> 675· 1497 & balcorue s. c rpls . f p 1 drvpur iol\ parkrn l(. Room or rent oo . non elevator:. :.. mo k c r S l S 0 I m o . 54.'> 2Sl(J llfl 6 .\1 1-·.~hJon blonrl . .lom horet· & 811" J 11:111u1n lhlb ltd 1141644 ICX){J ..._ __ 2 Br. 2 bat-undo.••~ hlk 111 ~itch. 2 ear 1e:.11 • :iut11 npnr lld~y v u•w 1-\Jm 1lu1>ll·X Npt Shr:.. ~l<il :Ill+ l1l'l0d tn<tUI ri•. llcf 'I ~·.omo t>:J I S:J97 l'nvau· h<iml'. furn1i-h~d . lh•)'. employed M a h• S.15.'> mo !'M (ti 1:1 Mature nnn smukl'r. Male to share hm 1n <.:.M l"\Jrn •If' unfurn. 557·9689 1'tr1l•r0t'\ ,., ..... "1M1 ~•dtid IM~ll Jae,,. . ...... ,. Ill ...... C flt\ 6 blUh a\>'• UIOn1 0 " & 111•11 ·~ , .. 141• .......... ••1114fll Ii •tlr :I llr ""--"' tll'' .... '" ... , ..,,.., "•• lo 1lu It U1 •111 ...... '11UJ•W 'M J~-- M r munl ''" Jhr 1"'indo nr f•llt11011nd' I.nil"'° l•I. '•"l 1 ' ulll ~ ftit l~b 141\4'1 1111n tMill J IM t'nJI M fl' to han• lr,1 t•ondo 111 lllutrl\, N U nh l 10 p&ll>I , pn 1 IJ111h rrt!I mo U)11 .~T IW. f•Yftl • tMU-4.l&la .,\•oi w l'han• 'J Ult rllmlo. In 118 SU6 ,pl•r mu 1l4-M·'6a4 I'" 11et•lo-M f 111 :.hnri• ·c hdrm ronclo nr lk h ' Allanlu II Ll. 1:!00' nw ~ I" ut1I 9GO 61~:1 Nwpt seek st ra1~ht 11rol n:KAn 11hart' lux. ot•oim vu hsc. 4t pool, pvl cntr patio & bath. Gur. $400 mo. inc. util, m1111l. &M-0484 h1tt•1Ht. ,...., .. ._.. ..... a.u.o.,.... ... ft .4*187Smo. 'h ...., &Ma luxury • teutlon. uO O ar1 ------- tlarbur ,, rrwy. c.111. 'l rn. SlilO. 3 rm1. *280. A C', c&MAi.L drpe. AR.n1t "' t!\'•, IMO.•U ~-. IXICSUITIS Ilia~ la having your pl•1:• of b1.11lnen at Mllll•r Ccmhir Rerep Uo11i.M , 1.'\lnl I'\' rm. p_hool' t'OYOUICtt , 100 X i-1 Olt "'"''"•Imo, t'oU .. e. tn t•ld'd In rt•nt llit>\'rt'ta,,ot ,'ivo av11ll to'or more an· (o, t~t'jlt•• ('¥11 1'4•v ial lffli :w11 DISICSPACI ~ & \Ip, loc on Nt'wport HI. NH t'all t14~ ~ or tWG 't~U llr1111J1•• {'uunty Alrporl t:llf't•ullv11 oW<'l'~ l'lush 11ulll'N & ind1v orfl<'l'S th'nt 1n1•l11rl1•s r 1•1·1·11 110111 s l S1•l'rt'l 11 r1 a I 111•1 v11'l'" uvull ~antly \17~ Ol:r.! Smull ll11h1°Awuy Ofrll'l' Only $501(>\lr month Vu 1'Wll. 325 No. Uroudwuy. S unlu Ania l11s tor1r ul Rldf(. For mun: info call Sam Wa rre n 558-61178 o r llenutu SS6·7707 Wanted yng. Fe m . stu rf ( dent or empl. to ~hr Jbr . SmAll office. Pc t'<'l 11r N.B. pool homo w /2 1mswcnnl( scrv1ct•, ell' Fem. 6JH028 Only S75 per mo 1102 St.able Fe m. rmmll' 20·:1 10 shr hse or apt CM /N U area. 546·4271. We:.t 17th SI. Santa Ana .. 'or more mfo l'all J ot· Ca n ale S47 4 1HI or tlcflata at 556· 7707 Female to s hart! J bdrm· 475 N Newport Ulv1I N H apt. Musi be responi.ibl(' Sl'crcla n a l :.e r vH·•·:. & self sulf1c1enl. C all uva1I Ot.-sk space or of 64.S-1225. rice or ~wle. 646·44111 Roommate·rcbablc work ing girl nds room ln L:.iit Niit o r V I C . ~ 1540/495-51.24 Laguna Nig ue l condo . Pool. Jar. neat. qu1l..-t, non-smoke. pn·f m all' Jr>+ 5250+$100 lll.'ti. 1nl'I utJI 661 1000 Goi*lfi for•ewt 4350 ....................... Fu r tar o r i. l ri r a i.: t·. seeure. fenced. Npt llgt., ~mo.646·1 158 ISO Oouhle ..:aragt-for storagl'. I l!l Hth St. llunt Beach. Call C2 1J):nli·Hl85 ()(' (213) 828-HM.5 Single Car garage. secure &spacious m Costa Mesa Complex. $SS/mo. Al,.SO Large dbl gar. 1'lnl f•>r storagl" Pvt t•nln.rn1·1.· ~·ure C:'tf 11 11t comph·x SBS1 mo l!l.1 7!Y.i·9'l71i art ~. pm StnRle i.:11r<•J.:l-S. SZ."> mo l!lil Maple Ave. <.:11:0.la Mesa --------4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnlen or Design Studio. 600 sr . h1ghly 1mprov1..'<1. $4!6 mo. 28SS K Cst llwy. 675-aJOO • * Near new oHicc bw Id· 1nl( i.u1les Will n rnl hclow £'ompct11or:.. Own fr~: parkml(. Ort·an vu.:w Supc r111r ull rt-:.pet·t:. Mtl(hl arranl(c part1c1pu t 1on for tux sheller. hut not nce1·:.~11ry . Ownn s sulllllanl1<il Next tti l'o:.l OH1c1·. l.inl(o & olhl.'r 11mmmenl bus1nc~:.cs 1 ~ rrule lo l.JtJ(una Beach m So Laguna. Call Owne r 119!1 ·1625 1r N A call Owne r s It. 1-; orr1ce 10 6pm Open 7 days. 494-4315 SmJ om re w/dl>Sk, Mei.a Verde a rea. CM. Nice, $100 556-0070 1557· 7733 OFFICE SPACE LEASE Newly rcmodcll'<l offtl't' bwldm g Great I rnffl<· Oow. J\.'>k for Lee llaL,on. 714/6461711 , • •' ~'SI . M1¢ml i142 11~1:1 4200 CIMTEI POIMTE EXEC. SUITES J amboree & Mac/\ rthur licly Windows Plush Carpet. 75~2737. 4450 :i UH. 2 llt.1 upp1·r a pl Ncur .l..ldlJ (lUH:l a ri·a Adul~ µn:f. ~. 1175 Hl711 lirund u~·w :J Hr. 21 2 ha. fl{ twt1h.~l' bon11ram1l' vu·w 11f 1K·n & 1•11 \ It ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lal(unu. oct:unfront pnv. b l.'1J1:h . f i s hin g weck ly 1mo Wi n t.e r H.11lt-:., 4!1'J·:l81G ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'or store & office s pac1· at reasona ble rules. 500 to 5000 SQ Ft. MESA Vt-.:RDt: C>R (.;umplclt'IY furn. :1 br l'LA~A ..... -' poul. s;/ftna. 1a1· & 1•1111111 rt'1' hu· Stiu5 rnu Call 7M !l6J 11.m .Jim l.y1111 li:JI 1:117 home. Newport Be<ich. 1"!30 UP. Office-store . 1525 Mesa Verde 1';, C.M. A 1 A 13 lh ""Pl 1 c pts. drps. A /C. 17301 •l S:::1 ~u!734. r u ~ -l:ft!ach. ll.B Lsc. 842·2834 • ___ 5_4_5-_4_1_& __ _ Newport Beach orr 1upt Newport. Nr P .O. Modern SludJO 11pl. I block from ~c.\ Ca 548 sq rt. store or ore. 2630 • Zbr .. lb·~~urly SH•pr; to , l1l'h l ( W lialhoa .. Ulvd '2l:J tll6S 25'\2. '114167:.-5181 beach. fully fornishc.'<i, -"'· nnery section AVON-11':) 213·477·7001 Sl7S1wk 494 3324 67~912 broker Vocatioft ._.. 4250 OMNEWPOIT IAY Balhoa Is land . :.m a ll st.ore. llR Agate . /\vaal now Agtbi5·8170 • I' . , . -.' -........ UA<..1n;um UNITS from SZ'lS .._..,.mo unrurn. 100· from ~Qanul''or more in focallMjlll.wtut556 n01 • t l 'tl_I !ileps to pca,c;111 lge upper 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llousc for rent, Big Bear C1ly hips 6; linens furn. ~ nitely pr cpl. Call aft.er 3 p. m. 548· 1989. Steps to Newport Ueuch. S(>uCJOWI 1 bdrm. $175. Wet!kly Au g . 18th 714/529-5601 ----- •]50 to 2000 Sq ft ...... w ... •....WYJ.w1 •Wet ... UDOMARIMA VIU.AfH 675-1662 tA!.ts1de <.: M :;pace for ofc. bus1n1..'8s or hobby S7_5_&_u_p_. 548· 7_24_9 __ _ J-'or Renl 520sq fl bu:u n ess ~p ace Ru lbou Island. 673-3592 ---...... trial R...tal 4500 br, beUD} t1;11tnR. frplc. glAI" ~r J!l>!:~~t.Or. All !Ui'!~1.A S4?.~1lJ7S yrly ••• ~1 .__ MJimmoth Lakes condo. 2 br. 2 ba. SlSO wt:ek. 644.4565 I MO. FUE RIMT t:stablls hcd Newpo rt Beach Cull ser vice ex· ecutive s uile . 3 in · dividua l oHlccs now available . All umenlllel! included in monlh to month renta l . MacArlbur Ml J amboree. EXECUTIVE: ROW INC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Park:£f r' luxury 1 Ur. I r Upp('r Bay, :; Mat illtt 7PM 760-1731 l..al(un11 lhlls 2 AdJ. 5000 sq ft. M·I units. ne w bldg, A/C om ce. 1''ronts on Moulton nr Luke Porefll. L110 by ownr ~l ·l!OJ .. ' , , h I ·'· .. • '·•ht ~/I •I• (. '•1 '.(•I .rr ., . '"'•1 ,. . ' ~ .,.. f ~ " I .,- ., •"•lh "'l"' .. ,., or G4&9lllh ' Lg 2br. 2bit dplx. Gurul(c. ..••••••••••••••••••••• (;IOM lO ocn. Adib only Moving? Avoid depodlls & 2111 Ceda1. Ne-.porl cut llvina e xpens es! Shores. 67S·W~6.'r7·72S5. Proreuionally 11 lnce um. ~ Cool " qu1el Newport HOUSIMATES 752-71'70 Hcht1 28R liPl. Pool. m: 1:34 peallQ Ir aarage . Adull11, ·4 ..._..._ S.ffH DO peta OK;, JllOI l5th St. Newport Bch $217. 2 BR 2 New addJUon lOsuile 180. -~-, BA Util ind. pool, tennis . FlAU aervlce exec. 11uilCli O:eanlronl. ,ye.rly, 3 BR, _646-_791'7 __ . ------in Newport Center,, 14 bl r1 Jc new offlCftl In pluah 11ur· 2ba. t.na. rp • sara"e. Expand your lireat1le roundlni• w /unde r · New front 11trect location. Park I rvlne 8u11iness O!nter. 4,901 sq fl. 1-'or lse/optlon to buy . Pvt Ply. 4t4·4892, 494-3986. ..w tMDUS'RIAl . UMTS fOI LIASE ac.e to 405, 805. " 91 l.reewaya. 1600 aq ft with olfice. 714/898·2030 __ _ ao. 86-.. wtth a compaUble room· ~ u slaned park· 8-1 -C---1'\ C d mate. We d.laeover th1t lDI· ~ $295 mo. Ask sea.• . 4554 -~~ "2t,~ 2ba, ~~le~ ';;O·~ JN A PAO about our move· in al· ...................... . Wit bar, aecuril). t.ennl•, &'H4'1SbrT'8-UOI lowance. » 141 ft. 1500 f\.~Of storage pool, s pa. Like new NewportRe11ency Corp. or shop. C M. area ~ e.o.*1 ......... WAM1'8 (714)164·7188 &4a-4758 SludJo apt., Bal Penins ula. YCJWl.I man, 31, dellrea l or 2 Rm Sulla from f1S. ..... W..e.4 460b ll'"1poaalble. worlllaa wrll•r 1 •••" one E°•"' eo,&•1• la del •aJorCOl&a ow--. ..... aw. w11t. ca..1ned M -. De6t1 ...... p 0 loll l5IO. Coll• Weaa -01Nn ... ,,... nt hnu114 tpt ~ ror unturu 2.1 bdrm w/..el yd for i rmlUrt llocs Have 1ood ref a ror all of u• '7514tlOll. U.. pref. Stew orJ.--~·~~~~~~~ )br old f . w/2yr o ld child. Look.ult for home Pre fe r M 35/undn tnJ.5002. Stephanie. Re11p. adult. w/2 r at" ~-l or 2 Br apt Re aeonablP Al• 4 ti.'SJ-0376 auuuan mother a, dtr 6 yn need 2br hse or a pl up to $.'UO. Xlnt ref'11 Non s moker drinker Will care takr. S4fl·2938 ••htN/llr*ett/ ..._. ••••••••••••••••••••••• FE E or Ll-:A.51:: f<)-ench Polynesia T ahit i or out.cr islands llcach rro n ts uv all a b lc . Developers only please Owners in Hawa ii look inJ: for foreign m vcslor11 Ca ll u r ea c o d e Q.923-8758. Uquc>R LICENSE Orange On-Sale $6.1.000 Old issue type 47 or ~ Toi 1-f'ree < 800 >2S2·2000 ~leganl. s mall bt:u uty salon in :;hop. l'tr. Lug Niguel. Asking $1 3.SOO _Pcg Al~«:_n FUtr949-757K Liqilar Ucettses Orange On Sule $38.000 Toll-1-''r~ 0100)252·2000 Tl'llnlS Shop. HJllh prof1l, low overhead. Sltl.000 ~ IOY. 673-4313 Jt)o;/MAX Ownt!r mu:.l s t·ll 1 m m e d 1 a L e I )' U 1-; L I H~AURANT. 3600 s q fl. $150,000 J{rosi.. 20•.: net. $200.000 + po1.<:n11al. Xlnt leuse & location. Low rent. Can be he lp run. Subm1l a ll offers. 991·5957 eve:.. DOGKEHMEl Co:.l;1 Mesa ii n ·u x Int location and gomg bu:.1 ne.s. lndudcs 111lral1v1· home on largl' lot w1lh lols of room ror kt'lllll'I expansion. R.OWER SHOP A Gomg busine.i.. Top location in Bulboa. "'me o pportunity lo own a clean exciting busml.':.:. With ranta:1t1c potcnl1al. Call for information o n these. Dell Italian Ucach a rc11 Sandw1chci;, urot·cn c s. beer & wine. Calenn g ell'. By Owner . Prin cipuls only. 644 ·56111 a ft 6PM. EARN $60,000 + ScamJess Rain Carry1n i.: Syst.cms We m ake our own & install them on the job. Guarantee bwunc:.:- from referral:;. Plus loLo; mor e bus iness. Mor (' room to expand, ser ving u ll o f O ri.n ge Co Esta blished bul>1nes:. over 5 yean.. S7S.OOO 2 truck.' and machinery. Phone S56-7723 aft 6pm Want to incorporate"' Calif. Corporate She ll for sale. Never ' used. No dei.s. no hub11ities . All s tale fees paid . Cost $1,030; "!ell for S450. 7 l4·556-66l0 dyi. DfHr AL PRACTICE :W yr old Newport Prac· lice in xlnt "'ashion I.stand Location. Modern cqptml & t astefully clc t.'Orat.ed :>frices. Newport Harbor Prof. Practice Sales. 760-1007 Swimming Pool Service Route. $25 ,000 n e t. ~pr. 1·993·5096 MA~IVIMI lllALTY COMPAMY CSSTOM RAMIM61 Npt. Wvd, Costa Me1111 C1Vflt 25 yn. Incl. s tock. roow-es. equip & good wW. Ellcellent frontage. pt&ttung & access. $45.000 . F1ex. financing. (W·421 Col:Nn'I ·Ind. Oivialon 642·2767 A Subetdlary or 1be lrvlne Co. ... 1(l t ll,•I t, I .. '""" ,, 1111 111 S30.0 pr m o . Mark lOahare)'OUrapt. 771W. 11th St. C1ll Tom ••• .... ••••••,••••••••• mllO&t.S. orlloMe (11/V) · $f).Zl)O. Lady exel' relocal1ng I~~~~~~~~~ ---------------from Montreal ocslrclf to ,., .. ,, f1jh(IU ~ •. lull• t " <Ii it.;r i.1 oN·rn ., •I I ""~" , . .,..,, tl ii IOI aro.d Sl.-'150 mo My ~&a• At•OIT AllA Ille nice home or condo New dlx 2Br -+ den workinelllde Brtltolll. £J1po1uro lloo ranae i'urn or un· t_... lludk>. L9W aq n, ~Qhy, ml> ICI· ft. 4 olflce t ulle rum. No chlldren1pet11. II encl dbl car garaae. JUW'nalitsp,(be1ter, with U1bted 1l1n Ex . rcflf . C athy 2~Ba : blfl )d, dh udtravtl. 1v.Uellllfiy, ~t. 1cct111 ~111157-41042 kitchen w1mkrOWIVt Eliot!. reftr,ncea. 110 MW CdJI frWJ. Con· ---- OMa, lrplc • mltr bdr... !~allable. CA.ll(7W) laet PlllHd• Center Mature couple u ek • Uv rm, II p.i pttio _.lll.4,orwrttet.o LIMlOI 0tn~ 1t ~ Duplex1t Bn'pt. must be -dde-~~berm. Te ~::F&. I.&. litiUll tao.or call r111onablt . Anyllmo _..,,_ A ....... , 8'pt, s..-, J Mr•, 1 b•, pool" ~.P.o.a.n Nam. for Nat. a~ Lutatera11 Clturcb, vac: cuper\. tlet. l ltdten. °'!t.,....ClJ Ci>\-raw. • w. '8Ut It, ......._ • ttamuc.n. -. mo. No~ llr8llllt llilir \1 ..... C.M.•..,wu.to. ._.. z BR tanfut11 •pt •-.J• __ 1Gr ......,,, No cbUlll"lft, r-.....,.. Tow ~a• 1 -1"'-.,.c •. 700 • ,.... Btwn -.975 Jl.J . .H~~Hr flM. '?if!':!tcUff aree. • ,_ a "ar. N.-ed --~ !!!!S-""'ODl!«k... W!·•-· ••n. MIMytea... HZI ••••••••••••••••••••••• SW..LOAMI and 2ndTrwl Deed Loana on telidenUal property eu..omi.S to meet YoUr .... I &.E.DCPT. ~ .... POUND: Wblte pupp)' -.. ••••••••••••••••• ::.~-• .:~~er. •t:zt'i. , ... ~a.ell. Loolll IU. .................. .. ...,._Cail•1'1f.' "="=r•a:r,t • Cl•ITMO ...... ,... ........... 147-MOJ Anupdby c...t ..... ~ CASH PAST 2nd • 3rd homeowner loans fast ... for any pwpoee! EZ terma, pH t credit no problem. Call now ... NoobU1atlon. Bkr tSS-1610 M 0 N E' Y. AVAILABLE·S20 ,000 min. any purpose. Mr. Hargrave 961 35..is Business t 1ovcstment loans. any purpose Ai\.M2·04S.~ MIMyW..e.d ~OlO ....................... NEED S200K & S.SSOK capital needed for apart· ment prOJCCl ' Mike Bryant, 714-497·3009 ---....... , ... y,.. ~ 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Saltler Mh). Co. AJI types ot real estale IOVl!Slmenls since I~!* s,.c1a1-.i.. ZllldTD1 642-2171 S4S.O' I I CASH FOR TD•• American Mort. 547-7151 EqUITY LOAMS UP TOltO'/. 0 1-' ArPRAJSAL $1.50 + 6 pL'I. at 131.k ml 540-1413 r.tlNEY AVAILABLE 2NOT O & SWING LOANS INT .. :HI::.<.\TONl.Y OH .. 1JLLY AMOHTl~";J) I~ Realty R 1'; Broller. 960 1%7 20 '4 YI to: LO 0 Need $1 0 720. llJlt. Mik e •lryanl 714 4!n 3000 ""-..c ........ , PenGIMlls/ Loat & Found ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 ......•....••.•........ PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY Sl ~·II .iny 111•m or com b1n .. 11un of 1l1•nl\ rnr $7::0 nr h·~' w11 h " l'o·nny 1•1n1·hcr All :1 1111 .... f11r 2 t'IH1'4'1'1111Yt' ll.1)" 1-:.o<'h .t<ll11t u1n1ol lino· " l;lr fur lh•·:!1l1111 .. t'h,ori:•· •t ' N11n1mm1·rn.11 .. 1" 1'11r 111•1rt• rnlormal ion .wd lo 11'·""' your .111 1-.111 642-5678 ..... H.TyCi..... 10061 SUntan Cir lluntington Beach You are the winner of ........... tidlets ($22.50 value I, lo Ringling Dros. Barnum & Bailey Circus Aug. 2nd Lhru 13th Anaheim Convention Cent.cr Tickets mus t be ex changed for reser ved seats al the Convention Center ahead or lim e . Call 642-5678, ext. 272 to claim your tickets. ••• SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ~ht Sluice 1'.:llher Clover Hybrid -Garblc- RESERVATION News item : "When a well·known operator of hotels gol to heaven. be found someone had lost hla RESERVATION ... --Lall&..... uoo ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST: Lona·nalre d &aa.e cotored re niale Loll tr.. Vs.ta Bollita <Blulf1 > femaJe cal. 11'9'1/-cot/wbite. 7·3'. Fri. D d I y • A n I e I . UWARDMO-am. °' bm blk Burmese cat l.11 lolt wtyellow e)'es" nea collar. Owner ls heart broken . Reward . ... 7m. Found: Puppy Blk Lab mix. approx 6 mos. red collar. So. H.B. If not Claimed: Free to good bome.116'.ao& FOUND: Claim or adopt at Irvine Animal Care Center. 2 d a rlin K Dachshunds, 2 n ic e Dobies, also dogs to romp with & love . <Ask for Maggie. Sage or Ou.> See Dusty ir you wanl i. reaJ ballplayer. Our Beagle Millie hud her puppies; they will be ready for adoption m 6wks. Also cats & kittens . All need loVU1g homes . 7S4.J734. Found. Declawed fem cat. blk /wht/grey. vie Adams & MC1g no l1a. SJS-7536/962-IOCXJ. f'OUND : Claim or adopl. Animals picked up by NU Animal Con t ro l new sheller: Ne wport Ifill:. Animal Hosp1t11I. 21i70 San Miguel, NB. 644·:1656. F'OtJN O· Grey & wh1ll' Malamute type m;1le dog. Vic. Garfield/Mug. 963-3488 or 968.4753 Found keys with T ag "Luka · llawa 11. f<'nd MU.sion Or , CM 645·3116 t'OWld. Sml Terner mix, apx Ii rnus. rlt•il tollar 7 125 VIC· 11 B 114 721i ll:Jlj:I J-l>und "iml whl \l I '<11i dle. red ~ollar. NY tai:-.. PalU. 497·25141975 0700 Found Gry Terri1·r <Sc ot /Welsh ., 1 v 10· 17th/Newport. 64Z·5'.f.1!f Found. \1 . orni;1whl C:;ot, P a ulan no Sd1 l>1~l. fia bb St CM 556 2035 ----- .... ICllMll. 5 350 ....................... l-:rw rg1imi.: M J\SS/\G t-: lluhJamt~ Lit· !\fwi-.,t·ur Oulrall !l·l l. 'IWI 51 11 MICHELLE'S •Outcall• 11/\M 2AM H:i~> :n '1!1 •FOXY LADY• OUTCALL ONLY •972-1138• l'R .. :GNA NT'' Caring conJidentud coun:-.chng & referral. Abortion. <td1110 uon & keeping. APCARE Soiritual ··~ .8tSS 1-:1 Camino l<t·ul San<.:lcmcnw . 1-'ull) 111 '"or .\ ppl <\9'~ 7l!Hi COUMTRY GIRL •ESCORTS• ~Im. 971 1a1:i 'llwf'apcoJttc massal:l' toy 11 c 'd tccnn1c1un. NII Appl. J :J0.9P1t1 ~·21117 ---••• L""9"'d Sacchiteflo 0038 Wendy <.:ir Fount.am Vt.tlll'} You arl' the wm11t·r ut fhrNfnetick~h ($!2.50 valut-1. lu Ring!Jn~ Bro:. Barnum& Ha ili•) C1n·u:. Aug. 2nd thru 1:11h Anaheim Conv1•nl11111 Center Ticket!> m u:.l be l'-' ch anged for re:.crvcll :.cal'i <it the Convcnl1on Center ahead of 11mt· Call 642·5678. exl 272 lo clwm your llckets. • * * Llttda & Vkld •o.tcalMolHCJe* FortMfwloflt 24Hr 115-7113 latcri &/ar Model Crank it up with Killy Kat. Tamie. Suitar. LI VI' ly,&Cnrol. TOMMY'S O"' NEWPORT 642-1571 1 IOPM GnatC-.•y ISCORTS 34 hrs 641 ·0180 MC/VISA MASSAGE Fte ... MODILS neons OUICALL OML Y ...... ......... 631·2140 GCLDBe Giil Male 40, wan-. remalo companioo btwn 30·40. Ulull sporta. trivet, pie .. nlc• etc. Klda OK 541-4.WlllUPM. Cllt. Vicinity Maanolla & ,_ 111• ..,._ 1160 r.dinllf.llll-lllle ...................... . Wit. ur fl'ound a pet? Call Oolnl on bullnesa lri1J8 . An•m•I Aiiliunce Ravef•. CallTraveUna tMpe.Ul·2:m,ll0'9e. S.cret1rtea, Brtnd1. ..;;;.;~~._...._...:...-~-1 ~ .. ::.:..:-na.;;.;.;.~~~-----. ,... *t. Gt 1d11.,..t • ~ 14IO Hid. 11,•. ....~ .... _ ......... ·-···· Oermu Sbepberd. AIJIUN&OOUPONI .... Qd~te~ ar~a.:.-"=':. =· 740~~: ~. ""911 •Alicia. 7·22 ~ Ave. LA . ..i -.•..-..•1111. m11MoGm.uuo Gerber~4tt11; o.a...r .... ~~·. llate certlfled IODd.er ...... .. ....,..,. indudlq .... .... • readiDa rudiMN a C· Uvitiel. Memoon child c ... provided, C.11 f()r bdormaUon.840.aQ) Pltno lnltructlon. Adult or child. ct ... ·J•u ·pop. Adv /b e aln. B e gin now1ra11. 971·1195 7075 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Experie n c ed le gal secretary de11lre11 lem Porary work Aug 13·31 Npl/C M arc u D ys 2 13 /2 44 01 23, cvei; 213/~5821 Practical na ghl nurse. Ulnder loving care. pvt duty. ex per w /elde rly . Palm Sprtnj(l> ref~ 7314781 Woman des1rc1> prn1111on as h ve·in companion/ housekeeper Can dnve 646-2891' Housekoepmg Uana l'l & Capistra no lkh 1trca:.. <.:all Pam evci.. 661 ti7iti 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Accas tlwg/Custot..r w•lce Doyoo hkc problem solv ang, detail work 111 a husy datu proces:.m~ environ mcnl. We need somt·o111• to IJ a I a n cl' & 1· d 1 t customer mput & corn puler rcporls who has some bookkel'pmg /111· counltng or OP b<J t•k l(IUUnd Somt• cust11m1·r conlat1. by pho ne. 'l'uei. l hru Sal Xlnl l'O bl'flP.fils. Cu 11 pt'r:.onnt:I for m1erv1ew appl S A F t; c; tJ /\ II 0 HUSINl-:'iSSYSTl-:MS C<r.;ta M<':.u W>~J l\t'l'llUOI tnl( A/tt & A'I'. lull lrm•·. permanC'nl. cxpt.•nt;nl'l-11 Garden GrtJv1· ar{'u (.':111 Mr:. U11v1:., ~ 4fill<! YOU ARE #1 AT ALL Of ACCOUNTANTS moCIATED PERSONNEL SERVICE LOCATIONS In IRVINE 18662 MacArthur Suit~ 425 CALL US AT 752-6136 In SANTA ANA 550 Pmil Center Dr Suit~ I 05 547 -7375 A /PCLERK $850 LI exp lrvmt• llJlllO CONTROL.Li':H To $30K Conlltr oru 117024 BKJCPRS $825 Lt ext> Irv 117021 ·P/RCLERK To $1000 COl!ta Mella 113177 EXEC SECY To $1200/mo RE Ovlpmnt NB 113175 ACCTG SUPER To $25K KDP Irvine 13l511 100% Jt'Rt;E TO APPLICANT Oreiat• Ce•aty la . .......... ..... We're ..... •• ~T r acco · . . There ltrtl m any ne w : firms nwvici" inlo lhl· Ora n&e County area bringana a bout an in creasing demand for ux · • perlon ced Aceountin.i 11nd Data Proc:ess1n~ j)l:nj()r111CI. CPA'S ......... TaxAcc-t•b Cott Acco.l•b Sr.Accamt•ts looldlHpus Acc~Clerb Dataflltry I Kl ' Operators If yoo arP nol uwarl.' "' the bcm·f1b uf work 1111: temJJ(lrary g1 v1• u~ :i call or YlSll •1:-0 at our Ile"' h11·at1on. We will he hap µy to dl!>l'USh .1 With yuu W1• arc lcx·ated Ill lh•· CULIJW 1':1.1. BANK l·:ll liUll.IJIN<: So1l1· 1i20ll a:J.:J No Broadw11; ."ianta t\rw 1714) 835-4103 f''r1·1· Parkin..: Account 111 i.: TEMPORARIES We Are How In Your Neicjlborhood Eat-ft Top Pay While Workin9 l'WarHome BOOKKEEPERS ACCHTAHT A/PCLERK A;'RCLERK PYRLCLERKS KEYPUNCH CRTOPER GEHLOFC 752-6136 I JIC 547-7375 ~It! ,Jl'l'lllllll lllJ' 111·r-.1111111 I lt•lllJllll ,11 ~ I ,opt 111;:" IHVl~ll)N 111· ,\(.:C:OUNTANTS ASS<)(' I/\ Tl·; 11 1•1-:1<S1>NN1'.I. Sl':l!Vln:s I ( 18662 MacArthur Bl Suite 425 IRVIHE Accounts Payable Clerk W<• It' '>••1•k111 ..: .1 11 111 d1"11luul wrlh ~·" '''""r' l ' ' I> " 1 1 t' n t· ,. ,, n <I knowlt•dJ(t' ol :11•1«1111ll1111! IO u rn;1n11(111•t 11nni: 1·11 v1ron1111:ri1 Payroll Clerk Hespon.Mb1bt1c:. rndud1• ussisling m pn!f>a rini.: employl'\' payroll. hourlv labor ehargt's. ai. wl'll a' vucallon am1 sirk flll Y a1· cural. Candadah•'> mu:.I have u minimum ol I year expcr1enre 1n ,, ~n~acturing env1rcm ment With anod apt1lu<ll• for numbers a nd the abihty to c Hec11 vcly operate a 10 key uddinw snadMoe. Al • lead.Ina m1mulnc lurer ol enicme-powerl'<I toy/hobby product1.1 w1• olfer • t'Ompclitlvc wta1u· and benefll.8 p11cku1ee. 'l'o arraoae an interview, call Pcn1onnel Ocpllrl mm\ at 7lA·5"8·2"1 or Qllllf In pel'M1n t-0 : cox A!!'!lkf!uro O,Um.lca. tac 1*£WamerAve .a.ta Au. ca MF. • .. . .. ......... -· .. M T ••• . " •• ., ··ti l· I•' - 2 J • "". II !.&•' n ., .. M•• f I 11.l ' '"" ""' •tti I (I ~llt. 'JI U {I J I ')W ' '>i.f .. J11 '11\ • • _, I tf I :'.-,~": ._,i: ,-, • ·~I ~1 r,H ;~ ''j i.." I 'I~ 1,) ~~ '· .. ~ -, ) ••• _ ..... _ ................ _. ".~ ......... ................... 11111 MrCsrG 'i'1 I I I....... C...-~lllt ... _'·• ..... ... .................................................................... ·····•················· ...................... . llr"°9 • t.tall.uoa '::'°'~fiaa. eaoetle Pae' I I~ Co ll<' r • t u OlfdilllU.nl, clun·UP' ~ ~·s HAUUNG ALL t a.atC.••'I. H •r • m_pUwe~: 0o.,111el'Oftc..-ebf'aot land1upltuc. Georae TYP!S1JT.£MOV1NO ..,,.. .... ,...... ..._, )'OMr form• SI Vt! n..IU. MS-7(172 L().RAT~541H'51 ........ r.... DA llON!V •ROKEI\------•VERY W W PRICES• Ha"'1n1. lrimmlna. yard ..... ~ .... ••••••• W. ~·au Mt'~lt•n f'oup4allon•. r4'talnln1 t.,llUldlc11"" malnl &garaic:clc:MnUPf. T.a.,._. AH•ert111 JAw-..-.. wall1. bfoc1r1~.-'atio• Oeotae. ~-~1$ 567-8271 If ... 11en-. • pr Uc 'cl W.!i013, lMIJ.41W ..._»pr ..,....,. 14 C.,1 I• --------ll6mc Prld~ g11 r<kn Sklploader, dump truck. tin. "'-lUJJ __ ... ••••;.::::;:M••••••••• Tony G lanare1or1u ('fNnU&*. b11uJ uw1&)'1>, irad.LnM. b4ul. troo& yrd ~"''>'" Ot•rlfr•I Concr11,1ur Llr plioclntl_ . 5$4._11_00___ wrk, rnlsc. 831-~7 •rt#.. •~nor Carpenlr)' 1134MOll P11t10,., w11 lk .. :;; ....... ••••••••••• byJay.•~2MO!I wa)'I , ctrlvo w11 y11 OIU'denin1.ma1ntco1mct'. St.eve's Ha1&llng & Lite trra.Jilll I nche a p 1 n a . Rt> b. Movinf!. E1tp. Reasona- •IU:MODEUNG • <re p&111t10N, panel1na. cotrn f1nl.sh worli . dt<rk11, fitDCf'i , to klll c d cr-aftamen rrcc t'llt 865809 ---~16T0.2131 323675ll blc Long distan ce. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••a11hlrl9 -••••••••••••••••••••••• \iund Polishing , Of )'OUr car at YOW' home or ot· fic:e.489-3459 ----- .\11 pbm;cs of home 1m proytnwnt at remodol m l'I poauos, panelUnl(. in· t 1mt alterations, room 1&ddJU04¥, deck•. tile. Sml job!. wtilcomed 23 yn; exp. Ovc:rby & Son 642-:/142 c.,... s.r.tc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ctntred• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tony Ohna r citoriv Oentr1d CM'ltract-or. lJ c #34~~08 Tr c 11 11 •. landa('apc, concrete. I\ cotnplet t! :1crvlc•c, fD.3Q .,. *'"'· c ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~pert dra~ry cle11111ng, dune tn your homo. no m· oonvenum<.'(l·no wa1lin1t. Co~a;l Fllbri e Coirtt- 5'>7433. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ ELECrRl<.:JAN Pnccd ngbt lreti t:<llt1m1tte on Shampoo ~ steam c leun. lar&eorsmall J<>bs. Color brightencn;, whl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reliable mother tu haby111l dyis. ago infant to JO. nr. Bolsa Chic~; f';d anger, H.B. 846-1541 ttrt 6:ll)pm (1)(.o; 10 mm blca('h. Clt!an Uc. #3..1125.i 673 0359 hv, din rm, hall $15. Avl( Hubbcrd El.Orie rm $7,5(1, COu<'h $10. C'hr li45-W74 SS. Guar ehm pet odor ---------Cpt repair. 15 yr:. cxpr. <.: It r 1 !> l y & S o n Oo work ~yself. tfrb Lle#ClOJ75599 Handed Babysitting, my home. 5.11-0101 • ' Res/Comm 'L Free csl. love & care, exper, in. -----·--------979-7312 fan\S welcomed. 642-5299 We Care Carpet Cleuners. ---------- ...,Senicff ••••••••••••••••••••••• Steam clean. Also up· hols tery. Work guar. Truck mount unit. Pree est. reas rutei;. 645-3716 For l!Uperf'luous hair re- moval -Hair Bun Wax- ing Method. 839·0175. Cateri1t9 642-3258. • •••••••••••••••••••••• --Sr. t:llitcn & hou1>el>ound, gourmet meals de •••••••••••••••••••••• • livered, Mon l•'r1. :b:l.IKJ, Rl'~UMES-cover il'tler:.. s pec. rate:-. Sal Sun µrufussional prcscnla ·192-7l~ _ tmr\S, reasonable rates, last iwrv11:c. 493-19·;;1 ask for Ooo --------SELL idle 1terru; with :.i Dltily PilOl Classified Ad. ..•...••............... 0.:ment work ol <ill k111d11 f'rec est. 15 yrs cicpcr Also block walls. 551"4>757 --------~- NcMg ••••••••••••••••••••••• WOOD, fence:., >:atei.. pauac;, reasonable rate:.. <..:all 847 ·4793. ----WOOD GATES & FENCl::S Work ~uar . local ref!>. (;<iry •l!J!i-172-1 ~Doorand Repain ..••..............•.... Complete ~crv1ce & s01lc•s Autom:il1c opera tor~. RC'pa1r s pe c i alty . ~0074 LAWN ~rv1ce, land scape, cleu11·u~. h.auJing. 642-9007 _ Profei.sional &ard\lners wt.U do YOW' yard 11t <i fraction of the going raw. Call Btll 642·8063 or 0.ve Ml-1087 673-4646 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Morlty11 's Cl•Hl119 SerY. with a personal touch! Free ·est. $37 .soup_. 9'1!Ml149 ...... de ... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• F.xp gardener Som mt•r fertilizing, prunin g & clean ups. 751·3.W'.?. Want a REALLY CLEAN ---=-------1 HOUSE? CaJI Glnghi&m G LL .. SerYkn Girl. i'"reeflt. 645·51Zl . ..................... . Custom v an own t·rs trouble11 or dirty interiors arc over forever to min of. your lime, I 'II show you the safest & fines t cleaning service avail. Free est. Duraclean Systems. CM. 5411·0750. Robin's Housecleanin~ Srvc, for a lhoroughly clean house. 540-0857 MRS CLEAN make H gleam Bach , apt !! . ho~. Hcf n or aft 5, 549-9372 Tonyor J im Cedar C rpt Clean ·g. , .. . -.-· steam1sh'amp()O, 'wndow W~h, wax, ',at:,~um sn,il wsh'i;, rtr wux·g, gen cars $15. I~ ca;:. f.!., cln 'J{ serv. Rcs1Comrn. S48·7<8lor:WS·705a Kcasonu bl e . Simon Gift~r,""9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Your complete scrv11·c Lg selection of paper" ~ supplies. 675·H975 HcUillq ••••••••••••••••••••••• 751-8951 D.AtC>Y DUSTERS Wkly or t limt' scrv. VACANTS. rentals our s p ce1al1ty STEAM CAflPl;:T Cl.t·:ANING l))nded I nio l"ree E-~ I 5.5<!· •I I 0Ci Fa'>l haulm1(. res $1 I & llp ~·or 1• x l' 1• I I 1• n 1• 1• 1 11 Yd & gar l'lnups frnP hou.o;cdeaninl{ Cleantni.: c:;t.~4 )842·4~7 _ Unh mated. 546·37~1i Yurd refuse or l11:1t1 furniture. Hc asonu 1>11• rat.cs. Call 640·6615, WANT /\CTION'' Class1Jed Ads 642·5678 .,,., Ju~ 21. 1171 !' l .. t I 1'1 •• -1 I tt111wy 1,.._l/P .. .... .............................................. -.................. . Remarkably effectual Brickwork. Small jobt. Prof. ~. £1tt • Int. HHoned lady to or• ~. Cc»ta MeH & .-. Rel•. Free •t . 1anlae & c:IHn your lrvlbe. 17$-S175eves. -.neo ...... home. No&.eworU1y re · hrences. Awdrey. Solid ma4onry. brick "-&.et•-.-r·l~or758·192& work. St.SO sq ft.. Call ••••••-•••••••tt•,•••• ---------aAerS,64$-8728 All level•·11tyles·•IU SUSIE'S clean.lft11ervlce. CabrielJa Studio/ Music '111orouih. t Ume, wkly, ......... Acrou from NHHS l\1n&.bly, '151·78 ........................ ~aoo.a Exper. maid. Several daya open. Ref. avail . Reasonab le ralcs. ~l. Y<:AJ deserve It! A clean bowie to (!ome home to. Grad student offers r3bl rates, reliable help, n exi· bfehrs. cane. 640·0487 Local moving & hauling. f'reillrt, olflce suppUes, bo&.llleh<Md good!I & con· s truclion cl eaoup11 . Reaaoruible rales. Call 906-a&54 mominp & eves OK. . ~--------....... / ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Neat patches & textures ... HT. lt3-14lt ... ., ' ---------························ W"t/r•rt1MJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PlumbUl8 repair. Spec. in remodeling, copper re· pipe. Free est. T-OfJ Hut Plumbing. s:rt-3UM ~Allertlll-••••••••••••••••••••••• Plain aewlni. mt:nd ._.hand lli\!thJng, no dreN makint. Re1rnbl r ... Ml,.11)17. ~-.. ....................... Ught up your wmdo"'li w/beaul 11iam cd gl11~:. Oller! a y $15 gq ft. 646. ll'171 T ... ri.._I.,. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clarence's TV. Local service. Good refli. Rsnbl r~. $5.95+. 957·1006 • Cdor TV Serv Specialie\. a ll br a nd :s . da ys /eves I wknd$. 846--9467 .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSETINDIRS A group of local t.eacbers will CIU'e for your home llfhile you are away. Ph 64.'Hi6J6 e-x. 2. PETE.RS PAJNTING Expr"d. Reas Rates . Free Est. Call Gene S53-0CS8 Painting. INT/t;XT. Neat. honest. reu.. l2 yrs. exp. L1c 'd. Dave 964·100. Trws.r.k• We're onJy #2, but we do it -•••••••••••••••• ••••• better-. f'rt!(! est. Visa/ Pro( tree tnmmmg & re· MC. bc/i.r.llldJoeM3·5779 moval service. "'Tee (.-st . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roberhoft ...... -.c .. Astodotft, Inc. Low homeowner rates 675-0562 TTrannmenu u..c.-i ••••••••••••••••••••••• European Landscaper . Top work. Fair price. Refs. 646-4871 d}'$feves. Hoc.otill.ing & re nova tin C • sprinklers, new lawns. ~nl c le:snup . ()ave 642-4853or Bud 6"6·8481 Pror. landscaping. f'n.'c (.'Of\.'iUltallOn. ftot1 llocll ing, 4!17·4620 Dan P:suly. •W4·9636 ••··•·······•·········· Brit:k, stone. block work. tile floor!>. concr1•l1: patios. walks. dri ve ways fo'rec es t Joho ~J.583 Fine e>d. Painting. St.. lie .. Any plumbing, water scrv. leaks, bathrm encl. ceram ic t ile . R eas. 8J2..24'8 in.'I. Try me. 836·:>5M ~ fllloperif hro. ruchard Sinor MlllAJ•JJ• ..t ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnt/i:;xl. Dependable . Reasonable. Free C'lll . Apartment & Commerical CallJay.54fMU59 Proper ty Mgmt Co. Complete serv 760· Ui66 AUPAIHTIMG Neal M9-l325 Com pl . Ext$4.50 In t$350 C-.ColorP~ Custom work Int /Ext. Lie #364813. 642-8521. ......... .,., ······~··············· <Ancrete, patios, fen<·es, A:*n ad's & re modeling B&C Con.ttr. 548-0512 ~-~--~~-~ Rcoflllq Your Ha rbor Mr ea painter, anttcxt. Prof. quality work. Reason. l..ac/lru.. Est cheerfully given. Dave. 586·8425 Int Paint & wallpaper Qua! work. rt•as pr 1-'re~ C8l Steve 5-17 4281 For ext p;1inl. call ./1m ••••••••••••••••••••••• Repair 4-'. Reroof. All t y p e s · s h 1 n I! 1 ·e s rockshakes·compo·tar. F'rl't! (.'SL 5" 1 ·5930 f.'in /\vat I -----·--- Hori1011 RoofilMJ Expert ruofers nol sale5men. 541S-300!t l'amun~ Int 11-:xt (luahly <-wiftn/AlteratiOfts work & matcn<il Frei· ~--··-~ csurnate. t;..S6· 12.S2 Eves ••••• ••••••••••• ••• •• • • Cstm de!.11?n seamstn.:ss l'ainUng. 1m;1dc/oul~1dt· Warehouses, offices. rcn lals rescdenlaal. Call Meg<.'O lndusl. 960-7115 --- - ror men & women. 3 yrs ex.p. w /dance costumes & evening wear. Rsnhl. Gina.548~5 -- Call 96,1.9636 AM. TlltarWJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free Trial Lesson, Cred. teacher, exp. Readm~ math. French. Rs nbl Local calls re turned 67~13 ----------· Typillg Ser•ic~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• LP OHic~ Servu:es. Prof. lypuig. t.erm papen,, re· sumcs· etc· Lou1:.c Ilagan. 642·7221 Uphoht.ry a...ilMJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• We expertly clean pro. blem fabnrs others re- fuse to clean. Such a:. bl~ers, velvets, Ila&· uan couons. broradcs ete Cou.o;l Fahnc <.:..re 5'15-7433 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l•:Xpcrt window washmi.: 10 yrs cxpencnt<· 545 7.\3:1 CQasl Window Cl<:anm~ Prof window w:.ish1ng ~•l rsnbl rat e:. Ref:. 642.5668 Hlfp Wartt.d 7100 Hefp Want.ct 7 I 00 Htfp Wanted 7 I 00 Hafp Wanted 71 00 H1fp Want.d 7 I 00 Hafp Wonted 7100 Help WC!llhd 7 I 00 Hafp W..ted 7 I 00 Help Wmthd 7100 ······················~ ••..............•.........••••.•...••..............................•........•.....••............••..•.....•..•.••......••..•••............•••••....•••.••.•..•......••.....•..•........• ACCOUNTING Cl.1-:HK purl umc'. Sun T ut·-i H11P1u.1 Yul'ht Clull 1i1:~;j,'\1.i ACCOUNTING CLERK B U ILD E R S 1-;M . POtUUM, a D1vi">10n uf 111e Wickes Corportalaon has an \mmediatc OJ>Cn· in~ in our lleadquarters locat1011. for un i\c·count 1ng1 t•rfrmg Clerk in uur Inventory Control Oc11L 1 ~ t·ur U('l'Ottnlmg 111c:ory UI CXpt!nen('e, HI key fa~· lfllK'h <.:;.ti Ms Nelson 1714 1!175--0liCJH Equal oppor 1:mployi·1 111 I ACCTG CLERK Hapidly growlni.: S&L "<.'t!k.'> 1nd1 v tll assii.t 111 f'l't.'onc1lial11111 &. mnmt of 1·1101 b1.1la11ce. induuan~ 1•11t I t1•1pi1t1un l>a I . paruc1vat1011 mlerest!\, & t't•llc.~ ni. paynhlt! Al' <·11unt111 .: cxpt•r re 11u1refl, Xlnt <Jdvan(·1· 1ru:11l 11p1mrl un1tie!. & bcnt!flts lnrluuing clc•11tul pllll\. C<lntac.'t l'enmnncl (714 )lj.JJ-8383, Add to vour 11w1mw w 11 h 111 work 111 c·arlv !\.\II I. \ Ti nte:-. h•111H' dt• lt\'f:I') routL~ "'""' in :\. W U,..tu M<'!<a & S.1-:. /\PT MANI\(; 1-:H 1'<1r 55 units 111 {'11.,t.1 ,k .. u. ~x111•r'd 1·1111111" W I ( I' h k k p I~ f• X JI Hushanil rnaint CX IJ Cuti tMi:507:1 or (2131 !i£1.S.:IJ51 llunt Ueh. Ucpcnd11ble car a must 211'~ :1 hrs. dai· ly. S350·$4l!51m 11 Call 5'164481or004·.\Dfll!. ....... troff•• NOCilAM DEVILOPMEMT SPECIALIST $15,500 ,.,. AMllm Architect, perlll<.lncnt, full ,._-.. _-;;;;~.-,;-.-.-.. _-time. building energy •· analyst. 2·3 Yrs. expcr PROGRAM OEVB..OPME~T M .... AGER $18,500 Per AMUm Apply at The Hunt- lftl1on ~ach Employ- m~nt Ir Trainin9 Cent~r. 538 Main Stre.t, Huntinqt on ~ until 3:00 PM A&lgult ht. 1979. -' i\ D MIN IS T fl AT I \i E AS archite('t urc /e ngineC'r ing office or degree or combin ation. ";neri;(y conservation consultm~. Send res ume Malcom Lewis Assoe , 220 1'<1rk /\ve .. Lag una Be<Jch, !J2tl5l •ASSEMBLERS• •TRAINEES• Orange County mrl{r or elec1.ro mechun1<«d p1 o dU<'t.s is seel11n g tra1m·t·..; for day shirt tn a:.scmhle cll"<.1.roruc switches&. clli. pl.iv:.. Apply in per!lon Moster ~ciallties 11;111 .'rfonrona. C M E.O.K A.'ii.«mhlcr Truim·c· lmmcd opC'ntrlg. 11111 lrmn. Newport Re11ch !'>18·9918 SIS'fJ\Nf.J>uhl1~h1ng Co Jl0Sil1on °" mom IM ad vanccmenl, cord in at mi: rnyally :.lml:i. ty111n g, , ................. . tlank1 11g , 11)\flll'ltl g . ASSt;MllLt-:ns 1.1 ho n c :-. . " 11 11 f ·• 1· I OPERA TORS w put>h(· ~700 "w i ·11 l, Trainffs/E"---'•11c•d !1!17·0130Slt1·rry '"f"""'' /\larm Comp11n.v ""''"'~ tramet• scrv11•1· /1('1'~1111. clectronae ha('k).'n1111ul helpful. 228 F11n•Sl i\ve. 1-.agun:.i &><it•h ~MutuolS&l 4001 MacArthur Hlvd Newport Ueal'h Answeri"CJ Servic~ f;.O.E. M/V f'BX operators for a Join progre :-.l>1v c We::ilem 01g1tal for 1•x · c 11111g c urecr op portunllics. YotJ t·11 n learn new sk1Jls th1tt will prepare you to grow w1lh our expanding s1•m1c11n doctor firm. ----------•!telephone answcrln~ We ha11e openings 1n our Packaging Department, Wafer & Mask Op<:r:itaon and Test area. A.cdCJ CMrtc to $900 t.xrit:r in AIP for C.M. l;orp. Xlnt oppty for growth in the general ac· <.tg dept. Call Jean. COASTAL PllSOMMB. AMMCY 540-6055 2790HarborCM NEVERAFEE . Call aller bour11 appt ACCTS PAY AILE -Cl.Ilk /\ dlversiried property mngl compan)' Is iseek· ma a sharp accts paya. ble clerk to &t&Sia\ \he controller w /the com· s:::l' book&/ p 11y ro11. IMl.Y • beoefit1. Call or teftCi ~ume to Bev. 867"11'1. •LTA PIOPllTY ... ,, 11721 Hale Ave, Irvine Sll4. AcUvlty Direct or, service cxpcncnced or will train. f\tll time or part lime shifts availa- ble Days, ufternuon · evenings or grave yard Must be ahle to work some weekends. 'l'yp1n g 35 wpm. required. Mlln)' co. benefits 1.1va1lable . Please call Mon. Fri. Fashion Island area: 640-1791 Costa Mes a u r ea : 673-1166 E.O.E. Take advuntuitc or our excellent starting salary plus merit pay Jn(•rcascs dunng your 00 day tru1n· ing period followed by wage review every 120 days . Our many out- standing fringe benefits make 1t worth your while to come In and sect us. Apply Personnel : Wttt.nlDl«)ital ~ alaUAvecM Cor Redhill & Bakor (7141 557-1550 Designing Technology ForThe Future E.0. E. A/P NOCESSOR Sl&L Is 1oolilng lorsl!lf· motiva~ person t.o pre· pore paymenls on ull types of coristrudlon. Must have good typing & communicaUon skills. I•-•------• Ex.Int adYancement op- l)Ol'tunity 4' lood benefits lncludlnR dental plan. Contact Personnel (714> &'J3.&'83. ......... ,"" 4001 llacArtbur Blvd Newport Beach E.O.E. Mt F UceDMd. Good aalary. l•-------belllll&a. N.B. area. Send ~as.ht.ant to c r edit mana1er. S800·S875. A&bletic equipment dis· lributor needs dependa· * Individual wilh good telephone skills. Credll experience ipprecjated,o but will train the rt1ht applicant. Previous ot- flce eq>er;ence a must. lilh\ t1pin1 Ii filing. Call&d-6254 . ~ to ClauJlled Ad -. DaOJ Pilol, P.O. b ... Calta Mna, CA.-.. APROPOS UDO ISLI ASST. HIAD . TOWMaCOUMTltY HOUSM•• SHOPS noeded for Pvt retort. •M:rllll8r.8/ ACl'ORS. A FI n e £ u r o p •an Start lnuMdlatel)'. Exp All ... /alJ t.)'Pll. No l>tti1ner BoutJque' ls ereter,..d, will traJn. .. lie. ''8.A.•.'' ln· 1 .. klDI • ulUn1 J\lllt.111111. • Wt9tewla1 now. Our .... .,~ • adc1UI011al • c yn worked l&lft.s.aaryopen. ~ m penoa, tl9 N. .. D t ·'Qoldte A ...... ..._~., n... O>iil Hwy, lAa Bch. or '. "Lldr la -~ • .. ed 71441MtUf aak tor •!Mlrt c.irlld. . .... ... ~., Double· JUM IDIWtd lido town'!"' ---. ----''. •llllllMJ l&udlol. · ,,_,.~With ...._, ,_.,.. bu1ill• or • .---. -tn tit• Cluaill•41 Ad•. ~ Cl•flllied ad· .1._ ti II 'ftlly•,. U. ..a.it way 'wlll·; ~r ti LlJi.'1 • -r... lolild Jiil tM .... U4 I FDW lo &bl l PIO· Cl.......... ....,....... plia.Qdl'l'ad.t)' .... .,., Assist MonOC)ef" llunt111~t•1n 1!1·H<:h ,q11 hh.Ji.:. 1\i1 .,I have ina•n tcn1J11t·t• ex µ1·rw11(•t• ,'I, 1Jbility. e'l<: '15 ..-} r~ Salary + apl 54! I ·H:>4 I .Duality Assurance We ~Ji,~~e~~ 1 n g b1omed1c<il ele('tronies m;1nufacturing farm or rl5() <"mployecs IOC'ated 111 <>mniw County We urc lookin~ for a µ1•rso11 h1 lJt'rform l>Ys tcm uud1ll>. >,tJPPfll'l 1 ns t>cc:t vr:-' IN fl I(' quuhty prr}1:cdurt:'> (01 t.lw tl'st of new prwhlf' Is ;ind develop corre1:l1v1· ui'laon for qualtty 11ro· hl<im1>. If you h<i vt· a l.ldl-..:c or FISJT and a m1rumum l! yrcars ex- perience. contact u ... now for 1mmedialc ('nn s1derat1on. We offer salancs l'Om men1>urate with ex perience. compan) pau1 benefits and u St'(•ure workini:: cnv1ronmc•nt for further mformC1llon. please c;ilL 1714) 549-1 500 DEL MAR AVIONICS l601 Alton Avemw lrVJne. Ca !1271'1 Bqual Oppty Employer M /F Attractive fun lov1ni,: v1vac1ous s ini;:lc 1<1rls from 20·30 able to truvel. Good pay, Ocxtblc hni. Typing exp. Call for an appt. Brenda. 894-7ri6.1 AUTO CARRIER needed evenings. Lug Bch, l,.ag Ngl, Dunu Pl. Call The Regi s ter 58HM1._ AUTO ELECTRICIAN· Qwillfed. base + com. mi8sioo 646· 1696 AUTOMOTIVE •DIALHSHIP ' POSrTIOHS! Oran•e County growth requtt~s HOWARD Chevrolet EXPANSION! I , Heavy .duty lin e t.edw.ll cl ans ' 2. New car get-read)' technicians! GM u perle nce pre · ferred. Pleasant \torklnj( conditions In Oronae County Airport complo'l. Exe . .,..y, benefits. Opp. for advancemenl. Sec Service Mir. at busy HOWMD CIMvroltt Dove" QuJJ 6'3. NEWPORT BEACH AU'roMOTIVI!: , PAITSDllVa Mutt be l8 ye~ll uld. have val.id C.UI. driver's liceoN Ir food I) rl v In ll rtcGrd. Al>Pay in per.on. mil for Wally. MIWfOIT OATSUM . •Dow•ltn.& NDPORT BEACH AUT<>M<Yr'I VE WANTED! lo.tq)(•f'ICl\('l'fl plllflll•f>, helper for 1 mporl dt· a.lcrsh111 in Costa Mes;1 . Musi be fasl & thorou~h . capable of hl<1ck sandmg & paantrng Hems. Sulary S.S.00/hr. Medical. op· tical & dental insurance paid by co. Excellent op· portWlily 1f you qualify. Call 631-4432; ask for Jack&J ay. Earle I•• lmoorls 1966 Harbor blvd. COSTA Mt:SA ------- /\utu Tran.s Sf\01> looking for qualified personnel 5411·22&1. tli\ llVSITT fo: R ma l u ri• r11r 4 rno old. 2-3 dys wk. H.30AM -fi:UOPM IW> 1!16:1 Babysitter needed for yr olrJ girl ~ast Bluff arcn 11f Newf>Ort. Beach (';J 11 aft 6. ti>.10-00:rT Babys1f mfonl. IO· \.I dy~ mo L oving maturc woman. COM tiilU·fJHIU HAKER, exp pref. Will train. Apply in 11er~ 705 E Hal boa UL Ba I hu:1 !Jam·5pm. BanJllng STOCIC CLERK H.ap111l y ~row1n,:: & S&I. ts looklnr; for 11n mcl1v who. cnJOYS public l'llO lat'\ to work tn our Loun Service Depl. Wt 11 answer phones inquire~. type letters, process pay mcnts & a ssbt Unit Supcrv1!>or 111 all phases o( scrv1eanl(. Good typing skills re<4. Our eo. ()ffers you .l(llll adv oppty & good benefits including 1lentul plan Contact Pcn;onnet <7 \4 l 833-8383. ~ Mlltual S&L 4001 MacArthur nlvd NCWPort Beach KO.£. Mtt' Banking TELLER fo\Afl time teller for Sav. lngs & Loan entry levt•I (will train>. Newport Beach area, lite typinlf. xlnt nlary & bencfllK Please call. Gloria Doty 273-3130. IMPERIAL S&L Equal Oppor Emplyr • Banking Ta&.11/P..tthM Downey Savings 41 Loan has an opening in Its Ccsta Mest branch for 11 part time (eUer. S11ving11 & Loan or barudng ex per. preferred. Muat be able to work Saturd1&)'ll. Xlnt workina cond. Paid vucatlona. For Curt.her Info. contact Mr. Flaher· \.Y ~:~· /641-7422. lquaJ ()ppor l!:mplyr Banldn1 -. TIU.II MIW ACCOUNT$ ~t. part ttmt, U1ht typing. Wtll con· ald"lr trainee!. Call ror app'\, , Mutual Savlnp fl Loan • Corona ct.I Mar Mr. Q)ooput 17"5010 Equal ()ppor &m,lyr &inking Bi.inking, S&L TELLER -BOOK K 1-; E Pt: It I' ii rl CASIU ER1Cl,ERK \'' TELLER NEW ACCOUNTS l'tirt um1: r1crmu11 .. 111. typing required Wiii consider trainee. {;all for app't. Joan Marsdl\'. 493-5651 MutuaJ Suvings & L<um S70Ca minode &trella San Clemente Equal Oppor £mplyr Rank:Jng/S&L ... TELLER Newport Offtt•t• Fullerton Suv1ng!> & Loan S(.>ckmg full llmt> tolJer. Will tram. Typing rc•qu1reme11t 35w1im Call 87f.4i-M fCJr appt t-:,O.E -------Bunking EXPYll':HCEO TB..LERS SOUTH COAST NATIONAL BANK An lndcpendenl Uank IS49Sunnower St Cosla Mesa --~~~----- BANKING REGIONAL SAVINGS REPS /\11 exciting opportunity as uvallahlc with 11 'lead. ing sitvings and loan for individuals experienced in teller and new account functlorn;. We're seeking Saving:> Re~ to trav<'I as needed to branch offices m the area. prov1d1n1t coverage when brunrhL-s are short·staffed. These full time positions will be based in one branch <nearest you I und re· quir e r c l iub l c lrWl!lportation. If select· od you'll enjoy an ex· oellent salary and out· standing benerils includ· ing paid career apparel, profit sharing, medical and dental lns uranc<' . free parking and more. Pl~ call Mrs. Menne for more mtormation. FtDEUTY FEDERAL s..t.o&Lo.A1111 . <:fi.3)244'8111 An equal opp employr 1-'u I h•rlnn Sa v 111 i.:" & LJ>an ~('('k1ng ll•llcr lor Ncwp<>rt Bca<'h ofr11·1· Wtll train T ypini;: rt• qwred. 35 wpm Call 871-4244 for appt. KO t-: Banking C:O-..rcial T ett.r Experienced UNJTEDCALW li/\NK 261.SJ La Paz Rd Mission VieJo 837-0006 ... E.O.t-: -------- &rber Stylist to manage part·t.ime. 631 ·9!'177. Tues f'rl. 9•i ;-Sat • 9·5. eve:. ~l·lrl8. ----------- Beauty Rental spacel> :iva1l<ihlc for hlllr stylist:-& oth1•r related services LIOOHAJR fo'ASlllONS 3'1211 Vilt Lido. N B 673· 7850, 673· I 970 &auty stylis t ass1.'il:.int W"dJlWd for bu:.y salon Chance for ehenlcl t• Guaranteed :-.al:.i r y 837-8779. 837 .4250 Dcauty HAJR DESIGNt-:HS Danlels Salon tt<I0·5534 llol s a Ch1ei.l al Wamer lf.B. •BIKE STORE• St.ore mgr . assist mitr . & bike mcchanat• needed for Schwinn d c :.ill'r Salllry $13,000 Must have prior hake t•x pera cncc 1n a sl•HC 544·9835. llCICPG Cl.HK JR Start $800. Work for this busy & estab sm co. Uc g\.Dded & use your exp 111 A/P & AIR & payroll Lt typing. Call Dolly COASTAL PllSOMHEL ACil:HCY 540-6055 2790 Harbor CM NEVER A FEi-; Call after hours appt Bkkpr/nlspatcti. ('Om puttir. Svc co. typing. lO·key, 1-' IT. $4 i.l11ri. 841-1111 BOOKKEEPER / AS S1STANT -Part·tlme 8am to \pm. Ac1:ounls rec .. lite typihit. phones. ten key. exper. only , Marine Hardw a r e -----------~Manur . Pay t·omm . BANKJNG CUSTOMH •VICI llftlSIM1' ATIVI L..t-... An urgent need txbt• for 8 pertlOn lo work 20 hrs. per w~-k In our branch servln1 cust om e r 11 ' needa. Experienced IA!Uer or sharp trainee w:llh caeblerina back· = wbo can work Y UOam to 21>m l boura a1 well •• week~•Y• at needed. hmlliarity wtth typloa, llieqWnd. Pleut caU: 1\ w /expc r . Cher r ye. &C2.al8. IOOICkllPB Full time position ,In small cbrporatc: omc~. Airportt lrvlnt> a r eae . Vaned duties. HI key & Ute t)'~ req'd, Exper helpluJ, but will train. 540-5413. IOOU_.P/C ~Ion wltb ~mlncnt Fash ltl. Rea.I Fatale In· v .. t. 'Firm. Xlnt OP· • pottunltJ .... om IOOOW PW.I .,.. lntlitl·boolll l•r •propert)' mint f40.01JI. • - !Jmc fur Ortho· Vental of ftce N. D Tw11 '11 (Jay~ per WC."t:k 6"2·l!62G ---- BOOKKEEPER F /C T hru f1naoc1al Ntat<- mc n t s . Call Bt•lty, 673-7272. per to work part t111w 111 CrlM pharman (',111 Mn. Young. al f;/I•\ 1:;1::. for interview C~HIERS BuldiftCJ Supply UTOTEM MARKETS Sales Openings now availa ble fo\tll hme/"8 hrs. per for luU time ass1s~~ml wt.>ek. Must be ahll• to imnaaers on ~d. & J rd . work Sat & ~n. Salury stuft. No e~penencl' nt.><:. commensurate w 1th ex· We! tram Start S3 10 to S-1 pcrie n ce i\pply tn per hour: Advan~e~~1~t 1> ·r s on Kcrm· Rim a opportumly for manai.:< /~dwarc 2666 Jlarbor mcnt pos1llons. to $5;50 fil CM · per hour 1f qua It fwd to or ' _ mart• infurmul1nn & an •IUILOIHG EHGIHEY• l!:xpencnce m high n M· hwld1ng m<itntcnance AJC exper would be l<"rvww gu to :.ton· H~ ;ii :J0009 (; ru w n V ;i 11 " v La1<tun11 Niguel, 11i!H1.J~..O or UIJJ 714 1537 -tll411 Ujuw Oppor Emvloyt•r --·-----~ helpful ~xrell c nt 1• ................ .. benehls including free health & ltfc mJ>urance, paid va call(Jn, profit shannl:(. Opportun1t1ei-; for advancemc.ml. Apply at THE IRVIHE CO CUAU l-.fo'EUR & other duU~ Male college slu· dent 2.'i·:l.'i hr~. pt!r WC!t.•k. O~ or evenml{ dnvm~ 640-533511 Newprt !kaeh area l071Camclback ----- NcwPort Beach 644·00111 C.luld care our home Oct ........ -----•! 1 . March I. 2 great gab. ---fi4S. 7300 IUSPHSOH ------------ Service Systems Corp. Laguna Hills, 7AM-l!PM ()pply for advancement <..:all for appt. 581·5140 t:/\F ETERIA Net·d rroture people to work in industrial eafeter111 i.. lrvint• area F 1t1m e days, full time swini.:. COsta Mesa Ptt1me sw tnK & weekends. Call 1714) 994.2331. CANDY OIPPl-:R. Exp. CIVILEMG. Oil OESIC'iHH fo:xp<:rie nt·cd carct•r mmdL'Cl. REGISTER t:;D C IVIi.. 1t:NG OH DESIGNER with t>ack· gro'1nd In public work~ and <M' lahd development e~nrg wanted for deMl.~n & supervis ory PQ8it1on. Apply lo Mr. 1''\Jentes at Robert Bein. Willlatn 1-'rost & At>SOC. 1<101 Quru.I St .. Npt. B~ Apply in pers: 705 E Balboa HI , Bal boa Cl,Vt,LEHG. 2pm·IOpm. ,ISTJMATOR c.a.tter sales person w11nt-i':xpe.ne9Ced individual ed for fa.'!t "rowing South want.ed \0 prepare coa;t " estima t es of s u b · Orange Co. magazine. division.'!. industrial dc-Oisplay ad exp preferred 1 I · but not es..~ntial. Call ve o pmcnts, uta llY sy11J.ems & to perform _494_·_81MO __ ro_r_a ... p...;.p_t_. ---• utility invcstig11t1ons & ~recr Qpportunity ror calculatc earth qu11n· exper person who enjOya tities. Super vision Cit· variety, boil good typing perience vital. Apply in skills. Ute shortha nd & 1s per.ior1 with resumt: to a good organize r . t:ull Mr. "uentes at Rob+!rt 761-7901 8em. William l'"rO.'it " AsS<X:.. l40t Quail St. Newport Beach. carpenter. finish mun. experienced In framing. Must have toolB. 557-:M87 1----C•IV_I. ___ _ CARPENTER· "'INISH. IMGWHIH exper. Good pay, steady Oranae County's le1.1dlng work. caJI 548·3015 eves. commudity developer ball 1111 imm~ate Optm· ing ror a reilfatered Civil l!:nflneer iiner":fted In de.lanlnll It planning new t.oWNI. To quality )'OUlhoWd have 1·4 rHrs exP8riem. in dra1n•t c ».Y11teml. flood control & ero&lon . You will perfOl"m fa communica~ Pl...u.nc •tudi• for new CASHlllS STOCIC PIOPLI Colt Plue Imports. 1.1 re· t.ail COU\pan,. ls nuw hlr inl caahJen " stock peo. pit fOf' lta new So. Coa11t store. APl>'Y In pe.n!on lit 1111 Surillower Ave, CM ta. 9AM·b00n on July a.Aus3. ==-~:...-e:: with tar••r #row"" pot~ntlal. refer llOU&bem .. llftomi• ... ,.t_,., Seed rwume fl aalary lll1t0tr)' te>: J . Buclde, ~•co 1118 c.aterDr Nlwpor\ adl, M4·• ..... ==· • O ·DICAL MIAT.IOlll MIATPAYI WSNS&Di to.KEY Q.&aKB f8X OPDATOR8 TYPll'n 8J!lCRrf AIU£S Join U. .... , &.<_.ome Yfe olf~ • t'.OID.,.UU\'e a~ll Proleuaooall ••. a:u·.:ci~ ~ rn * ell. p ay ; dental. :II~ edlcal aad Ure In· ~ I ,,. strance; vacaUona: ao 1 .... _llilltl~-.-1-•.,..lflam-lr blll.lda)'t &nd a retire· '*-pl'Oll"am. ~t f 1 ., Stnlul Plelllle8'1P11"9~or .... ~ c,11 the Penonnel IKVm~ 1~ Department at IDE 11/F '1\4·~2$51. - a.EIUCAL • Need penoa lo work evH IMll' • weekend•, • dayll "' ""· ...... 40 bn. type, &ood ~ commu.nlcaUona. IAilure Dynamics. Inc. Elps. belpluJ. Xlnt job IDE. Waner Ave. opportaaity. Call631-0160 SealaADa. Ca. S7Cl5 between tem-5pm. mE/llP AAEJ~~~~~~~~I Cl.WICAL • Miil Ume ~I for ..-rai dericaJ tau. talll be williDa to learn .tr bave tbe ability to 1et along well with ctben. ptevtoua clerical or mail room aper. helpfuJ but .. neceaaary. X1ol co. ballta. SAFF.GUARD ~SYSTEMS ztl3Falrview Rd. C.11. We Are Looking For Al~Stars _......__1_•_•_• ____ , u you're this kJnd or --------•I penoa, looldn1 for a Oeriw ·future in any or the foltowing. we woo.Id like to get acqulated. .. ~W I II JIM .................. a•rCALMll ftlll')' ~. -.Jnt po1. tor ~ iftdlv to Join Ira 1nfM Corp Thl1 co ofr~ .._.,. ol rm r°' you tu f1'0W 6 ii a be.ul ph1C\: to work Call Killl COASTAL PP:RSOHN Et. AOF..NCV 540-6055 2710 Harbor CM NEVER A f'Ef; CllJI alter houl"I appt a.rt, exp payroll, A.IC pay, t.)1>in& M wpm. aood phone voice. Salary open.. Contact V. Martin. 540-9510. ------ OericaJ a.41TV9ftt Entry leveff7oo+. Huse company has 1m· mediate openlna tor junior typist ln engineer· Ina d ept. Must type 50wpm. Benefits effec· live UL day ol hire. CALLAHAN A.SSOCIA TES PERSONNEL SERVlCE 5(1. 73S3 833-TIB> •Town•Country Rd. Oran1e 3881 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach Employer pa)'li fee. Oertt • Recel•"'9 Cleril • Mlgr o( e l ec tro mechanical products has an immediate need for an indlvtduaJ lo receive puts, check quantities, weigh • count lncomlng materials. WIJI also han· die all related paper work. l yr. exper. pre- femid. Appl)' direct to: la I t._tw, S,.cl..._ Clertl 1640 Monrovta CM A major life Insurance comp&AY beadqyartered in Newport Beach has opportunities for in· dJvlCluals with skills and f(o neral office ex· penence ln I or more ol lhe following areas : Another detail lover's ____ E.O.E. position! You'll type in· ---------1 voices, batch balance. •'J'Ypht ·~es -a.eraI Clerical ~Termlnat o,en.tors •Payroll •Acrouotmg/ ft>otJceeping We have 1mmed1ate ~ If you qualify, we offer a unique work- 111gmvtronment, in addl· lion lo excellent com- pany benefits. Please ap. ply in person to: ,.,...,..., Depalw.t 100 Newport Center Or Newport Beach , Ca 92660 t:Qual Opportunity &mployer M IP mail the bills a nd pro· cess service billing. You ·u need to type. enjoy working with numbers and r eally love ac- curacy. UYoU~= keep· inl track of menages and people, type welJ, botb k!ilwdy nd under prf.lllAlre you may be jmt the one we need. If you 're loo~ing for ruJHlme permanent work we woWd like to meet you. Shorthand is a plus, but isn't required. G1•r .. Cllrtc Entry level posltk>n re· qiiring some typing. 10 ke>' helpruJ. We o frer excelle nt benefits which include one weeks paid vacation alter six mon\M, eleven paid holidays and group insurance begins upon day of hire. Apply in pel"IOD or caU Personnel tor appoi ntm ent. (714)546-~1. AM DOCUMIMTOR A DivlAlon Of AM lnlernaUonal, Inc. PO Box 10547 UericaJ 2921 S. Daimler St launediate clerical open-Santa Ana, Ca 92711 Ing lor loan brokerage 11r-ua1 n..--· CCI. In Newport Beach. ..,.. ..,,,...,rturuty A~curate typin1. math l~~~E~m~pk>y~er~M~/F~~ .... & detail orient · I · ed. Salary open . Call Sell thinp rut with Dally PUol WMt Ads. Ka&le~93SO. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$$$$$$$~ CLIUS Excellent entry level positions with Orange Coonty's leading land de· ~r. Experienced in accounts receivable or purchasing d esirable. Req\ares a detail minded penoa with 1-2 years gen e r a l oHice ex. perience. good typing or coaununications skills. Pleaee eend resume or complete at appUcalion L. Fries, -114111VtMECO. 500 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach, 644·3389 Equal Oppor employer CLlll(/fYPIST We offer excel company paid benefits along wilb our challenging position now available at our Newport Beach omcc. Prior office expr., typ1n~ ol at least 45 wpm and abllity to operate an ad. ding Dlllchine is desira· ble . We will train qualified individuals for the right position. Entry level pos itions, but salary commensurate with expenence. Call for appl. 64(M58(), ext 202. E.O.E. CLERK TYPIST ·-CLERICAL _,. -_,. Oran1e County -~ -pha rma ce uti ca l --manwacturint compun)" ~ TEM ._.. is seek.ln1 a clerk typi11t ·-. PORARlES .,.; to handle corres pon· ._. _,. ~e .~ technical typ. M -_ing. Must have good typ--$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -i n I 11k111 s and a -• _,. mlnlmum ol 11lc moot.ha -SWAP-YOUR •11u.-v _,. olfice experience. We of. -A 1~1 -. rer excellent workln1t -_,. condltlon1 In modern i FOi A FUTUll ....'. tllcllllles and a full range ..., o r com l>any paid We open doors for you to : beneftta. Pteuc call for ....... c a r ......... appointment. -eer challenging ...... a Temporary Jobs. PAID ,._ ·~ y A C A T I 0 )t S • p A I D 1 · -MOUIA YI. all backed by our ,. -combined 25 ·years of ,. -ex~ence. ·We deal ln all • ._. clerlcaL areas ; Health ~ : lnt'1'ance available. = I . 'Personnel Secy Ty lats _,. Markflline A11t Bktpn .-. PBX Rftept Maa II ()per - •·Keypunch Oper Seey's =· .,.. Data »ttry Dlctph Typlat ~. I Many More Jobs 1 r r ;r I JUST CALL 17 I 41117-t1'4r ! I 4500 Campue Drive !! I Newport leach ;t r ••• ,... ....... I CICILIA YICll I ............ JSllll l Carol Rullno (714)5*8901 AMAIOUCIMC 11DOIUette Avenue ll'Ytne, Calli 1271.3 Equal oppty empty m If I MllpW_.... 7100 Hllp W..e.4 7100 ~W..tH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7100 ••• ••••••••••••••••••• ~~.~:.~ ..... ?!.°' •• ~~.W_.... 7100 tw.WmtM 7111 .................. ~ ................. .. a.&&KtrYPllT IA ~)' ~OMI• .... ..-o1· lfuM be ,,.. ~ -:::r.1ed ..... ... lil area. Call o.n,I04'77 •CLmTY'PIST• ......, Oraqe County r:'lfv1=r."7o:':~~ typl1t po1llloru1. Mu1t t1P• t$wpm . =.blUU• loclude flU0.1 . Ctntral cl11tiet, 2 1rf •x Pl'!" U\ 1eneral otc pr.i· ftimid Apply ln peraon ....... ,,.. ...... IMO Monrovl• CM IW.2·:M27 ___ .:,E O.Jo: ___ _ COUICTIOM SICllTAIY &.y ~rty man11t'· tnl'nl firm In Fountain Valley hu Immediate operuna tor collect Ion secretary OuUea include all phuet ol rent collec· tJon lneludln(l court •P· pea.ranees. Wo11ld n quire excellent typing Uills & ability for or· IJ..Uzation Would also work closely with cor· porate attorney f:x . reUent startiq salary of $1000 or commeruiurolc w/experience plus gas allowance. Call Sue Mon lhru Fri 9 to 5. 9&4·2566. COLLECTOR We a r e a leading biomedical electronics rnranuf'actunna firm of 5a> employees located in Oranp County. We are seeking a person who will possess an ag- gressive but tactful telephone maMer to in· terrace with customers and management. Jn ad· dition, will write and ad minister all credit pro- cedures nece~sary to lac1lihtte collection of past due recei vables from assigned accounts. As an established leader in the health care in· ~, we offer salaries commensurate with ex· perience a nd a n ex· cellent company paid benefits progr am. Fur Further information, please caJI. C7141549· I 500 DEL MAR AVIONICS 1601 AJlon A vc Irvine, Ca. 9Z714 Equal Opp Employ MI F COMPANION for LADY. Nursing expr. helpful. lite housekeeping. $40/day. Pvt room & bath. Lovely Laguna home. 494.4457 -----Companion . Mature . hskpr, live.In, !!al, pvt rm/ba, 1V. CdM. Reis . 644-9666 Coct ... tr O,.rator F\.IU time opening for 1 lo 2 yrs. expenence with working knowled~e or DOS /VS, O S V S I , POWER VS on dual I UM 370/1"8 with communica tions. Xlnt facilities & fr. inge benefits. Tues thru Sat. lint shift. Call for Interview appt. SAFEGUARD BUSIN1S5SYSTEMS 2283 Fairview Hd. C.M 546-tOllO Quality Control Supervisor We are a lead i n g biomedical elcclron lc manuf'acturing fir m or 500 employees localed in Orange County. We have an Immediate net.'<i for a quality oriented supervisor to direct day today activities of our In· process electr onic in· spectors and final as· sembly inspectors. COOi/DAYS Expuclln1 reataurant ebllln wW. over SO wa.lla. hmllY-owned ortanl1a· tlon otfera pleaunt workln1 conditions. Good oPportWllll.. for advaactOMnt. E•ceU.nt company MMflll. Ex· l*itOC*S CS..lted. Apply In penGD to: • lll7J ........ tDr w. ..... . Cook · MO\.'ter's KJtchen Restaurant, 1750 SC. Hwy, La1una &ach. 49'1·3730. COOICS For conv hosp. free health lnl alter proba· tion period. every other weknd uff.. Apply 1445 &lpenor Ave., N.8. <:oaks: Momin& & even· in& shifta, 'Skinny Haven Restaurant, 252S4 La Paz Rd . Laguna H ill s . 581-8440. I COSMITIC SA.US PresUgious drug store in Irv is seeking a F lt Cosmetician exper In selling all the franchise lines. 1.st yr aver comp $13,000 + xlnt co benef. 10 hr day-4 day wk. Call the Personnel Dept. for 1.ntervlew appt. THE GUILD DRUG C21lJ l7M561 Counselo rs, married couples, or s ingl e w o men . L1v e ·1n . Supervis e 6 teenage girls. 545-SS93 COUNTER He lp tor Bakery. Ovr 19. Apply 70S E. Balboa 81, Ua lboa 9am-9pm. COUNTER Hl!:LP . t\111 tune. Costa Mesa area. 548-4243 Counter person full or part lime to $S hr. Apply at Del Taco. Laguna Hills. 25252 La Pat Rd 581-4720. Counter person to work evenings. Appl y in person. MacMurray 's <..1eaners. 2578 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. -------COUNTER help wcanted. Expcr'd sandwich man. F/tJme. Apply in person to: Dl9 E Coast llwy. Cdm. Counter Help HONEY BAKED HAMS Corona del Mar store Deli count.er help want ed. FUii & part-lime. Will trai n . Call M;irk . 673-~. for appt WC'd · Sun. ----- CUSTODIAN l'art Time, 7AM -12 n oon General cleanmH of or rices & cars. Puc1f1t· View Memorial Park. C dM . 644 -2700 , 9AM·4:30PM. Customer Service Rep Part /t . a ss i s t w/c'ustomers. a ns wer phones & cashlnr . Xlnt henefits. Apply in person The Antique Guild . 1801 E. Dyer Rd. SJ\. DATAEHT•Y Of'EllA TOil IBM 3741 expenence de· sirable. Will train to become backup com pute r operator. Ex celJent fringe benefits & workmg conditions. Cull pcrsonnel833-3384. DATA.ENTRY We are a division of a nwijor public corporation oUering a growth op. portunily for the nght people. 1be immediate pos1t1un1o open include: Data ~ntry Dilta Analyst Trainee Salary range is $."i.7~ to $7.00 per hour. We arc seeking both full time and part time people Please call be tween 2.00pm·5.0Qpm for an appomtmenl. C7 I 4t 557.0909 If you fee l you 'r e t.echnicaJly strong with 2 yean ol collef(e, 4 years experience and 1&t least I year s upervi so r y responaiblUUes, contact .. right away. We olfer aaJariea commensurate Equal Opportunity with experience and Employer company paid benefll11 ~~~~~~~~~ including medical, den·.=--------tal and life lnaurance pro1ram s for o u r en)l)loyeea. For further int0nmUon, pleue call '714> 54$. lSOO. DEL MAR AVIOtlCS 1801 Alton Ave ltvlne, Ca. 92714 Equal Opp Employ M IF c.-J\111 time exptrtenced.. AIPb "'penon a.s. Jolly ..,, 400 8. Cout Hwy, i.-a.acb. Data Entt)' LEAD DATA ENTRY OPERATOR lndlvldual mus t hRVc minimum ()( 3'6 mon~h11 current experience In tape handUnt anti writ· Int functlona. Llhnnl benefit packaac t:x ctllent worklna contll· Uon1. PleaH conuct f>enoMel. 700 Newport Center Or Newport Beach. Co nllO DECORATING .5 .,...._~----lllill• ............................ ;;; SISTA.NTS needed. ft••· DESIG lbJe hours. Xlnl. •P· HERS pitmenlilry locome. Car DMded. WUI train. CaU Marilyn. all. !ipm. 997-82118. Dativery, P/l, •:»tpm . Own tran1. Mon· rr 1. Some wknda req. Must beovr 11. 531~11 DEl.JVERY /OFFICE BOY f'uJl,Ume. Valld dr.lvera license . re· qwred. Neat. Over 18. Apply In pe.rson to Mr, f'Uentes at Robert Bein 4t WUllam l''roet • Alaoc 1401Quail . OW VERY PERSON We have an Immediate openinc ror a mature, de· pendable person to make dellveries, handle ofllce supplies and equipment and lake care o( general <lfice needa aa required t~ lbia ~rmanent. full ~une position. Job dulie11 include heavy lifting and movement ot furniture (up and down flighta ot stairs). Valid Cahfom1a drivers license required t~or llus pe>ll1tion. we of· fer outstanding fr1ng • benefits and the OJ>· porturuty lo be assoc1at· cd with a highly pro· feulonal. growing or· garuzauon. Pl ease appl y unmediately: JACIC G IAUI CO l2S Baker SlJ'l..'tll Cost.a Mesa. Ca 9'.!626 Affirmauve Action Employer M It' /fl Del men over 18 for l.A Timeb 1n NU & CM Perm/p·l $350/ $400 mo.646-~ EHANICAL t' I • l..=.••· .......... , .. Deeltit of _,81f1H . .,. ........ ..... ..... .., ..... .. .... I ...... _. .. ............. , ..... ..... ~.-4 ....... ~ ..... ~-....... [ ...... .,.._ ll••lrtc ...t pktort .. ,..,... ...... ._of.,.cw1plt ............. B.ECTRONIC ... _, l,..,.. ••. perle..ce I• Elu· tro/MKtl•'c ..... of ..,.o•p•ce •tnc· .................. prWed clrc9t bo.d .... . ......,. ... ....... " yau Med to ........ ~~.:..';~ ~ ln11t1wtclt. w. off•r •Ritt•• copobllltlet ••d • lticJltly dtHrtlfled ............ oco. ,..,wt.oc .... ._. ,.ope •. Owr offlc" Employment Ac'"' .. Tlte 'S:!:r."'"' I T-ct• ... ..... . .,..... . .......... .... n... ... cnA._...,...._,. ... ... =·~t ........... ,..ldlHJ, II~ ef .. .......... .=:t::-'· ..... L••11.,1M•l1R•c•T...-... $1.JOPer.._. C ..... Typht $'71 '"' MOldh Senlce~W ..... I S601 Per M...e1t 5-... 111111 MecltlH • .,. $Z.t0 ,.,. How Ufflty M•t•R•c• $640 rer MOldh Utilty At• s '77 ,.,. M...ee. J CCteric .. t Senlc• S~ Wortaw It $640 ..... M...elt CL•dacop• M.WH•cel DIAFTHS Related exp• education req"d. Samples reque•l· ed. Pleue conlact. lecMal ,...,. c.,, San Clemente. CA <::.a.ro4 Defeo 498-1000 x 442 ORAPY.RY workroom Seamllresa needed. Nr. 0 C Arprl Sal open ~ -------DIUVER Warehouse. full t1ml'. salary opf.!n 646-IWf> ------ Onver for AM T1mei. paper route Good Slllary t:L F.CTRONICS TRAINEE Young man lo train for position 1n e lectro mechanical field. Mui>t have good mechanical a ptitude & so m e knowledge of e lec· tronlcs. f'or Interview appl. call st6--0606 btwn 7-9AMonJy. -----1-lcclromcs Circwt Board Lnspertcw f'ill or PIT. t;xpenenced. Friendly enVlronment in W. Costa Mesa t1exible hour:. ~ + bt..nua. So. Hunt Bch . .,. _______ _ ll9t-U/7 DENTAL Periodontist needs rul time asst. l::xpandcc duties opply X ·n.1) certificate reqd. i:;xpc1 pref'd. Salary open Cal. &&U63l. ....... MaMllry "'"' Friday fnMw 7;30 AM 1---.. -..,·.·s-- to 4:10 rM. Yllit, 9'•• Men cw women 25 yri1 or • a c4 or Miid yow okler. Know the coast r-.-to: atJes. Net $UIO a week or ESCROW SECRETARIES DENTAL ORTIL O Owrs1de assist. R U A exper. pref Full or part time. Beautiful an·a Xlnt o ppo rtun1l y Irvine. 559-0777. aft. G & wtcnds. 640-4292 Jedr ...... llll H.t.or ll•d CostaMno CA92626 Dl"fll.ai Ass'l, Ort.ho .. Chr Equal Opporturuly N.H. Part time or full 1-:mployer M1F/LI time up to 4 day!> per __ _._. ____ _ week Top salary Orthn l.)IE""AR_Y_AJ_D_ES_ ex_p. & RDA req. G42 2G2tl. "' At conv hosp. day·PM Dl-:NTAL/CHAIRS IUE i.h1fl, s table employe more. Oran1e Coas t Yetlow Cab, 17300 Ml. Herrmann. Fountain Valley (No or SI al er betwn Newhope & Elacl.ld) DRUGSTORE CLERK Exper preferred. mu!'il work Wknds West I I B 846-06ll8 Early AM a uto route Wall Street Journal. Small car n-qwred. 5 day week lrvlne. 8fl'l.{i566 Asst. X·ray license re ment, xlnl beoefits, free quired. Call 546-3000. ms. Apply 1445 Supen or l•--------Ave., N. 8. Design DESIGN CHECKER Nl-:F.D CHAI.LENG F: & OPPORTUNITY LNYOUH CAREt;R? l..OOKINTO BRUNSWICK CORPORATION Wt or• a dtf•nu orittlted .. ,......tty looldMJ to hire -... cl..._, who has H · te.ive latowtedp of MIL·D-100, MIL· DRAFTER. electrical. 1n duslrial & commercial bldgs. call 546·7480 R.l!:. Wall & Assoc. Inc 1771U SkyparkCir. Irv i!O. Drafhperw Jr Start $700. Your w1lhni: nc..-.s to be gwded & pndl.' m your work will be welcomed by this 1n dustnous & uruque co Ca ll Dolly COASTAL rEASOMHEL AGENCY 540-6055 ~Harbor CM NEVER A Fl-:E Call after h~~..!_ SELL idle 1U?ms with a Dally Pilot Classif1l.'<1 Ad 642-5678 STD· I 00, St .. dard .--------. DNfHMJ rractlces .... Ml Spadfkatioftt .ct is ._._. wftlt ttM- dlrd shop prodic•s in 1nachi111in9 and fobrlcatl1119 of hcrdwcre. Fi .. y•an • ..,. ... , ...... Nd il'I Mdro-tMc.._.cat ..... ,_ wtl clMck t1t9RJH'WJ •awlltcJt far ..... flt, fwtct ... acc.sy, co..trod..t, ~-.c• ........ d ....... pradlcn..ct proclllca.llty. WE NEED YOU! ...., ......... JlllH..-ll•d CoateMeM CA,tZ6Z6 C714t 546-1010 bt 116 BRUNSWICK CORPORATION •••••• 11.w. $2 $15 ... tt ... i•• PENNY PINCHER AD Priva1e 1nd1v1duals can now sell any 11em or comb1na11on ol items IOU\llng $75 or less wtlh a 3 ltne ed lor 2 ron secu11ve days lor on1y $2 Ea c h add•1tona1 r1ne is 60' tor the 2 dayS ChArq11 your Penny P1ncl'te• Ad Of use your Bankamericard o r Maste•cl'taroe No com· morc1a1 ads accepted c .. ..., .... ye•r e4 I• prhtt •••arrow! c ..... ..., ..... .,.., l:OOAM .. I: ... tw -· ..,., ,.,... • ctl "' .... ....., .. ...., .. ,..,. 6A2·5678 llMTOR A professional creative Editor who lhnves in a dynamic & chaJleni:ms.: f.!nv1ronmenl ·om conc who has the talent & the desire to earn a great dt· al more money wh1 lt• l>hou lde rin g m orr respons1b1hty this 11o the profile ol the person we are loolung for w~ art' a new d1v1s1on of a rnlAJOr N. Y S f: com pany . A part of the system we sell to our clients de mands our wnllng, pnnting. & dis· tributing the clients ID· house newsletter. Our editor must be able lo do the newsletters. Our pro· posals. workbooks & othe r 1nslruct1 o nal m1&tenals arc written by professional trainers 1be.e materials mu.~l ht: od.itcd Please tell u... something about. your job & salary background in your first reply. Apply to. Ad 11'479, c /o The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 926:218. ILICTaOMIC ASSIUl&BS Diversified work load in mfg instruments. Ad· vanced Kinetics. 1231 Vicloria St .. C .M . 64&-7165. E.O.E . ELECTRICIANS GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES • SrPr~ •dtld91 Mual be famlllar with motor uaemblies. com · presaors and seneraton includin( wlrlDg and testln1. Mu1t also be capable of supervising assembly workers. Solid uaem bly line ex · perience In the above .,... will quabl)' you for this position. • •drtc .. A.tu•tr taperlence preferred ~wWtraln. APPLY IN PERSON ~..-- D!tWICS Ulw.&....,.trom .... AM.Ca Our beautiful Newport Beach and Santa Ana of fices have 1 mmediate OP· portun1tle i. f or secr'l'tancs with six or m o r e months ex pt•r 1 t•n l'l' Respoos1blhl1Cl> Wiii 10 elude lelt>phonP com mun1rut1on with l1tl" l'WnJ>arul'S and hght n · reJ)Uon liul 1es Typing 11( :is wpm n.oquircd °Th(!Sc pos1t1ons offer tor> starting s alar1ei;. eJ( rellenl growth potential and outstandmg·benef1h mch.dmg •i'Yee~Jth insurance •Free dent.al insuranrc •Pree Pllrlung •Profit shannic Please rail for an in tNv1cw appointment RDEUTY FEDERAL Sa.-.. & a..-As"' t7fO 645-81 II t;quaJ Opportunity F:mployer EXEC. S ECRl-:TA RY H~ads up · well or- ganl7,ed pro. Help run or fice ol super pt!Qple. deal with clients. Xlnl. cal IJlude & personality a must. Good salary & bene. Cot.la Meaia. Send resume lo Dox 618 Daily Pllol. PO box 1560, CM. 92626 Executive Secretary for a design Ct'nler Xlnt skill~ required All officl' dut1e !'I for 5 ad nun1strators. Neat a p· pearance. Salary open Call Sharon S56· lff01. ••EXTRAS•• needed! Bit players & xtras for maj motion pie. tv series & poss tv com mercials. Need people for Org Co/LA loc shoot· lngs Casting now ' •1714)~120 ext 94. We have casted for · · t'asl Rrcak"' "Love Al First Bile" "Rocky II ". Sm fee. Going into 5th yr , filled over 5,000 jobs. Fast Food Service, grill & counter work. F\111 & p1time. Call 673-3152 Or awlY !fl Newport Pier, NB . FIGURE CONSULTANT wanted. Will train en· thus iaatlc mature woman for part·time evening•. 4·8pm. Call &11-JM4. flltWCI SICllTAAY Oranp County's leadlnt community bul Ider hu an ope n ln1 f o r a Secretary lo work In our Corporate Accountln1 Oepar.ment. 2 Vean bualneu otflce ex p e r le n ce • SfATISJ'IGAL TYPING are eucntlal. lO·keY calculator b)' toucb • famWarilf wto. dktal· Inc ellperience an a1ao required. Eacellem .. portunlt1 to worll la cbDamic bed •YU.. IDJat ................ .,..Of,.._ .,,Uc•· tloa rrom J . 88Ckle. ....... U.. lht Oally Pilot ·•ra1t R•ult" aervke clrtt'lory. Your ..,..~ltour *f*(ll\J. C•u M.1·111• qa m u ,ou'rt lootJq fOf a bet· ~unll)' \er job, rou .. , want lo 111r mil• llM ... 1ploymeot ~~~~~~~t colwsmlnCluatfled. · DAILY PILOT equ&Joppemp&,r rn/f/b 1'Mlll'9MICO .. Nawpal't c..-Dr NftPClf\ 8114111 • .1.0 . E. ... • • 10& II• S 6AltD8tS .. ==-COii ...... fOOD SERVICE ASSTS Nbndaib, DO exp nee. $U5hr~ Sept•. Apply to h'vine Uniried Stlll Dillt 29tl Alton A vu, Irv. 556·•900 Ext 30. mt:. flOTOMAT CORP. bas 2 opeeinp for pt. time roate drivers. ~ • 4eliver film in proeessing to Fotomat StorfJs 1n the O.C. area. Must be at least ZS yrs ol age It have a good dnv· Ing record as verified by DP4V check. Van pro· vided. Starting pay $3.31 per hr. Apply in person only on Mon July JO al JfWIS Klllanwt River Rd. Suite A. f'ntn Valley, 964-MSS ..• E.O.~. Fouodataon. expenentcd Corm crew in Ot Cl y area.~. 675-<&522 GBl!ltALOfftCE Newport Beach ore. It typing. nting, data entry, mi9e clerical duties. Xlnt fringe benefrts. send re· sume to ad #617, c/o The Danly Pilot, P 0 . Box 1580. Costa Me!>'ll , CA 92626. Gemrcil Office MLll!l ftUOY phooe COii• tucl , working with customers & del<ttl work. Paid vaeiitioo, sick pay, beattb in&. Apply 9itm· 418.llao·Fri. BAR.DEN'S P~CONTROL •Rarfttpt.C.M. Stl-5670 . , .... ,.,, .... un ~ to olttt ton& ..,... auip,..... lor J r. a.ra.. General omce A ~e&.!Uc_b as to~Cle:R/l~hy llllUlmt 'I ()prrallon:. I lO.ILey Touch lh!Umt'I Acctg> .SWPM \lietilotc Typ.M) a.t 1'YP&tt w /10 ktly A/~Cled: <<kUil orieoted) AIR·lOlley Secretaries w /SH: Data Processing Coot.rada Adm.in 1 detail oriented> 2 Dir of Mat.er'ls Purchaslng Engineering ('f cdvucal type) CALL. 557-0045 3723 Birch Street Newport Beach Geoera.J Office rase>MRIOAY F'ee p a id. Be a ll arounde r for th is dynamic c•mpany, Le.am as you eaml J usl lhe ticket for real advao· cement. SB,OOI. Also fee Jobs. Call Mary O'Coo· nor, 540-5001, Soelling & Soelli11 g of Newport Beach Agency 4340 Cam· pus. GB BAL LAIOltBS Needed full lime for rmintcnaoce & grounds kee ping & marina divisions at The Irvine Company. Apply at THI llVIMI CO um C&melback Newport Beedl 844-9e10 General Offlce •TUlti&S• Ne wport Beac h in· surance company needs . people who can t ype 35W P M a ccurate ly. I ....,W_.... 7100 HlfpW..ted 7100 HllpW..tM 1100 ....................... .......•............•.. ·•····················· Hulet R e•eTvaUoni. A ll · slslaat/f'root Oe11lr Qert. 8-5 Mon·Frt. Xlnt Newport Be•ch k>c. CaJI for awt. ~*>ex!.:.?>. HOT&. SAM MAAITIM LAGUMAllACH Accepting a ppUcatlons lot' tbe.JoUowiag J)OSI· l.iam. IDIUI' otfl<'tl Tr a lot· .. "'lift•· turn rnt1n1& & clalm1. 30hr week aw&.17 ~ •AM<')' nt•t'fi~ au1 E.xp not. n« Cati for aRJt m~. ... ANCI ••ALOfftCI Larae Ina. A(ccocy in )o'ountaln V1tlltly h a1> Ol*Mn.. in ~nlry level p(JO.&ool avaJJiilJlc for or lice ptinonurl. Xlul 11al1ry f& t·o. tw11d1t~. ~·KJdhy~8161 J m\IWI') lll/!:K& per v lso r tu II l I nHi o I & h t a . t: o o cl pay 6 bun,•fll ~. t:xJ>ER.lk!NCt!U ONL V. Ju..i'l&.3862. J ANl'l'OKS l'1trl time cven1null, Mel I, W()ll)('{I " COOJJ It•!. C<ieita Me11a. Ntlw1tc11 l. Sw1U1 Ana 1trea1>. Muit havl' car & hom • phone Odl Sl2·6558 or aJ)vlY al 123 N Ollvl'. Or angt• MoolhN Fri. JANffOR1A1. · Cu. hus 1m.rnedunt: operungs for fulJ. & _part·t1me heh> lu the Costa Mei.a. H.H ureas. Moo·i''ra. 6pm 10 2:30arn. Plcast.· t•all 2131282-6309 8 to 4 pm. or Cull 213rm-8425 bl wen. 4pmto6:30pm Mon·to'ri. ~ Execu\lv e ~f0l'55 rom Juxwy hotel. Must have I•--------• recent direct experi1mcc JANITOR to run our housekeeping Needed full l1mt> a l stall. Fashion lslauc.J shn1>p111g ./Maids &Housemen . cente r . J?;x tc llt>nl Experience preferred . beoc/ils. /\pply al Permanent & full tim11 THE IRVINE CO positklos avaal. 11>?1 Camclbuck Newport Beach 644·00111 Apply in per.oion 9AM to 5PM dally, 696 S. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach. Hotel SlllERYISOR ROOM SHVICE ~with career pot en· tial exists for reliable person w/ s upervisory skills. Som e food o r rest.au.ran\. knJdg preC'd. f)tjoy outstanding com- p any benefits. Apply 9am-12 noon, Mon.fo'r1, Personnel. MAllllOTT HOTEL 900 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach E.0.E. M /F HOUSECLEANERS Car nee. p rr. 'fop $ GlNGHAM GJHL 645·512.3 HOUSEKEEPER · Livein S22S+mo. No cbildren. Spanis h speak ing OK. H.B. area. 846·5377. 846-9007 HOUSE K EEPER • eeeded for private tc· sort. Exper. & non· expe r. Full·timc or wtinds.E.O.E. 419 N. CSl. Hwy . Laguna Beach. 714/~ call Ela111e KINDERGAHTE N Teacher, crt'<.lcnllal nee. Pvt. elem schl. Send n ·· sume to P.O. Box Glil, Co!ita Mesa, CA 9:!1;;!7. LU ASSISTANT Plastics Jab. No cx111 nt.'C. W11J tram. Mu:-.l ho• tuJ(hst·hool gratl, good 111 math. Oa~ call 1.:rJ &>0 for interview. l'tl>l'rtll· Corp. L.AB T~CH he not n · quired. A-;{;P 1>rcforn·fl, part·Ltme wkndi. & i.orne ntRhl!>. llemalolol(y & chemistry cxpcr 11rc· felTCd. 831·2801 Lady in wh1•elcha11 d1• strt.'S live-in /\llt•ndcnt. Goodsulary. G:MH l54. Lf-:GALSl-:CRET/\llY Challenging & cxttllfl~ Jl(JflitiOO With )(Cnl•ral l<JW ol'firo. Newport t°t•nlt•r . Mln. 2 yrs ex per. 75w1Jm Salary commc·nsura~c· w/slulls & expc;:r. 1>1unc, 644-4212. LA9ll Secretory Irvine area. Minimum 2 yrs. Calif. expcrien Cl'. lleavy typing Small firm. 833-3622. LEGAL SECRET/\ HY · lo ---------1 partner rcqu1rcmc·nt-.· X ln l. typ 1 0 J: Iv MAUllNISTS GENERAL MACHINISTS ........ Milh We_..,. esutfy..,. Illig to Mn M.cllWah ... worti .. ,.. rr-- d ..... W,,. .. frwt 4:00 PM to 12: 10 f'M (z.d .Wftl. YOM .......... to ..... ... .... precl~ ............ Nadsl• pie bhleprl1th, ha•e lu.owlttdq. of basic s h,o p T rl g. or GfttMtry a1td hon yow O'Wlt Mt of tools. Tllete posffloM offft': •Compo1ty pai d ... &lite. •Coe .. ., paid rdin-...... •2 Weells •acation ahr I 0 months •T"' paid holidap •Di s co.aat s OI\ .,_widt's products. If you ere ifthfoeste-d, p6ecae ~•e us a caU or drop by. We an opett Monday thru Friday from 7:30 .AM to 4:30 PM. JYdy Martin 3331 Harbor Blvd CostaMHa CA92626 , 1714) 546-8030 Ext 116 BRUNSWICK CORPORATION Defense Division k.quat Oµporlunil) l'.:mploycr M 11-' TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS lrnmedwte ulJIJlllllg!'. llw t·xpcnt'nt1•1t rn.11'h11w.b nowex1sl 111 till' follow Ill~ ari:as: JIG BORE SPECIALIST MACHINIST 2ndSh1fl ltc..'qWrl!S l'Xpl!ncntc· in <.rmll Jli-:·bon· l' & W, K & T , a nd JI)! #(nnd /\ho rc•11111r1•s knowll·diic 111 Moore .J ·~ Gnmh·1 . MACHINISTS lm~al<l openln1t11 due to 1rowlh and promo- llOf\11 for the fo.llowjng · SHEET METAL WORKERS • MACHINISTS • TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS • l\PPl.Y JN rt:RSON LEAR SIEGLER TIW4SPOltT DYMAMICS JL'll West Segerstrom Sanw Alla j:;qual Opportunity ~mploy .. r m /f/h Maids, appJy •J1le Jnn Ill Laguna, 211 N. C(la:.l llwy. L.a~unu Beueh l\1ainteoa11<'1> rrw. n for r~ urul apl C.'(1mplex m C. M. 00-5073; 1213)1165-3851 Ma1ntc1lt.11ll'I'. I' fl' pos t· lion. hr'> !I I. (:e•nt>ral dut1 ~ lo 111l'ludl· plumb· mg, IH•· eil'ctncal work, pa1nt1n1L & s omu n:uichJne rep<Jir. l'lc·ase· coolat•l Janel Jensen, U 1 ". I n i. \ r u m t• n l i. , l/7!l-~ M11mtt·nanc·1· P ii 1 me· ap· prox l 1111~. l'lu111h1ng ;•xp 0 .:1:. Tu:1t111 an·a. K3l·!AAU MAIMTENANCE MECHANIC f''or lu ll time, multi l.muly w11L<; 111 Irvine & Newport Be urh. /\ IJJ rl 1~·nl m:untf·nant•1• t•x p1·nc-rw1· prc•ft•1 n •d 1<:x n •ll\'nt hl'nclil' 11wludin~ hw m<-.111 ;,ii & life· 1n· '11r.1111·1• l'.11cl val·Jt11111 ti. hohcla)~ llt 11rof1l :-h.11 1111: A)JJ>IY :1t THE IRVINE CO 11n1 t.:amt'lb;,it·k 1'-cwpurt llc-at·h Vl4 00 ltJ MANAGER/ AS ST 2 Dar.. ~r wk, It l>1.>0k'o, ll matnt f or :.iµpt t·alt 1..12 :11111 MANAGER N11!hl.., \11 $1~.0011 y1 ly for h1.:h volume: I a!!l l111ttl 11pcn1Llun. Cu II 581-4721J fur 1nU:rv1cw or aµ1>IY ;it l.k·I Tam, Lai:una Hill:., Z'>252 l..<1 Puz ltd Mun&ger trainee. No ex· penenct• tteccssary. $:! ~ 11rher. 615-2101 M/\NUf'ACTURING . 7 eund!y1 Juty 21, 1'19 Of.IL Y PILOT •! HllfpW..W 7100 HlfpWtllhd 7100 HlfpW..W ill .•••..•................ ....................... . .................... ... MATERlAl.CONTROL MQOILS.UCOITS ----------,• M·~erllll Control Ex· • Attractive females saoo OHtN• I pectitor entry level J*I· '* +. ~ Summer f·' uon. Minimum 1 yr. of. lice u per. required. Molel Detk Clerk. Relief Vacation Ability to work with podlon avall. CaJI lot' In· ·I• n,urtw. details. Info a t.eMew, 41M-416S3. Jobs :..t .. muat. Cati for appt. I 540-1639 ... t:.o.~ .. A Ken· MMl~'-da7 With KellY.! 1· davl&Co.lrvme. Housewives like yourself • t· areeamlngxtralncome Cull Kt•l ly for 8 1. MATUll SALESLADY 1 n l h e 1 r o w o v1trwly of t~mponnry• 1 $715/mo+bene. neighborhood, 1f you pre• 011s lunmcntt4 & 11 • Regal Beauty Supply. fer. C.11980-64119__ _ tt c· x 1 b It' work 1 n JC 2183E.17thSt,CM st•h1•dulc. work & • • • MECHANIC with De\roil Diesel or Onan experience. Tom KeUy Marine Engineerin g, 5411-9617 MECHANIC. exper. wrth mopeds or mot.orcycles. Must have tools. Apply Moped City 2906 W. <.:oar>t Hwy, NB. 642-8870 MIDICAL SUPPLY SALESMAN upr·d en Orange Colin· ty. Xlnt comm. FUii or p/llme. Beautiful offices. N e wport H a rbor Prole:..s101Ull Pr acll.ce Sales 760-2907 ----- Ncur lloa g Hospital. Secrctanal expr. nee. Me dical o ff1 ce ex· ptirie nce d esar61able . Send typcwntten letter and resume lo P.O.Box 666, Sun:.el Ueach, CA 00742 Ml'dt t:a l a s s ·l ex· perit•nced . Orthopedic Surgoon, typmg, back of· lice. Non s moker. 646-!;l~t. ---- MEDICAL l.ivt· m, ~00 per week plu..'> room & board 1714> Ho'\0-GltH or 12Ul 4:!8·64:11. Mett&W~n W.t.d II you ~ire new to CCl!-.1.J ML-::.a, lt-mporanly dtl>· l'X\llnwn~ your edul·a· t100. ri:renlly discharged from the• !rerv1ce. or for ~uiy rt.·awn i;e(.4ung lcm· pvrary employment, con.'>ldt·r lh1s uruqut' 011· pnrturuty. YouC•E.am S2 16 Per Wk. U:J::.c..'(J on your produr- L1v1ly, comm ission, plu!. mcenl.lvl'S & extra profit shar1 n~ bo nus. The women & men we an• loolcang for may be tired •A typmg. foldmg papcrll. wan•h ouse Jobs a nd workm~ for a limited 111· l'Omc. Work witb youn.: poople. Rapid ~vance­ mcnl possible. If you are ava.alable to start work 1mme d1at e l ). ca ll bc.'t WC.'t!l> 9: J0.2: 00 . CostoMHG 64S.6514 newport .S .. :.:,;_personnel ~\ . · agency -~752·0331 F/CIU,.toSl400 Land development co . Sa ller ftrm. Gre at pt.'O pie. Thru T / 8, rent»l!., etc. SICYto$150 Recept duties. l(ood lYP· 1n1t. l pcrsttn o(c . Fashklnl sland. ACCTG sur£tl $I IC Advert111n g fir m , supervise At P. l\/ll. Great potential. 2l92 Martin. Irvin .. Call for appomlml•nl NURSES ,r ASSISTANTS With lov11 lo share. l'l-e•e Jns. & xlnt bcnef1li.. Certified Atdf'll ti.SS hr lo start. Cu11l1nuou-1 tralmng classes with :.id· vancemcnt opportun1l1ci. to teum h:adn status. Dcforrt.'tl t·omveni;utwo of $50 uflcr Ii I rno. employment. Apply . Park So(ll•nor He:~lth c.;._.n. 144.5Sopcnor. 11..H. flagship Conv C.:t·n11·r 466 t-la~_...h111 H<I. N II N~ci. /\11.fr or onlt•1 Iv '*-"<ll'd for ni.:ht 'hrfl 111 L'Ol'l" hlll>j). J'rt"f l''<J ... I Xlnt bcne v. 1111 .... & 111. ('t•nl1V(' /\plJIY Ut•\l•rlv Manor, 340 Vtt1ona, CM NURS~ *RN'S* *LYN'S* •AIDES* MANY OPENINGS AU SHIFTS Our waf,!e /benc•l 1l:. packai.:I! l!. the h11thct>l come in. compare aod sec! LAGUNA HILLS OfffCE ~Cabot lln:id 11-.:JdoracJo Hanll llhlt.: I 17141%1-0:~ GARDEN GROVE OfffCE <Bndgecreek Hw. l'rk I 1.2812 VaJlcy V1f'W Ste~ I across the bndgc· 1 ,1111 huve llm<· to a play. You c•tm bt• a I Vttl'Ulton fill 10 lhil'l'f • llurnmt•r or just helf>'. out with work r ovt·rlo11tl, /\II nHl••t•'t skills:;:~ t· • Secnfarin 't •Word~ t * Acct Clfftl1 1 ' • •Cltrils 1· ,. II II I• •• ~ JI" I fl I va 1•.111011-.. 1 t•l••r ral. I 111100-.1·' N1•vl'r n I I···· I I ' IELL~ '-if J-1V t• • ~ I' I ·.oll 111 I . l'1Hlll' Ill T111l,i\ I II Vlllt' , • >Ul llll d :!tO:! l<u"""'" cu·: 'l l>r /. •' S1111ti :!11>1 ~! 1l1111l111gl1111 lh«H!h 'J; li'f7<WIX l K~IO/ W:onwr i\vf't. ss:•1:. t I .. 11•1111:1 N1gt11•I •nt ·fl54~ ~i"/'1'17 C-:1hnl Hoa1I ~a11l<1 Ana ~1-01:111 11:, N. M.m1 cln ll&H Hlod.. ()fl l('t ' l t . I t. I •• I ' • 1•'1111.11 111111111'111111 \ t, I· 111111•""''' \I I·' I Ordet-DMll S900 Jo. 0 J-. IL._ i:rt11I OJ\.. Hui lllU.'>l know (;II C'IUIJJ t~. hd fJ l'U.'>l•Jlllel ll lh.Jl l ..1.11. C..111 J>ollv COASTAL PERSONNEL .... .t.GENCY 540-6055 :!7!•11 larhor CM NEVl·:lt.A Fl·:I·. <.:ull t1rtl'r hours appl Pamtcr Ol't'dl'fl full trm1• E:x1~nenn: 1irl'lt•rrecl ~or !J63..04!)1i P.UIMG CONTROL CASHIER Six month.'> l•> I year •·x 'pt'rl Clll'l•. l 'lt«J!'.illl l pi:niona11ty, ouL-.landm~ & Wt•ll 1otruomt•d . Hour' !lam-6pro. Jot°'"' IW'ncf1t... <; .. 11 r,44.:1:us!+, !lam· I:: n•AAi l\ppl.> GENERAL OFFICE Bkkp'g lite typing, good phones, 1 girl office, exp. preferred. Good start salaiy. Newport Plumb- ing &Heatmi. 6'5-6Sl5_ Have light bookkeeping exper & NI\ a IO key by touch. $5()5 \o $'100. Room for udvancemenL XJnt benefits. Call 641)-8470. American Career Agen· cy, 610 Newport Center Dr., N.B. No fee. tt•BIATI PAITTIMl IWLOYMB41' s h orthand , aul11 typewnl.er expcr !11 .. ;ir:i blc. S./\. & Tu!:>lllt :1n·.1 XJnl. salary comm w1lh II h I I 1 l y & C X fl I' r 714/!173 2137 TOOL CUTTER ANDGRIMDER hl ;ml.I 211ti Shill l'crson cs lm 1ewelry ~hop IS grnWIOj( fai.~. Need Stone Culler for m· lay JOhs & estm cutllni:. Will train apprcnttCl', veteran!. twncf wva1l. f\ny arl re lated exp lw lpful. Make beaut 1--------- (7141898-9237 *NATIONAL• THE IRYIHE CO ~.5() Nt•wport Cent 1•r I >1 "'''WJAJr1 H..·:U'h, I·. 0 t. GBaAI OFC TRAJMR Vanous <lubes m :.m data processinJ( com· pany. Good P,)tt.'fll1al for n«h\ p~rscu1 , non· s moker, OC /\irport G841.0fC $750 <Area. 751·9'1?4 _ Eitjoy pt.'Ol)le, be warm & sympathetic. Job is in the personnel dept of a lrg Irvine Co. Plenty o( room to grow. Call Rlla GENERAL MAIMTEHAHCE for private community, Laguna Beach. Mu st have vaUd Qllir. driver·" he. Olli Mon thni l'l'i, 9 to l2.. 49U57l • GBBA.LOFACE IMSUUMCE larite Ina. Agen cy in Fountain V alley b us openiap 9l entry level posit.ions available for or- fioe pe rsonnel. XI nl salari " co. benerils. call Katby Sit9-8l61. General Office: Enjoy in· tei'efthtc; cha llenging wort w/a Jaatioawide s8'es fiDuee co. We need a flt clerical person wJtYpioa '5-55wpm, bk· keepUi1 bk1rd prer'd, xlol benefits. 846·283\ 8:30·5 to arrange in- IAniew. EOE-M!F. OENERAL COASTAL PBlSO..NEI. AGIMCY 540-6055 2790 HarborCM NI:;VER AFEE Cail after hours appt Girt Friday,..,. Office skills required. No shorthand. Will train. Salary open. 642-3490. GIN. OfC to $700 No exper nee. Good math abitily le ll typing. Very friendly olc. CaU Jean COASTAL P&SOMMEl AGIMCY 54G-6055 2'19> Harbor CM NEVERAFEE Call after hours appt. GUARDS FUii le part lim4:. All trSa«n'TOOLATI ,.a reas. Uniforms MIT A iUt•• JOI furnished. Ages 21 or TyplBbJ over. Retired welcome. SecretarieA No experi~ 'MC. App· WaT'thou8eworken ly Univ~~ 1'raitnee Assemblers Service, 1226 W. Sth Work when you want to Streel. lillllla Ana . In· a n,d p a y f o r \bose terview hours 9-12 le 1-4 vacaUoo~as. There Is llantbruFrl NEVER A FEE, sot• .............. .. CALL US Loday! ....... 111-2622 Ml• $400-$750 + "'°""' The DAILY PILOT needs auto route driver.. for home newspaper lit• livery in the San Clem ente area. Mus t have dependable car. Seven days. Afternoons (2:J0.5::.I) M·f' & morn· ings on Sa l /S u n (S:J0.8:30). SomecoUcct· ing required. Earnings based on size of route·. Call 496·6800. /\sk for Foster Ouellet or Mike &sh. Insurance Properly & Olsualty Assistant. Ex· per nee. Minimum 2 yr!. incld typin g . Xlnt benefits. J ames Jns. (;all Mnurine742,0'J90 .. E.O E. INSURAHCE Group health claims ex· aminer : Exp at least Jyr. Salary open. 549-1767. Insurance CUii RATER Due to our rapid ex-pans ion, Colo n ia l J.mw'ance ol Anaheim is currently seeking a qualified individual lo fill the position of Clerk Hait.er. AWUcant should have l-2 yean experience in uodenrrillnl and new buliMM apptieaUons m c:,oet Jines auto. mvolv• work· m ID a proceee1:nc unit width lncludes r•llng, codilll ..S IBll tennlnal work. lledlulll·heavy ... contact With direct ..... We offer an excellent bcinellta package with salari• commenaunte wltb..::Jlence. For «1111' MDaldera· &ian. ...... MDd re8U&ne , toaroam.t: Li ve 1n cOU l>I•· to supervise• small n·1-1d1·11 l1al board & t'lffC ral'lhty for clde•rly. Will n11h1tl•·1 s 1 n g I c JI •• r 'i 11 n . 1111 •• rn ~~.1 a_2 i; cl y:-., 711·~·22l:i CVC!.. L.ooUta for c~? Call lL'\ t'Or profc:.lltOll'-'I COWlS(!hng & pluccm enl in a pcJBtllon thal t!. r1i:ht for you! Jrvme Pcri.onnl'I A.:e1H'y 4811 F. l7th. (.'osltt Melltt _Sle22.\ 642 147h •MACHINIST• 4-duy40·hr. wc•ck ~ou:H JNDUSTHJ l•:s 2101 DoveSl. N.li. Acl'ClliS from 0 .C. Alrpol't MACHINIST Diversified work lo;,id mfg electronic lnstru· rn c nt s. Mode rn, workshop. Advanced Kinetics. 1231 Vieloriu Sl,CM.846-7165. E .1.E. TOOL ROOM MACHINIST bl ;111112n<I 1·.xte·rn11l anti 111t,.r11.il i.:rrntlmg TOOLMAKER 2rad Shift l'h<.._,. J•>'>tl tflrt'o 111l1·r au t•x1•1•ll1•nl w;igt•. l'11n1 pl1•l t• c11mp1tlly 11111d l•·twhts µack;,~1-, mdu1J. 1111t n1t'tl1c<1I 1111cl hie 111 · i.ur<.utl'C. Cmn1>1111•il with our l'Utts1~le11l }:nowth ortwork & gel p1I very Wl'll. Malclfl•m. Pll'a.'>c rail for 111tcrv1cw Mon· l-'f1 1t!l7 IO'J5. Manufacturing Engineer C•1>. lloht11c... I rH· , :. h·udmg munaurac.:lur•·r of enj!me-puwcrc•d ltoh. by producls , includ111)! r3 d1 <1 c ont.r o l 1<.'d airplam• .... ~ind cur.-., has an tnllTil'dlLll<! OJJCOtrll! lor a Manufac·lurin.: J-)1i;t111t'C•r. and 1•1C llJll'-lun, anti Camhdal~' mu-.1 h:1v1• modern. 1·1t·an fat 1ht1c-., knowlcd i?t' and t' '<. tht:-. rn a k 1·!'. I. S. I . a pcncnl·c with matenah plt>as anl a11<1 , .. l'lll c u n 11 pr v cl·..,!. 1·,. C'l1rt't'r tnrllpJny i-·11r part1rul:irly relah•d 111 pr11m111 l·on-.1J••r:it 1011. Jlla.'>ltt• lyPt·'>, pruµcrttl''· 111e:L.,l' l·unt,1l'l I fabncatwn mclhud:. u111J U.">.'>(:Olbly ll'C'hnt'lUI?!. fur LEAR I high volume· c·on!.11m1·1 Jll'(tducL-. BSll-: or R.'iM I•: Wllh :! 5 yt>:ir ~ 1•i.. SIEGLER pcnrnn· !"or mtcrv1<:w, tont111·t ENERGY PRODUCTS tho l'crsonncl lkpur1 DIVISION mcnt at 714.r,.111 ~,51 or 2040 E Dyer Road M.>ml your resume lo. Comer Rc.odhill & Dyer Santa /\na, Ca 92705 1714) 540.3210 Equal Opp0rtunity l!:mployer MI FI) I cox HOBBIES, INC. /\subsidiary or ~ined Ads, your one· ---------stopshoppingcenter. Leisure Dynamics. Inc·. l~ E. Warner Ave. Simla /\na, Ca . 92705 EOE/MF AA~ MACHINIST Lt productio n back· fll'OUDd, 3-5 yrs exper. Pref knldg or tracer' ~ fll own sel·Up, <mill fl lathe>. Good bmefita. C.11 &46-0206. Empbaaia on quality, COit, pfaonlna le achedul· in,. WUI supervise 15·25 lkilled maahinist.'I • tool makera la job s hop. Tool~t dJea, prechcion macmned prototype & ahort run produc tion perta • fabricated U· aembly. llu.t be •s• e ve ambttlou• It .......--. ., ,...... OI' l8Ml ....... PLEAS! PHON.E FOR APPT. ADSTMFG.' 111 E, PAULAAINO AVE. Om&...... M0-4710 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN "A" Immediate opening for a Maintenance Electrlc:lan with 5 yeara journeyman level experience. A background In a manu· faotlll'lng environment Is prelerreO . In rtrturn for your valuable skllls we offer top competitive wages and an lnduatry leading benefits packege which Include• medlca1 and Ille lneurance, 13 palO holld•Y• tnetudlno Chrletmaa ahutdown, coet ol IMng raleH, genet'oua retirement end much more. For lmmedl•t• con1ld· emton PIMM oootaot: MERVYN'S HUR SING SERVICES Tcmp1·mpluy aj!cn1 y . :.i .-.tcp ahovc· J rt·~1:.l 1 y 1-,0l·:m I 1-:mploymenl a µ1Jl1 c.1· LJ01\l> now bctnf.! at e1:p l c1l. PusrLion" :1vu1l 111 '>all>!> & :.lo1·k. Nu prt•· v1ou.-; exp m·c '. i\pply m person Mun Fr i. JOt\M· 111'M. \1811 /\dams Avlil. II ll BOt-; N1.1r.1inK Meyerhof's. pnm;,iry 'i.IP· phcr of good food to lrvtrtl' C1rrp. community. ell locatro m M;n·Arthur &San Dwgu t'wy nr 0 C. /\.rrport Ne~ pc..'Oµle for -:1m1llt' rood preparation. Nu exp nee. Mostly morn hr-.. Thro~h by 2.00 dat· ly. UJ.1 to a dys. Fl\'Xtbl« hrs. Ideal for young homemakers or sludenL' Wtlh t• VI•. 1· I LIS SeS. ~ 15-$3 l.'i hr. Call Kn:., 5S1-fi23l alt 2 00. *MOORING* <.:la.'i'o formin..: ror ramp & v1d<.'IJ. lu be r eady for µro Jobs late summer Newly opened SC'hool and Ire•· plac e m e nl to i:rnduat.<.'l>. SOlITH COAST MODEL.') So. (;oast Plaza Villal!e • 714/54Q-2970 . MHOHB.P? He lp yourself to a HeapinR selection or Qualified Hopefuls in lbc DAJL Y PILOT HELPWAN1'EDADS Q.lp1strano lly The St·a II OS P t la I, "n a C 11 t <' phys1a t n<· ractltly ha•. in;1t1on.-; av:11l ror f·)1JI 11m1' chari:1· It i'I :1 II. P1t1m<' UN •, l..r 11 7, Ll'T.~l'/l&l-"t ll i 1-ur mJormut1on on !JI'"·'' 1011.., ;,ivwl pte;c,1• t•all 4!.111 !'.711.I NUR~I NC NeetJ HN or 1.VN lor Fri & S:ll rughl 'h1ft 1n f•o11\. hosp. Xlnt. -;alarv & I bent'. offered lu pa rl tirDC employt-c' i\pµly Beverly Maoor 3411 Vu• tona, <.:M. Office t4•ager $14,000 minimum to:-.lart Prest1g1ou~ ()rani:1· (.;ounly In.'>. firm net•ch .1 take c harge 1nd1v1dual with 2 year!' 1r1sur:im·1• background Wtlh I )'C'H I' supervisory 1•x tll'rtl'ttl''' Xlnt oppor. with 1tr1·n1 benc.f1Ls. <.:ALLAfll\N /\.SSOCIATl·:S PERSONNl'.:l.SEHVl<:t-: 547·13.\3 ~33 1Kl!O 896 Town & Country Rtl. Orun1<e 31161 MacArthur Hlvd Newport Beach t:mployer pa~ fct• MANAGIMINT OPPORTUNITIES SATUIDAY & IVINING INTUYllWI ,..,,......., ...,,_, .. ,......._. ...... .,, .. ~....._.~,, ........... ...,..,. _...-.., ... euMw. .... .,.~· . . .. -..nw . ,Ill() DKllCllClf OltCUllM'f --.. , ... ~----· -...... ~ ... ._ i=:.:::-... _ WOllll ~ fO H()ool ----nn• -· l'AHTTI M 1-: Onv1•r ltir llunl tnl!lllli Ht·.1eh.. ~ 111 s 1wr 1.1. k Mu't 11,1\·1· tart.:•· :-.t.1 1Jonwaie011 Cit van , 111111 ~ooJt1 dnvm~ r1·1•1ml l .. or 11d•1rcn.tt1o n . (.'all M:! 4:i:.! I. 1hk (or l\fort.1111 N1cLW11or1 larry !wt•h . I~ Cl t·: l'art Tm11· Nt~~· •·'<Ira •••••• 11 ' I .. ,, I ('~IA St·~ .)lout •1w11 hr ~l:l •IZliG ~I.(; JOl'M l',\l<T I JM!-. Returning to tbe Wort force? U you·vo ~en oul or lhl' .t<llJ mackt-t. for a while. hct'f' s 1111 opportunity ti, n•tun1 uod g;,iin new skills while you ea1'n' to•1delll v ... t-dr•r3 I Sa\. • tnl(.,, ha:. part time open· 111~~ for Tt•llcr::. in ll!. IJcul.f IJ~lWport ~art offwtf. l\lr'lhruin you (yr lhl'lW 111l1"1·eslmg po?;~ l1ocL' 1f you have hltM typmll •MM.II~ und 1·nRf!t> work f~~t~lth µeopret Wc"tf ~11'4l f>rovidc YOU with free e'arccr uppti~. :i .:ood sulary anel a fll..,. ble schedule. l'lt:asc d ill Mn.. Menne for flft t,.,- h·rv~w ;tpprnntme.111 ~., FIDELITY "'~ r~: FEDERAL -... ScrvillC)I & Loan A1$' 1714> 636-71171 ""·' i\n Equal • Opportunity Employfffot. P~Tf.IJP' . .: ,. ~ER ~ with al le1&St t year ,. periunce, prcrera~ news paper. Excall...a company benefits. Ap111f between 9AM and 6Ptlt Monday through 1-'rid~ OllU•I COAS 'f"' DM. Y PILOT ;.a~ 842·5882 330W. S.)'8\. ;., Coat1Me1e I Equal ()pportun1ty.V. Employer ~ 4. - -,.._ ---........... -----· .... DM.V PILOT Aa.inda". Jul>t IPI. ltlf ·• Mi6iWal_. JIM MilaW..eM 7100 ~................. -.-;r ••••••••••••••••••• PU ANSBV P'N ~ teac-ht·r, ticp'll .,...or will trtin P wtlh l.Oddkln !'.wt UllUI REAL ldiTATf! ij.\J,t MAN WANT Y.O t:AA.NUPTO IN• COM M,ISSIC>N N ~~ I t:• rn HOK 10 Sl OO K h> C'hrUtMH J. )o'lnd nut wt\)' 1 w U1· •11rn b11 NS h«'I'• •omtt talk wll t. ~ JOw" pl"OdU(•t1 1n 1apa Ta1n atnft Ph·•• ....., crlt' '-Med bldi fo"ur Pn-1mao L•Uerpttu ~ &\l~ M •..! 6 •h(lp toolu"-tor pre ~°'9ef•*' T..al'll IM' llllMftall N.w Era ur M ... ....,.... S.t•I t-t\£ U ':if :t, IMAp(Wi. but • Put um.. 0.) . , e w.I lta1n ..!."'• 6 ..... UN °'*' Will .,....._ NIONa. £ar'a •IUle )'OU l"aro 'T .. .,hotte Al\Jtweor•n& • rvlr. full lime P"' UllM" Varn.'d htft• Dlio'S, aflfmOOl'I nr M"l'O -.., Wt-•lklnli m t'~IUON ISi.AN 0 (.un'AllU& IR\llNl-: TU ~nN UUM'INGTON IU~ 'II ld1>al for i.tuth·nh & hou'~w1v .. 1 M•n) 1•0 .....,llt llU'h.MJirl(I p61 Ill \ IH' • ll u lh T .) p I II IC .~wpm. t-; 0 t:: ('ull ~.HD> Mon U\N ""' PllSOt•• COUMS&O• ~~'Wt'ORT Bt-;M.'11 Non.COmm1 ~<>n ~1:1altic· 1n a)>i.1"ll111~ t<ht'nl eompan1el> with "tall problems & gwdm~ JOb "eekers all > ou tiet'<>mc pitrt or th1i. tu ternat1onal expJndrng nrg.,ru:rn11011 .. \I II I r111n ml( ~the opporturu! y to progress mw munal(1• 1ntint 1r you arc um bltious. quick·lhmkm~ & havl' the m1liativc tn "et• u Job throu~h from stun wfuush. Call now' .J' 151-1044 hit COllllrol Tl"Cliltff Steady job for resi>0ni.1 tile person Profit shur ing, ~roup health Apply in person Wed thru Jo'r1 ~...S Uoyd's Pest Control. !i66 E. Dyer Hd. Santa An.a Plumbeni nt."CC.led lor ni:w l'~lrU<:'t1on &. serv1ec .work. Musl have own 1ruck Xlnl w:.igei. Nea.'-1: apply. 20:l41 So Wc.t Ulrch. Sunla Ana I l1:1.;u • ., PLUMIERS '\1111 union !'.erVl('C & 11' µ ;J I r S h 0 p II I' I' II ., J1Jurneymen l•:x p "' th«lltn~ h elpful 11 quahr1L-.l earn 011 p..rn•11 l ;1 ~ I' tJ ol )' $.!!l,UOO·S:lll.t)()()1vr YtJU 0 ,, t' d ., n I y y II II r hJndtl)c)l!'I W1· furn ish truck. umror1m. & lll'alth 111surance. A1111lv Mo11 i''rt K 4 TI) 1• I-a 1 l ., 1•1umhm~. 15.'l:I W l.111 min. AN fi4<! 17::.:l I' I um b 1 n .c 'I r a 1 n 1• t• Helper Mu11l bt• clt·un. 111:Jt, rehablt> & w1lhng 111 wl)fk ti45J161 & ~157 11!07 POLICE CADET PllllMAN Eqwd AB Dirk .. , .. 1 ---- l'ROGRAM.MEJt ANAi, VST ()pen In 1!1 m ~ Cc:utly f« an till JW'r proar•mm.-r Op panunll) lll Protiram 111 WUOL In an lntrr•rtlv«' ~M eftVINf\tllt"nl !JI inc deu1 ba~t' manal(tt mc'nl 01tem1 S.lary <'Ofnm Wllh nrn •tH.'<l & t•dur•llon11 huc:k .iround l.1b1•r 1el •'mt>k>>' hml'ril!l Suh 11111 ru.iumc with alury lt'\tUJ rt'men1 tu Pu bll t· Nr.-oc) Data Sy tem), 111kl 0, Skyp11rl' Cir In CA 9271~ PROGRAMMER ANALYST We .irt: Colun 1 ul 1n. .. ur11oce We'u• a nt·w 11ncl haihly mot1val<'<t ~ny with a wealth of aggresi.1ve 1deais w1lh wtut·h we'll be challcnl(· mg I.he industry leader:; Al ~nl. we arc set·k· Ing u Progr1tm mer/Analyst with ~·5 Years expenencc ut1h:t· ml( eobol in a VOS/VS e n· v1ron menl and CICS. tr you are ai::gressivc, self mot ivated 1n d1vuJual a nd h eive lht• quaJ1f1callons m t'.!ntiooed above. Co loni al ln...,urance can orrer you a n excellent beneCll!. packaJ{e a nd s upe rior slilrtmg salary. Send rl'- sume including salary tustory lO. Kaytalw..W (7141991-7800 COLONIAL INSURANCE 710 No. Euchd •\nahe1m, Ca 9'.!80:1 Bqual Opportunity Jo:mployer M / 1'' P f l' <'lcn cal, hte lypang. phon~. Mature. rchablr. <:ctll for ~pt ~~~ Public: Relat i ons SpHker /\ttract1ve woman with '11)4.'W<.m.e expen cnce lo mak<' pubht prcsenla 111111., & work in P n. dept. Knowledge of cook· mg & cosmelics. Send re- suml' to AD583. Daily Pilot . PO.Box 1560. Costa Mesa. 92626. ti t' I N S P E C T I < > N T ll I\ I N E !-.: e x fl 1• r w 1m1crom{'lers & 1·ahpers prefern.-d Wiii ll':ll'h ull phlL'\CS or Ill ~r•·l1.1on. Xlnl oppty '''' ply al 27671 l.11 l'a.i: Jhl . Laguna ~1~ul!.I Rf:ADIN<i AIOI-:. Ill 15 hrs <.:rc·rl or non M2·0<i0ti. The Headi ng 1111M9lve lauH.1 bud1t1t wma 'Prt' Ht MPl>h pJont ~ fl'lnd UUI why "w.'ve 11ot the t>Ht thlnic jotn1" A•k for Mr Howard 00$ 3402 R}::Af. &-,"l'A'Tt; ~Al ... :.\ Opl'nlnic 111 wt1ll ~bll•hod 11 vine tarn1 1'ralr11n11. a1•••la11eu. iie11t!ruu11 1°(1mm111•wn 1c~<dult! <.:1111 l>awn or Lti. 8113 8800 -llALISTATI s.AA.IWHSOHS l~i&nac o(flrd and 8t>ll With Wl whvrt' lifflUl'OI w11lk·m.• buy pre11t1uc Mltk<ll Orrtcc Ill a3JtJ V1u Udo ON Tll~ WATf;t< 111 Newport 8e ach. ................ 1. '7J.IOZO Real Estate SM.lsrlOrll Wt: h11ve a n opcnm g for 2 hcensees who arc rcully amb1llOUB A lovely of rice orrenng your own pnvute de11k & 1111 lhl' 1wcc:.sltle11 for s urt·es:. plus up t o 70': t·om m111sion. (.;all Ma r JOr1t• C lark . Jtei.ident1 al ManaJ(er for app't WnMly M. Taytor Co. Rt•altors M4·4!.110 lleal&tah s-.. Opening for li ct.•n.,.•11 !.a lesp copl e. 101.·a I iy owned. with nat10M1I re• rerraJ system. 1-:xccllcnl working condit1on1> Earn 100'1 eomm1ssmn For conr1denlu1l UPI' l call 759·0226. ~XCCU · Syslelll.!> Realtor:, Heal 1-:suitc Toµ N pl Perun. orru·t' hai. of.1(•11111.: for ex~r salt.'Sl)('rson ur new hcen:.ee. W(' tram 673-006() Receplioru&l n~dcd Hae· quet Club or Irvine 552-5683 ask for Craig RF,CEPTIONIST Busy s alL-:. 0H1cc. typmJl 55 lo 60 wpm. 1-;x per n · QOJred. Variety vf in teresllng dulic!-1 Lovely oUiccs. Xlnl bcnd1t s Newport <:cntN Cali Mrs Dudzik G4<1·74:>4 RECEnlOMIST 1-'ull lime . Propert y Manugcmcnt firm local· ed m lrvmc. Conla('l Kim or Stn.anne. M::JO lo 5 30 ~:M99 ~----·~--~·-----UCEnlOMIST X l nl co r cq gor1d JJt:r:-.onahty, II typ1l1i: 100'; t:;mployt•1 1 c· '"'""'.~~ m.1ry hie k le ai;Pnc v l70 Nt!Wp()rl Ctr Dr Sit• :bl5 Newport lk.•a(·h li<IO :!lf.!O -.....Uary rnn.:t· s.'>i7 t.11 $'.ii~ 11t'r rn11 lt1•q u . 1 I'' l'tUIV&lenl lu 1:11u.lua111111 I rom h1J::h Sl'hOUI tmcJ Ill I ~ r l' ., l I 11 fl 0 I I t' I' worl<+.ibllny 1•1 com µlete ut leas t ~ collc):!1· ICVl'I ('UUr11ei. per 'tm1t.-stcri4uurter while• •n progr:im To apply ··onl:H'l (.;1l y ur San l 'lemente l'nsonnel or lice IOU Ave. Prc11ldn, !'!all CA:lcmente. 4:>2·510l. l.lead1Jn1· for m ing ia t"rl 11~ Aug_~JJ;l IO. 197!· GanH' -HE C .. : I' TI 0 N I S T I 1'<1M'ER needed ll1.:h w:iges Must h ovr prv Rfft Estate Sales Sell beal'h property. con· doll. c ustum hom es. etc.· Must be rull ume. cxprd & dt-pcndable. <.irow111g corporation with large inventory or prop<:rttes irnd dynami c sa il·~ Highest earning potl'n· I 1 a I 1 n a rt· I a x 1• d OIAl'Uun t!xpcr. 1;.15 ~s. PRACTICAL MURSE ~tature l>t'f!lt•rl fur f.I\ t dll!l1 at (.;onvale ('{·111 tl6sp1tal Plll't l~ m1· : •• w; l'Ooperat1n.: l"llV1111n 111enl As k for John 1\d:1m., fur 1.·un(1d1'1ll1al u11t·rv1<'w MOTICl h11w Uatly Pilot Clui..., 1(1~ alls d1!>pl.iv tlwir ~age:. with l1·~1lnhty .llld impart'' Our .1d,, we are proud lo !>·•> n-.dly ~el rt :.ult-. I' hone· 642-Sbill Vat:ul111n lnve!llmcnt I 'rCIJICl'lll"'I 493-9381 I 'coplc who nt.'t!<l (J(!uph• .,hou11I <ilwuys check lhl' St•rv11·e D1rc<1ory m tht DAILY PIWT I I 11 ,, ' ~· ,._, Ouallty Assurance Put Some "Quality" In Your Career Now la the ttme 10 uatt your e.11per1ence and background 1n Ouallty AHurance 10 lmp1011a your c~ C>Ytlook. Lear Slegler·Energy Pro- duct• Ol111s1on is aeeklng 1ndf11lduala with the 1t>1111y and desire to move up 10 an lnduatry leader Sr. Q.A. Engineer We aeek an ll'ICSl111duat with a strong btlckground in development ot Quall· ly ProcM<Sures and Inspection Plan. nlng with expenence In d1men11ona1 gauging practices Q.A. Engineer Oualllled canc:ltdate w111 have p1e111ous 1nterNI a uditing ex'*l•n~ reaponalble for 0 .A, procedure w111. Ing and training of 0 A personnel Aa a rellac>le, progreu111e. growth 0tlented company, we olfer the protffelonat chattengea and 1award1 which you have been tooklng for. In addlllon to tof) aatarlt1, 1 comPf• h1H11lve t>enetlta pecklge ta 111ellable, '°' immecJl•t• con11aerat1on, pt .... COtltllCt. -~-- • S l':Cltfo:'fAllY l'honc!I, typing for Im. <"o. by 0 (..' alflXlrt 75i !n,0 Hl':CJo:l'TJUNIST. /\S· S I STA NT fvr Vetcnnary c•llnH·. t•xp<:r pr('fer r ed J>antt l't area 001 lti58, 4115 2042. UCEl'TIOMIST To SOOO Newport lit!ach urea You will help with rwerflow work &. d" somt· li.iht figure wurk 1-:'< ('t'llt•nl bcner1ts ror ·• 50 word IJ(•r nunult• IYI""' whc> doc:.n l m111d hu~y Ol'f'J:-OIO O(lll y l',111 5[i7 lil4!2 100'~ f'ri•t· to a11 plJt.'lllll ,...,.._, ~ff•lu 1500 C'umpu:-., N II ( )1)1•11 ~foru.111,v t-:v1•111111-4 l 'n1 1. 7 1>.rn RECE"IOMIST Fw paid. t\an jolJ with l(rcut bossl Lend a hand w1lh vancty of dut11•., Nolhlnl( dull ubout th111 one-! Supe r bt'ndet:( IW8hl Also fee jOb!i. ('all Mary O'Connor. ~o 5()(11 Snt'lllng 4' Snelling uf NcW!JOrt lk!uch /\jtl'llCY. '1.'MO(;umptl'! UCWTto$167 Imagine l(ellmg p1111I to nlel.--t. & Kret1 1.1ros11•·11 1v(• cbmta w11h a lt tth• in· vomn~ It typing on t.hc side. Lou of µc1kn ti a I. <:all Oolly COASTAL PllSOMHll AG9fCY 540..6055 2790 Harbor CM Nl!:VERA fc'~t: C.11 after hours •PPl ....... ,,,.... 11\&JJ ~Oil openln• for ....... rtlUllll'ant work near O.C.AlrJOl't. Mual bit 11 or over. Apply In Plf'IOft, ~.':: ... '• 2MOlo.Sut BrtalOI' .._.Auffalpta ....,. Nm'° JftDouW'a ~ ; ...,,w..-. 7100 .... w..... 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~.~~.~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~.-.. !!!!!~~~ ..... ?!~ Rftltauunt, Hunrlntton s.l• •airt. k ot C. mua(Jt r Due to conaum er dt" 1111 '\, hoat ... cook. r an mand It our markotln~ or t\.111 time Wm \rain concept wi: muu rn •IAUSYACHTS Set r ttary /L oa n Mwtt have 1a1Un1 exp. Proceuor Immediate Comm o n ly , kona °'*""'an tlJ)idJy ex· Marine 114 87&.1400. ~ Newport B11ch •1111 c: r • • 1 t' ou r tt· I o n..aurut ---~I at•ff. I'm •n l..quna K o1 C Aula need o r 3 aharp, .a ~ t.ant Man•1 r. ffo1Utts treulve. penonalllc 1Ju1 or f\&11 Um• Wiii 1«t tePJ lo contact de trallt pteuectill altr1 thru·ou t Un1t1•d t61-7 I 6 I Sl.ta.e. We 're wlllln" to traln If you 'rtt w1lllnl( tu R.Mt.aurant llSTAUllAHT MAMAGIMINT With the c:ont1nu 1n11 arowthol UUllM'S 1acoco·s We are luoklnK f1ir maru11un with "l u1· t•ti11.llful reat11u r!'nl 1•x pcn~C\' We olfttr thoroul(h lro111 1nii. ucellcnt urowth fllOltintlal, t(ood puy & ~1Wfll11, 11nd n S day WWk Wt.'('k Now accepung upphca liOnl (;all (7 14 1804· 1836 ,..AH WEST SERVIC~S. INC l!quaJ Oppty Employer H&ll uurant i..m. Muat be H.s. a rad. fo'or P.rtona.I Interview Call Mr. Land 6'0-'°23. SALES/0£LIV l!:R V If YoU ntM!d •decent paylnit job up to S4·16+ cv11 S·9pm. call all lpm, ~1-0811 SALEJ) E'l'C PERSON St.h Ave. fo'on st , 842·0IB6 _____ ..,;,..._ __ _ Skies l!MPLOYMIHT COUHSILOI lJe lra1ntld roe lucrative career with world 'i; largest employm ent ser vice . Salts ex perience helpful Call t;I lie O'Brie n. 540·5001 Snellin11 & SnelllJng or Newport lJeach of A11en cy, 4340Campua SaVU\P •Lou ........ ~w1.c,_. Major Stal•·wlde Sav. lop • Loan or1anlaauon hae lmmedJau need for • pa.rt Ume 1raveyar(I dlt· lribuUon c:ltrk. Averaee 301\rs. per. week. SUDday9PM·5AM Mon·Th UPM·4AM l<'or dctaJled Information contac..t : Frank Ori.ICOll GW GREAT WESTERN SAVINGS An amrmallve uctlon/\!qual opportunity empk>yer SCTIY /Ge.. Ofc. TRAINEE. Light typing and bookkeeping for Insurance/ R. E office 1n <.: M . SflOO lo start benefit$. <.:all Stephanie Ml645-!M86 &ollD biobrap co. f:y1;1 kzr atturacy • auallon to dltalla. 8ulda1, com· llUler. or real •tate ... perience belptul. Sa.lary cpen. Call Katie 14C).tJ50 Sec Y /Typi1t.Reh able. en1ertlc. Hlf atarter . ~ to hudle aJI phases <I <lt-duti•. UCPA Cl&ll Pat Meidell, !i4t·S760. SecNlarial atmMfOMCE P'ee pa.Id. Top n•Uonal rorp. Lota of public con- tact. Great boas will trllin yOU for reaJ career. Some t)'lling. taoo. Also fee Jobs. Call Ma ry o·eo..nor. 540-SOOI. Snell 1n1 " Snellli n g of Newport Beach Agency . 4340Campwi SecretariaJ NX.aCB'T Fee paid. Lovely Newport otllce. Lagbt typing " n ice pho ne peraooallty g ets this plwn for you' To $750 Alie> fee jotis. CaJJ Mary O'Olnnor. 540-~I. Snell· 1n1 " Snel Ii n.: o f Newport Beach Agency. 4340 Campus. VETERANS · J•a&J•T,.._. ........ ...,u .. .,1.~ Y...._.U•-.a.O,..... . • ...... c.ttee. ... ., ....... tw..ty ..... ,,.... ...... yl•r-• ... ---wWCJt .................. L ~ ... ,.,,.,.... ......... S4.'2 Per Hew- Off.s.t D•I__, Mt1cw.o,.. ... Sl.75 ,.,. ..... M.clliM s.t.,. Operwtoe Sl.95,P.,. How IMctro Mtc"-'cill A111.-.er . $4.00 ,.,. How b•iromnHt• COftftoot s,..... .......... $4.50P.,.How A ...... Senic.._. .. , S6.00PerHow IEIKtro.iu TtcWci. $5.17 to $6.50 ,.,. How f'\.111 lime helpe r for Country Club. Bussing , di.,hcs, banquet set up & latehen help. Neat & de· pendabl e 11 erson . 54(). 7.500 SALIS/HAIDW ARE Must have knowledge of locks, builder's and custom hardwa re Mon t hru f'r 1. Benefits Laguna Beach Lumber 494~ or 540-8267 SEC!RECPT Real i..--------• Apply at EMployMeftt Ir Tretftift9 Ad· MNMttrati• of H.fllM)ton IMCll. Sll Mai" St,...., t .... i"C)tOft leoch. C .. ROW 17141 536-2526 or 639·8554. You MUtt brift9 DD·214. ~tauraml 111> SUMMER'S ALMOST OVER .. .. bul you can still earn some extra cash We need lunch lime help at WEfMEllSCHMITIEL 450 I Ja:• DfH Road M.wport •och, C.A Please apply m person and enjoy the rest or the ~ununer Wlth us. Equal Opportunity 1-:mployt•r m /f /h H1'.."fAIL STORJ<: need s e nerget1e & resp :{la· lion11ry & xerox clerk r1t11ne, Baker St, C.M. Call Mrs . M alr:rnj!a 7:>4· IOOO. Sall to C.rt.>ec:e. women on· ly w1mtcd for s<i 1lboal l'rwse Depart winter '79. Share udvenlurcs. ~ood tunes. chores. ex- penses. l ·213: 594.0897 Sa.I~ ATHLETICS .. :um $125 a wc•t>k 1>art tune guys & dolls 17 & oldt.•r n<.'t.'<lcd to do I' It. wurk for top amat(·ur ulhil-tes. lfelp us develop world elass athletes . tr 2 yrs of collel(c & c·ar, mana~cr lr:uncc pos 1· lions ava1labl1.• ~Otwk., < llour ly wage/bonus). &ALE:s I::.state r1rm near o.c airport. seeks md1vldual with xlnl typing & general omce skills. No shorthand reqd. Salary Open Call Sam . 957·6516 Mon·Fr1 HICkORY FARMS Earn extra money m P /T salc.."i talunl( applications al 111 (' k tJ r y I-' l.l r m s . Wcstcliff l'laza.6420'J72. SECRETARY f'arl · Jo'a11hion l11land 640·fiOJ() t 1 me. I 0 · 3 wk d a Y s . -Sal<1ry Open. ty ping skill11 m andatory Call Robin al 64'1 ·2507 or 004 SS48 Salc-s lntcn or Design ~alt·!> With mtcrelil m art or 111· le dl'Sl gn .. r l. p l. S20· $25 /hr W1 IJ tr a 111 K.arcn 848·9378 3 7prn SALESLADY Ladies <ipparcl !>hop. over 28. neal appear Call 10.6, 673-&JO. SALESLADY Por cxdus1ve ch11rlr .. n ' !>lore So <.:oa~l l'ldl:o 1-:Xpen ence essential l.1• Magasm. 549·85115 Sates MEN'S FASHION ------------ SECRETARY XJnt oppty for eCftc1rnt 1<al w top secr e t H111I ~kills to wo rk 1n fa'>l pa1'Cd Npt Bch R 1': 1Jrc <.:.all Lila, 833-2900 Secretary part lime', nex1 IJte hours Newport <.A-ntcr Thoma., <:ook ·rravcl, 759 9361 ----------- &crow Secnfcsy F:xpcrie necd Salary open C all flarbarJ voungor Mary 640·1031 ----- SEC ttETAHY Typists WE OFFER OPPORTUNITIES! TOP PAY FOR YOUR SKILLS WE NEED SECU'TARIES: SHOR1liANIJ DICTA PHO!':' I-. TYrlSTS: Cl.ERK STATISTICAi. Top Pay l\o 1-'l'l' Pa.id Weeki) ~ Tu4'6"•rS.....lces We 're look mg for rine ap· pcarlng, outgoing 1•x ~cncoo salesJ)(..'Opl{· rn 11uahty fas h 1un nwn ·, wear Fu II or I' T 714 /675·1717 STUARD'S LTD f\111 t1m1'. C'hc.'t'rlul. ex· pcrienccd 1nd1v1dual with strong shorthand & typuin wanted Apply 111 person with resume· Lo ..._rR•VJ-N•l'•:---•7•52-t;l•di•'' Mr 1-'uenlcs l.ll Hobert ,. Newport Beac h Sal~ Make an extra S400·S71.IO a mo pa r l t 1 m •· & $1200·S1800 a 11111 rull time while lcarn1nl! about health & nutntmn Call Mr S1gnz. Only the serious nei!d lo call al 833-7814 9-12. SALESMAN 11.etrul Wholt.-sall' Equ1 I.I mt!nl Corp lru.1de i.al<',, tunni:: younl( ffil'll IH ) ro; & older. $200 $500 wk with guar !131 & ('oimrn New locallon nr. ln111c·. C M. & II. H St;irt 110 mediately Hap1d atlv:111 cement oppty l'> 1t1J11 !()Hl!iO. Mr Arthur IJc1n. W1ll1am F'rost & A~sut 1401 Quail St •-·SEC-•R•ET-••••Y .. _ Nt·wport IJcach __ ArrtlAISAL PenoMel Seeretcsy To$950 Enh•r t•xc1tmg rwld of J)harmaccullcals Busy. hectic poi.1t1on An11wer phones, st·heduh ng & <"OOrdmating. Beautiful oHtn'l> XJnl benefit!> <.:ALLAH AN /\SSOC 11\T 1-:s f'l-:fl'-;ONN .. ;1. SEH VICE !">17 7l'tJ !l3:J 7118() KOO Town & Country Hd. Orange :l!Jtil Mac:/\rthur UI vd Newµort Beac•h Employer payi. re1• Orange County i. leadmn land developer 1s cur rently looking for J Secretary with excellent skills & basic knowledRt· ol Real Estate & Banlun~ pnnc1plcs. Typing or 65 wpm. & shorthand or 80 wpm 1s requ1 rrd Outstanding workml( t>n vu·ooment Plea!il' w 11d rcsumewJ. Buckil• THE IRVIME CO. :;so Newport Center Ur Newport Bearh. 644·33'1!1 l:;quaJ oppoty employer --------- •SECRETARIES• Sec· C1v 1-:n>! $14.400 ~1Stat RJo: St4,400 G 0 1kE1d1et Sl2K Adm Asst/b10-md S2SK • 1-:Xper Counselor ~lcs. Our Off1e1· • Appt Only I f't(-t• L.1z Reinden Agen< \- 400{) &rch. E&t11n 1r1 NPwport Beach. S!JJ·ltlOO !l.Pf'reta ry, 8ookkt>eper receptJoruSt ror H I:: nfc F\111 or part llml' F:xp p r c• r e r r e d I' h v n I! 873-335i5 for a ppt SECUT ARY S900 Vanety pos & dl an ea~) pace. 4 v, d11y wt.>t>k J(tJOd SH & typin~ Xlnl 111 benefits Call J ean COASTAL '8SOMME1 AG!HCY 540-6055 27!XI Jlarbf>r <' M NEVF:H A 1-'EI-: Q:lll artt•r hour., appt ~urily <;uurd.. (;,,1,. 1Jut1t!!I , xlnt lon1t111n, La~una lll·h . C11vt· Socunly 494 ~fl Sc·eurity ofrH·t•r<o Sad dleback Coll<'"l'. MIS!> Vw10 foull t1mt-po!11· lions lll'M 71\M Sal. Sun & huhdayi. llrly rate ~ n + 4'; !1h1fl d1Her1·n· Ital H31 !1700, l'Kl 302. SECY To $1018 No S H, bubbly. l'n thus1asllc, mo tivated say's my job order Vanety. interesting Po~ in pers(JN!el dept. of Ir.: ll'Vll\C Co Great oppty ror some lucky pers. <:all Rita COASTAL Pa.SOMtW. AGIMCY 540-60SS Z7i.l Harbor C\t :"il-:VERA F t:;!:: Call alt.er hours appt STOCK CLERK needed ror handbn~ or 10 conung1oot~omg sloe k m1se 0H1ce dut 1c ~ Pur c ha -;1n~ t'XPt"r ht>lpru1 Mu:.t havt' J \al.Id CA dnvers ht'. In l!X· l'lca:.l' conlat·t ,\I <7 11> !.56 .U. i I T 1-: 1\ ('II 1-: H S I' H I'. Sl'llOOL Expcnenrt·d. rull l1nw 10 ti II B Jrt'J ltJ1st~. ull lx·nerrt~ C..tll M.uily n 1i4<! 2!1411 11r H-17-5284 Tf-:1\<.:IH:Rs TY P l N<i Wt' hav•• an 1mmt-d rt· qwn·ment for 1•xp<:r lyfl mg teut•he r . mornm~., We are a prommenL Su Coast bus1n1.-ss colh.'1.w l"or an 1mmediutc 111 tcrv1ew rcgardinl( th1:-. xlnt opportunity. call Mr W D Poli ck at~· betWl't!ll H 5 , _________ _ Sccunty 11rr1<•1•r, ..,Jll dll•b:.ck (;ol lo·~1., ~11.,.., V1t'jV 41'~1 14!l'M Mon 1-'tt 7AM·31'M, Thu" Mon S;ilary ran.:1· SJ LJ6. $1430 x.:ll !1700. ext ~ 1>11Wt't'n14·5 Ti'.:OlNl<.:IANS BRUNSWICK'S DEFENSE DIVISION Worlun11 evening hours. Sules. Matun· pt·r:-.1ln. <:a 11 M r . J o hn !Ion graphic art:-. b11t·kgrn<1 & tl('twc-cn 12·7 al !!72 •IH4tt:_ retail ex per prd'd 1-\111 SECRET.ARY Spec1al.Jzed Job assign. mt:nl rC'qu1n n g good !>t•crc•tari;il & wr1t1n~ !>k1ll i. l 11tcres t1ni.:. ol1vt•rse opportunity for SECRETARY $1200. Ncwpart He.ich Your divers1r1cd lall.'nb 11.f'e needed m lh1!1 lamdy owned ~reat compan~ 'Ibey want professional skills & you will re<.'l'I "'' exceptional benefit:-. in eluding a J(as c rrrl1l 1:ard! Call 557~1<!2 1011'. f l"t.'\' to 11ppllcant SECURITY GATE GUARD Guard for pnvatl' t•om mwuty. Lai:una Bcad 1. Pref. rnaturr .l)('rson with se<·urity background Call Mon lhru 1''r1. !I lo 12. 4~~71 Ii offeri'") tM follow· ift9 et11ployrnent op- partuNtift: Sales ATHLETICS Earn $125 a week purl tune J(uys & dolls 17 & older net.oded to do I' ft. work for tor' amatt.-ur athletes. Help us develop world ela&> athletes. tr 2 yrs. of tollege & car, rn11n111ter t romc1' po:.1- llon.-. av1ulabl1." S2501wk . t Hourly waJ(e/bonu s > Worlung even111g hours . Ca ll Mr John son between 12·7 al 972·4848 • SALES CLHK * Inside sales ... ,t. HR W'Clt. XJnl t•o bencf. & workingcond APPL.Y IN P Jo:llSON ti .. :N i:;H/\1. on·1c 1-: l'Al.M STATIONl·:ns IN<: 1001 s. llarbtir m. 1'\J lll'rtOO ----- SAU.:S ElECTRONIC ORGAN SALES 111.:hest commlssion1 bcool1t1. Sell 111 a h1jo:h lrufr11: cnclOticd m all for nilliuns lar1est or"an de aler Yoo muac be ublt• to play Lh4: or11m. meluding pedals Ca ll Mrs . J ett <714> SM 7:MY.!. Sa.leic GUYS&GALS Want a fun job! H1ch1e Nia it If you ue 11 Y<'llrtl or older you c•n earn 1100+ per wt-.•k workmti 4 houra parl llm\• Ii have • bllll. ltonu.et. part.lea;, e l t CALI. RICHIE BtrWEEN 12 & 1 '12-4141 time. weekdu)!I •mly PA<; Graph.Jes. 3%0 (' ,110 pu.-. Dr . N II 7:-,.H.14:!:! Sales Newport Pe11111sula l<cal &talc office on a bu~y corner loc·at1on 1s 10 rtC'l'd o f am b 111 o u 'I ., a 1,.,, per.;onnel Good comm splil. Call fi7:l·lJ5a lnr appt Sales Part-time Job. lull tirm• pay Publll' !>Pl'l.lkm~. leaching ur sulcs h1H'k w-ound & the dcs1n· for personal ~rvwth &· h1~th rneome 1.irl' all you 11c• .. 1I to cam up to $1K 111°1 111 c•ornm lmrncd 1111-.d opening:-. (.;ult 1>,1,..11. ~13 r..?04 3924 SALES PE RSON n1·t'tl1•cl full ti ffil' for 111 a r1111• hardware• tlaslri llut11r Marin c t• x p 1• rr t' n 1· t' necessary llulbuu M11 r 1ne 549 ll671 111r appt E.o .E M ~·111 S/\1.1'.:S <,Ju ul1ly Su.ll>Sperson 1wedl•d l\lr crealJvc, h1 (1tsh Jl•welry .:allt:ry Mu'il ''"J"Y workln.: with public. 1-:x ntmg rina11t•1ul bent•f <ill ~ pay + 1:omm 111 terestcd pt"r:. l'ls1• 1·1111 Laguna Ueach 4!17 It~ SALES SALES! E•ellinM new "IJrcuk throuah" pubhcat1on 10 Oranac (;o. nct.>dtl t'l1pr'rl "d!aplay ud" re1114 or familrnr w ithe 11rtv1•rt1" inic sales bui;m<'l'l~ !iales end 1.•nd "'or 111 t\!rvlew call H1•bl•c1·u unu. Sundiy '" lu !I, Mon l.hru t'rl, ll to ) Ph 079-1671 ------Sa* THILOOk ~ for the flnt.>lll ~n men '• ., w o m e n 11 lalhaon cloWna iii or•· .n.1y loc*.., ror 3 peo. pie lnttrHt•d In ai f-"'on CltlWt In aaln wtUa lldvaneemenl lnt.o ftaQllenwftl. " '"'' Ill ~ .., tall for •Piil Ullm &o lpm ,,.."" no: LOOK e« ... _ . M•lf !>tarter lnvrstml•nt St:rv1ct-s 1-'trm. 640·012:1 Secretary /Typist Stron1t ty pin g ~k i lls needed 1ncludlng sume ~tnt 1st1cnl typing l'll penonc<' wllh general 1·IC'r11·11I bat•kJ<round. Salary l'Ommt'n!luralc weth abil1l} & t"< µ 1• r 1 1• n c· l' < • o m 1Jn·hl'11~1' t' bl·ncr11., paekal!t' t-J weeks paid \'llt:ut1on "'ash.Ion bland hx·atm11 w 11 h pl.·asant !>mall company at ll'lllfipher\• PlcaM' ~end rco:,unw or <'Oii I krttp1Uil 1-'1111111 St.•n·u·t• 170 Ncwpon <:1•ntl'r l>r . ~Ulll• 240, Nu !12tH.iO 7~ Sent•tary <Hrl lo'hday: N~w <.:M·basL'tl r1rm. GIJ lypmi: req'd . Nl't.'<I own 1• a r S u I a r y <' 11 m flll'n!lurot c W/l'llP li46 TI:JS wkdys Cull urt 1 :n !lam. SECllETA•Y Office Co-Or6'ator llellabll• l'n1•r1Mle i.l.'lr 11tHn.cr, ublt' to h iodl1.• 1111 Per-;onnel A"l'IW~ SECRETARY COLLECTION Uusy property manug1·· menl rirm m Fountain Valley has 1mmed1alc open mg for collect 1011 ~ecretary Outic.>S include all pht\St'S or rent colloc· uon mdudmg 1·ourt up· J>t•aranc:ei.. Would ri· qwn· excellent ty µm~ skJlls & ability lor ur· ~11mt11t1on. Would a li.o work doscly with ror poratc allurney t:.11 ecllent startJng sulary nl $1000 or commensurate 11.•/experiencc plu:. gu:. ullowancl'. Call Sue Mon lhru 1'1'19toS. 964·~· SECURITY GUA•DS 'TWo part time i>0:-.1l1un~ ;.11wl11ble for patrol or !.PC Url ly O rfH'l'' Ill Newport Beach & lrvm1· One ru11 l1ml' s lationary ini1t1on ava1lablt'. ('\t'll· mg llr gra11ey11rd ~h1fh 1-:xcdlcnt bt•n,.r1ts tnr ru11 lune. m<'ludm~ fr1 •e ti.>11lth & hfc 1nsurann'. umform:. & 11wd vacJ !Joo... /\pply di THE l•YIME CO H171 Carnelbal'I. Newport Beach 1:.11 !JO II SECY $950 No Sii. Heport 111 \'P Market1n ~ of ll>v1·ly U..ta Mesa ore Plcn:.ant surroundings. Call .11•1111 COASTAL PHSOMMEL AGIHCY 540.6055 ph:&s<'S or ofrlce dulw:-. ---------1llOO •mo to start CtJM 27W lta r bor ~M Nt-:v .. :n A 1-'EJo: Ulll aficr houri. appl biH:MO _____ _ l'Sticrcta ry ror K t-: IA•veloper Muture & non smoker. Good llkllhl. Nu ll 11 e n (' Y • s P I e " s ,. 7~9501 SICRITAIY /L .... 'fialnet-for fo)J\atc plnn run.i r>t•pt. s m luw ore. '"'llO" area NH Xlnt t)'Pina •klll11, unU11u al up 1'oY &'L~Ml8112 -- SECRETARIES M U I L 0 t: R S t-: M PORnJM, a 01v1i1on nf The Wickes Corpor•tlon has Immediate opf'nll\KS In ou r Irvi n~ ffe9d quart t:rl' lut'atton, for ~l"\'tarif'!'I with I or 2 ':Jtmr.4 1•xpcn\·nl'<'· Good typmK &. teltphoo1• «kllls Xlnl IX'nef1t11 packot(c <.:a 11 M11 Ntlson <7l41ln~OIMll t:qual Oppor Jo;mpl)'r m1f St.-c'y11ie\'Cpt1on1st It .Jo: developer. s trong typml( It Rood phonl' t•xpcr n-.q, H .. : 1'bcrow e>.1x.·r prl'I tl:ll 5001 SICY+ $1400 Ttus is more than JUSI 11 Sec'>' P<>8 y OU WI II be In volwd In t'O. poUcy m11k 11111 ttcal estate bktcd " bla + Informal low k1•> nlc. HonU114'!1. Call Ktlu COASTAL raSOt•• AG8CY 540-6055 27a> Harbor CM NEVER A rt:1-: Call •Iler hoors appt .llCllfdl FM pa&ct. Prettl&lou• Seekln1 kind. a tablt: • mana.....,t como•nY reaponalble wom 1m to ,_... 1tt•&AMI for <'Oft car• for con vt1lt1m11 tad wtUl VlP c:Uentt ~d wocnan. Dutle. ine ld Ute valtf• to adml1. t.x !wkN. me•I prep, Ii er <·tlleal b .. •rlt•. To ,... Non 1tmoktr, b\'c w.oa AllO ~" Jub8 In de&tred Con\1C'l H call M•rY O Coanur · C\lmmlneca. 1144 1U4 or Ml·UOO&. lnellln • ... ,., .. •lll•I er Newport -• ...... A1•••r1 4140 *~ ~lo •fi1. Ct•· >. --I a-&lled~I~ ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ttilli-. 2 y.ars H · perieftct in El•c:· tro/Mech ... ical Ai· ......, electric:al tnt ,... .ct data cohc· .... Prefer SOMe ••• periftlCe wMh MASA doc:••••tatloua re-•n•flh .d '1Miild ,..... .. ...t....sthan MAS~ c:«tifico- tlo" on soldtrinq ~- TEST TECHNICIAN .......,.of2y•.-st•· ptritt1ee i11 tttt tn· • ......_,..with tome dlCJltal baCkCJfOMftd. fWd elperitote• a plus -,.,.. wt• ... ,..red to•tra.~ wm ,.rfor"' dla911Htic .,...._thootiuMJ..ct .......... both ht-pl•t ........ fl.W. .ct "'ut b• abl• to ap1r• 1Rd1pe .. Ullty. EXCB.UMT MINGE 1881TS Offll.ID .,,.,.,.,... ...... ,._to: ll~';..d Cost.Mete CAtZ626 BRUNSWICK CORPORATION II )'OU're not reecllnt the UlU. edl in Clualf)ed. 1(1U'r. ........... lo( of ntW&1 laformatle>ti as Wlb M IOIM PMl tM1¥t. • I ._.. .... '"' .. u ... IOIO ..... We 1d11 ..... W. IOll Sundly, July 29, 1W9 DAIL V Pll<rr •Jf . ....................... ....................... ... •................... Otll OU dMI& -w /mirror SW>. e Ulbt.a DR c h•n· dellet D). dS·T902. -Uie new HENREl>ON ijnd tblt . S~ctacular. R.eUUl 11'15 H • .Muke orr. 675-3'74. SOll'A. 16", NI\, brown & bo11e on off.white. Cd oood. Sl'1S.1163·5l73 F\lrn., baby lleme. 4 D\la(. 112$ Coral Ave .• C.M.Sat&~na..Spm. s.t/~n 1111231 Delaw•re St. H.B. M8·!5847 furn. hile it ms ft rnlsc. ~~~~~~~~ Old ~. clot.blnf, dis· hell, frplc, rec In er. nu:.b much more. 226 La Jollu Lane. Na. 642·4743. Sat/Sun 9-5. t' lida1US. 6 pc dlu'a &et. *50 ft kln& i tx.'<l. $100. Moving Sale. 2.14 L1.1gonla, 549-2719. NB. Sat/Sun UAM. Misc. TIRE • OliNE RAL 7J!:i.'T~:·~%; Alfro URVIO~ t Day aa 8o&b look • "*' likt work •••IL. Aptly .... GEAnw!rfrana Pru NeWfOl'l, Ti ... C.oler, il"amable dbl oven. 30" -I a.. Hwy. COM -.1c:te, t1lec ranae Sl 75 *,.,. --~-•'ree Samoyed fom t1le apeyed 4 yr old p11pcr11, ~ u p to d.11te, IOVt!I kidai 55M396. 76:l 6770 COuCh ·8e1&e. BluOli & browo noul SlSO Rnd tbl & chnc, $60. 'J'wn whl c·ulo11I11 I bed 11 $40. ~ IUlcben. dlnJnf( rm, & U v lnlll room him. for ~ale Jtt>IUIOl'lable. M9·4230 ;:;;-'l'Nek OJ·t;~;-;x .. ~~-­ per'd. Top pay. Afl)ly Sharp Mlcro1ove Lrg G•W Towio1, 7'08 , model , carouu'I ~ W.,y, C.lf,S42·12S2 wldef'Nlet. Ptrfect t'Ond, !Uri.a a" wat.ertx.>d XJot: Gem1nj K.jttens free. 6 cond. Must Sacn fl ct" weeks old. aaoo bed lO $350. 631-5294 Tl•l•POs. . cm.~. Switch.board oper1ttor: IJ Mos ne w 17 cu fl flt. p/t bra avail, c~ (Ol' t'\'iSidMire $360. oldspot 96(>.Jti27 Moving.wonderful P\'l, Labrador frff tq _good home, h o u se do~. 5SJ.33$t. ._ MS.7:16$. ~ freeJe ch.est 1G cu ft . SlSO. 9ti2·8'756 Austr Shtlerr!og, "Sam", ft.AYILA61NT ----Bui)' expandinc agency. l'Nezer, Whirlpool , 19 cu lovable . r ec to good min s yrs exper in int 'I & ft, ff"08t..free. Xlnt cond, homew/yard. 645-2'7~9 domeet.ic trave l. prefer $200. 552.().158. have computer training, :'il'J&.6100 Travel Agent: .Min 2yrs exp for ~Y of/ice. Com- mercial e xp nee. Salary o pen . So . Coa i.t Travel/Judy 646-4496. Re fri ger a tor , G .t::, washer. gas dryer. ~ C. E 2 door rern g. SlOO 548~ T RUC K DR I V 1-; R ~ Refr1g, 17cu ft, gr een p R 0 0 U C T 1 0 N croe>.Hop Westinghouse, TR A I N E E f o r s m -3 yn. old~~:... 96!-~ cbemicaJ mfg co. 21 yrs Kenmore heavy duty min age, gd driving re· washer , gd cond. 2320 cord, neat appear. Apply Elden. CM. 1·4PM. Mon·Fr1. E.L. ---- Moore Co .. 135 Com-Sears Washer $50. Old but m e r c i a l Way , C .M . ~ood -see i t in u s l'! 5411.9831 642·2272. evenings. .... ....... 8050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CASUPAlD For gd used rurn, anti· ques &clrTV's 95Hl133 **IBUY** Good used Furniture & Appliances-QR I will sell or SELL for You MASTERS AUCTION 646-8616 & 133-9625 Green antique buffet-has been used as stereo t•asc or dresser. 72" wide. 27" hi. 21" deep. S7S or offer. 640-7049 Typist: P /t, general of· fice. 60wpm, salary com· me n s u r ate w 1 c xp. ~7·1B86 Kathy Lg, Admiral rcfrl~. hrn. Green h i~h back uc- side by s ide. 4l "x65" ca s1onal chair w /ot · $400. 64~H~56 t.om11n $25. 640· 7049 Must sell lhJs wlmd my beaut formal JJR :.et. LR set. l'Offec & endtbls, queen br set. lamps, pie· tw'es & acct.'Ss. All less t h a n J mos new Desperate! Please call Bemlce 213·594-8391. Couch & chair set clean. $75. 54H4'W~ Ha.mmond chord or~an. paanttt d ll ondur·u s mahog. dming rm set , 557.3352 Unique old dbl b ed w1head & fool boards. Mutch.mg dresser w 1m1r· mr. $125. Authentic m<.1· pie butchers block. $150. 543 f'ullcrton, N,B. 5 pcs cocoa brn d1m'lle set, bro & gold pnnl chrs . Hoover cl1nl a malic pwr dri ve n vacuum. J yr olc.J. very good cond. Lovl' ~1·al sofa. h crc·ulon brn & be1J;c stnp. Very good cond. comlorlahh• &16-4:>38. TYPIST t.:xp reproduction typist w/full range of typing & grammar skills. 540-2002 Wh il e F rq,iida1rc frost/free refrig. 65''·• ha. 24"'4deep 31 ~.wide. $85. G .E . upri g ht fo o d freezer. 78mh1. 28indc(•p. 33inwide. $50. 540·6152 or IJ:IJ.1.255. ~ Si1,e Kroehler sof ;i bt.'d. bm vnyl ~00, l.~e brn vnyl s wvl rocker SSO, Antique eciling 9fii!· 1713 l>lade, rims. $.511. tan, 2 5'111·21!'>3. TYPIST King sz & dbl sz wutcr beds, both perfe<:t cond. Sofa, cusl m;:1dc. SI :>o, Makeoffer631-5566 studio couch.. $30 Both 1n Accur ate t y p ist to ()perate Burroughs Docu- ment machine. Must type 50wpm. ~xperiencc desirable but will train. We offer a good op· portunity for advance- ment with xlnt co. paid benefits. Salary com· men.<>urate with ex per. Orycr, gas, clc;in $15 5"8·4485 -------Pt!rfec.1. cond. 675-5783 L.R. D~IGNER fo'UHN. Karges corree t bl. 9'cust.om sofa & more. ~1. Refng 1972 Westinghouse. frostfrec, l!J cu rt . SlHOtufr '199·355-t Dlx Kjng Waterbed Head board. heater, drawers. 8015 padded rails Best ofr ••••••••••• •• ••• •••• • •• 536-2l64 aft 5 For appt. please eall 1•---------S-pc. K.13. Contemporary d1n10g set Very ~ood cond $475. Art ti .· 642-0063. Personnel at 640-4SRO LIMITED EDITION SHOW &SALE Sept8·9 Sheraton-Ana heim TYPIST /RECEPT Mature. accurate typist. xJnt benefits. 549-1767. -ror discount tickets de-· Typist & Data entry ta.its. write · ALEA. Box 7 ' Jl erculon Couch Green 1while :.lra ped Xlnl cond. $150 P h 962-4939 2 Wall Aw;iy HECl.INEH CHJ\111.S Xlnt tond $5(J Ci.I. l'h 5$. 7 ·454·t Rust & IW11:c Coul'h & Matching Lo vt•st> ;ti S!951sct. w;i~her & drya Sl5 ca. 495·0l74 3 pc sectional. bran<l 1icw Make offer. 548-462:-! household, l5x30' swimming s)ool. garden furniture. ap· pliances, bikes. etc. Sal/Sun 10·2 . 18092 We1Jbtook Circle,H.8 . Sat & Sun 9am-4pm. wash'g mach, chain link fnc'g, collectibles & junk. Sm Coolidge Ave, CM. Lrg elec..1ronlc component inventory . Steel desk . beds. chests, aquariums, white tbl & cbaJrs. Reel Mowers. band & pwr. Sat/Sun 2806 Shantar Ur, C.M. Cash or will tr<ide Giant G1trage S ale. Sat1Sun 10·4. 556·1139. 12<12 Belfast, C.M. MoVlng sale : Sat & Sun H to '! 232 Monte Vista, C.M. Antique h utch. school des k , but cher block, plants, balty funuture, lots of goodies -----------Yard Sale· sofa, chairs, tables. refng, & other useful 1terru.. Sat /Sun 9-4. 17171 Ash St. H ll. ----Custom sofas, dis hes. mhc. clothrng, lamps, Sat/Sun 9-5. 2-.1452 Alta Vasta. If B. Dana Pt. 4~li684. Movani: Sale . Rcfri g, WO:Jsher . t ypt>writcr. l'OOCh , chair, bar stools & ITUSC S49·lJ737 New bathrm f:Jut·i•t & "huwcr h~ad !>els & many aeccs Misc household & (lt'r~on;il llcuh 5 12 Fe rnlc11f. C:dM SAT SUN Z36 Loyola lld. CM. MovtnJ,!. f''recwr, gas stove, lamps, books, Toob. clotht."l:i. clt' SUP~ll M11v1ng s ale Hnck'g rhr. pictures, book.'>, ma."· hou~chold item.'> & you n:1mt· 1l Sat & !;on tl 2 2045 !>h1pw;,y Ln. NH 5-\X.:121<1. SAT ONLY' l·:than Allt·n Trundll· bed. lurn. eurd organ , l a mp:-., kit i::<1dget~. books & clothes IG15Tustin. CM. Sat & Sun. 2005 Vist11 Caudal. N.B. 1-urnaturc. an ti qu es, lots of trainee Must be self 1034-J , Kermit, Texas starter. willing to learn. ~m~45~~~~~~~ 50 wpm typing le ac-1:.: Unused, S pc dining/game set. W tlear. a ll wood. P arquet. Vinyl uphnl chrs. nlte stand. PP. 771>-3219 Corner set. like new, l-"'good __ ics_'_' _____ _ $400 t mk o f r . 2 bk.shelves . S50t SJOO Must sell. 673-0739 curacy a must. Call ror appt . So . Coa s t Repertory. 957-2602. WAITRESSES lo\Jll tame expcn~nced. Apply in person 3-5 .• lolly ·Roger. 400 S. Coast 1 lw y. t,aguna Beach. Waitress part time. 5 dayi. Pt!r week. Private Club. Cal 1644 ·5404. Waitress: Mature , priv club exp prcf\I. Aft3. Wed-Sat. 1099 Bayside Dr .. NB. 675-0639 WANTED DRIVER S&H>AYOMLY To deliver Daily Pilot bundles t.o carriers. Re· q1.1res van or large sta· I.Jon wagon and a good driving record. Phone 642·4S21 and a s k for Ha rry Seeley or Oon Williams. EQUAL OPPORTUNJTY EMPLOYER WORD I PROCESSOR Orange County's l argest land developer has a n unmed.iat.e opening a for a Word Processor with 2 years experience. T yp. mg speed of 80 wpm is r e· quired & Vydec ex- perience preferred. Good grammar. spelling &. punctuation are a must. Work in Orange County's mo.t dynamic environ- mmt. E&celleat benefits. Pleaae aeod resume or request application rrom THlllVMCO. S50 Nftport Center Dr Newport Beach. 6'4-3389 Bqual oppor employer .......... , ....................... ...... 1005 ....................... fta,ICA~TI°" MAPfY ITEMS OP FINE ESTATE JEWELRY. ART· OBJECTS, AN · TlQUES, Flll'E FU&NtTUllE. ETC. PHONE FOR JNFO & BROCHVBE. $«5-za>o. Adlq._, wtchr teacart, eb*. fem stand, china dall.PPC8008 ~--Mtlcbrs, ...._ Ol6Di cab. P.P . ...... lkydes 1020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Schwinn, girls "Lil' Chak .. s ting ray. lk nw $75. 642·3449. 1741l Bona1re Way. NB. near torncr Tust in & 21st Boy's 10 i.pd Sl·hw1nn Varsity Very good c1>nd. $5 833 8488 luildincJ Material5 8025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clear Mahogany lx3. IH' a ft. F\JIJ Ix I 10 a rt. 1h ply $7.!19. 848-6211 ---------- Cclrmras & Equipment 8030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Konit«1 autoreflcx T2 camera, tripod, V 1vatar electronic 160. Vavatar auto Tele converter for Konica 2X -7, V1vat <.1r uuto ltilcphol•1 le ns. 200mm. C<l rou~el shdc proj~'lor & scrcl'n. xlnl COl'ld G4-0·58/ll l.'VCS •WE PAY CASH• Good used ruraiture. Awlianccs. TV's etc. 636-1610. 547-9853 5pc double canopy bed set $300. White & spread. 54<>-0n1 Moving Sale. Stere<>. & s prkrs, cstm eabinel Teak dining rm set. & 6 chn;, couch. bar i;tools. antiq. sewing machine cabinet, cstm c:he:.t or drawe"l"s. bar rcfril!. Teak dc.'l;k & chr, 1>42-5078 Baby furn & equipment Best quality, style. Rat tan furn. ·Looks new. 962..ff756 Olstom wood bar with 4 stools. Storai;e, sinlt. no plmbns. $350. ~93-2715! Couch, TV s tand , TV trays. coffee tbl, end till 5ai Treasure Island, L;ig Bch GARAGE SALF.-Sat/Sun 10.4. McLane 7 blade rc·el mower w/catcher SIOO. Much. much more. 20711 Thum1. CM. Next tu Oa1 ly l>tlot parking lot Sc:l' U1me·il·hnc Dining tnble, '1 cstm up hol chair~. S3'.J5 HnlJ wooden toffee wble $150 Anl1g. marble lop ('Om mode Sl25. All H·ry l>eauuful.G44·26!lU MOVING SAL!.;. 1010 Va1cnci11 Art. A CM 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bloc k Sale s at i s un 7128-29. 10201 Nassau Ln. ll ll . Nr . Spr · angdall•/ Me adowlark Anlq . kit es Anll'j!-.. household. furn. book:.. clothes, etc. 11 to 4 Sun. 408 ijolero Way N.B I Placentl;i & Superior ;illey> Odd & end.~ for salr comr hy >l 5 Sal/Sun GAH/\GE SALE . 1-:VEHYTHI NG MUST <;O S;il/Sun ll 5 227:J l'omona /\pl. ll I-um .. collct1.iblc!-., infanl 1tern-;. Sul. Sun Ill <!. ~G25 Jumpt.'r, SA. Misc mannt• equipment. Tn Had11tl Spmakcr, luff iW. 18'. new. Fits 25 21!' boat. Whall' 1:1 pump, B1man1 !iO /\i\l rudio, vanous mO:Jnnc 1lcmi. Linc,;, hurciwure. c.J1v1· gear. etc l!Wi l\'cnlucky Place, C M. 5·10·000:1 S;lt,&Jn ·------ ~•••••••••••••~?.3.~ Sora. 8' Traditional. qual1· ty. $400. 548-7284 £xt cll. Gara~e S;ile, mov1ns.1 furn .. huuH:hold 1:umJ. misc:. all an ~oofl <'1Jnd S<it & Sun. July 211 & <m 15302 Vermont St . off Gol\lenwci.t & Mc:Fad den ----GARAGE SAL E 7 17'~ Marguerite . CdM Sal1Sun 9 -5 Niet· !._~':0g_:;. !~xl dc>als Good fumalurc, ~ofa bt•d, lamp;. ma~c. Start Sun d;Jy only at llAM. fil2 Poppy.COM FHEF:. 6''> wk old kittens. housebroken. only J left. 645-6067 Persian kittens, champ !>Ired. s hots 546-9965 Reg. Himalayan Kittens. Blue Point femalc.o,. Xlnl quality. $175 552· Ul80. DoCJ5 8040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shih Tzu, cheap w/ breeders terms. 957-1788. ---Lhasa Apso puppies J M ales . AK C re g. 752-9445. Outstanding Boston Ter- rier, M. 8 mos. Pure breed. Papers. 1·714· 7'1'(Hl79 ShelUes, AKC registered. Show quality. Pvt Pty. 768-1347 AKC Cocker Spaniel. BufC cob'.M. 751-1508 AKC TEACUP SILVER MALE POODLE. $475. CASH ONLY. 992-2178 Lab pup a, AK C, bUt/yeUow, ~mp lines, 6wka old, 5*8193 •llA8'111'FS-GIANTS-.... tr 11 AJ{£ ac. TOI) U... lll'PP 1 •IOU. OM ...,...., Tll'fi·POo-=·mllt. 1 ...U .• o. condition. Dining rm, Stanley. Ital. Prov., table, 6 chairs. lg Garage Sale. Sat & Sun, china. xJnt $1200. 548-7284 9-4; S782 Sierra Casa ftd . Designers sofa off white Haitian cotton, xlnt cond. $950 new. Sell for $300. Call Linda 548·4732 or 646-6317. Mu.'lt Sell! S·pc bdrm set. great cond, must see. $275. Dining/game tbl, 4 uphol.s chairs, gd cond. $160. Decor tbl, 34X.S8, redwood, beaut. pd $690, sac $350. 673-2933. Brown leather sofa <needs some repair), $.1()0. 8734344 Irv. ITurtlerock ). Movuig Sale; furn, tools. & many items. SO:Jl/Sun 9-S. 284 Santa Is abella. CM. ANTIQUE DEALERS GARAGES.ALE Antiques greatly re . duced, collectibles. wet s u it, h ar dw are , aquarium. art supplies. art & science fiction bks. hsehld ite m s . 700 Avocado. CdM. Sat/Sun 9-S. Moving Salc-cvcrylhang goes. complete hous ehold, frost-free rcfng, freeier. qn hide a bed . c olor TV . nucrowave etc. 911 V1l'- 1.Dn a. MS·6ZJ6 SUNDAY·on, washer. d r y e r , m (J w (' r . household. IOO's tools. doors. hO:Jrdware, nails, clocks. s ml app, office supplies, 2755 Bristol. CM. across from new nursery Garage Sale: Sat & Sun. VW bus & much more . 33966 Malaga, Dana Point. MOV.._SALI 11\unlture. brua eceft1, dillhe9. bikee. BBQ, etc. Call for app\, ool:v. ~ 1060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOIO Mlle...__ IOIOhtlllctl ••••••••••••••••••••••• CERAMICS Handpainled cera.mles. plaques, nativity set. plates, muc h misc. items. Also speclul or-ders & colors done at re- asonable cos\. 846·8579 eves. COPIER ....................... ....,,_ . 1013 SILVER-lnterl\ational· King Louie, 10(4) place settln11 & more. ~17.Bestofter. WANTED· 01L PAINTINGS Scenes. scenes witb peo. pie, figures. On consign· men\.-- • •••••••••••••••••••••• Fender J au baa11 copy. Uke new. $150. Hohner practice base amp. $250. AcooaUcal Gbitar Veil· tuf• $15. C.ll 646-8403. nm Must sell ! 9 year old Geld· ing. S now w)llle, nashy .$650. Greal ror teenager. Call 495·45117 Eves. Uses any paper . 'h price. ....... aW Gooodt 80'5 962-7033. Gaines Gallery 19'88o. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach 494·6783 Martin Guitar Model -ooo48. Nuw ones cost 8)0. Have· mine for $600. 540-2934 d11ys, 833·2128 eves . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 93 sq yds bi-lo crpt, med brwn. SS yrd Incl pad. 551-9747 or 752-66a). 8080 .. , .•..........•....... LUGGAGE TAGS from your business card. Send one card for each tae plus on.e spare. We return · permane ntly sealed attra<.1.ave tai: & strap, meeting airline J.D. requirements. Pni· vent loss & theft ! For a persooalized tag enclose wa llpape r . fa6ri(' or "Day Clo" paper & we will back & tnm your tags. Or try two cards buck to back. PlllCES: $2eaor31$5 4/S t11~ SU.iOea. 6/!Hags Sl 5()ea. IOor more SI 40 ca Sales Tax Included NO CAHO" Otaw your own or send name. address. phone & we'll make one card per tag. Add 25< each. Send check ur money or- der to PILOT PRINTING P.O. Box 1500 Costa Mesa. Ca 9'.!626 Hild Hi" floor machine W1lank & bru ~h · Sl751ofr Surf bollrd ::1·1 • · MS 673·552!1 Used g;irage c;ibmct!-., • , 11( the ong cu:-.t Xlitl 1-ond Abo c·l·r<1m11· tt11·., & shelving. 55l·:l2!1H ht r ~H'M. ~~!·~~l~r~~~~ • flhat·k white TV Sc!O ftll gal ;iquanum S:su I 'urn pound HOW & atl'C:o. $W IW8 4()17 Wh1t1· i.port nm., ':11 t11I1t H V or va11 lti !1111 \111•.t :.••ll. Mak<' 1Jf'lvr :'151 tilSlr.1 orU4l ~05 1'11111 Lablc ~xx Br11n:-.w11•k r!'t't•nlh rc•1·0H·r•·d ~1111 l'h1Jnt· frrn.:JM:i 1"1 1 11111 .. , Salam Mc!'.a Verde tl·11111:. & swim members hip Sl!()() 979 IGJS tfsof a yel / bea ge $2!1!1 Schwinn lG" Pixw. lra111 ing wheels. S25. 6x9 area rug. ~-968-39-10. Misc. OHicc I'll rm lure Reasonitblt> Co p y Machine. S25. Louri i.tl' (;hair & Ottoman. $SU. Wh t·el C h a ir . S7J A :1 0 tj ti 8 I) !I I I ,. r liPM 544 JM6duys ALL NEW ~~~~~~~~~ UN IV ERSITY ATiiLETIC CLUB mem- ber s h 1 p . Owner transferred. Make offer. !17~.Lyn. ••• AnlOld Silvermon i.:n Yorktown L.n. Costa Mesa You W'e the winner of three frft ffcbt.s ($22.50 value). to Ringllqg J:Jroo. Barnum & Bailey Circus Aug. 2nd thru 13th Anaheim Ccmvcnl.Jon Center Tickets mus t be ex- changed for reserved seal.ll at the Convention Center ahe11d of lime Call li42-5671l, ext. 272 to claim your tickets. * .. * WANTED TOP CASI-I DOl..LAH PA·to FOil YO U ll • JEWEi.RY. WAl'Cllf':S. ART OBJl'X'TS. {;CJLO. S I LVEH S ERVI C E , FINE fo't;RNITUHE & Al'\'TIQUE.S tl45-~00 JACk WALSH CARPET CO h;L'i elnf>t• outs fur $.:! !I~•. $:l \r.1, S4 '.l!I Fur t'Uln IJl.'l1t1\1• tml 1·01111• to 71 I W 17th St. <.; 2. or tall 1;:JJ •1402 N1·11.port lk;11 h l\•n11h Clull me111l;cr~h11.1 i\11n am: 11ut IJI till' J 1 t"' ~7:-J(J !l!~J ~~1;;1 k;lla \ u~ ~111 l'••d I !17!1 rnodd llS.'111. onlv 7 1111 s:>oo hi.: ... t. Ur1rnha11 Spmet p1anv 2 mui., l 11 pymnl~ on approv t-r1·d1t !'J.t.'1-lilllH . AHE1\ HUI~ 11 ''I Mor 1 oc·an .•II .,. •1•11 I l.10<1 knoflec.J ()ff whll•· "1th lr111i:•· a11d •·cJi.:t·d 1n ltrown d1 .. ,1;:11 s.1;.o 11rm Mii 775~ 1la)..,, 1;/f> .1~,1;, 1•11•·~ l\tanun l Sllldt11 1·1irn•'r group., 1 w ~ltn·o. phono AM FM & full '>('l qual HaU;in furn Ur1ti.~cr-;. ta bl"". ma~c huui.chold & !'.µort.., t:'Quipmcnl md'g w;itcr s k 1 s Mu 1· h m 11 re . Uq~c nt Cas h onl y . 002·8756 48" Octatonal Table . Sacrifice at $200, ($700 new> Cal 11142-8632 St.erltrlg Silver. Wallaee "Rose Point". 11 place set. Wood s trg c hes t, new. never used. $1000. 559-5021 ------Twin beds, box springs & frames + table to make comer group $75. Ex· e r cycle $!>. Plants, 8'rocU'h braided ru.g $35. Charcoal ba rbequc s:J. Rake, shovel, hoe S3 ea. Blue/green ~eclwoal l'OUCh $25. 968-8635. 1V, color cons, RCA. n<'w pac't. tube S!IO. L1Jwry or- gan altt hmt for piano $125.548.(;232. I IORpatal beds. used. $80 ca. Sammon~ ~1·m1 autumat1c, 842· 1413 ~xl ~ Ortando guitar w/case $150. 714-892·6264 --- Electr. guitar. I.Ats l'aul <.'Of>Y, $60 645-5930 . Office,...,.......& &p11,...111 8085 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Executive desk, chair & nnt. $650 value, for $375. Call 95.5-227 4 -----1.ll.M. <.;orrectl.lli; Sclcc tnc ll typewnter. Nr;w. 493-9415 ------Must Sell! Exec. metal dc:-.k $8.5. & 2 steel leitul ftle cab. -l $75. 4drw 1 overszd xtra hvy ~;iug1• J.drwr $125 4W· I 2.W OFACEFURM 2 large desk:-. l Judi.:~ c·ha.irs. I touch. 2 lam~. • J t.able:i. all an "Int l'Ollll, Aft 6PM. 675 921>1 Poul tabh-. $300. rmig po11~ table. $40, washer dryn , $100 takes both. Ci4fi ti~IO Pek 8087 For Sale llus.'imun rt'a<·h 10 c·ooh•r Ne"' to10 pre!>.<>Or Cheap 673 O'J l l. &16-~. Mulla stnped rug & pad Good cond. t:Jx 12 S3J m:i 7796 Anuque We1ghtt•1l rlo1·k. I-llano, oq:an & roll top JO gun r1rJ,. tO:J b1n1·t. cruse. 1)/:$ I l!._I l'tKJtoi.:r:111h11· 1•qu1 llllll'lll. f]f'lllXI ' lllll 111\'-,IV•' llVl'll, " I r I' 11 11 d Ill 1• 11 ' g11l1 r l ulJ... & m"n ' l1·1-.ur1• "'"'" .,111·11 I:! ;}1 :!:!\ l-:\1·1-:;th•11>: hk1• Ul'\\ 5-14 :!lJ1 MisceHaMOUs .•....•...•............ C.:ock:itwl & •·<o:i·. 1.1;0 M5:0'11i Ca!><' 520 B<1ckh<k! ff1adt-r w lilt trO:J1h·r. 5 yard 111 l(•nwtaonat dump trut•k. 1\JI good ~ha11« A ~lmil f1Jr SI l.500 J\:.k for llrtaia <1ft 5 6'12 02:!!1 ~·or Salt· Hi·t11•1tl:1t 1·d µ:,-lhon 10 ll•·.aut ti ul healthy, tanw Li.: c·ai.:r• ,\, ral ra1:.111 ~ ... 11pf1 l11· 5;°_,) lllk l1f I fil:1 .II:' I vtd:aw p11rrol t. hliw & 1:old 1!1111ol '1w.1hul:11 ~ \l'I'\ J.:t•ntlf". XIII! pl'! ;1 Yf'l> c1l1l ~111 .. 1 '.'tl'll Tum 1.i:.o~J 1·111•)..1~1:; 5:!."12 .. ~~-~ ........ ~?.8.~ Pianos & Or9ons 8090 Non profit ori.:;i1111.at1011 . l•.1ok1ni:t for unwa nll'll 11wrdwnd1 . ..,1· l11r r11111 mage :-.alt• i''n'" p1('k up '.\Ion !"rt M:! •):rn WANTED: MOUNTED SWORDFISH Wrtlt /\d llSl!I, Dally Pilot . P 0 !Sox l :i6U, Co>Ut Mei.a. <.:a !f.!626 ...................•... .'l.l·:W1 't 'ltf<IEH I (; 1 ,, 11 IJ 11 1 .111 • • >ti-i:11t.11· :::.!111:1. "'"'' ::.1:!!l.1 I O'\I S 7~)1 I l:ll 'l.c•w K;a\\;11 5 ~' 11 .. ~11la1 "fU1 :-.<alt· $.5:r.1:1 (1:-.l.'i' l \\\I ti-'' 751 l\ZI MEW MARRAMTZ Pl.AHO CORDER Reg. $4295. i.<.ilc SW!l5 lnr-ludl':> 20 C"a~'>c ltt• t.;ipo.~. 1·u:.scllt" rc1·ort11•r . IJlilflO & bcne h BRIMHALL PIANOS Commt-rl'aal PIN BALL fltlMcal arochmc, S3SO ofl1:r lnstrumenh 8083 Acron hom South Co.au Pla1~ 751-1121 1:73 1;J:Jl; Hammond I l:IH2 01 i.:ara. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~f,J kt-y ni.JOUtsib f!U~\J 4 llt-aut1h1I l't·r-.1a11 rul!~ i"l'fkfrr ba~s e11pv A:-.k111i.: rll .\th m . .! !> P •"I;, 1., for -,alt· Sl:'°IO 1\mp Sl."1\J Llkl..' 1111 ~·IK 1;x.•.:1 11\"' or 522 1.111:1 ~11 0~2 1Wi-~tl1rn ''""' August 2nd through August 13, 1979 'ftowlil fl60 ..._ W-'M 9190 ? ...... '•••rW ...... 1.,...w . ....................... ..... ................ ,. ....................... ...................... . lt71fOID ............. Mac wbeell. •Ucll aJUft 6 low. •ow mun. (Ser rmn MH• ..... c .... .., .....,.. Blvd. HlilaklrSt. OOITAMllA ....... '72 D~-P:U., t~ .,..I, new Uree, recent elllifte work, SHOO/OBO. DY• U0·5U3, e vu WAMl'EDI Lat• model Torotaa, VolYGa. P\cApt •Va.-. Calllll&tdl)'l ........ ,w 0 ....................... ••• .. '701 ....................... .. '711.... ''" . . . . . . . ... -. ... C BE VI E:R ....................... 1'l"1 0.--2+2·Car la nctpUoaally elean ........... Uaen I0,000 m llu. Interi or h beaut11Wly done lo bl9ck crQlled ve lour. Maa ...._.., rlldJ&l Uret. air cood.. 1hadow, atereo tape, automatic tt1ns . <40'71'00 > '79'1. P!arle Ike Toyot1.vo1vo, 1"8 Harbor Blvd .. Costa MIN,....,. 1t77DATSUM 210l2+2 20' r 1b er1lu S c ow .t/datnl!I) 1aU1 fr trlr. .. ,. •.. 9110 te5119 .................. , 4 a]>eed t.ra1111., air cond . \upc, map • low mllc:s . <Ser.311110 ....................... za• OOR V KETCtl Sall•~ d1&la1. m H l li, tttr. u/I . ~ ml"°'° '11 a&.culri no £nduro. ..., Buick Riviera, lllnl IDOd .upe, tUO c>r bMt. condlUon. lllDO or aiake AIU PM, s.\2·11665 offer I ·3M-7tl4 '89 Ow!vy El Camino: PS. PB. AC. newly reblt ens. nu aporty paint. 41pd. ....... $1900. 5-9-4118. "'*"' -· Ptalte 2019 J6llt .... , ia· Cal.,...ran -0 ......... Make olfer DoulD-UIDO - •• tl•rl•Y l>nldtOD ~.CMm (~, ma Plff«t. '°"' cbromc lt.OCI0.142·3'14 '7S YAMAHA 250 KU New ena. 300 mllu >Ura. aiw. CallU0.1789 21· t:rlcluon . m 11 10 . t-----111111•--•1 o.noa, 1pt1tn•kcr, 1•le« 1¥,..... Jf ftriMU. Ltft. low, low hNd .. ht'&• pump, ~uul mo Harley OavkJson 125 ~ .... .... '"' In. IMIJt aystem. head. i:.t&erie.. am• JoiMon. c~. otr road bike. nin11 " "'' ....................... rdri1. aink;1\ovu. 1w1m ~~~~2 a.ooo. loob 1ood. mull\ t e ll ,. &CdorTVSl3S 1tep. V-berth. fut~ ~nce S200.M63H7 ~ ZyeanWa.rranty eco no'K!tul. ss uo. 14 "t' Chrysle r Da1urer. '74 X13:IO l'f'btt top end. ' ~ .. 2:!02 -Xlnt cond Brand new rebft front encl, nu tJrf'8 '6 ;3 ;; """ IOC rob-TV-. ne; 11' li77 R1n1er. Leu trader. perfect for beaan· eta.Jn Must ~II $700 • ,_ · .. u..it 25 brS oo lhb 4B:t' ner $l\915.48f.278S. S.-0150 ~ never a1ed lit40. 19 Yard lnbOard Wiii IH!al ------ .,. Ollar RCA portable \lSed l4> to 10 Asking $7HOO CoronUdo IS 116 w /\ra1h•r , TM Suzuki 2)0 YrH h ~ ·"' Ml-Lm Call:>4S-"1Sll out h a u l. v.n.c. p ole. motOr, S.W ehocka. ro rk \,..., 1 - ---Sl400. ~t~. sttllls ar UrCll, very Vl•ry >-a=aul. 25" RCA Co o r 3>'. l!n4 Egg llarbor t wn clean it las t . U OO ; 1'.V. a31. 2 Yr. Warr. Chry i. Cash e q ui p . Amcmcan 23 '7S: lll•lld , l:Mit.:o Allpina Frl"tlh, l ,.._Del.646·1786 un,ooo. AltlO 30' Av1llon galley. alpt 4. llondu v-strong & rc•Ha blc" ..... dock Nwpt or t r•llcr . ~-, ~ 21inCok>rTV 19$ moonn~_2!4/~·2989_. _ muat sell, m a ke ofr m>. Kawu aki 1''·7 t:n-*' I yearwarrun•y du.ro: Collcclln" dust. 'Tl Pty. Ttailduster. 11tnl ClODll. &o mikaie. tlOOO. m.a. 'ti Stud•balle r Grand 1\ariamo ''llewk". Total· ly rwtored to s howrm cond. Auto. P /S, P IB. (Wy M500.1J9-ll40. "71 Ford '-\T . pickup, new enr. er. rntrol. A /(;, ~ .... atereo, ll700. 551--0ISO ... '140 '76 Datsun P.U .. '"'w ••••••••••••••••••••••• rBAP & Ures, 30M. xlnl CLBCIT cond. Org . $3200/ofr. 1979 #225/250. Qream/· ~-------­tan. A1J opUon11. l&.000 Priv a t e l'art y. Call ... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'18 Oodge4JC4·Aulom atk trans .. s~reo Lape, tilt, big tires and whools, 11lld Ing rear window IM 11 than 16.000 mllet1 Good lookJng truck. OJ506G4 I tl&U. Earle Ike Toyota· Volvo. 1966 llubor Blvd., Cos t a Me s a . '78 (;hevy S 1l vt>rado <.;mpr shell, fully eqw11. x lnt co nd . ~-5621 /Ml-SIJ75 tl70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.OOIQMG fOtt A YAM oa P'ICIU'1 See U11 this we<'kcnd ol our lJll 1111111.101 Ullt.'tl t·ur sale! ~.. ... ......... ~ • a.··sEA RAY w/tr lr, FB. _m-Olll22 ___ .______ .. , _ _, I $150. 546-475-t. e lctrncs, ful c»nvas, Ca.We racing sloop 26' ~ Braod new. never been we ll equip'd $11,00~. Wders w /11l.lp. Newport. I ~9303. '76 Ya maha 125YZ. x nt ~ " used Cra.ia receiver II 2 813-3298 <.:all 642-430{) cvs t' KLH s pkrs . S200 '79Thunderbird F·l8'.200 f -.... ----OMC, $1500 + e xtras. cood,lo ml. $400flrm. '73CJ·SJ EEPVS 536-3582 Ma.ny extras, very rlean. 20w+20w r ece iver lo c NB. s a c rH1ce. 1 ~/apea&era $150. 8 -t rk 2131472 8087 ) ~-550_. _S45-_l_52S . _ _ a.· Se_a_R_a_· y-.aJ-.-... -r-d_to_p_, ' AC·DC. batte r y . S " outnggers. 7' bunks. l blktwht 1V wt AM ff.M galley. etec r efnlJ . .elf'<'. ....., Cal ....... _ "-' l -----492-7171 and492·6l72 '" ~. '"'''"'-u mai; · Suzuki 360. very ~d C()Od , n ew 6 11 P • l u II rure 5400 with helm et . (;ull '7S Jeep. 30,000 milci.. new cnlise. xlnt cond. S1 l.900 John !162-2921 ti res & rl m i. $4500 ~ ~-5911 aft -t "78 Snulu liS 750 cu."lto m Col 34. Mark 11 . diesel seats It exhaullt si.s7s RDF. VHF. $29.~ • !179 3339 xlnt. cond. 752 2867 __ '74 Toyota Lundcrwsn Many xtras, xlnt ton<l , must see. $45-00/bti.t. #1"9~C-'Y 292.'5 Harbor Hlvtl CO!.T A MJo:SA '79-2500 1001 Jnterna t1o nci l Str·11 Van. •\H,000 on~ milt~ Self t•ont <.:all f>Jl-5726 ~ radio Sl7S. P a nosonic tnm ta~. VHJo', Chev t AC/DC color 7" S32S. 210hp. OMC. tocld'I 1m· 1·--------8oth new 11t11J '" boxes. mac. Van11on traile r . f'AC.'K fo~T J motorcyclcs w/trlr. New 250cc Odaka. $625. 17!'> Yam aha $275. llondu XR7SS200.~ _645-__ 900_3_. ______ '65 f''ord Van. fl cyl auto. ~~------18.450. P.l'.64S-2S88. -HOO. Needs nothin g. 2 ! ute new Panasonic re-Nl':.:W 18' Tri. top. bow & secs ol coven. Complete , , ~ver wfblt·in 8 trk .• 2 st.em ra1L<i. ladder. dlx W1lh sa ils $14K firm INllJ.8" 'lbruster spkrs. trlr. $6000. 536·5730 or aad at 714/642-9405 Pre-a mp incl. SIU. ~2 Tranu udio. 3SOO t op loading rasaette deck ~/book·UJJ&. perf cond. 8>.M9--0ll64 USED BOATS! 42' GHRIS.0..UB HOAT. ; Zenith 19", color. remote O ub w1mL' to sell quick Take over bank lo1m and payTTK.>fllS or $165 !.IJ pt'r ITVl . then 1t 's y11uri.. (;a ll G7!>-8~ ' Sl6S. R1W TV /r 1td10 &moo '77 RM80. Good cond. $350. 646-319'2 76 IT 400 Mono. Ul xlnl cond. Asking $750 ~s ----........... s.s.M/ 1Mt/Store11p •••o ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 4JC4 Ford Jo""l~ Ran)(er 1·pt1>, panelling. m a ny PS, PH. AC, AM W M xlrk11 S1000Firm 6'15~623'l stereo. 29M mi, s hell. Sl62(X) !149-Z14S ·73 CJ·S. gd cond Grn wlbU< top 76.SOO m1 . tk hilt ofr. 751-3078 76 .. 'ord FJ50, 4x4 pkup. xlnt <'Ond . l\ux t ank . take~ reg ~as Xlnt t1rci. & nrn.; Lo m1 , m 11ny xlra.'> Best orrcr f,.\f1 13\10 '74 Ford F.100 S2.000F'irm New brakes. p/s, carpel 1ng & panelling. n e w ~ :J02 cng & ovt:r- lo..ds. !'><\8 8510 ai.k for Charlie 'fi'.l Ootl~t· \',.111 Blut· w bl<il'k 111l Wood p11nt•le d $!JOU ur bl'~l fA.S-:m.J ; comb. SM. J• I'. 6'0·11733 , 250 On Display Action Beat Bkrs RENT '78 22· Lux ury ---------- ATTOOION! M1r c edes . RM W . Ponche, ClaNJlc " Ex· otk. We 't'ill •ell your C41r on cciMiprnMrt a\ )'our prict. Ou t k~•l1on 1n Ot&nae County ••or In forttlllll<in, r a il Jim Cur rw1 ......... t.rtln 1300 W <.:ou11l Jfwy NWpt Heh 642 1111;:1 --. 9705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMME lA1'1'.: DF.LIVt;RY' LAIGI SIUCTIOH OPMIW 197' l20i'~ 5211'• l\L."i'HJ33( 'SJ II I .. STOCK! 0 1ll lo1lay We 111!111 m ay h ~v·· lh ut v re 11wn1•d llMW Yllll 11r1· looking f11r ' lll·Z040 495-4949 ONLYS7HI HOWAID Chewolet Oovf' II Qu11il SUI. Nt-:WPOR1' R~ACH Ul-0155 um l>al"un 2fl07. Coupc· · ll!·11ut1ful dcev <'OPPt•r with 111r rood . i\M/fM flt((k/). aut.ucn1&l1C l tUll!. , untier 30 ,000 1)11 li•i. 13!i7l~J I 1':11 rl1· lk t• Toyota Vo l vo , l ~llit: Jl;irlm r lllvtl .. (.;OHla Ml!tlu. tWll !l.."'3. lt77DATSUM 200SXCOUPE AU'AIOMEO SALIS. SEllVICE ... l.USIHG llml f, l!fTflSAU. _________ , :I i.iia'tl lrlU\H , Mir l'l.llld , NUW IN l'HIXitH$S' RACH IMPORTS IHI! 1>11vr St r •'t'I N,.;Wf'Olff UY.M'll 752.-0900 • t707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HaEMOW! The t;ic~ptloruil AIJll 4000 •IMW'77 l20I Hilly l'qulpµt'(I, l•x·.i lly •1W11t•I & •wrvw1'(f, M U;I, lrmk-111 I 171~Wll 1 S9'50 JIMSUMOHS IMPORTS 111111 Iii\ llHOR IJL VI> <.;O!'l"r i\ M 1-:S/\ 631·1276131·'100 '11 IMW l20I ' l\utt~ Lran. ... i.unroor. atr 1 ond . ~ll'rt•o ta1>:. ·ll•'. irnm<1<.ulatc thruoul ' 11114TJA1 ~ .. veral \0 dl()(l'lt' r rum SADOLEIACK V AUEY IMaiaC>RTS ll 1·2040 495.4949 •IMW '78 l20i • EASYONGl\S • '76FOX -IA rruleai:c. 1mmaculal1• <·o nd1 t 111n . lul l y ••1U1PJ)l.>d. M llZ trade 111 llz.!UJ U I 4 door M'<l._n Sonroor. au\mnat1c 'lll·rt·o taµt• 127Sf'WX1 SH95 * J.C. FORTUNE .,11n11ul· c;Mc ' ~W ~: h i. Santi• l\n .• 1711 ) ~i)j 111011 $t0,800 JIMSlEMOMS IM'ORTS I !170 111'1 tH(l I< I H .\' IJ I 'I )S'l A "-f ~-~/\ 611 -1276 833-9300 lafll•"' lr1w m1lr·11 Stit.arv ' l<!J~Jo.(;1 OHLV son HOWAIOChe•rohi l.lov•• & (1111111 ~I, N)o;Wl'OH'J' Jll';A('ll UJ.0555 1979DATSUN 210ZXCOUPf Only 5,0011 miles. !> KP4:1"1 tram . AM 1"'M rad10, l.l11 roncJ , r11lly1• whct-L<1 & 111 LIK~: NEW 1·tind1t11111 1 1570WZl>I SI 1.499 NABERS C?at!ttht/' ,'1 ~JO lf,111 w,. 1111111 l ''"'•' M"wt '>40 •>IOV :; loah&w.fM 'Jfpu21" ~ 21622 Cst Jlwy at tlw y 39 lluntington Bch _ 5:16-KS!ll ~r. very ~ood cond., dolly, cxtru~. $005 ti7S-2$43 motorhome. Slc t'f)S 1:. Tl"llCb 9560 ·71 Dvdgt· B 200 I'S. l'B. Sell cont $250/wk +8' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\C, AM1f'M/lape. xlnt l•--------- fl\l. 640·858.S 1971 Ford Councr Du mµ rood. SS50() 642 O~ IOI McLAREH's 1978DATSUH 810WAGOH 1\ut11m.tl1<', /\M , I· \1 'lh-f'•"'· .11r t•tmrl pv.1 .,,,.,.nng , fi f•yl lu1•l 111J"'' \Klfl, l'i,10 1 0111\-' & lik• N ... w ' u II 11 I I I If II (39fi'WJ)(; I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •. ~ uG•a-.4• tolO ms l9W Gtastron, lOOhp 0 (8, boal com plete ly rblt. many eJltras. in· cJude9 trlr w /14" whls . fEM\48 ~r #34294. Xllll cond T r uc k s speed t rans . ·w IJodg•· Van l1k(• n .. w Never raced. $1000. <.:alt i8 Southwmd. 25·. slpR 8. .....~• ... _,I t I "'"' ....................... 67J.7"""" g e n e r ator . l o aded . uwurearwr~s.!it•rro IOO Gcy auto 2J."""m1 ..... lll..34332 ) $4999. t.:arh: $3,<S> 64S-UI09 ?I 27'Eric ... -~-l·78l __ 7·__ __ _ Ike Toyota-Volvo. 1966 ---- Harbor Blvd .• <.:o&t u '7fl Dodge van. Mus t .w ll Mesa, 640-9303. Uus weekc.'f\d. Make oC • 18' Lyman: Cla5S1C 111bd. much new mech'I done. ll•lbmt olr. &M-9260. ZI' mot.or home fol' rent · Jmmac. sips 6. a vail from 8/20 on. 646-4.546. 1974FOU ESJ'ATF. SALE Must H- quidate. ·73 (;aravelle'. 18' Runabout. 115 Mere Used in rresh water only. $3850 2 <.:anoe11. Ne w Mere Tr olling engine. Jo'1s hing equ1 pme n t. Mak.eolr. 714/962·4924 Unbelievably eqwpped, w/beaut1ru1 N U sl ip. $15,SOO S.SI 4289._!4S-6372_ ·n Itasca 2S': Cwit mt. all COUIUEI PICICUP 14 ' Finn T rlr, xtr a s, xtras. lmmac , 24M. ....,_ .... ""3,,,,,,,., "r R....... Wllh cam""r. 4 S""~ "141 "· "' ,,......, " .,.,-u, SLS.000. PP642·8833 .,,. .,.., WHlnB IUYING 673-!l985. ·---··----_ tram.. radio & hcntcr \ .,. 25· LANCt.:R ·77 Tru1lc>r, '77 SunJand :.10'. 410 en).(, 1:en, 18.000 m 1, xl rn i.ink. i.tov1·. r1:frg . Must ~harp . o nl y $82!"10 i.ell. 968-~ llB2-S266 • SB.Ut-4G ,... .. , ... • ( JS' CENTURY Mahoga ny Cl&Hic with Traile r . IMOO. 78G-LC*1 a.· I.slander. wood. head. Ul1p inboard, 5 sails. t.l otrer. Nd.s work. 642·1331 dys. 5"48-9996 evtti '77 WIMle. Loaded. 26., 5CXM1 ml. Perfect for-retir· iftl. S yr warr. Ml-2160. • .. • DAILY PILOT IOATMAIT T,,..,.._T,...... tl70 Fantastic 13' Bosto n ...._SI .. / ••-••••••••••••••••••• Whaler, 40 Johnson. full Oodll , to70 l!n7 K.omlort 17'vli'. SIC. • ~ co ve r . Fir s t $1500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• air. loaded w/xtras, t!~ 1 m.9752. SUPSAYAILAIU lift. PP.~1-4938 .. f i i "' , • 23' F lb e rro rm. ·1 s. YAC Newport 6'M>-05Sl '----·--...-----_-_..,. flybridge . galle y. lrlr S6' dock w1drarruitlc new * * * SMc. $7.SOO. 64.'l-4891 ho use Main c hannel. --------•I Cora l C a y . 4 DR . ~ PACKIT cathedral cl"-'· 2 rp1c·s. 1911 Suv1 Cir Red. NeedB nothuut. z lux rock spa. l'vt i.:uard ea.r. Mesa sa.a of covers. S14K rirm. gate. prestige com m . You.,elbe wlnner of Budat7l4/64Z·INO:S ft.ni or unfum . Ava1l 1m- ............. 1UIJd. S2AOO mo. 592·1608 •m .60 velue), \o 12131 t\lft&ila1 Bros. rrs BEEN A GOOD boal. 81unue • Bailey Tours around the bay. ft>at 1Up wanl.Cd for ZI · Cattu,, eventne c ruian. even E ricson will c onsid e r Aul-:tnca Uu'u 13th waw lkllne In the ocean any arran«ement, Mon Ana.Mlmtonvention but we're leaving the t.o M.on, aaUln" prcv, etc $ ~ter waterfront. 16' l20HP Please c it ll us E d T1clret1 must be ex l tO, e ngine overhaul 714/63 1-0 489. St u n . • chanacd for reserved 6179. runs gre al . fits 714'831-6148. ! lt!&t.11 1:1l Lhc Convention ~e. S2SOO. A true , ~nter U t!8d of time barpin. fl7S-lJ23 JS' sli p lllV&Jlable W /!llde ,. Call M2·56'78. exl m to tie. Pre1t1f(e Bayside ' .... Se H y D o F Drive realden('(! Linda ' cla.tm)'OW~cts "" 8 ay, / ' / ' lale Channel $7 50/boal ~ • • * radio, outrllfCers. trlr. " -------more. P.P. Mull sell fed.. per mon. SlSOmin R.9C9f fast. lit $9000 buys &1~.67S·S535 19YJ' Layton, l yr old, ll.ltc nu, \mmac.. many ex- tras. See to opprec1•tc Aft SPM. dayis anytime wtmdl.~~ ---Wos.nia,, ... &~ceHoriH 9.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SBlVICI DEPT. 0peo 6 Days A Weetc Mon.-Frl. :7:30-S:30 Saturdays :II. ()().!1:00 ~Chrys • ..rtw. 2929 Harbor Blvd. Co&ta Mt.>tia 546-1934 ~ reserve d1cM:I t anks ava ila ble. All mod e l s Mc·Mo n us Olcvron. 1114 E. ll!l St. S.A. S42·60S7 Xl~NT <'Ond 1ll11 11 IU1.3650J $1995 ~c.-.c 2lliOO Harbot' Blvd. 1425 Baker St. COSTA MESI\ 540-9100 1'71DATSUM LOMGrllD PICKUP 4 speed trans. & step b umpe r & m lr ro r i. ( U<.il.5Q8l ) . OMLY$4499 HEWPOIT DATSUM 888 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACJI lll-1100 '9' Ford F-100. 3 Spd, 360 tng. runs gre at. good body. S1425 firm. 492·8731_ '67 l.H. &out Perfect ~b'I cond. SlSOO Firm. 22 mpg. Call 642-2331 '77 Chev. 1S,600m1 DUX. t a nk. cruise cont rol. sheU. air. s tereo. ~.900. 642-~/642-~ '56 Jo'ord l'U Ku n s "o od . n ced 11 radiator. 493·6825 rcr.631 -!17'¥1 i8 Ford Van Con veM11on J.ong bed Mint cond l~fng, bed. tbl. l'ustom scats . $6900. 963-3679, l>iS O'JI I. -----'74 ()odJ.:e WI N DOW VAN . w /be d . a utv . powt:r, s tereo. m ags . Crpt. SJIOO/besl. 675· 1401 '77 OODGI-: 8200, ~ ton Van 360V8. 127" w/b. PS/PO. auto. reg gai.. /\Slung $412S. 951 7332 '71 Dodge CamJ>('r Van f\Jlly loadl'<I. POp·loP S2!M or trade 0 /U/0 Must sell 631 ·4!16!} <Jr ~ 9510 • •••••••••••••••••••••• WHY WORRY? L~E W 10PTION TO BUY J(X)'1; of all lease pay ments apply lo purchase 4 mo. lo 3 yrs All makeli & model'! m<:ludmg used &r exotic car:s Termg t1:1 ilo r cd lo C1l y our budlCct. Trades a tc\lpt ud, pd for or not CALL 833-9912 PHYSICIANS FINANCIAL LEASING UB§2 MacArthur Blvd ~ lm Nwpt Och 927 lS tOQCI OF SAU AT 64'-2D. ______ SingJe exec. has houst: & "*'C.AUCTIOM Boston Whaler 40 hp. 12·x:;o· boat 11Up on Lido Receive{rl nv1les offers $1300 Call 675-2286 or Ille. WUI share boal 11lip 52·foot 1172 Columbia 4m-_, for i.-e ol power boat Limo s i te Good y ear 8'cabover. '72 Ford ~ton TiemporadJalt1re1i,lt ke 6 -c yl , 4s µ. $2 ,995 . ..._W..t.d 95'0 new. 1AI price. S.52-0IW{) ~4543. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 'adl&, ffu1J CLYC0007 06 ---------O'Neal Invest. Corp. ,. 72-111. Adv~ Marine I a· Sear a y v · 7 2 . 714/615-711116. r. Verd. 111a Placentia, bowrider. HO Mere JO •---------" co.ta Me11: auentlon £21oedtrlr. l'\ill covr. M Slip for power boat up to : .. ~ K 1 r • n I" e" n t&.&OO /besl o H C!r . 17'.NwptBch.AvailAua hw.-a me. Bo• never t'IMl27. yearly. tBS/mo. 675-41r.l1 !; -~ ~.:~ G-.-8-. -36-d-wi-1--lo-aded--. -Lo-:.:: ._..& ,. am. parltlaa lot Ad~ boura, wor~h $7SLOOO, ~.....- a vaac• M1tlfte Yard. sell/trade/. Frank, -a S'U.Ht ••kln& prlce _541-U08 ___ • _____ _ 9010 ....................... ~ :lb&ecuhal Umeol ~ ........ / ,. ... Joe.E F'Qher. --callfonlia F\nl Bank ...................... . &aOl WelkUff Drive Wntull 12 Sail bo1t av.U.b&e for bare boat Newport8each,Ca charlt r In Augus t . m•..a-1111 f7WJ.81 ,...,.. Newport.er ketch. 40' for charter . Xlnt ...... .A1nt. • •a.· Sabre 1m. hllh perform&nee, runabout w/cutiy cabin, cruise 30 + at 3 MPO wtMerc 188, *13,iOO lncl dual axle lrlr. -..OOBkr. • • llbt NII 19' Cheetah Jet lld, •Ford, cover. 11111, rmny ..ir ... Jet·•·vator r oadrunn e r trlr wlbrabl. 544-7317 lin4 Olrowt dbl whl lrlr. w/f..,., 3IOO lb. cap. 19'. SLOOO. '42.or7l ........ w. ••••••••••••••••••••••• JMroRTANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The price of ll\:M ll advertised by vehicle deaJan ln t.be vehJC!le cla11Uied advert111ng ClOIWlm doee not 1nrlude any applicable taxe•. llc:enae. tnnllfer re~•. ftnance char1es. recs tor: llr pollution contro l de· vice certlflcat.ion1 or de· aler documentuy pr~· paratioo chtrlC" unleH Olherwlae apeclfled by tbe edvertiJler . • r 11/ Cl" ilea 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' '7S Dats un Pi c kup, AMff'M . Mhcll, 20MPG, ~.4 .. 4354. ---- '71' Jo'ord Ranacr ·~ Ton. 1DOCJ & t1drc ov"r p11y· mtml•. Or b .. 111 offer. ..... 'Tl OMC •,1 T I' U • full P'ft"· x!nt cond. 33M. R-c ... $995. S41· ll00 '73 Olltaun PU: Cuat In 6 O&lt, taOO/bea\ol(er. ta-l:M4, '72 E2 CamiQo. Runa ,ood. S2000 or 'bHt O fer. ~Private Party. '11~ 'TOJO'a SR 5 lonf bed w/•bell. Lo/ml. Xlat. oand.9',D>.912-..... '11 a..vy !4 I.On P\J. air . PS, l'B , tow t n1 tcPpped. new mtr. Cam· borac cmp'. all btR A·l .... ... ..,,.70'1I WE PAY TOP DOLi.AH for toe> u.ed cars-roret((n . domeeUrs or cla11Sic:s. If yow-c111r as e xtra dean. ~uaJo1RbT 1 ~ ,,, 1110.....,C..., 29'is Harbor Blvd. CO&'T A II E:SA t79·2100 Can 't Sell Your Car? Clm91MW PAYS TOP DOLi.All Fol Oeu Used Import• Call Mike or Don IH-Jl71' Pr:tirly ftftdl !I ,lot IPPf'O• '78 AUDI "5000" Autom i.tu.•. :.tr. l ru1~•· control, ~unrour. ~ 111) I top. AM ,..M 1>tl·r1·11 15tl2ULVI $9599 1J6JI t...,..bt,, IJl.,'1 r.11 ()f'n C-.iH ,....~ ••• &ll 2l )'J 11:511 N IJt·;wh Ulvd l....i lluhr" 5:!L ~.:JJ.l IS M1 No of SA fo'wyf •USEDIMW',..-. IHYEHTORY R&>UCTIOH '71C01 1 «1111 (<\li4UCT I '7f1 ~Mf.! <\"IHI < ISJtl I YI 7:,!>:JU l\llfll (07'lli I i i I~' 1\u\11 H1!17ll Sunday$ by Appt. $6495 .......Codiffoc 20 MI tlarhur Ulvd 14l.'> kUkt'rSI I 't.>:-\T /\ M t-:SI\ 540-tlOO 1976 DATSUN 1210COUPE ·11 .. ·ox 2 11r ., -.pd .• c • Blue Fox Sp i-:d ~u~l l•--------I ""\pt.'1'11 \1 1101> & .J 11 l.'tllltl IZX:!NI.(; I <:11•Jt 1:.,., m11t•.11<1" sec t o u v 1.1 r cl' I J 1 c '77 630 CM 1141> 967'.! _ 4 Spoc-d. J'olans ~11v ... r. ONLY S2999 HEWPORT DA TSUH '71 Audi. New pa.mt. ltrt~. mt Moving lo Eurnpt•. sa c r1r1cc SIUOO. <:ul t 731 4.'ll)t. ·74 f OX. l\uto. 1:1.oou 1111 11n ne w c•nJ.: l'lt·u11 , 3\mp)( S.2000 :->40 <tfil<I '75 100 I-'> /\utomal H'. I dr. :.tcrw 1·a~:.ctlc. ~Ult· mo( biS 91121.i l!rlt 100 LS. /\uto .• 11r. I\ MI FM , 'In I e 111111 $1.150 67 S. I w.I 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '761MW2002 Aulomauc. Sunroof. l\1r cond1t1on1ni:. St1·r1·11. pn1·cd to sell. 11.Jc. NO ..1JMAtt1 SADCM.HAcat VALLEY IMPORTS ll 1-2040 49>4949 OllAMCH COUMTY'S Ol.DEST & Sales-Service-Leas ing 1.owc... ... 1ac. RolJS Aoyce BMW l~J»mborel' Newport lteach 640·6444 '761NW5l0i AUl.omaUc. sunroof. air conc1Uonb\1.stereo.3to d'OOM tram. 1571 PQM I '*--ACIC YALLIY ....oa'TS lll-2040 495-4949 72 3.0 CS, 1ood cond. m>.000 mi. 4 apd, call evs, 71.....rl-3* "18 320I : Alpinia isuisp • Acutrac, A /C. -mlfm cau. black/tan cloth. Factory aerv. All re· ceipc.s. SI0,000. 657·4666 orM7-4341. .,.8MW2002: Lom1,aun· rool, 1ut.o, 11lnt cond. .,..m-1101. BMW llOI. Lille 1976 model.' Lo .,. f\n · lllrld&e, ... ~ tnrl. ftiB. n1rdl e tc. wapenalon. Cllll ·Ufl ewea or •7Qlclays. lc·elht"r IOI l'MOr Mt,"rt'fl r w.:.ett•'. ma~i, Sold and ~erv1t ed b y U !> l749UVlt I SADOLHAQC V AilEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495-4949 c.,; 9715 . ..••.................. '76 Bl:wk Cal "uru oor. I cyl. 211 1\11'1;, :H 1.11.10 m1 '· I owur 645 !Soll>-! W U..pn ftS. k yl. ol'>jl(l. AC. I'~. I' u. l'li'~Clll', lo1.1d1'<1 , 450<1 m1 . mui.l sell . $:'>!1!1~ r1rrn 1j.)li 00011 !ll7 2lil\h :Vt'l"> '77 C...pn (;h1t1, :! Ii SUpcr cond S111·k. i,nrt . l\M 1-'M lJl.l~. l'Xl ra!> $4500 bs t vi r !H·I 48;!!), :Y\6 •17f;.t ~ I .1ov1· Strt>N NEWl'OHT Ut-;i\Cll 8l3·1l00 i r. 2WYI. Shur'fl & dc"in New <1 1c & brak<.'tl. Mai.:!> ~tcrco <'1J!>l!Ctlt·. ·lliM StiSOU. J)uy' !.17!1 4tl>i • 1-:vc:.1 Wkntl. ... ti7:J·4~ 1976 DATSUN 28022+2 <& 'IX"-'° tran' . Jlr roml & o nly 3•1.CJUll m ile-.. t 042li!l:I 1 Hun:-. on ri· xular ..:a.'' OHLY$6799 Ov1:r I H ui.cd .. Z:-. · ttJ clloose from! NEWPORT DATSUH 88IS Uuvc Slrc1•t N~"WPOH'r 111':/\Clf 833· I 100 '72 :>t O it dr !>land:11 ti 76 L:.i pn Ii t·yl. .iulv. lo tran,, a tr Ont: (Jwn1•r nv. AM FM. 1i11rf xlnl $1 W5 S40 2!JJ I d a Y'. cond $3200 li7S 167:! 833 2128evc:. i J V-6. 4·:>p, i,unroof, Ol'W llres & l'n~ Sl.5!J5 MUST sru~· !nu 1~. '73 t:apn 210.I Auto. sun· rr. gd cond. $lfl00bcst. 673-2811 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAIGE SEUCTIOHOF AU.MOOB.S SHOP&COMl'ARE BARWIC K OATSUN I ' I 1, ., I 8 )1-1 ]7') 4'l.i.J J7 5 STOP!!. and 11ve \.IS a call durinll our find annual u:;ed car salc ... NOW! #I Ill 0r.te C..ty 202:1 lfarbOr Blvd . COb'T A MF.SI\ '"·2500 •DATSUNS* .............. OfAI ....... WllllCIAl'D .. ee>OD l9YICI .,,. .. ff;ili ILVD. .... ,, ...... 111 197SDATSUM IZIOCOUPE Autornu l1c trans. & u1r cund. l!Jf):!MX~> OMLYS2799 HEWPOIT DATSUH 8811 Dovc Street Nl-.'WPORT 8 .. :1\(;ll 833-1100 'V7 3'1).Z a uto. fully equp Xl.nl eond Very lotm• $7 ,1100 N c ~ottoh l1· li7l>-!n47 1'17DATSUH 2IO%COUPI S !!peed tr8llll. & 1Len•o (6:ll.';0W). A ArHl buy Ill OM.Y$6999 MEWPOIT DATSUN 888 0ove Street Nl-.:Wl-'ORT 8EACll llJ.llOO ·n :B>-Z 111lver a1<•. m1&i!I, AM/f'M eau . $7,200. P.P. 646-2142. ·----'768210 $COOd condl\lon, SZG.50 67S-3ll80 Ot 41M· l402 '11 Pick Up: Walk thru, cwtom paint Ir inlerior . Low m l l ea. m aJ•. amJfm. New brak•. xlnt ccnd. t4ll6 °'belt olfc:r . Clll M •lllO• --------'7t D•Uun P.U:1 new .,. ar ttr., .,,. •bat co-d. Oma. ~olr • ..... ---....... -· -41111\.,.. .. -• -................... ., ..... .._ .... --' ... ~ .... ' ~ ...... ,.... ........ ~ ,., ....... . .... - MTMI . .. ..... -.:.5':.':l ... ! tt74•11R' ..,. •Dal: ~. aarf. ~ 1&4' 301 ackDPfl. nu '72 llllT r,..a. AM /f'M l9M,lf f\1&11 ..-&p. 1howroorn dlllcb • bi'u•. SUPlt:R c ... ~ a1lo1S. kcal&. mat&I ~ u1.uo1otr car aaoo.rr~n. ::t.in· aooc1 _..., ...... ,... ..... "! .. aMilm10'fOTA uillliiai II.VD . ...... fl •• ~ltWUt .-cmb as.• ....... 2 ,. el.2& lWrtrool. "5,uuu .. • ...,_, IUNTr "111..C.CuMlco6W.. mUa a.Ir. lt.lluyi.. alereo .... _ ,_.._ CIMNftl), 1l.,~· M&Alt... c:.-lle. black . Cllll -.-,_ ..,,-.-.. ........ ' -rr~ ••····-----· ...,...... •1 DUUR IN U.S.l . MOWAltCtaa•t "ll ~ Whlw lblk mt f1 il2 Rbll enJC • tr•n:; J . ,,. .. ,.. .. COWi &~ ..--. ..... \.'GIACI • tl•r.o, ••t• • oatr 1UOt ....... a.,.... ......... ,(~, ONLY•"' ~DATIUM N~~-~CH &ntf. NM IM. 10011:& N~ clutch. titm. llrci. . .... ~ .... ...,.. ~. cau Aftlo. hrti.t XlDl Ul/OUl. Kept.A. IH •U m,,._ d•)'I Gr..,11t buy USOO/t1fr -.. .... t7J4 ·• 2aosi Xlnt 1:vod. 494 311118. __ _ --·-••••-••••••• l"VWY. aJJ r~lr record\, '73T1U'Ka. ~UOtJ •GbUI wi•,ane '7hftC 6 IDJO/olr t7 ·lllM WOl.til1w1, $10.500. PP. ~wn, •OOO 111111~1"*'-lvdlopNO (,j3~--- ve rl, 1u 1a r 11t-w u P w 14 l)Jit Pon<che l.d bile. (\~O SUNOAY\ 'SiSilverCkNd l $19,000 985-4144 •o.w.Sltwt NhPOlrr lbCH. IU.IMt ........ tJ40 .pt!.,AtlCe,90000 ll.a.IJ l!ln:l u.tom nm.¥, runs xlnt ·······················... 9742 ~ 548 9J29,87J,87~ s.lb lt7J .-Z ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 z.o Wter Porttche. lilll ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7' l>at1 un 8 l!l O llatcbback. xhu cond , All/FM. i ·tr•ck, ocw .. :n ,OllOG\i aDl ~~IT lt74DATSUM 4IO-.,.._ lt7t hlk. lmrrllfl'. $l:ltlOO firm. A hard t9 f lod. low M(h & MIDGITi 67~9972afl6PM MIJ941e haxury mudel m swell IOI' tmnled1at1.• l:tllJ) delivery! See US bt-fore OtlL Y $It, tH you buy HOWAIDCMwolet TODAY!!! Dove . Quil St.s Nt-:;WPO RT BEACH IJJ.05H 'Tl l'Ul"liche T•rtta. 7000 mt It. bl.k on blk. fully ~ulp'd , like new. bt:i.l uf(~ 641>-7700 -------J60ZCOWI Automatic trans . iur ccnd., ma111. low rml~l:!> & used run& on rcaular ________ , Pl! (0..,.> '71 914 I.ow mlll':tg't', AM1fM t'w.3, xlnt cond $'800 675 5159 '78 Turbo Black on blJt'k DliS 8" & 9" ..,.,hceli. $44 .soo . Jooo Miles &t28122 ·~·71 300 DtlSll 2925 Harbor Blvd. s cyl . luxury sedan. up t:~aA Mt:SJ\ SAl.lS,SEllYICI AHDLIASIMG una ar 1m SALE NOW lN PROO RESS' BEACH IMPORTS ~DoveS\~l NEWPORT BtACJ-r 752-MOO T~ .......................... OMLYS49t9 MIWPOIT DATSU" Oove tit QuaU Sts NEWPORT BEACH IJ).1300 t.o~ mp"· Cully equipped 979 2500 lncludinl'( clcctnc sun • 78 !J24 . ye llo w. pin · -------• ~lnpt.~. rn.iits. brtt & to~ TOYOTA 1974 '72 Datsun 1200. 2 <lr Sedan. rellnlshed. snap PY 2bd car, aslung ~ .$17UJoe rod. low mdeage ai war· --BGT------runty 1740251 '71 • new cue .• xlnl JI. M SL~S mech. cond All ~crv lamps. $11,9'-JS 494·CS33 _ CEU CA ST. 4 SP':ed. new tires. FM stereo $2,875.00. L1ccooe 780 K F'V Call ( 714) 830-6407 ~ rec 12500. Best offer 1-..0ITS 7»-~ 'SO Porsche Cubr1olct Nice. S5600/blil, $36 5014 unoHARBOl\BLVO. ------C~TA ME.SA '76 MG Mid"ct. ~K r111. --- '77 8LO Wgn. Air, AM /FM 631·127613).tlOO grc14t cond. ~rt m1 , best 'bi 1111 Xlnt. contJ. 64K cass. etc. xlnt contJ , ________ , olfer'.4~·25S3.4~Hl861 uri~. rm. Must b(' seen ~.00-1679 P r e s mu.:. $7 ,500 . '74 MEltCEDES MGI 9744 tii\.S·Vl!i1 9725 ....................... ·------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt75FIAT SPIDEi nus one ·s m great cond1 lKJn! 1483MYC). MUST sa.HUUY BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEW PORT BEACH 75~0900 ·11 Fial 124 Spyder con vert. Good cond 644·200S. ---·~850Spyder Conv. Hard Lop, Rbll eng. 40mp~ Good cond. $1100 833-8565. 673-41.22. f>P 9727 ....................... .,...1Ww'79 HONDA Cars MAHY To Choose From! UNIVERSITY a.Mobla. .-.. Ccn • GMC TMICks 2850 llarbor Blvd. C.OSt.a Mesa M0-9640 .,.,.,. 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JAGUARS XJ6Ls. XJ 12J...o.. &XJSCoupes MOllt colors available for 1mmcd1ale dell very. TEST DRIVE OME TODAY!!! ·~) ..... ..., .. __. .. 2925 Harbor Blvd. C~"TA MESA 979-2500 280C Burgundy with tan up. holslery. puwer win· doWli. power brakes, iur rondJliorung. cruise con. trol <682L EJ). SADDLUACK VAU.EYIMPORTS 831-2040 495 ... 945 ------ 'G:i Mil lOOc. 4 cyl, auto, rudUJJs. clean 111/out. 4 dr. ~ 644·0352 '75 MBZ 280 D ark brwntt.:in 1ntr. Gd cond Must sell 1mmed. $7600. llome 494. 7783. wo rk 547.9348 New 1979 MG ls More people buy the MGB convertible th1rn any other convertible' See US before you buy TODAY!!! ---E PLE---execuT1ve DEMO -ONLY 9300 MILES •AUTOMATIC TRANS. •CHROME LADDER • POWER STEERING • CHROME TIRE MOUNT •AIR CONDITIONING • ROOF RACK • AM/FM STEREO 8 TRACK • 4 HIGH BACKS •ALARM SYSTEM • HOT a COLO WATER • LUXURY PAINT • LUXURY INTERIOR WAS 514,950. 57995 THIS WllKIMD OMLY! ,..., .. ..,.....,., .. , OTHERS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS '76 91l!:i, blk, suarf. Clt•1£11 :e.!XX> rOi . SlS,500 or bst ofr 646-1397 '79 Turbo Carrera. blJck on blatk, 3700 m1lci.. Loaded w1lh xlras SiS,000 558· l:Wl A~k lor Steve Louvier. Leaving state must sell !. UQ Toyota Corona 4 Dr ~·Pretty while w1lh blue Interior Automatic lrans .• a.Ir cond .• exccp l tonally t:lca n car. IWWS946 J SW99 i-=arle Ike Toyola·Yolvo. 196G If arbor Blvd .• Co:. ta Mc:.a. 646-9003. --- MGB ' ,,., Any new MGB or new MG sold by us from now until the end of July. will receive a 5 YEAR, 50,000 MILE VEHICL E FREE' SERVICE - ·CONTRACT • Test drive a classic sports car today. Any c-a r taken m trade regardless of make or model. '\'lt>Rt: llOl:llS: MO:'li.·t'IU. 8:31 A.M. TO !I P.M .. ~AT. !t::ti A.M. TO irt•.M. & Sl 'S . 10 A.~I . TO S r.~I. WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF PRE-DRI VEN IMPORTS IN STOCK TR"J>•: 1!\S Wt:U'O\IE • l)IMt:DIATE FINASC'ING \\>'Ml~\fU.t: 0 :\ APPt<OVAL OF VOl 'll GOOD CREDIT Salt's -Ser vice -L ea sing . .. Now~ar~~- _ ... ..... .......... ...... ··••tied .......... tied ...... .......... ,...,.. ......... ...... UtH ·········'············· ...............................................•...•....•...•...•......•..•....•......••••••....•............... ~ ... . ,......,_._.... tW,.,... t761 T.,... 9765 T....... t7'7 Vtlaw ! '771 .._ t711 C ·11 ffll . , ............ 11111 ... ~-················.·.·.··.·,·· -·················· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-····· •••••••••••••• -.. -............ -···-········•••4 • ......... a Dr. ledaa· TT 4 Wheel Drivo, PaaU _.____....., OUMelCOUMn ITOl'lll Sr•l•• wltl \t wllb onlf . Wn<'ked . C•M ~._.,..., 6 YOLYO a-k out OW' Ora U · ••1l"" \1t0Uf1 p;-vd AM t ~ INr ••' c ,f t •w t.,. I "'I .. -CASI LUM ''11' .ou,,o.n ... , PllCI S 5 6 0 0 ;';, ....u.MfNl&oalpeinted 517.-Z.Ooodperu. 'Tl-71MOWHmll aaAJllVELYVOLVO ..a Ulld cu ..at &Ilia _,...·s.dclletan -Q)upeeAJto Av•llabl• a•••~s TO a..,.v•wol>Nltr 1 2 kuAI ' ....-. 4 NMd t.rua., ·10 Toyota Wan. new rc:r Immediate ~Uvery! .,.."""" iaar.,.c..tyl ~ rad•o. radlal UrH. lrana, re wo r ked m\r, SeeUS~oreyou ~ IUY a -VICI IUY•L&ASE (_,.IN) ..... t;arle n ktotfer'*"581 TODA Yl •T DIRBCI' IM Toyota Volvo, lMI la ._ Harbor Bl vd • Coal• "n Qi c11 lJf\ba.ek GT ~ JIM M•ll.ll.IO ; E Miu ......... kp, ak, AM/t'M, xlnl. "' ._ '" ; ' 1~71TOYOTA ~~:wn~71ood ,.!J VOLISWAGIH!~ #1:.:.c::. COMMLASIDAM oondSl,.OOtbeatolCer.· -~-·I· COSTAll~A Aalf.onwUc trau . r•dlo, 971# 5087 292.'Uhrbor ffl vd SllYICI DIPT. OfllM Anaheim 750-2011 t7t.JIOO lwt11ter 6 low mlle1. C06TA11£SA 'TIL t r.M. MONDA YI (Wl'RCll) "I ·11, <Ailica ST. AM/f"M 979-2500 ~l'\.'O, Wirt M>Ok\.'<I whhc, ·Z· ...... c.... lo rnllt'Ut(e, ~00.'JI rAITI DIPf, °"" -H .. r'-·-.. lvd T......... '7'7 v•...-. 9770 -n&.t,.M.MOMDAYS -• U..D ._,,,... eeeee .. eeeee•eeeeee•••• .. -.,._. l42.5 Bak~rSt ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ... • ..... ,,.~.,. .. M ... .,... ...__, 1979 Tri,__., llHW VW Huu " i.1uw d IATUaDA"fl ..,_,.1,.•"t I oo"'""" ,_,., ....,... lraru1 Vory c•hrnn in ~ SPITFIRES lcrlor Pretty forc'l .J. ----'1\ &lock fur 1nuf\t'tUul{• .Vt..ut. (Vt:U613' Sl1'tf'J SALIS Dlf'T. OPIM 1 Um ~'roll• lt11trhbuck dtlJv•ry' s..~ US h('fur<! .l';orlo lk1• Toyotu Volvo, DAYS A WlllC SR5, JCJ"'1 Xlnt cu1Ml ''"" buy IUOO lfur-bur IJl vd .. Cotta .,. t).lt} ·88 .,~ Me11w, 64'J &:nJ ,... TODAY!!! WI UASI AU ·11 To1ot» Cut.PO ii dlx. cltlal1. &oud trufb,IJ(lrlll liOO Sl ,200 ~ 22IMJ '71 t.A!lh:u Good Cond AM t'M cw.i.. nl'w l1rc1t PiOO Ph7M lJOI 76TOYOTA ewe• Thl• popular llflbuclt ' Sparkling red with uuto, trun.'>.. AM / l''M Sll'rt.'0 129'JU) (Wy$J49S ILMOU TOYOTA lS:lOO UEACll BLVU W~TMI NS'ftm 194-llZI 'ID Toyota. $500 /\lsn. '71 J\MC Gremlin. S500. 00 609IJ Or mukt· offer '7'.! Corulla. rhlt cui.:mc, i.t~roo, xlnt cuncl. $1400. ~~ '\/W lfuvlnl( trouhh• 114'11 MAllH & ...oo&S1 • tnY. your c·ur" Try u11 Top Sf'ltl~ 9" YW Jr~.~ ~,~1• 1k1ll111 Pn11I for or Nol ' &.-c_~""" _ ~ J\Mrut y1111r 1•11r I u J Hr\ _ •·-•·-·•· M1•n1111 Volk"lw;1l(('ll . wau•vao•• 100 ........ ,..,.._...... 1"111 ll4•1wl1 UlvtJ . llunl moWMID ~ ltbroor UlvcJ 111.it•m lk'u<'h l\11k fur l*--..Y c••S TO {,'~'TAM K4;i\ f'°'I fink M unno or Tom "'CHOOst MOM 91\t-~500 Aikin ·•· •'RIUM'"' '76 SPITFIRE Under :J0,000 1ollc~, i'I< { ·llcnl cond1l111n, 'lll'r l 'fl cwiscllc. (:T/JTUUI Sl8SO JIMSUMOHS IMPORTS J970 HAHBOH Bl.VII <;OST/\ MES/\ 631-1276 833-9300 1969 VWIUG IMMIDIATf Lrllht hlu1· c.xt1·nor & on DtUYBY OM MOST Iv 1'1,!XkJ 11n1<111ul rnllcli MOD&S ~urpCur' fYSJ0061 WOft1 lod lolM)! MEWPORT DA TSUH tjK111lov1· Slrucl N~Wl'OHT HEA<:ll 833-1300 'Ofi VW Ca mpl'r nl'W rn1lml<, rww l 'lll.: • brl6kc::i, d ull'h , &. mlt•r cooler $1.71Xl 1itr;: 4051. cull aft. 5 11711 ~CH IUD HUMTIHGTOM llACH 142-ZOOO '74 Sp1tfir1• X lnl 1·0011. '7!1 ltatilul 1)!11 l .. koO m1 . rcblt 1·11~ & tru11 ... uu A M 1FM 1.torco. A C . 70 Bug. XJnt cond. Nl'w dutch , AMl l"M11·a1>1>, 1111 loadl'tl $HH(ICJ ur IX'Sl of p111nt. M1chellns. runi. loJ~. S25(JO 551 051ll rt:r 351 17AA .:rc<tl Current s moi.: l't!rt C!500 ~2 IGHO '71 Super Bui( 41>p d , AM1FM, nu lirl·~ .. very clean lh ruou l . $28(J(} (;a II LO i.coe 768-:>:!A ll!>S I 1231 '79 VW Ulk convert . only inSll\I AM WM cass. {'(JV er , all xtras , S9.750 6421H22 'Tl Kubb1l 5'icnf1l'l' Xlnt cond 75l-769t dayi., 768 3479cv~lwknd.'I 'IWJ VW. run~ ~wd sr~ 546 tti41 '76 ~. VWSm>1:co. lud 1nJ . AMW M t<u~"llM . ~ 644~8 ·n Uu1:. rww P11g1nl' & 1111111t. xlnl 1·ond S!G!i01 ~t offcr. 556 8!Yl!I '70 VW Bus, eni:: & hody work Ot"\.-dtd, $700 1124 W. Balboa HI 114. Nff 1975 Volvo Wa1on·Thl1 Seville '78: B.Ul/b!Jc lthr, eeoeomlcal 4 cylinder lmmac, like nu, nu car baa automatic tram.. MlcheUn1, muat aee . 1ua 1 a i e rack, powe r 83l-07t&rnaH1e. steering, radio. ri.dlal Urea. Soper ValU\! al only ~. (074NCP I ~arle Ike Toyota· Volvo. JllOO Harbor 81 vd.. Cos la Meiaa, 646-9303. 'al V°'vo 142. Tran11porta Uon special Rum• gOQd Call 8 JO.S, 549· 1343 '78 SevHle, 81ae k/blk. vinyl tDp, leath ln&.r, aplit leath pwr aeata, All/FM lllcreo tape deck. Crui11e control, Ult-scope steer- 103, 11ut.o dr locks, tru.olt release, wire whl cvrs, 18,000 ml. $1 2,000. 499-1811 '16 Sev1Ue. extra11, ooppt:r Lan, 8 trk. S7600 96H303 i6 Scvallt: Yeflow. It.IL Grill. Genuant-Wire i3 Volvo 144. At<:. high Whe1:h. low mile age, mileage $1~ or bill ofr Ca1167S <4&M) Lido Isle i3 Volvo Classie 18008':s Sport.a Wagon 20·i4mpg Reg. J(U.S $7500 or m ost 1nlerestinJt offer MO 2934 days, 833 2128cvei. Call 559-1689 eve:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• G1•r4 9901 Silver S4>v11lc Wi re whl t1rl' mount.'> oo trunk. Supe r i.harp' T .O.P w 1$.'500. 544· 2234. ....................... --------- DOTD/\TSUN AU DOT DATSUH USIDCARS PaJCED TO s&L TODAY! Come gilt your 11m1lea.cc al Oran ge Count y 'i. h1rl(ct1l Dal.sun dealer '75RAlllT Sl299 4::.J)d , AM W M rudio I 1.:1226 2ADJll()(i I '76DATSUH 710WAGOH $2999 J\MIFM radio. <1 !>PC(.'d 1 ~HKS1 '71DATSUH 110 $6299 4 door . t1 i;pc1-d, air l'tmd, l\M l'M r .1l110 Cl3583·1~Zi\I': I '76TOYOTA PICKUP $3299 4 s11t•c1I I I 38:16 JI) 184 Ii' I '76 GRANADA $2899 Auto lrun:; . air c·on1I , l)OW(!f !>lL't!nOR & brukt•i, ( lJOOZ 1.5 llU..G I •CAD'77 SIVIW LOw mileage, loaded ! l.'O c u 11 y o w n e d & i.ervm!d, MBZ trade m. 164451) $9850 JIMSLEMONS IMPORTS l!Y10 Hi\IWOll 0LVD. COS'l'A MES/\ 631-1276 lll-9300 WANT ACT ION'! t 1as.-.1red Atl:. 64:t-56111 Allto,, U.ed .....•......•••.••..... •••••••••••••••• 9Mity& Price 1.1\l!(;t-:s T S,.;l.1':<'1'11 IN OF N,.;w & USt:I> IN 011/\N(;,.: COUNTY C' J\ 1)1 LI.Al' V /\I.I J ,.; l'ltOTl-:<'TION !'I.ANS /\va1la llh• on Most Car~ • MEW 1979 TOYOTA COROLLA DELUXE LIFTBACK ·11 VW Uu g . s t ot•k , AMWM. runs & looks re a l good . $1950. <714 1 MO-1.897 or 846-8961. '17TOYOTA rtaur SRS $4299 5i.peed, rad111 • 1969 CADILLAC COUPEHYIW ·79vw Diesel-NEW. SACHI FIC E $8.500. 8?.6-3184 ·w VW Bu.'>. newly rt>hll L'flg , new brk!.. A M I FM 1·a.,., i.lcrt.'<1 Very dean ~ 6454719 'GS VW Bug w :-nrf. $1.'iOO I bi. l ofr 546·7778 C lJ8J I I !"81 \MU I '770ATSUH 280%2+2 $1199 ~ ... ~H'\.•d J I r 1'111\Ct J\M 1"1\1 1lJ 1lu1 & 01JI! wh1·1·li. ( IJS60-66379 / Full puwl'r. l.tl'l<1rv .11r •·ond . l.and:iu tr11.1 & l1•.,lh1·r 1nll'rtur . 171J4 L: LI I 1. $1499 • 1'75 CADIUAC ELDOIADO COU,E NEW 1979 TOYOTA 1979 TOYOTA CELICA GT LIFTBACK '74 VW Cmpr: Auto. AC. :.t.ove , rcfng. 2JM m 1, cleun. s i n k, $4850. 567-7066. '76DATSUH 1-210 $3499 W11 h l•·altH•r '•'ah 1·ru1w t•ontrol. /\Mll'M '"'rt•o rnd10 & 8 fr.11'fc l.1111· CJHOMWlli' . COROLLA 2 DOOR 1l lpMd transmission, bucket Mats. deluxe pin •n.-. side moldings. wheel well moldings & fully •.fldoty eq111pped. ( llTE31-636~9). MAKE ·US AN FERI~ MEW 1979 TOYOTA CELICA ST COUPE Automatic 1ransm1ss1on. AM/FM stereo. body side mol dings, !rim rings & fully taclorv equipped. (JRA42·200885) Au1omar1c lrans , factory air cond . wire basket wheels. pwr steering. AM/FM !ltereo with equ<1111er & custom dual rear speaker~. cassette ta po. targa band. rocker panel molding<; doluic e pin !lripes & roar wlfldOw shade kit. Demo l!IRA42·139735) •• 1979 VW Kubbtl Owst-1, silver , s unroof. A ;(;, new Dcluxl' inll'rrnr. 752-0234 or 968· 7343. i2 VW Supt-rbecllt'. nol nmnml(. $45o/bcsl offer New hc<•ds. valves. l>(Cn., Otl pump 546-8542 afl 5 i2Super Beetle Convert.1· blc $3200 or best offer. Muslsc.11' ~-!1704. 4 sp('Cd , air con1I. & radio. ( l:ltl:IH 7 tlTC I'). •DOT• DATSUN lB835 Dt:i\Cll HL VU HUNTINGTON U EACH S4CM>442•842-771 I 9905 '75 Rabbit 2-dr. :.unroor. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 42K. 1mmac.,/dcnled '77 Paee r wagun, full fender. 494-7108 power, air, etc-. $3800. 673-:1826 ii 7 pa.'>Senger bus. New· ly r e bll eng & trans. i3 AMC J aveh n, Hurst S2700. 543 t'ullerton. N. U romp. + 364 brl. IU 'G -radial T1A·~. A MW M ·10 VW Classie white , cas.s, good eond. S75CJ or Runs & looks good. $1500. best offer. 67S.SJ29 96().5286. ------ '71 VW DUS. Xlnl cond. New eng.ine. new trans. $2950. 581-8723. "78 Concord DI~. lo/ma, Iota o( extras. 4·dr. Be::il <Xfer. 549-4307 a..6da 9910 9772 ·-······················ ••••••••••••••••••••••• v91.vo . s.uf58v1e1 AM> LIASBffi OVERSEAS DEUVERY EXPERTS IAIUm Wl'll THI OMltlt 197SUvuJ97i Regals now on sale during our lat a n· nu.al used car sale! VOi.YO "' la 0..-.. c:...e, 1911 Harbor Blvd. 2lll'l5 Harbor Blvd. COSTA llESA OOSTA l(E!;A ...... ~ ... "'' 97'·2100 tm VOi.YO lt17 IUICll 1411WAeoM P .. AVIMUI AulomaUc, air cond.. LlD SIDAM AM/FM. • a local l Full power, factory air OM* car w/OIAlJ 42,000 cond.. padded lop. wire rilea. (t76FVV). wheel CO\'era, 11plit pwr. MUST sat .-a. Ult. cnAiJle control, -•l'>H l~ITS All/FM ltereo • 8 lrack ....-0ov.":r:t \alpe.Sball>! (451214 ). NEWPORT BEACH M"' 7Q.0900 .....,.. C ••c n.. ..___ ~Harbor JMvd. ltr5Volw4 _.. _ _. · 1UD8eker8t. eyUadll' ecmomy. Very COST"' II-"' ,_.,, Rieb burpndy ,. -• * cond., ' .,..., __ ._ .. _._._ .. _. -- lta'!,!.:J_ rad•al lk'tl. .. -· _,. (lT7au;) -· Sule -t ............ . la Tofo&a-'Vol.o, 119C * ..... All/1'11 c-. Har Mr 11•4.' CNl• ........ , f\all1 loeded • ... .... ... .,,. ..... --. .... ... frMllD 'TJJllDL:MIO.~ .... "7' ............. tero car. Call lllo•d•J ltlel ..... ....... .... .... .... -"" , ....... $3999 • 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE l.1'a l h1•r , l llPI'. 1111 wh1 • .. I. l':.ihriol1·t lnp, lull powrr. hH·lory air c•ond . c•rlll'" 1·11ntrol & low m1 lt'h <~12NIM I $4599 • 197' CADIUAC COUNDIYIW ..-u lt powe r , AMlf·'M 'tc•rt•o. tall Wh l•t'I. 1.anduu lop & lcalh..r 1ntt•rior S h a r p ' 19HSl'HK I $4999 • I 977 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI L cathC'r. st<"reo radio, r r u 111e c•o ntro l & Ca b r 1o l c l t o p . 1312RX.1>. $7499 • • 1977 C.ADILU.C SIDAMDIYIUI Full p o wer , c ruise control, full vlnyl top, AM /FM ster eo, llll wheel, 50150 spill p0wer seats. leather .tc low miles. !QlSJl42J. $7999 • lt77CADl''AC smu.a Full p o wer , leather. c ruise eontro l a nd stereo rtldio. <llllTJF) . $1999 • OVER 100 QUALITY CARS TO S&U:CT ROM • ....................... ..................... . I ~1· ...... u... ....Uwd ...... u .. d Sund!y,Ju!y29.1979 OAJLYPflOT ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a..... t9JO c Pl ... ttlO ~ fflJ ....... ..... flOO ....... ..... tlOOI--·· ..... flOO,...... ..... ~ ltNClaveaur CaUMM ;i;,r~:·~ ....................... ....a.atn ClltMte• • ce ....... c..rtc•. .... ewt..11~• Noll• Dr..Ue rediM: ~~~t~~; iE'.~~~~: i~;1: ............... HA;ao; .. ;·t;o~·;·c~;s ......... ~1.~ ...., .-... &'ll_..Ol'"e4MN& 8 U'ack tana player and .,..,__._ • ..-""'9llU M11a ...,,,..,,, G9&T ..... Ulm! ..,,. Impala. mint coad. Cc ue•s tfl2 c r u 1 1 • c o n l r o I • CM IM ! •tao. ....................... (Ser.90141.), A.D•ttt• . :SP.£' .... I IAflMOWIH ' , l NNf I I , 4' ~ IJ. '' • 4 I ' j" ----- '"' Q91110LIT ..,,. I ~JI. economy . •-•Uc trw .. pwr. ....... aar tODd. " low mba (JSIVJI>. OMLYM HOWAID o.mt•QR Nl.'WPOR't .B IJMI •alERRY&na• '11 C.--"D.CAMAIO I '"9•• NOVA ~ Automatic trans.. pwr J 7 M m t I • • • V -8 . steerin1 • brues, <&ir ldomttk. power steer-cond., radio " heater ln1. power wlndowa. ~&ow &ow m.tlelt~ loeq, fa<.(. air, sfetti0 (Sl9RSN'> ' ... (mtJJQ) "''' S67tl ..._.. CaclllcK * lC. fOIJUN£ 2600,liarbor Blvd. Poatiac·OMC 1425.liakerSl. . COSTA MESA 3IOO E. Liit. Santa Ana 5,.A 9100 (TI4)8-1000 .,,_ ?ICAM.Alk> Equipped w i th aUl.OlnlUe transmission, air conditioninC. AM IF M ster eo casse tt e . <42'lULB> SADDIBACK VAUIYMODS IJ l.zo40 4fMf4f *** C.D. Strock 1464 Bluebird Cyn Dr. Laguna Beach You are the winner of tine frft tickets CS22.SOvaJue), to Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus Aug. 2nd lhru 13th 1w1-.11t1 lf1'CHIYIOUT Sl7tl '11 Monte Carlo. runi; COIViiilT·TC» .....,..C..-.C ....-, aeedl bod)' worlt., Thia OH ia a loaded 2800Harbor Blvd. 1tr. am t ftn Sl .300 m11roon beau Cy ' 14258allerSt. •tl5Z <'70NRRl COSTA MESA '11 Moon. xhtl cond mlOor O..toffer 549-~. '711Chev.UC 13Km1. '3.400. L.c.l/m1. 53Hmi2 "II Monle CariQ C.ndau T &op. fully lcSaded low nllla,.. QUI 5*1660 a.,..... tfJS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 CHIYSl.M COIDOIA COUPI Only 33,000 miles. !ull power. factory ak cond .• AM /FM stereo tape • leather & s unroof (82SSJ... T>. An excellent buy at $3999 ........ Cadillac 2600 Harbor Blvd. 1425 Baker St. ~"TA MESA 5.0.9100 '72 Newport. Like new 1ol ext. fl.IC. Xlnt running cood. Orig owner. $1500. al\ 6 64().6242. iOChrys. 3004-dr, loaded, xlnl bargain. 540-7873 OML Y S1f91 540-t I 00 HOWAD~...-. Oove • Qoall SU. NEWPORT BEACH IJMIH COIVll ii Owt11nl See ut first during our lit annual u&ed car sale ' 5 • 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTAM~ 979-ZSOO ·13 CorveUe w /454 ~g. Many x.tras. XJnt cond. $7,300 549-2973 Jean or 64().3379 Cougar 9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • $199 DOWN OAC • '76 MEllCURY COUGARXR7 20 M mlle s. V 8. outomatJc. Power s teer· ing, fat't. wr. lilt. l·rw:.e. landau, custom wheels. <376XJXl $3995 * J.C. FORTUNE "72 Cougar, AM/ FM litereo. au. new tires. xlot ena. $2100/best. 642.(8)4 m XR7, all xtras, new golden painl, very nice. Sl$l0. M6-7019 dys ' Dodtt 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971DODGE OMHI Front wheel dr1 ve. automatJc trans .• pwr. steering & only 12.000 miles. Cute, ~liver car. <B17NCQJ. ONLY$4799 NEWPORT OATSUH 888 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 133-1300 Dart '74: Xlnl cond, auto, HIH. AC . nu tires . $Z400/besl 646·6606 Little old lady '>Cllmg ·72 Dodge. few mile:.. AC. radio. etc. $1800 955.3274 SUPER CLEAN 1974 Dodge Dart Sport. •1 cyl. P/S. P ill. i\ 1<.:. XLNT nmd. Lo m1. Must sell! $2250. Call 7141840-1413 ·------ ATLAI OHllYIUI· H.YMOUTM 0 1'M......,lhel ~ . .,. "-MAllllS CADll.LAC. INC • Met ..... ~. M>-9tCIO HMNalboflllld. ~ Mt9ACUtdzDA llM Nc1100t 111Nt. • ..WlOO : ~ ... .IT'S WORTH THE TRIP. IMf!OlrTI ~-, .... ~IMI..·:· ~ ~-, All makes, models and colors. ':· Classified Auto Advertising in th ------= = .. 'aJ Camaro V8. Center Anaheim Convention "-d d Center mies, stereo, g con · Tickets must be ex- '16 Cordoba. loaded mu!'>l Ponliac-GMC aJOO E. I.st, Santa Ana ( 714ISSS·1000 sell leav10g area SJSOO.or --------- ·71 Uart. I dr ~d cond, MU!'>l !\Cit lh1i. .... t•t•k Sl(XJ b:.l ufr 7 M Sil~ 0204.1 .pJ> •• ;. -.;.. SL!K>O. 558-1328 or 832·9362 --changed for reserved b6l olr 55 l ·3544 9930 '78 Camaro Z28. Sharp, ~ts at the Convention Callis,.ntm loaded. $6:950./ Dest of-Center ahc11d of time ••••••••••••••••••••••• rer. 493--21672. Call 642·5678, ext. 272 to ---------claim your tickets. •LUXURIOUS! • .• Camaro 327. Stereo. • *.. '11 u~"""" ..... ~/bstolr ------~"""" 64.S-OCMSart6PM '76 Nova a te . lo/mi . COMTIMEHTAL • 1 7 c z 2 8 S2,850. Xlnt. cond MARJ( V a m 8 r o · 496-1730 U>adod ! FUii power r ti Brown/saddle int. PW, -way seat, tilt. cruise, PL. PB, PS, AJC, Cruise. 76Chevy Nova Concourse. stereo cassette. landau. 29,000 mi. AM/FM tape. 4 dr, R/H. air. 350CU V8. (413VWG > 9!00/blltolr.586·3220. clean. xlnt cond $2800 673-4396: 642.:>2()() ask r or 57295 •CAM.ARO 75 LT• VB. auto. air. PS. Pli. Pwr wds /dr l c k i.. AM/FM. till, cstm whl:. $4175. Orig o wnr 714-494-8966 ~~ I lclen * J.C. FORTUNE ·16 Jmpala. 4·dr, i\1C. 43M. $2900. 751-8122 -•79 impala, 4·dr, air. I-' JS. '74 Camaro: AM /l''M/ PtB. vs. stereo, 2000 8trk, V6. auto. orig mi's. Mus t sac. 494.GSJJ owner. xlnt cond, 52M ---- mi. $2700. 646-5-417 '64 Impala 2·dr. looks bad. "78CamaroT·top, lo mi's, Takeover 1 a..; yr lse. Home: 759·0597. Of c . 752-021' runs rough. What do you expect for $400? Full tank of gas wtpurchase, ~ SELL id.le Items with a Have something to sell? Daily Pilot Classi/led Ad. Oassified ads do it well. f'ootiac·GMC 2000 E. LSt, Santa Ana (714)558-1000 '77MARKIV COMTIMEHTAL 36,000 miles. loaded w1lh extras. 81JI Blass edition. (74895816706) $1575 BA RWICK OATSVM , d I, 1' 1, ' I • 83 1-IJ7S 493-3375 ......_ M•w 9100 i/wtM, Mew 9100 Alltot, Mew 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For The M• Wllo Thinks H• Has E•~ 1919 MARK V ''ST. TROPEZ" 1979 MARI V WITH / 7f ·CLASSY PICK-UP BED ........... --- Breek away from the crowd with this t>eeuty. Whlte(Whlle with padded vinyl roof ~ leethef uptlolstery. Cruise control. tilt wheel, twin comfort Mata, powllr ·windows and aeata. headlamp con11en1ence group. atereo•tape. dHp pile plush cerpe11ng See It In our $ 29 99 5 lhowroonl9 now! (Ser. 18849e0) I MIW! JUST IMRODUCB -llU. IL.ASS COU.All Xl·7 SPICIAL EDITION ••• DON'T WORRY ABOUT UNLEADED GAS LA ' e IMMED{ATE DELIVERY ~ ON IA'S #J SELLING IMPORT. GOOD CHOICE OF HONDA WAGONS •R. L. POLK REPORT FOR IMPORT PASSENGER CARS FOR FEBRUARY/YEAR TO DATE ,.J l't71POIU> IUTICOUPl full pow~r. fll'lury air cond., i<pUt c<ub. l.1tn dau top, low 1r11h•:. & llllatp! U2214MJ I. •NEATWAOON•• 76"°9 COUMTIY MJMM1 llPAIS.-..._ V I, 11.1tocnat1r, powi;r 1IC'4'rlnt, powt'r wlo dowa. IO<'h , r11·1 111r, Wt, cr\Ptt, rarll . •l~teo. lllllit 1e1ta. n w radial. 16aNWO) Sl4tl * J.C.FOITUNE l\lllU•r OMC ~ F: Ii-I, Slt11ll1 Ar\M 1714 IMll llllM} OPPOITUHITT ~ i.a vlkn Wlll'll \'OU 1N· n ... 1111 1wll1n.i 111111)' l'1lut l 'lui.i.1f11>jl All~ lu r l'"' h 1tw 11rn111;1• t ·ou'lt IT~ll k1•l '75Fm , •. 4 door Autom•lh'. V·8, p0wt'f' 1le<'t1n•., brall.,.. (Q}f~J $1877 SADOLMAC« '°'° ZMO s M•"'· Santa /\ 1111 Al lht> Corner of Warn1•1 546-7070 ... '1t Orand Torino Xlnt. Olllld. ll-... 1&M 71MUIT._ COWi Ve, auto. tnn• . air tond., pwr. 1ltt1rl n a. ateno lAIMI. 1or11oua ! (TJOV~I :""' ~TOYOTA &ID BEACH BLVO. WaTMINSTER "4-UZI 'ft rlnto. ¥Ulo, rflldlO, ll'M& mllea•e. ~ or bltotrer.1H/7eo.t286 •Cwt.om 500 Xlnt tram, cw-. gd l'OOd, unly 45M ml, 8)0/~l. lfJ3 U6Nl 'i.! U.od1"ro w.t Ster1•0T'A1r tl44 2005 'M t°ILCOfl $400 or bst ofr, 10' uJurnllium boat StOO. 71 ~II P motor Cull Mon IAl\4pm~1 __ _ -•••••••• '?II Granada. 4 dr. R600 or l.11lu "76 Gr11n11da~ J,o m1, v8. 4dr, vmyl tnp, )II.I m1~. /\C, /\M1 .. ·M. vl.'ry 1· I t• u n . S :1 J o u 1m1 !'>1:11;111411 z.11:1 ·1:-. t 'ntry Set W1:n xlnt best olrer. <~POI ) Call !Q.filOO. --~--~~- '71 LTD Stn. Wun . t-:ng. O'Jlaulcd MOVI NG' IU~I O"'f'l-:tl 'f/\KES1 lli5 416:l ·• Maril Ill. dnt cond. lMded + air, adj. trlr ............ Mlh .. 111 tt47 ....................... '71 Mav. Ndan. P/8. P/8, Uo.aJr, taOO. 8'73-- Mle•r ttlO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'ORANG£ COUNTY'S NIWl$T UNCOl.N·MERCURV OEALERSHJP IAYFIADBOI U.NCOl...N·M Y.RC\J RY l&-ll Auto Center Or. SOFw)'·Lake Forest exit IRVIN£ 130.7000 1977 Mercury Ma rquis f\ruugham 2 Or. hurdlop- Hl'autJfuJ t wo-tonc .crecn ....................... ~.:::? .......... !!~ it ....-C. St.at W(n, ot'll owner. mike offer . ..... AJlo t.nl lrlr. aoo• ASSUME L.EASE : '187Afhyrwp. Good ml, AC •. Pl. PB. f4M440. i4 C.prf. Jdal concL SUIOO. pp 714/~ ....... 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ' I t7t llOllD MUST .... COIU nmeo. 4 cyl ... apc<.-d tran1, 11unroor. pwr. ateer1n1 ~ brakes. AM/FM 1lereo. map & Uke new.only 3000 miles. ( .IZl(nt'. (sue. 1'3940 " UNI THEODORE ROBINS FORD JUf>O HARllOA 111'<'0 COStA MlSA 641 OOIC. with t ill, crw11e, pc>wcr -- spbt scat.&. st.erco tapt>, II.I Mus t an!(: nu varnt. elc. (914RST> $42119 rud1utor. Jran:.. run:. F..arle Ike Toyota-Volvo, 1o1r eat •• $1800 /h~&t. 11166 Harb« Blvd .• Costa 494.~3 Mcsa.646-9303. '65 MuslanJ(, 1; tyl, run" '72 Colony Pk Wj(n. rt·it tcood. nd& hody w11rk, gas, loaded. full pwr. /\(;, o.'kin1< $1,IXXI 673 20Zfi $13>0. 968-3014 alt SPM '71 Grund Murqu111 lm1d(•d w/xtru:.. lmmur. Nrw llrti. $3,fiOO. 1'.I'. 644-G327 '71 Mu.'ltang vK. aul'J. /\C, itd t•ond lhruout. mu-.t ' t· I l t 11 1 i. w k n 11 . ~l1StH)/l1t''-I l.Jrq ~l:Ji1J hct IS [I • UtH ...... .... ....................... ....................... ..................... .. tW-a ffH a.•H1 ffll ,..... tt61 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• lt74POID MUST..-11 4 cyl .. 4 •P"d tran.1 .. 1lr wnd. a. 1wreo cancue. <•1KV8). OMLY$26t9 Ml'WPOIT DATSUN •Dove Street Nf..'WPORT BEACH 133-1300 '?:>MUSTANG Gdcood Heal offer 760-9391i 2'7.000 MILES • 77CUTLASI swnt•H.T. v.a. •ut.omatlc. power neetln1. pow.r win· dow11. Hit. h•ct. air. stereo t11pe, land1 u. t738RKW) S4t91 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontlac·GMC aJOO E. j11l, S11nta An• (714'558-1000 '67 Fa11tback 289. 51 M mt S3.500invcated Quick I••-~·-~•-••••-• sale. Sl.M . 496-7140 '74 M1.1.1tan1t II xlnt cond S2000 bst ofr Mary Anne 646-7223 or M2·0'1~. Oldl....... 9'55 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Oldi'I Cutlass Supr. lul ly loocJed. $700 & 111kt· ov11r payment.. .... !IGl\ IOl:i '19 U1t:Scl Cullas" it •Ir Salon UrwKl'larn l.01 n11 Many xlra:. SH .H~•O r..:&-Ot.33. 10 Oldi, Jux 1wtla11. Xl11t c·on•I $1,ZOO l'hunc 111~JIS4S fo'rt I'M or Sal AM ·n C.:utlai,i, ~prrm1-. I' I!'., I' It, u1r. xlnl ro11tl SI 7 011/ ti :. l or r . I•. v "" 1;u,.;~l.'1<! Dle..tSpecl .. •OLDS79 DELTADIESS. Only 1.<m nules, n ·w «ur warrunty, llPl~dul f:w tory inl<·nor & 1•11u111 mcot plu' m110111011I Sacr1l1n· bt•luw Ul·aln r~aJt' volu~· JIMSUMOt4S IMPORTS l!nO llAIWOlt BJ.Vh (;CJSTA M f';..'>J\ 631·1276 lll-9JOO .......•..•..••........ '73 FORD Pinto Runabout ''" flOMTIAC ... ... 4 ..... 4 Ulhl bl• w lbl• velour Interior • low mil••. Sh~rp • loaded I (a.J'P'f) • OMLYSl7tl HOWAID Clln• •t Do¥e •Quall St.ti. NEWPORT BEACH HJ.OHS ,., .... ,,.. ..... Don 't mlu u • thlt- wec.*end dunng our Lo.t annual UMd car aale ! ~· ;#It.Or .... ~•. ~r.t5 Jfarbor Jllv<I. <.:<~I A M ft:'>/\ 979°2500 ---- •fl!/,' UOWN <M(; * 71"4<>1HIX ucoun i:--.. mtl""· V .H , .11.1t11fna lw. JJ'•"'"r 11Ltwr mv, V t<N•·r w1111J11w11, Ult. _.,,,.,,.,, lllP•'. f'tJ 11 t11m wt11~1-:. lllN1(JJ It I $4299 *J.C. FORTUNE f'l1fll1fll C.MC i!J!J> f>. ht, ~.Jnla 1\1111 '1 M1~;..l\ lllOl1 $299~ .....,..c ..... 2600 llarbur lllvol 1425 Baker SI C<.b'T /\ M 1-:SA 540.9100 l'hont• I~:! !Jji"/11 1•ond. At'. l'lt'rl.'111 t "Ill'. 'IJ5 Jo'ord Stn. W.in. $200. 1•ru1.'lt'. powrr. !J s>u:.1>. (ioodtrun.'i c·ur twvc somt::thm.: lo 11dl'1 ~ 1!'12 u:~u; 7!>4-0500 <..1iL"l&tlicd ads do 1t well '6!> Mu-.t;in.: I'S, l'B. rmhu, nuln. ~ood ronil $1600 H1r k (ilil :JOiJ7 ·n l'ul la!'>!> w011:011. all 1·11 Ira ovtiun... ,.,. •. , 111 rout I. 7 $4:111od>HO. J• I' li131.:..77 /\ 11 I •1 rn .1 I 1 /. r ., •I "'. ht•i.1.ll'f, lnltff• r ;11il,I, i'H, 1 1980 AOHT WHEEL ---Alltfl. Hew 9100 AMtot, .... 9100 Auto1. New 9100 Alltos. H•w HOO Auto., H•• 9100 Auto1. H•w 9800 Autos. H•w 9800 ·••··················•· ··············'········ ..•.•.•........••.....• ·•····················· •....•...•••..••....... ······~················ .•.••............•..... $1677 SADDLHACIC ~o ·Take the ,,_ _______________________________ _ SOUTHERN SAVINGS ROUTE YOU ARE FREEWAY CLOSE TO 5 OUTSTANDING AUTO DEALERSHIPS 0 FIAT Mission MERCEDES BENZ ~jO ts SOUTHBN OllAHG-1 COUNTY'S ® por GIOWI.-,. AU1"0llUO DIALH SALES • SERVICE 28701 Mc1rguerite PARTS• LEASING P.ukwc1y. Mission Vie,o SHOP & COMPARE OUR LOW LEASE RA TES 714/831-1 ;-40 714/495-1 700 • LAGUNA BEACH 0 e f) 0 e a BARWICK DATSUN MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS SOUTH COAST FORD SAIL CHEVROLET SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS SHOP& COMPARE IN SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Find what you want ... ~ST DANA POIN1' Buy it for less CAPISTRANO MACH DRIVE A LIULE • • • //,,. I (111111111 ,,,,, '"'" 0tw.p COMllt(s Most~ IMW O~ FACTORY AUTHORIIB> SALES. LEASIHG & SERVICE Goo<J Sell.ict100 o t E;1c;,Pll~·n1 trar:le·1n'. ava1fabl"I 11402 MAllGVHITf 'KWY . MISSIOf'j '<'t(JO ( f':' 1 /,Ef ('!"yr ., I • t.J 1114) IJ' .10.-0 0 LAGUNA BEACH LEAS ING ALL OUR 79 MODELS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach 546-~967 -494-11 3 1 0 • PRICE OF GAS GOT YOU DOWN? PLENTY OF GAS SAVERS LEFT . FORD Ford Fiesta from 40 MPG Ford Pinto from 32 MPG We've been here 17 years -some location -some owner -some good deals -coll or come in 494-85 l 5 Lowest rotes on leasing SOUTH COAST FORD 303 IROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH MIWIUS. l's Zl!IO S Mam. S,mtJ An.• l\llh••Ct1rm.•r.1I W<i rrwr 546-7070 Johnon & SOft UHCOLH-MERCURY ·~111·1·1JI cir tlw W1•1·k · 1978 PINTO S 1 l v ,. 1 1• x 1 •· r 1 •1 r . ••UlhlnJlll'. 1,,111 11 & hcJtl:r. (()iJIJEllJ $3450 2i;;.!f, fl;orhor Ill . ( · M ~r11J ;,1;:111 '74 FORD PINTO \ u I "111 .1 t If' \ \1 I• \I . ·I'"""" '°"' ,. \111 .1 ~~ 11;1!11llT\ 1 $1877 SADDLEBACk FORD Z~lllS .\1JIO S.JlllJ \11 I 1\l lht· Cor1wr 111 W.orm•r 546-7070 i:! I 'Into 1\ Ulfl "' • IHI ,.,, .... d 1·:111. 1:ol rtlf'l'll , ~ 111. .... 1 olf Pr 1~1 7!1ti:.! '74 FORD PINTO WAGON 4 .., p t• t· t.I • A M F .\1 l' <I 'o ' 1· I I c , m Cl I 1• • t.W:IWWH I S1877 SADDlHACK . FORD 2211\S Mam S anl.1 1\11,1 1\1 tht·C:or111•r11I W.1rn• r 546-7070 mto W~n. Sl ,r,rt~I 'port pk~. AC.:. I'S. • o. lint 14la.,:,. 4:.pt.1, buckl.'l ,:.t•at'. ~"'''· Sat/Stm 9'J52 EH111s:ham St . orr lirookhur:.t lk•l Allanla & I lam1 ltou ·n l'intn. ·I 1·yl Jutonrnt1r. nl'W ttrc-.. $700 "'irm ~ '73 Plnlo W~n. xlnl ('Cmrl. Under 40,000 m1. SllS9'J. 963-2621 '71 Pinto. l!:ngl. Ford e ng. recent tuneup. Lon. 646-4306 '72 Pinlo. Aulo. lo m1. runs very we ll, n e w tires. 646-4161. '72 Runabout, 42K mi. good rruJeagc, $800/offer . J' P.64&4965 1975 Pinto Station Wl(n. DRIVE PHOENIX /\V/\JL/\111.t-; f"OI< l '1 ~ EIJl/\TI-. l>l·.LIVl-.lt \' IOILOMGPRE POHTIAC 1:1mu u ... M'tt 111.v11 wt-:. .... TM 1.-.sT1•:1! 636-2500 892-665 I • MUSTSE .. :1 • '74POHTIAC FtRfBIRO I .!. hOU m 1 I•· i-. \' x. JIJl!JlllU I II . JIOW('r :-.l.1·1·r· 111~ f.11·1 .11r. l.1111fau , -.tl•reo l..ip~· i1~1!1J I( i-: 1 SJ995 *J.C. FORTUNE 1',.llll,H (,\1(' :nio t h t ~.mt.1 ,\11.• f" I 1 . .:.i1 '"~' l'o111ti,11 ·71; T r,111 .. l\m 1 .. 1 1111. lu;.11l1·cl 1' IO(Ji'o, t.1µ1 S,,J_J Ml> 11;.1.1 • ll.x.10 Mll.K'\ • '79TRAHSAM \' )( .1utcHn.1t1c 1111\H•r '11·1·1 ing. j)tJ\\er w111 dow'. 'lowk-.. 1111. I at·I . •. 11r, vl'lour . <.1Jl~.or;1m'l'. c· u ' I u in w h l' \' I ~ c7~Vt:l'1 S7895 * J.C. FORTUNE Ponllar ·<: ~1 C an>S bt.Sunta 1\na 1714 )!).")X I OtlO 7:1 Grand\1!11· l'illl\'. n1't'(!, ht·tp & TU' 1\,\..111 i.: Sl <!UI. ~~ )i~1;,1 ·11 J'1ml \'t•11111r.1, :!j1~I .ur, I' S , I' II. 'Ill\ I 11111, \ I' I ) I I• ~I ". ::.<!.).)II. 7~~ '®ii ·7:J l"lrchinl For rnul,1 1011 H.in•. ~1:,0. :;5z llt.'77 '7 1 FtrcbinJ 1-:,1-1r11 Shan>. Mui.I :>1'1' lk '>l ufl l.'r. Mu-.t i.cll. l'rv. l'ly. ~!,JG:> u IA.' Man... au111. xlnt ('00(1, run.-. great. $1:;9~. 4!l'J .. \M)7 '66 Class II' GTO Jk."'itored. m ust :.ce. 5464802 eves --------'18 t'ormula 1"ircb1rd: l~ed. fac.1ory ;ur, T Top, e lec. windows. 675-8240. ------'78 Jo'1reblrd .Formulu : P ower, AC, AM/l-'M /l·ass. T·lops, fully loadt'tl. xlnl. mu~t :.ell ~IO. !>36-2300. AM/ 1-'M :.t en•o, Ol'W '&I Punt1ac Tempest Wg11. \ires. AC, auto. $1700. sn> s.i9-96Tl 499·1534 ----------'72 Runabout. auto. new ·oo F'ireb1rd XJnt. cond. radials, brakes. ball etc. $1..!iOO. $1350/080. 846-4098 559.Ql.'l:J ------..,...... 9960 ~d tt70 ······················· ................ _ ...... . "7SOUster,6·cyl, a ir, P/B. l•--------P/S, auto. vinyl tnp, 20mpg , 39M. xlnl cond. szoos. ~ll588 ·m Plymouth. blk, J(ood cond, brand new race cam, l600. 846-0709 afl SPM '73 Fury Ill: vnyl top, AIC. power stoonnA & brakes. $1000. \:all 982-3501aft.6pm. • SJ99 DOWN OAC • '77T·llRD V-8, automatic, power steering. fact. air, Ian· dau. n ew radials . USlRTC) SJttS * J.C. FORTUNE PonUac-OMC 3M>O E. lat. Sant.a Ana (7H)~61MOOO i4Val3184dr. A. T • p/s. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ r ..... Ex nice. Lile blue '73 T-0 .rd .. Cu•t "'--tln•n· wt whl vyn top. P /T 00 .... """" ~ IM7-8l37 lal trunk, full)' loaded, lop cond, reg (IH, $2$00. 556-9192. "10 nu.a.er. new rcbll eng. new wh.ls, new t1ru, ma.teotrer. SJ&.9'48. "'' -·················· ,, Tr.. Am Special l';dl. tian: Black, xJot cond. -.io.•5183. ·•i..Nans. '>Ultwht • .ioc>. m.t478 '77 T·Blrd1 P /S, P /W, P/B, mnrf. cruise con· trot, AM /FM w/lape deck, £eono 351 •na. ... 549-1171 "71 T-Blrd. top coad, loeded. rec .... belt ol· , .... tlll ,... '974 . ..................... . i4 Vep G1 wp, 4 tpd, <Wrbrb. Good cond. or-rer. 4'7·2171. ..... ,,..9' ..... --... --............... .... ... .. ··-~ ,.._.......-.. ••-..... .. •.. , .• , •... ,. . .. -· . . ---. ·-- AN~WA~, IT'S sooo To ae SACK HOME NANCY MOME! I CAN'T BELlEVE IT! IT SEEMS LIKE l'VE SEEN 60NE FOREVER .. I SlJRe MISSED \fOU ••• HOW ABOUT TAKING IT OUT OF YOUR PIGGY BANK ? NOTHING IS tMPOSSIBLE I USeO TO (.(£ T'4eRE 'N THE ~05PtTAt.. AT N16HT WO~R\/1N6 AS OUT '/OIJ .• NOW, I REMEMSE~! HE 'S THAT ROUNO·HEAOED KfD WHO ALWA~S FEEDS ME .• By Ernie Bushmiller ---AUNT FRITZI CAUGHT ME S~AKING MONEY OUT OF MY PIGGY BANK---- .. ·I I "THAN~ OON''r WMAT ~HE'~ "'4ELPIN6 ! THINK NO, !'M F~NKL.Y , I !;'ON'T KNOW WHAT YOU. ~ee1N DE~Df;M O NA . DOE'JIN 'l~He HAVE' A NICE PE~?Q ~Al...ITY ? 0J ; 4 'i' a i ... J A LO"r, Oe!~OIMONA! WEL..L 1 YE~. AND ~He'~ ~MARI, WITH GCOD ~eN~e? MllN"rlON \ A6"c I~ VOL.A. ~~A . DOIN~ WITH ;:> HEil. YEE~"! AND ADMIT ~~e'' ?~~ CUT€ t?... AND WEL..L-/~oOMED ? ME WITH MY A~1i~Me-r1c . t tAN'T ADD WD~HA HOO-r"'. '°'I~ YOU.. A1'01T AL.~ LA~ ?HE~ PERFE,T, ~IGHT( vou·~e t-JOT, '7wee-r MAICCIA . ON Herc . ti~ JUST MV MATH ... ALL OF A -. SLADDEN, ._.E L.EAR~D HOW TO ADD.'! By Hank Ketcha'" 1At..M09T Hf:ARD /T THAT11M£ ... ONE OF lt-l~f= N/Gt-119,_., Yc-P--.THIS 19 O[F 1 NITELY A GRADE A NJG H T . /vVvWMM .. C?Om. Pl ACE WH( R£ STUFf- \t · GRC>l-J1N1 LI r l CRA-z:t. KJNNY ~~WA ~ ZC CAN RUB A GA/NOT '/OU UKE A CAT. ~1.JDGE PARKER ~~~---.,r--~~~~~~~-=-~r-ir-~~---..,.,...,~ DIDN'T YOU SLEEP WELL Y£AH .. BUI 1 ALWAYS LAST NI GHT, STEV IE ? GET UP EARLY.' ,...__~, WHO 15 SHE'S A ~EIGHBOR WHO SHE SAlD BUCK HAD TO GO ON A VERY SHE 5AlD HE E.VEN LEFT MRS. LIVE5 ACR055 THE HALL IMPORTANT BU5fNE&S lRlP, THAT IT TEN DOLLARS FOR ME. WHILE REESE ? IN NUMBE~ II/ WA5 60NNA BE A BIG SALE ... MAYBE HE '5 GONE ... BUT WILL IT BE EVEN A MILLION DOLLARS.' OKAY I F I 5TAY HERE WITH 'P.7i!IT«~lll'"7"~~ ~~~~~ YOU UN Tl L HE G ET5 BACK ? ., r ' -· ·-··---· --------------....... -. ... ' ... • • 9 . . . . 60 To 9 L ~ep NOW. 0 000 NIG HT. . ' , l CALLED MR5. RE.ESE.' YOU SURE CAN ... 6Uf, IN !HE MEANTIME, SHOULD N'T I TALK TO MRS. REESE? __ ...._ _____________ ..._~ AT .b.Afil ! AFTE~ ALL IJ.fESE ~I'VE FINAU..l.,>. IYiANAGED ro-~r AN AU61RAL.IAN UlHIPPE~ TREE 1D GROlU /f\l M~ QARD J •••NS I WA5 ,ABOUT TO SAY 50METHIN<5 /MPOf<T.ANT, AND I CoMPlf;TELY FoR~OT WH,AT tr wp.s .......... --'I DOCTOR SMOCK Wlt,...t,... YOU 00i""H s-reP IN-ro MY OFFICE:, PL.eAse: '? v 'ses, ;x: e;o-r ,.. .... e tc=>eA FR.OM A eus :t SAW IN &...O,....PON I HeH-HeH/ 00IH, DOCIOR FRE:IP~.' ... Rl~HTOLlT OFMY HE,AD. IHINk ABOUT 5'0METHIN<5 ELSE ,AND :!'AA NOi WllH HIM..' IT'LL coMr= B,ACK ;o You. Now Do You R~ME=MBEEf<? .. ----....... ·--· ... ·~· WHQ <.>ou QOONG WHIPPERSNAPPER! <000[) IDE,A . REMEMBEI< WH,AT? )J By George Lemont RE:t ... AX , -rROOPS .' '>.'M INNOVAllNC:S .,.-He SHRINKING GAMf;; .' ® . . ... . I I J ~ a ~ ···-- Su~\l\ute onoonl~t . seven-ye<ar-old lilly, providef this revealing look at Bii tcune, who Is recoverin8 frOfn a wobbly knee (from runnln8. naturally) ~ 1:)aJ~ - . \'W S"ay S Joggi"' '3 -----rs Q Ve~ tonel 'j <.;~t. o..~'p ~ --• 0 .. -• • • T't.TU:SLE~EE:CS by Tom K.Ryan r-------~~----._-~ INP/ANS PO~HAVE= CHALJFFeURSl OF r--~----------1 LafSA AL-L.1H~ ro·MFt>lJS, FAR-Ol1111-llNG5' eVE:R 1-UCK,WH\f CAtft't'OU ,Ja 1-IK~ . 01UER IN"1ANSP AH! IHE:Rf: YOU ARE! ..• MARMADU_KE ® . ~ ... - ' l ' >-, ' ' s . " -:r --.----------------__ .__. __ ..-..._..... __ _.._. __ ._.,...., ~ ..... --·---_::, __ . ..;;....;.,;..-:---., CAN YOU TRUST YOUA EYES? T'Mre are •t IHst si• differ· ...as tn dr•wiftt det•Os betWffft top and bottom .,.nels. How .,tal, can '°" find them? Check Hswers with those below. ·~" *"' .. "--...P., .. --s ~ ·~ "1111119 't ---.Wll MDIO 't 0--..u>lf eu1111»tf ·c ........ .., .. ....., I ~ -------by Hal Kaufman------- • AO.VlltSITIHI OM .......... ..,.. ... Ndl of tho"" ltom1 montlofted In""' .... , M 1 .. ,., .. to; · u.tllM f,..,..., ,._..bods, lwllr fryer, pHe uMMts, docllner <Mir." How SUM PROBLEM TOSOLVEI Draw a aqua,.. on a lhoet of .,.per. Divide the square Into nine smaller squares. Pl•at the number 5 In lhe center square. Now, see II you can flll the blanks with remaining digits M so that the total In each ttlree· square vertical, horl· zontal and diagonal row Is 15. Time llmlt Is two minutes. Remember, number 5 Is pieced at center. Numbers 1,2.3,4,6,7. I end 9 remain to be added. More thM one answer Is poUlble. .,.._ lftf'Gt'W c.t• 'ta'•1'U9 ·..-'9IOd ~Y c.an ,.. ClOfTOd tho err.nt ~..,,, ......... ~ .. , •. ~ ... ..,........,...·~Mia ........ • Lott Oufl There'• IOfMthlng you can hold In your Ci) right hend which you cannot hold In your left. What'• that? Think about It. ._...,. '°' .__. _,.. • Wth Tntw: T•ko froM n ttw lour1h, fffl.' •ncl temt. puts of • certain nvmber encl tho Nl4'ft Is t . WNt t1 the number? · "A4•i-•• -i__, -..1. e Rlddl•Me· This. If you can: Which bird Is • chef? CooJi. Robin. Whkh plcklo trfound In a swamp? The croca·dlll. ;;i ~ ~~~ .. ~ ~"----.Ci. ;Ii ~~=-1 • :; ;- ~_._~._-""'-...,.:....;~~~~.:..s..l:....o::;~.13;..i....~--.i ~ PASTA PERFECn Is the ptzu <Mf In trouble •bovet Not If "'' doueh lands •t lfC>lnt X. lhown. Trace llnn to .... BY THE SEA ... 5Mf'P9ft crarons or colonel pencll1. Add ttwm ne•tlr •bove for •n amusing glimpse Into the .,.at: 1-Roct. 2-Dll. blue. >-Yellow. f-Lt. brown. S-Flolh. 6-Lt. purple. SPELLBINl)ER SCORE 10 points for vslng all the letters In the word below to form two complete wo~: FLATT AY .. . -. . --. THEN score '1 points each tor all words ot tour letters or more found among the letters Try to KOre at le•st so Points. ., .... '4i-d :_ ....... lfCl!ftQol THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES b PASKO, TUSKA, COLLITTA OmNARIL-"'f, SIJPE/'4>-+1AN PATTlCC.47 THE GKIE:S. NIGHTL-"?', t<EiEiPIN<3 THE PCACE--eu; NOT n:::>NIBHT. •• ~CAU6E: HI~ FLYING HAS eee;-N OUTJ.AWEO. NIELSEN OoDP.sll I ALMOST FORGOT. •• I 'N\ NOT" At.~OWEP TO Fl-Y/! • I , THU~, Hf: 'E£E~ A llOBBERY-IJY-H£t./COPTER AT THE ,, ROOFTOP GARPeN5,, ~e~TAUK'ANT •• -__,,.-------1 vour< VAJ.UA8LE!J,-- IN THE BAG--~-HOW/ A5 IF BY ~EFt..tX, CLA~K ~W/TCHE:S TO S/JPERNIAN so FAST HE: 15 INVl€118L.E: ro THE: NA><EO EYEE "." I 'LL HAVE TOMAKE A Sl..l~HT ()ET OUR F IR ST, IHOLJGH! by Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh ,..,----~---------r--------.,-~--------..,-------..-, WE. TUtNK µE~ VP i>~a?O ~e'? ~ iA?r Vl~IN UPF¥0Nr; ------~~ e)(-~AVr,~. ~'~ tJEVER P?Nc ANY WHAT!?!? " 01979 Univouol Press Syndicate '1-2'1 ' t llJMM~~A~ B€FORe,,, -'~C\IS' K, .... ~E•~ ~NYC d NollMMI O&A•SLt=· , ... A nratttr;R WlT.C ~ ~ . <AMM '1YoMIONE GORDO SHOE ..-~-----~ l'~~~EP,~ ... I r • U140di1'ANO 1\lA1" 1\4£ a..tllAl'C a.A~ tt-l11"AL.\.~O A wiw oev1~£ "fMA'f CIJ\1.1. K£4.P VR£'/iN1'" 8009'~ S:-«OM 8tr~er ~1'0&..tN. a Wot-AOE.lt£0 tF 'IOUr ~'S ~AO L.leRA«&AW, £OU~O 1tu. Ml A9ou'f rr 1' I llstf~lM'-'t ~ 11' ·~ A_N ~L.CG1"C" £'tE ! .r A ~1"oOEN'f wAL"s- VA~1" t1'" t.Ut"f~ A 0oote 1'K~ MA<S tJO'f ee£t4 Vff01'£:ft&-'4 C(.tf; "'£0 auT , A ~«iMtN& S'l~1"&M 6o£S OFF'~ ... 1"~( LAN"10~ w~s ~ \OEA~ Gus Arriola by MacNelly HOAIESIJ..Vl' VOLJALJ.. DOcARR't'ON OVcf<A LITTLE CAT 11.All<f' • ...-~---~~~~ .... Pl July 29, 1979 DAILY ·PILOT ''I'm More satisfied!' 23 mt. H.,,.., 1.7mg,111CDMI iv. I* cignn1. FTC Aepon MAY '78. Iii• --· -•• "I get great, satisfying taste with More. And More IS 120mm long, so the taste lasts longer. That's why I get an extra measure of satisfaction. More also has the style that could only come from a long, slim, brown ciga rette. I'm much more sat1sf ied with More.'' More. For that extra measure of satisfaction. - Warning: The Surg_eon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~ . l • \ . TH Em YOURSELF Send Ille ques!IOll •• I ....... to ••AsJo:· fllntly --i.. 641 LemglGll ,..,. ..... 'b'll. N., 10022 •l pay SS lot puOlished ~-Sou~ -e can·1 ans-oti.s FOR .RM PURKS. assistant press sec- retary, media liaison, t~ President Carter How doee the Paeeldent handle hla voluminoua mall; how mad\ of ta does he eee: and la there • llgnllc:ent • ..,... hm own .. ? -E.C. Mud- gett. 1itnlty, Ala. • The White House recetws approxi- mately 1.5 million pieces of mall a year. Our conespondenc.e unit analyzes mail b routtng .. d responses. Letters that re- qulre the President's personal attention are expedited. As you know, the Presi- dent cannot personally read every letter The President and his pen pals. addressed to him, but the unit compiles a weeldy repol1 whkh lists the Issues dtl· z:ens are writing about. and he can request to see any letter or series of letters. We do not keep a "box score" on which counlrles send the most mall, but, as this Is the White House, you can be assured there's a significant amount of foreign mail from all over the world . FOR SHIRLEY JONES, actress You've turned dOM.. every c6r tor • 1V Mrtes since TM Patbldge Family went off the air. So _.... II eo ll*iaf •bout the Shlriey eertes nat MMOra on NBC thet made you ~ your mind? -P.G., Oldahom• City. Olde. • Its concept appeaJed lo me. I've gotten so tifed of, and Irritated by, the violence and dou~~nll!ndre sex talk on 1V today. So when I was approached with the format for Shlrlev . a wholesome famUy comedy-drama series, I knew the lime had come to say "yes" Instead of "no." FOR STEVE KARMEN, creator of lV and radio Jingles How do Vo'I gauge • •ucc:adial line or tune? -A.P., Bangor, Maine e The true measure of Its succea ls, of coune, In the sale of the product. h's my responsi>lhty to attract your attenllon and get you to try the product. A succesaful jingle is one that grabs your attention and holds ft for as long as It's on. I like to write 50ngs that are "toe tapping," and I like to tap my loe. If It gets me, then I know It stands a chence of becoming good advertising because I'm my own worst critic. FOR GLORIA MONTY, producer, ABC-TV's GeMf'OI Hoapltol l>CM9 your ehow h.w oniv OM CCl 11111 Of fhm'I bmtr ,..... ~ ..... Mt to Mt? \MMD the V9l1oua ~­... .....,. coe..111 their own homa, It loob lllLe the....,. pot. -Mn ...... c.rtdl. s ........ Midi. • We've counted 48 of them. It turns out that there are many dlffcrmt pots uted. depending on the occasion -fOJ tnunce, II It a formal or casual coffee tervlce that's desired, and how well off Is the per90n who's poun~? FOR TiiE .. ASK" EDITOR I keep aeelng rderencea to Sammy o.w· •.a:rne" ... but rw yet to come aero. • llm that ahe hM made. .. 9IM really llll actr-? -G.8 ., New- ton, N.J. • During the last couple of~· Aho· vise Davis has had two movCes to he credit -Kingdom of the Spiders , and Giggling In the Darlr. Mrs. Davis feels that the only thing that's sopplng her from turning Into an overnight superstar Is lack of the right property. What she feels would do the triek Is a fllm bio based on ' the life of the late Carmen Miranda {the She wonts lo be a Brazilian bombshen. "Brazilian BombsheU" of a dozen or more musicals made before WWU). Ahovise feels there was so much mystery and sorrow In Carmen's Ille that it would make a fascinating screen vehicle. So she Is now assem· bling Information about Ms. Miranda, highlighting the fascinating rumors that she had a torrid romance with the late Argentine dictator, Juan Peron. FOR HALSTON, designer Are the world'• bat-dreued women all lound In France? ~v.1 .. OanvWe. m. • No, they're right here. in the U.S .A. Ours Is the most fashionable and fashion-conscious co unrry In the world , mainly due to the fact that we have a streamlined fashion In· dustry, and It's fascinating to see the good taste that abounds outskie our big dttes. When it comes to buytng clothes, we have a far wider range of choices than any other country In the world. FOR KARI ClARK, wife of 1V personality Dick Clark Wne you joking when you MAd you make Dick'• ahlrta from bedlpreadl7 -P.M., Lowftl, M .... • Absolutely not. It all started a few years ngo when we got a gift of a king-size cheniUe bedspread. which we dldn 't need. I couJdn 't decide whether to give It away or store It In the at· tic, when I had a brain wave. llle spread would make 91eat shirts. I .got some patterns. altered them to suit Dick's taste (3/t sleeve, no buttons. V-neck) and produced six shirts. Dick loves them. FOR BROCK ADAMS, Secretary of Transportation How menv mile of U.S. roeda do .. have? Which Nie hM the ...... nUlllbe of «*9 compwed to the raldent population? -Georwe Hiii, s..tde, WMh . • There are 3,857,000 miles of streets and highways In the United States. Eighty-two percent of this mileage Is paved. Of the nearly 145 mllllon motOJ vehicles now registered In the United States, California has the most -about 15 mJl· lion. But on a per capita basis, Wyoming heads the list, wtth 92~ vehicles for every 1,000 resktents. PRO AlmK.C ,,.,dhctor. U.S. Ofhceo(Ptl"IC>nMI ~ PRO Ano con CON K-eh T. 91¥d. nMlonal ~nt. Amlrican F~tlon of Gowmment Employees Yes. If we wanl •fair end creel.,._ pay ¥kfn. Cumntly al Federal WOiken .. pllld on • ndonal pay ecaJe regmti.. of local wages. Aa a mull, tome wcxbn.,. OY9pllld and others underpaid. In puts of the country, ~· f0tea 1"tv•-teetor wegea up, addl to Inflation and.,.. ~-~con.,.mMad­ va'*91. In ad. .,..., underpeyment prewnts NCl1lllng of the mdllt ........ ~. Pt.ldent c.w. F.-.. c.on.-rm•m IWorm PIM wtl ~ com· J*aib9ly wlh loe.t ..,., MW....,..... $3 b9of'I M · ,,...., In"*"~ <lOlll-....... hW--.-llY c:MI ..... '* .. ~ coqNn1111d. The~ • .,., .. iW't. '* and nee 1111 ~· - . Should Federal Pay & Comparable To Local Wagea In The Prfuate Sector? No. Locdty pay lmpln that Gowm· ment atCrlbes to whetever wage- explotting condltk>ns may exist In a local area. It suggats that the Gowrn· ment endona conditions that relate to lnler1or educ.-tion. tralntng end quaaty of life for wodcm. The two laws which concrol the pey-Mttlng ~ of 90 perc:.nt o4 al Fed.nil ~ . .apua.• CINln minimum condilont Nglfti· "'9 ~ .-y. Boeh .,...,.. now lhun the l9ndency to take actv.n-.ge ol ~.ctepw.-19 condl· Iona which might met In a gtwn loc.aley. Boch cnO.C. the~ of equal P9Y for~--· w. ~the GCMlrnment thouJd ...... the ........... to cut ,.,.. ~ under the ~-of linllllon·fW*"9. AT 83, GEORGE BURNS IS A mATINEE IDOL Sy laobel Sllden G eorge Bums Is llvlng the American dream: ~owing old with grace, dignity and having a great time doing It. Now 83, he iruly doesn't look II. Even his toupee Is gently grayed. 'The only In· dlcatlon of aging Is an Inclination to move a bit more slowly. But he remains active, stating, "I walk every day. I do floor exer· clses for 20 minutes every morning, and I swim In my pool every weekend In the summer. .. George Is at home In the Engllsh·style Beverly Hills residence he and his cherished wife, the late Gracie All~m. moved Into In the early 1930's. He's not certain of the exact years· "We got mar· rled In 1926, came here In 1930. and this 11 the second house In which we llved." IJ one were to select a slngle adjective to describe Geo~ Bums, neat Is most applieable. HIS powder-blue polyester shin Is lucked Into tidy checked slacks. His waistline Is trlm MWeight has never been a prob'em because I don't put too much on my plate. Eating Is not Important to me There's no such thing as a bad restaurant. You can always make soup with boillng water. sail and ketchup " It's one of his quiet throwaway lines. and he Is a master at waiting for his laugh It always comes. "Now look," he proposes, "take Campbell's 50up. How much do you think the head chef there maka? About $250,000 a year? He's getting all that money to make the best tomato 50Up possible. How can you make II any be1· ter? That's what I tell my help. I can't cook, of cowse." His weight varies from 134 to 137. He never eats daserts. He drinks one or two vodka martinis before dinner. H e lakes another alp of tea from his Enghlh china, fl6cks his cigar -neat· ly, of coune -Into a nearby ashtray. •t UM a cigar holder because It looks ~ than 1HJnQ the chewed end. and all dgan taste the same with a holder. You oen smoke a S2 cigar or one for 35 cents. You can't teJI th. difference." He It only e bit def.naive about smok· Ing when all llbout him have llopped. "All the docion who tokf me to quit are dud now. I smoke 10 lo 15 a day when I'm working, about five when I'm nol." Th• days whan he 11 not working are r•e. Hi. 1ehedule II ttrlctJy routlned. Up around 8:00; to his offlcct at General Service S.udlo1 In HoDywood from 10:00 until 12:00: to Hllbat Country Club for lunch, where he pleys bridge from 1:30 to 3:30: home-* 4:00, where he napt for a bit. He then dlna In or tMa out one ol Hollywood'• nubUc buutlct. He II gencraly home before midnight. GeOfVI doa routtna .bout hAI IOClal We. Geofge don roullnft about any eub· tect on WhJch he II ..ac.t frequent qua· dons. He admits. "People ge1 good lnler· views when they ask good questaons And yes, I do think funny " His one-liners are sllghrly barbed, never vicious. always chuckle·maklng Examples: "I take out young girls because all the women my age are dead now." Or. "I help them with their homework If they get good grades, I take them to good restaurants." He Is always co urtly In his ap· pr06Ch, never leering. Again, neat. He has never thought of re· marrying and takes a certain amount of umbrage In his at· tltude when asJ<ed why. His stated remark ls, "I was mar· ned.'' Their 38-year manlage, which ended with Gracie's death In 1964. was the most tJagk thing that happened In his Ille The second·most tragic: was ' the death of his cherished friend, Jack Benny, In Oecem· ber J974. lronk:41ty, Jack's death gave George his new movie career Jack had been scheduled to co-star with Red Skelton In The Sunshine Boys. Al the time, a Hollywood oolumnlst asked why he and be~ pal George weren't co· starring. Jack explained, "George would be better In my par1 " It came to pass. Skehon was replaced by Walter Matthau, and the movie won George his first Academy Award. He has since appeared In Oh God; Just You and Me. KJd; has recently com· pleted SUpplng Out end anticipates a se· quel to Oh God. 'That will be with an 11 -year·old girl. I get 'em younger every time," he an· nounces with satisfaction. The allullon Is to 13-year-old 8'ooke Shields, hl9 co·stlll In Ju.i You and Me. Kld. Ml try to do everything I can lo help promote a movie," he explains. He does not allow Interviews fm the sake of teeing his name In pr1nl. He doesn't need that anymore. He doesn't need anything any· more, except his main reason for llvtng: wYou've got to have a reuon lo get out of bed In the mom.ng. You always have to heve 50methlng to do.'' That's why he goes to his office every morning. There he works with his four 11aff writers, Hal Goldman, Seaman Jacobs, Freddie Fox and Lisa Mllwr They shape the material He does on talk shows, at benefit performances. They are not writing George's upcom· Ing book, The Third Time Atound, however. Like hi• two prev1ou1 autoblogreiphle1, that will come from hit unf~ memory. "Why this tttle? No, I haven't had thr" careers. I've had 20,300," he ~­ geretel. "I had to 1tart aD °'* 1QA1n tvery wee" In vaudcvtle, I w• 10 bed." He Ml often told the 11ory that unttl he and Cirade beceme • t.-m. he ... -«'*' IUCCmlfuJ. He ._ to talk ebout vwdede, r~. cherishing thll moment to lfwe Geor¥ and Grade were big hits o n radio and TV before he became a star on his own after her death. 50me of his good memories 'There were eight acts, and whoever came first gol rehearsal check number one," he notes. "Monday morning you'd reheane for your week at that theater tr you were number one. nobody else co uld sing your songs. "Before I met Gracie, when I WAS working with Billy lonal'\e· we were singing Yankee Doodly Blue,. Sybil Vane (a top entertainer of that time) was doing It, loo. So we got to lhe theater at 8:00 In the morning end sat on the fire escape so we could be number one. If we did well. we'd get a $25 raise. Then we'~ be get· ting $175 a week for both of us. Well, not only did we not do well. they took our song away from us and gave It to Sybil Vane. I hope to God vaudevllle comes back, to I can go back to It!" Ac.cording to longtime friend accom· panlst Morty Jacobs, George knows about 4,000 SOfl9'. He rarely, If ever, ftntahes lingtng one of them -"d It drives Jacobs up the wall. Somehow, we come back to J"" You and Me, Kid, and working with BrooM Shields. "She Is an adorable little girl," George says flat out. "She Is a nor· maJ 13-year-old, but she 1.$ very, very btlght. Her mother lntA?tferes only when to!'MQ{le is giving 8'ooke a bad time. h never happened on our show. Working with kldt II not hard at my age. All my 1111.,. had llx, MVen, eight kld1. How many niece• and nephews do I have? 650? maybe 750. All right," hc11 concede one morMnt to fact. "I.At'• just .. Y we're not u b'9 •'lhc Otmond famUy." Geofge'1 IOO Ronnie -'d dau~tcr S.ndr• with their rapedlYe mates have prcMnted him wtch four granddaugf\t.,s, three w-odlon• 1nd one grut-wand· da~. "Brooke and I had fun on the movie. We played bide ldd garnet. She'd Mk~ I w• ndcWt and try to ttcw. me. I'm n04. I l J 8ums relaxes with CO·stars Lee Strasberg and Art Camey dur· Ing the j({ming of Going Places, to be released by Worner Brothers In December of 1979 told her I stopped being ticklish when I was 65 years old on January 20 I told her, 'When you gel 10 be my dge, you stop being ticklish ' " The blue eyes twin kle behind his bifocals I had Interviewed Geo rge exactly lour years ago while he was starring In The Sunshine Bovs. and had asked how It felt to be making his first movie In 35 years. Naturally. he answered with jokes : "I never made people cry before. Well, probably I did, but I couldn't see them over the footlights In the theaters. Really, I love tt . In films, you can sit down. and my voice sounds be1ter when I sing sitting down." He still feels the same way. "At my age, It's more fun sitting and getting paid, and every picture has been different." He'• done It all with one tasteful excep· tlon. George has never worked "d irty." as quetttonable material Is desc:rlbed In show business "It's not that I'm a prude, but I'm )UA not Interested. I did go to see that Euro· pean film , /om Curlou1 Yellow. And that was II . I ~ something with my clothes off That's funny. And you didn't write it down," he chides. Hillcrest 1$ not the same. His best friends are gone. Of course, no one could replace Jack Benny's friendship. ''I'm not as close to enyone else.'' He Is very ~ now. "We knew what the other liked. We had our aerlous moments. We talked about our acts, our futures, my opinion of his act. I've tllked IO much about Jack. Everybody made him I.ugh. It wu llM playing the Palace. You had to do II." And that'• ~ne, too. • Still, It has bMn a hAppy time George hes~ In thlt convcrNCion. 11 he Is .,,_ lonely (and who II not on OOCMIOn?). one IUlpeCtl he t• hlmed • ~ Ind gets • leugh. He _. them from everyone r.. elae. So why not? 11161 sAmerica, g us number one You've made Avon the number one beauty company in America. And we're saying thanks by offeri ng eight of America's most popular fragrances-in elegant, special-sii.e bottles. Your choice of any one of eight fo r just 75¢! And that's only part of our six-week "lhanb America" celebration. ... Your Avon Representative has all the details. Two questions to ask yourself when ·ng a IOw tar: --- #1 Just how low in tar is it? . ---------------. L_J . ..... ---,_..., VANrNJE / VANTAGE I~ 6 IK<DLI •t•rHn1 saltll \\'in~t'm ~ _1,µ1, w _J /J/,1d, "" , ~ ~ I If'' II"> °' --·--I . I 10 11 9 12 13 9 14 11 MG.Wt MG.WI MG.Wt MCI.WI MG.Wt MG.Wt MG.Wt MG.Wt QA MCI.MIC. 0.1 MO.Nte. O.IMG.NIC. 0.IMG.NIC. O.tMO.NIC. QA MO.MIC. O.tMG.NIC. O.IMG.MC. #2. Can I go lower and still get good taste? Yes. . GOiden Ligl1ts™ Al low GI )4Qll CCWI go ~id .. gel good tcat8 mid lmOldng sallltactlofi. , Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking fs Dangerous to Your Heahh. -~- HOW TO FIND A 8ETTERJ08 8y Kate Kelly l ooklng for a job IS a job, and like any other work. mastery of the system can greatly ea1e its dlfftculty. What's more, ;ob-hunting techniques Me weU worth mastering. Experts say that the average worker under 35 goes through a job switch once every 18 months, and the worker over 35, once every three years! T ..... 8tOC:k. Even If you already have a general idea of the job you're looking for, it's Important to take time before the job hunt to pinpoint exactly what you want. You don't want to accept a new position "only to diseover that It has some of the same pltfalls you thought you were escaping. "Start by examining your own job," says Carol Felt Lane, a career develop· ment specialist wtth New York University. "What do you Uke about it? What do you dislike? Do you like the fundtons you perform but dislike the environment? Or do you Uke the people and the environ· ment, but dislike the fundlons? The more dearly you Identify what you're looking for, the better your cha.ces of really en· joying your next job." After listing your on·the·job likes and dislikes, you need to consider the other skills you have which you'd like to use. What do you enjoy doing and do well? These may be skills you've developed In voluntftr work or your hobbie1. Thete lists are the key to Identifying the position you 're looking for. If you can't think of a job that suits your skills, consuh friends and contacts. find out what their jobs entail, and ask II they know of any work that suits your skllls . ......,.,.. pow "--'· (This Is a short account of your work experience and education.) "Don't let the mumi ecare you," wam1 Carol FeK Lane. "AD you need to do Is catch an employer's In· terest. If you were doing the hlrlng, what woWd you want to know?" Sh.on Sermon, a wd-known career up«rt end praldcnt of CounMltng Women In New York, stressa that a resume thouJd be appropriate for the job you're look.Ing for: "If you're applying for an edminlltrattvc position, then your N.u..M shoWd empha912e any organlD· ttional or managerial skill you have. "Be twe that your resume has been nady typed end wd r.P,odueed," con· ttnues Mt. Bermoa. "Mott employers Im· medw.fy di.c.d • lloppy resum6 with mpellng enon. If thill'• how you conduct a job .-ch. how would~ herda a job?'" n. cem ...... Tho~ contacting '*'°"'* depertw1..-end ernploynwnt apnctes can 91~ you •good art on the Job c:.m~. mOlt people ftnd they need to develop Iha own a..dt. .. ,.. .... 75 '*"*'' of the ttm. •• job coma ~ penonet cont.et. to your moll ~ rttouree .. the people K9 ~lit•,,..,..,_..,.....,., ~OJI\; JI ............. you know." says Sharon Bermon. Make a list of friends and business con· tacts whom you can call for advice. Also ask friends to provide you wtth names of other contacts. Your next goal Is to request some "in· formattonaJ" Interviews to "discuss more about the company or the field of work." This SY'tem will prove more effective than asking someone polnt-blonk whether they have a job for you. To contact people whom you don't know well, send a letter of explanation along with your resume. Follow up with Ill ph~ne call in a few days to see whether an appointment can be made. You'll find that requesting this type of Interview will at least get your foot In the door. The Intent... Nervous about mak- Jng the rounds again? Handling an Inter· view Is like anything else -the more you do II. the more comfortable you'll feel. Making a good Impression is lmpor· tant, Dress to flt the Image of the job you want, and present yourself In a positive manner. You know why you would be right for a certain type of work. Make sure that you convey that mes.sage. "Ask questions about the department or about company goals." say1 Sharon Sermon. ''The penon who shows a sin· cere interest In the field Is way ahead when it come.s ttme to f!ll an opening." H the person you're seeing knows of no specific )obs. Carol Felt Lane recom- mends: "Ask for two or three names of other people whom you could contact for Information. Then you11 have concrete steps you can take after the Interview." Of course, what you''e hoping to llC· complish In 'th~ Interviews Is making yourself known. Though the person may not have an opening now, he may think of you when something does turn up. Sta,lnt oa tbe tnc:I&. A sY.ematlc approach to the job search can ward off the temptation to get disc.our~. An ap· polntment calendar along ~h index cards on which you keep track of whom you've contacted and whether or not to follow up In a few months can provkle a fundk>nel system fOf your search. Persistence and paclng will alto be Im· portent factor• In staying et It. Many ;ob hunters find that doing one thing a day - whether It's Mndlng out rauma, making • follow-up phone call °' requesting hterarure -kecpa the energy flowing. If at some point you IHI ltUclc, ~· sider tMklng more job lnformadon. Con· tact adult education centers, V's or the • local community college to ftnd out whether career countdng counn ere evall.tble. Or try the lbary or bookltora for bookt on the subject. Richard N. Bolee' Job·hunten' manual, What Color 11 Your Porochlb? It • good one. Job MMChel t.M time, but the moN you ctrculete your raum6 and go out on ............. the b.nlt your chance of ftnd- tng that one )ob you n..d thM combines the WOltc you went with an en· ,_ vtronment you •njoy. 1961 advertl1emcnt A1 rf!porud in new1 1torie1 in tlu Nf!w York Time1, Wo1Jhin..rton Po•t, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, P<1ul Horvf!y Newa ...•...•.......•................ Doomsday Powder for Roaches could Endanger Species. The cockroach could become the next e ndangered species 1f a California manufacturer has his way. Alan Brite. who 30 years ago developed and lent has name to what is now a standard household cleaner, COPl'~:1< B1un:. has a new product called RoACH PHt'FF.. Brite. one oC the nation's most distinb'Uished blatticid1sts and holders of 15 chemical and mechanicaJ patents, states that because roaches simply do not recognize RoAut P1<1'H, as an insecticide, they do not avoid it, then !>caller to other parts of your resi- dence as they do with the more toxic inseclicides. Plus. the electrostatically charged powder sticks to their bodies which they then carry back Ulto the w.ills !.preading amonR the other roaches. The result as you kill not only the roaches you see. but also those hiding and multiplyini;c in your walls and then you arc protected for years against rcinfes· t11tion. Jn years of scientific tests condul·ted during a major research proJect by a major Southern California Unive rsit y, the l<oA<.tt P1wn; formula was tested in heavil y infested housing developments. restaurants, hotels and grocery store<; agamst the most power- ful insecticides used by professional e xterminators. ln e very instance the R<>Al.lt P1<11~t:: formula proved strikingly superior in climinatini.t all roaches and preventing rt!infestation and the rnaches have not been 11blc to build a resistance to the powder. RoA<.:ll PklWt:: is registe red by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for use in all buildings. plus new construction :md can he used in homes with children and pets. The powder is odorless and non dµsty and no harmful or irritating effects await thl.' OM ApplkoUon Doe1 II user as it is simply •pplied with a teaspoon under kitchen appliances and other hidden areas where it will not be seen. Brite has a problem, however. he says retailers apparently think it's unprofitable to stock the one-shot roach killer on their shelves when the same customers will come in ag,a.in and apin "to buy the other roach in8tttic:ides. So he has decided to sen his product directly to consumers. " ROACH Plufs«» co1ts 7. 95 (inducting ~tage) phis 48' sales tax in Calif. for a one· p()Und can. One can covers up to a 9-room reiidence. To obtain the product, send a check or money order or come in to Copper Brite Inc., Dept 37 It 5147 WestJeffert<>n Blvd.. Los ~a. CA 90016. One block west of La Brea. hours 9-4 Mon. ·Fri: · • Cc.,,., Mte hie. 1m . A Nashville man was turned down for a car loan not long ago. based on In· formation the auto dealer had received from a local credit bureau. When the man later vltlted the credit bureau to see his file, he learned that It showed a judgment for $150 against him, but failed 10 men- tion that he had already paid this amount teveral months earlier. • A Seattle woman wh-was denied credit by two major national department stores checked her credit file recent!y and dltcovered that the file Inaccurately reported a delinquent ac.count at a local department store. • A Baltimofe man whose application for an oil company credit card was re)ect- ed learned from checking hls credit file that It contained adverse Information about charge accounts he'd never even had. A subsequent investigation showed 90me ol the lnbmation In ha 8le pertained to the credit history of a woman who had the same last name. Detptte the efforts made by most of the nearly 2,000 credit bureaus acrose the United Stmes to avoid such mlltalc.es. h>uMnds ol people •• denied credit uch YMI' becMl9e °' lneccurak, cutdal- ed or Incomplete Information In their flla. To the lnaeatlng numbs for whom credit Is not only a oonvenlmcc but also a necallty, IUCh m1ltakas can be parUcul.lr- ly fnmr.ang. "I've never met anyone yet whole file was completely acx:urat•," uys Robert Elllt Smith, editor of Prl11acy Journal, a ~-which, among other thlngl, .w.s • a wakhdog of the conaumer c:redtt Industry. 8ec.aUM of the frequency ....... Palmer.·~ .-1n w.. .,_.., D.C., ~COHfl~fiof*:a. • Find out which credit burau In your ... has lnformaHon about"'°"' If you h.w bMr'I ct.nled aedlt t the department ltQlt. benk or cndl c#d company thet rejeceed your ..,.... don II NqUtred by lew to _..,. you the name ol the ~.-pocttll'Q agency that provtded the lnfonnlltk>n on whtchttt~w•beetd. lf you haw noc a.... ct.nted aedlt but *"ply w.m to chedc the eccutt(y of lnfonnlllOn In ~ •• you Qr\ find out wher9 to go bv looking unde "o.dtl~ ~ In your .. ,,..., ..... , ..... WHAT CREDIT BUREAUS KNOW AND TELL -ABOUT YOU - --•.... l of errors, Smith and many other consum- er advocates recommend !hat we lake advantage of our rtght under the Fair Credit Reporting Ad of 1971 to ftnd out what lnformadon Is In our credit fl&a . Whllt • credit bu...au Is ~ to know about you II where you live and work; whether you're married, single or dlvol'ced; whee you haw charge ac· counts or lo.ins; the mott you've ever . . charged; how much you owe eKh of your creditors al a gjven Ume and how promptly you pay your bills. A credit bureau Is also tikely to know whether you have filed for bankruptcy In the past 14 years or have any outstanding judgments or liens filed against you Although a credit bureau does not have to have your permission to gather Information about you, the Fair Credil Reporting Act does regulate how the In· formation may be used. Before the law was enacted, government agencies, such as the F.8 .1. or the Internal Revenue Ser· vice, which I.Vere conducting a alminal Investigation of an individual, could ob· lain a copy of a credll report that provld· ed Information about the person's spend· Ing habits. Now, the information such agencies can obtain from credJt bureaus for Investigative purposes is limited lo such things as the individual's name and address. The law also provides that information obcalned from credit bureaus can only be used tor such purposes as decld6ng whether to gJ'ant credit, c:ollecilng debts or reviewing applk:atlons for mOl1gages, insurance, employment or llcenMS. Unjutt as It may toUnd, before the Fair Credit Reporting kt. was palled, ln- dMduals did noc have the right to know what damaging Information mJght be In their ftlcs. Now. a consu"* Is enbd to know that he was denied credit based on HOW TO CHKK YOUI Cl lDIT IATIMG telephone dir.ctory'a· V~ Paga. fNqUCndy thcr9 wtl be acvcral In your .... Md the~ .. good that more than one will have • fie on you. But since the lnbmlek>n In your • .. amppW bv the lk>NI, benka and aedl «*d compen ... thlt h.w ex- tended you cndle I II • glMl"aly aufll. dint .., d'9Ck wlh )Ult one.. • Once you h9" the name of the • c:r9dtt1"Cp0Wtt119 ...-ncY. you mutlt vllll b offlca "' penon b lnformaaon about your CNdll rattng. ,... who ~ • long dlltancl • from the egmcy, or ochcra who for good rueon c.... 't go In penon. can eomet:lma arT .. to get the tnforma· tton bv telephone by wrttng to the tigeney • • ~ the law ~-the cndl·~'l1 agency to ... you .. the lntorm.lk>n In your • I II doa OflC require them to adUaliJ Mow you the fie. V•mo11wlldoJO. Molle9owl proYlde lralned al to ~ any quelllont you might h9" about your adNPOft. • If you h.w bMr'I dtn6ed cndl • Information provided by a aedll bureau, and the name and address of lhe bureau. He also has the right to learn what lnfOf· mallon Is in his file either by visiting his local credit bureau or by telephone, after he ha.s provided adequate identification. Credit Information can be free for con· sumer1. If the consumer seeks the lnfor· malion within 30 days of being denied credit, he Is entitled to It free of charge_ Others who haven't been denied credil but simply wanl to see their files to make sure It ls accurate may hove lo pay a charge ranging from about SJ to $6. Smith suggests thot If you anticipate adverse information, such as nonpay· ment of a disputed bill, It may be helpful to mention this on an application for other credit. The credit-granter thus will hove your side of the story before he sees the negative Information in your credit report. ~ Credit bureaus ore allowed to maintain adverse information about your bill· paying habits for up to seven years, e1t· cept In cases of bankruptcy, for which In · formatJon can be kept for 14 years. TOOse in the credit reporting lndustty emphasilJe that credit bureaus do not make the final decision whether to grant credit. These decisions are made by department stores, banks, automobile dealerships or other retail companies that extend you aedlt. What types of lnformatlo,n credit· grant.en are looking for. and how much 1t11elght they give to certain kinds of adverse Information. can vary wldeJy from one case to another. A bank officer deciding whether to approve a $40,000 morlgage loan. for oamp&e. may balJl at a number ot high, unpaid balenccs. while a local department store official might simply want to know whether you have a steady job and ltve at the address given on your credit appltcation. ''It's really lmpotlible to say what they're looking for,'' uys Julie Wright, publk: affairs director for TRW Credit Data; the country's largest consumer reporting firm . "With some companies, If you've been la.te 30 days once or twlc.e, that's not really negative In their eyes. In other cases, If you aren't current on all ac· counts, fcxgct It. You11 ncveT get • 1'1'11 credit card." ~ you are entJtled to thlt lnfonnat1on frft ol charge. However. If you haven't been denied a.dlt but .,. *'1ply curtous MJout your ftlc, the cndtt·rtpc)fttlig agency Is cnttded to charve you• ama111 .. for the 1ntonna- tton. generally ranging from about $3 to $6. • If you dllcowi ~ In your •• noctfy -In wrtdng -the a.tlor who Ml aippllad lnac:curele lnbm.· "°"· ~ .. him llo c:orrm It. Alto, piece• noca 1n your Ne~ ~olthelects. ' I , MlWl. 50Z. GOlD DEOOORMT SOAP Save JO<= on fresher , VALID ONLY WHEN YOU BUY 2 COrJIPLEXION SIZE BARS (ALSO GOOO ON 2 ANY OTHER SIZE BARS) LMT ONE COUPOH PUI PUACHMJE :...~.~===·=~,:::.~~:.·.::-~---.. ---... ---_,, ........ _ tO TMI -".: = = ;:.-:.-:: .:::" ..:..,,_~ ":..--:.:-"'::..-:.:..:: =.-::::::.=-.:..:::::-.::.."'.::~ , 1oc1--· ·-~-----r:=..i::.:-~-·-----·-·-·~ .. _ ,._ °' __ °".,. ""'--·-..,·-... -.. _ ..... ____ ... __ I ..... ____ ... _. _ _,.,.... ""'-" _____ ..... _ ""'------i ~.::::: ~· .•,':':!'----: =-·--:...--::-.:= =r:=. -=..:.,-=:=.-:.-:-.:::--..::.= I? OFF ........ .,. ... ,....~ ..................................... ~ ................... = ................ .. ------.. -~--·--·-·--··· -----0 J ...... _ -8"0IJU> •-.AT OUll r-. tO -·-.._ t\IO ---T\ OHIO -1 4JW ~.____...., .... ., .. ,., L PAOCTE'R & ~MBl.E ~----------<UT ALONG 001TED UNE·------------i l~a ·--uTOEYOURSTOAE20~ f IJrj I ·~~ . • ~ I ls.C/ I ~~~ ~~bveuv 4 BATH SIZE BARS (0~) I . ~ (ALSO 0000 ON. COMPLEXION SIZE u oz. OA 3 SUPER SIZE 7 OZ.) :..~~=.::=:..:::.::::1 .. ~::.-::-:.:.•iT1..::-~-------·-!!"-'IOM----·-·---------.. -........ --.... -... ·-----,.._~""'!!"-"" ,,. .. -..... --~·-.=r=-c.-... ----.. -----~~ a.•l!I ::=: • :~"'o;;;;.V--ur ·., .:=:::.::::=::::-:. .. .=:..-:-.:.-.. ., .. :"C:"_ -.,.=:,-.-..--·-1$2 I ___ .. ,._,,,_ ___ ..,. __ ~--:" .=,~ "':.." .. -_-:-.:;::::=r:=.. r:a-=:--:.":"•••;:r-:== I ·--.. ---~--"'"!.-~------~-==-----~ :=::: ... ~Y.:=ra.."m::=-r-Jt=.IT"~ .. ~·&:&"n-..,c..:=."_., ~ PAOCTIRI~ ____ ,,.,..,. J ------------------------------0.,,, ,,__a o..w.. ~ Wlming: The Surgeon Gentr1I Has Determined TI.-Cildt• S .... ls DlngerM ID YCll Hllldl. Winston .......... u ........... 21 ... v .u ........... ,..-.m ....... ,.. > • ' • --., ARMOUR'S ARMOURY CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE Our grandson •penl lwo days with us, And allli he; on our mind. We'ue nothing but tome snap$hota anapped And toys he left behind. That 's nol quite true. We 'ue memories Of walks and storytelllng, Of time. the darling snuggled up And times, It's true. of velflng. "f)h yea, there are some other things ~ he 11 not be forgotUn: The shattered glau, the broken cloclc, The neclcloce with a lcnot in . And hundreds (I admit ~ wince) Of candv-cooted fingerprints. -Richard Armour Toee up: You can enjoy a glorious vaca- tion and slay Within your budget -but not both In the same summer. -Luci/le Goodyear Bl1T llfE GOOSE HONKS HIGH Gas la up, oil Is up, beef la up- AJI price. running on the loo.e: The only thing that i down la on a gooae. -Eda Lasaetter RETENTION CONTEN110N I find that I'm forgetting faces And names and dates and also places; In fact , my memory's so rotten, I can't recall all I've forgotten. -Dick Emmons Prophet and lo•: ~ mcelc an bom loNrJ -they lhall euen Inherit the eatth. -Frank Md nnls • Kldt ._ Ille dlllef9ntlit Send Ottclfn•I CC>f)- trtbutlont to ''Ctllldt F11nlly WMll~ '41 Lutngton Alie., N.Y .• N.Y. 10022. 110 If UMd-none returned. lHROUGH A CHD..D'S EYES M11 lllde .............. -. dll· tnicted bv ............. ,....... ....... ,......,. ....... lldon. .... ..W, °'GrwMfpe, •'1 whllde. I C*l't .... ., .... b\4nl to ...... ............. -Mlllw Duchntln ~Wiie. "'· QUIPS &. QUOTES WHO'S ON FIRST? A man dropped In on his neighbor and found the neighbor's wife watching a baseball game. He was amazed, he said , to discover that she was a baseball fan . ''I'm not. really," she answered, "but when George goes out to the kitchen, I'm the de.signaled watcher." -Henry Leobo This may be the light at the end of the tube: "/ got to thinking the other day," said one housewife to another "You know how you do when the teleulslon set Is broken.·· -He rm Albright The crihcs are always with us: Two goats came upon a can of film on the back lot of a movie studio. After one goat had de- voured the can of film , his compamol"I asked, "How was it?" "Frankly," the goat replied. "the book was better " -Conrad Fiorello New mlracle sponge ·whisks awq• andvaml with one llght-tou~hl ......... ~.,OVER ONE MIWON ~SOLD~ Strip-Anything Fastl ·······• • No Scraping • No Gouging • No Sanding NO Poisonous Chemicals'" or Dangerous Power Toolsf • "El'ftea" Otd Yemlah Aa If It· W.N Chalk! • "Wlpea ""'•Y" Cruaty Old Plllntl • Bring• FumltuN Down to Bare Flnl•h'91t/ • • CIHna Tar From Hub Capal • .._ .. Ruat 01 .. ppeart redible MIRACLE ERASER actuaHy ·wipes away· crusty finishes faster. better than any paint or varnish remover you've ever used ... or your money back! You simply wonl believe your eyes. Miracle Eraser slides across age- old varnish and turns 1t into dust instantly. Chipped and ugly sur1aces are restOf'ed to smack-smooth finishes in minutes. Rust vanishes like magic. No hard rubbing. Miracle Eraser works best when used in a light wiping morion. You will never use sandpaper or poisonous solvents again! Never Cloga ... Never lo•• ... Power Bafbeque grtlla, old foola, garden fur- niture ... MlrK .. Er•aer JMkH them all look Ilk• new-amooth •• g .... ·f'Hdy to Nftnlah. FumltuNI ao.t.I Carat Blkea 1-There la no end to the UM• for MlrK .. e,. .. ,, Miracle Eraset never clogs up like sandpaper. Thousands ol microscopic points are constantly resharpened as the sponge Is used. No matter how hard you press, how messy the lob. the Miracle Eraser surf ace stays keen and perfect and keeps doing Its job. FlbUloua Moktlng Action The~ ectualfy motda ltsetf to the ••ad contour of any IUff ec:el After a few swipes, Mncte Erner Nterelfy INloet Into comers end crew:. end strips lheml bent f•t. No power toot or~ II ao effective. ao feat, ao aatel FREE Tool Kit With r:~-=-~lDlalN48T . IM-..'\... 1 21 \1aley Dliw, GfMftwlc"' c:'t 011ao I ,.. ... .Hnd 11'19 wlttloul dtlty my Miracle Er1Mr Spongn wilfl Ille undef- ---, Every Order .•. ,., .................... . ........ .,...,., c ...... . ......... ,. ............ . .......... 1 "•ndlng !ti.It It I "" not co~ Ntlstled with !tie product I may return 1M unuMd portion for 1 lull refund . I O 1 Cettofl <:J Sii Mirecle Eru. ~ lot only H 115 plu1 50c sllipplng •nd flMdlinQ I DUVEi J.M-~Canonatoronlyl19-t5poetpald 0 UW I 1.40-3 Canon. tor only '22 ts~ I a uw 111.11-4 Canone lot on1y 121 ts poelpald 0 Chec:ll EncloMd __ I 0 Ctll191 to· 0 VISA 0 ,....,., Charge I Acct •----------E•o a... I I ·Netfte -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I I I I I I I ~"' I I City a.._ Zip I 1 1~ ................ 7' ... 1111 J ... _______________ _ ! .. c 41 s 41 .. -.. .. > .., a: An Amazing D iet Breakt hrough! HOW TO BURN OFF BODY FAT, HOUR-BY -HOUR! M EDICAL DO CT~R 'S N EW DISCOVfRY BURNS AWAY MORE FAT T HAN IF YOU RAN 98 MILES PER W EEK! OATtl.I N~ SAS OIHA'I -An .. m .. 11n~ <lwt b rraluhr.,ugh h .. l lwt'n tlrv.-lo p1·rl hy " Mlllth .. rn C . .ilifornoa M f) r111s brr.akthrough 1111·1,.lly .. 11 ...... ~ y11u 1•1 hurn 111T hody lat lastrr than "'m«11111· "h11 ruru .. rmoit HI() mil< .. 1x-r "t·rlr. Thi' may \Tf y "t'll br the• m11M "'""""I< .. ·1·igh1 leis~ di11tovrr) 111 tlw u·ntury. In l.u 1. 11 may br the laitnt .. ay tu lnM· wright pnma· nrntly th"l hu t"\lt'r hc-t•n <lrvrlnpt-d. "lu eing '" f.or " 10111m1>k·w h\11 thnc· 1, .. Yt"r} \tr11og ltapu 11111 tha t 1h1s due 11V('t y main it pou1hlr 1111 .an 1ovrr .. r1gh1 Jll"r"''" t•• Iott• ;a. muc h <U 2 puund~ ol fa1 and f1111<1 "'"""" fur thr rint "fi•k. Ao tulllly. 11 m~\ prtKlllft· a 6 pounrl wright Ir"' 111 Ill" lh•· fir" 4H h11un. Altn tht• lir,1 ,.,.,.1r,, tlll\ ""· ('flvrry • uul<I t rtflf"('l\<lhly all11 .. " fflttl'"u'"J{ wright losl ol ;o m1w h u ~I 111111111h n •n y 1w" wrrlu thC'ruf'tt·r. If 111-.·dt•d. 11 lh•1111ri lw• I'"" 11bl(' 1•1 Uk thll mt'lh•od IO 111'1<' ·10. flO, 70 111 1•y1·11 1(1() pound& and 011111-. Wlw n y110 begin lo uw• 1111~ progr;un, you 1-an rxpc:1·t to he-»hit• to mr·asu11· 1lw d illc•r. enc r In yoor .. .,1,t1in1· in jusi 24 111 111 1111111\, You will pmhably lrnic• murc· 1m lw1 ner h wc•t•k than t.'YCll ii )"IU h1ithl11lly did hu11d11•d\ ,,, •iwp1 rvt'ryd»r-You may \t'ry ""<'II 1,...,. ,., much lU ' tu !t ill( h1·1 oil your wa1\l l11w 111 thr fine m•mth. If yo11 an· a \\om;in. y•111 '''" "-as mu. h lH a r.111 dn·~) r.111• m 11111\ 7 days. 11K-doc t•1r who dr\d111H·•I 1h1s l•1rm111_. " murt than "" ordui:tr\ M 0 . lfr " "'''" ,, p1y<hiatrut wh<1 IJH"' i .. li1l'' 111 aJc 1111111 . .mil drug addle tiong. In .-c1ditl'•n 111 h1~ ochc•r 11;o. tM-nts, hc: hm trntt"d more-1hao ~~Oii druK addi<u. 8 u1 1cranJ!t'IY c11ough. his pr:.< 111 e• has tauMht him 1ha1 overrating it as diffu uh to <k-al with u any hard~ <1rt d ru.11 addtt 111111 Hr ca~ IAI rnli1r 1hat wh>11 "'" ocrdrd "a' an antl-fa1 .. rapon thllt w111 hiHh i.afr ancl wry f#!fl~IJ. Aftrr 111 lot tol rrsran h, hr h:u dru~loti just .•rn h .. ,.,.*V''"· Appu<'ntl)'. what 1apptns " that 111• rr4JA·l1t"'" •1••rn1 turns up your h<>d)·\ *innc<r furnacr <tnd brtaki down your <'X• r» bridy lat .anti au. tomaeinlly Ou1hr• rt ouc of your body f•1f'f'\rf. Tht· .. maxing thing , 111 1 ourte•. i' tlw apnd al whlc h thl, prog ram .. 11rh, It i1 rather ,...miirbbk-to 1hn1w ofl •• nltK h a~ fi pountb of (a1 and flood in she· \C'ry Orct .. r<'ktnd Anothrr ni<•r 1hin1e ;ihuut 11111 dll' •11·rry i• that it dot"~ n<l4 rl'ctul,,. lutinj{. t'llrn "'<' or will pow<'f. N11 .. :at 1.ast. ii i• l)lot.slhlt" 111 lclM" ~iRhl wielw1ut fa,einR or di11e nmfon. This •rl«ht 1011 10111 t<pt i• now hdn11 1rt1rd nationwid(', So far. ,.,,. pFrliminarv rr· tulu arr nothinR short 11( l mvinl{. 1ltt flnt informal rrplfta indk It(' utonl.lung wt'ltcht kittet 11( :u moch a• 12 pr1~11fi1 In 1tir firll 7 days. 'fhc'rr arc-ruly lnd1utl11ns 1ha1 """'" ~ llfT l<..inR wt'flhl .S •i-• ht•t-r tMn <''Vf'r brf•lfr (incl11dinR ,.~,r .. .tnt k•.-• ol :a' ml.l(h 1u !JO pounch l or I .. ur'o(· .... nw1l11nK l1kr ,, ... ''"'"''' .... krpl "''"•·I. Rumor• 111 thi' ~"' '"' ckvt"l••J't'tl hrn1k1hrfl111(h .1rc· ~,,,. . .,dinit l1k1· "1111111•· The rush ·~ ""· II 1• 1·u y 111 1m"I<""' 1h .. : •1n•· ft'"ional actors, a• I r<')\<"\ and 11th1·r • ikh· ntw\ "Ill I><' g•11ng out nl 1he·1r "'"" h o Kf'I ilw1r hanch 110 1h" "'"ndc·dul ., .. 11.f.11 "'f'dJMtU • V1111 can't hlamt· thc·m I m .. g1111 """ 11 IOll\I f1·1·I 111 clrop 1111 lo ~ p11u1uh .i ti"' .iml •l11111l yrn11 \•<11\lhm• up t•• 3 1r11 h1•, the lit\! .., ,.k " ... T he am azing thing, of course, is the speed at which this p rogram works. It is rather re- markable to t hrow off as much as 6 pounds of fluid and fat i n the very first weekend ... " " ... Imagine h ow it m ust f eel to drop up to 2 p ou nds a day and shrink your waistli n e up to J inches the first k ,, wee ... 111r fir11 1 lllk rrn 111 thr do• Im wh11 dr· \t·loprd th1) prt'l(nim 11 111IC'I)'· Thrrrl•irr. hll .. nti·hll f•irmula c uncai"' a'*1lu1t"ly no ctruK~ h is mactr 1111 r n11rrly of 100'.J nawral '"r""· dlt·nts. Hr rim l<'stcd i1 nn himlW"lf ant hr now utrs it n-lipmaly l'H'ry day. I h11 V'"K· ram can e·1<rn help pt"nplr .. ·h11 hav(' bt•t•n lw1pt-k-uly m•rrwt•i11ht all th<'il' ltv1'1 ifw luding lhoM' "'ho nttd Ill fow• 20 111 ~0 or 70 p11ond~ ur mot't', 'f'k doctor ,___.. ..._tt, dl•C yoe ~--at r-r ,. ...... ~·n t.efort r• besi• tliim or..., otller diet provun. Thb ii a l•itally nr .. • .,.,,."I'' trl thr war •1tainM fat. Tht'rf' •implT has oc\·rr brfon an 111111.(llll wrapon •1uht' ik<' thia. It 1lm11'1 A<'tma to nlfl"1rlW be and 1n. hea frt1m lh<' ""')' first da_y. h aut11nia1li ally c'f>lll'r ns bilfl)' fae UI hody fo .. I. Rt·nM"mbt'r -this •ma11n1f noducins :ait1 I• a ""1Dr*1""'f#' fflnfftllG. h at.am '" .. 11rk H IOOn Ill II rnU.~r!I Y'PUr 1y11rm. It ln"-anll)' bra"'' 10 ahrink your fllf ,,..,_ and allw1 1ican1 111 uf1·fy •1tm11l.:11i-y11u1 1 .. 1.b11r11111K mrtahnli)m. Ir Y"" "'lllll '" ,,,.,.. ... t•iithl anti I lit\ .. Ill• •ht'• 1111 Y""' hocly. hc•r" arl' tht• rl'sulh 11!.11 .,,.. 11uuihlc· • 6 irn hr~ 1111 "'lll\lhnr • 4 111( he• •1H ''"'"<M h • 4 m• hr. ofT huttoc·ks • ' irw hr• ort 1hl1th6 • r. lal< he•" off hifl\ RrmC'anl"'r -you d1)n'1 ha"<' to w:.cil wt•r k1 Im 1hi1 dif'c II('( rrt t•t .. ·ork. It scan• 111. 1um11f! Vuu t iUl ll• tually M'C' thr n•111ht in I"" a l(•w day•. Thr w»y rw UM' this formub h \lncplc-. All you do 11 m111 it with a glaw of y11ur lavo· ntr bi-vtngt and drint. it C\'c-ryday the-fir,1 thing In tht 1nomin111. A' 1oun ii\ Y''" d<1 thrt. you will hil\'t' 1111• 1<1m11kally ICC(>p<'d up your fat hur 111n111 lnC'l•boli11m. Th11 will ton1lnut for tht' IM'lll 24 hour., 1111"11 1lu11n1: llw ,..,I 111 stir <ljy Y"IJ <"JI ,, "1111· ".,,., """ 1tl ''''' 1 I'• .. 1, "l11.t1 " "11·11 11f11 ,111)' /11<11(1,llllllWd 111 111.11111.1111 .f lul(h lt•H•I 11f 1.11 11111 ..... 11 I h,JI\ ,111 1h1•11• 1• 111 11 1111• 111.ty I"· 1lw m11\I ,.11, • llv•· f.1l·h11111111g 111r1 1., .. 1 ,.,,,1 11•• vrlupt·d 11 I\ 11111 ;i th Ill(. 11 •~ 11111 " l(Hnm11 k A• ~"" /1;C11· 11-.1d hf'f11rc· 1111, " ,, l11r11111I~ .11111 " 1'"'11'·'°' 1lrve·l11P'·d hv a JJl/'drral dnrtm .. "" ...... , ,, 111111\('" It ""' "-· M111c· f,.11111~111 ,,.,, n ·)11ll\ ""' I'"'" "'I< 111 '""TYtliw. llc·11··~ 1111" y•ou • illl pru\1• all tht> ICI v1111r11C•lf 1111h11111 any fimm · 'i.11 I l~k ..... 11. Cu .. l1r;ul .. 1111 11rrlr1 " '"l'f'I>' of tfll\ 0111/r /.,11 •11" 1111c·n h\ m .. 11. Orrlc•r ,., mu/11 or '" l111lr "' 11111 ,,,.,.,1, ·11 ... 11. "' '""" "' •hr "'"''"""' •kh.,·r, 1h1\ l;an1 .. ,rn \oe'll(ht ·I•·,~ "'""'It· 10 """ cl .. ur -'UHi tht• pr<tgram. II y1o11 li.t\C' nut 111\1 up 111 ll 1111111lfh 111 llw lir't •Ill hm11 • ,.,.,1 "I' 111 I~ \'""nd' 111 tht• line ,.,., .... 11 u111 .ctt• '"" 11)1).; '"'"'lie•d -1hl'n 114•11d h.a. ~ 1lw 1•11111•> prucl1111 • ""'""""' .mrl 1lw 111mp""" .. 11111·111111 }"'" rn11"· l'"""t"lll 111 \llll •111111\y .mcl "11hm11 'I""'""" II you ""' C'l(ll" '~1·1>11t.tl >"'1 1 "'' l""I• ,1 .. ,,. yc\01 c lwc k 111 rnnm•y 11rrlc•1 hy :\0 ib)'' II \1111 •In 1111,. 1fw c 11mp .. ny p111mi"·' "'"I Ktrar.llltc'<'\ 11111 111 rlc·p""' 11 1111 "' "'"'' Iii.cl :.01111111111 111 t1n1r. Thrn. ii you ch'< 11it• 111 rt .. 1un1 1lw pr11du11 1 oncamt'T. thr 1 om1u n'' 11,ll ll'llcl h"' k y11111 "'""'"'" 1 ht·c Ir. o r "'"""\ melrr .. 11h no •111r111.H1n1 al'trd. \'011 c;an'c 1,,... 111•1111•1 -1•011 can 11nlv lcN .. .-il(hl llil' ,, ..... j4 11i.1 $14.1.'> 1 .. , .. lull w .. 1 .. > ~"l'til)' "'•th • 11m1tlc-1r maeruc INlfll . .\,, 1~-cl1 llll':rly i• $1 1.70, A w~•-r "'f'Ply i1 $l!J.'l.1. An fin11lly. :.c SO·~fay 111ppl)0 .,, only $111.!l!'l. (Tlii1 "ll 2'i'.t di!IC nunt.) flt ordrr, 11•r11r y .. ur narn<' •rt•I •ddrt·u ""'' lfw 11·111 d1 "• r••h·ln,, l""Rtam" on .. pit•ff• of IM Pt'r and wnd it 1111h y1101 ~ym•·111 111: M1lllHar11 1•r.,cl111 u o..t. FW7. 1•1 Na•h• ... A ... P.O. 8'111 ~I !l Maplo1wid. Nt'w J<'f"M')' 07040 Yuur 11rdr1 ,..,11 be· k'llt pn1m11tly hy re•. turn m•il. 1_1 _y1111 ha1 C' any ciurtclon•. Y•lll 'an tt'lrpnoM (201) 744.,777, (.tic:t •s and mi1My 11rd(on ~hc1uld hr mlil'k-P"J•hlt' 10 Millhoron Pmducu . (It i1 no• a fr!•id ~ii 111 maJI1:uh.) ,,"l:iia:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;..-;_;;; _..;;. _ -··----... ... ..;.-- -------~~----_ _. .... _. ' ' I ' I ... PEOPLE QUIZ / By John E. Gibson HOW SUCCESSFUL ARE YOU? TRUE OR FALSE? 1. The smarter you are the more likely you are to achieve success. 2. Peop&. are-Inclined to attribute failure to a person's llK:k of ability but tend lo reglld aaocea as ~ • matlllr ol luck or bling at the~ pllce at the rWlt time. S. Fear of suc:c:ea Is often juslifted. 4-. When you achieve success In what· cwr you are doing. Instead of being glad that through perseverance and ability you succeeded In 'making It.' what many peo- ple are going to feel Is envy -a feeling of raentment or discontent over another's superior attainments, endowments or poSM-.,ns. 5. The boss -once he has surmounted the ~ setbacks and frustrations that rnai(; pathway to success a tough roadway to negotiate -can relax and take H much easier than before. The fact that he's flnaUy 'maQe It' enables him to sit baclc and enjoy the fruits of his labors, with a minimum of hassles and aggravalk>ns. 6. People who are the ~successful - In every WNe ol the word -ftnd their ~ more Interesting, more enjoyable and more rewarding than play A.NSWfllS I . Fola.e. A Harvard study of the ro&e In· telllgenc:c plays In getting along In the world ooncluded that superior Intel· llgence Is, In general, a valuable aid to ad· justment to conditions and accommoda· tlons lo diwrM situations and Is an Im· portanl factor In dlmblng the ladder of IUCIC99. It II pointed out, however, that In~ does not preclude maladjust· mmt. It is pat~ poed>le to have more then your share ol brains and stlJ1 not have your head oo malght. And H Is ot.rved In tummlng up the findings that "tn ...... nce .._,and bv Hid, doe. not ~ gusantM d'°'8ldc IUCIC*I, whkh depends on a favcnble patlllm of motfva • wel •mental ablltty." In other words, unleea you have drlw, the uphill dmb tow.rd suocaa may wel ~Insur· rnountlltM. For i you don't haw drive, "°" .. drft -and It'• ~ hard lo ddtuphA. I. True. Unlwniy ol Toronto llUdia Inda. ~ ~ to the way people appr...,. "'°'*'and lallure. Sub· )eCtl .-. MMd to deK:rt. how uch of ..wrel mocW ftgura 'got to ~ who and what tw II.' R..,111: Ftnandll ldure WM .._.. s-cet.t •~due to lhc PftlCM''• i.clc ol eblllty and efb1. ("He ,.,.. didn't hive wt. It~." "He didn't liPP'I .._.," '°He'• • luy bum," "He -IOO tllllllv ~.1 On the tiff. hind, u:alllful peeonl ..... to be,...,. .... b9w lud&y ...... . .. ""' ........ rWtt time Of twvtne .. ~ COll•lld:i411. rn.,..,. m1ntec1 dw bo9'• ...... "or "Hll ....,.-ob- ..., Wt '*" the COllllPll'V·, In odMr ........... ~toatlrbltl failure to personal attributes but use a dlf· fercnt yardstk;J( when It coma lo giving a successful person due credH for his achievements. 3. True. Studi.es of depressive-type psychic reactions caused by success at Sweden's Umea University cite findings showing that "some people become 'ner· vous wrecks' just because of success." It is pointed out that many Individuals lack the necessary qualities for coping with success -stamina, resiliency, ablUty 10 function under the el(treme pressures and stresses which oc:cur In a competitive worid, when? each rung on the ladder of success has dozens of hands grasptng for It. Boston University studies likewise show that, for some people, the drive for succcess Involves neTVe·wracklng tensions which make their lives both frusnllng and conflk:t-rtdden. II ls polnl.ed out that while success can be fulflUing for some people, It can have a disrupting effect on the lives of others. It ls suggested that you'll be better off In terms ol happiness and a sense of well-being If you .don't strive for greater succas than you feel comfol1able In attaining, And If you feel a fear of re.aching lhe upper limits of your profession or calling, those fears m~ht just be a small voice trying to teU you something. 4. True. A City University of New York study of envy -cited as "One of the traditional seven deadly sms" -pin· points the reason for this. It ls noted. that "the succas of one Individual can In· adYertently diminllh enottMr penon." And envy is chlnc•bed u a penon~s reaction as he pursues the natural goal of attempting to preterve his or her worth when His indirectly threatened by the at· tri>utes or aa:omptlshrnents ol another. 5. Falle. A Untverstty of Michigan In· depth study, evaluating a "boss's" psychologtcal climate when the upper levels ol SUCCes1 are au.a~. shows that -for one thing -It's not only lonely at the top, H's nervc-wracklng. It Is pointed out that thOM at the helm of any OC'91lnlzalk>n or enterpri:M Mmust not only be concerned wtth ewryday admln· lstretlve la.ska but company vislbOtty, Federal regulations, environmental i.aa. Afftrmetlve Adon and coq>orm NYWw boardt ... And It .. not.d In condu· sion that mOlt won1lorM of al Is the abeenct of predldabUlty. The larger the area of your raponllblllty. the mont peo. pk you ere dependent upon, the more things thM can go wrong. 6. Ttw. Untv.r11ty ol Mln'*°'81Ndles hew lhowr'I that IUCh people ftnd moN ~ and 8111facllot1 In thetr WOltt then In pa.y -~the tom. brtngt .. ......... and adllment thet 90Cl0m• PMY lhi _...,trnlllt ol f'* pit ..S papoelS. An4 • Ml .... ~ ot.lved ... ~ .. """' .Olk u,._ ~ would ..ttw be dolnQ ,.. ~--" .... ,,,,_., Wlme.LY, Ntr ... • ti . Diam on SS apiece THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT Our firm has selected 1000 of the finest 1 ~ point dia- monds in our vaults and will give them away on a first- come basis, until August 25, for the quixotic sum of exactly $5 apiece. Each stone is a certified genuine diamond and will be accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity to that effect. (To confirm what such a stone is actually worth, offer your ;eweler $5 for one of his 11h point diamonds.), Why do we offer diamond• this w•y? Being neither philanthropists nor saints, we expect to gain more than we lose. What we expect to gain is pub- licity. Our firm Is already known to the trade. But we wish to be better known to the general public-so that we may market our diamonds to them directly (and, we hope, more profitably} by eliminating dealers, middle- men, and retail stores. We are also understandably eager to gain the names of persons such as yourself. who have ,shown interest in diamonds, anQ_ who will constitute a valuable roster of potential clientl-to whom we can mail announcements of our special sales. .. A dl•mond I• torever''-but'tht1 opportunity la only guaranteed until August 2.5, 1979 Our motives for this diamond ottering are unabashedly self-serving. If you accept in the same spirit, I think we shall both be well pleased (or your money will of course be refunded at once without question). However, since this offering is limited, please respond promptly. I sug- gest you use our toll-free number below to avoid dis- appointment. JI ~ ~ v4I. ~ n:.-:.- ""'*"' .. NOTE: Limit of one 1fon• per •ddre .. , but If your ,.,._.,I• mallfHJ belote Aug. 15 you may requed •2nd 1tone et the um• prlc•. r---·$5 DIAMOND REQUEST FORM----, MAil TO: g--H.11. F1e1s. Ltd.. Dept. 22·723 201 W. 31th It. New Yort. N.Y. 10011 Pteue fOfWard me • genuine 1 ~ Point diamond 11 offered above, for which I need enclON only $5 ptus $1 shipping, handling & Insurance. 1'80261 a I am making this request before August 15 and exercise my option to request two diamonds for only$ fO pfua $2 shipping, handling & Insurance. ~ ....... ., ..... lo "'Y 0 IA 0 MASTIR CMAJIQ& ...... ______ ___.~· - ~·---------Cltr------------=--..., _______ ------- ,_ ..... --- M.Y ...... r1111111111 _, ,, .............. __ _ GUND TOTAL: t --- 1 • "'9Hlt ""I.I& ---------------------- Werning : The Surgeon Genni Hes Determined Thlt Cip'ette Smoking Is Oengerous to Your Health. / '. COLD SOUPS FOR summER DINING By· ffiarllyn Honsen W hii, blend, sdr and chill, It's a natural wtth our easy-to-fix cold soups. Serve In outrageous containers: tJlm g.lalses, oversized coffee cups, mugs or beautif}al goblets. Few the final touch, gar- nish with a float of eour cream, a sprightly vegetable stirrer or fillip of fruit. HOT WEATHER GARDEN SOUP 1 an cont.elMr9 (1-oa ..... , plain ~ 1 :zi ale--pWp. ~~...:laced Oftbt ~' a.,a111uall 1 =a= c:hktlm ClOMOIUIC. ct.-.. 1 olftol F ........... ,...... '14 a1p dupp 111....---. '14 a1pdtaP11••....-..... '14 a1p dMlppad cw:_._ fh alp cha pp Id ripe p..a.d ..,__, 1. 8lmd yogurt, cucumber p~. minced onion, chJJI sauce and salt In a gla9I °' pla6: ttorage oontalne. Cover and allow to chill ~ly. about 3 hours. I . Stir chilled c:ontOmmC. black pepper and oltw otJ tnto chllled mixture. Add chopped green onion, green pepper and cucumber. Chll 30 minutes. S. Spoon chopped tomatoes on top of each tm/tng. Maka 4 M 5 .,.,,"91 •Prepare ~ by blending cucumber peel and teecied cucumber cut tn pieces In an eledrtc blender. ORIENTAL COOLER lcm(l~-.)ca 1 11....,bn6 a ... cm .... Y.aip• to' " a .s.-,~ --a...~ "'~ ........ ~ 1 .................. .... 1 t1111a•eo,-. 1. Comb6nc al lf9edwnts. Chlll 4 hours or men. ""*-about 4 tervfngt EASY RUSSIAN BORSCtn l C. (16-.) .......... llMI, 1 c:. (ltt,i .-.) ...., ca -•· -..... le-. ..... 1"41~· ,..~ l ClllP ... C' • C9IWt 'i4 c-. cll 111 ..... 1 C:. (16 W .) t'0 I .,.. ...... I' U 111111-.. .. .,.. ..... _a.. I . lrt large aaucepan, combln• tofnM091, oonaomm,, watn, Cllbbege, Clft'Ot ... Ol*>n. I. HeM to ...,._ oowr, '*"-Met .......... about 10 mlmdes, )Ult .... 1111111U. .. allp-... . .. S4llr In ...... lndudlng ... ~end lemon )&dee. Tum Imo oont11Mr, oowr encl ......... und ~ d6d, 9bout3houll. •. s.w In ..... .,_., ..,... wllh • • .,oonful of tour CNMt on top. --~7aApl ICED SPINACH SOUP '14 alp ........ M ..,...- '14 alp chopped Giiion "" alp ....... "l'WPOM low I , up~a.Mlt Iha 1;:tia.,.........S '14 0 :=·~ ....... 1 cm (l~ -·> c-1 it dtklle broCh 1 .... (10 oa.) "°-a~ IP6aada Cw l allP9 chopped, ,,.... ....... an aip ehredded c:sroc. Ian allP9 .. 1.-.-... OI" csrot lldc:li ............ If ..... 1. ~ bun. In a medium saucepan; seu• onion until tend.r. Blend In flour, salt, mustard and nutmeg. Stir In broth. I. Hat to ~. 111n1ng constantly. Add tplr\aCh and carrots; c.ook owr medium heat, sttrrlng oocaslonally until cmrots and tplnach ere willed. S. IWrtgeq1e. und lukew.rm. Pwee In blender. Stir In milk. Cowr and chill tevaa1 houn cw owmight. Serve with lemon llk:a. Moira about 5 '!r cu,,. •:.dlJ'l~= w •• .,. ......... .. .,. ClllP .......... ,.... ........ °""'* 't\c-.~lm l . Combine .. .,...... •• In ~ ""'*con..,,_;~ tlnd tmOOlh. S.Wa1once. .... JY#a.,."'2 ......... TUNA BROCCOLI BISQUE l t••'-.ooc~or........-. an alp cMpped °"'°" ~=~.:v I c-. (IS~ om. uch) chk:lien broth 114 t= "a• T-.C:O l IMmct. broa:oll, COSMlv chofpe4 (l ...,., l c.m (6an or 7 oa.) w In ve1aubl« otl 1 ~llahtcrema l Mnl<OOl!ed ... chopped Choppedps'*r 1. Melt butter In a saucepan. Add onion and celery; cook for 5 mlnutas...Spinld. flour owr vesetab'es and mix well. 2. Add chldcen broth, Tabalco and broccoli and bring to a boll. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, few 15 minutes. S. Puree broocoll with broth and tuna, half at a time, In an e&ectrtc blender. 4. S. In aum; chll. Serve sptnlded W'lll'I chopped hard-coolced egg and parsley. Makes 51/l cupa ICED BLUEBERRY SOUP • a .. --. ... , .... llTJ,.... tc-. .. 'i4 1 I • ...... dm1m,.. thtH=Mlt I a1p •h 1• 1m., rtseed anr::.-:.~ 1. Place blueberry-yogurt In plastic °' glau ltOfage contab)er. Stir In m ... cin- namon, ..it and biuebarles. Ct\W thoroughly, about 2 hours. I . Top with a dolop of plain yogurt and ..,nnkle of cinnamon. 5-Yve wtth wedges of lemon. Moira 5 ot 6 Mnllnfll CHILI.ED OUVE ASPARAGUS SOUP ..... CJ.~~,._ ........ i!:' .... :' a • .,.. =; ·.·.· !' ..... I ...._ __ ...,. I cm Rea) dlldm '"6 \tc-. ..... 5 ... ,.. ............... ..... ·~ ....... ·~ (continued} ,Ill&,.-.,,,""" .. .,. ... Sew-Simple Apron 815 Neat cover·up for kitchen duty. Craft No. 815 is in Sizes Small. Medium or Large. Medium (12 14), Pl.yards 45·inch. · To order Craft No. 815, send $100 plus 25c for postage and handling for each copy to : Family Weekly Magaz.ine PO Box 438. Dept A·52 Midtown Station.NY .. N.Y. 10018 lk sure 10 include name. address.. zip codf'. cm/1 number and sl~e_ ~ Yort S1011t 1esldents odd soles lox} Wlten You Order From Adnttl••rs In Famllr WHklr, ....._allow four to llx waeka for ..,"'Y-Since our actvertlMra often NOefve'thou- unde of order'I from au over the country. occaalonally unin- tentional delap occur. If they do, f M'tlly WMkly went• to .. ll9t you .. much .. poulbte. Juet Mnd tM ...... of your Otdlr to: Unda Mount; Famlly ~ 841 Lexington Avenue. MN~ NY 10022. ~ rm:-----------------., ~ : FREE OFFER! : i 1 Two (2) ''Jesus First'' Pins 1 .. I I Jerry Falwell says: ,.,~~114' I I you may wonder why I'm giv-.:-~ ~ .. · I ing away-Absolutely Free-• ~ • I I these "Jesus First" pins. ... • ~ ., I Because it's about time that I Christians here in America _, I I stand up and be counted for Christ! I Sure-it's popular to be "Born-again" -but whatever I happened to all the "old-fashioned" Christians who I I were not afraid to stand up for Jesus and Bible morality? I I I urge you to wear your "Jesus First" pin as a testimony I that you are putting Jesus first in your own life-and I helping me bring this nation back to God! I I Also, I need you to... I 1 Cast Your Vote Right 1 : Now And Help Me : I I I 1 Do you approve of PORNOGRAPHIC and ob-0 Yes I I • scene classroom textbooks being used under O No I I the guise of sex education? I I 2 Dq you a~ve of tt"le present laws legalizing D Yes I I •ABORTION-ON-DEMAND? 0 No I I I I 3 Do you approve of the growing trend towards D Yes I I • SEXandVJOLENCEreplacingfamily-oriented D No I programs on television? I I I Name I I Address I I Gty I I State Zip I I (Any contr~bution to this Campaign is I I tax deductible and deeply appreciated!) I I I I &encl thlll I I entire Wotb9ck to: I Dr. Jerry Falwell • I Lynchburg, Virginie 24514 I I I I I RETUMTHIS ermRE BALLOT IMMEDIATELY L.;. ••• ~. - 1. Cook a.sparagus in covered ~ucepan In boiling water until tender: place with Ii· quid In electric blender container. 2. Saute onion In butter 2 minutes; add to asparagus and blend until purffd. Pour with chicken broth Into ~ucepan. 3. Blend olJves, pepper and cream In electrk: blender untU smooth. Add to asparagus mixture. Hear just to boUJng point, stining frequently. Chill overnight. Maka 4 to 6 U!rvlngs ASPARAGUS CUCUMBER SOUP l~(l~oa..)~crumof ...,., ..... ~ 1 _,..., CM WMa '.4 cup thlnlv ellced r..Mahe f faWlllJ ~ chopped t"Mft CMUoM 'It ~ chopped cucwob8 111 cup-a- 1. In saucepan. add water to soup. 2 . Stir In cucumber and green onions. Heat~ stir occasionally. Tum Into bowl. cover and chill 6 houn OJ more . Garnish with radishes and sour cream Molcu abour 3 U!rvlngs CREAMY AVOCADO LEMON SOUP ! ......... _... 'It cup UDOOCh punut butter l 111blelpoona ...._ JuJc- 1 dow of .-UC. lllced 1 CM (lSfA Oii.) chlcMft broth 2 aipe (1 pint) ..... encl ..... Chopped chive b ..,...., Thin-I.moo ... 1. Peel avocados. Cut fruit Into chunks and place In electrk: blender container. Add peanut butter. lemon JUiee and garlic. Add about one-half of chicken bfoth. COYC1 and whirl until 1mOOth. 2. Sc:ntpe slda of blender container with spatula, If necessaty. Pour soup Into serv· Ing bowl. 3. Sttr In remaining bfoth and the half and half. Cowr. Chill at least 4 hours Thin to destred consistency with milk before serving. Top each MTVlng with chives and a lemon slice. Molca 6 tervlngs ZUCCHINI.SHRIMP PUREE I ...,,.., D -d'°"*9 °""°" 1 ~ c:ho,ped IUCIChlnl 1,4 ....... a.jof ........ O'Ulh.t lca•l11paw.-..,or_...,.,.. 1 c.-(I~ om.) C!CM...._. c,.._ of ...... "" CllP -en.-,~ .. 1. S.Utl onion and rucchlnt with mar- )otam In butttT until tender. I . Add eoup and 90W' cram. Pour Into e*trtc blender or food pcow: blitnd unell .mooth. I. A.turn to ~: gred\Mlly tttr In m•. Heer: lllt ~. fUm IMc> bowt, COWf end ~ 6 houn OI "'°" TIMn eo .._, COi •••r-=v wlfl ~- 11 m*. ....... .... 3(14119. ....... • ...... .,-.L., ....... COLD SOUPS (continued) DOUBLE RED SIPPER 1 can ( J ()'N OD.) condenNd tomato 90'1P 'h 90'4> CM cranberry )Wea 1n _.., C1111 waler I WMpOOfl &.-juke 6 a.bleapoon1 IOW cream I . Combine all Ingredients except sour cream; chill 4 hours or more 2. In 3 tall glasses. float sour cream on soup. Molces 3 servings SOUP ON THE ROCKS Ice cuba 1 can (101!t 01:1.) beef broth, undiluted o..h WorcatenlUre MUCC Slk.. of lemoe or lime I. FUI a chunky glass or cup with Ice cubes. Pour beef broth right from the can over cubes. Add Worcestershire. Garnish with lemon or lime slices. Makes 2 or 3 servln!J$ CHIU.ED ZUCCHINI SOUP 1h cup butt.er Of margutne 1 cup lllced 9'"" onioft I dove 9..tk, minced ) Cup! llked Wtpnied nacchlnl 1 cup water 2 chicken boulUotl c:uba '"' ttlllpOOn .... . F-twtlta lrnhly tround black p«pper • Cup9 nUUi 2 tablapoon1 c:ornswrch 'It cup 1auteme °' dry wnnouth 1;, cup IMly dked ,_ zucdllnf °' 6 raw wcchlnl ltkU I. In 3-quart saucepan. melt butter over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; cook 5 minutes or untJI lightly browned. 2 . Add zucchini; cook, stirring frequent- ly, JO minutes or until zucchini Is very soft. Add water. bouillon cubes. salt and pepper. Cover and simmer 15 minutes. 3 . Place mbcture In blender container a little at a time. Cover and blend 30 seconds or untll liquefied Return to saucepan. 111r 4 . Stir milk Into cornstarch smoothly Add to saucepan Stirring constantly. bring to boll over medium heat and boU l minute Stir In sauteme Tum Into bowl, cover and chill several hours or over- night 5. Whisk wtlh a wire whisk just before M!rvlng Garnish with diced ZUGChlnl or a zucchini stln er stick Mohs 6 Krulngs PIQUANT PEANUT· BUT1ER YOGURT SOUP Thousands Sold for $8.00 Sale!$6 88 SAVE MORE! 2 for $9 99 1 Whisper-Soft ... Silky-Smooth FabalomlyFlat Glulor TartleMek ~tessa - Here'a the T....u.n.ck that'a making fuhlon heed.Una th1s MaSOnl The gor- geo1a. dMak: llnea blend pcrfec:tly wtth all JIOW' outfit.a. In that wonderful tu. tram Poiyeat« thllt fecla like • wlwty carae . . . with IUCh • beautiful fine rtbb9d tcxt&re that you'd twdly dare to dn.n ol wuHng It. But you <Wll In fact juat tioaa Into thA machine! Back zipper 1cta you Wbk It on, off with eaM, ...S haJpa kMp the MCk In lf'9pC tool Full, billowy lieevea c:iompWe the led. AVAi.ABLE IN n£SE S1\J'olNING FASHION OOLORSI White. l.Jp9tk:k Red, OlocoWe Brown, ~ Blue, Bi.ck 5ma: ~ 32. 34, 36, 38 Extra Slza Tool: 40, 42. 44, 46 -----oua GUARANTEE -----u ro. are aot coapletely dellpted with tbi9 ......... •eo.._· IHouee, .U.plr retan H to• _.. 14-,. tor a "811 Nfud of the ,.,-+ma price. .. q1MetJoaa ealtecl. Now, tlult'a • ......... la wrtU.,t .,. ---unar1en• .-...m11 • .. , ua---., LIM laW, Dept. LM·2588 MO hiillr s..t . ....._, P1. 17lll 1W1J..... ·TUlnlllQ(S)(•ZZJZJO)f•tM -t. ,nc. of i11t SUI_.. (S7.a ,_ btll Sias) .... Sl.75 ....... lllMlllc • fllll _, .u ......... 0 SAWIW.U....a .. ...,SUl(Sll.tlftfllllnl .._,,..sus,_.. ........... _ _, ... ........ ... Cit COlCll'CI) ------"' § MllflcM (llflH 8 CMtt lllllClll ~•tvtu OIMrs' Chlll -...CM, .. ,_..,.._:: __ _ Acct. .... bJ. Olt• ----0 c.o.o. (lllC ..... 12.00 ~ "' prllltM.) , ........... __ _ ..... ------~.~.-.-,-.......,..,.....,,-----~ ...,... ______________________ ~~ C"1-~~~~~~~~~_;.~~ .... __________ ,_-I --------·~~ -_______ _. • Here'• a doll ilHl Uke snnc:tmodler had when she WU a little airll An uquiiite )'Oun1 m.ill that wilf deli.dlt collectors of all aees. To aive ., • 1m ... or 10 h ep for your • IC!( ••• to erasure from 9Ct1er1tion to ~ration. A MOST WONDERnJL CIFTI Th.is beautiful doU has the kind of quality crtfu.manihip found only in 1he finest heirlooms. Not. "Rfodttellort, but aenuinc •nliqucd porcd1in. dclic•tcly hind patnled jUSI like It.,., ovcr'7S yc1n aao. Her drcu is the 6~1 Viccorian faihlon, all lace and rib- bons, authcnric riaht down co hfr lhoes. l'IUI • hand-crochclcd h•• to sec off hfr eokkn treucs. Not a mlrtlatur ..... a full II in. 11111 Here's • colkccor's buy-of·•·llretirne you won't w1n1 to miul But our warehouse invcnrory Is ~1rlc1(y hmited •nd 11 1his low price i~ sure lo ID fut. So hurry, order now. NO-RISK GUARANTEE S.-tlt/1 Gt rt11l11• A1t-11,,_, Doll for )'011rirlf. II 1"t' ~ "°' dtllffiltd, '''"'" wltlllrt I' #1011 -'°"' ""'"'" """' lw ''°"''"' "''"""d· Now ,._,-I • 1wre1tln /tt wrltf"f . r---~--~------1 I ._ ........ ~ 340 '°"'" Strtet, lllOYlr, .... l733l I I "•n• rulll __ Ge1111l111 Allti.iect 00111 CZ450Ml l for I 1ust 17.17 Hell plus 12.IO "st•a• Nd llHdllnc Oii full I -114tc~ 1u1r111t11. I 0 SAW: MCMtl l Order' TWO for lust 115.00 ,,., te.OO llllp. I ,. .. Nd llltldll .. • -__,.__ l'lltllltH '-feet I !Of lrtH•red 1ltt1. I c.... "' I ~ -..lcM [JqlrllS 8 C.rtl 11,.icllt I tj =:&.,~{!.':.... • Olltlf'S Ch• I I [RC ..... " s "'· r~s ............ , I I NllfT IWll . I HANOVER HOUSE I AOOIUS I ...................... '1111 -CITY TAT( ZI,_ .. ___ ....... ....,. .......... 1111 ___ , ...... I •ftllOt.O\tO-...C.U>tO ' •• BOSTON'S BOYS OF summER By Bouy Stavro H cre's. a quation for al you bMebell buffs: Who are Eddie Connolly and •Biii SpanlWlck? Even the experts m!Sttt haw a hard time Identifying the pelr as left-handed pttchen for the Boston Red Sox durtng the 60's. But a look at tha careers reminds us al a time When p&aytng pro batebell was c:.ontldered part of the Amer1can Dream. f.d Connoly and Bdl SpanlWlck were · two Mulachutetts boys who grew up Idolizing the Red Sox. In high tchool each developed fastballs fiery enough to attract ma)or league 1eouts. And by the time Connolly and Spantwlck became Red Sox teammates In 1964, both had 1Urvtved the minor leagues. Each was thrllled to reach that 1964 tprtng training. The Sox needed a left. handed starter. and a break tftlTled within reach. "I thought, 'If any of us makes It, I might,'" ConnoDy recalls. Both Connolly and SpaMWlc:k made the team, with Connolly winning the 11arttng spot and SpaMWlc:k aalgned to the buDpcn. Each happffy signed with the Sox for $7 ,000 a year -a tum which to· day's top p&ayen can earn In a week. That's. usually where the story ends, wtth a happy ending. But Spanswkk and Connolly each leam«i the hard way that dreams can come to an end. Both pitchers had control problems, giving up almolt as many walks as they had ltrtkeoub. ConnoDy had a 4-11 record, wtth a 4.91 earned run average. Span.wtck i.ngulshed through an even more dtfftcult Ma10n: 2 wins, 3 loues and a cetuerophlc: 6 .89 E.R.A. By IPfng 1965. the· Red Sox had macM a trade for • left-hand.d pitcher. Spel\IWk:k was cut durtng IPfng training, while Connoly returned north with the team, only to be ..nt down to the minors alter a month. Connolly dewloped a tore arm and became even wt&der than he had been. 8arTy Shwl'O umree on o uorlety of wbjeca. from tpOrta to ldcnce, Jo• mogodnce. · Connolly· as a roolcle Red Sox hurler (above) and today, at age 39 (right). He's now the manager of a brokerage firm In Pittsfield. Massachusetts. Mer the 1966 season, however, his ann healed and the Cleveland Indians bought his conlrad. For the Cleveland Triple·A farm club, ConnoUy We>n ttx games In lit· de owr a month, led the league In pitch· Ing, and was called up by the Indians In May. Mer just two starts, however, he tore a hamstring mutcle and was disabled for a month. After that, he was In the bullpen for the rat of the year. Before the 1968 MaSon, Connolly suffered the ultl· mate Indignity of being the "player·to·be· named-later" In a trade with Callfomla. Glanced over by the Angels during spring training, then Mllgned to the mlnon, ConnoDy "just quit." Spanswick, meanwhile, was having even more trouble. After Boston cut him, he spent three more MUOns In the minors. He was at the mercy of his un· predictable arm, "but I wanted to try one more year." Once again eeduced by the ture of the big leagues, SpantWldt returned for the 1967 MUOO. Again, he was shuffled back to the minors ... , decided rd had enough," he states simply. "I quit on June 6, 1967."' At 28, both Spanswick and Connolly had to ~ up their ctreamt. Con· nolly .became • stockbroker and now. at 39,'f'Uns the ~der. Pea- body and Company brokerage ftrm In hll hometown of Plttlfleld, Mats. Spentwtck took • )ob .. ... NpraenlBdve fOJ Yellow F?etght 5yMms of Springfield, Mall .• where he Is now a branch I manager, With ad their dlllllusk>nment, the two rMn say their beMball mernorill are still pleuant. "You problbfy c:.n't ftnd a bd.r way to make • ltvtng, .. Connolli/ cblew 1119. And s.-~ ....... he hed thousirt to gtt hit pleture -.n wtd\ Maye ~ Mantle: "You lllweya ftgur., 11 ... him not IP'fn8,' VOAA newr lhlnk al the .... end unth's owr." .., ,,,_,., ~Y. -·"" • ft 35 mm 24 Exp -2.75 36 Exp.· 3 95 NIWllZI 'ULL '"AMI JS-3'1t"•5''4" COL09t NINTS $2 20EXP ROLL 110-126 35mm •JUMBO 80RDERLESS SILK PRINTS ON KODAK PAPER • 24 HOUR IN PLANT SERVICE •PICTURES RETURNED FIRST CLASS MAIL 12EXP., 99 SIZE 331 20 EXP ROLL 1 1 O ROLL 126 YOUR FINISHED PRINTS WILL BE RETURNED WITH A FRESH REPLACEMENT ROLL OF THE FINEST COLOR PRINT FILM MADE IN THE U SA t ENCLOSE MY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR $ ___ _ PLUS S0c POSfl HDLG PER ROLL IN J RESIDENTS ADO~-.. SALES TAJll ClfV & STAfE -------------u.TU STATll ~Clue ct ZIP _______ _ •.o. ao1 -. ""· 1• • • CUPTOll, •-'· 11111 Stop Wasting Gas ---------- fe*y ....... _.i.. ...-... HIOHlll et -llATIONEO '"'your vArO.-n loo Oftlv 119 9!1-,....,..,.. vovr ,.. ..,,...., 1.c>IO ~. YAIOJl'TI --t ._......,._ -YAIOJITl•oopt!onl .. ....... """'_,_,.,_ ............... . .,.,. .. .,. ,..,, v_..,,.,,. ,,,..,_., -" oho--.-.... -.---.-, .... _... .. ...., v--.-... ,,.. ,..,td '°'It 00 ""'1"1'--oo -• 1111- ""' ...,_, If yovr CM OftfV '"" 10 ml• '*·--··-"--s••-.. ....... -....,__ .......... ""'°""'" '". tovpe. ol m....,,., t"4tt..ctt°"' .,. 1 ... 1.- ...i .... Oftfy foot If°" -It I t<r_I_ ""'°"""'-. -----11 ve.i•,. "OI -.....iv Mttott.cf --. """""'-· Y.....,._on1v11t.te --··...., '"' ....-.. '" ..,.., 10 *"" 0...'•4'1rt .................. -........... __ .......,,_ ......... ----·•.,.c1111"'"-· -· ....-, .... _ ...... ., .,.... CMlol .. _ .... ,,,_..,_..,°' __ °'* -"""°"''* ~. _,,.,........... ~ ""'°""" r.o. a. UJO, f-. Ofl t1.al I T ,._ ____________________ ..... ..., .... o.-.....,.. _____________________ ~ ea...--------....,. _______ .,r•~----- c " E ~ ... .. .. Cl > ~ • ' • Explosive New Fat Bu-rn·Of f System with ONGE·A·DAY PILL is so sure-fire it's the Ultimate ·weapon against Fat Fii-.., tlle •••zl., ,,. .. , I• 1•r ow• llilrrorl flltt tie ,_ ... , .... F•t .... Off ,.,.,,,,..,. . }lid .. ,. • .,.,,,, ,. ,. ,,,. ,,,.,.,,.,, ...... ,.. • tAe ..,, ......,., 14 tw fat ......, Mltz .. /Jodon, St•4in •t U•i~rsi(ies ••4 IA•4i•K 1Vlltit111•/ M11gazi11e.~ llail i•e tMaOMe effectirn1eJ$ a/ t/le M•xi-slim c•JISllle fiw••I•" Modllfn Tedlnol()f'f h11 linelly unlulh«f • rem•Ubl• ceptUfe fonnute 10 help •It.eek the problem of obtlity ell day lone. Now enjoy lhe ~· of being eble to burn fet wound the clock - WITHOUT BATTLING TORTUROUS HUNGER PANGS. WITH· OUT CONSTANT WILLPOWER, ANO WITHOUT DREADFUL EXERCISE -Thenb '° e Doc«>r'1 PQOWr1>8Cked "Once·A·Oey" Cepeufe end Fet Bwn-Oft S\11t.m. NOW YOU CAN OUICKL Y DROP 10, 20, 35. 50 POUNDS OR MO RE I By following me new Mui-$1m Fet Bwn-Oft progrmm, you cen lo• up to 8 poundl of fet end fluid In the flnt 48 hourt 11nd up to 14 pounds durine the tint two -kll &ut, eh•• you befin thit tYflmm, you """ ••per~ m0te then r1'>1d-'lf!t loa. OtKk your ttpe rneeeure end mirror ., you • LOSE .. te I INCHES off yew •*"- • LOSE .. to "NCHH oft Vo4'f "'-- • LOSE .. to 3 INbtES off yow t ....... • LOil .. to 4 INQtlS off y-bvttodu Netur ... y. the .mount of -~tend the number of I~ vou can qulclllv low ~ on how mud! you ere over vour ldeel -lgt>t. On the Mud.U... swogrmm, •your celorlc consumption It f~red. YOUR FAT BURN-OFF ACCELERATES. Rtwlo ere so f•t end eo eutornetic. you mey f"I like you oonwrted your own body chemittry Into • non1t09 fe1 burning furneat. Not only a.n you be IM.rzfed et visible retUlt• In vour own mirror, but • your weiohl plummett, vou wllf f .. I g<ut et your ENERGY ANO VITALITY SOAR TO NEW LEVELS. But, bett of ell, rw:tkl mlt!t!t 109 It nftt?oys the hmltt ol sypl· gt Wlfth! !OH QCO!HDll NO MORE ptennlne end tchedulfng 3 -4 -~ 5 diet pilfu dey. NO MORE tining through mM11 be· Ing left hungry end untetltfied. NO MORE ml•lng end drlnkint dltta1eful pro .. ln ~ti. AND NO MORE borint end Jed. low 8Qf'C .... f With ttie Maxi· UM ht •w...ott propmm, jun ONE PILL in the mornlne 9111 Cll•N411W ,. ..... you lterted on your ell dey - AROUND THE CLOCK FAT DESTRUCTION. HOW DOES THC MAXI SLIM SYSTf:M WOHK7 When you t•"-your fl"t 'i~ililil~~~ Mallia"' apsute, with • 111 .. :i of -• In the '"°''""'· vou -Oftfv-b -V from HP8f'l· enclnt the ,.,Its of tNt r1m•ll· ... '"' .... .Off PfOll'lm. Wl"'lft y-body. the ....... __________ .. ._ CIPIUfe brNllt doMI Into ,,_ ·-llundNd end fifty ., .... end ~ cano.n,,.,ed bNdt. wllldl ,..._ contlnuoully 10 HAl.T HUNGER SENIA· TIONI -ALL DAY L~. You wlll be ktpt fUll end SATIS- FIED wl1'I fer._ ttlllfl You -.,,...ttv •Int. The Me•41M Pet ._.4" dllt lltM c._,.. yow -body ctMnlktry 10 ~ • PC*ftt -.It on your t•1 ~· The ...... .... 1¥ftlm -U ~ end .__.,..., wltll your bodr. et· •clllnt ""mejor ~Of *'"v -end""'"· 8y foflowiftt"" ............ "'°'""': ,. 1, Yow 1PPttl• 11 quitWd llt cMot loftt. 2. flaclr.flt of fel -bfot.ln •· ~. wttldl you -~t '°"" PM"*ltlll, -llfotltft 1MY et ....... , • ttie lllrlftll· ... of~ fee mitt b911n, I. Yov wfll ~ y""11 0•ldltion lwll lllumlnt of fetl. loon you .... "-• mud! fMfWY Md wlullsv • .-.. '""'*' ..... cltlolwed ltld welNd fl'Ol'll your tyttmm. •• Tiie M flollf '" llln4" "°""" wMI Nip YOU to.....,., wOUlld IN docll -... _..,., ,_ .... •. o ...... Of\ yOlll W911M, ..--...-10. a."·'° or more pounda by following thlt pr09"em. THE Pill TO ENO All Off r Pil l ~ The "Once·A·Dev" MHl.Slim 1000 capwl• II IQ effec!IYt •• brir19ing gnew1ng hunger penga to • hell, 1h81 vou may not f11ttl like H ting for hours end houn on end. N•turelty: when you re duce cetonc 1n1efte, you win foee -tght. But even II vou ere lottng -1gh1 ftiter than ever before: and ......, If you ere thrilled with the thin body you -eech morning 1n your minor. don'• let vour new pride get the better of y()Yr good jud91rnen1. It I& very 1mportent 10 Ht when following the M .. 1-Slm F .. a .. n.()ff program. A Rnt1ble e11lng pten It an 1m· porunt P4lf t of the total Alexi .stim pr09r mm . WEIGHT LOSS IS DRAMATIC. ,.....,,,your rewtu every morn1ne on your bethroom -'41. Oleck your pr09'•H in 1he mir- ror. Aa you ltPP'oed> vour idNI wetllh•. you will become tlender and your body ctlemistrv will chenge. Ong yoy r:• stiin. yoy wtf! hew Im crf'!lna tor f09d tf!d It mtt I>! ""!r 10 control your 1M1!9h1. Thit procea it perfectly heelthy •nCJ you ere now on 1ht roed 10 f1fe1lme tlimn-. W.lgt>t Ion h• n-'-""'Ht" DOC ro ns GIVl:.RAVr Rf VII W!> Oocton ell ¥• the country h-detcribed the Kl-lngredl· enu 1n the Ma.-.,m captufe 11 the be11 d,.t •kl ever. Here •r• wl!et lhr .. prominent New York •ree doc1on heve 1e1d ebout 1h11 wondltr of technolovr "Tltr b•6' •pprtlrr 111pp"1ror l'w rvn Nn lnro: •ftd 1hl1 u my 49th yr11r nf m«llC'OI proctler. ·• M. D. fot!Mf fecllt!y me..._ IMdlnt mediof wnl-.itv, M. D. -lteftt. "Onr u/ 011r w ry •/nr a,,,,, rtw b,.t trt•rmrnt 1 ·w .,,. f11r tltr 1rnu•I pubU<" In the I .S y,.n / 'w "''" workln1.., • dM tor. •· M. D. Wellht L-••pert Md l'IMdlc:el consut!-. "Onr of tlw brn lh/1111 '" 011r .,.,,,,,, ••IJUI obnlty •.. •ny n""".i tHnOft wiU /OH __ ,,, ••• C'Wfl prop/r ...,,,,, """""""Y dl.u, wllo don't lmprovr tltrlr ... r,,.. ""b/U." M. D. Top oe...ity ~. ll'ftlll0f1Mt L°"9 , ...... HOIPftef. The ...... ,,. ht •--Off iwoerern i1 explot_.y f111 11nd ef· fec!lve. 11 nwet work for you. Look for the r-.iltt on your scele, in vour mirror, end In your IGOM·l1t11ne cloth ... tnchet thrlnll, poundt drot> off end PBnY 100n you cen't beli-whet'• n.ppen. ino to vou. Thi• Incredible f111 a.n-OH wey 10 1Umne11 h• been P'Oll'tn a!.o end al!!.•nd Wl!l with the "'°'' n ubtlornlv over -'oh• people. NOW lNJOV TH[ TIHHl l or SEEING A SLIMM(R Y()IJ rAl<f MIAJ'l IN YO llH OWN MllllWIC lrrwtfne llo,W O"Nt it would be to Nlll'IY jump ou1 of bed In ft\• m~nlnt juu 10 -iOh youtMtlf end look In the mirror. How- -·the r~ of fMt -Ith• ION will be m0te thlnJ>enOn91 ... 11fection. • Your •nerev 1-i """ Iner-• V<W 111111 -'lflt. You m.., eoon be..,._ to pen~ In 111 eoruof-enc!Hclt1ntec11wi11et. •You can 19\1 ~e lo~ ltu"fl' '*"'" • You cen end vow rotl.,~t" ~· eye,. by n..,;no •• your ldMI -'tllt. •Molt lmt>ortently, your Mlf-ltnt111 will I~. You wlll be wry proud of your eppe.,_. One of the ,_, -1ul people to u• 1he Mui.._ f«mv I• _, from 222 , ... to 1111 ... end IUtNMd ut» Ille mlrede of 1NI lftCl9dible -'tllt NIMlnt Md by _,.,tv ttetl"t. "It c'*'9fd my Ille." Tllll PfOllr9'I c.n ~ your life 100. TM H1 • ... MIO CIJP9lllt 1111 blM thonlutlltfy Mtld end ~fllTMd by docton Ill -the country. ThouMndl of .,...,. • fMl'fiA IANl Ml.\.">.Vol f1le Mu.t .. Ptt ... -Off flrOPllll II H Ht,.IMfr fMI eN •"tctlw -··lo WINI-°"""'' t: .. a t""'911 llie l)'lte111 Cl-,..,ae IO *°' ....... e•d llwlftll lncllee re,wty, II .. ....... .._, .... . .. ... ........ , .... ... ... '"' ,.._ .... , ,. .. llllotlW ........... ·-,.,. .... .. _ ...... ,. -.. _.. .......... 4Md .............. WoM ,._., 1t.-t .............. Of tllpoM ...._, .........,_ .. ......,,, .... ,.,..... Stt Ill• ml•KI• ol dramallc W•lvllt Lon lf'I •ovr own m lrtor or tf\t whOt• Ot09r•"" COUt yo" "Oltr.ln9. have controlled thottr 8'>Pellt" end elreedy IOfl 1on1 ol excesa fet 11¥lth the help of thh fentettic formule. Now, finally, vou heve lhe po.Wr 10 shed your exc:e11 poundt by uting th11 incred1blv •llV ONCE·A·OAY Pill end Fel a .. n-OH synem. OllltltC NOW Wll lflllJr lll~K ti you WO<Jld hit• 10 expeuenc:e the thrill of• new. 1hlnn« you wi1hoy1 the h!!t111 of 1vpicel wtHEt foff prow.ms. thia MHl.Slim "Onc.·A·Dev" pill progrmm 11 for you. Slmply fill out the coupon below. You rill< lbtOlutelv nothing wnen you ordef. Try the MHI· Sim progrern for 10 dev1. YOU MUST EXPERIENCE A ORAMA TIC WEIGHT LOSS end be eble to '" r111Ultt in your WAIST. HIPS, end THIGHS. ti vou do not, or you ere dttl811tfled in any wev. t lmply return it end r-1ve '"'Dr een"X of yow pyn;l\t!t R'!Cf beck -no QU!!lton! rk!d. Whv not order rigtlt now. while you're 11ilf th1nk1ng 8bout 11. n,. eooner -r-your «dltr, .,- the IOC>ner vou cen be on your wey to • "8pp1er. allm, more et· tr.Ctt\18 vou. Pl-ec1 nowl 01111 B CREDIT CAR US CALL TOLL FREE Mat1rr 0.11ge 1nd VISA holders nn call TOLL FREt: l-800~H·24-« A• for opo-rllor 0·111. In Utah, call l·fl<KMl62·HOO IOP<ralnr U 1111 . <'all 2• hour\ a day, 1 dar• • wttk P'kut ht"< yuur .r<'lltt uud rtady alWIA>« 111rc to Jl)ttlll' 21. 42. or C>) d•J 1Uppfy r...--MAIL HO "•k C°""°" YOOAY--~ YH. l _, 10 !OM_..,., •IPldlY wlll• lhe help of the OftilCE· A-OAV --Md Meml ...... 1000 ~end ht .... ,. . Off P<oer-. "--r ..... -IN ........... Pfot'-I - checl<ed .,.._ I ..-atend t'* 111 -nol lOUlly dll..,,19d, I -,.Nm IN .,.__ In 10 -.,. tor a~·• ref- a-ti a.-...., De*W 0 F "" 11 .. tupplv · • • • • • fplw 35'-• a hendll,.I 0 Futl 42dev ....,.,.., ... SAVE U .001 '"'"' lifW S-1 ............... . 0 Full ll .-., """"" . . . SAVE .. CIOI ._,.... 1M-..... ,,_,,,,., only I 11.U ontv SUH l O!el -I •M'°'9d I------------ CfMCI( OM. Oc.ti. ctwck or -or-!Melle cft9Glt1 _..,.. io Aie;he!1.., ""-""-•.I O<>.,..,.,,., 0,...,., er...,. OvtlA ~'Ho ________ E,._ o... ____ _ ,._ ------------------~-----------------Cll\I _____ st-C• -----.. ....... ,,___.. 1R ............... o.t.D-tl ,. c:-... Giiie ... J , __________________ __ I•' I' 11' ,, It .WHATWOmEN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT . BREAST DISEASE By Paulo Dronov F lnding a lump In ha breast ls one of the scariat things that can happen to a woman. Fortunately, as doctors repea&edly remind us, the vn majority of lumps are not cancer and will not require aargcry. But what, then, are all th09e "harmlal" lumps? Why are they there? How can they affect a woman'• health? Traditiondy, doctors haw referred lo au the hannia. lumps with the catchall terms "benign breast disease" or "ftbrocystic dlleue.'' "Those tenns are rrilnomers," lnslsls Dr. Philtp Strax, director of the Guttman Jnslttute, a New Yori< dlagno.Oc oentet for breast problems. "Somewhae along the lnc al women -about 98 percent - will have 10me problem that falls under thoM broad hcadlngs. Pathologlealy, theft are 18 dlffettnl typa of condldons that can onJy be distinguished under the mlcroecope ... By aamJnlng the breast manually (palpetk>n), 1 a doctor u.ually can tell whether a lump II hermJal Of IUlplcioUI enough to wenant further d.legnom. In ' women un<Mr 30, molt lumpt f.U Into the catlegoly of fbroedenomu, bm1gn nodules 1'819ng In me &om one to two Inches. They do not become mal6gnant and u1uaUy require no treatment, although In 10mC caMS ful1hcr tats may be ordeNd to verify the ~· In women OYcr 30 the molt common lumps are cym of torn1 type. These range &om tiny clutten to llngSe, luge cysts that can be felt eUly. Although the ~-of this condition II not completely • understood, It appears to be rela"<S to the hormonal changa that take p&.ce as a woman'• me"*"81 pcrtod approaches. The cym •nd to accumulate fluid In the w .. k before menllruatton, causing 1C11ene11, ~and petn. . CYtD utua1v CAin be tdentlfteCf rudlly In a routine breast examlndon. Lk fboedenonw, they mow freely and ..m unaa.ched to undtrti;lng tlllue. Allhough at one tlmll aD cystl were aargbly remc>Yed, the u.ual proc:.dure tod.y la to dr.m the large ones with a needla ~. If the (ytlt dllapp9ars -moll of them do -no ful1her lreel· ment ll MIC 111 ary. If not, other pro- ceduNI, lncbbng • bloplv. m.y be orcleNd 6o mlM 1UN ~ ll no under· ~~. CV* condlllona u.ualy Ulkle .,.., menopeu11 , but until then manv docton edvt. women to come In for ..-a. CX• a"*'donl to INlke .,,. no aatp1etou1 c1w..-oocur ... Beine CY* cSoe.\'t "-' you'N moN ~to 811 c.ancer," Dr. se.. ....... "tlut ... .,.._... ~ ~ moN anJdlty bn cancer. It can be a psychologlcal disaster." He stresM.s that the overwhelming ma· jority of surgical procedures on the breast do not reveal malignancies. TI>eM opera- tions are recommended only when there . Is something suspldous about a cyst or flbroedenoma, and the posd>Ulty of cancer must be ruled out. The lumps are rt:moved and a biopsy perlormed, but for every one of thete operations that discovers a cancer, 10 end ha~ when the suspicious lump proves l\armleu. Strax notes that all breasts are different and that a woman who has learned Cot· rectly how to examine herself Is better eq~ped to recognize changes than the average physician. "You can't learn self· examination from a pamphlet." he cau· lions. "You can only learn from your own hand. Someone With experience should show you wtth your hand on your breast after you've been examined and your breasts have been found to be normal. When you know what your own bream are like and how they are suJ>P(>Md to feel, you'll know when you find 10rnethlng different." In addition lo lumpt, two other breast symptoms can signal a problem -pain and dllcharges from the nipple that either leak out or occur when the nipple Is ~ueaad. ''The troub&e Is," aays Strait. "cancer has thoM tymptoms and 10 do the harmlns conditions. That's why you have lo pay attention to them all." What about mammO!Pms. the breast X-rays that some doctors say ex· poee women to too much neecilal radla· tlon? No one quatlons the vakM of mammawaphy as a ~ttc tool. It can detect cancers too ama1I to be tdentifted by even expert manual examination, and can dlffcl'entietllt between many hannlaa lumps and cancer. There ls, howeYcr. a controvcny about whether rnarnmolJaphy lhouJd be u.ted on young women who have no symp- toms and no family or penonal hlltory of cancer. Today, moat docton follow guldelln .. 'that caU for routine mam· rnowaphy for women over 50 and ~ YGY"9ft women con.tldered high ~ ~ (pttrneri)y lt'°9S with a *C>nU famtly hlltofy of the d ...... ). Stru contimcia th.t the publclty .bout mammography hu accentuated Its dlledvan.-and mlntmlmd Its beneftts. "E-rv woman wtth a lump should tww ~ .... latly. It'• the belt ad· dtdonel lnfonnallon .... The rtlka °' tadlatlon ...,oai ....... ~ ,«lfn• Pll'9d tD the ..,..,.. trouble thele women could encaun•." The knportllnt thine to remember. S4rwt edvlla, ll that only OM In t\llllY 13 womln wtl ... bNMt ~-If thlt lln't ¥9Y ...utne. look at• tt\lit wev: ,_ 12 out of 13 won't. El r Why Haven't Marijuana Smokers Been Told These Facts? From New Yori<, N . Y. comes the most shocking and frightening rollection of facts, research and medical findings about the dangers of smoking marijuana ever put together. An easy-to-read, eye- openmg, al:$olutely fascinating digest of doctor's findings. medical journal re· ports, government studies etc. all 50 starding and devastating .. 50 absolutely convincing.':. that they are uncondition- ally guaranteed to make anyont' you love stop llnOking marijiuna -and never touch it again. . A FA .......... CCJtK:allM An East Coast father, convinced that his chiJdren were damaging themselves by smokln~ marijuana, and unable to answer their arguments that "marijuana is no worse than cigarettes or alcohol," de termined to assemble the facts which would pron lo them how harmful mari- juana really is. He read every book on the s ubject he could find ... every doctor's report ... every governmental study ... every police report ... every magazine article ... every report from ancient times right up to the present. And everywhere he found a devastating case against marijuana. TM m0tt he rad the more ovnwlwlming the cue •inst nwi· ;UAM became. TM MALMAllMUWDAWll He read of marijuana causing memory loss, lethargy. actual brain dmnap. H'e read of how doctors have documentrd that marijuana causes damage to the liver, brain, lungs and respiratory tract. He read of how marijuaN can cause ct.nap llO pregnant women and thrir unborn child.rm. Of marijuana leading to decreased sexwil enjoyment -or evm impotmcr. He read ofli\.es being ruined b«a~ of the way marijuana under- mirws a ptt500's drive, dissipate mergy . . . leaves u9e1'5 without ambition, with· out the will to succeed -pusi~, lazy, disoriented, unable to make d«islons. He read of how fatal car accidents can be. cau!ed by marijuana ... how depth percep- tion changes and how a ar that kioks far away to a marijuana uwr an actually be only a fr# ~t away. He ewn read find • ings that marijuana is linktd to ail"K'e'r. And this is rust the beginning! ~ he dl!ICOYered that theft is a frightening, overwhHni.ng casr against marijuana ... and the damagr It can inflict on his childml. But~ Wat faced with OM bijt Pl'Ob'em. How to get his children to r..cl this masive and lengthy~ whid1 Md taken literally years of won to asaemble. children with abeolutely no 'salft Ulk' of .altJ. kind! An amazing thing hap- ~· SuddenJy those children who knew ii all' and who had heard so often that marijuana is 'no worse than ciga.rettes or alcohol' were confronted with the Olli.ER SIDE of the s tory. ...,..... AUTMOlllT1•S For the first time they learned from doctors, medical experts. researchers, hospitals, univer.iibes, even former users themselves, about the harm mari- juana can really do. For the first time they read that marijuana can actually damage the brain, the lungs, the liver. For the first time they ~earned how mari· juana can cause deatll'by completely dis· torting a driver's depth perception leading to terrible automobile accidents. For the first time they understood why so many people's lives are being d estroyed because marijuana leaves users without ambition ... without the will to succeed ... lazy, passive ... 'turned off ... often without them real- ilting that it is h.tppening! For the first time they read about marijuana causin~ impotenC'e ... even cancer. .And they read aU this and much mow without any 'Sales Talk' of any kind. No preaching. Nothing but the facts in fas- cinating, easy-to-read digest fonn. And from authorities they could not doubt. !he)' didn't l"Ven have to start at the beginning! No matter where they opened tfie father's startling report, they saw 3, 4, or 5 fascinatin~ headlines fof. lowed by short digests they rouJd read in as little as 15 seconds. And the more they read the more shocked they became, just as their father had in his years of work. Yes! for the fint tilne they lumed that anyone who ...aka lnuifuan-hM lo be out of hit mind! WHAT,,_•AMITOYOU And now do you t'N.lize what this father's report can mean to you? It means that you can at last 'reach' your children with ~ facts they cannot argue against. You can Anally ronvi.n<"e then once and for aU that marijuana is dangrrous. WITH LO¥s., P'llOll DAD This remarkable and docwMnted Father's Re~ is alled "With Love, From Dad.' It rontains 158 di#sb and headlines and is ttw result ol tOur yurs of work by a fathtt who cal'f!'I. If~~ about the hNlth and welt.ft of JOV chiktttn, we uip you to amd for JOllr ropytoday. 'With ~. From Dad" is not avai.1- ablt in ltorft. The only way to get your ~ ts to follow ~easy inltrilctionlJ. Slinply put your name and addttN on a piece of PIPft' with t1w worcb "With Love. From o.d" and mad it with '9.95. cuh, ~or money order to: ... ~. '*·· Olpe .... Sdtat Nll6, .. P..tc A~, Nt'w York, NY 1111,, Your copy wm .,. INled wtth the.--• INt )'O'I mwit •Sift It It the molt lmportmnt gift you ~t;C"'~wt':= ~ ' I • You've woriced a long time on getting your garden to grow. You planted the seeds, pulled the weeds, and now It's almoSt time to reap the harvest. But, if you're Intent on getting a winter's worth ol ....,..chles and fruits for the labor you've put in. you should know about the proper methods for preser'*'9 ~ produce. One out of every four American faml· lies Is raising and praervtng some part of Its food. And. according to a ComeJI Uni· versily study, more than three-quarters ol ·the 2,800 home gardeners who were questtoned said that they do 50 In order to save money. So, for all you tillers of the soil, the U.S. Oep.tment ol A4J1cu.ltw-e has Issued Home Food Pre.rvatlon. a free 100-page booklet containing lnfor· matlon on preservation methods ranging from canning and freezing to wtne-niak· Ing and home-drying. Home Food Praer· vation 8 available.for the asblg by wrting to the Consumer Jnformlltion Center, Dept. 664G, Pueblo. c.obado 8100CJ. The Changing Times Beck In the 1920's, two sodologbts from Columbia Unlver9ty conducted a study on work and lifestyles In Muncie, lndMwta, a town they chrtllened "Mid· dlctown, U.S.A." Recently, Dr. Bruce Chadwtck returned to Muncie and dupll· cated the study, "to see what kind of social changes had taken place In the last_ 50 years. ''There'•~ quite a change among wortdna WOtna\." says Chadwick I a 8rigf ham Young University aoclologlst. "Among blue-c::ollar workers, where a working wtle ls noth!ng new, 50 years has made bttle difference lri the number of women who ate holding down )obi. But, In the 1920'1 onty 3 percent of white· collar IAIOl'Mn' wives were employed. By the qrfy 1970'•. 42 peunt ol thoM women wee working. And today, motif women. no matter what their hutbands' tncome, say they're worldng becau.. they want to. Money coma tecond." fAMBJWPSIX ,,. ,...,.,,., ....... ............ r ... ,, ... ::ton ,,.,. Ill ¢•0·1= I ......... •• , ....... MtuC..., .. , , ...... ., ..... Youth In Trouble ChUd abuse Is not re· stricted to small chUdren alone. Teen-agers are the \lictlms of 25 percent of aD reported child-abuse cases, and because there •e 50 few PIO!P1lf'l\5 equipped to deal with abused ado&e3cents, the "Youth-Helping· Youth" project evolved. Developed by OT: Ja~ Garbarino, dlrec· tor of the Center for the Study ol Youth DeveJopment In Boys Town, Nebraska, Youth-Helping-Youth ls a program designed to put abused children In touch with counseling ser· vices, but K has a unique approach. "We believe that abused adolescents can be reached more easily through their peen," says Dr. Garbarino. "Often, friend' are the people kids will talk to about their problems, or friencts will notice signs of abuse ftrst. By means of the Youth·Helplng· Youth pamphlet, we want to get Information out to these teen ·agers so that they know where to What's In A Name? Humcana are the tan1Jum1 of Mother Nature, and traditionally thcM tempaU have been named after worMn. Thll II the era of equal rights, however, and now male names htiw bHn added to th• list. So mow owr AQr\ft, Molly •nd Wanda, and make way for Arnold, MaNlr\ and Walter .• direct anyone who needs help." Under this program, counseling ser· vices are conducted In groups. "We felt that abused kids can learn from and help each other," explains Dr. Gar· bartno, "and, since the focus of coun· seling Is Improving the social skUls of the teen ·ager, It helps to work In a group. Most kids find that their lives go more smoothly after taking par1 In this project; even if thell home life doesn't Improve. they at least learn enough skUls to know when to get out of the way or how to deal with an abusive situation." Your Child's Future Nearly one·thlrd 1of aD Americans say they would go Into another llne of work If they had It to do over again. Obviously, choosing a career Is not easy, and few people know about, or are prepared for, the thousands of job possibilities that are avallable. Dean Hummel, author of How to Help Your Child Pfon o C01ftr, feels that parents can play a very Instructive role when It comes to preparing their chU· dren for careen. "Even at a very young age, a child pre· sents cues as to what kind of penon he ot she will be," says Hummel. "Some kids like taking things apart, other} are fasd· noted by words; parents can t\elp their children feel confident ln those Interests ' by reinforcing their feelings of 1t1ccess, even If they'Te In areas that the parent Is not particularly involved In. By being stn · cereJy Interested In what their chUd con· tkten an accomplishment, and by mak· Ing an effort to acquaint themselves wlih the )ob polllb&lltles In thft child's flejd of lnt.erat, parents can be a grQl help to their children. And llncc kids are lnflu· enc.d motf by what ihey see and hear In their homa, parents play a crucial role In career development." So why not take your kkla down to the ftfehoute not wecMnd? Ufestyles Sodal Security. In 1940, when the flnt Social Security benefit checks were Issued, the system paid $35 mU- lion to 228,000 retired people Thls year, says the~/ Strttt Journal, 34 million recipients can e)(pect to receive $102~n. Careen. Symphony orchestra musl· dans aedit their moehers and their teachers with having the most influ · enc.e on their careers. A study con· ducted by the University of Roches- ter 's Eastman School of Music also found that 93 percent of the musicians questioned had brothers and sisters who played Instruments or sang. About 78 percent of their mothers and fathers played and sang, too, along with 92 percent of maternal grand· parents and 82 percent of paternal grandparents. food. A recent survey by the Food and Drug Administration lound that the Improvements consumers want most on food labels are simpler Ian· guage, the listing of all Ingredients and more Information about calories, sugar, cholesterol and fat. One con· sumer In seven exprC!$Sed health con· cems about the food she was buying. Of the nearly 1,400 people questioned, 35 percent were womed about preser· vatlves, 29 percent about "additives" In general, and 20 percent about sugiw cootent. Eight percent mentk>ned artificial colors as something they kept an eye out for, while 7 percent wdched for salt content. BIRTHDAYS -(all Leo): Suncley - Richard Egan 56. ~ -Unda Ronstadt 33; Paul Anka 38; Petet Bogdanovich 40. 1u.day -Evonne Goolagong Cawley 27; Milton Friedman 67. w.11...._, -Jerry Garcia 37; Yves St. Laurent 43. Thundlly -James Baldwin 55; Peter O'Toole 45; Carroll O'Connor 55; Garth Hudson 36. F~ -Tony Bennett 53; Leon Ur11 55; Dobes Del Rio 71. Setwdllp -Queen Mother Elizabeth 79. BIR11tDAY PEOPLE: C.rrol O'Connor, lJncla ....... Nrtional Smoker SWdy: ~~ ., I .Mff! . ~ Extensive research conclusive: MERfl'taste ·scores high marks with former high tar smokers. Can che taste of low tar MERIT, with 'Enriched Flavor'™ tobacco, continue to satisfy the smokers it attracts from high tar brands? Read the results of detailed, nationwide research conducted among current ~ERIT smokers-and among smokers who taste,tested MERIT against leading high tar brands. / Rt.seardi c.oor~ 1astc Satisfaction <:onJirmed: Overwhelming majority of MERIT smokers ~ say their former high tar brands wer~n'c missed! <:onlirmed: 85% of MERIT smokers say it was an "easy switch" from high tar brands. ' <:onlirmed: 9 out of l 0 MERIT smokers not considering other brands. Kiftp: Bme"W.' 0.81119 nieotiM- t 00' I: t t 1119" t1r;' 0 .7 mg nicotine IV. pt( cigntte.fTC Aepon MIY '78 Warning: The Surgeon ·General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoti ng Is Dangerous to Your Health. ..._ ______________ Ol'lllllp MOl'flt ltlt. lt7' Coafi.rmt:d: Majority of smokers rate MERIT caste equal co -or better than-leading high tar ciga rettes tested! Cigarettes having up to twice the tar. Coalirmed: Majority of smo kers confirm taste satisfaction of low tar MERIT. Fust MVor' AlternatiYe "i> High 1ar Sm00ng MERIT has proven conclusively chat it not only delivers the flavor of high tar brands-but continues to satisfy! This ability to satisfy over long periods of time could be the most important evidence to date that MERIT is what it claims to be : The first real alternative for high tar smokers. ·...._ RIT Kinp&IOm • • .. A Legendary Performer voL , Rod tewart Blondes Have · More Fun I MOU I Enjoy Toda y •a Top Hits and Sta re at Top S avings! ACT NOW ll'AIL COUPON TOD AY' ---, 8 .. .., IO.IC11m .......... )· o a.-..allfD~ o m:111~ o caa:a1u ~ • WU -II ~~, .......................... .... . ·;;.;,;, ---································ ...... •···-¥••······························ ..... -··························-····· ..... o--~ ":,."' I I I I I I I I I I . ...... ..._, .......... ,..................... I -~-------UA ~[~]'~II ::.u.:.r::.. o •1 . -----------~ . ' . More Hite to Chooee • s-11 & c:..ftl' Gr. Hlb I 44 U •T• ..._ Ir..... ZU74 ...... "-: ..... 343•7 •A T .... Of ....., I U 51 ......... . J UU •D ..... :"-Y•C-34114 • U.ll: 0...., ...., 4Ht1 ............ :Gt Hitt JU02 .,.. lAllM 40010 ...... --= Clf ""' ZJ u • .......... u.-40171 .,.. W.: ti ...... 001%0 • ..,.._.: ....... 42S1J .,............ 1'711 •....._U..._ Ult7 ·--~ 2UU • --lilclClllll • ~ 52 " 1 ' • ._._...,:¥.3 JOOto •lllle:._.& ... O. UttO • ....._..,_..,_ .... IOJU • c,..,.111111: IMllll Tlli 2 • 1, 2 •C...,.. .... , 0.-usu •.-:till U711 • ..._..-......: ..... IJIU w..._ ...... ,_ .... ,......,.... ,,.,,.. .......... ~.,......,, ••• ., ....... -.----------·--·-· ·- , TV WEEK JULY 29 1979 ~ORANGE COUNTY CAR BUYERS GUIDE ~ .. ______ •AND SERV.CE ,l;JIRECTO~V _,. IOI McLAl&IS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Wh1tt1er La Habra -522-5333 CADILLAC MAIERS <;ADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.91 oo DATSUN IARWICK DATSUN .l 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano 131-1 l15-4tl-3375 LINCOLN-MERCURY CIEYIEI MOTOIS 208 W 1st St Santa Ana -US-3171 CHEVROLET COHHELL CHIVIOLIT 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 FORD PHIL LONG FOID 43 Auto Center Drive lrvine-761-5111 UHIYllSITY OLOSMOllU 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9640 JOHHSOH&SOH ~11''!~i(1}I UMCOLH·MllCUIY -· ~ I •• - "2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 PORSCHE-AUDI C .. CIC IVllSOM, IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -'73-0900 llU VAM POISCHl-AUDI 1363 1 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove 6H-2JU VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARIMQ VOLKSWAGIH 18711 Beach B lvd . Hunt Beach -142·2000 GAID .. GIOVI VOLISWA ... 13731 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove U4·4100 IOY CARYY IMW 1 540 Jamboree Road Newpcrt Beach -640.6444 SADDLHACI IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway M ission Viejo lll-2040 -4'5·4949 OLDSMOBILE UHIYEISITY OLDSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -540.9640 TOYOTA IAILI Ill TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 VOLVO IAILlmVOLYO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -'46-tJOJ (AUTHORIZED llALl!8l•l&IVICE/BAT18'"ACTIQN) .• : r..-• ... SUllOAT, JULY 2' . 11:30 U '10 So«er L1vt romap• 1JI lhP I 11\ Anr•t•\ A1h'1 •. al 1hr Wuh1ngton 01plom1h • 1:00 D e 12 •11 Sports Spttiat l:JO 3 l to 21 ,,o So«er lap~d <11md~• 111 111• 111\ Anp•I" A1r.-t· •I the Wa)h1nplon U1plom11; GI Sp1rt1Clff Covt11Rt 111 •lhl•l1l (l,mp;i,1, .n fo,n, Ru •• 23 >t USA Milli·Oly!llpKs 2:l0 U USA M1111·Dly111p1u CovtrdRt hvt ilnd 1,n ldp1 111 ll•r 11 ''"'"'' tompellloons 101 Olympic h<Jpeluf\ Imm tr1l111adr1 'ipttn~· (,r,1111.1•1•• l:lO U C~J 1QJ ~J Wide World of S,Orb 4:l0 U SportsWorkl tonflnu•d tovtr•r• of lhr IJ~A M1111 llltmpu •. S:OO GI Dod1tr Oupl/,re.C,111e S:JO m ,,0 11.nellllll lhe I~\ An2elr\ Oudgr• .. •I lh• llUU'.11111 lh1 ... MOllDAT, JULY 30 6:30 U 13 1 110; !2t ''o h seb1ll l~dm\ 111 hi• .0111111111 rn 11:30 GI $plr1Kldt rucsou. JULY JI 4:JO GI Dod1er Du1oull,re·Clme ~:08 9 ,,o B.nebtll flte Lu\ ArtKtlM Oodkt1\ al 111• C11ttu1MI• R•d~ WEOllCSDAY, AUCusr I 4:30 GI Dod1er Du1out1,re·C1rne 5:00 GI ,,o &bellllll The Los AnR•I•\ OvdK••\ di Iii• (,111111111,tl• krrl• 11 :JO m Splrt1e1de FRIDAY, AUCUSf l 7:00 m Splrt1e1de 11:30 U 13J r10 lat l'GA Ch1rnpionsll1p Coif ll1ghl•Mhh ol th• 111•.1 two rounds of play 1n lh1s tournamenl from lhe Oa~land 11111•, Counl•t l.luh in B11m1ngham Michigan SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 11:00 II 12> >t 'ro B1seball fht C1hlntnii1 An2ets al lhe M1nnesola lw1n\ 12:00 e 'ro Soccer lhe Calilorn•• Suit ill tht Siln lost [411hqua~•\ 2:00 • I 3J <tOJ <Hi l'GA Cllamllffllls/llfl Goll I •v' tomaf.t ltom lht Oakland Hills Country Club 1n 81rm1nRh~m M11 h1v•n m SpartaClde l:lO D <e 12 111, Spolb Spt(t1ewl11 5:00 • llt! •• Wofld t4 s,etts ll:C. m llllillition foetlllll !aped covt1ag' ol th, Oakland Ha1d,1s al the Los Ancetes Rims SU•DAY, JULY 2' 1:00 D (HJ ()t "A fire ill Ille S.J" (d11) 18 Richard Cnnna, [l11abelh '6hley. Oav1c1 Ou•u. Joanna Miles M"l1n 01\tn Andrew Ougean l :lO G) "Wlltll lllt ""111 WilMI 1""1" (adv) '14 0An llauerly t:OD • (3J (101 l:ttl "St111ko" (dra) 13 Al P1c1no lonv Roberts MO•DAY, JULY 30 1:00 e '111t Heir .... (drl) ·49 Olivia deHa .. lland. Monlgomery Clill •-•"C-k• Uttlt Slleta" (dra) ·~3 Shuley Booth Ill ('9) "Allctl & tllt ....,_,, (1dv) ·47 l6M Wayne C11I Rumll t oo a Q)t IHJ ''TIM bill ,_,.. .. (dra) '69 Shirley Miahl. lames Caan TUESDAY. JULY JI 1:00 e ''Wlllt OW Y• De Iii tllt W11, 014dJr' (com) '66 James Coburn D lli'J"OM, T•, Tllr"" (com) '61 James Ca&ney, Arlene f1anc1s Ill (ll()''W1rt411M ~ .. (1dv) '43 loMWayne Martha Stoll l:lO 9 (I) CU1 "hlltfNll" (dra) ·7~ lames Cun. lohn Beck lohn Houseman, Maud Adam), Ralph Rtehardson. Mom Cunn t.00 D QIJ ()t "fillll Crall" (com)' 13 lane Fonda Donald Sulherl1nd WlOMSOAY, AUGUST I 1:00 e "CMW CMts • HMtM" (com) · 10 Godfrey Cambrrdre • • "r..-. s.IMa" (acM 44 lohn Wayne. Suun Hayw11d ntUllSDAY,MIGVST 2 L'OO G c.tlfl"a.tlf ..,..SWJ"(tom)'!>l-OOnaldO'ConllOI • ... ,.,_. flcert" (tdf) '41 John Wayne Paul 11,11, Anna Lee fltDAY, AUCUST 3 l:GO e tJ) llt 117' "Cllallllltt le M ft•" (;dw) . l'J M1kt M11ur~1 Jimmy "'"'· V" Ch11sty fri11 ro1d e .._.... Ill Siii Fr-*'" (dr1) 10 RtChJrd llrtty G .. ,.._ Ctalr" (dra ) '69 Cll11llon Htslon s~ John C1el1ud • _,"A LMy T .... 1 OIHu" (com) 43 John Wayne, Jt1n Altllur t:C.. m <II (ll) ...... Ctiel" (Wsp) '18 Susan S,1nl ltmtS. Wllll1m Conr1d, MtChHI Parks, J11me Sm1lh Jack50ft, Cllen Cttr. Oolom 0001 t.• e Cl) All (11) ''OlllJ, ""1 & Wt" (1clv) '19 Btrl Convy, Oebbtt Allen. Marlha Smith, Claude ~ktnJ, D1v1d Brenner, rr1nk1e Valh SATUllOAY, AUCUST 4 l:GO e .., ... flfJ" (Wt1) '6~ Rorr C1lll011n, V1111ni1 Mayo • "11111 ef .. Dr•''(~) '.14-Jlftd Mtrt1n. ~II• S.tl0< .. e (IJ Ill) al>"'*"' UM UI" (d11) '74~Kt1lh C11rtd1ne, SlltNey OU.all, Jolln Shuck, lOlllH rtelcht1. Tom Sktrrlll. A11n Ltlhtm e ...., lie IN a. DrlCllla" (llor) '66-John C.rrtd1n1. r Vt IL J> m ~ < i n m ·-w I c !< c -ti) ~ 0 c z -4 ti) ~ m ·- ...... Ion LfllKNn st•n •s M.lrtln ~zlnski, better known •• l<u, • slru•Nna young •Homey who got hB l•w dearee .ind p.uHCI lht blr eum whlle serving 1 prison tenl~ce. ku, • dmu series with conMdk cwertonn, returns this Sunday ftentng •I 10PM on CIS wllh selected ftt<Ott presentallons for a tpeel1l llmlled ent11•menl. Also .c11rtng In the series ire Palnd1 O'Neal, Linda Carlson, Oki! O'NeHI and Glort• Leroy. . .. -5:30- 0 Summer SerMSttr U lnstruclion1I 'ro1r1ms 6:00 OOftalum 3 The nl Club U ltrlowttdce U Contempor1ry Hulth lnuu , hople 7 Irr a Summer Stmesltr 1 o lnstruct10n1I P101r 1ms m UnrttnilJ of tht Air -6:30- 0 SunnyS1dt D J 3 NaC for Women Only 0 Personal f 1n1nce & Money Min •cement; Villa Alttrt I 11 U 01Jbru• LA r 8 1 1101 39 lnstruction1I l'ro1r1ms O Hum1nit1ts Throuch tht Arts: Metrily Of Petrify f r1 m New loo Revue II) World of H1""1 81rber1 fD ~phoned ABC News l•tePI Mon 29 A111<ullurt USA 7:00 O a 12 Motn1n1 Q n 3t Tod1y Show D 700 Club U '3 rto 2t Good llforn•nc Ame11u David Hdtlrn•n host\ 0 m O> ~rtoons m Yoe• IOI Ht1Hll $0 ftftures -7:30- D There b 1 W1r m Cl) Cartoon• fD Mitter httn IO Eltdric ComP1nr 8:00 9 tJt Captain 1111111100 'I) Slll111p San Ditp D Tiit I'll Ch1b m meartoOM . '"""" IHl hmructlollel ,, .. , a111a I '-1:30- • Gallery; '70'1'W11111111 f" • mtartOIM 1141 ftttur• • Vitia Nt1rt 9:00 • ru u au '" 1111 h11111,; M1111ine Thurs Topics include Cuurun births a ~1s1! •llh •Ultr Crma Bombec~ and he1 t1m1ly. ind a loo~ 11 1 venerable 8111tsh 1nst1lu tion the Nnny (j)feet1H• 8 Car• Sllarb • QJJ l>t '1111 DIMll• SMw .... "" ...... (JJl lflMNt e1u..L1q es.,.,... (J~....,~ •s...tStrllt ... _..."'" -9:30- • {.(1 II Wlllwt Cacept lhu11 Till Ir• .... e Al Stlf Ster.a .,...., .. ......... 1JC1WllM111• "" ......... .. , 10:00 O 1 a Tiit Pnce Is R11ht U 23 39 Tiit New H11h Rolle.' O Voyace to the Bottom of tht Su u 3 10 29 umnt ' Sll11le1 0 Mid Mo!n1nc lA m M1 Thrtt Sons 12 1'1111 Ool!allut Show II) ,.,bkt Attain m ,. so futuru -10:30-u 23 39 Whttl ol fortune U 3 10 29 Sl0,000 Pyramid m Thu.c111 II) Nun, & the Prof essor SO ,rOft(I Un1mse 11:00 O Steve [dw11ds Show U 1l •31 Pauword Plus 0 The 1111 V1lltJ U 3 2t flmilr feud r 8 12 The Yount & the Rulltss 10 All Mr Children m Ghost & Mrs, Muor Cl) Comt r l'ylt fD Eledrk Compan, so lnlroduc1n1 BlololJ -11:30-0 8 12 Stu ch tor T omo11ow U 23 31 HollJwood Sq111res U 1 3 29 ll)an's ltopt 0 Body Bllcldies m""' m Did ~ .. 11 s• r •"P' 1 r. so futures AnERNOON 12:00 8 Tiie Youfll & Ille Rtstltu U l3 OaJS ol Our l.tm g TMhCllt ZOllt 8 · 3 i '2t All Mr Cltddrtn I t J 10 It ')t News D GI M°'lt: Set Dayl 1mt Mov1t s a> Sllperman ID Ottr Cay rJO ft1turtt -12:30- • llJ 2J Al ltlt World Tur111 (1J) ''""" hlld .., Get Smlrt fJltY111 lor Hflltll GJ Lt lilcloNMt l)t 0.19 tf Our Um . 1:00 D Ill The o.cton •'Sn e mQDl l'.2t OM Ultlt Uft fJD fNfurn -1:30- • I I 1 'It The Gvidilta upt D It Mdtfltf Wor._ ....... .., """' ,.,.. ill T1lt Dietert 2:00 ..... °"1111 .. : ~!~~a o.-ai ..._,, •1.tt··-..... H IJliai Ylll & Tt11 ..... ,,..,...w.w -2:30- 1 tl)U.. tf Uh •CrlHfttl J1J 11•A-t•H •T1n111 24 fulum ft) Los Hermanos Cor11t 3:00 0 MA SH D Med1ul Cenlu. MllJ Irle• Moote f,,. U 3 29 The Edee of N11ht e M1ie OoYclu Slloe D Crttn Auu 10 Mowie· s,.,. IJ.1 i.n • M· , •· m fhntsle>M$ 12 lawt ol Lilt 23 Card Sh11b 2• Over usy m fulurts -3:30- 0 Crou-Wlts l My Jhrtt Softs U lio-An1m1tion I ur O Dinah' U M0¥1e: \n lldy!lm~ Mn¥11" D Mr f n o11tt Mullin m II) 29 Cartoons 11 The lloolnn 23 All Stu ~reh 2• v1111 Atecre el P1uhempos 3t Marcus Welby 4:00 O Mitch Came 3 Ad1m 12: Mm C11ff1n M1111 U Muy TJltr Moolt Sllow, Spec11I Tre1t Jue fh~ lllu• I dg• 0 Tiie S.1111 m 29 ~rtoons 2J ~rol Bllrnett & friends 1• futures fD Villi Altcre m~pill1n ON~ 3 Mtni C11tlin Stiow I 11 •111 M1111 u Bob Nnfhut Shoe I •Hr11 f '" 8 M A S•H 10 ~fol 811rr1ttl ' r rttnds m lnd1 H11h & Wheelie, Docfttr D111out/,rt•Clmt I~· ~ .'l•O 12 '9 Su Million S Min II) Krolh Super SIJ rs n Men C11ll1n Show 2• f t1lwres fD Mister ~ers tP Alt11nd11 39 llew1tcheO so HodttPodlt Lod1e 5:00 0 CJ U a to News 0 Bon1nu 0 Cun51110h m flmilJ Altair: Pro Baseball 1 ur I. l'l•O I lie l r11 Anvrlt\ llll~Rfl', di thr L111rnu1,1l1 ked\ II) 81tm1n 24 Mister Rore" ED Stumt Strut 31 Boll Newhut Show so futures -5:30-u 3 News Mr1n ont, m Tht P11tr1d&t f1m1ly I 11 t~I tu•· & 11,0 12 The lobr's Wild CE Ctt S1111rt 2• Over usy @D 29 News > t M11y T rlt r Moore SO Alntnun Gowern111ent CONSERVE ENERGY THE FINEST WITH INSULATION WRAP YOUR COMPLETE AVAILABLE. HOME IN A BLANKET .. WILL KEEP YOU COOL IN SUMMER ANO WARM IN WINTER CAU TODAY FOa APPOIHTM91T ENERGY FACTORS INC. Aleo Speclallat1 In Energy Saving Solar Dealgned Room Additions Fr•• , .. Oii Exterior w .. WHll lach ....,..._ C•lroct for Dally Plot Reoden 714-540-7245 license #341787 ~ .... SUNDAY JULY 2<J I MOANING • lndrules '" Advertisement 6:00 0 M11i Wilson Ma11t Show u MUSIC ' the ~'" Word U D1rt>1t1~ lA 8 Llhn Prol1lt O louth & tht Issues m 81blt Answers m llompt1 Room 39 llel111ous Spet1al Vh1ons ol film & faith -6:30-0 for Ou1 Times 3 Sacred Hurt D Strend1p1ty O lltn Copeland Hou1 U lye .. tneu LO'l Ancelu e let lhett be l11hl O Davey & Goliath m Fo1est Spinh 12 loday's Church 7:00 O Today's Rrh11on 3 Voret ol Ac11cultu1t D That's Cal U It Is W11tttn 8 TY I loob at lu1nin1 0 ~!vary Chapel f 0 Olrtdtollf m Day ol 0.KOHIJ " Old Time Gos9tl Hour m llnHI Alltley Hour 13 lhl\ Is the lrlt tD Yoca lor Hullh 2t St,,cll lor Ancient fl1th l9 A111culture USA -7:30- O llellef 3 Villa Ale11t 0 Tiie Ch11StQ1Jhers U Undtidot U "mpus Profile -Viewpoint on Nut11hon 8 lnt11n1tH1111I Hour 0 Rtw ltrry Colt Wlultab r tO 1'11Cl1C1I Ch11sh1n1ty m Wotld TOlllOlrCl'IJ 2l 0.ny & Cohath ED M~tu Rocers '9 Y~ Golden lmpire 39 Sunday Mus 8:00 O 17 Sund1y Morning D lh" h the Litt 0 POCH!Jt U 01mensJOns O let God Lowe 1ou 10 Jett)' ral11ell S1!011 m 3 hmmy Swacaart Shel'I m lltr Humbird Show 23 VOite ol A1r1cult ure ED ~iamt Strtet 29 Day ol OtKomy m J11e I'll Clilb 3t M11lo'i lh11< Mo¥1t M1t1Ant so l'11son1I r1n1nce -8:30- 3 8 Day ol D1Komy D On Clmpus U fo1 You, Black Woman 0 Mttt1111 Time IL C1tw; m frtdtllCk ~ l'tKt 23 It Is Wnllt11 2t 1111 Humbard Show 31 Httald ol ltulh 9:00 3 Ru Humb11d Shott 0 0dJUty U V1K1 Aleart O a n 0111 Robfrh 10 II Is W111ttn m The 1(1n1 Is tom1n1 m 1to1 MMIO lt II-Your 81blt -9:30- 0 8 '' fact tht N1l111n 0 l9 Mttt lht 1'1tu u 11 111 l•Ji•r IV "'•rd/' , O Day ol D1Kovt1y 10 Sptetrum m Tl11s Wtt• 1n Baseball U) Old l1n1t Gospel Hout n lnsicht ~ 29 hmmy Swa11111 Snow 10:00 O M1. Maeoo 3 Hout ot Power D llrhftou' Sprcral. V111on' ol Film l F11lh A r "'"""''tl11111 will di 'r•··.• I 1t IJll111.;1111 ,ht· 11µ1.,,r• !tow "'"' •ol•" 111 1n~111ot k•11111 "' "'"'' r-1.111 fl, "'""· •ti '•'"' U hmtly Film luhol 1•1111111 lot~• I l11p u 10 2t Kids Art Ptoplt Too 8 Movie "lht Sp1nl\ll M11n" 1<10>1 J', M~ut••ll IJ II•• 1 f'•11I ll1•nr•11f W~ll•r •,1,, .. ~ O He11ld ot T1uth m Mo¥tt' 11t "C11mt School" tdl•I tM lt11mpl11p, 111116•1 111• ll•A1l l110 ~10\ 12 The Bt0nK Man lt """'"'" w""' so AmttlCln Cowunment -10:30- 0 Clut Club IV W~[K HllY ?4 ll)flj l Kids Are Peoplt loo O Hour ol Power m ~lvary Chaptl m rutbol Soccer 19 Grulut Sporh lttends 11:00 O Mowot "luun ' lht Grul R1¥tr" ,,,, I I y ~. ll•·lol I 141• '/..Jtt.e , ~111 ~ ... J·,.,,. 1 It 0 Co-R1tt1 Rall 0 Jimmy S•llllll Show 11 Mo¥1t .. "The Moon Is Blur" I W1I '"'" It ·111• I "•·•ti '• .,,. •• MA,• o M• hi1m.-1 ~ m Churtll 1n tht Home n Meet lht Pr tu W 81t Blue lhrblt l9 US ltnn" Open -11:30- 3 '9 An1mali An1m1I' U AI One With u Pro SCKttl r h• I lj' An~·I• A1l•·r •. •I 1111 i1•1lu11111111 l1rp1nn1•I O Ame11un ltelt11ous lownhall 10 Words+Popp1n' m Miu1on lmpou1blt 13 MoYlt "Tiit Hultn" llhi11 I~ l11h11 I rl'.ylhr l'•I llAlllll~llHI hh11 '>11Jori1H a> [lect11c Comp1ny 39 Wotld Ch1mp1ons1t1p Tenn/\ AFTERNOON 12:00 3 10 tt IUUfj & Answtn O Voyace lo the Bottom of tht Su e Cmercttl(J One 0 Stllth m '""" '' so Human1hts Throuth Arts ED Crut Perfor1111ncn DEN'S 1661 PLACINTIA AVINUI COST A MUA • '46·4131 • '46·Zl ·.: iiiiiillitioii: 0 &u1tom dr•p1ri1s• Hnoltum • wood floor , .... .. -12:30- (' t2t 011«1iens DlllSIPI ll) Molit: "Tiie Slllldowflers" tw,~i ~1 -Roberl Preslon. John lhrrymw Jr . Bob Slerlong (!OJ '"ll*li" m J1cq11es Cousteau 1:00 B (J 1 12 Spetts Sptclacul11 ()J fk11$ DSuftdlJ a Iii Valley CD! '"* ,UIM a> Mlrcus Wellly (2tJ Journey to Adventure «D lodna Hi&hli&hls/llews . . '-1:30-' I 3 '10 2t ''° So<ttr I •Otd rovmer of I hr Los Angele\ AtlfC\ '' lhe Wuhonelon 01plomm e ISMS I Answers m s,11taudt IU ')I USA Mint-Olymjllcs 2:00 aBoMw 8 Dirldions D AaMtt I Costello .., ... "'''"' Cl&sslcs 124.1 Tiit SllHHllUrt ~ri ID llltiico. Mqia y Encutnlro ISO Allltriun History -2:30- .. USA Mlni·Olymplcs Coverage hve ;ind on lape -of the national comptltltons for Olympic hoprlul' lrom Colorado $p11nes Color~do BWNll~b • Tiie Artistry Of ••• 3:00 B H THn All lliilds a f1111ily film fatiY1I Ball of foe" Barbara St1n11yck. O~n Ouryta Dana Andrews. Gary Coope1 A I 1ler al encycloped1st-work1na on i currenl 1n1ly11s of Ame11can slanr fonds a S1n1e1 his most fru1llul source .,..,.. , (I) llllN: "lett of Ille lld1111n" (wes) ·~1 Robert Rya n Roberl Pltston. Claut lrevor ID flhwie: "l1et11 S.11, M11. CaM,Mll" Ccom) '69 Shelley Winters. Gina Lollob1111d~. Peter l1wlord. Telly Savalu (f(l llllN: *'l "Tiie Slofm Rider" (wn) '57-Scoll lfracly. Mala P0¥1ers. 8111 Williams -3:30- -~ • (JG) (I)) Wi•• World el s,.ts A l11bute to Muhammad Ah. N1tion11 Ch11np1onsh1p Sp11nt Car Race lrom hrrt Haule, Indiana ~nd World Ac1obat1G 01V1nt Champion slllp from Oilando. no11d1 ........... Qllt)t)~ ........... ..... ~ 4:00 ., ..... ... : "Sir•"'• ""' ""'41" (sci II) ·1~-John Sl•on. K•thl,t.n M•ttr. KHnt Curlis .............. H "'iKtU.,. -4:30- • llMtt: "DfMt" (ldV) 'J8 s.llu. Rly111011d Musey • ........... Continued cover11e rA Ille USA 1111111 Otympks oo ..--... ll lronSMlt fD Wul1111,ion Wttk 1n RtYlt• lt ltlowit: "Call Her Mom" lt~nu 17 wnn1P S1e-.111•, Ydll luhn•.011. C.ha1lr\ NPl•.on R~11fy 5:00 3 My hther. My Brolher & Me U Star Trek U 10 NM e 1 Si1 Mllhon i Man 0 Mowit: ''Sulplock" fdd<J 1.r O~I• Robe11wn Oo•n• Hyl•M m Oodttr Ou1out1Pre·Game t2 Tiits Is Your 81blt 24 Wresthna fD f111n1 Li11t 29 Mnre: 11W "House on 91nd Shut" Cmy\J ~ ~ t loyrl N11l.111 '11Y,nl' li.i,·.r1 W1ll1~111 I 1fl1t -5:30- .. 3 lltw$ U Grut Mffnturt CD l'ro 8'seball I hr I •1• A11v• It· Dodge•\ al lh, Hou'.lnn A'.!111\ 12 ·011ettion~ '23 focus EVENING 6:00 D D e 2l lt Newi • 3 f01um 9 Mowie: (1hr) "Wild and Wonder lul" lwrnJ 64 ffi~y (u1t1\, I .r1y ~IOICh C:h111linr KaulrMM Mar1y lngeh When ~ f 1enrh lllm idol 4 rogna c QoallmK poodle 1ak,, , vacation h• &'ts h11 rrrn'h m11lo~\~ 1nwulveO w1lh an Ame11un tO Carol Burnett & fnends 12 Wilneu to Ytsltrday a> Morie: (2hr) "Whtn Worlds Collide" (scr t1) ~I Ba1ba1A Ru\h Richard Oe11 Pelr.r Hanson JOhfi lloyl When two r1e~vtnly bMIP\ head 1n [111h's chrtchoo a 1ar~ btgin~ lo build a 1och lsh1p m 1om1• 10 e~ape the catacly$m r2t Ctochtt's V'1dOtJ &11._11 m oon BE A VICTIM! * WATCH !'ROS & CONS! fl;) fllEMIEaE ,ros ' Cons A new 1>1011am on how lo avoid bemR 1 v1cl1m of rnmt Aclual tar lhotve\ bu1gtar~. rapists and bunco d•loSl1 1om in lh1s 111 pa1t \eitt~ ho~led by I yle Ku11sa~1 and Gail Ch11s1tan In loortlll's show, r~~b dcKu~ wily lhey allK~td lht womtn and whal mo&ht have Slopped them -6:30- (~J Wild .... D 1kws Collf11111<e 8 Wift World of Mte11turt (10)-azlM 1111Mt House 021 fotus o• ~s.m.e111i1 m .. : 19'1 ~> ''Tiii r .. 0t Us" (cir•) '68-Mi<!ltl Simon luc1 f ariolt. Al.ain Cohen Rote• l:a1tl A YoUn& Jew1Sh boy I\ wnt to the counhy to liwt with 1n old m~n a bfd Calhollc but • rtrvent 1n11 ~mile -who 1' un~1or~ ol lhe boy'i Jewish he11t1ee 121JC....C-ra (I01 sa.s.. 7:00 8 <.UUJJ IO-..... 8 (U) Otl ftM ""'*lftll "91111 ti oi.y !II) "My Doc lht llutl" Conct al lwO parts A t1alf1C htl1 tol>ltr r4po11er 1nd his 111ll11tnd &•t 1nvotved with ~wtl 111 .. ve. when his Since Carts Now you. c~n do a week's s hopping without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. r-, ... ~y i:.:=: lft COii••'"-.. .,.,. ped vtGt11>•llS ~.._.,.,,..vv\ t,,. .• \ "•" t•O''OI' ,,.u•"' •••O''• .. ,.noiNl• '\•' ,.,, .. ( ... .,~•l' \,1HJ(_t .,. .,,~14100 . Nl()t•\ n •\ •t••t•\ •<l°'·'oo .,.u ···"'\ ···"''''"'" .... ~(M ·.l .. J"~ 1'.;~~10•~ ~ 140 ..... ,.,. prillt•• lt•111•. fllu• ......,., ••cu yeu C8ft 1111111 JOYtHll -------------, "" I" t!M• eoucio11. 11\111 tOilh Send Today To Become A Super Shopper I t1. n • .llO pott ... a h111<1111111 to I : P"Mot l'Tinttno ShOtlPnt u 11 I t P.O. Boa 1MO I I S30 W. l•J tw. I 1 eo.t• MeH. CetM. m21 : ,..,... _____________ _. I I 9STME1-------------1 DAILY PILOT ICIT'C--------·ZW-----' L---·•-'•••••••"---------.J SUNDAY (Continued) ~' ll<·1n.oo ta111•~ rill d 11111111111 d<Jll•• owt llalt U"dJn• 1t1n m411 Mdfy Ann M11bl•v I I\.; I one ht'''"' ifw f lvnn Hnv."' t C~r m•I o1111I Morlley 'ih~u~hn•1'.1 I•• U 3 10 ~ The H11.t) Boys IRI 0d0~1•1uu• W•l••o\ lo• .;rod r ••"' ' C,.i11bh••n ~Pdll h 1111 .i l1ldtll1lul ~111 l•dd\ t•. lh• 1fr.c '''"'' •11 m1ll11111~ 1n 111\I ~irarP \ 1r.a•.u11- •lld •" ~11cou11lf1 w1ll1 1fa11v.•111u'. ,.cht th•PVP\ lull~ I 111~h.11 JlllJ R11be1I loP,g1.i gu•'.I 0 FOCUS ON BRITAIN • UPLOR[S DRAMATIC Duve Into I 9BO's By UK Industrial North O Focus on 811t11n I 1011 "' th• Nrith lh• Nr11lh ril I n2l•11d 11111110 ol BrotalO \ 11111 tndu•,111al krvotu111111 7110 ye~r\ agu with lht 1nvA111l1un 111 th~ ~••am •n&int 11 loda1 '"'''''"~ • <11amal1< ne.. bul quo•!"' ondu1111at ••vulul1un lhP\e 1 h•nRI'\ a1• e1plo1td "'th t A Bu~rn•\I I •art•• I 1t• .. 1h0n 2• Marte Method of Oil P11nt1nr WAun H11 Mas so So«er Macie 1n Germany -7:30- 0 ld'l Go to lhe ll1<u 1• Opus 8 :00 ti t 12 Alt 1n the hm1ly tR) ld1th \ ~aierne~ to peil111m "''h Stephanie at a 'it.hoot conre1t •••••~ hrt without a voice And S1rohan1• alont on th• 1ootl1ght and A11h1e olra\ed on both account~ D ll3 ~· The Bi& EW'tnl: A F11r In tht Sl) (Rl (Jh1) Rocha1d C.1tnna \la1s a1 an uuonom•r who 111•1 111 uinv11te <•IY oft1t1als a d'va~l1tong (fllfil I lru•flrnR tl1111u~ff '·Vdt• Wiii 14\h 1in f'Me1111 A111011& t 11/db•lh l\~hlty ll<ivod llu~r'. lu•1t11• Mil• t lroyd lio1 t11w1 Merl111 Oi•.•·11 ,1111 And1tw lluu<in .w U Wrld ~ncdom U 3 , 110. 29 Sain ct I (k J Op,,atoun 81ed~11u1 1ta11y .rnrt 111• t•ano tr1 111 """ th•u f 111 """d MlllR"' from d•·•fh bPfOI• • ''""R 'ollU•d wll.i1 h•• '" k1dn•~OPd by •1mm•nrlos "hot~ vA1 •flun1n1, '" r1uut1lr 11dden Alrrr d M•• • (,,,,., ,111d ltd11 llll111Je1 pt1r1t O llh Wrillrn m Sim Yofty 2• MHltrpiece Tllullt: I, Claudou~ ffi hen1n1 11 P1111s so Mart< ol 011 ~arnhnt -8:30-tl a 12 Ont Day 111Time1k1 G1andn1i\ <..oovt• ind R11m"'"' ••• h h•v~ ll•r. ptAn\ tor H~ll1a1 • 1 1:1dOUolliUll nofht loul 111'1111"1 I'• dflV · .. hPIP n•d• whdl li.1lo•1~ IM~ ''' m11111 tlan•ll• I a~1ay •"d Anni \•ymtJUI ~Ut\I U Wiid World of An1m1ts O Our Henllce. Our Hope m Mowre; (2br) "When llte 1'101lb Wind Blo.s" lddV) 14 IJdll Hogg,, ti Herb"' Nrt~r1n ll•nr 1 lliandun A wuy ul~ hdOJ>P• hunt; i1nd I~'"' bet11Pnd\ II•• IOdi~Sl•l \110 .. 1rvr1 nt S1be11a so The Wnter rn Ameuu 9:00 ti e 12 NKt <RI v,.a) h•art 1\ broktn when 811an b"d~\ olf .. 1th ht1 bul tt1p c u•t\ Im thP bluP\ uUPIPd by Ahct f lo dnd Mtl don t •.ePm to h•lp much U Hour of Power U 3 10 ~ Movie (2\lihr) "St1p1co" 1d1d1 /1 Al"•""'' '''''t ll11h•1r•. John flonduluto Id•• ~rhcw flott McGurrP l;11n•f,. .,n,,rp• lht 1•111 ,f 1y I ar to1;~•\I WC .,1, an1f1U t1 111~. , .,,.,., dflt1 dll1t1J' r h hh· ,,, •111•1~r flop l•vPI I t<llUlllJIJll " Hi. N•" t111~ l'nh •· Cl·p~•t111•11r O Rutt House m Ru Humbaid Show 24 \.OU1sv1llt lnltrnahonal Tennis ID Mnlerp1tce Theatre I, Cl1ud1ul llr11•n ,,, '''"" l11J'11u•. u~t~·. Y11•11I h.j' H1• er11u•ro1 tut~tl1 1 ul r.11 h· ti n.. '"' 1diit ,. ,,,,, tt 1•·1~11u .111• < .11111 Ault 111.i r 01nnut O<J\'.o~I 1 """' I 11Jn1u, 111\ tn11111•" ,,, ddliV,H W Mus1</Sporh so lht lOllr Starch -9:30-u • 12 rne Jdfenon1 111, Lt f>fff f I t1r1~1m,o ,. fllfflllill au,, t 00011•) 1ot.rvPnl111n hPIP'. lru11 lonll • lalh'I '" n•vfl llne .. 0 Tht ll1n1 ll Com1n1 W lOO M~lones 10:00 ti e 12 llu IRJ "''' and ti\ 111•11~ .. ~(I 11 .it1n an Pr w11 ~tr d1oe~IPd and cnargeo "'''~ R••M1 th•lt oulo and tQn1p11,ry U Ken Copeland Hour O Ernest Anrtey Hour m f.os9tl Hour ED NI Crutu11s Cttat I. Small so Wresthn1 -10:30- 11:00 ti D e lt News U Pacesettert FREElll TV WEEK JULY 29 1979 O Oral Roberts m Mow1t: "When Ille lfollh Wind 81010 " lallvJ /4 IJAll H·~R•fly tl•1btrt Netyin lt•nrv l!rAnd1111 12 700 Club m Oar ol 01scomy 23 Ad~m·l2 24 Sne1~ P1ew1tws ID Mffllnt ol Minds . -11:30- ti Spotts r1n11/Mow1t "rranh n Sltrn Thf ll'llt St01y" tonrl ttw111 JI M~ h~•I ~d"M'" ldm•\ Md\On A~111• M1JO'"'"'rl D n 3t Mot1t. "KHtr" P••I 11 Hl1~ 1 IJ f'.ul W1nlJ1•llJ r.111•ly I 1• ''" Ctu Gulag Po o~"'' od .. ) 1111 k Al•lhMlf W~hA11' ltt1y Ah•tdnO.r U 700 Club U 3 10 29 llnrs • Jtlttluht O Rev. Ontd lplty m r.et Smut J~ OrvelllOll ol Power 12:00 3 Tht PTl Club U llews/Mom: "The Ser1unt" Mr• ~8 Ruo Sl"ge• lohn Phillip l ~" r •dn~ l a11more llllr111 Sullivan l udm1la M1~arl O Mowre: "Sulplock" lid~J bh 061r koOeotwn Oran• Uyland lluy~ !In< hn•r H~b~tl Rdndum 10 Mom. "lwo IOI lhe Money" ldral II Watter lltemran "''•trd" McCdmb11d£P Nevrllt Brand &> C.tnrar to Cllvarr ED Tiit Achoutes -1:30- tl Ntw\/Mow1t: "flit Girl '" Ille lled Velvet Swint" ldra) S5 Ray Mollond loan Cofto~ f a1try GranRer -~----·------EASY TO READ----------... BIO-RHYTHM CHART BASED o-.. COSQIC SUM CYCLES EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND ••• IN USE FOR THOUSANDS ' I ;000111 OF YEARS • • LEARN • • • the time period best for: •GAMIS OF CHAMCI •MARatA•t • IORROWIMG OI LOAMING * SIMSUAL AffAllS •TIAV& • IUYfMG Ott S&UMG •SURGICAL onlATIOMS •FAVOIS FIOM WOMIH •IUSfHISS DIAUM•S• •soucmMG .•. -100'• ......... ~· -•• ., ........... SUCCISS AND HAH'tMISS ... IMIHll to ...... wt..,.._ Hew Ta C,_. n.lr UYet POI NH COPY ... MtMI SI lce .. n ,.. .... I •• .. 111 -------•to: UFIS UMDllSTAMDtMIG-:-------· IJ761 ....__.. StN«..J:."· w ............ Ce. tlHJ ........ rew ..__,. .. ..... a_.,.,.,..., .. 0 Yes. I also want a r>ertonafllec:I yearly Bio-Rhythm chart al'!d I 1m enc101ing SIS. plus '1 tor poatege ano hendflng Name Address . , .•• ~lly . . ..... •., .. l~:S::'•:t:•~·:·:··:·:·:·:·: .. :·:·:·: .. :·:·:·:··:·:·:·:··:·:·:·:·:··:··:·:·~··:·:·:·: .. :·:·:·:··=·=·~-·~··:·~·Z:'.~lo.::·:·:·:::·:::·:·:: 8 i::rthda:::t•::;·,:·:·:::'":·:•·::•:i1 --·-" .. ,.... ' MONDAY JULY 30 fOf '"°''""' and afternoon hs11n1s. plem m OAYTIMC l'ROCllAMS. Below, fOf your convenience. are tht day'1-it1. DAYTIMC MOVICS 12:00 O • "Calhnc Bulldoc Dr11111mond" (dra) ~I WallPr Pidgeon Ma1garet l •1ghton Robert Beatty David Tumlinson m • ''Setret Heart" 1d1a) 4b Claudelle Colbtrl Mii'\llall lhomoson. June Attywn Willler Pidgeon l 1011~1 Bauymote 3:00 101 "Sidt•i<ks" (tom) /4 lou Co~ttl Larry tiagman lack Clilnr 81ylhe DannPr 3:30 II '1ht 111 Mouth" ftnmi 61 Jtrry lPw1s Budd~ I •\ltr Harold I Stoot Su..an Bav 0,1 Moo1e Paul Lambert EVENING 6:00 0 I ~J 110 112 llJ lltin D II < •J '211 News DIW111 ru 0 ~rity ChltUts CD Clt1eo l tlle Man &> Slrttts of 5'n Franc11eo <2.4 The Oricrnals fii) °"' USJ 3tlillllde SO As M111 Behl.es -6:30- • 11J OJ (2f l'ro lllseb1ll I earns lo be announced !_l)Croa-Wits D Clllcli4 Clme11 m Gllllt l Mrs Mu11 fD ~ Clntt Sholl Part one ol an 1nterv1ew with Robrn W11t11ms CD EJ Cltlputin Colof1do IJ.11 """ <If! Projtd Unittrte 7:00 ··~) ..... • n. •flflJwN Gamt • Cl) Tiie ie.er't Wi14 ., ..... Liiey CW llllrJ T,ttr Moolt -~'* !UU.tff It en Ttlll;.t GJ a-lJttt M1t Tardt /JI) llrt .... lltillc ...., -7:30-.n..,,.. .. G ll•K S,.Clll: Clilllatt t4 fttr This documenl1ry focuses on the victim, the pe1petralo1. and offers ' recommendalton from knowltdte able proleuionals th1t we "hardtn Ille taraet " • Tiit OatMt """ Cl)lllMtf-..T1111t • 1'k TIC DollP .. .,_, ..... ttJ) .. Weft si.. • .._II 1DF..i1yr..i ~T~ • lledllll/ltltftf "''°" H""" tlll.lillaCW &C.. 8:00 a CJ) <Ill Tiit .... SW.. (R) Cotcll Roves spots a ltcn111 ~etball llusller '' • playcround tnd c.tn't w111 lo 111 llim Oii Ills IMrh but th• 1•1•1fh ""'" •1111 I•• 11• ,, \fr~PIWl\f fMf< "1111 I\ d•w••i.l•h w~nt•d ~Y tdng<.lrr O 23 39 LlUle House on lht Pmr~ HO H~11·•fl , 11•1 I" "'"V lht lrouM• m~~·r·1 '-I• IJI•, 1 "'"'"''' ft fl¥W\0d11P! ?'h\IV I r1111mr1 lh~I m~n.i~•" I•• .1n~1·r dll~ .,1~11rll'1 n••rly rvrrvone 1n '""n D Mowre· (2hr) "Tht Htirrss" ldra1 4'J Mootgumt1y I till oi,.,. dt Ha•1lldnd fl •I Ph fl11 harcho11 M111anr Hop~r11\ A wP•llhy hul lrn.ttlraclrve gul '' ~u·w~d by • toitunr hunlPr 0 Mo.ie· • (1hr) "Comt Bid ullle Sheb1" ld•~l ~J Shnl•t Btllirh Burl t dnfi'•l•1 l•trv Moor• R1~Mrd ldH~el Wh~n • K"I \lu~•nf ••nl\ d 1oom lrnm ~ \lr.i1v 1mddl~ ivrd hou~fwrle an1I h•1 1Mn1m1·d •lruh<ilrc hu•,b1nd \he '"•'~"'\ 1111 01• • oupl• \ long n1ddPn 1·n1 "''" and lru·,trallOn\ m ~rol Burnett l friends &> Mot1e; "' (2hr) "Aneet l lht 8'dm1n" (adv J 41 lrthrl W•vn• Gari Ru~ell henf H11 h 11111•1 t ·l" r A Ouak•r r,111 s.ive\ 1 man .. hr1 1 hunted by Y>t1al peup1, 1nrlud1n~ ~ gunslrnier stekrnv lfvtnge 24 James Mtcllener's World fii) SO Bill Moyers' Journ1I fl) Vi~11n1 -8:30-m The Odd eoup1e fl) ut1 llocht es Olea 9:00 0 8 12 M•A•S H (l!J Ill• 1mwss1ble h~ppens IQt lh~ ,nnbb1sh C:hArlr~ when h• \hAr,) an trnorrondl PtOPrrrncr "''h KhnRPr bnlh men d•v•too 1om4ntrc ttasons iwhrlr hyin2 to lorgtl their troublrs 1n Ros1r s Bar Klin ger drscovm d US nurse who l1nd1 hrm and h•~ b'""' athre' attract1vr '"hilt Chilrlts succumbs to lhe e•olrc charms ot a llorean g11t he meets al lht bar D ll :)t Mowi1: (2hr) "Tiit ll1in l'toplt" (d1a) 69 Shuley l\nrahl James Cun Rober! Du•411 Marya Zrmmet lom Atdred&t lht story ol a vounr woman whose m1sa1vinas about her mmraee tead her on 1n 1mpuls1ve lonely 1ourney lo nowhere m Men Griffin SllOlr 01t k Ctar k lonn1e Shorr Blondre Carole Coo• Pamrla Heniley and Rubin Carson ire •Aerv's euuts ~t· Materpitu 1'1111111: Paldar• fD 1111111 Mlclltntr's World (R) H1w111 Remrttd A e1aph1c re crut1on of the Island s v1oleTit birth to a look al lhe h11h rises domrnilflne todo's Wark1k1 CD Sllper Muslul 101 Gttat l'trlomanm; ~ -9:30- • lJ ii a WUP lft Cl11d11111ti (R) WKRP s aroovy rock n roll lormill and young radio audience no1w1th standrne. undertakrna lycoon Randy ferryman IS determined IO adYtr.111.e hrs funtial OKkl&es on the station Rt1h11n1 the lutnhve l erry111an account c1n pull W~RP up 1n10 the btac~. lhe whole stall 101ns to trtalt 1 tommemal camp111n lhlt wtll have lhe.r 1ud1ence cl1mo11na 101 1 f trryman fun111I m-..,o.. •lllifll: (9111) "TrtM ........ " (wes) '13-.lolln W1y111, Rod Tlylor. Ann· 111111, Cllrrstopher Oto11t. Jollnson. R1ttrdo Mont1lban ~ hltH eowwy ltCIUtlS I roucll f11111 ' 111 hi' 111, ~ l·tflt-f)1; HI I I tt ,1 Hf .t ,11h1f1lu111r '''"', fill• t n 1r t 'J11oit•1111 i.rnt, '' 'Ii•,, ' , ..... , u, .. 11"" ' t ·~· 10 Mo.it "Swett, S•t't b thtl" ll' ' p.,,, ,,,,.,,. ,,,,,,, ,,. h1~1 r f t' ~11t .-11 1u1 t 111 1rt "" ''ii' ''II.JI,, II• ,, 1, ••• ,, ''·• I I• '"'th• <!••I'''• •• : , • t 1'¥t I '" .. LMlf• tJ tlfH tll ,, ' I .. I • ,,,• ·f t.1 f'I " 1 u • ~ 29 NeW5 €!) Peado dt Amor 10:00 U 8 12 lou Giant k • , f f , '11A~,. f 11,r•&1 t S. ' A ' ' ,,.., I fu '~I i .f ( t It • ,, fllh1h· I Qfl.it 'Ifft .. jlffil II ,, •. If ~ I • ~ '"",..' lmt111( "'' 1 h1 ,,.,. t1;11 l Y • ~twp ron m.11 r l•rh" I' 11• ·~·ri• 1 DOWllein &> ll11ht Cillltry 2• 8111 lrfoytri' lournill ID Mnterprect Thutre Poldar~ llH11•l1.. "" .. "'''"" •l I ~ ~'tVM h11Hl ht \ d1ti1; Mr r111' lti1 I l1111l~nrrr1• I'd"• •I "''" I lh1 1., I 1n •h•· m•d 1 .i ~· ·d''"' 'I ol U..-rr,. -~ 1 •H't• rr1n .. , t. ,. '-tit• ~ 1·rt-r '* ~ fr• 111ii1ft. t ll.11••1111. ''""'r' 29 James Robt~n -10:30- 3 Children of the Thud World m &>News ·11 :00 0 U 8 23 39 Nein O 3 10 12 News 0 Make Me uuch 0 MO'i'te, • "WOfld, lht ftull & lht Otw1I" td•d t ~9 MPI f ""~' H.irry l!elaluntP tnge1 Steven~ m lht Odd ~uplt &> Btnny Hrll Show 14 luha Child & Co ID Did Chell Show 29 lourn'y lo Adventure ED Undru -11:30- 0 12 Movtts lht Rockford file\, 1M "To Pluse 1 ladr'' •· t 11 • t .,, , .. 11 I I 1 I ~ ,1 1 • fl I ,•, I II 1._1 0 1J Jt lollnny Ci1r10n 0 Oltk Yan Dyke U 3 '10 29 Polite Stor1 8 Star I"~ m Sp1rt1ude &>Get Simrt 24 l1hu. Yot4 & You ID ~pt1ontd ABC No;\ 12:00 D Tw1hcht lone ID 18 lonrchl m Mo.re llewl -12:30- D Drilanel a Movit "Ora1net" • , 1 1 • 1' , :,~t;t " t., rt '1 10 I ti , H ~,,,) H .. ,. Ai• I d'" h m Movrt .. "lilrCtny' 1•,I ·1~ l11ho 1'~1111 ~h•ll•, Wurl"'' fr.JI! PlllV'"' 1 .. ~,, I 111ll11•ld 1:00 O 21 J9 lomorrow D Olck Vin Dyke O M1ve11c• 2:00 U M<Wrt "Cht1ptr B, tht Dozen" "'' ' • I hllnn llthh l•~nn• ( r~1g ~•yrnd I•·~ M1ld,.d Nalw1c~ &>Get Smart Me11•fectww of llLLIARD TAILES and OAK ,,_s399 FURHISHIHC.S Foxwood Interiors, Ltd. 4040 Chandler Ave., Santa Ana • (714) 540·4624 VISA' 8<.IPER BUYS AT THE 8<.IPER DOME! RAr4GE COOl'HY'S LEASING SPECIALISTS ...... TV WCEK JUL V n l!UY ~~..ilJ~~ ~Jbj.VjlJ~_ojJJ]? RELISHES HOME LEAVE Just hke any m1l11ary unit that ltas been t1gh1tng a war for seven y"'ars the crew ot M A S H rel1snm. its home leave and plunqe& into •I w11h abandon But the talented cast of the {,85 r.on11,uy 1'>n'1 interested merely 1n the trad11tonal "rest and recroat1on Once sprung from thll Korean War battlefield (actually good old stage 9 at the Twenttelh Century-Fox movie stuc110 in Los Angeles/ lor lhe11 annual summer production hiatus. they d1speri.e 1n all duecltons mo'itly in search ot more hard work Consider Alan Alda who has starred m M A S H as the sabor witted irreverent Capt Hawkeye Pierce ever since the sertes debuted on CBS on Sept t 7 19/2 The Emmy Award w1n111ng veteran of Broadway th'latroc.al motton p1cture'i amt lelev1s1on shunned llte .illurn ol beckoning 11aca1ton resort"> during his vacalton Instead he took to his lypRwrtler spending long hours 1urn1nq out a new movie s1,reonplay He hAd previously wrillen lhe s<.nnt tor 'The Seduction ot Joe Tyman • an upcorn1nq molton pie.lure 111 which he also stars, as well as numerous episodes ot MA s H 11sell Alda is no stranger to such workmq vacations Du11ng previous l1trn111g breaks he s found 1tme to star 1n such movies as Calltornia Suite' and Same T 1me Ne1t Year · and such telev•s•on dramas as 6 Ams R111 Vu 111 which he starred oppo<;1te Carol Burnett Aida's htestyle. however. affords him con&1derable ttme in wn1ch to study scttpts and plot out new storyhnes A d•e· hard Easterner. he hves with n1s wile and three children 1n New Jersey, commuting to Hollywood to film h•s telev1s1on program Those frequent cross-country t11ght1> at least tree n1m horn the sound of a constantly ringing telephone Other M"A s· H regulars also keep the11 nose to the grindstone d1111ng the11 so-called vacation For example, Mike Farrell who plays Hawkeye s homesick partner 1n m1sch1ef Capt B J Hunnicutt spent a good portion or his hiatus filming a motion p1cture-tor-tele111s1on, ·sex & the Single Parent · The son of a movie studio carpenter who • grew up in Hollywood and actually graduated from Hollywood High School, Farrell hnds rela~alton however by playing chess. readmg and discussing current po1111ca1 and social issues Loretta Sw1t, portraying the well-meaning but somewhat gullible 'Hot Lips ... used her tree lime to appear 1n the telev1s1on mo111es "M11ror. Mirror · and "The Walls Came Tumbling Down •· Earlier hiatus periods nave round her returning to the 1eg1t1mate stage 1n such plays as "Same Time. Next Year" and "The Apple Troe · Jamie Farr. the dress-wearing Corporal Klinger of M A S H spent his vacation in a successful revival ot the stage musical ·Oklahoma•." which played both Los Angeles and San F1aoctsco An alumnus ot the tamed Pasadena P111yhouse. Farr has also toured summer theatres in such plays as ··send Me No Flowers" and "Come Live With Me ·· Gary Burghotl, who plays the omniscient Corporal Radar O'Reilly, 1& another M"A 0 S•H regular who went before the footlights during lh1s year's annual production break He starred on a production of "The Owl & the Pussycat" in San Antonio, TeiC8s. Jt1aJ was considered a smash success He also round time to travel to Hawaii, to overs~e h11 business act1111t1es on the islands of Maui and Kauai David Ogden Stiers. the show'• aristocratic and pompous Major Cnartes Emerson Winchester, tr1veted to M11ibu this summer 10 star in the motion p1cture-for-tel1v1sron "Breaking Up is Hard to Do " Not all of the cast used the summer break to pl1y their acting talents elsewhere. however Harry Morgan. who portray• the 1und·hearted but plain apoken Col. Sherman Potter. headed for Northern California to t•ke ch1rge of hl1 ranch in Santa Rosa. where he ralHt quarter hor .... And William Christopher, the program'• genii• f=°alher Mulcehy. 1otu1lly uHCI the 1umm1r break to juet relu with hit wife ind two aons A deYOtH of cla11lcal llteraturt (M ,...10 enJava reading Homer In the or1gin11 Greek) and ragtime piano muelc, Chrl1topher alto u1ed the lime to tr91191, tncludlng a trip to Middletown, Conn , for 1 cl11s reunion et hie alma mater, watleyan University • But ~her lhev vacationed with work or p11y. the entire M•A•l•H troop hat now returned to the war for another MUOn It lht front. lt'a eighth HHOn on CBS r11umes In ...,..._,, Mondaya at 8PM. _, I II Co fro • G (d ~ e c ~ TUESDAY JULY ll for m01n1n1 ind ilternoon ltsttnes. plem m DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, IOI your convenience. illt thr di,.S movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 D "At Gunpoint" h•P>I ~'I fred MarMo,,ay m Ill' "The Hippy l1mt" tcom1 •,7 Charl e\ Ruv~• 1:00 ED • "lht Befits of St. lriniin's" 1tom1 '14 Al~\ldu S.m Joy'r r,ro,pnfell l .00 10 "Hilllelds I McCoys" Cdra) /'I k1Lhard Halrh J:JO U "Swinttrf P1ri1d1st" Ccom1 ~~ r.i.tt Rrtha•d EVENING 6 :00 O 10 12 .2l News 3 The Odd Couple CJD 8 29 News g Kunc Fu CiJ Celebrity Chmdn m Pro Butblll <:nnlln•J•d lrom SPM lhe tos An~el•1OntlP"'111111• C1n<mnati RfdS a> Streets ot SJn Francisco 24 Humanities lhrouch the Arts ED Over bsy >t Maude so As Min Behnes -6:30- 3 31 News e Cross·Wrb ACROSS I Smell 5 To glul 9 Body acrd 10 Ar11cte 12 Border IS Passenger 18 Military 20 Blaze star 21 Compass dorec11on 22 Snare 24 Correct 25 f>R agenll (abbr ) 28 Medrcal organ11a11on 31 A1t ()fehw 32 Ms Minne Ill 34 Walker ot Cheyenne' 36 Lei 37 Gend4lr 39 Neither 41 Gudrun's husband 42 Back talk D Ciind!d Cimtri 1 o Hollywood Squares ED O;o Civet! Show f.r111rh1,111•1 ot An ln(Prvit .... 1th knb111 1'11lh~n1• 29 The lohr's Wild ED Ennque £1 Pohwot so Protect Ummse 7 :00 0 3 CJ D .2l News U The Ntwlywtd Came D a lhe Joker's Wild 10 Wtlb hr10 Tennis Toumamtnt 12 Mary lyltr Moore (() Sanford I Son 24 M1krn1 II Counl ED 28 Ton11ht 29 Eme11ency One ED Amor Ue10 Mu hide so lntrodocln& 81olou -7:30- 0 Cutus 3 Chteo I the Man CJ Sha Na Na U The 01t1n1 Came D Name lhlt Tune e The Con1 Show D Tic h e Dou&h 1 2 Bob Newhart Sllow m Adam-12 2l Hollywood Squaru H Clean Up With Awareness ED M1tNelltLehrer Report 39 News so llewsched 8 :00 0 8 12 SPECIAL lhe Dooley Biothers f,au•ll Bro .. n ~nd f«b,,t f'P11tr \l~r a~ C•orRP .ind A111, llooll'y a bumbliny, duo who 11rt• ltirnuRh th~ Old 11•\I d11p•n\1n~ rU\ht" hr dll •I\ d•1~1 .. np 1nhdb rl•OI\ •vrn lhciu~h lh•y can I rid• DOWN 2 1mag1nl'\ 3 A lop 4 Carden IOOI 5 Mele.or 6 Srgh ot rrlt(•t l Muscle rorJ 8 Couch I I Oelusron IJ Trains (ilbbr I Id Bess 16 Put 1n I 7 Ms Gabor 19 SIMI 2J f oolpt1nh 26 Waler sn11ke 27 M1r11s1or 29 Type of ru11ner\ JO Bivalent nitrogen motecute 33 Ama1e~ JS Cab (clue to pu//lt' 36 answer) S.long1ne to M\ Landers JB 8u1101n1 ••tension 40 Two vowel• Answet 81 end of the Sllurda~ IOQ ,h1Jl1I Ju~• IJI •tie"' lu~dr 111 Jr1t111 M vht<'. llub fa 11r11 wrJ \h,lh I 11n~ ,,,,,.. ,f,4~ CJ 39 lht Runaways 11 • .,,,., 11 A t'iUt •')ii! •I ft1t I Uh .1llH A11t!t· 1r1. d h11uor ""' t1uf\lu~ ·~11-•I'. '" l111m-. 11111~1i.1 Mdr• lu1 l1•l11 U Mov1t. (2hr) "Whil Did You Do In lht Wir, DiddJ I" " n If l•n11 I 11t1ur11 IJ11 ; ,tid"" Aid KA, (,111v'1111t.t kall1 w.-1 .,., 111, .1111J11, l111d th• v1llapr 111 Vaf.,n• N•ll , I .uru ntt1•1 H lfu onf1.I 11 It• 1r11urdl N1r,. t •• llVdl 11• l1H~ D 3 2g Hipp, Day~ '>mo>,,, ~11r I tr~1I J1w11• b•·l11 ;•• '.h• nou 1 nhi~• •• .t,,.tt,.~ t • '' it ff •I ,'1!1 Jut, 11\n(J~1nR h .. , t i1M~1 , pf• A 1 ,,,,,, ,moorn0 11uti1 lhr· I •int 11n111r• • .,1 "'hot I • u11I l'•llv "'' 4"' O Mov1t 111 (2hr) "One. lwo, Three" tcfJm1 11 l•m• r ., "'' ArlH1t I r.i1t '" 11111 I !for l1h•11 l'.11n•f• I 1ll1n A l.111" I 111• ,.,rr.,11,1 '' H•rl111 1rm11 ~ 1111 J I t I rod•• n•• ' .... tu ,.1~11 , 4"'• ,_,t 1·1 h• A01HH d11 t11· 'ti ~•fHtt , f',t11;1f1f111 hrfltrfll lft'f'IJll/till Nllfl f4ll I •··I H••rtrn t1••l111l m Carol Burnett I F 11ends Q) Movie. M (2hr) "Wit of tht W1lduts" Cdnv1 41 lr1h11 w,,,.,,. M.111h• "111t Arli•"I ll"oo•·r G•h~v 11.,., A •ii A\ .ur•n 1111 "'~"'''"'' tltd 6 1Ull I I''"'" 1 11; ht 1111 lh• •1;111 , 1111111 23 L1 Rm 24 Onct Upon i Cl1ssrc ED BOider Tralhc ~ l•N •• •J•otu mP11l •n1 Sldrr I/If' 11rn111'\I u,unh 111 IP•d\ wh••~ •Ir\ •1f1n11l•d on• 0111 ul fhrPr 1r\•d~nl\ w~" ''"2dV~O m druy \R1tl~fl1n~ ED Vrmni , • so Evtntnc 11 Poos -8:30- 0 8 12 Movie: (2o,i,hr) "Roller bill" tar• 1 'I IAm•1 ( a6n lrihn ll• • • lr,M II ru1•man M.ud Adam' Hdlpl1 Hu l1or~\11n Mn"' 1;u11n l h• 1~~, 11 ~IJlll lh• rarlh 11 nri lungP• U"''"'" '°'""'"~ rtdlff1n" liul n1ilflit£Pf1 r f u ",.·u.JA•rJ•· .1rr,,,,,..1, 1 Arlt'I\ '""' 1111 ''"''~" ,,,.r pQ~Ul•trrin w1llul111n '·""'' fr, r .. ,11 11r w.r lh1 r1 I' 1m!y r •ll•rbAfl " b111lal ~·1 t.i 1 dl1~,r. I 41 flftf I U 3 29 Sl'ECIAL Detectm School-One Fhchl Up A Birr on lh• 111111\• '\lucf•11t• ~I N11 o lldnn1g.in \ ll•I• •"• A .~don1y •r.1r• h for • M"1w' 1 "1r\ tn1i 1ld,,"1dlf-1n"' flt'Atht f(lflf t.iJ h11"1t' ft(Hj r11\(t1,H t !hf' lllllllOMI »• tn111• lildll •,f1fl; Ill win I• • t;'• kdlHJ•otph '11Anln•1lh 111 Ann 11,,,. I aw.nrt; I'd~·· •• r1 l•ni.· 1,1.-,1111 r ·.tdr m The Odd Couple 9 :00 CJ 23 39 The Br1 htnl. frnal C11sh 1 /1111 A IJlddldll com•rty Afloul ' r11111p ul """"'"(\ ""'"~ •n dll 1ul•1111oh1il 1111111.,d who 1oin rn a 11.-n.• 10 " 111 ' pl~n• dncl fly "'"U"d lh•· .. 111td J~n~ I onda IJ11ndld '1ult1Prl<nd f'Pll'I lloyte l,d.,~ f,ui1d11i" lf<rward tlP\\Pman lul1n ~Ha~• k~ hArd 'ithddl M•l~1n ~1 ... m Mru g•n Uplon anrt Rog'.! flo,..,n \loll !Prrvwu"IV l1lltd SltPI oHd Hlu• .. I U 3 10 21 Thm's Comp1ny tRr lAl~ Muv~~ Oul Jatl ~ecomes ~1 ~nR•Y Allti IAnPI and Chp~sy he w11111\ oul dnd ArceµI~ a po~111on as I ... , '" (l/t)I ... lh t dJrV \ boss uni ,.d•P t~P man s .. 11e !las 4n over AhPlmrng p;l~\1Qn lor men p ... ,, TUESDAY (Contin ued) • lllerv Cnllln Sito. ~l•v• MJrl111 lohn Md urn Sli~un L••.\1d1 \I••• a11d f.yndy c~rvr; Arid l11lu1 ''""'l''Y drt Merv\ au•\I\ '4 Tiie Ad¥ou tu m H1rll11 Count, A dw u111•11IA•t IU1.u\mK 1tt1 ;n 1ll•r,dl 111111"'' 11"• 1n ~ Kenlurky ro•I m1111ny 111r11111~ mly dlld lh• ,.w11111y 11ul•111•"'"'11 d1ov• the mmrl\ t.AO "' ... 1~1 50 MH1trp1ttt Thtallt I, Ct111d1us -9:30- • 31 110 '9 lu 1 11i1 1•o11111 Ma111avt M•th41111 I ••k~ 1,r.,. I•••\ d~p<1•l•fln11 unlrv. h• rn•H1•· , IJ~ C1h1'n "'' l~f ld11 P•n1 (Ufl,,, h1 01\ lt'J4U• bt 11111 lllllV. 11! hi 1110. ! .workink p11I 111 t.• ~1· I""'' m ,euclo lit Amor 10:00 ••m1ttwi • r 3 1 10 S,£CIAl lht 811b111 Wiiiers Summt1 Speml r fl) 111111 lf11\ PllJ¥1dlll l•dlU•h lllf•l"I''" binadca1t du11n~ ltw I'll I I~ •,r.,1111 Wiiii lht IAI• lnl111 W•v111• kuil J<,ylluld\ J11d It!• Sh.1h ul 11411 E N11ht Callt(J 'H lllllft Michener's Wolld 12tJ J1mes Rolleson 150 Ntwsched -10:30-. ., .. "" so '"'" ''"'' 11:00 •13 U u 2t llewt e 1 • 10 Jl >t llews ........ u uch D mo...: "llloc• on Weod" """'' ~· Danny Kiyr M,11 /r1t•1l1nr e k4t1111t Stouts ., ltfHlr Hiii Show 14 Jee Cami : l'or1r11t ol Ofllrt CJ O!tl CMH Sllow 1B LI Hon dt Stnom 1 Stnoru -11:30- • 1J lllot1es: l 11na11, Jonu/ "lllrt. 'ollitu-Spf'' (tom) /I Ro11hnd Rumll. Darr'" MtCav1n E 1u :n .loltflny Canon Diet YI" 0,~t Slltw CJ> (fOl ~ Movie: "Callaret" (mus) '72 -L111 Minntllt loel Crty (Jj Stir Trtl • Tiit Gelle Sllow • Get Slllert IJ4i Ulla. Yop & You G C.ptllMd UC Ntw1 12:00 • TlllllPI ZOM • Mrt4 HitcllcoU ,,. .. ,.,, e 11 TllllCM • ... ,,.... -12:30- • ltteflea: 'lhr lop Banana · Cal(h H Catch Cin Squ11t Dance Jubiltt rt 11111M:"llll1111111llltMf¥t"(d11J 1? Vm M1ln Rl(h1rd ll1lry • l!Mlt: rw '111t lultficltt•r ' Ille LW(' (dra) W Rollert Srac~ • lllllM: ~ "I Wit I s-..ift11" (dr') ~ Scoll Budy 1:00 . • ru ,,, ,..,, .. ...... kl 2:00 • ltleM: '"' .. ,.., Wtrt ....., LMelitr" 1mu') 47 ltd Ait111e • lloflt1:' 'Somtwhtlt 111 lhe NiJhl. 'Blood to1 ' S~vtr Doll11" • llovl11: '1 hut Alt tht Oamntd, · "R'd Snow •"' SINrt , ... 12 f wEDNESDAY I: AUGUST I rOf morn1n1 i nd '""-hsl1nc,, ptem see OAYTIMC PRDCllAlllS 8elow, IOI JO!lr con"nttntt . .,, tht day's lllD¥1ti.. OAYlllllC MOVIES 12 00 O ew "811 Hinao•tr" 1!1~1 ',() (h1.f,plh ld1~" V41 llJl•11\1,11 I .iy It htt11 m • "All111 1n l11nHfad" fll1d1 'ii k1I• ll•;.,·11111 1,l•nr• h1tcJ Ah11;4r1t1t•f '11t1lfffjy I 00 ED "" "Blue Murder 11 St T11n11n'\'' ILr11111 '•IC l1·11r ""'"'I'· Al4\J.t11 '"" l 00 10 "'owdtr h e'' rd1•1 /fl ~11/J l•yiltJ llrnn1 l.11lr Mo'hMI A11...,1.t I •11w11l11 I """" l'JO U "Nobodr'' Perteet" 1111m1 foll f11111v Mr l.lu1• N•n• ~ ~"'" ld111,.., W1!111111111· EVENING 6 :00 0 10 11 n Newt 3 Ille Odd Coliple u a e 2t lltw\ U ~una Fu Ci) Ctltb11ty Chm dts m Pro Bueb1ll f,1111l1nu"I 111011• WM 111. I 0\ Anv•lr\ 11~<1v•• \ Al ., .. r lflllnn4l1 k·~~ m Sllttlt ol Sin f11nc1KO 2• lht 011111ull WOllltn 1n Art ID Dnr b r, lt Maude so Ai lhn 8eh1m -6:30- 3 )t """ e Cross.Wm D C,n4NI C1111er1 110 lllel'f Crltlln Sllow SD Ok• Cnttt Show 121 Tiie lot11's Wlkl CD Ml Stcrel11ll 110 ''olt<I UntfflM 7:00 • <JJ II 8 rai N"" • Tflt Nftlywtd Gemt D (IJ Tiit Jol11'1 Wiid ru Miry TJltr Moore .., S.llfttd ' Son [241 .Wine H Count fll) 21 Tonlp t '2ll (lllllltlltJ 0111 a> Alnor U. 11111 l arde rso llltrodutilll 1111osy -7:30- • WttW Wtr 11: Cl Oi1ry <1J 111 S..rdl Of ... II Cf.DJ Q IJ f lfllily f tvd •"" o.•1 ~ ....... s...," IJJ Ullla!Md WtfW D Tk TIC Dlllcll (j l) .. ,.....,, Slltw ........ 12 Q4 ,.. ""11: '"''111 of Otlirt tD llleclltlt/ltllrtr 11.,i ·o•,._ (ff llltk " Oil , .... I 8:00 8 lll Jlllt frittlft CR) Whtn Mill 1nd SuHn illtnd 1convention 1nd a so• owntr t1ku a shine 10 Su"" Mill m1s11htnly mumes lht enht preneur ho du11ns on add1n1 lhe ''fountain ot Youth" lo his tht1n II 12111111 llat ....,.. (R) lhe tutum 1n(ludt lht US Navy's ftrsl jjli.t , 1111~"1'911 #llll 11111 ~ Ji,. II• Ii''' A 'fl ,, Al ,,hj "4f"wftlt4 HMM 11111 . rnh •"mhtm, 1w.it'1•t 1 •' t1t·1lr1 1t1f fJ lf1i 11 1 Art 101tll If •I ft,.,,' "' • hi ,ff,., • ,,,,i, f! ,. ... , '11hJ1t·f .,fl•J --··-·,I ,., ,,, II I It • ···r '''""' O SPlCIAl R1M ' 1111 of lht lhud RtlCh 'h• I A ,, UlllH '•' f ,, ~II 'J II ,,,, "" ,J Pj 11 •1· ',, • A1 II 11,,h r ltol lllf f IAll1 Jfl lull.. 11 U I 11 t~ • 41'!11 '", ,., , t " .-. ~ • t t t.11,. .,, i .,,l'lltl• a 3 10 tt l11h1 h C110111h k Alol11 111111 '"I .. '•' I I q hlll 1.,., \1,11 l11111111r "''"·''"",.'' -4110·11 ,., 1t•l11tn lr1 11·,1• t1P•) '''" II J"'' • 111 1h ,, htt•1•tttf11•ll t •' 11··· !I" lt1u1u1; I.I' 1' ~10011 '1•11f1I• m. O Movrt . (1hr) "Cotton Como to H•1iem" 111>1tt 1 111 k.,.mot••1 ,t I•• •11w· t,u~h•v I ;1111>111lv1 k»ICI I 1 • , "'' bl1ti ~ ,,..,,., 111;"1•' ,,, 111 1,, ,ii 1n,• 1wll'' 111 l1n'111t~ ., tMlt· 1 I 1 •1!11111 t1;11t4111111~, ~X/ CllllJ m C.rol Burnell ' r 11end' m Mcme • (1hr) "fht l1&hhn1 St.bets" 1,111. l·l l11h11 l'IJi"" '.t1\dll u,...,,. .. 11J II• t t ''• 11 I' tt 11 ,._,11 •• ,,, t 1 ... 1.y th• t""""'f .1 11. •uu~I· \fA(il'f' itOfl lhl"'' 11( 1•1.111 jf ,, llu f\o 1tu hr" 111 J,,,,,..ru 1 ltro 24 lht Sh,knourt Pl,,) ID lht A&t of Unurt11nty 1111 ~rlfl11Jfil1· Alt,,• .d tf11 f011t,1,n1· ,,t nf'lu\tci11I w •f'f t ~ .. ~n ,,, If' 111h_.,, m .. 111 vol1· ~o Ille Su11t1 l tllt1 -8:30-0 8 Good T1mu l,11111 h111i11i. Y,1n•~ 11n lhr I Vdn\ •nd • 1r.I•' fl•f h4pp1•\I 041 1Jf f lu11c1A \ '''' ED u Munt CI llot1 9 :00 U t t2 S'£CI Al l'tople's Command 1'11tormanu (ill 11M Alan KinK 1s ho)t 10 ouhl1nd1n1 pPrlo1mp11 hom dil lacels of \how busmeu Cot$IS 1ncluOe <;111011 0 Conno1 C1r1 Ball'"''"' Su1an Anion Chubby Cht(ktr Roy Cl11k My1011 Cohtn Ga1y tolton) Billy Crysl•I Bonnir I unkhn M111ly11 Horne La1noe Kuan le11y ''"1' B1rbar1 Mandrell Annt Mu11ay V1n"nl P11ce Rod Sitw11l loi n H1vm •nd iht 0<1t1n~1 Btold"'Y tnl ol Ain I M1)bd11vm 8 n ll S,£CIAL The funnr Sid• ol I.Ott 1 lh1 J A blO<k 01 lour h11f 110u1 comed1n Bu1trrtl1t s \Ul11na John MrM1111n lt nn1lr1 Wa11pn •"d Jim Hulton t O•t 5 l 'lrn 1t1111n1 I1w1tnct Prt\lm10 Cdndy Cla1k 1nd hmm1 Vin P111rn 11\f Ihm W1Vf\ OI Da.1d Wl\tpt,, 11mmg A11 ll1ndlr Cathy I u Cro11>y and $11~11111 l ynn K111m1n 1nd 1 hr Bos~ & lh' Stcttl11y slJ111nc lam" St1nffY ftltn G1ee11e 1n4 M1sly Rowt 8 l1J Ol C2fl CMrllt't Alll'fl (R) "Mmlhon Ancelf Kelly end K11s 101n 1n all ftmtlt m111thon run 1n which one ot the co.ntut1nt1 ' movie struck Al1b 011 htrreu-rs t111eltd lor k1dn1pp1nc ID Min 8ftftlR Dllt Rod S111ctr. Jim Brohn, Don Stroud end Ktlhtttn & Gtorce l11t1 TV WEEK JUl Y ;19 1979 m Word 1, Oui '"""I 1 ·" "'"" c11d ~ "" lrll "h•I 11 h~r ill 11• •11 II '. f Ii •I UI A1101t1f • so Summerlot -9 30-m Ptodo d' Amor 10:00 0 O WNtW) U l 10 V'flS II ~ Ii• 1 I 1 •' !ft f,•, if•• 1f t , .. ,, t\'lft t • ', f •Jit• ft 4 Afl J•IAUI fl,' •1•111 1h·1 ,. l.1 I JJl .. 'tttt11l4f I ' ', .. 111 I• I I UI ........ , •• ,, .. , • ,tf, #l1"lt• lflt •f• 1 f 1llH)lj 10 -• t' ,. '"' ... , 111 fl• I l"l;ftiOh t a> ll1111t C1lltrt ~ J•mH ltol>e1o11 -10:30-m m Newn 1• Ct11n Up W11h A•artnt\\ 11 :00 o J a e 12 19 11ews U 10 n lt New' 0 Make Mt uu1h D Mo.re "Noon Sunday" 1w·.p1 I I Mo1 I I r1111011I I 11111.1 Av•t 1 m lledllmt Sloues 0> hnnJ Hill Show 1~ furn•boul ID Orck ~vttt Show ID llolando Baual -11 :30- 0 12 Mow1u S•1lch/lloja• O 2l lt Jo/Inn, C1rson 0 010 Y•n Dy•e U l 10 2t Police Woman 8 S1J1 I 1tk m Spubc•d' a> Ctt Sm1rt 2• l1hu. Yoe• ' You ID ~ptrontd ABC Newt 12:00 u ''""&hi lont f1l) 2' I0111&ht m 111ov,.,,.,., -12:30- • Movtt .. "Hltl11" (dr~) 67 R1thMd Bd\thitl John BanM1 D ' 10, 29, 8'1tH1 t Movie: "lsuPt ot the 811dmtn" Odv) 11 Dou a McCl u1t Chuck Connor\ Richard Basrha1t (I) Movie: "' "OtPorted" (drAJ SI Marta lo1tn Jell Chandtt1 1:00 Q U H TOlllOllOW Cl llln11ick m Movie: "' "lll1n of Conquest" fd•a) 19 R1cna1d 011 2 :00 8 MOWM: "Unttlllff" (Jdv) SS I y1onr Po"'' Suu n Haywa•d Cl lllHit: "Tht lllontf" ( d11) /6 I ~w1tnct l uck1nblll Si m I tvrnr a> lilt SIMrt -2:30- ............... , ... (dll) 63 114dtfl•dt Hett Michtll, Mo1un 3=00 CD Mowlt: • "Tiit 11 .. "1lo Littd TlllCe" (my') 36 Ralph Btll1my 4 :00 Cl Mltit "IMltlf It Fort Slltrit" (ldv) 65 9roderd. Crawford -4:30- • Mtvle: IN "Ctr ff" (my5) ·3~· f1ed M1c"'u11ay ID Metlt: 11111 "llllur~11 Wltll1ul filn" (myal '5J-Cr111 Sttven1 THURSDAY AUGUST l f01 mo111tnc and afternoon lostonas. please set OAYTIMC PllOCllAMS. lttooa, 101 ,ou1 t0nte111enct, 1rt lht day's mowin. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 0 "Moonflfft" IA!l~I .,., \1,.,,,1 G1.i11Rr1 m "Cvn Fur,.· 1 ,.,.,, '•I 11,. ~ flurhon I 1 .. M;1~111 1.00 fD .. "Pure Htll ol SI T11n1an's" 11111111 hi Jc1y1• (;1N1ltll l,t I 11 l'At~I! 3:00 tO "Shado• on lht l..tnd" (Otd) l,k 11111111• !,1o111m 1:30 U "War. War Oul" 11111111 (1h )'try l .,m IJu ~ 'lh~"" EVENING 6:00 O •to 12 n flews 3 Tht Odd Covplt 0 u • •2t llht D Kunc ru O Ctltbnly Chmdts m Chico & the Ahn 0> Strttls ot San f11nmco 14 Hu1111n11fts Throu1h tht A1ts fD <mr u1y lt Maude so As Man ltfmts -6:30- 3 JI llht a Crcm-Wrts 0 CllldMI Clfllt1 a 10 Mt,., C11thn Show m Cllost & M11 Muu fD Dia C-tt Slloe 29 flit loltr's Wrld O> £1 Chaw 50 P1ott<I Un1wt1M 7:00 U IJ ) U .U News 1!1 The lltwtJ"4 C1111t D I t 1 The Johr's Wiid m 1 Lowe Luer 12 ~lt1 Moore m 'Soii 24 Maline tt Count fD 21 TOllltht •,H, Emtrp11<J One 0> Al'/IOt L1t10 MH T ardt so lntrod11<illc 11o1ocJ -7:30-0 $25,000 ,.,.,.Id I i I Wrl4 Wll'i4 of Antlllah ll TM~C- 8 TM °"1111 CialllO •Tlle'"cS. 1t 1 JUI ltavtr S-. • rrc Tic 0..p uJl a~ llbto ea.. •TMlfNJlll«ll u r..., ,., .. .... 11 124 ........ I) Mldleilll44Mtr .. "'1 l>t ..... ...... llecl 8:00 9 Ct 1111 TM "'""" (RI Jim Rob wanls 10 become • m11111111 111,, •close ~II w1lh an "'1dtnt piomph him 10 1t ewaluttt his lift e (U ot PrttKt uro (RJ lh• Island ''" denf" A br1ll1tnt doc101 (ll!lllt Olson), wor~1nc on a South Pacific 1sl1nd. Hts • le11e uro . but wh~11 h .. rr1.101f\ ti HU· 1·11111111 llAl1vu·, 1J1wutr h1•, 1la1m 0 SPECIAL Ilise & fall of tht lhcrd Rtlch II h•) I' 11nd I\ clw um~nl •• 1 ''" 1111 lilt 111M111t1111!•1 h11111 ~11111 Iv hi\ fl',~ ffl 1tllW11f U J 10 29 Mor-& Mindy 1k1 Mti•• ~•d111t111ri M111d1 "••• llW•I l1111n h1plt ., 111•11 •l•r •I h•• .1>1t1h ''"Mot\ 01 _. Jwtl t.f '' •• Ht'f'i tlllJ U' c Pft(j• ,,, n. ....... ., M111d, ~1r1·n r1"I "'"' 1•41<1U\¥ O lllowoe • (2111) "lht Buslt1 Kulon Story" ''"'"' '• """•Id fl r.onnnr RtmMd It• 111111y Anc1 kl!'lt• I'd•• I ••fl• m C~rot Burntll I flltnd' 0) Mcw1t ,. (2hr) "Tllt Fty1n1 T11ers" l•dv1 41 l11h11 Vldf11• l'.rnl ~t·ltv A1111• I • • An An••llf .111 '" !ht· t 11111•\I• N.,l.,ll••I A11 I 1111 ~ 11Jtr11f\ llwrn~ k11~n "' lllll\l.t11t u•ol ED 14 The lhtional Ceoeraph1c Speml !1<1 111 .. 111·11~ I •u•d•l11J11 111111 II•·•"' flfo•t ,111d h1•. 1•11111411 1rw ,,.,1111•11 1r1•!1 h•MI fh1• 11~11\ 1•••1 111ul~\ l1r lh•lo., ... ""'" 111!111.,1·~ 111 ~111111'11•" "•''"'" '··~ 111011;.11111 1htt .. ttKt1 0) Vmana so Here's lo Your Huflh -8:30-u J to 29 lnerne & Shuley I k) flol f Ill' \ll11w l •••lllr <nil .1111l•y • 1111111111;• dr""" 1111 • h.1110 -.1111 1110 "'"" lh<r•l'u 111 "111) lh~11 lr11 mhh1p •IV Ill \/look• m lht Odd Couple m u Cl11btn1 de AmbrOSIQ SO T urn1bovt 9 :00 0 a ,, H1•111 f1wt 0 IH1 \I••' ,,lull•ullv R"" •"" Au ., 1 •111 •hrim hr kuo•\ •nd •d"'"'" •nd •UW•< I' of IJ,.nR lh• 1 ulp11I m • .111111• ul mwdr" ot ll11n11lul11 111mp\ 0 13 Qu1ncr tff) Altr1m•lh 111 th, "•k•• uf u11• of lh r n,111111 \ .. O•\t "" d1\a1lri\ 0111nrv \U\prch •fl trl~rnfOU'. lfllfll !JI '><ll>!ltARC ITl•Y h••' I AU\Cd lht l«l\h John I Atfh Cue\!\ D Sl'£CIAL After lltt Holocaust: Tht Hunt for 01. Mtn1tle ( I ht I A RllPPtnR dorumrnlAtV lornsrng on lh~ ''~•~h 101 N•11 war c1111111MI IO\tl M~nP.m who tondu~ttrl g111r '>111111• ••Pt111T1Pnll ,,, Au\ch .. 111 ~nd 1\ ''IPOn11btr lnr th, i~' (hd111brr dMh\ ol 100 000 Jtw) U t 3 1101 IH l arntJ Mt11t1 till Oplln l!ouH Rarntr •nO hi\ delHlln'o hold •n o~n houv bul lhr hn\p11•l1tw d1\Apprm A\ quotkly d\ thr lood whtn lhty l•n() lhrm ''''" ptay1nc hO\I lo• hun£1y hoult ol NPw YOik P•nhandt''' m Mtr-t G11tf111 Show Dom Oel UIS' Ann M11tPr P'.tthn t. H,,b I ts.I I von •nd • \PQll\ fa\h.c1n U.<1 .. .,, IMurtd lon•Jht 24 ... Ito.I SJ ... lof1 (?hr) fhcs \Ptttoll f;ko '" 1n\ld~ look .i lhf d1r In day hvn o1 yOlln& t11m1n1ls 111 ' Htw Yoik C.ly hrlh school Ind ift upit1lt H~ 'fork m111mum stCu11ly p11wn m11oc11nr.,.11a1 1H Alt .......... ,., M JMtl Mk"°""' W.1<11 -9:l0- • U Hit (If) Carter C..11tr1 !RI 'Ror Mtket tht Gr1de" ltddy rs lu11ous whtn Roy '' thoStA "Most 01Sl1n1u1•hed Afum~uf' by Clinton H1ch $(/lool, then •fated •~en lht (h1e l •dm111 ht didn't 1r1du1t1 bmuw ht ... uucht chu11n1 ' m Peudo dt 4mo1 39 I ook Allwe 10:00 0 e 11 B1tnaby Jonu ti b•·tl1 tu1h .. t ,,_.,, t111f' I 11.,t 1111 ,,.,,.. ~0010 ,,, ~,,, ••• t. ;•ft 1 t •• , ,,, hdttt'• ,.,,.ru 1t11t uu;.d,,.,, I', "11111 r1f 11 •• Ad•n> "1. J I flnldl•h t .1fJ• I hl.Hft t 0 23 l9 Man Undeicowtr 111 k ''"' llj llOI ltoll 1111 t t f 11 fl .lo•f I•• • ~· ,, lu I ~ P11ll I/ • .;,I I( I 11.lft.,,I• ' .... ,,,. l'-4H. f "'''' 01,.rh l lhw1n 11111 ~u t1 1 ,11,nd H 1.u.~ht• At11 ~o f,,.y.t1· t 1 .u t • 1 f •nu .I t11 UIJt-hM '111, ,, •lht j Litt uµ f1>1 , \t11 ... lt1ul UD€9Nttn u J 10 29 201,0 m ll11hl ~lltry ~o lltwsche<k -10:30-m m 11e111 so lh sterp1ece fhtalre Pold11k 11:00 0 3 u 8 to 29 llt•l 0 12 ·23 3t lltWl O Mah Mt Lauah 0 Mowit. "U.M C" ltfl·11 11'1 ll1lh,11d lltddlwd l•lfl•'· 11111 m Tht Odd Couple 0> Benny Hill Show 24 01nc:1n1 0.S<o f,DDd wntt Show m lllowie /lltws -11:30- 0 11 lllowiet M A S Hl"Wrld llowu1" '""l II Wolt•dm ltdd~n kr•n (J NrAI r A•I M•ldtn 0 n 39 .loflnny Cmon U Od Van Dyh U 3 10 .?t Star»y & Hutch a Star Trtl m r11e eon, s11oe meet Smart 24 l.iliH. Yoea I Yov m wpt-4 Ale """ 12:00 0 Twil11ht z-m Alfrtd Hrtd1coc• Prnenh fll) l'ros & Cons -12:30- D Movie: "ll•Nlts'' (cnmJ 40 0~11d N'1v~n OltY1a de HAvollattd U 3 I 1101 (2fl 8'rttll : 81 Movlt: "Snaps" ldra1 /~ And~ Crill1lh m Mo.it: lllt "Ott, MOllsltr, Ole" huh) 65 Ro11s Karlolf II) Mowt: "C111Nn lonts" (mu~) '14 Ha11y B'l1lontr p,~11 lhilry f.t) ZI T11111p t 1:00 0 123 ~· r-r• l!JM.tftrd 2:00 0 MIN: "S,,tllffitW ....... (llttS) ~? ~ry Cooj)e1 Phyth\ fh1tf,, e lllotit: • "horr D•J'• a HllWft" (com) JI Mat Wtsf G Motit: ,_. "Tr1111H" (dtl) 63 John Contt l ynn Bart • ....._: • "TMC,...Mltff" (dlt) ~~ f11n• lOttlOY -3:30-• Diel .... .,,.. m ....._: ''Tito lftll GIM" (adw) 54 Robttt S11c•. U11ul1 lh;m •100 e lllwle: (JJt ''Tito ll111cllotll1t ......., .. (hat) '62•JOln H1llJ ..... : .. ...., ......... .. (wts) '64-Sten flrnn TV WI t I( l\llY :!<J 1'179 FRIDAY AUCUSI J 101 mo1n1n1 and afternoon hst1n1s. plu1t m DAYllMC l'llOCRAMS. Below, tor .,our t411nn1tnu, ~re ttle da(i mow1t' DAYTIME MOVICS 17 00 O "Hold• Cnnt" ldq1 ~I, I• .,, ''"'" ' l'I f;11~ M_,tJ1·~,n J• .,,, f'111u /.11n i.111 m "H1n1n11n'' •not" •w1 >I k•• 1,1p, 11 II'""" fi., i I' t· '/, ;· 11n 1 00 10 "lhe Muk of Sheba" ~jht t, I In,,., J1•· '' 11\ Wdllrt I 11J,;1· ,,, I 111 li•••~ru 1 .lO U "f1ntu ht fly1n1 fools" ' '"'' f,/ I 1.,, IJ1111.11u~ Burl 11•· to•ll I 1ohr 1111 I flllJ"1ol'. EVENING I 6 :00 O 10 u 2J lln1 3 The Odd Couple 0 u a 2t lltw\ D Kunc Fu O Celeb11ty Chmdu m Cht<o & the Man m SlrttlS ot San f llft(IS(O 14 8111 aloym' Journal mom bsy ll Malidt \0 A 0.lltrent ApprOMll -6:30- l Jt lltw1 a Ctou Wits 0 tlndMI C1mt11 tO MtlY Ci1tt1n Show m Cllost ' M11 Muir ID Dd Cantt Show 2t Tht Johr'1 W~d O> lttn C11ad1 SO l'rottel Urwwtrst 7:00 0 3 0 U .2l """ U I ht lltwlJwtd C1111t D e The Jobr'1 Wiid CD S,..rtau4t '2 Marr ,,,., Mooie m Sl!ltold ' Son '24 WtslNn(lon Wet-lft llnltW m 21 r 01111hl 2tl E111ttlt11<y Ont 0) Anlot Llteo Mu hrdo •50 llllrod"''"I lioletY -7:30-• "''t $"' ltJ'lld 13H t 1 TM M..,ot Show .. -., .. " • Tito O.ti'L~ • (IQ) OJ • .,IS D fK TIC Dwp I 2 IM llewfllrt Sllow ·~11 IJ4 w .. "'"' ~ fD llllCWIL*" ..,_, ,. ..... .. ....,, 0.......: .. ' .. 8:00 a m 111 ... : (Mil) "Cllel· ltllet II .. froo" (KY) 15-Mih M11111k1. l1mm, K•ne. Vic Ch11s1y Alttr tcerdtntally k1lhn1 1 r1n1t1, • lone wolf lllpj)tl fltu KIOU lht "'''" ••ldttntn pursued br • team of eaptrl lrKkt" and 11htmt11. •till !ft) .,.... ....... ,., "Wtllis' 81rthdtJ" Wtltrs throws tltt Drummo11d llov1tllold •nlo • itatt ol lllock •n ht 11111CM111Ut Ult Ollt tnd only prtttnl flt wellti tor tilt 'Wllltl FRIDAY (Continuedl Uj)I 11111111~ !.Alu1d•y llt~hl llltllt1l•1 1 I U•''' Ill Ill\ •!Id 111·1~hLflll1•111'1 U Movie: (2h1) "ln<tdtftt 1n Sin fr111usco" 1111011 /IJ k11 h•tlll ~ 111 I C.h11~ v1n11•tly !l••ll I tl'I., I ""I" N1tl~n A 1 ru'.drt11w 1•111111 "' "" '1dp111m4r1 t11,. "' "'''"'. lh• lflh•• l Pfllt of 411 •I' UW~ lllUl~•tf't 8 J tO 19 Ope111ton retti<.Olt OIJ Y11u (hot M• IJ11• lho "'"' 1J lltl' ,., I 1y11 1••1 "'"' m•'.tuh111l1 " lh•••l•tt••I "'"'" lh•t 11 l11trt lhry mu~I ~1;• moult• '" mouth 1ou\t 11~111,11 '" ,, •11u111l•·rl l'O•ntt ~tl~I, Ci) Motte: (2hr I "Juliui taru r" fdr~J f,'J I ltd•lh1n lt•·.11111 1•11111 G1Hgud l•·.1111 lfoli.id II•• h.wl (.h~OllJ•!l61U '.hAh'.P•MI' • llt',lllt" C!Wlt• llH u·.my •111 p11hl11 .11 1111rwu1· wt1up1tu11 ~cnl111t11n "";1 '''"""" Mtd w11wu4l11111dl r 111111111y Ci) Mowtt: Ill (2ht) "A udy I lkU 1 Ch1nce" 111o1111 41 Jiitrn w.1111• l•an A111tu1, l'hol •,,,.,,,., A 1 oly ~rol ~edrthmg hot • hu~lJ•nd 111 Ill• l,11 t/IA~I ltnd\ All llflWililltY, ;1111111 24 Cllltl!U Sl!Ow"st fD ·~o Wuhin1lon Wet~ 0) V1v11n1 -8:30-D ~3 3t Htllo, urrr , .,, , , Bad R•r i 1111 When I •"Y 1111111•'. h1· lk!1 ~ ht\ O•uvhlYO•, ~·~u• '""' """ Mii \l•t hltllll' •Od UIAy llUI \• "'"'' h1~fld\ 1111., 1)1/4H• 1•m•d1•'. 8 3 10 29 Welcome l1ek, l olltt 1k1 11.1b••11111 " fl4hy \11m11t lu•d ul 1 l••n111~ Iii•\ ,,, • hO',jllldl ltl~>lfy 141• I 11111111.ntf Nlt~tt h• dlld 1111 ""•Alhll/\ h•lltlll" \lr•nd•d 1n ~" ''"••''" "''"' • t•i 1 po•gnAnl .. om~n fD so W•ll Slieet Wtt~ 0) Cd1111do II 9:00 0 '' lt The 110< .. ttd r11tt IHI fl•lmn or lh• HI.tr• 51t4dllW Wl1,,, 11111 •"" G.11 <.0t1fl" ""·I•• •1t 11111 • hl•fld I d•\bdfffd ~llWllfy O"ll•d 1011n (,u11p•1 dli' &lldt ~~11 hy ~ mo101tytle gan~ f,(HJ~•1 111hl1•·tl•\ th' K311~ v O•hY, 1.v•n~, 8 t31 •101 2t Movtt. t2ht) "1111111 Cun" 1111\PI /~ \uw1 SA1nl lame\ Mu h~rl P•1•·· W1ll1Am Conr»d la1111t ~moth ler • \nn I llrn G•~1 lollo1111n~ th• dP~lh 111 '''' ne111ly born b3by. ~ youn~ 111olt1•1 1\ I01m•nlr.d by d,,8111\ ~uRR'\lon~ th, Chrld 1\ ihvr and rn dAnl'1 GI .. ,, ""'"' $lloW 01t~ 11h.O•ll Chock Mall'tfl>nt I on1 A11d~1wn Jorn ~tilll01d 1nd Or Roter (,uuld 1unl fD Mtltt1p1t<t n1 .. trt : I, Cl1111M11' •H llalilMI Geter• ~i.I -9:30- • I I 12 ""'1e: (90ift) "[""'' ""1 I Ifft" tadv) J'I 8el1 loftty Otbbtt Allen lll1t1h• ~m1lh Cl•ud• Alun~ Oav1d Bitnnf r I r1n\1, Y1llr Do11ald Motl11 Nina I oo "'' 1dventu1n 111 N11k laOr lo1mrr I~~ l'•l"' t,nn1s bulll i•C' u1 dt••'' \Olll & d•no man ind Vtt'ln1n1 httO llOW 1111111(" • h•~ Clll n1&hl ttub Kl Cloltbhn1 A\ ' p11vat~ ''' •"'* .. ...., 10&00 G Olt tit t• C.,,1 Mrtfttltt Ck) "1 WO M1lh011 Oolltf Stowaway" llollby \lfn cuesll •s 1n t1et0td 'on man w1lll t lo1tunt 111 d1amondt wllO 1& slltn on lh• c1u1se &hip on wlll(h II& ~l!Mtd 111111 tlttr ouh11U1n& IM i.1t end ll1t1n1 the cou11toa111 w!lm ht WIS MlllJ t11ed ,...,. o o m "'111 W Nrfhl Gilltry 14 lhe Advoult\ tD Hollywood Teltvi\1011 lhUlrt Slumblth rfl1 A '"''"" • ,,., ... ,1, 11,.11 •11/ 111 h·1·lo1• 11••,d 1h1• ,•1•f tr '' .I• .tm1J.tlt1 A w,ufui, r•111ti 1 ... ,,_,,.,.o Ito #f1Hlll "101111 .. r1• '' 11 ~lo• 1 • .t ft11• •f;, ti-'"' l1.tU1 .fu,.wt ... r1t u•rn., (,. '' k1U H .r,r 1 • ,.,.,,., ~,11·11t1 .. t1 tlh1lt tf .. 1t, l1hh1,.t1 w•I v,J .. ttt f•.,umr I '' ~o B.MI lloy\ -10:30-m 0) Ne111 11:00 0 3 0 10 l'i lltw\ D e 11 13 lt II~\ O Mike Mt l.iuch 0 Movie IW "lh11letn Rue lll1del11ne" lmr 1 4/ 11,, lwd I 01111• I•""'' I •I''"'' m The Odd !Auple CE lltnny Hill Show 1• loolher Vom m Mo.tt\/lltwl -11 :30- 0 12 Movot\ Hl•IH 11-t 0/"IW Coop''"''''' 1, 11111 k•1lt•1I "" (,1·c4l.-lu1• f,,.,,, l t1111l1w '""·'" D 13 39 Johnny Cmon U 0.ck V•n Oy•e Show 0 3 10 '9 PGA Ch1111p1011 sllrp Golt ll1vl1l1~f1I "' "" '"' 1 f "" 111111111 •• ,1 v'•1 """' "" (Jiii •mi it.ii I •11111lrv l.lufi H11no111rl1.1m M, 11 e SI.tr lttk m T ht f.olt1 Show Ci) Get Smu t 7• lthU. lot• ' You W C.p1toned AIC lltw\ 12:00 U fwthlhl lOM 0 ) 10 '9 S,lCIU t 1h '°'"" Jim 11 t lh• 1 1t1vlll1r111-. "' '"' r ""''II h•I~ l.i•.t y•dl ., llnl•tlll M111m •V' rrl,.•r lr•l111111r 1i11f1 w .. t1 l1 .. 11h 'il•~to· N11 k• .11111 Mor ~ I h·~lworJll II•••• M•\1111 \,111t.;11d '''"''Kn•·• A1111w•.m11h llt.11 l1·a Nt1P,•·nl M.tlH1v,411r ""''' & ~"'"' "" m Mebo1 ED 0.ck Civet! Sllo'll so Wt'1t Not lad lfoY" -12:30-u Mo.11 "Tiit tou.Os" 1.111• 1 t.O ( dmund f'u11111m e Movrt: "Su111l1nd hp1tn" 11111111 /~ 1~11n,. 11 ... 0 GI Mowtt· "' "Tiit s .. 1c11" "''"' 4~ Mnnlporn.,1 (.ltll Cl>_,. "ruf'J ot Ill• Wollm1n" 1111111 It 1'•111 N•ft ltf 1:00 D n st fht Mtdn11111 s,t<ul GllM rtO 2:00 U....,.. "TIM '"'"' r-•" ld1a1 fl~ Moe:harl wrnr \ur t loyd • 1tMit '-S.wtn llltlMll" (d11J f>6 Alinr ll111tt0ll l dd1' Albl>ol G Mtwlt'-l.1ndr Snmh,•\ N11hl Ct1flf1 hom Ou!'t ~p1et -2:30- • Me.lta: Co1pt1vf C11v Ghosl Ship • MIMt: Slau&hftt ul tM V•nt 1)11~\ Pt1M>nt1\ ol thr Ca,b1h ., Get S-rt 3200 ., -..: 1• "llaltllet" (hOrJ ~bet Sattm SATURDAY AUCUSI 4 MOANING 6 :00 D lh.11'1 Cal II Summtt Stntt\lll 0 Community r tedbll~ m Umvt rSllJ ot lht Au ~o Al Ill.in Bfhavo -6·30- 0 Summt1 ~mote• D Bir Crly Rolle11 0 0111nel 8 N Cln 11oom O Dawe• ' Cof11lh 10 Shorth1nd m S,uk Dul Ci) lnlmtty h tlory tD taplroned ABC "''" 1t 011echon1 1n Community C4re 7:00 0 Du11y'1 lttehou)t 0 n 39 Alvin & lhe Ch1pntwnk1 0 81& Bl11t l1h1blt 0 3 10 29 Scoobr Ooo. Whtre flt Too' O Hot f udcr Shoto m Vectlabtf Soup Q) Wom1n Rut lo tlul tD Yot1 tor Hulth -7:30- 0 M~1lo'1 111111< 1110-tt MKhtnt D H '9 r1nlol1< lour O ''lntllt11 0 3 10 H h 111tact O Tiit lont tl1n1er m llttt fOttU m Romper llOOlll m ,roi " eon, 8:00 U 11 12 r004lre D l3 lt Coc111111 Supec 90 o Mertie: "Son ot (I t1d" IA•l•1 1,•, M,ui u.1111111 Au t•111•ll• I 11~"11 0 3 101 2t Suptrlr1tnd1 Iii Roller Super Stan 0) M0¥1t: "' ''Batlle Htll" llh•J /~Ii lli1.l1~1&1 11111<1 W11i1drt• ltA1ln•ll m eon11o111111 1rt11111011 0) fnM1hl/llfowlt &O lflt Grow1n1 Tun -8:30- Cil SOl#llltrn C1hlorn11 9:00 O e 12 fht k&s lunny/llOld llllnntr Show 0 fllt1tts.d1rs Cl) lltllop W 111 llM M"blt -9:30- D n >t Datt, !Ml 8 MeiM: • "Dni11 ill IN o-1" !d11) fJO ilarmond Burr •I) 1110 Jt ~·s All SI.In D flllN: • '111rtt lrttft frMt Tt1n" (•~~) 40 ~~ham Boyd ....,w .. r...~ fJi)Tollll~_. 10:00 .. (2)1 ,,. rrt4 & .., ... , 8) -..: "Ctft If Qwtflwt" (Wt\) !>1 M~onatd C.10. Al .. I\ Smith ..... ff .. G)WllttrMtrtMI 1ff1f1t1WltlllWtlHlt -10:30- • ff ) 1111 Ttt1111~ 1 I I Wl I I' 1111 Y ;>11 1''11'1 D 23 l t lht lehoni 0 3 10 2i 8111001 ' Wtldbor m "nlmlle Mu\I( ID Mlll•t ' lht Bfaultful Jll4ch11" 11:00 D 1l lt Pro Bn.eb11l I '''"''"', A;,... ti Mu,, .. 11ft1 l -..111 0 3 10 2t lhf P1nl f'1nthfr O f1t11lltr m ll.1110011 Ceocr.ipht< m '"I of r 1m1hts m Solm.1 Ann1mu1r Spttil l -11 30- 0 Or11ntl 0 J 10 79 Amerru n &nd\11nd Q) "'4!1 !>mHI m lu<lll l1btt AFTERNOON I 12:00 0 8 Spaet A<.1demy O Pro Soccer lh• I .tl1l111ro1.t ·,1111 .11 flu )'411 111\f f tltfhtllM~f11 0 lut Side lltds m Soul r111n 12 Bta Blut M11 bit m h111n 14 lllt 01111n1I\, Women tn A1t tD Movrt • "Our D11lr l rud" !tll•I 14 111111 ~_,n, K•ltll Mr,dft so DtM1n1n1 Home lntenoo -12:30-u e n ht Albert J V1ll1 Altlte D'•' •0 O.sto 10 2t $111 lb Ill 1 :00 0 8 11 At~ II J Stein& 1 O Antm1b An1m1h m lllt "-Ymoont" Q) Mam11 Wtlby 2t Bon1nu m r ulbol lnttlftlt!Oflll -1:30- 0 ' • It S.lurday rilm r ffftwtl 110 W11• WO•~\ .tlld At1h<1111t· J '°"" U C1utnl Spof1s Ltttn1h C!J AllM!I I Cotltllo 10 M1m 12 fD M01t11: • "lht Astontslttd He1rt" ld•AJ W No,f C:owatl1 2:00 f) Klftwol14 D WCl Tt111111 8 lorl111n 8 3 10 129 "A Ch1111p1t11· 1'11p Golf lrv• cov""'' fl~m thr fl•\l•M lttlh (011n11y Club 811m1nt h'n' Mo 1111111 I ltl0tlt: • "Tiit 111 Stnl" <•d•I ~q flol>ttt M11chum Gl ~KMt I J Tilt """"' Cll leM """' Cfl-• n Mtflr. "Aul111111111t t• atll" <mol 69 fl1l11Cl 0 Hui ,. ....... " c.-t U Th• Wet~ Ill a.w so ~ SM!dlt!te -2:30-•0llct ... k Ill Wlllf• ..,...., ,,. Grtltl!tt S,.b l .... 3:00 ew.n D _.,lw!llH, USA 111 f•U, rHm fttt1Y1I Konr.• M1Ghael ~ueh. Marco lohm CJ Ma.It: "h1d1111 ,11111" (~t•) 64 Johnny c11 .. fo1d 11211t1WJ & rrieMs SJW-Tac ID •r CltreHn"' '•lints 1>t1 ~ ~. TtnM -3:30- • 1e1 12, Sports s,.c11cul11 Co-fer1g. ol llou\lon Opt11 t.u .. 1111~ ltom llOu\IOR It••\ UC..,,.Mre ..... : • MTht l.JJI Clftl'ttf" (dr;) ·39 ldwl•d C llob111wn CZ4 Wnlliflr*I ~ tll llt'lttw m 'urlllbevt 4:00 I ) > GnllHl Sports \..tttndl 8 Cift1t Tt11M-Cift1t '"" lfO) AllM lil1irr1r Conttrt II) MoN: ''flit Slultterlld llOOl!I" (Mp) 'b/ C1f You11. C410l 1 ynley (2i1 Ma.it: llW, "l1a1MI01111" (1111") '6!1 lellrey lfunte1 llaM And1'wl 124 Wiii Strttt WM• fl:) lotdtr T 11flic !2tJ """'"'• Is ber11h1111 ID , ....... i\U Ot,cNllO (JI Mttlt: "llK• Wicllw" lmy'.) !>4 Ginger Ro1e1~ Vin lltlt111 (JO lflhoMiftt liol9lf -4:30- 1 ~ i Grt1t Tt1111s-G111I '"" 8 Tiit bctrs Ill (24 llltipt 5 :00 .,..,...,c.,,.., D fr•.._. esc.. ''" • ('I (2t W• Wettd ti s,tfll fJ J Sit Millitft S 111111 • ..._: ~&11111 .. Ille an.11111111" (dial 1? ( rnr11 8o1en1nt llO!lltwt m lll"it: ,., "l~t Soh4 Gold CMlllK" (<om) '>6 ludy lfothd~y !121'4 ..... 1' ll4t Mlllt1flle« TIMalrt: , ... ,. SJ Sllr S.ct1 ID SIW. LltO Loco -5:30-a w.ww .i s.mv11 ....... nOJ Wt w.tt• e1 s,oit, Ital lltlt Si. 1o""4 I •V•NINQ 8:00 8 8 ll1QIHU •twt • Mttlt: ,. (tOlll) "011<1111" (ho!) ll Btla lu&O\I Ow11hl liyt. O•v•d M1nnt1$. Htten Chandltr A wtmp11t lt110111es lht to11nlm1dt (12#Mleltaw • ...... ; (11w) ''IMf T• Lit•'' (com) '6~ C4/lfttt Sltvtn1 M1u1een O'Sutt1w1n. Paul f0td Wht11 ' mtd dlt •ltd couple with • m111ttd dlurhlt• tino lhty art tifl#mnt Pltcnts •rain, 11 W>h oll • nt ol untapecttd rtlChOn• 114! OIU ._ t CIMc ·=1• 7:00 0 TIMI '"ce ll ll1rllt 3 ltCAA H11lll11hh CJ Sl.91 8t1utJ Sllow U [ylWll!lffS LOl A111etn f I $,,. l>ttp JCKlml Ukh I I 0 Doft Colytll Shott CD 12 t2t ,,, r~ Lwrtn<t Wtl• si. n ..,_ TMt r 1111e 24 Ji1lw Clllld I to m n '""'"' so Aus;llll Ctt, IJ111111 -7:30- 0 llflT $tlt<J1I .HI, 1 l ich A 1h1ld1r11' 111.~41111• 11•1JKW" lhdl l•alu1•1 • .,.,,, 111 lh• I w. A11P,•I•~ l.h1ldrPn 1 M""'"'" t Plrl111lr '''"'' .,...., lildllY \Ul~tt\f'\ dfltl I ll1l1flit111d f•nfA .. I•\ IOITI• flU• ' 31 Mien, HnftJ, WMn OfMllllr fellCI a Mow1t: (90m) "Tht Ho1101 of Otkull'' (11011 'ill tt111~tuphP1 I •1• .,,,,, CU'.hlnK M•h\\•I ~111111111~ M1th;el r.ough I Y•ly n1p,lil '"' h/Jf) YPdl', 01AlUI• 11\P\ 1111111111111111111 t11 \f'~k lh• w111111 lllood 111• '"""' h••• U Mattll Camt I • I lffft') ,..,.. '10 ,,0 f~ll ~•11 01•~u (.h••Vrl\ v·. <..n I uni 1\1,0 41t.11 n Tht Muppet Shott 24 Here't lo Your Ht1lth fn To be All-nc:H 8:00 l'J e 12 Ille hd lhw\ ltm (RI 01~0 ltvrr \lr1k•) ku11,1m'k'' ~ ll•~r\ wllPO Ahlll•c! 11 tli;llr11t'tl bv i n11nblt looltd 11v•I lo d•l•nd hr" lr~ulillOll A\ bt\I ddll( ,I 1n IH•ll D ,, Jt CH''' lllJ Ou11anllnt A younv h111 llh1b1 w1lh .I botnb w1tun1b\ tu .1 tdtf 11fnr11 '"" btmv, l1k•n into 1111lody by Ion ~nd l'nMh o111d h•~dQ11A1I"\ t\ 11ut 1n Qud11nl111r U t J J l2t1 811tltst1r G1l1tt1u (RI Int M.r1 W1U1 Nin~ I,.,\ Sla1bu(k n11n1 )dV, ' tt"" wllu hr believr\ to bf h" Ion~ lo\t l1th~1 horn bl1>11dt1111stv Hottlh~n h,11(11 OlM wllO a" oul 10 kill """ CJ Ma.le: (90111) "Younc fury" (wr1) '6~ Rory C1lll11un \'11R11t1~ M~yo. l'1t1lon P1me I on Clldn~y A tt0tl4dt 2UO\l1na,1 llUt\UtO by uulldW\ ,,1111nl lo h1l homr to drr and hnd\ h1\ \()n " I hr lradfl ol A Aalll ol rounK helhull) wllo art ltrru1111n1 lhe fUWll\people CD U,.ui11, DR!lstlln What lh• IOOltnin Saw· I d'tlrdtd lht foolnian 1\ tht 'tnle1 Of .i d1v01tr 'il)t 1nvolvtng 1 tntmb,, of P11h1mtnl m Mfflt: (tOtlt) "ltltft 01 t~• Olett11" (ad•) /4 lattd llllthn Klt1~ $.tylol Robt1t 110 A youne Amt11(1n man 11tt1 h1$ 1111v1t tn Hona llonl d1M:O~tt\ h1~ ye>un1u \l\ltr hu b,,n ktdnapprd tor whiff ~htty' 1114 tftlblt~\ ""'" hi\ btoo4 brother tn a lUlth lo1 htt J4 TI~ G MtttMc et Millft Sim Allrn wtltomn Suun 8 Anthony (laynr Mu~l. (m1h11111 l•P•I• (tuho Mtd1na) Su f11M1S 6'cOll (ltmu 8oolh) Plato (Alu •nde1 ScourbJI ......... Ice "' c..-, a.lea -1:30- • tl J Ali Jiit r,.._ (II) Su,,n finds ht!Mlf not only Ilic victim ol • bfllk «HllPllttl ttlOI lwl lliO lltt llosl•&• 01 a b1nk 1obbtr (John 8yn11) WllO lh1nh hi ' 1ad101tt1ve 9 :00 O t 11 Mowtt /1h1 I "lh1evn llllt Ui" ld,.I 14 r.ilh I •11•11111 ,h•lf~y l>UvAfl f11ht1 ,fllfl i 11,Ml\I "'" ""' ''''" ~»11111 11~11 k•lll'.1'11 Ano I .1th.r11 Al \t!Jll A luR1h" •fill " 1n11n~ h•I kw1"1d\ ,111 IAll 1ll lt1v• 111 Mr••·.,\•IJPI 01JflflV f11f u .. "' .... ,,,1 D n 3t BJ & tht lt11 1~1 u~.111, (,.riu Ill id"•""' 1 .. 111· , ddlllYI 1n dt\ltt\\ un•w•" 'l·r 1•, • :.tirnll\I 1ull1 • ni1\l,,1ou\ "" irl u Moorie· (2"1) "S.11, lllt 11141 f) Otatull" 1h11q 1,1, J1Jhn l.11.d111• IMlllld• f1t1wm•11 l.h1n ~ I 1111111•1 litlly l••t1k1•1 "" l~wl•\\ hit •••I 1111• 1n4ttldl?1 .. 11h • v11t .. 1111•t unclt 1111~tw .. 11 111 boih 1•. ll1•l11ld 1J , 2t lht lo•e Boal 11t 1 Af•·· ul M<111 1l4111nk ~•ul ltu••r dt1d 1'•1111 ~ I •IH1ll••11• I .11111l1t". "'•""'V. M•tl '•I'll• 1111•11 U1 I Ail~ ... 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"Caipetbaqen" 1!11•1 1,4 (,p111v,~ l1•p1wll CJ n n S11u1d1r ll11ht 1111 k11 ~ Ntl1on I', KUf\I 1111\I D Mcwlt: "Tht P11mt ol Miu lean 8tod1t" 1111111) h'I M~~~,. ~1111111 e Moorte. "H1n1 '(m Hrch" lw•\) t.11 1.11111 I ••,lwood lt1Krt 'ilrvrn-. Iii Mow1t· "Horro1 Hos91t1t" lhoi J /11 M11 h4•I 1;1iulh k11b111 A~kw1th 10 Mo"'' ··nwlldw111rr" 11d;J Ill f111tt kt1nnld\ ~u\;n I,.,~ Q) Tht 11.-ies 12:00 tD Motif 1111 "Tht father" 1011) f,/ Andi~\ ll•hlll M1~I• (,,bot 2t Soap f 1<t0tr OtKot•ews -12:30- • Mowit "' ~or.cu"'' Oaup ltr" Im~\) lh (,1111,. ltotd,n Q) llllOflH Ion 111 111• I 11thltntd \'•1>pl• 111• 01 vii ' lldnd 1:00 D >• ht-toftctrl -1:30- D Tht .... llhntn 2:00 Ill Mowltl, Cou111 llmul.1 •nd flOu\t ol 0111 ut• Ill MOYIU: 11·1101 llt11••lh 111' SrA Ill, llt\11 I •f,1\ CD lllofits: 50S l'•c1l11 Son 111 !Jr lrkyll -2:30- D lllbllout/lftwS -3:30- l'J llewtlltltN: "TIM S.1 Clllte" (adv) ~'.> lohn W4ynr l •n• Jurntr I •b llunltr TV WLLK JULY :>!i 11179 WHY WEDNESDAY??? Atlantic Music is closed on Wednesday Frankly, we work very hard during the oth er six days o f the week to find the best values in hi-fi components for you. So on Wednesdays, we sleep. Our philosophy has always been to provide the best sounding equipment for you at prices that are realistic In addition. we sell records and blank tape at the lowest every-day pri ces you can find A fine e,xample of our search for quality at a modest price is the Connoisseur BO 103A semi-a utomatic turntable. The thought that Connoisseur exhibits in th e design of the 103A is se lf-evident: 1} sophisticated UNI PIVOT arm 2) MAGNETIC anti-skating 3) BELT drive with a prec1s1on BRONZE bearing 4) SEPARATE power supply with hum rejection better than 1 OOdb 5) a GREAT cartridge for your new 103A Is the OR T OF ON vms 20e mkll . . only '333 with every purchase from Atlantic. you can be assured that the product you take home has been professionally checked out. thus guaranteeing you years of musical enjoyment. Joe, John°' Randy