HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-27 - Orange Coast Pilot\ 7 IBA Blotes Vp Yaeht \ J £ountY Riders Motorist Shot Take the Bus, In Huntington; But Not to LA Suspect Held MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 27, 1979 VOL. n. NO. 11'. J SECTl~S. 16 PAGES Y~ht Explodes Ten·orists Kill British Hero .. APWl~epMto KILLED IN BLAST Earl Mountbatten Motorist Slwt In Huntington; Suspect Held A 22-year -old Whittier man was arrested in H untington Beach late Saturday after police allege be fired one shot from a higb-powel'ed rifle at a car on Beach Boulevard, the bullet abalterinl the leg of a passing tmtorist. Police identified the victim as SO-year-old John Sullivan of Huntington Beach. He was re- ported in good condition todayiat Huntington lnte rcommunlty Hospital. Police said Sullinn was driv- ing northbound on Beac h I Boulevard when tbe llUI tore ~ tbe door of h1I ataUoa • wap and went throueb bis left lel. Fra1111ents from the bulJet then broke the wiDcbbield of • 91Wvan'a car. ~Ulvan managed to tulde the Mr into the parkinl lot of a fut food restaurant nea r Heil Avenue where be wu helped by utomera followlnl the 9; 10 p.m. lnddent. Pllltce aald a number of wk· r --C8ee 81lOT, Pap A.2) ., .. DUBLIN. Ireland <AP> F.arl Montbatten, war hero and wicle of Britain's Prince Philip was killed today when an ex plosaon ripped apart has yacht off the Irish coast, Police report· ed. Irish terrorists claimed responsibility Poli ce said the 79-year old Mountbatten's grand!-i o n . Nicholac;, 14, and a local boy among the boat ·s rrew. 15-ycar· old Paul Maxwell. also were kall<'d . and four other persons were hospatahzed with inJUries Thc..•v said it was believed there were mne persons on the boat. The cx pl o~ion occurred in Donegal Bay off Mullaghmore . an Iris h R epubli c vill age in County Sligo near Mountbatten's summer residence. The site is just miles from the border with Northern Ireland. where guer- rillas of the Iris h Republican Army's "Provisional" wan~ have been fighting to end British rule Mountbatten , a great grandson of Queen Victoria and cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. had just set out with a group of friends on a fishing trip from the harbor at Mullaghmore when the explosion occurred, police said. They said the cause of the blast could not be determined immediate ly. but they we r e working on the theory that a time bomb had bee n placed aboard. "But everything is very con· fused. A lot of vessels are out there searching ror wreckage, .. <See BLAST• Page A.%) BEDROOM SET WENT IN HURRY "I didn't believe I could sell rny bedroom set with just one phone call. "But alter placing an ad in the Dally Pilot I believe it -the first caller boupt it." Tbat'1 tbe advertisinl aucceu story told by tbe Costa Mesa man who placed thil ad in the Daily PUot: White bdrm set wtaold trtm. Bed w/mattress & boxsprtn1. 2 ches&.s. I corner de:sk. iuuMtxxx If you want to make a tale, try the friendly Dally Pllot claaaifted ad·Yilen at "2·"11. _______________________ ,,,..,. er-for-hire cheme ege -.. Police Bugged in Rio new patrol cars to the Rio de J anc1ro /\ Brazili an ph otographer caught _this op- tical effect during the routme delivery of Sta t<.' Police County Affected By LA Bus .W alko·ut • By DELORES BROOKS IRWIN OI ... O.lly-iitiee-StetT While commuters i n Los Angeles County were left high and dry today as a strike idled the rapid transit system. for all but about 3 000 bus commuters in Orange county. it was travel as usual. But those 3,000 or so com- muters stranded by the strike· bound Los Angeles-based Southern California Rapid Transit Distnrt had to scramble for other ways to get them to md from their destinations . 1"°8e bus riders depend on Kl'D bUles to carry them wholly or ln part on their dally j0umey1, lncludlng about 80 ptdnJm in San Clemente who commute Qll express buses to Loa Anaelea desUnationa. HeaVleat bit by the strike of about 8,700 mecJ\anlC11, drivers. a1d clerks at RTD are Orange CoWlty commuters who use a ~d-rlde facillty in County transll official• .. umated lbat. up to 1..i.400 C'°°' who depend on KTD _ea to wblak them t4' Loa Angeles had to find other means of getting there from Fullerton t.odav. Meanwhile, it was business as usual for the Orange County Transit District <OCTD>, tbe provider of about 91 ,000 bus passenger trips each week day. An OCTD spokesman said only those persons who travel on RTD express buses and who use ocro buses lo connect them with RTO are being le ft stranded by the strike in Los Angeles. And the best estimate of that number was let at about 3,000. 'lbere was commuter chaos in <See STalKE, Pa1e A.2) Swiuair Threat lllUMICH, Weat Germany <AP> -A Swlaaalr JetUner enroute to Zurlcb made an emer•.nc1 return to lllualeh Airport s..d.aJ mornilll att.' a put ..... found a note OD bMrd elelmlDC U.. plane would be bombed. police 18'd. .. Buses Grind To Screeching Halt in LA LOS ANGELES <AP > -A strike left more than 600.000 Southern Californians without their buses today, causing a scramble for other ways to get lo work and jamming some morning rush-hour traffic. 1be Southern California Rapid Transit District was ordered lo resume negotiations today with striking drivers. mechanics and clerks by slate m ediator 1bomu McCarthy. Union mem· hen walked off their jobs at 12:01 a.m. SUnday. Meanwhile, the busy Santa Monica Freeway, which links the weatem end of the city wtth the downtown area, was doaed-"lt waa fairly packed -l think a lot more than usual for a Monday morninC that early. lt wll real alow beading lnto tbe lntercbanae." aald one S•nta llonica commuter. Bat trtlf\c on the Pasadena ml LoDa Beach freeways ap· pell.t normal or U rbter than <See RTD. Pap ~l NB Cops Arrest Woinan Rv JOASSE REYNOLDS • OI ti. Dolly~-Steff :-.;ewport Beat·h polt t•e <1 rc 'l'eking thl' man tht•y allc·~e h1•lped set up a murdC'r for h1rC' 'l'ht'mt• with ;.in undC'rCU\ er of· f1rt'r whm;l' v1tt 1m wa:-. to b<' a mouon p1rtur<' ... ound tt•chn1r1an. Taken into r11:-todv Saturday "as tht• intendt'd v1l·t1m '<; wa fli . 1dl'nt1faed bv '°ll<'wport Rt'ach pol11.·1• as OorolhlC' M unn·y. !'i~. 11f L a kt'\\ ood Shl' "as bookc•d on .... u:-.p1 r 1on of rom.pararv to romm1t murrkr .1ftt>r ,hp alle~c..·dlv paid un ch· r cover 1nvt•!-.t1 ~at or L cc Rotx-rts SI .000 a .... down p<:1 y mcnt on a Sl0.000 murder t·ontract Police ~aid tht' balance was to haw been paid whC'n the VIC· t1m's life insurance policy was paJd Dr t ert1vp Capt. Rlc h a rct llamilton ''<l td today the case · was brouJ.!ht to Newport police F'r1dav bv an informant who !.rud the ·m an still sought by polic<' was mqwrini:: about h1r· mg someone on behalf of Mrs. Muncey. Roberts. actinJ? as the would· <See PLOT. Page A2> Coast Weather Fair through Tue~ay except patchy early morn- ing low clouds and fog near the coast. Sunny days with little temperature change. Highs both days ranging from l ow lo mid-708 along the beaches to mid-80s inland. Lows tonight in mid to upper 60s. INSIDE TODAV TPw off ·rood cbampionahips al Riwrlide attracted 85.000. o1'd 1portstDriter Howard Hondfl give• ,. impre1'1oru. ~Bl. 41 DAILY PILOT s Monctax, Auauat 27, 197' Ballerina Decision Sovieta, U.S. Agree to lnte~iew W~JUNOTON CAP) U S ne10Ua&on ha•• arraa1e4 11 ~ pl.a under whict- lhey will •n\erYlew Sovlt!t balt.nna l,.wl•"'• Vluova ln • mobile alrpon lounie at No, York's Kennedy lnlt•rn ahon 1~I Airport, Sule Dtlplll'tmon' of ncta1a aaMt today 1'be moblle '°""X~ would pro vtdt' the "non co•rrlv.-Bt moepbere" OM United Stal•• Ml 'bMn l~I MtH VIHOU mmt ha¥e to dKlde whelht!r lu l"ebrl'I "1 UK~lrt llnlon or to flta)' In the United S h1leit with ht'r h u2'b1tnd . fellow Hoh1h1>I H11 I It> t d ll n " e r A I ex 11n ch•1 Godunov. s a id d e par tme nt spokesm an Hoddlnl Cuter (;lerk Killed Melee Sparked by Quarrel N F.W YORK ctd '> An Arnh l'ler k wu:-. k1lll·d when a moh o f 50 lo 75 bllu·k-. -.tormt·<I u Brook l\:n candy ston•. th rowing bottle~ ~hattl•n ng win dow~ and fi ring a l(un The incide nt was s pa rke d by ;.a quarre l over a pa ck of c1garett<''" police said One othc•r clerk w a" urre~lt'd after he s hot ~tncl woundC'd a blark n•s1dt•nt whl'n th•· cl1s puH· b rok l' out. Sunday ni ght at Hu· A&S (':u11 ty S tort• 111 Crown Heights . offit·('r s s;ml Police !\aid B<•nnic If ill . 20. w<·nl to thP store t o buy cigarettes and began ar guing with stor e cler k F'iascl Aloma ri. 21. over the price. Jlill allegedly punched Alo m ari. inC'it ing thr ston• C'le rk to g rah a gun and ch<Jsl' th(• man out of' the sto rl' /\s Alomun ran u p the s tn:N following !till. he fired thrN' shots at t he fleeing m an. hitting him in the n<'tk. left s houlder and left arm. policl' s aid IK'tN1.ivcs arrested Alomari. hut shortly aft er 11 pm the angry moh C;J ffi<' to the store' and sh attcrNI v.1ndow~ with rocks and bottle s Gunshots w1·n· fired. a n d Moh1son A lom an. 30. a cousin of F ::m.;.il i\Jom a n . was fatall~· inJttr<'d. polit<.' said MaeDonald Trial Doctor Testifies For Defense Team RALE IGH N (' 1Af'1 /\ form<•r A rmv doct or whc> 1•x mnint>d Lhc bo<llC's of the w1f1· ;ind two d aur.hter-. of llr. Jl'ffn·v Mad'>onalcl ts l<-st1fv1ng for th(· <lf'frn~c· a-. :tllnrrwv-. wrap up tht•1 r ('a.-.t· 1n lhl· tnr1l(• m urder tnal Be rnard S<•iwl. ("hlf'f de fe n!>l' attorney . .;;a id Sundav h<' t•x pN·t ed to rail '<IX Wllnl">'<('S ltld<i ... In d ud.mg Or .Jam1.·~ Nt:til of Fort Worth. Texas M;,i<·Donald. :!~">. a fn r m t-r Crl't·n Ht· rl't (rom II un ttn~lon 11 a rho u r 1..., 1· ha r g .. d w 1 t h murdl'r in th1· 1!170 ... t.1hh1ng and b •attni;? dt·alhs of h 1:.. prcgn<Jnl wire· Colt·ltc·. 26. and 1fa11g hll·r-. K1m bt·rlv ri. :1nr1 Kn">ll·n. <!. while he wa!> slatwnc•d al f"ort Rra~g Nt·al t <·s t1fll'r1 during /\rmv hcanngs in 1970 th:Jl when he t•x PLOT ... be killer . me t w1lh the woman who alle~edly tolrl him she want ed her husband m urde rC'd The inlc ndt•rl v1ct1m 1:.. work 1n~ on a movie location 1n Santa Ana and was st<sy ing at a hotl•I tn tha t Cit V Ro be r ts and 1n vei.ll ~ators lrom lhe S anta Ana police went to the ho t el ear ly Saturday morning and told the man <Jbout the alleged m urder plot Hamilton said lhc v ictim spent the rest of the weekend in the protective custody o f Ne wport Beach offi cers Roberts was given the m a n's watch. rin~ and wall et which he took to a Saturday noon m eet ing with Mrs. Muncey a llegedly to prove tha t he 'd fu lfille d thl' murder contract Mrs. Muncey was take n into c us t od y a ft e r s h e h a nde d Roberts the c ash S h e w a s booked into Orange Co unty Jail where she re mained in c us tody today O~ANOECOAST ~ DAILY PILOT ,....,o..,....c~ O,..t., P1tet ••tf\w~w "'''""""' ................... ""~\.••.--1\IWdlt• ,,_Ot#'liQll" (••\t Pvtaitt\Nf'lifl(~y \t .. ••l•flOtl"""°'•'• ~,, ... ~. '""'~ ,, ... , • .,. (e-.•• Ml>W, N....,_, ....... "'-"•""""°" &f~fit,/·9Wft &A1f"Y•I ... ""'"" l~&.~"1\ovtft(M\t Ii. ~ '•~ ....... lt 9'11t!it•\Nct S.l.,.,...Y'MWI ~.-.' n. P'W'C..,.. "'*•'101'f •t-"4 '' .. UO .... "·~~\I.-.... f'••• ... u . (~ .......... ,.,. ·-·-...,·-~·--·-'""" , ...... Yt(t ..., .. i.eM-0--tl""'- T-.. IC-l•HM 'r::::,,~~Ml7:M (;Mf"t.•.. 1.-llld • ... tl, """ A\'\•\tlM ,_.IWit,,...b ... , Offic.t <.ooo<• Moy J • .,,., ... MrMI 1.-.. t( .. ,.,, ... , .... " ...... .. ............ -.. INU~ ....... H. • T1l1phe111 (n4t....att ca...-..M....._-...n • arrunl'd thl' bod 1<·-. at thl' M ;If' Donalrt ho use ht• movc•d M r~ MacDonald s bod y. knock in~ off t~ pajama lop M ac Donald:..:.~..., hf' pl aced over ht>r Neal said he l;,itn repl;,ic·ed the top ThC' pO!>lllOn or lht• lop ha-. lx'l'n a point of contention 1n th<· lnal Governm<'nt w1t m·s-.l'-. :..av that when thc.·y foldl'd 1t th e wa) 1t was round lyinR on Mrs. Ma c Donald. lhey found a patter n of punctures that matc hed icepick wounds In hef ('hest Dd ense attorneys say the ~ov t·mment"s ex ~nments on the top aren't valid and rc n cct th1• way the Army and the f'HI bungled the investigation If th<' case 1s completed tod a v. th<-start of the t rial's :-;cvc nt h week. j ur ors could begi n dl· li ber ations Wed nesday Last week. MacDonald told of being attacked by intruders Ile !'laid he re gained ('onsclou1mess after the a tta ck to find the bodies of his fam ily Prosecuto rs contend M a c Donald m ade u p the account o r four intruders afte r reading articles about lhe Manson famt· ly cull killings The Army cleared MacDonald of the charges against him in 1970 He was indict ed by a federal grand jury in 1975 Kurds Expect Another Fight SAQQEZ, Ira n IAPI The re belllous Kurds e xpect Ayatoll ah Ruhollah Khomeini's forces to strike al the m next in Ma hact b ad . their h eavily fortified stronghold , following the gov· emmenl's recafture of Saqqez. t anks . scores o a rmored person· ne l c a r rie rs and lo ng.range a rtillery was awaiting orders to ad v ance out.aide the Yllla1e of Solduz. about 20 miles soulh of Mahabad. Kurdleh le ade r s said they were ready. *'ro•ra~AI STRIKE ..• Loi An~ea County. however as the atrike all but cloted ~public tranaPOrtaUon. ~peclally hard hit by the mue walkout or workers seek- bur hllher wa1tes were \he south and south·central sections or Loa Angeles. There, 1early re- por11 lnd.lcated \hat thoee who (lepend on RTD buses to 1et them to work were Jatbered on street comers hopfn1 paHlng motor11t1 ml1ht offer them a lift. Curb Chief Qaita I SACRAMENTO CAP> U . Gov. Mike Curb'• cblel of ltllff. Sbtldoo H. LJttoa, lt ~ hll '42r400-a· )'tat poet be repl-.d bf It• as.a. "'° rutheY~ca•PlllP lut , .... tl ••reported todat· Department otflclala. s peak· lnc privately Hrller thla mom· Ina. aa1d \hat Soviet offlclala would be allowed to be preHnt ln the mobll• 1ounae. But •t th• depa rtment's dally bricftng. Ca rter isald that euct ly who would bt>; allowed in the mobile loun1e w H beln& dla· cussed In l ast ·mloute "horse tr.cllna" betwoon American and So"1et olflclalt »l t.be airport. Carter aald there "pro bably" would be Soviet offlclaJs if\ the mobile lounce . as well as an American doctor who m ight be a ble t o Judie whetber Mias Vlasova was In good e nough ht>alth to state he r wishes freely A mobile lounge IS a kmd or bus us e d t o ferry a irplane pa.<.senger s from t heir plaQes to t.erminal bw ldings. Carter said the mobile lo unge used would be one owned by the Port of New York Authority. N!. such. it would represent a major 1m1,rovemc nt over the A£>roflot J<'l. "wher e Soviet o f· fk1als con trol the environm ent." hc swd Miss Vlasova a nd 52 other Sov· ie t c 1tiie ns h a ve rem a i n e d aboard an Aerofl ot je tline r l{rounded al Ke nnedy Th <' d a n c l' r · :.. m 11 t h 1• r . rrwanwhilt'. appcakd to P rcl.>t· dent Cart('r to end lht' "cruel moral torture.'' a Soviet nt."WS agency said. The White House confirmed a lell'J!ram was ren•1vcd over the W('t'kcnd. purport1·dly from the ballcnna's m other Ca rt l' r w a..., · ·<'lo s l' Iv in volved," :J Sta lt• Ul:.'pr1 rt m~nt of f1c1ul :..a id as n1.·got rnt1 on:.. dra j!J(cd Tass said today he r m other sent a seco nd le tte r to Ca rter after he la1IL·d to rf'ftpond . dl:.'- manciln~ "that he J(1ve 1nst rur t1on.c; to US <Juthonl1t·s to ~top tortunng hl·r tlaught1.:r ;i nd Id h1.·r go hom t· " T ass -.aul tm1:t y th;st wom•·n :ind t•hlldn·n .iboar<I lhl· plarw wpn· cx1wrw n c111g .. s pcc1<1 l d1f · f1 c ultie s '' a nd t h at th e 1>a'l'lt'nger:.. had not slt·pt in thrct• days Am l'n n m orr11·1;.i l ... want ~·s· suranccs that Miss Vlasova was rC'turn1ng to tht: Soviet Union volunlan Iv f 'ro111 Page ,, I RTD. • • norm al. and on city ~u rfac-1· s t reets 1t wal. muc h ltgh tt'r without buses Many pe-oplc a pparr ntly wert' rar poo ling aftt·r Commuter Comput e r. a ride r matc h-up semce partially funded by tht: state and fed eral governments. reported a surge of telephone re· q uests to jo in car po ols . No fi~rcs on the a ctual number of riders were avail able. RTD spokesman Hill Reason. who drove from Huntin gton Beach. found traffic <the Lon~ Reach Fr eeway) surpri sin~ly l.ll(ht. One re ason. he said. m ight bt· th at "a good d e a l o f o ur pa'-5engers don't ha ve ca rs ." Reason said the RTD is the nal.lon's largest bus hnc in ter m s or local operat ions. inc luding number of buses. n de rs a nd employees combined. The RTD strike wa s expected. although t he rour·m onth-long negotiations continued to the last minute. RTD Ge n e r al Manager J ack Gilstrap blamed the s trike on the sm a lle st or thf' three unions. the Brotherhood o r Railway and Ste amship Cle rki>. The othe r two unions on the picket Une today, as con ciliators tried to bring the two sides back to the negotiating table, are the Amalgamate d Trans it U nion re preRenling 1,200 mechanic~ and ma intenance wo rkers and the United Transportation Union representing 5.000 drivers . RTD bu.'leR ser ve Los Angeles. Or a n ge. Rive r s id e a nd San Hem ardlno counties and a por · lion or Ventura County. and RTD o ffic i als estimate the ridership wa s up to 1.2 million before the strike, an Increase of D>,000 s ince berore last aprin1's gas crisis hit. 1be dispute Involves waces a s well u the RTD mana1ement's dellre to hlre part-time drivers and dl1clpllne drl vera wbo "at.we atck pay." 11'e union lean that part·lime hlrtn• wlll cut OYertlme and apllt·a hUt PO ror regular worters. 1'be union la also opposed to the dllclp11nary action pro~ed fot' driven who call ln 1lck when they aren't lU. Ollttrap 1ald \hat _.,to 15 pereent of driven call In alek around holidays and weekends. The RTD la orferln1 the cterb, who avera1e t7 .37 per hour, an tncreue of $2.01 OYer tht next three yean. BRAC 11 ..,,Of'..... . Tht meebanlcs, earning t10.11, wut • ta.• per hour ...... the aTO offend '2. 'ftle drtYWI, matial •.• , QC> IOI•• on.-, 8Dd waat II.II. .. Tired of LHe $25,000 'Too Much' SAN ANTONIO. T1·x11c; 1/\J'I Wh1·n 'h" v.as .1rTf•\tt'd for :-1hopllft1ng i.:r11<•t·n1·-. "'"' 11u1n1h . 91 Vl'"' old -,,,,lflf' ...,chult7. w.1-.. dcsl1tutr , hungr\' and al11rn· Stnl"I' th•·n 1·11111 rtl11111011 , rr om fJ('r<i" th•· t 'n1t1·d States hllV\' h<1 llooncd 111 rno11· 1 liar1 ~:!~. 01111 1:1ntl Mr-. Srhultz. whO'>f' uvN 111~ht jail l•·rr11 dr "W nat111n.1I .itlt·ntwn \:t)'> .,h•· has plt·nl> t11 c•:.i t but,..,· 111 I'd of l1f1• "TIU: WA\' M'V llEAl.T tl IS. I OOS 'T n1"'·1l '"'' mu1h m oney,' :..h1• .. aid Sund a' · · 1 don t 1 htnk J 11 lw h•·n · hul ,1 '>h1Jrt t tml' .. Sht· c;u1d ;1 lot of food h.1!-. lw•·n d1Jn;.i11·d 'u11 ,. hc·r n1~ht 1n ,atl for trying 111 ... 11 •• tl $1!'1 v.urth11f \:JU\J~t·'· 1l.1m Jnd buttn from ,, suptt rmarkl'l July 24 Most of th<· dmtut•·d mon•·~ ha<., h<·•·n put 1n J fund by <.t (1 v1· man romm1t1 .. 1• Boll l'u~h. a m•·mll~·r "f th•· panc·I sf't up tc> Jd mmu1t.er the contnbuttons. ~aid lhl' c·<>mm1ttce dN·1dc'(j nol tr1 give Mrs. Schultze lhe S25.000 in " lump !tum but to '>eek a court order establishing a guard1an<.,h1p for hf·r .PUC'H, 73, IS PRESIDE!'IOl' Of' th1· lllf di <har•tt·r or the Te.ll as Senior \1t11en..., l\s .. oc-1at1011 v.h11 h ri·11·1\t'd -.11m1· r·ontnbu t10ns on M ri. Schult 1 s tJc·half llC' c·xplain{'d \ht· wa.., c-1mn1-.I out nl twr llft• '·'' 1n~..., of $5.000 in 1973 and t ha t "1f 'lht• h at! .111 tlw m1ine> ri~ht d V.ill.) ~he d tk· easy prey for l:.'Ver y T om. 1>1rk .1nd lldrrv · Pugh smd money "<'a ml· frum ~•II 11vt>r t\m"r" J aftrir .• mai;!111tratc "l-> dc•c lsion to pllH'l' th•· woman in J.Jtl wit-. r r1t1 c1zed 1llc cha rges w..rl' d ropJ>l'rl. and 1 ht· m .i y111 ordc.•n•1I ;in 1n,·~i.t1ga ttOn or lhe confine m ent ·Tve nC've r S!'C'n anylhm~ l1kt• 1t . i.a1d l'ugh '"ll proves l\mc n ca still hus a hcurt " THE ELDERLY WIDOW WAS RELEASED two weeks ago from a hospital whe re• :..he wuo; 1n•akd fo r hl'art ~nd l>lom ach a ilments. Rut s he said ~he doc:<.,n"l fed any bl-tter. '"I'm jUSl tired I'm worn complrtel~ nut .'' .. ..i1d M re; Schultz. who ""'>rked as a hot!'I m aid to ht•lr> ~upport herself and her hushand a fter he suffrn·d a .. trokc· lier h u!'lband was an in valid 21 ycar'I befon · his death 18 years a go Sunday "I thank all of lhem. and God bless them :ill .. she s aid Rut she ad~ed . "I 'm ttrl.'d of ltfe I've got 0 nobody. I don 't know n?body. I ve lt ved .-.ere SS years and I don 't know a dozen people.· --------- Our favonte tean. 1122 C1f On· Time. bleached denim with a cle8n SllhOuolto Add 10 thtll lln • atl cotton flannel plalO shirt 1oppec1 ou by · lho u11h1v iockol. of conon and polyester. loatunng 4 pocke1s w/vetcro clOsurO!'I ancJ a foul-weather hOOCS All Of th<l&e groat 1toms pack nlCOly 1n10 lhe canvas oay baq __ ..._,_...._.__ ,.,.... reee A• BLAST ••• . t a potlce s poke.m an said. : 1be hu h Natio nal LlberaU<>11. Army, a aplinter croup or tbe ProYlalonal IRA, claim~ te1P>Ulblllty for killing Eatl Mowltbatten Ln a telephone call to the lrhh lndepende1h newspaper IJ'OUP ln Dublin. ' Tbt INLA. a 1hadowy ot· pniuUon thoufhl to have qt> more than 100 or so m e mberJ. claimed rcspons fblllt y Jaal March ror the 11laying of Britlih Com1e r vatlve politician Airey Neave. killed by a bomb planl.4d ln bla car at the Houae of Coro mans ln London on March ~­ Seotland Yard aatd they bad no ~to doubt \he c laim. Tile a pparent uaaaalnatlon ef Lord Mountbatten. uncle t>y marrlage or Queen Elizabet~. was the clc>eest Irish guerrillp strike yet at lhe royal family . Mountbatten was a cowun of Km& Geor&e VI. Cather of thl- present quf'en. and hrothe r or Princess Andre w of G r ee t e , rT¥Jt.her of lhe queen's husb and. Pnnce Phili p, Duke of EdtQ burgh. 1be queen was given the news at Balmorat. her Scottis h castle. where she i.s on vac ation. Buc•- mgham Palace s aid efforts we l'f' being m ade to contact Pn n<:t! Phill1p, who was expected today at the Euro pean Driving Cham· plonstups at No nant le Pm in Normandy. France · Police said four ~rsons we~ t a k e n t o S I 1 ~ o II o s p 1 t a J ,; Mountbatten's son in-la w a nil daughter. L or d a nd L al1~ Braboume; their NOn Ti mothy.~ brothe r of N1c holai.. a nd t he Oowa ger L ad y B r a bou r n tt. mother-in-law of Mountbatten's dauRhter T wo or the• four -1t '4'a.' not 1m med1att-ly kno wn who were said to ~ cntacally ll'l· JUN'd ;,ind in the• 1ntcni.1vl:' ctfr1· UnJI MOWltb<tltcn h ad been at ht:. t>!\tate. a bo ut 150 milps northwe 'lt of Dub lin. for ttvo week.'I For 3S yea rs. he was In Uw> habit of tak1n1t a summer va('at1on then · l1111i c ... s a id th l' 1•xplosion "n pped the boal apurt" as tl WJ ' 1 ru-.1ng 1n fr ont of ( 1a..,...,.f'ba wn Ca slit'. Qw ncd l>\ ttw ~11unthallt·n fJ mth · Jinan Md 'iull > ownN of th,. l!l·ad1 lfotel . ...,aid h1· ht:ard th1· bla.'>l al noon Iii• ShHl that whit•• .,,;;untv a t t hi• C'a ... tl1· a ppca rt:<t ''' h•· 11~h1 lh1• l111<1t ""a' not k1·~1 ll'M•tt• ' It wa...., mf)()rt'i'f in thf• harbor ~1tt· m v h11t1•I ;rnd I a lwayi- Ulr,1URht a ~uurd wa ... maintain1.•d 11'1 It," ht• '>:Jld l.o rd Lows Mountbattl'n rmw throu~h th1.• ranh or the Roya l !"law tn lead the Alh<.>S to v1ct orv ,1~a1n.....,t th.-.J.1pant•-.e in Burm:c tn Y.orld War II and hcli>ed pl.m the Nor mandv 1n' ui.11111 SHOT ... "'~"''" ...,a w :1 "punJ.. r1w k1·r" w1th a n n e run Cro m t hl· a r1•a after f1nnR a s hol at Sulh van·s car Offacl'rc; ar re~t ed G r e gor y Oanit'l Sh<'s t erkin. who w a~ found sittmg in a t ruc k on Gler\- (.'O(' Av('flue a ft>w minutes later. A World War II er a rifle . an Enfie ld 300 cali ber . was rl' cove r ed fro m S h est e rkin "s truc k . po li ce sa id . lie w a s booked on a cha rge or a ssault \o\1lh intent to commit murder and remained in cus tody today tn he u of S25.000 bail. Polic e s aid the r e w as no m o tive 1n the s h ootin g Sheste r1u n reportedly was visit· mg fne nds on Glencoe Avenu1• when he got the rifle out of b.ii. tNck and began walking towa nl BeAch Bo ulevard. ALSGARAOE 56 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT Bl:ACH (714) 644 7030 ·. .. .. .· .. •, I• 'L.' Orange Coast . EDITIO N VOL. 72f NO. 239~, 3 SECTtONST 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 ,-~ Today'• Cl .. llil N.Y. Steek11 • " N FIFTEEN CENTSJ Supervisor Miller Charges Racial Bias·'. <?range County S up~rvisor Edison Miiier c1tlled today for •• grand jury invesllglltion m lo 4tl legations th at oper a tor of Kno ll's Be r ry Farm <11~ cnmlnate agains t H isp.inll' guests. Knott's Berry Farm Aitk Denies Allegation Against Police Brutalitv. With Martinez was the al · tomey who said she filed the civil r ights la w suit which charges the Buena P ark police as well as the a musement park with violations or constitutional rights. Mille r's call for a probe came hand·in·hand wit h the filing of a lawst&t in Superior Court that charges Knott's with v1olatan~ the civil ri ghts or som e of 1t:, Hispanic patrons General partnt'r Russell Knoll denied the amusem ent park d1:, <'n m1nates against ll 1 :,11an1t·~ "ln any way." "We deny Wf' huve eyer di:, crimin ated against La lin., or anyone else.'' Knott said · We serve all our guests in lhc :,am c way " But the liiwsuil filed by an or~ ganization that calls itst'lf thl' Coalition Aga1ni.t l'ohc~ AbW>l' char.f,!e:, that on /\ u~ 3 :.in<I ·I H 1:. Rebel Bo After Disaster Yachtsmen Ask Race Questions By ALMON LOCKABE Y Of tile O..lly Piiot St.tit Survivors of Britain 's Faslnc.·t Yacht Race. in('luding thre~ wt'll known Orange Coast vachts m en. are looking back at the dis aster wh.irh cl<Jimed 19 li ves and re· suited 1n the sinki ng or CJbandon· ment of two dozen expens ive offshore racing yachts. The after-thoughts. by both sailors and race officials could a ffe<.1. the future of offshore r aces. Some of the ques tions : Were race officials of the s_ponsoring Royal Ocean Racing aub CRORC> derelict in sta rting the ~mile race in the race or _ heavy weathe r forecasts? Are race offi cials all over lhc world at fa ult for allowing too man.v y achts -many wilb Jnex· perienced c r ews -t o e nter <if-shore races in the interest or bigrtess? Has the competitive urge and the desire to win becom e so great that skippers are negligent about abandoning a r ace in the face or worsening weather? Are yacht designers and builders sacrifi cing safety for lightness and speed. often using experimental matenals? Orange Coast a nd other Southern California s ailors are known as some of the most com· petent m the world. Many served as skippers or crews on the Ad· miral's Cup Series which wound up with the fatal Fastnet race Following are t he thoug hts of three local s ailors who cam e through the storm. DENNIS DUR GAN. 25. is one of Ne~rt H arbor Yacht Club's top saihng s kippers. He has been sailing for 18 years. His ex perience includes a number of international offs hore races. "The storm came on s uddenly -from about 40 knots to over 70 OUltGAN in a matter of 25 minu tes . There w as no way out of it l called the crew on deck just before dawn and told t h e m : ·w e are no longer in a yac h t race. We are Coast Weather Fair through Tuesday e xcept patchy early mom· ing low clouds and fog near the coast. Sunny days with little temperature change. Highs both days ranging fro m low lo mid-708 along the beaches to mid·80s inland. Lows tonight in mid to upper 60s. INSIDE TOD.4 Y The off·road c~ al Raieriide. attracted '5.000. Otld eport1.,,.t•r HoWGrd ,....,..,..,,..,,.. ..... Paof Bl. in a race for s urvival · We roundC'd the F'astneot about 3:30 a m . in the strongest winds and lhc highest seas I havt' l'\'l'r ex- pen enced. ·· Durgan was i.ktppt·r o f the I t a I .' a n y a c h t Y c n ;1 • ;.1 n alummum Peter.;on·43 bu1 It in Italy with a n Am e rican <:ind Italian crew. "There was nowhere to ftO ex· eept to the finis h at Plym outh." said Durgan. ··rn o ne severe knockdown our baller s we r e tom loose and we had no ra dio or othe r e lectronic a ids. We were unaware of the tragedy taking p lace t h roughout the fleet. "Our main task was to steer the boat so that it would not be rolled over by the towering seas which were h igher t h an the mast. The trick was to steer toward the crest of an oncom ing wave and then turn and ride it down at terrific s peed -Uke snow skiing down a s teep moun· tain "Yes. we are scared. but no one in the crew panicked . The storm abated after about 15 hours and we m ade it to the finish unaware of the death and destruction until our wives and girlfriends showed us headlines in local papers." Durgan said none of thl.' long range weather forecasts predict· ed the severity of the storm . "I don't see how the race commit- tee can be faulted.'· he said "Perhaps a minimum limit of ~feet on the waterline I about 40 feel overall length) would have cut down the size of the n eet A number of the boats which had trouble had carbon-fiber rud· ders . Carbon fibvr is a st rl"n_g 'llaterial. but is s till in the ex- P 'rimental stage and f><!rhap~ some builders a rc not familiar with proper bonding," Durgan said. REX BANKS. 40. 1s one of the most experie n ced o f lo ca I sailors . The Newpor t Heach yacht mainte na nce a nd rigging expert was aboard the Brazilian yacht Indigo a long with other local s ailors. all expe ri enced of'f·shore r acers. Indigo finished the race. "The Royal Ocean R acing t1ub is one of the mos t compe· ~l race or- gan izers i n the world .'' sai d t h e Australi a n· born Banks. "'Ibere is no way they can be criticized for what hap· pened." Banks has MMecs sailed as a professional and amateur crewman on e very big yacht r ace in the world on yachts ranging from 40 to 80 feet. "I've been in winds that big - in a S ydn ey t o H o b art <Australia) and one Bermuda raee, but I don't recall ever be· ing In such high, confused seas." <See FASTNET, Page AZ> aJAST TO GET SMOG TUESDAY An lnvenion layer at 500 feet wtll mean wonentng air quality for 0nmp County Tuelday, the 9ou&b Cout AJr Quality Manase· meat Dlltrtct saJd today. Unblaltb.ful alr for people who are particularly aen1lttve to amoc ii toncut for both coa1tal md lD1and Oranae County. panics enten ng the amusement park were searched and other persons were not. Knott conceded there wer(' :,earches or patrons on the two rughts early this month. But he said those searchei. were the result or police in formation that there might bl' i:ung-s tyle fi ght:, <tt Knott :. those nights "It was simply a matter of takin.g the p r ecautionary measures needed to insure the safety or all our gues ts." Kn'Olt said. And the searches were not li mited to Blspana<• patrons. h,• added. In his call for a grand Jury probe. Miller said part-nts of youngsters allegedly searched at Knoll's had complained to his office. "If what they say Is true. it's a deplorable situation." the cou n· IY s upervisor said His press release was handed out by newly appointed aide Frank Mnrtinei. who said he 1s a membe r of the Co a Ii ti on A hearing has been scheduled later in Superior Court to decide if a temporary order that would ban searches at the pa rk s hould be iss u e d , according t o Mart.Lnez Kills Mountbatten Guests of Honor Vice Pres1dl.'nt Walter :\lonrtak and h1!. w1fr .Joan 1 lt'fl 1 applaud on !'>tagc wilh dancc·r-.. :ind pL•rforml'r:-. lollr"' llH! a cultural show in thei r honor Ill f'l'k1n,I! Ryckoff May Back El Toro Expansion By DAVID KliTZMA l"oi~ Of .,,. Diiiy f'li... SI.ti Newport Reach Mayor Pa11I Ryckoff said today he could sup port commercial use• of the El Toro Marin(' Corps Air Stal1on 1f 1t 1s shown to be an ac·l'eptahlc- alternativc to eas ing a1 r r ongei. t1<in at John Wayne Airport "We're not pickin~ on El Toro." Ryckoff said. addinJ.! that he could support expandl'd com mercial u~ of other silt'" umkr stud y by regional planncr c; "We simply want ~omc· <H' lion.'' the mayor said Ryckoff's comment-. indll'att•rt that. trv as they m ight . I rvin1• officials have fallen short in con ,·mcan~ some key local offic·1ab that commercial us r or El Torn would wrl'ak havoc in thl'1r com munitv Irvine Mavor Da••irl Sills sent a letter to R yd:off Friday uri:: m~ the t"o <'1l1cs to wnrk 1n .1 · pos1ll\'l' m a nni·r toward persuadtnR the appropriate go' cmment agC'nc1el' to find solu tions for the county's com merc1al analion proble ms anct fac1htics which""' impact neither of our c1t1es nor the rl''-1 dents of ano; other communit y · Rvckoff s aid this morning lh"t tStt F.I. TORO. Page A2) NB Police Seeking Death Plot Suspect By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of ... o.llY " ... 9'etf Newport Beach police a re seeking the m an they a llege helped set up a murde r·fod tire scheme with an undercover of· fleer whose victim was to be a mot.ton picture sound technician. Taken into custody Saturday was the intended victim's wife. identified by Newport Beach police as Dorothie Muncey. 55, of Lakewood. Shf was booked on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder alter she allegedly pald un· dercover lnvestlgator L ee Roberta Sl,000 as down payment on a Sl0,000 murder contract. Potice said the balance was to have been paid when the vie· tiJn's life lDlurance policy was peid. Detective Capt. Ric hard Hamiltoa Hid today the case Wiii broulht to N,-port police Friday by an informant who Hid the man still •ou1ht by pollce wu incJulnn1 about htr- inl eomeone on behalf of M "· vtmeey. Roberts. acting as the would· be killer , met with the woman who allegedly told him she want· ed her husband murdered. The intended victim is work· ing on a movie location in Santa Ana and was sta ying at a hotel in that city. " Roberts and investigators from the Santa Ana police went to the hotel e arly Saturday morning and told the man about the alleged murder plot. Hamilton said the victim spent the rest of the weekend in the protective custody of Newport Beach offlcen. Roberts wu &)veo the man's watch. rin1 and wallet which be toot to a Saturday noon meeting wltb Mn. Muncey alle1eclly to prove tbat he'd fuUUlad the mutdec' contract. Mn. lluncey wu taken into cu1\ody after abe banded Robert• tla• cash. Sb• was boc*ed Into Oranse County J all where lbe remained tn custody today. \ Blast Rips Yacht Off Ireland Dl'BLI :>: I rl'lrind 1,\I'1 E;.irl ~nuntbatt1·n "ar hero <incl uncle of Bnta1n" l'nnc<: Ph1hp "a." killed todJ\ "hen an £'\ plos1on rtppt•d aiw11 h1'> yacht 1Jff th•· I n-.h er1ast poht·t· rl'l>Orlt•d I r 1 .., h t t· r r o r 1 .., t .., e I a 1 m l' d r~pon.o.,1b1ht~ Pollet> ... aid thf> i9 yet.1 r old ~ountbat t en -., J,!ran d so n ~cholas . 14 . ;.sod <1 local boy among the boat's rrew. 15-ycar- old Paul ~axwell. also were killed. and four other persons were hospitalized with mjunes. 'They said it was believed there were nine persons on the boat. The explosion occu r r ed in Donegal Bay oH Mullaghmore. a n l n-;h Repubhr v1ll.1ge 1n County Shgo nt>ar Mountbatt<'n ., swnmer residence. The s ite 1s JUSt miles from the border with ~ort.hcrn Ireland. ~here i::uer· rillas nf the 1 n s h Republican Arm""• .. Pro v1 s1onal " v. IO I? han,-lx.•cn fi ghting to end Bn t1sh rule Mfluntbatlt'n . a ):!r eal grandson of (~uel'n \·1ctona and C'OUStn or Quec·n Elizabeth JI . had JUSl set out with a group of fnends on a fi shan i:? tnp from the harbor at Mullaghmore when the explosion occurred. poh<'l' ~aid Thev ~aid th1· l'aUS<' of lhP blast l'OUld not bt• rtl'lerm10t·d 1fTlm('d1at cly. but the5• "-t-n• workmJ,! on th<' theory th.it J time.> bomb had been placed aboard "But every thing 1s H'ry con f~ A lot of \'(':,~ds an' out there searching for wrcC'kagc · a police spokesman s aid Thv lnsh National L1berat1on. Army. a sphnll'r group of th<' Pro\'1~1 o nal IRA . cla1mC'd respons1b1l1t~ for killing Earl Mountbatten m a telephone call to the Iri s h Independent news paocr group m Dublin. Latl'r. thl' P rov ision a l s them..-;t•h·es claimed respons1b1h l\' and said m a statement that the assassanatton was aimed at bnniung to the attention of the Brill.Sh "the continuing occupa· lion·· or Northern Ireland ln a separate attack later to· da\.'. six British soldiers wer e kilicd ma bomb blast near War· renpoint in Nonbcrn Ireland, 35 miles south of Be lfa s t . the British army re ported. The INLA. a shadowv or· ganization thought to have no more than 100 or so members. clai m ed r es pons ibility last March for the slaying of British Conser vative politician Airey Neave, killed by a bomb planted in his car at the House or Com· roons m London on Mar ch 23. <See B~T, Page AZl BEDROOM SET WENT IN HURRY ''I didn't believe I could sell my bedroom set with juat one phone call. "But after placi.ne an ad in the Daily Pilot 1 believe it -the firtt caller boulbt It." That'• the advertialng succeu story told by the eo.ta lleea mu who placed th1t ad lD the Dally PUot: White bdrm •et w/1old trim. Bed w/mattte11 le bou prtn1 . 2 cheat.I, 1 coroer deK. ua·:u.u U yoa want to mate a sale, try the friendly Dallr Pilot clualfled ad-viaen at MWll'll. •• •• * - /' -- A,.._,..... KILLED IN BLAST Ear1 Mountbatten ' .. { ·•' .. .. _, ~~~· IRELANO AP W.r~ BLAST SITE '.\l <.ip lncatt•-.. OonL'IWI Rdy wht'l'l' :in l'\· plo::.1on nn a hoat killt·d Earl \1ounlbat ~c-n tnd:.i ~, ENNewport Man Given ' Prison Term Si\LT LAKE CITY t APl -A former adviser to recluse tycoon Howard Hughes has been sen· teoccd to 30 months in p rison ror obst ruction of justice. J ohn H . Meier. for merly of Newport Beach, was sentenced Frid ay by U.S. District Judge Bruce S. Jenkins for introducing forged documents in a 1972 civil suit in which he was accused or bilking the Hughes e mpire of S7.9 million. J enkins rejected Meier 's ap· peals to let him remain with bis family. "I can't live without them and they can 't live without me," Meier said. Meier also told the judge be did not forge the docu· ments and s aid tbe govern· me nl's witness in the case lied. Meier . 46, could have been sentenced to live years in prison a.,ft fined $5,000 for his July 31 conviction of obs truction of justice. In the civil t.rtal, U .S. District Judie Aldon J . Ande rson or- dered Meier to pay f7 .9 millloa in damaaea for advili.ne Hucbes Tool Co. -later Summa Corp. -to purchaM several Nevada minin1 claims at pricea far above their actual value. Meier bad a bidden lat.real ln t.be dalms. Al DAILY PILOl N '•' • WASHINGTON < 1'1 ll ~ nel(ollaton h uvt.> •1rr.an(&t'd .. rompromtae plan undflr whl<'., t h ey w lll lntervte w Sovlf'I hall4"rina L&adm11Ja \'l.r.o' at an " mobtle airport lounae at Nt-. York's Kenn~y lnternatwnal Airport, State Oepartmt•nt of ndala Hid today Tht> mobtl\• l11u11.i1• v. 11u hi pru v1de the no n l'lH'rl l \'l' JI mocphe re' tht• lJ 111t~d St ttll•• haa ~n 11nytnl( M 15'1 \'111~0' ,1 must have to de<'ldt• 1o1.•ht•th1•r 11 f'f'tum to the Sovl1•t tln1t1n 01 11 ,tu.,.· Ill th1• \1111t1•tl "IJtt>' v.1th h1·r hui.b;rncl f1•llo" n11l-.ho1 Ba II 1> t d a 11t'1• r i\ 11' ' .1 n 111• 1 (;ndun<I\', 'nlf1 1l1•p111t1111•1ll i.pokc~man llodd11u1 f•tt ter Monday, AUQUll 27, 1971 • Department om clala. l l)<'ttll ma grlvat.ly .. 111., thl• morn ln&. aald that Soviet oWtlalJ would oo ollowt'c1 to bf> pr('M•nt In tbe mobile tounat But ot th<' d.,pi.rtmenl'1 du11 v bnt-ftna. Carter aald that u1wt I)' who would be allowt-d ln lht· moblhi lounae w•• hvln& d1 11 ru11.,t"ft 1n l ta111I m 111utl• "hor1w tnttlintt" bctwNrn Aowncan tt111l So V'tt>t otn<'1al11 Ill th<· t11rport Carter 1uld there '"'probably" woukf tJll" &tvlf"t ufflcl1tli1 In th•· moh1lt• l111111g1• Jll Wt•ll U'I .in Amenca.o doctor who mitchl l>t: .ible to JUdM~ whet ht'1 M llil• \'hl-.tl\ u w .... Ill ~l)IH1 t'Oough IM•J1lt.h tu .,1 .. 11• twr w111hl'" frcelv A mobile loumw h a I< Ind 11f hu-. tl'•t•d tn f1•rr~ 111rpla111· p.1.,,1•11.:1•1.., h 111n th1•tr 11111111•11 to term.111111 but ldlnij~ Ca rtcr .. a11I tht• n1ob1le lotm1C1• u:~ed woulll lw ""' owTwd IW I ht' Port uf N l.:'Y. York Aulhm 1t v s .... wh 11w1111hl11·p11·-.1·11t ,, IOUJllf lllljllll\l'flH'llt 11\'l'I 1111• A1'roflo1 J••t "h1•11• S11v11•1 of Clc1ab t·11ntr11l th1· 1•11v11111irrw 11t. · ht· ~l\ld Ml11s \i1o!invu and !l:! other Sov 11•1 <'ll\it•1111 havt' r c malnc•d ahnnnl .111 .\t'l'Oflot J l'll1111•r 1:1n11111lt-ll .ti Kl•111w11\ Surf~r Hurt Off Newport., Hos pitalized I' h •• 11 :I n I'(' I ' ... Ill II t h (' r . tnt•:111wh1ll'. 11ppc•11h·ll tu Pn•i.1 1l1•nt Cart1·r 111 1'11<1 lht• "l·ru\•I "· n~·rnl 111rt111 1· ' .1 So\ll't 111'\'' .11!1'11('\ ... ;1111 An Oakl:mci rn :rn v. a-. h "t1•d in J?OOd rond1t11m t1l<iay at llonfi( Memonal Ho~p1tal aOt>r :,,u/ft>r mR a spinal m1un1 v. h1le bodv surf1ni;t Sund ay in Ne wpo r·t 8l'8C'h Jeff Walla<'t>. 21. was Injured at about 5 p m while s urftnfit al 48th Stn-et L1fegue1rds said the man apparenUy htt hts head on th<> bottom l.lf('guards s aid Walla('e's a(' t'•dl'nl was th<> mo.;t scnous prn blcm they enl·ountcred ovl'r lht• W('('kenrl. in "Pile of tht-fact thut the SWlny Wt'athcr drew crow(h 11f 95.000 to tht• beaches each day. 1..1reuuard-; s:11d th<'y pulled a t1>1al of 78 s w1mmt·rs out of the s urf wh1t'h was runnn1ng al :-iho11t t hr1•1• f1•1•t B1i:tf!"r '\urf pr('CJH1•·ll f111 t h1· w1·1·k1·ntl n1 ·v1·r rn.1tl'nah1.ed. llfc1:uards ~:ml Tlw Whtll' llou'>l' 1·11nf111n1•d a telt•grnm wa-. rcre1ved OVl•r t h1• weekend . µ11 rportcdly from llw b,1lll•nna ' rnoth<"r l' ..1 rt l' r w a.., · · 1· Io!.. l' I y 1 n \'Olw<l ... ;1 State l)cportmcnl or f1!'1al sa1cl, a s n egoti a tio n -. dragged Ta.':. smd today ht•r moth1•r SPnt a second letter to <.:a rh·r Rfter he failed to respond. dl· manding "th<it he gin· mslnw lions to US authont1es to s top tnrtunng hf'r daughte r and 11•1 hPr go homP · · T (l!)s '\a1<I tod ay lhat w1>m1•r1 an<1 ch1ldn •n ah1;;.1rd the pl;.111•• were 1•xpen1:nt1ng ··-.penal dtf r I l' u I l 1 I'... ' a n <J I h oJ l l h I' pa-.!'enger:-. h:.id not ~h·1>t in th n •1• davs AmPntan uffina l!. wan t o..i -. . .,uranc1·~ th.it ~"!.. Vlai.11vu w a" n·tum1n~ to the Soviet U 11 1011 \'Ohmlanlv Rut Sovwt offlc1al-; said M 1!.. ... Vlasova. 36, wanted to return t1, her ho meland and wa" ufruid '" lt·avc the plane to meet pnval1• Iv with Amencan authonl1c'I for ft!arthcy would spinther away FASTNET. • • .wda..u "AJieadon tht1 race'! Wti.r~ would ,10U 10" To run for the lri1b CIOMl aheld ol NH Uh lhal would .... ve bMI\ fatal The 1al11& ..,.. wu lo Plymouth ~ we were IMadld in the ......... .... pailnt.d out ~t from the un Off Cown on tM 111e ot W11ht to the Jo'utnet i:t about 400 1111h•!i f<'rom the rock to Ptymvulh •• about 200 mllea. "Our muKt frightening mo· NW nt In the rnr.-wa~ roundlni tht· "'~tn •t ut ubout 1 30 11 m .• Uunk• recalltld. "We were hav· lf'lll to c·ome from a reach and rtUl t.o hurd on the wlnd Mnd we woni1•d about our rurbon fllwr l'l1ttd1•r-tf 1t ha d 8' ven way we would ht1vt-ht•\:n on the rock wiUun two mlnut~s. Thank God 1t ht•ld loaethcr · \ftt•r th<•t It was a matter or '1,111111.,; thl· hoat to kei!p fro m be 1111( rullt.'<1 ovl'r by those tre men doull sea K ~:.ullng toward the l·re-.t and then turning and nd· 1nl( tht•m down HOK ~,·t:t:u-:. Jnoth1:r not1 v1• Au-.1 r ,i11 u11 who h os · lived 1n "l1·wport 11.t' tlC'h for c1~ht vear'>. "·" 1111 ho.11 d l11ch~o with Aank~ lit• ubu hui. raced a ll over tht' world "rhl·n· .... 1111 doubt that tht.>n • v.-crt• J}\:oplt• and boats m ttll' STllLI Faslnt•t that had no bus1· ness be1n1it th ere from th e s tand · point of t•x pt•nenc·c· anti .;ufoly equq.1 mt•nt. · · "a ill Ste<· I<' "lt 'R true many of UH' boats were lii.thl "Frankly. I would rath<'r bt• on a light. strong boat than <t heavier. i1lower yacht that 1s less maneuverable under those con · ditions.'' h e said . "In retrospect," suid Banks. "I Uunk the greatest m1stak~ mudc by many skippers was allowing the crew to remain o n deck Oesptll' the fo ct 1t wa s nrnl ~umml•r, tht' wate r m that part or the glove 1s fn jt1d Thl' constant t•xpo:.un .. lowc·rs t hl' l>od \f t1:m J)(:ratur<' anrl inc·n·ascs fat1g111•, wh1ch l'::tn lw fatal "Wt• h:1d only t wo m t·n ir1 tt11 • L'<><'kptt ut or11· ·11rne o n tw<1 h<111r watdll'!> :.in hour P<u:h 1111 th1· lw lm Thi· rL·s l 11f us stavl'tl l)(·low with thl' hatrh1·s hattt·nl'll 1k1wn That wav. wt• :.lwayi; ha d fresh hod11•.; to tc.ike over I ht• helm It's JU5.I a matte r or ~lllfl mon s t·n-.e ," obs e r ved th•• vclcrc.in !.e:.man. "Whal a lot of inexpe rie ncN1 -.k1p)'>4.•r.., and C'rcws -a nd som1· Pxpt'n cnced one:-. don't reaht" •~ that tht• -.ea d~sn 'l RIV<' J damn about you a nrl your hout It doe-.n't C'ven know vou an· lht•r1· •· • Atwmeys Requeste~ I ByCountj Sad Fellow Thi~ run· u~kal't monkey .i.ppcur:, lo he v1e w 1ng Vl!Ulor~ tu the Lo:-l\ngdes Zoo with a s o ulful face. Only C!ve 100l) exh1b1l u~a rkis. c.in c ndang<·rcd breed from the f o rcsts of tht• Amazon an South America \ Council to Alter Order of Business Newport lk'uch C.:1l y (;oun<-11 members a r t" going to try somethinit ne w to n1&ht and Mayor Paul Hyckoff concedes 1t may r esult in sc heduhnR Cl second council session for Tues day CounC'1 l mf'mbcrs Clrt' fac1n~ .i large, agenda anrl, al Ry<'kt>ff ' :.ugg<.'Sl lOll, the• Mcll'r of bui:.1 n1·!>~, will bt-c·han~t·d Th<' t·onscnt <'Jlt•nda r w h1rh t ontmn-. ttw routine bookk1·1·p 1ni..: 11l'm'>. will lw adt•ct upon JI I hl' Oll4'JlllH~ of I hi· 7 ,, m ~1''>'1 1011 l:-.ually thU'll' ltl'rTI'> ar1• l:t'll In add1t1un. Hvtkoff ... u1d . hi· Wiii -.l'l 11 II rll :t'I a l'Ult lff 111111• for th•· d1'l<'U'ISI011 of "''"" 1t1•nh "Wt•ll p111IH1blv h~•'''' 111 havt• .1 mN·tlnl.! '1'111·-.da " aftt•rn<>'Jn It • ftnt!.h I Ill' :1J,!t·n<IJ ... ht• n1111•1•dN1 lfJdav ·nw m;1\cir '""' h1· f1J,!1ir1•-. tonight''> ,,...,,,011 , tf not t·ut off rould go unll I '>Unup Tuc-.d a \ The r<>ason 1s lh:.l coum·il mc>n haVI' lht'M' 1s-.ue-. fucin~ them toni ght A pro p o-.JI tu build 2~fl hom es o n th•· 100 a1·rc--. ... u r rounding th<' Ford /\Nonut ron1< Dt\1!.ton pl:irlt /\. J.1ro pO 'l l0 lt o rd1ndO l't: 1estnct1ng conq·r'\ion of apart· menu w r<1ncJomm1um" i\ prOJ.>')'>Pd o rd1n<1n C{· 10 <-r•·a-.1ni.: tht• num'*r of µark1n g '>pet<'('<; r('Qwred in <0t'rtam n· -,1dcnual dev(•lopm~nl..tl , -A pr<>PQsed h ve per1'rnt r ate tn<'rNt"\P -.()U~hl hv Oraniw \oa~t \1·1 111 .... (',iii ,,, 11fl-,1·t ~·J 111 111• 1111 ft',l'I" l'h•· .q1p111111 m1•nt 11f ..1n ail h111 1 1 1~11 "".i' \111011 T1•am II \T1 t•> "'"rk .it 1,ltt1nJ,! mon1·\ l•1r n11n 1·0111 r .. \ •·r· .. i;tl rrwd 1ir11 w1·t-. \ tl1 •t ""'1111111f tl11 prf'ft•rn·rt r1.11 t1• l11n1tt11n 11( ttw !--.in Joa4wn ltdll'> 'I ran:-.1)'(11 t.1t 1•10 C't1rnflor ~·1111 p1••1'''""" ch :cirt1·1 am<'ndnit-nt-. r ••IJtl n ~ t11 1·1 1 \ l'OWH.'Jl 1•11•1t 11111' A prnpt•'lal t h.Jt form•·r C'1t ' attornt'Y l h·nni'I l)'"\c•1I act as th•· c1tv.., h•J!al 'll>f'C'1alL'>I in f1 J?ht1nl.! t'Ommf'r<'1JI j('h al J ohn Wavn1• Airport A prol)f~al fro m the Dover '>IM1n· · C'11111muntl \ ,\-. ... <w1at1nn 111 d1 ·H~lop .1 park at No rth StJ 1 11-·nch in return for b<'ln~ al 111"-Ni tn dr~d~t· thf• :hSO('ld t1o111 11,1,,, IJIJ,1t r hJnnl'I'> ., Off.UW.YJLLE 1be Oran1e County Diatrtd Maoraey'• otnce uked the ala&l!! lldGrMY ....... today t.o Pd- vtde the attorneys need ed tb . =keep the criminal. court Jn r while the county'-s deputy dl.lbict attorneys and public .S. renders conUnued their sickout.: Slmultaneoutly, Dlatric t At· tom ey Cecil Hicks iuued u preas r elease warning that th'e county "ls on the ver ge of losl~ a lar1e share of its akllled criminal lawyers." "It la a Iola none of us can bear. These a r e professiona ls who operate the most efficient dietrict attorney's office in the state." he said. • Hicks went on to say he hopeis "some means 1s available" to return the criminal lawyer s who have been e ngaged in a 10-day sickout to their positions m the courts Accor ding to assistant distncl attorney Michae l Capizzi. Al t.omey Gene ral George Deuk rne- Jlan has been asked to furnish up to 10 c riminal lawyers to h c l11 pros ecute cases 1n O r ange Countv. · Capizii said lhat. as of J uly 1. the bllUng r ate for such pro ress1onal servlce1i provid C'd by th(> Stale IS $~ a day IWr at t.omey. That rate would mult1r>ly th•· bud~Pl dile mm a fa1·pd h y 0rllllge County Super visors <t 0s they confront the d1ss1dent coun ty c·ri m1n:.I lawyf'rs in lh1• ~ w~k or their sickout Those lawyers h ave t'OJ11 • plained that the county's offer 11f a lJ 75 perc-ent pay r a ise spaced (Jut over thP next two years f.,tls -.hort of m eeting cnmpe hve "1.andards in nl.:'l~hboring coun- ties. So far. <'OUnty supe rvL~r" hav1• n>fus('(t to budget in ~·p1t1· of :t c·onttnwng -.111 .... 1l11wn 1n tht• t'OUJ'llY.., rnur11 n pal ;ind 'IUl11'fl!>I' l•l\Jrt' EL TORO ... wtulP S1ll<,. 4'Ug~f·~tlon wa~ :111 l•'(f'Pllf'lll thing." Iii' f<:ll II would bt· unllkt•ly "ideal C'Onclt llun...,·· would 1•x1'>\ for -.uc h an arranRemcnt lru.wad, the Ne wport fW:;,wh mayor s aid tu s city would fa\1ir ··zeroing in" on any s ite tlw• could be qwckly used to al lt-vtate the coast city's air tr11flic \K)f"'i We haw a df''>pn:itt· prnh lem. · Kyckoff said uf th•· nois•· a nd air pollut111n from John Wayne Ai rport Sclwol Least> To Be Studied Tuesday Night Thi· future• of thri·,. SC'hool pntJM•r1 IP'> w1 II lw p1111clcrcd b~ Nt•wport !\'ll•-.:i " 1111111 trui:.tct-:-. T1w..,d;" BLAST ... Scotland Yard c;a1cl thPv had no r<'ason to douht thl' da1m 9 to Seek Seats R e 110 Trip Pays Off Sill"> SUIU~<'<;trd thP two Clhe' ,hould """rk to~1·lh\'r to flnll wav"' to lL'>f' other "•t ee; '>ll<'h a' On1ano lnternat11111a l A1rJ)'>rt ovn th<• n•·'<I HI vear-. and th1·11 posh for f'!..tahhs hm1·nt of com ll~f'('1al fac1ht1e<1 1n tht• Citmp l~eu>n arca for the 1990R wn1I ~)'ond 'I ru ... t ••t•'I wt II ntl'l'l al 7 31) I> m . ut ll a rp1·1 Cummun1tv Ct·ntl'I , l>ilh S t n·1•t ut Tu~llll 11.wnuc. Cm.tu Mt•!.a Tt11:y will be pn·scnt<•d with a rec·1111un1:ndat111n for leasing Mesa Verde School. which W(lt; l'IOM 0d thts yl'af hetaUSC Of dec hninl( t•nrollmt•nt Superintendent John Nicoll srud toduy he hasn't yet drawn up the re commendation on what to d<> w ith th<' Co~tc.i M csa ~t·h1.111I 111• s:i111 rt1scussions arl' uncit·r wav with l wo potential lt•'>!..f'I''> ('<ia'llhn•• ('11mmun1ty ('01lt•g1• anti Fa1rv1cw Statt• I 11,.,pital Coa.-.thn<' wants lo hold college d as w!> ::1t lhC' 1>1tc• Fu1rv1ew µro rwr11·s tu hold SJ)l'C1al cducatwn du!..s es and lease Rome classrooms lo a pn vate shool Truste<.'S will also be a s ked to aC"knowledge formally the sale ,,f the McNally School site al 19th Street and Newport Boulevard in Costa M esa to Pacific Federal Savings for $3.457.000 A third silP to be discussed is :.chool-ownC'd property on the .;outhwest comer of Raker a nd Bear Streets in Costa Mesa. Cur n.-nlly. It ls used for s torage. for transportation headquarters and a mt.>d.ia center OttANOI COAST " DAILY PILOT ff'lot (">t•ftO'l(\1i19'\flM1h t'1...,t t1t1th tllfftof .. 1\(0f\I' f'MIW>fl ,,.,. ....-..,.. .,I"'\'\ '"'"" .. '""'(I bf .,,.. n.-M\of)lll' (M\.l fllwOt•\IWlll~f ko•o•t•M1h1~ •tJO pvt>llt ... d ~., tfw~ ""0•• f(Jf (O\t4 ~ ...... .......,, ... Mf\ M\l"'t ~Of' 841..r" f.~ t••ft Y•I~ lrwHW ~"""-"'~lflil (M\4 A ~,., ... ~t~1t161\•'\,.,_,.,.i\l'Wd'\l!t1\l•d•'t'•f'ld ""'"4••" ·~ Of'H'lf •a.ti..,.."""..,. ....... "., 1# .... ,11•• \M ... CMtf llllWW (.•t•IOfnt•t>t,,. ._ .. _ p,., ... ,.. •rWJ --...v.. , .... (wtty V•f'f fll't•\~O*'t\t ttnd Oe""•f ~ '"""., ...... L4fH• ~Ml..-~ ...... . .... -............ ..... Telepflofle (114)~11 CleHfflecl Adw•rtlllnt ..,....,. • The appari·nl ass:t:.'\111at1on 11f Lord Mountbult <'n . un cle• hv rn:trrlage o r Queen 1-:hzabcth w<JS the clost•st I n sh i.:ucrn Ila strikP yPt at the royal family On N-M Board HE!'/0. ;\t\ t/\.l'I Lurratnl' Elea nor Wray borrov.-c d SlOO f r o m a frwnd to try her luck in Reno "Work mg in this way, 1t Is m v ~lief that we can accomph~h ~metiung positive for both com· muruues and not further burden th(> ~1dents of either city with t he n o1i.e from ove rhead &1rc raft.'' Sills said Mounth:.itll'n was a tous1n rif King George VI , falht•r or th•· pn..-sent queen. and brothe r of Princt-ss Andrew nf G r cec1·. mother of the quee n's husbant1, Prine(' Philip, Ouke or Edin burgh The queen was give n the n<'W'I at Balmoral, he r Scottish castl1-. where s he is on vacation Buck ingham Palace said effort!! wer" being ma de to contact Pnn1·•· Phillip, who was expected todav al the Europt:un DrtvtnR C.:harn pion.ships at Nonant le Pm 111 Normandy . Prance Police sa1d four persons W<'rt' taken t o S ligo H o s pital Mountbatten 's son in-law <1n1I daughter . L ord and Lady Braboum e ; their son T imothy. a brother of Nicholas, and th•· Dowager Lady Brabou rn1•. mother-In-law of Mount batten·!.. daughter Two of the four 1t was not Immediately known who -were said to be c rltlcally 1n jured and In the intensive care un.lt. Mountbatten had been at h1 -; e s tate . a ho u t 1 5 O m 11 1· s northwei1t o f Dublin, for two weeks . For 35 years. he was in the habit of taking a summl'r vacation the re Police s aid the ex plos 111n "ripped the boat apart" as 1t wa s rrusi ng i n fr o nt of Classiebawn Castle . owned by the Mountbatten family Brian Mc Nulty, own.-r of tht• Beach Holet. said he he ard the hla.~t at noon. He said that w hile ~ty at the castle appear elt to be Ught. t he boat was not kept there. "ft was moored In the harbor oppoelte my hot.el and I always ~la suard wu maintalneJ on lt," he said. Lord Louil Mountbatten roKe throulh t.he r anks of the Royal Navy to lead \he Allies to victo ry aplnsl \he J apanese ln Burma ln World War 11 and hell)ed plan the Normandy lnva11lon . He wa" the man who handed lndepen· dence to India 31'1 Its l &At British viceroy and flrsl 1ovornor- genera1 ln 1M'1-41. Mountbatten wa• an admiral ol the Royal Navy and a form er cblel ol the Defense Staff. the blCl*l Briltah military com· mand. ~ f With thrP•· days l1•rt to rl'~· 1!>lt•r. nmc P<'Opl<' h ave filed or takf'n out pal)<.'r'i to ri11• for four M'ah on tht• N1·wport M1·-,;1 M'honl hoard 111c t:ll·clwn 1:. M·heduh .. -d Nov 6. Thi' Orang'· County Reg1~trar or Vot1•r-. s a1rl today th1· l<tt•·'ll person Lo pick up papen. 111 Jim Pancake. 2816 Nevis C:1r!'l1·. (:0-,la ML•sa. who listed h11> 111· cupallon as m a nager lie wouh1 run in trustc>e ari·a one. rouRhly the E stancia ll1gh S<'hool atte ndance are a . C:. n didates must run in thP gPn waph.tcal areas they live 1n, but ln.L'ile<.-s are elcl'led by all dis tnrt voters Al!!O eyeing that seat are ap pointe d in t'Umbent Kenneth Wayman . an attorney, w ho ha!> pkked up papers. and Robert G Hammond Jr • a product 111 formation analyst who has fll(•!I In area two, the t r lani.t lt• formed by Nt:wrJOrt and Jlarhor boulevards and Cos ta Mesa 1·11 v hm1ls. the p<'rson elel'ted w1il l>(>l'VC the two y ears rcmalnln~ of a four·year term So r a r . a I l or n p y Mi k I' Md.aui!hhn und rettrt'<1 anount London Elvis Fans Pour Out LONDON I A P l I\ hall in ce ntr a l Lond on 's !'l tald Wet1tmlnster district throbbed with "lleartbreak llot el" and "J a1lhouse Rock" as thousand11 or Elvis Presley fans jammed a n <'•f.!ht-hour memorial to the late rock 'n rollainger . A hu1e movie screen dis · played Elvia films as a sound a yatem pured out his songs . · Yo ung men in 11ldeburn1 vied in an E lvis look-alike contest. F'ana Uned up from dawn until the noon op ening to pay the equivalent or $U a ticket. Food Poisoning? tNDIANA, Pa. <AP) -State health offlclal1 ta)' they will te~t samples or the food served at a wtddin& reception where the brtde and 38 1 u uts w ere 1trtcktn w ith apparent food po61onlna, , . -----·--------- cl<'rk Catht·rtn1· A l~1nth na\t· filt-<I for tha t st•ut Appointed tn cumbcnl Kennl'lh Va nd<'w a ll1· ha.-. :.;ml lw won ·t run In :m·u thn·"· Wc-.td1ff :.nr1 S;mt:i Ana ll1·1ght-., 11p11omted 1r1 cumbc'nt B:arhar:i Sk1llini:: h a ... pll'kt•d up pap<·r ... :ind 1•ontraM' man:tJ,!1'1 M1d1:i1•I Sk.1...,.111 h." f1l1>d In ;i rea six. Newport 11Ptfhh and ...,1ut h1°a'll l'11-.t <• M 1·'·' Rt1f,!1·r C Summers a f,!c>nt•1.1I rontra<'tor and Todd lie"'· .1 n•al cslalf' 'lalc>s m a n . hav•· t aken out 1rnper-. lnt'umbf'nt Tum lfrndt>rllon 1sn l sc•ekmg n • election Jo"')llng C'l<,...<'S at ~ Jl m 'I hUr'I d:.y Two hours and S40 after s he arrived at llar old 's C lub. she won $85,731 - the lor gt'Sl Jackpot ava1la· ble on a dollar pro~ress1ve at the casino "I 'vc been trying for $0 long." said the Rl year-old Albany. Calif . woman Jfter her wm On three previous traps. ··t 'd ~l op playing a machme and an hour later 1t would hit " Ryckoff was less altruistic. saymg that while he d idn't wish to merely transfrr his city·., pmblcm.'I ">-Omethwere else. ht• didn't feel lht• add1l1on or about 40 commercial flights o ut of 1-:1 Toro would t'ause any adverse effttts The Newport Beach official 'laid he would support use of Camp Pendleton a nd Ontarto 1f they we rt> shown lo be useful alternatives .. ------------------- -- .. Our IAvorlte 1ean 1122 by On Time ~ChOd oon1 m with 0 CIC.:11'\ •,1lhOUOllu Adel 10 thJt ,II'\ .111 c:ottO•' llunnot Olmd shirr 100000 off by 1110 ut1h1v 13ckot ol COllOn Jnd PQtyostor IQrl!uri!X) 4 POCkOlf> w/llelrero CIOSUrtJ!. .ind a toul·WOOlhef hOoa All ol lhese groo1 11ems pack ntCOly into the can\195 'day l:>9Q Al (' Gl\nAGL '1h ~ A~I HON ISLANO NL WPORl BEACH I 714 1644 1030 . ...... · . .. Monc!ay.August27, 1979 DAILY PILOT A 3 pt lot •. A Bit. of Youth Died With Kenton .. '. .. .. . ~ 'I . . '• . ~· •• •• CRAa La •• t.008 • ... lllllty ...... Let'• pt one thin& strallbt naht h'om the top STAN K t:NTON dldn't write ''Take the A Traln." Billy Strayhorn wrote that tribute to a New York ljUbway line for the Duke EUlncton Orch tra. Thal error haj>pened to be one of the thlnl8 written for ~·a paper about the death or Stanley Newcombe Ken ton. · One or the thin gs that wu n't written about the death Saturday of Stan K~nton at the age of 87 Is that be took u Utll piece of tt lot of us with him -a littltl ph:ct• of uur youth. And. It you will. the youth of a pince called Ba lbou ntEllE WEit£ two Kenton pen odi.. U\ Balboa One wa:-Ill l!Ml·42 when he firs t brou~ht h ti. o wn band to the Rendeivoui. Ballroom. thHt great pastel barn that .. trt'lt'ht'd betwee n P alm a nn d Washln~on streets along Ocean l''r ont Avenue Just up from the Ra lhoa Pier That's where Stan Kento n'!! mus ic original, 1ndiv1dualistic a nd con '-oos trovers 1al burs t on the Amerll·an scene Thl're "'as" f:a~er &>aver" and" l ntcrm1ss1on Riff " There was even a danct' sll•p called the Biilboa Lord , doe1> an~bod~· still remember how it went·• KENTON CAME BACK lo the Re ndl'ZVOUS in 1957 and there was a m•w ~cncrat1on of afit·1onados T here WNC two Ke nton albums recorded at the Ren dezvous in the late 50~ "Rendezvous Wt th Kenton" in 1957 and"Rack to Ralboa" in 1958. Some lani:. daim tho~e were the best recordings ever made by a Kent on band. Thal was becaus e. they argUl'. that the R,endezvous, with its block-long da nc·e floor and lu~h re1hng, wa:-the only µlace that ever really could hold a Kenton hand in full flt ght MAVBE THAT'S just nostalgia talkin g. Anyway. who rould £•\'Cr forget "The Big Chase." "Rendezvous al Sunset" or "With lhe Wand and the Rain in Your llair''" Durina that period there alao wa" a perfectly awrul Kenton televlalOCl "how broadcast over a Los Angeles sta· tlon from the Rendtiivous. fl w as sponsored by a bread \o"MlPaftY Kenton'is plan was to use the "bread " he ma de Ul lh1li venture into P\lttLcommerciallsm to make the Ren· dt."vous home base for his band . Merclf\.lll.y. the tele vision s how with its musical tribute to the wonders or a certain bread, was short-lived. Ken ton'8 grand design didn't work out a nd he left the Ren· <Jeivous aguin . ntE OLD BALLROOM burned down in August. 1966, for the second a nd la st time The rirst time was in 1935 ltt>s1de-s ull the m usic and good times. the Rendezvou~ ~ave Newport Beach two of the town's most s pectacular fires. Symbolic, perh aps. of the changing t1mei:. a nd the town's cha nging character. condominiums replaced the old barn After that. the r losest Kenton ever got to Balboa was six miles up the road at Orange Coast Collegc, where the band would give clinics for aspiring Jaumen and play a <.'OOCt!rl mE LAST CONCERT was about a year a~o Aug IJ 1978. to be exact For a lot of us who were there, 1t was lump an lhl' throat evening because it became clear during thl' cnn<'ert lhat we might be s~mg Stun Kenton frontm ia a band for th1.• lastt1me. SadJy. our worst <'XPN'lat1 on!-> h:tVl' come to Pa'"' St.111 Kenton. who always seemed so andestrucublc. 1~ gunl' " "0 10 VOU KNOW we started in Ba lboa·• · hl' ,,.,ktd th~ aud1cm•c al that last Orange Coast l'olh:i.:t· t•o n<·nt Tht>rc wen• a lot of g raybl'ards an th<.• t·rowd th;.11 111gh1 and you knew how lhl'y would ;inswcr thl' quP-.t11m R1.•0<•ctang on the bandleadt>r's death. drurn1n1•1 ~ht·ll~ Manm· said of th<.' t1mt' he s pt·nt with th1 · f\1•nt11n h.111d "Tho:-c wt•n• :.om1.• of tht' bt•st yl·ar!> of my hf\o HE COUl.O 111:-t as w<.'11 han· h1.·1.·n spcJktnJ.! for ,1 1111 11t KcnlOn fan!'> STAN KENTON AT THE KEYBOARD At Orange Coast College in 1976 Hunting ton Ma1i Shot In Ve hic le RTD Buses Halted /\ 22-vear old Wh ittier man was a r.re s ted in H untingto n Beach late Saturday after police allt'g<' he fired om.• shot from a high-powered rinc at a car o n Beac h RoulC'va rd. the bullet sttatt<>ring th(• leg of ... passing rmtorist. Police identified lhc victim as SO-year -old J ohn S ullivan o f H.unlington Rcar h. He was re-ported in good condition today at f;luntington l n t e rcommunity Hospital. Polict' said Sullr\'an v. as driv ing northbound o n Be a c h Boulevard when the slug tore through the door of .his s ta t ion wagon and went throu~h his left le).!;. Fragm ents from the bullet then broke the winds hield of SWlivan's car. Sulhvan managed lo guide the car into the parking lot. or a fas t food resta ur a nt n ear H e il )\venue wher e he wa~ helped by customers following the 9: 10 p.m incident 9 Police said u number of wit· TI<''\SCS saw a "p unk rock<.'r" with a rifle run from the area after finng a shot at Sulltvan's ear Watch the Bills ,Officer s arrcsll'd Gregory D<tniel She s terkin , who was f.owid sitting in a truck on .Glen· cot• Avenue a few minutes later •'A World War II era rifle. an Enfield 300 caliber. was rc - Ct'l\'ere d from S h esterk in 's truck. poli ce <>aid He w as 00oked on a charge of as~ault '-'ith intent lo commit murder and remained an custody today in lieu of S25.000 bail. Rohert Harrell rides his Boneshakcr bike. which sell s for S375 but has a few problems like no brakes and the fact that ~·ou can't s top pc·daling or ~·ou fall ovrr Also it's imp0ssible to ride un or down hill ~. so you havt• to get off a nd push it I le'<; from Santa Ana Supporte r s March P ITTSBURG H C/\PI Sup- Doctor Testifies For Defense Team porters of wo m e n 's rig hts m arched 11 m iles to collect $10.000 in pledges for a national campaign to make the propos ed Equal Rights Amendment law. RALEIGH. N.C. (AP > T ht" defense rested today in lhc: triple·murder trial of Dr. Jl'f· frey MacDonald a fter present· ing 34 witnesses in two weeks of , " ... - Swear Der In Cop's Wife Foils Theft Tttey're calling it the Great Stagecoach Robbery around the Laguna Beach police d epartment today and the subject of the merriment is a red·faced Capt. Neil Purcell. Purcell's wife. Miche lle. was an exhibitor al the Art·A· Fair and Saturday night. the captain and his artist wire were returning to their car after closing up h er booth. MICHELLE SP01TED A M AN carrying a painting under his arm an'd t urned to her husband a nd said, "Neil, that man looks suspicious. Shouldn't you check him out?" Captain Purcell didn't see anything particularly un· i.eual about the canvu·toting gentleman. a nd he told his wife so. ''You've got the badge," Mich elle said. SO THE OFF -DUTY officer stopped the nervous pedestrian , who d id . in fact, possess a stagecoach painting allegedly stolen from artist Jack Schmitt. Gifford Ric hard Pinchott, a 38·yea r-old Santa Ana de· sipr, was handcufred at the Art·A·Fair by Purcell an d later releued on $3,500 bail. ~ llEANWlllLI:, AN ANONYKOU8 cartoonist circulat· ed a ctrawtna of a bewildered Captain Purcell watchina a maked man lo an overcoat nmninl off with a paintlna. "aell, be looked innocent eOOU1h to me," the 1beepllb police captain said today u be st udied the cartoon. TbaDkl to Mlcbelle'a quick eye. Schmitt IOl h11 k50 eanvu beck aod sold it Sunday to David DeFore, son of ..-0onDePoN. .. testimony Defense attornev!> s aid thcv had finished their· presentation afte r questio ning a former Army doctor who was the first to 1~x a mine t he bodies of Mac Donald's family Dr. William Ne al. an OS· teopath. testified he moved a punctured pajama top whic h had covered the body of Mrs MacDonald and m ade no effort to replace It in the exact positio n in which he found it. He also said he moved the childrens' bodie s a nd cou ld hav e transferred blood he got on his hands from one body to another Government witnesses have testified that when they folded the pajama top the way it was found later on Mrs . Mac - Donald's body , they could reproduce the pattern of he r puncture wounds. MacDonald, 35, a former Green Beret Crom Huntington Harbour, is charged with murder ln the 1970 stabbing and beating deaths of his pregnant wlfe. Colette, 26, and daughters Kimberly, 5, and Kristen, 2, while he waa stationed al Fort Brag. Neal testified du ring Army heartnp in 1970 that when he ex· ambled the bodies at the Mac· Donald house he moved Mrs. MacDonald's body. knocking off tbe ~ama top MacDonald says he placed over ber. Neal said be later replaced the top. n.e "polltlon of the top bas been a polnt of contention in the trial. l 600,000 Riders Strande d by Strike LOS 'A!"JGEl.ES 1A 1'1 .\ stnke left more thnn fiOO.UOO Southern Californians w1th011I their buses today. t·au-;1ng u scramble for nth<.•r ways to gt·I to work and 1amm1ng some• morning rush-hour t raff1t The Southern Cal1forn1a Rapid Transit D1stn ct w<t s onkr ed to resume ne~otaat1ons tod;,iy with strikin~ drivers. mt•cha111t·s :incl cle rks b v :Halt• mt•d1:.it11r Thoma-.. !\1 rC'arth' l 'n1nn m1·111 bcrs walkt'd off thc·tr Jnh"> .it 12.01 a m Sunday Meanwhilt'. lht• hu .... y Santa Monica f'ree wa v. wh1t·h lank:. lhe W(>';tern end of the• c·1t ' '4tth t he d n w n t o w n a r t· .1 v. .1 -.. C'lo~~Ni "It was fa1rl~ parkNI I think a lot more' than u .... ual ror .1 Monday morning that 1·arl~ II was rea l slow hec.tcltnl.! anto lhl· interchange ... ~aid Olll' Sant.1 Monica commuter But traffic on the• Pa-.ad1.·n .1 and Long R<•ach frc'l'way:-ap peared normal or ll eht\•r th.in normal. and on t·it ~ :-urf:i1·1· streets it wa:-much lt J,!h11•1 without buse:- Many p oplc-appan·nt ly w1·r1· car pooling :iftC'r t'ommut1·r Computer. a rtdl·r matc·h 1111 service· parti:1 lly fllrnh•d hy th1· state and fNil'ral ):!O\l'rnm£•ni-. reportl'd a surgt· of lt'le·phnnt• ri· qucsh t <1 JOtn C'ar µ11111-. '\n figure'<; on th<' artual numh1•r 111 riders we re' ll\'ail ahlt' RTO s pokc<;man Rill lte-,1 ... nn who drove fr<>m ll unt1nl.!t11n Reach found t raff II' 1 the· I .011).! Hc>ach i-'rt'l'" ·" 1 .... uqn.-.111gh light One rt.'a'>on. ht· ..... 1111 m1J,?hl !w that ·'a gnnd <11·.1 l 11 f 0111 passenge r<; don t h .1' 1• 1· :i ,..., FU·a~on said tht' RTD 1., 1h,. nat1un·:-larizt·st bu~ ltnt> an tl'rm-. uf local operations. 1nclud1ng 11umbt>r of bus t•s, rHJcrs and t•mployct>s com baned The RTD stnke was rxpeC'tcd although the four m onth·lo n g negnt1atton~ continued to tht• la">l minute. RTO General ~anaizer J ack Gilstrap bla med lhe stnke on the s mallest of the * * * !hr<'t.' unmn .... I hf' Hrnthcrhood 0f Ra1lw.1~ and StC'amsh1p Clerks ThP otht'r two unions on the pttkct ltn<' todav. a-. conciliator" tn('ll to bnng thP t" o s ides bat:k tn tht' ncgot1at1ng tablt'. arc the Amalgamated Transit lJnton . reprc~t'nt1n g 1.200 mechan ic~ and maintt'nancc workers and Ult' Umkd Transpartat1on nion repn~en11niz ~.OOC) d n vers * * * KID Strike Hurts Some County Areas 8\ DELORES RROOKS IR"IS -OI -0.11, ~ ... SC..tt While C'O mmuters 1n Lo.., An~cle" County "ere left ht~h and drv todav as a s trike idled lhP rapid transit systt•m . for all but about 3.000 bus rommuter-.. 111 Orange County. 1t was traHI a...; us ual But thosl' 3.000 or -.o rom mut(·~ !'.trandl'd b' the s tnkc• bound Los Anifrle'> bas ed Snuthern Caltfnrn1a R ap1ci Transit D1s trirt had to scramblt· for nther wav~ to g t-I thl•m In .md from !lie1i-d<':-lmat1ons 'lno .. 1· bus rtdl'r., dcpt•nd on HTn husl'c; to t':srr~ tht•m wholh 11 r 1 n p a rt o n t h t' 1 r d a 1 h 111urncy~. ant'lud1n,g about RO patrons an San Clemente wh11 mmmute nn e:\prC'ss bu~cs It> I J:I!'> Angelt•s des t mat 1on!-> ll<'a' 1f•-;t hit b\ the :-tnk<' of about Ii 'iO<l med\amrs. tln\cr ... .ind ch•rks at RTI> arl' Orani.:1• Count:. n1mmutcrs who 11:-1.· ~· 11.1rk and r1d1• factl1t' 1n J-)1\lt•nnn ('ti II n I \ I r a n ... I I C) ff I l'I .ti ... ec;t1mJtl'd Iha• up rn I. 1011 person.., who depend on HTO buse:-to wh1~k them to Lo:- AnJ;?eles had to fand olhl'r means of ~Nttnl! 1 t.t•r(' from Fu I krton todav :\1t'anwhtl.-. 11 was bustnl':." as U!>U<il for till' Orange Count ' Transit D1 s trt l'l 10CTD1. thl· provi<1C'r of about 'H .llOO bu:- pas!>rni.:1•r tnl>" 1o;_ h weC'k da\' An Ol'Tl> -,pokt•sm an said onh thO-.l' 1.wr-.ons who lravt>I on RTn Pxpre .. " hu~l'" and who us1.· 1)(10 bll"l'!ot lo 1·onnt•ct them '4 1\h RTD •tl'l' hl.'1ng lt>ft -.1randt•d h' thl• .,lnkc 1n L ib \n1~ t• I c:- \n d tht' tw-..t l''-l trnall• of lh.11 number v. a.., "l'I at a bnut :i.ooo There v. a., c·ommukr chao:-an IJ>.., ;\ngl'lt>s Count:-. howe,·er. J..., th1• RTD '>tnkt' all but C'loscrl down puhht· t ransoortal1nn t-,..,µN·1ally har<1 hit by tht· mass walkout of v.orkt"rs -.eek tnl! h1eher '-'3J?<':-\41.•rC' the• sout h and .. nuth-t•e nlr:tl .,e1.·tt0n:-of IJ,.; AnJ,!Clt':- the. hid,h rountry.. paciflc trall's a11 purpose. J&kczt, 1 ight\V<Z1ght dacron oni cotton with ~kro c1osunzs on all cufTh and. p:>ek<Zts. combina'L1on 2.1p ,, '\ and 5nap f'ronti with SWQ.at.czr , ("' '}X'ckcz't 1n back, rnok<Zs this ~ .. $' ; j ack<Zt gnz.al> for s11 out<::laJr "'..-' ec't1vi'ticzs. ·-• ~J@)~o@@)§@ 44 fbshion Island• Nf!Wport Beach•1J4/644·5070 1001 ~stW'ood Blud.·~b.oood vmage•2l314~7727 • . ' .4.f OM. y N.OT Mondlr. AugUllt 17. 111'1 ~ ~~~ 11 ..... 1me Good, Bad News ...... GMN OP ..., •••• D•n. -Tb• ••aton .._ llua bell ol aU poulble couta la Juat 1bout to run ou& 118 ltriftl wtth tbe 11ot1oua thNe-dQ holiday of Labor D1y Just four da.ra away. In all t.blt. ot roune. l.bere'• IOOd MWI and bad new1 AU ol the art abo•• In WIUftl Beach hne Juat cl01ed *> for the oat.lvt1, that'a problibly aood newa \'ou mt•h& ht able to t'lDd 1 parkln1 plac& now ln the Art Colony The bed newa la that aJI ot the La1uH nat.ivea wbo'v• Orange Coa&t V1~1tors Sulfenng in uni Ga.irp o/ Summer tx't'n h1dmg out during the s ummer will now reappear and take lho::.e parking places TIIERE'S GOOD NEWS an that with the conclus ion or summer the vIB1ton; may now give us back the coastline The bad news 1s t hat this very last weeken d m ay be only a forecast of the compaction lo come over the Labor Day holiday U the beachfront s avants are expecting la rger throngs this next wee kend at Newport Beach o r Huntington, you are 1<'4 wondering where they're going to put the m . Yo'-might consider 1t good news that the s chools are about to go back in se1>s1on The caution here 1~ that your l'K'tghborhood stre<>ts will now be filled by youngs ters at n1Sh hour. roa nng o ff to class on bikes. mopeds and skateboards TIIF: GOOU NEWS ll> that lhl· young pcop l'• g<11ng back In :-.chool m1J(hl all turn orr the ir :.lereo tape players at on ct• We might i.uddcnly have 1.1 surplui.. of c.·leclnc·al pown A!> for lhP !'t111gt•s t1on of things, h()wever. the ~ood new:. 1:. thul mort> u nd mon· p1·oph· a n · bcginnin~ to ridt• 011' Ornngt• County puhlil' h11-. ~yslem . That 's ).,well :.o long :L" vou'rt· n()t trying lo m a kt· a connectton wrth th•· RTI> bu.-.cb in Lo~ Ani.:dci. TIIAT BAD NEWS thNe ts that the RTD's fi,fi<)() t•mployt•ei.. JUbl walked oul on stnke This leaves some I 2 m1ll11m 1~·11plC' without a hw .. ride· This " l<'~S than happy for Oran..:c Countwns looking for RTO connect ions up the IJJ'le Rut then. the good news 1s that you still have the old family heap that you can gas up etnd crank out onto the fn<t·ways. n~ht" RIGHT. nu: BAIJ N t :w s lhNC IS that you II have J lot of c.·ompuny .ind bf>s 1dec;, I just SCIW a :-.erv1ce statio n SI~ offenn~ fuel ror SI 10 a g allon The good new!-. th('r<· of c·ouri.c. was tha t the· :.talion rt1dn't havf' muc·h of a wa1t1n ~ line Life ccrtamly 1s a bunch of mixed blessings along this best of all poss1bk COUSL'i Priest Wants to Aid Smpect'8 Children CAMBRIDGE. Md. <APl - The Rev. Re rnard T Pagano, a Roman Catholic priest cleared of armed robbery c h arges, says he w ants h alf or his defense fund to go to the children of Ron Clou11cr , who pleaded guilty to the .. Gentleman Bandit" rob· beries. John O'Connor, head or thf' F rie nds of Fathe r Pagano, said Sunday the group, which has col- lected about $13,000, would con · tinue to solicit funds to pay orr Pagano's bills . Pagano owes at· torney and investigator's rees, he s aid. ! NATION I WEATHER Capplag Slo.,ed Storm Raises Texas Oil Peril CORPUS CllRISTl. Texas I AP 1 A s tbnn creepln« up the Gulf Cout t.od'6y toward Te.xaa · burrler lelandt threatens to Kw1tmp containment booms oow protticlln K bays und lagoons rrom ua oily orudaught Sclenlila 11ay that 1f the oil getll put the boomM which are sort of like noutlnat curtains -it c·ould wrtick ecological havoc among the hi rds and othe r c· l'tHHUtt!S 1n the s h e ltered wa hirs A TROPICAL depression edg ing to ward the Texas coast could bec't>me a tropical storm, dnv- Pro-nuke Force Has Its Say (;OLDEN. Colo. I AP > The sights and sounds in tht• :-.un· browned fll'lds ne ar the HO<'ky fo'lab nuclear weapons plunt WC'rf> familia r bands pltlyc•d , pt•ople held :-.1gn-. <Jnd four p<:<>· pie wcr<' a rrc).,tcd Hui unlike othe rs that have· i:atherc.-ci ;it th1· f11·ld. th1:-. wa ... .i crowd of nul'lca r l'ncrg) ::.u p po rters who had come· to h<·ar s p('akers rtd tcult• th(' · k1.111k., and "no.growth m ug gers " who oppose nuclear e nergy ··voe WO ULD N 'T h <l\.1' bro ug ht your c h1ldr'"'1. h£>rt• 1f vou WC'ren 't c·11nv1ne1•d of tht• :.afety of nul'lt·a1 POl"f>r . l'<·te r Brennan, sN·rc·tury of lahor un der pres1denLo.; H11·hard M Nixon <.t nd (;t•r ald H Fo rd , told tho:." at lht• rally Suncl a) ''ff we• <1r r• t o m u1 nt a1n ( rl't:llum a nd Ill· m 11<· r c11· >. v. 1· must have• a ~tron~ •·conomv :rnd a st roni: dl'fl'fl '>l'." 111· ~;wl R rcnnan. prt•i-.ul!'rtl of lht• :'Ii t•"' York Bu1ld1n.,: a nti T1.1cl1·~. <'ou11 I'l l ~aid nudl'ar l'Ot·11H •~ t·:.:.1•11 twl 111 keep tht· nut111n :-. t·ton1101; afloat. "It 's sht•c•1 :.111p11lit\ to 111111 ;iwC:ty f rom I 111:. "Jlu.1hl1• 11• source," ht· :-.a uJ TllE CROWD, dcl·hd oul 111 red. whtll' a nd 1Jlu1· hc.L'> and waving ::.mall Amcn can O<•P" chec·rc.'<l v.hPll Hrennan :.aid ;, "f1 crctt b<1n'1 of no g10\l.th rnul( gcr'>" IS JXJ'>IOg ... lhr ... 11 lei lht· na tion':. fut11r1• Locc.1lcd Iii m tlt•\ llfll lhWt"I or Ucnvcr, llocky Flul::. •~ "wnc·d by the frderJ l j(OYl·rnmt·nl uni! ope ratt'd b) Hockwc ll lnlcrnC1 llon<il. Tur plant 1s the nC1taon ·., only factl 1ty for JJroducsn~ th .. pluto nium c-o m11u ncn 1 ... nf'c-cssa ry an modc·rn nut'lcur weapons. The r<Jll y 1irJ(an1 ted hy .1 group c-allcd CittZl'n~ for Enc ri.:> and F'rN.:dom, 11ttr acted a crowd estimated <Jt 8,000 hy s t<ite r>01tn · and .it more than 15,000 by nilly orgunizers It WCI!> pa1c.J for by Rockwell anc.J by plunt wo rker., and other nuclear rnergy i.up porte rs . ins tbe world'• lar1est oil apUl wltb 1uatained wlndl of at ledt 39 mph, the N1Uon1l Hurricane Center ln M11ml aald Sunday The depresalon. with 1uallined winds of 3S mph, was located late S unday about 175 mile s southwest of BrownsvUle. and waa movtng toward the Texa11 Coast at 10 mph. Stuart aa.ld It was expected to reach South Padre Island this mom ln& and would become a tropical storm if winds reached 39 mph The bays and laKoons beluncl barner islands lining the Texas coast serve as breeding groundJ. for comme r cially importa nt ~e al1fe. harbor many ran· sp ecies of birds and serve as tht' winte r nesun~ grounds for en dan~ered s pecies s uch as whoop 1ng c ranes PASSES FROM the Gulf to th•• inland waterways have b1•1•n blocked with flout1nu otl contu1 n menl booms. but Stuart 1><.11d th•· booms appan•ntly arc incfft•1 11 v1· in t ht' fa1·t' of \\c 1 nd:. of m•>n · than 20 knot.11 fo'o recuo.;te rs predicted wind., Olippiag la Wayne Bl evins is really dung ho about it as he prepares to. let. his chip fall where it may be in the fourth annual llhno1s championship cow chip throw in Chatham , Ill. Bob t1eming won it for the fourth year with a toss of 197 feet . seven inches . Rape Victim, 20, Has Eyes Put Out of 25 to 30 knol.'\ would churn th•· MILWAU KEE 'AP 1 A well·dre!lsed man abd ted d !'eas to Ct~ht lo 12 fc('l orr lh•· raped a service st ation att<·ndunt then stabbed her ei:atedl an South Tex a:-. coast toduy · scnd----t>oth eyes in an t>ffort to make certain th.e woman co:idn't de Yl }° 1111o( mon · 1>f thl' thick t rude from her as::.:ulanl. p<ilt cc· s ay 1 n 1 Y a blown out Mt•xic:un offshon · Tht-20 y1·ar old w•>man who wus not 1dcnl1h<:d w· s t • "1·11 onto tht· '1111•1• ~lti.tc.-ntn~ raped in a municipal park before the a ssailant stabbed ~~r ;~~~ white tounbl ~acht·~ with a scre wdriver a uthorities -.aid ~tori· thiJn K:I rn tllto n ~CJ lion., of T he v.o mun to ld poll c<> tht• m&n <,a1d hf' could not allow her to t·rudr h ..... "'""''" rrorn tht· lxtru 1dc ntll> tum late r. police ~aid I l!'Sl off..,hon• wl'll th at hlt·W OUI .J 1111e ~I "II•'" 1ng I 25 mtll11m J!;illons of ml a da \' into lhl:' H<t} of Campt>l'h<'. 500 m ile-. ... oulh or Tt·x1.1:. Offu·iab, v.ho ... :.y the• flow ha::. bcl'n rcduct'd to about ..i:w.ooo gallon<; a <fov '><IY th•· tarj!et datt• for capptnJl lhl' wrll 1s Sept 16 B UT ONE ENGINt:t:R f1ir P EM EX. th1• sUtll'·run Mt•x1<·an 011 company. said l<J'>l fo'nd;.i :- thl' capping m1~ht n1>t tw ;u· comphs hed until c•arly Or tobcr Thousund of ll'nn1~ b<:t 11 ).,tl.t'd stef'I and ll':Jd bulls <irl' tx·1n~i E{-rn pcd into lht· w1·ll <Jnd hav•· IJH·d ('Ill the• flow frrim th1· m 1t1a l :I0,1.100 ha rrt·I., pn d<iy <>1>•·11 v. at1•1 1·t1nta1nm1·nt IH>om anrl ... k1m ni1•r ... c·IUI"' aro al:-.11 ""''t'I' 1ng up '\Offil' of tilt' otl al th1• "t•ll h••:ul Tht• :.ptl I 1:-. mon· th.irt :w m ti hon ~all on:-. h1J;!h1·r th<in lh1· INIH:.I prt•\tf>U ... lh.Jt Of tht• "'rt·c ~ or tht· :o.UJ,ll'rtankl'r Amor •> ('ad1z off tht• Frt·nl·h C'lia ... t m ~1 ;.irch 1517K POl.l('t: l.T. DONALD Mahnkt· "11d 1t W CI:. the most vicious ~e~ attack he had encounterf:'<l in IJl y1>ars as a policeman T hl' \•1ct1m dtd not lose her st~ht in either eye when her eyelids and eyeba lls were puncturc.od 1n lhf' Sunday attack, said Joanne "all. nursm~ adminis trator of f'am1ly llos p1tal The v.oman told <Juthor1t1e-. -.h1· wa)., <1bduc ted from a suburban r.l1·ndali· 'l·nit·e "tat11in abtlul I! l.1 1 m while· working alone Sh<' " ..... found rr111r1· th:in thn·1· h<iur .. l.1 u r -.tumhltng out of a wooded .1 rto,1 1n Ull' p.11 I. \ '1 A~ HRt:SSt:o l "'I a thn·•· 1111·1·1· -.111t <:tnd hody -.h1rt robhcd tht· ... tat1on of ~75 a nd 32 carton'> of l'll-:C1n•u e-.. forr(•d lht! woman in tu ht" C'odtllac-. drnvr• hn t<i th1· µ<irk . ra µ(_.d hN tied her hand& .1n1f ft><•l v.1lh c•lcrtrtc ~I rord. th1·n !ola bl1+:d he r 1:yes. police re· port ,.d Kotwrt II ~Utan . J rnun1<'1p.d Judi.:•· who 1.1w a~ in tht' pC1rk whl'n nll' W()man V.11~ f11und dt·~t•rdwrJ ht:r .1:. \ 1•r) t:11ht:r+:nl , Vt•ry 1·;dm· · Sur.in v. a!-. 11l:.iy1n11 bawh.111 "'1111 rrwmh. "ht·n lht• w11man \\l'Jrin.: Jh111' ancl .1 tan k 1•111. ,111rnlilul lr•>rn,,, \l.uodt:d area. dab tm1i.: al h1·1 ''"'" "1th J hJndk.-.rc·h11•f "Slit. CAM E l'P TO u~ ;imJ -..11d -.h1· hall bt•N1 <•llCll'kt'd . llw pulgt· !'.atd Ill· !>atd ... cvc·r:.i l f)t.'r..,11n ... \\t•n • dltend1n~ a p1t·n1c-in Lhl· p<.1rk but no one recalled h1J\tnJ! ""''O d gn·en ,·ar fttt1n~ the 1.Jto~rriptwn i:n <·n h~ thr· \'l<'llm Th<-\I.Om an told police ::.h1· .,trugglcd fret: of h+:r bond::. after hPr a::.sa1lant drove a way STARTS SEPTEMBER 1 ... FOR 20 SA TU RDA VS ' • ~ WEEK'S NFL • a Rains Drench Midwest new, exciting magazine section in the Daily Piiot Flash Floods Hit Central Pennsylvania Ainu"""" A tl;ief\t• IJ<>lllmor• nm.- o., .. ton llrOwll••llf• Ht1tlelo ( ~~y.,ntW I lllt•UO I 1nt11111•t1 ( lu•l•nO lle l Fl Wiii Ott"'•f'' ()~lrf)ll •4411'1•"• ll<>tlOllllll ••011\lon Ind e l)Oll• J•t •\ .. 111. "•"'' Clly l••V•-1 111 .. 1100 LO\A ..... l.OUll•lll• MeMpf\11 Ml•"'' Ao\11••- Mpl .. SI. P Ne>ll,,111• 14t•OrlM N~• Yon Nor IOI• Okie City Om~ Orl•- PhllM ' .... Pf\Mrtl• Pllt~'911 PllMMl,ON Rene Ht I..• Pt' .. ... 14 ,, ~ 11 fl 0~ " \II *O M '" H 11 I~ Ml II ,. \0 I I fl" t I 10 "" /J 1' M 10 0 I) I~ \() I~ ,_ \/ " •4 0 I) ~J m /0 .. 0 .. " -0 •I H 10\ /1 N IJ ... ., IS "' .H .. /J I • I• ti , ... ,11 •• " .41 II ... to h I) 141 es 10 " 14 .. •I 11 S) U .. " U IJ 101 ,. It .. ,., u ., .... ..., .... ........, ........... MnMey.:f'ttdrl II~ tfn m1t n•-HI Y11>1• ~ ~ ' lO 0 ~· 1 011 btollY" I (4 M ;tftll "f'OVI C<..OV 'MH 0t 04Htv~- .. " ~~~ \h•••'' S•••·o~•·• Oulwd•4 ---=== fl•thmoncl '1 ,. i.1 ...... 11 .. .. SI,. Temcw ., ,. S.llL•U •> " Sen oi.oo '° 10 $efl ,., ... I• ,. su m• ,. u Tuite 'IO .. Wftll ........ " n CAA.I P091N I A ._,, .... " 11 Ill"*> .. m fl•ylM '" ,, ''""° .. •l Meryt•llle •• ., Moflterey It •> Nffdl .. 107 ,. Onl•nd 70 ., ,. .... ~ •a St lt9dlllllff .. 1) s., .. ...-fl tl St11t• .. .,,,.... IS :7 SIOCktOfl .. fi.efm•I !Ge 14 ll•rttow 101 10 •11 .. •r to d (atollM ,. ,. l lC#lf'O lot 7' ............. • '* L.oftt ._,,. ., .. .._ .. .. It ~IMCJI ,. r. O'!Wlt .. ' ,. ..... ..,... ... ,, ...... _ .... ., . IMJ-., .., ....... .... lollt• MM\11 It » T-Velle¥ 14 • ,.. tJ )I W"'•'"•' ~,.., ••t • VA•lf'I, "'•*""' w,.,. t .,..-.. '"" tn """f hHJh\ tJt bi!J #rull tt •riri' ,,,l,1t• .,, U • , fJ., ... , __ , ...... , .. nc:,.ylfj flt#ll,Jf' hf;ffl /0 , •• , . Fa•r \lfl~ MW1 w•r m Wfil'•01~' .,'"'' .,.,,. tnr•tA\t ffJt ''"°' ,nwn1..,.n ,.,.,, n,.,,..,, "'*"' .. · w1rn h•on~ for tf'Wl 10...,..,, ft .. VI,,\ to °'" U)i to 111 H10f'I\ '"' lhft uuo .. , ~-f't -.nou•d ,,.,., n ft'1 tn 'n' t1t1tn 1\ 10 'JO tt1Jjt1 \.OiJfhwtt\t•fh t1tlM\ pttW.ht1'"6 MtJUfH41n .. , ..... \houltf h•"'"' •••(Jn\ o t H 1n llO w tth w1n<h 01 I') to ~ 1npn in tne nuttMtA t4ni(i"'\ Som• e•fl'I fMfntnQ r t(')u(J\ with Offl'"'Y of \unu un• 100•'f' lhrv~h ,_., Co•1t•I htQh In th" "'Pfl"'' /0 \ inn.-. w lfrt • tow •i 1ntMIO f\•Qn '" 1t1" m1t1 to •wlllleio.-•> WlllN It El .. wMr• tlQl'lt VIHIAtll• -·'Hh l\IQPtl •M n\OftH"Q hour\ lht11uOh 1onloht Afttt~ft .w1nO\ ••ff bt1 '°"thwie\t to .... to to .... "Oh w1tn ,_ , ... "'"" ..... . --- --• J. I .. I Each Saturday for the 20 exciting weeks of the pro football season, PAO Fil..e'79 w ill bring Daily Pilot reader s the mos t up-to-date, interesting and c omprehensive roundup of pro football, with special emphasis on all the pro gam es to be televised that weekend. You'll enjoy scouting r eports, player profil es, predi c tions a nd point s preads, insiders' comments on strategies and game plans, tips on who and what to watch for, plus lineups, statistics, quizzes and special feature s by top national writers. PAO FIU '71 , the special Saturday magazine section, will help you get more pl easure out of your pro football watching , starting September 1, in the DAILY PILOT 142-4321 • I ______ ,, . . 1 • • CALIFORNIA C~News West Coast Gets Update LOS ANGELES (Al') Tont1bt'11 edllion of the "C~ ~eniq News'' wilt ht #i. up·to datt· when West Coat vaewera at.oe It • ., 1l wa:. when th1• Eaat Cout wat.c~ a\ tl\reie houri. earh •r fChH nel a. 1 p.m. > Moftd9v. Augutt 27. 1979 DAIL y PILOT AS Jumbo Jet Shaken Turbulence Cawe1 lnjurie1 to 4 LOS ANGELES <AP> -Four came on the radio a nd told the flight attendants were sU1htly in· pusengers they had hit a hailstorm jured Sunday when a United Airlines that wu not visible on the radar, the 747 jumbo jet encountered turbulence pa11enier recalled. o n a night from Chicago to Los "He said something to the effect Angeles. a United spokesman con-that he was sorry they couldn't pre- firmed. diet that turbulence and, as if to tell For lbe lil"lt Ume, an enU~ly new 11eaml'nt or • newa, &e&N!d to t~ West and telllnit what has hap ~ .• pened t.o \be ID"10r 1toril'.S in the la!\t lhre~ hours, t wall be included 1n th.i proa&ram anchort-d by 'f 'Walter Cronkite an New York. Flight 111 r an into the bad weather us better things we re ahead, be near Denver, said Irv Cuevas of Unit· ende d with, 'The weath er in Los ed. One attendant had a slight cut on Angeles is 73 and s unny.' " the leg. one s uffered a bru~se s ho ulder. one a bruised rib and e o ther complain ed of back in. J p •t . . INSTEAD OF J ST repl~) in~ thL· tupe of "" Walter Cronkite 's show here three buuns uf\er It Cu evas said. ~ e erml 8 • bas aired in the East. ai. hw. 11\c'C'n tht! p ract1t'e, s ta le segments of Cronkite's taswd show~ will bt: elimina ted and replared t>ntarely by updat~ 01 new stones anL·hored from Lo~ Angele:, The West Cuast t>dll10n \\ill be anchored by Corresponden t Terry Drinkwater and ht>rc :-. how at wo rks. IN RUN·TllROUGllS rondlll'tl'd last week, the East Coast n ews showed Cronk1\e setting up a Leslie Stahl report on President Carter'1> trip down the Mississippi. Cronkite cut to Stu hi. who did he r r"' port and then signed it back to C ronkite. On the West Coast practice ed ition, that whole segm ent was eliminated. Instead. Drinkwater set up Stahl, who did a fresh r eport on Carter that in eluded later developments,~and turned IL back to Drinkwater , who went into a com mercial AFTER THE COMMERCIAi., Cronkitt• wu:. back. a nd the earlier taped program continued s m oothly. P revious ly. stories that demanded updating before a iring on the West Coast were interrupted with an in·s ludio report from Los Angeles . The practice wa~ d1srupt1ve and lent a n ofte n inap- propriate air of urgency to r outine news develop· me n ts . Or . if the interruption was for a truly urgent s tory. the. brevity o f the upda te often left the viewer hungering for more information "WHEN SOMETHI NG INCREDIBLE a nd t·atastrophic ha ppened. we'd break in a nd sa y. 'There was a hij acking 1n Syria tod ay and 40 peo· pie wer e s hot. Walter CronkitEf will be back in a minute."' s aid Drinkwa ter . Those updates "did inform the people . but it didn "t g lVl' us the opportunity to give th em pic- tures." says Drinkwa ter. And picture s a re the heart of TV news. THE TllRt;E NETWORKS have al'-liays con s1dt:red the matter of br oadcasting old news to the West Coast a problem , but ther e was no practical a lternative until quite recently. The advent of mini-cams and other new \•ideo technologies now m a ke it possible for a TV re- porte r to. for ins tance. send his pictures from the scene of an Oregon dam break to a n earby station in Portland by microwave. where it c an be sent b> satellite to Los Angeles a nd New York in about o ne serond. Klo11 Rally in f ,011tana Kl:.111~rn~n g l\ c..' thc White l'ower salute as they burn flag lwlongang to The lnt1.·rnat1onal Committee Agains t Hac1sm Tom Ml'lz,cx•r. <•rancl Orugon of tht• California Knights t1,>f the KKK. said the flag was C'tjpturNI ctunn).! las t W<'<'k 's dash h1.•tween thl' group" 111 Oakland Thl' rallv \\as altt•nded hv !->Offil' 75 kltJns ml'n a nd lh<'ir fmnili1;•s and 11wlutll'cl Lt ~o font t•ross. lighting Gray Davis Resigns From itacing Board SA 'Hi\~IE:\TO t t\1'1 Go\-Ed Rrown .Ir ·.., 1'111l'f of -.taff, Gray Oav 1s. has n •:-.1gncd for the second lim e from the ('alaforni a Horse Hat· mg Board . Tht> Sa<:r am cnto Be<' n • ports ' The Sw1day .s l<>r) said Davi!>, ap p 0 i n t (' d h \)I h I I m t• :-. b \' l h c Df'mocratic governor. had bel'n c:ra t1e1£cd hy th(• Cahforma Fl•dcra lion of Hac1ng Assoc1at1ons as having little mtcre1>t in hors e racing The federation also questioned '' h<'thcr Davi!>' ohJl.:'ctiv1ty was lhrea tcnl'd b)' pohtacal consideration:, DA VIS SUGGESTED dur1111; lhl' strik<' of m ut uel cll'r h last April and !\1ay at Hollywood Park . Golden Gate F'ields and Los Alamitos tracks th&l half the clerks be required to ha ve he ld licenses for at least s ax months Board rules required that before 1t could act on the suggestion. which was fa\'orcd by the union represent- ing the clerks. it h ad to declare thut Hn emergency exis ted. ~l a motion to declare •m cmer~ency lost on a 2 3 'Oil' Onl~ 1);1\ ..... 1111! B11mn .q1 po1 ntce Barbara Brook:-. "Jtt•d fr•r 11 TRACK OPER-\TOR!--.... ml l h.- lit·ense ri·11u1n·ml·11 t "'"uld h,J\1 d osed the tra('k ~. Davis f1 r ... t s l.:'rvcd 1in thl' hoard 011 u temporan basis from Ottr>hl r 1971. to :\t areh 1!l'i7 Thi· 1111·..,cnt tt-rrn "'.1 ... to l'XPI T(' in July J!iHI FOWLEH 1A l'1 Tht· f '1ty l'ount•al here has a pproved th1· applirat1on of a young woman to become th<• (1 r11t female \loluntcer fire fi ghter Oehba~ Dalley, 19. 1s a !>econd-year rorestr) sludcnt at Ht>edley College Old Fashioned Caring ALL FOUR EMPLOYEES went to a local hospital for examination a nd were released, Cuevas said Three of the allen<'anL~ were a ble to continue serv1cl.:'. he added ln adctitaon a pregnant wife of a L'nated e mployee became excited and hypene ntalated during the incident. Cuevas said A P~ENGER, WHO declined to be identified , s;mi the t urbulence Mruck suddenly as the rtaght. atten- dant s were serving a meal The a1 rr r aft SN•med t.o hit _an updraft and t hen a downdraft. he said. Wi.• went up and then went down 1 t "a~ one of those roller coaster t h1ngi.. \~ ..,oon ~ ... the plane hit the turhull•fl('t' f>n(: o f the night alten d.inb ..,tJrtl'd y<•lling at the othe r.!>. c .. 1 clovm, 111·t down, get down," the JIJ'.'>~enctr ... :rnf "O:'\t: Ot' T HE ATTENDANTS .,., ,1\ 1' 1ng on the floor and one RUY hllllg onto her so ~he wouldn"t hJt thr <·e1l1ns.: · ltH' p;issf'nger !>aid Th~ '.'>hak1ng la~ted a couple of rn 1 nutc·-.. I ht· passenRer ~aad .. Most nf l h1: sx·opl<' '4 ere real scare0 ·· ;\ n :w '11~l'TF:S AfTF.R the er r at11· rno\1:menl 1>lo pp<.'<i . the pilot Hughes Airwest Added Flights B U RBA N K <AP I Hug h es A1rwest may continue to fly s ix extra flig hts a week o ut or the Hollywood- Burbanlc-P asadena Airport under a ruling by a Su perior Court j udge . Judtte Thomas Murphy said there was no evidence proving the m ghts added on July l had significantly tn· cr eased area noise levels. THE RULING WAS to re main in effect until a Jan 7 tria l to determine 1f the Airport Authority has the r1gh1 t o r equire that airlines s ubmit docu ment ation or expected no ise le\ el-; when apply1n1< for ext ra fhRht::. Th<' Ai rport Authority ha~ argued th at Hught--. :.cheduled the added flights wnhoul pcrm1~s1on The Fednal Avaataon Adman1stra - t1on provided maintenance funds to the a irport with th<' stipulation th.at noise bt.· maint<itned at a reasonable level HUNTER HARRIS Put some red ~1h 1n THE AUTOMOBILE CONSUL TANT your \un\ets Buy one ~lallzmg In Clau1c • Antique •Unique ot th~ dream boats list-INVESTMENT AutomobtlH e d 1n th e Boat1n9 Pvt ,,.,.., M ••....,~• M J•"' \•dt' flrov1d1t\Q COft\ulU110ft •"4 ·•,,. '"-.. ,. .. ..... , •• , ... to "'"''"' owrtet\ '"° etr•t.,.t l•'f't .,..,,.,, •• C.I cl SS 1 li ~d a d s of the IHYESTMENT ovt.-i.> 11 U''" /1 .,o.._ .. .,.., I• -.1 .. mo ... t••I Daily Pilot ••''" 642-5678 (714) 557.7752 31 87A·1 Airway. Cotta Mesa. Ca 92626 All New:~ ·- Savings A Horse of a Different Color Come Sf!l' thl· 1umpt>r .. rrJn<('r' d.1n((r' \'\tonJt·rtullv n .... 1.1h·11 dt•l1>,ht111 I\ ""·•ul1l11I li.1ncl 1.1n 1d carrOu!>el a nimals trom the t.1 mous l~o11nt·v l 11lll'tt111n Ch1ldrt-n will h<' t•nth,1nttJ b~· thl• 111<1rv1 lnu' h111w' lri1rn .int1q111 nll'rrv i:o rmind' '''" .11 Newport BafbCla 5avin~'>. Wl"•td1fl Pla1.1 Wt•\ll lttf D11vt .11 lrv11w 1\v1 rna free! A unique gill. \1\1.:' 11llt•t .> lnur·u•l11r '11'.ni·d numhn1d p1111t 111 .1 <.1111111·.11 l11w.1· "' Cary Walson. talenlt.od local clfllst and l(r.lphlC dl'~i~nt:r. Availabll· univ \vhilr th1' nl1110n 1,,.,,, Newport Balboa Savings ... wherP your ~aving~ work hard for you. Wl' offer h1ght>r-y1elding p.i~'b11ol.. at<.ounl., .rnJ l<•w SIOO d1·p11"1 -:~· --t"' .~ //1\ If".."' • · .·.\,, requ1rl'ments on a whole ran,.;t• ol term cert1hcate atcnunt, including a new 4-year term money marl..l't auount Our m.iny convenient free services make life S(I much eas1{'r when you ,,1vc· ;it Newport Balboa Savings and Lvan Association Among them art' free money orders and travelers checks. notary ~erv1cr. direct Social Security deposit.,, free (hecking accounts and telephone transfer M>rvice, and, of course, we're open on Saturdays, 9 to 1 \ .;:(' ~--•( I ' .. i 1 .~_,,,, ,/f \ ,; . ~ : Vj , . ~ : f Newpo rt Balbo.l Sav1n1<• Westcliff Plaza. Newport Beach, (714)645-6505. c~ ,, -s·\ ~·. :;r-' .• -t· -~ ... ~­. ( ~ ' ~.,~.r "'' .. , '.. "• , ~~~ I ) •/ .v , 1801 Westcliff, Newport Beach 642-3630 Tocelebrateournew look, FINAL WEEKI salons offer: • 20% Diseount Take advantaqe of lh1s "pec1al reduced rate during our grand opening only. Includes a complete figure analysis by a trained counselor. an 1nd1vidua1ized program of nutritional guidance. and use al the exclusive Gloria Marshall equipment to 1rim away unwanted pounds and inches and spcC'd you on your vay to a beauttlul new figure. There's no pills. shots. starvation diets. or strenu· ous exercises C;:ill o r come 1n today. L1m1ted offer' Here's proof the Gloria Marshall method works! .. In Our 1-lth Year with 146 locations Coast to Coast~' 41978 OMFC TRENA BOSWELL WENT FROM A SIZE 11 TO A 5! 'Just a few months ago I decided to do somethmg obout my weight. Altor g1 vmg b"th to c1 baby g1rl. I 1e,11izcd how much I needed to get back 11110 shape again I went into Glorta,..Marshall's figure salon we1gh1ng 157 pounas No w I c1m thnlled to say Ive lost 281 2 lbs and 35 inclws! I toet 1ust 11'1.e a new person Tf!,wk you. Olona Marshall!" 20% DISCOUNT OFFER GOOD AT ALL AREA SALONS 23710 El Toro Rod. The City Shopping Center Orange El Toro 1IOU Golden Weet Huntington .. aoh 3511 I. Brtetol lam.Ana f s oraoooeoas1oo••vP••o• Editorial P!YJ.e ----------------------------------------------- • Mondey, Auguet Tl, 1179 Robert N Weed/Publisher ThOtnH Keevll/Edltor , Bus Fare Boost Eases Tax Burden Onmge (;ounty Transit District (0CT0 > dlrecton. W s week contmued to move the dlst.rict clOHr to mort! nnpnclal reliance on lhose who rid buaca and away from tttfvy reliance on local tu dollan :: J}irecton dad th•t by hikina bus rares for most raden b)~m 30 to 35 perc~nl. ~ .. ~Thank~ chiefly to director Al Holtinden , howevM. oi?lo illruc tors turntid down a s tall recommendation ~t. Dial a l.Jtt lures tor handicapped person~ be lncr~uscd ~SS rents to $1 :;., llollindt•n lmd the other dlreC'lors correctly sensed l~t lm prn.1l10n u( bU<'h l1 heU\ Y rate lncreUS{' On hurt ~pped p<.'rsonb, muny of tht•rn la ving on f1xt'd or ~ub stimdard mrom~s. would be .e great h ardstup So. lht:) '-'iltely st•tlltM1 on u 50-l'ent rar•• :•With M'rltur l'lll.tt-n' bu.,-, fareh betng :-.ubs 1d1ied m tht-1r l!~T'cty through rounty government <And hundu·uµpt•d ~sons getting a fuir bhake of far~:. OC:T D dtrcctOrb havl· skliwn good JUdgml·nt ·~ They've m ade a commitment to µrovadmg .,, 1t a lly ~dcd transportation bcrvtce~ to those "'ho nct!d lhcm rap:st al a minunum pracc. kalize Entry ·.Attempts lo stem the flow of ille~al 1mm1granls from M~1co having thus far failed, thcre 'i:. valid reuson to t•on ~t~r Sen. S. I. Hayakawa'soproposal to grant s ix·m onth vlBlts lo Mexicans wis hing to work in t his country .:: The meas ure. co-s ponsored by Sens . ll arrison ~m ilt of New Mexico and Ba r ry Goldwater of Anzonu. c.1.~ s upported lJy Congresbman 0<1n Lungren of Long lieJlch, would <1 llow M('xican citizens to e nter the county a~-gucst workers for 180 days. o n condition they return lo ~xtto lht• balance of the year T hey would be pe rmitted to:~apply for a nothe r !oiix month work visa the following year 11;.i,·akawH sav!'>, "The Amertc<.1n labor market need s th.i~ !'>uj,ply of fur~1gn workers who are willing to a ccept 191>s <km<Jn<lm~ harci physical labor and offering low ~· " I 11~ hill µrovides that restrictions could be p laced oit-thc hmng of a ltcns if at can be s hown they would d11:. plncc qualtfll'd and willing domes tic workers . Stn<·t· mo!'>L of the illegal aliens entering the counlry <ire ..,.,t•king Y.1>1'k, and apparently having litlle dtfftculty flncirn g il . lt·g1-,lalion of this ty pe could help relieve th em ;md 1h1·11 1·mploy(!rs of Lhe onus of illegalit y, while giving 1b1!go\1·rnml·nt t·nough control to see the workers an· not c x p I 111 lt'cl .:; Ttw tir·•w1·111 pr<>gr::.tm. which was ended in 1964 undcr 11i~:.M11 i · I 111tn nrg<1n11.cd lahor, pl'rm1tted Mexicans to 4'1t<'I' ltw t111111try lt·mporarily to work o n farms . Thi· pro 1td.,c·tl l<·g1..,l;1l1on would nut sN <m y 11milat1ons on ~.wo i::t>..apht <':d an·a or ty pt· 11r 1·mploymenl. Hut workt·rs w ho \'1t>)at1·rl th1· 11·rnpo1 :1 1 y ('mplo~·rn1•nl pr11,·1!'>1011 \\<Jlll<I lw UlOli gtlilt• (111 :11lm1s .... 11rn tort 1v1· yt·ars •· '1''11· prop!1!-i:ll wh1d1 rt'!'>t·mlilt ·.., p111g1 :1m .... IH•lnf' 11.,t·rl {,ff\.•(·11 \1·1\ 111 :i n um twr of I ;.1 bor .,ho rt Euro1wan coun tf1~.., •.1·1.'m.., ;1 ';tl1d 111<.·;.111., of JH'rm11ting w11rk huugr' Stox1l':111-. lo lt·J.!•il1'l.l' lh1•1r ..,talus Carter 's Unlucky Ye ar . :: Tho..,e who bl'lt<•vt· tn s lurs. lucky and unlucky , would h~Yt· to 1·ont'lutlc rt -. lhl' unlutky variety that's been huv- ~.ritJ'l g 11v•·1 .Jimmy < ·~1 rtcr m n.•n·nt time !'> :\11th111g hl• tn<·s. abbulutc·ly nothing. ~ecm'> to com<' •tf1 • An 1111 ranstgt•nt ( '1ingrl:'S~ has muddled or ignored his ~~~r~) propos als. from st<.1ndby gas rationing lo the Wlndtall rnl pl'l1f1t:-. l~1x . • • I le has hl'l'n ca s tigated for his handling of the Ca)ural'l ~hakl· up a nd for promoting his Georgian f r1ends Kl t.hufning the Wh ile House s taff. Bt·htnd-th<· scenes atte mpts to resolve the Palestine jinpassl· cruptt•d into catastrophe when Andrew Young s roh: w:1s made public, forc ing Carter to remove his l()ngl1ml' :-.upportcr and face the loss of both black and Jrw1 sh votl's in the uproar. Hoth Egypt ;rnd Is r ael promptly r ejected a proposed '' ti; l'mnpromise o n the Pales tine ;ss ue and now Carter's mut h 'toutcd Ca mp David accord is in jeopardy a s we try to w;tlk the tightrope hctwcen Arab pressure a nd our o bliga- tic)n to lsra c•I As if all this weren't e nough , cam e word that Mr Carter had personally a uthorized the sale of $47 million worth or kerosene and heating oil to Iran -at a con- !-i t1lerably lower price than charged domestic us ers. The explan ation was that the products were neede d b v Iranian ho useholders to o ffset losses s us tained in ..,;, botage or a refinery in that oil-rich country. Th at didn't make the idea of holding out a he lping hand to t he rabidly anti-American Khomeini government a ny more palatable h1•re. ·i·o top it off. the unhappy presid e nt r eturned from his n verhoat holiday to walk right into a Soviet-U.S. flap ov1·r the <lcpartur<> <if the wife o f a d efectin g Soviet ballet dancer. Clearly , it 's not J imm y Carter 's year. • Opinions e11 pressed 1n the space above are those of the Dally Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those ol their authors and arllsts Reader commenl 1s invited Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 Box t560 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone (71 4) 642-4321 Boyd/Criticisms By L. M. BOVD PollUcal campaigners cer tatnly pick some odd ball criticisms lo level at their op Ut·ar {;loonay G uM With apolo1les to t h e author of the phrue, "Do you kno w where you r children nre tonic.ht?" I offer, "Do you know whoH lawn your do1 la on today?" B.J .8. " ' • ponents. Those who derided Martin Van Buren during his presidential bid claim ed he took too many baths. John C. Fremont lost his try for the presidency against James Buchanan pa rtly on the stre ngth of the much-mocked fact that he parted his hair In the middle . And Thomas Dewey, some will recall, seemed a lmos t helpless against the widespre ad ac- <cu1alion t hat he looked llkv th e little man on lop or the weddlna cake. More men than women for varloWl reasons lie about their ages. Studles prove that. But when men do lie that way, they don't uaually 1have too man y years off l.be truth. Wom en , however, lffm wtlliq t.o knock off a many u Ove or 10 years, lf any l)'lna whataoever 11 part ol their Kt. Earl Wat n When Are Goveniors Off Duty?· In i. r1dtculou.t law1uit Cov- f'rn111 Jerry Brown la aeekin1 rourl auction of h.I!! quaint 00- Uon thut hf\ <'•n be abeenl from Collfom1a and yet not be awa)'. The 1r1sull urltUJll becauH Lt. Uovt'rnor Mtkti Curb hus t:x llrcho'<.l hi• consUtutional powers during a c ouple of Brown'i. a h~en<'l>'-' It hub Ix-come a prc8~1n~ mat u·1 In Uruwn 'is 1•yc~ due to ht!'. bur lllHH urn bit ion to c·um 1w 1~n for Ltw l'l l'std1•1H·y 111i.lt•ud of al tt·nd1n~ to tht• w 11 r k f '' r W h ll' h h l' I .... ht' Ill)( J)JHJ by tht• pl-.1µl t· of ('a I 1 form,, S 1ru·t.· 1Ki1Y, tht• l'altforn1.1 ronst1tut1on has s 1.H•r1f1N1lly prov1 dc·d that the "powers and tlullt's" of the gov t•rnor "i.hall 1kvolv1• upon lht• l1c ult'n unt J.!Ov 1·r nor" in th" l'Vt·nt of a v:ic·a m·v m the offrct· 11( ).!11\'l'l'Tll)r It rurltll'r provides u \'<1C'Ull<',\ 01·t11r:-. 111 Lhe evcnl of ·n·s1gnutwn or ahsenl'~ from I h1· ~lalt:" :1 rn(ln g olhcr rcu.son::. T h 11 l ~1 h s l' n l' l' ( r n m t h l' Colombia Drug Trade Flourish es \l. M.,lfl N<.'J'O\l Th" 14oo<l J.!U)., ;1rt· losrn~· tht• n111 c:otll''> IA :ir to 11r ~a1111.l'cl cnmt· l'I•· 1111•n ls 1n 1h1 -, 1·11u 11t ry arlll ahroali lh·..,11111• :1 rn <1i.:;1v1• anll 11nn·lt•11 t111i: 1·ff11rl th1 • l>rnJ.: 1-:11 1111 c·•·1111·n1 1\tl1111111 .,1r:it111n :-ind 1h 1·•11u111·rp.1 rh 111 11ll11·r 1·111111 tr11· ... h:i\1· "1rr1pl\ l11•·n 11\1·1 IA h1·l1111·tl t1\ tl11 • IAl'!I ftn..r\t I'd <'rin11nal 1•l••rr11•11h tlo,11 f;1t11·n cm 1111• t r:!VIOI!!> of rr11ll111n.., of drui.: US t'I' ,\1 1h1· t·1 nlt'r •1f th1.., ..,11rd1d mull1IJ1llrcm doll:u r ac k•·I 1., tlw ~ (0 u t h Amt'ncan 11· publi c of t · 11 I o m h 1 ,, l>n r<' f.1m1111 ... Ol:ttnh ,,,, , ... r IC' h fl ;1\111 ..ri C'llff1·1· lw;u1 ..... II h.1:-Ill 11' 1• 1• 11 t ,\ t• a r s Ir t' ,. o m •· known for its I 11'11 n :l\'Orl'cl rna rtJUanJ )<•U\CS ('ol<1mbwn ~old ,.., .1 f..i vorrte of m 1 11 1 u n.., or I\ rr1 •· r 11· a 11 tJ ,, t sm11kt·ri. W If I L t: N 0 e o n n c· c l 1 on b(•twr>t·n m:iriJtwna and hard drugs h<1s h<'f'n cstahlti.h<!d as far as usi•rs go, the· clamat1· of C'Orruption and l;1wlcsi.nc:-;s that grow!> up aroond the lucrative pol tradc sc•cm<> to have led lo a S1m1lar CUlt1 vat1on Of COClHnP traffic in Colombia Mountains of the white powder arc funnl'l<'d through the country lo the Unit ed Slat.es each year Chari•~~ MrCah~ 1tate meant beln1 out of t!\J 1tate 11 cleer from an 18ft amendment which provided that when the iovemor was out of state In Ume of war leadJn1 a military force he would remain al! commander In chief of all tht- ittalc's military forces. But it left In the provl!llon that even the n the li e utenant governor would ussume all othcr Powerb ;,nd duties . BllT BROWN, who h,. u penchant for wanting to rnakc up his own rules. conlends lhat the prov1s 1on , duf' t o modt rn transportation rind rommun1ra- l1on, 1s no lonRer vahd To support this novel doctrine, Brown <in nounced before lt·tt vmg recently (11r Ml'lllCO. that h<• would be )U\t a~ a vailable· by t1>l<•phonl' as 1f he .,ta} ed home 1\11 that proVf'<S tb that htb IRnorancl' ''' tclephon1· '-l·rv1ce tn Mt·x1co 1s only m atch1·d IH' his ohtus 1•111•ss of lh1 s piirtu:ul:tr law ll1 s c•onl1·11t111n th;,t m111ll·m ..,('H·m·1· hlls 11 ulltf1t·d th11 JIUl J)Ost· tif th~· ll'MU Jl fl•\'1">111" £alb :.11 vw:iv '1 lt at JHtrpo"'' has 111'1•;1 rt-stat NI 1n 1.1m,·nd ml·nts M·vcral L1m 1>i.. the las t 1)4· ang only five years ago when voters reaffirmed their decision that one cannot be governor in absentia. INSTEAD OF dismissing the suit forthwith as being without merit, the st ate supreme court has granted a hearing. This pre· sen ts t.he possibility the court may read some new m1•hnrng Int<> "absence" which Webster de finesas being "away " No one would be more s ur priscd to find this out th<tn the lale L:mkd States Chief Just.ice t.:arl Warren lie was absent from the :.talc numerous umcs during his 10112 years <ts gov crnor Well aware of the absence clause hl' wai. rarcful not lo It-a ve rnud1 unffn1shed business lying around for a lteutenanl J.!''vc rnor tc, <tel upon. fn fact Warrt'n. who had been attorney ~··n1•ral h1·for1• l)(·1ng governor. knt•w 1h1· l:Jw "" Wf•ll that 1l onct: rc:~U lll•d in an aLruplly r·urtet1 lt>d trip on lh1· t·astnn "caboard and .1 rn.id cl.1~h hott11 · fl E HAD tt: tT tht· ~tut'· rn <'harg1· of l,l Governor Ci ()(.l(Jw111 J Knight Shortly afterward ~ . . -~ 111 £a1·t 1lr u~ "'"'ui:i:linJ.! hJ' l1t•1·11111•· ,,, prnf1t;1hl1· "'lllrt 1· ... lt•lrl 011r ..i• '111·1,1!1· .l.11 k .., 1tc h1·ll :h,11 ,I Jlfltnt1111•11t l'flllll• 1.I 1'11l11mh1 .111 lt.111~1 ·r '> k1111\411 .1 \ :-; I I' ..... 111h 1•1 ll'14.d11t• 1ht· d11p1• tr affu· 11utr 11'111 .,.,.,lt·ru l na11•11t 11·s 1·x1wrt.., ~pcrulal•· that 11( th1• 1".ltlll:..tt•·tl :!5 t11n., of rr1 :11 IJU:t1\~1 lhul t·nll'r thl·"l 'n1t1·d !'il:1t•·.., fmm Lttltn l\m1•r11·a t·:tc·h \of';J r. m h rt' th:.in t ~o th1r<h ('11rnc•i. fr11111 ('11l111n Ina It 's not ai. 1( lh1• C"lflmhiun a UI IHll'll tt•S h.1 \ ··n 'l I rfl'd lo C'I ark t1"wn on lh1· runawuv d•1p1· trafft r nut tt11· sht•l'r .... 11.l' or lht• lll1<•1t tra1t1 · hai. s11 f;i 1 l11•1•n mflrc· than a malch ror tlw a<lm1n1 ... tr.1 t inn of l'r<·-;11lcnl J ulto (',.~ar Turhay CO l .O~HI AN s oldwri. hlH'f' "f'1t<·d 41 :111 1·r:tft :ind Ii<! ..,hip' .... mt·<· tht• c·rackdolA n 1)4•gan, and h u v<· con f 1 M' u led mo re mo r<' I hJO 1 OColl llll" 11t rn.1r1jllJlf,1 l4llrtl1 n1·.1rh s:· h1llrt111 ... l'l thl'> I l•t••h.tlJI\ t•lll\ .1 f.,11rll1 ••f ttJ• lot.ii pt 1x!111 tltt11 11 111.111J11o1ro.1 111 r lw • 11ur1tn \1 «11n1tnr t11 .111 11111111hl1 111 •I r 1 p11r1 1n1·1•.ir•·d for th• 11•1•1•• ~t·lt·rt ('ornrr111t1·1 •u1 '\..1r1·11t11 ' 1·h,11t1'il h\ H1·p l.1 -.t1 r \A 111(( I> '\ 'I' lhl'r•· .1r1• ..ilm ..... t J 11011 .,.. t' rt' t a tr" tr II>' '1· ;1ltt·r1·11 throuJ.:h<>ut C'olom b1:1 an1t uw<I h~ dopt• ~rn11ggl1•rs t\ 11•rr\ol•• an•a l'allt·d (;UaJtri h.1 -. morL· than :.•oo of lht•s(• lm~ o11 rfwlrb Tht• Colombian urm} hab pro fl"'l'd d\ narn1t lrtl! th1· J Un~ll' Jlr ... tn p.., hut hwal off11·1;ds, who h,1,·1· h1•1•11 alll').:1•dl \' prof1ltnl! from tlw dru~ t111ff1<· h.Ht' ht•1·n ;.ihl1· "'> f..ir lo l.1lol·k l11(· prn11oi.1·1I <h· ... t rut·l1on Thl' 1·norrnc1u" a moun1 of rn11n1•\' to I)(• 111:11k tn n:irrot1C's s rnu).!~l1n~ ha'> lt:d tnl'Vltably to rorrupt1on of 11Ht(•1;1b C'olom b1t1 n gen1•r;i I. for c• "tam pit·. hu.., bl'l'n aCC'UH•<l Of .1CC'l'J)ltn~ a Knight wu stricken with llll tu~ nesa and wu ruled "lemporari .. ly di1&bled ." Under the normat aucceaaiou Senate Pretident Pro Tempore Harold J . ..Butch" Powers would have taken over the duties. But Butch was a cat· lle man whoae large Modoc County ranch extended across the border into the State of Nevad a. When the governor's a ides learned that Butc h couJdn'l be located and was pro- bably in Nevada . Wurren can· celled all his eastern appmnt·1 ~. mcnts and feverishly sought the fastest way home. f"or, tn the absence of the Senate President Pro Tempore the next an hne was the A s sembly Speaker~ who at that L1mt> was Sam L. Collins of Orange County Bitter enemies . Colltns was the last person on earth that Wa rren wanted stand· mg in his stead ll was because of that War ren 's aides munaged to screen fro m Collins the fact that the governorship h<td now fallen UJI· ''" him Warri·n was back 1ns1dc thl' !>late bt.-fore Colhnb ~cumc aware of th•· dect!pt1on S:IOIJ 01~1 linlk· l•' .1rr.ingt· lh•· r• 11·,1-.1· of'"'" l\nwr11·<1n pt111h ;,r 11 l•·•I !111 ... mu~cl•nl! J<.'uird111r.: l•11111r 11111n·•, t ' ' 'o ·r 11 •· K , •• •. .1 "''' 111111u rlru l! p1·drll1·r IA,,, •·,1 11~ht IA llh /011 k11l gr.1m.., 11£ ,.,, • ,1tr11 llut "'·'" qu11·klv rt·l•·a..,1·11 £vr l:1(k 11( t·Vldf'IH'I' ' f·:~1·r\ IA h1•11 1!11114• t a:-.r·~ an· hroui.!hl lo trial 1t'.., harrt 111 ~ct ~1tn1•..,!>f•.., ll1 h'..,tif\ tor ft•ur of rPtnhul1•m Thi• g11\ l·rnmf'nt ·., eraekflown ii. .it .. 11 hamr,.·n·rl by the fal'I th:it "1•vf'ral known drui? l;ilJf1ratt)r11·s art• l1w;.11t•d rn lhl' J'ai.lo rl'gton O(•ar th11 E<·u.Jdorwn hurrier. ;.111 .trea lh<tl i-. .i b11 a -;tronghoh.J ot ant t·govcmnlf'nl t1•rr11n i.ts I\ ml•as urc o f th1· d11pe m1•n ·h:mt" · su<·rt·ss 1i. th•• d1 i. t'O\ ••n th al they ha,.,, rt.'t('11tly ... 1~1rtl'CI a m·w industry in Co lom l)l a the manufacture of i.y n lht'lll' qu<ialurlc·'>. "downeri. · that ure popular in Amcncan high M'hoob Words of Wisdo01 on Corre ct Use of Solitude Ont• of the sal11·nt lh111gs ahoul Or. Samut~I .Johns11n, who has h<'Cn c11llNt and I think with J u s l i t' l' , l h •· g r e a t c s t o f F.nglt shmt•n, 1s th1· :.imount 11f mcunin~ ht· rnulc1 pack into u :1inKlt• s1•111t•11<·1• Hb wnl(•nt iousm•ss 1s n·ully t•xlraor<linury. You can pick ur> any sti:indorti dic·tion:iry or q U 0 l II I I ti n ~ und un1ln lh1• entry Johnson pick out thrN• or four !>Cn Le n cei; rd m o r e 111lh , con S<'Q tH• 11 r1• and memor ability thun you will read in sever~! novels or collections of essays. Sir Jo1>hu1t Reynold1' smd. "lie tJ ohnson > cleared my mind of a great deal of rubbh1h." Item : "Oratllude ls a fr~t or great cultivation : you do not fi nd It among JJross people," It.em : "Nothing is llttle to him that feeh1 It with great senslbili· ty." Item : "Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none. and the best cannot be expected to go quite true. And th ere ta hla classic formulation : "The law Is the IHl result of human wisdom act· tn1 upon human cx.portence for tht benefit or the public ." The text for today Is, hnwt•vt·r. u hi ghly pcri-onal on1• In a s1n14 l1· '\C'nl<•nc1· J ohn!lon OO('f• lswl rlown a rul1' of Ith· thut I havi-round t>xlrt'm,•ly usC'fu l ov1'r many yc•ur:-; In a lctll'r to a Roi.w<'ll , John111m n ·marked "I( vo u a r t• 11111•, lw not 11ulit11ry0 ; 1( you ar1• solttury. bt.• nol 1dh• · Tii t; MAN who wrote those words, II 11> clcur. knew a grl'al (f,.al aho11t twmg alone <ind a ~n·al ck :.11 :.1hout lat>tnR 1dll0, and he ft~un•<I out I h<· U".l•''I lo which th<•tr n •lat rm\ rould lw µu t Thou.:h 1t may nut s.-.em like 1l to you, there are times when I am not producing o d4111y col umn Somcllmes these penocis ftO fo r weeks al a t ime. thank~ to holidays plus the accumululton of a backlog or time pieces. Whether these Idle periods are a greater reward or threat to me I have never clearly ascer· tolned. Everybody needs a re!\l, und that's for sure. Batteries must ~ re<:hargcd or the engine ls likely to stall . Too long- con tlnued concentration o n anything will make you stale. Thal'• u.e good part. Tbe bad part is that you Are 11uddenly rudderless. My practice. wMn J am nrwt on the Idle, la just to take t.o bed for a couple of days . I do lhle, without one or my great aupporta, the 1argle, and with one ot my 1reat 11upports, • good or <Jl h'asl ltvl•ly s1•t or hooks T HAT'S Wllt:Rt : lhC' first purt 11( .J 1)lln~un's a~>lht•i.pn h~:gtni. lo work If Y•>U ;1r1• f101r1i.i nolh1nJt, and all by your-.1•1f, you hegin to ft•c·I not only an 1•rnpltn<'SS but nn I'm ply tw:.11h·<lm•-.s Evt'n 1f you an• 1101 a h1H'k'>l:tpf>1•r. and I am not , you IX'JllO to (1•1•1 I hat Y''u nP('d human nunpany or you will 1,.. foret'd to luct• thut mol>l d1•..,p1·r11lc> of prohpc<.•ts l hl' human C'Ondit1on And lhul you "rt's our way of helping the overdeveloped countrfes." shnulc1n 't w1:-;h on a mongrc·I This as whcrl' 1t is good lo h1111 into your tittle motor un<l i.:t•l lh<· hl•ll awuy from the aCl.'uslorn1 •cl huunth and int.11 some :-;mall lOIAI\ 1n lht• hoonll'S wht!re you will tw r11m pell1•cl to n•h1lt· to people you nt'V('r saw in your l1fl' twfor<' Th<•n being idle t•a11 he :ilm11st run. :md somet1mt•i. l'Vl'n furl HM•lf Some p.•oplt• tlu it hy ,.:0111..: l<1 <'UIJh I 'ti ui. soon RO lo Hw V1:.ta ('OMF.S THE TIM•: when you hn vc to Jlt't back to work. which tn the case of people who write means being solita ry Reing solitary even when you are LO the mutst of people. which is one of the thinRH that mnke1> writers seem rather odd fii>h lO those not of their perisuasion. I return to work with more re- lict than l give up work. When you are idle you have to see peo- ple lo justify yourself splriluaJ. ly. This i11 dicey work, people be· lng what they are -you might end up on a bOllpllal ship or in t he middle of a barroom brawl. When you are working you jusllfy your pleasuret and your excur•IOl'l.9 Into society by get· lln1 what you coMlder an hcmetll piece of work done fint. Thia done . the conaclence apua1ed. it 11 poulble t.o find ba ppi.nea• even amon1 brld1e players. ... • I J . . AT YOUR SERVICE I OBITUARIES Mondi¥. Auguet 21. 1m QUEENIE- -.. ( Pie ... Requeet T._. 8J Nuttlll 1r •• • • • ~U·~/ -b -ll T,....., •~• C'lo•e-.. C'•re OEAR PAT. Who 1 retponaJble for the upkeep or the are1a around a mobllebome? We seem to be bavtn& a diaqrffment m our park about thls. K.L., Costa Mesa .. Manutet Ol the last meeung . 'The Praildent'1 Reilort vo'as taped 10 front ri a live audience an a comit, ar; usual ' " Tbe mkleet or owaer of &lie eoa~ mat •ala· tala Illa owa area. Howenr, It la tile respoulb&IHJ of .-e mua1emeet to mai.Dtala uy to••• areas. A teaaat may not be elaarged for u.o.e services ualas It la lD tlae a1~meet ta.ey lane slcaed. aod U anaally relates to ~ aenicea belq rendered. ltCSHLL J ANET LOUISE KEUELL. re\t ...... al -1 ......... Cl\, Cl Peu.d -y .. cv-oc: 1"1-~t ... ._ .. 1~. im • IN ._.Gt 11 Sl'a w.s • 11.-1n .. Illa -l"ClllCWI llHCll ~igll S<.Nol Below• .. .,..,,., ot Arclll • •ncl --~·"' Hynll"Clllon Be.a.. c.a. ... wMYl"9 .,.. -_, llraclrt ~-" .. Loo N19elft, c.. .• .--· ........... tt Mr ... Mn. Utitw ot OlnlOft. Mi-I. Mr. a. """'81ckl•'fol ~-Clly, Missouri. .... ~.._, or•ndmot"°r Gllldys MA<• Bltllol Otnwr, Color-and •o uncle Gery UtOSl<tr ol ~ .... , Oty, Ml\· saur1 ,..,.,_, ,.. • .,. c•ll •• Piere• llraCten SINIM' Mortv¥y from 7•00 PM 10. 00 PM on Tue~y -r• -• .wvi<n ... 11 bt co-ttd •• t lOf>M on w-v ll!lermenf wlll be ,.__ on "9clflC View MoMOf'l•I ""'" F"""ty 1UOQH11 contrtou11o~ be m.IOt to ,,.. Cy1toc Flt>ro"• Four" O•t•on P1•rce 8rotMr1 Sm1l"S' 1'0#1U¥V Oirector~ ~'"9. SAO<S SAMUEL K. SACKS. ••tir ed DradtN••~• GUTl'••UND JEA N OUTFAEUNO, UrYICh ~nci •• "-<Ill< vi ... Momori•• ....-. ClllUY JV~ITA ALICE CRll .. EY. ,_,_, Gf .._,., llNCI\, C... ,....., ew•y on ~ tA. 1m 1n c-i. .... c:. Sne -• IWll.,. ....,,..._ ol C•lltonol•. llevlfte _, bo<n '" SM>•• --·· C... SN H-"""' of "'" llte '" tr. _,,Ny -• tl'tCI mo.,.d to Ne-rt llNcfl • ~4or\ 990 Sf'a " Ille IWlll pn · "°""of the NepWrlt Club ot Mlt ..... 1. t•n le•<ll, c•. Siie •li.o 11ve11 1n ~ Hlllt for menv ., • .,, She " ~rt ~ -..nters MIOINll~ c;,..n ot Hunll"91on IM•cn. C• Lutllle -ol Temp~ City, C•. '°" CA!vln of IMltNtleft .. Kii •"d .. 91'-"lklren Se<V><9' Will ~ "''d on ~Y of 11;00 AM •' tne P"cll•< Out c...-rv Ol•Pt•. 1101 112nc1 St . AtdonOo lleecll, Cl. will\ R•• IM• GrtenlH , oestor of St. M•rk' Prelrtftrlan O>urcn of !Amit•, C•. of· ti<lellno. Hanior LAwn·Mount Oll•e ~y of Cotta MIM. S*SlS4 Speedfl s,..uhtfl Sa11•• Stab• DEAR READERS: Nobody ever plaa1 &o splll someW.C -It Jut happeu. To belp you remove &oagb stala.s wit.boat damaging you cloUtea or funaUu.re. I.be Scieace Hd Educalioa Admballtra- Uoll of I.be U.S. Department of Alrlcalhare laaa a bookie& &hat really lllta Lbe spot. For your copy of "&emevtq Sta1Da from Fabrks," aelMI $1.ZI &o u.e Cou1UDer bformatioa Cea~r. DepL 7tG, Pueblo, Colo. 81 .... U you don't move fast enough to avoid tlae apUI, try to move quicldy alter-wards to avoid further atalnlng. Many stalas come oat wttJa Jast a few drops of cool wa~r blotted wttb a cleu. dry, absorbent clotb. But water may cause 1pottln1 on some fabrics. It'• also sare to absorb tbe e:a:ceu II· quid wilb a clean cloth, paper towel or sponge. W'eSMMI lor Ille Uftllecl Slllr'1 t.om------------ When you have a stain that needs a UtlJe rub· bing to get lt out, here's tbe bes t metbod: First, re· member not to scrub lt agalnst uot.ber part of tbe cloth. That will Just spread lite stain aroaad. Take a new, clean nylon brush Ube k1Dd for applylDg shoe pollsb)f uaed with an action like tapplDs • tack·hammer, gently tap tbe wet atalD wttb lite whole face or the , brush. Thea blot tbe loosened. stala oat and repeat a.nW no more abowa. U Ute fabric Isn't strong enough for lltat, ue tJte bottom of a staio.less steel spoon. Rub it gently back aad forth lD quarter inch strokes. AsalD blot to get out the looseoed stalo. IW'Y tor • YH~ Rnoclent of "°""'•'" V•llo, C• He ,. s.irvlwd by Ills ~" 1l111ro111y Elht of Fount•ln V•lley, CA .. -Ger•ld ot Soutll F,.;a, Mlcr>i!IWI -Fr•nl< at -nta, .,,,,,,,. -12 er"•nd<llllO~ l"ter ,.,.,,, MMC9\ -· held on S..nd•Y •I tnt >4•rbor L•wn Mounl Oflvt Men-or••• P•r• 5erv1cn undPr the di~-at 1-<•rtlO• Lot-· Mount Oh•• /.llor'11J¥V of CO\l• MMw, --~SS4 • HOWARD L SMITH. PMM<I •-Y ~'"":'f'~;.!.:~,~~l~~,}::,'~"tJ'f. ~· s.rvtu et• melt c¥rler, • PoSI .., 1111<1 tor l2 re••~ He w•s llO<'n Nov· ....,.. a, 1192In 1-<lllWS.le, M•<"•oan He ,,,.., -• -•-• ot Morro Bey, u . """" tM . Ht 11 w,.,,lw d by Ills wife _,..,, -I 0."911Cer Merjorle Kell oocn ot,...,.,... .. , . 2 9"•ndClll ldren •nd 1 orMl•IMklllld. Oonetlons mey De .-toollWHHrt Fund . ..__• Ille o owtw ,,.,.,..., of the ,_wport llelKll -·'*' Legion Poo.t • 2'11. ••so • .....,,,_ at Ille Newpor1 8e•cn EIU l.odQlt ,. WM • \lllOrkl WM I Army ._en.Gr••.s'ldeservknoflllbcr.1d ton TunO•Y •• 10·00 AM ., '"' .C•Y-C••-rr• ••Y C•M•t••Y· '5eMll<•t .... , UM •lredlel\ el --.ct-T_., ,,,.......,, -.. .. ,. IQ. MULLNEll JOSEPH F MULLNER, reMotm of .,_,m, C•. Pa"9<1 IJ•O °" Avgust 11. 1'1• ..,. Is wrv111ed by 1111 wlf9 JoM!pllire •NI '°" Wllllem. ServkK ~ ., 1-<erl!Or ...... ~ Oii•• MDl:'IU¥Y of CO\I• MMw. )AC).S554. .. llATT LILLIAN llERTMA PAAT7, ml· -al Cone -... Cl. ,. __ , on ...._i U. lt1'. SIW --for 5-'S C.endv (.onlpany for 12 -L Slit wu • n•tl v• d•119lll•r of Clltforril• •"4 • res.1-t of COslAI -· Cl. for 11 "'""' After moYl"9 ,... 1rom Haw1nor .... Cl. 5"' l1·wr· vlwed by lier llu1bend Albert, O•u91111P•I Slllrle y Foote of Lot Alemi-(e., ... trlcle 0...-11 ot ~. GolOrACIO, -•91'enclclll-. • .i--• ~ t110 wrYI .... ,,_ .. -"'C9l wlll be Mid Oft -_., .. I :00 l'M .. tr. Hel'!IOr Ywft """'°""' a-i. Wvl«t ....... n. ..__of He,_ LA __ , Olive __,..,.,of COiie Mew. SAO> SSS-I ,_fAMILY COLOHIAL. FUNERAL. HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 PACIAC YllW ..-.OllAL PAltlJ( Cemetery Mortuary Chapel COMPUD.:R DONATED TUCSON, Ariz. (AP ) -Would you buy a used computer from the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store? A local businessman did. paying $100 for the Olivetti mode l P ·203 computer after it sat in the Catholic c h arit y store for two months . Store M a n age r Mitchell J . Rosinski s aid a nother bus iness man dona ted the machine to the s tore. saying be could not use it bttause the instruction manual was missing. For stubborn spots, dry cleaoiDC solvent works well. Bat remember that it ls polsoaous, and may be flammable. Wllen you use lt, work outside or ln a weU·veatllated room, and stand so tbat tlae fumes are blown away from you. Doa't leu cJoae to your work. Use only a smaJJ quaallty at a time. Don't allow children or peta lD tbe room wbiJe you're worklng. To prepare an erfective dry spotter, mh: one part coconut oU and eight parts drycleao.lag sol- vent. This solution ls used to remove muy kiDcla of stalm. Dry spotter keeps weU lf tbe coatabler la tightly capped to prevent evaporatio• of tile drycleaa solvest. U you caa't get cocoaat oU, ue mlDeraJ oU in tbe same amoaat as cocoaat oU. Stubborn atalas take special teclaalqaea. Here's bow to work out a wine stain: Utile falark Is washable, aoak it lD a solution of .e qaart warm water, ooe·half teaspoon liquid d.ialawulllal detergent, aad one tablespoon vlnecar fer 15 mlaat.es.. Blue with wa~r. Spoage tlile atalMd area <s&.alaed aide down) UgbUy wttla ,._...., DOUGLASVILLE. Ga. alcohol, ltoldt•I a deaa, abeorbent ca.la t.e.ea&L (AP) -Ray Eberle, 60. Wash, tlan soak la a aolatloa of oae qurt warm who sang with the Glenn wa~r ud ooe tablespoon emyme-coatalalal laa· Miller Orchestra to re-dry detergea& for 31 mlDu&etl ud .... aim. c o r d s u c h b i ts a s If tbe label oa the ata!Ded clMJalag ..,. uc1ry "Serenade in Blue," clean only, .. &Ilea take It &o a dry de~r u qalck· di d Sund ly as poulble. Try &o.11.e year c:leaaer aome Idea e ~ of wllat s&a1De4&Ile1armnt. cAi~RA~~AtteJe';0• rue. Wiii S•rri.,e Eleaaeat• 79-year-old artist whose DEAR PAT: We want to lnsta.ll quarry tile on paintings bang in the the terrace at the rear or our house. Our terrace Metropolitan Museum or bas a roof oo It, but is not otherwise enclosed. WW Art in New York and the the tiles be ruined if rain blows in on them, and Art Institute or Chicago, will they withat.aod cold weather? died Wednesday. He E.H., Costa Mesa once served as a color Quny UJes wW DOt be affee&ed by rala or cold c~nsultant to Paramount weather, proYlded tlaey are property laAalled. TM Pictures.__ place wtaere yoa pa.rcllue Wes w1U pve laaUwc· HELSINKI. Finland tions cm IMtallaUoa: Follow &Mm earef11111. TAKE IT WITH YOU AND SAVE WIDE CHOICE OFS"LES AID FAIR/CS •10 DEUVERV CHARGE COSTA MESA • BEACH 369 E. 17th Str11t Westport Square (C.. T.uit & 171'1 tcroli from Ralptl'a) 842-8657 HOURS: Mon. ·Sil tO to S. Sun t Ito 3 01 ... ,..,. 01 wttyCNtopecllo' 02 W~-DI N9dl ... uldw. Al'M PaM 03 Artlwttle 07 Low.,_ I I.At Pein 04 H .. dUSIH DI N•rwo•qeM AT....._ T.-.c.m.r845•170114MIMn eoutteey of Dr. Devld W. a...."' U-Z-ltY PRICES Will IEVER IE LIWEI SAVE UPTO 50°/o .. 3500 Pac1f1c View OnYe Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOtioKIC MOITUARllS L&Quna Beach 494-9415 <AP> -Finnish novelist Mika Waltarl, 70, author of the international best seller "The Egyptian," died in Helsinki Sunday night after a long ill- ness, his publi.aber an- REIFDRTHE BASKI L8Quna Hills 768-0933 San Jua.n Capistrano 495-1776 MAiiie. LAWN-MT. OUYI Mort~rv •Cemetery Crenwtorv 1625 Gisler /lt.ve., Cosaa Mesa ~5554 1A1n.a.•aoM ~HOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 l&L IROAOW AY MOITUAJtY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 SMlfTM a 1VTNLL MOITUAIY WISTCI. .. CHAPEL Mort~rv •Cremations Flowef ShOp 427 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa ~88 nounced today. ANNAPOLIS, Md. <AP> -Retired Rear Adm. Draper L. Kauff· fm••· 88, lcnown as the father of the Navy's un- derwater demolition teams and 1 former s uperintendent of the Naval Academy, died Aug. 18. $1750 ''Dish" Hidi in You:liome? NILES, m.-A major art exchange here reports lhar a man who found several "dishes" in bis attic was amaz.ed to learn that one was valued at Sl750.00. TIM HcUlaae aays that, while this price is unusu- ally higb, exceptional r.ol· = =:, lector's plates have been 627 Main St appre<:iating quickly. ~ntlnQton Beach To aid investors. tho ex· 53&-6539 cha.nae offers a free report ~ .. ~~~~~~~~~·~....,~. on w&at to look for, wbcn to b-.y, wbat to pay and much more, includina op- portunities in promls.ing plates atlll at low prices. PVBUC NOTJC& ~---~~~~-·---- To ... 1..-lrMNport with no obliption, jusc send your name. addrea. and zip code before Satur· day of neat wee"k to: The Bradford Excbanp, Dept. 19735. 9301 Milwaukee Avenue. Niles, Illinois ~·A pottcard will do. Get 2weekS free Or $20.GG Off a regular membership. While soaking up those summer- time rays, wtrvnot get a summertime bOdV to match. lt'S free tor the bask- ing at HolldaV Spa. Because, now vou can get a 2 week introductorv program absOlutetv free. Or, s20.oo off a regular memberShlP If vou Join now. tt'S our soe- dal Introductory offer avallabfe ontv for a llmlted pefioct Of time to all local residents 18 and fNef. and first time guests Of Holl· day Spa. So you can acquaint yourself With the ' shape a ttllngs to come ttlrough Progres· slve Conditioning, the fastest, most effec· tlve way to trim down. firm up and stay phySlcalty flt ... under the sun. And we'Ve got trained program dlrec· tors Who will guide you on a personal exe.-· else plar. tndlvlduallzed to your body. Jazznastlcs. the tun group exercises tor women done to up-tempo music. As wett as Whlr1p00ts, saunas and steam rooms to let you shape up vour summer before sum- mer endS. Join up tOdaV tor our lntroduc· torv offer. And start making a bodV that'S worthy of your tan. \ \ , ... 48 DAILY...aT 8 ...... ~Wll f7.1t71 T~ Creep Cited Americans YictUn of High Bracket ., .... ~..,... Be..,..ber )'Mtr lut ralM! Aad u.. ~cm.ea that dlda't ~m to IO aiu-f\u1.be,r lhan It 4Dilbelont You wons probably ~ •um of tax bracket creep ud Jalllion. ol Americana autfer the 1une digeue, One way to cure lb• dlMue b l9 Unit t.ue11 and lnllauon In a •'•lem known as tndex•Uon. ..s the idea la bNOK f uaMd 10 far unaucceulul y by Mveru ~l't!Nmea. .·TAX BaAC~t;T C &EEP worb like thlfi t>nce. 10 up You get a raise equal lo the tn crease an the N>llt of living The raise pushes you Ll)lo a tugber tax bracket. You pay 11 blH"r percent.ate of your Income lo lhe government. The money that's htft is not enou6'h lo cover 1nfla tion. Now you need a nother raise. 'RAISES ILLUSIONARY' Sen. Bob Dole, A·K•n. economic cond!llon1 Into ac· count. The .J:°'*'tl allo point out LbatX.uoo cotu th• sov· •Tnment.. mooe1; without t11111tr. atlOQ, the federal aovem ment of Canada would have collected aft .. umated S4 billion to ts biWon more than it uctually did from 1914 to 1978. VP PO&Tt;RS OF Indexation counter that tait cull •re unpredlcl.able. Tbey aay that the "cull" a re not really c-ull at all. they are 1lmply ad· Ju1ttnenl.8 adjustments that could better be made lhrou&h in· d ixaUon. Tu bills •Lio tend to benefit selected aegmenl.5 of the popula- tion. Elleotuck claJms that ln re· cent years lax reductions have helped mainly the groups at the top and the bottom of the money sca le, "while middle-income laxpayen1 have done poorly." Sen. Bob Dole, R Kan • i:><t1d recently that as lhan~s now Stand, 77 percent Of the laX · PJlyers in 1980 wi ll pay higher lakes because or inflation 'Qie average increase pe r return, Dole said, will be $189. The dolla rs -and -cents impact or tax brackt't creep vuries nc cording to the size of your in- cbme and the rate of inOation. Jn almost every cast•, however, you now neNi a wuge boost bagger t h a n Lh c increa se 1n th e Consumer Price Index JUl>l to stay even 1974 Tax brackets and exemp· tions have increased to keep pace with inllatioo. The cutorr level for the lowtst bracket· or taxable income rose from $SOO In 1973 to S721 in 1978. The basic ex e mptions for a married tax payer with two children and a non-working spouse went from $3,600 to $5.480 in the sume period. Most people. for example. will find 1979 federal t ax bills higher than umrs -despite last yeur's tax cut. The reductions included In the tax·cut bill do not offset higher SoclaJ Security levi es and tux boosts caused by innution. .\Ll. TlOS MEANS that real s p e ndable ea rnings the amouol you have left to pay the bi l l s r or rood . h o u s in g , transportalion,~t -are down Figures release y ·the Bureau or Labor Sta l sties on Friday s howed that from July 1978 to July 1979 the average worker's spendable income dropped by 4 percent. DOLE HAS PROPOSED tying fede ral t a x bra ckets to the Consume r Price Index. SimUar legislation has been introduced in the House or Representatives by WUlis D. Grad1son Jr.. R· Obio. but the re has been no ac- tion on either bill. The kind of indexation pro- posed by Dole anrl Grad1 son 1s nnt new, 1l has bct·n trit.'<1 10 seve ra l fort•q.m Niu nlncs a nd some st<1lt·s ALBERT B. ELLF.NTUCK, a partner in the accounting firm of L a venlho l & Horwath or Philadelphia, says the U.S. gov- ernment iL">elf already practJces indexing. He notes that Social Security benefits are tied to the Cons umer Price Index aod adds : "It has been estimated that more than 50 percent or our present federal expenditures are indexed at least in part " "Workers are given cost-of. living ral.-ses or merit r aises or they change jobs in order to ob- ta in a bette r wage, thinking they'll come out ahead ," srud Do le ... But for t oo m any Americans, these raises are ii luslonary. for when they arc Jumped into higher tax hn1ckets, they end up losing ground 10 term s of real dollars ... Ca n ad ~• ht•1:11n rnd<•X:Jllfln an Opponents or indexation argue that 1t is unnecessary They say it 1s better to adJust taxes on a .nar -to year basis through con i::rc ssion al ac ti on , t a king 'Star Billing' Means Suit Against Company H O LLYWOOD <A I') • For a ebeoge, som e Hollywood stars want their faces ta ken out of circuJaUoo . Specifica lly. they want a Colorado m a il order rnmpany to st.op offering unaulhonwd SI hall'> with the stars' likl'n •'l>'>t'~ showing when : GcorgP Wa!>h111).!t11n 11:-.uallv appc;.ir.., And they v.a111 $:IO 1t11ll1•111 1n d;.im;.ig<'s ACTOR J/\('K UHtD. c·omed1an Ca rol Burm·tt, i;ingcr fJon llo. uctOf' D enni s Wt•avc•r <.t nd for m er ''Chet rhc 's An gel:." <·o star Kate J ackson lead a s parkling cas t of celebntws who are suing the com- pany for J>CiSlJng the ir races On the bills. wtuch M'll for $2 apiece. Stephe n Monroe , a n a ttorney re pn.-scntinf.t the five stars, m ed a class-action !>Uil seeking damages from Thurston Moore Country Ltd. of Montrose, Colo., for using the Uke· nesses of his clients a nd a Rtring or othe r pers on a li ties without permission. Oversea.s Routes Awarded to 13 U.S. Airlines WASHTNGTON <AP) -The Civil Aeronautic Board has awarded ll U.S. airlines authority to fly from 21 America n cities to Belgium, The NetberlandB and Luxembourg. President Ca rter has the flnol !my over the action because International rout.es are involved. ·'The Personality DoUar Bills ap- pear to be genuine U.S. Federal Reserve notes in $1 d enominaUom. Monroe said "Over the picture or George Washington the picture of one of these personalities is s uperim posed ft look s li ke the picture can he removed so the dollar can be u:.ed •· MONROE SAID THE Superior Court suit ask!I that the mail--0rder company be en Joined from u.slng or profiting from the bilb1. It also seeks damages for the bills already sold and punitive relier. ··w e don't know how many hove been sold," Monroe said, addlng that his only effort lo contact the firm has s o rar been unsu ccessful. "But because or the popularity or those persons involved , we believe many have been sold." Tracy Guerrie ro, treasurer and manager of the rirm, s aid ln Mon- trose that she had yet to be served with the suit. BUT SHE SAID similar suits have been filed aga inst the company When someone sues, she said, "We just drop those faces lrom the dollu bills. When it get.8 to our lawyer, ll doesn't go further." She conceded that the faces are used without permission but uld the ''om.puny ha11 u right to do so becaU.l!c the people who uppear on the dolJars are pubUc Cigureis . . Organ Wurse Offered Harpalcbord and or· 1an COUl"HI dellped for persona who hav e studl,ed tbt-piano will-be offered al Orange Coast College In Colla Mesa, beetnninl Sept. to . Two Mctlooa of the or· 1an clua <Music 2'3AD) will be acbeduJed. One meeta Tuesdays from 3 to 6 p.m. and the other ls scheduled for Tbundays fr om 9 a.m. t.o noon. The clan ia designed for persona who have bad four nan or more of piano lnstructJons. The harpsichord class. lis t e d In the c las s sc h e dul e as Mus i c 2 4 S AD . I s s l a t e d Tuesdays from 3 to 6 p.m . Registration for fa ll t'las ses is unde r way through Sept. 21 in the OCC Admissions Build· ing . Informa ti o n i~ a vaila ble by c ulling S56·S735. "'-- NATION I LOCAL I CONSUMER .. Federal £ate Insulation Rated WASHJNOTON <AP> -Trytq to preveot bomeownen from betnc vie· tJmlsed by mi&Madia1 elaima about bome lmui.tion, U.. 1overnmeat la r~ compaa.iel to aay Jmt bow effective tbe6r product. are. II.pea of up to SlD,000 alter the recula· Uon tau. effect lo late November. "R·value ta tbe important measurement of how effecUve a type of lnaulallon la." 111id Llnda Dorian ot the rrc 1t.atf. "Many comumers have the incorrect tmpreuloa that thlckw or pri~ la ttM belt way._to tell how efftetive it 11, • • she said. The ,..,.al 'l'rade CommlMkla an· aounced a re1ulaUon requlrlq manufacturers to ~DIUlaUOQ and t e ll buyera ita "ft .value," the measurement of how well the pro- duct reailt.s beat now. Thia lnfonna- tlon can then be uaed tor comparlaon shopping. THE &EGVIATION comes after a at alf lnvest11ation found that con· sumer11 orten were given inflated claims of the energy tiavings of pro· duct.8. Mrs. Dorian said. V10LATOR8 WILL be__!~bject to ,__ _________ Ollliiil ___________ ....____,.. Pedalers Get J c Per Mile SALINAS CAP> -Ask the employees at Mon le rey County's district Office of Education pedal power pays. The board of educa- tion hu voted 5·1 to pay 3 cenl3 a mile to any of th e 250 w orkers t e a chers e xcluded PROTECT YOURSELF! Wiil e Cll1•c .. Self.Def•M W•opcM Tl.All GAS CiMIALIFICATIOM CLASS PIRSC>feAL SICUllTY SYST!MS, IMC. .. ........ ls.,_ ... ClosMt: SATURDAY, SEPT.1·tAM·11:30 AM REGISTRY HOTEL, IRVINE, CALIF. TUESDAY, SEPT. 4 ·1:30 PM · 4 PM MARRIOTI' HOTEL, NEWPORT BEACH WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5 • 7:00 PM • 9:30 PM MAARIOTI' HOTEL, NEWPORT BEACH L ' • llee: SZ0.00 U.CW.. SW. F..I .. s ... Nltride4 "' SW. l-. .._.._,..._, c• 17141151-tlOI w Wrttr. ,..,.._., s.c.-tty s,. .... 11661 M-A .._ .... Wh JOO. lrwi.., C:. U715 ----------who use bicycles on of-EXPENS/VE rtcial business . Howe ver. at least one ..!!!!!!!!!!!~===~~'!!!!0~~M~!'!llE~l!!._~,!!!!!!l!==~,.,....,....1, 'PE' -'CllES ~mreps111oedyee wus not im .-----.ffM "-•----.... l'A .. l' our Time I"' Now: PORTER. Okla IAP I Ir produce prices seem high an the local s upe rmarket, a peach s ale In Porte r , Okla . could be reassuring. A bushel of peaches a uctioned he re at the 13t h P o rt e r P eac h Festi val brougtrt $3.500 It wasn't JU.St any old bushel, of course It was th e g rand c ha m pion bushel or the restaval, boug h t b y Tul s a teh.•v1s1on station KT I fl. a nd the Razor t'l&m Hestauranl of Tulsa "That's not for me." s aid Olivia French.•• f'l111 c tocumwh u t vouurcwnr1li clerk In the business or I lnu.: forprofc ...... 1,:n u l l <k11l ll~· rice .. You take your hfco ·11 me I 0 JI \'C 111 ..,, , k an your hands Just going ·· on the strCi:t .. l ' our Time 1-'or .A HoUBe JaiJ? SAN J OSE IAP1 -Sa nta Clara County ,, whcrl' ovn crowd('(f J&Jb are a chron1 r probll'm 1 s <' o n 'I 1 d ,. r 1 n .: t h ,. J>O!>'llba la tv or .1llowani? •• (1•w "t•h·rtNI pnvinc•r\ L•• o.,r•rv1• lh1·1r J:1al t••rm ~ undi•r "hoU.'-t<' orr<--.t Career ha Sulc~: fllt. < 1tmplett.l' \\ urr1• n u flft Jkll' \••II fqt tlt..Jt u •• , •ilr•·uli!h pu1(, '"""rfl..J -. .. u. "' ... utl n1r1tt\-Att1nl tr1utu11~ < u II \~"\ ~ 7 1 4/~.:; 1.1 0 I.~ . .. , .. ., ...... . ...... ... " Other personalilie11 whol'le faces ap- pe1:1r on the bills but who are not named in the suit Include Lucllle Ball, John Denve r, BUI COiby, Faye Dunaway, Roberta Flack, Perry Com o , Lynda Carter and Glen Campbell. She's crying.for help. Are you listening? Councilman Gets Chairman's Job At University Fountain.. Valley city councilman Ro1er Stanton hu been appolnted cbalrman of the department of ma.na19DMDt and bwnan relOW'cel at c.i .... Loq Beacb. St•nton, G, wlll .,.d a 40-member faculo ln tbe newly formed depart- ment In UM Sebool of Bu1lnH1 Ad· mlnlltradon. He bu been a prof eNOr at Lona Beach U yeara. A former ma,or ot l'ouatala Valier. Stanton and bl1 famU, lane..._ re1tdent1 of Oran,. Cowat1 10 r .. n . ' She simply can't handlf! her problems by herself anymore. She need~ help before ifs too late. And she's not alone. Every day. people no differe·nt than you experience an emotional crisis often p rovok ed by a troubled personal relationship. Someone may hct'Ollll' ... o despondent she i.:rows feaf'fu l or ncrvou ' Sor no apparent wa.,on . She loses sleep ove r insi~niflcant thing'\. She explodes over trivial matters like the car not starting. She ca n't carry on with h~r family. She needs help. Professional help . The only real hope fo r regaining a normal. productive life . The kind of help available at the Problem Talk Shop. A profcsslonally staffed counselin g and referral service fo r people trapped in an emotional crlsls . At 'he Problem Talk Shop we care for people. Problem Talk Shop Is a free service which provides a warm, friendly environment where 'killed counselors help people sort out their own lives. Here people gain new resources to handle the problems they thought were too big to handle. If you know someone who is cxperiencin~ an emotional cri.'lis. cllll the Problem Tlllk Shop. A trained counselor will he a t th\: o the r <·nd of the line. Ready to help. Ready tn u nswn un v questi on.'\ you may have. Please make the cull that will 1,how her 'omebody cares enough to listen. Problem Talk Shop (714) 997-1831 JOOS East Chapman Avenue. Orange, Califomiu 92666 (714) 768-3831 25283 Cabot Rotd, Suite 104 l..quna Hilla, California 926.S3 \ 7 ... •Stocks •Comics s t •........... ·.M·o•v•1 •• s ... ·.T.•.•.ev.•.s.•o." ................................................ ~i---Or S ~. Augu1t 21. 1979 DAILY PILOT r-INSIDR Ernie 'Cutillo 'Rigger _-canoe and Balboa, Too Let'• Mt lbe record stra1~ht Early oulrl& 1er canoe. were not carved out of palm tree•. they were flant, hollowed-out petrtntd bananas Grand Prix models were swtptd directly from Kins Kon&'• private 1tod A kK hu thansed since then Today'!\ huh1 daoeen wear Alllrotwf sJorts, troptuea are no !oncer oott'bed out of ~ul.\ and canoei:. no longer ,Jell for 60 seashells THE SPORT ITSELF, though, sidestepped the evolutionary process and remains ocean racing ln lts ra west form. The boats are stall rigged. the pace ls still slow and the kamikaze crews aUU qualify for the Hurt Me cham pionahips of the world. Crew members have always been more slaves than sailors anyway. Captain Hook should have had it so good. If you asked one or these guys to jump, he'd ask· "Port o r .. starboard!" ti:x n·~t fo1 11n occasional grunt or groan, lalkln~ is ubout as welcome as a shark on a crash dlc.-l When tht<x~ .:uys travel uicht, they really mtan at Tht! only life~avers on board are the ont-s that come m u'lsorted fruit fla vors If they put any dee ab on the hu ll, they'd say .. Powe red hy P~ple .. MILEAGE IS MEASURED by the calorie. not the gallon. These boats don't even have sails They were designed years before the mast Six i;troke modeb are the norm and you can convert them from rat'tng boats to hunting boats with the sample rJick of an oar. They're an bUl'h a rush. nobody stops when an oarsman goes overboard T hey don't even slow down to pick up hitchlukers Nobody talks a bout turning pro since the only job this sport leads lo is an extra on Hawaii F'ivl' 0 . Outriggers in the Pacific are about as popular as Volkswagens on the freeway but you don't have to Oy out to Hawaii or Tahiti to see them nowadays. You can cat.ch them cruising out or Lido Channel or into Huntlngtoa Harbour. guided by fair·skinned natives from the Balboa Bay Club. the month. But that's just for start.e-rs. Next· the world. "One of our major goals is to duplicate lbe biAtorical feata of the Ta.bilia.na who sailed over t housands of miles of water." braes club secretary Joe Warshauer . THE ~AM STARTED OFF on the right oar. As a publicity stunt, it was an unofficial en- try in the May S Newport. to Ensenada yacht race. When it had finished the 140·mi1e trip in 22~ hours, it came ahead of all but 20 yachts. AMEJllCANS IN OUTlllGGERS used lo be as common as football players in ballet shoes but not any more. The BBC team features four members of the famed Blazing Paddles team that won the open division of t,be Hawaiian re · gatta last year . a feat as rare as UCLA losing to USC in basketball or Germans dropping a chug· a· lug contest. •'Other people were sitting on their decks, having a party and drinking booze." Warshauer recalls. "We were busting our butts con- stantly." To prove 1t wasn't a fluke, the BBC team is entered in Saturday's Kona race in Hawaii and the annual Molokai to Honolulu Reutta later in Well, not everybody. Three team members travel in an escort boat. waiting to sub for a tired paddler. When the time comes. an CSft CASTILLO, Page 80 a ., .. ,let s.: .....: Lead Now 21/2 Angels, ~yan Still Struggling .. TORO!l.'TO IAP1 Baseball ran be a samplt: game and 1t also can be "ery unpredictable. One day a team can be embarrassed and the next be an total com- mand Or. as Toronto r atche r RJ ck Cerone put st. "Yesterday was ovl'r and today was a new day .. CERONE DROVE I N fi ve runs Sunday with a two.run homer. a double and a bases loaded 'Walk as the Blue Jays -;hook off Saturday· 24·2 drub· bang and trounced the Angels. 9·3. The Angels. who race Detroit tonight. saw their lead dwindle to 2"'2 games over Minnesota and Kansas City as the Twins were ra.med out and the Roya.ls toppled Boston. "It was one of those things." Cerone scud of Saturday's em· b!a rrassment. ··Everybody's been an that situa tion. but I wasn 't surpnsed we came back to " an today. · Wh at was surpnsiag for the 22.619 rans was that Toronto beat Angels ace Nolan Ryan. like he was still struggling to get back tus old form a rter stram,ing a muscle m h1s pitching arm in late J uly. G<>ing Ullo the game. he had a league leading 178 c;tnkeouts, but ranned Just one batter 1n the fi ve innings he worked. Also. after a llowing just eight home runs in 168 annmgs, he w ai. ta~ged for two solo homers by John Mayberry in addition to Cerone's homer. .. He really didn't ha ve the velocity on his fastball that he had an the past," Mayberry said . "Rut I think that has been due to the fact that his arm has been bothering htm. He was out there really trying to find himself again. I know he'll be back at t he to p befor e the season's over " MAYBERRY SAID he thought Ryan was throwmg at about 80 pe r cent or the velocity the Angels nght·hander as capable of and Ryan agreed. BALBOA BOASTERS Me mbers of the Ba lboa Bay Club out rigger canoe team that captured the inaugura l Marina del Re y to Huntington Ha rbor race recently took time to ham it up From left . they are Clop row) Stev0 Ch<Jdw1ck . Ouct Hohl. .Jeff Cariker. Jeff E•:ans. Bill Wasdy ke. Chuck Lyda and I front ro'.\ 1 Bill Whitford. Eddie Frase r a nd Car l Toeppcne r Rookit> r ight-hander Butch Edge got the wan, his second in three decisions. with two·hJt re· lief help from Tom Buskey o r the last z.i..., innings . · · "That's probably true." Ryan said. "I'm coming off an arm in- jury and every time out I've thrown better. but I'm still not up to my maJUmum velocity.·· He said he struggled the whole ime. HOWEVER. R \'AN looked Riverside Scores With Mass Insanity ByBOWARDL. HANDV Of tlM D.ally Pilot Sult RIVERSIDE What is this mass in sanity known as the SCORE Off-road World Championships over a man-made course at River side International Raceway that attracted close to 65,000 fans Sunday after a mere 30,000 showed up the day before? Here are some random thoughts and refle'ctions along with racing tidbits gleaned in the dirt and dust of racing's biggest closed·circuit off-road show· -IT SBOtJLD BE CALLED the Mears Gang show. Rick. the Indy 500 winne r, was the victor an the Saturday feature. the Challenge of Champions with brother Roger in third place Roger. who w ill compete in Jnrly COMMENTARY type racing machines al Ontario Motor Speedway this weekend, won two races Sunday. Roger bas now won 11 races al Riverside, more than any other driver. · Standing on the press platform viewing the action was one of the former stars of the show Pnd an Indy 500 winner . Parnelli Jones. "l don't thank too m urh about getting back behind the wheel but it would be fun." he says. With the la rRC crowd totally unex pected. raceway President Les Richter ha d a nag in hand and was directmit traffic inside the gates on Sunday -TO MANY IN THE CROWD, it has been a three-day "'cckend holiday at the R1vers1de track with numerous motor homes and camper<, an e\'idence and the s tands filled to near capacity What's the Goodyear blimp doing al a race sponsored by Mark C. Bloome and BF Goodrich. the other guys who don't have a blimp? The Goodyear fly. mg mach..ine moved latlly above the crowd of spectators. probably the best 'antage point and certainly the cleanest. Yellow caution n ags came out fre· quently during the running of races but only at portions or the track where a vehicle or two had run into trouble. -SPECTATORS IN THE STANDS at tum six were treated lo a spectacular <See RIVERSIDE, Page BZ > "I didn't have a good breaking ball and couldn't get st over." Ryan saJd. ''It's getting better e very lime out as far as my \e loc1ty is concerned. but I'm going lo have to start pitching bette r a nd throwing mor e strikes al I'm going lo be ef- fective." EDGE ALSO , TRtJGGLED a little and wlule he gave up just fi ve hats and struck out four, he also waUced seven batters. two of wtut.•h scored an the seventh on Dan Ford's double. A triple by Bob Gr ich following Rick Miller 's single in the third pro- duced the other Angels run. M ayberry's first homer and Cerone ':. two·run double gave Toronto a 3-0 lead in the second annmg. Inexpert Adviee Giants in Turmoil Car Won't Start: Pick Detroit Last By PETER J. BOYER LOS ANGELES CAP) Sports fans, you are about to be immersed in the River Football, baptized by television. But before football really gets going, you'll bear a lot about which teams will win their respective divisions Cand, later, much more on why they didn't). This is the time of year for predictions, when experts "put themselves on the line." They always say that, "I'm putting myself on the line," as H som ething bad happens when they"re wrone. And they are usually wrone. but they seem to m aintain an lrrltaUngly high ra te ol sunival in spite ol pro- IDOtlliC milateps. WHAT'S ANNOYING about football predlctionl la that the predleten always have aucb eood reaons for lbetr ~. "Staubllcb'a experience abouJd 1ive Da1lM the nod over a build· lnl w~ team," they'll tell you. Nonsense. Football ls a caprldoua eame, with wtnnen <like last year'• Houtton> com- IDI out ol nowhere, and wUuUDa tor re8ICllll tbat a.re only apotea after tbeJ'•• become obvtoua. Wbat foolM11 aeeda II a Mt ol pwdktlam ..... Oii wblm. Toward that end, I forward the first annual "Inexpe rt, Baaed on Nothing, Very Mean· ingful Football Predictions." They are: AMERICAN CONFERENCE -Eastern Division: 1. New York Jets. because a guy from my hom etown, Jerome Barkum. used to play there. 2. Miami, because Larry Csonka is back for a final season. and he said in a magazine that he wants to win really badly 3. New England, because it's cold up there and football looks nifty in the snow. 4. Baltimore, my wife likes the horaeboes on their hats. 5. Buf· falo, I pick to finish last because the townbuafunnyname. Central Division: t . Houston, becawie Earl Campbell is nice to bis Mom and because Coach Bum Pbllllps wears spiffy boots. l don't think that Pittsburgh. C2. > b u a single coach who wean cowboy boots to the sames. 3. Cincinnati, can't be vert 1ood because I don't see them on TV much . Last. Cleveland (aee above reason). Western Divtalon: 1. Denver, because I like Denver omelettes and beeause Denver doesn't Like Howard Cosen. 2. Oaldand, because I Ute Kenoy .. The "(IM INDPS&T. Pap Bl> Pl.a.gin' fi' ootsie American John Peterson has a tight grasp on the foot of Japanese wrestler Akira Ohta during their &a·ldlo match at, the world wrestling champlomhips in San Dieao Sun- day. Peterson, a aold medal winner at the llcmtrnl Olympica, defeated Obu, 14-3, ID the third round match. Distraught Blue Threatem Writers SAN FRANCISCO <AP> - Vida Blue. ooe of bueball's pre- mier pitchers unW be feU on bard times this season, bu become ooe of baseball's molt distraught pitchers, threatenlnl to "blow away" reporters for writing unfavorably about him. Blue appeared to reach lbe boiling point Stmday when he grabbed onto a chair while berating one reporter and then screamed at another writer wblle bodily threatening him for the third time in a little more than a week. THAT OUTBUaST followed sever al on the Giants' lut road trip wbm Blue said be would .brinl a abotcun or 'a plltol to keep rePorten from eomln1 lD t.be locker room. He allo tbrea&eaed to bit writ.a with a bueball bat. ''Tbla II npt out of Slanky and Hatcb," paid Glenn Schwan, tbe San Fra.ncllco Ex· amlner'a Glant beat reporter and die object ol moat of Blue'• veaollfj\ "I laqbed at lt tor a wblle, l*t DOt anymon, "I've en threatened by • ballpl.,en but lt always 1ot put Uide an.r a, or two. But l'ft kDoWll Vi for •t 1•an _. be 11 l'Mlb dlltw bid. Re'a dill ll•ld .. tbree U... .. 10-....s k ......... than newspaper stories. "HE'S JUST BECOME iJTa tional. And t.his place is the snakeptt ol the m~ leagues." Giant officials have been told about Blue's threats a1alut Schwan and others and it is e.x· peeled they will meet. perhaps as early as today, wilb their dis- tr aught star. Blue's latest verbal aasautt came the same day rlght·bander John Montefusco announced he was quitting the club over being fined $500 for driJudq on the team plane and fellow pitdaer Ed ff aliclrl railed loudly aaaiDlt M anqer Joe Altobelli for t111e second time thla moatb. All tbree of. tbe unbappJ hurlers md fellow plteber Ed Whitson bad been fined for drinkial GD tbe plane, IOllMlddai wblcb MVWal other plQen did; but wouldn't admit to Altobelli > BLvrl l .. 11 &SCO&D and $.20 eaned nm aftl'ale, ..._.,a 4.0 •i.rt. bu tonlMDted bim all year. At flnt be was affable about bla lnapUcabae abWty lo pltcb well def' 18 victort .. a.._ HHOD and 121 ID HVeD fall 1ffrl, wttb tbe Oakland A'• befontbat. But bla tone became lnc:reu- la1!f.:rly aa bta pltcbio1 prob coati.Dued. . -.._ ..... , DAILY PILOT Monday. AUOutt 27, 1119 ports reak I A C•p1ute Report ''°"' tM Wortd of Sport1 Rookie Ump Geta Support Fr.om U nexpec~d Source t',.• AP .,....w..._ KANSAS CITY. Mo It'• bMI\ • rou1h f1r.t II year for American t..ea1ue umplre Dallu Parlu l\ut he ll'Ot eom e hlt h apprttl•Uoo durln'( thf' BoelOn KAOIU Cll,y tame Sundl.Y Wht"n a plane new Ovf'r Royall St9dlum wlt.h a 1lsn that read "Wekomti Dallas Parks." 1be plane WU the bralnatonn ot Olli Phllll~. a membflr of t.he Royal Lanccra booater ll'O\ll>. wbo u1d he waa upeet at tbe tree~t l'arls and the other ~If umps h ave ~n aietUng f'rom thf' veterans "I tried te s et a car lo ptck rum up al hlK hotf'I earllet lhllJ year, but It dJdn't work out." uld PhJlhpi>. explalnln1 hf' 1penl "a couple or hundred 1tollaNJ" on th~ plL1nr PhJlllpa aald 1t was hls way of sho"''"" dti>ltl>llr<>v41l ol lht' veterans shunom" Parks and Olher rook lei> v. ho worllecJ dur ing the ump1rtt1 ' w11lkout curlier this season m a contract dis pule "I think It 0 )-, inhuman thf' v.ay tht>y tn•ut tht•rn ," )>11111 Philhpt. "It ct he v. alkout 1 ''over and th•· umps l(Ol what they wanted 1'ht•y should i.top bear1.ng a grud1e " Parks . who :.hrullgcd and KJ1noed from his position behind third buse When th<' plane made lht• (1rst of lt'V('tU) passes over lhe sudJum . was unavailable fo r comnwnl. .-------q..11rol ,., Da•-----~ Rob t"raka, afh•r tl11· p1nt -~11cd Campbell. Cuhf t.1ttlc L4·a~1w /\II stttr!' lost to Ttuwun for lht' youth h1l!'«'ball rh<1mp1oni.h1p of the world: "We lost but S«'<'Ond bl-st in lhc world aln 't that bud " ttluow .4ipark• "a11•a• Cit fl .-.acrrp With Wllllf' Wiison conunuinR his torrid pace a1u11ns1 Jl.)~tnn with four hits. one RBI, two runs und t~·o !ltnlf'n bal't>!I . Kan11as City beat the Red Sclx . 6 :\, tn romplNc a three·Rame sweep that Iii pullffi t h<' Ro~ ff ls within 2"'2 games of the Angels in the Amt>n<'an Lca~U<' West The Minnesota· Yankees game was ratnt'd oot Tt>xas. one percentage point ahead of Kansa s City. "a!. \ 1r t1m1ied b y Milwaukee. 6·2. as ho mers by Go rm a n Thom as and Cecil Cooper powered the red-hot Brewers to their 13th vic tor y 10 thei r las t 15 game•)> . . Baltim o re swe pt a doubleh t-ader from the White Sox, 12·7. 4·3. to gain a half·g~1mc on Milwaukee 10 the AL ~a::.l Mike tl anagan became the AL's first 18 ~ame wmner when he was backed by four hom ers in the opener Gary Roenlcke's lea<lorf homer in the 13th inning dec1dt·d th(• nightcap De troit's St.eve Kemp went <in a horn(' r un tc·ar to lead th1· T1g1•ri. w11.~0N to a doubleheader s wl'ep ov<'r S<"a lllt· Kt·mp h1l two sr1lo homer., in thP OPf'ner , mC'luding a gam•·· w1nrl1n1• ,11111 m tlw 101.h 1nn1ng. and addt·d fl l(ame-ty1nl( hunwr Ill th1· M·v••rt lh inning or the Sl'l'Ond gamE' Waynl' (;arland and Sid Monl(e 1·11mhint>d for 61':! innings or s tronl( rP l11'f a~ Ch·vclund oullustc.'<1 Oakland , 7-5 . In the Nal10nal f.t·aj(Ul', C1ncmnat1 's Tom Seaver hurled his fourth shutout or thl' cur cind 5Jst or his <'<m~er by blankinl( the Mel.,, 8·0 Seavl•r h as now won I I hlraight . Jfouslon. leading lht: Reds by JU.Oil half a game. J?Ot fi ve hits from Cesar Cedeao to down Philadelphia, 4 I .. ., ........ aea .... GeU TICle• Tom WelMa h•d t.he Utle a1atn ln the Hall of l!I t'•mt' Uoll ('laoll', ncured In a I~ dtalb 11liay111' •r•hul J°"HY Mlll•r. lie alto hid a cri1p, two "OH t'\ 1thu1thu1 of the man he'd bealtn: ·tt ••'• h1wll " Thon• 1w~med lltUe quftUon about It. Jobnnr, M lllei1 11, lntlretl, back "Somhody ha1 to lOH theM lhlnc•. ' MUlt'r Hid Nu11duy aflt•r a bc>&e)' on t.he 1econd bole of a •ud· den 11 •th 11layolf had deprived b1m ol tbt victory that would hen l>Hn, quit• p0a1lbly. the mot\ important ot hll CU' .. r. "Ami 'l'om'• • prt1tty toua h 1uy " ....... 0.-. wu wait· 1n11 In ltu• lfH'kN room with the other 1ollera when the newa 4'ftn111 1h11t 1ht1 hucl IJt't'll <h:dured t.he winner of t.he rain· shm1med t>atty ttorc CioU Clanlc fthe final round wu ean· t'«"l•d 1 "I don't fet-11 any i«>Hll u champion." Daniel H id. "I wH n~ofldt•ttt that I wu ACOln& t.o win anyway." She held a f11u1 1't rokt• ltmd over llollh• Stacy u the 72·bole event was trlm m~I to IM holes. She IK thu nnst rookie to wln on the 1.POA tour th111 yeur "It f *'l4 !1lrance t.o win thla wey, but 1 ·11 t 11kt• tht• ftr 'It win uny way I cen 1et it. It fell wetrd to 1t11 n • tlw v1dor ~ u111111unced like that. rather than 1oln1 out and wlnnlnei 1111 tht> <•our'ie J couldn't jump Into anybody's arms " ------8a•t-llall Tetf••----- 0 11 thl'4 <11111• 111 h u1wball m 1948 thmk Ma11•!'kl <'rark1-cl u record six doubles in one 1l11v ""It"' l'hllmlf·lphu1 A ' \wept the St . Louis Browns 11 0 .11111 •J I ( >11 llllh lf,11 1• Ill 1!174 Bl·nn) A\ ul.1 l11·1·:rn1•· th1· frrsl National Leaguer in LI }t'ar, to hrt n homt' r un in his flr5t at bat In the ma1o t h •n.:111''\ lh" 'hol oH T om c;nfrrn hf'lped the New York 11'1.., l>t·.it lht· ll1111-.1on 1blnth 4 2 ut Shea Stadium Todu ' Hirthduy-. T t•x101 H.rngn-. 1nr1cldC'r Buddy Bell ia 28. Oakland A '!1 1nr1eldl'r Mike.· Edwurds rs 27 Lafl11na·• P~i.-r • .-11 Whu Mar••••• l.a"'una Beach 's Kut" P etersen wus the first • womun aC'ross thC' rin1 i.h lint' in lhe Mayor 's Cup marathon in S11 n l•'runrisro Sunday with a time of 2 54 29 Jim N11b•·r11 of Bt'rkeley won tbe men's d1 v1st0n Ill 2 27 2'1 Oouglas Kurt Bnmo, 22. of Tahoe Cl ty. <'all( . dll'd 11f'ln rt'portcdly being thrown fro m a pickup t rurk drivin~ on trw raC'<' course at Riverside International R LH't'w11y Bruno wa'i among lhc rrowd or s pectators slaying ovt•rn1J.:hl for thi> SC"C rn Jo: World oH·road championships and wai. Ill th(' opp()'illC' end or lh1• ruc1llty from the orr road roun u' Marqu('llC L'm vcri.lly basketball player Dean Marquardt wa'\ rc•J)(>rt<.'11 1n rnlt<'al condition al a hos pital afte r a traffH' accident <'1Hlv Sunday that claim ed the hfe or a companion Alan Jon~s captured his third s traight Gr and Pnx Vlctor v al Zandvoort. The Nethe rlands Sunday T~f4!.,blo11. Radio I ollowinq dff' thr> lop <,porls evPnt\ on TV 1on1Qhl R<r1tnQ\ •H't• ' •• ' f'X("ll .. nt ••• worth watchtnq, .1 .1 fair . ' lor9e1 ti e 6:30 p .m .. Channel 7 ./ ./ BASEBALL Hr1ui.1on ,11 Montr<·ul Announcer\ V1•1 tll J,,, ~'"" How.ird (O'>ell c1nd Don Ory\ddlP I r.rn~ l .ii 11rt •· 'l It .vtl l lal<e thP mound for Hou'>ton oppo<. 1nq Monlr•··ll •, <,11 v•• ~orp·r • l l ·8 J HOu\tOn hold'> a hall Q41m1- lc•r1d ri v••r r 1nr 11111.1t 1 111 1h1· Na I tonal LeaQue Wl''>t while Mon trPdl ,.., thri•f• f)'•h 1nrt l'tlt'ol>urqh 1n the Eac;.1 OTHER TELEVISION I Pm I 'lO> U.S. PRO CHAMPIONSHIPS ThP Stnqle' fin<1I 1n lhr· II'> pro lt>nnt<:. chc1mp1onsh1p'> fr om Che '>tnul Hill Ma <,<, Bud Collin•. n ·prnt<, 8 30 p m 1 J 4 I SOCCER FIFA world voulh lournament RADIO B.v.Pba ll Anq1·lc.. at Detroit, s pm . KMPC 1710 1 P11tsburoh at Dodger o,, 1 30 pm., KABC 17901. Football N FL P review. 10 45p m . KN X C 10701 Sutcliffe Sets a Dodger Recorcl t.<JS ANCEL.ES I A P J H1t•k Sutcl1fft'. tht• I.tis l\nge lt.-... Dodgl•rs' 22 y c·ar old t ookH· right-hander, 1s the club's first l2-game wmner hut expected to have more wins hy this time or the scal>On h1H'k in the minors "The· 12 wini. mean a lot," Sutcliffe Slttd Suoduy after set ting a Doduc rs rt•cord for most victories by a rookie In d efeating St. Louis, 4 1. "J\C'tually. though. I thought I'd have fi ve or six m ore by this time not he re. but in Albuquerque." Which Is to say the lanky Sutcliffe fi gured h e'd spend al lr>as t part of the ~<'ason in th1· minor leagues. But ht· m adt• tht· l'lub lhe final day or s pring training and has been one of the few pluses in a n otherwise d111· m al season for Los Angeles . "He's done an excellent Job," praised Dodgers Manage r Tom Lasorda. "But there ure a cou· pie of things he has to do yet before he'll be the s upe r pitcher we believe he can be On e, he 's got to work o n his breaking pitch, and two, he's got lo bear do wn on the .230 hitte rs the s ame way he does the .300 hit· ters ." ~ut<'11ff'" in tw 111111p tlw < ;1rilo, fur ttw l111rtl l111w th1 -. -.r.;.1-.on. al lowed uuly a th1nl inning run t.o mar has bid for his frrsl h1 1-: leal(\.I(' shutout. (;a rry Tc•mph·ton ~ir11t l1'<I and eve ntually s<·on·rl on a tlouhlc by L ou llrO<'.k thut boos ted the 40 year-old CurcJinal •1utf1e lder in\.<> 12th pl:.ic·c on lhf· all l1m1· h1l ltht, with :J .008 career h1t!'I Slt•vl' Gorvey, who collected th r<>" or Los Angrlt•s' I 0 hits. wallo)l t'd an lnf1e hl sing le to Kt'<Jrl' Davey Lopes 1n the bottom of the lhird to lie the game .. • . , Baseball Standings JOHMSOM & SOM AMMOUMCES ••• ( i\MERICAN LEAGUE We11l Division Angels Minncsot<J K uns as (;it:, Texas Chicago Seattle Oakland W I. Pct. GB 71 59 ,!)46 67 60 . 528 21"2 68 ti I .527 2112 62 6ft .477 9 56 73 .434 141,.iJ 55 76 .420 Wh 41 90 .313 30\.'J EHl Dlvlslo• Baltimore 83 43 .6.'>9 Milwaukee 79 52 .603 6lh Boat.on 76 51 .598 7\-'J New York 69 57 .548 14 Detrott 69 61 . .s:n 16 Cleveland ~ &4 .508 19 Toronto 41 88 .318 43lh NATIONAL LEAGUE Wea& DlrlaAoD llouston Ciocionat1 Doc11er1 San Francisco San Diego Atlanta W L P el. 74 56 .56!J GB 74 57 60 69 59 71 :;5 7fi 50 78 .~,.i5 1h .465 131/~ 454 15 420 l9 1h .:m 23 Eaat Division Pltlllburgh 75 53 .586 Montreal 69 53 .566 3 Chlcaao 69 57 .548 5 St. Lou.la 67 60 .528 7~ Philadelphia 65 &4 .504 10th New York ~1 74 .408 221.h YEAR END a.EARANCE SALE! MOTOR SPORTS I BASEBALL ROGER MEARS Wlna Two Racea F,..,.. Page BI INEXPERT. • • Snakt-'' Stabl1·r ;m d I don't want him to i.:1•1 ohl :1 S"attt .. may ~urprl\e tht)> yt·ar tw~t named QB 1n the ga me Zom. 4 San Diego lsee C1 n c1nnat1 1 5 Kans as City. ntcf> town. but they used to win too much NATIONALCONFERENCE- Ea s lt>r n D1v1 <>1Q n I Ph1ladelph1a . bt>r ause 01ck Verme1I has a good Sf'nM• or humor and bec aube the baseball Ph lll1e1> ul"a Y"> lfJM.' th(' big one~ 2 Wa'ih tnl(ton. hl'c<tus.- Pre111df'nt Carter n1·•·d' '>o m1· pleas ant dl\'f'r'!ton :1 ',t l.nu1'1 1 <iee l"t•w f;nglcrnr1 • 4 "<•w York. tx•c :.tu'>e thP~ p l<1v 1n ~ .. w Jers1·y I JJIC-k l>allt" to fln1'oh la'lt. bt·caw.•· Tn m 1.<inrlr \ 11 .. v1·1 i.mtlc·' Cent rnl 1>1vP 111n I <1r een Oa}. b<·c-.i u,1• I kn''" <1 guy who s m11vtnlo! t 11 Y. "' oni.m 2 Chit a~o bt·1 auw I Il k•· th•· Cut" 3 ~! 1 n n ,. ",, t J 1 1• ',.\lo F.n1land 1 4 I ;im1M Ba\. nir ,. fan' 1,.,,1 l>N r '''' lwi·uu'f• m> 1·,1 r "on t 'tJn W t•\tf'r 11 IJ1 \ t 'l•ir1 Lo' , <\nJ;:t•l1·'· l.1t•('.tU"' I v..11tt l•1 J;:11 111 .1 plavotr i:.1ml' :! ,, . .,.. 11 rl•·1tn.., ht0 l':t11•,1· 1111 \ h ;1\I' ttw h•·q m :.-.c·ot 1 (;u111b11 If rh 1· C..I HPrllJI d 1 :I /\I l.111!.; lirr ,1u'' · <; 1m1· \\ 11 It 'I ll•· V. 111d " 111 \ fav11ri t1· m11\1•· 1 "·•11 I-r<J nc·1'"' <do Iii•\ -.1t1J h.1\,. .1 t•··•nt th1•1t"' I ~f>. there rt 1 .... tht· 1·11mplN1• pr1·'11t·t111n !\01 1·xp1•rt lri h1· :.urt'. hut 1)(>'-"'"f'O 11( th1• ut\t• qu.1t1l\ 1·omm11n 111 .di c·xJJ<•rt prC'd11·11r111-. \ 1111 1 ,1n I h•·t ttn 1t RIVERSIDE •• ~ blt of drtvlnl when Jolin Deetz flipped h1a Jeet> _ ead-o .. r-end, came down rl,_ 1&de up and didn't 1low a blt, beadla1 on down tbe track. He reeetved a wUd dMler from tbe crowd when hi came by but had to reUre wltb a blown tire IOOD after. -Larry Casey ol Fullerton had b1a. tJ'OU.bles. 1lia Je.ep_............._ __ ,,,_-t loat the left body alde or his truck bed alter ruppln1. Then he flipped •lain and broke the right tide, eventually l0tina one ball and then the other at lum 1lx. He pul anoeber car out of the race and luld a bruab wilh still another machine at a tum but kept on nmnlna. "J couldn't beUeve that guy," Roger Meara said. "H e ke pt looklnl back when we we re try ang to pau him. J coutdn 'L believe the number of cara lhal w ere upside down an d backward• during the race Sure, we can heart.he crowd and they really went crazy when that guy rupped at turn six." ·'The lhina about this sport as that everyone up there in that gr andatand could own a vehicle and be out here raclng. They can relate t.o lhil type of racing and 1t l•n 't beyond their means." -HEAVY WATERING between races still didn't keep the dust down for more than a lap or two. Perhaps the toughest ra1·1· of the day was gett1011 out of th•· Rivenl~ parking lot and bark into the everyday traffic on th•· nearby freeways . Photographers were run nlnR around a t all points and ::.napping pictures at turns with the c ars bearing down. It is a wonder some of them weren't htl * * * Rodine Wins Main Event R IVERSIDE IAP 1 U11li RodinP of San Marcos, drivm~ tt n t-xperlment al m id·e n g1n" dune buggy, won the single seat unhm1ted main t>vent Sunday 1n I h c SC() RF. OH Road World C'hamp1on.'lh1ps at Rivers1dt· 111 lt•r national Haccway Hr>dtnf'. invo lved 1n a 1·nn tr11 v1•r-i1.1l \'tClory S1:1tur<!1t\' an ,1n o tht•r \Jnl'(ll' s cat rac1" "·' 11nt• or two double wanner., In th•· thrt•(• d:oty run Tht' other double wmnn \lo •" H o~er Mear s o f Rakers field . 1Jldcr brother of JodJanapolis 500 ""inner Rick Mear s Rog•·r ~f'a rs won the production and mnd1f1ed 4-wheel-drivc rac1·' hark to hack In t hf' c;a mc Jet>J> - ......, •• k_ :: , ......... -......, ....., •• s.wr .. ~4,!lt.l.Alulal Cln<l-11, -Y0'1o 0 P111.._qll t. SM\ 0teec> 1 EXCELLENT DEALS ON OUR FINE LINE OF LINCOLN'S AND MERCURY's THE SRlOl VS. TIIE IBM CORRECTING SELECfRIC® . ...llfNA ., ... Olt'"9 1·J. CJ .... 9'1"'9 11 , ... "'"~I • ''-••...-0 1,0...'-• • Hew Yor• el 11111.__. IPCMI , """' ~ IC •11s.' Ort•· lletlANI J ~ Mltw~•. T•UH .. 1-..,..0.-r " ..... ,, 11.,, t IOI et O•l•oll 181111n.,,•m I"· ;::; 0•"-ClllW.(.etly •II •I TOf'91110 IHvfllN<\ ,. ) l•I r lelll ....... 10 ftMr!IMI l .. IO •llCI ~-f 4t ' 1111111.-.10e1U 11 • .... H•n1ell M l, I . tw1 I' W<Htle l~lltt H I <H (,.WIM41 (Pl•IOft .. , ,,,. ... ~•11,1'1 ~ ~ CT.-. •1 • ........_., 11"1 et C111UeO ., llCr•n<IM0,11 ; 1111111w.-.. ,......._ u.m et it-en" ,,. 10.leMJ,., . ,. . ~ New .,..,. , ....... a.JI et TH .. U..1M , ...... 11 Clllcaoc> •. r.... Fr-.1wo I 1111°"1'-' et Al ....... 11""", r•ltl I H0<>1IOll f, PNl-lpNI I , ... .,..o- Ptth!W•t ll f8tllt>y •JI et 0 ... •rt t$ull01\ II 111, n A1t•11t• 19flUOO••• • t i ...... York 11(-1 J 11, iw~ l)'f tO'"f'!•tlOll OI •u_n_ .. .,.. ot Ju,..11.n HOu\IANI tLICotl• 111 II lll'Olltr•el tit-" It ll, II r '"' tnn1tt tl eCon If \1 •I Pll1tadeljlll1• • C htt\l•nW>n 4 ... )," c 111~-.o 11<111~-•t i 11 \111 Di.oo 10w<11111'0 f41,ll Onty.....,.. ""'°"!eel " • JDBISDI lliiii----jiiii-l SDI ~~n:c=~M 2828 Harbor Blvd. Cotta M- '"'~'~5.40• 569 I ' • RIGHT NOW! This is the new SRIOI frorn Spt!rry Remington. Looks a lot liJ...L· th{' Sd ectric!"but loob aren't everything. It performs like no otht.•r typewriter available. Yes, better than the Correcting Selectric JI ~ The SRlOl has all the features of the Selectric• system plus improvements like repeating "X", period, ana touch control. And aince it's less likely to go on the fritz, you're less likely to l09e critical business hours in down time. But don't take our word for it. Take the QTM Challenge and see for yourself. Come sec u ~ or we'll come to you for a free demonstration. Cash, ciedit, charge, lease. Or, with our unmatched Ren tal/Purchase Option, we'll .1pply the entire first month's rent toward the purchase price. And not only do we guarantee iauned.late delivery, our service contract is the sweetest in the county. No better time to move up to a better typewriter. So take the QTM Challenge and move up to quality. ,_Quality Typewriter ~A Im Maintenance Inc. 17942·C Skypuk Ctrdt Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 957-1195 Hourl'i: 7:30-5:30, M-F FOR THE RECORD ~ . ' .,, . A.....CAN LIAGUf .._,,..,. ........ , c ........ r- c-.to l_,,..._ , ..... rt .. , .... ., .,,..,\.,. 0o•rUftoQ. ( C.nt l'I 11:> AMII .. , u J Altd\11 h TllOll,u r ot.I\ ....... 4 1 I t ~ I It , 0 I I • 0 0 0 ~ 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 l I I 0 • 0 l I J 0 0 0 0000 01tN u111. t\ ~ .... , __ ff tt\1-11 • '-'•It•, dh ...... , 10 ~'"'' WOOCh ft 8•••i ,, (eron. , Am6'• Jo lJ J I I f Oftl• .. ..... It 0 O J 0 ' ' , 0 0 0 '0 0 0 J I I 0 J ) ' ' I I l 0 t I Ii 0 f O~O 1 I11 • 11 \I' ••••• M_t, 1..,.,,.., ~::::1• 001 000 ~ I OP C•l•torn1• 1 tor~~o •:l -~·8., C•ld o'"1• It r~1on10 • '" 80\rlfl Ctr6n•. Wooo\ t'Or 1t J8 ,-.. , n HR i.1 ........ ,' '1•1 , ........ 1)1 ~Ir·-· ,.. " ,. "" ... so ~~r~l 1~101 : : 1 ~ ~ I ,_ ... EOQe IW.l II •• > I 8uOoy I•, O J 0 ' H8P t>vCl<t&rl-•1111 WP Oown1no T 1 ,. ,. /1 ••• I ~-r P8 .. ,,,,o- 1'1fen 4, Man ftt,, l !>e•Ul<t 010 100 000 I) J • 0 0.JtOll 10? 000 000 I ' 10 1 Ore\\Jier M<L•uQl'U1n C/l •net Cow. SlinV)n "" Cllft>, T-k 141. Loe>«1 111 •n<l WoO.<rt IUl W L-r. 7-3 l M<L•uonlln. ) • HA~ Otl•Otl. l(emp 2 IZJl, ThOmoson 11•1 Se<-<Umt T.,.n ,, M •nner\ • S>'ell" 101 0.lJ 000 a 11 1 D•1ro11 101 llO 71 . 'I "' 1 A4'Wlf'V4 Monlaqu--f0 ~lr1n t~J ~nd (O• Un<JUwOOO, Hiller l~i. 1 Obi• f II dnd Pul m•n W T-•. 2 4 l Sl~ln 1 J HR' !.utll•, Sltm ISi, J°""' 1711, HOrton 0\ O~lrod, K~mp t?•>. ~ummt"t\ 11t.1 A 31,1/0 r l~•M1.A'sS O.tkl.tno •OJ ooo O•O ) •l o Cltwel•nd I)() ()OJ 00< 7 IJ 0 lt1nq"""-"". "4am1Uon t•> .. H•a~r•o .. , .tnO Hurn R...,sc~I. G•rlitnd Il l. M~ 111 and Ii f~,1;•no~r W Ga• land • fl l K 1nqmtJn 4 5i HR Cle'VPt.ctnCI, At.,• rtni,Ji~r llSI A ~ 1~1 Rouh•. R..OSoa J ll0\U"' 001 001 000 J L I ""'"•' (.oly U()I )II 00• & II 0 R""•o, Ou,.qme1"' c \, ~nd All,.t\\On ~0111 to"t •nd Portf'r w Srih'1or-ff, 13 tJ L Pt-1n'o 'i 8 MA~ Bo\ton Papi (11 Kd"\d" C:•h Po'1rr <tit A J4 q1s F1r\IGMnt OrlOlM 17, Wllll• So• 1 0dlllmo•~ H O llJO 100 l) 17 I tno< dQO (140 IGO 110 7 10 7 J. fdnc.t()l)n and Oem~y '''""'· ~.r°'"'" 11 Proly I II w rf<'n.i9an 11 1 l lroul I 1 t'f ~, 86lllmor,.. Ot:C inc'"' 1101 ~·no1 .. 1on Cl21. 0-tu .. , 181, Mu,,,,., "'' HR (ll1UQO. Morro~ 111, l~mon 1141 S.C•nclGemt Oriole> 1. Wllorte Soi 0 8•111mo-e 110 000 000 000 1 • 11 o (nit •OO 100 001 000 000 0 l II I !>ton~. SIO'W.trl 11l, T. M••1111•1 l•l Sl•nhouw 1101 and S••99s. Ottmp"'y 1111 Worfn•m, Farmer 1101 <1ncl M .. , N•hOrocJny <111 W Stannouw.. 7 3 l f'•rmor, I S MA\ B•ll•mO<t. R.,_IC~l' UOt C"•ugo Morrl~ 111 A 7S.60S ..... ~ •• 11 • ...,."1 ,,.-11, ... ukee 101 011 000 • • o , ... , 001 000 000 8 1 ff d 'lfPf~ 41nd M.trt•nf"J (OM"' •"O Suf!O~r9 w Tr•w" 11 S L <o""'' ll '< MR\ Molw ... ue, Tl'°m&~ llll, C.oooer 1101 Te•a\. Bell (111 A •.OI• NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodgers 4, Cardinals 1 St LOOM L.~4-lff fmpnn, \\ 8roc•. ti ec: Hrnn11 lb S•mmon~.( MtnclrtO. ti T S<oll," Re•ll, lb H•rr, pr Ot>erhll, 2D S M •r11ttl, p C•rl>o pn Fr•11er. o rorg, pl\ Tol•ll •I> r II bl all r ft o. S I 1 0 Loe>«>, 71> • I l I ~ 0 I I Ru~v-11. \\ • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 Garvey ID 4 I J 7 • 0 0 0 Cey, JO • 0 I 0 4 0 1 0 B.tke•. II J D I 0 J o 1 o FerouW'I. < • I I 1 • 0 2 0 Tl\OlftW'I, cl l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tllom!o. <I 0 0 0 0 4 O 1 o Haler.er. rt 3 I 1 o 2 0 0 0 SUl<lllfe. p J 0 0 0 I o 1 o C•sllllo, o O o O o 0 0 0 0 1 a o o 31 I 10 I To!il\ J1 4 10 • ~1>yl11nl- SC lo..h 001 000 000 I L~IAflOel.S 001 110 llh<-4 OP St l.oui. , LOB St. Loul• 10. Lm Artq~lu S 78 C,arvty, 8tocll.. HR F HQuson 1181, c,,_ve y 2Dl SO Lopes, Mal<l•et. SI, LOUb s Mar11ru IL,11·1) Fttlflter LH4"911es IP • 2 " • '" e• so 1 l l 1 l ) I 0 Sulclllle IW,1191 8 • 0 (a\tlllo I S.•t CastlllO, •. 8•1h A 7',46t 2 0 D I 1 Sut<llll• r 2 t• ""' •• M41.S • Cltt<lnMll 000 000 714 t IS 0 Hew Vor~ 000 000 ~ • 3 S.••er ...., e.ndl, FalG-. Mu"IY C1l, G lynn l'l end Trevino. !>IHf'TIJ ('I. W Se<lwar, 1).$ L F•lcone. S.10. A l0,•1'. C ... 4,GIHbl c111u90 101 000 010 • 11 San Fr<1'1Cl~o 001 000 000 t 6 2 Lamp. Sutter f 7l ar><I Foote ; Mottlolus<o 8ort>on 191. Uffll« c.i afld L111k>tol>fl w L•mr> •• I L -·•~o.l-S " 11,742 ,.,.. ....... -., Plltsl>urgll OS2 011 000 t IS 1 San01t90 000 000 TOO 2 II I ltl\Ofl, Romo 181 MIO No<~la, Slllrl.-y, R•smu~ UI, Mu<• C•l. Loll<ll Ill and Tettece, l(elld•ll C•I w ·Klton. • 1. l Shirley, ._ll. HRl Plttsbutgll, Kl'°" Ill, MMIOO cm. A u,oci.. ...... ~""' HovtlOI\ 010 000 071 -4 11 1 PllllMttlpHe 000 100 OC.-I • I w 1111em1. l.edd 11l, S.mbUo (II •"O A\Mly; Lltf't1', S.UC .. r Ill. Eulwk ll. Ill, M<Gtt• !ti end 8-.. W--i.<MIO, 1.0, L- ~ler, 1-2..A·-32.Ut. T~Ten , .............. , AMa•ICAH LIEAOUIE Ly11n, 8WI OewoNoot. ca G Brett, ICC Kemp, Det RIU.8VI l •n •no.Mll 8 0<1tte,SN unclro-.Mn A.Oflver. Tu Molli.t.Mll 0 ... " 111 441 .. 111 -7> 116 SU t1 llS 418 7t 116 502 t4 llS 39t •t uo 437 .. 114 4'2 •• 110 40) ~ 114 .... , --·- " fl'ci. Ill' .J.14 us .w 11• .3Jt Ut .m 1•s .m llO .m 141 .n1 10 .311 111 .JIS 14' .JU Lyllfl, 8cKtOll, U ; fllce, 8011on, lJ; T1'en1e 1, Mllw•u-••, U ; Slnglelon. a.111,,,.,.., J:t; a.yter, ~ ... .......... .. .,... c:allllnllt, ttl; L.,..., .. ton. I07, ltke, ........ 10t: ""'"'°"' M Um«e, •; T"""411.Mllw1uet .. ,'1. ....... ltl DedlleMI •. ~ .... v--, 1•2; Of ........... W ; c;.1dW911. MllH Ill•, l+S; JtNI. New vorll, tW ; llt~, .. ,tt_, .. ,, CllMK'. ~ -..; z..M, M~, IM, ICtnl,. T-... ~ '9ATK*AL LllAOU• 0 Al It M l'Ct. 127 -..... .,... 121 SU • 11J .»O 1n m n IM .JM ue sn a "' .111 ., m 4t 111 .a11 •• • " no .a1• 1,. 4U 11 151 .JIJ 121 611 SI IJ1 .ltt UO"l .. IJO.»S 114 412 U IU -* .._._ IC 1111 "'111, CJllc1_11, "1 I 0111l•t, PMIU1 .. llle, ft: WWlold, lllfl Dllet. fl: o.n, ..... ~. »: ~ •........ U ; M1ftMWt,Au.ta,U : ........... JC ., Mondily. Auguat 21 11H9 ".:.tt..... DAii. V PILOT ... - r ., 0) A Angel, Dodger Sehedules " .. '• -·'. Antel• on Radio KM~ (710) An~laonTV Channel 5 Nattoftel lndoot'• S.nJora letlM~·· Oodgere on Aadlo KA8C (TIO) ' Dodgerw on TV Channet 11 .'I I . •0.'"*9TVO.,.. .... &ult Sunday Monday Tueldey Wedneeday Thursday Frtday Saturday l~Y 1tlwtd9f J ecll.Joffl .. , ... 1, .. 1 . .......... Cl1•11Mey SIM .. def, 8111 Str\1111 1·6, 6 t. ,. ....... 27 28 29 30 31 • September 1 F ••II Metllt def. Fr..-GoelO 1 J, •-4 -" Def10tl 'l -atlletrOot ~ -al Delrort 5 -at~4J5 -at Cltveland. 4 35 -it OMiand. 4 35 Pira1es at ....., / Ill f•u1e.u1 lllpn. I lO Pr ales at 111.ien I 30 um at -..n. 1 JO umat ~Tli um at "-"· 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 • -•ll1~1~S ii l'J D'llCJ.ltt)ar ..-1 0.'40 at All* 1 30 OIC3gO 31 .. 7 ll o.cago al ... 7 ll tihUee at .... J ll .. lwai« at Alll'b 1 Uboal .._., I ...,., di ~110~ ) .l'> _,at Astlos. 5 35 9-n at &aves. 4 35 ., a18rMS.435 _, al Reds ~ !l> IM1111rut Reds. 11 15 9 10 11 12 13 .. Make di Al!ttb I •at Chicago 5 30 • 1t Cliogo S ll P.Ue:s at ...,, 7 30 • ..... ar Rt:<ts. II I~ PDesat ~7ll P:Oes at -.i. 7 30 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 •at "'11.rraukee. S ll • -at '41INC1Uket ) 3l) Rs!s at "-"-1 30 ~at ..., I 21 22 HFI. Exhibition S11ndlng1 ,,, ... ., ,._ ... c-... -c• fHt 01•"- Mt•m1 -ill Mitwa.i~et 11 lO • at Rorals. 5 Xl • All* at Royals. 5 )) • • at Royals. 5 30 .... at Royals. s.,)) Twsat .. 7.l) Twsat llflts I ,..~. Erto1•n<1 fi•lt1mo,-e-N•• Y~Jtt\ 8vt•e10 W L T l"t l. PF r A ~ 0 o 1.000 •1 JI , 1 o soo., u · 2 1 0 soo. ~ ,. 1 1 0 .soo .. 1• 0 • 0 000 •1 t4 Rtltidt ~ I bits di ..., 1 30 bes a1 ...,_ I ll Gm:s at -.s. JX) !'alts at ...,. l ll _,atP.OtS 1 .,di Pd()es. / c ....... o ... , ..... 23 24 25 2f) 27 28 29 I e1as a• Aftrels I Roy~ al A1fe1$ 1 JO b~at -.is Hl ~ at Alrlls. 7 ll ~atfirns 7 3'.l •at Ttus SJS •at 1~~ S3'> Pill\l>U'Qll (ln(IMffl , .... l•nd Hou\IC>n 1 I 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 ' l 0 150 66 tO .~ .. It soo •1 60 no ., s• •.._.sill Pltte~ I 30 Mt*at lec.K 1 1 1~ \.. ~1cr.. at a.teen I AlHn B•lled lft "'rr.qmdn < h•• "00 1 W utt1eh1 \ .• ., 01""Ql) 9) St P1m1nt Ph1tM"111n1.1 A\ • Hrnand1, St Lo'"' 84 {lot' "-•" ,._ , •• ,. tl\(O, It Pllct.1119 CU O..:h1on•I lldrow, (.lllt-. 10.l. ll•lll>v Pllhburon, ' l L•Co-.\, Cinc. tn,...u. u s Sot>oi'<t• • ( 1,... 1n rMl1, t)) J H...-rn Hou•ton ti!' Pf'/~Y~" Pt11>t>urQ11. ti>-• Romo. PllhDu•Qrt. 111-1 S<n .. 11tdt, Montre•I, t-4 Angels Averages ~11111Q ~I> r n hr r t>• pct. ( '"'" II l 6 ' • ... ~ lP>on ., s " p 6 l>• Oown1n1i •OS 7) 11\ ~ s• ,)JJ ( (l'tlW' 3~1 " ~f j .IA Hl (1r1cn •I' 63 11'1 1S 8o )I)} oa,1or •o• ~I~ ·o Ill .... l ;Jl't\lvrn •• 1 ?I IH n O} ,.,. ~ ord •Id ~ , .. Id 18 .OJ Mitlf1 l•I> H ?2 ' 11 111 A1k,.n-. JJO S\ ~/ '" b'I 1n R~•ttMnuNI ,, 1 I? I e )"4 Anoer \Ut\ 111 2\ " I lo ,.,., Auel• llO .)\ &<J II bl ,., 0o'10n\lf' ... ll n J II ?H OOl'W)f'I"" •8 1) 7 l 1 ll ~1) \ •rno"'tf'' '' 7 II H •• 0 ,, :n n .. ..,., 0 • • 0 11 700 1t.1nor .... '" // D 0 Ilia re1tit1 U ll Ill 11!>4 I.Ill .. , 711J p'''"'"Q •P " l>O .. W•I ... ( ,,.,., w 1J s• 'IO ID • J IJ '1v,,n Ill t1t SJ ,,. 13 10 J 18' I ~n\t 100 181 &I H I) I )~ u.-.,, HJ4"'1 1111 0 '16 . 10 •n A.,_,, 16tfl, 111 ... 11 41 •.J.o 1'4no4ntl }9 ' bl '" ll >• •IS ~drtow t.fJl"t u H 1\ 11 HM Kn,. pr> foll\, 11 1• ,, l J ) so t ~Aotn"' ••• 80 29 50 ) 10 ) Mt eothnq 73 JS 11 .. 1 0 8 61 Tol41I\ 11&1 TUI 01 UI II )'I t 2• ~d"f'\ Clror IJ. L•llotlle 9, Fro\! I ASl IA...rl~nS<Kc•rL•"9,.. (H lt,...Olwi. .... W l T OF GA IP Pb. (Olu"IC>U\ t 7 8 3 SS • • •• 1t0 NY EdQl<o\ P~nn •YIY•t'll• Ntw J.,,-w, H T I 4'1 36 46 1)7 10 1) s ~ l'I .s 110 11 13 l .)& ll 3} 101 C le"'''~"'° 8 17 l 19 50 1'9 1S NY IAPOllO • 18 • lO 4S 21 .. W•ste"' Olwl•'-C~ 111orn1• 21 3 J 63 ,.. )7 11) Sacrarnemo I• 11 1 •• l4 o 11• lo\ Al!Oei.., IJ II • 41 44 41 11• '""'•"•Pol~ e 11 l JS sa n 1a LI\ Ve9<1\ 1 IA l :!II S4 11 67 NOTE Fl•~ 001n1s aw•rcleO k>< • win, two Cot • ti•. M>d one °"""' Pol"I for •ecn 90•I Stored uP lo tl'lr'M -ts per game s-y·, S<Mft 1nol•,_c1, •. C.olumbu\ I PtM•Y1•en,. l, Clewtlencl I New JtrMy 2, HY ApO!IO 0 ~eoular , .. _. endl NASL Pleyoft1 S....S.y'1 k«" Co•MO$ >. T ulu o Co•rnol 3, ru1u 1 (~11111>emel Hall of Fame ClaHlc lat,....._,,, HCI • Tom Watson. \AS,000 l~H~ 111 Jollnny Mllk>r. U1,000 ·~ 10.TO-111 Keotlt Fen:1~. '".000 ~111 11• OaMy Edwa~. ,.,.000 •l-6a-04-ll 21S An<lw NOrtlt. ,10,000 64-1().6110 116 e111 A099"'· n.ooo 1~ ... <1-m 800Z1~.W,o6l 1Hl...,.._11'1 Mi-· 81-. M.°'3 •1 .... 14·10--17' Lyn LOii. 16.750 72·7f>.12...,_290 Kermit l.arley, .. ,HO .. 1'>-10·11-290 8r1Ke Oevtln, 16.ISO 71>41·70.n-280 o..rMl c-y, SS.250 1().69-10.11 ·211 urry Hettoft, SS,250 1~1>-211 Tommy._.. SS.lSO ...... 1HS-211 Cr•lg StadW, SJ,87s .,.7J.•9-7l-2l2 Bobby a.-. '3.S1' 71 .... 71·12-382 Lou Gr....,.,. 11..,S 67-14·71-10-•2 8oO IEHtwood, '3.S1S 72·1t .... 7t-m c.wr s-.oo. u;11s .. n .10.n-111 800 Mllf'pfly, '3.17S 71-7~7>-112 Allen Mii .. ,, '3.000 11-11-11·10-Sl 800 ""-· '2,500 10.11.11.n -* Huber1 OrMn, U • .500 11· 11-11 .. t-a. Curt11 Str'"Ot. U,500 .,.10.12-1)-:IM OeN OU191rt, $1,500 63-74·1>-7._ltt Mlllff 8-, •t.l'O l l·Tl-11·70-215 R•r M .. lllle. $1,SSO ... 74.74... :ms JO HH\, $1,ISO 11·1f>.1"11-2&S H•le lrwln, '1.t50 1>1·11·7J.72-11} An<ly 8Hn, $1.SSO 11-... 1).1)-ltS Joe 111,.,.,,. $1,388 '1-lf>.7Mt-2t6 O••ld IE"'• $1,388 11 11·11-11-Z. L•""Y w..,..ln,, ,,_. .,.,~1._at Cltlp Be<il, 51,a 10.11>-1 .. n -at Ml-e Soll,$1.... 7HHl·72-2t6 LOii HMllMll, '1.. 72-71-72-71-at eoo SM11rw. ,,,. u .10.1J.10-• Tef'l'Y ._,, $1..-7HHHt-a IE.d S.-. $1-7M1·1>•7J-2'7 JOIWI Lt~, St• .. 1 .. '1-n--3'1 Cllrlt C..,._ $1,0!0 71 .. MO.n-117 Tim $1~, $IMO 7"7>-71-12-317 ._ ......... ...,.......,. P911YhrgClaMIO YI...,......,......_, ... .,...,11.s• ....,71 __ H04111 i*'r. tt;IOO ... 71-71-112 P•I Ir.....,, P • 74·10-,.__lt4 VIOi ; tf'Wll\, ... 7J.7f.7 t-21t Jllft , ...... 1. .... 1•1•1l-tlt 0..... M9!Wfllll. tl.07S ~,..._211 Pet Mil.,_, P.01S 1U.7._11T C.llly Mine, SJ.OU 1M>-7t-117 Oofttl• c;...,, VOllftl, N101S 7HM2-t 17 Mltl .. y HM!llrl, ""* 1l-12-74-211 Jo1u 1(.......,.1, U.JllO ta·7MJ-t11 JllAMW~,U.JOO 1M).1t-lll Amy Altett. Sl,JSU6 7).7Hl-21' JetllYft lrtU, II.JU.. 71-7 ... 70-2" #Mry C>rrtr. 11...S-'*'• 17-71-71-Jlt ,._, ~ '''"'·.. 1 ... 1Ht-l1• OeMBWMt,tl,WM 7 .. 7Nl-ttt c.y~tl..Nl• 74·10-1)-Jlt l . lteflllU tW, MAf.Mt pt.pt.,,_... ... , ~., ... ,,. ,., ... ,, __ • lllflw$ at ~Is / J'.> ....., at Gi.rns. l ~ ~~ i1 111ers 1 J.l Asml:\a1 ~ I •• ,. o ...... O.n..,et J I 0 150 /JO IO Cellfoml• Stele Open l•t ~nu M4n~ CCI 1i'lt Jim r"(>tt•UA f(dtOP'ltf'ti• I k )00 )ill'\ 8111 8,~o.,_ P..vrn.t Vd11~, \.41,000 lh 80f> 11,..,., I01emono Oerl Jt rrY ~fM\ll''H It lpl(tndl. \1 1'00 '81 P•t~r /Attt°"" !!Min JO"'· '1 000 ,. R•'f (.orr4"Co '""'""'• L•nt• f•'\ b•<Jit•tk '(l'11c.•.90> ~ott 1ut11e •L~,. .. Or• I. J I ol\ World Cup II tat MOfltr .. 11 Mon 100 l l o'<lNl"l IAm-.«.•\I 70 14 1 Ouro.t ,.,• t luroot t 10 \0 l O•odOOOf' 'Atr 1t ~1 1061f 4 Hoff (£•\t G •rm•nv1 10 1; ~ l •!l.,ny •U~I :0 I) • liu•••o• IUSSR 10 '1o I 10 nurdl•\ I Ne""m••" IUSAI l) J'I 1 Munl rtt 1 { j\\I r.,., m,.n., J I) '' l ( ""·~.,, .. , •Amt'rt(ct\r ll 4-4 4 PV\t\,ov tUSSR I lJ 14 ) P u\t• l (u•OPt l I} W8 o Ot>••09•t 1Alr1ca 1 t• tt S.000 I Yoltu IAh1<•I I) Ho 1 At>r~rno~ •US\R I I) J I. ) R .... 1 fEuropri 1l ll 11 • ~unr~ lEd\t Grrm~vt U 3' 8 ) ~' ''°'""°'1<••1 13 •O o o (MlrOWoU IUSAI IJ H 0 t,4()0 ,., • ., 1 Un11tct Sl•tt\ l ~r•11tr, GrMn, Sm•ltt 0¥~1. J 00 I. 1 E...-ocw J 00 8 . l Atr1c •. l Ol J 41 ~'lflf't UrHot14 l 07 S, I Amt••<•> J OJ t o CHI Germ•ny, l 0)) LOl\Q IY"'P 1 M1r1c• .. •USA' '1111' J. 1 Oombro~.-. tE•\I Grrm,..,.,,, 71 l'• J Gor•n fAme•l<•sl 1 .. 11 "-· • Pocllvrnrw1 IUSSROl 7S.IO• .. I Monty cou ..... 11w •• C'fbvh•1 Cfut<>e>-J J\.t' 1 Sllor put I !Hyor fEHI Germ.,,.,1 61 1'1• 1 Sf~hU,..ro rtvrooe) 6~ '>' i. l h.ar't\nn1•0,,, 'J~A• •SI • ' L.aur fUs,A.1 ~)I''>. I 0ot"Ql-•t<l IA,......o<•.r U , ._ • Aie.O fAtrt,•1 •2 c F1n•f t4"¥n \Cor~ t Unltf <I StA1e-\1 t1t Pooni•. 1 furooe, 111. J (4\1 C..rm.,,y, IOI. • s.o. ... 1 Unoon, 107 ) A'""rlu" ... ' Afr It•. IA 1 Ol~•ni•. Sf, I A•••, 36 ..,_ .. <tOO 1 • oth 'E:.t\I ( f'rm41'1i)I U '' ' IC ulC"unc>v• •U~SA' SO .O. J Slf'wfn"'-• fEur-t II IS • P•YM ,,.,.,,..,c ... 1 SJOI. s W•no"""' IO<e•n••I U "4, 6. W•1lm1t• IAltl<•I U.0. 1,500 I P.trou IE.,._l • °' S 1 W;trt•no.ro IE a \I Gum•nyl • °' t 3 Rom•nova IUSSRI • 08 I • urneu fUSAI 4 O' 1. S ~m•M (Alrl<•l • 111. • Wrlqllt 10c....,1•l 4 ll S. 400 r•••• I Europe CH1t9lllll<I. Rt91. ll•Ulter, Hunlel 41 " 2 E•~ c;.tm•l'IY. ~~ .. 3.~· •• ~~n~:~~· .. ~~ ~:: ~:~~r:. ..... 1 Mloh lumo • Orlll (4,.....rl<ul .... .., 1 Simeon• IE,,,_l 6-4' 1 l S«Hne fUSSAI ... 1\w, ' At kflf1"t'WM CE•\.I Ci•rm...,.,, '"'-' \>,,, ~ R1t""r IU!.AJ ... 1~. • ~""' IOO•nt•I ~10. Oll<U> I J•P\I IE•>t c;..,.,.,,yl lll-tO. 1 ,,.-e111llov• !USSR I 11J..I'• ) 1Ht•ttto..r1 !"merttHl ~l. • 801n•o•• !Eur-I 19'1·7¥., ) Mu<n.ll IOU•111•I IU-411>. Fl""' t...,.., \<orn -I EHi C..rm.,.y •OS Po•nb. 1 Sov .. 1 Un-.''·) Eu•ooe. ~ 4 Un1t•d ~l•tt)., IS, S Arn.rf\e\, •I, • Ou .. ••, ... 1 Atrk•. 1'. A>I•. 2S Del Mer S-y'• """'" '1tlll of.,....,._... ..... "'"lift•) f'"lr\1 r•t t!' lt.l!•••Y fMt(•rronl ) 40, ) •0. loo. En1't NOV\ IW•H•nQIOttl 3110. 10 10. Tra~tl" J<Hn IP1rtc••l I 00 S.COM re<.• N.tllvt \ R•luth I To•ol • 00. • 00, 1.40, WO.kl Plt<t\urt IC.hi•""""' l 00. 1 11>. l(et!fty• IV•lt!UU4!1dl 1 •O '1 d•oty Oov ble IS.I) t>alCl\lUO l Third re<.e PH!rre l • Mont l,,..<(¥•onl • 00. 4 40. 1 IO Key AC<OUlll I P1.-co I ) 60, 1 40. El 0..-ul ITorol 2 AO SS .... t• ll·ll ~1<1 lS• OQ. Fouttn rec.-Sert no VII IPlrtc•y I 1 00. >IO, U10; °'°" .,,., Wloqle 1 P~ol ).00, 3 00; 0-SWi. FOrttl (Ar-I l 00. O- Ol141141lllled lf'Ot" Y<.Oftd to third Flftll re<.e 8•1te< !Pinc .. ) t 10. J 10, 1 60; Pe,_1,,.tor IM<CMronl '10, J lo9, At<o l~•I J,A(). U eae<I• 1>11 "'41 tJ6.00. SI.th rec-5emclf'en I Plnce yl 4.60, l .00. JAG; Tr1-lrt !M<c.erronl 4 40, l 10. Jolly 8y Golly l~I 4 JO. S.ve11t11 r.-Fl119•I OtllcC•<r0ttl •IO. a.oo. 2 • .0; "-'>'•Golden Aqi. 1011 .. ,..., •~'°· l 00; NI-"' CPl,,uyl 1.40-U Ue<.I• l ... ll r>alo w1.oo. E19lllll rK•-ll•l•urt<ll IPln<•YI l 20. J.00, 1..0. K..,....11 rc1119 1a.1ter.,1 ie.oo. •IO; Pole l'Mlllon CH .. 101 3 IO Ninth re<a p~ Rul•• IO•ll•te•I • 00. 4 .0, 2.IO, Don I' I 01., I t 60, • IO. l - dArlo Jro IMc.C•rn>nt 3.60 U ••.a< I• I .. 11 pa id $1S7.SO. Allell<l.M>Ce-11,ASS. •• ·:· _,,, ...... -· I .. (.,IMJ.el~u' U>~nh 1 (P\.enOWlP\ CLASS 11 1.00 •VW au-l>v90••\I H o...,al"'d ~ t~" C>tf-.90t \oru<t (,ooy 1 "'fJ<•itY ~n1\0n t(•rht»at C"'4'no,.,,,.. J JI"' ~ IU MtwJ, ,,_,,.,...,,. Not• Monte Cr~d IS." O•f'OOI t1"1\~d fH\l but d•,Quott1t1~ CLASS S IS.fa lkiq\) -I Rolf l 11>C><1t\ 'l•fte Arrowf\•ed t 1 Way,.~ (,•rr f\t> •fvt\Of") l Mla.t UliQ"fOf"f ffOf't•N* • l\<lllO'I Aldo<....., IH0<111 HOO .... Q001 , J .... l1UVl\ f~ p.,.._, I ~SS IO flXIOct OUM" DU09•t\I I °""' n1\ H•ml"o" '8'•'"~•. J-unto ·~ /il<t ~•v f ~tnC..1, u , Jwm~t ) N 1 ••f"'P\ ""'•"'' tS-M\ O••oo t "-'"'0W'" • ""••• 'wnd Hu-nl1nQ1on &#<tih \ unc>f4' \ ,,.,, ' H•Ju\#t\ol~f 'l •••w(>~ HOU\'tnc>JO•' ClA')~) lprt°d\H.tiOI\ 4 •""'f'I Qr ·wf" PoQ"' M~"" • litt'-'"''"~•o t Jttn Hor.,~ , J M Br,.qq ,,,.,,,.11.. J-..•o 1 Qf)'J •• ,.., fA r nOI 0ooO#' 41 ~""'"'•"' f\•lt f'\ t ,,. ""°"'' ,,.,.,,..,,,~, ... ,.,."'' ''•"• HJW•''"'l~Wl(,tfHf' I,, M OTORC.'f'(l f~ ,,,...,, ""•''' OP"~ 111t.tv1n 01f¥1\ L.111\ VM)"'\I M•1<0, ' t 1h l t-f'\ny f'tt~f 'LA'. V--o4\ \ " ••ft~.4t ' t Utr .. f h••t won b ' M•'1' f t1fi"'\ "-'"~ ..... Httnd.t frt~ ttlf 1n 'KON't f\4>•' 1 /)' R ttti. ~lout tPtV?-t ••C).i-• \1ii11W•• I) )C) ... .., 1J'' (P\irff'\ Con••f •~n (._..""•"1f" 1 tM . t 1 ».-no OYttt 0.-v•d M.IU~r 1 Sic: ...t air Ari/• Yttmtt""' CL.A~~ • '"'HXl1f1fl"d 4 .,_.., Or11te-I t fto9•r Mf>•r\. IS.."•"t""i<I' >MO HON""-0 1 A ay Ru~Y'lt r r~•rf"• .>eeo J "oa H•U f Aeno•, ~. ' Gr•nt A~H •~tw. •r11 >.>Ho.) ~tm•" e •• , .. tJ..rf'mono. I M '><°"1 (l,&<;.!, I llu<I \<te<I C>tt ko;p tru<HI I W•lllf"t fv~ IAt,.trUM t. 0oo9P 1 tv•n Sl~••rt (lAf> ... ICltl Fo-O l 0.., h•~r IP•rll.er, Artt ). ~oro 4 Torn B•,..rn tA"4'°'4tmf, fOf'd \ 8 1H HO••'CI tPhOtnu t c n.vy. JEE P (flEORllY RA([ 11 ttUI\• I J•me\ 8roUn 1 t 1 l •l'\t• Tuc. .. tr t \ l P•trlo °""" •) • J""" '><hne•Gc•. I 1 ~ VIII k l CMr, .. 41, ' L•ttv WO<.o-., ) Ont 1 0..11ver Pv-. Hin! OMI M-f'1y OoO "OI \t.,., (LAS!> l tufttlmlt-.d \lnOlf' W•f•r~t t Bob R001¥ \.In M 11 (I\ ( '""u111111th, t 1 .. O\ ~l 4"6 1 Oobb't , '""0 ~Mt men o.,, fu~o. U J F-ritl l(roy~r tRr-~1 t1 J\lrn.,.r 11 • J.,rt Ma< p~,.r\on •Mnt• A"•'· Funco. t1 ) M.tl<o•m Smtll"I fl~ 8ucn1. Furco.17. • M•~ !>••ttl IChlll• v,. l•I, (M now1h, II, I Jol>fl Sc>•i.ou# Ito• A~lot, f unc.o. II I '"""•'(u•"'111 IA!> p+--v.1.,.,1 runco. ti • M1~• Ark9(...-vrr rAedl•nG\! I "'"'-0 U 10 Stf"'~ k•Hf'f 1 llOlllllO Hiii•) Fvnco. I I ,, OU1ch Grend Prlr flt i..tw>.n, ..... , .... ,.,.l\d,I t lo •" I~ A\ht••••4 ft .. ,.._ "• J-"' n.vv• t "'4""11'\ \111 ,.~ .,.'\O 4 tflr•~ \Pf°'l"d '~·)iii mph ' J?Ov ~tv'<t'•lf'" ~v'" • .,,,.,. '""''•~ )111< l ti •I )'> I ti •I 16 ) J•<()t; L,.4U t~ f ''t" • 'f'' • t1 H Ol t N~''°" P00..,...t 6••1 "•Cln•,.... '""• 111 ... ,,,,.l"l)b>••""' S Ja<•y IC••. 6'-fO•V""' l1t)tf"' t o,_ l•P bfh•f'd • JOC"'°"..,._.'"-Wf"-\t C.t'-•,.., t.r1 ,,,, A.1 1. two ••I>' ~"·"4 I HHtOf A~~ M r • ''J l:.o•J\ •, t..- 1•'1"• C-h1NJ • •\1t ... '"° (,.1 f'~ V•ll~'\"'u•• l .,.,,_.,,_. t '""•' )'IT• ' rr11n..,t• •· •• •1 yf\11 .,~,AO•\~ t tl•l mPft 1•0'"' ,,., ATP Ct\alT\C)k>nehlp9 t•ll•w .... oa .. 1 Mit-f\ ' \""9'f'\. ~ ··~'' Po· 'OO""d , .. " U.S. Pro Ch•f"94onehlps 1"4 -11 .... -u l ~-.. I~• H•rt\ (,4~,..,, Of"t ,,,,.."'V# Ort111'\I# • 4,•' ~ H~~t\Mf lO""I•\ ~"' 0 •• • > w omen·a Tennis Cup i.·--·"" S.......'-1 C"rt\ E~ Lk>'f'd Ott lt•t t "'"'' n • • ._. f\' U.S Open Ouelllylng C•l'---• ... YI -·S~SK_ll_ (~r .. \ P~ll Mt 'r..O M CH••' 't •) I ) ltlO A l•••r·tt O@"f , to-yd 8cNf'"~ t-4 ~ J JOtl Molu• "°" !><Oii C •'"""'°" & • J • & • ·-•$,, ..... s-............ ..;: •lhl...,. HOf'VAf" o-• An'W ( f'W •• ~ r • • ) • 0 'rlifC>t\• B•l••Ov"' dPf ""•'•0A "'f<IO'Y • 1 ..... • 1 ., •'"4\ ,,,.. ) I 0 150 l'I lie S.•111• ) I 0 150 111 ., \'11'\0t"'Q'l , ' 0 SOO 0 ,. O••••nCI I 1 0 600 U1 " H•li-.1 COflltt...ce E•t10tvtt-..,. 0.11., t 1 0 """' .h•n")lon 1 I n ~· l ti'-'•' I I 0 t .... 'o'"• r••-'""-l I J,-""•Ot>+pno..a ( "'•<•O<I ,., •• ,, 9.,,' 0.-.,011 ,,,,,Od 8"4 • I 0 Ct'~'''' OtW'tltOft ) I 0 J I 0 1 1 II 1 I Q ' IJ W•\t Otvnf<Oft 600 ~ hJ HO l'>O ':I•".,. ...... .# H""' On"'.'" AH•"~• ''10 1000 1 a 110 I ) 0 110 I/ • ~ 000 th•ftUl.tr .,..~\O" wtvnwy ,c; • .,,~ 0~11r:-·• •''·•""""'ti•, ~---y ,c; .. ,..., M • •--nd .,, A_.M\ ~eU\IOf\ •I ..... A~11'1QIO" Mt,.,,d• At Bvttalo ,,,.._, ,,.,.._. t.,. . .,.11'\h "'Phi -tdif •0' •1 •"' ''""' ·' 0 •' M1n,...~t.1 ••·•""'"" ....... o'"''.., (,• • -ti ~t L ,,.,.,_ f-t•Y Af (nit ••Qn I I"'•• 1.tM •t "4•~ (01 • Ji t • r t "")'I <111 It lt'1'-..1'"-I ,1_, ' r-I 1\.1• di ().o-l"Y'"' ....,,()_ ............ Moo...i.., • c;,.,,.. •• IO "° •I •2 n p .Ill ,. 11 .. t.l II II 'Ill l!O ,, ., 11 /I 14 •• •I 117 )I) ... II 1.0 Ptt1$C>urQft .tt Ne"' Ello••n0 •C.no,,,.tt 1 o ,l.ICC.•t Misc. Weekend Trensectlon s eME BIALL A-><·•"L._ .. ~ ... ~OQir VANltfES S•Q!WOC...OrO" \ 011 ,,, ... D•\• m•n Opt •Gr''l'd 8oOb'I 8'o•n outt, .. 1,,..~ to COh.1,,.0u\ O'f tf't~ If\ I f-'!•f•O'\•\ \_. ... "J .... l'OOT&ALL N.lh°"""t -=oot&.tU l tol.Ut- (., r f QC1 T l •ON~ S·Q'l<'<I \toll Mu"I•• ot.111t't~•CM1<.• ~l"lrd Don ""'°'""'°"· ouen\1•• ,.,,.~." NEW VORIC GIANlS Mnounceo r• .. •Qn• r.on of 01\ t l)<.,.,.n,•li. off en'' . .,t" ltt\tt u• " Aopo.r'lff"d 8111 4 u\11n •\\1\titnt '4 ~ .t t..OU•~ t•'-OI NAL~ A•m 0 ••4t '"" f'ltftQ 0•\• r~ft#~ Myricks Jmnps 27-111/2 A club for serious tennis players MONTREAL <AP l The United States has claimed the big intema· tlonal track and field victory that got away II vou •al .. vou• IC"'n•s So'fl()V<;lv w hP.tht'• tf h1'1Jonnc1 01 "" ot)o•n p1.;iye1 rn.> J'#l C oH,.r!> •h,. br:.1 • UneQl.lalll'<'J mo1cri 1lrl.tl"g1n'1 ~t:rvtCr.•,, ... mi I t11tl ''"'" wnnoi.,,0$!1!~ • Un•o1.-e '""'"'9 s~11·m • lu•\JfoOtn fac~•hM •Open everv oc1v troM 7 .i ,.,... 111 10 JO;-1 C Jll about m"'l,.,bt'rsh•v lodJy t 7141 t)d4 69(X) The JWTC-the tennis player's club. 1171 Jamb0<ee Newp<>n Beacti CA 92660 two ~a~ a~. ~ing -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­well for the country's chances in the 1960 Sum· mer Olympics. "I lhln.k there's a very definite possibility that we'll win more than a third of the gold medals !In track and fie ld ) at t he next Ol ympics.·· s aid Sam Be ll, U.S . coach at World Cup I I. T he United States won seven of the 20 men's events and two of the lS women's events at the three-day m eet that ended Sunday at Olym· pie St.adium. Three of the men's victories came on the final da y -La rry Myri c k s w i th the second-beat long jump in h is t o r y, R e n a ldo Nehe miah in a light 110-meter hurdles finish and the l ,600·meter re- lay team. Bell said Myricks now must be considered the best long jumper in the world. "I wouldn't have said that before today" a nd called h1a float jump or 2'7 • ll ~ "the b11b.U1bt of the meet." Three yun a10 at tbe 1ame l&adham. lbrlckl broke a boDe ill b1a foot warmiq up for tbe loDi Jump ftna1a ol tbe OIJm· pie• and bad to pull out. • ~ ••1 tboulbt about that Juat about eyery Jump," Myricks aaid. "I th1Dt 1 made up for it." llyrtckl leap wu tbe loo1e1t ever at Ha level but far abort of the 21 ·1 ~ i ump of Bob Be amoD la tbe bllb alUtuda ot II~ CltJ at tbe ~ OlJmple1 • I l A MAN ARRESTED FOR DRUNK DRIVING IS NOT A CRIMINAL but he may: lose his license, go to jail. have his Insurance cancelled, lose his job. -~---·- However, with proper le&al reprnentatlon all of Uloee proble ... may t.e eUmlaaled. All too oftea die nHI& ID coan la directly related to die qu11t1 of 1ov laWJer. At Soa&llen Callfonda Law Cealer we wUI provide ,.. wlda a free cwalta.._ wttll a laWJer wbo la *"led la dae area ol crtmlaal law. C'1t1~ o~ CENTER\ 909 West Santa Ana Boulevud • Santa Ane, CA 1:1'103 (714) 172-4801 • 24 HAI. Quellty .............. need not ........... .. ........ ,.,. ... ._.,_,, ..... ,111 I ............... .. A u.,ere Cllll lrllM • I .. .... .. .. ·~ -·-. . . .. ,,. -.. -·· • •• ..-<# •• • • • .. BOATING Labor Day Regatta lJraws Over 100 Strang Takes 54-mile Race Sko•bl Tl•er, a klppered by ~ Sttl.QI of Lbe bott club WH tbe OYtrlll Md Clau B wlnner In C•pl1lrano Bay Yacht Club'• Point fl'ermLD and ltttum race Sundsy, 1'he 54·mJlcrnce-wU' th11 fourth In the club's Ocean ll ucln& Serie• Second overall wu Olv~ra Sttfft, ulled by 11 uold Se1111r1, South !Jay Yachl Hudn1 Club, uncl third Wli1' Sparrow Hawk with co-skippers Co p ~land and Desenber•. C11pl1trano Bay Yacht Club. ('luu winnt'ra Thayer In Ronntn·g SEA1'TLE 8t f'ranch1 VII, skippered by W arwi c k TompldDI, St. Yrancla Yacht Club, won the flraL race or thu u .8. •l•·mtur cbamploD1bJpa Saturday. The SeatUe reaatta features some of lhe top saltine ta~ot In the world . Followln1 lhe na· · tlonal cham plon.ahifi• the world champlonahlps wt I 1et under way at SeatUe Sept . 4. Later in the month the 1lx·meter crews will. mo.v.e-t0-San fo~ranoi•co where ell mlnalions fo r t ht Amerlca-Auatrallan Cup will be held . Balboa's Ullman Third in 470 c••• TALLINN, USSR -Dave Ull· man ot Balboa Yacht Club, w1t.b Tom UMky as cr ew, won the third race ln tbe 470 ClHs and took over ftnt place in the sum· din8tLOt tk~n..Olympie Regat.- ta Saturday. lban 100 boau la 11 c tW"l*I OUl for Balboa V Club'• tncUUonal Labor Stouihton. DYC, 2 Mary Tyler· LetU• WUllama, 8YC:. J . Don WleM. 8YC. Two •l!!nert ft9_m N~rt Harbor are compeUn1 lo tbe u. tie regatta, Honk Thaye r , Newpvrt Harbor Yacht Club. and Gayle Pott. Balboa Yacht Club. Thayer placed fifth In the openln«i race. Day ..... te wMdt w• Mid a week Htly b9C'auae ol conlllct inc ..... eat··-· U,ht aftd variable aoutberly wtnda --~&-A-fl >-i.-J eH 1.-hart, MRY(' 2 Kuln McMenomy, SOYC. tte•ted the aaUon on both In aide and outalde cou,... dw1n& lbe hro-dlly rqeU.L SNIPE B <~> I Jim En1U1b, C~_r. BYC. SAIWT A (I )· I Kurt Mnyol, Second In the opening race at Seattle was Gary Philbrick. Se attle . John Bertrand of San Fran· clKco alto moved to the top ol the 1tandlng11 In the Finn Class, the Olympic alncleband.ed claMi. KllVC , 2 ndy ~""'·BY<: Real.llta: SABOT U (10 1 1 M att LASER·A (1)-l. Sltvl!! Ra~. NRYC . 2. Will Loaayear, LIYC LASEB 30-Plua '4)-1 Uruce TwltheU, VYC. Pukortan, Ntl¥C. i lJryan lfauaner, U~'VC' O.J. 's Daughter Dies * INVESTIGATE * L I l>O HA l Dudley Jo~n. eve. SABOT C OJI I Steve Sult lnaen. BC'YC. 2 Jaimca Neff, BY(;. 3 Wo rth Hauaihlon. s.':lYC . 4 Neil Shofner. BVC ('LASSA l. Martinique, Dave Cooper, Ca po RYC 2. Tr1at Mc. Elliott Brooks. Capo 8YC: 3. C'upt MldnJKhl. John Ru.ah, Capo lJY(' l~OS ANGELES <AP> -The 23·month-old dau1bter ot San Franclaco 4.9ers runnlnl back O.J. Simpson dJc.-d today at the UCLA Medical Center. et1bt daya Iller abe wu pulled unconscious frum a awlmminl pool at her borne OUR COMPETITIVE LEASE RA TES! . .e-si!-\ WE LEASE LIDO 148 ClO I P e t er Newport Crew 'lbird in Etchells SOLING <61 Tic amooa Scott lfaywurd, NllYC . f;11stoo Ortis, BY(;. and Pat OouaM. UCYC STAR rt21 I Koo Youn.c . Cl.ASS 0 I Skol\hl Tl&•r. 2 Olvcn Street. J. Sparrow Hawk. Aaren SimP410n bad remained in a coma since the lncldent. 11pe>kcilwoman Hilly Williams sajd t.o. day. The child had been kept alive by life 'IUpport 11y1tems. and the cause of the death at 6.4S pm. Sunday waa lilted aa "rc11p1ratory (allure." ANTIHIMG ON WHEB.S! TORON'I'O-Newport Beach u Uor nm Houn With Brooks Behjamin a nd ~ott 1Ramser as c rew. flnillhed third lo M close race for the Etc hells·22 world championship CVC. 2 John Gruthcr. SFYC , J . Steve Scotl·B 0 1.tOl'IVfl , NllYC .ETCHELLS·22l7) ~cymour Beek, NHYC Omohundro Wine T o m Omohundro w'u1 the win· rwr or lht• 0 ret>n Star regatta aallt•d 8•l1Jrd1ay at Newport llarboi Ya1·ht Club S<•cond was Tt:rry Gloogt.1 und third was Ken ~1·1dt•r f''ire Dt>partmcnt p<Jr arncdJcs responding to a reported "drownlntf · said the ctuld bad no vital siaru1 wht.'D they arrived at lhr home of Simpson 's former wire. Marizucr1tc llut th<:y wt·rc: al>I<: lo re v ive her hy tht• tluw they rea('ht~ lh<· ho:sp1\at a h•w mllt>11 nwny OPIM A_.D CLOSB> END PlAMHID TO RT YOUlt MHDS CARS • TRUCKS S H I E L D S ( ti l I . IC. o 11 Whitaker. UCISA S ANTANA-20 <HI I Boh • The winner was John S1:1v11gt-. Syd ney, Aus t r olla , with 32.7 polnt.a . We t t.s Crai~ Fkt<•hcr , Ol'V{'. 2 John Robinson MarkOl11011. ll Y(' TlttSTLt-: <Hi I Hoh Hull , BY C'. i st .. vt• Thom <l b , Vrt•1111n YC' 1!1 llw Soi lumJ J'owc ll trophy r1•.i utt a for Sa bot~ und Luse rs I he w11111t-r 111 the Su bol Closs \\ 11~ Sh~ryl Rados Aaren wus uw yr1u nucst of th<· ~1rnp,son i..'> thr~e children T ht: 111.1r1·nt' wcr•· d1von·cd .-arlaer this ytar THEODORE ROBINS LEASING CO. 2060 H..t>or IL~ 642-00 t 0 Costa MHG ~ 540-821 I Orioles' Weaver Is Suspended CllJCAGO (AP> -"They can do whatever they want as long as we hit hom e runs and win." e.a1d Baltimore Orioles Manager Earl Weaver Sun day after leMming he bad been suspended for th re<' li(ame~ for questioning the integrity or umpire Ron Lucia no Weaver wa11 sus pended by American League pre1udcnt I.et: MacPhall whJJ e the front running Onolt>s wer e s weeping a doublc'headcr from the GhkaJ!o White Sox. 12· 7 e1 nd 4·3 in thirteen innings o n Gary U.ocniekc's lle·brcakinghomc run Dou~ OeCinc'es hit a grand slam homer in th1• firhl i:um c rout m which Ken Singleton, H1ch .. Ouucr and Eddie Murray also hit homers In the firth Inning of the first game. DcC1nccR wM; ralJf'd out on n strike hy J.ucrnno, who has had a Jon~ running feud with Wc·11vc·r Weaver s teppt:d out or the dugout and wui. 1m med1utc:ly tJerted by Luc•iano. Wt·avcr lh .. n protested th1• game because or "umpire Integrity" and the: protc:.t wai> announced on the public address 11ystem, on Weaver's i.n· :11atence. Muc Phall was In the stands and, in an·. npuncing the suspension, said "l simply cannot tolcretlc Earl making public comments like• lhlll about an umpire's Integrity " Wc1tvcr aa1d he did not plan to appeal the SUS· prnslon "How ean you appeal to the mcin who s us ptmdcd you'' I 11 a1d whut J want1·d lo s ay cind they did what they wanlt!d to do " •·ro• Pa9.-BI CASTILLO ... Ollrsman bu1ls out while his rcpl:iccmenl, tn·iJd Ina water In the boat's poth, waits for the right tJme to c limb aboard all while the canoe'11 m oving al eight Lo JO knots . "ONE GUY BAILS OUT, the other gralrn hold of the "unwale ," Warshauer sa ys "Thnc '11 technique to it, or course." About as much a s John Wayne trying to stop a runaway a.Lage coach. But then, the Duk1· d ldn 't have to worry about any unidentified floating jaws. "ll 'i. not unusual to sec white sharks out ther e Md 1·m t•lkln& about tho BIO ones," Warshauer says. The oarsmen really don't have time to think about these thinp, lhouch. They aren't even al· lowed to speak unleaa addreaaed to by the steersman If you can hear them breathing after a race. somethinl went wron1. "If you've got anything left, you haven't I.lone your best." Wanbauer says. "Have you .. v.~r run a rncf" where It juftt kicked you and you (elt like dying? Thia happena overy Ume In out· riJu<&nR. not JUSt o nce in M while. Evury one or these raees 111 that way " J U~t when YOU thought it was Sufe lo ~() l<JW ing in the ocean again. OCC Seuon Ticket8 on Sale Seuon Ucketa for Oran1e Coast Colleae'a foot· ball campa1&n are now on aale. Th• four·1ame packl1e aella for $5, a aavln11 of t3 off tbe re1ular same price. The home acbedul• lneludel 1am• with Lont Beaeb City, Santa Ana, San Dle10 M•a aad Mt. San Ant.oalo. Mall ordera aboWd be MDt to Oran1e Cout Collea•;. ~bUc lnlormaUon Oftlce, 2"101 Fairview Road, UJl1.a M•a, naa. Cbeckl 1boWd be made payable to OCC Football Tkbt.a. Orders 1bould ln· elude a •tamped, aell·addretMCI envelope. -ms11111 ••• •••••• ••• 111• --·-I -.-it •1-••11 ••""" a•••-••-•llltlttil -••• lllllttltlall ···---·--•. ~· ...,,_,__.__,.,. .... _ tltt• '.Ml\' ,It .VI I ~ .,. ""'.,,. __ _, ~ ...... .. , 1 Of,.....,.w -CM._~tt11 ._.,,o ~nnn i ............. F I - SEASIDE SAYINGS AllD LOAN ASSOCIATION (IN ORGANIZATION) P .O. Box 2218 Mission Viejo. California 92690 (7 J4 ) 951 ·7225 We arc proud to inform you of the names of your friends and nei ghbors who un· fo'ound(·r~ or CJur ai:.socialion. These F ounders who rc:s1dc in Mu1111on V1t JO and ad1oimng com mun1tic~ havf' rnd1C'<1te<1 their support for the idea of a locally-owned, lndc:pcndc ntly·opcratt d sc.ivin~~ an<l loan ,1 ~-.1w1 :1l1on to serve lhc savings and the mort~a~c loun ncc<..Ls of our people With l11c11 help ~rirl \ 11111" v.1· t10pt· to open our door s 1n Mission V1c10 in a very few month!'> DIRECTORS .JoAnn S. Uol111uer War nf'r I' H<1rd1l•r .John F Lamroclc Gerald JI Mt'J cnkln Lloyd t: M 111t•r Rlt'hard L Pt'tcr~on J ohn T Saunder~ FOUNDERS Mr Richard L Adair M11 Connm· Ar mstrong Mr tv Mrs c:n•g S Arrow1>mJth, Sr Mr . & Mr., l>iJv1d Ball George & t-:h7.ab4•th Ua lzrr Mr & Mrs Charles Hanks Mr. Fr<.'<.! I. Harrcra Mr. Rotx-rt T BNltly Brooke & lk> Bentley Dr. & Mrs. Preston T nii.hop Mr. Tom If. Black Mr & Mns. J a me!! Rone, CJ>A Mr. Charles A.. Bowes Mr. & Mrs. Joh n T Boyd Edward P. & Carol A. Broom Mr. & Mn . Ke mble f' Hroom Mr & Mn . Bttrrctt N. Brown Dean & Judi Bue hinger Mrs. Pat Burns Mr. Thomas E. Rurn11 Ill Mr. Robert B Buxton Mr. & Mrs. William R Callan Mr. & Mrs. llarry R. Culton Ms . Ginger C:urro ll T. F. Car y Mr. & Mr11 .• 10(' Changala Mr. Bruce Church Mr." Mn;. Guy Cinl1 Mr . & Mr~ K<•n Cl111·k Mr. & Mrs . Cal Colomun Mr. Phihpf>4· A Conrad Dr. and M r~ Joe Cortt.1M! Mr. J ohn F Culhcrboo Mr. David P Delancy Mr. R<ilph C Dix Mr. Walter n 0 <11.11·r Mr. V Davirl Oulvaney Mr. NcaJ M Edwards Mr. & Mrs f'rl-d .J F:hr-.am Mr. & Mrs Martin C t..mo Mr . & Mrs Wrmcr t-:~r her Mr & Mrs Johnny Etchebern111 Mr. & Mrs llov.ard F arrnni1 Mr. & Mrs Darrel E F11 vrhov. Mr. & Mrs Robert N f"i~t·1rrt Mr & Mrs ~:rlw<ird l"1~chcr Mr. Alan ~'1sher Mr. & Mrs Arthur M ~·ortson Mr. Ken FrH'ss Mr. & Mrs. Tad FuJ1ta Mr. Robert A Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Ken Graeb4'1 Wm. S. & Jane M Gray Mr. & Mrs. Gc.'<>rgc 0 Gre"g Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hachigian Pat Haigler Mr. John M llalei. Mr. & Mrs . Guy Halferty Mr. Gerald E. Hall Mr. Tom llall Mr. & Mrs. C. Handarhuch Mr. & Mrs. Jon Hanouaek Mr. Frederick J. Hanshaw Mr. le Mrs. Wm. D. llanahaw Curtla & Jeanette Hart Mr. Harley A Jl artman Mr. le Mrs. Ge1ry L. llauadorfer Mr. le Mrs. Yvon lleckacbor Mt /I.. l\1r\ Ch:irlr'> lli:tzman Mr•. H1tu IJ<l{'k(:nbern Mr & Mn.. Lloyd Jf nwswl llNlan•· R lluntlC'y Mr & Mrs. f'r<.nk lrnbUrJl•·• Mr & Mrs Sherwin J ocob' Mr &Mrs f'htlJenks Mr & Mrs Honald I. Jtss1·• Mr & ~ris R If Joneb Mr Thmna~ II Jones Mr & Mrs l.:arr) Kaurman Mr & Mr' Mike Kendall Mr W1 lla;1rn ~: Klbb1e Mr A M "' Hobert G Lam l>t:lh Mr Al 1"'"10•·1· M r A \1r, \1 John Lippman \1 r " \1 r' f-. V Lo rd \I r /I.. \1 r' .lnhnM<11:i.:Jrn I.tr• M :rllon Mr ~r1rmun Mannu. Mr Thomas O Martm Dr U:arric May Mr A. Mr11 C1·cll N McCnrm1rk Mr & Mrt> Rob<•rt I. M< K11in1•y Mr llr uc•e McN<,111 Mr & M rt. Ke 1th Meyer Emil & l>ciborah M1lbc1 Mr. Gordon W. Miller Mr Robert F Mille r Mr. Michae l P Milligan Mr. Jumeti E. MltcheU Mr. John M1tr hell M t . J OSC'ph I' Munger Mr . Doug N:lsh Mr. Harry Oda Mr. & Mri; Michael OJ.aon Mr. Arthur Overlee Mr & Mn.. Dennis Pacquln i\lht'rt G Pllro, MD Mr Kandall E . Pres ley, J r. Maurice Polley I Jr & Mr'I D:an11·I W l'r 1m<1• \1 r Poll\' l'ul:1'ik 1 'vl r f. Mr ., A1Quinl:1n \I r .l11h11 <' H1·111la:.u tll ~1 r I.. !\11 ... Kl·1th Ht•nk••11 \I r l>cm H•·nn•·r \I r IJ;1\ 11! H11·k1•r \1r & Mr"I Nowrn1111 t-. Hot1k111n1·n \Ir ) .('(murf1 H ~1tJ.!c f \1 r H 11 v St Onl!" \I r l.M,...., f-:<J1.1,.1rd \t "·1hhuf\ \I r' Huth 1-; Suun11.-r ... ~ ,, S.·lt)('lll \1 1 & \1r" llJrn ~hJt\11 l>r & !\t r'> J owph SQkol \1 1 /I.. '1.-. 111· (;unnur...,urrnM'n \I r I•• •n.1ld ...,t• twnrw \11 \1.a r .... hall ,\ \\t1ltnn \I r I\ !\In. Hti\ St11dd..,1 rl \I r ~M r-. l.\n11J ~troh\,1hl \I r \1 >nm (' Sukut .\1 r t<obnt L l-iullun '1 r .lar k Tatum \I r & Mr'> Malcom Tt·llo1an, .Ir Mr & Mns Peter 1'1·mpll'trm Mr & Mrs Durwurd Th•·lf<mJ Mr & M 111 f'er Trt•ltler M :1 Ot'vt·rly n Trindlt• Mr Jim Tyson Mr Jam V:.akoulJt. Mr EdJ?ar L Van ('ott Mr & Mrs . Donald D Verbur,( Mr & Mrs J uc·k V1·yn11 Mr & M ~ Pflt W<•rnn Mr Ii Mrs. Mun.hall Wolin M r l>enrus W Wootan M 1 David R Zahr1t- Mr Ca rl II Z:lni.!J!<'r Mr Ii Mn. Rlllldall Zurb1tch Po unders w t as of August 22, 1979 This announcem ent is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities. The offer is made only by the Offering Circular. SEASIDE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION (IN ORGANIZATION> An opportunity for resld~nts of the community of Mi ssion Viejo and adjoming communities to invest in a locally-owned Savings and Loan Association 200,000 Shares of Guarantee Stock Price $10.00 Per Share (25 Share Minimum) Copies of the Offering Circular on Request Telephone: (714 > 951-7225 Office Hours : 9 :30 A.M. t o 5:00 P .M. Or Write to : r---------------------------------------------------------------1 I .... 't. S.YiDO ud Lou At9oclatJoD I I P.O. m.t I Mluian Viejo, Calltonala .-, I I I I Pie ... MDd m• fOUJ' Offerln.1 Clrewar. I I I I Name . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I • A4dre11 ......•..•...•..•....••..•.•....•.•......•......•.......•.••.••.••.••............•.................. ·~ I I Ctt7 ·····;····· .. ··'···········~~~·.::::~~:·~········ ... Zig ................ 1 '--------~-~-------~-~-----~-------~..------..-.--------~~----if .. • t STOCKS I BUSINESS Monda'"" Clo inlJ Price NYSE COMPOSITE m TRANSACTIONS Mondav.Auou1t2'7. tl79 N DAILY PILOT MeD .. •ell Douglas DC-I 0 Builder' Profits Take Off, By MILTON MOSKOWITZ (I.I J .. ~ lt American Airlines. whose DC 10 went down in Oantt1t. on May 25. ltUllng 273 persons in lbe wont air dilaatec J., U.S. hiltory, lan't the only company po1Un1 record retulit this year. McDonnell Douglu. the builder of the ~ aJso is bavinc aoe s weet year. The craab helped American Airlines log unprecedtaj· ed profits in the quarter ended June 30. The airline coll~· ed on an insurance pollc.y co covvee1rtna the OC-10 to the tune 9f $24 million. and that aboul.lah windfall accounted for .~ percent of its eam.ine• AT McDONNELL DOUGLAS, the crash did notbin~tfil spur earnings . But it didn't dampen the m either: TBe aircraft builder came through the second quarter with af. tertax profits ot $53 m1Uion. up a sen. ational 51 percen1- over it.a perfori;,nance lut year. The company expec"""v clear SS billion in revenues for the first time in 1979 Will the OC-10 crash and the s ubsequent grounding~ the plane have any IO()g-term Impact on the company') Absolutely not. says Sanford N McDonnell. president or Mc Donnell Oougla~ In an interview with Wa ll Street .Journal reporter DC1v1d Garano. McDonnell ma de the following points -The company does not plan any maJor design changes in the DC-10 No negative re action has bee n received rrqm· · foreign airlines using the plan<! -Ver y l1t llt> negative r ea cti on ha-.. bee n reC'ei ved fro m passengers 1n the linat ed States -The co~pany 1•, J USt a bout s old out through li80 , I Money Tree The company will dcl.Jver 37 DC·lOs this year and J!J: next year. ~ -McDonnell Dougla.." ta offenng a stretched venion of the OC-10. ''Inte rest from the airl.mes has n 't lessened 111nce the accident." saad McDonnell The company as s pending S285 million thas y ear on capltaJ improvement!. up from Sl87 malhon last year. Way to go. McDonne ll Doul'llas' HELPING ntE ST. lA>VIS.BASED company ~tJar A.\ the US. government. <t really big customer 1much bigger tha n the airlines 1 ~ c Oonnell Douglas butld1> the 1-·.1~, fighter for lhf' Air For<'<-. thl' F 18 fighter for the Navy and "~rious missiles Jn f1~c<1I 1978 lh1: com pany received Peo tagon orders totciltng $2 86 billion The onl y company lo get more order<; w as its St. Louas n t>aghbor, General Dynamics. which got o rders or S4 14 b1ll1on McOonnt:ll Douglas garnered nl'arly 5 percent of aH Pentagon orders of more than SI0.000 The t.; !>. taxpayer lfi eas ily tbe most important source or revenue for McDonnell Douglas The company does 77 percent of its S4 l billion &n sales with the U S. government. On tbe Fortune 500 list McDonnell Douglas ranks 63rd. Buying Spree Helps, Recovery by Marke( ~EW YORK 1 AP> Stock pn cec; ro~e sharply '0 moderate trading toda). aft er slJppang th1: pn•v1ous rou,r ses.~1on y· The Dow Jone!! avcra g~ of JO andustnal!' wu:-1.1p 5 t · poutt.s to885 41 on the New York !:itock Exchange NEW YQAl(C&P I ,.,,_, Oow 1-.. •lllO\ S'TOCICS ()po.\ '1•9'1 LO• (to"' C:llQ Iii ""' 17'9S "f ll .,, ., -••• t..J• 10 Tfl\ ) .. '1 711 11 161 14 110 II • I )I I) 1.1\1 109 1J 11)'1 )' IOI ~ IOI.. 0 \I •) "'1• )11 ft )16 U Jll •t )14 • • I J1 l"'CllA l .. , )0() ,,., )10,MO lA1t\ •0. 60') ~ Sta 4 Ol1 WCI NEW YOlh, ~d Ottll,..., Url(l'W\f'<I Tot.I •'6"t ,..., n 1Qr\\ .... '°"" p, • -~rA• "ti:. '"" "'' ::, ,:~~ \t• '" I WHAT &Ml& Ot~ NEW YOAlt 1 .. Pl Ptt>• ·~· ~. JJ1 w, 111 J•I 1'1 111 1130 w •• 711 Sill'er Gold Q11a1a1ion• e,nw•.-1-....... ~M-10 ~O O'ICiU !Odey ......., morn1no ••••no holidof'f. ••le•, _ .... ,. ...... ,. ,..._, aftt,_ ll•lno '111 .. , Off U.IO.t, • ......,..: un M. off ao.. ...., &wtdl1 l>t<I U ll IS, Oii IO.)O; uu:Jlll -.. ~: _, ,. ""' ....... tliaioe ~·Jf ............. I -~I El>9flllerd Wllll\Q ~l(t •llJ.~I .,,,, ... • OM. y fll.OT .....,.~rr.tm • ~~IMADUKE "Some things might be accidentally lost, but I think THIS was deliberate'" SUPERHEROES SHOE THi CJlEW ~ l~ Rf/1'5T 'coPTIR CRl!J(f•P A. ~--WHll.IP ,... ~ OHr t5TAR1Wc> 'Al.I.IN•.'-...-...,- 1HEN TH' GUY ,ASKED iH' DOCTOR, "HOW CAN r />.VOID ,...___..-n F ,A LLIN<:J ""' HAIR ?' THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane ''I'll $how you $0Me of the f1$h I caught at comp when we unpack my !luitca~e." DENNIS THE MENACE FUNKY WINKERBEAN GORDO JUDGE PARKER FURNITURE DIPT COMICS I CROSSWORD , , 1 i• BEAT MIM 6· Z IN iME THIRO SET! DRABBLE DR.SMOCK ,.,. ·s A G A S I VVH E!R 5 'C/ YA e uY ti, C/OC? MISS PEACH ~Wft·P ~tY fOSSI~ -APEA h 10 ..i11 11 &011~ ~ IJ'\ ..JOCll(u .U, 1'0(,C.fl\£Sl, l&)('ll MA-JC •I Oo-J( ttJ 6Ja 1'1 M£ ~ ;t«'T'H(,(~, I~ TMAT TrE! Pei~IF IED ? ..-~~-r.ioWT-~~---.J .,~ ~,,, c •• 1,,,, by Gils Arriola NO, S<AT tT''7 EMCXY FIZ'IG~TsNe.D. by Vl'lll Partcll b y Kevin Fagan 8·'7 by George Lemont lty Mell Lazarius TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE HE'r1 1 R.EMEMeER YOU' YOu l'LAYEO OUARlEReACI' FO« CCNllZAL HIUH l --... RIUHTT by Harokl Le Doux .ACAOSS 1 Gon1011 ~ ta11ow 9 Rolle•' U W1nQNl 1 ~ Bonu 16 Plebt' 11 Senousness 19~em 20 Me>mef11 l1 Western Of 09 l>f'cio< 1 wOldS 73 VOr1e•U ~Cate1 ?6 Svelle 18 J111er~ J:> School 1erms JT l11p 38 Nat••e ot Sulit• 39 Mo<e cun- nlnQ •1 Vice •1 LO<im ~Allowed .a Punctual 1 WOids 50 Flunk ~I No<thern nol'Mds ~Cottontail !18 .Allltdn\ 62 I i1nla1t:•• 1)3 I •tan 6' Grt•dl <;1o1n· lord roac.n 1 wOIO~ 66 b llllt 1 57 $1lk..,01m 611 Mariner\ li9 O.str•buled 10 Sp1t1 71 Nav11ca1 term DOWN 1 Rubb111h 1 Drunk dS - l lea1ous • Soe<.11tc ~Scion 6 Con5um1'1l 1 U•tters 8 Cot5Ull'I par1 9 Necllwua1 P1 10 Des•on 11 Spell Lat•n n Aockll&h 13 Edt1or s word 18 winces J~.lrlO fedlu•t' Sv•'<k.a1e S•1u•o..Jv ' 1•,,,,.., ~°"'""' r. ,, kl • -\ ... ' ( 0 ' ' I I• t~ la I•' • 111 ... l lo lo 11 c •• •• • l • I .. ' -· • I c r l I I " I 0 U I • • I • I o U I r •• "I 0 • "I '-..1l .. ~ . ' •• •• ... ,.,,_ . • < I " I ' ~ \ I l j( I• I ~-0' ' ' 0 .. I \ I •I• I• < ' ·-· 0 0 •• 0 .. a U I ' I Ill v (I .. I I' l lo I •• • 0 , I • "0 -. .. 0 I ... •• ... I ( . \ . ~ ' I I • I • I 0 • • a I I \ . ' ·~-. If I n Sea ea111e :>• POSPS 11 L•Qu~ly 19 Enormous 30 G1ea1 Lako JI Transm11 32 Towe1 33 Walpole s S<:t!OOI 3• Conven!' lS-Gtan<Je 36 Ego .0 Back part •3 "Ou1ell" "Wu sore I I o I • •• u I • . ' I • .... 46 la~w 41 C11n prov int t> 49 f ti hll 51 War nt r11:pP ~3 511'1101 ~Hackneyed :'6 F 1ench rl11C1 57 Ptlhy ~Old ~ ltaltan ••Wiid llO Frenchman 61 Gy111re ~Bundle ' . .. • ,. -.-. ... ...,...... e c 4 e • .. ' ..... TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS Television Mondey, AugU9t 27. 1879 \111"1\\ IWNNG uo1u:-- C aln• llnO• ll•Mt •ll *1\l)(oi'9c1 "" • bl _IQ ~ ~ • "1tc:t rwl'V· ~..-.-·~~ ~ • utw_,_..., OH•-..am • CMOOMG'n. MM Eo """*''' 111a1 ~ 1e I.IP IO N) OOoCI ..._, ha Clje- -• IWl\ .,lfl _.. lnOn-!l 11\M\ lie eel' aGClCIWll ,., • .,...,..°'~ ""'NOllOO , ... ~~of . med lllllw II l\Mrlpereo l>y the efllcMn1 nwfllodl 01 1'°"9'•-~ • CWBMIV iG~=Oat= "-*"" t"I t.:IO 9 eMUAl.l I CAHOIO CAMPA Tl4E OH08T AHO MM.MUIA When IMI C-c>taJ11 '' ten• l>Of•tlty •obt>aO or nos tupetnllu•ll po•era, Catolyn -Mr all•nce to Ila.,. • meeting II Gull College Aussie Series • CMCI< CAVETT Mary Lurkin and John English star in the Austrulian miniseries ''Against the Wind." which continues tonight at 8: 30 on KTTV. Channel 11. Guest S tac>t>en Speno« (P•n 1 or 21 (RI I eocLNo TlC TAC DOUGH 7:00 cee NEWS I N8CNEW8 NEWI.. YWlD OAME ()) JOKfA'S WllD 81 MERV GRIFFIN OU4tlt&. Vlfgtnia G•ah•"' 0.111 Reese. Meud Adams Cl) 8ANFOAD AND SON Fted entetS 8 Redd FO• A k>Oll·ahke c:ontHI fl) 2t TOHIOHT mT£NH11 ·u S Proreu1ona1 Chamolonah1pa" Top pro· h1u1onar1 compete for S 175 000 on c><ize money on IN! 11nats of 1n11 PfNI•· 0'°"' townament pleyed 111 the LongwOOd C11cke1 Club on Chestnut Hill Mus~ochuaetts CltannPI l.b t ing1r tJ KNXT 1CBSJ Los Anqrl" D i<NBC (NBC) Lo" Anqi:h·'> " KTLA (lnrt I Los AngPle<. • KABC· rv I ABC) LO'i AnqPI•' ({) KFM8 ICB31 S,iri Du lJ• • 0 KHJ· lV ( lno I Lo~ Alll1•'1f" @) KCST (ABC1 San 01o•q 1 ID l<TTV (lnO I LO!. Anguh1' QI KCOP·TV (Ina) LO!. AnoelC!> fi!.) KCEl-lV 1P8SJ l o!. Anq ... lcc, '1!> KOCE·TV (PBS) Hunf1nq1on Beach 7:IO 8 THI MUPll'R8 G-t Lynn Re0gt1ve D IN WHOM IMAOE? Steptianle Po-• l\Oll• tllll docU4n411llllf"f exr>lot· •no the g•Ollf\no rebelt1on ot modern women age1na1 Ille rNtuchons pllCe<I on them l>y 111ounnd1 of y-s ol 1eprNalve rellg· ioua lredttlon. I DATINO GAME TIC TAC DOUGH Q) ADAM-12 Malloy Ind Reed an1we1 • "c:Md left alOna.. CAii and uncoY9f • chtld-n99i.c1 case &l MACNEIL/ LEHRER REPORT (I) P.M. MAGAZINE Hosts M11k Walton. Janet Zappala Featured tne Goel Lady of Jemul at the Oet Mer Fllr 8:00 8 (I) THE WHfTE SHADOW 11,.,. AeeVM a l<Ot...., P'O bullellMlll t llN IKCepll a ~IOI> H •OM 119111911 008'h 11 • re.ciallv mi •4ICI h'Oft tellOOf (RI 8 UTil.I MOUN OH MlllMIM ~Mr• o.-i .... ooe ... 'o<\ oi "' .icwiy -I hOIM, Ille Int .... c;tlli01en c:tM le 8 montlar 10 -·Mr oft Illa l)tOj)et· •'~ • • • "Tllot 8"t Mat!" I 1'641 ~y Fonda. CNH "°"' t-f'*O PolHtcleM comc>e4e lot ,,.. endotW- ment of WI P·~I In ,,_ ·-'°' ,,.. Preeidtn> u.w notnlnatlOf\ ol tlieit peny. 12 nra I D MOVll .. • * "I Wu A MMe W11 &ode" ( 1949) Cary °'*'': AM Sllendll'I A F rencft· man mlffled IO • WAC a11emp11 to g11n entry to ,,.. u S II 1MI ume lime as a g1oup ol wer l>ridH (2 hrs) (I) MOVIE • • ·~ Bree~ 111rouo11· t 19!>01 0.•.0 B1uan, t •sn~ Lovejoy lnl&ntrymen IQOlllhat line• early "JUI '"II l,IGe lhtlrr lu~I b•Q mvas1oro (2 hrs t &!) 81ll MOVERS' JOOAHAL "Nea Amrntm" A un1Que oommunHy or Chn111ans h•inQ on no<lllO<n lttHI reac11 IO 1nh·Som111sm (R) 1:30 G) AGAINST THE WINO • The Ftog91no Parwn' D•nny 0 ll1rne • llkeeo•tt " oe1 ""'"""°' M••v anO JC>OdlhJIH •'"'' \Jf9U$. Int•'"'' to C.OOIOt!T\ llJ 11141 t.y\111411 {Port •t 9:00 IJ (l M'A'S'H Tolk ol 8 C.OSl·v.<1r rev111or coov1nc11s B J to P<Om·ll" a ""'"'"' u .. y ""'@~,.,., go11i-. •Q o• ~(177cn '"'" htt• (111 fl N&CMOVIE • • '\ 'To Koll A Cop ( 1!1781 J0tt Don e,.i."' I nv1s Go!>liOll Jr A N,,,. 1 Yntk. C11y o,•1er h¥"' ·~ tor~d 10 con&.ef\O .., t,, n1!. Pollta11y mo1 .. a1eo •uP>< r10ts ano cn••oe• 01 1..m IUOtlon Wllllll tr, •no to 6fld me murderou5 ranipag11 01 I a demen111d 1111.111..al \l•OOD I IPar! 1 cl ~) rRI TUBE TOPPERS KTLA • 8:00 -"The Best Man." Henry f''onda and Cliff Robertson seek their party's nomination for president in this political drama with Lee Tracy. NBC 8 9:00 -"To Kill a Cop." The pi lot film for' the new fall series "Eischted" with Joe Don Baker a nd Louis Gossett Jr. KCET 9 9:00 -Children's Special. Mister Rogers t a lks with the studio au- dience and ~ewers around the country about the problems kids encounter when they start school. • ...,..,...:>GIN TA&.Q 'Wm4 f'AMHTa A90tJt ICHOOl Sanoy Hrfl mod.,•t .. questions ltom Iha studio audience and v1e•er• acrON Ille country When she team• up llfllh Fred AoO«' In lhl• "'9d•f '°" patent• of ~.,, ""'° ., ••• .,, Ing tofM>OI '1l) GREAT P€AFOAMAHCU "The Good Ooc101" EOward A-. RICll.,d' Chemt>ettain, 8otl Ola/ly. L.. Grfll\t and Mw.111 MMOn are IMtu<ed in lllell S1moo 1 _... of comic vignettes bHed up on ChelchOV't al\ot1 Ale>tlea t :IO 8 ()) wt(,. IN Cl~ATI JQhnny Fe-.., 11 orte<.O .J jOO on Cal1l0t•NI '°' 1111 .. l1mM ,,,. pr .. ....,, Mll••y (Part 1 OI :>1tl1I Q MOVIE • • '" 'Rege" I 19721 Goorg'!! C S<;ott, Roelletd B~lw•I When ho5 tOn 11 I ac"oet111tly lullecl l>y po.. I $One<! gas • 1 anchar -'" t9V""941 ~••ntl IN! I Army ( 1 hr . 30 min I ID AGAINST THE W1ND An Ag•eemant Bt>1- 0 ll1ce1 i And Otners I Mor\' Jona man MO Donny 1 drum ol lree<lon-l>ul lhel• lulu•e• er• tn1e•t· I uned by the o•eed and P<>W" 01 Iha N-Soutll Wale• COlpt (Pall ~· /fo; MOV1£ • • , Po•nl Bt&nk (1917) L• MIMn. Angte 01c*Jntor> A man. tM>an· OOt'9d to Ole by "'' ...... 1nO II., lover •••k5 revenge year1 Ille< I 1 ht 30mln.J *II.()) LOU QMKT 81111e tlld Lou ~ Oa.c>IY lnVOlved In an HO-of 11\odOy ""'111'0 '-P'Kt-(RI I G NIWI NIGHT GA.l.llAY "A MIOnlQl'll VlaAt To The BIOOO Bank" Counl Otacu· •• ooee "' .... en ol a ~'"' ' t.. Qr.ltd" A -get• loet ...,lied••• ;~ meATM • Poidarlt" Oemetza 011- -• Illa! R()u' tnal I.I "' 08"0f" o• being Pet ru<eCI I>)' pa.cl .,,,_,.. 1Par1 9 of Ull!RI 10.30mm ~ 61) ME£TIHQ OF MINDS In ITllS 901to0e Tn&oOO•I' R~I Olll()US-,,,,. pr<>C>l«na QI 10tn C41<'1Uf'f Amer.ca ano lnom.ii. P 8•"'9 OllUH'•f,·i "O* trY ,,. r ion !MIC.I""' ono..penn ent St..,. Al>en 11 ""' mQOe<llOf (Rt , 1:00 I D D lL Q]) NEWS MAKE ME l.AUOH • MO\llE • • • •• r "'' ... ea l'9n Allows 11 9~61 Janf' Wyman RQClo. H~son C.nt1c.1am trom otne'' almost f()f()M, a -.om .. n h give up trio Ql td-V•t' tn.ly loves 1'1 "' ~ I 25 Years of Video Trivia By JERRY BUCK LOS ANGELES CAPl Television at last has been around long enough to generate its own nostalgia and 'trivia • For a long time, at Wl:IS simply an upst art relative of the movies . •Nobody took it seriously. and certain· h no one would write a book about i1 .But things have changed. Books about television now flood the market The medium even has its .own encyc)opedea. by Les Brown of t he New York Times. TV Guide has a volume of its and television's first 25 years ONE BOOK THAT'S a mong the most interesting, and the most fun, Is "The Complete Directory of Prime Time Network TV Shows ." The $9.95 volume. compiled by Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh, is published by Ballan lane Books Brooks 1s director of Television Network Resear ch for NBC and Marsh is manager of s pecial projects for CBS' research department. Thal says something ror its etccuracy and completeness. The book lists evt>ry prime-time entertainment series that's ever been on the networks including DuMont from 1946 down to last fall's schedule. It lists the stars and their characters. a broadcast history, plus highlights of the show IT ALSO INCLUDES schedules ror every year, all the Emmy winners. all the ratings winners. and the hit theme songs. What's the lon ges t -running series? It's a tie at 25 years each for the "Tonight" show and Walt Disney. second coming of "Laugh-In" of· fende d so m any people it was dropped after one broadcast. "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" get s nearly two p ages. ABC 's "Operation Petticoat" gets almost as murh space for a cast list that runs longer than the show did A FEW MISTAKES do creep in. For instance. it perpetuates the myth ·Producers Showcase" on NBC in the 1950s. the same vehicle he played on Broadway and the movies rt co· sta rred Lauren Bacall and Henry Fonda. 2. "Laugh-In." on wh ich he s aid, "Sock 1l to me." 3. J ohn t '. Kcnnedv. who was con s ultant m 1956 \Ao hale -a senator. for a s pecia l a daptcri from his book "Profiles in Courage " Eight years 1t'11at"11 tlae IO•fJf!•f·r1n11dng T\' •erie11? 11·• a de at 25 ~ar• e~lt tor tlte Tonlgltl slto"' and ltaltDb~. that Robin Williams of ABC's "Mork and Mindy" was born in Scotland. Sorry, but il was Detroit. Here's a trivia qwz gleaned from the book· 1. What was Humphrey Bogart's dramatic debut on TV? 2. Richard M. Nixon appeared on what popular comedy series? 3. Who was the only man to become president who was directly involved in the production of a TV drama series? 4. WHAT WAS THE address of "The Munst.ers?" 5. Whal was the first detective series? 6 . R yan O'Neal and Char les Bronson had minor roles in what TV series? 7. Jack Lemmon starred in two situation com edies. What were they? 8. Did JohMY Carson ever star in a s ituation comedy? 9. What performer has had starring roles in the most series? lat er. after ha!' ussassi nation. 1t became a bnef series on !\BC 4. HERMAS. ULY, Grandpa and the rest liv£'d :it 1313 Mockingbird Lane in Mockin(!b1rd lle1~bts in a mus ty , cobweb-covered Gothic m:insion. 5 "The Ch1 c~•;.!ol and Mystery Players." which a1re<l on Du Mont in 1959-50. starring f.ordon Crquhart a nd Bob Smith fl hact a1rf'd locally for two years. before goin~ network 6. "Empire," seen on 1'BC from 1962·63. Both were elmininated when NBC retitled the show "Rcd1~0" and kept only its star. Richard Egan. "Empire" later resurfaced an reruns on ABC an 1964. 7. ''That Wonderful Guy" on ABC in 1949-50 and "Heaven For Betsy" on CBS in 1952. In the latter he ap- peared with his then wife. Cynthia Stone. 9. Harry Morgan. who has starred in eight senes. according to hstang!-- 1 n the index . Ha s se ries were "December Bradt'... CBS, 1958·60. "Pete and Gladys," C BS. 1960-62 . "The Richard Boonl' Show." NBC. 1963·64 . "Kentucky Jones," NBC. 1964·65: "DraRnet," NBC. 1972 74 . "M·A·S.H." 1975 to present Hans Conreid has been a regular on nine series. but in most cases he was a panelist on talk and game shows KUls to Get Tips on First Day of Sclwol PITTS B U RGH I AP l For frightened C'h.ildren headed ror their fir~t day of school and for their anx- ious parents. telev1s 1on 's "~t r Rogers" h as words of comfort "There are rewards to ha \'ln~ taken a new step It's the good f{'('hng .of growing " nred Rogers. who has been trying to tell his httl<· viewers for 20 years that the world as not as S<'ary as it looks from knee level, will be on television this week with special pro- grams for the back-to·school set. Starting today are five days of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" episodes devoted exclusively to the problems of first·llme studeets • ,._ oao COUPl.a o.c:., ~ • tOnl· -~1 .... ...,," hi• ltuett etlone ..,..,_, Fell• wf\119 ...... ino. I ....,,HUIHOW OOCOAYITT ~: 819C)Mft 8'*ld« (!_811 I Of 2)(R) 1 l:acl. ~I'll.a A ..._ 1>91lent In Rock· IOfO and ""Gel'• co.irt- Of ~ lhefapy gtoup ~ Mt life .. belrlg thre•1•1'•d by tha UI Ide! "'°'1d 8 ~<1'CMION Hoat: Johnny Cereon. 0 .... 11; GOidie H1wn, Buell Hen1y. De nni• Ougerl. (Al • DO<VAN~ ~· ,,.. 10 bfeM Aob of .. 0.'*'91"9 hMlll of '**~ uo lhe ef'9dl • al ~ tlTOfW A youtlllul •PP•flrlng polioernan •• rectulled to go under-•• • high IOllool 10 bfMIC up 1. dn.g ring • INTPNATIONAL MOClet 06 TH( """" f'AOIAHT Bert Convy "°911 lhll con- '"' to nerna 1ne beet -,..... ano ,..,..... models whieh Ilsa leltut" lop O~ne< IHNonl end the Ottce Oenc.e o.,,....,,_ • GETBMAln' TM Smana ,,,.,,. tflat lhe et...! naa gone Oil\ - he'""' romanoong • ~­ tlful wom.n 9 TOM ANNOUNOm ()) 8T AA TREI< Aoout to ~ aown to •n I untMID<lkl ~I If r~ Ut.u#.. ano C~o• ft',.. \••Ill llQhl ,...,. -·~ 1r on<Jl~"llN!I ~RNING 12 00 l!I TWILIOKT ZONE Tnf! F-• ID GET SW.RT '•"'"''' •\ IQuii'•O ntt HJ ... ,,., tr'\~ 1nf•""'o''' I •• •Os.Qf\ •.nc:J ,,,, •U"'>1 ·•' '~ fD 28 TONIGHT 1:> 30 U OAAGNET • • t1ay ano Gan<YYI ..,.,st "'"''""I •OO DOUl>C rl n.gn ""'O< ,,._ Oyr 'fm ;le ) ··omor-·-<ic.11 I Cl) MOVIE • • I Cov&t II'\" WAI H;J'"' J()tln W&1i1f"lo ()on ...... ----. .. ~ ... ._ ....... 0 ·---_.. -·· ................... -_... . .,,.-. &Meley A p.it Ol -~· 1e1pondantt bacom•• ~ wltft 1111 At .. ~·(I IW. ft mllll j e n. ADYOOATm • .. "'°'*' ,.,. u 8 "Cl ref To U.N Control OI ~ Mlnlnt?" (A) : Cl) MCMI • • • ~ "T~ Weoone Roi Al Nlgt>I'' (1t4 I) JCl-t ~. Mympflt9Y eot-i tl:.40• mil.Aft~ : ..... ~ In N91f YOflc" ( 1964) Cl1fl ~ ~ • .-..Fonda. 1:00 8 TOMOMOW au.te: ....... end ... tty Luea, I wtll!e 00111119 wflO -• ordlrad to Qllllf up ,,,. ~ adoptlfl Cfllld. • C**VAHCM<a : When a hendeome ~ IOt -In ,,.., ooot . AoO end ~· turn mal<At-"*••· G MAVINCK 1:101..wa M.LMOV£N' ~ .. ,.... Ammlm ' A un.que conwnuntty or Chrllllant w.ng "' n0f111ern l11tael react to an11-Setn•llsm (RI 1:310 NEWS 2:000 NEWS Q) OETSMART "' mad aa.ntost plOta to wnd Mu and 99 Into • h .... ye .. ~ ~-NEWS fJ9 T0 8EA~O 2:t7 8 NEWS H78 MOVIE • • • I"" Dese<t Foa • 119~ 11 Ja"'41S M .. on. ,,... >uet1 T .,,._, • 4 IO &8 TO 8E AHNOUNCE.D Taw•day'• Dnyfi•.-Mot·i .. ,, KTERNOON 12"00 0 • • * . l<IH 01 0..tll" t 11147 1 B"•n Oonlevy vtc- 101 Mature QJ • • '' T'°e HOOllhJtn c;~,n1 t 1946) W1ll13!T\ Poweu Estn« W111t&m1. 3'00 nQ • • • '1 Glldt t 1946) ll o• r1ayworlh Glenn Ff!<IJ 3:30 U • ' Tne O.Soer•dot " I •969t Vince EdwarOt. J,I(• Dr.la"'1t So . Coast 1"·~6 1111 )CIO t nttol l•tt P''''"t LIFE OF BRIAN (R) 171s...11M '' I tM 1S..1e-11 THE SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN (R) 11 i...-.. -™ OAU.&1'°"n1111 ,1" ..... 1N JO HOT STUFF (PG) 1 IM,..10)0 ~ ANIMAL CRACKERS StNGING TELEGRAMS 714'675 ·9966 ..,E'Af: COMEDY TO 001 Television's biggest fiasco? "Tum On," whlch aired on ABC on Feb. 5. 1969. That was it. The much-heralded HERE ARE THE answers : l. "The Petrified Forest," on 8. ALMOST. HE MADE a pilot for CBS called ".Johnny Come lately."' which ai r ed on "New Com edy Showcase" 111 the s ummer of 1960. "I thought the way to do it would be to show them a real klndergarten or a real first grade,·· Rogers said in a recent interview. "The teacher. what the room is Uke, what they do " ~=~=--------... ..anllCTtO u.....11 ........ __ , •• ........... ca..-89Mld ........ potlto. cup Of IOUP du lour. broccoli with t1ot11nd1I•• sauce. broiled peach hllf ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES R ....... ... --- -.. ,. ~ . . ·--. . f"!".., ' · -t!D;J.i&t!fi :l1J:(3:t UA MO•IU l'l 11 r Cl If Cl 111111 IOUl 11 CO.Ill llKot• DlllWf.111 l4't• 'l't' '"' • l.: • C.rr.I• llift·~ ,, , I bu~n .. P•'• .,ll 1111 ruua ICC1rflo 11111 t•ll tllGMl••~ ( .. ..... •C-11)1))1 9\10 ....... ··-,, 1 ))I '1'110 ................. IMITl"I , ... -.. .. ..,. ..... 1- .,._...._ IOCXY ll!N I llt41 ....... . -·••11 -------------<l".ll --~ DflTtN I .,,,. • J14J • 4141 ......... 1 .... _ ... , ... --. NOeTH DAUAI •onY r•I -SUNluaH-1 MAllK HAMILL "STAR WARS" Wl"DAT\.-1O•~•11 Uf/MI00-1 ) .. 4-<~1 ,.__.II "ROCKY II" (PO) WKDA•I -1 tM-Je 1AflSU ... i ao4_1_11 .. HOOPER" (PG) ••o•••-1--••T lu10-1~1 .. GI•._._.. UCAH ••OM AlCATIA% ll'GI lllWI ITUIOHf TIMI 1W1 --tl"I .,.__ ·~·'"'· •AIADISI Al.LIT CN1 . . -~ [JAlll Pliul -OA!l..Y PU.OT Mond8y. Auguet 27, 1flt Musellng In on Movies · Schwarzenegger Stan in 'Villain' Comedy 81808,._.AI HOLLYWOOD (AP> "Bod1 builders are •uppoatd to b dumb." o bHrvH Arnold Schwanene11er. "SJnce people Dever expect anythinc from you, •ve.r)'UU.Dc JOU do Uaal la halfway tntema nt comes u a aurprt.M." . The aeven·time Mr Universe haa done mon tb•n .nyooti to 11uncture the le1end that weilbt lit· ~"" arci mu.»C'I., bound between the ears. The lat.al dflvelopro nt can b4I 1teeo this aummer in the Columbia film. "Thtt VUlaJn." SchwaneM1Urer, 32, ls llated in the cut simp- ly u Handsome Stran1er K!rtt' Oou1lu plays t.be Litle role as Cactwt Jac k . Ann·Mar1ret ia Charm· log J oncis. und other cha racters include Nervous t;lk <raul t4ynde >. Damsel in Distress CRuth Buzzll and Parody Jones CStrotbe.r Martin). It's th•l klnd of mov1". THE CA.STJNG OF Schwaneneager Oet's c,aJI him Arnold and save newsprint) was lhe idea of director Hal Needham <"S mokey and lhe Banc:Ut," "Hooper"). Smee Arnold's acting idol is Burt Re ynolds, Need.ham's longtJme partner, the con· nect1on was Ideal. "I r ead lhe script a nd thought It was funny ... said Arnold "As some of the reviews have pointed out. it's a 'Road Runne r' comedy. But lhal's what I like about It the enterta1rung, 1006e quallly " This as not has first film acting. He played a role an "Stay Hungry" with Jeff Bridges, appeared an two SCJ:ments or "The Streets of San Francisco" and port.rayed Arflold Schwarzenegger In the en · tertaining document ary. "Pumping I ron." The high point or lhe l1Jtter was a scene In which Arnold psyrhed out has principal opponent in a cha mp1onstup. "I KNEW I WAS GOING to wan, because I knew the competition." he recalled. "I relt the need to create t'xc1lc ment ror the movie, so I set up the situation wher e I psyched my opponent. It worked out well. we had a ludden microphone, and he didn't even know hP was being rilmed." Arnold quit competing in 1975 to d evote him self to more lur ratlve act1 v1t1es lie has become an author, "Arnold's Education or a Body Builder " was a bestseller. next com es "Arnold's Body Shaping ror Women" With an 85.000 h rsl pr1nt1ng. lie s tages c hamp1onsh1 ps for body bu1ldt-r1, runs a mall order business for course!:. and posteN. owns apurtmcnt and oCCi ce bwlding~. land an Gt'rmany and Malibu .. lie plans to e nter him production and has mad!' a cln<·umc nlary <tbout weight hflang an prisons. ht• ha:. c·ondut tcd pn:-.un :-.cmanars for the past two yc·ar~ 'TVE BEEN A B USI NESSMAN Crom my l'arlll''\I yc'urs," he s<11d "I studied bus iness an school an Au~tna, and I've t<.1kcn courses at UCLA and Santa Monaca City Coll ege." lit· has t>1•cn JUSt as i.ystcm atic about an acting c·arcl'r. takinr( Jc:-.soni. Crom drama coach Enc Morns "It was very hard for me at the beg1nmng," l"-.L~--'OllCllRDE AIRPORT79 : •,, . ..:._ l:t•1\'J:l'3*41:M lOWHDl0 MU#TlllCTOtl Cl•DOMl 8UCJIA l"Alllt OlllYf.11 HunMQlon Be.Kn 1148 03311 Oranoe f,J4 7-,•,1 bu~~.""'~ 6?• 4010 ... La Cage Aux FoUea' la one of the moat uproariously funny movie• ever made." HK~vw1 IX.tibni Jr 1'11..,,d..""1 .,.,,, N•"""' ..... mo•t amazing and uproarioa•." M~1-1<,,"'l'..., I A l lerMrl I .Mmon•" -----~~-1.0WAllot-~------ CINIMA CIN'Teft COITA MllA 87M141 OAllY 200 400 600 600 tOOO PM • ..,, •. .,,,,...._,., ••..,•n,.,,,_,, ..... ••,-»••""'"'" lt~Dack! !!t!&..,...141 ~-4'*1 .,,.,.. lfffBIL .. NW" ...,.TW••• ........ A~Wl~ SCHWARZENEGGER HERO OF 'VILLAIN' With KJrk OouglH (left), Ann·M•rgret Arnold admitted "The nature or acting is being vulnerable and sens itive. to open up your e mo· lions. This 1s e ntirely different Crom competition, where you h ave to maintain your ego and play the leader You can 't allow yourself to be vulnerable ·· Arnold's next film will be "Conan," a Dino Of' Laurentiis production based on a Superman·hkP comic strip hno. II•• would have seemed an ideal candidate for "S upt:rman" <'xcept for onP. d rawback. · ' "MY ACCENT," H E EXPLAINED. "I thank thf'y made a very Rood choice an Chnstopher Heeve I went to the prem1l·re tn Washington. and I told them . 'You did a very good JOb of h lmang my tare story · "Yes , the arcent will hm1t my actmg career And yM. I wouldn't t><· where I am 1r I hadn't be••n born an Aus tria I w<i \ lutky to grt1w up an a coun try when• I had to fight ob!.taclf:l'> I was hungry and determined In Amn1ra then· are no ob s tacles. no rules. and I might not haH• gont M1 far 1f I had ~n born hen· · Arnold rcm&1n!'> hungry and drtermined h1' weight 1!! 215. dov.n l fl f")(>und'> frr>m hi\ romrw11 t1 on day~ How ha' h•· rion,_. 11 ·• Hy eating le-.~ laftan.i.: It~ wt•1ghl!>. iJncJ lhink1ni.: t1f m yself .. ,., o :. ma lier pcr:-.on · · 'Apoc alypse' Soarin~ llOLLYWOOf> I AP 1 United Art1!>L'> con tinues euphoric ah<iut th•· rN'(•1pb fr1r · Ap<>calyp~e Now" $602 >171) for th1 · f1r>t ntnr· UiiY' of r1·lt·J~1· 111 thrN' tht·ater-. Thi-' r1lm t•omp;my rl'portf>d that lhe Franr t\ Coppola film :.c•t a t il v rt·t·onl an Toronto v.1th $1 24 .184 an th<· first w .. 1·k. wath the !>CC'ODd v.eek runn1n.i.: $5,000 &h1·ai1 <,\!-IC.IN(. It ·~ ,, v~ t/u> r;<f> 0~ un"lU" ga/1 ..,,,, 642-2697 Nit •f'Y e<c.e MOA ~ .............. ~., ....... "FA ST. FUNNY AND VERY FRESH SUPERB PERFORMAN CES •• W ·-• -..•A A' • "SAINT JACK" (A) "DIRT" INI ""™I AMITYVILLI HOHOl"lll Ol"l:N D AILY 12 JO MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVENT" IPG) .. OH.GOO" ..MOONRAKER" (PG) "COMA" "ROCKY II " IPG. "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" "BUCK ROGERS" (PG) "HOT STUFF" (PO) '"'THE CONCORDE -AIRPORT '79" "THE BRINKS JOB" (PG) STRn1um 6 scREEn 6J9 IAbO n ~1 vE-1n ··HOT STUFF" (PG) "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "STAR WARS" "CORVETTE SUMMER" (PG) "ALIEN .. (R) "EYES OF LAURA MAAS" "MEATBAU.8" "WHICH WAY 18 OP?"(~) "THE VILLAIN" (PG) "THE CHINA 8NYORONE" "HOOPER" "ONE ON ONE" (PO! .......... ALL D•IVll•INt ONN 61.MPJi&.MMMfn.T C .... UtMlw II~,.. Ult .... * Ka... .... .,..._. IT'S BACK• . -. ~ ~. r!JfP! .... -.1.,"-J'flMl Oatly 1' , .. 7 30 D AILY 12 30 '} 30 .. 00 1 30 10 00 • 30. 6 30, 8 30 10 30 A DA il Y I 0C. 4 10 6 l<I 8 •O 10 , .. HIU ~Ul<HA'f - 9'/Sf •a:nlOLD!!I ~ . --·· . - ---~11111 ---.. 0..,...._ .. ONE ON ONE" THR Of'NtOAD MOVll01' THI ......... .. DIRT" ,~-=n. "°"" ............ f"RANK a LANGELLA DRAWlA .. ·-.... ~ ... -.. .itCHAll. C.AIH( '>Alll nno •EYOllO E......_ UVDn'UltE 0 •• ·-. -·-.. --. -.. -................... ----......... -. --..... ~ -...... -... ------.. .... INSIDE : •Ann Landers •Classlfled •Horoscope DAILY "'1.0 T Logo: 'Rough, Ready' Cartoonist T.K. Ryan sketched the logo using ornery bear from 7umbleweeds' cartoon. By JOEL C. DON Of .. Deify ...... SWt A snarling, hairy grizzly bear is perched atop a small, barren bill in a pine forest. Next to the large mammal stands a military communications antenna. The grizzly and antenna seem to be an unlikely combination. But together. they identify members of the 222nd Combat Communications Squadron of the California Air Nationa> Guard. The Costa Mesa squadron recently adopted the grizzly and antenna as their official logo. THE ORNERY BEAR occasion ally meanders through the "Tumbleweeds" com· IC Strtp <;artoonist T.K. R yan sketched the logo from suggest.tons and a rough diagram pro- v 1ded by base personnel. The bear wa s selected because it's similar to the symbol on the California state flag , according to Base Detachment Cmdr Maj. John Curran. However, the squadron's griuly bear is far from the sedate, distin&uis bed bear adomiq the.state fla1. THE uroMBLEWEEDS" bear comes from a comic strip filled with Old West ch aracters. Curran explained that the bear represents the squadron, "rough and ready.·· It took about nine months for United Feature Syndicate, which owns the rights to the strip, to approve use of the bear, Curran said The squadron s till is restricted in its use of the bear because. according to Curran. the syndicate is afraid someone might market the logo. .. If you put it on a coffee cup or a T·sbirt. it becomes a marketable item." be said. Because of strict copyright limitations. the bear only recenUy appeared on the base news letter and on a few bumper stickers for recruiter cars. Tim and Carol Tlmmona: &Jet friend•, awe1fll18'fl. ~...,,, ©l'f68 Wr~p F£ATUlfE SrNl!'/t:4n', 1M' Grizzly bear and military communications antenna form official logo for 222nd Combat Communications Squadron of California Air National Guard. h .. CJ . • MEANWHILE. A 4· by 8-foot mural of the logo on a base cafeteria wall is nearly finished The squadron hopes to soon put the logo on a KeUy.green baseball cap, t.o be worn with their National Guard uniforms. be said The antenna technically called an AN/· TRC·24. also is significant t.o the squadron. BO'l1f CURRAN and Peterson said they ho pe the logo could be des igned as a squadron uniform patch. But they doubt they could get approval from the Army heraldry department ,. "This unit was founded as a radio relay squadron." explaJned Capt. Willard Peterson 4Dd , "that antenna is very &ymboUe lo the men who work be re.·' .. lf we have to go somewhere a s a squadron and have to m eld Wlth other units . 1t proVJdes pnde so we can be 1denWied as the 222nd," Curran said "Most of the squadrons in the Au Na· tional Guard have baseball caps of a particuJar color ." Good Marriage Takes Practice By IUDITll OLSON °' -o.lly ~.-. ~ Having a IOOd marriage isn't easy. It takes practk:e every day, says Tim Timmons. a n ew m iniste r at Mariners Church in Newport Beach and author of the boot ··Maximum Marriage." Timmons. who lectures throughout the country oo the subje<'l, says that "every marriage is falling apart. Every relationship will decay if it's left alooe." He practices what be preaches with bis wife, Carol, who he says is his bes t friend a s we ll as h is s wtttbeart. . He says l.beir relationship bas little chance to fall apart because they're in contact every day, checking on feelinp and events and ttinfQUing their coatmitmeot. Tbe Tim.moose& feel that they are a team and that both players bave to be in vit.ed t.o stay on the roster each day. They practice the principle of •·onenesa" that Timmons has de· veloped and written about in his books on marriage. He expl.a.im t.hal 'Every mamage is falling apart. Every relationship will decay if it's left alone.' "one plus one equals one," and that the coocept ia la similar t.o tbe ''lock and key principle." ••yov IRJ8T BA VE one lock and one key mad then it ~rka," be aays. "Nobody e.er aau lbe queaUon, 'Wbicb la tbe greater of tbe two-tbe lock OI" tbe key!." la a mmrt.aae witJl oneneu there is DO ltJilale far ~er, DO competition for tbe ._..lldp role, be ..,., ad· diq that eacb partner needs the other mad rNdlly acknowled&ea um faet. He'a bem invited to talk aboat bis molt neellt book, "lluimum Llvtnc lD a Pl -are Cooker World." on tbe Pbil DsmW• allow WI fall. Tlmmcw aebowledl• that bis wife la putlJ ,_,_bible for bll awilda IND aecred to ..cullr. He still doesn·t hesitate to tell peo- ple that he gets the maJor part of his advice rrom the Bible and believes the prin~1ples of Christianity are sound advice for today's living. "I ofter down-to-earth realistics. no band·aids . People want the r eal stuff." he s aid. "THE BIBLE is filled with pnn· ciples o( life that work. I want to take them out of Greek and Hebrew and stained glass windows and put them in everyday life." Timmons says he's glad be didn't go s traight from college to seminary to a church because he's learned a lot about life JUSl by experiencing it. "I decided. when I got out of graduate school, that I didn't know We have to have time to communicate as a cou- ple.· a nything," he assert ed ... I 'm fortunate that I d idn't go into a c hurch setltng before. I've bad many years ol moving through some of the problems people come to me with." Timmoos also bas written a book on "maximum family We." which be and his wife also try to maintain. They have a regular council <u s u ally on Sunday aftemoonsJ where decis ions are m ade and policies formulated for their family ·unit. There is serious discussion but it's ofte n interrupted by fun and frivolity. Timmons noted, "and popcorn is • necesaity." The parents also manage to find time for themselves without the children, another c rucial measure ln keepln& the relaUooahip from crumbl-- ing,beaaid. "We bave to have time to com- mu.nicate u a couple," TimmoDI said. He doesn't hesitate to tell people that he gets the major part of his ad• vice from the Bible. · r OM.V,.LOT MOftdey. A4.tg.-t 17. ,..,. Not 'Just Yo11r Type' ~ DEAR ANN I'm wrtUaa oo IMllaU of Meret&riel, eopJ ,, ....... 4fctatJPlltl ... ·m&>ow .. wtto ku LO t:Jpe _..., peooM'a "°""· 0..,. Wboev r l am aid ud tJNd ol 1'0W" lalAl.u to me tlsat yow IMter wua"t .,,_. irlY. 1'ben 1 wu taQlbl LO lype ......... I t bow you ~ rewd&e W...._'a .ac. Uooary. Maybe ll you leanMd UM baMc "-· 'hmentala ol 1ramm1r and apelUna I toU1 do my Job bettu l 've trled t o ded pher doaen1 of 1our handwritten meme» aod leu.,.. Tbey ~ llke lhey were wrlttea by a k:ld la tM aet'Oftd 1r•de When I brina Lbem ln. l.11*1 neaUy, you return lhem with all eorta of "conwllons" and •ddl llona -more miupelled word.a and s tructural errors. On~ wben 1 lrled to hcetp you by rewordln1 1 let~r to• very tmportAtlt penun. you toad me to remember 1 w•s "just• &yplat " l didn't have lhe nerve to tell you to your face but I am t.eU int you now. 1 am more thaa "Just a lyplat." I am your 1upport ataff. • Tbanb. Ann. 1 needed to blow off • UtUc 1tum. UNAPPRECIATED LN TORONTO DEA& UNAPP&EClATED: Hen!a J"r let~r. •~ch~~ ah~..,. a•d nwo 1nmmalkaJ ernn (I &Mm>. Glad to give YM u ~le..., elf• II\· &le at.eam. I jlllt -.Ope you dlda't Mew 70VMU eat of a job. DEAR ANN LANDERS· I have t.bls pro- blem with my parents or myself, 1 don't know which My folks are ve ry ea!iygoln1. They let me get by with anything. I'll bet a lot of kid.I would love it If their pare nts would let them do wha tever they pleased. Well. it's nol fun. It makes me feel guilty a nd rotten. One of these days I'm afraid I 'll do something awful The thought of 1t makes me i;cared Please te ll the kids whoi.e parents arc A•• 1&r•tt that lhey ant lurk)'. -WISH MINE WERE DEA.a WISH: v .. r WW .. e U1 for ltelp ll Mer I IMtard .... How 1Ml &la•&'"',.,.. ... doe'& re.U. tlae& • cldld ~ dlld,... la llke • ur wtt.IMMlt brakea. 8111« '"' mom Hd dad affll't P,..•1dta1 Ule p~ )' ....... yM'U Jat bve lo,,... op la • llaUTY ut ,...._. ,..neV. U'a a preU1 bit order fw • ,_.. ,.,.._ I llMtpe ud pray )'H ltt~aal .. k. OF.AR ANN ll ll now I e.m and my huab1md JUlt 1ot home from b1a weekly S 30 p.m 1oll feme. He told me I wu out of line when l qmstloned bla let• houn. Illa habit 'ot cloetn1 the bu every Ume he 1oe11 <Mil, wbet.ber ll'I to a balllame , bualoess dlnner « aoclaJ alf air. la creatlq • lot of trou· ble between ua. He c:laJrDI ll .. IYI "rt1bt .. I say he ~ belnC edoleKent and lneouiderate. I don't object LO occu&ooal lateoeas. but lt'I bappenin1 more and more aod I can't un· dent.and or accept It. When I try to explain my feeUnp. we end up In an argument. J need your help Can you suggeat a solu Uon' SLEEPLESS NICHTS DEAR SLEEPLESS: It llOGDda H ti you ha11band baa • drinking problem -or lite'• m1de 1 IN'W frtend. I know of DO 10U course tlaal atays opea till 3 1.m . If lw VllllH bJ11 marrilge, be wlU 10 with you f~r johat coan11elln1t. U be reflll8e8, you wUI probably Mid up teUlni ll Lo the judge. ( Boros~ope ) . ~ TUESDAY, A UGlJST Z8 By SYDNEY OMA.Ila ARIES <Mar. 21 Apr. 19). You get job dooe You prove a major contention. One wbo was skeptical will now become an enlhuaiaatic sup· porll'r Ti\l'Rl'S I Apr 2f) Ma)' 20> Muke new start in nt·w d1recl10n . Stress mdependence. creativl· ty. l<•vl' l..ro. Aquarius individuals figure in s n ·nan o Puhliclty. contractual arrangements oind marrw~c c-ommund attention Gf.MINI I Muy 21-June 20) Dig deep ror in formation Improve s ervices for security -de superfluous material. Build for security -d o not pcrm11 pride to block progress CANCER <June 21.July 22): Break down restrictions. Do s o with a combination of versatility and humor. You attract to win a "stunning" person You feel more vataJ, alive and capable of love LEO <July 23-Aug. 22). Get prombes In wrllin~. e11pecially where property and basic sf'curity a re roncerned. Aquarius , Taurus JJl'rsoru. figure prominently. VIRGO CAug 23-SepL 22). JC frivolous. ad m1t 1t. Humor 1s an ally, but deception can be formidable foe Know lt. act accordingly. You'll have more pressure and responsibility, but re· ward factors also will be enhanced. LIBRA CSept. 23-0cL 22>. Accent on beaut! fying s urroundings, creating your own world of tomorrow. Fin1mc1al path is made smoolber Vo-Do· . ,, . ~ , : I Lag-Hee• Hoo Yodeler Don Burbank. 68, or Tacoma, Wuh. ls re· tired but hJs voice keeps on working. He creates "yodel- grams" ror groups and individuals, in· tersperslng paying jobs with free performances for nursing homes a nd veterans' hospitals. . . .. . Taurus, Scorpio and another Llbran figure prom m cntly. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21> Strive for "personal touch .. Empha!lze lndependence, confidence and originulity. Slick to principles Deal with Pisces. Virgo natives. SAGITl'ARIUS CNov. 22-Dec. 21) · Em pha~is o n production. s upervts1on. re~pons1b1h ty. intensified rcl a t 1on~h1p Act1 v1ty occurs bt>hind the scenes. You could gain access \.0 con· fidenUaJ data. Be dlscreet CAPRICORN <Dec 22·J an. 19 ). Desire, frn.•ndship. universal appeal, the provln~ of 11 point. added recognition as you complete proJect -these domina te. Aries, Libra and the num ber9 figure promine ntly. AQUARIUS !Jan. 20-f'eb. 18>: Emphasis oo pres t ige. standin~ in community, break.in& through to heart of mutters . Excitement of new cootacts. opportunities 1~ highlighted. PISCES r Feb 19 Mar. 20): Accent oo publicallon. commurucat1on, metapbyskal COO· cepta. Cancer, Leo, Aquariua persona n1ure prominently Fashion Classes Faahlon program for careen lo lhe ruhion industry will be offen•d through Sadd.leback Com muo1ty CoUege home economic• dtspart· meot. Fall registration runs today lhrou&h Moo day. Sept. 10. Inform •lion. call 831--4800. ._,. c ..... PA•E McMILLIN ....... JOE FDRRE81ER LTD. 11•1 ttaLyllet:a J90 L 17• St.• C.... ...._ • MMl71 \ , ANN LANDERS I HOR~COPE I CAREERS San Juan Basie• Llstetl Slates Moms-to-be Aided 2 Events Enllllb aod Wettern· atyte bone abow C!Oln· r:UtJon wW take place San Juan Cepl.llraoo 00 Sept. ..... The all·En&lllh abow, wbicb takes p1ace Satur· day, betina at 8:30 a.m. and feafurea 12 Jumplilc cluaea aod nat cluaes. TUE WE STERN a how. which takes place Sunday. bee.ins at I : 30 a.m . with baller cla.ues. Nine pleaaure cluaet, aa well u western rid· ing, reining and trail claues. alao will be in· eluded. The shows take place a t lbe Sycamore Trall.s Stable. 2152.82 Oso Road, Sao Juan Cap~trano. Breakfast and bot lunches will be available through the Sao Juan Lions Club. Sklln9 cluslfl•d ~ds ~r• UM best pt.ce to tMay or tetl llcl WNr Hd equipment In the O.lly Pilot. 642·5678 PUBUC NOTICE ., M>YCS L. llSNMSDY 1111...n.tb mew tratarllkr ID tM job npg ~ tlMMclaJS. ( __ C4RE __ E_RS __ J I Klublp to t.be treatment ol odllitf' medical coadltlon1 or employee benefit.I ta the p.rapecUve from wblcb employer mu.at view woft.1D& motben·to-be, uya t.be Pnpuc1 DLlcrl uW:la&n Act of ma. bealtb lmuranee. Empao, .. 111eni aborUom 1Jlo are proc.eted fl'GID dlatrlminaUOn lJl any •mplorm• pracUce. Al.TBOVGB TBZ ACT la ln effert, few women fully undent.ud h.a pro- tecUom. Here are a few basics. -There la DO diatl.nct.ioa beta .. tlsertebu~aman1edoranmanied employee. -A woman cunot be tired or fon:ed to take &eave merely became abe la pre pant. -The Prepancy DtacrtminaUoa Act, u a prM:tkaJ matter, appllea to all employera wllb lS or more employees. -A E•PLOYEE &ETV&NING from precnancy leave must be tw.ly relalt.&ed 11 lhla 11 bow emploJeea returnla1 from other types or mMJcally·related at.ences are treat· ed. However, an employer I.a not N · qulred to make new poUey or create new benefits just for pre1naol work en. -The act coven all areH of employment -birlnc. promotioll, ftrtn1 md MJDJority n&hu u ..u u frt.n1e bmeftta aucb aa aick &uft and bealtb lnlwaDC"e. -The act problblla dlacrlminatloa baaed OD pnpa.ocy. childbtrt!I or re- lated medical cood.lUona both u a bealtb matter and u a d.laabWl)' COD· d.IUoo. -ti abe la a vtctJm or prepaney d.lacriminatioa, a woman can rue a complaint with the Equal Employ· ment Opportunity Comm lsaloa. EEOC will try to work tbJnp out.. Falling coodU1Uoo, EEOC can sue a private employer, the U.S. AUomey General can aue a public employer, or tbe aurleved l.odlviduaJ can aue any emp&oyer. WHEN A PREGNANT employee ~ able lo do her job, abe must be treat· ed Uke aU other healthy worten. When ahe cannot work for medicf.) reasons , she muat receive like benenu to t.boee ctveo any other alcb or cllaabled wort er. Pe~ tbe biggest club EEOC wield& LI tbe power to look under other d.lacrlminaUoo rue• ooce It goes in on a pregnancy complaint. -An emp&oyer may not nc:Nde abortion coverage from alcll leave°" any benefit program other tban PUBLIC NOTICE ' PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTl€E ...._ < ....... llfOT'IC9 YO<• I OfTOttS ..onca 'fO <•I OtT'Oa\ .... ....... 'U"W•ICMI cou•Y OP nu: \U ... a!Otl CllMl•Y Of' TIH U A Tl Of' CM.tf'Otl•tA POtt " • .,.. °" CAU~Ott••• POtt , ... COUNTY cw'oaAMOt T NI COUNTY Of' OtlMtOl NO .t.-..-i• ." ,,.. ..... # •• , ..... (U••• of [\t••· o• MAAl\.V'H P U t M H(l tH (. •'A0V(N .... M(L [ .. ()',Lf \flY ••• .. Alll!ARA J(AN CU"o••lMr,.ADYll•.Oec:•-M OO •E ·-· ¥•"•LV ... _,., I\ _...., .. -.. t,_,.,., OGE L\llV. 0.C••'""' ......... t•-..,....., -Mod~· llt()Tt(fi I\ H(ltt llY (;IVEN IO ~ -· ,. , ... --.,....,, ... -......... (,_,..,,.,. -_,... --0.C- -( .. <' .. tlW --<._, f# I ,_,•II_,,.,.,.....-.... (l .. m \ -\I .,-.....,... ._... .... ""*'' ....... •• t'-W id ~ M"• ,.,...,.a t.o .... °"IC' el ltOMA4.D Motl It, tSU \I ,,_,.., wttfl trw "9t .. _.. _._,~. ,,, ,,_, ·~. ~ -· (At .......... .,., ... .,. -t..n.,. -_,.. -~' ~ ... ..., otf"f.• '' ~ OI«• ... t•neil <°""'-°' ~o ~ti9int ttw"'· ••'"" ... ... "'91\t el .. ~"' -4 ft'wt tM ,...(M~., ~.._t'\. to tM Vf'I k r\ per\-to~ .. i.-W.11 ,,_,, _ _, ,..,_ ....... .,. \IEVtH fl••'"'• _,.,, --.......-. -"°" L \T[ltN 1101 0o... \4,_t \<oow- ~tt .. t.._w,.,........... .,....,-,w. N••CH'>"t het". (..alffOf'"•• •>MO, • '"'"' tovr ....,,ff'\ •'h' tf'W '''" •"'"'" ~\ """""(iAM~ M ftUVt'\11!"\' of tfW pvom •'llQll'\°' ""'-\ ""°"""~ I "~'\~ •f\ ••t '""''•" P"'"'•''""" 0.'.cl .......,.., > • .,.,. u, tM ., .... ., ol w t<t °""...,._"'· •tt~ _,.., > c,.,.._ 4 •our ..._..,. .. ,., -I tr'\ I puOll<.•t•V" ....,......, ... ...., . .....,,. ~ .. ''"' ,.,,,..,. 1. ... .,....,,.-...... v.~oJvt <J J1 t'fl"t ..... °'"-~ •.• ' "' "·', •.tt; •OfllAL.0 U.f8 ~·t't•\I• ,,.,., -''" N''' • .,.,...., .. ~ .,.,,,.#., ot ..... l , ... ,~ ot lllJ ~---•,., ,,.,. -,......., 1.19<•0.nt ~.-...C:.-t \'l'•V••n .. Hl .. t fell t tlll ,....,.,, ,,., 0... -~ ..... I.,_,(>_ C.0.•1 o .. ,. "'>ot. WW .. ._, .. , tJ 10 11 t'frt -" ... ,.._. -..c.a. CA,,... PUBLIC NOTICE • , .. f,M l ltt- A,__f ... -·"-CT• .,_,_, (>-(O.\I 0..•• .,.,,,, .......... u. 20, 11. ,.,. )0)) ,. Pt.JBUC NOTICE , ....-.-....... .. ;l-__. Monc!!y. AugtAt 21. 1979 DAIL V PILOT Q The Blgge•t Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell Trade It With It, Find It, a Want Ad ...........•........... ················•······ (842-5878] HcMIMiForS. One Call Service Fast Credit Approval . ...•.....•.•........•. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " CLASSIFIED INDEX 100 G.-rol 100 G....,. .. IOOJ I 002 GeMf'91 I OOZ G...,... I 002 G...,.el I 002 G...,..e I 002 ...................••. ·•·••••··•······•··••• lt'*' Y• A•. CaH 642-5678 lmES FOi SAlC f,f9iff•I '11.-hu~ f:!:;; ~"':::!: ({lf"-11<1\6., ,...,,. """' r.....,.....,.. t1lw• ._,., .... Hvftll'W\M tt...-A lrHfM' '-·--.. -La« ..... 11111 t..ecVJW "'·~· ... ._ ....... \ ... ,., t':ri-1-bo..:11 ...._,..,,1..4 .... V•N> ~.:~ .. ~i.. ...... v.......,,_ ..... , llolio .. H<>tn••~l• RUl ESTATE """""«"'"'~'· AµIH,nwnh fflf '.t.'tl' I"'-••• h Vt•1$,....-rt" "'r-.1~ti t•r0$M!•M\ ( rm.>1,.-,, l,1.it" I "l~I t :';,r;;;:.~~:1~:' ~".;T,' I' • f>-.1111""'"' I l'llh '•I•• )1110'. "' ,,. ,,,,,, 41 lh• IJOM 11111J ... fl lnrli1'1lf1,,.1 l'fl•I" fl\ t.1A '• 1 '•I• \l,.1111 .. H nu Jilt l'r• \11"""'" 1..-""" k 1 ••111 '"""''"' .. .,,, ... h·•f•;lt 1v11I, f°l••ll ,,.,,,,,..._. .. ,, ... ,.,,. w .. fh f'u· .. •'" fofh I ...... t , .. , •• 1 f t. "'•' ttrwt t' ,.,,.-Jt. .tnh ~• RENTALS ti IAJ'r· • tlf'14 f •'1 ll••IV I • 11, fl J .............. ''" ., ... t 1h1f,n.1ttf'lln t ~'" • '""",''"" '""'· Int to-.,_,...,...,, .. t"'" 11 •nh••• • I,, fN,,f",., t 1.ur1 ,,..,,,.,,, t '•' ~IA .. ,,,,,. ,. t , , "'•' • ,,,. Hf I ftl tt••.tT k•#•lt "' k--1•''' tf•flof \41.e,1 t,.j<t J ........ 'tt1Wfff1 f kt I ... , \ •"•'Kink• ri· .. . k•l~IO lu°VHtll ' ........... ._ ,,., •1°111 •l'fflf t ... 11• .1 t• . •h• It• hL1~ ., ......... ,,., "' ,,.,.l ,<t.I. 1 .... . •.. ,,, .. , ""•'•'''° "'•' ... ,.. •• 1 BUSINESS. INVCST MENT. FINANCE 1111 1rt••• IJ11f,.1r1 • lh 1n• \t. •l'•••f ''I\• '"''"'''1•1•11! \ J, -I "'" Ill " •II",, \1•·r••' I 'I,, •I• ""'''' '4.1111 .. 1• \lll'fli tf1 I r f l ANNOUNCEMENTS. PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND \f1n•·1ir1r>•• n,. "' t ....... ,, I; ~•t ,1 .. 11 • '"'I &; t t1Ul'°'J I., .1.n .. 1 • ...,., •• 1' h,,,... ,, .. .,,I• SEaYICES "''"'" thr..,t•_,"' 01PlOYM£NT & PREPARATION '-"""1nh •~ """"''n • J ·'·"" .,. •• 1• II• I•• .... ,. ••• , "4 • • MERCHANDISE Ill .... '. 1• 1• 1 .... .... .... "'-" I• .. • ... I ,.,.. I • IC.. 1••' I"' . Ir • "'"' ..... II#) I •~ ,,, .. ., . ~' ... .. ... ... ... . .,,. ·•J11 ,. . •.. .. " .. 1 J ACRE IN HARIOR VIEW HILLS .111tl 11n 11 "l't :-. ·• I ta«l ruom Burlt11J.Uut1t· rnodt:I with hugt• bonu:-. room '1'111-. 1" lt•1· l.1111.l and then··.., rorm.ll dinrn~. new ec.irpct1 n ~. i r1rPplat't'!'>, a lam1}y room a nd park ltkt· rc·ar v<ircl A 111quc prc:-.cnlation a L s:t:!? .5oo IJ ~lf)I J f 10:.AL I OH~'. h/'1 uOOO 244:.l l ... ~1 Luc1~1 H1qt1w<1y. Cn1 "'"' dl'I M.11 EQUAL HOUSING OPPO RTUNITY COLLEGE PARK "STEAL" Slfl.:•.MI 3 h1~rm ;• li.1lh. Sun.,hin•· kif' h1·11, hug•· ,.::: ~slwt-'s Notic~: .. ... "" II•• .. ... I " I" ... I '' I " I' ...... I • •11-.11 ••-'• ... ''''+ All rt•dl 1 ... l:.ilt' ;uh •·r11\1•tl 1n th1-. n•·w<,pa1H•r '' 'uh Jt'<1 111 tho• Fo·•ll'rill l-';,1r 1l11u,1n~ At I '" l!lhW wtur h 111.1k1· 11 11l1·gJ I 1•1 a•h,.rll'•' :.in1 pri· f,.r••111·1· l1m11 .11 1•111 .,, 111~1 n r11111;,t 1•111 '"'"'" •n1 ran'. 1·11l•>r rl'f1i!1<1n. "' '" na11<1n.1I 11n~·111 •it .rn 11111·1111•111 l" 111ak•• :1111 'IWI) 11rt'f,·rl'111·1·. Ii m11 .1 t1011 , 11r ill~l nrn111<1l1<111 · ·nw. m·w-.1J.11w1 """' 11•11 knnw1111:ll a1 r·Ppl ;rn) .1dvt·rll"ll).! 1111 r1·ul 1~1<111• whrd• b m \ 1ul:. I 11"111( lht• l:.iw BUlORS: Advertistts ~ che-clc ~ir ods cWty mtd report tt• n:n i...,.diatety. The DAILY PILOT as~s 1.-eity for tM first in- COl'T'Kt inwriion only. l.1l'l k.\'1 \llEHt-: I El< H\l'f'. IH\INI-. Tl':H IV\<'!-. W:11d1 lht· "'" 1·11rn1· 1111•1 111<· ) artl ar 111 f mm tllf' 111•1 k. t r1111111!•t1• with hurl! 111 h1·rll'lll'' & 111•·11•1. 111u ... 111111"1.111> 1.i.tl!l' 1111 with '>111111' ha> , ,,.w ('•11npll·t1·h r1· 11ull'11'<I lhrt·1· h1 ·dr•111111. i•, IJ:.ith horn•· It .., 1•i.1·1l 111g ' ( 'om1· '"'' 1l ' COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 675-5511 SIB>ROOM IARGAIN A 'tat<·ly ~ hcdrm. :l b••lh lllrmc· 14 tlh ramil) rrn t1n•·k fJ•h 1llnrni.: rm '12511 "II It •11 family II' 11111 Only SIJI .~I 1\1·1 OIJW' 54', ~ll:l ···················~·· . .•••....••.•.•....•...• , ....•..•.......................•............................••............................ ............................. /.._ ................................... .._ ORJfilMAL HACH COTTAGE OrH' t>t·drootn t bunk room cotta~e . 'u' roundt•d by e u c alyptus t r ees & tip lot· Vl l'W or ocean . R-2 7.0ned i\:-.krn~ $150.000' Hurry. call 673-~ LIDO ISU !'>u111n & '>JJi.ll'IOus 4 Bdrm. 4 bath home 111 1·t·11lcr of exdu s1ve Lido Is le' ~p1·1·r:lf fea t ures include . centr al .,,.t·unty hghtm g control. 2 fireplaces. <'""' family rm. patio F or m ore 1nr111 mi.Ilion . tall 673·8550 CAMEO SHOIES HST IUY t•'ull Ot:ean 111c w. Cathedral ceilings . ga m P room. v1t>w of water from kit .. danmg rm , h v rm. m s tr bedrm. A sking $31!1.ooo. Call (>7J·8550 TLC + styf• ::: profit P ;nnt h rus h + talent + c _.rpets + 1m:1g1natwn. l'<JU:.tls beautiful 4 Bdrm twmt• s u rrounding sparkling pool an l 'orun:.i dl'I Mar. All this plus prl\ iill' IH'<•l·h1.·:-.' llurry. t all liD ·K550 DUPLU NEWP<>lt'T IEACH H.iy & f'X'Ca n JUI!\ I blk a ... ay' l..t>a:.chold. J HH UIJ, ~ HH down. :! l>lllh' 1•ad1 l'ntl'<I .it Sl7~. ooo 1;73 :Jili.J G75 Jl!!Al I';',., associated BROK E AS--IH Al TORS JOI'• W Mo>boa , 11 Jo6 I IUY OF THE WEEt<! l!l·at h t h<1rmcr. I 1>1<11·k from ut'<·an 1n Curnna dl'I \1.1r Spt••·rJI h·atun·'· kn•rlt} 111n1· 1nt1•rtur . 'UlH' r '111·11 hrl r rn ' -.wn1·r "'ill 1·Jrn ht llurr) •111 lh1:. one ' CJll 64.S-t.003 Bild 411 •<._,,_...._~ OLDWOaLD CHARM Stately hl)m" (11r l ht• yfJWlg 3 BR, 2 BA. f:.irn1 I} rm, dolt· d~·1a1•hf'll .ian•~., Supt'r h•1rnt• It. ti:rm.' Tr; \' /\. SXlJ.IJjMI Call now 54f\ 23 13 [ ~ lfl&l111] Oa.-...,tfu'(I Ads. your 111w :.lop :.hopprn~ l'l'lltt•1 '"' •• ,,, .... f .. flt '" l•I I I •• ftj1 If 1rf fl\ It Ir •·fiHJO' ~ ,, 1 ft1 11 '"I '' \t11111J,1i. ltlfH I , ••• I. )lj,ftt0 .. 4l '•lunt • l'l•"\T \ \H~>\ 11~ H I ~ ,\')I y. llJ\ t..t,;l .Jf)"";JC 111 'fl".111-. II~ \I II I i117:1 k<'ou h lih<l •W IL'.lll I Al,I '"II~ .. , II ,., ..... ;' ' .... t ,,..,. • ~(® Beach Realty IEAL ESTATE UCtUEMCt SIMCt 1949 OOVBl SHOafS A rare opportunity to acquire a fastinatrng 6 bedroo m . forma l dmm g room & family room homl.' PLUS all the a menities you would cxpet l m s uch a prest1g1ous location Tht· uri:w ncy or fa mily plans ht.1s pn1mpled a total price reduct ion of $55.000 Pnt·t' now S'.395.000. 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 7,59-0811 SJ 1,000 DOWN OWHER WILL CARRY AT I 0° o Custom hulll dupl•·'< :! Hclrm :! ti;,ith. cl1n111 i.: room IH11ltrn l:SBtl \Jan ~ ;11m·n1t1L·!'> S:.!:!:>,Ot.K1 645-9161 1 763 Orange. Co1ta Meaa · OCEAHfROHT l~lfl(('. dc lUXl' tluµl1•\ I hdrm~ . 2' ~ l1Jth.' u11 t htlrm.-. . ~ h.ith' 1111 .. 11 frplc c1.11·h un11 , 1:r1·al k.c.·:tlmn' 5:).'>0,UUO lnd1>1I tn~land ' lalaoa lay Prop. a Hit ors • 675·7060 . Seminars I d'I '-• 1" • I 1111" I llf 1111.1 ,,. I \I 11 '• "1"''' Ht u •• f '" "If f II 11 '• ... ' f ' I I 0.11 l•~il 1.11 ""' I Ne~-~. ~~~~x lJ11hd11·1 <1blt· N1·,. l>'•rl H••ctd1 \'lllUf'' llJIJ -.t1·1,.._ 111 ,W'KI and •11·t'a11' l IS.·1lr111 • :1 ht'(jrm u111t 'l;,'l."1' IUUf TU.' ~110 I ...... 1. I •• 11 n,_,...7~ 17IJIJ IAYFROMT Severa l fine b ayfront home~ with pier & ~lip AVALON Wl·ll con!'>truttcd. 3 BR. I ba oak floor. µarll_.I b_.sem e nl. eoncre t e loundCJl lOn. f'ICJts iirea $120.000 Fee. Bl LL CR UNDY, REALTOR J.11 Boy\•d• Q,,.,.,. "'S 675 ·6161 CAMEO SHORES Or~an v11•w ;,c·rt,,..!> the• park. n'l roofl<l~ llui.t•· ltt. lovely pool & wa Spac·1nu-. :1 h(•1lro•1m, fltllllly room, lr1rrruil drn 1n1:. 5 hath'> l•iath "I '' ''r ii I: 1· F •· •• I ,1 n cl Hl'f:IU<·~l l•o M~f.1 (.If.Ill ~ {orpor.-cc M.lu Rc.-lt~ /I I I 1 •I I I MESA VERDE Sl-'tX IAL 4 l.VJrm 2 Ra flf'W 1·arJ>('h <ind p<irnl l':nl'ft)'>Pd 1>al1•1 w sp.1 ,,.nlr<ol ;.ur 1·1md M "n ~ xtra.-. S'I04.7~J 2 STORY SlllikP r()t1f 1 B It :" 1 ha $);!!!,!1)11 1-;;"b1tl•· (',,.,,,, M1,,1 U.STILUFF I 'hH11•·111rr11·r l•1< ,Jl1•111 • HI< I HA.i Sits? 5011 Roy McCarcle, RJtr. 549.7729 HARIOR VIEW HOMES, MONTEGO '•'" l :irpH .ind 1·t·rnmw 111<· an th1 -. rnn· ~l ontt·~·o pl;in P1>ol .ind 11.11 k c 1,, ... ,. It\ !(1 ad\ fin :1 g rt.:i.ll l.111111~ Sl?:?,5110 , A COLDWTU IA*H CO. 644-9060 7161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS AO IN NEWf'OAT CENTER Two-Part Softness Texture is News~ •. -''"''''''' 4 ""' h .. "-. \ A,.''~• f •I ~ r \.f •~·' h1H11o \J "''' r • •l ' ·•""' ,.., ~ ~ ,,1oe,n.1 "' ' .. ... , NJllt "'''• .... '°'I ,.,., ., . .... Houws for Sal~ •....•..•..•.•.••...••. 1002 ......••.....•...••..•• llG FOUR UNDER 80 Ht•1wl1lulh marnl<1m1·tl rarwh :-.lyli: h11m1• w '>lat" h(•arth frpk, rll'h walnut p;,im·ll111~ & a -.uf.Jl'r hi In k1h·h1•11 ii Hdrm ~ lialll l11C·all'fl '"' ;1 In: l11l •111 11 lrt-t• l11i.••I ''' "''' l-111 1 pni·c fllll) S7!J.54MI I all [ ~ lfl&H1I] * VETS l..at(W\J ''-.... h ., ......... ,,. '-111U lfllll \.IY tltt•I frt .. • W 1 ll 4!f1 CU.UIHIO DUDUMIS AWFUL HICE ON UDO ISLE BIG CANYON l' h :i rm 1 n K t B 11 rm HmadlJ'll)t1r Pl.in I ll 111 J:>l•a1·dul ~·rilo·11 "•t1111~ -1 .. ,. • t•' Hr\ •tw t-\.lrn•,01• _,, .. ," .. '' ....... tl•lf. "'"'""' tH+lfJ '''""'"' ,,.,.,,,\ Lo•"'''"'" ~, .. , 1'1f11 (' \1 • • 1• .. n••l'\.I .\11 r 1•Jitlll l'41.!Aotflf•,. "·• ''"' h1 uun1• ••' 1,f1u1 ••H"I,,; t 11111a1 .... , f'••'"'""' 4 f>ri~r1 "'flit' \1111 '••h• •. , ........ ,. '•'ffflf 'I" I ~I '\l ~"'' 4ffl ,, .. . ~: ;rft't.·· .... , '4• , ... . BOATS & MARINE EOUl,MEHT , ....... , .. 1 '"i•' " .. ,... '-•... t 1\1, .. h, \,,.,.,,. t ''"''' ·"·-· ''""""'' '" .1 k· f.t , ., .. ,.., ..... , .... ,,.,,., '-'·1• ...... " • ... ... , ........... , 4 ~ .,,.,,. .. 4. .._..,,,. ... TUNS,ORTATION ..., ... , ,.,,,, .... .,,,.. •·l•t .. ..,, . ' . .... ,, .. ,, . .. ,,. '•1"1 751 :11!'11 C::SELEC T T PROPERTIES STATELY POOL SPA ~·'C ) hedrm 2 h.1th t'<1U11lry k1trh1·n. famrh rm. tl111 rrn 111)1ll. hu1't' hul '>PJ a ll:.ir1o1a1n JI •Jnl\ S 14! I . 511 (J <·a 11 n '' w w~231:i '''· Writtt's Rrireat l l111•1ui• ~ hr ~· 11.1 ltult· .1 w.•) 1n 1h1· 1•al1:-.ad1•-. ;1r1·a •1f Ca p1 ..,lrun•1 11 .. a d1 11 r I> .111 ,, I' l :\1ar111;1 f"plt' l1hrary w;Jll. Ol•Wl!I puinll'fl. w w 1·rp1;., pat 111, 1·ari1•1rl l11 .. 1ul ln11'c·p1l I 11r , .. c1u"rin s 1u ~ •• u1111 ·l!J:I !B:lli IGI 1577 OWHERWILL CARRY PAPER lh~r ~ ht.'fJrm, :1 hath f,11nilv ro11m , l1r11·k (1n ·pld1 c d111111g rtl'llll. ~Al '-<I fl .• 1 t'llf J:.1r.1i.:1· Ownl'r wtl I '"' rrv ht lru"l d1•1•d w1lh i 11'. U<1wn Call n•1w l11r m11n· <1•1.all' ~I z:11:1 ~l~ [ ® 1111'1 BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! Panoramic Newport Bay views from gorgeous 3 bedrm uppe r unit or spac10U.'I 2 bedrm lower unit! Natural brick fplc:s . Wet bars. 4 Car garage. Boat s pace. St eps to beach. Dial 752· 1700 FASf! ... ,,,,, .,.,,. f !,,,,ti,,, !®lllEI COUEGEPARK IEAUTY Would you bclievt• lit tn.~ Uus is the lowe:lt pnccd 3 Bdr m 2 hath home ill the development ut Uus time? Sharp and clean, great lo<.'111 ion. New on the rrutrket, so hurry! Call 546-414 I ~ COATS &WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. macnab I Irvine realty t.-PLIX IMVISTMIMTI Attractive apt. bldg. w/two 3BR and four 2BR unlts. all w/fplcs, patios, enclosed garages & s pace. Fully rented, gross $27,500 <rents never i nc r eased ). Located ln . center of "New De velopment Area" a nd a "Best Buy" at $330,000. Appl. only w/Tom Allinsoo 6'2·~. <B·l03) U-.c• Your Elt~1b1hty NOW I.OW OO WN & IJ)W INT HAT !-: I A.:l u-. 'how y11u how l•1 qua Illy Tdlc to Red C~t W~Usteft! 754·1202 INVESTORS SPECIAL S89,900 Sp<in1!.h -.tylc •·x1 .. un~ h1>mc· f{t1C1m lo build' Qill b4() 7171 .. • I :! II H .f .1 ' m 1 n ,. < 'rt·"k llornt• l'uol. 1rn111s. <·oov('nlt•ntt• anrl ;J JH't·k 11( lhl' 0('1·11n S22S.OOO Use th" Du1ly Pilot ·• Fai.l Resull " servu:r- d1rf'ctory Your serv1cl" 1s our l>f)e('tlllly <:all 642 5678 ext 322 fh 11ttlin•· tor t f11'\ A -41.lll , ... ~. ,,, 'p "' 'ht• ., .• ~ '"'I 11r1 11 u Id If .1 t "'fl t•~f I 51f fllf ~Ull•l.1\' c\' \1ttr+d 1\ t-d1l1•111 .t ... 11 "'"''"'"' 1 '·•l~1nl11" I.' n1-''" CL4SSlflfO afG.Ul.A TIOtf S I H It oti-. \th• 11 , "' -.ttouf<t •ht-it k I h1 If uh '1.•th & r• v••tl ,.,,.,, 1 tn m • tt' ,tf • I~ 1 ff~ fl\11 \ l'll llf I Uhl•• It tt1d1t" lttr th• tu ,, UH q( ft~ t Ul\t I hf Kt 'ff\1'¥ ('\'('~I.I ,\fl("' \\ h•·n ~allrnr .tu •• 11 h• U" tu rr·.tk• t t• 'r1r•1 •t 1 h i• I\ 11 I 'I \I II~ I< l-"tVt•n V'tU fl\ \HUf ... ,f 1'4kt f ,, fH H ltl ••t \ltUf • tO• • fl.ti 1111 I t11 ~ all fJ II nt t.1 I n1 U ""' h I ,,, ' t ,,,. ,, f1\ 't11 •""', ru , , 111 1 •• • .,, ,, tll ·J''•" 1"'1 "'•I I \ 1111' fl ll f 01111•.l'll•I\. ··~ ,~ .... i\ II II •. ~ II I( ~ Ill 'ION I"· ,..*\, r' ""Hrt '' m.irh• tu kilt fir f'ftf'P·'t ••JU "' .HI lhltl n .... h•'•·n ,.,, .. ,..,, hul "•' '''"'",. •'~•·•'·'"'' • to do "' un\11 lh" "'' h . .-11pp~al••• '" lh•· '"'"'' l>IM ~; /\ 1.INt: /\llS Th""-' nib art' ,lrlr ll)' ~A\h 1n !l<lvan• 1• h• m~fl or tit hn" ,,n.-. nr ')Ur drtH'•"' NO 11h(JfW nrrt•'r' 01•11rlhnr 1 p m l"r11111y l'o•l 11 M,,_.Q olhr" ti I~ noon ~I ~'I IJti•n• h 111111 ,., T it t: 1>1111.Y I'll OT ,., ... ,. ... lhl' 1111111 ,,, rlu-.1ly l'd1t. I'<'""" "' r t• f u " •' ,. n " •tlvf'rll•<'m~nt. .. nil 1•1 rhunJ!,t• ,,,. '"''''' • rr1tulat10M "'llMul prinr nnt1r~ CUSW. ........... HS P 0 llo't IYA>. Coiil• \leu 92821! mE 111111 ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS·OF SERVICE UCIUIMT MIW USTIMG llVIMI ou rfield's Popular Plan s. Four Bedrooms Plus Three Baths. f'amtly Room With Fireplace. Separate Breakfu t Room. Hu1Je Master Suite. New Decor. Upsraded. Oood Locauon Low Malntena11ce Verd. Hurry. Only tl~.900. Qr r. .. ~ l~·aul1ful 'IJ,1t 1m" h•1m•• I/fl 14 ltlt• 4!1 1111 ft1 •1•1•11t I\ rc·dl'roral1•d (',di f,,, a11pt S4:WJ.0011 JACOBS REAL TY 675·6670 $4X\l,!J(MI ·~· 14'.kl 1')411 t"77 ~·II thing:. r:.i,11411111>.11f\ 1'11ti< Want A1h ON WATER_,RIVATE ISLE leautifully d~coroted "pride of awMf"lllfp" 2 story tHM. wittt yow own boat sJip. W..,,...., woods mtd exc~ dKor ""~this 4 bd"" i.o... ..... fonwMlf dinMcJ rOOfft .. spociows MOstff wilt wiftt finplace. A II ttw CIPMftffi.s for tM fiMst .,.iity foMily environMent. Shown by oppoieut1U•1Ut. $'75,000 itteludiftq '-cl. VIEW OCEANFRONT-lAGUNA 011 "-MACH co-op 2 bed. 2 b& URit wlttt '-'cp bclk01ty .ct flllllllMll VIEW. HHr "-..-f .ct Mtjoy prhecy & Ws of 9re•11•ry aho. Ow••r wilt lffs•/.,,.._ $242,500 or wtl ..... for sns.,... ... WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. il•l:lll w c II·"' 11~ii 1\\ "" N1>w(')Or1 ,~ .. I( h 631-1400 SlllC & "Nit VEG ET AILES C W A A T E B P T H U T N P E P P E R E V R U l R l T C R E A H C U C S R 8 E " K I A U I A B E 0 E A B W A 8 U 8 G t E T R T T E 8 R K l T E U K P E A E S l R R E E A G I P 0 E E 8 L M T T W K A A 8 N " U 8 G M T H T T R A A E 8 C 0 M A I P 8 K A P L W 0 M E U A G E X A H l V 8 H T 0 G l t C 0 8 C N E R A l 0 C A U 0 T S E A A C 8 M T 8 V & E C 0 M I R A H U W E R H P U E C. G C P I l R T M P P R T E L T C 0 A A 0 W L P A 0 Y R W I A N L K t U R R R A R T C E H L A A N Z R I H R C C 8 0 T E N Y A P W T U R I R 0 P U C U R P I S W £ E T P 0 T A R G U E T I A ......... ~ . ..-... ,:.:: .......... ~ .... AtMtb ,_ ~ .... ._.... ..... ., c.... ..... ,... C..-.• Cer'll U..'-... .. ~ , .. T...-:Ac.- SIZES 1QY,.20 i'1 ~ 1Tf'""i.-lff<....i".- Joi fall 11 \ Ille h•O p1t.<t dft\\-lfan IOl\O yO!le utht.,O ~II but *Ith I ne-\!'RM! of \ltrioeintu owe1111 C11)p 1n thee~ Ullltf in t1b11nt Wiid\ P11ntrd P11tt1n 9118 Hall SuM 10'-l 11'' 141, 16i,, 18"1 20"i S11t 14"1 (bU\I Jlt laM1 l I' 8 ya1os 60 1nt h ~ Sl.50 .. -' ,._. ... ... .. --jllltllf1I ... flnf.dm ........ • .. 11,. ~-...... urn• Pattern Dept. ~~2 Dally Piiot m ... 1111 St.. ... '"' llT lMll. l'rillt UMl • ..US. Zif 1U1 ... mu_ .. cuf eu>r111MG cosrs "'"' °"' NOW JAU.WINflll PAmRN CAI· ALOG . ,... ' ntw •110 roM "' lflS $$$ Fttt Sl.!IO pet1tr11 ~ Ctt.llo&. I I tn ...... ~ ....... Ut l!E.Srii .. t:: .• ... ...• .. ........... . ~~B~ lum up thr~ beaollful 1>.n11 too wllh tall pants, \kllh 11 1 a bf*.auty, .. 1th la<.y yo~e t1lendm~ lo \hOuldPrs. and 0¥~• ~il't•e<. M•I pullOVtf of 7 ply I~, lw•SI ~l>Ofl y~1n l0ttune 10 buy ea1y to m~~e1 Palltrn I /Jj '>'le\ 8 14 inti Sl.!IO 101 ~Kh Palltrn Add 40< ell(h P~ll~1n loo l11SI Cl•~) ... m11I 1no hanahng Se!ld lo: Ahtt.,.. Needlecraft Dept. 105 Daily P1101 .. "l. OM CllelMa Su .. llrw Tl!\. llY 10011. P1111t ll1111t, AUla, l•, Pa111!11 ll•Mlltr. (XClllNG' Nl'W 1980 hllOll CRAJI CAIAlOC w1lh OWt1 1 IU d~•I"\ 1n 11eal u11et7 of c11lt~ J Iott oa11e11u 1nst0e Stnd $I 00 m.-.. a II-* QllHI . 51.50 uo.s....,...51m Jl.5'. St.!IO l~tbly ffllllfM Sl.50 1 ...._. Qllt9 .. Sl.50 111~ '11' Daitils .. SI.SO 111-(flftt """" s 1.50 ·~'"' ~· . suo U~ '11 ~II Sl.50 l2l-Slltd1 '111 Pltcll 0.iltdl.50 Ul-Stl!H '11' P.tf O.lha t l.50 IZl·Pllll9 si....otta 1.50 1~ ........ l.50 11ui... Cncllec Sl.50 II~ witll S... Sl.50 116>-~ Qliila. Sl.58 II~ c.tdill .. Sl.50 ll*Ct••••" ........ il.5e m.,,..,.._. .. 1.51 111 ..... C...... . l,H 1'7.-..llllilll .. IJt &•I I' I c..diilf. .$13' .... .... .. $\JI lll4'1l Clllldlll. .,$(Jt ..•.•.. , .- Cf. OM.YPIL.OT M CAMTOM COUMl'IY c&.UI BeauutuJ NUrtyard entrance to thlA Aovely Plan z 8roadmoor home on e xtra large comer site Extenaive rare planUna in ntate-Uke yard. Attractive blgh ceillnAC S. sunken convcrsataon area in living room. dining room with roar tcarden vie w, lgc family rm Wltb firepla<"e. wet bar. 4 spuc1ous bedroom5 & 2 baths pl~ tux uri~ powder rm. $429,SOO WISUY M. TAn.Oll CO •• llALTOllS JI 11 s.. ,, c I ........ MIWPOaT CIM'r'9.. M.I. 64.4--4t I 0 ---------1 ..... ,1 hi de IOOJ n .. °" ...................... . L()()IUN(i 1 ltky Front pn IDt' lor & l1'en why not rem thb view 3 bdrm + dt'n magnificent Si00 ,000 w/lawn • boat doc k hnme on lht-front row of 18 8 5 , 0 O 0 0 w n .-r •·X<'lus1ve Irvine Ter 714"67~174i r.JL-e·• 3700 Luxurious Ml n .. 3 bdrm~. " bath:. New 5 8', J &. wet bar. f'MI. $2500 Per mooth view. bouse 11wi;iy fro m i\va.ilable now• bt!adl. S239.000. Terms ~~ \ Ill\ 1,u,n nt I l.1rh11r lm·c.,tm1•nt !'11 Ca.try s.tH.NJ un tree lined s treet Sµa n 'lu s 3 b ed rm. forma l entry, d1n1 ng arPa, dream kitchen . l'Onverted ram1ly rm. MEAa.-W PIMNSULAPOIMT A totally deluxe custom home w gourmet k1t<'h. balcony game rm & rull u jacua1 in sumptuou:. master bath. all abound mg w /sohd oak appoint· ments THE REST <ff "THE PO INT" ror $0},<n}, CAU 644-7211 "1n NIGEL t3AILE'r' 0. I l\SSOCIAHS Extra l ar~e rea r -------- l! r o u n d s 0 w n e r .. W. I 022 transrerred. mus t sell !! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Only $81.950. Qill now •OPEN HOUSE• ~7881 212 Jas mine,CdM " · · · " Orean Vu Vacant [ ~ IHMill -;_z;jE!.TJ_ RENCH TUDOR RIDUCEO $10,000 t-.nchanling <.:arr1ai;c lmw !Am: 11nviltc Or I Bit. dt•n Fnrm:.il llin inR GdfOt' l<m w twet liar Ant 1<1u1· parlor " man11•I fpl!. l)rcakla~t rm l\lt11· lr1h 111111· a v. ay "ta111t'() i.:lu1>~ wmdow:. :O.•·t·luuc<l w t r c 1•:. ir1 hl•Jut1ful 1·u\tnm hom(' .1rc•a. Only min , tn r1n•>St SfllM OESPHATE wa., S295K . now S279K WiU lease fir ka!.t' •1p tmn O<:cun v ll'". pool f ee VIEW Only 1me in !')h11rl'l'h If, 2nd !>Lury would h;,iv(' tlC.'ellll \lt-.:w. L~c patio Cal l Ti m lth unc . RE1M AX 6."JJ.)266 lw•:icht.'l> Li.:t• HV at·(•css ---------rruly ;in ("(f)('nl'nt•1• tn ---- •'<'. and only SI l!l,000 DW'LEX w JMifti Vu L.JJI now' 714·963·0002 1 n q u 1 et Co r 11 n a &.lll'Mr. •w•y ll11thlands . Well main "'"""'_.. _... tamed 2 Br's 1 ha t·a. l'vt $771950 pilllO!> & wa lk to p vt :-.1ev>t d<'S1rable 3 RK. beach 70' frontai.:c 't11ry C'11ndn Step ... avN Owner Aj!t will 1·1irry k11t:hcn Pri\il tc pi1l10. 2$'/. d own , 10•; int 1Mrk1tni.: pool, :. p;, & armrt 30 yr. for ~ yrs ~;11ma c;;111 for f.Jfl v:i ll• $!19.500 ~2 f..1117 prp\•H'W. 1-;.z ( 1nan1·tnl: , .1vailable. 963·7R81 lnve!.tor·-. duplex t 2 .... , , . good rent:il s. pu11I , [ I rrptcs, chann. $245,00U ~ ltdt[ ;,;;;.'.:.:~;;~ ' Ur split le\11.'I. J Ba. 3 gar, most popul:ir model. Many extra touches. 2036 Gokieneye Pl $148,900. S46-4378. Owner I Agt. Eastside -POOl. 4 br. 2 ba, family rm, lvg rm. rrpls. guest house ..__=11tA=V:::R=O:::E==:;;.i Many xtras . As:.umc -loan 9.983 int. Approx. RIB SI 15,000 ba1 $102,000 Pnr cd un Heaut1ful t r ee lined der market $16$,<XM> Call ~lreet 3 Bedrm home 642·0467 Own /ag nt or rit.oeds r1xing. Don't miss 961~ Broker. out. buy now! ! 646-7171 MUI 111 'I • d • l1J'1 f•)H '''I [~1111 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IHVESTMIMT POTIMTIAL :'-lew lasting. Comer lot Formal dining rm. Good rent.al. low price. BALBOA ISLAND REALTY 673-8700 WHIHWASTHE LAST TIME you saw a 3 bedroom. 2 balh home. community pool, cover ed brick patio, r e m ode l ed kitchen. for under $76,000 In the College Park area? Won't last ! Ci.ti now!~3866. rt ,. G1It&!J!iJ RF.AL ESTATE CEDAR GLEN WATaFllOMT Extr• luge corner MOOS. SAU duplex in xlnt cond. 3 bedroom model. highly Mooring avail. S pec -upgradedc:ondom1ruum. taculu \llew. Appoint-2SM Elden Ave, C.M ment only. tll95.000. ___ 642_ ·67_:W_· --- *Cote Realty UASE/Of'TIOM & Investment 3 BR .• 2 ba. condo in 640-5777 great area! $695 Per month. S7'9.900. 645·7272 S(C\\.4}lA-" f.-~S • Tito# lntriruinf Won/ Gom• witlt o C#iud.I• ------..... "r GAY a. PCIUMI ------ • ._,.,,. ...... ol .... '°"' -....w -· i... low IO '°"" '-tll!opie -do I LIKFEC I I I' I I ~ ........ s _,u_P_E,_AT-41 ~t . I I r I . ) ICI •Mr\11'1 • I AU I .. c .. •• • rrrrr1 I I I I I I T•O.er f . .,,olom Qaanalaa I bedroom home wH h d l n lnj, beautiful m•lle r bedroom. kitchen wllh new bwltln ovl'n and ~ rana-8tonjte Joft Md pMio, ... IOO. CalJMO-l'?IO ,.... - COSTAMISA .......... Let LOWEST PRICt: In Coi.lAI MeJa OuJy U.I~. d own O WC' Alw•Y" R'lllt'd w ............. H6-5n7 2 Story Near 1n~!:':t!Y£~~ b atl\s, fo rmal din•nK niom. family room with w.:tbar :ind rire plure. library with fireplace. P at.Jo, pool, s lide ond declung. $132.SOO. (;a II 541}.lra) TAi1BBL -· --- MISAVHDE 4 lldrm 2 bath. t1uah1y built, sbue roof. double fireplace Great location. ideal ror entertaining. Large rec room, lots oC decking , lo w m ain· tenance yard. Ofrered at Sl04.000. Call 540-1151 -~.{;:'# HERITAGE REALTORS NEW e legant <'us to m townhome. 3 br . 2"2 ba, lge master swte, 2 story. rmny dJx upJtrades. Lile gar af!e w e lt-c dr. Lansdscaped w /auto s pmkln. Wet bar or fen:.od $165,000 Pnn on ly. N,'l /Ownr 64!>·9009 ------ $77.000 3 Bdrms. 11, ba. new nd. huge yard Room to expand ExehL'l1ve Altl 1)46.J#)tl IHSTAMTLY APPEALING Owr :m> sq fl . 1·u~tom bit home lt)('a lcd nr Me:.a Verde C (' lmm:11· l'Onf1 PmC dt-c & lnd'pd l'ool & i.pa 6 yr'\ n1·w (.':111 Q!ntury 21 tH,'t Huth or Di ck 968-825 7 $2500 REWARD 4Bd.rm, 2ba, I.iv rm. ram rm. dln rm. fplt-, auto s prinklrs & ne w landi.l'apd ba1·ky rd , 23ml ft ~.000 1i2Jl)O <:AS If It E RAT to: t n (Juallf1t:d l:luyn lll df!'.1· o f io.:St·r<iw 201 Wake fur~t !'>56· 1466 llGFAMILYRM Beaut. b ig f'am Rm, wlbnrk fpk. Ne w $6.000 kitchen. 4 8 R 2 Ba. gle aming hardwood n()f)f'S i!veryUung :.hip. shape. Only S9r..:>OO . lmmed ~·on. Ruth Laune fUtr. 646~ DCB.l.EHT IUY 2 lidrm. I bath, ideally s itw.tcdon 1.2 LOT Great investment area. Pnccd nght at $105,500. Pnn only 24 hr 6JJ.ll06 lllr. SHilPOUPUX Two 2 BR units. recently refurbished. Xlnt C.M. locution. Te rms ver y flexible . A must sell s1twtt.1on. AU offers con sidcred. Owner wtll help finance . /\s king only Sl.3},500 ~~ TALIAIOUT MOT'IV A 1W)! MIWUSTIMG! 1be sellers h•ve already bought a new hou.'«! and have priced t.bJs btO big 4 bdrm home to seJI Im m ediately . S upe r neighborhood. Don 'l wait ! 54.5-9491 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAltlMITA Spectac ular b illlop homes. 2012-3206 sq. ft. Ooae to M•rina. Selv• Rd & Calle La Prtma ver•. Sl86,000 to tz45,000. 831·35t0; 49J.t006 Bldr. 4 er. 1~ Ba. ut.hNral cell. frplc, fam rm. froeahly painted, canyon vu, $123,000. Owner. --II I f•IMdl 1040 ....................... .. ............. ......,..... ......,..... .......,..... ........... ...... x: ....................... •••••.••......••....... . ...••......•••.........••...••....•••.......•...............•.......•........•••....•••••.. I' t , • ._. IMe .... 1144 .,.. 1144 &...-..._ tM Ml JM._ IMt tlls .... .._. tNt .-; ........................................................................................................................................ --a.. t.....,l~~bome .,,.., ........ llP. .,...... LotM.ed la a.hi& ... ~ ......... .,. concom1• X1nt ...... 3 Br J ba .... r po Cvd eaUo. I' /P. nl~ locbc p ai lmasac. ... -.<>wnerfrO.- OWNE&S ANXIOUS. t ......... &De. boee • .. eourM ReduHd to Jl'H,NO. rtu&ble ter••· Pal Sciara .-or11'7.8J. Al ... A.ILOAM SIS-IOI .,., mile frolb beacb WOE Comer kit. 38R, 2ba, 11p1raded bome . •n-h .,.Jnt. Ullide •out. New Ntnunel rpts thru- out, tm ror addition. Pnde o( o wnership on th1b one Under Sl)7.000 For sale by owner /agr. 63.1 ZM.2 --------2 ll'or price of I Tux ~Iler apprec. tz0.000 down. assume 101'1 % k>&n. 3 Sr. 2 bn. huge fam ily room , rrplc, btlams, +-l br house. Nr ~ean. park. $127.000 ~l.223. ·------ •lyOWMf' Nr the ~an. 3 br'~. 2 ba's, lge ram rm w trpk, auto gar. opener f'ull lndscpd w is prinklen Crpt.s, drps, lhruout. /\s sume ~.% loan. Many t•xtra~. Sllll.000. Call !>36·0397 OwnerolCers a home. 3 br, 2 ba. 9522 Innsbruc k. 7 14 :963 -29 47 & 213 ' S98-ll004 llACHWAU! IEAITI tmNE Confuted by all these ads? Ranch Realty and/or Woodbridge Realty can show_ you any one of over a Hundred listed homes in Irvine. Don 't wut.e time trying to decide which ad sounds the belt. • CAl.l DOES IT ALL IAMCH WOODllllDGI llALTY llALTY 5 51-2000 551-3000 TH£ EXPEITS ON llVINE PIOPEITY 111.Y RECANT Sort n e utral color ~ drantii:e the eleganr c ol lhls W.stunl?lon Model in Woodbnd~e Estat~. 3 bedroom . den, large family room . 2~ b•Uu & cent.r aJ air makes this Zl!ll6 sq. n. home 8 truly li vable one A gr eal value at Sl4S.900. Call to· day Jt WtH •: 1lll• 10Gl .,_. t J\l 'v '>~I JOOO UllYERSITY PARK TLC Save thou.sands on this giant 4 bedroom . 2 slory home 1n Oeerf u~ld The owner spenl too mu<'h money on h is rahulou' yard, but som e what overlooked the intenor. Use your unag1nat1on1 Decorate to your hu rt.!I corw.ent. Give thli< ho roe somt.' tender lov1nl! cart' & you will havc 'il\l'<I $$$. l"or m ore deta1l11. rail today e-Hi\N<:H 1n ,";1 r v ~s 1 2000 Woodbr 1dJ(l' Condn ~. J BR. 1'2 ba, encl patio. ulil & ~toral(c & c arporh . $81,$0-0 ~JO(» • WOOOllUOGE 4·$ B R Biscay, 9'•"°r Sl8S,OOO . 642·0 112 , 211r. frllk. DR + 1uest •· Oeeu vu. wallc to beb. towa. sno.ooo. <>wDll'•mi. OCEAN VJEW. POrt&fina, aJmo1t MW 3 br, 1!3f.~. V1rreant. 0... •-41131> OCIAM YtlWS! Elecant. lag. a bd • 2 be!coa.I• + P•tlOll. Only S14t.H5. RE /llAX. PMriclt. Ul·tal Ltlll-...... IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Niguel Realty • WE SPECIALIZE lN RESlDENTlAJ. PROP~RTIES 493-9494 495-5220 496-241 l ll0.5050 ....... 1. a..o.. f'aJrway t:I N11(uel Jbr. 1234,000 Custqm Realty mff171 OCEANSIDE OF tlGHWAY Niguel Sho r es ocean YJCW home w1th wet bur. burRlar i.ystt'm , )!rt at lutt'tien w1\h m1rrow.,ve and lutal pnv<1l')' JuM ~lPd :il $41 uoo LINGO Rio:AJ. f:..CiTATt:: t7N1495 1720 liit.W.¥6-io 1067 ...•..••.••••.•.....••. t'Yo ASSUMrTIOH UpRradt'd thru out :J Eld.rm Madnd Plan v.1th uddl'<f h1m1ty r•><1m . l frplrs <ind a ~.iiCJO a' SWDBbl~ 9"~ loan Onl) 113.Wl 644-7211 .. . 'I _,Q.. J !· r • '' 11 •z/," I'>. I !\' ..,, I,\ l o I I' 1 I l'l'OP·LOOK-BROWSE •.r- OPEN U-4 W•tcllrt lleC.......a.dLn.NB JCl'•Br. '"Ba •. MNt32. MS-Z737 am VIA UDO, N.8 .... ------· $315,000 MINT CONDITION. ON UDO. 3 Bdrma .. 2 baU.; all new •ppllancea " ~; marb&e frpk. lot lhoee romantic wiDLer' eveainp . LUJl'FS C ondo on beautiful 1reenbelt Completely renovated It •. ~ated. Sparkbna 4 bdrm + fam. rm. 21,AJ bu • ~p. 2JOlff Villa Ca· ~~~~~~~~BE ST BUY IN .,. EA.SrBLUFF. 1164,900 ~ 4br, 2~ba, w1 lk to ,.. schools. tenrua cluh 4c 8hopi. 844-8JB7, "4·2442 Ownr/A#J, . MIWPOln' TOWHHOMI Speck>us 4 bdrm with formal d in1nl( rUf)m Ir rirepl.ce . LarRe :.un decks front & rear Very Cl'ff(. yet near the beach Asking $14$,500 Ca 11 $40.Wl ·--:.4 ~· HERITAGE . • REALTORS Super Bluffs Condo, spet: laeuJar li v rm·balrony vu o( lg greenbelt. 2br pool, 2car alld l{iol.r, bltni. OU paint, $$50, lllt' 644-6829 r Pl!E. REIKTION ---------O\arrrunR be:ir h rottagl' WESTCUFf.flOOL CMrefree comfort 111 this unnwcuaJte 3 +-bedrm home M1n 1mal c•are yard with maximum 1JvaM1ty SlM.~ 642-5200 ( Pete Barrett. ~~r ~ IACIC IAY ESTATE Pvt :! 8 ar r.-'''t:llt' w ·h: lxJtLw. :! l(U~l hOUM'' 16 ~tall h<>r~e barn. h~e nruni.i nnk. µvt of1·. a IU(J(Jffl -. room ~1tn1r1 I t'l\l \'ll'W of ~he Ra t•k Hay lu-.h lands1•ap1ni: atYJt.md~ Cont:ict J im 1-'lo1od1·n ..i.i;l t 71'll K:lJ< ~1\f;'{) 0 \ ~ I 7 I I l reduced ll 1 Sl 19 ,500 <:a II ror delai lb' ~ .... .,.,..c ....... 540.5357 SHORT OF MONEY? !':airy tr, buy with r1wn1•r (111anC'llll: Sµanou:. 3 hr lnh<im1• w 111•••<t11 v1r·w fr<lm mu\ll'r 'u1t1· ilurT) ll'flll' & IJrll ~·:II 1• n J(ht .11 $"1>1,:J()() l',tl I ~72'.ll Decoiai.or·s delight "E" plan. 4 bdrms. highly up· graded thruo ut. many amenities lndud1n..i comm pooli>. s aunus . spas, tennis. etc. 963 5671 Popular Stanford Model 3 bedroom townhome. Prestage area, master bedroom sui t e w ith fireplace, vau lted C'eil- ings. private bal<'ony. All d this plus an oversue bnck paoo oveTlook1ni: the park. Don 'l wail ~ See Uustod•y! 644.fJ687_ _ Ma.,,.,. IMdl I 06' !.Kt j7>(1 eve-. wknd, WntdiffR~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• DIBAB.O 2 s try , 4 BR. 3 ba. Privacy~+ Walk lo pool. p3rk & 'il'hOOb Tremendous value CAU 754·7IOO -29Z1 Bnstol. CM Woodbndl(e FJl tatci. 3br 2~2 ha. crpts, d~. prt> landscap'g , patio cvr mDny upKrd!.. xlnl lot· 103 W Yale l..oi>p Open Sat1Sun 1·5 llY OWN 1-;H 640-2360. SEE FOREVER Twinkling city lights. pas loral hills, s now capped mountains & more~ Located 1n tbe pres ti gious h i llll or Turtle r oc k . th 1s J bt!droom. 2 bath & ram1ly room hom e, pnced at $149.500. is indeed a re· markable vaJue. Tills 1:. a must see home! ! Call to· day! * $14,000. Owner se llinK 3 Bn. cu~t 1mprov~<l condrr 111 lrvme. PRINC ON LY After Ir M C:ill 559 4115 San Luis Rey Model Rl'ndy to 1(1> at a "1·11ml' and :K.>e 11" pnrc Y1>u II love lht• n t y hr.ht 'lt•w and 1t ' only 'lc'I"' from the R<llf cour'\'' J Utt rm . 21.ba 't513 C.o•POsDa:IP.V1ME Take Over 9'12°/oLoan Great 1ntere!lt r ail' available when y11u t ake <¥\ler loan on llu.1> l•wt•ly 2 bedroom homt• loct•led in Orangetree. Pir<'p la<'" and ROurm<>l k1tr hcn with but lt1n:. 1'11t1•1 Community pool $86.000 Call$MSt 1RRllU. -· ---------- WANT' ACTION" O a.-,:ofed Ad:. 642 5678 U.,.. le•h I 041 .•........••........... DQ.USIVE ELEGANCE A ~tunninR <kp..i.rtur•• from thE• ord1111111 Walk Ill bea<'h rrom 1h1:. Nol'\h Lal{una ('U!.lOm built l Hdrm :! h.1th hr1m 1• Mal(ru/1<-enl ,.o;J,l & n ty light Vil'"" Go urm1•t lulchen, don osen r e11ltort; 'IOI GLF:~!'\F:YJU-. 497 4Mll CAUF.ClASSIC 11!0 df'&: wh 1t1• wa tt-r v1L'W, nr ho.·.1r h !> Bdrm J'., ba .+ d<'n dbl lot Ont• o( 3 krnd $Wll.OOU I!> a :.l1•a l $100.UOU riown 1-:a!.y term~ O WN l:.I< (.' II I I r (/ r d p p l 7 l<I R33·35111 or 49'J 42A 7 -- OCEANFRONT Nt'w M<1dular T\ I"' Ito~. pvt commuo1t) J bt:ucties. 24 hr M·runt). .~ub·letun.: OK l"r<>m $:6.~ Trf>a:.urt' hland Mobile llomf' Park. 30801 So Coast Jlv. )'. L 81!UOl.t llearh R M f' 17 J<t 1 49'>3579 WAI.I TO MACH Ckean vu. 2 sty . 3 B R , ram rm . 21'1 ba ' fin· pit. p;irqucl fl1> ' wr1 work'r ho p, s tudio rm Shultcr:. ... 11d .:l.i" North end loc A rarC' buy at 121$.000' Mi......,100 t<calty 494.0731 Starting Saturday, September 1st and every Saturday throughout the Football Season the Dally Piiot brings you A new. t-xt•1t1ng, profc!>MOll31 fool ba II m af(azine serllon lJrml(mi.t our re:irlcrs thl' most lnterl-st1ni.:. com · prche n s lve ttn1I autho rtlut1vc roundup (If m11tcr1:1l on thC' pro f(am~ to t>e td<>vtst:d ,•ar h w1·t'k('nd for 20 wech Player profiles. scouting rcporti<, pic tures, prediction s. the point s pread. ins ide comment!l o n s trategies a nd who and what to watch for everything to enable readers lo get tho most enjoyment out or their pro football watching . Don 'l m isa out on Ulla chance to have au the football facll ut your ftn1ertlpt. MY...._....,-,.,._ ...... ... ..... ,., ........................ . a.1•1•~ MMl71 DAILY PILOT ••......•.•.•.••....... llUFF'S TRt-l.EVEl WJVIEW Sht1W'. 1'\ClW"lt•h lh1 .I tidrm. 2'' b.i t·•1nr1n "" rhi)tl't• i.:rf.'t·nhf-11 '11•"' Onl~ $JIJl WJ i'~:I 1..01 •MO QUAUFYIMG • Onl) SlO 00t1 l:1k•· ''' 1·r fant..i...,tu 11 .... ,,. ·~11111n •in J llH t'l\l'(' hr1m1· W o11 t la't ()wn(•r 5-11 O'.lltl Mewporl •och 12 UNITS I l.}ior from the Or1•11n l'nbt'h1•\ ahly ltrw 1>1 1n-d ::It S42J, llOU IJ WTW r II> 111 tr·tdt· Worid bat Esta+. 556-7777 !I F.S T ll UY I N .. :ASTBLUFFS Slf~.~ 4br, 2'-1b41 home• 11n Ir..: t•rnr lot arro:,-. Imm ~hop-., 11•nn" t luh Iv :.c•hools 6+HHlf7. 644 24 4:! aj.ll WESTCLIFf Beauttrul 4 Ar 3 ba Lo111 al plant,, fabulou..' pool. f1repl a<'f' RV art•t•-.:, Pnced ni.:ht .. t SHl9.9!.U /?. tREHIGE ~---t---+~-HOM€S 3:tl3 W C'l&:,t Hwy, NII 64s-6646 Oc.-¥i.w CCMtdo 3 Br. 21' bath luxury tnlevel t'u.stom <'arJK"t, wallpape?r, drapes ~·~t buy In Nf'wpe>rt {;rrst Sl:E.000 Arrru:1tcad t;o . M4 fH70 t-'OR SALE OR LEASE 3 bdrm 2 ba, den. pool. Jarun1. newly deC'Or , ~PP Eves ~M COHDOMtHIUMS WESTCLIFF 1&2 b r . $19.000 & up 1700 Westdirr Or Open da11,y I ·S. 642·8$83 or 67 3-6640 BA(]( BAY C\IStom 3 br. Nl-de·S8<'. parquet e n· try, new crpts. skylight. hot tub. $142,900. Agt B<MS6 -----· IAYSHOUH. Bayview rrom upstairs. sc-c 4 er. 3 bath. r•mily rm. Wii i <'O n s 1der leme/OCJt. Carole Tatum. Realtor 494-0029 ----- UMDAISLE sooo sq n. slip, s Or$&. ideal location for 11un Prin only. Ownr/Bkr fTIUlll SALE OR LUSE RY OW'l/l: .. R J Hit I. h<t. S-0..-nte 1076 J>''°' & Jd('U//I ho-l.> •17!:fti ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Jrin••r '.,, Pr11n1 i'.x l'<'UO\I• l1111n1• I Mrm ·1 SALE OR LEASE BY OWN 1-..H J IUt . ..! , bJ th1:r l•>11k1ni: 1•1111 1~iur,.· in ISJ;_k I~' .1r1•" (..ill f>'l.Z J03l 1Jf 1,4., li'IX WAHTTOBUY I 111 •I llH ( '1111d•1 111 '\pt l!r'•ar It ISluJI, f'nll• rpJ I •.rnh Da)~ ~ 'to!J:' t-., ,. 7111 t/N1 POOL & SP.A 1 Hr l It.• 1111 lud1··· '''I> 'U1tr & l!<1m•· r•H1m .. Jm1h rm 1lin1n1• rm '<l.la lrl! lvt llar).j(H Vlf·w llum"' s:.n:, 1)(.111 I K l .i l'o rt SI .1 n h 11p1· I' I 759-9'45 Owner BIG CANYON ~1..i.rular l!•>lf t •1ur<ol' ,-..1.1tt• l~l.llJ "'I II I l•r r Bdrrm 511 h.1th' Pn<ll .mll 'JI" ii ,J ';,,,11011 Tll STARNES CO . 640-5711 Oricp..dle.fh ~t h<ittni:. ''~'r)' r a re I l'll)t)' 3 bdrm 2 1>al1<'11\. l<MTlhOmt•. 1·ul dt• -.a1· lfl1·a t1·rl am1'1q 1all , ... ~. uvt'rloolt1n1! r1nest ~'fl~ll Sltfl !'iOll ,\g1·n1 r .. 10 :~~I I llodl to leoch /\ O('""' t'XdU~I\ I' ll'rtllll{' l.arl{~\ New1xirt w l''l I lir. 2 ba Only SJ 12.t.llJO Take mer S74,000 loljn RonOrt ll ProfflMOMll1 963-1377 l Br 2 6a Lido Sand~ romm, fi1ver St, I blk to beach l'omm poi>l. t.-n ru5/racquet <'rts l blk. Sl47.000 P .P 847-4788 b.1 .t;111 "I It qu;,IJI~ h•Jffi•• "'Ith 11u1111•rou' .. IT'lt'flll rt'' ( )\ .. r <;!I OfMI •ii 1>r1111·'"""•'1 l;o11di.n1p 1111: lJu11·t r ul ti•• :-. .. , •lfl ••I $.:li.r,01111 111,.•11 ~.1t !'>\111 11 '.Ill I •• i.p111 \lrJO thru ~fl J 1111111 lfi.1 \ r -' I ,1 It ,1 I ;r I' .d rf I .t l'r•1pt•rt1t·~ ·~" .It~~. 111 7:2 KZ.!t 1080 ..........•••.....•..•. VETS -INVESTORS S69.000! H1'f!U< 1•11 $.I '"" l•I "'''" norv. • 11111' "'ll••r will p,1~ ...omc n>1'l'' '<l'w roof huR•' t ml> 1 111 I rid ·. Ol'll!hh•1rh11f'1Ci l\tlt 11'•"' !>l.'> 94~1 (--1:111:m1ara1 !fr.ti .. .,,l.•t•· DllUXE CONDO Th~ h1i.:hh 1ltl/'r ,1111•11 .I kit r in l • Ila ''" 1111 rr ft'atun·' lll'W 1·arp1 I S.ila11um floor' Jl)rl muc:•h ffi()f'l' /\~km.: rinl.> $75.000 Call~ [~I «~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS lbr. l'•ba. 'llnl 1·onl1. ne" oak k 1tt·ht•n. n1rn••r lr>I . ST9.50U :,.1!1 9'J 10. ~S 022\1 e'er; HEWLISTIHG AMXIOUS IEAUTY Real E-1 late MWPT H5HTS AREA 4 br. 2 ba. Jtttre~es for •I s...t t.edl I 018 1·ars R·2. Good i.olltl ••••••••••••••••••••••• buy $129.$00 Chu1•k .1t. mi£•CH O.._. THE !' p 1 I 1 c r . ll E I M A X . "' r~ "" ~1 1.296 IEACH ...,..S '°X" PL.AH 3 BR 2"1 Ba. located on terrihc greenbelt Second ri r e pla('C 1n mD!lter bdrm ~a rgc wrap--vound patio. Ex cellent buy Sl56,$00 Lovely ocn front humt• with Magn1r11·ent V1t'w Modem 2Br, 28a, If: II\ 1ng1d1nin)! rm Us ed bnck Crpk. IR upstam. s1tUnR rm racmR lhe oc·n. Xlnt rinancmR CAU.TOSt-;1-: 146-5502 64CM259 ~ ci/lffhfil~ ~ R E A/LT Y n.t11t toto ••••••••••••••••••••••• • -------s. a.-• 1076 TUSTIN IANCH ... •••••••••••••••••••• Shall> 3 Bdrm, J ba. 4 _,ll.!!!!!"---------•••1111t. frl)lc's, family home on ,. h acre hone property · ()pea House every day til Coldwel BarDr aold, from I to 4 :30. Rl!llDlNllAI AAOl<tQAGf COM~ Hurry! Won't tu t! 1382 MIW DUPLU One block to beach with ocean view. 2 bedroom. 2 car faraae e ach. Financing avai able. $230,000. S.E . Skyline. Tustin. ~ .. (.., C1:J&•·t:J) REAL ESTATE a.Ml COOi. POOL 111111 3 Bdrm, Fam l\m, A COYWILL IAl19 CO. ~ home, trailer ·~­tell. I car 1•ra1e w~ room. Peeeed, poo1. c:loM to rwn • ........ 496-7222 831-0836 ... , .. .., ..... ~...-. rll11!.!fl RP,11 [ \LltP -~-~-· ~ ,.,, ...... ... ·-. . ........ . I ,f ' "••••'°"S. Olllr .... ...... ••··••····•········•··· ...................... . .,..._ I Oto Acri .. fw S. 1200 ................................................ LH 9"rtlli., 10 ml• IMlr'ltl ol SIC&.... Rucbo . 111 Prenrh 1'US11M ta.LS v~ on pev.ct Hw1 11. An >W loottnJ fOf' a 10 nu to La .. Skioftt'I' beaaifw cUttoln home• Ideal for hone ra.nd\ ,,,_ make u appoint CT1A)921 l llS OwAI all """' to ... um <-1\arm OxlP ~?.a~ °fe~ UC: .... .., .. ..., IJIO Bdrtni. .. baUll~ ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .utwn, t ft,.a~ ud ?Cl A(r °"on vtew, deckt New d•(Ot 1prctarul.ar fll~t110 tbr11oul. ZQaed (•r CoM1, -..r IOY4"filment --.. Call~ or (WIN home all• Xlnt • IArl'llll only tll6.000 Wiii "* ~ .... . '•· HERITAGE I . ' REALTOR~ o.ttM1/ GllhS. llOO ~~~~~~~~~~ ...................... . Olllr ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Wt"!tlt ~80. lBr, ~. tam rm Custom redwood deck S • Pk Slul Juan ca po. '96-8337 OC&AM DUPLIXH Nc!w 3 bedroum bomei. ~ •Pl Slorm Con"tr ~ 1• or 4112 1m MIW m•...-St. M.I. ~ch unit h•i. 2 II( i.r·s & den, 2 xtra lg pvt putlo., 2 (rplai, 21.1&, loud!I o{ , .. _______ , Wllllp.per Age 97~~J MOBlLEHOME BUY -S ELL R ENT FINANCE ._........_Store WuawliwCewtw CALL US 661·102 I ._ ... ..,.,ty 2000 ······················· CDMDUl'LEX 3 Br owner'1> unit w 1rrpk & 1 Br l &I unit 9'~ 11:. sumable loan $179,900 ~~~~~~--1 full pnce HUNTINGTON BY THE SEA '.! BR 2 Ba + den Call as:t 646-4380 .r MOBILE HOME INPORMATION CENTER New & m park resales for harther mfo call Orani::e County Mob1 le llo m e Center SJ7 ·3272 •EXCITING• 4' rRE.HIGE: HOME:~ 3333W.Coust llwy. NH 64S-6646 COSTA MESA 4 HouHs °" I Lot Lowest pr1re 1n Ccista Mesa. Only 10•1,. down. owe. Always rentlod. World Real Estate SS6-7777 Special tuy 19 UNITS &auurul 24'xS2' 1972 Excellent Npt Brh ltwa Kcywest Mobile Home in lion, 5 bl ks fr•1m thl' l.<1~una Hills, n1c~t s ocean Tenants pay ulll .. tu r Park 7 · '< 1 s · Owner wanto; ra1>t :>i.l le \'fldosed Porch m1rrnret.I FUU pnce $839.~ <11w1r::.. lii?ht wood 1n ~ pr.crTIGc tenors. :i• ~T air rond, 2 K c.1 c. very spacious Br's w 'Ba j HOME:~ +dri!!-smg area, walk m r ln,ets All for llnly 3333W Coast llwy, NR 2).500 ( HU663k I 64.'>-r.646 CafMstraRo T flTCKe --- - HEWPOltT BEACH 12 UMITS 0....-leellt .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...._,,,,,rt! 2000 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• Rfo:NTAL lMCOME PROPERTY l'rom ..,.,flOO Muchalar TJpe llomu. 24 hr ....n&y I pV\ ht-hi. pool 6 p6w Tn&1un l•I• l•k. mu PaC'lflc Cllt llwt . La11una l•r h H M P 171.4Jdlf3S'l9 JU 11-.. h4iuw, I lllt, 2 ba apprm .. d pl11n1 hu1ld r1•ar 194.SOO O\lonr NM)~ ))7~ IASTSIOI C.M. S PACIOUS llOM ~ .. ourt.P.X ue,.ooo ~2.!llOorMa -.. l2 two Bdrm Ul\11J1, room fot 6 a(JdltlOflal Ul\ltS :a>U 204» Wall•t-e, C01Jll1 Meua G "*~ $.\3,280 yr $H~.ooo Ju lii.la1H.a: "'1U.<nl on rontnct 20 yr :'lub urdm11U1m l'nn & U\L m.i mo ~.~ 20 DB.UX UMITS SIM.ldlt!hliclt v •1lt!)' ~xt to 4 i>hor>'g en tr:. If month!> YOUNG Nn Vucanc1es SilS.000 a Mu al to come ZADHOSKY REALTOR 494·~11 MEW SHOflPIMG CEHTEll Xl.nt Orange Co locutum All lt!aSt!d Automatic lt!ai.e 111rrease:. Will trade for land swtablt! for d1•vt!lopmg A~enl 64.t 9513 EASTSIDE C.M. tt 2. 2 uruls. always rent ed, $1 19,000 IG9 E. 19th St Ownr. 645 2.573 SUPBl rRIDE :WI UNlTS·absolute pndc o( ownership 2 tlr 's up lo 1560 sqf t. 11 est o n market. Pnnc only /\gt. John Cox 631 1266 •DH.UXE MEW• ught and bnghl units With patm:> or t.lt!d<.s. and a1.r l'Ond Nr the ma 1n bu.511ll~!. d1:-.tnct or Santa Anil Park Place In<· 842-7461 20 UMITS 7 yean. young, well lcx.·at ed. Wl!ll maint a1nt•d Partne,-.;h1p d1ssolutwn Pnnc only ~.000 "don osen '.. · reo.ltor11 . ' ....... _ .. , '"":--·~~~· • ...... ' t ........ . • " • • ,,_ ,,_ • r .,, • • •' • oee.-......... ...... ........... ~ ...... u ......... DM.V PILOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LMt.W. uoo. I 4 J202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... • •••••••••••••••••••••• IP X ,_.._.. JHO "-"U•fw••.t •1 ............ d Af lm.S1u.fwa. ~~ . .................................................................... ·······················~·' tl ACI£ LIT MOt••--· 1110 lbr twa a wln.ner VAl:.ANr HB &oc. 4 BR ..... ,...... H6f c:..ilt .. Mw J722 MIM 31141' "*aa RID, fp&c 8550 IDO .... ••••••••••••••••••• ..... •••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• .............. ...... ,. .. rtr •• kMll p11Uo nice ... prkldll~ A-* f« Ketth, ··4'1-11 S Br. l ba, n«. CUiltom 3 bdrm. 2 be. Good k>ta· Newt)' decorated 8 Br 2 Ba ,.,_, home fantutic Ion· Uon. Sbol1 • loeS term. town.house. Spaclou~ Some back bay view, fUU.Uc er.a lot hlal• ninc:-tl home + barn " 11tabl• C.11 Jim tii.n dton ,,.., 831·6t'70 d~·· IGl>4br k1da Sift• house WAM'Tm lion. P Pt. Sl.250. mo m-a&. Bh". toaA.4. ftnllllaee • pool. QulettJ 3Br Houae In ahrina ~er ~ally. ~l·m3 area. Ad.Uta, no pelA 117.0UI School 1>111.nct 137s to lllllJl. 111 lbr, a blu to beach. tm. MS-di 18'75-54Mt $400 mo. Pltue call Siii leue. f'1>1C , aar•1•. t7 l4 l ~·· 618 7 l"Vtlf> wlr;ncb -----H•MOA&YD. :llO ft froataa• 4.5.ooo &<& " m La Uabra near Whit lier. le ve l R·I PUO uu.ooo Call aat . m.~ ............ / T..-Mla 2JOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ftADIWIMOS Seruor citizen.. Compt fac1l.lltet. ?191 Harbor Bl. c.; M. Space rent $150. 32' 11\IU. Nopet.11. 646-41.51 TIXASMHPAllC lllSSpaces. S§0,000 sconHALn 5l6-75Jl Ma ....... Dewrt. Retort 2400 ..... , I 111 3207 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near-new, 3 BR home. t loM to bay, .. ocean. Be•med cell's • rrplt . Jacuni. Obi (l•nae 900 JllC),, yrty. BW Grun- <b'. Rlt.r fls-6161 c .. ,.,_.._.1211 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm, 2 baUJ duplH h.1pper> Cuatom lntr • ocun VW!W, frpk. aar. no ptta. t500tmo '9S-7ll0 PE R C HED on t h e 11..UFFS overlooking w marina. 3Br. 2111 bath OODdo with all recreation realures. 1185/mo. Call 41B-93111.Agt. NM679afUPM. 48r2BaexecuUvefamUy no pet s -873·3U4, llvloe in Harbor View 4'7·31M8. Exec Fam Home. SBr. Hocnes.Clo5etoschool & --------- l(ILI lro111 beach. Loe pool, no pet.s. '800 mo. Oceanfront l .br. patio. near Sth green. S1300. S61Gl. 840-1440 frpk. pr W1n~r $450. CaU · 434-2083 Yrly l560. 873-7787. . ' Seeview: 4 BR. 3 ba., New BEAC H CONDO. o n Bedford. Gu.arded gates, waur, 2 BR. guard, pool. pool " tennis. Sl200 lllo. sauna .. llOO. 54.5-0713. 64'·5403; 631·3'44 2 Br. l ba. aundeck. cloee to beach. AduJt.s. no peta. 173-3877 an ioam. J724 3 Br. 2 ba. plush cpt, mile OCEAN vu. braod new to beach, kid.a. pet.a ok dlx condo, 18r, 2t;,Ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tm.968-n48. fll)lc, jacuu!. dbl gar. CASADIORO -mo. Avail Sept l ALLU11.LITIESPAID llADY MOW! ~ Co1npare before you 38r, 28a. freshly cleaned _Bl_w_f_s_condo __ .-l-ea-.se-.-3-9-R-. rent. Custom de~ 1 g n & painted. lodlcpd yd. 1 eJ features Spacious qui e t res iden tial 2 ba .. sa.naelev ·spec· kitchen with indirect n e I g h b or ho o d • n r tacular view! Bargain at lllhting, separate dining scbls/shopping. SS4S mo S7'!l> mo Agt 640-0020 area. fWl length marble Dave Baroo Agt. SJS.3701 Jasmine Creek Guarded pulhoan a.n bath. klngs1ze orlMB-0709 Commwuty Brand new bedroo~. pool. BBQ, ........................ air. 2ba, huge ram rm. 2br. 2ba Condo 2 cu gar frplc, 2 gar Nr prk. om rem g. So ol hwy Adults ID) 64.5.1223 home Pools & tennis. 3 surrounded with plush bdrm. 2 ba Dinmg & landscaping ADULT Fanuly rooms. Sl.200 per UVlNG AT ITS BEST• mo. 213 / Si96-l802 NO PETS No Pets. $650. Yr Lse --------- AvaiJ. Sept. lst Ask ror l bdrm. I ba Condo. new Lynne 644-6200. eves ca,,,et. fresh paint. S12:S 7~7. mo. BobWll.lz962·9311 ----------c-~--1 Bdrm furnished S345 ~ -UllUU 2 Bdrm rurrushed $420 Yearly lea.~ Avail Sept 365 West Wiison 1 2 Bdrms. I ~ ... ba l714)642·1971 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. 1"2 ba trplc t 'l'J VACANT 2 BR 2 Ba. blks to ocean Avail 9-15 ref rig, walk to shopp1nli( 1675 tmo 673·2058 Agt Luxury barh apt abOve garal'(e w tmatd ser vice ror neat, nonsm oking . employed gent. rer~ 631 ·5019 FOR L.liSE $650. 316 J a s m 1 n e . schools. close to rwys Sbdrm 3 ba. 2700sq ft. ... ~ .. 2 .._..~-2 .. nth 6Th-4Jn $115 mo V1ll;a"e R E Back Bay Jtrea $1 050 1-..:;w U<:UIVUm lHI ffiO Owner 775--0318 home M1ss1on Lakes C.... Mna 3224 962--4471, ask for K_e_1th__ ---· Country C lub. Gotr BWFF'S CONDO, 4 Br 3 tenllls.pool. Beautlrully ••••••••••••••••••••• •• Ba I •New 2br condo nr So. IWi14a.1 '• new paint. c ean landscaped. no main Cst Plaza. Pool. uso. No ttiwbow 3242 lhruout Avail approx tennnce yard ~ ' 9 1 UX> 644-0350 eves 98)() Clubhouse Rd pets. 833-8974 or 759-0217. •••••••• •• •••••• •• •• • •• Desert Hot Springs Lux Jbr. 2,000i.q rt 213·378·2Sil Clean 2 BR w 11i(arage, Waterfront Condo l..se KAUAI-HAWAII OCEAN Vl EW Rl-:SORT CONDO on the SAND $200,000. Sale or trade . Deftnis Ricke+h & AssociatH 151-0424 Adlts. no pels 773 W Sl.00> mo 871 8471 WUson. $JOO 631 4889 2 bdrm 2"1 ba Condo. r1replace. patio. 2 rar g11.rage, xtra appt. Ne\'er bved In. S5SO per mo /\Vail Sept l. 642-0346 aft 6 EAST SIDE l...arge2brwaterlront ron do New xi· shp avail As~ for Joun 846 0641 or 84(}4337 am. )244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bhit:. Cond,, · A"'. redec :Jbr. 2 blA. I level Pool, pauo. 'hopping Lease $700m11 24JJ v 1st a l~df h7S flll.2 Condo 3 br. 2 ba. N11Ppl Terrace, pauo w bbq 1'0<11 & Jacuzz1. ssso 96Ml91 U:.J Hdrms d uplue-.. S4SO up Year!) 675-4912 Rkr L.-s.ocJi 3748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNA BEACll MTH INN Ma id '>t-rv . color TV heated pool l!t1I 1714 )494 5294 985 No Coast Hwy OCEAN FR ONT Bt(I cove. Bar h, t & 2Br <1pts. winter only 494-4891 Winter r ental, adults mobtlt homt, 3 pvt b<'hl>. fflOC t v. qn bed. Ulll pt.I Sl25 mo Avail 9 17 no 00«.'I 499 2954 • 546--4045 OUt of County Brand new 3 Or. 2' / Ba townhome. 3 ear Rarnge, rrpl c. s k ylight, microwave Pool. tenm:-.. 985. mQ. Day:> 646·426:!. eves MS-9543 College Pk llume. J Hr. den. fanuly. U\1ng. 2 ha, Comm pool. $1iOU lA.03.lll' 642672A.~7~ !'l/t>WµOrt Cre--.t Condo 2 lir Mtwport ~" l7 69 2 b,&, .. aut tn bearh Tt:n ••••••••••••••••••••• •• Properly 2 5 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ) Ac KnoU blwn Airport & Tahoe, Gr ass VI y $20, 000 Weber R E 493-7766 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Available now. 2 Bdrm, I ba, Westside CM tnplex behind Costa Mesa park Sl25 mo with Js t last & I>('{' dep req. Call Lmda The Spnni:s Bachf'lnr Condo l'nol, J3C', teanLS srio, mo 8"8·066 t New .tbr house Wood bndl?I' Villai::c !lf)S()Mo t:all Chen 551-693 I ii rt 6 pm rus + pool S650 t-.'e' SUUUSl/WIMTER 67J.5264 RENT AL S BLu1-·rs Li.ar k Bay Joront 2 J bdr m lmmt!d Ot' C\.IP'JOI')' $800 675·3371 Ovtstan<hn~ <;pac hou.'lt' 2 sty, :lbr 21,ha. frpk No peu 646-6.'m DIAMOND RE AL ESTATE lt•w COASfWWT \n Ht •..A 2 BR l Ba, pvt patio, c arport. on the 101 course. "75 mo. No pets.· Mk rot Larry or Pam, ~911) • 05.to $f7S. 2&3 Br. 2 ba.'' end. gar, cal"J'Ort. Frplc. · lndry rm, patio, all bltna • TSL Mgmt &42· 1600 LAauriOUS Condo, 3 br, 3 be. rrplc, 2 pat.iOti, sun· deck, pool, JaCuu.i, ten· ft&S. 631--UJM 2 Br, 2 ba. l uxury architect des 1gned a pl.Ii wtown garage, garden. frplc & au modem conve ~ N4"CeS. Avail. beginnml{ • & rrud Sept. 645-5854 or ~ _,. Large 3br. 2ba, encl.....,. .. pal.lo. new crpt & pamt Nr OCC No pelb $425 751·:&6 •New 2br rondo nr So . Ort P1az.a . Pool. s pa $450 83J.8974 or 759-0217 me81iBllll Beautiful ~a rd en a pls. pool & spa Adults. n11 pet.SI Bachelor $275 & S285 2250V~~d Way ,- 295 1 Br , refm:. patio adlls. n•> J>f't:-. Clean#- T.ll D W Jilt h St 673 7787 • Apt ror rent. ram1ly l't'}m plex Pllol Near ~holJ prng.. 642-2205 3 &-2 Ba. 14 mm. r1M, d.<lhwshr. 2541; Santa /\n:.i S475 pr mo 557 125."> Near ~w 2 br 2 ba. lilln">. d"hwa ... ht•r . I au nd ry I.ml. sunt.lt't'k $100 m11 Adult-. n•1 peh l>o:t) '> fil~YJti2 . f'Vl"i fl13 141>! An. IM 4--fll.EX I wk rree rent 7 •·l11,1•b' LR I Rr, d•l't'd l!a r . ldry, Ii.: pa1111 rdr11: " 1 e 1· ... t r ,. I' I n 1• a r ~rwpor1 Bhd llHh. 10 1TUn to o(·t-.rn $27:1 I nl pd l)O depu~ 1l Rel., 00 2142 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROGBS ltEAJ. TY 67§.2111 Rancho s J lan:t-Condo 2br. 2ba. 2 rar J!a r. pool spa, lmmat· SS75Lst' 642.oraa or 540 7!)511 ~ twnh.o;e :! Br 2 Ha ---~-·u-... •V•E ___ rrvtc. 2 l·:.ir l!ar. nfl ~tl>. .,,.. .. nA $475 Avwl !f 15 !><Ill !>l:W 1'\fiult 21 + Pel Park t0x50 w expando. li ving nn. 28r, lBa. M'reenl'd m pnrch. Ideal for single pc.•n.on Owner will carry ha I ant<' CALIFORNIA PACIFfC MOBILE HOME SALES I DOOR from OCEAN. Unbehevauly low LOW PRICED at $425,000. Owner wtll lrac1c 17771 t: 17th ST. '.>N Ml RA MAR 4Rr. 2Ba. 11JSTJN 73!-3111 near bay "ocean t213 ) 4Br. 2'pk. no pet-s. $5SO + Nit'1> how.e. 43rd St. 1nrl enC'IO!>ed Rarage, want New Woodbndge Glen 3 YTIY tenant. no pe~ $4~ ISdrm. &r rood. No Pets 5.51 IEllO YUiil Y Ii WlMTER IEMT Al.S 3 Rr 2 fl.a tnplex. nt>ar World Real Estate S56-7777 FOUR UMITS..C.M. 2706 Harbor. Ste 206-A S40-5937 Near new, 3 Br uwner:, ---------·• unit, 2 ba, rrpl. 2 rar -gar, 3-2 Hr. 2 ba, vnill>. NEWPORT BEACH TSLJnvstmL'\642 160:1 "• rrules from beach. I hccirm s ingle wide. 1979 tlo melle. 8 mos old Spal-e rent $110 Super buy at Sl7,500 1Ser9100J Grove Hnmes 898-4363 or ~1702. 16 DELUXE UMITS PRJM~ ~ASTSIOE, CM 2Bdrmseach 1llE::,IARNl'~CO 640 571 l NEWPORT IEACH _________ .. Various toe. on f'en1n & New <1wnings. fres h paint do make a d1f ff're nce! 2D r . l Ba s.tcnfice sales Reauurut We~tm1 nsler Pk $JU0 mo. rent. Only $14,999. c EN7686). Call today Dave, 972-8421 Bkr Nwpt Shrs avail. All a menities. Presently leased. Tum key 1Jpera- t1on. Property m gm t avail 67>-4912, RKR. Hai bor Escrow Sptciciists ... inccitne --------mt poptttf, sales or H• chaRgH. Cal anytl,_ for questions. Call 751-1775 ask for ~ I INVESTORS 22 UMIT MOTE:L LAGUMA IEACH logwta Viii~ R.E. 497-1761 SHARP 4.PLEX IN COSTA M ES/\ Tot.ally reconditioned in side and out $155,000. Rkr. 2'l hrs. Ph 633-3306 SHARP 4-PLEX Almost totall.> rehabed. All I Bdrm's Sl55,000 Call J erry Agt. 542.3744 2100 .....•..............••. 'Jew front street location. Park Irvine Bustness Cent.er. 4.901 sq rt. For lse1opt1cm t<> buy P\'l ply. 4!»-4892; <1!14 3966 Lots for ScH 2 200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L-..c the Dally P1lnl 'Fa~t R~ult .. 'crVll'C' t.llr{'<'I ory Your 1>erv1t.'t! 1:-. our <.pec1alty Call 642-5678 ext 322 R·2 lot, SO'x t221 ~". 2 blks from ocean. level. pn me NoLuguna locdt1on, I' I' 4!*~ Mak e you r :-.hopping -------- easier by using the Oa1ly SELL 1dJe items with a ---------1 ~ot Class~r100 /\dr;.:. _ Daily Pilot Class!!!_ed Ad. NO POVVER SHORTAGE at the PILOT wer with a your Ad po st Life ooubl~ Pilot & coa'e• oa11y p0 .. -9P ''-"' Any merchllndise for sale pnced st S100 or less qus/lfiea for a Pilot Power Ad 4 lines, any Wednesday -$2.00 Ca// today. we 'II bl/I ~ or charge it to your BMtlcAmerfoarcl I VISA or Master Charge. (Molorcycle ads must be prepBld) Deadline: Any time before 5 p.m. Tuesday • N..,,,. must be prlC«I •Ad'*' 1111 In any •pproprl•fe cllNibrton •Sary, no OOlfWNl'Clel bullnee••• :MJ.5Jl6 ull mo. 979· 7836 days 95>2Zll after 7pm t525Mo 644-4579 Walnut Square. lse, clun 2br 2 ba t wnhse Pool. park. 1mmed occup No petS $450 MS-9799 IAYSHOllES Beaut, 4 Br . 3 ba. tam nn Ba)' view from up stairs Sl500 m o Will cons1dtt lse 1opt ~ or494--0029 new. nr St> Cnasl Plaz.:.i. T....,R~atiofts frptr, patio. 'ml ~r<1. nu 2Bd.rms . Iba . unfurn peb A~a1I !j K $-~75 Balboa oceanfront dplx. 3 Br. 2 lg patios, nr Balboa Pier 2 blk.s to bay & a ll shopping. SSSO/mo 404/\ 1-: Oceanfront. 675 1672 dy, 673-5661 PM l ....... Oftllffch 3140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :>ceanrront deluxe 2 br, 2 ba. pool , seru rity 636-372'1 or (21.31433-4989 L.at)llMI •och 3148 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J Arch Ray. 3 BR. 2 ba. 8>0. Yearly. Turner As soc 494-1177, 499-4501 Almost oceanfront winter rental. BeaUUfully rum duplex & h o u se, WTS-$495/mo. Parking & moi;t utd rum. 642-3659. Mtwport leach 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dnve by 111 Via Lido Nord Lge 2 Br, 2 ba w 'den & patio. $975 tmo )TIY Balboa Perun P oint 2 Br, 2 ba. single raO'Uly home FUUy furnished. $700 /mo yrly Waterfront Homes 631-1400 Extt. Bluffs Twnhm 3 BR. 21h ba. 3 m o s mirumum. no pets. Ava.JI 9/15. Sl.200/mo. 644·7182 2 BR. mobile bome .. nr beach: frplc. Male adlts. Dramauc-AJI amen + FP. J8r. JBa + yrd, JOg lo beach . $675·$795 646-1035. 3 Br 1 Ra. renced yrd. frplc. $475 pr mo 557-1255 EASTS.DE Brand new d eluxe duplex. 3 Br. 2 ba. rprlc, dbl garage, fenced rear yard SS9S. mo Agent. !J79. l<Xl0. 3 &-. ramily, 2 frpk 't., 2 Ba . M esa Verde . gardener. $650. 957 0531 Ownr//\gt. •• •3 Br. 2 full baths. encl. ym Obi garage SSSO. No pets. 2199 Meyer Pl 00-7743 Unique East.side 2br. new- ly decor. fo'ormal din rm, yard . patio & g ar $19.5mo. No pets 642 3014 ---- I Br 1 Ba. W /W rarpels. drapes. gas log. yard. adults ooly. no pets SZ85 pr mo. 639-2044 aft 6P M Avail 9121 3 BR. 2 ba. CONDO. $495 Per mo. Lease1opt1on av&llable. 645-7272 •2 Br. l ba condo nr. South Coast Plaza. New crpts, drp5. A /C. poot Security gate. No pets. Ch i ldren ok . S'50 968-3652 or 545-5151 ---- Beaut. adult Urangetrl't' <'Ondo IAR +loft Tennis coorts. pool. Jar $450 5.51~or21J~4064 1be Terrar~ 3 br. 2 ba. 2 pools. 2 car .i:araiee Beaut t>nd un it townhom<' i.urrounded by park Ri25 552 1800 & lvmessal(e ---1 & 2 Bdrm Condo /\tr. tennis. pot'll "T he Lakes " $450 1$550 SJJ.9321 RBfTAl.S Bach.. Iba .... $375 2 llr. dlntnR rm, (rplc'. J?a ra i:e. lath "ar den hv u .. e . sprinkl er'>, ferx.-ed Lawn l\erv1re & water 1111'1 '600 Horse cornls extra &C2 l.'.19 or 7~ BF./\lIT Vu Back Ra)• 3 br, 2 bu Avl 9 Tl fiSO per mo 301 /\ven1da CA!r n ta6, 640 5372 RIK Canyon 2 bedroom. all ma)Or appl.lant·es S800 mo Century 21 Nev. Port ~.640-5357 Yearly $4.25 Month E"\ es 644 5623 associated BA OKfRS-REAlTO R! lt~;c V1tao lo,boo t>1 l Jfl.•I Bad\. w 'lotchen. uppo·r, Lg clO'll'l, nt>ar o<.; Coll~e. $195 751 07fll 2 Hr I ua fo.nrl ~ar. hll11., N11 k1<h ur l><'h 1·,dl 548 7529 be wn 5 l! pm 2 BR. 2 ba . frplc , D \\' I Doorto~an Yrl)I 1.\5() Lili I br pool. nr ~hope. Al(ent 673 9060 adlts. nn ~I:-. l 'L1I 1~J. • -- -1884 MQfll"OVl;J S4H OlJli 2 Br 2 Ila bt'ar hfronl wmt.er rental ~ l'..t II S..'1&-llB2 <A-e.anfroot Beaut deluxe 2 br 2 ba. frplr . t·nrl gar 16.SO Refs 675 1849 VJUAMIDHA 2 Br. 2 ba, nC'w ~rpt-. & drps, gas !>Love & dshwhr md t-:n rl iiarages t'ou ,. pit> pref Children nk N•1 pet.\ $37 5 Ult l pt.I l' im .! Ol eH!t: ~ Elden h45 1965 t-' ---.. 0-,.. 3126 3 BR. 2"> ba . • . 4 BR. 2i., ba .. _ 2BR. 2ha ~ J Rdrm, fam rm. open $T2:5 bearru.. bearh. pool. ten OCW'tAOMT Yearly rent.al5. rrom 9600 mo .up MEA.RIEACH . ••..•.....•.....•.•..• $100 F'R .. :E RENT San Clemente ssoo ru. ... ms ~ ~1531 Bays~. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. nr bch. rum. or unfurn. Sept June IS ~ ~~ s.to '4ltG 3210 . ......•..•.•.......... Winter rentals , from S3SO mo.up IM.IOA~EWPORT ltlALTY 675-1170 -------- S'TIPS TO IEACH 2 bedroom, xlnt cond 2br. Iba rondo, ~O . Laundry, garage W111ter aduJ~. 2-car gar. patio. rent.a.I S500 per month no pels, avail 9.tS Call67S-7019 after6pmor 2 br. I ba. p\t pallo , garaRe Lot' nr i:rai.:. ~ mo 33.'>:)2 lilue I.an · tern Al.so 24551 ,\lta V1:-., :;_ ta 496-9230 or 491;. J3.'">-t .r:-~ _, Nici:. rlean 1 hr I h:.i ~. duplex, .> ard & .. undt't'k <-" W{Jt)(f inten;>r. no f>t'h ulll pd. $:150 1\61 387:! 7SI 1lSO eveti W!Jekends. ---------......... llffch 1140 ...... ,. .... d,,, ---------· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ha wl .. d llOO a..,-t.odl 3241 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ....................... LIAS~ EASES! 3 Bedroom . Custom Tusl1n home-810mo. W..let•Y...ty or Su ar 11..t.ts $300to $750 C all The B each Specialists $350. UUI. met. ~5846 3 Br 2 Ba. frplc, lg yard, Oastom 2 bdrm. 2 ba. S6SO per mo (714 > 499-2715 or 497.3544 art. 6 11141 8J8..81IOO 8. 30·5 Ron or Lew. 2 Bedroom+ Den home Newport ·SIOOOmo BURR WHITE REALTOR . INC. 675-4630 2 Ir. AcMh oftfy 3pools Covered C'ar por1 paUo apts., BRQ·:-. closetofwys & ~hl> wallt w shopp1 n~ BWFFSBack Bay Front. ~~ecc·sac. nr Mesa 2 3 bdrm. Im med. oc· ""'""' ·$.')SO. 545-533l $750. Blue Lagoon icon dol. Pnv beiach. pools. Townhome-J yrlease. t e n 4 9 9 . 2 s 2 o . Vle'W, upfU"8ded, 16SOmo ZlJ..703-0230 Th2·1700 ..... I llh ~· .. , Q . ,, \ •u-. '"" ,.,.,., • ... ...... d cupaocy SllOO. 675-3371. Beautiful 3 Br 2 Ba + new Oceanfront. Beaut-deluxe 3br. 2 ba. frplc. 3 mos. or longer. Refs. $900. mo. 67S-UM9. Very des irabl e Bay Shores lg 2Br home, 100 yds from bcb, 9&00 mo. (213) W12-5101 dys On tbe beadL 1.2 • 3 Br. K. Lamb. 631-0900 or 83M127. W1llter 1'811.al. cha.nninl 3 BR 2 ba, f'1>k . paUo. dbl gar. clean. Xhlt cood. (714) 833-7761 or <714) S49-571l . 1 Brfum. ooSeaahore Dr. Mature adult. no pets. Winter. Gara1e fl yard. $340 m o. i n c l. util. 645-TIS3 OC' (2J.3 )446-1538. & plus h ho m e, nice grounds & area. lndry. adults-no peU. $S2S. + seeu.r. bood. or last mo. hD.. 2569 Santa Ana Ave. CaJlg.a-J :~~M~~~ JelMI r~:~~g:;;,~~ 171 11 GGWet.west atw.,.... 847-6064 Catalina & coaatUoe. E. Balboa. Call Roger. I~~~~~~~~~~· 2 Br, l be, fncd ya.rd, encl, wood • alu1, aJmoet c 1 I I m•~l. SHA.RP, beach l , 2 & 3 pr. Crpt • drps. Lndry new.~· &ariab mst.r "f ht 1~ J4JS C:.-.,Mw ll22 BR. frpk, tbbwar. gar & .: ::. -=--:'::-'+ ~ Ile. 3 ,_., lie sundedta. -•••••••••••••••••• --•••••••••••••••• pmios No pets 981).2358 ; clean ln& • aect y . all bltas, wa t er + lb o.doa 3br 2 ba 11P-3 Bdrm 2 b Y I . . . ...... dllld • Sift ok pd crpU1 We, A!C. deck lnnd Mw ~ ol eJ!~!; Bedee. 2 Br. 3 blks beach, ~. SlJOOlle-... w/VieW. Sec 1ate A lake dlcila. _,tmo.673-2.1!3 CID. adll c pl, 2 13C •NEW 3br condo nr. So. Nice2 Br 2 Ba w tcanyoa priv.smmo.55'7·78'5. _Atlanta ___ ·------·· Oil Piasa. pool SliZS. DO view. frpk, near new, Ts tt•• •• N Zbr,Zba,w1e:a:•1te .....,. 2 Br. 21,<J Ba beaut.~ peta__,4; '1»0117 •mo. a3M8oo or after IMw II• id JUI view ol bay 00 •de. townhouse apt. Bltns In· · .,.. JZJJ 5.4'7_... -•••••••••••••••••• li00mo.m.S205. cl. refrig • trash com-· .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• &..,em...... JJSJ 3 BR, 3 be. waterfront. C.... MIM lll4 pertor. Quiet 8 unit com. BOllES FOR RENT .... ••••••••••••••••••• Hunt. Harbour ; new ••••••••••••••••••••••• plex. Close lo ever - 3 ~ 4 br. Priced from 2br, 2~ba t ondo, pool, cpt_; ~. -..1...ease. LA MANCHA APTS )1hlng. 1781° Cameron. tll5 to "'915. med yard It etc. s.uo. No pels . ~ Larae. 1..263 bd garden ll'1'1M2·S836. 1ara1ea. Families 11.Ubant St. (M Alpb• SHARP ZBr l•nbse. = Adltlta. Osb whr, Lovety all adult, no pets~ please. Kida It pell 8Btanarlret).5o56-6208. Garden Grove. Bltns. • eacl 1ar. gu bbq. UU Br apC.s. 6200 ~ welcome. cau -.2581 or Pool. Gu Pd. m Scott 1n1er. HB. MS-0619. m2'71.14t,nofee. Niauel ~ Twnb:iJ A/C, 2 cu 'K· quiet Pl.IGS113:~u ~.~!~~ .... P ht • .., J2J4 ::!..~'~~':'::·sec -~!:~~yu , 2 Mr ... 1 batll apt. ~=-:•=:' 11 lill JJOJ ....................... ..._ -m..a or -1-.--...... ----1611--Adlll&I. tlt'I. mo. Gu m.mf..Sl7Ml10 .... , ................. , ':11 Bdrm. 2 Illa C9-__, • ufu1n~nuun1..... -....-i. I Ir, l ba, daaed aarace: MI A IL Y M I W &·'::'~';' c! ~ tk mt.._. JJ6f 1tul1• Jllr ...... hmi· compt. redecorated. COMM) Call Tll ... 10 ....................... LMI• LIAllll " ell. Pool • Pl•J· ~ It.Ory, DO .... l . a.-u.u I Jn aid • · or NO rn1 Alt. 6 Oando s ... u•·= ~ llllldlMe Welt ebild ok. SU5 m o. ftlled wMb dw'm, tbil -... Nlllala. Vllla a.ntala Nuwpat8Q· mo. :&' . ltH Mapl• • ..a. . Try tf>e Power of the Piiot with an ad in tmdo. 1oc..-.d lD Costa MS'?a .._. JMO .,..,,. ar. llll bllwm N . the combined Power of ....., U. a BdnDI. 2\111 e;;;;;r................ 2 Bllclroom . = ~ Vt.ia ~ a Ir 2 Ba, garqe, r.auo .. ~ D 'ly PJJo d C t LIFE ...._ 2 ~·a. aaraie1 HOlllSJIORllDT •WALK TO BEACll.JBr. Nnpoltla7· mo. •aat. braDd °"' Jt.2 carpe..!.:, dra!!_•~ •• ndry , , n:r a1 t an oas c1oar CIPllS. bUeoaJ °'' a or ' br. Prt~ trom .., mo. IN. Ltallb. pool er h.&.. , _ __._ rm. _. tn0. _..... • .. __ ··-• • A .,....__.1 1ar .... 2-......... ....._.___ • "'"'"• ......,., rm. -N t.e, C!Olllmua1t)' to•. P'Dcd1&rd6 ~,_.., • _.. .........._.. •••· Ls 2 Br t\111 Ba. Qew OrlHI• CoB81"8 MBl'k91 Pl•• poo11a ape. ad mucb 1araua. ramlllu --. Sm<.lemtlll•·-mo. 1'R.lllllllt ea-•ua C*'\)etl, drapee. • bit··, ..... AaaalDe low In· pltaat, •tcta • pet• 0.UfllllfordeUOI --....-. lu. Le fenced P•lio,J .-P •..... -II Ir AllU•l lllllW t.-loen. 11\all prtce Wlllw.cau-...or U>IT•ALONE? Olfiv,11·,~1,~IOM~· ~ lbr ~ nr. So • ..,..... M.15. llfr. nu ., ~-· -• ---•••~ -.000. Call Won lt'1 f1WITl.~.nofee. WTltm C.t PlaH. Pool. 1pa. Elllt tD. 141·11•~ ......... • ... CllUd •• ...,.. llNlll :. Have fW r .. d teda.y'a &aJWIYOU'l'lmWAY •••• ..,. -SELECT 0-'a.d MIT 11 aot. TOGOBOlll: 111L ... ._ wn a V., a.,. 2·atGrJ Sbr~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T.;...;.P~ROPE~~RT~l.;ES~l..;=~~='~-=~~=fM.~11~•;;:~=.._-.1.-. CMl.dl4ll =.,..a 1'n.t Ad. J;'w~~· •u•1•·::._,~ DAILY PILOT -·-------. -·--· .JI OM. V P\LOT Moftd!r· A.suet rt, 1 t11 .... w...-4600 • _11•• 1100 Pwun•r UICI ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~?~ ..... !~~ ~'!.!!~ ..... ?!!! ~.,.~~ ..... !!~ ,._ ••••• u..... ............. ate...W 4411 1r·~··~··············· ............................................. . ,16. .• .... ,. ........ ,_ .... 8't ... ·r"""········~············ <l&J ~ •: ....... ,.,,... .... I bla. UUUICl.Jl. Jnl, • _..., pr c ... C.U .... ~trclrpe.ml •~ llll•l,• .... l .. . beuh . C all O ar y m \JliO 1AMm .... --M4-4 ~:. •,.t::: ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• rar. row boa t . •••ti a.rbotlu Joaqulo villa, .. a r b ln t . romplet e Of"nC& a,.H awaUab .. at 11116 Beat lll Mlvd ...., 'l'alltert ln lha•l· taeaon •..-h mo per l9llllUL .............. ..-vk"t ao p..r llMlftlh. dll* a pw moalh Dally PHot ofOe • Pbo o• eo..aa1nt m .. bOW loft mdl. f rplC', ~ N hr lftGn ..,,wn. puoA, :& , • .,. 1•. .,. niaa .,.._ .... • COSTA ..-SA aclJ to t.etvw \:lub ~. " Ill .. ProfH• offlu apace • !Z1~or-.~ ..... lo CaJlf. lit ttenk ._.._.. ··-·--------· .......... ttq. ft Low ........---Now t.u1al ••c:.-.a price tn« JenHorl•l. -·········· ••••••••••• f<W ~ reaiala MIC'urll)' Mt"Ylc:••· \'UI\ t;tWlo ~ ~~'\Hular CAL&. UI AT f~ nn • utU A.bun ztw. UC't'•n vu. tMO BoU> dant parklna avail. Con· rnd uUI • vvt t>.u •h venl•nl lor r loH to ~ ail1'Uf't, tnveJ •1rnt • 1-l..llll• J I RO -benk In bld• 230 E 17th _,,..... .._. • K)N ~ St • (' .. &42 8000 ....................... Adult. J br , :! liath11, pr1Y•l.i Jl•\lu Z l'11 r t(11r t j v $4B l ' all IU l 1 \ l"lll' C M oti wly decO ril t e d "' -11wtea air rend ~•fl h 7~1 ~7urS:itl~ r (TM) e7a·G2t0 l '-~;....~..;_~~..:;...~~ I MIMrport leoU Jl•f --------••••••'•••••••••••••••• PAUMIWPO•T lli*c-h tlo r ~. I o r 2 lll'\lr•J11m' & f cl'• nh()Utoell ...... sa-.. 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~., AvuhJdepcie1la & i.ut f1v1 nic .. apen11e 11 ' t•r11f4!11111on 1 lly "1n 1· .. 11111 HOUSIMATiS C'10 IU TllU or 12131 42'l 18e CoaoMA Dll MAI Dell.Lile otn <'t: $UO 1't'r Mo R eal o n o ml c-11 ~ Approx 400 aq rt <' 2 130 £. 17\h St Suit.c "O" $.l~ mo Doyle~ 1168 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A.Nponelbl•. worklna wrlt er •••II • o n • bedrovm cott •I• In Olrclna.,. Mar or Coe•• .... QWetMN llllMft Ulli Wn~ Cluall!Md Ad --. Dall.)' Pilot. I' 0 IP &MO. Cotta 111 .. a -f>llinr !Ml/tent ol huuH ('pl luok.lna for uni urn z 3 bdrCJ\ w tencl yd far Z ,..lure dop Kave Mood ref '• f o r a ll o f u1 711 IUOO, lZ 4 prer Sten crJMA. WE Nac!D A 38r hottiie. ~ apt . or COndo in the Huntinj t on 8t•h, Marina &-hi di1trlt.'l s;ns to $40U r teuti l'll ll 1MfH16'7iaft tiPM • I ... ~ ... , ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 0,p 111-lty 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t"t:t: or Lt:AS >: f)'eoeh PolynC111<1 T•hrt1 or out« ••lu1di. lit'11rh frnnl'I 1tv •1l 11 b l4! Oevelopel'll only pl.-11.1w Owners m llawnh look 11\1( fut' fort•ll(ll HIVC!l\Or"i Ca ll u r e a code !CB 9'ZJ IJ7 ~ PONY PllClll ADS Oll.Y S2 ~II any lltm or ro m Wi•llufl ol lhrm1 few fJt or teH with • Vt noy l>tncbtt Ad J bna r~ a l'C.-wetvUve da11 ~•eh ldd.11l.QNll hn• 1o11 00' for IN! 2 da)'I (;hart• II . N6 rornll\t1rrl•I 1d1 •'01 more Information •ud lo pla1:t1yw r 11d call 642-5678 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE Fill Cal~ 642-5671 T 0 M M y s N 0 1 a; w I' 0 R l.S<'ORTS T "42 1571 7·10 1'.M. cova .. 1L •91M711 * M Hr <M.call Service Pnll w tM meet aw yn IC lntal fem, mutually en· joy ret act IMl4·6622. camaPOLD Al.tr Jl'emale Escoru 714 tr.B-8"1M anytl m e LANA'SOUTCALI. lOA.111-ZAM 17s.4493 MAS SAM RG4.lll MODB.S ISCOn'S OUTCAU. OM&. y o.p..., ...... 631-2140 ~GIRL ••••••••••••••••••••••• Att1011111Un1 ca.r• ror CPA No tacuoa. 4M-0&3l. 1111 rorK.a&hy. MC'""'°I· Nllbt ll09tlol der. f'riv* Club Mtk• ,.......~ l*'IOG for ea· "1 ~ lll account· ..... u.. typloa • 10 key u per1•nct r eQUI red. ""'--thnl Sat. en s. tt»m t.o Zam. Call ror appt. MMOOOext UO. Account.1.D1 PleM4l aee our ad unckr bMkina. lrviM 8 .. L Alan • ACCOUNTS PAYAll.IC&.MIC Rap6dJy npendin( flrm seeka enthu11IHtlc 1n divldual for Accounting Dept. 10.liey by l<>U<'h • b asi c a cro unt 1n g knoWtedge, gent>ral of flee sir ills. Cont.act Pal Mills. ~'7 ll051 E 0 t: ACCOUNTING Immediate opml.nga of fennlC exceptional op portunJtJes for lM folll1w 1111( l)O!OltOO.\ AICNTIC1VIAL AWJrrd1ve mo ch.me eh()!) Yu ll time ore boy to he lpe r : Will tra in rmk• dellv•riu. run _!IJIO.IN't.cute~m. prlntl, Ille dra wln111, All1'0MOT1V& 9'a.ndl• 1uppllea, mu1t p•vaou. A ••C.I b ave ra r Cor b i n •• ,____. Vamaf\tjl m•>7S2·~-=:n~::,Se:'!Yh•~~ A/I ~tt S.lu y open. Conl a c ~ litl oft1cc Exp. r~ Eva I LaUMr al In lni'.01 • vertt)101 In votca. rM).50wpm. 10 ke y by wuch amiwtt pboM • gener•I otfl ce pro cedure Ntwport Be•ch ~-71~040_.;,_ __ ASSIMll.8S Pnn\Md r1n·wt board.I , wire h.aniet111 aAsem bly. some electro m~l'h11nlrul ~xp41ri ence. Minimum five years exper ll'm ·e Ra p id ly e111.11H>d1nl( Orange Cowtly t1rm, r 11 t•r•ll l'nl C'!i lll JJ&O'f bencf1t11 Cont111 t l'at Mll1J ~7 OO!lt f~1u11I Op port.unity t:mployer Aswmbla PUCISIOM ASSlt•H COHHELL CHEVROLET '.X.'h ""'""' 111 .. 1 I tr.-.1 \ ~H.:> \ S4b-I 200 AlTl'ONOTJV E TQYOTA la VOLVO MICHAMICS 4 rlny wor k wcse k . • n n m tehl'I 1-;ict·~llcnl pity pl1,1n l':x<•flllent romp•ny ben..oftl.., Op&K>rtun•lY for odv11 net·menl with l• fuwnr111lly 11lmng 1 m11ort cwaJer Contact So>rvtce Mgr EARLE IH TOYOTA-VOL VO ""-9l03 540.94'7 Al1TOM<1TIV t; RECEPTIOMlST 10 s .. rvlc.:t: 0 t:"J1I t• 11ni.wer "hunf>li. Mu11l I.>' ahlt' t o Uo;f' i.rtrt 1n ~ m a r h 1n,. &t "u m • 1tUll>rn1 A1 Vl' li11 r k i:.roon• pn!ferred Call Mr (Jl1:. .. .., lllll SJ79 ~ Sl'('ctacul•r avw. totDI rrrr .. 11t1on prol(r am, -.u;.·1al proaram 7 pools. II lf'fU"IJ~ l'OUrtS M t' 11~h ion hl.&00. J•mbor~ a. S•n J~111n llllb 1lm11I Im 4l34 E1tvond your lift<~t v le With 11 1 om put1bll' room O'IJlr Wt• 111,1·ov1•r t hut 6'JO Sq fl VICW. und t•r gmuod prlr11. elt'vittur. COIA.'lt llwy v1111b1Llty /\1r roncl J.aguno ll1•ul·h 17 1<1 1549 llllll, wkn1111 4W :tl12'.2 LMplal-U ceftMI Or1tnl(!' ()t1 Sule SJ0.5llO Toll l-h '4.' ltl0012.'\Z 2000 l"ouncJ vie (.j{1ldl·nwesl &t llt<1l. II B. hluek rru.tle (;l'r rna11 Shrµh c r d >W7 tJ>4 A~CLERk •••••••s•r1111.c1111a•_..•n.,s1 Mu .. t ht•v•· I yt•ur Ar · LOVR Y LADIES r o u n l ' I' a y 11 b I ,. f'Q111t1on a v a ilable 1n rm:chanlc&I .0~1:m bly i.h<lp Mu11l have ll•JU'i mechao1l'al 11 1111tuc.l1: &. rronual c!Pxt1•nty Mu~l l.o· fartull.ir w1tlo re· work 1roubl~hoolm1• •Jn llrr11• reaminl( & 1•rt· ... in.: ROY CARVER ROUS RO YCE 640.6444 17 141644-1900 :! fir,~ bt1 l'flllll•1 1·1 hlk Ill lJo•l1l'h, <! l'Jr l(,1r , J Ultt 1x•1r ll<•:iut llu) vu•.,. 'l~I. Ml(mt h4:! lfiCl:I Vt'™"' Call TWO P Jo:J\S IN/\ l'/\U ~I ot11:ior 7~·1:!00 N f':Wl'OHT Bl-:1\Cll 2 rum offt<'l'l'I w /rN'C'P tlon & stnru11e Mn tu m11 ur i.ub /be. 714 ns'l 1155(1 MONEY f'ound or,,,..,, t1 pt·t " <'all Sp~l'llJ I P u h hot l1n1• 714 !n2-IZIS M!JOEUi II f..:s<.:O ttTS l"lCp('T'll'flrt' and I Yll'°K of W1lh 40 wpm Po \1\11111 1n l'EN'T'llOUSJ-: volvf"'I a1·1·ountrr11' I A'.k!\ f"IGlJllf'::.<; r .. 1at1•d t •1 .o·rr fy1nic ~ llr1 !".k!S-4719 rmtdunit d1.l(•u11wnl!l 01n1I ) 7* $ $ aJllJOUc:u:r.:iJllll t•xt.t:ndJnl( ln v111f'1• d11lt.., Min.1mum I >'Jr • ~ 1JCnl!'l1< t· 1--X< 1·ll••11t 1·11111 puny l>a·n .. fth I '11111 .11 t l'Jt Mllh. ~>:,7 :iu:.i ... 0 f. llt1l1•h1lt•·r l•l r I yr •1l• 1:11 I •1111 h•11111• II :111 4 I ..,,,,, lhru l"r 1 wk•I\ l,1J 1• • h '! fl I U t ht• f 1 ~ p I 1'4#1-1i:.!!'4lllt :.pm Pix :! llr,:.? h.1. :• 1rn11w1 111 '~""' hw111111rr .,., •~' l'"' \ ',. w till • (I Ill ii 1\ I( l t.11 MOO NB Shr w tfm 2 b r . 1•..., Im • lr1t UJ'P'I r'< huh-:!, till< fmm hd1 $1118 & ,., utl 64~ 9237 UiJKIJ:n your uwn off1t•t• In H ...,, 'It.,, ..... , '. /.1 I '\ IW I al~' I '• of it 1114tt U 7114 Vlfll or Found u 111.•t ., t 'a II /\ n I tll !I I /\ ., .. I i. t a II I' I.' Lcai:uc 5.Tl 2273, 1111 ,..,. SR.PAYROLL CLERK . ~'.ll 111 ~,',II I lJr ,• h.1, ""'I l'••r l'Jtttr lllk l•I f,f(lt, .tll hllrr,, 'rh l~JOrn fnr rl'nt. $150 + ,., lllll Jbr ('onclo Sharr w •fathe r & d aughter 't!C (U)S SJ Cap Newpor t Uc•111·h , xlnt i\trport toe & fwy Ul' rc·~s 8~10 sq ft uva1I now Slurt1ng 11t $1 05. 1•1tU 00 65()1, Ginny -~~ MEWPOIT CEMTH OfflCl SPACE 2755 Sq. Ft. T iii': s 1-;c;o N U M i\Tf'; INC. AIJoVt' wutl•r boal d cu n 1 n )>( & I( t' n e r 11 I m o rinl' m a111t en11n1·c lnlkml( f11r n·~P"""hl•· penwn 111 l <1k1• ""'' llunt lnJ!\ on II arbour "4 2 0137 I $100 RF.WAHO' l.O~T C11 l1e11, Tnrlo1~1· •,h1·ll c ul. Olk , orunP,•·. wht rn a r k 1 n J: 'I I-' 1• rn hhorth :.ur V It' 111 ~ h I> r . Lui! Uch l'lt•J'<l' l'it ll MaflCI(' 4!17 2:.Cl<i, 4'M HOISll /\r1· you II bU1tlOl'\~ l'T\JI" .iomi.t (J(I u tiw.int'"lh tn 1i from I 14 duyi. ~ Takt• J travellnl( 111'Crf"lary. (;u ll Br •~¥ lllH 756:1 5450 ....••.•.•••...•....... Wtll WtJrk With ,.,.,,, p u l 1• r 1 / P rl JI " \I r " I I l<)">IN Tl.' mdurlm1• lal,.1r ch~tiuuon a nd I'•• yr11ll ... 1)1111"• lt' .n.' . I ~ ""' r' • · ~ tJO-n•·11< •' rw111rr• .. I TRAINEES HA HY~l l"I t .11, mulurt l•.tf" lo .11 lr••r.., ~ y••1ir •1ltl '1v lu11n1· lrft· l1'<1·w•1rk •M'n 1r11n'I •'KJ1<•r rt•I .., ""Id An 1.f•M . Mv ~·111 l~•••v 1tt1·r (11r I 1•a rh1·r'· 1 u~, •ild 'It I l'r •·t• t '" l~L \l!,!rr11 1,12 u;o:1 , Co8t• Mt·sa urPa Yem IJ•;•dtl runt .I hr. ' ha 40+ pro(, tn shr wrthcr """' .:Jr 1'11lm, lr11k. '<a mt' i.pht tPve hm l11l1L\, lr11li> Vt•.irlv Nu Rtf" ~rqtl Call ~ 715'i 1•1..., 1A:1 '.jj,t.!j ''" llft >I or -. kr nrls. . f>ll Cbtt•n nl( & Part)' ('11 urdlnutrni: tiu .. l-\111) ht· k 1t l'h1•11 C u mpl1•t1•l) lJ;-.1 H~w<.11 d ro r '·" I IJMOUhlNl':~t-.HVIC ~. /\111• .. rt. TllUf'o, ""'"' w .. 11tl 1 n 11.~. Tr·"'• I lt1•u"1n .tl1I•• r .1 l • M.2 2'!9'1 IC. EXPatl&tCB>l MICRO B!CTRONICS '"""'' ,,,,,, .. I I Ii I .«• lnm• :,,.• 111,• l'...1l1y '"'' "".11111·11 ft1r • ,t,1h1r•: ',,, i ;att••r ttt•llf •> • I \UUJI • \t•rt OCUHFaOHT • fir :! tr 1 lrplr· r. ~I I•,, • •21.ll ltt2 42:U •11 ·~ ... 4.112 "lt>r·d F r m mt .n o n ,m11kn. 22 28yr c; :1h r :!11bu <:tJ M $18 0 1,w O'tliO or 752 o:Jr;:; ~11lv at SI .05 p« tq ft Pnnw '>Pllrc avollahl1• In (;al·i\mertr an B id~ Nt'WJ)Ort <.;enter ut $1 05 per '>Q fl 1J y r 11·11~•· 11 va1l 1 f'ri•r• park 1n).( /\.'k for n111 714 7~·0lf70 1~W1JJ)t..-<l l'n ma· .ir1•a 1~11 !>4K·57111 i: r t' 'i h I at k t ·• Ir h \ w l >i.tt'r 'lrrfl"' 111t1l•• dt'(:IUWl'fl In "' NPWpllrt '"' '"''"111fr11nt fort /\ul( 11.llh ff12 lfiC.1:1 V." p1•0\fd•• • 11m111·t 111' r -..•Ian,.. 1·11111111ony p.11•1 mr~u 111 cknt.11 .mtl ltl•· 11\.'>Ufl!JI•,. ft•f • 111111•1\' ·- .11'111 rl••l"'''''"'rrl m•I ,, • r••J1t urrr•••• \.\ 1• .1 f •' ft t ~I flt? I fl 111 >11 >(Ir I •II\ trlu.il lflf . .:1 Ir 11 11\11'1...,l I 11 It i\lt 11;" ''" "' 1'11111 \1 v111 11111 l>J • .. ~ 1.1. Ill.,. •'4 .. lift . hlk I•• IM 1• h '1111 .'h!I 111• \.111 1,1111 • 11111lk, Mah· C'hn~t111n :!~ ~ to 1 .11 I 1 ~.:..41 Iii 1 llh St '.han· 2 hr. 2 l.iu a pt "'1th 1,\h 1,1 ill I.Ill", ~Cj !1101 l'VC' 1,1rrr1 I Ira •lftl •. \ r Iv l>l·•• "" I'• "'" 111 1 ~17:, 1,1 /I,, 1 ••• 1 ... J;' .l.~11) f(HttTI f<1r r<·nt nn •,ha nni: ha ~'' $14 0 m 11 1•11111. M ii-'. arllt' only 631 l ~U In San <.:lr m c ntt' <.ll x •JC\.'llll vu oft.:~. JOO ~Q It $1.."10 &t2 ~JM . 1·492·172Q HEWPORT CEMTat J~1gn Pla1.a, luxun ou<; rJ(f1f'I' flt() l\Q rt Sob l1•l ~mti 1112 !'14~,ll Dix I rm u ff1r1• adJ /\1rp .. r l1·r ll•tld N11 11'11.'1•· IU1 :ra:1!1111 12 0 fl /\ I' I': It V It E r /\ I I, sroR1-:tn<'dM NIL•••··• on 011.:11111 1: hu,1111''' SI0.000 Nt·l(•1t 1.1t.I" h40<o!347. No 1111"'"'''' m2!' .. 11 Sl.tl:>o'Ul all 11!h·r' :\111'>1 '>l'l l or l r.;d1• l l•·lr llP'lt11ur11nt ll11~ w1·l'k ~1 '>0.flflfl l'rtl'"• (',ill (1Wllf'f'77l ~11H . ll:lli 14!11 I 1,.,,, 'v'I S lll'll h' l\t1\ C'<>lhr l ._l,~J n ·w11rd C .tll ~,Ht; l)',74 lJ O\'tlllH' .. r 4ll3~aftfil'M L.AJl~E REW A RD! 1.11 ... 1 ~·11·\ ... tnµt·•t l <rllb' l•·mall• 1·11l. v11• N11:u1·I & r'\h<'lll . I 411'., :01J •·•·•··········•······· 7075 ····••••••·•·······•••· Nur1• i.1\JJf.1hlr· l'rtvJI• " u I y •• n •I ,, r tJ I " ft•t'4ll11H'k, h•1U ~t·l lll h f,~ o\!JJ.I 7 100 ···········•··········· \l'f'I 't' I' l 'f H',i 1•. LEAR Sl[GLER Tlt.AHSPORT DYMAMICS 31.11 W ~·.:t'r..T rnm !'>u11tJ Anu I,, ~;,1ual I >t>1111rtun11 v ~.rntiloy .. r ti. I II 1·1 • .,.·111111 ·-,1·.s·111111 11 (K • ,,,. "'.,.. V1·1 '.a illt· ( ·~1•1•• •• 1•a r.11•1• 111 t..1• 111 I I ·11'1'111 ' ~ll ' Ill•' .I 111111 "'rll 111 1.1'.I t,'qf, •I 'Ill I•• , J1 11111 v.k•l.1). "'kml• H11u11t1· to 1'hr •·undo l 'M ,11 r•a, 1u111 '.mkc. $21.111 m 11 1o11', '117'1. 1·v1·s G1H J7:rl J•ro·I l"•·m 1!11111111• 111~·<11·11 l~M f':() 'Two .. harply 1frrorutl'rl :*'1 "l It adJr11n1111( 11f l1r1-.. ()f)t1r IJ<'fWl'l'll M ' .I x 10 Harbor llJ kc• t'enter :1uz1 ll a rlJ11r Hl~ll C• .... ta Mc.'Nll ~n .. 1•;11·h Avuil ~1·111 h l /\.l(l'fll '.A~ l~.Jl Im" ...... e>pportwtity 501 5 •••..•...••............ l1r.t h •rn ln \h S1•ll•·1 . It i' I . v It' II II n I :--t ArliJm, lti·Y, .1ril nl f1·11'(1 '~JI :11;1:1 "''' ''>:ll l 'l,11 m "' .ul1111t .1t It \1t11· 1\111111.d « .11 •· ( ···ul•·t '·.,,.,,., 1 fip t.1 t•t1I 11.1111· 1111-1h ,, horn•• I I•· h:" 1111 ,. trl.111111'1'"" '"' ,. '"""'' ( ,,, k. ''" 11.1111111• lilk ( •• lt..•Jll'l'l .,.,,uhl ltJ\ • Bookkeeping Clerk " ' II• .ti 1111• 'I • ' """ I Ill l\tf'Mlt'fh "' r,f flll'l/11 ,.) ·'''• :>Ill< I IH I • lrll., 111111 Ir 111 " p.1 1111 I pt °''""'' 11 Ir1~· I'•" Yr I\ f,t ,I/ I I\ 1 ••• ffi,\(I ,., I ,,'I 11/ii Irr ('hr h-.1·, Ii''"' & J·" U//I C'M "" l'f :1p111 IA,, I-WI .!•._'Hi ''•'' .,,. ••• t1ort· llf ()I 1·,111 \ u ~.lMI 1110 ~>1·111 I t-11' n ;, v ,, 1 I I I v• ~JI ·, .,,,, I " wk II d rt;• .''fl'I l\lcl 2 r1.f(1mm:1 t1•:1 111 '>hr, Mii" :l!• :~. NB Tn ra1·t• 1•11n1l11 w 1t·v1•rylh1n1t $l l/IJ m 11 u t II 1 n l'I f,\r. ;,774 aft Ol'M «_, Clemcntc-3876 i:1•m ,...,..1mmul•'. :J hr apt <1•.lh '>tfl•••l , N•·wpr;rt 11 ... 1• It Sii.Ci + utrl ll14'"> 1,7., IA rl ·•····•··••••····••••·· "' ... , "'''" '" ''"'·'' \,,:k ,,, 1 .. Ir ~11 .• 1•1 ~.:1 .. 11 h "' "' l'R\ 1 •111:1 l.;1t 1•1 '.11 :111· 2 lw•lrm w • Jiii" 111 I 1ntJ 1\11•'-ll ~,(,! rrlO IA.1 ;IJll(I 1•1.1·" 1,. .. 1 Iv :• l~r <' h.1 1·•1ntl11 Offl" R...tal 4400 • '' • I 1 ,, r ill' I· i 1 '.t1 •••••••• ••• •••• •• •••• •• \•Ill 11 ' ot1 I 'r 1'/I 1 1 $:•:10 I' O f l1<'I' 11t nri·. o.~l <\'/;'I) I Jill>, d rpt., /\/(;, 17JOJ 1 111 '•' 1 .111 '11 v., util 11tf flt-.11'11, II B I~''' ~2 ~ ,t~1 ~U 'Jf'W #St•f ft f 1.1;• :M1M ,,, 1•111 nn Nt•WJJl•rl 1i.·1H·h o f1· 111pt $il"Al ('ann1·ry •,1•11.l11n ·•·············•••··•·· Tll I. 1-: '{('11'1 NI; PAl.M MESA An'S '111." "I I-S i il ~l'T UCll l~•h 1,t.u.HH ''""' ::;~., ~ lll' A•lull-. 1'<11 I"'"' I Ai l M1·"11 Ur t , lllk" 1-.. ,,11111 N1•w110rt lllv•l 1 •1.1m ~11m ~Ml ww,o Seawind Village ..,, • ., Hiil tHlr m luxury .1111111 llfll" Ill ltl fllllfl~ lrnrrt $:\.'ill + j)f)<)I,, t1•11 "'. w11t••1 f,1ll' 11o nth•' 1,,,. 1111 1•t1l'1k 1nu & hfl'l1t 111v 1ru1 tl f''r n rn S11 n I 1!1·1:•1 l''rwy cln v .. Nr1nh '"' l1t·a1 h lo Mr 1"111hlt•r1 thc11 W1•11t on M1•1radcl1·11 '" ~1·11 w111t.I Vtll111t1• I I 11111tl3 ~IU6 TREES.TREES .,.J\OULT APARTMENTS Nuillf!d i.mona Utll plnee & rustung stream•. P/\CJF IC WOODS 839-2140 ~~~~~·~~~~ UHTBS &L.AHDLORDS l"rte r o nlll ll 11 l1nK 11-=rv1ce. Sa v r tim e & 1ey. t 'or 1nlo call. IM91 1;7~ 4!Hl lirok~r I MO. FtlEE REHT f':\t:.1h l1'1 tw1I Nt·w port llt·111·h full xervlcc ex 1· cul 1 v c 11 u 1 l e 3 1 n d1v1d ual CJf l 1cl's n ow 11v11lla hl<' /\II amcnit1e11 rndudt'd tn month t o rn 11 n t h r c n t a I . Mat·/\tthur al Jamboree f'.:Xt'£UT1Vf: ROW INC 752-7170 &ecwtln S..ffff Nl"W add.it Ion t.o aulle IHO "'111 '>Crvke exec. 11wtc1 111 Newport Center. 14 new offices In pluah s ur· roundln111 w 1unde r · "rOWld an 11ned park· Ing. f'rom S295 m o. A.'\k 11ho1.1l our move.In 111 lf1WUOl'f' N1•wp11rt llcgency Corp. (714)644·7l89 I or 2 Rm SulleA from $75. TI9 W. lllth St. Call Tom ~2200. Retail !Office apace. 700 t1q ft. Weatd Uf area. 1-876-4148, call coUect. PrfllltlglOWI new JNVt~TOllS N l'.El 1t-:11 l>t•Vt'lfl(l<'lrlf'lll J't llJl'l'I ll11:h H•·t urn 7~.2 ~Y.~ EXEC. SUITtS JtuppinN1s 1~ havinu your pla rt' o f bu'ttnC'" a t Haker <.:1•nlt:'r Hl!teot , t'llfll r<;tilf\ ph11111• l'llV 1• r a J? •· • I 11 II ll 1· r n x l'fli)H,,,_/mtl , ,.,,fff•1· tndtl 1n rt·nt Sf'lra•t u r111 I '\l'f"VI•'..,. avail l''tir morr 111f•1. ph 1 all Hev a t Y11f 2161. 1.]NIQIJF: IH .AI. .. :s·1 \I lo: l'ON(' ... Vr l'.urn 11)11'; Oii MOJH : pn anrrum '" .,h•Jf1 t1•r rn l f1Hi'at1. wn' 1r1 thl· f 1111' .. t J ,. •• ,, , ,, "1<-wpr1rt l!t'.<11 h D<•ta1h IA.'.> ICU.I 5025 •••···••·•···•···•·•··• PnSllGtOUS LOCATIOH••• °"Ml wporl lay .. J.!1In2400 Ml ft °"luxe Off11·1· Soll1•11 •M11rin1• View •Wet Bar Convcnwnt·•~ Ci nurm1•t rf"llaurun t :s. h a n k . 01Ktsl, tl(·11uty 111·r \ll~C':.. spen alty :.h111"' UdoMmina Yillap 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1''11r :.\Dre &t office &l>•t"e at reaaonuble rates 500 to 5000 S4I Ft. MESA VER OE b R PLAY.A ~ Meu Verde F., C M 545-4123 So I.A l(UD a , bull tnf'tlll or pro(esa. spare UNJJl':H ~SQ 1-'f '11111-4591 Tumer A ll&IX'. :.!rol Lafayett.c, N.n Stflrc· or olf1ce 11pat:1J, 1200 Sq n. $1.0S>mo. B. GNDdy Rltr67S-616l N=· Nr P11t Ofc 502 1q f\ atore or ore. 21130 Avon <C>. 213/477'700_1_.....;... __ _ IAUOAIS&.AMD Rare OPPC)rtunlty to open an ottfoe or 1hnp near feny. Only~ Mo. Realonomlca 87~00 •8u8loeaa office ., 1t.oraaie r oom . West. C .M. 91D-291.8 or M6 2379 ----·---- SW1MGLOAMS untl 2nd Tru.'ll l><.~l I ,111111 .. •IO 11"l11frnt1;il 11r•111t<rlY (;u.'tlom11,r'l) l'> n11·1'l yourn<~ll' H f~ DEl''I' SAHTIAGO IAMK 7 I 41H32 ;,:t()I) /NEED /MONEY • CRIDITHO ra<>IUM 2Rd & lrd TD IOCMS 547-5402 Arranged by Coott Ho. lo4mt$ MONfo:Y t\VAll.t\llU: ~.WI t11 Sl0,000.000 /\11y jJWl)l.1111" t.:n :1H:1.1 DUSIN F'.'{.<; IJ)A NS Oinf1d1·nl1u l /\11M~lu111·1· S'AJM & U JI "'12 ()1:>:> CASI! fo'AST lntcrci11 •inly. 2nd TD. OC only $10,000 &up. 8r1lr ~~006:1 Mui tP. pa. Tnt1t Deidi 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wier' Mft. Co. All t Yl*I of real estate lnveiitmenla tlnce LIMt. ~-2....tTD• 64~2171 545-0611 ~·~'111134111Ufij DICUTIVI sums ava ilable ne ar OC Airport. Attractive ram Include receptlonlal, law Ubrary, conference rma, 11ccretarlal Hrvlce, " X•rox faclllly. Fo r • Pf'"!M•l tour Ir further detalJ.a lnqulr~ •t Vortac ••••••••••••••••••••••• Auoc, V~$-22 88 or New front •trl« IMllllon. 966-JllOO ------Park lrv1nf' llu11 nnu ................ 4100 CASH FOR TD'• American ~~~ 2NOTD $40.<W AJ I or part. :.>' k VJ::AHl .. V Real YAllltt1 ,,._ 4000 --------Center. 4,901 11q fl For ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ille /option to buy l'Y\ R.I. V1r00rouah 644 7L3U One al a klnd Ply. 4M-4Wl. 4!4 3111M!~ t9WPOIT llACH ~·111•:•:•:~:"!~ .. h / to ll\" v. \l>U I flll'llY In• h '°'''' "''' 111·1 rl """ ''"" ll•11nl'run uu .. t'r ",, r 1·al 1 Jtc·h' O\hPr tl111•· 1·111..' & k11t1·n~ 111 mat..1• y<lll h;1111>Y 7»1 :rat f'llt:NI> l.r1• hmv.11 r .rh lut 1-:.1• tl1l11rt ,1rr·a ( '.rll lti.t.mr ·i..1 .r7.H Fr1Und m I .. •1:11rrn l1'•;11·h tw.1ul "'\1 11rr» IVI''' 11•·u t 1· rr·rl r11 .rl r • ,, t tl•'C l.av.t•tl 4'14 7.Mh , ·~J4 l!.Ji.'.I f'uurli.J «;11c k,1lt•1•l, l all l'Vl'llllll>(~ IA.2 t..o.'.:I l''OUNIJ Wh1t1· /\11).:11ra 1•a1 , Vw 17th St & Sant.i t\J1u ~>:.!i f"()l.NIJ Wht r·at wil1lk markinit.'> Vil· lt1wq1.1t·l L1utJ, Irvine ~,:;:> •HIMJ f'o11nc1 ttaMt't hnd, Mro'a Vt:nlc art·a ~1 (171!• l1111l nlk Lah, '\C'llr on ~. llJITM' ·•J a..•u>n" 631 2l!fl SlSO ··•··•·····•········••· WANTED f't!tnllll•• t u "lhurl' t'llfx·n~•.., 1,f le woot.•lo. ~la)' Ill ·r11h1t 1. l>t•t' 2:l to J i•n ~.th 1·1111 11111 r y :n,.1011 fllerr<1llnR MA.-;Si\Gf': Uub J umet1 l.ll' Mttf\•H·11r Outcall IHI. 4~ ~I II MICHBll'S ·~· 11All·2AM w 3749 ---- •FOXY LADY* OUTCALL ONL V •972-1131• PRF:GNANT., Carini, ronllclenUal roun11eUn1 II merral. Abortion, •dop· Uort ti ltfleplnl /\11(.;ARE ~7~ Selri ..... ,..,. 18US •:1 Camino ltl'fll S.n Clomentf. f\illy lie _ f 'or t\Pfl.,!· 4trl 72'96 LWe&VlcW •CMc411M9 .... • ,.. ... ,.. .. .. J4Hr Hl-7Jll 2 mw nr. bch.. W Mt prtv. •• h t,lut +1100 dept. No P•t• Sinai• Mat. 875-!lm. M6-048f. aooo rt, 1000 I\ oltlu a..t & ~ ....,., qul• U\e lndut. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... No ..aomot1~ •• ...... 1100 flbtr1laal••· 146· ..... •••••••••••••••••• O.C. AIRPORT ucna .,..1111 rn ISCOlrT ..,...-u.1tt1 •SBYICI• Trointt 1':.\1 1 lll'lll 1JIJl.llJr1Utlll \' 111 'Utrt )'•.Ur 1·ar,•1•r '" tlit• r a 1 .. Jly l(J"llWUI).( 111 lrJ "' 111 •~Jl.lnltnt: W•· ~··1·k .ir1 1111t1•ndu.il w ith '""ll 1•1•nt•rJI 11ff11·1• .11111 1,r t•thJl'llllfH),ol l'lCf'l''"f Ill I wt l h It..-ah 1I1 l y t " •11wr1111· Ill k t•\ w1 tlt · l*"'tJ .met a 11 u t 1o1 • ' ~JI I ,,....,fol I al\lllfl,Jll' Will JIJl{I ll 11r0Kr l'''"' •. l )l'Jin .. 1• ( :iiu11t y It II JI< If ,1 Ul#l With n,..1m for 1 an.~r l(MWl h 11nd t.ll'V l'lOI> Hll•nt ( OllllH dwn'll\ t' •'<>mr •ny 1rn1cl l>cnc·f1t'I u11 ludml>( rn•'<i1t•11I 111111 1ii'f1lill 1·11111·r 11i.t1• •'all •1r upply 111 (714J 540-6080 TRANSMASK CORP :1162 <.:am pw. Unvr Nt.'WJ)Ort Dearh. <.'t1 Equal Opportunity t;mployer m rf 1h A.rrountant 3 yrs u p, prl!ft.'rably tn prupar1.1 11on of rorpo r1.1le" & 1)(_'f'110f\11l lnrom•• t1tx rt• 1um 1 t'l'A 1•c-r11f11·"t•· deairablt> Xlnl tltltll'flt' A~lt tt•Olvto N ft firm Sala ry t"Ommen11 ur111te w 1t•xp Scn1I rt•i.umr to 1ll(> Dally l'ilot. nnx !Wl2. <;M 92827 All rephe11 11lrlt'll)' confidential Acc::U Dkkpn& TEMPORARY Reeta~ tod.aJ t.o work m variOUI aecounUna " bookktepln1 a ul1n· roent.a. Work cloee to your home . Atctl( clerlu, booklleepera. acroun· tanll are needed lhruout arance County Call us for rnMe Inf or ma Uon ll.ohert If 11 ll '• ecc-•11 •• 2333 No Broadway r.m. ~dwell 8-nker flldlC • Sant• An• C114tHMIOJ ACC'MCI. .. mP exs>« nee. to •• thll 1ru t po1ltlOft . Out1land ln1 beotfl\1, toe., worlllol cond • ulary. 1rvtDt 11oPt1-101U-,.a...a A&toeY 1 ... 1 .. 111.1 t••n .ol· & • •11111 • 11 ••I 111 lh1 f., Ill \1'110. .11 I'·• l•I 1 1 .1u • I 111f1 • I .... 111• ti l>t I I''• , 'I , •\l 0IHl'."i."I.~ '\l'l11lt' \II ..... -. 1111 I\,, •. , '" • ,,, Ol'l' :.. \ M "' It I~ ....... HI ........ ,, .J I • l11·nt ' ltJ" .,. .. 1 l.1 I Rix k \ II ( 111hlw ~ Ttw ll11i" 1 I .111 • I r1 llJ'<I "' lt11l,.·rt I •.nr .111 \It' ft•• It•" J J11u t1I• rnont ,_ llo•n"' "-tu·ll'• •i\n)•m1• Hll•·r• t•'<l 11 '"'''"'' ,,.,. \ ill .., A '1 t•,l:n "m r .... •71 1 r ,,.,. ''"" ,, :.·. ......-~tn:lti·~ An t. To /\tl A•tt·n1 \ l'TI '''"'"' Stt"iny !\M'n'lari.ol •kill & lUkt• I h,tfl;I' .. t.1111 ~ ,f rnu'I N""' """ "' 1rr fr,1111• !'>Jl:.ir) •••rn ffil'fl.,Utll h' w ith .1t11lrh ~~1 n-111n1·111 Atl•'.l!I;, lJu1l) l 'tl•1l , I' I> l\<1( lt.:IO. Co:o.l J l'•k '·' I .1 ~..a; AMBmOUS7 If you rt· y•iun)o! runft dl'fll a. tu1v1• tht' .ib1 lrt)' t•1 thmk qwckly an<l 1.r1· lt.Uu.t'll for "ttencruu.°' 111 ("lomt' Qlll llOW ~IO o.u:J ti wn !I & 1 Mr !-l•JO•• /illla~ Service PHX 01.wratu r '\ for .1 tt'll'µho nt• J ,...,.,..,.,. n 1• 11•f'\'11 r l'AtM•n1·n1·~-d "' w1JI tram. t<'\.tll ttm•· or par\ time ahJft • •VMt lJ blo. Days. 11flt>ruovn t!Vt'Oinp or it• u v e y 11 nJ Mu5l be 11h l1· to work lllffll• wef'kt>11<h T~ 111n1t ~·wpm H'\llllro"l.I M.111)' l'O ~nef1b a ' .11l.1tilt· l'lt·~ «llll Mun l''rl f'uruoc1 l ~lwrul uri·u <..hila Mei.a ar.·11 Airport ar1•a Call M:i...(Zk/ M/Y EO .. ; APPLIANCE & TY Del•erwAMttl P\111 time. Mech.. t1xpr ntteSl\Uf"Y Davl1-Brnwn Co~!~ APROPOS Fashion lslc:.d 0 L' ~~ n r I rl l' r, U I 0 JI I' a 11 l>t''l1J:n <'r li4l11l1~u\' 1, ~I( a 1't'lllnt( OM\!~ tant manav,er & ntltl1 OOnal llalf Salary open Ctl ,.._ 547.3925 APTllANAOt:R Room with klt e h •n prhrllelt•. AdulUI pre· lur e d . 9 6 2 7 U O eYell /Wkndl lAc.a.d wttb1D t.be uol· -·.;;..._· ------Clll EwopeaD ct.11.,,.S MOOeca' ...... •cilc, Lldo llarlH Vlll•I•· IAll'llA HUii, Maultoa • Calllldll': Lake ror .. t. tll·llOI 1..-.. S~clallllnl In bual ,_..WUl.J neumen, r Hld e n\I -£. 11\b, coa.a Al•• .... . MJ.1'7~ For 55 uo1t1 In Costa Mesa . Exper 'd couple . Wlt e b kkP I e x p . Hu1band maln t . u p Call M2·~1 or l2L3 ) .. , o..r. J\ale-P•uee -welcoolt. AICHITICTUUL JAOOIQ.P'\. 1;1 11.aon. 111 nut ,,,,,,,,,, ..... I )o•t "''' ,,. •• ,,, ... I .... 11 l r t f I 1 I I • r .~ p I t I II• 1<111.tl 111 I t1• r 1 r 1 ii,. tr ••111 1111lu; I"' • •nn11r .. t11 n 1 .... • • •tu1 I'·"'• l•'f11•t 11 "" lu•I 11 1•u1•11 ,,,,.,,..rt ·m•I 1t1·1 I 1 1\IF1 Aftft\ttU ht l1.&l1\ I ol ti 1111., t .. 11 I '1, 1111111• I 111 111111· ti I .11:,1111 "•.'I.I• I ~II •11, ,•, .rft •· 1.11 t-•1r •rt•n, .. 1,.1t•· , "'' (l,,t,, 1tt1 1 fu ll t1m• ,,,,,, 1i .. r, 1 t;.·fl1•I•• I ,, idf•f,,llH'(I 1 .111 Hf ip,11. ,, 17 141 S40·6080 TRANSMASK CORP 111•1 ••Id 111 •I 1111. "II fti•ftlt ._.,,, 1. l 111 I 11 f\;1 I \ Id IH'll• 1 11 I • ,. I I I ; I ' fJI ' pit I tll l•tl •fll•l f.441 .fllll t 1t11l•1t \1.u t II AMERIC AM STATE BANK t.t'.:· (Al lllliU.' I If '. '''""l;tit I ""·''II I \ ll.111Klfll' t-11u.1l l)f1p .. rt11n t" ~.1111.1111~ •·r \t I' II \. "·rnl1l"r I I I' 1 I It t I' I< \ , .... I.M iii.i II , •• (I I ' prf ~.. ''"' ,ut uud• ' 1,.'f1t·rd \.1•1111 11111 ,,. al't "''" , ..... /\."-' \11 .\1ur. m mtr ,, •• ~, ri·lr .. hl·· 'll.;rf• Ill 1lrv dull• 1111'1 11 11ull111•• tlf'llr>. ;hlPl•IO>' I 'I~. 111 Vl'flllli'V t•111l111l .\j1pl'1' lit 1wr'"" l>lwll '11\\I I.! IU lfl KJ7 W IKlh~l (' M A.-.,.i11 1:.it" 11"11 EXCOlLEGE STUD~ AM> AU OTHER H. S.GRADS It yt10 h•~ .. LA·mpor an ly dJ~intm~I your l"dUt a· Oun •Jr (11r nnv nth,.r rr .u.un ar•• •1·1·k1nJ' full l 1n11• w •1 rli. Jll•I are avwtlahl .. l•• .t.orl 1111 rno·c:.h11t••I> .,., •. m:n 1111\ • 11 pr1K1t1Qfl for )"I.I \111· n•1 WrT11"r If 11•t•r 17 1•11 J '>' call bdw1.,·11 !I :-Jo & .! oo 645-65 14 Aut. Apt M__,..- <.: o u p I t' w 1 ( t• 11 I t' , h t.Ii. ba 11 11 111u1 n l zO•l Unit~. Oi·e1111111tle, l'llJJr ;fa.pnt TR.LEA HEW ACCOUMTS ,.,.,, 1111.1 , .... 111.111• Ill I I 11111,: I. 'I Jll I 11 \\ I '•1 •J• I t1 11• I ('di f J .. ,., J1.Jfl \111 •••• lU J.11 \lu ··" "·'"'"' & 1. .. "' .,.11t ... uut.,.•(lt· 1. l•••U.a tu< It rt1• rJI• l-Jjti.tl 1 il'I"" J•.111111~ I 1!11nk1t11.! EXP 'D LOAN PLAT FORM SECRET .ARY ~.utll 1·., .. ,1 N .rt 11111.rl lf.1111. ••••• 111tll'fll'llrl••11t t1.1rri.. K-1:1 ~11ll11w1·1 ~t . ('~ '>'llJ !).'IOI l'.ill-' l\lrt\kllll' TEU.ERS fo_,, .... , "''" 1'\l tn ett•rr••ll l'-ir C'na ... t f•L11a •1H111• l"\.t ll r\ part 11mr c .111 It II 111 It " I n n I II I' .. •• I J4l) l4Jlil• ;1.u.1 un .. l11I ~· l M 1\&l!ot.ul ulf11 t· 1<\111 1111w 1.:Mll L1lh.111 1't<Wlfl11 ·'' !Of OOf;I., I 711.:12 171 h ~l •·~t.1 \1,~.a 111f11·1• htll ( llllt' ( ,, II I ><111·1·11 ( I•,,, I ·'' :"6-:!:100 .• am I IJr '"" llh•I Cdif. Fed«al So•inqs & Loon. t-:Oquul 01JI"" l'.lllfll' r llon.k In)! TEU ERS /£xp'd SoulJ1 ( 't11L'4f f\:011k , ,tfl IJI 1.lt:'vc 111h •11t 11.111k , Hiii Sunfl11w1·r ~t , I ,,,.,1.1 M ••r.u . C a ('al l 714 ~~IOO I':()..: /\U.erldAnt Tool Ston ge. lmmed operunai ror In dlvMiual with 0 ID8Chln" i---------~:1 htah 1ehool cal art1 bock· IUf')Un8 to lnSPf'ct, clnn & 'llflf'(' J!fl'<'IMllll 1t1j('I' U<ln molch Xlnt 0P1•1r lo learn abt10t lhe pln11tw1< tndut.trv IJi flll111tfy f11r 11 rJf)ld .11lv :i111·1•rn1•11t lluv shift po11111un •tart 1nu Wll(l' I•~ 011 p..r hr ('IMCt1 21M 8nUo;Av1• (.;(lo11\,1 M ,.,,, !Wt; .... l() /\Tl'ENDANT Wom nn " Spa . p r 1v1 tl' rlub Newporl lk•ch. l'art Ume weekendl + muted boura. Sblrl 7·2Pm • 2 9\)m. Call for •PPt. --~.•xt 530 . T£LLER l\n l''t('t•lk11l r).tr1 I il'TW •IPlJ!lrtumlY 1 ... r1vu1lahlt• 111 our ~1111 l't'lh o 111111 ... W1•'r1• ""'t.'k1111t 11 '1'1·l h·r wh<1 w11nh l •• 1•n111y lJ t ltx11Jh· 111'hl•tlul.-. fr<'I.' jl(ll'kllll( 111111 f ,,.,. 1•11rt•cr u1>1>a r~t 1·x111•n1•fll'l' 1'1 J)f'('ft rrt"ll, hul w., will train you 1! you h1.1vt! lll&hl typ1nJ( 11k1lh1 und 11ome 1•ri11h 1 •r1111( t>'I · pen ence Pleue rA ll J e rry F orte <21 3 ) 832 7502 f or m orn Ill· rorma uon. PIDEUTY FIDERAL s..tMp -.d LMR Aua /UI l';qual ()pply Kmploycr --M«11a Verdel. pnvate 4'ft· tnnce as patio It bath. ~r11c-No cOOklnl or Mlddn~ Only 11'15 mo Pti .... a.v ... WetBar.LoYDp9 Pmaramlt Bar mw CMel"tcl PaUo DeciDrator A.-11&. 1000 1C1 ft wanboUM Ir of· nee, UGlt A ... mo. alnt loe. 1110 J:t=• CM. •Till• r-ct-OulwU.-7Jt.1241 24HIS. mac I tldnll tbt poll olftN hat UW"!lllllW blm eubcoattac:tln• t.h• •.....-"* .............. "' thel.r IN.ts ........ fOUM'fAMYAU.IY 1tarnpe to tll• Teflon 79N10l,141·52ta ACCTScf.: AILI DIAPT a INT. Oommettlal Int . dH•Rn 1..oca1· ....i lllltete nrm flrm In f'C.8. needa In· '""' Acct\tP ay•ble t e r mt dlate • ar cltrll for vartous ore. draft per1001 x lo t chlUta. lneludlna typlaa = pcMat!•I. Send • flUna Xlnt. frtn1• ' : AdlSIO In c/o bmllkl. Call Walktr • Th. D a 11 f p II 0 t Lee. Ptrn•d Detl&· W N•wa&:r.r P.O. Boa .,,l. TU ·lll·UU. ... ..... eaw. AUTOMCmft SALISPlllOH !xpertenr e prercrr ed, excellent ~kln1e C'(>ftdl Uorw In nu •l•bll1h4d store. Frln1te hcnt•flt11 ARllY In pcrwn. SAIL CHIYIOUT tOOS.C.-Mwy • 1.AeuMAllACH 494-1111 14Mt'7 To P lnre your "l"asl lteaull " $(-rvlce Olr e<'lory Md . Call Now ~12. --.sn.11 Bech Apt avallabl• 8'IJt l. No lcltrMfl. fll() s-ta. __ .... __ m-_21_1_1 - f"nd Whal you want Ill Dall.y P\lol CJualfledl.. c.u roe: ........ : 115• Lt. ...... ft.x i manufac\lan r . They 1---;......:.------........ a. , • c1rm·tmcx. .,...c111,., .,,.v=-. ' OUTCALL II' tlr •TT,• AMP I Jlaft ......... ya. ,,ant Min Ml-0 .. -.... ft. ""-· r:l'~ .. do , __ wc ___ ffllA __ _ &.0.1..M/F .. ~'=&:.an::..· 642·5671 ht.U2 \ - . . . . ... • ; <4 ~ 1: r J.>.~ .... --.. ~-.. .... 1 .. 1 ........ ( ... ' .. T1.._ •• ,.. c:.,.tS. .... 81*1111 ....................... ....................... ...................... . Prluway••Parll l111 "· poe 6 ..._ d Nn f2..l!IC11lJCIAN PrlM fd .. ~-s.&koallq Cob' tari.lttl .... wht rt.., r tJ l)6S Aaphalt. 14t 4111 qi&alO-~~ 0.u -,... H mate on IM'cl. llv.4111 nn. hall GS. Ava ~~llJobem~ ... nn JI JO, c:ouch llO, <'hr - f Atl I 15-Gu.u' .Um .,.. odcw t' ' t •4 -...c -........ •• •• •• • • • • • • c::... f'llll&1r. is YI'• ~ Ucennd. M)' h ome Do ~ lll)Mlf a.fa ......,. __ _ TLC lnlanu O K ..... m 0\01 ELECTRI IAN V ... 541).TSOT -Bu t rates , b•st 0 ' 11 Se1+6w '1:~.:~rrnt~l=~ =~;:!:.P81~S.::ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• hol•ter)' Work •11ar --- BANKRUPTCY lfS Tn.itll mnwit u.rut ~ I h .t ' tut DIVORCE rn mt • ..,..., talf!I 84$ J111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Actl<lll LqaJ au 5100 Matklan available for -Have your CARPr.~. any ocrulon Adam lllllftlM'( ft.OORS and WINOOWS r;i~e.. ~ UllUtn. rk-aoed by Outr b lh1n -------'IYPu\&8ft"Vlc-e lh'ailablt' h1\IU\4't' VI I 11~ P_ --S. C.11 klarbara -••••••••••••••••••••••• 841~ c-tlf~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~e cuatom wood ftnc ll\l. gates & tPnce rPpatr fMl>.tOSO or 759 l~ • <4 • t'p'p&g ... ....... ... ~ ...................................... . ~, fMCin1 • rool · MllW'9 cpl wou.ld uu to lnl. No job too am! Papa can'°' your home ror 1 QUf. Gl..aM yr dw1n1 pnrparaUon for f'OR YOUR HANDYMAN teml·reUreroent. Xlnt CAJJ..JOttN. ttls.1MM581 tll).all1~ t • ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• OVC Stul:knt. 1 Ton lrutk Tta b, lteti trim Dan &Umt HaWl.n&. ll'lrrurunc. yard 41 garage rleanupcs S.S7-82'71 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,. .. . .. _.. Alaed•a.t.c.. low hoaMlowner rates T~ Skll*>ader. dump truck, J ... oittll ~b ... t ··d ••••••••••••••••••••••• gr a ... , roe .. yr Off """ wr , c. 8311257 ~· Hms " . u an· ----cells lmmar. Cleaning f"asl haullng, rea SJ4" up Serv WP care more Yd & gar clnupt> Fr~ Lied /b nd 759·0323 ei.t (714 )842-.m 7» IS.S7 Ge• h I ·n-ee SUraeon. Haul.tng & '--ll1c1fi•9 •••••••••• • • • •• •• •• ••• • Oeanup. Call R.ay, •••••••••• • ••• ••• •• • •• • C:..a•av ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ct]!)~M INTERI OR CARPl::NTHY .............••••••.••• JWmodel addition' ~n toot 113866ZJ 7$2.2094. liyJay 6428809 Gcnf'ral contt3 <"tor Koom additioos. fcnrcs, c..-p.tS..-.,ice patios. repairs. Mr ••••••••••••••••••••••• R) an 675 0500 l.lc Cariiet cle.uunl(, l>tcam & 112ZT773 brush P rofei.s111nJI a.dried Very n,nbl 751 ·8951 Af.L.N l prof. carpet & uphol cleamng srec1al. IJest pn<'~ 760 ~ ··········••··•·•······ ~ec1m·1ans Exp't.I. high quahty, lo t•ol>l /\II Late Electftc 6"12-4521. Cld.'61f1etl Ads , your one. SEl.L idle 1t1•ms w1lh o 'll>P_:>hoppmg center _!>!•ly Paint Classif1~ Ad Gardening, clelln·UP8 & .s4·0319 Europea n Landscaper. landscaping. George Top work fair pnce ~.S4).7072 Hraa11da .. 9 Refs.f>46.4871d ys •evC"5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.AWN sttvire,land· Wanta REALLY Cl.EAN ,,....IMWY scape, clean ups, HOUSE" Call Gmgham ••••••••••••••••••••••• hauling. 642·9907 Girl fo)-eee!lt. 645·~123 Bnr kwork Sm ull job11 t:•p garde ner. mow. Robin's Houserlf'11n1n" NewpoM. C01Jta Mesa & __.. In .,'-" lrvi.ne 675 3175 CH''-.,..ge, c ups. rrtt est Srvr. for a thorou~h ly ----- Hsnbl. CM art'a MM 4891 clf'llll ~ ~7 F'h>k's. plantPr.>. nt'w •>r G ••. _. ~-le.. - ---repaJr Kefs t'rcl"' est .. _...."' .... Sausfled rust. wkly & l>1 ~i4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• monthly al~o orr11·e:. -- S.·n.<eru< tom., Sliding door lt.efer Anita 894·3008 JUrl\!>" Wmdows slur k ., Qill Jiffy J111 k lht! fowr upper P.S l'le<-. plumb ang. carpentry t on! 493-7481 -~r you're huymic or fluu.'1erlrar11nJ(, prufcs... sellani:. Cla11sH1ed ao Neut, compll•l£>, r:.nbl vertll>Ulg ~•II icl your Quuhf1t>d p('r:.1.nnt.'I lo rTll..,,31{t' to lht• n1thl Pt~• serve you 111.'!rd ~ 0105 pl~ C"al~Tndu._\ _' 642_· -~II ...,,.,. ~ '¥1. 1'71 ... ) I ; 'l •A .... " .. '-.. •.J~I _.; ... ~ _>.._.t Li ... '~ .. -·.~ ... ~·· th J9Y ~,,...,,...... ,....,.,.... ~Sanlce ......••............... ....................... ....................... . ..................... . ~ck. NM. block wortr . tile flooral cont'retc patios. wa let. drl ve· ways Free eat J ohn M&-l.583 llodi. Bnck. Slumpatone. Walls • Pluters. let a Uc. contractor do It ri 1ht for you0ReUODable, Bob ~27~ °' $3&-9806. ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Local movlotC. Fre1aht. romtrurtloo. household & otrar e 1uppl1es Rel!a.~ble rates. Call 9155-38S4. Movul.i & Haull.ng. The Starving CollPge Stu dents. Exper. ~1213 . S.ve Uu.s number -------Western WaY$ Moving Co Local &statf'Wide. l.Jc'd lnsrd. 7S1·7'199 Wlwcj~ .. rWJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PETERS PAfNTlNG Expr 'd Reas Ratu t'ree J::.st Call Gene 3Sl <>'511 Vrol pal.lll1nK EX"t &r Int •3771t15 R.t•fo; F'rrt e<1l SlS-4780. ~ 4383 --- Pa1nt1nit INT LXT N.:at, hone~t. rt>a~ . I'.! yr' exp. Lie' d !Jan· ~100 W :-.'T M l lU"\' llas..,1ted Ad." 642 !'Jlr:x Rrl:\aNlal •commettlal Netll ....... 6eaturea Exec. TYJMnis.rvtce pa I D l I n I . F re e .. llT. nJ.t4Jt l..AIU.erl. re141-, IAl'fD tttlmatea. RH. ralea ----------pa p e r s, ca11etle ~tlltt A 1U11 tra nurlblnt. t1pln1 ---------• ..... •••••••••••••••••• overload, etc. Su1an AU.,....,.... D.R. 8l. Qait'• Plumb-•mT. r.:=, sst-i.mco::~ la&.~. IH pr hr .. --.,-t-,-.-et-.--. ,-,--- IMS-3503 ...................... . Dave·, Pa Io t 1n1 , I ... ~ m.knt.s, window R .. 1comml. Ser vln1 ....... •••••••••••••• .. I ~~· R.Hld/store11. coastal comm. 8 yrs. Repair " Reroof. All Xlnt work. '42·540, tUtbett qu~llty work. t y Pe 1 . 1 hin 1 1 es . M.S-7'12 ~ la c d . Dive. rocubakea·compe>-tar. l---------- PA.IN'11NG: Prof Guar. local, Vef'Y reu. 831·2:WM. a.tom int. Ht P'ret •. 541·5'30 Jl'i.n. Avail. ,. --,--:--YOW' Cluaifiecl ad is ao aam~e ... juat S 0 I tlwt give us a call on the ••••••••••••••••••••••• phone aod we'U help you floe ext Painting. S t. Gary'sSaodblaltina. Lac, ins . Try mP. Stucro,wood.etc. IDS-S665 at hn. Richard t"reeest. 7S4..Q963 _Smar _______ T•tt.._ .... SUt a• J!.'MTMS · •••••••••• ••••• • • • • •• • • llNtAL a.ARENCE'S TV. Z7 yra Leave thP painting to ellpe r Oays, eves, me l1 y rs exp Alt wtcnds. ~ 95 + 957 1096 4 . .X>PM,67~9217. Dan Trws.ntu ES SI AN Pamung ar WallpapPnnK Free Est. 3 yr guar Orurk Dss11n 982 1478 Int Paant & wallpa~r tJIW work. rf'al> pr F'rtt t'!'it Steve ~7 "'281 E•t pa.mt l'ail J1m:.amt•:: ••••••••••••••••••••••• AU lev1•1b·~t) ll~ lll(C!I G&bneUa Studw Mui.1r lh :"flO L'\ 645 3003 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ma.e's Tr-ee Service· Tree renmal. cleanup, trash haul.away. :>40-6760. Tree tnm.nung & cleanup Garden i.erv1ce Free est T..,;..q ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'tee t.n al les~. crcdL'fl uaJr-d. rPad.Lng. ma th &r f'rench ~13 word your ad for fast re· IUIU. 642·58711. A Fie; lllloua 8u•lne11 Heme Sttltmenl flied wttll the c:-ty ~I( la n lld 10< fl..e .,_, 9'1•• w111c11 time contlnuln9 IMlllll•-_, , ...... ,u1111c:.-. •• _ __, only 11 th••• ••• cllangea. c.41 IM L..-1 Oepe11111ent et the D AI LY ,.LOT tor 1nlo1 mtt1o n en d necnHty '°'""· I 642-4321 I £rt J.U HetpWanted 7100 HelpW....t.d 7100 H.lpW..t.d 7100 HaepWanted 7100 He-lpW•t.d 7100 Hftf>W_..d 7100 H.lpWOftted 7100 HetpW.+.d 7100~W..e.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Banktn~ 4CCOUMTIHG SAVINGS & LOAM r-:xpund1ng s avings & loan nl~'<l~ per::.un (Or ac 1•ountJ11g devl. ~vtnl(:. lit l11an exµ nl'c Pos1tu111 may leud to as~t con t.ruller Irvine S & L i\:.!'111 lli'>.\2 MacArthur lllvd lrvlllc 7 52. 2600 F-01-:-M IF BANKING NEVER A FEE BanJung Security Pac1f1r Rank has o pcn 1n~s 1n the Carson area for IRANCH Fl04 TUS Muumum 6 monthi. ex µenC"m·c 1n a van ety of banlon,11 poi;1t1ons MOTETE:UUS Miru murn or 6 months ex pcncnrc a... a bank notC' tclll'r Bllnlang Pacific Federal ~.wang-; & Loan has opcrung tn ou r Costa Me i.J & Newport l.karh orflct•!"o ltlf full tame ;,nd µart ume tellers l::xp'd pn• f'd but WlU tram F.xl·el benefits Call Dan C11umbley, ~t OllOO l'lnrber Styhst to manage part time 1\31 95n Tuet1 Ft1, 9·6, Sat !I 5 eves 681 3028. llarteoder full time APP· ly Ul person. G11ry Ford :.t Forest Lane. 22!771 Centre Or • El Toro. ~--~------ canvassers Earn 'llnl1 <.1cnral pay reg1stenni.: voters. t...r1o:e lru.uranre Co ha& ev~ & v. knds 1n II 1J 1mmed.Jutc open.ini.:~ a r ea . & he I r1 Th t' CJeril Typld L1bc r 1araun l'a rty o r Xlntor,portunatytotraan Calaf gain ballot su.ius 1ype 4:, wpm, hl':H y Mu.st be neat_. outi.:o!ni.t. 1Jhone,, various •Jfl' prel over 21 Call 964 J..'\31! l.IULI<" or9tl4 IOOll _ _ LeCJlll Se<,..+ary CilREHTALAGT. a5 wpm I 2)r::. exwr an p t1rne m rJrn•n i:i; 11\tl lillg<tt111n 11r Orange Co. Airport art•a lit•rwn!il tnJury •i mu 7S2 7100 dH'\Jµhone. l!OOd 'IWll -------inK apt i t ude 1'•> CAI W .UH HElP shl'H'thand f'uU & Part time Records Clffit 18& Over Will tram l'Onsc•<'nllou~ M£TRO CAR W /\Sii uxJJV1duul 2950 Harbor Bl. C M. p Tl,,. Cieri! C1 .ERJC.:AL PURCHASING CLERK COOK. brkt l"'Xfl """ Ut•Jthe<>mber 2GJJ W C.na.~1 llw). NB 64<1 HRH COOK. Bre.ikha~t ''"~r ntt fll'f'~ 1·herkt'll i\pp ly .,;:!! ..... (118/ol I Iv. y' SR M4 17811 Af;p. opriah lk11t r• ()Y.ik v.antt'd f.,r l\4han cplired. Wil troia. ~ faprefl \1 F <'ult APPLY IN PE it..';()~ 1:'7!> :JIM 9 S•Jtm LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS :11.31 W S<o.:~r::.trom Santa Ana. CA l '' ~ rn 1• t 1 r 1 a n I ro r °""'lrrun:1t1·r t "r Jppt \ru1 Sachob ~J 4l.l3 Day Care Person to hplp tn my home P 1l after· ~~ l>f':l.J llELP Exp, rd. r uJl ti me 644 5619 Oali•aty /Offk• loy Jl'u ll t1 mt-. valtd Ca anvcr.. Ill nee.. :-.ic11t ap pear ann• Appl) an l)l'rV)f1 tn ~r Fuente' lit H1rbert lk1n. W11l1am F'to-.t & 1\:-:.or 1401 Quail ~!'IR DIMTAL~ Dental X ray chrsd 64~0112 Dental i\s,..t Nl'wport Heach off 111· Clo at r.,111• e x pl' r p r ,. f 1· r r e '1 ~5-4J I or 040 ~ Umk l'lcrk. mu:.t be abh to work weekends & eves The Inn Al L agun:i 211 N Coa1't Hwy ~a Beach DIVHS ~eeded m Nwpt Harb{)r ~ be <"i'M1f1ed . Nl'p tune OIYm l? (' n 646-8832 TELLERS TO S900 TEU.SlS Minimum 6 months ex pcncnce rcqwn..>d. Bal li ng o per , p IT , CA'ilDEHS. full or pnrt I 5· 30PM For Bur Work approll I hri. rl(Jr day An1n.,t-r ,,hon,.,, vanow. ofc duue::. Equal opp cmployr m (Ii (UL:"\~t.LOR "'1A.'~AGER TR.\I'\ t.~. prt ume 4 hnt datl) & full umc Rf'I. ma tu re. v. Pit groo m ed lady f u r l'oun selnr G lort a Marshall F'll(ure . a Ion. no ellpe r nee Call 64:.! 3630 D I-. I. I \' E R V p P n o n nt!eded ror blu~prant rnmpan y Apply 1n person at R~TO 11. 260 S•"'Np0!'1 Center On\ l'. :-.i~"'auch 0nrttsnm11 /Ale c• to ddlt m 11pi.. µlot graphs. file data Sboulcl be rompetf'nl 1n m.ith throu gh Kt'Omt'tr) Salary SJ 50 ti> S4 50 pc•r hr depending on skills Call67!'>-~\ TB.Lats,. tr T0$6HOUR ('flld salanC''\ and ex c-e!Jent benefits arc or ff•ro•ol 111 ~<'hl'l'lulc an appointment. µl eas t· call roughs L 6000 pos llng tJme Apply in per:.on mach. Ex PP r or w 111 n I t Y C a l a I n R tram. Apply at 1$3'7 w Showroom. 3200 llaroor J8lh St .. CM Blvd . CM_E_o_i:. __ _ COUECTORS TO SI 140 TB..LSt Tl'41MEES TO $650 TBJ.ER TRAINEES P ;TTO $3.75 HOUR CRB>IT CHECKER TO SIOO Pl.A TFORM SECY TO $1200 LOAN PROCESSOltS TO S900 LOAHClHIC TO $750 IRAHCH MGR SliL TO $1700 ASSTMGRS&L TO $900 ors Off-IC ER TO $20,000 LEASE PERSOM TO $12,000 972,..9955 (2 I 3J 603-2123 SECURITY PACI AC BANK An Alf11mat1ve Artlon F.mployer M /F /H V Banking Newport B each Mortgage Banking Co. has 1mml'd1ale opcnmgi; '°' amb1t1ous md1v1duul!> with prior office ex penenrc m the follnwing positions LOAN SA.LES Some pnor experience in shipping & warehousin~ Ul FllA, VA & conven· llonal loan. .. would ~ de s 1rable but not man datory. Typing 40·45 wpm. a.ERK PURCH.UIMG Xlnt opening for <"lcrk typist with purchal'lmg background. Candidate will ha ve som P PX · penence In related (ield to perform a wide varie· t y Ill oll1ce duties in the PurrhasmK Dept. Typin~ reqwrement 45 wpm. & abdJtY to operate a IO key would be helpful Si.lary commens urate with upenencP. DOCUMENT MACHI ME Aookkeeptnl( personnel $800 per m o l"f o n i.mokeT 55'i-63214 -- BOO KK EEPf~R foll rharge 2 j(1rl ntrire F.x perlmced 1n peg board Must be oble to bnng books t.hru tnal balance & i:eneral lediter Salary $l<XX> to $1300 per m" Call f~ appt Ask for Uoyd.. 64&7441. Lloyd's Nursery & Landscape Cn 202B Newport Blvd. C M. IOOUHPBF/C Pos1\Jon with pr<>mment F'Mh Isl. Real F..5tate In· \es t Firm. Xlnt op port.unity 640-0123 llookkeepn. r rr for s m pub!Jr a<"ctll rirm . (){.' /\J.rport area. musl have rece nt publi c c•p . 833-3443. Hookkeepcr-Gen 'I Orrc AIP, AIR. P/R & rollec· t1op . Mature woman 54(}. l.SOO. Dookkeeper·F C·For a growinR COMUI t lllR firm loc at e d in f as hio n l.5land. NB. Benefits m· e lude major m e d . mileage a llowan ce, parking, 111 n a t 'I holidays, & your birth· day off +I wk vacation. Call Glenn Olllefl or Ted Bavly at644·9174 IOOICKHftH CA RRY OPEAATOR Arr n ts Pay&ble ConstrucUon l'xpr. µref Mi.as Oa vi~ 54()..-0500 FOX T<> type lown information Into Durrouahb Doru AGENCY ment m11ch11\e , adJust NEVER A FEE rorms for prinl-0ut and t\LL JOBS FREE make corrections when Branch sales of rice or ma· jor carpet rnanur. firm hu openJng for order desk clerk. Exp'd pref. but not req'd. Call for In· terview. 832-4520 Roxy 1616 E 4th Strfft necessary. Prior office c..n... I lO, s-ttl Alta exprnence & typing of 45 ..,. wpm requi red. P a rt Open Eves By Apppt tune -------1 . AC:COUMTS IUS IOY A.UNCH PAY AAI c:&.IU EXPERLENCE NEC. 8anldni rART-TIMI TBIEIS N e wport Be a c h 'lbtlUU 873-6383 Mortgage 8Anlllng Firm 8"'1nesaman aeek1 p It haa Immediate opening auoclate in 1rowln1 for exper ienced Ac· marketing buslneu. count.I Payable Clerk. &n·!ea Must type 40 wpm " 1be Newport Beach of. operate JO kPY by touch. CABINET maker prerer 2 1iceolSan0iegoSavlng1 Salary commensur ate yniex.p.CMarea. & Loan has 2 part· time with cxper. 848--0343 5411.5053 Tel.ler positions avail•· PAYltOU a.BK ble. Applicant mu.'lt be Independe nt Individual c.ftferi•....,.,. available for S d1ys full· to 8$Sllll In the Payroll Short Hours tame tralnin1 In San Oep t. Typma require· 3 hr. min. Sl:IO per hr. D1e10. have pravlous ment of 45 v.rpm, & aome C.M .. N.B .• C.dM a.nu. caahlcrina experience, payroll uper . desirable. AlllllY at Newport Meaa be able lo type accurate· Sol ary commensur ate lfnltled School Dtat. lY. u.. 10 ke1 adding with u perteoce . P'eod lanice otnee, 115'7 mac b I n e a n d b c ,._...., Coat.a lleaa. CUllOIDll' oriea&ed. lluat ...-. be avallabl• to worll Xlat COlllPUl1 bettefita. 1--------- S.lurda". lnle"I••• Call P.,aOtimal for appt.1•-------• ac:W~ b1 appoU.l· teM59> ... IC.O.I:. Cameraaae wlttl al ..-.._,,. lelat 2 Jn. n,.n.ct BaaldDI wn Liiio ca ..... full PlaaM COO\Hl Rulli T&Lahfn. tllm ..... plllable. • DUka: ... -. t>owne ._..,. 6 Loan ExcellHl coapany IAM._0 Z&mAL .......... .... a8 OJDlll in IU -...... ~ beta .. o.t.a-. WUdt for a Mii 6 IPit .._ Un part Lhne teUw. Savln11 .ftt. ll: llto.nOf'buldal aper. Ol.,.ICOAST DAferred. llUJ& "be able A••y-_ io wortr .....,....,., Xlot -r-.-1 ..... ~r worlliDI comd. Paid mw,..,lt. ~~l'~r~1~,~·~11~1F;;111~~ • .c .. -.. ror turtJMtr c-....._. c.. ~ ~~· ftlW· All~==·-~7 Wwllll llMll °'f!!hlPl1T' -.. ~=---Ml cau---....... , .... I C l\S 111 E R . I\ pp I y 111 per son Cr<1 11.n ll.:i.rd11.ar1>. 3107 E Co;,.,t 11'4')'. CdM -- CASHIER t-\&11 time good pay Growth company 5 loca Uon.<1 Over 18 We tead1 Melro Carwash. :.!!l!>ll II.arbor alvd C M Cl\.SIU £RS Cennal ,,r face. e•perienred part umc. SJ.JO hr i\pply Thl' E.u.rl's PlumblnK. 1!>33 W Lmcoln. Anaheim <;all 4;42-17~ e xt II CASIDER. Head Cas hier at <Ast.a M~a Hranrh stnre. f'ull lime ptll"ltl1on ror mature per:.on. Ex penenccd m cai.h1enng, telephone. in kt•y, Ille book.keof'ptng & Ill h(lr nr Oce duties N<> typang 5' 00 per hr. Apply M<>n Fri Mpm. The t.arl s Plumbmg, lS.33 W Lan coin. Anaheim. nr c11ll M2l7:>.1ext 11 Qash1er Cur drug i.tore Exp. prererred 3021 E Coast Hw y, Cd M 673-2SSO C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS Openings now av11i111ble for full time 111111111t11nt 1111nageri; on 2nd & 3rd stult No expPrienre nee We tra.m Start SJ JO to 54 per hour l\dvanremrnt oPPOrtunlty for m11 naite· ment po!lillON! lO ~.:>0 per hour II qualified t-•or more lnlormation " ifl· l.er'\1ew 10 to at.ore 82 at 3000t C r ow a V a lley, Laguna NiguPI, 495·995Cl are&U n•MJ....O. ~ Oppor Emple>yer OIUd care. 9 yr old boy. after .cbool unll I S:30PM. Heritage Prk area. Call all 6P M . S..*4 Clerical l.A.rge !Mu.ranee Co. h111 Immediate openJng11. a.t.Typht Xlnt oppominlty to tr am. Type 45 wpm., heavy phonea, varlou1 office cMiea. .... Cllrtl WW t.raln conaclen&ioua ......... XJml ~C'ODCll. a. ti.Dell&.J, la penon »a,Mcm. Fri. ......... c.. ""' lrcddMlnt fl:-·• van., mz To Pl1ce your "J'Ht Rnult" Service DtNC\ory .ct ••• call Now 64~M71 ...m Xlnt working con<l-; & benefits Apply an pcr..nn 10 2. Mnn thru F'ro Sat.co Ins. Co. 17570 Hrnokhur"t Fountain \.'allev EUl-.: Clt>nral Receptionist/ PBX Position avallablr for Rec e pt 1r;n1 :. t f> ll X Operator lo aru.wer clc< trnn1 r pul lie !rW!l<"hooard. ftll', t) IX'. & gJ"t.'(·l cu.'ltomen. Wt' are ;:i <"Ustnmr·r nrwntrd bank & pro\ uh• quality Sf'rVl<'e This po111t1nn J:r<>und floor opportunity for th1' nght prrllfm W~ offer CXl'l'llCnt salary & benefit'! & a \ 1•ry rnendl\ & Hry pro fessuinal atm~phen· Qualified appl1cu n1 s shwld coo ta ct AMGtlAUEH 17141752-0600 ed23 MMIJFACTURERS BANI l..201 Dove Street !llR Equal ()ppt>f' F.mplnyf'r Clerical Bu.o;y ofrll'r nrrd11 "" pcrienr <•ll pcr'\on for part 11ml' l'fl·ncal PQSI &.>on. 9am to :.!µm, Mon thru P r1 Great o p Jl')f'lunlt)' f()r a womn n with children In 11chool. RJMTllDGE LAJC)SCAN CO . ~f>.0791 <LERJCAL OFRCE Cl.Ell TIAlllEE The Dally Pilot hu an immediate opening ror trainee for full time. permanent position in our Classifi ed Dt>part· ment. Must be able to C.EJUCAL OFACE CLERK PA.JtTTIME CREDIT UNION Moture per:son. hook· keep1ni: ba<'k.:r•1und $3 2 5 h o u r ::. \ J r 11 n K salary LSI F.C.U. :1131 Wl!lll ~Reri.trom San1<1 An.i. CA 1714 )~ 31Jl ConLa~ Trudi Equol Opponon1ty J:::mplnyf'r m f h Counter peri.on l'art) ('(JMU!la.nt. full time Ln· --- DIUYBY & STOCX F"\JU llmf'. xlnt tM-nPfll!-. ~Harold,~ E t7th !"tl <A;ta M~a rh.-11.ng Sat Apply 2025 Oeb\·ery. p 't. 4 30 9pm SewJ>ort 81 C M _ C)-.n trans ~on·f"r 1 COUNTER GI RI. full 11me . w ill train :'l E W I' U It T CLEAN t-:Rs . !>•Uj 222 1. ro.11 fQr flPPl C:ountl'r Ht•Iµ .\t nndll:!>' thru t'r1 6am ipm )1ui.t bt• rehablt-Appl) an pPnon Golden Hn> Donut. l7741 St>a<"h Bl. IHI. ·2 block11 n , nr Talbt'n. COUNTER HE&.P P time da)'S, flex1blt' houn SJ 50 hr to st.an No exper nttt>S~ i\pph an pc..or.ion onJ y Mon· Fn Ii 10 °' 2·4, Blockbu.,tcr'-. 17m7 MacArthur Alvd . lrvme "loc11ted 1n fo'()(l(! !'ark. Mmcr MacAMhur &Mili n ::i.ome ~ltnd." req !ll'u .. 1 le: OVT llS ~l.(MlJ Ot>h\Cf) r tJmeo A~. LA n~. SJOO pPr wc•ek Laguna Beach. ·•~ 11496 _ l>E:UVF:R LA l'lme-i. C"ar routet-LO CM HB 3 6/\M. s:r,o. S.00 mo • bonus S4&-448 I ()< 9b4-'!lft2 Deilvery. supplemC'nlal 1nconw Eeonom1ral t·ar needtd Afternoonb La~una Beac h . Sil L,uuna. San Juan C;,po ltrf'a Call The Regu;ter. ~I J iii -------- DIMOHSTRA TORS Ft1 & Sat 10·6 Near your ho me food~. & :.mall aµp l1 .. n c l':. 714 7111-~73 •Dtl.IVEIS• •RJU TIME• ="' e a t a p p •· a r a n c ... knowledKC or OranKl' County Good dnvin~ rt' l°Ord Over \8. Company veh1rles. SJ 10 p e r hr + 1nrentlves . Ca ll ~r67J..92SJ ---- Dtl.IYYS a.cure• Gd dnving record. CXC-t•I •'a r n 1 n i: p '' t t' n t 111 I ~ ORNER. full llm<', good dn\1nK rcx-ord. 18 year, & O\l'r Apply 2431 W Pac1f11· Coai-t llw ~. Newport ~arh CJen;Tn"•t Ct>unter Person n~ded ~nt;il /\~~•st Do you lmpnrt:in1 rN:11I travel fo'u 11 T 1 m e C ' rn e o ... ant a c areer an OMh-0 Dnver for dd1venc~. full tJ.mp Neat apJ)l'aram:•· Knowledge l)f Newport 11.irbor area Ma:.tcr Glucpnnl 234 F1s rhn A v c • Co i; t a M ,. ' J ~174 a.ient ha' 1mmNl1ntc C..11•an<'r!i644 -0893 uuh11ng all )'Our RDA operungs for clenral as --------!>loJls? ~l21 ____ ·--------- '''1anL<1 Late typtnK fil c-tar {'!fll'd M9' D-AL Dtl.IYllS 1n" dorum e n tat1n n f time. Merhan1<"a l mn• ... ..,. .. 0.....1 pf A I 1705 p ....... odonUst nffds full ... en or womm w yrs or Generous salary range a ... tty a us. PP Y '' • older Know the roa1<1 f'u ll med 1c al 1dental So Coast Hw>~_g_B_c_h _ lime asst ExpandPd (."!UeS. Net SlllO a week Of benef1U Assoc11ted dutlf'li o ppty X Ray mo re O r a "oA Coa!ll Counter Girl Mon t-'r1 ~111c-te ......A Exper ,..,c T r avel Se rvi c es , 112 ~ Everysecond ~al ._ . ..,..., .. ·~ Call YPllow Cab. 17300 Ml 833-2977 pref'd. Salary open. all lfe rrmann, Jo'o untalr 9 5 Apply in per!IOn 842 6631 Q.l!UTYPtST lmll'K"d1alt opening for a ful l t 1 m t• C I Prk Typist 1Re r Ppt1o nist ~nR In our Property Tax Orpan ment Pos1 lion r('flw rt'~ one year 11ener al nff t<"e ex Pf"\erlCe & typing of 50 wpm SlatJst1ral typ1nR & n llng I~ involved J\ great opportunity with Orange County's lead1nc community build e r . Ptease rompltte appllca· tJoo or submit resume for revtew to JOHN BUCK.Jr; THlllYMCO ~Newport Center Or Newport Bearh. EOE ----------CX>OK for AMI.lit League Da y Ca r e Cente r . Prtpare lunch & 2 anaclls for 40 childre n. Hrs. 9·2, Mon·fo)-i. 64S·6S70 --- M~a North Clun<'r!>. Valll'y (No of Slatrr 1170S.kPr.Ch.;;ta MHa Df'nlll Assl$tant. part bt't wn Newhope & Couple· Retired to manage & maintam beautiful 24 t.aut, all adult. no pPI, upartments. <.;ot1ta Mesa. E•pen e nce pr er erred. 67~17. Data Prot'eNtn(I COMPUTER OPERATOR Due to our continued growth, Taco e.u. the nation's larseet Ol*'ator of Mexic an fut.food l'el!UUrants bu an Im· mediate o ppo rtunity available ror. Computer Operator. tJme po6 ror bearb area Euclid> Endo. office. X Ray ex per req 847-351.3 __ _ Dental fo)-ont Ofhre Appt Ins . J>eg Roa rd .. x · pp rte n c e es s en LI a I ~tabllshed office tn xlnt area Salary opPn, non smoker. 645-6501. lJl!l.'ltal Ass 't • Ortbo .. C br . N.B. Part Ume or full ------ ELEC TR I C IAN 01 HELPE R. Opportunlt) for advancement wltl rapidly g ro win g O .C l'Ofll.ractor Cootat"l t;r or Art at~ l878. ,---------- ELECTRIClAN. Raid. OnJy. To SlS. llG-S447. Urne up to 4 d•Y11 per --------- week. Top salary & beneftls. Orth<> exp. ar RDA req.142·2628. Dental All 't /Recept. wanttld for C.dM prac· Uce. F·Ume. aood salary. expB"pref'd. ~. • Sr.P'roMtioll •d1ica.. type 35...0Wpm <typlnit 1---------1 teat will be administered Openlng is on 2nd shift for individual with a DIMJA.L/AMfft. f'ull lime. expertenced chalrside ror friendly Costa Mesa ofc. Gd benrflU • 1alary. Qlll MMGSJ m inimum or one year Dental Aulst . Ortbo ooenUon expenence on _ .. _,_.de -..i ~ L mil SYtltem 3 Mode.I 15. ..,,_.,i 'u.,_.enc.:u • ........_. "-nn..t RDA preferred. P\all cw ~·ence on ._. time ol· Must be familiar wit! mot.or auembliea, rom preuors and aenerator lncludln~ wlrtn1 aq teaUna. M111t al10 b capabM ol a....-rvtaJn -.wmbly won.a. Soll assembl1 llat eit perieoee ta the abov areM wW qualif1 )'OU ro ..... ,...,. to all a pplJcant•>. handle phones. learn computer and ot h e r ge n e r a l cleri cal duties. Op · partunlty lot' advance· immt and excellent COG\· DUY benefits. Salary CllD'MNNW'ale with ex· Plliwil· For lat«V1ow, ~call: toml, ext. O&+-"MCOAST DAILYPILOT -~=-Equal Opportaity Employer •COOi• <Mat.andlnl oeportunlty eJCJsts ror fwl or part lime Cook with some lbort ordiM' u_pefi~. Di>' ud eveaiq boura available. Enjoy ••· cellent compan1 beneflta. Applr to Penoaael, tam·DOOD, .... ~. MAman'HOTa. toO Newport OttMr Dr Ne..,art8t•eb COOIS "'4*'-fi'AU « put Ume. teO+ Ci.l!Rlt i Ume evet. parlblft If qualln.ed. XJat 8Dok 1 la La1u.aa be11tlt•. Appl1 le ._. _...,,. "'909· .. ~ •• r1a11.r llfPt. .......,.-1o.m C1•lao ••al, Sae QJrt .............. .!:~!!!!!!!!!!,. ___ _J •a=,-. ... =~ 3741 Direct J;:MW11o~ Dental A11't, exper., :=.,~area. DDn'AL IHIU&ANCS NBflOD...-,...S..OD cc.., ... tralalel wm bejJOWAdld. lal comm .,..,. Oldl•ma. • •ctslAI ..... ~ Experieaee pr erret tu wW t.rala. APPLY IN PDION ' ~~~ ..... ?!.~1!~'1.~~ ..... ?! ... ~~~ ..... ?! ... ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~?~!.~ ..... ?!!«? U'.OAL S ECRETARY t.o ................ <inc. belp want.eel, full ~ requlresneou: J\111 time P'root •a.ck U... ApplJ ln l*'IOD: INSftCTOl4N PlllESS 1 lu r t0b ! ! J.' 0 81u t ~ dfc. MMllO. llOCl1Dtoll. C.M. ~ tn-wriw exper CS.lr•· • °'=· tutt .... ••ter•I ElllllER N•ed ea p •r leo ee •labb111i1101 ~la and pritl•• for prec111on -~ lib(ip producUI P*Dl be aWe t.o d.vek>p d.tttled •1t1 mate1 of ro•ll marhlnu and oounct par\a. pl .a "'" Mmbly le bor. nu.ts Ide Pf'Ott-"llr.11 and loohn1t N1nimu1n 2 )'••n. to F\lltM <'Ultcr. no eap nllt' .....,. worii AM. p it. t tl. IOl7G ··ooo f.R V I CK SUPltRVl&OK Cer1 pre f~rrt'd t:lun. newu ~Port llc:u Cuov tlo1J1 2670 H rwl1urt filvd (;o•I • M t>U ~ ,._ 1rowtna rompany Mild• help ~ap.t or traAneel ... •AL OflllCI ~ •nc• •SIWrlC • ,.IC em'PUMCtt r.ar11l h1 nt r omp1ny bloaflu, lnlonnal ofllr ... C M Call Milli• lilflM MM,M:l.0 M a n uracturln& 'm ed lcal company needs a person who ls a self ·•tarter. likes detail work, cupable of working under a microscope or wltb small pa r ts. Kno wl edge or solde r i n g opt>rutlons & ret1 ts t ance we lding processes helpful. Good be nefits. M 1ssion Viejo a r ea . Sa l a r y t·ommen.surate with ci<perience. Only those qualified seeking perma nent t"mpl oy m e nt . ca ll B e tt y fo r appointment 581·3830. ble. S.A. 6 Tuatin area. ..-SSlll8• Ume r aphy Xlnt aal•rv --m ..... I lo ~3'40 -1 ""'"" ..... lmmedlat" ope nln1 ----- a b l 11 t y fr elt p e r Muat be de pe nda ble , O r ie ntal l a d y for 714-f'lS.Zl.17. bave own t'ar. 1ood drlv· houletluning I dy pr wk LY.GAL SECRETAR Y . kntC record. Ouaraateed In f.ulbhlf. "4..s26 for pertM1' IJ\ Npt Och. !I> hr ..-. SUS per br. law firm M1n ayn ex + mOeaae. CaJI Debbie PAIALIGAL per. ln Uli1aUoo ts bu.51 8.!l>t.o 10 30em. S4t411'7t. Medium 111ed defense ne.u/corporate . G ood li~lawfinn lnNpl belMJ. PleaM call Mr. t1DOIL5-ISCOllTS Bd1 aeeka lull time ~at 714·752-~10 Attrac:tive Femal• Only traioed paralec al with Le1al Secretary. aelf iUIU!r. 1 gi:rtotfice, non Bn>Oker . general law. Good aldl.la. 164--IMt or 8J3..2M4 llOOWt+.~ one to thl'9e yn law r e· lated experience. Start Immediately. Salary competitive . Telephone G a l l S p ie lma n 714 (158.001. lloonlilbllng. Ambitious couples eam extra tn · come Prr. •Hl.26 for llpllt • l2All. wnuar aiuu&nrMnt r~ GA.I. fo'RIUI\ V. atrtM11& ,... 4u11t'tl iJ1•1fn·~· 11 p lu" but 1~wt,c·k•rtnl aloU1. 1101 1~1u1n'lt rapablet of •••urnlnM fr' pn n • 1 b I It t )' X Int 1t,-11w1h Olli'"' tu111t )' w r1pidly 1·~1,an1l ln l( mrlpt'd 1rn111ortr 1 l>t·rby Motor {'11Jli 111 Amrnn 1. n 14 rno ITT<"• la.Lii TIAIMll PAATTINI 94.1,.r Stsl. Ht'k!I 10 d1vldual with out l(Oml( 1 •r•onalit y t:a1h1ti r 1letQround • IJjlhl I y p Ste lo join ll!I l.lAl(UOU •Ill 972-9955 W( otfr r an ('ll rf'llf'nl wary levrl. ouU.t•ndtnl( brodllA lnc-hahnit t•t•m pl&l11 petd nwdrr al und iJ t'Ol•I ir111u ra 11l'f' f or t'mplu)'~ and df'p.-11 dh'4.l. 11nd moc t' f or 1 m m~1a1.-ft)n,11fr,-at1un c:ullJi<'t P1•r"1nnd I.EAi SIEGLER TRAMSPORT DYNAMICS u:11 w ~·i.tt'l 't rultl :-tmt111 Aua. <.. '11 V270.! UASIPMSON (il"OWUI& bank SM!kit 111 dividual with eqwpmcnt le.-e background to pro l·:<1ual Ovµortunt1 ~ ~:. thf!ir lea11e P•P4'r --"•:•"•ll'•lo•y•c•·r·m-•r •"--1 'f«k & lat.er .irnw 1nlo lease Ml(ent. lk11t·h loca ----------uon. 972-9955 •MDBYTaAIMH Large com pany net'<h 1n- d1Vldual to bind papt!r w o r k & de l iver throughout their large of f1ce build ing l .ot11 of v1r1Pty & fanta!>ll C benefits. Rearh IO<'allnn 972-9955 l..uT ,!OUTPUT TRME ESCROW SECRETARY Our be11ul1ful N1·w1>orl Ueud1 and Santa i\11.1 of ftl'<"> have 1mmNJiu11• tol' portu111llt.'S for Se<-r1•t ;i rv With six month.'i or mnn• e x p r r 1 c n 1· 1• Respon.'i1b1hl lt'3 will tO r lude Ldrphnnt• c·o m mun1rat111n w 11 h 111 I•· 1'l1mpa 1u ., und h~•ht n · t'l'pl11"1 dul lf"I 'I\ l'lllJ.l •of 35 wpm re\IW red 1 'he.<' po'> 1 l ll'lfl ., off n t 1111 .. ta r1111 i: "alan1·' t·'C lit-:Nfi.HAI. \l ... l' ll 'to; Sm 11Uhll11Nfltt llrm '' t•k, l(m uh 11>111kt•1 ... 1m111t- derw •I clulll''> lli'h1111'<I .,1m11aph1·1,·. 111111u1 1• 1w11 """IH·r 111 c•h•r r n l ltM .a..t:1l l'MI f):M I t'u111 puh•r I.fl II II ( 1t'ltl'I ;1 I 111111·1• I'"' 1111111 11\ u1I w ""'"" Im 111 111 'IUI Ulll'l ' C II l'I plllt! I I' 111.f ~I llll(• G.CtHAL OfftCE TRAINH \'.1rt011~ 1lul•t'' 111 .. 1111111 1111111 (11 llC't'N:>llli.I 1·11111 p.111\1 (;nod 1•11lt•111111I !111 II ~ 11 l Ill' I ., II II , 111 Ill ,..,11k 1•1, Ot' 11 ptt r l 1111·11 7~1 •(f"f I Gt•rw-rul OH11·1• 111-. huo•k i:ruun<l lwh1lul 11111 ""I ll('('e..' ( ·11,1111•1• for 1111 vam·ml w 1:row111tl or gw1w.1l11M1 Cull :,.'ill .l:.eJ:! Gft'IERAL OfC l-:X1•·r h•·lriful, It 1yp1111: 1intf1r 11•m·v w f1~un .. ., Ill kt·~ hy tuu.r h Oppl~ for advan1•1•nwnt Xlnt 1 •1 bl'll(•f. 1nf11rm11I ufr ('M ('a ll 'Vt ilht• J ft !l:1m, 00~1 Flnanc1al .c1ant n<-ed:. m li1vldual to h<tndle the m put & o utput ''' th1•1r computer Company will tram good Good ..:rowtll 11otcntwl & 1•1tn·ll1·nt berwf1L'i IW11d1 hw ot11111 l.'l'lh>fll l!ro~t h 1111t1•n 11al 1 _________ _ ancl nuL ... tunding lu•11d th mcludtn~ 972-9955 •l-r N! hcolth 1n-.11r u111 ,. •l''l'<.,. dental 111,111a111 1· ... 'rt~· park1111! •l'r11fll ~har111i.: l'lt•:t'4' 1·J1ll fol :tll Ill 11•1v11·w 11p11111 nt m•·11t . uco.!t1~:RTRHE RDELITY u y1x.t haYf• J\CMKl math & FEDERAL w11nt rapid uclvan1•1·t• Scrv~ & Loan Aun rnt'fll potentts.11h11-r•iul<I <7M 1 ma HI 11 be your lur·ky 1la y. ··~ t-:i1u<il (Jpl.lf>rlu111 t) VICTOR NEEDS YOU!! 'I'' 111•.h l1HX Op• 1 :ot"r.. h1·~11u11d1 ()tll'I W ,11 \'1)111"1' Wiii kt'(' 'I I ;1111t••• ,\\• 1·1111111•1' Wnfk ... twn '''" ..... 1111 111 '1.l.\'l·ll \fl-I'. f1111rn-.1..., l'.oll t•11!;11' c•f'll1•nt ben1•l 1h ( :01111 t-.mployt.'r toc:11t11on l•---------•I ~VICTQR 972-9955 EXEC SECY/ WOllD raocESSOR TlilMEE ;-., II l lJ(t; lfMP'()QARV · SiRVIC.l-~ ~,:;, H~120 ~~:!ii:!<! MOUNDS ~· SUPtaYISO. Nt~dcd t u a11v•1 v••~ in1untnnu1u·t• c· rt•w In 111ult1plto l1>1•a 1111n11 ''' lrv111ll lN"wpu rt 111 t•ll U.01(f.-.' J>I t•f1•1 rt'fl With ~ :t yr111"1 l'llllf'nt-m'l' t-:• 1~ll1•nl lwnt"f1L11 A 1111ly in lll'f ,1111 THI IRYINI CO 11111 <'u11wlbt11•k Nf'WJJOC1 11.·u··h, tl+l-312 1 Guard Jobs :-J\V ~.1;1\.-. II ~OU Wlllll tu ,..lll k ,..l. 1111\1' II t<lh fo r \'OU 111•111 >"'" h1111u• /\II ,11111 .. 11\'lllh•hi .. ( ·11111111 111,1>1 11J1\1111·n1 1\11111 f•'r I llHlll !tlllll 17111 !1:!!1 ;!;11\11 1 • .:1!' \V ( '1111111tuJ1W1•111lh l•\1lh•1 t1111 ( "' M 1HI 1-) I" 30 I :10 1/111')40Mll1 ~ W Wam1•r ltm :!17 ~.111t.1 """· ('.t W.U1Fcrqo Gucrd Senlc•' 1>1v1-.1on of l~kt•1 1•rfl41'11 l•IO ~rVIC'I'' t-:.t1uul Opp<>rlur1tl) Employer M 1-· GUARDS,M /f lll lJ'>' np •n a11 ,111rt" W,.'. 01'1-'~;H ll111forrn i\ll11w • lt1•i: l'•"h, i\IJl'1\I• 1\l'l'I f'J) flll lit• E'lp •ir tca111.1hlt'. ll\'li,1 IJll.' t-:h tt· l1.11n1I "Wf''.('1\IH: :.:,i; !1>17·1 GUA RDS l•,1 II & IJU rl \ llll!' 1\1 I j r ,. .. .. u II I r " I Ill f urn1:-.ht'd A it•· • "I nr fll'••r H1·ttr1-<I w••l1·111n .. N•1 1•iq11·n 1·m ·t• 111•1 /\pp Iv tJ111v1·r-..ol l'rul1•t11•111 ''ll'fl lt'I'. I :!:!ti w :.i h Slrt•••t -..1nl.1 \11.1 In ll.'rvh·" l111u1 '> 'J I:! & I I l\111f1 I hru ,..r 1 11 .t 11 ~ l ~I 1 "I I-"t II Fa.,h1•t0 h lJntl l•1t•at1•111 <:u._tr.1n1 .. ,· r·11mmt' 1-.n I Ii<! bt!11l'f1h 1:1'J 14!1 I ~J) ,n,,.f8$ '""fashionable I Rt-Ml Ot!fore 1 lam . •fter :tpm :rt 1-'uluoo laland. Holttu/Cehrl •CJ _.....,., t.:xP41rrnnrl' 1n d1n1ng niom .. upervuuoo & b•n <11.M>t booll 1n.: reqw red t>n va\t.• Club Apply m f11'1'1'11t1 We<lne<s \hn.i Sun ll a m l o J pm lllOI l\ity,,1<lr Or Cd M llo .. tei.." ('nt•kt .1 11 W111t n ·"· 4 111.1thl~ per w1•1•k 1-:x p1·r11• n n • u 111u1>l t \tll fu r uppl !;1:1 :.ooo t•11t !>20 1111!.tt'"' X Int lllJlll Y t 11 "UIJplt•ntt'lll IO('llnll' Wt'lt'tlllll' lll'W r('\1tl1•11h l'1•rr11 p l t-i1·K hr'I N1•1•d I' •• I & I y "t• w r I I •• r llcrn p1tal1ty ll11 .,l1·:.'i S4•1 VI\'\!, 5'17 :Jo9:• Jlotd NIGHT AUDIT CLERK 1:.•.tfl llfllJOflu1l 1ty f•1r ,1 r.·hahh• JJt'r,1111 wit Ii .rn .1pl1luJ•· f11r 1111111b1·1' & '"'" 11IJt11r ')o lh NC'll l:1JJ t'il j)\'r pn·I /\•h an 1·1•1111'nl 11ppHrl Uflll 11·' .1v.11I 1-:nJul xlnt 1·•1111 11<1nv bl'n••f•h 1\1111lv •1.1m I<! N'"'"· ~1on 1''11. I'• or.uniw t MARRIOTT H OTEL !•)O :'111·w11•111 ('1·n1n Ur r.;, .... p11rt , ..... ( h i'}1unl Oppm i'.m pl \ r ' M I lltAt•I ltl'c q 1l11111t.,l Will tram Nt .. •\ .11·1·ur.1t1• h<o!H"' & ol<-111·n tlnhl" M•·~11JI•· 1111111 " L111•un.1 Iii"" h I 'l T I o H 7 111 1:r1 :~141, 1101 I~'" C'L I·.\..., I>. It S M ,.. !ti l"I 111·1 111 i. \I"'' w t'af 1:.•1 l~h,7 11111 • ._, 1-,( 'I . r. \ :\ I'. I< '-o I '.or 1wc I' 'l 1111• ~~ t .111..:ham C ;11 11, 1~ •.• 1''-1 ll•111'>•••·l•"'"''f \:o ·"'"" ,.,,,... Nr l>i1v..r ~ ( 11 11 ..... ll flw11 t1 •• n, 'l ,·, ;t..:1·11 f.'11'anc-1JI v,1ant '"'''''' l(uod typ1!-l l11 tra111 •111 llw PERSON FRIDAY Our 1••1111pany, a t11;:h t1t•rfu,-m t11f.: 1nd1v11l11i1I whu r un rcm<11n 1 .1lr11 & fun1 'l1•>0:1I u11d•·r fwd H pn:-:,.,un· -.1tua1 100 . <11 .ii ·""''rll\ll•h ... 111\ .. 1 ,. i'JJE M 1-· I IJ\I IC S'l't I.I'\ I:-. & .t'•'" t.u1h I >1w111111' .,,,,.. .ii '111 h.1• I C..orri •111 " II• ... IJ I \ " .1 l 'I II I . ,1 I I 1,1;1 1,1111 ll llU'«'k l·f·p1nK II • 11• ""''flt-II L.o:uu .1 II•" ll•"••ll h•1t1·I hr II• ' ll.1td \J I' ll'lllll" \!ti I It•· l;ol~l tn word 1lnW '"'-lllf.: ~"111111rnen t ,.,xc 1·ll1•11t y,ru~th p11t1·nt i;tl & h1'fwhl." llo·111 h lix·ut11111 972-9955 CLEUTY'9ST TlilMEES No c x p c r 1 c n 1· c riet·cs:.ury Jui;t be ahlt• \.0 type J:i wpm 11r hNt1•r. tlavc nic·c up!Jearnrll'e & outgoing rx·rsonahly & y1iu t an qualify ftir lh••M• bearh Joc·ated rJO!.ll l<IOS 972-9955 1wr 1111.t11111·' f< f..••• 11 ~~~~~~~~---! 1'••11' Wtll1 •1t1r f.t'l 11111\ 1111' dtr t'i'\!11 '> ~···· ......... 1 "k 1 I l ' r 1· 'I u 1 r •· 11 'oh•1rtlt.1nl1 'llJl•t•1IW1 11 lllS.: ot1..i a ph•t11t'. a t 1 11r .1t•• I V Ill' w rl l I O K oJ l'l ,, t1 on (•n l .. cl t-::." ri1w c·" 1••n1·nc·1• :111 1111\ .trll <i ~c < :Ull M~ I ll·11p, Mt1 !jJ!",U EXEC SECRET ARY 1-:xrf'll•·nl 1-Pt·rr·tanal skills l>ynarnll' 1·11 v1ro11 · m..r1l f11r 1w r M111 who 1·a11 w•1rk 1ntl•·1w nd1•nt ly $1i!OO mouth S1•111I rl' .. unw 111 1•1111f11J1•111·1· I•• <.:olhn!. A.""'>":-• :,1;7 ~an Nll'11la.-.. N1·w1H1rl B••ctt•h !llfil" Gft'E:RAL O FFIC E Informal 1·nvir11nment FtH• Gi rl •1ff11·c J 11b Scc wrty l)1mp11ny P111d Mt>dw11I S7UOTOSTAHT llJGll 1-:H SJ\LJ\ It V Wl'l1l f':XPf':Hlt-:N<.'t-: Wi ll Twin l"or i\ Variety of l)ut1•''- APPl.Y Ht:r w t-:EN I :1 K.''13 Pr11duc t111n l'lact· New1JOrt Be11«11 GENF:HJ\LOFFIC I-: ILu<lw111 •·.,,,II•" lull •1r pl 111111· Ap11IY 11' 1><1 ~011 ('rt1w n tl.1rd11oaro'. :i 1117 ,., Cm.,.,t ltwy, (;flM HARDWARE ll cLa1 I Salt•' full um•• iiio llromclway. l,.Jl(llnlJ lkh l\!fl l\llO:I m :J\t.Tll Cl.u B i\'l"rt-:N Ur\NT z:-, lo :10 111 ., pn w k . $ J IJ II h r I" 1· ma I•• ' tn :d '" ol a y' I' a,. k N c w 11 u r l ~I• .t • fM-41~i1 llt-"p1tal llCJI 'Sf.K ,.;E l'EH I.I\• 111 11: 1111 hoinl' k > r 11hl 1:11 I hi,. h,11o rk !Jt;ll AA;~1 HOUSB<EEPERS FfPTIME f)ana ., ll<tU'>ekn•pmll ('JI 1 f • 1,. n 1 a ., I a r i: 1· ... 1 nN'<h 5 m<1 ture JM•oplt• to wo rk priv at1· l11111l1'' $1 SJ ~r hr ?50 ~21i lltHl!:.t:K t-:t-:l'EHS. !:.ut thru W1'(J, f11ll t1111•-. 1!111111 1wnd11 .. '1000 tltl;11 1.1 Way, NISIJ.ol:! '.illlil MAILCLIERI< TRAIMH aort & deliver mail iaroughoul th!!. beautiful dl.ke bwldmg loc:ah.-d m ~ch area Lots of h ft · 11\g. 1-:xet·uU ve s.•1·r ctury l11 H t: 1nve!tto r S.tla ry open Gond opportunity 494-1763 TVf'ISTS s 1-;(;1u:Tt.Rn:s i\CC:TG C.1.F:HKS l'BX PUl~<;i': OPt;RJ\TO HS Top Pay Nu Fr·c• DIMIMG ROOM HOSTESS l'art time. fla m J pm Mon lhru Jo'r1 l'l'rf,.ct for a J)f'niOO wh•1 wanL'. lo work wh1h: t h1ldrcn are m i.chor>I I iow>ek L'C pn <'<• n · • 1f :.! )' 1 oh1, pref Maturi' h v 111, 1$l/1 f.;i l{una Ur h '"'"'111 fronl home R1·frr I l''I <llH~ 110,~clH.o('flf'r!i. full t1 m•• & r ff, good workrnl{ t·ond1 11ons. ll pd h oliday" t-: 0 F: 0;1yvlcw M :.nor 00~ 972-9955 A~ SW'BYISORS Otowm" company !.<.'<?ks attractive 1n d1v1duul good l O·key Wllh 3!" eounts payable nr n >con cilement backi?round & alJlbly to Bupcrv1se thn·e or four otherl'I m this dt .. partment ()f beautiful 11f· Cir.es loc11ted at bcat·h. ~cellent befwfilll. 972-9955 PAYIOU. TAXIS f'Jnanclal 1ia nt seek!! '"°experienced payroll clerks ror this bea ch k>C.ud comp•ny. llours 8 4. 5 d ays t::xcellPnl benefits & advanrrmt•nl potential. 972-9955 ICIYPUMCH Beach are•. 4 ·12pm , , ability t.o read & wnte upu W i ii o p e r ate .u.ivec K·HOO. Th.ls Is a ~poliUon. 972-HSS .. ·. I • ' AU.JOISRH ...... 972-9955 (\ ··• ~ bac·k office for hu."y ~dialn t l ;in 's off11.:c FUii time 644 OO?u ••EXTRAS •• nt.>eded • Bit players & xtrai. for maj motion pie. tv scn es & pos~ tv c·om mercials. NPcd pe ople for Org Coll.A luc ~hoot· 1ng11 Ca s i Inf( n o w ' •(714)535--0120 ext I» We have cm1tcd for "Fa:.t flreuk" "Love /\l .. ·rr:.l Olte.. "llocky II" S111 lt-e. Gi>lng Into 5th yr . fi lled over 5,000 Jobi. FA<:rORY HELi' Shop trainee. Immedia t e opening for right fem.al•• In l11b dept. Xlnl co benefit.ti ar monthly r e· views. Cati for appt. Deltronic Corp. ~0403 --- FACTORY l.ookinll for a mature. re11p()nfllble person t.o do Ute wortt Y;> factory. Will tr••n seas oned in d.Mdual. Apply in pc:n1on Klnpley Mfg. Co. 1984 Pl acentia Ave . C.M. between lO&m • 2pm. FACTORY TRAINEE __. pe7, x1nt future In fut 1rowln1 pla1Uc1 a dbeelv• co. 1 UT llonro•l• Ave. N.B . le-6115. Paid Wec-kly HORR EU TF.MPORAHV S F.RVIC F:S IRVTN 1': 752 116G6 t: 0 1-:. M 11" Gfo:Nfo:RAl.01-'fo'ICJ.: W1>'v1• exp1·r11•nc-rd Lt-lt J>horll' 1iri>l>lr·ms hut Wt:·H .. ; ON-LINE NOW!!! 557-0045 SIG on·llne temp personnel 1>cr v 3723 llrcll St. .... ,.. .. - MKLOfACl it>ddfPt( ts typ'K exp req, xlnl benrfll11 . Call ~5200 Gt.a.F«IDAY fi"rlday lype person to fl.lndlon 1111 backup MUP· port for receptJonlst. • provide temporary rehef In other dellt.a· Mwil be ab&e lo t.ype 5CHIOWPll ~cuntely. Xlnt com· paQY beaalltl ~ worklftl cond'•· Appllcatlon1 t..an llCJO.J'ri, uk for Judy In PtnonMI; CMMIOAM 11H1 Von k armaa , ........ F,qul Oppar Employer ....... , Typlftl, payroll, bc>c*· ..................... ..... CID. COila •••. CoDlact llm Weddle. 1111 ................ t'ACTO&Y TllAlllll:. 8-...... m90tftd. ••00 00 DANCERS O..lllle ...., A..aJ: ...... _. b7 knm Oa..,._ • w.--. Artllt ....... ,,..11. &CJI. .... XLMT IEHEffTS .......... l~Hoif» ··· i7n2 11ear h t'ltvd llunl1nl(lon fic•aC'h !>Zft47 All Mm()nty /\ppli1·unts E11<·nurai:t•d lo apply. M 1F /ll lJ'e the Oa1lv l'rlot ..,.«"1 Ht·,ull '"'I vtt ,. t.ltl N'ltirv \' llU I "'' v1t 1• ''our \l)t"l'Htfl V (';ill 642 :>67R rxl :li!2 WE ARE G·R·O-W-1-N-G! C'irowlllCJ ~ewport IHch Mort999• Co•p.Y ............... ••P for tltefc6>.._.poMtion: • FULL CllARGE BOOKK EEPER 5 yrs . m ini m um e x per ience. setrelariul s kills . ~cn'I l~ger. data processing exp<'r. helprut. • L EG/\L SF.C HET/\RY Sta rr Council needs organized. effi cient legal secretaries with prior expr in contrac.:ls. litigation, legal C1Ung. * INVESTOR SALES. Calif. real estate license required. * CLERK TYPIST. For Invest.or Ser vices Dept. with good growth potenUal. • W O R D P R OCESSO R OPERATOR. M$18 m1lllnp , legal documents. Accounting procedures. ,._, .. ,...... .. AMlllCAM NOMI MOllT9A .. 2Jltlax ... CWlr'Dr,Mt• ... , ......... ~ HOUSEWIVES ...... CorJt ...... fobt..yo.I ...... ......., Xlnt l)'pin& a mu.at. llag Olrd II reqwred. Able to work under pre11ure ~ Pat. 644 9190 ---- LEGAL TRAINEE-For Nwpt Beh Law F irm. xJnuk.ills w 1s uvng book· kee ping bac k around. t:a.IJ 75&-0234 Paritln J( l\ttendant, n~at. IJ(J(r e M11 ve. re I 1 ah I<'. po11 lt1o n tead1nl( t11 ~t. 673-4llOO. PARTTIM ~COUPL,.:S FLE.XJBU:llOURS 9M-~forAppt Po<omat haa openings for part ltme employees an the Newport. Costa Mesa, t•0t.1.ntain Valley ue•S Work IOam to 2 :J)pm :<Int benefits & paid tra.tJWl~ Apply at th,. nearest t·o1o n'f0tt St.ore or r~e for an m t<.n-1ew 964~ E 0 E LOT ATI'ENDE.NT 1unt· ed full or part lime Must bl' 111 y,,, old $.S 7 OS20 We are looting for an outgolnA person~ work wit h indoor plants & lhetr ma intenance FUU tune, so me weekend"· upenenced r equr red ~ apply rn person. M f'•g.5 ROGER•s GARDENS PART TIME EVENINGS Muhs wtth oulat.and111s: . attractive personalities who etlJOY worktnK w ith kld:. Ove r 21 Start at SJ !'1C1 pt'r hour Ph111w ti <I :! 4 J 2 I Jo: ll I 2 5 Cl 111-:T WEEN " 110 ~. 011 J>M ll~k pr l>r11t•r ne<.'tl unen rumbcrco m11turl' youn1t llKJy, n<> ofr WI k ~ 0~2 Ill) yt 1 lfl4' MAC.1DNE 2301 San J o11qwn JWb Road IMMfDIATE f'ARTTIME EMPlOYMEHT S400. s 7 s 0 + "'° ..... SHOPHB.PSl COM 640 !I.JM No e 1t 1M'"efl<'f' ,.f'<l w rf'd . !Jul m l.l.'>t PC>"-'>~ valid <1nv1.:'"' llC'en~. 1<ene rat l·--------- 'w l't'P•n l( 1n m a l'htnc 'hup & r un "rrand~ S;11a r. $! !II} $4 1U hrx.t r t ~1 II f •tr ;, 1111t !11!1 :,:11111 • MACHIMIST • 4 day ~hr wt .. •k EOLF:R I Nl>U~IHIF.S 2101 Oovt> St ~ II N n.11>..'! from 0 C /\Jrport NIJl'S(:ll rude:. 7 J, & 3 11 Jo:xpe ru•n1·ed SJ 25 tu $4 W Pl"' hr <.:.crt tram 1 n i: p r u J( ra m , 1 n ,. x J>t'nl'nr •'ii S.·n1or ll111h :-.t·lv•1I \luQt:nl!., r1-.·c•nl l(radu.111'!\ & tli1U!tf'Wl\IC'., a 1·1·1•11l••d M••.,a V•·rdi: O inv lll ,ot.p l,lil ('•·nlf'r, C' M :,114 ~1 !1 11 ~. Ask for Andr~ t:qual Opportunity t:mploy..r PARTS l'lm.SON. marm•· uper preferr~d f''u 11 Time. A pply 24JI W l'ar1fic Cot1s t llw y . Newport f3c !*Ch T h l' UA IL Y I' II.OT 04 d ' auto roulf' dn vN'I for h•1ml· rww~paiwr 1lr l1vc·r y 111 lh t• S a n t ll•nwnt•• ar~·a Mu'll have de pendable l'M Sl·~•·n tlJ Y' i\fkrnuon'> (:.! :ll !> :Jill M ... & morn Mai<.b. itpply The Ion at Laguna. 211 N Cout Hwy, La~una Bt!Kh •NURSES AIDES Cerul1<-d onJy S4 hr ~11·k "'8Y· II I'd htJl.lda >'' in i.W'anre. xlnt lf\r1rk1r1 ..: n.adJtJon.o; Ha yvwlf\ C'un \;alt-v ent Jlo,p 2w.~ Thurm . C 'lt &42 J~·, ... () ... Part lime help wantt'<I Mt.lfl Lhru f''r1 Sundw11'11 "11"1 rwar u ( · i\1f'11<1r1 Wtl l tra in ('Jll lwl11r1 I lam •1r "It 111m ( 1•1<11 .. 1 SHI /l.t S.tn ISl.l ll'Jl:t /\'k lor.'t11k•· ------1 11 ll" •• n ~ a t ~ u n I!'> :J) 14 ~IOI Stt1n•· 1 •1llt••'I 1n~ rl'<fWrt'<! 1',;irr11n1t' l>a'4'(l '"' -..11· uf r•oul•• ('ult l!il> t.KCIU l\'k f.,, ,."'"'r Oodl<'I 111 ~t 1lw Hu.,h MAJ 1Y.'> W AJll'T t-; 0 166 I !:. C.'>I tlwy Lagun:a Ur h ~~ l'art ltl'l\4· l'h•1t•1 h•t'tlh .11 u-ndanl. m 11r nrni.:' t .11 Gilt> 7293 fl\.\pl'<'IUr' S m .ill t•h' ll'""' 11.ort'. I I cJ.1) Iv 111l" .. 111 11' ,.,11 lrJ 111 SI I~• +-111 II H 'Ji'.11 2:1:!-J .1rt!l.1m l"ll'il't-.<"l fl l<S F II I I' r 'I If U ' I I II II ,,,il mo.t k c•1 :\r t)I ' 1\ 1 fl' 11 t 1 M 1111 I h 11 r , 1, I :111 I• 111 fl t· rH·I II ln'l-1~1 l11'ur.1n"'' 1'r•11wrt' ,\ ('11,u.o ll~ \.,•,I I' 'I"'' II'~. ltllll :! .. , .. 1111 lol ~! 1 ~111111· Xl11t 111·11• ftl . .l .1 1111• 111 111 .. II• I I 1 \Ill•' I .ti I \1.11111111 7'..:! V.H J I': II I-. IHSURAMCE AGENCY ...... "' ''"11.111\ '''"' rrt •• t t t .1 I I 1 n •' ~ u n •lo-r wn 11•1 1,,,,..r ... 111 • I 1• fl 11 I( "ht· r I 11 11 ln,oir.1111 t• '""" l no f;7'1 U:.•.:! IMVEMTORY COKTROL 1''11• 1111: .... 11111111111' "" , , .. -..1m1• t ) 111111• m .. 1 '" •I• I ;ub 'Ii II ar .. a 1,1,, 71~111 Jaml•lf l-1ucl rfll1Wl. 11 t W1.,,1m 1n ~'V an·a. 111d1·r •-<lllPI" pn•f 11 IS-17 :AK.H JANl'l'tHtS IJI\ Y:- M1'fl & w11mt•11, ln1n1• & NII 1trt'll, l:Cl'l<I r111) rnu'l h.;1v•• own pho111• & r 11r 1()3 701~· Jf'Wl'l!!r Top "l"'t'1.il 111 1'4•r fur mh: i1·w1•h •1 T11p 1rny. fnni:1• ht•rll'f '" Iv xlnl w•1rk1n ~ 1·111111'\ (lranl(t• ( '111y \17!11.t:.!.I •JEWB..RY SALES * l>rnmond l'Xpt•r pn•f l•>r So v1a.'ll l'larn Moll rf' I a 1 I '111r1· A ti " rt t• lnmincd tJtlly by your a b1IJty to bt: cn ·at1vt'. akrt. st>lf mot ivated & w1ll1nine11 .. lo asi.um f' ,....,iJllf) Matunty .., 11n ai.,1·1 ('o bcnr f Mr Kiin•'. Wc1i.f1 e l th . 541) 71Hll l<EY..UMCH fo:XP"r or trn10l'1' Xlnl 1·0 bt.'llf1h , h•·m·f. mforma I !Jr. CM ('all M 1lh l' art !laml~~ UY..UMCH Of'R NIGHTS :l 11 PM 2 Yrs cxper Xlnt herwftta & irnl Lo<'. in San Juun Capo. Apply Ill J'l122 Ca mlno Ca plstrano 16 call 661·12 I I LAIO. UmqlH' rrta1I nunwry 11'1 loolun~ for an outgomit JM'Mi-Ol'I for a full lim e OTT)' ()Ol pol! 1 I wn, 9 6. Mon to Fri. plcM C appl> in pc•r800 8 5, M t' ROGER•s GARDEHS ZJOI San J<>llquin Hills Rolld COM 840-*4 MAIDS WANTED flll' llfl \ ,1\f• fl~IJf1 '°)l;1rt 1mnwd 1'.1q1 pn ·f1•r-r•"fl 'o\'111 llJlll h ill I Un•• i\!Jlll\ "' J."'f o'Jfl .it't .... C 1 .... ,1 11 ... \ I.J I! II• It 11r t ;.JI 71-1 ~\ ti:.ll /\')k f•>I ,.JdJJtl' M.t1nt•·11ant ... 1rwn f11r :,., UfU\ dlJ\ ( •lnllJl••Jl Ill ( M 1,1:• 'Jn ;1 1::!J.J1H6:> JX:.I .,t.u11l•·n.1t11 • 11.Htil ~ m.1 n ,\It( lf\.t1lll l>hl l' • lt-.Jll Ul1 ( ";I :0... II ''''"' I ro11 I.. "' \,111 '11~.11.altl• ~·odl 11111• ,.,\I"'' Ill " 1,1;i Ions ~.1111l1 11.111• •. '" 11.111.1 l1•J111 l ll.1d1•1r ,.., 1w111•111 •·II 111 1 I• r r .. 11 ~I 'ill P• r hr 'tan • Ir 111~··· l11•111·t 11, 1\11 p l) ;,,11111 u .111.1 I 1r 1llii .. 1:11 ...,,,1nt1•tl.Jn•·1· I' llm•· ar• llf'J>, ~ rn•,., l'dt11lt111( .. i.p ,._., 1 °''lm J Tt'd !QI ~I MAl~EMAHCE MARIMAjlAKE l-1111 t111w 1·ntn I•'' •·I 1•,.,1111111 ·•'·•llJ lJI" fur 111 •h\ldu.al ... ,lh .... m i· ,., 1 .. ·n•·11• ,. "' plurnb11n: t·l•'<'\n • .ol & c .otfwntn Ex1•eUent bcne r11... /\p p1) In pPr:.otl THE IRVINE CO 1071 Camelhurk Nt'Wll'Jf't HPa<·h 1>44 3121 MJ\!'lllC'llfllST fo r Npt llrh 'a Ion n1•••d1•d 1 m m1·rl1.itf'ly T h•· flair 11.inclll'" :0.Uf"';fflJ' "'K.."1-~ /\I IH. Opt'f\Jnit" •lfl all \lttll' 1111 '. n 1f11 .. J Jiff•·· (.'I.a M'" d\ ·"' I• If '""' ,,.., .. \It' v.11 11 .1-'tllt I I-\It' \i>f1I) ol f l.11(,h111 I 1,11. Lt•nlt r. 11,1, ,.,,,,• .h•I• lltl 'l.1J1 IS. h 1,1,;1 1111'\ I •MURSING • ll" I.\' .... , full 111111 • '' ~ f"'> .; ~ l111li1L1\ 111 t .. 1wf11'. >.Int ,.,,. .._, .. , ••or)ll; ~:1 1 ~. ll.1;\1•'"' t '"'' II•,. I• ,1,:,, Thur 111 1 .'t1 r,u cu , "llur.1n)' NURSES AIDES ~at•· I "•rt1f1C-d onl\ $.1 1-1 i,w-t hr Xlnt wor lo. •uni! & h1'flt-fll' • "'k 11·•' J'J l>t'\J f .. r1t1l)' JIJ '.J''"'"' I 1111\ <!();)5 T hunn -.i f "' c.c: ~ ... (I ,. :0.Ul'tlll' RM \\1 IJIM'f\l'O( fqf ''• to .. of ""11 n. ... 11 ""'"' ..... t f II I • 'rl"I \111• I» I" I ·'. r111r1•rn•·111 pl.•11 \l•IJI\ .• I ~ I ·II>'' 11111 \ "II \ I ; Olt"f Mi> ~1Jl!• 111)1 k 1I 'I.pt ts. h 1.1.0 14114 1 Sur">ln~ c )Jlf"fWlJt..., •ll1 f u II 11 m 1 • I ' M -.h1ft., J'art tlm t' n11tht' Xlnl lwn 1.f Ci1>11<I ,t;ort I n I! ' I.tr' \ II J1 h •' I FL1J(\h11' I nnv f '1•nt •·r 161> Fl.1r.,h11 • 1<11 :-;pt II < h l~I.' 1()14 PART TIME Paul ~ seve ral guy" 6r j.(ah, h1 1-(h ~1·hnol Jur\ll')f">, wnior... coll 'lll <l•'flL.,, t11 help thP prom•1 rA Uf•k•'t '"'~ for <11.11>rt-. 1·v .. nt-. We ~uarJ nl •'<' ~,.,I~ hr & l(IH y•1u J d 1.11K 1· to 1·urr1 Ull lll S:. 00 I"'' hi II""' rt· I rt••· f11111 1 I'> '.11•111 wo·"k ntf.:hh & •I ho •111 !'i.11 • .ol I 'fl.! IX IX ,ASTE UP I 1>tktr1i.: fnr ,, • n rnp.111> v..t1•1••• ynu 1 .lit f1tJ1ld .1 1 .Jf•~·r' W•• wu11l1l Iii\•' 1., 111lk lo 'f'llU I ""'l"l'llll~ 1'4•1J1 n ..... ,11 • "lll•111' "" 1>111 111100 f11r JM'll' Ill• l\pph 1• .. n11y•,.1v•·r 1•1~1 l 'IJt t'nt 1,1 /\~··· I "'l·• '1• J Thur. m111·n ,.xore. .. :.1m while y1111 ll•a rn 1 .. 1.-phon1· J\n'w"rtn l' ~·rv11 1• lull 11m1• parl tt m" \' .tr11·1I "h1fl , l>'J)~ uft••rn<11in 11r 1·\1•11 1111" I'" Jli'lfl' Ill ~ \.-.1110' l">L \\:fl I 'tl'\'I ,\ \1 ~..., \ I fl I :0. 1-. Tl 'T l:--1 lll'Vfl ", l't/'lo Ill-: \~'I I lcfral f11r .. 1u1.,.nh & hoU,t'Wl ll'' M all~ '"' l~·n1•f1L" rnl'lud1n i.: p1111l \ J t "l 111 n.. T y '' 1 n 1• J5wv m .. : O ,.: t' a II ~t43-4ZIO Mon th ru I' 'r • PIX R.-ceptiofti't fo"ront 0H1te a pP4'aram·•'. heavy tl'lephon .. :. ll1111r., Fi :io a m t n :t .0011111 1''11.'>h.Jon lr-.1.md i\'lk lor ~ Prau 644 9111 64:! MM <•ft<'t' Wurk. pan llm•'. ht.t· 1y111nl!. f11tni: ll1x.tri. Ol•XJbl1· N1·wvon lio·ach ~--------­~~ MAHUFACTURIMG TEC._.ICIAM Ufir..' girl, frtJflt & bar k. M d (• PXP pre{, but ~ 111 lt•ur h . r 1cal om1>u n<'nts bi.ck oHc t-'ull or I' 'f fJUX PIX/ RECE:f'TIONIST Corl> . a ra~l l(ruwtnit h lmmed opcn1n1t Call h11t le<'hnoloRY n1m ._5.S20 wt"dtda}i. 'Ille ~rt Be1trh of 1)8ny ln M1~1on V1e,o ts fire ot San Diego t-'cdcral l•.iokm.i for a bn..:ht . r----------~ S..v1ng." ., Loan ha.'> an youn .11: me r han1cal I Offirf' I 1mml'dt;ile full -t1m1· manw.ictun n J( technr I GET ,...... ' o pl'nlnl( ro r d p RX r 11111Wllh 2yeanolcom· 1 1"'1111 I S witc hboar d Rt>('l'll µt e :c mt>r h<1r11 r a l a~ I ON THE I tlOOLSl (Juahhcd apph 1oembly e11per Maximum I I t·anb 'lhould have 11r1· vitY rommen'\urate w ith ACTIOlllo.J ••l(J>l•r If you fN>l )'OU arl' I 1"'1111 I VIOU'> cl!penence wo,-k I r ,.,. nd d r I w ,. h ,, 1 ,. 1 1 n " 11 I' B x Pu 1 ... ,. 11u1.1 • "·" a rea Y or •1 ,1111trltbt>art1 and be• abll' l'hllllcnge with an e 't f ·""'1:nm1·nt" lo f 11 1 t·cll1·nl t•hanr 1· for 1 \1111 r 'k l ll \ llrt lf l11 typeam1nimum1Jfl\1t •h _. 1 (' I wpm a l 'l'UI ute ly In llf'ntOnal and f1nanr 1al I "' .-,,u 1"' omi· m I h J 1 1 i:rowth ~ xlnt twn1·f1t s. l nn<I n ·i:"lt•r lo 111111 tcrvicws .. c ei u .. , hy J:IVt.' ~ a rail. li.'lk for Thi' KEIJ.Y t1·um 111 I appo1J1tmentonl> ltl'lly. :-.SI 38.10 1 1 I 1• m II n r .1 r v 1 1 i>mplovt""' /\II <1H11·t• Martna Need 2 peophi for booth au.end & I dock attend. Judy or Harvey ~-4644 l ,k111,n1-.·d1il 1 I I I • Typhtt I I * S.01t•ie1 I I • Word Proc I I * Acct Clerb I Pleas 1• t'OlltlH't Hulh Dillon 644 11185. SAM DIEGO FIDIRAL S..-..&Lo. Marine Eng ine D is · lribuWr ln Irv rntennew 1na fOf' Assl!ltarll Parb Mgr Exper prof tn in ventory control. !'hJppm~ & rere1v1ng. cxtenl'l1ve t.de Wl)f"k Pis rail for I • a.r..1 I F,qual ()pportuni l y I I 1'.:mpk>yer M ff 111 I Top p ay, pa i d ·~~~~~~~~- ' va r atinn'I, rl'ft·rral. 11· a PJ)l. 5.56-ll620 honus t'• Nt'vrr 11 I fct· I I I Medical I.ab IOl':th.'ii in 1 11 ILL[~ 11 1 Newpo ,-t Real'h h n s ~ •llA'f\lntt for bn ght. hard workmit J(lrl tu hand It' I · ' '' v '• 1 '· I RUSY f r ont o rf1 ct-I ·all i>r I f>rf!vH)U.'I office exp de 1 <.:ome In Todu)' I SlJ'able & I.be ability to I Irvine I Pllolo Slulh JI.ab General Assislant & Counter S 11l e 11 . Mus• have ab1Uly to meet an1 deaJ wtlb publit . 631-3411 f'\ASTICS WQUHS 4d.J401wwfflt Apply In person IDLla MMISTlllS IMC Z101 DoveSt. N.B. woril well with people. I 11,.1441 I WW train on comput«. I 2102 Bualncs11 I We offer competitive I Center Onvl' I aalary. paid vacalloo. Suite 20I LADIES EARN FREE· profit abariDI • other '• •' -wablr--:-s-• .,-.-d,,-e-pa-h WARDROBE benenta. Pie ... pboM HunUnltOCI Beach I p_lumber . Good p a y And profit u lUn l -Be-tt-y-"-fo_r_•a_t_e_rv_•_•_•_. II 147·Mtl I Nwpt Phambbal •Heat beautiful Bee·Lln e ..,.... 890'7 WarnerAve ltal.MMIZ. fublom. No ht•"tmt. 1---------I '215 I ~;:;;;;-DOW--.-.-al-la_bl_e_ir Ml own hn, Call Mra. I La1euna Nl1Uel 1 an acute Ptycblatrlr lleCart1 111·2031 or Ul..eMI Therapeutic Mlleau pro 770-Latl. 27957 Cabot Road 1ram. Caplatrano U) I.tr... ·-------• f 11le S.. Hoapttal ove1 Loa• proceuor e •· Santa Ana i looklDI tbe ocean Ir I _,. I Xl tlMIM Dlinll PL RN f\&11 tlm• peraenc.v oa 11 · nt 11& N. Main 1-U, RN full Utne IM blDllltl. C.11 C.rol or u 10'8'!9 ~·placed • (In MR 8loc1l RN n.t'pool all lb1fta 1111tta•t 110. a...... 9d. ~·,.. la Of~> LPI' Ml tlme a.u. LP1 M mtlCAM Iba __.'11 TrJ It~ Equal ()pportunltJ I ,.... ta.I 11·1, LPI' Ooai STA'lla..---boWquAcllJ you g..,..,_ .. ,, I -all tlllfta ... &.O.E 1et , ... ate. PllH t t.tl ,_. Wo. m .in• or .... ------~ ..... J .. -.. ······· ... -- ·······--·--.,..__-... . -~ . ----::-. -...... -.. -------... --· .... ......., --- W.llt• a.a11nc • Reta1l Tnde. P.am _.._, per wffk. ....., urne. For ca.taJJ.a call &IUICO, lu • .. ...................... trl HelpW~ 71 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---........................ ~.,....,.. ..,....,, •• .r,,• •• • DAILY PtL.OT SHIP~&~:JUC/ ~~!'!'!.~ ..... ?!!4! ~:f.'-~·-·-1~ F It, permaneel J::Jtlon T RAV!: L AG ENCY -------• ~ ONLY! Etb&ll i! ~ 'ft~..!:~ly n~::r. MANAGER Immediate 1'nndle bed. furD • llanulacturlng medical company need.a a person who ls a 5elf·•larter, llkea detail work with some experience ln the use ol micrometers. d I a l t n clITT..t~ r $ 6 b I u e _pr l n t inlerpretaUoa. Good benefits. lllsslon Viejo area, salary commensurate with expe~. Only tboM quallfied who are aeelWijc peTmanent employment, call Betty for a}>pol.nlment at 581-3830~ 04MQllO. , ___________ __ Good .cl.vaMemeat op-GlllDlaM. Newport Beach. ~~t!:b :~:......._ pOea. l:UO+/br. M•adt Comacia.e.642-4500. ..._ lnatrumeota, CM . TRAVEL AGENT full penae 1uppllea. plut 1115 ,Cll. l.r' s.i. ~ t.o bl'OUr s;; With a hat&&re. Am• .._ •tock brohna• bil*-man or woman flnn eear OC Alrpo.rt, I d lnM 30 Wlut MO-alll pr•nntly emp oye . Part UllMt lO al..-t.. f\&.ll s.149 ume w1*l qval.lfied wltb Are )OU •n aruaur. • nunimvrn au~rantee flre atlve. eoer1.1111ltlC" per moaOa. Com11h•te ~ wbo Ut.n l.hlop lralolo& pro1r• m tlPU'tl1.ln1. hu 181.. .. Parmer. I nauranc e d11 la)' ability! Lido Ctutp. call Gene OUllll'd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1--1""--leadla& jewel« h!'!~~-----·• wtat. hall time locldn', SAia Sal . oo nltca C al W-.d yvwic men who m.tmt wW tel alona well witb Pre kbool T•acb.r. ftettpUoaat Ct>n'I offc, .-.... J!\al1 ume. Niaal-. sm olfc, ILB Eap It ttl Bcb. area. Ratae•. required t ·:tO ~ 30 ....nu. 0.11 Marilyn $'100mo C all S all)' M~orto>-...._ .Ptr a.... WW &ratn. re l•-------•I 1iabk iadirichw No up ~ Must bMv~ owo cu ... 1"35 wtdys. ---- MC9'f /TYPIST New1IOf1 8H('h ad ajCl"fl (')' ~ • bntht YOOlll PUBLlC Rell'Uoea _ ~w to wurk at front d.:sk. ~~ J> I 1! .. .s 11 n t p ho u e wlllUd for 1Dteri« de pcu tinali t)', t ype 6U alttn • coa 1\l. firm wpm, No e•rerltH1ct- f/11..s111 IMtt8UrY. wal I run 4 RMl __ Q_t.Me_'_Sa.les ____ _. Day worlt: we-:k, Mon ,. .. ftiw? thru Thur 7 6 $700 Hl&b Income •. proven Phone Kathy, 544·~ cmbod, OD the Job ti atn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-loi. leads.. 751 -3440 Century 21 Allcout Refri ti Realty" lnve.sgmtment gera on ReAl &late. Top N'pt Mechan1·c f'9Wl. office has opening for eiq>er. aalesperson or new licensee. we train 2 Jyears experience with ~lllllO refrigeration assembly ---------• and sub-assembly plus -...11t.e.c...r knowledge of piping. f\111 t i me real estate cherrucals, condensers. sake associate who re-ek., required. quires aubstantiaf in· come, is desperat"ely We o tfer excellent o e e de d by 1 on g salary, promotional op· establis h ed, local porturutiesandcompany broker. Outstanding benefits rncluding paid earnings a vailable on medical and life 1n - geoerous commi'Ssion surance for employees split. #1. marvelous op· and dependents. Please portun.lty tor the eager contact Employment Of. professional. Call Mr. fice. Hastings at ~5560. «edEstateW.S Opening for II censed salespeople, locally owned. with national re- ferTal system. Excellent working coodltions Earn 100% commission. For confidential app 't call 759·0226. Execu- LEAR SIEGLER TRAHSPORT DYNAMICS 3131 W Segerstrom Sant.a Ana, CA Equal Opportunity Employer M I m /f /h Syst.ems Realtors l•-------- kal. Esuate ~~: lie. or R.E. l~MENT unlicemed. Will train COUNSELOR 673--nJO Ask for BlU. the Heavy tel phone soh c. cnaoager. NB. Ca lif lie rec~. ---------· ~3. Real Estate RESTAURANT HELP ••• 1 & Sal111Mn Part time Lunch shirt We have an opening for 2 Counter help needed. licensees who are really $3.25 per hour Ideal for ambitious. A lovely of· college s tudents & flee offering your own housewives. CaU Ron 2·5 private desk & all the pm. 95S-OSS4. oectl8Sities for success Restaurant BUS BOYS plus up to 70% com · mission Call MarJ·one needed for Newport · Beach Club. Full time Clark. Resid.enUal days. Call for appt. Manager for app t. 645--5000 ext S20 Wetl9y M. T ortor Co. . Realtors 644-t910 Coo« Experienced Pantry ---------.. Coo« for Private Club, Real Est.at.eSales Newport Beach. Full ~Paid time days, Weds-Sun. ~ Y• Letrn Call for appt. ~5000 ext Train d irectly with a _soo _______ _ member of the Million Dollar Club. You'll bel•Rest.a-•W'1Ul--t ----• sbowD step by step bow it ls dooe. 962-4474 Rec Clerk for HB drug st.ore.. Mon-Fri i ·S. M i.n BOB'S HOME OF THE llGIOY _aie __ 30_. 84_7·_2563 __ . ---i Immediate openings In Receiving Inspector . ourfam.Uy resuaurant at small machlne & molded nearby locatioll!I. We re- compooet.s. Must be able quire no previous ex- to read blue prints. Will perience. Join our friend· train & consider college lY team. Come see wi l(> student for part time day between 2·4pm. work. Call 894·5351 U•ai'f T..-... Recel vang Clerk /Stock CCllhien Room for private club in 9842AdamaSt. H.B. Newport Beach. Sun thru Wdhn WaltnsMt Thun. 7am to 4pm. Call Um .,.. Trainftl for appt. 64S-5000 ext 520. C........, ltlCEPTIOMIST 239S2 Avenlda de la !Aw of0ce, must be ac• Carlotta, Laguna H.i.ll8 I t d 13ll F.dlnger, H.B. cur ate typ s • goo WlC.mpuaDr.lrvi.ne telephone personality. Walhn WaltnsMt neet appearance, no ex· p erlence requir ed, c..w.n pleesant working cond. 15' E. 17th. St.. lree parking. Starting C:O.t.a Mesa salary $6$0. Phone 53UL Equal Oppor Emplyr 'D'llle ,_. aid ltd! ' . !:.efeodlH •Ub a ............. ~LES CLt!KK Coit• wo me o Ca I I Mr . Mha Statlno•rs 270 1bomPJOO S40-4023, 9-t. F.ui l TUl Sl, C M VU U SALES Ume. a1ipty ha Oieraon Young ambitious full 10 U. ume .aleiipenoo needed SA.l.l'.:S/OF.l.JVF.RY tr tor fut growing retaU )'OUoeedadet'.-ntpllflnjl =>tore . Aslt for M rs jl)b up &o St·$16-+ evb Pwiter640-6214 ~ 9psn, call ah tpm, ~).(J811 SALES Growth onented Costu Mei.a located mfg. co needs saJeaperson to selJ to l l w~tem slal~ll m- dudlng food chains &. mfg. ('Omparues. Salary + comm. Mr Wenk Gll-0700 ~ GIFT SHOP MARRJon HOTEL Eitcellent opportunity for an efficient, people oriented individual able to work part time even· ing hours including Sal & Sun. Apply In person, Mon thru Fri 9am·l2 noon. Personnel. 000 Newpvrt Center Dr Newport Beach E.0 .E. M/F SALES-YACHTS MJij W. Coast Brokerage W imulU. olc ·s needs 2 exper sakspenon.:s· N 8 wtrfmt olc. Must have good k:now1edge or boats UNITED YACHT BK RS (714) 631·3133 Savings & Loan Please see our ad under bank· ing. lrvine S & l. Assn. Seamstress, experience desirable for sail loft. 10 hrs. a da,y. Moo-Thurs. S48-3464. Secretary· Person Ftiday: Must type 9Swpm, must have poise & exp. 2·g1rl office. Small firm. real est.ale exp helpful Xlnl salary. Phone ror 1mmed interview. 752·2945 UCRETARY Full time, strong typing, some s borJhand Pleasant work. cond. AP· Sales ply m person with re· sume to Mr. F\tentes at LAGUNA IEACH Robert Bean, William Hardware Ret sales, full Frost & Assoc 1401 Quail & part lime ! 240 St.N.B 8roadway !497~. --------- SALESLADY Fnr E1Cclusave Childrens store So Coa1>t Plat a. exp essential l.e Mliga'!in. 549-8:°l8.5. SALESLADY f'u.lJ time IHESROWOFF 22 Fashion Island Sales LADIES Make an extra S200 lo S'.lX> lD your s pare tame while learning about health & nutnt1on. For further anro cu l l Beatrice, 833-7815 betwn !H2. ~'MAN Ret.aiJ /Wholesale Equl P· mcot Corp. IJl81de s ales. h.inog young men 18 yrs &. older. $200·$500 /wk With guar. saJ. & comm. New location nr. Irvine, C.M. & H.B . Start tm· mediately. Rapid advan- cement oppty lo man. 9157-ll!iO, Mr. Arthur. SALES-new paper needs aggressive people to make money. P rr or F /T . Call for appt 642-~. Salesperson· P It· Mon· Ftl 9am-2pm. Mature, reha· ble, personable . Wallpapers To Go, 2300 Harbor Blvd , C M . 646-S(X)IL SALESPERSON needed now, successful So Orange County Spa & Hot Tub st.ore. some In· sta.Uauoo exper a must. ~116 'fRl.flLOM .-.syou To rau avalanche of Of· dera from marine, motorcycle, sporting goods, motor sporta, re- tallen. Great oppty but we are very selective & want contldeftt WI.oner t.YPel only. We train ex· per\!)'. Vial\ '" 4s see. cau Mr. s... &40-40ZI, .. 1. ._SECRET ARY* To $850 10 key by touc h. /l.c - curate typ10g .is wpm Non smok$r 751 2600. SF.cRE'TARIAL pos1t1on available with a fast grown1g Land DevelOP· men t co mpaoy in Laguna llll..ls. Excellent Rrammer, typan~ & shorthand skills re- quired. Will be tested. Good benefits Please ('(Jftlact Judy or Sue at 586·4400 between Mon tbru Fri, 8:30-5pm. Secretarial Nprt Bch Mongage Banking firm h.as immed opening For Jr Secretary. Must be in· dependent thinker w /typing of S.Swpm & dk- tapb. Prior ofc:" or secy exp desirable. Xlnl co benef. Sal commen w /cxp. CaJI Personnel forappt~ E O,E . Secretary: Req'd by en- tertainer. Mus t type. shthd. Career minded Ltve-in. Apt provided Male pref'd. 494-3395. SECRETARY ...... Hora Heavy typing required Good hourly rate for ex pert skill.'I. 3 to 7 pm or 5:30to8:30 pm. Outstanding worklnR coodiUons & eqUJpmenl Plaza, 2082 lllllcbelaoo. 752-0234. Secretary /Bookkeeper fulJ time. salary l'om mensurate w /<'K· per lence. Near J ohn Wayne Airport. S57 OS72 SECRETARY Part Ume lad y , t.horou~hly exer1enced personal se cretary to work l.n my home. Gal· Ftlday type. Flexible schedule. Mr. Osadche 6134!000 Secretary, heads·UP. well orpnlzed pro, help run olfice of super people, de· al with cUent.s. Xlnt at- utude &. personalily 8 must Good salary & benefits. Send ret1ume : H.P .I .. 3176 Pullman 11103, Co6ta Mesa. 92626 Schoo l Noon Lunch Supervisor. Supervise student.a during lunch time. 11,\ to 2 hr. per day. $3.S6 per hr. Apply Westminster School Diat. 14121 Cedarwood. Weatmln1ter ... E .O.· E. .. M/F'. SECRETARY Newport Cl Law Firm. Intelligence, gd 1kllla & prior legal exp req. cau lluth Brazer, 758-3800. Secretarial ••ATTIMTIOM• * Sudenta Teachers HouMwiV91 I I EARN VACATION 1$ WE NEED SECRET AIU ES UOIEDIATEL Y wltbor w XN4 lborthud i..., or lbort t«m, boll· 4-1 • .. uuoa pay. b09plla11aaUoa avaUa· Ille. VOLT t < " f 'I .... . * SICUJ AJUIS * Type•SlUOOR .!!:. etart lcnmed &'16.800 0.0. ad a1ency SUK Sec/RE~/90 $13,200 I.cl 70 /dJctp llOllO Prop Mat ahop (.1r $25K Oen! Mar fumhiae food~ •Counselors Sales Ow-omcc • Appl Only /Free U1 RAllnden Aaency GO Blrtb, FA tab 'M Newport Beach. 833-8190 SECIDARY Position currently available for a Secretary with good typing skills to work an our Catering Department. Enjoy ex· cellent compa ny benefits. Apply Mon·f'r1 . 98.m-t>OOn. Personnel. MARRJOTT HOT&. 9>0 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach F.qu.al oppor em ply m /( SEC'Y-IKKPR ~ll time. $800 mo. Must have expert skills an bookkeepml( & typ'g, ref & resume r~wred Call Great Ttungs Unlimited: 673-25:)8. SEC'Y-P tr S m a 11 . p I e / s-a n t engineering ofc Mon fh l-5pm. Must be gd typist. 549-5234 Sec'y to ExttutJves fnr In dustnal design farm, le><: nr OC Airport, shrth(l & arcur typ'1 a must F.xp wttravel reserv helpful 8J3.,J500. SECY TRHE to $I 000 Atty n eed s c areer rruuded person tu help run bis sm ore. Wall nc.'Cd .some Sii. Great oppty to learn whale you c11rn C11r a produclJve (utun.· C..ill Hllll COASTAL PER SOHM El AGENCY 540-6055 2790 Harbor CM NEVER A FEE Call after hours appl Sf:RVICf: STATION AT TND. Apply 900 E. Coast ltwy, Newport Bearh Service Stn Allendant. ne11thborhood stn, tup pay for nght man. Bal I s le 8am·12o oon; 673-2753. Service Station Allen· dant, (21 full ttme t ao asst mi:r Apply ~90 Newport Bl CM Se wing Ma cha nt' ()perat<>tS · Exp pret·d. near OC Airport. benefits. Mon -Thurs 64 :l>pm. 979·1483. . SHIPPING & RECEIVING C:an o n n u s1 nc ss Mactunes. a young and fast-growing manurar- t urer or el cc t rnnlC calculators ha:> thc.~c am mediate operu.ng.os . etS-17U. time wtth Udietiftl ft· otberdutlCI .. ualped. GIGANTIC GARAGE peria H t n-.b. "-11 Ditty leveJ poalUon f« SALE: '87 Chevy ••en. 5' • f ISte /UC ~ en:r.11'; · _, -...,..,.. with math or nu moww. Oardn tools. Kale. exper helpful. bulbllllll a11t.itude. HOW'S Sora~. a tot or mlsc Some WUna (~ lbe> TRUCK DRIVERS uala· lam-Spm. lion thru FrL items. 19172 8WAI HB. Xlat co benefits. In · &.mt for offlc. fUTllitu.re AllPb'iapm101uo: E. ol Brookbunt. ~ ol form•I ofc. CM. Call de!ivery. Sl.50 per bout l'HltaVIMICO Garfield. hm·•'-1. Millie aft hm, MS-5900. at.artiDC. Call MU450. 1071 Camelback 8,2U/29. • Shoe Salesperson: P /t , 50fDe ••P n•C•H•rY~ eves & Sunday. Apply lo person Paul AU.an Sboee. 9FuhioD1-land. NB. S hoe Salu : Sal + benefits, xlnt oppty exp' d person, cblldreos bootery. NB. Mr Kilter, ~a.64. S HOWROOM AS · SISTANT, for leading wholesale decorative home fumi.shing fabric company. New Costa Mesa location. F /time. 5 days week. Entails work· Ing with anterior de· signers & some clerical. Salary open, depending on qualifications and/or exper. 714-754-0035 Snack Bar, fuU tame·par1 time person needed to prepMe lunch dlshes & cashier. Apply In person The Antique Gwld, 1801 E. Oyer Rd. Santa Ana SOLIClTOR wanted for int.en or design & coost. farm. 497-3776 Stat ionery S tore In Corona del Mar net.'<is ea per1enced sales I ady fo\lll tame 5 days. xlnt working conds £c;pec1al ly fme cllentele. 675--1010 TYPISlmll ~~Ne~w~port~~Be~ae~b~~ GARAGE SALE.JS~ ac· ~. P••te•up. np. ewn. Sat 6 SUn.17~11.55. Small print a hop In 1TI7 E. Balboa Blvd. Bal. Newport Beach. Call WA.Jll'alOUSE -'-------- Gcrdoa. Som· uas. FACTORY 111111• aid ... 8065 TYPIST TaMIMAL OPllATOll Rapomible ror entering information Into our computer mini a video diapiay terrrunal. Aho will band.le ceneral office cMMI. SAM·Noon Requlre1 atturate typ. mg. word procesaing ex· perience desirable. Will train aa Computer Operator. Pleaae aend raume or a ppllcallon to: P.A.D.S. 11'1Ml·DSky Park Circle lrvme, Ca 92714 (714 ) S57-0966 TYPIST 'tbe Pennysaver '3 look· 1ng lor a part time lypasl /proo freader P\e:asant working cood .. roodem equipmeoL APP· ly in person 1660 Pl acen t.aa Ave . Costa Mesa. "'JST ASSEMBLERS ••••••••••••••••••••~· Utt.le or no experience Mu at m ove now ! Top Pay Paid Wee11ly Co mp I et e b 0.'4• c: STARTNOW furnl1hlng1 Ar aoDa~ MOIUlB.L cb.bea. cau 982-M88 •• TEIPi>llARY Mic.I••-1010 SERVICES ••••••••••••••••••••••• IRVINE 752·6666 MUST SELL ENTIR1'.: E.O.E. M /F LOTof2 Nostalgic deskl>. 1 exec vinyl chr, 2 velVt!t Mw t'••.. side chnl. cau aG-J.'70 .... ••••••••••••••••••• forappttoaee. .".a ........ 1005 ....................... Amique Furniture. Mov· tng oul of st.ale. Good pnoes. 58'1-5535 BAR.BER CHAIR, car-vd oak . ., brass & rust suede. Sarrifice $1500 Eve 646·30-00, Day 8 ~- •ppl•ct'I 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Washer, super dJJt, mulU eye modJ $145 Dix modJ dryer $130. Look & run bkeoew'~ New d l x Whi r lpool washer & dryer Whth! S500. 'TSl-&910. 67~ 2336 ---- LUGGAGE TAG'S from your bwuness cam Send one card tor ead1 tag plus one spare. We return permanently sealed attractive tag & strap. meeting airline 1.0. reqwrement.s. Pre· vent loss & theft! For a personal..11.ed tag eqcl~t' wallpaper. fabric or "Day Glo" paper cl' 'wt• will back & trim ~r t.agB. Or try two drd:. bec1t to back ' PRICE.5: 12 ea or 3/$5 <l/5tag.s $1 .60ea. 6'9tags $1 .SOea lOormoreSl 40ea. Sales Tax Included Word proces.sang typist ---------1 (or Nwpt Center law otc, STOCIC CLERK legal eaper preferred Ml*'q Mat.riah 1025 ....................... NO CARO? Draw your own or aentl name. address. phone &. wt>'ll mak•· one card pt:r tag.. Add~ earh Growmg Orange County ~ Case SJO Backhoe loader. dsl. gd shape. w /lilt trlr. 18500. Bnan 642·0239 ba...<;ed company se-eks an dlvadual lo assume stork room respon!>1b1l1ly 111 packing & s tocking o)f parts Oth1:r duties wall me sluppan~. receavmg & general warehour.1 ng dut.aes Electronic: com· ponents knowledge helpful Minimum ont' year expenence. Good company benefits. Call 557 -9051 Equal Op porturuty Employer Stock. ruu lime person needed t.o mo"e a.nuqut' furniture & arrange on sales Ooor Ab.o to help customers with pick-ups. Xlnt benefits. Apply lD person. ANTIQUE GUlLD l8CX'l E. Dyer RD. Sant.a AJla. Stockperson: Inventory control, s h1ppmg & re· ceivmg. noor service. nr OC Airport. Benefits. 979-1483. SlftllYISORS ,"4ooa Urgently nttded by the Huntington Bearh Caty School Da strarl. l ._,·2 hours per day SJ. 75 per hour. Contact Hunt· mgton Beach City SC'hool Dist, 735 14th St, H 8 . 536-8851 . TEACHERS/P ·Tlme 2 Deeded. MW F. 8 30 to t2· 30. Newport CA!nter Methodist Pre-School Cal I bt wn 9-1, 644-074() TEA CHEil needed for private Day School. Out of state credential a ccepted *TYPIST• lmmedJate operung for llJl accurate fast typisl. '>-Offit' gen I ofc in<"ld Gd pay. r e la xed at mosphere Mature. non- :.m o k er pref. Pal 89S4357 ~.l Computer Lane, HB. TYPIST-For lnv0tc1ng & It boolckeepang , must ~ over21 972.3138 Tnbt ,.Kept. • i.30to6 PM Otoll"e o( 4 or 5 days Outstanding wo rking coodluons & eqwpment. Pla.z.a, 211182 111 acbe.bon, 7si.OZ34. C..relr ....... IOlO ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!mm Sound Camera &. ProJector, 6mo:. nt>w Ong C1)6l $780, A1>lu.ng M5() 77~13 ------ KodaX Carousel 100. slide proJector. oew, $85 842-4647 1035 ...................••.. ~ Kllteru.. silver , CFA. ruo Ph 761 4994 alt SP M Send t'he<:k or mOMy or dert'l PILOT PRIMTIMG P.O Box U60 Costa Mesa. Ca 92fl2f i CERAMICS ~~·· llandpainled ceramtr,, plaques, nat1v1ty sd. plates muc h m1 i.c at.cm'>. AM :>pe<:aal or den. & c.-olorl\ done i.t ro· 1&SOnable cost. 846 ~7tl eve. COPIER Xlnt cood. 962· 7033 1040 ........ ••••••••••••••• SPORTS PAJNTl!SGS AKC S h1b Tzu s t ud Orig seragrap!Hf 1» service Calico. $200. Wayland Moore, mui-t seil Call 97 4-5858. . • TypUU _6C2-_JS28_~---------------..-••A '"'"110M • • Cabanets wooden, 34 " St•dents Teacbers Cocker Spantel·AKC. high, 24 .. deep, 27 .. Wide, ewts oki. BuH color. 3 SJ.o-~..i. ... ,_pl ,_ Houlewtves '. ' ma.I 3 FemaJ ~ """"'' ... oo....., ay ... ,., F.ARNVACATlON SS aft~ e. arol129C-1W.16tb.St WE NEED. C.M.64$-9020. ISer:uorTyptsts UiASA APSO Puppies. ----f'SlalTypists AKC reg. Shots. a.., pet JOUN WAYNE TENN•~ 10.ctaphooe typl&ts shop pnce. 7sz,9445 C L U B F A M I.). Y /Oerlt Typists MEMBERSHJP. $2l"IOO 0t NEEDl ........ EDlAT""'Y Kee6bond AKC female, trade for car of :o1am1· ,..,. ~ value. 731 ·870"or long & abort term, bob· lhynofd.1100. day & vacation pay.· 96().""484 !JT0.1'l60. _____ _ boep1tal.azat100 ava1la· ~OND Pups AKC: Yard vac SJ2S 7 r, .... , ble. Ownp 51.l'e M tf Pet & rmwer $150. Edger ~ s h 0 w . p v t p l y m-O:n8 . VOLT , ....... c. ... --. ................. . 546-4741 3848 campus Ori ve I acl'"05S from John Wayne Airport 1 Equal Oppor Employer 2131817· l..345 a.ft 6 pm. ---------.. a a lay Club Saint Bernard Pupp)'. 8 CLL hp W-.&.......11 weeks. t ema le. all sboU -.11111 11 lllll1Till'V &'SO. 9'79-3982 Mr. Strong 644-95 lJ AKCGldn Ret.never pups. Hunters, wtr dog:s, 80 Champ Pedigree 493-81 Pawihn IOSO RAMPAR1' Athletic Club membentup'. Will tn•d., ror 25 sheets of SheeJ.r91·1.. CVJ"x 4'JCll'l or ua~hl•· lumber. both deliver•'<1 or best o ffer . C;, 11 Wareh o u 1ema11 646-_· -'""'------TYPIST ....................... 567·TI98eves. ' M /F Telephone Research . Some experience In lrvme office. SJ 2S per stockroorrl or warehouse hr . P · T . Mon · Fr 1 11> preforrcd You wall 714-~1066 M_ary_. __ _ oper.ate ror.kllft, an.d Telephone Sohcltor pa.rt must have CA drive~ s tune, Sun thru Thurs License and a good dnv. !)·~ tn g J()pm. Can earn w.g record. $400-$700 per mo Will Realty Co. seeks sharp seU motivator for typa.ng legal documt'nts. AC· C'URACY A MUST! U NLIMITED OP OOsrruNTTY FOR A 0 VANCEMENT. Ask for Debbie. 4.94-8521 train Must be res1>9nsl!:..·~~~~~~~~~~~ Cleftl ~ft ble &. able to foUow an- / .. _. -strucllons. N.8 . area lfttOLSTBR W e>p..k t atln or, th 96.hMOZ. needed Immediately. Ex· e see a ra ee or e ----pr. pref. Salary t'Om· Receiving Department Temporary help. urolol(y mensuratt' w /ex per & lndMdual should havl' back offict', 2 weeks only apc.jtude. Ai~ no barrier. some forklift experience 644 ·2922. Aak r o r ~2758or493-7082 and background an rf'· MlcbeUe. ceivingprocedurea. --------•watter. Waitress. Oay:s, Tow Truck Onvers ex P /T Private C lu b Canon offers an excellent pcr'd. Top pay. Apply ~- salary aod benefit ~ G&W T o win g . 7406 park.age. Plea11e ca.JI or <.l\msWay,C.M. 642 1252 WAmUS 11pply at. TOW 'f'RUCK DRlVt:ft. Pvt. dub. Weekends, Ftl CANON BUSINESS MACHINES :nil Red Hill Avenue Costa Meaa, C. 92626 171415SM700 Equal Opportunity Employer m /f /h xlnt salary + benefits lunch, Sat & Sunday lnq 9llO E "'---H breakfast. $3.50 hr+ ups. : ..,.,...t wy, 673-lSUask ror Manon NB. CaJI 844-4131. TOW TRUCK DRtvtRS. Elq>erienced only. Live In Costa Mesa. 646-9838 TIAVB.AGENT Busy Newport Beach Travel A.gene)' nHds ex- perienced ·domestic & lo· tenwliooal aaent. Salary corom. w /uper. Call 754-~. Want Ad Result.a 642-5678 WAMTID DRIVM SUMDAYOMLY To deliver Dally Ptlot bundl9 to carriers. Re- QW"el no or larae st.a· tion waaoa and a &ood drlrio• record. Phone "'2·4321 and aall ror Harry Seeley or Don Wl.Waml. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER **I BUY** Good used F\tm1ture & AA>bances-OR I will sell or SELL for You MASTERS AUCTIOtf 64M616 & 833-9625 Green high back OC · casaonal chair w tol tomllO 125. ~ 7o.9 CASH Pi\ID For gd used furn, anti· ques & clr 1V' ~ &SHI 133 WICKER OR RATTAN FURN FOR SALE~., I need a sofa or loveseat Will also coo.sider chairs My budget allows for On· ly reasonable prices. Pleue call 142--1566. 6"8 pm MovinR Must Sell By A'ul! ll, ReCng/Ftoozer $1 50 Din Tbl w f5 cbrs. S2.'lll Sofa bed $75 End 'Thi $25 . Obi bed w /hkr-.1· hdbrd $100. 3 Dwr dt·:<k w fold down top $tl:1 Uphol Roc k1og Ctl'a1r $i() 1;46 ()ol.W or co"'4l' h v aft 7 PM. 2014 M'af•k Ave Apt.101.C.M. •' ART .. Ong. Graphic:. Priv collector otrennl! works by Chagall, Mlrn. Rockwell, Dali, Neima11 , 8oul11nger. ol,.cr'> Substantial s avio~s 673-9494 O>mil'ete backyard CYrtt set. slide + 3 sw1o~:. Sears product. 2 yrs. old 540. 96.1-1472 or aft S pm call i63-2W7 . Apt RefHg S'7S. cast 'lrnn stove 128$, 250 MX ba~IM case $125. ml~c elcc rmtenals 493-5170 _,.....c...._.. &OHkeAlnillw• Lee. approx Sx6 ~ ea. Painted wood custom ca.blneu (21 w/drawen. sbelvea, safe, doora. Cou&d ~office or bobby Like new commer cial rm unita Sl50 ea. ALSO Electrolux Vaculldl .• J'op walnut aecretartal desk ol the line, all •~ch­ m> 2 deab w 1credeosa ment.s. aoo. eau ICary. P>O'. 2 Exec dlaln saoo. s 74218 · • Excel cond. so.mi •or NEW World Book En- m«llDev twlmdl. cyclopedia, 1978 Cdrin- Leather 1ofa, brown. thian blndingi co.t new matcblnl cbalr, perfect •· S.'IZ5or b.o. 983-1700 aJDd. $350. Call 642-4644. Sofa. cbr 6 recliner. blk Palr aoUd glass heavy naup.byde Sl.50. 81.k twbt etched standard s'b••d RCA TV w11amM 115. French d oors. eall MS-28tt dy1, &42·0927 840-33U. ' ·' e'MI New OAK dlnln• tbl, One KEY machine for a.11.'CLlw .. Captain ... Good cond.. Bell of. 1wt..a bar atoola su. fer. 0. Ouelle • Son ....... GlwCo.•-·. M caudl·w11111kll'• ~t JM:IC WALSH .... Ult qualitJ. CODd, CAIPlr co. ~--· Hll elolHuta for SZ..19. 9pmall o.t ~ ~ble P .H aad 14.tt. For 1' wttb a· leaf •• cbt.in. COllPET11'1VE bid = matcbiDI buffet came to 711at17Ul St.. GZ •ll• orC.U611.4tlJI. Dbl bed -Corw srp, a rrooo for ll1eOoiaalda drenu. dealt sn. =.: ...... #28. IDGm,ta.cllll. ·----"'-· ---- ..... ..., q-. leab, 'ne flllilll *'• ID the ~-ttn.Mt ,,._ .. a DallJ PUot •hme.P.•Tm O•IWM.MNm . ~~ ..... !!!~ "C... ... ' ·•:r1, ....... 11 ............... rW ........ ,uw ...... 1.,.rted ....._.,.... QI •• it 9120 ....................... • .......................................................................................... . ....................... t 1 4 t70 I ~ t7 II '9 ... 97IO ¥..._ 9771 9932 to10 ....................... ... ,. . .,w ...... fw..a•-.•·power---II'._~ 'TJ: ~ "=' ..... & .. .. •r;::t• .... :-xi.I ~ .. .: .~·--.............. . --.. •••••••••••••• --.. Nardk. r9d wt.t bllMI. WICXU OR llATTAJIC -S.: a · '""lP'UTE s-f..t toDd. o,..., •ILi r-""' ........ Cb9vy, velvfot ::" 10& &AL&?• I 1¢ 'n dnW9, ._...., trlr r•t• ww.:.-:· er, 1o::: ..... '*~ dya, MO lOZI IC1 budfet allowl ror oe 1• QM&le P•llow• l ,,..,wbdl ly rea.oeabl• priua Stewart, •· CC. allp lJ'ClaupM, TO hp lhrc 6 "'-c.u to.1-f-1 H &U•W• PJOO Lou t rlr . SllOO/beat offor pm ............. tM-4111 IMIJwo .. m • • U&Jboe S.y t lub Ihm 71 SIAIAY IJrD b1r.aup ~~·-JI', Qm41MWP, -hp, Tl 5 I ..... Call -VIII', rover, w /lrlr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltnlCal. sn .M ••US).1. Alla• ti Io ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOll PACIMA.IB ..., !mNSON 108 2, 280 \lfW ... Good NOd. llblt _, llOOO I.It' btl olr . Ml-49ar~ 'GmJDIBAKF.R Od~ .......... -·-----4\lltilillDrt ... tllO ••••••••••••••••••••••• "JO c.rr ..-aooo down tail• over l•H• Call UllYW Ill 1..-a or Ev• ~&JO. '6' WlUY Cl5 J~ XJot t'Oltd Btand new m14tnu e.a a t er. Call S.·5212 71 Ford. lllnt rood, roll t.r. bndh 11u l"lil. cu. ..,0. MZ 4*M1 VW OW\U ~llY. fuJly tnck41 ou\, LJllOrc-. belR olft-r 640-~ ' ....................... 1'nuni-t •old l&eynokiil Meda.lilt Uk• new ••th C~IDI cuo SIOO. Oul.l.ar ~ 6 Slr 44•....._ Y9dlt s Ill 0 II . ~u h r11 ia l<\#'d I" J!A)4x4 Pll'kup, 1l.5K cMft dawn wut han S P 0 II PU ii J>I, nt'w lo rtU J(Jo\ rood At.a 11.u> die su~K lD a moo\hs tins. bnake. 3400 'f T uank, t i. k ·.. ri· 11 ii 101, Tlike ClY« u .-Ung loan a.400 ~ l6llil. ttl.).)47 t many atrll!I ~~ -~~th ceM. ffW ~ ~ IL\o.18 mclftlll. Pnvale C ; it S./ Tnidll · '560 peat\)''• lovNtrneot com .... t 120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Peavy PA Syatem, CS 400 stereo 1mplifl"r , UQCl; aereo DU a e r , 2 S P I t1pkn1, 2 AKG OIOOOt: n'lll-ruphiooes, ~ st.aoda Sl.500 980-4484 OHke'-wllwe& ......... 1015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DICTAPHONE ~blew ttra1u1cn her New Sal\Y'O COi.it $400 Sell $2:iO BM-2274 J>elk for your den 2Ax52 ('•t\l ~. 4 mo. o ld Take $150 ll1i:h bat k liv1nu room c·ha1r CO'il $$50 tak1• $fill. RC i\ c·olor TV 1·uh1n(-t mod<•I wtth r e mrd playn & rnd111 20" luht'. x lnl c nr11I. $100 b41)4744 aut rnent requtr~s 1rn ... •••••••••••••••••••• medlat.e ••le Jwil pro feAkJRally reci~l"Ol'flk'<i and repowered !Jy Nt!wport 's (\nest tttbn I etan1. Tot.al or $(SIC 11pent in Jul 9 moolh.'i on thui 67 model Brund new twin Chevy 454 <'rus uder 1•nK1ne 1> with new trail.'> rrul>11111n .. 'I. i\ II eq w p menl, t.luv1ls, rut.lar, auto p 1 I o l , 7 1'1 0 n a n '79 Lance 111-'I ' 11elf <'Ol\l&inod, uMld l wt~. l•ll ceatru, b11t ofr obovu llllOO. 541). 7171 . 6'2 3:585 Lntrrnat1onol llarvr \er cumper 10\1'.a' h<. Ba & kltch. w /gas or c lue. I n.i. 11lps R, $700/tw11t offer 541J.688.5. 638-1 l~ Matori.d UiH "4 0 generator, VllF , depth ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ci m attl City Bike '- Hyk.art, xlDl <.'OOd, $3115 842-2044. finder , Bi m in i t op around bridgo d eck . i;t.eroo, color TV, slc<.'Jlll 8, ltin1ot·111zed 1:>leeper. trat1h compacte r, b1.i •Mueun:vdfflllllll-.~:Mi / refng. wtrreezer. t.lbl. 5coohn 9150 11ta1nle!lll s ink, bloc k ••••••••••••••••••••••• counter top, upper i.alon bar :.rca w /Welbar, nt•w rerig. & freezer . frei.h wal<.'T, 11parklcU, bwll m blende r Uockcd al '78 Yamaha RO 4011 Silver Edition Q1fc Far nng.'i, new <'flnll'> Xhll cood. SJ.200. Her 2 30 pm 645 5468 or PM /t• v 644-2176 '73 (;hev ~4 T, very ~d cond l'S!Pli. 11r, n~·w tnlM. 631 XllOI. 646 784» "N <..~1 "'-T ru MO uuto. pay orr ~800 mu&. 131 8741 '73 <;our1 1·r. I\ n·. ~uod mi~. n K 1111, snoo or betst ufr 1118 ~ '71 Clwv t,1 T I' ll , Sllvcr iulo, lo11dt'<l, 1r •• 1:.oo mt $5650 64 ~ J:i<!H . ~:r.o; 'i2 l"1.1nJ. 'II.ton, 6cyl. •l'pd bllck, $1200. 536-~I '7J Uatsun l'IJ. 1·11 ... 1111n ml, ra1>1w\l1•. AM t-M. 11111 IJur. :! tank.,, me.rt• Xlr1t.' ~OJ Iii I 17711 ·11. l 111-:VY l'w kup < ;,,. .. , 11tn1l ~1.Y.1 Nc•w I irl'' brnk1 ... & Jt.111n Kl17 1>141'1 8087 Arrhel Manna rm Coabt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbw:.y Jn back or J olly lil\BY llAMSTt:n s. 1·ute ~er Restaurant. & adora ble 11nly 3 wl'ek'l 41tt::t,ttS 11 llu:sky drrt btlw . Yf·ry 9570 1,'00d shape M50 Va. SJ0.9151 ••••••••••••••••••••••• old. SJ ~ ea CTl-:UUY ~ liEl\ft>. 841~79 aft 61'M J>nvate P<trty 1!1111 fo'r1nJ t ;('•lfl'>hrw .1110 <6'~2'7~. IJoal No. (714)642-ZOOB Yamaha '78: 17~1T -.oo 30:! uutn. 1 uns ~11011 <rfice No. (714)8714224 Ml. Cleaner than new' Sl lJJll IA:! tl:ftJ CA NA R I t; S b e a u t SB5Q. :.1ngcrK. J!uaranlc(•d , loat'I. Sal 9060 495-3618 '711 Ford Van 1111111 111111111 many rotors. f-'rcc st.art ....................... mrnc, air. ''')\'l', r1-fr1r'.. kit 96J.2ffl0 '76 Lancer 25, xtra:., 77GS 750 SlflUKI w tfalr 111'\L,. thl. 1111'. 11( r up hr11Hol 1·ond $8900 mg. C"USlm seal , LUK rk l>t~r<b ~.tJo !11.3 7 . .x'J "-ol&°"CJO't$ 8090 &IG-lfJlO wkdys, 493-3206 A:.k1n1:t $1800 Uavc ............ •••••••••••• t'Vef\ 569-2273 alter 4pm. 1i 1otau~" 1tt·rn1n~t11n ~........._,, c:.....1 ... f I I I (' I\ I. 2 ~' V 1· r v w " I I '"""""" ,._... -.. l'ump xlnt 1•11111 , ••al wr ......... /SrA-w I 60 1 ''"'" $1 ~0 14' j(.ru~i· 1•4u1pp1·1I ran•1r r u1 ,1• ----r-M'-"'~huri~ SI OO 77~> o:ux l>i vor•·•! l•>1 t:••t-, '~I•· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~;!A()t HF:NT 2:1' FIH,.:llAl.I. Hammond Orqcm ftltrlJ'('r <!'1 1l.w111~ \10011. 1, t:l:I $:1011 1~11 J\l!Vi fully t•qut ppr•d I + Jj Spor+iftCJ Good' 8094 .,;ulJL VIII-'. 4!Y.! ~ 1.1!t Ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• prn C 11 I ,. 111 .r 11 I' •· a k I It a 1· k JI .1 1 k , b I u •• l'•>l3rJ'.U J rd mumm y i.h'f•111n~· l1a1l 1 mv old ~ c•a IA.', !1700 13' f'"I yin i! Jr 1-'u 11 y "'IWP d racer w /lrlr sum Ph til:l-6296 ll11bw 16 l.1k1• nPw Tr· c1wla Sunru.c ~alb Sl600 <i01S CJ.llHS. Wilbon f.n&l70 x :11 . !J 1ron1t. I J 4 !i woo<h l1 k1· n1·w. Sa,. $200 (:;ill 71.JI HJJJ art J7' O 'Day, xlnl c1Jnd Mum & Jtb '>:ill'. lr<ctlt'f. mrit•ir mu. .. t ,('!I $11~1 S fo:l.P' ('ONTi\I N ,.;1> H,.:11..<.;0Ni\llJ.I-: 1;.1!1 ~;1 ·11 ovt:ru.11.Nfl ii · I J~udcd. 3!iOO m 1 Sa<· ~ cas h. Take o vc1 S223/m r1 ii;i ymc nll>. In park, nr beach. 646 91f72 14 ,.\Jlura, ".n'. h1111kd Sac.TI f 1 ce SH5(J(J 842-4Vt7 ·n l'ace /\rTIJW, 2" ·• ,,, ... 8. fully sclf c-onlaJO<'fJ, r1111( (IM'kl"'r.>, t>1kl· rlH'k, .l:<"KJ ciiud ~ ~ tr72X fA2 ~\56 TV. Radio, :w ·79 Wmm·ha~o. ''"' :. HR, St..-eo 8098 Mu'>t i.ell da:..,11 r anng ....tlL.,, SZAJ wk.Jy t If 1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''''''P 2r.· l..u •I Pr :.. ~~Li::, Nu·f• :!:1 MllJ\llUY•ti< ('olut N1'WJJ(>rt i.hp f..42 '1;JOC, ar OPEN ltO Al>. l•.adt'11. 25.CXX> rru $ll.400 ~ tll3:J &64.2-CR711 'I V si:111 2 Yr W urr t'r•,.. l.td Mfi I 71MI WAYI Ell I olr1r 'Iv· .. cll':lll 111 .tll\ I' 'J op 111 ll'C'll JrCIMli J71Ui at" Ma14n:1vox 1·ol11r TV, dork wuod, roal'1on11l>lc. 64.!'>2502 40' Choy IA'<' k1·t1·h, fli.I, au\f1 p1l<1l, M'n<111'\ l'rw1>· lnlo( boal. Offers t - i\Y Ml; 11000 ·~. l.udcr.. lfi. 2.Sll, vam hu l l . i.l1p 111 NU, b I• 11 IJ l If U J. $1 0 0 0 8!»-0010 Trailen. T"".. 9170 ....................... '75 32' S llvt>r Slrf·ak 1'rwlcr P\Jlly c<llllJIJH'cl, i\C, s t.ere,'(), $12,00011Jc1Jl ~CVL'b. ----Vcn turll <!I, 6hp otbrd, Oldn RxJ $1 I SO /lw~l trlr, ;ill xtras, $3950. 642.845(), 631·1164 eves 551·92S8. S.,')2.807~.:..---Bob. ·-m Oi•h!e :mo v 1111 1 'i ,n \'1·r,1•tn J", I'll ,\ I' rr~1~::.. frc1:. 111k l•1,1d•·•I 4(.U.)1111 MH 7W I .11t .lprn 7H F111tl I '.Im 1111 l11.1tl1 ·d ;i ta11k' SXC.10o.11tr .I' I' fi.t! i!JIH t~nn DOI><; 1 .. , 11 ·••••:111•"' .. t\ltw \.Ill .lli/J \'II 14 111111 I I:' tr1111h1t•'. .,,,, d mJJ:.111u•• l ••._1t u1 t'. l'U,l<llll fflUI .11. ( I .1) .al wlwl'I-.. tl.111·., "'"''''' 'llfl .. h.c<lt·, 'UCI I rorrf 11'11•\1• 11111 I H. ,t,·rc '' >i lru1k.111t1·rhh ul 1•u"••li•. t.'tdu'tl w1111J11w,, r l"l•1rn rrurr•lf'. • 11 111111 hull•m tUI k 111l1•n•1r l11d r• .1 '""'I ht>:h It.JI k -.,.-.of 111 l•1m 1 hr11mi · 111lr·nr11 ,111rl r • H·r1trr 111 .1 11v •rl l1•·f ll'alun.., 11u1t• l11n,• \'(H lll!.ll>llt l r.Jl,..1 .ill \lol,t)(j .rn•I • .11 1 ... 1 1nl• r 1•1r 111~1 .... ~Ill\ I l•1ft llfll•••J IUIL'' t 7M Jli.'Jll ~J!ll :• '7t. t'hf•vy V 1111 I"' I' II rrw1>1'. l11•!1t c1fh r t"1'>tG17 71 l'lym11uth W1n•l11~ Yun I J1ad1.,I ~ l11l 1·1111tl h1.'!!l 11ffor 4111• 7!1fi I 1!10 Uod~•' V»n. pop 1111 t11p, hJ1rly 1(1>1>11 ... 1c111"' 642 1J5l Tcuc :W40 4-Lrack 1>1mul· ,.,ync. Virtually 11c w Manufacturcrb wurr:rnty i.IJll v11hd. $1100. 7:11 4451. loah&MariM ~ ........ 6 M o 16' P r i ndle Qlt.arnar an must be 11ar. 8Xl or b!it ofr, take ovr pytDDLa. <All 67~9675 aft 6. 'ti8 A-V-I00--,-3-1'-:-;d llhflpl'. ~~~••••!~~.~ kU ot xtras Aft.er 41>m • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9010 ....................... WHITHB BUYING .. SELLING Na It Yos DAILY PILOT IOATMAIT To,-...,..ed c•642·5678 ------- BUSllW llACK t: R 2 24' R.acmg Sloop 9-salls. 6 vancnu. f"/\Sf'. SJ!:i.000 f'I befit air. -.mo a ft 6. Give you.r boat ins. a cbcck·up. Call Boal & Yacht In~. for a free quote. Over 25 yn exp. C7 14)673·B OAT or G15>-in4. P.CAT 8u8lneS6 reverses forM .we. Gd cond, trlr, $1200 firm. ,.._ms. ----- Cal 20 0/0, extr a 11, Newport 11Up, mwit seU. s:MOO /befit olr . 548-4488. 11' SJ'lNGER SAILBOAT (}Ike Luer ) 10 used boet.a for aaJ.e. Sept 3rd. ~ ol aeaaon aa)e. t'an· l.Mtic aavt.np. C..h on· ly. Localed a t: Sailboat Rm&.al WIDd ln Newport 0-... Dave 558-2273. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1968 rebwll TypP Ill VW en gine. $395 . <.;all 54B-7140any time . Parting out '75 Chevy Luv truck. M1as1ng bed & tin!ll. Will aell com pl etc $"i(IO cuh. Sli-61116 11ft 6pm. Ava1I. immed. • •••••••••••••••••••••• IM POHTJ\NT N<YrlCETO R EADERS ANO ADVERTISERS The price of il cm11 advertised by vehlclt- deaJeni In the vc hlc lc clualfied advor \iilln l( mlumna does nol Include any appllcable t sxc11. license, transfer rcc11, f1nance charges, fees for air polluuon control de· vk:e certlf\caUooA or de· aler documentary prf! 21' P'lberform, expreH Hollie ~l H ': Xlnt Coocl. pllr1ltion charan unJeu crulaer , bdtp, head, azo ~ 1pecllled by p1Jey. dlnett.e. l.rlr. all -.0795 the ed\lwt1Rr. xtT•. Frelbwat.erboat. ------------------lll!m-A y Newport 30 n '71'. Roller w .. n/ lwllng, VHF, lath. l aMdet 9520 WE l'i\ Y TOI' f)(JI .I.I\ ll for I.lip w.L'<l ('"'" f11n·1..:11 . domt~lH'b or c la ... ~.11 " If )"'IUr f'.1r " ••lllr.J 1 h""'· b<lf' u.-; t1HST ' ,, I 111 Or..,. C-'Y :l.9'Zi llurbor Hlvd < ·o~;r" M Jo:Si\ 979-2500 WEIUY Cl..EANCARS AND TRUCKS COHHRL CHEVROLET .'Jt:?l llurhor Hl\d c 'c IS'J I\ M •:SA 546-1200 Can't Sell Vour <.;1r~ CREYIHIMW 1•,wsmr orn.r.An PorClman Used Import.'\ Call M1keor Don 135-1171 WANTED! ....................... ....................... ....................... ••.•...•.....•......... . ..................... . i4CAPRl,t eyl. euto. lo 7 Jtlll"'-OIHWllCOUMTY tmCMPIOLIT ~1• lbarp, ca...o. 83000. --.-VOLVO coa.iiiiT·TOP UYJIOGT oril/lt!ar. ooe owner, EXQ.USIVY.LY VOLVO ftlmloeded,J.IGDebelae IJ. 000 ID l (IN H 0 K I LarliNt Volvo Dealer modll ._ low ml.let 6 I.a ...,_ 9720 l»'lla. mOranaeCounty! ...,.lhatp1 <CllUW£>. ....................... ,,.,.._,-.ca. 8tJYorL•;ASt: OMLYl94tl rU\. Wtt••""- l.300 W Collll Hwy Nwpt Dctr tu-'1a 9707 ....................... '74 1001...'i 4 <tr sed.. AIC. uo lrtlllll "400 . Mi 2510 or 848-4Mll '74 AUOl l OOLS. Xlol Uind. 41pd. Sl7~ Moma ·~~~l 970t ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 A.H. Martt Ill 3000: 411M ong miles, m in\ curd 833-011.9. ------IMW 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CREVIER &I Sf & H OAOWAY ~AHIA AHA 8353171 HO UI JIMA fr OfUVtWO MAC;HtHl •USEOBMWs• 'T.!<!OfYl\11 S /lt <!N.!GllV I '76 ~.1112A S 11t I !WtltKO I 7•>!'..~)IA SIH (l!i5RKO> 'TIJ'.!114:,pd,!lt 1670SJ>VI 'T1 .'">:t l411pd S/R 101791 '711:0>4:>P. C239UKllJ '711 f;:_()(·" 1 A S ill I OO(M! I '71'1 ;~11. A IC llU9WI>/\ I Ck>Md ~ndcrys IMMJo:UtAT ,.; 111".J.J Vt:RY' LUGE Sf:UCTIOH OFMEW 1979 320i's 528i's 1\1~~ > 1;:J:iCS1 'i l ... STOO<! c .11111wlay w .... al vi rrui v huv•• thul pr .. own1·il 11\IW \<rU .an· luok1111: f•u 831-2040 495.4949 ~GE COUMTY 'S OLDE: ST & ~.rt.· O.,.·n ..... 1 .. ·a"111: Roy CarYer,lnc.. Holl .. fto~ ,.,. llM W J:;llJ J.1rnl111rr-.• "' Wl•ll"I ti.. .. 11 h IAO 4"1 M '761MW530I ,.. II I l ) •. 'I u I ri p .... 11 rul<rfrl.il 11 ' l hrc••• ln "",,. ,. t r11m r :,'fi.; JI F \ , "1~ • 1.rl Wl·•·keud µr11" )111'•• SADDLEIACX V AU.EY IMPORTS 8 31·2040 495-4949 BOB Mcl.AREH't 11[.rON JM:1H'h nlvcl I.I\ 111\llHi\ c:, Mt. N•t 11f SI\ l"w y I 17'41522-Slll Sooduy by i\ppt. '781MWJZOI Sonrn•tf, "" C'lmt.l1llon 111~ I\ M ,..M 'lC'rco. only ll,4(1)m1l1" 1541Z7GI l SADDLUACIC VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 49M949 BMW '76 ~ .. 'kit, Mml cond. J-'j1)rn hluc, Blaupunkl i.11-r1-.1 Utj)t.'. 4 Sptl lk•"t ofr !5912 PL) Pvt ply da y11 7 52 ·111 6 4 , wluw~ /f'VeA 561 ·2 IM '771MW 630 cti Sil Vl'r Id UI'. i\ M FM '>ll'fl'(J ''"""f'll•'. plu'I all luxury 11pt11111 ~. «l..11TXAI $19,995 SA.DDUIACIC VA.LUYIMPOITS ll 1-2040 49Mt4t ?l IMW l .O CSL R.8rr. hac. oril(. i\lp1na sup. ~nng & brakCA. i\ir rood M1ol cond. 6421Ue. w-111111 1'1K&Cr MOWAIDC•1•r•t 7~ ....... !?!~ ftmft:J ~=~ 1 DEAL£R IN U.S.A. 202.5 S. M nchester 11MCtauk.11111t aeU t.b1& RA llWJf:ll DA T\UN d J I I I I '• 4 'I I j J 7 ~ ROY Anaheim ~-2011 11' I wti:.-CARVER ROUS·ROYCE '74 lME. air, auto, a '74 Vette: T·top, vs, 350, 1~J""'"'" owner . very c lean , aiao. loaded, xJn1 cood. u ..... --...J !:.:' ... "' AM/FM s ter eo, xlnt '1250.54()._3342 __ . ___ _ tilnd.PIO() P.P ~~ ,._ (lOSlO WNOAO .__,_. '78 265GL W11gon: Xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttll '59SllverCloud 1 rond, rad~. AC, 1>t1•. '72 XR7, n1>'W tlre11, PIS. Sl9,000 tfiOO / beat offer 67J..8Jfl9. P / R , A M 11" M ca 1111, ----~144---'72-Vol;;-14".;t:, A t;, SlllX>/bMt olr. Alt 6PM, '69 Sliver ~hadow rwhala.$1500 ~~ COSTA MESA DATSUN Ri:aullful I Shcll l(l'ey cul 496--0795 ·m XR7. au xtras, n1•w <X. S27.000 lltll 1004 ~ UMd ~ pamt, xlnt. $1000. Z&U llARROR RLVU W... 9762 ••••••••••••••••••-••• 1146-70l 9Duyl\ 540-64 f0 540.0211 ••••••••••••••••••••••• /lilll/C ttoS Ford 9940 ..,, S-t pd • J2:rn pg. d he Ult , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AM l t'M, maf( wbl ), 213 1434 1..111•. 9W ?Acn '72 Wagon. run' 11 lnl JOmpr.. C.r•·11l for Stlllh·nt nrSurlt'T •.oo 5-iH 2713 'CZ.Ritmbltr 6 cylinder. 23 males per g.aJloo, rotlJo and healer, automal11· t;xcellenl l.rllmportciuon $450 151-4840 .. r . PHIL LONG FORD TOfOio 9765 .. d& 9910 ·74 610 W auo n . oriK llWnl'r, rl"f.: j(llJI, $200() /l>ll\ <If.... 644 003:. '72 2AOZ $3tOO /befit off Cf . ~-2780 '70 510, auto traru., n1•w llre11. rblt 1•n1t. iiood mnd, tun.'I weU $1200/r,( ft'f' MO 17~ '73 WI. New pntnl. ;11r, ma11... I 11wm•r \' "' y dt>UJI ~ l 'h ~I !/lit '78 112111 4dr St'dan 11.M f M ~lt'I 1•11, i 11M n1•w rad\, like n1·w S4Zi() ~ 1840 9725 ..••.•................. 'T1 IJI. xlnl cond. i\ C'. AM f-'M <'8"~ 5i.ptl . 26 .000m t. $3700 UJ > ('A(). 7"42, t•V~ ~If, 9727 .•.•..••............... Brand Mew '79 HONDA Cars MANY To Choow From! UNIVERSITY Okia9)btl~ Ha.do Can • GMC Tralu ~ llJrlJor lllvrl I :0-.u ~h"lu '..tO l!IAO '7~ JlllOda CVC<' 1 .,pi-.·d 34.000 mill·'· 3!.r m11r f111·Nh p:.anl & h•t•J' wi.rk, run!\ l1k1· .1 l•tP g)'.(Jc-a.'h li7~oh7:1 4UA ~ 9 730 ···········'··········· 71 XJ~. rt"1 w •,Jtldll· IOI ltk•• n 1·w . 111.0011 1111 't••N ... I loadrd. $11\,!AJO l'l ' 1:b llit.7 .Jl f,l'M '740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •'6' 210 SL CPE.IOADSTB lmm u1•ul.rHe cond1t1on. h•ilh lOP!I . auto., air ,.,Jfld . locally pu rT h lt.'>ffl ~MTVtrt.-d t~OKC I JIM SLl:MOHS 1..-.0RTS 1!170 1tArrno1t 111, v o COST A M t:.c.;11. Ul-1276 •..•••••....••......... '7j (.;.or<HIJ JO+ ITIJ>I! 1111 any ga.., A i l''M 1 "" kx'ktnK• f.:lt'I 1·a1> lully (1J('d $24JSO --~ <!(1711 Tri .... 9767 •..•••.•••••........... '70 Sp1Lf1rf• New ltrr·~ Necldtl b-Omc• work Sl~t or be.1st otf er ~ 4383. art r.pm ValcsWOCJll" 9770 ......•....••.......... VW Jl;wmv, I r•1ul1h ,,.JI tnf.: y•Mr 1· .u • 'I r ~ 11 I "f' cl11U.1r l'.1111 l1>r ••r '\•11 Hnn~ '''°r 1 .ir 111 .)1111 M.11 ir111 \.uH -.v..q'"" 11<711 ''°"" h 111\d llur11 111~•.tn Bt•Jrh 11.-.1< l11r hJrt.k MJnno or Trim AIJon 6 REASOHS TO BUY & SERVIC E AT JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEM • 1. SftlVICE Of PT OPfl>I 'Tll 9 1' M MOl'IOA f~ ·2· P.t.lrTS Oll"T. OPfH 'Tll 9 P .M ._..Ol'IOA YS & Tll 2 PM !>A TURDAH .). SALE!> DU'T. 0 1'll'I 1 OJ..YS A WU:ll .4. wt llASI All ... J..llS r. MOOH !>, Sl"tCIAllill-IG '"" ¥W &. Ml:lCEOlS l fl>Q -S~ Wl HA Vf OVEQ I 00 ,.f OWMlO f COHOMY CAlS TO CHOOSE AIO M ·6· IMMfOIATt 08.IYl:U OH MOST MOOE.LS 11711 llACH llYO HUWTil'tGTOH HACH 142·2000 ·77 U OSEL· Sllvn & pi mtn pe Jclnl rvnd. 11 II 11 l r 11 s . 4 1 M m 1 • 1 4 VW Vnn. new rl'hlt 122.000t bei.l. :i1:11 46!17 1700 t'fll(. SJ9'J!I :..:.1 °"2X. l'Vet, w1Ul<U 642-.4126 -----~ ;MOU Mn Nf'W rart ·10 VW t:ampt>r. i;:<m'1 ensc • .t.lnl cond '70 21tO SI. rond. i\ M FM s tcn·o. MIU. Top rood. Sl4.000 S2<0> 642-93"6 Pn pl.y 963-264:1 ;112 Tramp Bus. ~. nrw 'IJl 2llO SI~ Xlnt l'om1 i\1r. traN. Rd eng ·~, ron MH:hehru., am /fm ~lf'n'tt Vf'rl • new 1•ni;:, SJ 100 rliL"lll4'ttf'. !l.000 m1lr' on 1'400050 ~ 7960 new t'flg.. 4 "pd. $10.000 VW flbcrglll.'> bug~y. q •ry 67S-0468 dean. SZSOO/ ., 1981l MB ~. 2 lops, 1m ~9L'i':~ _ mac., 9111!00. "m O invert. Chumpa.inl' __ .m._2095 _____ t~llon. M•·lall11• ru.~l'. '73 4~SL: 53M m e. I whl lnP & 1ntr. l::!,000 mt owner. t.o aclJ al end of 2 AM WM run . $ll(JOO or week.a. De11l air. 7~·6228. blrt. 499 4511 '86 2305: Wbt /blue 1n l . 11hows 11.£. very sharp' $'.rlOO/best otter MM-0067 'Mlm Oil. sUrk, air,~ perfect. lilt Si89S takes. 7Wtm 3111 VW '79 Diesel Rtlhh11 , Julil nrnvetl. 5 sptl, fa1't 111r. sac.lopncc. PP 96J4(nJ ilJ vw I>lcsel Rabbit 1 .. p)O.Qall ( 2D9) SJ:>.5JJl6 -------..e t744 '73 SUPER BUG. auto. -·-•••••••••••••••••• Mir. am /fm A 11k1n1t '67 1108-GT New paint, 12 .soo. 1·879·31100 u r . .....•.•..•...•....... 'W EU:C'TltA .. t.lu•>r. rull p<1wc·r. Sb(A) ~7 444 l T.I fkil<'k ~ntury. 2 t.lr . full pwr. al I 1•xlr11 'I $1600 Hu II " ll ri· al :. '• 1 n 1 ::i :i ., v e i. & W«-tlf'nd.'I , ... , ......... ,-u.,.-1 .•••• , ••••• -...... c.-... , ......... '76 E.l1lc :n.ooo m ah.,., full po wer. Xlnt 1:•>nrl , 001 I la4 74 Jo:r111&tl' Waiton. I~"' '71J LTU Hr µ,m 1 n1·w 1111,rl..S. l(d l'ltrHI T;ak1· t1rr"" 1 fJ:,11 ah1:nrrw 111 11o .... 1'1tre•r WI ~372 <t!!l 1•11u SH."JJ Js.17 :m l 111 c; HA._. 'wort ;J!',O A fl IJllr~ ,flJ ll(llJ 1111 r1·hu1 II ""l'lrt•' ......... lit Jk•·' 1111· & h1.c k I ;.,.,.1 r 1111 11• r ' $:JJIJ 111 "42 •t!l:S:I t•Vt"' Coclloc 9915 .....•......•...•.•.••• 1976 CADILLAC a.DOttADO coun I ull pr1w .. 1 foc111f"\I .11r 1 '•11•1 I\ '1 VM ,1.·r1·•1 1.;11111 w K lrJ t ... tilt v.h1'1·I. 1 ru1• c• l'f>ntrril . ,.,,, r111 w1·r :0.l'J l'I , 1 1 .1•1n•rl1 1 1•11• IY l•·1tlh1·r Ullt'S IUf I ..... , ,'i (, ffJ I SS799 I NABERS ( i;;/;((111 1 •I ,,. '•·· .. lh· L1~• lf\it r I"• 1~1\llll ,,, ~ .. ,. flf ""' \l'X 1J ~t 1~1 cr1;:: ur ·l·~•;M II I •tUll" ti• \ti 11 • ,....,,..r "'n c ll .in JI tfXJ 111)4;1741\>I If 1 :· " nll ri I · .. " . .. I ' .. ) • ,t)CJ •I •t ..,. .. 1 1.1.~:1 I •I )>, 1.44 ilJ:!ll tJ •• \~ , 11•"'""'••1 llr .. u11hum I Ii· I 1111111 \Int to111d ~A,&Jl ',l'I Klilll 991 7 ......................• '78 CAMARO LT I'. II U 1 11 fl•· ti WI I h uull.llIILllll •• 11r n1111lrl1•111 'It. I. l'l> 11.,1100 mll•·l'I, :•·· lllJll: JlftW••r 'lll'l'I HI I: rt:.JIJ I/Ml l!;lljl) Ill ( '1.1rt1na, 1:•11111 1·•111'11 t 1•1n. ~·1•1d m il• ·•I'"• tlJJ Jl'>l oflt!r ~'40 Ill HI Tl GranJd3. VIS, J02 cm:. A I oond U'i'JO f>44 6M8 68 l~TI> Wa1:1)'1, u1r. n1-.1r ni·w r ad tirl'!\, •1ri1: f/Wll..,-, I (t•(lll IO & <1lll, ..... kdy-. Wt ::i ~ M2 ms'l 70 M ;.aV('rll k Cr.1hll0'1 11m 1•r1·1tt . ~u l·nnr1. Ahll IJ .Ill jl I ,1/ \!fl )"'it>, 411111 l'ft :11 . ·1 9945 ........................ .. I .\1.11 I IV I 1111l • whr "" <4 hl l •• ~,. 't•J: :·.. , ...... t 1111111 \1.1kc· 1,11 1·1 l'lt •,k, ltfin t•f,'t "11 .11 ~ \! l\tll 111 .. l Jd I Altt1•111 Ith•• II. wl,11• :.! 1110,. l!i,HSrtt ·.howro•1rt1 I • •ll•l I •• A/II I rl 111 I .Jutiu 'W ti k Ul 1 ,•• t 1't 1 ti v.a.tlJ> I i>I lo • }II 11111 nfll v. wtrrwt. .. a m 995 0 ........•..•.•••••.•... IJlt.i\.'111, I-I I JI Ill;'! Y ~ HE W EST U~n1l~'ll ~1t-.H<'I H\ 01'.i\l.fo.IL'>llll' RAYRADEBOE IJ NOH ."I \H; ll n II Y I•• Ill l\ut<><'•·nlt'r l>r .... IJl"V.) L:ck1• 1-•llt"•l •\II lit\ l"H. 830.7000 71 <.ran Marr1u" 2.'ik m1 . 111.1•1•'11 .... •111t 111n... 11 kl fll'W I 111'\ll $47:.0 7~1! 1)011!1. 1 n I'. A M / F ~ '11• 1 t' 11 'l'-"''tl•' 14~til.ll I ·71; Mrm.:ar1·h (ih1.1 \'H, SADDLUACIC 411r. loa<J•"J Xlnt 1·,,1111. :!IM mi. MuM ~di lh111 Y AU.EY IMl"ORTS drt.•ch unt.lcr 7 J2 i1 :S7 , 831·2040 49S..4949 ~4482 ~'~ 9920 Mldtal"J 9952 .•••..••.........•..•.. 1979 DEMO Q.EARA.HCE! r.n Carnarr>'>, l "J111w1 ... M11ntl' Cario... Mdlthu' & N•tvJ:.. Un11tlll' ret.lul llon'I' SAVE HOW!!! COHHRL CHfYIOUT .!J\.!JI ll.1rl•tt 111, o1 I '"'I \ ~ t :-. ' 546-1200 15 Moma 2+.2. j4M m1 , 11mlfm 1<·ai.s Mu11l 1wll s 20011 111rft•r C a ll anytunci 848~. iOChcvy Novu. SS. Good lrnns. nd:. body work. Sf)X),bll orr 673-4007 71. Nova, Rood condl\IOll, Sl%i01006l oUcr. 49>2634 '75 Morua Town C:oope Showroom rond $ZSOO 1179!'11 BWI54»-81110 1111'5 Monte Carlo, white •...••.••......•....... 77 <ihrn . Vij, 'l..rc-.t, A<', lull pwr, 14M 1111 , 1·n ·11111 ~ a.'17~. (i7J :.it!!. 'l)l)Mu'!Lnni.i CM c-oml Mi!Jt wbt.-.:li. SllJOll bc~t ~ :,:;t 9007 eves. wknd'> 'GS 289 Class1r . r1·bullt erJ1U>e, tran..'. bot.I y al n l. 494 6642 '955 ....................... "rli Ohls 9fl Hc1u·nc-y · Lc~tJwr int. ~:il!IMI KJ3 011!1 ....., 9957 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... &Son UNCOLM-MEllCURY "Special of the W~'t'k" 1978PIMTO S il ver exterior, iiutomatl c, radio & heat.er. <081UEB> $3450 31131 Harbor Bl., C.M. ~ black l.aodou lop. air '74 Pinto Run.about : AC, C'Ofld.(986MXU>9fi0.SS6Z auto, s unrf. 111 00. A'\.'WME LSt-; or buy '77 541MU3. -.ri2165 ev('ll. 57' ~rricrall P .500 owner. brtatd. llual aell. _ ...... •• •• • •• • • •• • • ·•Twto Qarys, Slpa 10. ta,.:IOO. pp~. Q.ASSIC IUYllS Beal ofr t altea. pp ~...:.....__; ______ lt72 VO LVO llOOES ~172 Dio&bY· NewiDOrlM1 S EDAN·llard to lind Late mod~I Toyot:a 'I, Volvull, P tckupcs & V:ms . Call\&.'$Ulday• ?llMWlZOI• /\utomatir, A M /F'M 11tneo, &S.000 act ual nulel, air rond1t1onina. Wte new. (S-VAX> '"·"' SA.DOLllAC. new lntr • nda new 1111 ~-__ f'arbl. SUOO/bet 842-2616 ... dr t750 .................... ,.. •'72 Super BcctlC' -l.'1)<1. ~ thruout. beat offer t.akes. SU 1201 Uln'y Capn ce Cla&.'lll1c. '7l 2-dr, 9tC>Od condition, Hrn ext /c 11m e l Int. _,or offer. 851-0780, 1.oaded Xlnt c ond . ~lv maa. fl64·Jll66. '11 PUlto V8, alJver /blue, :a· GRANDY t ' wtt.b oan. MOO or t.t "Sportawaaoo" model q. SpJft Fllher alfer ..... ll5. with • 1peed t.ran1. ~ r:.':' Chryaler V1'1 27'.CIOM QW!t'drtve air condltlun· Bit mt o l rm V HP', TcUll1 equ6pped, lnc:I. Inc. AM /FM at ereo ......,, a10 pilot Hilt 8ch aUp. ta.5,000 or • ,,.pe, lold extA:rtor • 1l8,IOO AY....,. belt alf•. MHl73, or 111 ln ea~t CODCUtlon. 11· c1 ... 1e L1m•o ••· m.-. !:.~iavC:.'°W:!::"~ boetd, much .,.. tneeh, Sol..C.t 11'. alat cood, Udtaooet lla.k•alfw. ndl 11.C lmlde. Sim. dtll. (TU) f7$.Ml3, ext C. 4n·2'47 ~.JMve ll .. &&•· a • MOtt .... c1 ... 1c RH 111 Drake %7 : T.S .. •llm t , 12' Kile, Jllllt coad, w /aaJJ clrtve xi.at nmn1aC cond D'·Dl-VHF radio, tv. 6 dolly, 9100/betl ollf:f'. SlO,oOo; bel orr. (714 ) DinCbY 6: mowr. Olble• ..am m.IJll before IPll ...,, Al wpe. lull cow. _....._ __ 1 .,.. '8lllO JlJ-431.oell .....,. ~ '41 c.dW•c AmlNlaace twii. ' ... 9070 U o O J o ff r . lt 21 ..... ,,, .... ,_,_.... 811t1•1~ Prnldent 2 t · Edd 1 c r • f' .... ,Al Aal lerttt 1otrr. ·11 W••· .Up avl11. YACNwet__. ""' ....... Piekup1 Oil.I••·· ... ,..... .... ,Of. I a.on Whaler 60bp .... for ,.... .... 6", ....... AA, DJee ort1 PEY!M'Udt. cover: trlr. ..,..... •• lD 1 -" 1"d ---· •1* UitOIJDlllMI-*" ....... ., • ..,. ............. c ......... ~ 6•'-tJU w UO.t .. 7 PORSCHE'S WANTED Allow m the opportunltJ to ClCllllkler UM purch ... ar "*·in al your clun ........ a.ck with Ua ~I ... Y AUEf IMPOIO'S 131 .. 2040 4914-4949 '78 m . AJr, at.ereo, new l&Nlll. Enthualut ma lnL i\11 mts avaU. Spoll ... '8500. 71 4!t'19·6UO or TIA /4N-2539 all I . e.,rt 9711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "71CAPRI •• ta.ms ··~····- '85 IMC ort lillal. 47 .OOCI ml, Concouu winner CJIOOM) ...... ,.. ..... 136-1 .... '79 We1lptlalla cam~r. AM/FM 11tereo, A/C, rh-c refri4'/llovc etc, 7K m.i, 9125G. 82J.5000. 5.W-~ '17 VW Squareback . ......... xi.at cond. SlJOO m.:iorr. iuw 2.0: All 1111 lltrk. ,...,. '772 nu brall••· Sl500. •••••n•••••••••••••••• ...... VOLVO I Tl tUS: eooc>ml , pwr wlada, 1umf 6 aidt vu SAl.IS. smYICI mlrron. crulH . AC, MeLIASIM9 ruat/blk 1 .. tber Int, OVEqEAS DELIVERY =~~~ ~50~~ EXPERTS :.=:--..;.-:: Miilm ,.., ... ,...... YO&.YO i.-HarW Btvd. .... ,.......... OOITAllESA AC, 11101•, _ uereo ...,..JOJ f40.94'7 ea.aa. m.mr . Qryaaer tt21 air,~ auto, ~ .........••••.........• ~ '76 C-Ordobtt : Sliver blue ,.--.-.-----H-,O w/blk vinyl top, 1potl_. . ..!.. ................. . ~...!!,.~.!2'°°' llau.rlDe 'T' DuaWr: I cyl. XJnt ·-~·· CllllllL OOod II) ,. Cordoba. ru11y loeded. 117..-1 I; •. =l•~wn~ 1:.:~ ,.._ "'' ........ ,.. all apm. ·-................... . ESTATE SALE: ''17 .., New York.er GrllDll Pria, f\aUy io.decl. hn.1111culal.e-ODI OWMt' T·tap, .-_ f15.el. "°° .....a n10 •79 Cordob•, wblte on ·-••••HH••H•••••• wbtte w /Wblte &ealher. 'Tl T·mnl: c..t CoaUnen· ... Pvt pe.,, fTl.2t'11. &.a tnmt, fuUJ IGMed .. CI I Ill "JI ==,_ ........ -·-............... ----------..,, ll8lt v, ~ .....,, ....... t')d.rM • .-0. •11&.1 T·lb'd Ton .._...u: 1111 ml, muat aell, -,1mtaffer ........ ' .. Buntlagton Beaeh Fountain Valley fOITION Yo•rBe•etow• Dally Newspaper . i VOL. 72, NO. 239, 3 SECTIONS. 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 FIFTEEN CENTS Terrorist Bo Kil)s Monthalten .4ff.er Disasler Yachtsmen Ask Race Questions By ALMON J.00\Af\E\' OI -Delly Pllet St.ii Survivors of Britain's f<'astnl't Yacht Race, in<'ludtn~ thn•e wt'll known Orange Coast yacht~men. t are lookin~ bal·k at the dahasll'r r which clnimed 19 la\'l'S <1nd r1• ;. suited in thl' :-.inkani.t or al.Jundon · ment of two <lozc>n l'xpcns1n· . offshorP rac mg yacht:-. ' Th1.' a ltt•r t hought ... "' both sailors and ra1·e offi('lab could aff1.•ct tht> future o f o ff:-.hon· rares Some o r tht• questions Were race offiriab (If th1· s1xm!>onng Royal Ocean Hacmg Club 1 ROR('1 dt•relart m starting Uw 605-milt• rnct• in lht> face nf h•'•" \ \H'atht•r forecasts., \r•' rnc<' offic1ab <111 mer th1· wf)rld at fault for allov. 1n~ too man' 'a<·hh manv with 1nl'X prrwn('t.>cl crC'W'i to e11t1.•r off -;hon• raCe!-. tn tht• intC'resl of l 1•111•-;-;'' I l:i-; thr rom1>•·t1t1v.-urgl' and r "' clt"•lrt• to win ht•t·omc> "" ~ n ·at th·1t -.k1pp1•r-; an· rwghgC'nt .,t1out :thJnd1>ning a ftl('C in the· f:.n 11( \•11nwn1ng wNttht·r" i\n• 'J<·ht d1•s1gnt·r-; ancl h•11ld1.•rs sacnf1<'1ng sufl'\y for l•ghtn1:-;s :.ind spt·1.·cl . oftt'n using t>\(>l'rimental m aterials'' Orange Coas l and other Southern Cal1forn1a !>:11lors ar<' known as some of the most ('O m petent in the world. Many scr verl as skippers o r c·n •ws on the Ad· mira l's Cup Sencs which wound up with the fatal f'astnct race Following are the thoughts of three local sailors who C'aml' • through the storm lJE~NV Ol'RG.\N. :!..>. lh om· of Ne~rt Harbor Yacht Club's top sailing skipper s . Ile has been sailing for 18 yC'ars His ex pencnce includes a numbe r of intt•mattonal offshore races "Tht> storm came on suddenly from about 40 knots to over 70 ma matter of 25 minutes There was nu way out of 1t. 1 called the erew on deck iust before dawn and told them · · W l' an· no longer ,_.. in a yach t ouAG•N race We arc· an a r:1ce for s urvival · We· rounded the f·astnct about 3.:iO £. a m in the strongest winds and the highest seas I have ever ex pcnenct•d · · Durgan was !-kappl'f of the It ala an \ :.icht Yen a. <in .tluminum 'Pel<'rson 43 bmlt 111 Italy with an i\ml'ncan and ltali'an crt'w "There was nowherl' lo go ex , rcpt to the fimsh at Plymouth." said Our~:rn "In one severe knorkdown our baller s were tom loose and Wf' had no radio or other electronic a ads We were unaY..are of the tragedy taking place throuJ?hout the fleet "Our m:un task was to slccr the boat so that 11 would not be rolled over by the towt•ring seas which wen • highe r than the mast. The trick was to steer Weather Fair through Tuesday except patchy early mom· ing low clouds and fog near the coast. Sunny days with little t e mperature change. Highs both days ran g ing f rom low to mid-70s along the beaches to mid·80s inland. Lows tonight in mid lo uppe r 60s. INSIDE TODA '1 The o/f·rood cbompionlhipa as ruverstde attracted 65 ,000 . and aportawrHer Howard Hondy giwa hl4 impreaaiom. Page Bl. ··-· toward the c·rC'st of a n oncoming waw ;.ind then Lurn and ndt• 1l down at lt'rnfic spt•t•cl hkt· snow ~kung clown a Stl'\'P m111111 tam "Yes. wt• an• s<'.irl'cl, hul nu orn• in thl· Cl'('W pa111t•k1•t1 Tlw storm ah<.1t 1.•d a fll•r 11ho11t 1!'1 hours a11ct wc maclt· at lo th<' finish unaware• of t h1· rll•ath .met dcstructwn until our Wl\'1•-; and i:,'lrlfnends s howNI u' hl'adl1111•-; in loc·al papl·r~ " Durgan said nom' of the· Ion).! rangl• weather forcc ..... t~ prt·d1rt C'd the severilv o f t he ::.torm · I <1on't see how· the ract' commit \l't' can be faulted." he· ..;:11<1 .. Perhaps a minimum hm1t of :.1 feet on th1.• watrrhnt· I a~•UI tll rl't'l overall lt-ngth l 'AOUlf! hd\I' 1·ul down thl' s1w of thl' flt'l'I 1\ number of the boat..; which hi.ill trouble had <·<1rbnn f1bl'r rucl den. Carbon fiber 1~ a -;tr1111~ 'Tlalenal. but is still 1n thl· t•\ <St't> Ft\STNET. Pa~I' \:!l MacDonald Trial Near Completion RALEIGH. NC <A Pl I\ former Armv doctor who t·\ amincd the bodies of lhl' w1ft• and two daughters of Dr .Jeff rt•\ \1al'l:>clni.ild 1s test 1f~1ng frJr lh<' defense as attorneys wrap up their case in the tnple murder trial. Bernard Segal. chief dcf<'nsc attorney. said Sunday he expect l'<i to call ~1x witnesses today. m cludrng Or. J ames Neal of Fort Worth. Texas. MacDona ld. 35, a former Green Beret from llunltng1on Harbour. i s c har ged with murder in the 1970 stabbing a nd beating deaths of his pregnant wife. Colette. 26. and daug hlt·rs Kimberlv. 5, a nd Kristen . 2. while he. was statJoncd i.lt Fort Bragg. Neal testified during Army hearings in 1970 tha t when he ex amined the bodies a t the Mat - Donald house he m oved Mrs i'lfacDonald's body. knocking off the pa1ama top MacDonald ~ays he placed over her Neal s aid hl· later replaced the top. The pos ition of the top ha~ been a point of contention 1n tht· trial. Government witnesses sa) that when they folded it the wa) 1t was found lymg on Mrs Mac Donald. they found a pattern of punctures that matched 1ccp1<'k wounds in her chest Defense attorneys say the ~ov emment 's experiments on tht' top aren't valid and rencct lhl' way the Army a nd the FOi bungled the investigation . If the case is completed today, the start of the trial's seventh week. jurors could begin de liberations Wednesday. Last week, MacDonald lolct of beirig atracked by intruders. llf' said he regained consciousness after the attack to find t ht• bodies of his family . Prosecutors contend M ac Donald made up t he account of four intruders a fter reading articles about the Manson fami- ly cult killings _ The Army cleared MacDonald of the char ges against him in 1970. He w as indicted by a federal grand jury in 1975. Sands Jammed By200,000 Calling it one of t he m or e pleasant weekends of the s um· mer, lifeguards along the Hunt· ington Beach shoreline today said mol'e than 200 ,000 beachgoers turned .out over two days on city and stale sands . Life guards l ogged 2 11 weekend rescues belween Hunt- tnclon and Bolsa Chica State beaches. Noonewuboaoitallzed. A.Ir teaa119rature1 hovered near the 80 deiree m ark o n Sun· day afternoon, with water tem· perature a bout 87. Llfe1uarda aaid surf condition s we re normal. Blast Rips Yacht Off Ireland . •~w1...-... MATTIE SHULTZ, 91 , WON'T BE HUNGRY AGAIN But Shoplifting Widow Says She's 'Tired' Tired of LHe 825,000 'Too Much' Si\:'\ A;\IT0'.\10 . Texas cAP I When she was arrested for .,hopltftang gron·nl'!> last month. 91 ~ear oM Mattu~ Schultz was d~st 1tule. hungry and alone. Sincl' then. c·ontnbutions fro m across the t:mted States have ballooned to more than $25,000. and Mrs Schultz, whose over night Jail term dr<'w national attention. says s he has plenty to Nil but is "tired of life." "TllE WAY M\' HEALTH IS, I DON'T need too much m<Sn<•y.·• -;he !'>a1d Sunday. "I don't think I'll be here but a short tim<•" Sht• said i:I lot of food has hcen donated since her n ight in jail for trying lo steal $15 worth of s au~ages, ham and butter from a l>U pl'rmarket .July 24 Most of the don;ited money has been put in a fund by a five man committee. Bob Pugh. a member of the panel s et up to ad· m101stcr the <:r1ntn bution~. 5a1d the commallce dec1dt'd not to gl\ e Mrs. S<·hultzc the $25,000 an a lump sum but to seek a court order establishing a guard1ansh1p for her PlT ll. 73. IS PRESIDENT OF the local cha pte r of the Tex a~ Seruor C1t11.cns J\ssoc1at1on. whic h r<'rcaved some contribu- 1 wns on Mr~ Schultz ·s behalf. I le expla1nt.'<.I she" as conne<l out or her life savmgs or $5.000 111 Hl73 and thJl "1( she had all the m oney right away 5he'd be c·asy pn•y for l'Vl'ry Tom . Dick and Harry." Pugh said money "came from all over America". ~fl.er a m <i~astnite'!-i de<'1~1on to place the woman in 1a1I was cnt1c1zed. The chargC's wC'rc droppl'd. and the m ayor ordered an invesltga· !ton of the confi nement 'l'\'l' m•v<·r seen anyL.h1ng hke 1l," said Pugh. "It proves America sl1ll has a h(•arl · THE ELDE RLY WIDOW WAS RELEASED two weeks ago from a hos pital wh<'re she was treated for heart and sto m ach ailments . But she said she ~oesn't feel a ny better. "I'm just tired. I'm worn completely out." said Mrs. Schultz. who worked as a hotel maid to help support herself and her husband after he suffered a stroke. lier husband was an invalid 21 yea rs before his death 18 years ago Sunday. "I thank all of t hem, and God bless them a ll." s he said. But she added, "I'm tired of life . I 've got nobody. I don't know nobody. I've lived he re 56 years and I don't know a dozen people.·· Thug Gets $2,000 An armed man wearing a ski m ask over his head burst into a Huntington Be ach restaurant early Sunday, forced employees to open a safe, and escaped on foot with nearly $2,000, police re- ported today - The re •re no injurles in the 12 :25 a .m . h eist at the P lankhouse Restaurant, 18872 Beach Blvd. Employees said the man .a holdln1 a semi-automatic s>L'tol when he came running through the front door io a crouched poalllon. He reportedly foreed employees lnto • rear office ar ea '<'here the safe is located. Money from the safe was placed in a pillow case the ban· cm brought 1'ith him, police said. .....Ue then ned out a rear door. The bandit, about six feet tall, was •arlnl dark stoves and a taD' coat. Police believe he is in his early JOI. • Quake Recorded HONOLULU CAP> -A •t.roftl eartbquake. meuurin& S.7 oa t.be Ridder ~ale, occurred SUD· day ln the Paelftc Offan DOfth ol Luon bland lD UM PblJippbMll. OC BLIN. Ireland CAP> Earl Montbalten. war hero and uncle of Britain's Prince Ph1hp, was killed today when an ex- plosion ripped apart has yacht off the Irish coast. police report ed Iris h terro ris ts clai m ed responsi bi lily Police said the 79·year -old Mountbatte n 's g r a nd son Nicholas. 14. OJnd a local boy among the boat's crew. 15 year old Paul Maxwell . also w('n• killed. and four other persons were hosp1tahzC'd with mJUnf''i lliey c;aid 1t was bC'lte\'cd lhcrt· wc•re rune per~on~ on thl' boat The explosion occur rl'd 1n Dant-gal Bay off Mullaghmor c·_ an l nhh Re p ublic vtll;ige 1n t<iunt~ Sltgo near Mountballt•n .., !-.Ummer n ·s1denct' Thl• '-lit• a... JlL"t nule<; from the borrlC'r v. llh 7'lonhem I rel and v. h(·rf' gu<·r nllas of lhC' ln sh R £·puhh<':in 1\rm\ ·-; · Pro\'1s111nal v. 1n~ ro\e0be1.•n fighting t•11·nd Rnl1~h rul1· M 11 u n l h ii t t C' n J I! r j• at grandson or (Juecn \' ll'l ora ;J iJ nd cousin of QU<'l'n f.hzabC'lh 11 had JUSt set out with a g roup of fnl'nds o n a h shmg tnp from the· harb<>r at Mullaghmnrt· whPn the explosion O<'C'urred . poll c1.· said Thev said the cause o f thr blast -could not be dctermin1.•d ammediatelv. but thev wc·n• working on ·the theory -that a time bomb had been placed aboard "But eve rything is very con fused A lot of vessels ar e o ut there searchmg for wreckage ." a pol.Jee spt>ke:;man c:;:m1 The lnsh ~at1onal L1bNatwn. Anny. a s plmte r group or lhl· Provi s ~onal IRA . claim e d respons ibility for k11l10g Earl Mountba\\en in a telephone t•all to the Iris h Ind e p end e nt ll(>WSpaper group tn Dubhn Later. the Pro \1 s1on al, themselves claimed res pons1b1h t\' and said tn a statement that the a.ssassmauon was aimed at bringing to the atlC'ntion of tht• Rnt1sh "the contmumg occupa· lion" of '.'Jorthem Ireland In a separate' attack latl'r to (See BLAST . Pa~e i\2l Motorist Slwt In Huntin!(ton; Suspect Held A 22·n•ar-old Whittier man was ar.rested 1n Huntington Beach late Saturday aft er police allege he fired one shot from :.i tugh-powered tine a t a car o n Beach Boule\•ard. the bull<'t shattering th<' leg or a passing motorist. Police identified the victim as 50-year-old John Sullivan of Huntington Beach. He was r e ported in good condition today. a l Huntington lnte r commun1ty Hospital. Police said Sullivan was driv- in g northbound on Beach Boulevard when the slug tore through the door of his station wagon and went through his left leg_ Fragments from the bullet then broke the wind shield or Sullivan's car Sullivan managed to guide the car into the pa rking lot of a fast food res taurant n ear H eil Avenue where he was helped by customers following the 9: 10 p.m . incident . . Police said a number of w1l· nesses s aw a "punk rocker" with a rifle run from the area after firing a sbot at Sullivan's car. Officers a rreste d Gregory . Daniel Sheslerkin. who was found sitting in a truck on Glen· coe Avenue a few minutes later. A World War 11 era rille, an Enfield .300 caliber. was r e- c overed from Shesterkin's truck, police said. He w as booked on a cbar1e of assault wilb intent to commit murder and remained in custody today in lieu ot '25.000 bail. Police said there was no motive In tbe shootin1 . sa.terkin reportedly was visil· ms frieDdl oa Glencoe A venue when be Sot tbe rifle oul of hia truck and be1an walk\nl toward 8elcb Boulev ard. AP Worei>Mlo KILLED IN BLAST Earl Mountbatten " ----------:: -=:=::::.::::~ ~ AP Wtreplloto Bl.AST SITE M ap Inc ates Donegal Ba~. where an t.::\. p\~1on on a boat killed Eurl ~tountbatten tod ay. Compromise Standoff Over Soviet Dancer WA.')HI NGTON 1AP1 U S negot1atori; ha\'e arrangC'd a compromise plan under whict the\ will inle rnl'W Sova•I baJJc nna Ludm11l;i Vlascwa m :• mobile airport louni;!l' at Ni·\\ York'c; Kennedy International Airport. Sta te Department of fi c-1als said tod<.1 v. Thl' mob a It-l!)unge "'ould pro \'Ide' thl' ·non COC'rC IVf' ,I, mospht>re" th1· L:n1lecl Stall'- ha..-; been ... a~·mg Miss Vlasov:i must have lo dec1dC' whelhl'r t1 return to th1· So\'1et l'n1on or tr -.ta\ in the 'nited Sldl<•s wath her husband. fe llow Bolshoi Ball<'I dancer Alexander Godu nov. s aid d epartmen1 c;pokesman llodding Carter ~partment offacials. speak m~ pnvately (':-triter thi' morn mg. said that Soviet offi cial!' would be allowed to be presenl Ul the mobile lounge. But at the de partment's dail~ bneftng. Carter s aid that exact- Iv who would be allowed m the mobile lounge was being dis cussed in las t m inute "horse trading" between American and Soviet officials al the airport. Carter said the re "probably" would be Soviet officials in the mobile lounge. as well a s an American doctor who might be able to judge whether Miss Vla sova was in good enoug h health to state her wishes freely . A mobile lounge is a kind of bus used to ferr y airplane passengers from their planes to <See DANCER . Page A2) BEDROOM SET WENT IN HURRY "I didn't believe I could sell my bedroom set with just one phone call. "But afte r placing an ad in the Daily Pilot I believe it -the lint caller bought it ... That's the advertising SIJCCess s tory told by the Costa Mesa man who placed this ad in the Dally PUOl: White bdrm aet w/gold trim. Bed w/mattress & boxaprin11 2 chests, 1 corner deait. UIMtxn tf YoU waat to make a sale, try the friendly Dally Pilot clntlfied ad-vtsen at tu-5618. ' OAILYPfLOT Htf .RTD Buses Halted 600,000 Riders Stranded by Strike I.OS ANG £LES 1 Ar l /\ •trik~ left morto thun 600.000 Southern CaHforn1ona w1thou1 their bull't lo<t.y t'ttu111n1 a ll<'ramblt-tor 111 her ""' v:. to at•t t.o work und Jummma ontt> OlOl'nln& rt._h hour tn&ffil' 1lMl Souttwro t:..Ufurnia Ra.,1d Trantit Diatrict wu ord~rtld to resume n._,&OllaUona toda with s lrllun1 dri\•cf'll. m~hllnles And * • • derlu b y s tate mediator Thomas MC'Carthy Vnlon mem ben walked off their Job at U Ol a m Sunday M •nwhHt> tht' hus y Sunh• Monica Freeway, whtch llnlu t.N whkm ~nd of the city wllh th~ d o wnto wn 11n•11, waif ('~ "lt WU faJrly r1ackcd I Uw\k tl lot more than uaual for 11 • • • County Affected By LA Bus Walkout By DELOJl£L~IJ.~l.~ IRWIN While c o m mute r i; 1n Lo-. Angeles Countv we n• le rt high and dry today ·a~ a Mnk1• idled the rapid truns1l ~ i;tl'm . for all but about 3.000 b~ <•ommutt•r-. in OranJte County. 1t w a~ tra vl'I as usual Rut those 3.000 or Ml com muters stranded hv tht• slnk1• bound Lo ~ An ~l-l l'!'. ha !-.t•d Southe r n C a l1forn1a R a pid Transit District had to !>Crambl<· for other wuys to ~c·l them to wld from their destinations Those bus ridt'rs depend on RTD buses lo carry lh<'m wholly or in p art o n thctr dail y journeys. 1n ('(ucl1ng about HO patrons in San Cleme nte who rommulC' on l'X]lrt''!'. huM'!'. lo Los Ani:,:ell•s dl'!'.ttnalwn-. ll1•av1est hit hv tht· stnk1· tif .Jh!>ut 6,700 m echan1<·s. dn v1·r.., .and clt·rk!'. al HTD ar•· Oran~1· Count\ <"Ommull'r.., who u-.t· J pa rk·. a n d rt d t· r a c 1 I 1 t y 1 n l'\Jllerton I 'nJ11t Pagt-. \ I DANCER ... terminal hwld1ngs C';1rt1•r s atrl the mohtl<> loungt' ll""d would he· OOE' owrlt'<I In the · l'or I nf 'I,/ t'W York A11lh11nl\ A-. -,uc·h 11 w1111ld n ·pr•·'l·nt a m<i1or 1mp r ov1•1111•11t 11vl•r I tw A1·rnt101 wt wlw1•· Sov11"t of ftn;ib 1·0111 1 ol llw t'O\'lf'l >nrrtl'lll · h1· ..... d Ml"" Vla-.m ;1 :111d ~.:! ol hc·r Sw l<·t 1·11111·n -.. h a \'e' n •m atn t•d .1hoa rd ,1n \1·r11 f111 t w tl1n··- l!rou111lt·d :ii l\e•n11e·1h Th r <I a n c· 1• 1 • ' m 11 t h 1· r mt·anwh1IP app1•ah·<I Ill Pn·-.. clt·nl Ca r11•1 In l'n<I lht• "1•P111·I moral 1nrt11rr· .. a Sovll'I n<'W!-. Hj!t'nt'\ -.a1<I Tlw Wl11I •• 111111 1• ninf1rme·d .1 ••. 1 .. gram "'·'" r.·1 1•t\1·d 11\ .. 1 lh1· v.1't·kt·nd. purportc·etl v from th•· 1.1lll'nt1:t ., m11th1•r (' ,, r I 1 • r "' a ' 1 • Io"· I ' 111 .-olvc·<I " Sl.Jl t• l>1·p:irtm1·nt 11f 11·i;tl -..1111 ;i-. flt'j.!lll l:lllltJl '- li ;tj.!j.!1•d 'I J!'>S -.a1rl trnhl\ h1·r molht'r ,pnt a -.1·<-11nd ll'lt1 ·r to C"arl 1"· ;1fl 1·r hi· fa1lt·d lei 11·-.1i.111cl, <h· rnandinJ.( · llrn• lw ~1 vt• 1n!-.lrUl' lions to l ' S :i11thon t1t•!-. lo -.t1111 t11rtunnJ.( he·r da u,:!hl «r :.ind ll'l twr go homt· .. Ta!-.!'> s~11cl tuda\ that womt•n uid t·h1ldrt·n ahoarcl tht• pl<1rw Nl·rc· cxpcricm·1n J.t "sp•·rttil t11r 1l'u 11 1 (' s · · and I h a I I h •· >a...,scnJ.(er!'. had not !-.lt•pl in thn ·•• tav-; Aml'ri<:an off11·1al-. want :i-. • ura m·c!'. that M i-.~ VlaM)V;t wa-. ·<'tummJ.( to th1• Sov1l'l 'n1nn 1oluntanlv Rut Sov1t l offwial-. .,,11<1 MI..,!'. I/Im.ova. 36, ~.rnll'd lo rt•lurn to X'r ho mc.·land and wa~ a fra11J to lt•avC' the plam• to m<·e·t pn vatt· 1v Wtth /\mt•nc-:m :wlhnnltl'" for h:Cirthcv wo11ld !-.IJlrl l ht"r JW:JV Cannibalism Told BANGKOK. Thutlancl 11\111 Some solcl1t•rs of ou-.tccl (':t mho dian Prrmu:r P<>I Pot huvc ri· sorted to t ann1halrs m . an or ficial d1s pal1·h from V1l'tn :.i m said today ThC' Vll'tnam News AJ~ency quoted a 17 yt•ar-old Cambodian girl as saying a Pol Pol soldie r had beht•adcd hc•r brother. <:ar vc.•d the fl esh from his bones and lht'n wrapped it up in leaves ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT I,.. O••AoQr" (...,._1 O.t••• Pit~ ..,,,,.. •"" "11,tom tltNod ·~ Nfoowt. Pt"'' l\OUl)f1,,,_f'lh• l~t)r~ (~'' Pt10f•Y,.""O(OMCMf'r Wp.111•••""°'''°"""'' c.14,1&1"""'" Mi<Wt•r 1f'IHNQI\ t ••d", fl• f O'\I• ,,,,...'411 Nr ........ I .W.<1ttt'I H""'i"'010ft fWo-.tft ''"""" l;ttnV•ll.," ,,.,,;,_., '~~~...," VNtt.t ".W\t A .,~,,.,,.Cl~· --O·h<,. ., 0Wft41t ~'"'"'"ii,, ,.#tfl ~-·' ,,. Dfff'C .O..t °"°4•'~•114 ........ , ... JJO ~"'' 8•• ,, ...... (f"''"~"" ( •••ff>#ftf••1t111t • •-rtll-,,.,.,.,..,1\, ..... Pwlt1\hH '""" , ....... "1tC• Pf9''°""' •hd c,.,.. •• Mil~· ,~ ........ rd1,.., ,,...._ .... M--M ¥4f\eQ1f'l4 ••tor -MUM ltK._. ..... M A\'4\f•1tf M.f"'4tt1f10 fd1Wi 11-··--_ .. 0<_(_,,dl .... "'"'""'" .. edl Olftoe 1111f8oocft -.... ., ,,_...,,, .. 4-•n "O eo• "t, ._ C>mff• ~ llH<ll ttf1 llo C.-i•I Hl-•t C..•• ,,,.... •• W.\I ••• "'"' , ('II u n I \ ' r ... n ... 11 0 ft I l' I a I ' 1•-.11m .1lt-d lh.11 uµ lll l ,400 P•~·r.,ons who de pend o n RTO huM'!'. to whisk them to LO!-. AnJlel{'i. had to rind other meani. of gelllng there from Fullerton toda' Me anwhile. 1t was bus1nes!'. a." usual ror the Orange County Trans it District <OCTOl. the• provider of about 91 ,000 bus pa.ssen~er trips each Wl'ek day An OCTO spokesman sauJ onlv lhnst' pt"rsons who travel on HTD l"xpress huses and who U!'tt' ()('TO huse!'t to connt'ct them with HTI> u rC' bt'ing left stranded hv thl' stnkl' In Los M fitCll.'S . And thl' h<.•!-tl t•st1matc• of that number was set at about 3.000 There was commuter chaos in Lo,; Angeles Count v. howe ver . :L' th(• RTD !-tlnkP ;,i)I but clost•d down public transportation t-;spt>c1ally hard hit hy lhl· mass walkout of workc•rs S('t•k me hu?her wage s were· the• !'.oulh and south-ccnt nil scctwns of ID.\ Angeles There, <'arty re• port.c; indicated that those who depend on RTD busl'!'t to gl'l lhc•m to work wen· gath(•rc·d on stn•<•t l'Orni·rs hoping passmg motnn sts might uffl'r thc•m a hfl Man Sou{{ht 111 Newport Death, Plot fh JOANNE REYNOLOS • Of -Doily P\lal Sc.it :"11·wport Bt• <H'h poli ct• a re• -:1:1·king t ht' man thc·v alkgt• twlpl•LI !'.l'l up u murdl·r for hiri• -..cht·me with a n unden ·ovt•r of ricer whose v1 ct1m wa!'t to be a motum pict ure sound le'chnic1an Tak,•n into c·u.-.tody Saturd<iv wa.-: th'• mtr nd<'d victim'!-. w1f(., 1<knt1f1 cd b y Nl.'wpo r l Hc ar h pnbcP as Ooroth1e Muncf'y. 55. Qf I akl'wood Shl· was bookt·d on -.us p1 c1on or r·onspirac·v to 1·o mm 1l murrlt·r aft r-r s h1· ;tllt•gNlly paid un d l·rcover 111 vc·!'tt i g ator Lt•c Hn herts Sl .000 as down payment on a SI0,000 mun lc·r contrat•l Poht·e -.aid the balanc·t· wa -: tu h<ivl' bPcn paid wht>n th1• vie· tim'-; life in!'.urancc pohc·y wa!'. pa11l 1>1·1t·c·t 1v c· (';1pl H1 C'hard l lam1lton sa11l today the l'a'I' wa!'. broug ht t11 Nl'wport potu·1· F1 1da v hv an 1nform<1nl wh•1 s:JI{( the man still souJ.(ht hv police• was 1nquirinJ;? about htr mg <,omc·onl' on hl·hulf 01 Mr-. ~111nel'\ R.oherts . aetmg as the wo uld hi' krlll'r met with lhf' woman who alll'gcdly told him !->ht• want t'fl her husband murdered nw intended v1et1m is work 1ng un a movie lo<:al1on 1n Santa Ana Cind wa!'t ~taymg al a hotel m that city Ro be rts a nd inves ti gat or -. from the Santa Ana pohct! went to the hotel e arly Saturday morrung and told the mun about the alleged murde r plot llam1lton s aid the victim spent the rest of the wee kend in the protective custody of Newport Deach officers. Roberts was given lhe m a n's watch. ring and wullct which ht• took to a Saturday noon meeting with Mrs Muncey allegedly lo prove that he'd fulfilled tht< murder contract. Mrs. Muncey was taken into c·us tody after s he hande d Roberts the cas h. Sh e w a s booked Into Oran~e County J ail where sb e remained in c ustody today Davis Flays Dosing Plan OETROTT CAP> -Chrysler Corp. 's plan to shut do wn it.a Hamtramck assembly plant at the end of the 1980 model year amounts to criminal treatment of its employees, uy11 Com· munlst Party USA central com· mlttee member An1ela Davia. M1. Davia. addresslnt a rally of about 7.000 persona Sunday at the clole of the party's 22nd con- vention, 1ald the worken should take over Chrysler to prevent the abut.down of the Hamtramck plant, a lao known as Dodie Main. "How dare Chrysler leave men and women 1tranded within their own deeperatlon7" 1be 1ald. ,. Monday rnomtna that early. It wu real slow headlnlC Into the lnterrhunae ... uid one Santa Munlu commuter Hut tramr on the l'usudena Wld umtt l~uch rreeway11 ap· peat'f'd oorm111l or U1hter than normal, 111\<l on clty s urface 1treet11 It w H much lighte r withlUt bUfft Many people apparently were cur pootin~ urttJ r Commute r ('omJ>ulcr, u rid e r match-up •l'VlCe put.uilly funded by the l'ltillt' und ft..-dt!rlll governments. rt·port~ a surge of t elephone re· 4uests to JOIO car pools. No figures on tht> a ctual number or ndt!rs were a vailable RTD spokt!sman Blll Reason. who drovt! from H untington lleuch. found truffle <the I.Ang Ht'Ul'h f''tee wuy> s urprisingly bghl One reason. he s aid. might be that . 'a go od deal or o ur l'as.osengers don'l huve cars." . Reason said the RTO is the nation's largest bus line in te rms o' local operations. including number of busl's. riders and l'mployees combined 'The RTD stnkl• was expected. a lthough the four-month-long negotiations continued to the lus t m1nutt'. HTO General Manal(er Jack <.; i ls trap blamed the strike on lhC' s mullcs l of the• three unjom~. the Brotherhood of Hailwuy and Steamship Clerks. 1'hc other l wo unions on tht' p1ckc.•t line today. as conciliators lnt"<i to bnnl( tht• two sides bark to tht• nl•gohat111).! table. are the• l\mal.:umall'd Trans it Union. n·pre~cnlmit 1.200 mecha nics and matnll'nan<'l' workers and lhl' United Transportation Union rl'prcs enl1 n1oe S,000 dn vcrs. RTD busPs serve Los Angeles. Orange. H1 v<.'r sld l• a nd San lll•mardino counties and a por· tt0n of Vl·ntura County . and HTD offtcrals c•s t1mate the ndersh1p wa.., ur' to I 2 million hl>forc th•• strike'. an incr<.'ase of ln>.000 sine<· lx•fon· la-;t spnn~·l> ~as rnsis hit The d 1spuh· involvt>i; wages as w1•ll as the HTD managl•ml'nt'!-. dl'Slrt' ln htrl' part-time dn vc·r:-. and dnH·1pl1nt• drivt•r s who · abu."c !'.lt k P••Y " Strategy Delays Death C/\RSON C ITY . :--;.-v ll\P1 In ~m :ippan·nt a l ll'ffiJ>l II) l(IVl' (.'OnVl{'k fl k11l1•r .lt·..,.,1• Bis ho p or <;ardt·n c;r,,,.,. m nn · t1mt· tr> hw . ht!-. pubht' ddcn dt!r-. today wcrl' dcla~ mg thl't r rC'!-tpon"' to a l ' S Suprt•mc Coor~ JU!-.lll'l' who ordcrl'd the exPcut1on ~layed tndcftmkly B 1 s h 11 p h a d b 1.· 1• n ..,rhc'(lult•d t11 dw 1n th1• ga!'. t ht:tmbc r lodav. but As s<>C1ate Justin· ·Wilham II ft(!hOQIJl!-.l l!'.SU('d ,tn Ill ck-fm1le )',tuy Saturday and provided a scncs or qut•s lion-; to tx· a no.;WNC'd hy the atwrncy general's uf ficc and the pubhc dcfcn den •. Oishop ha!-> opposed HP Pf.'a ls and other ll'J.?al ell' lav'> !'.t1ught hv the puhhc defenders a nd other s. call- ing them a "farce" that violated his ri ghts and "prolonged the s uffenng" for hlm and his family . -: United Way Names Panel For Campaign An J J.membcr executive com millee for the 1979 Uiited Way of W est Ornn gc County fund raising campujgn has been an· nounced by J oe Karbo. general cum pa1gn chairman. Kath y Bu c h oz . Sentry Products m ar keting manager, is vice president : Stan Bothelho. General Telephone Co. division manager. heads the major cor· por atlons division; Michael J . Wasko. Raytheon Service Co facility m an ager . c hairs the comm erce a nd Indu str y d ivision. Dr C h a rl e s Ard o l in o. Coastline Community College associate dean, la education ad- visor; Mlaay Forest. Salvation Army regional director. heads the aeency division. Jane Pidd, Seal Beach School Board preside nt, i11 Leisure W orld c hairman ; Dr. J im Petrik1n, presidttnt or Fountain Valley's chamber of commerce 11 hi• community'• ch1lrman. Garden Grove's chairman la Mayor Elerth Erikson; former m ayor Bon Shipley heada up Huntington Beach's effort; Fire C hief Btll Knowle• u Wealmlnlt.er chairman, and Pat· t7 Freeman, man11er of lfome Federal Savln11 and Loan of San Dlefo, '' Seal Eucb chairman . . , Watch the Bills Rob<•rt llc.irrl'll ntlc·~ hi ~ l!w 11w-.ti.1k•·1 Ink•· "hll'lt .,,.11 ... for S37!'1 hul has a fl·w pr 11lilt·11h Ilk •· n11 l11 .1k1•-. .ind the fo<"t the.it you l'an't "'"" 1wdalin~ or "'111 I.il l 11\1·r Abo it 's impO!-.!-.thll' to rirl1· 11 11 or dov. 11 h il l-. '" 'fill h ,H 1· to get off anrl PU!-.h 1t f 'rot11 Pogr \I BLAST ... day s ix Brillsh soldwr-.. w1·r •· lolled in a homh blast m·ar W J I renpomt in Northern I rd .ind fi mile" !-.OUlh 11f Bt'lfa -.t 1tw Bnt1sh army rc•1111r1t•tl The I NLA. a -.h allo"'\ 111 ~amzallon thou~ht t•> h.1, 1· 1111 more than 100 or -.o rrtt·m b<·r claimed r C'o.;po n -..htl1 t ~ J.1 t March for th1 · !-t l ayin ~ of ll n1 1-.h ConsC'rvat1 v1· poht11·1an Air•·\ !'leave.., kdlt'<I h:v a homh plJnt•·tl m his c:ir ;it lhl' llou-.i· or """' mons m Lond1rn 1111 M :i rd1 :• 1 Scotla nd Y:.i rd -.u1d t ht•v h.11t Ill• rt>n.~»n to douhl l h1· t·l.11 m The appurc·nt :i -.-.a !'.!'.1t).il 111n .. r Lord Mou nlh;1l1 1'11 11111·1·· II\ marnagt• of ()u(•t·n Eh1.1lwth was the elost•!-.I l n !-.h gu1·1 nll.1 stnkC' Vt'l al the· ro,;.11 fam1h Mount l>att<·n w • .-. a 1·11u~1 n of King Gl•orgr· \'I f:i lht•r of I h1 · present qul.'t•n. ;.ind l1rnth1·r of Princes s l\ntln>w "' c; r t'l'l'I' mot.hC'r or the· fllll'l'll ... hu-.liand Pnnt'l' Phili p 1>uk1· 11f Ed111 hur~h Th<' qupe·n "'·'" 1•1\•·n •h• 11•"" .it ll;Jlmor:d h1·r ~1·111 l h h 1 .1 t I• whrn· -.h1• '' on '<ll'al 11111 llu1 ~ m~ham Palac1• -.aid <'ffnrt., "'r n · tx>mg madl' lo 1·o ntal'I P nr>• ,. Phillip. whn wa-. t''<llt'<'l•·d loda\ ut tht· Euro1w:rn J)n\ln ~ C'h<1111 p1ono;h1pi. al :'>Jonant 11• I'm 111 Normandv. fo'r :cn1·1· l'olicl' ~aid four p1·r-.11n-. 1.1. "' ,. t :i k t• n 1 o S I 1 i: n I I o ' p 1 t :1 I Mounthall<'n'-; o.;r)ll 111 l.1w .111d d a uJ.(ht l"r . L o rtl and I.ad ' Brabouml·. the•tr -.on T1 moth' .1 hrother of N1<·holas . und t h•· Dowag<•r I.all y Br:tlw ur n •• mother 1n·lnw of Mounlhalh-11 ... daughter Twn nf I ht• fo ur 11 was not 1mmed1at<•ly known wh11 were "'"d to tx· r nttcally 111 JUTed and in lht> mt1•n!-.1VP ('an · urul Mountbaltf'n had !>4•1·11 .11 h1-. e s tat c . ah out I a o m 11 1· ., northwe!'.t of Ouhhn. for I 1.1.11 weeks For 35 year!'>. ht· "'·" in the habit of taking a -.umm1•r v~cat1on there "":-..._ r--' ' --- Council Eyes New Tax Rate In Huntin~ton llu111 1r11.111111 l~·.11 h ... 1·11' t •11111 I'll h "t11•dul•"ll 111 ''I I h•· nl \ l~(j'<pCll l;t'C 1:111• ,11 I )11'11.llh I ;1ll1•lf tfll•t•flfll ' f<lltll'h l ,ii , ,Ill c 11 , \ll rn1n 1.tr.1 t11 r 1-l •iul flt•l-.ilt1 IH1l1tH' lh ti 1111• t'tHlllfll .iln ·.111\ h.i , '"•tnfll•·t •·d h•·.1 rtr11· 11(1 If fl ••""I\ .11!1qil1·tf h11rl 1•1•I ·"" l•ll lll'tll .., .......... ,,,,, " 1111! .• 1111lthc• ht·Jrll1).! f\f ·h1111 ,11d rh•· "'' r.t11 · !111 lfw "•n 11 111• '• 11 "111 l11 It•• ..... 111w .... 1111 p:1 , ,,.,, r.,, •h.i r J••rl1•111 1 ontr11llt•d h \ ltlt' • 11' l~lllfll'lf '.'J'I ('l•flh 111'1 ~lfM I 11( I "'"""i'ff Jll 11JM•J1 \ \ ,tlll,11 I• ti\ 'f'ht• 211 I t•tll • ,111· " I ll p.n ftt• 1·111ploy1·1· 11•l11l'm1·n1 l1fi'C1 p.11 I. hnnrJ .. Jnrl 1 11~~. "'J"'' honrl' .ill JJ1J1rm·1•d h~ < 11, '1111-r-.. 111 t hi' p,,...1 Tlw hl<'JI r at1 • 1-. 1n cH1d1t1on !11 tht• S4 1wr SIClO lt·v1t•d c11 th• l'llUll l \ 11·\••I .ind i1 .... 1ntiu 11·d .11111in1• th1· ';i n ou-. 1111hl11 .11•1 n • 11...., 1111 ludtnl! th1·' 11 \ l h1· •1111nr 1I ...,., rh1• 111\ f101h!l'I ,,, ·i:, x m1ll111n 111 •.1t•· .ltm1· .• 111•111 .. -. .. mt· ~·1 mtlli11n tul!h••r th;111 J,1..,1 fi-.c:1I \t•:i 1 ., IW' 1-.1t11 '.1 11! 1 n f I ..i I 10 n ..i 1111 m~JJntt·nJnt·•· of proi.: ram' m .111 dat<'fl hy -.tat•• J:!O''"rnm1•nt hul paid for h\ l1wal ta xpin ers hJ\•' kt•pt ltw total hud gt'\ r1 -.1n i.: c11 .... p1h· r<·po rtt-d l'ffnrh 111 kl·t·p 1t down Undsay Stric k en !\JEW YORK c ,\I'• Fnrm1·1 ~l..ivnr .Jnhn Ltndsay "'a:-m l!•ll>d 1·1md1t1on today a fl c•r h1· "".1-. h11.,p 11.tl11t•d at Cn1u m h 1.1 l'n•-.bvlt'nJn Medical Ct'nlt•r fo r .~,.,1·rvat111n afl er ht• rompla uwcl of -.tomar h p<J in-.. 11n Sund.t\. f)O('t or.., rulffi out he·ar t t rouhl1• and tx>hP\'t•d Lmdsav ma v ha\l· .i -.tnm<ich "' rus or ·an ob!'. I rue· t1 on m thl' '1 1 ~<·<;ll\'l' t rJ1•t Ourfav0<1te 1ean. 1122 by On-Time. bleached denim with a cloon s11houe1t0 Add 10 thal an all cotton flannel plaid shirt. topped ott by "lho u11llty taeket.' ot cotton and POiyester. leaturing 4 pockets w/ve!Cro clOsures and a loul·weather hOOd All ot these great llems pack n1c01y into the canvas d1ty bag · Fro•P~Al FASTNET ... puimental stage and perh8J>tS some bullden1 are not familia r with proper bonding','· Durgan said. bx llA~. 40. ·~· ~ne of fhe moat eic pe rle•ud o r l odal sailors. The Newport Beac h yacht maintenance and rigablg expert was aboard the Brazilian yacht lndillo alonJt with otner local sailors. all cxpenen~d off.shore racers. Indigo finis•d the race "The Royal Ocean Racin g Club Is one of the most com tent race or· -gani~~rs in the world ," s a i d lh t' Australian born Runks "There is no way they can be cnticized for what hap penal .. Hanks has u•ols sailed a s a professional and amateur crewman• on every big yacht race 1n tht• world on vacht.s r ang mg from 40 to 80 f~l "I've been in wind-. that bti! 1n a Sydne y to Hob a r t •Australia> and one Bermuda race hut I don't recall eve r bt· in~ in <,u<"h h1 1-:h. t·11nfuscd sea-.." -.~11<1 B;i nk' · Abandon lh1· r J<'<'" Whnc would vr1u 1.(11" To run for 1 h• I n "ih 1·11a<,t .1ht'.Jll of ..,t•a!> I 1k1· th<tl woultl hav1• lwf'n fal1.1 l The <;af<'<-l c·1111r<.t• wa-; 111 Plymouth whf•rf• w1• w1•r1· h1·adf'd 1n th1·• fiNt p)<i1·1· " Our m r1<.,I fr1 ght1·n1nl.{ mo- rrwnt 1n th1· rJ1,. w..i.., rou ndtn~ lh•· r ,,i;tnH :1t .ihout I :10 a m .. l~Jnk-. r1 ·1·;,l11·rl ·W1· w~·rr· hav tnj.( t11 1•11m•· fr11rn a ri•at·h and run lo h.Jrt1 r,n th•· ""1n<I .in<1 wt· 1o1.11m1•tl .1bt1u1 111Jr ''.Jrbon ftht!r nidd1·r If 11 h.11f l!IVl'll W J V lol.o• 1o1.110t1l h,1\1· l11·•·n •1n lhl' n11·k 1o1.ithtn t 1N11 rn1n1111·-. Thank (~1'1 11 twirl t11i.:•·th1·r \fl,.r lh.JI 11 w . .-. ,J m.Jtt1•r 11f -...ult n~ th•· ll'i.Jl lr1 k•·•·J1 frt1m lw 111~ rollt·<l '''' r "' 1h11-.•· lri·mc11 11111.1!'. .,..,., ,Jl hfli.! t<11.1.<1rd th•· t n-...1 .11111 1111 11 tur n111~ Jnd ritJ in~ th1·111 11!1"' ti MOR -,TEELE . .i noth••r nal1v•· i\u-.1r .tl1 .1 11 1o1.h11 h a" l1v1·rl 1n 'l.1•1o1.f.111rt U"tll°h f'lr l'IJ.!hl \(•J r \ ..... a .... 1111 l111.1rrl lnd1 ~0 1.1.1th Hank-. II• ,,i...,, h.J ... r.11 1•d ;tl l 11\1·1 th•· "'"r id I h1·r1• • 1111 tluulit llt J L UH·r1 "'''I 1' Jr •11pl1• .l!lcl l)llilh 10 t ht • f .1 1 r11•l I h .1 l h.ul 1111 IHt'.1 Ill' ~ lt 1•1111 1 h ,. r • · f r • • 111 I h 1• .., I o1 fl d fllllll' .. r ' ' po·n··ru 1• .md .... , •. , \ "fllll" In""' . '·''" "lt'\•li· I I I I 11 • Ill.Ill\ 11f I It• bo.1i... ""1•r• li~ht \T£ E t.E · "r anklv t 1.1.ouhl ra theT b1• on .t hi::ht .... iron).! bliat than ,, h4';1\t••r l11""l'r \.w hl th.1l t!> ll"·' 11\.t111•t1 \ 1•r.1hl1 1111d1·1 11111"' 1·111• •l.!11111-. h• .1111 l1111•lr 11-.1u•1 I .11tl IL111k" . I 1t11nk th•• ;'lt'.llt I llll"l.11.1· 111;111•· h' m .in\ -.1.1piwr•; "'a.., :dlowml! !h1• f'rt'"' lo t t•ll1.Jln llfl d1•1·k f)t •-..p111· th•· l.11·1 11 "'a ' mid ... 11mnwr 1h1· 1A,111·r 1n thal part uf th1· cln\'I' 1, fr 11•rd Th•· t•on!-.la nl •. ,r11,...un· 111\A.1·1 .... th•· ho<lv le m p~·r.ttur .. ;1nll 11wr1 .. 1-.i·-. fill l!!Ut·. "'hl!'h '"'" ll1• f.1 1.1 I 'W•• h:1d 0111\ lwo mt•n 111 ltw till'kptl at 11111· t1m1• on two hour "'a11·hl'' J n hour 1.•a('h on lh1 • h1•l111 Thi• rf•-.1 of us -;l av<'d b:lo"' with thl· ha tt'hC's hallt.'iw1I '111"'11 That wav. wt• a lwavs hart fn,...h hodu•-. 111 ta kt• 11v\•r lh1· h1•lm It ., 1u-.1 :i m.lltr•r or ('Orn mon "'""''· o h~t?rved tht• \ekran st·aman What a lol of m1·xpent•nccd ..,k1pp(•r-. .ind c·rt'"" and some· 1·x~nt•nt·l'<I ont'l> rlon't re alin · IS that lht• WJ <IOl'!'.n°t i:1vt" a damn ah1)ul \nu .ind \'our boa I It doc.•-.11 't l '\ ('n I,. now you arc Ul<.•rt• AL SCARAGE ~b F-ASHION ISLAND Nf WPORT Bl-ACI f (1 14) 64~7030 ·---·--· -----... Irvine E 0 I T I 0 rt VOL. 7l, NO. 23', 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 Vo•rHo•et••• Dally Ne•s•••er FIFTEEN CENTS Supervisor Miller Charges Racial Bias Oranae County S upt;rv1sor Edi90n MUler call,·d today for n grmd jW')' lnves tlgauon into al Tegations \hat operator~ uf Knoll's Berry Fitrm c11 i. crim ina\e agaanst H1spanH' guests. Knott's Berry Farm AUle Denies AUegation Against Police Brutalitv. With Martinez was the a t- torney who said she filed .the civi l rig h ts l awsuit whic h charges the Buena Park police a<; well as the amusement park with violations of constitutional rights. Miller's call for a pro~ raml' hand-in-hand with \be ri ling uf j lawsuit in Supt>nor Court that charges Knott·s with v1olat1n~ the c1vtl rights of some of 11 i. Hispanic patron:. General partner Rusi.c.•11 Knott denied the amuscmC'nt park dis t•nnllnates against ll1~1rnn1<·' 'ln 11n way ' "Wt: deny we have ever dt!> r nmlnated against Latins or .inyom· ~lse," Knoll said "Wt• St-rve jtl our gul·!>tS in the sam e wa\ But tht> lawsu1l flied by :10 or ganuation that t•alls llM•lf lhl' Coaht1on Against Poht•t• Abu~t· char~es that on Aug :1 and 4 Ht:-. Rebel Bo Mayor Backs Expansion Plan fly DAVID KUTZMANN Of -~lly Pli.1 SUfl N1•wport Bca('h M ay<ir Paul Ryckoff said today ht• <·ould ~up port rommt'rcial use of the F.I Toro Marine Corps Air ~Lat.ion if it is shown lo b1· an al't'l•ptable altei· tive to easans.t ~Hr C'ongt·s tion John Wayne Airport. " e'r e not pi<'ki ng o n F.I Toro." Ryckoff said , adding that he could support expanded com· mercial use of othe r sites under study by regional planners. "We s imply want some ar tion." the mayor said Rvekoffs comm<'nts indicated that. try as they might. I rvane officials have fallen short in con- vincing some key local officials that commereial use or El Toro would WTeak havoc in their com · munily l rvine Mavor David Sills sent a letter to Rvckorr Friday urg- mg the two cities to work in a "pos itive manner toward persuading the appropriate gov ctmment agc•ncics to find solu- tions for the county's com- mercial av1a t1on prohlems and facilities whi ch will impact neither or our cities nor the resi· denL'\ of any otht'r community." Ryckoff said this morning that while Sills' suggestion was an "excellent thing." he felt 1t would be unlikely "ideal cond1 tions" would exist for such an arrangem ent. Instead. the Newport Beach mayor said his city would ravor "zeroing in" on any site that could be quickly used to al lev1ate the coast city's air traffic wot>s. "We have a desperate prob- lem.·· Ryckorr said or the noise and air pollution from John Wayne Airport . Sills sug~ested the two c1t1es should work together to find ways lo use other sites such as Ontario I nternational Airport over the next 10 years and then push for establishment or com· mercial facili ties in the Ca mp Pendleton area for the 1990s and bevond. ;.Working in this way, it is m y belief that we can accomplish Coast Weather Fair through Tuesday except patchy early morn- ing low cloud s and fog near the coast. SUnny days with little temperature change. Highs both days ranging fro m low l o mid-70I along the beaches to mid-80I inland. Lowa tonight in mld to upper 60s IN819ET8•.4Y Thi off-road c~ at ~ ottrocfed 15.000, ·· Oftd aponttorit•r Hot00rd ,...., .. ,... .,,.,,.. ..... ~81 sometloing positive for both com · munitaes and not further burden the residQnls of t>ilh<ir city with t hf' noise from ovcrht•ad aircraft." Sills said. RyckoH was less altruistic. saying that while he didn't wish to merely transfe r his c ity 's problems som ethwere else. he didn't feel the addition of a bout 40 commercial nights out of El Toro would cause a ny adverse effects The Newport Beach official said he would support use of Camp Pendleton and Ontario if they were shown to be useful <See EL TORO. P age A2> 6 to Seek Water Board Seat Two more people have indicat· ed they will run for seats on the Irvine Ranch Water Distri ct Board of Directors in the Nov. 6 election A spokeswoman for the count y Registrar of Voters said this morning six candidates 1n a ll have taken out papers for l wo publicly elected seats that come up for election. A third seat is to be filled through la ndowner balloting. The latest potential candidates lo take out papcl's arc Cal Olson. 7 Bl azing Star. a landscape architect. and Lloyd Crawford. :rn Tanglewood . a rel1 r ed newspaperm an. Both took out their nom ination papers fo r the Division 3 ra('e. That division takes in the de- veloped areas north of the San Diego Freeway from Culver Drive south to and includin~ the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. The incumbent for the seal is Fred Keller~ whose position was previously rtlled through land- owne r balloting . Howeve r . IRWD directors in June agreed to transfer the position rrom land- owner control lo voter control. Keller has not yet taken out nomination papers. By November's election . with a publicly elected represen~a~ive in Keller's seat. three pos1llons on the seven -member board will be subject to P.C?PUlar vote. Four other seats wtll be in the hands of landowners. chief among them the Irvine Co. 1be filing period for those in-ta'eSled in running for a seat on the water board ends Thursday. Production of Oil May Not Keep Pace 8Jfte~laWPret1 World crude oil product.ion set a reeord dw"lDI tbe flnt •ix • moatbl ~ lf79 d•pite l ean that political turmoil in Iran would worsen critical petroleum abort.aces, and industry journal reportl. However. "there's no aa- tUr9DN tbe bn1k pace can bet metnt••necl for the rest of thet year," said tbe Oil and Gaa Journal, addinl that because ol the uncertal.nt71 prices wUJ coa- tlDu• to rile UDJtsl eouumptian drops drlltieally .. parucs e ntcnng the amusement park we re searC'hed and other persons were not Knott conceded there were searches of patrons on the two rughts early this month But he said those searches were the result or police 1n - Cormat1on thal there might be gang-style fights at Knoll's those nighL'\. "It was simply a m atter of taking t h e precautionary .measures needed to insure the safety or all our guests." Knott said. And the searches were not limited to H1span1c patrons. ht· added In his call for a grand Jury probe. Miller ~atd parents of youngsters a llegedly searched at Knoll's had complained to his office "If what they say is true, it's a deplorable situation ." the coun- ty supervisor said His press release was handed out by newly appointed aide Prank Ma rtanez. who said he 1s a m e mber of the Coal111on A heanng has been scheduled later in Superior Court to decide 1r a temporary order that would ban searches at the park should be iss u ed. a cco rding to Martinez Kills Mountbatten .~ .......... Gtiests of ff onor Vice President Walter !\l o nda le and his w1fr .loan < ldl ' appluud on stcige with dancers :.incl 1wrformt•r-. followll\J.! u cultur al show in th.eir ho nor in Peking IUSD's New Budget Near $30 Million Trustees of the Irvine ntfw<I School Distnct have been asked lo approve a spcndang plan ad· dJng up lo nearly SJO million for the new fiscal year The final bud~el that trustees will ronsider Wt'dnc.sday naght calls for exnend1tures of S<!8 2 mi llion with l<llal <1vailable n•v enues estimated atS29.8 milhnn Buttressin~ this year's budg('I is an estimated $20.8 milhon 1n state bailout funds intended to help the district offset the ef feels of Proposition 13 These funds rome from surpluses an the state treasury Nancy R ow l a nd . ad - ministrative assis tant to Supt Stanley Corey. said the bailout funds received for the new fi scal year are subst antially higher than similar funds received last year. About SJ4.6 million in statC' funds were a llocated to the Irvine district then In all. th<' d1stnrt will rf're1 v1• ahout 73 pC'r ct'nt nf ''' anrom e from stale and federal soun·l'!-., Ms Rowland s~11d About 20 pc•r cent will comt.• from lotal sources School t ru,t(.'t.'S '" J UOl' jp proved a tent at l\'I.' budgl.'t IJUt voiced roncerns ov1•r shnnktnl-! reserve funds and d1HcnnJ? al locations to schoob Asst Supt Gene H arthne told trustees an J une that I rvine. because it is a ~rowm~ district. has not suffered as mur h under Proposition 13 constraints as 11 might have had 1t been a no- i,rrowth district Ms Rowl and said the d1stnt t rem ains in stable financial C'On· dition for the time be an~ T he boa rd wil l mecl at Lakeside Ma ddie School. '.I l.emongrass. bcginnan~ al 7 30 p.m Compromise Eyed Blast Rips Yacht Off Ireland IH'HLl"i Ireland 1AP • Earl Mountbath'n. v. Jr ht•rr> Jnd uncle nf Bnta1n·, J>nm··· J>h1hp, was kt I led vK.la~ v. hPn dn l•\ plos1on nppe<i Jp;irl h1 -. 'acht off the 1 n ::-h toa't . pol1<•1• rt•port 1•d I rt :. h I .. r r o r 1 !> t · c· I a 1 m t· d ft"PllnSI bth t \' Pohc·l· ... a1<I lhf" i~I year old Mount ua ttcn :.. j.!ra nd ... on ~1chola...,. 14 and d l1Jcal bov amons.t th<• boat's crcv.. 15· ~ear old Paul Maxwc:ll. abo V. l'rl' killed. and four other person:. were hospitalized with mJune~ 'Thev sa1d it was believed then: were nane person~ on lht' boat The explosion occu r red in Donegal Bay off Mullaghmore. an ln s h Republic v11la~e in County Sligo near ~\.ountba tten·, summer res1denct' The "''" 1 ... Just rrules from the border with Northern Ireland. where guer rillas of the I n sh Republican Army's ··pro,i<;ional " wing ha\'e been fighttnf! to end Bnllsh rule Mo untbatte n . a ~r ea l .i::randwn or Queen \'1ctona and rousm of Queen Ehtabclh 11 had JUSl set out with a group of fnends on a fishin~ tnp from tht• harbor al Mullaghmore wh<'n the explosion ocl'urred . pohn• ))aid Thc•y c;a1d thl' caU!-.(' of th1· blast could not be determined 1mmed1atl'ly. but they "ere v.orkmg on the theory that a lime bomb had b~('n plat ed aboard "Rut i'\ t>rvthtn~ 1s \'Crv t•on h.&Scd A lot or 't•s:.~b are oul tht'rt' i.earching for wreckal!t'. · J JlflUC<' spoke!-. man :.aid. The lnsh :-Jat1onal L1berat1on Arm~. a splinll'r group of thr PrClvtsional IR A . cla1mcrl res pons1b1hty for ktlhng Earl Mountbatten in a telephone call to the t ra sh Independent newspaper stroup m Oubhn Later. the Prov1s ional c; l.hcmselves claimed respons1b1 h tv and s aid m a statement that the assassination was aimed at bringing to the attention or the British "the continuing occupa t1on" of Northern Ireland. In a separate attack later lo· day. six British soldiers were lolled m a bomb blast near War renpoint m Northern Ireland . 35 miles south of Bdf as t , th<' British arm y reported. (Sf!e BLAST. Page A21 Dancer Impasse at End BULLETIN NEW YORK <AP) -Soviet ballertDa Lad111Ua Vlasova has aaUdlecl U.S. oftlclab tllat she wu&I to re&ara to Ute Soviet Valil9 cl lier owm •olllloa and will ret•r• laome, Doaald MeHeary, the cllld U.S . __. • ..,, said &Ma aften1.ooa. WASIDNGTON (AP) -U. S. ne1otl•tors h ave arranged a compromise plan under wh\ch \they wlll lntervlew Soviet ..uertn.a Ludmilla Vluova in a motllle airport loun1e at New York'• Kennedy International Airport, State Department of· ftdall 1aid today. __ ._,_... --'.. 1be moblle lounl• wowa'""" vide the "non-coercive al· moepbere" the United States NI bin aaytn1 Miu Vlu oVI ... must have to decide whether to rf't.um to the Soviet Union or to stay in the United Stales with her hus band. fellow Bolshoi Ballet dan ce r Alexand e r Godunov . s ald depar t m e nt spokesman Hodding Carter. Department officials, speak- ing privately earlier this mom- inl. said that Soviet officials would be allowed to be preaent in the moblle 1oun1e . But at the department's daily brief\nl, Carter said that euct-11 who would be allowed ln the moblle loun1e was beln1 dll· eu11ecL in last-minute "hone tndlnl'' Mtweee Anaertcan and a.net.Glftdall at the airport. CINI' ... there "probably'' WOllld be 8oYMt oftlciala lD the moblle loWlp. at weU as an Amerlcaft doctor wbo ml1ht be able to Judie whether 11111 Vl asova was in good enough health to state her wishes freely. A mobile lounge is a kind of bus used l o fe rry airplane passengers from their planes lo terminal buildings. Carter said the mobile lounge used would be one owned by the Port of New York Authority. As such. it would represent a major Improvement over t h e AeroOot jet, "where Soviet of- ficials control the environment," heaald. lllat Vluova Md 52 other Sov- iet citlaen a have remained aboard aa Aeroflot Jetllner ll'OQDded at Kennedy. Tbe dancer 's mother . .-awtdle, IPPHled to Prell· dint Carter to end the "cruel moral torture." a Soviet newt ..-CJ Mid. f - /-.. -- AP'Wlr ....... KILLED IN BLAST Eart Mountbatten AP 'Mr..-10 BLAST SITE Mar locates Dorn!,::al Ba~·. \\ hc>n• :rn l'X · plos1on on a boi.lt killed f'.:a rl :\tount ln1t lt•n todu~ Sathlleback's . Enrollment Hit,s 17,000 As Saddleback College fall se~ter r lasses got under W8JI today. offi cials reported a ret · ord enrollment or \ 7 .000 at the distnct·s trvmc ancJ M1 ss1on Vie- jo campuses. Last year as school opened , about 9.000 students were reg- ister e d for c lasses in th e sprawlmg cJtstnct. Officials attributed the enroll- ment surge to more people tak- ing advantage of early regis tra- llon opportunities. They expect e nrollme nt to stand at 23,000 to 25,000 when registration closes Sept. 17. BEDROOM SET ~Z!.t ~~ve~~~ my bedroom set with J~~ ~ phone call. .. But after placlnc an ad In the Dally PUot I believe It -the nnt caller bouabt lt ... That '1 the advertising sue~ story told by the Costa Mesa man wbo placed this ad in the Dally Pllot: White bdrm le\ W/IOld trtm. Bed w/mattresa &c boxapriftl, 2 cheats. 1 comer dlttk. ux-xx1ut If JOU want to mate a ..... try tbe friendly Dally PUot cl...afted lld·Yilen at IQ.5171. .ti OM.Y ,...LOT )!Ond1¥1 A'5Ult t7, lt1't •Jttt~r Dba•ter .-Yachtsmen Ask Race Questions •1 A\11.0a.'iSV.B F.V SUrVlvun of 8nt11tn'" Futn~l Yacht ll~. lncludio& lbr.-"f'll ~O:r.aon coaauathbm ah! looldna D.c;k at th<-tllauat..-r whlch claimed lt Uvh and re IUhed ln Uw Ul'lklmc or abandon ment of t~ do1.en e•Pt·n1h ·f' otfshort' rac1na v&1('hh1 nu.• 8ftt'r th011u.g hts. b y both l'IWl<>rg and r t't' om rual11 ('f1uld uff.-ct lht" foturt1 of uffa ho rt' r~ Some ot the q\k1tloo11 Were r ac" o ffl<'ti.11 o f thf' sponsorin& Royal Ocean Ra{'ln~ C ub ( RORCl dereli ct an ~t.at1mg ~ 8Qrt.m.lle r11l~ w thl' fllcl' or ~vy weather to recnsL<i "' <A.nYrat!_<' orhl'1al<.; all over t tw world <ll fa ull fur Jlluwing l OIJ m.llflV vachts ..-. ma11 v watt\-ancic pen enced l're lN __.,f6 c nh."r off.shore races 111 the mlcrest of bl ., fr::!>lhe competat1v-e ur~e Jnrl t he dt>Sll 1:' lo "'1n l>l'COm t' Ml ,,-eat tha t sk1pp<•rs Jrt' m•gl1 1w111 ahnut a bandoning a ra<·t· 111 lh1· fact• of worseninl( weatht•r '' An· yacht th•s 1~ner:-. and bwlders 1>acnht mg safely for llr(htness and SJ><'l'CI , ofte n using l'Xpenmentol m a leriuls? Or a n~e Coa '\l a nd nthe r ~ulhcm California s:.u lors ur•· knov. n :..-. s11m1· or lh•· rno-.t 1·11111 1.ietent an the world Munv se~v1•d us skippers or l"rl·Ws Oil lht· /\II rrurnl 's Cup St•rtf's wh1C'h wound up with the fatul F;,istnet ra1·1· Following ;,i n· th1· thou~hl'> of three local -;:ulor!-. who camt· lhrou~h the :.tu rm DENNIS DURGAN. 2a. I'\ on•· of Ne"".P<>rt Ha rbor Yacht Club's IOp saahng skippers. He has been sailing for 18 year:. H as ex perience includes a number of mtemataona l offshore rnces "The storm cam e on s uddenly from about 40 knoll> to ove r 71J m a mutter or 25 m inutes The rt> was no way out of 1t I c·alled th•· 1·n·w on d1•c·k JUSl b(•f111'1• dawn and told t he m ·w,. arc no lon~t·r ..._ 1 n :i y a l' h t ou1tc•" r;,ir1· Wt· 11r1· in a r;1<·•· for '\Ur v1v:tl ' W1• niund1·<1 tlll' F.1 ... 1111·1 .i h1111t :1 :u1 a rn 1n th1· "'"ill l!C'-.1 w111tl•. :111d rtu· hight•:-. I -.1 .. 1:-. I h:ivt• t·\ ,.. ,., pc.:n1·n1·Prl · · 1>11rg;111 w;p, -.k1pp1 r •if ltw J l J I 1 ;,i n y •• 1· h 1 Y 1• n :.i • J 11 aJuminum l'l'll·r-.on 4;1 hu1 ll m lt1J lv wit h an J\mcri cun ;,ind lttihan cn ·w '"1l wn · w:1:-. nowher1· tu 140 c.:x t'f•pl to th1• finish :.it 1'lymouth. ·· -.aa<I 1>11rg<t11 "In unt-..,,. vc.· r•· kn111·kdflwn 1111 r l;attcr s w1•r1· tom loo-.r u1111 we had nl) rad1., or fllh•·r •·l••<'t ronH' uuh W1• w1•ri· unawun· 11f th•· t r<.1~t-1h tukinr p la1·1· t h111111!ll11ut t h•· fl(·•·l '< 1ur 111:1111 1..-.k v.a.., to 'ill·<·r th1· 1111.11 .,,, thal 11 would nut h1• rollt·d ov•·r hv th•· t11wcn n~ :-.1•:i :-. wh11·h w•·r•· h1i:twr tha n th•· mast Tiil' tri 1•k w:s.., t11 st1·1·1 toward th1· t'f''l>I of :111 onl·oming wiw1• ii ml thf'n turn ;sml n dc 11 dow11 al ll'rnf1c l>IJl..'l'd hkt· '\now !-.kiini.: down t• sl•·c·p m11u11 taJn "Yes, w1· :Jl't• :-.t•ur l'd . hut 1111 one 111 thP r rt·w l'an1<·k1•cl Th•· storm abat1•c1 a tc·r ahout 1r, ho\Jn. anti wt• m ad•• 11 to th1• firu'\h una ware of the c!e;.ith arul ~trur1 111n until 11ur w1v1·:-. a11tl ,:?arlfnt•nrt -. ..,how1 •d u-. hc·adlln1·-. an hlf·al pup1·r-. ' J>ur~an :.:.i1d nom· of the long nmite weuthcr forcC':Jhls prt>d1 C't tod tht• wv1·nty of lht• -.torm · I don't -.l·t· how th•• r;,ic<· c·11m m1l 11-e l·an be faulted." he :.aid "Pt•rh<i ~ a minimum hm1l ,,f :io h·i·t on Lhe watcrlani• 1 ahoul 40 fl.lCt overall lc·ni..tth) would have t'Ut down thf' ~izt' of tht• fl<>et A ..-Jmber or lh<' boats wtuch hatl trouble had carbon-fibe r rud ders Carbon fiber 1s u -.t rong nat.enal, but is st ill in the ex p •nmental sta((t' and pe rhaps .. ome builders <IT<' not fa m1har with pror>N bond1n~." Ouq(an ::.aad REX BANKS, 40, 1s on<' of lhP mos t ex peri e nced of loca l OAAHOE COAST DAILY PILOT ,._ O••"tllr t °"""' ()..,1, IPttot wnh _.._..,,,."'OM ~.,...~ tP'lf' ~PPM!'-t'li put}il\~ th• tt\t C'J4 ttf/tl/_.. Ch tPvflil•Atnel(~t ~t•H l"·ft1t.u.,•••• t -'ht11\h ... n ~-· lftlf~ f 11ct•Y t111 f ~I• Milow, H f',..,pot1 ~" Hviftf~OI" ~-f\ PftUPI t••ftY-41•t trwM"w l~k«"'"°"'fh( .... t A •"'Gt• ••O~l-0.IH:Wt I\ °""'*\l'lllrcl ~li,,t .. y\M_, W11-f1j(lt \ ftw CJl'lfW •Mt ..,.,.f~l'Mt ptaM I\•• )JI 9'1fr\.IH••'''...,..' (tr\taflll¥'Wll (•l1hM"1•tti.1t ............... Pft\tOtltl •N ~1V. Jff•" , ... , V'f•-.,t"U•ft>l•fllll0..-"'-' .. ~ , . ..._ .......... l d+•O' ,_, .. _.,...... ................ ~"""'"" _,,_ AW •l""I AM_..,""'"' aaUora The Ne wport tlc ach vlltht m•1nlt"nant-4' and ne&i ln1& eXJ)("r1 wa~ ubourd th•• Uru1liun ya~ht lnd11to ulonl( with othN local sailor" all uperttmct.1d off hore t 1tc·1·1'•. l11dl10 rrn11ihl·t1 tbt>race. "Th~ Roy1I Oi'eitn fhr tnl( Oub ltt on of th,. t1H>i.t rom1w h·nt r UC't' ur l(l.IOltt•t 'I I ll thP worl d . s a i d l h l· Auat ra ll•n born Ha n k-. . "l'ht'I\' h 1111 wuy lht'y can ht-C'ntfr1ie1t rur whut ha11 Ptll !d . "'"'° na nk'i hu-. -.a1lt>d :. ..... prMt''>lllOOUI ~11111 ,1n1ateu1 1·r t"Wlll.UI 1111 I'\ t'I ' ht». vaeht ran• 111 th1· whr ld 1111 yacht:. r a11.i1ng lrorr~ 40 111 KO ft.-,.•t "I've lx:<.'n m w11uts that h11( In a s ' d fl •• \' I ti 11 II h .t ,. I 1i\w.trnh u1 .111cl or11· l\4·r rnu1l.1 rate, hut I rlon t ri·c·all t'Vl·r h1· in~ in sud i h1~h . 1·11nfuM·tl -.t·.i-. ' swd Banks "Abandon the· rac-e'! Wlwn• would you go'' To r un fo r the Irish rnast ahf"arl of ~1·ns I 1k1• lhut woulcl huvt· lw1·n Lst a l T lw ..,afl·st t·11ur~1· v. a-. It• l'h 111 0111 h wh1·n· Wt' Wt•I 1• lw acl1·d in ttw first plan· .. Hank'\ poantt'fl nut th11t frnrn !ht• '>lttrt off C'11W(''> 110 1111· J..,lt • 11( W11{hl to tlw l-";1:-.1111'1 1:-. :ihout 100 milt '>. Fr11m l h t· r111·k to Plymouth as ahout 200 male :-. ··Our m11:-.l fraghtenanl'( mo nwnt in th1· r:.1t•t· w a~ r11un<l1ng th<.· Fa.-.tnl·t al <ihoul I :m -. m . l~nks ret·alll·d ··w e wc•n • hav mg to come from a reac h :rnd run to hard on the wind and w1· womed <ihoul our t·ar hon fllw1 rudder. If 1t hml i.:1 ven wa} "•• would h;.ivc· h<·1·n 11n 1 ht• n11 k withm two manull''> Th<.tn k (;od 1t hc•ld toy1·th1·1 "Aftt•r thut II W:S l> ,f malt1•r of '\aJhng lh1· hoat to kl't'I' frotn lw llllo{ rollt'd ovt•r II\ t ht1'>• · t n· nwn tlou.-. :-.t'.i.I" ..,.11 1.ng 1t1v..11<1 1lw t·n·st and ttwn t11 rr1111g and 11d 1ng th\'m dov. n BOR ~T t:t:u·:. ;11111tlwr nat11:1• Aust r:.il 1:111 who h:t'> I 1 v,.d 111 N<•wJ)l)r1 l~·:wh for t·q!hl y1·a1.., w :i'> on h<>arcl lndwo with t\;111k-. 111· also ha-. r ... t·1·d .tll 11v1·r tlw wo rld ··Tht·r1· ,.., 1111 rlouht that Wf'rC' J'H'-Oplt• Jnfl hoals I Fast n1•t th:st had no bus1 Ot'S'> b1· t n ).! there r rom t h•· ... ta ntl point <1f t"< J)l•n c·nct· anc1 1'.a fety <'<IUI p m t'nt · -.:11 cl Stt'<'h· ··11 ·._ l ru•· manv 11f I h•· hoals w1•rf' light n t n l · F'ranklv. I w1111l<1 r ;,i thl'f lw 1>0 a h ghl, :-.trong ho;,i l t hun .1 h<:av1er . '>lower yac·ht that 1-. It·.., rru.in1 •uv1·rahlt· undt·r lho-.1.· 1·011 dJt1ons ."· ht• """I '"ln 1,,trol>pt•1·1," sJtd Bunk..,, "I think th•· g r .. ;111 ... 1 1111-.tak•· m <1d•· hy n1any ::,k1p111·r~ W:Jl> :tl low11w the en •w lo renwrn on d1·1·k D<•sp1tP Ill•' fa<·t 11 wa:-. mid .. ummrr, t h•· wal1•r 1n thal part 11f lhr g low I'> frigid Th•· c·nn-.t:rnt ('Xfl'>'>Urt· low1•r<; t ht• lmtl > I 1• 111 lll'fatun· a nd 11w n ·<t'>l'" L1t tr:111· whwh ean tw fatal · Wt.· had nnlv two m1•11 in th•· <'0Ckp1t at on•· ·11ml:' on two hou1 wakht•'> an hour ear h tJl'l lh1· he lm Tht· rel>l of us -,t;,i y1•1I below wath th'· halchc-. liallt·nt'cl riown. Thal way Wl' alwav-. h;,id rrcsh bodac.., tu takl' ovt•r l h•· helm. ll's JU"l a m<i\lN of C'm ll mon :.cn s t·." u b :-i t~f\ l'd I h i· veteran st:1:1man ··Whal a lot of 1n('X J>f'n<·nr1 •d skippers and crl'WS and sortw experienced ones don't n •u h7" i'I that the sea doesn't ~i v1· ·• damn about you and your hoa1 It does n't <•ven know you a r,. there " Salvage Hope DiflUj for SrmkenShip NO RFOLK. Va. <AP l Three holes found by divers rn the deck of lhe sunken Civil War aroncla<I Monjtor have wmmcd s alvage hopes. Films of the gaping holes will oc shown by National Oceano- graphic and Atmosphe ric J\d ministraiion CNOAA > officluls We dne sday al a n e ws con ference In Washington. Archeologiats exploring th<• ship WMter 220 f eel of w•ter 16 mllea south of Cape Hatt.eras. N.C., discovered the boles as they trained battery-powered Uabt• on deck areas where the pilot house, the wardroom, amd the ,un turret once atood . The ·~ a m aalng dlacovery of larae atructural derecl• ln por· tlona ol the deck" makes the out· look for raisini the Mon,lor more peulm lallc than eve r. Floyd Q\Udret1 of NOAA Hid. Cblldre1a, NOAA'• ueociate dJreetor for operaUou and .en. forcement. Hld, "W•'re eloM to comlnl to the coneluaion that the whole 1btp could not be ra1tecl. •• , Newport Ma•llant Suspect Soughl i ~ In Murder Plot~ ·{ ~ ~~ ~(l vr t ~J ' ~ .,.. ~ t ~,;.· ~j. -. ~ -.. # . ..L..~ .,, ... ,._ .. MATTIE SHULTZ, 91 , WON'T BE HUNGRY AGAIN But Shopllttlng Widow Saya Sh•'• 'Tired' Tired of LUe $25,000 'Too Much' S/\N /\NTO~IC )° T t'xa " IAl'1 When sh<· W b '> arrestt-d for "hoph(l111).! ).!ruc•·m·l> la-.t m1111th. !JI yt·:.r old M:1ll1t• Schull.t w1ts d1•st11ut1• hunr,n anrl aliint· ~1r11·t• th1·n. 1·1111tr 1hut1on:-. from a(·ro.,~ lhl' t:n1tf'd Stale'> h<tvc Ila lloum·tl to 111111 1· I h an SlJ ,000, and Mr ::. St·hullz who'>c over n1i.:llt 1ail 11·1111 dt 1•w nat111n<s l attention, '.'>UYl> '>he ha'> µlenty to 1·al liul 11'. ltrl•dol lifl· "'Tift: WA\' MY tlt:ALTll IS. I DON'T n£•l-d too much nH1nt·\ ·· .. 1 ... '>a1 tl Sund;i y .. I dun"l l11111k I'll tw h..r1• but a :-.hort t1m1· · Sl11 · ,;,id a lot 11r food hu:-. bN•n dont1lNI s1nt•1· h1•r night an Jail f111 It v111g 111 s t1•al S15 v.1irl11 1Jf '>a u:-.ag1·:-., hum and butter Cro m a :-.111wrm.11 k1•t .J uh 2•1 !'wt u'it 11f th1· donalt!d m on<'y ha!'. hcen put 1n a fund by a rave· m :m 1·11mrrn ttt·t· Uob Pugh. a me mber of the panel set up to 1td· m1n 1-.tcr the· contri butaon::., '>:Jad the comm 1llce decided not to g1v 1· Mr-. S1·hult.t1• lht' $25.000 rn a lump :.um but lo seek a court orcll'I l''>tJlih:-.hrn14 a guardiun:.h1µ for her Pl.:<'11 , 7:1, IS PRESIDE!'l.T OF the local c hapter of lh.e Tl'X· a ~ Sl·nior ('1lt11·n:-. J\:-.:.oc1utwn. which received sonse contnbu· t wn-. on :\t r-. ...,rhu 1t1·:-. twhulf II•· 1·>:pl.11111·'1 "h1· \,,..., 111111wd 11u1 of h1·r ll r1· -.a\1 llg'> nf $~ 000 1r1 l't7 I .111tl Iii.ti 1f 111 lt ;11I ;ill llw llllllll'.)I rlKhl dWJ} -.ht• ti lit· ,.,, \ I'"" f•11 • \" ·, ·1 •1111 IJ11 k .sn<l llarr v ·· 1'11i:h """' rn•1n • \ r am,. from all uvr·r Am •rtc-t1 aflt'r d 111.1i:1,tr;1l1· ... d1•1·1'>11111 t11 plJ• •·th•· w11mun 111 JUll V.tJ '> 1·n l ll'l.t•·d Th.-• 11.1111 • "'"1 •· ll1upp1•1 I .111d !ht• rn.i vor 111 111·1 t•d an 111 v1•1'.lJJ.:J I 111 11 of Ill• t•o11l 111,.1111•r1I I \•' 11!'\•'I .,,.,.n .111\lh11iv lik1· 1t . •,.rnl !'ugh It 11r•1\.1''> i\r111 I H"il '>lill li :t'> ;1 hl':J rl Tiit: t:l.Ut:RLY WIDOW W/\S Rt:l .Ei\St:D two W<'t'ks ugo r1•1111 :t li•1'.p1t.d v.lw11· ..,h•· v..i-. 111 ·:it1·d for l11·a rl a111I ,1uma1·h .1il 1111•nh, 11111 -.lw -.aid l>h<· d04·sn l fcl•I any bctt1·r I 'm J11-.t t1n ·d I'm WtJrn 1·ompll'tl'ly 11111." e.aa d M r' :-i..t111 It1. v. h11 v. 11rk1·d .1-. :1 h11t1·I nu wl lo he· Ip 1>11pport lwr::.t•lf ;111d twr hu-.1>:11111 a fl1·r ht· s ufr••rt•d a ~trul.1· I lc•r hu•.h:1111J w;,is ;1n 1n\ ii lid 21 yt•ars beron · has dl.'l1th JK }ca1 :-. a1!.t1 ~und.Jy I th.wk .il l 11f 1h.-rn . ond C,1><i hlci.:. them Hll," ~he saJd But -.tw .1dtl1••J I ·m ltrr·d of li ft· I vc got nohod y I don t k 1111w tml,ixl} I \ <· Ii ved h1·n · !Ji yc~n. und I don 'l know 11 dozen fll'llph· BLAST ... Ttw 1 NL A, !J s hadow y o r gan11.al1on thoug ht lo ha vt• no more thun 100 or so m e mber:., claimed n •:-.puns 1htl 1t y la s t M;.irrh for the 1'.luying of Brit111h Conservativl· politician Alrl'y Nea ve, k1lll'tl by u bomb plunled an has c·a r al the llous t• or Com mnn.-. 111 Lor1<l<111 on Mart h 23 St'ollun1I Va rel '>UHi th1·y had no reason t•> douht tilt' r laun '11w appa11•11t a-.-.assinatann of Lord M •rnnt ball••n , unrlf> by marna1:t· or ()u1•<·n .. :117.a beth. wa~ tlw rlost''>l ln :-.h gut'rnll<.1 l>lnkt· yct ut the• royal fa m ily Mountbatten was a cous ln or King George VI. father of the prl'~ ·nt queen . and brother or l'>r ancc•l>'i Andre w o f G ret•cc•. mother of the queen's hus band. Pnnct: Philip. Duke of Edin burgh. By .JOANNE aEYNOLD8 Of .. Dllty ......... Newport Beach police are seeking the m a n they alle1e helped set up a murder-for-hire .aieme with ao undercover of- ftcer whose victim waa to be a motion picture sound techalclan. Taken into custody Saturday was the intended victim's wife. Identified by Newport Beach police as Dorothie Muncey, 55. dLakewood. She was booked on suaplcion al conspiracy to commit murder a fter she alle gedly paid un- dercov e r in vest igator Lee Robera St .000 as down payment on a SJ0.000 murder contract. Police said the balance was to have ·been paid when the vie 1.1m ·s life amsurance pohcy was paJd. Hughes Aide Sentenced SA LT I.AKE CITY 1AI'1 A r11rmer :JtlVl'St·r ltJ rct"IU!>l' tycoon Howard llugh1·., h;i., llt'1·n Sl'O tt•nr ed lCJ :w n11111thl> 1n praS<>n for nbstrucllon 11r JU'>t1n· J ohn II Mt·1n. ro rmt:rly or .St'v.-~rt lit'arh. v.ai. i.entenced Friday b} U S District J ud.cc llruc·f> S Jenkins for introducing lur~t-d dM umc·nL'> 1n a 1972 C'1v1I -.u1t in v.hu·h he wai. accuM:d nf lnl krn~ the llughc-. c.·m1n re of S7 9 m1lhon J enlmu. n ·wctt-rl Meier·-. 1tp pea ls Lo If:! him ri·mc.rn with ht!. f;.irn il ~ I 1·an t 11\t' v.1thout thi·m <JOI! th 1·\ t·Jn l 11\t' .... 1thuul me. Mt·1t·r '>a1d Mctt•r also lold th•· JUdgt' ht• dJ d nut forge the doru m t:nl s Jnol i.a1d thl· g11v e r n m1·nt ., v.1ltw!.::. in lhe t'a5e I.Jed Ml'tt•r , 1fi , <"<Juld have b.'f'n ~"llll'n(•t'<.I to five yea rs 1n pnson and fmf'<f $!1,000 fo r his July 3 1 1·11n vtct1on of olistruction of JU'>tl<"C' In the ravtl tnal. US D1stm•t JudgP Aldon J /\ndersnn or tl•·rcd ~tel l'r Lu pa) S7 9 million rn dam<iges for a d vmng Hughe-. Too l Co -later Summa Corp to purchase several Nevada m1n1n g d a1ms at price:. fa r .1hovt-tht-ar actual value MCl(·r h.1c1 ..1 haddrn ant ere:.t an th1· I l.11m -, Beauly Quee11 Pleads Guilty .. ASllI::\'ILJ.f:. N C tAf'1 Ht-a uty QUl"t!n Joyl·e Mr K1nney v. ho Ot-0 England ""h1•n '>ht• wa:-. ac·cused of fo rcing a Morm1Jn m 1ss1onary to havC' sex with her. hal> pleaded guilty to us ing u false name to obtain a passport M 1s~ Mr Kinney. 29, and her t rave ling <'O mpanaon , Ke ath May, pleaded guilty before U S M di;ttstra te J Paul Te al Sen lt'nC'ang was set for Sept 4 Ma ss Mc Kanney, a former Mass Wyomlllg USA. and May flrd England last yt'ar when her former boyfracnd accused her of chaining tum lo a bed and fore· mg ham to p<>rform sexual acts Bra l1sh a uthont1es did not press for ~xlrad.ilaon or the pair from th1.• Un1led States. The queen wu11 given lhe news al Balmoral. her Scottish caslle. where she ls on vacation. Buck· Ingham Palace said efforta were being made to contact Prince Phillip. who was expected today at the European Driving Cham· ptonahlpe al Nonant le ·Pin in Normandy. France. ------- -~ Police said rour persona we re taken t o Siiao Hosptlal . Mountbatten·~ t1on-in·law and dauahter. L o rd a nd Lady Brlboume; their son Timothy, a brother or NicbolH . and the Oowa1er L a dl 8rabourne. mother-tn ·l•w o Mountbatten's ~· Our favorite 1ean. 1122 by On Time. hl~heO denim with a clean s1lhoue110 AcSa 10 1htl1 an till oouo n flannel pla1Cl "htn. IOOPOO ott by thu u11h1y iuckul ot couon and P<>IV9618', lea1u11nq 4 pocket!> wtvaJiero ctosur~ ctna a to ul ·wealhef l'lOOd All of those orea1 11orm pack nicoty into rhO canvas day biiQ Detective C apt. R lch1(d Hamilton said today the caee wu brou&ht to Newport poli~e Friday by an Informant w~o •aid the man aull-ffucht~b police wu inquiring about hit · lna someone OD behalf of M rk. ...-aneey. . Roberts. acting as the woulti· be killer, met with the woman who aueaedly told him she want fJd her husband murdered. 1be inlended victim Is work· ang on a movie location in Santa Ana and wu staying at a hotel in that city. Roberts and investigator s from the Santa Ana police went to the hotel early S a turday monung and told the man abo"t the alle1ed murder plot. Hamilton said the vic.1.i m speot the rest or the weeke nd in the ptatertjve custody or Newport Reach officers RobcrL'I wu11 g iven the man's watch. nng and wallet which he took to a Saturday noon meeting wtlh Mrs. Muncey allegedly \o prove that he'd rulfllled lht· murder contrnct. Mrs . MunC'ey wa!4 taken 111t.11 1·u'S tod y a ft e r s hl· han<l1·rl H<Jht>rts t hl• t·a -;h Shi· was hool<t-d into Orani.:1• Count v .lail when· !.he n·matnl·tl in 1·uslrnly todav f 'ro• Pa,,.. ·\I EL TORO ... altem ata vc-. And that would 1n cludf' .. :1 Tl)m af -.tud11·-. show 1t lo bf: a 1· <· ·ptabll·. ht' ::.aad. The Southe rn California A.., ~iallon of Governme nts . a n · g11)na l l)ldnn1ng a gt·n1·v. h w, l11't'O 1mtt111~ lo).!l"lhl'r :.i n a 1rpnra 'turl} •·valualtn).! po-.-.1hli· futur•· "'"'"fo r a commcrt:1al f:J1·11it v 111 t.tu ' an·;1 f:l Toro 1s one among !>ate:. Uu1t andud<· Chino tl11ls. Camp Pt'lldleton and the Long fW a <'h arf'a Tlw work of lht' agcm·-l')s Jd Vl'-l1ry only but Ir vine ofl'lr1<1I' are wom ed that 1t could ht> Ul><'<I ~., lh'• basai. fo r government at.· IJon to ope n U(> El Toro lo J01n1 l1'1mmerc1al military ui.t· Pottt>ry S hac k Hit by Bur~lars Uur~IJr-. pr11::d 11~:n u .,ll•t•I h:ir JI lh1· r ... 1r of th,. !'oaten. ~dt k an l.J~una lk'ac.:h ov1·r th•· "-t'\'kend and t•artl·d orr mnn· than S l.3011 an m c rchand111 t· WUCt' '>Jiii tcxJ.1 v Thi• th11·vl'.., took i,1x Mexican hlank"L'4. a ta1)f•-,try, a lcath1·r H-:-.t JJUr'it'l> and hundbags from tht• outt.•r !>al1•-. are a of the shop at 1212 S C-Oa:.t Highway. pollc·•· rt'portt:d Cannibalism Told RANG KOK . Thailand </\P l - Some ~lcllers of ou~ted C:.i m ho dJan Pre mier Pol Pot have rf' sorted to cannibalis m . a n c1( f1c1al dispatch from Vietnam s:od today The Vietnam New~ Mccncv quoted a 17 yea r ·old Cambodian J?arl a-. ~aying a Pol Pot soldier had ~·headed ht.-r brother. ca rved the flesh from tus bont!S and then wrapped 1t ui.i an ll•avc-. AL S GArl AGt ~6 f-ASI tlQN ISLAND Nl WPOHT BEACH ( 114) 644 7030 I • I Laguna/South Coast Yoar Hometowa Dally New8paper VOL. 72, NO. 239, 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALl°F:ORNIA MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 FIFTEEN CENTS Supervisor Miller Chaf.ges R ·acial Bias Orange County S uper,11sor Edison Miller called toduy f()r n o-and jury lnvcstJ&alloo Into ul legation!! t h at operutoric of Knoll's B erry 1'~urm db crimrnate against H1spun1t· guests Miller's call for a probt> camt• hand·in·hand with the hhng of a lawswt an Superior Court that rharges Knoll's with violating the ci\'ll right Of !>Oml' of It~ Hispanic patrons ~neral partner Russell Knott <krued the amusement park d1!> Knott's Berry Farm Aitk Denies Allegation t•nminate~ ai:;a1 n~t 1111.puntl'!> '"tn 31\Y way ' "We deny we have ever d11, cnminated against Lat1m, or anvone else," Knott said "We -.erve all our i:w:st:. m the !>arnc wa\ But the laws wt hied by an 1>r garuzation that calls ttselr th1.· Coalition Against Police Abust· charJ1tes that un Aug 3 and 4 I II~ parucs entenng the a musement park were searched and other µersons were not Knott conceded there were :.carchcs of patrons on the two rughL'> early this month Rut he said those searches wl•rc the result of police in· formauon that lht•re might be gang s l yle fights ot Knoll 's those mghts "It was simply a matter or takin g t h e 'precautionary measures needed to insure the safety or all our guests." Knott said And the searches were not limited to Hispanic patrons. he added. In his call for a grand 1ury probe. Miller said parents of youngsters a llegedly search~ at Knott's bad complained to bis o(fice. "If what they s ay is true. it's a deplorable situation." the coun· ty supervisor said. His press release was handed out by newly appointed aide F'rank Martinez. who said he 1s a member of the Coullt1on Against Police Brutalltv. With Martinu .was the at· tomey who said she filed _the civil rig hts l a wsuit whic h charges the Buena Park police as well as the a muse ment park wtth violations of constitutional rights. - A hearing has been scheduled later in Superior Court to decide 1f a temporary order that would ban searches at the park s hould be issu ed , a ccordin g tu MartJnez. Terrorist Bo Ki11s Montbatten Dancer Decides To Return BULLETIN NEW YORK <AP > -Soviet ballerina Ludmlla Vlasova bas satisfieil U.S. officials that s he wants to r.-tum to the Soviet Union or ht-r own volition and will rl'lorn ho m e. D o nald McH l'nry. th e c hi e f U .S . nel(ollator. said this artemoon. WASHINGTON CAP> U S negotiators have arranged ;i compromise plan under whicl- they will intervie w Soviet ballerina Ludmilla Vlasova in a mobile airport lounge at New York's Kennedy International Airport, State Depart ment of fic1als said today. The mobile loun~e would pro v1de the ··non-coercive at mosphere" the U nited State~ has been saying Miss Vlasova must have to decide whether to return to the Soviet Union or to stay in the United States with her hus band. fe llow Bolshoi Balle t dan ce r Alexander Godunov . said department spokesman llodding Carter Department officials . speak ing privately earlier this morn ing, said that Soviet offi cials would be allowed to be present in the mobile lounge. But at the department's daily briefing . Carter said that exact· ly who would be allowed in the mobile lounge was being dis· cussed in last-minute "horse trading" between Am erican and Soviet officials al the airport. Carter s aid there •·probably" would be Soviet officials in the mobile lounge. as well as an Amen can doctor who might be able to judge whethe r Miss Vlasova was in good enough health to stale her wishes freely A mobile lounge is a kind or bus used to ferry airplane passengers from their planes lo terminal buildings Carter s aid the mobile lounge used would be one owned by the Port of New York Authority. As such. it would represent a major improve m ent ov17r the Aeroflot jet. "where Soviet of· ficiaJs control the environment.·· he said. (See DANCER, Page A2> Coast Weather Fair through Tues day except patchy early mom· ing low clouds and fog near the coast. Sunny days wilb little temperature change. Highs both days ranging from low to mld·70s along lbe beaches to mid·80s inland. Lows tonight in mid to upper eos. IN81DETe8A'W nwott·rood~ CIC ~-aUrad_, '5,IJIJO, ond qor11torittr Howard """"" ..... Mt .,,..,,...,... ~BJ. 0.11, ,, ... ""'' ,._. Fashionable Fundraiser Designer R ichard Blackwe ll. best known for his a nnual T e n Worst Dressed list. describes fall fas hion l ine during a San Juan Capis trano library benefit Sunday at Rancho Capistrano. Nearly 400 pcopll' s howed up for the f ash1on ~how "h1rh generated about S·1.50<i for the• m·w hhran facility planned north of M1ssmn San Juan Capistrano. Tioo Surfers Injured at Laguna Beach A skimboarder and a boogie board enthusiast were injured an separate surfin~ mish aps in Laguna Beach over t he weekend. despite sma ll waves. lifeguards said today A third Laguna Beach visitor was treated by lifeguardc; and transported to the hospital after complaining of severe lower ab donunal pains. And San Cle mente lifeguardc; said they were kept busy with a minor back injury and a man who dislocated his shoulder . Clear skies and warm water drew thousands to South Coast beaches where the injuries oc· curred Saturday and Sunday. James Cross. 17, of 1822 Ocean Way. Laguna Beach, struck his bead on the sand while boogie boarding at Agate Street beach Saturday and was rushed to , South Coast Med ical Cente r after suffering pressure on the ~column. He was reported in guarded. but stable condition in the hospital's intensive care unit to· day. Two boars late r . Brian 'nnkan. 20, of 152 Sunset Ter· race. Laguna Beachk s uffer ed head injuries while s imboard· ing at Victoria Beach. Hospital· officials said today they do not know if the skim· boarder was admitted to the hospital. A Laguna Beach visitor. 16· <See SU&FERS. Page A%> Pottery Shack Hit by Burglar8 Burtlars pried open a steel bar a{ the rear of the Pottery Shack ln Lasuna Beach over the weekend ... carted off more than Sl1!00 lD lllercbandln, police 1ua today. Tbe thieves -took slx Mexican bl•eta. a tapatry, a leather Yell, purMI and bandba11 from tbl outer talet are• of UM 1bop • 1212 S. CoMt Hipway, police ~ Bus Strike Thwarts Oemente Riders By DELORES BROOKS IRWIN ()I -o.u, ,.. ... SUff While commut('rs 1n Lns Angeles County were left high and dry today as a strike idled the rapid transit system . for all but about 3.000 bus commuters tn Orange County. it was travel as usual But those 3.000 or so com · muters stranded by the strikc- bound Los Ange lcs·based Southe rn Cal ifornia Rapid Transit District had to scramble for other ways to get them to and from their destinations . Those bus riders depend on RTD buses to car ry them wholly or in part on their d ::i ll v Journeys. 1nclud1n g .ibout KO patrons an San Ch:mentt• who commute on exprr"" bUM'S tn Los Anseles dC'stmat1on~ Heav1l'St hit bv the '>tnke flf about 6,700 mechanics. dn\'C'r•,, and clerks at RTD are Orangl' County commuters .,.. ho USl' a park -and-rid e rJcil1ty In FUiierton Count y Ir :l n s 1 l 0 r f I (' I a Is estimated th at up to 1,400 persons who depend on RTD buses to whisk them to Los Angeles had to find other means of 11tettini? tt.cre from Fullerton <Stt STRIKE. PaR~ A2> Swear Der In Cop's Wife Foils Theft They're calling it the Great Stagecoach Robbery around the Laguna Beach police department today and the subject of the merriment is a red-faced Capt. Nell Purcell. Purcell's wife. Michelle, was an e xhibitor at the Art·A· Fair and Saturday night. the captain and his artist wife were returning to their car after closing up her booth. MICHELLE SPOTl'ED t\ MAN carrying a painting under his arm and turned to her husband and s aid. "Neil. that man looks suspicious. Shouldn't you check him out?" Captain Purcell didn't see anything particularly un· U11ual about the canvas -toting gentleman. and he told his wife so. "You've got the badge," Michelle said. SO THE OFF-DUTY officer stopped the nervous pedeltrtan, who did. in fact, possess • stagecoach painting all.,.cDy stolen from artist Jack Schmitt. Glfford Richard Ptncbott, a 38-year-old Santa Ana de· ....,.., wa1 handcuffed al the Arl·A·Fa1r by Purcell and later released on $3,:;oo bail. I llBANWIOLI:, AN ANONY•OU8 cartoonial circulal· ed a drawinl of a bewildered Captain Purcell watching • &DMked man ln an overcoat runninl off wllh a paiatln1. "Hell, be looked lnnocent eftOU8b to me," the aheeplah police caDta.ln aald \oday u be 1tudled the cartoon. Tbanb to MJcbelle'1 quick •Jt, SebmlU 1ot bl• S450 camu b9ek and sold it auncs.r to David Derore. aon of Mtor Don O.P'ore. Blast Rips Yacht Off Ireland. Ol'HLI:--.; lrf'lanrl l1\f>1 F.:.irl Monthalll.'n w<1 r hcrn and unck or Hntain ' Pnnt·e Philip 1Aa.'> killed tndav when an .,, plMllln rll>P~:d ~part hi~ \ al'hl off thl' tn,h 1·na~t 1.1oht'l' n ·porl 1•d ln -;h l•'f r11n '>h l'la1mcd r~pon!>1b1llt y PnliN' .... :lllJ the i!l \ 1•ar old ~1 n u n t b a 1 t " n • ..., I.! r a n d ..., 11 n "lidmh.1s. l·I. and a local boy .1mong the boat ' nr.,... 15 ~ 1·<1r C1ld Paul Maxwl•ll . also wen• killed. and four other person-; were hosp1talned with 1n1unc!> 'Tbey said 1t was believed there were nine per!>on~ on the boat The explosion occurre d 1n Donegal Bay off M ullaghmore. an Irish R epublic village in County Shgo near Mountbatten's swnmer residence Th<' site 1-; Just crules frnm the border with Northern Ireland. where guer· nUas of the ln sh Republican Army's "P rovis ional " w ing have bttn fighung to end Bnt1s h rule Moun tb atten . a great grandson or Queen V1etona and cousin or Queen Elizabeth II, had JUSt set out with a group of fncnds on a ft!> hang tn p from the harbor at Muthi ~hmore when the exploswn occurred . police said They s::i1d the causC' of the blast ·could not bl' determined 1mmed1atel~. but th~y wcrt' workmg on the theory that a llml' bomb had been placed alx>ard . "But everything 1s very ('On · fused. A lot of vc:-scls arc out there searching for wreckage ... a pohce s pokesman said. The rnsh National L1berat1on. Army. a c;phnter group of the Prov1c;1onat IRA c laimed responsibility for k1lhn~ Earl Mountbatten an a telephone call to t he Iri s h lndC'pen li C'nt newspaper ~roup in Oubhn La ter . th<' Prov1s1onah themselvC'S claimed rcspons1b1h · tv and said an a stalt'ment that the assassination was ai med at bnngmg to the attention of the British .. the continuing occupa· lion" of Northern Ireland. ln a separate attack later lo· day, six British soldiers were killed in a bomb blast neur War· renpoint in Northern rrcland , 35 miles south of Be lfast , the British a rmy reported The I NLA. a sh adowy or · ganization thought to have no ~e than 100 or so members. claimed responsibility last March for the s laying of British Conservative politician Airey Neave, killed by a bomb planted in his car at the House of Com· mons m London on March 23. ,Scotland Yard said they had no reason to doubt the claim. <See BL~T. Page t\Z) Woman Hit By Car Dies A 68·year-old San Clemente woman died Sunday of lnju.rles inlfered Aug. 20 when she was struck by a car on El Camino Beal . Uebe Fritchman died shortly before ~ a .m. ln Mission Com· munlty Hospital's intentive care mtt after cllnlinl to Ille for six ~ wu struck down as sbe lteppec_I out of her car lnto the .. ~ an oncomtn1 car pollct lllld. Tbe driver of the otheT car .... notbeld. Fu.neral arran1ement1 are pencln1 - Al'Wlr..-..• KILLED IN BLAST Earl Mountbatten I . ... ' ... ,,,.. .. / ~· ~~~ IRELAND Al'Wlret>IMI• BL.AST SITE Map locates Uonc·gal Ba~·. where '-'" ex· pl~1on 11n a boat killed Earl \lount hatten toda' Saddleback's Enrollment Hits 17,000 As Saddleback College fall semester classes got under W3':1' today. offi cials r eported a rec· ord enrollment of 17.000 at the dislnct's lrvme an<J M1ss1on Vie- jo campuses. Last year as school opened . about 9,000 students were reg· iste r e d for c lasses in t h e sprawl.mg <11stnct. Officials attributed the e nroll· menl surge to more people t ak· ing advantage of early registra- tion opportunities. They expect enrollment to stand at 23,000 to 25.000 when registration closes Sept. 17. BEDROOM SET WENT IN HVRRl' "I didn't believe I could sell ~ bedroom set with just one phone call. "But after flacin& an ad in the Dally Pilot believe it -the fint caller boulbt it.'' That'• lbe advertiaing 1uccas story told by the Costa Mesa man who placed lbls ad in the Daily Pilot: Wh ite bdrm aet w/1old trim. Bed w/mattreas & box1prln1, z cbe1t1, l corner dftk. UX·ll1utx If you want to make a aalt, try the friHdly Dally PUot CIHllW eid·Yllen •t 14a·M1t. DAILY PILOT Alter Db1Uter Yachtsmen Ask Race Questions sailor. Ttie Nt>wport ffC'DC'h vacbt m&inl..n&n<'tt •ntl n.c1in11 t"lll>N\ wH a bo •rd th" Unullla11 SUrvtvort <>f Urttal~'t!. t'u\ntl ~ at'ht lndhtu a Iona: w1lh otht•r t l<'htftace, ln(.tudtn ""'"__...."~11 flCpM1em·t·t1 lDlOWn Oran~t! Cua t yac:hlli mf'n, otf .. hc>re rac1•rt Indigo ttniwl1111l '1-t looklna b•tk a\ °'" dll\Hltr the raet- Mdt"h clafmed 19 h\tt 1mct r• "The Royal ON•1rn Ritt·1n1< 8Ultfd In tht 11lnklnJ? or t1b1rndon Oub I~ cmt• of tt1t• mn11 t l'f11np1· 11\f'nt o ( two d o 7t'll 1•a.pen111v.. tl·nl r1111·1• 111 <tr M l't'fllt'llll(Yll<'hl l(U Ol/t'r• In nw arter·Lbol.ij(hb. b)I both th~ wo rld " swloni und tat'1' C>fl\rlols ('ould 1 a 1 d t h. e affect th.-futur~ o f off hur"' Auatrull..ri raceti Some ol lh~ QU'-'•Uon-. horn n a nk, Were rac~ o ffl c111h1 of ttw "Tiwrt• 15 no aponsonn[l Royul Ocnn lht'llll!( way t.h y ran t1ub t RORC> dtm•hct 111 11h.r1111t¢ n.. ('ritll'ticd ~ ~mil~ rat•t· in th ... fat'(' of for what huri bt•av\ wt>athn f11n•r .... h' pent'd Art-rnt.'t' offl c·wh ,ill ""' r ttw a.No fla nk-. 11.1 .., world at fnull fur alh1w1n1< lo.-. -.111 .. 11 ·"' a pr11f1 .. ,-.1on.1l a11d rnanv vach t" man' with tnt·x 1111a1t·u1 c-1 l'Y.111 ·rn 1111 t'\lt'I y 111•• ""'nen"ed crc·w~ t o t·nt1·1 • • , """ .. • , 'ac·ht 1 a•·•· 1r1 t hl· w 111 tel 1111 otJ·5hor! ract?:. in lht· mh rot uf , iH'hl~ 1 a11J'111~ from <10 111 ISO t)tgJ'W:>S f1•t:t Tiu., the t•o11lj.H•t1t1\ •· ur~c· Jnil l'vt' l14.•t·11 111 w1n11._ that 1111• tht· clc'>tn• to v.111 h1·1·11111•· '" in 1 s,11111., t•i ll o h ;11 ~reat that sk1pp<.·1 !I .in· 111·••hgi•nt 1 J\u~tr~lia 1 .11111 "'"' 111•1 m~tda nhout iillandon1n~ a rac·i· .m llw r:J!'c but I cto11 t 11·c·11ll l'V(·r h~ far<' or wori.«.•ntng w~·ath~r ' 1"J 1n sm·h luglt 1·1111fusl'd :><•a.., " Are y a cht dl·1>1gn c n. <i nd . " · • · · bwlders s acrificing ..,af<•t v fur s .~ Banks ,, ll~tn<'SS and spe(•cl. often ui.tnJ.! Abandon ~~~. rurt· Wh1•r c• ment· I m otc>riali.'' would you go J o run for ttlf' t>X~r":.n ~i· a('ii;;.,t and 11111 ,., ln:-.h 1•11a .. 1 a hr •ud of M'"" !~kr• So th •rn C'aliforiua .,;ilfi,1, ,11 ,. lh.11 w11rild _h.1v1· tw1•11 fal:il I hi· k u t . 1. 1 f tlw mo~I ,.,1rri -,:if1•sl 1·11u1:..1• w:1 ... 111 t'lvmoulh ~Wl: •'\t;~~11/111 M<inv o,t•rvi•tl wlWl't• 'h i' .~en· h<·adcrl in the JJf' n in f1Nt pla f'1• U.' sk1p1x:rs 11.r r·n·w~•'"1t tlll' ,",1:1 ll:111k:-. po11111-.1 ''"' th.it rn1111 rrural " Cup S4·n1·'> ":" 111· 1 'hlJ 1 1 1111' ~l.1rt 11ff "''"""" 1111 Ill•· hl1• 11! up With lhl• rat·tl I· ·1 ... t111'I I .... ,. • • ' W1~lil 111 1111' F.1•.l 11Pt I'> ;d1m11 4011 f"ollowin~ :1n· 1hr• thoui,:ht•, or 1r11rl' .... f''rom 1ht· 1111·!-. t11 lhrt>c local i.;11l11r' who <'.Hfl•· l'lvmouth 1 ... l:lhout :!CJ(J milt.·" through the storm DENNIS DURGAN, 25, I'> on•· nf Newport llarhor Yacht ('luh ..., tQp s a1hng sk1111wr ... If<-ha'> h<·1·11 .;a1hng for IH v1·ar.., ll l'i f'X perience 1nclud1•s <.t numl><·r 11r 111tem atwnal orfs h11n· ran·'> "The storm ('amt· 011 ... ufldl'nlv from obout 411 kn•1h tn 11vr·r 711 ...,.....,. 1n :.r rnattc·r ••' 2'1 mrnul<'" 'fl'lf'rr w:1~ 1111 \\IOI v uul 11f 11 I 1:i11 .. t1 1111· 1·n·w 1111 d1·c·k JU'>l lwf111,. d:;iwn and told lht•m 'W•• ~·n· 1111 lonw·r t n a v a 1· Ii t ou111;"" ran• W, · ;, ,., · tn ..r ra1·1· !•11 •1J f\1v.il v,,,. 111u111IMI tl11· 1-·a~11w1 .11>11111 ·1 ·111 •• Ill lft th1· ~1111111.w~t w111rl """ llw h1 )!h1·'>I ...,,.,,, I hav" t '\• 1 •'' 1.11·n1·nn·rl J>urgan wa.., 'k1p111·1 111 1111• I\ a I 1 an ya c· ti I Y ,. 11 a :i 11 a.lum1num ·P(·t1•rhon 11:1 llutll 111 ltalv with ;.n /\rn1·111·J11 ;111d Italian 1·r•·"' "Thl·n· "',,., 11owln·n· 111 i~o t"'C f't•pl t11 I ht· fllll'>h (I\ f 'f\ flllllll h ,,Jld Durgan In 111w ., •. ~1·1" k11•1rkdow11 11111 ll.111•·1 ., 1.1.1·11· 111111 11111 ... 1· .111rl v.•· liatl 1111 r .1d111 rn •111 ... r 1·11·1•1111 1111 ·""' V.1· w1•11• 1111,1\\.111 •if Ill• l1.1g,.tl11 t:1k111~ pJ.11·1• I 11111111• h11 11t I ht• n1'4·t • 0111 111 :11r1 l.1 k w.1•, tq ·,t1·1·1 thf• hoo:rt .,,, 11!:1t 11 would not t.1 · r11l ll•rl 11v1·1 In th,. l11w1•n11g ..,,.;,.., wh11·h Wf'I" li1d11•1 th1111 th•· ma~t Thi· t rll'k wa~ 111 'ili-1'1 lf)Ward lh1• 1·n•'>I of illl fllJl'llrrllrll! wave und then turn a11d r 1d1· rt 1l11w11 at t•·rrrrw -.p1·1·d l1k1• ..,now ~k11ng down :1 · t• r·p 11111u11 tam "Y1·~. wt· ar1· '><'.Jri·d. llut 1111 rww m lht· C'r1·w /'an1rk1·d 'J'I.,. '>lorm ahat(•Ct a'"' al11111t I ~. llftt.tr'> :met w1· 1nad1· 1t 111 th•· f1m.;h unawan• 111 Ille• '1Palh :inti 111..._1nwt111n 11nt1I 11111 w1..,e•., .111d girlfnt·n<b '>t111w1·d II'> 111·~1111111"" In 111<.•<.tl J.HIJH'I ~ ln.1r~;1n .,;11d nom• 11f th1· lt1n1• 1.mg1· w1 .. 11 h1•1 f11n·1· .1 ... t., 111NI11·1 1-<I tht· '>CV(•nl} 11f I h(• -.t111111 ' I 1l111'l'I wt> how thf' 1 ac·f> c·omm1t 111· t·an I)(• faul11·d. ·he• ..... 11d .. Pt>rhltJ>K ... minimum l11111t of '¥1 f1 ·•·t rm the w«1tnl1111· C ul>out 411 f11•1 11v"rnll lt·nl(lh I would hav1• cut down the '>IZC' of the f11·1·t /\ numher of lhe hoats whu·h ha d troublf' had l':.trl>on fiber rud den; Carbon hht·r 1t1 u :-.tmm: 'Tlll\C'rfal. but 111 still in lht· ex p ·nml'nt<.tl .,1;1g .. and pc rha''' 'l<1mc· hulld<'r:. an· 1101 fan11li ar with proper bontlmi.:." HurgtHI said. REX Ri\NKS , 40. I~ 11nc or Uw mus t C'Xj)f•rit•nr 1•d o f lul'al ORA NOE COAST IY DAILY PILOT ffM" (Jr.,.,.,(f_,. I fltHl!r ... l~f.I Wl0· •f •f I I I ttt "tloPftH"•N.---l·r..-• l .J'..i• rv<'lltlf4 ftM .- ,,..,,..,.V'Of~(~• ......... , • ..,.1..,.....,,.,. PY•'•''-" Mond•-Y ..... ,""°" •.. ,,.,I If" •• AMW H~1 ....,.,_.. ltO"h ..... M 11..tM flt.,..,,, 1,ut'I Y•tl~t' lfWMIW t ....,._. ¥• tt.1"'v·tnl ~I A •·f'M"1t•f'"O~·...,.··""-' •• °'"''"'"'~·. ,.,,,, .. , ... ""' "'i...tftft•• '"" "''"" .......... ,.11111 , ..... , ..... t ,., 'fl> l#llPt IM•t 'tH••"'f fdf\f.l#if•• f •ltl1••t1• .. Jt.O ... . ...,., ...... p,.,..,..,., •••t ••. ,,~._,.,,,... , ..... ( ..... , V-C:•.,.~,.t"'Ntl,,..,_,..t ~ , .. ~., ...... ,.,,,,.. ,_, ... _ M.tfti1t411\q ((JIW ~ .. ~ ._. ...... 4•~\U.M ..-.~ .. 1~f~W1 omc.. f>h'laMoW ..... l lley--11 ....... 8oaclr 1111t...,..,....._ f •• ., ..... (714)Mtoal21 a ••• .-_.-........,. Lefl#I• ...... .,.._._ .. l ,...,..." .. ........ ,, .......... (-....... Our mo ... t frtJ.!hl1·n1n1: 11111 nwnl 1n th1· r.1<·1· v. "" ruunrl 111g th1· f'a'>lnt·l al about I 311 a rn . B.1nk.., n·callt·d "We Wl·re huv mg I•• 1·11m(• frnm a n ·arh 11n1I nu1 I•> ti.1nl •Ill 1h•· w111d ancl v.1• w11rn 1·cl ;iboul our 1·.1rhon f1tw1 n 1dd1·r ff rt h;ul g1,.c•n v.a\ "'" would hJ\ ,. ll\·1·11 1111 l111· rod, w11ti111 l\\11 mtrwt•·" Th:tnk c:11t1 11 lwld1og1•th1•r /\f1f·1 I hat 11 ~ ·•' :1 mall•·r of .11lrn1' 111 .. ll<1.1I It• k•'"I' from lw 1111• 1ofl1·cl "'"' "' 11111 ... 1• tr•·nwn eli>ll'> ...,,.,,., •,:11 li1111 l•1v. a1 cl I 111· 1·1 1~t :111d I tw11 1 lllllllW .111d 1111 1111: I lu•fll clown f\Of\ ~,'EEi.i-:, ,111r11llf'1 11at1v1· 1\u~lr al1 ,111 who h.1 .. l 1\·1·rl 111 '\J1·w1.1orl lk·:1d1 1111 1•1ghl v1·:1r•, w;,~ 1111 h11.nd fnd11:0 with H.rnk•, fir· abo !1.1~ rac 1•d .ill uvt•f' the· ~111 lel Ttwr•· 1.., no clouht that wc·n· p1·opl1· and l><1at.., 1 FJ'>tnl'l that lr:itl no hu:-1 llt·~~ h<' In~ lh1•r1· frt1m I h 1· .., t a n rl 11<11nl of 1•)1, 111•n1·nt'•· :11111 ,aft•1 V 1•<pJt fl lll!'lll ... :11d ~, ... 1 .. .. ft •, l r11f' munv of 111" ll'hlh W('l1 · l11!hl \f[ l!llo "l•'r:111klv , f wo11fd 1alt11·r tw 1111 a light, .,lnml' ll(J:ll th.111 ,, t11-;n•11•r -.l11w1·1 \ o11•ht tit at ,., i.-..,., llUlllf'U\e•r;tlJlt• lllH l1•1 llro•,1• 1'1111 d1t111n:,, · lw ..,;11d "1111 1•1111<.pf't'I ..,;Jiii J\.111k '> thmk th•· 1111-;111·.,1 1111,t;1lw 111ad•· hv tn:tll \ '>k1111w1 ... w.1., .ill•1w11111 ftlf' f'lf'W 1e1 11•111;1111 'Ill cl1.,.l- l)l•-.1>1te• t h•• fo1·t II wo1 , 111 1d -.1m1m1•1 tl1f' wal• r 111 th.11 p.11 t •1f 1111' 1•l11v1· 1., fng1d 'I Ill' 1·1111•.t ,1111 1•x1•0.,111 •• low1•1" I h1• l1<1rl v 11·111 1.11·rut1111· :11111 1111 ,..,,.,, . ..., l:.tll'w WhJl'h I .tn 114' f;JI ;rJ W1· hall 1ml\I I w11 1111·11 111 1 t.1 '"'<'kr111 Jt 011" 1110 .. ,,,1 1 v.•1 '""'' watd11•:. Jll lr•111r • .1• 11 1111 I lw he·ln1 'ftw ,, • .,., .,r "" ..,1.1 y1•d h1•l11w w1lh U11• liald1•'' lwtl1•11•·d 11t)wr1 'T11;,t way, w1· alw.1y" l1.1rl frMh hod11·., to I ak1· 11 v1·r I h•· fl(•lm 11 ·~ JU'>I a m11t11·r 11f 1•11111 mon lle n..,t•," o l1.,<•rv1•d 1111· vPteran seaman "Whal a lot ()( llWXPf'I lf•fl ('l'rl :-ikippE'rl! und crt•Wll :ind ~111n1· ex(>f'n1•nced on,·s don't rf'Jlrt.1· IS that the li1'8 dfWli n'I 1(1 Vt• a damn :1hout. you und your l1o ut fl d•"'*1'l f'Vf'n know y1111 1u1· th<'rt' •• SURFERS • • year-old J ennifer Ref' Prest.on, of Pa..,adena, remained in s tahl1• 1'00dition at the South Lugunu hrnipital after com pla1nlng <Jf lower stom ach pains whll<> 11t <'rescenl Bay Beoch al 7 p m SOnday San C le m ent l' lireg u urch responded to two 11urf related In · j uries o ver t he weekend , but said neither was serious And Lifeguard Inte rnational Beath Services l(uards uld thlnl(I were quiet o n co unty beachM patrolled by the private terVtce over Ole weeke nd. More than 35.000 people vlall· ed Luuna's shoreline Saturday and S-unday, and up lQ 18,000 bcacb&oera were eallmated 1tl San Clemente beaches . 1be county area 1u1rds re· port.ed up to 10,000 vl1ltora each day over the weekend, with aurf ln the lour to six foot ranac part d the day Sunday. 1Mtt turf aener•ted by a 81. Ja twrtcaoe was predicted but never maa.naUMd aJoAa South ~t. bucbel, 1uardl uid. 800,000 Stra nde!J. Buses Grind' . • -~-., ...... MAITIE SHULTZ. 91 , WON'T BE HUNGRY AGAIN But Shopllttlng Widow Says She's 'Tired' Tired of LHe 525,000 'Too Much' SA:" J\"\TO:'l:IO T<'xa-.. 1/\111 Whe n '>he wa:. arrc1>lf·d fur shophfllni.? l'rnr1·rw-, ta ... t rr11111lll !l l y1•:.ir old M atlll' Srhultz was dc:i1l1tull· huni.:1} :urd <1l•1n1· Srn1 (' 1 t11·n 1•oritrd111tinn.., from anos:. the Uo1ll'd Malt·!> h:n e tiall<)l)nt•cl to 1no1 l' th>i r1 s~: •. 0011. and Mr!> Schultz, whl)M..' (JVl'I" 111~ht J:t1I t..rm clr·1·1.1. 11,1t11mJI atknt1on. :.:.iy11 :.ht: hai. plt•nly 1<1 l'<.tl tiut l!I 'tm·d or hf.-. "Tiit; Wi\ \' M Y 11 1-:i\l.Tll IS, I OON'T n<·M1 too rnul'h rnorll'v.' "t"' •.aid S1111cl.1\ "I don't think I'll he h<:re but a i.ho rt llnll'. • in LA: To Halt LOS ANGELES CAP> -A strike Jell more thin 800,000 Southern Callfornlan11 without their b uses today. c aus in1 a -sa'lmbl-e ror DUJe...-ways to Jet to work and jamming some morning rush·hour traffic. 'The Southern Callromla Rapid Transit District was o rde red to resume negotiations today with st.rikinc d rivers, mechanics and c lerks by s tale mediator 'Thomas McCarthy Union mem· bera walked off their Jobs at 12:01 a m . Sonday. Meanwhile. t he busy Santa Monica Freeway . which links the western end or the city with the down t o wn a r ea w as clogged "It was fairly packed r t.h.uU a lot m ore than usual for a Mondity morning that ea rly. It was rea l slow headmg into the inlt.'rchangc." '>cud one Sa n ta Moruc<t rommuter But traffic on the Pasadena and u .mg Bf><tch fr~ways ap· pea.red normaJ or l11lht.er than normal. a nd o n city surface 1>lreels 1t was muc h lighte r without hu~e11 Many Pt"oph: appan·ntly wnt• car pooling after Commul •·r C'11mput l•r a r1d1•r m ;tt rh 1111 't'rvl<''' partially fundt'd b y tlw 11tat.t• a nd ft.'deral governments, n:ported a surge of telc·phont' rt• quests to JO ln «ar pool'! No f1~rt."" nn the a t1ua l numl><:r <>f nder.. were ava1lablf' RTD spoke11man 81 11 Reason. who drove from lfunt1nglon Beach. round traffic Clhe l..ong • Beach Free way 1 s urpnsingly light . One reason. he said. might be that ··a good d eal o r ou r passengers don't ha vc car., " HPBM>n s<.t1d thl' RTD 1!\ th1· nat100'!>. large'>t hu .. hn1· in lt·rm' 1Jf loral opt·rat1on-.. 1nelud1nl( numbt.'r o r bu-.1•-. ndt'r~ and t•mplo~ 1"'1c"> com b1 net! Tht.• RTf> stnkt-was l'Xpt'<'lt•d although the four month Io n ~ nt>got1ut1 on'\ <·ontinul'd t0 tht• l;i i;t m1nutP HTf> C f'n 1•ral Mana~t·r .JaC'k (;1 b trap hlamf•d Ult• 11tnk1• on th•· -.mallPst of th•· t!ree unions, the Brotherbood df Rall••Y and SC.am1hlp Clerks.~ The other l wo unlOM on the picket line todey. a1 concllletorj tried to brint the-two sides~bft.,._ __ , to the ne1odatln1 table, are lhf Amaltamated Transit Unlqn, represenllnl( J ,200 m echanic• and maintenance wo rke rs a n<t the United Transportation Uoiol\ repree.enUng 5.000 drivers. ,.,.... Page ti l STRIKE. • • today. Meanwttlle. 1t w as bl"\ine"° as usual for t he Orange County- Tranait District COCTDL thtS provider o r about 91.000 bu!{ Passef.'IJCer lnpi; each week day. An OCTD spokesman s aid only those persons who travel on. RTD express buse-. and who use OCTD hu•u•s to connc<.'t the m with R T () 11rc bP 1n~ l e rt. stranded by the s tnke tn Lo~ Angeles. And the beftt estimate of lhar, number was M:l al about 3,000 'Mlere was commuter chao!'I in I u.; Angf'IN; County, howevl'r ;.L., th1• RTD stnke a ll but l'lo~ed down public transPorlatwn .. ;..,p(•r tallv h<t rrl hit hv th1· m:L'\'> walkout of wr1rkn'> i.r·ek inl? h11o?ht-r w&l(t>S wen· the south tJn<I t.f/Ut h·t·cn t ra I '>f.'Ct ion~ or IJr> Anl(c·I"" Th1·r•·. 1·arlv n· port.a indH·at1·r1 th:.it I ho-.•· who dt·~,nrl on HTI> bu""" 111 l("t thl·m t11 work Wt'rP ga ther1-d on -.tn-ct rorner-. hoping passing mrJl.lm st<> might offi·r th<'m e hrt f 'ro.a p_,,.. :t I DANCER. • • Ml!!' Vlaso' a and 52 utht·r Sf>v it·t t•1tll\'O'> ha v 1• r1·nialn•·ll .1h11<Jrd .1n t\Prnfl111 Jl'l 11 n1•r gmunlft'<J at K1·11n1·1h Th •· d .1 n r •· r · -. m 11 t h ,. r nwanwhil1• app .. ah·d t11 Pn••,1 rl .. nt f';in1·r lo e•111l lh1· "1•r111·l rnoral 111rt 111 1· · .i S•1\ 11•1 "''"'" agn wy '.:till Shi· :.;ml a lot of food has f}{'l'n donated Mn<''' her n1J(hl 1n Jail for try111i.: l11 .... t•·JI SJ;; v.orth or '.'>iJUl'>al(c!>., tu1m and tJuUer rrom a supt-rmarkl'l .Julv :~ii Mo!>l or till' doniJll·d monl'y has hN·n put In a rund by II flVf' man t·omn11Ul'•· Boli l'ugh. <i m•·mbcr or the pcsnel set up to itd rn1n1'lll·r till' t•ontnhut11Jm •. l'>:rn1 lhe <'fimm1ttee dec1dt·d not tr> g1 v•· Mr.., !',(·hult1•· th•· $2~.000 in a lump i.u m but to l'>t-ck J r<1urt orcfrr C'l'>tcJbh:.hing a guardw11:.h11i for her NB Police Seeking Death Plot Suspect PlT ll, 73, IS PRESIDl-:,.._T OF the local chapter of the Tex :t'> S1•1111ir ('11111·11-. J\· •• rw1;1 11•111 v.h1rh n •r1·1v..,.1 -.ome l'flOlrtliu 11on ... 1111 \1 r" •,, 1111111 • t11 h.tlf I It ,. ,,1,,,,.,.11 h• .... , •·•1111wd 1111t 1,r h•·r 1ir1· .. avinl(~ of $!>,llOO 111 1•11·1 ;11111 111.11 1f · lw ti.11! .di th•· 11111111·.., 11..:ht av.ay .,ht• d h•· 1·.1~~ I"'') f•it 1•\••f ~ I 11111 1>~1 k and llarry 1'11gh :O.ittd 1n11111·y 1 :1rr11 frl)m all 11\••r J\m1·rwa" 4flt•r a 111,1..:1..,11;111· • d1•11 11111 ''' pl;H''' llw w11man Ill J<HI v.a" 1·nt1<·tzNJ ·111 .. 1 ti.11 1'•" .,..,.,,. d1•1!Jli<"J ,1 1111 th•· m.n11r ordrr•·ll a n 111v1·-.11~a tlflll "' 1111' 1·111111111'1111 111 f \ f• Ill'\,., ...... ,, .Ill\ I t11111: lt k•· 11 t\1111·111·.1 .till ha•. ,1 l11 •.1rt fl Jllll\l''t 'fllfo: 1·:1.0ERl.Y WIDOW WAS Rt:LF.AS F:D two wet·k-. i.go f11 rm a h11.,p1t ,il v.111·11• · h1· ..... ,., t11·al1•d for h1•:rrt a111l '-lomal'll arl1111•rrh Hut ..,111· • .. 11rl -,h•· d•w:,n t f1·1·I a11y hcttc·r ·1 111 J11•,1 ''""' I 'm worn t'<Jmplt>tt>IY out," s aid Mrs '-• h11ll1 v.1111 ~11rk••1I a., rr hot•·I maid t ri ht•lp s upport h~rst'lf ,.,,d 111·1 hu-,ll.111'1 .ift 1·1 Ill' •,uf r1·11•d .1 ... t r11k •· 111•1 1111:.liuntl 'h.i'> :in 1nv.ol1d :!I yell r'i bt•fort> his d ·C1lh 18 Vt•:11., ,1j.!IJ '°lllnd:1\ r tll.111k .tll ,,f tlwm. anrl c;1><J l1lt·.,s them ull," she :.wd But -.lw :1fld1•1J, · I m tm·cl 11r lift-I've got nobody I don'l krwv. n11hcK.I} I .,,,,. llvc·d hen·~"' yeurl'> and I don't know a dozen lll'lljJlt• BLAST ... Ttw uppuri·nl w,sas~lnattnn ,,r l.nrd Mu1111tb.1l11·11 11111•11· h v 11l1trn 11f.(t· of (~111•1•1l .. :f11Hlwth. wu:. tit<' l'lwwst l n~h ~1wr nlla i.lnk1· yt•I at lht· 111yal (:1rnrly. Mountbatten wa .. a 1·ou11tn of King G1•orl(I' VI. fallwr 11f llw prc'St•nl 11u1· .. n. :incl hrothM •1f Prin1•t·i.11 Amil t•W or G rc•cC'C', mothl•r uf t ht• qut·•·n "' h ushan1t . P rinrc Ph1ll 11. 1>11 k1• of Et.1111 burgh . The queen wos g1 v<'n the nt·wic ot Ralmoral. her Scoll111h t':tstle. where she 18 on varatlon Huc k inl{ham Paluce said effo rts were beinR made lo t'Onla1'l f>nn<'C' PhllUp. who wo11 expect ed today at U\e F.urnJ)4;lun On vlnl( C hnm· plon.<ihlPfl ot Nonant le P in ln Normandy, Fron<'·. By JOANNE REYNOLDS OI-o.tly ,.. ... ti ... '\1·v.1111rl lh·aC'h pol1r1· Jr•· :-.f•1•k 1n~ the mctn tht·) allc~W h1•lp1-.I <.1•t up :1 mun1f'r for h1 n · .,t hi· mt· v. 1th an unclt·rc11v1•r 11r f1t'<'r 1.1.hoM· v1ct1m v.a-. to lit• ·' mnuon prctun• :o.'lund tt>rhn1<·1:111 TakC'n tnto 1·u.,t11d y Srrt urd:.i' v.:L'> th•• 111t1•nrlf'd v1ct 1m 'i w1f1• 1111'nt1 ht•1l IJv !'lrw1111rl HPa• h p11l1t·1• ,,., l>orolhw ~U rll'1'' !>~1 of 1.ak1•W•>1>1I Sht· wa., hook1••l on ... usp1non 11( <·11n:.p1racy 111 t•omm1t murd1•r .tft.,r s ht• ~llPR('d ly paid un rll·rn1ver 1nvt•s t11~ator Lt·c lti1bt•rt.. SI .000 a "i down payment on a SJO .UOO murdt>r C'On trart. Pnh r1• ..,111d lht· halan1·1· was to huve bt-e n pauJ when the VI I" um·., hf P insurance policy W<.t'- IJJ.ld OetN·t1 vC' C'apt Rl<.'h ard llam.Jlton said today the C'ase wru. brought to Newport police• f"r1d11 y by an informant who !.aid th<' man l>llll sought hy pobcf' was inqwnng about hir mR :wmeont! on behalf or Mr:.. M1Ulcey . Police saJd four J)4'rson11 were token to S l igo llo 11 pll al . Mountbatte n's 11on·ln·law and daughte r , Lord a nd Lady Draboume; their son Tlmot.hy, a brother ol Nlchola1. and .the Dow11e r Lad[ Brabourn e, molher·ln·law o Mountbatten's daupter. Two of the four -It wu not lmmedhatcly known who • were Hid to be critJca lly in jured and In lhe intensive cite mil. Our favorite teen. 1122 by On· Time. Mountbatten had been et hl• e11 t1t1, about 150 mlle1 northwest of OubUn, for two ...... ror 85 yean, hi ••• ln tM bab6l of &aklDI a aummer vacation there. bloached donlm with a cioon &llhouelte. Add to that on all conon flannel plaid shirt. loooed off by "lhO ullttty IOOkec.· ot ootton and palyesler. toaturino 4 p()ci(ets wJvelcro clo6uroo t.t nd 8 IOUl·WOOther hOOd Aft Of thOSO groot Items pack nteely into tho canvas "day t:X>Q ' Roberts . artini.: as lht> would · hr killer. mf'l v.1th th .. ·wo1n;in wtv> alll•jt1<cll\ lol<t him .,h•· want 1-d lwr h11 .... ban<l murd1·n ·1I ·nw 1nt1•1111t«1 '11'11 m 1s work in~ rm .1 11111v11• l•w.1l111n 111 ~.1nt .1 ,\na .11111 "'.1.., -..t.1~111g .11 .1 hokl Ill th:1t t•1ty Holwrh and 111\1•..,11g.1tor' from tht· Sant a J\n.1 J><>ltt••· w1•nr I• tht· hott'l 1•artv S,tlurrlav mommJ,? antl lold th1· m :1n 11 l>1tut tlw alh•i.:f'd murdt•r plot Hamilton said lhl..' v1ct1m l>f>Clll thl' rest of tht• wct'kl'nd in the J>roll't'ltVl' CU!ltodY uf Ncwpor L lll-ach oHIC'cr:.. Hoherts w us g1vt'n th•· man's wat<'h. nn~ and walle t which he• tt)f)k to a Sal urday noon mt•eting with Mr:. Mum·1·y <.tllei.:cdly to prove that ht• d fuff11l1•d lht• murder <'Ontfa«t MN Mum·1•\ 1.1. a~ taken into c ustody a ft er ... hl' hcindcd Hoberts the l'a :.h S~ 'N.Mw' booked tnlo Orangt' County Jail where sht• rema1m·d 1n cui.tody today. AL SOARACC 56 FASH ION ISLAN() Ne WPOAT BEACI f t 714) 644:7030 .• .. t. ... PllOt 'L 09book DAJL y PILOT Ail A Bit of Youth Died With Kenton ... ·- a , CllAaLa •· L008 . °' .. ...., ....... l..et't set OM lhlnl 11tral1bt r11ht from tM top STAN KENTON didn't write "T akt" the A Train " Hilly ~wrote that tt1bute to a Ne• York a ubway ltnt• for U.. 0... Elliat'Oft OtthMtcra. - 11\at error happened to be ont of the thin1s wnt~n for ~·1 paper about the death of Stanley Newrombcl K.in Ian. · One ol the thin 1s that wasn't written nhout tht• dtHllh s.twday ol Stan K t"nton at the 1tge of 67 111 thnl ht" look a btUe p6ffe of a lot of u• with him-a little piec .. of ou1 youth. And. if you will. the youth o( a pluce calll'd Balboa nu:at: WERE two K.-nton r"'nodl'I Ill Balboa One-wa"i In 1941 42 wht>n h<• flr!!I brou.cht his own h1111d to thl' lfrndet voui. Ballroom that ~rt'at pa1>ll•l barn thul s t r l' t t• h t• d b l'l w cl' n P a I 1n a 11 11 cl W~h1n..,'\on st rt·•t11 alonl( <kt•an .. 'root Avenut< )usl UIJ from th1• Balboa P1t-r That·~ whtirc St an Kt"nhm's mu:.1t· on~ina l . ind1 v1dua ltst1C· a nd c·un LOOS trovt'rs1al burs l o n lhc Amcr1 C'o.1n scene There was·· Ea~er lk•aver" and "lnterm1s-.1on Riff " 'There was even a danc·c.· '>lt'I> ca lled t he Bull.>oJ Lord. doc:. any body still r emt>m ber how 1t went" KENTON CA.MF. BACK to the Rendl'tvous in 1957 and Uwre was a new gcnt•rat1on of <1f1c1onad11s The re we re two Ke nton a lbums n·cordl'd at the R<·n dezvous in the late 50s "llcmkzvous W1Lh Kenton" 1n 1957 and " Back to Balbo<A " in 1958 Some fans l'lui rn thost· wt· rt· tlw twst n·tord1ng., 1•\ l'r made by a Kenlon b<ind Thul w:i1> twc·aust'. tht·v arl!Ut• that the Rendezvous. with 1ts hlnek long danr1• flr111r anrl high ('eilini.t. was tht• only plun• tha t t>vc.·r n·ally t•o ultl hold a Kenton band in full fli ght MAVBE THAT'S JU!>l no!>la lg1;i t ulkang /\nywav -... h11 l'Ould ever forget "Tht· B1g Ch<i'>e." · · Rc-ndt•f\•nu., at Sunset .. or "With the Wind <1n<I the Hain in Your lla1r··· Duria1 that. period there also was a perfectly awful Kenton ttJevhuon s how broadcast over a Los Angeles s ta· Uoo from the Rendczvou11 It was sponsored by a bread l'Ompany. Kenton's plan was to use th(' "bread" he m ade tn lhi» venturt> mto pure commer cialism to m ake the Ren· <tuvOUfl honlt' base for his ~ erclfully. th~ television s how with Its musical tribute to the wonders of a certain bread. wa11 11hort-lived. Ken· ton's grand design didn't work out and he le ft the Ren· de'LvOWI again Tiit: 01.D BALLROOM burned down in August . 1.966. for tht' second and last time The hrs t lime was in 1935 Resides all the mus ic and J(ood ttmf's , the Rendezvous f(ave Newport Beach two of the town's .m ost s pectacular fl.res Symbollr. !X'rhap:,. of the changing limes and thr town's chanf(tng «har acter. condominiums r~laced the old barn After thut . thl' closest Kenton ever got to Ralboa was '>IX miles up Lhl' road al Orange Coast College, where the l>and would ~1ve t'linu:s for aspinng Jazzm en and play a Concert. THE LAST CONCERT was :.ibout a year ago-Aug 13 1978. to be exact For a lot llf U!> who were there:. 1t was lump in·lhc thmat t•vcnin~ bel·ause 1t bec~mc· ch~ar durini! the concert that we might tx· 'it:Clng Stan Kenton fronting a band ror thl' lusttimc Sadly . our \l.Or!>t l'Xpcctat1ons han• cnm t• to p;.i.,., ~tdn Kenton. who ulwuy:. St'l'med so indl'slrul·L11Jh" 1-. )!onc "DID YOU KNOW we slarll'd in Bulboa·•· ht· 11 shd lht· aud1t•nt·t• :il that last Oran~e Co;i.,t Col11•g1· 1·1111n·rt Then • Wl'f'l' J lot of gm} bt•ards 1n tht· nriwd th.JI r11 gh1 and you knt'w hnw thn would an:'r"'''r th1· qu""''''" Reflt•rting 1111 th1 • handh:arlPr -. 1kalh drumm1·r "\lwll'. Manne :-.:wi of th1· t1nw ht· :-.pl'nl \I.Ith lh1· Kc nt1111 h;1nd ·"fho~t' wt·n· ... omt· of lht· h1•-.t \t•ar., of m.,, l1fl. Ht: ('Ot:l.O 1w .. 1 .1-.. -...1·11 11.1\ c• 111•1•11 .,p1·,1k111g f111 ,1 1111 ••I Kt·nton fo n!> D•oly "''ol \l•lt Pf\olo ST AN KENTON AT THE KEYBOARD At Orange Coast College In 1976 Man Sought In Slaying Of Ex-wife Convicts Kill Each Other BU FFALO . NY I API Police searche<I today for man who d isappeared after leaving a note that le d his 12 yeur old daughte r and others to the body of his estrangt•d wife Found S unday 1r1 a locked mobile home across the street from he r home in the Black Rock section of Buffalo was the body of Edith ~hne1der, 32, pohce s aid Police said they would seek a warrant today naming Ray mond Schneider. 53, in th e womun's d t•at h , The Enc County Medical E x amine r 's o ffi ce said Mrs . Schneider wM strangled by a ''black cord. like a heavy shoe s tring." which was s till tied around her neck. said Homicide Chief Leo J Donovan. of the Buffalo Police Department Donovan said the discovery followed a ch ain of events that he~an when Susie Schneide r awoke to find a note her father had l e ft, addressed to a neighbor. The note s aid . "Take the kid s home with you. Edith is dc;id Hnd is in the camper. I'm going _lo JUmp in the river, bec<J u!-ie I <IOn't want to live in Jail " "It was signed, ·Ray.· · · Donovan s aid. The 12 year-old girl one of (1 vc Schneider childre n , o f whom Susie and a twin sister are the oldest -called an aunt and r ead her the note. The aunt came to the house with another ~unt. Donovan said. T he camper was locked . so they called the police. Officers forced open a window "and round the body c rammed in <J <'o m partme nt u n derneath a dinette seat. ..• " Donovan said. Police said the woman ap· pare ntly was slain Friday. The children and their father went to Washington, D.C., for an over· night trip, authorities s aid. The children noticed blood on the walls and floor when they got into the ca mper, a nd Schne lder ·'told them be got into a n a r gument and hit Mrs . Schneider in the face." Donovan said. Sad Fellow ., .............. This rart• usk<Jn monkl'y appears to be viewing visitors to the Los Angl'lc~ Zoo with a soulful face. Only five zoos exhibit usark1s. a n e ndanger ed breed from the forests of the Amazon in South America . Ex-Newport Man Gets Prison TerID SALT LAKE CITY <AP) A former adviser lo recluse tycoon Howard Hughes ha s been sen lenced to 30 months in prison for obstruction of justice. John H. Meier , formerly of Newport Beach, was sen tenced Friday by U.S. Dis trict Judge Bruce S. Jenkins for introducing forged docume nts in a 1972 civil s uit in which he was accused of bilking the Hughes e mpire of $7.9 million. Je nkins rejected Meier's ap· peals to let him r emain with his fa mily. "I can't live without them and they can't live without me," Meier said. Meier a lso told the j udge he did not for~<· the docu· m c nts a nd s a id lhC' govern· m enl 's witness m the <:ase lwd. M eier. 46. could have been sente nced l" riv. yec.tr'> 1n prison and fined $5.000 for his July 31 con v1cl ion of obstruction of justice. In the civil trial , US District .Judge Aldon J Ande rson or dered Meier to pay $7.9 million in damages for advising Hughes Tool Co. -later Summa Corp. -to purchase sever al Nevada mining claims at prices far above their a ctual value. Meier had a bidde n inter est in the claim s . Monitor May Not Bise ArcheolDgiata Find Three Gaping Holes NORFOLK, Va. <AP) -Three holes found by divers in the deck of the aWlken Civil War ironclad Monitor have dimmed aaJva1e hopes. Films al the 1aptna boles wlU be shown by National Oceano- 1r apbic and Atmoepberlc Ad· mln.i1tratloD <ti.OM) offlctal1 W edneaday at a news con- ference In Wublqton. A.rebeolo1t1ta explonn1 the 1hlp under DO feet of water 11 mllea IOU&b of ca,. Hattenl, N.C., ~--tM Ml9 aa they tralaed battft7•powend lilhla OD dick areu wbere the pilot bouM. tbl wudroom, &aid tbe ,.. turret once ltood. Tb• ''amulnc 1 diaconry of lar1e ltnlctural defects ln por- Uou ot u.. deck'' mu .. u.. out.. look for ra1s1ng the Monitor more pessimistic than e ver , Floyd autdress of NOAA said . Childress, NOAA 'a associate director for operations and .en- forcement, said, "We're c lose to comlag to the conclusion that the whole ship could not be ralaed." He Nld the slze of tbe holes lends credence to the theory that depth cbar1ea dropped during World War U by U.S. ships hunt- l n 1 German 1 ubmarine1 dama1ed the Monitor. .. Tbat 18 still 1peeulaUve. but lt'• bard to believe that a hole that lar1e would be caused 1tmply by deterioration,•• Cb.lldrtu nld. Tbe cllaeovery of the holes came in the final w .. k of a month-long expedition at the Monitor. which sank while being towed during a storm Dec. 31 . 1862. The wreckage was found in 1973 and NOAA administers the s ite a1 a fe d e ral marine san ctuary. The Monitor and the Con: federate lrooclad VirginJa <Mer- rimac) battled to a s tandstiU in Ma_rch 1962 In history's first naval e111agement between iron ab1ps. CbUdreu Hid the largest of the three holes found in the deck i1 ln the area of the wardroom, e-.PlalDlnl why art11acta 1ucb as 1l1aal lamPI, a pepper abater, and a mustard bottle have been recovered m uch farther fro m the wNdt than eQeCted. Gwifire Entls Tu:o-day Siege in Las Jlegas Jail LAS \'E<;AS. ~{'\ I,,. T -...o pn.,onl•r!> -...ho !I'd .1 lv..11 rt,,, .,1e~e at th<· c-1ty Jilli .,hol .Jll I killed t•arh uth..r carly trxJ.n 111 .1 burst of ~unf1rl' uflt·r thl'} d1·. a~rt·C'd , offl('IUI., ... :.11d Ont• of lht· thn·e guard<, tx·11w hl'ld hostage• v. <1 !-> woun1J.-d sltghtly l>t•fon· poht•1· 1·nd1·d th1 !>1t•ge and ugain took control or the Jail Poll et· s harp.,hoott-r., -...11h a uto matic v.C'apons cntt-rcd lh1· sC'co nd-floor l0<·kup <tnd bt·~.i n l.'mptym l'( C<'lb and t akin~ th1· k~ 1nmalt~ to J nl·<trb) t·11unl> J.111 F'i n· i.:uni. v.c•n· rC'C'"' rn·d A 11 I h r l' t· ,:: u a r d -. l a t • c emergC'd from the st·ermd floor lo<'kup The wound ed guard. William Me llon. w<i lked without Beauty Queen Pleads Guilty ASll EVfLLE. NC t API Beauty queen J oyCl' M cKinnt'~ who nro England when !>he 14 /J-.. accust-d of fort·1ng a Morm1111 m issionary to h:.i vc ~ex with h1•1; has pl<•adC'd guilty to U!.lnl( .i folsl' naml' to ohtaan :J passport Miss McKinney, 29, and her t raveling t•ompan1o n . Keilh May. pleaded guilty bl'fore l ' ~ Magistrate J Pa ul Teal S4:n tencmg was set for Sept 4 M 1 s~ .Mc-Kinney. <1 former Miss Wyoming USA. and Ma> fled England lust yea r when ht'r former boyfriend accused her of cha ining him to a bed and fo11· ing him to perform sexual act:-. Bnttsh autho ntit•:-. did not P"'"" for extrud1llon or lhl' µ:i1r from the United States ,, 1.111 • .1nrl llw 11th1•r '"''' ..., • r • 111h 11 1111 •I 1'11111 1 I.I .I (I ~m1 th '>dl<1 •'\ • 11 <II t'1gh1 '>hllh r<tng out dt • ;p ,, rn 1n th• lorkup wht·n · 1 h1· t ttr c·;· gu<1rd" hdd twt:n h1•hl II" .t.1~1· -.inc,. SJturda} morn Ill)' ..,m1lh -..iul -.r1rrlo' inm..ilt·., oJJJ p.tr 1•1111\ lutn•·<I ,1ga1n-.t th•· 11n)!lt•Jd••r ., of tht· -.11·g1· Jnd lll·g.in f1nnJ,! Tht' prisont'r-. lhl'm-.el11e'> hJ\l' r .. \Ollt·d oRdl n~t lhl' 1t .. 1di:rsh1p of thtt1r !>p<Jkesmen: :-.1111 th !-oaJd \I 1·l1on lalt•r lolcl 11H 1t ial., thJl l lw 1-...11 d1.,1d pr.-.on1·r.,, ll·n I .1 I I \' I: I } I d (' n l 1 f I t' d d s ft· l 1 \. Loren10 a nd EugC'nt• Shaw kill1·d t•;ic·h other ·'Thi:'} <tppi.trenli} had :.omc "ind of d1 s4:1grec·m1•nt. · said l '..iµt l>anStupka '111· <Melton 1 -.,11d tht.'} \l.l'rt' !>hooting at each oth1•1 lit• 1'.\telton1 JUmpt.'<I oul 11f th1• \\<i\ and -...as hit 1n thl· h.rnd · i\ftc·r Lorl'nzo and Shav. shot '.11·h otht"r. Stopk:.i said, other rnmall·s not 1n\'olved in the 1nc1 d1·n1 <·r1mt• hi thC' tt'lt·phone and l1Jld nffln:1l ., lo t•nlcy lht· build 1111: Thi' off1c1ah hud bt•cn IH'j.!lil 1,1ttnj:! 'A llh ll';JdN~ Of tht· "'''gt• .1lJOUt .1 lihl of iHl!>OOl'r dt· mand., I .on ·n1u whu "'as '>t'n mg .J ltiO 'l'ar tt•rm for J pn•v10U!> 1·1 inw In\ olving ho~tag<'.,. had h1·1•n "t't'n l'Jrl1 l·r -...1:unng J j!U.1rd umform '1 t'lton. 52. -... :.i::. t:.ikt•n from thl' i:.111 lJ} ambulanlt' Tht' other guards wt•re 1dent1f1cd as Dav1..• ~turray. 35.and Bob llunsen. 54!. Thi' :.hooting t'nded I ht• siege lh;.1L tw~an -...ht•n an unknown nu m hn of inmate:. o\•1•rpowcred .1 g u.1nl. tuok h1!> gun a nd used 1t lu 1 dkt· lilt' otlwr 1-...11 ,..!u<irrls ho-.tJI!•· S harp.,hoc)l l·r.., -...ere· ~t<it1onl'd o n tht-muf of I h•· th rce '>tor} pol1 t·t· buildinl! lot·<tlt·d <tbout .i mill':-from th1· Strip 1·a.,ino!>. F::.irher. µoht·•· .il(rt•r-d LI> a It'll t>f 18 demand:-1.,.,uc·d hv th1· 1n m..1tC's dealiol! with 1<.111 eonc11 11ons and pnson1·r.,· n i.:ht-.. hut tht· pn:.ont·r., n•fuM·d to rclc:a'>t: th1.•1r hosta~e., The points that 14t·n· dc·n1l•d in t'ludt.>d dt·manch for bt•ll••r representat1nn b) puhh<· defcn ders . 1mpro1.cd fi:l r ll1t1e., for "u nda~ f'l•lig111u -. .,,.1 \1<'4'" dnr! I ,1d10., 111 1''v(.'f\ c·pll Victim's Mom Burns Slayer FALL RIVEH. Mass IAP 1 ;\s ('Onv1cted murdl:.'rcr J ame::. M Kat c r -... ..i., I c d v 1 n g L ht' eourthOUM' wht'n' ht· askl·d for a new tnal, thl' mother of his teen age v1ct1m :1lt at•kf'd him with :.i burning e1gan·ttt· !>Crt'aming, Rat !>Cum. )IHI murdcrl'd my d<iughh·r .. Joann1.· A1 rud.1 . m o lh<'r rif M..1 ry Lou Arruda . lcapt-d for-... ard a:-guard!> wcr<' taking Kate r throug h a µarking Int from lhC' Bristol County S uperior Courthou.w Guards ordl.'rt·d Mrs A rrud;, and her famll} ba«k. and Kuter \lo as dn11<'n bar k lo Norfolk stall' p rison Kater. :13. of Broc kton, was convi('lt:d in Junl:.' of murder in the death of 15 y1.·<1r old Mary Lou. whose body w a!> found tied to a tree an the fo'r cetown Stat£' 1-·orest months l:.iter the. hiQh muntry .. \ paclf'ic trail's all p urposcz J8Cke.L, 1 lght\}./Q..1ght dacron an:i cdton wli.h vrz.1cro closunzs on all cufTh and p:x:k'l.ts. combinot1on 21p "' and 2>Mp f1ront with 5WWtczr, (' . ~ -pock<it in back, mak'l.e i.h1 ei ... ~,, jack<Z."t gnz.ati for Bll out.do:>r "-A ectivi1Jicze. ""'....--, @)~o@@)~@ 44 Auhlon Island· Nftuport Bea.i::h·7l4/fU4·5010 JOOI Meatwood BWd.•Mab.oc>Od VWage•213/419·1727 • .44 IWl Y PU>T NATION /WEATHER , •.. ~···•i•ll f:t .... ~ Storm Raises Te•~~\'.' ........ Texas Oil Peril Good, Bad News Omnrl" ('r1011t Vu11t11r., Sulfenno in t.u~t <;cup <J/ Summ,., bc·1·n h1d1ni! 1H1t dunnK the 11ummcr will now rcapJ>('ar :1n1I ta.1<1· thl)M' park111g Jll a<·ci. TIIERt;•s GOOD Nt:ws in th<.1t wrth the· condu.,1on ''' summ1·r thr vis1tori. may now g1v<' us back the <'Oai,tlln<· Thl' hml nPw'> ,., that thl'> vny last wcckcnt1 m<.1y bt· only ., fort•t·<1i,l or th<· <·11mp;i<·t1un tCJ come over the Labor Day holiday H lhe t>et1chrronl .. avants are expecting larger t hrong ' this nt>xt w<•t•k<·nd al Newport Beach or H untington, you aTl· l<•ft wond1·nng wh1·n· th1·y'rc going to JlUl them You might l''ln'>1dcr at good news that the Sl'hools an• about to J(O b1tl'k in 11<:11111on The c <1ullon her e is that your n1·1Wiborh11od -,tn•l't-. wall now tw ftlll·d by youngsh'r s at ru...h hour. rwinng off 1<1 dai.s on l11ke•,, m oped-. and skat1·bt>ard11 Tiit; GOOU Nt:w s 11. th.JI th•· younR 1woplr goani.: bac-k tll llC'hool rntlo(hl a ll turn (1fl th1·1r hli>rcn ta pe plav••r s al Of'l('I• Wt• m1 ghl .. udrl•'nly h:iv" :1 11urplui-. nf f•IP<·tnc·:il powt•r "' for Uw 1·or1g1•-,t1011 11f lhang!'I ht1W••vt•1 t ht• ~·111111 n1•w1>.., that more• and mor•· p1•1111I" an· twg1nnm1: l<i nrJ,. th•· 0 1.1ni!'' 1 'ount v p11hli1· 1111" -,y-.11·m That ·., "w1·1l 1-111 lrinp a:-v1i1111· n1 1t tr y anp 111m;1k1·a11111n1·<·t1on with ttw JlTI) IJU.''i(:., Ill Loi. /\11gt•h•'> TIIAT RAU Nt :w s lllt•lf• , .. that ttw RTI)'., Ii.MO •·mplov•·t·i. JU'>I walk••ll out 1111 11tnkc This lt•av1•N i.om1• I 2 rnJlhon J*<>r>I •• without a bu-, ridt> Th11> 11> l<'Nll than happy for Onm Jt'' C'ountwn:. lookmp for HTIJ 1·111111cd1on:. 11p the hnc Hui thna tlw •:11od rww., 1., th,11 v1111 -,till h av•• th•• 11lrl famJlv h'"'" tlial )1111 1 au ga-, up a11<1 1·1 ;,nk out <rnl 11 th(• frc'i·wayh , nght ·• ftf(;lfT. T ift: HAD !lo'fo:~~ lhC't1• 1'> lhal V'>U II h.1VP J lut of 1·111npa11v .rnd tw-,crl•·"> I fU'>t -,aw a '><'rva t••· 1>l<.1t11m !->IWJ tiff ·nni< f1Jt·I for SJ Ill a 1:allm1 The good Ol'W'< lh1·1 <• of c·our .. e , wai, th a l lh•· .,lutar111 11Jdn t h:1 v1· mul'11 11f ,, w;i1l1111' 11111• l..1fe <'•·rlutnlv ,., it bunt ti 1>f m ixed blessrngs a long th11~ ~t of 1:1JI pos~t hlt• roust-. Priest Wants to Aid Suspect's Children CAMDlUl>GE, Md 1/\1') Thi• Rf'v fiprn1.1rc1 T Pag;ino, a Hom un Cutholw pr1t·i'll df"'11rc'<i of a rmed rohbcry churgt'S, :.ayi. h1· wants h alf of h111 '1rfense fund 111 go to thP 1·htldren of lton Cloui•er, who pleaded guilty t<i I hP "Gentlf'man Bandit" r ob t11·n c:s John O'Connor, head of th•· friends of i''athcr Pagano, 11a111 Sunday the g roup. which has col letted about $13,000, would con tinuc to solicit funds to pay ()fr Pagano's blUs. P<1gano OWl.'ti al torney and invcKtigator':, fee:.. he 11a1d. C'ORPUS CHRISTI, Teus 1AP 1 A 11t.orm crecplnl( up lhe G ulf Cout tod•Y tow•rd Teu1' b1trrler lalaoda lhritllltrul to 11w•mp containment booma now •proh~<'Ung buys u nd luttO-On!i lrom un oily on11luul(hl SC'lttnl•t.I Uy that 1f the oU ""l" put U\e booms which u e Kort nf Ulte f101ttin.c curl4&1n.I IL \'oultJ wreck ecolo11lc ul ha.voe u 111 on.: th1: h1rclt> and other t·r~ut u r•·a 111 l ht: i.h e ltered wall•r11 TROPll',\I, dt'J>r~i.:,wn t.'<.IU in.: tuwurd the Tt•Xlt!I coiti.t could h t•t·onw .. trop1c11 l i.torm, dnv Pro-nuke Force Has Its Say (;Ol.lJJ-:N, Colu (/\1'1 Tiw i-1..:ht!'i and i.11ur11li. 111 1111· 111111 hrnwnl.'<.I fu:kb nPuf tlH· l<o<'k } l"lat i. nur h·ar wPupon'> 11l;rnt WN•' familia r l1;mtJs pJuy1•d , 1w11pl•• tw irl ~·~~ni. :11111 four JH'll 1il1• w1•11· ;.irrt•'>tctl Hut unlike oth•·r., thut h:1\I' gulht•rt:d ut th•· f1t·lll 1t11-. w:a-. a rrowd of nu<'IPnr c·nt•rl(y :11111 1111rll•r:. who hu<l !'f1rn1• t11 ht·:ir spl·aknK nd1ruh· thr "konki. and "no urowth muJ.:J(l'' "· who oppose nudear ener gy ''\'OU WO U I.ON 'T h;i \ ,. bri•u8hl your rhtlilrc11 ht•rc· 1r you wcn ·n t ,.,in v1nct-d of the .. urt-ty of nurl£·ar po wn." Prt..r H n ·n nan . .,..,. rl't :a r) 11f I;, bor 1111 dt•r p r•''>ach•n b H1 l'ha rd M N1x•111 u nd (;crald H Forti, lohl th1111• at th1• 1 ally Sun1fay . ' . I r w c a r (' l () m ,j I n l 11 I I\ fr<.'t·dom and <frm1H' ru<·y. v. ,. 11111'>l hav1• a 11l nlfl~ c<'lllHHrl' and a 11tronJ.! <Jc•f1•11111·. · · 111• :.111d Brcranan. pn·suJ .. nt of tl11· l'lo•·w York Hu1l<lm1< ;wd Tr.1d•·s ('<Ju11 1·11. 11 u1d nu< l•·ur 1·n1·rgy "c•-,i.t•rt t1 al 111 k1•1·p lh1· 11at11111 :,1·t·1mon1)1 aflcwt · It's i.h<:i:r :-.tup1<11ty to turn <1 w:.a y fr11m th1'> valuable r1· "IOUr(.'l', ' ht• b Uttl Tiit: <:ROWIJ, <kt'kNl IJUI Ill ri·d. wh1t1: and hlut: 11;.ils ;.i111l wavm l( srnall Amcru·an nag ... che<.'r<><J when lln:nnun s<J1d :1 "fl<'rrc b and 11f n<J Kr•iwth muK .:1·r '>" 1s po'>tn~: .1 th11·;1t tr1 tlw nat111n i. future· L<1l'<1t1·d 16 mil•·~· northw•·'>I of l><'nvn. ltflC'ky Flat.. 1'> ownt•d by tht· frd1·r.1I 1:11v1·rr111wnt t1nd 011c1 <tlt:d by Ho<. kw1·1l Jr1tNnh 1 aonal Ttw plant 1K I he rwll•m ·., only r:irtl1t y fur 111 odul'lng 1111· 11 I u t <> n 1 u m r '' m p o n e n 1 •, nccestwry tn muderr1 nuclcu1 weupons. The rully, orp,;rn1n:d h y a J(roup l'Ullt·<I <;1t1zens for Energy and f<'r1-ed11m, allr arlt•1f 11 1·11>w1J e~ltmut.cd <it K,000 h y st11ll· 11<1hc1• and at mon· thun 1:..1.100 hy rti lly orl(t1n1zcr:1 . It wt.ti. µ1rnJ for hy Rock well and by plant workn., a nd othe r nuc h·ar en~q~y sup portn 1> Rains Drench Midwest Flash Floods Hit Central Pennsylvania Tr•pf"raturf1"1 HI ~ .,,, ,.u,., uu• "' ... ~ti•"'• .. II ~· h•ttlmOf'• ,, II 0\ UOIM .i '>II HO\IOA 40 ,.,. tt,,._.n,vlll• ~· I\ " Uutf•IO ,., Ml ll I t\4'Y9"1Wt " \Cl t ntteGO I~ f)A II ( 1n'"'"•t1 ,., ··~ /j (,.,.,.,.no I~ ... IU IJ•I ~I Won 'II II 0-n••' "' '.(I I\ ,, ......... ,. \t u .. a.-n.e II .. Honotwh1 a\ " ti•-'U\lOft '1 "' '"0 •OOf•\ 10 ,,. •\ l•t•\'wtH• .. ,, l'•n • C.Hr 11<1 •• If L•• Ver.:i 10) II ''"" ... .. Ii '"'",....... •• •I • °"''"Ill• " .. 1• M•mtiM> .. 11 M1•m• , .. , .. II ............. ,. ... II MOI•·"· P .. ., 41 H .. llvllle •• .. )0 "I•• O•lnt .. 71 1 ., H•# y.,.. t) 10 H~loll " ,. Okie C.11' .. " 01"• ... ti " u o ........ .. H Pt>llM '""e ., 11 Pl\Oenll• IOI /I Pill~ 11 .. •• PUM>CI, ., ltl Aeno .. ~ ~ ........ .,, ........... MtJ"itft' th'.., If ytlU tttJ ,,,-,, h,..,.. 11f'M'' ~ r,,.' Y) 0 'Tl r.•11 t,,,.,,,,. f •>"' Md '/04Jt' I 001 ••H be IJ411V•t•J ... ~ ~ ..:.:.:. ~~••'"' ''•''•"•'t Ou,w4•4 ---=== lt•<-... l .... .. , ... r.....,. ~Ill.alt• N"O._ ,..n l'te'I :.ee111e TUIH ............. c.au"oe••• fl•lr .. ~lelO """"" lllflh• "'''"° ..... ,, •• 111. Monl9•0 l\f9"1•t Oe1r1end ...... 11- ll•CllM• kcremenlO loe'll• ......... •toOIMI Tllerlft•• lleftlOW 1141 ..... (thllM lflCMttt-. " ...... ...,.... L-.9M<ll ~ewi. ,. . .,.,.~ O!lt•lt ,..,,,,._,..... ltfllef~ ._,,_ ...... " ... .... t•M-T-\lelle\f •1 1• ,At1 ., .. ., ,.. "' ,, ., IO 10 ,. ~ ,. u '° .. ., 11 .. II .. m 10\ I~ " "' .. ., " •l 101 " 10 ., n ~· .. ,, ., .. " llO .... , '°' ,. 101 /0 M •) It " '°' 1t ... , H M '° .. ,. u .... ,., n ,. Iii " .. .. .. II H 14 • W,.•lnfl:t ~" ~,,,. V1tll•; "'"•'· w•r,.t •CJll• lf't,J ''' ,, .. ., .. hlQf't* ~ • ...,, ...... ,, tq..._,..,.,4;,•\ •h h,. ''>•\tat •t••\ \hCIUld ,_...,_from l fj tt1 ,. f •" ~·-\ 4"WJ WMm w••tf'IH •'"'' •"'• fot9'f•\t fur th• r'1iOVl\l••f\ •Hlf d•~rt aurft'\, w1m tl1vfh tQf trw 1nw"' tSw\illltt\ IO t,.. 1'11 to l U lhQh\ ft1t OW uD!W• _,. .i-10 , • .., h •7 lu 10/ ~U" l\ to >O rf10fl \.Ovt"•~Jft lf """ P•..01<1..0 M/iunt.e1n 4H•u•' \houfd ''•v• fuoth ~ /\ to llO w1Ut "'"(J' (II U 1u JO rnon 11.s.8-••,.. I le\11 floMlflt ... ,.....,-l'I (e'I 1n tM notl,-,_'0 f•no-t\ C•••Cal tt'f!"ad1~r \ofn• .,.,,, rncwn.nv , WkJd\ witf'I pl•rily of \Un\nme 100tl9t HHOu~t\ ...... 1 •• (,o.,, .. "tOf't .,. lf\fl UVf>#t /0 \ tUftA• wtfh • low •1 trKMWi n•"" hl "'~ tn+d IO t w llf'l•kM•l We1•r /t [ ·~ .. ,..,. uont ¥41'rt•bt• ••nft\ ntehf •ltd tnf)fflUllQ ltt_1~f\ tf\"'"0" IOftl0"' Aflerf'M>ftn ••""' w -u i.Jf'I -fh•HI to _., 10 1A1 11 '"°" •nn ·-·~•Incl ....... .,., ... -yf .... 141 ..... ., t_., •If•• thvnd.,tterm• prodllt •d •lronO &ll __ ,, ... , Tld~S wind\.,........,, rein" fllll/d _.,, .:II~ end ,., ..... ,.~--· ll•ti.rH ..,_OAY "°"' ,,,. lloc.llle\ .... _ ... " Gull \of<--, 00 0 ... GM .. le .. Al ..... K ~ ltilfl It 41 • m ~· ..-~_,.., -• r TUIUMY I I , . IOt•<••I .... , tot llW .,..., ()Ille ,.rtl 1-• 44 • m I I Velley lllre ... 11 Ille cent rel All• P'lnl "'1ilft I II p,m 4 t ,.IKll'-. llW lower 0.Ht uua. ~ ._ 1 O'l ll m 1 t M>C1 llW Het111 AU-I< '4olMt ,_. "-" fl-• U • in wh 10 10 p m ..., __ -· •llMtlM -· "'" ---,._ 10 •) • "' • .... 10 10 ...... , 0-.......... -...,.,. ... , "' •ncl ...... , .. 0...H -4. 8 , II h fll_.,M_ 111 Ille ... -· •• •• epepf ~<tef tr-c;.ellferlll• etro .. lM \Olllll••n .......... •114 tr•M Ill• , ... K .. l .... a 10 IOlllOM w u111er11 l>lel11• Ml 'lorlOe, Tem· hr1 A ... ,_ "9'9hl 111 l•I 1111., .,.,.,.,, .. Ill .... ,.. ...... -· '"'""' h•IOhl Ill .... f'•t•Od Ill 1oreutt tor """'" .. IN , ... M Ille --· 11011.,. Awe Mu ... , ,.. lrOPlt•I •• ,,. .... " In Ill• Zllm• -, l ,, •••lorn °"'I ef ,_,xe -· c.e,tletH et10111 IH l'llllU HllllltUI ti =~:;llll@tOll 1 ~ :: l•-11•wll1e, Ttile•. ~ lie••• &en 01-'-'• , It ,_..,...,,.," .,,., -w-.letll o ..it ..,... ~= ~"':~":,•• ,.....-,., ••· S-u A.,., ... Mlflll In Ml ,,_., ,.,,,_.._._ .,..,,.. Ille netl•n ' \1'11111" ... ..,.. 1111 .. 1 Olr~lleft. eera, l..., '"'-"' Ir.,,, 0 Ill HID-... Mel D+r IHllfi. Ml!Wt , to 11 lft '-1111, Arll., ~-· I ) $W eftlll TM• ..... , (AMII ienle ~· t 7 'W c •• ,...... =i:.":f" : ; :: ,.1, ........ "'-' .. ,...,....,., '" Ill• lftlO .... .,. 111r•Ol<t•• 01111••11 •• , T11uou 1.1111• tllt_. T_.. lttr Ille Net'-1 ~. . -------------· 1n1 tbe workf'• lar1 .. t oU aplll with s111ta1Md wtnda of at leut 39 mph, tbe National ffurrtcane ~nter ln JU•ml 11ld Sunday Thi'CleOreulOn. with aUJt.alned wlnd11 ol ~ mph, Wal localed late S unday about 175 miles 11outhweat of Brownavllle . ltlld waa movin& toward the Texws Cout at 10 mph Stuart aaid it waa expected t-0 reach South Padre Is land this morning und would become a tropical 11lorm 1( winds reached 39 mph The bays and lagoons behind barrier i41andi.. !ming the Tex&i.. coast serve as breedtnJC 1troundb f o r C'ommercu1lly important Ollpphag •• "., ........... '1· <• 11 f e , h a r trn r m a ny r a n · ... p .. c·1(·'> of bardi, and wrv1• J I> th<: winter ne11t1ng 1trounds for <'n d<inKt'rL-d 1>1)(!c1es s uch a b whoop Wayne Blevins 1s rea lly dung h<> ::ihout 1t as h e prcpC1rc~ to let tus ch1p fall where 1t may be 1n the fourth annual lllinOls champio'hshap cow chap throw in C hatham. Ill Hob F1cmrng won 1t tor the fourth yeltr with a to~~ of HYT r ef'l . s<:ven rnc hel> 1ng cram-'li PAS.'4ES FROM thl' <iulf to th•· inland w atl'rwny11 h :iv1> b1•1•n bloc:k1-d with rto:1trng 01 1 rontam ment booms , hut Stuart 11111d th•· hoom11 appar<·ntly an• 1n1•fr1•1 fJ Vl• In ltll' fl.lt'I' 11( Wlllt.b or 11)1111' th an 20 knots t-'ore<'axtrr' 11rr•di<'INI wand., of 2f> ln :Jo kn<1l 'I wo11lr1t•h11rn1h1• '4t·ll ~ l•l 1·1i:hl t11 12 f1 •1•t ,,,, ,.,,. South Tt·Xta'I 1·1111'<1 lt11la y :-.1•11d Rape Victim, 20, Has Eyes Put Out 111it 1•11>r1· 11f lh•· th1t•k c·rud(· f1 11n1 .1 hlown <wt M•·x1r un nffi.hori· v.1·11 onto th•· 111111· ~li:1 t•·11111~~ wh1t1• tm1r1!'ll h1•111·ht>-, M1111• tha11~:1111al hon ~1.1llnn., 11f 1'1 lldt' hah bJ>llll'd rn1m lhl' lxt•Jf' I lt·-.t offstvir1· w•·ll that hl•·w 11111 Junl' 3. 8l>t'w1n.: I 2!'i rn11l111n 1itullon11of1111 a rtuy antfJ thl' IShy 11( C<impc<'ht>. ~)() m1le'i t;<>ulh of Tt:xub Offt r1uli.. who ,ay th•· flow has bt-t'n rf'duC'f•d to a blJut 4:!0.000 Ration'> a <l uy ... a y th1· t arget dall• for t·app1nl( thl' w<·ll 1s Sept 16 BlJ T ONt; t:NGI N t :t:R fur l'f':M f'~X . lht• !'Ital•· run M1·xw11n oil company . :o1u1<I lu'l t-'nd:i\ lhl' capping n11Khl 11111 lw a 1 1·omplti.ht'(l until 1·a rlv 'lr111h1•1 Thousantl 11( t •·11111h h<tll .,., •. d ', • slt'.-1 uncl lt·uil lwlb ur•· ht•1n1'. pumpt·d into the• w1·fl 11nd h.1v1· h 1•l p1·d C'Ul th1• fliiw frorn th•· 111 1(1:.I :lll,IJCJtJ lrnr rt·h 1wr d :1y Or14•11 1,1. ,11l'1 c·ontainrr11·11t l111um 111111 i.k1m1m·r st•lup-. ;1r11 11h11 1>W•'•'ll an.: u 1J bttrflt· 11( tl11· 111 I It l I ht· wt'I I ht· ad Thi• :.pll I 1-, ITll)rt' I h an :111 m 1lltun i.1all<m:. h1~h1•1 than th•· w or'>l pri·v11111'>, th.11 11 f tb1· wrf'l'k 11( lht• '>UJwrt.1nkc·r Am1w11 ('ud1z off th1 · I' rcnd1 111..t:.l 111 ~1 ar<'h W7K MILWA UKt:I': <Al'1 A well <lrt:i.:.i.:d man abductr·d und ri.l pc·d <.1 i.t•rv1cc i.lalwn attcn<Ji.l nt , tt11•n hl1t l1h1·d hf'r n·rie;at••1lly '" hoth 1•y t"I in an f'fforl lt1 mak1· t crt1tU1 lhl· woman l'<iuldn't 1d1·ntily ht•r :1i.~:.11lan1 poltr 1• '>i.I Y Thf· 20 y••t11 old worn:in, wh•1 wu" not 11lt-nt1ru'<t w a-, 1w1N· r;1 pt<d 1n a mun1<·1iial purl-. li.,f11r1• th.-J'>!>uilJnt .. tahhcd h1·r 1·y~!'I w ith 1:1 bC'f••wdn vc:r. authorrl11·-. '>Cild Tlw womun tollf 1•11lw1· th•· 111 :111 -.aul h1· 11rulrl nril ;illow hl·r tr1 1'1 £•nt1fy him latn I"''"'" '1:.tltt POLICE LT. DONAi,() M .1hnk•· '><1111 11 1,1.,.., lht• rnll'>l v1c 1,1us st•x atta ck hc had .. nrountnPtl in HI y•·ar-. ai. 11 wilw•·mun The VtC'ttm d id no! lo'<f' hn '>ll'hl rn 1·1th•·r •·v ,. ""h1·n h•·r 1·y1·l1<h .Jnd eyt-ball~ w<•re µuni tured in th•· ..,u111JJ\ J llJ• k -,aid Joann•· Wall. nursing :.dm1n1'>trnt11r 111 t-;,rnrh l111,µll<1l Tht' wom;in t.old aulh<>nt11·. 'h• "",,., alldu1·tl'fl from a '>uhurban Gll'ndale 'lt'r v1r1· 't<.1t1nn iJbo ul Ii I.,,, m v.htl• ""111k1n~! ahm•· Sh i· ""<11> found mor1· th.in thr •·•· hour l.Jt• r -.tu111lil11114 <1ur uf 11 wooded "n· ;i in th1· park \'IA/Iii DRt.SSt-:0 I' :i 1111•·•· 1••• 1 • • 1111 ar11I l>'xl\ -.l11 rt r11hh4'il th•· -,tat1<m or S75 an1t :S2 1 :11'1 •111" ••I 1 1~.11 ••ll•-. r111 r1·tl lhc· woman rn lo h1i. ('.,dllhu•. dn1\I' h1•1 lo th•· J>Jr" r.1pNI hn lll'•l h1•r hand'> • ind ret·l "'Ith 1•lc·c·tn1·.il c·tird tlien 'tlll1f;1·d h1·r 1·yt 1>, poJ11•c· rt· 1111rt t•d Hot*rt JI :-.ur.1n. a muni< II'·" Jutl1•1• who w ,,., 111 t/w flilrk whrn th•· w•1man wa-. f11und . d1:M•1 lli1·il 111'1 ,J', °"''' \ t·11h•·H:nl vt·r y c·alm Suri.In "'a' pl11y111g h.J'>l 11.111 w1ll1 rr1t-111h wh1·11 1h1· w11man 1H •:1r1J1i: Jt·<tn., and .J tank t111> 1ur11l1l1·tl f111111 ,, ..,.,,.,,h'd .111·.1 1l11li IJ111~ al her e yes with a handk..rl'liwf "SHE: CAM•: l :P TO us :.inrl -..111! 'h•· t1.1tl 11• ··11 .ill.it k1·1I th•· 111cl~1· '\UHt II<' -.JHI '>t·v••ral P'''""n . wt·r •· .1t11•11d111•• .1 p111w 1n th• p.11 k t1ul n11 11n1· n·1·allt·d h·•' in~ '>•·•·n ;, i.:11·1·11 1·a1 f11t1ni.: lh•· 1t1·::.<·n pl1nn Jtl \l·n hv th1· v11·t1111 Tht' ""o man told J111llf'l' -,hr 11 ui:~I· d rt1·• 111 111·1 lmmJ•, <.1fl1 ·1 hc•r .1M1aJlanl drO\l' h""uY STARTS SEPTEMBER 1 ... FOR 20 SATURDA VS ' I new, exciting magazine section in the Daily Pilot E ach Saturday for the 20 exciting w ee k s of the pro footba ll season, PAD fd.e'79 will bring Daily Pilot r ea d e r s the mos t up-to-dat e , i nteresti ng and c omprehens ive roundup of pro football, with special emphasis on all· the pro games to be televised that weekend. You'll enjoy scouting reports, player profiles, prediction s and point spreads, insiders' comments on strategies and game plans, tips on who and what to watch for, plus lineups, statistics, quizzes and special features by top national writers. PAO f/U '71 , the special Saturday magazine section, will help you get more pl easure out of your pro football watching, starting September 1, in the DAILY PILOT 842-4321 \ j t I ( t f I t ti ~ ( l t s p a 0 s s tl h 0 c c e1 tt di L • L. M DAil v PILOT use Mondey. Auou•t 21. 1979 NATION Tar Creep Cited Organ Wurse Offered PROTECT YOUllSELF! Will• Clll•c.a Self Def•M Weapo. TEAil GAS 9UAUFICATIOM CLASS Americans Victim of High Bracket Pll~ SICUllfTY SYSTIMS, IMC. wtl ,. .... J s.,... .. ea....: SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 ·IAM·11:30 AM REGISTRY HOTEL, IRVINE, CALIF. BJ n.e AMKla&M Pna ltt1mem~r your lu t r&la.e~ ADd the .P• k Ultl cbdn'l seem to 10 any furthu than it dld before' You w"re probably u vl~Um ol lu bracltet crt.-ep und mSIUons ol Amem·ans suffer tho ~edti.~M.Se One Wll.)' to cut t• lhr d1~ca:.c 11> to link lllXes and mfl:tllou in i. syatem known 11:. 1nllt• ualwn. and the idea ui ht-ml( fHlbht"CI so far unsucces:.fully l>y a~vera.I COO&ressmen 'TAX BRACK ET C R EEP wocks Wee th1b Praceb go up You get a rau;e equal to the in creabe m Ow coM or hvmg 'fht- r~i.e pw h":. ~ ou into .a higher t.a;,x bracket 'ou µa y J b1g~u percentage or your income lo the government The money lhut'l> left 1s not enough to t.·ovt·r infla lion Now you n et.•d another raise. Se n Bob Oolc. H K:.in., sa1tl r er ently tha t as things now stand. 77 percent or the tax paye rs in 1980 will pay hi gher laxes because of mflalion. The average inrrC'asc per return, Dole said. will be $189. The dollars-and-cents impact of tax bracket l'rcep vuriC's al' cording to the size or your 1n come and the rate of inflataon ln a lmost every case, howl'ver, you now need a wage boo:,t bagJ?cr than the an l·rease an the Consumer Price Index JU:,t to stay even DOLE HAS PROPOSED t ying federal tax hracke l!> to the Consumer Pnce Index. Similar legislation has been 1ntrodured in the House or Hepresentallves by Wilhs 0 . Grad1son Jr , R· Oti10. but th<'r<' has bel•n no ac- tion on l'llher ball The kind or 1ndl'X at1on pro pol'>ed by Doi<' ancl Gr;idason as not nt>w 1l has llc•cn trwd an s everal fnr l'lgn l'ounlrtc!> and sorne ''ates t:a nada ue~an indexation in • 'RAISES ILLUSIONARY' Sen. Bob Dole, R·K•n. 1974 Tax brackets and exemp· lions have increased to keep pace with inflation. Thl' cutoff lt·vel for the lowest brucket of I axa ble income rose from $500 111 1973 to $721 in 1978. The basic ex emptions for a married tax payer with two children and a non-working spouse went from $3,600 to $5,480 an the !>amc period ALBERT B. ELLENTUCK, a partner in the accounting farm or Lav e ntho l & Horwath of Philadelphia, says the U.S gov· l'rnment itself already prat·t1ces indexing. He notes that Social Security benefits are tied to lhl' Cons ume r Pri ce Index and adds. "It has been estimated that more than 50 perrc•nt of our present federal expenditure:o:. ;.i re indexed at least in part." Opponents of andexation argue that 1l 1s unnecessary. They s ay 11 is better to adjust taxes on a year -to-year b:.asis through con· gre:,s 1onal action , takin~ --=-LAGUNA BEACH economic c:ondltlona Into a c- count. The,:::" allo peinl-oul that l ~ costs tbe aov- ernment money; without index· ation, the federal government of C&nfld& would have collected an e•tlmated $4 billion to $5 billion more than it aclually did from 197 4 to 1978. SU PPORTERS OF 1nd1::xat1on counter that tax cuts are unpredictable. They sa y that the "cuts" are not really cuts at all; they are simply ad- JUslments adjustments that could better be made through in- dexaUon Tax balls also tend to benefit selected segments or the popula· hon Ellentuck claims that in re · rent years tax reductions have helped mainly the groups at the top and the bottom or the money scale, "while middle-income taxpayers have done poorly." Most people. fo r example, will find 1979 federal lax bills higher than 1978's -des pite last year's lax cut. The reductions included an the tax-cut bill do not offset higher Social Security levies and tax boosL'i caused by inflation: ~LL TIOS M EANS th:.at reaJ ~pcnda bl e earnings the <tmount you have left to pay the bills for fo o d . h o u s in g . transportation. etc. arc down. Figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday !>howed that from July 1978 lo July 1!179 the average· worker's ~pendable mcome dropped by 4 pcrcf'nl. "Worke rs are g1 ven cost-of- l1vang raist.·s or merit raises or they changc jobs in order to ob- ta 1 n a bt.>tler w;.i gc, thanking they'll come out ahead," said Do l e .. But for too man y Americans. these raises are ti· lus1onary, for when they arc Jumped into higher t ax brackets. they end up losing ground in terms of real dollars " Hatp9tcbord and or· gg_cOW'W desi1ned for peraon a who h ave_.__ __ __.._...,.._ ....... _ studied the piano wiU be ortered al Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, _,_...__.....,...__, _____ _ beginning Sept. 10. Two sections of the or· gan claas <Music 243AD > will be scheduled. One meets Tuesdays from 3 Trio Honored to 6 p.m. and the olher is scheduled for Thursdays S teven J . Bowe or from 9 a.m. to noon. Laguna Niguel, Amber The class is designed T . Knight of Costa Mesa fo r persons who hav' and Toby P . Bonwell of had four years or more HuntingtOn Beach have of piano instructions each received a $600 The harpsichordclass, Leopold E . Wrasse listed in the c I a ss Scholarship at Cal Poly s chedule a s M us i c San Luis Obispo 24SAD , 1s s lated _________ _ Tuesdays from 3 to 6 p.m . Registration for fall rlasses as unde r way through Sept 21 in the OCC Admission!> Build· in g . I nformation 1s availabl e by c alling 556·5735. EXPENSIVE PEACHES PORTER. Okla <A P> Daily Pilot classifieds work for you. ca11 642-5678 for quick cash sales. TUEIDAY, SEPT. 4·1:30 PM · 4 PM MARRIOTT HOTEL, NEWPORT BEACH ------t---1 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5 -1:00PM·1:30 PM MARRIOTT HOTEL, NEWPORT BEACH .. R .,_UO.M .. t f oSW. ... I .. • • .. ,. ..... ~.,,Shh L..w. flwl"• 011'111, uld1141 Hl-9101 ., Wrilr. , ....... _...., s,..... 1"'2 MesA .. .,.._ Wtt ZOO. ,,....._, C:. '2715 ...---i•OME1¥-4 --... Your Time Iii Nowt Time to eam what you are worth Time for profeKHlo na l ldc nllf y- Tlmc to llvc In ht l:lc Your Time For A. Career In Sale~: llH· ( <lmpl.:1.: Wurru111 , ""I'""""'"'",,.,. thott, "'" r •tU••U.C.h '''''" ....... _.111..al 'vi~' JUd 111• ll\lllU1fl 1r.uu111~ If prod u cc µ r 1 r c~ ------------~:-:-:-~ :.eem hi gh tn the local s99s I OO•o MYLOH SHAG M Hl·lO :o:.uperm arket , a pcar h SU'll 'LUSH ._, ·~ sale an Porter . Okla . Our BKt \lolue n a Large Se1ec11on could be reassunnR ot c oirw Rfo!J. SI l .95 A bushel of peachc!> t OO°'o MYLOH ~u~ S 6 95 auctioned he re at the LarqP C..:no•c.e ot Colors '>Cl , 0 13th Port e r P e ach h«j.U .95 Oecorate>t Colors •"J· $5.95 COMMBCIAL TWUOS All Color~ 1e1ea1 lor S 4 9 5 Family Room'> Kitchen'.. ,1 vo S1orPs ~ S7.ts Fe!>tival brought $3,500 ll wasn't JUSt any old bu:.hl'I, or course It wa:, the g rand cha mpio n bushel or lh1· fost1val. bought by Tul sa television station KTUL a nd the Hazor Clam He:,taurant of Tul!)a CANYON CARPET·- AulnQr11eC1 D<:alP.rs FOf L~ • Cao1n Cratt •Evan• ·Black G f.,M l .. [ ~ • """" '. c: • ( t PAY"(. 1 li • V 1N I til N(>•1 •Al\. M(0UC:. f LI ~Ml(.( ~""'"' ...\,.<;:,, H": Moa. 1tini Sot. 10 to 4 ,.-. ~ ~~ 344 OCEAH AVE., LAGUNA IEACH • 497-4886 .. ~ r ·•ri.•-.: • f~.JI' • .._ ~ Mt.....,.."4()1o• • .. ~~.-• ..,,.,"' ~ .. ~·11i1m 0...,,. ... 1 ~ LUMBER 1·~: -=- SALE! -OUTDOOR REDWOOD. LIGHTS (I ... 57.95 ) (I ... 69 .95 ) l'h"x 8Ye"x 7~' 28"x 934">< 7%" 48"x 111/e"x 111/e" 75WAn 100 wan SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND THRU 1/31/79 LAGUIA IEACI LUMlll ,.. 1765 Lag~n• Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach Ca I I: 494-6538 or 54CM267 ...... Tmlfll.7aJl·WI G.11• IW • ... '-&.-~::::::::::::;:::::~ a.. unmat 6 ISLAY She's crying for help. Are you listening? She simply can't handle her problems by · herself anymore. She needs help before it's too late. And she's not alone. Every day, .people no different than you experience an emotional crisis often provoked by a troubled pcr!>onal relationship. Someone may become so despondent she s;trows feal'ful or nervous Sor no apparent reason. She loses sleep over insignificant things . She explodes over trivial matters like the car not starting. She can't carry on with her family. She needs help. Professional help. The o nly real hope for regaining a normal, productive li fe . The kind of help available at the Problem Talk Shop. A professionally staffed counseling and referral service for people trapped in an emotional crisis. At the Problem T alk Shop we care for people. Problem Talk Shop is a free service which provides a warm. friendly environment where ""--·<"-('..,.;_ ,.,. skilled counselors help people sort out their own lives. He re people gain new resources to handle the problems they thou~ht were too big to handle. If you know someone who is expcriencin~ an t•motional crisis. call the Problem Talk Shop. A trained counselor will be at the other end of the line. Ready to help. Ready to answer any questi ons you may have. Please make the call that will show her 'IOmebody cares enough to listen . Problem Talk Shop (714) 997-1831 lOOS East Chapman Avenue. Orange. California 92666 (714) 768-3831 25283 Cabot Roed. Swtc 104 Laauna Kilts. Califom11 92653 AT YOUR SERVtCE I OBITUARIES OUE:ENIE "Minutes of t~ IA~t m('t'lm& 'The Pn.-.ldfont 11 Kt•sxn t w.u t.apdt 111 fronl u( a live audtt:n<'t' In d 1 um11 "~ 1.ii.u1tl ·" llPM~~ ,ut.NET 1..0UISE IC ESS[ LL, "" ..,_ ot,Huntlf'9lon 8tec:I\, '-• ,.. ... a -o1 C'l"llC Flbtll"' on Av9<1\I H ,.,. .. , .. _.,,., !.119-···-· •"" """o•on ••" MlQrl ~ ........ de11glllet Of l"Cl'lle el'd ...... Ka-4 ... Hwnll ........ ~ .... Ce Al• ................ ,. -.,.._, • ...., Ka-I Oii L...oo MOO .... C. , _, .,..,._ • ..,~ Mt & M" OUTl'•IUNO JEA'" C,U Tf'lltU N O. '°'~"°' -1"9 el .,.<lllC. View N1111nc.,1e1 "-"" C•tUY Jut.HI TA Auce c•11 .. ev. ,._, Oii '--1 llMdl. C:. ,,__.-,on ...... 14. "" ... C.141 .... c.. ~ -e ........ ~H of C.11-•, ....,,. __ nll•~•-•· Ce sr.. II-MOM ... -Ille In tlW -"'*' 8"• -~lo ,......,_, tlMcj\. -" -Slw h .... ..,.., "" tldllnl Oii ttw HltlM.,.. Cl..O ol Moinl'l•I· lMtW "' o-. Ml-•. Ml .. llllA. llckleY of.,__ Clh , ~-'· ......... ll'•"°mollW• 04..iY• ~C 91fl'lol 0...-.C.01or-8ftde,,....CI• '-•etrl, CJ. S ... eUO liv•d "' 0.Y I.Ali~ ot ~nw• C.llY. M l•· ~ Hiii• '°' ......... ...... She ,, _.1. ,..,._, ,..., ... c•ll •I Ple•t• ....-..1..cl trt "" 0.llCll'll•" MICMnetl• .,_,.n !.mitM' >!/O(t11¥• lrOM 1 Olllt C.-.•" ot Huntl"9\4n 8••< II, (• PM lo t 00 PM~ T.,...S.y ..,..,. U.Cllle /llfoOtl OI Tome> .. (lly, C•. '°" -• ---w111 llt ~ •• Gll"'n ol ""-""•"., Bu u1 •,.d " 1 ~..,. _., ,,.._,,_.,, wlll llter'IOCN~en S.nrl(n """be""'" on i. -In P9<tflC View ,..,.,,_ •• , Wu<Ge1 "' It 00 AM ...... P•Cll•t ~ F-ly ~!\ U>nl•lb<lho,,_ Crftl Ce..-ry 0...-1 1101 lllnd SI • Ill,_ to IN Cyohc Fl"'o"' foun --llolec:I!. C• wlln R•• -· o.tton P't't • &roth+•\ Snu\t\\' G,.e•n•••. P•\tor ot St M~r • \ _,.,.,. Ol•e<t«~ U...)J4 ~~.,. 0.urtn ot Lomlle. C.. ot U.CJlS flcteO~ ~rtior Uwn Mount Oto_. SAMUEL I(, !>A (IC~. ••lirod ~yOl(.osl.e MI .. ><0·)~~ -tor ,,,. United \N•I (A)m ...... '°' ........ R•t\odt'<ll 01 ~°""···" COMP' l"rL'R Vell•y, C.. He h "'"" .. a by Ill \ ~ i_ IJ ....,._ Oo<ott>Y Elll\ ot "-t••n Velley. c.. .. t.oM C..••ld Of Soutn no~ ~TED F191d. MKl'lio-t> -"'•""of,.,_,,,.. l ~ #1--U 9'•"°'"'-lmer ,..... _,,,<.fl -. i..10 on ~Y .t '"• H •tbo• LeW1'• MOV"t OU•• ....,_lel Pa rll '>Prvocn _, llW Cllnctlan of tt.rtlO• Lewn-M!Mant ou .. ~,of CD\le Mrw, S«>-SS~ ..c>WARO L SNll TH, IMt\..O •-Y ~'.f.~·..:!~.~7.~~,}~~~'i1~ Poll.et s.w-v~• ., • rM•I ,.,,~. 1 pc:>t,t ... ,.td for n ye.,, H• •• , bOt'ri NOV --1, 1"71n Hlll..ael•. M <C!'l•G-0" H• r'9d .._,, • f9'\•dlll\"l1 Of MIOffO a.y, C.• ~ 1M Hf' I'\ Wf'YiWd by f'll\ -4tf' ,..,.,. -I ck.qdo• llM•!O'I• H.111 ~Olll#<rO .. Y. lO'eftCK .. lldren- 1 111' ..... endclllld OonellOM ,,,.. Ill ,,_ 10 ti. He"'1 I'-He •M e Ille <1W1• ,,..mber of llW Newport llf>•<ll .•• ,,, ... , .... uoion "°'' a,..,, .,,,., .. ,,.,,..., of IM N<owp0r1 6u <n t••• l.odQll ne •M • WO,..O W•r t Arm'f ... l!f4tft_ Gl'A._.\tde \jf"r 'i'IC.~'\•lfl bl ~Id '°" '""'d•• •• 10 oo AM •I '"" l •'fOWC•6Merre ••• C•,.,_ete ry \ierwtce t v11der tM dtrecUefll et ~l•l'IAIY-'1>1•f, -'"' .. ,. "' MULLNEll TUCSON. Ariz. CA P> -W ouJd you buy a used computer from the St Vin cent de Paul Thrift Store" A local businessm an did. paying $100 for the Olivetti m od e l P ·203 computer after 1l s at 1n the Catholic c harily st.ore for two months. S t orl' M anager M itchcll J Rosinski s~ud a nolhl'r husinessman donated the machine to t he s t ore. s a ying he could not wse 1t because the instruction manual was mlsalng. ~E,,,. I' /ol\VLlNC rl. •~\•don! of ..,..,._''"· C.• PA\~ ltW•'t Ofl AvQu\t •• 21 1'17' Hr '" wrv1VPO bV n1\ ~te ~,,. •nd \On Wtll!Mn ~MY.Cf'\ ..... Deaths '*"''"II •I H<lrtlO< uwn """""' Oll•e M>n-y Of C.0.U ,,,_ w ~ )U4. PRATT LILLIAN BERTHA PRATT, r ell· -Oii Co\le ,.,..,.,., CA P•u.<1 ••O on ~· n ,,,~ ~ -'"" tor ._, c..nov <.om_,., tor n .,..,, \"e ••~ • n •ti vf' d•\U~f\•e r of (Allton"• •nd • r•\•0."1 Of C.o•l• Mtw, C.. for 11 ., ... ,,, efler moving ....... ff'Om Hewl-M, C... ~119 I\ •11r· •l ••O by lier !'lu\l>el\d A lbe rt, <l•UV"'~·· Sl'tlrl•Y Foote al LO\ AJ•nll ... (A., PelrtCle 0..-.nell Of a...-. c:.otorecllO, ..,... vr•nc1C1tlloren. ... ...._ -• Dr-0 ............... . ,,_ .. _,..eel ... 11 be ... Id Of\ W""· -y M I QO l'M .t IM ... rtior Y Wf\ MtrNrlAI 0..1191. WVI< .. ....-""' Cl-ti. of ... r1'0< 1..e-.-1 Olo•• ....,,....,., f/11 C.0.141 Niii ... s.eo-'' ~ ElsewherBi DOUGLASVILLE. Ga. <AP> -Ray Eberle, 60. who sang Wllh lhe Glenn Miller Orchestra to re· co rd s u c h hits a s "Serenade in Blue," died Sunday. SARASOTA, Fla I AP) -Julio de Diego, &~ \?@(Y][[ ®@lfW-11©@ T..._., Den Cle•,..•• C•r~ DEAR PAT· Who 11 re.pooaible for the upkeep of ~ ....a around a moblltibome? We aeem t.o be havln1111 diaa,reemenl m our park about thb. K . L .. CcMlta Meaa 'Ille ""*9& or ow.er of lite coad1 mut aaJa. &ala laU owa area. Howeve r, It la &lie respeulbWty or tllae maaacemeat to malata&a aay co••• area1. A &H .. l m1y ao& be cllarged for tlaoee Hnt~ ualeN t& la la &.be aarH mnC they lane •ll•~. aod ll actuaUy relates &.o tbe senlees belal readerecl. SJW'ftffl Spoulng Sal'~• S1ah1 OF.AR R EADE RS: Nobody ever plaaa to splU somethlnl( -it just happen.a. To help you remon C.ougb 8'a!Ds wUhout damaging your cloUae1 or furolture, the Science and EducaUoe Admlalalra· &ion of the U.S. Department of ACricu.llUre lllH a booklet that really bits the s pot. f<'or y09r copy ol "Re movt.o& Stalna from Fabrics." aetMI ti.it to tile Consumer lalormaUoo Cent.er, Dep&. 7tG, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. If you don't move fast enough to nold tbe spill. &ry to move quickly arterward11 to oold further stalnlng. Many staln.'I come out wttb Just a few drops of cool water blotted with a clean, dry, absorbent d oth. But wate r may caun spottlag on some fabrics. It's also aar .. to absorb the u ceaa u. quid with a clean cloth, paper towel or sponge. When you have a stain that needs a little rub· bing to gt>t it out, here's the bes t melhod: First, re· member not to 11erub it agai.n.at another part of the cloth. That will just spread the stain aroaad. Take a new, clean nylon brush (lbe kind for applytng aboe polish>. oaed wltll u action like tapplog a tack·ltammer, gently tap the wet stala with the wllole face of the brush. Tbeo blot the loosened. staln oat and repeat antU no more ahowa. It tile fabric lsa't strong enougb for that, use the bottom of a stalnJeas stet:I spoon. Rub it gently back Hd for1h la quar1er inch strokes. AgaJD blot to get out the 1008e0ed staln. For stubborn s pots, dry cleaning 80lvent worb well. But rememb.>r that It is poisonous, and may be flammable. Whf'n you use It, work outside or In a well-veotilated room . and stand so that the fumes are blown away from you. Don't lean close to your work. Use only a s mall quantity at a Ume. Don't allow children or pets lo the room while you're working. To prepare an t'ffective dry s potter. m ix one part coconut oil and eight parts drycleanlog sol· Vf'nt. This solution ii; m1ed lo n~move many lllDda or stains. Dry 8pott.er k.-ep11 well If the contalner·ts tightly cappt>d to prnent evaporation or the dryclean solvent. If you can't get coconut oU, u.ae mine ral olJ In the same amount as coconut oU. Stubborn l>taloi. take special tecbnlqoea. Here's bow to work out a wine stala: If the fabric Is wa11bable, soak it in a solution or one quart w arm wate r, one·hatr tuspoon Uquld dh1bwaahlD1 df'tergent, and 'one ta blespoon vinegar for IS mlnu~. Rime with wate r. Sponge the stained aru (stained side dowo l lightly with rubblag alc:ubol, boldlng a clean, absorbent cloth beaeat.b . Wu h. lbetl aoak ln a solution or one quart warm wate r and oae tablespoon emyme·coalal11Ja1 laa:.D• dry de&.ergeot for 30 minutes and wash •Caln. If the label on the stained clotlling 1ay1 "dry dun only," then take It to a dry cleuer aa qaJck· ly as possible. Try t.o gin your cleaner aome idea of wba~ ataJDed the garment. nlf!J lt'HI S11MJll'e Eletmf!ttC• ,..,AMllY C0l0"9AL. NMllAL HOMI 7801 Boise Ave Westminster 893-3525 79·year-old artist whose DEAR PAT : We want to install quarry tile on paintings ha ng in the the terrace at lhc rear of our house. Our terrace Metropolitan Museum or haa a roof on it, but Is not othe rwise enclosed. Wlll Art in New York and the the tiles be ruined If rain blows in on them, and Art Institute of Chicafo, will they withstand cold weather? di ed We dnesday. le E .H .• Costa Mesa '•c..c ••w MIMOIW,All Cerre1ery Mortuary Chapel 3.SOO Pac1flc V1frli Drive Newport Beach 6"44·2700 McCOIMICIC MOITIIAl•S Lacuna Beach •94-941 5 once served as a color Quny UJn wlU not be affeded by ra1D or cold c~nsultant t.o Paramount wealber , pro-vided tbey ar~ property laatalled. Tbe Pictures.__ place where you purchase tiles wW llve Lu&nc· 11 ELSINKI. Finland Uoos oa lutallatloa. FoUow tbem carefally. <AP ) Finnish novelist Mika Waltar1, 70, author of the international be~t seller "The Egyptian." died in Helsinki Sunday night after a Jong 111· ness, tus publisher a n· .. TAKE IT WITH YOU ANO SAVE WIDE CHOICE OF STYLES AllD FABRICS • 1 0 OEU\IEJlV OiAROE COSTA MESA • BEACH 369 E. 17tb Str11t Wettport Square (Conw Tudn & 171111c:rl* lr0111 l\qJll'a) 842-8857 HOURS; Mon. ·Sal 10 lD 5e Son. t1 to 3 OAllY PILOT lal·a·Tape ...... ....,...1.,.., ..... , ..... 01 •edl fl• DI WltJ CNeop9*? D:l w.,.,.._ Dt Medi. •ololldet, At"M fletft DI A,..._ 07 Lotf 9edl Ii L.91 fl• D4He1d1-. °''"iwuene .. at....._ T.-.c.ne.r845-1701 U Noun CourtMy of Dr. D•vtd W. Olbeon U-Z-IOY PRICES Will IOEll IE LIWU SAVE UP TO 50°/o •. 'c> .. l.aQvna Hills 768-0933 Sa" Juan Capistrano •95-1776 nounced today. ANNAPOLI S, Md . <AP> -Retired Rear Adm. Draper L. Kaufr· ••••• ea. known as the father of the Navy's un· derwale r demolition teama and a former auperlnlendent of the Naval Academy, died Au8. 18. Get 2weeks free ar s2a.oa off MADOll LAWM-MT. OUVI Mortuary• Cemetery Crenwtorv 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa ~~ IAl.~6.0M N•ALMOMI 646-2"2• Costa Mesa 673-9-450 1&1.•0ADWAY • MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 6A2-9150 $1750 "Dish"· Hidittg iu Your llunie? NILES. 111.-A major art "'41TH & TUTMLL exchange here reports that MOITUAIY a man who found several J:~~~~:.~s "dishes.. in his attic was Flower snop a mazed to learn that On( •27 e t7th St. was valued at Sl750.00. Costa MeS3 Tlae exclauce says that. ~88 while this price is unusu· NICl.-Onms ally high, exceptional col· SMmn MOHUAIY lcctor's plates have been 627 Main St. appreciating quickly. tt.tn11,,Qton Beach To aid investors. the ex· 536-6539 change offers a free report :""=~=~~==~~·~~ on wh at to look for. when PVBUC NOTICE to buy, what to pay and much more. lncludin• op- portunltie1 In prom11lna plates still at 1ow prices. To ... ,., .... report with no obllgatJon. just send your name. address. and zlr'code before Satur· day o neat we•k to: The Bradford Exe ha nae, Dept. 19735, 9301 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, Ullnola ~·A poa4ard wW do. a regularmembershlp. Whlle soaking up thoSe summer· time ravs. WtTV not get a summertime bodV to matdl tt'S free tor the bask· Ing at Holiday Spa. Because. now vou can get a 2 week lntrOductorv program abSolutefY tree. Or, $20.00 off a regular memberShlP If YoU Join now. lt'S our spe- clat Introductory offer available ontv fof a llmtted pertOd of time to all local resldentS 1a and CNer. and first time. guests of HOii· daV Spa. so you can acquaint vourself wtththe shape '* things to come through Progres· stve Conditioning, the tastest, most effee· ttve wav to trtm dOwn, firm up and stay PhVSlcally flt ... under the sun. . And we"Ve got trained program direc- tors Who wlll guide vou on a personal exer· else plar. lnctlvlduallzed to your body. JazznastlCS, the tun group exercises for women dOne to u1>tempo music. As well as whlr1pools, saunas and steam rooms to let vou shape up vour summer before sum- mer enc:ts. JOln up tOdaV for our lntroduc· torv offer. And start making a bodV that"S worthV of your tan. .-~ .. I 1 • l _ ... Orange Coast l.0 1r1QN VOL. 72, NO. 239, 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MON DAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 Ye•rHe•et••• Dally New8paper c FIFTEEN CENTS Supervisor Millei-Charges Racial Bias Oran ge County S\lp~rnsor F.di8on Miller railed todwy for u wand jury investigation tn\o ul legations thot o p~r at on. of Knoll 's l:J e rrv 1''1trm d1 :. t'rtmmate lijt3111'1 It IS p d n1t· guests. Miller's rall for a probe cutnl' hand·tn·hand With the filing or a law~n.it in Supenor Court thut charges Knoll's wit h \'1olalln1ot the t'IVll n ghts ()( !>Omt• of lh Hispamr patrons General partnN RU!>!>l'll l\111lll denied the amusement µark dt' Knott's Berry Farm Aide Denies Allegation t'r'lman ;Ht·~ agi11 11!)1 111 .,pdnl\'' ·m unv wuy " ·Wt• 1lt·11v w•· IHI\ t' \'\'•·r d h <'nn11nukd dg;J111 ... t l.dlln!> cir an~OfW t-lse," Knoll 'did 'Wt• ~n l' all our jlUe!>l~ 1n Ult· '>t11111· ~d\ 1{u1 lh<' la~!)W l filed b\ an or ~unuat1on that call!) 11;clf tht• C'oJhtum Ag<on:.t Polit•t• Abu!.t' cl\ar~t·:. that on Au~ :J J nd I 11 1!> paru<·s entenng thl' amuse ment purk wt.-re :.earrhed and other pen.ons were not Knoll co nceded there were l>Carches o f patrons on the two na~~ early th1:. month Rut he !)a1d those s earches wt.•rc• the re s ult of pohcl' 1n~ formation that thNe m1~hl be gantt s t yll• fqth t ~ a t Knott 's lho:.e Ill I: h .... "It was simply a m atter or taking the p r eca ut ionary measures needed to ins ure tht· safety or a ll our g uests ." Knoll .. said And the searches were not limited to Jfispa nac patrons. ht· added rn hrs rall for ti gr:rnd Jurv probe. Miller !.aid parent~ 11f yoW1gsters allegedly searc hed <.tt Knoll's had r omplained to his office .. rr what they say is true. it's a deplorablt.-s ituation." the coun· ty supervisor !ia1d. Ills pres') release wa5 handed nut by nt>wly appointed aide !''rank Martinez. who s aid he 1:-. J m1·mhPr of the Coa lition Against Police Brutalitv. With Martine z was the at- torney who said she filed the c ivil r ights la w s ui l which charges the Buena P ark police as well as the a musement park with violations or constitutional rights. A hearing has been scheduled later in Supenor Court to decide 1f a temporary orde r that would ban searches at th<> p<.trk should h e i ss u e d . JCC Ord1ng t o Martrnez Rebel Bo Kills Mountbatten Attorneys Requested By County By GARY GRANVILLE °' ... 0.11, Pl ... 54.it The Ora nge County 01stn C't l\ttomey·s office askt>d thl' s tale attorney gent•ral today to pro· vide tht• attornt•v:. rwl'dcd to h<·lp kecp tht" criminal court in order whill' the county's d eputy dtstnct attorneys and vublic <k fenders continUt'<J their siC'kout S1multarwous ly, D1stril't At torney Ce r t! fl ic ks issued a press n •lcasc warning that the rounty "is on thl' verge of losing a large s h ar(' of it s !>k11lt•d criminal lawvcrs " "Jt is a loss none 01 us <·an bear These arc profcssiona l::i who operate the mosl £.'fficient dietnct attorney's oCfice in the ·slate." he said. I bcks went on to ~:JY hc hOIJl'l> ··-;ome m eans 1s available" to rC'lum the cnminul lawyers who have tx>en cnJ.(agcd in a 10 day sickout to their oosition~ in thl· l'OW1.S Art·ordmg to assistant distnd attornev ~1ch<.1 l'I Caprui. At t.omev General Geor~t' Oc ukm t• )Hill has bet'n aSkl•d to rurnish up to JO cnminal lawyers to h clf> riros ec utc c a s e s 1n <>range <.:ountv Capizzi said th~1t, as of July \. the b11linf,! rate for such pro ft:SSJOnal Sl'r\'IC'C'S J'lTOVid •d hy • the state 1s $:i5Q a da y per <•l tome\'. That rate would multiply t 111· b udgc•t dilemma fa ce d hv Orange County Sup('rv1sors as thev confront the rtissid enl col111 tv "cnm1nal l aw ver-> 1n the second wcc•k of the ir stl'lrnul Thos t• la wyer:. have co m plained that the county's off<or ,,r a L1.75 percent pay rais e s pac••tl out over the next two years falh short of m ectinJ? c<>m pl'l1ti "'' standard-; an ner~hbon ng coun tit-S So fa r . county o;uper v1sors have refused to budget an ~p1t1• of a continwng slowdown in thl· ti>Unty's mun1<·1pal and !)Upcrior <:ourts Quake R ecorded HONOLULU (AP> A strong earthquake, m easuring 6.7 on the Richter scale, occurred Sun- day in tbe Pacific Ocean north of Luzon Island in the Philippines. Coast Weather Fair through Tuesday except patchy early morn- ing low c louds and fog near the coast. Sunny days with little tempe rature c ha n ge. Highs both days r a ngi ng fro m low t o mid-70. along the beaches to mid·80s inland. Lows tonight in mid to upper eos. INSIDE TODA W 11w of/·rood cbampionlhfpt °' R:tonlide.~~ 85,000, ond tpe>rttwri r Hot.Oard H~ otve• hit mpreattona. ,_BJ. CU1ly Plltol SUlll ,.,,_.., A Ba11ner Day Rf'nc Morlcll l abovc. <'<•nt1·r1 r~11s<·s :\kx1can rtai.: with ht·lp of son. Ruhin. <rnd Kell~· c:arv in. ho\h 12 . !lunrii.: c·<•rcmonies at Costa Mesa's Old Timc·r :"Jew Time r picn1<· Sundav Flag was <lonuted h\' ~kx u:an <·onsul an I .II'> Arw.el es especially for th<' o eea s 11rn . which cclC'br<1l t'd C'.osta Mesa's heritagr Thl· lfiO pN sons \\ho turru·d out for the c vt-nt s aw the c·11 \ ll 1s ton('<t l Sflt'll't v's LI\ rn i.: Memorial Award go to i\.I Og<l<·n I ri ~ht l :1 lon ~t 1m1· O>sta Mf'~a res1dc•nt who ii.; ;1 fornw r sC'hool t rui.;tl-1• ;ind :i past pn•s id t'nt o f Cost:i ~h--.:1 Lion'> l'luh. spons111''-11f th1· F'ish Fr~· 9 to Seek Seats On N-M Board With three day!> left to re g isl.er. nm e people have filed or taken out paper:. lo hie for four s eals on the N1•wport-M cs a school board The ele:ct1on rs sl'hedulcd Nov 6 The Or ange County Regis trar of Voters said today the latest person to pick up papers is .Jim Pancake. 2816 Nevis Ci rc lt'. C.OSta Mesa, who Usled his oc- cupation as m anager He would run in trustee area Pair Burned In Mesa Fire 'Improving' Two men badly burned in a Co6ta Mesa industrial fire h ave improve d s li g htl y. a spoke swoman for UC Irvine Medical Center said today. She said Larry C. Cercone. 34, of Stanton, a nd George E . Seam an. 57, of Orange, were listed in serious condition today in the bum ward. Both men were in c ritical con- dition after a flash fire last Wed- nesday at Narmco M aterials Inc .• 600 Victoria St. Cercone was bu.med over 40 percent of hil body and Seaman over 60 percent. The fire was blamed on a chemical reaction in a new mix· lnl ~s. Nannco is lnvolved in plasUcs research and develop- ment. Union lob Pact SALINAS (AP> -Cesar Chaves' United Farm Workers unloa bal announced t.bat a con· tract wu reached with the nnt of about 30 lettuce rrowtn to break rank• aln~ 11>l1rant wotken struck in January. onc. rouRhly thc f.!>tanr 1a Hll?h School attcnda nl'e ar<>a C':i n d1date!> mul-t run in the J!t•o graphical arc;.i!> tht'} II ve in hu1 trustees are c·lectt•1I by J ll 1.h~ lri ct voters Also cyl'1ng that M.·al <.i n · ap pointed incumbe nt Ke nne th Wayman. an attorney. who has picked up papc·r~. and Robert G Hammond J r . a produc t in- formation analyst who has filed ln ar ca two , t h e l rr :rni?le formed by Ne wport a nd Harbor boulevards and Co!'it:i Mes a city limits. the pers on elected will se rve the two years remaining of a four-year te rm So r a r . atlo rn c•y Mik e McLauRhlin and retired account clerk Catherine /\. Booth have filed for that seat. Appointed in· cum benl Ke nneth Vandewalle has said he won't run. In area three. Westclirr a nd Sanla Ana He ights. appointed in- cumbent Barbara Skilling h as picked up papers and contracts manager Michael Skawin has filed. In area six. Newport Heights and southeast Cos t a Mesa. Roger C. Sum me rs. a general contractor . a nd Todd Hess. ii real estat e salesman. have taken o ut papers . Incumbe nt Tom Henderson isn't s~king re· election. Filing closes at s p.m . Thurs- day. Bandit Gel8 850 At Mesa U-totem A man who claimed to have a 1\11 eecaped wtth S50 today from a Cotta Mesa convenience store. poUce eaid. 'lbe1 eaid the man entered the U.Totem at 517 W. Wil1<>n Si. lhortly after midnl1ht and or- dered t.bt clerk to put the money ln a aaek. No veblcle wu seen, otncenllid. , Sclwol Le ase To Be Studied Tuesday Night The futun• t>f th r<'<' sd1ool properties will be pondcr<>d by Newport· Mesa sc hool t rustc•cs Tuesday. Trustees will mN•\ al 7 30 p m . at H arper ('ommunit y Center . 18th Street al Tustin Avenue. Costa Mesa They will be presented with a recommendation for leas ing Mesa Verde School. which was closed this year because of decUning enrollme nt Superintendent J ohn Nicoll said today he hasn't yet drawn up the recommendation on what to do with the Cos ta Mesa school. He said discussions arc under way with two potentia l lessees. Coastline Communit y College a nd F airview Slate Hospital. Coastline wants to hold college classes at the site . Fairview pro- poses to hold special education c lasses a nd lease so m e cta.ssrooms to a private shool. Trustees will also be asked to acknowledge formally the sale 1ci the McNatly School site at 19th Stree t and Newport Boulevard ln Costa Mesa t o Pacific Federal Savings for 13,457.000. A·tb.lrd site to-be dllCUlsed I• achool~wned property on the 80Ul.h""t ~r of Baker and 88ar 81.reeta In Coeta Meta. Cur· rently, lt ls uMd for 1tora1e. for lnnlllOr'tatlon headquart.en and a IDICla eentel'. I Blast Rips Yacht Off Ireland lH BL" I I • •I :1 0 d I \ p l E.1 rl ~nunthatt1•11 ~ ar h1·rn :rn<I 1lnd1• 11f Hnt.un ., f'nnr1• l'hllap 111 .1-. killi·1l tod.1\ ~h1·n an ,.,., pl•,...JtlO rlJ>llt'd .i1;.i rl hi"' .11 hi ofr tht · l n-.h l'oa-.1 p11la1·1· n •1,.>rt•·d 111 )..h \t•rr1111't ' 1·Li1mc·d rt."f'll'""I b1 ht\ 1'<1!11·" """' rh.-i'!J \1•111 old '\11 1u111 h .it I • n .., ;.: r .111d .,11 n '\11'1101.1., Ii ,tntl a ltH'al 1)11\ .imon~ lhl' lil>JI ~ 1•n·~ l ~i h•ar 11ld l':.wl ~1<.I "~ t·ll . a ho wen• kilk-<1. anri lour 11th1·r per-.on.., ~t·n· ho~p11ali11·d ~1th anJUnE''> Ttwv :-.aid 1t wa!> tw l11•n•d then • wcrt" nine P\'l''>l>n'> on thl' boat The explo.,111n Ol'('Urred in Otlfll'gal Bay off M ullughmore. an ln s h Republic village 1n County Sligo near Mountbatten·~ o;ummt>r re..,.denc·p Thl• "t" " IU ... l mJle-, rrom lhl' l)t1rckr With :"orthl·m lrel:.ind. "h1•re f:!Ut•r nllas of the t nsh Re pu hltran Arm' 's ··Pro ' 1s 1on a l · wing h.l\'l' 'been fightm,I! ln t•nd Rnt1c;h rulc ~ o u n l h a I 1 t• n .i s: r t• a t ~ran~on of (.!ucl'n \'n·tunJ and c·ou~1n of Qut·t·n E-:h / a b<•t h 11. httd JUSI -.l'l 11ut w1lh a group of fnl'nti.' on a fi s hing t n p from lht• harhor .•t '.\1 ulla,l!hmo re ~hen tht• l'Xplno.;1on on·urrl'd. poltt·t• ~cud n wv -.:11<1 lhC' c.1w .. 1· of lht• hfast 0l"ouhl no t be 1k!(•rrn 1m·d 1mmt•d1atl'h hut lhn· wen · workang 011 '1i11• thPnn ·-tha t :1 time bomh h ad hf'1•n plarNI aho.ird · llul P \'1•n 1hinl! • .., \'l'ry cnn fll..,1•d I\ lot of \ t'""l'I!--:i re out lht•rt· ~eJrt hmg fnr ~ r1•rk~1 gt'." a pohrl:' ~poke-.m:.in ,;11d The lnsh Sat111nal L1twrat1 nn. Army a :-µhntl·r group of \ht· P r o \' 1 .., 1 o n a I I fl .. \ c I a 1 m t• c1 re:.pons1b1ht~ fo r k rlhnl! Earl Mountb:Jlll'n m a \(•lcpho m· C'a ll t o the l r1 '>h lndl'pcndent nt•wspap('r i.:rnup m Uubhn La l e r . t h l' f' r o v 1 s 1 o n a I ., lh<'rn-.elv<'S cla1m<'d n·sponsibih tv and said rn a s ta tl•ment that the assassination was aimed a t hring1n~ to th<' attention of the Jlnt1sh "lh<" rontrnurn g orc upa t 1on" or N11rthc rn I rel and rn a '>t'pi.lrate attack latt•r to duy. s ix Britis h soldrcrs were kjlled in a bomb hlast near War renpoinl in Northern Ireland. 35 mil<>s south of Be lfa s t. the Rrihsh arm y reported The I NLA. a s h adowy or -~amzation thought to have no more tha n 100 or so m embers. c laimed res p o n s ibility last March ror the s laying of Britis h Conser vative politician Airey Neave. killed by a bomb p lanted in his car at the House of Com mons in London on March 23. <Stt BL~T. PaRe A.2) Mesa Police Seek Rapist Costa Mesa police a re seeking a man who raped a Costa Mesa woman after threatening ber with a knife . Officers said the 23·year-old woman was walking through her north Costa Mesa condominium complex at about 1 a.m. Satur· day when a man grabbed ber by the hair and branctilbed a kntre. The man raped the woman but didn 't otberwlae injure her, police aald. They aald tbe su1pect II ducrlbed u Cauculallj between flve feet 10 lnchet auo lb feet tall. tn hi.a fate 20I and ~I •boat 180 pounds. No •• wu teen. offlcen Hid. , . • ,. • -- """'...-KILLEO IN BLAST Earl Mountbatten .. , -··~ .. -:,, ~~-~ IRELANO 41' Wlr.__. BLAST SITE Map l1H·afl's ()nn(•l!a l lh1\ "hNl' an 1•x plo~1on 011 .1.ho:it kill<.'d E;,irl ~l<iunt hat I !'II t oda' Mesa Man's Stole11 Truck SrruMhed Vp A Costa Me sa man who d is· covered his pickup t ruc k had been stolen Sunday got s ome more bad news when he called police: lie learned it had JUSt been c rashed into a powe r pole . P oli ce s aid they a r rt!s ted Rafael Anguino. Z.1 . of Norwalk. on suspicion of auto theft in con· nection with the Sunday morn· ing incident. He remained in c i- ty jail today in lie u of $5,000 bail. oCficers s aid. The truck. belonging to Bruce Wayne Barr o f 741 W. 18th St., was parked al 1 a.m. in front or 1TI4 P lacentia Ave. T he o wner discovered it missing and called police at 2: 15 a .m . He was told the tru<:k had been badly damaged about 45 m inutes before when it hit a power oole. BEDROOM SET ~ JJ'ENT IN lll/RRY "I didn't believe I could sell my bedroom set with just one phone call. "But after placing an ad in the Daily Pilot I believe it -the first caller bou1ht lt." That's the 1dvertiain1 succ6s atory told by the Costa Mesa man who placed this ad ln the Dally Pilot: White bdnn act wtaold lrim. Bed w/niattreaa & box1prtn1. 2 Cbftt.I. 1 cornerdtllk.x.iuc-xxxx rr YoU want &o mall• a lale. try tbe fri•1'dly Dally Pilot c1Ullft9d ad·YiMn It Ml·!871. ·r .di DAIL V Ptl.OT c Monday, ~uau!t 27, 1179 l Alter Dlsasier .. Yachtsmen Ask Race Questions ., AWLOA.~BEY SUrv1vo"' of Hnlaln'• F slnl'l )'at'ht Ra<'e. mcllKilnt tbr~• well known Orangt> Co .. t yat-humt.>n, ~ ~I back a t UH! d1 u!ller • wtUdt claimed Jlf Uvea und re 1 ~Wied ln the a mluna or -.t>undoo rnent of tw11 dott•n t'itpcn ioh1l' olf"hur\1 nu.·init udtb ' ·nw a ttt-r lhtiu~htio . h> both swlol'l'I and rau:-.: 0Utt•tul11 rould uffrct lh\• futun· o f off ho rr raet~ Som4" of the questions Wt•rt> ruce 11fhc 1a l1 or th•• spoNOnng Rovul Ocean R11t•mic Oub < RORt'> Jt•rehct tn lutimc the 60S mile rare In lhe face of heavy weulher fo rt•c a:Jl& ·• Are r :.ll'l' orru ·1Jf, ..ill 11Hr thl' world at Caull for ullo"' Ill!; loo manv vachts m an' w1lh 10l''< perienced c rl'W' t o enl<'r nlf.shore roct-~ m lht• 1ntt>rl'!>I of btgness., Hu:. the comf>f'lll 1 "" ur~t· and thC' d e,1re to ~in h1·,•o m1• M1 ~n·u\ that 'k1111>•·r' .tit· rwgligl•nt uboul ah:.nclo111n~ .1 ra1•1· 111 1h1· fuct' of w1lr-.c•n1ng w1·:illwr ' Are vac•hl d c·...,1 ~nc·r ~ .111<1 bwldert; s acrificing s af<·ly for IJ~tnt>ss and SP<'NI, often using experimental maltri ab'' 0 r<in g l' (' n a s l ;i n c1 o th 1• r SouthPrn ('a llforn1.1 :-:11l11r-. an· known as soml' of tht· mu:-t 1·nrn pt'lent 1n the world. Muny s.-rv1·d a.-; skipper:-or l'rt•w-; on lht· All nural's Cup Sl•nt''> wh1rh w1111n1I up Wlth the fat:.11 Fustn1·t rut1· Followini.: un· th1· thought s of thr<'e lotal ~ailor-. who l'am1· through thl' slnrm DENNIS lllJRGJ\N, 25, 1., 0 01· of Newport llarhor Y;H'hl ('luh·., t.op sa1hn~ 'ik1p1wrs 111.: ha., b<·t'n s ailing for IX Vt':tr '-Ill!-. (·~ pen <'nce incluclt>'i a numht'r of inte rnational o ff-.horc· rar e"·• "The s torm 1·;i m 1· on -.url11t-11h from about 40 kn11h 111 "' .. r ill in a mallt•r of 25 m1nutt•s Ttwrt' wa~ no wav out of 11 I 1·all1•rl th•· 1·n·w on d e 1·ll Jll't tw fo n· d:iwn and told them ·w .. an· no lon).!1·r 1 n u ' a <' ht ouAG•N rar1• W1· an· 111 a r 11 ,.,. r 1 • r -; 111 v 1 v a I • W • · roundt·tl Hw 1.,,. t 11•·1 :ilH1111 :1 'Ill .1 111 111 tlw -.tr1111.1.w -.1 w1111h :1111! 1111· h1 ~hl"•I 't'a' I h:iv1· l·v1·r 1•x 11<•n1·n1· .. t1 " 1>111 ~·a 11 "' .1 "k1pp1•1 11( th•• 11 a I 1 :1 11 ' ;, t' h I Y ,. n .1 :1 n .1l11m1num l't•lt·r-.on 1:1 1>1111! rn Ital\ v.1th .111 l\nH·r11·un t11HI Italian c•n·v. ·Thl•n• v. a .... n11wh1·ri• to i.to "~ 1·1•pl 111 lh1· (1111 ... h at l'ly rnoulh ' .... ud 1>111·c:111 In onl' ~e V<' rt· knod.do"'n 11ur b;1lll·rs WPP· tom 11.l'>.,1· <ind w1· had rn1 r11d10 or ol lw1 1·lro<·t ron11· .1111 -. W e v.1•11• unawan• 11( lh1· II ;1J{t•tlv tak111 c pL1t·1• th1•1111•lt•1lll 1h .. Ot-c•t 'l11r 111.1111 I .1•.k W ;IS '" .. t<.·t·r lh1: l)n;1l ....i1 I hat 11 w1111lfl nut lw rollprl 11v1·1 llv th1 · 111w1•1 rnc .. 1·as wh11'11 1.1.1·ri· h1 J.!hl'r I han lh1• m.1-.1. Thi· tnl'k wa., 10 s ll'Pr loward thl• ('rt•sl or an 11111·11m111g wa vt.: and th1·11 t11r11 .1n<I nd1• 11 down al tnnfll' spt•t·d hkl· .... now -.k11nJ.! down a s ll•1•p n1111111 IUJn "Yr-.. \A.>t' arf' st·ar<·tl , hut no nrw 1n th1· c•ri·w /H1n11·k t•d '!'ht• .,\orm alwlt•rl :1 \l'r u h1111l 1 ~1 h1111r-. anti Wt' ma1ll' 1t to th<· finish u11awa1 1• 11( lh1· cl<·ath :rnd d<>c::lnJrtltln unlil our Wl\'t'' anti g1 rlrnt·nd., ...,h11w1•rl "' hl'atlli111•-. in lo1:al 11a 1wr .... · · Durgan l>ald nont· 11f lht• long ranl!l' wc·athl'r fon•ra-.1-. pri•llwt l'fl the '-l·vcnt'I' of tht· -.torm · 1 don't Sl'c how.th•· rac-e e11mm1l ll'I' C'tlO he faU)t('d " hf' S:llcl · Pl'rh<ips ;1 rn1111mum llm1t 11f :10 fl'cl on ttw walcrlmc c ahoul '\Cl fl-<'t overall length I wo uld h<1 v1• cu t down lht• ~17(' or the• flt•et " numbt'r or the boat!> which had trouble h ad C'arhon frbcr n ut ders Car bon fiber 1s u s trong -naterial. but is still in tht• ex p •rim<'ntal stagt: :.ind pcrh:ips some builders a r c not familia r with proper bondjng," Uurgu n said. REX BANKS. 40. IS one of the mos t e xperienced o f local OAANOE COAST t DAILY PILOT ,,. Otct"Olt '°"'' 0.11¥ P•tot "'"" ..,,,,, ... •\I~ tJir"""fft.IJMW'°'il9'fl'\' n•wDh~DrtNo f'H_..,I> ( Ott't fl'u{\ll~fft!Q ( f.ll'"(Mf'l1 "-041' Al• CJl4tt11NM. ,.,., \;wftt•'"'*' ...,,,Vi"'"' uw~ '•n••• •• , (ll'\14 MIU ,,. • ...,._,..1 ~ft HW'\h~,,., f\•~f'I t~ t••" V•ll•• ll'titN> '~h•-'li \llNtft(M" • \tMI• t•itWW't M •tioftl" •\ Wftlt~ \4Uwtditf\ MWt ~·\ TM,,.,,_ .. , fNOtt'"-'~ .,._...."•I »I w~u ft-•• y,._. r '"''N,,, .. f .,,,f>',.,• t)t~ ..... f', ...... p,,.,,~f\11 •"Cl P~•\l'Wlf ...... (-• Vte.• .... U IPl"ll •rwf g...,., ~ ,~., ..... , r111t., -' • """""""° M•f\.64•""9 If dtlOt a...-" ~ lllfl\O,. ..... " ~'"'~ ......... "*•'"4 ldtter\ Colt• MH• Oftlc• 1M1tiNJ .-:::::· :·~ ~7:'!,..o •h.h OfflcH .. ~~=~~~,,~ ;.-:.-~ ;:' .. "..:. Tetephone (7'4)1U-4Ul Cl .. elftff Adwenttlftg t42.111' u alol"a 1 br N•wport t\t1arh vac'ht malntM'lan<'t" and ri 911Jlng eitpttt wa11 •board thr· Rru1H1m >'•<'ht fnclum alon l( wath ouu•r 10<''11 u.1lor\ ulf (>Jtpcrten('Nf tlf horc raccrai lndlRO flnl11ht•cl iMraef' · "fhf !toy u I ()c(• ll n Ito c 111.: nub ta onc-or tht• mos t rom1w lt•nt rtH'I' 1)r R trn 11 t• r Ii tr1 tht· world." s ia I d l h t• Au11 t rallun horn 11,ink' ··'l'hl'n· Iii no wuy they ean Ii.• n l tll'l:tc d fnr wheit hap p<>n~d ·· aAN•• Ranks h n..., -..11h'fl ii'> ,1 pr Oft'~~HHIUI 111111 am.iteur t'tt·wn1an 1111 l'\l'f ) lJlt-: Htcht rat't• 111 lht• w 111 hi 1111 \ac·h~ ran~111g (111111 '10 to 80 f.'('I ''l'vt• l).•pn 111 w111<h that h1g I ti ,1 S \ iJ II (' \ I II II fJ IJ a I I •A11,lr.illa1 ,111.t 11n1· llc·rrnutla r;tl'l'. but I d1111 '\ n ·1·11 II t'Vl'r ht· In~ IO sud1 hig h, l'tmfu.,t·tl M'tH> •• ... au1 Bank~ .. Abandon thi' ruc·1··1 Wht•fl' would you ~.,·> '1'11 run fur tlw l11s h t•tws l ah1•ad 11f ~l·as llkt• lh:1t w1111l<I h:1v1· l11•t•11 fat al '1'111• .,,.fc·st 1·ouP;t· wa-. 111 l'ly rn1111tlt wlu-re wt· W<'l'f' hca<kd 111 tl1 t· first. plat·t• .. Hanks pmnl<.'d rn1t th.rt from th1· s1:1rt off C'llW(·~ 1111 lh•· hit· 111 Wig ht to I hf' Vas i llt'I "' :tl1011t 1011 011 I"~ f" r om I ht' 1 11 ' k t 11 l'lvmoulh 1s ahoul 200 mile·-. ··our mo't fri g hlt·n1ng 11111 n wnt 111 th1· ro1<·1· w.ts r11u11'11n g 1tw F <1'-lnl'I :1t .1h1111t I :111 ;1 ni H.ink..., n·c·alh·d 'W1· 14 t·n· h,1\ 111c 111 t·11mc· from :. ri·<t<'h ;ind 11111 111 h.Jrrl o n th<' w1nrl and wt• ~11rn1-<I a ho11t our 1 ;11 hon f1h1 •1 rnd1h·r If 1t h.HI g1u·11 wa\ ...,,. ~11uld ha\'t' lk•t·n on !ht· rod. ~•thin IW•1 m111ul1•!-. Thank c;ud II lwld 1t1i:.:1·lh1•r "J\ft..r th:.il 1t wa .... ,1 m:itlt•r 11f ... :uhng th!· ho.it t11 k('t·p frorn lw ing rnl11·rt t•vt•r h \ lh11.,1· I ri·m1·11 <k•ll~ S(':t"i ..... t 11 Ing t llW:. rd I hi· tTl'sl and 1twn 1u1 n1n g and rid ml-! lhl'm 1111" n HOK STt:El.E. ;1n11ll1t·r nal1\1· 1\ 11 ">I r a It a n w h 11 Ii ,,.... I 1 v • · d 111 '.'o1•Wf)(1rt lk .. 1l'h for 1·1ght ;. t·ar ..... wa' on hoard lndr1!11 with B:.ink., 111• al~o has ran•d a ll 11v1·r lht· wudcl "'11wn· '" 1111 do11ti1 tha t th1•11· ~en· 1w11plt· and ho:1ts in I hi· 1";1-.1 nf'I that h:iri no hus1 nt· .... -. ht·1n g lht·r c fr o m the .,ra nrl point of ''" IM!nt•nce a 11d .,;ifety l'QUI p rnl'n t... s ;.11 cl Skd1· "11 's I rlll' man\ 11{ th1• boat~ Wt'rt' lig ht nuLE "Frankl\·. I w11ultl ralhl'r lw on a light. 'itrong hoat 1han ,, heavier. s lower yu1·ht that 1~ l1•s' rrutnC'uverahlt> untlt•r tho-.c· l''>" d1t1on~." he s:.i1 ri .. Jn rl'Lrns p1•e1. '>aHl llank .... 'I th111k th1· gn·al1·-.I m1st;1k1· 111atl1• hv 111a11v sk1pp1·r~ wa~ allow1111: ti)(• <'n .'w t11 n ·ma1n 1111 1l1·1·k l)i•sp1t c lht• fa<'I 11 w<i:-. mid s ummer. th e watPr 111 that part of tlw glovt• is fn g1d '1'111· con-.tan1 1·x~111.,urr· low1•rs lh•· l1•11h l<·m ll('rlJllJrl' and lnt'rl'J'>I'' riJLIJ!lll·. 14hwh rnn Ix· fol a I "WC' h<id o nlv two rra•n in th1· rorkp1t at onc· 't1m1• on two hnur walc:hc'> an hour 1•arh o n lh1· h<:lm T h P ri>st o f us ~tay1·1I h<'low wrth 1h1· hatche'i hallt·n<'<I rlown ThiJt way. w1• ulway., h ail frPsh hod1es to tak<' 11vt·r th1· helm It's JUs t a m a tll•r of rom m nn sense.·· oh~1·r \ c•d I ht• v<•kran seaman "What a lot of IO f>XJ)t•n1·n<·c·1I s k.Jppers and crew~ and "'''"l' ex!X'n e nced ones don 't n·;.al1lt' 1s that the sea doe s n 't g 1vt• <i damn about you and your boat It does n't even know you urc· there " Salvage Hope Dims for SwlkenShip NORFOLK, Va. <AP> Three holes round by dive rs in lhe deck of the sunken Civil War ironclad Monitor have dimme d salvage hopes. F'ilms or the gaping holes will be s hown by National Oceano graphic a nd Atmospheric Ad minis tration <NOAA ) offac aals W e dnesday al a n e ws con rcrence in Washington. Archeologis ts exploring the ship under 220 feel or water 16 miles south of Cape Hatteras. N.C .. discovered the holea as they trained batter y.powered li1ht1 on deck areas where t.he pilot hou&e1 the wardroom, amd the gun turret once 1tood. T he "amHtn1 discovery or lar1e 1ll'\lclural defect.a In por· Uon• of the deck" maket tM out· look for ral1ln1 the Monitor more pH 1lml1Uc than e ver. Floyd Chlldreaa of NOAA Hid. Chlldr"'· NOAA '1 ateoc:!ate director for operattont and .en. forcemen.t, 1ald1 "We're elole t.o comiq t.o C.be coaclualoa U..t tbe whole ablp could not be ralNd." ... Newport Man•unt Suspect Soughi In Murder Plot .,. .......... 1. MATTIE SHULTZ, 91 , WON'T BE HUNGRY AGAIN But Shoplifting Widow Says She's 'Tired' Tired of Life 825,000 'Too Much' !-.1\ '\J /\;\.T<l~I O T1•xa ... 1Af'1 Whl'n ~ht' wa:. a rrested for .... h11pl1ft1n~: 1•nw1·n .. :-1.....,1 month. !J I )l':tr old MallH' Schult1 wa!'> dt•-.11111t1• ln111~n .ind .d1m1· S11w1· tlwn. < 1111tr1hu11o n..., frnm ae·rt>l>l> tht> l 'n1tt·d Stc.tte~ have lw llo1111l•d 111 11111r1· I h;i11 S2! •. 000, and ~ r:. Sl·hultz. who~c ovt>r 111~ht 1:111 11•1111 tll t•w 11.1l1<111t1I .1tlt:nlwn ~<iy!> :.he ha!> µlcnl y lrr l';fl hllf JS ' Ill I'd IJ{ Ifft• " "TIU: \\1\\' MY llEJ\LTll IS, I OON 'T nl'ed too mud1 molll'\ -.lw '>illd Sun<.lay "I don'l lh111k I'll IJt· her<.· but a s ho rt t1mt· :..tw -.:11d :1 lot o ( fo11d ha!'\ IH:cn 1lonall'ri sincl' her n1~ht in 1;.ul for t1 ~111c 111 .... 11-;ll S I ~> ~11rtl1 of ~au~age~. h a m and butler from a su1wrma rl.t·t ./ul~ <!·I Most or tlw dr11wt1·d mom·y has been put in a fund by u ft vc rnan <·omrr11!lt•<· B11h !•ugh, a member of the punel s et up tc1 ad n11n1..,h'r thP 1·1rn1 nliutwn .... ~aid thl· e11mm1ttce <.lN·aded not to l-!1\(• Mr-. !">1•h11t11r· !ht· $25.000 1n a lump wm but to :.eek u court 11r<kr 1·1otahli,l11ng a guardian:-.h1µ for hf'r Pl'('ll, 7:1, IS rR f.SfDf.!\T OF th1· lfH ,11 f'h tiplt'r I)( th" T•·x ,1..., S1·n101 1 ·1111.1·n~ J\...,s1w1<.it1•111. whic h received :-.ome n mtnhu 1111n., on \1r., Schultz'..., bl'half I le 1·xpla10l'd ... ht• \\iJ~ conn 1·d out of h1•1 lift·""'\'"~" <1f $S 000 111 l!.17:1 and that 1f s he h ;.irl :ill the· m11111·~ n~ht a "'" '>ht· rJ lw t·asy pn·> for t'q·n Tom. l>11·k and lliJrr-. ' !'ugh ~alCI mont·} "l'am•· f111111 :tll ovt·r Amt-nc:a after d maJ!"lrall·.., dN·1s11111 ll> plan· th•· woman 111 J<J il ~•1., t·nt11·11.1:d '1111.: r h:rrgt•., wt·11· llrnmwfl. ,inti 1h1· m a)1Jr orden·d an IO\t:~ll gcJ 111111 (If lht• e•1111f llll'IOl'lll · 1 ·\ ,. 111·"'' ...i•t•n iJnyth1nv l1k•· 1t. · ""'d !'ugh · It proves Amt•rt<·a -.till ltas ;i hea rt TllE ..:r.nEKL v wu>ow wAs Rt-:1 . ..:Ast:o t~,, w('1·k-. ;1g11 fnim a h11-.p1tal whc•rc <,ht• wa~. l r10,11l·d for ht'.1rt .rnd .... 111mach ullm1·nb Hut :,ht· !>i.l ld !>ht• <.l<H·~11·1 ft·1·I J n}' lwttt·r "l 'rn 111~t l1r•·d I m w11rri 1·11m1il1·!1·h 11111 ..... 11!1 M r~ S1•h11ll1 .. ~ho workC'rl a ., ;1 hot•·I 111a11I lo ht•lp !>upport her!>clf iJnd ht.'r hu»b:rnd ;iflcr ht• s uffrrt·d:. -.1 rok1· 11<·1 hti...band w<i~ an 1n\ .tltd ~I > 1•Jr., h..C11n· h1'> 1kath Ill yt·ar'> a~'' Sunlf;t} I th;mk all of th1·m. :11111<iotl1111•,., tlwm all. \h1· '""' llut 'Ill' Jdd<·cl . 'I'm t 1rt•d of hft• I vc got no body I dt>n l kn1>v. n11l>rnh I v1· lived her<· 51i ycur.. and I <.lon 't know a dozen p1·11pl1 · BLAST ... Srotlnml Yarrl '1111<1 thf'V had no rt·a.'\on lo flouht lh1• 1'1<11111 The appan·n( a:-.~a~sinat111n or Ln rcl M11un1ha ttc n . uncle h y marnagc• 11f t~uN•n Ehzabrth. wai> the clo~f·'il Irish g uerrilla strike• yet at tht• royal family Mounthattf'n wa~ a cousin o( KmJ: CieorJ.(4' VI. f<tther of th1• prC8ent quc1·n. a nd hrothcr of Princl'SS Andn'w o f Greece, molh<'r nf lht' q u<'cn's hus band, l'nnCl' Ph1hp. Duke• of E din burgh The queen was g1vPn the news al Bal mo r al. her Scottis h c a s tle . where s ht• IR on vacul1on. Buck in¢\am Paluec said efforts were belnft made to contact Prince PhHUp. who was expected today at the Euro pean Drivin g C ham p4onsh1Jlll aJ Nonant le Pin in Normandy, 'France By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ot•Oitlty ......... Newport Beach police are !eeklng the man they allege helped set up a murder·for·hlre scheme with an unde rcoNer of· ficer whose victim was t.o be a motion picture sound technician. Trucen l9to c us tody Saturday was the intended victim's wife. identified by Newport Beach police as Oorothie Muncey. 55. cl Lakewood. She was booked o n susp1c1on of consptracy to commit murder after she C11legedly paid un· Ballerina To Return To Russia BULLETIN NEW YORK CA P > -Soviet baUe rtna Ludmlla Vla!>.ova has satlsn,1f U.S. officialH lhal s hf' wanl'\ to rt'tum to thf" Soviet l 'n.ioo of her own .. olitlon and will rpturn homf', D ona l d "C'H Pnt). lhP <'hll'f l '.S nt>J(otiator, 'laid thl!s afternoon. WA'iHl~GTON <AP > U S negotiato rs haVl' <t rra nged a tomprom1se plan unde r wh1ct thr•; v. Ill 1nte rv1 e w Sov ie t hallenna Ludmilla Vlasova 1n a nY>hill· airport lounge a t Ne v. Y1>rk '., Kennedy International 1\Jri>ort. S tate Departm e nt o f fir1al'> sa id today ·nw mobile 1€>un~e would pro \ldt' thE' "n1>n <'oerc·1ve at ffi()'lphf'rr"' thP l 'n1ted Statt" l1a.'> lx•t•11 -.ayrng M 1s~ Vla'lova mu.-.t have• to dcc1d1· whether 11 r11urn lo the Soviet Unio n or tc '>l:tv in I hP Uni le d S tate" w ith hl·r h u'>h:tnd. fe llow Bo l!>hm 11.t I I•· t dancer A I ex and e r c:ortunov c;n1 d depa rtm e n t :-.pokr·.,man llodd1n~ Carlt'r l><.·partm1•nt 11ff1 c 1al-.. -.peak m~ µn v01telv i-:irlter this morn 111~ '><lid that Sonct off1c1:tl' w1111Jri l.>t' :.ilhl14 t•fi t(J be> prPs1·nt 111 th1· rnolnlt• louni,!1• But at tht> dcp:irtml•nt·., dailv lln(.'fing. Cartt·r -.aid that exa<·t Iv who would be allo wed m lhr mobile' lounge was rn..mJ! d ,... ""'"('0 en l a'>I mrnutf' "ho r ... " 1r.1d1111! hC'l~•·•·n rn 1·ri1'.1n .Jn1t !'Y1\ 11'111Hw1<1I'> JI lht• ;11r]>ort Beamy Quee n Pleads Guilty /\SllEVILLE. N (' «i API Bt'.1uty qul·t.:n Joyt·1· Mc K1nn1''. v. ho rled En~land whl·n she "'a .... .1n ·use<I 1)f forc 1n~ a ~ormon m1s~1onary to haw· ~ex with h1..•r h:i..., pll•adc·d ~uilty to using .i Ltls t· nanw to obt•11n a pussport ~f•~~ Mc·K1nne}. l'J and her 11 :.iv1·l1ng <·ompan1on . Kl·1th ~I a y. pll'udt>d guilt} bl'forc l ' S M ag1strate J 1'~1ul Teal Sen tc•n<' m g was sl't for Se pl 4 \1 1 ~s Mr Kinnt•\ .. 1 fnrmt•r Miss Wyoming USA. and Ma} O<>d England last yl'ar when her former boy fncnd al·cused her of 1·h<111110~ him lo a bt•d and fort· mg h im to pt.>rlorm sexual acL'> Hnt1s h a uthont1es did not press for t'Xlrarullon o r the pair from the Vmted States dercover lnveaU1ator Lee Roberta Sl.000 u down paymeat on a Sl0.000 murder contract. Police said the balance was to · have been paid when the vrt· tJm'a ltfe insurance policy was paid. Detective Capt Ri c hard Hamilton 11aid today the ca11e was broUl(ht to Ne wport pollce Friday by an informant who said the man still s ought by police was inquiring about hir ang someone on behalf or Mrs. Muncey Roberts. acting as the would- be killer. met with the woman who aJlegedly told him she want· ed her husband murde red The inte nded victim as work· 11\g on a movie location in Santa Ana and wais slaying at a hotel in that c1ly Roberts and 1nves llgators fmm the Santa Ana police Wl'nl tn the holt·I e<irly Saturria y momin~ and told lhl' man about the allc~ed murde r 11lot. llamilton -;aid the-vi,.1 rm .,p1·11t lht• n ·st t)f th<· wc·ckt•n<I 1n I ht• proll'1.1.1v1· t u.,tody of N1·wp11rl fi(•at•h offl<·•·r-. Hotx·rt-. w a-. ~1 v1•n thf' man'<; watch . nng and wallet which he· took to :1 Saturday noon meetmg with Mr ... ~11nr1•v al lt·~r·dly tn fJrO\•· t hat ht· rl f11lflllt·d llw murrlcr <01mtr;w1 Mr~ Muncey was t a ke n 1nt11 ru-.tod v afll•r -.he ha ndP1I Ho b<•rts rh1· 1·:.i.,h Shi· w a ... hnokt-d into Orun~c Counly J a il wtwn· ::.ht· rcm iJincd 111 c ustody ltJdJ Y London Elvis Fans Pour Out LONL>ON </\P > -A h all 1n r 1• n t r a I L o n d o n · s s t a 1 ti Wt·,tm1ns 1cr <llstrrr t throbhl!<1 v. 1th "I l<•artbrt•ak lf<>l<·I" and J <i ilhousc Ho<·k .. <1:-tho usand ... 11( .. :l v1s PrPs lt•v fon-. 1<1mml'd ;m i•1izhl hnur ml•mnrial t<1 the 1:1u· rock 'n rnll <.rnw·r A hugt· mnvlt' :.cri•(•n di'> play<'d £1Vls films al> a so11ncf 'Y~li>m purrd out his 'Ion .:~ Youni;z men rn s 1d(·burns vied 1n an F:lv1s look alike contt·st FJn::. hnl·d up from dc.twn unlrl tht• noon 01wnrni:! to p11y H.• l'~u1 valcnt of St5 11 li<'ket Rerw Trip Pays Off RJo::'llo Nc•\ •A P 1 - l.orr a1 n1· f:l1•Jn11 r Wr<i y hor ro w1·ct S llHl from a fru•nct to try her luck in fknn Two hours and $40 afte r -.h1· ;,rnVl'rl 01 l lla r old 's C luh, sht· won $85.731 the largest Jackpot a vaila· b le on a doll<ir prog ressive at thl' <'asino "l'v<' ~en trying for ~·> long," sajd lhe 61·yf'ar ·old A lbc.tny, Ca lif .. woman arter her win. O n three pre vious traps, "I 'd s top pla y i ng u machine and an ho ur later rt would hit .. 1'ollce said four persons w ere taken to Sligo H os pital . Mountbatten 's ~on in·law and daughte r . Lord and L acfy Br abourne: th.elr 11on Tlmothy.'it brother of Nlcholu . and the Downier Ladl Drabourne, mothcr·ln·law o Mountbatten's dauahter. Two o r the four -It was nol lmmt diotely known who -were said to be crttlcally In. j~ and ln the Intensive car e \l'\lt. ------------------------- Mountbatten had been al his eatate, about 150 miles northweat or Dublin, ror two weeb. For 35 yeare, he was •n the hablt of takln1 a 1ummer vacedoo there. , I Our letvorlle 1oan. 1122 by On Time blaAchea denim with a clean s1th0ue110 N.l<J to thar ~n All cotton flannel plaid shin roppea oil by rhe w1111y 1ac kor 01 conon and polyester teaturmq 11 pockets w/vOICro ctosures unca lout·weath8f rlOOCI All ot lheso great items pack nicety m10 the canvas "day bag Al S GARAGE ')f1 f-ASI HON ISLANU NI WPOR r BEACH ( /14) 644-7030 STOCKS J BUSINESS NYSE COMPOSI'I'E TRANSACTIONS Monday'• 2 p.m. (EST) Pri '1!8 t· t .. ' f # -" .. I ,. ~ ... .... • I ":). .... ... I I I •# l ..... ... .... ... ••• i.1 -.. ~CPw 1t~ 1 • 1 1 .. !E. ,., •1 .... I"'• •4 11 11 .... • H11~0 "10 u 1•'-. Milt MO•• ,_ .,_. "'1" At , Cll 'f!o 11 11. -,_, -.. lliar j I; .,. » ll ,.,,,.fll 1 II IU R • .. I f -M(llCh 1 -10 ,.) i•~, ~ P\ln j). + TllE t .. II 11 W 1 '-Alltll lllll ) Ml' .. • ~. .,, • .,. ,,, Ht y,, l~lnd I .. .,, ,.... -Wlf!f'J = , n -1"P,•104 ,i:; •' r:t:: r•w '1 ",. ... "' A .. l. I • ,, -~ ... _,. • •• Ir••• JM » .,.,, i 'l'•I• • n +-M.PSH"{l*' 10 H~· ...,r11wpf •• 1 ...... ... m I .. e ,,. na• • ... t•i.• ~ ~ I 1 •A ~ • ~I H U .... t "'1 II -19 p •H 1 e Jl 10v., \lo f AW I>' <JO . I 1•.,,-"> l~ i It' ,,. ~ Ill o• '-•"'I A'• , • •t p VI I Q• Jn IS-• Plvl1 7 ~ f llMJ J ll"I. lalllrcl ,,.10 100 ._,_ .. •.J 1• ,, 11·~ "'"''{; ·~ IH41n I , ·--· ·~ ?I ......... PsEO ~l1 •• n1i1o-111 T•l<•tl • Q df.'"' 11.vx "' ~-1 .,.. " ., • '" '-• '4 1~ 1111 • m vi • ._ "" •·• ' '" Jt\it. "" l'sE§ Pf1~ ., n -"' r.110 ' • ., "' ~,-~'L' i '~ • "~. ·~ ~~.· .. "'"' ' t ' -"I 111111t 1 J .,. , ~ ""l'~'* ... o ., ,,.., • "fl ,,.,_,0 , ,. ... tt -I r e u., Of 1 • .... .. ( • U.. 1 • '°' "~ell I If pl "1 • .. 1111,1 I , I "', lot • 1 r~ ! t II• ""' + Vt P pf!!0 (1t ' ,., .. ,,, + ... hmpE IM I IJS T~ ,,. AOIW' I .... ff I ' loo II-.•' .. I alt "li • ~,I eM t 10 t• , ... Ill ey , It If 1--. \"I I' E~ Pft.,. ytO 100 t IV, falldy I l l) Mflll ..... :=.-a,' .. 1: ... 1" .,, ..... 117 : ·~ :t:. ;:r11!" u~ '1 ': g"'• ~ lt:I I. • If{ • ... :-~ =~' ~.1&11lf t :-:..: Vt :=~1011 , :: :~-:: t:=:.11 ~ .. .:.:, I~~.· ... Aell\ll ti• 1 ui Jht "' et1Hw P' S j -"' ..,1M1 .. t ~ ""', "-!""'••• 11 • ll ff"" "'I"~ 1 .e s • 70.,.. p~ CAm • ' •~• l<llll<Olf .n • 20 1;1ot • "' A"Metl.\ t,iO ) J j : •'1~41 CO IO It "'• ~t(< •IM t ~. Ill , ...... "" 1100 \II I M rr p WI • •I IJ\o • PQ$Pl I .,i : J'I .. ~. . l•ClllllCll •• 11~ 11 .. t 1 111 _ L ~I.~~ i IA !: ~. " !:1c~ ::.; ~ tt ~.· .. ..t<h"' J dOO ttl.. ,.,,., on 1tl0 ..... Ml\11 "' ·*' • IJO .,._. "' Pvtlmn uo uo ,. " ''"''"" -• l " "' " .,.,¥ ~ -~ il t IO 11111 J 10 • -lio tk" jllf),,, 1100 t0 , V. MPnC ) S 12 Ui. t '°' Puru 116 t 1• l/v1 Ttl~or 6Mlt 4 t ~ ~~'°,r,"~' t. 10, o tr.'"• • 11•',.•<• t .. 1 '• ~,. s.,,"' '"''~ I M ' '~& i.,, .• ~~ ,1~T'!/11r. I I t' 10 uJm"' • 14 MoP " •• t 14 11'4 .. ""' """'"'• •• ev.-""' ,, .... ,. '·"' , •It ut,. • l\lo .. ~ • 40 t~ _ , .....,,,. )!! I • .. llf • '°' llo\tP e>f2 t4 , t 22"' , • Purt"' 1 n I i<.15 *>"-• y, Ye il>(ml JI 1'1 11141 • .,.. ••• G11f .at ; '"" • ,~ •1•11 .. l It ' •JO -·· \M•C:.11 10 • 1 ''"', " I 1 1• • 16 Mot111 , 1.AO 111.i y41 , 1-. ~110 t.lO • ao 1""4 \"I T•tu • " •~. • •••P Pl •. 1119 '''". '" -• • •• ~ •trnn ao 1 1• 1' "' ~ ~ 1•.. J ~· ••• ~ .. H n 11 '"" .. ""' Of•-» ooo '°'"" r.,.,,o 2 20 1 ua ,, ... • "" Ateli' pf 11 '10 IOl'4 , .. .,,,.. 0 10 t ,,... 1~ lllyt I Jl • •I Ji"'' "-ftO M 1$ t lol. , MctMer 7C> I If 14\A, ell$\O I 11 6U 71t'o, ... TtrM¥11 ll 11 2•"-• "-. Ale Ppt .. 1, ,10 ,.,,..., ....... i.ow 1u 1 1u 1~ lllvlP'2.0 •urilll •l\lli Mill•• • J u .... Ml'Mtco t0 t u 11 ••. -•' 1 10 •• 11..i. ••• h M>ro 1 ell 11 • v. AIAQKO I .0 t t U '°' •"H..0 1 ~ t • It\< •enft I .,_ J'I ''"' • .... "4 Ill. 11 l l .... • ~Pte I) •I> ""° + \lo< 70 ll IS l~t-II, hM>r Of 2 I• IJJ »"-• 'Ai ,......... ... n JI .... enlll 1 I IO I u ,... ..11"' I '° I 1> " !Mi ... , .. • Sl • -II I JO IU ,, ,,.... • • -·--f•••<O l .. ' -l/ttllt .... •"N"Y l IO Ill fl\•" "' lltll Pl l ll a10 )I 14 Ii on 111 7 10 t Iii.• Mnt !< U JOit ", "_,,I\ t S 1 11-"' llCA 1 tO r cit U._, .... Teo Cm l.fO • » 0 • .,.. AIDetlO )tlO .... ""nlll"'llt.1 11.0011 •'"'f•t.•10 Ito, 90> ""''.,, llM•• J I• ••• ff:" ---.u. "~· v.•CApf lJC) .. 110,, -.re111" 110. "H .... Alllrl~n 1 z0 • ,. «I"• ._ entt !I. 1 » • IM tJ '• [ ttOll c I tMt ui.. .. , 1111 I"'" •• l H u 14 ,.....WI\ 1..0 1 111 »'-• 14 Al.C , .M lo >S 11••, "' hfT pt JAG I Jt~ .. AtcanA l ~ ~ MO.• \lo ~eftldc ... I 1.0 )\ '+' "" --· -rn It< -1410 t • \"I """IOU I IO I 13 t•\o.-~RT! .0 • ti 101.o-.... TilET pl 2 '1 I 11 ... -"-"IOSlo I fO. ~· Jiii'>--•MP• I u I ....... '"l'MC I '° • 1'f ,. • "' II '" ,. , ,,, ,._,,_ .... MoftPw J.O. 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""' ..... llollln I tiO 10 ISO lon. 'I Tt•Ulll I M 1 ,,. I-.... Al d pf J It .0'• '• Chinrln I'° t 10 JI' FrW•IFn \ t Ul'I llllrll tlO 1J It 1' Mt11TrAm I 1J I -\lo A••d8•1 I t .. ,.._, ~ ,.,~If I JO IJ Ul 11°' • '· Allt lO P'1 ,. ' 1'l '"'" pr I'° ) ···~ ~. l'erallMI " Ji. .. llllAlum .0 , ,. I•" NlotHOI , .... ' 10 Jiiii. "• 111111•1 I 10t • , .. I)... • , .. Qll... l 101 ........ Alf11Pw l I t I 1\f 11 : CllamSp Ill UI 11"' ~ l'-r\ )1 I.. • ... _ 18M ' J M IJ H20 /0\1 , h Molrote I 20 II IS) •"'-• .. II.Om" Cl"' t IH '"' h •fi lftd ) U \ '>-._ Au.,.c;0 , 1 / 1,. ')"', '" Cll•rlCo » ¥JI JI'-• 1 F.oco / eo \ • eo '"'"'•• to" 11 »•. M1F ... 1 2.211 10 11 ""··. 1t .. uCJi .o 1 10 10 -.., ,. • .,..., 'IO • .. ~ Alletll•n .0 ti It )O'-. ·~ Cl\•tlCO Wl \10 13~o 1 f'Mlf•l>f 1J M6 tt t -., 11\IHerv 1 SO , 2» u v, MIST•I 2-W , ji 26 ll"v\8 J c 1 JI'--,,. THtr pl J Cll I JI"'• '" AllOO. , • ~ JI , ' ..., CllulCo pl ... 11 • ' . FOMOQ " .. \ II " • \lo llllMln l • .. lo) .... Mul\IMO ,. ...... 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Oofll\ly · I t l aftl-Hezeltft AO 1 20 11 • \4 MrallM s.10 12 IS ..... • 1'11,.r I at 11 111' :ll\11• Y, Ster<lll • .. lo 1I tOh .. Wltlllcll f4 II J io-lot '"'"" .sa. , IM H!At-" Oo<Mt 7S 7 1• :IO • -.. -Tee • It >214. ,,,,,.,,, l,Jil • 11'2 10\lo. \11 ll'NtpO I ' 1'l 21-... $~18c• ... s JI '"' ..... Wllll•m• I "lftl u •• 8r1lwGt 1.Clt t t4 1'14 .... Oo,_.r 1•77 IO 6 ~ HHtllTt< wl •. 1 .. n v.+ "-r1M 2 6 llS • • ll'fllleEI IM e Of ,..._, "' St•rtD9 :.. IO J10 1T ' '°' Wll"'rO If,. ft !Ofll .... IS·~ U~ ~ 111~ b~= ~ 0.-CI\ 1'.o I me !"';·~~:~M .a: ft :~~.::'.. ='l~ ::'i ~ =• :::1:1 ::::=::'!J: :.:~ ·-' Sterlldnl • .0 t 10 ni..' .. ::~*'Al 1;.1:; >;'"·.·\._ -.JO s IS ,. "' 0.-Jll , .... 11 .. + ..., Hellm•' I 12 1: 40 +I illfle'CO Al 10 .., ts-\II ~If!.. 1 ueo ,. 1•~ Sl•••nJ 1 ,. s lot 1'"· ... Wflll~J I u , ... , Orno 1.21 I IP JD¥,-Vt H I H • t I ._.. '" • • ' ., St .. we \IM 1 II ~ ' " -0. IM • $f "~ -o ... .-.. 1 IO • ,.. n w.. • fl.I • -~· --It, .. 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N r:t:"f "1 14i:::n1Htttttlll'1f1M ., • ~· fl!lelte4_, .... 1........ f'et IA Sto2 t0'4 ..... lllWor l.H IO • ... SOit.• V. W .. vrW ,at. t '~ti~•" , • 1 M _ .. 1. ;, .. ~ • ,,, nv.. ~"' .. 2.... a ,. _ VH AO s ,, 12~-"' $ue 5"° 10 • 11 • W-lt; ... IO .. 1>'11 . '"' rH UO ,, ~16-"' ~1..t ·~tt +\II~ ,_ 16 4" .... t llGlyOI IA i 0 25911-P' wt .14 S »t l\11•-., ~rG t'.M f SS..,:..• ~ WOOfP't .Al lS.I 2t1'+ \II • .... 1 ~..... pf ' -nf.!Vlt • .. ft =-=: w 4 • "' I.Me 'I .. t40 • -~m Ao ) ' • ...:.. ... w:i·"' tl: • ~ ,,,_. " • "'ir: 1:1: m.m;: ~ r. •~:: ,~: ~n=:--1 111» .. ~ -"'I· 1• • 1 ~ 1 1j•. '°' =•"~ 1 1 1 : ti: -~ .... =~ri, ., *1 ~: ~ " lllf .U.. .J 11-. ... u 118 '4 .. • 14M+ "'HeNft 1.• • 1 tO -14 Mc ' •• II + l 10 UlloM •"' Pf 2.U 1• ~.., W.rttJr ·• • t Pt .. ,., rt M " '""" •.,. yMm ·* 'i t• ........ !I' MIO"" 2214+ "MC r 'l 4 t l! II ... ,, I.JO ·; I 1 • "'WYl•lfl •i1 •I• U~+"' I 1• O tnl..... -.. J .. 1•• 1 + 11 -.-... w •lr....J-! t llS YI Wtlt'-' t .4t JI 101'+ "° .. ~·1 1~ 1: d~:;t: "0 •1-r,r~ .. ~ 1 "'IJlii ~ ~." 1· J.,, "f.. t( :nu u -~·" "'":iii n ,,\II~.~;::;" ,-a.lh·~~· .::1: _.!'.!·~'"'·" .,.,.,. !! +!:? ':~ .... , -: 'fJ •. ··" ~r.·,.i!",to.,·uJl\11!,"'I":: s l'·Vt llM •ra-t ,.._" !!!!. I 7 fi -~ ' " • 16 .... ¢ • -n "' ' : ~ •• A ••• ''!!:•. • I r~ r U0 tt;+ ~ :irlr 4 lft + t: ·• .. "'I' i JllJ.?f ""• ~ e :::u If I-.:•::: A ' II ... ; r ;t f'i·: :;!f,)1 ·~ If= :!J j : ~ ·J1 . '· ' 111.:.~ '':Id ! i!E = "'::I , I ':~ ti Ballock•1 Names ClaalnDaa LOS ANOELD <AP> -PrlMb Slmoa, YIH cbalnnu tll na.nt'• ID 80ltoa, wW ..._.. eJaalrman ud .-' -' " ] dalef aecutln Clftleer ol Bullock'• 'tl!t' • .1'11 '! ~., .. , ii ~::::: t " ... I ::::: Deputmlllt 9torw 00 Sep&. ., tM . ... I... . -'1 ,. • ....,,.. .• 7 ..... flrm laid lrilW .... .. • ., • .... • •• • .. •• " • • • s DAILY "LOT IfleDoaaell Douglas DC-I 0 Builder' fJ Profits Take Off By MILTON MOSKOWITZ ..., .. American Airlines, whose DC·lO went down in naro• on May 25, klW.ng 273 J>(lrsona in the wonst alr disutAtr .49 U.S. history, iln't t.be only company posUna rec:ord tesldtA. this year. McDonne ll Douglu, the builder of lbe pl~1 also is bavin,c ooe sweel year. . The crash helped American AlrUnes log unprecede~l· ed proftta in the quarter ended June 30. The airline col~ ed on an ln.surance policy coverin& the OC·lO to the tu.oe of $24 million, and that ghoullah windfall accounted for ~ percent ol ill earnings. • AT McDONNELL DOUGLAS, the crash did not.hlng t~ apur earnings. But it didn't dampen them either. The aircraft builder came through the second quarter with af. t.ertax profits of $53 million, up a sensational 51 percenl, over its performance last year. The company expec.t&,\l>. clear S.S billion in revenues for the fi rst time in 1979. Will the DC·lO crash and the subsequent groundio&. ~· the plane have any lopg·term impact on the company Absolutely not, s ays Sanford N. McDoM ell, president. of McDonnell Douglas Jn an mtervaew with Wall Street Journal reporter David Carino, McDonnell made the following points. -The company doelS not plan any maJor des ign · changes in the DC 10. No negative re action has been received fr om foreign airlines using the plane Ve r y ltltl e n egative reaction hai. been received from passengers 1.0 the Unit· ed Statl.'S. -The company ai. Money Tree Just about sold oul through 1.980 -The company will deliver 37 DC !Os this year and 31 next year. •, -McDonnell Douglas 1s offering a s tretched versiot# of the 0C 10 "Interest from Lhe a1rlm ei. hasn't lessened since the accident." s aid McDonnell The company 1s spending S2.R5 million th1~ year on capital improvements. up from $1R7 m1l11on lasl year Way to go, M('Oonnl'll Douglas' HELPIN~ THE ST. LOLIS·BASEO comp;in.1i· ~.oar 1s th<' c; S governm1:nl. .J really b1$( CU!)tomt•r r mu< h b1~1?er than Lhe airline'>• ft1<'Doru\ell Doul(lal. hu1l<h thE> f' l~ f11?hter for the Air Fort(' thl• F 18 f1~hl£'r for the NC1 vy and \ anou..., m1~i.alei. In fl '><' al 1978 th•· rompan' rPc·e1ved Pen· tagon orders tot:ihnR $2 86 billion Thl· onlv c·ompany to get more order' "'a!) It!. St t.001 '> n1·1d1lior. General U)nam1cs. l4 h1ch got orde r~ of $4 14 b1lho11 Mc Donnell Oougla ... gam1:re<J nl':.trh fl p1•fC'l'nt of au Pentagon orde~ of more than SlO 0011 The· I :-.. tL1xpayrr i:. easily lht' mo..,t 1mportant s<iurr<· 1.1f r1·v1·nur· for Mc·Oonn1·ll Douglas Tht· comp1my does 77 µcrl'cnt uf lb $4 I billion in s ale., ...,.,th \.ht' l) S government On Lhe Fortum• 500 ltst Mc()(.)nncll Ouuglas ranks 63rd. ONE Mc OON!'llEU. OOL'GLAS FLIGHT that w1U not Ret off the ground tl!I a SI million plus advertising cam - paign that Lhe a1rcrart bwlder was planning to launch once the DC 10s were airborne ag<11n The campaign, usi ng ne14·spapers, radio and tell'' 1s1on. had becn :.lated to run In 60 maJor markets. The aim to reswre public confidence in the plane The DC-l Os returned to ~er\11Cc in Jul-. hut at the la.st moment tht> conf1dente hu1l dmg campaign 1,1,,1s killed. prb ably out of ft·dr that ad~ potnltnR up th<• ..,afrl.' uf tht· DC·lO would only remind p<-oplL· of lhl• one thJt "'ent down Mesa Firm Sold To Image-maker Pholo~raphic Scu.·nce..,. a corporJllon spcc1almng Jn prec1s1on pbotoSi?raph), h<i::. <1cqu 1rcd th1· VouRhl d1vi:1ion of Cetec Corp , formerly Computer Equipment Co .. Coi.t,1 Mesa Vo~ht des ig n.., a nd manufactun ·s cCJmerai. for use wit h computer output m1crof1lm m::.ehincs and cu.o;torn m1crograph1c equipment It will oc part or the micro g raptucs group of Photographic Sc1em•c!i That group ml'ludes the manufacture or businefis form images on ~1:.t!>S pl3lt'S for UsL' 14 llh compute r output microfilm equipment , m1crograph1c c-ontrac-t work and image evaluat.Jon a nd test h1.rgelS for use in evaluating optical and imaging systems Ja("k G. Abbott of Hunt.mgton Beach has been naawd president of the group. He has managed the Vought dh·isioo as a vice president of Cetec Corp. since 1964 Photographic Sciences 1s based at Wt>bslcr, near Rochester. N Y. It has production fac1bttcs al Woodland Hills a nd Mo nrovia. Calif Laguna lhlls Utility Co, Laguna lulls. says net incomP increased to $157,000, or 49 cents a share. for the second quarter ended June 30, compared with $47,000, or 15centa: flt r the comparable 1978 quarter. Operating revenues increa'Sed to $1.2 million from $908,000. The second·quarter gam more than offset the IOS$ 01 $19,000 in the first quarter and brought net income for t'he first haJ! to $138,000, or 43 cents a share . This compare;; with the a loss of $12,000, or 4 cents, for the like peri<Xl pf l 971L .t"1 r st· halt i'h.- enues were Sl,987,oOO, ( T'.t.KfNG J c o m p a r e d wHt\ 1' Sl ,S48,000. Pe r·s ha(tt STOCK figures have been a.d- j usted to reflect .lb~ ------------' one.ro r ·lO reverse stock split ln May. Operating C09ta lncreued 27 percent for the q over the same period a year earlier, but were moi-e otrset by a 35 percent increue ln revenues. Conlri to the revenue rtH were rate lncreas'5 granted d put year and a 17 percent lncreue in water uaa1e. increase ln uaace resulted from an 8 percent lncreue new coonectlona, due to powth ln lbe service area, an Increase in per capita Ute ot water due to w weatber' eoadltions. Tbe eompall1 said It continues to experience treme cub flow dlfflculUet" and ll conUnulns eff reaaln ft.nandal atabW\.Y • • . ...... r • C-.YN.OT MARMADUKE o I "Some things might be a cc1dentolly lost, but I think THIS was delibe rate 1 SUPERHEROES SHOE THI! ~OF THli ~lflll#r 'CoPT'BR Oll!ATlf PA ~--WHILW T.,_ ~ ONI! I T'-'lrt!O ~AlllNtl/ _...-.-,,_. ~~SE£ "'1 1~101.E. ~1.1+'1'? PEANUTS by Jeff MacNelly r~ __ ,---""'~ ' ~' . -- 1,1(. L [-:::t _ . ~-~/ J ·lc;v; THE FAMILY Cl RCUS by Bil Keane . . . .. "I'll show you some of the foh I caught at comp when we unpack my suitcase ." DENNIS THE MENACE • GORDO JUDGE PARKER °'l'JMEH Ml& fAlHE(( OOE&H'T ~TURN TO THE CA~ AfT~ AN H()Ult,,TEVI£ l..()()«;& ~ TME TAVERN WIHOO~/ 1/7~"f TUMBLEWEEDS ~e~e HE: e<>es-1.0'f.SA UJCK: iHE MOSr $'1RAVA&4N"f INPIAN IN HISiORV'. NANCY FURNITURE DEPT . • ' •• DRABBLE 'IC>u "..iow, ..to~""A.J, Wt ·~c SAi/iN& ~ LOI Of 11\0t.I(~ 6~ ~1L01tJ& 'f"41S Bf{IC" 14lAl.L ~~ OR . SMOCK 1-r ·s A GAS / VVHC:AC:'!::> YA euv II, !::>OC? MISS PEACH SEAT Mllf\' 6-Z I~ 'THE THIRO ser ! t • .,. • Ai.IQ w1f14 SOHi O' V'I ~IC.t ..U:. 1'06t"1"~CR, lo,)(.' lL MAI/( I f oowc OJ tJ0 1'1 MC ~ ASrrHV(~, 1? TI-IAT TnE PETltlF IED? 1 C2) COMICS I CROSSWORD " Ylrgll ''rtdt .,, -rt by Kevin Fagan 8·11 by George Lemont IHA -r F=LJNN Y C t.-1P ·ON BIG NOSEE GL.-ASses AN ' MUS"f"ACHe .1 by Mell Lazarius NO, £3<.AT tT'-'; BA CX¥ s:"IZ'IGHTEN !!D . ..~~· (f,11 (,,',, .• MEY' I REMEM&ER vou·~ov f'\..AYEO QUAltT£R&ACf( f-Oa CEN1R.AL HI~'_._ .. Rl6Hf? by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Ryan by Emit lusttmllltr _,,.., ... ,....,...,, --.. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Con1or1 ~fallow 9 RaltF-•, "W•r>O'"d 1s Bon,,, 16 PIP()» IT 5'>11ov~ne:'>~ 19 R"dt>f'm XI Moment 21 Western pt OS Pt'( IOI 7 WO'OS ?) \IOtl••rt<, ~C.ih.•1 26 S•""" 18 J1tte1~ l1 ScllOOI term•, 37 !rap 38 Nallve ot Svtt1a 39 More cvn lltnQ 41 'lice •2 Loam •5 Allow~ 48 Punctual 2 WOldS 50 Flvnk 51 Nor1hern riomads ~ Cotton111t ~ Alrn .111' 67 1 antiJh/I" 6.1 ''"''' 64 Gtedl '".qn IOlfJ ffJiJ'. n 7 wr •tl· 66 [ •fldll 6T Silkworm till MB11r>1·1~ ti9 01st11t>vted 10 Soht fl N4vl•c.il trrm DOWN I RvOb1\li 7 01vni.. d'S - l Zea1ou .. 'Spec1t1c ~Scion 6 Coosvml'd 7 Lr11eis S Corsulet part 9 Ncckwear Pt tO Design 11 Spelt Latin 11 Roci..toah 13 EO•fOI II IWOld 18 Winces ,Jf~I ff 0 J t1.t'1Jt" c ~rnl11 ,,,,, 1JrlfUJIJ.tv f.iu1,·1t~ ~,,14 ,,..-, 7? s .... 1•ag1c 74 POV"I '7 l1Qv1•fy ?9 l no1movs JO G1ea1 Laku )I l1an~m1t 3' Tow1•1 33 WitlCiOle :i \(.1\()01 3• Convene 3!> -G1ande J6 coo 40 Bacfl. part '3 .. Ovrel'" 44 Was SOIC 4fi La•;,o 4/ C.i•1 prov· H11 t' 49 '"""' ~? W111 111 (lt•pe 5.1 ::ittmor ~ H.,t.knoyuo 56 F1~11ch tlver ~7 P1tt1y !>II Oto 59 Jtahan 1al1n<1 60 Frenchman 61 Gyrale 65 Bundle