HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-22 - Orange Coast PilotL t-i .l ( .l I .i . ea. ••• F OIDlt a ia \lallerf D Toro ~&.a.MiiA.t 43 14 7 fJ -orange Coas t tlJlfl(JN VOL. 72, NO. 265, 4 SECT ION S, 46 PAG ES Mexican Gas Pac t Appro ved W ASllINGTON (AP > -Pres1 dent Carter announced an agr ee mcnt Friday for the purch ase of Mexican natural gas an ac· cord hl' ternwd "a ~1gnif1cant s tep tow;,ird provid ing a new ener gy :.ourcc for our country " Ca rtcr told reporter!> t he agreement . which climaxed two years of often difficult negotla- t ion s, als o represen t s a ''breakthrough" 1n the develop me nt or a "deeper a nd broader relationship" with Mexico. Although the Mexican gas, to be imported by a consortium of U .S pipeline t·ornpanies, will re t ch a higher price than gas fro m CanadJ, Carter s aid "the p rice 1s fair to both countricl> " Assistant Secretury of State Julius Katz said the higher pnce fo r Mexican gaf> would be "hurd- ly noticeable" because it will re present onJy one -half of 1 per - cent of U.S. consumption. ........ ~ ........ .._..~ ·---____ ..,. ______ ._......_. __...,_._ ......_.__...... .-_ ... . I FOOTBALL 'CORE fAwoltade l/flar 20 Tustin 35 San Cleilaeni e • 0 lhdeerdtg 7 Dana B i l ls 7 Marina 1 4 l rrin e 7 Bo&aGrande 0 Estancia 22 Garden Grove 2 1 14 B rea Sec DetJtls Spans Paga Toddy 6 Bta1tin t on B e arll D i 111e ·a·Line Bargains Today ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBE R 22, 1979 Fl FTEEN CENTS D•flY Pf ... ,._ •Y H~frY F'Ttl•" BB Shots F atal S uspe ct' Seized A fter Attac k ff) ST EV•. MARBI.•. 0t Ow D••fy Pilot \t•tt I\ qu1<>t llunt1nittrm Hr·arh n1·1~h horhc.100 w at1·h1·cl 1n hnrror 1' rid:.t\ :i~ a 51 '1·ar olct llt•"IJ>t•rt..i m.1n W<L"I rlr;,i~1.w'1 fn1m hi"> (•ar .ind ..,hot 111 rlt•:.itll 1o1.h1l1· hi'> Y..th .ind d;1ughll•r look1·d "". p11lit·1 -.a11I ·1 h11ma., 1111.11' I\ ll11 1tt11n dll'd or :1 gun'>hut Y. ou1111 to tht• h1·,1d J t ,, II.I '' m nt·ar th•· t·11rn1 ·1 11f ('orn ...... 11 IJ ri"•' :.in cl l!u.,h dnJ Strt.'l't, off1t·1·r~ rl'J>i1rtt•1I •fr:.ul1·nt~ told 1.><11 u·C' th'1· gun man da:o-hl·d from th•· "l('l'fll' al> ,\lbritton tollap"lt'<1 in th1· '>tn ·d Th1•y :-aid lht• w1f1 • aml tlJU~!htN 1 nrnw1hatt•ly 'lll'd off in their c·a r Marv111 llarold St ;1111m1 :111 11! 198-t Bu.">h<ird St .,.. a'> :.irrc·'>l<·d Jbout nn murcl,·r 'h:iri;:1·<, I ~> mtnutt·'> latn I>' 1 >fflu·r H1< hard on.,lotl Y.h1J ~l)IJtt1·t1 him h1tt·hh1k 111g on n(•<.trtJ\ ,'\darn'>•\ Vf·nu,, fn\t''>t lJ.!Jlor-. "<t1<l 1h1· in1·111t-nr v..i"I tou<"hH1 •1ff ...:h .. n l\lt,nw.n Y.t'nt tr• !->tant11n hr1111• t-nd,1\ .1ft1 rrt<JOm 111 d1 1 11• .1 l .. irrnl, 1J1 ,a J!n·1·m1 ·11t 1'11lw1• ~aid 1\lt.11111111 \\,1 .ti lt•t.(t•dl~ .mJ,?•·r•"I ti\ o1 fr11 11'1 hip that had d1 •\ 1·10µ1 d lwl w • 1·n tu ;j{I '!'ar oh1 dJu1•1tlN •• nil -..1.111 1011·, ~trlfrwnd '\llintt~in rd1irn .. i1 111 hi'> 'Jr .1nd v.a1t1n~· w1l1• .rnd d<1U J!hll 1 Y.h••n Stant•m .111• J,!••<ih J!r.1ht~·d h1111 and put 1tw J.!un ''' t11 twa<I p11l11·1· ~.tltl It's O ver Toda y 1'11lu·• .tll1·J.!" tl11· gunman lurnC'd 111 th•· rl;,iughlC'r whu was twhtnd th1· "'h1·1·l o f th<' c·;,ir c.ind .._,11d \ t)U fl n('>.l ' f lff11·1 ,., '>ill<i th1·v drriv1· lo ,, n••,1rh\ '>hopprnl! -c·•·nt~r c.in~ I.Jin Y.:tlkt'fl hark to th1· ~c·ene 1>f •h•· 1i11011ng I \ 'tf1i 1 J htwr n•"ol\1·r pol11 .11d 1h•' lwh•·\1 1~ th1• rnurdt r w 1•.1 p1111 v. .1 , ,.,.," .. r,.!I f r11m ;1 tr,1'>h dulllp'>l••r '''\'••r,JI lihJ'·lo.' from ttw "h11otir11• "'"''ll' ('11r11Y.,dl llrt\I' li''>lllt•llh '.:IHI I h"' "',., ,. :ilr·rt1•!1 lo th1 -.hooting .... h1•11 1111•\ h1•1.1rd .1 "f1t1·1-rack1·r ,111md .md ';'~ th•· v1<'t1m lylnl' 111 th• rn1tldl1· of 1111' ,rn·c•I . St.111l1111 , ... 1n <"t1 ,t111l v on '2'1h 11011 h.111 ·" 11 111111 11~·1 1111 lh•,j( h j,111 Bye Bye to Odd·Even By ROBE RT BARKER Ol IM D•tly ~tlot \t.11 dc>mand ha.o, ~rown to 106 per· I 1•nl IJt•( <IU t •1f Ill< ff'i.I'>''°' IO th1 • num bf'r of H •h1rlr-; Negotiators (or both govern· m ents h ad pjjs hed lo complete .the e lusiv e a~reement in ad· vancc of the :irnv;JI here next Thursday of Mexican President J o se Lopez Portillo, w ho w11l confe r with Carter on a host of bilateral iss ues. HUNTINGTON OFFICERS EXAMINE SHOOTING VICTIM Hesperia Man Shot to Death Frtday Afternoon The odd e,·c-n plan for the purchase of gasoltne passed mto history at 12 01 a m today m Orange County sull on the sy-.tc•m ma~ caust-1n < rt'a ... 1· d1•man1l "hil• µa.,-.1n~ through Orange• Count) "It rrughl ha \t' been better for the county to h;H t' .,.. a1ted to drop the plan un lll e ver yone goes off." he i.a1d A :.poke:-. worn an for Brown 'atd the ~ovemor '\Om ewhat re· lurtantl" relt·a~ed th<• countic:- from tht• rnt1onmg plan Initial imports Of gas piped in fro m Mexico will be s mall about 8 percent of total gas im · ports. But officials say they view the agreeme nt as si gniflc ant because il establishes rules for U .S. access lo the Mexican gas reserves, believed to be potcn· tia lly a mong the large st in the wo rld At the outset. McxtcC;tn gas will cost $3.625 per thou~and cubic feel, the ec1u1v;dcnl of $21 per barrel for crude oil Attendant, 18, Killed w ·hile Pumping Gas ., t An 18-year -old BreCJ m an was illed F riday when h e was truck from behind by a car ~hile pumping gas into another Jehicle al the Placentia gas sta· riion where he worked. j, Authorities said David S tanley Shryock died at the i.ccne of the 2 p.m . accident afte r h e was i ruck b y a car driven by lizabet.h Lansing, 64, of Placen- a. She was not held. · \:·Police beUeve Mrs. Lansin g ~tepped on her car's acceler ator ~nstead of the brake wb en she :eulled into the station al 1810 N. fPla centia Ave. The car s ped iforward, sma1'hing into young IShryock who w as b ent over rumping gas into anoth er car. f)v1z FE.4TVRES ~-RHODESIAN · The formtt white minonly gov-f"'m111t niltt Jll'-'1'1 Rhodeaia re ~ ,.... • :'I ~ ~~tly tl'GVeled ;. .._ J ' ~~:.' ·C~ L-0,uJon to OI-\' ' (.'. 1 j 'I end a con ~· ~ rence aimed ~I Ill!!, 'ftl' t e n d i ng 'A h ode sio 'a . .ivil wor. He ::;;1 • ~ • replaced In l ltodufo b11 .bel M u - euia. Con~ '10mt frim ? Tracy Au.ttin become tM llO""O'lt win tJw MX)fMPl't ringlet tilt. at (J .S. C)pft, •feating Chm Ellf'rl . l.Jojd hat 1UOft '"' lit,. hotcJ II llftJf'I maJglat? DU1 Prlftdnl Col1tr ttlli tll. ..,..... ., .lltotWJ "' """'111 not tiM .. ,._ ,,,...Ct Of Soo6eC frOOp!I m C..bo ..,.,_.. ft• coMdtrattaft of tht loll JI T7w1w? T'Jw IJUINJ'I to ,,... Oftd ocJwr qw,,., CGft bt ''*" .,. IM Qtda on,. A1. • ------~~~--~----~--~ Bec kman E xecu tive Kidnapp ed A b road County supervisors h ave ~n trying to get out or the rat1orung plan since &•pt 4 They gqt their wish F'nday when Gov Edmund G Hrown. .Ir. signed an <·xccullvt· order re leas ing thC' county from rut.Ion 1n~ controls Also permittC'd to drop out Wl're M;,irin and Sonomu roun· t1t•s f:levf'n otht•r counties. in· cludmi: Loi. An~<'I<·'>, Rtvcr,lfk and Sun Rcrnardino, <in• rl'la1n 1n~ the odd 1•v1·n f..)'S tl'm Kidnappers abducte d an <'X ecutive of an Oran~e County based h rm and a Puerto Htcan <ind killed their bodyguard 1n a bloody r oadstdt• ambush Frt day in San Sa I v a cJ o r . fo: I Salva dor in Cr·nlral Amc n ca authorilles said Ofhc1als 1dcnt1fied the m1ssin~ execultve as De nrus McDonald age and addres ~ unknown, general manager of Beckman ln s lru m enb ' Sc.i n Sc.i lvador pla n t . A s p o k e l) m a n r o r t h ,. Fullerton-based concern with of fices in I rvtne would ~1 Vf' no Dan W'hite Attorneys Ftle Appe al SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -Al· torneys for 32-year-o ld Oan Wh ite, t he for m e r supe r visor con victed of gunning down col league Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone, have filed an J ppeal to reduce White's prison te rm by one year, it was learned Friday. White , a form er s u pervisor, w as con vict ed o f volunta ry m a nsla ughter last May In an un- expectedly lenient verdict that s pa r ked a nigh t of City HaU riot· ing, leaving scores of p.rotesters and police officers injured. White was senten ced {o seven' years and eight months in pr1son for the Nov. 21 shootings in Cl\y Hall. With lim e off fo r good behavio r, White could be re· l eas e d from Sol edad ata le prlson iJ'I about five years, u the 1enten~ now stands. Defense a ttorney Douglas Schmidt filed the appeal for a shortened sen tence on July 20, aak\ng the Calllomia Court ol Appeal to reduce White'• Mn· tence b)' another year because of what be called errora In the M11tenc•n1 proc .... Schmidt u.ld White shouJd be credited with Um e 1pent In jail before and durln1 hi• trial, 1lon1 -1th tJme off tor 1oo<1 bebavlor. furlhl•r dela11'. (•arly to1fay ''X (' (' p t l 1) s .. ) h l' b (• I I ,. v I' <1 Mc Uonald had het·n k1dnapPf'<l Th<• sc·cllnd man wa!> 1dl'nl1f1l'd a!> F:JU'>lf> Buchr•lli, who Y.as .ibo tx•hcH•d to tw :.i Rl'ck m an I n s t r u m 1• n t ., c m p 1 ll .,. " ,. .1uthont1l's in S:.in S alvador !>:Jld Pol11·1> '>a1fl th•• k1dnapp1n~ took pl;,icc aft<.or th" two m en left t h l' <'om r>an y s plant 1n downtown San SJI Vlfdllr T~~·ir bullet riddled car and lht• bod} of McDonald''> bodyguard, Lut'> Pai, were found al what wa!-. beltt>vcd to h:.t vc l~(·n tht· s ite of 1 he k idnnpping. 0Htc1als said The r1rm manufactures pre ('ISIOn tnstrumt•nL"I It wa:--not imrnt'd1 ately known 1f M'cDonC:1ld or Buchcllt wab 1n Jured in lhc> ambus h Police said the k idnap pers had not ide ntified t he m selves nor made an y demands. No other details were availa· blf' early tod:1y . T h e ;ictwn m<'ans that OranJw <'ounl)' mot11n-.ls nqw <'an bu' ~a.,ohnc ;iny d:1 y lhf'y wis h <·an µurc has1· more• than 20 J.!i.illnn' at a t1m<' .met c-.in fill up <'H'n though th1•1r lank'> an· mun• than half full ('h a1rm:1n Ph1hp Anthony !>JY'> he hOP<'s that dm•<,n t haµpPn "I am pl<'aM•d h} th<> prompt :1ct 1on of thl' j.!f1v1·rnor but thNC' 1s an C'll'm<'nl of risk. ' Anthony said Fnday "I hope our d rt vf'r., will be• a'> careful ai. thl'y c:in to ronservf' fuel and rcfrr11n from toppm g off th c1 r ta nks " St cv<' Shelton, d1rt'ctor of the Southern Caltforn1a Snv1c·e Sl<i tion Associa tion. says he sees no immediate r us h to the gas stli· lions Sh elton a dded, howl'vcr . that dr ivers from udJa<·t_•nl count1ei. Get NFL Scoop In PROfile '79 Alvin Roy will probably ne-veT make the Football Hall of F 1rM. Yet, as the man who introduced st.renllb training to tbe profeuional ranks. he did more In the last two de- cadea to lmprove the caUber ol the sport than au or the rule ch...,.. combined. A 8TOaY ON STaENGTH t ralnl n1 hl1hll1hl1 Saturday's edit.loo ol PROfUe '79, tfte Daily Pilot's weekly tabloid that lives Ul up•to-date analy1l1 of the weekend pro 1ame1 aeheduled to be teJevlted. ''W'bln Are They Now," a weekly feature, review• tbe 1M4 Clewland Browu that~ 415 potnta tn 14 1am~ • OTRB• •BOVIA• PEATU•a include the pro oddl, Shelton s aid the ga~oltnt• '>UP· 1>h es throu~hout tht' .,t alf' <t~t· running rouJ!hly Ill !Jl'rct·nt bclo" norma l dl'mand Ile-poinll'd out that' lhl· -itate I'> rrce1v1n g 9fi P<'rC('nl of last y t·ar ' all0<•;,it11in" hut th<it th1 "Tilt• ~ovt•rnor i.ttll t•ons1der'> tht• 1>dd t•Vl'n plan a ~<>od on•· and 1o1.11ul<l ha\1• prefc·rrcd tltt• 1hn·1· l'ountu·' to !>la~ ·1n 1t But hC' rt".,l>t'('f:,, thl'tr JUdgmPnl 1n County Vis itor T e lls Of Cuban Spy Try • (;AROE~ <;RO\'f-, E\erf'tt u,•nn1:,, .l.tt k:,un . whu r('tum1'<J tn the• t • S la'>l V.t•l'k «tft1·r "P<'nding nearl) 11 'ear'> tn Cub:.in prison .... -.<11d fo'r11 la'.t th:Jl h\' .,.. a' involvC'd 1n a fH'r:..on:.il ef fort to observr all1•11,C'd Rll.\>~1c.tn n u1· I ear m 1 s., tie ~ 1 t co, wh<•n Cuban gunner" do .... nNJ his '>mall prtvatl' plane Jac k!.On , 1nt1•rv 1f'wC'd in Garden Grn vl' h) KNBt: TV Channel 4. s aid 1t was "quill• possible" hC' would b<> <'ailed to W ash in gton for qu cst1onin~ about the circumstances that led to his imprisonm ent in Cuba The M1am1 rl's1dent wai, in O r a n ge Cou nty 10 v1 s 1t h t ~ children and rorml'r wife. J ae,k.-;on told the inte rviewer he belt<'Vf'd tht• .S State Depa rtment would hh to qucs · tion htm about his acllv1l1es pre ced in g an a llegl'd Dece mber 1968 overflight .of Cuba. Cowity Boy, 6, 'Stable' A.f ter Shock A 6-yea r-old Santa Ana boy was in s tabh! condition early to- da y at UCl Medical Cen ter a fter he picked up a fallen power line tha t j arred his body with 4,000 volts . Police said Ricardo Estrada was playing in front of bls home at 311 W. Chestnut A ve . s hortly beror e 8 p .m . Friday when he picked up the rallen Southern California Edison power line. Autho rities said electricity from the line passed through the boy's body and exltltd lhrou&h h1I ri~ Je1 and left foot. The boy ia belnC treated at the mecllcal center's bum ward. Police aald they did not know bow the power line had come down. No further del&lla were avail•· ble Jate Friday. 1 · Tht> \ ..., lo!O\-Prnmt·nt tlcJI'" nnt It kl· "'h.11 J "'J' din Di.! in 'M h5 1;1, .111d h7 !-.omehodv la I ll·ll mt· II\ ;\1 1am1 1 ;iftt•r ht~ rt• turn rrom C'uhal and told ffi(' lo ~t·l rt•:.td\ .J at·k-.on, alonJ,! ~1t h thr1·1 o1hf'r ml'n. ~a' n·turm·d to Uu· l ' S Sl'pl 17 aflt•r lhl' r l.'lt.-asc 111 four 1'1wrtu Ht nins wh11 had het>n 1n JJll 2:> vc.•ar-. or m or1· for 1950s :.hoolln~ att;wk~ on Pre~r dent llarry S Truman and tht• llou:.e or Rcprc~cntattVt'S. Rt>t urncd from C u b 1;1 with J ackson Wf'rt• J uan T ur, 62. 'lnud10 RodrtRUl'Z Morales, and Lawrt'nce Lunt. 55 .Jackson has consistently <Us avowt•d worki n g f or t h P Central lntclltgen('e Agen cy m Castro It'd Cuba, but did admit to a CIA connection in other countne~ ''l'vt· nf'ver worked for lhl' CIA: however. I colfoboralcd w1 lh them m vanou:, countnes ". -~r :~:ti:~as • Weathe r M o ming clouds will give way to hazy s uns hine , wllh highs today 70 to 75 at the beaches and in the low 80s inl an d. I NSIDE T ODA 't' "APOCGINJ')le Now" M. ar- rived on 111'1 Orange CO<UI and ft u one of tht major movfe a of our U m t . Hollywood Reporter critic Arthur Knight and the Daily Pilon Tom Titus of fer their trniw1 on ,,. Bf. ...... • .... , ...... JU ....-c.. .. C...to M ,.......,. , .... C-k • "" c........... .. ~"' ..... lfll •• C,.....,. AM IP9IMlt -..ic.. All "-'........_ "''' . Uranillm Los ERWIN. Ttnn <A f>1 1"he nudur fUit-1 plant that ~ed more lh.an lt pound• of •-uporna fnde uraruum mm •nc hu lc:»t •nouah ol UM' male-rial ov,.r lb. P••t It yeans 10 mah •I I u t aix atomic bomt., acC"Ordinc t.o IOV4111U1Mtol rttOrcb Tht' Nuel Ar Rf &ulatory C-Om ml111ioo u ad Frida) ll• r~rd." •how th11t lht uranium lt.tbnt'at 1n 1 p lant operall'd be-rt' by Nuclear Yuc.-1 Serv1cn bu re p ortt'd MC<'Umulated tnvt'nlory lo.1ea d 248 poun cb oC h l&J\Jy enriched W'llnlum Crom January t• th~h ~t'mber 1978 Accord101 lo r e port•, t.-b• "<'riticaJ m "' or amount ol f1salc>n11ble urumum 235 nt't.>ded for a nuclear wc:upon l!J 3V po und& Or Theodort' T11 ylo1 or P rinceton llnavt'~tty t'On<'luded an a 1974 f"ord fo'oundulion re po rt. "Nucleur A11i.t111>t:d Risks and Su/e guardN, .. that les!\ than 40 1>0unds 1•o uld tic UJ>t:d for a bomb wath th1• right technolouy ·'T h is pla nt doci. experience the highest invt'ntory d1ffe r ence1> of a ny c urrent lk c nscd fuc·1llty in the country right now, hut thi11 1s a unique fac·alaly," 1>u11I Hot>«:rt Aurne tt. tht• NltC'i. director of nuclear :.afcJluun .1:-. .. In thl' l1<·eni.t·ll -.1·c·t1ir. th1 b pl;int handle:. lht• mos t hagh t-rin eh~ urun1um of a n y fuc1hty in the <'1Juntry und magnitude of 1·om plcx1ty in 1L'i prm·t·i.:-. ulso 1:0. gre uter ." tw i.u1d "When y<iu 'handle a fol of rnat1·ru1I, thf' 1n venfor y d1fforen1·1•., rnhcrcnlly \.•re going to Ix· higher Smuggling Platfonn W M WC:t ll, Bun lt•r l'ut rol ai.:t·nt. m '>µcc:ts pickup t rul·k with platforms fosh1oncd m t~cngmc tompart m crt t for '>mu~~l mi.! i.Jl u·ns A gents '>atd t he lru<'k was used to sm ul.!id<· u :JO vc:.i r o ld M l·xacan wom;:in <.ind her children. <.1s.!<!S 12 <.and 7 T hey wen • mte rc·c plcd and rem oved unhurt C:tl ttw <:h<·<·kpomt '>outh o f Sun C'lc•mente Thurs d<.1y /\ S<.tnt:.i /\n<.1 mun w<.a-. arrt•'>ll'CJ .. ._ Alcala Bound Ov.err Rodney Jttmt's Alcaha, 3.5, wu • bound ovf'r to Ora.nee County Supcraur Court to answer kidnap. and munlur t'harl(tl.11 Yrldey 1n lht• d(.'uth ur 12 yNir old ltobln Christin• Samaoe The yoWlg llunllnl(ton Oeuch blon dt• dlsappurt•d J un•· 20 a fter spend.in& m uch of tht> duy a l lluntlna to n n1·1n·h Stutt• Bea ch with n 1lrttn .. n1I lier de<'ompoat>d tmd v wu., lo Ventura to u n d n <'o r 11 :-! I• t r 11 M •Ult " C'tlnllJtt ro1111d11 by 11 1tl1th• for4111try work••r on July :I, 111111 A+-••I• Wllll 11 rrt•11t••d ltl hl11 111Hot1t11' Mo11tc•n•y 1'11rk 11111111• 1111 July lM J u d l'(t' Juh11 W v 111t .Ir ""' Alc'n l11'11 11rrAl11nm1111t tor ,,,,, 4 an Su\H•ri11r ('1111r1 111 H1utl• Arua 11 1• 1ll11n1l1111.,.1 " 1'111111 1t111l1111I d 10 r1ow h•v1•lf'1I 111111 111111 t hfl 11ut 111111• 1""'''"1111111111 11holo"r"11t1,.1 . who wu" ldt"11llflf'1I "" th,. 111a11 who 111111m1u •hf'd Uohln ""'' • Wimls Whip IJlazt', Fru.strale. Fighlt~rx Uy Thr i\.o oC'l•lf'd I'"'"" A 'll1t hl>0111 V1•11t 11r11 f'uunly f1r1• north 11f L11i. /\11J111l1•" 1•n 1pl 1•d 11110 U lll'W 111111 1111.it• 11111• 11 r1 tl uv. fl 11rl111t 1111 111 tl11· S 11lp111 Mou11t 11111 1111•11 "'"" 111111 wlll'11 ... 1111111( w1111I" fo111•1l tlw fire h1l•1 '1·ic t1l'llll'IV 111'.IV\I hr w.lt Thi· lli'W rl111 ,. "" ~. 1111 11·11 .. 1111•cl1<·11·il :1 " "' 1011t1J1nr11•·11t r111 tht• lllll/1' Whit /1 llllW h,1 ... 1 tlfl 'll nlt'd 11 ,01,1(1 ;11 n ·., of hrw.h ur11 l l11(ht t1m lJ1·1 Ventur a ('11u11l y f'1r1· IJt·fJ1Jrt m e nt 1>pok1•..,w11m11n < 111l1•1•n Scott i.rud 1 t ""·" ltu· .,1·1 t1nd tum· I It•· l1lr111> ltnil 11v1•11 111111• Ilia •f ,,,,,,. 11( fil,.fl~ltt••1 11 111111 1l1•fl•"I I 1111IIIlrt1111'111 N11 11111111111 W"'" 11111111111111\(I Ull 11 rP,.1111 11f tlu• 11111•111 11,.,,, llJJ 11111' o;11 11f 11111 11111• 1r11ll1 1111>11 11111 fl11 Wllll f11/1Vlfll( 111111 IHI lffl It thut " full ''' 1•11tr11r11•ly h1 11v1 I 11 II" It 1o1lrlfrlmd RI th1• bttu<'h with u ~ 1111f11 t to I eke th.-tr plt t u1 c In holdlna Al<'1I• to 11t11tw111 thr khln1111 fln<I murdl'r C'h11rtu·•· .11111111" Wyoll <'ulmh••lt'd ,. fou r 11,. y h111t1 prctll ndnar)I .,,,.,1 na 1'1011,,tl 11lnrt1 tt11 nn t da v Lo 1 h1• 111 ··~11 11111t 1iubllc' /\ 11•11111 '" 1•11111 I •IJ IHllOlfltl "' 1111 111•v . .l11h11 lint Ul'll of Nl'Wll'H I 111•111 11 11111111ht tltct 111•1•1 ••t "4''"•1on 111 l•rllfl't I la111 l'lll'nl I( r hUl(f'• ..... , ,, 11l111n lU 1•1I IHH1 Ill n1t11r .... 1 .. 1·!11"1 11( ,. 1111 y 11h1111hl "" h1 IH11tntl 11v,.r frn I rt Al ,., lcl11y, ft m 11r tt 111 od111•rcJ wll llflltNfllt lo 11tulllt•o11e tC'ltl monv fl111I /\f111111'11I 111 Wllll l\llflll flf'ltr llt" 1:11•11 11 M111lr.i 111 1'11 whr 11 111111111 II lt1rflV l11l11f W lf'I f1111111j Ito 111 " l•lllfl111 1'11 110111 r wll Ill 11111 II Wit•• lt•11 llfl1 I lt1• •'llllfl l11 tn r l"r 111111 111 tltr 111111•lt11l1lllt v 1.f I w•1 ,.f M• 111• o; r. ll11w 1111 1 111 ,,,,.,,. ''"'· , 111101 lllf ...... , •• 1 I '""' ,.,1,,,1111 d 111 v11tv• 1111 111 In tl1 r f, "'""I' rt111,,l1 I ,... ,.,, '"""'" 1111 •11 urnt 11111111111 tf Ill JI I I I 1111 '/II I 1• If I " /\ tllfl Ir• ltl I If r11 Uf 1!1 11'1 ll•1W I" lf•lf. 111 Ill (•11 •1fl1< I t l111 r 11• II I 111>1 H11111 11 11111 V11'1•1111 1 . w.111 ll•j•f•' 11 II'/ II '.11•11 •I \1 111111 j1•1lt1' 1tff 11 •I •111 Jlllll' ,•;• lv.11 1114 I >ffl• I lt11htr1 tll "lltll•''°' 1•11 w11t11 11 I'll (1 ••I 11( wht'ri• tlrt• 1<1rl " h•ttl v l.11 1·1 w,,., 111 .. 111v1•rt·d 11111 fl••ll 11.1111 'I tw N1·w11•11 I U•·•11·h l:.1")t•r '\ll ld lw "4'1'Ufl•t/ iJll 11rtJ1 r fn1m .l11d1(1' Y..yall Fr1il.1)' l•1 !Jhut<, g r:.i 1.1h Va1><1u1·1 .JJld.irt-.t h1" 4tll l Thf' N fl<' order('d Nutlt~•H F ue l Scr vace:., u Getty Oal suli 'sadrnry, to :.hot 1t:-. Erwin plant Mond uy afte r 1l reporte d ut lcu-.t 9 k tlogram s of 96 r>N c·ent f1i. s 1on11blc uranium m1 i.1>ing 1n 1h la test two month mvl'ntory, cov t.'ring lht· period Jun.-18 through Aug 14 Beatles Word Awaited M1.,111wl11IP, Ill 1111 t 1111k••r 11 w1•r,. n Jll1'(J 111 ltw 1111•111· It• '1111 t 1111 .1 ll 000 acn• hru'\hflrr 1n (Huy Mf'li.:1 "oulht•ut 11( San 1>11·.c11 Far•· 11Hac 1al°' we re p r,. d1C't 1nl( full con tainment of lhf' fin· by thJs m oman g , walh full 1·11nt rol hoped for l1y lhl\ f'Vcn lnl( The fart• hi.I"> l1urned IJUt of 1·ontrol fo r t'411 d<ty'! Off1<:1 ah 'atd th1· < Jta y bl azi· wa:. th1· ""1irk of an ar-.onl'>l wh11 ,,., thr"•' '>mall f in•., ll mil•· .JIJJft W1·dn1·'>d lly a ftt•r n1111n Barn•·ll .,.,1d tht: ph11V1 AJl1 t ... u•wd 11~ 111-. 1nv~1>liy,.Lt,r ,,, ,,, .1tt1•n1pl 111 11•·1• 1rr•111• "''' '!·• • v .. '>'I u t• I "II ~· I I I 1 •• .. ,, f • • 'llJ•Jll1·d Ut f1 1111•t111il•1r1 l~• .,, I • r tht' ~lt'l I .1 '1'f.11J1• di• •J " "'/1. ltll' ltrrw lt.•111111 ti ,, 111.i-., " •l T wo a1 rc rufl 1·qu1pped wa th radaulw n dctetto rs begun low level nti;chtx OVl'f the urcu "'n day uftn th1· NH(' found nu J.(lur mg IH'<'OUnlmJl t·rrors lo f•x plurn lht-los., 'l'tw d ulu f rom lh1· at1r w l '.'>Urv1•y wtll 111· 1·11mpan·tJ wath u '>trntl:1r •.11rVJ·y 111 No~ 1·m h .. r 1!177 '" tl1·t1·rm1111· wh1·th1·r ..,.,,,.,. 11( t 111· rn 1-.1>111i• ur un1um •·-.1·a111·d ·•'.'> ·• ~··•·· Neiv Year Celebrated By .Tew." J EHIJSAl. ... M I/\ I' I hr:wls-. rn a rk1'<l t h1• lwi!1nr11n1: •if tl1•· .Jcw1bh N1•w Y1•ur ~>740 I• r11l;iy 1·venang w1tl1 prny1•1.,, hol11fay anp:. and u spN·1al 11 l1·rt ugam ... t Ar ab tcr ror1Nt ull:H'ki. l'o l1 c·c u nd u rm y una ti. stren ~lh<'ncd a nti tnron:-.t prt· l'aullon:s foll11wing u puwt•rful tiom b bl u:.t W1·drw:.d:1 y in a .Je rusalt•m '!hopplnj.( 1·1•111..r that killed on1· m:m and w11un<h·d 42 pco11l1· S1irn1· '>Y llJl/••ll••,.,.. 11•1r111tNI 11o l uol1·1·1 ~ '''''" 11 rr1•ir11( t lw worKh1v11••r " ''' "1111111 vuuHJ rlur mH th1• ft,1•.l1 11 ., ,111111 • .11 N1·w Y<•ur •wrv111 l'rtllll' M1111 ~t. I M• ,, ... 111 Ill H • KI fl I ii I I• •I II' ,, ,, • • 1111 I It l.Ulrl lllfljl Utt •;111•111 11• I •1f 1111 rno•t 111111 11.1, ""''' II• w1u "" ,. ,, k 111 fl I,, .. ,, I .. I I I .., 11 w t4tl1•v1aNI f,,, 11 •• '".,, I•.,, 111111 1l•y M •• If " w 11 I I ' I II II • I , " I IAtlHllUlfl l 'ul• .11111 .. 11 j/•I• lllllu dut 111NI lt.t II• I •• ,,1 •I '''"" I• •I r Ml<l l111( f111 • t_ ll.S•1 • •1•11 11• 111 ,,.,,,.,.,,., 11111•11•1•1/ 11, .. 1 """ It lJUl11tul ' Ullll wlt11rl11 ~I ufl •I I h I ,. ll I "II 111 " I 11 • I I ., ' •. ,, j I Ktrnrtlull 11111fw Art 1111111111 111 1111 ,.,,,,._._~ w•1111u11 Ill '1'111 Aviv 1111111 I• 1 u• I 11111 rn 111l1• '"' 111101 i. A11y , .. ,,,,, 111 ,,f IOI Ml I 111•1! Ill I• 11•11 I I II• OHAHOl I l lM 1 DAILY PILOT It.,..,,_._.,. .. ffM1l1t1lat •·II fl>t If .... ,.... l"'f H..# f'lli•i I f-" ......... f U• f•f• ,,. • .,. f t'""'• 'ft'tt'' ...... , .................. ..... f ~(ol f .............. ii-It ·"*1• t f ,f•r f I fa f#•N fto.llitt••I .................. .,.._ t•~t t ...... .., . .,~ .................................. ,,. ··~· ... ~~ ......... 1 .................. _ ..... ~1., ... ' ~·It••• U•t••""''tMt·-""' ••h'f t~•ol •' •• /1111 I t'•t .. lftll I •• ,,,.. •I af1fwtfl1•llt•tt ..... " .... .,., ... , .. ,.,., .. ""' ...... ,., .. ,..., .. , ""~ .... " .. "'~'""~ ........... . , .. ,,.,. ...... .. I 40W' ,._...,_,,. Mvt'_...,. M.,.o•i.j1h.,I \.t•ffll u. .. , .. " 1..... 1111,._ •• ,. ..... 1 ... , .... ,., "4•1'1•9•11Cf l ., ... OfflCH (&\t• AM'a lld \IWH4 rhi; .. ,,.. ... 'wrtT..;!-;:,~·~~;:t .:.:~=~~!ft , .. ._11on• 111•1141-0JI Cl"elflH Adierllet,. t4'·M7t ) ~· N EW YOHK I A I'> Whtie• tJca lit• fun!'> around lh1· wor ld a wa it wor d on whclhl'r o r not l ht_• F uhulou!'> f"our w ill play tol(elhc:r at a t>cnc:fat conrcrt fw J\!>1un rcfugr·<·'>, other'.'> in th1· mu:.H· world pontln th1· long awa11<·d n ·u1111111 F or "''rrt1· l1k1· IJ.ivttl C'ro'>hy uf 1·111..,hy Sttll., ;u11f ""a'>lt , th1· 11l•·a th;it .1111111 l.1·11111111 , G 1'(1r~1· 11a1r1-.1111 Htrti'.11 ~ta1 r <1nll Paul McHenry Confirined For U.N. W ASlfJ NCTO~ 1/\11 1 Thi• "it·nal1· v11l• d ~1 () 1rn ,..rrrl;1 y 111 1·11nf1rm lh1· n11r111n<it111n of fJ onuld ,.. Md l1•nry t11 '>U<'<'•·•-11 /\ndrc·w Y11ung a •, IJ S um ha.,>-<idor to llH· 1;n1fl·d Nation'> M cllPnr y·., 1•1111f1rmat111n 1·ndi. ~• 1·ontrov1•r'>y th ;Jl l>l'gan wh1•n Young rc:-.1gn ed fol111w1nK the d 11;<.'loi.ur11 hc: had held uu un a uthoriz<>d m e t'l1ng wrth u n •prc!'lc ntativ1· 1Jf the l'ulc:-.tint· l.1b1•r at111n Organizatwn. thui. v1ulatmg US 1>11l11•y Mc llenry , 42. wa.., Young's d1· p uty at lhl' lJmlf'd Nat1oni., dis pluy1n~ u l11w k1·y rt:.t·r v1• th;it 1·1intra11h·ll with th•· 11ut!'>.1JQkf'n !>l yl1· ,,, 11111 ('hlt'f 11 1• w11:-. ;, k1·y f111,ur1• rn tlw 1w11,•1t1ut11111" that l1•d lo 1111· •·x I h llll j/I' IJf fortr :""JVll'I d l!>l>ldt•fll'> t 111 I Wll ~11Vlt•I !'>Jlll'h, 111111 Ill A11y ui.t It•· t11 .. 11lt•1I 1111· t1·11M· 111·j.!•1l111l11111 , '''"'' llw 11tulu11 111 '\ '' v 11 t l11d I 1· 1 11111 l.1HJ Ill I fl IJ Vl1111•1v wl10'>1 l111i.l111111! 1l11 111•1•f A lr11 1111•!1 1 I ,111l1111•1v lwtl 1l1•f1·1 I •. ,, t11 ll1J w. 111 A 11u l lv• ,,f .,, l.•1 111 1; M• 111111 y 11 •l lJ1l1111111t 11 1·11 11·1·1 111 1(1111 111 t!,ij,f 11111 Wllll lfllt•t I 11pl • ti 111 lt(/I f111 11 rtl • Y•'lt I 11•1JtH II Ill 1111 Ill 1lllt•llJll I f/lll lltlllllf y II 1'1>11 M d 'artn ·y m ag hl play togethn ugu1 n bn ngi. •• shrug C r1th:rn1 Nui.h -.:.11d ltl· really wul>n't an h'rt·i.ll'd, tx·c·auM• ha:. prwn twi. right now u.r1• nut ll·ur 11ower and -.ol ::i r <·n1•r J.!y Stc11ht·n Stills look <.i c1.1utwu•, apprt1ht·h ' Wit h thoM· guy-., I'll tw lwv1· 1t wh1•11 I :.t·•· 1t ' 1>11111111• Wa r w1<·k Jumpt·d lit th1• -.ui!Jl1•1>I 1011 und i.aul '>he 'd lw NOMINATION CONFIRMED U. N. AmbHHdor McHenry m·rt1on th at led Younl( lo call 111111 "llw prt>fr:.i.or " 11 t• w II II u t t u (' h .. If I II I h 1· ('arnc•gu • ,.:nduwnwnt for In ll•r11utio11ul l't•u<'f', wo11 11 J(uei.t l1·c•1 urt·1 ut ttw Gc•irJ<t•town l'111v1·r!l1ty S1·h1111I of fo'11rc1.cn ~1·r v11·1· 111111 w1111 u KUt•HI 1o·h11l11r 111 t hi· Hri1t1kllll(1> lr111t1tut11m I\ I ' It.. t J II I t •• d N 8 t I IJ II !I • M l'f 1,.,1ry f11C'U1wl1 on lht• pro 1111 "'" of ti.,. d1·v1•l11r1tr1N 1111th1rt11 ,,, tht• T ltl11I W11r ld und WUll tie• 1·111 y 111v11lv1•d 111 11t•u1>t1utlon11 111 uwll ut hnn.cl11 K hl uck 1t111J11r1 t v r ult• to N111111l>10 In 1>outhm 11 /\ f I I 1' 11 HJ1odc ia lo Adopt Hriti h Proposals I O N UO N IAI'> l'1tm1• M111 111ll'I Ah•il Muwrt•wu o f Zl111 tw liw1· lthoclt•11t11 111Jld l"rld uy hth f111Vt•fllrl11•11t tuHI howc•lt c•on<ll I 1u11ully lo Brlll11h dN111111<l1i t11 111•1 u/1 wl11lc n11nor1ty powct'I un 1h•1 1lu<'k rule• a nti Ut'<'<llllc d Un t u1 n'K ••nil rt• t•o1111tll11tl11n11I 1m> p11Kula Ia n S m it h, the whi1 1• torrrw r 11rl m e mtnlstur. oppotiud thP move M utore wa . in an a nno unce rnt'nl at the end ot the 11 cont! week of lhe London peace talkll", u ld hla muJUraclal dele11tUon'11 $75,500 Fire Hits Store Oran1e County ll'Jre offlclaJ1 are lnveett .. Un1 th or111n ol • blue that c auaed 175,500 dama1e to• Tultln dru1 at.ore 1hort~oro noon Frjday. Au Ue. uJd nre brollt out at the Sev·On Dru1 Store, 871 E l1t St., a\ II 33 am. There were no lnJur1ee reported In tht blal4' u1·c·c•11t unf'1• of thf> RriU¥h dr11fl wu11 1·011<11111111111 <m Untuln'!l lift u11( t•npr>llnl( trad e em baqcoos 1m1m tlfl ·ott' llw formN', while:· 1111r111f tt y l(ovt•rnmc•nl "W1 • h 1v t • bc•c•n uu1ded i.nd an fl uto1Wt'fl l>Urt•ly hy whut as In the ht•at 1r1lt'rcalb of the 7 million l)l'OVlt• of our nulio11 black, wh ll11. m lorect Cmhted race) and A11 lu11 ," Muzore wa told re· porle r11 "Thl11 hull always been und la our tol11I amd un11we rvln( eom m It rnent." Suyln g h e ac cepted the l(~ner.I prJnclples of the 8ritl1h draft Muaorowa 11ddod: "We now demand and It 11 our rtattt to do 14>, that lhe unctlona u.r1ln1t ua be llttld Immediately •Ince lhcy no tonier hold any validity." MeenwhJle, In Sall1bury, Zlm· babwo Rhodetl1'1 mllltary COin· mend uld black naUonall1t aue rrtllu flrtn1 antl·roc:ketl bad a m bu1hed end killed a while m•mMr ol ParUement, Theunia d e Kle rk . the Ural while 1e1l1l1t.or to die In th• protract· ed war .. ; I ' the f1 r'lt lo IJ1J y ,, lll'kct ''" J Heatlt·'>' l rmc·t·rt "I Vl' tuun·d .ill llVN 11 ... V.llf Id with lht· U1•atl1•., :inti I 111111 1 th ink any hody 111\1·., n ... rn J'> m Ul'h a:. I d11 ' -.111· .... 1111 If tl1•·\ do gt•t li:H'k l11~l'tlt 1·r v. 1111 h I 11· ally du tl11ultt I thu1k 11 v.1111l tl 111· Jln·at Th•· t n1t1'CI !'oat1111r'> lt ,1". J k•·d for th•· -.u1111cirt 111 tit•· 11·1•• r11J.ir \ llH'k '>l~lt•,h 111 1.11'>1111' lllftrtl \ f11r tlll' ~1uth1·.1 I A ... 1.111 1,,.,,,, lll'llj1l1• .1t .1 (11111 h1J1JI 1·111111•11 111 Ci t·nt·vu Sw1111•1 l<1111I ,.,lt11n .lol111 w o u lll 1·1111 l'I' Jnd l.1·11n..irit B~rn 1>tt•1n 1"oul1I 1·11111tu1 t th1· Vie n na l'l11lhurm1JT111 10 un 1r1 t••rpn·t .1111111 of 111 .1111 l11n•" Dirk ~Ufllllll'I ' .111 111<1• , .. II d ent In-. Anw·l1·-. • 11111 1 n 11r•1 '1u<·er who report1•1Jly wu-. hund lang nt•1:tol1al11m-.. 111111 ( ,;,rif1 ·n ('al)'. ~ Y rart111 'I ;ii 1rm Y. 1.1 ll that thtc·•· of tlw f11111 B• .1111 \1 d';.t11111•y I l.11 II 1111 .11111 ... l.1fl lt .t fl •ll'l 1'1 d 111 l••'I 1111 Ill t111•1•tl11•1 11111 I I"'"'' 111 .111 ,,, 1111' 11ff111· 111 ........... ''" h l.1 ... \ ,., .1111111 .... 1·.1111.111 ,,, , .1 11 111 , 111111111•1 Ill fav. • .. 11tl \.11 ( ,11 1111 V \';tJIJld 11111 .• ,.,,' ,,, I" rft1/lfl Ill ... ul'h u 1·11111 ••11 Thi· 111 .. 1tl1·., 111· 1i.111f11 •tl Ill 1'1711 ,1flt•r till' 11 lhl'>I' 11( tit• II l.1 .. t J ll1u rn. ll1•y .J111l1· t•11r .1 whit •· tw for1· llw .,11111 "°'"'' 111• 111 h1•1 •. of lhr• group t.,itl 1w1 (1111111 ti .,11111 J oh11 IA·11111111 t111t 'I w11 V11 i•ari-. and "Wt•d1l111g /\11111111 111 1!11>!1 II u r rai.11 11 111 ti · I'. I•·• Ir 111111 ~o u ntl 111111 W1111 tl1· r w.1 I I Mw!1<"' tJrnl -.unw y1•111 Tht•IJ l:t'll /\1111•111·.111 N11ll'l'l f u11vcuru11<·1• wu., 111 l\/1•w 't 111 k 111 !itw u St11d1um 111 IOOfl sut 111•111 lilf•tn, wh11 11111 111•w•tw1 thut f'•lll c·1•11 . 1 u11 11 full 11<11(1• 111! 111 I Ill' N1•w Vrnk '111111 ' th11·1• v.1•1k' ·•Kii i'IUVUll( tilt' )'111111' 11111 111 1111'11' 11 1111111 $~,ult 11111111111 1111 1111· 1111111 111•11pll· lty ""'"" 1•11111 1·r" }<Jrda11 Party 1(i,[e D e 11ied /Jy c~sl.~ • Y. '\ ... lf j-.;(,"JI J'\ I \I' I\ 1111111 twr 11( 11:Jn11 IJ)Jfl! J I d t'.117 I"'' Anl(t·lt ... 11.1 rt\. v. 1·r·· ftU<1lf'<f ,. nl.!Jy •• ., <f1 .,put1n~· .11l1·J1al111ni. h \. 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''" P•'.1k of 1111• l!•t'>11f1t11 I I hi • 111,11 V.,1• m u r k1•d It~ lung 11111·.., 111 -.1·1 v1n· 'tutwn ... Jiiii 1n.,l.1111 , • ., •11 11111111 IJU) 1111( l.1n1·h 141•n• .;11b'.'>t1.111t 1allv n· 111111·11 wh1•11 th1· n11 .. 1• 111 1• l11ok 1·f fl't'I. hut 11h'>•·rv1•1., 1>.1111 tltl'> <'l>U Id hu ~t· bt•t•11 J s th•• n•:;ull of hal(ht•r vnr1•.., and nol 1·11111 rot... S up1•1 v""'' t1,1 "'' v1111·tl 111 kt•t•J> m .tt·hint•n u v.11luh ll· in 1'J l!(• l'Olltrob 11n· m •1'flt•d ltl(am 1 In th a t 1•\1•111 , -.u1wr.,,,.,,,r ., wo uld n l't'd tt11: J J)IJ'""'" of Brown lo J:t'l baek 1nt11th1·11IJ 11 ~up1·rv1!>or-. 1'1;11111 t hat l1n1·-. ha Vt.' ll11mpp<"ar£•d <.ii -.i·rvH•t· :-.t .1 110111> uncl that lh•• odd 1•v1•11 hod run at:. c:ouri.t> and Wil!t n11 l11nu1•1 net'ded SUNDAY NIGHT Sept. 23rd 8:00 p.m. ltHHhWltnn Mnn r1w r n .Jn<1 S;11 Nonn '> 00 n m S 11n<1.iy ;> ~ p m !:>tth! N1qh1 1 on 11; a oo n m Public and Decdfl's WelcotM FREE ADMISSION Propur ty ""''"'"fo r 1 w\v1•n1cnce o f sale 10 uewport ·~alleries ·ltd. ESTATE JE.WELRY and DIAMONDS 2542 Weat Coast Hl9hway . Newport leach 17'14) 645-2200 O•er l Mlll0tt Dollst Wortt. Dl-"4 ~·· -1119'1 -1N14 ........ ....... , . ..., .... fr-dl•tff•Nd ~··· .... ,... .......... .. O•'t ...... ttMt l"'P!!f..t .... 1 • Thero wHI be mOl'lv 101, '01 10099 dlemofld8 ,,, thts H ie 1nclud1no KOl'ntt line invo11frnent ouetllv diamonds from \I, Cllrlll IO I !'lO COrlll8 AlllO several 1moonant rubv ond aepph1rn 11ngs Manv genie and 1a<11es ttohteire lfld ctuator dlomond 11ng1 from 'h coral lo we ll ovor , , c:nrnta Several 1moortant older p11111num and diamond b1tcelets. Pine. penc:tantt Md earrings wlll be Ollered tncludlng • ?6 car11 diamond bracotet Lota of fine genie end 1ad1.-a watch 11 gold ch1un1 •nd m1ecet11neou1 1ewelry Seve,at 1moort1nt 1ado 11ng1 end ltcte OI~• TER MS B1H'llt.A m e r11.arcl Ma'1nt Ch.11Qe Por,on•I t."Ct k C aan S o m e ex te'11h1d ttHma \.1111 lltJ orr&ngod CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 pm SUNDAY Art Levine Auc.11oneer . . . I I f i ,.., • •-·~.,_·,t.•:r • -r··-~·-_ _. ·-·--.---~.....--~-----------------··---.. ~------_....,..:. __ ---_'"';""'" _ __....,.._ o.lly l'llel SIAH -· BLUE LAGOON OWNERS CRY FOUL AT TERMS ACCEPTED TO SEAWALL REPAIR Publlc Acceaa Condition• Called Blackman By South Laguna Realdenta CruiserS ·Not Wanted Santa Ana V ~ to Drive Tlwm Away SANTA ANA fAPl A year after downtown "cruisers" were diverted from Main Street to side streets. pohce have been asked lo re·route the teen-age drivers and their low-!>lung custom cars the re:.t or the way out of town. The police planned to block the s treets Sunday to curb the cruisers. after residents showed up at Monday's City Council meeting to protest the bumper- to-bumper traffic, the· drunken· ness, the fi ghts and the bottle throwing that moved to El Salvador Park with las t year':. cruiser crackdown. Paul Lomeli, secretar y of the 35-member Santana car club. said a number of cruisers hav~ come from East Los Angeles. w h ere for the la s t three weekends Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies ha vt! closed Whittier Bouleva rd, scene or the cruising m ovie, "Boulevard Ni~bts " $1.85 Million Contract Due Irvine Firm Brinderson Corpor ation or Irvine bas been awarded a $1 .85 million contract to construct a 5.1-megawatt hydroelectric power recovery plant ror the Metropolitan Water District. The plant, due for completion in early 1981, is to be built at the Robert B. Diemer Filtration Plant north of Yorba Linda. The plant will sa ve an estimated 52,200 barrels of oil a year by capturing water pre· ss ure c urrently dissipated through valves and converting it into enough electricity to serve about 6,000 homes,, MWD of· ficials said. The contract calls for building a reinforced concrete structure a nd installing a tu rbine gene r ator , e lectrical transformer and control de· vices Film Slate d For Children ·'The Great Banana Pi e Caper," a children's film deal· ing with problems faced by youngsters, will be shown Sun· day at the Neig h borhood Congregational Church In Laguna Beach. T he come dy helps young viewers identify with problems they encounter. such as dealing w ith bullies. prejudice and learning responsibility. The film will be shown at 10 a.m. at the church. located at the comer or St. Ann's Drive and Glenneyre Street. For more information. call 494-8061. Refreshments will be served following the hour-long mm . "We're tired of it in here,'" Al Lewless. a resident who lives near El Salvador Park, told the council Monday. "If we had to get a paramedic or a Fire Department unit in that area, I s wear you could not get it there in 30 minutes." Car club members were to have presented an alternative plan at the meeting. asking the city to provide a "cruising area" at Santa Ana Stadium, but none showed-up, police Cmdr. Gene Sigrial To Fight OnBolsa A year-long b·atlle between Bols a Chica landowners and Huntington Beach environmen- taJists apparently isn't over yet. Signal Landmark orricials an- nounced Friday they'll go to court and attempt to overturn a recent decision that ruled a 45- acre oilfield is actually environ· mentally sensitive wetlands. The State Water Resources Control Board Thursday agreed with Bolsa Chica preservation proponents that the finger of land jutting off the eastern rim of the m assive marshlands ~hould be subjed to the Clean Water Act. The decision is considered a major victory for Amigos de Bolsa Chica, an environmental group urging preservation of the lagoon. James Anderson. water con- trol board spokesman, s aid Aminoil must now get a federal permit to continue dumping oil drilling sludge on the Signal Landmark property it leases T he Huntington Beach 011 company, he said, has a state permit to use 12 acres of the pro· perty for dumping. Wa y n e Clark . Sig na l Landmarlc spokesman, said the ruling could "jeopardize many areas that have long since been developed with homes and busi· nesses." ·'The finding seems even more inappropriate for its restriction on a long-established oilfield in this era of n ational f ue l shortage." He said he wasn't s ure when the appeal would be fil ed . Hansen s rud Friday The City Council was in no mood for alternatives. .. I don't think any citizen or this communit y has any tolerance for thjs practice. It's a dis grace," said Councilman Gordon Bricken, a s the council voted to reaffirm the crackdown that drove the crujsers off Main Street a year ago. Hansen added Friday: "The council's policy was rather steadfast and firm. There will be no crujsing. On this one. I think we have finally r eached the point where it's going to be stopped." He said if the cruisers try to move to another area of the city. they will blockade the m there too. Lomeli said there could be trouble if police barricades go up Sunday. "Someone will get a little high , and throw a bottle or something and a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt," said Lomeli. He said be bas urged that the re be no c ruising this weekend. El Salvador Park area resi· dents s aid the situatjon was especially unbearable on the last two weekends, when the Labor Day and Mexican Independence holidays were celebrated. Windows wer e broken on Labor Day, Hansen sajd. "On the next weekend. Mex· ican Independence Day, we had extr a units down there and were able to move the cruisers out," he said State Crew Cuts Cal/,s /11 Clemente A state CalTrans crew boring a fence post hole has been blamed for severing two under· ground telephone cables and cut· ting off long distance calls to and from mos t San Clemente re- sidents Friday. Pacific Telephone Company spokesman David Gould said Friday afternoon crews were working lo restore service by nightfall. Gould said a CalTrans crew working on a San Diego Freeway widening project in San Clemente Friday at 8: 50 a .m . cut the under ground cables with digging machinery. The workmen were setting up a wire fence near the freeway on the Reeves Ranch about one mile north of Avenida Pico. A 12-member telephone com· pany crew rushed to the scene and began splicing the severed lines. Most San Clemente resi· dents in the central and southern stttions of the city could call each other but could not rtteive calls from the northern part of the city or from other areas. Course Set On 'Greats' s.twdly. S!f!:mbe' 22, 1979 DAILY PILOT 43 i Repairs Given OK . ,• But Residents Cite 'Blackmail' • • By ITEVE mTCllELL Of .. De6ly "Mt ..... . State coaatal commissioners this week acreed to allow the Blue Lagoon Community As· sociatioo permission to repair a crumbling sea wa ll that threaten s 16 condominiums along the South Laguna ocean front. that Lo8 Angeles neighborhood la•t year. And, he said, he's not s ure the association will agree with the conditions. construction back in 1964, ad· ~ ding the coastaJ commission want.a the association to 10 back to tbe state for an updaLed de- termlnaUoo. But the state panel Imposed a list or conditions on the permit that will allow the public access across a private driveway between Victoria Beach and Treasure lsland Trailer Park. The regional coastal com· missioo made the same decision earlier this year, and the Blue Lagoon association appealed that ruling, terming the condJ· lions "'blaclmail." Now the associat1on 1s con· sidering legal action lo allow re- pair of their wall and keep the public out of the Blue Lagoon community "We'll have to look at it from a legal standpoint," s1:ud former Blue Lagoon association presi- dent Fred Howser. He termed the coastal com· mission conditions ··unfair" comparing the s1tuat1on to the Malibu fire victims, who faced coastal commi s~1on purview after a fire destroyed homei. in JEERS! JEERS BECAUSE ... ttle so-called diK-'tn did htt wrcwocr. SM foditMy ~ to their wqar- coated, c-. color TV od•erii~ .ct •~ate, dlsco•end +hot the - 2 5" diOCJC!ftd M'4 cC*ld be purc:haMd at .t.IC·TV for'"' -y. Cl'lld the priu;... clltded frH deli•err. llOM!lol 1 .. st•latlo.1 .cl Hteftd.d WcrTanty. ""-e 961•lJ29 for......,. .. mb. "We're fac~ with a reallt~ that is impossible for us to de- U ver, 11 Howser said, adding all 119 condominium members would h ave to agree to the public access condition. "And you can't ever get 119 people to agree to anything." The conditions imposed by the coastal commission include: -Prevent public access across the property in back or the first row or condominiums. -Dedicate an easement from the upper sea wall to the mean high tide tine. -Construct -at association cost -a concrete s tairway at the north end or the property. and a wooden ladder at the south end to provide public access. -Install signs denoting the area as open to the public when high tide and waves prevent ac- cesJj along the beach. -Receive a written de- te rmination from the State Lands Commission determ1rung that no state lands are involved 1n the development. But Howser says the lands commission cleared the seawall TEARS! TEARS BECAUSE ... +tie off~ 2s~ dioqonal col« TY ~ b-c;it tor a priu ~ql!ity len ttle111 ttle '"'*'°"an., od•wti*. brwtd\ off~ed by .t.I C-TY. ,i....ed owt NI ttle ,.,;ddl• of hft' fa•onte soap ~ Then cam• -. tt"Ors wittl ~ r'Hllity t+.ot ttl• off~ d.olerW, f~ owt co,t!y \H"•iciftq to a '~· P'hofte •68-3 329 for oetcOflW of ttii' hGr+lll '°9"- 9 & '80 Mo~els in stock & on display! The community association • directors will meet in late Oc· Lober to determine whether they want to pursue the access mat- ter through the courts. In the meantime, the seawall at Blue Lagoon continues to be eaten away by wave action, and cracks are evident along the s idewalk in front or the 16 seafront condominiums . The community association hired the Ja ck G . Kaub e ngineering compan y l a st February to install 70 tons of boulders along the seawall to protect the condominiums . But they ran into another kind of wall when they applied for a coastal commission permit. While fighting the public ac· cess condition. the association began temporary repair work to the wall. And as long as they don't use heavy equ1pment to move the boulders, they can continue to work under a n emer gency permit Mowscr ... avs the temporary work won't do the Job CHEERS! CHEERS BECAUSE ... \he fo.od out ttle 11-of the qome is ftot 011ly sa•i11q blq-lwcln with th• purcha~ of Mf' 25" dioqonol color TV: !wt HI• low°f'rict .t.IC·TV sotd it for, in- ct.Hkd frH ~·err. "°""°' '"'*°'loti°" a.od th•ir n'~ worr-ty . .t.[I 11 tdt•• is oet• phot>e ,ci11 t'68-ll2'I to ,...op ttle •-e ~ock ~~,f. . I, .. DIAGONAL '10 SYSTIM Ill WITH RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE RCA NEVIEW 10 Tit.ADE-IN TIM6- 25" Dl.AGOMAL SYSTEM tit RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE COHTIOLS '5000 REBA TE FROM ZEHfTH COMPUTER SPACE COMMAND Rcmole Con1101 ... ~ -. . . ...... \4 SL2~71P '3000 REBA TE FROM LEHfTH - SL2S3l '4000 REBA T~ FROM ZEHfTH ·~ fl1 I ~ .t.11 ~'-SLZ50 r~rr t --~lU~t ZENITH YIDEO RECORDERS FOi 1910 ,~~ --J YUOOOW • FltHUNAMI • F.t.ST FOIWAltD & HYBISI MOOl>- COM'BOUID RIMOTR Y · s HOUI neon •lllCTIOMC~ • DIGIT Al RfAD..OVT FOR Q.OCJ( & TIMR itHOMEFOR LOW PRICE UP TO SI 00.00 FOi YOUR OLD COLOR SET. 2s·· Di CMJC11M11 G0768 G0 76S G0764 S 75" TRADE-IN OH n4ESE ALL MEW 25" DIAGONAL COLOR TRAIC CONSOLES '50" TR.ADE-IN OH n4ESf ALL MEW 25" DIAGONAL COLORTRAIC MODElS .(= ~ L w; ••• ~ • • C°"'6tr.-• h ' f. -~..J FOSlO ~ ~~-' w.~ 1\ G0708 T.t.IU MODEL WITH ltfMOTt I 979 CLOSEOUT SPECIALS OU A GC771SA Cl l.. ~~L GCfl• 25·· 01.t.GOH.t.l ltEMOTE 2S" 01.t.GOM.t.l HMOTI ~ L:..:.11 GCUOSlt 2S" 01.t.GOH.t.L ltEMOTI ' -: ~ • •c ~ t-1~.-• ~I , '~ IU j -~ • -L --1·1 . ....__ ...... GC734 2r 01.t.GOH.t.L ltlMOTE RCA saECTAVISIOK-MOW WITH ur TO 6 HOUR RICORD TIME onoow YCT400 IW003 UWCA ..... .t. AIC HAS SUPER LOW INTRODUCTORY PftlCE .. ------------------· 6 HI. HCOIO • 7 DAY • HMOTI P.t.USI P'llOGUMM.t.IU '14995 25" OIAGOMAL '7t llMOn CLOSIOUTS HMOTI • 4 Hit. ltlCOltD llMITID CH.t....a.CH.t.MGI • 1 DAY ~AMM.t.lll Septembe~ Fair Slated o.llYPfi.t .......... A aix·week lecture series on HH71 SIH4J ~-1~11 r. r.i [.1~ .,.,.,, COLOR CAMERA . LIMITED STOCJC! CCOOI Tbe ftnt annual South Lquna September Fair will be beld Sept. 30 at the South Laguna Vllla1e Green. Entertainment lncludea Uve music, children's 1amea, dla· pl,Ji, de mon1tratlona and baUooal f« the cbllctren. A cbildnD'' art contest will be held, md partidpaata are ur1ed to briQI a plcnie lunch and lbv. • pot.luck With otben. ':'1\• feltlviUtl bello at noon 1.-.c n:r •ti• ~ f..m. l Nee•••~ This mixed dachshund named Sally is 3 yean old and described by Irvine Animal Care Center of· flcials as very quiet and fnendJy. Anyone interested in giving Sally a home can come to the center at 20f01 Sun Valley from 9 a.m. to ' p.m. oo weekends and from 9 to 6 on weekdays. The phone number ii 75'·3740. great lndividuala in the world's ,.••••Ill•• hlstory begina Oct. 2 at lrvine • WHY BUY AT ABC? 90 days (3 payments) same as c•sh Of lovw down 'end 36 months to pay (0 .A.C.I -Free Delivery •nd Setup on all console models -BankAmerlcard -Master Charge -We service what we sell -No Commissioned Salesmen -All dellverles made by hktory trained Hilb School in Irvine. Sponsored by Saddleb1ck College, the aeries 'wlll examine tbe lmpa.ct of p-eat men and women on the western world. The aertes, "Uves tb1t Enno- ble and Enlighten Our Uvea,'' runs from 7 to 9 :30 p.m. on Tuesday• al tbe bl1h school campus, 3421 Walnut Ave. Tbe fee for the Htles ls Sl5. For further lnformation. phon 831·'890. . ' i\'4" technicians. ASK ABOUT OUR EXTENDED WARRANTY ' ~~ ......................................... .. o<•~-4(\• ~t,O 11041 BROOKHUAST, HUNTINGTON BEACH \(\ "'~'"· (CofMr of·~--••0•"'9td ~~· ~ p"• ,,... .11.\\.'ft' HOURI:.-....., -1. 16.7 ,..,.-i..•· _oft ""'"...-n · a.a•-33"8 ,..... SAT. 10.5:30; SUN. 12-4 ,HONI ~ &• •• • \ l l . • • ._ ... • ,.4 . CW.. Y N.OT "' Free WeaiherproQfin_g rc eaclted MVeral memben of Coqreu, and tbe CaiUr admlnltU'a· Uoa taJll lt promlalo1. &radio ........ ou& Uae ICMme M &M ...... ,...... C--.. mlttee t'ClllftDUed comldertna Prealdent Carter'• propoeecl MW tu . oa the oU laduauy. would contract wttla prl•ate c:ompu&ee -••..-, ...... -to IW'Ve)', wttla t.be bomeowner'I .......... Mela '9m. Md NCGID· .... __. ._.... ....... .,. ... ,, " if:i:a""-• • •cs-ment would 111ae bODdt to mue tlM pQIDlllt or tbe •••tha'prooftD•· ... CONSU•rnoN ot Imported' oil WlllU TBE COM•l'ITEE"8 P&OPOIED tax cnldlt for bome wcetherpc'()OflJlC could reimburae a builder or bomeoww for ball his or her Investment, the plan outlined by Bradley ~/:.';vtde free au the lnaulaUon. atorm doors and wt.Ddowl, ca and oth.sr efficiency devtcea that a home needed. Bradley cited tlodlnJi that tborouab weetberprGOftnc can aave u much u 70 percent ot the eneray Uled to beat and cool a bome. 1'lfE AGENCY WOOLD AG•E• TO pay tia M••Mnc eom· pan lea a ftxed price for eacb unit ol ....,.IY t.bat II 1aved became of the conHrvaUOG effort. The IOVWDID'8t t1ene1 would de· t.ermlne tbe aarin,_ by compartnc a bome'a utl).U:i bUll belON and after weatberprootma. That saved eoet'lf would tMn be bo\lcht i•k by the -power company at a eo1t coulderablr lower than what would be required to buUd 1eoeratlna facll1Uea or to purcbAH oU or coaJ oa tbe open market. The plan would work thil way: A local government a1ency. operatin1 under federal overview. DMty '*' Slaff ....... Cops Hunt Laguna Mall Thug A 67 year-old Newport Beach woman escaped injury when a man a pproac h ed he r In a Laguna Hills shopping center, threatened her with a gun and escaped wi th her purse and automobile. Orang~ County Sheriff's of. fi C'ers :-la id Hazel M arie Fosnight, 17 Rue Fontaine, had just pulled into a Laguna Hlll8 Mall parking place when the man approached her car . The man, described as 25 to JO years old and s ax fee l tall, point· ed what was descnbed ~l> a re volver at the woman and told her "Get back an the car or I'll blow you away," according to sheriffs dt:putJei.. When the wom an hei.1t:ited, autho r it ies s aid , t h e man i.natched her purse, jumped an the car and drove away. The woman ran scn:aming into a de partmcnt store 10 the mall ARGON WALKS, TALKS, SEES, HEARS Admirer Stta With Ray Raymond'• Talented Robot Authontles recovered her car about a mlle from the robbery scene. nw purse was inside, but about SlOO was missing. His Robots Versatile Newport Beach Man Proud of Creatiom Ray Raymond of Newport Beach takes has robot.JI sen ously. The local businessman h as built four computer-controlJed creations and the pride of the n eet is Argon. whose talents far exceed lhoi.e of the walking hunks of tin that invaded science f1 ct1on movie:. in the 1950s ARGON NOT ONl.Y walks. talks. sees and hears, but also has a chest that doubles as an clectroruc games board and 1s prone to fits of improvisational poetry. Raymond has learned lo make his robot.s flexible. A bit or pro· gram tinkering and Argon un- dergoes a sex change, becoming "Effie." Other m odifications can shrink Argon to four.reel laJI or stretch him to sta nd along side Kareem Abdul J abbar. But al Argon's current height, rlve·fOOl·six, Raymond explains that people seem to treat his friend as more of a person. FOLKS TEND TO TALK down to s horter robots as if they were kid s, a nd the be hemouth versions frighten others away, 11ays Raymond. Argon, who cost R aymond between $:11,000 and $50,000 to build, ts the moet popular of tus robots. But he's got other crea· tions, including a fire·flghUng robot _able lo wilb:stand Lem· pera t.ures up to 1,000 degreefl It can be remote controlled up to a couple of miles away. A robot's ablUty to t ake the load off man is what Raymond is s elling. He believes that robots one day will be dotng everyth ing Cro m handlin g dangerous chemical!. to cook.mg evening meals. NOT ARGON, llOWEVEll. He 'll cont.anue to l<>ur shopping centeri., chat with people and Jui.t hCJvc· a generally good time He's even set lo play a role 1n a fall ep1bodc• of " Mork and Min dy ,'' i.a ys Ha y mond Prei.umably Ar~on wall play thf' part of a rol)f>l Meal Cut Reviewed Santa Ana school trustees on Tuesday will review their de cision to cancel the subsldJzed school breakfast program on the g rounds that It takes away a family res ponsibility, offi cials said today. Trustees agreed to hear pubUc testimony on their dec1i.lon, which was protested by some community groups, at their meeting scheduled for 7 p m Tuesday at 1405 N F rench St , Santa Ana. Trustee Vo lney Moran Jr aske d for the c unccll11taon because he s aid he belleve1> it ii, the parents ' responsibility lo provide breakfast He saJd he thtnk1> the program erodes the family as an inslttut1on. ll1s motion pasm::d 4·0. Board' m ember Donald Franklin Wal> abiu•nl The hn•akfaiit program, which 111 luq (Ply 11ubs1dized by state and fctleraJ funds, has red about 1,1100 young11ter!i a day at sax 1tc·hooh1, offl cial11 s a1d The program was opl1onaJ 8l ""''h princ1p6ll '11 discretion Flood Watches Posted Kemucky, Tennessee on the Lt111koul 11.s:S .. ••rw lnu...,..tOl'f'M -••-led l'l'I· dey o .. r "'°'' ol IM •••ler11 third of , ... Mllofl. -.... ,,, rel11 tell 111 IC9flo tuOy _f __ f1et11 t._. -c~ -• pos..-111 1Ce11tuc:kv..., T--· -"-Ne· t1011e l Weelller Servi<• IHued • tofl>-w«<ll .... "'9Cll<ted ..... ,. , __ , ec..--1• ol .,. Florlde l'•flfl•fldl•. wu1,,.u1er11 ............ Md ..... olO-el• k et..,,_ ,_. -• r•port.N _...,,, __ let ~•l•""••r• c loudy over '"• 110f't,,.,., lto<ltl .. end tM l'eclfk co .. t.w• .. -•<~1 ....... ot,,.r "'" ol 1"9 Wtit f ... lorH HI <•ll•d tor 1111111· O.r....,_. --ttw -II Allefllk. C:0.$1 ...... -r•h• ""°""" , ... mkl•AtllMI< c.M -muc.11 of New l!ft91eM. l'ortly ~•let-. ,,wkted over 11141 ()fl .. Volley •1141 '" tlle NortMott, !Wt -y tlllH were• fWKMt........-., T-l!Wr• _. e~IOll to llO ............... .,........,_ MVtll-Wll Ari-llllf lllterlor '"'"'"' (.tlltorftlo. lteM1111t Ill IM ... .,..,.._........,....,.._ l'o(lfle C.., ocr-,..,_.., Ml11-.....U, .. Ol'MC LAMt , ....... , ... ~ Attolllk c..t ,...._ .... t• l'llllCll .... OflloVol...,, T..,.._...,...........,._. • ., ........... .._ ....... .....,,.. ....... c .. , ...... SllN l'lltNANOO AN O IAH GAlltllL YALLIYI -l'olr ...... ....., --'*"' ..,,,, ,...,... ....... fW ... , ......... . .. ,,,. ......... , ..... , .. ,, .. ~i.-5 ......... ... """' *"'.... .. .. ., ' I ANU IAltlAlt ANO Y•N· TUlllA COUHTY ai.ITAL AllllA - r--- . ' .. l'OINT CONC•l'TtON TO MUCICAN IO'I091t AHO ex.IT .. MIL.II -Lltfll nrlt _.e wl"•' '"''"''" '°"''"' •• , •• , .....,,, .... """' .... t ... .... ..... .._...,....,.......,. .. .. .. .......... ·-" ' .. ' .... . ~ ... -~ ..... -IY tortlel ~1 .. rl11e tlllt ofter -· ------ .. l f 'ltr I fH •• /t I f •o l lo I f t ... f 8••• /flee•, Tl"r• TOOAY • ".In. 10 ,. • '" • )4 p,,, It··"'· IUNDAY 0 1 " I 0 •• l'lrtl 1-• 16 a Ill I t l'lrat lllfll tO ... "' • , ~9Mlew t Olttm Ot ieteMllltfl 1111111.m •• 11111 rl-6 •to "'·• .... • 0 II "' ....,., ...... .,.,.,, ... ., "'"'· lwfl /WW ... """" '" .... Me• tmwm lloltM Ill loot. lttrlo• 111 ---· . .. -.... ' . " I t U 1 I If I • II .. ...,. ,, ,..,.,....,,. Nllt(lf'lt ,,. ..... ,,.., .,. .. ,.-., ,."""" fn ••• '"'"' uon ''""'* \•••••Mnnft• Ht•,WHI UUfttl"Q4ftft , ... ·~(-f Av•M•1 Dir I J \W I 1 \W I ) ~W ) • w ,,,,._ 16f ......,.y l 1111• <I•--, ..... -...... , ,. ., ......... " ,, ( e1e11ne tt M ···-.. ~ ti'•IHMI~ u u l.,..,_.. tt u '"'"'...... ., .. HtflllH 1• 14 He•"°'lljNlll 1e .. O••lef141 /6 .0 Oflt•rlo " •> l"el"I \orlnet IOI 1' ............. ti ,. k 11 ll1r11MdiM .. " .... o • .., • " t,e11 t r1fl(l'4 e .. )I """'• .... .. .. wnte II••-• " ... , ... rMOI ,., ,, ...,,.. ... "'"' ......... 4 M•Holl•y I 1•IAr II 'f'~J II'> ~ "-,,,.,. IJl(joot 111 t t() fJ m Ull Qe!Qfo I ,, "' fl•l 'fOJUI ~ ...... .,...., .. ...,.,H~ -~ II )'(Ill Oii llOI ............ rlUf ~ Oy " .... ..- ....,,,. ' '"'.,.. \IClllf '°"' ..... . dOloo .. M E •• Free Flu Shots Set For Adults Free 1nnueoza immuniial.JorY) will be ofrered to adults 5.5 c.1111 over and the chronically 111 beginning Ort 1 through a pro gr am presented by the Oritng1· County Human Serv1N•s l\g1>n< y Tht• program run:. through December Thi' 1mmun1zallono; will h4! available from Publu· f11·~lth and Medical Scrv1c<:s 1n Santa Ana at 1725 w 17th St , M<mdC1y'> through l''ndayo;, H 30 a m. t<' ., p m an~ Tuet!days until 7 pm and an Anaht>im <tt 1842 We:-.t l.1nc•oln. Fnday-. from 8 30 a m to 11 JO a m an1l 1 p m . to 4 pm In addition Ul thos e locations. 1mmun11at1on-. will ali.o be availablt· al various rommun1ty cc·nte r '> 1n tht· r11 unty. Tb.t> clinic•,, '>l<tff•·d mainly hy volun- tt·t' r., w1 II ,,.. nrH·n """' !J a m. tcJ 1 p r11 (' 11 ,J I ,1 I 1 ,J I' I 1 11 I 1· ' ,1 r t • Sky Pal•erns 5d11·rlul1·cl ()c I :1 ;JI lhc (jo(tl1•11 'J 1m1·r., !'·wn11,r C"1·nt1·r, 114 I' •. l!lth St ( 11• t.1 M•''><J C lrl 15 at tht' < •Hnmunit y f'r•·s hylen<tn ('hurd1. 'll~J<! IJt-1 Ob1i-.po, Sun Juan C.tr11:.tranu (k t 17 c.l th•! Sl·n 111r < '1·n1 •·r S1t1· I 71>fi Ornngil AH· II unt 111~t.on Ht«.wh. Ott lli ul th1• W1•,tm1n1'>ll·r Crim mun1t 'I Ct·ntt•r. 7~171 Wci-.tm1111:.t1•r Av•·. \\-1·.,lm1n1:-.t 1•r anti ()1 t l~. at th•· !w11 wr t t•11t1·r 707 f-.11·1:~11 ~ •. ti B1-.H h T<Jll t ram•:-. at two scparat<· C'on:-.trucllon site!> rrom bag X in Newport Beach sky <Jb<ivc· silhouette. of steel OnE' l'n.tnl' 1:-. cm Von Karman Ave and the othe r on Newport Plal't', acrm.s Mac Arthur Boukvard UI I Complete New Yori< Stock.S Del/Vf!lfe<I same da r fresh IO your doorsteP 1'1·r.,un'> with ;1 known allc·ri.:v to 1• ~"'', or S>l'r'>on~ undt·r lh1• c·arc <1( tJ ph}.,.l"l<ln for an 111 nt>~'I . .,houlrt <·nnt :1rl 1 hP1 r <1o<·t1,r bt·forc· n ·t 1·1vm~ lh1 \ .111·1n•· TECHNOLOGY ON TRIAL: WHAT'S YOUR VERDICT? Technology is on trial 11 stands accused of destroying the environment, poisoning the populoce and even threoTening the f uTure of the human roce Def enders pomt to technological odvoncPS whid1 formed the modern world and offer promise fOf' a better tomorrow Reach your verdict with help Iron P111d"'"'"P presented an "Connections Technology and Change this fall's Courses by Newspaper senes oppeonng Saturdays 1n the Doily Pilot You'll find this timely d1scuSS!OO challenging, interesting ond 1nfouno1 vP Led by Professor John G Bu~e of UCLA. h1stor1ons and social scientists 1llumino1e sources of 1nvent1on. the 1mpoct of technology on modern life and the pr~s for controlling change Courses by Newspaper makes 1t possible to earn college credit at home. by enrolling ot Coastline Community College. Coll 963-0824 for reg1strot1on information. "Connections" Course by Newspaper 1s offered as o public service of the DAILY .PILOT ·-·-·-·-·---------·····-·-··-··-····--·,, ! Registration Form. · i 1 Course By Newspaper LfCE I I '°JJI ....., •-~. ,o_,..., 'h O•r. Celllor111e U 7ot I I ec •• .,,,,. ~ ..... c..,. eg<t I I 14't"hl•u •-Humt.e• •con~Uone Tocflnology and Change" I / I ___i ..1 I I (locta4 Selene• 1301-2 unfi t I 11 u ... ,..,.,. L•• .. 8••"" CourM ID• 11$ I I I I 'tlAl t l'HtNI I I HAltill ii•M 11•0• fl I I l ••• f .. ,, M I Mofttf, lJ•~ v •• , I I CURAlHf I I •OORUll P110 Nr I Ho & 81100! Ap! NO City l •P I WH(H 010 YO\Jfl l'MtSINI t TAY IN CAL"~·· M G•H' MQlllll o., •••• l I I I Ufoil•flOITATt1c1r1ztH•liJY .. OHo rf HO f\'l't:OIY15AHlLO OAT'1 ••:.u10 I I Hl()HUf OMOf COMl'LlllO C1RCU ~ 1 • • ., ,, 11 t) ,. AJ. .... .... PrlO: I I ..! I II •0,,.1.... 0.•• I -----···----·--·-·-·-----------··-··--J : \ \ 1. .. • I l . I ---------.....:..--------------'"'----....... ------_;.---.- D•llY Pll .. SIAlll - BY THEIR SIGN KNOW THEM -THEY HOPE TO AVOID FRUSTRATION Ven Cott Puta Up CHP Emblem; Teat Center Sign• On Order Test Center Confusio n Lc1guna Hills CH P Office s l\ot the Place People seeking vehicle smog device inspections are bringing t ·ars of frustration to the eyes of so u t h O ran ge Co u n t y 's California High way Patrol office adm inistrators. That's because Lhe traffic of· ficers are getting 20 to 30 people a day at their Laguna Hills of· fices looking for tests of their vehicle emission systems Booze AND 111 E HIGDWA Y Patrol doesn't do the tests. "People come in here in a s tate of agitation because they've had a ha rd time finding us ." says public affairs offi cer Dick Van Cott. "Then we have to tell them they've come to the wrong offi ce and we can't do the test for them Is Out Carso11 Can't H a n dle I t NEW YORK <AP) -Johnny Carson concedes in an interview with CBS' Mike Wallace that drinking became a problem for him. and "I found that it was probably best for me to not really tangle with it." "We had an elderly guy come· in here thi:ee times one day and we almost had to walk him over to the testing center ... THE P ROBLEM A RIS ES because the Laguna Hills CHP office is only two blocks from the testing cente r, located at 23022 La Caden a. off Lake Forest Ave. Th ere ar e s ig ns o n Lake Forest Avenue directing the motorist to Del Lago -the street on which the CH P oHice 1s located -but there is no sign tn· dicating a right turn should be m ade on La C~dena where the tes t center is located. ..... September 22, 117't "Got o prolMm? Th.en write to Pot Dunn. Pat will cut red tape, getting IM an.tWera O*f octioll yoti ued to 1oloe irwquUie1 an go~mment.ond bu.ltraeu. Mail uour qwatlona to Pot Dt.lnn. At Your ~'· Oronge Coo1t Dady Pilot, P 0 . Boz 1560, Coita Me10, CA 926~. A• ma11y lettera 01 po11ibl.e will be aMWered, but phoned inquines or letter• not includmg tM reader'• JuU name. addreu and bu.uneu hours' phoM number cannot beconndered. Thil columnappearadoa· ly except Sunda11.1." Ml~le More ~Ike .. a Rtpe l f I DEAR PAT: I came across an ad for a weight· loss device thut guarantees "you must lost: rune lo 18 inches from your waist, abdomen, hips and thighs in just three days · without dieting." From the ad. it appears this is something you wear and attach to a vacuum cleaner. Apparently. you turn on the vacuum,while wearing this device and then exercise for 10 minutes and rest for 15.minules. Is this too good to be true for $9.95? J .C .. Costa Mesa This weight-loss device ls a pla.stlc-type gar- ment that covers the body· from waist to kAttS. The Food and Onlg Admln.istratioo bolds the opl· nion lbat instant weight·loss garments or treat· ments often are nothing more thu money-maklJlg schemes for promoters. Tbe reswls they provide are qµestlooable, and some are hazardous. Although enactment of the 1976 Medical De vices A mendm e n ts gave F DA n e w aut ho rity t o r eg ulat e m edic al devices , f e w w e l g ht r e duction a n d fi g ur e res haping produ cts a re implanted or are life-supporting, so premarket approval stUJ 111 not' required. FDA can ban administratively (without going to court) devices that are deceptive as well as those that present a risk to, or Impairment of, health. The federal agency aJso can ban a product if the manufacturer falls to substantiate claims about what it will do. One such FDA case concerned "body alter· ing" devices distributed by a Woodland Hills firm. Although U\is case involved a leg covering worn to induce perspiration. the principle Is similar to the method used by the product you describe. The leg covering was found to be lnefftttlve in reshaping legs, and exercises prescri~d while wearing them could impede blood flow and worsen any ex· isling circulatory problems. Expanded F DI\ authority ht>lps, but with thousands of different types of medical devices In use, not all can be scrutiniied. Consum ers must use common sense when it comes to believing In and buying products that claim miracle weight loss. If it sounds too good to be true. it us ually Is! Sorry, Syn t h etic• S«"r atc h! I DEAR PAT : The hallway JUSI 1ns1de the front door of our house has a wooden noor "1th some kind of gloss finish The fini sh has some scratches in it and we intend to redo the noor soon with polyurethane varnish because we've been told that \ OAILYPILOT "I used to have a little pop, I sure did," Carson says in an in- terview taped ror CBS' "60 Minutes." "I don'.l handle it well." "We've got signs on order that we'r e going t o place a t La Cadena and Del Lago," Van Cott says. "But we ha ven't gotten them yet." this synthetic product will not scratch. Can you tell L------------------~-=::t us ifthis isso? --------------- .. YOU AND McMAHON, real· ly, you don't," Wallace asks, re· !e rring to Carson's longtime "Tonight" s how sidekick, Ed McMahon. "I don't handle alcohol well at a ll, no. Really, I don't," Carson says, adding: "Oh. Ed and I have had some wonderful times in the past." The segment, to be aired Sun· day e ve n1ng, wa s taped at Ca rson's California home last spr ing. A portion or the in· ter view, in which Carson pro· claims he would like to leave · "Tonight" after 17 years as host of the late-night show, was edit· ed for broadcast in June. THE DISPUTE WITH NBC over Carson's desired departure still has not been settled. "Tonight" guests, Wallace says in the newly edited seg· ment, often describe Carson as 114-year-old Files Suit "a gentle man, a kind man." •·Are you reluctan t ." the in· tervie wer a sks, "in p utting together your mono logue, to go 'bard' on a guy?" It's at that point that Carson, in reply. mentions problems with drinking : "Wilbur Mills bad his problems . . . it was a musing to most people, then you could do jokes about it," Carson says. "I stopped doing jokes immediately , as soon as the people found out that he was an alcoholic. and had emotional problems." W A LLA CE Q UO T ES McMahon as saying "that from lime to time , you were going to take on the whole Russian army. And he ..!. and you didn't have bazookas to do it." ''That's r ight," C a rs on replies. "No, that's one reason I found that it was probably best for me to not really tangl~ with it. "I just found out that I ... I did not drink well, and . . when I did drink, rather than a lot of people who become fun- loving, and gregarious. and love everybody. l would go the OP· posite." THE PATROLMEN ARE in earnest to eliminate the irrita· lion and confusion s uffered by those seeking tests and finding the wrong offi ce. One driver railed to set his emergency brake while asking directions at the CHP office. The car roUed backwards, s mashing into an employee's car and com- ing to rest against the CH P's ac· cident investigation office. A spokesman at the vehicle testing center said the fa cility is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p. m Tuesdays through Fridays. CARS ARE REQUIRED to be i n s p e c t ed wh e n t itl e 1s transferred or when the vehicle co m e s into t h e s ta t e permanently. The spokes man said the St l fee for the inspection is paid when the owner registers the a uto m obile with t he slate Department of Motor Ve hicles. He cautioned South Orange County car owners who need the test to bring the car's registra- tion, pink slip or other papers tn· di ca ti ng the c a r 's c h a r ac· teristics wi th them to the •est center. J ,J , Irvine Sorry, but you've been misinformed. While poly urethane ls m ore dur able tbaa moat varnishes, it la not scrakb-proot. If you put a coat· Ing of wu on the polyurethane. the wax will absorb most scratches and theo cu ~ removed a lot more easily Ulan reflDlshlllg lbe noor. Be sure to keep a door mat outside yoar front door to laelp cut do'VO oa dJrt or grit that causes scratchiag. I .l~••lf-ay Lo•• lut 't o r Quitter! DEAR ·PAT: In what ways can a person be disqua lified from receiving unemployment in- surance benefits? Is quitting a job on your own lhe only way. or are there other reasons for deni al of benefits? W C .. Costa Mesa Voluntarily leaving work wi thout good cause , and being fired for misconduct are two major rea- sons for dJsqualiflcation from benefits. A third rea- !>on· is refusal or suitable work without good cause. "Good cause" generally must ~ connected with the job, ral.her than with the individual's personal Ufe. Also. workers are generally not eligi- ble for benefits ii their unemployment is caused by a labor dispute. The person •·ho is dlsqualirled is iss ued a report indicating why ~neflts will not be paid and how long the dlsqualiflcallon will last. If a person disagrees wllb the disqualification. he or she may appeal. lo such case. an im partial rere ree will hold a public hearing and make a de· cislon based on the facts. Th.ls decision can be further appealed to the courts ii agreement is not reached. TOKYO <AP) -Ja pan's oldest man. 114-year-old Shigechiyo Izumi, is s uing a liquo r compa ny for $23,000, claiming it used his name and photograph without permission in a c a m paign to promote a drink that allegedly pro· longs life. ESTATE SALE O F JEWELRY· lt umi's lawyer argued in court Thursday that the Am a m i Liquor Co .. makers of a drink distilled from brown sugar. used I zu m l 's pho ~graph without con e n t o n p a c kaging a nd p romo- t ion al m ate rial a nd claime d their prod uct. called Amami. was "the favorite drink of Japan's oldest man." Lawyers for the liq uor firm maintained lbe com· pany received permission from Izumi's family to use bis name and picture after sending Izumi 1,035 bottles valued al $2,800. ~~~I ~:.I'-' ? tlJ~ I @"\) I l~IJ> ~~()1112§ FREECONSULTAnON . -~ . 642-8484--,uo lrvln• Blvd. ~dJlt.acb YOU'LL KNOW THE ....-----:...' ----~.,,DIFFERENCE I 6°/o COMMISSION ~ Al.AH I .UT fl91 MO COtiiMSllOM? MAGNON POH'nAC .... Ollf"=Te Pwp At J4IO ........ a ~.....,.a ...... f!Ac ...... c .... ..._14t-4JOO ...... ............ ...... ............. o.e.1-.Nt-IMtaa THE REAL ESTATE DOCTOR E.F. Moody Ph.D. ANtyM I Conlultent ,. .. na.n" 11162 MecAtthur N80 INIM. 92715 ~y PILOT' CLASSlfllD AD$ M2•H78 ,· C RYSTAL - POR CEL A I N- BRO N Z E S - C HINA - SIL VER and mere. Lots of diamond rings end earrings, gold chains, fine china and crystal , bronzes, some furni· ture, oil.s. chandel iers, brass lamps , etc. Something for everyone -from S 1.00 up. Free edmissioo. Ba~k of America, Master Charge, c_hecks, some terms available. SALE Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nigh t a Sept. 14, 15 and 16 Inspection of all merchandise Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 2 • 5 P.M. and 7 · 8 P.M. newftort galleries l t d. 2542 West Coast Highway Newp ort Beach. CA (71 4) 8'6-2200 COMSIGtlu&m ACC•I ED '11L S PM "" Levine Auc t10t1M • • ' l'O • >- -It> 0 "O C/l >--"-"-Q.I • o >.c. -Q.lc: E -o o o E u := Cl> a.. Q.I c .c >-0 ....., := ~ >-l'OO o -0 V"I ·-,..._ c "O . QJ Q.I M "-~ 0 QJ I/) ->-- Q.I ~ "'g .:.: 'O ell :.= <ii E Q.I -o E ~ E l'O :.._g w z _J <( <( i "' ~ 0 .. :i <( .., > c ,,. _J ; "' a. ~ I W § a: :i 0 ... (/) z CD t: 9 CJ) I 4. w r * ~3 ~ (/) v ~ Iii ::> ! ~ m • ell ell Q.I "- Q.I c 0 .c. a.. -0 >--0 -~ u .. 0 -a: ~ '° > N -0-·-" . Q c( u Tfi .. a~ :l .i f-, fl M "' ... 0 0 0 IA U Q.I "-::> -IC c Ol Cf) Q.I -::> 0 er -u "--ell 0 ) :) .. ~ 0 0 ... ~ 0.. w 0 z 0 ~ ~ ..J :> u a: u .. I .. ----------...------...-- --- - -- --r . - - --•• --.._.._--,·-------------------·--------- Financing Put to ·Test o nclien Let Famil ies Contro l Education? .. . .......... -----..... W AllllNOTON -O•e• ::t:..r~~~= TredUloaall1. prh ate I•· ctll8U.. ...... ,..u... a10 Kl.I .. ,...,..... aad lD- tU•CUM l• •oral YllHI. qullta. .._. ,.,_ta behve ...... ~~&btn tM l*bl'c daltrooma -lut year by over l ~rceot TBO•A S WILCOX . a •Po&•man for Lhe NtUooaJ Al.· aodatlon o f Independen t Scboola. aaid lhat prtv111le achool 11ppltcaUooa are up niatlonwide 10 to 80 ~rcent. "and In t.he NOIUiemt It la '-11 but • deluce." ·nu, lMnue. he said. "la a lot more UYio atboob can handle " . tr S • e1 hll to ~ ea.. al4ere• a a6cldh·<IUI ... .,. •.., ••n•t• who ml1tat et•erwtH ..... HDl lattlt 1'ie U.1. <>Mc. ot Mueauon .. u ..... .._ o1 u.. n.a milloD cMWlrm .. .-UC ••••-'VJ .. .. 1 .., ecMo&a ... mat· w fll ...... aow enroUlac ....... pftYIU Kbooll. n• Nft t..ure.t ln pnvate .ne..-.. ....,....1 the result of powbc *r lldalad on over the ct.llDina staDdarda of achieve- ment and dbdpline reporttld 111 tbe naUon'a publi c school ayatem eltmaatar1 aad secondary M'eioo1 ~ wlM> be1an Uu.s u bool ,...., n" ml.Woo went to prlvlle 1th ool1. Wblle 3 3 mUUoe '11 UleM are ln Calbollr 1cbool1. U baa been other private adaoola u.et ban ahown the bluest t>nrollment 11ma At a Um.-wbca· pubUc school attendance nationwide Is drop ptna 11t an annual rate or around 2 percent. private school enroll· menta h~v • 1nc:reued steadily Oapit.e t.be1 r new populaf'lty. prlv.te acboola face a boat of problem.a Perbaps the biQ~t of these 1' with the federal gov t'tnmmt 1be Internal Revenue ~tvl~ wants to revoke the lax· t'Xt'mpt status of those acboobs that c annot meet racr:tl guldellnt"s the agency lb seektnR to ampotie . RhetOric's Hazardous By llAaaY aEASONEa f''rom. "The R.tcuoncr ~.. on CIJS IUJdw New• Aoot.her day. another danger. Or that's tbe way 1l seems anyway. You can barely bend down to touch yo ur toes without on s trai1ht.enlng -finding some new hazard being proclalmed, some old harmless pursuit stiown by the latest ruettch to be harmful. There's nastiness an the barrel of the hairdryer,. there's nastiness In tbe bottle of Scotch. the re's nastiness in the packet of swectenJ ng stulf and nastin~s t.oo in the sugar it's meant to re place We 're hemmed in by nastaocu AND NOW SOM E new dangers. The American Podiatry Association says Its mem- bers are treating m ore and mor e cues of something that's come to be called disco root . Seems the dancing puts unnatural strains on the feet, when they are overtaxed by lhe un· dertralned. with the results being corns, callouses, bunions, pulls and pwns . And then the JOUmal of the AMA says that playing the piano can be hazardous to your health as well. Intemperate tlcklen, of the ivories have been coming down with carpal tun nel syndrome, caused .by repeated shock!> to the fingers and wrist~. with con.sequent damal(e to the local nerveb. Sufforcrs may have their fingers splinted and ordered to take dJ&ltal vacations They may even, in extreme cases, require surgery. To which dangers I'm a!rwd I mw.t add news or another I 've only just d&scovered myself. ll's poliUciun's unanchored tongue syn. dromc. AS YO\J CAN SEE in the dlagram, lhe human t.onaue -that's t.he reddish lozen&e· shape d object here. at polnl A -tbe human tongue la attached t.o tbe brain -that's the pink frozen·custard-llke mass at point B the tongue, I say .. iB attached to the brain by thas rope·and·pulley arrangement marked A·primc, 8 -prlme. · Sometime:;. rn a brillk wind. the pulley throws its rope, and the tongue is left LO flap freely. making 1t 11cem as il the person to whom it is attached is saying all manner of odd. con· tr adictory things. Even worse, In some cases the rope whlps itself around lhe s mall lnt.cstine, causing poHticaans to give gut reactJonli. The condition &s akin lo lhc dreaded slipped disk , Wllh this dafforence Whenever a pohl1c1an with a slapped tongue makcb a move. W 1-; foci a pain Su1n1ner a Bummer? Houseguesls Were J aded, So~venirs Faded Hy HE RR C'i\EN !'lJ\!'i FHANCJSCO Well. all Lhcy !lay 10 Nucvo M cXl('O. "Como frtJOh:"" Wh ich tran'>ILlk'>. I arn told. lo "How hll ve vou bean?" Or perhaps we could split 1t bottle M Carla Blanca and !>mg a c·horui. of "M1 Am11r M1 <:ort1som·" , .. My Girl llas Art.hnt1!> .. I Not to worry Nt1t tt. thrnk Loo much alJoul thc'>c thrng!t M..rc·ly tr> rcJoice thlll tht• Wt•1•k 1:0. 11vc:r and you have -.urv1vNI. to face what re: m atrl '> of l!l79 . a forc::.ho rlened yt-ar that will not go down rn infamy or ;rnything e lse . Th ink back over 1979, und excepl for your vacation, perhap:.. what was there? ••• BACK I N 111F. rool gray r1t\. thf• fog horns call to each other an their hour:.c vo1ce1> The Golden Gate Bndf(<' LS anvuuble. the str~l.h "mpty The PreMdw's 5 pm c11n non revt'rberat.cs -a shot an the park heard mund thl· town f look out the window Jl 11 kid on a '>katc·board. both hi'> arm1> 1n td'>l'> Probabl y the lef(:. will ~o next but tncanwh1lc, d1dn t h\• hav•· u \um111•·1 lo r•· member! ••• Thia Mellon apnn1a f rom ~ rounding ol "white" or "Chris· tlan " :ac ademies ln man,y aouthem communlllea H lbC!lr public achoola were de st>1re1ated BUT MANY olher 1>chools fear that their tu st;,nding ml&ht a lao be Jcopardlz~. and they are ur ein1 Contreas to block lbe 1uideUnes. At the heart of the controversy 11 a provision that would aut.omaUcally quesUoo the lax· exempt atat~ of any private school that does not have a minor ity enrollment equaJ to o ne.firth or the percentage of minority students in the s ur roundin1 commun.lty The JH.S haa said ll will also review the s tatus ot schools that have been found by the courts to have enga1ed in d.iacrimlnalion. To the IRS, the re1ulaUons are a matt.er ol enlorcln1 what the courts have commanded at to do 10 helping to rutrill the natiorull c·ommalmcnl t.o racial equality HOWEVE&, JACk Clayton. un offkial of tbe Amencan kt M>clatJon of Cbrlatian Schools, i;aid the reculatiom would place :1choola "under a presumption of guilt unUI lbey prove lhemaelves innocent." Jn i.ddilloo , some 1tchools with a 11Lrong reUg1ou!> orlenlaUon fear that the I RS 10, t aking a step toward federal control ol religious principles H IL catches on across tht> country, a recent UlJUallve pro posaJ 1n Calllornia could render much of the current pravutl! i.chooJ controversy moot. The lmllallve, wbkh seem .. like ly lo appear on the sU!l<·., 1980 baJlot, would give pubhc· s ubsidies. or vouc he r s, t1> parent.s to be used to send th .. u c hildren lo whatever school5 t}w family chooses lnclud1n•: pnvat.e and religiou ~chooh • ... ... . r \ \ ~·J'~, ~~.J How Voucher System Worb rROPOTYTAX pro vldu fundi for eduu11on FAMILIES uu· vou< her\ to p.iy 1u111o n 4 1 Qv<1ld1ed K hool\ of 1he11 chut<.I! STAn TREASURY givet tuition voudteu to lamlliei © SCHOOLS rt>lurn ~ YOU~S 10 •l~te tt~ry ST A TE TREASURY rr1mbur~' SCHOOLS The proposal. 1r approved by the voters . would gi ve parents voocl'Jcr-. worth 00 per cent of the currt:nt yf'arly coM of e du rat1ng a ( h lld 1n public ~chool R alph F l y nn . t-xecul1ve \ecretary o f thr· C <1lt fo rn1 ci Teacht'r\ A1>M>e •<tlirJn. :i a1d lht> propo-.al I'> s u1 ,. lo be "holly 1 on tested" b ) tht s tat•·' "·hool boJrd~ Jnd f)c hool .. d -'i' \ minlatraton. But fe w believe there will be enough oppociUon to keep the measure off the ballot P r oponents "' thP voucher plan say that at would restore "family control" to educat10n dec11uon·metk1ng at thr t<lemen- t a r y and SPcondary :.chool 1 .. , rl'i And that. many parenL'> now :.a•m V• belwve. as an idea v. ho'>l' l1mt: hai. come. SEPTEMBER SONG. n faintly soporific number. F rom Napa to Carmel to Tahoe, souvenirs of aummer may be seen . A faded yellow tennis ball in the manzanita. A crushed plngpon1 ball. Dust r ising from a bridle palh in Woodside. Cold ashes in a barbecue pit. An empty six-pack carton on lls side. ADD T HI NGS I c·a n do withou t Newspaper and magazine "comparison tests" of running s hoes. b<.lttled wate r:., c roissants, pizza, potato chjps and vodka I mean, it's aJl so MEANI NGLESS, and con fuslne besides. Stick to Caen's Law· The more expensive IL is, the belt.er It Is likely to be except ln certain case11, which you wlll hear about t.oo late . . . Most "comparison tests" come out about the same -Anchor Stem Beer wins out over Kronenbourg, although the latter Is better-and Hawaiian I Ma ul) potato chips, especially Kitche n Cook'd, win out over anythlng made locally. On a scale or IO, Granny Goose's newis h "Hawwian Style" chips score maybe a seven Olympic Foes Looming A squirrel and chipmunk steal up to a tree stump at Tahoe to find it empty: the Bountiful People who kept it heaped with goodies all s ummer have shuttered the hoW1e and at.oleo away. A bluejay's ugly cry echoes a cross a beach suddenly Innocent of boats. pad· dies, waler s kis. Out on the water. the raft bobs an the wind The warm bQdics hav«! vanished, with onJy a trace of sunt an lotion remulntnR * * • SUMM ER llOUSEGUESTS, u111ng up all the hot water, leaving tee towels on lhe bathroom floor, askinl for breakfast in bed a nd rorgettin1 to Up the help. The good ones bring a few boWes of decent Beaulieu or Martini. The others bring the same best-sellers their predecessors s tuck you w1lh. or , worisc, Snoopy paper cocktlt1J napkins. Mtn you'd s een pr.~lously only ln business s uJLs turn out t.o have pot bellies and s kinny shanks Women who look smashing on Po11l St. or In L ' E toile reveal their flabby thlgh11 and telltale tucks "'. * NOT 111AT 11fEaE sUU Isn't panache a plenty, even though It la not like the crand daya or the 8Jyths on the Deep Peninsula and the very VERY rich al Tahoe. U you drove down t.o tbe Blyths !or lunch1 you'd rLnd your car had bee:I wuhed and !bled with sa• for the return trtp. Not much chance of that hap· penln1 these d111. eue_pt perhape amon1 the rich ranchers ol the valley1. At old Tahoe, there were boOen ln prop· er livery, ttOUln& acro11 tbe lonl lawna, paat the croquet pit.ch, btarinc a tray loaded with allver &oblell, icy bead•JU1tenln1. When the l'.brm1n1 had a 10-calJ plcnJc on their~. phal&ll.UI ol terVanu brou&bt the po&•bitl and com•tJblet ln 11Jlterln1 bucket.a m wicker baak.U. Tht d1abel and 1Ju1w ... mdflatwarewertreal. TbeNSal bolteM would aPok>ltae bteauM tbe lace d0'11• undet tbe flneer bowla we,.. paper. ••After aU.'' 1ht'd •milt ben.itnlJ. "lt'1 only 1 picnic." w~r you would tab a nap, f.O down to dJ.nner and return to nod ~lHn lheetl oa the Md. ' The Washingtonian. a monthly, had a vodka l~t with an unusual result· Turkey'"i Izm1ra, which Iii fa irly reai.onable, won out over the USSR's Stollchnaya. the "power·· vodka among People Who Matter TJJnlh on a llsl or 10 Chlna'is Great Wall. which CC>lilb as much l1ll a grecit w:1ll and taslei. like ''"t' • • • l 'M i\NNOYEO that Pnncesl'i Margaret as coming here to rC11!>e money for London's open house when our own needs all 1t can gel , and I th1nk Pioneers is a ridlculous,namc for S.F.'a new women's pro basketbull team. Nor have I ever liked "49ers "Comy. Tacky. <Okay, the word "tacky" has become corny I I s ay change the name or the 49ers to Steelers or Cowboys ... FINAU.Y, I DON'T know which f dislike more salad bars , or the nasty pla::.llr "sneeze guards" thut prott'ct them Horrid n ame . "tmeezc guard," brtng&nf( lo mind Gertrude Stein'l'I "Chicken La a dirty name (or a dJrty bird " And herewith a valua ble lip lo sidewalk gourmets: prctiela without cheese coat h:11' M much and are twice as 100<1. Th«! "cheese" comes out of an aerosol can and i~ fur below Chico's Velveetu standard. • • • THESE 110NG8 I like: Nick Nolte'• splfty performance ("apUfawmance!," Winchell would have sa1d) In "North Dallu Fort.)' " The lovely letthery smell In Malm'11 on Grant. The Emporium'• neatly clever ba~k· to-acbool windows. The C'ynlul 1relflto cau1ht by Scoop Nl11ker : "Save Soviet Jewa -Win Valuable Prbet." Mou, Foas and Mustard who run a splendid calllarapby studio in Berk'1ey ( th•t would be Marilyn Mou, Judy f'o11, Meredith Muatard). "Whe,.. There's Smoke, There'• Dinner" - Arue Saur•'• cookbook of recipes by Cutro VaUey'• lirt1fl,hur1, •roons them "Sex Jn a Pan'' and • Captain Cbl1bolm'1 Iron Bread." The lleeme plll• on a Bel'keley double·dome '1 car, noted by Mra. Sam Munick: "GENIUS." By 1110MAS 0 . ELIAS Bac k to 1974. 11 rJ ed~lln.: pohtical movemc·nl chai.ed thl' Winte r Olymp1<·~ out of 1tw Oe n ver area and 11 cl up !ht• 11ol ll1 c:.d <·a r1•1•r of H1churrt I . o m m . n 11 w .: o v 1• r n o r u r Colorado Now unother rl'l:Jt1vely new a nd unprcd1ctabll' pollUl·11l movement lhreall'f11; to do the 'i tt me to lh<' s chc..'<Julcd 1984 Ins Angeles Olymp1<'!> And at lea.'lt one pollllc1an clearly hopcb anti Olympic fervor will propel him an to the mayoralty of Cahfom1a''l largest city In 1974, the movt'mtnt was en vironm e ntal1 fl m . with Coloradans fe anng their moun talns would be t orn up by louriats and promoters The rur r ent thrcut to the Olym111rs 1lt'ms from the· tax cull1ni: movement that got lu stnrt In thl' 1978 Propot11tion 13catmp:ugn. • THE POLITIC IAN 11 1-ra' Jte&ner, the L01i AnRCl6 city controller who use8 that once· powerless position Bii a podium. much u Oov. Brown ra1!1~ thf! low.key 1ecretary of atale'a of· flee to prominence when he planned to run for 1ovemor. Po ll •ftcr poll In the Los An1eles area has round over· whelmlnt oPpoaiUoo t.o WM! or any Lax money for the l9M aum· mer Oames. Local olrtclala have promised only thut no city, coun ty or atote fundl would be u.<Jed But Mayor Tom Bradley and the 15 member city council have a1ked the federal 1ovemment ror 1141 mllUon to build new faelliti• and ttturbt1h old ones. llke t.be Coli1eum that holted the 1.NZ Olympka. TBAT Ml• aound.I like 1 lot, but It'• aet.ually lesa than a 10 percent incN... over the 1121 mUUcm lD federal moaey._IOU'll ~ OUTHERN CALIFORNIA f "'OCUS to Lake Placid, N Y . which will stage the much-smaller Wlnlcr Olympics next y('ar The money 1s al lhe center or the anti Olympic movement ..Whate ve r m o ne y Los Angeles gets from W ashanj{t.00 for lhe Olympics will come out of other gf'fUilJJ the city need.a more," Reiner says. THE CONTROLLt:ll -whose princ-1pal respons1bll1ty is sign· 1ng city c heekK i;ays Los Angele! muy l08e money needed for proJectft llke mass transit ii It goes aft.er federal aid ror lhe Olympl('s He Is runnlnll an lniti•tlve campaign aimed at prevenUnc . th..e city from spending any funds. no matter wha t Lhe 1.1ource, for the Gam es. The ln· Ulatlvc m61ht st.op the Games. "This harsh Lactic," be sa.id . "la the onJy way the public can be protected rrom taklnJ '! (f1nanc1.J) ~th." he says. THAT 8E£MS to be the view or most· LOI An&elea area ~•· dent.I, • percent or wbom op. p osed any public money wt'la~ver foe \be Gama lo 1 recent poll. The aurvey wu commluklned by Demochtlc Concr ... man Cbarlea H. Wllton ol aubuR&D Kawt.bome, who Hld he will op. poM all federal Olympie aid pro. f)Olala. Wll1on and Reiner botb criticize BraidleJ'• SHI aaillioa ald request. wbleh more tltm quadruplff tbt taa.5 mUlloo eatlmate of nH ded aid &hat Bradley made last year. wbm the city was :.eekmac lht.! 1984 Olympics. ADDED TO nlE public re s1s tance to usang tax m oney for a .. frill" like the Olympics is re· s 1s tunce to new O l ympic fac1hues by c1tuens rn many a reas around Los Angeles Jron1cally, the anll-Olymp1c Ini tiative Is opposed by the father or the tax-c uttmg move m~nt which spawned much of tfie Olympi c r e s 1:.ta n ce an Southern Califorrua. HOWARD JA&VIS claims the inlUaUve iA destined to further the poUllcaJ umbiUoos of its backers. "Every announced rnlt1 allvc advocate ia a hl1hly probable political cand.lda~ for public of. fl ee ln electioos to be held within she moat.ha ol a vot.c on the pro- poul they are now tryin1 t.o qualify," Jarvi.I says. Bul J..,-via' oppoailion 1et.'I rar leaa altenUon Ulan the anti· Olympic movemtnta his own prOPOtltJon helped 1pawn. As a reault. DO one in Lo!\ An1e le1 now completely dis· count• the poqlbUily that the Califomla metropol• may re· peat Denver'• aetloq and shunt the Olympics elMwbero. OftANOe COAST DAILY PILOT The comm~nt P•«e of the Delly Pilot aeekil tu Inform· 1nd 1tim ul11&e r udera b)' pttHntlna a nrlety of com· ment•tf on toplc1 of lntete8t1 and •ltnlflrance fNlm infor· m e d o b1 •rv t!r1 a n d 1pcMlumen. .....,. "· w.-. ,.... ... .................. 11.1'11 • r . ' .. .. t ----------------------~---_ ... _ ----·--· ----------------- • • • CHEERL ER DAAWINO WINS COSTA MESA ARTIST $5 bri•Ue FehHr UkH th• Davia Cotta ---------- Hl 1trll and boys . The c..-otrtea in this '!Veek'a drawing contest oo the subject ol football were split, hall ol you drew football players. lbe rest of you cheerleaders. GAB&I ELLE FEBSER wins $5 for a drawing of a Davis Colt cheerleader. Runner·up s pot and $2 goes to Marlo Garibotli, 10, for bis drawing of a Los Angeles Rams kicker missing the ball on a field goal try and commenting, "oh. no!" Pam Yoshino, wbo did a nice cheerleader drawing, 11uggest.ed a cont.est in which each or you sketch your own design. GOOD IDEA, PAM. The contest for next Saturday will be-just that. You can make the design anythjng you want, as simple or elaborate as you like. The drawings should be in black ink on while paper four inches square and sent by Wednesday noon to Uncle Len, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. Calif. 92626. ~.~22.1979 ONLYPtl.OT A7 no! ---he m1.s.5ed>--\.J..)GgC>f ra -0 - SKETCH OF RAMS KICKER EARNS RUNNER-UP SPOT Mulo Gartbottt May Have Team Properly Analyzed Circinnati First Professional Team in Baseball Andy sendae 1979 World Book Science,?ar Annual to J enniler Sil vet age 12. for her question: WHEN DID JOR LEAGUE BASEBA START? In 1869 the <tr of a baseball team called U::incinnati Red Stockings decl to pay all his players and tJ be establJshed the firs t prol1onal baseball team. Ot heeams quickly followed and became professional. too. In 1876, cighl professional learns formed the Nationa l League. the first m ajor league. The American League with eight tPams became the second major league in 1901. In 1900 the National League had teams in Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, Cincinnati, New York City. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and St. Louis. BY 1903 the American League teams were in Boston. Chicago. Cleveland. Detroit. New York Cit v. Philadelphia. St Louis and Washington. D.C. Now baseball teams move from city to city often. but the 161mentioned were lo make up the major leagues and play in the same cities for 50 years. Andy sends <.a World Book Year Book to Matthew McKinney. a~e 12. of Spruce Pane, N.C , for h1s question: ti O.\f' DI D MAN G E T T 0 SORTif AMERICA? covered with t remendous sheets of ace. Some of the ace was one or two nules thick. As the ice built up. the levels of the oceans became lower because so much of the earth's water went mto the ice mountains During ancient d<1y'.'>. much of the land that previously had been under v.atcr bec::tme dr> Ont: such area l<i y bttv.een Siberia and Alaska. v.here the Bering Strait now separates l"orth America etnd Asia b~ about 50 miles that thry hunted. and they crossed the land into the New World. These ancient Mongoloid people were the ancestors of the American lndaans No one knows exactly when the first rl'Sldt'nls of North A meric-a arri' r-<l. tiut 1t Y.:1'> mo.,t likely mon• than 20.1100 ~ caro; Jgo Hy fiOOO H C thf' Pl'Ople 1,1.(•rt' living a~ for ..,,,ulh a., tht' southt·rn lip of ~1111th America. T h t.' f 1 r " t \ rn 1· r 1 l' u 11 .., • Eye Give Fish Its Name When Columbus came to the New World an 1492, there were <.abou t 20 million Indians living an the Americas. At least 1 million of them were living in North America and the r est were living in Central and South America. The Indians of the Americas lived in hundreds of diffe r ent t ribes a nd they established many different ways of life. It wa n't long until plants started to grov. on the new land And then animals began to cross in both dJrecllons. grazing on the new vegetation as they traveled both east and v.est historians tell u~ ntll'>l likely lived m small banci.... •ir from ~1 to 50 Pl'Opli•. Thc} folJ1,v.c•d herds of <Jn1m<il'> iJnd n•·H·r settled Jnyv.hcrc for Ion~ Their '>hclters 1,1.1·n· prohahly t•rudt and temporary. Sirgazer Appears to Stare at Heavens Dear Ellie, I know thatre is some kind of animal cd a stargazer Wh at 1s itlal h<.is thi s interesting nf' A Reader Dear ReadStargazer is a name given i group of fish which have 1 eyes set right on top of thrud so that they seem to beways looking upwards. Th~d is large and broad, and Unouth, like the eyes, seemr> be directed upwards. ( species bas e lectric otn s that can produce a fal strong charge. sufficient to samall fish. The stargazers prbly use thls as a m eans of p~tioo as welJ as a device £obtaining food. These fish ab ave poisonous spines. Jn fa although they are small fi!\hey are rather f orm id ab. c r eal u res . Stargazers b themselves in the sand or s\ith only the top ot the hea nd the eyes exposed. ll! they wait, virtually unseen. for prey to come near Ellle Dear Ellie, ln Canada where I used to live we had some strange insects that we called walking sticks. ca·n you tell me anything about them? Jessica W. De~r Jessica, Generally, these a re <!alled stick insects. but in Canada and the United States the term walking stack is widely used. The body is long and very thin and is us ually green or brown in color. These insects ha ve a way of r e maining completely s till t hat further adds to their camounage. Often. if disturbed. they just fall lo the ground. legs held close to the body. so that they still look like pieces of twigs or stems. As in most insect types, there are a number of s pecies. These are wingless insects for the most part although some have small wings. The ·females lay hard. round eggs that lie on the ground where they f aU from plants. Halchllngs look much like the adults. only smaller. All eat leaves. but in most parts or the world they are not numerous enough to cause trouble. Australia is an exception and has a great number or walking st i c k s wh ich will often completely strip a tree of its leaves. Actually. these insects are quite remarkable. In several or t he s pecies the fe males lay unfertilized eggs which hatch only into females. And s hould a young walking stick at any time lose one of its six legs. it can regenerate a replacement. This is a form of protection, for these insects can shed a leg just as some lizards can shed thei r la.al. This h appens at a predetermined "fractur e" at which point t he appendage breaks off easily. EIUe Dear EWe, Once I was lucky enough to see a scarlet tanager, and around here I know there are colorful Western tanagers. Are the others colored brightly a lso? K.McL. Dear K. McL., Tanagers are indeed colodtul birds of the New World. and the majority of their species come from the tropica of South America. The males of the s mallest species have glossy blue backs with orange and yellow underparts. The paradise tanager is m ost strikingly color~. The head and face are green, t.'te back is shiny black. the lower back is scarlet, the rum p la y e llow, a nd th e UDderputa are turquoise. Thls creature surely competes for beauty with the rainbow lorikeets of Australia. Another member of the tanasers ts emerald green; the SPfties common to the northern woods is bright scarlet with just a touc h of black; and the we1tem species is a mixture of red, yellow and black. Most of tbeH birds /re~ to llve in treed areas an feed cSn bemee. 'lbere are no t&Aqers noted ftJr their aln&tng, but with lbelr spectacular plumage, perhaps they bay~ already contributed to lbe beauty ol lbe world. · Ellie STUNGB FAcn: A spec:lal lype ol lbatk1 called a lbruber, bu a .,..., ions and atruaelJ shaped tall. TIM upper PoRloa ol lb• tail an .. lltaped Iii:• • bule cuned 111.ade, and wilb Wa the . 1bark thruh81 the water 10 drl ve amall flab toselber lDlo a '11choor• to that they are eaally 1 cauabt. . .. Some of the people from Siberia followed the <1n1mals S LOWLY , as the tl1 mat1· turned "<.irmcr and drier iind the large sheeL'i of ice l.Jei?an to melt and disappear. the Benn~ Strait became cover<"d "llh "atcr and m1grat1on to the Ne" World came to an end Although there were about 20 million natives living in the Americas in the late 1400s. for a very loog' period of tim e there were no people Living in this part of the world. Dog'Mom' To Racoons About this tame the lari::t· animals and great herds bt-gan to die out. Lush forests and hot deserts developed . And the native Americans established new living patterns. In the early days berore man arrived, North America was populated only with great cats, huge mammoths and mastodons and herds of elk and bison. CAMBRIDG E C ITY . Ind <AP ) -Wr inkles may be nothing but a hound dog. but she's mother to two wayward baby raccoons. DURING 11fE Ice Age. which was about a million years ago, much or North America was Wrinkles, a 3-year-old basset hound who Uves on the Larry Wo rl farm . is nursing the scrawny critters back to hedlth and bas even managed to pro- duce some mother's milk for lbem. T ... tt---W-.... E"<Y<.._...t•, ... .,... -.......__. 1i....-y ... ...,, ... -••¥• .. --.. , ... ·-'-•• ,,... -"·~ •"41. .-.. •••u,... WOt1d a..: 01tl1on .. ro; ~\ to ft.if' wrft•r ef 0. flUn.beft of l'-·~•-tt ~ '104.lr 0"4'\tlOfl -• PD1• <•rd to AO. AAO• 1n ,.,.. o• ,. 0 ... u ... C..l.o ~. c.tli• '1'16 ""''"'' ...... te Nod-.,_. -· ---.... l•trtftM'9-.. MT\,..,.,.,,. 1 te11. THE QUIZ world scope ( 10 po.nh lo• each queshon an..,re•ed co11KllJ) 1 Pres1den1 C.Hler s•1d 1he Sena1e (CHOOSl ONL )houlo. should non link 1he prftence of Sovie! troops in Cub• w11h ils tom1derJt1on of rhe SALT II trNly. 2 Aboul . l . percenr of rhe na11on\ school- .ige children h.ive bl-en 1mmun1zcd il~cltn)t childhood diseases sulh ,u mCJ)ll!s, mumps, and whoop1nR couKh. Jccordmg 10 1h1• narlon•I Center for 01sca'c Control. c1·50 b-70 c-90 J 1 he non-aligned summ11 conference "' Hav•n•, Cuba. endrd "'"h • r~olu1ion (CHOO!tl ON(. suppot1mg, lOndemntnKI the Middle lasr pe.ilc t1ca1y be1wccn Egypt .and lsr.icl. 4 Abour .. l . nations belong ro the nol'I· aligned group, which says 1h.it 1t follows ' cour)e independenl of both 1he Un11ed !tlall!' .ind the !tov1e1 Union. a·25 b-60 C·9S 5 Information which the Pioneer sp.i<t'Cr.11! sent b.tck to Luth shows that 1he pl.int'! 5.iturn's f .. mou) rings •re made up m.i1nly of (CHOOSE ONC: me1.il, ice). newsname po polnl• If y0<i can ld~tlty Ihle 119reon 1n lht new•I I led the white mtnority government that ruled Rhodesia until Abel M uzorewa replaced me as prime miniiter euller this year. Recently J traveled to London to attend a conference aimed at ending my country's biller civil wu. Who am .. ~' #' l ' \' l J'/_ ' ~-' \ ~ -., «:; 1~) ~,, ll matchwords (4 point• to. Heh cor-rect mttell) 1-treason •·peace, armistice l•treaty !>-shaking, vibra11on :I-tremor <·betrayal, treachery 4-trend d-•11eement, pact s.c·~ ...dlrK11on, course • In adcUtJoa to belJI« a ramify fan feature, THE QUIZ t. an lntegral part or lbe in·classroom news profram praent.ed i.n Ora•1e C.Out area sc:bools as a pubUc ~rvke by the Dally Pilot. .... ~-... , .. ~ .. _, ............ • news picture (10 potnlt II you an•••• 11111 quHloon co11ecllyJ Chros Cvert Lloyd. righl. congra1ul.ll<'d Tr.irv Aus11n. drt<•• Au,11n bPal Lloyd 10 win tht> womcn"s singles 1111t• .i1 lhl· t•" Qpt·n 1enn1s lourn.iment Lloyd hdd won 1he 111li>. l \llJ11o(h1 ~; ... ;,, bdort• .A.u\lon Slopped hc1 b·"'· b· J a-1hree b·lour t lovt' sportlight (2 polnll tor 911Ch quHhon an•••rtd cor1eclly) 1 A\ lhe ma1or le-ague b.nebdll H'a .. on ('ntt'rt'd 11\ t.n.11 ,..,.,.~, lhl' . l .. moved oul 10 a comm.inuong lcc1d 1n lhl! AmC'11~.1n LNgue's Eas1ern D1v1s1on d·8ah1morc Oriolt•s t·Bo\ton Red !>o~ b·New York Yankees 2 Vc1eran hurler (CHOO!IE ONE: Mickey Lol1ch.GJylo1d P!'rry), who h.n won more games than .my 01hcr JCl•v•' pill h1•r, recently left the San 01~0 P.idres. and .innounu•d 1h,11 h1• will rc111e unle~s Lhe Pi!dres trade him. J l hc Vancouver Wh11ecaps •nd Tamp~ Bay Rowcl11•\ bJttlt>d 1n the Soccer Bowl for the champl0Mh1p of 1he Norih Americc1n Soccer l eague. Whtch team won the tlllel 4 Ann M eyers recently signed a one-year conlrar t wnh 1h~ lnd1an.11 Pacers, giving her a ch.ince to become the first womc1n 10 play In the (CHOOSE ONE: Na11on.il Hockey L~.iguc. Na11on•I Basketball Association). S .. L . defeated Vilas Gerulalt1s in the fin.ib 10 win the men\ single1 title •t the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament. a·Jimmy Connors b·John McEnroe • c·BJorn Borg roundtable ,emit,~ (M tcoff) In what sports, If any, shoold male and female athletes be required to compece In ~arite leagu~f · YOU" ICO"l: t1 to tOO ~tt -TOft IC0 .. 11 It .. to POif'tt -hc.it~t. 1t to IO l'()lnlt -Oood. 11 to 70 polnt1 -Fair •vrc. inc..917·79 •-9 :•t !q·c,!p-i :~·t :so110M1DJ.VW \fllWS UVI ::tlllVN$M3N a;>,~ !;)·t :lupnuapuo;> ., !;>·~ :iou Ptnoqs ·t ::tdO:>SO'IWOM . I .... ~ome Topic of Service n Church Sets Mwical Event A rnu.1ic1l, "Heaven Help the Home ," •UI be preHnt.ed at e and 1 30 p m Sunday It Flnt ~· UH a.tt~ 130'1 Main St . HuoUnstoo Bur b Jim and 'ROiie Obr1 Erk Sb\rley, Kat.heripe ll4teaman and 8111 Boean~o will play drama roles. Th ftev. Thomas W Overton wlH narr1t~ Lyric. wUI be by the "Two by Tw~" and th •umml"r youth r holr • f'amt-la Nchr1n1 I. nt w • l l•nl pastor and Rui lY Ha&IM has been hired as .Sunday school consultant al C'ommulty O.•rC'h, C-1re1aUMal, Corona dcl Mur Thl" Hcv Nehring as tron1 Chlc1111u and a aritduult· of kockford. Ill Collt!&t> and AndoH•r Ne~ton U\ ( J Masaachuaetlb lla11ma 1• llR/!'f '.t; a lll UckOl •l 'l1trcn\Olll - School of ThN>le>K>' and u --------- graduate of U<..' Inane • Good SbeplMlrd LuUat ran C'llurcb, 4800 I rvinc Center Drive. Irvine, will return lo a "winter" 11cheduJe of 9 30 and 10 JO a m worship servlCt!S on Sunday • The Rev Chuck Smith, .P~lor of Calnry Chape l, Co1>ta Mei,ei , wall direct "Hoi;annu, U.S.A.," to be televised Saturday, Sept. 29 In 200 American cities. The "'b9rn again" s tyle rock con cert is being billed as the "first expression or a new kind or e vangelis m " ll 1s being taped today al the Anaheim Convention Center. • Fashion With Heart, a luncheon and fashion s how benefiting completion of the Heart of Je11t1 CaihoUc Retreat Cente r in Sanla Ana. is scheduled for 11.JO a.m. Saturday. Sept. 29 al t he Dlsneyl.nd Hotel. Reservations 540-6279. • PatU larko .... Ocl•l~ PAltOJ' ol &MpM.rd., llte MUl.t Ualkd C'llurda ot Club&, l..aauna Nlauel. M1. Clarku. ta mlnl1try i.tudunt •l Claremont School or Ttwology, will direct the church's youth vroari.m • • Dr Donuh.I I. Torrea. liUthor, educator and lectur •r, will 11ptiak at the 11:30 a.Jn. Frid•)' luru-ht'<>ll of lhti womtin'11 aiuHd of the Newport Harbor tllurcb of lteU•lou• Scace. The meeting ls lll'hcduh:d ut 1670 Santa Ana St., Costa Mesa. • 1'hf' ft ev G U Gordon of First Christian C,"hurC'h, Hwitan~lon Bea ch , and Dr Moot Smith of Pac1 f1c Chrlbt1un Church. Fullerton. will be featured ut B Stc"rlt!!> of evangelism meetings slated through Sut1duy at .•'lrst Q.rlatlaa C1turclt, Long Dea ch • .i , * • Works of Brahm!), de 1-'alda and Gershwin will be among lhosu included m a recital b'Y Mariana Van Blair at 7 JO pm Sunday at the NeipboJ'\oed Coacrec1t1oeal Claurcb, 340 St. Ann's St., Laguna Beach. Rick England, organist at St. Andrew's PreRbyten an 'hurch, Newport Beach , will be ac- comparui.t * Vot·ahst Dave Ruiz will perform at 11 a.m and 6 pm Sw1day at Soutb Coast Cbrtatlan Assembly, Kensignton Drive and Niguel Road, Laguna Hills. • Dr. Rob Solnick and Thcei rteinhart, members of the Lei Paz Psychological group, will present a program on sexuality ·at the 10:30 a .m . S unday ser vice of t he Unitarian· lJ nl ver s alls t Ce n ter , 429 11u11 Cyprcbs Drive, Laguna Beach Blessing Dangerous? Boston Hospita/,s Gear for Pope Visit BOSTON IAP> So many old and sick people will crowd near Pope J ohn Paul II to try to receive ei blessing when he celebrates an o pen-air Mass at the start or his United States tour on Oct. l that Bost.qn hospitals are planning for their busiest day ever. Boston officials predict that up to 2 million people or almosl four times the population or the city wiU try to catch a glimpse of the r><>pc The city's hospitals arc making elabor C:ltl' plans to cope with the 50 perce nt increase m heart attacks and other mcd1c<1l emergencies th<1t .ire £>xpectcd when the pope celebrates Meiss on Boston Common "We expect to see extremes of several kind the very old, the very young and. most or aJI , those who are already sick," sa1d Russell Kulp, head or emergency services for t tfc city Department of Health and Hospitals . "A lot of 111 people wi ll make the effort to see the pope in the hope il will help them by receiving special blessings," Kulp said. On an ordinary day, e m ergency rooms al Boston hospitals handle 1,350 cases. But on Oct. l , they are expecting 2.000. Tu c:opc. the ('1 ty will s tation 29 am bulanccs at the Common , along the pope's parad(' route and elsewhere around lht: c ity Uoslon City llo!ipital will set up four mcdjccil field :.tcil10n!) on the Common C'apablc or handling sen ouJ.. emergenc ies. and the Red Cross w1ll run l2 Cirst lJ id stat.Jon!>. Neighborly World Urged PRINCETON, N .J . CAP) -Humanity's "g reat" religions, which sometimes r ailed or warred eigmn~ each other in the past , have joined 10 a plea for a fair, neighborly world with no m ore war "IL is not a utopian dream," se1ys the World Conference on Religion eind Pt:ace. But the 337 representatives of 10 major , his- toric Calths Ch ri11tian, Buddhist, Confucianist , Hindu. J ewish, J ainis t, Moslem , Sikh. Shintoist and Zorastnan agree that things now look frightening. "We are approaching. . a turning point an human history at which the surv1val of world civilizatfon is a t stake," they sa id in a joint d eclaration at the close o! a week-long m eeting at Princeton Theological Seminary. The "Princeton Declaration" cited modern e1r flictlons -the nuclear arms buJldup, economic imbalances and exploitation. shrinking resource:. a nd r rushing of human righlB. • ........ ~. Be Does Wi1adows y Orlando will be st of Dr. Robert an the open air Pit this Sunday, S mber 23, at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. /\ workman has a big JOb ahead as he begins cleaning the huf?e s tained glass ro!-.clta high on the front of St. Patrick 's Cathedr al in New York Caty J hs ef!orts are part of the first ·ever bath given the 100 year old cathedral. a national landm ark Spiritual Key For Carter? By Tbr Al>~lated Prei.i. President 'artn. y,, hose slmng n·hg1<JU., t'<m v1clions give him a rc:Jrly mad<· eipJ)t:itl , '' y,,1irk1nK to rt!infcirc·e that altrac·t1H·nc:.\ 111:. re<'enl '>Jlf"l't·he,. am1mg oth•·r thinJ<'> rad1atc.-<J 1l Anti the rc h~1ou\ r;mk' n:c.11->roc;;tcd 1n l>Utll t' Y,, ay<, With rumlilinl!' uf ttlf' l!JkO pr1 .. ,1drml1e1I t•lf·1· lion in thl· ;.11r. <'urt•·r ''"" hu' t:.tkl·n '1mC"r!'H· 'l<'J.>' lat1·ly tu hol:-.tc·r hi'> lu11o.., t11 l111· r"l1i.:1•1U'> crin'>ll tut•ncy. inc.·luduw i\ W 11 IT1; llCH"~ t . < t.R t.M O!\ \' < 11m 111t'n10r:.illn~ tht• 20ll1 ,JOlll\f•r...1n 11( ttw 1n '>t.1llJ lion 11f Amc-r1<0Jn 1,rl'l·k Utlh•~d.m. Art·ht11.,h<11J luku\ <11> A hrf-;1kf11 '>l mf'<·llnl( IJ'>l y,, eek y,, 1th ct b11? dc:lcgat1on of tl<'rgy, ProlCSll.lnl.'., C.:etthollc:. eind J ews, on hand lo help pt:r~ua'1e senators to oi>· prove SALT II accords on llm1ung strategic arms AS!,li:(nmc•nt of a Whitt· lllJU't \la ff mcmbc.-r to fac1litale contC:1C'lS J nd 1>>.thang1'' v.1th th~c rclil!1ou., communit y -F:FFORT~ TO ~Ofmtt. -.1rc11n~ twtv.t·•·n hl:JC'k\ and ,lf•v.., rt·.,ult1nJ! fn1m th• r1·,1,rnat111n 11f Andr('v. YounJ! rrom hi'> 1 ·r11t1•tl :"\lltwn.., dm IJU\S01C IOr ... h1p hN'Olll'>I" or hi' !Jlk' Y. 1th J rr•pr<.''>l•O Lat1vt• of th•· l1all',t1m• l.1h1•1 at11111 Or ~an11alrnn lndu ... 1111111f rc·ll ~11111" l1•iJdPr"> drn<inl! ''''""JI I ants in hi" rt'\ 1Pv. 1 .... 1 month JI C'.1mp D:n 11J ,,f lht· nation·, \\<JIU'> pn(lr to hi' 11drln·.,., t>mph:.t!'oll 1ng a ··,p1rit11al m;ila1..,c• · 111 tlic·11al1•1r1 !;undav Sf;pl 30 Kol N•Ore I Mur1r:J.iy Oct I r.111lrtrN1 •. <.;r•rv1cP. (•··~''' rM~m<Jf'1al & CIO">lnlJ BOO PM 1000 AM . 1 30P M 330 PM ~ .. rv1rf'., r,onductPd by Ra ark S M1llf'r A·.~•">1"'<1 by C.an1or Ron an Ford1s lnl<><mallon & T1c kfil5o 4-1999 CHURCH OF RELIG19 SCIENCE and RAJNEESH MED IT A TII CENTER 20062 LOCJUfta Canyon Re ot Et Toro L...-elnc; SWAMI IODHfMlnA t'6s EYYY SUHOA Y el 0 A.M. • •• • 1 ~· T t ' w JY ""'' rPa v1111nQ ,.., lhe r,,, ·• 1' 1ff I ,.,,,,~ t ,I C OMEA .. D H ,. 1. ••· l/rt1r•· 1,1.,., 1ri ArJ1 r. I ,;' , 'J J< p 11 MEDIT A TIOMS: MOftday, 6:00 . 7:15 Call 494-0490 for.o;..;_D;;,_e;;.;,.t~;.:...;;.....;.;.. I• lo '• I ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIREC_T_O __ f 'Flqnwt1tli C lllH1rn1t1t in11L1l L lillnli l \. \. 12'2 UOAD ST .. HIWPORTllACH 642·2740 SUHDA Y SUVICH -t:OO & I O:JO A.M. "CHRISTIAN PRIORmES" DI. JOHH LIHDVAU. PASTOR ST. JOHN THE DIVINE '-----EftfSCO,AL CHURCH----- 111 l. ley, CMte M-141·ZZJ7 THf •EV. COH•AD A. HO•DQUIST, VICA• 1:00 A.M •• TrCMltlGMI Holy CwuowOft I 0:00 A.M. • Hol &ch.tat • lit. II • ~i-ST.JAMESEPISCOPAl.CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via Udo, NtwPOrt Beach . . , So.-, 1:00 ...... rreyff ..... ...., c 1111 • t;OO A.M. Clllrclil Sc.._. eM ...... .._ ............ ""'~. ,,...,_ .... H..,C ,s-..,a MlwHfl• • ...., ......... IH• II &:N & 11:11 A.M. MsMfY C.. CHAalSMAT1C MAH ..,......., ............. , .. , ..... ,.....,_, .... ..,,.._...., .......... ............... ~O.Of ..... Tilele•.Jellllr.A•yll.•ectw-...... 67W210 Saint Michael And All Angels Episcopal Church JZll Pecific Yi.-Dri••, CorOM det M• MUttl•Y CH&D CAii 6 CHU9CH SCHOOf.. INI ..... . IU ... , HOLY co .. M4IOMS ... ' ..... ...... Heey C•"'-111811 T"t4eyt 7 •·"'· -W ... t4eyt t:lO •""· . "'-.... Jellll •et'" De•k. leder ,..._ •44.f4U All SAINTS ANGt.ICAN EPISCOPAL" CHURCH Accer .. te"" I tll ....... c....,-,,..,.., 102 Bushord,.fountoin Vollev 963-3801 ... ll•l•t W .......... UcTOA NOL' coe. t11UIOM .......................... 1:00 A.M •• PAMIL., lmWCI. CHUICtt ICHOOL •••••••• ''" A.M. I MOI ... ,_..,., ••.•. {~ .................. I hit A.M. ..... YCAHA¥AA.A&I tWrC I ..,.......,_llA.M. ..._.....,_till \ NEWPORT H"'"'•""' • LUTHERAN CHURCH 7'1 o ..... Dr. ....~ ..... ,_9] 541-lUI l099r J. l er,. 'fthlr c._.,. .... .._,,..._ WORSHIP SERVICE 8 00 AM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9 15 AM WORSHIP SERVICE 10 30 AM WELCOME CHRIST LUTHER.AH CHURCH M""·'>IH• ::.vnon 760 Vic tori• St .. Co.te M•M lot+ior. r--· '•••or -•ll-1611 WOUHtr S .. VICH -I:'' & 11 :00 A .• M. S..ftdeySchool& A ... llW.Cleu-t:)j)A.)4. Clwhtl-11-tttery Scheel-'41-HU ,RIHCE Of ,EACE LUTHBAH CHURCH 2917 Moe v.,. Or . Cott•..._ .. ICUlll .. Y I, ~llANTKH, 'Allll>ll .0.0~-. A.C ,._IOK, s-.y ~ -9:40 ...... .. ... ,""" Monti.., Wllr'IM'9 I & 11 :00 A.M. ~~le:!.=~=~= -·--·· __ ........ LUTHHAH CHURCH OF THE MASTH. LCA C111f 41r•r Ca a hn W ...... '-IN' A.M, AMS.., w..t t A.M. S..,~lll•r .. twtlilnt IJtll~ l*ilOA.M. LJtwtk .. WenMp Serrke I t:JO A.M. .......... o.c ........... WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CHURCH 1>141 ............ . , .. ,, .. ._,..,.,.,,.,.w........_ .. " . l :JO & IO:JO A.M.:_WOISHIP SBVICIS t:JO A.M.~•d•y Sc.._. & AM..._ HAMOR FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH Or-.. & 21,,. M., C.... ..._ DI. P. I.~ )eahr 64Mtll IUNDAY ICHOOL-t:tl .... WOR'"'"·'O:ao ,......:ao'"" W9111SDAY . 7 ,_ • 0.,...., _., .. ~ • WOii OP rHOPMICY w...-M.. Dl6 • 6:11 AM, 7:11 rM llM0· 71JO AM. lltt rMl IHOP • I l:JI ..,_ . .. .. . . -' -... -.. ,, A Cordiol Wekomefrom THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH C..o·.l.t "'I>• · .. 1 FIRST UHITEO METHODIST CHURCH I qu ... I 3 H.1r t><Jr U • J CllwchSclleoff« ·"···-· )0 WorUup -11 00 A M ff I ( I ti• t,,• '1 (,o'fd Mt• .1 N•/flrl MESA VERDE METHOD I ST CHURCH M ... v .. fJt/I 8' It•• .. •' •1' '*" J_. WQl,tl<O 4 t PHIAi ~ ~ fKA)t t :JO A.M. Dr. w 111-E. Ste.4 t 41Jt't•"Qtf')n Bt .... n FIRST UHITEO METHODIST CHURCH I, I 1 /lh ',I ':>Jh °i'>3/ W «,llip Serricr. I 0: IS -.... .. . . ~ .. -~ CIHH-ch Sct.011 t:OO...,.. t t.,n11nq1on BY.it ti Nurltl COMMUNITY UHITEO METHODIST CHURCH tJ\J\JI H1"1 Avt• 8 42 44b 1 CH:~slH<i~~!C H HEWt'ORTClHTER Ni>wr>rnl a,.,,, '' UHITEO METHODIST 1400W 8;,11t)i1,tl:itvcl llJOI M ,1rQ111.,•lt•A11c.• h /1 3110~ ~orur1.; df't MJr H<.>v Pt1[)r.,t '-,t11•CJoll'l Jr •4~741 wonaii, & C:~h School & c::.C~ ..... t:lOA.M. W\4ey ,, .. school/Doy Cen t :JO A.M.. 7:00 ...... ,....... ..... It• Mc ...... -----rouNTAIM VALLEY ffltST UHITfD METHOOIST CHUICH IU 2S 1¥.tt•d St Dr, Cerni I. Wef"& MW.tw •U·lStJ .......... ~-W ...... &c..dt~ t:lO A •. M L DC U ff Sun School · 10 AM Worship • 10-46 Untvera1ty Community Center 4630 Sandburo Way Sun & Wed Eve Ac11v1t1es at University Methodist Church. Culver & University Dr. J Madala. Pastor 537~14 or~r Chrlnlon/dklw1h1.o-----.. EOW1N LOUIS COLE • MINISTER SUMDA Y • a.T. 21 ........ .... INCt&OW • CHICO MOUDAY TEMPLE BAT II .1hb1 \t.irk S \1 1l11•r SAHA TH SO VICES • \lir1Jm K Jut m.tn 1>1r ol 1-:d . 11' Ho-,,, f'n·.,11.knl ftt•hj.!1011 ... !'>eh dJy 'I 15 A \1 lo II M Jr & Sr 111.ih Groupi. It Edural1on lll'br\•'A )'K·ho<JI Thur:. IS 6 15 PM 1011 Camdb:H·k. :'lol•w1111rl 1nrr.Jamhort'f'• v1,1tor-. Wl'k'om<' &4<1 1999 1\11•m twr LtAHC' 'ALOT 1:15'9.M. ·e ·nn 0·1 7:JO,.M. Jl,10t>1 Bt>rn..iro P Kina :i 1 OO·A MM V1.;1a M.l!MC Ane Shlkler ewoort Beach Call I Educa101 Hildy She1nmen ~,_,._,eel '44-7201 Auv ... ..,,...,,. it . T empl• Sharon \~' IC:--,llflyel ' l NI ~,,.., ..... 1:1 11 s..y. ART OUR ITH IP FIND A FRI DIN TllE CHURCR OF . ..... ....,,__ ------------~---- \ ------...\...-----··--..--............ -----------------------------------------------------·-· BJ P£'1'Ka Major i. ..... ' Stllurdr(. Sept•mber 22, 1979 DAILY PILOl ~chnology's Impact on Sockty Profound "cMlluUon," that of lhe Lrrt1a· llu n rHfH of a ntiquity -of --~-QUA....__..;..~~~~Ulj._ • .__, etn11put r EDITOR'S NOTE: Thu u Uw NCCMd hi a Nrifa of 15 carttc~a trp4or· ··c..·= ..... ,.. . SOCfal t l'ftn . Drwlwr ~. how tec~ ha.I Babylonia It was soon seen that the centralized overnance of y nucltv r: at• prot~ I ly I ff t'lct.11\1 y We ti\. t . They ar.e Ow uusln1 con. tu• about ilal Impact ol t t~cal '" I Teeh.nc>loay Ind~ ol\m h ave areat r pollUca) lm pact ltut h Is m predict• f tHe "h e th*1s or lhu te cbnolog) •''f im pact . lt-t a lont' wh l lll two Tb Im· I ot.1 1"»rr y arf a io . o f thaopotamla about tb• Hme 'lmt1 . of tht Indus Valley a thouH nd ye&ar» or so later ; and ot Southem China, from wb1cll ChtneH d vlliu t.lon arose •.ooo )'Hrl •&O. ch4..gfd our li11t• Clftd ""'""''°"' t~ ""'""·Thu Nf'U• IDOf writ· ten for Courees bl/ NewlpQpf'r, ca ~m dewloped by Unniera1ty Ez· tennon, UC San ~go. Clftd fllltdtd by o grOftl from llw National Eftdow. ment /or tlw Humanilt.1. A retoud l().pa.r1 £eZ.vt~ ~'· "ConMction1," co.produced by tM BBC and Ti~·lsift 1''ilm1, wsU be ahoum over channel 50 begimainO Stpt 30. "Mankind" ii.el!. a tyranny, exploiting the weak a nd poor, but al.,so a force for good, tbe engine of j\#Stlce and compassion . And political phlloaophy u we now know it thus aroee in the lrrlgelion city. of Mesopot am ia and thence in Greece. I pact dept-nd much or I.he ' r(?aponse or ~and u/ cu1tu~ , as It duet.on th•teehnoloc What made the lrrlgatlon city pe>u lbl\• wa.s lcchnology · the a bilfty to erect and m aintain civil tntlncenna works to lead th" nood wate rs or lbe rivers to th\' land, to pre vent their run- nlnr biu.•k Into the river again, and to c1rrulote them In other words, the irrigation city developed what we still call "civilization." And itS fo unda· tion was technology. and political r es ponses . In Egypt, a religious burea ucracy emerged. but ther e w er e no political or social theories and no secular institutions. Jo Chma, the irrigation city brought about great political and social theory T hese Illustrations show · that technology Is first a nd foremost a "humanlty." Technologies are not created by na ture or b y elves in the Black Fores t. They a re created by huma ns . They u e extensions of Man, lo be used by humanity l I r I I I - • C FOR ·~ E, THE fi rst • "women·~ U lOn" occua-red I in the 11th nn h centu nes In the history Ip. this sharp change 1n the oo of women l ~ r e co rde D terms ol literature. rel~or law F o r t he b a dou r who emerged an e rn France , wom.:in was n ger a "~ob­ Ject," but an t o~adorauon to whom be a ed has poems from afar Cor e st pretended to). In Christia . t he Virgin Ma ry replacetod the Father as the centrature in popular wors hip and ilJlgious ar t. And legally, wometquired proper· ty rights a11 ~s. the ri ght to maintain pro(tr' they brought into the "larri:,, and the n~ht to their own ealgs B l 'T T H E"IOE RLYING • cause of thesemendous social cha nge., was -,chnological in· novation in F'lce t he span ning wheel tl it came the ··sp1m.tl'r" tuall y, a nyone "ho spuu1. ai.g h we use the "o rd today to1ote an unmar raed \\Om<Jn 1 is no longer • young Spanning h1bcen women's work from t1ommemoriaJ EXftl.ORES CHANGE Peter F. Druck\lr ) l'ars a,o. se" tog w•:. tbc h..trdest, mo~t time coni.um1ng JOb of the housewife Only the rich could alford to huv•• lhe1r clothes made by a tailor The r~l had to make and mend their own t'lot h es The fa rm wife or ~orker's wife of lbt.O sw·n• (111.1 to six hours a day plyan,: the nt•l•,,:. T HE SEWING l\1AC'U:Nf: 1·111 lh1s time to approximulcly :iO I j~..'ln' I& ~ COl'tEC'ClOHS Ta:ff'tOlOGY Arc>OiA.1'4GE minutes a day II also m1wc c lot hes s o che ap rutting p rices by m o re th;.an t hree quarters tha t e"en ordinary These 1rr1gation works -the r1r:.t , and perhaps the most im· presi.1vf', a c h ie vements o f "m odern" technolog y -re- <1utred meas urement. which led to the dcH?lopment of geom etry. T hey required abihty to forecast the fl ood, that is, a calendar and astronomy They brought people together into large settlements a nd thus required water supply, Ytntt a tion. c:aty walls. and public hu1ld1np T II E \' R I!: Q U I R E D specia lis ts sracntists, phys i· l'ians. burC'aur r ats, tax collec- tors , lawyers. scribes. teachers, and engineers The irrigation l'tty n '<1uircd writing to record l'Ontral•ts and tax r eceipts. II n•q111n.-d la w a nd the 1•otlcs devC'lc1;>cd then, whethe r 111 Babylon t•r in Chana. would stil l sl·n ·e most nt•cds of modem 1·ommt•rcc today The irrigation nty 1t0Qu1red lal.\ courts to setUl· cll~pu tes and poltt'C to maintain ~.lfl'l) i\hoH' all . 1rn gat1on d e '1·l111kcl nt) and c1t1zen ft de H 0 lo1wd a t·ommon deity, "her<' lhl·n· had lwen only tribal ~od5t Anti from this came the belief in a un1Hrsal God or a ll mankind. a n d 1nd C'c d th e ide a o r THESE E XAMPLES show. fir st , that technology is not something outside of society. It as society itsell But it does not ''d e term i n e '' soc iet y a nd cu lture. It mus t fit bo th to become effective technology The spinning wheel was an ob- v ious invention once the car riage wheel and the potter's wheel had been introduced several thousand years before the s pinning wheel re placed the distaff. Society was simply not receptive, the lady or the ho~se spinning with her daughters alWJ maids a scene the Homeric epics depict again and again fulfilled important functions that socie ty did no t w an t to do witho ut. Second, these exam ples show that technology provides only options The spinning wheel dif· fused rapidly throughout the Old World Ye t it h<1d social and c ultural impacts on ly an the a reas of Western Cathohc1::.m not an the regions or Greek Cathounsm It had non•· at all outside the Ch n sta an ~orld, that I~ an China or Inda a T H E I RRIG AT I ON CIT Y s1mtlarly evoked different ::.octal the Confucian con cept of social harmony, based on in· terpe rsonaJ relations and aiming to make human society conform to a pre-established ha rmony of the universe Equally great was the impact 1n the Mid-east In Sumena and READERSM4Y EARN CREDIT R e a d e r s w is hi n g t o earn college credit may do so by reJi?istering at Coastline Com rmn11ty Colle~e. · An enrollment blank and de· ta ils appear on page A 4 o f today's Daily Pilot ALFRED Rl'SSELL Wallace, wh o with Cha r l e::. Da r win formulated the theory of natural selection. s1ud, "Ma n 1s ttie only anim a l capable or purposeful evolution . he m akes tools " T h ese tools bespe ak huma n needs and values T hey give us new perfor m;.ance a nd ne w sur· v1val capacity They m ake us, m effe ct . a dtfferent animal. Thus they pose new hum an op- t ions. cr eate new human OP· por t unaties. and dem a nd new human answers T echnology liberates by giving us choices NEXT WF.J.:I\ Yale h1stonan D erek J de .'i11/La />nee d1~cu.sses the p r oblems µinert bl/ a n elite group of Jechn1cal e.rperts m our IOCWllJ EMERGENCY! Would All Customen of ROGER'S CLEAMIMG SERV ICE Please Catt847-3357 ' "e s till speaf the "distaff" s1d t' ut the he Ru t spinning • on the distaff s ineffi cient It took IO spinstJwith distaffs to keep one ~ecn~oing With the spinning whe,he relat1onsh1p • "as reve rs e One· s pins te1 c:ou l d s upptrnlf 1.1 doze n weavers with n When s pinfl hecame pro d uctive, theycam c lndepen· de nt Sudden~ woman could be in society , be respectable wit hout beingpendent upon a male . Until il only a nun or people tould c.tffurd ··stun: boug ht'' clothes T h e t)'pcwr1ter and the• telephont'. by crclitin~ rmrldl(' class employment cpp11 rtun1lws outsiclC' the home , m ade' it po:-.~r ble, as. had th\.' s pinning wh< l'I 800 ye:.i rs earlier . ror .. rt-spe<'la ble" women to earn their living without being dependent upon a male, E ven lJl Dickens· last nov" c l, wntten a round 1870. there ar<' only mall' c:lerks m. office~ .. Rc:-.pel'Lable" women d1J not go out ~ithout a n escort S a n Juan Council To R e-study Lease , prostitute c·ot,burv1 ve without bcinj! a wife Qncubane . Girls, the re fore, hacbe betrothed in infancy Now y could rem ain single until ohough to choose w hom to m .-or even not m a rry at a lfhey tould be ·span:.lN!> · I T ll E GR El CHANGE an culture. m g ious worshiv. and an la°"' thbllowcd in short order T he secon4tomen's li bcra· lion." that of ay, a lso ha., its roots an tech~ical innovation an the se~ machine. •h" type writer , a~e telephone. Before thq wing m achine was invented.it tle over a 100 Twenty fi ve years late r, an ad ve rtiscment for a "cle rk" ge n e r a lly m e ant a wo m an rather than a man. and "respec- table" women wer e going to work by themse l ves, traveling by themselves. a nd altogether lead· ing lave!> of their own Higher education for wom en. coos adere<I a luxury or an ornament in Vic loria n times, soon became a necessity . The d emand for the vote, for equality before the law, and for equality in ca reers tn· evatably followed B UT P E RHAPS T HE most 1 m portant example of the con· nt-cta on between technology and socia l order 1s the firs t true Sa n Juan Capistrano councilmen plan to reconsider the Capistrano Unified School District 's original proposal to lease the 10-a cre Site or Capistrano School to the city for municipal offices . Councilm<1n J a mes Thorpe told City Councilmen this week that !>chool officials have rejected the city's ofrer to purchase San Juan School and Buch heim Field In .. ad d it ion to th e Capis t rano original CUSD proposa! to School lease the lO·ac re Capis t rano School s ite for S560,000 worth or relocatable class rooms -be re· considered. SCHOOL BOARD m e mbers told Thorpe Monday they we re ope n to negotiations of a price for le asing the Ca p i s t ra no School, but re fused to negotiate fo r a purc h ase of the other school and the athletic field. Councilmen a sked that the ( 'l('K TllUl'9t:sn1) Is THOUGHTFUL in the DAILY PILOT THAT PROPOSAL wall be considered by councilm en at their Oct. 3 meeting. The 10..acre Capistrano School si t e is lo c ate d o n C a m an o Ca pis t r ano ne a r Acj ache m a Str eet. Councilme n indicated they would send their proposal for the S an J uan Sch oo l s ite a nd B uchheim F ield back to the city·s public facilities com mittee for more study l-'llt Tropiul fish • fresh • M~riM Aqu~r ium Supplies ( StM<l9' s.,,t. It .. s.,,. 2 5. "" Synodontfs nlgriventrfs: 3st I arr an atlf>OllOI' CPll1no 111111• 11 I ./v ,, ,,.. ,,,., Crl'on L •kP 'l"G<.! Cdt<. 1 cllT' •deallv C'1J•ll I r oc lie,., '"'""•no 1\,-WPVf'f o na1tP ,Jn 000 Sw1,,..m1nl) h;il')1I 't"<,1dp-t'JQ"'n ~Ofl'f'r nc>••,rP l'llS Pv• n "'•f'•'-P'I ,.,..'of r';:!I ,r.ll Cill"Oulf8QP tv ,.. •Iona ,..\ r 1r "''"' l11Jl'ltf'r 1nan ir•y t1n· OPr<.•OE' 011,1ncr-. '"' ,.,, •••r•r'P<• l"•l'rl tn lf-Pd -.afP1v fre>rr •r.., .. rl ,,,. (hnp C'v A ·"''' Tron1c.1t• wrinrP 'Ir"',,.. oo;~tp I "O''' ll'IP n..t!T't' l r>'o•OP·nnw n (.11 tr r ,.. • r-, ~o ,.,.,.. 1510 W. Baker • Costa Mesa -=- ..., 549· 1391 • Corner Harbor & Baker iiiiil. }RANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY UTHCHA ,_..,~., C A MISA WO MIM'S CLUI 61 U M ST~ COSTA MlSA ,Sfe>a DAYID I. W1uo.f 0:00 A.M.-lllU STUDY I I :00 W..... 7:00 p.-1•"""9 WonWp H180R TRINITY BA'IST CHURCH CorM'fo1r•i•w oltd loll~. Cotto ...... Ru. Hilt°"~ l'otlor f'h°"e 171 41 55.-7787 l>A Y SCHOOL -t:OO A.M. ~YWOHHIP -IO:lOA.M. .. HG SEltVICf -6:00 l'.M WESOA Y EVIHIHG • 7:00 1'.M. Y~AHD ADULT lll LE STUDIES CIRCH OF CHRIST 217,.wlholt. CMto ....._ 645-l I 9 I WP re A "g Ulow1no Growong Church SUHOAT SHTICIS BIBLE STUO'"(M. WORSHIP10A.M. & 6 P.M. "ARE YcJHAVIHG TllOUILE WITH NAYBr TB DOU. COU. YOUl H MIMISTU erl u1 N iii happen 10 you at tne OPllT KMIOI ClllCH Of lfllCIOUS SC1£MC£ c ..... ...-.. ,,,..,c .... IO:JOA.M. ZonlaOUI ~IOI llMll&t.N-9- C-Ollae 1671 s.te AN 4.._ Wte I c .......... •4'-IOft OW.A·P'Nyw '46-•4'4 JACltOM, ..._.,.,........ l ••(091•1t • f"t•tlll"""r· T.-........ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Bl·A¥:H(<, OF rHl MOTHCR CHUACH f>ll flA..,T c .. uR~H OF CHRIST l'>C•l14Tt:Ol 1N eosrON .. AS:SACHUSEllS 11MATTER11 Septembei-23, 1979 Costa Mesa Rrst Chwcll of Clwlst, Scl...tftt 2110 MGM Y.,. Dr., Coato W... s..., ScJlool -IO A.M. Ci.cit Set-rice -10 A.M. Alao lat 5-liry Of hd1 Modi -Spa. ..... •-. 2110 ............ Dr. t A.M....f:JO P .M. MOii • ...,.. s .. . Wed. 7•7:50 P.M. -f ·t :JO P.M. Hutu.gtc. t.acll -~ R nt C.....U of Ce.rt1t, Scinfftt ,,. a oe ... Hwtt.r•• 1eec11 Clillwdl & 5-dmy Sclleot -10:00 .A.M. lt .... l --U I M•St. La91111a l.aalt -First Cltwclt of C•rl1f, Sci Hiist U SHkJlllDrl•t Clllwd & s.dey Sclleot -I 0 A..M. . ...... ·--Ja4 ,.,.. ••••• H•w,..t l •ocll -First Ci...-dl of Clwt1t, Scl..tfst ])OJ Vie UdD, ..._,..,. ..... CWd a 5-dmy ScMot-t:OO & IOiJI .A.M. • ...... ....._Hll Ya. LWo M-.... M. -t A.M,S P.M. ~C...."'-T ......... -t»11aGA.M For&Mt,T- H•wport t.aclt -SKHd Chwch of Ce.rt1t, ScJ..tftt JI 00 Peclflc Yn Dr .. c-...... Cl111rd 1 a 5-liry S.-ot -I 0 .A.M. • ....., 1.....-noo "I" I. c ... Hwy .. C4M WED. EVEHIH• TISTIMOHY MllTIMGS- 1 P.M •. ALL CHUICHIS A" "9OOfdlll!Y-M 10 _,.Ille~ -end e<liO¥ "'9 ......... al ti.A ..... .._ FACIH• HIAVY .. OIUMS7 Jot111c•r•,......_.,. Let•Wp,_ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHUICH ...... Mme aUNDAY: M I .... ~ Clew• l :JO a 10:00 AM W•• l:JO, 10:0I AM, l:tl Pfll ........ ....,._....., ........ ™-·~Olloe -.-..,, ....... CltrW ._ 1nr ' \ o• ''' ~"~o, 1 ST CHURCH Of RUIGIOUS SCIENCE ,.! ;._ T ..i ~ OF NEWPORT BEACH ~. • .;. y. •t· .... , • ·' ,, , .... 0 'J ............ -:,, .a_,,~ UV ALIHT IUHL Hcf. MIMlSTH ?~· '-:!:_: ... ~ ~:..:) WOltSHIP AHD su .. A y SCHOOL ....._.. . I 0:30 A.M. .. TO PROSrER IS NA TUIAL OR ASK WHAT YE WILL .. URI.ANUS SQUARE Moc.Artftur ot Ford Rood -M~wDOrl hoch ~AN INSPIRATIOHAl ll'ESSA0£ DIAi. ~I LAGUNA UNITED METHODIST irm. .. ,.., to Su.-Y hMcM w felloweNti. l'attor ~ wer-·1 ....... "WHO MO'S• 21132 w .. ..., °'. '°""' IAfllN 4t9·30H S..-111 IOOOAll' HARIOR QltlSTIAN CHURCH ·~ef amtl 2._,.,. .... s .... ..-.. 645-5781 s....,. ~ . .,,...,. c ........ a- •0:00 A.M. IS-.,. WIMllel RH. Gen• A. Swen.on ,_ -... - MW.tw'a Me. llMt12 l Ctrdial W*-fr1111 die U.TH CllUICM OF CllllST COMMUNITY CNUICH CMCIRATIO..Al ... ~ .......... . C_ .. Mer 644-7400 o....ww .............. , .... IOA.M-s-.ww.,.-. """'"'' .... .._.,.,,o,.;,.,.,NJ' .. ''' """'''" .. ~. ClllWTllLUL t-.i )40 St .••. ,, .. .ella 1rn.L ..... leecll' .. 4-106t ~ M. llTMCX.DI ... ... .....,=.~$ ...S. ASft• SIMSAll.,. ........ c~ .. ..._ 104M.-__,W ... ~~ ...... slllPtOI or Tiil •u JOm ..,...1.-. u.-....-4t5-ll10 0....1 .............. ltA.M.-CWI QIF..., ~· ..... ci.rc ....... ---·· ···--.. ___________ .. ___ .. ____ _ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Co astal Area~ CHURCH OF ~E COVE~A1'4T l 850 ~air•••"' Rd Co\ta Mo a lrvc • A ICurrlt l'od<J' SWflday Wor,h1p & Church School 8 JO & 10 00 AM ""-• 557.))40 --Communify Presli'ytenan C hurch 4 I 5 fontt A••., L ...... IHcll 494. 7555 Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Eldon H Thies 9 00 A ~ -SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 15 AM -WORSHIP SERVICE CH•tOl'IEN s wo1>~q,.OP A "<l•A"lti:" r 11PF 11 30 AM -COFFEE FELLOWSHIP Thi'> Sunday Worship 1n ST ANDREW'S PRESIYTERI AM CHURCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newoort Beacl • 63 H !880 Dr. ,,. ...... , .. Jr. '°'"' WonWp SorricH -1:00.t:l0.1 I :00 ''T .. TIA .. EOY OF FO•GOTTIN F~ITH .. Dr. ,,. •• ....._, Jr. "-dllllq CHUICH SCHC>Ol 9 00 -tn!lm ltvougfl Gr-e t 30 -tt•llM flw'Oul;, Aelull I I 00 -Chta °"'9 T !VOuOft 0(-....tlf'I AIC Hl~UMI -645-JUl ------- ST. MARK msamRtAN OtUROt 1100 ........... Dr~ ........ .... ............ 9-W .... ,..,w .... ....... ........., ...... LMle I k ........... ..,..., SUHDAY won ... & CHUICH SCHOOl-t:lO ...... ,.,...lcllell _......, ........ ~ 141·'111 139.1414 ,, ' ) f I .1 ---_. ------.... ---....... --. -. .. .. -------.. -·------.. _. ··-..... . ---r-. _...,._,_ . • .....,._, • .....__ ........ .,,. .................... ~ •• -.. -.. -.... 22. 1171 ... PEANUTS by Ctaare.s M. Schutz llG GIOIGE ----------------...-------...._ • Ylrgll P1rtdl "In case you. hadn't noticed .•. our welcome-home gr'eeter hos 1ust spotted us!" FOR BETTER OA. FOR WORSE 'SHOE MOON MULLINS l'VE BECOME INMSTEO IN LEARNING A80UT 'TME EARTM'S SURFACE FOR INSTAACE, AAVE ~OU EVER NOTICED THIS LAVA FORMATION ? . FUNKY WINKERBEAN by Lynn Johnston 'THERE NCXJ.)~ 1HRTSHOOD 1E.ACH )'00 NOTTO GO HITTING II PEOPLE "° by Jeff MacNelly by Ferd & Tom Johnson 1 IHINI<" FOR ON(E IHE OLD <:itRL'S Hf.() A ?&ooD IDEA ~ ,f2)~ THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "I didn't catch it 'cause you didn't hit it where I was standing." .. DENNIS THE MENACE GORDO A~E IOU All ~1uHr ouot. 7 TUMBLEWEEDS ANCIENT LAVA R.OWS SUCH A5 THIS ~E HERE AAE. ~LL 4<' QUITE FASCIHATING 'L CJ ~ DRABBLE OR . SMOCK SHE: S A YS SHe HAS A FOREIGN sues"T"ANCf; IN HE:R eve? so HAS SHE: eeeN "fHROLJC.Sl-1 CUS"f'O.Nl.S ;;> HA·HA·HA I MISS PEACH by Gus.Arriola by Harold Le Ooux by Tom K. Ryan ff'T' ~P'/ 10 ROU-1 PERCY'! 601'AHOf ...s----.... UCWSIV!! t'OSS10UR PRE:SS MO"IES AU CN~R iHE: ROOM WHEN 11 RUNS! CAN WE. PLUS& EJOJ...1 llrJOWN?! FOR ff LAST' 1lME, NO! -uwcv MR. SMITH, DO YOU EVER GET LONESOME LIVING AL.L. AL.ONE? "",,_ ,_ .,_ --ir ~«t~ ···AND I HAVE TO TMROW AWAY THE WISHBONE WITMOUT ANYONE TO r-::=--n:::::__....J PUL.L-IT WITH ME , I ,.,,. -,., "" , ~. .. " Kevin Fagan , !; \ \ ., TODAv·s CROSSWOR UZZLE ACROS5 Qj'1f 1 tmporlcll'I • "VIO b DtCXi)f t f( ''" ,,, , •toe• U, Noe.;, wn ,.~ .. mt'f 15 Rare 9n 6i G1oom tr•O 1&f., 011 Scot 68 Ap.;n 11 Asm.;n -6J Room 10 ~d))()llf'• '" 5·mc>!e '"~" 20 .. ,....~ 11 lt>n 22 ftme!>efl 00~ DOWN 23 Reoucl' t C.as11 25 FIOwet p,111 2 U N aqcy 28 Ouarty 3 S<:n+oou~ • > 29 Gr~leltH 4 0.stlOMf 30 ShipwO<m5 5 Flun 32 Jostle 6 Enghsn crty 47 Unruly Ont' 34 Oe<;.pherrng 1 Eraseo 48Rt>wlf 39 Dropping 8 Compass pl SO C11pplo:<1 42 Coml0f18' 9 -ano P09 51 l4!~$el• 43 G&1men1$ 10 Alrt$11 'l2 Keep!Mlkt' 45 f renc.h rrllflf 11 Subse-5J Rainer 46 PtlOteo quenlly 55Common - 49 Teon1$ stlol 12 Alert 57 Buckets 50 CNerdue 13 -Wally 59 E•hncl 54 SultO< 19 F1t>et tioot 61 IJetore Prt'· 550MI 21 M1m1C 11• S6 Thwl<l 23 Gr1pes 62 Young goat 58 S1t1K1teo 24 Attorney -6A Harem room 60 Actor • 65 COior ~ • I f r I . l , ----_... .. -----·-·-··--........ - I • ~ .. fl~illfl ............ a.ur'dly ..... --.. m.•.n •.• ·m ........ DAIL .. V·Pll·O·T·A--Jl uw 'P.rees' fnrlDTJrs Add Something Special to Favorite Room Wben choosing planta for the indoors. don't llmlt yoursell to ones that are placed on window s i lls or tables . Be a little dramaUc, choose a plant that will become an indoor "tree" and add that special somethJng to your favorite room in the house. For instance, there is the Norfolk Is land Pine whic h grows slowly -3 to 6 inches a year under living room condi· lions -and with its silky dark green needles and gracefully drooping branches g ives off a clis tincUve Oriental look though this plant, originally, was found growing wild on a tiny speck of land in the South Pacific for which 1t was named . It does well in curtain·filtered s unlight and a 15 year old s pecimen stands only 4·6 feet tall. SCH EFFLE RAS, THAT graceful tropical fohage plant which 1s sometimes refer red to as the Australian umbrella tree, is another good choice Usually sold at two to three feet t all, 1t can reach six feel or more genus do best when you lteep the Ir soil barely moist at all times. LIKE ntE UNUSUAL! Try a n elephant foot tree It can hve indoors indefinitely Dist lnguished by a bulbous sweWne of the trunk at the soil level a lon g with its grayish brown col· or of bark which is crowned by olume$ up to 4 feet long, truly makes it a conversation piece. BO,by Bulbs Thrive In Warm Weather In many areas of California, most of the better known spring bulbs daffodils, tulips and hyacinths + are planted a little later on. It's bes t to wait uotH s ummer is gone for sure and fall's coole r weather hai. arrived to stay But with the so-called babies of the bulbs family, September is none too s oon. They thrive in heat and the sooner their g rowth starts the better a re usually bi·colored, but solid colors are not unknown. Shades of yellow. white and red are to be found. fx ias are not for s haded or sunless gardens, as thei r cup-like blooms r equire direct sunlig ht to open fog bell gardeners be warned lncreee Dome \'olue Look mto the Ficus family The weeping fi g has sh iny leathery le a ves and twigged slender branches that arc h gracefuJly and is gro wn as a 4 to 6 foot tree. The India rubber tree 1s very pleasing to the eye with its dark green oval leaves that open fro m r osy s heaths to become as much a::. '>IX inches wide. This variety will eventual ly reach cc1hn~ height The f1d die leaf fig grows lo the same size up lo 20 feet or more a.'> the India rubber tree but 1L<> leaves are shaped like the body of a violin and wavy The F1 cui. Freesias especially are best when planted early hkewtse lxias and Sparax1s, the fellow South Afncans that thrive m the warmest weather. If these bulbi. are no more than a name to you. its time you met them. ThCfle are of the easiest culture and have a definite c harm· tha• grows with the years. The ir best effect.'> come from massed plant· ings of single varieties -tht' mor e massed they are, the bet· ter THERE ARE OTHER spnng bulbs out.o;idP these three that can go m this month or n ext, as you have the tame and the in· c hnat1on says the California ru:,. soc1at.100 of Nurserymen Many reaG have requested information regarding ~ patio covers for existing or future pat. This sun-trellis extends the living aremd increases the resale value of the hort:Western woods such as cedar or DougJat'ir c whi ch can be painted or stained > s used in this post.and-beam ~lructurc> c·omplete plan shows how to build a 12' x 16' or 12' x 24 ' cover. Photos. drawings. materia ls list and cutting schedule provide step·by·step construction. To obtain Plan #608, send check or money order for $2.75 to Steve Ellingson. c. o Ora nge Coast Daily Pilot Pattern Dept.. P .O. Box 2383. Van Nuys, CA. 9).409. THE MODERN FREESIA 1s a far c ry from 1t.'I original se lf hy bridized into lovely s hades and larger flowers The fra granct' aJone 1s worth lhe plant mg but an edging of free51as C(ln be om· of spring'" l"a rlaest and most charming \lght::. Muscari, or ~rape hyac mth, is probably the best known and most useful Whe n planted en m d::.s 1•. they ofrn lov1>ly rich bl ues that uftt•n comp with frl0{·s1a.'> in th" 1•<1rly 'iprin~ Try nn~1ng a lws•· of a tr1•1• Wllh thl'm or U!>rng th•·m lo d1•f1n1· a border a twJut1ful lfJurh to 'our 1?arden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vera tile 'Phil' Weekend Th(' cheer} '>par;ix1 <., looks hk•• an 11\{•rgrown frei>\l<t ()r u m in1atul'e glad111lu' Thl· flower-. Ansvers to Needs Gardening Checklist 3,000 l'arieties Now Open •Low Cost flow about ia1hng vme across a m antle, over a trems or, for the \'Cry dramat1dc('l, on bamboo or sphagnum moss poles or twined over dr1ftwooe ,. Overc rowded c lumps of p e r e nnials s uch a s S has ta Daisies produce fewer and fewer flowers each year. To remedy this. Lift and ruvide them now. Replant the divisions a fte r you add some s low release fertilizer a nd humus to the plantmg sites. \ Camellias Stir Wdd Imagination Spay. Neuter . Vaccmatton Dermatology Perhaps yore in the mood. especially if you li ve in some of the milder climat for an a ttractive container grown ornam enta l. a Freeway tropical accelor around the s wimming poor need a plant or pla nts lte s ilh ou etted agamsl the !Jc wall to lake away the bar~k ceptions, all grow in a trailing or climbing ma nner. The leaves of the philodendron are glossy and lobed In many shades of green som etimes mottled or van egat· ed coming in various shapes. Animal Hospital of Costa Mesa Did you know the re are over 3.000 vanet1es of 2538 Newport. Blvd Cam ellias and their range of colors. sizes and 645·2483 By Appointment If you are tr~ to think of the plant that can all of this. s top now. We h ave:! ans wer the philodendron. The leaf or stalk size on an tn· door plant will be directly in· flue nced by the size of container you use. The more r oot space the plant has . the la rger the leaves and s lalks • The soone r you set out the winter annuals. the sooner you'll h ave winter blooms. If you wait too long. cold weather may de· lay bloom until s pring. Put calendulas. pans ies and sna p· dragons on your list. forms truly lets your 1maginat1on run wild' Two of =====================~ the more popula r s pecies, thoug h , a r e the Japanese camellia and the Sasanqua The J a panese camellia 1s by far th~ more common of the two. T his upright evergreen shrub with its smooth glos~y leave" ~ives us beautiful winter and spring blossoms There are more than 800 named varieties of the species ranging in color from pure white to the deepest dark r ed with at least 798 variations in between. Blooms can be double, semi·double or s ingle and with or without prominent centers of golden yellow stamens. THERE Affl GREAT many philodendrons1d wrth few ex CdM~ns To Emrge Tree leJls Indoor philodendrons thrive in e ven temperatures with indirect sunlight. The variegated types require more Light than the plain ones. These s ame cultural in· s t ructions a pply if you plant you r philodendrons outdoors. • Use soil conditioners like gypsum now. Winter ra ins will help work them deeper into the soil. COLORFUL FALL . BULBS ARE IN , . Gra nt How, Corona del Mar Chamber(omme rce, has reported that! c ity h as ob· tained a permfom the state to enlaq~e lh<' I> well!> along i:;ast Coast lltgay. HOWEVER, YOUR g reatest concern in outdoor culture will fi e in maint ain ing an even tern· pcrature . This can be more easi· ly accomplished if you plant close to the house in a sheltered area So, philodendrons · can be grown outdoors only in ver y mild climates where the tem· pcrature re mains fairly constant and well above freezing point • S pring blooming pe rennials may be planted as soon as they a re available in your nursery. The earlier you plant the m, the better established they'll be by next s pring . Ask for primroses. violets and phlox. •This is the ideal time to plant o rnamental trees and shrubs. Once the winter rains come, you won't need to worry about keep· m g them watered. THE SASANQUA cam ellia is unmistakably a camellia, but it d ocs differ in some m a1or respects. It has the same glossy evergreen leaves of the Japanese camellia but the flowers aren't as big nor do they come rn double rorm. but they do have a ruce fragrance which 1s a bonus. Sasanqua can also tolerate more !>un than the Japanese camellias The shrub itself has a ~mailer growing habit and 1s often more open a.nd pendulous. which makes it an ideal plant to es palier If you plant a few of these. the blooming :.ea!>on can be extended as different varieties of the Sa!>anquas n ower from September to December. months before J apanese came llias. l. ~ ,,;. ... : . /p t ~I\ ~-,.~·" c-_'!. .. t t', .. ~ c; ;' ·.,v. r ~ '> °i ,'5~"4-~~ The wells mbc enlar ged lo up lo five feet eight feet, de· pending on thee of the tree. The variety of leaf shapes of the different philodendrons 1s in· t e resting to note . There a re those that resemble a violin, ar· row head. heart and even bristly s h aped leaves Som e of the leaves are thick with a lqathery lcxture a nd others are much thinner with a more de licate ap· pearance. BUY NOW FOR THE BEST SELECTION. As a pilot jecl. the tree wells aJong therth side of the 3100 block w1U enlarged and landscaped fohe opening or the ne w bu1ldia ow under con s truction the re. • Keep a close eye on your plants for insect a nd disease damage. If you catch outbreaks early , control is much easier. CULTURE FOR BOTH species 1s :-.1m1lar. ea ch likes a well drained soil n('h in organic mat te r Keeping the m s lightly moist but not overly wet is best. especially during hot s pells Mulching will help r etam moisture a s we ll as keeping r oots ; l(;lll"', (.t11r<k-n'> • Mo.·~Mt ''" J.•ftt(UIU "'I ~.,. Antuu • "-•~11'•tr H •• uh • 911m·h1u11 Fo r additio, infor mation about the tree 11 project. con· tact the chamtit 673·4050 • Start plantin g s tocks, snap· dra gons and other winter bloom- ing bedding plants. cooler and weeds to a m inimum. Japanese camellias need al leas t partial shade --------------------- with deeper shade necessary in the hot inland valley a reas Althoug h Sasanqua will take more s un. some shade is appreciated m inlen or valley locations. HAllotl LAW~. OLIVf Mortuarv • 01erv Cremal< 1625G1s1~, Costa Mt 540-5~ IALTZ-llttt> .. AIMHAl h E 646-24! Costa Mi 673-94! IBJ.UO~Y MOUUA 110 Broaclf Costa Ml 642-91e ~~~TU\.L WUTQ.W Mottuarv • C lons 4'Z7 E. 17 ~1 PIRCI~ SMm45' y 627 Mai .._,n11nQton lch 536-651 -.... , COl.OMIAL --PUBLIC NOTICE LONG Beach. C•. Memor1a1 Mi•v•ce• •• 1 oo "CTntoos auStNIH FERTILIZE YOUR plants every 6 wee ks after RALPH WENDELL LONG, r•>lclenl PM on Mond•y In Ille P<1<tllt Vi~w NAME STATIMl:NT of Newport BHcll, C• P•.-1 IW.,Y on Cllapel with Or Joll<i A Hullm.,, Sr Tile l0Howln9 pertoM ••• OOlflil bloom until the end of s um mer An acid plant food S.ptem11er20.1m 11orn M..,11.1t7•0111c1•11nv P.c111<v11wMor1u1ry busl~~~;,HSPORTSCEHTERS,m o r o ne labeled for Cam e llias, Azaleas and '" Wllltl .. r, Ce Survl..O 11¥ IMS wife oor~tor\ 1)r0 Slreei, H-1 S.«11, Celll«nl• Rhodod d ons 1's us all the most su'table h Hiney, >On• Jo"" ol Irvin•, C•. MULLEN en r U Y I C OICe. Bulbs By Bruce Bates r11omu o1 i:ooot•ln va11ev. C• eno DONALD DEVIN MULLEN "" ,, n .. ~urfsld• SPOr1•. ,,,, , 112 13,0 One last task is keeping the old flowe rs removed 0•uc.iM•• Marcy 01 PeMICltln•. •nolller \UfYlveO DI' hi• lather Jame>~. LC)n9 SlrHl, Newport Buell, Calllornl• from the plant and the surrounding areas. This is '°" Scott Of Huntl"9ton Beach. Ce• Beech, Ca , hh mother Beverly of n.63 T I H I I I fl mot11er NII• ot Atn•mb••. ca., ' weul,,gton. u1a1t, mters l(atlly •no This bu\1,..,.1, conduetect by a ,0., important as the flower may harbor petal blight hose spectacu ar O • asls as ong as cul o w- 9r•noc111-N•ttten ana l(lmberee, Reoln• Mull.., both 01 wo1111t9to11 DOt•llon disease which will damage future flowers. land bulbs and tubers are ers They produc.c clcai LOl\9 ano • mter Ell"°' Pr«h.Mk\01 utell ana ClnaY Mullen of Lyn-· SU<hldtSoor't>. In< f f bl templ•Otv.c• -1•1 wnlce> •• C•. Gra~loe wrv1<"' wll•.,. 11e1<1 ~ ~ .. o. Frenc:ll, ready and waiting or your colors o mauve. ue. 11·00 AM on TuetcSay September H , Moncier •• t::io PM .i the HarbOr P~ .,.. careful selection. Colors. while, yellow and 01ange lt7' et St. Jemes Epltcapel Cllurcll, Lawn Momorl•I Perk wllll 81sll0p Tiiis "•'-' we\ 11190 with file p rt Pl t h d f Newport BH<b wllll Rov . Joltrl P 811lneStrenCl"l,CllurcholJow•Cllrlll COUt>IY C .. 11tOI O.-Countyon5ep. 0 er ants teic ures, S ap"s an ra· A well prepared bed IS "'""' 11 offlcl ... 119. Mr. ~ ••• • of latter d•Y S•lnh ofllc1a11no. tombe• 10. tm. grance abound for the I world wer 11 Voter•" senrk>g 111« Services under tile dl~tlon of HarllOt "'*' the perlecl resting Pace Army-Air Foru-w .. • me~be•ot u.w,,.Mount Otlwe ~ ... ,., o1 Costa Put>llslled Or11191 Coe•• o.t•y PllOI, Southland gardener. With tor tender bulbs T1lhng th~ .," Air Fat~• Ea.....,,.A1t Com· Mesa ~·$.. , --Oct • tl tm ~1• a tho ghl to bed pre para mend lnlleuoff~mem«lalcon ____ >_,.. ______ Sept 1 •" • • _..,. Pla,sti·c Posi·es u • 4 cubic feet of Kellog's trlbullons ,.,.., be m...,. to Ille R•lpf\ lion and a bit of bulb G I h d 2 p d L.on9 Memorl•I Fund •t Ho• PUBLIC .NOTICE ro·mu c an oun s Memortat ~11411. "-'' Beach. ______ .__,._ ...... _____ PUBLIC NOTICE protection. s1_1.1rdy blooms of Roger's Soll Ac tivaior ca.Pec111c v1ewMor1\laryo1re<1ors FICTtttous.U11 .. •u ,.CTITtousauSJ .. i~--EALING. England <AP> -Daniel Keen has will burs t tonh with into 100 square 'feet of oow..s MAMUTATIM ... T NAMESTATIMlfNT come up with the perfect answer for would·be spring's first yawning planter area will give C#LAOYS IC. ltUSSELL DOWNS. Tll« fot-119 ll9fMft 1' dOlnO l>u>l· Tlte foll-lllO penon .. ere del119 •-..&I ' ... _ arth h resident of New1>0•• a .. ch, ce. Moes t>usi,,..u.: gardeners who don't want to wa in Vl'C'. e to en-stretc . proper drainage and nu· F-•r -*"' o1 cor-. ce . .no 5 u ,. E " T " 11 ' N PACI FICA Eou 1 T• Es. ott joy the beauty of Its blooms. c t t tnents needed fo r strong _-;,:.::,:. o1-••••or. c.•. Rus••tl of 1H,EANAT10 .. 11L. ut1t s1ter1>eo Me<Art11ur etlld •• Suite 250, Newport rocus give accen o c;;;•, c:; .no Elvin I. ~ ot L-. H-lnp. 11eac11, ee . ., ... 1 B••<h. c.11...,.,.1 • .,..., Keen h as planted a garden of plastic plants at rock gardens a nd paths roots and blooms. Cro- COt"on•. ee. ,. .. MCI •w•Y Oii sett· 1. • .;1::,:i::o::~~t :;:;11eo Dorl' Geutn , 1'7·4A cora1 his home ln this West London suburb. with yellow. white. purple cus. anemones and ranu· ,...,,.,., 20, '"'·SM ociertlted. ,.., •• , Tili, !MnfflftJ •• c~ted t>y Ml If\ Sprln9\ Crt .. H11nt1n9ton Buell. OTBEas c a .... B&E ....... I b k Ulli •• cul us should be planted 2 ~ In Corona from ,...,. to ttSJ She ' Celllon1I•-... ~' Ra u1e r ac S ng the a nd lavender petals mass M•"-'•-*"'.i~1 .... 11ie dlvtc111a1i.1saot-Tot«ot Edward a-n, 211 s. llMd•. soil and watering their blOllOms. Keen, a retired 12" tall hyacinths unde r inches deep. Tuck In ~'~:s.::'!:;: .. ...: ;.:~n~:~ Tiiis ... ~ ..... 11190 w1u. ttte ·~1ti1~"=\:.':'111!or;!:eo 11y • porter, baa only to wasb b1a aarden once a week treesa ndalongbordersto hyac inths, tulips, and ne1>1rvll• ""' E•••-' 111e ume~r· ~.!~ ;,~~~ OrtnOI c:ountv °" 5el>-oener•1 ~_:,; with soap and water and touch up the plan ta witb a enhance their fragrance daffodils to a depth of 5 o r lier d .. tt>. SN -• cl'Mlt1tl' mem ... r ,.,,_, Tlllt st..,,..,. •• 111.a wlttl Ille Spot of paint when the .-nlora fade. 6 inches Iris prefe r to be 1111• o.e. c11e,-., ot P.E.o •• • 1""411+t!WOr.,.~o.i•Y""iot Couftty c1er11•0r...-c_.,_,,.... ~,, andlmpresstheneighbors ~~':.!'~~~ 5"lt n. "·°''·•· u. ",._ . m1-1• ._._, '· '"'· He says he · used to have real nowers but with spikes otsalmon. red. planted 1ust above their ,...,..~e11C1111ttllefldec· ,..,..,. switched to artificial ones. rew years back after pink. cream. blue and ~ulb c rown. H Ill tit• t lturcl\ flower 9ulld. Pwl>ll\l\ed Ore1199 '°"" O•Hy Piiot. hla doctor warned him to ease up on pbyslcal I bell h d llo .,1...o.,.,1-c.1..,..E.•ndJolWI s.111em11er 1. u,n.n, mt tut·" .._ purp e ·S ape w· Fall planted bulbs K.. itutttn • .,..., Nev• IC. , .... r.. PVBUC NOTICE , wora. ers Th e poppy-like should be treated with CH• •4*1ft, ee .. a .. ,,.,. ... ,. .... ' -·-----------1 PUBUC NOTIC"' 1----"-------------------• anemone bloom 1s valued e lb o hP•<ll•Hlrtll •n• s sue ,,en.,,.,...,....... 11:t Oexol u ust to pre· re11«1tll.,...., Ort¥ttlde Hnl"' MM91TAffMalff a s a c ut flo wer and Y9flt lneect infestation 11",.... et•:•,.."'...,....., Tiie ,., .... --•MO"'"' f'1CTtTIOUS•ut1"eu JOIN THE creates beautiful reds. and fungal d i'•aa .... rot. Sfllte~~ ""et fN ,llClfk IMlllMIUI: ..,._ITA'NMllWT '"" '"' ..,...., ,..,., wi• Or. Jttwt rucCA tttAIL AllOCtAns, , ... fottewlllf ,.,_ .,.. .. ,,.. blues and wf11tes. Versa-Rodents and squlrrelacan . Huff-•. .,., ot 11. ,.,..,..,,., L TO., t•H "'••• 11•11•• c1rc1e, 111tt1-•1 SM ART • tlle tu.lips gltlvrtMlght and be discouraged by tining ,.,. • ...., ~11 efftdetlftt. VII-.......,.llMdl,CAll.......... oe•CO•N~•lt,.ltll&l, .. A!Mtf "' , ... ._ l'f!MY ._.,,.....ti,,.,.,,...,. oer•141 a. Mlfrrey, "" ,."'' or1ve, H1111t111tt•11 aHcll, ce. vivid color to all land· the to p and sides of the :• ,.. •ti•,.. et "9tNtc v1ew a1t11oe c1rcte, "'•"rt ... ,11 . ...,. :._ IUYERS 1e1na s1•11atlon1. N4rcia· h • ~tc v ... ...,_., °' c.etlftfW.. . 0.. •· CMM. _ """*" OMe. ..v '"" planting trenchu wit ._.......,... 0 , M. ,. .. "., c.,.,...., ..... •.._..._......._ea... aua naturalize well In wire meah . ....n ce1lfe•1tl• c•'"'•""'· ''" ....., ,,.... •· c.i.. • ~ Dttw, weatefn gardens. Their AU'-INaCUNNltlCHU•# HllWln, •tall•• ClrU•, ...... ,, •• ,,It, Hllfll ........... 11,Ce... • I • .... Color and a variety ol ~ ..... ,., Ne..-n .. ec11, ce. ~--• t111t....._1t~""'"'" .-...-" trumpetttd flowers top ,._. _., • • •1 *'' •· ''"· TMa ....... " c.eMllCIM " • .,.....,, • a..aAW graceful stems tn tone. of selection la at a peak ~ •..:._ ~ ~~ ,..,......=~ I ~ ~ _ ..... """ "" M.-.w"""" apricot, )'911ow. white. rvd Purcha1e and plant pre· v1r111111, ... , .. "· "••tU •• TNt ......... -..... _. ... CRMYCllrtl•Or1111tQ!llleYeoi,_ POMnAC and orange. The bearded mium Holland bulbs no\o\ ~~:::,;. ~.~.~ ~ = f:"' ~o..,.. a..ty• ... ......., .. ""· ,._ Z• ......... a lr1a adds Interest as a and apr1ng wlll yield a har •ewtllt•r 11111.,111• c. •• fl"e1111t•l11 } .,.... .._...,.. ~ c.• DlllY 1111"' c .... Mll914MJOO beckground perennial and vest of dazzling llowors Y~.~~~-·~ ~l~~~~V~-~~~~~~~ ., .. -"~--~~~~----~---------~1~-~--~-----~----------"'llt-----·--~ .. 111e Trt.o.n. ...-"v .. ~ '"'n,,.wou ... u,1m .,...,. • H . I ·I . I OROSCOPE-rl1J l .. lbra: Follow Tlaroitgh oa Bilneh; Take IDl.tl LJbre and another T1urut nsun In llt't'narto 21): Accent. on broadenJn1 ex· per1enees. emotional horizons. G&mNI f M~ 2l JuM 20> M a1n t.atn ruhaUc utUhule con t'oroln1 emotional reaponaea On who wh hq>t-r • '•w l notbin.," may havl' lhu\ to <1'ff'r LIO (July 23·AUI 22> · You m ay be reachlny too rar, too ....................... .,. Cd omotlonal f'eOnd wind, rt' vtcw proccdurt.'& Arie , Taurull, Libra pt'1'1IOl\'i fh&urt1 promin nl ly ft'lrulh roUlcr lhao bcigm, tJe looac ends LIBRA <Sept. 23·0 ct . 22): f ollow lhrough on hunch, atve lull rtla &a.JlllulUya~ cl<' h1 ah talce fnltlatlve, make new st rarta, welcome opportunity to d1t11,luy talents You can be at right place at crucial moment. lbMIJ .,.,.. aw1• Va.. -RIU11111..i11Amllll1IUUIL .&11~lllla SCORPIO cOrt. 23-Nov 21): popularity 11 on up1wln1 - finaoclal picture als o erowa brighter. Me m ber of opposite 11ex expresses contidence and love. .\al -l Mar '21 APT 19> Vou llll a pproval ID wriUnl for a J,>f'aal ptUJtc:t Creath n- aourc 6ate t4 t~ You have op portun1ly for nnovaUona. tor cb1Ul6'C. vanrt)', trav l lmprtnt ail) It•. hut l&o perm I\ partn r or malt' to talk about amb1l1on nothln1 Know It, l'l'l twrord •n1ly v1aco t Au.: 23 Sept 221 New upproach could rcKult m profi t Ohtuln hint from Leo Jll(>SKUlfl ll1ghllght uriglnaJJly. ludepend nee, willingness to get t o h e art o f m a tte r 11 Yuu "loc utu" what hud been mu. placed or atolen Yo u'll rele br a ter s·ource o f do ubt, rear is re moved. You have ''more room" as result. Gemini, Sagllla riu.11 natlve11 ltld in providing laughter Your po51· lion 1s strengthened. CAPRICORN l DeC'. 22-J an'. 19): Emphaslll on ambition, will· mgnes11 t.o put views on record. Individual w ho is a c tive, dynamic and dramatic suggests that you "team up." Survey facts, fi gures. Be practical, weigh available evidence. PISCES ( . 19·Mar. 20): ,.All& S l Apr 20 M ay 20> Mod ra4' pact-"workt" be-It know It and act u If aware ol 1t Money plc.-tun.-lll brtahtcr than m1~ht be •PP•tenl on aurfuC'e f't\NCER 1Junt• 21 J uly 22> You get on mon· s.olld l(r«1und at'nac.• ol t't•urlly 111 ht•lehteo ~ You cet crt>dlt dut-(Of' ra.at t>f rortit Old r lndtvldua t'Ould bet'omt' • valuabl ttlly SAGl'M'ARIUS <Nov 22·Dec 5aYon ~PRICE 5aYon ~PRICE 5aYon ~PRICE LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Mouthwash & Gargle 1.88 BEER l!NRICHED BODY ON TAP SHAMPOO A<:.• I f-nr mulas 11 oz. SIZE l.59Ea. for The Care Of The Skin , f /1 I I I ,, •• f I "'·ti' I ' ,,, f lll"ot' •tr1t •1111" , I ,!lllJIJl/j 11,1h· lr·1~l111•) 10 oz. LOTION 129 6 oz. CREME 149 Robitu ssin COUGH FORMULA fl •111 11,111 111tr 11,r r l11hlt,..n .11111 .11Ji1ll'. 111 1111'..J~ up '111·•.1 1•1111111•, 4oLSUE ggc Agree CREME RINSE & CONDITIONER 11u111•. 51011 I hr: c,ri·d\11!'· ASSORTEO FORMULAS ggc 8 oz. SIZE EA. Back-To-Nature REDUCING PLAN W11h pro1P111 Vitamin B;> B6. I 1•r.11h11t K1!11J C1l1er Vinegar plu•, <11>DP.hl1• c.urb1ng aid'> 14'• 5aYon ~PRICE Sf\VE -Sl\VE -Sl\VF. -51\VE REYNOLDS ·WRAP ·ALUMINUM FOIL W,t.1ma~t1t.1~#W/ sj) ·~ ....... . STANDARD SIZE 2~ 79c 12"x 25ft. s ._ KING COLA or SLIM KING 12 oz. CANS -PAK OF 6 1.08 FALL SAVINGS Tl NOR ELCO NAIL DAZZLER '~ Cordi••• M•n 1cur• Mec h •n• Ladies ' 100°/o Polyester ft\. I ' I , f I • LONG SLEEVE PULL -OVER TOP With Match ing •PULL-ON SCARF PRINT SKI RT BOTH IN SIZES 10-18 I, ., f " *'2.00 ltHATE Offtlt ' G~ T RlBATl OIR[Cl fkOM HORlLC O MEN'S & LADIES' TRIPLE KNIT ACRYLIC Warm-Up Suits MEN'S & BOY'S SIZES· SMALL. MEDIUM LARGE & X LARGf ·~T-SHIRTS & BRIEFS II !JIVf'" tt11n ltw 111 uirn1rir1 .inrl h111u w• .11 '" Ii~" ' \ ,.,. . I JJ \ IOY'5f 50 t : r.r ~ ) . ::.: T·~•TS . ~-~ ~PAK 3.00 :£."~~·s SPORT SOCKS 6PAIR 4 00 ~r . ., ... 5 00 :~ . DRISTAN ~ECONGESTANT TABLETS . ' 1.19 MEN'S BRtEfS l ·PAK 3.50 MEN'S T-SHIRTS ~PAK 4.00 Your good h~allh It our bu~llll!'1' WA,, dedrtalf'll to k1·cp1ng vou and your l1m1ly 1n Ille be'' ponrble healrh Io 111a1 eno we ttock the 111101 ph11rmaceu11 t~I produc" plu~ lhe be\I 1n hUllh IW'td\ An<! the"$ newer unnt(C'U<ity w.i11tno ht••' SERGEANT'S Flea & Tick Collars ~~~= ~I~ -·---·-----·----.... --·~ ASSORTED SIZES FOA CA TS a ooas SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK I 4 f>O AM TO Q·JO PM MONDAY THRU S ATURDAY • 14 oo AM TO 7 00 PM S U NOA Y Flnd ways lne termJJ. t.o improve tee es, to be rid ol the auperfl Dil deep for "meaningful te rlal." Steer away from es, transitory dreams: One t.o you has money questl LAUNDRY DETERGENT 84 oz. SIZE 4.29 FACIAL TISSUE - 3gc BOX OF 175 SH I Miss Clairol ® L-.-- cRE Mr FO RMULA HAIR COLOR BATH 1. .. ' ' 1' CL AIRO L R Cond ibn BEAUTY PACK TREAT ME NT ' l• I r I • • ••, 2.29 4 oz. JAR No Nonsense SHEE R-TO-WAIST PANTYHOSE ro11r1n V• n1Pt1 ; ( 1nlf II J>.HWI ASSOR TEO SHAOES 2.49u. CONTADINA TOMATO SAUCE a .. cm li$1 • c ihon .. ~.,.. .................. .. , - . ·! IMITA ,...._,,.I .... ..... ... '- I I .. .. ' . .._ ' " -I .. .. t ! • • ..... ... • • -• .. ..... r-• -·-~· -...-------------------~--... ---· . • • • .. INSIDE: •Movies • E ntertalnment s.turdiay. Seplembor 22. 1919 OAIL Y Pit.OT Lights Hitting Go Out on Club Against R angers tJ> IM\•: C NNt Git.AM Ut t ... o.11, ...... ~ .. " With tht' m1lllon.' n~t•I owner Gene Aulry hit\ shelled out for fn•t• .itu•nb. )ou'cl thlnk tw'd have enough oiont"\ 111 11..i ha" lla&hl bill Or pcrhup~ an t'Xll u p.·nny lyinJI w-ound to vut an tht• c1n·w1 brt•uk~r 'When lhi; r~c-blo"'~ ACTUALL\', Tl ... ANGE&.:."i SA\' they don t really know wh't \he h gh t.ll went out for an bour during F'nda) mgbt s game But they do koow why the hghts m their peunant ho~ are growaog d1m Tex.c. niplJ'.>d them , 3 1 Frtday while al lht s ame tJme i\1.tn clS Cat> !>lugged Oakland, 13·4 That cuts lht 06'l Lb lead Lo JW>t two games with eight left to play going into today's contest with the Rangers at Anaht1m Stadium Playoff t1ckeu. are being sold. trave l and party arrangements h.tve been mad e, and the players are respondmg to quesllons about whether they can beat Baltimore in a best-of five sen es B UT AU .. TH E WHILE, lurking in the tuuJowb, un· ltll' tloyuh1 und Twin.., Oh yes, anc.I lhl• lh1ngtin1 '!'ht· y. ft' 11llll u i:.tJlUltH'cil p()l>!>I bi lily Tcxali a11lJo ravu ~umc., btlhuuJ lht Angel!>, and JI' Ion~ mi th•· Hanger:. hUVt' II ghmrni:r or hope, lhl•y'JI t,(• g1v1n~ 1t lht'1r he1>l shot Thul s why MunaKt·r l'.il C:o1 ruh.•o; calltd Jam Kern from the l>ullpen in thl• :.eve11th mning to .,t1ul"l<'h u polt'nl1ul Angel rally Wfnt A H MMING fa!>tbaJI and a 1 63 ERA to mat ch, Kt'rn hai. been tht :.courge of the league and he showed the Ao~el!> why l>y l>lnk1ng out five of the 11 batters he raced Agaaru.t starte r L>oc Medl<'h. the Angels drew far:.t blood with an unearned run an the fourth Rod Car e w singled and Brian Downing followed Wlth a drive to center held that Mickey Rivers couldn't pack up cleanly. allowing Carew to circle lhc bases THAT TURNED OUT to be the only r eal trou· ble Medich encounterec.I lie wa:. breezing an the s e venth. having re tired e ight straight b-,iitlers Fighting It Out in a Standoff be fore a scratc h single off the bat of Jim A derson But Corrales. thinking of the pennant race h' team is s till cons ider ed a part of, d~ided to su mon Kem . He put the Angels' ligllts out for good The real power failure occurred In the fou inning or a scoreless tie A bank of lights in I~ fi eld fUckered out, followed moments later by th other two banks in cente r and nght MORE THAN AN HOUR later. when two the hght banks we re restored. Angel Manage Jim Fregos1 fi~ured he wouldn't take any chance with start.er Frank T anana's arm Tanana as making a comeback from tendimti a nd even though he pitched 3'¥.1 scoreless innnings ~ 1-,regos i felt at mig ht be harmful to try to bring hi back after he 's had a full hour to cool otr Enter Mark Clear. another pi tcher trying t rebound from tendinitis Clear enntuall swallowed the loss In les!> lhan three innings. Clear walked fou <See ANGELS, Page 841 "" """ .7% ..... , ....... Angels Kansas City Minnesota The Wild, Wiid West W L Pel. GB Lef 83 72 539 8 1 73 526 'JO 74 5 19 2 3 Friday's Scores Texas 3. Angels J Kansas Caty 13. Oakland 4 Minnesota 3, Malwuukee 2 Today's Games Texas <Jenkin~ 15 13) al Angeli. CKnapp 3-51 . 1 o'clock Kansru. Caty I Leonard 13-10> at Oakland I Keo ugh 1 151 Minnesota IGoltl 14 121 at Mi lwaukee I Slaton 15·81 Kansas City Belts A's; Astros Win From A P lfo,palc be:-. o A I\ L 1\ '\ I J l I. \\ J -.hangtnn dro\.•' in s ix run'> Y.tlh his ftrsl m<iJl>r l1·agut· homt·t s .1 p.i1r uf thrt·l· run .... hots to l>t>Y. er I hl· Kuni.as Cit> Ho} al-. Ill •• n \ flJUl ,,r the IJ.ikl.1nc.I A ... Vnrld\ night Wash1n j.!ton first hllm{'r. h1ghhi.:lit1ng .i ''"''run '>Ccond. "'a .., .i 1 .. rt hanih'd s hot o ff ... 1.irtt•r H1tk l.:.in gford 12 15. \lo ho had ,, slrini.: of 10 stra1~ht to mpll't•· J.!Jffil'' .. n.ippcd \\ ashingt1m ., -.eC'nnd homer 1·a1,p111g tht· four run Hurd. was h1L fr"m lht' riJ,!hl side ofr re lit•\ t•r Craig Mint•tto. j.!1vmg th1· HO\ ab .i 9 O l1•ad Tht-s ix R Bl l'q~allcd the Kansa s Cat y rel'ord fo r Ont' izamc Pete Lu.Cock :.tarted t he f1 vt>- run outhurst with a l>mgle a nd Cltnt Hurdle wa lked with two outs rrank White belted a run· .,C'oranR single und Washington followed with ht~ first home r Walhe Wilson's double and Hal M cRae·., '>tngle concluded the .... conn~ T1C'imt Rally ~ ILWAL'KEE Ken Lan- Al BrO\mlN· or Irvine lnes to get through the traffic of Dana Hs lls dcflon den .. led IJ~· Fra nk Mcquet (54) in F riday night's football gam e at Irvan(' Thl• two teams s truggle d to a 7-7 d eadlock in the non-leagu e game Fo r the s tor y. <H.Jdit1onal photo. !-.C'C Pa.gt' 04 drcaux tut a two run homer with one out in th<' M innei.ola runth :tnc1 Autrh W) nej?ar followed Y. Ith a bases empty ~hot, rally- in~ the Twin:. to ci 3·2 victory mer the Milwa ukee Brewers l ··oc VSo R u stlers: Enough Sai d ? l.oM•r Moose I la<1s, 11-10. car rt<'d a four hitter into the ninth. but Hoy Smallt•y Y..alkt>d leading 11ff tht· 1nn1nJ.! Aft e r <:lenn t\cii.lm' poppt'd up, Landr<:<iux hit h1~ 15th h11mt.·r t11 lll' lht• g:im 1· :.!:.! . . . ' n.\ JOU. ~~;VA"IO Ol I"" I.I"'• P 1<>• Sl~ll Orani::<• ('o;.1sl vs c;olrJcn Wt·st .Just saying thl• l wc1 J (' sC'hoob · names rlashcs onl' s mc•morv lo <mt' of th1· gn•atest Orang<' (.'c,unt} ravalnes or cill ume head -to-head in V1Nory Bell Gi.lmt· ~" 14 But numbers don't really l<'ll tht• tru1· .. tory of thP sen cl> IL'' the gam<:i. H.ol have made the rivulr v a legend nume"ous rallies. underdogs Y.1nn1nj! mystenous seconds going off thl' doC'k ph antom touchdowm, .md con"' rs11>n!-. that never were~ All tht•sc thanes h;n1· played a big part an th<· h1ston of l~ll' game. O I\. ~n both t•·Cf ms a ri· f•nt<'n ng w1 n I<·::.:. for the fir-;\ t1 me If t.:SC an cl L'C' I.A Y.t•fl• Y.tnl1·:-.~ lh;.,it wouldn't chm1n1i.h lhl· magmtudc of th•·1r gJmt.· It'" ;..n old rlll'hC'. hut ~uu C'un throY. Tonight's Line Orange Coast by 2 a"' a} the numhers and cecords when th<'s1· IY.o ll'ams mc•<•l Tt:c unexpected 1:-. mon· tht• norm thc.n anJ thing eh<· MORE THAN 100,000 people have \\ atche<l these· two hattl<' in the 13 year histor) of thl· f•\ ent with Orange Coast holding a sltm 7 :, 1 ad vantage And 7 .000 arc CXP<'Clt>d. Ul attendance tonight at LeBard Stadium when the two go THlS VEAR SllO l.DN'T be an t•x ceplion. either T his }ear's game' at lt•a st on paper f1gurcstobl'ht<~h -;rnnng Minnesota Tests USC Trojans' Clwrles White Returns to the Lineup By E RNIE CASTILLO Of IN D•ll' ...... SUtf LOS ANGELES In the savage world of Big 10 football . where one is either predator or prey, the Minnesota Gophe rs came close to becoming an en- dangered s pecies To the neig hboring Wolver ines, they were nothing b\Jl a quick Saturday afternoon snack. A gam e with the Gophe rs was approached with all the intensity of a picnic • AU that is changing , however, along with the Western theory that the Blg 10 should be -renamed the Big 2 and Little 8. With a new coach whd belie ves in s urprises. the Gophers Clawed their way back to respectability last week when they Friday's Football Page 82 Corona del Mar 20, San Clemente O Costa Mesa 24, Capo Valley 14 Page 83 Edison 43, Canyon 14 Fountain vatley 7, El 'foro o Marina 1'1, Bolsa Grande' O .. Page JM Dana Hills 7, Irvine 7 Tu1Un 35, University 7 Estaneta 22. Brea-Olinda 6 MJlyf air 14, Laguna Beach 7 · Page BS .~ Ocean View 18, La Quinta 6 Garden Grove 21, Huntinston Beach 14 • Page Bl ran up 505 yards a nd a 14·0 lead on Ohio S tate before being subdued . 21 17 THE RESULTING DILEMMA-IS the Big 10 that weak or ls the Bi g 10 thut strong -s hould be solved today when Minnesota meets USC at the Coliseum ( 1 :30) MteJ' overra ted Purdue was s m acked by UCLA rast we<!k, Minnesota will have to give the No . 1 ranked T roJani. !>Orne type of fi ght to keep their confer ence from being referred lo as the Little 10 . That's not going to be easy USC's offense. which looked a weso me in chalking up two s traight wins witho ut Charles White, should be e ven s tronger now that the Heasman Trophy candidate r eturns t.o the lineup. And the defense that has al- lowed just 12 points so far, gels an added boost with the return of rover Ronnie Loll. INDEED, MINN ESOTA COACH J oe (Smokey) Salem needs m ore than trick offenses up his sleeve to stow down the Trojans .'''.'tJnUke Ohio State, which was sur prised when the Gophers switched from the I-formation to a double wing. use doesn't figure to be caught orr guard today. VSC DOESN'T BELIEVE ln razzle-dazzle. Just the buic depth and balance. In fact, with Michael Hayes, Marcus Allen and Mike Harper comblnin1 for 434 yards and five touchdowns , the Trojans haven't mlJaed White al all. And witb Paul McDonald's brilliant passing - ll·for-28, 2'1 yarda, four touchdowns-it's not a matter ot where tbe TroJana will strike, it's when . °"t:ITllF:R Hi\S OEMO:"'ST RATED .1 ddl·n~t· that c·ould ~top th1· I .<1~ J\ngtl<·., l);Jncfrlton~ And both ha\ l' bet'h h1d1h p:-onl' ICI m 1~lakl"'· wh1C'h m:.:kcs for cl fun gamt· 1f '"u n· into rumb.rnl? and in ll'rr<·:Hwn:-. Orang<' Coast Y.lll ln to -.un1H' un tht .1rm of D:t\l' Jt.•ra nko "'ho pla~t."1 up to ht~ l'>.put;.•tt011:-ld~t Saturda ~ l nfort unall·h lht' re-.t of the t1•a m d1dn I · It \\a:.. .JNanko "'ho c•nginc•t•n•d ld:-t <Set> Rl\'Al.R\'. Pa~e 84> ... .., ............... •• I Mater Del 24. Doi Puebloe 7 "Somebody Qked me ii Southern Cal bad any weakDfllHI," Salem says. "I said 'Yes, I un· de rs land their scout quarterback isn't exactly what they're looking for.• DAVE JERANKO LIADI COAST AGAINST GOLDIN WUT. " \\ "IH'..!:tr followt'd Y. Ith ht., ..,,., t'r.lh h11m1•r ,1 towr•ring s hot "' t•r tht· ni.:ht f1t•ld Y.all T lw llrl'Y.t'r" "'ho .. t· number f••r tl1m1n.i11on frnm tht.· \ m••rt1 .111 l.t·.ir.u(• F.as l ri.lt'l' Jr11ppl'd to om· j.!.1mt• M'lffl'<I in I h1· 'l'l'ond on Corman Thom~ Uni homl'r .ind 111 the seventh 1111 ,111 h Bl .,1ni.:l1· h~ Charlie \t 1111 rt •~trm• l~dgt-R_.d~ II 0 L STO:'\ C;itehcr Bruct· Boc•h) .. ingkd tn l1·r1 field in the I 3 t h 1 n n 1 n g to ., nir l' C r a 1 g l\eynohl'\ a nc.I g1 vt• thr· Houston Astros u :J 2 v1cton nv<>r Cincm~ nat1 . l'Utting lhl' Rcd i.· lead to 1 1~ ).!i.1 m1·s 1n the N~tt 1onal l.Nlf'Ut:' Wt.•st Tom llumt•. 10-9. the last of lhrC'l• C'inrinnat1 p1lC'hcrs. was th<' los(•r unc1 .Joe Sa mbito, 8-4. was the winner C incinnati had taken a 2-0 lead on Ray Knight's t wo-run t-omc run 1n the second inning before Houston's Terry Puhl pulled the As tro:-. even with r u n -scoring single~ in thC' third and seventh innings Tom Seaver . who h ad beaten ·ttn~~IFP.ros twice ea rher this season. left for a pinch. hiller in the loth inning a ftc_r yielding eiJ(ht hits and striking out fi ve. Houston s tarter J R Richard survived the Reds' second in· ning and came bac k with a dramallc strikeout pe rformance in the latter innings . Richard finished with 15 s trikeouts, Plratn THMIJl.- CH t<.:AGO , Rookie Scot Thompson singled Ln two runs in the firth i nning a nd Lynn McGlothcn c hecked Pittsburgh on four hits as the Chicago Cubs defeated the Pirates 2·0 Friday. The loss dropped \he Plratd a full game behind Montreal In the National League East race. The Expe>s "ame at Philadelph.la Fri· day nJght was rained out and will ~ f>layed as part of a doubleheader today. McGlothen, 12-13, anci Don Robintoo. 8-7, dueled into the bottom of the fifth when McGlotbfn alnaled wlth one ouL Ivan DeJesus followed with hls third single of the game, ,......_,..,..,....,._.._.. _ _.._ ________ ---------·-... - • • • -cWLYPtLOT SlllUrday, s-., .. mbet 22. tt79 .. . , . . c . • . - ' . • I • I! I • ( . ... ,~ CHRIS BRIGHT •r HNNll rnaEu. ~~' ................ offmaive "bf"llhl" 1pot for the Corona dt'I Mar Rf.a Kto11 P'rt day n&Jbl u they bUl~ed tho Ran Cle m..W. Trtt.ona, ao 0, lo pmt thetr ~ COM('('UUvc victory ol tho YOW\Jl football 1eaaon Rrlthl. • e o, LIO· pound jwuor. f arrted nearly the full offcnalve load ror lhe S.,a Kin11 &II h aaln d 1.ss y1rdl on 22 camea and btoke lhr a•m wldti open In tht-fourth l)('nod wllh u d.a&Una 82 yard t.ouc:Mown run ('OAOI DICK MOa ats• Sea Kina• totally dom1outed S•n Cle mente fr om lbc ouaet, hmlt mai lhe Tritc>flll to mlnuit yardage 1n total offtom1c: fur lhe ftrsl hall A Capsule Report From the World of Sports Surf GM D eese R esigns; Dawson Takes His Place T he man who helped bring a pro soccer ml franchise lo 'Anahe im. Paul Deese, has resigned his po11itaon as executive vice p resident and gene.rel manager or the CaJ1rornla Surf, the club announced Friday. . • Deese. a part owner of the franchise, resigned to pursue other business Inter ests but will be active in a consulting role. Ball Dawson, a m a rketing di rector , was named to replace Deese. Dawson, 41 , has served as vice president and general manager of the Long Beach Promotion and Service Corporation which h as marketing r esponsibility for the Queen M ary. the Long Beach Grand Prix and the Long Beach Convention Center ,,.~E11rfW lfln•; f'l~i119 Top• T anne-r LOS ANGELES Topseeded John Mc Enroe . took jusl 63 minutes to dispose or Gene Mayer ~ ~ 6·2. 6·1 Friday night in the Jack Kra mer Tennis ' Open. but No. 2 seed Roscoe Tanner was knocked Out of lhe tournament by a 7 6, 6·4 loss lo Peter Fleming McEnroe. his game sharp to aJmost every respect, com· plelely overwhelmed Mayer in then: bnef quarterfinals match. "I played we ll. particularly in the rlrsl :.et," said Mc Enroe "In the second, I felt maybe Mayer got frustratt>d. Everybody knows he's capable of playing better le nnu, lhan that or he wouldn't be ratf'd No 15 an the world " Fleming. who has v1ctoncs over Tanner, HJom Borg and Mc Enroe to his <·red1l lh111 year. su1d Friday night's tnumph was part.Jcularly grat1fy1ng because Tanner's Rume rs well !1U1ted for the fast indoor burface at UCLA·:. Pauley Pav1llon, s1le of the Kramer event Fleming, the tournament's eighth seed , had 16. service aces in the matc-h, as Tanner, known for his booming rlr~l 'lcr vc, mana~cd JUSt 12 'l:anner a lso bad trouble with his groundstrokc:., frequently making unforced errors. Jn other quarterfinal matches, Victor Amaya defeated Vincent Van Palle n 7 6, fi-4, and Eliot Teltscher downed flank Pfister 3·6, 6·3, fl 2 In today's semifina ls. McEnroe play:. Tclts<'her . with t 'lemmg going against Amaya ------ftuoff# o f llw Duy ------· Jack McCloskey, Indiana J>uccr abi.1blant c<>ach. after the NBA team relc<1:-.cd Ann Meyer1>: "She gave m e a !JUie peck on the check and a hug Jl mc<1nt a lot to me. I've never gotten •• k1sb from u player who got c ut " maw '•fl• Pull Ott Triple-Play The Toronto Blue Jayi-. pulled off their second 11 triple play of the sea son as Tom Underwood and Tom Buslr~y combined on an eight hitter en rou~e lo a 3-2 victory over the New York YankeeR an American League action Friday ... Carl Yastraemskl drove in two run."I with a ba.11es loaded single In lhe firs t inning and Boston went on to a 4· I victory over Detroit 1n a game called after 6'1:i innings because of ram . . Chet Lemon's lhree·run double keyed a five.run Chicago third inning and sparked the Whit e Sox to a 7.4 win over Seattle .. Mont real· Phlladelphfa , St. Louis·New York and Ba ltimore-Cleveland were all postpe>ned d ue to wet weather . Shortstop Tim Foll, a key man in PitL1burgh's success this season, has signed a multi-year pact with the club The New York Mets have sold pitcher Doc:k EIUs lo PitL'lbur gh for a sum to exce ss or the S20,000 waiver J>rice. ,,.a.le Maut We-ar Prope r Dre •• T HORNDIKE . Maine -High school senior • J a mes Bean was wearing trad\lion ally male . clothing to play on a traditionally female team un· tll the local school directors got wind of It. Now he 's going to have to wear a skirt, or a kilt, like the girls who make up the rest or lhe Mount View High School varsity field hockey t eam Bean dislikes the attention tha t followed the school board's decision lhis week. "What I wear isn't impe>rtant," Bean said Thursday. "I Just want to be lert alone and play hockey "It was inevitable thal a hoy would lry out for field hockey, sooner or later I just happened lo be lhe one," he a(jde d . T he school board decided Bean must wear a kill because it is part of lhe team uniform. Coach Mar garet Prior said normally she would not ac· cept a ~lor who is a first-year player on the hockey team . Bu\ she "didn't want a ha.ss le" over 11ex discrtminaUon chugea. Gralla• f'f~• 88 tor 0.e-.. •t L~ad Overcoming som e driving problem!!, Lou !I Grataam shol a six-unde r-par 86 Friday to take lhe lead in the N'apa PGA tournam ent. Loa lllakle, who bad a ee, Is one stroke back . . . Rookie Ca_.1 :S... ... ,. and veteran Dona Capoal Youc fired four·unde.-.var 881 a nd Barbara MoHea• shot a 71 to force into a lbree·way tie for the lead midway lhrouah an LPGA tourney at OverJmd Park, Kan. ~ Tr•u 8•1•• •• Cleeela•fl The San Dle10 Clippers have traded aHdJ • 8•1*' to tbe Cleveland Cavaliers tor a ltlO flnl· round draft riek, t.b ua a1reetn1 to c lve t he Portlaad Tral BlaMrl a No. 1 pick In 1812 and QI0,000 11 part of com pen.eat.Ion for 1i1D1na. Blll Wal• aa a free ....,t. Al the aame Umt , tbe CUppen •lined artu Ta1lw to a three·Y••r eoatract, reported to pay ial,000 ID· nually •.. UA·•ute A.a. beld OD to tint place overall in tbe WOllMft'I ........ MC:tJOD ~ tbe rtam1D1 Leav• to.tu· Uonal Ice 1kaUnl tournam• at LU• Plae1d desplt. a mil· tau on one of her movemt ntl In lbt abort prd1ram , .. a.bwm, St.a Prilon lnmat. I••• leeU, tbe No. 2· r aoktd Ulllt beayYWelp t bour lD the world, wu denied ball peodinl ..,..a ~ bll lfTS-c:onvldkla OD an armed~ cbar8e . . . . .. .. -• -· ---·-..:::· ·----··--:7-··-.. --·· ··-·=-·~.;:-~.::..:;---: -----·-:---=.:.-=.::;--~;.---...... -;.-. r .,~ .. . t Tbe llilu&oul WM UM tint ln .lAMr ~u.r :flt'' .u ~atr.toaehan Clemente team It wu lh Trlt.ona' aeuon opener • "Our defen1b la toua b," aatd an t'lau.d Moma afte r lhe con· te.l "Ally time you can ahul out u In Clemente team, you can feel th&tl your team did an out· •tand lna Job ·'A lot ol credit bu to be given to (delemive coordinator) Dick •,reeman tte did a heckuva Job preparlna our delen.se for Sin Clemente's wlahbooe offense.·' . SO TOTAL WAS the Sea K ings' s t rangle ho ld on S an Clemente that lhe Trltons didn't get a first down until the t.hird quarter They womd up• wltb JUlt 30 iJ y~our~:r~ lntr. Me anwhile, Bright wu run· nlnr roughabOd. "I reel ChriJ la a JetlUmate l ,OOO ·yard ruahe r and we haven'thadooe oflhoseatCorona since about 1965," said Morris. "Tonight we tried to cut down on our ofrenae and be more bulc. The only time we were a ble to get out.side of lbem, though, waa on Ch ris' long run." . coaONA DEL •A• got 00 the scoreboard for lhe first Ume wllh 2:50 r emaining In the open· Ing pe riod when S.cott Swan booted a 29-yard field goal. The Sea Kings added to their lead with 3: 07 left In the Ont Mlftl'=W-Dr"3...., over from three yardAou.1 to cap a alx·play, 2'-yard drlve that was set up by a short Triton punt from deep In their territory. With no tlme left on the clock before tbe intennwlon, Swan made lhe score 13.0 wllh a 19- yard lleJd goal. Quarterback Clay Tucker pro- vide~ the big play in that series when he connected on a 28-yard pass wltb Kirk Swarthout. Tuc ke r you ngest son or ·o ·ra·nge· C'oast Col~ge. Coach . Dick Tucker, flnlshed the even· ing with six completions on 10 attempt.sfor 12yards. A week ago, Morris dldn 'l know whether the Sea Kings would be a running or a passing team. But FOOTBALL after two outlnp. it's become ~-t1---'*'-~ prefer to atJck on tbe around Jr It can. ~ . .., ......... CttOfte ... -J 10 0 I 10 W..Cle"'9fl!• 0 0 0 ~ 0 CdM S-0. 2' Ii.tel ... I U M O.W..t J '"" ISw.,. •1<.U UM ~.,. "lle!cl 00-1 ,,. 1100.es1tmeteoJ "lf\I Dowft• .. ""'-' '"'"' Pen1,.. v.,o. p ..... ....,, .. '""'t>l .. lotl ,..,, ... 1 ... , ... 0l COM 11 01.cl 111 '104 >n 11 4 41 I_.... • ..,.. M: s JI JO U M llrltfll n 1.,, 0.MI• )-10. ruo.•1 \ "''"'" 1t, C-11 ... 81-11 J '>C 8.,_1' 11, Ooeht'lnQ I II, Jon .. l).m!""\ \, JelW 4 16, 5'11oittl I '"'""' 11, tmmell 1-4 .... _I Pewl11t CdM Tu<lter .. 164, IU sc a-1 1-0, 1': Jon•• >+o, 20 l ............ u ....... CdM BllQlll 1-10, Swe1'11out 7 Jt, c-1 n, A.ae1I t l<, Oennlt I I SC e-1 "·Owen\ 1 JO Dolly PIMt ~ P~ O'o.-.11 COSTA M~SA QUARTERBACK Bill LUX LOOKS FOR A TEAMMATE TO PITCH OUT TO. It's the Lux-Bauer Show Mesa Romps Past Capo Valky, 24 -10 By t.:RNIJ:: CAST ILLO Ol llW O•llY Pl ... tlelt It would be har d to rind a passing game more rmcly lunt'<.I than Costa Mesa H1gh's Quarterback Bill Lux and re ct>1ver Dan n aucr, both seniors, have been practicing patterns since their freshm en year but JUdg1ng from Friday's air show. you'd Uunk they were raised to the same c rih with only a fool bull lo play with Lux completed his fi rst nine passes-all to bauer, of course r o r 185 ya r d s a n d lwo t o u c h d o w n 11 lo p a ce t he M uslangs past highly regarded Capistrano Valley, 24·10. IT SE EMED TifAT Lux, who wound up lS.for-21 for 297 yards . can read defe nses as well as he read s Ba u e r 's m ind . Wh e n Ba uer wu covered on a short pattern, he would tum upfie ld and Lux would hit him for a rong gain. When the pesky 5·11, LM· pound receive r saw traffic going deep, he'd ad·Ub a short pall.em and Lux would hit him wllh a quick look-In. By lhe time lhey were lhroueh Friday. the two had hooked up 12 limes for 245 yards, Including bombs of 20. 24, 62, 31 and 48 yards. Most of the Lux ·to·Baue r pla ys were Improvised and lhey looke d easy In the flrst half whe n Ba u e r .was working aaaloal man·to-man coverqe. "I GUESS ntEV lhou11ht they could st.op htm," said Lux. "Nol ma ny kids can take DaMy on one-on-one around he re. When * * * CY " ,..,. ,. 11 ... , ·~ ,.. ~11• they took awa) th<· 1ni-.1dl' pa'>'>. ht"d go lung. ff the firs t put· tern's not there, h1:·:. on h1:. own ·· Haul'r looked on has own murh of the night Uc caught <1 mnl' yard TD pass three nnd u hulr mmules into the i;iame when ht• dove under the C'Overage With nine seconds left to the operung quarter. he worked h1msell lome in the comer or the e nd wne lo ha ul in u 24 yard tOR8 thwl was on the money l.ux added a fou r.yard sconng run to lhe third quarter. rolli ng left L111d runnini.: in 11nm11f1...,t1•d whl'n Ba un drl'w tnpl1· C'ov NOR<' After Capistrano Vu lll'y ralh<'d to w1th1n a tuuC'hdown. c; r1•j! M('f,Pnd added :in in .. ur;rnt t• 'Z1 .' ard r1l'ld goal THE ONL 'V THING that rouid s t o p I ht' Mu !'I t a n fl i-. w 1· rt• t urnovt>r' and penalties Lux thn•w Ofl<' tntt'rtcptum to mar an 11thl•rw1i.e perfeC't cvcn1nl(. the team lo:.t two fumhlr:. und thl· ortic1ub wh1stJed 10 penalt1c:. uga1 n:.1 Coi.tu Mes a ror 103 yards B111 th1· Mu-.tanj!'> dd1•n.,•· mor•· tha n madt· up ror ttw turn11\l'r' h\ for n nl! four or thl'H ov.n Jl'ff /\rhur kl!• r• ('ll \1•rl'd ;i f11ml1l1· whil1· c;ri·1· T1·r1 ·g1:-.. Brian lf•·ad anti Mil.•· M rlls rntcroeph'd pui,:-.1·'> C"hrt'> Starkman i.carned 111~. y11rd1> rus hinR on IH C'arn1•b lo ht.'lp take the ht•at off the pai-.i-. mg l{ame Cam Bryant l'aui.:ht a 21 yurcl pa!>!> rrnm John llaryung ci ntl Er1<· Fox ran 45 y ard:. fo r Cap1:.trano Vall<•y 's s core:. .. MUA COACH TOM PlllNCM TAUCI ~TIQY WITH DARRIN UNDMY. --- I 'l .. FOOTBALL I SPORTS ON TV I GOLF By &00 a CAa~o QI lllit Oolit\r ,_ • ..._ £(U •on lll&h-Chaq1en ahowtd up to roUttt paymtnt ()n • de bt they ftilt ;a )'Hr overdut• t'rld ay n•ght a nd \b Canyon Com11oches did JWlt that they paid . and pilid, ttnd paid The nnal <'OUOI was 43 14, but t hat was hardly tht• •l<>r)' ol tht• non IUiUt' football Uff befort> ~.zoo ut OrWlflt' Coast Colleee Coa,·h Hill W o rkman ~ C'hU l(Crb, r&.nkl"d No l In Uw C'I fl Kia& l''lvc Conlerence and Oranee County, pourt'd 1t to the Com anrheo lO the tunt or 37 0 Ht the h•ll K £&WIN B t:LL, th~ 18~ pound package of dynamite, ran 4 1 yards ro r a touchdown tbt first lime he CHrned the ball He ran 32 yards for a touchdown the third time he touched the ball And the next carry was a 22· yard TO run. In 411, lb~ St. l*'raneis H.tgh transfer carried seven times for 121 yards. another 14-yard plus average . In two g ames, consist· ing of 18 car n es, he has seven touchdowns. De Luca Scores Alrt>udy Edl1on fana h11 v1.1 comt to eicp.·ct a tout hdnv.-n t er)' lime he touchf'• th b•ll u b lb so obVICJUbly .i thrcul lu do On a nine yard dub u1 lhti third qua rtc:r h ~llpp.-\1 to Lh" t urr brtfilln& i;, "' u1m frCJm the t<;dlson fa.u.hlul TO Bat.:AK tht' trlOtiOlCU\y of l\t•ll':. running, the Char1cn went to the M 1 r .ind Jo' r 11 n k Seurer, the quurt •rb1n·k who rame awa y from thti C'anyon jlame ot lfl18 with a brolum Jaw und a 24 20 loi.::., compltilt~·d 9-of 12 for 228 yards. an clud111g' pa) off pas::.es to J ot) M anfrc I twice 1 and to 6 S Muk 8-0yt:r Boyer. the versatile 215 pow)d receiver-quarter back, hooked up with Seurer on a 64·yard i.conng play. He caught the ball at the Canyon 30 and floored the Can- yon d efensive back with a cou- le of halfback moves Bell's statistics would have been m uch better had it not been for his own brother-Dino Dino Be ll, the junior. in tercept ed twit·e in the first hair to set Barons Outlast .EI Toro, 7-0 l' By ED BURGART OI -o•Uy ~iiet St.ttl For the second consecutive week, the Fountain Valley High Barons combined big plays with crucial offensive pen alties. But inst.ead of settling for a tie. the Barons were able to earn a hard -fought 7-0 vic tory over the El Toro Char gers in a non- league footba ll ~a m e F riday night at Mission VieJO Hig h. AS TIIEV DEMONSTRAT ED in their 7.7 tie with El Dorado the previous week, the Barons were able to move the ball both on .the ground and in the air. But Fou ntain Valley was pena lized 60 yards-mostly in cr ucial s ituaUons-and bad to rely on a strong defense to pre - se rvc the victory. The game's only touchdown came in the se cond period on a 21 -yard TD scr amb le b y quarter back Andy DeLuca. That score came with 5:51 left before th e h alf. Greg Steinke con· verted. ed t he gam e s tat1 s t 1cally, rus hing for 137 yards and pai.i. ing for anoth er 87. The Baron~ also compiled 13 first downs. El Toro. on the other hand. could gain jus t eigh t firs t downs while netting 131 total yards. Jus t s even o f th o se ca me through the air a nd 116 were c re dited to Mc Kenzie. As was the case throughout the night. the Ba rons had drives s tall beeause of penalties On three plays early in the second pe riod. Fountain Valley moved from its 37 to El T oro's 46. But an ineligible receiver down field ended the threat. THEN IN mE fourth q uarter. it looked like F ountain Valley might take a 14·0 lead w6en at moved from its 46 to El T oro's 17. But the intercept ion at the goa l line stopped that pote nllal sco re . Aiello Stars Edison up at Cu.nyon':s 36 and 39, both tturc(j down passes. HAD CANYON been forct."jl to punt. Kcrwln'11 1'0 ·runs would •tmply have been for 30 or 40 )' iard& more Then: wub m <>rc u lot more Mclvm Ja('k.son raced 3S yards tor an a pparent touchdown on a perfectly executed reverse, but ll wu:s negated by a penalty. 1.tnebackers 8111 Malavasi and Troy Seurer bludgeoned the Can- yon bucks io the first half. Wlth Canyon showing a net or minus 31 y ards rushing. r1rushing with an overalJ rushing game of five yard~ TH E CHARGERS intercepted rour limes. alth ough the Comanches did r1 rus h the night with 190 yards throug h the air. including 102 in the first balf. Before the contest began Workm an s aid: "This is one gam e I want," a lludfrti to the upset loss m '78 tie got it. in spad es. T he Cha rgers scored fi ve touchdowns on their fi rst five possessions and added a pa ir or two-point plays fo r further insuJt Edison's only S<'Cond half TO wa:. a drive for the book Start ing at tht• Canyon 43. pcnaltic!-. cvl•ntually made 1t fir~t-and-49. 1 hen :.ccond-and-54 , but a 42 ~a rd pal:>:. play from ~eurer to Bell went to the Canyon :W Another maJOr penalty set the Ch urger.. back . but no matter. Seurer hat BoyN for :n yard~ .rnd capped 1t >Altha i.even-yard strike lo Manfre Explosive·' The Ram~ ~hould have 1t so P,ood ( •"•O" 0 0 1 I " ldl\On 71 I) • 0 •I f It ~,.It .. , run (R1C"1dr°'°n "'c• I l Ii' f~ll J? ru,, tAoff' Pd\' to T ~\Hfll'f'I f If btiU1'n.mtR,ctwrd"""'-.•cti i f Mttntr•1f)~\\fromS.•.Hf'f' ,9, ..... , '"'' ( f\ovtr 1)4 04\\ tron• Srurtr c '"1:1( twH.h "" ,.., .. ( t1tf"l""'''°n\r1,.1n l ~cr,r1'U""l•u.-) E M omr ... /SM\\fromWurM llut• ftt+lt'(U ( ~·m~ 46 CW\\ from t1dy~m tFlf1"*' ,-.n11tf ~II ti.) A ~.100 "'"lm.ttrdl Geme 5l•11>11C• c J' lr\t ch>WM 11 Au\ll~\ yercl\ 33 S Pen •nQ v•r<h '"° Pf\W\ 13 7• • Pvnh J l1 f umblh lo.I 1 O PtnAftl@~ v•rO' l 1 I& lf'djw,du~• •'""'"• " 10 '~ ... 71" 1111 n ... 1 I 10 '°" c IJ~Yffr1 s '°'" "'1mi) J Gl•U 7 1 ""''"' 4 tor rrunu\ 11 Ourtn 1 0 Htndfo,.,on tS 1~ bY~ P.t\\ 1 fOf Mtnu\ 1• 0uc.httf'MI! J U , YnHJW I ' I Howm 1-1 E I( ~II 1 171 Cl><"< lh•erd I 0, F 5.ourtt t for mlr'MI\ I Sunn 4.Q Nw11.a.r• l·tor M•n~ 1 A..cke• 11 Tloner 1 • i .............. i ~ ... i ... C OuM 11 1• • ,.. H•nom 1 ~ .. r F Seurer •·11 0, nt, 8oyer I 1 0 7 M•u•r• 11-0. • lf'•Chv..,..I Ae<ttvutt C 811me>O\\ 7 11 H•f'1m•" 1 •I, Vtt••r1 I for mtnu\ ) $<h••ft:le •-oS. S,1mm0tt\ t +fa 0..chen~ 1.0 E 8ol'O< l 1)0 "T •n•11 1. 16; ,...nlre 7 tr A .. dy 7 73. Sell I 4l J ... ,_, I 1. Jons-I. lw'e••'' 1.3 AND DESPITE seve ral other scoring opportunities-two mas· sed h eld goa ls of 47 and 27 yal\ts the Barons had to rely on defenders Bill McTe ir a nd Ton y Canzone to stop El Toro's las t c h ance. T he Chargers were still in the gam e with 3:08 left when Scott Weave r picked off a Fountain Valley pass at the goal line and returned it to the E l Toro 15· yard line Marina Sparkles In 14-0 Victory Two consecutive 17-yard runs by t ai lback Scott Mc Kenzie moved the Chargers to m idfield. B ut d e fensive end Canzone dropped an El Toro back for a th ree-yard loi.s and McTe1r sup- plied the knockout punch with a 15-yard sack of the Chargers -quarterback AS TUEY HAD the previous week, fo~ountain Valley dominat· * * * Scoro lly °"911•" f0\11'18111 Velley 0 I 0 0 I E i TOf'o 0 0 0 0-0 FV-0.llKO 7t "'" 1!.ltlnkt kiOI 1' 3.1~ IHll,,,.lf'dl Finl®-~ R11si.e ... yorc11 p ... 1 .. ,~ Pouu , Pv11t1 FVl'llllt)•iost ,..._.lllft•YWO\ 0 •1M Si.t1.-1u fl u 30·1'1 ., )-111 ~l HI 1..0 ,,....,....,h1.i.1,.. f I U ·11f 1 , .• ~ .. :io ,., MO FV OoLvt• 1~19f "''"'" 1, So\111'wercl •••), Mc Telr t-11; Ak,,.reh 1·1', Tyior 1.0 ET-ICoy s-t« mln111 n . M<1Co111lt n -11•; !>mtlll >-11. H.->-'1. G11r1" H 0t mlnll\J , .......... , ...... FV-0.Lueo ~11·1, 11 ET -koy 1~. 1 ........... 11-iwlftt FV-Ft"'oy f-41, HM ry 1·,. ET -HUOlofl 1 1 By JOHN SEV ANO CM IM 0.tllT Piiot $l•lt Is 1979 fina lly going lo be the year of the Viking? Som e c red ence was lent to that theory Friday na g hl a\ Ma rina High rolled lo its second consecutive non-league victory. a 14·0 whitew ash or h ighly· r ega rde d Bol:.a Grand e at Westminster High THE VIKINGS, for the fi~t time in memory. appear to have a staunch d efe nse to go wilh their ball-control offense led by q uarterback Sam Aiello. Marina has a llowed but six points in two games, and that st atis tic a lone had head coach Dave Thom pson beaming the most. "I was real pleased with the way the defense pla yed," s aid Thompson as he looked at the 0 on t be score board for Bolsa Gr ande . "We shut out a pretty good Bolsa Gra nde team." NOT ONLY DID the Vlkinlils s hul out the Gar d en Grove League r epresenta tive, they limited them to only 35 net yards on the ground in 31 carries. The offense, meanwhile, was ch a lking up h uge ch un ks of yard age ..under the dir ection of Aiello, as the senior ran the veer ~perfection. Everybody got into the act, with three b acks <T aylo r 99, Aiello 92, Wa rburton 96) a c· COWl\iN for 90 r ards or more . TBE VDJNG8 assumed con- trol from tbe outlet, drivina eo y1rdl ln seven plays on their ln· itial .drive to l4ke a 7·0 advan· ta••· . The lite play in the drive came from Aiello blmsell, who tucked tbe ball to bll •lcle after rakln, to tbe ~ bllck and raced around rtsbt end for 3Z yarda before be w H rudel1 knocked out of lloullda bJ Matador free safety Hiram WflUl at tbe t.b.ree. TM bait wu cml1 lemporuy, tllou1b. u 1 followl•I a pro- cedllte pmally t Aiello bll u,bt end Gregg Caine m the end zone for seven yards and lhe score. AI ELLO AND CO. then waited unttl early in the final stanza to put the game out o f r each, marchm~ 49 yards on 11 plays and capped whl·n the 6 ·2. 195- pound QB went Lhc final two yards him!>elf for t he TO. With the score at 14·0, t he mop up work was left for the defense. who didn't allow Dolsa Grande to penetrate fa rthe r than the Viking 28-yard line the entire game. WHAT SUCCESS th e Matado r s did h ave came through the air . b14l even those d rives cam e to an abrupt stop as the Vikings recorded five sacks and constantly kept pressuring quarterback Ron Hendricks m the backfield. So, it appea rs a fter 16 years of frustration , the Vikings have a team to r eckon with in the S u n set L eagu e, altho u g h Thom pson isn't making any pre· dictions "We've been off lo s tarts like this before . We're s till three gam es away from our first league contest and I haven't seen any or the other teams yet, .. s aid Tho mpson. "Our de· fe nse sure looked good though, didn't It?" That's some thing the othe r S unset League teams will find out soon enough. llOlto Orende 0 0 0 0 0 M4rlne 1 0 0 1 14 Mor111•-c.I"' 7 p.u from Altllo 11'venelH kltk) .. fl\•rlno-Alello 7 r11K1 Awnlltll k10 I 0-tt.ttlltk • ""'0-' lihllM '•YMCft '"''~'l'trd' • ~ .. ,.. '""'' Pvm111 ... 10.1 PtnelOD 'l'tnh 1 ..... , ...... 10 • JMJ llO M W •·U J.1 M M .. f)-JOI tO S.U•1 ,.. 2·1 1·d flOl\t Gf-0.tYOlt 12-41. HMOr'<"'t 1· "''""' '°· O' ,.,_. """. W9od,.,. MerlN -Tevtor ,,. ... Alelto 14-91, w~ 1 ..... 1.11.it••·· ........ h,. ... ..... ~ ........... k uJ-1..-... ~,~~,,.,, .. .................. , .... or..--O'A-. J·lt , ~· M t, ~"lo».__..,... \·ll. • Met lM_.......,t.lti<-'"'"''· ,..,,.,, s. KERWIN BELL Winfield, Padres Top Dodgers SAN DIEGO (AP I -Dave Winfield drove 1n th ree runs with a single a nd a two-run home r t o give J ua n E1che lber1i:er has fi rst maJor league vtctt1ry. a:. the Sa n D1l'~O Pad re:-. defeated the Los Angeles lJud~er:-.. 3 I. Friday night Wanfteld'~ three RBI gave tum ;1 total of I 13 for the sew.on to lead the National Ltague etnd :.l'l 11 Padn·:. l'lub record prt \ 1oul\ly held l>y f'Jlc Colbert "1th 111 in 1972 f;1chelbergcr I I . ::.c·uttcred four ht~ I lei.truck out ~t:ven Don Re•) nold::. 'A-alkcd and Wtnhl.'ld sma<"ked his 32nd home run of tht.' ) car lo break a I· I tie 1n the third W1nf1 C'ld 's RBI sangh~ urr Greg Hannah\, I I , gave the Padres a I o lead an the fi rst Oodgcr.. ratrhC'r Stc•vc Y ca~l'r lancd an ROI single to center an the second ll<i nnahs went ~even inrungs for the Dodgers before being hfl· cd for pinch hitter Vic Davallllo The 27-year -old left ha nder sur rendere d JU:.t four hits lwt walked fi ve batters during his p1tchm~ i.lrnt Ocean View Logs 26-6 T._.iwnph Do u g I r v i ne and T e rry Bachmeier each scored a pair of touchdowns as the Ocean View Hig h Sea Hawks handed host La Quinta a 26-6 non·le ag ue football defeat F riday night at Bolsa Grande Jligh Irvine scor ed the farsl t wo touchdowns for the Sea Jlawki. on runs or s ix a nd mne yards with Bachman getting his on a nine-yard run from scnmmagc and a 53-yard pass inte rception r eturn Fred T uttle hit two of four conversion tries Irvine picked up 132 yards on 27 carncs while Bachmeier had 76 in six car ries as t he Sea Hawks picked up 414 total yar~ on offen.'>e lo 94 for La Quinta La Qumta's only i.cores were a pair of field goals 10 the firi.t two periods. DAILY PILOT 8:J To.day's TV By UOWA&D L BANDY Of .. o.My "" .... F.oUOMd' ..,.I.be lQQ IQOfli.tY.tnl.Lon..!Y..10.SllY R•t4rl9$ a re: " .t " excellent: " " .f Wc>rtfl weTchlnv: I .f fafr: I forget It. 11:15 e.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ BASEBALL: Pittsburgh at Chlcaoo Announcers: J oe Gara glola and Tony Kubek. Pittsburgh's Pir ates fell a full game behind Montreal In the National League East Friday night by loslng to Chicago, 2-0. The Pirates got their game In, however. as Montreal was r ai ne d out and wlll pla y a no the r doub le header In Phlladelphla today. 1 :30 p.m., Channel 7 ./ ./ COLLEGE FOOTBALL: San J ose St. at Calltornla. Announcers : Jim Lampley and Lee Grosscup. It will be San Jose's Ed Luther against Cal's Rk h Campbell In a game expected to be a wide-open passing af- fair. Luther Is a veraging 323 yards a game, 310 by passing, and 1s 16th In NCAA passing efficiency Campbell ranks ninth with 4S completions 1n S6 attempts for an 80.36 completion percentage. He has 471 yards passing In two games. Cal's Paul Jones is second in receiving In NCAA stats and has 13 catc hes tor 'r1 yards Former Edison High star Steve Hines 1s a starting defensive back lor San J ose. 3 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ HORSE RACING: Woodward Stdkes Announcers: Jack Whitaker. F-"rank WrTQhf. Cha r 1e Cantey, Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder and Marshall Cac,stdy. Affirmed, thP 1978 Triple Crown winner and hor<oe of the year, will bE' prlmPd for the 16th runn1na of the Woodward Stakes. according lo trainN Lai Barrera OTH ER TE LEVISION 17 30 om 171 GREATEST SPORTS L EGENDS A tr1bulP to Ki:lso, lhorouqhbrPd ra<tnq·c, all t1mP r•;irnir'Q' leader IS1 ,977,89bi Host Tom S.f'ilV<·r v1<;1ts Mr'>. P1rh.trd C du Pont, Kelso's owner. in C he<oapr•a ki-City Md 1 p.m 171 THIS IS THE NFL H1'lhliqhtc; of lh•• NFL QiHT'e'> played lrlSI wt•Plt l'nCI 1711 P RO SOCCER 11.s 1 FU T BOL INTERNACIONAL f-,p,m.; V" Yugo'>ldvt•i 1n lh1c, w~·s World Cup sorcf'r miltch '1 pm 14 1 SPORTSWORL D Tht• IJ')A( C1trt trar lt c hamp1on'>hip tilP"O '" 011 Ouo•n Ill .1\1\0 r1NA World Cun 01v1ng, tapeo 1n Woodtano Ti-:ttl'> M1kt' Adamtp dn<1 Mr< k 1 King Hoque rf'O<>rl 4 pm 171 SPOR TS SP ECTACULAR Th<> Gr,.al American truck r.1 <•· I 101>d at At1.tnl<1 tnl1>rn<1 tronr1 I Pacewav Alc,o, Pdrt two ,., lhP Uc; dm·ll«ur rnltl'r c.kar.no c "amp1onsh1 p<. loP'·d 1n F orr Worth I t':t.:t C ommt-ntators 1nrlude Dick Stocl<ton 0.;rv Aendn Sp m 171 NFL GAME OF TM E WEEK 171 WI DE WORLD OF SPORTS Tht· US m1·n-. ovnind<,t•r'> tnal'> lrom Fort Cot11n• (OltJ Trip tm1c.hM<. r1·ort•<,1•nl thP U 5 r11 th•• world chcll'"P•on<.hlO" 1n D•·<"'mb~r Al Michdf'I'> and Gordon MdOOu' rt PfJrl A l'-O lh" N r-w Yor k St.i t" fireml!n'o., comoet1t1on 11 p rT'. ISi COLLEGE FOOTBALL Thi> UCLA Bruin'> meet !hr· W1\COn\ln B;:ioqr·r-. 1n MrtO•<,on Parlter 1n thf> day Stevl" Sh.:innon and Ron Fairly rPO<lr l 1q1 JOMN ROBI NSON: FOOTBALL H1ghl1Qhl '> of lhf' M1nnP<,ota·USC game ptayeo ea,.,, .. , m tn1· r1,1y ;:ir the Col1<.Pum RAD IO Bac.f'ball Tr>wn <. .ti AnoPI' 1 om . K MPC 17101. Doooerc, nl ':>dn D1 .. qo J n n KA Rr , 7901· Football UC l A "' W1c,con'>1n 11 ,, " ..-l fl( '.>10 NM'lrac.ka n t iown 11 ,J,.... K IEV 870 Notr•·(>rirn .. ,11Purdul' 1110am ,KllS 11'.>0 M1nnr-.. 01.:i ,11UC:,( l).()prn,KNX C10701 Humboldt ')t,111" at (.11 St.111 NOrthr1001· 7 1S p rn ~C.ll f1 7601 Sad dlf'baclt at Wf'<.1 Loe, Ana"lf·" 7 100 m KSAR 199 S FM I The Daily Pilot 1s not responsible.for tale chanqes. I Schilling Faces Barber Mesa Verde's Art Schalhn~ m eets defendlng cham pion Dave Barber ~ Bake rsfi eld 10 today's fe atured qua rte rfina l r ound m atch of the Southern Cahfom 1a PGA match play champ1on~h1p!) at Huntington Seacl.tH Country Club Wlth action gelling under w ay at 8th.ls mommg B arber is t he to p seeded p la yer with Sc hilling seeded fifth Both won two m 1:1tc he:. Fn day over the Seactiff course m ,j day that saw only one of tht· top seeded players fall Pet e Brown. a former tounng pro. Jo s t to unseeded T11m Jacitson m an afternoon match. I-up. Jack Ewing. t he second i.eeded player from Capistrano Beach. "a:. for ced lo the 22nd hole m u morning m atch before defeatmg Russ Bloom. I -up. Ew· mg will play sixth seeded Howie John~on in quarterfinal action John on eliminated Da ve Sheff and Dave McKeat1ng Friday. Chuck Mon talbano. the Uu rd sl·eded player, ad vanced to l)w quarters wi th s traight victories 1nl'ludrng a 2·up decision o ver Dou~ Booth in a n ufte rnoon matl'h Fnduy Tht• longest mat ch of l hl' tournament to date found Chuck c; rcl·n df'fl'almg Bob .. oveJOY I up on the 23rd hole in t h1· morning Green then defeated Jark Bard an the after noon, 2·up. to rc•ach thl' quarters Baseball Standings AM ERICAN LF.AG~E Weill Oh·lsion Angels Kan::.as Cat y M1nnc::.ola Texas Chica~u Seattle Oakland W L P ct. GB flJ 71 .539 81 73 526 2 80 74 .519 3 78 76 506 5 68 84 447 14 63 91 .409 20 52 102 .338 31 E ast Division Dalt1 morc 99 52 656 Mil waukee 90 63 .588 10 Boston 86 66 .566 131., Ne w York 81 71 .~3 l8L; Detroit 82 72 .532 181h Cleveland 77 75 507 221,; Toronto 52 102 .338 48 ~ '""'''•k-'~·••l. A-4& I ( l•otwl4tft<I •• 6•ltlt'n0f't OOd , ••" 801ton •. O.l•Oll I <••., 1nnt119\I •••n lorontol._ Y_ 7 M1n.,.w1• >.Mu ..... -.., I( .>n..-• (;lfy 1), 0.-1-. (1'iu~ I Seattt~ • TMOY't <UMfl To .. IJ-iM U UI •I ........ Kn-).\ c pm New voo ITIOlll II II al Toronto 11:-J 11 O.lro11 IWllcos 11·11 et 8o&lon IEOtoley I• IOI Mlnllt!Mlla i ErlO\Otl 1 •I at Mllw .... -ff l!li .. on 1S II Kon H • c11y IL0011arc1 1J.1b1 •I Oo iand I ICOOVOf'I I 1•1 Clt v•i-lll•rh • • S •"4 Wollt u i'1 •• 811tim0r9 1Poi,.,... ... _,,_.0 '"990< 17 \I 1 n cruceoo I Doi~ 2.oi •• s.. .. ue (Dreu itt ) tt II NATIONAL LEAGL t-. West Division Cincinnati Houston Dodgers San Francisco San Diego Atlanta W L Pct. (;8 87 fi7 565 85 68 .556 112 75 69 .487 12 68 86 442 19 64 90 416 23 60 91 397 25'~ E ast Division Montreal 91 59 .fi07 P ittsbur gh 91 61 .599 1 St Louis 80 71 .530 11', Philadelphia 80 73 523 12' 2 Chicago 78 75 .510 14~~ New York 56 9S 37 1 35~ ,......,.,.,"_ Se"O-J.~1 ""( -> P1"'°"'9" 0 !it Louis.o1 H4'W Y°"' pPCI •••" M Of\trHI e'tt P9'il.clfit.,._.• pt)d r••f" HOll".01\l. CJr><lftNU 1 I U ""''"9>1 • TMO'('t ~ e>-..n Ctt0\11111' •·Sl •I !>en 01-10....lttn'" ) Ill. f\ Pinl-Qll fl(f\Oft tO II et Clw<t90 I Rti•wlMll !II LOU•\ 18 Fon<1' '-11 encl 0.MIY I Ill •I ,.._ Yor• lf'altone 1> u •NI Poc•H• o 11 7 n Monlrffi IPtlme< • 1 .,.., A9 " IJ IOI •• ' Ptlll-illflt•IC.,llon 1 .. ll•NINo'ell J I? n S.n Fr-IKO 1-ltiUKO lll •1 Allonle (P ...... 01•101 n c1nci11Mo 11 • .C.ou IC II •• Hou\lon I J Hi.&iro t .. 101.n .. JDHHSDH l SDH ~~~~:~- 2821 Harbor Blvd. Cott• Meu SPECIAL PURCHASE Of Uke-N~w Ford Motw Co. EXECUTIVE CARS We made another ~.Soeciat Purchase o t Fo rd Ex ecuti ve Cars ·111ever owned by anyone out Ford Motor Co l and we re o fl ering lhese ht..e-new '78 s and 79 s ldll w1lh very tow miles} a l unbelievable low rncos These cars have haO e xcellent care Our last such special purchase were all sold in ., period ol ·7 · days! You must see to believe. !: o H u r r y - o u r truckloads ol cars are urrtv1ng Now Call o r c.o me on down t o Johnson and Son today -Make the Buy ol Your tile TMl~T~tt1A540~ 5630~~=---g ·----------------~ -·------------~~ ...,. .. . . .. . .. ... . ........ .. . ' ...... ff# ....... Unnaon Sparkl,es +- Eagles Smother. Wildcats, 22:..6 _,, ""-.._ ~ ...,,, ... _. STEVE CHANCE AND THE DANA HILLS' DEFENSE CLOSES f~ ON IRVINE RUNN R OWIOHT WATANABE. D B, Irvine Battle to 7 .7 Tie Vaqueros' Roberts Scores ori &S-yt1r1L Rwi By STEVE ANDRf<:w s Ol t ... D•lly Piiot \!All Duna llllls und Irvine h igh schools, wll1 ch huvc h1:1d prob le m s scoring pmntH in the: palil, continued that tr<>nd tn non le ague foothall at·11on l''raday ni1itht The two teams 11lrugglcd to 11 7 7 tie al Irvine lfagh und Uw gismc couJd have 1·ai.tly finished M.'Or<'l<•si. but for I wo l>1g play~ challR of fnght up the opponent's s pine Dana lllllK monaJ(cd only 120 yardi. tolul ofrcni.e, whale Irvine C'ould mus ter only 160 und 85 <Jf that total came on one pluy To illustrate how lhe game wt•nt, lh • teams combined for only sax fi rst down 11 in the :wcond h ulf and three were the rcllult of penalt1t·11 had b<•fl('r fi<'l<l poi.lllon wP n11i.:tit huvt• hud mon· :.ucc·cs'> w1Lh 11ur i.wc·ep " It W I.LS U !IW('('p thl:ll Ul'COUnlt'IJ for l rv1ne '1iloncsc·orc Dana IUlls rccovcn•c..l 1:1 fumbl•"I klck-orr at the frv1n1· 35, but Lh•· drive sta lled at llw Vuqucro'i. 1:; On t he first play , lrvin1•'s Mark Ro bert.'! broke· low ut ht'> 35 anti outract"d thr<'e cfrfcndt·r., li5 yurd!. for the: touchdown u t lht• Irvin<' ll It look f1v1• play., for Dana 11 111!1 UI punc·h IL 1n With J im Ci let•ll runnani( around rtJ(hl end rrum I WO yards UUl bt•htrtd hlock11 by C'ruag Throckmorttm and I( tt h Brudi.haw <il1·1·n B1·thk1· ronv1·rt1·d with Ii 115 11·ft HI lh1· fir:.l hi.If for <1 7 0 11·;111 By JACk JllNTE& Of .. o.11, -""" The F.stancla lflgh Eaglet1 aw away t.he clock and ran away with the football game In a 22 6 vlct.ory over the Brea Wlldcisl!> Friday nJghl al Newport Harbor Hi«h The Eagles held possus wn thro ughout much of the conLebl as they had a running ba,·k e merfe aa a t.op night cand.adutf' for a l -league honors Bob Ur maon car ried for HID yards on 3$ carrlt'!i und i:.t·on·d twice for Etitanc1u URMSON FIRST put E:11tanrw o n the board la te 1n the h r..t quarter With Just 11 11c:c:onds n • maanlng he bur11t through tht> middle of the Waldf'ut lane for th1• TD E11tunc1a 's PAT w1Js blocked a fl the t:agle'> hcid l'Vened up the conlc-;t 6 fi ttrra opent'd uv the l{ume wi th it lhrt'f' play, 7~ yanJ dr1v1• following Lhl' OJWning k u:koH Wildcat quartnba<'k Churl1·-. fioi111 tw1 et• faked the J<;•,tuncia d Pf" n'll.' w1 th th 1· w 1-.h bon1· formation w. h<' '>l'ampt:rl'd fur u '17 yard ~tll n , h>llowt'd hy u ZS yard toul·hdflw u run with only I I~ SfM•nl in th•· ~:11me Brea " I' AT w u:t hlot·kcd , hut th" WlldcalJI upJ>t!u red cm lhl' w ay to a rout t;STAN('IA WA." NOT to t~· denaed their far't vu·tor y 11( l!f7!1 hOW('Vl'r, a.I) lht' £11glt•!o, J>rtJ ceeded to dom101Jlf• t hP r11 ntMt The t:uglt"h dro\ 1· r r•1m lh1·ir own 26 yard ltn1· 1.,1,. 111 1111 i.econd qu.Hl 1•r "" Lr m -.1rn V1n c1> Moul1·Jrl c.1n'1 Ciu~ <1lv1Jrr1 workt•d 1h1·1r w,1> 1Jt1v.nf11 Id On<·,· ttw \\-1 ltfr at 1l1·r 1·no.,1· v. ·, Lai kt'<I up J~u1n,1 lh•·tr , ,,,,1 11opho morr 11uarte rhac k Jim 'McCahlll blH Lcd lhrouab U1e middle ot th4t Une for a one .yard touc hdown McCahlll'1 lwo-poWll convn1non tosi1 to tight f'~d Tony Camp l)Ul Ole Jo:u.cles uhend to 11tuy . 14 fl M C'CAllJLI., '1 1' from litl'lt yeur's frot1hmen t1>am . appeisn , to have wo n a ts pr>l as the Eagle11' quurtf'rlmrk "We're go 1ng lo Hli<•k w1tl1 l11m for 11ur ... he 1>lay1•d JU I '>UJH"r tonaght," Ei.t um·ia tw0><I t'1111r h Ed Blan ton bttld. fo:~tant"ia'-. d1·f1·n!'I,. i?Ol into the M'OrtnJ( art 111 the• third quarter as Rrt"a quartnhuC"k C h11rle11 Ro11~ Willi :.uekf'd 1n the! fc•nd w ne tJy f"lov<J Spark"> and Alisn Akunu Thi· lwti Jilllllls for the sa(PlY put 1111' t-:ui~l1·s 11ut lo a cum mandlnA 16 Ii lt·ad -lh:fot:\'. thl' l(.;t-m .. -WU"'> thr()ugh t 'rmMin -.1·11ri•lf anoth••r 1 U With I ~»! 11•m ;11111ni• If) th•· {'f>O ,,..,, h1 • ran ar•1ur11I nght nut fur <Ill ('iJ"IY °'''II((' M•• Of c,,...n.,,, ,,, .. ,, .. ,.,_. . t I •I• #I 1 • ' t,., r1I • II I \I ,,,., t •f t t, ti •" L' U•\' t•~ITt #iAI I 1111t 1H • r "'""'; ·~, ~1.,,.,..,, ,n ~"'1 ''Jll"tll'r• t I llrrt • .,,, •' • • t '•''"""'' ~·mt 'l•U•·U(~ [" • • ""'1' W'n\ llJ • k1 ''"' ,..,,,, \~ 111 Hl<Jt , .. '''"'' '"''' .. 0 .., ... u, • t\'1 I 4 I r • ..,. ~ ' I II . "' ' '"'1'" '"' /I ~·· J .,, It I~ ,..,19 ,, .. • ~ 'f ,I e t 11 a' f.il•N fl ' ,. ff f I ' ••• ,,, 4 lht,;1 \II .. ···~ "" ' . ,, ' .. . '. ' . . . . IR VlNE U>ST 1h orwm·r la'll wt·t'k lo V:i lc•n('ta , ~14 0, wh1h- Uana llllb playuw for th•· far.I t1 n 11· 1111 ... ~c·:J-.1111 wao., a -.hutoul Vll'lllll f1v1• 111111'• ii YI Llf ••J'.'J "'•·11111'1 11".lfll l 11rf1·11 ' .... "' OESPITt: Tiit: TIE and luck of u ffens1vt· atlal'k:-., both c·ouc·hcs found sorrw bright spot~ t11 tulk uhoul "Our dd1·m,1· playt'd w1·ll allt r m.Jking M1101 t•a1 ly mis takes · I r \ 1 n 1· h , ·.,rt ,. o ;11· h <' h u 1• k ...,Ill I II hJI -.;1111 II ~ ,. f llU Id h.1"' t: r> tlt;JNSHIS' c·1mvr-ri.1nn lu•1I th1· j.(amt• ul 77 ~tlh 1 .)1 ll'ft 111 lh1• fr rsl half l>an a Jltlls h.1r1 1!11111• 11n 11111 1·:irl1 e1 111 1tw .,,.,.,,,HJ 1j1J:trl1·1 .tf11•1 r1·1·11'\.1°1 1111• .1 (umlill-d 1111111 " W t: If AD t: N 0 (,II u I> JH1rtunatw:1 to i.con .," IJ<tn<t 11111'. h1· ad t•oar h !Jon f)1·<; root 1· s uad 'wt• Jll'>t lat·k 1><1l 1.,h1inf1ff1•n sf· Hoth ,,.,,m-. llli:Hl.•~'"'I ••n•· hn•·f 'l'1Jrtr11: :tlt•·tn111 Ill tl11· .,,., frfld h;ilf 1)11 ti "'f'IHllJ 1"1 ~· .... 1111111(1111 Laguna Beaten Mayfair llt1l«1 .. ~ ()11 .. l ·/l-7 :I:'>-7 D .. e i Si Ct 11 II ... I.I ,. I CJY. I· H 1..1 ~ ,,,, .. 1110,11 Ii lfH•h l\rll I oJ1•1 J•l•·rl 1111 t111d1H• .1~•.1111 I .1 1111•l Uni Errors Co s tly As Tillers Romp UCI Polois t s Notch Two Victories fl wall h<! the UC Irvine Ant euteris auuan.t.t tht· IJCl.A Bru1m.. al 10 30 th1i. mor ntn~ an l111· Tu-;lln 1111-(h Sd1ool l>l/l>I 11i. th•· l '{' l rvtn•· annual wall•r JH1 l11 tournam1·nl 1·1111linu1·-. into 11~. o.,l·r1intl d:1 v •·1·111111 h:ilf Ir\ 1111 •, ( h.Hl11 I· Pl h11lw1 h rw1ur11 f'll '"' •• 1111111.I• ·'' lilt' f),Jll;t lltlh. i\>i 'I It•· \,, q111·1 u-. man·h1·1f lo th1• 1>11lphino., i 1;, Lul MW'k Ho t)('rt,.., wu~ lhn.wn f11r a one yard I<~:. on fourth ii nd cme Dana Hills drove to th«-Irvine ~17 with four mtnut1·-. lf'ft I<> play but lht> Vaqucr~· Grt<g Mc Jo:lroy anlercl'ptc.-d u pass at the lrvanl.' Z8 , ending lht' thn•ut isnd pr .. \t•r v1ng D u n ;1 11111 :.' third '>lrat~ht s•·a:i•in opt•n1nK tw la1 J.(1•1 ;111'1 h1J.(lrl v r1·1:11rd• oJ Md\(air "11·\1·n. 1e1m• w1lh1n .H1 t•y••lu'>h 11( Ul1'>t•lltr11( tho Moni.oons l'"nday night IJ<'fon· SU<'C'Umbtng, 14 7. al flt•llflown 111 gh T he• Artist:. of Lugunu He1tC'h Coul'h Walt llam1.·ra had lh•· hull on th•• Moru;rJtOn~ thn·•· ""1th :11 -.l·c·onds l•·rt bul J m1xu11 •m U11 plu \ h11<I th•· r1•r 1·1\ 1 r 1•01n1• 11n• ~ ... " .n11I U11· ti.ill ,1 111111 1li·1·J"' Jn ti .1 · ~ ") Id Ir d I r I II rl ('I " l1•111·pl1·1I 111 1ir1 ·•,.l \t 1111 '-" U y JM 'K tli\N~O!'ltl t)lf ,._ D•1•w f'frnt ''4tf T 11 \ I I 11 11 I I' h ~ 'I I 11 l' r '. ,. :1µ1 1 ul111·1l 1111 I, r11 vf•r'>1t y I twit 1111 -.1 .1k•·-. 1•1 •,111rr· thr•.,. 1 .. ud11low11" tn 1111 lt.rrtl lj•l•1rt• I "" lht•)' 1111J1·1J 11, J :1 , I Vlf'lllf) 11 v t· r tt1 ,. 'J ru J ·' w :1111! a l fl -.t•ason r('nir1l fo'r 11luy r11ghl on lht· w1nnn b f11·l<I Tht· itam1· wao., f1la yf•1l •·w·nly throui.:hout Uw first half an1l :at the 1nh'rm1ssi11n lh1· t1«irn.., w1·rt· dcadlock1.:d an a 7 7 l11 BOTll Tf:AMS d1 s play1'<l varied a nd w1df' 01wn offt·n..,1·., The 'fro Jani. put th" t1al I m ltll' aar 30 Limeo.,. t·nrnl'll'llnl( 1:1 wh1l1• 'I ui.tan wa'> mon· 11111 't1·r vat1vc· throwing t:I tan11"·• ;11111 1·11mplt·t ang lour Sophornor<· runnirw h;u k J11hn Collard c•1mt1nu1·d ''' 1111 prr",i., s howing fin<' s rw1•1l and good movc:s If<• ab1J tJla Y"d a key role on defense with :1 71 yard 1n l e r " e p l 1 o n r 1· I u r n I 11 r a louchdowri •'roaeP~ Bl RIVALRY ... y ear's 34·24 t·omcbark with lhrc<' aerial L11uC't1downs und lwo on the ground GOLDEN WE.ST wall c·ountcr with a strong running attack led by Leonard Altavilla, but the combination or a Kor e 11houlde r a nd five interceptions IH t Satur day makes on · wonde r how muc h quarterback Mike Martin will go to the air , SUit, I.he beat way to attack theee two leam11 111 by the air, which thelr oppoocnt.s found out Jul week. Both teams have secondarles tbat are as effecUve as a screen door on a 1ubmartne. The QPPOll· lng coaches know this ; whether they'll be able to lake advantaao is something else entirely. Orange Coast will be trylna to make It three 11tr1Jght •1ainlt t.be RuaUen1, which would be the Jonaeat winnlo1 atreak of the aerle1. ~l•·vc Ah<>a m or Tusttn ubo pl,1y1·d <in outhlumhn~ ~um1· <in t11 •f1•n-.1· ·•~ i.I Jan1•IJa ckt·r and II' :1 fullh;H'k 110 ofh•nst• Wtlh 1111 v:H ds 111 01111· <'arr11.::, T H fo. TROJANS wnr· '>purkt·d on offonM· tiy quartnl'nH·k J1rn Sta ff. who. d1·s 1ule a funou'> rush hy Tustin, <·ompl1•lr·d IZ c1f :!Ji p11si. 11Ue mpt.s Thl· Trojans were led on d1· ft.ns1• by DarrPll Mo11lcy'i. two rt•1·ovcrt>d Tus tin rumbh·K ll a rd hitting by T u11tin caused '><'V<'ra l lJmversaty miscut>s The l(Ume cndt·d with quartcrback Staff hit us he attempted a 11.1.'>l s N ·ond pai.s A le rt de fender Mak" Aperg1s picked 1t off and rambled 45 yuds for tho game'i. final score a& tht: gun soundtd DESPITE TllE SCORE, n1venuly sho wed potcnt1uJ und hus tle to d evelop into a i.oltd l~am . Couch Chuck McAninch reflected his point following the game Although dis appointed an t he Ca nal score, he feels that steady Improvement In the non lc11gue game11 wlll have the Tro Jans ready for a s trong showing when the league Reason starts. T ustin, o ff to a fas t s tart, showed both s kill and poise to rate as a contender In the t.ough Century League . I C lrv101• 11!-ff.<ilf'lf ( ;,,) '-,t.Jl" ll:Jywunl W :1. ;.uHI e1 l1•am frim1 Wl':.l H1•rlrn, Ill ;1, 10 111w11an~ iH' t111n Fn.Jay l,CJ.A adva111·NJ with u p.or uf Win'>, ;,l-,(1, d1 •f1 •J l 1ng lht· W<'f>t Hcrhn i,qu:.d, '1 :1, urad Jla y wurd, lh f: an lh1• 1:$ team cv1·nt J ohn Vargub, Miki-1-;vuns und Pe t e r C'amfJIJe ll l!uc·h i.cor t:d thn•e ltml'b in the gam{• against fl ay w ur d f or {'oac h E d Ncwlaod 's Anteater s with C:.a mpbt·ll adding four against the Berlin team Today 's actwn gel'> under way at 7 this m orning and ha s gamt>i. l'Ontinuous ly through 9 tontl(hl, all in the· Tustin I lagh J><>OI UCI Runners Open Season In Las Vegas L a rry Knuth ofrici1.1lly begins h1R rarist season as UC Irvin(' cros11 country coa ch when the I Anteat"rs "omr1ele 1n the Las llr\! .. ,.lty 0 I 0 0 "' '-r v,lln • o 11 1 ,, Vt>J<8S Invitational toduy rv• W•'"''""'bl~, .. •n -·-'""'"~"" T he l\nlc alc rs arc seeking a ··~;~. ""'""'''""'~'"rn,•01~> third stra1J(hl teum l1tlt! 1n Ult• ru, t.•li\•11 1um1>r• , .. •n •n<I 10"* , • .,. •·vent huvJng 11ct a mee t record 1•1::~' c.o11.e1111n1••"9llo"'•'" "'''-'""'' with ' a n aggr egate l ime of •os.iienMolell for s even runners over lu• A-n•""' IMIHl"91"" U< kl ''" ""9f'9l•O•nt"' ,,,."'"'""1111nv1,,..~·01 the four-mile course. o-1Utt1tk• Jn the high sch09I d ivis ion. "'"'-u .. : '':! Fountain Valley, Marina and f I• 't.-t ,.,, lutt>•• t II ,, ' I .;, f1 "• ''-''' ""•"\I ,. Ji ,, I ,t ,. Ht I I,;'''-''••'-• .. ,. l\of-~-0•1 t•,. ,,,.....,,_.,I• '~' _.., .. ,,,,. f 1,l'f"\f)I,.. lt,l\f ''"'"""'"\ tMtl*- (,,.m• ............ ' lfllldt•.-W•f ""'-'"""' DH '"• .... I I I II ,.. " 1 I • tl] . " >• ~)I f1tt (,tfloH) '' 41 ltr.0\M • • U '•'""" It ._.,.low• t 't I r~t•Wrw I I) ''" t-1or.-.1h u 1u w ... t .. n.-t» 11 ., '""'"• • n R,,_,....,"' .. 11 ,,. ,...,,, ... hr•"•• / I\ .............. , ..... o.-. Y.1•lttW>. JO ) JI .,., (Jfl".t.Wll«t) 40 ) '"'"Yi-• ........ ... ()H fHad'\l'I•• ) 11 WuH t '4t f '9f~ 1 '-r,. ~ .. nc;r~ t I • ltv tjUMft!Ht 1 j P..tr~ 1 t ANGELS LOSE I 111 \ I ho• /\r11 I hon •'Cl 1111 l .• 1, • r :\1 :1\f.11r 1r1·~ .J111uncl lur Iii• mu.,l p.111 and i.._,,j u 111111 t1d•·~11 rw.:Jtr'il b\ 1w11.1lt \ ,1fl• r '\111- Roi.'> ran 57 \ Jrfb with J (urnhl1· to the Mi.i yfoar 20 A booll<'~ pai.i. from I.Jn• ,. St1·wart lo Mike f>;H 1-. f'11ckl't.1 but thl· tourhdo wn play w:n nulltflt>d by tht• pt_·nally Ma yfa.ar :.rurt>d t wwi· 1 n llw second period lf> 11:.:.um" .1 M '' lead, but tht> Artl'lti. refu-.c'<l 111 fold A.enc Ola ver gut the Artatst ... tn Honng pos1t1on _1~ht~nl • • • and 11urrcnderc.-d threli? hil8 Ills bre1:1xang buJI was erratic und has fastball was wild SINCE 111EIR LAST homestond when they wenl 6 1, the Angels cannot be accwsed of playing good baseball They went 3-6 on the road before coming hom e to lose In front o f u Southern Callfomaa TV au· d1e nce and 37,450 a t Anahe im Stadlum. There are som e a peclf1c reasons ror lhu Ange ls ' hard Umes: Dan Ford, one or their hottest hitters lh111 mont h, as out of the lineup with a strained muscle an his s ide. Curney Lansford. sUll h1tUng second In the lineup has only t wo hlU. an tus last 24 at balll bear , nee of t he bullpen stafr an the first ha lf. has made only two appearances In the las t 3S gam eH becaWJe of h is Injury , Lan.'lford came up In the nmth inrun1 with the tying runa uboard 1tnd bounced out to end the game. * * * * * * 1tu11W• Y.,.,. JO 41 ,..,n Mate r Del figure to batUe for the Cl I~ U , .. ,. AWO•L WOT•t ...... O•rr'1 clwl-1 "!oei11 1 II l!Wt ""911• .;::::r~ '(M ' U JO J • IJ I team UUe agtilnJlt 80m8 O( UK: t lel ... \, eQul-nl •ncl _. ........ IH(fl Ille pl•yallt, ,,,., wlll be 0. Punt• a,. >M beat teams in the Western Un.it-.. ._,,... , ... , .......,., .,,,"" n.. ci.1 .. ---10 "•'""""•· IM ,, __ , 4>.!. .>,'o .. d Sta•~. ,,._,, """°' "'" 110«0r119 • P•-... ,_ -·• ... ",,.., ... , ~II'" .. -r "' ....., wllfl flll Wllll• Sot IHmmel•• In .,.,, ._......., • ....,. Other c ross country invlta· 11i111,.,,...,..,.,,.,,_,_.,. .... ,.... .. ..,,., 11e111mer•'• •••tot• u111 H111 ',., """'"'' ~•. •IMf to-f9< ~ tJona 8"'heduled lodey are the ,,. """' -.... '° ,,.. ""-'' .. , "''u'"-'·" "*"-....., ...... ...,. _.,. • Sor_,"· Ad_ I I .. I I ·-GOii .. J 10, -.... ., IOICI -I '°' ... " -Ulll 1111 ...... , 1 ... ru• <:o11n 1Mo., AllH•11 • 11•. eo/N1e1e1 14th annual Corona de Mar n· 11.0 ro <fll<ll • > '° ~ 10 .. ,. .. , 11 .. 11•--i... "....,. ""'"""'' • '1• ZA•-11'° vltatlon"1 and the third annual '1"·" O•• ,...,. "1 _, ...... .,., 11•1 10 .,. .. ~'" • '"•• 1•~ P•M... laJ Cd 11 .... 1111 1119 ollD(lleO °' 1111,,. •toout 11 w•l<fl"' IN ~ Ill •It ... , ...... , uni StAlfl tMU, ,,.., l!•••Y •·H . 1• Pacifica lnvltaUonal The M 1,..,.,. 111 • ...,_,. •9<• -'""' -"., ... ,WflfOt _I_"'',...,.._ 1.,. ~•· 1~•.u e ve nt at Bay View School In the ••11...,,,,.,..... _,, oo' <•-11 <1•11 111• ... , ... '' .... , '11• ,_.....,.. ........ led ~/\ fl .... -.,., ..., ·-· I woulll AClllllM -llltu•Y wlll .. ,1 ... 11 u111-S1Mt11<• 1o10; w1111 ""· l'owlfll' a.n; Back Bar. area hall allrac ..., ,..,,. lelltft.,.,,,._, • ..., .. ,.,... • ..,, .... w111...-• _. ... P.,.., ... .,~ ••:..MttMtY ·~ MM~'°' .. ,., lenflMll acboola, ncludlng n'IOfll of thole • .... •" "'' 111111•• , ... ,11e, .. ,,,.,,,.. ~ 111 ,.. 1ett' llW " It T~ t• Oerr .. II llOI lie ..... '°' UIO *K ri.M • ""'-• .,._ llO _, ,.. i~ At<Mr 1 "· ••l'*-::_:·'~·'::*·-c..=1.:-:.:_':_....,.:._ _ _:'_"_l_:h_e_Or_an__:g:..e_Co __ u_...l _a_r_e_a_. ____ _:"::•:.:""::;.;.'.: .. _ni.:.;,:..:~.:."'.:."':.:.'.:,_~ . ...:~.:....:' .. :':.,=':"':":'•:':"°:':...,.::::.....,=:·:...,..=:--Y-I 1111'"1'•. - Gaucho8 Rip OCC Polo Team M1U Beeman Ind Paul Mllosch each te0red five 10111 to lead Saddleback Colleae t.o a 13·5 wet.er polo victor)' over Or1.n1• Cout Coll•1• rrtday at Herlt11e Park 0 1ucho9 1cortld alx 1olla ln the Heond period and held a comm•n41n1 U.1 ..... after three 1tan188 1p1.1ll •'I .... ,1 11 ,,, 11111 ,, .• ,,,,,,, ,, lh• \1 ,1 I •If •J1 I r, 1 1 r~ J, fH•d 'I .1111 f,.r 111•• 1•1111 htl11w11 .11111 l>tollllJlr Hr I n hill k11 kNI tl1t 111\'l 111 ~r·l lh• /\r11't' 11;11 I. 10 lh•• l(IHlll' M uyfo1r drovt• lo th1· f.agun11 H1·uc·h lhrt•f· v~1 r1I l1n1• 1n th•· 1111.il qu.1~1· r ""<1 ''•Pl"''l a111l th"" lht• l\r11' I wt·nl tin a !;-1 \ .1ril 111.111 h li.•f•ll •' I hr· falul 111 't'l l t'J>llllll f'0<1f'1I ,, ~t "vf :11 r ~·111 n, h on .1 1·11uplt· of h1)1 pl .iv• .1 tli \ ;11 d run w1lh .111 1nl•1••11t1'111 ''" l•111 htl•1~11 "'" I ''" 11' di• I ,, ,: \ I d ,11 I I I ( AH HJll•·r o r-, I ,o..,•· •I If 111 • .J I 11111 /td11Wl1 .1 'lflollll•f (,qlf fllffll \tdlt•\ ('tJ1 I 'll.Ill lft~•h (>11-.!l•cJ ,1 2k (I VII; 1111 \ II\ 1·1 ..,, "'pm I I 'hrto.,l1,J11 Vn dJ\ ,ift1•1 rll•flll Ill 11011 l1°llJ(Ul' lff 1 ""' on Uw ~ 1ru11.·r i. fu•fl l Th•· Jui.-. hn111:.., N•·wwir1 ·-. '''J-.1111 11·1 ortl l•J I I "'h1lc• ('IJll'I \. .1 111·~ ~ .1 , p l.1\ lflJ.? it:-. (tro.,L ~.unt• ('(II y .., I ,1 '\.I• I , !'II 1• W JI 0 rt '\ quJrtnhJt I.. 1111 k1·d u11 G:I vc.arrt ... 1unn1nJ.? ·--·~--·· .•. .. ' . -·--..... -·· ... -. __ .._...._.._.. . ...... - • . ~.~22.1m DAA. Y PILOT U ' -.Bruins' McNeil May Not Play llADllON, wt.. CAP> -T&Ubeek Er•••• M .. '61 AM 1111.-•• ~ TM SalMle ...... ..__.. fOL. ~-J'mked UCLA, m., nat be able to ~ la ta.. BnaiDt' ~ ~ fooU)all ••m• Ill WllcoulD toda, beca .. ot to-Juri•. morotn1 practice Htlf Tbund11 McltM,U-qai 116'*1~---·· McNeil ha• ruahed fOt' • yarcla on '7 cam• ln UCLA'• two tamM~ ll be un't play. Gltnn C•nnon and Anthony £d11r will alternate at taU\elt •• frMman bu rt bla ll'Oln ••aln•t Purch..e, but I didn't m•tloft the W"1Y. beuu.e I Lboucht he'd tome around W1 we.Jl," Hid tJCLA Coach Terry Oooabue. "But he'• hardly worked 04lt lbi1 ..-. Salpale i• the Bruin }only ex· perlencC!d rullback . 11 'alpale "' •ldelloed. Ja\ro P~nu1nd1, • Ju.nfor college tranaftitr liut y"ar who llat out the uns aeuon, wrn ~urt In bb place A st:UA> T caowu or about 1s,ooo la expet1oo at C1tmp Kandall stadJum aJ. th~ Bnunb lll'tik lo Improve their No. . ''AND TOA BAD TO LEAVE our • * * • • • VnjWJt Crit icisn1 UCLA WoesNot Bashore's Fault By llOOER CARLSON OI tlw o.llY ~Ii.I Ii." Ric k Bashore, the UCLA senior quarterback who has stepped in lo guide the Bruins since he was a sophomore. is due to move past legendary quarterback Bob Waterfield as the Bruins' No. 4 all-time passer today at Wisconsin in an in· tersectional football ~ame. But despite his performances. he continues to be the focal point of criticism. I don't believe Bashore is ever going to reach the status of a Bob Griese, Dan Pastorini or Roger Staubach. Neither wtU a lot of other quarterbacks. AS A SOPHOMORE he came within an eyelash of directing the Brwns to an eye.popping up- s~t of use. only t.o lose 29-27 on one of the Trojans' patented miracle comebacks. As a junior he led the Bruins to the Fiesta Bowl, including victories at Washington and over Stanford. passes and two i.hort louehdown runs, but Oonahuc'i. reaction was mild to say thc least. Says Donahul): "He (Bas bore) had two touchdown passes and .J.haLwas hi~.tota:t last year. He'l> ahead or schedule " When you're pla__yan_g for a coach who will go to the air only 11 times a game, it can become pretty difficult to rack up a lot or yardage. IT'S Al.SO TOUGH to get the the job done when every umc you go to the air it is hardly a s urprise to the opposition When it's third-and·loo much. the Bruins go to the air To date Bashore has complel· ed 19 of 44 for 279 yards, three completions short of 500 A COMMEN1'ARY tremendous passer? N'o7" But it har<!LY.riHJk::. as the all-time pathetics, either. Of t he Purdue vic t o r y, Donahue said: "The game had to help Rick in terms or his own confidence." 20 natlonal rantln1 after iotln1 to HoutMIG Ja. &Al....._ '>P'"' ewt &MD comtne back to blaat 17lb·ruked Purclue. 31-·21 lo Loa Anselea l11t weekend. The Badgers are also 1-1, clobbering hapless Alr Force 38-0 lut Saturday after be6na dumped 41·20 at Purdue in the season opener. Wiacoo.sin Coach Dave McClain con· ceded lhut Wiscoosln comes out Lbe d1s- Unct underdog based on lbe two teams'. comparative performances against Pu rd~ . "THE WAY PUKDUE manhandled au, I don't know what they'll tb1Dk of ~·· JriaaMclG( &M.Brukai. But at the same lime, KcClain 1a1d be la oot ouWnc much stock in t.be common oppooeal theory beeauae d the way the Boilermakers failed to execute a11lnlt UCLA : "They didn't look like the same footb•ll team we played. Purdue played very poor football." Going over UCLA's roster, McClain bad something good to say about almost every playe.r, particularly lbe bluer ones. "Boy. they've got great malerial and tremendous size," he said. Locker Room What the Coaches Sa id Estancia Coach Ed Blanton, after his team buried Brea, 22·6: "Thls was a great win for our boys. They came back, I knew they could and I'm proud of them. Everyone did g reat from the of- fensive linemen to our running backs, I'm just really proud of them." Dana Hills Coach Don DeGroote, after a 7.7 tie with Irvine : "Both teams played well defensively . We just made one bad mistake, slanting the wrong way. and the kid (Mark Roberts) went 85 yards for a touchdown.'' Irvine's Chuck Sorcabal: "I think we are im- proving. We have only four players on this team who played a yeefr ago If we continue to improve the w<.iy we hav<: been we will be very happy " fountam Valley Coach Mike Milner, after nar- rowly defeating El Toro. 7-0 "I was disappointed :..ig<.11n because a lot of o ur big plays were called back because of offensive penalties We have an inex- pt!n enced quarterback who comes up with some big plays and we played a lot of 1un1ors torught. We also played without CTodd) Holmes He hurt an ankle but will be bac k next week. Defensively , I was pretty pleased Our intens ity picked up from las t week. Their inability to throw the ball hurt the m . El Toro was well -coached and very di!-.c1plined <fnd their defensive tackles are very phys1tal " Yet on ever y occasion the Bruins come up empty, it seems it is Bashore who takes the brunt of criticism. Not the bland of- fensive system that Coach Terry Donahue has employed the past four years. not a defense that aJ. lowed Houslof'\ 17 fqurth quarte r points. and never the running baek who fumbles the ball away. Hopefully, that's true, because o ff Do n ahue 's pa s t performances. Bashore wall get few other boosts DAVE THOMPSON Ma rina Costa Mesa Coach Tom French, after watchin_g_ Bill Lux pass for 297 yards against Capistrano Vall ey: "Our passing is really a reading game. d e pending on where the secondary is . If they plav deep. we'll throw it short. if they come up, we 'll try to streak by them. If you've ever found yourself bored with the Rams' plodding offense, cheer up, it could be worse. It might be like th' Bruins, who consistently have relied on the run, run, pass. punt syst~m. DONAHUE P UT hi s quarterback on the spot early in the season, s tating his team wo uld win or lose be hind Bashore's arm. Not the derense. not the running game he says is the guts or a winning formula, not the offensive line and not the sideline calls. Bashore l<'d the Bruins to a 31·21 upset over fi fth·r anked Purdue with two touchdown BASROR E'S SECOND com· pletion today pa sses up Waterfield, who completed 161 o( 4-06 attempts (39.7 percent). Going into today's game Bashore has connected on 160 of 330 paSses (48.5 percent> and 20 inte rceptions for his career. Before he's through, he'll prob- ably rank as UCLA's second leading passer of all·time. Thal upstages players such as Kenn y Washingto n , Billy Kilmer, Paul Cameron and John Sciarra. to name a few. But if the Bruins win today, it'll be credited as a fine team effort. especially the defense a nd running game. If they lose? Chalk up another one for Bashore. Longhorns Play Ivy T e ams A lso in Actio1i THERE ·IS A DIFFERENCE ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC DICK MORRIS Corona del Mar "Defensively. we're scrappers . But we got the Job done anyway." Corona d el Mar Coach Dick Moms , after a 20 o blankmg of-San Clemente: "CClayJ Tucker threw the ball well and ran the option well. He's a fine young man." On the 62-yard run by Chris Bright. "We were trying to run the clock down. It was the first play all night we were able to get outside. It was the only time we ran a sweep all night." San Clemente Coach AlUe Schaff: "Obviously. they kickt.'Ci the daylights out of us. Maybe it was a poor coaching job. I feel we have the best people playing right now. We've got to get more mileage out of them. We've got a lot of inexperienced people. but you have to work harder to get those inex· pericnccd people ready. We did have a number of firs t game jitters in the first half which caused o number of our fumbles." Marirla Coach Dave Thompson. after his team defeated Bolsa Grande, 14-0: ··1 was happy with our def cnse and 1 thought the offense moved the ball welt. <Sam) Aiello did a good job running the veer We got a Little s loppy in parts with penalties stopping a number of drives for us ." Oilers By n• CAaNETr Of ................... Senlor r unnin1 back Bill Welch darted for 105 yards and acoted a pair of touchdowns to lead Garden Grove Hilb Schoo! to a 21-14 upset victory over via· ltlng Huntington Beach Friday evening on the Garden Grove field . The loss was Huntington Beach's second of the season in as m any games. The contest was Garden Grove's season opener THE OH.ERS out-rirsl downed Garde n Gr ove 14-8 and out· gained the Argonauts in total of. fense 247-222. but (ell behind ear- ly and were never able to catch up. Four turnovers-one rumble and three pass interceptions- d id n 't help the Oiler cause. Garden Grove lost the ball only once. Trailing 21·7 midway through the final period, Huntington Beach got its only break of the ball game wh e n Keith Shackleford recovered a Garden Grove fumble at. the Ar go 11 yard line. 'A HOLDI NG PENALTY shoved the Oilers bac k to the 26. but four plays later quarterback Dan Curran s nuck 1t m from one ~ ard out to !>la ce the Garden C rovt' advantage lo i.even pomts "1th 6 17 left to pl ay. The key pla) or the dn\'t' wa ... an 18-yard pa:-.s rrom Cu rran to wide re· ee1ver OC1v1d Hlack With more than c.,1x mmutes remaining on lhc cloc k. the ()tleri. elc<:t~ to try an on·1>1de kid., de ... p1t 1' the fact that Garden Gro ... e':-. offens e had been sputtt-nng ~•nee midway through tht' third period Garden Grove recovered the ku:k at al!. own 49 and, though not ablf' lo pick up a hrsl down on the· ens uing series, manag~ lo ket-p lbc Oilers in poor field vos1twn ror the re mamdcr of the contest GARDEN GROVE drove 49 ) ards for the first score of the C\ e n1ng Qu a rte r back Ro n Means hat W~lch over the middle with an 18-yard sconng strike to put the Argos on top, 7-0, with 2 17 lek in the quarter. The Argonauts were back on the board l~s than four minutes later . capping a 61-yard dnve on Means' 46-yard bomb to wade re- ceiver Greg Knapp. H unungton Beach put together the longest sconng drive of the evening late m the quarter . go- mg 78 yards on 21) plays. Curran lugged it over from one yard out on a fourth·and-goal situation. W<'lch tallied for Garden Grove early in the third stanza. t a kin~ a MPans patch around nght t•nd and racing 21 yards for thl' 5 l'Ort' The Argos turned an the de fens1 vr gem of the evenang a goa lhne ~land 1n the ovenmg moment~ of lht• final period 11 untington RcJch had a first and .goal at the loevcn, but was unabll' to ~core an four crack::. al the goal Soc'ort by Ou•r1•n .-.""' •~Q•nn f·., .t• n f'.t I '' C,•r()tf'\ r tn.... ' 0 ,, (' (.1 W.lf p, \A CM\f .,,,,,, Mf-'tt\ t H•rt\ft4111d ••<' H•• (uff'..w'l lf'...,,• At)dr1q~•1c• 1 (,t. Wf"ftPt )l fun tH~rt\fif•ld .,,,._, ... n '""""''~"IAOOrtQUf'\••t •• ,, 1 Cl.CJ H& " J\ '" l)J q 77 ) • 76 I I • "° GG ' .)I) llb !!ti 2480......_ IL Cqth MeM Mt-4300 LARGE · SELECTION Wf SftQAUZE IN PIEMIUM llltfS FOR QUAUTY AUTOMOIUS II II llllC. ...... =~ O.W-. ....... N--.. .............. ~ ...... " .. , ........ .., .. ._ ...... , ... .. ~'---'--·" -r.._ .. 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Time lor ''"'' f811YINI • ,oo, J?O, ioo ... .,~ IP•r•••r l,40, 1 .... Mh<OllOllCl P<ll I °""'1etltt< • 1 4 10 Tllltd r1110 Of ( IC 8uc"•~ tl>u•erl • 00, J,40, U91 Mttlt• Vt lme t 8•ylttU '"'°· >Ill, lt.....,111\0 "911cfv f Pelllf191 t Ill N nae I• Cl ., • -"2.10 ,ovrtf! rec.-Cemotdr.• IOH-tfl .... 4 '°· '"· lloc•et ,.,,. IA<1>.erma111 J 10, 1 eo. Mee ere"" tHt11atld1 > 40. t fllft rac• Col-I Ill/lit• H lll•rt.., I 4 40, I 00, J 19, OttlllO< °"91'1 fl onve I ; 00 . .a..eo, ,......_,"' lefl f91t<klMlll •.AO U eaac 1e 1•t1P11111m .. i latll rac:....-etrlt,,., l<iov0r•1;I J •• 1 M . t ... ,.._..,,. 0.. I P•fll.tf I U Ot, t.•, ,_,,. " .. 1~1111 '00 "•llMlt fl.ti ..... 1 ... Sn.11111 rll(.t lltJ 1'tu (M""'1tll 6' 00. ~·· ·' .. _ ... . .. -"-· .... ,..,A••-·•• 1•. t • l~'411' '"'"' lll ... 1er1 JOO Jot All • ., t YellMll f!N-IO.WI ) • lerlllll ••• .. '".,,... (lltef 11-1 "°' t ... •.. f~\fotm A I 0.•Cifl"•O t tO, I"' l.,,....(,onelllet41WO<Ol t .0, Ul""' l•U Jt~·lll• All.,,ca.•u •.111 Pomo"• ~ ...... , ......... tlWtttl_,_..,., 41_ ...... I trol ••• 0.0.. C>t.-r l•ttllt1'9)I t 40, I JO • 10 ' 0o.ti I ft IP fN .... U 11 IO ti t0 "•v1uov ...,., 11 •nl • .0 U o•O(I• ft II (/0111 '"~ .., o. ........ . ~-...... .,, .... 11 .. 1 ... (-1 ., lO. " ... '° °' .. It ·~ ... I 100 • 00, 0 ( """'' y luv•r 4t uc. •••• \ t O 0 tfl\QV•llf6'0 f'(lm Uo-t• lf'lu. f ""d ••t.e fW9fOf'tP\.e\ftOW f MOQ\ff'l I It 10 • 00 t .0 fl\ A<t!Ofl I ltoutfll • 'IO t IO c,., t-o llunn1 ti r•11 \ 60 0 •••< •• t• /1 t>••O l ti) lei , ........ .,. ..... , r tturtn ,_,,. ,-, .. , EOt,._,. •V•l•\O\tlll'n ,. 60 11 IO I tO Of\ ''*' 1c;.mw >1 I oo t tQ IJ•1'1'r f I •uwl•" I e '''"' rau ''"•"10" ,.,.... 1s ..... ,,., ... 00 J 60 1 40 l " !ier.._ IC-\1 110, J JO II' Yell A« 8ACXt4'G 0'~ /Wfr IAU S 7D I. ff 'Tlf4'1'f /)ll~P A41VNI> 'l'dlle: l'H46S, '/Dll A~t' 61WN6 t/XI~ OPPOA!e/llT tdAOJ <" CYrllA TIM4' 7" 6AMI 6otJt> t'AllTr l'tnlTllMI. 647" l'tt« I.It'~ ~/#~VP OA/ "'1e 6Ai.i. I Speneer Stars INC Cort llloh , l"rh-• Tft" •18'-n• •h llfeo wltft - t.ounty C.ler• ol Ot-c-tv o;, "9o . ......... ''· ,.,. 'nun Pvl>tl-()t-(oa\I Oetr• Plll)l \fpl I), tt. "'()(I •, 1•1t ,.,...,. P UBLIC NOTICt.. •KTITIOU' 841M"'IH ""* ITATHN"'T ,,.. ... _ltlQ --,, '°'"0 ...... N'\\ ., flHl>HCf Mf IN COMPANY U•11 ~f'l-10.C " l •ne "\lfttlftffOft h.Cll "'"'''°'"' • .,.., l IW 0.-T-ltt7t \M,_I I•"~. Ml;ftfl""°" ..... , C.hl9'fll• n .. 1 '"•' ~" '' <Of"ldwetJ!od b t .,, 1n dtvtCh.t•f u .. 0o-'°'.., PUBLIC NOTICE iTATWM•"'T OP' WJTNO••WAL l'llOM l'AalNl lliNll' ONllATl"'O U"'Oe• ,.CTITIOU• 841,INIO "'AMI The lotlOWlno ,,.,_ IM• wtu•d•••" ., • O•"t-t•I O•t f,,•t h Q'" lhfl 0.-f'tn•tV'l•p OC»t•tl"O Uf'Mktt tn. fif fttlOU\ bu\11\e"\\ n,.m_ Of 8t PMU A co ..... ,, J•M¥ o ..... W•I• .... HWftl1"91ot1 IM~fl (A ._,._,. Thie ''<•~ bu",...'' n.AMfll \t•lfll m•nt '°' tM Pf''"~'""1p ... , fllf"'O Of\ M•''" 71, ttl• tn """ County "' Or•nQ., f M tull ~ .,., t••tderw-• nf ,,... l>ft'\Oft ... unr;1111..-tnC,J ., ~ O•*'"'"' " MIJllllA ( r,r.tO\\ 1\)1 ~ ...... o•tl'I •••,Ll>\M\otlfl (A- M4irr•Y (;fO \ '"" \Let•m•~U •fll '·•f"od w1ln t~ fr14;n1., rt .. ,.,~ Ot~n<lt 'w1·ft on ~O ,.,.,.,.,I) "" •• n, '"'· u:,., .• ,.,.,, MD .'>1atl'I ·-· -Al\ ..... l'>t••ll"9>1 I 40 E <•IOOV llO r,.I r J<-\1 • 10 U t ••l la I) II • >O )00 ,., ••• " ~,, 'M···, ,, '° , '° rupts '"'' \~f ••\ fll«f wll" tN c.-1, Cletll o1 Or-<-•°" S.C.- l•"'O.• 10. ",. ,,, ... Pvt>'•....., 0.-"''"I !>•Ir• 1>1101 ~· ,, ,,_()fl. u "" ,,., ,. l'llU» """''.,_Or-'""'' O••lv P1101 S.PI I\ 11 1' Ori • 191' J660.1' P UBLIC NOTICE i>••d '11• 00 \.fo1111nthrfll• fOt\~W ••1<1''°'' •IO JW) ) .0 M t\\ Xvtty I Ju11 ) t0 1 40 J \. N ip H ,_.. Pei •C•MW'• >.o F-3~7-PUBLIC NOTICt; o•ou ros ... ow c•un F10111" ••• f.••••<1u• 1Mr"•' • oo 110 "c~~~:~':-°.~~,A~:.:! 1-90. ,..,,_ <-t~...-t •~·n---1-----•U..-.tH• IMm.i~ ... ~Pi9---li--n..,nitt1.-COOWT"OrTH" tn ,,.. M.ltt., .,. ""' Ao""' .11.,,, Q. ==~·:,o~·o-•00••1 ~ H•·•0•11 ~1 STA,ll Of'UU~• .. 1•,.o • OAl l ll()IHJtT ltPPlER, F or Hint" •«e Cl••" tl<n t'ot•ll1t'11•l • 00 TNI COUNTY DP OaA .. Ofl Ct\•tl<lf' QIN•,.,,.. , ,. , 60, v,,.,,\Q 11,,.1.,. 11,.,,.,., uo Ho -~pedal to the DaUy Piiot d r· Id .. 1 b T ... A..,.,. OAl F 11o flr111 llPPt r11 ft4• •11•a Y ar 1e go.... y OJll O•Ot!ll TO \MOW c•usr ,. ""'"'""' ,,. '"", ou" 10, .,. ,l<.,.., .. 1 ,.,,..,auv1 tt111 10.1"""'100 SANTABARBARA -Baine. PO•CNANOtrDP"'uo •ow•flO~ttt•o"'"'"'"""'I"'"''"•'"• 'o""'"'"'• tio111r11 ......... , .. ,.oo,t0. L'ollow1'ngap"llemlhcy Th M M 1C H•n M0 11111s r,1 t A\ON tromrJ•ltR0 1JlR1L1""LtJt1or 11 Jot&\W..,I\ 11">\~•\I 10(> 7Xl So\ 1' u e 0 n a r C h 5 OfflllA ft l/Allf"TH (.I 1 A\ON II Hl l>(ll ,,,,, fJtom ... ,. )/0 " ....... l))j CM•d establis hed In the ir r bled (AHOI([ """"1~C.LlA'jOH •m-u• w h uhm d twice. once tn <"'"'' ' '":;:;;;;:;-::; ~";;:'.,:;:•,::!:':.~":.~' t 1 .. ,ntft ""'' ..... ,.,, ... ' ~'" !l~o,.1,,..1 0 p C 0 I ng ft Ii ffi e WI t l C en 2\0ne, In the th1rd w ... , •• ._ tho Pf'f•ll"" ot M "ll•ol P"•' .,_.,.,.,_'"''court '" o.-~.,.,._.,1 11IO '' 10. ~M> !)t(J,,. • ., .J,lt\f• t(;fMCH\• N JI bo M ~ • tU • ou u ,. , ·-·· ,..,., • ..,.,.,. .,.11 ewport ar r. 11ter Quarter and gave the ~!:~ c;:;•:;:, ~!;_· .~:~·~:,." =,.,! ~,:0,<~.~~0.~:."'';.:, ':;;:~":·:~· rJ tn \QvA"""" """ "'°"" 10 tnoo D cl _ U Ll;c h Sc hoo I 's ball up ea<'h ti me The o«• .... , .. 0-,,··-" ,,...., "''" 191, A• 11 f1I ., '"''" A,.. """ ,,,..,. 1"'•1111• ••• '••Mo:_, 8 •"" ,,.."'"'' Monarchs score d two other wai. at the Oo' -,,.,. "'""' '""" ,.,. d" .,.OH ... 11 , ..... .,,,., .... ., ... ,, ..... '""' tt '° t I ., \ 00 f'l••'""' P•rt*i (J40QU"''. 60 0 J 00 • 1-1.,,..,.. •"•"'"•"JM) n "d• I• touc hdo~ Ill lhe fourth Puebloi. 17 and each <,!'~." .. 0~=~ .:,1:!:'!'"d1~.:::· o'::-::. .......... """ ~"""" • .,. r nanQt> "' t' \1 Po1d \4J1 Y) b k ~ "-'"u \tvlUld twA bl qt~lf"d ""·""-· ~ 0 1 quarter to rea open a ended a sronng threat E .. , • .,.,., ,,, •• .-c.n1111 .. -...... ",, ,,,,,,,., o-~...i 1n~•. '°"' <)! Hor•• Racing Stondlngs •C.•lt'l,.. ... It, t9'• o.u., •-.c.•ft• 11., ..... 1 1~-~ w.. .... S.pt 161 JOCll f Y\ .... "' .. t•uit t'I ( "''"• ,,. ,.,., .... ,,. ... \rtt,...,,.,. ..... , f M tt '"''"~ l•t·t\(Jt .... , ~ft'' UlfJt t Htt'#I•., t ' ~ I Nli•O•• N•'"tt l "' ·~-, , .. , .. Wh•fl nt,h1t1 • . ,_,,,.,., ,,,.,. • hJ tHn W l'\1h•11 t '"''>' Jt r ~I "'· ~.u1 Ht''' t t f4 1tH ICl\41 f ~ .. "'"' d r,,,,,, ,.,, r,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,.' "'·'' ....... ',,, ''''"I,.,.,.., ' ., ... ,. ·• ... t h' '··· 111 ....... . Mevftf\ hi lnd p"'"" •Ill 1M ,,,,, • ._.,,,,. 100\ I t t• I 1 il40 ')I IHI l"I tt• J \of.I 041 "•> 141 • ,. • \1• '" ,,,, ,...., •• , •• ) M,)'i J)1 " I 11 I 1 <I 1 t t9 Qtl ,., 1 ,, • '1' .... , .,, JV j 1~ ... I /;.J lit tt 11 tlfJ I J4 I 1•1 \• t •I\ "' l\'I 1 •H071 TRAIHCIO Sflllrh t,t Jf'WI Pu~ JI~ I~ •' '7111111 llt ••'i bl •,1 f984~ •1• Kt II t t t •J04 ,,. ,.., ,.,.. " ,. ,,,. /tJ'f "t /l' ., ;tl\ ,. t'f\ ·-~ kOJ<\r~ 4/ l •llf' ftlf j I 11),,..,. '' 1 IV'!'-"-" 11• I''·' /11 11t I fl'•' '_.., 'I 1 u 111 /4\ I .-~ I (J/"t t-ft \\..etl\ 1\1 1"d Puru\ llJ f• \WI 161 ' """ 11~) "' I I\) ,., n • "' •'1 t, 4 •}I /·4 " ,,,., /ti) l\1 41) ... '" ..... '"''''•"' Sicily Champlonahlpa ••t ,.•l•.-rne. \•<th J OW.t1ff11,..1, h1"1'n IVJtv °"'1 ..,..., .. ,ll"'l'l·-4'\t 4) t. • '"""no AMAl/vtli ~' < •"°' ""~•v• •, b ' Ou\t~' ~,,.,,, Oit-t l ou \4nn.>1 \. • / f. f .,,,,.,.,, P.,.~ttd ¥\ P•t,., ,..._, N .-.""'Altt \Y\..,..nfHoo f)tttiJM \\ _.1tt\ \.lOt .. 4 . • t ~ \ Jack Kramer Op•n 1.otUCLAI Ovarterll""I' t 11ot hUM Mt def H•n• Ptl\t•r J • • J. ") Vu IOt AmttV4 ,,_., V•,.<'1n' V4n P•""" I" • •. Pf}'t_.,,. '1-.m1"'Q Of"'f Not.c~ '•"fW' ' ~ ' • JQN\ Mc l "''"°"' Ck't Ven• M•yrt ti ) • I • High School 01111 ( OIOfte 0.1 ~ Oet ••t•I-I)• I\) r ~· ""• Oii! Mar a..1 C.aft• I\. 1 I\ 1 Junior Coll•t e l'i.t'<a I. O•-C..•I t '''•"II" (.ou t """"fl (,ellt>••• Misc. Ft1dey'1 Tra"t•etlont ••U!IAU. .............. _ tt()U\l()t.f l>\t a~ M9M" 11111 Ytrdol\, M•l\eO•I ININQI' lflt t• w eWI' N W YO•tt MC'O $.9fd OoO l'llt1. •Hr Mr .. I"" l'lth-Qfl l>tt .. •\ IM a"""' tn •• ,.,,,Of •'-I,...,.,,, f;Wt<f' l'I fTSIVP(,H PllllH[ \ \•O"e<J fi... '°''· """"''"' ,,, • "'"'" ¥••f(Ol\fla(f aA-'1Cll8 ALL .................... _ .. , .... A TlAHf A H•WIC\ W••.,eO J•m•t flr•Ol•Y. IM•Hrd Pl•oll Larr, WllMltl, le><w.,o, on ti.'"''""" ·-•11t ll•I. C.LEVIL..4NO CAYALlllJf\ ll•tffMCI l .,, ' 8otl0ft, <•nter torw•td; Gto¥•r WOOletO, ...... Cl -llllif '-"'It, lttwMO O f'JltOll PIUON$ We l•tO Y•I llr•Oy,...-1f N liW VOlllC ICH l(;KS '"' 11 voo Ctbr•••. IOl'YM"d. ' '\AN ()t b0-Cl1Pl'lllt$ ti~ l f1tfl hylOf, °"'"''•to a lllrH ·Yt•r Cortlra,t, HC>CalY Net ..... I 14telley LA .... S l Lbv•• llVU 11one11 ftoblly \lmlltOfl, Ifft wll\f, ••••"Y 8enMtl, ,.,,. ... tllcl N•lf Ul>etlt, dtlt11 .. m•11. Wel\ftO ,, • .,. o,,,11eno, Otl•nwmtfl. COLLIOI UHIVlllllTY 01' H«VAOA·LAS veoas Nemet Al N-tttl tt""'I< Olrtcttt .. light game and rwwit a I th fl I d G•••Mlfl .......... '"'"'' '0 .......... '"" ... ., •• ,., ...... ' ....... Ot. ""0 """0 .,.,. n e 08 peno . -n• \.111, Drt>t• tttr-111 •,e111 1,. '"• o .. nu• r.,.,, O•••• ""''' 24·7 non league fool!>aJI qu a r terba c k Ph 1 I c-10-...~""'"'-'"'"'' •o •\8 , ....... ,P ..... ' 01 Q• ,. ... 1 Victory over host ~g Spencer ran "3 yard.a for ,,,:.~~ -::.::1:., 0:~.:'.!:i~' :~· rncv••t•on ,,_,.,....,on'"" lOUllly •• Pueblos Hi gh Friday a touchdown and Frank .... oetoro ""' ,_, •• "w ,,., ~:.::;.::,:."..;z,:;-: .. '.:'~:.~::.;· night Vu1tl0nct went 33 for the ;;:;:;;~ ,'~,::,:;~ .:;:".::;;..:": !J•••Q """'-· " ,.,~ The Dos Pueblos team r1na l score with Bame _ ..... ,_ .... ,,_,.,..or ......... ''-'" ~~:.. ~ .... '.1,J ... NI" scored first on a nine kicking the conver~ions ""'"" ~·-'"""''..,' '°"" • r 1\ r r1111 .. f P Qllr•• "' C> •k•' • 1 Dl>Lf •o•t•T Zll'PLl"ll yard nm by Ste ve Ryke r S pencer had an o ut· 1•<>o•.,. 1 ... , ,,,_ 10 v.,.,. .... 'o#.., ., .. ,.,.._,.,, ,,,.,.A u in the first quartt•r . then sta nding night for the C>W• ...... ,., -· • -· •· • ,,.,., ,.,. h • '"''~'-•" w a t " h "d " "'. t h .. Mona rch~. rush1na for <~u· .. _ .. D'"" '' -·•·· ' 4 ' < ........... c.41n 1 ' ~ ",;-, "-a ~ -. •• ,.,no '" tf't• t A , & tf'I ,. AU~._.,..,_p,..p_.,, Monarchs tied lhe count 114 yards tn 16 carnes "~••P•CM• '" .,.n.... · •'•"~" • ., .. ._, ,,.,...,,, ,., •. , ,, •. ,. .... on a two yard run by and completmg JO of 16 "'~";~,",';,~=:"1~··~ 1 ~1·' 11 """' • ,,,., ;;.,. • John Kapsner and went pass attempts ror 166 1111•.J<l w w .... ,"' Pl'BLIC' NOTll't: in front to stay with yards =;!~':...,. eight s~onds rcmaJn1ng The victory wa s the "'°'"....,°'-•"""'•••• 1•" "'""°"'•u\IHtu 10 the fi n;t half on a 32· second ~t raaght ro r IYc>t n "-"'' •" ·~rr 11\11~! "" .. ' \"'HMt H1 ' .... ,, .. ,, ... "(' '", \llf'I~ 11:•t .,.,,, .. ·; * * Mater Dea. wtnner over ! ,,..,, •·• ., Ne wport Harbor a wf'ek PL'BUC NOTl<'t: l '''"" '""'1' '" '"'''"1 '" * \<en ay 0-rt• n """''" 0-t , l 0 u 14 lJV' i•u.-btO'\ ' 0 f> 0 I f1J' J.#ft"'r 9tUI" f(V"V1'• 1'11 lli l M fJ .,~, 1 '"'" fti"'"'°' lli 1t •) M (J U.1t1f'\I> fJ rt, "(J MCI ~flt 4)•Uil"llft•H•\o •t Vv•"~' J1'U"1 H••"" •" 11i 1 G•-\l•fl•I><• '''''°"~" f:"lu-.~.-' yttt'ft\ ~D Jl•\\tnQ f'41t•O' , .. ~,.,,.,., I tA 0 Punt\ I ,. I "mblM 10\t 7 7 ,..,..Hitt ... "' • 10 1 ... _ • .n111,,. " l• ,,. .. It•• I ll I I ) It It/I 0 -ll•O,,..., >• 101 \P•"c .,, It It• Y•1><0 '10 VVin-1 1 ,. ( 411tyl• t -4 HliOQ;k'\\ I 1 OP Jfy .. , I\ tOO O•tY ~ 10 fl .. ¥.1'1 •I """1uv•t 1 1 NV J ~flt ) for '"•""' 10 C•tf"lf'\•lt 1 • M•vntt 1 o\ ............ ~.~ .... .._. .,.Cl *""°' tO I• 0 I.. II••"" 0100 (JP 6-f."'•" l•O 11 M(J.•Uc>f'n 1 \ 0 " ................. , ... MO fl•a .... 11) fOU•'Q ' 17 11•1 I~ \ llJ1 , .. ,,.,.0 I 19 (IP lh~O*'~' J 11 0 •1¥ t 10 M •trwl 1 I U Diver sity, Vikes Win Ocean V iew Hi gh School loet ILi first game of the season, an 8-7 de · cision to Los Altos High Friday In the second r o und o f the M oore Leagu e w a t e r p olo tournament, then came back with a 13·8 ve rdict o ver th e Newport H a rbo r H ig h Junior varsity. At the sam e touma· ment Marina High de· feated lfunllngto n Beach. -12-•. In a con· solalion bracket aame. Unlverally Hl1b 's Trojans exploded for a 1&·10 deciAlon over host Mira Costa In a non· league 1ame with Jeff Campbell scoring six goals for the winners. Ocean Vi ew's scoring w us paced by Brett Toi ly who had three in each outing Scott Elliott con· trabutcd two in each game f o r th e Sea Ha wks. Marina 's Randal Yee and Chris Rehak each had three goals ln the victory over HunUngton Bea eh. Prep Football t!CllW>114>, c...,,.. I• F-••111Yeflev1, 11 roroo Ger••" Ore .. t 1, Hw11t111tto" .. ~ .... Mtt11•• 14, o0t .. Or.,. O COtON Oii MAr 10. "°" (.le,.,.,.1, 0 «'•'-'• H, llr .. • lw•tln ll, Utlf""""' 7 CotltMtw'4,C.0tfr-Vt ll•v ta OtH ll .., ... ,.L LA °"'"'• • Meltt o.I l4, u.t l'wlltot I OtN Hll" 1, '"'"-7 Moyf.ir 14, ....._.._ 1 ·~~l ...... t 6'N , VIII• I'-JI, ICottll• • Cy,reM II, GHr11tt I ... _. "· ,._ 14 ~y Hlllt ti, ftyt~ I ,._.,_ 14, ,,., , Ll~U,llfltl ... tO Cotl"9r"'9 ........ . ...... .......... . v.._ .... ,o...... LalorNM,~1 1 .. ... ,. .. . , I ,111•11 !Yot I,.,,,,,_' • t1 .. .-f •,,11tl1 •; al(o by a 21 9 cou.nl. ulso • .• ,. 1. • ,, ..... r,. '"""' with u pair o r fourth I ·~c::._•;~!~~!';':.\' ..,.,;•,. ;~;::·~,.,··,~:'.~ •1• •~·· • quarter ~t·ort::-, ,,,, ... "' .. '°""""' O'""'Y""' -... "Q (,tW\• , .,.11"' ,,. ""' •<it11 , , , Rose S hort Four Hits For 200 PHILADELPHIA I AP I P e l e Rose. tha nks to u two week r-r \\•• J••'• dt t•••• • ~/8Y.tlri Ii. Q(.•(tO • I' t A l'tlt •'f tt ,.,.,11 •~ liJot j1J.t1, t t C V'olll f1~··· U o • t A II/At \.A I I " A .. u.1 I/. \f .. J,1 ' A .,.,,., • ""' ... 141 } I t "'•"7 t ~ ,#l•• \f.• , •I f '4 f,. ; '' ~ ..... U'),f ·~" f .. ..,,., t , .... , ~,,...,.,,. f(f'\•)\, ''J t:. - I '•""'•'-0 , . ...,,,.~ ... , •• (_, ~..,.,.~, r:W:',', ;•:,~:,; ~:;.,;;: '~°"'. ,." . ,,.,,. Pv1>41\rwd 0--.anQIP (O.\t ( .• ,,. "'''"" ~Pl I I) 1' 1'I ,.,, )II I IO Pt:BLIC NOTI( t: ., ..... , "' '"""'. t , I I >; "~ -I C,.r•>#• .. ,,, ' A,., ~ •-"''' • ,...,,.. t • I I ., 1·• t f f ,,., f A "7•JO r "'•if) f.,• tll1H 1' II f.I 4"rlt- l,W~·r-•/e,f't-t '"' ,., ....... '\ I,.,_,,,, hrf t <t' fl ~ ... ,.,, ~rt,...., f'·~JI , fl' , ... .. ,,. • .....,. ... ,., .,.. ~ t r'1 tJ11J1f,. t'" • ~· •, • •H •"4 o'-"Vt ' .... \,,'·"'Yu ,.,,,. ,,.., ,, t'tl'lf l ., ... , •. ,.~ ,,..ftUl ( •\t Cittt~f'!!I~:,~ balling tear. nfl."d.o; JUSt •1cT1nou~•ut .. •11~ fou r tuL'> to be<'ome tht' I ,,., 1 : ... ~!,\~!:!,M' ~· f trhl b a~l'ha ll playN .,.. .. •· (H' ;~;L~~· ~(~·~l("t:~ '' ' C•·' l t 200 h .J '"''"1"'' J: 11 •• l'ver o ~t· 1L ... in -·. , ,. ,,.,. , ' ... ""' ,.,., \IJ•I lolOP COU>t r m a1or lt·a~ut· !.eason ,.., ... _ L. • ...... Rose. 38, ubo th cha-. , ...,...,.. tng lua fourth Nalloncsl .,, •. .,..., "I""",..,, .. f I I •• O• (All• O•U•I ~ {0UN fY 0~011"'•C.l (•\# ""'• A tOUI& (JW0 lll 10\...0WC•UH 1( ( P W l/111 L~ague be1tllng crown in ,,., :;~;r;:~::-::· , ,_ •. , ....... l h (! n l n C r (' m a In Ing r """' • r w•• ,,, 0-.,,,, c .,...., , ., '"'" '" '"'' ""'-... "', ,, "~ "' ,.. . ... , ~•P"'t'J• • v • "'°'"' ''" t nAn ' ·' l "•'"',.. o• ,.,.."""' 8ames, ••-0r• • ,.,, , lJHet Wt-tf "' ,.. "'"'~"·' , ll ,,. 1•1' l .. I Since moving into the l e a d o ff s po t ror 'the Phi llies. Rose has b1l • 634. with 2.6 hH.'> 1n 41 at bats in h1 ~ la i.t l l games. H e has an 18-~ame hit· ting s treak and hu bit. safely Ill 2S ot the lut 26 games. The swit~b bit· ter 11 batting 334 , second only to St. Loui.s' Keith Hernandez's .342 in the NaUonaJ League "I don't know where he gets that extra e n e r gy d o wn th e s tretc h ." Pittsburgh Mana1er Chuck Tanner aald. PUBLIC NOTICE •1~T10U' 8 U'l"'t'H "'AMI IT•TllMl•T ,.,. '°'-""' ........ ".,,,.,,. ""''" MU at Al l'INC ~OP 1i.1 C.nl•• 0 • , Ulllt 'IA •...... llllQ1001 l!Ntacll, CA '1Ml l>llroCI \.ltl\tl"'•'· 1i.1 C:•ll1•r Or , Uftlt Jt, """Hnoton .,.~ ... CA., .. , HU\ bU\IN \\ .. (Oftdu<ted by M\ I"" dlv•dlu•f l>Htocl \~"'Im•• ff'llf\ \ta,~t ..... , fUtd With ,.._ Coul\11 Cler• Of Or-'--1• on S.., ..... ,,., .... ,. ""'"' 1'11bU~ Qr~ C.oe..11 . ..0e.tbt. PUOI '-o• •. •> n " "" n11 ,, P UBLIC NOTICE· rlCTITIOUt •u""''" NMllC STAT~""'"" TM fol ....... flH""'I' .......... .... ... , O((l>N CHAfll[ll~, JOiO Airwa y, Cent• Mew C.,ltorN• ti.1tl It_,, r-. F ........ 111 Vie '"·"'·· ...._,, ....... (ttlf .. nl• .,.,, ffth DvMfttu lo <-.CtM ey ... HI o•••""•' • ....., r ,,.,. .. f fll• ......,..... ,. .. Ill• w1tl! I ... ,_,, c~"' o....-c-. Oft ~ ............ .,. ~CM•~ ()r.,._ ( r>AU l1•1 , • t'>f ( "'•" "4' f11.,.j • O'"'t,h on ,,.. lt'l111 • Joi' t S.:pt t ~ t1 1' () t t _.,. M l 1' tot ••t •"'°""' ,,.u; •'"'U Qlr-h~ ,.,,..,. • ' PUBLIC NOT ICt: (ft•~ ,.., "'-'"• f•O'n fjr~o.. • tl v•t\ C ~ (hit•" to f1'•"'41f t v ' .,, ii\ ,...., tf l\OAOr A'f'O tl\ .. t•• t.••Y•'1t .., ncnn0111 t11••••S. -· •• 0ooo.r1-"' , o--... , _ .. ,. llrr~\'91) '"' trw '9\4'lt4"f •' .,. ••<1 ... NA.Ma 'TATeM••T \w .. ,.., C...._.t 100 <ntt (...nl"' l ,,.,.,. '""" •o•towtno ,...,~ ·~ ..,.,..,. ""'' .-,.," ..,...,_,. •rw '•"'°"""• .. •1' • ,, ,....,, ., 1 ., oo • ""' °" ''°""'"' •• ...... ...#19>t, Au\Tf• P•OOU(1\ ,,, ...... "O ... ··~·"""v •• ..,.,t.._., .... l'l•d• ~ AnMw~ (A ¥ft01 ,,.,,_... W'°'Y W IG ,..t.t"'°" tOt t ,,.,,, • .,,, • l ••tlftct f t..YO"f • I' 110 "'*~~f'llf., .. bw 4,l'•rf.-J "'"'"td• ~ A,_,..,,... CA 9"1CI It t\ IJU• fMf • (Ul(lf Af 0 '"-' ,. '"'' °""'"""'~ ,, c~t.-o th Mt"" 100, e-• '"-· c.w..,.,. ,. ,,..,... ..,,. o- OtvtCh.iet ·""'°'''......, •" tr. a..,.. (..,,..._, ,.,.., , L~•f l .-O'f• ,.. I P 1foftt (~81 ....... .......,....0'4 "'1,.,. •• f"t\ \,I~ ••l f•-..0 ••'" lf'W (11\Vfe t.._, pr..-cf!id 1ft ()Ir.,.... (~h (.ovnl• (.Att9Ji Of Or-.,...,., • ..-"-C. .... ,.,._..... .-• • ....-floe' "ovr" ""' , .. ,.,0-, u ,,,.. t• \·•• ...... , pt.c)f" IQ, ....... ""' .. t~, ~UW• ,,.., ...... ~,._ .. lit..., P\iOh-Or-l .. " W H• •·• I OA l l () ....,_, t ••"' ~O'I n n ,. ~ • "" JON •• 11aun w .. u.,.,. 1 ., '"""'°" .• , .. >..oo•"' c-• J \f(VI!"' Kl .... t'D'I' L•• Otftc .... I-l ~ .... PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUI OUtl"'tU 1UJW MllM ,$"'1•,_. "'AMllU ATl'Ml"'f Le•A-.... CA•U '""" foo.,.1"'0 C>f't\On\ •'• oo.n9 f•t UU,...,...,,, bu,.,...,,., .. an ... ,..,..,.....-. ........... wtc sr co•!>l 11111t1\M c••\ ...,.,.,,,..., o.-•o.t• t'I•"• """' 11 .. H •,.CIO't lllYd U~•I [ (ott• 1 ""'Pl I U U ,. l•t• Ill~ '• ""41w, c .. 1-"'• .,.,, PUBLIC NOTIC'"'' Al•t1 ,,.,,.. -•d, JIJ• ll•le1gt1 L Awnve, C-1• -, C•lllO'n•• ~•11 M•n•ft e ........ ''°'° ~ r.,.o. •1CTIYIOUS•Ul1 .. lU L•,,.., Cmt• '°""'• C•ttl0<11•• •>fl• NAMf lTATl!Ml•T '"'" .,..,,.,.,, I\ <onOU<t•d b y •! lfl'I• •011ow 1tUJ CHrM>n\ •'f! t'fot"Q Qoet'Mt•t H,,.._,.,,,P bu\ln•\t ., Al..,M W-•d !>OU,k lANO 11111 1,.,,... lttvn Tflt\ •141-••• 111r0 w•tfl '"" ''"""· C•t•f.,.ntl C_t, CllW• OI Otano-LO\/'lh OI' ~p llullt .... 1\011, t•)t l I/ti! ~H•rl temtwt '· "" \•nt .. A"'4 C•t••tt•n•e1•1IO) PtJtt11 Oo,orfll, 81o•n. 1117 l •rno" PubU\hed °'~ (O.•\• o., •• Piiot tf•tQ#'\h Dttv• \.ttnl• An•. l "lt'O'"'" W t•m-t, t \ 11 ,. t'1t l> It " '7 tO\ PUBLIC NOTICE PICllTIOlll eu""'llH M-ll ITATIMINT TM fol----I\ --llW•• fttU •\ flflEll JO•MS. 4011 0..01M C•• , ... """'' .......... ..-. .. (•'"""'• ~l•-·-It ""''""'-... ,, Pa<lfl( ( .. '4 ,.....,..,, WllMI .. ~,. c o111 .. 111a.- ffll• ...,_, ",_lell ... .,, '" dl•ICIUet S....• _, ... _ Tftll 11.i-••• fll'ld wttll '"" c ... ,.,. (lerll .. a. ..... c...tlt• "' Mil l.,,.,,., •. ,.,, "'' ... ""l>I'"*' 0..-Coiut 0•11• l'llOl t c,,.,.. P •II 11t0t W11d U1ll Aonve, ~"'A,.., (•llta<n•e •llO\ flttt' -0.ftltl, IOIU lllut'\lrt•" !Mnl• """' , •tt'O<"•• "'°' <.... .,,.. M WO(htD•rt~ Ut E •ti•• >t••,Ot~ C.Ufcw-ft1• Meroeret ll'f... IOll? I .o \lo"" "'•o -. A,..,<•'-"'• 41HI) llOOtt-1 "-· ,, .. , ~.111 ,.,,..,. W•r Tu\tlft (•llfor"••.,... ltutft \«-?ill F Na<lh Ttl\fon ......... ~.A ... C..ttD<l\lt '1101 Wener ....,,..II ltl1 l t Cw•t• Ott •t Miit. A,.., C e llfcwnta tt IOS ,.,,., S.•OPit •• , ., ~.Oft, '"""' Ctlllorftte '711• lfoQ•• O'enyon 11100 N....,oort ,...,.,. .... A•t n Tu•flft, (.•lltotn1• ., .. '1aaJ S..,.•mlltt I, u. n, 1', "" n n ,. CltO te•v. ton Cher-L•""· '"'•AA+, C.fltOfftt• "10\ Cll••t.• ~•al<" 1*>7' Q111man \frt•t, •nr1M,ea111or1111.,1tt 1'114111.-Or..,.. CtHI Dally Piiot, ~ n.,..,... on.'· u. "" 1111.,, PlJBLJC NOTICE P\JBUC NOTICE L .. IC•err>t, .,. JAVO ltoed, t'O•I• ~··· C.llforMt .,.,. l tt J MttlMt, Jf,. t JOt Hort• PlCTITIOUl IUllHI H l!l<llmortd, 5.tftte An•. Ct llfor111,. '7101. PICTlnou. •"-tMIM , ... 191'-lfte ~-I• delllt Du>I •otcl, S-e AN, ~flfitlf't1le ttm " NAMe llAt •MIHT fmnttt NICIC11.,., 10'11 StOdtlt fY t ....... l1'ATIMI M1' .,..,,.. •n 9ro<11, UOI H '--1 La .... "'' ......... ,..._ le ....,. IMltl C 0 M II U t II II I Z l O Mftte A,... c.i1tor11le '1/0lt MU.. Ol!MOLOOICAL LAIOllAT0 •1l'5., Nancy .......... ,,. A-10. "•' Nl!W"°"T •••l'PIC nvo1•1 ..... "'-' .. ~.Cott• MtM ..... Yer4N,L~Hlfl•,C.lll0tl\I• •o• •••11 ,,,,.,,, ,.,.,, "'••Hfl m11 '"1' Ml-I•<_, .. ..,.,. ut'I lf«ll,GelllWlllt '*I He/lty Ohl t ''"'• JIHI 111Ctt .. r .... _ltlloll .. 1'9r lflatl • Oary •, C/'911, , .. ™" St,._., 91"M11"11f"9' • 114. !Mltl!lfMll ... .,, ,.,,,..,.,.., ,,.JOt • ..._, e..c11. c.i~ • ...., c•.,... ,...., .M\'1111 f"lll• ....... It~'' tr1111, (1>11 ......... 1• ~\ef..., tr1 111 Tllh .. ..._.. •K lllM wllfl tl\e flv..,_, 1114111.i (OYlllY .. Or ..... .., ~r •· Ger, • C"" """1 O. T trfl' "'' Tiii• ............ Ill• •Ifft .. flllt _........... .... llltf •1111 '"" llUUtt C'4111t'I' C'-' .. Oratl9t CWlllY tr1 t• CIWll tf Or.,. C-\1111 S... ..OWH•, OlllTMI• a ... ._ "' ... fl ..... "" ..., .. , •• ''" .... c...,.. o.. .. 1111911 '"'-......... llldl, CA I ~Or .... CMM o.tly llllM, """' ..... Or.,.._ C..M o.llv 1111.. 1'11"1.._. 0r-. Coeit Ot ll'I' l'li.., ._ n,tt111ton •. u."" ... ,. tt1 1. u.n "· ''" ""'" "'ptom••. u. n. "· "" "'"'' . . . .... .. .. • .., • CINEDOME ·, ''L' • C.U."6A• All( ., SA l'lllY Oll,,_l Ut MJ -l'="'l':T:'l-=---:-:-1 M9AIA ll'•llAND e •TAN O'N&Al JHI MAIN l\'INr f'Ol ........ 11 u•t•' 171196~ ~u• JHI CHAN(N I &UN UN e IW .. IUDtrfTN IAMI flMI, NIXT YIAlf..a) PUii fKI ,lOMIH (POJ "THe KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT' IP1GI "RUST MEVU SL.Eff'S" '"tSCAf'E F«OM ALCADAI" lf"GI 'VI' IH SMOKP' Ill "FANTASU• IGI 7:lo.•:oo r.M. -.:ice MUUC: AND ... '°911lr' , .. WANDlUU1~ "'" H.O.T.ldll'I 1nnm1 AAUOM lOCICY 11 (JOl KAit SWAP Min 111 ----ti.. "ONI Ol&NT lAUOHI" HOMITOWN U.S.A.(~ PUii MALllU HIGH 1111 . .,.. , .. ·--Of rtll ... " It'• "mule number" time ror Ed Scbmerltr &od&Y alter the I " I Lrt vaaddkt lAd anott.~r perf'"c~d 1rortt and nt-a • point on hls tl01'.-st challena r. 1'hea l,.it>n, wbo turned In rr 10 polnl C'Mrd. A oo comJna up rlltlca wcr\4 Alvy Sln&er . wbo movK out ot 1 thlrd place ti e, Tra<>y Godfrey. naymond It Rondo Hatton and Cruy Otto. Both Xam nd R.M. lllahwwer badsCQresor 10 We lhouabt lut Saturday'• boous would be a real touahie, hut none of the top in. contendtirs tbouibl ao. Tho only queblion lbat gave anyone llOY tMUblt1 Wall P •t<• ftO:s~'ll nJcknamc. lit! ding into the backstretch. with just one m or e eoJumn remlilnlnai after Uu~ one• tn Trivia Bowl XV, wtf U test your tnv1al acumen with lh1s Rut It's Early • Look Wlw's A/Wad-NBC By JERRV BUCK LOS ANGELES <AP> -Perennial third·place NBC bas taken an ectrly lead ln the first week of tht' new season television ratings -but wait, 1t was only for Monday and Tuesday NBC scor~ an overwhelming win Monday night with "Little llouse on the Prairie" and the movie "Corning Home." It lost to ABC by a nar· row margm Tuesday night, but its Monday win w..is enough to overcome that. So far. NBC lc:.id11 with 22.5 in the A C Nielsen rallngs, ABC is ser·ond with 18.5. CBS third "A lth l6 9 NOC HAS A ZS.6 ruting Monday, CBS bad 17 9 and A BC had 16 6. ABC's new action adventure '>how, "240 Robert." has been falling stcadJly in the ratings and Monday had 15 8 rating and a 2ti share. On Tuesday. AB C's J>Qlcnt hncup of comcdw-. ~ave it the night \\1lh a r atmg of 20 5 NliC "a:. second with 19 4 and ( HS third with l~ !I NBC"S "THE MISADVENTURES of Shenff Lobo." panned by ~II lhl rnt1c.., showed surpm. an g strew:t h althou~h tt f.11l<'cl to u\'crcomc the ABC' comedies "Ang1•" and "1 hrrt s Corn1>any The lbre<> hour CBS mo\ 1c "The Otht>r Side of Mad night" trailed all night ·The NBC mo\ 11· "Semi Tou~h " lost out to ABC's ·Taxi.' but surged pa.st A_sc·s ne\\ haghl} Jcclaimed '· La.Larus Syndrome" It should be nolt'd th..it this SJ>('<'tal "ovcr night" NieL'ien sun e:r covered onl} the first 1'H1 da\.S or the week M:.tny or ABC's powcrhoU'>C series come lutcr ln the week and arc likely lo rl' \ crsc the order on N UC Cruneraman Hurt In Plane Crash VALENCIA 1AP1 A cameraman rorthe CBS series "The Waltons" surrered manor injuries Thursday when a two-wing biplane crashed while making a stunt loop ln the Indian Dunes Park. a spokesman for Lori mar Productions said. The cameraman. who was not identified. was admitted to Henry Mayo Clinic for treatment or minor lacerations. stud Bonrue Raskin of Lonmar. The pilot wa.s aho taken to the hospital, but was not admitted. None of the cast of the popular senes was m· volved m the accident. In the story, they were in a meadow having a picnic while watching a former World War I pilot go through the stunts. Miss RaslCtn said the plane was making several 1oops close to the ground when the undercarriage hit the ground and a wheel new off. The plane cart wheeled to the end of the meadow. where the cameraman and pilot scrambled out before it . plunged down a 150-foot prec1p1ce. {.ourut:•• "'a~ llt.-r hur•u ... tr rt•ll•' Jol111 \\.,,,.,.th•• 1At'l11r 1li•r•la• ••11 111 ull 111• lilm•. t ourH.:•• •u.-. w,l""'o •·lu1r•u• .. t••rl•li,. of Julu1 ~ 1H 11r· • hi•• ol1·•f'r••••ll. "" h•• l1111th·•I ill· '"'-111ul l'"r••1111tl 1•rol1l .. 1u• "tlh •l1,iu1t\ ju ul •tr1t'llltth. JUtt' "'n 't-.-' ·1 tun. l ·11-. I• u l""111r11tl r1•u11111l,.r 11f 111• r•·1uori...,1.i,. lifo·. tr11r- i11" h1• r1-....-t•• futtt.._.., lh•· 1rlu1t11ol11111I '•·or• 1h111 lol· ........ 1. 1111•1 h·· ''"'" r.,.r.1 .. 1111 , rwrf'r ... t1irl1 fiu a lh \0111• quiohr1l 1h .. 111•11-l1ul 1101 lu• '""'·1111. l~YNEB;;--, I Dally Piiot I BOX 413, Teanecll. NJ 07666 I Enclosed is S I Please Mn<! me -----lcopees ol John Wayne I A TrlbUte at $S.9!> per cppy, !Name . I l~:'·i· I I St* Zip ____J I PIH#..,. •• ell~• 0t _, ,,,,,., --I ,~~o ~AJ:::'.•~"_J C•llU2-H78. Put a lew word• to work for u . . . . By T.T. hne1.1»,. Try number rune on for alu u the bon1&1 bab~- 1. 'ftlE SINGE• BESEEal'ED the eleatenta mctaphoncaUy to preclude preclpU.aUoo oo her proceulon in what musical? 2. Gladys Smith might not have made it ao blg. in the movies tr she hadn't cb.anled ber name to wbal'! TAIVtA BOWL· XY STANDINGS I Ei'~l4Wlltl l it I t.It_,,.,..., tt 1. n .. U-IMI 111\'t U. LllCllY ,,_, IJl U~ > Al~T.....,1111 111\lo 1t.T .. ...,""9nl•I U 4. l•m Itel lit'°' It.'· ... .U-, UI SI~ It M. .. ..,..._ IMI 1M\lo 14. 'O. -..1Wrt _, S..Tr.cy°""'"m1 1tt 11.a.--.....,.m .. • L-. 9Mdl DAI (fl 1H 1 .. TM 0-. .. ~If) ftYI ._, & ·-.._I 111 1H 1'. 'C-trl 0 I ., ............. UI .. • .• Ttlt9fwm0.Wl2"11 U e. Crary Gae 1111 " U. •Id --UI >I t M.Ay_,i T~ let It~ 1t 11...,11 ... laT-OI Ml1 • .,.__.,......., ___ ~ '1 II.All .--..1u M OC-....... 3 "Good night and God bless" was the tradJ· tional signoff of what radJo and TV comedian? 4. The phrase "brmkmambip" was associated with what U.S. secretary of state? 5. WHAT DEODORANT CHALLENGES. America to "take ofr your coat., .. 6. What is Big George's last name in the comic strip' 7. What basketball player gamed notoriety for his socks. wbkh never would stay up., 8. Beverly Carlton as a l:haracter m what well- known play·• 9. "THE SAD ONF.S SIT A.LONE before the fire and sip a glass or lonely wine" is a melancholy lyri(• from what song? 10. Don was thl' key man tn the operation, but he hadn't reabzed that his JOb entaJled sharing a coffin ,.,th a corpse tn what movie~ Last Wttk's Answers 1 "Oliver" 1 musical quc.-stion) 2 Mane MacDonald <name change) 3 "Baretta" ITV theme> 4 Adal:.t1 Stevenson I hole an s hoe I :; Hex Harrison an "My P.'rur Lady·: <French l1n<· 1 1, ·tt-; a Good D:.iy · •deep breath lyric > 7 Mickey Mantle or WbJU!y f ord 1 Hoses 01lkname1 H l.nwsaana <shark license plate1 9 · Ar..cmc and <Jld Lace" 1 Peaches La Tour 1 10 "Born Yestcrda}' •monenddJe> fSend 1/(JUr an.!Wt'n to TRIVIA. c o IM Daily Pilot Bor 1500. Co..~ta Mesa 92626 AU enlnes must~ recewed b11 \~ edJU!sday, othen.um> half rhe ~s last score wUI bl' OU'OTded J i'111.~'<l.I '." I ' ~ ·- "'""''Il l '\ y IVIHH..\H" llAllll.._ THE . t §CDtJCTION ~ J_OE H'NAN ~ PREVIEW "TIME AFTER TONIOKT TIME" I PfTIR Al.A'• I \I h The l\Rl<l"i •~Jn-Laws ~ 0 ROCKY ~-;:ll , ~ Pio.a JAGUAR LIVES M">."f:J Death Is thel,. ~~~\\sEYEN 'J I I ----1N O..ttt le UMI,. way of lffel ....."'°' "ROCKY II" .. .. MMl.'t ...... WO'WtttMWa'O ,.,. L-:-t Odf\N ··~---°'"" ..... (11U) T..-y CM-. ,.,_ ~ ...... __ °'* ....... -.. ... ~ °' .. ClfliPil ~ '*'9 IN ._ ol a 00"- ..,... ,_ K..._ C 1 IV , 30 rNll I I IOMAMOI~ var~ . -·TI.I "P111nen.. llen11y ano MllCU. IMtll 111111 C1M111ng Ille_. and~ ....... .,. OOod .,., .. ,...1to "91 ~~I) o~ llWTTQCD MOYIE •... "'Pirate• 01 Mont«.,.·• (111411 Mw .. ~. 1'00 C.,_Oll 111 the 1140e. Ce1t1ot11i. viii antly tlfugolla IO t-.i W.alcen OomlfltHOO ( I "'. 30mlll) •o.a~A Q.AalC . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . . .. -·-'----· . . .... ------·-·.----_·_·_ ···-·-..-·-· -··-------.,_, ___ ··-· ,,, ...... _ ..- l aturdlty, •~..,..,.,., 22, 1919 Television ....... .., ...... """° .. " ....... ~, • lillCMI ••\t .. ........,., The .,.,..... 11Hll 9'0Wl ......... Lii* OelMI Ill ••a .. .,....,. ....... --..--..;r:::.~ ... ...,d ..... . - Cop .. s a f "ota l..1rn \.\II< ox U)) <H£H l'r Jon Bukt:r lwl rtt·ndl\ un t'l<hau"tl·d rntk -.tar 1 Lt>1f Ci arrl'tl J {Jll t hl• t \\ 11 h11ur prc.•m1t•rt• 1•p1..,0<ll' of '\llt P-. lo111ghl cil H cm r-. UC:. ('hannl'I 1 G MOWE * * "Mr MllQll8 Steoe Ou1" (llM31 Lao Ootc.-y Eut 84de l(lde The E:. .. t 8l<le gang gala lnvolwd In rnofa llllaflout ad""'tur .. (I ht 30 mlll I Q MOVIE a * * I r.e Time 01 T,,_, ll-' f l~I Bud Aboott. l °" t..oetallo (l hr 30mltll '1l) FAUHAHO ~CHIHO 'E.tementa Of O<aWlng · dMdly ·-.. .. .....,...,~.....,. ..... , • lillCMI • • • "Toward Tlla Ur*NWn" C 1 ... ) Wiiiiam .....,,, ~ No6att A plot ~ IO Qlllrl Ille ,__. of Ilia Co'MOi• . alW IDllnO II -• cat .. a.a,,.....(21w•I • lillCMI •• ·~ OY11aw·· I H~H) .101W1 Wryne, Rey Corrigan Th• TlltH r.i.equll-• HpoH • Uoohd ~ whO l\u a-\ ealltt>Q )008 IO impov· atlial\ed ranoNlt'• ( I ht I I GUT'INTAO ouecar•1Q HOME IN1"INOM ''WW• To Begin" a:ao•~ "Menniland" Hoell Fell· dJI Jeler, Boyd Mateon • TUMMOUT ··roo Soon" Fe1101a LO'#e peminN wt\at llacipen• 10 11'18 more tf\al\ one MllliOn A.rnerlc:an t.n-fooet1 wftO becOma ptegnant ........ I ~(R) llD ~SIO••to HOME ~s.n .... I a MOVIE I "' * "Maf\ In TM Wlldllf nen·· t 1117 II Rtchar<I t1atrla. John Hul!Oll A TUBE TOPPERS ens D 9 oo "Luck · Lady ." Bwt • ,_ Rt-ynold.. rza Mtnncftr &lf<f' Gene Buckman :;tur in this action movie about rum runners during Prohibition. NBC Q JO 00 .. A Man Called Slounc " Robert Conrad stars In ttiis new series ubout a J umes Bond-type secret agtmt ABC O io·oo lictrt to Hart A new ut'l1on series with Robe rt Wagner and Stephanie Power& u!I u Jet set couple who dabble m 1ntngut!. ttcally. • auev• tlllat Ch8'\(IM hit plant IOt ·~ (2hf•l .MOW • • "The Ina"'°'* Aoctl., Mountain R-" (111171 Clw\1 CollMll)', F01r .. 1 Tud<ar "' an Atlernc>t IO u-.. t1'e lown Of St Jo Ml-1. the lown lam.ta IOOf'llOt • tr_,. 11un1 r-10 Caltfoawa (2 hta I I :::=AHO JOHHHY Thie 40111 annl\oet11ry l•lb ute lo the llrll "1n4lnCan batleil lnCludM an 1n1- """' ~th P1g9. the OttQl nal Franll.. llld CllP• ot Iha 11138 prOCIUCllOn (RI 8TAA TAV< At tna Enterprttl!I 7~ I THNa'I A c..awo t 1• 11AUTY IHOW 9IOfC WOMAN "-end MuJmllilan Iha wond'• ,.,.. bionic dog. ate luQlt""' In Iha Ster•• ..,Ada rnoUMalne w!lll • lotaet fife• r*Qlng .a around 11\et'n CP.,, 21 8 EYEWrTNUI Loe AHOELU f ' IOOf(.8 ~t Jett! Kutaan I LA~Wf.U( AaO(JT ™H<A80VT G MOHSTP COHCVll An ... Amertcan conowt ... ,urtno ,.,, pt8l>OA Md '-"Y P'-petfOtmlnQ won.1 ov SouM. Foe111 JOQlln lfld OOlllCl\elll fJ) T'H£ MUf'f'ET8 OvM1 JOM Denver a DOHCOR'flll 1ao e OAHC:e~ -TODAY 'S' LATEST.LISTINGS ................... , ,,,._:-................... .................... .._.QA -._.--.-..tor. 11 ,.,,..,._. ....... .._, IW .. M .... ) • .... ..... .-. ... • 2 ··-_...__ --·----· ~ "tnlnlt~ ~ •• ....,,.. Ill DM*~. 0-.0 Md ,......._........,__ ,.,... .. Hull ---111 .......... (Pq GJMIMly ........ " 11:•1(1) .... -....... tMlllO °" A8CNIWt .. ~-..... lfld l•:ao IATUllDA'tNIGH'f moder ... t>y ..... Allft. LM1 ' 1"1 ... ff'ltd Wlllerd. ~: e coweatCVMICI o-> (RI "&aoa OI O..t" V.-;'' A • ~ ~ --oee "" dealh ..... ''OllW-Crude" -·~-:,.... ~:.·)~ ~ = 9IAM womJ111 •ll<IMO't lo regain (8-on Pnltnllt•l Bvtteir· ~ of lier ollflald tNltw, mMI to tM ,_ lllt.,.... 12 Iva., 18 min I lied! to flin<I • l'lllMlnO D MOVW etU<letll. ,,...._ a unlQue •14 "Ttle NeYy Va Tll9 bet wftll the teen.age NIQlll Monetw•" ( 1eee1 truant Memle v,,,. Doren. Pamala 8 9 on'fCTIW Muon A l>Mutlll.ll - ICHOOl. e nd a Nav•t o lltce r t:OO e ()) C89 MOYlf encoun ter rnan-••llng • • • .. Lucky l ady " und«w•t• wgetellon (2 I 197111 Gena Hackman "" 1 UU M.,,,.. A ltlO of • ~ IO-'llUtl<I tlellMt Ille, 1 it** "Claudina" (1117•) CoMI Oua<d, ganga111t • 04at1ant1 Cattotl, Ja"'" end the -11'1 ,...., ~I [art JOMI Romano. ~ 10 tNlta a IOtt-In rum -r..i-e down· rUMillO dutlnQ PrONblllon mnd-OUI mot,_ al 111' and ~~'oood1.. 11 0"'1>9Qe C04iee10t 12 Amanoa Blel<e. K.,.,, nra I M0trow, l lWI Gt... ta Cl) A()Ot(IE.8 f ha Roo•ne• en1oy a Alwaya O•-Joan Glv1&trna• 01,,,,., •I 1,,_ Hadlatt • .Adam R!Qrl, "T,,. llOme ol J1M and Ml~• S1moee Of Love" Ed<l.. O•f'~O Mekk• S) FAU. Of EAOL.E8 I TO 9E ~ (tWI Game A1 Getmany SUMMEAfUT Gl'.-1~ Kil-Wllhulm fedOy Pen<19<gt ... Ano ·-to .... ie"' t ... Ntllhttr. y "°"°' Elilman" """'". I"""• 'Coc>tet Kida T "'8 H>< .. cillldren of • ~p1 .. c:acMMI 0tgenae e VIQI· iante group to hunt ao..n • gt oup Of rustler• Wflo .,, lrylllg lo Ilk• •d•antege ot • cattle 11 ampeae c R) ti) OVTVI LIMITS Sp-•••llon er-men _.ountw mutn1oom...llk• 0tgan1em1 tll•I wntt • t.Chal gd end rnuftlply wflll •loulldtng rll(>ldlty 2:00 1J IOOIWOAU> man eurvlvN • btulal maultng by • huoe l>Mt c.u11ng the u 1ounde0 approac,_ 111 d"Unetl(Jfl. I AOOllWll aptceahlp ldenU cal to Iha Enl.,ptlM " no.1 o.,..,, r.,,no ca-11 A T •ate ()I HQfWy c.6a0r._ ly fU<IO" Shleio• .,.., Yt.rl'Wlll a.ti v .. ..,,. Eddie M•ke gt... and Ellirnatl pr Ovlele @ lol0Vl£ • 1oue1no """' to • * .,. r,.8 St••~•ng 10::80 I ()) POPEYE GOOZILLA MOW • • ··Refutn 01 The 01an1 Mefln.. ( 111611) Kot"o ~. Sholto Fujlf'lluta J-O-..,llegeB lnvoile lhe ll)lrtt of an ancienl w•• i (l ht .30m<n) THE MOHIU'.E8 11.00 ,,,_ Q.A .. IHOW a WHJ(SC) 8"CW. " Qlte •11.1e ~·· -OM* • .,. orpl\ened chlld, .. eOOpl.0 by people wftO OOn'I lllle doge (R) I Wll.O. Will> WUT ~TIWN MACK MAN'S LANO ''Kenyette" TIMI Ille of Kenya'• tlral prMldenl. wf'O ... conelder.O by many lo be the •'f"athet 01 Alftc:MI Nat IQnalllm. •. 11 pottrllyeO (RI H : 16 II BA8EBAil Regional COYWllQI Of Pttl1 burgh Plra!N at Ch+CAQO Cuoa Ml"'-Ota Twtn1 Bl Miiwaukee Brt1wfHt, 0.HOll Ttg41t1 et 8o•l'lfl Rea So• • MAACU8 WELaY, M.O An oc.a.noor-.phy alUOetll """' the o.ndt <llareg•rda Of Wetby'e ldvlCAt and ln11111 Oil OtW1 "'°'' dtve fll l86UE.8 IH WOALO COMMUNtCAT~ 'P rotec ting Netlonat tmag••" Hoit Oen1e1 SchO<r IOCUIN on llOw va.rtoue count,... pr-1 thett "8tlonal Image. •• and repr-t other coun. trlea -to the W()(IO 12::30 8 ()) TAKI.AH I~ IEV'EH 8 8TAATN'J< D Gr.EA TEST SPOftTS L.EG£H08 • MOV1f • * 'h "TIWI Stnoer Not Tl\I Song " (1981) Otrk ~ Bogar<le. JoM Miiia Good end 9'111 l0tcee fight over a Melllcan '°""' 12 ,,,, ' l!i mini 1:00 U VOYAGE TO T"tf: 80TTOt.t ~ THE 8€A Plont Mllf'I . 0 THIS IS THE NFL m Ml88IOH IMP08818lE 0 8POATIWOALO COvetlQI ol lhl f'INA WOl'ld Cup Diving Cham· plonahlP• from WOOd· l1111d1 1..... US Auto Club Otf1 T' acli Charnploll- AlllP• lrom OuOvoln, tfll. n011 0 80NAHZA Adetn ...ipe one of t ... INOtn<;i m1ntng eng-. OI th(I t;tn9 10 ptOW hll lh«><IM 8) SOC MllLJON OOUAR MAH hit l>(1Wel'• '°' criminal purooeee llf'CI 11 11tpoe41<1 oy St-In • be ll.. ot OIOnlc:....,. m t.t0V1e • '4 "Wines. Of TIWI WUI• land" ( 193&) JoM W•YM. Phyllla • fra-. A Ill· gecoach o wn11 11ca1 agalnet • "°'"' to obtain ;; valuable mall cont rllC1 In Calllomta ( I tw I m AMElllCAH OOEVERNMENT "Prtnclpl .. 01 09moc•a· cy· St•v•·• •ttempt 10 protect • computet a.<.pert !tom being kldnal>C)ed II lhWllfl· .a by lhe woman ll«Mlf lndlane lo *°""'I> him u • 1 QC>d _ii ht , 30 min I •:00 a w caa SPORTS aPECW. c:o-..raoe ot the Oreei Am•rlc•n 1 ruck R•ce IMlurlng 30 truck• and treclor1 from the Allant• lntern111ona1 &P*IOway us Rotlll Sk•Ono cnam plonahlP• ••om Fon Worth , .... e MOVIE "Matc;o POio'' A"'mated (1 '"I ., MOVIE • • "Wiid In The Country (1961} EMe Preetey Hope ~ A llOClal wot~., convlnelM • juvent .. delln ' quent 10 develop ,, •• W<ll ~ t.i.nt C2 "'-I • LATINO COH80RTlUM ..V•f•no Campellno" Aoaa Ramon l•pl()tM ttwl ltfe o4 migrant 1.,mwork.au by tOllOwlng aoma ot tn.o CfOOt IM tame H tlWI t.l>Otll<• C!) HUMAHITIEB THAOUOH TH£ ARTS "lnlrodUCttOn TN! OU<lll F0t s.tf 4:30 8 THIS 18 THE NFL ;t:Wa 8:30 ii PEOPU'S COAH£A OVMlt Oen Grindell Ken neth Hahn R-1 Gomel Jr ano memblt• t•om 11>e Mulll-Rec;l1t Community ACllOn C-Ornmttt .. 1"90t'd IO "'" c.hWQM Iha! the county 1 ._ •l•UC1ur• c>1 IM GLAC~A IS if\M>e- qu•te D HEWS ~ E8'TAMPA FLAMENCA Atne(lc:en nametlC(j <lanoet M.,le S.01181 tn<I h4lt C 11 ampa r l.llnenGa Dance Company ....... .,,eel "' ,.,_,"'and perfOlmanG<ol In N-Ml!l•i<;O IRl ®J WIDE WORLD OF SPOf'TS U S Mltl I G~mn1111<;e Tttall IOt the WOl'ld Cup taam. from Colotado Stata Unlvertlly New YOt~ Stale f ttl!lmen • Comp•lll"J" trom Roct-1 ... tot-v,,,~ -EVENING - a-oo IJ rJ C88 MEWS 0 NBC NEWS 8 BIOHIC WOM~ G O ,,.,..,YFWO 8THAT'9HOU.YWOOO Fon<! I Ano I' amlly fl3 RSH TREASURES Atexano.< ~by hOel• '"'' PIC)(l'lm on lhl e1NOil •t the Mue.Jm Of ~ Ar ta In 8011on wn1cr1 e1 pl()tM the l(Jit'll lfld ,,. .. IOl'f Of ltteh W1 IRI '1l) AfLLWUT Acl011 011ecui-a llf\CI crn. 1&1 d l•Guet fKuttent t....,,_ In Weetern fnovlM (JJ JOfWI,, JOKDI. JOKE.A UIO 8 ()) WONCIHO 8TIFJ8 tPtetnlef•I AJ ...,,_,, "' a <WW 1(1(11 ..noc;n #OI~ I Ml -11\al [rNe •I M>On OUI Of a l')b 0 CHtP9 tS-aon "'-•• w,_ 0<gan<l>nQ • ICll'er .C)...:,O t.llettTy bell Pone" .no Jon c.rou 11a1n, """" •Oller ,,..,, •h"'O 1t\4VM • c.onmW\ V""•titflflt CO!WK.htvJ 1tn\.vr •'<ff ,,,.,, tlf'f)tpl..,. &f".0 ~ 1rx.., at•t r,.o.°" wt lrom ..... ..,.I() Q MOVIE • • • rne i..CJeO ,,. IMl'll •tJ., Ill•'' fl·"? $umrtllti•I wtlh a <:On· CAtt lrom ll'WI Or-The· Mr,on C 1\11181 G1900ty P..-;• fva Mer .. Sllltll An •1• in loe ~ Ap.ecN ,...,,IC>r Ml• out 10 D SNEAK PMVIEW trap the men -hu tlk· Rog.er Ebet1 and °"'* "" in h•• -.te wtte and s..kel r-"Rici\ !<.Ide nall·l>IMCI c;hllel (2 nra , lb ano "la Cage Au• Fo/IM mon I 9 UNDEMUWCW..O llA6<f J WOVI£ MJAOQtOCOUST'EAU • * *'h Toe> H•t fl9351 Bllz:urOAt Hope Bay ~ 111d A11e11•. 6 1ngar -=-> D MOW *. "~t r11r0t Mog4tt• t 111101 MICnfffl Renn.. -MIDNIGHT - W...tn ()or f.lll•-tMtrtel c;1 .. 1urM plan 10 uM 12:00 0 MOVIE human •"'011on1 tn * * • "~•l•rtl" lll162) '°"°"" E¥1h 11 ,., JO John W•yn• 1-urdy """ I I' rl>Qll • HtQKT OAU..£Jrr 12.30 Cl) MOVIE Th41 Dowll t• Ne.I Moc•"'2 • • l wt"•<l 0t1rn1 A N1111 0-11 hun" Ir; f !~/4t Pe• (,..,tll Jr,,.,, Ille -* al '""' 0'.11 ... a•fl ·-·-"' .,, ·~· CAatllt Stoo I" lll"'Q Me ,. women 1a c;v..,lnce<l lh•I ..... -•• try.no l(J ~•,..,lo oeeth '9 CA088 COUHTRY Doll'• 'NMI l erry C.•ll•n anci O•~• and '-'VO•'..,., ,n '"'' ,,,..1n91no t'>v"'' t """"" ~--'''""" ··~ t,,v...S Time Tr>ftet• et 1<"1)11 ' bN') J ""' ,,._,. p.,_ (.11,1om•M fl'ot 10"00 0 A MAH CAlLEO &.OAHE fD M0Vl£ • • N r,m•n lo Ovoth(;tl t 1'1'21 DI•• 1lug1orrlfl 1<1•n ~ er>I t ~ Q AOCK COHCERl 1.30Q MOVIE • • • '•v• MtUt<>fl Yttt.,a ,,, r ,.,... ',,,.._,., J•rn., '""''"" .. ,,,.,,..,..., .,.,.., Q AOVCMTUREAS Q) 'IOVtl • • • 111 ()rtt•r• O''"'• 1 • f t f ,ltn11• -0 0 I~,.. .. ,, H:I09(J) f AT Al..8£RT ti) 0£T8MART P11tll la kldn•PC>ed aM rlflld 00.19Q8 oy 11 group ot ..... ChtilOUI , .. votullOll 1111411 2:30 II IT TAKES AU. KIN08 83 QUE PASA, U 8.A 7 "Jom Goee To TM HOfP' tlll" The Pen11 ,,. lc><ca<I to oeai with ttwl cold,_, of ,.,._ end •aout•t1e>na "' AtMtic:an ~\Jiii (RI ID HOMANn'IU ~TH£AAT8 Je•me d·S"im.,, H• ••,. IM'l<..4 of 1™4 ""'JfMl' f1t\t l'JH)IUC dog •n<l '1a• 1u•I ltvl!I d•r-10 Hv• ti lm rn dMltUCtl<"' !Part If (. r <Ml'l y 81,U HOQol I NO ,p,..,.,,..,., ........ el "'l""' I t'W)rnU R.emongtt .-, S. ..... 1\9 t I I r.oo.n Cont IO 00.,.,I,_ •• • l'ICOO" ' ., •• ~ C)lan 10 .... QOrO.OU• rn'>d •• 10 bt.U-•1111 10C> mth 1 ·~ 10 ABC NEWS 2000 MOVIE •• I T"W~ , .. , 'llJf ''"\ •'It. 11 i:..,..,.,, uc."'•" ~ .. """ Jnl0'"1>< SIT\IW1 Ii UllQrw>d 10 pro ll'Ct a Scand1nav1an p11n c.ee trom klOntoPlng (II ANIMAL& AfllW.LS ANIMAl.8 -AFTERNOON - Q) TARZAN m FREE.HAHO 81(£TCHIHO ·•0taw1nq An Undev14· Oj)llO~C41 ' t1oat P11rtcla Sttch GuMlt 00t<1on CwrOll. co-p<oek.a.r of "Alien". Or EC Krupp G~ ~ ti) MOVIE "'Fiim 20th Century Laoac'f" tn4tf1 1rr '" t.om. ""' *''"' -.gn ..,.,,,,.,., '''II"' from Alrt<A O..:> to 1"9 U !. A 1# f'lrt l Q 9 THE "°'""RS A young men ~· at t,... Aopow I <.M'Y"'Q llta • .,.., Ofllo .... 8 HIEW ZEA1.AHO' FOA n4E FUN OF IT 12:00 IJ (I) JASON OF STAR COMMAND 1'30 0 (I) 30 MIHUTU Chtletophet Glenn k>OI<• •t 1111 d•r>QW• ot mot0tcy <:llr>g Betty Aeron •990'I• on nc>eetobe ''Ei<p•nelon Ot Vollng Algf\ta" 2:46 81 M'8lfON8 ~ TEXA8 3:00 tJ (J) SPORTS SPECTACUlAA 1.00 9 NF\. GAME ~THE WHJ( D FME-4-.AU HOii Fr en~ Kwan 8 STAATAa< • * • '" Hu111 Hu an s-ChMIOll•' 'lllflftl 81111• Oev11 Ollvie Cle H•"tllsnd I. 1-:>u'1Q NOMan t m1no 1 alt.c:lt>O wn.n tier m111•'4d •o•er 11 found .,.,_d I' h<.s-1 fD THE ()ql(ltNAl.S W0t.t9f IH ART motn. ' o•...., -tUI ., .. &n entry ct11ming Stan..,. .. .,,.,bOy •l••-0 MOVIE D KAAT TO HART tPr•,,,1ttr•1 rJotit r.f J<lnalhll' Har1 1 I~' W~t IOt,,_ emQIO'r U SOUPY SAt.E.8 fl ~ NCAA FOOTBAll -------- 0 NCAA FOOTBALL ~ .it j(,•, •,i.11r "'' r .tltf<.Hn1t1 ('han nPI f ,,bf ing11 f) r•u: r •CH ,, t ,, 11ri11• " 0 KNbC... H ll.lt,1 L", A,, WI,., 0 l<TLA • ,, I IL 11.., A• If• •' 0 MBCJ r /I AOG1 l r" Aoq•· • t • f r,l(j 1Cll » ,.,,, l>""l'J B l'HJ rv ,,,,,, 1L•,.,11,, ,, .... , lfO KC.'> T 1MK1 :. .. n 0 'J 1 4D l<TT /lllHJ l L<, A•· I,.'" Cl) KCOP r11111•J1l•1 ArtfJ• • m Kr:[ r r" I PB'-,J l (J, Afll.j•''' Ci> K<.JCE rv 1F'B~1 Hurtt '''I''•" 11< .. 1'" Coverage of ltle WOOd· wAld Stlll<M Handlc•P. a ,.,... •11<1 • QUll1er thO<. ougt> or e<J race tor ,,,, _ yMr.(11<1• end up trom a..lmont Perle In New Yon 0 AORICUL TUflf U.S.A. ' The Mlll ·Hlgh Appia Otctiard" D MOVIE • AoblnaO<I Cru-" An •nlmelad lale t>....o on 11'18 atory by Oet\let Oef'o. o.pleflnQ the "'UOGM to •• an ••letancJI on • "-led lelend (I ht I 8w&J<IND~ A CU .. •1t111 puooy'a ,_ °"""'. .,. Otpl\Anad Ohlld. The Ent11prlM •n<l llt Cl-.,e threet-not to ~· their """'°" ot ~lllC110Q a ,_ gllAJ<y 8 WIDE WOOLO OF SPORTS U S M«>'• OymnHtlca T r1Jlle fOf ttwl WOt1<1 Cuo t-.i, trom COIOrldO Stele Ull,.,,.,llty. New vor~ Stele Firemen'• Cornpelltloii · from~. !Ww 'r0tl\ G MOW • • ·~ "Rope 01 Sand" ( 19•11) Burt Lancaat8<, Cor111ne Ca lvat Aller becoming Involved rom.,... ">1>1••1 C.atcr..,, lh• "" Cl Bely• :Jui A....,,. ti•AQft .,, •1 S..tytlt ~".,. ' .,.,, .. '•,.,.i• l'W)f-1nt911;,1 ,, •"• cultut• ot tn• C:A1•t1 heAn and 118' IUGln•ll(ln ""'" Ille m)""'llc:al m BWEOAASS. 8UJE0AAS8 1:30 I a rn NEWs MARY TYL.EA lolOOflE A hJln<llOtTWI atchltecl wno IWI• oome to lilaton Mery • bulldlng lnVltM her OUI 0.1 e deta • OPE:HMINO G.-1 HetWI Scnlltet * • YOQ Mon918' f•om Si)A<A f 19711 A1<11rlC\t1><> A11 u•o l a•on11111 An •' 1-.tf l•n•tar r mr.n1••, '•'1' ,,.. • .,...,,.,, o• tOOY• ..rwma.tt -.nG A man ,,, t'MJtp If\ "•ti C)Uett ~ dom"'8hon ot Lari" I I hi JO""" I 8) UPSTAIRS. OOWM8TAIA8 f Owlfd and Oalsy lie "161•19d and Geotg.n• "'°' unt..,a a t • _..,..,.,,, hOeOltel ti) MOVIE e '" A Place r o Ole C 111731 Aleaandra Hey Oty.,.. Mat""811 A~ --ino ·~ '°' o.ng '""" oeco<IM 10 """" ,~, JOl\•tr1.,, ' W'fffl .....-~ ,..,,,., .)\~e PQwtWt 1 ""'-' • ...,"' -" v < +OH'f a) SPEAl<EAbY ~ THC FA.LI.. QI '73 10:i08a NEWS l1Jl T 0 N AHHOo.MCED 11~0 a im HEW1J 8 OOUEOE FOOTlW.L UCLA vs w_. .. ,, 0 UIC FOOT&ALL 71 .... A•&•H fl'la 4077tn 1urne up• *'!'k "•t1copte1 ptlOI '"'"0 -I """'' 10 QI.Ill W>d e ~Gtwno ooee Titanic Sunk llgaiit -This Time for TV tty H .RRY 8 '( K I ,(>~ A"C;J-.1.t'.~ •A l '/ Ttw l!IJ1ry <1( the '1'1h111"' hui. lwn1 1J1lrl "' 1.lft,·11 Y'JIJ w11nril•r how Uu-y c·un wnng uny furth• r u I>' 11•1• frmn 11 'llu i'>Y 1A U11 /\hi 111•1V1t· ~ '' ~ T 1lc1n1• · I\ lhul lht·y d11 'I Ill tt· i i. h-m111m fr11111 lht.' m1Jt1w11t tt11· ~:-, C'aq111thlfl r .. n ·1 \11•t tJv· lui.t 1J1 ,,. 111w"1J u11lil llw fllifJ•·11t1c hnn -.111>11 IJf·twc1lh tt11 Al1J1tl 1• 'J hl U1rt·1· h•>Ur rt1•1v11 "''ll ~utul;1y ruj(hl u ~on ABC It ;,tuns l>a vtd J.111M·11 11~ J11l111 .J&1 t1h A:-.lm f 'li1ri:s LNH0hrn1111 a~ t hr u1111.t.t111J1t• •I 1wt1 """"'" ulJfl' M11ll y H11twn . Susan S;J1n( J.arri•· .,, Lt 111h (,11r1dlN1n 1J uv1t1 W.:irnt·r II \ J.au r~111·1• u,., . ..,,, y J i.u1v1v111 <m wh1111(• li111>k ltw 11t•fc(!nJ>l11 y Wflf1 tiuv·tl 1111d I un llf1lm a~ Jo1tt·11h him uy. H111114t(lllY dm:t·IJ1f 111 llw Wh1t1· !'-)(lff l.tlH JT'b hMAU , WONIJl'.R llw 11lt11 y 11( lilt! 1'1tunlc tuus lwcn told bfJ 11fl• 11 11 " 11rw 11( h1-.l11ry H rno:,l dr¥m1tl11· , .... ,.01 Ttw M1 1 ullcd u11M11ku l1ll' i,h111 11trutk .. n trcl:lt.1rJC on 1t,. m41dn1 v1Jyu11.•· w WI:.! untl i.unk, with only 10:i of UM· 2,:.!0fl pt1111h: alJwutl 'IUI Vl*ttrlf( "~ 0 ~ 'J'1ta1111 ' >1' morl• than u dasu11l<>r ep1t· ~·reenwnt.cr Jaim •• Co:ftli;<Nn und director Ullly fl ute tell llW e!lOry rmm th ' pns pccllV(" of \ht• rtl(ldly 01VIC1t•cl c•lu11e1e11 ahourtl the 11h111 ;1 ~ort of m1l·roc0Mt1 of tht· Urtln.h Empire 'l'hc n ('h pa:si.cngcn. 1n fo'1ri.I Clu:-.~ wallowed 1n luxury W11h the dccki. uwar.h , ont· /\mcnc·an m1lllona1n• tells <t woman pID11icng(•r In a 1lcpart1ng h febl>ul, "If you \f'c m y wlfr tell her I wu1 weurlng my 1-:n.:llsh dinner Jll<'kcl I w.111 pr1·1Jan·1l l o dJl' lake u gentlcmun THOS•: IN Kf!('ONU Cl.AS.'; hatl u few modc'tl 1·om forti.. hut 1n Third ('la:.s filled mo!>tly with fne1h 1mm1 grant:> there wt>rc no l'Omforh and no llfeJackets Wht·n the ThJrd Clus1> pulisen~erli find their only hope of escape• ts lhrouuh th•· fo'ar11l Cl<iliS loun~c. the master at urm~ of the s toking st1111 wurni. lhem "•very p1ere of :.ilvcrwan· will he counh!d Ill lhc morning" and >Jendi. them h11ck ;11 UUllJ)Ollll "What Rc·ci·dcy did was ob..,ervc pwple." i,u1d M1~~ Suinl Jume11. who playi. 1tn Amencan school teacher 1tlN1Utled In the book only as "The Ludy in While" who hu., a sh.lpl>dard flirtation with Beesley Miss Saint Jame~. Jam.en. Miss Leachman and Gerry Houser were the only rlf'fP1r1Alll' I/' It. Ctllt 1w~ m 1 )410 '"''" .... ,., •• ~. Life of Brt•n (R) 12:11-2:16-4:11 t:1M:11-10:11 8!DOCTION OF JO!TYNAN 12.·24t-7·10 • 1\rn,•111·a11 1tlt'mb<·r .... of tht· t·a!it Tht• rc:..t v.c r t· fo;n~hi.h 01 It 1:-.h · lie: 111Jtl1• u11 ~torte:. ubout peoplr lie· lt\cd 1n a 1rn11· v.ht'n 1f )OU hud lht· mon1·y )OU could J:lO F1r..t Cla'>~ und bt• , .... lllitlt·d from thl' rc:-.t or tht• world fl t' observed lhl.' dum· ing, th•· glamor It'" sort of lfkt• ·t;pstair~. Oownstatr.., · · ~ISS SAINT Ji\Mt:S JOINED the company for film 1ng ul Lond1Jn "Thl.'y hud filmed earlier on the lslt· bf MJn. and <it'fry llOUhCr '>Uttl ChC' llt'gregul1on wa::. earn ed on off tl\c wt Tht· actor-. playtnJ.1 1"1rsl C:la .. s pai.senge" IJtl• .rnd ~11t•1:.il1n•d 1<1gethcr and the l n sh ac·tor!'. !ltayed to tht•m ..,l'fw:-. l>:t\'HI Warner wa11 lhc only ac·tor thNC pluy lni.: u St·t•(11ld Clas!'. IHlllhCnAc·r IJild he hud to cut alonl' ·· ·n('(,..,ley "'a:-. a dull man who wrote a dull book.· Mts!'. Saint J:.mw:-. observed "But he told the st or y of the T1tan1c from a dtfftirf'nl p0tnt or vtt•w James Coht1iian mad<· It tn tcre• .... t1nl( Ill' :.ibo pointed out cill the 1ron1es. where 1f onl' of a tloll-n thingi. had not happened, 1t would hu'e ended d>Ht'rentl> ·· Mti.l-1 S1.11 nt .lurr11•' broki' into Cclcv1111on 1n "Nurnt• or tht: (;amt• ... lh<•n wN1l on to pl uy the female I cud 111 "Mc Millan und Wife · · "ALAN ALDA WROTE THE BM.LIAllT SClll'1. Cl&RS10ALL Ctll:ElllBJ." ,,,..,,,. 44,,,,,, \I vi N ffl N lt'•i,,•I ~I A 111'11\'f 118'.I l'IC' Htllt Call UJ-1171. NORTH DALLAI FORTY NOW PLAYING Put a few WOfda to work tor ou. 1:004:1M:ao OMMMMAll IOUTllCOHT llWMIOI' ClllCMAWUT ()langt637 0340 Co.I• Mti~ ~4ti //I I Wt•lll1•Mlt1 891 .llJ.l~ Q) MOVIE '"* Tl'l<J LM"O MMC •oe• !'.ll•1u Ro al!• 230Q NEWS 3 tO t) TALMBOU'T Wl1'H TRUM> H JACOVt.3 0 H£WS 3 t~Q MOVIE • • • (•_Vton tQ., A(,nt1t t lQJft ,,~ Mf.I ,,_ ... I,,.,,, )• "'•' "'• '30 m ,.£\ ... 3 .00 NEWS m "'OVlf • • l. 'V"" lu<J I ,(I'...()• '''""" .,,..,.,J B•t"Jd"n'"""' I tltwtl)rd 363 0 .. OVlE • • t Pa ,J fr1 i i.10 f 1'~~f Ri't:lerl Cu~ 11re oelh Scott 4:401 NEWS 4 q MOVIE • a Tt.. MIO Ooc:IOI ()t Mittie! St,_ t I~ It Una '°'"""' Ltc>nel Al""ll ........... ,. ON 'TITANIC' SuHn Saint Jemea . ' ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIE REVIEWS Slluroay, Sec>tember 22. 1979 DAILY PILOT .. By AllTR a I l lT Tiii .......... _.. 1''ra,,c·t . Co pp o la " Iona awmt"'1 "As»cal)"l> to '01i1. h as r1nllll.) rr1v d af tfr produ<-Uon dl'l..t)'\ th.at inl'ludt'd hurrtcanc~. ht•1u-t llHbC'" and •Scr.ipt P'l'\.l b ll'llllf that !>\•nt th coat o lnf\i tu S31 m1IUon Althouich ~o m ,· c:r1llca. l)n!Sumubly boM'd on a version Cr l't'rtc:d \•tu h t<r an the )t' r (w h ICI) I J 1d n t H't 1 have a I r e o dy t•"' pr t• ~' t> d o m e r cs e rvuuo n:, Jbout thl' Calm . p a r ticulu rl y In 1ti. f 1n 1d controntutao n w1th &badowy Ma r 10 11 Brando, I c-.rn only r eport that I was held by e very minutl' of 1Lo; nwr~ thun t"'o and a half hour pla)ln~ time . and * * * <'l'm t' a wa y w it h t h tlrm convit'lion thrat t.hi• h1 one of lh maJor mma or !'Ur cnt NOT ONLV FOR w ha t It 1111y1 ubout lbt' 01adneJS1 of war. which no< tvcryone will uacr t• with or OV('n unden tancl , bu t ' for Co ppola 's sheC'r m 1t11tt-ry of thti art of pro v ld1n tc a d eep <' m Otllirrnl u nd · In lt•ll t•t•t uni ex perience on cellulo1d fo'r om th<' Opt>OIOJ{ p 1.11i&Ua£CS, Ill wh ich th•• whirr o( hd1copll•r bla d t•s i.ound ltkt> wHrd Junalc in&ect8 until we <'UO adE>ntlry th«im for wha t they a rt!. the mm 1s a vl rtl.IOSO blending of v1buaJ1:1 of nig htmare Intens ity "llh sounds tha t pl"oducti un aln1ost hallucinatory effcc·t. whtle deep * * * ln tbe back.1tound. peopl are worklng . p ruytnM o r d ying. r c mln d 1nai u 11 t h u ~ thuc nlahtmarN1, the11e hallucinations arfl a ll too n •ul Coppolu uhso hus· developed a 1.1 ·nd nrnl fol' long, linge ring o p lll•a l uvt.>rlupic. thre e or m o r e l u-yti r b o f i mag es 1dmullw1t..'0Wil)' oo the screen that lf•nd u c ur1ous aesthetic tcracl' to lht< horrors of modern, mt·C'haruzcd "urfdrt NOT TH T .1n yone could poi.a.ably •C<'U& .. • Coppola who wrok th1: sa1pt of Apocalypse Now " "1th J ohn Mihus of btJ1og .1 "..ir lover Based very lou::.elv crn Jr>seph Con rad's turn of Lht' century novella . "'The * * * He arl of Darkne11," tht tum Is se t in the final years of the Vietnam war , wllb Ma rtin Sheen ua a n American ofttcer ,' who, like Conra d 's m ain cha racter . Marlow, goes uprive r to seek an insane killer only this time, the river is In Vietna m a nd Cambodia , a nd the madm an is r enegade Arm y office r , Col. Kurtz (Ma rlon B ra ndo). Sheen's instructions ar e to "ter min ate his command." T he Journey itself. however , undertaken on a s mall. heavily arme d river boat 1s less a n ex p lo r a t ion or t he heart o r da rkness tha n or the roots of madness Marti n b een e51111ant In a sen es of b rill1a ntly staged set p ieces. Coppola reveals war as the great dehuman izer. A st rategic village domina ted by the Vie t Con g 1s ruth lessly destroyed by a g ung-ho colonel <R o b ert Duva ll >. whose t wo concl'mS are the welfare of hi s men and the body count or the enemy and , he make!> clear. he considers all lhl· "slo pes" as e n emies <I t '!) t y pi cal o f Coppola. and thl' film. that he dot·s n 't t' a ri<· a t u n· th 1 ~ man lie ·s t h t• k111d o f fe arl ei.s. 111 tntll('s~ lt:J dt·r thJl m<1:-.t G Is wou ld l1kt· t tJ fl!c l w as tn chargl· > War's Horror Detailed "Apocalypse Now " 1s a frontal a s sa ult on t h e st.•n ses. a mon umental motion picture that justifies the lonitl'St a nd most el~borate pre-ope ning publicity buildup sinct' "Gon t.> With the Wind." F ra ncis Coppola's highly tout- ed m aste rpiece. which openC'd Friday for what !.ho uld be <tbout a y<'ar·~ eng-a~H'm\•nt at th<: Edwa rds N£•wp11rt Cinema in New port Ct•ntt·r. vir tually en- ~ l ops t he '1 .. wer in th«: ea r -p1l'rcmg l'<.11·ophony of war a nd 1U. attendant ma dnC'ss = Intermission Tom Titus c•ommod utwn t han c1nemut1c· a rttstr~-. uncl eonws off all loo ohv111uslv as sud1 Yd thl• l'h nwc·l1l' Sl't'nt·. as Sht•t•n tu rr1t•s out h is ordtr!> w h 1 I t• B r :.1 n d o · s t r 1 be s rn e n seemingly sense less C'arnagl· A massaa<' a c·anbou m a genUJnt• blood -and-guls colonel C Robt•rt n tu a I sac·n f •<'l'. 1s tr em c·ndoush Duvall) leads a devus l utmg al t>fft'<'t1 w· l.ikt>WIM' thC' final SC'g THE PATROL bout a rrive::. ut tack on a Viet Cong v11lagt'. ml•n t as Shet·n s hoat pull'> :.inolht•r 'lllagt· h<>U'>lng an burning and s laughte ring every s llt·nllv away "Ith only lht· l'11111 mou-. 1\mt·r1t·a n -.upph thing in s ight, so his men will -.ound of falling rain 111 lht• dark dump Just as u plane load of have access to a pnme s urfing n t•ss us a backdrop mon• Pia\ bo) l'lciyrnull's 1s be ing a rea The men ferrying Sheen nvt•tmi:: by far thun \Cl another ht·llcoptc·n·d 1n tri put nn a ::.hCJ" upriver to his mission stop ;1 napalm -.trikt· "h•t·h 1., an for the· ml'n s ampan and dest roy its occu altt•rn,1te t•nd1n~ 1.1!..c• lht· anim.1h in .i 1.1JO tht· pants when one of them makC's a J.!l'rfurnwrs an· '>PparatN1 from THIS PANORAMIC c<1nvci<, s udde n move Clo rescue a pup BRANDO'S 1>\'11\G words thl·11 JUd1t•nt·t· h\ :t kind o r u pon which CoµJ>(>la paints his PY. it turns out). '"the horror tht• horror." ltngt·r moat But "htn ih(· l'laymdtcs V ietnam with b r o a d brus h .11 tht• fadP<>Ut Yt•t so do Hw ll an 1· 1 n J.: Ii f' com t· s l c, <i strokes vC'rv nearlv reduce:. the DU VALL, HIMSELF a primt· h1w-. .,IJ(1!..1•11 t-.1rlwr rn th1 film 11r1n,,c-.1tl\1'. th1· <;t s -.tart mo\"le'secritra l plot a battle c a ndidate for a s uppo r ti ng IJ} tlw g1nt·r,il ,1.,,,11.;ning Sh•·•t1 h1t·.H·h1ngth .. b.11rtt.idt· <1nd th1 ha rdened captain sent on u top· Os ear. is one of the m ov1c•'s to his mt<,:-.JUn Thi·n 1-; a ,.,,11 111·1 forrmmt•e is .iliruptl) haltt-<1 s ecr et mission to destroy a r e· mor e memorable c hci ractcrs rt1c:t 1n 1·\t·r~ ltuma11 hl'.trl \\1ththezoo1magtas m l'taphor negade colonel to an incidcn· Afte r ordering the fiery deslruc lll't wN·n thC' raL.r rial 0 nd tht· ·,r Coppola :-.UJH'<'sts that "ar turns t a I s cg men t 0 n I y a n lion of the village , he grins und rational Ev1•non1· has his ,,.,0 nh'n into IK•..i-.ts univ th<') rt• enormouJ-.ly strong pc•rformance qu i p s. "I love the s m el I of IJrc>uking potrll -· 1111 tlw \>.rrmi.: -..de r1f tlH· t..ig1::-. by Mart in Shu:n I whic h has n a p a l m in the m o r ni ng .. C11wmat1call.\ lht· movie '" F artht•r UIJ lht• rt\t•f. lhnc··-. u Oscar wntt<•n all over 11) k<'<'PS Over s tated , per haps, but much supcrb. "1th < ·o11pola ·.., hi~hh bridg •'. fc·stuoni!<I w ith lights the rilm and its e\cnts in prope r like Sterlin g Hayde n 's m a d r <'fi ncd sc nsl' of 11riart·r~ ;ind llil' that tlw Army hur ht.. by d <1y perspecl.Jvl' ge neraJ in "Doctor Stra ngclovc" ev(•r µrcsc•nt s<iund l·ffel'ts. ":.u thl' f4l'nl'rals tan t·la1m thut Sheen, u b rtll1:tnl ' actor whose in its unsettling im pact C'rC'stint: and ebt1111~. providing a lhl• ruad 1-. op<m " and the V1 C'l ·time. at last. has come. pursues Finally the showdo wn come!> hrilli:.m t bacl-drop fl 1s an ~x -Coni.: dlstroys <it night Sht-en his strange as:.1~n mt•nt with the with Cas everyone must know by p<•n r nt·c• not onl} drcimat1calh· ~ocs o ff 1n s 1•:1rch o f the tenacity of a rabid dog Thou~h now ) Marlon Brando pla ying the but seni.uallv a s "ell t:11mmanu1ng uffic·t•r APC)CALYll'H HOW IU•-Ar11att 1 llrD<klo•-dlre<lor Fr•n<" '°""'• k '""Pl•y .4-Mll•v•. , rat1ei.-COQP01• ... ,, ... ()fl MIChH I Herr coproduc•" l'reo "•· Or•y Pr-<10M>I\, '""' 51ernber11 Cl11em•tov••llfl• v11tor•a Stor••o Tec-vl•lofl/TecM l<olor C.•I · MArlon 8••r>do Merton '>hon Hol>O!rl Ouvell. !'r-rt< Porre>I, Alberl H•ll ~•m 80ltom\, Utrrv F l\llOU,.,.., O""nl\ H-•. (, 0 SPr•dUn, H~rr1\on ,_Ord, J•trV t •n l'l'e•. Cynthto-WOOO COiieen C•mo ltf' O• C•ri>enter 8 111 G•all<om Aunn1no ume Ul min Mll'AA retil•• II na rration writte n by Mich ael He rr <and delivered by Sheen > includes the observation. '1'he Vietna mese people have only two alterna tives -death o r victory." As they proc eed onto the Ca m b o d ian b o rd er . th e riverbank is litte red a lway'> ca su ally -with c rash ed o r burning planes and dead bodies. so m e A m e r1 c.·csn . so m t' Vietnames e In dt at h. 1t doe~n ·t m atte'r AND AS A visual confi r m at ion of this g rowing insanity. ont· m ember of the s m<1 1l C'rew ISam Bottom s 1. a c ha mpion wrfrr f r o m C al1 for n1 a, t akes tCJ paint ing his f:.ice and bccom1n~ 1ncre as1ngly spa<'ed out tWht•n we finally m eet Brando. ut one pu 1nt his faC'e 1-. s 1m1l arly paint<>d Wcsr 1s a madnt>s'> that k n o w s no rank . the '>hot 1m phe!>' Sheen .., ult1malt· rnnfrnnlatirm "1th Brondo a W1:'il Po1nt1·r "'hti b\ \rm' -.t..indJr<h h.is gone tx:r-.i·rl-,·.., <.il'>n a '>f'l p11·c ,. lJUt bcc<1u-.1.· 11 1nH1l\l·s Hrando ., ''" n c.·onC'cpl1on •if h1m-.t H 1l 1 al once thl:' mo-.t c·c1mplt " .ind \ erbal or tht'm dlt 1ndudm11 ..in (•>.l<'ndt-d •and ..ipt 4uc1t..illlJO from T ~ £11101 .., Thi· 11111111" ~hn Thi· ..:l1111ri1\ t1·rrqil1 th.it .., t' r \ t• -. d ~ ( 11 I }\ U I I I '> he.idquartl·r' 1.., qu1tl· ltttrall} "tht· hc·.irt of cJ,,rkne ... -. .i chJ riwl tiiiu"" ~ h'"'" ,1 rm1·0 guards murder at thl' "t11m of tht·1r ll'<.idt•r H1itt 1nl! r•1rp-.t an ti s c•' c• 1 1· d h c· J d., .., , 1 m 1•\ l·r~ whl'rt' Ont· 1ma~m1·-. 111..,1 Jone::.to"n "'a:. not d1..,..1milJ1 ~1 th 1l!. pc·11pl c· "urr1·ncJr-r 1ng their "111 to d god c1f tt11'1r 11"0 c hoosing we do not lt•arn much abou~ his deranged comm ande r who ha!> W ith ''.\.pon1lypst :-.o". · own c haro<.l<.'r. we· art· l.!l\'tn. t.>stablished his own g r uesome F r ancis Coppola hJs rcat·h_d t>is "WHO'S T H E c·o mm:.indin.: I ~ ITS DARK n·1 ~ ...... ht·J\' t h roug h hi s eyes . a n P X · king do m in the Cambodiun len1lh as .1 fil mmaker and •lfrlctr hen"' he d<•mJnd::. or d "1th tht· Mt'nth tJf cl1se.i.,1· Jntl traordinary picture of what. m jungle. Herein hes the m ovie's M art1n ShN·n has established spaet•d-out rifl e m an 'A.re n l clC'ath. Kurt1 uttcmph to u.plJ1n Coppola';) \-tt•w, "as th<' horror only disappointmen t.for Brando himself as a ~uperstar 10 lhc '0 u"" the m an rephe::. :o.;othing himself to lht• m ;in d''1cnr·d t11 or the Vietnam war < re portedJy grossly overwe1ght J mold of tht• Br.indo of 20 year!'. could -.um up morf• -.uccinctl) as'>assmatl' him 111 µhtlo-.uµh' Th athorrorpcnadc.!>thc mov-JS seen only fl eet ingly in the ago It 1s .111 .i<comphshmt"ll lh!.' d 1ispirfilc·d . d i•.intcgr:.itcd has been :.hupl'd b,\ hr-. ""n ( h d r . I I b h II mnrJ (' o our \'1t·ln u m c'>t.-ex p crtt-ncec; a'> d br1ll1Jnl 1e. m ani l'Sltni! 1tst•lf 10 !'.Cenc s a ows. a acia c oscup or a o t '"' haH· trouble· surpa,,.., 1 f a fte r scene of inc redible and gloom y silhouette It 1s more ac m~ <om 131 orcC'<; rnmb.it c11mmanrl••r •• mJn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=='---'-~'-n_eont rast. t_h_•·~P-l_·r_r_c_p_t_1v_e~-d~e_d_1c_a_t_('<1~1_1,_t~ht•Jrt<1f ~.ir ANIMAL CR ACKERS . SINGING TELEGRAMS This ..erves aa a aummatJon ot e pisoder. witnessed by Wiiiard m hi4 JOurnet' up the river -the soldier 's blind faith In a leader. the sexua l deb4sement of men without wo me n, the m lnd le$s d estruction or life and property on com ma nd and , above all, the cheupness of hum an life and the raf)dom casualness of d ying. Kurtz hus no spec ial objection e ithe r to killing o r to being killed : his only question is : who has the right lo judge? And w h e n h e 1s s ub s e q u enl~y murde red h acked lo bits by Will ard 10 a se qu e nce ho rrify ing ly fnter c ut with a rituul slaughte r of a ca ribou - hi s d y in g wor ds, echo in g Conrzid. a re "'f.he ho rror, the horror IT IS T HE f'INAL seq uence thcit g1H!S unity and meaning lo c.i film that . in lesser hands. could e asily have bee n simply a catalogue of the hor rors of war. Coppola .., upo<'ci lypt1c vis ion E'Xlt·nds muc·h farthe r What he 1s inv1·~t1gat 1ng ts the evil t hat lurks ill lht· he ar ts of me n rµart u·ularly those Ill t h,. upper m1ltta1 ~ ('(:ht·lo ns J. and its ~ou1 C't•:-1n fc·Jr c<1 w arcl1ce', :-Plf r1ght1·11usn<.·-.s und na ked lu..,t fo1 pow1•r T hi· Armv doesn 't sc·nd W 1 I I ,, r cl .1 " a r l' r a z e d murd1·r m,1chtnl' lo kill Kurtz ht·<·aus1· th•· rn<111 h.i-. g1Jnt· over 111 lht· •·n1m \. I.Jut s imply lw< •• u-.1· Iott 1 ntn,, ,, rcm•gade It\ 1111 1,, h1• "" n r1Jlt·, tSma ll ~ fl II cl I I u n d ,. I t h e c 111u111-.lJrtc1· th.11 th1· Army ci. 1 ltru·•I 111 C'OOpl'rall' · in this pt 11clut 111111 I hJ\t 11\'J'" m .. 11nta1ncd that lit• 111.11 ~ •ii .1 i.:11'.rt iJ1n•1·tor •~ 11111 th• , .. ,,.,.11, 11n 111 om· nr t"o Ill I rr.r1n.1111 f' liut lht· qucillty or thi • 11 •·nd1I• 1il,1\ 1ng. :ind I .,,,,., \1>111 ,11\ I''>• :'\11" a:-. my ult111L1l1 IU 11111 ,JllllO T ll f-. ('.\~T r:--1·111irmou s. m.1tl1 11p •if hoth prof1·-...wnab .ind n1111 '"''" But I would defy .10\11111· 111 '·" ''hlth "us "h1ch I ITI p I \ II 11 I h ,. 1J a s I:-. 0 ( p•·rf1111n.irlll' l11.111rl•1 111 <'llUrse. bald and Buddh.• 1i1... t1Jtall,> d o minates th• 1.i.,t h.tlf hour t1f the film ~1th ht-. hrooding 1ntt·ns1ty a IJthng lion lit·n·Ct of his pn de ... nrl h1.., .. tr•·ngth. hut '>till quite 1!Jngcnru., It .., another add1t1on tr• 111-. '.1,t ~Jllcry of m em orable .,, rt·r•11 µ11rtra1l., I' 1· r h .1 p .., t• " ' n m '' r t· .1~ton1-.h1ng thou~h ,.., :\tartin t ~f'E' \PQ('AL \'P .••. Page BIOi 7141675 ·9966 , ..... WE'RE COM EDY TO GOI IMPORTANT ~~ -PREViEW .,.. ..0. OIUOft ' • _. A.A • ... .at, 0 "'"~f~fCTUllllifti•0 ·~~--""'-0 ·-r-c...,_.., FOR IHFO 534-HIE tn the Cllr C~ir• o. ...... 6:M·8212 More Entertaining Than Humanly Possible! '>II< l I w (Jkl\lll ~··· MAl<l'IN '>rN«.I R '"""""t A.nM 111.N-.<Y. 11l<'fll. I( 110N ·n II. Mll'H I Ml !Vil [ ••"~'""' ............ Ml\KTU'I "'TN«~ t• · f'\"lur"'ll"' llM t lfN-.C J1ll Wr1tt•11 i,.,. It.HI{\ ~Jiff IJ, JN. I( f\t !RN-. -I ,..,,.,,.,.11,.. 11\MI 'lllNNI I\ ~llil ... t>,,IW" WllJ.ll'IM..,...,.ll(l!'U"YA~llLH (;o. poodllt..U I"' I Nlfl INLH '-WlA_lll1iw Mui"""f>,...,.._ .HM 111 """""· IAAl\iK(ll·~l liR'Y NU,-.CIN 11HA~t.I MAI I I, ~ .. c1nename i= SCA.EEn 63U 2553 • CJ CDJl:!PLEX Cn~pm.1t1 Av~ &. Sitot .. An• F,,.rwAy MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY '1A POCA L YPSE NOW" rn1 "MOONRAKER" fPG I "CAPRI COR N ONE "ROCKY II " PG "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" "ALMOST SUMMER" f PG) "HOT STUFF" (PG} "THE VILLAIN" ""THE CONCORDE -AIRPORT '79 " "THE BRINKS JOB" (PG) "ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ" "THE PROPHECY"' (PG) "ALIEN" (R) "EYES OF LAURA MARS" "MEATBALLS" "WHICH WAY IS UP?" (R) "THE MUPPET MOVIE" "REVENGE OF THE PtNK PANTHER" (PG ) "THE WARRIOR S" "UP IN SMOKE" ''HOOPER" A L.L. O,.IVl:•IN S Oll'a N 6:JO r .M...-Hn.Y Cftllcl U ntl•r I z ,., .. Uf'll•H • l<ICldte ~otrOlfnd TONIGHT AT 8:00 PM The Push-Button Gang ••• it was their rust and last job. McNICHOL .. .--BENNmFILMS, INC.,._., OONALO SUTHERLAND BfmKE ADAMS AWL MMJ!IBl(Y •"A MAN AV.OMAN ANO A BANK'' ~ AllM MAGICOVSltf LEIGH HAMILTON ~ 11 ,_....,JACK CAROIFF. 1 $ c ._,..,., RAYNolo GIDEON' BAUCE A EVANS,,,. STUART MAAOOl.IN .,_,., RAYNOLO GIDEON a BRUCE A. EVANS c-,..._ ~ W FIELD ,,_., JOtlN B BENNETI" PETER SAMUELSON Ormot .,NOEL.~ ..... BtllCONTI .... IQl .. l ll .. ---·-·-..,._,_., fPOl ..-T·--~ I ''""'"'Cll 11#1 .... ,_c:.w.,.-.... _ ..... COOlll .... O.lti t-----·-----: ~~~Re'-9 ....... __ .._ ....... ,_ COITA llllA, HARBOR CINlllA Ml-0173 ORANGE, ORANGE MALL 137-0340 --~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~ALIOAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' WllTWOOD, AVCO CINnR CINIMA 471.0711 HOLL YWOOD1 VOGUE 412 ... 21 .,..._,......., __ _........_.. .... ._. ............................ _ ........ __ .....-.-... _ _...,..., ........ _._ ........ _.._....., __ .......... ._ -.. -.... -.. . . -.. ---.. -.. --~,. ~,._ ---............ ~----• ' . " \ "-"9 "IWIFt AWAY" ........ nm... twoot OllR."llnf 11 ... , t PO 1:r•t1i1JWm!1 · IDWU JJI lllHUIWITOtl CIMDOMt " ,1 I ; t ... La Cage Aux f olle•1 i• one of the mo•t uproario u aly funny m o vie• eve r m•de." H Uni led Artis ts 5" lAUGH·flLUO WEEKI IA.lt .... '" Ml SU I It I OI • " I 00 11 .. •1t'r> AME.RIC AN C !Wf-ITI and ANIMAL HOU!:>E rolled Into on<• •ildf)I ldugh M ........ •• ~.> ., ....... ,,, ••' ., ' . .,, J•• YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN lJ[ rn CYCL[QI ( )t,1(1(/f' (,,;Pit (,(Jl/f•IJ14 r,r111t.Jll' ""' o ll1C11tf 11•1 yr llfir/ 1 ,.,,,,., ltu l tJ'.f,J M 1 .. 1 1,'d1 'i'JH I ,, . .. ... . . . . .. .~f·Hior (1if i :e11s' .~oga '\1;11l111 lh·1·•.I I "l'l'IHH I f l'()lll f'1~1hl I dll l'C'h it t 1 10 111 'l'lt·1 ~111 .11 ·1or" 011 lw .. tt 1011 111 ,, • .,., \ ork 101 till' 111m 11· · Co111i~ 111 ~t~11· i"n1111 - ,,.j I ;1n· C1·111 g 1• H11111°'> !ol:l .\11 ( '.11.111•'. 1;11 .111d 1.1·1· Slr;_i "lil'l'J.! ii "APOCALYPSE' A MASTERPI ECE .. • ( •·rom Pa~1· H9 1 Sh1·1·n ., J>Ort1 :1 ~ .JI of U11· clr1\1·11 <·ynll'al W1ll a1 cl. .1 rn<1n 11. ho hJ . ht·t•n at v. ;u too lunv t11 hJ v•· .. t a'>lt· fnr an"t 11th1·r k ind 11( ltf•· b u t "' h II u n ti •. rt ii " 1·... h I ... .J .. 'olj.'rlnH Ill <JI "'J ">l 1n 11.111 Ill lll'>f'll\l'I Y.h;.il II 1-. .. tiout \I.JI th.11 1·;.in tur11 .1 -.u111 11111 m.m hkt• Kurt1 111r l11m-.-If for th;.il lll<Jll1·1 1 111111 J mon'>l•·r Sh1·1·n v.ork'> v.1th .. tot .. I I.JC k ur '>l'" llJll'>CIOU'>IW'... rt:mJIOHl.: NBC Chief Vows TV With Substance I.OS J\NC:l-~l.J-.S 1/\1'1 .J :mc· C':.ih1ll l'r1•1fh·r l'h:11rn1;rn 11! l h1· ho :1r d 11( NBC' -.ay.., 1h1· ll·IP\ 10,1on :.1111111nc·1·11( th1· l'..1811'. v.anl'. 111•1 g ram 'l 11f -.u11-.1:11w1· .ind c·ultur•· .ind mm1· n1·w'> ;rncl 1nf111111:1l111ri 11, 1•nri<'l1 a11cl lwil•·r tlw1r l1v1" Thi· /\1111•111-.111 J>"'•JJlo· Y.1· ,1·1 \« :111 111 1•111n111v lwtt1·r •·du• .ti r·d m1111· n.;11111 .. ;11111 1111111· 111\111\1·d 111 .. 1t.1J11nJ'. lh1 ir ''""'" 11\• • ..,;11d 1\11• 1'11 1H1•1 The•; ·""•ho w 1111•, .1 nt•1r<• di· 1·r11n1n;,l1ng .1l11t ud1· in 111111. 1111·\ d111w.1· lo '>Jlt•nd tlw1r fr1 •· l111w ''"ti th•·\ ;,11· 1d,.11t1fy1ng v.111t lfl••1:1J lh.Jt .1.,'.I I .111d lir11;J1l1•11 lh• 11 J10Jr111 ular 1nlc•r1•'>l'> .i111J pur .111l'> ='-••lv,or k l••l••V1'-11111 l'.111n•1t Jff•ir<.I l•1 lw hJlf ,, ·.tq1 lid11nd tl11., dwn.:11w Jucl11·11c .- '1 R.~ J>,. t .I F,.'l.K. A UUKt,;~~•"· ,, {j,>rum ,,f ll1• /\1 .1111 ru , of 1 c•l 1·v1 ... 11111 /\rt-. ,J111I S1·wm·1·-. ... aid Th<1\ tn•·J1t.., 11r111•r ;J1:1 ... tli<JI l itk•· IOlfJ :11·1·1111nl lh1·11 1:1f1J1 11; 111 think and rt•r I that lirc1.id1·11 t h1 1r 1 ultlll al 1·n111\ 1111·111 JIHI th•·11 u11dt:r ..,1 Jnd1ng •1f Cjn inr·n ·.i·.1 1111 I> l'l>HIJJll I( v.11rld Sitt· ... ,tld 'l;HC V.•111ld 111111 • nlr.111. 1111 v.•·11 lra!tt:d IOL•·l!Jl<'l'fll pro~r Jrtl'> 1111111 1 ult ur .al 11rr .. r1111(~ and J'I 11irr•·:.i ... u1~ .1m•.un1 1,f nt·""~ .rnd 111f1J1 m:i111in • !-'or lll'>t.1111" '>lw -,.ml ":w· .1-.k ••rl l.mrny w1nn 1nr1 11. nlt·r l.a rrv C 1·llwr1 lit v. rit1· l'I '' n pl'> w1U1 t· nil•·r l11v1111( ";,11 ;ind 11'1 U!> knov. wh•·n tlu•y w1~n· n ·wJy ~R."\. P,..Elt't ',..K Sl\JI), W1· il1tl that t11 J(l'I Larry Cl'llwrt batk 111 ll•l1·v1s111n and w•· th111k lt 1s ... 1i11w , 'lJn1t1·d St11t1•s,' will do for t clcv1Mon rn the )!jfi'I'> whul ·/\II in th•· l-':1mily' did in th1· 1970s T h<' ~<'rl<'R will lw on NBC next yl'ar and 1t will look al conlcm porary marr1al(1• through the · c•y1·.., 11( on1· <'1JUpl1· and their <·htldren "Al)by Mann 1s ah11 IJu~y cit th•· t Yflt'Wnt .. r lenc'Jrnl.! ht!'> gn·11I 11btlity Lo a rt:ahst1t fon11l y drama railed 'Skag, · which 1~ go111g 111 Ill' unlike anylhin1~ M ·rH·.., lt•l1•v1.,111n has f'Vf!r tried ' Shi· sutd produc·n David Gerbn and rolumn1 st Ji mmy Bn•!>hn w1•ri· also working on a 1111111 called '"I he Neighbor hood " .t111..1\ 111 1111 th• 1h;,rart1·r t.111111• •1ul 11f 11 111 111 ... lwll• I u111l h1111111,llth1 <,lf llJ~'t',Jflcl -.1 .. u ~t111 1 th 1t .u 1 ri1u11d -. h1111 It ., .1 1><•rf11r 111Jn1 • th.it ... lit1un1I '" 111 r•·rn•mlwritl .ti'''·'' llOll n '-T T 11 1. ' 1 ' 1 1 1 111 II h .di ii I I \ ·~ 11 1.1 I UJ>Ji•ll l lllJ 1<11 1 ,, 11111,1 11 IHI\ .ill ... ·'" 'll•1p ... ,,.,, l•'•I t1.11t "' ••• , • ' •• , f .,, • .,,.I A• .11 ''··· h1 1.1\.dt ; Ii.ii 1111•1 '1•11111.tl '"" I 11 llq' I Ill "r11 111 • h • If il,J • I I I I II II 1 • I II d , I r Ii • , , 1 t p••rr11111 .ill\ il•111t.1 I 1. 1, lt•t•ll1 \1111 11 II. I ' "I d11llJ'h f ', ; llllllr l'lltt I '1 ft I I I'd I lt11i! V.Jflt .. 11 fli• fl'I I JI• I' qUt11tf !11 lt•dd lo tl 1 •1 If , '"' 111 t,. t 11 h1 • r • .. I I• •J• • 1• I ••r r • •I .1 t Ii• 11 •• I 1 ,, ,,,. .I .11,d r 1 I 1 ,th I• t ' ' .. 11 1 1 •' 1, ,, 1 1! "'"' . .r ... , , ... ti I 11 1111. II • l•I• I • '"' I 111 lflll I\ '"I lj•lt• •• ,.,1 .• , I df'1J1••11t1·d !11!111..\•. ,,, l!1 •• 11d•1 ·' I 111 • 111 1 I , I I I •• S U II l.111 I 1 1I1 t \ 11 It h I It I t 1 ll i-II llffllJll I I" I f 1111 II I• 11f I I I ' j!.1111 ,,,.,, .JI' I• ' ·,,I ... .1 "rn 1 l11J11t •• ,tu\•rt1•r&I ,,,,, tit.ti 111111•• l lt.111 ,...,111,1111 II• v. .11 l1n1• 1111 1111 • 1t111 1 I It .1r "1111 •' ii t'•1•1 1· t1 l.1t1 HI th•• t\tl•• th.ti 1U•IPF1•1 111,,. lllJll ol -'d\ 11111?1 ii I l,r dlJ.' ,11 1 .111111111 r '""''' .1l1••11t h .. "·•I "' \" 111.1111 II 1'>11 I .111 1111111· lh.011 f 11111,.,t "·" v.11111w .o1 .... 111 111 .. 111111t1•· 11C r11l11111.ol • \pl111 l.1!11111 I'"· IJoth th•· 1111d1< •·11111).!, m••r"h pt n\ 1d• d lh1· t.1g 111J! ,1 1 c·a (111 th•·• r cl1•1·1H"r 1·1in1·1•rn , .1 n .. x 1tl 111Jt11111 11r th•· 111 1111 \ .11111.: f11rc , .. , I h,Jt m11•ht •"<111.1 111 man .., 1n hum .rn1t \ 111 111.UI J-:,H h h.1\ 'IU<'t'f•c d1•d 111 hi'> OY.ll Y.:ty ,11Hlhrill1 .1ntl\ RYAN O'NEAL c - Co-Hit Al Clnem11 <;o-Hll At S•ddleb•ck "THE CHAMP" "MOONRAKER" --.. • edward1 '17 eADDLl•AC'll P1 ASA Ct r0tu •I M0<•ttelCI Ct fo10 \ti \MO "'ALIEN' is a corker, a walloper, a rouser, a screecher and a· ton of fun.'' Gflne Shaltl. NBC TV ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES ~ l1J.La!) ©':tlUJ!!II ~ -rrt~~err~ ttft;HrJ 'R ,...._.,,.•r • • I~ ~ c ..... -. ~ ,,.:-,~· . . -:-·. r . ' I [RJ ~ ~ ...... ................... "' ... _ (_,_) .. __ 1:r·m~wr:M I U OIUM OlllVl IN 1ou11 1•111 U l llY OlllYl·lll OllAllCll Mlll {J ;·~· W~ IJJ/IJ_ '• ~I 14111 .. , ............ ...,, ... ,,. ...... ,. ~, ...... ~-....... j ·;: ... 1k·;· .... ~ .. ,..· ... , .,,, ' l~·ljl \ '"' ... i.,. UA f 1 I •tOw •JtO' MU•flllGfOM Ml,.SIO• Olllllff IW \UI ·'"' tti.111 111 •llJC. 1. • • , t.wll-ON lflo<ANOO fl)~ Ill() ~ t~IV'I N. Al.(:(Jjj fl'-..il f't,JN . Hd!J! HILllJM .. ,, "4..l:ll ~I·~ I 1/.M l(Jll(.J1') lPW1' I NtliWNI •• r~ m.r, IQ~ R •.•• ~ ..... lklll't.11PH~lA " J)t IN MUJ..1 ..,,i l~N(J. IO+Q.A .,., .. , MU W I Ill h'I< ... ,~ .. I kt 0 Jnh (JW ~RI ll.M'JXJJN .,, I~ "Ill~~ kt ..... Vrl100Sl00Af«) "'"''' ..... ()AN IA~f, ~.wowru """~) .W~l(rHl~j ~ (ARMIN( cmuA.~rRAta,cmuA ANQf.N iU ll()ll Hlru~ L I E .. 1 _.:T._.,._ raf .. "~-'l ..... ,~ llif.1 ......... 1 .... , -~ ........... ,, I ...... --~---~NOW PLAYINClli---------..... ua Cl•lJHS Wt ,ltr n"I • e9 J CIMIDOMl lltO 'LAZA ti Ot.tl'IQt !iJ4 l'i~1 8' '11'1 !i3J9 IDWA"OI' WW,OftT Ctll(MA N~P«I Buc.n b4' 0160 FOR INFO 534-FAEE edwards NEWPORT NUIC04'1 t4WY &NACdHfUll ·-C'rW'l'D 644-4760 " J ... ,. llJJ • ,,, Jc tO • .... \ '" I ~ 0 ......... ~ ... .,.... .. • .& . . . .·. .. .. .. -. -. ~ .. .. .. . ..,. -.. -... . -... .. --... -..,. -... ---.. --... -.......... -----. ---. . . -.... . . . .. ..... ' . . . , ....... -... ... . . --... -..... -.. -... ~ .... -....... --. ............... -...... ~ ... -............. . -~ ... --~ ...... . macna I itVlne re .. a tg A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY NEWPORT BEACH PROPERTY NEWPORT HEIGHTS! 1-';1,1 .1ppn·11.1linjl 1ir1•J C'a" J<'Cl"" to bea<•ht-... & ~hopp1nJ! A qu11•t pl.11" " 11t·1 Jn hreN1'' & Sl 'PF.R pokntial' Tt11i. r hll rm1n1? J llH homl•" f1>lr. lluv \\mdo"" & I~ '•tre:f for 1·xpan<;1on v.ill 1ntr11tue your 1maittrwt100 1 5~.$c'Ml 11111 m11n\ l<•r! at th1 -. pnrt'' Reverh Morphv 1.-ll ~;15 0 1'1'' '\AT Ill·' 50tl R f:OLA~()S I ,.~ 121 "MAINTtNANCE FREE"! Snu11i:h'ff h.11 k on Im t•h lot v. loh nf ii ri•t•nt-n & ptne tn·t•, " 11 d1:1rn11nl! :11rn lam11\ rm h11m1· " 2 ui.c>ri hnrk fplr-. & a he11vv 'hak1· nw1f H1·ar ~ :.irfl " Im t•h p11ol almost m111nu·nnnrl' frt<t'' n.,,, 111 f,!1t•;1I .,huppinl! &" ~!'h11nl' t7CI 000 frl' llt>\'t•rh• Morph\ 111:! A:?1.'" OPF' ~AT l 5 I' \I I 1:111 l'F.~IHH OK F. 1 I-" 131 A BA YFRONT BEST BUY! 0, I ' ....... ;!:-1 IOI lt·a ... t•hnlcl f11r I hi' m:1r\ .. 1011.. I .,,or, JRH hnm1• " m:1,h•r '11111' on th1• ha' F:1m11\ rm rnnv 1h·n II! ll'rrac1· In .1 ppra1\ 1:0· nn h:1\'' ll:irlt11r:11\11111•1:.12.1<235 OPF~ SAT S l':'\ I 5 P :\I 10:. 'lll!Tll '-;'1'1\ I! I.!\'\ v f)()\'Fll SllOI! FS If' 111 EXTRA-LG. VIEW LOT! I lu1 ... 1.111cll111.: llr11aclm1111r l'J.1n I " lf{H., A lihran Ft•aturt·s n1w n lw:1n r·1•1hni.: .. 1·u .. 1om 1 ahtnl'I' l1·;1clf'<I f,!la.,.; cloor!> & PRl\'1\C'Y' r "" 1.1m1h rm & 1111 m:tl II\ mi• & rh r11n ).! r m.. S525 000 lsnn1· \'.tl1•11111w I> II li:!IH I t t: J!°l t OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME! \ m1 11\\1 11 111 \t111ri.1·lf tn 1·11n,1cl1·r this fin<· Ra lhrn1 Penin .. ula l'mnl 1.1m1h 11111111• llllls lnrm:ol rf1mnl.! rm & J.!rl'al f:im tl" rm oolv 71 , 1·:1r., uld l'-111 p1•rlt-1l mm 1· 111 c·11nrf111nn ~1!C5 000 Cltnl "'"''' Id:! R2'1'1 I I !lot "BEACH LIVING!" 1-:nJIH lhl' L'flUd Ith' 10 lh l~ n•modl'IC'ct & t'XflHOdt-d 1FIH :'\1•\\pnrl Shnrc·-. h11m" ll1llta rd rrn" h1llr:1nl l:1hll' p<11'kr1 f,!arclt•n .... II! '-lion' p.11111 \111111., l'-tht• lo10,1d1 111•arh\ • '\l~I !•~ h•awhnlri l'o lh .John.,ton f, 12 X:!:1~1 1 F II HARBOR HIGHlANDS! '\('al 31111 honw to .;upt·r hK'at1nn, walk to !\!armer'" !\<'hoot. park & hbr:1n f'am11\ rm " fplr l.mt•lv lot w lrN'" & s hadC'. 3139.500 \:Jthrvn Trnmllt• f142-H:!:l5 I F-lll t APPROX. 147' BAYFRONT! I l1ll'k '1111r Iv '':1d1I 111 t rnnl 11f t h1., •·lt·l!anl hnml' "hr· re m••tn room.; m .. rt1111k h:o\ & d1•1·I.. \1,1,lc•r "11111' & .. 1tt111µ rm nn 2nd levl'I 2 add'I •1lh m;111I .. 1111;1rl"1' & llhr:on 01·n ~I.JOO 000 Larn Dv<'r 1;~2 >l:!:l~t f' ,., ' OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE! Sp1·l'I ac 11lar 1111! 1·11.,tnrn h11m1·" l:•\l"h ll"C' nf v. ~I h<'am'-& n aturnl 1· .. <1;1r 1·1·11111,L!' l.1\'llH! rm ll':tlur••' :1 '0:1rtnJ,! vault~·c1 <'<'ihnl! & s unkc·n ""I h.11 lan111' rrn " 11110. ""I h<Jr & 1·11nq•r.,at1nn an ·a libr:irv " 11,1k lww1I.. .,hf'! H"". .tnrl (•\ l'f\ "hnl· us<'cl hrirk' \. UC'!>t a pl " '''ll:lf'all• 1·11tn· S!lli:1 IHlll I.\ nru· \'alc·nt1nc· f\.14·1\200 1 F -201 MARINERS DRIVE! '"" 11ll1·rni.. · < ll'lttrn (\ :111 \\I'll.., hudt .lflH f;1md" rm horn" \\ ,m;"htn• llttrtrplan lnr 1•nt..r·1:11 n1nl! nr:•IT'/111{' til<'d fl1\'1•r " 1'1'11 .11·l.1ltlt· 111nl • lo1 ·''" t.. l'l:t" h:or l'nol & 'II.I S!>!'.0 000 ind 1.111d ( "'' '" .... , h\\' ·11 l..1 fl h I:! 11:!:1~. I F :!I I A "BLUFFS BEAUTY!" 1 c1r111·r 11n11 11rrnun1h·tl '" II! lrt•1·' ror prt\ :1r\ 1'1.l 'S 1?rernlwll , '''" • I 1\111c 11111111~· fl..· m ..... 11·1 .,. .. ,,. nn I l••\C•I 2 add'! HRi. & familv rm 1111 lo\\f•r It·\ t•I l"\I 1•1!1·111 1•11111hli11n <ilfl!I 000 l,\•on1• \'alentin1• Iii I fill"' IF l:!• DOVER SHORES BAYFRONTI !Ira mal 11· lllH n·"cl"IH't· m·1·rl11nk1nii mu in c-h<Jn ne l l'pp<'r "'''"port II.I\ ~hp \\Ill ·" c·1•pt II! f>OW!'r hoat An C'XC'eptional orrrrinJI .11 ~!15 101 ind land ~ F1i. T Qu('c•n 644 1\200 1 F 231 BA YFRONT CONDOMINIUM! I 1fl1• l'c•n1n .. 11l.1 \\.ilk tn .,hops & n·staurunt" \ompletrlv 1 u:-ton111<'tl !'IHI unit \\ ~purmu' f'11(lm~ • Fl'atun•s usc•d br1c-k . stuincd !.'la~' & <'lccanl \\in1• room " lw\'1•lc•rl cl;1'!-cloor Somr 00111 sp:1<·~ a\':111 '\;()\\' ~-UIS.000' 0\\nt'r \\Ill c·nn,11lt•r 0<'xlhl<' finan<'IOJI Arlt'' "1r,rhmrr642 K235 IF 21• "WRAP-AROUND VIEW!" Elt•iiant Ric ('anyon \'1•r.,:i 1llc·" pool & !>pa Prime· loca tion & hi11hlv up~raclrd fnr luxunou' h \'lni! & Pot1·rl utntnJ! S695.000 S11ndie Fix fi M.i;:wo 1 F 2s1 BIG CANYON ESTA Tf! Wa ll'> or )?l;,i'lio. r<'lax1nJ! views rontC'mporary dt>~iJ?n all creat t> a !\torenr utmosphere ror thii< ;m·hilc•c1-cksi11ned 6BR homr ft>uturin11 Jlarckn l'nlr\' rourt w pool & "Pa An ahundanre of a menitie'I for the• mo't rt11-cnmurntJnJ! r.~·nnt> Valt!nline 644·6200 I F -261 • BAYFRONTI Approx 78' on bay in DovC'r Shor<'S1 Custom built by prescnt'owner ror elt·~rnnt livin)t & c•nterta1n1nii thii; 58R reslden<'e features a lit ram1lv rm & island kitrhcn w v1rw. S.970.000 leasehold. Rurbnra Aune fi42-8i35. I F-271 . 2 MASTER SUITES! Expnnded nover model in Bill Canyon. 10' reilln11s in t>ntry provide a spurious rl•cllnll for this air·cond. residence lhal Is pc-rfect ror t>xrrultv<' enlcrtainrn1t w1informal den & wet bar . A value al $280.000 Lynnl' \'alentlne 64Hi200 c F .281 PON.AR & RAREJ , Tht• perfect "carefree" way of life In Bill Canyon• Pvt courtyard entrv leads to this 3BR home w '!!lldln!l walls of irtass openln11 to ptillO!I ror elejlnnt entertalnin)t. S365.000. Lynne Valen tine 644·6200. ( f'.291 OH THE IAYI OLO·WORLD STYLE residence w •marv~lous front row view~ 38Rs lovely beach & spa rkling pool: $750.000. Elaine Svedeen 642·8295. W30l 642-8235 901 Do•er Drl•• Newport leach NEWPORT BEACH PROPERTY HARBOR VIEW HOMES! Don't ffil'"' lh1..., ~llH "\'it'\\" home· in Phase :1 IU'l rrdured Sl2.000 Carl Autll·r 642 8235 OPE~ SAT Sl ·:-.; 12·5 P .\1 2507 PORT WlllTB Y I ~· 311 DUPLEX -SOUTH BA YFRONTI En1ov t•\'C'r l'h:inl!m l! \'tt''' 11r h.1, & oout1nl! from t•tthn JRH un11 nr I hi!> 1•lt•1:ant. C'll'tnm 2 'ton 1-'rt•nt h I nntt•mpor;1n nn 'and\ R.1lh11:t 1.,1<1nrf ht•uc·h ('ould l'llrl\t•rl to 'lfll!lt• fam1h ~I (~r, 000 mrl lant1 lltr k lla ldt•rm.tn !012 8:!:15 1 F :121 DRAMATIC DEAUVIUE! Elqwnt 11111 f11\\nh11nw" "all 111 ~·I."~ l11r :1 f:1hul11u .. 'I"~ 1~( th1· 11111 (';rnvon i:nlf <·n11r'" \l.111\ q11;tl11' u111trarl1· ... 111d 1l••l11\1' 'Pa A. .11r nt11dll111111111!' '~1~"1 IMNI I \lllW \ ,tll'nt1111 hll t>21MI F :1:1 EXECUTIVE SEARCH ... ror lht• rli..c•rtm111.111111! f.1m1h th.ii "·•Ill'-•• lllll httlTI•' 10 ·' f1n1· F ..... thluH n1•11!hh<orh••"I" '"'"' '.111• l!.•nlt·n rH"-ll•·d .1m11nl! '""'•r•r11· pin1· ... 11\heom1·l11t•11111\' '1117~1•Nl l'cth\ \\,11t1r.12 1tl3:1 ·~ :1 11 SWEEPING VIEWS ... 11f cr1•1•n 1111! ('.111\1111 L'1tll 1·11ur ... ; ..,.,.,.n•· l.1k" A. li1•h1 .. ttf 1-·.,.,h111n 1 .. 1 .. nd fr11m lhl' :!IHI '''" nh11n11 " fi,., I. " .. 1 i..11 f11l1 &: 1 nurt' ,,,., f'lltf\ '4•c'U rtl\ ltltlL .... lt•!I lr11fl1 lt 11111' -,'I, !1••1f, 'flt7 '~•t r1 t l'.11111 II.Ifft•\ Ii.I:! H:!:lft t ~ .l'." BIG CANYON! Odu\1• :!IHI & ct1·11 h1\\nhnm1· " k dt•c k rm 1·n1,.n.11n1nc l omm t1•nnl' ~pa & Jl<H1i ~ltl'• ~11111 ''" 111·r "Ill 1 "0'-1•l1•r 2nrl lrn ... 1 r11•,.1t P aula llatlt·' 612 K:!:l:. 'F :11.i BAYFRONT! '\1•\ll\ h'll·cl in llm1·r Shttr .. ,• I 1! t''<'<Ull\t· h,.,,.,,." le n-•nl A. 'P·' 5BH!> fnrm:.il rlrninc '"'lk 1n ""' It.or f,1m1h rm .111 1n 1mm:wt1IHl1· t•nnd111nn ' :l c·:rr i:ar.11•1· t.. ""r~ 'h11p "'"'"' for \1tt1r h' ':t('hl' \\'I Ill-: \'IF\\" II!•\ 1·rh \.l11rph' 1; I:! 11~:;~1 • F ;17 • VIEW! DOVER SHORES! E ~rltmJ? l 'ppt·r Ba\' \'l('w f rorn mo't t'\ t'f\ room in l hr' wrar1nu' 4RR hnm1• " mao1('11r1•rl '"" m.11n1 l.1ncl"'""11nc lh·hi.thtful N1urt,:1rd ~·:1t1·tl t·ntn r<••n lt•r P•••l A 'I'• •''171••• ll•rt llunl li12·1!2J!:t I F-:llt• HARBOR HIGHLANDS! Twn :1 111! honw ... 1n 'u1wr l.1ni11\ n1•1chh11rhn111i l~•lh n1•"' '' redont• cpts. 11;11nt. rlr10,nnc k1IC'h1•n" & h;olh"' Sr..rkhnl! r h•;tn A. n •ad,· for 1mr111·cl1 a1 .. 1H'·c•u1>ann \1t,1C"h1•cl 1'.1r.1c1' ~1 1t• 500 t•arh 111•\ l'rh \lorph' Ii 12 ><:!J;, • F :l'• CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTY GRE~ T POTENTIAL! 2n R badrnnt N>n1l11m111111m 1nn1·r 1·01 r' l'nurl' arrf ... parrntt' hhran .1n·;1 Ir! lt.1\ fr1in1 rl•·1·I.... 2 rar ~.1r.1~··· ll1·:1rf, f11r H'Ur rwr,nnal tmwh' <:11!10110 \l.1r1h,1 \1.11 n.1h 1.12 ii2:1~. <11'1":\ "l' I ·, I' \I 121'1n,\YSlllV 1>111\ t-: • F 111• OCEAN VIEW! Ouhlandtnl.! n•moch•lt·d ~ ri·rf1·c«1ratl'c l In 11w T•·rrac'•' hnm1• on II.' rornl·r lot: f>o·n famlh rni pl;1nlal1nn 'hultl'r' "''' har ... 1oral!<' f,!:tlnn" c;1;;, 0011 <1" n••r '' tll .. ,.11 :" lo•;,...c•hnlcl Fl .. '<1hl1• ftnan1·1nl! a\ ail I.' nm· \ a'""''"" 1; 11 1;:'f10 <II' I-'\ "\ T "l '"\' I 5 I' \1 11\0ITAl!l':'\,\Tf:HR\t'F •Fil• ROOM FOR POOL! Bl'aut1f11l :lHH h1tnw " l!r,.;1t n1111r11l11n 1d1"tl for 1·nt1•rtarnin11 "llh k1trh1•11 11pt•ntnl! In f:tm1h rni lnimanilall' i·•m<l1l111n' F:ui>' 1·:1n · ,·ard' ll«l:ix & ""J""' s21•1 001 ll1N•01.1n \l\1·r' f.14 •1200 Ol'F' S,\T Sl''\;l·!l l'\1 121kl\l''l-I •I I.! ENJOY LIVING ... 10 lhi-. 4RR f,1m1h horn" th;11·, 1wrft·r1 for 1ndnnr nu1dnnr c•nt('r t;11n1 nf,! " f,!:t rd<•n hk1 "l'tttnl! 11\I rnrnn lor:it1on 1'1.l'S sp:irklinJ! po<JI & II! c·ov1·n ·rl pal111 S2~ (100 Sharnn Sm 1th 64•1 fl20(l OPEN SAT sl ·;.; I a 11 ,, 1201 S l-'1\('l!f-:ST 111\llllOH \'IE\\' 1111.1.S 1 F.431 SPYGl.ASS Hill! llil!h un a hill O\'c·rlookinf,! :"1·--.pnrl Ra' oc1,.1n & I'll\ bl·lnv. th1' 5HR homt• offl'r.. (!Uil•t l'lt•f,!anrt· for the mm.I d1i.c-nm1nattn1? Panl'll'd family rm w fpk & \\t•I h11 r ma .. lrr RR ~11itr w rplc-& sauna .11ourm l't kitrht•n ~parklinl! rinol S6!l5.000 C'nthryn Tennlllt• 642-8235 I f'.44 1 SUITI.E. SOPHISTICATION! F:njoy finl-rxttutlvl' livinl! atop ~PY1fh1:-s llill 3RR hnme" hz livinl? & enten aininJ,! areas & ("<PHO'll\'I' hlll & O<'t·nn v1t'v.-i• Dl'irntlfulh decorutrd in off \\hltr" " :1r<'t'ntN of 11RNl hrkk & m lrrorc; $469.000 MnrthtrMncnob r.~~16 i-~51 REDUCED TO $269,500! Cam eo Shon·s sln1Zle-11tory 4RR fa mily r m horn<' on the ronyon w 'PRIVACY' Close to pvt beuches. sc-hools & 11hoppfn1t Loads of upgr ades' Don't pos11 it bv1 Oonna Godshall 644·~ 1 f'.451 .. OCEAN VIEW! Mini-estate: 60R Spyl(lnss l\ome v. w11rm family rm de<'oraled in rich woods. roordlnated "'ll lls:'overin11s & drapes. Brkfst nootc mnny bll·ins -2 fplcs • !lparkllnit pool &r spa' Nestled at end of 111 cul-de-s ac offordln~ muximum privacy' 5$49.000 Paulo Ballt>y 642·8235. I F·47 l 644-6200 1644 San Miguel Dr. • H• bor View C•t~ ·=- CORONA del MAR PROPERTY VIEW! UNBElJEV ABLE! I' allulou' ;,BU f,1m1h homt· 11n ttOt• tlf tht' l;1rl!P'll lot.. 10 Sp,\ µ1,,,., ,1ff11nl11w :1 \ "'" or t1<"1·11n hiirhor lli!hto; & mtn' Famch rm l11rm.1I •lm111Jo ~ ltrkf,t rm hu111· lt<inu ... rm C'm "r"tl patu1 111101 & 'fl••' 'i:i25 ltf•> f., nnt· \',11 .. 1111111 t;.i.i •i200 1 F ~· ... SPKTACULAR WHITt WATfR VIEW! 11 .. ,,u11ful r·rt,•'-tal c .10\rtr1 '''11101! for lh1• I l•·\l'I horn••" "r;11JJrounrl tf1 1 k111c :1Hlh le f:tm1h rm cw·,r rni & h:tr " '·" 1 '"''"' ':'1!1;, 011111111·1 l;mtl t.111-. Fi.:.1111;11 r.~/'/•1 • ~ 1'1, POOl & SUPfR VIEW! lkO lkt•ri .. '1• v. ,,r ll.1rh4ir 11'!1\ C'.11,1110 .. & -un ... ·1-fr11n1 1hi• • 1t•l11m q11.1l11' l1ullt 1 Ill< r 1m1I\ rm h11m1 1n lr\ln•· 1 ··rr.11·1· "i"'• llltl In• I I.inti I •• rn JI\, r Iii:! 11:!:1.'J •ll'~' ..,I ' 1 -, I ' \I 1"i1 :1 c; \I \Tl-\ •I-77• IRVIME PROPERTY SHEER INDULGENCE! 1·,.,,, A •11.1 C..r•rd ,, lmrri-·"" ·>1~11 n>.11n1:11n••I h 11" 111 I""'' •lJ•l'r,,11 .. 1 ' Turli• 11H1·r1 tt "' 'r:-·~ t••• \I ,d. l•tt• • ''"' -, • 11t1 ht1rrt • 'tt~Ul'lf I' \ fft•'~"-f'r• tdt'nl h•''"'' I Elf<iANT WATERFRONT HOME! \\ 11111tftnth'• \rh.,rl.•k• " 1n r 1 ... •• h · ~ .tnr ..... 111· \I~\\ ,,, 1.11.1 & rl"'lll' 'rnlT" f"'""I r•••IT"' "' 1h1-1•r .. 1 1!1•111r.111·<i 1JtH rt·•1<1••nc 1 I 1l1r.1n l.1m1h rr n• d1h11 lll•ht• t.. .111111 'l'rtllkl•·r., 1n '""''· c 111trl\.1rtf \µpl """ \l,rrt"n Fri11!117:1:! 111 1 • F 5:1• WE FRONT! F.1nt ;1,111· CIC ll 1.11 ""'""' n ••l•·l 1n \\1 w.,lhnrl1•1• \\ . .rt. 1 .. •n.• h•'.it h ~ lt-f\01" 1 ... 1 ''"'" nl11 r1 I .. .!,, ....... lh~11r 1l,1whhtll• 11•.~1'w1 ,._. .. ,.,, VIEW Of WE... fr••O'' ''" '"" \• I 111• \ f' '' ..-I'll d• t k "' ,,.,, .... 1 -tt•r\ c •·\ 11 '1,,n pl in \rt.,fl i..;. r• 1d1 P• • l''t , nit"\ , t11111,.1rd '"""''" h\.tnt' 111, \\ lork (pit ,\ '"rl"' ol ofll•lf •.(I'" I ,tr" flt•I I I,\\ tol lh• h1Chill'hl• \nu ti find f 'r f' t .. 1.t! •11 • ~ l••••I ,, '~t ti•• .1rut h· 1• h ... ,,;·• fNM1 I " ll•·nkd , • ~· 1111 I .. PRESIDENT HOME! I "',.,, n11·h1 ~ •I '"" tr .. n· lht I 1 .. r, T11nl. 11 .. , \. r• •ltf• n• •" I pl. 111 l,111 1h rn• " "' 1 lo,11 //.. II\ 111, 111• I ~ 111,,,1. 1 -11111 " , "'" 1 111 "r'"' ''·'' "' ' l•1 111111111 ,t;. I'll' "' ""'" 111 111 c · ~ p ·111''I:!'•10 1 I 11rr.1111•• 111 I Ill• 7'1;! I II I I . ., FANTASTIC LOCATION! l'1w1I '"' Inc :lllll httO'• " 101 • h • 1111ntr' ~llt'hf"rt ~ .1r1ht1111" rj,., ... r '"'"' 11111 f'luhh"ll" '"'"' .~ 1 .. n11i... '111:11~1 '\o11.t111· 11 .. 111.o n'tn 7'1:! Ill \ •F ~; DEANE BUILT BEAUTY! Th .. f1n1 ... 11·11 .. 111m \\nrk A.· .1ll1•nll1111111lfl'l.111"111 h .. rnunrt tn thi, 11111 hum•" I.oft" "•'l h;ir 111 ... 11111• 1·.1h1111·1-1•\lr1 ,11ir11.'t• l'•••I 'lit' ,,,nl \\ ,111111 •pnnkl1•r .. A \l.1l1l•u 11..:hl ... 'Wit ;~Ill .l111i1• \an \\wrl'ni;1:!1 114 1 ~;.11 1 RESIDENT AL INCOME PROPERTY INVUTORSI Fxtr:i II! r1uplt•'< hclow h\\v in Ccl~t· :!BR unit"" p11t1oi. sun porr h ~ rthl )!tlrlli;?t' i\l\\:t\:-r(•nl1•d ctifftl'ult l•l duph1•;1h· tocl11\' afS27!l.500 .\la rt ha \lucnob 612 li2J:t 1 F S!l1 DlftfXI Spt1c-1oui> 3RR unlls c>ac-h v. fplr pvt p11t1n & l?UrtH!t' 1\n '"''<''ltnr'!' clelillht in t•:crell<'nl r1>ntal arN1 & t.urniunded h'' pvt honw~ fll'xiblt> finanrlni;! Sl40.000 J<•ann1• A11m t>tt f'44·6200 I F'·601 R-2 VAlUEL Live In thi~ cull' 1•otlal[e & build u 2n d unit ror 1nrnpw Or1 vt• tw 1007 C:hurch Str('('t /\ppt onl~· S~.500. 11r'<1ble fln11nrln11 Owner 1'1.?ent Cathy Schwe1r kert 642·8235 1 .,,_611 752-1414 4545 Campus Dr. c...,.. v., c ....... . ,.._ ... .. ' a..,. . ..,......,.22, tm StarReme Editor RW?cal& Jean Sebeiw'• Career ., .......... .. MA&ll\ALLTOWN, I••• CAP> -I've proMblJ wrta. IDOJ' atia.l ... Seber& tMft 1nyone. ~ ..... eovered ~er carur alH• tu ...-et•nl•r be1Clnniq 'le .............. Ufat I •Mdled IMr ~· ln Mar ~ H\&h hool pro dut'ttona and alona with od\er ~ruxed 90methin1 tpet'lal In UU. ctrt F w folk1 oc.ber than pa-"'ftt.I aad other cklle relallv• oftm atttmd tuah athool play•. but Jean· atM\JUae attnded otbe,. How ol\en I remember my W\fe uy101. "That atlrl wtU be a rnov· le •tar," al'ter watdlnt her ln the hip t<'hool'a producUon of "Sabrina Fair " ANO HOW SOON thul prt'dlr Uou c·1ame lrut." Less lh1an a year later, ahe had ~n se lected by Ouo Premln1er from arnona m ore than 18,000 you.na ho~uls to be the "new fa<'e-" lo play the llth.• role 1n his "Saint J oan '' Of course, the re wt·r~ up!\ und downi. A "doWTl'' 1>er1od camt- a lm osl immediately M "Saint J oan" was not favorably rt' ce1ved by critics Nol only lhC'n , hut time and a~111n she bounced back Thul rharactera tic 1s wh1H make!> ht'r death b\' !>UICldt' so lnC~I bit• to mt> it M.•ems impossible th ;tt I ~ill not ugam s it In the U\• lllj? r o om or her g r acious p3renls. the FA Se beru. dunn1ot on(• of ht>r v1~1t:. horn<' and u~k . ''\\\•II. what's nt>xt. Jf'un"" and hear he r enthusiastic r c•ply oul lining a forthcomtnf( rtlm AND TO THOSE of ui. who knt•w her V.<'11. then· was no sur· pris e 1n h e r v1nd1eat1on lraJ?1caJly <1fter her :.u1c1de in the death of her infant daughter, born prematur1tly 1n 1970 after she had httn •,;1hried 1n the pre!>s as ha,'ing conceived the c hild in a re lationship with a black ac tiv1s t' whJle marned to anothe r man The FBI admitted rece ntly that it planted the f&l se story bl'Ca USl' s he was !;Upportsng bltH'k C'a US<'S If they hurt only known J ean ai, wt.• knew hn She :..lways 5up porte d the d1,wntroddcn <ind the undcrdo~ /\-. a child :.he gave ..... w........ n.amc.., .... ,, Entertainer Dolly Parton has been given an official thank you for donating her image in a magazine and newspaper advertising cam- p a 1 gn to lure fu el.wary tourists to Nashville. 'Whale Bone Offers Proof Of Bay Area SAN DIEGO <AP> -A San Diego sciential who SJX!nl seven hours wilh a scalpe l and toothbrush unearthin g the 3 million to 4 m llllon -year ·old jawbone of a wbal~ says the find offers additiooal proof that an anc ient bay on•e ext.ended rrom San Diego to the Mexican border . • THE IAWBONE wd ooe ol IJve bone secUona found on • blllaide overlooking a buay boulevard. Tom D e mere, auiaUnt pa leontolo(iat a l tbe Natural Hla tory Museum , aald the •pealmena were remai ns ol a 2IO lo 3C>·foot whale lhat may have been an early relative of tbe ~ray whale and could now be an extinct aptdes • TRB C.SATUaE mltht have •been "a juvenile blue whale," 'Demere aald , addlna tbat 'mature members of UM..,.._ were known to reach a I--of up tom felt. When •1embled, UM J1wbaM and fr11menu wlll form an tx· blblt about nve feet lone. ht aald. ................ TRAGIC OIATH Jean S.berg her \'8C&ttlo n m o n••' l o a atranal'r wlUl a hard lut'k a.wry . :<h t jl1\Vt' mone to blat·k c-hildren alonti the• routr or \ht• thl'U\\'r 11\ tlw pn•mtt-rt• of otw of her 1111•tun"'i 1n Nt•w Vu rk dunn1o: a hunJt{'r oetfik<'. c;hf' R»Vt' lh•' fu1 s htl wa11 wf':111n~ to a l.1x1 1ln v<.•r who lamt'l\\(•t\ h uvln1>1 n o Christml.k' Rifl for tu!I w1ft', nnd Khe m ad<' a homl' nvnll•bl<' to bla c k i.tudt-nt'I 11ttend1nl( M nrs h ull\own Communit y Collette and unuhl<• to find hous '"~ As the pustor of ht•r C'hurch s aid at her memon3l s\'rv1c~. .. Jean brouJ(ht JOY to many und sought lo curry thl· burden of soc ial jual1cl' ·· It :.\'ems sm·1t.•ty railed her a nd hl·r 1frolh a!. the m1n1~te r ~ai d , ··w a~ a modem cruc1f1JW>n Jean had heartbrt•ak~ aplenty EARLY CRITICS wt;RE un willing to admit i.I teen uge Midwest girl could bt> u good ac tress She later proved them wrong with .. Lihth." "Airport'' a n d .. J> :11 n t You r W a go n " <1 m o ng those fil m '> fondly ri· mcm bt.-n'<l and ~ll ll w<1lC'h<'d a-. TV mov1eh m ht·r hom e urea DITOR'S NOTE Worrn Robuo"· cH11 •dUor of Ille Jta,,Mlltown Thn••·R•p11b~. /ollotHd ttt. corfff l1f Cid,.,, J_,. l•bfro niw:e tfl ~ cu o echool gtrl m ttt. mid·,.,.. .. H• toolr;a bock ot ,,., "'''"'°''-" Jil"' "4T who lrill.td 1-rttl/ reMdltl at 01Je fO There were tbr~ broken mar· rla1 ... the death ol ber YOWller brother lh a traffic accident and, of tu\ll'M, tho plllnt.ed FBI 11lory and aubMquent premature blrth and death of her daughter. Ct•rtalnly these were enough to r rua h anyone of normal s~ns1t1vity and Jean bad an artllfl's AenslUvity. But sbe a.I.lo hud streneth und intellect to hgbt back IT Si':EMED TO me she had fought off ltdvers1ly so well that when I lust talked to her more thun two years ago I fell she ml~ht ~ ttady to embark oo a new facet of her career She told of dotnf( some writing while bat 1110.i a s icgt• oC infectious he pat111s itnd of h er poems ru tt'hlng the .inter e s t of a publis her. And o r course , es nlwoys. she was looking ahead t o unolher film this one an l\llltun comedy We hudn't s~n much of Jean's work m recent yei.rs. Pans hwv· in~ berome her home base and her J>lucc of re1'1dl'nce ever stnct' hl~r ftrsl marruit(t-. to t 'runco1s Moreu1I. a fo'rench lawyer And wt• knt-w s he wus a bigger star and more in demand in Europe Still we never stopped bopUlg s hf''d come ho m e and make ~_Amc.F1can fllml> and C'ven do so mt• i.tage work AS RECENTL V AS laM :.um m er there was talk about ht!r coming back ror the !Olh Ctn nl\'t•r i.;i ry ObM•rvan ct' of th1· M a rth:i Ellen Tye play hou~t· he n ·. :.he ha ving been there for th e dcd1 c at1o n of the city theater flow sorry we are 11 d1dn'I matcnalize P c·rhups he r homt•town fnend-. could hav" shown our ra1th in ht.•r told ht•r w1· n1·ver b1•1lf"vNJ the pl<lllted FBI '>tor y and s hown a~a1n our apprec1 ut1on of tha t wonderful tal!'nl now Rt')n•· rro m thl\earth Suhjec-!_ to Suits Court Decisions Alarm Clwrchmen By GEORGE W. l'ORNt:u . AP 11.i1q-Wrtl~r A notP of alarm has hit U S church offH·1ab ovtr some rel'tOI court dcc1s1on-.. ont• or which th,·y say thrcutt·ns thf' l1mg ll rn c oper a t1onal sy:.tcms or ('hni.twn denominat1on .. It would. 1f allo w(•1I lo ~lCIJld . "unconl>t11ut1onally maJldate lhe de m1se of rehg1ous dcnom1nat1on~ as they now cx1'il." !\aY., a BaptJ~l brief filed with the U S. S upremt.· Court SIMILAR APPRl:;llENSJON ha:. been expre!>M•t1 in a bnd filed by lhe National Council or Church~. includin~ mo~t maJor Protes tant und Eastern Orthodox denomtnations. T h ey are challe n gin g a California Court of ApJ>(!al de ci11ion thllt lhe entt re United Methodii>l Church cun be sued and held Uahlc in a $400 m1lhon suit involvmg some regionally sponsored retirement homes Be c au11e of a dtl c\s ion in a no ther case by the U S Supr eme Court. the Uniter! P resbyt.en an Churc h may call an unprecedented ~pec1a1 meet • ing of lhe denomlnation'll na ti on al governing assembly. SUCH QUI CK, church·w1de action may be necessary "to avoid widespread confusion in the church and harm to its peace a nd unity," says G. Daniel Lit tie, bud of a 4~·member ex ecuU ve council. It iB lo decide al a m eeting in Port Chest.er, N. Y.. whether l<> call a speci al gener al as· sembly the firs t In the church's h.iJlt.ory to amend Its constitution lo protect Its pro- perty COnslderalion Qf such a step a roee over a Supreme Court de· clsion In July that allows st•te court.a to decide church property ownenhlp dlaputea on tM basis of purely secular law wben a de· nomination's official documenta are not explicit about It. •OST llAJOa Proteatant bodlet -Pres byterian Lutheran . E_piscoeal and JlelhodiJt -have interJocklna oraanliallonal systems. 1ometJmea 1.ootely defined, by which bu.lldlnc• of loc1I con· rre1atJon1 c1.n't be t.aken out ol the dMOmlnalion by a P.-Slna majority vole. Tbe lde1 i• th1t a church buJldlnt often represetnt.a the wnoney and work of m a ny ••ntratlon1, and that n o mop1-..rJ, dialldent m~ty abould bt able to override their lntenl and !'1!'properly out of ltl laiatorie deDOmlD1ti0Da1 fold, In rtoman Catholicis m . local diocesan propcr1 y 1s htld in the na m e of suc:c:e-.Mvc bishop-. for th(' who le c hurc h I n most Protestant bodies, other than those :.uch a l\ Bapl1s ts with l:>pec 1fically autonomous con- gregat10ns. the pnnc1plc Is lh~l local property 11> he ld in trust for the whole denominational cuw.c BUT 111AT TRADITION was pul in question ;,fler a 184 lo·90 majority o f the V1n e v1llt• P rl'hbytenan Church of Macon, Ga , v ot~rl to quit thl' Pres byterian Churc h U S (Southern1 and aHillate with anothe r group Althouith re li(loo al churc h un1ls held the m inority r etained the property, Georgia cour\1' ruled that under secular law the maJonty ownt'<i the property T h e U S S upreme Court agreed by a narrow 5·lO 4 de cislon the issue could be r<' solved on l\eC"ular legal \erm11. unless the d e nom1nu t1 onal sy stem xpec1f1ed the property wuH part of the wholt• church . The decision. in effect, rf' versed a position of lbe blah court datin1 t o 1871 when It ruled that civil courts mu11l li(ive way lo church lrlbunuls In flUCh case11 THE DECISION "CASTS grave doubt.a upon the ·tmplled trust' theory" under which both U nite d Pres b yteri an and Southe rn Presbyterian bodlea have operated. aay1 WUll1m P. Tbompaon. c hief U nite d Pre11bytiertan admlnlatrator. In the Wcat Co&11t cale, the Calllomia court held th• whoio United MethodlaL Church can be held reeponalble \n the damaae sult t>rou•ht by 162 former retal· dent• of the b1nkrupt P1clflc Retirement Homes, reslon•Uy c hurch s ponsor e d but over which the denomlnatlon hu no control. Simuel W. Wltwer, c butcb counMI, •&fl UM decLIJoa .,. dan1tr1 ayat.rm ot mott m.tor church bodln, tub~"' them lo pnalttet for a local umu's acUvlt:::.J:J::'d denomlna· UoDaJj • . -...-._. ....... -·--..... --.. -----..... ,. .... ....... ,. ...... .. ... ....... .. ............ WOMAN NUMBERS 200 IN TEDDY BEARS COLLECTION Shtrt.y Bertrand Collect•. Sella end Repel,. Doti• Many Adults Like Hugging Teddy Bear WJIEELIN<; Ill 1J\P 1 Jl<i v" y11u hug.cc:r1 y1Jur Teddy bear lut1•ly'• Man} m1·n t111 'IJ}' th1· <Jwncr of ·Shirley~ Dollhoui>t- And it lot of acJull:. talk t'> th1· c·u<MI\ plaything-. tr.1<1 'lh<· udd' Sh1rlt'} B1•rt1 aml <·11111·( '' .,,.11., dnd r <'pair'I 111,11 ... r1f ..ill kind-. Uut Tt:ddy bc<i r-. <1rt· lt11· "l*l'I Jlt\ ... 1 hl'I l111p 1n rh1' ~uburl1 rw rthWt'sl or Ch1 1.•ai,:11 "Wt: ttt:t>i\IR ABOl T ZOO Tt.UIH 1 ..... r 1 H:ilr and hdlr ,,f th1·rn ar<' hroul(ht 1n IJ~ 11 w11 • .,,.11t1 Mr ' JiPrtrisnd m'Jth1·r 'Jf f11ur 1·h1ldn ·n ran~in~: Ill J j.?f• rrrim HI "' z:i an'1 ownn (Jf 200 T1·dth bears "Th£· ulhN d a} J J>l ll'\I hrou~h\ 111 h1 t .slh nl! l i-dd} tw .:ir lh<il h,1d lost II...\ \111<.t· It t:1lk1-<l In < ,n m.m y, h•·n pn•'>'><~ 1n th• slomJ1 h W1• ~111 1h \111• • 11;.,1 It: tw ., ... ,tJ \ 1,u.,1nt ..,,mcin t>tm~ 11.111-.f1·rn •d lo 'l • x '' lir11tJJ.'hl 111 hr-. 'I Mlth tit J r f<Jr '>JlrUl'IOJ: up M 0-.1 or 1t-. f 111 h.11! ''""" r u lilwtl off 11 .,., ;i-, h.-111g huKi.tcd tci llv dlh - M .... lh•rtr:..rnJ ,,ud '>h• JJ°"·"' l(l\1•' 1•rr11rrh for r1•11.i1r-1 ,,, 1·hlldn•n 1,. r .W'>l' rn,111 \ 11f tl11 rr1 "'"ri 1 ~··· '" lt·•·11 1Jnl1· lh• \ h.1 \ l' their T1'llcJ\. 1.w<Jr "\'t:t\k~ t\(;(t, fUo:HHtt: 'rt.I. •. \ l~IO", p1·•,pJ. "'''nl tr1 t><•d l'arlu·r · -.111' "11 11 '<;1rl., hJd tl11ll ., ll<J.)'!'> had T<'<Jd} l>t·ei r\. cind they took lh1·m tr, l>t-d , :..nd 111JkuJ to them alone in their room They told their becreL., to their Tc-dd\ bt-ar-. I 1magant' .. ft•v. 1'u~1 nei.s e xttuttve--of today still tell .., .. ,.rt-h t•1 1h .. 1r Tf>dd)' bt•ur' Doc'l> th:..t l.11Jlhe r h..r·· · I don 1 •w1• an ything .... rong \.\llh .i nr .111 t.1 lk1nl( t11 1.1 1 f'd1h ht>ar I ta lkt11min1· ·· M r.. B1·rlr • .t11d 'Jiii 'h•· -.t drH"'I her Tedd~ ht-Jr 10111"·11110 1r, vt'ar" ago ·11 may 1>1· J no-.1alg11 1h1ni• lo 1•1111·1 I lh1 h1•..11 ' II• ,,11d /\n f'lrle rly m an 1·a m1• rn "'1th ;, ·1 .. 1111\ ltt<olf 111 llctd h.i•l .1rw .. t'.>I•• It wu~ ICY.-.1ni: 1h 'luffing II•· w .111\1·11 1t f11\1 11 Ill•·'' hl· <'1Jul1I 1·11d 11 to h r'> daugh1r•r for h1·r li11 tt11l:.t\ 11 \.\J J 1111111 ll1r ' ll11ll .ind h• I t•fu .,1·d m ) ~'""""'I fof II Tt:ODY UEt\K~ t IR~T J\PPt-i\Rt:D 1n l!~(J:i \fr.., Bntro.i nd noted "The fl,....,t l>Ot'' Y.l•rf• jlJIOlt'CJ hJd J hUnlJI IHI lht• hi.I< k Of th•· nec k . arm'> th al v.1·n · '11 l1in~ tht·\ Jlrno-.t .... 1·r1· out 11f IH'Jp<.>rt1on ffiOhUlr or J.(Oldl'O tJro .... n g!U~S (Jr -.hot• bU\IOn t'~I''· d -.ll\Chl'1f 00-.t• and ~lraw 11r 1•xceb111r -.tufhnl(. -.he ~atd . "1 1.>da y'i. market valul' of ont• 1n ~c.><1d -.ha pt· '' ;.110111 $200 Artiuntl HllJ. J 4 1111'11 1.111 !>.:<tr wa'> mark••k d w11h J tiny tum m> J>Ot_·kt·t t11 h11ld a l1v.,t1e·k or 1·11mh /\ftn thc1t 1 unH· \ht· b:1).' hear It ""·'~ -.luHt-<I ltkt: J l.11•1m 11 ... a:: Jnd h;i1I n11 Jlllllh Thi., prt1 bably i~ thl' Tc·ddy l>t•u r must ud ul h no ..... 1..,:-,1il'1Jlt• w11h their childhood, hhc :.u1d And whul are lhc lult'l>l dc vr·lopmenu., "Th<· O<'Wl'~t thing an IM:ars " M1i.ha.' · Mr.. Bertrand i.ct1d .. It'~ a Hu:.i.wn Teddy t>1·ar comml·mora lrng the 1980 Olymp1ci. In MOSl'OW .. NATION I RELIGION CHICAGO lAP> -J og m•y be llOd for you, bu~ il be danaeroua when it m1sl people wtt.h sertoua underl medical problems 1.nt.o thl.n they're healthier than they ly are. a erou.P of d<>:e.lor8 ports ''Extravagant chums ma exerci,Ae eolhu.iuta" 1abo health adv~ntages of ru may lead Joggers to 1g symptoms that warn of tially fatal medical comp lions. the group reported 1n Journal o f the Ameri Medical A.62'0CiaUon FRANK CHAPPELL, m...J.al s cience wntcr for JA M A~id the r eport was dis trib'4ed before a publiciied cast which President Cart.er dr out of a race on his doctor' . d ers because he appeared t~'. The pr~1dent said later he'_pn the race reluctantly ~ "With the explosive gr o of Jogging a.i. a sport, there 1j n urgent need for deflnlli ve ta on the n sk·vs-benefit ratio o durance exercise ," the do reported The phy:.1c1ans •w1d a !>lu per~oni. wh1> died durin -;hortly after endura nce exe se i.howc'<.l even lhe 1nc rcai.ed.1"."· durance and ove rall fitness_ etc ri ved from running did •ot f,!uara nlt•1• prolel'tron a g alJ,st <.,uth d\'alh~ • TH t: 8 £ST PROTECTION. lht• .... n t,..,... '><lid. w;i~ for doctpri. .1nil t.·xc•r1•1i.rng itdull'> to he on th•· lonk11u t f •>• ~v mpt ~ins f111 t•l.\;arr1111j.! fatal .1tl.11·k-. like C'<i rd1;ic· Jrn·'-1 111 11th1·r .,,.~rt trJum:..~ 1 Th•· r£'St>urchers '>aid th1·nt t'i n •1 w:iv to 1d,•nt.1fy who I!> ~11 ~k JOd ""h11 I'> nol .... • .1ri· '1111 \ 1111·1·'1 ,,, (hi· ht•Jl lh h1·11 1•f1t ' 11 f r 1·g 11Jd r ph\ """ii 1•..:e1 <',,,. hut an· cpn 1·1·r n1•d :rbour th1· •·xtravagf nt I l.11111 -. m;11fr II\ l''(•'rl'ISI' en thu 1.1 " th•· 11hv-.11·1an.., dm 1 nu; ()()(TOR~ ~TlJOrt:npie death~ or HI m en und w1,cn who died during or 1mmedi ly after JO~l(Jng Th1rtt•t•n men I'd of <'uronun hl'.1n tlts•·;.i-.t.,~nd four mf.'n anil 1in1· rl11·1I of 1 t'r l aust -. All of lht· nwn whtt c<l of roronaf'\ d1<;1·a-.1• w.,,,. 12 or oldr r Tnu:k Lrcish Kills Drivers • I J>OMON/\ 1AP 1 A rNry hl·a d on c·olli~ron bt'lwe ot( a freight truck and un oil ~er f'riday on the Pomona f're(.11(ay 1 ook the IJ veb of the two tn>ck drivers and closed the east~ lane:. of lhe hi~hway for nijre than c1gh1 houri. • Roth tractor trailer rig:. were destroyed in the explosion end fire <'aused by the cru h at : l!> a m . '>aHI California Hig ay l·atrol Officer Rick Parsons.c Sails a Different Beat Sloop Pleasant Memory for Writer ~ 8 y llUGll A. MUU .IGAN ""'-1.i Ctn-- JJRANFORO. Conn The "D1Ucrt•nt Drummer" changed bu.ods th<' other duy The new owners. a nice cou pie. took her out for a non·sa1I on a wlndle811, muggy day. che<:ked out the italley s tove . took po11sess1on of the keys . and idf(ned the transfer papers We never looked b11l'k There was n<> need to THE SOVND OF the Drum· m er '• 11peclal music. lhe beat or tlmt that made her seem dll· fe re nl to those of us who sailed he r. wW echo lone. In our mlndJ' ears A sweet ~rain to carry through life, but touched with a bit o f r e m orse like J ohn M1aefleld'a "Spanis h Waterif' · "Spanilh wotet•. Spom1h U>Otna! V °" o,.. rinQfng tn m11 ear Like o llow .wed pl«e o/ mUl'IC F'rom tlw grq /orgottn ~" " Not that I ever ~wned an Inch o f h e r 30 pro ud feet. M) nottalli-11 free, pure. unep· cumbered by the vulgar economics and yard bllla or own· ln1 a HJlinc aloop. I waa always a 1unt, an unable aeaman. a nfth 1t poker, a bow watch sent forward to ai1ht lobeler poll and buoya In the fo1. • 0 NOW DON'T 00 1nythln1 atupld Uk• ttylna lo help," the captain UMd to say In a volce burbltoc wtlh the bonhomie ol Scroo1• turnlna the cuolers from lilt door. Tbe Drummer has dropped beyond thf' honzon of my s um mer expec tations f can no longer S<.'<' her 1n my mind's eye when a vagrant breeze rustl~ the tops of the maple$ 1 a hopeful sago that there may be wmd on Long Island Sound>. But I can hear her still ploughing ma 1esttcally al hull s peed through the seas of yesterday or creak mg with helplessly slapping SIUl.i. an a windless nowh er e "In Irons." we salty types call it Ships often can be heard !;>et· ter lhan seen, especially t.h'ose that pas11 In the n.lgbt to other owners. I CAN HEAil the Drummer riding an ancho r In some s heltered cove A sUff breeze is playing a xylophone ~ halyards lnnOcent Man To Get Awar<l S AN D EJ G 0 ( AP ) -A Municipal Court Judie b aa turned down a bid by tbe city of San Die10 to overturn a S210,000 Jury award to a mu wbo Mrled 10 montN ln pr'llOft for a murder he d.ld '* com.mlt. David Moon denied the city's mot.loo Friday for a MW trial, rulln1 t.hat t.be d1map awud to Ser1elllt Herbert leebcm wu proper ind not txcHal••· J 1eltaon waa eoa•lcted or murder and apent aeU'lJ a ,..,- ln prilan in 11'74 befcn two other me11 came forward and c:on· leued &o &be crime. ,,..... --......... ...,.~ ----·-. .._ -·-.,,,,....~, .. (1Jl~:f) against her aluminum mast. u res tless sea is rocking sleep with u soft wave sla serenad~ against the fi ber hull. When the wmd dles a; lhe n ggmg tmkle:. melodi li ke a medley of sleigh and bells. Down seven years of s In g . eventful, so meti s tormy, always unfor1et d ays and nights. I hear Drummer Irr her many m Beating lo windward with a o( rail 1n the water A ch with conversation and the of noonllme sl~verwa re beam reach. Hal Boyle. gone now Uk Drummer, 1louched agal safety cushion on the star slde of the cockpit In full m and or bJs clgar and the 1.ng seuscape5: "Now how d o )'OlJ lhlnk a gaff ·r l schooner like thal ~ould cos OTHEa SOUND8 ARE s away In the sea cheat for f repJa._y In the old Hilora' bo Drummer, farewell. Sal Joseph Conrad wrote an ep for you and dream boats Ulc lD "Tbe Sha dowUne": "Lia 10me ror• ""°"'°"· .., orw of thoN creature• who•• ,,..,. e.ri1tncs ie not1gh to a"'°"" • IUIHl/il#a ckUQlat." l .. ,, .. •• '. ... .. ,,. II .. • J r I ( l;.l l I S!un:!ay. S!ptember 22. 1979 ONLY PILOT • • The Number ·To See Is Walker & Lee NEWPORT BEACH MEW..c>IT SHOaH Ht\ HF 4 ht'firoom noor plun m most desirable fom1lv commurlth :,t1•f1' 111 th\• 'and ond Sel1 plus beaullful POOLS . 1 F\ '\I~ \\I) Cl I RlllH'SE for \OtJr Ne.,.. port hf{'Stvlt> Thi.-. t'\l'll inc nc·" 11 .. 1111~ " lw111c offt·n'<f for SI~ 500 A~k for Sunrnnt• orllc•th •71t 1W.n11 SllllHE LOCALI IV ACCESS F:xr1tin1? h~l•nl!' lc><'utt·d-on qu1t't strl'l'I in lovelv Bark Tiov url•;1 Tt•rrnci.'<l :rnd vnv prin1tl· ~·11rd Many up~rades int·lud1n)! rnmpll't,.lv rt•morl1•lrd k1tC'ht•n Thi' hom1· will i-.ell i11>elr OffNt'fl for SIS.1.8.'iO i\~k fur \'i 17J.t I R46·771 I OCUHFltOMT HA n E 01'1'an rrnnl homl· LO\'t'I\' l'Xe<'UtlVl' hnmt• t"ompll'h' "llh POOi. anti m;11cl's qu:irtn.; E1CC'lu .. 1vt> pn\ .tll' b1•urh l11ral1nn \all tncl:l\'' Offt•rr•rl for Sl.000000 1\-.k for BNtmu •7141 f\lli 771 1 WESTCLlff CUSTOM Thr'-hom1• 't anrl" out ""'th ''' n""n 1ndl\ u:iuahh :md ru~tnm fl'.1tun·' 111 1•nclunnl! l'11·i::inc·1· l.u'h lands C'apinl! ""'th 1wrdt'n \ 11·"" l.111 h1·n :inn f,1m11\ riK1m Thi .. 'P"' wu;. and elt>1:wnt ru,tom hom" ,;.. ;in 1•nlt•rt;11n1·r ' p.1rad1'-1· .... 11h a .... arm and ""<·lroml' h\ah1ht\ llon't """ thl' \ "'' .. , ... 1·1;11 orr1 nn)! ()ffc·rrd ror 5825.000 ,\,k ror lknl til l1fiHiiill JASMINE CREB LEASE Hl·au11 r111 h1~·hh UJll!r:1!1rd. pl .. n fi proft•ss 1on;.ilh t1t•t"Oralt•d rlu~ 01 ' F ,\ '-'. \ 1 F'.' ' ~11110 I' F n ~I0:\111 ASK FOH Rt>lltn:i 111 11 filfi iii I HARBOR ISi.AHO AREA /\ 1111.,1tl\I' ;illur1•m1•11\ a\\ a1h \OU ,,... \rtU 1•nt<'r into th1., sr r t•nt• '''" '" 1rl Ht·.i<•h n·1 ro.,.t •\ "o•l<•nm .. rntr\' rc•\l•:i l' ;i lo\f•h f n•1· f11rm pool ;1111111.,t 111:-h l.1nfl,eap11l)! l.11f1\ l't•lltnJ.!" and ffi:l'<SI\ 1• n111ch '''"It' f111•ttl.1n• •·nh:111t·1· th1.., t"'lf'1t1n )! llf'"" li'tml! in nnf" or ,, . .,.. fll•fl ·,., mn't ('h,trm1111.' .111!1 !11..,l m<·l 1\ r· ;1r1·m •. \rranj.!t' for Hlllr prc•1 "'" ~h•'''"'~ t111 l;o'' (lll!•rt·d fr•r ~7.500 /\'<k fur fh•ttrna '71'11 filfi 7711 LIVE OH LIDO And rxrx•ri('o<'(' tht• J?ood hfe This home is indeed a n entertamer·., paradist• 4000 11qu:irc feet. bonus room. recenth• remodeled Am en iii<"' plu~ Nc•wporl at its fio('!';l. Offcred for SS75.000 Ask for ltt•nt I ii It l\.111 771 I VIEW HOME Thi'-'IW<'litl'Ul:.or "''" ll'-l IOl! '" a fom1h hnmt' or entertammtnl I <1\ t•h hnc·k .-nt r\' .ind rnunt ;11n ''o;ue,., a romfortable vN lu\urm11" \\1•11'111111• \mNnt1t'' plus \'It'"" 1n mo.,I pre.,ttiziou' '''\\ pnrt l1l(':it1nn < ':111 1n<l ;n nrrerrd for ~.000 Ask for Rent •ii II I.Iii iil l STEPS TO IUCH "IHCOMIE" ~p;H·1ous t.l11pl1•x rn Nwport'<, finc>St rental area Roth unit!I 4 l11•rlr110rl'" Stt'I"' tn 'anrl Won't lasl nrrt'r ed for 5285.000 A!lik for lit'nl •il l• &IG·iill H. V .H. SOMERSET $229,500 FH LA.MD ~1 hl'dronm. 3 buths. 2 r1rt•plarrs. 3 1!3rifl!<'S Lovrl.v \':Jrd. cover<'d pat 111 C'l11st: to i:irt·1·nlwlt 11ncl pool. t 7141 759· IWl rRICE SLASHED $7,000 ~ 1•wp1lrl Jlt'ach 2 ... 1orv ~I ad<' for t•ntertmnin j! HUl!l' fomi l.v room lor ''our rw,ol luhll'. lurl!<• rorm;1I dmini:? room Lovely srrluded n •;rr \.1rrl .... 1th 2 larl.!t' patio;. \;1n1nl rradv ror orcupanrv 17141 75\1 I ~,111 ti.!EWftORT IEACH • 5 IEDIOOM Sunstune bnghl kitche n Lovely larl!e fa mily room with walls of wass and huge U!.cd bnck hreplacc. Charming living room and lonnal dllUnf! One block Lo POOL and clubhouse. 2 doors from j!rt•t'nbell J ('3r j!:lr;Jj!(' r11rt• j!r:J<'IOUS ltvlOj! O .... nrr tra n!lif(•rrt'ii Ii II• i S't 1501 rttESTIGE TOWMHOME \tut·h '001!ht ;rft<'r ~<' .... !'Ort Tl'rrnl'f'. Only onl' hkr it on th1• markc•I Sharp ' PrH'l.•d lo sell undt•r SI00.000' Hu rrv! 11141 S.15·9491 S99.500 110 DEGIH VIEW WITH NO VIEW • PltlCIHG f'rnm tht• Back Ray to Sunsets tX•hind Catalin.a in the F.nstblu rrs most pn-stiiz1ous ne111hoorhood Spacious Inside and out Sparkllnl! pool. You couldn't :isk for more und lhc prirc h~'I iusl dropped Sl9.soo!'MOt.lvatc<11' 11i4 > s4s-9491 $230.ooo IRVINE rrs HRE SIH.600 Th" 1·xN·ut1\t' t•stalt' " t•n\·ironmentallv tailor ed for \our fam1lv "1th :1 1·11ll1•l't1nn of indoor outdoor arth•1ties -.. h1n ze vard tenn1" 1·1111rh .111d ., .... 1mm1nl! This home offer" sp1H·1oui. roomi. or t•lllt•rlu111m~nt locall'd 111 t n ·Jnr."17141 ~2-4477 YOUR FAIR LADY $75,000 \\'Ill l•t· cld11!hlt•d ""'th this rustomized 3 beodroom . 2 bath homt• '' nH1tt·~t11· 1·01tt•c·t1on of warmth and muted tones . Anni! tht• ftim1lv oH•r and,,.,. for ~nur~l'lf 17141 552-4477 DEHFIELD OHL Y SI OJ,500 l.ar,1!1• 1·111 ch•.<,a1· lot · patio homt• F:le11an1 d1•rnr ""'th lu'h I 11nd..;c'.1111n,I!. t·ov1•n'<I pat 1n ""1th n>cJ.,.. oo<l dl·<'k 1n,I!. n1t"1· 11ard1·n .1r .. 11 ,\l..,n ;11r 1·1mcht1011 CIO'l' to .,rhool" pool:-:.nd 'Pll 171 1 • ir1!• 1 ~x11 THE WAY fT SHOULD IE Th" hnm•· romhm .. , toda' ·~most dt·,1r.ibl1• fpa tur•·' "Ith dt•t .111' th;1I t•nhJnr1• th1., 1':1rl'full\' <le'>11?ncd "°''r pl;in v.11h "''" "",1rm !Ont• 1·.1rJl<'llOL! frl''h paint plu' a o;p;1rkhnl! pool v.1th '11,1 '-1•ll1•r offt•nnl! .,u1wr \' \ h·rm~ All for SIOS.000 11111 552 44i7 R.V. MOllLE HOME rARIC 1r1 "fl•" t'' ""1th l.1k .. fronlaJ.!(' in Ehinor.• cn·JI f11r 1t\\nt·r "fl"r.1t11r l'ttht1t"• an· m inrludt" t"OOl"ft't•· hhl('k l;i11ndr- hu1lrhnc ""11 h p.ork "" nrd laundn• t>Qu1pmt•nt ,inrl m .tn:tr••r lra1lt·r ~·ll•·r \\Ill earn A I T n <it ior: f)('r month p.-r annul" \I Jl.1• 11H1•r Iii I • .)S.2 4-177 LOW DOWN!! Sl7,500 \11'1'<1mum l11al11htv ""'th 2 laret' bedroom .. 2•~ bath tht'-hnm" • nfft·r' 1•omrort;1hlt· ... urro1.ind1nl!' ;ind ,.,rwrwl l"nnt1nu1t\ Sl'llt·r off1 ·r1111! :i '-llhll'<'t tr• loun .it !11 ,r; llurrv th" holl'1· , ... ltll'.ttHI m In llW Ii 111 f~ .. 2 1177 I CHALLIHGE YOU T11 'l'I thl' "(;Hrl.'1•1111 .... hom1• '" Ot•nf11•1rl nr In lnl' (lff1·r1n1• o,p,11•111u .. r1w1m ... l\\lt r1ro•pltw1·~ ru ... tom tilt· ;1lr111m •tr1k1n~· •• h;ll:1111•1• \11th n;1turl' ,\II tor nnh Sl13 !!(If! •ii P ~52 147i A IARGAIH $71,000 ,\net 11 ·., all hl·r<· 1n In inc• !\ly adnre to 'ou " romp:in· 1iu1 not ror Ion.I!' Thi., onr ""on'I la~t • ~ t::ike od\ antal!l' :ind '"''th•' 1·h:1rmm2 homl' at a pn<'f' you can afford. 17141 552 44i7 SEHSA TIOHAL S9J,500 \\ •"n· nHt·r1nJ.! vou th1' d1~roH·r~ \OU t'an't duphr:it<' C'harm1nc '.J ht•drnom 2 hath homt' \o\llh a de(iC'IOUS rf"'l)t'('(l\'f' Of ""ilrmlh hril!ht n<'" aorl nit·rrim<•nt l.arl!e lot in ,1n ,.>crt'll1•nt 1w11!hhorhood 111 II 552·44i7 TURnaoac HIC»fl.AHDS OHLY Sl24,tOO ~1·arh '-'EW · 2 ht-<lr0<1m. 2 hath fin·plu<'e in h\'tnl! room r1•ntr:it :11r 1·ond1t100. ur.1?r:1drd thrnu,1?houl Or;iniall<' nia'-ll'r 'lltl<' l.rt•,ot I()(· at ion and mu<"h. much more' Call nov.' 1714 • i5!l 1501 DEHFtELD OHL Y SI 03,500 l.:iri•" c·ul dt'-s:w lot Patio home F:ll'cant dN·or v.1th lu'h land'>t'ilPllll! t'"' t'rf'fl pa tio wilh rt'd""OQll <l•·rkml.' "'"" 1wrt11·n :1ri•a al'n air ('tt0dit1nm·d Clcl!-e tn .. 1·h°.?J" P00!.1' and SI'\ 1714 17~!!15'11 ~ I 6·P'LEX AP'T COMP'LD S4 I 0,000 2 :1nrl 3 ll<'<lroom units loralrd in exrellenl an•a with 1t•rni' that 1·~1·11t· th•• ln\'<',IOr mtnrlC'd per..on All unit.; an· n·ntt'<f · """h h:l\'tnl! lhl•1r own rarport., anrl "toral!t' '-Parr~ Call for rtioro· dl'la11t•1l 1nr11rmat1on t7"1 • 552·41n RESORT VACA TIOH TIMESHARES • HOW A VAIL.AILE OH MAUI lr1' 1•.,t11!alt• IOO:t\ ho"" \OU ran own a' aC':1lloo hon'lt'.(lfl Maui fl\r It•,, th;in '\10 000 F't•t• .,.,,,.,pie owner.oh1p ""llh nl!hl to I rad•• \'Ollr t1m1• 1nl1·nal for mf'r 2RO r1·<.0r1" nil over tht' v.orlt1 Phopt• Kt•n l.1•11!ht Walkrr & l.t·t'" T1mc·,hart> Spc.'C'lllh~t for furth<'r cl1•t.11I' ,ond r1n ... C'ntat1on ()( bt'n('flb '7141 552·44i7 A TOUCH OF CLASS Stt,600 r. raceful !'tvmmetrv f'nipha•111ed ""'th the nld Spani"h tilt- 1•nhanr1.., th1• '\('llinl! nf tht3 IO\'el\ home v.1lh PXC't'pt1011:1I 11' 11'' 'pare· 3 h1rc1• IX'drooni" and 2 bath~ lr\'tnf' h\•tnl! a t 11i. h<''-t und th•· w ller' off Prtnl! t'XC'ellenl term~ t 714 • ~2·4477 PEIFICT I ST HOME! ONLY $64,500 \torl!t'OUS 1ownhome on a soolhtnl! babbllnll brook Pr<'~lll!f' anJ W<erm rarlhlonethroul!hout.ct>ntralair Moll\a ted ' 17141 545.9491 lllHG CHICK IOOk \'ou'll \\ant to muk(• an offer On this lovelv prl'!'liitiou~ 2 bt'droom 3 hnth home•. IMI!<' t'at·in kitr hen. forma l dininJ? room fanith room und 2 fireplurt>s. Be~t buy in Mt'~u \'r r dt' 17 141 ~5·9491 VOTER REGISTRATION: COSTA MESA ASSU~IU • S7t,'50 ~ .1n1 ;i-.11r rondoni1nium 2 bedroom anrl furn1lv rnoll' \ JC';int <1nr1 rt·Jdv t<Jkc· m t-r subt<-t•t to ex1stinl! lfl' ,•. 17111 7">9 1:'>01 M.V. 5 IEDROOM AMD roo" S1IUJll•d on 11u1f'I ... 1·1·ludl'd lot ""'th lr1\4•h • v.oor1rt1 '"•rrl ... urround1nc pool ant1 ~p;i J\'••:•r golf rour"' LJnt1 roun• n ..tut!... lfHl't• lamllV rQOf'T'I. f1trni<1l thn1n).! 2 f1rt•pllH'I"• 17) It 7~!1.J!\01 WESTSIDE C· I < 11r111•r lttl 1•.ilh :I h1·tlro11ni" 1·1C1'-llOL' h111l1ti nL' l'r••h.tl• '"''" Trl'IT't·ndriu' ,,.,...,1htl1t1•·' '•·v.h r.tr1 ro'(t ·''"I\., 0'111 1 71 1 ;:t•t l ~All LEA SM>f'TIOH! <ir•.11 lo•rfl'"' llllL•' upcr.ickd I ltorlrl>"IT''' •,1.,,, ''" 11111 ... 1111 ct .. '·" ln\1••111r' t1•·1icht •·nt• r•.1101 r • rlr•·.•fl" < ,,11 """ i 11 ii"> •11•1\ TAKE "SUIJECT TO" f roo,1(1\t f1n;10qOL' !1 11, lull•~!' ,, .ti I h• rffto< n '"rf'",•t rhnlOL' ''"'•f'T' n• 1r fl•'"• ,qu 11rit.. 1n ••fl• ••I our fin.~• •r• f ,11 ru•\4 t1u <1111 rld.111 .. \ .. , ••• t ,ti , ,, I ' •tit. IU t 711 • ·.1 .• '" .. MESA OR MAR ,,., h 'hUL:hl .11'• r f' ,. t'•U' ·-t ... t1r<-v•'f'T ,...,1o11. I '' rh • • "'' 1f 11t rti,, l r•.•' ··nt.rtun•r "•lt"I f"""tfl\ t;f~r d· h"""' h1 ,111t1tull I'• 1hu\1nth1 .. ,,., .• · ff1ur\' ~-;t t ~.1,,••t•11 . SANTA ANA . ~~ S79,900 ·VA STEAL r1oll hrtt.1·•· ·1 1 .. •lrt••rl'• I' "tlh l.11,. ''"''" ''"'"' "'"h f1r .. pl:.<'•' ~ r<·'h '"''"' 111 ,111<1 ""' t '" ,,11.,0 '"' • It•\• l' Ir•" lln1 .. t ,tn·•·I 1..irc1• ,~1rrl \o\llh fn111 tr,~· ... t~r.mrl ''' v. "" m.1rk1·I •'ii I t i:'>4 l ~i'll SOUTH COAST PLAZA AREA OHL Y S69,900 I h 1rfl'1llL' :! t>t"1r<••r" .' hJth• v. ti~ 111 ....,,utti 1 ""' f 'I•", l•n, ·'" , ..... ,) .... uit1 ... ,,, \trtt:1n11tttnn•<t '' v.1,n t t .• ,..,., .... ,.,\ t .. r.1\u1 1h1 orj \\ • hn1~ \••ti L •I II 71 1 7-, .. f'/11 VETS • MEW LISTING Lowb lar l!l' ~ ~'<lroom ""'th l'OOI.' tlv. '"'' l1oul!ht anoth"r ~lOlJ\Bl<.'<l ' We ..... 11 ~ualrf) \OU 11\l'r tho ~111111" •ii 11 j~!j 15(11 !6.!W HEW LISTING HRP THIEF 1 ht' Lor ..... ,u ... :· .... ,..r, "'"'' t-...· ..... Id 'n\\ , ,,.,...,. ,, ttl.11, .,,,, dt''J.H r;ilo" :-011lt11 11 .di""' r• •jl I i •'' 1 ·~11 VIEW OF THE HILLS Frrqi''t tht' 1 t11·rtronn-' h 1 ,tllf\ Ill It fl nn Hi fL•rt ... fh.11 h .1 t*\t•r,th1nL1 l.t.1r~· \1t·v. \\HHt''""' 'tiri "'" "''"l' t•w•tr ·'"" Hnn'·'" 111h 1111.'hh Uf'L'r,Hkrl tr .oll ,11 • ,1• 1.•'l•·lull\ tl1•1 "' ·''' 11 l'r11 , ti 111:,:ht' I lp.·11 I \1·111111 • l'h,.111· • 71 1 ·o1•1 "l'tt INVESTMENT PROPERTIES l .... VESTORS 1-1 HOROOMS \ ··r\ 1'11.,...,. to n1'n"' Ltnt1 Tht>"''" 11nt1 , ,1rl' 111 1,,,.,11, nl ront1t1 ir•n l'r11 t•r! ttt '"II JI ~:!lfl 11(111 '" \ Jl'.IOC \ t ii I ;·,11 l,~11 AVOCADO ACREAGE HUR LAKE RSIHORE l'ar<'t•h rrolT' ~.oon II• 'li:; 000 \u•r,tl't• ''"' ::'0 ;1rn·' Full\ pl<JnlNf h\Clrn,dnp 1rnl.!.1t111n ll1•ll't' p,11! ,1nl1 l.!rn" r"arf., 10'1Jllt'<l ?I' fl!t .... 11 O"no·r fl'\,t\ t',1rt\ f:ro ,II I.I\ 'hl'llt•r ll.1rh:tr,1 ll1•th Iii I• i:i'l <,Jfll sure s.,LEX f\nh 11 X l.!rr.,.., ;met 1·\t'1·llrn1 lt·rm' Tak•• m ••t ",11h11·1·1 It•" ant1 1•11111<1 1·\l·ll h,I\ ,. 'flt•nrl.1hlt" [)on I '' ;11t' ~ 11•1 !Ir.ii 1 71 1 • :; 15 !i.\!11 U.S. CITIZENS WHO HAVE MOT REGISTERED TO VOTE MAY DO SO BY PICKING UP A "REGISTER-BY-MAIL" AFFIDAVIT from one of the Walker & Lee Real Estate Offices listed below MOW THR~ OCTOBER 8!f!, 8:30 A.M. 8:30 P.M. Reqister-By·Mail Affidavits also other OrClftCJe County, Riverside and Los locations. available at our Anqeles County COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2790 Harbor Blvd. Cor,ta Me!.a, CA 92626 (714) S45·9491 or, (714) 545·04M NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE: 2043 Westcliff Ori\le Newport ,Beach, CA 92660 (71'4) ~ or (714) 646-7711 \ • ee IRVINE OFFICE: 5396 Walnut Avenue,'Suite E Irvine, CA 9271'4 (714) 552..4477 NEWPORT/IRVINE OFFICE: 2670-B San Miguel Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (71'4) 759-1501 • ~1..• !U!Jt.•l ''Jt11_~·\;~11t~··· ~ r..c =· ~~;k~i·f;;l~~tion i: ot a Res1dent1dl Propt:•rty 1 ~ An.tlys.i\ wtll b<' m.idl' by cJ Wctlker & l ee. Inc. mdrkcr sp(.>cictli<it, There is no rmt or obl1gdtion-: \'ou mdy return 1h1\ rertificat(' or call fo r an appo intme nt. Offer i\ good indef1n11 e ly-ple.nc retdin w ith your household document<,. IM n •Oittt,op -~""" ....... -wt41-t -.. ~ ti tOu• tlf~h ""'"""""_.,I'd w"I\ • lhllOO plto-l!Kl ... .,d ..... Off.rt."'"" -out':"'""..., IO <olt<t1 .....,._ Ol nt,_ ·~~llOI\ r ·= .. ' . I ...... ..._..,_S. tt•'"'-S. lls '"Pers. · ..._..,_S. ..._.,._.~ HottMtfof-S. ..._.,,...s. Ho.nFors. I .' ..................................................................... ····•·•·•·············· ................................................................................................................... . ··-·· 1001 1001 ·-"· 1ooi ... .,.. 1002 ........ f002 c. .... ,.. 1002 ......... IOOZ .... ,.. lOlli ......................................................................................................................................... , •.••..•................ ···················•tt- IOUAL HOU11NO OPPORTUNITY rue .. ...._: ~ ruJ Mt.ate lldvertlMd ~~~:;-:, Houala1 Act of lHI -.ch make. •t •llt'gal to •dverliat' "any 11rt' rwmce. J1 m1talion. or <IKnminaUon b~ on l'llC!e, color, rt'b11on, lltex f6 natx.ill.I onau\. or an 111kntJon to malre any aurb preference. Um1l11 Ucn.ordiacnm1nauon " 'Ibis newspaper wtll not knoWln~ly accept auy advert11inf( ror re11 l estate which U1 1n viola Uonoft.he law. BIK>•S: AdYerttwrs ._.. cMcJ& tt..ir odt .... ,...., .... ,... I a ••cl). TIM DAILY PILOT cn-1 w.ty for ttw flnt • CGrnd iMerffOft o.tly. VAtlSHINC mED l''l'W builders ur~ produl'lnJl baa house!S on big lots, but we have on~ left. 5 bedroom. 4\.41 balh complete wHh 'iew Owner flnanclng 101.C MnrlnC'rs OPEN SAT & SUN I 5 As k for Theo Whitehead Fl*Y casru - 4 Bedroom & pool. quiet cul-de-sac. mnve in ready. 1907 Glenwood. OPEN Sl I I 5 At1k for Theo White head INVESTORS Tu!.tm un1Ls al 11 X gross Abk for f':tlt~en Arthkovlch. WOODSTIEAM Unexpectedly s pacious 3 bedroom. 2'" buth condo. Jus t $91 ,500. Ask for Theo Whitehead. LAGUNA BEACH RESTAURANT Seasoned liquor license. Building & Jund. $.565,000. Ask for Tom Mcsc:r cau. ('Rl1lJnl NEWPORT CENTER ~21® 640-5357 WHITE WATElt VIEW J Bedrm, J bath & spa. J ••••••••••••••••••••••• Polios Skylil'C hl, wet Gaa; ~ I 002 bar. and much much, P-.i.norarruc Newpon Bay ••••••••••••••••••••••• more-~ pnvatc views from ~OTf:l'OU:. 3 BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! beach Owner pro-bedr m upper unit or OPa. HOUSE fess1onal decorator spacious 4! bedrm lowt·r SATUaDAY 1·5 Owner will help finance urul! Natural hnrk fplt-i. JIUrry, call 673-8550 Wet bars 4 Car ~ara)(c #8 lcwto•...to Crt "'• ,. • '· ·" Boat s pace Step~ lo VIA OPOITO NEWPORT BEACH LIDO BA YFROHT t-:nJoy the beauty of Newport Harb<>r from the livi n~ room of the most n•asonably priced bayfront home on Lado Is l<'. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath ho me has its own boat s lip. /\ suprt•mc value at $875.000 644-9990 &st ~t .J3.tuf' 644 -1133 ~~•·a ll\ ANYTIME FANTASTIC BLUFFS E OHL Y S 198,500 OPEN SAT /SUH 542 VISTA GRANDE Su pt•r f e<.i lures new. <' u!.t om f1·aturcs. profco!.s deeorated. prin 1ll• <•nlry & P"l1os A gorgeous homl' 111 !.UJ>t'r t•ond1t1on' SPe for ~·our..,c·lf ' PHIC'ED HIGllT' Submit a ll offNs' OTHERS & LEASES ALSO AVAIL. ~;::T [®llMjl [~~,~~,·~t'~~'.,~.::!-~~:t~lolo] 1'lm 3 hr-'droom. 2'h hath 5 Bit, 3 Bl\, ram rm. bn<'k " • !rt ll'v1•l c·onclo 1n u (pie., 2300 sq rt $125.900 ;1 1 --------pnvak'. rarkhkl' :wlllnl{ Brkr 546 ZHJ IS auio.11lut1·ly IM MI\ Cu I./\ 'I' 1-; • o 11 1 y I~ Brook $14H,!:>OU in l'Xl·luio,ivt• IO<'IUdt'S 3 b1•drm lri N<!WPOrt Crc.~l Call /\nn lf'vel townhome Wt1lk to C-11.lvcn. 752 l!Y.!O, m<1Jor shopp1n l(~ and J_ lranbportalion F.arlh '-'UAIL. l.<n.'5, fireplace. & st.e~ T C lo pool. Hurry, c 111l PLA E ~, .... -,~=.!~~" [ ® liiliil 675-3411 HOUSE IEAUTlfUL l.o"ely enlry and dc•cor Many up~rades 5 HH 3 Ba. 2 pat10s . 1-:z rnrt· yard. Walk lD purk und schools I\ trea~ to S<'e • OwneT w/help hn Ruth 1..aune. Rltr 1146-4380 Get GREEN cai.h for WI llTE clephanl" with a ClaJSs1f1c-d t'\d Ca II 642 5678 IA YCIEST Custom built 4 Bdrm home with drnmalil' ust•d britk fireplace, indoor RBQ. s pacwus ground!'> with µool on a quiet cul de s a t. Hcducctl for quick s ale. $237,500. LUSK EXCLUSIVE -T errazzo entry. atrium walh re tractable roof. mirrored pillars . wonderful tas te make this superb Ivan Wells home perfect for entertaining. An unus ual orrering a l$335.000. llG> CAMYOH /\n impeccable Versailles with view. Unsurpasscrf luxury . Corner location on <.i cul de s ac·. S650.000. HA•lott ¥11W HIUS -Ocean View! 4 Bdrm Monteclto with large entry courtyard. on one or llV Hills nicest s treets. Unbeatable at S2G9.000. FO• THI SICU•ITY MIMOID -This Jas mine Creek ho m e ls an investment in peace or mind a nd freedom, with pool. tennis, convenie nce and a peek of the ocean. S225,000. CAMEO HIGHLANDS -Immaculate 3 Bdrm + d en home, with pool. can yon view, ne utral decorating that won 'l require a thing. Asking only $194 ,500. , •AHCHO SAH JOA.QUI\ 0 'pacious 3 Bet.rm air <·ond., San Luis II 0 .-IClel upgraded thruout. Positively prislin ~ ~165,000. IAYCllST -Transferred owner says ''sell'.:. this vacant 3 Bdrm home with gourmet kitchen, l arge lot. room for pool o r expans ion . Negotiable te rms. $198,000. cou.a PAa -Air cond .• 4 Bdrm 3 Ba .. Yale" detached home . Super location on cul de sac. One block from pool & school. $121.500. DIAHI HOMI -"Candle wood0 with many new and super upg rades. 3 Bdrm 3 ba on larJ(e priv~~ lot. Spqtless, ready to move ln. $189,900 .. · . . --. ... 2111 I. COAST HWY, C4M 675-3411 BEST IUY CONDO $89,500 L1u·J?e 1450 ~q rt Tile• en try t·orn1>r br1e k r1rc•ph11•t', 3 heir. 4! ba. <'harrrunl? 11atm off h vinK d1n1ni;( area Uou blc J:;iraicc Walk to West.d1fr 1-·or apf>l call. ~-~,~~~~~ L'nbcllev" ulc N l'Y. l'Urt Be11ch value' IUll ..,tt·J~ lu :.<md aod ocean' 4 lkclrrn + 3 brdrm Ullll N1·t1J, your TLC don l wail. c l.111 mw752·1700 ARTISTIC CHALET BUCH +POOL CORONA Dll MAR Quaint J BR. 2 Ila l..1tv DUPLEX dm rm Cmy fplc Wall~ (.k:ean and blly \'lew 3 ul Je)a">S views ,1o11att•rfull &-drm. and 2 bed rm t Kot J,..ond & Grer1on pool Lus h Krounds Poun 1k.'T'I 4! Fircpla<'l'~ Owner lanl.5 Wood. ~las!> & mir anxloui. llurry , l'all r<lf'decor ru.~umf' cXl'il ~ , . , . , •nK loan at $513'2 mo. OH, VA terms. Model h111rw [ ® ma1ui 1-~_f;1 ~;-ct_· ~_o: ___ u_~_~_lo·d-uy- OCEAHFltOMT HEAT NICE A•EA -t----·000! $61,500 PRICE REDUCTION Newly re m 0 d e I e d 8Al..80A deluxe duplex. larKe 4 bdrm. & 2 bdrm kitchen, double .iaraKe. 3 urul.!I, fmlc carh. now Bdrm 2 hath Assume · r IJWt: V/\. se'),000! Try 11\llt.illment .. JM"Cha&e! <>CIA.ltROKT SS FT.LOT! o.istom deluxe duplex. 4 l.3bdrm. uruta. goormet 1utcben 10 owm!r's apl + --------1 Ioli of Imported tile. ( rplc. each uml 6 t:o r T..U · garage + much more' PIUVATllUCHES S89s ,ooo• Try your Pnme Corona del Mar t.enm' location. 4 bedrm. 3 bath ..._. '-f ftrop. + j!ame room, + 180 • ...._... ~ ocean view. Owner 671r7060 will Mlp finance.Hurry. ~~·~~ao-~~~·~~ call fJ73.85SO. _ CJl'lll Iii 'I• II\ IVN IVlll "~I [91U~HI GOLfCO\MSIVU Great Back Bay loc:aUon 1bla bll! 5 bedroom home features a hUf(e family I dlnbut rm addJUon bit f!IDll(h for your pool ta- b&e. Perfect for t.be big ramlly Md the price 11 riPt. $111,500. fUU.9UALn 54Mll4 .._.ISTA11l ........... 11d1d 3 + pool + horsea (stall•). Go urmet ldtdMD At country U vlng I Much, muc h m o r e . IUiy. can ITM5o50 Of'lf#lll'i •ll\•!JNllJ"''' ,. ~THE Rf AL ~~ ESTATERS D0¥8SHOHS ILIGAHCI Dramatic marble thru icated e ntry . Un · 11.Wl)UMd elegance with earttaone carpets, open- neas thru aH rooms . spectacular pool with ptllan and J<ardt'n tran qWlit.y. A trllly clHllC ud preslliclou1 home Call today. ~3 ~-ORE~T E OLSON .._......._~_..,... ........ .._....--. . ... -. ,,,,. . , -... -.. -,,,. . . . . . ... -. ,_ -....... ,.. .. -.... -. ---.. --. CORONA DEL MAR OPIN HOUSE S"GLASS HILL A culftom pool 1md •PM are» featured In thlft prhf••Hlonally d ecorated ''Southport " ~' llJrf(t! t~roomtt. •Ph hulhx, formal tllnlnj( room. fireplaces an l1v111~ rr>em1 11ntl family room. a bonus room. 'l'rlph· uaarage, fully hmdKt"lJIM!d. 'nw Ill lvacy ol an·end o( c ul de i.ac l<K'l•l tun und a nldlt llght \I('\\ Shuw'I •·xtn·mrly well. A l11·:111t1ful lu r i••· •·xN 'ullve family ho1tH' M1,11 v,1l1•tl -.•·lln, offered at S'1 !.I:> . I.IOU OPIH SAT & SUH I TO 5 41 IOOMA IAY 1• ':, 9UAUTY ,.0'8T1H ,, S'YGLASS HILL Gorgeous Cape Horn Plan. fa bulous ocean, bay and night lig ht view. $49!5.000 HAllOI YllW HILLS -Locatio Location! Big 4 BR. Fam Rm. carpet.c;, ocean view. $279,900. 0 today, 1300 Sandcastle . LIHDA ISU En~lish Tudor. beauti crafts mans h ip. gorgeous lead windows. $2,650,000. .. HAllOI ¥11W HOMIS -Top of the hill ! Orcan view . privacy. hig htr-". upgr aded. $2.59.000 .,,.._ TU•TlBOCIC Tremendous value! 4 BR. 2 sly, view. $202,000. LAGUNA IEACH Jus t r educed! $40.000. Laguna 's best buy. 4 BR. RCTaylg9:>-<Wean view. $319.500. ; " 8Gy ~ ord \!£)1 re:Jch Poolty HAL ESTATE EXCfl.lfHCE SIMCf 194' WESTCUff Stop ) our spiraling r ent <·o...,l s ''' Tht· twsl hl•<hu.: aga1n<;t 1nfl:..t1on 1 ..., O\\O('rs h1 p' Th1o; h(•a utarully dl·1·orntt·d condo has hui.w I 1 \' 1 n g r o o m "' a l h f 1 r t-p I a c £' • 2 l>t'droom!. & ~ twth.., Fee land. Easv w:1lk (,, 1·urnplctt· '>hopping a r ea· $125.000 NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 CORONA DEL MAR CUTIE Y1111 11i..,t d1111 't find th1.., kinrl ;m\ morf' :1 Hdrni... ... 1111111· II'\ <·I onh 11 •• hlo<'k-. t o I ht• l><':H'h Cutt· a -. can tx.·. with lots of fa x up poh·nLwl Enclosed yard. fl :.q.!..,tOn<' frpk . come see 324 '\1 A IU<;OLD \VE SAT or Sl'N hNw•'<'n I & ~, At $189.6-15 this t!. a "ll l><'r in vt·Mmt·nt oppor tur11l" • (7141 6 73-4400 12131 621-2121 ILUll.J()ll Dl•l,lon of Hart.or ln•utn...t Co. YEOl' FARMHOUSE RUSTIC-RX& l.ong pnvate dnvt• lo ivant lrPe M"Clud<.>d 4! i.ly on estate b11e d WOW\d.'J Bnr k frontaKe & Enld.1sh bay windows 4 or S BR ln<'I hide a way ~ame rm Ht'al fonnal din rm Country ketch w tpanlry fo'am Atti.rsa..t SUM,lllO. 3 Bedmu, fam1 ty rm + Audio. Secluded on lreeliDed cul-de-sar atnlll. Private courtyard wtUa beeuliful redwood dilcblc for flll.a1.a101nit. 0-. wW belp ftna.nce. S'toO for qualified buyen. Take lldvantaiie. call9&W787 • •. N'· I Rm Domed ce1lln1t• [ I ~c 1>ru5;P m~!b~ '8 IJVftH;~ beach. Ready for lhis' _ ~ -•=-••••-Must sacnf1ce -•.500. CAU.NOW!' 91.'MmOZ 8KR. EXECUTIVE 2 STOltY + POOL AMume VA loan l.ance J bedrm , llv1nK rm, ~kitchen+ lanw fa1TUI)' room. wet bur. secluded patio, liparkhnl( pool t'\sk1nR S9U.OOO 'IWMe (;all now 963· 71181 (~fl.f ,,, "'. ,, "''' ,, ' ti 1, , . "' N-:m16 ...ualC AUCTION ly 0....-of Lmd TDACO STATION ZMO S. Bristol Comer of Warner Santa Ana. CA Sale Date Wednesday Sept26, um. IOAM Minimum Bid SJOS.000 Depoalt Req Sl0.000 s.Je to be on •round.a For fwther' info calJ Rola nd Fl eming m 1e.2121 Ri c h a rd Sheet s 213/ .. 2742 ......... DM.icM atyefl.elA grlat Sll.'50 Dt.11 ..... S.! OOYOO O•aer muat Hll . a OP'Jl'ER A SERVICE? tacdrm.. 2 beth. dto, fplc. Let the pubti<' know wtth aparkllag klttbco, all 1n ad ln I.he Dally Pilot built-lna, uUUty room . Service Dlrectory. It can It'• a~ at llU!O. c.IJ now~546-2313 COit you .. UlU. .. S\.88 Ol'fN IN 9 • •I l lut' '""' .. I' pa day. For snore In· I ~=·~.:i:••ctr . ·- .. ~aniad(ic Oc•an V;.,,, 180 dcj{Tccs Cntnlina to San Otc!{o. $165,000. 2 Bedrms and a den. Adult community, Clubhouse. pool. etc. 0.-_,.... .. , ... ..,.. U/21 •JIJU,._Drt.,. a.Miu.,.._. THI & hltcock • ..,. IK. 4H-47t7 , .. ,. . n ewport REALTORS 675-5511 OPEN HOUSES 23 I P°"Y: A lot Clftd ~ hatf f45 ft wldeJ & a •Hy \ltort walk to L~ Corona leach. OWNBt WILL FINANCE. Two bedroo~. 2 bottK. family room & dudy; add CM updain mat~r wite & d«k for oceClll. •iew. Sl I 5.000. OPEN SAT & SUM 1-5. I 515 IA YADERE TERRACE. lnine Terrace: Watch the ,.., conw o•er the yard arm from the deck, comptrie with buitt-in benchu & fi~pit, plus unuwotly tar~ lot wittt some boy •iew. ThrH bedroom. 21h batt. honw. Hardwood floon, staiMd & rici..d CJlea• w"9dowt. lt'1 uc ..... ! COMe ..e "'ftrice ~ed to SlU.tOO. OPEN SAT & SUM I ·5. COLE OF NEWPORT REAL TORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy., COf"OftO ~ Mar 675-5511 /Ja,/ronf WE HAVE SEVERAL FINE IA YHIOHT HOMES WITH PIER & SLIP BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J 11 Auy ,,.J, D• ,,. N B 6 7S 6161 ANN CHISMAN ... BLUE WATF.R AND BLUE SKY ~1 EF:TJN<; J ~ FO REVER VIF:W 1~ frnm th1 \ :J It•\ 1·1 home with h<·arti 1·10...,1• h\ Thc·n· :1rt• :l hc"1room-.. '2 firl'platl's. de<'k!'> Jlccich hvm~ al 1~ DEST. All for . . . . SI95.500 CALL US TO VI EW 32351/)1678 C0ott Hwy, So.&..,... "~ 499-1341 • * 4tt-2Z47 llE 111111 ILlllS ca. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE WHfTI WATB VllWJ LACMINA llACH ,,. /\ bovr Wood11 ('ov(' M a111nlflcent • • SI x lkdroorruf, folvt• Ruttul. I..ar111e UUUly Room. lflrrdwood f1oon Thr('(' Fireplat't'!! Cedar Cloeeu. 'fhrce,CAr Oara•e Private Sl•J>ll T Sa'nd SedlKh'(J Onrrlrn & P11tin Area Prl Al 1999.lm '"'auPPs ucwsava us,,... Super "F." Plan. End Unit. Thrl't' Bl'droomir Plus Famlly Hoom. A·l Selllna View Pllllt• ' Choi~ Oreenbclt. Lolded With Extras Call Por Appolntmtnt. A "Joy or Newpert'" L11tln~. P..-.OUS WAIWMONT Trut:v Ooraeo\IJJ Cu.scom punt Six Bedroon'I llomt rn NewPQrt Bca<'h. RHt Avallabh'• Location On t.m o 181.E. Huae Famll~ Room. Larl(t' Mastt'r Suite. FOl't!ver View Of Newport Harbor. Over11lttd Lot Ptu11 Hu.ce Dock. Call For Appointment. It mT IM WY.UIS • LARCF. F'AMILYU This II One Of Thf L1rae1t Homea In The A~a. Slx Bedrooms Plua Huce 8cM'IUJ Room. Many Extru ~ • Al Spll\bh Tiled Klt.ebtn. Parquet Ent Proted.kln Al•rm S)'tUlm. Etc .• E\c. Call ,. To (napert_ 14.41,000 I .y ®. DO!•!i l ' '' .. -..-. ", ...... --..... -----... -. -.. ... .. ---. ""'... ... "' ....... -... ~ -_.,..,... _ -... --.......... -...... --~ ~ ................. ,._ --.. . • ~-. ' . l \ I t • t • t ~ i t • I • r . -I I • , .. r I I I ' I· : .. I I• I • f ' I . I I f.· • I tc· J ........ ~ ·-==~i larie comer lot amoa" tall ])T a <t pandabl~ 3 bdrm lil-lev 1 homt'. with lamal)' room & rHal ocean view> TherP' a ..,.11PCJid Roman w;imminst pool ln a pr ivate t"Ourtynr" setting Conveniently located 1n Newport lleQiht.tt ut t he comer of Tu~Un /\ ve. & Ctlfr Or. prlcf'd for a ction by met1 vated elll'r at S237.000 OPF:N SUN 1 5 263 OCEAN VIEW AVE . N.U. i:BEST IN BLUFFS SELECT IAYFROHTS Lovely views. E ·Plans, 2200 sq . ft. 3 BR. 2 ba .. huge fam . rms .. hig hly upgraded. $209.000 T S237 .500 with la nd! SAT /SUH I ·5 2915 QUEDADA T %-Pl.AH Beautiful 2600 sq. fl .. , ram. rm., 2'h ba .. huge bonus · new carpet & kitche n appliances. e ly wraparound patio. Lge. belt. S220.000 Includin~ land! SUH. 1·5 2753 Vista Umbrosa IARGAIM CHARMH End unit. 1-level. 3 °frR. 2 ba .. new carpet & paint. Nice 1?r~nbel t. Low interes t terms. Hurry! S1 3~,000. O,EN SUM. 1-5 1951 SAM IRUHO ILUFFS IRAMD MEW HOMES 3 & 4 BR. 1 & 2 stories. finest latest amenities S2 10.000 T o S235.000 Including the land ! · HELEN B. DOWD I REALTOR INC. 644-0134 List & luy With the bpftis •• $117,500 2 BDRM. TOWNHOME DRAMATIC DESIGN ~ GORGEOUS VIEW! Open Today . . -2331 Vista Huerta 9*0N WATER-PRIVATE ISLE "•utifully decorated "pride of ow1tenhip" 2-story home wltti your own boat slip . Warmth, woods and exceptio1tal decor thnout thh 4 bedroom hotne with fonMI clltfflg room. Spacious mastff suite wftti flreploce. AH the olMftities for the finest ...., fornily e"•iro•HM1tt. Show" by oppoinhne1tt. $9 7 5, 000 iftcludiftc) land. VIEW-POOL DOYER SHRS. Fabulo.s home for entertahthMJ ond plaRned for fC1t11Hy livl1t9. Es,-cloHy 9'9CIOllS cmMI open floor ..... with 1-. . h•CJ room, plus f•mlly room/dhthMJ c ...... oa. Sfparate mcnter suite phis 3 other ~ •• lfflltfful pri•ate pool Gild deck. u...,t10tted VIEW from mai" rocMM. $425,000. • Sallebary ·-·" 315 Marine Ave. • Balboa lsland ·'679-6~ & ANO NAUTICAL TERMS C E 0 H l W E Y E H W C A P R ~ ~ ~ 0 S S l N A K M A M t 0 S H 0 l 0 W A N ~NOEBC MMA EBAABOUTAT A I L A R E A X 0 K W A T A 0 L l T Y . s u'" u· t 0 ·I R 0 s .-. 0 c v 0 $ 0 c H 0 0 0 T 0 P A Y E E T 0 H R l P S 1 M c p R E I 0 8 p E z 0 T ~ t c l N w A W P I A 8 0 I W I M S P A H R H E Y 0 ('A C N W P l L K A A K Y Y G S Y S Y t R I V E E Q I l H A W £ H 0 0 H M E H't 0 0 G 8 E L 0 WT H I E W t E R N S P-8 R 'O M A l 0 & C R W R l M 0 E R t N K l t 8 1 N 0 T 0 R E G A A T W lLEBR LKAC t LO f I t E I I J M " I U R I : ................. .,,.. fofwW. ..... ..-........... ,, .... , ........ -llolc It lft., M IM l'9 llltlion • ...... IClll °' ........, t....-~ I'.,,,. ........ ..... ,..,Giit T_..nm 3377 VIA LIDO, NIWPORT BEACH s 169,450 MAI Y VINO 3 BcJrms .. 2 baths . <.1lt·~un('e & t harm for entertaining . 11~:. Its <>wn wint' <.·cll ar s 198,000 LA IE~OIMCIA 2 Bdrms . i baths. best loc·at1on an ('ostu Mt>.su . in move-m C'OllCltllOll $245,000 EL CAPITAN 3 Bdrms . 2 buths, with u boul shp & friendly neighbors $305,000 A LA UOO ISLE 3 Bdrms .. 2 baths: one of the most charming houses on Lido. You can even buy the furniture. $478,000 LIDO MUEVO ·1 Bdrms .: just built & r ead y to be movl'd into. Truly charming & functional.. Pete Barrett presents MOYE UP TO NEWPORT COZY 3 IDRM 2 IA TH Lots of used brick. fireplace. covered patio and larl!e rear y ard Walk to schools. s hops. bus . Sl 15.000 fee s imple Call Ann Peter~ MOYE TO THE BEACH IA YRtOHT CAH COD Two s tory home dcs ignC'd by noted architect Jerry Colcord . Two patios. pool. s andy beach plus S'-' cepin~ hay and ocean views . For the pure tradi· lionalist this b a landma rk home! 5750.000. MOYE TO CORONA DEL MAR HAllOR VIEW HILLS "1 Bdrm. im· maculatc family home. new carpel· ing .included . charming neighborhood. s~er buy. You own the la nd -it ·s vacant. Price re· d uced for quick sale $248.500, INSPIRATION PLUS VIEW OF ROLLING FOOTHILLS And bird sanctuariy. Custom home in rural setting -1 2 acre of fruit trees. large view window::.. O\'er- sized triple garag~. S269.000 MOVE UP IN THE BLUFFS REDUCED FOtt QUICK SALE -Open fee l ing. cathedr a l ceilings with skylights. 4 Bdrms. s pacious living and dining rooms. breakfast nook. large builtin ston~~c a rea. New carpeting. New price -$159 .900 ! CUSTOM DOYER SHORES OME OF NEWPORT'S FtMEST AREAS -With Expansive floor plan. great for entertaining and family li ving 4 Bdrms plus maid's room. Private courtyard entry and pool sized lot. Treat yourself and see it toda v • $335.000:fee la nd. • MESA VERDE PRIME AREA QUICK ESCROW -For the right family. Lovely sing le s tory 4 Bd~m home with spacious old fashion s ized r ooms. E njoy the roomv country kitc hen which opens to. latticed patio a nd large back yard. $149,000. ASIC US about ow ltw .,.,...., P"O" gr-11111 wWch coYfn IMtyen Ir Miers. ~=642-5200===~ I know a way to get klda to llettn 10 y04.I. Give your own .-1-W_O_D_R_A_T..,._ .... , • -. . ·I 11 I I I•~:--~~ you..,..,,_..,,...,,Mlow • "r,Sst:;i1un~u IN I' r I' r I' r I • C(f!=tl, LflllU TO I I -I I I I tcaAM&.lftA11ww1 .. Cf111t11..._ ... 0 CAMEO HIGHLANDS Spaclo111 4 bedrooM ho"'•· wr a••• 1 90",.._ bl9 poel LMve canwr lot, ..... loctltlea wfttt KUO to pn•• bMch.. HWly~..d ,....,ta MO.. In, for the dlscenthM) f ... n,. $191,000. orEH SAT Ir SUM 1-5; 4500 WA YHE. LOT WITH QUAINT Tith utra lorge R·2 lot, swr~ by trMs 11 a ..._ coffte tnte for the cre•tl•e b1tyer. Locot.d s0ttth of ttt. Highway in Olde CoroH .. Mar, it has the potewtial of a beawtiful bely •iew. Lin i1t the 3 bedroom ho•• feahrl1t9 America" Home Shield protectio.t Clftd hon rOOM to expand in the tutw.. $255,000. O,EH HOUSE 12-5; 2204 WATERFRONT. GREAT VIEW- GREAT TERMS Lor9e 3 bedroom. 3 both home on Cllffltcry"' lot. Mext to pcri with a •lew of Udo's C...._.. Room for expa1tsion. PoniWe INse option. $4 30,000. OPEN SAT & SUM 12·5: 172 1 ICIMGS ROAD, M~ORT IEACH. 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 499-455 I 495-1720 South Lacpta LaCJWla Hicjue4 497-3331 493-8812 Laguna B~ach Dana Point SHARP DUPLEX In mos l quiet n.•s1dcntia l are<.1 . neC:1r water. ~·3 BH. 2 hath unit~. bll·ins. frpl c . gara g e 1nl·ld 't.l . $229 .500 w / bl!aut. terms OPEM HOUSE'"' SUNDAY I -4 PM UDO ISLE Beautifully redecorated home on the Island. Spacious 3 Bdrm w/s pa. huge Ji ving rm & pa tio Spanis h t•ntr~ Owner is anxious to move into ne" home. Now reduced to S399.500 BEAUTIFUL PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP Duplex. c lose to beach & park. 2 decks. frplc. beam ceilin,:?s & much more. l<fcal for owner ocrupant. who wants some;> income too Call to see $279.500 HOME AMD INCOME C harming 3 Bdrm hcaC'h hous e w J blichelor income unit. Used brick frplc. knotty pine pa nel & beams. tile;> entry & lots more. $182.500. fee. Call now to sec. IDEAL LOCATION for investor Great r<'ntal area. close to beach. shopping. etc F'ee land & only S229.500. Call to see. JACOBS REALTY 2919 Newport ll•d. conter 30th 675-6670 411 A Coldwel Banbr Company COSTA MESA/NIWPORT OfftCE IS rt.EASED TO AH~CI AU %AlllHHIGAI !·, . fl (c( ~ TOOUl&m MU.ION DOI LAI CW1 Ali has won many quota buetet awards, top ll1t1n1 and top production awards. We are proud or AU and his prores1ionalilm In all Real Est.ate Categories. ~. LOOK!! ~VERDEAREA 2 stry 2300 sq ft at this low price. Sll.9,500. 4 BR, fam rm, 3 ba. full patio Im.mac cond. Must see. IREN/GOL.DKEY 546-9521 BAY SHORES Acclaimed mo s t beauWuJ home in pre· st.igious area. Spacious stately Colonial steps away Crom Bay Club. private beach ft M a.rio a Owner wilJ finance al 1~ -$465,000. Open Sat l~ al 2450 Manno Dr Bier. 548-2381 2STORY Shake roof. 4 Bdrm. 2'• Ba. $133.500. Eastside c.oi.ta Mesa 21RHOME OIOlce comer. R·2 wned lot. Boom to bu1 Id S18.SOO lloyMcCcrdle, RJtr. 548-7729 CAHALROKT IESTIUY QI.let lj.? 4Br. 2', Ba Top con<! deck. r irt:p1l, )J.! mst.r bdrm l>Wte Clbhse poob, Lenru~ t1 S1J,!nal be. t179,fj()() o ... -n<·r ... 111 loan at 10'; .,.,th $4!'>,0011 down Pnn onJ) OPE.-..: IL'iESAT SL'S 41662nd~ !'. B ~l WHY PAY 6°/o to !ielJ )OUT home qull·k I> Prorebs10nal aj.?ent can 1>ell your property prov1dinJ.? AU. S('I"\ IC('<, ror only 4'. Call ;iJ,?ent 673-4311 TOP LOCA TIOH BUILD-... SAVE Cute East 1C.M 2 br cot· ~e R-2 comer Move in wf\ile buildtni;! 2nd unit Good val~ · $80.950. Ca 11 ~7221 ro plat't' your mt' ... ~dlZl' before tht' readiniz put>li1 phone Daily Pilot aass1r1ed. 642 56ill $2 can eJef you $75 oft itt .. es Is a PENNY PINCHER AD Pnvate 1nd1.,.duats ean now sell anv item °' comb1nahon ol items 101a1tn9 $75 or iess w•lh a 3 1.ne ad I()( 2 ronsocuttve days tor only $2 Each additional line •S 600 '°' the 2 days Cl\arge your Penny Pmcl\er Ad or use your Bankamericard .. of Mastercharge No com- mercial Ids accepted 642-5678 DAILY PILOT DAVIDSON REALTY PRESENTS 9Ullf SECLUSION A MIW LOO«, refreshing as an ocean breeze, to this rambling 3 BR home with Mediterra nean tiled loggi~ & large south patio reached thru French doors. A completely ne w kitchen with microwave & self.clean ovens. OPEN SUN. · 1·5. 109 VIA VENEZIA, Lido Isle. $389,500. SAN RANCISCO R.AVOR CArE COO duplex, brand new with Dutch door opening to charming used brick-accented patio. OCEAN VJEW. On quiet sunny street. $279.500 r&llN. PotMT TIADfTIOHAL E¥UYTHIMG YOU .. E LOO«ING FOR in a Perun. Point home 5 BRs. den. garden rm .. flexible floor plan. family kitchen with microwave & self ·clean ovens. LARGE brick patio. tree s haded : sep. maid's quarters. Only S399.950. Call to see! W AAM WOOD Ir GLASS CONTEMPORARY DUPLEX Steps to ocean, just completed & ready for you with the other unit for income. Owner will carry 2nd T.D. OPEN SAT/SC:'\. 1·5. 116 46th STREET. N.R. $289.500 LIDO ISLE JEWEL A ,EttFICTIOHISTS SETTIHG pr1)\ td<'.., an tnr rC'dible backg round for .vour trc<:1s urecJ posse~s 1on~ in this quality (! bdrm home' Offe rs pe<:1Ce·of·mind. '-tC'Curity with el<'<' opcr<:1ted gates. ..,l'lf <:onta1nt:d gurdc:n rm entn Lg<' II\ ing rm & formal din rm . !'>Oaring l'l·d1nu:-. & "h1te hri<"k frpll·.., for g r ac·1<1u.., c•ntert<.1 1nment. P rnucll\ µr('scnlL'd at S43.5.000 · OWNY LEA YING AREA MUST SEU! fk<iul1fullv r CnO\'<Jtcd .1 BH . :tt tia fam1h horrw on choice• 55 ft lot "1th lgc· hnC'k patio Gourmet kttc·hr n npc·n~ to f;1mily rm with frpk & eoz) hearth f.g(' li\'lng rm \.\Jlh ( rµk . too ' Plantation s huttE>r:-.' () f> EN Sl ':\' I 5 117 \'I A QU ITO. Lido ,..,,(' $425.000 U"'8 IACIC IA Y IUUTY ENJOY IHDIAM SUMMER weather in tht• ht'aul1ful t>c1C'k y<1 rd pool of this love ly 3 bdrm fomtly home on quiet cul de sac street. Workshop & storage shed for Dad or teenage hobbyists. ONLY S145.000 ! D A v r D s 0 N ! E A L T 'f r N C. .}; () N•-po1 I B• 'd r. B 673· 9060 LUXURIOUS COMFORT AT AM AFFORD AILE PRICE Bec.1ut1fully dccor:.itcd 2 bdrm. & den homl' on quiet <'UI d <' sac in prime In ine l0<·at1on. Wa r m p:.int'lerl Ii vine rm with frplc & hig h twamed cell opens on10 prt\'<.llt•. "ell land~t'apecl µat10, 1de;.il for indoor outcloor li\'ing Short \\~ilk to prr\'ale com mun1t ." pool: rentra l a ir eond1tioning. Ju..,t listed & won 't last long <1t $.109.750 . (7141 6 73-4400 (2131 628-2828 HARBOR c;::; SELECT I PROPERTIES TRIPLEX Invest now befor e pr ices go up even more . This s uperior property in a prime location offer s a 3 bedroom owner's unit with fireplace. forced a ir h ea t . s h a ke roof. well l a ndscape d ~rounds . Never a vacancy. Call now! 751-3191. COSTA MESA FIXH $71.500 Needs some TLC. but has lots of pote ntial. Large lot. 3 bedrooms. fi repla ce, dininf( room. It also features a large assumable loan & owner may help finance. Call now! 556·2660. llG FOUR UNDER 10 Bea utifully maint ai ned ranc h style home with s la t e hearth fireplace. rich walnut paneling & a s uper built-in kitchen. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. located on a la rge lot on a tree·line.d s treet. Full price only $79.900. Calf 751-:h~t. ' DUPl.UIS JUST LISTED Both of these 2 bedroom, t bath duplexes are located in Costa Mesa within biking distance tp the ocean. .They all feature garages & yards & good income. 1 unit has a fireplace '& an assumable loan. They are priced ri«ht at 1106,000 & 1106,000. Call516-2880 . JIJllllli._ a 2HIU.lrWll C.M.111·Jltl M.1.. llWHt _.. .... --.. -_. - ---...... "1 ~ -...... ""' -.... ---• .._.._ - -----• -· •• - .. ~. ~. ~ . •. ·. .. .. .. • .. .· .. . . . . '• ... . .. • .. Ii .. .. • . . . :: . . . . 4 . . . . • • " " .. , .. ... -• . ... '· ~ ,• ,• . . . . ·. . •• •I . •. . •: . . . • . . ... ·. . . •, •• • • .. • ... • •. ... •, • ·. •• •• •. •. • ... :t · PAMOIAMIC YllW O c~a n . harbor, city lla hta . I bedrooma , aame room , ·pooa, 1pa . BeautJful ho m e E t"ellent te rm1. ..... ' mT ftlW AYA8A•I Gor1eou1 7 bedroom. t'Ht omlled thl'OQlhout. Poot. 1pa. <>uucand lna value for the dlarernin11 buyu ...... OCIAM .. W '09 LIASI Sha rp 3 bedroom. formal dlnlng, 1re1t Spyalaa locaUon. UOOO per month. Couider option to buy ... CANYON Charmsnl( 2 & d~ ondo. 2t2 bat~ S "'per har p condlUon . Many up&r'8dea. E xcellent investme nt at $185,000. 714 / 760-9333 NEWPORT DUPLEX $165,000 2 llocka To TIM leoct. Needs new paint on the o utsid<: lo t·nhanre the r harm o( the inside. l One bdrm ., 1 two bdrm Monthly Flowers! 760-8118 770-8721 ASK fo'OH HOH Move Ahead! J '. ••&.-11 .. aa. ... Z:...t .J:.:::.: ... _... ..... ~ ._ ..... ~ ................. ........ •A-&rl1•--MI ....... .-., .. 0 .ftlll-jllde ~ ............ . ......, t1• 1r ••w .... t1 M"WllJ .... ----·· l"9l ,_ ... 0..tr OWD ..._..,~.-t'• prhMf . 2'-h\M, I lile&tH• tll• patio•, .....,....,,_,dou. ............ GIMM'. dft/Ul»ru·y • more ! PH,000 wltll 1reat ..,._ CAU Q-ail Safitb. ..... ' CiMJAIL PLACE PIOPllTIIS .. IQfla YI l:JI P.M.I .., MODILHOMI Take y our p ick : 2 ~ prevtoua model ham& One 3 BR, One 4 BR. Qoee to park.I, acbla • ~. Immaculate •waiting fM new owner Call I« tuU Info, 540-3MS REAL UT ATI. ~TOUACH Newport Beach duplex, 4 bdrms up, 3 bdrma down; flnest rental area Celle to llhopping. Pr1 ced al $212,.500. 873-31183 67~m Eves associated D JI 'J " f II '> 111 11 l T I") II S J J _, ..,., h JI! , f 1 f b t, * ;/~~~ <f.il~1r/ •Jt,a/lf llGCAHYOM liroadmoor Plan 111. or fenng gracious hvtnl( 111 t.IWI presttg)ows locauon. Can be yours for onJ y $479.500 See Barbara Com b!I 22 Royal St. Georl(~ OPEN SUNDAY 1 5 644-1483 640-42'77 Make yo ur 11 hoppin.: t:&'llef' by using the OaJly Piiot Clllllllif1ed Ad.8 • Is Vow Profei.111on HOME REPAIRS" Old you know you ran place a dru111i(wd ad 1n the Daily Pilot Serv1l'e Directory for a whole month for as little 11~ $1.89 per day? Jo'or more inlonnaUon, cal I M2·5678 Advertl11•rs m1y plare 1he1r adi by lelephofte I 00• m ios 30pm MoncUy lhru l'nday II to noon Saturd•y COSTA MESA Ol'f'1Cp; DJW H•Y M2·:)8711 Ill' HTIHGTO.N 8P.ACll mm 8"ao1:h Bl•d ~U20 I.ACUNA llf!ACll 102? N Colo..i I h•Y Lilll\ll'I• De~h ... :w.tl NORTll CO NTY d11J frtt ~ ll20 ~ ....,... Ot'Bdllne l<W copy • kllJ1 I S :, 30 p m lh4' dM)' b4'for,. publ1e .. 11on. t'aupt for 8und•y • Mond1y t:dlllull• when dndllnt' u. &111rd•y. 12 noon a.1--....... noMS t:IOIORS Advertllera 1"6u'4 ebecli llMllr •d• dally A rep0rt errou Immed i atel y THE OAILV PILOT tMUll'lfltl llablllty for lhl' ftnt lntorrftCt i-rtJon only CANCJo;u.ATIONS When ~u an ad 119 aure Ill mlkl! • rtc'Ord of the Kll.L NU MBP!R 1ti•en 'fW by your 1d ltlief .. ,...,IPl ol your ttllUllttlon Tiiie 11111 num ber m oa t be pr e1enl•d by l h t eclveniMr In HM ol I ~ CANCELLATION Oft CORflrL'TION OP' NEW AD l f!P'O R E RUN NINO. a • .,,, .,,,., .. 111• lo '"' Ot t'Ol'T9Ct • .... ad du1l...., ..... .._., ... ~ ........ .... _...U.MUI .... ................ DUI lt,A-tll'Ul Ailt: ,,.... ... .,.. •lltetb ........ _.,...u ., ,, ... , ... ., "' offk: ... l'tO .... ...... O.Ml&ne • , .. nte.7 • CMl• ..... olfttt • u •••11 at tll ltrt11tll °"'"" 'HS DAILY PILOT • .... tM '"'' •• ··--· r I 11 t I I II 1 . .................. . ~" '" .. . ____ .... ., •u=.. ... . • Oll9t HOUllS •••• ONM .. IAITI&._, 8 Bedroom . f amlly borne . s urrounded by trees & nowen aalore. Used brick. Price 11 5 5 ,000 . S E E C AR.OLYN CARPENTER AT 706 BISON ONM .. HAllOI Y11W N019S ·S Bdrm, larae lot. Pool It spa too! A special home for a special ra mlly . $3 4 9 ,900. SEE BARBAR A R OUNTREE AT 220 0 PO R T OURN&5S Of'IM .. UMftlstn PA• Vaulted reill n gs, gourm e t kitch e n . 3 bedr ooms, tort. $139,500 F EE. SEE CORA AT.27 CYPRESS T REE OPIM IN IAYSHOllS Traditional fa mily home. Brick pa tio. 4 Bdrm or 3 Bdrm plus den. $275,000. SEE L IS A WHITE AT 2592 VISTA DRJ VE OHM .. WISTCUff 3 Bedroom. 3 bath. T hal s pecial family home w ith p ool. Execuli ve loral 1on $298.500. SEE LAVONDA AT 1412 SANTIAGO DRIVE UQUISITE is the only word lo descritx.• this beautiful 3 Bdrm rondom1n1um locale d on a c hoire ~reen hc ll setting & offered ut $185.000 You need only call for an a ppointment ~~A Dll MAI DUPl.D P ool & spa . This cozy 2 t){>droom hom e near the beach . for mom & dad. has a 2 bedroom re ntal The extra wide lot a llows fo r a ~arden a s Wl·ll C.iS r e<.:r eat1on Brin.c cr eative terms. $225,000. EMEIM.D IAY-nlYATE HACH Ch armin~. 1mmurul<ile 3 Rdrm hom e in private tommunity rlose to tennis courts, pooll'>, p<1rki. & sand y beach. Hardwood floor~. bt•ams. sh utters, etc $395.000 IXCIUIHCI IM llG CAMYOH This detached family home w1lh 5 b e d rooms. famil y r oom . o pen garden kitchen . 3 fi replaces. wet ba r , heavy beam ed ceilings and 3 car garage is beaultfully loc<ited in the s afet y of t hi s g u a r ded community Pnct.· S4 I 9.500 VIEW IA Y AMD OCEAN f"rom this customized 3 bedr1Jom. den ho m e with pool 1n Irvine: Terr ace. Price $795,000. LOT-TOP OF SPYGLASS HILL Buill,i your own custom ho me on this l:hoice corner. Plans a vailCt hle. Owner will finance $395.000 EXQUISITE DECOI in thi s o u tsl a ndtnJ.{ B a lboa Penins ula family home . Fireplace in muster s uite plus a Homan bath. Oak fl oors & s hutters and even an 8' circ ul<ir spa in l ht! private tc>nter patio. 1'"inancing to quali fied buyer. $485,000. LAST Of THE GIEA T IUY-5- 0 ne block from the ocean. three bedroom s. three b a ths . A den. m odern kitchen and your choice of carpel over rich ha rdwood noors m a kes this a value unmatched. Don 't hesitate . $254 ,750. YfHSIDI UDO IAYNOMr On 63' frontage with unobstructed BAY VIE W across from Lido Club Beach. Spacious home s urrounded b y be a utiful garde ns & p atios Owner may finance to qualified buyer. $695.000. UMCOLH LANI One of Newporls' most char ming Htreets is the location of this lovely four bedroom home . This is truly "pride o r ownersh ip". Call for appointment. OHer ed at $255,000. YllW PIOP•TY IM CAMIO SHOllS 2 Bdrms, 3 baths . overlooking the o cean. No e xpe n se s pared In decorating this sunny, bright hom e. La r ge pool -rantaslic home for ente rtaining. $540,000 F EE IASY LIVI ... In this car efree 3 bedroom BluHs ho m e . Private , gated courtyard entry and sunny, greenbelt patio ar e j ust two of the lovely am enities the discriminate buyer will enjoy. Presented at $175,000. YACAMT LOT-aAYSMOltH Call for information regarding lhls beautiful property. Creat e your dream home near private beaches and boat dock • ramp. '275.000. , I : MOWlll IOOM A apacloua f amlly home ln Harbor View wttb 5 Bdrma, 3 baths, formal dlnin1 room, f amlly room, living room • even room for 3 can ln the gara1e. $235,000. Ulllll ........ _ co. 844·IOIO ........... -.u •. ·••IS Kl_,. --... ~ ... .--..... -........... --... -...... -~ ........ ..-~ ......... ._ .. ' . . . . . .. , ....... -· -.... .,. -.. .,,,... -~ 4 .aM. OCIAM YllW, SZ lt.000 . .and it's in Newport Beach ! Hugging the cUrfH a bove the Turning Basin ! Separa te master s uite upstairs. big jlome room down. 3 decks . 3 baths a nd a lmm~t 3000 sq rt A real Unique If omc ut just 1219.000 U~IC>U li()Ml:S llEAL TORS'. 675 6000 2443 l 1111 CoHt '1•0hw11v , Corona det M11r W l.S I. I ', \. TAYLOR CO. ltLAl. I IJI::-... .,., ... 1·1·11) SHOttlCLIHS-S5SO,OOO Brand N1':w homl' lo bt started this month 1 J<:xrHm g plan-. for a love ly 4 H rt I r111ht 1nn:1I homr Do slQp by our (lff11·1· & hxJk ov1•r thPse beautiful ph1rn• LJ<P fun1 rrn with rlr«!pl ace. form:il DH & ;11 , biJ lh:-. ~,lert vour own <•ohm,, t ll OCIAM YllW IH JASMI ... CHEil /\11 1•x1·11mi.: "U;Jv Ml !Jt" rnocfrl with 111 1•(11 \ ww of on·an ci nd i;!n·t·nl>f'll 2 J.ar ~··· lwdroom<\, df'n. lar~1· llmm~ r m & 2 harh ... Bright i•arden kll<'hen two pal111s Highly improved with custom 1·arpd1ng & drap(.'rie-; A rare view for th1:-. an ·;.i Tc·nnis C'ls. r>00l and 24 hour ~t·t:urity g:.i tc•. Hy uppt $250.0<Xl ILUFJS IEST •&rrAL :1 Bdrm . 2 hath . I l1·v1·I ronrlo < '1>mpl1•l 1•lv 11·dt'('or :t1N1 V.llh "''"" \llH I tilt· lloorin~ HNfroorn-. hav1· 11(•w tptn~ Pool Juo,l out ~ldl· your l:.irg1• M('>.lt'<Hl tiled palm < .irefn·•· li vrn g on bN1ul1ful 11 n •1·nt>t'lt lrnnu·d unuparwv Only.S7CJO month IAYf«OHT COHOO-WATH VIEW l'n·""ntlv be111 g totallv n •d.-c·ntij t<·d ~11h rH·~ c«trpl'lrnJ' & <fr:.tp<''-nM' paint 1n-o1dt· & out. n1•w k1t1 ·h (•n ;1ppl1<1n1·1·-. 1n!'lud1ng m1<"ro w:iv1· <1\ 1•r1 Jl11g 1• II\ ing room & dining art>..:.1 :! '-PHt'lt)U !'> h1 ·rfrm -. & l IJ;.i th °' S p t·t'l<1n1 lar """ll'r v ie·~ lhwt 'i ltp avmlabh.• LeaM· Sl.500 per mo WESUY M. TA YLOI CO., ...... 2111 S..J ......... ood HEWPORT CEHTB, H.I . 644~9 t 0 ?>tS EASTBLUf-I-OR NEWPORT Bc ACH. CA 640-0020 ILUFFS IEST VALUE! Au unobstrud ed b<J y view ; c:loi,e enough to hear the rails of the Bac k B;.i y wate r bards Movl' 1n rond , sp;.idous mstr'. suite + guest bdrm. & d e n . <i rar e rind al $229,000. Low inter est 9"k· financing available You've Arrived at ... IALIOA ISLAND fo:xtra large corner d uplex in xlnl C'Ond . On ·s h o r e a nd off-s hor e m oorings a va I la ble . Recently r e modeled. Could be elegant single fa mily home. Exclusive and offered a t $695.000. .. CAMYO.. Executive fa m ily hom e with four bdrms, 3 ba ths &t play r oom ~autiful pool and s pa. All new paint a nd carpel. Move in cond. J m m ed . occupancy available . $649.500 . 0.-~1-& #)I Fwl t 1•h l•CAMYO.. Lovely 6 bdrm home. all on t Ooor . Beautlrul pool a.nd spa with two fa mily rooms. Very ta,..e and private yards ... that'• correct - yards . Shown by appt. and offered at t795.000. • ... TlllACI Super 3 Bdrm In fee . Llrae pool size Jot. Leut expen1lve ln Irvine T e rrace. Shown br appt. and offered at QM,500. Dl•W-of ....._. .... ...._..Co. , • LOOK AT THIS HARD TO FIND 2 unit on R<llb<H• Island lntc•n•st dnly n nanctng-S249.500. SPECTACULAR CUSTOM HOME 1n Nt>wport Bt>ut·h C:orge,Hll'> \Lt·~ runt & s rw . 'walk to Murma. Ht!lt t.•r .. "lCt< th IS l)fll! rai-tl I $29'J,S()() t . ~L19'~ i ~~!2·· 4"4$£)4'$@~ Balboa Island Realty Mm IS\'P.M.~e.-rr ~<".~1·1\.'liV 673-8700 HO ASSOCI ATIOM FHS 3 tulr . ~ lw . C.1n1 rm . d in 1 rn 1-.11 I li t1>111 d1 1 111 I 1 "1111 ,, llnol l .11\ 1·h 1>11r.1<111 P l:rn 111 Thi· fl:ini;-ti · '-11111 111111 \,~ !1t1 l111ll l\;111111 COMMUNITY POOL 1 lidr 1>1 .. ·rfll'll.l J>.11 k hon11· l 'l.111 > < \ ~ho"" like· ;1 rnod1·I I hdr 1 l u ll l1.1lh <fown!'.t~n r..,. ven l:trµf• profr:-.,1on :tlly l ann sn1ped y urrl <;I>HI 01111 A"k for T 11m B;i ron ~,~,~· •1 101 1 VIEW \n.1h•·1111 11111-.. tlfl,. "lllf\ I hdl . \ I ' pool '>l/<'fl \ .1111 ln11k ... 11\ •·1 1 11 v l1 J.!hl • l l1g h <J -.-.11111.d1l1 lt>.lll ''"' fl•·r "ill 1 .iri" "'''''Hld S l.1'1 •1011 \ " f•11 T11nt Har11n !'i!'i'J ~HOO OCUH VIEW (':im1•0 Shein·... 1 lut1 J>1H 1I :-.p.1 pri" ate• tw•at·h f ,t_•:J!'>t' $I H001 mo /\~k (or Tom Baron 559 9400 TUm.BOCIC HIGHLAMOS , Ont· of th<.' ht-s t view., in TurtleroCk 3 hdr . f:1m r m hrtl-(ht & a1 t y Fn·nc·h door.. lt-ii<lrn~ Jo lan<l!'.1·~1r•·t1 1.HJl)dcn ch·r k. $221.500 <'<Jll .Jac•ac lfantllt·n1;.in 631 1266 : CUSTOM.~ COUISE RtONTA~ 5 hdr or 4 + rk•n . him rm . on t;fl<• 15th f<i irway ot th!:! Mesa VcJ1ft.• Country Cluh J(olf rourst> l.1~htf>1f p<Jcfdl<.• lt•nn1 '> c·ourt. 'iCP ma t~',; qtr .... J.!Ourmet k1l rhen . fo'ren£•h door-. A I c·ondtt ion In vest mcnt nn thi-. prt m<· prop S525.ooo Cli ll J <1ck1c• llundleman fl31 J ~IG CUSTOM Nf•:ir Mesa Vt>rdt.• ('ountry Club gplf rou r'lr One story. rn rnblm~ rafl<'h l'.t) 11· honw Pool wt 'i pa . 5 hd~ .. fa m r m v c· r y I a l'J~ l' c· o trn l r y k1t ('hen Priced at $349.500 C11l. J al'klc tl;.indlcman 631 1266 ' llYJHE • Wht.•rc cun you buy u 4 bdr , 1 3~ ba homl' m Ir vine for under $90.000? t have one • $89,900 Hurry! Call Roy Sie mefb 631·1266 I SANTA.... I 4 h dr Lnu r e lhurs t ho m e 'in ex<'clle nt condition . Ass uma~le loan. try $22,000 dwn $79.900. Oeen ho u s e S unda y. J2·5 . al J122 Glenwood Roy Siemens 631-1266 • _ IA.llSIDE COST A MISA 65x300 Lot size 1.oned for 6 unb ; presently h as 3 separate houAe8 w/$13.000 annual income. $187.S>O. Roy Siemenff 631-1266 : COSTA ...SA--MIWPOIT Mn; ourlex: 3 bd .• 21h ba. w/vauttect cci .• (ir~ploce, & very priv. pall~ & dbl. gar <each unit> Sell or t.r•de up. $205.000. Ask fo r Roy Slemtn• 631 ·1266 . . ; MOITKWOOOS PAI• PUc.-: Large 4 bdr .• fam.rm. & bonus d,n . A /C, 1trca t a8sumable loi&n . SlGS,000. Call Fred Gibson s»-9d dST IUYI L 2 bdr., 2 ba. Walnut Square Con110 . 169,600. Call Jeanne lnglls 63l·l!ee or 552·736'1 ! .. ....... '"'--........... IMLIM......_C.-..... • • • 611·11" =ri Nationwide Netwottc ol lnd1111do Owned and o.,.ret.d Keal Eatate ' • .. • ~· . • 1 · 'I l I i. f I I • L. I : I t I . 1" ' ~ ' ' t • ' . f .. -· VOUILElllC .. •1•111 .................... .. • I II 211111 '9IW'I ef ..,, 0.. --..~ 2 .......... ,. •• ................ .-. .... . 1-MPf Ult.MO • IEAllRL UYFlllT COllD ~ .. ,, ................ .. ... , ....... L.-........... .... plH ~le OM WAT•I ..... .:: ......... w..~ .... xht • .... , ....... c .. t6'1W1 Siil.MO VIOi & POOl-llY. Ttll A t.w of •••d ...Uty I• • ........ d ........................ thwly cerpeted ••d b•Htlf•lly ••l .. el•d 4 Mdroo• e.o.. wltlt ._, ,.... ............... , ,.... .. ,a•• I., ... I pool• ,. .. ,ded co•rtyerd. Lnlt •ot.r. 9"""rJ· Ow••r •ill co111 ld•r f l•••cl•9· sszs.ooo fee. ~!~~J~~R_V!,;19' -~ "!.! for pool .... dKk. "--'Y dtcoratwcl .. & Mt! Two •tory 4 lltedr'OOM pin bili.-djfca. ...... illcludi!NJ ... bar, .. fireplacn. ._ md loods of ,.... to ••t .. laila ilt and CMlt. Easy to llM>w. • $495,000. ~~!o:~!~t~l ·~ cOtldo, with ~ t.e.fits of te.l• and pool. Mini VIEW. bast ....... for $895. per mo. and S I 0,000 option "'0MY for sale$ priu of $269,500. Showt1 by appointment. AFFORDABLE UDO ISLE ProfHsionaly dltcorated Cl5ld MWMSI i11/011t. PrHti9e locatio11 for the eucutive who wants a Lido addrns Cl5ld carefree maintenanu. Qlldlty 2 .,.,._ co11do with fireploc:e. Steps to layfl °""· and teMis.. $235,000 *DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE This condominium home 0tt tt. WATER is In o class by itHH. Architectwal Dl9est would boast about the ~ features and Mlect cleocor of staMtd glass, cmtoM wood p••litt g. _.... bttallfr'Oflt and so tMCh "'°"· Lcrger thH 1no11y homes this 2 bed, pl111 clttl/offiu .... raiwd......., .... offw-1 pri•ocy, wwfty md OYalabilty for your own boat. Red. to $595,000. TOWNHOUSE CONDO W /SUP Fnshly decorated 2-story towMo.w. Just like a ho.e, you ho•e 3 bedrooms wl"' lcrqe tnaSter and you wcA ..t to your own boat slip. A fine •c:lue and you own ffM" tand Owner flt •iblc °" tenns· $275,000. Stibmit. DUPLEX WITH POOL leaf the heat Cl5ld the tox man. Newport Heights CJrN with terrific owwer's uNt o•erf~ pool fNHft nclwood deck. Aft hl•n tm.nt opportunity ift tMs 2 & I bedroom unit." $128.000. •LIDO ISlE BAYFRONT---BEACH SHI HIM to Hied carpet & decor for , : tttis 3 or 4 bed. home Oft WA TH. s.bMlt • I· :" I ' , I • I , I . • ~ ' •"'· ' . • • t I • ,, ... I ~ HCllCllMJH. As is $780,000. *BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT-VIEW CIKto. decor in "'is 2 bed. 2 bath coop -'t '" Newport leocll. Pool. Mo ... ·4't dKor wi"' pri•ocy, wcwtty, lay ...t Ocemt VIEW. $229,500. loot dip ... lable. *VIEW OCEANFRONT-UGUNA 0. tllll IEACH co-op 2 btcl. 2 ba. -'t wittt a.g. balcoay ...t fllll .. HI YllW. H.., tllll _., .-1 .. ;oy pri•ocy & loh of 9r••••ry also. Ow111r wlll ..... /optt. $242.500 or will INN for S7t5. P8' mo. STOIYBOOI RUSTIC RANCH ..._ • tllll ...... ...t O.uiJ55g ht •• .,., ..,. hrf9ct ,...., 3 btcl. ...... ... ,..,, ...... ,.... ............... -- 9"•""'1· $129,500. •• -...... . _ ...... COLF COUISE LIVING Oii GIEEll • u ...................... .. ........ c. 1,c .......... ..... c1atred....., _.,.... fw,... w .,.._.__, .......... ... .-~ ........ ••1~1 .... ... ••d .. ,offt.. .... ... ...... •• e~N'llwfl .. wlllt 2•1•1 & 2v1 ...... sm.eoo . u• VD U8US CllO ' ..., ..... I ,I .. ••1111 II I ta ...................... & .......... ••llaiW..olfJ ... ......................... O... .._,,. ldld4 iEEllu • ., ...,. =,....., . .,.sm .. ef ...... & .... -'% _ ....,. Ir '•-' ..... I Ila.Ill. WATERFRONT HOMES Ille. 2436 W.Coast H~"''"Y Newpor1 Beach 631·1·00 ~·~ fill HI Al ~ l ~!AI LHS ·+. COATS " WALLACE REAL ESTATE INC HOISISI S....Up!! oo tbla aped•cuJar '-' acre lot, nearby riding trails to the sea. An old world charme r of a home, 3 bed.rm. 2 bath. c:u bui.,ldlnga. A must see if you like horses, call now546-ZU3 C.Jf1N n. 9 •II \ l t;l.J f• ,.._, '' f • [91RMI LIASE/Of'TIOM SS.OOODOWH Beautiful cond .• 4 BR 2 Ba + big family room, all new khcben & baths, ool.y "6.SO(). '6()0 mo. on lease. Ruth Laurie, RJtr. 64&-4380 YUCCA VALLEY HOME Beautiful view. ideal neighbothood. Near 9lopping center. SSl,500. GARDEN GROVE 3 Bdrm, cul-de·sac. Ex· cepllonal buy. $76.900. Call Bart. Agt. 839-7933 eves. 1>/• IMTEIEST MO QUAUFYIHG Sharp 3 br, 2 ba. frplc, great area of H.B. Close to shopping & schools. 112.SOO. David Bourke, Rltr 546-9950 IMYESTOltS ONLY 4 Units 3 blocb to beach. $160.000. Prime ocean rental un its that generates high income. Fantastic summer ren· tals & permanent t e· oants. Hurry! Won't last, 96:Mi767 C)PfN 1119• II~ II.JN IOfl M(/ • [~1eam1 •VETS* U. Y..-lhibility NOW ... NC DC\t'N WANS TO $100,000 LOW INT. RATE. Let us show you bow to qualify. , T• to led C..,..t w. u.... 754-1202 Make your advertising dolJar go fart.her! List your business every day in the Classified section of this newi.paper. ·5678. $2 can cpt you $75 aHlt'*'lsa PENNY PINCHER AD Private lnd1Yldua1s can now sell anv item or combinelion of items totaling .$7S or less with a 3 line ad for 2 r.onsecullve' days for o nly S2 . Each addlltonat hne Is 60t for the 2 days. Charge your Pe~ny Pincher Ad or use your B•nk•merlcud or. Masterch#ge. No corn- merc1al lldS accepted. c • ..., ...... , .. , e4 •• pri•t ••• rowl c • ......., .......... ................ ....,.. ....... .., __ ....,.., ...., .. ,.,.,: # DAILY PltOT DIR.ECTORY . HOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM 200 Broadway, Costa Mesa 548-U68 Sat/Sun 12·4 219 Via San Remo (Lido Isle) NB 675-6000 $477,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 167 Albert, Costa Mesa 54~3666 $84,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1970 Church, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $85,00Q Sat. 1·5 2 llpllllFAM IM•DIM 424 Mendoza, Corona del Mar 6444848 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2000 Por\ Cardiff (HVHms) NB 675-6000 $156,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 4539 Fairfield (Cameo Shrs> CdM 644-9060 $540,000 Fee Sun. 1·5 #1 Viejo <Rancho San Jqn) Irv 6'14·9060 $129.000 Sat/Sun l ·S 221 20th St.. H.B. 536-9987 $165,000 Sat/Sun 9·6 231 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675·5511 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3 IEOltOOM 2485 Juanita, Lag una Bch 497-3331 $375,000 Sat 2:30-5:30 1348 Terrace Way, Laguna Bch 497·1744 Sat/Sun 1·5 1721 Kings Rd . N.B. 644·7020 $430,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 111 Via Jucar <Lido Is le> NB 675·6670 $399,500 Sunday 1·4 459 E. 19th St.. Costa Mesa 556-2660 $125,000 Sat 12·4/Sun 1·5 324 Mari~old . Corona de l Mar 673-4400 $189.645 Sat/Sun 1·5 1935 Santa Ana ( E/Slde) CM 642-6368 $104 .900 Sat/Sun 1·5 324 Colleen, Cost a Mesa 645·0303 $95.000 Sat. l ·5 3472 San Ma rino. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $117.000 S2t/St.:r •.4 •20391 Bay View. Santa Ana lits. CM 546·2313 5129.500 Sun 1 ·4 508 Redlands. Newport Beach 642·8235 $159.500 Sat. 10·5 109 Via Venezia <Lido Isle) N.B. 673·9060 $389,500 Sun. 1·5 1515 Bayadere Terr. <Irv Terr) CdM 675·5511 S348,900 Sat/Sun l ·5 1099 Glen Circ le. Costa Mesa 642-5554 Sl34,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2311 Redlands. Back Bay, NB 646-7711 $154,850 Sat/Sun 1·5 3 II plus FAM RM or DEN 2450 Marino Dr <Bysrs) NB 548·2381 $465,000 Sat. 1·6 2130 Vista Loredo < Blfs) NB 673-3863 $167,500 Sun. 1·5 1055 Concord North CM 556-1998 $101,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 17802 Arbor Ln CUnv Pk ) Irv 675-3411 $169,900 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Canyon Ridge. Irvine 551-6130 S189,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1717 Oranj!e. Huntington Beach 714·536-7542 $239.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2768 ttillvie w, Newport Beach 631-1400 $182 .500 Sunday 1·5 #47 Lakeview <Woodbridge) Irv 833-3927 Sat/Sun 1·4 2870 Zell Dr .. Laguna Beach 494·1244 S225.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 •4606 Cortland <Ca meo Hinds> CdM 644-7383 S279,500 fe e Sat/Sun 1·5 15 Curl (Jas mine Ck> CdM 675-6000 $253,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2204 Waterfront, Olde CdM 644-7020 $255.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 221 Via San Re mo (Lido Is le) NB 675-6000 $472,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 34 Sil ver Crescent, Trtlrk Hln, Irv 675-6000 $198,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2001 Highland, Newport Beach 556-2660 $145.900 Sat/Sun 12·4 •7 Monterey Circle (Spygs) CdM 760-9333 Sat/Sun 1·5 179 Flower CE /Side> CM 642--6368 $94 .000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2307 16th St, Npt Bch 642·1902 $154,000 Sun. 1·5 415 Pirate Rd. <Clfhvn) NB 675-4000 $179,500 Sun. 11·3 801 S. Harper, Santa Ana .• 54~3666 $109,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 9059 Westminster, Garden Grove 546-2313 $79,900 Sun 1·4 5201 W. Lenhardt, Santa Ana • 54~3666 $115,900 Sunday 1·5 263 Ocean View Ave . (NptHts) NB 673-4400 $237,000 -Sun. 1·5 274 22nd St.,, Costa Mesa 54().3666 $139,900 Sunday 1·5 2300 Pt. Durness (HV Homes) NB 644-6300 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 •11=-> Pembroke, Westc lilf, NB 642~ $170,000 fee Sat. 2·5 517 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar 642-8235 Sat/SUn 12·5 1218 Keel Drive, Corona del Mar 644-G>O $249,000 Sat/Stan 1-S 1801 Tahuna Terrace, CdM 644-8200 $475,000 Sat/Stm l ·S ••405 North Star Lane <Dvr Sbn> NB . 642~8235 $525,000 Sat/St.In l·S •2306 Heather Ln .. NB 7~1 $249,500 Sat/Stm 2·5 •35 Fontalnbleu (Big Cyn) NB 640-5'"7 ' Sunday l ·S 1112 Hllb1and (Westcliff) NB IH .. '174,SOO • Sun. 2·5 • w..tportJrvine 1a.1100 u•.ooo 2767 Hillview, Hbr Vu K.nls, NB 759-1501 $199,000 fee Sat. l ·S 2840 Catalpa, (EstbU) NB 759·1501 S179,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 201 J oann, Newport Beach <River) 646-7171 $139,900 Sun 12·4 212 Jasmine, Cor(>na del Mar 644-7211 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l -OOM + GUIST •2935 Java Rd. (Mesa Verde) CM 675-8800 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 llDIOOM •2340 Cynthia Court, CM 548-5324 Sl49,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 105 Via Quito (Lido Isle > NB 545-4289 $478,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 557 Sturgeon Dr .. Costa Mesa 754-7616 $114 ,750 Sun. 1-5 •4500 Wayne <C ameo Hg lnds) CdM 644·7020 $191.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 222 Colton St. (Npt Shrs) NB 642·9469 Sl55,000 Sun. 12-5 2945 Cassia. NB 759-1914 $220.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 21572 Consejos (La Serrena > Msn Vjo 768-7337 5111 ,900 Sat/Sun l-4 1014 Marine rs Dr. Dvr Shrs. NB 640·53.57 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2634 Vista Ornada < Blfs) NB 642·5200 $159.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •284 Sierks. Costa Mesa 540-3666 $129.900 Sunday 1·5 4 llt plm FAM RM or DEN 3372 Nevada I Mesa Verde) CM 546·9521 . JSl 19.500 Sat 12·5 • 1815 Hotmay Rd < Baycst) NB 642-6234 $285.000 Sun 1 ·5 52 Red Rock C Deerfld Pk > Irv 551·1240 Sl47.000 Sun 1·5 21691 Impala < Npt Wes t > HB 9ti~ ~ $124.900 Sat/Sun 12·5 •:;013 Java Rd C!\1esa Verdel C~ 536-6571 S315.000 Sunday 1·5 1729 Terrapin <Bay est > NB 675·341 l $249.500 Sat 1sun l ·5 3907 Inlet Is le <HVHls) CdM 675·3411 $269.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 1826 Tradewinds <Ba yest ) NB 675·3411 $335.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 14492 Gua ma <Coll Pk J Irv 675-3411 5121.500 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 1421 Kings Rd .. NB 631·1400 S495.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1801 Galatea Te rr ((rv Teri CdM 631-1400 $525.000 Sunday 1·5 220 Marigold I old CdM ) CdM 675-6000 $289.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2501 Wi ndove r <Broadmr> CdM 675·6000 5285.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2627 Alta Vi st a < Es tblf> NB 675-5930 S239.500 Sun 1·4 1911 Yacht Maria ISeavu) NB 675-6000 S273 .000 Sat /Sun 1·5 3124 Van Buren Cr . Costa Mesa 557-8623 Saturday 1·5 1032 Santi~o Dr. < Dvr Shrsl NB 675·6670 Sunday 1 ·5 47 Silve r Cr escent CTltrk Hlnd> Irv 675·3411 S222.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1845 Port Ashley < Hbr Vw> NB 640-5112 $239.500 Sun. 1·5 2029 Flamingo. CM 546-2313 $182.900 Sun 1·-t •388 Granada Way. C M 546·2313 Sl70.000 Sun 1·4 •2005 Balearic Dr .. CM 546-2313 $159,900 Sun 1-4 25 10 Vi sta Baya <Bk Bay> NB 642-5200 $269.000 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 41 Montecito C Spy~ls Hill > CdM 673-4400 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 # 15 Star Thistle < Drfld) Irv 557-0549 $123.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 105 Via Zapata (Mariner's Pt) SJC 722-9221 $375,000 Sat/Sun 11 ·5 2016 Calvert. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $136.000 Sun 10-1 2033 Swan. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $145.000 Sun 1·4 117 Via Quito (Lido Is le ) NB &1'3·9060 $425,000 Sun 1·5 • 1201 Seacr est CHbr Vu Hls) CdM 644-6200 $289,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 22 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 640-4277 $479.500 Sun. 1·5 615 Michael Place, NB 646-7171 $180,000 Sat 1-4 690 Governor , Costa Mesa 6464380 $96,500 Sat 1·5/SUn 12·4 2071 Port Provence. NB 752·1700 $145,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 24 Alegria, Trvine 642-6368 Sat/Sun 1·5 •14231 Uxbridge, Westminster 842·7461 Sun. 12·5 119100M 10191 Beverly Dr., H .B. 962-0678 963-6767 Sun. 1·5 136 Via Trieste, Lido Isle, NB 631-1400 $495,000 Sunday 1·5 1151 Salv-ador (Mesa del Mar> CM . 646-1400 $137,500 Sat J·S/Sun 12-4 * 1573 Catalina, Laguna Beach 497·1761 $276,500 Sat. 1·5 . 1935 Port FA!ward, Hbr Vu Hms, NB 759-1501 $229,500 fee Sat. 1·5 ................. 1930 Port Seaboume. NB 844.4J08 •• 000 Sat/Stm 1-5 1094 El Camino Dr .• Coeta .... 5C5 M81 '110,IOO Sat/SCm 1·5 195 Port Edward Pl, RVRlnl, NB 758-UOl SZll,IOO Bat/S. 10-5 ms eeu Dr., Laiua• Buda 497.1744 S.t/Stln 1-4 20 Cypreu Point Ln (Big Cyn) NB 644-elO 1795.000 Sat/SUD 1·5 •#6 tberry Hills CBlg Cyn> NB 840-5711 Sl,375.000 Sun. 1·5 9122 BreDtwood <'hua 1111> n.ua 1919 LaCUesta (Tstn Ills) Tustin 731-3771 $435.000 Sun. 1·5 •41 Bodega Ba,y <Spygls ID) CdM 640-5112 ~.000 Sat/SUn l·S 2764 Mendoza. Costa Mesa 546-ZU3 $129,900 Sun 1-4 •2200 Pt. Durne'ss (HVHms> NB 644·9060 $34~.900 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 516 Cancha CBlfsl NB 644-9060 $185.000 Sun. l·S •921 Jas mine Cir .• Cos ta Mesa 546-2313 $140.000 Sun 1·4 #8 Drakes Bay (Spygls Hl) CdM 75~11 $439.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 16 Rocky Point <Spygls) CdM 644.QOO Sl.250.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2507 Port Whit~v CHVHms> NB 642·8235 $227·.ooo Sat/Sun 12·5 •10042 Valley Forge, H .B. 9644370 $110.000 Sat/Sun 10-3 1533 Miramar, Balboa Penin. 644·7211 $439.000 Sun 1·5 1094 El Camino, Costa Mesa 642·5206 $130.900 Sal/Sun 1·5 6 IEOltOOM 20462 Birch St.. Santa Ana Hts. 759-0811 $499.000 Sun. l ·5 6 n pe.s FAM ltM or DEH •3 Montec1to (Spyglass) CdM 760-9333 SSS!>.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 7 IEDltOOM • •26Z7 China Cove. CdM 646·7171 $505.000 Sun 1·5 ' DUPLEXES FOR SALE 211t&llR 139 Altx>rt. Costa Mesa fM6·717l SJ 10.000 ~1111 12 I 2 1R&21R 116 46th St .. NB 673 9060 $289.500 Sat1S11n l .> 1716 W Oceanfront NB tj7J-7G77 675 7873 Si.it I I .i 2 IR & 2 IR + DEN 3226 Broad St . N 8 979.5099 $ SallStm I ·5 DUPLEXES l IR & IACHEt.OR :!09 39th St.. N R 675-6670 Sl82 .SOO ff'e Sunday J .5 3 IR Ir 2 IR 206 44th St.. NH 675·6670 Sunday 1·5 ••1310-12 S Bavfront <Bal Isl> NB 759-0811 $825.000 Sat/S un 1 s CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 25 18 Elden Ave 10ak Glen > CM 642-6734 S97 .990 Sal/Sun 10·6 3121 W. Coast Hwy, NB 631 -0559 Sl99 500 Sat/Sun 12·5 1100 Rutland Dr < WestclifO NR 759-0811 S125.000 Sun 1 ·5 ::!331 Vtsta Huert a !The Blfs> NR 640-5560 S11 7 500 Sal/Sun 1·5 1631 lrvmeA'e . Cost a Mesa 759-0811 Sl l:?.500 Sat t SUn 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM + FAM RM or Da. 35 Sea Is land CBig Cyn ) NB 760-9333 Sl85.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FO,R SALE l IEDROOM 1015 Nancy La ne . Costa :\tesa 673·2058 · S96.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2511 Sunnower. D-9. Santa Ana 540-3666 S84.900 Sa t/S un 1·5 3369 Calle La v .. ta . San Clemente 752·1700 $107.250 Sat 11-4 15506 Williams. Un it J . Tustin 646-7711 S97.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IEDIOOM + DB4 19 Canyon Crest <Cyn Cst ) NB 759·0811 5182.000 Satt Sun 1·5 4 IEOltOOM 2658 Vista Omada <The Bl!s) NB 640·5560 Sl63.500 Sat. 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I IEDltOOM 20 Segura (RSJ Villas) Irv 644·9060 $115.750 fee Sun. l ·S MOBILE HOME . -FOR $.ALE 700 Lido Park Dr .• NB 631·1400 $.17.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT 2 llDROOM 100 Scholz #201 <Versailles) NB 675-6000 $68.5 mo. Sat/St.In 1 ·5 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE J • + s-2 lrS ~Elden <all new ) Costa Mesa ~ Sat/Stm 1.S •• + J. 413-413¥.a Goldenrod, CcDI 813-MN $3a.OOO Sat/SUD 1-$ .... ..._._ .. _., __ ............. ---...-..... --. . ,.,_. .-., ' . .... .... --,_,_. VIEW & POOL-ti¥. TOI.. A law of ..... ,d ....., I• H ........ d ... ..,.. .... ~ "•wly cerpeted Hd bH•tlf.,lly ' ••a.t.i-4 4 t.edroo• lto9e wttt. f~r.-...tlerpwtda•,.... .. ra• ., ; 'r Ml ; ,... a. ,.utscW colfrlyerd. d8' •ot•r• 9,.. .... ry. Ow••r wlll co.sider f l•••cl•g. $525,000 te.. SPECTACULAR VU-Dn & Night &p..; ........ -...,. eJ ..... ,._ for pool ...t dKIL Newly dKorat.d ill & CMlt! Two stwy 4 ....._. pin 11•-dlf-. .... illcllldillcJ ........ 4 .. • fh splacn, ... ...t looch of ,....... to • . • ! e.tert• iR ..ct out. Ecny to llilow. $495,000. i~~~~~o~~~~l;:!!~~~~!· .. d decorated 2 Mdrootn, dett & cla. ra condo, with al beMfih of te.is ..ct pool Mi.U VIEW. base ..... for S 19 5. pet' '"°· .ct $ I 0.000 opHoft MOMY for sales price of $269,500. Shown by appoinfnteftt. AFFORDABLE UDO ISLE Prof..ssioftaly •coroted Clftd MWMSS i11/o •t. Prestl9e locotloa for the executive who wanh a Udo octdrfts .ct corefrft mainte1u1nc:e. Qlldfty 2 bdnR. condo with ... oce. Steps to lotfl •ls, Oftd ....ws. $235,000 *DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE 1111s condiolltiniunl hOIW °" "-WA TEI Is hi o dass by iheff. Archltectwal Dlge•t would bocnt about "-dni4JM" hat.res ..ct select dKor of steiiled gloss. usto... wood p••li '° ...... breakfroat and so Rmc:h ...... L.-.pr thH 111G1ty •oMH this 2 bed, plH .. /office .... raiMd .......... offws ,n•acy, MCwity .ct ... DMlty for yCM1r own boat. Red. to $595,000. TOWNHOUSE CONDO W /SLIP Fre.Wy ~ed 2·story to .... w . Jvst ... 0 holne, you hoYe ) bedrOCMM •™' lm"CJ' MOSter Oftd yo. wall o.t to your own boat $lip. A fiae -.-.. and you OWft ..... lend Own« flt 1lblc °" hftns• $275,000. StiblNt. DUPLEX \YITH POOL leat tt. heat .ct the to• mca. Newport H•lghh creo with terrific owwer's -6t onrtookMc) pool from Ndwood dtck. Aa IHHtlMwt opportunity in this 2 & I bedroom ..... s 121.000. *LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT-IEACH Stil tilM to wt.ct corpet & dKor for tMs J or 4 bed. home °" WA TH. s.bMft excll....,es. As Is $780,000. *BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT-VIEW C1ttto. dKor In this 2 bed. 2 bath coop -'t la Newport leocll. Peol. Mo•M dtcor with pri•ocy. sec...tty, lay md Oc.-YIEW. $229.500. loot .u, ........ *VIEW OCEANFRONT-:UGUNA O• .. HACH co-op 2 bed. 2 bo. mit wltll ...,. bale-, ...t f I tw VllW. H ............... ftjoy priYOCJ & lots of 9r••••ry aho. Ow11er will ...,_/optim $242,500 or wil IMM for $195.,. ... "' DIRECTORY ~ COATS I'. WALLACE REAL ESTATE:. INC HOISIS! S....Up!I on tbla apedacu.lar lh .:re ~ nearby nding trails lo the sea. An old world charmer of a borne. 3 bed.rm. 2 bath, out buildinga. A must see if you like hones, call ODW 54&-2313 Of·'ftl f11 (;•If IOIJ I I I'' I• [91111;1 LAASE/Of'TION $5,000DOWN Be~ul cond .. 4 liR 2 Ba + bi~ family room, all new kitchen & baths. ooly '86.500. '600 mo. on lease. Ruth Laune, RJtr. 646-4380 YUCCA VALLEY HOME Beautiful view, ideal nei ghborhood. Near Shopping center. ~1.500 GARDEN GROVE 3 Bdrm, cul-de-sac. Ex· cepllonal buy $76.900 Call Bart, A~. 1139-7933 eves. 1>/4 IM'fEREST . NO QUAUFYING Sharp 3 br, 2 ba, frplc. ~·~H.B. Close to sboppmg & school3. 182.500. David Bourke. RJtr 546-9900 IMftSTOltS OHL Y 4 Unlta 3 blocks to beach. $160,000. Prime ocean r ental unit s that generates bJgh income. Fantastic summer ren· tals & permanent te- nanla. Hurry! Wop't last, ss:Mn67 Ol'IN 1119• II\ II.JN IOl•t l/l(f l~liMtl *VETS• NO":..~::'t ="ty LOANS TO $100,000 LOW lNT. RATE. Let ua show you how lo qualHy. T• to led c..,.. w.u.e. 754-1202 Make your udverl ising dolJar go fa1't9cr ! List your business every day in the Classified section o f this ne wi.paper 642·S67A $2 $75 ol1 It hbs It o PENNY PINCHER AD Private lndtv1dua1s ca11 now sell atty 11em Of comblnatloo of ltema tota11110 $75 or less wllh a 3 line ad for 2 consecutive days for only S 2 . Each additional lrne 11 eoo for the 2 dayS. Charge your Pe~ny Pincher Ad 01 u .. yOur 81nkamerlcard or M.-Jerchlrge. No co,,,.. m.rctal 9Cb ~ed. c • ......., ... ,,..., ................ ...... ,.,., ... ., __ ....., ... ...., .. ,.,.,: 642-5678 DAILY PllOT HOUSES FOR SALE 2 19100M 200 Broadway, Costa Mesa 548-U68 Sal/Sun 12·4 219 Via San Re mo <Lido lsJe) NB 675·6000 $477.500 Sal /SUD 1·5 167 Albert, Costa Mesa 540.3666 $84,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1970 Church. Cost a Mesa 646-7171 S&S.000 Sat. 1·5 2 .. ,..FAM IMwOIM 424 Mendoza. Corona del Mar 644·4848 $339.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2000 Port Cardiff (HVHms) NB 675-6000 $156,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4539 Fairfield <Cam eo Shrs) CdM 644 -9060 $540,000 Fee Sun. 1·5 #1 Viejo (Rancho San Jqn) Irv 614 -9060 $129,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 221 20th St.. H.B. 536-9987 $165.000 Sat/Sun 9·6 231 Poppy, Corona de l Mar 675·5511 $315 .000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IEDIOOM 2485 Juanita. Laguna Bch 497 -3331 $375,000 Sat 2:30-5:30 1348 Te rrace Way. Laguna Bch 497 -1744 Sat/Sun J-5 1721 Kings Rd , N.B. 644 -7020 $430,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 111 Via Jucar (Lido f s le > NB 675-6670 $399,500 Sunday 1·4 459 E. 19th St .. Costa Mesa 556·2660 Sl25.000 Sal 12·4/Sun 1·5 324 Marigold. Corona del Mar 673·4400 $189,645 Sat/Sun 1 5 1935 Santa Ana C E/Slde ) CM -642-6368 $104.900 Sat/Sun 1 5 324 Colleen, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $95.000 Sat 1 ·5 3472 San Marino. Costa Mesa 546·2313 Sll7.000 S2• 1Str •.4 •2039 1 Bay View. Santa Ana Ht~. CM 546-2313 $129.500 Sun 1·4 508 Redlands. Newport Beach fi42·8235 $159.500 Sat. 10·5 109 Via Venezia (Udo Isle) N.B 673·9060 $389,500 Sun. 1-5 1515 Bayadere Terr. llrv Terr) Cd M 675 -5511 $348 .900 Sat/Sun l ·5 1099 Glen Circle. Costa Mesa 642-5554 $134.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2311 Redlands. Back Bay. NB 646-1711 $154.850 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IR plus FAM RM-or DIH 2450 Marino Dr {Bysrs) NB 548-2381 $465,000 Sat. I ·G 2130 Vista Loredo < Blfs) NB 673-3863 $167.500 Sun . 1·5 1055 Concord North CM 556-1998 $101 ,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 17802 Arbor Ln CUnv Pk ) Irv 675-3411 $169.900 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Canyon Ridge. Irvine 551 ·6130 $189,500 Sat/Sun l ·5 1717 Orange, Huntington Beach 714 -536-7542 $239,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2768 Hillview, Newport Beach 631 -1400 $182.500 Sunday l ·5 #47 Lakeview (Woodbridge) Irv 833-3927 Sat/Sun 1 ·4 2870 Zell Dr .. Laguna Beach 494 -1244 S225.000 Sal/Sun 12-5 •4606 Cortland <C ameo Hinds I CdM 644·7383 $279.500 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 15 Curl (Jas mine Ck) CdM 675-6000 $253.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2204 Waterfront, Olde CdM 644·7020 $255,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 221 Via San Remo (Lido Isle> NB 675-6000 $472,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 34 Silver Crescent. Trtlrk Hin. Irv 675-6000 $198,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2001 Hi ghland, Newport Beach 556·2660 $145,900 .Sat/SUn t2·4 •7 Monterey Circle CSpygs ) CdM 760-9333 Sat/Sun 1·5 179 Flower <E!Slde) CM 642-6368 $94.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2307 16th St, Npt Bch 642·1902 $154,000 Sun. 1-S 415 Pirate Rd. <Clfhvn) NB 675-4000 $179,500 Sun. 11 -3 801 S. Harper. Santa Ana 540-3666 $109,900 Sat /Sun 1·5 9059 Westminster , Garden Grove 546-2313 $79,900 Sun 1·4 5201 W. Lenhardt, Sant& Ana 540-3666 $115,900 Sunday 1 ·5 263 Ocean View Ave. (Npt Hts) NB 673-4400 $237,000 Sun. 1·5 274 22nd st., Costa Mesa 540-3666 $139,900 Sunday 1·5 2300 Pt. Durness (HV Homes) NB 644-6200 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 1130 Pembroke, Westcllff, NB 642-«m 1170,000 fee Sat. 2·5 517 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar ·-·~ Sat/Sc.In 12-S 1218 Keel Drive, Coron• def Mar 6'f.GOO $249,000 S.t/SUn 1·5 1801 Tahuna Terrace, CdM 144..aoc> $415.QC» S.t/Stm 1·5 '* •405 North Star Lane CDvr Sbn) NB . 642-8235 $525,000 Sat/SUn 1·5 •2308 Heather Ln., NB 758-0811 $148,500 Sat/SQn 2·5 •35 l'ontalnbleu CBll Cyn) NB 6t0-5'1TI . Sunday 1·5 111% HIPJand (Westcllft) NB ... ... '114.500 Sun. 2·5 • w.tport, Irvine 'JSl.1'100 11•.000 • ~ .. . ·-·~':I.• ........ 4 • ....... """ ...... - 2767 Hlllview, Hbr Vu Kn.ls, NB 759-1501 $199,000 fee Sat. 1·5 2840 Catalpa, (Estblf) NB 759-UOl $179,950 Sat/Sun l ·S 201 Joann, Newport Beach <Rive r ) 646-7171 $139,900 Sun 12·4 212_Jasmine, Corona del Mar 644~7211 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J lmlOOM + GUIST •2935 J ava Rd. <Mesa Verde) CM 675-8800 $225,000 Sat/StJn 1 ·S 4 IEDIOOM •2340 Cynthia Court, CM 548-5324 $149,900 Sat/Sun l·S 105 Via Quito <Lido Is le> NB 545-4.289 $478.000 Sat/Sun 1-s 557 Sturgeon Dr .. Costa Mesa 754-7616 $114 ,750 Sun. 1·5 •4500 Wayne CCa m eo Hg Inds> CdM 644-7020 $191.000 .... ~Ji.Sun 1·5 222 Colton Sr.'fN'Pl 'Shrs) NB 642-9469 $155.000 Sun. 12·5 2945 Cassia. NB 759·1914 S220.ooo Sat/Sun t 5 21572 <..:onsejO!-> <La Serrena I Msn Vjo 768-7337 Sll l ,900 Sat/Sun I 4 1014 Mariners Dr. Dvr Shrs , NB 640·5357 $.595.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2634 Vista Ornada c Blf s > N 8 642 5200 $159.900 Sat/Sun 1 5 •284 Sierks . Costa Mesa 540<J666 Sl29.900 Sunday 1 5 4 II pm FAM Rt14orD&f '.l372 Nc.•vadu I Mesa Verde I CM 546-9521 SI 19.500 Sat 12 5 • 1815 lloliday Rd CRa ycst> !'IB 642 62J4 $285.000 Sun I 5 52 Red Rock CDcerfld Pk l Irv 551 1240 Sl47 ... ~!<> . ... . Sun l 5 211>91 Impala CNpt Wesu HB %C. -454 Sl24.900 Sat/Sun 12 ·5 ~3013 Juva Rd <Mesa \'erde1 CM 536-6.571 SJlS.000 Sunday 1 5 1729 Tcrrapm <Ba yest> NB 675·3411 $249.500 Sat/Sun t 5 :mo1 Inlet I sle < HVHls> Cd M 675-3411 $269.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 1826 Tradewinns <Ba yest l NB 675-341 1 $3.35.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 14492 Guama <Coll Pk I Irv 675-3411 $121.500 fee Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1421 Kings Rd .. NB 631 -1400 S495.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 • 1801 Galatea Terr (Irv Terl CdM 631-1400 S..'>25.000 Sunday 1 ·5 220 Ma rigold Cold <.:d M) CdM 675-6000 $289,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2501 Windover CBroadmrl CdM 675-6000 S285.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2627 Alla Vis ta C Estblf) NB 675-5930 $239.500 Sun 1·4 1911 Yacht Maria <Seavu> NB 675-6000 S273.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 3124 Van Buren Cr. Costa Mesa 557·8623 Saturday 1-5 1032 Santiago Dr. <Dvr Shrs> NB 675-6670 Sunday J -5 47 Silver Crescent <Tltrk Hlnd) Jn 675·3411 $222.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1845 Port As hley < Hbr Vw) NB 640-5112 S239.500 Sun. 1·5 2029 Fl amin~o. C M 546-2313 $182.900 Sun 1·4 •388 Granada Way. CM 546-2313 Sl70.000 Sun 1·4 •2005 Balearic Dr .. CM 546·2.313 Sl59.900 Sun 1·4 2510V1sta Baya <Bk Bayl NB 642·5200 $269.000 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 41 Montecilo <Spygls Hill l Cd M 673·4400 $.595.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 # 15 Star Thistle C Drnd) Irv 557-0549 $123 .500 Sat/Sun 1·5 105 Via Zapata (Mariner's Pt ) SJC 722-9221 $375,000 Sat/Sun 11 ·5 2016 Calvert. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $136,000 Sun 10· l 2033 Swan. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $145.000 Sun 1·4 117 Via Quito <Lido Isle) NB 673-9060 $425.000 Sun 1·5 * 1201 Seacrest ( Hbr Vu Hls) Cd M 644·6200 $289,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 22 Royal St. Geor ge <Big Cyn ) NB 64().4Z77 $479.500 Sun. 1-5 615 Michael Place. NB 646-7171 $180,000 Sat 1-4 690 Governor, Costa Mesa 646-43M $96.500 Sat 1·5/SUn 12·4 2071 Port Provence, NB 752-1700 $145.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 24 Alegria, Irvine 642-6368 Sat/Sun l ·S • 14231 Uxbridge, Westminster 842·7461 Sun. 12·5 l ... OOM 10191 Beverly Dr., H.B. 962--0678 963-6767 SUD\ l ·S 136 Via Trieste, Lido late, NB 631·1400 $495,000 Sunday 1·5 1151 Salvador (Mesa delllar) CM · 646-1400 $137,500 Sat 1·5/Sun 12·4 • 1573 Catalina, Laruna Beach 49'1·1781 1276.500 Sat. 1·5 1935 Port Edward, Hbr Vu Hma, NB 759-~1 $229,500 fee Sat. 1·5 I •••AM IMw .. 1930 Port Seaboume. NB .. , a08 .. 000 Slt/Sem 1·5 109' El Camino b; ., Colta 11 .. 545-Ml lUO,IOO Sat/8'm 1·1 1835 Part Bdward Pl, llVlllDI. NB 1-.11D1 sm.soo s.uam io.s 2125 Cell Dr .• La.-• ...... ~·· •• 1 11 .... --. ... --• ....._.. 49'7·1744 Sat/SUn 1·4 20 Cypress Point Ln (Blg Cyn) NB 144~0 '795,000 Sat/SUD l ·S •H-Oaerrr HWlr ( ) NS M);SlU-Sl,375:000 SWi. 1·5 9822 Brentwood <Tstn Hls) Tustin 73l·S'1'77 ~.000 Sat/Stan l ·S . 1919 Lacuesta tTatn Hls) Tustin . 731-3777 $43$.000 Sun. 1 ·5 •41 Bodega Bay <Spygls ID) CdM 640-5112 $4~.000 Sat/SlJn l ·S 2764 Mendoza, Costa Mesa 546-2313 Sl~.900 Sun 1·4 •2200 Pt. Durness (HVHms) NB 644-9060 $349,900 f"ff Sat/Sun 1·5 516 Cancha (Blfsl NB 644·9060 $185.000 Sun. 1·5 •921 Jasmine Cir .. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $140.000 Sun 1·4 #8 Drakes Bay CSpygls Jn) CdM 759-<llll $439.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 16 Rocky Point CSplgls) CdM 644--6200 Sl,250.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2507 Port Whitbv <HVHms) NB 642-8235 S227°.000 Sat /Sun 12·5 * 10042 Valley Forge, H.B. 964-070 $110.000 Sal/SUn 10·3 1533 Miramar, Balboa Penin. 644--7211 $439.000 Sun 1·5 1094 El Camino. Costa Mesa 642·5206 $130.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 6 llDIOOM 20462 Birc h St., Santa Ana Hts. 759·081 l $499.000 Sun. 1 ·5 6 .. pllll FAM RM or Def •3 Montec1to CSpy,glass> CdM 760-933.3 ~.000 Sat/Sun J 5 7 IEOROOM • •2627 China Cove. CdM 646·71 71 $.505.000 Sun I S DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 H & I IR IJ!J Altx·rt . Costa Mesa fi1ti-7171 SI 10.000 S11n 12 I 211&211 11 6 4fith St . NH 6739060 S289.~>00 S<.1t 'Stm I 7> 17 1fi W Ort't.i nfront NR 1;7J. 7(j77 675 7H7J S<.1t 11 I 21R&211 +DiH 3221> Hro<1d St . NH ~J79·5099 SZ35.000 S<tl/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES l IR & IACHB.OR 209 39th St . NH fi75-61i70 5182.500 fee Sunda~ I :> l IR & 2 IR 206 44lh St .. NH 675.Q)lO Sunday 1 5 • • 13J0-12 S . Bavfront I Bal Isl > NB 759-0811 S82.5.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 COMDOMIMIUMS FOR SALE 2 IH>IOOM 2518 Elden Ave 10ak Glen) CM 642-6734 S97 .990 S<tl/Sun IO·G 3121 W Coast Hwy. NB 631-05.59 Sl99 500 Sat/Sun 12·5 1100 Rutland Dr 1 Westchffl NB 759-0811 Sl25.000 Sun. l -5 233 1 Vista Huerta 1The Blfs) NA 640-5560 Slli 500 Sal/Sun l ·5 1631 lrvine /\ve .. 'osta Mesa 759-0811 Sl 1~.500 Sat/Sun 1 5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IBMtOOM + FAM IM or 004 35 Sea Isla nd <Rig C'yn l NA 760-9333 $185.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE l IEDROOM 1015 Nanrv Lane. Co::,ta Mesa 673·2058 · S96 .500 Sat/StJn l ·5 251 1 Sunflower , 0 -9. Santa Ana 540-3666 $84.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 3369 Calle La V1•ta . San Clemente 752-1700 $107.250 Sat 11·4 15506 Williams . Unit J . Tustin 646-7711 S97.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 J llDIOOM + DIM 19 Canyon Crest CCy n Cst ) NB 759·081 l $182 .000 Sat/Sun 1·5 .4 llDIOOM 2658 Vista Ornada CThe Blfs) NB 640-5560 $163.500 Sat. 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I IEDIOOM 20 Segura (RSJ Villas} Irv 644-9060 $115.750 fee Sun. 1·5 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 700 Lido Park Dr .. NB 631·1400 $37 .500 Sat/Son 1-s CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT ZIBIOOM 100 Scholz #201 CVenaUles> NB 67s.6000 $685 mo. Sat/SUn 1·5 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE , • + 1-2 lrS 2567 Elden Call new) Costa Mes• 979-S088 Sat/SUD 1-5 J. + 2. •tMU~ Goldenrod, Cdll 8TMIM ... 000 Sat/&un 1·5 .... -· • •• •• •• • -.... i.. •••• • "" .... J ...... ···-~"'· I ~ ;;;;;;~. tlM ~!::..~,M41;.~.~1i44 ~::.~~.j ... ,;.~~ ..... f441~~~i.M ................................................................................................................... 1~ ................ . ....................... Or-eildfGat ~ 2 ""I~~~-~~~ Z. s..n1c1du v1.-., ...,.__ ...;. M<'Un! bld1 ..., Baltio. ~ P\er. lm.000. Owo AICl ~ ' 81'. 3 ba fTMC w....ir.lrJ fa.m rm/kltr h Ofl9t SUN I ·S llllMlle , fl'red\ door'I, blly Wiii dotq1 brdwd floor•, O! trpk •· brick pal. bid pgoi1, By oWiwr sns.ooo ~ ()penSUn, l ) .... ,. 0 Id• Nrar o•w P t'n1n&ul11 IUot A totally dcJi.u.e LOCA TIOMt cuatom bom1• w i th 4 I J ... I l t; .. I o u r m (' t II 1t<'h1• n .. • 6alrooy K•mc-room wnd Cl lllll•od I u 11 " 1. J 11 <' u /. 1 1 1 o New Home • lnw m c ~~ IDUlt'.I bitlh, $36.5,000 .U aboundmic with aolld Of94 SAT/SU ... I "' Olllt appotntmm u "1'11 Jo: " -~ 81':ST 0 Jo' • '1 11 I': rp j/ .II POINr· for 5439.000 f•l(Jl(JJl(I ~U' • Ha' C4 644-7211 .. Y'u;/imlt'"' mftlA-2•43•~•£•C•o•~ •• ~.~.=.~'f.~c.·~.!. DUPLEX H ard ''' r111d 1n t op "f•()JN1 lur n n M.ir.m1:.r I\ vi· "fw<> I fir uruu.. <-ornfilt·tt·ly rum z C<AT IWI Xlnt l"Untl ('all IOi.t-c OPENHOUSI w /Sndcry 1-5 212 J asmine. C dM Roomy 3 Hdrm +den with 'llew Stt.>JJ!> tu mu in entnln('(' lo Hi i: Coron a Dyn1tm1te loc 11t1 11n $300.000 Ccl'l644-72 I I Dy OW'IW, Hl1rirlt''", l'Of fW 4 l~L 1-ba, llli.i(IUt' rrµ1e • .,...... 8k>t'll w au N .W., wlll11 to ahlt ' mrlil Nr ~ Coaat ,,.._ llll.8'0 MO "'40 . MNrASTtc .. W • Bil Ouct'oha home on I.be Wat blllf lll0.000 Af ... l'rM.Nt MOO IASTSlDll·2 ~~ houM oo rotnt'r of f'Ulluton ' W11lout Sil0.11)() AICl SSll 08411 ()pmSut/Suo IS 0 P E N KITCHEN I.ar1t flnWlt<S 2nd noor ~nus Room citn bcl 4tb HR. gll.IYW room. ctt· . 111 th1~ lrnmaculutt· 2000 8(j ft home W /l'O\l('rcd J'lllUO a11d pool <'h~ l-O Swth Cout l'luu 1md f'Wy11 Only $114:1:,0 CUil &AAA REALTY ~ 754·7616 I ST TIMI OrEH SAT 10.1 265' Bdett Pnme lllVeatmcnt. 2Hr. 2Ba on R 2 Lot w 1solur • $79.500 By o wner MIA lwalA.'d Jn>!. cpt & pu1nl ~ t(c -~-:1>42-· ----- ~lfrCllM> ~Kh I 018 Colta ~ I 024 ··••··•·····••••••····· ...................... . Onl'hellwfh On Uw hlutr" :.U.1vt.> llll' ~II in C ·..i p1~tra11u ll1•h f\ t•olft•tll<lll •1( )U\t 7 <-u..~1.<11n hum•·' I ;. ~l•11 v. Jbr. :u1r & il•·n lw·;out 1lul d1•l ,Jlf1> & l11K11r y (o•;Jt 111 •· l ri<J1 r 1·1111 ·.1 ru<·tN11 111111> SlfA .11:111 fukt· C ~"'"''''tit· 1 ... tro·ll11 1Af Sa11 JJ11 vu Fwy l111 v•· w l"•Jd1 & tum ldt ut <:..min<> C ·a 111'11 ran11 In C. a I'> 1 ' t r ;11111 111 u I h l"tuw 1131 (M'J:J MESA YEtlDE 4 8dnn, 2 bulb. fjU<thty I.ult. :.huh ""''. doutJl1t fir.-pl&c•• Grt'Ul l<X·almn. 1dcaJ for l'Olt'rtillOIOj( I ..arl(c r tl«' m om . ltltb •Jf derk1ng . low m111n lt"flllllt<· yurd OHer1·d at S104.(.00 Cd 11 !">iMJ l l5 l ~~ HERITAGE' . • • REALTORS 1nvc~l) !~~Ob8ln. P'>f>I . doubl .. a;irul(P. (f!nc t'd y11rd Su JJl!r :.h.urp ' C: ;d I 645 ~Iii I • ,. • •. r .. ·'\ • , I " " ' . . OPEN HOUtE L REALTY />,;JI.> ,...._/, f '.)'• 11/t°lo ASSUMAIU · S492 IJ' I 1 vr mo wlll carry l.hJ.b CXJJ,\JOll VI\ loan EASTSIOE 4-ft..D 'IVwnhouM style. w11lk lf1 •hovplnll Grut areu. ll4ltf' buy I Only $2fAS, 000 eaueu.em • OPEN ltOUSE Rt Al TY / WIST MIS.A VlltDE .l«e 2 atory. 4/5 Hdrms. :i billhll. fam rm. pool tly o wne r Open ho u sl· Sat /S unll 5 111~~ Samur lf19-76«> MEW LISTING LIAS~tOH! Gn>11t l.enn.a I llUllC Ufl l!T~4 bdrm. 2atory on <1u1et cul d e :.uc I n VUJtor"s de1J1eht enter ta1n~r ·11 dr\'11m ' <:all C.JW ~9'91 (,._.1wmm>1 m IU>ul i-b tUl•• l:test buy. 4 br 2 tw flJll" hul(e lot. rru1t tr ..... , S104 In.I CN-nn :r10 :itllJ Of'£H HOUSE MJNOAY 12 4 SI04.000 RfJ\J.<1lAllMJ-;H :1 111 2 Bo. t-:.111uulc• CM 1 •1u~h llmd.s1• a I* 1 n IC. 4':11 !-iui.unnuh f'I J, ... WAQMIHGTOH Rl TY !'m IH>4 DUPLEX 2 lldrrn t-:1, P ri u 11•· yunlo.. phL'! llV ... l•1f ..i1•.- Pn1;•"1 at SI 111.!.'lO 1 ry a Contra11. 64~7404 OCEAN VIEW !>rmll t•uswm hom1• Li:c: Liv rm, fam ru1, 2 fpln. 2 !>;. hll(h woot.I t•e1I i: .k>Mn C A Rt 496 fW97 Corofto c»t Mer I 022 AsSUllR The loan 9.4°/o Oranous Mesa Verde '4 Bedroom. ranch st ylt Tiie entry. e&Unit areu slont: firt>placc. wall to wJll rarpels Covcr.-tl patw llurry' Sl29.00'J BK.R Call 5'10-1720 RB>UCB>TO $149,900 OWNER WILi. CARRY 2nd ~L,. Nf:WPOHT 4 \(''.{_~~ lf()JllZONS ~__;..-" Ht. A I. 'I Y ·•·•·········•••·••·•·· H1;,11frn• •· + 1nc·•1mt• flt•c;m-111k· <1' hwy I; II f(lb~m HJtr 1.1:, 0',,1:..o! -· Wl':ll ma1nta1m-d 4 br . 2 oo 2 "'ty N11t ar .. ., homt• w prlf)I &: ~f><J Cabfonuo llom .. ~1·llcrs Wendy )''rook Tro !1700 7fill f.2fY.j , ....... ,..,._ ca.. .. w..1......_ .. _,,.,,... .,, .............. Mmr .... Mc-4 .t It 61.IOO ... ~ .,, ... ,*? .. 112·1121 .,_,.... 102' ...... __ ....................... , .. , •• 1042 t.tA.11...,.~ ...................... . Sc>eeuc ul1r bllllop NF.W 3 Bdrm <.:ondn on bomel au.z.aaos 11q tt watn s:uu.ooo UoM to Muina Selvit Rd • Calle La Pn ma vera llel.000 t.o SUS.000 S:O·a:MO; C-4CIOl 81dr CONTE~PORARY SPANISH f1mlJ y home. Near school.a. 3 br, 2 ba + I am rm. $112.SOO Salli Four R E ~-OWT HIWDUPLD 1400 sq ft ea uru t Wlt.l.k to beh. 1boppu111 Ocean v1ewa P'lre1>l1cH S208JOO un.W completed Joan C. Al(t 496-0497 ~"W 2 Bdrm spill level wndootl wa~r. SlM.000 SUBMIT OFFERS Own/A# TI4 758.()066 --- TBMS IST Ans OPENUSESAT/Sl'N I~ 16:»1 WJMBLEO<Jl\I 3Br, 11"1. fam rm 2i...Ba . w/boal dock ~olar ht d flOCJI. b &bled lt.'flOJ !> <1 s. l(rnblts Witt'r v1f!w $264,000 By o w nH c:ourte9 y LO bk '11 (213 I 482-5702 or 1714 18'6-.SSO lltJttG YOUI IOAT Fo&Jt•v..., 1034 ....,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 044 IAJ«SAL! "°° se. •• od• •••. $131,SOO. 48r, 2~Ha Open Sat/Sun 3 S Princlp11ls cull »gt 752r<rm ..... 11burv11 w1bclflu.t1 rOl'1m . 3 br, 2\-', ba. pc>pulu Mon t.t-rey Modl•I H.11<h ly up l(J'aded -.,2297 I It I-, N H.ucCtw4• leach I 040 ···-···················· rttlSTIGtOU S + on Ou.a up grad-.'<.!. r1r nt-w, 4 IX" 2'o b11. with larl(•· fanuJy rm & rormul rhn rm Only • ~rt w;ilk to !Jwbead\. Pm !'lat e. I nr IK2 741, 1 (lwneriil'r~ :1 homt> 1 hr 2 ba, !J522 lnn~IJruek 71 4 11•.:J 2 :147 & ZlJ SfM-!rol V .. & CCMRfort L'> what you will ltl't 111 Un..~~ 3 hr. 2 bu h•1mt- th;1t l~i. lJkt-" moitl• I l'ark l'lurt>,ln1 M:.1 741,1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl'nt't' reduced for 4UJCll 1111.le ftancho ~11n J<111 <1u t n ,S.l6 n {;11rlo11 t.ownhome. 2 Br • dtin. 21,., UM. parquet floon~111(. w etbwr . J 11 00111, J.!Olf r1>u r11t $139, ~00 9156 IZT~ TurtJero<'lc lih:n ~urdt'n home, llt-:.tlhn m<>dtl VII l(rtltl VICW of ( j (. •I fir 3 li11 . rum 11y rm . nuuowave IJVtn. A C. 1)1100 w rover, & rn.;ny ot.hf..< ft-ill~ A."'IUlr\jj... ble:Y'-' k>an 7~ 71~ WOOOlalOGE 3 lir $120.000 :, Hr SJ &.CJ()t) 00 0112. G44 &XI TURTLHOCK t;ardt-n hlmw I"''' 111· rorat.ed J bdrm .: IJJlh11 bonui. r11u m . <'11,l••m llhlllh.•r. p11rquH f11.,.r ... fl r • 1 f I :i n d ' 1 ,, 1J 1· d w 1 ov1·r·~ bn1 le Jlllllo \iu~t ..,.,. Lo •1>J>r•·11.1tf'' l)flt·11 sat ~n I :. 11 c .. 1·ornN 101 l ''. 111• •· Ron ,~H 1 Ur J Hu. µvol h•lllll' u11 I 11yu11 ltidl(I' fl!S!I ~I put.Jo JI 3:1,WO 5 5 I --6 I l 0 ~EH IGE: ~~tand• /.+--J.-HO ME:\ ~ 1n9 ~w <.:oa,1 11 .. , :-.11 View 645--6646 Mowttains BRAHDHEW 16 Htwut Extt type 2 'llry homes Jual comp acrQ!I'> frm Meadowlark Cntry <..iulJ J. 4 5 bdrms J bi.. J car l(ur Open wk d ys 12-tipm Sal & SYn !Oum 6'ifT1 l'hune C714 >840 20l(J cx Ml>-1142 S«YUHE HOMES DownV>wn nlt1n h<•m•· 3 fir lot ~127 ~ 11'11 000·2435 r!ys. :,31; J7:.7 '"''~ wknds /\nd :ih1mmPr1n1• t"ll) ll~L'I by nJlo!hl' lir.irwu~ 2 story 4 b...-druom w nh formal dJrung. dt-n .... t 1nv 111'1'&. family room and (1reJ>llltl' W.;11 lo v.all ritrpt'l ll Co\f•red p11t10 & comm pool s12:.:.oo Ul\ll < .. 11 ~I TAABal. -· -1 Conlu.aed by all these ads? Ranch Realty and/ or Woodbridge Realty can "how you any·one of over a Hundred lis ted homes In Irvine. Don't wast~ time trying to decide which ad sounds the best . ONE Clll DOES n All. IAHCH WOODIRIDCiE REAL TY REAL TY 551·2000 551-3000 THE EXPEITS ON lnlNE PROPERn AH AL T8NA TIVE TO HIGH IMTEl.HT ... ASSUME 9•/o LOAM T Uf OYH LOW MOtfTHL Y ,.AYMBfTS Dis t1nct1v1• "ColleJw · P<1rk .. 4 BR homt'. t·xecull vt"s dream. Fo rmtil dining r<X>m for <:nt1:rt<11nmg. t·utrng <t rl•a off the dclux<· kih·h<:n . h<indsorru· \ <tulted cetlm~s. fiesta family room. hrarty f1repl<i<'t.' and rt<'h earthtone rarpcls P atio. romm pool , clOSl' lo schools. Hurry ' S120.000 CGI todoy. 559 .. 45 I Alll fw Ft-.. tw ..._ TARiEl.L REALTORS ~al-VIEW Top vaJue. low int Li.w Wll>W11 loan 4 br. 3 boi tam r m. I yr n•·w (.;()mm l.enru~. potC>I "''" Call »set fAO.~. l"' ~" ~2fl36 tofTAGE PARI J 8'-droom d~1.11nu '1r NXitlf'd ( WlltJm PiJl111 for prHlll .. ,.nt•·rtd1n1n11 ldt·ally lfJr atl'd nt·dr p.artt. pool a. U>nru~ I\.,. 11\jl only auoo • RANCH ~ HEALTY ~ ~5 1 2000 SPANISH VILLA! Tri Level Estate 4lr + Fa.aM + Spo Al'TllE:-JTIC" n •r! 111" I rW. (-ruwn,., !'\~llC'Ulur l"llt-C' har1end a • !>troll lhru lu11h :.trium to nll.led entry P 11.» lhru m.a1111vf' dou bll' d <IOr '> and ultd mtry .. ay lo •-Qd World Ch arm and mile h12h c r 1l1n1<' f-i>rrnoll dlrun~ Jnd II\ 1111• "'lfl'\"o swp 1.lf'lw ·• huv• r .w.td d..,rk d ncJ I'll"•· r •'<.l pauo V> ~I'/\ for H·.-r round fun' ~··t• 1111,,.n t11 ranuly room v. wMIJ1H WOOllRIDGE Prescott Plan M1i1JUUl1t'1-nt ~ bedroom n~Vf' ht>mr with 'IPll & ~ rA rfflwood dP1·1l 1nv {;t,mplf'tt·ly ur• ~riJdr<l thrnuvhtJul P r fl I 1• ' '> I ti n ,, I I y Wvb4 •r-o~ )'II.rd ldc•lly l<i<'11v~ in liw prt"'\llX1<JQ., Wc'.dt>nd1tt· .a.r"ll c 'lo"I ... vi lu ... nark.\ p<JOI'. tt·n n1' rou r h A sk1n1t ~<m Call Jt WO(JOBRIOGE RlALTY 551-3000 !11'~1 BllY l."NJ\1 1'1\ 111 t &· i;ut 4 fir 2 ti.. 11 .. l..t<1Y-d ht1m1• on , .. >rn•·r 1'.t .. ormi.I <l1n rm I. h~ nn lrl( r.1m rm, Jtnum IJ I>-.ilr)' lu t • 11 Co II 1'133 rm _WindJ•mrtW'r PrQP. lnr W-\TF:R FllO~ WI ICJl>HIU I><: t: Artnr l..ake 3 Rr 21 • ba. Irv fJm rm form.al din & b' nn tif>n. lrit l11tch 11'1 dt'<Ju <1'1 bv rrn & m'>tr fir Ah-..ulult•I)' lh•· II'..,, \l t .... (',; II K3:J J92'7 ""1ntlJutn11wr l'rop I nr *** ~ .... d •• ......... W'1* t 20% 41••• with ...... Owner's Condo Su.Jl4• r e~ ocean 6 moun lalll V\e'W. ftuNllC l>phl level with hreplart• Deluxe tll,. " saun;i Pnrch & ll1tllan tll .. bak:on)' 440 Cypresi. al l.ot·us~ ar1Ct'open daily 10 6 494 ·4315 Artn hour., GM3U 499-162!1. Let n n.: Leave rnest1a~e. -- IHACLASS IYrTSB.f I\ i.tunnlnll! dep1trtur1 from the ord.u1ary Wulk t.o beach from thJll North l~u cu~tJ1m bu1 ll z fMrm 2 buth ho m•· Ma.ttruncenl coa11tlll " 1·1 ty bjtht view Gourm•·I k1tcnen. with ma111>1 v .. hvini; room with i;:lowin~ "'90l:I Ckxn $279,000 don osen roo I tor-. 401 <.iU:.~EYHt: (!/1.41Wj SKYUGHnD c-ust.om ht>tnf> w1lh 1•xr1t 1n11: f'Otrlfn('f' S 1»ral 'ltJUl'C~ to upper lt'vth 1l\M> l'XC1lJnl( hcimt: will hf' <Jpf'fl Sond1ty I ~ f•1r y.our cn siM!ct1on 1(171, M.Jratn11 r LaiJ-a Vi .. R.£. 497-1761 ~·~· ~--'- WHITE WA TIER VIEWFOREVB W..i r rn & w<H1 •l1•n :i kdrm. J ll;i 1•l1•11;i 111 homl• Ital t11.-lut\·h .. 11 .end liulil ,..,k < ulJ1n•·C ... t.err ..i \ 1JllJ Chx.r & lc.n IUlf/U'\ <' M"f»1 t-'rfllt-HI rna:.ln hdrm SJ(J'J 000 MEW& VERSATILE OIJnr 1>1an of :i Bdrm .. 1 t,;i~ i6nd ram1ly rm tm ~\<t' II J?Ut'">l r·oom fur mom 11r '"t<•r · llrirnrl Ol'W .tnd ..,...,,,... , ... fl')\(1)1 t..11.c'l •.,_.,t., SI 7~ l.11.J DOlPHIH ll.f. 494-1511 :-,Al,!-; UY <I WNJo.IC HA:dui·wl S10.1m J..ovt•ly •br. 2b11 Tot;illy r•· di.Joor a t.cd Pool i. w · y nl 3 pn v 1*" r ht-11 C1un t"O lll"hla ndb 64 1 IJ!l:HJ , 6«).~ IUtLDBS ~ A ST S I U t: IJ n d •· r $l00,000 l'nnc111al:. only AJ(ent 631-0496. GOLfCOURSE VIEW lf1":V\ Vf:RUI'; c c 4UUKM 2 1'.TY $23.5.000 ()PJo:N :-,uN I :, 1984 KOlc.N/\'I . c· M Al(t Glonu Cent 21 ·~Br. 21.-,na. furm U fl. I" fl l.uw maint yd Nr park. Hhool. t t-nn1:. Sllfi,000 By o w nl'r ~ W<Ydlindl!•' t"wnh<>u))•'. 3 rm 1 •;, b11 1•nl 1 r1dt1n & Sl.CJr&llt' XJnt ID\ l~l I.I( 10.'lum loan. rt•lrnl>lt· te nuntb SK::i.~ 4!i'J JIWl'J .. nd 11<101 t o r 1·d1n•' rirtplaC'f' anti :lt'l"<md pat io ~rlutJt'd lc1n1t Mz.ed m&tt>lt'f" SW le "'nh ~ balcony M11h> xtra1 +ct>ntr.il air • llurry' at Sl34,900 11 woo't laal~ C.:'611 nuw • Ml 96"n> N 1-. W ""•111tltJ r 1 di: 1· ---------(.."(JNIJO ANO ME!! ,,.., blO<'k from h1~ , 0.lf"Ollll ~Ul'h hy appt. 67HHt.7 ASSUME t0.5% CJCt:AN Vll':W I~ rJVllOn. 4 1..-1 t loft, pool. cyn Vll'W F<>llCB> SAU! On ly cy n v 1 ~w 1n ~Llffa J bd, 2 hu CalJ ·nm Rhone. 631 L266 REALTORS LAM.CUSTOM HOMI Lav.i. stone rock, Iron work, sp., tn-law 1pt .• all ao with 5 bdrm., tamlly rm home. SB.500 MAURY 5rAUfFER 8£A LION REALTY 67).1354 49"7-Jlll SOUYH Of HWY. Cltarmlni. updated 8DOe family home on Poppy near Lillie Corona. 2 Bdrm a.. 2 bl!Ula, bu«• peUo, a ear l*tonl.. «> 1'\. lot. Move In coadlUoo. '2$2.000. .·~to .. ~i91·'~ . ' . . 00:17 t-: Clil lhH, C'dM DUAMHOME fl feat ures · Italian rt•ram1c tile thruout ()r>t:n beamed ce1linl(s 1n the llvmg room, with 18" mg noor to ce1lin1t stone r 1repl1tre, bu i lt1 n cablnt!\ti, wet bar. larll(c formal d lnln J? r oom , hull(f! m aster s uite w/sunken luh und larl(e walk in d 06et. «nd many m ore f eature s t oo nwnerows lo 115\ Yor an appt lo see, call ~S880 .-. ~ HERITAGE . . REALTORS fnchanlilKJ Wlshina Well In u,; IWih Jard of t.h1s dynamic 3 bedroom home. Counlleu up grades. cozy hearth flttplace, wall to wall clll'1lflC.S. famJly kitchen. Covered patio. XI.NT area . ll"a all he r e! $114,900. BKR. (;all !W0-173> a;w. -· NIWUSTIMG a.sADILMAR llucb ~ougbt after ~ ~ bdrm model w/Cf«'A. 1Ur. This great ~ W/Ql&aY UP-....... ahowa btllJy. 8e11t 6uy In area. Hurry ! 54Mtll c:= Walkr.r 1; Lee COSTAt•SA .......... w LOWEIT PIUO'E In c.a ..... Oaly ~ down. owe. Al••r• ....... # MIATYllWll -:...~:; ... C1t1llaa , oc••• •·'!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~! .• .....-. IL to IL aotL 21 .,...._,, n : room ror YOUI• 1-lml pgo1 • i.race. 11Mrior Ju1t beautlhell1 re-~am.la~ ........ , ..... ... ... Ul floor,..., Ott••OZA ...... IY ~Lfam . ICI .. t na, cla, JplC, le OPIMSAT,_,,.... -I 11t1dy lot w/m1ture oau•ICOAIT .,_, Pz!!O· -.1111. llA&. llT ATI 11 .... ~. •o...r...-.o.w.c. f~~......_~~~~1 ·=..."1:=t·"ar.1t I t..~CORdo Nt-w liatlnl(' lmm»c 2 sty. 2 bdrrns . I 'i'l b11 • l>il.lcooy. trrilc • lll(e rPar ylll'd. 2 Yrs bid $82,900 GIB WALKER llALTY 675-5200 Owner bemg tran11ferf'd" Wwld lilte t.o sell hl"I 3 bdrm home. Me11a Vf'f'de area Please con LKt me at 7S4-6216 Pnn opa!Aon.Jy. JUSTUSTB>! F.utalde 2 hr remodeled Near bushnt! f"r plc . shake rool Beauty• Ceo tury 21 Gold Coa s t Rnltors, 548· 1161 ----- OAK GLEN Oi11 l 1n c tlve new 2 bedroom. 2'~ be con cbniniums. "'1 .990 2:518 Elden Ave, C.M. 642-6734 FAMrAmc 3 Bdrm, 2....,. bath Condo in BJuff area of C.Oela Mela. Motivated owner wilJ sacrifice for tt6.~. ~ s:rai 962 118!l I PltlCI UDUCB> on thUi beauUfully cl••an 2111t.ory,48r. 2ba. ram rm home Comer lot, RV Ul' COiii Open Saturduy I 5 at 3124 Van Buren SUMSIT ll.E. 557-1623 a...c.. Mfta Verde 3 Bdrm ' auei1t Pool home 2fmJ1va Rd Ask lnlC ~.000 Agt 67~-AAOO ~·s Best Slrf:(!t, rt• rrw-Jdrled 3 RR 2 Ba. Jo'a m Rm . hul(e R 2 l<Jl' $i4,000. Devin R Jo: 64U388 .., ll/•LOAH 6 Just waltlna ror you ti) loll8wne on thUI aorgcoui~ !I BR hmM Balmy eves In the luah l(ardens. 1pac1ou1 family rm & cozy country kitchen w/formal dlnlng area Move In cond. cl011e to beach. shopplna .. rwy "3 And itll this for only p ,ooot ~3600 Newpot1 ,,.... Rtalty , .. ., : I ?I ,,; , ~ •1ltS1iid&Ull·~ 2005 Balt>Qa 8t¥d. Newport lkh. 673·2058 PUIUCPUVllW EASTSIDE COSTA MESA ar.AL EITATl Mo9a•~ Wiii finance w; 20K down. Beautitw 2 yeu new. 3 br. 2i.-t bath. on qwet eul-de-aac with ()t)el) beam ce1Un1es. new· ly dee . • p r o f landac1ped. $134 ,SOO Call 94.2-51164, Ownr I A Kl 3br, lllltb1, aep. lndry room. WUJ C'OMl<kr VA. ZiO E. lMh & L2 to 3 Sat. Zbi. fta&n. 23rd m911 DeOro -------MISA VllDI MUSTS&LI S harp lmmac:. Jbr1 ~ la• tam nn, tCWG patio. Above a rouad pool. C1tm drpa. No. Colta Mela. ttOt,000. By Owner-. Maulftll .. lou. ()peli t.IM la.I Bat/IUD lOli6 CGacord. N. CM. -- Prime area, qui c k e1erow for tb• r11ht family. Lovely tingle .aory 4 Bdnn home with z::iou1 old fuhlon room.a. qJoy the tOOft\1 country kltrh~n ~ OIW!ftf to lattlced peLlo and l1rae bacll 1 ....... 000. '4Z.1200 cama.rw.rfi Q.OSE TO IEACH 4bdrm l~.ba. beautifully deroraled family hom1· lw lovely wallpaper " wood panelhnJ: makes this house a muat t.o'1>t'l' L.vf(e RV acc<.'!IS C:all Nuw ~71 &r 968-4433 ASSUM.AIU LOAMS No ql.Uil.bfytna•' • No new loit.n fees'!' We h11ve Jbrml. 4bdrma 4r Condoe av11.1I. in moet area~ Buy Now!!• Call for complele deta ils . :i36 s:i11 & 9111H433. ~. IMmYUALTY DICUT1YIHOMI o n c u l -de -1ac . 3 Bdrm+den or 4 Bdrm, 2 b9th. Leu than I mile from ocean, school, 11hot>· ping. $12$,000. P I P flG..8111 IDEAL FOR rel.Ired cpl, nr bus 6 beach. 2Br J~. at 1102 Delaware 9.. Had 1 face hft ! New pallll. new erpt1, new drpl, new dahwhr, new 11ara1e dr oc>nr + a ~. 3 ba. I mill" to oce-. •22171.R.1';.N' ...- BY OWNER. nr btb, S BR.. 2~ ba, formal din rm. fam nn, cov 'd p1llo, new crpt1, $12•,ooo . ....,., OP~ SAT /SUN 10.3 5Br Zba, 2 1ly, fplc, pool. JHO 000. S.. It 10042 Va1le1 roru. A1t. 0../21 llMIJO. J .. frDm Oceu. l~!i ~.ram Rm, f:I01,-All"'8 Lola at t~1!,. Nll't~: ... ooo.m IOth It. 0W1'/ 8rkr mmr. , . . Woodbridl(e V1llu1<er. :mr. l "'1b11. lake. Lennis. ttirl.<xx> ~ 3927 ~~ frrim the Lop nr rurtle Hoell. t wnh m '202.000 t:+ 1-: lrv1nt·. Im· 758 031!i Dttrfwld Paril Rm 4br. 2ba. •n«e sty w111pa Up .ied w1de ~out <:LM VI comm pool & purk Sl47.<n> s.51·1240 tmHWOOD 3 BllM & SPA Up•raded c arprt • drapes, MW IP• &r dt!Ck ltll!. 2 covered patlOI. mi c rowave ovrn , 2 atnwna A&lung S1 1.2,$00. OPENSAT•SU/11 lH UCalandna -H 0\NCtl ~ 1\1 /\l IY ~ '.1'1 1 )QI)() CULVEIDALE PLAN 42 Ideally loc ated 3 bedroom home with ~ poolalae yard ' muME S78, 100!! 9.9% list 8 mo. New!! DRAMATIC F.NTRY to tlt.ep down It v1ng room. h 11t bl ljl htt'd With f ab ul o us mar ble fi"'Pl»et! and t'athedraJ ced•nltll ~ii ant rormi. I dlronJ(, beaul..tlw family room wtwetbar ror .. n tert11n1nii. Gourml't lutchen contains ALL modern conven1ence1> Ma.s1uvt' mailer su1 t1• has m irrored clost-t doors t walk 1n t loset and vanity. Central 1ur alllo' Take over low 1n tert~sl loan and save•' Won 't last! Hurry, rail now. 8Sl 1675 COLOHIAL REALt:STAn: WOOOUIDCH Wumln•t on 3 bd Twnhst.' Fred Oibeoo 631 1266 Rt:AJ.TORS ol privacy CICMe w t.Cl, Newport Bncb ' --------• all major 1rtutu Pneedatonly ... ~. f'or addltlon11 delallt cat! ~--:;;. I ," r, 1 I • I I ;, I I • , 'JI I CONDOS llSTIUY lau.l..P.ti. ... &,m.ObrJ:lr. MDI H ....... t7NIU wooaeRJIQ E ()f'Of SAT t0:2 11.rhli ~lded Warm· .__ "D" Pl•. llr, den, 2~Ba twahae. SLZUiOO 14Wlu:Mtwn• Larae2bdrm, 2 b11 1·m amon~ the cucalYfl· Uy <>wrwr li3J 076.J u. trf'ell on a llirl(c ft2 1041 ....................... .-wLYUSTB> 28r hof'M, w/hardwood llrs. Pllbo Is BBQ. ~al ft.2 lot.. r ime into town. 1n 1111 xlnt loc aOOG SJ 49 .~ 'nerTa Del 5o' RJt y 497-1744 F....._Y~WfYD! W\tb a 2ad TD. w /OIO pu y rmn ror 3 yrs . on lhlx 38r, 2Ba, frpk. ' v1e·w SIN .500 ........,,_ 11erT'a Def s.o. RJty 4!¥1 1744 HOaaOMTO HOalZOM ~S!I SBr. 3~ Ba. new custom ls>me w/fonnal bv rm• di.null rm. grand foyer. lam rm, game rm. wtot bar, 3 nwrble fpl('1; & 3 car aaraire. M00,110() eq1.1ly 1118~.000 Without qumuon OM ol the m08t i.ncomparabl.e bomc11 an ~un.a. 'nen'• Del Sol RJty 49'7·1744 19 •W.1d:aw1 Cifaie Otarles Realty '" proud to prt.'11e11t th1· home• of LillCUn • Mer »wt. a new, private COMlal com mwllty that we feff tYPlllel the kleaJ 1.ivm. mv{rmunent. S\UllC.ed qau111& I.be aen tie blll1lde1 of pre· atJOouia l.qWla, ttwff IJ*lacu.lar homH are := ....... I.be tradition = qualit.1 . 6 Uft• convtlUttke * from aao.ooo Una la 1 r.,.. opportualJy .'4 ~··oew~ view Isome In U•e ~ com.m....uty ,, (Apa. Pie ... Ii•• t.a1 an op.. ~ to abow .... tioa. '°you. 671-7112 ....... ._ . I type lot r ·m l"t'aJ rl~ t.o town and I can be utot'd for s ln11le f11mlly rir duplex J ·m irrilat•«I with my pretleflt owrwr and I ran be had f•1r $276.500 My a J:f'nl 's name as Bob Burke Talk to blm II you want me for easy terms LC11J-Yllop I .IE 497-1761 118A.L.01.AY Owner will finance! & n9U it Pasy for you lo ~ ~ UUs 3 bdrm . 3 bath home. tremendous pcUnUaJ ~.<XX.I PICTUU nARCT TOl&Jly rPSlored. with hdwd floors ... ·rrnr h dooris • w1ndow11 A woodsy. seeludt'it patio. Pf"f(t)" 1earden & a 1<u1·11t unit COl'nlHae:i I.ht! M"l Unc. suig.500, LMiUHA MIGUEL 'Ibis super 4 bdr m. fam1· ly home olfera Iota <Jf privacy 6 a k>vely moun· lain view! A wall ~d courtyard & hot lub are amonf( the extra.i.. sia.~ ASSUMlt-1. f\ill ocean v1ewt t I Lee 3 bd. 2 ~ + .,.&.. Only IHI... Paltkk, GM• 8£ALTORS .... Yll .......,.,,, white wat4!r ~ ,.... GIGI& tJ«Y r-.,,.,.. ~. t-o ...... flnlllaot. 2 t• ..... ""'' deck. 1•· formal ebarm. St to ltrllllaL CJICLY .... -.- MICHOU IMLBTAft -llllllllo..&119J. ... 4t4-1120 .. ~ C l I c ' , •• t I -D . l t . .: [ DAILY PJl.Of' CJ3 ' .-.._... ___ ·--... .... -··-____ .._ __ _ .. . -.. .. . . -.... ~ ............. ~ ~UJ\OJaw.W~ .•.• 7.1001 • I • .. \ '"" ........... .. N111nhcS. DAIL V PILOT (it: Sa&utday. S!p!ember 22. 1979 ....................................................................... ••·••······•····••····· .......................•...................... 1 I .... IM Lllll-.._. IO• Mew,.,t.._. 116' tls~tlHdl I0'9 Ml,_..._. 10" , .. .,..... ..... IOff HoelsetForW. ... ···~ .................................................................................................................................... . HottMI For SM ... ..... ~ TOPOFWOILD View both ways, mt & oc:e.n! Lge. lot, 4 bdrmi. ftden. SlS0.000. MAURYSTAUFFEH SEA LION REALTY 67).5354 497-3318 CHAIMH.!! Localed near beach If )'OU are looking for m spiratloo & a peaceful setting, this 2 bdrm borne i3 a must to see' STYLE/COMFORT What's in it for you creative use of Teak. Oak & import ed tile. plush carpeting, lgc mslr. swte w ith view balcony. 3 BR. 2"'2 balhs Nolan Real Estate. Jam Howard. 494· 1244 Causey & Company IUHGDOM G'YTHESEA One ol tbe most outstand mg bomes yet tu l'Omc on tbe market Prc:.enlly l.t.ds ele11ant homl' h11s 3 Bedrooms. 4 Baths and can be expanded to 7 Bedrooms with very manor interior fmlsh1n11. Truly a breathtaking home with unequaled panoramic vistas or the enu.re coastline Every conceivable de tail ex \.des luxury as Ole owner spared no expense 1n making Uus one of the most out.stand.mg bomes along o ur beautiful t'OllSl. Replacement cost would r ar exceed S8:50.000 PRISONER OFllMDA? No more. just bwld your own Chaleau 10 Lhis t remendous ly popular area on 11 cul·de·sat• Quiel & close-in. U11s homesite gives you room to expand your I magma lion & dream away the hours while enjoyinJt the panoramic v1Stas of the ocean. coastline and hllls. Really one or lhe best buHdable loh. an Laguna. Sl50.000 ~-....... =a :..-.=.:== GltBM THOUCiHJ. lH nc& IHAJ>S• I.Mat .tma81d-.cl 'l'OUftebl a --------stl>RT STROLL li'R()M TH BEACH AND V I L l. A 0 t: W 'OUTSTANOlrolG VIEW OY THE SF.A IAa UY HTATI N 21 IM're llllal• w il11 "°'*'· 2 IC\Mlllt ~. 14 IUal1 horM t>.rn. hu1Ct1 l"dnc nnk. vvt otc. • airoom'a room. ll1Atl(ruf1 rent view or the Uiack !Jay, lu111b l1HlUIH'1tJ)iO(I 11bouod1 Coot»ct J im l-1 11nderil ·~l n i... 752 1\07 d )'». (71 11 !ll0·~'1tl7 e\'e&, wll.nda ~ - n lq uf" two 11ory arcbllecture w /det~ilf'd l"lllt nc,ir or BOA KU & OA TT f~N . WEA1'tlEREU QY nu; SAl.T Al K St>•ctol.li J bdrm II tam rrn floor µIan i.t.r\ ll'NI by 2~, bat.l\), ft'a.lun:. i,, rm ~ RAl ~t:o <:O Pl't-:R --w·, ... ·--·~-· .... --llOOOt.:O n k EPl'r . .... .... ~""' parquet fklon, Wl\ll.S Extra large" c•ornl'r ti I" G L A s s & duph:x 10 xlnt l·und EXTENSIVE USE OF Moonng av1ula'ble Spec WOOD S fl UTTER S UlcuJu view Appl onl> M~ter !>Ulle o~ru. thru 185.~ s lld1n.: gt ass wa11 to *rote" Realty t'nclo!>etl "S E C R ET ~ GARDEN . the cunous & l n\'rs lmenl ma)' r and bepara t e 640 5777 WO RKSHOP STU DIO ~~~~·~~~-RM For ~ who i.eek ~ a home w 1c harm . warmth &.pnvacy. 111 the much desired No. end Set'llOll or Laguna Beach. we belle~ lht:. c. a ra re rLOd Sl 15,000 Full Pric. CALL TODAY'' MISSION REALTY 98.SS. Cst. Hwy, Laguna ~494-0731 Lagma HiMs I 050 ...........•........... Leisure World . G:.te 14 Panoramic view, 3rd floor, Villa Nueva, 2br 2ba. 586·6879 A c; afl 7pm Leas ure World. hilltop view. 2 Br 2 Ba. up- graded decor, carpettnJ? & parquet floors. Open !Mi. Come lo Gate 14. a:.k I for Mr Heath or call 2131JS3..5l3J. 7141837 -0217 PRE·LISTING SALE 3 BH CONDO Spac aou:.. S«'f\IC $66.000. 20"( dn Owner 540-l256 e\ es .., S46 ,000 CO -OP CONDO 'flus pnme 2 BR Laituna Hills t'Ondo inclds rnatn tenance. cable TV. 1n s urance. sec. s:rstem. la.~es. 5 clubhses. lawn bowhn.g, shuffleboard , radang !.lablei.. le11n1s crts. olympac pool & more. Won't las t at only ~.~ Call 540·3666 azAJ. UT.ATE ~ Hiquef '052 ....•....•............. As....W~Loan Fairway El N11?uel 3br. S234.~. Custom Realty i10.9Ti1 Mslion v~ I 06 7 ·········~············· SHARP LASEtlREH.A Spacious 3 Bdrm . 31 bath+l(?e bonus /game rm FDR, F 1P. A/C, mountain v iew. 2 m1 fro{TI lake. Pvt backyard. ideal for entertaining SUl .900. Call Grant. Agt. 7fi8. 7337 or 640-5777 t•wport •ach I 069 .•........••..•..•..•.. Selet-Wiii Corry or Assume low equity. 10'7. loao . PRIM E Newport locallon. New coostruction 3000 sq.ft of elegance. J ust listed at S225.000. Call R ae J runes. 6.11-1266 ASSUME 9.75°,o · WESTCLIFF IJ(e 4 BR, 2 pal106. Cathedra l ce1l angs Call Patri c k . 631 1266 REALTORS ---- CAN YOU IB.IEVE .. 2700 Sq. rt . 4 BR . rum pus rm. home. you own the land . for o n ly $1.57.~' Call now• Npt Bch. fUty 675· 1642 UNDAISLE Luxunous custom home. A C. 5 Br 5 Ba . 5000 s q fl Ownr1Bkr. Pnn onl) 673-6lll REDUCED • OPEN SAT & S N 12 5 4bdrm Newport Shoreb home. complete r e decor. btn yrd, sec to ap precaate! By Owner 10•; assum loan 6.11 3579 lyOWMr Priced To S~t Eastbluff Be aut y Reduced. you save com nussaon. 3Bdrm. Fam rm, 288. gur takes van. Must See! $154.500. 644-l~ or ~·690 I IYOWNER ,. Beautiful. 2 bedroom Condom NewPort Crest 631·3383 BLUFFS 3Br 28a. Pauo. pool, or parks-schools shops. Sl.29.000. 640-8146 SEAVIEW EXCLUSIVE USTIMG Views from every room overlooking the ocean. Cat.alma Island. Fashion Island & inland to the m o untain s Rare HAMPTON M o d el featwinJ? French doors. 2 frplcs. J?reenhouse wan· dow. hardwood nr~. and over s i ze lo t with waterfal l. C AN BE SHOWN THRU LISTING OF"FICE ONLY. Call for an apporntment to :.cc t.lus exci~ home 675-1163 HillOR RIDGE REALTY, INC. UDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE DAILY 2·5 llX> VIA QUITO New custom built home 4BR 3 baths. 3 frpk:. $$78.~. Agt. 545-4289 IYOWHet &..•=·· "'N9Wpart • com· ple\•IY remod•led Sliyt11ht11 . atrium , f'reacb doonl. $1112.SOO c.u RM Ja.aw. a:n 1* RE.Al.TORS SPACIOUS Ivan W1:ll1 bllilt. 4br, tplc. ram rm • 3ba. Lg 1>001 • 3 car gar. 'Baycret1t. OPEN &lo l·S. S218S.~ 642·6234 OM& .... B.T 2 BR. 2 ba CONDO Wlt.b fireplace $1111.~ rossa1 LM/Opt t BR. l baCONOO $1 10,000 LEASEONUF£ Ownr movmit-won 't lasl Ocean vu Avwl immed. Adil comm pvt pool Jac & sauna S5951mo. 2000 w. lalboa ll•d. lalaoo 675-1771 toEWPC>aT HEIGHTS Charmrng spacious 2 SUJcy. 3 Bdrm, f11m1ly. d:ininR room. large hvmg room Master:. swte with 2 der ks and spacaou:. nurrored baths Warms woods. bnck and stone Truly J decorators di.' lag-ht For details rail ~1151 ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS SI 12,000.Lowest Priced in Mawind Tlus 2 Br + den c·on dorrunaum. s1tu11ted 1n the lovely devclof)ml!nt of Seawind. is the best buy 111 the area a l $112.~. Lots or extras, ID a dynamic & mtcrcst an~ community !)leas<' call today to mDke this your home 675-7512 BEAUTIFUL 4 Br. 4 ba. POOL & spa, xtra lrg lot. Harbor View Homes PortofUlO. Dm1011 r m . Family room . Playr m $269.900 fee !MS Port Stanhope Pl Owner. 759-9211e. One row ciway from the sand. North end Newport Beach 3 bdrm 2 ba Sl~.000 Wall contract. ~t 714149IS·~ I::ves 493-1492 A HOME SWEET llOM E. Perfectly ma1nta1n<'d Somerset Harbor Vat!w home on greenbelt with cus tom spa & many added features Oy Owner. $239.000 Open Sat/Sun I 5 1930 Port Seabo urn c. N .B 6440-4208. ---- OPEN SUMO.AY 2·5 2041 I lirch St. Horse property nr Mesa Or Upper Bay. 4 BR. ex· lraordanary kitchen. Swim pool. greenhouse. soo.~ Mullan Rlty 540-2000 EX'i)UISITEl T UMODElB> 3 Bedroom ocean view borne with super master bedroom. built 1n jacUUI. playroomtfama· ly room o r den o n separate level. all new throughout with custom appointments Below rmrUt al Sl611.500 1:1#Z~IZtl Sant.a Ana Hts horse pro· ---------perty, 3 BR. l ba. 4 stalls. UOtSo. Coast Hlway inlage FaJr ~GUNABEACH 497-2457 REALTORS NEWUSTING! NESTIGE TOWHHOME Muc h soug ht alter Newport Terrace. Only me like it on the market. Sharp! Priced to sell! Hurry! 545-9491 BKR La1J1na •ach I 048 Lack, guest. On 112 acres. 20161 S. W. Cypress. &i2-7270. UHUSUAl. HOME Cum>m 2 year old 4 BR, 2-.; ba. Spac rms for en· terta1ning . U niqu e features. lots of sloraJ?e, man y extras SEC L UDED! Ca ll Carolyn. 642·94JJ Agt. Lv msg. IWFFS-uDUCB> Gracious 4 Bdrm home - fantastic liv1n11 1d1ning prov;des spacious enter· wrung and IJvang uea. Br eakfast nook. new ca rpeting New pnce --sl.59.900. OPEN SAT/SUN 642-5200 r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ---------Pete Barrett.41 ~~~r "" tile~.!,~~ .. <>PIN 1-5 * OPIM IM MOMARCH SUMMIT II: Beautiful C-plan unit with 2 bdrm .. 2 baths & ocean views. Decorated throughout with wood. mirrors and myla r wallpaper . $1Z4 .000. SEE HAL CA RDW EL L AT 2281 2 ARDELLA RD .. 1·5 PM. MonH SAM CLIMIHTI CONDO Beautiful 2 bdrm. plus stuciio shows like a model. Prime end unit located near buses. shopping, pool and beach~. New listing, $99.500 MOMAICH I.A Y TIU.ACI Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath, upper terrace custom built home. Enjoy a lovely ocean & coastline view. Proressionally landsc aped & localed on quiet cuJ·de·sac with low maint.enaAce. 1325,000. ,. HA.RIOIYllW HOMES 4 Bdrm "Palermo Plan" on greenbelt with view. Large pool. lmmed. OC· cupan cy possi b l e IZ49,000-ineludin1t land. Call Danny Bibb for appt. to see these new listings. IOGEIS'IEALTY '7l-Zll I BAOC BAY custom 3br. home on cul-de·sac. Par- quet entry, new earth tone carpets. sky lites In familY room. cstm shut- ter.I, mirrored wardrobe In DJltr, hot tub In priv. area. R.E . Mc V ay ~ DO YOU WISH )'OU had •dream home7 Make It a reality with this superb home which pr ovides ever y thing Meded for gracious liv· Ing. Large 4 Bdrm, 2\'i beth home with a jacuul PU.JS tbe advantage oC a secluded I Bdrm. 1 bath Income unll . A r eally great buy. call today m.5170 ALLSTATE- REALTORI BIG CANYON Spectacula r golf course esfate. 6600 sq. ft.. 4 to 6 Bdrms . sv.i baths. Pool and jacuzzi. OP1M SUND.A Y I .5 PM "#6 CHllltY HILLS ll,J71,000 Tll STllllES CO. 14A711 I ' DUpleii; 2 bdrm. Near waer • sholll Sll0,000 UIUJDe. Call 183-3388. IAYSNOllS .. AMT nu. lClng iiie ba.r1a1o fea&ures 4br. 2ba, ram rm, Is an absolutely fabulous location. One Of A Kind. A true value at •• Im. Call631·5586. ~SUNDAY l·S ll5T kUFfS IUY z 130 vw. Loredo 3 Bdn:os. family rm. 3 baths . 1167 ,$00 Agt 6J'3.:9l3 MIWPOIT HGTS. Reclilc.d$5000 Completely rest o red house with enormous garage & storage area Available NOW Don't Wall. OPEN HOUSE l2 to 6 Satl&tn $137 .500 422 Fullerton Joan Lively, Rltr 642.4799 •OCEANFRONT. lllnt loc. low int. only loan. II( lot. great duplex as 1i.. or bui Id new home + In· come unit Open house Sat 11-4. 1716 W. Ocean· front. P P . 673-7677 or Mr-5-Surf R .. t' $5000 Down 4 Br. 2 Ba. dirun11 rm. J v. Co .. 631-0900 MWl'T HGHTS AREA OPEN llOUSE SAT SUN IS Z74 PALM EH 4 Bd . 2 ba . 4 l·a r J!arages, R 2. $129,500 Oux k Spa Uer 631 12ti6 l~:Z~IZtl REALTORS View ·home ID l::ai.tbluH Open house Sun I 5 2921 C.ssis St . NB Offl·rcd at $182.SOO 53&395i a.l(t UDO 5.5', lntcrcst Rat<'~ Rent like paymt•nts~ Unbelievable but lrul' .. -.on ..... OP9t SUM. I ·I l&ovtq UUa Wknd Dy Qwnfr. Mu.st tell 38r 2 ba, lam rm, lg lot, Troplcal De Hg h t . S1S4.000. DOT 180> St . M.2-1.802 LUIFllOMT French doors open lo glamorowntoo sir deck and sp a overloolung secll.ded private Cherry Uike in Back Bay area. 3 Bdrm. ramiJy-Wninll rm, sta1Ded IC!us windows Entertainer 's deh ght Orange Parlr. Realty . Marge Simpeon 633,.()81.3 Q.IFfHAVIM 415,.,..Rd. 0,-s..dlly II· 3 ·IYOwta See Ulli 4 Br or 3+den. 2 ba VIEW home. $tui.ned fltas-s. r r dwood . frplc +otber features IZl>.W>. 7!19-l914 THlkUFfS $1'3,500 • 4M..l1ATHS FAMILY NOMI CINTULAll MIAllTPOOL OPIHTOOAY 2651 Yitle °"9eda i!i,1 •1'11rn~; X: ~ ,1. 4!: t . d In· R11.4 b4U 'J':>t:>C :..nyt1n1 .. ~ ;,-,tbtulf Pwl Htr1q Newpon's finest ap· predallog area Enter tamer•s dclll(.hl w1tb thts ---------large pool s1~e yard wath HAJllOll YllW bla.h-io bnck BBQ Thtb 3 Wer DfttMrah!! Bdrm. 2 ba property an Coe of Newport ·s most eludes 11uest quarter-. prt:SUjDOU.ll arellJi. owner & o r rec re ation rm has JUSt reduced the w1pvt bath You must pnce t.o under $160.000 s e e thi s PR l(;E MW5t St>ll & may help REDUCTION fllW\C'e ta SI 79,500. lllDHIU IEALTY QON TYL ... • A SSOC •• INIEALTOINS THE BLUFFS 551 -6611 UDUCED s.a.ooo OIUGIHAl ILUfFS OPf:H SAT /SUH I • S s.sovisrA CRA.-.;ui:: J BR lt1 le\ el. loacl.., of Italian ul..-Nu,. uni> Sl66.~ 640-6259 OPl-:.'1 SL'NDA Y I :, a.=~~::1~·nN1:~~' JI _j/f <1/Jr II Bd.rm.. 2l, ba Unf.?ht & R E A /L T Y c·herry Im mar Mu\.., ---------m rood So ld!>ll'full) dl t-orated v.1th Jn <1bun I dance or lall1r e v. nrl. CSllTl shutter.. & marrur' Bkr i59-1861 Ask for Ball Sl61t ~"' O,.n Sun 12·4 11 Mei Court Oc~ View CCMtdo J Br. 21: bath lu~ur­ tnlevel Cu.-.tom l arJ)f.'I wallpaper. dr11~:-. l~·~t I buy m Newport Crl'M Sl.57.~ Ownr will eon sider Isl' Arrmstcud Cu . 64-1-9470 EASY TO BUY In 11.arlXJr \I• "" 11111111·• '1,.cit onl~ J l!rl'JI l.sm1h homt· .• 1 SILi :iOO liul 1-·Li,:x1BLE ~ r~ '" I <.1:-i:G lt),' «.ill rr.r an ronnaUOf'I ,,, ·• 1 rt'°' 11 • lure brochur.. I ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 00 STIPS TOOCIAM 5R R 2 n A hOm•'. ,approx lS yeurs old ~ $1:1 With $137.000 asi1um:ibh• tst 11t 9'": Ow1H'r \\lit <'U rry 2nd 171 41 846-5502 T....,. 1090 .•..................... OPEN SAT /SUN 1·5 1.15 AC ESTATE GunM'od-Hones lbnfarT..WtCt. Lar11e one story home on all useable 290ft x 173ft let an one or the rancst est.ale sect1oru. or Cow&n Heights The m<11n homf' h a:. (our bl'droom-.. formal d1n1n~ r oom. famil y r oom wit h ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON THE BEAC H Leucad.l'a Uhobltrucied ocean vu. Sagi. w /eXl)an· do. $19,SOO. J-744·05~. Res. l-744~ N2· l2l9. Sm Mobile Home. adde<I nn. sp 18). Free gas, age ~up. $3875. 646-~73 Greenleaf Plr. has a 24x64 avail an prime 5• loc. adha~Ul82 DIAMOMDIAR ·. 108 ACRES RIDUCID. FROM 15.000,000 TO $3,000,000 Zoned Rt · Freeway Close Desperate m ust sell' ... 549.7991 MUST SB.l. P'rit9 30 ocns, IOAiltcj ~A-1. Located • s.. ... rtyWllod. .... of Hwy 60. XW price & terffti. Parcel nwp subMitted RJnnide Co., speittiftq into 4 parcels. Call 612 -5425 or 354-842 3 1714 I fareplll<'t•. ii' 1nl-! room FOR RENT ll.171lsq {t with ~aml-d c11thedrnl "11cant l11nd avail ror (·e1l1n.J(~ and ~t·r11nd :.tora.J(e an the 0~11 J,ot f1replac1: und modnn an C .'t1 off 11( W t!tth ~l kilt'ht•n Gul .. ,l quarter-. I Call H.oxae f;42 42111 \I ~· v.1th J II\ 1n :! r11um bo.'<ir<.11Jm and bJth In ~Ms ..idd1t111n thl'r•· 1:. J for We 1300 ~par~lt' hobb' room AJI •••••• • •• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • 1J,1n~ quosrtt'r. ''""' u·n Priwe Apm1mrrnh lrdll) 11ar rond111ont'tl Iii urul lVffilJll·>. Tf.'rm-. Th .. ,Rroundl. f1·11tun· ·• a\a.alable 1'11s1ll\t' c,,,11 l<1rlle pQnl v.1th 'I"' flov. $865.000 i\)!e11t p1"'--d l'OrTdh and .i t .. 1·k tm-265() ,,."" Lt•\d l'Orral Jrt>a TARANTE1.LO & LEE v.oukl Jl'l'Omodalt" J ll'n n1 luurt orrcr1·d "' 1eein.te.-y Lots/ $395.0CWJ I Crypts I soo 9Ka BIH· .. ;\T"' (JOI> ••••• ••• • • •., •••••••• •• 'ltlJ TLSTI'\ 714-731 -3777 I PJl'1f11 \ 1c·w AJc-11, 1· oJ T 1 m ,. l' 11 m JI,, n 1 u n Crcrrutor. :-i.11 h1• ~1 I \..Olk· W I I !.'I•) ~ ZJ2_7 I Comnt~iol Prop«ty 1600 ....••••••............. 5.~ sq ft. rer rm. bar. atnum & formal d1nan11. Dnve by 520 Via Lado Soud then call 645-9850 or eves 673-6732 ;.kt0 Ocwww1f1ont ~n S~ES ExclUbl\ e L1:.t1ni.!' I RCA&. DTATC C.1mm hu~~ CM St. 2 oft· bid.:.-.. 2 rlplx-. on ·'• u1· \JI or part 1-:a:.y ov. nt>r 1 f1nancm1: HK H &Iii 509t; H!i~~~~e:. ~~e~~h~to~~~ '+523C.o•PU5Da·IRVtNE j co~ri~~l.AL Monaco. 3 bd 2 ba 4800 Seashore then r-a 11 to SlS2.SOO Fee ~ Pnn only plca:.e I I .,.,th n~w free:.lan<llnl! ·d ~58>1.6428850 ,\Jtt 1076 , O UOI ~ft bldll l'nmt• Will cons1 er lease op _ __ __ ~ I 98 rorn .. r lor ... tion . 11, lion . 204~ P ort ~•••••••••••••••••••••··~··••••••••••••••••••••• ~~"port t;o~la ,.1~,_;, Weybridge 6444464 UDO ISLE Exclusl\e ~ .. nn.-r 'I WESTMIHSTEtl urea on maJor :.tr..-et IESTl .... T .. SHORES 9.0.y-...~ EST ... .,,., Point Beaut cuntem VILLAGE v.ith a lraffac count nf " "' ~"""' ,...,.:; po rar) ho m e flr1< .. rt I 68 100 t cl • IY OWHH Owner hnancin11 up lo bdoYt Cltber home:. nu~ Wr h .n e 2 I a ri.t.. t · au o:. per ... , Sl.200.000 50· RJ~\ldl· beml! built m areJ tbr bt-drm :?'-hath horn"' Prl'st'ntly a men " & or&4SUNDAY 12•5 Terrace & dock .ror 2 Jba. S375.000 Opt·n boUI ,.,th poob & 'Pa' v.um ... n :. 'P0 rt"w .... r Up 9 rod• d o" d BIG BOATS 6 Bdrm!>. Set&:Sun 11 5 & Mon tbni l U?e ram rm:-& format boutJQue 1bus10f.'ss ali.o CllltOllliudthrwt. 5..., ba Formal D R. l'n 1·5 !IX> \.'aa Zapata 't-d1nuui rm:. ror sale I ~II Richard 4 BR 3 Ba. new apphc . lar11e den Lot.-. of older Califia Pro pertn•!>., Park Pla.5:_e.lnrlW27~1 Rollruc~l714 1833-2900 plush c arpets. 11ood charm Sl.700.000 Shov.n CSI l606or722 8221 ~HS/ lerms 222 Colton St anytime c.in ~.-o..... •--1010 Ohf-Real btah (Wts Sal. 1100 642·9400:714342·1972 ROGBIROWHR.E . ......,._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• NO'i)UALIFYIHG 67).1020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MabieHon.i Bayfront Oen Vu OW C ~~ DB.UXE CO .... DO Far We 1100 ---" ...................... . al UYk.. See BldJ!. Boat ---------1lu.s tughly up11:raded 3 sl1p. 2br. 2ba Ownr RIDUCID SJO,OOO Bdr m I-'• 811 rondo 642.-4230. 3 BR Jba. 2 fri>k~. IJot~ features new carpet:.. SEAVIEW ram rm Steps to &) & Solarium floor~ and fleach. Owner mutl\•11t much more Askmg_anJ~ Gated Comm. sw1mm1n1Z 00,, $34.5.~ S7S.900. Call ~·5880 pool, tennis cts. 4 Br. 2 p~ •~, RJtr story home w 1beaut1ful ..-vnn ~HERITAGE ope n views Term:. 45-1531 available. S338.~. CALLJQ.ANN DORAN . • REALTORS 759-0619 ,. CREATM PORTFOt.tO ~ PROPERTIES, INC INVESTOR'S Low price and buyer's lenm make th.ls an ideal rental property 5 Bdrm. single family residence 111 Harbor View. CALL JO.ANN DORAN 759.0619 OCEAHVJEW DUPLEX Rare 4 bed owner <1 unit and 2 bdrm rental Onl) ti )TS old 2 fireplace:. and lar11e muter bedrm v. ath sunken tub, a tnum and much more Ov. nt-r ma' carry f1nanc1n11 lie·, bouKht another propt>rt) and wa nts to mo,e' ms.~ !I \\\Tl HI HO' T 110 '>1 I ' In<. REAL ESTATE b ll· 1·11 Rul Estate $61,000 VATHMS 3 BR. 2 BA. 2 s ty. comm pool ~ 957-~7 -------1 s.iMi L.a1J1-o I 08' 2627 ALT A VISTA ..... ••••••••••••••••••• ~10BILE HOME BL'Y SF.LL Rl::NT rlNANCI:: Maeile Hoftw Store lttfcw wwtiott Cetttff CALL US 661-1021 2 Bl". 10 x 53' \'an 0} kt• 1n Costa Me:.J Park SOOO<l Space rent ~ per mo I ~ 106. 15(} 37~ ~0\1NC MLST ~!::LL 79 dbl ~1de Goldenv. eM b' owner nr tx:h. tu rent $24.500 ~ 2:!1 1 8ll35 Sparton Trlr an adult pk lmmar . met.11 av.nan!(. l'abanet:. • .,.\l. Pnced for qwck ~all' $4500 Ca i.h 327 W Wilson. ~P 41L C M 646-~ Will exchanl(e 20 double wide 2 bdrm lloml' 111 beautiful Yorba Landu for same in bellch are u 996-2150 fl)CREATM PORTFOLIO PROPERTIES, INC OPIHSUH.1·4 ~per home on fee land Quiet location ac ross from park. 1238.500. Xlnl t.enns ! ~ent 675-58:.> ' .. U. S. L09Uft0 n,e rustic sophtsl1cat1on l•--------d So La~una that um 60' LIDO ISLE AWARD WINNING HOME 224 Via Genoa q ue comb1ndl1o n or nll(i;<ed natural b~auty sUJTOUnd.lng a truly love ly, well·appomted home. lll exempUfied in this 3 Br 3 Ba hillside retreat /\ 700' deck. complete wiblt-in whirlpool s pa. oouJd well become your "favonte room·· ror 'en lert.a.irung . surrounded by 11reenery . w ith a panoranuc view or the ocean It h.tllsides below. your Indoor 1 outdoor lifmtyle bas never before bet!rl Uua pleasant. UVE IH LUXURY FOltPUHUTS With <<Xean Breeze 1 Slper s harp I BR. family room. fi replace. ll(l' kit chen . lovely b ath. patio. carpo rt and garden area. Spa. pool. billiard room Low s pace rent in excellent park nr ocean Secure home for 2 or J adults. S27 .500 £x cellent terms available. AtJ. ~ms Of'elHOUSI SAT/SUM 1·5,.M. 700 UdD P.tt Dr lf I Sl7.SOO OCEANFRONT llJPLEX* * With spacious own..-r~ un 11 Jlir. & 2Br. luxunou" JONES RI \I I' l~C I " 1'144> (714) 673·6210 4MEWUHITS That you ran '1el f1r"l ~'f' nl(hl.:. on near ma111 bus111e.s l:>lo<'k brokpr-. & lanie banh I d1 stnl'I vf Sanla 1\na Park Place. In<' B42· 14t.I NEW-DB.UXE Ope" Sat /Sun I ·5 3226 lrood St. N.I . Each unit has 2 lt'l Br's & den. pauos. l800 sq ft en 2 dbl car 11ar, 2 frplcs 21.,ea N.tt 979.5099 ----tncolN ,roperly 2 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 UHITS Pnde of ownership. Near beach 111 Huntm~on All urut.s have frplc·s. Only 5 Y" old Owner wants qwc•k !.ale. Will <'arry financmit w /20'7t down ul only 10' l interest. Ca II A PR€HIG€ '4---...--__,J_ HOM€~ 3333 W. Coast Hv.· y. NB '4S.'646 COSTA MESA . 4Homno. I Lot Lowest price in Costa Meaa. Only l ()<"k, down. owe. Always rettted. W.tdle4•tate 556-7777 The home Itself bas a itrac1ou s "En l(lash Manorhouse .. feeling. A bricked courtyard leads to ptcturesque Outcti dOon, 6 the bay window. co mpl e t e w t old fubioned window seat. This living rm also boasts beam celllnf(s. wood burnln ll br1 c k !\replace and, again. that same 1pect•cular ocean view. .:Ven t.be kitchen. complete with all ap· ptiencee + a t.houtthtf u I pantry 6 blt·ln brtck BBQ. otfen • relrahin1 view ot the ocean 6 1ur· OMne by <Md eee Hele ne Alli.Ion and abe'll show I~~~~~~~~ )'O') a choice of Mobile Homes in this Waterfront community. Priced from Outstanding Archltcctural Design! Spacious 3 Bedroom . 4 full baths. family room. dining room. new kitchen, 3400 sq. ft. including 3 car garage. 2 lush patios . owe. flexible financing. --Opea Sin. 1-5 675-6111 rou1dln1 land1cape. And. for t.be protesalonal mM or woman a com· toNb&e Ubrary /det:l bu ' beeD 1ltuated ror op tlm11m privacy. Tbla .... Is • "lluat See": "--caU rOf' U\ appt. 671-7111 ..... aa.- 128.000 lO ssuoo. ' WATI HI HONT l tOMI ~ lwc. REAL ESTATE 6JI 1400 16 DB.UXI UMfTS PRIME EASTSIDE. CM 2 Bdrma ~•ch. 'mESl'ARNESCO. 640-57ll M1WPO«r 11.ACH V.toua loc. oa Penln. ·& Nwpt Sbra avaU. All amenities. Presently leaeed. Turn·liey opera· tlon. Property m1mt avall.~12.BltR. fOUI UM'Ts.c.M. NQr M11r. 3 8r ownt•f"t wul. z bit. frpl, 2 t••11 ltat , 3 l! OJ. 2 bit, WUb T1:il.. ln¥¥tm'-i M2 lW3 12 WU13 !lleoekm, u· . v 16l fr.c Xlnt for out or town CIWDt1'. Synd, etc Walll t.u ltJI Oee•n !>Ide b\'UCh comm Asl11 na $32 000 per wut Keal ~ropert1c·i1 !;ystems 7 14 729 3059 4.'.W-4.S76 MEW -------------· ...._.._,,..., 2000 .... ........................ ...••.•••.•....•....... .._UHL~I l: OLSON ................. 2. pnd t~l-uwnff'!rh1p hor.nn oo H 2 lot 3 Bl< It 2 UR Poulbhr loan 11~ "umpt1tm t'Jll lo<lu) ~ISi .,_.CM Tri,..• ...... ,.. ..... ···~··················· G11a 4 31 02 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3106 ·•••·•·•·•············· IAYROMT 2 bdrm. 2 bath 1n SUJl<'r locutJon Avw1I now for Winter renlnJ awo mo Slthibu.ry Ht-Ult) 673 woo 2 UR. l ha. I .:ar '>~i.tn: i'r111(' Wu1ln hw '., i\( r1,> J b1 2 h.1 or 4 h 1 I ba C'rpt::.. dprs U.i)' 642 13.'.}t, ev1•' 644! l)S7H Uayfronl Condo Roilt 'IHI lk-aut & 'lp11r 111u.\ 2 Hdrm •den Yabulou .. "'"w~ mo)rl) 11,,. IJnv1> fly 111 V1u Lido Nord l.i!l' l fl<Jrm. 2 ba w 1ln1 & 11.11 "' cm:., m11 yrl} 3216 ······················· 2 BR c1A.La.i1· WJlk tu ~h Sl bcli<'h SC.0 + ulil Available· nt>w <:.II I M;irthil f.ti l I Hit 11r 4:M :wm Pc:.-....0 Oc...trt ltc1r1ut tk>mt' 3HK .+ • 2 bu. (l'JllC'. All apphitnl't>i., l(llJ'Ul'(e Quiet re1wl ur1:a Avail 1mm~ R!O(l l'h 21J"'476-7?:Jt f'Vf''> -------WIHAVE YUlL Y & WIMTH IEMTALS T aldlMJ RH«YatiOM ass·ociated · HOME + INCOME ,2567 Bclett, CM Ub spacious home w 15 ZUt lllud10 lwnhM: un1h ttome hru; 3 I~ t>drm,, 2'1)Bil, separatt• yd. 1llx lritchen, Medllcrran1·.in ~ l y I c .a r r h 1 l l· r l u 1 1· IA:JtutJ.fully lndscpd A rt• aJ pncko( ()Wlll'f'lhlJI Z :i.l.ory tnplex hat. hUR<' ownt-ni urut Tw ~ 1~ amenJUl'i. to mcmt1<111 Luw tn!Jlnl bkJl(b. ~ nun I O lJ l' a \' h 0 w ll C I fini.nrl'd Cull Ucn•~l' UN" tod11 y 834 !1'.t!l:I 2 UH, dt'fl. :S hu I t•a r 1irk it ,.'rplc-Wmtt·r l1>t• ~. 67311705 Mant• • Nl':W Ot•luxl' Jl:Jr 1l••n. 1lin rm. hv rm, m1<·r11w11H' 21-, If,;, (f!JI l'M•WI· Pl()() mo ll~ti7 Jo:l'1t·11 1\1•1 !rN 5(ll\} l..aiJ-o Hiib l2 5 0 3242 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Watnfront llom1·" #);JI 14()() I bdrm IH'f•an v11·w . firt•plm 1· n<itur n I writ.rt '>und••t·k . $'1lll •ut1I .UIJ :o(BJ I AOKEA S --AEAl TOPS JOH W lo•b~o • 7 I a• I Open Sat I ~ Toi.ee call agt !179 5tlJ!I 12 two Bdrm u.111!!. room for 6 additional un1h -"''43. ro.l!I Wallaee. Co.,IJ Mt!l>a Gr<ll'>S s.sJ.l.811 vr $145.000 dn 8dl<An11· Kll},IJJl'I on contra1·t :.w yr llU~rdinal.lon l•n11 &mt ~mo :....11120~1 OCIM fl't. Ocean Vl•w 4 Plcx w o<:J.:;ui_. vu •. w rrom 2 urut' t-'1n·plJH'1•:. in 2 umL\ Well lm·ah'CI and only 2 Yl'itr' ohl lie \Ul"t' Ii) :>t'C lht'l\C C .. 11 ~OCR! 2200 ··•••••······•··•····•· 29 ACRE LOT ·~-Charmtnl( 4br fllrn1 h homt' W1nH•r..JW'~hctl l111t1u ml 675 6430 lcAoa l'.._,a l 107 ····•··•·•·•••••······· ExCl'ptJoru•llY mo :! Bii ht)fT\(' Winter. avu1I 1m llll'(J $700 l:l 4, ~I 21111 . ~:T.8ieve\ ._wport S.och Corona dM·Mcr 3122 ttorse Pr..,.+y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S<ime ba1•k bay \ 1t·w. Will be baylronl w '>lill fant.a.,tu· :irl'IJ for huJ1.•• 3br 2b11. dbl J1,ar . il rnn<'h tKime + barn & f>al11>s ll1•f, . r··~tl 2 I.Ir, ~ ha t.'<indu l11k1· 111 ht'h. 2 t'Jtr ll•"· Jll hlln., lux cw; l.342 2br. lbn, em I 1:ar ~""'I> rnoodclt-d Jo: .. uJt• I'M Wulcr pd $1115 wkdy~ ilh ~ b4!. 6110 or 11}4 :lll!l i':W.t:.1dt• Charrn111i.: 2hr 2bu bc;irnf'd 1·l'tl1r11:' fri>k, new k1tt·h1•n. 1n1 I relnl! S47:iM1> rn1·I u1!1 & Rurdknc-r Atlulh '" pa_, 1~ 2:>!JI Mi1bl~ I Jll J im• ,.,,m I bl:S :Hffur2lJ 7!1J 3'!95 cl-•,..., 1711 I 7~1l' I I07 th' ~wporf S.och ) 169 tn :NTAJ. . n 11 1 :..11 1 ~7 1l7 ''\"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 II/{. :t l.J.;i. F.1rr11h ltm •.......••.......•..... W;itt•rf r im l ... I' tH' :1 /l<lm1. Zh 1111 . f111n 1 flt IKI tu~wo w 11~1· ''' ,,,,.,1 I. tnuu~ J ... ,. 11r '"' 11111 w SIU,000 •1111 11111111» l'nl'l' $ll!J 5W W:1tnfnJOt lluntl'' I 111 l;JI 1401.l u.~(·h rondo i.ll'rtJ .. ~ frtom l>1:a1·h. pool. J1t<·uu1 SJ95 Ca II K4 7 4525 I 'ru11ue 4Br ~r>:m11'h "t) h• hi>mt' ""' l'OUrt)d. 1111111 tam & pn' .11 , 1 1,,..,. 111 lwh '' hi & '"'>1'111111' SllO:) n111 M4J 11:-,i,~ llH I 11,-..nr11nl l~C..'OM E PR(>l'EH1 Y . "'kuc(, 12 Bdrm l>Ou.'>t' •Jll th1· ~and n<'-.1} 11:i1nll·d. tf11111.1• f rom ~~.!tfXI M1'41ulJr 1 · ;i u 11 1 ·,,,1,, \1•·'·' , STIJO r>..r mo <'.ill :ito4 ;n:,7 ,.,.JOd Heh 1 l''I ti JIJ7,, IL1• h 111orlu ,l(·n1•>'• 11 ,,,,, 'TYf,lt;' llr1rne~. <l<I '>('<'Urtl'; 11-1x1._1 1111111111 1 or!ll•l l!l8'7 1\sa '.n!J 6H!lfi 1 l•'.•d1 l•iol J .. 1 u111 s:J'J.• :S pvt IJO'JdW'I l'°'>I 0& I .111 M7 I~ }llt'r 1 r1·a .. ur1: hh· l'k If\., 111'1 f.-1[> ll•l.l '., 111 J IJJ H.1ll)(JJ l'l'fltn :! Hr. I ha, (1 ·111 •·•I \.ml I :•Hll f•;infw 1 ·~1 11,,.,, -----··················-··;·11100 1\v,111 n11w l'htltlrn1•1k ~:a:l l'uri111~lrvine 3244 l H7'i. )Si' 11 AV(• !r-litLiiLDJ,....$:~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• l.1v unJ B1h II \t I• POMOHA I t-.Xt-,t't l l\I. 111i\H. 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"'" '• l1 1l•li• It lnt1 l111n l11111'AJ1••1111 'I 1 , 11111\ "" 1~·• I \• .11 I • 1111 p.11•1 ~l:ill \II ''""' ·-I ,.,, • "I"" I 11r 111 1•\1'1 Y th1111• I .111 l.1Jtl•1·11111.\t1l.1 flnh ''"II'• !JfA :!I'~ .,., ....,.., ''r ''· · "' \)'I '1W11t·r 4!1'J 11,4, 1f "-1\ I•• 111•.tt h :! IStlrrn 1 i,., ,._11.,. lt·.iv•·m•">\••I!•· I 1 furn ~ n111 W1111n livpll'll :-.11l 111•1 • .llir I . l.1:1. lnllJ') 1111 l'aliff 1.,,, I f,.,·r.111·•·n•I w11t. t;1, .•lo,1 Ir.ma P111nt 1lus1IM •. ~ llH. Irv yr•I Nu l'rl>t' •Ir 1,, ln1 ~·ff·•·nlwlt $!0.111,\111 :! lw I Hrt I Im 2 fpl :I Y,<J~rfronl llllnlf''> ~m11 414!3 lint.,_ M t,Alll!I IJ/\Rt l!dl' 1142.000 l't•I( All1·1\, 6:11 14110 700 1431!, 547 !Y.13!! 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O C ~.AN,.'HON 'I 4l lir 1~11 h I 11.i :! IJH. ~ ltJ 1 1111' Ill IH I lt1 I' lfl • I •I flil 3Ut4 __ ---J ) b Jm' & h11•1tl., P 101 / •••••••••••• •• • •• •••••• SJ;,tl ,, t -W.J TTl'l 'r r1t 1111 ul•I 1•,1nor11m11· 111h11 1• w.111•r BY () W N fo: It ~a n wintt•r, ~ mo /\clll~ ;;__---4:'ff:mmk 6 wul'I SI .005 • ,,. nollf'l'>, ri•f'I 075 ll'AO t m o n t h 1 11 ,. om 1· Mmlllt.,, .... ~. llack U..)' J 111 I 11.1 h'• )iird t·•n,.r1-<I p.11111, lJll.n.'>. S-J~J 64:! G477 ~<111 l'l1•m1·nt1• :nm , 11t·n . ;i 1,.. :1 1111 2 hJ $:'J(l\I I Htwport S.och 3269 j* ('olt· l(p a ll ~ I 1,.o;,, .\j;fif1 11r A '.I '"'" "' .. ·•Ill ~1 •• ~ I I• ....................... ~ '"'·· .. t"ll'"' I ~ .. ~,z· l'l:' l•lll \1.1111· si;:,1J "' l ,. • .F::J. i\111 & < •1111111 l 640· 5 77 7 1~::,711, 1:·.~;,1 1 ':;::, :1r1 ::::' I y, .11• ' 1<1 .111\ .... -. SOS.WI 2ttHJo IJ W L RftOl"'t 2400 3 rm. 2 ha, luxury hmm :1 4.!tf..-~l.M:!I ~<! ••••••••••••••••••••••• f111t1 '>.rll1l1 ,1r l!af .ArC I S1~~1 'II.:! <!'J~I llY (JW"J.t-:H 1 ... k1· FORLEASE l':btn<Jrt' 5 &r h ur11l't I 11 S "" !'l1·w 41 l>4~lro1w11 2 l1Jtl1 l 1 r 1 a I 7 ;i •• '' l l1t ht>Uh'' $1 .fl7:1 fllflll "'I ""',.. ,t ,, I •1 li•imt· M'"""" l.;1k•·, " ,, ' · 111''" 111\'IHIH' $li1H.Ollll :!U'. I Ill ' CA~ 7'73 A <I W ( 4~, ~Ifill. )I.II Z>t:l:' ( 11u11lr} < /111> ,,,,If ll'•'.tn ""' ., i.'l I• 1t1m• p1,.1I f1,.,111t1lu!ly ASSUME Io 7/8010 li111tlvapt••J. nu rn.1111 l1 nJll('l• \'•I nl LOAH \j}J(J C;l11hh1111w IM Cl" $114,000 lbl, 11,..,. • lk~''" lfut Spnni.:" dpl x on s :. m1: I ot 21J :nil :t:in $200.500 :1.409 ,.,11n1la :-,t ·l•---------•I II B A1<l 962 77>.111 tJr 4!M-IP..'17 I' It I M ,.: N &w P.~tt 'I Ut-:/\C:ll UUP1.t-:x • H.ecJ uc· ed S'1 :ioo • 4 kf< & 3 All. I, yr:-. f>ltl 1-'rpk'i.. Obi l(Jra~l' C..11 83J :i:r.n WtndJammer l'r1>11 ln1 Jto• ru:xES IJ} .. i:,·nt Hu11 !IGU 4J!n , Rt•\ ~249fl 'IK,W 4 Pll'll Gru\i. $17,000+ Year As!>11m:. ble Is l O W <.: :tncJ -..cm DtAMOND REAL ESTATE ,, .. w COAH MwY n tu1.ou 64.5-7573 ne II u l J ( u I rl ('I' II r a I ll r furo&.Sht.~ l'atm IJt•\c•rl c•1Jlldofn1111um HJt :-.JI•• by 11w1wr 41 Hr I ' , Ba. pvt l'lul>. tt•nm,., .. w1m rnllll! t•Jtltlk •ourh llauna. 1at· & many olhl•r r .. 1·rp;1t1onul f:J1•1l1tw., <.: Jll 1714 1 848 Ul27 o r 6410172 ~eo...ty 2500 ···••···········••····· l'UIUC AUCTION IY OWNH OF LAHD T HOCO Staff Oft 2240 So Hnst.ol. cor Ot'r ur Warner. S..nta Ana. <;a WedSept26. 197!1 IOAM. Minimum l11d $105,000 Oepo!\ll rc·q . SlO.<KK> Sale to be on Uw IUOWll1s F'or further inro c·1ill Roland Fltmini< <213 l C-2721, R.arhard Sbeell! W:Macn1b-lrvin1 I (I \I I \ I 11\ll".\.,\ I> MO. RE.HT AL! '2'TIR' t.ownh1Jme w t vu:w 11( B11: C anyon (;(Jlr OJUl'M' rnrl l'llcryth1nJ1, I WJJ Mo from 11 'I 7:> l'Jula 8ail1•y 6 12 ~'1~:-i Wt>.!I A Subs1d111ry <Jf 'lhP lrv111t• Comrwny 3178 ....................... IJeuut furn C'f>ndo 2hr. 11111. AC. 11001. wulk lf111ho11 ~· ~·n & waler 1xl. udult:>, no pet!;, $450 SS2 · O Hlfl -----..... Unfunlilhe-d ••••••••••••••••••••••• a. •.• 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vacant, clean 3br, l'h hn home. Crpt.s. dfVti, Child O K . no peU ~1mo llil & I a.'>l + S200 893 ~ ------lai.oal.a..d 3206 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~131485-274.2 IAYROHT .., lllALESTATEDIV. 2 bdrm. 2 balh 111 super ~ + l"""COMf CfTY Of location avail now ror .._ " OS ... ~a•s winter rental S800 mo. Ltg a BR bOme on 19.tlOO L ~ "' Sahsbury Realty 673 fl1()() 11q fl lot w /l.5 bed board It 1--~~·--~-·-•}!l--I care f•c1hty in re»r CMofStah 4.Br. 3ba F.xec waterfront Oros.s !ftcome currently ·Property 2600 hotoo Vrly lse. DAl,UOA •• eoo per yr. Zoned R·2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ISLAND HLTY 673 8705 lo ca.ta Men Could W A T t' It F n O N 1' Marie ~to •s>eelJllty care. . · • •• "'"' s ~---r-c II o t c. preach I or 8lllLDJNG uv• o n 11n ON WATER. Exc1tlnR J wb*ver. otrered •t on Juan bland. Wa. JOO ft, Bdrm. ramJly rm, d1n1nR l)' .. ,000.C&Jl~-3666. ~·~t" .call .. ~~~~· ~~1·• rm, with alalned 'flus mum 1 "'""' • ·~·· w1ndow11 . M oori n R • power, phone tt wlr . ava.IJ~e. SlOOO/mo. Yr ~'£1: I ?I lt1~1 ... a . 13l8>m.~ 1y11e. RI.AL E.1111 ATE .... ,,.,.rty 2000 ....................... Salisbury Realty 87UIOO 2 Rr I l)J J! .. r ~w, 11111·~. ( •1JIJ :,111 l/(J/I :"'•1 ~l>r /\tlull~ IJrtl\ \1, l'1·t ... "·'"'" k1t1 l11·11 W IH1lrn}I 'A>I :>111•111..f• l,:.r11,. l hr ~li.1 . I""'''' J1Jt111 "''"" "'""' 1111111• tlo.1· 111 I>( I $-Ii' 1\111 Av,111 lll l I Ml 111.11 ;;,h !.lir :1b.1 1,urdt·1ier 1m Id $!l(KJ \111 !Jfj2 567:1 art Ii E wi•• :! ~r,rv :1 HI< .!. 11.1 hlX.lv $475 mn t:11,~1· t•1 M llltOIS 5[{J lllnJ :'. fir l Im. fri>h' tbh~hr f/Ull'I ;1re(J S!1!1!i mo Unv1• hy ~ S.·nal1• lhl'll (•1111 im U.-.t> <TT Jo: WEST!-. I U I•: ;; lldnn. I hJlh I~•· fnc ti yarcl. lol.'> • 1f Ir('•·'> ni·.,. I y 11mnl!-.I $1125 C:i II A .ct <intnt K.'l"I :nm BToro 3232 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt<>Mfo:S 1-'0lt R .. :NT 3 or 4 Hr Pnct-d from ~S505 1-'ncd yart1 & Kilr111<e11 l''amll1l'i. pltlUl'. kith & Pt'l~ w.•k:orYI(! Call 964.25f.i4\ or 973 2971 Agt no f('(1 ............ h 3240 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOM ES FOR RENT 3 or 4 br Pnc-ed from $fl5 to l5EJ5 f'~nrd yard & garaRes F am 1 lleii please Kid" & pet\ wdcome <.:all !164·2!i00 or 973-29'11 Al(l. no fee D ei<anl 2 bdrm & t1rn {Jnl/mol l'lu'!h rr11t1t . 21h ba cedar &-Rla11s :i bt.lta toO«!an. Dbl car pvt 1ear. fully maint yd Adult.I, no peLS. lnqwre al ~27 llHh S t . 714,lllK),633 l BeaUllJul 3Dr 2V.Ra Con do, pool, J•c, 2 car l(Br, & ,apener, Si6(). Ava1J Now. Nopm 548-&W2 _ -- VACANT 2 BR 2 Ila. rtlri11. walk to 1boppinR. tlChooll. cloH to f w)"ll. $175 mo. Vlll•ice R.E. 1112-447 I, ut (or Gene ~VEIJ4Q- .... 0. OwMmSHtr IN OMI 0. MIWPOIT•s "NIST llMTAL LOCAllOMI.. IHAIP J ..._ UNITS. NIAi SCHOOLS & ~. SO.IAYVllW Cll dm ..... 2 Si&Alry. 3 Bdrl'AI, 2 bl, dbl i.car. lauodry rm. Lovely treff. '900. yr niundlMM. Li>vely 3 bdrm. COndo. .._ .. ...._.&AtMC. private pello, dbl • Zltllartae Av iarage, rec facllltlea. 1Ul.IOO IMCLUDM9 we Balbot Jalud '550 per mo. 5~2-8433 671-lJJ I ev•. Is Wlmda. C:.-.. ..._. JZU IBClrm 3 ba. fplc, fam rm. -••••-•••••••••••••• tJltnl, OT ihopl/ltChooU. ..... ..-~·-KidlOK. J725.881-7lf7bt ew,z.,., K ,pV\ • .-. ...,..,. 14. ft. --------.,....,. olHwy. Avail. 111111 to bdt, m ltth St .. Ort. l. 1lt • IMt mo + Avail lft 8ePl 2S. 48r, ........ -... Ill ~--...... OlnlllarL ...... B&\C.11 U'MTAL 1--.ty, ...... tllr, Jarcl, uW pd. Jllr, frpk, pool, Jtt. No MWU. tul. No peu. Na. C.O.•. ~. •110. -..1or11M114 _....,.,._, 'I Bil l 1111 $11.ill l ronl.1h \tll.1 111·111.d I l 1.-fn1• 11111 :..1101 .. 1. 11 ~, 111lr11111 •111 '''""" tJ1:!:1 1:7'1•\lll:!llkr l l";I ti" l•"' I I•' 11111 \1.11111 I 11"" 1 11111t'I l1\l t1•1'I 11•111 ... 1 ~1 ,,,11,,, 111.,1 '1 llll .11 ••• 2hr ll1J ('1m1l•1 up11r.11l•·•I morld vn y 111•" $>1i:1m11 Jli>( rNjd 1'11111. )oll' lndry h-nn" 1·11 "'"·"I 1rnnwd IJl·hhw J..\IJ :1 IH-1 H>H l .<;,.; W ()Vl'I0.'11 TO l'lJJH'll/\SI'. n1•.,. 2Hr 11.oodo ~ pvt l:1k" pool '>P a t Pnn1 i. '"'"''· \aunu $OOIJ m11 Jl LI 1 !(I) IM W11Jnul ~1ua r1· l '1111'1•1 2 'Sty, 2br. 2ha. I 1t1>1r•llf•,. (1t10I. $4!o11Mo ·MS 1>2~:1 aft 6&wlwd1> . r; me... lease Woodbn<hte Creek111de home. Jbr. ;eh.'l, frilft.', ~MK· ll'I"> & 1<11.rdner 111rld SS5(1!'•fo 114 ss:l-11628. 7 M 551 !.11!17 2 bdrm air coocJ Condo WiA.lnul ~uorP Hrnl or IPase S450 rwr mo Cull 1133 fll.Clla ft Spm J RR. I 1i"J hu r1111do , llerilOl(f• l'urk l i p l(radfrd l'ool No pcu. 1)5() Mf! ~6MZ WI 131:1 2 RR. WoodbndKP eondo, nn pc>t.\, full fl'l' /lr,111d new •OOMo ~ WI 1313 N«>w. exec:uuv" I Hit 1n The Lake:i fo·rpl r • carport. pool. ll'nnn1 lo more. Ree thu, Wl·ckcn<l. $175 M6-tl610 WooclwidcJ-c BR 21.At Ba , air cond • 2 sty, avaJI l0/20nn '895 mo. mcl icrdnr Refs re- q'd. Ownr/al(l ~~I Spac1ou1 new I 8 R Northwood condo. 111r . pool, lf'Mill. Jae M50 mo. INN. IM·llllO. fW.8321 ... &.....-.... lZ41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 bdrm 3 ba. Near beach. pool, pule. Sl200 per mo. •n•• ~.38R•d~.H· ~Ive ocean vlew1. rrpl.,decb. •Mo . 2 BR., l -b.41.. North lAlama. A cbarmtrt 9'IO Mo. r...-.ld .. ,. 4 BR, 3 be, + '-· ar... •lew. '1JIO ......... .\MOC. •un -...1 j Iii.• ( .Ul\lill ;•Ill( : .... • \I. \I I II~ ltlf'\ I 1• . I r.1 I I I I II \I II,, \I l!f.. ·•1111 '"'" "'11( l.illl 1 ..... 1hu1t ! \111 l,1•, ••• 11111. I 1 ... 1 \'\II ,,,, •.II''\ 11 I ll11 p1~1I \I I l• "'" I 'II\'\'\~ I "' ·I···. I ,,.,l!.t• .,.,,ii l1t·f ''* ; 1111,d 1111111 (>< I, ~nh u,111·1 •.• 111 •. , , ..... , .. J (olt·Rt•a lt ~ 1.:w11.11 ,,, •• ,.,·,~., UnfunMsh•d )1•\-•· ~l n\••,l tnt·rlt ~··•' uud··~ "'"''' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l't nt.L'il•1l11lr111 • h.ill1 640·5777 l •rf.•l•J•I ,'ll•l••ll\ol !Sal>ools.ICMd 1806 I f I ·····•······•••··•····· fltk ~17:1 11111 At1 I.I'.!,' 1,1 . <.!U m.111 :,:,:1>1 l"""'d. PonHstOft I 111>.1ut1ful 1 1111 't 11.1 Y1 I\ I I 11.Jrm.' • t.Jlh .\Int, ,.:,11 I"'' mu '\-.111 2 ll'lrm ,. <It J1 1•.1 • 1>0 I LIDO l'ilflll ~·nd) l.k ... h plu' l!f<.11 )1 IUI ~ m:. ll..l:1 frpk ., :• 11.1 ~·r1111111l llo·aul V.Jtn'fronl I"" BJ> fr11n1 Sll:.1 ''" j '"'"' Y,,"h'' 111\11 ... , .!lit ll ,Jl)fllu 1 .. ''"' t V.1ntn r.\.l 'l~.u (l\.irm1111t 111.drm u .. .un!\ .n111I lri• p.11111 111 .11 u1h I -/1. hniJCty l'tn" ~Oil 11111 111•1•un l.w 11 1:, si,,:, I So.uth 11.i) ~'r11n1 r1·..r 11111 \r mil tn!' u11I li7!1 1117k m:~"il7 • _,, bdrm i\ll11ll "" 111 1 111 ~~ !«l'J!I *<oh· Rt·alh s:m1 )l· .. r l\ in· 111 u111 • fll\ i••t 01 .. 11'1 1\11.iJI 111 I 111 1,1~, >Ui.•I '•·11rlv •I llH. <' 1111 . \l·n IA"''e SO!IJ 1w1 Jlll• .I '" , • 'Plll'll.>U.". frpli & h••• hrlrm ~ IJ.i ... 1111 640·5777 -...oorlftifttula 1707 1 .. rr.11 .. smoMo l'OOL • 2 ..rfld1t11in.1l u111t •••••••••••••••••••• ••• HI 'M UOl.I> l Y IHlr111 , (11111 rm 'ill·t·pin.: '''""''"" ll••:ilt~lnv1·-.t lli~1 ·Ui:!;' r1rr·ph11·1•. \llllllt·•I C'1·1I (.l('Jo:,\.'IJF'Rt>NT ;Jllr :m.. k 1tdlt'n1•1tt•, s:' r11 r I . 111~ t.40 ll?7 or ~~~ IJIHli H ty Sl.200. 01 11 11111 S'iS.O ~1....i. & up '"'"Jn f''ronl lalM»o Ptm1nwlo 3807 Olfll'1· 1W l'i::lil7 fi73 6210 1>7;,.11'740 •• •• • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •' 3276 Uh.tr ... Jbdrm l Im 11.11111 rit,ol. nr p11rk" 'rhoo h \hnfl'I, fl~.I ti1ll llMl1 .......••••••..•....••. Hllrtior l hRhlnnd!> J Jilt :! I Ha. fpfr . S'700 :w!..f'8SJ l'Vll522 7305 1714 I OCE.AHVIEW CONDO 4 llr ram rm. frml '1111 rm rumrH..JS rm. z h11. dhlt· i:.r. flWI mo /\v111I OM 10 642.~ pool & J•cuzz1. lt>nnj",.., 2 U ll . 2 ,.., f\ a . M B ll. w fpk. la sunderk SS5(1 lflll "Rt 49'2 4 121 .-.,_.a.och 321>9 .......•.•.•...•.•..... ma en ab I Irvine realty A SUBS IOIAAV OF THE IRVINE COMPANY LIDO I' A•K DllVE! Ot•nut1ful &-~po<·wus 2RR hayfront <·ondo over 2500 ~q fl. Ava ilable 1mm<'d1al c l y f o r 9 /mos a t St 200/mo Culhy Sc-hwe1ck <>rt . 642 82.15. ( ... 63) llG CAMYOMI 011lu xc 38 R townh o m e w/outst<mdinJ( ~olf <'Ours<' views Crom nearly C'VffT room. Formal dinin~ rm -scparalt• d<•n wtwet ha r. $900/mo. yrly . P aula Bnilcy G42·823ll. ( t'-04) OYa&.OOICIMG llTH PAllWAY Pvt patio entry t o s p:H•lous singlc·fhel custom home w/famlly & J.ta mc room R opening to lovely pool & patio. Master suite wtfpl c & v'i~w . 2 ndd 'I BRS & maid's. $2200/nto. Lynne Valentine 644·6200. <F·6S> '42·t23S 644 .. 200 901 Dover Orl¥'1t 1 HarbOf VI•"" ~111er I rvint •t Cam""' Va1i.v Ctnt., U2·1414 . ' I Dr In QWl'l rt'"llt•flllJI are11 I blk ha~ 01 01 .. an Ne"' 1 O fl>t'I :.! I :l Ill I 7 :>:r. W1nt1•r r"ntJh l.1n•1• ba.>fmnt l hr. l h.1 w11h luundry an•a ~I mo ""' UfllilaJr. IMl(t' 2 hr .• IJ.1 ~ \ ll'W IJI 1111 It 11ny & laundry ar<•u S41i1J p1•r mo C'.111 ens 4465 ufl 6prn 1Br ~ l'-1111 ~7~, l ttl 1n1 I ~1111t·r •Ill<! I'. /lltll•••• li7;, :1:1111 J(I 1 ;• IJ r I. \I V I'"' 11 h ' I "' lq>l1 tl11·k 11.11 111 Yt•arlv g;m 11.141 [1~1•1 1hf :!IJ.1 (rph l'fllh & Ill"!" llMI ~ll'll!I LO llC'O :!.1 'lll'P'I lo ba $7011.\111 Mon l•• M1;n ~ liJ1ll1oa I 't'f\Jl MS ZOOM Qr 7~t!I ll!W.I <X:u\Nf''RONT l hr$."~) eoro.acW Mar 3822 rm 1nrl uttt No pt'L' •••• ••••• ••• •• • • •• • • • • • 673-4501 I lr-Oc•• Vl•w llEA<.1l View. p1('r 2br Adllti ~ utl pd Jell J\ EdJ(t'W11ter I I )1171 2ftt)t; 3722 .•..•.................. 0vmer ('Ompl Twn'I•' 2br 10,.,l)a, lblk bt:h i\dh'i & ahofJ" Ul 1I 1nl'I $:1j0 673 7183 Condo on 1h1· w.1tt•r ~ eeachl'll f1n"ict SJ ZOO Mo 6 <1 2 41"3 ~)'ll. C...Mno 1724 • •••••••••••••••••••••• CASA DI OltO ALl.lJTJLITIF:S PAIO Com part' bt'fOrl' you renl Cu1to m du1.1tn ft'1luro SJH1c1ou11 kitchen with lndln•el lll(tlllna. fft)anll' dln1n11 area, lull lenl(lh mar bl4• pu.llmen In IH>lh. klnl(Hhte bed.room•. pool, 8 8Q. aurrounded walb plush land1capina. AOULT UVJNG AT IT'S RE&I ! NOPr:TS I bl111·k from (.'llM bi•;11·h Oven runl(t' n·fnR 11111111 <~ dfllti l!Jlllt' roumi. Laundry l'll11Hlr1 fltllrlll(l' IJT.J~ aft 7PM 1131 ~1310 leuY1' m1111 O<:l-:1\N srn,.;1 w llWV ~·w 2 nH 1 llA. rplc . 1>1W. 14;:, 1111•. G73·!Y.r.!4 ~udlo. ~ur•it . OtW hlock w l>eot·h I»<> 1ncludt!~ uU'UuC!i IJ73 39112 IJe.luxe otl>r Jt>a vu ~ptis_ NI td~. Clolte co beti. 11100 per mo. 67~.l l ffU)C'K TO 8 i:/\Clf lrntn11e lfJr. w /lfl. h1<ht It iu.ry llv rm. w /frple ., beams M90 rr111 ll7~ 111318 3 RR, 2 tHt, (rplc, nu c•rpt. • palm lhtUfXlt Walk w bch. ~an/ b• vitw l800 <.Mii Siu.nm, &Rt 613·~o$0 2 BR. I bll., new paint. d:raPfll, noorinll. carp. Frpl .. u rpurt. t500. rn.as 18drmt~ DiS Sihill b•ch. parl111lly 28dnnturn&IMdSG> furn. 2 m in walk to •Wett Wllaoft bNdl. •· Mr. Moore <714 >eca·m• fD.'* ~~~~~-~-~~ 2 Br. bltaa. ldlta. no peu ~ blch w /aepar•tc ......... -...U. a& ld&da. Qulet OOO•mol&tr • <MyonOr. a~---; i • a Bdrm trailen ... ' · 11o + ~1'1. No tbUd,.. 11111 ~fut W\th Dally •dop.ta,fllJ, PUctt Wut Mt .. . . .... -... -' -., ... ,.. -.. .... ..... .... ... . ~ ... -.... --. • • •• , t ........ , ' ""' •• -.... -•• .. .. , .. -. ,i \ • \ , , . .. .. ! ..... ............ .,.n .. •u.t... ...... ~ 4JOO Offb ...... 4400 DAILY PtLOT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• L...-.... ,.. ~Am ... ........................ . ............••..•..... IPACIO\JS 3br t'OOdo nr ()l Plua. frwy ac· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltv. mio to Npl. eOGdo w abr. Own rm . All amenltiu . 20·30'11 NlOmo S uaan ev• all·U•.orclYI 75Hf71 Ml llww Comrl•• •~atts · _ MnfKB1$HED ¥br con do"' So c.i Pliua. trwy •c<"~I• to lrv1nr ~pie• ~J V77tl aft ~ ................ ,..,.. ahare 28r •pl, CM. &e!M067aft41'M s-.tlHc.h Jiii ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----U11·h~ti baC'h l'OOllo Stepri l BR. S3H 1 utll 2 to txlh .,..101. 11pil $37~. Dlotu w IM' a rh t\ vu I ha Ud I IM().&'C1711 bit' {'a ll Uurl ynt! Wiit.._._ 81U t \61 111 <l!H 36'12 ,_ 3'91 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.Al.xUry ~ br. 4! h;o, 111~c I tsr ~ atory apt liCr0:.1> u.c·ulv vww11 SWU o w rrom p11rk S2KO mo M-5311'7 ShoreUoc M1<mt <.:Mp .. Sludm, W\lum $:l!IV N11 fM1 ti383 ••••••••••••••••••••••• chi~. no µu~ A11k tvr *f hw• Fwftlthed ~er41M-6404or41H 7~ oru.twWslted 3900 ~ 2Br Iba Sml Plll> carport. laundry m Avai.1911 Pb~ QUIETUVIMG MO!it UW Fttt New ct. <irlis. encl RUaRe. pa~. great kitchen w 1bltn Adull.5, no pets Obi !>!" uabath. 2 BR $375/1 BR $325 2323 Elden Ave.C M ' 642 7605 :sbr. 2ba. fr>rlc l:te utk.'d «! lho gs WiOMo 4!H 0289 i br, 2ba. r•ftKI!. d u.po dbhwsb O<-ea.n view No Pet.-> 661 l 19'l ~ quiet lari~ :.lud10 ()wfl > lll'\.I S275Mo 496-~J ........ °" leoch 3140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *DELUXE* GARDEN APT. 2 Ir, Adults only J poolb Covered car J>Orl paUoapts .. BBQ's dose t.o fwys & bcru. walk \.Oshopping. studio upt:. "'i blk lu beach SZSS Vt·11rly ind utJI l/nfum Stv & rt'lnl( 497~. 494 2791 ... _,.....acfl 38641 •...•..•..............• PA.Rlt NEWPORT Ba c helors . l o r 2 Bedroon\l> & 1'ow11t1ou11ci. Ftom $389 5iO Spectacular s pa, total recreation prof:rarn . SOClaf pro~rum 7 pool!>, II tenrus courts Al Fashion island. Jamboree & San Joaqwn HJlls Road C7 I 4J 644-1900 2&3 Bdrms oct'anfronl duplexes. $450 up Year ly 67!>49l2 Bkr l Bdrm., I baLh. Yeas ly or mo S350 Month •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111!: l::.XCl'I'lNG , A1.M MESA Ans MINUTES TO N 1rr IKH Bach, 1&2 liK rrom 125& & up Adulll. No pet:s 1561 Mei.a Or 15 Ulk:. East of Newport Blvd> lfam Spm 54t).9860 Seawind Village Nt•w 1&.2 bdrm luxury adult .ipls in 14 plans rrum SJ50 . 2 b d rm WWl\houst'S from $.50() + pool!i, tt-nrus. watt·rfalls. pond.-,' Gas for rook 111g & healJni: paid t-'rom San Otc.i:o F'r-..y dnH' North on Beach to Md•'addcn then Wt>sl on Mc Faddt"n t o ScJw1 nd Villa11,e OM~51911 NEW IRHO A"S Bachelor $265. I 8drf 1:H5. Bach & lofl $31, Frplc. rec room Pr)4 j a cu z z 1 , en 1· Io s c·l garages. Gas & wtr p~ Adults. no pets 3!) Hamilton, C M 645-4411 171 11 Goldeftwest at Warn« Agent673 G210 ---Rooml 4000 2 Br duplex apl I '~ block'> •••••••• •• •• ••••••••••• OriJ:ht. airy 2 BR. I ba. fl !-.1de $350 mo N1 lodstpets. 675·6700 ----- 847-6064 ....... °" GrelftOdo SHARP. beach l. 2 & 3 BR. ®le. d:.hwsr . gar & to beach. Yearly $450 Call 675-6775 2 8'. 2 ba. crpts. drps. st & refng. No children c; pets.~ 646~ -palJOb No pets 960-2358. VIEW OF' 0 'Ei\N I CITY 2 Br. 2 ba, frplc VlA LIDO 2Br 2Ua Wat.erfronl. a va1I C)l:l I ~lMZ beam cell. JJCUJ.tl ~arage $450 mo Cal li>b HJU 548 0665 afl ?pm StudJo Clean, ~pac1om no pets $?25. ind ull~ S~PM onl). ~ S.•1latt l'M. Rede<: 2 Br. 1 blk beach, 2Hr lBa apt $385 mu yearly crpts drps. adlt cpl. ITTJ..24931.'Vl'S 21JCAUanta U>vely all adult. no pets. lkryfron+ t.2&3 Br ap~ 6200 Ed t br 2 ba 2slory $750 Yr anJ?er. HB 846-0019 ly. 67~~ Chuek BEACHWOOD APTS Wr adlls $380 962· 1800 Fant.asllc ocean ' 1t•w Con do. Spacious 2hr. 2ha w aJI amenJl1e::. SJ 100 Room w k1tl'hencllc S72 week & up 5411.97~ S340 2Br. I' .trn. 11uuo lndry rm Ac.till. only TSL Mi.tmt 642 160 1 bdrm 2 ba. fireplace New 4 pll'x. I Jbr. $500. 3-2br. s:ns E.n cl .caraRe. rrplc. p a tio. ) arr! Roi.emar y 848 2262 . 1142 2187. 9f\2·9'.tl5 213~072-i I llt>achlront room for rt·nl. OCEAN ·Vlf·:W. yrly, 2 $1.'jOper mo BR. l Ba dphc $175 mo li75 051'11 644.s7jj) or 642·36.19 . modern kltt•hcn, tnc• parkin J.t Clo!>t' t•1 ~ ((ins t Plan 1 5'1!>0 m11 (.'.all b75-ll9JH J bdr $575 & 2 bdr $125 Walk l o Ut'a<:h Call 9ti4 2157 or 964 2187 -I (,u,·~t qunrtrr.., Ro -; 3 BR. ;ii . ., ba Bc!-ot front per~on fur rm. hotlh v1ew condo1n'fhc BluH1"> refr1f.! & j.!arllt•n t-.11 SUXXl Per mo . yrly lse pnv $165 fi.l!»t!!.1~;:1 2br. 11-Jha nt•w 1•rph dl'f'h. 1:t1r, pal111 i\dult Only No Pt•l.., 1\ v a rl <A:t 4. 1979 s:f75 Mo ~ Lpsta1r;2Br. no pets $'l75 mo 5.~ 7838 or 960.3772 Hay & Bea<·h 7:;!.l.Olil I Next to beach & ::.hopt. I BR~ yrly Furn 2 llfl $400 yrly. 6754490 3br. 2ba. dbl incl gar. BACHELOR UNITS from $485Mo $Z2S per mo. un!urn. 100 UVE IN LUX 2br 2b SJG-4873 Crom ocean 20 1 E family condo. New crp & drpg. Pauo. pool rec Q u I ET . C L E A N . BaJboa . For more info nn . bllJns. lndry room MATURE ADULTS. 2Br call Renata at S.56·7707 l.'eflt.ral air. water & ~ai. l""•ba studio. $285. crpts. IBR, all NEW knchen. pd. $525. 641-1337 dr1J6 , bltns, 1tas & water rrplS, drps, j?ar. blk to pd. Nr Beach Blvd. & bch. S400 mo y rly New 3 br. 21~ ba condo McFadden ~:n;sah6 Pool & jacuu.i pr1v)!s 991·5007 or646-92A3 pm l\vl&il. Ort1 $550. See by -.---------. -3Br2Ba [)pix. gar. 1 block apptonly 5.58 2923 Walk to beach I br. hke lo beach $500. y rl), new. stv & rernJ.?. S275 N Sh 64S.37SS I Br upper S290 ulll 111c mo. 536-2AS6. 962·8050 wprt ores Quiet adlLo; no pets 383 W. SlePo> to the ocean. lbr. Bay 548·9516 __ _ __ 2 8'. I ba. closed l(aral(e. Yearly. $285Mo compl r edecorate d. 67l-2677 Z Br. crpts. dl"JlS, bltns. Very ruce single story . lndry rm. gar Lo wt•r No pets. L child ok. S295. WESTCUF F -2Br, Ol'W fovel Child ok $325 mo. TotaJ move·Ut S765. ly r efurbished conllv. ~ 962-4522 adlts. no pets, pool. $495 i bdrm. /\JI ullls meld. Nu •NEAR; P<-;JN'fw br. 1 mo. 64.i-8583, 673-6640 __ pets. Sma~I t•hild OK. ba. $295 + $200 deposit. 2 Easlblul'f 3 br. 2 ba. least' R.efn~e. dishwas her lodsok. No pets. Call Bob mcluded. Spac ma~lcr l(arage. 1960 Wttllace. at847-2396or l(o d1rcct to swle. dining rm, dhl Manager ll~·9560 7671 Commodore Circle gara1te. auto dr opnr. Quiet Mesa Verde cul de sac 2br. lba enclo~rrl Rar. SlSOMo. 1 +last. Ne Pets 498· 1936 MESA PINES Bachek>r S'l95. Pool. ~a1 BBQ. closed 1tar avail Adults. no pets 26~ Harla Ave. 549-2447 •3. II. R pool, rec. area. /\du Its OELUXE2 bdrm apt· see to appreciate this new only. no pets.~ Am111,o:, Way,N.B apt. Frplr. dishwasher , 2 Br. 2 ba condo.•; blk to encl 'd ~a rage, 2 bars. beach, 2 car gar, auto op xJnt location. $425/mo. nr. Beaut bay view. Sl>50 call 54S-9491 yrly 3844 TSL Mgmt 642 1603 ·······•·······•·•····· -2 br Condo: air rond .. OCEANRtOHT 3br. 2ba w/orrice Yrly. f'rl>lc, 3 car 1tar. SJOSO t"'-1841 patio, pool, Jacui.u. ten- •••••••••••••••••••••• ms ct.s. NEW. 96()..3521 TSL M1tmt 642· 1603 Room :.hr llalh l'lo!-.t' tu bc:h l 't1l ind $150 675 14!17 So Lal(UllJ 1>, l Beachfronl lfoml's mork1ng person. non smoker Pvt ent , W 0 S250 4.99-2854 VocattOft Rentals 4250 ····•·················· House ror rent. 81)! Bea r Qty sips 6. I.mens furn. S25 nately pr cpl Call aner 3p m 5--18·1~ • TAHITI Modem I or 2 br rollastr on ~ac:h on Tah1l1 w1lh car, row boa l. "a s h m ach ine. co mplete lolchcn. ct<· F<,r more info calJ 979·2$9 en·~ & wc.>ckcnds ----PALM SPRINGS v.1c:a lion condo on Mt'>SIOll Hills C.:o untry Cloh (;reen:.. p<1ol . len n1., Near Hant·ho M1 ra..:c restaurant o;lrip ('all 963-!KIO. 963 1200 a fl l.i La.rile Bill Bear r abm 1>0111 tbl. color TV. 2 frJ)k 9('('fJ'I 14 545·!1'1"... --- LaJtUna Oceanfront. P' I beach. 2 br, 2 l>a. $750 No lud<; pets 499.3579 Palm Spnn£S 4Bdrm up· IO"aded pool home Near T e>wn 673 4666 & 752 5752 Dl.x nu upr yrly nr Lido lltltfabto Shan 4300 ·. Then's a difference between building ~artments and creating a commun~ It's a difference you can feel at Rint Brothers' Woodbridge Meadows h Irvine. where the great outdoors ..,s the same pampered charm yOJ like to have inside your home . Wocrlbndge Meadows has sparklingstteams, rustic wooden bridges, tnd fragrant eucalyptus- ell togetlv In a fabulous setting. One and two bedroom apartments ..and fum~ ex.e<:utlve singles are a~ble fw Immediate occupancy. ~ ~oodbridge Meadows today. It's' community with a differen<:f-for people who like to get o lift fiom looking out the window. Oftlce •" ~ t e.m. toe ,,,,,, ~ (714) 551-6800 Sl'iops 2br l "2ba t~ IP DK •••••••••••••••••••• ••• li85cpl67~ Mov1.111t' Avoid deposits & IAYrc>RT.Ans 1 br apts avail immed Adult concepl. Lush landscape, pool, jacuna. From $480 . Some w /fireplaces. 2650 San Joaquin Hill s Rd. 644-5555 Perlin. Point; 2 BR. den, adults, no pets. SS0o Mo. Avail. Oct l. 67~7213 2 Br. 1\? ba, frplc. 11te patlo, encl. iiar .. upatairs duplex. Yrly lse $4$0. Call Laurie after 5, 673-1.357. OMTHlllACH Badl.. lcitch. batb, uUI pd. lbel Apta, $2JO yrly 6 ~· 1st Ii last. 2306 W. Oceanfront, 173-(154. 117' ....................... 1 Ir 2br, lnO\ffJ hJ tod•1· ... to bdL SZl5 to $325. M&-OSJJ or--1903. *SI* oceaafi'Ont owners lril. Breat.bllking view. SO. San Clem '9115/mo. ~4745;n......w. cul living expe n&t.'S' Proress1onatly sin ce 1971 HOUSIMATES 832·4134 1-~em. rmmte to shr 2 Sr apt COM. $'lOO + ot1I pr mo.~ MaJe Will shr 2 Br in 3 Rr condo with M 1F 25·~5 $200 mo incl util. fully furn, Fln Vly. 715-1173. A* for Unrue Bayfront home priv. swte itar. dock. non-smkr . Wil).117J.l.521. Bach w /ahare 2 Br 2 Ba Park Newport ap l w /&a.me 644-67S9 Pro(. business orien t . Fem. age. 23·30 Non · smoker. No Peu. Shr . Col'Jdo iD Npt Sch. w tinl. dellgner. All ameniliN Bel's. $275. Mo. eves ~2118 Oldatl.an wbo loves the lAlird. Dds rm b)' sept. 30. CU pay SlOO to $1.~. MM197. 3bedbome, CM. fl75 +~ .ata.1114'702. Mir IOI' Ruu. Ff'rn roommate wanted tor same Pool. 28r. IH>7 50 6'9·5185 after '30 i''l-n.le lo sha.re 2 bdrm Condo «Mlat Beach Blvd & Warner. 1135 per mo. Call IM8·9624 Luxury Complex. teoms . spa. pool, lTg bdrm with ba CenUeman wanted. 631-0377 Roommate, m or f . Pk N~. 2 Br . S.0-7116. 644 2561 , 81H ·4739 Wkd~ys ___ _ Roommate m mid 20's to share 3 BR. 2 ba home w pool. nr OCC .-$185. 548-8173 eve Share rucely r'"°'1 Wr Apl on Nwprt Beach w1work- 1~ M F $250 675-5141 Rmmte wanted. rem lo shr"' same btO 2br apt. $25.5+ l"lull 67~3744 l''em to sh.r Lum hse in do't'ntown tfont1nti(ton. ror.l'J mo only SZOO+ ull 96().1$6 or work Sal· Tues 5.'i2 122t. Rmmlt' W~n\cd M F Own lrl? l>tlrm & hth $175mv + 11tb. CM Wr'rl' &111 '1306 Roommalt' nccdt:d lO ~h;in· 2 bdrm :! lw Promontory Pmnl J\J)l ~mo 5.51 9127 Ft•m lo shr bays1dt' .ipl S200 Mo C.:mdy or Al>tx- b'7~GM35 Will shart' ·I &!rm tw:u ti hou-.t' 'S250 mo On· r al!l' :.1 f~11·53!17 :.' bdrm apt lu -.harr "' :\\ or F n.r Uunl llarhour I S170 840-5Y'l2 ~!wt 4350 ..........••...•••.•... Single ~arage $40 SJft• & Sec·urt' 73 1 W 18lh Street. C.:M 673-7787 Double llaraJ?e stora~I! s pace $75 /orfcr. Newport ar ea 770-2180 Dbl. gar for rent F. S1dl· CM SSO 645-4461 leave mes.son phone mach Office Rffttd 4400 .•..••.••......•....... OFFICE space available at 17875 Beach Rlvd near Talbert 1n llunl in1-.'\on Beach. $50 PN month Phone me!-.~a'1c servH:l' SlO per month, d~k ~per month Oa1I)' P ilot office Phonl' &124.121 ext. 276 S'l30 UP Off1cc>·i.l nrP. cplS, drps. i\1C 17301 Rcal'h. H B 1-'\e 8"2 ~ I or 2 Rm Su1ll•s from S75 779 W 19th St Call T1Jm ~2200 Sm:.iJJ offu·c l'l'rfrl'l for answcnn~ srrvll't·. t·h Only S75 per mo 11112 West 17th St. Santa ,\n.1 For more mfo tall JO•' Ca nale 547 111!1 or ltcnala al S.56-7707 Small H.ldt' ,\.,.,ay OH1cc Only SSO per month \a· cant 325 l'\o. Hroad" a} Santa Ana tl1storir al Sidi? For mort' info t'all Sam Warren 558-0878 or Renata 5:i6· 7707 Pre;\JgJOUS nc-w EXECUTIVE SUITES available near OC Airport Attractive ralcs mclude receptionun. law library. conference rms, secrelanal service. & Xerox facility For a personal tour & furthrr ckui.ls inqwre at Vortac ASSOC'. 955·2288 or 955-:alO COSTA MESA Profess. office space avail. lll callf. l.sl Bank Bkl~ .. OOJOO sq. ft Low pn ce incl janitorial . secunly servlc~. con- ference rm, le uUl. Abun· dam parkinA avail. Con· venienl loc. close to airllort.. travel •ftenl le ~ t.n bldg. 230 E. l7lh St., C.M. 642-9S6CI 1 fl) FIEE IOIT EXIC.SUrrES MIWPOIT CIHTH f\J.11 service. ?Tom $22$ • Newport Regency Ooll>- (714 "44-7189 •.-WPOIT M.YD• C.M.oU.icespace. $295. '714-&11·5164, 213-IQ.8tS7 tl.OOl'R.EE RENT , 3 Br, s be, JM paUo • ..-.i.ouo1,.. .... l14 ·Calle Campaaa. f44&. Wntdaya after 2Pm pbone 4tl·l ll7 or 4H·l2'15. An7Um• 2 I St ... Jil,F rmmt wanted to abr dupAa .. Cdll. Xtra lrg BIL pr., own batb. SUo ... C.UJWiill•a.a.o, 1'Mf4I. NEWPOITllACH Ne.r prden om.. Sl .05 • \I> at airport w Ix.Int ,......,. Reeea. OrocM floor avail. to 48001q. ft. ...,1.GbuaJ. 90~ """'Mwa !.-V-. Loop 'Ml 1 a1W1• v...,. ol .._ Qllorl"9 92714 ....................... ....... o-t Plua. br. , .... JlliarJ ......... Mfncd,.UO.Nope&a. ..,cm•·- rem. r•ml• waoted, .... _,,.., .::.t':i''blt,' :'..t.:111coif.~~ ,,,. .. ,,, ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aps1ro1 400 ft C·a I.JO ..... W...... 4600 MtlMr le&.e. 10%1 £.1'1\bSt.~e .• ,..:$1.IO ·--··•••••••••••••••• --··••••••• .. ••• lllD. Doy&e14f.ll• Dllltre lae/rmt ol boule sur._1 • LO,jlwc ep1 lootinc tor uaf W'll z.3 '" --COM:>MA D& MAA bdrm W/eatl yd (or 2 Ud Dehau otn~, SI.SO mo. matw-e dot.a. IUve aooc:t 2Dd Tnat Deed LoAftl on •• ·uns..,.,,. ,.,. .• lw •U of JU:;. nsidellt1al property 751·9100, lH pref. Steve o.wtam1wd10...- Newport Beach ofc/apl orJeu. )'OUl'needsl WiO CanMf')'se<tion ---------· R.E.DEPT. , G'J):.49\2 Broker Su1t1 working g1 rl (231 SAtifnAGO IAMIC _..;.....,_.,_,;_,;__..____ oeedl room w /bialh. Prf. 7 Jm.5200 Ch>tce shopp1njl center Balboa t.l OC' Npt. area. ·~~~~14~~~~~~ ~ 2 wtuie Poodles. ~.-&!Kl or 1160 aq ft. !IS).18'14 eves.& wknds. 1~ male • female , tic Under 65'. Pnme CM. Bristol • Allo n St. Harbor Blvd at Baker St. -· /NEED ~ 7l0l (wrk > 8118-$942 Joe. Jmmcd occpy. A~. · A:::f.HHt/ V hm ~1366 -••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: Irish Setter mate. MarinCf''s Mlle. •50 & 680 ....... · sq ft. Wm. Huewinkel • OWD-..._.ty 5005 Co, 645--.SS55 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXEC. SUITES f{applJ\esS 1s havin~ your place of business at Baker c,nler Rerep tJ.orust, ccio.lerenre room. phone rovera~e Clost> to airport, fine restaur ants Secretarial s erv1cei. available for more 1nio. please call Anita al ~2982 ~ Sq ft v1t:w unde r ground prkg. elevator, Coast If"'>' v1i.1bil1ty Air cond LaRuna Beach <714 1549 1186 . "knd· 499-3922 ()ffil'e on Balboa l!>land. 100 ~ ft $125 per m1J 2nd · fl oor Coa't ~rtlt.~.673-S410 ila)' (r'Onl (If(' 5()0 &1400 w 60 ' h nat ~lip Janitorial. p1 kn..: t•tc· 673-1003 I 2 x I 5 •>I f I l' l' r u r n M~•l'Arlhur l\lvd Vil'" 11( atr11ort S450Mo 752 \7'17 EXECUTIVE OFC. H.1rru11hl'<1 lk·luxt· bwhJ IO~ O{.';tt 0 C 1\J rport /\II ~rvtCl.-S a\ a1lablt· A.\k for Hob 1>1< k11l'lon I 979-8533 on ... ur .. I.ind PENTHOUSE SUITE ~Ucees.1 Orange On·Sale 136. 700 S Diego Off.Sale $11,700 S. Diego On·Sale $36. 700 Toll· Fr~ C800 >252-2000 ~Lie S62. 900 Orange On-SaJe Cktls Old tsSue type 47 or 48 Toll· Free C800 )252·2000 MOTB.S A1J. SlllS Anywhere 111 Caurorn1a 6'2·9601 before 5 30 ---------- ruR SALE OR LEASE Auto repau Est 15yrs . Costa Mesa area 2400sq ft wwk area. 540-829!1. 645-1235 DISTR.11. ROUTE Htt S2.620 ,.,-mo. Bottled waler, lon.i: estab distnbutor roule. Oranl(t' Count) Polt:n teal ror t'XpltOS llJO SI0.000 On Se' era I ~mailer roull''> a' all N<'l.S S2000 mo o.pprolC l-::X{"('U Sy~l.t'!Tb Kealtor<; 7$0'l26 .,.. l'F.T H~Al.'111 Ul '!'>I NFS<; IU.:'H:..<..-> Ml S'I SJ::l.J. Mu:.t Ilk~· puµf1w ~' & kill>• ..i... Zon1• 52 Q;rom1 U..I M:. r lo !-.an Cli·m .. nle SSOt-. J.Allt•ntml l'l'' ~ , .• 1 r In 1l•r1·,11·rl p.arll<''> only :!lJ ~ 1:1'>1 1/:Macnab-lrvine Ii I \I I \ ' f , ,, '' \ '\ '1 IEAUTYSHO~ l..Hlo V11la~e -rabuluus kJCalJon I', )Tars tn j;'!non le~" Gr~~ed oH•r SIOOCU> h l •r.ir fi ,l ,1 lJt.>11:> ~ham1•~• & t nlor IJ)('al~-,.f v.11h1n till' uni I m~ Jrt"a SJj(),000 lnc.:1 qut• !::urofll,'an dt·..,.cmod l''l'f\lhinl!'"'Dor•Hh' l:•do M:irin..o \ illiu:•· ll ardc·a ~l lt' 64:! li2 3~ 1 (.;on.\11i(:r {1-'-btj I • , A Sub~1d1al) ()( .- <! 41JIJ~ H The lnrin~())mpanv ITl\'all' Elt•valr1r · W(>t Bar. t..ounJ.?e ... {MONEY REWARD SlOO. Vic. Brookhu.rst " Warner. a.-3 • <:aB>ITMO rttOl&.EM 2Mt & lrd TD loon 547-5402 Arranged by eo.t.-..~ Business loan:>. an)' purpose, any amt . Agt. 8'2·04.SS ----- BUSlNESS LOANS Any purpose or a mount Lowest rat.cs ASSURED flNANCING ~ --Mm1y WClll!hiti SO 30 ·····•··•········••···· We need a Joun of $125.000. RUatanleed by Fore1Ji(n property Plea:.{• Pvt only Contact Dr. U ~51"5 Mao • .,..,, Trmt Oe.edl 5'0 3 5 ·········•········••·•· Sattt« MhJ. Co. All lYP"!' or real r.late inv~tmenL" c.1nct• l!H~. Spe<iailinq ift 211dTDs 6-42-2171 54S-06 I I LOST: M.1h Siamese molllly white, seal point ean. Collar "J.D. ". Vic. Pawarino le Fairview. ~Z14S -------FOUND· M. Golden Rel. Vic Aliso Beach Laguna. ~denllfy. 499-11•~- Found all black Poodle, well Rroomed no I .0. Vic Yorktown/Ga.rfield on Ward 963-3830 FOUND Cla.Jm or Adopt illll.313 at N B. Arumal Shelle r . Ynt Aus t Shepherd Mix M. Yng male blk Lhaso Apso MJx Yolo( M blk mix Corker Male blk mix Lab pup. Ol h er::.. &M-3656 FOUND Sm Fem be11w doJ,?. weann.e brwn collr mJdt• 1n Eni.:land . Bu11h ard & Hamilton. ~~ l''ou:nd F'emnl"' <.:ahl·o kit len. Woodbrodll.l' o.rl'J lrv1nt' 551 1791 1-0und Kecshond fem<.tlt· OovH Sh1Jres, Ncwpon .Be.ith J:.. al NewJ>(lrt Shclwr 644·3656 CA.SHFORTD's Found ::.mall S ht•l111· blk tan rr rn<1l f' \.11 Anx'f"IC31l Mort 547 7151 Yorktown B1ot1khur!-.1 S16.W> 2:nd mort S yr. !162 7934 Earn LS": yield discount f'()L NO 011b••rm1111 , 71.t &:11-0487 before ~p ~ blk l>rwn. rrwlt· Eu1·l11I CASH FOR To·s t"nnc:1pal ~ 34!ii4 I 2 day approval fund 1n 7 j d a y ' N o p <• 1 n t .. ~.00> t75.000 2nd T U loons Lido !lt<'WP<>rl Co m 156(). ii hr. IK>MF:OWNF:R Uh\!'IS ARRA:-.iCl-.I> Sl o .ooi > t.o sz:,o noo •1\MOrtTl7.Er> ·l~i'ERF$1' <1:-.;L Y •SliOfffTt:HM Call Dob W1lllum11 Agent iJI 7i'il or 960 1~7 L.Jlabra.K7141S.tl liM 5350 .•••••.••••............ *tORl'S* WI:: Rt-:::t OPf:.'-: 24 hr.. DAILY 9il 801J 836 0104 WA:'llTEO f'emale t " 11hari> t•xpense. or 2 wt•"k '1.aV 1n Tah1t1. Dec 22 l•! Jan 51h Call Barr v ~~1017 . l'°Jlt'rl?ninl? Mi\SSAG 1'~ l\lbJamt.':'> Lie Mas..,cor Outcall 9· l I. 494·5111 MICHEUE'S • • S28.000 purc hJ!>l' mooe) 3 yr 2nd TD al •o.kal• fal'e l3'"; cnlt.•rec;t pd HAM 2AM 835.3749 ...... .... Panoramic Ba) '1c"' Covered Pal.lo OceoralOr Amcmlle l\.sk <I bout OU r f'REE RENT Ot-'f't.:R monthly On brand ne"'' home near ocl.'an 1n :"ionh La 1-'\I n J f 'u II I It I• fns Laritt• t.'QWt) pro tects 1nH•Sl or 0«1ce 499-162!1 1f no answ<'r P REGNANT" Caring. - ronlidenllaJ rounselin~ & referral Abortion. <1dop. 675-8662 4450 ···•···•····•·•·····•·• For st.ore & orru.·t• spal'l' .11 re~<W>nablc rah.~ 500 to 2700 Sq Ft. MESA VERDE Dlt PL/\Z1\ 152S Mt.o:.1.1 V~r<k f: C :'v1 545-4123 ~I L:1ravt•lt ... :"' l\ Stort· or 0Hir1." i.Jl·•~•·. t:.'llO ~q I-' SH81 mo fl t:nmd) HJtrii7!'>·1illil 7fl0Sll fl '> p:i I" t' .I\ .11 I l"l"ll & l\2nd St Npl Orh ~75mo c.111 Houb11' >18-0757 or 64!1 11221 N<-wport !'11•Jr 1•c,..,t Ofr Modem 5tr.? ... q rt ..,Lon• or 11rc 2630 ,, '1>11 c 213 177 7\A.ll fOR S,\J.E OH tl';ASt-: Auto repwr t-:-.l lS~ r<. (.'OS t a Ml' ... a !) r e ,) 2400!\q ft "'ork ;1 re a ~.64SIZL'l 1200 SQ 1-'T . 14302 4 Rl'a c h Blvd . Wcstmm.'ltrr ldf'al loca lion bctwt'Cn 2 fwys Call 97~ or 645 1260 ltdatrial RNtal 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT IEACH 3000 fl. 1000 rt 0 U1 re space. q w et Ille mdus at'\"a No automotwe or f1ber1rlas1n~. 645·3323 dys~---~--- leMe. S.000 sq ft .. IR of fices. well heated, of( s treet park1n 1t . 400 amcia. 886 W. 16th St .. Newport Beach. Contact Lok-Fast Inc.. 884 W. 18th St .. 642-J 700 For lease 2200 sq. fl. M-1, '19 aq. f\. Good NewPort Beach area It parkm1r. 54M211 .... w..tect 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Responsible. working wcHer seeks on e bedroom cotl'a l(e ID Qirou del Mar or Cotta Mesa. Quietness esHn• tla.I. Wrue Cla.sslfied Ad .-. Daily Pilot, P.O. Box J5e0, Coll• Men ... • Warud to Rent: 2Br lwe or apt w /yrd • pvcy. For~momw/4yr old eoo. Need C.M. area. no man UMan SIOOJmo. Write Ad t4M C/0 Tbe DaU,y PUot. P.O. Box 19.C.ll .• C..~ ·~·--· Or•ad•Ollller nd b1• w/p.r, fplc • •ardu UM la C.11. IM·Hll i..ve~. IJOn & k eeptna APCARF. -------leave message Prompt c-:. it.al R.ader rl'Wm Pnnc1pab Buy ..,..... ml? Bro~U.'f"'o OK No 1-'in 1815 S El Cotmmo Real de,...., or MJddle m•·n i-u· San Clemente. FUiiy lie. Causey & Company pie~· I _!''?:" Appt 4~·7296 _ llJ\(' )!'a::.on,ed s.39.1100 I o.c. AIRPORT 2nd T 0 ""Ill "ell for 1 SECT'Y & ~.500 Well ){'<'ured ti, CdM home lnh•rei.l onl~ ESCORT ~;_~:;e '" 3} r~ A1-tt I •SERVICE• PUB I Spl•nulu .1nl! 1n hui.1 PH!>O,..IRED M s..,m1•11 , r e!' 1 den I!> Tt•mflr So?rO.O.!. and m•I in ~emtnh/ 1 w1•1t'Oml• romt" !...on.I( cslabhsh<•d ~~ I 739-5248 24HRS. t.1H?m ll> aJ,,.a\~ p .. n'kr'<I I bAl.. \0m I •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 111 .. " ~un ,.r an< , Gr.atC y "'1 n l t· r .. .-.... n n ,. ~emrnb SI 00 OfflPO" fabulou..' deal $1Al.OOV ••••••••••••••••• •• • • • • 1 OUTCALL 24 hr-64 l 01110 WOODS COVE J MC !_Vt~~ _ Mune~k;~l::r~t1on PENNY I COYER GIRL lJ1 tulth trafhr arc·a \lo llh • 953-0778 • ample park.inst loJdi. PINCHER 2A I lr Outcall Serv1c<' °' pol{'nlJJI ssa.soo •os ---- --,. PRF: L.AW student n~" SA T\JRDA y HITE ~.cm Will do anythml! iue.vir..• Leital Conf1denli;ol roo '°" ONLY M DVM P 0 . Box 3242, Dance )'our "':n lo .K N 8 92663 n rhes Saturday ml!.' and I --- - ever) rule wherr Lhe up· '>f'll ''"' '"''" °" <'um I '"THE" lown bOOl!ll'S t o lhis bm.1\11111 ol 11t•m' lor r.:, d o "' nl own d 1 s co 111 "'" '"'' 1h '1 l't•nn) E• ITE restaurant Ttus bu•.i 1•m1 h•·r /\ct l hill'"> (111 ' ' l 100\t'<Ull'<' d.t)\ .... 1c ti ness opportunily seals .1dd1tionJI hn1• ,, •~~ lor 1 2:50 with superb On·s1tr 1ti.: 2 l.IJ)' t ti.or~·· 11 · parkmR A 1tood score for :>-11 1 umm••n ,,.1 ·"'' •• W> U you are mlerested in these or other lucrative mveslments. rall or i;e(' OW"Spec1a.l.lslS today. 1104 So Cottsl Hi way 1n V1Jlaj?e f"a1r LAGUNA BEACll Folf m11r1· 1nlorm111111n .rncl 101111 ...... ) our .ttl •ult 642-5678 497-2457 Melodious Roell & Roll ~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~I Band. Dances & Parties -: Aft 4Pf\1 496-0925 -------1Lod& Fo.d 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ESCotlT SHVICl .. s& ... s WE PROVIDE 1...-...H.gHn 972-tf04 24 Has 1102 W 17th St, Santa Ana MASSAGE RGURE MODB.S ESCORTS OUTCALL OML Y Dap.t\'ftohr 631·2140 GOt.Dat fMIL T N 0 E HlALTHfOOO 5-dwldaSltott Top oceanfront location and excelleol busmess Priced right. For in· ronnation call FOUND ADS ARE Fill call: M OF W . M p ... ..._FUCHS ILft. '75-1120 ........ °'' ...... , 5015 ....................... ...... .. ,....-.y M.U OVf!r l~ Relum 00 YOW' $. ~ lDl.O lo· c ome Produ c&ng Properties Ir Share Equl· t.y. Call Randy ... 1. .-. '4~H71 Found vie. Goldenwest & Hell. H.B. black m1ltl German Shepherd. 8'7-6304 lat or Found a pet! Call Aftlmal Auhtance I.Mpt, 517 .zns. no fee. ~ 511' No IUM. U.:WARD Lost Pomera-~ wor1d demalld nlao . ereaa. Vic . Commod. lll0.000 req. PiwreM VWa••· C.11. -.m4. · ·Fri. ...,.. can w.a11 w..,1ea... IOH ...._.wudaJS. •n•H••-••••••••••• POUND: ClttA • fTteDd)y CASHAVAJLA81..£ bll/Wtlt "*-· II. vle •=•.ooomln Brookb11nl • Sieler. Mr. ve.961-3AS _._ .. ______ _ ,, y 0 , A :• S .T :: ESCORTS :: 642-1571 :~ ·" 7·10 P.M. ·~ ~~~~~~~~-~. PHOTOORAPIUC FAN· • TASIES Let ua create • •. )OW" pbot.o , .... , ia the :"\'f 1t7le 7ou c booae • •• claHIC / dl1co-dance/ 1 ( thMtttcaJ/t)aaM1ar/plo· J, "' wbatenr YO\JJl ;.l pllllO t .... 7 lm7 be.. •• ti ~· lt8Ltio MMioa .... , IDdin'nt ... UIO color' : prtnt •H.ts. Call ror •• appt. llcClanahaa •• Pldc>Qnphks. .... uu : . .... _,. ___ .. ·~ ..... ···-- " ... I I . •• ..........................., ••••••••••••••••••••••• .19..wz IJJllr ---f'HdDI 6 C'OAC,.ta ~··~·/:!!. l,~~~w:~-~·~PW~~~=r.s· ........... 'I 'f W6 FR.-weW Pn4Dht .......... .., .....,.. -r...,.. 111 • eo.tJi Na • pekt..,,:"11\'eeiilf."lteu -remodenn . copper r•· a.n ..... HOHb. ralH. Oood Jnine.17$-ll175evet r ..... .,.... pipe, leak d4Mdioo • mov~ yr cle&A·UP9, hau DI $0 %1'5, ...... ,._._ ••rk, drl ••• 1• • __,.... oleo •••••lka 6 patlcu ......_ nlfll.~or......,.718 H wer loullna. t'l•t ~ Bd~. lltOM. !Mock work, Pa1atini • Re.tMaUon. --... op u 11l °'u-... ... Jim ....................... ....................... ....,,.. • .....,. • ..... deu "....;..;;;.;.._..;--. ____ _ •-•••••••••••••••••••• • "'-"-•'""'*ud'"nl "" ,_,., ,, " ,., ca.uu-vuuc,. .. ao .. tile floora. concrete "Par o:.a cellance", at. '-" .. ..,..,1,~ OOCa.... l'f•tnack Wl.Uelao"--or•pt patMt. wain, drlvtr• .J1e/1n~/rtrh Richard .. ,._, " .... Prof rru -tier v 1cc '- ftemllaJ, complete yard 4 IOdlcMn up. Fre. Eat. O*r 11riOl ••n: w1lt I 1 I .,.. , .......... c.. ......................... . 'l"raM, trM \rlm 0110 Ml~ waya Free ctl J ohn ~ 83&-MM &Ir' old• new • r• pipe11 Mlaz:M u ous•cL .. •NIN" lJIJ ·-----loo• lo yrs u., <;Mil °"1 < mt C M home, •1-IPOUIP Ml'6M I 4yra. lAaat'b lftd l.4Pernln• Art Pam •s1 tut or HHTM (~ Uitbya.llll.Jlll, My tbne wedl, da_y "' hr llrd Sl, N b C.:uft n)' m«m h , clul ,., WI m Ave "" Pao. C'OYrh 110. t'hr • a....-•• pet odor ~ ,...,.,., ll tn •• Pf D> --' m)'Mlf tc .. t. Sil 0101 AU, N I prof O'lM't " 4thul t»&AIAA •f*('lil Jl"<'8 lW-- ~ •am ('WlnlDJt, any s rooau 121 Dill..,.,,,... lll!U'-Care. Mt!H \'f'rde, C~ ... '-..,,..,. hADrn. 6 TU • •••• • •• ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ll ~ndwtt'h f!aprn• will ct.... up 'your Miit pert> OI' evn>e w /OUT •pet" udl) ··•-••••••••••••••• • calt!nn.c :I lc>c¥lluo• • 1ktM5-nla OIVOKCE 170 ca11 ~7011 MPM t-:••Y . .cuaranlet.>d PacillcStorvtt'"" ~~ <=--'~ llLki>fC i;ervwe, 11 II llu• 1 #lal6 ~.hr/mo r11ll'l\ C' 0Jvutensen'4-97·41~ OfV(Jt«;t; UY MAil. t'1111a t.o fm:al 17U Aruoo ~l(nl 84.:l 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• U!mfnt WtlC'll °' l&ll llllldJo ~'rew ot 15 yn. exper AJ.aobb·kwulli. SSG-0757 t:erMnt wurk All type11 l~c'd Contr;H'\or •~1~ 642 IMlll2 ()(' fWJ ~') Ollldc ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ol&tdlt.00 ., A1<ronov1t1 Child Cun• my h omt• Onitruction t'rc~ c1>t d.aYll W~t C01>lu M•·11ri U C lt:r75064 6461164!1 0!11646-~ Ke!td/Comm'I Any -.1z1• SEU. idJ•· 1t<-m~ with u }Obs. Reasonable John IJwly Pilot C.:lus!ltftl-d Act 5Jl-Ul2, 646-0425 00 ~ ....................... fl.ECTIUCIAN J'nt'ed ntbt ,,.. .. um•tc on W. or 1maU jotlli UC .... 67J 03.$9 ... , ~m.ctric ~4 ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• IC68 cl.&ltom wood fl'n~ 1111. 111&c!a 6 fence repair ~ or7~ 181.\ Ge* Jn1 •••••..••.......•....•. Carderung, clellll ur.-• Jand1>c11p1nic Georl(I" Jtuht ~ 71112 LAWN 11erv1u, lond &c11pe, clea.n UPI!. h11ulini: 642 9007 Trtt, Shrub Tnmm1n1(. {,1ean·ups, Sod tt1.mH1v11I Anythtn l( UllVt' 53Mln6 ltr ,,..... .••••...••...•......... llANOYMAN No.l<>b1001111wll John ~00511 .. ""'" u -Dave 's P1t1nt1nai . ~ aipt,oeditr, dump truck, Mature Wo man. xlnt ......... Jtea/Comml serving l'Wlanl. h•l.&l. tr"• Ytd rd'1. $18.SO wll & up ••••••••••••••••••••••• cout11l comm 8 yr11. M'k, """'.1131 t,2$1 _a.401 __ ~ LocaJ m ovlnl( FTt'h(ht, Hlirheat qua lily work OlX:biludent l'l'«Hltruck Ttuh, lt~ trim. Oan 142-mt l"'1ltll heuJ.anic. res 114 & up Yd • aar CIDl.ll* fl'tt:C' -f114*2'4$7 ' .._c ... s.nke ·······•···•·•·········· MAllY"S Pl.AC! l,<"CM(!d a.hr home cart.> fOI' I.he ~lderly Pnvate. C'\ay ~. Qill t()dlly K3l..(OOO ..... cM .. MJ ..........•.........•.. WW1t a IU:AU. Y C:LF.AN UC)(JSF.~ (;II.II GtMth&m Girl Fttt ~t ~~123 t<.otlln'11 lluUSt'C lt>llntnR ~vc. for o lhor0t.tl(hly l'lt•nn house ~7 <..:a.II Snow lloullt'clt·11nan1< fo'or 11 h<>ffit' lhut i;puk lc6 likt· 11now !1711 007fi I" o r fo; x c " 11 c n c• .: 1 n ~lcll/Unl( Cll•onm.i llnhrruled M6 :r726 MRS t1.fo:AN rnak<-11 ti vll't>m Uac h , apt s . homt.-i; S49 1137 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,. .. I w• AtlOdlh~ twc. l.uw~r r•les '~ THE t;Wnf<>AO t j c•i IJ •..•••...••............ F.uropean Landi;capC"r Top worll Fair 11nre Rds ~11 dys 1evt'1t Landscape, 1rr11(at1o n , clnup. reaa 10 yrs «'JCl)Cr Lie " bonded. Norboru 531-8162 or 897. 286l! Vlilley l..lrndsc· a pml( lnl/Ext mamt &c dc!'l11(n, 1Jpnnklers anstullcd & ser vice d , l'U ll lm bnc·kwork &c yrd t'lcltrt up Ltr 'd & l n11 lHyr'I exp 646-41171 Rolottlltnl(. r<'nuv ullfll(, llJ)rlnJd1•f'1', n(•W l:lWlli'o, & I( n I d 1• It n u I> U a v 1· . ~-4853. or Uud. 6M> 114111 oonst.Nclion. houaehold Ranbl, llc 'd . Dave • o rtlce s uppla u ~ Rauoru1bl~ rtld. Call ---&-2664 f'ai.niln11 . lnt/EJCt Qlty mat.. won, res1d • 1n ...-.1..g 5-nkH ~-ee_tA_t_646_ ·~ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• REHAB AJOE (Live in I Strolu~. elderly. other d 1sabal Thl"rapy , pt"n(lOaJ cue. dnvr. Ile Cle11n1nic lAcel r t'f:I fj83.. 2789 II 8 LJ .. 11 I u1., m t.olOpm , .... ....,,...,~ ....................... JJF,TF.R.'; ••AJNTINU f:JCf)t d Jll'lH fhtl'' fo'rt'e Ea l <'1111 C;t<n1 ~()4,S,8 Prol pumltnl( fo;Jlt & I nl ·~ lnw r11l~ "'rct' l"'bl 5lf>..4780. ~431i3 l'a1nllnl( INT1f:XT Nc1.1l. honr!.l. rt:ll!> • 12 yr11 exp l.1c·d 1J1111r ~100 l11l 1>mnlin1< Sf)(·1· rn If"" for u)Jl'I U11l 1-·n·t• t•i;t Mli 7j4G < 1:.t.tl'>tf11-d Ath, )oor one ~lJlj)11hr1pptnl( l'l'ft ll'f Pa1ntin", Re1/Comml ServtnJJ O>L\Uil comm 8 )'ra Ht.Cheat Quality wartt Ranbl Llc'd 011vc ~ •PAJMTIMG• Int 4c nt fa.U ratn 40'1 c.II F"rec altmaLes <:1111 ~"165 Wallpaper han1<1ng , fll.\l M"f'V\CI', quality work Lt! Pap.er, 714·~ZlSO WAJ.J.IAPBJMG Qualt t y work .Eve!> 631 31& ......,./1.,-r ....••.••.•••.....•..•• Neat patd>ea a. tcxturt:•!> MHEST. Hl-1439 ..........., ......•..•............. Qwl'l1 Ftx 1l I> H M Uwr 'I l'lumlJtni.: lur , .. l11able repa.ir1> 64J.3!'A.l3 THE PIPi': suuc1-;0N Pl.UMUING Fr .. 1• eauma~11. rcp11~11. re mode l work. 1•u11to m home11 Commercu1l &r resldt:nultl QualJty work 11t re1.111ona b le prt r e• ~1m Lie· 1172863 ,._ Seniu, lepain •......•............... POOL S t;Jl VIC t: Re Ii a bit' Alt 6J'M ~7 2783 RoofMMJ ...........•.•......... Jleplltr a. ltuoof A II l y JJ I' 'I ~ h I n ll I 1· • ro<'k.!ihalr.1'11 l'11m1m tar Frt'f' f'l>l 541 ~30 J-'1n · Av1t1I Sewt.M)/AJhraffOH .......•.•••..••...•... l!rru &c llJSa -; t:u'llom dresi.m1.1lr.an1e It .11lt1·rJ l l'IO'l fo:x llt'rl W•Hk &1&7322 T -.itio.. R_,air •••.•..••..•.•........• CJ..AJtfo:.N<.:t-:·s TV l!7 Y" t' .iqw r ()II y II • ,. v ,. II • wknd' C> !IS ~ !>57 lfl'Jtl Jlw fo.'>l~l d t<tW Ill th1• w .... 1 ,J l>ally 1•11111 <1~'>tf1e<l Ad Mil 51'711 ··~-·--- ·rrt~. plant Wppln¥. "'rrwl, clmanup, h11ul. 1tan11, Klble Durr('I 64~>1u S 11v u tlll• Nwner! •••••••••••••••••••••• fott..:1': tnul ll'llJl-On cr4ent.111Jed, readln~. m1a • f"renc•h 673«>1.3 f'lao Le.oon & Prvt Tutinng S4 50 hr·M y t bit t:ull 960·MOO ~CleaM.tcJ ...................... UJOitt Wlndow t:Jeumn~ PN wmde>w c1ari· Hca~ · Ille; ftd"x 64l! Y..611 l! fm111c111 wan t worli (')unUll( window' in your hotl'. llPl or IJw. Sl2 SIJ m a Call KHn ·n 114l! hffJll 11rl11y K47 :n~ C.:.ol •i.t1· 'II 11111-nl.i., Wtllfl•1w Wlhlnl( ill''>lll , l>lllrt'" Xlll wr11 It IM~ !14411 r41vrl Whn you 1·ull Cll1"111f1t!<1 tml:.in· an ucJ . you n· ,,,, 11 111·d 111 ,, l111•ndl> wkr1m1• un1l hr·l11 111 -r11n~t ynur u•I l1J1 lll'~l f'IPIHl'>f' (';tll Nl•w ' fA.r,li7M ----------....------------------ Penonal• 5350 Hltp W..ted 7100 H1tp WClllhd 7100 Hllfp WCIRhd 7100 ....., W..ted 7100 H.tp WCllltf'd 7100 Hltp W..ted 7100 ....., W«Mhd 7100 .... Wmwhd 7100 ..••.•.••.••.•.•..•.... ····••••••············· ..............•.•.•..•. .......•......•........ .....•................• .......•••.•.•..••.•.•. . ••.••••••••.•••..•.•..••......•..••.•...••.•...•.............•.•... l11nely'> Nc·ed 111 talk ., fo'ooe A fo'rumd Club n11w formml( ~41«1 lor 1n hJ Male & Ffo.M/\l.fo: *FOXY LADY* Ol!I'CALLONl.Y •972-1138• \\llffiJn 'l't•k l> Ut1• pNfr11 JtA1 l(t~;.tl pOJ Y" -.hurt 111 ' l1JOI( lunr h•·' 111 I llwc IZl . .l ~ )J !}'.1ti41j "COMPATlllLITY" I )JA>n l.1f P'>l )' It-'""'''"' '>tnct-rt• w.irm 1 •·l .1111111' ( •iuplt"> c·:ill 7::,lt '11,7'1 !'>1nvh•i.1·all 7~1111;11 f(,1'(·111 •h"J fthi• a11v l11 ACCOUNTANT rtc-11111 1·xpr pref Ot'J(rtt rf'Qd Npt &h 64l 33411 AL'MIC Hkkpn.: A!..'K'mbh:r ,RECISIOH ASSEMILEI A.nt. Apt MCM09"" c 0 u IJ I 1• • w I I c· 0 f I' hul\bancl m111nl llJO Urul.'>. I ll·1•urwt1dt" 1·11 sir rt.'Qd 1~1.Mv.mt /\ul.fJ 642 t003 •lOTMEH! (lw·vrulo·l l)f·Jl~r o f11·r>o full ttnlt' J)t-rn\11 nt'Tlt jlOSI U•Jf\'1 t.o a:i.'11.Sl n1•w & uM•ll c .tr 11\.'IDlli.lf'r.S tn vano·rl 1111.t•r.,,ltnR task?>, ml'lod tnR 111111nlcn :i111°t' 11( 111 I w·11t11ry Oprw,rtuntly lur 1t<lvanc·1•111C!nl St'i.· ~alt·'> M 1t1111 1<"r llOWA 11 IJ C'hcvrol••l. lJ•1v1· 1(Juatl I ~ .... Nt•w1111rt llt-1u·h A I ' T c) M t-: HI' I': I> ~; S Mfo .. CllANI<' 'I ltAIN fo:fo: ro u ' l h a ' t' ., '' 111 •· i.w1mouw· 1·xr>t'r /\JIJ>I > 1mo Jamhorc .. ·• N U ;11 T~llUC'•J li4'4 67~ fo'r unk Bod y i.hop metal m..-n HANKING TEUER C~mmer<·ta.I banx Tcllf'f .-icpenen<'t' n1·r1•11'>ul'Y fnr ttu.~ lulJ ltm1· 11n rrui 1w11l 1><1l>lll•in 1'11i.lt111n r t• 11uir1 .. , r11urt .. 11u .. & 11 u " I 1 l y ., t• r v 1 1 1• l 11 t'Ub1J1ml'r.. We ulfer a l:(l(MI '>Jl.u y & I ltent:f1 i.. & •· ""I , worlu1t1! 1·1111cJ1l1u11~ /\J>plt< ant-. 'h11uld l:tt'\ TIM PERALTA 714-752-0600 bt 10 'flfl MANUFACTURER! IAHk IZIJ I Oov1• Str•·l'I °"II F...qual Oppor t;mploy"' IOOICkH:na F /C f'O!llllon with pmmtn1·ot ,. .... ,It bl Ht•JJ fo:...tatt' In "'''l Firm Xlnt "I> 1-"lrtuntly h40 01 Z:I IOOIUCEEPER f'l'A l1rm Jl M.u Anhur llhd & J Jntborl't' ltd lrvuw 7~ •l'.(74 IOOK PASTE UP l'art um•· M1>n l1•m tu IUpm I ut'' 1u.1r11 tu 1111111 N•1 1·11 1fl'r1t•r11·•·1 111•r1•,,.1try Afl(•ly 'I lw I' 1· n 11 ~:. .1" •· r l b 1, 11 l'l:wn1t1a Avt' ( M CASHIERS UTOTEM MARK£TS I )tit nm•'' no"' .iv111l:.lllt• It•< full t1m,. J~~,,.1 .. nt fT\lll\lij(I.,.. <Al 2nd & Jnl .,tuft No exi.r·n en1 .. nr• Wt• lrittn Sturt SJ IU L•1 "' 1•·r hour Ach .i111'f>m ... nl tJflflCJrtUIUl )' ll1f ffi.tDd)'t• n•-nl f.(J!jlllClfl.' lfl S:. :JJ 1•·r h(iur 1f 4uJhl1 .. d Fur rrtir•· tnft.llTUill•IO A Ill l.L'f'\fl""' 4:'r.i ~) r1r I (.di 7 14 !137 4114 II \lo tit 111 l.l•n•t''*' on '> .. lllr•l.i)'> h) 11111..;i111lmc·nt 1'4uaJ Opp11r fo:m1•l11' •·r ltl'.ik.\ltlr•' J>''l '>•11111..f pl 111111· l"'frtl 1'.xp1·1 11 1;.w1 ~..:IL'l 1 l 'lul<lritrt· II.al 1.,1 /\fl f '><h ~. )r •••ti • rrwnd, 1' SJ SJ hr H•'"ll''" k,.( noq 67~40711 :.49 ~J'.J'J Qf-nr aJ 1 (.)~tr. labor. v1u "l 1•l y 1111• TY,.ST I '*" 1·.,rpl) "'"'' Mu t SO wpm rf'q will tram (or h"•· 1ln vn . I 11 ( .ti I htlltnl( m.i• h1n•· I .111 '' m 111 II ·111 .. 111 C \1 ~O 7bJ~ I\ Krncl.o " I 5.: !(till Ind t. 0 1-. I Cft-.tf'\.l( 111111 !'><111 .. nnt1•11 <.14.-nt .ti pJn tim1• <' ''"Y' I •Int 1mmt .. lt.1l• •11w1o rJl!'f Wt'\'k .\1u .. 1 IM· • .t1l1· l11 •11. I .. t .. , •• , ... r '"'"'''fl IYJk w ">l•rn 1•1t· .. ,1nt I '11111·1\' • tnlf'k •1 • .:. :n:,:• cJfw .. & ""'" k1nv •·und' c •itr•illt•r """ 11111, ''" "4 h1,ur I .. 11 U1.1111u pbl"lt"ll' ''"" I'"''', ll1"Xf1•1 1•1wn1·111 •· .... ,111 c I',\ \lo',. h J "' 1111 rn, 111.11, 1.rpi•rll/ll'' f111 I t11· f.,11,,,. tnlol t•n1lt11fl• hi lr'M n•·• 1· , ">.rl.11 \ IH't1l1.1ltJ• )i, lrtl ,d fll'\ptu•fp t H1 '•' t ,tfl HI 'l Or ••l•I"' I 111 ...,,.,.,, rl1•r••111 • ..,.·nd r '''" "" 1 ">ulf1 I \1 Jl',11 111" I 11 fl ,, • ·111 111 "> ,, 11 ~··m1·111t c ,, •111i1:• l'l'.lt.',.l>''I' l t 1,1' Ill\ '"-.. l,t,1nl I•• !Ito· (wl •Ill 11 )(II\. 11 .. f l\llf' '1"'1( ,,. , r1·11 r' 111111• d. I •1111 I l••I l'r I tl.n' K Ill ,,, I lrlUJIJ< J lJlffl "''"' ,,,,,... ·.1 '"'' " ~ .... I ''"'"'' 1.111\ l ( ........ ..,.,.. \1 1• you ,J Bu-. M :m ~·•11111• ••t t t>u..'"""'" I II I• l11r 2 l I •ly-. ., Our I\ 1:1·111 ~ l•fl• \ t(lt .... ltU;Jltfl•'(J ll oJVt•ltllj.' ..,.'('\y '> 1n IO•i'll 1t'>l"'''l ' •11 tilt-bus wurld l 'u 11 llrt·n r1J 17 14 111114 1:,1,:i frm xam llpm Tf:MPOHAHY ltcl(u.tn today tu work 11n vunou.'> al·cuu11t1n1: & l11111kkto1·p1n1: a '4:.1.:n rm·nl., Work 1 lu'>•' lo ~wr hum1· At Ml! C'lnk-., h<>11kkcerwr ' :.rroun t.ullb un· nl't.'(Jt'd thruuol I .truni,?1• C'ounly I';, II U)oo ''" rnt1rt• 1nforrn.ut1on l'11"11lt0n avutlaltll' 111 rner hun1cul a111wmltly i.hop Must h:iv1• 1:ood rnecharucal a pl1tude & manu;il dextenty Mu!.l ht.> familiar with rl' work. lrullbll"Sbooltnie. dnlhnv n ·.11m1nie &c vrt•i.-.1nc Minimum 3 yrur-. •·x pt'nt>nCl' f:JCrf•llenl re>m pany bt!neftl!> <.:11nt:.1·l l'al M 1 Iii.. :,57 !JO~ I 1-:0 1-: Wt"r(' PJCfHtndtnl( our Barber Styh!.t lo mun:iyt· br.d y '>hUJI :ind n1 .. '<.1 1•xp metal men Gu11cJ ht-nt-fil.li und top rm y <':•II St.-ve Jl /\lun M a1:1111n l'<inlt:Jt' 549 4~ 1Jrc>u.Xf1.1,1 took I' 'I' Sut & !',un onl) 4!1"l til:!>I (.'turopractor. parl 11m~ I 1n' wt>ll drf"'>st'd I Ir' i;i-:'1-:kALC l.1'.l<lo. 1 c .. e. &1ln"'1·r 111u ... l l1 .. \1 ISU:.w~ & l'lllf'Y .,.vl'I x JI cJ11m1·'1.11 rtof , no"' Oran.it! <;n1 y ilrt!.1 p•btlton "'111lh JIJ1ltl ) & .,111 .,,1,.,, ""'' ,1111 "If I. .. •• " I•,. r I,. II I • I ~V•}I ""' 'Jft '" t 'I "' h· 11,ful ~DELARUE IJffer.. ool v l111111uaht' I •ESCORTS• 11N:N l!<I 11111 H!'> I 'fT'I 14111:1 IClh II 1114 \ Ii II '> 1· 11 I' ,, r 1· n I \111>ny111111J' Y•1u "" h<'al"fJ t1l1'1UI dttld Jllll'>• Wh.11 :.t.1>11 1 f"1r1·11I .1UUM·'' l-,m•1l111fl ;JI 111 1ihy1111 JI Lt kt• lo Joo.1111 1nolf'1•'' l'ubl11· mt"t•llfll! I huri. 'l 27 7!J . >lprn I .mnm.111.ty c 'hu ri·h . 1111 llC!ltotr111w·. t urnna 111•1 "'1 .. r. For 11111r•• rnf11 1·:111 644 6441 ~ .••••••••.............. Sdloots& IC.obn't ll11lf ' OCCC*fttHnpS Z3l3 Nu llroudwa) l a..J, Cololwcll ll<111k1•1 Hid.I( . &.nta Anu '7141135-41 Ol ACCTSPAYAllE I 't'OJ()fl nt.-t'<led for l(tOW tnl! N1·wport Aenrh pro 11•·rty m~mt ro t-:x 1~ni·n1·1· helpful, t yptnl! or1~•11 1Jry S tar tin !! '>Ulary S750 fo~nr 1n IPrvl••w 1·011 Karf'n :11 752 1171rl ' ... tnlcffon 7005 •AC"l'llfo.•·,Sfo:~ /\(vrtJHS ••••••••••••••••••••••• All uHt!~1t.1H l )'Pt!h No MOOfLS. ACTOIS 1·ic11 Ot•f' "S A M Ill tJpdate your portfulio'I l1•r111c·wtn~ nu w Our rt.'lil.30f\libl,., 1,,,,res'lt1tnul dtt•n h hove· work1·cl I y C 3 I I H 1 1 h u rd "Hat'ky II "C:oltlw & KL,Jtaart 644J 11~ 'nw-fltm•r ' , "1.ady 111 ftA.'(j w lt.obt'rt Conrud, J* Wmhd, 7075 "Wr1)(ley ·i. Uoullll· •••••••••••• ••••••••••• rrunt . 6. "1Kney StlMtu,,, Person.al '!e<'retar')' /Nim •Anyone• 1 nl<'rt''llt'd 1n paruoo 25yrsbus1nt-K.,& Mov1c11 /Tt-li>v , c·ull household mi.: mt ex fl "SAM "today Sm fl'f• fo:xtens1ve travel ba1•k '714 1773-IOflOeirl 95 itround Wllhnv. to r1· locllt<' Uo nd abl•· 17 14 )894 Gllli? ctr C21J .M64 19S9 rnes11u 1t•·i. Nita EllmMlt AIR CONDITlONINt; / tleoUnl( Tec:hmcrnn F.x fJf'rt l.'nC't>d rcq u1 rPd Sulary SJOM·SIJ23 Apply at <.:ap1stn•no Unif1<.-d l1t' n <·: I ,J"1" ct, ... •· t,1p1•runl( Jor tn11nei• or t•JC iwr1e n r1>d l.ti<ht ii '> !W!mbly work Soldcnn11 mqwr·('(f al~ntmn to d1• tail Apply in peri.on !I l•1 4 Mon thru Thun UROAOLF.Y J AM f;S conr 1714 So Lyon St Santa Aim 547~1 ASSIMl&.EllS P /ltme Earn cJCtra mtlne)' 20 h rt max per wk You pick your time 7 :.> lo 3 JO Apply tn Pf!"WOO Meleo &111>11, Inc {MGA ) 2001 fo: Cnrnel(1e 566-~ • AllliL,tllll Salt'11 Ma naR•·r We 're 1eel11ng Z well w-oomed women from 40 to 56 years to au111t in sales II manaaemt'nt Mwlt huve eaperienc-e 1n lidJe1 reducing ulon t .... l2 Spm dally. every other Sat. 9.3 Up lo Sfl()O mo. CaJI Mrs . Su1Uv11n 831 2'44 Fl II b )' .. 1 l l ,. I I t l ,. hOt.L\Pk~·ptnl(, 'I j tl,t)' w• ... k n1·1ir u u .. hurrl & I I.a nu I llJO !162 lOlf9 & '•ft''" r. • ..c1;icr 1•rcl. Jt 1J-rnuon'>. 3 rh1hlr~n. lttr· t\'!c·wrk 9AA-02::t4 U11by:-.1l t1•r, matur1· w11m11n w11ntt•d in m y lwmw. 2 childre n. Jyri. & 1nl1111t, 4 day!!, hr-. flcJCt l>le It.cl 'ii. <.;41 M &« · 1658. :U'ld 641). 2lili7 IJubY111ller /tlou11t:kl•epcr. ltve In or out Spt!ult fo:,WUh 640 0009 - OAIJYSITI'F.R workanic rmht'1' de111res eonsc1en llcx.:i baby111lle r for 2 mo old Mus t cure for tn m y home CdM area Na11ey wk 1752 00?0 f'JCl 2ZI, t•ve673 3161 Oaby11 1tl e r . l ov1 n a iuandrnolht>r nl.'Pdt>d to rare tor 'lyr olrl & 1nlanl, my home pref 640 ~85 _ RABYSITTF:rl or c as I o n u 11 y o e e d ,. rt . C.'ORONA HIGlll./\NUS G'Ts-8240..:,._ _____ _ lWjVSITI'F:R needed for S2500 o r equ1v11IPnt needed by mt.ttur t:, r e1111, o rai11n1:i11d m110 111 xchan~l" for 12 wf•('k!' S4lrvtcell. fl'ine Unvinv. Record. Bob ~411 HOO Nolhinllt lUe11al S<·hool D111lrict. 32972 --------- klodirf arlener , S·hu ll dy11, I ARBOR VIEW SGtlLAREA. B75-ll240 -----~Wlllhd . 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AOC:OlJNT ANT Irvine CPA firm ttk11 t.o fill 2 tu poe, CPA or near CPA, Jr• St l~vela Ilg 8 eaper pref Qill 7Sl4lt 1 lrw uppt A cc: o u n t 1 n liC I' a r • Proleuloo •I. for CPA "t:, Non1 1DOUr FUii or P/T, PO Box I lU, lAIUftA Bch. Ca ~2 - ACCOUNTING (M' c.-ompatlY II rapidly icrowtnc • we art' 1ttk· I.Ill andMdual .. t..o IUI 1*9'' 11 pGliUont in WI'~-Dept. w .. ar• • modera frvtne bMell ...-vice co wllh an HClllaCl1 uaJ4ue •nd " pro&reulvo work al ........... Qualified •P- plcainla aboUld ..... l 9" ..,, Jn. ellpa'. IA 1 or mare ol ltM followln• ..-.: IMCD•' ReNtvabM ,s. .......... IOall/BWADll Aaal19l " .;GlllrlntA •ti I I Jl'el .lllll• .._....,. ... ......_,.,..... .. •H .._ ...... ull: :riiij,L.11. OOllPAMY mrra1_m __ _ C:ullto Perfec'to, San Juan C.:aµ111Lr!00~ l2_lb Amblltowi-t Be ynur own ho!ls Work your own hr~ Ot-ta.tls cl&ll ~·5122 AMMAL HOSrtT Al Bethe, clea.n ~reception. f\Jll or pt-time. JO hr day, 2 4 dyl\ a wit. (;dM 844o5't82 AM ..... Senlce PBX operat.ora for a lf'll'phOnt' an•wer l n I( iwrv1ee eaperlenced or wlll train P'\lll•llm~ or put tlme 1blf'tl anila . Lill' Deya, a fternoon evtnanp tW ~rave yatd Muat bl" able to work IOf'M wt!fll.-Typ1n1t ZWflCD.,..rd. M11ny ,.o ~l\1 avallable. J1aM ~a&l lloo.,.,.i. fl'..tUon lahmd are• COit.a llleH area AltpOl'tarH Caill IU.aaG !.O.E. APIOPOS An'IMTIOM II Or O.w Mollper.MKH1. U you are new to Co11t11 Mesa, temporarily d18· cont.in~nll your educa tion. recently discha.raed from the service. or for any reMOn neellin• tern· para.ry or career work. tomldel' t.bJa unlque op porWM.y. , ... c ....... sz .. , ... w.. BABYSITTER, mature lady wtref, Thur DAM IPM 6 2 afternoons wk from 1 2 ·J (btwn Rrookhunt at Yorkwwn. 11Bl06M824 BA.BYSITl'Ek . needed in my h o m e C M C all be{ore 5pm~~SOM __ ~. Southwest Bank requ.lres e 11perleoeed O~nk f'eraonnel for M1ulon vte)o, El Toro " La.eun• Beach offlcet Pion con tac t Joan Gore, 41MT11 ------The worrwn and men we o-..1r1 •• .,.. loc*inA for may be ..-.-"' t.lred d lypln•. foktln• TIUM papen. wanhouae 1obt H1W ACCOUNTS and wortdnl for• Uml\ed hnnaneet, part lime, lneome. Work with lllllt typln•. Wiii con. ~ PllOl)lt. Raokl •d· aidltr trainee. Call for vaneetneftl s-1lbae If """· you .,.. 11 or ewer and MuluaJS.vlnca 61.Aan would be •vallable to Corona del Mar fllaft worll lmmedla\ely, Mr. ConopUl876-~lO call ..... blwn t :JO.S:ao. Equal OpsM>r Empl!r BIM*inl 1ILUI 64Mlt4 Fmhl• lllmcl I~~~~~~ Downe1 = • Loen hall an I la llt o.aa·.._. brudl for a • .......... s.vtap •LGm• ........ t. ..... · =-.:~~-r ... ctGDd., paid HU· tloaa. Coahct Mr. ,,..,,.1 •. ~ Oppor &mpl1r ~rt tnnl' 1;31 !677 i''r1. !H . ~al ti :; 1111~ 'I U''' , 111 ;11.UIJ'l/l, M/\'J t-.ltlAL !I 17 l\1r1n W1·'1 I' r 1 ''"''" I YAlllJ llt:LI' lhn 111 II 11 21U."' & fhu,-., "·' J-ull ttnw ...,,, -.tuilt•ni.. I r_.nmc-o h .. 1.,1u1 liut 1"" I \1u.'>l IJ'• w1lltn1• l•1 "''" k n" 1 t '' .1 f' ( •I '' ~l.ll t:onlJt'\ Ill IK'f '>Ill\ I •i13 (Jfill I I. t-It I 1 \ I. ' I t, II I I' \I ">II I .. "I IJ(•auty ~l yl1'l & A'"'IJnl l need ed ID )'OUllV .... ~n~Mvt· ~al1J11 llolwfl & ·1 .1yli.1<. &11. 11 'J7 Mon ,...,., titwn 'I :, ~·1· • , , (hut k or ~tlt'I oil I on\ ( 1v1I bt1 IOt'.., UI I' fllh lkJt hltni.t M.1tl'nJI In• m·•'fl•·rl '" 1 "" 1 '1''•''' 4'11 hilt ....... 11110' ,,, .. II I (•11 l"'l"•OC'\_, w1lh m.1tlt A I Ill k•·> JtJthl \ l'r. \ lffU I 111ft11• t''~'flf'llr • "'Ill 111 COOK '" "''"' ri•,lJttr Jiil ... /1,J h.1 c A ......... ,, IJrtl<' & ,.,,,,,..... r1•11ut rt•tl • ,,,,.,,, l..11lllln1• 111:• V. \I f'llUIJ \.1 otll.J I \ n' ~ , rt Ill I (' '' -'''"'IMlfl lk •. ti h \1 u I .., lJ r r c u u 1 ch r .1 l t ., r• lluur.. :.1'"'1 lo I li t\ \I i «tn "' .... I .... ,., \I h J "' ~ I ) ' ,, , ' ".. I •uu., """''' u r-••'flll• •l"""'n 11, . .,,.,n •'\ •llU HORE• I .. , 7 ~···" I I "'•df'fl l1.1r ll·,•tltnp ,c·h0til 1•·nc'ft11· 14 ·-.. ZM:! ltc pllir mec h a nll' •1r dlsl ,.1touhlc• h" ptn l'><'hw1nn dcul1·r l',i. 1ir.-frrrt-d S:.il.iry SS 1'4 1 Cll~SIAEO 1'f•llenti.11lary Millet hll\t' hr llunt•nl!l••n H1o;11 h "-> I ~or htkt• m.t·~ha~t~ ,ct. lJ n 111 n 11 ~ 111 ., 1 lnurBJISJN Pf r ma st.on :;.w Ofl:l!i Transportutw n 1>H111· NllLA G I ,\ U I' uf11-r., .. 1111 "''"k l cf~ll\ 1"1111 1:,,,,. 1 .. 1 tlU( l't>Otl " • hall1·n1•1111• ~1tr1•11w01 111111·1 ,.,,.,., t•nv11onm1•nl A. ••111111 n li.o qu.111111 ~ ''"'" 1• 1•d I ifr('t'r &t ,,dlff" flftl ,1t•.Wflh llll'rtl.d ~ <h•11 .:r~\llln 1•i..,,~, .• 1ppl~ ,.i Appl\ "•·w1111rt 11atl) It tu '1 /tllJ IA:! ~.I HULING C:L.l·:RK for 5Z') Yorklllwn, II U l 'all Tht• l..>1t1ly Pilot 1i. \l•t•k ma J ,1 r w h n It'" a Ii• ~7521 E 0 t; •n$t ti penwn I.A> auJ(mcnt I nurs 1•r y l\ppl1 r11nb our Cl11.'l.ll1f1ed Advn'tl' mu:n be sell st.irltnR & UtJS muv,.:ns nt"'fll•d t)y •ru: departmt>nt f1.r '" C'.Jp111lrano n1ftt•rl ·1dA tel0 11hon1 ... I ' have nun tyr bkkl! 1•x " " ' , '" •· 1 ~rhool 01111 lm m1>d '~ f _. r I lh>h n I per Rcnef1t11 1nc ld fully ..,, ... .,,11 tl'u o l' "'' o l' pd house plan. 5 rlny trwruoi< lll beanA oHe n ·d , a 1 t, ,. • p" r.1 ,. n "''I ln a Ltrruted numbc.'r o f work week, edu"11l1on11I a-11canllt l..A>nl 1H1 Mrs nec'Rf'1>1>ar; mmburscment Conl<tl1 ,,.,... LQU11t .. :~H.N1~ Joanneat96:z 6ll04 StrlllllJC'\ 496 1.215 f'llt 272 INCL 01-: '°'info Ml.Isl type 4.SWPM 11·h't' I RllJ.JNG cu :RK lll 'SI N t:ss MIN u 1-; 0 lnr I AfWPEHSIOM SHVICES 1111 Nt•WIJl•n l'.4.•111t·r l>r b44..:J60 eJCt :iti.'.J t-;o 1-: Cllltk/MHGR. UlllmetJc•11 .:1rt11 & c .1rch fo:xpr pref 64(). 1:n J ~Ml> persoo neec:kd 1n ('O U p LES N 1-; 1-: IH: O UtpendablE' A.c:COWllJnl( Dept to han T C <:ood apeaJung vmc-1· l.1erk 'l'ypl'll ~ 1,owpm die btlllnic Acrurat" l'ART IMfo; ALI. 11 eL<ianl penwnultty penllllnenl 1>m1t1un ~d typisl &exper on 11dd1n1: 962·3Zl2 ~11l1try rommen1>urdl•·, -...orltml! conll & l)\·twfih machine neceiurnr y ('ull 6 ll usinc•'>\ mtndtod wtth f'llJ>f'nence +com I ~tarl $6!;U m o M 1- Sandy 566-3937 Japutlf'St' wunlt.od lloiw l'TllUIOn t:xl'l"ll~nt <'om 9 Sc>m 979 2270 --pot inc-om<', ctual pariybeM!i~ lf youJrf'l (1rt 'I •K'9t/ADMIM c1tlz.f"Mh1p hel"fol bul amb.tlClU., & w11nt lo be.· ~ lYl"'1 t•mi>'1t 1.1rv I .,. ~.u.IUCJC'l now Jv111I 1n •1ur A/P. report.I>. JOUmli 11. OC( rtoQ d (;{Ill 962 3232 paid for 1 yfo ur eff11rt11 Npt llr h offH t' 40 ordertn~. follow ur1 . fnrAJ>l)t plc~cal or1nterv1cw I '5wpm deurablt• Post t·uatom e r i.e rv t C•'. Per!IOC'\nel O<·pt lions for llPPN>JCl~Wly phond 8 »l2 JO. Mon Cahhrie....,_,. 6"2·5678,eJCt 277 :imo& Fo r appt "u ll thru Joh, tllhr 640 !il!l3 SOOrt lloun a.AMGE COAST ~ J hr mlo SJ SO per hr lloat c le1n1na ubo v e wate r. full t1m<•. hurd ~~~~.()671 _ IOOICllHPfl Fulc-. f<\Jll time for llport11 r<- tall stor e In Newport Beach. 642-405ll BOOKKEEPt:R part time needed for ierow1nl( educallonel publls hnr AbUJty to h81\dlf! All II<' ct1t journals up to itenenl ledl{er r eqd flnlh'e houri., worlllnA coMI. ComperuialJ<ln di" pendinlt on e11per Send reiwnt to Crealtvf' Cur nc:Wum Inc Ct-pt DI' I, ISlll Commtr<'t' Ln IL 8., 8'.lJIM9 A II r('plif"K will be amwered IOOlll ... Huntlncton Bea c h whof ... ler need1 Fu 11 Ch•r•e Bookke~per 9Lart1na salary to SL200 Call $4M3UI. BOOKKEEPER full cbarae. Eotartalnment Co. s.latJ open. Jletume M&al&ion~ Coll"" Cam· brt1e, P.O.Boa U2J. ....,._ Bt.cb, Oa. mu ICC*••• Pllt U.. ..... ftait>fe. ............. &edl ....,... ... U oftke w I Jlltti wartdtll ecmda. In· ....._.-.111:aoam . v ...... ....,uc. •BUar a.1u1t.e ~., Colla-.. 711·- (; M . N U • <.:dM ar"''" DAILY PILOT a.rt&~ Ticla•h Noexper nN:e 11a11ry Ar> ~W Bay St t.1.-rk (or tlC'k~t i11(1•n1•v. ply at Newport Mc11a Costa Meu Moo to ,.'rl full 11m1· Unified S c h ool 0111t EquaJ{)pporturuty Apr:it ~7 !fl l2 Mr Wi•st .,,ood Service Olllce. 1~7 __ Employe_r__ Newport Slattont-rH 1111· l'lacenlta. COfll<t Mesa IK.'>~ c.u·t."l'ERIA WORK ams In •II dept.. ca 11hler1. aalad m a ker11. cook'• helpera. lint ~f'r ven . 6AM 2 30PM Mon·fl'rl Nwpt B c h area nr f"a1h1o n la lr. t714 ' S81 5140 for 1nleTvif'w CAf'ETJ;RIA llELP 12 noon WI 8 30,J>m Mon thru Fra. J;11per1encl' prefttred but not nee Call Juan.it•. 7~·7113 CAIWASH CAStl• lmmediat.e employment avail For lnt~lew call .... --~- CAI WASH HIU' NI• Part Time ll•over METRO CAR WASH _,Harbor 81. C. M CMhMrr Aaai1tanl SUll8 ... ICATIOMS Clerlcu.I Sal~11. full t1mt- Pleaunt work &!11ch SUt.iOMrs. 402() camputt Or Newport llch 549-llM Q.EJUCAL UC9'JIOMIST Ml l'ol!Uon avall11ble tor ea PM.need ~It lo answer elenronic pulae 1wit.chboard. file • type • O'ed cuatomera WC' off('r 11rowth 0 1.1 portun1ty 1n a very tneodly aivlrooment. ~lcanta 1bould ·on lad TIMPllALTA 714.712-0600 ldlO ~ACTU-! .... 1301 Do¥eStnlet NU Eq\aal Oppor t:mp&o)'tr For Cluailled Ad AcrtON Calla DallyPUot AD-VISOR .... C..1erk Typ111t. J)()31t111n r"'l a«ur1le tyi11nR & ftltn1&. will tr ;,un i':.ss S4 9 817 2 Ulcktatl Waltrea,, n1.chh1 ft wN'kt!ndl. Apply rn 1>4!non ur p honl' M r Ford 11 77<>--00M .. 'urcst ~. 2Z7'71 Cenh:r Ur .. fl Toro COME JOIN US! .. ,..,...., Of'llATOIS . Kapandlna firm h u optOi~ f()f' d1l11 t"11ll')' optotator. t yr. min e11 per. required. Pull 6 put Ume houna avaH. tor lit. 2nd. Of' 3 abU\ and /or w .. llenda. Som e t e m · l!O"•'>' potlUOl\A avail. CaU for ~ppt. \ SAFEGUARD IUllPfaB SYSTl:MI INC. _,al,..... Rd c ... Mf.Dl ' . 1 <oiik. lllU.'>l hav1• f'\I• ~ I "·'' ~)" 1ir ... ,,., ,,, ""' ;11 fla }' ,1i .. 1t h r '.uh 11•' 1111 '11111 I • 11 ~illl'JI 1'11,t.1 ..,,.,,, ('1101\ I ' 1al'\ lll'Tlf' I or1k lilt• I llOh h! & 111•:111 op tlul "'' 're·•· tit, . .,, h1111I • h1 ltl t1n • 1111 hi I U'>ltn 1.11 • ., .m••nt·:.011 I'••· !'>1 h11ul !)4 1467 <.A'* w II nt1.J lt•\l f'.JCfl , UJI t}7~1 Jib.I Al l>u)' tor II .1111111 ,,.,, "'1 .. Ill ltiJ IJf!i,1 (.:alt Wunlc'il I r.11111'• S.:• 1• hr, mu!>l h·"'' -.urn,. c•lf,wr 4!Jti .>4411 Illa rt• l2t 11only (X)(" w11ntl...J M ''"• • .ti hettt.'\!11 ll & ll11m fur 111 IC r I (• v. W I II I rlll II ICI Tlw c:all1•y ( .J.,. flHk .. :d 11r M lf1 I•· t 'OOK& WA11'1tl<!!-.~ 11 :111 l.l)!i ~lll'JCflt'I f"ull 111111• 4!r,.~1 CclflY lki1l11ri., I' t1m1• I'.~ r>t'I' oely Tu lw Ott~ 'a ll Iii IOIO fo:Jlt 2..'11 Oltnti•r & .inll help. w<tkt>t'lds F Ml footl n.twant Call 673 J1:1i C:OU*t:R/Y AfWMAN ~J~ Urne. 1.neludc" ~. APPi)' 1706 S Coaal Hwy, Laacun11 Beech counur He lp, dayi N tdtd lmmed Cull &31 31128 or Apply 167:1 ltvt~ &11h' C, CM _ ~ Utlp full tamt• C1m~ Clnn1•r!!. 1650 S.n Jlll•uel Ur N R ULtle ii Dill!' (;l11i11flf•d 1d• aro re1tlly 11m 11ll "~ lo peofllt'" !'IUlt•" c&ll•}~ith bh• re11dtit11hlr> and •I reeuJIJI ! To pllH'l' ~ claulned 11d, <-1111 tod~&U·5871l ·~~!,lr 30day 1d In the r DAILYPILOT •vte• DlllCTORY DO IT NOW ! ··~"" - . • • • • .......... --• • ..... .... .. .. -._ ..... -• 4-•• ----. ..... • -. ., ....... 1111! "' ... • ...,, ...._ .... ..... I. )r n Oc vc tc ·~ tll rn· t:n I. •d HY r•· \llnt na . Oft, p'l. CU• - } • ____ , ~?.~:! ..... !~ ~~!-... !!.~ ~~~!~ ..... ~~ ~~~" .... ~ ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~.~;•~••• .. ?!!! • Slrurdly, Sept9mb9r 22, 1910 . OAll'Y'ptjt'OT-C(Jj! ' COUNTIS a • Al · DONUrW,.....,AM ..... c.ntltM pan llDoPt ,;.1 vsllboMI IMultdal ...... tooll • LOfPlllOM .... WeiieM 71141 MllpW...._ 7111,.._W_.. 7100=~~ot; sa ....._'-'~ • r -., . ....., ...., -... le-" .. 8dlllk .... lloedaba.. MOWtll.I.-tM.S ..:.• fNna,.~r eui ~one Pedlatrtca. 2 my OUtL. ~ .. ft. Ho ••,.rf••e• U..•11151411. WlU &1• -..u~a,...aw. ........... lllllbelti t OPftiil:eon ...................... ~ ................... ~~ ............... . ,..._ -a-.., la..,_ 1m4 l*'-1 rechlolal .. a.., .... NI .. '1-,-J_rtaUoo TralH., for ulH 6 Vala OINK• •· ~ 6 Le1t1ia le~: Mlwpat .. C.11. ._M..UJ1JS•1d6 ••--•W•PAttt.llM 101oa1 • m • n t . V/WfWlcbe -..Su Med wilt. Exper pref. R£CEPTION1$JITVPIST ......... llra. 1<11• __ _.._...... wiUl ll'M' Salary +comml uloo. • · Whee Ad tt31. c /o The / I I OllArl'tMO dlf.IJ, ~ -... Sat. ...,.c.u .... u.a.ut. WUI "•'•· full co~ WMBUYA.RD MAN · Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 'Major med ical com~any located in ~QIUJl.a MQ'•n a.a. ~UC'1VllAL ._..U'pllD-pwmo td, So. Callf. '1 Lat ~ 11 yn •older. P\lll or put-time. SOme ueo. Coeta lleaa, Ca. M ' · V · · i ......... lilPiiii .. 91 ..,;.,,~ • ..tn;._ •• fl•••• c.~ Mn:-. ,~_!llhH ~· •~ ~ Slartl-ned'auty. ..._. work. &aw u · ·-1ss1on 10.Jo. is se ng. a. peraon lo -.-t4iml. ....._ M at•••· •rct.-C: -. -u• ...._ -CAU. 91.t ua._ -,., .. C•U 1.01 •IPL. " • , a~b~--n-... work full time on a permanent basis ...-.. ......_._,_ wuur -'"'!!'.!.!'!1 _,_,........ -... --·· - -·--~ ..ao..tae ~Pl'~•lli'.. of a Rece~t.. Y-0U-"*' ~ -, .. "'-· INSCRTll:RI n eeded. tor'• omce ln Newport t h 1• 3 C' rs "xperte l C utter •••tett tor N.a.n.-.. JU.._. tu.a• lllillin· ._.,.llllkedttama LVNCbareedutylM.fuJI Beach ls looldn« for a O'IUS · av.. Y a " nee n --.....P.~ ... .-,.. •nap.• Dl:t.JOOUNTIRR£L P ~~·11• Utneorparttlme Good certified medical aw11t working in an otri<:e & have a typing ,Will tral• rli~t In on .... "~,_.. dell~ ~,..._ In •••eod Appllut101u ulary. Meu Verde UceqMd fOf' ~·Ray Ex· :.peed of &O wpm. You must be dlvtdMI N>lllYiaPfftCID ~~~ .. ~C:.ld •Mlal1~15'10,wortra'ta~lni ~-~·J~.Novr • "-'lMCt.lonaLATirnee. Olav. Hosp. •1 Center perleoc. oo trea~·null puntlua l.-h<tvc tt pleasant telephone •12A11.S'eiil .... mw --~ ·--~· --Y•· or l1PM·2 AM . pd by SLC.ll.Ml-5616. . helptul, Xlnt COl't\peNa . b l . • = -·n ....... a ae w/ --,..,,.... --, ---6 ... __ -·· _ _...._. "'--. ,. vo1tc. c nc a 10 appearance. ta1ta.C11 -••• .... -· --.. _ _... ... ~--_ ........, tarn S7$ ... ~•~Shop tlon ts f,.1nite bene at I d h d k · ------toMID \1P6DI ~ • .-Olmo. s '-WWl.nain.C&ll Mark ·wk or more. 5 nlabu. ~ pedtace.ll'or lltlo.&m deflct1tc , ar w o r 11n g & a Dlti~f\aUUmeaP*rt i:iivu f\aU.U-Good dl)1l. • a.4.JO Cuat.act ITUDOO. cau n..s.t. H.B.~. ....., .. 101 ror mature ~c:ontaclMa Dole sclf·s t a rtcr. Y ou w il also be ·W..Ol*..,..rd 8th. _·.,.,."-.·-Or ~at MM?oo, H t atWnoona youna a dult 18·2S 714 /97S ·0&60 .. responsible tor m~cting the public & ..._Jilt Pl'1 _ ........ '-9V _ w/macbine exp to work £0.E .. M /f'. 1 ((' k I d" · I ------:l' Bda. I•• I HO NOSTISS lnspectloo ln except clean muh ~t:ncn1 o ace wor • me u mg s1~ e Dllhwyf>lth:DeAJt.l.A. 1117 • Fry cool. full « part AR!bdaUYlOtonoon. sbop, Irv area. Steady M £ o r c A L <J<:counti ng & klex marhine. ou 11.-. 1100 per •• DriveriG&l'deott, ~m· time, wtu tram CloMd MS~ Mexican Rtit BENCH work. 40 bra per wk. TRANSCRIBER • part must have a good aptitude an math. 1A&Waa BtactL .. ~ bluUOD -~a Have 1'm Loe IM. set-tMe 1Ctl llhinQ. Balboa Some bklg of f1•ture1 tune. cardloloey p rac Non .smoker. Extellcnl benefits, pay ~-f\UJ ............ ·•--l.._.SPECTOR from sketches & some t1ce, Newport Brh OD..IVDY RO\Tl'B · al va.lld C.llf. lie Cood ar.-mnun•Coup~ HOln'ESSES . a11 lhills " prodrequired.ss7.7283. 64.S--:l>40 t·o mmcn s uratc with expe rience. ter aooD1 Realat.e r dr1v lo 1 ru·ord Md lnd1Vld"811forbw11 AOl>tY~wn 2-SaO)'day l'XCt!llC'nt surrounding::-... Only lnusc ~. lllu1 be ti 16mmumage2IO.~. ~°''°':.~bL~ol &73-4700. 3450 Via Familiarity with basic MACHINISTS MEDICAL Secrfl.ar)' for :-.t•ekang fx:rmunent t·mploymcnt need d:,V::tica "::!ttft!1.lt2 ~~~ .. ~~o u:=•:ou f! r1p1:nctti ()porto.N.B. ~1~~:;'.u~c~ 5 yrs. Job ah op 0 · ~Yc5,01~~e;t fb~ u ppl) Call Susan fo r <tppomtment, ho.n &dQ. ~mo oppo rtunuy Pho n e HOSTESS . 0 IR L Ce$Sful candidate can penence requir~ ~ lmoW.._,...,..able ltl t.alu.ng 581·3830. l ... _ ~.. *w•w.. ......,_,.,..,. fi'»lO"'Y P E RSONAL · · -" h" hr. week. .•. SO to S10.SO . ..._.~ _,. a week. t.,.oJUa _, '-~.. ..., -n " • begin unm..,... o n t is per hr. Ask for J ohn. medical tuatones Rapid early mon11ntt. CdM, •fUU. Tl ... • FURNlTURE MOVER SECRETARY prime day·sbitt opening. Newport Machine Inc, typllllot & transcnb1og. ~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~ Npt. 8d1. AIU ~30(n Ne a ' • p p t a r a D c e . fUitioas avail. '°" ruu Ludi.ng pay lit' ales " 17403 Newbope St P'owi Sillary commens urate knowlt!d11 of Oranite ~the moist unique benefits with overtime wnValley 556-7l9'l with ab1ll t1es Ex Printed Circuit Boards f.'ll abl1 she d grow1ns; company in the Sanlll Ana lrvme ComplPK area has unmed.lote openan~ for the following po~• uons . Dttivery man for early Q,uaty Good drivlng re lime person to move AD· job you could ever dream readily available perieoced only need app All L.A. Times ho~ de-~ l\aniture from pro-ol• .,._,.,_ , IO u~A ... , __ b Ecoooml cord. Over lB. Company ducuon area to sales . cwuuuu reqwres Ill· SAM. IMC. -""'""' ly CslJ ~tween 9am· PART TIME EVENINGS very rout.e. ul veb1 c les $3 10 per f1oor & to assist with slstance to very s uc · 7141548·SS33Npl Jkb. Seda.ng male 18 thru 21 IOam, Mon tbru Fri car required. Adult.s Oft· hr + lncentiVes. CalJ customer nlclt·up. Good cessful semi retired ltl Ao Eq u a I o p port t.o worit in clean produe 644-~ Adults with outstandan~. attra<'ta v~ r>ersonubtil.-s who l!nJO> wurk1ni;t with lads. Over 21 St"rt ut SJ SO per hour Phonl' 642 -4321. J::xt 250 BETWEt.:N 4 00 5 00 PM ly. 2~ bn. per day. No M.uttTSl-316116.. be f,... vestor with perSOQal & Employer lion maebl.M shop. Irv ---------collect.mg. SUS per mo. l'O. M its. Apply an bu&lness matters In a area. Study work . 40 hrs MEDICAL SECRETARY oet take home + boous.1•--------1 penoo: 1801 E. Oyer Rd. casual. but .optlisticated week5S'7-7283 Sharp. mature person for Westm. " H.B. a rea. DllYllS SGa Ana.Call 7~1·3181 almolpbere. ...,_.._..A.ides busy neurol()f'ist ofllre fiS.541116. Men or women 25 yrs or ask f« Paul Part time. 9 mo yr MAID · fuU-ume. Harbor Npt Beh 80wpm d1r DELIVERING PAPERS older. Know the coast General Office, typing so Great compensation. Sl82/hr. La~una Beach Inn Hot.et Npt. lkh. t.aphone Some J?eneral ESTIMATO• Ge~ral knowledJ?e o PCB Mfg pro1·eii11 r 1: ndl ewes. Net $180 a week or ........., li"'-a, I.ate ......... b .. •· n exible hours & much Schools 41M-8546 ~3463 duties Heavy U pt'r to ve ng machioes. -... ~ .. wi1., ...-~ ... _ _._ • • .-n-1 t Bo ,.552 C M .....,. '""'7 ft mo re Orange Coast Ia n , non smoker. Xlnt vanet,y are rew .. ...,. to a MaJds. a -'y The Inn at .., .... , ... ., Y o x . QI.Ired We are wllling to train f'rev1ous l'CB purrh<&.!>mJ! or -.ome <H' ctAA exper helpful · · area . .....,..._, a YeUow Cab, 17300 Mt. ._be f ' OC A girl wltb superb a.R.~ ...,,. Owly Pilot POBox 156(), 6PM Herrmann. Fountain ne its. ar port peara.nce & groomang.-~ifion lo.stallers for Laguna. 211 N Coabt CM . CA92626 Asil for Anctr-.o £4ual Opporturuty t:mployer. M1oute Kin~ Mark t!t . ----DELIVERY & STOCK Valley. -<No or Sla ter area. 540-73'17 Some office sit alls are UnlOo 1.osulalloo Co. rn Hwy, Laguna Bearb WORK. Female & ma.le betwn New"bope & GcneralOffioe necessary. Please call So.O.C.CalL MAIDS applicants welcome. Ex· Euc:~ RECEPTJONISTtrYPIS 731-4444from lto4ooJy . Gilkolnsulauon Experit!n«'d full tame & cellent opportunity tol---------•I lmmed. opening for con-Hostess. XJnt oppty to S86-lll23 weekends 642 3030 Part Time Nil!ht Clerll wanted, no ---------exper ~· 642-900<>_ c:.to..r s.r.. R•P• Abihty to communa<';itc well, follow up 11> e:.:.cn lJaJ Some pr(Jduc:1on con troll exper 1s helpful train In auto part sales. sumer electronic farm 1 l"•urance Commercial Apply 1.522 Newport Bl. B.ICTIOMICS Good phooe voice. ac s.upp e m ent income • .., MAIDS WAJl/TED lli61 ~ C:ttt Hwy l-;l.:una lkh ~ M OTORCYC LE MF:C ll A~I C lrljlnl'e wanted. ChlUl<'t' to l•·arn moton.'yrlt ntpair App- ly 8&.8 Mot.orcyde 7412 Talbert II B r-oo phone .._hcmJGIK l'ransportalJoo provadt'd from Bnstol & R1rrh Slnet Hours from 61' M Costa Mesa or 10080 Having a hard time find· complisbed typing abill· Welcome new residents Accouotssecretary. min d ing work? Are yoo in· t ln 1 Pwm p l\, Ftex hrs Need 3 y e a r s e x p e r . A ams. Uunllngt on terest.ed in a career In y, on con-ect g seec· car ct. typewriter Progr<'SSlve Orange Co Beach Automotave Sup· tric. Ute clen caJ reqd. Hospitality Hostess agency. Xlnl beot•flu, <!AM. & 11 1' M .SAM SJ JO Leod hts~or ·ply electroo1 cs. weather XJ.nt. woning conds. & 1 .;;......; _________ , f o r e ca s ti n g 0 r bene. Salary comm Service. 547-309{>. sa ary comm ensurate MAil/EDiT CLERK calls per hour Sat Sun. Mon for rrul.atary MLB pnnt Tue. &vailale part It full i,d l'll'CW t mfl! ltc-qua r<: lJm>' <H'I r~)luJ.;r ,,hall!> I~ rrun 1 yet1r txpcr with ~ ~--lo t I h /t I w1tb exper Contar l .,..very 1~ ,y e ep one e etype In· w/(?fJCJ>er. Apply Gateway Hotel Timekeeper. ex· Mary Ann. 536-2531 Full tame. valid Ca. st.allation & repair. The Scientific Inc . 3020 perlence n ecessary dnvers lie. nee. Neal ap Californi a Nationa l Redbill,CM.50-5686. Send resume . Ho tel. Pearance Apply 1n Guard as looklo1otfor men POBo 1900 N •-. ed r~•0tr-. . x • ewport person to Mr. i'uenles at "' women toterest ltl """'°""'.. h ... Beach. 92660 Attn Con· Robert Be in. Wilha m ~ a.bead ltl todays TypistjUhr.....,... ,_,, E o E Frost&Asooc.1401Quad competitive job market. Caadiftatiota u ..... ers ... Sl.N B. WE TRAIN YOU' This is position o p e n with Housecleaners needed ------your golden opporturuty manne mfg. 'firm near P/llme for s mall bus•· DWVUY to earn a substantial ocean for dependable . ness CdM area Aft 3, f\l1J ume for locaJ de· monthly inrome. have 8 malw'e individuaJ with 61~1.909 bvery XJnt dnvmg re G E N I': R 0 U S J(OOd typing s lt1 I ls card reqwred For appt RETIREMENT PLAN. Vaned typing duties. fi>ulecleaners. top pay .. 557 -9212 M r . We s t . qualif y f o r LOW rataloJ( preparation & earn up to $S + for Newport Sl.ationers~c:_ I NTERES T H 0 M F. ut.erature coordinallon. Janice's R.aitgedy. Ann. LOANS. plus MANY Call 71 4 /645-3632 for 'J'ues.Fns.3.MS-t800 DELIVERY/OFFICE MORE BENEFITS• For · BOY Full-lime. Valid further mformation call appt Housecleaners Wanted dnven llcense required. J ... M N 1 t t ,..~ .. • ~cir. fU11 or P /T. Room for o nn c. u Y a ~~ '" advanreme nt Xlnl Neat. Over 1.8. Apply in C714J979.7363orapply at ~t erUoY phone con· pay t bcoerit s. Car personto Mr Fuentesal 2£.51 Npt. Blvd .. Costa tact. work ing with Robert Bein & William Mesa. Calif. customers & dcla.JI work oecess. 552-0IJ)S. Frost & Allsoc. 1401 Quall & typing. Paid vacation. ---------St Npt. Bch. B.ECTROMICS sick pay & bealth in· Housecleaner Ptr. F/T, Dent.a.I Assistant. X·ray lie requued Garden Groveolfice. 638-7111 Current openrngs now suraoce. Apply 9am-owntrans.. Top St$ exist for men & womco 4pm, Mon thru Frt. 873-0868 640-<C871 intef'ested ln electronics Barden Pest Control. 696 ~~~~~~~~~ or weal.her forec:astinK Randolph, Costa Mesa. - DENTAL Noexper. neceaaary. We Callse&-5570. ffoul4*~. pa.rt-bme: . . o f f e r F R E E lge. medical group; must Penodooust needs part V 0 C I\ T I 0 N A L ---------1 be 21, speak F.nglish & bme 3Slt. 3 days a week TRA.INlNG WITH PAY. GENERAL OFFICE 1-ddYe. Apply al 722 Baker Expanded duties oppty. 1 RETIREMENT PLAN, TYPISTS Sl., Costa Mesa ln;urance Now you ran laun1•h ;i new <'areer while you keep your present Job• f armer:. I nsuranl·e Group will lrll)Jl you & pay you full rommis.s1on:. wtule you learn Before yoo know it you' II be making waves 1n a re · wnrdan~ hfe time pro- f e:.:.100 Call Gl'n c Dillard (or Cull ucuuh .. 848·5111 IHSURAMCf AGEMCY F\re & casuaJty, com m err1a l la n es u n derwnter. Experaenre r e q "d . R o bert:.o n Insurance ru;i;oc. l11c . 67~ INTERIOR DESIGNl::R for Npt. Bell. Cine f\lnl. sludlo. Must be an ex- perimced prolessional. s days a week. 9 to S 3o Apply morn1o~s. 1727 Westcbfr Dr. ~ Aide lmmt'd1alP &0\'t.'T M LR .. Lt·at.J b.J. k operu1u~ at RaJe11oth lllll!. 557 0045 wound prch.•rn:-<I We: .,r H<is pll<tl Newpurt • (t'r .rn xlnt l>l·nt.f1t' t:ttacb 11 lo 7 ~blfl. l'X m Lin-Pdl'k31!t' "'h11·h lll<'IOOt''\ Busy data Pl'UC~Stnl! r.i pen1:nce Prt',,.rrcd • --med1caJ. dental. life 1n'I has oPefllllfl\ on l:.t It 714 -1)45·!1707 t. IJ t. Prvfll !-hann", p:.i11J 2nd shlflc; 1-\Jll or plirt '1 ,.-Ii'" ·TJ-• ~ .,.,, ~ c.u ... lJme 11.andl~ ~tJtu~ nilb \,11·al1on-; anli holiday, rrom aC<.-ountants & hf'lp l 11o1-ru,1-_<; l723 li~h St l'l•·:L .... c.111 111~14114 l'OOl"dmale quahtv ron If yoo J.r" " dl•Pt.-ntJ .. bll• Bf.LI. I \! IH 'i IR H:<:> trot with 1"d1t ckpl & qualified pr J r t1c .. 1 Hewporli«och 1':~ I> other reltttl'd rtut1e!> nur.:.e. 1\1 I'. & 11oant lull _ _ _ _ _ llS31 !:> H1tl'h•·" ~l Must h.avc ac·countini: or vr P 'T pvt duty "-Ork PIX OPERA TOR ~ta Ana.(.'/\ bookkt!Jel)ln~ ex per & Ix-F'or <appt e.UI til,I 0506 F..qual OJ>PtY ~mlJI> r _ -abtetoopcratel0 keyac1 ---7 3()to330Ua)i. ( ~ mactune by toorh NUNeS Al<k-\ 7 3 full or "'° 7S5.5 I 'nnlJnl! PleasecaU for appt part ume Expenl'nC't'tl IOOtc PASTE UP 53 .!!> w $4 flt'r hr Will JJUX An.swt nnl( ~·n irt• U>okinR for a eompan> trJ.in rercnt .:r"d" 4. 01X'ratnrc; lmm•·t.Ji.ttc I ~· ynu e..in bwld " ~'~ $2 90 to S3 l; ope1Ul\I!.., for e>.1x·ncnrtd rareo-r? We would like to hr Mesa Verdi· C•'"' &qU.Wfied Jl('f>plt• ~art t.;Jk. tn vou ComJ>O!iotnC SAFEGUARD BUSlNF.S.SSYSTEM~ INC Z.283 Fairview Rd C M. :w.J·JO'JI Ma.mtenance man for SS urut apt complex ltl C M. 60-5073: (21.3 >865-3851 Hosp 661 ~oler St C M U\Jit .-.alar) deptndent 110 LX·pt oow •H'l'CIJtmll a1J S48-S585 exper f'<t1d vacation. pbl·auoru. for pJ.Sle uii -----merocaJ U\.'-645 25511 or Appl)• The Pennysav{'r , Nt:RSES Supplement in l:CD-2124 100> Pla<'fflba Ave C. M come -.'Ith run Be" Prof' -. --Thur.. morrungs Model & keep present. PBX A.'\S Serv wt.JI train --------- )Ob Oa)t1me class~s 13 & 8-4. Pleas ofr '" PRIMTIHG oow • med bldl? 2 wks pd var F:\Jme penoos needed SO. COA.5T MODELS SJ'J.5G40 M~ Fri ~ 111 web o(fset prcssri>om so COAST Vll..l.AGE ..ax <>Piil. Ex:prd & tra111ee!. Mm 714 ~ ~---F..im .,.hlle )OU lt-,trn J~ 2ll, Pn111y:.avcr IWI Mau:rt.ena.ncetSaJes MU•SlS AIDES TeJephone An~~ t>rinii l'l<1l'ellll.A. t:M _ IMDOORPL.AHTS J.11 & Pt 11 7 exper Sef\,Cf' lull ti.m,e pan I pref. Gd .Pa> Sm<t ll time Varied sh1h i. .,, ~ • X·R.aY cert.tltcatc reqd. W W lNTERESr HOME SF.cRETARIES Exper prel"d Xlnt L 0 ANS·. F R EE ACCOUNTING CLERKS lb.lsekeepers, (ulJ time & ---------beneflta. Salary open. TRAVEL. & MA NY P/T.goodworlwlgcondi· IMVEMTORY oonv. hosp <::osta M~• ~. afternoon or even · Ff CW:tiotl We are loolung for an . mg;. L<icatwM 1n Hea...-1 ~OUlg person to sell & 56306I ..., ·-l'ASHJO\:bl.A..~n .,...... D11111tam andoor plants. <:mrA M ESA IR\"l~t:: \l.e an.· a rrepllni? a p C&IJ 8'2·6631. MORE BENEFITS. We Top Pay No Fee lions, 8 pd holidays Dental Assist Do you also have openings for Paid Weekly E.O.E. Bayview Manor. 40 PEOPLE want a career an Ortho automalve & diesel MOIUlEU. _&&z.._3505_______ HEEDED full & part lime pC>'llllOru! OfffCf SEIVlCES n:~TJ!'I plll'fllJOO'> for produc:tion ava.ilable1wecke nds rl? Ehe:r}!eue person to d<> helrcrs for lst & 2nd quired. Please apply lD xerox COf>Ylnl:. rwnii & l~dfL"!'t'"l'Thl f, "GTONdBEAC1! 'h1ft Mun thru ..-r1 utilizing all your RDA mecbanics, lelepbone in· Temporary Services ~~~rreclEll Sept28th&29l.b sloll.s? 640-012I I s lallers, m edics, & '"""""~......-m; lrvine7·30-4:00 cook s . )ft LI ARY lrw>e 7s.2-4i666 Eller·s Inn. Laguna SJ 40 per hour. <.:ALI. )entaJAM't,Ortho .. Chr . VETERANS EARN E.O.E. M /F Beacb.9:30toto2 Mon TODAY ,N.8 . Part time or full SPECIAL CREDIT for ~~~~~~~~j thru Friday. $3 SO hr 557-0045 .,_,....d.I s<>n1l'e5 Com ea or '>tu enti. °' 9 llam & 1.:1pm. Xlnt pel'1i0n Moo thru Ft1. 8·5. ...-~ • .. -··--~av~ •t ny ~0 pany 11o11U tram Newport ,......,..,_ '"' " 4 ' bencofaLS 6.-11oorkmR cond , tJme up to 4 days per pay & rellremenl. For Call 494-3004 btwn Noon week Top sala r y & more inlormalion call Generat<>rficc and6PM. benefits. Ortho exp. & J 0 h n M c N u I t y • Tetm ... an'es --------RDA req. 642-2626 , (714)979.7363 or apply at ..-. Housekeeper. l.Jv·in tout, --2£.51 Npl. Blvd.. Cost<i J ~ days for d1x guest Dental Office Manager I Mesa. Cali( op home, Laguna Niguel, Rettptlonisl needed for ---------exp w /e lderly pref the be6t olfice m Orange Electronic Assembly pos1-Pay Salary $~50·$750 t m o C.ounty. $1000/montb to \19.1.:1 open. No ~xper +boous & Paid Vaca· st art. Tues thru Sat, necess. Will train. $3.10 S._.. tioo. 768-SOOI . some evemnJ! hours. Start. Call 645-3632 for ·a. U \Wh T. P. S. We place HOUSEKF.EPER ·to li ve A cco u n t a n t s • in w/semi invalid. Lit.e Prefer eKpenence 1n Appointment. financial arrangem ents. l"Omputer billin1ot & all front olfice procedures. Elect.rooics Secretaries • Recep· house work & meals. JOI OPENINGS tJoni.sl •General OHtce • Own trans. Call afl 5pm. 5S2-8'l25. D&ITAL ASST. Small mlgr of electronic Engineers • Sales • Ad· 84&-:.mJ. 846-6478 Med. equip nr beach has min1strati ve • Word permanent positions J>rncetsing •.Executives HOUS EKEEP E R. Ap· w/~ ............. potential • & Many More iJl tern· prox. 12 hrs J)er week Experience req"d. S800 to SI.en> mo. 3lt.i to 4 dny wk. 64.S--7580. &-v .. ..., ~ F . Set your own lime . i.Df owingjobs: porary ,.,.,... or yours Seavacw area or NB IMp1dcw calJ: Days 752·2393. Eves DENTIST experienced . Exper wtp.c. board as· TUSTIN '8SOHHa &M-0648. Great opportunity. Dr. &emb. SBVICES, IHC -------- ...__ !-•1 sd.lft ~lll'Vine Bl. Str• 201 HOUSEKEEPER-Live ID Flanzer . 642-0112 o r ~--.,. .. •. _ .... _.b ·u .,~~ ~ ~ .... ~~.per, capable 't4•6141 ... ..,...,.. Y seruor c1 z.en. ~· .,. .... , ... ,... Opporturuty to supple· DESIGHB BecTecWd• 10 to/o fne to . merit your Social'Securi-ty. La Ha bra area. HVAC. Com m /Jndust Scboolplusexper2Yrs+. .. -n-•t 2l3/IBl-tWia71•t67~760. projects. Min J.Syra ex· CauMS-0945. "--' • • per. Medi comult.ants or . ---------• Jbnekeeper ""' day per OCAirport. B«MNlll Gen de help wanted for wttlt. Balboa Island, Dahl, Taylor -k Assoc. Must be qualified with tum. ll«'e. Some selling. 67S-3llBS 549-5234 experience on marine Must be depend able, ---------...,_ .... ' ao· Id ·.., mature woman. f' /T . ---------' ,..,..,. ..... 1"t_ ... __ belp, in· ....,.,.,. .or wor en.a-.._ ~~ iw ~ yachL Must be willing to s.1.ary open. Apply in c Id d i 1 h m a c bi o e. leave within 2 weeb. Ell· penon.. Tues thru Fri. ~-~Fri~ PEM lhi2~..:. eel salary, full expemes. J131Newport Blvd . C.M. ..., .... .. · ves. "" Send reaume to 23112 • 8:30. Mesa Verde Conv. Whale Cove, Laguo. GUARDS Hnlp.8SlCeoterSt. C.M. M-...a .......... 548-5585 •"6-• .....,, • P\all • part time. All a reaa. Uniforms DISHWASHER-COOK • E IE e c u t i v e furalabecl Ages 21 or .......... --Secretary/Auiat&ot f« • will tnm -• to exdUof eatertai.Dment cmr. Retired welcome. IDISEIEEPERS & MAIDS for an aclu.ive private resort. Start i mmed. Esp. preferred. Will train. P\a.U lime. Apply in penoo, 419 N. Coaat ~. La~. 8dL or call 7141414·8521, a1l ror Daine. coo Ill • llu al s p •.a k ftrm. Must baft JLIDt tYP. No aperieot-e nee. Aps>- Spmilb .... Enl)isb. me • lbort.baad·akills ' lY 1Jnhwsal Protect ton -.:m4. Ori1. BBQ be Ible to travel. Salary SerY1ce, 1226 W. Stb . Dllplay BuildeT, min 7 negotiable. Call Dou SrMt. Sula Ana. In· -------- aperi buUd ..... temew boun t-l2 • l-4 lbaleworll. once a week, ~ b-~oodto di ---· -----MonthruFri. •-don-Paid moo custom ..:vW •· Factory' Worke rs In ..., ,.......... . plajs. t9tabllshed COID· c:bemical refiDerv fuU HAIRDRESSER with tbl)'. Cil area. 642·20'77 P*Q.Y w /bealtb plao. pro. • ' foDowtal for full Ml'Vlce fit lhar'ial. peict vau-lime permanent poll· Adell Salon in LQuna . lion. full time 1tead1 lion~. Hlah sch ool lllla.-...afUPll wed. M1uy open. ean chemilUY or work n · m.-. Cbar._ ,GUJ ::: wttb d>emlcalt RA IR STY L 1 ST • ~ Olrp. Olay • eveaina llANICUllJST; Rental 1 • Start et 9' bour. ..._ avall Newport ~ Will tuln. Complete Beach. 541-zza •1 KIDS & TEENS ::1or •b~c:' .wenwe hid ·~ plan, July l"os' .-11 eledronlct co. • Dee.+merlt boeua lJOl Jmtt,orial ctuU.. plm.. Aulomlt.lc salary Diil.., Ii p6ck up ill co. locreue pro1ram. tnct. pedra&tnf. Jluat E.O.E..Mt-ml baft valid Calif. drtven lie. ApplJ G .L .G . ..,....... l11S2 Condor A'N.F.V. -.n PAIJmEHRP Apfraadma&eb 2brs. 7 diQa a ..-. 3:00.5:00 Pll MomlQ tbru Fr-klay, SaturdaJ and Sunday ......... To deliver ap. prad•WlJ 100 papen to Apt1 In Park Newpart-&unblp ap. proaJmately poo per mllllb. roll lNPORJIATION: CAILMZ-4111 "*hr 0. WUllamt N6P,..._' M'm1 .~ a ... ---~ ... 111'1. Call Clrc.al•Uoo D1PL .,._ -· tbna fti:IMll to •• ,. Yoar frle11d1 and ,.._. UtUe acts r .. u, ......... llM C1aN1ned 1'00! JGn UM thoulandl wit en lbey b a•• of odMir people Lo UU. ...... toMll. They11 area wbo are retular tell tou bow well It .-. ot a-tned. C.U .. ...... tor tbem l our lld t-. at MJ.1111 . ROGER·s GARDetS Pharmare ut 1eal~. 89i beocfn.s ancludintt paid tneklnl( 11 pa.ad hohd&yi, 16th St re~t. Ne11opurt "ai·auon ~ T yp 1n 1? company paJd .l?n>ur in~ l:JeJch 642 7511 ext II 35wpm F 0 F: C:ill plan. ~1tk pay benf'lll:> & ~Mon. thru f'ra et.e Come to the l'erwn llMPOllARY P{ll5()NN(L ~!IMC! S 3723 lircla St ... wport.odt ZJOI San J oaqwn Hills Road 640-5944 COM OFTICE <...i.ERK • I girl o!C1ce Bkk K l''lp1•r bclpfuJ \ anous dullc' Nrce II 8-locauon Mon Fn 8-4 JO A93'856 I PBX Rc.'<'cpl p l Sharp ~ offire lD t'Ol'Tlpletc :111 lady Lo work afternoon.-. Jpplir..itJon Mrs\la.644~1 CA.UFOAM LIGAI. SECRET AIY Nwpt Bcb. a.irport area, xlft. skills. no SH. s aJl!H")' open 3.5 yrs ex per. litigation corporate . good benefits. 752,2510 Mamt. man (or j!eneral dlllJeo;. dearun2. paint· Int. etr Older man pr<' !erred. Permanent Job El Toro area ~3321 ----------Mgr~. Willing Lo wrk on comm for 60 dy trn'IZ phase, then saJ + l'omm Dy 646-4222. ~s 548 7~.: omcE ClERK ~for Paid III Ad· vance (.1erk. dutae:. are posl1Dll Pay Dy Mail Customer:.. r red 1t1n~ earners and lettrrunK lhc vaned )Obs ol a c1rcuJ.i lion offiec T yfll' 40 WPM l'a) sCAlc lo ex pe:nenre PHSOHHEl SECRETARY Xlnt oppor for .. ncr1?et1t person. Abl11ty lQ work well waU1 people 1:. " must T ypt• 50 wpm fll!Ur" aptitude. heuv) f1hones W1H Lrain an all personnel 1>rocedure~ X1ot worion K 1'1.Hldll1oru. &benefit.-.. 19991 \loo Karman lrvant-. 1-: 0 F: Pruo(n-adf'r IP n' l E•per onh TobeOn-CMI ~1 1010 t-;xt 251 t' T 1-ull lime. II H . Gen I r r J c l 11· e. ,. ' p n 1' l' 1.lt-d I m mt• d 1 n ll!amwork of<' 847 3507 or !l6J.4(00 LEGAL SECRETARY Laguna Hills. Recent CA. probate experience neceuary XJnt. typm2 & SH skills req"d. Call Mrs Winslow ror appt 837-1000. t 1mt 1 I"' / Assistcmt MJm.afler for restaurant m Faaruon Island. 5 days 1nc ld 3 eves . Ex penenrod. 640-6_:_100 __ _ OFRCE CLERI Apply w person 9 to 2 Pl t1ml'. rci:i1:.trat1on Moo tbru f'r1 derk:. for OCC lt·r lures 1semllla rs 556-SR80 LEGAi. TRAIN& Needed for 2 l{irl office, need sharp. organiied aecretary w /itood skills. Smle d humor ~­ u.i. Some nper In cavil litigation & corpora te would be helpful. Call Me redith at l 7 14 J s.o-0100 "'-'Star. a..il Pleid'ble bra. Ideal f« re· tired person. Apply before nob n . 2 78 Broedway. La« Bch. LOM4 SICUTART Prelli&l ou1 n ew llllll't.Pie loan company. Manicurist l.a11te. busy 5&klo. fUU tl me 5116-2216 --------MAN 1CU R1 ST· W I th foilowm.( for f ulJ serv ace Redlctn Salon an Laituna Hilla. M6-8588 al\ SP M Mamtae C-0 in CM has openinl{s ror trainees w~e adv.a.ncement apply, Mln $4 per hr , Day & Nile work a va1I. 540-683.1 Doo Qui_l!Ul4· - Mature L ady lig ht bouleworit. Trailer home with mobtle I ady. 4 hrs $3.00 per hr. dally MMSlO. Sta.rt OcL 2nd. Type towpm. BaD1'.1·--------i e1crow, or insurance ..-CHAMICAL blldl«J'OUDd prerened. Irvine complex. Ph : DISIGIB 6'4·4201. Anytime 6 Experience in design of wlmdl. smill madaioe parts for mechanical and elec· LOAM SHIPPB tromedwllcal machine WA;tlMtU. part.a. Relpo111ible ror ~ d FHA NA deliln. layout 6 detail. Ir -i Small desip department Phone Clerk. WE llA VE VERY N I CE CUS TON ERS• f'lhn~. hll' lypan~. tteneral oChce wock. EKcellenl eom panv benefits Call Eileen at 642-4321. ext. 219 ror appomlment OIAHGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330W BaySt .. Cost.a Mesa Equal Opportunrty Employer Para-professaonaJ Draft penoo wanted for full time employment with t.be landscape atthllec· lural firm of R . W. Forsam Auoc Phone 714/41J6..6U I for appt P arking Attend a nt Male/fem., pt 6 F-llme. Call b etwn 10·5prn; 6'73-4800. Part time. afternoon. ~omceworll Call ~1 lous pac a.,ac eaHn· fcrovi"-env1roament tiaL OpporWaJty to 1row work wMb ~ expa.q4inf( or~ as· P.An·TlMI aatlonal mort1a1e ~iamneau. Eacellent -~STNX buk« while eajoylD1 work beDefttt A wa,es. ~ • ....-. t.be pleu1nt workln« Cont a ct Penonnel, W.aeedavwyCGDlden· aurrouadlnaa of lb• 557-9051. Equl Op• "UUll, penout>M lndlv SAFECO IMSURAMCE CO. liS70 Brook.burst Founwn Valley _F.caual °Epor Em~y !:_ Peul..lon Clrculatol'l!, r.. SJ.Jo SI 0 hr. full or part time. wurk own hrs. Housewives. st~ts. retirees over 1.8. S51-0934 7-lLAM or 4-SPM ...... ~·· Mc th ' CJeril Im.mediate opening for full Ume Pbooe Recep· don. Must have entry level >accountloJ! e x penencc. Xlnt company benefita. Call Balboa Ma rin e for appt. 549-9871. E.O.E. PLASTICS Extruder Operator or Trainee. ex· per helpful. Apply ln penC>n, au w. l8tb St., CM.n~. Pre Sc hoo l A i de, cert111cate or experience. Call MO-e820 N.wport Beacb /lnln• 1~JU~rtri~~~~Em~ploy~~er. ~~I ror our a« otUces. lfu. .,.. ot o....,. County. r trom UM Mon·Frl. call PrinWlR Euellent •eneflu. Medical ~t A llUllOO. E.O.E. Seelor Dtlpllc.tlfft Salary eommenaurat• lna&&raace e111er for Part Ume help ,..oted. a.tr wltb ,uperle11ce Is laboratory. Call Jan ApprOX.2Shn.perweek. Salary:•l·Sl228 ~· J'or •pt>'l. MNl40. Sailea.. T~ Inc., .......... tcbool di.It. bu call 176-IOIO Hk for FaabMln II.land. N.B. lgm .... ....,, lllDt ~ _,..1 •• ..,.. ~ belfttl. Requln1 2 yn. ~-.... ---ll)'OUWllll&youradvertls· Plrt Urne llelP wanted, aper. ln opeuUon of a.idin&Jal Jtortra1• lnc .....,. to reacb ... 61• 1'*. m,i.tl mod•na oflaet equip • Oo., mon ,...1. at lower fo r prod a cl lo• . a.. t.a. Huntinaton Aoaldw.alJlubrC.~ coat., Clutlfied la &be Jllalmwn &1• ao. APPb 8udt u.-H~. Diet .• Ilia ..... oppor. com-.., to IOI Call Now I at Penayener, llfO Im &a Dn 8olt1 An., .,_, ...,. Placda,ColtaM91L H.8.-..nl .&.O.E . I Pu.rch3.SUll? ~Cleric Downey Savings & Loan ha.o; an 1mmed1ate open llU( for a career mltlded 1ndtvld~I MerchandJs mR & acrou.ntin2 b11ck 2round preferred with emph.Mis m bank relakd products Minimum or 2 yrs. purchasing expcr r eqw red Sa lary com men:-.urate w ith e x perience. XJnl workin~ cood. & beoeflt.s 1nclud mg paid group ln1. & pro· fit shannJ!. Cont.act Mr:.. Knlll800 549-0ll02 . F.qual Oppor Emplyr _ Real &tate Sales; lie. or unUceued, Will train. 673-r.m A&lt for BW , t.hc manager. ledEatahA9fth Opening for active career minded licensee. Commiulons to 80% . ~Computer. Good eK· poeure. Call Dan Wallen· tine M.'>-7221 f« conlldcn · l1al in&.eMew. ........ s.. ()peniDI for llcenaed u leapeople, locally owned, with national r~ fsn& Qll&eld. Ell~lent worlrlna eoadltlons . Earn '°"" c:omm1salon. Fer coel\dentlal app 't. eaU '7M-0Hf. SUCU· ~Realtors R.&AL. 181'AH o~rl llANAOU CM1flloln ,.o...dil&Mv. Int "PPGfhlllt)' for real .... ""*., U.11 fOf' more l•formauou m..-r,.,M* mM. IST All t.A&.H O, cd1 M.& Office NE•:DH YOU I Joa.ft tn. W\ftfttaJ Team 1 flll&.Mtlr ~•tic:Jft. rom ~ter v1d~ t1pC' top ~~ C'lill lA>Ui •turd19X, hptemt>et 21 I 111 M.A.NAGEN THI LOOI kll•-for ~llWl .. ~­mt'n l.nd women' rl(')lhlni. h & ecceuorlee, h a1 lbe followlna pc>1ilkMI ava labJe ............. AllllM. a · 3 h arp «•Is llh h1h lO'l & manattement ba~k1erou.ncl 2 ruu llm~ • and l part tim .......... AllllUr111t1 • h•rp 1uy1 or 1al1 w•th knowledge of Mtth faahlon men1 clothlntt. praor bac-kJround nee ury 2 Full time. nnt-part tame AU pnMtUon1111re nht1"Y -t commlsslun t-rompany profit ijhitrinR Call for ppc.>fntmt1nl to et up intervww THE LOOI( 140-4&00 644 .. SOO ~ HAIDWAU lA1u1u11 lieal'h Htoluil • t --!!~~-~~ ..... ?!!4! ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ .. ~ ..... ?!!~ ~'!-'!.~:.~ ..... ?!.~ ~.~~: ... ?!~ ~.! ... !!~ ........... . SECIETAIY M etJur rm..-c.Hea l electronie oompany 1 1uwlc nH u C'ureer person who llkea a bu. de wilh • llenl t.v&>ana . kllla s horthund & telex •xpertence helpful & 1 wood aptitude in math. We are tn nN•d or a tr sturter who enjoys th~lu14 & diver ·lf1cut1on Non.smoker. f<: x c· c· I I c• n t b e n c ( i t s . P a y rummen1Ju rute w1th experience. t'Xt'cll~nt p,urroundingi; l .ocation close tu all you.r personal ncc.'<is. Mls.sion Vlt>JO ur1.·u Only those see kin~ pormuntml employment need appl y . C'ull Suisun for appoantmonl, 581-3830. St: '/ADM IN ASSIST New CM bued firm Ac cur•lv lypl nM reqd Slartlq 1aJuy _,Mo -.~wkdaya __ _ •sacaTAllY •'1lt Unle Hlll llerbour Hkbard Tom. Architect Sul rwgo W OG7 l Secreu1ry I Auiatant fo r ucitio« entertainment firm. Must have xlnt typ Ing 1killll. Call Debbie -.-. SICllTAIY S.rvlu llhtloo, U • TrelDH, Sbow-boru W.t&r .. 1 P/T, food 6 t M $ a IHI ,.rleaeed M •••••r. 1t1ble1, latruetloa1, b•v•r•1•. 1 l ·IP•· -·-••• .. •••••••• Refer1nee1 requl red. ..,. • board. Ja.lOU, Priv ... Club. MW4IM "•IC AUCTION• Saa c 1u1eate. Call •z::na. w· .. ~1w1ttrff1. Prr. 11AMYrr&11.1or n.NE .. .,....... .._... -MAMIPACTUmM6 'cr-Pll'~. N&• a1'AT& &•&&.&..\', s:;:.".e:=.~ttudut . Tltat•S ==~· Pr\)'•k ~'~~:~T:.1 ~Nt! ·-.,.. _____ .... __ -.U TVS8, &TC. •-nu...... WAMTmDllYll PHOICE roa fNPO • Suell •ar M•••.1.er ~ . hi• ._._ .... ,,..... w .-w.a ........... -m1tur1, experienced _.,.., ...,.._, __.....-.--. ,._. to ..... ,. 'rite U•t NI tf p Car To cWlver Daily Piiot ,_.. i..o. ~It Bar. buadlel to tanien. Ile· Deya. Moo-Fri. 1ome Pr1 •••• ,,.... qaa,. van or larae •l•· •'"end• " I i •wt+ ... a.n don wagon and • food we " "PP '1 n ..... vlaa ··-ord. P o"e -_ ....... _ -1 Co. ~aeflt1. ltvlne. un """ u --· "'" -.... -·' M0·7Ut. A Kenda via 142·4321 1nd u lt tor OtrUr Dr · El Toro. Ind. .. £.O E Harry ~eley or Don Stellonery Store In ~Amil. C.orwa deUhr nffd1 est• EQUAL Travel .\iC:)'·Secretarbl, PPO TUN TY ~nenc:ed u lea l ady. xlnt typlnlC 70w pm , 0 R I F\lll time 5 day1. xlnt w/spd writini or SH. EMPLOYER '#Otklnl conda. FApecl•l f bl h C -----ly0nedientele. IS75·lOJO. t eal e "· a ll Were bouae Su perv11or SM.ocleiia SaJuy m2-11020 Type 45 wpm, ah 80 wpm, 1mmed1ale open lnb. lllnt benef1l1. Hunt Lnaton Beach Un)on HS. Dul . Rm 120. ~1 Bolu Ave . H.H 898·6711 £.() E STOCK Q.ERK needed 957 • .-. Tnloee opeolna. (ull TIAY&ACHNT Grow with u.a ! tnn·e·: prevlou~ ex · pen~ helpfuJ, but not oect11. Startinfe pay S3 ~ hr. CAii «J,5225 for Ill tervlew SeJed llld·W•lem Alll.l,que1. Mu1t SelJ. 8)' Appolnlment Only. CaJJ 10.m-4pm. INIO.u4G. BURLl'.:SON ANTUQUF.S AUCTION GALLERY ~nowbelng accepted Cor nestt Aue· Uon Sale. Sept 27, 7 .00 PM. C.11638-7790 SPACE MAKER SALE Need room for new load& ANTIQUE "°W am~Bl~d.C~ ~ ..... s..r.. • ..... '71-1771 RtSTAllRAton tt t:Lt> r11J1 lJlll.. L.unc-b 11h1rt l'vun,•r httl p needed SI~ Jlf'r hour ldul for u1ll•l4• a tudenh ., ttc..WI\"' () (' AlJl)Or\ .,...., l '•11 Kuo 2 ) pm, ~~ Sal~" r T Co11-.l l•--------- Rip dly irow1ng Ph1rma c 11ut1 c al Research " O«!velop mtnl Co. ~ loo.Ilana for a aeH mot1vatt'd 1n chvtdual Shorthand or speed writinl( reqwred 6'2-7~11 eitl ll (or bud.Uni loeom1ng ts oul,...DC ltot'k Masc of ftce dutleii Valid C111lif dnver li e Good co bme lrv 10<' Contact Al 11 .. ~1 Crowing comm errial trevel or11anj11tloo 111 lcddoa for 1.ndlviduaJ de airing opportun1~y to IDDYt ahead in the I.ravel ~. New learrun~ experienc. are 111vad111· ble with r eser vation systeml, rruru comput.en • travel lra1n1na to furtht'r your own knowlt'<ll(" If you 'rt' ICOC)d. wt' wa.nt you' Xlnt t'mployee benefit s. 1111lary commensurate with experit-nce M1n1mum 2 y r s e x J)f'ftence reqwred. Call 11411157 2700 Warehou.&e workn I AX>k llllC for mature, alert In dmdual w1JUni to IH rn ts accept re11pona1b1hly 1n Mabbshed NewPQrt Btadl hrm involved in M4JPIYU\R textiles used in yac:htJ.nsc. backpackmit & aka wt'ar Stturc future for nl(ht peri.on t'1lhn" of order11 ts l(eneral warebouat' dullt'I\ 37 a.., hour wet'k, f ull l ime dity~ Xlnl co 11111d benel1t.!1 l'ay b11i.t-d on abd.tty Call ~ 11166 Oak table 'claw loot . value '1000 Your's only lllOO. 1912 Gas Pump, Gilbert .tt Baker , valut' 117~ Your's Sl~ 1948 Gas Pump 'Nal1onal value f1'00 Your'11 $400 ca.JI~ llALISTATI Wiu&M tor MW lrvuw flfi<'C', hcrM~ or un '~. ""'" wtll lflflR 0.11 m11r . Kt<lhill ltciall y /o r c:unl11h•nt111l 111 k-t"Vlew SSI GG1 I RECIPTIOHIST , /\ rewardinl( Poll w to ftllll f(FYWilnH t•u 111 I he· Irv •reu l''u II lwnt• .~ Hereption1 ~t t\rC'h1l1·11 00.Lder !IN'ki. rt•c·1•µt with typtnll sk1llil & boukkt·•·11 nut eJCpt'r Quahllt'd ill> 1>tJcanu cmly Jlunl l:kh 714-"47~ Rece1>l (;t'n 'I (HI\· ~at~ Answl-r phont'll , It t-; S ·1 I\ l ' It A N 'f MANA(a.tt l'uod .. bl•v•nl(l' MIC• lur pr~ 'Utee priv11tl" r lub lo N t' w JI 0 I l u .... I' h tl\Mlll't01l111t " tfe mli nll lo.! )Ob t411•t ,... l'llll • pnillt rru11dt"1 4'I wllllnlol to "·otk han l Our 11t11rf k~ uf tt11.11 ad l:it-nd n· 11unw wllh u luy h111lory & n'I to aid 114!00, The Ol&Jly f'llot. PO tli)x t:.00. 01Kt1t Mt!H, ('A 926:.!tl R~"l'MlllANT MC;Jt rull tJmr. 2 lut·at.sons. t: M or tv\'a sr> OU hr. no pn• VIOU"I l'Xpt'r 111.'t'dl'd ~900'1 tu.su.urant P If Lun1•h ht-If>. North II H ~2 \H.5 1 Hltrdware 49'1 4400 ULISLAOY l'"or C'itdwslvc l·hJldren11 llt.ortl Su l Pina t-;x per rllt"nl 1 ot l l.1• M111tastn s.49 8585 s.ll'l!lperlion, llt!rmumml full lmw-' wall tr•in tl M Abram• Cu t 11Ju14 Showniom. 18111 Newport l\lvtl , <A•l11 Mt'"U Sult'!lpert1on l'\s II ll uw <:ill •hop <:oron11 dt'I Mar <:11111 M Y II 4 Jo 4JT~~ Slllt'f> 1'1•r.wn __ JI~ )y~_Jtnowlc~cll(t' or calcul11t1w <;;, lfl>t't w1•1•n \Ism 12 n oon (IN I. Y 557.7440 Ai.le. for Mt•rt• No Sat Cvlb 1.ocltl 111114:11 or.i11nnat1on expitndrnit' We are 11 le-..der m the knowll'tlllt'. t'duc11llon, commun1c:11 lion mduslry Wt' arl' lomunR for profoSllsonal !l&lesp«>ple who art' 1n tert"Sled In periwnal freedom. t'h11llenl(1nl( _________ _._work o P Jl t .Y -a. c" RlCB'TIOMIST f"asluon I'll arl':1 fo m.m cwl i;erv1t'P'> firm n • ,, u I re l> I n l (' I I 1 I( l' II l . muture. wt•ll ~r1Jomt•<l 111 <IJv1duaJ tu a1'\ a' rN'l'JI t11J0111l /front dt•11k M u11l hav .. ex1u:rien1·1·1 ~wml rL-f~c·m·t'l-. 'l'ypm.: 'kill!. nt•ce11i.ary lm111t•tl1;il1· llflL'fUnl( (;all !I :10tJ1:lpm ~IZl IUA.;fo:PTIC>N IS'I' /Sfo;(' V ltilptdly l(rtlWIOj,( J rVllll' Co seckm.: cx1writ·nt·t•d 114•r'!Ofl l•1 handlt• hu'>Y 11hon1!1> & front 0H11·1· t,ralhl· Good lypinl( rt• qutrt'd Salury c•om meni.urutc· with •·x pem.•n re C;ill (;harlerw ;It 551} :u.J7 lu~t .. urJnl I h.1i.t•w1 ve:. & Mudcnu. 1-nendly, dependable & m rr.<'1tmt1ous If you hkc t.o <..°OOk . y1,u ·11 hkc lh11s plare Apply m Jll'n1em IM'tWl>en l! !> weekda)'!i ~rrull Terruc'" 291!1 ICJd lbll. Col.ta Mt.-sa 114:tail CLERKS I" u I I & I' a r l t 1 m •· qavcyurd '1h1fl1> av<>ila lilt-Apply m rwri.on. 7 fo: I. t-: V E N , I 0 :17 W lluk••r C'ui.tt• M1·'·' ... () Jo: Jtt-twl ~ah·' l'art tirnc· ldl'al for :;tUUl•nl 11r owlun• lady $:.! !j(I per hr !I JU l o 3 C all !~JfiWI RM'S JmmcdJ11te operunl(i. tor -.Ceptioni1t/fypbt (;ah( he Rn'"'· Newport 1':11p Abo ~'lit11it wilt\ I ~:!'\ ~~Y 1!~,::,;~l:l honlclu-c•pmj! HtJal s .. 1,·11 ulflcc 4 or :i t1ny!i mc·hl'I 645 57tn • Jl &Sun (';ill 67S llM2 ~AJIJN<: IN!-n'IHICTOH ReuptioNst /X.ro1 Operator nt-edc'CI for 25 'n' f'rW:>IOfC 'a1Jbuat. part l1ml' m clurlintc wknds 645 7100 Sall mall•nlol st>11mi.tres!i wanted, f!11penenre pr<· f1:rrnd 67~70 SALES traordlnifry 1n1·oml' potenuaJ a.11 for up1Jl I-At Rush or H1l'k c;111 r'f.'Uilin 963 11!)4 SALES PHSONS Personality plui. udulb t •> work with and rmsvaw kid.' Ovt•r 21 Jn l..iJl(una. Cap1!.lr;..no. San Clemente 11rea1> PART TIME EYEHIHGS PHOHE: fA2·4321CJr494 !Mll6 1-:xt l50 BclWl'i'n 4 ~l'M l\.o;k for l\nd n •;i !;al(•li. retutl . GHt:l\T Pfo.:OPLt: FOH <:HEAT TIONGS. The i:ood de "11Ul stor<· 111 Si> Cousl Mi&UI, ruJI or 11:.irt l>mt• 751.(610 SALES SECRET ARY Immediat e open1nl( 1n lJvl.0£. area Dullc...'11 m elude :.ulPs cor e'ipon denre. tran11t•rsption. l'USWmtr Jlr<l!>IWC:lln~ Iii lrammv. ror word pro tt:sStnl( machine 1n a pubh!ihmv. 1tracll' :.how 1ndw;lry Xlnl 11H11·e '>Ur roundrni.cs Starl1n 1t ~al11ry S!IOll + frin v.1• bencf1ti. C:ill Murky 7 14 !>4 !1 4K J4 or l!IJ.582.~ SICllTAIY fl.ranch 1111.ln oil 1 ce Mlljor equipment Jea.111ng .. financing corp h11111 an entry level operuna ror a ~ motivated. oul"O'"IC pen.on Minimum lypinl( Wwi.1m, SH preferred Ceil 714-557-0303 LITTON INDUSTRIES c,,_..corp f.O.E. M/F/H s tx;R•:rAltll\L J:it>KHwn 1iv111lable for exlrem(')y orj(1111111.cd , rn;ilurt• 111 dtv1du11I l\rt'tnit t•x1i.:r Pt'i111l1• on1•nh•d Cull 6e8MI St:CHt:rAHY. word 1>ru cci.111 nl( dcs1ru1Jlc :1 yeaT'i ex1wr Somt• n · cepllon 714ti7rt t!OJO St'nd H'HUmc lo John ff e-1 s w e-n d e r . z o I ~pyard Way. New1>0rt llc-h. tr.t;G.1 SKretary Expo:ncm·t.od with l11<ht bookkePfll n.e fo.N 1-; fl() N u >It p 641 OOtl() SECRETARY Alrnull moi rket.inv. f 1 rm li.a.s 1mml"d po~lllon av~ul '"" l'lll.tt:r M!c 'y llandlt• wurk for 2 fo:xl'I' m x lnl lal'1lit1e!! w int1•1 t•11tm~ dlvenmy of dullt'' Start 'llllary S!l :JU /m<J W/tN•nnd1r tnl'rCll'll'h dt' 11 r n fl c· n l u 11 o n 11 1• r r •1 1 m 11 n ,. t' 111.,11 Mtod. t~nl'fil ,.1an lnqu1r1· II :IOam ~ :w 11m M r Anclt'0•1n ~~' Secretary for Ami ofk , tu .mswer ptione11. do I 1lt' om: work & bkkp v. No typml( or S/H M'4>flt'd So Laf(Wla 495 146,'; Seerel11ry . Nat 'I Chain rt'st:iurant Hldr n1·edi. ser y w :l !'iyri. bat·k l(n.ound 1n u>r11;truel1on 11r related field lb d,.,1 .. 1 l'rowct Mv.r 1n nt•w l(row1nv. pm1•rJm Gt1 M<CTetanal 11k1lh nPre~i. c:d ~•art i.al;iry t llt!11d1ll! <..:unt;.wt Erin ~lly 7521730 SECUT ARY /GlHHAI SECRl:.IARY·Typ1s. 60 wpm, Cosla Meit111 CPA rsrm Salary $700 S800 mo Non·sm oke r Call T('IT)' 7S4· HMO for 11ppl SICUTAIY f'hwport 1.••cll ........ of....-.. •aCla•I"• •••II• Secr•hN'y /Girl Fri· day . Di ctapho1t• tr•1criptio1t & ac· curacy lmporto1tt. SIOO. 979-3699. SECRETl\HY l-:X1>l'nence with ictrnn~ lyp1n1t. & shorthand .. lotb. full lime career opporlun1t) l\pply in rtt.'f'!l(/fl ll'J Mr t'Ut-nlt•ll al flobert liem. W1lhitm fi'r<l'!l & Aucx' 1401 Qu1a1I St NC'!wpor\ Bear h SECRET41Y Newport lkh l11w rirm ~'eking 11ecrt'lllr)' with xlnt typinl( i.ktlb t.1q1r with worrl 1>ron•.,, 1r1 I! machine. helpful bul nul M.,'(l (;all ~ ~ SECRETARY f\Jll t1mc-fo:xpcrtf•nr,. nt.-c 60wpm ty11e. S II Start $875 Stra1~1t1 Aheud 831 OJtH ai;k I fJJ Hcv or Frt!d Secret.an al ••ATT94T10th • Sludent.'i Tt'.H'twr~ lfou.•WWIVl"'I'' EAllN Vl\Cl\TION U Wl-:Nl':l':U SEC.KETAHIY.S- IMMEUIATELY with or w 1oul sholt.ha nd l..onl( or :1hort term. holt 5toc:il /l .. •...tort c t.rtl As1111l 1n OPf'ralion o( lU1> mall 11tock room11 Supply ordenn1<, opC"ra Uuri o( 1n11chin~. i.h1p IJU\ll. rec.·e1 vi nit F;x ri.v req •':uch111n h1I I nv1•i1t Firm Cull 040 Oli!:l, U 30 toS Teacher. Pre S1· h1111I . 111·nruan11nt ~I 1738, l'M ltt Ill' M 1't•11rhtn Ah81' S pH dUSM"l! for hand1u ppcd Yll aduJl11 t:xp rl-Q n H :ll lo 4 wk d11 Y• ::,unl;i An.a <:..11 ~ ~700 T\ITOI /MA TH F:xpe rienr l'd math Wi.C'IWr ror 6th ~r111dC'!r l.all\lrut Sch C:a 11 tH·f :1 PM 494...W12 TYPIST Im.med optonllll( l<1r 11c 4'\a'lll.e fut typ111t ~m1· c:lt•r1<·11I duttea 1ncludt-d Mal~ non 51noker prrf Pat ~7 1M4l Cum putA:r Ln II H Te:idwr nt't'(Jt.'11 for Mon l.a';()fl, tt'acher " aid"•· ullt'rnwn duy l'Ur hl'l11 118 )f'I) t'ttll ~40 47~3 Jflh 11-:At1 ft;Jt.~ A'lMSTAr-;T Moolt.,,.;on tl'11< hn-. 3.'iSl"t for K I !fn K.UI Typ!sl.li Need 1<ood lyp1,1 for plt-asanl off 1«e .. :x 1 work1ntc lOnd 8 341 111 4 :.I wtl cfu)!I ~..tnlll Ano1 aru !>46 Si61l n:An1Jo:1<~ (.'rt>8U\lt'. lllllttV.tlt'fi ll'ul1 t eachrr' l11rPrli.r lra1m.~· f'11r t\ mt'nnrn I' r ,. S 1 h 11" I "· c · S t' f' rt I f 11' ,1l111 n & I' X Pl'rlC'nt·l' l'ft'fl'f f1·•I 'l\aslJn & M1lii.11m V1C'Jfl ar!'a ~ 14C7 •ir 17U l!t'J\I n:Ac..11,.;ns Part lime Iii full llm•· 1A:adwn1 (or 11n• i.<'11001 'l'ustln. M111'11on V1r-Jo I. I frvlnt' ";("~ :1tuclPnh or cxiwnem·MI 11rt'rt'rre<I ~·7l31 or 710 19'J!I <ir 544 1467 Tow Trurk Onvc ri. 1•x' per'd Top p111y Apply c .. w Towing. 7408 Clltn'I Way, C M 642 I~ 'J)'ptsu • •A TI"IHTIOM • • Sludenlb TeJ<·her) I k.1UM'WI \'f.., •• EAH.NVACATHJ!': lS WE :-in;o 1!-.erour Typ1i.u <SUit Typ11jl.l\ I 1Jlctitphorw l) p1'>l." 1(1~nc Typu.u NU~O JMM El>IA n :t. V IAJOJi & shurt lt-rm hoh <l.1y & Vi.lt'.lll<IO It.I) ho!.1>1lal1wl111n a' Jll.i hit- VOLT f~J6.jAN" 'GfjUv•:lf .. 546-4741 J84ll Ca mpu.t 0n Y(' l.llC'r05l\ from WARtJIOUSE 1 0El~IVl'~K PP.RSON .. 'fH< PARTY RF.NT/\!. ~;roto: Part ume Apply io2s Nvt Blvd CM Wl\RY.H() Sto: l"l\t9J'OKY ASSt:M HLt;HS T1.p I'd) h111I W1•t•kly HORIEU Tt'm"'" .tr} ~·n 11 ,., f,....Ult' 1~ l..IJ6tJ t.O t. '1 .. WOOOWOIKIHG C.ruwinl( Mfl( ('o nl'f'th ) '' u n I' m a " ""' 1 l h mt.'<hdl\lc·QI -.plltucfr full llllll' W•1t.td.,.11tl111111 Will lr.ttn 11mt1111ou~ hart! .,.,orker Oppty lu o1t1 vant'f' S<t·ur•· lutur•• CA'l!y thi.A'I<• wnu 11rt· d•· r ... ndabl,. & d1 •" r•· 111 1 .. ..om ~ ar>PI) C'o1ll l11r .1ppt M~ h7i7 W .111011 Corkw11txl, W.. W 17th St ( ~ Yard m••n Hi>Ol11I 1·1·n1n ha_, fuJI \lm1• UJW•0.1111<!' (hr 2 m en ~ .. " h ... n 11 .d lul<""'lc'()•••· ht-ll•ful ""••l•I h .. nd ... nt1nv m·c , ... , ... rv Wrt-tcruty l'lfr Will lr.rn1 l.!CJ> !'l~r•>n HI y<f I. \1 ......•................ ...... IOOS ..•...............•.... MU~9J' SEl.l~ Ruut1ful llllllque from Old China. hand carved rosewood r hr w/1nla1d mother.or pearl .. black wood nowr s lnt1 t:v(':;/wknd:; ~ Ortl( Jo;n1tl1 i;h d111•lln~ 1rn1tol ,et, slgna turt' :wnc...~. ~l ofr 493 971~ ~-.CH 1010 •••.•.•...•••.......... 111.fnl(eritlt>r lg frll!'>l fr1·P work.ii perfect I\ 'l*l'Hll only $150 Gu11r11nlet:d :JI 6JlJ (,as & f:Jc...«'\nc dryer. ~1-: .. l h s.411 4411.'> TradeiftSal• Sot/S.../Moft Suf)l'r 11pe<>1al ltatUtP:\ t.J 1 But model11, '4'.·lf !'lean upper & ltiw1•r oven11 Only 195 1!8 0111 hwbtM:r ~ Dryl!rs. l(ah UT t:ll'C Sl2S ~~.,~ A..ei..c~ IJ!.119 Juir\1t1r ktirfl c;<; t ·.,ro H~fnl(1·rator" Wa.'1hc:n. & llryt-r' kJ\H<IAINS·Sl':H VIC '!-; fio•l\t Appllan•·t· 5:1ti O!JI I l\labttlTill & Ad:11n~. I Ill l 't\Sll !'AIU W' hr II r y r ~ It•· I ri I'' ..,,irk1m• 11r nut !1r.1 H1:1:1 ' " r J ' t ' e l-'t•1t>t fo'tt'<· ltc-fn1• sn:. .1. l•-•l'li.'>f·' m Atrltn•· I ·r (urf' 1~1upon ~ 541; 01,71 l " >' II., day & VlH atwn puy., TOW TJWCK ORIV•:R~ John Waynt.> l\1rpon ' .. ;qUlll ()ppor t;mployn J\nllqu,. 11.tlm H ,x!J• SllUl l'.Jll nu·:t-:7.F:H MC'u l''T SllJ11 !>4'1 !'«17 'l :r:.. SI~ hosp1lal1zation a vallif .. :Xpenencerl only l.1ve ble • tn <.a.La M'°"111 64i6 96:ll ~I' w .. sht·r t>o·.,t of tpll, w .. 1tre,.,,., lmmt·d1,111· ri·r ,1.,.1.r s1 i:1 '1Jant Ut 1!f7 I !l'Jti 546-4741 :1M.Hl:ampu!l l>riv1• lacrosi. from Jllhn Wayne l\1rroort 1 F,qual Oppor t:mployn ·r'railk~. no t·xp.•ntnu· l)ftefllnJd11rt·x[M'r dinn1·r \1 ,1k• tho • ~·11•1•1 .. 11r,.,. tr.1n,,Ji•r..thlt• •ta ~"·''Y M11nufac'lurt• & IU"H'yar<I Paid • ,,,.,, htiu.whohl 1h 111 """ r" f'4t>Ot~ 2 of 11ptw11I ,.,,m1,,1r1•·n1' I uun-.. itorid ur"' \jlph r1111 u,1111~ ,,, .111.Jl•I• 111 oup 7 OOAM J JOI'~ 2 SaL' I Tit)IQr., tt .. ,t .. ur.1nt .,..11111••ittwr l.1m1h 11• ,111 Wh1r1ru1I dl'f "'J'h"' ~II nd pi·r mo o\'1',rt1m1· ~:A.I Kt>dh11l & ~.rnt .. \n.1 I """1"n" lth'm '"' ,,,f,· in '"ll10it' w•1rk ., lo'reuldd hr l.c1e·altod ( M ,,..., o:.ruo fo'rwy Tu...lln I c 1oL'""'"'(' I .1111~1:! ..... 11 i.•<JC••rll> $7~> !17:. 11:.i1 10d 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-tJ,;t \ t\Jll time \lam to br>m Pltw.'>anl, 1tOCJ1l 11•lt'llh111w ;k]Us n ecc...'!ii.ary l\pi.ily in per!>Ofl to Mr fo\lt>11l•·i. ;,l !Vibert f!e111, W1l1111 m fo'rost & t\'1110<· . 14111 ~1lSl Newport l~·11ch fo\Jll & JNlrt lime J>'.1!>1 uon.'I 11va1lable Recent ftef crencc11 requ1 red. Call Mrs •tarni.. 673·46!>!> or 64().9608 .. .-.-.-.-.-.-. OFRCl SICIET ARIAL RfCS'TIOHIST PIX lmmed OJH!nlnit Ill mortl(ul(e bunkl'r <•i<N' SALESCLHK NtJtht 11h1rt l\pply 111 person to 7 -Elc• v1•n , U1933 Crown Vall<'Y Parkwa y. l.:tlol una Nll<Uel ,ofrlct!ll tor pcri111nablP, vcrs11t1le & very pro fes111onal uldlv Mus t hi' u .per'd on busy pu11h bulWn console H you en JOY :i wide variety of duues, indudmic It lyp uuc. call Cathy Brennun ait CaJ1lom.11t Mortf(11~P ll32>alOO E 0 ~ SALIS SECRET AIY l mmed opt'n1nJ! 111 Irvine area Outws In dude sale!! correspon dt'nce, tran11t•rspl111n , cuswmer prU!ipec..."tlng & tramsng for wor d 1>ro ceaiuni;c m 11C•h1nc 1n a \rade show /publt11h1nii industry .. :xcvl nfrtt•t· !>urrou.ndtnl(!I StarhnP. sal ary $900+lrinl(t' beoer1ts C111l Marky 7 I 4 I $ 4 !I 4 8 3 4 <> r 213/582-5350 ~Oii Clt>rk, presl11te dru~ 111.nre, N n Full time. perm .. 11om e wkndi.. ~OMST {SEC'Y bent'f1t11 Mr Elwood. Newport Center. fronl o( 67~L50 Sale. n~ appearance a mu11t. Sales Deb very llave full S,. & Hot Ttllbl heavy phones, some lyp Umf & J><lrt ume pm f.nerget1c .. cre:it1ve 1nll Perm port timl.' av1t1l You can eitped to 11ales perM>n needed for 1·5.:.>pm 640 5470 cam up lo fl oo per hr Costa Mesa area Xlnl Recepllool•t· Front of c ftK a new company dmn.i commission E11penence needed Fllll l1mr tor 1 n le rea l in ll work desired. M2·S4S6 b u 11 y 1' w I' r l $JI~ School JoblJ . Temporary Ophlhalmol1-c111t'11 ulc Sall'ftperson. full time. work t"r a needed Mon.PH 9-~ t I a "c rm "l C 111 f el e r I a worker• 646-247~ ~!.,.;~~\~ Cd~. $3.72/hr. Cuat odl11n11 RECEPTION1ST Mature lady, w/lnlere11t $US/hr. Clerk Typist A .. 1n cook Ina p re fe rred . $ 4 . 2 7 I h r . S le n o oawer pnone . .11ome Cler k as•.7"/h r . uu11 ll!rht CJ1f1ce work 'fvpe 1'tMls thru S•t 10·5: 30. " " S ta r t $700 m o. llrs. Kikhen Thln"8. 34.29 Ji: Dnven SUl8/hr. Hunl· r~-M Coat Hwy 813-~ lngtoo Beach Union H.S 8:»~m. \Amt& H 6o, --' . ..,,..... R ,..,. 5201 Doi ~ ..... •-. "·IJ ti~ """'it.ion ..-.. m ,_,, 1111 ...-ru ..-. Ave., H.B. 898-6711 ... Relident Aida, 117 Ptr. lt)P.-ailbardwarcstore. &O.E. P NoAa'JllQ9. or Eves. See -----7-3 rr fOt Retirement Mille Jollntorut Seamtreu. exp lo work on ~ Newpon Villa H.W. Wri.&ht.Co.. la&ber apparel " lura. ........ anl • KENTUCKY PRIED CHICKEN thrina: • • Se'-~I ~Penoenel kpedlt«a P\aD lime/put lJme O..•pluunt 8w:b ··::=:: ,., .. ,ood .. UailGnm 1upp&Md •S. PCH. J.at 8dt mlk>a.. ser,C.M. ~M47 O.rbar•. ,.....::=..:;::.;;:;::;::=.:...;;.....;.__ --- Sales HERE'S A GEM Slavick's J e welers in Westminl4ter has an opening for a jewelry salesperson to work closely with customers in selecting Hne'"'jewelry end c ustom d es lJ(ns . The Joa r e quires a h igh degree of respoMlbillty and f(ood knowledge or Jewelry merchandise. Excellent company .benerlts package. SLAVIC K 'S fl Int .Mweltn Since 11117 W..rntnltet M811, Wtttml,,...,, C. . , .... -............. _,. lndt.'pendt•nt , d1v1•r11i hell d u l 1 e" ,.. I n II II (' I a I ~rVll'f'll F irm c;ood sk1l1 11, cxp<'rte nce r e 111.11rf'd 640 OlZI SICIETAIY F:Xee tor VP or conl11mer C'Of'P, reqwr('S typing 70 & Sii 90 w /ability lo mukr travel 11rran11e mimt.s, .;ood communwa uon 11k1lla Iii llelf 'ltart.c•r willing lo l11k e on respon.'11b1llt1es with d(• .!llrt' lo 11dv111nce Ofc· located in Compttm. but refo<'atinl( 1n Nwpt Bch approit Oct 15 Salary nei;cotsatlJt' Henet1l11 Ple1111e C'bll Oebbl or RrAJalee a l (2lJ) ~ 1000 SECUTARY Good typl.nit. short.hand. phone & general olficc skllla. Perm.anent post· tlc1n . Lal{una Bcul·h "" 33116 Secrwt.v /lec.,....1t Nllt'I Publl11her localed In Ii.ff. reql.drea 1harp, (r<ft otflce penion. Muat be good on telephone. type accurately. ah or apeed wntini a + Good ldvancement potential AUractlve benefit• • salary pack•~e. f;1per. pnt. bul wW coaalder tr1ln ee . C 1ll 71.4 ... 311118. Secnfrtl <Part Tl.me> ()pportunlty for hl'lhly qualified penon to work COMtnlCtiOfl Heal Esl:ilc Uc vefop mi:11t Company nee_ds u pr'd olflce m"r, pn• lerubly with con.'ltruct1on background Mus t have 1e1>0d secreturial sk1ll11 and be uprd thru lnal l'llllanl'e. S11lary com mensurale w1lh cxpr fo'or interview appt call Jeanne Norman ftn2'21CZ * SICalT 4alH • R.ecept type SS Sl0.800 Type80 Eng Sl4.40U •Cou.Melor111 Sales Our omce . Appt Only /f'rtt UZ Reinden Af(CRC)' CIO Birch. Ell tab '&4 Newport Beach, 833-81110 Secrelar)' bee SecntwiH Sl~SllK Several openlnf s for 1uper ~retaria po41i· Uonl. WOf'k for Sr. Ell· ecutJve ts help them to ND the company Irvine Pet'llCJftftlel A•et><' Y • E 17\h. Colt.a MM• Q.eDt 64.2·1470 Sett'y .• 2 lo • ,.,..__ .up. Di c taphon e . n o ahonhud. 55,80 WP II. lmur. otfiee. Oran•• Cn· ty Airport area. Xlol bmlllta, ple11anl work· ~ cond. New ofhce PiT m.Jea Bet J .. 5 in 1111 ndUnl tempor1.ry SICUllTY POllUoft, 4 hn. per di)' \Kl.I Oft:.,, llTt. At · ~ IAllOL & SALIS C'NdttsUon report> t,YP· MDI WOMEN Ins. Requlrea typlna Ma.01 benefU1. Jbpld a peed o f es wpm , srowth potenll•I. £•· lfa1band to wpm. a .05 .,....... c:om~ny wltb ,., hr. Appl)' l rvlne ~ lor eclvan· Ualfted School Dlat 2"1 c:emenl lo under-cover Alton Ave. lrv ln e . .,..Of'auptrvilor. Call .._, •• uo. : i:.O.E. soomeltt: MOiii.i llCllTAIY ._ • .,._._... If )'OU UVI bet&« lbH a~JJ6 1ura1e &Jplnl la ...,.... tr..mllUll nlU. • M J7'm Hu'bor Bl, a. Wf .................. for o.c.. ..... ........ ___ ol 1 -11 rnt1 eo. C..11 Mr . lltWtelSTATlOM a.... et •u•t for .. .aedeflL Able co won ~. TbAe ls • full days. Appiy at 16'21 u.. iabwtlh food .,., • r.c.H., ,...,hllon Beh. .,.., blM/ltl. JJ.a/91171 ·~ TO WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMING Sunday, October 14, 1979 in the Daily Pilot A TRIBUTE TO THE ORANGE COAST'S SUCCESSFUL WOMEN IN BUSINESS ' -~~-- THIS IS THE ACTUAL SIZE AD For best reproduction, a cl••r black •nd whit• photo of any tlH c .. n be uMd. Your m HH99 will .tcce'"""' the picture '" this spac1. It you ChooH not '° puttttlh .t plctur•, fill th• space with your mesu ... N• ...... WofMn In ....... Week •• OctoMf 14 dwovlh 20. To hoftOf .,.. •OMff "' butfnH•. lndutery ..... OOftHMf'Ce ..... Deity "°' .... publlah • epedel tttbvte le tea October 14 eclloft. Our...._ to auttneH Md '1afe•aloft•I Women .. en eacepttonel oppo,,unlty to lhliaduoe .. .,..,.., _.....,.. ••saolet• to .... ,... ...... or-.. c .... r .. to"°'*...,., ech ... ..._..,. Of_...,...."'· • j 8uelMMW0"'9n a.lute notloet .. be two IOIYIM -, two lftchel ••"· wlttt • photo ,ou PfOWlde. TN ~ of HCtt notloe It ontr 120. Don't mlet betu: of ttlta apedel edvef'lllfnl oppottufttty. o..-ne fof ,.. .. ,,,Int tpeee It r 10. c .. todeyt DAILY PILOT 142.5179 • . - • ..... . ... . .._. ............... . . . Z! j~I ~ .. ,. IMI .... IW -0 ---..1 f .,. II 11111_.............. -m;I, ~ - -• -..U, --li..-el ............ -..._.. I.Mir .... • 1111 .r MT •al r cte1a.,n. W . <.a.aa 0..t-e a.a lalncer ,_. IM .U. ...._,, ""8&,._I ~ ... •llfl•koa .... ..... .. .... ;;;.Id bOIM. o.or .... r..it.ue • .... . .... __. ................. . - .. .,, 11p11..., a. tm ae· cea1orle a, alereo, =d?JDy •¢"$ -·· do&llill .. 10). lllti111ia UD A.a.rt Pl .• C.ll 5-rAlllL Y SALE: Bafa b9d. a&4 ebMl. told • -'l)lerWa,, C.M. ID .. ""11. d1.D ,e..:--~. ~ ... N1m.::cm <!_~!_eeiery-llllGooda, 2 ~e =~~ecil~~.· CABPORT SALE·Solld ;'i;,. · .. ._. ba-ltema • 1ooctlea aple cottee tbl, maple ..-.1 119 °RGMmarJ ..... misc. SatJaaa ., ...... S-. IOH I'! .. C.M. s.t/91aa. t to s 11f61 Jfllt-La. K.8. • • DAL V PILOT CJf • • !:5e~ ...... ~~ ~m.ANDTIM· ............. •· ~ .. -=-~"f diuet&e l~l I •o. Nfr'I., an -• . ...-.111 di ...... _.. more. t :IO lo I ? ... ·Sel!IH. 2tl Oa1'1Mt,. 1a11m111.m-mo. K _.__ ---a..L -..-..n ...._ aicwt-. OMal' Olu -.--.,.,.,..,tile TowJlbg-... E lden MMrQ ........ Oa-• •/tltl 9"& Oas, ~ Doc. Aw, ec.&a Meu. ll tot Illar UH, •acle la f-S.' -. aid. 19'. cWly.IG47M. •••• .... ••••••• .. •••••• P.M. ' Clltadl6SI....,) lJV Rm dn, MVU uaed. 817 lbrlgo6d, Cdll, lA a). SlOO. p,cb, end tbla 91$ • ley1 Set aaly. Dresaer, MOVING SALE !STATE SALE Frl·Sat· S un t a en . f: n t l r e b o uaeb old . 2 111 ~.Balboa. GARA.Git SALZ lat J,·U, Teak LR t.bla, -.de t!oet, ._fl Kamalii J;t., MB Ill). Zl·lllM eoa tabla, mirror, Iota EverytldnfGoea ddotbel 6aUac. tam·? -.-.. K1AI u • twlA belldbrda, bieyclea, sewtna 11111cb, crib. medical ltertilJ« • ldel clotJM9 H l ii I.. lie• 'a clotbe1, boob. lllUe. 4507 Dore~r. CdM. S at /Sun tO·•· m.-. ....... •ICIMe K-. a... ...... emd. terAAlt ... 8roft • ••e lttt. fer ... ...nM trlllte. IU·Na' nH. Kc a bed. lrOlt free frig. ~ ..... ,.,.._ C:.. IUI fll.7111..,.. =~~pieces. •----.. -• .. ••••• f"ree to 1ood bome Frtncb Prov IOlid dark waln ut d io rm tbl w/ped., ext to 16". ~. 9111).im, 0.. Or,. 91. ~ ..._ fwb .. ,,..... IUud blk Lab, a.-...... • ..... ell aA "C· f ... le, J Jn . Lovt1 Na.,. llMi•·•·t>.d w1tb dllldr. Xlal coed. s.ns for Vel\let living rm. furn. • .... Ma.-. Judy or t.bla. ~~ ,..._ T•• I:• a a a , ( 1 u > lddll. m.11.. Blrwy. 199 ''Omlie" -r..-kit --. SIOO,...... fee for riabt r u1• ~o . tfoodeo Wmal•J •• Kltteoa, bo1M for lovlAI lpr· OM d6lliAI room table• ora•i• crat•• C4 > m a l ea , Rei. Xl nt ....... 1'1)•11. lOcbaln, w/Wf@t., like ....._.,_ fana duaina CMttemer e·Rlcadoro Fem JWteo, weaned 6 mwSIDOO. 790-.. l. cn a -. C>i.aoammaJ Grand a.a.Dice Uae. tniDed. 1 pc Virtue DiDett.e Set trapa ..... ....-nre ,, ACFA Cat ol ~ W/2 leaves. f1S. Autben- Year. llG fs ~· ~3515. tic butcher blk. S37S. IWrif. i4Dar aoo. End u mo oW ~ Sbes> "" 175-lm · t.bl, Sid . CODd, H t wood filmlayua kittens, lwb, lbQ female dog .. All $15.s.11-..._ CP'A.abot.aSlOO. ahota. Lo ves kid s . IC.()771 0. • bur1* W /p'lddJe m0&D Rluld Wicker table • 4 chairs. newly painled white. $145. S.-se.33 ad beda •/springs • awttlwww. ISO. z achJ dalll:a llOea. Stl-Ol42. Woodin Capt.aina Bed. 4 drawers Is 1 cupboard. .,, Stl-1823. Sotid Bircb lbl l 2 chn. Gun cab, sofa bed, • misc. 541-2157. 9-5 Sat only. llOO. 9lo¥e 6 1aa dryer. Dltl 1040 -------- liO.Goodcoed ~11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ to • aood MeteY_. -------'-' ---KEESHOND Pups AKC home. lwb old. Germ. K1nc Bed.room Set. incl REPRIGERATOR. Near O\amp aare. M/F.' Pel .; ~Doberman m lx. ~:,,;,~e;v~~ Walnu~J~g~iano. new. Mui t sel l. $150. 1 b o w . P v l p t y . · *"00 & other misc. ,...,..... bdrm f m-.,anepm .,.,.,.,,, •'UE afte -........... sect. um , · ._,_, . ..._, pm. 9ut haired, brown male 53&.s avocado bencb /storajle G.E. JlD'RJG. 2 dr. Croea AKCOldn R · doxie. Lo•• children. 7 ---------czabioet. 4 Andrew Wyeth W.,fhr. SIS. CalJ 5--1311 etriever pupe, Yrs. old.IM2-cr750 aoette set with 6 chairs. framed prints, nauR. oreo.cmo Hunters, wtr dogs, 80 Yellow. good cond. $SO. chair & root.stool. hide·ll· Cb• m p P e d I gr e e . Frisbee dog II mos old 56-0772 bed and lo ls or etc. . Kenmor e washer S75. Norge elec dryr. S6S. Guararued • deUvered S6al72 Maytag Wuber •Dryer, wtU. like new. $400 both. Fr igidair e I mperia l range, dbl ovn. 1 seU cln- rot:isserie lite new, $500. 64S ·SOOO X216, d ys , 642.-5002 An Norwich washer & dryer w/rack 6mo old, $350. 9&6--5053. URIGBAToa XLNTCOND. $175 640-6828 --1. Fem. lri1b Setter /Lab ---------milL Bm/Wbite. Needs Upbl.strd cbr. antiques. _~ __ u_o _____ _ AKC COW.E PUPS, as hom e w /yrd . Ve r y sofa, and more! Masc. 2 StU dinln" rm. chairs. OU aa they come. 7wks, .. _,,,. .. u.r. -32 e. lat s bot+eye exam. energetic, dy 675·7512. ··-._,.._ . small antique buffet. 325 Reasonable. 646-9132. eve~.Bruce Brand new coffee-end tbl Ahso, N'pt. Beach Beautiful Basaet Hound ~pies. AKC. For info call Pa.lti or R ieb Hamilton 499-4960 So. Laguna. Mixed black Chihuahua. set Walnut & smoke 7mo. Paper-trained. glusSl'5()/0BO. 54.S-1756. Sda sleeper new queen U -1-.-. G&ftJ su.e $275. -~--·----------1 IUm.a rattan·the best In 848·3478 Good Home for Z Al gha.ns., Black Kitt.en, I wk.s .tr l female SPAYED. cal· Si.aaae.~11 "50. AKC. blonde w /blk Fw xllw• 1050 mask, brindle. 7yrs . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fem. Qualify. 675-700 Wrought-iron wall uoil. lrl..tlh Sett.er 10 mo. old w/WOOIJ shivs. $40. Twin male w/papen, free to bed $35 . 834·5308 or ~home T7().4.577 _SJ&._1_67_4_. ----- the world! 48in round tbl .tr 4 upholstered swivel cbn. Call 98().6686 wknds or aft. &pm during week. Rattan sea & JO" rattan cmr tbl. Tue all 4 pc Call 875-1870. ---,-.-----4 Pust.er Be<I, 4' tu Rb. cust bll. Qn size. $150. 00·304.5 Must Sell ! WHITE HAITlAN COTI'ON Sofa & loveseat. Pecan/Cane cotfee lbles. Unused sq. mattress. 891 ·5224 Dining rm table, sohd v.'alnut, 6 chrs. Paar lge wrought iron hanging lamp&. 645-4832. Here's How You Can U se Our Famous Dime-A -Lines - our famous DIME-A-LINES • Bring them or mall them with correct cash to one of our convenient otflcet. • No livestock, produce or plants. • No commercial •ds allowed • Each item must be priced with no item :ns Bl'Oaclway Eut.CM Sat. lOAM . H.o1aaebokl l&am.Amlac. EST AT E · GAR AGE Gara1e Sale, Sat/lun, SALE. SN•l barealna. b6km.. mini bikes, ak:ia, cbina, cry1tal, aUver . toob, camsriDt equip., Wo&a. mo&arcyclea. blke9 furn. • m a ny other • hn.. Sat/SUD S.SPM, itelm. 3ll7 ~Way, 441 A1.lao Npl. Bch. Sat. ~ l.arnl1De Dr. H.B. _Cll __ ~_zno_____ N. P\am. • many miac. CdM · 511 Narcluu1. s.tl!lm Retrs.. kg bed. new dotbes bik:inh ~. MO-atO Movin1 Must Sell! Of. ~/home furn., copaer , ~. pla.au , motorcY· cle. 17cuft. r efrag. carpets,• boy1 Scbwln.o Stingray. Sal 9am. •22. 4433 Lancewood l rv . Universal)' Park. MOVlNG .Gara1ee sale motorcycle, appls, doll i.e. oewel·po1na. :sor to $1!i0. 3437 Bamboo St. E. Bl"f Sat 9-S. MOVING! Elect. organ, stereo. household llems. furniture. ~ Walnut. N.B. Sat/Sun. t-S Demol.ition Gara1te Sale ONLY ~s Sat . Sun 325 Apolena Av . Ualboa Wand ------Hunt. Harbour 3 ramaly iina«ie sale. Fu ro . clothes, misc 4211 Silliman, Sat 9-3 BLOCK GARAGE SALE Antique furn. desk. chairs, so fa s. sideboarc11 , baby furn. cloehes. Rame!> & more ' Sun 9am 4pm Lotus Street. I rvme r PlaaU, toola. (ublq gear ..;.ltelm;.;..__· _____ _ • misc. '542 Se~o GOLD. ntria, atove. fl•· Dr .. H.B. Ml-252'7 b'1 eear. Scmy Betamala. • mucb more. m KDo:1 a.c .11.s..1m Plaid da 6 luv ••t Sl.50 bodt. COIDpl Mt d.labes a«MNG · SALE 9' pool Uil. t ' bar Is am bar,~. alpt' aota, tb1 /stool, s· pme thl w ,. cbra. mile. itema. All new Is In good cond. 193111 S b ady Harbor Circ le, ff. B. 981).10 •'Rl /SAT /SUN t-3. 30D8 Jfllboey, Costa Meaa. Furniture. appliances, dolhl.ftl, planu. etc. MOVINGS.ALE Everytbinc m&.aat go.All near new. 25 • • color con· 80le TV. couc:b. loveaeal. e--t.bla.. lampa. Bdrm set., dinf.Ue tbl, 4 cbra. blkea. nae. lt80 Wallace Ave, CM. apt 2. &U ..... tz, Din cbn ~ ea. Dbl GARAGE SA.LE -iJ16 bed DS. Wood boobblf Via t a Ho g ar +The hdbrd llO. + Much More. Bl"fa > Npl. Sch. 21 "col· --.. or TV llOO. 10 lamps. Moving to Ma uj Sale : 1bomas maple dresaers & tnbTors. queen bed. twin bed. wuber. dryer, lovese.at, et.agere. furn from RMS Queen Mary, pla n l s. dashe s. stlverplale. clothing, COS· tu.mes, oacknaclts. etc Sat. S~pl 22 o n ly. 9 00-3 00, 2Hl S~v11le Ave . Balboa Perunsula Pl. turn at .. M " Street Yard Sale. wood dUlette set. 6 cbaira. Yamaha OT 400 m otorcycl e, Weslm1J1Sler l2 stnnit gia t.ar. rru.ac at.ems. 2S2S Elden St CM Sal 1Suo ~s Huie homebold • m~. sale! Sat -Sun. 9:30. 251% Q-eatriew, NB. Nr. Hwy. Alt objects, furniture, china, linens, pictures, nUc. lt.erna. Clothing n lo.&AA. West.cliff VIJlaa '4. WestcUff at Dover Sall /Sun. 1 o.s. ll"Vloe Terrace moving we Sat, Sun 10.S 700 Malabar Or. Cd M. Furniture. orrice SUP· pbe1, re!ng. beds. sport· aog goods , b ooks , c~. dJ.Sbes. utensils. tools, eollt'rtlbles. etc 3-fam , Fum . beds. qn bdrm set. rrucs Raven Cr . FV Bu&hard El I.Ill Sat only lo..4pm. l..J v1ng rm furn . c lothe s. cassette Lape deck. lt1t chenware " ma s c items 3012 Buchanan Way.CM~---- IOI a. codtlai.I tbls. 91 ir -nn. typewriter Ir stand, rup, toola, procelain dbl an sink w /faucet.a like new. Sat /&a 11-4. Cjl&b Only. Match 'g wOoden 9·dwr dresser Ir lg mirror, oate tbl, marble tbls, coffee & 2 side lbl.a, gold & wht 4dwr chest. recliner . offc furn. lamp, fixtures. boob, ausc. Reas offni accepl'd . 536·7154 SAT&SUN: Mopeds, gas dryer , clothe&. ap· pllancea, childs land sailer. & more • -2867 Velasco UI, Costa Mesa . 1060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HORSES BOARDED· Orange Park Acr el'! Di16 Saouago Canyn Rd 6:1Hi6l.5. Eves T H REE CONVE NI ENT OFFI CES TO SE RV E YOU DEAOLINE :Jpm Frid.tv no w BavSt ,C M 12 noon All br.tnch oltace~ • LAGUNA BEACH •COSTA MESA • HUNTI NGTO N BEACH 1027 N. CoH t Hwy, 330 West Bay 1 787S Beach Bl11d. over $35. i. ..., ..,. AMERICAN airlines F.lGHT old ocean fis· WICKER chest. Z8in.· CllESTofdrawersSJS. BA S K ET BALL HOME movie proJec f'OU R oak mdex card CO MPLET E set or SL'Rf'BOARD S20 S PEAKERS. large ·~ rare coupon S2S. bing poles with reels longx18ln.widexl8· Wal 1 u n 1 t SI o . backboard and hoop. tor, 8mm, ~real con drawers S32 Oak tn· dashes S2S Wood din ~6rbeque SI Chairs nnll sm all , S2·SS Chevy truc k rear S8 ·SIO. Also n ew in.high, new condl· Hamster cage SIO. ha s platfo rm for d1tion,S2() 497·2811 dex' card cabUlet S30 nang chairs SlS each SS Bedi. SIS S2S lleavy duly camper window $JO. Record Bonita, Yellow Tail lion $20. Wicker Girls20inbike$15.6fl gar ageroofmountS8. 2 Good Year tires Ooublebed.Uld uding Raals S8 ltcudboards jacks SJO e a ch players SIS. F loor t ype poles, reels hamper or what.ever rotating peg board Red Italian tile 6x6. SOF~S~ LampsSIO f"78xlS S10each ;\nt1· framt'. SJS Wood SS Maple t.ibles English radln ~ polisher SJO. Desk S1S·S25. 490 Costa Z8in.bilbx28in.round , sales display racks 60 piece, SlO Air Chair S20. Twin bed que phone S30 Gas bookshelf headboard SI 5 SB B oo k '. helml!t,likenew.SlO !'I a nd ch air $20 M es a St .• C M. excellent, S20. Table SlO each Electric hose. 32fl. SIS Mt'lal S35. Glass top tabll'!. la11>n mo11>cr S35 18an SIO Cream color Dickens. t'ht'm1stry, gallon gas cao $7 l 957·6959. 548·9832 lamps, pair, 3-way, train set wath town roof rack ror car $4 SIO. Eltttr1c broom barbeque S3 H1bach1 modular des k and 1 Ot" SO<' Sora S35 mecha.rucs creeperi.. ANTIQUE .. single BATHROOMpuUman. bamboo and wicker SJS Gas log S1 5 Sohd oxygen welder Sl5. Patio lounge SS SZ Doorknobset.s S2 bookshelfSZS each 119 34th s..t :-48 perfectcond1taon.SlS treadle" base •.nd S41n , SJ.s. Marble top s hade. absolutely 833·2816 S8. '67 Ford rear ax· 3 3 0 W · Ba Y S l · Skan dl\•er watch SS •t atctung school de:.k 675-0922 each 2 wooden steps. cabinet S3S each S20. Siok $10. T~o b ea utifu l , S 3S BEVELED mirror. les. 8ui rear end. SS 646 2723. C'a r i.peakt>r !.watch SIS~ GAS stovt' S8 Double approximately 4rt. G 1r 1 s 24 in beach r~ucets SlO each. 20Ul &75-6278. per axle ~6-5057. 968 BASS ETT crib s35 Sl. Bookb 75<: each wade. IOln tred, 8m farlsbikeSl.5 Ga I g 40ln w1dex3Zan high, ~aos1ng Lane, Costa Crab mattress SIO AM alarm radio $7 PORTABLE T\''s, bt>d S2S Desk Sl8 riser mahogany. 2 cruiser and boys 20\n · s ° FIVE drawer ches t beautiful cond1t1on. Mesa. "A"·S81·. Halloween mallks 25c black and wh1te re Car seat SI! Twin bed steps SJO. 2 man pup Schwi.M stingray S2S S~~· s:a~be doors and mirror S3S S 3 s P I h n t er , .,..., .. _ each Sat 9AM 2PM <'O nd1t1 oned . good SIS 2 bunk bed mat lent. all stakes and e ach. 1920s ERA · · Blender SLS. El~tric 5ft.longx l01n high . VWtupelll discbrake TYPEWRITER s35 22022 Hula Car . llB sound and picture. tress s~. I frame. hammer inc luded . Eastman.Kodak foJd. COFFEE table S35. 2 fr y in g pa n S20 perfect S6 Iron 2 front end SJ5 2 Wh p 1 963·9334 orr PCH and 12in RCA S2s. 191n 120 Office desk SJ.s. Si l Stanley wood ang cartndge c11mera end tables S25 each. 5 '"z x 8 Vi f l ov a I wheel cart, garage chrome v.heels Sl5 ite r_onncia MagnoUu Adm iral S35. 191n Chair SS 9 drawl·r plane S7 Heavy duty SJS . Oth er old DresserS20.Hanging braided rug $2S. use,haulJng.$7 Red each '65 Bug ~edroo; ~1~· II~· --Silvertone SJS. 17in S20 Crib and mat ((arbuge disposal. 2 cameras S4S9. 2Sin lamp s2. TV, B&W Towels Sl·S3 .SO . d ecorati ve b r ick tran s axlc SJ S oyd :b · \n~~ t GIRLS stingray SIS RCA Szs Paperback tress $25 Combana mallboxes. branll tall WC Fieldis. bank 19in, Sl2. Ice chest, Kit ch c o ware 2ft '-Hound waffled 642·8104 sta~ s. eac mr VW hubcaps SI SO books 25c·50c Ca~h lion dresser desk S35 new. S2 ecich 2 '•in SlO S~3 Narcas~us. metal. sz. Step rear S 0 c · $ 3 . S 0 . 3 5 4 top, 11 p1ecei;. $3.50 while glass hanging each. 4 for SS llan onl>. 2420 Saratoga Ca rpet sweep('r $4 tinted and 1 clear CDM.640-7109. bumper SJ2. 6 web Avocado, Apt. 3 . 67S·6278. BLACK vinyl chair. l amps SS t>a c h s ki s 195cm with \\'ay.C.'1.540-2704 Vacuum S~ Black glu.s• pan~ approx I h I $2 So 646 1263 good condition. SIS. Chnstam.c; lights. in· Marker bllldings S20 ---d ... t TV SI"' 11 •·" "'" TWO G78-14 Wlnstons awhn 13c ak rbsall · · STOVE hood with ran Old blue chair with doo r and outdoor, Ski boots. s ize !l'i NO RGE rerriiterator ;i n wru e "' 1 1mately 4ftx8in $10 on Mustang wheels Seac · as et rim DECORAT1>R plates and lights SIO. Glass built-in end table SI Sl.50 per string. As· S!O Sled ss National SJO . s 14.xs rims. s ch air '12 Dre~sl•r each 6ft high closet $20 each. 642-1073. 2.50. 8-track tape $1 each. Garde n shower enclosure, in· 646·0083_ . sorted luJ(gage p1cct·s lu". rits Je<>p. $30 4 ""'11 h m 1 r ro r s2 5 door. 1t.hlte bi.fold, $2 --------1 shelf $2.50. Brief case $ $ I d d d S h T Geog r a Ph I o I 0 c ... ~3·29fl7 or 972·27S7 "ach Scrap lumber Sn spade S.Folk s. c u es ooran pan 5eac oasteroH·n each646~ 13x5rams. qoc k " ' TOOLS 20c·S3. R-01.ary Sl.50 Baby car bed Blouses soc. Slack 34448 $25. Blu e ARTIST pa ints cind broiler SI!. le:e cream . T t S30 D VW t b k perfool2x4.50s aroot lawn mowerS35.Set Sl. Mustang wheel suits SI.SO! size 16. naughy de rouch . brushes5<:-Sl.Dishes. maker. crank typc, SET ofd:sht'llSJ.s Mr oyoanm.'1, IS· par s. r a e 2x l0 Hldeawaylable dishes SIO. Glasses drum SS. Lamp 75c. Sweater s $1.SO . sleeps two, $25. 935 records, books. 2Sc SIO Mahogany ~tcp Coffee Sl 2 50 011 hwasherS2S.9 SOxl6 S drums SS.heulers Ss. andbenches S20 2out· IOc. 2 tires L78x15 FireplacescreenSl. l Shoes. 61·:2B, Sl. Pie· Taller WH Y. COM . each. Ska boots !>•zes table $15 Aquanum painting 24x36 SJ950 tbiraersrwillhmnma s SJ.sfo ~ ea"'sshea"u s dt S IS200. <11de S-O!Jd doors $10. $20 Habachi $35. pal r crutches $2. tures Sl each. Elec· 640·9S90 IO and 11 SJ pair. Pie· pumps and supplies Jo:lectric Juicer S9 SO l' n 1 r,. P n.,er oor · Nac e cabinet $20 Hanging lamps $4 Waler purifier SJ S. tr ic tea ke ttle SJ. ture frames 2Sc·S3. soc each Round Lamp S8 50 Clock Che\·y SJO 645-2015 -front end SJ.s, c11r air 645·0ll8 ·SlO. Jewelery $1 $20 Pinto lllr filter com· Cake plate and cover. FIBERGLASS panels, Card table. easle SJ whit e dining t able. radio SlS Plast1(' tool GAS d r >'e r ~ 3 s condrtaoner SIO. St'w ------ Ladies gloves Sl·S4. plele $3. Chrome new. S2. Table lamps 8', 6 pieces $5 Grass eac h Box s prings. f o rma ca. nnd 5 box s2 so Candle Mower. Bla<'k and ing machi ne $25 COUCH S20 Dressers Dreases, Jackets. motorcycle fender $3. S4 each. Steam curl catcher side new SlO. m attress SlO each. chairs. SS each 1780 holder SI Decker. electn c s3s Chair s.:i>. Braid rug s2.s1s Coffee tables coats $4.$35. 2 Clairol Raby bike seat Sj.50. j Iron ••. Standing hair 645·8292 After 2 30 Ca sselle recorder p 8 p l'f bac k s 2sc c:.a.4435 S8 Small desk si5 SS·S20 Student desk $ .., Sat and Sun. SlS. Chest or drawers Santa Ana. Apt :? ' .,.... Candlebrn" S8 End $8 A t h I bteam sets $S·S30. branch pruner 1.50 d .. c S a u c er s 1 s c ..., n 1que sc oo Mens s hirts St·S3 Childs plastic swivel ryer $2. Sat. 9:»3. SIS. Stereo turntable -M 6"2-0307 -MetrononeSl2 Stereo RIKE. girls coaslt•r ta ble Ss Antique desk SJO 2 wood mte SlaUer exerc iser chairSl.642·3528 !°:7 'i:'o'1:1et,:!,°~~·!~{ COFFEE table SlO SIS. lhp e lectric BLACK naugahyde albums $2.50. 298 f: brake, new S73. now vanity SJS Mi rror s tands SI S eat'h motor S35. Oame,1, H Study floor lamp $4 motor $15. Chest of recliner. good condi· Monte Visl.a Ave S32 548-8066 S IO Electric s tovt' Large lighted beer radio Sl·SS. 85Jl SLIDING glass door arbor. between Hin lamp s hades drawers szs Stereo tion. S35 2 dressers -$30 Gas stove SJO s ign SS Uvtng room M 11 n e or .• H t,s . and screen. 8ft., $35. H 8 m 11 t 0 n 8 n d Sl.50. VW headlight cassette deck S25. S3S each GE coffee TENNIS rackets. new. KITCHEN sank. dou-Bu1ll in d1shwagher chair SS Bookcases SJ6.9491. , 645·8292. Aller 2:30 Bernard.. 6006 SI 2S Baby and South or OCC 320 maker. like new, S2S S6 t'ach. lurgt' head, ble. ca.st Iron. white. SI S Washer dr)er SS-SIS Fake tree S3. Sat orSun. TWO rouod table i.ln toddler clothes. baby Bow Ung Green Or. 2585 Greenbriar, CM SS each tr you buy SS . Faucet s for combo S30 Electric Paperback books :x: THREEpieceset solidORANGE C t diameter marble top Items. 2Sc·S8. Sal. C-OstaMesa S4008S7. five SS&-5064. kitche n sink S2 motors$10-Sl5 Anti eac h Draper y maple, nice. l cof~te College yearb~!k8s $8. 1 end table, leak, from 8AM·4PM. 971U --Shower door 58x29 que gas heater SJ5 mater i a 1 s 1 per table 135, 2 end ta111e, "Tb 1 .....,.. ,54• $8 each Kenmore El Tulipan Cr .. FV. DECOR wicker wall NEW baby chanjler TENNlS rackets. new with binge SIO 2 tsin Gas coffee maker Sl5. package Circus pie· $35 ror both. Scale t i. 'SS ~S~S8Y~;~ ,62• vacuum ·cleaner $3, 962·0159. basket and flowers S2.50 New nursing over slz,e like Prince. wheels for Chevy Mr Coffee make r true 11 s l eac h . Alumlnum a.dJustalale ,..,..,'s io ' b, •97:11.,,. needshoee.6*23'77. SJ. 2 pictures S3·SS. bras S3 Two twin St5.80 SS&-5064. van, 71n wide . S5 SI S. Mr . Coffee Ho ui.ehold items crutches, lake nlw. vv, eac . .. ..,, MOBILE Home steps, Old Hamilton Beach quilted bed spreads each. Heavy duty machine SIO Vacuum 2Sc·Sl 120 E. 23rd St .. SIS. Aluminum ad· After lOam. AUTOMATIC waler 19l n h igh , SZS . mixer wo r ks SJ . S35. Paperback book KITCHEN·Ald dis· t r ailer bitch SS cleaners S3·$S Die· no . 22. CM. Sat. justable cane, lftce STER EO 2 Sansu l softener, Culligan , 645·1292. After 2:30 Lar ge hassock SS. Sc·2Sc. Records 25<:. hwaaherSlS. 548-9676· ZlOcm snow skis SlO. taphonc StS. Adding 8:30·' n e w . $ s . ff o s e' speaker; $20 each , excellent condition, Sat. or Sun. New basket weave Plastic plant pots 5<:. c ff I L o s c h e 5 t Sill boots. sixie ll''l machine SJO Toaster ------- .; bangers 2k. Lara e luoer $20. Mahogany S35. Garcia c ustom NO R E LCO Co H ee umbrella stand $10. Toaster $2. Clothes, drawers, 10 drawers, k . No.~ compressed oven $10. 2 175 gallon WOMANS wetsult SJO; screw books and eye cupboard 42xllxl2io deep sea pole with Maker $lS. Chrome P e rsian vase S10 . girls, ladles, IOc·SS. 130. Childs pbono· gas container $2. diesel boat tanks S2S color ed Tv, needs bolt.a lOc. Larae lag s2o. Bissell carpet Mltcb ell aoz reel , Mlxmu ter $35. Bowl Good m e d ici n e Purses andshoes"r.. g r aph U ·ST Set St andard8mm movie each . Bake part s work l2S; Por che screws20c.Autoaxle s weeper $T. BrHS ne w, $25. R oller set SIS. Vases and cabinet S7. Office Hig h bac k s wi vel l a m p s s 6 . Oak project.or S7.~. IJmm 2Sc·Sl0. Edger and hmbcal'Js, four, $25; jack or bumper Jack and copper chatrlaa skates, new, auede, pitchers l l·llO. Dls· cbairS2. Patio loun1e rocker $35. White portacrtb $l0. Mesh editor $3. H•xl't« lawn mowers ss-s10: men's pants, 3.5x31. $2. Com bin ation disbSl0.6f4.'1143. alze 7,$25.Kryptonjc hea25c.Sl.Clown cos· chair $1.50. Luggaae chest of drawers SIS. playpen ss. 2 maple Ma m lya cut fi lm Car tplcycle rack SS. SlO·S20; '64 Torque squares or tin anlpe wheels, .,een, 65mm tumes for adults IS. ll·S2. Approximately T V Pon1 game S3. c h ai r • s s each . bolder SS. 24in blue Golf ba1 cadd( S3. flla ht tr ans miulon Sl .Coaoochrome aa.p MELJTI' lcapc:ollee witb beartn,s, S20. Sewl nc m achine 50aquareyardsfoam Sewingchest Sl.Sun· Flow~r pot.a soc.$1. cl ass va s e S3 . Bowlin1 ba l u . S20; antique benctf s to0l , padded Hit maker wttbmuclto. R F -A F• g n a l cabinet 115. Childs paddln1 $25. Ladies d ae. aet 60c. Lady Meple rocker s 12. Wrought Iron and T a r a et b o w 13 . fr a m e S3S . H U and back SL New lln L e a t b e r generator $1$. HF 08· desk $12. Chriatmu P a nt suits and Nor elco m anicure Childs table, 4 chairs, glass wine dlspen.1er Motorc:rau ~.,. Ure H a 1 • r d • s teel edaer bl•dea armcbalr 115. Call cllloscope, callbrater ornaments 25c. 2ll3 dre11es, lar1e sizes and s haver $3. Ten 112. Childs table, 2 $5. Silver plated tray 110. Small alldlng Wcatmlnat«. 9N·l9111 6Sc. New rotor J>OWel' Sunday.l'r.MJIOF. . and cue SZ5 each. 2 Seville Ave. Balboa 50c.SS. 10.S. 116 Cecil 1peed 13$. Hlch chair chain, $7. RadJo SS. 125. SUver plated tea acreen door SI. Army strif per for erectnc input aoltd state re· Peoo lns ula Pol{l t , Pl. 642·5827. •2. New two yellow Bumpe r pds St. pot Sl.S. Stiver plated camp cot.a $5. Wood HANOLP •: nite ·ta· dril tt.50. za email TWO abeeU ~Marine v e rber ato r $10. turn at "M" St. Silt. b ab y chests l 3S. Baby car bed$$. Car cof(ee pot SU. Silver bed freme $5. Mena ble SS: two a un r•ck concrete blockt lOc. Plywood . Teak and 54tt·84a. onlJ .. 1 AQUARIUM. 20 gallon M ater n It Y f rom aeat S7. Baby walker pla t ed s uaar and aboet, sue t. sz. M · SS; 1Slb . anctitr It: Ben c b bruab U . Mahotaft1 $35 each . . complete with s flali. soc $5. Curlln1 Iron S2. 642.f151. creamer. 3 piecee, •or t e d w o m • n a welaht lifter bench Ceramle plant.as Sl. P'lre ~SZS. THRf!I! piece sec· SOFA and Loveseal l25.96Mea>. 12. Turquoise rin11 au. Silver plated tea clotbing ~·S3. Mena preu $11; basketball ut Joann , C M. I002 0oDete Ave. Cr tlooal, wuhable COY· SSS. ~sofa S20. ss. Electric coffeepot COUCH ao. l>rflRrs warnMrS10.S45-80&4. Jactr••.aoutBlrch hoop and net IS: u • ........ Baller. 5'e·4131 . en , '30. Coucb tzs. Cub All aood M•NS •---t' ... ,.. $2. Handmade baby S24U. eon .. tables St.NurOarnce Coun-trailer hitch and ball ---· M•-4321. tove ... t ... Wood . "" .cu •...-.. ....... quilt 110. Ice trays •5·S20. Studeot dak Kg M •II · PI 11 t I c ty Airpor1. SS: trailer dolly hO; G~_!!elr-Polf~•~= ,::.,. ____ .. ,.._w( .. ~Uq.'!"1fuD~ ~ ~t~~~. ~.~ 'ei2:1~ ~!1~!01.1! lOc. .. SI&. and Bua. S8. AolJque scbool waabable p lay lna nuna l ee flt\are ~..-. "-""""' ~---• IUI --.,_ Coul ....... _... I 8 t-4 50I ~Ba A de1k 110. 2 wood nJta .c-arda 12 pu double CLOTHJl'fO, outcnwm tnt-.• ..... ro. 'f1~ SIS. &.-llNplace panel• ••• wlde, frame, cue tn1et, no.er ..... u•at •-..!~: J:e n::•:,~: a 'a'tboa. In Yau:~: 1tand1 SU each dffk. ,,...._ · 1lrla 1laea 1·10-12. 0 .1. 30 .m.bt pbooo acreea •· Deetrtc never UMd. • eeeb. 120. Sit. Did. •1. 417 h5 Zaddl SoUd St behind wtncbella. L•rn Ulbted bffr ladle1 1-10 pantlulta, Jpe1k .. SJJ: , .... edttrtao.IOOft ~· MMlJI. HamUtoa, Co1ta CHESS table , Stei-Mllbonl •ta ali nl5 Clvtqroom TOYOTA Parts : RC druaea lon1 and a t a kee 10 for U : tric cord•· Gold u.-OR AMOE re~llHr, llna. llladmadt In laid record pl:y~~~ CASS&Tl'E tape deck chair ..S. 2 booltc.... air clewr SJO; .:: ahort and aeparat.ea, klndllftl wood Slper bolatertd cbalr sas. three poeltloua very BOAT lft pair woodta. •· CUna Deeea record pl SH. Barbequt 1rlll 15415. P'ake u. N. built carbuntot • 1hoel ac.a: Solt cart crate: ftne archery Reda• 1beare U . comfortable 120 :!!"•.._., __ . wroapi tran baecb •to. Bille parts.~".:. wltb aptt s:t. No. u Paperback boolcl 5c battery. 1ood U . SI: 0::::: Game bow SH; plywood .. .._ mm Yltftr • • new. -· --..-· M. a..atlful maple ltemlnston 22 tieetric bowlin1 ball Sf. 13 e a e b . D r • p e r 1 t834143 SIS: I bicycle ~181 ! !J t • b I• H . ,.... • eUll .... • dlt, lft, new CG1141· framed Wiii lllirror typewrl• sz RCA Cutlu1 rlm a U . mate rial u per VW BUI p ........... frame SI: M .8 . ___ ._.._ ____ _ . STROLSS ear aea& lio n , U . Bo a t •2s,over•,..niold. MWTVSIO.Cement •111i1G8 rim• 110. pach at. Circus pie· left tlded';Oriis: Jill•• puaales HSAVY Duty 2 raD Sit eKtU.t Play uebon, I, SS each. THk traJ t1bl•, 2 cb&ae li 500 eacti.. ~. tu r ea u e ac b . 'II·'• rtlll& Ude door llc•IDe. llturdaJ ind hlTtN'r SIO; mlt · :;zm rack Ut. ..,,; hi. CW'W $10 • ..,..,,., =-~ •· ....._,, Band uw1 ll·U CHRYSLER moton Houubold Heme tn· ••'fO not'* luad;rL1oam"41m. ullaneoua boob .i..Jf... laall .wa1ea ttt. PORTAILS TV llla .._ eac". lnlldt and out-part.I, pair~ 9-440 !k.fl. LIO E. 2lrd St.. .... ... •17llft rr.t lml --LaM. lOc·llc: VW...,. •at I WOllSI'~ 1.• u• •oe• It· ... -..... .._ TWO .. ,. Prl•H •••• ... ,. ~ .......... ,,. wllh ••• ••· JI, Cll, h t: IHdor' ... ; 'll·'U !:,"''!:' .!."~ II\ -II: - 1 ~-lllt ..... r•U-.. J!•· Teri Cul1ler uea•m ruht Mp, btlOw 8ootl llc·tt. Pint m.nliln, •for all. l : .. T rtpt hllll.fmdlttn .., 6 ee1l1eeo.a kitellft I OartaaA t• ''--· COSQpllle Sit. SelUnt co1~L •n u c la . trelll1 ti ucll . Rad.19tor' hi. Palr Mn ...,. mn .. u eac.u.t ~i ._, l&e•• lOc.U; Ur" 'tl;'All/Pll oat ...,, ud 1lrll M0-1... AlamlHm 1ereH froa& brah drum• radial tin SID· .,. 'tl·'lt rl11tt rear aad •bull ror •••· 1 ••••lltn OOLr .... , .._ lllk• _. "6b..,.. doors :.::11 ~ wllla .a....._ Sii. Hl of •eJsbta h , ...... NO: •a .•tt _.., Dataua Coarl•r or I ,. .......... w . ..... -.... lllft eollfflioa IOCl'liii. TWO ,.,, ...... Cl:' -.. Heb. araad" HW •om . deck .... w .. 111. ilaf:'*·· LH and lHl .S. •: f lihW "8111 "-• Mia ' I • d e 0 l t It • Alto roterJ 19'!'Wr la 0 I IO d r a f 0 I , ....... ...... tHr-..... IUD·loD ---llh et•ef .... VW a..111' wllla L ,_._ k mim *ill l oparae lrou II ., ... • 11 tT.tll. llU01tt.••· tfta. ti .. cb. Badaroom wlad ... ll for 1fl V&OA PuU-.i..... P IJJflk dlw ...._ •: -'6'8 11.. t• WI• aae •. Cert ti. 41Ur U:H41l . Ill.ti•., tlt.H ..... _ •••• .., ... •w •_,..SU Af ter l pat ko•l• PINO.PONOlallll• 111 .. DAll.Y»ILOT ~4;J" eiest II • ._... llllW ..... .... --wla .... 1114. ..._ 0 IOll8 lllLPWAlft'SDADI .. . .. . , .... ·11::u. f 121 .... ,...., .... ... .... .. .. ••1::11:•·1 ................••••... ....................... .. ... ..... OWllfD "11 -Ualnlw. . C. •-.. •••••••••••••••• -·•••••••••••••••• .... •..,.. ':..t~;..1:0lt1~L~bo.ti ..,, Y-. 1T •: Otod mi Qelm'r ,....,..,., • ".,, .... ~i ..... _ ... .._ -~ • l•k kit ,......._,.. .. ,,Alb • .,...,.. ..... Muat '" to •P· ~fl/J ·• •1 tin •• Cal 21, alnt coed., ._ ywJy • t.dwo ;.-c.:_te. ..HO. Daya Cl' • Ow\teraft ''Co•· ._...., ,_.., •It, •Up on e11ton • ubor • ev•ta.419 • ,....·lo~ .:t:: ............... • ................. a.v. C.nMO ptdup, ad• •Orla l tcrlfln MIWLASll e.MOt re•lor•d . new peln t . .. -· ...... -.... IL"" -....... , DMMft -·-dlrorne. MW wtdll whta, _=..:: ~:-.!!.:=!.. :•·-M•!!!!-~~. ,_ ~r· .--75 ot0 ...... ~ ;::"fl'Jw-1i , ... --..... ..... tW-"*h • . ....,.. -·-~.., -r -n · l>utch Da111ller. blllt t7l-07 ---WitU> <"'°'4'1 N B ~ a.. brd. a 1.U., trlr Mtlque 6 C.:lt .. ic Car lftl l'uU elec' •fl.lhta1 Od cond. Very fut "110fllo\.210cc,dlrtonly taorac•ln C.:M l.ona or I' ,. lt71 ........ J ............ . IWITZllAN UfJkfOJrr J'1AHO w1'Mrh NMda ,..ar M 11 f15 ff~U :'~a~K4~-;:. 9000/0lfJO Zl3/UlllZll mi. -.... ahort term w 1m1lnt ~IW\00 ERICSON 2 ~.-loedcd, "12 KAwuakl IU-*· l(ilOd "-'1 M2"*7/Gl 4790 lwtd.ifuJ, mwit NII Heit corldiUon 9IOO 4 ._. Drt•ft tHO WAHf't;o llJ 22' flber1IH ~, J'f>f7i-Ot44 --nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cllliilili.. ..... f\ajl •• • ,, " ..... 10'4 boll~ w /t>f w /uu\ t1n1C '711 AMC JMP) k)'I J ef)ft, U'*' 11,WO "'4·4CMV 44' NTMSOM I t77 11ieavy l>uty a H.111 IMlft lcJp, 15,000ml, ~ ai..v1d"'1 £tut HU1 p 10 0 ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •.... , .. , ,.._.'°"'~ta.rd ...... ~....-for .. rh UC plm OM apue We r•turn perouneoll1 ~ 9".rktlYe •••• ~ \Oula, fillftin1 ... , • nu.ff 4Ml M-1ner111 r.,lllt .... m'J ti 01vera tt1'°ya11 r1 (.'mni,tt"ntlllor 11 with Auto lnllator Urand ,.... Nev., 1.11•d lliO ('idf Cl3t •111 Oeya • la\t rudlt 1tr1p, "'"°"' 11rllnt I l> r-.utrwmt'nll Pr" ~ kJM 6 UMt\I ,,,, I ~zed uac uw-lolle wtilJPIPf'r, fabr1r or "o.y Glo" s>ePtt .. w,. wtlJ barlr 6 tnm your ui.-. Or try two nrdll bMjt.&o ba1•ll ,, PRICl'Ji 'a.o J•o M(Jf<>U~;.('ANt. Xl.HT('ONI> fJ:,o ..081183 12 ru rt rf'fnl(/rri .. •1n, fl yra 11111 $111'1 Mod.,rn 1tylf' t11n1•tl1· $711 r142 YJ.00 :A.Cb IJcll f'l'lltllOfl hu11\111j( lluw 1:100 AIM> 1nr lu1l1•11 , lahl ntC r....-1 WfiK 411:>4 fltaor3/~ 4/~Utp fl ""'"" 11,.C.1(1111 w .. 11 IOovn'nort-S1 .,, "II i' M1A twin 11u1t1rr1111 & TY~ llpOlj()I , rtrm, 1•1••1111 ~ 11 ' 90 1091 ~m To• lnf'lut,,.11 M1. ll44 f UL? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NlJ (,AIU>' Uraw yoor f/Wn 11r ft1•1111 lllltrMl, ilddrt.'11•, j.ihlllW & Nf•'ll nwk•· tlfil' 111rtl µm t..111, Adil 'l:I l'ill'll "'""" 1hl-1k ,,, m1irwy 11r lt'r ltl PILOT PllMTIMG I''' ltox l~Jlll 1~.-.111 M.._11 1·,, tltl12'1 CEIAMICS l.indp111nt1d 11•n1m11 " ,1,.,1u11" ri:1l1 v1t \I "'I "... .... 11111• h ""'. """'" ,\I""' ., .... 1 .. 1 "' """' ., • 11ll1r~ 1l•1n• .11 ro· •MX'lllil• I l/'11 Ml, '//<!'1 •VI"\ WAMTED <1J• l 'M ll IHll,l,t\ II '111 11 VIII! VIII II l..:WJo:t.11 Y WA'I ( II I',!-. \1(1 IHUl-,1 •1:-, 1,111.11 11.v ... 1< ~ • .-.1tv 11 "· 'l"'IJo, l'"l'H Nf'I 11111'. I. \STJ()l lfo~~ iw. i'7.fll1 UIOAK Mil.Kl HA I .. ~ lll';l'IH :N'I V h\llt I W YJ 11 Ii 'All 11'1111 1 .1 VNtl1 ',w1111 llr I 1•11 ''"I 1uli M• mll' 1 •,11111 1111 ,, ,,. H•• ., 'l•111.1l1 l1· '1'.HllUl IOC*S & GAMIS f(()mil ,.. ........ *" lly 1 .. rtiara t'•rll•nt1 Hlllmrf'OUJI k l(la IC• rrtf'll Mlra:atn 1n"I• '"' 'I 11 1111111 tQJ N l:it1•·ll11 C'M Wulwr fl:, Ml1f11 .. t. Jsur l\ll/11111 W/t 11ltl1• MJ:1 Z I 1111 I I 11 $I ~' I' II I' h 111111 k I II " I' $II c IJ I I ~~f) :Will ( ,a/r•·r & ~;;Un Uhl 11v1·n "'4J1v1• • l11t l'IHl'I $11111 /llfll 1/t 1'111,f llll VI/Ill I 1'111> P l !lf.H "'ti A11t111u•· W1Jlnut ~11w1·1 111.!IJI .. ~·w11w rrw d11m· $1Z llunt11111111I "'1'·•11 w1rt1ythro W11h1ut l1k•· '"""' M'J'> K1•11rru1r•• 1111"> 1lry•·r 1 •1,yr 1,hl ltk,. ,. .. .,. Slli:, ~11 l\11t111u1• Ir unk Jl.'1 l.ttYf'")O'llf W WJftlUt tnm .,,, •M ttn.i OOTIOAID MOTOR J1i 1""'"' 1 h11 X Int 1 Hn<I "'"• '• 1', #;;-'11! I l111111 ~1111n1 l>t•l1ut.111f" II 111111 •• '''""'"'~ I I •• 11 ,f'I Vlf tUV l'lf't f'"\ f,1kt-' 1oi·w 111,;·11 '''" k ~"' "' ,,..,,, tiff••f IA;! 11',lf.I II• .ivy !1111 y I. lluil M1J111r 1 v• '" It 111 i., ~:, ',ti, ·w#11', .. Hl'.MI If J ~.I ,I NI, ">Al. 1-. I ,uuot11'11n . 1•11·1 1111•·11 t 1 ,,.,,,.,., 1•11ll 11~r11ltll1 11111kt••I• 11111111111 111""" 11<1111 '1 W /fll• ,,.,.,,,., w .. I l1.1r, 'lhtfl 11 l1tt1fll'f flWlllf I dJlllll(.ll 1'\1 1:11 /(~ l l111t-d Air l,111..,. 'h tun· fU!JJflll l/IJ ti:J I If.IHI frv1ni t '11ual <: I l:uU ---------•I rr1 .. mlwn1l111• $1.!110 • •.tt11J w1uanom • '""''' 1'11'111 I uht111•f \f ;,t11t1 ,,.. .. 1 "'""'"""' 111111111 fll(.,l rrwl o.I .i•1u111111111 t11h•.11<,1A~ 4117:' ult • lfttn1· Ht111J>ll•I 1••'1, fur •J~. aJmt1'll n41W 16fl0 or 'r :47 <llHll Til.'KTO<;K ti:H, 't'flfU n' tU f( W IAGSALI :J1A.h.1n1e &_JA .. mbflr i<t It~ <.io..d &11' ~, .. 'II l'all 1~1lnK fl'rl Kt·1>t :OS M)W l.Dth Sl ,C M <1' H•lt' John W11yr11• r .. nn111 Gluh Yum1ly ~hip IJ:,(_,., apht rr•t11 f _,r y,,., I• I' .QM71'J {Ir lf33 WM:M lr•nd n~w Wl"ddlll.IC tir .. ••. 1111r a a. 4 t,ndrilrrwut 11 ., mullwr 11 drwe ••zr IU Mu11t Hll, ..... v ... lrwport Heau·h Yamlly T..-. <.iub YI.Ill f11mll y m~mh•r•hlv •no 19-imO lrt11,,fr1 ''"' I 'Soll 411'1 Hi"I "whw11u1 v.,, ... ,y 111 •llfl SA>~ "·"I"''''"'' ""' •1u1 t.l 'II:, S•• N1·v1·1 w11n1 IT1', '•1',J:I lltn l\vuc.•1t1lt1 t'lt•1• 11l11v1• 11:,11 f>hl I.Id , 1·11rr111I • 11110 <IJrntA ll'11U1n 1 rnft 1wt .,, """~ 3IMi SCRAM-l.ETS ANSWERS 'l'hrlvl" IH;ulw lltrv•·I Tuwur•I • 'J'V h llOW I ktlflW It Wit)' lt1 .C•1 k lfl• tll l111tf'n IJ1 y11u < 11 vo yuur •IWn 'f'V MIU >W ....._ t ... _ .... toll ••••••••••••••••••••••• c .lldl U!nt>r, au • lllnl "'md. MW padii1• ll#k S3tiiCJ UM y11 ff1f.. 7874 r.vw IWll """" u.rln« Hundy, •tudenl model ffll M44Ua VY.N 'f U R A P /\ l'MNa<.1ub "'"'">' Mem 8Yff'f~M l:M> w•U 01w"I t>enhlp, b .. t uffe t fqr i m.111 r lub. 2 mlk«? ) I I f 0 4 I • ., fl • , 1tati111 !*_...,II 2&>•2lJ'7 dyt :; ha ..... " JaltAld Airline ·~ f•ir • 1011 '~· '"' ••• llO ••• -· ·'-········· •••••• . •SJ -J r..ut N dllelil, mlM by ~· ...,... Atunr ........... Or.wltaC tbl )etbt · w 1mJllll tolfar drawer • lode w t,ttJ ....,. ...,. for COt Nt IMlp 6 l'hr. Offt utl bJ UllfC or Vroof. Oold lldw , Ctb '"' fli. 6 Stl..r a.at -Off•r ........ °". e...., • ...., .... mW it.... . ..., .... 1111 -' Malloy, H.8 Att.r 1J IU&! BOX . 1110 -. Wurtu... Uprto.t 100 Pla11 lllet cond "-&Ow; I ..,. •/di . ..-...................... . --....... f'IAMOI .,. .. ~ ""'"'°"' tbl ~-. Or8Me, •I•& i oe4 9't. ltt11 4 ...._.. ...... frw • I*' """~ ....... .,..........., ._.o.a.-. ,.... ..,.. •..., • ., A ...... , ........ _" ........ . ...... •I!" _,.;;-_.. .... .,.,_ l'LAYD'1Nf0. ... .......... -re= tfl.J I A 1' IP UL '~ • •-'-"• "' ~., ... , ..... :="~'-:s:: .... "" .. Mf/lt:cr::t:o :::;: ~.,,.,,. =-='='! ltrawl1.1l 2:1' It<'/\ Cl1l111 'f V 1124 Z Yr Wurr Jl'rt,'f• ,,.., ~ 17110 z-,'' C:OI) Ill 'J'V $12ll :t VY.AH WAICltAN'l'V M2~1 Iii ' t;Y, UIW 11•11l 'IV ~f'r1·11 II lr111 lc 1·11ml1'1 Mu.'lt ~·II oCH ~'/H 4 •hurt , .. ,. & !\,111y11 turn tbl. f7~ I~ <Vi:J 111 (11,tJ 1,111 '/ St.11.u1d 11y11l.NfUI ll•11iku1' h y th•· "''"' i<tl11 11111l11h· 1>1·rv1r1, t :.:.<t 1:1ot Mtll\ul1111h1 ••11"1 I ,1u1ll11 'I y 111 1• Ill fl I ,1 n ti II I W wt11il•"111lt• W > 1~1 I .111 IAI~ :m:, AM l l'M ~111111 •1111• H lrJ• k ff'l'VI . u.-,u lttrflH• lilt• I llf•IJll 11l111llf'IS I 'I WJY &. Z ~m.111 I way \l••al ... 111. ff•1·t111I .ill111m>i lrt·1• W /llllfl h l1lW SO(;jO /:AJ 11'rl <;11•11 loah&M..tne ~ ........ .•••••.••..••.......... 9010 ........•.•••..•••..••• ·1•, 'l w111 l1ull•'fl lwwl1y w /l>iif>l 1111 sx.'1 114l lllll i' loGtt,MeiM ........... 90JO •....•....•.•..••..•••. MAY MARIHI '1l11• trltdllJm111I h .... ., y t1u t )'· 11,Kht Wt'.al(hl m1u ,,,,. l'Yljl)lll• '( 'I :.:JI 111 • ' ••• nu1 n•· """" f111•I 11 ,1\uU11in1,1.,,I I n11tr Uru1ll1I !'.l·rv11 .... 1114 Ho ll:AI Ii mun Adul••I\ 111tl.1t.1l1I• '"" 11. 1n11 l11r m111111t 11111nr1, fl,:,IJ l,'/3 1111'/ I Jth Wlf• I J11l l11111 r1I lflll hjl I ,.1flll I 11(11) "l•ilrt 11(1111 Will •l••m•111 !1 lt11I•• lf11J lflff.11 Jo:v .. ,. Al wll 111111 -t!.,IH:rh., '70 kt·ul(ull ;, hp, l11nl( toh-.ft. 1170 111111:1!111 ..u1 f'1.1JltJ11•· M11nn•, ..,,11,, W IWI'\ ht'afln• 14!'10 '!T:Vifr&> '11lAIU:R for 1<1 I!.' IJ1111l 1111:. Xlrll '111111. 11111• , •1.8lf'd !14H •1477 ur ~.-:;i;u IMh. roww 9040 ·············~····· UA'S.'SH: ttr.M Chr111 I 'rnrt 21 Kf'111luf. r1·1t11ri·1I $4,:fl} ~7414 z Uayllnf'r xlnt ''"''' Vl)I vo I ( J hll J> llV ii II IJl),COJ 71'4 9'".AS 1'41~ '7)ZJ' 8t-itl'rtfl Twin litO Meirc•rU11M•r 11 'f1rw1•r • l'llrnk ''~with f'.11 rari flV,000 1213 >t21! 21JW • i_,. Hea key Weellnwln 'l'Wn/lnbtt Ur11tol 1:m1d. stl.tm 213/M 2131 Mc .... JI M9ta ti N lr> 11vllllebh.1 521 IMM> Boat me fl'•nt.111..t 11·1 llk.- rwiw. a rurd oMC, 200 hn lml. t.411 ..., 20' r ORMU l ,A Thun dlrtJU'd , f'flh Cir bill, Ve!ty •cM , J /0 , •lnl.c rond fSOOO U I UU or •ms ··~1 w/lrlr, .... Jllnt, llJIO MMllll ll'I" 8oll&OD WhaJer, 10 hp l:vnrudt, Xtr11. .... C.ll 71A/UJ-2m ""'·-··-· .. -~--··II W•t l3 f!n1U1h Ociry <II II• Whll,I r J w(4UllP M rrr •llC .. ll'lr SUIOO 1176 a.'i(j(j lf'711 48 llA'f1'l'!HAS (' 0 N V 'f' Hportfl1hu $2)0 Ot.10 G NllV11Tll , 3V lf ll' lh111 (', '•l llatl l1mll ffi ~·r. aiu~1 pll, r1td11r i.11t Ill lolildud w /lrtl Ult Wkdy1 714 1170 Ill n wtuwSa 114 tr/O 111 •.o 11o•M 1\11)' '77 24 Wt•••k• 111J1•t 114,!IOOIOffN J•n v l'11r ty0171Hll /U ('hrl 11 1 rult 111 IJ1111.r1J /11ul1101111I w1l1 Ir ... ,. l'VI l'\y 111·1·k~ "'"JI llt'fll<Jfl l(J lolllf.t• l/Vl'I jlll y 1111•1\(A 4"4 57'.7 f)I 171/, lllUt•walt•1 II 1 y I Mt·ll' ,., Ul>!l'I Sfl•llll w tl111tll'r :.:>I ·11,;.-.:, :&I Alll':NI\ < 1.1rt r )o•·r• V hull, 'll7 M•'fl'I 1111\PI . tlllllil 117:1 77'f/ I I J t •twv :.!:. i1toJl\N ,.""r lt1hfk'1'1 $4!11111 ..,., .. 1 .... , lf/'1 l'/IH IH 1,41) I :Cl<! 42' GIAMD IAHIS 1111:1 1'>1111 lr11w1 .. r h.1~ ·• " 1 n ,, I " •I •• 1 ~ c• I f 11 r ... l/lllJlll)' "I"' I• 11111)' ··11111111io·d &. IHll\l •11 111'°'1Ut f'(l ln .... :.1111 4 7 ' rACIM.AKta 1970 . l"HM Y 'llu11 ltl' ul l111al 1•, Ill Jdlll I llfld Jll•l ....... J ll'"W nfl ••m ·ltJ'\••r J l"I I I 11111 HI IJ1 JI 14 ,:.c.111 u..ited Y oc ht lltn 631-l l ll 'OWi 00.t h.aa .,very H MWJrtycle Keck SZ5 BOO 841-21844 tr• Md 111 ready to "o 538-114$ Vwy -11 m.lnt.alned 71 SUIAaU '........._.. y~ ---2:'i> VAMAJlA, •Int cond • • .... , ----~ II 300 AUi.TACO .. II -Ul0 llll 12ZOIJdu:aboUt M082ll W , 411petd, AM/t'M /.0 16 tltlbt .. Cail • trlllt>t. llf,. JM'llet.t Xlnt eood J«XX> Call IM() ~I i 4 UMooy Ltt Off1tw1rl" 40 yawl w/Nr,. 8'·h moor wt f15 000 11r tr 11 d4" tor 1m11ll11r 111111 bo11t ~urrn llft) <:Ut:alln11 :.U tlw..-1, :J 11lllti., Vllf' rl••1>lh mnrr Try 127 )K .. :11 ('01 ,,,.,.,.,.J(f', ~ 111 IO IJI lluhll' <:111 with lfltllrr, llllUIY t'.llrllll ll40IJ '""' '"' (UZJ 14 ' l.iu..r 111711 MINT CONIJ I l.l Uhl•· Slf)ll/111 111"-t t_Af{•r 4~ 'l:Jlf1 l'\11'1\ lo4ft. su,. / Dodu 9070 ....................... ..SU'S AV AIL.AILI V M ' N1·w1Jt1rt ~ 11(,:1 I Nt-w111tr1 Sl111 1•11wn 1111ly llJ ~I I"'' It sz:,t) 111111 lrl:I <&:l4t. WIMI '1<11'1 'IU'llA. ... fo.111 ""'' 111•~.lf"l111( ul t\vul•m 11 .. rt111r l11r 411 11111•1 11111111,.I n111t ln:S l'f/'I/ t6ewporl SUp W..ted tl:l<I K()O() •• ,., t :11 •, w r k K.1lhy NWl'I ~I.JI--, ,,,, t 1·11t It' llWr llll1l1I , lk ""II r1r l•Wf •AH ',:J!Jt '"' y '"'"' 111• :,111 ..... ,,., w I I, u 1. fl ,, I ... 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I> '77 ur .. 11 ml1nn :.!:J hnlch11r IS.·aut 111n<t lh;.oit-fl 1'/M ml ltt•J< ¥116 Orlf' of U1" 1111 .. 111 mlfll 11 mlildf' I Jntlrr Ulur lb• Slil,llOO 1.r lllll 1.h i'U*:WJ r.1 < 1"'" lt.ollll, ~I l1111d 1-<t, ~·I c uni d Xlnl 1 •mfJ '1wvy ( 'h1t.,.111. a:;1 1 1111 •llW :AA Mtll ~7 3!AJ Y t111I I lt0Ju 111 ff¥1Ullf Ill I 11"'1 47 lititl •lf1J'1t1al rruh·\ ""'" ''' I t1 i.t I" IA2 l.J.:.J 9170 ............•.......... :!I ' l'r11w1 .. , """ I IJll luuwitl 'l?)fllll !lri.I I If,/ 111 1(11 li:JIJ d1 CH, air cond OIWWJrAl l , .. ,, •MAatMO YOUSWAa.IM mu llY.A(..11 HLVl> lnJl'<M NGTON RY.A 'ff 142-ZOOO 71 en ll(XX) Sl.000 d.trwn l o ll-ue CA 11to 7~ 8~. «MJJ.:i) ~"" 7 9TOYOTA 414rtaur 1'111111 .. r al .. t'rH11C . 11 If 11m r 1&11t11m wh.-.·111 ., Urf"ll. llW'll ., l11U1 m11r1· ·Mwit~' HUl•YI WOM"TLAST JIM Sl.IMOHS IMPOITS llf/0 lfAIUSOft hi.VI> (.''Mr A M y,.-, t\ Ul-1276 i •I 1'tl)'1Jh I ... nd ' , W'l•'I t11uttt1J, ~M m1 ~ •Int l'flfwl 111c .. 111'\lf "'" ,, .... huli11 I JI AM ... M 1111., ... , ~.J111 .,. •• lllltl4 Tl 1 'hrvy lll111••r I hy11 I' k 11 •• 11' u rn 1• I a 1• .i I Sl.111 tel M •1 h1J !11111"' 111 1,111 111,..11, fur lrnl 11u1 1· """' 11 I .... ,,, 'J'.J I ~Al '"" 1«..ir1 •· 1'Jr1 l•Tl• W ""'""'''' I' I' '-''"it!ll I l"\l""''ll1ft l"''"''ll t11'IYJI' I 'ndrr .,,,,.,, •Ill)' ~·,1·,1 21 •1, ' .111111 I I""''' "" lotlh, s,..d & Ut1111y l.,'"JI V lt1111J.. 11•1 ~ 9010 '7ll ltk•11I ~·, l 1.-.1,, Ill n'4nt.e. JIJI l.r •. 1lu1·I 111<11 W1 11111 4!1:1 IU.l'J 711 1.1111my loll ~ 11 f ~,,,,,. 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'""'' IH•IJI•• .11111 "'"*" ~h •r p ' "M.l211111 I ' • 111111 f1•,lt ,,, ,~, IY" DATSUM rARTS 1 *** BOAT SHOW TIME Udo YIM099 .,..wporl leoch Catlfontla 9060 •••••••••..•........... 10, J.cWra Ill. ~rt . 111tr11 hull , 1111 11 In NII httaulltul 14000 lllHY'>llJ AnlM1ue <l•H ltll(.l(c.o<J 12' <Ape <AX1 Ca\t.11111 <:1r1·11 ll!llrl. f!Ully rt'llt.11r1od, llk1• NM, H.fo11f <'hlrf611"'f llt)al • f'OOd 111111.,r Mu11l 1w1:1 l!G-tll):l Oil al •?:i with '"'""' Xlnt l'l>t'ld. PKICI. t:•ll 1~1-12:11t I~ 11 loait V,.ry f1111 6 Ut.e 1'11r w /htll SW50 Ml-:lm CAL JO' XJnt. loeded. ,, ,. '4160/beal ul r ... ,... 1llp, 11 v ao• Clipper, lr76. •Jeos>. tbr1Jl1, fully •qulp 'd , ••·• .-.aoa U ' KMe w /•al.It 6 dotUe .. X1at c(Jftd M6-U. V.llil/•1'11 4•r,, nH:J llt ..... I 4 jltllJd lll.,... ftl I Tr ... l>ri..W. ..•.•....•••••.•...•.•. c ... n .S./ ...... 9120 ....................... Ulrl lrJ:IU 11•·'11 11lln C.:11 II :At> )7*.tl 11fln •ll'M Ult'vy 'I 111l1t1tlf" lfl71! 54'-IHO SOPa CAMPY 1n c .. ,,..,,, rf'IJlt :rrt I r '""'low mi If' ft JI•• f111ryt: lflf/111 ., n•1tr n"1 1111 •Int I ,, '' 111 I IL u I• * I I Mlkt• 'Al) 111.:r., 1•1 I 111 '. '11 lfl.oll11l<lfll' 1 ..o "''"'' I 1 1• r ,1, 1• 11 ., 1 ,, n ., I A u t •1 .. 111.111v 111o111y •11 '" 1•1.ii~luov 111111111 w lnl Xl11 I ••11111 tll(JI, olo ,1111111' Hru ~ l ••I• llW"ll',I! 111'-">l 'l'.IC .h ll'. l>rt'r l•l•k IJI• llr l11lt~ Ml S'l ~.lo.I.I. I''"'' '"" INI ~1111 I-v•·'I rr11k•• 11ll .. r I-,,, "''" 1· •I•· 1.11111 I 1111 J Ill' lol I.ti 11'.IJ 11:,11:. oir J It.., ll 11111 i.t/~.M II rwU 1 tlflll<llH'fl 1";1l•1·1wr W/Jlllrlil Jllll 1)1 i '1IJll llC. lll'J:Jtl C:u rn1w1 Shell, 7!t"x n $17!>. f'l•llh !1411 fll'/O,1cft 111\M tt40 ....••....••.....•..... M01•f':1H;1,,A ttmd1ll<m, I r1w m 1 I,.• v. '" $1 ·1 :1 1)42. 7"4'/ Mt"~I ·111 floz y I ;'I'. j(llfll"l runnl111< 1·11ntJ $2!.0 r,46 f'OJ'I Altf'r !.11ro l'Y.tJGY.lff MIJPY.U MIN'l'CONU ~I ~~ t'1ncy Moprd, hk .. n1·w l11w mlll'll, tJl.1 rnod,.I M1111> ., wtru ~nr. or 11( ff'r flM.411'3 h1al M•1 f!'d, '!IX> ml. ,.,.., I' tlfl d , f ~ ~ :, () ti I I ~I~ ~rNI W,.1tl11 kt• MOfH'l1, :ktw• old, u<idt•r warnn ly, ~ut..11 rlutr h t all W'tl# GOO Ill~ ~7111 ""*"'Jl Moved 103 •lnl tond, lo mt, h kr rurw fl'i()~{JC)'lll ••••••••••••••••••••••• WA/'fn.11 1•ur1" l11r ll VW (.:01flY••r1 ll111t11 11 rot r1'"'1n 111.th , .. 11, ,,.,. 1lt•n, rKt I Uflfllfll( ,,,,, IJ<·• k 1111 '''"' lll1tlt '""" '1•'"'· fr1w1t M•1tlJ1 & rvt 111 ma 11<12 .. w f'AHTH4r liV.rtVll 'lo. HOURS tJpPt1 7• m 'lll 6p rn M00111y thru Yrl<l1ty ClllM'd Ka I 4r Mun l'Jft'l.11v~ Mon 0124 17~ SA.DDLHAa POID z.MOS N•ln, :S..nt• Alli• Al tJw C:onwr 11f W arnrr 546-7070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IN W>f(J'AHT' N<n'JCY. 1 '' HY.AUt:ftN AN" AOV Y.fC'flMf'.IUi Th11 prlf'r or ll"m• advertl11.,d l1y 11tilt11 Ir ck•h1r11 In thr vt'h1rl•• rfllllfltd MdYl'flllllnf( ,.,..,.,,,..,.. dl*I rwlt 1nl'ludt' any •1111lltable lUH. O.r'7n.1e, lr1n1ter f1•111 , l\ruince ril•rlH, t..._ for a6r poUullon c-nntrol de Vk. .. c:erttflcet.lonll or de 1ler dorument.,y pre rwlltk .. r h.r1•11 unleM ~IM apeclfled b) U. lld'lwUMr •a•••" , ..... HJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• OMLY J79'5 HOWAAD Ct.noi.t UuYf'., (Juul !-ti" NJo:Wl"f>J<T JO.AC 'II Ill-OHS 7 1GMC IS Sen" SIDI.A J, I ) luwlo I 1 'oJtO •~I I"""'' 111 11 ·' ioli~11l11l•·I~ 11 "• llfl'JM.I i Sl 9'S • 1111 ~ "nt1 U t''4111> IOI WITHAM YOUS WAG~ 71W W1-,itrr111l'l"r I\ v .. 111 Wr"ll rr11n,1t•r ltw:t 7:101 ~II lllHIJ ..,,. I .lrlllJ•I" :-K .. 1:111 ldl' 1.., .... 1r11I"""" v,111111 111n 1I 1DCJ.(111r l111t 11lr !Jill lil.Wi '72GMC 2:nJ ,.,,...,..,. 'M.ip••r ( 'ua1ur11 f'lt·llup J)•I V II , "1 r powrr •ll't•rlnj(, 1lu11I tanka, 1 •mJJl'f ahrll . 1 fl•I thru i<un ri11 1111, nwny rxlrn I 1'40UK I IJ6H IOIWITHAM YOUSWA.atf 7IOO W""'-m1n1tl'f A.,,. In WNtmuutrr WJ 1M I 11311 78JIO 711 l,uv f>l f'lluv, 4apl1 , rlfollfl, run. ~rl. 111 m1, fm6 ~-14 "'-1YJN, 4 w......,I dnv .. ·711 (.Mmclf'r hprc•tal ('hf'VY ()Mr)'ent)I' {I v..rlmtd • 1ir ~· twavy duty tram1 wUh t:o11l11r Air rnnd 16,llOO nr htt11 t 11H «' r ~I 'IUl2 (,,111.11alflt-d Ad• 11rn t ht1 WWWf'r to a 1ut·r1•ai1lul -~ti ,,,. y11nl 11111 ' It .• a bllliet WllY t.o (NII mllf't' peopM ! ............. Ytllkaet 9UO ••••••••••••••••••••••• HERE1S RV FUN WITH DATSUN SM ILIA GE! .. ... ................... . -nTOYOJA MIL011e1• I __. p&cbp, .a...- ...... ike MW. ffll OtM-tek crawt·Ulru ............ __.. ewt.o8I 1trf~, '"''· J• ta. nuet uW. rte· •. yw'v• -... u... '7t rotd v .. 12 ,. .. -~-:::::::.-,.,. ---,-..;;.;;:;;.,,.~~ Mttl *•· duM air. 6 U.nkt, •• IOI WITHAM tnld ...... *· 1'4'4144 YOUIWAW .._Lt t• tllO ~: '1*JOW.i.na..w A'la. •••••••••••'••••••••••• iii W•mi...wr NMlllMUllll IJ _....;..__ •'1501 ---'7-"""'1KltllALL .• "12 0......, Pickup, 1twoll w /boot, 11tereo •1 200 c:.Jltl0'7 21:M '19 l'<1rd (;11uruir, Ionic bid. whit ~. aa MPJC .al C.11 all 7 .. wllnd1 -.6m 75 El Cl ml no t:I illllH'. r /8 .. ,. 18 . 11 Ir. l 1 ll llwtw-f. tlf'ld l'OVl'r 4'4,000 ra <MIC 11wrw r 1211'".AI ur I-' 1.Af er &U 4()112 10 Juoc~rn ~I uir,.. t\ 1 <" P I!-., I' I IS ,· A M I t' M llVT"eo. 11.llVO or l)ll of r :Al IU.'J I u.i f"•.ord Y 3!11 :-,..rv11 IYldy, JClnl r<Wl'l. t11t1tl 7114' rni. UM-ti rf'll. 11.1111 io11ll ~ Mti 1M12 57 J'11ku1.1 w 1•11rr1 11••r ..tiell, 1l11t runotMt 1 •md f]lj) !MS fl,M.1 .. 11 4'• ltlfl 4 wh1•«I J1 1•11 <iutKI "''"" auto., "" ~.1112111.r ~~ fl:J,11 f''or •IJP, 1!171 ..... r11 Van. J(U, 2 l)llrn·I II"'''" •I•' '11 1nl run~ w•·ll $1 llflU 14·,~i 111«:!1/l"jlj 71l'fOV< 11 A I 11 I 1 k. :-.C111o11 •• r11 iJ1•,i11 :All lllK2 IA °'• fJlft 4 wh I cl '1 "" I 11 1 ,. r n ., I 1 "11 " I I 1 111 k. :Al 114711 '.eJ01t'VY 1'11 ~ I 11 with ·10 f'tlj/Jr>r N ... ..-to. ro11111r , ,. I"""' ~ ( 1111 •• ,, 14'11 ......... 1; ·1,,,.,,.., 111• lrn11 "" A M r"'11'1, 1n.111" ~"' 'M /llf/ •• I , II I ,. ( II •• I I .. It .. I 1, .. ., .. 1 •• 11 s 111111 ,,,., • it•,. 4'r"1. rl ""'" ""'"' .IUlll .... I-ir .. n .. ,,,,M 111 •• ~. J(Jnt ~ !llCJ I/IV I II.II 111/l "I:! ... I I 11111111•1 1'11111111 10:-. I'll A I ,11 r ~11111 ~ I Jonjl I ,..,11••f flt •I 1 lfl• I "''"''I• '" .. .., ' ".., ~ .., 1,/ j H 'oH /II K 1111 I .1 lo l.iti; 1•)4 .j ._. •• 1 111 Hiii.i 111111 t570 • HIW t•7• LUXUIT CHIVROUT YA .. r.11u1pmtnt 1n1 lud"" J>llah I ifrpM f1•n••ft01' II,..,,,,. Wl"tlw r I WfJ t · .. 1. lillll.'1 1h1t1111 1,, ••• ~1 ..... ,.,,. J.'tll\111 t1l1 .. 11, • I I lltt/tflr l11J rllf•f' I\ '• •' ,, 11 t· ., I ' I I• 'I I•." I '111111 I OHLY S"60 HOWAAD Ct.•roi.+ J).,vr .. ~HI t I ~" NV.Wl•Olt1 111'.At II I ll-OHS '76fOlDIUO II c yl 11 11 f1 11r,.n1111 !.:i6 m2 11r11rll 11:,7 OJoUI ·~""" i i (JM•vy I tuft l10lltil .. l•111 rt1mipt'f ~IJtVI', 111111l II I• huz, du11I IC•" tank' II I.I'll. CH t•110.·ll1..-S f/fft~> ... :.1111 IMtr ;:; Yurd lonl( V•n full .,wr VII. l'tlflYl'ni"(I ,,.,., ..-t11t flam"~" la t SZ!llJO takt•\ "1411 llt17:t wkd)'ll 710M(' W111dt)w V•n ll1tl ly b'TX, ln1df'd, n uuo OW I , aJnt. rt'I( l(llA 1(1( tank . H ZV!I C/14 1 <IMMt.31 "Jiii Yun! Convl'l'lll1lfl 111• wl11dt1w11 """'""'· PIUl'"iooft, 1•11111rt ~";bOU Mol 11170 '17 fo"11r1I Jo:r11n I )II l.nll(blwj' """'" (j r I\ I ('' •U.1 Uanll, 1-'H/l•R, lo mi, II eyl c 1,,11n, I 0111111r l4WO /h1H 41#4 ZJO~ 11r 4(M.Tl~lvmaic IHDSUTS LHllSUTS -.su1s l"r'CNn •.oo ea. Pw YllMlllPS ft'S.AITOS llodl "'c.-om ..... ···-$179.00 & " W.l.-fwLftt C411 ..... YOMLY 761·UlJ Aft· .... w ...... tlto ••••••••••••••••••••••• WY. PAY TOP ()()l~l.AH ftrr 1.t4> l.-d c11.l'l·fe>r,.11n. dofnf«J('JI tW rl1J111lt1 II ytAJr r•r 111 .. -.c.r1 clA#n , M'll! Ull YJ H._'fr I ~ If I hi Oc>-.. C-.ty ~llur~Hlvd <'<lih'TA MJl.'iA 979-2500 WllUY CUAHCARS AMDTIUCIS COMMlLL CHIVROUT .'H:?I 11.11 ,,,,, fll \II I ''-'I A r.H~ \ 54'-1200 1;.,,,·11'rll Y•ilH , • .., • CRIVIHIMW l •AV'>'lfJl' lifH,l,t\Jt "'" Ch•1an llt.1'(l lm1111rb I '..ill Mlk,. •1r 111111 llS..l 171 WAMTED! l,lflt' 11111t.lf'I 'f 11y11lo.I\ Vil. 1111, I'll kUJA tit V Jll~ l.1All 1111 t.111.l11y ' '"'"-"'' r •••• ...... "-4 o tlO I., \40 '441 PORSCHE's WANTED l\lluw "' llw "l'I•" 1111111 v f/1 lltll~lflt•I I ftf' 11111 I "''"" •• Ir •• ttt• u1 '" •,our • lt•uu I'"'_."" I '''" ~ wrl lo I 11-l,1y ' .... ~ed ....................... . 9701 •..................•••. ATIENTION! .... '. I •I• II.., w I''""' t... ' '·" ,. At ~ •• ''" W1• "''" , •. 11 .,.,,.,, I"' 1"1 I ltft!1ljf.llfl"'fll Ill \.Ollf 11n1 •• l1<•11l "" .11 11111 111 1.11 .. nw· c:. .. 1111 v "'" 01 fun1111l 11lfi 1 1111 J 1111 l 111 rim Alllltotl••lertlft 1.:01 W 0111111 llw v Nw1A IS..·h lj.otl lf711..1 '705 ....................... AU-A IOMIO U&.IS. Sl«YICI AM>LLUfHG Ul'.MOMI. ... N()W IN I' ICOI; 10.~'" llACH IMPORTS IHtl l.lo1v,. Slr•~·l N~Jl(>tt'r 10.A<'lf 752-0900 '101 ......•...............• '74 AUDI 1001.8 Ktinr1111( 11•1l u11 Autorn•llr, "''· pow"' •t.,rrtnic, 1111•r1•11 1o:11 r~lftd 1•0f'ldlllllfl, llUIWI l'l~&n ntnf.XI I 12491 IOIWITHAM YOUIWA6 .. 71U> WN4mln1t4!r A vr In WNtmlnatH 8 711111 11311 71WI .,.. Awd.I MIOO , h11 •v.,r ~ IDOO .. A111um«1 &.... •t saa:i mo. « t>.ly. 1111110 m aoau 74AUOt IOOIAJ 4 door 11d1n A ulom •&Ir , •le r e 11 . • ~= ,.._...,,n1 ' v..., ,..... Ruhl Ilk.• • wl&Ch. (7 MUl'f) S2ttl IOIWITHAM YCUIWAW .- .,.. ..... ,.....Av11 • ..... , ... ., . t: --· .. ,. 'Tl lA. btltll, ..,., •"'°· e&ereo, aew htl. 6 I ndall.••tacotalr• '" ..... lody dam11• r/f, A• le •M firm. .,.., _____ _ 11Mll .... , 1 .... , 41pd, «:.~ +c..a. .. .. nta • • . ' .. ,._,, ... ,. - .... .w .......... ._. ......... rtM ....... •pcwtecl ........... rW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t71J .._ t1JO M t7H .......__ 9140 M1ece•1 '--3 '740 .._. 9744 A.lltM.l•J•rted ...._,,_,,,..... . ......_. fl W :• ....................... ....................... •••.••................. . .................................................................. , ....................... . 71-...r '71flAT '71.-& ·77 Merced ea 450 SL .._., 197' q..t 9746 rw • 9710 r.1• t7• 1 ~ .....,-,111,_; M lld .. ....,1 1JI 4 ••AM Sliver 1 reen, loath. Mella ..... •••••••••••• .. •••• •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• -• .. •••••••••••••-· ........ -~~ .................... ..., •• .........., .... ---· 11.GDG ml. MlAL.~7-GQM, '1•0NL .. ....,. , ,, • ~' -.fita... 1ft to •P· --. deu • •,..la .._lie, ..,... -... •nas More people "" tit• door 11'1 ••· wi DM.YPILOT pr11 .... -P) _._.outl eDl»fZF> lq, air COIMI., aharp MOB convertible than 2 eoupe,4 apeed,Jow -....... SAMIA A•A --M• ~ ... 23> Sl:B: xlnt cond. any o&her convertible! mi.. <"12'SM4) =belt•. S epeed, ~ ~ n•~•-._~!.!....._.......__ .. ~-~~ ~--~·H• ·----~ ~l_ ~~~~~-Ui----.;~~-~-·-· :.>o-..124ll., • "OU-,~~~!~-c_:_~· ~~'.'--;-.r ._..... flCUIWAW ¥0&.DWAW .. Wft'MAM TODAY!!!' v::C~~ Szt.IOO 1mtlll . ....... ,. W,:l ,,_W 1'1 , 'WAve ,_._. I twAve \llOUlSWAW "T1fi508EL.sllverblue,all ~ BEACllBL ~ c--... 1 , '8• .. W..,•'•• ,_.11, , rtwAve. opttou . 12.000 m l ~ ~TONBEAVDCH. ·.IU) ... ._ .~~--. . ::::~,f =-~)> • .,.. ... ,.. •111l ... ,.. lllW•·brtw !llow1oom new su,ooo. ~ ... ~_ ... , __ --'11-• _,..,, "'1 IJl.flio w.-.5513 .._ _ 14J..JOOO ... _ -"o Air-..1 ...... ...,_, "TT••Pll.•.,.rv> •D.._..,. ..... S• .._.. ---· .. nosa. ,.. 9742 ...... '-_ r , at '741 c .. =~~~am ~~.· .. ·-· --41Pd ll/ll .,. A I av" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ '' ~Lu ) '-'111 .. 1.... C°'" ....... •••••••••••••••• 2925Harbof'Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._&.C.-19wa)' .• :::::... m:uu--F > Of.Al...... ....Mew'7t _,ADSTIA 71 MGMIDGIT COSJ'A M~A ......oT '78 911 SC Targa : ~=Drt-=-~=~/~)A) -·~ HQll)AC ... Clwic ~ roadlter, ~.h;,:: !fl::,~~ 979-2500 WS-SBYICE ==~end LCllCI ~ ]' -.. _ MANY orilinal condition, local ver y c lean. Rallye AM>LIASIMG OOASI'UNE~ING 11~ .' a..-1 -~ Tectlllf....., ly owaed la aervaced. wheels. Shows great ,71 ~-· SLG W~Ave.H.8. ~ .. • • COSTA M E\A DATSUN 1 .,.VBSITY Uo. tram .. air cond . care. <7SZVC'T ) _. DEllOSALE Mf.TMl ~ · ~ .,,... au& Ne to apprttiale 54195 12,000 actual milea. 4 NOWIN PROGRESS! ~.~ ... <>'*'••• DDGB> IOIWITHAM speed, radio, healer, '70 9U E T~a, approx •• ......__..._ ,._ •• ...,. .-.sa.1UOHS v-.,sw•G1ta...t ~ea. beautiful CODCli· IEACHIMPORTS ~.«nlmian Peq.PAsll· lf71tM .• *SHARBORBLVD ~ ~ -·~s -A U'O ........ (478U.6) .. DoYe~---IDC $7000. vt ty. lbck.onlJlt,•.u.t.· s-...41114 T,_b -• 'ffD>Westm.imterAve $4'95 --~ 83M7Gorm.-=se. auaroof, air coe• .. 11111 lAT& Dll.JVERY! _____ M_ ZIJ, 2850H.,-borBlvd. ll'JO~~Rdlvo. in Westminster IOIWITHAM NEWP075•R'f.!.EoACH All/Piii ...... ....,. . ..,J -.. a 1.. ,...._._ .. __ ~--.-..., .. , 638 --'"' '87 912 Blk s sp!I. no rust, -> • .._ ......... _. _.._ 6ll·IZ76 ~...... .,....., YOLKSWACi&I n'l!orbanlcaJJy xlnt. dot -~ 'L LAHISILICTIOM C»MIW1t7t ~ ~-!-~lee. +~73 Civic Hatchback, '77 MG Midget, red. ~!wes~~ve 197'~SB. llllt5600.M0-7•1 ....-SI0,7--50 -. • a_._,, new All/FM cuaette stereo '1025Dcoupe Beat loolting am/fm. 17,000 mi. xlnt ....... .....,....""' -R I v 1 e r a m a g s . &C2-GIS3evea la wkods • elem cl.ualc. Xlnl. cond. cood. $3500. 543-0772 am-7551 638.7880 4 speed. air cood .• sun-i4 914 1.8 Black Beauty. 44.5 E. c.o.t Hiway Chartreuse /black •n· · Lahr interior. wire spoke roo1 RSD u.ded Fii ateuo tape at Ba19kleDrtve terior. U41PU > wbeela, a/c, pin striping. MGil 9744 '77 MGO. AM /FM cass, • sterel>~ ) kl mi ..-1o1r. G-2551. ' Newport Beach ~ JJOl'1 5211'1 ALSO l33CSI ·s IMSTOCXI $46t5 1971 HONDA 18.000./080 . 646-5568 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 24K rru. $4400. Must sell! miR•CH l~RTS IOI WITHAM ACCOllD eves. 'T1 MGB. xJnt cond 67~0931 days, 586-0545 ~ .....-v When you call Classified '181'73 911SC Ta~r· A/C, VOLKSWAQ... 25.000mlles. <95IUHH> '18 300-D maple yellow AMCa/lFI 67M~ S.S1594.ooo eves ~RveTStreetB"'"CH ':u~:r :r-:· f~~':d~~ ~::.~~/:.~~m. cdae 1:d ca1J today • We also may have that pre.owned BMW you a re loolung for ! 7«IOWeat.m.imter Ave $5699 Imm a c . su n r o o r . .,. i i MG U 55.000 miles. xlnt , .. """rv c.n welcome and help in switch. P7 tins. 7" Ir a·• tnWestmioaur AM/nl8-lrack.Still on IH78 MGB lllnt cond . 10 cond New pa i nt , 75z-o90o wordingyourad forbest .WS,im.mac.ahowstop. 8113-7551 631·7880 ~~~M warr. $19,000 FIRM m .must sell l\M F'M.wirewhls Must f1nd what you want an response Call Now! per, SU.tit. $51·IOIO, NEWPORT BEACH 213-S31-4987 d n . S4.>2611 sell Call 661-6184 Dally Pilot Classa!ied.s 642,5678 _s._T.MI ______ .._ lll·2040 495-4949 Ol..+J«H COUMTrs OU>IST 133-1300 Aado1, Mew 9100 Auto1, Hew 9100 Autos, Mew 9100 Allto1, Hew 9800 Alltol. Mew 9IOO Alllo&. Mew ,_ ----· ....................... ....................... ······················ .................................................................... . IOI McLAREH's $ 850 N. Beach Blvd. LA HABRA (5 Mi. No. of SA Fwy> f7 I 4 '522-5333 Sunday by Appl. '78 5301 yellow lthr 1.0ter. Ele sunroof. 4sp. mag wtU.s, air, AM /FM stereo cass. FOR Its. ele wlndws. 17Mmi. lmrnac. S14.490. d)'S 634·2S22. eve 974·3992. 19'15 BMW 2002, AC. 4 spd, AM/f"M 8 lrk. new paint. OOK.M.96000. 751-8459 75 2.80Z, 2+2. 32.000 m1, orig mags. air. xlnt cond. 16.000. 673-6311 eves .wknds D ys . 541).1.571 '732tOZ: am/fm8lraclt,4 spd Xlnt mech ·1 cond. $3900 or best orre r . 631-5547. '74 8-210 gbod cond. Ask· ing $1.600. goo.502.B '77 ~z. A/C. cruise COD· ·J\Db-Civic auto eng reblt in April. Clean $2.495. 661-6312 JAGUARS XJ6Ls, XJ12 &XJSCo s Most colors ailable for immedia elivery. TEST HJYE OHE TODAY!!! ·~, • ......... -•• < . ..... ,.,,.._.,.."""_ 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 tr. mags, AM /FM tape. 17J:JAGUAR E·lype. 2+2 auto. t&SOO/offr. 675-9409 Vl2, auto. aJ.r. $7000 firm. eves. 1·'12i·2839 '75 28JZ: auto. ate. mags. amtrm cassette, 52.000 mi. P rv . Ply . O n e Owner Mint cond. $6000. 67S.2UY7. DatsWl ·1s: 610 Sta Wgn. AM /FM S t er . A/C. 28mpg 4 s peed . P /p 1973 JAGUAR XIE CONVERTIBLE '76 BMW 2002, 27K mi. _964-_1638 ______ _ f\1.lly restored in bright red with tan leather in· t.erior & chrome wire wheels. 1lus IS a true Ul· vestment as 1l depicts a pa ss in g ag e 10 automobile history. See it. Drive it • fall in love today. &It .2082: ld.22238 ) Xlnt. running cond.. 4 '73 DatsWl Pick Up. r eg spd, AM /FM 8 trk. '6200. g~. atc. SUl95. or best or- S5J.!K97 fer ~. Sil i W16 superb cond, slvr, 4 spd, alloy wbls. ...Dl& t.ape 99200. 646-2017 evs 751-4623 dys. '79 Black 320·1, gold rimmed, A!C. sunrf. only 9000mi, Factory Warrty. Mus t S e ll. Eves : 642-2584. '771MWl20i Sunroof . AM I FM cassette, 4 s pee d . <274.RXO). "'" IEACH IMPORTS MB Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 '75 S:'I> I, auto, air cl Mam/Saddle. $8900 /ofr. 496-S279 Terry -------- '79 280-ZX auto ate. AM/FM tape, 11.Kmi. As· s um e lse /$200 . 714-840-2182. 73 240Z. leaving stale. must sell lmmed. New eog, paint, stereo. mags. AC. bra. all receipts, xlnt cood. "200 fl.rm. 496-4!62.8 $13,995 BAUEI MOTORS 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MF.SA 979-2500 '78 280-Z. while. air . stereo. louvres. ski-rack, ....... 9732 chains. 29ll mi. x.ln l cond. • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • llln-3804. Jensen lntcpt. Jd I. '73, '76 Oat.tun 210 Htcbblt. gd cond. new Ures, $2000. 552..ara. 213·920-6717 '73 240-Z. A/C. mags, Tape Deck, Lg radiator . $11.50 645·3«7 Rat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dot cood. Full eqwp Mmt sell. t9500. 673-4066 -.-GWo '734 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CGf.ri 971 S 1976 JJI Wagon. S4K mi. ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • stereo cas.s. au. 5-1 peed. T.I Capri V-6. l owner. $2500, 644).1657. 4-sp. New tires. Sl.000. Call 98&-0067 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAAGI m.ECTIOMOF AU.MODll.S SHOP irCOllPARE BA RWICK DA TSU,... ' ' ~11.117')49) ])75 75FIAT 124 SPIDIA Convertible . 4 speed, AM /FM ster eo, suf>'r clean. only 32,000 miles. "'14VCI) $46'5 JIMMAltlMO YOLKSWJi.fMH 1971 Jarama, only 250 11711BEACHBLVD. made. 20,000 mi, V-12. 6 HUNTINGTONBEACH Weber's. same eng as, .... •ooo QJuntac:h at $100,000 leas. ___ -_.,_• ____ , Rec:eat sllver lacquer a. 191 lea&ber. new radials. 1971DATSUM + u .ooo fa c tory 210% YEJI £m SPECIAL authorized work o n Ma. U.S., air COlllJI., eD8ine • AC to bring to ·.......,, .Uvs . (143115) newcond. Elegant style. Lille..,., U. viaibilit,y. 162 mph. ... $400 Uc. (lly Lamb ) Serious MIWPOITDATSUM =-~•·=only. •Dowe 8treet NJ:WPORTBEACH ...... 9731 133-IJOO CASH ··~·-~~ ... 'T1 a.a-~ Cab. lo 2 door MdaD delue. 4 ~-~c. REBATE · =·=~o:.:s em DATSUN c1111. tDlllJV> •2+2 •Ill .. s::.... =-~~:---· TS YOUCSWA ... $1-FIA . 'JlllOW '""Mt• A••· m W.mlntter MIWPOITDATSUM. •7151 ... .,., ,J:.t;.~ NEW ?tMAJDA UJ.1111 -.1 ,__.'W17..._A/e, AT .. ~~..=-== ~--.-~ lllUCTAVl'OIAUCS _.) -Jalf ...... ,As tr'• ,,_ Im.·--~ .... MAM'C> ,;,;._. ..,.,.•t!Mnt YOU&SWAW .-La> -muUACB&VD. 11"9 tmMTll;.f ~.~ ~ .. OllfDATW Y .... ~ *· ....... m 7 ,,_... ,. ..., ca.._,.... WWWIOa'~ lllft All/ftl. s /e, nllera, @I• =•aeMOUI ... .._ ... _ -.a....... ........... ... ···-.,. ~c llllll. ~3:-1. ~ •• ~ •• ~ 1111111111111111111111• ... -... ........ '" •> ........ Alltnl .. --a.. ........... -. .......... . ,. .......... ltll!lf .... _ ....... ,.,.. .... -. --....... ··'"'~ ..... ....,.... • .... '1 .. ..... ......... ---111&··-----OU hnd-. ~;:' .... · ... ea--· .. ::.= .,., . .., .... / • • ., l ! .... . , . .. ··' . . ... . ,,. . -. . ... . . .. , 57 fl'onldae t l 2 u l'1> mod4'1 . Blaupunllt AM t'M radio wv.od 1eeru11 whl. bu"tHI C"Taok u nfln MOOG nnn ..,~•10 • ..,~ '• 11~ rblt ctnM. IOOd r a_r for ralunt.Wft. M250 &&2 Ol lt •tJl. white. bJk, AN/t'M recorder. a ir.at Xln\ ao PPM6-~ 'Ill ~ 8 Coupe . runll ltOQd, ~ reslorallon S2700 IJ73..al08. 67S 6).Sl ·ai !112 ronehe Good eua Malleolfer ~3400 '78 SJ.at:. auru-f. 22.000 rna. air, s tereo. like nl'w 673-";f/Z7 IB Porsclll' 111 J'f. rc·hll l'rll(, lwru 11hoc It:., J15W 661 1000 11Jl ~I'M I& 914 2 O ltr OnJy ~.000 milt~ Mrnl 1·und $8300 ()fj() !Q 87!",0 '"NI 924. mrnt t•ond. loadt'<i, tuke OVt'r ICJ\l'. c: .. 11 TI4 fa>-1986 ••Wfd!y . .,'*"'* 22. \17t L. 'Tl O:t'~>'r • .,. motor ... ._ .... '1IOO i..~ nail Alk ,.. ...... ,. . ...,. '11 Ccthca G T I b.i Ii 10 1 m1 all o pllftna <.\lltom P•lnl wbn-11. tQl>tCr ~ tM!MIO 'U COROLLA Aut u 1Y001olr $.W,.781 1> rm tot pm .. t'or 1alr by o wnt'r '72 Toyot.a W.t11uo N.-t'tla. lloUl'nf: work ~!jl ulft•r :M8·39~ tVtli tll H 4t ,..-k~ T~ 9767 ..••.•.......•......... '76Tl7 Very 11harp sport l'Ul.lf>l' 4 speed, stereo. a.ar ('(met Red /beige corduroy (lean• Save$$$! 0111774 1 SlttS IOIWITHAM VOUSWAGEN 7800 Westminatcr Ave in Westmmi.ler HIC 7551 1138 711HO '77 Red Tnumph 1500 Spitfire P<>rfrrl t•t1111l Only 23Km1 $1.100 full pnee. 1s below hlu\: hook rr IG1I J 9S5 1055. d yi. m~~eves .,, ...... ........... ~1&.np ...... 11611 .. "'MIO .aLllWAMM .~ 141-1 ... ----.· --·-.,."'--QiQ·•• _..., radio, ...... -..XT> 11"1 JIMMAl..-0 YOUllW.._. 1.171181'.ACH BLVD 11\JH'llNOTON 8 .KACU ••a..zooo "71VWIUS f\ecj 6 lf>tule 1 PILUt'njlt!r 4 l'IJIM(I, raclio, h..alu Xln 'l CoodJtJOfl Al.Mi Mu W I l b a U t () Ill II l I I' OllMNJ I $ltt5 IOIW1THAM Voc.MSWAfHN 7®We-utm1Mler Avu ln Wc-tmlnlil" ltl3 7~1 ~ 7M.J '77 RAlllT 4 door. aulo trans . r {Ida Ill I.ltd <6331 J' l I Sl995 JIMMAJUHO VOUS WAGf H IK11t 8 EA(;)I 01.VI> JI N11NGTON flt-;AC:H 842-2000 '77 VV/ DfESll Custom ll1&bb1t 2 1lonr Du~cl 4 lll>4.'l'fl. n 11l111, ht!alcr Vl'I") rll'llll '~· MPG <42:..'iWH I S5295 IOIWITHAM VOUSW~GEH 7fnl Westm1ru1ler A v1• ....._l .. 1r1M ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... t170 ........ r •••••••••••••• "74YW .. .... low ........... , tr•••·· al ee r er l .....,.., Pltl JIMMAD4C' VO&DWAelM &m I BEACH Ill.VD HUNTINGTON B&ACH ...... .'YI V'W 412 W••M Auto, AM/l'lt, map. UM ml 11'50 olr Orll( uwner .... "12 4tl waaon. 63.000mt. RUlt Mt! to •PPr"1•t"' ~lllna '°Mell 1&t Hei t Of .... Jl'71 • 8-t VW DUI S&Antool Naech teupbol1ter1oa ~ Owntr ll:.tCJO or be1t olf~ No ctwc:u plell.ie MS-Olm ·711 Landmark Campt-r SUJ! new t'M c 1u111etl4!. Mllll'OoJI. IOK rn1 W1ur1An l' tine of a kind $3.4W ODO m~ or 673 9tllJ Yarl i 4 l:Alper &eUti, 1\\1 /I''~;. Sift, lo , m1 SJ .0011 Ml ltl.e2 -rovw l'anelled Van rcbll enJC N~ soml• work Be11l rea11ooablt orrer 67~5000 Alik for Gury '&4 SQUM< ECl\CK. '67 enA & tran.,, Jeood r ond $1150 ll42 7189 I m:Y l'HOUl.t-:Ms Sat·k •Jr deud fon·1i:n can. wunled. R73346S •t'a sh • G.11 2m7 ·74 Super llu11 . :o.unr ool, auu, . Kint cont.I • '.?ll!l:i (:..all :,.:JJ :..o:.2 'Tl VW Uui.. 9 l'J ,·, "' 1:. tx'(I, A C, r lJll 111• 11. "' lJl'f!I> $2,1!KJ ~!J , !J:.'7 1)1 fil'.'rJ973 .......... rtM ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... f.l 9170 . ....... ··········-··· .,. ltapert..•ll• •soo. O... ..... mMM« .....,, 'Tl VW 8u1, AM /PM ~ • MW recliall, much more l mN. S•t. call bit a • 1. a.n . 10 to a m.G'1 'Tl IUS. amf. ureo. au ,... ....... -m...S4Mfrt 'll iq, ~CAN. XTRAS ...,- llliJ. 22111 M CA ~,. IJUC . NEW eDJ/ll'HI, brll1, b•lt. lbotlu1, m11ny xtru . New r•d1•I Ure1. A M I PM tape IW"eO. muat aell Loob • rum like new. $1850or bell olr '94.@4 n VW Convertible. l2K on new eaa. new U>p, new acrylic pa.int, new brlt.1. AM /l'M CUI , AC:, auto mint concJ • 14.450 ~7 '00 8uJit new e ng. 183Sce It l)alnt Xlnt eond. Many l'tra" Musl Stt' Hurry ~~ I J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·51 Bu.ell Gran Sport 350 automatic New t1re11 , brakes And shocks Good mileaRe·hody 11tra1ghl Nml great' S850 lh.tn~· 1ngton Bea c h f714 l842-4933 MIM,UM4 "II Sevtlk. fW!y loaded. ~ly cartd for. m.-.51101121 C•s•o ttl7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i3Camaro l T .. dnl cond. lllltill rnamWJntid. many xtra.a ~rtlO, air, •uto m-O:fJ8 bef 12noon ...... UM4 , ............. ~-o...,, .... . ...... _ ..... ~ ,......_ '&JVWC&mperVa n. SlOOO i 4 Uwek AIC. p is . l'/U, :?.._~f.t. ~ur~r,mroaJrnly 1&40 N~wPorl Blvd. new Mk h radls GK m1 ;:::~7:,.,!;:. H tlacli·To.Scbool Family c11 r . Country Squ1 re w;,1:11 . lmm1c. lo ma , loaded S6S00 1o ffr MS.-38641-;v" ~p.1c~ Z1, Coflta Mesa 646-42113. .._ -•o ·117 MUitlulit, l!ipd nl'W i6 Carnaro LT. load~. eke.ch, m11111.nds paint TJ VW CUS 7 pu:. Cle11n. $10od runi11nl! cond $2700 Call 673 2031 HOB WlTllAM ~A.\' S WE'VE GOT 'EMAW! ova 120 N t;Wlt USEO SDASHSIS * UIBITS • !C!llOCCOS • IUS::S • CAM?c-1:~ • Diet.el Qabbih BUlC'K '78 Rt!$1al Ltd 1-'UI ly loadl'd, lape deck . AM IFM. chrom e whll'I ~~.OOl m1 Sh owroom ('('flt'-rjX)O or beat orr fit.; !9'.XI sh 11 r p n l' w t ar e Ill • 915 Sil().JIMJ <11lvcr 1red $4 250 '77 ftel(ill Mu11t iwtl for Wlder wholes all' IJ<>ok 8'4RJL Grcut buy Call American <:a c_P lan. 7Sl-lt9t0 '711 Rl'J111J. fully t"q\»J• I tlWnl.'r car 18.000 m 1 54(~2380 ~ 68 JZ7 New 11111nl. i.~reo rucii M1,:o,·r SJ<:Ll. c .. 11 ~· n (',.~'1All1 I.I 29.0CV rru :u!11 lo .. rl1·d &12-4'A..4J 'Jp•'' 73 l.T C;,m:.r•>. (1.-id. ong u101<nn fi7»418 f.WJ, I I Cd'.loc Chrw1oM 9'20 99 t 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..••...•..............• 197'0fMO '73 LTD Yord Wa gon . ~ cond. AtC. 12000 ~ ·~Ford Galalilt' COOVl!rt fU.ml l(OQd. ~paint s:ns c.11 M2 ~ 7eGnru1da. 2drGh101 VS. OIW> trans PS PB. pwr WIMOW\ .. It AM f M \l•'r l! lrtH .k 2'1.<1'AI m I ~U1 IM 17211 7'11.I I> 4>1 ,,,,milt·~ SJ~•.11 Xlnl 1·t•M IAS, l'A>ii "15 Twaudo. •lat cond. lo 1JJl '1. UOO under bt..-ook. t2600. &Sl-1442. "72 Oldl Toronado r u lly powered. Good cond. Ne w toter. $1 ,450 . 565'123 tt57 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74PIMTO Oynamhe Runabout Low mllet! 4 speed. radio. heater. Super clean! io:.JVQJ ) $21'5 IOIWITHAM VOLKSWAGEN 7800 Westm111.st.er Ave m Westminster flln. 7M I 631! 711*1 '71 G<xxl hod> & t1rl'.• ft.bit 1.ran.-; Nc~s t>nv work Prv Ply $4$0 IO:Hllil n J'into Wal(on. 1 s pd, ;,Jr S2995 or l>c'l offn 9113-fl374 '75 Plnt11 Sf'dun. AM 1-'\1 '\lt-r~o lu m 1, ~Oil ~ I 15:J rly ... [;51 ... :111:i 64 356 SC Custom fac Ulf.:.Y Oatt.-is. :.illoy mall:. tt~y. eng & mtcnor 1m macul;ile lll'ct·1 rt!- S71iOO Must sd l' Call otY6-1472or ~I G006 18Sp1tflrl'. red. 15,000 m1. lw: r<wk, sharp $4750 7!'.2 0000 m We:.tm11111lL'r 57 VW Bui:. nl't.>ib '(Jrr:i• llJ3.7561 638 7RWI work SHlOO Call • Oifte'I DoalMM ~, !-[lds • /\utornaltc:o. CAI>ll U..C '17 crcLl V:l.LE CUii.MC£! «lfl < • .. rr..ar~ C'a pn < .... .\11.nti· t:.ir l'J!'I '1al1l>U'> & '\m Ill• Ora'>( 11 r .. rlur ll•Jh • 1'1 i: ... rmcml M.1 Wl(o . \ Ii JUll• tr.•n' f' ~ f• R. l11r ''"ri•o • :.'"· r:.id1111\ m •1rt· s.!i:10fl 'li1 ~CJ •#\ • ..._ -fill !112 Alloy!-~or \ W ' 1·u.o;h ( '<Jll :!13 5'12 :11111 71i Turho 1-;til!•. '7Ji n1rk 111t. !!l5 ;ur d<tm. /\M 1-'M 111s:.. llBS 14 h i'>. 5wd rrllf• '>IJ 'fl· l1k1• fll'W ~l.!UI off r 5:! I ~5'1 721'numph Spllf1n· s:J(MI Ullder hook Rt·ul prl'l I v lo mill•aj!l' Jl'Wt·I Nt•w r> 11 a n l . w 1 n d o w \ ,., 1·yhnd1·r lll'ail fl!.l'.Y.l l 'h fi42 113'! or fi?:J 4liW 9770 ........•.............. '71 VWIUG AM FM rudao lo:!C U 1-: 1 $2495 JtMMARIHO VOt.J(SWAGEH llrll l Dt;A(;JI l!LVI> ll~NflNGTON'hJ-:1\('I( 842-2000 l>il-1~ Sat.Sun l().ft ii VW llu.~ l\M 1-':.1 t.1pt• $2, 100 t:lJJl l.>OUI( b15 JOll2 71) VW l'up Top Camfl(•r, f~rfe<.1. l'llOd, Jlllnlll!. 2yr IOIWITHAM VOUCSWAGEH 7600 W~lmanster Ave 10 Wcstman<1tcr 193-7551 631-7180 lnv,. $351J) ftHr 4!t:. 68..1.'.'. Volvo 9772 •...•.•.•••••..•..•...• VOLVO AM l''U o;U ft><l. r ·"' " LI: wh~c·!. c·r ui•w 1•11nl rHI hill f)QW('r l~I' V. I $6495 NABERS I ~tltf!tl// /!,/'/) 11 '·"~Ill." I ~r,. \'\c. ... I '• t.o '11()1: I SAVE MOW!!! • --C()Nlqll . CHEVROLET ~ lfilrbor HI' d 1 ·c t-1 ..\ Mt:.-. \ 546-IZOO 7u ,\1J v .. nt k rt•l1.1t1ll" lr"n'V •·Jr 011' tiud) ..... ,..k fflll l!IJ ..?X5(I '945 ••.•..........•••..•.•. 197SP1WTO l .11w rndt-i.. 1iu11d l'"h 11uln llOOMXU I $1799 MEWPORT DATSUM ll8H ()r) Vt' St rt'\ 'l .'fEWJ'ORT Hfo:/\Cll lll-1300 Roils Royce 9756 ......••.••.•••.......• VW lfavmit trouble wll 1111: your C'1.tr'1 Try m. ToJI nvllar l'aid for nr Nol ' Hnnv y1.ur car l11 Jim I Man"" Volk" w a l!•'n IK711 lll·u1 h lllvtl . lly11l u11.'t1111 llc·ach ,\.,k l11r 1-'ritnk .'tt ann11 t1r 'f 111111 1r, VW UASllEH Deluxe <t door '>lall>in wal(on /\ulofl'l;J t11·, a 1 r. ~tert•o lu1•t 1nJt'<'l"tl \'1.-ry t'lt-an :; ... ..., radial llret, (Jt.7 J'ftK I '69 IYg. SI 650 /80 uulll st11·k. sunrl. rl>lt t'lll(. new lram, & pa ml 1>'75 J38G SA!.ES, S~RVICE AHO lUSll'<G ov..:nst:A.\ ot:uvi:H v t:XJ>t:RTS CCl:l:l:l"ii:::::::::l2'°'1:iMr..il:1;:macw• 71 ,'hc_.v N1,-v.• ~ f!r \ .. ~ t..J fjf lJlt-Vr'>'t'k I• it fl1.U1aboul 4 'P'I I\ 1 11J11l ((JOOlllfJO, I l>Wlll'I SJ 1:11 f;4.\ 4lJ.16 59 S. lvl'r ('tout.I I 119.1100 '»!.:) 4 144 9760 .•...........•.....•... SA.Al /\1k1n , '75 VW CAMPER ! Super shurp Conll•mpo Convcn11on Show:-. 1 m m a t' u I a t c 1· J r l' <*l2MOQ 1 S.4'95 IOIWITHAM VOUCSWAGEH 7fW Westm11111tcr A VI' SJ.LES, SERVICE j 1n W~tmnunn At-:D LEASl'°'G . · 1 Im 7551 IJ3R 7AAll 'OW IN l'IHH,lll-:S.'l' '75 VW RAHIT J)f-,\IO !-.Al.fo. I < \a.'!ltJm 4 door <I spcrtl. C~CH IMPORTS I 'le r 1• 11 l' a s ., l' l l ,. ,,..,., I '" . '-t , •l • /I I UC I w h I \I• 111 I C fl fl r ...,.,., "'\I ,, rt t I <. r ' · \ • 11 l ' '1-.Wl'tHt'I Ht-:A<:ll ~;.~y ,' u n I Ion 752-0900 $2995 To·1ota 9765 IOI WITHAM ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOLJ(SWAGEH ·74 0 ·111 .1 lt111k' & run' ~Int Int p1·rff'l1 I\ M 1-'l\I ( II .. '\ S2.'AJll fl41i 7!i2'J 1i1J 0 We:-.tmm.'lll'r I\ v1• in Wc-stmmi.t<'r !:03-7561 1':JI 7~ I $3995 BOIWITHAM VOU<SWAGEM 7fU> Wt"l>lmm .1t-r """ in Wc:.lman:.t1•r 1 1!13 7~1 1..:oi 7111111 i '73 Supn llu)!. Auto. dlt a m tf m , Sl 400 U a)''> im. :uio 1-:ws '14!1 l.'>111 '7SV'WIUG AM ,..M l' Ul>li!'llt•, ~ k I r a I' k . r a d 1 1.1 I t 1 r 1• \ <.IUIMIH I $3595 JtMMAllHO VOt.J(SWAGEN Jlf71 I Bf:ACH HI. V 0 HlJNTJNGTON ut;l\c;ll 842-2000 iO VW Uur. xlnt 1·1md1 lluo. $1~1 li1~) 11.>47 l!JflJ C.arnpt•r. nl'W Cfll(, tram•. r.1d1J h many xlru .. $2 00(1 r1rm ~l'.4i2JI 1;1 llw!. a hli.ck bt.•Juty $1850 ~.11111Jr, 973 VWOUG <; r-•'at m 1 It•·'~•' 141JM ()/\I $2699 Ht':~'PORT DA TSUH 181 Oovr Stn·••l ~1-:Wt'OHT Ht-:ACll 833-1300 ~ .. \(\'NA Ci.-\5SK .\\~"k- 11 H p.101fH COAST HWY LAGU1'4~ HaCH C A UU I •u.oo ns-0110 vw CONVERTIBLES Choice of Colon I 0 in stock CHECK IT OUT! UILEIKE VOLVO l!lfill lforbor Hh 11 I 't ~'T /\ M ES/\ 646-930) 540-946 7 ottAHGf COUNTY VOLVO f':XCt.lISIV t-:L V VOi. VO l.arl((•!l 111\u lx•al1•r 'tll ~'\Ill_. t\ :o1 l''M H t rl. ' '\t, 11t tel"11• 'llr ,.hi ·' I ti.hr -.. ... 1.. .. 111t1, tru .. i.. WIN• whJ ,.,,. "" nu ll rt" vinyl ltJl>. SlO . .oa1 l " 1.,,. l'I' nJ4 I 7~ !>:.tll CADILLAC '7 6 B.DORADO 1-ull pown, fiwtr1q .ur AM ... M 'lc•r•'I• rJtll•• 11 t lra<'k lilt n 111-.., 111t1l nil 11 pl1t p 11 -...1·r "'.11 , rabriol1•l 11111 lt•,1th»r 111 lcn11r •!-c·r .!'i.nll'I tn Or1.tnJ1t' County' SS999 I llCYor l.fo:A.."it: NABERS Ulltfo.Cf ; ~~, (1;@((111 · 2025 S M h t )UJ11ll11 '' f\1,,0 anc es er 1 ..,.., ............ 111 ... . Anaheim 750-2011 T7 VOLVO 2420L 4 11rld . AM 1-'M cai.settt-l>lt>reo WK m1lc11, Ill+ 1·1ly MPG 963-!MZJ '75 llA t; xlnl cond, A (.' AMll"M. burg1blk 1n1 , IOl tru $4400 955 3(1J7 CADILLAC '77 SEVIU.f Autos, Us~d Autos, UHd Aad9s, U1ed Auto•, Ut~d ~uiot, UHd tull r•1wer. fa1111f] .11r '>1.ert<i t ;ir)(• Liit. • ru1-.1· 1 onlrul ,,,11 1 1111 ,..1·r M'OJl!i. l11nrl11u t•1(1 i\11 S (' v 1 I I e I u x u r 1 1· ' Wf{fJl-'1 .............•....••...........•.........••... ···•··•••·•·•·········· •..•.•••............•.......•..•...........•.. CJ fJiJ rn1 l'lc.m 1,7::, ~I '5 E••·nm T: t ••t•r•• t• f 'l.1 • tf I Jr : .. ,,1.ifl "'"' ,.,.i, .... ·"'" I " • II ,. ti II • II ... I \ltholl"\JI• •,11, l'Ho \(1 I ., '•111n\ & ... lo.fltl '78U11<COLN 1·jX l'tnlfl ~Jl!Oll I •)I TOWH COU,£ .Jut•1. I>:-I'll $'.111111 111 Ill o1ut1lul lu1o:ur' '"" 111 I "'"'l rilr d I I'll• •1:'61! I n'l"I .J(HI• IJI "'1lh l1• .. th1•r 1nt1·r11>r I •1"' fflll!'JI I tlfll'Cl IJUt• 11W n1 f "'f'it l~ntJJ ..-.:" .11r, rn •• ,.., .wtu A.\1 f\1 '"'"'' • S9200 ~ 99~0 UJ ~J\ • ~'·••I , untJ • ... ,1 ~t ll..trt)l>r lit t '' ••••••••••••••••••••!•• 1 ·" mil•·••'• \ \1 ~ \J AO J J • 77 \ •• 1.111· ..... vn 1\f' '•l"n"'·~·s SI l()j) 1111<1 I 1\.'1 ... M r•~1(1 :i1 k ~*' llr.IUI' 1,u IHZI 77 T t1-..n 1· !'11111w h." I (Jr IJt-,t '.Mil 1711:.! I •·H•r)t.tnni: 1(111111 •unit · ": i'I .\1•111t•· I o1rlo lulh t:;tl~ ~'411 16111 1 (~ikJt-n Plymoulh Arr•w I 'I u I " r p ·' I\,. I ' 1611 '7fi. :l'J.UOOm1. irftll Sl.Jllfl,,1 1ln>t I'" flJ l.1n1~iln<u1i1\l.1t•IJI "lf>tl .uJl11 o1tr s;zfjjn rrll'fl\.' :._,u . .lfl'I I n ... -... .... 1 lu. II ,., ..... , \II 1 i'.~ .JIY.,or l~-M.i'> ltl'lr Nt•lo\ , l1·1 I tw1t1·•l i~i ~1untJ '''""" H>Ul\o' 1•114 r.-lJaJ.., ~0,,1 !-1.H nf1t t' Tl Plymouth fur) Ill rn1lt'' "'"" lilo. I""' ~ 1~1 714 li4l i l\41 ur ~lnl btwh & m1•1 h . M 'lid' IH••I ''"'' s.:1 .... I 'tll l'K:.I v ... k "~ $1 ... 'l-I 1.1~. !l.17" 1'11 llllH 1.r '>1!.t JI 1:, 11, "ut>urll.an II r>n~ \Il l ~ .......... !~.~~ -~, t1~~H~JI•;.,!' 11 :'.,; "'U' ·•.11_1!1 ''.,~'"' SH10h flllJ\;'IC;Joo, CCJl ..,.1 y -, 1to11•I Ir """I"'' 1.11 ... 11 I •• 11 6 1J 11 •• 1 .... ' &, NEWfST l{iij.lr.(1~ v.iullL' IJ'('OIM'" .\11'.Kl'I It" 71; f'h 111<111th <.r.111 ,...,,., Ill ~:alihu I nw l>wn1 r IH:ALl-:H~l 111' :<lnl , 111111 $1UI I .rll RA y FLADYOE '6\.(ftlJ 1 J,,< ot~-.i M 1-:u n · H' ii. ~1>nl1· l'.1rln '\Int 11~1Hi\uWl'••nl!'r llr l""ad t-'\Jll> toJrlt'<t '""' 1 ~J>t'w.> l...Jtt• f nn"•l ""'' p.1101. ltrt>1> l,1111> m a IKVIN~ ~ f 'all 67:1 :101:1 130..7000 lll.111•11'1 l'ul!o•·r "'lll•lo"'"" l"'"""r \lt•1•11111' 11<)"->'I hr •• Ju~. \MI-\\ '1•1111 .ur 1'()("11111111111~: ,\II ,., trli.' Mu111 .. ..i1 Sl'>IHI ('.111 737 hll'f \1-"l f':l< h :i>l'M 1-;, 1·111t1~., 7:! N0\'1\ Hun, Jlrt'.•l. tnU.'\l ~II $1 I w II( 11 •• , I cJf (.'t' «> ai.34 7.?Val1ant 21lr ra1l11r \(.; ~ l.c1"1> r Lo~ 1n1l1·'· powf'r l\lt1'n nii. ~m rm ~/bc:.l nHt•r 1'11,'\l'llt• M~OO C.111 ... l!J:.l 320fl ~I 00~ 'Q Vah:&nt fl 'yl :.! •If NABERS $9495 NABERS {1:rt!tf f11r) 72 4 dr 'llflrll I' fUlf} lcJodto\I, xlnl n md i\'ktnlo! Mu.q sell' i~ Monarch. l1200 642-4~1 whfl•'· Jtr l'Ufld Xlnt 7JQlevy lmpalu. 4 dr :all to(JU11>91-.od Xlnl nm!I <Ym ~uli .. orfer• <ffT1 UOl ·~ 5Sl2 9116 5441 7()46 71 Capn 4(·yl. -pd. wn 11t1<'k . I uwnr s:1!)(J ~ "Ti 0 iSTt:H. ~.001 rn1 . all Power. AC. JIH VH rrue.~ AUTO CENTE·R $ '74Na• v ..... ,M"~ .. - '35H NOTHING OVER '77T·--· M~ . .-...C.tltlfM fl .. IMClWlt) •3999 00 '7e PLY•elJT• ,,,,.C4m V I .-...~ lftM. I'S. " A/C. fwtt•I• '"' Uw It• 111110 I~) /l~lll ll.t1IA• IVl;d ( "'' ' "'"""' '>•l(l 'lllfl <:ant· '7lJ Mark V lm1d{.'(! 41,200m1 SI 1,000 fft'i.I Ofter 494·~ .1~k for Colleen CADILLAC '71 CPIDfVIW ASTROIOOF 1''\ill powet". rac.-tory "'". lutber 1nlenor, srlll power aeau. lape. low mi.lel. 0 7fl'720) Sitts NABERS ~far) }('IX) H.uto Rtvti (~M ~I, 54Q..QI()() "'11 Seville. Rich dark bm. U!etJwr IOt, l ·roof. full vtl\Y1 roal F•rtoo wl re whla. F-«quip. lo m i. 1m· 1D11C cond. Pvt pty Res 41i«MM48. 8 111 971-1680 -----"II D. DORADO DIESEL LOAD ED 3 ,IOOma. 111$1 714-548·712$ - i~ LUV I' l ' AM 1YM H lr•ck . Roll ba r,, Cui.lm f\111 nt t'd s;z8:,0 ~o 8100 atl4pm ~ '925 .••.......•.•...•.....• '76 Cordobo, lojjded. mus t 'lell·l(elt1n11 Co r ur $l5(X) I o p ~9&3 611 New Yorkt>r Jwn, good. SJS(l 5"41!· 1506 Hl2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COU.ECJ'()~ 'S ITl'~M ! '16 Vetle Conv i..-1~ ona rru, hdlop. 427 /~ 411pd, 4.11 positive trac· ~. Lraml11tor IJ(njtion, Unt.ed glua. AM/PM I owner. ract w indow s l1 ck t'r . n eve r r •· 1tl1lered, d o<.'umented. 1mmar S19,500 C.11 col· lect. 1·203·245·11876 a ft 7pmEl>T '73 Vf.,., white . T·TOp, loaded . .Ulo, 47k rni, Jt!ot <'md. 96.').8lfj8 i8 Maroon. loaded. Xlnl co nd Call c ol l ect $1378 c..,. Hll ••••••••••••••••••••••• rf. A.M fo'~. lo """· .:11 tramp, S700 bfost offer t!IMT.12 *9tWJ HS2 .................•..... 66 ~usl:tnl', llkt• ne w • llWw Cl\ll , trans . brakf'll. pa.ml $2000/ be!lt oHc r ~ 'M Mu11t1tntt 281* Nl'W c.'fll(lne &. trlll\llm1si.1on 4lM.fJ&42 ·oo Mwilanit. C:levn 11950 673-0473 all 6 '7S Mus lan" 11 G hia. AM/,.'M, A.JC Xtru. Xlnt Cond $3400 /o ffr ~ MUST LET LOOS E Bt:LOVEO '•Mu~.211 convertible. Need Up-top hard-top 6 or I Poll tr.te?~ '965 ....................... f or sale ·72 l'onti:H' au .. ahna Very l!OOd ('a(. AIC. P tS. P t H. auto. 1AM /t'M Own<'r d c>sperule , mu l\l laenfice. PIUO. 494-9-HU. Qt. 721. "7'9 Grand l'T1x. 5M m 1. :sunrr . lealh r . fullv loclded. unnwc. musl 11t-ll 1mmed.M&-1896 '78 Tran ll·Am. /\I <:.. AM/FM IJ.traek. lo m1. blk 00 bill, xtra clean 9*0. s.23-SI lt afl_!r 5 pm ll7S Pontiac Le M11ni., loaded, low mileaice. xlnt cond. S2900. 8"-4419 77A ... ID .,,_~ty blue with blut• •"9de interior. Bue II.et •Hll, P/S, P/8, o ~ cond, vinyl l()p, All/Fii CUI. In mllt'll Cood Milearte Call ·-aft.llPM. W Pltttlird Formula, J>S. "70 MwUftll Mach I . :llO J>B. Hlo tran1. 1tood ftl«, ~ t1u. Ilk ml. Xlnl ..... "300. 0."650, ¥fl 7 =towner. w .mo n c ... " -tt7o '11 ruta>.rk Tap 1hape. Auto. new stereo l •JH! d ec k . Mu1l Sell ! IUitlO/OBO. 16-4135. '""---------........................ . '61 ttlat at SIJOO. 'JJT.Blrd: Cuat Cont.lOtm• '11 SDV d · t lciicance. 8HuWl&I ur w1Ul •11 tbe m.. n.ooo owner ml. v.1JJ •pill h11b M>d lqw llDcik for qwclt. ule. Pvt Pb'.Call: ........ ...10'1lort'7&-S1U ·w l.nlDk. fW.ly to.fled. XR·7, PS/PB, •Ir. xtra top t'Cllld. re1 , ... 1ZSOO deM. lo ml. 1m ·•' Mu1t1n1 219. run• ..,,., ~·-IDCJd.Sl.500.~party. --------..a:a •T·llld. PS/PB, 'air._ '8'7 COut•I'. •needs en«i wuril, A/C. PS/PB. MOO. •Trll llf'ler I pm. '11 Seville loaded Mutt ~ --9-9-3-1 Sell. Show room coftd. __,... 111·1• ·---················ -1bt s.eri~ "f4 Oett. i t CDV. while on wblte, kfl, new Uret. ti•s. ala lbap.. "200. Prt Call "74711. Pt). 711..-Z, •• ., ... • I BUY PllOILPS '72.,...,,. ....... ~ *Caib• 111·191 --------i-1 -t250 ~· .. '75 CutlHI It• •1•. r•----------All/nl, ..... ~ AIC .,aoo /IM•t orr. .... • , - . . : ., . . . . '•I t I • • • PREVIEWING THIS WEEK'S NFL GAMES DAILY PILOT -..... -......... nd Sunday, Cflannet 4, 10 e.m. ar .. na., ••• .......... SW'tday, Ctl•nnet 2, 10 a.m. --- . . ' 2 OHLY PILOT S1turd1y, September 22, 1979 PAOF~'71 Sunda~ Scouting Report Rams vs ... Buccaneer s Sunday, 1 p.m. Channel 2 The Los Angeles Rams' first visit to Tampa Stadium Sunday is serious business. All 72, 12f> seats have been sold for tt\e game and these peoople aren't just pa.¥Jn.g money to ~one of the teams In the NFL, the Rams. It's serious because thf! Buccaneers art 3-0 and lead the NFC Central Division. The Rams are 2-1 and tied for first place In the NFC West. The Bucs made Inroads into reaching their POtentlat In 1978 When they won f ive oames with two victories at the end of the '77 season. But Tampa Bay had only started scratching the surface a year aoo and lost four times In the final minute of play, Including a 76·73 defeat by the Rams on Frank Cor - ral's 77-yard field goal with only thrtt seconds remalnlno. The memories are somewhat bitter, inJectlno even more interest into the game for the TV viewer. Whett the R•m s Have U.• e.11 The Rams have had trouble at run· nlng beck for the second consecutive year and the work load has shifted to the 234-pound Cullen Bryant, a physlcally-strong com~tltor. Bryant will olve the Buccaneer defense trou· ble because tie hits hard on the inside. Tampa Bav is particularly difficult 10 r u n w i d e a oa l n st Look t o r Quarterback Pat Haden to pass Ire· Quently underneath the Tampa Bay coverage and try to open up a 10<!9 pa.,slng game, whith i'>. no s1rT1pl(' task vs. the Bun. and for Bryant and h i!> backup, E lvis Peacock. to be thrust Into ttie middle of the defrn<,e repeatPdly When the Bucs H.n• the Ball This is no longer a wea k offen~ Ouarterbacti Doug W 1 l11a ms has se veral useful weapons at his com mand now, thanks to two thing<, The emergence of an offensive line which provides adeQuate pass and run blocking, and the added ingrf'dlent ot outside running speed p,-ov1ded by rookie Jerry EckwOOd. who al,.eady has had rushing performance-; 01 171 and ~ yards against Ot>tro1t "no G reen Bay. more SOC>ttistlcated for mations now that the basics are second nature Th(' rusn Is built <iround right end Lee Roy Selmon. who many observers fN•I is the bec;t deff'ns111e end in the NF L . and an <.')(trr>mply act ivf' SPt of linebacker s, David Lewis. D£>wey Selmon, ~ic hard Wood and Cecil Johnson They'rp df'v,Jc;tating on wide r un'> Tampa Bav will q1v<-up short· yarcldqe pasv•c; 1n abundancf' and QamblC' that 1t w HI not brPak under -that bPndlng Watch tor mor P blitzing t han was cu<,tomarv for t his team a Yf'«lr a90. KEY MATCHUPS· Rams Defens i ve End Jack Youngblood vs. Tackle Charley H•n· nah HerP'S a m ate hup of onP of the prrm1er pass rushE>r s and newest bloc1'-PrS Youngblood 1<:. b1Q an(j '>I r onq at 6·4, 743, and aftPr ('tght Yf"tH'> 1n this business know'.. a ll the I"' I<'> Hannah, 6·6 and 7SS, h"" heen T he R•ms on Defense Jdc k dr•<,c rt bed by line coarh Bill Johnson .. Youngblood and Fred Drver are two ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~•t~~~-l~e~~~~e~·~,~f~in~~~~~dPfPnMv~ a<, a ''tighter '' ConvprlPd from de· who could put more pressurf" on lf"n\1 v(' f>nd, Hannah tias had, only Pro Sleuth · Shea Where They Play Rich 0 s c H A E F E R v T R A N s Busch 4 B R D A E H w 0 R R A R R 0 w Lomb.Gu Schaefer H E A B N M L A M B E R u f Veteran a K v M N u 0 0 I p u v c 0 s E Kingdom• l 1 N 0 G s L D(A E H s)w R A Mile High N R H M D E T E R A " s E H H Arrowheod G E H G H 0 B f s E T s A c c Superdome D E 1 ( 0 M R 0 N T p R s s Astrodome 0 R G H A 0 R T w 0 1 u D R u Riverfront " H H L H A M R s l B c s 0 p Condlestkk p T v T v E T E R A N s K H M Th rff Rivera Oronge 9owt Find the listed word• In the d logrom. They run In oil dlr.ctlon1 - forword , bo<kward, up. down ond dlogonolly. Ste Answer Page • LEASE From The Leader OVEA 1000 CADILLAC LEASES IH OAAHGE COUNTY Com/»tltlv. PtlClfJ(J-!Ju/»tb s.mc. NABERS OPEN7DAV8 2800 HAllOl ILVD., COSTA MESA l40·11 ~ ~~----~-·-·-,. four prPsf"aS-On and th,-"<' rPQular w 1111.1ms than h<' tia<, sPen thu<, ''" SC'a'>on CJdmes at often'>IV" tacl\IP. but this y ear W1111am!> ha<,n't bern has proved to b<' Onf' of 111,. Bu<s' sacked In th,.ee gamer, becauS<' of the m ost con<,istf"nl play"'" T ampa Bay line pl;iy and hi'> ou1f k r elease But Wiiiiams knowr., 1h.1t ec1n Bucs Defensive End Lee Roy happen. II was ltnebac kN Ji m Sel mon vs. R ~m s T ac kle Doug Younc;iblood who brokt' his 1aw 1a.,1 France Speed and strpnqth v <, '>I le year. and s trength. SE>lmon h.1 ., e x· The Bucson Defense T11mpa Bay l r<JO,.dll"lary qulcknt•ss cind .1b1l1ty to plays a 3-' defense '>Ol1dly and with qet to the Quarterback. • * ' * * * * P robable Star ting Lineup s LOS ANGELES RAMS OFFENSE TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS OFFENSE 88 Preston Dennard WR· \85 ts Morrl\ ~'" WR·200 11 Doug ~rence LT ?M 7S Dave Reavis l T 265 IS JoM Wllflem' LG-U. • " Rich S.ul C 2'3 tO Oerlnl J Harreh RG·l SI 64 GrfQ Horton LG·250 ~ Steve Wiiton '-c ,,0 6t GrfQ R00er1s Ire 255 7t H<kle Sleter RT-26' 1l Charley Hannah RT 255 13 Terry Nel'°" TE 241 88 Jimmie Glln T E·2"40 11 Ron Jeufe WR 185 81 Isaac Heglns WR.180 ll Pat Ha~n QB 181 12 Doug Wllflam' QB 215 32 Cullen Bryant RB 1JS 43 Jerry Eckwood RB19S JO uwreflce McCutcheon RB ?OS 42 Ricky Bell RB-no LOS ANGELES RAMS DEFENSE TAMPA IAY IUCCANEERS DEFENSE 15 hck Youngblood LE 2~2 60 Wally Chambers LE-250 1' Mike fanning LT 248 71 Randy vowder NT.Ut fO urry 8rookt RT 2SS 63 Lee Roy S.lmon RE·2S.5 " Fred Dryer RE no S7 David Lewis LLB·2..0 U JI"' Youngblood LLB m ~ Dewey S.lmon IL B-2• ~ ~ Reynolds ML B 132 S. Rlctlard Wood ILB·HS 5t Bob Brvdilnskl RLB 231 ~ ~II JoMton R L 8-nG 77 Pat ThomH LC 1)0 4S Jori a Wtllt• LC. llO "9 Rod Perry RC 177 H Curtis Jordan RC l\O O 0.ve Elmendorf SS 195 JJ Mark Cotney ss.ios 2t Nolin Cromwell FS 197 J4 Cedric Brown -Fs.200 FUJINON ME . 131~()CUL~l2 7X24RI WITH PANASONIC AM RADI (Roof prism with cGnter focus) How r-c•SH •cl ""' .. ..., play DAVE'S CAMERA -•741. 1711 • Cotte M ... ' ........ iiliiiiiiiiilrilii~----liiii .... ' ... ----- PA0 ("2'19 Salurday Septemoe1 22 1979 DAIL V PILOT 3 Sunday Report Packe rs v~. Vikings Sunday, 10 a.m. Channel 2 V1k1ng passing game by shadowing Ahmad Rashad closely The Oolptuns claimed Kramer has trouble SPOtting secondary r eceivers; Indeed. h e forced several throws, got three in tercepted <all toward Rashadl and had a couple of other potenllal m tercept1ons dropped. M inne'>ota·s Aln•ady the wolves arc starting to ground game is slowly con"ing howl at the Quarterbacks in the North around, with Rickey Young providing Country and It's only the fourth the spark . Chuck Foreman still has wec:kC'nd of the season. But the play trouble oettlng past the line of scrim ot third-year pro~ Oavf'd Whitehurst mage or around end. Minnesota stlll of Green Bay and Tommy Kramer of is waitinq tor No. 1 draft choice Ted M innesota is beginning to make the Brown to "arrivE.'."· 11at1ves restless. Neither has been KEYMATCHUPS: <'Ible to ignite the fuse of his team's of-V iking Center Dennis· Swilley vs. f Pnse as yet. Defensive Tackle Charles Johnson Th!.' Packers and Vikings collide Sunday rooking nothing like teamc; Swilley did a notable iob blocking M iami's formidable Bob eaumhOW('r which Shared the NFC Central title the previous week, so rookie Johnson last year. ThPir rec.ords were 8 7 1 may seem llke a piece 'of cake thf'n. the tie being the last lime lhPy Johnson has rPplaC:ed injured Terrv met last November in Green Bay Jones. who i<, on the four wH>k "' Roth are now I 2. with the loser fac rured reserve list If Swilley can han 1nq the poss1b1llty of becoming an die Johnson effectively 1t could mean also.r an very early in the new sea'>on the Vikings would pull a guard to read Bud Grant has been inordinately sweeps and maybe rush more to their <,uccessful against the Packers in his left than they have been When career . posting a 19·4·1 record in 12 Swilley isn't blocking Johnson. he'll seasons. Similarly, Bart Starr has b e t angling o ft en wi th middle bPcn snake-bitten by t he Vikings, linebackers M ichael Hunt and Rich coming up 0·7·1 since taking the Wingo, thP latter a v ery active Packer head job In 1975. rookie. Look for Grant and staff to use Packer Wide Receiver James Lot· every imaqinable ploy and trick In ton vs. Cornerbacks Nate Wright and lhPir books to try to wring out a vie· John Turner Lofton is Green Bay's tory even if it means scuttling their burner and Whitehurst will let him first choices as signal callers. Neither work on Turner awhlle beforP going L vnn Dickey of Green Bay nor John deep on him Turner will give him a Reaves of M innesota, the bac llups. rot of room short .and protec t long. has taken a snap from center yet in a M iami's Ouriel Harris burst past regular season game this year. One, Wright who had replaced Turner or both, though, could com e on this for a SO-yard pass reception thal w eek if the absence of an offense Is k illed the Vikings In the fourth prolonged. Quarter last week. When Green Bay Has the Ball • Viking Receiver Ahmad Rashad vs. Green Bay suffered a major blow cornerback Estus Hood The wtien rookie sensation Eddie Lee Baryshnikov of pass receivers, as Ivery went down in •the opener and Rashad fancies himse lf, wlll give needed knee surgery. Another rookie, Wiiiie Buchanon's r eplacement, Steve Atkins, has shown well on OC· Hood, nightmares. Green Bay may casion as his replacement. but have to double on him, a tactic M iami Journeyman Terdell Middleton and successfully employed particularly Barty Smith will hold down the start· since Kramer Insisted on throwlno to Ing roles. Whitetiurst may try to go him, even when covered. deep to James t.ofton aoainst the Vi-Viking ~In Tadrtes Ron V.•ry king cornerbacks, who have been re-and Steve Riley vs. o.tenslve Encts peatedly victimized this season. He Mike But .. r •nd Ezra Jottnson - also throws well to his backs. Green Bay's pass rush has been Whett Mhwwsota HH tM a.tt . pitlful so far. After three games last Miami successfully closed ctown tt\e year,, the~ Gi:een had nin*e sacks. • • ~· * * Probable Starting Lineup8 GREEN IAY PACKERS OFFENSE MINNESOTA VIKINGS OFFENSE 80 James 1.otton WR·117 28 Ahmed Rashad WR·200 79 Mark !(oncer L T·268 71 Steve Riiey L T-2.st 57 Derrel Gofourth LG·MO 61 Charles Goodrum LG-2SI 54 Larry McC.rren C-2.0 67 Otnnls Swllley C·241 1t Mal Jeckson AG·267 6\ Wts Hemllton RG·2SS 6I Greg K.oct1 RT·265 73 Ron Yary RT·2SS 82 Paul CoffmMI TE-2ll ~ 8ob Tudter TE-230 19 Aundr• ThomPIO!' ~ WR-lM t5 S.tnmy Whitt WA-119 11 0.vld Whitehurst Q6·20' 09 Tommy Kramtt QB.20Q 3A Terdell Middleton RB-\95 l4 Rickey Young RB ltS 31 e.rty Smith • RB·2«> " Chuck foremen R8-2l8 GREEN BAY PACKERS DIFfNH MINNESOTA VIKINGS OIFENSI 11 Mlk• Butler LE·265 11 Mar1t ~lleney LE 242 L T26.S ff Doug $uthwlend LT ·250 75 Carl Bertlleuskat · 17 J.,..._ White RT·2'l '3 Ttf'ry Jones RT.25' '° Ezri Johnton RE·2«1 70 Jim Mlrlhall AE·2lCI LLB ns 5' Mett 14•1r LL8·22t $2 G.ry W..ver · II.A Jeff Siemon MLB·1l7 55 Mike Hunt MLB·2~ .,., $3 Mike Oouglen RLB·n' ~ Freet McNelll RLB·'29 31 Estus Hood lC-190 27 John Turner LC l" 29 Mike C McQJy RC.1U 20 ISoOby ~yant RC.110 A6 Ste¥e &.v'C• SS·205 '5 Tom Hannon SS \93 .. ~... '5-lU , 22 PtVI 1(,..,.. FS·20S ,, ' ,Johnn ........ ..-.t,., • ' , , , • ... # •• • To celebrate tfte orrival of ICA's most advanced ColorTrak ever. new 1910 C~Trak • RCA Preview '80 TRADE-IN TIME PECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFE Now! Trade up to new 1980 RCA ColorTrak TV and get BIG SSS for your old color set-regardless of its age. make or cond1t1on Offer good between Aug 16 and Oct 13-. i979 s50 s100 s150 s- TRADl AU.OWAHCE TAAOI AUOWAHCf TAAOf AUOWAHCE TAAOE AllOWAHCE on 19· 0,1001111 on 25 • d1agoru11 m00t-ta on 25 cMoonat consol!' on 25 ou1go,,a1 remote iable modet1'0415 F'CY.>28 S30R GO<O.c "'00"1' G07JO 73• 135 co.,1ro1 con50Jes G0760A 70' 70!> '"° 106 7 Jn ,, -'3<>0 1')8 764R 765A a1•0 768R 150 llQf'\ i>CA '~""'"" 0.Vtt Dru~.,, •CA SIUCTAVISIOH S,.CW Wt ••chry OHwt ,,.,. .., •-....... ICA Select ..... ..._C.......1.c..-MOW_., ptSIMl .......... "-ICA YOltOO t tOOf"""PC" 11\lr""' PCA \1«. tt(if"I 09\" 8r~ t I()" !tom°"'" 9,.,..,. 1979 SELECT A VISION SPECIAL AA/U/00 4HI •c• saECTA VISION START AS LOW AS 5850 ¥Cno1 MOT SHOW" . . r ... I 'I ' \ I o I I . .,. ...... . •.· . ' . . ,, .. . ' 4 DAILY PILOT Seturdey, September 22. 1979 PA0fci.e'79 Winning Edge Last weetc's 1umm•rY: It was a good week both for the road teams and underd09s as they each beat the spread in seven games and pushed in two others. The "home dog theOry" also had a pretty decent week. going · 2· 1·1 against the line. Tt1m~ Bay (Plus 3'h) Ovet' Los An .. les -Tampa Bay coach John Mc.Kay has been waiting for this game for a lono time. Nothing would . please him more than a victory over Los Angeles. where he became f amous as head coach of use. Last year the .Sues cam ·1ose to psett~ the Rams at Los An s. 't R.,.,.,s were a 10.polnt chol hat vame and won by just thr points, 26·23. t t was hardly a surprise. Los Angeles doesn't cover the spread much. The Rams were S-9-1 es a favorite 8CJ8lnst the siwead • year a90 •nd 0-1 -1 this season. As a vlslt- lno favorite L.A. was Just 2-6 last season. Take the points. Atl•nU (Minus 3'h) °"" Detroit - • It's never easy to go ao•lnst the "home do9 theory" bt.lt fttl It's a must here. The Falcons have ~ to shore up their early-season de· tensive WOM and they have enough offense to bury the Lions, or should we say the Pussycats. It's been a sad season for Monte Clark and Co., the favorites In the NFC Central. The Lions have fallen on hard tlmM since quarterback Gary Danielson went down. Things are beginn ing to snow~ll on them now. MeanWhlle, Atlanta Is 3-0 against the spread this season. A cardinal rule Is never to ask a bad team to beat the spread for you. SO we won't, Give the points. Denver (Minus S) Over S.attle - In the Broncos' last 20 qames at home, they've beaten the spread 16 times and pushed It once. It's tough to go against that. Last year when the Seahawks went to OPnver they lost 28·7. In that game Denver was a nine· point pick . In their second meetino of the year Denver triumphed 13·10 at Sealtle. In other words, the ~ilhawl<s have had their dlfflculties against the Broncos. It's doubtful If they can re· ver se that trend at Denver . Lay the points. Washington <Plus 6) Over St. Louis -It used to be the theory that you n~!_r bet on a team that played In the Monday night game the week before. But the theOry Is slowly dying out. The two participants in this season's first Monday night game, PlttsbUroh • and New England, both beat the spread handily the follow ing Sunday. The teams In the second Monday night oemr,'Phll~lphla and Atlan- ta, beat the SC>f'ead and w shed the following week. SO don't be afraid to play the Redskins. Cardinals are coming off a tOUQh emotional loss to PlttsbUrgh. They played their hearts out only to watch a 21·7 lead fret away. One week may not be sufficient time for them to regroup. Take the Redsk ins, who beat the spread in St. Louis a year ago. Miami (Minus 61hl Over Chlca90 The Dolphins as only a slight favorite at home are Just too good to pass up. M iami was 6·2 against the spread during the regular season a year aoo and 1-0 so far this season. Bear s had a tough game tast week against Dalles while the Oolphlns had a breather aoalnst the lowly Vikings. Chicago Is playing well but you'll rarely find a better price on Miami at home. Take advant~oe and give the. points. Pro Quiz en Last year In the NFL, Bio Bei\ WH <al a gigantic rookie (bl new timing device (C) trick play. C2l Thi NFL team that had en Ivy League ca.ch assisting In prewason coachlno this year, and the coach's schOol, witre <al Bear.-oartmoutl\ lb) Aamt--Harvard t't> Giants-Vale. C3) The oldest player In the NFL this ytar Is a ,., SNMwtc (I>) Vlkll'll <~)Bronco. (4) If. punt OOH Into the end lont end 11 toucNd by • "*'1'1ber of t he r• celvlng tHm, then recovered bV • member of the kltklng team It Is C•> touc,..ck c b) loudllown le) ntlmlr •. ti) T"'8Ullh 1971. .... """""' of .. ~ ..... ,...,.., ......... din ........... ptrtcMI "" ~ '~'""' ..... ...... Cbl fM (d ""'' . ,,., f6) The number of pas~rs Who have compteted 300 or more pas~ In one season Is <a) 1•ro <bl one <cl f ive. C7) Beglnnlno the 1979 re9ular season, tfle oldes t s tar t i ng quarterbac.k In terms of NFL e>1· perlence played for fa) Denver lb) St. Louis <cl Miami. fl) Thi most one-season ruShlng yardeQet>Y•rooClllewasgalned In Ca) 1'57 Cb) 1'65 (C) 1'71. ••> ~ tM ~tlanta-New OrlHM and arownt-Jett mes went Into overtime on Sept. 2, the record few J'IUmbef of ovtrtll'N games on ont day Wal ,., ""*tn (It) left &Mtouched cc, ..... f10) TN only team to have four ....,.,.. NC" c•tch 50 or more OHMS lfttftlNmt .. IOnWal fa) ""Hlulton Oiiers Cb) 1'72 .......... °'' Rtd1kln1 (C) tfM Mf"""4M Vikings. ... MtWWI , ... 11 . ----.---- JOIN THE RAMS WATCHING MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL NEW GIANT SC"££N TV & E.xtr• TV• for Great V1ewtng FOOT LONG HOT DOGS & Ct41LI DOGS COLISEUM BEERS 50 YARD LINE SEATS -IN THE SALOON Members of the Rams Here eac~ Mondav to-watch. the game PRE-GAME WARM-UP HAPPY HOUR POST-GAME ENT£RT AINMENT ON lltE BAY H07 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach ..,,... .. le. la I• Ute IA••,.• ..... e .. OrM .. 19iO B:.cr:i ·-~Le_ .. _.""-...... ....,, .... ..,~ .... . .. ,.,,. .................. ,. ...... .... •Lan 1•1rtW•• •• ... ,,,, ................. '"a...-a.w..., .......... ,ICl191:u' 'SR IP l I, ...... ....... _ ...... , .. • .a.. ............. ~Deve•w.921 ~~~~ Ll.ASl.-J,HOUlll •uf.tk ,_ .. ,,. ··~,. ,,,, ........... ""' ~ --· ..... .:.:•.-=:::-i. • 1 ... 11,...,,,,,..-...,,.,m\t'W • .,,._ ...... ,.. I .... ,_...., I ... ,, "'M.,... , .. _, ..... Ml /Vo"I loft•4' lflf"''°' "-""'~ ,,,,.,,,,... • '""'""' .~ h ,.,., .. .,, 979-z·--....v "''""""'"'-'I •UJIA n "' ''•' ·-,, • .,,,.,.Mt, ...W Saturaay, September 22. 1979 OAIL Y P1LOT S Sunday Scouting Report Chargers vs. Patriots Sunday, 10 a.m. Channel 4 Are you already a littlt' t ired of bor· ing defensive "struggles" that seem to be the vogue In the National Foot· ball League lately? Does it bore you just watching teams bash off tackle content with four yards. hoping mostly not to make a turnover? Well. if you want some action, Schaefer Stadium In FO)(boro is the place to be this Sunday. All of the promise of fireworks wlll be there when the two most potent of· tensive teams in the NFL so far this year. the New England Patriots and the San Oleqo Chargers. start making the scorebOard a pinball machine. San Diego, undefeated with three straight victories. has scored tf\e most points In the league to date with 90 in three oames, or a 30 point per game average. The Patriots are just one point back, with 89 in three con- tes ts. The reason for the potency of these two teams Is simple. Talent. It would be difficult to f~ game anywhere in the coontry that will have more first round choices In It Sunday than this one. It would be Just as tough to find Me with so many outstanding running backs and wide receivers - the guys that make the big play and get the ball into the end zone For a closer look at the game: When the Patriots Have the Ball - They will try to keep making the big plays with their passing game like they have the past two weeks. Steve Grogan has demonstrated to both the New York Jets and C lnclnnatl Bengals that he can throw the ball deep, and won't be content to stick with a ball control type of offense If the oppartunlty for the bomb presents itself. Grogan has a history of playing well against San Diego, and the Chargers might switch the ernphasls of their defense to pass covera~. If this happens. the Patriots probably will try to keep them honest with fullback Sam Cunningham t rying to hit the Chatgers with Quick-openers, making their defensive line stay at home to respect the run. Wh•n the C~rg•rs H1•1t the 8•11 -One can't be 54.1re what they wlll do with it. In their last six regular season games, Including the final three of the '78 season, the Chargers have scored in succession 40. 37, ~s. 33. 30 and 27 points. That Is six straight that no team has bffn able to hold them under 27 points. Last week the Buffalo Biiis concentrated on shutting off super wide receiver John Jefferson. It worked. Jefferson didn't catch a pass all day. Dan Fouts, a good th..rowing quarterback. tossed only 13 times in the game, and tel his cornerbacks r unners, primarily r c1arenc.e Last Minute Factors Both sides W illiams. take charge w 1111 ams are ellpecting people back in10 the charged for four touchdowns on the starting lineup Rod Shoate sat out way to rushing for. 157 yards on tht> last week with a painful throat infec.- day. l ion Fred Dean <groin) and WOOdrow KEY MATCHUP: Lowe <th19hl did not start against Patriots Free Safett T im Folf vs. Buffalo a week ago. Patriots guard Charger OUarterWck Olan F04.lts John Hannah will be playing with a Fox Is one of the best athletes 1n all of sore ankle Tight end Russ Franc is football and w ill have to do an excep· l'lds bf>en having shoulder and hand tional job this Sunday helping out his problems * * * * *· * Probable Starting Lineups .. SAN DIEGO CHARGERS OFFENSE NEW ENG\.ANO PATRIOTS OFFENSE 83 • Jolin Jefferson WR 190 80 Stanley Mof9an WR 182 66 Billy Shields LT '11l 62 Dwi9ht Wheeler LT 260 60 Oen Audlck LG 2S3 7J J°"n Hannah LG 272 61 Don Macek C 163 67 Biii Lenli.altls C 2ss 61 Ed White RG 170 61 S.m Adams RG 263 70 Russ Wash1n91on RT 287 14 Shelby Jordan RT 260 84 Bob Klein TE '1'5 II Russ FrMlcis TE 240 ti Charlie Joiner WR 188 ?9 Hfrold Jad1S0<"1 wR. llS U 0.n Fouts OB 104 11 Steve Gr09an OB 212 .0 Clarence Williams RB 195 )2 lvldy Johnson RB-204 21 Mike Thomas RB 190 l9 S.m Cunnltl9Mm RB·2JO SAN DIEGO CHARGERS DEFENSE HEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS DEFENSE 61 Leroy Jones l E 26S 72 Mel Lunsford LE 260 99 Wilbur Young LT .290 71 Ray H.lmllton NT.245 79 Gary Johnson RT ?S4 64 Rlcn.trd 815'\op RE -26S 71 Fred Dean RE 211 S2 Steve King LLB-22.S S2 Ray Preston LLS.218 SO S.m Hunt ILB 16S SS Bob Hom ML B-23• S7 Steve Nelson ILB 130 .SI Woodrow Lowe RLB·2171 S6 Rod Sho.lte OLB·215 11 Wlllle lkKMnori LC-1.0 26 Ray Cleybof'n LC· 190 2' Mike Williams RC lto •2 Mike Full~ • s~· IM 40 Mike ~Ynt'S RC-188 11 Doug 8taudoln SS-190 27 Glen Edwards FS-lff 4 Tim Fox FS-190 9UALITY WHREYEI YOU WAHT m TAKE IT EVERYW~H:ER:.:E:.! JU~~~I MITSUllSHP B.ICTatc .1 ... 11ec11...,w....n • AM ..... ~ Allract.cli wMdl c• ... ,,.. ...................... ttc ... ...... " ...... • nr ... ...., ,.WW. AC -120 Mitt. M Ma.DC -t 'D'.._cel~.DC -II •• cw w .,_ IMittwy ... ,....-c..-4 ..................... ....., • Lertt r. I w ... Mtlt ,. _ _..., .... .,. • utM ,....... to .......... h[ ... r • ......... • I'-"' twtldt fer •.P., M ..... , .. .t ~-.,.. n *wliit •""I".._ m I tt • ............ /Mttery cllffli llleM' te ...... ,....... ..... e BB-0$80 COME IN TODAY FQR FIR DIMONS'llATtOM ....... _ _.. .... ..-..-., --· ----·-· ............... ~ , \ .. . . . ~. . . t . . ' . . . . . =·~"'°' 7 PAOIJL..79 &lturday, Septembef 22. 1979 I -After Long Wait, Pros Swiitg ~heir Weights Around. 1 Khlg FNlut.,Si ndkaie . His answer was Alvin Roy Oakland And then coa.l'f>'-ell • 0000n1 •'h qr.:-nott> 1('<l.n .-~ !lMt c-' the C'"tv V'vp1ght training has been by far . JACK PARDEE BELIEVED in year t got ~rt again and I deeided I The world of sports took little note A lvin Roy was at the time. doing basically ::on<.prvat1ve Wht>,, \/\h,11 -T ht• tin;il c.tep 1,, th. "' ,, 1111.:-n pro-two "'·'" '-Y'-l·'"' ,, th1 It tiQu• t'1e s1nqle bigoest t>oom in athletic that program while he was coaching 1 beUer staf1 li~"G weights to prewnt ofthedeathrec:entlyofAtvinRoy It h is thing for Louisiana State being OOnE' is not oart 01 a c0..1~h-ces<.bKl•'nwht'n tr" "" f'<'P M~Caf. performance tn the last 25 years.· theBearsand,oowthathe'scoaching •injury." is readily unct.rstandable beca~se University, which had spawned a background or takes time fror" h•, t.•rtv r-ut in a 111~\1l'•'"' t"C'O•tim at THE KEY WORD .n ,., ... qnt clno <.clys the Bears· resident coach, Clyde the Washington Redsjins. _the same w'flen he took ov« at Wash~, A.lvln Rov w~t a s:ilayer parading number of great athletes durino his normal <football) rout me thC'v tt>"<1 f1,,lt1t''Nt' under p ,.,,11 l'""'' ,., wide· tlei11b li11\ tr 11n1f"IQ 1.., :ontrc-1 Befori• Emr1(h If applted correctly it can type program has ~n instituted. Pardee ran into immediate ptoblemS his ~alents or a coach ·para<!ing h!s tenure, including pro basketball star to-resist 1 v rt' conil "d ovn'" .,, ·"''' cw m you C('l'trol aflvtl'l1no "' cln voooy 1n::rea<.e a ballplayers' range of ac-Pardee, however, became a convert w ith many p4ayers trom the ~ genius or an owner i:iarading his Bob Pettit and running backs Jim n"''' .., co.:•<h Wnt'" th•· Ct•lh won say<. Ur.im )OU ouont 10 bf> able 10 t1on h1<. stri king oower the contrac· t>eforehebecameacoach. Allef'I era ~as Ron McOote, 8111 i)OWer. Taylor <Green Bay Packers) and Bil· NOTHING BREAKS DOWN r t> Suf't'r Rowl v fll"\lbtl•h tr<11n1 n9 contrt)I \Our c;el f fh,H control is tl1a1 torce of his muscle, his speed "I got a sel)clrated shoulder when I BrundfCJll?~ndLenHauss. Alvlfl Rov •:s one of those un-ly Cannon (Houston Oilers) t istance au1cker than sucCt'<.<. ov ht ccl rnra oartner to we1at>t 1r,11n1 no built 1n thrcr CH ea'> r unn1nq and his resistance to 1n1ury wa s a r ookie," says Pardee, a publicized~ who leave an inqeli· "T here's always resistance to someont> else Roys succt>ss at San L'r ,rn, now ,., one> hal• t \/\hc11 may strenqth ,1n<1 qrt'lch ' It <. not easy It's not fun like qo-linebacker with the Los .Angeles ba. impt'esS!Oft w i thout making a anything that's change that's Otego was followed by his <-uc~P<.<. vPry wt•ll be the '"'"<,\ 't'rih•'-l•Ulted The St,•f'INS prOQrclm a<. do clll 1nq out and throwing a football Bu1 1t Rams at the time. "I went home and pubUc~. -human nature," said Al LoCasale a ..,.ith the Kansas City Chier<. <SvPE>r oroor""' 1n tht-NFL <"I P11t<.bvrgh has thrN' ba<.1c a1rl"S 11 to rn1r11rTI1 1c dPv elops d1s~ip1tne A lot of these had to~ weights to rehabilitate it . Atvln Roy w as the f(lther of member of Gillman's staff then wh6 Sowl IVl and. sudden I v ther ,, und•'r c nuck Noll Ur"'' w,1rk<. hand 1n1urie-. ?l l<' •rnorovt" <,k ill ao1tl ty JI auys really handle a lot of tr()(1 and But my club Cthe Rams> had on pro- stteogth traini• in professional t~t· now is Al Davis' r ight arm at seemed to be more proponent<. th.ln "'hand with Lou Rih kt' tht' SIPelers· as an a1c! 1n 1morov1nQ <.Pt'"c! with strength goes ::o.nf idence gram and no weights at all. The next ball. a man WhO may have done more ttan anycne in ttle past 15 to 20 years to chaf9 ~ face of the sport by chlnQinv the ~ies that i:>lay it. ALVIN ROY FIRST in1roduced his theories to !)to football with the San Diego Chargers in l963. While tnere was no immediate ex~osion of' in- twest, the success of tftose team~ in- fluenced b'( Ahlin Roy and his 'dis· cii:>le.s have now made his t~ies almost univef'Wlly accepted. , And, wtllle Ahin Roy never has r~ ceived pubfic recognition, he received an even more iml)Ortanr testimonial before his deatfl when the PittsbUr9h Steelers and Dallas CowbOys met last year to de~ which team w0uld be the firs\ tbree--time Sui:ier Bowl winner. BOTH THe. STEELERS and Cowboys were i:iroducts of Alvin Roy's commit~nt tp 1mw oving the body. Steelers Coachllt:l'luck Noll bet:ame an eott\us.iasf while he was an assistant w ith the Chargers. Cowboys COiKft Tom Landey If ked wt\at he saw so much he ~tuallv hired Roy A lniost every NFL team now e~ specialists in the arena The Steefe.s have gone th6 furttie5t. ~itn botb at str~ngth and a fln ibjlitv cOiKh. But~ those teams whid\ do not MW ~ialists ·tis~ on re•r ros.ter partK:t~e to some ertent. The c~~ is ·almost corrlll~te 8ut like anytblt19 tnat oev .. ti?S from lllllMt has~~ acceptl!'d norm it toe>* C:onsidl!r1ltlk' Ol'~StOn to ~t e~~ '° attar 1n t"rs case almos Ntio~.oes. "I T (WEIGHTLfFTfHG) "'-as taboo ~" 1 .o•av~ says J•m F tnks. a for r quarterback ... r.o now runs the football o~ra ~ to< the Olicc190 8ears ·rri-ere •ere WI •e~ ta t' about b 19 re ~pl 'i' MJIS.Chk.. E.eh~ sad yc:k/dl C}et 1WUasect 1f YQJ "'' At San LI\ l961 Std Gall~t'\ t<Klno the~ ~re not oN'" 9"t t l"9 bruiwd were gret tang I e-n barf'assed ~'t' f ntst'led t season #ttl ._,o rec;cWo Gil ("an looked aroood for ~av~ to ~rllitt Pro Sleuth Amwer T e doiit play games! We 're proud of our reputation for honesty. integrity and customer-pleasin· service-after-sale. And we're convenient. too four dealerships built to offer you selectioh and save your time and gasoline. Come on in -·· we're just-a freeway away. NEW PORSCHE'S AV AIL.AIU FOR IMMEIMATE DB.1¥11lY MEW 1979 TURBO w~ 1e be•qe oerrc-0284 HEW 1979 928 B•.iic \•e1a111c 175 ~ MEW 1979 928 Y rf'r.a B•ue rretalhc <' .?!9 MEW C,.,oco1a1e Brown 1870 1979 SUUltU Dl COUPl SALE $5288 lsALE $4588 91et•a GARDEn GROVE SUBARU 13821 Harbor Boulevard • 554-0800 "si.,t.t. PRE-OWNED PORSCHE'S· 1979 928 Beige 5 st'eec C' .17 .3 1979 928 White A uk'l""dl•C 869'0 ,l\ 1978 91 ISC COUPE Ch.XOIJlt' B·.;.-·-4 .:'91/8~ 1977 9' IS COUPE erC'Y.'°' ~-~T\.~""; 1971 91 IT Orange 5~.?-C 1978 924 B•<tc~ .s 1STXB HEW 1979 91 I SC COUP£ o c"1o'41. o.,..~l.us Os1 .,.,,~s THE BEST IH ~OA.f 1978 924 Yf' O\\ 195TX.3. SALES· SERVICE· LEASING 13631 HARBOR BLVD. NEW 91 ISC TARGA ltOl'lt Blue IT'etelhc 18~l 636-2333 HEW 1979 91 ISC TARGA V tKhum IYOtY 1785\ 1977 924 Black 724$A.:. 1976,14 Blue . 756WD"' 1971 14 6 ue 665(L .,. Get 543 Miles .. AHO HEW '79 DATSUN 280-ZX COUPE Fully factory e<luoooed 1ncluc!1ng air cond1hon1ng. AM·f,._. stereo radio auto trans & much much more !623n (6657) NEW 179 DATSU.N 210 SEDAN AG.AIM ... F vii' factory eQu1ooed 1ncJudin9 4 soeed POwer assist front Oise Orai..es tinted glass bucket seats n;iucn rroucn more 16361'1 69301 VolksWagen is No. IM MILEAGE AMONG RIS..·SAVIHG £,P.A. COMPARISONS SPECIAL USED CAR SALE OM MOW! '78 CHEVY LUV P.U. W Cit. \~PER $...,ELL On!\ 18 C'C'O "'''es 're '""' W f:' t 'SI r 1 Coe:$ .l 1 r ~on~1·1 """ _,c ~teC' t;...rroer '"'t::3.:5 '78 SAAi TURBO L.l"'t'CJ G . .:ird S-.·''C-.'1 51't>"~0 ca"Sse~'e \ ei ~lor '=' ~ .. , • .. a ~ J C 0 ~ ,.,... i"'IJ'v('('. 58895 '71 PORSCHE 924 it. I\' FM cassette 4 soeeo sunrocf burgund-,. 1n cctor ?63RZO' 58995 '78 VW SCIROCCO Sterec taoe 4 soeed air rraos p1l"strioes c :eocertone cc•<'r E'tra "'·C€'' C'068661 CHECK OUR PRICE . Take th" gaanble out ol buying or leasing! I Ari work is de~lg"ed f0r 11.iStrat•on ourPoses on1-,, & features "'a\\ al"i A11 cars otus ta~ & J1c sut>1ect '" C'rtor sale and sold 011 aoproved credit All onces effective thru Sun 9/23179 "THEY AU. HAD the f.cJllties," says general man•oer Bobby Beathard, "but all tM Allef\ QUYS ~re exempt. "He talked about it <weight and ffe>r.ibility tratninQl. but he didn't do anything ab9Ut it . An the A"-" guys deteriorated V«V :•Y. They felt experience not s1J would be tM thi"9 that matteted, t)ut they~ in horrible conditton. "Jaok demands ttw ~ayen get on the i:irogram or be gone. The~ that win in this ~ w in beCaUSe they're strong. You also develGP com- petition among yaur attttetes. The Al- len' guys wot.aid harass the rookies who wanted to wortt -they didn't want-competitiveness. •1 Age doesn't necessarlly mean you're tNef' the hill. tf some of the Al- len-guys had been dediQted they pn> · t>ably still could ~ve been here." ' Both Riec;ke and Uram firml y believe that. NFL .Standings -AMERICAN COM FERENCE M iami New England Buffalo N~w York Jets Baltimore Cleveland P ittsburgh Houston Ci"cinnat i East W L T Pct. PF PA 3 0 0 1.000 ~ 29 2 1 0 .667 89 33 1 2 o .333 n 60 1 2 0 '.333 56 91 0 3 0 .000 36 56 CMtrat ~ 0 0 1,000 65 56 3 0 0 1.000 71 ., 2 1 0 .667 56 71 0 3 0 .000 38 81 West San Diego 3 0 0 1.000 90 '5 Denver 2 1 0 .667 39 30 Kansas E:ity 1 2 O .333 ~ ~ Oakland 1 2 O .333 ~ 7' ~ttle 1 2 O .333 S3 62 NATIONAL CONFERENCE O~llas Philadelphia W<lshingtOQ NYGiants ~ Tami:ia Bay C"icago Green Bay Minnesota Detroit Ent 3 0 0 1.000 67 s.. 2 1 0 -~ S9 45 2 1 0 .333 69 60 o 3 o .GOO 31 n Central 3 0 0 1.000 2 1 0 .667 1 2 0 .333 2 0 .333 ,, 75 0 3 0 .000 so 19 West Rams 2 1 O 667 S7 S1 Atlanta 2 1 O .6111 71 M San FranciS(O 0 3 0 .000 59 76 New Orleans O 3 O .000 67 ,. s.9Y''l9-·-· r-a.. ta.-i. 111.m.1 t1-v-.-11t..-t4-lllOnc:IMlllJ A.ti ..... ~ Gr-kY Ill ~ Cow-t I, 10 ...... 1 s.. Oif9tlll -~ '~ .. ' p.fl.l ~ S.Jti--111~ ~-IC-Cl'Y Waslli ....... Sl. LolM S.-W••'*-' ~:'.-:""' ... v.n~ ...... ~ ... ,.,_,... ....,. . ._ ~~-~1ow-11, • ..,..,1 - - - .. 8 ~LV PILOT .I.. Saturday. September 22. 1979 PR0fJ.e79 Monday Report Cowboy8 vs. Browns Mondey, e p.m. Chennel 7 Here is one 1tl~t Howard Cosell & Associates can really sink their chop· pers Into. A M onday night m atchup of two of the league's raptdly dwindling unbeatens. That Dallas is unbeaten comes as no surprise. The Cowboys are regular as the .>1,1nrlse. Thirteen successive winning seasons, worki ng on 1•. The wonder is how the Cleveland Browns keep dodging sliver bullets this still young 1979 season. Consider these hairbreadth finishes so far: First week a 66-yard drive with no t ime outs left to a tying field goa l by Don Cockroft w ith four seconds re· malnlng in requlation time aQainst the J ets. Cockroft's fourth field goal won it 2s-n with t8 seconds of over· tim.tJ emalning. Second weett -a 7S·yard drive In the last two m inutes with a ?1 yard strike from Brtan Sipe t o Regq1e Rucker beating the Chiefs S7 seconds before the finish. ?7·?4. Third week a 74 yard bomb f rom Sipe to Ollie Newsome followed by a 28·yard Cockroft field goat to turn ·bac k the Colts 13 ·10 with l !>1 re· maining T oni L i nhart 's third st raight field goal miss f rom in close with siic seconds on the clock pre served it. D a llas cert ainly is t h(' n"oc,t for midable foe Cleveland has m et and. unlike the others, the Cowboys don't beat themselves Tom Landry's Super Bowl·toughened m en have lost only 13 of their last 59 regular season games.. Whelt the Cowt>oys Have the Ball Injuries were a problem ear ly, but there is so much f irepower that nothing seems to stop the c.lub for long. Roger Staubach always finds a wa y. The veteran Quarterback pre· fers to m ix It up with a rounded at." tack , but can do it m ostly on passing when necessary. Tony Dorsett. com. Pro Odds, Picks Houston giving points (3) vs. Cin- cinnati Tampa Bay t aking paints f3' ·l \IS. Los Angeles San Francisco giving points 12) vs. New Orleans Buffalo giving paint s Cl ) vs. New York Jets Oakland giving points fl) to Kansas Cit y Philadelphia giving points 13) to New York Giants New England giving points f3"') vs. San Diego Den\ler giving points ( 3"') \IS. Seat· tie St. Louis ·giving points f 6) vs. Washington Dallas giving poin t s 13) v s. Cleveland 1ng off ~ broken le>t> and If"\'• r , · 1ur1es to Rober t Newhou~r-':> .. Laidlaw and L a rrv Brinson h made Staubach go in that d•r1•rl• lately, but most of the runner'> c1,,,.,, be ready for the Brown's Tonv 11 Drew Pearson and Billy Joe DuPn. offer fine recei11ing t argets When the Browns Have the Ball Versatility is Cleveland's wa1. tO' with the emphasis on Greg Pru11t who is due for a big day ror niqhll The idea is to get the ball to thC' au1c k shifty halfback in a num ber of ways as a runner and receiver. and one••,.," has rOOrt" to maneuver 1t could bf> .~ long gainer on any play. Concentrat· ing on Greg Pruitt can leave OPOO· nents vulnerable. to M ike Pruitt. a muscular, hard-driving fullback with speed. Brian Sipe is becoming ,, master at using all his weilPon though, and ther e are plenty, w11h Dave Logan, Reggie Rucker. 0111P Newsome and Keith Wr ight as r£'- celvers, plus Calvin Hill and Clf'CI Miiier as running-catching backfield subs. last-Minute Factors -Brown> ii• e •·2 on "°1nday nights and in\lartabtv play some of their best ball i n these infrequent appearances. They also are the only injury.free team in the league. Dallas has been gathering strength and should be ready for its peak game so far. * * * Probable Lineups DALLAS COWBOYS OFFENSE IO Tony Hitt WR lot 67 Pat Donovan LT 150 68 Herb Scott LG 251 61 John Fitzgerald C ?60 ~ Tom Rafferty RG·2SO 61 Jim Cooper RT 260 19 Biiiy Joe OvPree TE 23'1 II Drew Pearson WR·18S U Roger Staubach QB 202 33 Tony Dorsett RB 190 ,. Rober1 Newhouse RB 115 DALLAS COW&OYS DEFENSE 63 Lury Cote LT 252 6.S Oeve Stalls L f :us 54 Ran<fy White RT 1SO 79 Harvey Marlin RE 252 56 Thomas Henderson LLB 110 53 Bob Bn~nlg MLB ns SO 0 D Lewis RLB 215 31 Benny Barnes LC l9S 25 Aaron Kyle RC 185 42 Randy Hughes SS 207 43 Cliff Harris FS 192 CL~VELAl'ND BROWNS OFFENSE 15 Cave Logan WR 216 73 DOiig b ieken • L T-is2 6' W<>r~ Buehler LG 'J70 54 Tom de Leone C 2..a 68 Bob Jackson RCi 260 M Henry Shes>pard RT-263 82 Onie Newsome TE-231 33 Reggie Rucker WR 190 17 Brian Sipe QB 190 l• Greg Pruitt RB 190 '3 Mike Pruitt RB 22S CLEVELAND IROWNS DEFENSE 77 Lyle Altado LE 250 11 Mickey Sims LT 270 72 J4trry Sherk RT·250 1• Mike St. Ctatr RE 2Sl 59 °'4\rlle Hall LLB 7U S2 .Olde AmbroM ML MlS S7 Clay IMHMwt RL8·2JO tt Ron 8olton «·170 21 Ollv.r De111s RC-20$ n Cltrence Scott SS· 1" 21 ll'lom"O.rdln FS·'9l .. , ._.... ".•ft ' • PR0fd.e'79 Saturday, September 22, 1979 OAIL Y PILOT 9 NFL Weekly Statistic$ NFC LEADING SCORE AS Touchdowns Name TOs Rush Re< Rel Pts Bell, T 8. Francis. All Rashad. Minn. Fugetl, WHh. Hiii. Dall. Muncie. N.O. 4 3 0 24 4 0 ' 0 24 4 0 ' 0 ,, 3 0 3 0 11 3 0 l 0 ll 3 l 0 0 11 l<lcklnt Name PAT FG Lng Pts Moseley. WHh. 9.9 6-7 46 27 Franklin, Phil. 5·6 6-6 4' 23 Septlen. 0.11. 5-6 6-1 51 23 Wendling, S.F. U H 44 23 Corral, L.A. U S.6 " 21 0amne1er. Minn. s.s 4-4 44 11 Meuettl, Atl. 1-1 l-7 4 17 LEADING PASSERS ( 2' a .,..,,pts) Name Att Comp Pct TD Int Ring Bartkowski. All. 13 S2 62 7 6 2 106.6 Staubech, Dall. " SI Sl.6 5 0 "·5 Theism.nn.Wash. 61 31 62.3 .s 3 '1.7 Whltehunl, G.B. 73 43 SU 1 1 76.6 O.Berg, S.F. 104 63 60.6 3 l 7.S.O Jaworski, Ptlll. ll 40 '9.4 3 2 75.0 l<ramer,Mlnn. 71 4S 57.7 4 4 74.3 Menning, N.O. " 51 51.6 l S 71.0 Haden, L.A. 102 61 59.1 3 4 7G.7 LEADING PASS RECEIVERS Name lt9<9Ptlons No Yds Avg TOs Chandler. N.O. 20 319 19.S 2 Hiii, Dall. 16 lOO 11.1 3 '6 2'47 Francis, All. Carmlchffl, Phil. 15 241 155 211 252 19' 15.4 1'.l 10.3 20. l ll.O 14.1 ' 2 Hiii, 0.1. 15 2 1 4 1 I Jenkins, All. 14 Rashad, Minn. Childs, N.0. " 14 INTERCEPTION LEADERS Heme No Yds Lng TOs 0 0 0 0 Parrish. Was h. 3 16 12 Wiison, Phil. \ 2 63 SO Stone, St.L. 2 49 30 Turner. Minn, 2 41 l6 Jones, N. Y. 2 42 31 l 0 Kyle, Dall. 2 0 0 LEADING ltUSH!RS Name Peyton. Chi. Anderson, St.L. Andrews. All. Eckwood. T.B. MontgoiMry, Phil. Muncie, N.0 . Riggins. Wash. Bell. T.B. Bryant, L.A. ~~.Dall. All Yeti Avg Lng TOs " 441 5 4 43 2 61 339 5.0 76 2 74 329 4 4 23 I 62 273 4.4 " l 52 221 u 33 0 iJ 116 .S.6 69 3 .cs 116 4.1 17 0 • 114 4.1 20 3 " ln u " 1 '° 1"4 4.1 21 1 LIADINO-PUNTlltS NalM No Lng Avg Net Jennings. N. V. tt 17 41 .7 34.4 J•mtt• All. ll 62 41.S JU Swider, o.t. " sa 41.1 M.7 lev9rly, G.I .. lS '5 40.6 lU Llttle, St.L. 17 SS 40.$ 34.7 O.wtlltil, Dell. 1' SJ 40.4 34.2 Melvlllt. S.F. 1' IO 40.2 JU Penone. °"· 11 5' •.a au Clark, L.A. 1' s.3 1U · H.4 CoWMft. Minn. If S4 31.1 2U 'UNTRITV•NLIADSRI No Ydl Avg Lng TO. I 11 IU .. 0 7 1m "·' • o 1J 111 .f .1 • 0 ' 72 1.0 ,, 0 Brown. L.A. 10 71 1.1 n o Weltend'ltld. QI. I a4 U 14 O Hiii, Dell. 4 f1 U 10 0 KICKOFF RETURN LEADERS Name No Yds Avg Lng TOs Henry. Ptlll. 5 1Sl 30.2 SJ 0 Harrell, St.L. 7 196 21.0 .SJ 0 Spri"91, Dall. 6 167 27 I 36 0 Green. Sl.L. A 107 26.I 36 0 Brown. Minn. 3 77 25.7 31 O Odom. G. B. I 191 2'.I 31 0 Hardeman. Wash. 5 121 24.2 30 0 AF.C LEADING KOltERS TovcMewM Name TOs Rush Rec Ret Pfs c .w111i.m1. s.o. 6 6 o o 36 Hooks. Buff. 4 4 0 0 24 Long. N. Y 4 4 0 0 24 Thof'nton, Pitt. 4 2 2 0 24 Campbell. Hou. l 3 0 O 11 Jaduon. N.E. l o J o ll McKn'9ht, K.C. l l 0 0 11 Mor9M\.NE. 3 0 l 0 11 Smith, Sea. l 2 l o 11 Thompson. Cln. l l 0 0 11 Kkldftl Name PAT FG Lng Pta Codtroft. Clev. 5-6 l ·f 37 2f Smltti,N.E. 11·11 4-6 39 23 Benlrschke, S.0 . 9.10 4-4 42 21 FrltKt\, Hou. 5-6 5.5 46 20 Leehy. N. Y. S.6 I 5.1 34 20 Bahr, Pitt. f · 10 U d 11 Herrera. Sea. S-6 4-6 46 17 Breech. Oek. 5·.S J.5 ll 14 Turner, Oen. 4-4 3.5 37 13 von Schemann.Mle . A 7 3·5 36 13 LEADING PASSERS (36ettempts) Name Att Comp Pct TD Int Rtng Ferguson. Buff. 6l 39 61.t 2 1 tl.9 Gr~n. N.E. 77 35 45 . .S 7 2 t2.7 Fouts, s.o. n " 60.3 3 t no Weese. o.n. 60 l4 56.7 1 1 1:u Slebler, O.k. 97 SJ S...6 5 4 76.0 Anderson, Cln. SO 21 56.0 1 I 75.I Landry. Bait. 13 '9 59.0 2 2 70 Bredshaw, Pitt. 16 41 A7 7 .s • 71.f Sipe, Clev. 103 5' 52.4 6 6 71 I Gr~se. Mia. '9 39 56.5 2 3 67 6 LEADING PASS RECEIVERS Re~lon1 Name No Yda Avg TOI Chester, oak. 19 206 10.1 2 Washington.Bait (rb) 11 16' 9 1 0 McCault y, Balt.lrb) 15 l., 11.:r 0 L~n. Clev. 13 222 17.1 l Stallworth, Pitt. 12 Its 16.3 1 Newsome, Clev. 12 1'2 16.0 2 Smith, Sff.(rb) 12 152 • 12.7 l Walker, N.Y. 11 242 22.0 0 Brench, ()etc. ll 21' 19.S O INTERCEPTION LEADERS Name No Yds Lng TOs Relnleldt, Hou. 4 46 23 0 Sanford. Butt. 2 " 2S O Preston, S. 0 . 2 3' JA 0 J .Wllson. Hou 2 32 19 0 Wagner. Pitt. 2· 19 19 0 Owens, N.Y. 2 17 15 0 Rhone. Mia. 2 17 10 o Lambert, Pitt. 2 6 A o Small. Mia . 2 2 2 o LEADING RUSHE IS Name Campbell, Hou. C.Wllllems. S.O. G.Prultt. Clev. Cunningham. N. E. Smith, Sea. long. N.Y. M.Prullt, Clev. CIC>Me.Mla. McKnight. K.C. Wiiiiams. Mia . Att Yeti Avg L119 T Os IO J3SU27 J 41 27' S 1 SS 4 Sl 214 .u 27 0 " 204 4.l 27 0 a 201 u 30 2 JO 191 l .I 16 4 44 lit 4 3 IA t '1 17• 4.0 22 1 21 172 6.1 70 l .Sl , .. u 16 1 LEADING PUNT EH Name No lng Avg Net Evens. Clev. 12 5'f 4S I 32.0 Gf'upp, K.C.. 2l 56 4S 4 lU Parsley, Hou. 20 " "·' 32.1 Weaytr, See. 12 60 43.I 40.0 Mclnally, Cln. 11 se '2.6 32. l Jecbon. Buff. 17 60 41 6 32.5 Diits. Bait. 2S 51 41 l JU Guy.Oak. 14 61 41.l 31.7 Prestridge. Oen. 11 SS ~1.1 34.9 Ramsey. N. V. 1' 63 41.0 35.t PUNTltlTURNLIADEltS Name ""°""Y. Buff. Fuller, S.O. Glasgow, Bait. Smith, K.C. Smith, Pitt. Upchurch. Den. NatNln.~. Harper,N.Y. Morgan. N.E. Moo<e.S-. No Vda A1tg Lng TO. • 91 15.2 32 0 II 1.Q 13.0 27 0 " 113 "·' 14 0 1$ 146 II.I 55 1 " ''° 10.0 31 0 7 .. 9.1 17 0 '4'1.2 17 0 • '5 7.$ 17 0 5 ,. ·--16 0 J It 6.3 I I 0 KICKOFF RETURN LEADERS Name No Yda Avg Lng TO. Wrlght~Clev. 9 2" 29.3 4S 0 L.Andef'son. Pl tt. 1 2.02 21.t '2 O <Mens. S. D. 1 115 21.1 33 0 Gla19ow, Bait, f 225 25.0 33 O Harper, N. Y. 1~ 337 2•. I 45 0 Fuller, S.O. J 72 24.0 '1 0 Nathan, Ml•. 7 165 23.6 n 0 C141rk, N. E. 1 15'f 22.7 37 0 Miiier, Buff. a er 211 24 t Gaunty, IC.C. 7 152 21.7 SO O Matthews, ()Mc. I 172 21.$ 29 0 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL AT THE PUB • GWIT SC~llH T.Y. • CHIJD06S l11isJ.t ~JO . w •........ 11 DIAFT ._ .10 •LASS• 60-. PITCH• S~ 875-2340 , DIESEL WEEKEND QEARANCE * MIZ •79 JOOTD STATIOMWA50M ...,., .............. _., --·"" .......... c .. eooo -t)ol2XV•> ,_., • .....,..., * tiaZ •79 JOO SD TUllOSIDAM Fully _.._.. IMWiftt •M<~k ~.only 11,000 ml\tt, M• CM flKtof"f •Mranty. bY AC I •Mn •79 240 DIESR Std air, tactwv wnrwt. only lOOO mlln Eu•-n 0.11.,..._.IMwcMllKIOO •••nnly. U..• Ud S) * MIZ 71 240 DIESR Only u .oao "'""· ~Ml<lrl( tunroot. ''"'° CH .. 11•, l•o<~ba,....H...,cMtactorv••rranty 11S1VClll * MIZ •71 JOO SD TUllO * MIZ •77 240 DIESR •-et-~ on!\110000---..-· -•1<94 !\Iffy 9°"o00-0, laclO(y I UNoof Wt,,tnlf tl46TPI) * MIZ •73 220 DIESa ~ ......... .-W l~-·- • OLDS •79 DllS& 0.lu .. M ..,..,.,,, My 1,000 ........ wwrantv "'Ill , ....... -........... ~( ... 19*4) FULL COl.OI sa.acno,. IMMIDIATl_,,.Y CALL POI 9UOT1 , ' • 10 DAILY PILOT Saturday. September 22. 1979 PA0ftie'79 Brown's Browns Where Are They No1v? Oc hind the rur ninq of J irr Brown ot.d lhe PtnPoint passing of Frank Rvan, the Cleveland Browns rolled to their fourth and most recent Na· tional Foot~ll League title in 1964 De f e nse, which had bePn a troublesome area for t he Browns throughout the regular season, came thr ough as Cleveland blanked Baltimore, 27-0, In the title game. The hero was 6·5 wide receiver Ga ry Collins, who caught t hree touchdowns In the second half as the Browns blasted awav from a score- less first half. · RYAN, WHO COMPLETED l1 of 18 pas5'"5 for 206 yards in the game. hit Colllns for 18 and 42 yards in the third quarter after Lou Gro'la had kicked e U-yard field goal A Sl -yard Ryan-to-Collins bomb and Gro1a's JO-yard fiehJ ooal closed the scoring Collins, who spent most of the req ular season in the shadow of out standlnq rook ie Paul Warfield, caught ftve passes for 130 yards ThP key, as usual, was Jim Brown The Browns controllelt the game behind the running of Brown, who gained 114 yards on 27 carrif's and caught three passe~ for another 37 yards The Browns r olled up 339 yards to Baltimore's 171 . Johnny Unitas got off Just 20 passes, completing 12 for only 95 yards. THAT WASN'T THE CASE during the regular season as the Browns won the Eastern Conference with a 10·3· 1 record althoUQh their defense surren· dered a club record 4,722 yards to the opposition. The Browns' potent offense coun- terod that with a record 41 5 points. Only once did Cleveland score fewer than 19 points. Hloh-scoring games were commonplace. A 33-33 tie with St. Louis the second week of the season set the stage. The Browns beat the Giants twice by scores of 47-20 and 57-70. Fullback Brown led the NFL in rushing with 1,.ut> yards on 280 yards for a 5.2-yard averaoe. Ryan was the per fect comptement, completing 17• . of 334 passes for career hlohs of 7,404 yards and 2S touchdowns. His favorite target was Warfield, the Browns' first-round draft pick out of Ohlo State. He cauoht 52 passes ror 920 yards and nine TOs. Groza. enjoy· lno his best season. scored 115 points off 49 PAT kicks and 22 fleld goals. IROWN, WAR,IELD, offensive tackle Dick Schafrath and linebacker Jim Houston were ell-pro selections. T he Browns, however, were a team Irr transition, Brown would play only one more ye.r. Warfield and running, back Leroy Kelly out of Morgan State wer.i both roottles. TM 1964 Cleveland Browns. and where they ere now; O''RNSE Wit:,..........,_ Sportscaster. NB<'lnC~. LT: Dk' lcMfrlttt -Operates emuMmlftt P1r1l lft Ashland, Ohio, and WOf1cs wtth employment agency In Ciev.lend. L : ,,... ...._ -scout with the O•llel CowllOya. C: ..... MWHW -Sales repr~ tetlvt with W11con1ln paper com· peny. ltO: -M~ -MenUf•c· turtne reprtNftlellvt for several flrmt tn Cllwlend. RT : MONTI CLAalC: .,. HHd coectt, Dltreft LloM • JIM BROWN PAUL WARFIELD TE : Jottn Brewer Whereab<>vl '> unknown. 01: Fr•ntc Ay•n Athletic dire<· tor at Yale. RB: Ji m Brown Actor In Hollywood. RB: Ernie Green -A player aqent with International Management. WR: o.ry Collins -Owns sporting OQOds store In Lebanon, Pa. DEflENSE LE : Paul W'91ln -Assistant COilCh New Orleans. f ormer h.ad co.ch, KansllfCttv. • LT: Dkk MoctrtMwskl -Assistant coach, Cincinnati Berw;1als. RT : Jim Kenld1I -Living In Ashtabula.Ohio. RE : 1111 01111 -Touring eva~lstlc minister. LLI: Jim Houlton -Presldtnt of Akron Toof end Dyt co., Akron, Ohio. MLI: Vlftct Cttttllo -Owns Greenhouse Restaurant In Kanws Ci- ty. RLI: Galtn ,. .. -Owns In· surence eoen<Y In Kansas City. LH : ltrnh ~errl1h - WherNboutt unknown. LH: wan.r '"'" -Whereabouts unknown. LS: Larry IHI -With oll englneertno firm out of Chicago. I'S: ~ .,,.,...,.,. -Assl11ant CNCI\, a.orate Tech. -~UMeERTo·s- ITALIAN RESlAURANT & COCKTAIL LOUNGE , MONDAY HITE FOOTBALL SPECIAL I Pl:IZA • SANDWICHES I Follow The Game On Our GIANT 7 FOOT TV SCREEN . 614 I W..,., A•e. IAI G.W... Wut1Alpha Itta ShopplftCJ Ctr. , HunHncjton Beach 848-5666 ~···································· • • • • • • .. • • .. • • • • .. • • .. .. • ,. • • • • • .. Jt • ,. .. • • • • .. .. .. • • * .. *************************•••········- ----------------- HUNTINGTON BEACH SURPLUS STORE W1· sl'll C1n.t quahl> and d1'1con11nucd mt'rctu1nd1sc for m Scar-. ltl't(lll :ind C:.itulofl Dl~tributlon "Wai." price<\ quoted art> thl' r c•itulnr pnrc" Jt "'hkh the ltt>mi. Wt.'rt• Cormt>rl) nHercd b) Cutuloi; or in m 11n) S<'i.lrl> Retail stores around the r ountry See our ads every Wed. and Sun. ff:-~, ~ \ Save ~\~-~- 20o/o to 60°/o ···- Off all Merehandlse In Stock • TV'•, Stereo'•, C•m•r•'• • L•dlft Ctothlng • C lldren'• Clotttlng • Home epplence• • Home a Prof•111on.a Toot• • And muCh more PAO/de 79 SIWrday. September 22. 1979 DAIL V PILOT 11 Quiz Answers I 1) C. Big Ben was the trick play on which Atlanta practiced, in wtlich a pass was thrown to one receiver who tipped It to a.second receiver . It worked last Nov. 12 against New Orleans when Steve Bartkowsk i threw to Wallace Francis, who t ipped the ball to Alfred Jenkins Jenkins scored as the play covered 57 yards. The play was designed to take advan· tage of the rule change that allowed the ball to be touched consecutively by two receivers. The Falcons fir st called it a clock play because it was intended as a desperation measur e, to be used only in the last few seconds of a half or a game if the team was behind. But ii soonded better as Big Ben, and that's what it was nal'Tle(I. 12) B. Harvard head coach Joe Restic spent the training camp period worttlng with Ram Qua rterbacks at the request of Los Angeles coach Ray M alavast. (3) B. Jim Marshall, M innesota de- fensive end, will be 42 years old Dec . 30, and is by a considerable margin the oldest active NFL player. Next is Denver kicker Jim Turner, who was born March 28, 1941. Marshall is In his 20th NFL season, and he also played one season in Canada; he's tM! f irst defensive player to play 20 year s in the NFL. (4) C. Until this year it would have been a touchback . But under this year's rules the kicking team gets the ball at the receiving team's one-yard line. If a punt or unsuccessful field goal attempt is touched by the recelv· Ing team in the field of play then goes Into t he end zone and is recovered by the kicking team, the kicking team gets the ball at the spot of the first to.uch. In past years. that also woold have been ruled a touchback . IS) C. The first tie game after sud· ~n .death was introduced was the ~S deadlock between Denver and Pittsburgh Sept. 22, 1974. The second was on Sept. 19, 1976, when neither Los Angeles nor Minnesota was able to score In the overtime period and ttte game ended 10-10. The third tie was last Nov. 26 between Green Bay and Minnesota. also a 10-10 score. 16) B. Fran Tar kenton completed 30 p asses in a 28 ·27 w in over Philadelpttla last Dec. 3 to run his 1978 completion total to 304 and become the first passer to tOfl the 300 mark in one year. He completed 41 mor e in the next two games to end the season with 345 completions. The old mark wa s 288 by Sonny Jurgensen ot the 1967 Redskins, bot the Saints' Archie M anning also br oke that record when he completed 291 passes last year to take the all-time runner-up spot. 17) B. Jim Hart of the Cardinals Is In his 14th year, having signed with St Louis in 1966, after finishing at Souther n Illinois. Among starting Quarterbacks, Bob Griese of Miami is second most experienced; he's In his 13th season. Bill Munson, backup Quarterback for the Biiis, Is In his 16th year, and Craig Mof'ton of the Broncos, Who started tf'l1s season ·behind Norris Weese, is in his 15th year . (8) c. Earl Campbell's 1,450 yards on 302 car ries for Houston last year was the highest total ever oalned by a rookie runner . The previous high by a rookie was the 1,162 yards that Don Woods got in 1974 as a Charger rOOkie after San Diego had obtained him on waivers from Green Bi)Y. 19) c. Tbe two overtime games in one day equaled the record first set on NcSv. 23, 1975, wtlen the Raiders- Redskins and the Chiefs· Lions played overti n;ie games. Two over time games were also played on Nov. 30, 1975, on Sept. 24, 1978, and on Nov. 12, 1978. c 101 c. Last year the Vlklnos' Rickey Young caught 88 passes to lead the NFL. Ahmad Rashad Caught. 66, Chudt Foremen caught 61 and Sammy Whitt cauotit S3. Thus Min- nesota bee.me the f irst team to Nv. four receivers w ith so or mor e catches. Seven other teams have had three receivers with SO catches, In· cludlno the 1976 Vlklnos when Foreman, Rashad and White all had more than SO. Pro Probe PAT remained virtually auton"latlc: l ast .,..,. rn the NFL, 914 of 993 PAt attempts succeeded; that's 92 per- cent. Q . WMt player ftofdt the 1'9<ord for mnt IMlr'c_....•? A. Starting this season tht record ""1onged to l he late Emlen Tunnell, who Intercepted 79 passes In a 14-year career with the Giants •nd Peckers. But by tht time you read this, the re- cord may have been tied or btoktn. We've got bllrpln1 you'd ne"r expect to find In • Hardware Store: 10 in Groove JOINT PLIERS A basic tool tor every home or sflOe> t001bo1d ' J.4ade of the highest OUlhty drap.k>fved attoy steel ror stren¢tt and chrome plated to reSfSt rust The 6-(>oaition eelt-lock1ng 11w adjusts smoothly 001ckly. with cushioned v1ny1 grios fOf comfort TM-1078 ~ML IM&. -I <*Yf ..,._,..,~ --~ -~~............. ,,,.... 81 ••••l'lrlleW.lae More than you expect in a • Hardware Store ... m; Ofter he4 .._ s.,t. H Of'EN SUNDAY >-o. ~ 11,. ~ .. " TRY THE NEWPORT DATSIJN "-t, c-~ .~UTO LEASING - DIFFERENCE!CALL TODAY: 833·1300 FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE. ALL MAKES & MODELS! -·CANNERY · • (fttlr ........ feotW In A 1-.mg ......... AMesphere • J ColwT.Y."t •C1 ;T I tewClmC..w .. ................... • .... ..,&hlseQi1ses-.t.-.s1.21 •Mlcl9sWt• .... 71" •SH,_.._ 0,.. Ullll t:tl &a 3010 Lafayette Ave., NewPort Beach OVER 20 COMPANY DEMONSTRATORS MUST BE SOLO BY SEPT. 30th AT FACTORY INVOICE OR LESS BELOW 1980 PRICES. ' 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach 546-9987 -494·1131 A. Jn AFL·NF L lnterleaoue exhibi- tion o-mes of 1961, the extra points ha6 to be scored by running or pass- ing. The rui. edded some tuspense beeaute four out of every '° extra point atten~ts were unsuccessful . By contrast, N L PAT ettempts by kkk- lng fMld been successful t1 percent of the time In the 1967 ... son. But the .no-klcklne experiment remained only an expertmtnt and ntvtr became a regular rute. Somt said the ban on kicking oeve too much advant• to th• stronger teams, whllt wHk tHmt Md about the same chance of success when tht PAT• were kicked. Sid Giiiman, thtn of tht Chargers, crltlclztd the run-or-p111 rule be<aUM he thOuQM offtnltve units Medld rtlC, and lht run-or.pen rule IMHll•~ r61lc1 •f 6nJury. The fttOlllve arwrnentl carried, anct the · Paul l(reuw, ol the Vikings, Md 71 Interceptions starting this IMtOn. As a rookie wl~ tM Redskins In 1'6iil, Krause hed 1t lnttrct pt1on1, two short of tM •II-time, eM·IMson ,.. cord 1nc1, untll 111t year WMn ht tuf· fered 1 lfa lnJury In the ~ond eetN and IOtt hls starting spot., ht Nd at feast two lnlerctPtlons every yHr of hlscaflW. .. ... ___ _. ________ -.. ____ ... lllllllli __ ... _ __. - • , I ~ ,/ ~. t ·, ·' r . , . ~ . ... • ' • : • f ' •I • -_. ... '4 'I • ' ' • ') 1 • t r .. t • •. •' L'" . .. . . ' .. . ,_,,_ -. .. -...--. r --• • -: •a CMLYPtLOT aaturoer . .......,..,22. •m . . . .. : . .. ,: .. . ·, ! , ... • .. , .~ F•SI COME F•SI SEIYEI • • TIANSAMS !'- • WA•ONS * DB IOltlnATORI * .. BIRDS * lllCUll¥1 CAii M~•I * IOHNIYILLU • SUNllRDS • PHQINtX·· -*° COi •ANY CAii & LOADID * I.IMAMS · •IBn.MCAll ~. ·=-.* HANDflll • -nA••ll CAii • RIADY TO ROLL ---- . ' --·~·-..·