HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-23 - Orange Coast PilotEat 5fJ..eent Dinner the u:a a.m. are t1aat left tbelr bolQe • Ill S. OnlCe Aw. .. ~n. SO-ecwt Lupe Gutlerna. Uei~~-.. ~.,:I and tboo1der burns. . • 'It'• & terrible traaed7. And to have eometbi.D& like this happen . Just after 'lbanhllvtna ••• allb9d Fire Cblef Thoma Skelly. "If· JOU -could have seen that mother trytna to protect that baby. It was just heartbreak· ing." Skelly said Mn. GuUerres, who is four months prepant, bad tried to rouse the trio, who were all deepina in an adjoinl.ns upstain bedroom. But the beat and smoke drove her back to her bedroom. from which abe climbed out to the roof. Two brothers wbo live nearby, Raymond and Pablo Aguilar, talked Jin. Gutierrez into leap- inl from the root to save her life. The btotben "did a 1ood job" in breakinl her fall, Skelly a.id. "She really bad no choice but to jump," be added. The brothers al.lo had tried to aid the family by entering a (See 2 KILLED, Pa1e AZ) Baiik of Iran Denies Report Bere Kitt9, Kitt9 Noel Kittrell of Laguna Beach feeds some of the 25 stray cats who make their home at Big Corona state beach, Corona del Mar. Noel, who makes the trip weekly from Laguna Beach, said several people feed the cats on any given day. The strays don't mind the feeding but touch them "and off . they go," he said. 'Grave Consequences' Iron Warned Against Harming Host'!'ges W ASIDNGTON (AP) -Preli· dent Carter met wltb top military and forelp po1tey ad· viHra for more t.baD nro boun today and warned Iran'• leader that b.armlnl a atnale American boat••• would produce "ex· tremeb' era••'' retattatloe. White HoUle .~ seeretal7 Jod.J Powell told:repOrt.en .. the meedal tbe pNSlcleDt aud hlm to relA7 tbe meuqe thllt ba Carter'• vlew, "Tbe la1t Am•rka bOltal::Just .. Im-~to tbe '1l Stat. .. . ...,,. ~--Of Mia to DJ ....... boale Will be e&· treme11 .,. .. , .. day bJ Iran'• revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Rubollah Kbo-melnl, wbo aa1d m.Wtanta oceu-- pytn1 the U.S. embuay in Iran would kill their boeta1e1 ud blow up the buildlDa if the Unit- ed Statel attacb Iran. Powell noted that the m.Wtaab tbeaueltee N.ld the same tbiq earlier. "Il nallJ mab9 DO dlffermct who U1I ft or bow Dl8D1 tlmel 1b8 pNll MeriW1 Hid be had no ~ to nport but that . tM UDltecl Stat.. la teept.ni d.lp&omatlc channel.a GIG md • ....,, may be IOIDe mcoanae.meot from tbe fact that tbiJ are ltlll acUve." · "la n1ponH to reporten• ~Po~&.:-.8.t "' .......... ..:; tanDii' .......... a C ... tr 111alil MNw Yort. ............ _ ..... :: ::&:-~.';,: 11'111 ... .;n;'iiil ~ .......... ,... ............ IUJe ............... ,...... . 200Show / ~For 50~ Dinner l ,,... ..._...Kemp ol Costa II eaa~fl•clded to cook Thaau1hin1 dlnnera and cllarp just 50 Hats at her r.laanml 8C> DO cm8 woaJd bawt to .,...Stile b N•r:J ........ dla'l Giplet • peop1e to 111ow up. But dle7 did. ''It waa lDcredible," said llrs. Kemp, owaer ol Tbe Chalet in Costa Meu. ''We ran tbroq:b el&ht 22-pound turkeys. We bad people comm, up and hqline me and teJ.llq me they wouldn't have had Thanka&iving otherwiae. "There wasn't ooe bad mo- ment, not one." Mrs. Kemp, who admitted to havinl sore feet today after four days of cooking, said she had plenty of help in the kitchen Thursday. Two women guests helped serve, both saying their families were grown and "they t.banted me for letting them come and help," Mrs. Kemp said. One man spent two hours carving turkeys in the kitchen, she said. In addition. a florist sent her a bouquet after reading a Daily Pilot story about her Wednesday, and one of tbe guests brought a bouquet of silk flowers. Mrs. Kemp said abe did nm into skepticl.lm by some readers. "We bad a few people calJinl and saJing, 'What's the ll.m· (See FEED. Pase AZ) Orange -eather Cloudiwa decre•:tf tont1bt. Still some clouds but mostl1 IUIUlY SaturdaJ. Lon t.oo•1h1 '2 at tbe bellclM:I and SO ln· land, with b10t satu.rday of 88 aJoGi:tbe'coast and "inland. ....... _.41 FEED ••• m.lck?' 1;:JU1t~'Don't JOU believe can do aometbblc llOod 09C9 aWMJe' Jl 'a coodforlbdoul' ''' 1beaald. Althou8b a few of tbe sueata were well-dreued, Mrs. Kemp noted that moat 8Mmed ftnan· t6'aUy ccmtrteted, ud added; "Belldes, you can't always tell bytbeeWW ''0. ma bad Cl9l;J 40 elllltl. I nW. ...W Joar' • ...m. lt'1 ~ lb JOG ........... lt fOT.' , ~.~::n~==-i ttave ;e money to cook their own Jivlnl dinner, planl to come back and help at Cbrlllmlll wba Mrs. Kemp wW qaiD afte1" ber sekent 1peclal, •be •aid. "I feel lib I'm tttUns oa top ot the 1'0l'ld... .. .... Kemp ulcl. "I felt lb I bad a wllole family a1aiD." Slayer Given • TH0UMNDe PRAY FOR GUIOANCll IH IRAN Tehran Un.w•r Provtde9 Mau Pr•,., Settlnt Huntington Police Rap Benefit Loss .,. ITEVE •DBLB °' .. ...., ......... A Rwitlnstoa Beach police leader d1lmed tldl week be'• lt- tempUni to cool bot tempen ln t.be rub ln the wake ot • recc cltJ cwtl dedlioa to cbop off n edacational baceoUwe pro. 1ram b' new oftleen. lllehael Jacobi, prwtdlal ol the R•ah_.. BMeta Po1toe Of. ftcen ~ m..-tM cutback wlll re•alt la "let• educated, lea prot .. 1oaal" of. ftcera. "It'• a backward .wp," laid Jacobi. "U the council wa11&a a bunch ol IOODI beatJ.n& budt, it'• 1oln8 ln the n,bt dlreeUoo ... Only Councilman Boa Pat· tlo1on, a former Huntlntton Beach petrolman, voted a= 1ubttltuUnc a tcbool relm ment plan for tbe incentive pro- 1ram The 1e>-ealled canot 1)'1tem, -.blcb IMU experienced ofllC91"1 up to '250 per moatb, wu a point of conteotlon durln• 1talled pollce contract talks urlier th1.a year. The ellht·year-old incentive pro1ram, ta14 Aulltaot City Penoael Director DoG Lewil WH Wl CJUl of the pact aod b;d rematmcl unresolved until the counc11 decilioo. "We pve up a sreat deal to set that procram because we're proud ol eDCOW'aSinl offtcen to 10 to aebool. '' lacobl nplalDed. He •aid mu1 offteen are "buminl mad" and have tanred of taklnc lelal actloa a1aimt the clty. off," laid Jacobi. "How do you tb1nk someone'• IOinl to feel lf you'N ptttna an extra '25'> a montb IDd he'• not." I.Awl• uid 11 new officers wW be affected by the prosnm'• eUmlnaUoo. Tbeae new olllcen be explained, wUJ be mmbmi'ed 1bout '300 a year for iotna to tcbool. le•....i JOlleemen 11ld tM wortll ol tlae lDcenU•e prosram la DOt bard to mill. About II per· cent ol the olfteera at.tend tdool and more than 100 have earned bachelor dqreea. "l lmow for a fact tbat the councll lm't WOl'T)'iDI about the dollar mp," auerted Jacobi. "They cut it Just for tbe princi· ple." He claimed that, without tbe tnctntive plan, 11tperienced of. ftcen wllf atop t.ranaferrtq to tbe Huntlnstoo Beach police force. H• Mid t.ramfen eo.t lea to tram than roott.. "It costa around tH,000 to traln a new cop and that's where the ell)''• gotn1 to start loslq money," Jacobi UMrted. Gang Tied To Gunfire From.Auto I c-ta M•• police 1114 today they are looki.nl in.to an laddent ln which teen-a1en ln one car ftred 1bot1 at teeo·a1era i9 F,....P~AI 3 KILLED. • 1round floor entrance. but were driven back by tbe beat a.Dd amolte. · Skelly aaid John Barela ap- parently opened tbe bedroom door, but collapeod back mto the bed, overcome by tbe fire'• ln· tenae fume1. Blanca Barela 1oooped up her year-old baby from tbe crib and tried to protect ber by lhi•J.dine tbe inlant wtth .,_ body oo the floor near a window, Skelly aaid. "They weN dead before tbe fire ever 1ot CO tbem," tbe ftre chief aald. • Inveatt1ator1 1ald tbe flre probably orl1lnated lo a down1taln Uvtq room Iola that waa lsnlted eltber by a nearby floor heater or a clprette. "Probably all of lbe people could have •caped if lbey bad had a 1lmple smoke alarm," Skelly 1a1d. "It probably 1moldered for a while, and ftnally waa fanned by that open ltalrwell leadln1 to the 1econd story bedroom•. It raced up then like a chimney a.od m u1broom1d on tbe Hcoad floor. Hawaii Flooded HONOLULU <AP > -Po1'Uona of Hawaii Island bit by laat weekend·• tbrNDUaJ rain.a and nooda that caUNd an esUmated Si mUUon ~mas• have bMn declared a major dlaaater area by Gov. Geor1• Arlyo1hl. Hardest hit was Walplo Valley, where flood waters destroyed moat of the taro crop and Mverelr dama1ec1 Ult Janel. In Tuntt, Tuntsta, a PaMtine Liberation Or1anluUcd offldal 11ld Iran told the PLO the de· parture of the depo1td ahah from the United States to Mn· tco or l'.cypt would lead to re- lease of the hostages, "We do not believe the PLO has made such a statement because Vasser Arafat supports our revolution." said a state· ment Issued by the m1htanta holding the hostages Odd-even Gas Plan Rejected VISALIA <AP ) -Odd uen auohne ralloo1n1 1s not for Tulare c.ounty. IU1>e"l90N M)', and brre uked the 1ovemor r~ an exempt.loo. A tetetram wu IH'ftt Tveeday lo Gov Brown expiatn1n1 tbetr stand and requesUn1 an exemp llon appllcallon They Joined colle1uea 1n s everal other valley counties who have also rejected rauoruna in the put few days Showers Wane In Bay Area By 'l'lae Aaaocla&ed 'rr ... Showers will be tapertn1 otf over Northern CaUfornJ1 tod1y with part.If eloady aid• conUnu-1n1 into the weekend A repldl7 movlnJ Pacific weather front broufllt Iott of rain and cloudy •kl .. oa Tbul"I· day wtlh mow level abo" a.ooo feet. PreclpltaUon amounts were moderate to heeyy Tbunday'a laJlba rlllpd from the hlO «M to hflb IOI. ....... 20 foretpen, ~. f t.Mm Amettctaa1~· today bJ . Ule •tNeta ol eb.reft ~tile extradition ol ~-•ball, "becauae, ba•I d bere thrOUCh tbe . we lmow b1m to beam~: The fonlp ~ aceom- pant.d bf about • rnohJUonary 1uardl wen cheeteid bJ-.eores of lrUlaai lhoutln• ''Lane Uve Amertcau'' H tbey walked from Perdowll 8quwe k> Tehran Unlvenlty and beck. One American aald the group waa divided over the taking of American bolta~es 4t the U.S. Embaaay but that t* •He unanimous about tlle ab&&. Jn the flrat uU-•b•lt dem· oaatratlon bf forel1• rt1l· dentl, one Brttllb • ..,..... ol tbe 1roup, Peter Davit, read a atate- men t in En1ll1b to erowda aathered al the square. It MW : .. We express our tbankt to tM Iranian people for their klndneaa to ua wtule we have been livina be re. "To ull our people a.ad eov- emmenta to be equally ~nd and helpful to ~ lranlana llvtnc t.n our COW'ltriee. To aalt our aov· emmenlll not to give 1 hoiu to the shah because, havtn1 lived here tbrouih the revolution, we know him to be a rourd.erer. We are both angry and embarrassed t hat our JCOvemments are still helpine the lhab .. * * * Moslem Mob Bwn, Loot In Calcutta CALCUM'A. India <AP) -A mob of more than 1 000 Motlems burned veh1cle1, iooted 1hop1 and atoned and trted to set fire lo the Amencan and Soviet con· sulates today ln a violent reac- tion to the raid on the Grand Moeque ln Mecca thia week. No cuualtiea were reported amon1 foreianera but at leut elcht policemen were h\jured ln lh• rock·tbrowlna demomt.raUon that wu ftnally broken up wttb tear 1aa. Pohce kept the mobs from ... tenn1 the tXIGaUlatet, •hich ant in the same di.trtct ol tbe ctty, but some c1ama,. from roea and thrown ~ _.,. reported at both the SovMt and Ammcan m1ss1ons The moba Mt fire to ooe U.S. ,,, con1ulate aato and ooe ""-tb • consulate car parked on lbt street u well u "veral private can, a troUeycar and a bul. "Thllltl are real ne1atJve rl1bt now," be uld, dMCriblal police morale. "We've talkecl OUl'Hlv• Nd la tM fae9, 1:la& tbl counetl Jwt lla't liltet ..... ............ .Umtnatbt el the plan will awult ID _.,. morale problema down the rMd. "&wmu••lJ w•u Ii.I•• •belt halt • tM ~· u4 bait aootheJ' aa&o. ftq 1ald. they believe oae or 'two JCMDeta H.tlh lcbool ma- dente ftN lo OM ear and IOIM Santa Ana t..·a..,. ln aootber lo tbe ease ~ at about a:• p.m. WedNldaJ ta tbe IOO block ol ........... lo c.o.ta HOHO HO! .... a . WltlMIM told pollee tMJ nw two mu. ID a twown ear flrtDI abotl at three men · lD a bluo-1ra1 car ~at WH pur1utn1 tMm. Police Ht• • tt·ra::·old ~tanda ...... told Ule eneouatier r•tdtld from •-* of cODIUdl bit,... mem~ ol a 8UU .. ~ • ltoa&>,,, eo.a.... 11. No bajurlea were reported. pollct Mid. 'l'b.11 •i.lcl &laey _ ,. CO'I ... • .~allbft ... al· tece411 ... w .. Celta .... '-.:er'~ the ..... --...i to tM __,of ODI ~the W.·f apn. ' MEN'S s·u1TS For Only ONE DOLLAR!*. W.. tQI buy one at re- gMJar price, you can buy • 111cond one of equal or ,..., value for only on• dOllar. I •T •U.TOJ!f IMaOWll'I u JOU ••'t tnftlld .,, PlaDt reetoU1;-10U11 .. lllrPriMd Chi ant time JOG to to "1 a tlcUt. PrfC. lwN soomed upwatdl &Jlil ,.., • cil"rMn MH .,..._ Mew wltb tbt WM bad Dft'l 'JOQ 19' ,,._ 10Q pull ill&9 a MrTlce IUtkJD! IOU'ln• foal CIGlta. • Yoo mq -or m17 •-= '9 allla to~• J(1flr'.,... to Chi ~ do ~ ,.OQ.; Tbe 8lrtlaee .......... to die Ctril MrCIDauUa Boa.rd ft.,. UIDl9 &!ill,..,. to 1am _. pro-Yal for fan blUs. The JWUJt U. MID u lncre ... ol more thin ,., rl"Cdt lo tbe price o alrllae Ueketa. Money Tre Even lben, the car- riers have oat been able to poat tbelr bl1ber farft :i::: ~ to cover ril1Dt cocta. United AlrliMI lolt tlt mlllloa OVIS' the 1ummer, nqrmally a time few bumper proflta. And Ame,rlcan Airllnet 1aw It.I 1ummertlme eaminp phmae nearly 100 percent to SI.I milllon. TO BE SV&I!, the airllnet have been buffeted by other nuty crouwtnda. United wu abut down lo the sprin& by a 55-day machiniatl' alrike. And all tbe carrlen were affect- ed by the temporary •rounding ol the DC·lOe. Rudi.DI Into the comlnc weeu, American and United are bradn& tbemHlves for the ftna1 runa or the 50 percent- diacount coupon users. Both airlines puaed out these coupom earlier tb.ia year to their pusenaen. United was first -and then American copied the Idea. The coupons, which entitle a bolder to 50 percent off lbe reeular rare. ex- pire on December lSlb -and iuesa what' Many of them are stiU out lbere, unredeemed. United dlstributed 2.2 mllUoo coupons, American 1.75 million. And eotne Into November, only about a third of these eoupom bad been redeemed. There will soon be a big rush to cub them m. FRED BECKEL, WHO'S in charge of advert.islng and promotion for United, explained recently bow United got into the coupon business. They were comlng off their 55-day strike and knew from previous experience that It lakes a long time -as much as aix months -to &et back to their normal customer traffic. This ume they didn't want to wail that lone and so they borrowed from the toolhpa.ste-and- toUetries mercbandlaers who offer wtth a purchase dia- counu oo the next purcbue. United said: We'll offer everyone who mes United a coupon entitling the pauenser to a SO percent discount on bis or ber next filgbl Heckel said that the plan worked ao well that lo 11 daya United was carrytn1 130,000 passengers a day, which la what it wu carrying before the strike be&an. So lbey were back to normal in 11 days rather than aix months. AllDICAN, WHICH goes head-to-bead with United on many rout.es, especially the lucrative cout-t.o-cout run.a, felt ll had no choice but to match United Durinl lbe strike it bad booked many paaaenaers who would normally bave flown United Ooce United started offenn1 the half- fare coupons, American stood to lose much of thla business unless it copied iu rival. American beard about the United discount procram on a Tbund.ay. By the following Monday 1t was already dis- tributifta coupon.a. While both carriers offered SO percent coupom, they distributed them dlfferenUy. United passed out iu coupons OD board; American paued tbem Out at the eate. A.a a result, claimed United's Fred Heckel. many shrewd customers would buy an American bcket, 1et their coupon at the 1ate and then tum around and redeem tbetr ticket; they would then fly United to eet their coupon on board. "Watchin& American slnlggle with the coupon offer was one of llfe's redeeming pleasures," said Heckel of United Airlines Gasohol Sells Well After Boise Debut BOISE. Idaho <AP> -Since its debut in Boise three months &RO. izaaohol has been selling bnskly. despite a re-cent ei'ght-cenl per gallon price bike. Uriel Simmons. sales manager of Sun Ray Dames, said Monday the four Treasure Valley convenience s tores have sold 300.000 gallons of the alcohol·sasoline mixture since it wu lntroduced in August. GASOHOL 18 •percent lead-frff easohne and 10 per-cent alcohol. "We raiaed the price from 99.9 cents to $1.08 per gallon 10 days aao." said Simmons. "Even with the price change, customers are stayinl with it and sales coqtinue to erow." Other firms in Idaho also have been selling gasohol. St.ate and local officials have been pushin1 the uae ot caaobol because surplus farm crope can be used to pro- duce the alcohol. 81 .. 0NS SAID 8\IN Ray probably will expand aaaobol 1ale1 to all of lta Idaho star.. "Tbe/.ilot procram baa taUn oft better than we tboqbt," be aai . "It aeema people are anxioul to support the proaram and ettend ou.r natlon'• fuel 1uppli•." Sun RQ atao operates at.or. ln Caldwell, Emmett; Weiser IDd Ontario, Ore. Gold, .Quotes afterooon ( L._80YD ) INPOftM9 In the DAILY PILOT BRAllD llEW 1980 . '10Y01A . , . d over-size tires & Equipment inclu es m str\pes. De\ Bar "chrome whee~sMc~~X radio & window mirrors. AM/ ·package. (016577). * ****** ************* *IEMOSPECIALS ! ! CHE~:~::K~?lZPEGAL PRICES! ! * A 1 IDA LUXURY EDm°" -.... , ... ""'"°. saoas * * ''79 TOYOTA CR~~ trans . eir cond. pawer steer1no:.~r······················· •• ....._ 4 Door Sedan ~ut~eels (0202761 • . • • . • . . • . • • • • . . • . s9999 "f" * double Y111re baSke w * . CA s~ I Cf\llse control pawer * I"' TOYOTA CB.!, alum wneets -;unroot rear ~~c~; 'r, 2640 . . . . . . . . · · · * !:i speed traM. air COM/FM Quad stereo p1ns1npes & u $6199 * :.teer.no & brJkes A * * "1' TOYOTA C0l~~~s~~~~yai~~1:i'o~:. ,no AM F~.~1.~~~-~~'.1'.~'-~~.r.~~'~.~ * ......_ 4 Door sooan 5 speed . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • S6649 ....-more' 102 1844) . . .. .. . . . . .. . . * * MA um>-Cll AM FM stereo mu1t101eic ''79 TOYOTAt~~~,on. air cond111on1no oo~ .. !.\~~~-·········· .............. lt * ;a~~~ ~22310).... ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . s55jla * * 5 um•c• nd mont' 131ss56: •'7 ....._ ''7' TOYOTA co:~,'t:' s~eo air cond111ontrl0 pin st~~·~···················· * ..,...-Eau1oment includes . . . . . • • • . • • . . . • • • • • • • • . . • . . • • s5549 "'-Won t last 1000 at only • . . . . . . • "f" * ROLLA SRS UfTIACll and more' Huff'Y on this lt * ''1' TOYOTA c~M/FM Sl8f00 air c;ond1tioo1no pin st~························ * Eau1oment includes •••.•• • • • • • • • · • • • · • * * * 0 ne'l391522) ........................... * * * * * * * * ********** WEEKEND USED CAR CLEARANCE!·!! 1974TOYOTA 1916 TOY OT A 1973 VOLVO 1975 FIAT 1977 DATSUN CELICA ST COUPE COROLLA 4 DR. SEDAN 4 DR. SEDAN 128 WAGON 8210 COUPE 4 ape4fd transmlealon. AM/FM vinyl Eoutpment i ncludes au to matic Automatic trsns air conditt0n1no. l>W" Equi pment 1nclude1 4 speed Aut<>mlltic trans air cond1tiomng rad(. roof and a very dean cart (780KFVJ transmlSSIOn and air c:ond1t1omng Super steering ste<eo tape, new radial ttree a transmlSSIOO. ract< and stereo 8 m.ctt. c hro me whee•s and new tires. clean cart (330SOLJ leather intenor (26'4JNO) Nice hftle wagon! ( 105NRM) (402SEHI ~ARLE 1~n$2999 SALE PRICE EARLE lllE'ss3499 SALE PRICE EARLE lllE'S$3699 SALE PRICE EARLE lllE'S s2199 SALE PRICE EARLE lllE'Ss4199 SALE PRICE 1974YOYOTA 1976 TOYOTA I 1973 VOtvO 1977 DATSUN 1978 DATSUN . CEUCA GT COUPE PICKUP TRUCK 1800ES WAGON 1210 COUPE FIO COUPE White wlJh bladl vlnyt roof. 5 speed Long wheel base model wrth mags. 4 speed trans w/overdnve. etr oond . 4 speed trans . stereo. shadow and Wire Equipment Includes 5 s peed trans.. mllQll Md AM/FM. Very nlc» cer1 custom Interior and jtereo tape Sharp stereo tape, new radials. rack & basket wheels Super clean-.uper oaa transm1sst0n Very clean-super gas (2CUYBA). lruokl ( 1F19300) beaut1flll black cord interior. ~7~ mile.gel ( 157SGH) mtleaoe' ( 1018381 EARLE 111E·sS6999 SALE PRICf .. EARLE lllE'S s3199 SALE PRICE · · I ... Hmm to Ba.Wile• to Brip;g Retaliation BJ JAdoa llY1IAN ... ~ ......... When Maureen Kemp of Costa M.e1a decided to cook Thanh1tvin1 dinners and cbar1e juat 50 cents at her restaurant ao no one would have to spend the holiday alone, she didn't aped 200 people to show up. But they did. ••1t wu lncredible," said Kra. Kemp, owner of The Chalet in Costa Mesa. "We ran throulb ei&bt 22-poupd turkeys. We bad people cominCup andhauiqme and telllq me they wouldn'thave had ThanblivfDt otberwile. ''There wasn't one bad mo- ment, not one." Mrs. Kemp, who admitted to bavin& sore feet today after four days cl oooting, said sbe bad plenty of help in the kitchen Tbundly. Two wom~n 1ueata helped serve, botb aaJiD1 their families were pvwn and '"tbeJ tbanhd me tor leUiaa tbem come ad belp,•• Jin. Kemp aald. Oae man 1pent two boan ~ taab>• tia the ~. •··zlillllt 111 ••• • • ~ MDtblralMilJCiilllderNlldlDI • oan, Pt.lot ltDl7 a1aaat 11er Wednesday, and one of the =......_. bcNq1* of ldlk Mn. J[.mpaaicl llbedid nmblto akeDtldimbyeomereeden. "We bad a few people caDinl and HJlna, 'Wbat'I tile Sim· mlckT' I'd Just sa7, 'Doll't you_ (See PBBD; Paae AZ> Gang Tied To Gunfire From Auto I eoata uesa sce aa1d today they are )ookin mo an incident in wblda teen-qen in one car fired shots at teen·a1en in another auto. They aa1d they believe one or \wo Estancia Hilb Scbool stu- dents were in CJDe ear and aome Santa Ana tem·qen in another in the cue reported at about 3: 20 p.m. Wednelday in the 800 block cl Senate Street in Costa MesL w1-.. toJd police they nw two malel in a brown car ftriDI shots at three men in a blue- gray car that wa1 pursuing them. PoUce 1ald a 18-year-old EstaJlda student tol4 tbem the encowwt.r nnUed from a ..n. of confllctl betweec memben ot · a Santa Ana pna and a IP'CNP ot c.o.taMea~. No bajariea were reported, po11ce Mid. TbeJ u1d they ,. co.end • .22·callber IUD al· ~ Ule4"' the Costa Ilea . ~lakt tbe IUD belaDpd to the ma&ber ot .., ot tbe teen. .,era lle1-e Kitt9, Kltt9 Police. f Outraced To Border A biah speed cbaae that be&ao early today on Pacific Coast ' Hipway iD Soatb Lalun• ended an boar lat.er in Mexico, wl1b a auspect in a 'l\juana jail. An Oranae County Sheriff's spokesman said tbe pursuit be1an when depUties tried to It.op a ear, tboulbt to be stolen. at Padftc Coast fficbway and Crown Val.Jey Parkway in South Laauna at 2 a.m. Tbe driver ol the green and white aedaD refused to pull over. officers said, launching a chue that led down the Coast Highway to its intenection at the San Dieeo Freeway in Dana Point. From tben the chase con- tinued CJldO the frMW&J, across all lanes of traffic, throu1h ...,,..,....,_.,...... ~==eo ~ai COQDties . California Ri1bway Patrol. Noel Kittrell ol Lapna Beach feeda some of the. ibW cats wbo make tJMdr bDme at Big Corona state beach. CorOn.a del Mar. Noet wbo makes the bip weekly from Laguna Beach, said aeveral people feed tbe catacmuay liven c!Q. Tbeatrandoa'\ mind the feeding but tOucb tbeUi 01-. aft they go;• be said. San Dtep Sberiff and border patrol amaa all joined tbe ebue. but were mallle to stop tb9 ear ,,.. .. ill tbe 1IPt tnmc and earb ..... u.e apoUsman aid •"'l"IM fedWaf• shot at the guy, arrested him, and threw LONDON (AP) -U.S. Tl'euury Secretary G. Willlatn Miller uid today that President· Carter may propose mandatory measllftll to reduce As>erican oil consumption next year. Killer, en route to the Middle Eaat on a six-day trip, said the mandatory meuu.res could in· elude ones aimed at curtaillng the use of cars by rationing gaioline, increaaing gasoline tax-es or other atepa be did not specify. Other mandatory measures to reduce oil consumption could in- clude lighting and temperature controls, be told reporters dur· in& an airborne news con· ference. ••AP the optlon.s of mandatory curtailment, price curtailment, have to be looked at," Miller said. "We need to mate a tremendous effort next year to restraJn demand." Reducing energy consumption to help reatraln oil price iDcreuet I.a the key to control· llJll loft etion, be nid. "The battle now reYoh'es ai'oUDd energy.'• be aalcl. ••If oil prices continue rtatn&. theil an other e«orta to coatrol tnnation. includina tiforta to tQpport the dollar, will be~.·· Tb• Allod1Wcl Prell Jeai'Ded 1 week qo that an mter-apney tut force WU WOrtin& Oil Ol>' tionl for CGDM1 riq oil· for the presldeat to loot aL ht llJJJer'• statemmt WU the 1tn1niett Jet by a high official that man- datory measures are beJog seriously considered. Miller said presidential ad- visers hope to bave a set of <See RATION, Pase AZ> County Man An-ested In Rape Try A Cypress man who Seal Beach pol.lee allege a ttacked a woman JoaiD1 along the swf · Une, is beina beld in Oranae County Jail today ln lieu of $10,000 ball. Investigators said suspect William Lee Woodside, 24, aur· rendered Wednesday in com>ee· lion with the alleged Tuel4l1 as· aault near First Street and tbe jeUy in Seal Beach. Woodaide is being held on char1ea of aaault with intent to commit rape. Accontlng to poDce r-epcJ1-tl", the 22-year-old Runtlnaton Beach woman ... Joai.D1 at 4 p.m. wbm 1be wu COD.framed by a nude man wttb hll pants rolled and tucked under bla arm. Ans a ~ ill wblch tbe woman DUUlaled to srab her a- aallam'• car keJS, the aUli*t fled. Altllnqb lbaten ap~ tbe wonianwuuDinjured. • P.'' -a Made :=,. ':.:c.. "njuana Jail, .. a CHP of. ~ W1MD It wa aD Oft!', lberifr1 To Free Hostage CYPRE.55 <AP> -A friend of ooe of the hostages m the U.S. Embassy in Tehran ts trying to convince Jranaan a uthorities that tbe man being held la a school clficial who tan•t connect- ed to the embassy. Sharon Brown of Fullerton. a Cypress High school teacher who once taught In Iran, as pleadin8 with the Iranians to free William Keou&b. a school supertntendmt from Boston wbo was in Iran briefly to gatbet' personal effects for himself and some of his former teachers. Mn. Brown has sent a tele- gram uldn& for bis release to the Irani an Embass y in WaabinitOn, D.C .• and plans to send it to the American Em· bassy in Tehran. "He WU JUSl in the Wl'Ol1C place at the wrong Ume," Mrs. Brown said. ·•11y experience is that tbe Iran1ans seem to have respect for teacben. U they un- d•rstood bis circumstancN, tbQ mi.irt let bim ao. ·· J(eoup •• llal*intend91& of the Tebnn American School UD· w it doled durtQa the Iranian re•olt lut January. Re worked out ol Wu!liqtoa for aeftl'al montbl after that to secure tbe releue ot b1I teacben' pemioa fund, held in a Tehran bank. Keoush aad American diplomm were able to set tbe funds back ID Au,u.t. wilts. wtddl dropped oat of tbe chase It 3:12 a.m. Jat lbalt ol tbe Mexican bordet, had tra.eled 100 mil•. tbe distance betweeeSoatb Lapaa and Mex· ico. oftlcen Aid. . They b8d reached speeds '-" to 110 miles per bour during the 57 minute pursuit. and their patrol cars finally ran out of gas. 'Ibe suspect. who was not iden- tified. was taken into custody by Mexican author ities at 4:52 am., officers said. Stroke Fells Merle Oberon LOS ANGEL~ (AP>-Actress Merle Oberon, one of the great beauties or the screen who s tarre d in s u c h films a s ''Wutber~;sj Heiebts. •· "The Lod1er·· .. Hotel," suffered a stroke and was taken un- conscious to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a spokesman said today. A Los Angeles County am· bulance took the 68-year.old ac- tress to the hospital Tbunday ni&bt. County Fl.re Department spokesman Diet Friend said abe waa boapltallzed under ber i married name of Merle Wolden. Weaa•er Cloudi.De .. deereaainf tonlaht. Still 10me blab clouds but IDOltly 1mm1 Saturday. Lowa tGlllaht u at the beAdia and 5D In· land, with filahs Saturday of a ak>Qa t&e.eout and 74 inland. IN8 ... TeDA.Y ~ . \ ' ' . . ' ' ----' BROTHER, &aSftR RIU .. rrm> AmR 40 YURI Jack Balcer With • ..., car.o. In lam. AM II'• -.. 'Tllanks Clven ,, Brother, Suter Reunited • BJ TM A11tdatel ~ . After 48 yean, Grace 1.wnwall Cbown1q bu found one brother in Santa Ana and ta stW loM1n1 fOr another. '1;bb ta the beat Thanbglvtnc celebrattoo ever,'' tbe • •aid ThW'lday. Grace and her three broO>ert were aeparated in a Loe AD1elea Juvenile center when their mother died ln 1931. Grace, then 7, and her ~year-old brother, Harold, left with their father. "I WATCHED MY two younaer brotbeN -Jack and AJ!red -bein1 taken down the hall, CJ')'in&. J sueaa my lather flsured be couldn't manaae ~e youn1er ones,'· Mrs. Cbownlnl recalled. Jack, who waa 3 at the time, waa adopted by a family called Baker. He discovered in personal papers when the Bakers died that he bad been born Jack Zumwalt. That was last Memorial Day. "l wu putting flowers on the snve of my adoptive parents at the Rose Hills cemetery tn Whittler trMD I de- cided to check whether any ol my relaUves bad died and were buried tbere, '' Baker said The . Jl'•Ve records led blm to the cburcb wblcb handled hia fatbu'• fUQUal. t .. 'IHB PA.Im>& IUD ~ picture of my f atber aad told me be bad remarried alter my mother died and that my atepmotber wu Uvina in a Puraina home," be 1ald. "I found out h'om her where my slater had lived." Alter moat.bl of Harc!Wli, Baker reached Grace cm the telephone. He said to bet: "You don't mow wbo J am, but don't bang up. I just want to know it 1.0ur maiden name waa Zumwalt and ii your moc.ber'a WQ LolliN." "We both bepn to Cf>'.t" aaya Mrs. Cbownin1, who lives in vi.ta, abo\Jt 40 muea IOUtb ol Santa Ana, and worn betweeJJ the t•o cities u a clerk for the Muine Corps provoct qi'1'1bal at Camp Peodletoa.. TU WllOtB :'ftJIB Grace an4 Jack sJ*ll wttbout knoWinl what laa»Pened to each otber, the brodler aDd ata. ter were 15 to U ~ apart. Once, Jack worked at Corina Hilb School, a~s ijie street from when Graff lived. Tbe otber'llrilClte, Harold, la a tanner btwtr"man I.a . .: PNmont In Notthern Callfotnla. Ha WU disabled and una- bl• to be wltb tbe others on Tbanklllftll& Day. ft!': ~:t.J.~:~~1~·::t·1:: walhd band·lll"9alla -~ bowtnc wlaen &be JuventM caterhallw~m:·~ · "Tbll la • f.8-tbat baa IO much to be thankful for,•: Ald Ora 1 u lbe.aDd bet buaband Viet« dro.,. to dlDDif With tbe Bikers tD Mnta Ana. " ••Nc;w W'Jtllt bave to ftDd our brother Alfre4.'' . btUe" &bat IOIDebodT HD do eam9'bln1 IC*9 GDc. in awbile' rt·H·lbtioul· .·· ·aaid. afewoftbe.-U W9N ....... Mn. kmip Dot.cl that mmt ... med ftuD. elall.1 comtriet.d, and addld; "Bealdee, >'OU can't alwl11 tell by the clotbet. ''Ooe man had onJ¥ 40 centa. I Htd, 'Save 10W' 40 eenta. lt'a peoole like )'OU we're ddq lt for.1' One Yoanc woman, explalnlna that abe and her husband dldn't bave eDOUlb IDODef to cook tlMtr own 'lbanbllviq dinner, plana to come back and help at Cbrutmu when Jin. Kemp wW a1ain offer her 50-eent apedal abeaaid. • "I feel like I'm. attUq oa of the world," Mra. Kemp 1a1ic:r "J felt like I bad a whole famJ.ly a1aln." 'Ihree Crash Victims Identified Tbree penom iDJured Wednel- da1 tn a traffic colUalon lD Irvine have been ldentifted as a Fair Ow woman and a Loni Beacb woman and the latter'• 7•year-old IOCl, police aald ~y. lrviM offlaen Hid Rex Duane Fitzpatrick, 28, waa arrested on suspicion ot lelcmy drunken driv- ing after bil car crossed a center dJvider on MacArthur Boulevard near Bonita Canyoo Road Wedne1day nl1ht, broadaidina a truck. Set. Bob Kredel Identified Fitapatrtck'a paaaeqen u IN Tbunderebield, 24, of Loni Beach, and her IOll Trevlt Tbun· derableJd. 7, both of whom were taken to Hoa1 Memorial Hoepital, for emer•ency care. Alao ln the car were L1DD Tbunderahield, 3, and Kara FU1patrick, 7 months. They weren't hurt. pol1ce aald. Kredel laid the drher ol tbe pickup truck ii u.ted u 'l1lomM DaDleJ Plateaber1, 11, ot Pair Oat.. Rla paaten•er1 Cory Plalftbtrg, 32, Fair Oua, wu treated but pot bospjtallwd at Hoa•, olficiala Nld. An olftcer at tbe scene cl the l_Jte even1n1. aceldnt, wblcb !l'J:ped t.be J'tt.lpatrtct car.,:; vetd: ~lt ~!°7.:' min· cle" that no one wu killed . LB Gas Station Denied Market But Arco repuaentatlH1 ar,utd the owner tnteadtd to pUt about '100,000 ta ilnDroft. ment. tot.be Rdaa, meludiq laat:r::: ud refurblablq the . Thaw. dllcounted tM ......... thii;'aleohol ud 1uoUM a't Yanks in Tehran Condemn the Shah TEHRAN, Iran <AP) -·About 20 foreipera, moat of UaeJD Ameriean1=1 riaed Iraniana today by throucb the atreetl al ebran to demand the. extradition of the sbab, "because, bavln1 lived here thro\ltb the revolution, we know him to be a murderer." Tbe foreiCJl marcben, accom- panied by about 20 revolutionary euarda, were cheered by aeorea of lranlana aboutiDc ·~n1 Uve * * * Moslem Mob Burn, Loot In Calcutta CALCUTJ'A, India <AP> -A mob ot more tba i.ooo M01leiu burned vebiclu, looi..d ahop& and stoned and tried to ..et ftre to the American and Soviet cOo· aulates today in a violent reac· tion to the raid on the Grand Mo.que ln Mecca t.b1a week. No cuuaJUe. were reported among foreigners but at leaat el1ht policemen were injured ln the rock·throwi.q demonstration that wu finally broken up wttb tear JU. Police kept the mobt trom en· t.ertn1 tbtl coaawata, which a.re in t.be same dbtrict of the city, but aome dama1e from l"OCb and thrown bott1ea wu report.t at both t.be Soviet and American mtaalom. The mobl aet fire to ooe U.S. conaulata auto and ooe l1'nDch con1wate ear parted on tbe street a weU u teveral private can, a trolle:ycar and a bus. Tb• demooatra.tlOD WU or- 1an1Md by the llo&lem Leacue and t.be West Denial State Unit of former Prime lliaiatar Indira Gandhi•• party, wblcb Hek.t Moelem 1upport lJl l.Ddi.a'• January National electicm. Americana" a• they walked from Ferdowal SQu.are to Tehran UnJvenity and back. One American aaid the p'Oap was divided over the taklnc of American t.o.rt.a1ea at the U.S. Embaaay but tbat they were unanimous about the abah. ln tbe f1nt anU·abab dem· onatralion by foreten real· dents, one Brtb.ah member of tbe group, Pet.er-Davt1, read a state· ment in English to crowds gathered at the square. Banko/ Iran Denie.Report TEHRAN, Iran <AP) - The Ceolral Ba.nil of Iran today dmied reporta tt M · faulted cm the repayment of a ~ mlllklll loan and denounced Chase Manhat· tan Ba.Dk. the lead bank Involved In maklna the loan. A 1tatement by the bank, reported by the of· fic1al Pan Ne~ Agency, cbar1ed Oiaae Manh•tta.n Bank h "playing a dan1erous game ln t.ellin1 lies and apreachn& deceit· fuJ rumon wtlbin the In· ternatlonal banUn1 1y1tem." It wu reported thi1 week that Cbue decided to declare a default oa the loan after tbe Central Bank failed to make a paymmt due No•. 1.5, the day an. Prellideat Caner froae h'anian UMta. The Central Bank claimed tt ordered Chaae to tramfer funds from one of la ae- tountl to pay the lnterNt, but wu preYeDted from dolnl IO. SC Homes Burglarized On Holiday Burglars took a pistol television, credit cards and $30 in caab in two separate San Clemente residential break-ins durme the ThanksgivJDg boll· day. William Nei.on, of 201 E. Ave. M.a1dalena, told police be found a ahd.ln& ealio door forced open and bia $300 color televtaton stolen when be rettlmed home shortly after midnight Thurs-day Boyd Simmons, 139 Eaplaoade St.. said be returned home at ' P m . Thursday to find bla front door f~ open and *30 in cub several Cf'edlt ca.rd.a and bJ.a R. semi·autom.aUc, blue-ateel PJSto1 stolen. 2 Arrested lnBurgl~ Two Santa Ana Men were ar· rested 1bursd1,y aft.er aomecxae called eo.t.a Maa ~to re- port a bftak·ln at a napbor'a boaa•, otficen •a.id today. They said Jteltb Seott F1rtb. 2S, and Michael Percaedo, lt, wen UTeated oo suspicion of res· identJal burlJuy Ucl held cm $10,000 bail . Police Hid about '480 In sport.a equipment bad been re- moved from t.be ~.,ie at JOtt MeadowYiew Lane. MEN'S SUITS For Only ONEDOLURI* . ~ • HIJACKER ARRESTED IN TOKYO Director For Panel Sought Kazuml Nomuni, Cerwtr, Demanded to Fly to Soviet Union Japan Air Lines IJC..10 Skyjacked Orange County Supervisors have ordered recruitment for a new ditector of the Commission on the Status of Women to begin immediately. TOKYO (AP) -A man armed with a bottle op!Der and a small plastic knife bijacked a Japan Ail' Lines DC-10 jetliner toda.y and dlftrted tt to Nartta Airport near Tokyo. He wa1 over- powered by the crew after or-derinfii=t the plane be fueled for a to tbe Soviet Union. Tbe crew banded Kasumi Nomura over to Narita Airport One Hurt One Marine wu lnJured and another JaUed foUowiDI· a Tbaabpviq Da1 automolllle acelclent on. Crown Valle1 ParkWQ ba lll.llllon Viejo. Callforida. HllbwaJ PGrol of· ficera said Camp Pendlet~n Marine Jdm Rouueau, 17, wu trnetma westbound at a b1Cb rate of speed oo Crown Valley Parkwa)' when be altem~ to. brake for a ted lilht at PWta Real. The veblcle .Ue1f'Jdly went in- to a Uid U 'it .pproacbed tbe in· t.rHetloa. strlkinl a curb, llabt ~t~poleanda tree. I ' A JJ••CF'\ieP bi tbe ca, Lull MarJllo. at.so of Camp Pendletoaf illffered m1aor bead lDJuriee ad a broken collar- bolie iD tbe 7;.ll p.m. crab, of. fteenMkt. He WM=to llisalon Oom-mu.nlty Where be wu treated aod ttcit releuecl. police after a scuffle in the cockpit in which the pilot, Toshiyuki Nwuhlro, 39, suffered minor injuries on his wrist, a JAL official said. None of the plane's 345 pa11engers,. the other crew memben or the hijacker were iQjured. Nomura. a 25-year-old We-setter from Sakal City, near Osaka, took command ol the mid-da)' domestic fli&ht a few min a tea after take-off from Otaka~ ' Be dlHrted tile plane to Tokyo'• new International airport 40 miles out1lde the J apaneae capital. It wa1 odgln.al);t I aebeduled t6 land at lleneda, the TOkJo airport aaed malnlY for dom..Uc tuabta. At Nartta1 N.<!mura demanded "enOuab rerueu.ng" to go to the But in doing so, supervisors overnaled a ~uest by the com· mission's chairwoman to con- centrate chiefly on applicants not presenUy employed by the county. Supervbon, led by Harriett Wieder. told the county ad- ministrative office Wednesday to recruit and interview im· medJ1tel,J for tbe Job amoQ1 &be eouaty•1 pool ol employees. U • qaallfted coantJ emplofW can •t be found before Dec. 7, the CAO la autborbeCl to Mek appli· cuta from .._..,. tbe eomtJ', aupenl:ton dedded. Statu1 of Women com- miaalonen will aid in interview- ing job candid.ates. Semel Unloa.. Offtclals balked at flrst but M ra. Wieder •aid abe wu gave tn when NQmura, in a radio "concerned that tbe commislion convenaUon with the Nartta will lole momentum" If the post. control tower. threatened to kill lion b not filled quickly. the co-pilot unless refueling wu ,. But sbe dlaasreed with the be1un In 10 minutes, a commission chairwoman's eoa- apokeaman for the national car-t e n ti on , i n a I e tt e r to rier 1ald. Nomura was over· auperviaora, tbat persons powered before the refueling qualified for the directorship w•0• comri p&etedth · 90 .l.....I the cannot be found among county u na e w nutes employeea. plane sat llolated at the north end of the apron at the airport's only runway, international fllgbtl were diverted to Haneda. Ban Covers Me"' Too LOS ANGELJ!'S (AP> - The BUtmore bu decided to ban men u well u women from itl turldah bath, steam room and 11mn8fluin facWUea a1 the resUlt of a dllerimtna- t:loo ruit. Tbe 1uit cbar1ed the bot.el wu llle1allJ dJ•- crimlutinl b)' allowtq onl1 certain 1ue•u to UH tbe I, f.etlltiel, leased by an all·maJe bealtb club. A coart ordei' ntn!oreed an qreerDeGt llCDecl bJ tbe hotel tbat ao 8UestS eould uae tbe club fadlltlei. ' . The director's post was ncat- ed Nov. 18 by Karen Klammer, who la now working for the Cont Community College Dia· trict. Paraplegic Slay Suspect cmCAGO (AP) -A 21-ya?· old mm wu fatally lbot at a party after be asked tbe qum- tton "WhatT'' to a peat in a wbeelcbalr, pollce 1ay. Autborttie1 Hicl Tbunda1 they cbarled a paraplqic su.t at tM pm,y. Albert stew art, 21; with murder after he alle&edl1 fled tbe scene lD bis motomed -beeldaalr. U.S. FOACea DIPLOY IN TH! MIDEAST .,.._... M.., 8hon Troullle lpoD end Nnal llov•• IUDmen told us tbat their act wu oo account Ot the return of tbt Mabcll, ··the lllam.tc meulab pro- phesied in the Koran. Arab sources in Tun.la iden- tified the attackers u MahdilU, an extremist Moslem sect that believes a new lllamic messiah will appear Mortl7. They are ; allped with tbe Sbllte branch ol : Islam, which la practiced by ' most Moalems in Iran and ! several other non·Arab lalamic : nationa. • I • Flashers Flap San Joaquin ! Women Janitors Win Verdict C.Orridor Route Ey~ · BUCKSPORT, Maine (AP) - Th.is town's major employer bas been found guilty of sex dis· cnmination because it wouldn't let six women janitors clean the men's k>cker room. St. Regis Paper Co. was cited this week by the Maine Human Rights Commission . Male janitors are allowed to clean women's locker rooms at the sprawling paper mill along tbe Penobscot River. "There'll be bell to pay in Bucksport," said St. Regis personnel dil'ector James Ter- rell, referrtq to tbe furor be ex- pected the ruling to genente amODI male employees. Tbe women rued complalata qatmt Ule com~ in Aprtl. contending the ~talon to bar them from the locker rooms froze them on Ute Dilltt ~ bee .... the men'• locker room is always ct.aned during the day shift. They also sald the policy barred them from overtilfte pay because they were not allowed to work overtime to replace day- sbift worken. One of the women, Flora Webster, complained that male employees were less than modest around the womeri janitors. "lf the men at the mill are so upset with all thls, why are the doors unclosed in two of the locker rooms?" she asked. A union official representing the women at the hearinc charged that male workers de· Uberat.ely expose themselves to drive the women out of the mill altocether. "That's a sad commentary on the morals of Bucksport ... Ter· rell retorted. ·•vou make it sound like the mill workers are a bunch ol flaaben." Of the 917 DOD-management workers at the mill, 9U are men and 52 are women. Company official• told the com mtuton that to ••reuoaably accommodate" t~e women jan.iton would diarupt nonna1 activities 8t the plant. wblcb producea hieb-crade macnlne paper. 1 The mm•1 1oet4r' room la w.ect day aad ntabt ltJ wortera 1bowertq and cllianctn1 dathes after work. St. Relia esUmates It eoald COit bTJ,000 to reDOHta the men '1 locker area 10 tbat women eou1d clean one aediGll while the other area wu tn me. Company officiab said they will study the ruliq before deddinc whet.bet' to appeal. Cop Arrested LOS ANGELES <AP> -A Police officer WU amoat those rounded up for sollc1Un1 a prostitute in North Hollywood and has been cited for attempting to solicit an undercover policewoman. Orange County Supervisors : 1re scheduled to decide oo a : route for the San Joaquin Hills : Transportation Corridor at their : meeting Wednesday. If supervisors make a de· cision. the bearing will be lhe pubUc'a last chance to sway de· ci1ioo-maken oo what route the corridor will take. In late October the county PlannJna Commi.aaion endorsed • t,be bigbway'a environmental Im-t pact document and recom. t mended a route that would beCiD t at the OonJoa de1 Mar Freeway in I NewpartBeadl. t The ab to el1bt lane ~ ~would tben eoanect ; to the San Diego Freeway near AYerJ Partway lo San Juan : Capf.ltnDO. ' Romeo.-ntn bne clashed • • w1tll b111iaessmen and : tram.,.utioa planners over the • propoaed roedway, projected to ~ handle 8$,000 130,000 vehicles a day. Residents have criticized out.es that would take the road tbroueb neighborhoods and claim that, 1n any event, there is no money available to pay for the corridor's cootruct.ioo. But transportation planners and businesamen have favored the concept. sayin" the hilbway is badly needed to relieve the county 'a traftlc cooiestJon. Tl1a11k~~i'"i11~ Hctllcla}"7W Preview··! ., , .. l Stmp1f C-1 Bdnt I AU 0. ·,,,.. na., ... •• ·two kinda of potatm. eeveral forma of Ude dlabea and one t • kind of tarbJ. Bia. tbat la. E'ND tbe reminder of tt all la ..,..,,. to make you clutch your mldlectloo. Delplte all tbla. J atlll bad enoulb strenatb left to re- mind tbe familJ tbat my f•vorlte PGfi·'lbanblivlnl de- lilbt la turby ADdwicbee cm wblte. Tbll prompted tbe Daqbter of our outfit to inquire lf that meant I'd put peanut butter CID tbem. Sbe'• obHrved ... me make aanchrlchel before. Sbe'a CCJDtinced I'd put peanut butter cm a alrloiD lteU NDdwieh. I've vowed to .. • ab9tain CID turkey. How can I be prattllna OD hen 10 much about food on the day after the day befon? ANYWAY, ONB·~ tbiD1 about bavtnc t.be turkey day reput early la tlW 10Q ean do IOIDetbiDI afterward iD an effort to reeonr. We mmaaed Uda by taktna a drive downcout to ~a.. N Noo llD eup at tbe Balboa ferry landiq. No estriaDI leaiM.DI out in fnmt of JOU OD Balboa llland. tramc t.broaP Corona del Mar. It wu just deliptful OD a cool. crisp 'lbanklaivinl Eft. You Ud t.be r'Olld to JOQJ'self became ever')'body else waa imtde. Eatinl, eattna • ..ttna. IF THE FOOD EDITOU and restaurant columniltl have tbe touCbelt tUlta today, maybe the health columnist and~ wrtt.s laave tt best. can lit back amul:Y and tell us all bow to work it all off. 'Get out there, brOdms and listen, and repent your ams oftbestomaeb ••• " U~tbenextMtofboUdays. tbatil. CAMDEN. N.J. (AP) -TIM Thanklpvtna rivalry betweea two blab 1chool1 waa over· abadowed by tbe rivalry of two motorcycle ll.DCI when lunftre erue~ed OD the football field, sendlDI 5 000 fans acreamiq fOI' cQver :zMl leavlaa lt penou ln· jured. El1ht persons were hit, lDclud· U.. a 2-year-old boy, when abcltl rans out at the Woodrow Wlllan Hlih School field dwiDI tbe th.ltd quarter of the same Tbun· day apinst Camden. Police aaJd at lea.st 2> abots were ftred. ELEVEN PERSONS suffered other Utjuries, lndudln1 ~ hurt when they were trampled by neem, apectaton. Dosena ol police offlcen. cca- ver1ed OD the field to restore OI'· der, and at least 37 penom were arrested.. The fighting erupted between the Wheel.a of Soul la.DI of Alco and the Ghetto Riders of Camden Just behind the IOUtb end zcme shortly before 1 p.m.. police said. •'There were clearly l'nwhota fired and a lot of. I 1ueu. general hysteria bere &Dd we'ft bad an mdiDa -an abrupt ead- ini -to our scheduled 1ame iD thia aru1. laq rlYalry • wbicb datea back to 1933," aaid llia7· by-play announcer Herb Hm tlb of WCAM, Camden. "ALL OF A SUDDEN we aaw a crowd, a horde of people nm- ning Crom the left comer of tbe field toward our aide which bouaea the puter part of the stands here at Wilaoo Field and you beard gunabota," HW'Vitl said. Camden wu leadiq lU at the Ume ol the abootlnp. Police ordered the game postponed. Blizzard Strands Many Towm Come to Reacue of Travelers ~~ ......... 11!119 ...... --~------------~ ...,........,...., A~ • ,.,_ -,.... ,,_ o.-•o..... .... ·•. •'• llllM .......... c.-... ~ ...... ,,_ .... •Ulff ... "' .,.....,...._. ........ .... ........... 111 W,_...._ .,. _ _. ... ............................ •t Cll•YfltN ••r• r•tcltH 111Y .... ~ ,,.,..,, efllr ....... ........... .......,a. ............ ., ... , ........ Witnea1ee have aa.ld ll'OOIJ9 did not move asai.nat t.be mob anW Clve boura att.r tM embaaay 1le1e be1an. ._..._ \be two Americans ktlled, tbe rlot claimed the Uvea of tbree Pakhltanl employeee of tbe em- busy and two of t.be rioten. llANY IN ISLA•ABAD'I dlplomadc commamty have a · preued aurprtae and anaer that tbe martial law re1ime of PUJ.atan'a pneideDt. Gen. Zla ul-Haq, aeted 10 slowly to put down the rlol, tri11ered bJ rumon that Americana Ud in- vaded a bt:Y lloelem shrine in llecca. 8u&l1 Arab&a. KKK Plans Visit To Crab War Area SEADBIFT, Tau CAP> -&u Kia Klan ...._. U7 t1ae7 don't latmd to eaea•ate a local crab warWwe• Ta:w ad Viet- namese when tbe7 lpore tbe wt.-of 8ndl1ft olftdah aad tend a small "faet fl.ndiDC t.am" to tbe couta1 Iowa Ulla ..-end.. But Tnu Srand dnp LcMla Ban aal4 Tnnday &be hooded order ma1 return to tbl towa ... twee•• M'Xt month U they fmd aQY indication of a covervp iD tbe death of a wb.tte ftabennan. Bean aid lD Puaden• tUt 10 or 15 Klwmen would con- duct a "small fact ftnd~~" Saturday lnto the Au1. 3 sbocJt.. iDI clulh of a Seadrt.ft Billy Joe A.plill. •"Tliey are goi.q to iDter'Ylew and talk to people involved in this. 1ben will be DO ~·· We do plan to 10 to Ctty Hall and make ounel.a lmowQ. ' aakl Beu. wbo said Seadrift resldeata bad ur1ed tbe Klan to rialt tbe town. "We bave received calla at our at.ate otnee tbat there were lr· re1ulartUes· iD the iDvelti&aticm., that weapona ued lD the killing were at or misplacecl. a.ad tJaat t.atJ.moQy tbat lbould have been OHD Ill tbe trial ... DGt. .. be said. I . . ! .. Desthaatioll i• Do_.t As mercy suppbes ror t,;ambodlan r ef· ueees are loaded onto air freighter in background, Gov. Jerry Brown talks to members of sponsoring organizations - Richard Walden, left, and Lew Werner. Even as flight left Los Angeles, Cambo· dian government had not issued clearance for anyone except five-man crew, leavLl'lg in doubt the future of five other personnel of participating relief agencies who want· ed to accompany supplies inland Sailhoat Capsizes , I Dead, 2 Lost in Storm SAN FRANCISCO <AP> - One per110D died and a aeeona wu mtwtng after their sailboat sank in storm-tossed waters, a U.S. Coast Guard official said. General Hospital. A second man, Ralph James of Mountain View, Calif., wu in stable coodi· lion at the University of California Hospital. Both bad been carried near the shore after swimming from tbe· sailboat, which bad foundered in 10-to-18-foot MU, olficia.la said. TBB IDENTITY of the mJa. inl perlCD WU not lmown, ol- ficlaJa Aid. Police and ft.re offieen were .::nm'D"Wd to Oaea llada -· "lltftCdl j9l ... GI the Sin Francisco Zoo -by persons who said that two boats were in trou· ble about 1,500 feet off-shore. A Coast Guard cutter reached the White Bird which carried three persons and towed it to Pier 39 in the San Francisco Bay. The Sting capsized before resc:uenarrived. Crosby said a Cout Guard lifeboat and helicopters searched unsucceufully 'lbun- daJ' for m OTerdlae fi.lhinl boat oil tbe Fan.Doll Islands. That seareh .... tD resume todaJ'. Barricaded IN ANOl'llER RULING in the W/oman Taken trial, Turrentine dismialed a • n 1 conspiracy count against border patrolman Daniel Charest for 1 CAMARILLO CAP > A Camarillo woman was taken In· to custody early today, alm06t 24 hours after she barricaded herself 10 her house. fired three shots at deputies and refused to come out. Deputies, mental health specialists, clergymen and famt· ly friends bad neeotJated round· the-clock with 39-year-old Joyce Morris by telepbooe Thursday. lack of evidence. Charest. 29, ~ still faces a charge of perjury in testifying before a federal grand , JUfy. That lfand jury indicted him two months ago along with Jef· frey Otbersoo, 31, Bruce Brown, 33, and Dirt Dick, 24, oo charges of assaulting three 'Mexican aliens with night sticu and fLSta before forein& ~alien.a back in· to llHiCO. t Turrentine refused a defense ; But abe fired two sbota at motion to dismiss all the deputies when they arrived ln the charges on the ba.sia that a tape morning, fired another shot m reconttna of Border Patrol radio the aftentooa and refused to .. trinstnilslom apparenUJ wu , come o.& of the bduse. destro,ed. : Sleek-thlpe twimweM", sheer-shelter pareos, the brilliance of hand-painted flowwl on violet: open side maillot ls traced with knots, to wear with "1IPI or not, 8 to 14 sizes 84.00, suuaatheert maillot with built-.in shaping, 8 to 16 sizer66.00., both nylon-tpandex. Shoulder-view pareo may ellen tracu hol1deu co1Ject10n . • ~ t>ecome • hip4cnqttad sklrt, nylon-trlaceta18 116.00. Active SportSwear Make a date to see the Ellen Tracy Holiday Collection presented by a special representative ~ in South Coast Plaza on Saturday, November 24. Informal modeling from 11 :30 to 3:30. . •I Ellen Tracy shapes the _ classics in a festive ~· mood. New lace collar .• ~ blouses artd slim skirts, ..... pJeawd t~•rs, blazers. .:· And t)o1kfay bright : : ~rsJ>y G Ltd., a ·~; divislori of Ellen Tracy: ·~; new Ct"ftJ skivvy sweater ~~ k8'hole back netktf In aza8- turquo19 Or ~nkle ~ 17.00. F.l:e-t...nlng • ~ cowl in red, turquol• :, . or fUchsla 111.00.. '• I ~IJc.end.'WOOI. ., S,M,l! Sizes. ~ i ~= I A i I I . I tJeart Research Pays The American Heart Association, an eaUmated 15,000 delegates strong, was 1n Oranae County recently for Its 5%nd Scientific Sessions -sessions that pointed up just how tar heart research bas come in the United States. True, coronary heart disease remains the number one killer in the United States, accountlna for 52 percent of all deaths. But, as statistics a.bow. death due to heart disease is on the decline. "We've seen the peak." researchers say. One message common to the sessions was that persons can do something to avoid coronary heart dlsease. They can quit SJlloking, cut out foods high in cholesterol, have their blood pressure checked and lowered if neeessary, and exercise. Those rules seem simple enough, but it's taken JO years of earnest effort and the expenditure or more than S300 million to bring them home. Another message made clear at the sessions is that the person who survives a heart attack need not feel he'• come to the end of the line. Today's sophisticated diagnostic and treatment procedures have made rehabilitation of the heart attack victim a reality. The fight isn't over, of course, and perhaps never will be. But the atrides already made are clearly impressive and give promise for future breakthroughs. They Care About Us With the Christmas shopping season getting under way today, it's certainly heartening to note that the moguls of finance are concerned about our welfare. The United California Bank, for example. is spending a small fortune on full.page ads urging us not to go overboard using our credit cards on the annual shopping spree The bank warDA that we can get in awful trouble if we buy too much on credit, tells how to determine if we're in trouble already, and suggests ways of setting out. Since consumer debt throughout the country bu just hit a record $4.45 blWon, the warning may be timely. But -combininJ. our long memory with our natural cynicism -we can t help wondering bow much ol tbe credit-,buying bablt dates back to the days when bank.a were era~ticall1 pleadln1 with ua to try their bandy-dandy li~lastic cards -and even val\mtarily increasing our t line when we paid up on time. Also offerlna helpful Yuletide advice ii the U .s. Department of the T"reuury. It.a auuestion is a U.S. 1avtno bond for everyone on the &lft. litt. : If the luckY recipient keepa the bond flve years, lt will yield 6.5 percent annual interest, we're adviled. Now there'• an anawer to 13 percent tnhation! • Opfn4ona expreaeed In the tpace above are thoM of the Dally Piiot. OW.~ ••pteaed on tht• page at• thOM of their authora and wti.t.. AMdef comment I• Invited. Addr"' The Daily Piiot, P.O. lknl 16e0, ea.ta M4111a. CA 12828. Phone (7,1') 642-4321 _ le1lble. And nobody knew wlao be WH. Tb• 1tore mauier lihruued and t.oJd bOOkkffDlu to blll tvery rich Arab Who bad an at· count tbeN. So tu. HY tbl eorretpcmdentt, who do oot alwa11 tell tbe truth, 10 Arabi h.8Ye ,P&ld tbe bUI. WAIHIMGTOH -ntM • Ukl11'~ ... u., ..... -...., Kl~\Mlr l p.YMI •oell.teller ud &M .. of lru -baft lfrlet ......... _.... LD tbl wood•ll• of. an Amerlua Cl\Utnllbl. nut 'DaDSNT -ID 1'11. u.. IUb ... uae c1rtvtna fOl'Clt , ...... u •• a1troDomleal lt•P iD oll prlcu. Top· ttcr•t doCD· maDtl 1bow that lbl Nb· OD admlD· latratton eould lllave 1topped 'bl1 f11laou1 oll IOUC•· To an unmu&l cl•lrff, ~ A~enean N1pGOM ta1 lD Klu· lqft''• baDda Illa 1uperion dur· ... ~ ot IWpoDM .... immobtliied' -tbe ou11ot:n1 Rlob.,-cl Nlxoo by Watersat., tbe tncom•n• OeNld Fonl by lack ot lnformatlon. 9AlJDI ASA.BIA, poeaeut:nt ~~uarter of tbe world'• oil re- 1erve1, could have tbwa~ the sbab '• rapacious price demands. Tbe cautlout Saudi rulen, ln· deed, oft.-.d to bSock the prtce rtae If the Nlxon admlnJatration would restrain the •bah. Even aft.er pricea soared over the moon. the Saudis offered to force them back do'tfn by nood· Lna tbe world market with oU. But lbe Saudis refused to stand alone against the oil bloc; aU they asked was that W aablncton use lt.s enormous clout with the shah to get bis cooperation. Aatoniabingly, Kluinaer op- posed any interference wttb tbe shah, who, therefore. was left free to continue agitating for bi&ber prices. Thi& enc:ou.rqed the other oil·aelllne nations to joln happily in the price push. The disastrous increase stalled the U.S. economy and now threatens to plunge it Into a tailspin The time for response passed, meanwhile. without any plan of resistance. without any policy but a surrender so abJect and complete that 1t is scarcely re· membered today that Uua was not in the unalterable nature of tbin1a. SECOND INCIDENT -Kiss inger and David R~kefeller have been agitating since last January to i.nslall the shah ltl one or bts many mansions lD the United States. KJssinger spoke to President Carter. tele~boned Paul Harvey .. lhtlooal .. carttr •••IHr lbt1mew BnnlukJ ud .- wttai 1etn1car1 fll aatt C1ftlll 'VMffabcMU..AM. Jut tM ..... O.,artmeat .,. NCUJ ~ wt.at WODld b1ppea.. It.I analyats wU'Dlid Uall tbe lr1Dlaa1 would Hl•• AmericlD bottaCH aod bold tbem lll aca..ce fM tbe IMb U ... 1bowed-up her'e. TBS A.NALYIT9 reeopUed that JiU•1 reUsto. INder. tM AJatollllb Rabollab Ktlomillal. wa1 ID iaiplacable. lrndcmal fanatic wbo mltbt not U-. co 1* IOlf.""'~ a1lo UDdtntoOd tbe ~'1 of UM_..,, tomfortabl• c1uUoua United 81aMMs Wore the wnk llGt Ndl· 1eu..uoc; Tb• Stat• Departm•Dt. U>emon, .-t u.e optn1m o1 tbe U.5; embtltY lo li'M OD tbe effect tile a.bah'• admlJalon wou.14 haft "oa tbe ••Ubelnc a.ad MCUrtty ol the Aaleric&D repreaentatlvea la Jraa and HpeclallJ tb• Am"rlcan emplo)'elia oftbe embUly." Tbe actiq u .s. ambaaaadoe: m Iran, L. Bruce Lal.Deen. cau-·uoned Wasblnttoo not to admit the 1hah wit.bout prepartn1 "an effective and easenUal force for tbe protection al the embuay. '' The espert view• were 81· aembled by Under Secret.aey Davld Newsom. who .recom· mended atronely aealnat the shu · s entry. Thi.I adv lee wu submitted to Secretary or State Cyrus Vance, who forwarded tl to the White Howse. BUT KISSINGER end Rockefeller kept preau.rrlna t.be Carter admtnlatratton to welcome the abah. They bad pre- vio ualy arranaed temporary abodes for him finl ln Nuaau, then lo Mexico. One State Depart. ment documeot •ucaeata that be could stay ln Mexico '·at leut un· til October " In October, Kiss1n1er and Rockefeller notified the White House that the shah needed cancer treatment. The White House accepted the word of Rockefeller's physician, Dr Benjamm H. Kean. that the necessary facilities were avail•· ble only in the United St.atee. There was not!ung lert for the Stale Department. to do but alert the Iranian government oo Oct. 21 that the ahah would be hospitalize~ in the United Staie.. Moderates in the Iranian gov. ernment warned that the shah's arrival could have serious con· sequences But he was admitted / ~~.And Wno did you \1ti~ home to&y, Me"'ry?" anyhow, with the predicted re· a ult.a. A ,bl&h State Department omciaJ blamed Kiulucer and Rockefeller fM preclpttatiq tbe crisis. '1bey have presaed 1or a year to brine tbe sh ah into lha country," the official told ua. "Now he's here and all our worat warnlnas have come true." WHAT 18 the reason for the strong devotlon ol K1&&1nger and Rockefeller to the shah? The bond that bolds t.bae three du· parate men together i s pecuniary. Long before Ki ss· 1nger joined the Nixon ad ministration, be wu a paid COD· sultant to the Rockefeller brothers. Now be ia back aga.tn on theJr payroll. T'bey. in turn. bad finaDcla1 ties to lbe shah. Their Olaae Manhattan bank hH alwaya received the biggest share ol lhe shah's banking bul1· oesa. A former high officlaJ of the Iranian National OH Com- pany told ws. for example. that the ahah peraooally ordered the company to cl anne. oil p rca.a1es throueh Chase Manhau.an. The oU price·increue, which Kiast.a.~r abetted. dc&Uled lbe ahab With petrodollars. Much ~ tbi• money reached Iran bJ way of the Chase Manhattan bank. BANKING SOURCES to New York City and Pans have told us that the s hah escaped with an Ln· credible S2S billion which ht! con trots through a maze or cor porate fronts. trust funds and bank accounts Rockefeller and Kissinger advise the shah OD how to mvesl this staggering fortune Foot.note· KJssinger denied to u.a that tus attitude toward the shah had ever been influenced by flJl&DCiaJ considerations A s pokesman for the Cha st> Manhattan Bank sa1d he could not discuss the finance., of a customer or the personal rela· t1onsb1p between Hocke ft!ller and tbeshah Tax Laws Discourage Personal Saving Our ~money 1s OD fire and consumer spending u• feedlllg the flame. Like a drunk poatJ>ODiD& the inevitable haneover wlt.b "onti more for the road ," Am erlcana. fearing their dollar• are ahrtnlting, are s_pending - when they 1bould b"e aavin1.--R ob er t Orban aaya, ... People are buyl..na anything " He H)'I be overheard a cuatomer . a1k, "What'• tbla?" The aaleepenoa replied, "I don't mow." 'lbe cuatomer aald, "In tbatcaael'Utakeoo.ly1b." I'm aware that ecooomista as - Art Hoppe chJractensucally conservative a s Milt Friedman have recommended tradln1 dollan for "things." Vet ln our pell·mell ruab to rid ounelves ~ ahrinkiq doUan we acceleratetheahrinkqe. For tbe put decade Americana have put ..ukSe lo aome form of ralny·day aavlnca about t . 7 percent of their apendable income. Thia past year oo.ly 4.1 percent. the 1eutln28yeant Wut Germana save 17 percent of their income. The Japanese are aavtnc 3' percent. Americana, 4.1 pereenl. TaUE, our tax law• teDd to dtacourage savtn1. On your aavlnp account interest -wtdeh la considered"~ lllcome" -you mQ pay • t.ax u bl&b aa 70 percenL Now -ID Weal GenllaD.)' the interest earned on long.term 11vin1s accounts 11 totally t,ax.f,... And four ol five German boulebo&da lake advantaae ol the oppor1mlty. Eaalud and France. Austria and South Africa. Australia and llrael -and many South American natiom -CWTeatly encou.rqe tbelr people to aave wltb leaaeror not.axes on savtn&a. •t:ANWlllLE our tax code dJacoura1euavtnc . Whal'• the difference? la addition to d:ivertiq more money into the marketplace where tt pushes prices up,. it robs oar economy~the indlvldulaa.tnp necessary to provide capital for bu ildlna hou1e1. f actorles, macbmea -to Jenerate output. incomeandjobs. AddiUooally. our eacalalmg Social Security talles diminis.b th~ motivation for persoaa.l 1a viJI&. In lbolt. government policy has been to dlacou.rage aavm. and to encourqe apendJnc. A FEW MEMBEaS of Concreaa -Sena. Lloyd Bentlen <D·Tex.), Herman Ta1mad1e ( D ·G a .>. Gaylord lfelson <D·Wil.)-areawaretbatourt.ax laws are woraenin1 t:n.natlon. They are lryinc to come up with an acceptable option. One lb.lnc we muat hope they don't do la to complicate their Umtted tax excluaion leaialatioo to tbe extent t.bat any money Amertcam aupt aave oa t:nterest they wtll bave to 1peod OD accountanta. What H There's an Election ·and Nobody Conies? ''What~ your mtidf" ''They did. Week after ..._ month after month. tlM1 ..t about bammerlq bom• Wbat. •eat. immoral, doddtrta1 diqbata tbelr oppCIMDtl .... You lllten to tbat mlft for bait a >'•Al' aDd 10U lta.rt bellntq lt. .. "I blow wbat JOU'n ._to tay. JllnJnJ WU a MW face llDll •bo needl .......... , 'l'hlt'• wby I WU IOfTY t.Mt Teckly, wbo'• mt an old face, peabcl too urty.:r- "Hed:id ?" J • • 9 ;..IVl 1 ''NothltC pe1'.9C!Ul. but 1f»lf balW•.9Yt minuCS olf." • Cell Ml-M11. ,.,. .... woteta .. ....-.. Starts today. Shop late. ~~i9:30. ' '· II I In addition, OCC'a Readers Tbeater took third place. Partidpanta 1Hre Sbelle)' Chase, Rtehard Rieth, Alice Eaaor and Richard Riley. College . Tabloid Honored Coast Community Colleje district 1tudent newapapera took first and aecood place in the lar1e colle1e tabloid com petition at the southern conference of the JOW"Daliam Aaaocla· tion of Community Collegea. Golden Weit Colle.ce•• Brandina Iron plaffd ftnt Md <fraqe Coaat Colleae•a Cout Report took Meood ID, tbe catepJ at tbe COD•' f erence at Ventura CoDep. It ••• Golden Wat'1 ftnt year u a tars• eoDeie ID tbe com-petl tlon. Laat ynr. Goldm West Dlaeed ftnt in the 1ma11 coll•I• cate1ory and OCC ftnt · in lar1e colle1e com- petition. ' J c. JllnDlck ot ea.ta Men .U tr.anea to pinpoint the location flt 1ubrduiliel. Bai tbON days, aloq wltb Otll•n aifnbers of Navy Patrol ~uaclroh 2a 1tationect at Cubl Pilat, ·Pbllipplnea, llbmlck peem .. an looktn• for •mall surface bOl&ta. • lltDlalct. Ul8 IOD of Mr. Ind Mn. <nor~ lltiliilct ol Costa . Mesa, la belptn• reaeue Indochinese "boat peopl~:· NAVAL Ol'FICLU.S SAY the men spend long days, be1ianln~Awttb brleftnll at 3 a.m. and takfne un at 8 for 11 to 12 boun Of 1canntna Ule IUJ'f ace ol the South Chin• Sea for the small boata. Since July 21, tbe Nny men have found more thu !SO refu1ee tic.ta, thJaald. Offtclala say a refu1ee boat lint appean u a tiny speck to the blue. then, as the plane dips, lndlviduaJ people come into vtey. u maqy u 85 or40ina35footboaL ' TBB PLJSaa l)tOP a radio tra:namitter wltb Vietnamese lnatnac- tlon1, aJoq with refutee 1urvtval packaC-emt,ataJqJood ~water. Before tbe paeka•ea werfl de· slpect. otflclala wd, fiiera beard cries ot "Help! We have no food or w•terl .. ad at tlmee becaJM so COD• cuned tbe7 dropped their own in· fkbt raUom to die ....... The planes also sean:b for Navy or merchant ships to rescue tbe boat people. IN llANY WAYS. offtclals say, tbe fliers ha•e to write their own maauaJ.s--learnina bow to deal with "" . a variS)' of problems. Many have bteome adept at compu\inl drift rate and poasible locaU001 to find the boats •lain if no rescue vessel la nearby. Fllena conclude each day with two hours ol clebrieftq, olllciala aaJd.· 'i .... 1 u ... , • \ PLANT &.NNtlAU, petn· =,m111a....,.w1crw· • war. tM rain mMea IClil ••workable, 111.,..u Samet. AlM, .._,aaa wt pt· ten to b9 •un ~· ... deu '9(on ttae ftnt ,..., ..... 111'. 1i•t•r baatu made aroea4 ............ .,. ...... .,,., ~ --· --. Jiluta daia't 9U1" ill wtt cold IOO: -·· Tb!I ta allo an kleaJ time far hmplettn1 IDCISt 8ftl'P I IM, 1brubt ud tr.U. ·uoweHr, Wore ,oa tidJi 4fiilnl up tbe -Jut.~ lta D1W loeaUoD. Uaull; tbe root spread ol a Jut~ I.be ~ •.PJ'Ud. la IDOYlq, lr>' to tal:e u aD7 roota .. po911ble. Be IUl'8 eat t..;t.:;r.:owua to help .. lboct. ·t • Ann co rttNG throaab l Uaie roata <ell tllrouP tbem wttb ~ ., spade. cat tbem wlda lbean) Ult ttiie pleat ad wrap tbe root tieD _.., 1D burlap or old cu-" YU. Gently lift tbe plant and mo•e lt to ltl new location :---quick)¥. Tbe IOCIDer the roota are re- co•e red with soil, tbe leaa "' damap air wt1l do to them (if ~ roota aet too dry, they can't re- cover), Water the plants in their ~ new locatlclll to seWe the IOll ! around tbe roots .. • It 1a belt to wait until the IOll .. be&lDI to warm, in early 1prin1. • before movin1 tender planta saicb M prdm.lu, hibiaeua and· .C'Jtrua. • . ' AS nil GA&DEN cboree thla moatla, SUDlet offen a few IUI· • •eattou. Control anaila and • slql either by steppiq OG them or 1prtnklln1 bait around. U ~u'd ntber cnalh IDallt, tlM best time to heel-and-toe them ii just after cart; use a flub tipt to see them. Cut back chrysanthemwm to within 6 to 8 inches of tbe ground as 1000 as they've finished blooming. Feed cool season lawm once a month and mow them at leut once a week because the.Y grow fut this month PLANT ANNUALS now for late wlnter and •Prlnl color. Also, plant bulbs for reliable 1prln1 color. Hyaelntba and t~ wt1l do well for one seuc.a U you cblll tbem in your ntrtaentor's ••aetable criaper f9r four to 1lx W..U before )'OU paaottbBm. . Plant bhlep'au, 179, or other' • e9ol-1euon lawn• aoon, tbe 1 •11ed1· terminate faat.r ha . 'irWarmlab weather. and h•a'l1 ra1Da could wipe out Meda « aprouta. , Plant any i,... or dlrub that lm •t ftost tender or aold bare J not iD JaDUU7 or FebruaJ7. BJ ,, ptantlns now they'll ba"· a eh.aace to pt eatabllabed before < cold weather. I FINllB PLANTING cool HAIOD •eJetablea early thia mootb ao plant.a will baYe 1101De poet arowtDI Um• befon cold weather aiow. tbeisi clown. Th1D oat d...il; folla1ed t..... ao 8aDta AD• ~ can pu1 tliioGCb bnDdM!I euily. Stake u « nnl1·.Piut.d thee to ••••t tbem-fr(tm belns ---iD sunn.. Gilt• el Nat.re Pine coaea are much more than Just aquirrel treata. Uae them u decorationa to create a natural holiday at· moapbere. Combine pine cones with k1tehen spices to make an 18-incb fraerance wreath or f ashiQn a compa- nion wall banging 30-inch "tree" of cones with optional twtntle lights. Cheryl Dennis also bolds a cone flower fantasy basket. Create tbem all with detailed lmtruc- tions and atep.by-step pbotoe by requestin& "Gifts of Nature" tUU).CI. Send $3.!in by check or money order to Steve Elli~, c/o Orange Coast Dally Pilot Pattern Dept., P.O. ~ 2383, Van Nuys, CA, 91409. Containers Grow Beauty That Lasts Tbe poulbilltles of enjoyment from ccmta1Der prdenlnl are bound.lea. For just loot at the nurseryman -everythinc be bu La irown in cootalnen and wbetber larp or 1mall nerytb.tn1 ll tbriv· inl and healthy. Tbere lm't anythin1 that won't srow in a conte•MI" far a llmited time at leaat and there are a large number of shrubs and trees tbat can be coaflned to auch clrcwmtances for years on end. Tbe point we're making is that the 1ardener is not limited to creatina corners of interest but that be can create luting beauty, aa well, with containers. RIGHT NOW, for instance, you can plant spring·bloomln& bulbs in containers. Daffodils, tulips and hyacintha, to HY nothing ot the minor bulba such aa grape byacint.b.s and Dutch 1rtaa -all thrive in containers and tboae pots full of beauty create a aprtng welcome in your 1ardea. Uae clay pots or redwood planten for your bu1bl and plat plenty. You can't over· do th1Dp in tb1a respect. La1• some p-avel in the bot- tom of tbe CODtainer, then a bit Of IOU mixed with l»Qae-meal and a tblD layer ot plala ICl6l to conr tbem. Soak tborou_...y and ltore the coatainen tn a ~ndron A 'Favorite' OfGardenen Tb• rhododendron ia one member of the plant tlqdom tbat often an extremely wide aelection ot colon and apeclea for different climates. Betna a ~!:.r .!!or.:·~. one of the favorites of California ~-lbodode:ndrom may be plant· id ..,um., but nuneries will laaye tbetr lar1eat selection ••ailablj fnnn DOW UDW May. Your nearby member of tbe CaltforDla A11oclatlon of NorHr1m•n wlll have tbe •arl.U• beat autted to your local cnmn. candlttom. cool, preferablJ ;dark place, where root development can take place before top powtb atarta. Water them u needed to keep tbe toil 1m1iat until tbe tops puah up, tbeG move them into the aunllpt. When you plant bulbs in large cootainen like plant.er boxes, it adds to their beauty lf you overplant with bloomlnl annuals sucb aa alysswn or violas. JAPANESE BLACK Pine planted in a container will live you an imuaual effect as lt will remain dwarf and happy over theyean.Pnmeltannuallyto maintain tbe ah.ape you like and to dlacoura1e e:sceaal ve top 1rowtb. And don't for1et tbe dwarf fruit treel tbat are Ideal for coatalnera npeelall1 tbe dwarf~. CameWu are Del'fectlJ happy lb coatalaen for 1ean and yean and they are a tlme17 choice u tbey S::J::. DOW 1bowlnl color. are another example ol plaata ideal· lY l1'0WD ID contalDen and 1DaD7 dlffenmt forma can be combmed in a 1iD11e planter. Your local member ot tbe Callfornla Aa- aodatloo ot Nunerymen II tbe best pide to buyiq aueculmta. The lilt 11 IO lolil that ~ an euler cbalen by ll&bt than by name. So, when you think of con- talaer 1arcluln1. do pat feel limited. ThiDk of those roo1...,., 1ardenen tllat h e created lutiq beaut)'= the UM of eonta!Den and •tioa. Weekend Gardening ChecldUt • A tboroqb 1pra)'1D.1 tb1I montb will cut don on tb• aarden peat PoPUlat.lon next 1prtn1. ... .., ... ud tr.. will need pliiDIDa durtq tbe Dat two moiitht . Aall JOUI' nurHrymaD for • ptuDl•I manaal. Indoor Gardens Amazing SALE WEEKEND GARDENING SPECIALS 20% OFF ON ALL SHRUBS & TREES 0,. .,_,M Mfte ....... •. • Pttd9y,. I Ever thoucbt 0 .,. ... &Art ...... c.a. .... Ml-0137 r • I aarden.lna lndoon oo ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~;;~~!!!~;;!;;~ wtndowalll or with fhaoreaeeat u.bta durtnl tbe wtaler' IDOllf't•? All you need ll • few pac. llqea ot Med, plant-• 1DC m1a ad Iota ol amall pota. There are euily arown annuala a.ucb as dwarf mariaolda and· coleus and even a few ve1etablea that will IJ"OW under these condi· tioos -they wtl) tur· P.riae you and amue vis-· iton to your home. To becin, fill your 4-• lncb pota with ptuttng mix and preaa down 10Uy. Plant tbree or four mari1old.I or try three or four tomato Meda (cbect witb 70UI' nurseryman for tbe riaht varieUel for indoor 1ardellinl) to ~eh pot_ Cover them ll&htly with· IOU and keep them even-'( ly molst. • AT AVERAGE room . temperatures, the seeds will sprout ln a week to ~ • ten days. Be aure the young aeedlinp aet all • the sumhlne possible either natural or artificial. Thin or snip extra aeedllngs to just leave the strooaest one to each pot. The marigolds wt1l love it in We've got that once a year feeling ... ...) Wreaths • Vi•it "lbe Gallery" where yoc.1 will find Southern California's largest selection of unique irnpon~d ornaments, all displayed on beautiful fresh trea. • Give a gih that 9JOWS. ~ from Pine Pots. Poinsettias, Orchids, English Ga,.,_ or beautiful fresh wreath&. • For the finishing touch in holiday decorating, Roger's has IOYely wreaths and centupiecea handmack from our own designers. • •• and it shows s.i ~ .. Hoed. MacArthur Bh.d., Newport Beach. (714) 64().5800 0...4WIJ,a..te~ tbe 4-lndl pot and will bloom nicely. The tomato will have to be mo•ed to a 6-lnch pot to . •Ive ita roots more • room. -===::..._~~~~~~~~~~~~-==-~~==-.=..;~..;_----=--~ Don't foqet tbe coleus aeedl wblch will ghe yoa beaatltul plants wttb tboae fudutbag pat-teru lllld colon on their leaves. Tbme seeds are tiny 10 aprlakle a 1ene~ amount over the surface of tbe plant· tnc m1a and then barel.J co•er witla 10U. You may ban to wait two week.a before tlDJ, all- ll'eell leaves appear. BUT, DON'T LET tbeae fool you. Tbe dif. f erent pattern dealpa and leaf colon will start abowtna wttb the Mcmwl pair olleana. It'• fun ta He tbe rich Hlmon, brlaht roae, valvetr crimaon and 1lowiQC aotd lblidll ctemop anc1 mt.rtat. wltb tbe lreeD on the colea•'• leaf. Wben tbne ••babies" are bis IDOGlb to han-dle, Mllet time,. lib bat ad traaplut to lDdiridul 4-lDcb poU. W a&er thH• plan ta crow~~· lndoor1 ~IO tU1 wata> com• oat the dr'alnq• llole into th• aaacer .. low ill• coatalaen. Pour "" the ~ llMl tMn don't ........ 1mtll the Mface ol tM p1a1Jttnc m1z , .... drJ • \be &oadt.. Pia • ,.... ma tMm wttb a ... .oluble feftl.l1ser •bOall ClllC9..,.,. ~: ENJOY GREEN LA'NNS All WINTER I 10 LBS. OREGON R'YE9RASS SEED ANO 5 BAGS i :fitjf;ftil S1£ER mm llDl c:ovm 1.000 IQ. n. BARE·ROOTROSESEASON Antwllg ..... ANEST NO.lGRADE ~T AOSES • Cekbrities 'Going Easy OnGasolirw NEW YORK (AP> ~auportattoa Secretary Nell E. Goldsdunldt drives a Dodae Aspen ltatioo wqon, Dr. Jayce Brothen and cbef Julia Cblld have Volkswa1ens and ntbor Nathaniel Bencble, toob about lD a TO)'Ota CorollL They were among 29 HlebriUes uked about &heir motoring babttl for December'• Moneyawortb DeW1paper, a na· tional COlllUJDer tabloid. OF TB06E Interviewed, only three said &.bey have a Ro& Royee or a Mercedes. In nsponse to· tbe question, "What k1nd of a car do you drive and why?" Goldachmldt said be drivea tbe 1971 station waion chosen b7 bl.I wife because "we need a tam.Uy ear." Cartooalat Gahan Wilson dri.--..,. ....., 8PYdlr •fbeea .. tt'• llL'' a tarna oa1 to bie ••··••too, be adds. Atlftma PETE& S. BeaCle owns a J9'12 Datsun with 110.000 alles CID It. "It'& tbe only car I've ever lovect,••a.eaays.. Actor Andy Grlffltb and come- d.lan Phyllis Diller have &olls Royea. But they both have 11everal other cars. "I drt.-e a 19151 Rolll Royce, a 1938 Buick eonYel'tlble coupe, a 1IM Ford p6ckvp truck, a 1930 Model A Ford Roadster, a 1928 Ford Phaeton and a 1912 Buick Electra." Griffith ii quoted u saying. ''The reason I drive these clnl ls because I don't own a bicycle." NO FAVORITE Phytla Differ &oleolEl 1'-11111maatotle .: ..... ,_ ........ malor It ta.. Ull....., af .. ..., ..... 10 "-:=nl:' IMlt ..,. lat ..,.. wlWtre'' •· .. , .............. ..,. 411 cl Clilt no11t11111," Jl4lllaa ..,.-n. ............... . f.&o4 jot» ...... 1111 CGfPCll'• t1oe.•• 1o·• • • • ud btaded tor Callfonlla. H• -.._.., bareJJ, Tbe van rokt clowD iD YOMmlt• N• ~~.:a:.;~~ tov ,..,.. 8oOlt atter-C ID09ed NC:ll tot.be .... of Veraaaa&. UM ·-.. bona for llcleMr'I NaU.ft't. ADd DOW the mu who eoulda't. tau.om worthla for ••aome .,orailoD .. la pNlddeat olbla~ WIDLS &KINA 18 mubting b1I ea 1111 ban -which ntail for •boat '7S emta eacb -mam- ly to .h.... be .. ,.. almost anyboct1 wocild s« a dlaqe out of them, from aeeretart. to ctis.- co-clancera. Each 1.5-ouDce bar packs 190 calori•. And bow does Loretta Reina feel about becoming the namesake of Mother's Nutt.era. As ber le.I tells It, "Mom was dell1hted, but the next item bad t.o be named after my father. He was lfWDbliq." So, keepln1 the family at peace -and the buainea ex· pandini -Mother's .Nutten soon will be }oined by "Pappy's Potpourri," a "gorp" mix of nuta and raial..n5, plus one for the entrepnneur: a boney·aesame crunch called "Sonny 's Sesame." fliarges Nixed In Love Case LOS ANGEL~ <AP> -Aft.er a review of the Police Com· mlsaioo's report on the Eula Love ~Dfc District Attorney John Van de amp said Wednes- day there la still no evidence to JuaWy crlJJJlna1 chars• in the CaH. Mrs. Love, a 39.year-old widow, WU shot to death by police Ju. a after Ille allqedlJ tbl'eateDed two ameen with • bit• iD • dlsDQte artama from -aPldd .. lllJL la • "'°" tbat .... atUdl:a:I from Pallee Qslet Daryl Oates, the Police Commluion raled that tbe oftleen wbo &bot --violated department poUey and lbowed Mrioal erron in Judi· ment. • Dow Accused SAN FRANCISCO CAP> State safety officials accused Dow Chemical Co. on Wednes- day of faillng to exercise caution prior to a May 26 explosion that killed two workers and boapitallzed 30 others at the Pitta burgh plant. Be wise this Christmas - shop where you get friendly service, a wide range of gifts, convenience -and save time • and energy. Shop Weetcll/I Plaza -where shopping is always a pleasure. Santa Claus will give free rides in his sleigh on Saturday, December 15th and 22nd, from 12 to 4 pm. THE .GENIUS II NICIOWAftCW.. ., PANASONIC -DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW 11....,.3,.- Panasonic NE 8020 "The Genius II" Now. the Genius II Is even smarter than before. This year. the Auto Sensor Controf enables you to defrost. cook. and warm all at the tap of a Stngle control! Just tap one oontrof and the Genius II sets the time. temperature and power levels for each cooking function so you can oonoootrate on delick>us meals. SAVE MOWAT DAVISIROWM YOUR MICIOWAYI OYIN HIAD9UADIUI WHIRLPOOL ~ -f0T11rlll< Whirlpool 19.8 cu. fl No-Froet refrlgenrtor freezet • Ice M~ ice-maker OMl l' option • Tex1uf'ed Steef OoofS s4999s • AdJusttt>le tempered glass ahelYes WAS.-LHA.5500 ~~~----....... •4 cycles •SuP4tr 5uf"g1lator• Ao•tator -•3 Enefgy·savef wa1er te . •2 level ~ter-sav1ng DITB LHlSIOO ..--Custom Ory Control ·• drying temo., •3 drv•no cyc•e-. •Tumble Press· SAYE MOW ON PAIR .. -.. \\h1rll'1111l •Touottloe door opener •Air Ft ....... .., c:ontrd > •8ttftlaop 9wlld'I t .Kev f' •1.0., flllf111'9c+--~• • ~-.._-.o1eont-.. II~ Eiect'11f'i< T..,..ftl • • lle<-lftt Ti- S.i«lor SAVE$100 • ................ COLOR TV EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ONLY $329.95 perFOr111il11Ce TELEVISION SYLVANIA ·'-' -------: • -• • 2 1 " 0 1 a g o n a I ~ Oark-ute• .c; T 400"' chesais •• 1()()% sohd-ttate •Self-Adtuating Color S~tem ::::;iijjjiii;jjjiiii' •Aotomatlc Sharpness "'~iiiiiill Control •Elecrronic Channel Select er ONLY s499•s REMOTE CONTROL HUllY TODAY! SUPPLY UMITB>l SUPER VALUE SAVE 570 NOW ONLY ' '69995 STEREO CONSOLE At~ 72, SWMen Still Seeki Prea;,Jency WASHINGTON <AP) -Harok1 ~~un't bOim elided to publlc offlce smee 1M2. bat tbat kun't llapped blm from '111UUn1 for presldent and ~..am. and •lain and ep1n and •tam and He ..,. U be wen to alt out 1J80, he would • impeet oo public policy. And Ube were to Ille• !aded by tbe RepubUcw aod wjJl tbe ..-JdenQ'.lllitwoWdlla•• monlmpeet tben UQ'CIDe .. 80. D SA TS, BB BAS cbc»en a middle eGlll'M. He will nn and make speeches. ud be in· tec•icwod and be beard and bave 101De impact. II• candidates !ove to talk about campalp .U.tecJ. Stasaen loves to talk about wues but becomes evasive •hen be talb about bis campaJgn. ••rm not an optlmbt," be says. "I'm a realist." In lMS, be sou&bt the nominaUon, but lost to Tbomu E. Dewey. In 1152, be ran •lain. But ln the cooven~ battle between Dwtaht D. E1aenbower and Robert A. Taft, be threw bJ.a dele1ates to Eitenbower. He served in Elsen.bower's Cabmet u foreip opera. tiom director. ID 1958, be offered hirme!f u a candidate for vlce 0 =deot to a futile attempt to dump Elae •1 first.term partner. Richard Nixoa. IN 18 AND ua, BE ran for 1ovemor of Pen-ns y J yania. In 1959, be ran for mayor of Pbllllddpbia. In 18&t. 1968 and 19'18, be ran for president aeain. He ia 72 -and jokes that be makes Ronald Reagan look young -but he ls attlJ bi1, 6 feet 3 in· cbea tall. wttb a atrone handshake. SAVINGS T070% l~l ~ r~ ~lrfUR.E ('l .E .\H .\:\('E ('E,TEH . At aee 31, Stassen was the "boy governor" or Minnesota - tbe youngbt governor in bis· tory, and twice re-elected. Jn bis third term, be resigned to serve as a naval officer in World War Il. A Jjjhtly grayed toupee bides his baldness. He • practices lnternational law, with offices in Phlladelpbla, Minneapolla and Washington. FRI.-SAT. SUN. DISCOUNTED-CLOSEOUT-DAMAGED FA~RY ERRORS· CANCELLATIONS· AS IS fTAS6aN IN IMC. HIS KEYNOTE speech impressed the GOP coavention. Minnesotans offered bis name for pmident. He says that he does not tire of running, tbat his wire does not mind and that bia son and daughter -both teachers with doctorates -have never asked him to ail one out. What sort of Republican I.a be! Gifts for the Kitchen CREDIT AV AJLABLE PICK-UP PRICE ~~~ .·· .··~~ Chclca 1 10 f!MU,4llm£W~ 0 Tools for the Shop •1 '" rim A Tree SL. Gourmet S.t SLANT BLOCK, I 5 KNIVES, STEEL Mr. Chrlstmai 7•/a'' CIRCULAR SAW lnsta-Shape Trees 1 ~ H.P. Ace.pt$ optional 73.501 rip fence. Has power lock off button and sawdust 5' 7' oui;.eG· 59'' T~~=·=~~gs 39" 59" OUR3j~G. 27'' -----------ALiiiSOiii AVAIL.ABLE OUR REG.Ct" OUR REG. 79" ----------- elector. 7308 Thermal 81 Coff•maker 49'' MEllY MIDGO STRAIGHT ·Liii sn • Glve1 you cMc:or1tlng flex- REG UL. llatld for lndOor/out· ·3 '' OUR lblllty. Reduces tingling. 5 .. · door decor1tlng. Uset only ll w.ttl. PiJLL STOCK OF-CLEAR BULi ST Rf NGS IElllDY TOOL IOI SCREW· DRIVER SET 8-plect Scnwilrher Stt 4 99 • ! I yet dressy by~ Cadwell and the new choice cuts. .. S-pocl<et jean in blue cotton, for sizes 28 to 38; 137. The brown ... striped cotton shirt, for sizes S to L; 42.SO. In Collection "' Sportswear, the Men's Store-where we are all the thi~ you are. ., Come meet oorC~ti""···Nov. 30th and · iJ/!!~-~ collection ' ·'f In y 2 to4. ... .,, l } • • Trucken Train, Too .. llO'TtemOf' ... PMIPICTW •nlOll• MTfl APf'UCAno. Tiie ...... "' .......... _.......... ........... .....,.._, _....._ ~--~ ..... J .................... ,.__vice Ill Ctll ............ " ___., ..... ........, ..... ~ , .... ,,. ---------~~WllU•~-~ '· ""·.., ............ ..._ .... ,......, lftllllolt Ill__.~ ... ... ~ --· ""~ --..... ~ •llltllle ............. . ....... ~ ............ ........ ,,,.,.Pk"ICT ......... l ... t ....... aNI-: .............. ......... -ni.~c-. .... ., ........ ~ .... -.-....., .. •Hie llM tMI c-cu t1Mm t• ,.,. .......... ......-. .. "'" .. '-!Wt .. ......... ......_ .. ,,,,.. ......... _ ........... ~-~.__ ... , ..... , ff Wftb • _.,, ~ " -" .. ... ctw .......................... . ·-·-C ...... I MU MU 11.7 .. I ., '. ~ . . . . . .. • Find bite to long ateeYe. amart styles k-. fashion textures and lovely jewel tone co4ors. Sizes 10-18. Reg. 26.00-34.00 a.le 21.99-29.H 4.01 off gift savings on our entire stock of robes Wrap or 1'p frtint styles In Polyester or Arnet• triecetate fleece and quilt& of polyester/cotton or Polyester/nylon. Hohday ook>f'S in slzes S-M-L. Reg 18.00-37.00, •••• 14.40-29.80 20o/o off 3.01 off sweaters In a ,blg gift array Button or zip front caidlgant In a choice of collart or hoods. Acrylle tollds and tweed took• In mines', juniors', S-M-L. Reo.11.00 · ~ 12.99 ~ 1.·~-: . l.., '1 •. . ...-.. · ... :, q\ .. '· '• ~ ' . 11: •l\l .. ~ .. I ~ ... •· I •' \ ' I I ~ .) '~ '· ' ' :,., .. .t ~· ~-r· - save on famous maker toddler coordinates give·her 14K gold jewelry now on sale Beautiful chains, bracelets, charms. charm hOfders, pendants, earrings and nngs, all 14K gofd. All on sale in our Costume or Fine Jewelry Dept Reg. 15.00-230.00, .. le 8.99-137.tl 40o/o off luxurious leather handbags at savings Shoolder and k>&e bags ll'e richty designed and tal1ot'ed with outsJde pockets, Interior compartments. flap or top zlP cfosu<ee. Reg. 30.00-48.00, Nie 22.SO.U.19 25o/o off save 7 .01 on boys' warm ski jackets Snappy short jacket atyie& are In cottonlPolyeetef poplin, as shown. or nylon with zfp out sleeves that converts to a vest. Sizes 8· 18. Reg. 42.00 34.99 entire stock of toys for Christmas treats Choose from teddy bears, dolls. race car sets. electronic games, puzzles. skates and lots more Holiday treats for every age! Toys not in Fremont or Santa Rosa. 15o/o off home giftsl fully quilted bedspreads Throw style bedspreads ln decorator prints and ftoral8. Twin, reg. 35.00. 28.00 Full, reg. 40.00. 32.00 QuMn, reg. 50.00, Nfe .a.GO Kint, reg. 60.00. aale 48.00 20o/ooff~~ give him a pullover at 4.01 savings Classic looks with multi-tone contrast patterns or bold rainbow stripes in our big ee'8Cti0n. Aayfie io sizes S·M·L-XL "-0-22.00 17.99 5.01 off Italian knit pullovers for your man Special lor a specral man. our own rmport m rich colors, accented with st11pes. Good looking acryfrcs 1n sizes S·M-L-XL Long sleeve, reg. 18.00 12.99 . . -. . . .. . , • • BUICK qUALIT'1 ••• GM . tXDNOM'1 .• •. AMER1€A1' ',. · ~xva~ ..• !!411~ IN ONE SPECIAL CAR ••• REGAL '80 DISCOUNT OFF 'l'HE MANUFACTURER'S KET AIL STICKER PRICE ••. • • • DISCOIJNT DOES NOT APPLY TO DESTINATION CHARCES OR DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. FBI., SA.T. 4 SIJN. ONLY! Bauer Senice Dept. ·open 7 A..M. To 6 P.M •.. ~. trdoohinese arrive in Orange County, carrying with them a hoat of aooial, emotional and physical problems. RefQgees8 Although they're safely settled in Orange County, many refugees are still plagued by emotional traumas like the Vietnamese woman who help- lessly watched her young children drown . By DENNIS Mel.SLIAN Of .. o.llY~ .... ~ Tbe Vietnamese woman baa the same J oJ ... tmare every night. The memory of her ' escape from Vietnam is simply too fresh and I tooborrifyingtoforcet. , ~ Tbe woman and ber two Yount children earlier tb1a year attempted to crou the heavily guarded 11e1ton1 River when a wave capeiaed t• tbeir -boat. • The woman aurvl ved but btt children ' , . didn't. Md...., atabt ln her .... lbe bean u.m eallill1to•. . .. llama, mama belP ffite:" the)'mo.t· -::~· e.1.1 ..... ha beatd Mut lw'NWtal dories about refulees who bave risked their liY• to .-cape Communi.IW:ioDtroUe Vietnam, bat tlda 15 Giiie abe beard flnrt-hand dariq a re- centtrlpto~ ntuaee camps in 'JbUand. hears them calling to her. IT tZPaESENTS THE KIND of emotional traumas m1m.1 lDdocblnese refugees are living with )CJlll after they reach safety. · 111. Magee, refugee coordinator for the Human Services Agency lndocblneae Refugee Aatiatance Project, told the story at a wortahop aponaored hr the Orange County Mental Health AasoclaUQft. TJMt worbbop was held for social workers, therapists, Mbool end church members and emp~: -11 of. thou wbo are deallDt with re- fqeee bl Ortaae County, which ia home for more thaa 20 000 Indochinese. But Cbe fcirtabop paid special aUentioo to the mental health problems -and available tenlc:iea -ol the ref usees who cooUnue to ar-ri.e · tn Oranle County at a rate of more than 1,000 • month. .JOINING•&. MAGEE on the panel were . mental health worker Mai Cong and Dr. Sam Kawaoami, MD, both of the Human Services Agency. Ms. Magee emphasized that many refugees have adjusted well to their new country, are working and "following the American dream." But others, like the woman who watched her children drown, have experienced traumas that continue to plape t.bem emot1oD.ally. But even those who haven't 1olt loved ooea or left them beblnd, often mu.st ~ tbe up. aettinl problem of adfustlq to otbei' io...: of atatQI, ec:onomle lnde~nc\eoee ud t.nl4Utiona1 eUltural niue,. c.......-Mid --•·vs.am ta.. f9ml1' ~ tae mast tlQOl'tant ror. tit niial~ emo- tional difficulties. But for those whose families are disrupted, ~ tradiUonal raounes are not av~. llltS. CONG AGaEED. sayiDC that in Viet· nam emotiooal support come. tbrouah the fami· ly and religion. A person also may cope with anxiety by visjting a fortune teller. GoiQ1 to a psychiatrist in Vietnam is ODlY for the "in· sane," abe added. Emphasizing that be didn't want to stereotype those wbo seek bil help, Kawanami. who bas extensive experience dealln& with the psychiatric problems of lndocbinese, said a few generalities can be made. He said many refugees who are suffering emotional problems try to endure it and when they get to the point of seeking psychiatric help they are deeply troubled. 'However. when patients come to see him, he said, they seldom complain of depression or other emotlonal problems. They'll often say they're troubled by t physical ailment such aa a headache, tnaomnia, diarrhea, or riftl\ng ln their ears. ·'We d o see a great deal of the psycbosomaticaortofaymptoma," hesaid. · AND ALTHOUGH PATIENTS are checked for pbya\ca! aboonnalltiea, es.amina· tiona usually don't reveal phyltcal problems, he said er Nightmares KawalWIU atreaaed the importance Of ob-ta.inln& a b1story of the patient from relatiYel or frlendl became the patient ma7 bide bis ttue feellnp behind a amale or aeeminaly Sood spirits. Mn. Cong noted that many refqeea tum to work u a cure for depression "A lot of Vietnamese here are wortini two or three joba, .. sbe said. "Some work to exbaua- t1on so they don't worry about the past.·· SllE AODED THAT hard work alao belpa ensure their economic security. And the mooey they make can be used to form a family base ao more relatives can be brou&ht from lndocbina. Mra. Cone, who came to Oraqe County in urrs. said many Vletn.ameee are limpb bavtns trouble dealln1 with culture lhock. To live 1'Glbbop parUdpa&a 1Miaht into Vt.maw •aluel aJld cuatoma, lln. Coq pre. •eateclCldlameralportralt: Tll8 ~~mlly. • lald. ls aa •· tended luDUJ; ~·'11. llUlde llP ol baibead .. ~--dllldren .............. .., wunanled CtilldriiD. 'A Jot of Vietnamese here are v.orl<ing two or three jobs, · she said. Some work to exhaustion so they don1 worry about the past. I IT'S A llALE-OalENTED society wtth the senior working man being the bead of the household and the one who represents the fami· ly in public. Women, however. are bigb.ly regarded and bold the purse strings. They le1ally keep their la.at name. althouah in social life the woman is referred to by her husband's name. Mn. Cong said that some youni Vaet· 11amese girls in America are astinc to moff out of tbe family home, which Is causine some fric· Uon. It"• unheard of in Vietnam, where unmar· ried cbl.ldren, especially female8. remain Uvtng at home. WHEN CHILDREN IN VIETNAM are be· mg seo&ded they must bow their beads and oot look up. If they do, it means they are cballena· IDI lhe adulL lD Vietnam lhe typical We3pan is 40--45 and the retirement age lS 55 Mrs Cones.id many older VietnaJ:nete faced Wlth an American re· nremenl age of S5 . ba ve trouble facing the idea of wMkin&put the age or SS Mn. Cone uid that Vietnamese are taught , not to dilpta.y their emotiona-"People wbo keep their cool are respected"-and she 1u1· gested that tboee who work with Vietnamese encourage them to so they wtll be more will· Utf to talk. Aa for talklng. the word "yes" an Vietnam doean"t necessarily mean yes. Mii& CONG SAID for a Vietnamese to say "yes" when beina spoken to is the equivalent of Americam N.Yina "uh·hub." It merely ipdicatea that tbe penon la liat.enin1 to what iJ beinl said. inl said.: Mn. Oona was uked how a person can be sure tlley are pUina a commit.men.t when they are~ to• Vletaameae. 81111 ~ &akinl if the peraon Wl· ...._. ._, are beiJ1C Mb4. ''Clutty . Ilaire~ tt.ey mdentaDd.. •• She also was asked bow to conrince a Viet· namae penon wbo realty _.. madal beaJtb servicel um 11e or ,abe follows darouCb .w. it. • 'Deal .u. it wtt.111 • lot al MSaranee and aQ:thority:' abe recommended. "587, 'TIW'a what I feel you wd and Um co.ae&or woald be Ut a posftion to beJp yOQ •••• Treatment About 30 years ago. little could be done for a victim of tuberculosis. ·'Treatment'· consisted 0( heavy doses of rresh air, modified diet and some surgery and patients often wertl sbUffled off to sanitariums. TODAY, DRUG THERAPY with asOOJuid renders TB victim.s noninfectious, and they can return to tber job, family and tbe community. accordin1 toCbns Hayden, a TB spedallst wtth the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta Hayden, who as based an Lo6 Angeles. spoke at a recent forum on health problems of Indochinese refugees More tban 1,000 Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians arrive in Oraqe County each month. briqin& with them a host ol health problems. ·eat· Care F~r Refugees: By far, however. most <>r-ae County res- ldenta are concerned with Ute fPNad of TB, Hayden said. TB is an airborne-transmitted infeetion caused by a rod-abaP.e<t bacterium. lnfeeUoc takes place only ibrough breathiq COO· tamlnat.ed air. Hayden noted. THE DISEASE 18 SPaEAD by persons who have tbe acUve form of TB, upreaaed by IJDJPtOIOcS Of cbr:_cplc OOUlb and broachWI, wuknea and• 411 ~-llat-ltuden pointed ~ ..... iujority of TB victUDa ba•e an inacdve, non.lnf~tious form ti tbe hm1 disease. '1"M. TB bacterium Uvea In a dormant atate and idt)'IDP'Oms are ezpreuecl 1'ben ii a I to lO ,.ttG dlk. however. that a donlla.nt baderta eoukl reactivate to the active, tDfec:tioQl,a\.ata. Once lnleeted, tbe d1Hue remaim in the ricUm for the rwt ol bJt ~ .. 1be hannleaa lllac.Uve state can be ~J'ftom de· v~ Imo the MUve f~,t.bJ'Ou&b 4rui tber•P1·. ' A TB attn teat HD ldtiitttj Uie lnacUve ronn. a.tJt-.ra,s ud ~ ltmlli• are then med tb dttermhM if lie 'at.MUe baa switched co an acUft atate. "A P'l'IOG doel DOt beooJJM IJlfeeted l'rOt:il •• ••·Ua:M Gpoturt\.. ~--~11111 . !~-ii 'fi'l~1 11•1d~ 1~~1~ 1!•g a 11;r\il .. i:t~i, .. ,: .!:: · l.l"t· f :a, Ii':&-. t~ I ;~ ii. U _f ll1 a :l~1,: (BS! Ir ... si Tlfl·'· Ii .,~1~.i : iii~~ 1::l•Jft r1 lflfill. a 1~1•1 3 ·1r 1~ 'hl~'l ·~ it a !" 1s .. r 1 sr ::• If r 1 ... •1 .. • JL .... 1 J t . -~in s _ ~ ~:r (:: f _JI· t •&' 1: •11 fii._.e"!' I:< f=I . I d • f~ ~Jo ·:~f r~ ·5(: Bl: ~1.;:!~ • ~ .. . , ~ ~ j~!'!: ~!!,!:.If • -I'·~ I.· .. ~.111.,Cla .. ~. tj.~J It f "!f iit~p-1 .. "; 11 :.; t -_ -~? 8!: 1~ .. ,-1~1~1[ 5.g; ' ·iE If ~·~ ' ;1;f 1 ,~-! . ~ > ' fl• 11-I 1·· ... , ~ I 'I · ;J;1 .. · r :~i•1:) -=~~' It ttf a hd ~ ;~Jri f ~f ~ ti : .,_ l.. ' '*"! .._.__.. __ ...........,. ................ -~--....... ---.... ·• • .._A:_ ... _ .... .. __ .__.. . ' i ·f\ -I ~ '! ~us a~1~ H ~i~il ~it~a et i!f . ~'I ~i:~&tl rJ~i~;r~~~,~~!itil·f s~ ~~~1!iliai:1i 1 6 11 h!P! fs i!r ~w f~; ;-f: ~;a sa.l~r~ a~--~· ilf!r s;I Cl s ~ .. -,,;~ l~-...2 ~rt~_,.. r!.~t11 ~ B!sz.-iisi.=Cl.1• 0'2 o .. ~"~ -a . f s = n l. E & ? ~ ~~-8 ii as ~ r;J i.-::; Iii a 8' S' • 'R ~-S = I ' ( 2' a ~ > ..--G~;;. IQ•t12 -1n•1a·• ,., a ·. 2.1 cfQ~r:lt!l • 6' .., .. _a.o..Gll ~ ., 11t " B J: t1:1 ~ Oii • e-~ G !. · -'2 ... •f · -: B -~ I') 9 -. -c:r w tr Cl> • • -B it ca -~ 0 g f Cl e; o -· "" = ~-:s sfl~,1 :..e.i~~ ai 11; (';.~~=1 1 t!tiE wit ~!;&.~fa !'( 1~ i~ ~-~rJ ~~ .;~ l~11~~isaJl ~t· ~~~~aa cg> ~gl~a~i1! .if ii•'l ~ill~f('-18'! ·1[ ~i¥[if ~! ! ~ 1' ! ~·=fl I , ~ " 1 ti~ i i. ... a-l : ~ 1 l ~ e o. ;-o ~ . ~ i J . " • .,. . ;-.., ( . ft -< fa B c ~ ~ i;d .. 1= al br:~ ~~fl! tif !i'~f h ~-i~~; -----·-..-..."'----. • P.lllliY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, NOV. 23, 24, 2S ij53oFF 14k Gold Jewelery CHAINS and BRACELETS Plus 25%oFF ON SELECTED DIAMOND, EMERALD, RUBY &SAPPHIRE Fine Jewelery. DESIGN JEWELERS APP•AISEltS AND GE•OLOGIS'l'S 91 Fashion Island. Nt'Wporl. Ca ~ 7J4/759-1722 .. ., ., . • "' . • '• *"'? I '_,. . 4t •· , • ,. "We'd take oar ltreet 'l'fte ll!t% Preparing far the Newport Beach Ebell Club's fund-raiser are Mrs .. McLaren Stewart~ left, and Mrs. Charles Kelley. The f asbion show and luncheon with a •·Puttine OD the Ritz" theme will be Wed- nesday,-Nov. 28, at the Newport Marriott. For information, call ~- Big Jerk ·Or Equal Righ~ Perk? D £A a AK N lq hateful and ·mean. waitresaea, piano preclatloa for good UNDaS: 'l1lere wu a Pleue teU me wbat J players in bars, anyooe tervlce It money. Bat bi& diaemaion iD \be of. can do to b•lp. -wt.o ,._ <Nl of bis way U•e b yew best ally, fl c e today about CONCERNED SISTn to be frtendl7 or li•es lloaey. 0.. at&-.. days Women'• Lib and the D E A a 818 TE a . good eervtc:e. No one Glaaal b &ohal &o k.lu Equal Rilhta Amend· .. Ba&efsl ... aeu'., seems offended. but I llle •19C PY a9CI he'll ment. How ~raey can v .. __. lb a 11911e don't like rt. Nd llP ~a fat Up. tbey tet? Oneafthe pls ..o &o me. Of ee.ne. ..Glannl" says that ·~~-l.l~:Y-:~'i reported she wu driv· y • a a re r 11 ~ t -.. all the world loves a in• her bulband to a fan-A•• .omeddq a..t M ._ lover'' and I am too 1..ai.-~'IAu.:S cy companJ stag dinner •a-~-aboat lla••J'• •••· critical. is be ript., "'~~lites when they bad a flat ~ ~ c:l•IH ea&tal UM&a, W I L L l NG T 0 B E IM..._., o., ._ ~ Ure. Sbe wu ln blue .. ...._ _ __.._ •-OPEN-MINDED · 1en-._ jeans aad be wa iD bis Mt;..--:::--,.._ b DEA& OPEN: Tile ~--· best 1111it. He aatd, "You helpiql at every meal. &Mre 9117...,,.. ua best way &e dew ap-c:at/llr-. chanae tbe tire, honey; I AU nemn, wblle be atta Up on SM leMol nne ~-~-sotta keep m,.elf look· in frant of tbe TV, be or die fa.Uy lloe&orf log spiffy." Sbe did -munches on leftovers Tiiiey ~ •l"'•k • pnE-HOLIDAY SALE iwbiJecartbe IQ Jert~~t into and Jun,k food. lt'a u lf a a • d y • • d y o a r a and Jiste-,u be bu to eat all the parea&a. Pleue U'J te ENDS TOMORROW, NOV. 24 e radio. I almost aoodles in the house anaapl&,'8ar. allowed my & um before anyme else gets D E A a A N N bell I beard that one. U}'. JANDEllS: ... a.c.atlJ I One of the anti-Ruwlyiaa&oodtkl, marrWamanwt.owu BRAen QQke up, aad and M eoald have • bonl In ...... eocmb'J.' Mid, "Tbat'tt"tbe wa1 it peat fllblre, lMlt 1 feel He comea i... an a!fee.; ~ • M. If women my parents .are fai.Uq Uoaate r.amur. TbG' an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-want to ~•e bulM, bim ~cause ~ their a~ all g~~ hu1gen tnacb, tasia, planes, 10 l a e It of co D'~ • r a . anct kiuerJ.. USS YOOll VIM. llAl9T9 c:uaas. AllUICAM llSJ'all9Cllll>r1' ~p ----------------------------tow.-Nut 'and An· Wbeneverlbriqtq>ihia "Giaani" doubt~-~ 341fn19Udo,,.."ortl..otn-46tO IDa'pollS.·'8 ftNmen Ud ~s~u~bjecl~~tbeY~~rtay~~rni~~be!·~~!!b!ee~t~ti~aa~u~w~a~lt~e~n~.J~IJli~============~~ COme up to th8 Top . . . ~to NEW K·WAVE, FM 108 Enjoy great music ... • -:WIN big prizes! We'ht ~to cSec•de on a name for our new Petlcan mascot. Cut your vote and yo~ may WIN I .............. .,.. ._..,...,_.MO .. l we ...... ca-.i ~ ...._ .... awac8Uon lortwo In LA 'AZ, llmdoo. lnclude9 fltght from LA. Wl8 Mlomexloo, plul double room for 3 'ntont• at the Jltl'lt04lt Loi ArOOI ......, m•Umm, they sbould do ~ evel')'tbini men do -in· • • cllMti.na cbaqln1 tires on tbe ear. They de- mand eq_ual pay for equal wan. ad this, to me, means they want to be con.aldered equals. So, in my opinion, they abould 1et no breaks becau.e of sex." What do you think about this, Ann? - OPEN EARS AND READY TO LISTEN DEAR EARS: Tile al&•allea yoa deserlbe ........ ,., .. do wl&la tlile E••al llll~ll A•e .. -.eat (wlille~ I APfod), .. It lau a le& to do wUll co•••• ........ ....., .... bl• beat c:lo&•ea a•d Wiier II wearlq )eHI, ........... aw. a ....... &M Itel& of ... •"*1· ......... illU .la CM car llat•hi1 '° Ille ,.... wldle Ida wife ..... .,.. • Ure bJ ... ... dN!nM a IN& r-7 ....... wlme. ' DBil ANN: I'm writ· ilnl '9 you for my 12· year-old brother. He doeta't bow I'm writ· lnl. I feel like be la ruin· in• hl1 Ufe, and my parenta arn 't doln1 artldu tollelp him . &udj Ii• more tbaa ,1Ult fat, be la pouly ~,;;'em!.-=' be~ llOl bl U. Alr Farce. I aow ,,., are vert trict about wellbl. · Tbe kid takes three This CHRISTMAS GIVE HER ·' Mexican Turkey rKJCOA FLAVORf'OL MAR<lARlnE lfl!OlloO , CMnQ\OlllO c=r:.TOlitDa.uc. =--=-me....;.. QUAKER .49 QQIO( OA111 ~MOl.G Hl-C' .53 FRWT DRINKS ~ A:llOlfrm ~~\IOlr.t ··-- tfOW that Turkey day is rp.-;r.•;r-.;.-.r.;~;.,,...11 Ol/f!f, there's Vons' beef •1, ·• 79' bargains to be thankful !1 1 ~~IL j 26] 1 1111 for. You'll find the amait• 1 ~-OUt<l. • 1 est. tastiest buys on ten-'I eonu. I de_._,_ cuts T~~ • ~iLIJW'Ot!..,__,__~ • llUUI -"'UUI~, •• -· ·~=·::::r.:,.~~-dil porterhouse. top sidoln -I ---------round and rib steaks too IJlll.lrl.'!--•--------.!l!Jl!---- They're all USDA ins'pect: fii'•---:-------, ed and Vons own Table •11 1 TOMATO 1-1 391: King bnmd. JOICE .18 I BOMEIESS 248 ~ ~~ • Ii TOP SIRLOIN II ... ---~\SSR'i'!f-11 ~ •• IEE-HZ.re ~~ w 198 l!m~ ttf ii BEEF 258 11 -~~i:..;6:15'.e::-•1 L"!··----------PORTERHO<JSE --------------------· ·-------------· ~ :•,voNSLCJNCH:2.,.5oFll: flW ~°" LU I MEATS I BEEF 248 il z::=._n Fl! ' T. anNE 11 --~---""9CTW 11 -uv 11 lllCllO u-.•.,...""'·"""-·~-~ I' STEAKS ~ ~..--~--~ I 11~~ I U &:'!.~-~~!'!.'!!.'='-~.=~~ .. CHIQ(E1t .69 OFnlESEA TONA UOllCZCA!t == .55 .99 ~49 ~ v... LEO'S SLICED MEATS UBBY8 TOMATO SALICE ~ .14~4 ~.79 .53 JERSEYMAID .2 7 fl.AVORED YOOQRTS toe.a~ ~'='~~ E.ARLYTIMES KErmlCKY BO<IR80tt ~ 459 4sg GROCERIES ;::;7=. ......... 1a1 .99 ~9 .65 .88 MEATS c:,.L.n..-..u..238 l:d'&b:S::. ut. 278 f!'laLl{f'° ~ J 89 Bcx1 -• Cluck Rm9t ut. ~r:..-s;:­ J;l:'£:.Ta,. =~ ~"°"' .... lt:k-r.;..lllM I& 119 && ]71 La ]88 &a J29 fA J29 l& J09 ;:.:'J~TIEAf lA J 59 a:s-.,..... ut. 229 VONS BAKERY ~-=--~~HI .59 ~4g&:.fOllC> 325 m;-...~ ..... ·.79 s::feut Lall t 25 UQOOR ~~ DEUCATESSEN ~~ v=.~r:;,. J59 .39 J09 IXR.MG. 1 ~Mlir.~5LQI) 85 JOI.---lMriuwt ~ .59 .99 J09 HEAL1H& BEA<l'IY ~ 233 J66 209 121 li.~.,.C:. .J54 &::.i&a. .... Loda9J73 ~-,_CMT*>O!aJICl!fQAOOW 197 a...n.ca A Gift In Good Taste - • -. ' .: . ~ Do-It Brown 1-1atna ls a ••J ol Ul• lor -many people wbo ut at aebool «OD~ Melaai'tOltlllle meals need alltPmdnim. u yCKt're fdrblaate to have refrtaentor space, take aJoDa Garden Cbleken SaJacl Mn'eCl with fnlb fndt~ Or If 'd ute •• bot soup. Minestrone carried 1ll '-tbermoa .,. .. wlthJndl'ficlual pact••• ot crackers and~ ...... eoottes or drl d I.cult for datelt. 70V lm· ....... WTSid luda ...... u. Wl· limtt4Mll I • aon~ l em (JMl a.Oii) -~ mm..trooe .. ~ .. ~ an...i.r~ Chuck ~_]59 .. IJUmWUP .. Wieners American BeauJY Spaghetti F~ Morton Dinners lib. 99 12oz. 25 10oz. 55 pkg. pkg. pkg. • • • • .,..orWt...e Fnmn Conc:enlrMe Macaroni& Ralphs From~ SU per BalPllS Cheese Bread Onllge Dinner .Mee ~49 1~79 '111.o& pkg. • PmrWlayflllen ... Food Borden American Cheese . .. CoacMfla Wlite Grapefruil 199 ~59 =·°"or ~ ·~ Orlando la':poo Tangelos ~119 per lb. U.s.D.A. Choice-a.et Lolr'"4..eo.1GN••2•• 29 Whole Top Sirloin :.r lit... 99 Spaghetti Sauce »,.O&. • ,,..,,.......,. Pineapple SwMIWlntef ':.' .25 ':.' .39~ Us.DA. Qelcie ................ Sirlc*I Tip Steak u.J..OA.0.... ................. ~Sfyte Sirloin Tip Roast U.s.llA. a.oa-F.- Beef Brisket '-"°"" ...... ,. Rib Half Pork Loin '::' 121 ,,.-.-..v ..... Fryer Wings ,,oz .. TurbOt Fillets ':' .49 ~ 199 '= 31e ':' 229 ~zit• Gnnf..ortp\11 .65 French Dressing '"'°t A-*'"-" 49 Cup 'O Noodles 2~. H91N...,_ Turt.y or°"'°" 47 HomeStyle Gravy 1~:-• .. T... 79 Instant Potatoes 1 ::. ...... -1.jqvjd Dish Detergent .10 Oii PKll Tide Detergent For ~.25 Oii P8dl Dishwasher All c:t.Mw(1 ~Cold,_,.. ContacJr. Anlacld~ Pepto Blsmol l20L .59 1111. •loL 159 bO• 15ot. ~ boa ,-- Nelis Peas ': .14 Mlld.S.... Brown Onions S.4•De1 ,.. ... -eo.tOS....Of Meat Bologna 1 lb 129 IJll9- ~ y;g~d ~=· .27 ........ Sliced .89 Plumrose Ham ~ · ~..,.. 129 Longhorn Cheese ~ 1Maloft" .... Oonft Com Tortillas 11o.t • .25 p119 11b. 88 p119 • ~,.. Bran Muffins 100I. 89 ...... '*'' ....... Ralphs Donuts ~.79 ..... Angel Food Loaf ......011111 ... .., Butterflies :t .79 FREE ... Cclupoft. ~,,, , . ......, ... Appetite Shoppe .r I. I f I . '" i.t' ,, l'1 - LOOKING FOR DAYLIGHT-Estancia Higb's Bob Unmon <26) will be looking for this kind of running room tonight when the Eagles battle Mtraleste High ln the first round .............. ..,'-... _ of the CIF Central Conference playoffs at Newport Harbor High. The Eagles enter as Sea View League champions after going undefeated throu five opponents. .Just O•t.' TQO Many ~O.whoys 12-man 'f!e/eme Give• Oilers Second Cha~e, Winning TD ·• IRVU.0, Tau(~ -Tm However. Dallas, tblokln1 famed. Dallaa Cowbo11 com· lloustGb ~to tey a fteld puter blew a ,_.. Tblll'ldQ ~ IHI. •• "wbenlcouldn'teoaiittou. • · ' Th• refere91 counted 12 Tl•' monamental mistake, CowboJI CJD tbe fleld ud David eoutt.i7 « DR~tJ ~ wu tbe odd man out. teaiu, ,._ .. OUiwl a 1teond ellaD •· od t11e1 The ftve-1ard pem•it, JDOYed eaabed la tile bOaer for tbe the bell to tbe Cowbop a. did 1am•W11Dtu'toaebdown act a CJD tlle neat down, quarterback wtld, •M/NaUoeal Football Dan Pa1torlnl l'Uled a Leape~ touebdown pat• to Ken Bur· · rouab for Hou.ton'• wlnnin1 n Al.£ BAPPBNSD u.u um: 1eOre. On foartb·and·four from the In the other NFL 1ame on DallU rt, Cliff Panlef punted. Tbanbctvtna Da7, the Detroit Uou Nn+id tbe Chlca10 Ban 20-0. • Wbile Pmtortid ·~ a the coup de erace Wit.I) · : play, Cowboy• speclalt)' team coach MlU Dltka wu sDlktu his clipboard on the sidili.dei and sborittn1 at Stalls. peoed. '' However, bttka wa • no-show jn the CoWbO;a dnlltna room after tbe fame ana ctnaldn't be'~ about tbe dlatter. ''It woalc! haft been • toalb 10 wttboul that... Aid HomtOn Coach Bam Pbilllpe. "It wa the crttlcaJ play ot tbe same ... The vtct.o.b!Jut HouttGn a half·1ame of Pttttbm1b In tbe American CoJlf eNDce Central Division with a 10-3 TBEN BE SHOUTED at Coach Tom LaDd.r')' in an a · cban1e •loaf the troubled Cowboy bmdl. "lt WM a tll'IUeal error, .. dry 1814 tater. "You'll have uk Mike Dttb Just what • record, wblle the Cowbo7s dropped a baU·1•~r::.:id Pblladelpbia and 'f!I , with an U ledcer· .. Tu ooweon ma1 be America'• team, but we'N Tu· aa • team," uld "bUUpe. "I wouldn't haw tt atif other ffa1. Thia•• prababl1 tbe m09teml>-tfonal .-. rn .,. .. .,._ m. volTedln.'' It wu a 1•m• of Ro••r StaubKb ftl'S1ll Batt C••phell. Ca mpbe~l. ''•b•4 for toucbdowm Clb tu1s'V et IDd n yards and ftnl.,.. the da, wtU. 195 yarcla on 31 e8rrtea. Staubaeb completed touchdown ~of .. ,.,. to Drew PearlCID and 21 yardl to Robert Newlloase an4 bad 1t.atl1Uc1 of 21 of ao for 11'7 yaidl. . Tb• Detrolt·Cblea10 pm• ,.._•t ....,., • clnmattc. Tbe ~~ _,.. i u4er control Xomlo. "'*~'"' Thanla, No Thanka ftoNeedSUJud ·TV Anno11ncers : ., WD.L G•NSLEY On U:t';:tier ThanbCIY· tn1, a few Ua1D11 DOt to be t.b.ankful for: Football •nnouneen wbo "'1 ;~=--~-, ColdtmtmJ. B .... 11 wrta.n wtao altl :II t otbn be11blll wrtaen ,_ .... Yotea on the Moat Valuable PlQer award. Every ma bla a rtPt to ao optmoo, otberwtle w6y a ballot? It aboUI be aec:ret anybow. W armeckver stufftna. P9£t1DO PUal8T~ who berate players wbo spike t.be ball after ICOring • toucbdown. callin1 it "buab." Baloney Despite all tbe ID008J involved football la aW.1 a llUle boy s 1ame. Let them be little boys. While we tbil* cA tt. ba1oaey The atarcby baseball nde, il at actually elista, denymc first ball bonora at World Sertea 1amee &o ·~ and lbow per1oo•llUe1.'' Tbb cost BaJUman't Jnold llolftNrpr $2,500 for lDvitl.n& Maryland's 1ovemor to pel'form tbe l'Uual <without -ftrlll cn•w"bl Bowie Kuba). w ..... to-recall tba Frank Sinatra .... doee the btt in Loll ~. and wbat about all tbe PNadenU, star1inc wtth plllowy Howard Taft! Empty Alka-S.lber bottles. TV ANNOUNCERS who re· peatedly offend the ean with the 1rammetical borror, "Between you and L" 1be same 1oea for ua print 111)'9 lf pilty. but • lbarp editor uaual.ly clltcbea It. COMMENTARY up like a ba.llooo and yeJbq, "ln·dl·lea.-cbUD." Cold turkey legs. FALLEN FOOTBALL superstara wbo ref1IN to talk to you wblle they're in their &Jory but, once retired, bore you to tears with their bucutertq of antlpenplranta, popcorn pop· pers and other items on the big tube. That expenalve bubbly French water. Our sprtna waur la bet· ter. Reams ol publidty~ from wlivenity SID'• to 1et their campus footbell ro, or heroes, on the All-America team or eonaldetaUon for tile Hellman Trophy. Choreographed pollticaJ de- bates. ALAllJllSTS WHO warn that free aiency and million-dollar contract. will be I.he economic Puinatlon of baseball. Okay, fireballer Nolan Ryan signs for Sl mUlioo a year. Tbe Aatros will more than 1et lt back at the CSee NO TllANU, Pase Bl) • • 't• NO THANKS -· -··· .. .....----.-.---· __ . .._.._ ... ,._. CHllSTMA5 e.FIS FOii THI YaY SPECIAL SHOOT& HMMf .aADI SHOnMMS FllOM •OWl•ta .•• ROWNING /f#t (J.lltJt;e ~.s . 1: I I ~en Go I or. Third Straight Cro•• Country Crown SaturtJay t of the first beat-the one that eontal.Ded Edbon-m .t ,. 1 McGllnchey, went 1·2 lo tbe Sunset Leape flnala and were 1-2 ln thelr CIF preli.m beat last week. (Sftond of a t100-parl N'IW•) 87 EaNU CASTILLO Of .. M., ...... IUff Ute a well that never runs dry, there is a constant flow of talent pourin1 into the Edi.Ion Higb girls crou country proeram every year. '"Ibey seem to come m au t.be Ume. We lose one 1irt and ptck up two," says Coach Sue Church, wltoee ai...r,ers bld for their third atraii!tt CIF 4-A title SatW'day at Lake Cut.ale near Saup1. .. WE'VE BEEN PRE'ITY lucky," admita Church. wbo lnherlted a team that weal 1.S.12-20-23 in lut year's CIF final&. "U YoU look at a ch~ you couldn't diatinguiab between vanity and junior varsity runners unW the 1Stb runner." "It's a team effort and I keep reminding them that's the way you win in cross couotn-." "We haven't bad a procnm lone e:nouo to have Mnlors," aaya Garman. "But with a fol of summer runntnc and dedication, we're wort.in& oo it." Villanueva was third lo last year's crou coun- try fi.oals and placed Ith lo the CIF Masten traclt tw°""mile with a sterlin1timeol10:54. "She's mature and I would expect her to qualify for the state track meet Uua year ... Garman uya. "Sbe bu aootber year oo her and 15 juat •troacer." VILIANUEVA, WHO BEAT every ooe of the EdUoo nmners this year aDd posted the fut.est women's time at the Oranee County lnvitatipoaJ, la one big reaaoo McGllncbey bas improved from her freshman season when sbe placed 24th in the CIF cross country finals. 12:24 wbl.le teammate Sandi~ placed eiptlt 1.. to help the TroJana quall!y aecood. 1 .IOIELIN Fl88Ea of Cost.a Mesa, tbe Su J View Leacue champ~ who ran wtth a sprained • arch. placed ninth ln the prelima. She worked OUI 'l tba weet wtth no problems. : Holpia wu 17th and Flaber 21st lD last iear'g I) finall. 4 ~s it ., Other Orange Coast area hip acbooll, most notably Fountain Valley, Corona del Mar University and Costa Mesa, have an abundance of talented individuals but nowhere ls there tbe awesome depth lhe Chargers employ. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: In winning the Sunset League finals, Edison went 3-4-5-7-9-10. lo winning its prelim heat last week, the Chargers went 3-4·~ 10. "Bonnie worked out with AnnabeUe aU sum- mer," Garman says. "Sbe continues to improve .. -f~~~~=::;1:;~~~iigl;~ and sbe'U be up there with Annabelle next year. 1 She isn't too far behind right now." Seanning the Floor Kansas City's Sam. Lacey looks for team- mate in Wednesday's NBA game with Phoenix as Alvan Adams <right> applies pressure. Phoenix won, 128-120. JohnSevano For the aecond year i.o a row, Edlaoo's No. 1 runner ls a freshman. Last year, lt wu Andrea Kirk.om. the CJF lnd.lvldpal dwnplao wbo ran a 12:03.2 two-mile. Thia year, It'• been.Lealle Pratt. Fortunately, there's no problem with e1os. ''They don't th.in.It they've been taken over.'' says Church. '"Ibey lh1nk of It as an addition to tbe team. W'e keep thinking of cross country as a team effort 8hd wtaen a new ruoner comes in, that just stren~ the team." Alicia Klrkorn, Kelly Rineer and Tracy Melvin are all sen.lors who ran in tbe fina.la Jast year. Kiki Lantry, who alternates between the No. 2 and No. 3 positions, la a sophomore. FOUNTAIN VALLEY COACH Marci a Garman is also building a powerhouse, one that features the best 1·2 punch lo the CIF ranks. An· nabelle Villanueva, a junior, and Bonnie + ~ • Last year, the gap between the two at year's end was 54 seconds. In the league finals, they were 11 seconds apart and in the CIF prelims, it was down to four seconds. Susan M1lh, 14th in the 1978 fmals, also re- turns but the Ba.rooa don't seem to have encMaP depth to challeqe for tlle team UOe. ONE TEAM THAT DOES. however, la Coroca del Mar. The Sea Kings fulisbed third in the Sea View League dual meet slandi.og.s but have been coming on strong lately. They flnisbed first in the league finals and were first ln their CI F prelim beat last week. Ann Scott finished third and Barbie Ludovise fifth in the prellms with limes of 12: 26 and 12: 4.5. They were l.5lb and 28th 1n last year's CIF finals when CdM finished fourth. University and Cost.a Mesa, which qualified second and fourth ln their prelim heats lut week, also feature contenders for the lodividual tit.le. Polly Plummer of University was the wt.Dner · :C~ Tops JC 'Awards' -The f9Dowlil1 are my 2nd anqual awardl for the im JW:alor coUea• foot- ball aeaoo: . Predldllll of ta.e Year: <>ranae Cout sport.a information 41nctor 'Jm Carnett for ata~ in hit ftnt releue ol the year, ''Wltb the tou-1s schedule the Pirate. hue it'• concelnble they could flniab 1-t." wen. they're 2-7 ao tar. wbJcb II close eDOUSb for me. 8upNe tea• of tie Year· Oran1e Coast, for bavinl a 2-7 re«:oro. .-~a.ell el die Y.ar: Oranfe Coaatt Dick TucUr, wbo cao't believe bJa team 112-7. ~ Bel& .... of Ute Year: San .Dteio Meaa aDdSMdlebf (Ue). f ~ eo.-el U.. Year: Ken Swearinpn, Saddlel*t. face after bi.a team loet to Ora~e Coast last Saturday. Olfeahe tea• of ah Year: Sad· dlebact.. · Def...._ &ea• of &M Year: Santa Barbara. which abouJd make for a Sood Mluion Bowl contest with tbe Gaucbol, rtpt? <Yawn). Blllllder el tlile Year: To me, for in· correetly uyl.q it was Damon Moore's 45-yard run that set up the Pirates' win-nine TD against Fullerton. The actual hero wu Jerry Butler. Sorry about that, Jerry. Offe••ln pla1er of &be Year : Leonard Altavilla. Golden West. Q•ar'9r•aell of tl1e Year: TJm O'Hara, s.ddlebaclt. a.e.tttt ftf &M Year: John Jeaaup and lllU Eddo, Saddleback; ll~e • Camp,Oraqe~(Ue). DefeHIH •la1er of Uae Year: Thomas MorriJ, Golden West. Q.-of Cite Yea: SIDa Jim Carnett (Orange Coast> and Steve Andren (Golden West), alter they both at their first cooterenee 1amea, "When does buketball at.art." Won& &eam of die Year: Loa Ancelea cc. To.lites& nllfereace of u.e Year: Metropolitan. Easies& caafere11ee of die Year: Mla- slon. MM& overrated &eam of tile Year: Santa Ana. Bu& bowl same of the Year: Nooe of them. Wont bowl pme of dae Year: AU of them. Spedal ..... , C)'Pl'eU, for bavtna one of ill beR tbotball aea..,.,. lD the 1ebool'1 "1:f.! coune, for the lint Ume in tbe '• b.latory &be Cllarpn didn't Geld a team thll ,.ear, SUU, It'• a m!norpalat. Oite l.ast Hurdle for IJSC ONLY fnri g ... IZOD, &..C.. Golf Sweaters 1ad Shi1s , .. I ~~~.oo ..... -.... _..16?5 . • f:'i:J,.E:,,,., .. '" .. -· .. 2 f ~$,, I' look for the If ttle alligator em It signifies finest <JJ&lity end lat8ft llUtYling. • LADIES' SPORll WEAR ftO 11 . I •• I, ·, ., .! 4 ,:f , ' b. • c&· tM tea• Uaa Meoad. c :llOl&ld • IM iiCON chirtq the npa.~MNOD. mMtl MlilhNill NplteentaUve A1r 1'WCe c"(l4-I) 1n the' :r;'~~~= tied SWilord for woad place ht tbe Pac·lO. playa Ealt.erD reprwen. taUve Bucbell (~2.1) at 10:30. At noon, UCSB, tbe PCAA champ, meeu Lorola ol C'blcago (18-7) tM U·larie ie.m. Stan· ford, leecfld tbird with a 21+1 NeOnl. plaJ'I the otber •l·lar1e team, Bl'OWll (»U at t :ao. TODl'S VODKA GORDON'S GIN 1.75.un'.R J.7'UTE.R TM IGllDa teams will lllllll:;._._.. play at 4 and 5: ao tn the .,lef'DoclD wtth tbe win· nen advandn( to 7 and 645 824 8:=•·· '1 IC!hedule bu aatnes at 1:30, 3, 5 and 1'• c~ampioD1bip en· coQllter at 1:to. Ru8tlers Favored UQCIERS ~~ Amaretto DI Smonno, 12-0z. ...... 5.85 Drambuie, 2J-Oz....... ... . . . . . . . .. .. ... 11.11 QalUano, 23-0z. ........................... 10.06 Kahlua, 23-0Z. ............................... 7.73 Mldori Melon, 23-0Z. ................... 8.64 Tbe Golden we,t Southern Comfort. 1.15-UTER ..... 12.01 Collece football team T1a Marta. noz. ......................... 8.61 wW cJclM GUt .. ~p. .POIOUll• .... OD, b, . BLENDS = W• ttandanll, Hiram Walker lmpertal. cxwrr ... 4.85 btont .. tR(l7:30H> wdhen ltt Kesster, 1.~ ....................... 11 ,12 ~:;:.a.!.t. 0 • 0 • ~ 7 Crown. 1 .~ ~· 1 J .62 The auauen, •tin BO<JRBONS CASE RETAIL 132.45 125.68 113.77 87.40 97.73 67.96 97.35 54.86 62.95 65.71 UM Sou&bem Cal Coo· • f~ Q4 $-3 overall. Arident Age. <:¥.WO" •. . ... . . . . .. 5.88 66.55 are ~tmawcbed tn ~Times. QUART ...................... 5.88 66.60 rc-4 ..: ::a.coo-H. Walker Ten High. t.~ .... 9.42 5334 :~teamtobeat:::. l.W.Harper.~ ..................... 7.25 81.99 RuaUen ID eoafeience Jbn Be.am, r.75-trrER ................. 10.96 62.00 •::.c:'9s.o-=: .:.~·~ BRNll>Y AND COONAC Crtb ln the Avocado Christian Bros., 1.75-UTER .......... 12.05 68.21 Bowl. E & J. l·UTER .............................. 5.80 65.81 TB g a UST". a a CouM>lsler v .s .. 750-ML ........... 12.54 141.95 have .be.a rollblt oflai., Martel V .S.P •• .......................... 11.16 12625 wtJUaiQ8 ~t .fOUI' l'&M&ftf &MC gatnea. eel '-""I~~~ Eatt LA, ·U, last BlackV~QOAA'T ..................... 6.02 68.13 w~ ~ tiave out· Canadian Club. 1.~UTER ........... 15A9 87.65 ~•s.ea, ov~r ~~~i Canadian Mist. QUART ••. ... .. . . . . • . 5.96 67 .44 mohtb. Seagrams V .0., t.75.UTER ......... 15.49 87 .65 Tbe]liaest faetor for QIN the 81ilden' daaqe bu come oa ted~ their Beefeaten. l.75-urER .................. 1435 numbll!i' ol ~vera per Qlbey's, 1.75-UTER ........................ 9.53 ~==·.c;;~:t ::! Gordon, ~ ........................... 4.98 laat four weeks com· Seagram s. QUART ..................... 5.53 patecl to• a 32 ,before Tanqueray, 1.~ ................... 14.70 that. 11ae a.u.n abouktD't ROMS have tOo uoable Bacardi Lt. & Dk.. 1.~ .. ·-· .1 OA2 :l~oe:;b ato Ho:d'o Cestllo Lt. & Dk., crJART ......... ••·426 <2-J,-S·•> 1••4• tbe Myers Jamlcan. 7'0t"IL.. ............... 7 21 *1-.. •I. ~ West SCOTCH b.H ._. t11t two m~ Ballentine, 1,1~n::1L .................. 14.72 ~ I Chlval Regal. QUART .................. .14.83 1:.: Quny. l.7SUTER.i ........................ 12.05 t..;)ll;IR,&'11~~'"'..,,&Ca. J & e. C¥JART ............................... 9.59 aomnleW.._Bk..~ ..... 13.50 LaUdets. l.7'-UT'Ek ...................... 1120 TEQOILA ~~To&:·;·.mT.t:li1 ....... " l•m Cliclld. ~ ...................... 120 81.16 53.90 56.40 62.61 83.22 58.96 4824 81.50 , 83.89 167.85 68.17 108.60 152.88 6339 71.66 49.29 81.37 80TTlE CASE RETAIL 5.52 10A8 9.49 7.29 8.15 11.33 8.12 4.58 10A9 10.96 5.55 5.55 8.89 6.84 10.34 11 .37 5A9 11.83 10.53 5.68 14.61 5.62 14.61 13.53 8.99 4 .70 5.22 13.87 9.83 4.02 6.80 13.89 13.99 11.37 9.05 12.74 10.51 5.98 8.22 6.79 Johamlsberg RJedig Bealleu Vineyards, 7~ ........... 4.04 Barengo, 750-/'\L........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 cresta Blanca. 75<h"\L . . .....••... 3.24 Robert MondavL 1»ML . . . .. . . . . .. . 4. 78 Saia~ 1»ML. .............. 3.63 Wente. 750-ML ............................. 3.27 SlrnJ, 750-ML .............................. 4.84 44.00 35.20 3520 52.00 39.60 35.64 52.80 /\/1/Z MA'JEOS BL<JE ~ ROSE or WHJTELEBAWllLat 2'0Cn::E ~ '--~ .... 276 311 Gamay Beaujolais Almaden,~-.... . ........................ 273 BeaJlleu. ~ ............................... 2A2 Chm1es Krug.~ ... ··················-·275 Monterey. 7'0"'l-..... ·-........................ .3.03 R. Mondavt, 1'!IOML. . . .... . • • •••••••••••••• .3.13 Pan:lud, 1:.0~ ....................... 2. 72 Chardonnay Beringer. 750-ML. ........................... 4.95 Christian Bros., 1~~ .............. 3A9 Fetzer, 15<>-MU .......................... 423 Giumarra, 750-ML ........................ 324 Monterey. 750-ML ......................... 4.55 CHENJN BLANC Christian Bros., 7'0ML •. • . • . ••.• •• 2.58 Fetzer. r.o~ .. ............ ........ 2.91 Frandsian, ~ ................ _ .. 2.63 Louis Martini, 7»MI-.• • . ..... _ ....... . 2AO Mirassou. 7'0ML 3.16 HENRY WIENHARD BEER ' 6-f>ACK 12-0Z. BTt... ~ACK 216. 29.70 2632 30.00 33.00 34.00 29.54 53.90 38.00 46.00 3520 49.50 28.00 31 .60 28.60 26.10 3435 21.26 43.95 35.94 46.75 39.52 2A8 2.20 2.50 2.75 2.84 2.47 l . Hlghlchool ~ CIP TOI' M ...... ~ ·1.~,.., .. t:;-r-.:r ~ t·,. 4..U.Mllaca-M) S.M.~CN) .......... ..,, .. __ ...... L...._.CN> •• ~<N) ....... C..-....,.1) ............ _ t .•• ow.. (Mot) t ....... Vlete(M> 1. ...... ..., 4..A~CN> S.Paeo1 .... C.O ... __ a.a> 1.a1T-'6o4t L~f7.:n .. ~.., ..... ,,.,) ... .... Oii • 17.i> --.ccu-.1 "--t. L.,,.....•o t . T,.., .. T) 1.~••Z> '-~.,_CHI ,.. ......... !) .... .,fa.ti 1.~CNI .......... 164) t.0.-.,(74) ....... ...,..,.a, u' ,,. ,.. .. 7t ., .. » .. 1$ ,. ,. -• t2 .. ,. M " •• ,,. ti> IGI .. .. .. ., JI JI ~ ·~ I • t •• I • TIDRB BAS BSBN ao expedlat route al'OaDd um ·bard fact. of c:oane • .,, ma. ol credit baJIDI. Pamt.lies mo rMDold tMlr nte of 1avtno, to Jaat above 4 perceat a year. and spent th• money lnltead. TbeM practices helped malnt•in Nia at near lat year's level.I. In f aet, saJel actmll1 ,,_ iJl Auiuat and September, evm whm ~tot in· Oation. abhoup much of the plD wu flom the new car market. . B.a coaaumer aWtudes may be ""•natnc. Peo-ple a1reedy are loeded wttb credit ad tlle)' are worried aboat It. Tbey are now delaJiq parmu. ol new ~ AJllMlnl and home durab&e aalel bave been off lbarplY. aommvES, THE botiday leWID caDCides with ODe ol ~ b~ procr-ama of mcmetary restraint ever au.empted by tbe Federal Reserve. a procram wboee lmpaet can be meuured finan· dally and psychologically. All tbis may mean a chance of buym1 babtt.s that could ext.end throqb lbe botidaya, but if so. it will be countered by aeeresstve selllne by mercbaDU. And auresslve seWnc oft.ea meua diacoanta. Automobile buyers already have seen bow at works. Loaded with huge inventories -something that most retailers seem to have avouled -sellers have been offering dbcounts in lbe bwidreds of dollars. Other retailers are reluctant to sueeest that tbey too milbt offer diacounts, lest such re- port.I came customers to delay buyinc, but i1, i.a the LEASE ti Frmn The Leader · ~ .. WEARE OFF TO A RECORD LEASE YEAR! 8"""' From Our Prlctng Polley • Sa1eefbl And S(.f*b Semce.' " NABERS~ G'IN1~YS --U-ILD .. CDITA IEIA 540.9100 If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels into cash. -& .. SEE YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DFALER I ' ERE'S A5096 BETru FUEL EFACIENCY RATING BUILT INTO OURLfA ING . ,. ,,,, 5096im~fuel~ra • I ·' yet more luxurious, more sp.1CicxJs tharl~ yeijr. Sec your Lmcotn-Merauy Deakr now. 160% lmprowmen( In EPA EsaiNred MPG <Mr t'1'l9. 150%~ ln~esrfmare owr f'/79. -@EPA EST. MPG •24 ESt HWY. MPG -Compare lhls estimate lo lhe e5timated MPO of<>Chef arrs. Yoo may~ dlffcm11 maleaae. depcndn~ m bow fast you dnve. weather oondiOOns and trip ~. The aaual highway mileage will probably be Jess lban Ule estunal«f tnahwaY f IJd ccmamy. ' V I 18-lanQlUCNIWU~...... .. t ' \ r ' -T-T - ~te Priee Bflce J j 1 Gasohdl Sell$ Well . • ~ ., . After Boise Debut , • • . BOISE. ldabo <AP) -Si.oce ita ciebut in Bolse tbl'ft moatm uo. «aaobol baa been ~ lriJ,tly, despite a ~· • cent. e&Ot~ per aaUoo price hill•. Uriel SimDMJOS, sales manqer qi Sun Ray Dairies, Hid MoadaJ tbt four Trealure Valle~ CODvetlieDce 1ton11 laaft -*I 300.000 1aDoa.a of tbe aleobot·tuotine mixture amce it wu UJtrod\M:ed in Au,mL GA80llOL 18• perceat lead-ffte 1uoline and 10 per-eeot aleabol .. .,. railed the price from 98.8 ceata to St.08 per 1alkJG 10 .,. ...... ..WSlmmou. .. .,_ wttb tbe ~ eb&Dlt. ~n an atafiDI 1Wtt.b lt md .i. eoot.bloe to ll'OW· •• .. .. 00.-ftnu ill Idaho alao baft btee Hlllna 1uobol. .... _, b:al offtciall bave ..._ ...-•re ti.e UM Gf ~ -... awplua farm Cl'Cl9lt cp bl Yled &o pro-die alcobol. 1. .... \ --............. , r . d over-size tires & EQuipment inc\u e~om stripes. De' Bar "chrome whee\sMc~PX radio & window mirrors. AM/F package. (016577). • C&ICA ~ wtoe" cro1M contro4. pawer * tt7t TOYOTA oond alum wheel• sunroof rear w~t 101264()}. ····•••· ....•• * 6 ,peed t~!:,' AM/FM Quad stereo. puistnP8S & u • steering & "' --· * __.. ._ LUXURY 8"1<>" FM tter90 multiPMt• r9dl0 & t t7t TO'f0T A Cua_._ M'°" air 0()4'ldrtt0n10Q. AMI ••••••••••• * 4 OoOf' Sedan 5 IC)e8d transmi • •.••••..•••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • m<><•l (021844) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·wEEKEND USED CAR CLEARANCE!!! 1974 TOYOTA CBJCA ST COUPE 4 loMd ~. AM/FM. vtnyt roof end a *Y ctewt cetH7IOKFV). 1976TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DR. SEDAN Equipment lnctud•• automatic tranamillllon end elr condlttoning. Super clean car1 (330S0l). 1973 VOLVO 4 DR. SEDAN UILI ll(FSS36" SALi PRICI 1973 VOLVO llOOES WA&OM L°"$ ..... bw model with mega. 4 8')eed MM W/0¥'8fltri'll'9. tit cond., ~ .,_.,, end at..o tape. St*P atereo tape. new radlala, reek & truck! (1F19300). blaltiful b** cord ln'9Mr. P*ln 1975 FIAT 128WA&ON Equi pment Include• 4 speed lrlftMlillk>n. reek end atenio 8 tree*. Nice llttte -.gont ( 196NRM). IAILE IKFS s2199 SALEPllCE 1977DATSUN 1210COUPE 1977 DATSUN · 1210COUPE Automlllic tnns . w conditioning. fade. chrome wheels and new tires. (492SEHl .. . .. azz B.lowin' Hot, Cool in the Wind Carmen McRae, Kenny JJurrell and the Atiyolld/Tabackin Bia Band are amon1 the /us ta1mta who will invade Irvine Bow the ftnt weekend in December as • part ol the Pl.rat Annual Lagmia Beach "Friendl ol Jau" Festival. A MCllDd ~ show featuring Kenny Rankin and Seawind and four mini- coacerta Indoors at the adjacent Forum Theater also are OD tap to climax the coun- ty's flrat "Jau Week" Nov. 26 through Dec.2. . At Lexa 0005 Local clubs also are lending support to Jaza-aupporter/promoter Carrol Coates' puah to 1et Jau back in a bil way alOlll the Orange Q>ut. hopefully, to the point where the fest wW become a yearly event to rival llooterey'a. There'• even a wbrtby cause. Proceeds from the alx concerts go tO the Laguna Greenbelt sroup, making tickets tu-de- ductlble. Here'a tbe rundown. StartlJll Mooday and rumdJlS four .tralaht nlghta at 8 p.m., to collep baDdl ot Orange County will be featured "Jua Forum '79" tuinl-concerta at the Forum. 8:50 Laguna Canyon Road. A S3 doaation will be uked at the cbJr', '1 for atudenta. C~BandsToo Onnce Cout College's Jan Band leads all llondt.)', ~ Ua Golden West Jau Band'a turn. Wednesday find.a Fullerton Com~ Collete jau muslciam up and tbe Saddleback Jan Band closes tbiDll on Tband&T. Then. on Saturday, Dec. 1. doon at tJae Irvine .Bowl will open at noon for an after· noon of jau featuring Ma. McRae, the Akioyahi/TabacJcln Big Band and BWTell (whose baud includes Shelly Manne, Leroy Vinnegar, Conte Candoli and Jerome Richardsoo. Also booked is the Roland Vazquez Urban Ensemble and a jazz dance tribute to Dave Brubeck. Rankin and Seawlnd will perform at the second big concert oo Sunday, Dec. 2, along with Bruce Cameron Jan Ensem- ble, Salsa Picante, the Friends Band, the George Butts "Saxtet" plus poetry and Jazz dance. Doors will open at 11:30 a .m. Added Attractions Tickets for the Bowl shows are now OD sale through Mutual ticket a1enclea, Charge-line (213·520-8010), Cout Mus.le stores ln Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and · Mission Viejo, and at the Bowl's ticket window. Ticket prtcea raqe from $5 to $12.SO. The White Houe Tavern in Lapna plaaa a "miva Latina" weetend in support of the jazz feat. ~tln/fualon banda will be featur~ next Friday Nov. 30, Dec. i md 2 .• And bepm"j jolllOt. paUCCll at. White Hoale. unUniton Belch'• BrMa Attic and eon.ta del Ma.r's Quiet Woman can expect to see (ad t.llMl) the ·fiat signs ol f~v-1 ~ It'• a spedal green drink c:rea~ by the White Houle'• Andy Stantoo, suitably named tbe .. Green Belt." Ralph Bassett In Verdi's "Falstaff;" as himself in Santa Ana home Song Fills New Life pleases Bassett a great deal. lt is, be believes, the true naUonal opera company of America, and it bu &iven blm inteaae experience. In addition to tbe four major roles be plays rqu.larly, be "coven" for nearly a cloaen more. "The comp&ll)' requtrea of all its aiqen ltaDdardl most compantea can't bope to pt." And, be laqba, "JOG have to be YOUDC and aood look1n1." SEAWlND I A) ~ 1~ ,.;, , How good are coast Mexican restaurants? _ .;r 411"' ~ 4"' _ Wtter rates ~m on scale of 1 to 4 chi/is Taste Tes.t Tel& ••• By Aa1'llU1l R. VINSEL OC•O.itr ...... Mllfl Can a twice-removed scotsman with a bit ot Cherokee lDdian blood, wbo married a girl wbo woo a BeUy Crocker cookinJ acbolarabip ln bl&h school find ecstasy in a Mexicu caotlna? The answer ia yes in many cues and )'OU ca too, dependin1 upoo individual taste and preference. ..;,.;:,,;,.; Right off the bat, let's concede that Ted and Lila Fan-ell's Playa Mona Lisa, six miles IOUtb of En.aenada, rates four chills, and can't be beat for oceu-fresb abalone steak in puqeot garlic butter sauce. When you have chlles, garlic and fresh cilalltro to work with, a place almost has to try bard to 10 wt'OUI· Unfortimalely, a few do. So here we 10 with the result.a of a self. indulceat love affair with Mexican eulalne, as r~ by just a few of ita four score and more purve)'ors around the Oran1e Coast. Tbe survey includn tbe foolproof Cipriano Lopez qualitaUve ratina mt.em and it ii u objective u a newspaperman can be. about border trafflc ~ IUiDg out aCl'OS$ the railroad tracb toOie ocean. /~~Real, 20111 Brookburst St .. Just south of Adams Avenue ID Hunttncton Beach ii often ex~Uent and oonaiat.ently good, ~on 20 or JO visits Camitas is a house specialty along with the peripatetic Sunday bnmch, but the <See MEXICAN, Pap Cl) ) t•Yt•a'SSUMOAY N;AYMCMIU ........ .,,..._ tt1ie ilt'Wanda UWt1 Afro. Amenc.t D9nce CO. $Unde1 et Turtte Rock communltY c.nttr, 1 SUMyttfll Drtve. l.OS.,....troupedal•wlthAfrk•, H ... ~rnoc::, .net )UzlUl.._.M 2 p!lh. S2 .....,.,, $1 c:Nldm\. • 7AICIMATIN' •MYl'HM/ MUS*CAL 8Y Vetter Mtgtt sc~we._..y, etlO'cloctt In H~ ScMoe Audttortum. Choir di Antal ctlNCtl production .mue Ror Dia Mndfes TnMlblMblrs, setect gruup Of 20 Singers. Tkuts suo general, $1 cNldreft at the doof'. SChoot et Mafn Street et yor;w,wn AV.... SOUTH COAST •aPERTORY DOUaLE bll!r_~' (tMln stage).Md 'A Ute In me ThHtM',' continue runs at new theeter 655,.own Centet" Drtw Cost• Mesa. Tkket lnformetlon at til-«m or lit M~I agenc~ YIOUNIST D•NNIS HA .. eY HllARD Tttuf'1d9y at a..pman Coflege.L ftlahllahts ==~~:.::::.-:~~~-.ms Selmon Hall, open to public, no cMl'ge. CALll'ORNIA STATE BATON-TWIRLING ~mplonshlps saturday from 7:30ll.m. at Long Beach Arena. Admission tree. .. ,... ....... , .. .,..... :wr ,_.,,,,.. ..,,..,,... ............. ~ ~ ..... ~ ,..._,.. ., ,, ............. ~ ""'9 c..... ...... , ......... TI .__. .... _..o.. = ......... ...... _ ........ ...... .......... _,....., ....us. COAtn COM•DY fHOH'TCLUa, The Uff $eGii, 1122 S.E. Brlitof St.;1 .. _ Newport le~ hffdllnn Aotlett wnut, ome Prater Al Abbot during shows ~~~=~:s::r~m;ry 'CMILDR•N Of' A L•ll8R OOD.' eXPtorft world Of the dNf tltroUgh romance between <Uef women and men with hearing. Runs TundQ tNwgh Saturday at Martt Taper Forum, Loi Anaeles. Tickets St-t13.25, $4.25 studlnts. f ntortnettan, ,..,-vatlOnl at (213> m~16.54. N•W CMOtlaOOUPHY NaMla•al ThUnday through SUftdw It\ Fetl o.nc. lbeetw,, Cel state Fullertoft Uttte TMnr atl p.m.~ceot SUnd9y .ts. Tldcett, l"llef'Vat f .t 77.Nl71, "Jee $3.50 QINf'ltl, $2..50 ltudentl, f~, •nd staff. . , ""' UC l•VIN• OtlADUAT• DANCa student-c:ttonogrepMd Wb Oftltll09 8t Fine Arts concert H•ll 8t I O'clock. Nov. 21, 2'i 30 ~ Dec. 1. 11dcets $2 gene,.._!, $1 atUdentS at box office, ...,..,,, OI' et the door. ANNA MAalA AL8•ROHllTTI brings MW mmk:at review from 5PeRs, Nev. premiet'9 to La Mlrede Clvk l'Matler at 8:30 tonfQM. Tickets $6..50 to $8.50 and Information lit 994-' 150. WEST COAST PREMll!RI! 01' Elle stegmetsters Sym~ No. 3°'*'5 . CMpmen Symphony Ore a ser1eS Tuercs.y at I O'clock. Schubert, Tc'*kovsky flit out the program. ChllprMn CoU-oe Audf. torlum, 333 N. Glass.II St., Orange. Tickets $2 general, $1 students, OffM ed at Ute door. 'LIGHT UP THe IKY ,' Moss Hart's ctask comedy .t Cost.-Meu Civic Pfayhou$e, west end of O.C. Fefr· grounds, Venguard Way entrance, Frtays end Saturdays through Dec I. Tickets reserved, $4, call 754-5159. OPEN HOUSE AND RECEPTION marks Garden Grove library branch's 1oth anniversary with book Ml• and a specllll progrem tor youngsten. New C.llfornl• Otfstory room> opens as well. Nov. 30 at 11200 Stanford Ave. 3 to 6 p.m., refreshments served. SEARCH f'OR PeRl'ECT Gll'TS may be NMd by visit to Anaheim Convention Center gifts snow. More than 550 dl,.,.eys with merctwtndbe tor wte cw Just browsing. Opens Nov. 30 through Dec. 2, 10to10 Friday, Satur'CNy, 10 to 6 on Sunday. AdmltSlon charged. SANTA MONICA PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS "Alias S,Snta Claus," musical for children, through Dec. 22, every Saturday and Sunday at 11, 1 and 3. Tickets S2 or less. located at 1211 Fourth St., Santa Monica UC IRYINI! CHAMBER SINGERS help mark the Christmas Season's start an annual Madrigal Olnftef' festlvfUes Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 In Gateway COmmons. Door open at 6: 15, procession begins at 7 p.m. Tickets $12.50 at Fine Arts Box Office until Wednesday. Information at m-6617 ROCK AND COUNTRY MUSIC 8Ll!ND as Mary McCUlln, Jim Alnaer perform et Golden West College Songbag series Nov. 30 at 8 o'clock. Admission $1 .SO, available at college bookstore. l'r .. P.,,e Cl OPERA LURES SINGER TO NEW YORK Tbe company does more than 200 licbt PJ'OC'&ma at scboola eacb year. It deUlbta BUMU to recall bow cbil~ 8J'09ll wllen they bear tbe comP&Q1'• eomlag, then aee the 1miles the comedic opera acenea brtn1. ln a FuUertoa acbool. be 1aya more seriously, a troubled younpter couldn •t eoaceuante on anytbinl -unW be nw the company IW!f'form . .. Now be'S-Cb.nsect b1a U!e euUrely .. be'• extnmely llltere9ted tn opera and pertormtnc and be'• 1tudyt.ac like mad." BAmETT &NOWS THAT feellq. ID 19458, be saw NYCOC'I Notmu 1'nqer perform. ''and I decided to follow tn bl.a mold." He bu, 1n fact, performed man:)' of the 1aine rolee 1lDce b1a debut ln "Street Scene" tn October, 19T8. I ''Tbla com.tnl Febr::uaey I'U be aiutn« 81oto tn "Mepbiato," Traecer·s role. "The but·berttooe makes that lbow and I'm really lnokin1 forward to it.•· Tb1I weet•1 prop-am for tbe com· ee117·~ Los An1e1e9 vialt Ota Ulb> belina T1Meday at 8 o'clock -the aame eftlliDC curtain time all week -wtth ''Tbe Merry Wl~!f1~· __ atarrlq Beverly Stlla. It repeata Tbunc187. Wednelday la Buaett'a turn 111 ••Le None di Ft1aro:' witb Martha Shell. Faith Jl'..abam, Da~d Hollowa7 ln the tit.le role. 8cmd8,1 ••ealna .. "Tbe ~ of the Beatmmt0 ID Znaliab wttb Albley Put· Dam In the tltle role. No ae"""I after the cmtaln until a break, IO don't be late. Call the Muaie Center,(ZlJ)979-ttll. WELL·l'AAVEl..EO TAOU8ADOR LEO KOTTKE SELF· TAUGHT GUITARIST LEO Kottke, Coml)OSer, stnc)er appeers Thursday at 8:30 p.m . at UCLA's Royce Hall Tickets through UCLA ticket off ice, all Mutual agencies. DAILY CRU._ DOWNTOWN LONG IUCH m-e111 • m 21 • 1' .71 MAKE YOUR PARTY'A SUCC£SSI TUt -hlwint 1 LIVE BA~D C]f PYOfm:IOMI. Otp11Mllll Mu1'~i1M W..-tD die ... et yMr Hofillly fWty. cau. •NIT fll lll ldT • U. lllfc. •Km' AllOCIANI LICAI. 7, &I.ti I. -('71'1 ...... CW. TIIE PIOfflSIOIALI "Want to get Frenchified?" ~· • arks Play to Musle SINCE 101t1 PROUDLY PRES~ NOfflllber 2'-36·25 FRIENDS November21 GEORGE BUTTS November~ NEWSBOY Nu.ember21 HEADLINERS Ncwember29 FRIENDS open 24 hours 340 South Coast Highway U.guna Beach, California (714) 494-8088 Goldsboro, tamed for bla biU .. Hooey," and "Waicbina Scotty Grow," will be appeartna at tbe Tomorrowland Space St.ace Friday and Saturday ni•bt&. when lb. part Ls open uoUl midnlsht.. Tbe lfal1T James band will be featured lD Main Street's Plau Gardena four Umea nicbUy both nights, wb.ile Ma. Lucu, a d1aco sound apeclaliat, vocalizes at the Tomorrowland Ter· race. Dancers may ltlck up their beela between her sets to the tunes of Disneyland's Sunshine BaUooo group. STllL FUtTHD DOWN THE f~way. at Lion Country Safari, a diaoo called Wh.lsUea for the under-21 gana and a oew hall-mile roller skating raceway will be unveiled. Tbe entire Lion Country entertainment complex la called Entertainment 80 and Thankactvtna Weekend marb lta ,.....ad open- ing. CHICKEN TERIYAKI Otfe< Exotres November 30. 1979 SUNDAY CHAMPACiME llUMCH 11:30 to J:OO "Want to get Frenchified?" I .. Mal 8BC'ftON ff ftlS otcb • .,. ... i approprt.Gely ~ * ........ .._. -aD ~ til '• 0 Pnbidl/ Clllarale I and fl'ulue"l>y J. 8. Baell. 'lbe ••A_...,,.., ,· flut movement featured 1trta11 and •l• woodwindl, while the aUdd.le "Graw • mOTe-, ment ablblted the b-rua. TM,,... moft· 1 ment -a properly~ __.'aoa 1 troppo'' Alleci'o -etfectlril:J eomtaed ltr· ' in .. , wtndl, bnu and pe.remdlm. I Altboucb otberw1*e auceeaaful, I Scbubert'• ''S)'mpbony No. 8 ta B 11.lDor" (the "Unftal~"> wu notsimilarty autbea-: tic ia tempo. Botb movement• were ll· some.ut slow met labored. • A featurecl peat·ptanlat. Judith Su· f doYal, pl"O'rided a 1trona &Dd eompoMd t r:rfonnacie cl CboplA'• dlamadc "Ball• 1 G lllnor''. CliP'l8 23. 1 Tboueh •ti~ : lD the p-owing proceaa or achieving unity 10 an immense. sectiooaJ work. her convincing technique and heroic. forceful maQne r were impresaive. I r i' ., a.u.ru V AUGBN-WJLl:.IAll.8' "Entllab FoUt-soa& Suite",• croup cl three ch&rmiDI J and colorful arran1emeota, followed ln· tenr:nuion. Full of character -plaintlwe. • 1 sentimental. or aomet.lmes bumor'OUI ~ S• were a dellgbL You donl need a ~a1·occa&icn to have ~~evening. You don•t have to wait for a birthday or anniversary to feel special.here. ~ at the Five Crowns is always a great experience. Our Mi Crowley we1comes you with tile warm , . • . hospitality of Old Eng1ish Inns. 0:1zy rooms. cheery fireplaces. and marvelous.fare --featuring our famous roast pnme I ribs of beef expertly prepared by Qiel Ivan. Ulll~~::::z:::~ c.ome dine with us tonight. FIVE~S -! l!IOI £ail .._. C-. ~ ec.-dd M& '7MI 'l8'.MICl3l -.... _..;A HOedly ........ A...t. •4 Tender shrimp •Crtapy fish fltlet •2 Hushpupples •Fresh coleslaw •Golden fryea •Tangy uuce The SeafOOd Taste Am ~[ovea. .. . · l , . . taS DINNER Pt.AYHOUSE ot>~ 17t\°' 140 AVI PICO SAN Cl lMlNTF mn oc1'. presents AN ENDEARING MUSICAL COMEDY FREELY ADAPTED FROM OICK~NS' "OLIVER TWIST" LIVE Book, Mu11c •nd Lvrlc1 by LIONEL BART nut1c110 •• OARY DAVI • EVERY TUES, THAU SUN. EVE' 81 SUN. BRUNCH (714 )-492-9950 MAllL YN CHILD Al •• Miitie Ind lyrlQ by JERRY HERMAN ...... LETH RltCNOlOS •GOOCH (714)?l2·?710 -MAKE RESERVATIONS - a"MIT&OW' t1 tM uttlm ... .-ilMW m0¥'9 -1tellar Ult, ev1S.nche In the ~lpt, tldtl _,ve In Hone Kono, Mettorttit rain on Mlf\h•tt•, . ptvs ••1 ,...in tPec» •• t0aln1t tftl dNdt'"I force man has twr chati.na.ct." Thet fOrce 111 monst.f Meteor ilmkh · c.n only bf at= bY Amer· teen "~ Ruu ~omk war· heldl orbiting MU .. ly In spact. Al dlsester movie• go, this one Is flirty Jnttllloet'\f, and the~t (Seen Connery, Neta lie WOod Kart Malden, Brian ~Trevor Howard, Henry , .. c.> 11 first· class. But 111....,, as remote end detached as Howard, who dellvtrs •II his lines over • teltvlslon monitor. The rHI problem concerns the spec111 effects, Which ere spectacu· larly unconvincing. The meteor Itself seems llttte mo,. menacing than a moonrock dis· carded by a returning astro- "10" deals with mann.rs, morals and male menopauM In bright, Imaginative and occa- sionally hllark>us style. Blake Edwards' script Is loaded ·with tltlllatlon, yet It possesses a harct.amed tesson: The ti.shiv pteasures aren't everything. Dudley Moore Is splendidly cast as a hit song writer panicked by the prospect of turnlng~2. Julie Andrews Plays a curtousty latent rote as his sometimes mistress; at least the part allows her some un-Popplns-like dlalaoue. Bo · Derek makes a sm ashing debut as the object of Moore's lust C11 on a scale of 1 to 10>. .The rating Is a well-deserved DICK VAN DYKE No 8tumble In 'Runner' "TMa ROSE" Introduces a hurricane named Bette M ldter to the screen. Not since S.rbra Strefsend and "Funny Glrl" has there been such an overwhelming debut. Mldler sublimates her considerable talen\ as a comedienne to play straight In a rote obviously patterned after the self- destructtve Janis Joplin. So much for the OOod news. Alas. the depfctlon of a superstar's downhlll race must neces-sarily prove depressing. This ts compc>unded by the fact that the filmmakers have prov lded no plot, only a series of untulfllled vl~ttes. Alan Bates ptays the Rose's manager wlththeslngtealmofexptol- tatlon, Frederic Forrest Is fairly sympathetic as the singer's part-time qiauffeur and lover. The concert scenes are the real thing and w ill please the rock crowd. Next, Bette. something a little lighter. please. Rated R, with much use of hard druos and tanouaoe. "THE SEDU~TION OF JOE TYNAN" Is a dumb title tor an admlrabfe movie about the "LA CAGE AUX l'OLL.S'' . C"Blrds of e Fffther'') Is the m~~Olnal comedy to come out or Europe -or •nvwMf'• else -In years. The ltallan French production, spot(en fn French with English subtltl9$, provtdes outrageous laughter as It ca,.... from one bizarre situation to·~. Two ~I males, operators of • transwstl" night club, haw lived together for 20 ve•"· one of them raising a son. The boy Is stra1Qht and wants to many the daughter of a French deputy, leader of the moral forces. 'The meeting of the two famllles Is what prOVOkes the hllarlty. Rated R. "ANO JUSTICE fSOR ALL" takes a loott at the state of criminal justice In America and finds It rotten. Innocent ~le are sent to Jail by Insane JudQeS, shady deals and coverups abound. Al Paci no Is a young defender w~ tries to buck the system. mostly he falls. Director Nonnan Jewlson keeps the orlm 90ln0s-on In firm control until the very end, which offers an unconvincing surprise The film's best asset Is Paclno. who ts totally believable as the bewll~ Idealist · he displays rafl9e that went un~ tected In the mOOdy Portrayals of his earlier films John Forsythe adds strength as a judoe wltti kinky habits. and Jack Warden scores as a suicidal Jurist. A powerful film certain to be talked about In the nation's courtrooms. Rated R. mostly because of language, -------- Real ~ b £ ~N\~R1 P.!. .~El GE AMAN lllHTAUlllANT lHTllLU YOU TO FllU AOMISSIOH TO THI 9HlllQAlllOIH i:NTERTAINME?ll'T 6 FtJN WIU. ~rmaa Baaa Fri. 6 Sat. 7 p.m. STAC CH1KESE CASllU San. ZSt• 2·3 t'arewell ~rt bJ W~ll Kno1411 Swtas Yodkr Art Bro1U fo&So.'ed by tW T> ~aa·s HElllGAROEN COVll,£0 ANO HEATED SO PEC!ALTY SHoi-S. AlllCAOf 'CHllOREN S Rl(lES LOCATID 0" Tl<l SAN OtlOO f'W• r.aeS.ac:"li .. J ~· .. £· ·~'9\(t~v • .,,r Tc>wMO C."''•' .&,., ••• " W ....... .., • ..,. ~f'M'\W•j"'' '"'9'" .f .,,, 1114\MT UI00ttltem.Ott2 A Dinlnq Experience Beyond th• Expected Your favonto cu1stnt3 stook, chicken, 11COlood, dehcalo soups, class1col aalods; prepared to pleo1e your palate, Serv 1n the ambience ol moat beautiful orion bl surroundings. Make your rosorvotlons now for a truly onioyoblo dinlnq experience. =60 Fashion Island, Newport C.nter Rtservatlons (114) 6"-4811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City Reaervatlona (213) 2n·1840 NEWPORT'S FINEST FOOD PTtunted tn o ~ atmorphnt ~~ t ht f Otl1ltam .tr omtant slope• of Newport BIOCh Golf Coune. PRIME RIB STEAK SEAFOOD FOWL Alwaya MC>CMrate Prtcea For LUNCH DAILY • 11 :00 A.M. to 5:00 P .M. DINNER MON . .sAT. 5:00 P.M. to 10 P.M. I CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH I 9 :3()..5 :00 DAN DAMON and His "Musk Not Noise" Keyboard Orchestra For Your Danclno And Listening Pleasure Tue. thru Sat. • 8 to 1 PSYCHIC DEMONS-nATION AND LUNCHEON By Ellzhbeth Davis. Psychic ~~ J ~EIERVE YOUR HOUl>AY PMTY DATE NOW IJ ~~ . ANDUTUSIHOWOURAPPMCIATION 0 en ~~~~~ 31001mneAvenue ~ ~S N••PG1t•actt 111..am PLACE PIGALU IESTAURA.MT LA(MIHA llACH • French Culalne • S•dmy. DeatlllMr 2-12 ..._ s1'1.oo PER PERSON Advance Rewvatton1 -*'7-Stl6 or 831 -9265 fiiiiairagon ~- GENUINE CHINESE MNl>MIN DISHES Speciofizing In Olinese A lo C.Orte Dishes LUNCH•OINNER DAILY Food To Take Out ion....._..._ COSTAMUA MZ·7161 • '31·"1 I 1 t .30 AM. to 10 P.M SEA VIEW GARDEN •• • I •PEKING •SHANGHAI • SZECHWAN •HUNAN CUISINES tac1lllles special busuiess luncheoos. special dttcOUnl on fOOd 10 go Open 1 days 675-2420 810 E. Balboa Balboa On the ,,_.,,naut1 8•11 or trade your old ski• faat with • new Siding dantfled ed In the Dally Piiot. M2..Y7I DAILY PILOT 1 .• Play Carries Strong Punch · DiredGI' Tom ntus and the Saddleback Communlb' Theater have atapd a particularly dlaturblaa production in ''Dear Friends," p~ Reginald Rose'• 1960 drama about fourmarriqes in mid-life cri.ala. Titus, wbo calla the play bis "best in three years," saya he's bit his mart ii the action on sta1e does, indeed, disturb members of the au- dience because that's what it's intended to do - to make people think. WHAT'S DISTURBING about "Dear Friends" is the troubled marriage subject mat- ter and the outstanding way it's treated by the author, director and cast . "Dear Friends" focuses on four couples a•d, in particular, the efforts of three of the couples to help get the fourth couple back toeetber following their separation. As the play begins, the couples are pther- ing ln the living room of one of their homes for an encounter session with the separated partuera in the target marriage. One by one, the individuals su1gest ·problems which m.iabt have been the eauae of the fourthcouple'•breakup . PAll"fNDS IN THE TllllBE Intact mar· rla1es Ul contend they are perfectly happy and have learned to adjust to whatever problems tbey baYe in tbelr marrtqes which tbeJ brush oU u inaiptflcant CLAYBURGH lnl8i 11 ll&aion Tom TltuS plQed bJ Oub, -., took tbe leadlna role lD "Cat on a Hot Tin Root" at SaiddJebe"ei Collep~. ••llAl.GC) nu..ED 1ldlb Mlf ·Plt>' and contempt, but 1he ii a aurvivor," Miss Gub 18)'1. ulil.aAJ of tbe NX IJJDboll flom tbe P'iftles weren't u fortu.ut.e. Ll.ke tbe other women In the play, Marto ls on the verae ol aomethln1 better. My l\llelS ii that abe will find that someth1Jatr " The ~of the OCC alt.female cut will be compri1ed of Linda Woods, Paula Kay Perry, Caroline Reed, Either Mosakow1cz, 'HOW'S SEX LIFE' QUERY DISCOMFITS Joen SkteU, Clark Buraon, Kathy Brothen But. u the play unravels, it turns out that each partner in the "happy" marriages begins to realize bis or her marriage isn't so happy -or perfect-after all. One couple learns they are dealing with alcoholism, adultery and blatant male chauvinism. The second couple, who are childless and profess to be barren, have their secret exposed: they don't want children. But that's their secret bumlJiatim MIDNIGHT SPECIAL WED-SAT "LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT'' 70MM Ster.o Si£E~NG I BEAUTY . .. Mlcbel• rdl and katb1 Sanbul'D. • Accord,lq to diNctor Ron ... 'J."be lbow 11 1UU la. t.be ~ proceM, IO the sJ.rla are II.av· lDI to 'dtal wttb a number ol c.tsana• aDd cuu. They ban edaDted w IJ, and Clfter ~ ror lmpnMQI lbe lbOw. 'l'.be7' an creative u well u talented.'' OP TBS PLAY rr&EU, Bow commata, "tl p,...g a ll'OUP ol womm .wbo, ID tbe main, have allowed themHivea to be Yktlmbed, 'Wbo are tired at It, and who are about to brak free of thoM nltratnta. "BetwMo tbe lauabs la tbe darter atory of women ai the run. It •tarts out u a looleJy COil· nected eomed1. then sloq t.be atrtnp are pulled ti&ht-And, ln a lurprUe mdiq, ••ery- thlq llti..ttoptber. '' Author Fenacca 1wna It up~: "It's a contemporary comedy-drama about tbe put. How's lb.at for a play with broed appeal?" "Marso and the Glrla," which will be Orange Coast's entry ln the American Colleae .Theater Festival, bu beeo extAl"ded a atra week ad will now nm Weclnesday tbro\llh Saturday, Nov. 28-Dec. 1 and Dee. 5-8, In the OCC Drama Lab Theater. Curtain time is 8 o'clock. THE TBlRD COUPLE bu atlll another problem: an adulterous wife and a spouse who's juat toowillinatoforglve and fora«. While at the play's outlet, lt appeared just one marriage wu in trouble, by the climax at appears all four marriaeea a.re less than perfect. But the nuts and bolts ot it all -and •bat the separated couple are tryma to fiiure out - is just why their friends are trying so bard lo gel them back together. The key lo the play ts perhaps in Kathy Brothen's line as Lois, the wife an the broken marriage. "MAYBE OUR SEPARATION threatens your marriages." she states All in all, the cast members each provide commendable performances with a family fight scene acted by Beth Titus and Robert MacKenzie providing espeoally hip tension. The pair deliver their lines so well that the sparks oT ~'!Cr and outrage appeared particularly r · tic. -Sandie EQOJ& "O«All "llla•a.• A Ot-llY R99......, ROM. 01..cteO 11¥ T-Tltu&. _., Cllrec '°" Jof>ft Szwe. •i.oe-Ell,_ 0...-. """""40 llY 8«Wt• Kinley, -'90 by the ~ll v .. ..., ~f'f T'llMw Hov »DK. I -OK. , .. .i. p.m. ()ec. 2 ., 2;aD p.m tfl Ille Mlt6IM v .. io High $cllDOI thee .. , R__.,,etlon1 ~. THaCAST S.lly Ut......., .. .. . . . . .• . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .• .. ""-"Y .._ Oouol•s ~rt ............ . . . . . . . .... An••-~Y _,...., • ••••• ......... ............. • ltoe.rt ---~ .. O..rlOtle M9nNll . .. . .. . . • . • • . • • • • . • • • . • . • • . • • • • . .. lleUI T ltVt ~~ .................................... E.H .. ~ Vlvl•n5-n ••• ... ..... •••• . • •• • ........... JoeAso.tfl LohGr-....... .. ...•. .... . .. • ........... ~.,_,, Mkl\MI ~-• .••.•. . •• .. • . . • • ............. OIN'll ..,_ FIOum«lef1 •.. · · • • .~~" 8ellh0p ••• •. . . .• , . . • • . ....• Mwrey Sl49fVO.-, MC'"-- .. AND JUSTICE FOR ALL" lR> "FIDDLER ON T~E ROOF" (PG) "les Share ~MOTCMMIAPttl aY PMIUN HAUMAN end ....... •t Status Gall.,-,, 18 N. CM1t Hlgttway, LetUna 8ffch. TueedlY· lundlY, noon to J. , . 'IP•CTA10a,' PHOTOGUPtUC DllPU Y by ~ Feldmann et Ftnt Arts O.llet'Y In UC trvlne. Receptloe\ fOr •rtlst U p.m. •tlllchttda.Ja Gallery hours noon to 5 Tuelday·SltU y. Closes Ok. 1. IMAU. PAINTINGS OBT AnENTION at s.ddtebllck Westem Art Gallery, 16'0 E. First St., Sllnta Ane, beginning Monday. Mfnl-shOWlrto hours TuesdaY- Frlday 11:30tot~y11 :30-3 and Sunday 11to5. c Satut'dlly. THREI! SOLO ll!XHIBITS CONTINUE through Dec. 15 at Arts & CMats ~llery BLAl<E EDWARDS 10" DUDLEY MOORE :' JULIE ANDREWS, BO DEREK .. BLAKE EDWARDS' '10"/ ROBERT WEBBER _..'l'Bl.AKE ~ROS /-.BlAKE EDWARDS -TONY ADAMS' f:c...,,HENR't MANCINI ............. ,,~ TfC>NCOl(JllJ9 ~..:=-:.-="-~-~ -..oMin --- SA880NE. NE<MMPREISION MAIL BOXU In the Lumber Yard, 3M Forest Ave., Lagune Beach. Terrence Kemectv, oils; Faye CUrtls, watercolors; Unda QulM, sculpture, drawings. C.11 4N-3909 for hours. M. C. ESCHER PRINTS COU.ECTl!D and on display at Vorpal O.llery ot A WONDROUS ANIMATION SPECTACLE ABLAZE WITH ADVENTIJllE CALIFORNIA ~ERCEPTIONS: LIGHT and Space, a 16-artllt show at VISIMI Arts Center Art GaUery, Cal St• Fullerton. Noon to .c Mondays-Fr6'Mys; 1 to .c SUndays. ..... ··-IJl)JI~ •<---ftC IS14 II ' ....... .._., ....... QUMllOMDM Cl) ............. l ..... ___ ._. ........ ••11an••• ...................... ............ .,., TMILIMCY _.. IMMl•llM 1•••11111 MHalOeMa&-• --.amn• Me JUlflCI HJe AU 111 Nit -1111• IJC.Nlllll) ............ , .. \; ,,, ..... _., .... IM'°"TAllT llOTICl! CMllOREM llWl" 12 FIUl! ,. ..................... . .................... , ................. ,.,.. ...,..... ....... auon- TMI~- 'WI TMI IWCll , 91 'f AMO ............. Aftlr I t Int to ABM-lt'a Mi1 to derwtml 1*1 tlMI pvup 1 ta tbe world. u•a f:•-t.M ca..ut cloea't just aPPMJ to oae aetlaa ID tM musk tDdultr7, tuteltd their ..,.....,.. ......... 1t•1 almost amutn1_ Ute po~rlty ud DOtortCJ dll IJ"OlllP w acbltted. ~ m• AB· BA bu .... .,,.. Uaan so m1l&o records OD tbe ~ marbt-'ffhich b more than The BeaU. dllil'tJil tbe tame leqtb ol time. T8E IWBDEN·M.SED crouP bu it.a bi1· 1eat followtq in Australia, a.nd in the Soviet Union, where an ABBA album 1oes for around 1IO U.S. doUan on tbe black market. Tbl srouP doean't do too bad l.D the U.S .. either, a their cWTent release on Atlantic r_,. cord.I, "Voulez·Voua,'' bu already soared to No. • OD tbe Billboard Top 100 album chart. The dltc baa enjoyed three auece11ful ~ ainllel already -"Does Your Mother Know,'' "An1el £yes," and "Chiquitita," the lat.eat be· inl their current chart climber. NATURALLY, THE ALBUM was recorded and produced in their recordlna studios in •-Stockholm. Group members Benny Andersson _· and B)>m Ulvaeus wrote all the musk and lyrics, and also handled the production. There are no flaws, which is expected. Frankly, the aroup hasn't been able to do anythlnc wrona alnce April of 1974 wben they aant "Waterloo" in Brighton, England, and woo • the Eurovtalon Soni Contest. ,. And now, u if its records weren't enough. ABBA is eoina to reward its fans by coming out ,.. with a Cull-length picture on themselves C sometime ln mid-December ,.. ABBA -THE MOVIE -will have its world .. premier in Australia (it figures) the 16th of December with Holland a cloee se«>nd the 17th :; ud the Scandinavian Count.r1es the 26th. ,. The movie started out, simply enough, as a 16mm documentuy before growtnc to feature proportions. The story line la somewhat corny in ~ that a disc jockey is usigned to do an interview with the group and the film proceeds through ' story and mu.sic to follow bis exploill u be goes about bla tut. What ABBA management la hopjq for is the IJ"OUP'I fans will fJoc:k to watch the lllm for ~ tbe music, which m.tiht be worth tbe admfaioa ltaeU. There's no word yet when lt ml&ht be re- Jeued tn the states, but It's rumored to be ometlme around Cbrtstmu. , THE MOVIE WAS A brainstorm of the l group's manaeer -Stig Anderson, who la often ' re(ened to u the fifth ABBA member. Luae Hallstrom, wbo did all the promotion films for ABBA's alnales, wu contracted as the film's director. The ftlm, like ABBA 'a records, is expected to do well universally. Even if it does only half , .as well, it will be a bit ... as If the eroup needs ruother. Overall album rating: A. 8•• ' It's bard to lmaeine why Capitol Records ~would want to engage in a bidding war with four t -other companies for the signing rights lo the • aroup Motel.a. But that's what it did ... and they may live to regret lt. • Knowo for its hard-core rock following, ~ Motels ftnt release for the label, appropriately ' enUlled "lllotels," sound.a exactly like what the 1roup's name Indicates -nve people meeting I la a "'~'. lo~ a jam aeas;on. "~JIE I 11111-fli- YIUI WllYllf WA M 1llT ~JPJ!I: • ".IXllM PIF • ..I . ......, ........ --~..c:= n. aanaa really lack ~ typa ol coa- tlnuity or Ustenlna appeal. "Total Colltrol," t.be ODIJ ballad oa t.be di.le, comea otf u pleasant. But even hen tM ~Oun ia remlnlacent of an. Indian war dan~. Unfortunatelr· Motels ouabt to ret?OUP. maybe ln a bote lhia time, and start all over aaain. Overall ratin&: F . '~comedy to cheer about!' ~a.bt.HICTV (!Way._) IUnll'ntOLm A&.C&.AYIUHM CAtmtel ..... . ...... ._... ... -Qlllt •t I C9 lSI -· IJlll ... ···-..... 111a111 .-...u., rttl&Mll LNOOCI m1u1• 1•1 •mt •Mll'Rf~;:r. .. ~ .. ;. ··-·~I -~1-1 --.. ..,....... . ~ 1 .. : ... x .... r-3-u-,-.s-1-1:-ctt-·. ~ .: UA TWt• ct•UHI IUlU ra11K DlllH·t• lDWAllDI' MIU IOtl Wttlmins•e• 1193 130~ b..en .. PJ•~ ij21 4070 VllJO llUU Ct•lM& iRlA 'l,lll Cl•fDOM( Moss.on Voe,o 49~ 62l0 8',, ~~ . l 014'"J~L14 2~S1 __ ,.._... UIWUOI MWPCMtT ClllfMA llewpoll Be.lcn 644 0760 ,. ••~• TllE FIRST TlME. IT WILL DAL.ZLE YOl 'R SE~SF.S. THE SECONT> TIME. YOtn..L SEE IT FOR THE flRST TIME. ----10th SENSATIONAL WEB ---- •rtetol .... ~ Sant• An• ~7444 ... Mf·-l • I It ---, .... J6 """00l.8V STEREO ---------'CINEDOME CUMPl f X CHAPM~N AVE, A I.A. FWY ORANGE IJ4-2fi53 -·-·-·'··-...... , ·-·-·---10 _,~v ',;:,_o .0 h .UU 4'Cl"lG OUlllWC rlllt t~til!I"" f()I fU(NI >nl01"'8hOO ctll Entenlinment Hothne 71'·™-ffiEE ·'Mo mm hn ever caugttt tltl uatocuaed. uncontrolled anger of adoteacence wltll cauh• IM same force. a •zzylne ncse along the edge, • unforgettable Jounttrr to fofttldden eX1nmel.'. _,,.....,,.,_ 1tEwWEsr ··neno1tne......,,~·am.nc. Orltfttl' wm. 'Look bdl '" Anger' ... "" -ttumor _.IM lllnd of lhlmM dnma tlt.i II Umetna. · · -F•-Roe:~ t16'f 61lo011l•ltl .................. Orttty ... ,..... ...... _ ....... , ................ dlnctDJ, Fnnc Rodlllln ....... to capb.n I tlerce db:zt1n9 IJ(~." -J-1 Met°"' Nfl/ll Y()jlll! r16'fS "Tiii .......... die moat ...... "'" and roll rnowte I CM 1emenlber • ......, powet1\lll'' -.-"-' w1oec rv .. ...,....._ ................ In rock fttml. A ftlllt lllltO ltlltf dllt lt8ndl on ltl own mertts. ---rtntllllt" -0-~m..-WNEWflA ··one ottlloM,.. occ....,.. wtten '°'**pop _ _... ...... _ ........... ection " -l-LllOO'- -....... ' IM1l •'-f'11S ''AWIYIPIClll....., .. tutn•c•dlltta ................................. produced •• -~WOii.CW Lii.BOYD ) IHFORMI In the a1 UM &01mNION 1'bl WU barely di)' wlMe :Joe Pen.7 ealW ..Sth UM newt that be Ud Ja1t ~ a .oto ~.eontract 1ritb CBS u4 wu Inv· ldl A_..m.11.6. aumon about bla aolo pl.am bad bMll dreu.latbal for inoatha, and a. wa no MCNt that UM loe Pen)' Project wu 1D the worb. l1'ILLt Bii DECISION to leaw .MrwPlJUl wuo'twy. After 111.De 1Nl"I, P9"'7 ... ftrml1 eat.Nncbed ID the band be cm1y NCtnt1J tokl me W81 HbJt flnt love." But latelJ he's been OOWSU farther apart from them musically, wblcb made tbl 1pUt ln· e\'ttable. • "I decided I wut.d to start explortnl a lot of the ldeu ••ve bad pent up over the pat tw yean 8Dd It just started to conf11ct too mucb wttb AerosJDlth," aald Joe. "It wu a naJ bard deciliOD for me to make but I reallJ i.et atrcmc- ly about tb1s solo project. "IF I BAD STAYED with Aerolmlth. I wouJd've bad to put U on the shelf for another few dlootba. And alter llat.erling to tbe tapes we've been matins. I fffl that would have been a mi.stake. Ellpecially after putU.ni so much work into it. So, I'm Juat ftnllhtn1 up the ADtiftSK>M SJ.10 SIMOR CmDMS SI .00 Mk MAT-..s 2 P.M. COl'TA MUA llllSSIOfl VIUO C-. V• 13Mtl0 C.-. C.... 171-41'1 OAANGE Dr..,. .... 137.C3'0 El TDtlO. Slddlebldr Ml·!>UO CMIAHGl S11M11 o,,...i. llM770 WUTMINSTfR.. CMefN Wt11 111 l93S "[ ~Fi: datf, aaytq: "All I tnow £1 there WU ODe lfOGI left to dO. reaJIOOIL" Perry_ bun't waited •r time J::tUn• tosetber 1111 new bud~ .be't l1retcb up Da.td Hull oa ~ and vocalilt Ralph Kormom <formerl)' with Daddy Wu-.Ca> and bu been audldoata1 drummers. ''IT8 .RJIT GOING TO be bus. drums. percuaaion and my pjqr,'' aaid Joe. "I'm not 10£01 ~have keyboard.t or AJM>tber pltar player because I want a c~ to explore tbe riffs I write. and I want to try ICIDP wttJl a dif. ferent style · · Directed, Choreographed and Costumed by Geoffrey Holder Winner of Two Tony Awards for "'The Wlz" TERRACE THEATER LIVE ON STAGE-NOV. 21-25 Wed-Sat - 8 pm Fri. Sot, SUn matinees 2 :30 pm &iiiiii!iiii TICKETS $8-Available at the Convention Center Box Office and all Ticketron and Mutual outlets To charge tickets by phone et for further lnfonnation call (213) 436-3661 ·~.~·~-~· LOMG OE:ACH COMVE:MTIOH •.. ..• . ·.;~·;~: &€HT€P.TAIMM€HT C€HTE:R ........ 70M M l1CI I D0l8Y STEREO 1 -- I OH \'Ol lH 1101.ll>A\' CONVI Nil.NCI. Sl'l·.l'l/\I 'Ito" 1 IMI" Al I llt:~l Sl I.r e r ftll:ATHI " I l I I I . Oaaan~I Llstla9s e KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles G KNBC (NBC) Los Angele:. 8 l<'TLA (Ind) Los Angeles fJ KABC· TV (ABC) Los Angel~s Cl) KFMB (CBS) San Diego D KH.). TIJ (Ind.) Los AnQeles a l<CST (ABC) San OK•qo I KTTV(lnd.) Los Angelt-~ • KCXlP·TV (Ind., Los Angelti., tcCET·TV (Pattµ. ~19$ • t<08&TV ("'8)~• Beach . fred ....._,~, (1'WWI t.tlll •o MCW9 ~ oe ll!e ....._ •. ~......,, .... """'~ °""*''°'' n. -.ty ~ of ""' '*"*' •• ~ gl'Oul), "°"' t .. "°'" .. "'*"°"""' '° !Mir lllW'lll40tl QI AmlriCla. .,.dltOllll*tct .OMO&. ... .n MO ..... ~ Aa.i l<lnt- • • MOv. • * "~1-1" Amoe ~ • ...,. Knaltn • •TOMOHT SomtofN~1 loC> ~ )Owl halt Otte Aobert• for • 1oo11 bat* .. the .....,..,. of the pelt .... • WAll•G I OHWEEJ( .. MYll!W t:aO. TIE 000 COUPl.E 0.. and ,,...,. c:or.plrt to bf9ell i., • pollat ganl4I 111 thtir apartment 10 ttle) can go OUI wttll the Plgton 9191•• fJi) WASHINGTON WE!)( fH~EW '1l) WAU STREET WEEK Grlllld Old 'Man' Gueet Edeoo Gould, Chalrmtw1 ol 1he lnvutmenl Polley CommlltM, Anamet11cs, Inc e:00 a Cl) THE OUkE8 Of HAZZARD Tht Dukes try to -.ve Granny Annie (lurene T Ullle), a loveabl9 Old counterietter, horn 1ne po1a and ea. HOQg 8 AOa<f'OAD Rl.E.8 A wacatkH\ Cn HawaK ~ MOttlet eaM for Roclcford wtltl1 htt Kor..l ....... ..,..,. ~·-....... ~••w-• .., _.,. ~ .... f\lf • ... ... ,.. ,..,., •• lt -tOft ..... IY~ ii!=~ MlffY Hosll l'llolwd Otlweotl llllCI HuQll ....... -jOl!1e(I by Cllwcit ManglOne, the VN lllQe P9oc>ie and 1ta•IOU1 ~lee for a lavliNI 11P9Ctec;le •• !ht Ptaytioy Mention 10 ,..,... ltve ot Iha tHO pieyma..._ • ~GAU.l!RV 10;30G TM&P'AAIHTIHG ONlll l g) NEWS ~L.f.AOE. .. .,.~. ··~­ bon-and City Ot Gold. . (RI 11:00eD•Cl)O NfW9 I tAA1<.E ME LAUGH AOCKIHOW H091 M G. l(elly. au.ta Mantrtd Mll'n. Carly SifTIOO. Geo<ge Benson. l(ate SoSh. 01Vld 80WMI GJ M•A•S'H The Merchant 01 Korea" Q) THE 8EHNY HIU SHOW Bt>nny tries Ills best to be d la11-m11\dt!d presenter on a ~tz'tl<>w 11:30 U (fJ THE NIGHT STAU<.ER While 1nvoo1oga11nq th" deaths or sav"' <11 ~<>Pl" ""'° wocked in an unOei ground arcnove KOCChal. d111Govers a ltzard-111>.e crearure guarding str;anoe if'TONIOHT Hott Jonnny C.reon Guttla: Cheryl Ladd. G.orgoe ewtn. ~ A • 8:00 -•"'l'he Birth ot the t• U ."'The early yean ot the most l'UP\lllt •lnllnl ll'OUP ol all time are <'h nickld 1D thll new movie. <See photo )QW\, -~-, ..... ......,.mNI ~ .._,.., °"' ~ hit 1"'9 to_.. .. '°'*till• ..,.,..,. ...... ,. dlooMI, bUt lie*-'·• otio.e too .... GMCMI • * i. "•°"*'I LCMI~ ( 1t70) Ptl., O'Toolt. &unnnall York A WOIMW'i'I fana:llo.i 1111..:h manl lo !let mentally .. brotll., oau... ......-e comptatlOna In !let mlll• t .. r•atlonlhlp (~ ""' ..alOH IMP08818l£ The IMf INm 11911 0111 le> r~ ......... ., llvtl mil toon doll11' Of at<*ln II""'• wnlth~d~ ti) G.ETSMART Mair INma Of KAOS t p.Mll 10 lo.ill IOC> epeoe ea.ttltlCa, l>Ut Cf..,_ lld c;er on 1ne way 10 CONTROL • 21 TOHK»fT Some ot the Southlarod 1 loe> rec>0<1era IOlll r.o.1 Clete ~ for • IOOlt .._ ... _....°' .. ........ ~-..wll . * * "WW Goda Of The 0..0" (tH5) VlllOenl Pnce. lib ttlnll'. • JUICl9CIOC a.-.; Thi wi.o, Antbro- .... DIMS ... • ..:ll(CoWITT GUHi' Anlllony ~ t2:11• MCMl * * ... "l(lfl«e Tltt .... (1tM) "°'*1 Wiil•, O..V ... A•,...1•1 Ind ......... .,.,.._, In .~ ........ _,--- • ............. kll90.(2 In) Ow• An llldent Tore, llOlerl ltOl'll • modelt ~ ... tile objeCt of • -Oh by lf()Mlda and • group ()( -1-0IMC11\f99 12:.o 8 ()) C89 LA TE MOVIE *** ··~., Ske11111<·• 11978) George o.c.nro. Si.w~ TheTete- La81anca muro.<1 annou. led 10 C'*1ee Man:.on and ,.,,. family Ind !he IUb· MQUlflt mvrc>et 1""' are ctwonoci.d (~) !RI 1.ooa ~SPEaAL Ho9ta The Poonlef S.t•• au.tt Rod Si...n. L.n- Oa c1111orc1. Jac11.1e OeSllannon C•••ene Carter ewow * * The 8'!1.41 Of Hnlw,.. .... , uni ion f 19)0) C,uy JOHN DARLING ...... --~ • MIMI r-"- ** ..... Of Tiit Dlld" (1t70J """ Mf\191, C.....¥Mllil. . ..,. . ... MOWS ...... ,. "' .... .,... .. Wll':' Cft7f)-.. tuofti ._....,,. ··-~--~-,·· t<lt MIMI • ••• "The ........ .,.,, ..._.. (1'40) Oedtlo ........... VlnolnC Prtoe. A ,,_ bortOM .. Millet °'~---.. 8llCll.-d °' "" lwOINr'• ,_., Ind ,.,.,. llncl the Allllder.(tllr~ 15"'6n.) ~1= ··~~ (*7) lM T~. Mlrgot Gr..... Alt lmOrM¥ ...,.. .... tow'°' • "" lo ,,,.,.. ...... ~ i., ,. Qhdldecy IOr oo-nor 10 ~ '* In • c:r1nW\8I ~ (ltw.30•> • WAU. m&T wa1C ~1= HO MOYE * ·~ 'The Fury Of The Woltn\an ' I 19731 Pen. Cr .. tll. Martt St-• • LA GMNW PAIW)( OUJAZZ. The 1*1of •••IOI o4 Anw1--can lezz 8'ti.t Cat> Callo- wwy .r IN 1977 J4IZZ Hiii· ... .. .,, Niol 18 Nghlght.ed 3:t78 MOYR -. * ·~ "The lt811M Job" ( 1989) Mlc:tlMI C-. Noel Cowwd 3:358 HEWS U08 MOVIE • • "lm11••ble A09n1" ( 1~2) be M-..ey, Pe1., Lorre fD ~Of'TM: cemJR'( 4'008 MOYIE • • • 8'.gttl \ll(l()ry . C 1952) Arthur Kemec:t;. PeogyOow .MCME *** "The last p~· c 1953) 8'00etic:i. C<.wk>td, .lOfWI 0.tlk ·~·-4:309) NEWS m llRTH wrTHOUT VIOlE.HCf by Armstrong & Batuik --~~...---r-~~~~~-- l.r(.IJWANT T0 COM£ O.JER H£Pf. , ~~THAP \to \,. ,. ~ l DON'T MINO A LITILE TE>SING Of iH£ WEATHERMAN. f'UT 'W~041NG Gf!OWN t'EN ROLLING ON IHE. FLOOR F1GHTIN6 ... ~:.'; }r- 1 ..... ""t------------~------""':""-----:----:-------------------------.---_..:;l(~Ofd~·--------------.;..----.:..------..:::::::::::::...;::::.:.....:. __ ...:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::.~~') •"'. ~'" . " I I -:·Making a Name for Herself . BJ JEllRY BVCK ~OS ANGELES CAP) -U actress Tov ab Feldsbub bad come a.long a f~ years earlier you probably would kp her by another nome. Evelyn something But she amved lD. a time wben performers are keeptne tbeir own names, \Ulusual tboub t11e1 may be and difficult to p~ClMtte. Just aay To-)nlh ~shoe. Siie was lint aste4lf.De wanted to chanae her name when she arrived at the Tyrone Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis ••1 OOULDN'T TBINx of anyt!ring better so I kept it." .said. .. ft's turned out to be an asset. Once someone learns my name they re· memberiL She laughed and said, "Tovah· means good in Hebrew. Feldsbub means field shoe. So l could have changed my name to Goody Two Shoes. Some people have asked me to drop my last name and juat use Tovab. That would make me sound like an Egyptian belly dancer." Miss Feldsbuh stars u Moo.lka Wolner (speatine of names) in th~ NBC miniseries "Be11arma.Q. Thief.'' The two-part, four-hour !DOT• ie airs Monday and Tuesday nia,bt9 at 9 OD Cbam>el 4. IT'S BASED ON Irwin Shaw's nov• el that is a sequel to ••Rieb Man, Poor Mao. •• 'lbat flnt boot aJao WU made into a mirdeerfM, .tddl ,.. for 12 hours on ABC nearly three years aeo and aet. off the wbole min.iHri.es cycle. It wa1 allo followed tbe oat year by "Rlch Man.~· Book ll,'' which wa veraton ol the further 111• of Jordacbe famll)'. Shaw bad wrtUen an outline for that series, but wu lpond by Unlnnal and ABC. So M turned that outUne Into "Be11arman, Thief;• which Univenal Chen produced tor NBC. Life ffD be •• eompllcated as a mlnlseries. ''Beaarman, T~ also s&ars Glenn -Ford. Jed stmmcm. LJM Red1ra ... An~ SteMn.a, Tom Nolan, Susan stt_.bul and Jean Pierre .AurnmL It WU Got available for pre-review. TOYAH FELDSHUH IN 'BEGIGARMAH, THIEF' 'Once They Learn It, They Remember It' Jazz Fest Slated For 'Soundstage' Chick Corea and Al Jarreau brt.nl malfcal jazz and a host of talent to "&o.mdataie" Baturday at 8 p.m. on KOCE·TV, Cbannel 50. Corea and Jarreau combine tbelr taleDta u teyboardlat and vocalia4 respeetlftl1. with OUJ Burt.on. vibraDboniat. vocalist Gayle Ilona aad an ouutaocHn1 &.ctup band to prodllff ltlJt,hmJc mualc that came. the "Soundltao" ludlence from balmy Spain, Uarou~ love cudel. to 81dlJ •. In addit1on to •'Spam," Corea and larnau .,.r1orm a num* al Corea'• belt JUI arraa,.-mentl wbicb l.DdU.de ••Sicily," "Love Ca.IUel," "Hot Newa Bluea," ••111 One and On1J Love," ''Ol'OOflll' Hllll'' and ••summerUJDe.•• for those q l]OU who missed 1.897. 1897. Thepaceof~~wast.lirdedifferent. Windjammen stall arossina che Adanric ahead of che newfangled ste~ Teddy Roosevelt was about IO like a ride up San Juan Hill. Baht· Rulh was 21.!*'1 <?id· Life seemed lO be a bit men~ Md m.t's ~ philoeophy behind Newport's newest reswnnc. · From our tender radc of lamb to che curiest Boaailabeiae in lhe• Harbor, our chefs approach to food may be a lime old--fashioe~ but chat phibcphy will make~ expes ience tomedma ll>tl:saM. We broil many of ourspea.hjes <M:f' a nun! mesqui~ ..,,,.!\Al~· which ;mparu a unique ~ to seafood « steak. Ard be-.utiful new Spindrift-et oyster b&r lefWI a wide varie\Y of delecu.ble Cfte.tions such u oystets Rcc:kefeUer, fresh ate ed li~c:Wns. and mushrooms sNffed with Alasbn Kq crib: Spindrifter. A peatmtaurant. In a~tlocation with aneof ttt. flnesr v;.w, iri the Huber. n:n Pacific Coast~. 1n ~ .. port Beach near 1M Arches. Call 642~229S fer l'ettt'V&Uons. VAi- come back co 1897. "" I ll I I 1 · I , I SffQE . • TUMBLEWEEDS ... I ~. 11·1 bY Jeff MKNtlty .-Olltwlddle *1Y1 WAS...._..., W. of UM."' I by LYMJolM*MI' bY Kevin F~. ----------------------.------..... ; w.IA~ 'fHC ~'C(! ~ I~~ L.11<'.f") 'f!Jt~ N E'K'.t..4{( ~ °"• t k:NOW Sft('&..t.. 1.IKf: l"f ! 1~·-s V((N Ct~tJShlC t WRON<a. SHl!?'S W~RINCO A cSA88N Vl!L-OCJFt JLJM.P-SLJl'T"' ~rr A M1~e: .•• I -S~ L.CtJ' 'f 11Z '/ 10 ~ M(ft t'~1hJOSM1V ~ NO'f'4 t ~ fl.. SC ~AS ! woR.ic:e:o ! ' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACAOSS 1 Apeoe S l.MNI 1() Hog loOd l'~Lake tSPll,..,pe 16 WIN c."9f 17 Aa telnum 190.. 20T~ 22 l.egend 2' All'* 25 lr!lplttl 27COPl*Mc:ll 290enolfor Prwar 32Dlc-r 33 "'°"" 34 Flied 38&My 400\Mpert •2 A4ltO jotll 4'81ood:Prft 45M9'M •7WNmplr'I 4\'9'0 509ow 52 ...... 11!09 54---&IWOOdlll .,. 51DIMd 4 The ~r,,you lease does make quite a difference. After all, you don't drive the lease. you drive the car. And when you lease a Mercedes-Benz you drive some - thing spe<;lal indeed. Whiche41er Mercedes-Benz model you choose, you drive one of the world's most respected automo- bil~. A car wfth legendary en~i­ neering, meticulous craftsmanship, outstanding performance and safety. Something else: you'll drive {he car you lease for two. three or even four years. Most cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes-Benz, you drive a car with classic Unes and timeless- ness that is never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offer you. One is certain to make it more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes-Benz than you ® ,might have thought possi- ble. Call us today for the surprising facts. Ask about our many convenient • leasing plans. Mission Viejo lmpOrts 0~ :-1-1740 Aulht11i~d IJ,n/Pr 495 1700 Qt;> :.J! 2S701 ._auartte Pllwy. - • 5cirt Oilvo Fwy. ot A.,.,y, Misaion V"iefO • LIASIA ltlOVOLVO DL 2 DOOR SEDAN WE'RE DEALIN' ON OF UR 1980 NOW! ••••••••• AT'S WHAT MAKES US #·I" All cars subtect to pnor tSele. and plus ,.,. hcense and documentary tee Prices good lex 72 hours after publication PORSCHE 924- THEY'RE GOING FAST! v-. that ts what owners of the Limited Edition Poreche 924 Sebring 79 have been telling us. Great performer and looker In the Pol'IChe tradition. they say. And we have only a few Sebrtng's remaJntng. Experience a driving excitement thlt only Por9Che can offer. Best of all. even with options, leasJng or purchasing the 924' is aurprialngty affordable. The Sebring 79 Includes features such aa Removable Sunroof. Spedal Ricing Stripe, Fog Lamps. Electric Outside Minors. Stabilizer Bare. Sparta Steering Wheel, Velour Carpeting. Uoht AHOI/ Wheel&. 3-Way Speaker System, Manual Antenna. 5-Speed or Automatic Tranamiaaion. See and Drive thla Porsche .today! -.. Automltk: trlnl.. pwr, ............... cond.. radio, deluxe bumper group, vie. ~-~Int ......... tlmldglMI ........ CCMl'L Stock No. -. (1491S8) 17 AT SPICW. Cl.OSloOUT PalCES ........ ......__lllCIBMllll--- NEW 1979 FAIRMONT M'UIACOWI 351 VI engine. al( 1cond.. aulOrNtlo trans.. pwr. et .. rlng. dlac brek~ convenience group, fight group. bumper group. Hit WAS.JJI...-NOW $ wheet. tinted glua & Stodc No. 11e AM/FMltereo. (118e01) SI AT SPECIAL CLOSM>UT PRICES . ..--.... ,81.fl-- NEW 1979 THUNDERBIRD Automatic tt.na.. riwr. •tHrlnQ. dtto brakn. opera wtndowl, vlnyl tOOf, IP0'19 lnltr. group, WSW r8dlal UNI, conv. group, timed oa-. tight group, lllr cond., AM/~M atereo w/tape & tilt wheel. Stock No. 934 (144298} 27 AT SPECIAL C&.OSl4U1' PllCIS .----111c11011111-. --- NEW 1979 MUSTANG OFFICUL MY 14»PACI CAI Some day this LIMITED WAS ~ow EDITION CAR wlll be a $7681°° CLASSIC & a CO.U.ECTOR'S ITEM! Thia one haa a turbo-dlarged engine Stock No 1394 and alrcondlttontng. ,480768) 50 AT SPECIAL CLOSE-OUT PRICES 1976 OLDSMOllU 19nFORD 1977 OLDSMOIU STAIMI e cvt .• " 8Peed ~. factory .., cond.. pwr. steertno & brakes. radio. tinted glass. rllt)ie wt'"'8 & tnOf9I ( 1eeNOZ> (Stk P4003).'3188 lt71FORD fllllTA PINTO llUMAIOU'f Economieal 4' cyt.. automatic trans .. factmy air cond .. aunroof & vtny1 root. •adlo ''iii& 1tnFOu L19LAMDA» .--fllCllOlllJl-- NEW 1979 RANCHERO · tlC)MOll IANCl•OS APl9 Jm......, IUT A..,.._ C&.AISICf ~~e~n~·0~ WAS.JPaJO" trans .. disc brtk••· $ 1port• ln•tr oroup. ttnted oi-. dutt r.ano mirror•. wire wheel covera.H.O. battery & Stock No. T1eo8 aoeclal handling (180122) ~ 21 AT SPECIAL CLOSM>UT PRICES NEW 1979 LTD WAGON 351 V8 engine automttlc t,.n1.. pwr 1teerino disc brakes. pwr. ,.., window. air eoncf.. deluxe luggage nid(. tW«f ga... light group & rear bumper guards.. Stodc No. 721 (13831M) 17 AT SPECIAL CLOH-OUT PalClS ---fllCRfDlllFf--- 6 ONLY 6 NEW VAN QJSTOM CONVERSIONS PRICE SLASHED :ro SEU. ON Sl8HT! mMYOlllS .... lUDAYATAPID roctD •n UU.Y EXPfCf 10 MY FOi A -SIDI&• 1971 FOID PIMTOWA~ 1971 I ASPllt4DOal Slant 6 w/automatio tcans. & owr. steenng. Good tranJOQrtatlon I dependllb'e"• a eundl81f (838UKXJ. ' (Stk 606A).'IS88: 1979 llOID P••DMT CVJ\ASS SWUMI va. autorNdc. fldory a1t conct.. o-•teet'tng & bnJcM. pwr. windows & Equipment Include• 4 speed tranamielion. bucket ,..ts I custom Loaded wtth equipment. beautiful beige w/dark brown l very low mlleal (4e8124)1Stk. P3085). Super economy with a c cylinder eru;itne. automatic transm1ss10n Power 2300 c.c. engine. atltofMtlc er-. a SX-ateeriflG, A or.-~--with *V low,,_._ •&WCRJ. (Stk. P4042). ..... AM/FM.-.0. vin~~~ mcnt (803TJD). ~---im.-~-~ 197 IUICI llML 1-. HADTOP VB. autorNtlc ..,..., f9c:tory air oond .. pwr. steertno a brakel. pWt. Wtndowt & · aeata. AM/FM 1tereo & morel f988ASD~ . '1988 SULPllACS f;conomfc81 4 cylinder engine, 5 IDNd trana.. 8'r cond .. tinted gJaee. l ~ wtlHfL C180UCC) (Sdc. P4018) I ' . . .. . . . ~ ........ • 19 c MAllt .. Wlttt s-.---. tHt ....,, ...., a bucMta. ..... ,,. Int. u. "*' 13,000 ml• • WfY ..,, (400VDl.I). (Stk. 181~ t . u-fiiii ,., .. 1971 C EVaouT V>TOM~ EconomteaJ e cylinder. three speed trans . tinted glast. camper shell (1L5S293) (Stk. P3979Tl , .... -. _____ ....... ...___._..... HiiilltfwW. I . . ......... -••••••••••• , ____ ._ ___ I 8&BY _. I 002 HAPPY ....................... [:.'~THE REAi. ~ fS1AflR~ - l'HAMlSGMMG! OCIAM'11W Venalllee penthouse, ul· tra deluae 6: im · macula\e! 2 Bdrm.a., 2 batba; frplc. + com· munily amenities. $Z10,000! ..... ..,,,.. ....,.. • 675-7060. Lge assumable loans. low int. available. Homes from $118.500 · 1675.000. Jasmine Creek Baycrest University Park WestcWf BlgCanyon . H a t b or VI e w. Hills WARM WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS FOA A HAPPY THANKSGMt«; HCllOAY FROM n£ INVESTMENT PRC1ESslONAlS Quail Place Properties Inc. 752-1920 Where Futures Happen Today 9UAIL ft.Act rttOPlltTllS. IMC. 17 '41 712-1920 Lingo AulfsTATl . F10M THI PIOPLI • IMOUI MIWPOllT llACH OfflCI 1141.000 I 2 Unita OD 'a Full Lot Cbarmhur 1 Bdrm/den bouiell, patio. carport· 1-LUS a 1 Bdrm ~ Xlllt locatb:I near No. Bay. ALSO ....,2...., ... ~ .... 2 ... ..,. .................... ....., ..... U,_,1001: 11VMH House has 3 Bdrms & den, 3 bat.M, patio. jacuzzi, 2 decka, 3 car garaee PLUS off street parking. Large roof deck overall for outdoor living. GREAT VIEW ! ALL on an OVERSIZED LOT. $475,000. REAL TO~ 876«>00 U. • 1 It I • A11od .. t1 '71-JJJ I 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona def Mar UtMlrtleA• ...... hW. associated u~ I If' t F l..j f I\ • ' J ., .~' ,,\to I' I , ' .. o RMAMCI 0....WllHefp Spectacular 3Bdrm, 3 bath, l bath w/oak·tank wall l.oilet, pedestal alok, bidet. elaw·fool bathtub, mirrored cellln&a; a maulve aplit·level w /huge family rm , crackling tplc, mirrored dinln& rm, custo m kitchen. 2 pa.otries, encl garden patio. Be ere.tiYe OD Fin.ancinl ! Try VA! $136,000. Act Now: call~2313. OPfN t~ 9 •fl~ l lJN 10111Nl(f1 •• i~ -~ --"""' THE REAL ESTATERS - --,,, VA NOMI No down! Secluded 3 Bdrm. 2 bath home, wall ol glue olf UviD1 rm overlooka huge ram blina rear yard; cmy, warm brick fplc, country gourmet kitchen , bree:r.eway, dbl gara1e. VA Terms at tBZ.800. Act Now: call 541-ZIU O'fN ltl 9• 1t S HJN 108' N<f• THE REAL ~<® reJch Reatty DAL ISTAll DC• 1 RICI SIMCI It .. COMI wmt US. • Je l.90. n. ..,... _.__ ... 5111, ... ...__._ .... "I ., I -J :;::.. "",. ... ., _.,. 1111 ""1 a u J Ultra deluxe owner·s un· It with 4 bdrm. rental, 6 car aarage · SS fl. lot. $895,000! ...... ...-.. ~.., ......... $361.000 NEWPORT BEACH 15Hl11 OCEAN VIEW . vename. Peatbouae. ut. tra deluxe Ir Im· We have a few special macula\e! 2 Bdrm.a., 2 ctup1ex buys wrth bullt·Ul bat.ha, frplc. + com· ftna>ci.ng and almost oo IDllllt1 amenities. Try quall.fying necessary )'001' creative e1cbanJes t blk t.o beach $199.000 ar ftnancln1 tedm1ques 8lg4&3Brw/ocun vu here ! Reduced to SZJ9,500 sm,soGI A coup~ of 3'2 & 2'1 ..... .., Prop. rm.soo ••• 1 Pha a deluxe model • '71-7060 • s:m.500 WILLTUDI I PourpJea Iota with plam. pamb, ready t.o .,; well )Ocal..t near tbe freeway lo Pomona. $44,000 Each, free & clear. Owner will carry ... pe.per. JACOBS R£AL TY '7M670 WOODSIDI Y&U4I Bar1alo Huntin g' Gor1eoua l ·alory. 2 Bdrm. 2 bath presll&lOUI townbome. pool, apa, sauna. lush l.andacaplo1 Take·over $08 mo 10.,.,'J. Loan, 127,000 Eqiacy. Aak1D& $71.950 Anxious, Call Now J4f-23Ja. e>'fN '"CJ• ti\ IUf'O IOM A/ICI ' IXICUTIYI 1'11-UYB. rue em.ry. tonnaJ u vtAc 6 dinlng. sunny kitcbal, xua iarge ramijy rm + wet bu. ~It fpk. aoar 1n1 1ta1rs leadi~& to private master swte • children '1 quarte rs Mam.cured ,:rOUDda. AM 11111 $l8UOO. Call Now ! t(iiS-mt. ()llfN '" 9 •It S llJl'f IO• lllil(f ' [llfftNfd "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" ···~•Hwt.• 2436 w. CMlt Hwy ...... 631-1400 t I ~--' I STATER~ ['21Hl!KI ·u.~n dlat.h .. Fw._f_nM/Sll,900 F.arty American ruaU<' 2-llt)' 4 BR 2 Bai. COUDtty kit/din~ Bannlstered alatrcase t o g ue1t rarut Lo9ds ol OLD BUS11C CHARM Pool - lid~. RV BC· cea. llin. t.o beads. av.~ ~~~~~~~~ mt. avail. Barsain hunt in(? Terms few all Ca II A Division of Harbor Investment Co LIASI OfTIOM SIA'fllW h , w/n.w. Guan:t eate, tenDia pool. Jllat. \ennl. Owll/Brtr. '75-1177 or dQI, &n..fl79nea. fil Coldwe.11 Banker A HAPPY TIWISCMll .. OM ALL°' UStel/ AT COLDWIUIAMCll rnacnab I lrvlne realty a4llOZ BK.R. (Peter~.) EXClUSIYE llW Off mL DOVEi SHOIES-flMT Bl Fantastic opportunity -large U· sumable loan with low interest rate. Open escrow now and have late spr· lng occupancy. 4 Bdrm. larae faml· ly room, gourmet kitchen with breakfast area. Superb arrange. ment for entertaininl -oool, spa, BBQ area and fireplt, etc. 'l'ee land . $565,000. For further details and appt., call Ann Peters. S(CiJ!lt\-~i,~s· Tlwil lnfii911in9 Word Gome wfflt o Clludl• ----14tto4 ll!y C\AY I. l'CM4AN •·~ '--' d .... 1-ICtO~ WOlch be-... IO,_._ ..... -ci. I, 1~ i Er i w , I I I I ftAllC UDOCOMDOS 2,3. 4 Bdnu. wttb pool, jac uztl .-1auoa. Pa•oramlc c oastal ...... .. ut.llul Saa beuo. ~l 146,too wllb only down. 1Ll7S tn&ere9t. ad· vaata,p ol 1raud open-lae prto. • tbeJ ._, IMt. ~ office open JMMw.-. ~Del C SELECT Sol Bl~. Sao Dte10. T"PROPERTIES _nc_,.,.... _____ _ HOM1 Foa LAI .. IOAT You own the land and 8S feet f ron- tage on the water. Only 5 years o!d. See this lovely 4 bdrm, formal din· lng room, family room home; just listed, exch.asively~ SM5.000. .. IN Nl!WPORTCBNTER • 644r-9060 AC'nOM ¥llWI Overloolrinl the harbor entrance lll posh Irvine Terrace. Vien. botb day & nlifit from thls ele,a.ot ' bdrm. bOriie; richly decorated wtth exotic hirdWOoti,·beautiful tropical planta traosweeot celWlp plus • ma1Dln'cent patio 6 pool f Very private la MClild.eCl Tiie Driihlt Joe•· tton ID lrVl.De Terrace~, •'!OM,000 With attrldive ftnalaclqa U&llable. -111,llR CD. 0 ~ 50 \'l:ARS OF SERV1CE MA•-.cBCT WHITI WATm YllW lotri1uinl Old Spaniab Kome Above Woods Cove. Sb Bedrooms. Flve Baths. Lar1e UUllty Room. Hardwoosf Floors Three l'lreplacea. Cedar Ctoaet1 Tbree·Car Garace. Private Ste1>9 To Sandy Beach. Sfflvded Garden 41 Patio Areas. Priced At $999,000 (5) ·-----· 631·1• Ill OC>Ya DalVI COUNTRY ESTATE NEWPORT IEACH European style 5 Bedroom 7 Bath home at the very top of Spyglass Hill . A true estate with complete security system. pool, and jacuzzi. Panoramic view of Newport Harbor, the Pacific Ocean and city lights. SJ ,750,000. IAY Ir OCIAM VIEW • ONDf•S., Large 3 Bedroom 3 Bath home looking at Lido Chan· nel & the Pacific Ocean - owner will possibly lease/CJl>- ti on . Price reduced to $395,000 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 499-4151 495-1720 SOtdll a..-a la;a 11 t4)u1I 497·l3)f~ 493-1112 DcmaPoW 675-3411 IMl. lllATI ac•• ltCl llMCI ,,., . CO.. ~ UL .... &*» OM TMI "''·:S:"'.,.._,. ........... . .. ,.~._.. .......... .... .. .. ...,: •• , ......... ,.. ••••• J I•* 111ai 1'1 illlllt ""''• fi11it ,_ a ..... ;' .............. , .. , . ···~too. ) IEBT Ufl 75Hl11 MAllTHIS THAMIMIYIM HOUDA 1 A HAPPY OM! WITH 8°/o-11°/o INTIUST IA TIS Sii oua AD IM 1MI IMCOMm .. Of'mn IKTlON UOO TOOA Y 9UAILPLACI PROPERTIES, IMC •. 1714) 752-1920 IAYFROMT We have several fine homes with pier & slip PEMIMSULA rotMT Newly decorated 4 bdrm. family home. Close to ocean. $325.000 EL TORO HORSE COUHTRY 4 Bdrms., 3 baths; ranch s tyle. mini-estate in orange groves. $249.500 BILL GRUNDY : .. RlALTOR . J-11 Buy\1d1· Drovt· NB 675 · 6161 EASTERN 2·STORY COLONIAL lbuptlonl 1atll•gled ad llnrtter-4 rethhnr• ..... •1 .. 1tlc a.tt ...,.... Campi l:aff 11•adll1d ..a , .. cuAad ............. c...-.... d .... ...... Specie. ..... roo& ·--.... . ............ 111111ct•1 ...... ... .......... VJIW ..... ... ..... .,_ .... cMck .... ~·· ••• ........ ...., ......... . COii\' ...... Newport IHdl loulSea. $375,000 Fii. YIEW-100l-IJOVEI SHOIES Fobtdo9 ..... for ...... I I 1 ...t pl.-.4 for .... ., ............. .., tpocao._...,...._,._.,. ... llYillg ..-. ... f..ny r--1 ... ,_.. c lllamtlos. s.,..• ........... pllll 3 ae1111r ... •u•r •cdtMpri•• pool ...t .. U. .,.at1a•1d YllW frool .. ,__ $450,000. WATERFRONT~ HOMES Inc. 243h W \0,,.,1 Hiqh14..,1,, Nw:po11 (Wach 631-1400 EASTSIOI COST A MIS.A 4 bd. b<>me on Cul de Sac. Pride of ownership. Ask for Robert Milliken 631-1266 MIW USTIMG Cameo Highlands. 4 bd., view, private beach. Completely re· done. Fee land. $326,000. Call Darrell Pash 840-2326 . 1Asta.U1111 DILUXI New llsttng. 5 bd .• view, pool. Fee land. S289,000. Darrell Paab 644).2326 WOOOLAle tm..LS Adult coDdO. Walk to Saka Fifth Avenue! $190,000. Darrell Pub 64().:2326 PMM SPmMaS llMTAL On the 7th !airway a1 Monterey CountrY Club. 3 bd.i unfumlabed! S800/a'90. One year eate. Darrell Pub~ LOCATION I 3 AnalyJie Uia property further -3 Bdr. + den, euy malnt., near elem. school & park. Contact J•c:kie HUdlemall 831·1288. o/ ntlUlf"'rl REALTORS 675-5511 COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS ZSIS l. Co.at Hwy .. CoroM .. M.. 675-5511 HurplMdlHoee Located only 2 blocks from the surf " sand m Npt Bcb. A family style home W1th 4 Bdrms. 21.'J Ba Owner may carry lsl With 20% down. Asluog $225.000. BALBOA lSLANO REALTY 673-8700 $7800 DOWN NO QUALi FYING /\Mume 10 s~ Loan 3BR 2 BATH 167.500 CALL RID CARPET 754-1202 macnab I Irvine realty A SU9810fARY OF THE IRVINR COMPANY CAMYOM CHARM! Spacious 4BR home offers ~ very best starting with the great corner location w/lUSb landscaping & put· ting green on through the private courtyard entry & the 24 hr. securi· ty of the guarded gate to Big Ca· nyon. By appt. at $585.000. Jeri Hunt 642-8235. ( P ·66 l TBMS. TB.MS, TBMS You can't beat this opportunity to lease with option to purchase! Charming 3 bdrm. home on quiet cul de sac. just 1-mile to beach. 2 Yrs. young. Owner needs sale this year. $156.000. Barbara Glass 752-1414 ( p.67) 6'2-823S 901 Dowr Ori~ 644-6200 Harbor V1•w Cen._, Irvine •I Campus Valley Center 7S2· 1414 COIOMA Da MAR FIXH Charming Duplex, both Units have fireplaces and approved plans for Remodeling. Call Now: 673-8550 EL.EGAHT NEWPORT AXER Private iron-gated courtyard leads to elegant entry of a Family home of living. Terrazw to magnificent living room & formal dining , w I tiuiltin butch, gourmet garden-view kitchen, family room with massive stone fplc, wet.bar & wooden noorlna. private, secluded Ubran. 5 stately Bdrms, Muter 'Suite w/graceful marble fplc, shady covered patios, xtra lar1e 3-car aarage. much. much ·more for only $445,000. Call DOW' 673-8550. llACHCHAIMB .... _. SJt,0001 BeautlCul 3-atory home w/fabulou.s wblt.e water views from UJliP'!I' terraces, 8 Bdrmi. family rm. wet bar. ~. and •kYJ.l&htl complete tllll tlrllbtt 1paclou1 De1l1ner home. Owner anxioua, wlll b•lP fbiaoce. Act Now: ~ FOQl:ST E OLSON . .. . ., ·--= DWI.IX MIWU~ AT BllOONIA PK C.ll for detail&. Ast. Mldablf '1S'JS, sooed f1S.3115 &.2. Ownera:uious!COIN ---...... ----, OZ4 l'JllETYl;JJiUlM1 _ ................... . W..c.ml~MIMY .. l~~~~~~I ,_,... SACIURCI Aaaume t .t"Ar lat, aa· sun:w IK 2nd. Ocean view. 3 BR, Seavlew area. szs.ooo down. Pay· menu $1934 /mo. Full price $245,000. Com-parab&i9 at $25i5,000. Ph 417.50» .......... 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ~ HERITAGE REALTORS P11C1amucm TAUOYB '..5"• LOAM Gftat 3 bdrm starter on quiet street. Lge yrd. Owner bas bought anolber & 1s an:itlou•. Now only $81.900! Hurry! ~9"91 = Walker & Lee --------- OAKGLEM Ol1llnct1ve new 2 bedroom, 2"'2 ba COD• doml.ruums. SIJ'1.990. 302 APC>LB4A ~LS Ddetl Ave, C.M IALIOA ISU 642-6734 2bd OWNER HOllE GREAT LOCATION . IY OWMER STEPS TO BEACH, 1r1--------1 Rusllc 3 bdrm. t ba VILLAGE. ALWAYS A z • RXB wtth fireplace, enclosed HOllE. N'EVEll A REN· OM:lef' will carry h.nanc prage SO'x11s· R-2 tn· TAL. 3 BDRM. 2 BA. 1ng at 10.,.,~ Lol 1s Po lot. 4J6 lbault.oo. W I 0 FF STREET -* f« z umts Pnced Do DOl cbaturi> t.ena.nl5. PARK{NG PRICED at only $75.900. For more M&ASl dose m 79. Pna-roR FAS?' SALE. CALL do c:alls.46-9> ape.ls ooJy. $915,000 FOR APPT. 675·8729, se-sou or 631·3S20 au '143'.-179· SYCAMORE ~LIM C¥sf•-.._. 1011 ... ~MEW ....................... )~~~~~~~~! ~ SWI .o11i. .. .-. _...,... I · Fabulous. large 3 bd, 2\.!i tiwwww rv"-ba. Quality townbome TOT'AL ,.,YACY II.ate your advertising condomi.Dlum.a. Only a Cozy. custom. J BR 2 ba dollar eo ta.rUMr• wt av.ilable. $108,990. 200 $10K. Jo an. A gt . your busmess every day S.U Ana Ave. 642-6734. 49&o8C97 ID the ClMt1fied aet:U00 of thl• new1paper . WantAdl Call&U-5B11 ~ 7490 ""Aace B ... e, ltM.DAIUl·l Good locaUon for apls. Near sbop1 le bus. $22:1,000 IALIO....-wPOIT llALTY 67Ml70 POBSALE ON CONTRACT • 4Jk" pool home, MeM Del Mar Area. $110.000 ftnn. 30.000 dwu, owner wUl ft.Duce lK loao. Prtil oaly. 0.,. 6C2-99Cll. ,,__ S5M02IO -----Ptr Sale by OwDer. Im. II*: tmale ...,. home. 38r. 2be. lrl ynl, many atras. close to alnl achools • shopping. •.JOO Assume loan. <l ) ~ $50,000 EACH Two 00 a lot. Owner w\ll • carry w1lb down pay· meat al 1K interest. . Ooly $100,000. CalL eo-t161 -WalktH & lee - Hlfl!TACf I ! f 4 l ~ I ' l ....SIMM mTIU'f ......... 000-. a.....,~.u. 11111.A_...._,._. ••••18drm ~~LAS~ .. .-.; ~~~~...;..;;.;;;..;.;.;~1 ...,.nu s.._ r -L _ .. ! \ Nn'·· .,·;· • • • J Cq!S-Im ..... , ................ . Pri .. t. ecre Ht•l•. .... tlOl'lllll7. Bdldtr"• )alt camJ>WJDc. 1571J )aHO f>• La Pu. • • 14 • • t4tfJsOO Btr/Ownr. Buell llouH wl~: -•-------..,,,..... ~'°remodel IMlt f:UC'llUw bome. 4 ::.:., 4uplea: " ba. Bdnm. ~ Ba. "" lal. IMIOMtlWPOG =:-.::o Owaer. IW&IMe .... ~JILi llM.TY 67M170 ~HTO oc:IAM VllWS 2 BeauUNI WelJ AP· from l.bla •Pfftaeal•r fGlDted Oa lbe Wa~r • .., f fV.,,. l.OAM" lllUll·a.m& boaM. &oar-~. • 111,0IO 6 lllffl Nim °'*'~ID UUs S 1D1 ~-~~!'.,.~~ 12.Ud.Uka. BJ•pPt. ElpM tWI •Na aS1'9d, ~ ,_ I raacb kll. ..-., --~ ._... *Cote' Beat·r a bdnD. + ....... .... -w peaceful. U • bl& ol tPetto._ D · " 1tory end ult. adult cl111lve lllu6oa HUia JOY dlaeoverla\:!e "IAVe.slmal bame ~CW de Btn riewl of t.be IUr· IDaQJ ~ lb.It e 64().5777 • ....,_ ;• 4\: •. oaon:: ~ 11&11.eya • bills. bll touu•. •,OOO. ~~~~~~~~ .if new • freeb decor. ~ " •Cft llbone cor ~Vlllltl.I. ~K'°9D! nl Ai room tor pooJ. 11 491.1761 Ocilm/..,...... .a. al commGD land I Bd coodo, HCUrtl.r w I p ra., ate po 0 I . rN1>eL1n Jl,.,,, f ,,,,,,. '"' IMYIS1MBfl' IUYllS Loeatloo • locatloa. Orel& ... .... utpla. U~•ACM Walk&o~OIM -. ... I bdrm -..:..T'wo .... -Deal -.er. T••• ml&a. Well ca.Nd for . owe-~. OAC. lite Brand aew oa Ua• ..., adlt pl!, lBr. 1.Bt. market. Offered at _R_MP _ _.,. ______ , Sl1S..OOO. 51501 at.too Said WDod .... , •bere ID Ulil l or 2 BR mobde bome. Co•ered pallo. -------- lar1• 1ard 1tep1 lo t.dl. MIWfOllT UACK 12 UMl'fS 1 DOOR fl'OID OCEAN. UnbelleYably low WW PRICED at 14%5,000. Owner wtU tncle. blda •/boat anp. ODlJ dtiNwqe. t.emm ma • WortdR_. ..... 556-7777 &afl-ttls 1050 =--=: P11tnck Taort 1:'::~"!': ~e2o::~·o~: Sr.ASHOU -•••••••••••••••••• '"~ -,.,. r-a&..o-·-dbl. --'"'"-2 Lelaure World. Cate 14 '"'9N·-·l: 7141981 '2311 ~sa2 Ba ... ~'"""' I I D&.UXE UMm Panoramic view, 3rd __ uJl-..a + ...,.., PBDIE EASTSIDI!:, Cll "'-VUla N _........ ~·..,. S31JIDO. ~-~ .. n..o--b. ...... • ueva. 2br R.EA.LTORS • .......... uc Zb9, S1S-A71 A/C. aft BJ owner ... aumablt Real ~ta~ BY OWNER 'IRE STARNES CO. ?pm. .. Pia. 100 IL to ocean. SU0.000 k>AD at 10"-' "lt 2h40 Coldenwe1l, ~sru -'--------SUl,000 . Termt . _,/Mool.b pa{meot.1 real $\30. Nr bcb, -----~-nL"-• ~~!~~-.!~ llanbaD lU\1 m.4'00 ~ 3:;;'1~ ~ ~·~••••-!~ _m.. __ '45-__ zn_•___ ~W~ERTY ~1 .... ,.., Hwt $3.500 DOWN w/frp&e, NP iwt qtn 8Y OwDe-z br adult cm· owa• .usT S&L f'Tom 131.M. llodular & ... ~ 5 bd. or rec room w/pvt beth. do.. modeJ boloe perfect. atdO im Hallmark. Type Homn. 3t aecun· Harbor View Home. Mlutm9 baJ o1 sno.ooo vn.b ~· spanlloa Walk lo South Coaat N:.. 2Br. ZBa; laardwood ~.Ir\ llacbel~" Value• location' at ll~~ New '3Br. clMD. -.111· ~ Piasa S7t.~Call cabinets show• ""1 1\1ware Pk . ._ .... II; T a ..... twabome. Newport HllS. w/bb 8 6 larse COY· SJl...OOOdays: cw II ~ully Call tnMZI ... Padfte Cal Hwy, A VBY ..-..... c .... l·-YeCmlt. MOVE IN NOW! end p.Uo. Fut .-crow ~/wc1hmd 'nJrtaiae La1una Bcb. R..M.P ,.Y"lu Prill-'"· 4'7·~ Will coD1lder trades C1141-.1579 ---......., $17S,OOO ~ooloolly SOIA•-· IOl6 st , Jl~--.....,_.... -r7 Nmmd. lxl2'. lBr. ba. CDM .,.. .... .,. ~.-.... REALTORS •trooo DOMAA 1oo· •• Ql-4'104 ror •Piil -·-·············· ltv rm. k1lcheo. A IC. .,.,.....~ WOODlllD•I Overloolrln1 Cont --------"" t15 Plra~ R.d ORJDITAL FANTASY new cr-pt 1115,000 Spa« I Br owner ·a unit 3 BrSl.25,0005 Br RoyaJe. Fabu..loua OCUll ........ ~SIYI Aaawnea ba1 ol $265.000. --------nu CWl.om 3 Br. J Ba 1130 mo 60·9332 or w/frplc ~ 1Br1 Ba unit. Sll5.000U1ume~~ ~-=.~:·:=: MYROMT ~t'7:.ut~Pri1:1':!:Jcy WATERFRONT ~ ~~l~I~; _U_J212.. __ 111Z2.____ ~~~uumable loan. IGOUZ.144--7 deck " a boat or Excitin1 7 bdrm. 5.,., _«_.:ma______ HOME wtUt.ewal.er vtews. onen· I I MPwopest, 1400 IRIAD & IUTTEll Mmf ~ penooal touches. Thia mtb main home located yiea lfVAAlt t a I g a rd e n s & _.................. 4 four.pines aa Costa fll.,500/offer a Br 114 warm Spaniab style bu oo most pn!Stlgioua Udo Sbarpl bd. 20X40 pool+ WITH DOCI poaslb1IH10 for U · HIM.TH Q.UI m..DG Meu. Can be sold a.. Woodbrld&e Olen. j111t been reduced' to Island Bay rront . .._ )tup lot. s.crtfic:e pan1100 Interior Prune oc. tocaoon or ~~ly. All 3 bdrm 2 GS4541,~ $!7S.OOO. 5epuate maid'• entry. $129.900 Pn .,,_111 ... , "-• fe.atum formal entry beacb 2 racquetball ba each. Owner will ---'-------• • Private 1 bdrm. 1 ba, ~•trick Tenor!: See tbia acluaive 5 BR 4 -.y, island kJt.cbeo. SUD· c:rta Ju:um Ir ••un• C&tT'Y at l0"1e for four LocaH. ls lOUI llST ldtebea luesl qrtra. Tb1I Gl·lB. Ba home. Available hm tub• fonml diAul& Owner will flnnce yeen 27~ down Full VALUL. aep.at Laland home la dlred from builder 8uJ .,...1279.000 $31DO.OOO pnce 1196.000 'unfmtll . ti.JCDd compare. Loe•· now, wblle uder coe· LINGO REAL ESTATE DGB4T 1.EALTY 19 UHm ID ~S. J-iu. ~ ~t!u,~! Uolllt "1r desolgnff willd Milt ll1W:tim.. 11.U.Y ~I.al (114141f."551 714/4fM501 ExceUen._t,~ptf Bch Hloca· Yoa eu't beat \bl.a 2 walkiDI ~tot.be u · ere a REALTORS features lncludln1 s-.t.._. IOll um. 2.,.,.. rom oag blrm., din.. m U. 12Ul beacb and vi Hase. 11.ZSO,OOO. M6-'77ll formal dlnlnl room. --· .. ··-•••••-•• C Holpeal. AJl well main· -1 • ..._ -u L&=SI --.. d 1 1•-&aiaed. Pnce reduced to 0-1111....,_couru, lkamed cellln&•. vr•"'" 1ar eo roo1D. ar1e ._ ntt.IOO Owner wtlf wtila 8 beaatifaJ rieW lludwoocl floora and S8R OCIUD riew SDmer .mte wtlb bydro flan U. tine patiot: root deck! Doal mlu R.JataW ~SJS)OmG..app&iea wblrlpool jeU.ed tub. carry at l~mtereeL * onndttloaln1 a.od \cw. tbl1 opportuolty at --------toSlll,.500.645-Tm 1'1d' prtva&.e dock wl1b tlOO sq.FT. eiy UHJ'lidla. $188.000. "()Ml ~ W~[daayndlbeOlertWIOrilcltbyy (X land. BualdtDJ 12:50 ~ • A ICJMD" 3 lmlOOM ...... Just rootsteps & JiQ a. St.reued for 2nd [R€HIG€ YOU CAM"T oov.-CUSTOM CUSrOM ~~Hon. at.GOM ~;!·r= ~· acary Dowat.owu ~ --HOM€~ llAT THISI na OPEN SAT /St1N 1·4 30 Miu.. Sl.50.000 O I ladhidual fl c:atm de· Tbla home at.a.ad.I out •Hartior lalaod Dr. S225 .000 wllh .., ~. lltr ms W Cout Hwy, ND c ea a t v l n I . 2 lllbfld 3 bdrm Elegant. •lila OWD tndi'llduably •Jl--11.TY S13'7.000 uaum· S.-772' Ms..u46 Bednlol:Da.1 Bath,ocnn work bl th l • Cltm (fftures. Luab r~--· •-able lat al "' view, coaunwUty pool. Tb'A man. P• ruodu • land.lcapinc w/garden IXCLUSIYI AGIMT OWC:ncl BBQ area. praie, all .. bome gar en view kilcbeD • fmly rm. --------"-w/~m • wann fm· IUl mooo. . I y r ID . 8 re a k la I t 1bla spedoas home ia an • 1lCN So. Coat Hi way in Vllla&e Fair LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 balcony. Decorator einUrtalDer's paradlae dnlperi'9 • wall cover· w/a warm Ai welcome In 11 . E :1 ten a I., e llYabWty. Priceo to aeU brickwork " wrou1bt ra 161-7711 Iron. Hot • C~ spa. MaDy more featuns. DO NOT MISS THIS ~ -Walkr.r t~ lee SPJ:CIAL OFFERING. ---------... 7711 ~ WalkP.r 1; LP.r. LOWIMT&UT __,Lac .... Tab aYer low blterest rate loaD ! Several dlOlce 1·2 bedroom tlCm· do.._ in popo1ar Spr· lDlt eommual\J •• '"--t..a. ........... tmllll,tUlb••n+ca.., ~..,....,, Plme aoday CPriD. oly' M6-l.:M C:Brobr • 4 Ualla. ZBR 2ba $109.000. llLODO yr mcome owe Pnn only A&l. at-459 oaAMIMUD$ Two 6 mootba 1011111 ~ 2 Bdrm 2 bath da4""• wtt..b fireplace. pa\1os. 1ara1e• aod pm1an&. Great Newport beach location. Short ~ eo tM beach. ud ocean view. $270.000 eecb. don osen r, ,, • r-. .... m..aw WANT ACTION! a..fed AdllU·51'1'1 ... ~ • RANCH REALTY 651-1222 ..._,.qsrtr zooo --~•r 20ll ~ ~======~ ............................... ~ ........ . H.,,, TN••:=""· ••ow IY•Y .. AT WILL IHel• 11111..,,AI. llOlllAel COM· PAim llAND NEW '°" SALi: Of Rl:N'l' CUSTOM Bar• v•·· llOQaCO~ susHm ,_land Pr 2 be ... ----------· llH.000 ... , uoo. t'il Bl! ,._. SIOOO 0.-W ·IUI or Uf·4060, 'UOO"W:i: ._fa DOWI Tab~ _cwnt__.._-.· ........ ----1 BUILDD MUST ULL _..... ...... ~. Iba, ID om • dan! raa· • · s.. H £RITAGE Rll\lTORS ""rm. JV eo. at.-o IAYIUOlll tllCk nn•actna .. .u.. O,,N&a 8lT Tiii 'l'W'adJtloaaJ MHlJ-.... UDbdeY•blt c ~~~~~~~ euu.&TI QUiil~ ~ ud ~ ......... ONLY ~"'~= Dour dltl&l Uno& I Bd.nu. la C9tOCD halma. 2,400 ~ • sin.ooo. .,. bldll1 1 ~. .. .... a nr.,uc., cau. =11& TD, WJ,000. formal al DIDI room. ~ i•~•J•· .Pl•= 11pro1 10.K Ulld r.tca, .-noon . ..,_ noorua.t. IMl·ll'fO or t7t·'1H ~~OD, .. Olll ..ood...,....,,.. llDd.. roof. PlaHt ta •P· f::.," wltll l1laad MJ..IZOO I t Mautw fam.UJ r o o m aaSATHTAStNG WOUllD 9E AN tnmU81"ATal IUfr t all DOW fW tan ... por&uoltf 1ad u •• U..•• . ID·I I 11 TUSTIM/4•1M OM.YStf.IOO OI • qlll9t cul·"-·Ht wlb COIJ ..... frpk ud .._. dllUD&. •• u at.re dla t 8dl'lll W/prot l1Dd1c1pla1 and tba =price. CALL '44en11 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$SS$ .,. ' - I <lDla.. Puts ..._. Sbr. ....... ~crpa.W. ••• l car aar. AvaU. 381', 3Ba. Zaty t1DO ~C\alUtl ISll. tmllo • ~. dep. 3 Br. 2 Ba. l 1ty 9650 ---=-~;..;..:,;.;,_ __ 1 ~ 3 Br. 2"11 ba apt S:iOO 3 BR 2 be, pool. ~/mo. MG-~ ....... • 2 lit • wt+POQ. Avail 4 Bdrm ouN\ ft NO f'EI:! A1Jt • CCGdo ... ••••nw•••-...... U /5 "4·T2ll days 6 • ,,._ aq . nee: rental• Villa Rental• Lacuoa Q.~, Oceao -.int eve Acf.. ulr for home ~~:c:o:~e m-Gl2 s.r. ~ m.,.;. SI0.000. ~ ~5 mo. 9'2·4663. 3 Br. 2 Ba. pool, jac .• -.. __ y--<-,. __ ...,_ hl>lc, indoor BBQ. $850. We 0 5 le: l2tl ....................... ROll!;S POR RENT 3 or 4 Br. Priced rrom $C75-&m. Focd yard " gara1ea . Familles please, kids & pets welcome. C:.11 964·2566 or 973-2971. Agt, oo fee. :rHE "GOOD LIFE" YUIM,OUND "Utt: Social ~1111111.. Ot· rector• Fte• Sunday Brunch• 880 1 •Par• , .. •Plus much f'llOf'* QRUT~ Tann11 •fr .. Letlonl (pro to PfO ahop) • 1 Healttt Clutle • Sallnll • Hydroma-.ge•Swm- m1ng •Goll Om11ng Range BUUTIFUl AP..-T • MENTIS: S"'gle• I .. 2 Bedrooms • Fur r11dle<I & Untum1shed 1 lldrml. l l>•&b ..,,. Adultl. DH. mo. Gu pUd. ea-5073. ........ -. Verde Zut. Spae. Blacbdor. lU br apt. from -· "*· jacusd. pvt patios. Garases avall. Adults. DO pet.a. 2lllO Hirte A~. Ml-*7. Ntw 2 br, m be o""". •Adult l.NtnQ•NoPet' Zbr. 1~. frplc. pat.lo, • Model• Open d.t•ly eocl 1ar, Adults No • near beach, 1 .. ty. BBQ, adulta. am. $400.MW!M 9 to 6 Paa $11511.o &o4074 Oakwood 2 Br 1,.., ba t.owD.bowe Walk co beach. 2br. lba, Garden Apeftmenb Gl.W OP£NINC aar'age, patio, pool: s:mll9 + eec. No Peta .,... Newport ~/So. ...._ y SICTIOM Jacu:m, fu-eplace. Adulta satP•U . • • 1100 \6th St F only $'10. Avail. Dec Lee 2br 2be, oew cprt fl 10o•••1t1t.1111 ADUL.TSICTIOM l!ith.631.....,. drpe, dsbwhr. healed (71'1642 8170 Wealfleld Super 2bc'. 2be, Condo All pool, J1:i rru to beach. ,. CGMlr:Jdlm I Newport8Metl/Mo. 28r,l\(aba from$420 bluos. a te. bak. cstm ~if Nopeta S3llO , Newport Studio Condo. seo \Ntnl' 2Br.2ba fn>m"50 drps &i m1n1 blind• ----. I --"'"""' ""'"'""• 48r, 2'1'1Ba b.ae, 2 car ~&42-5031 pool, enclosed gar., aaraae 1 blk t.o ocn abows like model home. I ' ' REALTORS "50/QM>. Aat. No fee. w/v ew, $650 mo .• no Nr. Hoa& Holpltal. Pool. "'wl•d 3400 c41161111 J8r,2ba from--Ux1ly area Bit over encl 2br. pa"-to 4.pt""x. "'-Al. a Se rit ••••••••••••••••••••••• (7141 645 Ot>50 _, 2 M di ....., ... c..o .. 5tl-9> Aak fot' BW peta, 536-Ul66 C3 Zooed Lot t\ lt Urut . Sharp, clean. 3 br 10 Moeel, K ftnancllla. 2 A.JI new 3Br, Family pnme oe1gbborbood wl blka co om, parant.eed room. DO pet.I, $6SOlmo. heavy sbake roof Lge palitiw cub flow. Sell· SM-OZ54 llv rm w/frplc. br1le lac II& $13. sq. ft. Owner i Br 2 ea twnhme 2·sty cheerful lutch Secluded C2U > S67-G'20 new Av all soon' $450' $S1S 848·9840 or 847 1622 Maille a.../ 6415-1174. Vivian Trtr Prtm 2300 NEW 2 Br dup~:;-frplc Hoa>f~°" ·--················· _ ... b p t • • • HlrtMu' 3242 -us a 10. garage 72 ~ 12 .-id~ 2 $450 646-8619 ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••• bdrm reduced S3,300 -2 BR, 2Yi ba townhouse very clo nr ocean H B Sharp 4..Br famldm rm. 1760 sq rt. 2 <.'ar l(ar, 982-18111 Mesa Verde, fplc, bltns. near be1tch $80-0/mo fencd yrd. $600. Avatl C a I I a C t 6 p m . TaAIU:aPARK Dec lat. 646-l53S or 11419!17·5490 22 spa~ park w1lh 2 houses near Lake ~-------~ 3244 Perna, 45 mtn from Mesa del Mar 3br. 2ba. Orange County Gross avail Dec 15 . family income $31,632 Owner S525Mo ~l.54.2.!>46-9460 wW help finance or ex change Full price $?15.000. Call 556-2660 .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT 3 or 4 Br Pnced from ~$595 Fncd yard & garages Fam1l1es please. kids & pet!\ welcome. Call 964 2566 or 97~297 l Agt no fee C::SELECT I PROPERTIES -+ WOODBRIDG E. 3 BR. 2~ Ba . $675 mo ME!iA VERDE 3 br. 2 ba, frplc Gardener mcl 'd No pets $575 m o ~5096 days. 646-5489 eves Ask fo r Kathy, A&t Ml taht DeMt1 1 Bdrm+ utl. 781 J ouM. 714 ·81l0·2360 wkdy~. lftori.. ' 2400 Apl B. S295 9-7PM ·-·················· ___ 549-0W __ ---1 --------•l3Br. 2Ba, lg bk yd. New FOil LEASE crpt " int pa111t. ss15. New 2 bedroom 2 bath A&t· M.1·132' or 549-9372 bome. Mlaslon Lakes Brook~ Ooodo 3 bdr. Co"!lll'Y Club. Golf· 2\Aa ba. air cood., crpts, ~I. Beauufully drpa, auto-cir dbl pr, alJ =~ no ma1D· our a~~~. -<J....q....114. ~ $S50 mo. Desert Hot Spnngs ---213-378-2572 LOE 2 br home. ciM. stv. refng, focd yd, 1ar. Slden ,_...... adlt.a.. PIO. mo. &44-9808 Tl me -ab a re con CMLDaBtwaCOME dom1nlums 1n Ulab 's 2Br. fenced. Miner St. finest ski resort. Park 548-9a?5 or 661·7291 City Prices during .. ~RT RIVIERA pnme ski season st.irt at 1·<1: ... rv " sssoo . ree s imple 4 Br. 2P,1t ba condo. full ownenhip 2 & 3 bdrm rec fao.1.llles , W /D, part u n \ t s • 2 b a t h s f\D'1I avllll. Will consider (801 >364·2000, ask for lseloptJoo S625 673-8840. Mike. ext 195 or Dan, ext 0-0 PoW 3226 181. ••••••••••••••••••••••• RUNNING SPRINGS :IJr2'hbaTwnhlle retreat, 3 bdrm, n; ba, 1850Mo. spa. deck, vtew, 2 f/p, 2br, +den. Twnbse warm/woody, $84 ,500 Z25Mo. SJC A&t. t7>3lll5 2br + den Twnb&e SSSOMo. San Clem .... ALL AMENITIES ·--•• .. ••••• • • • • • • • • • 4br, h:se $600 Mo. Hames Fwllll•d Pearl Lakes. Ail 49f>.5980 ···~·················· C--. .. Mw 3122 ....................... So. of Hwy Up1raded 2 BR Zba w /yard. Avail Dec. l tbry 'une 30 SJQOllDo. 613-lltl. All· LUX CONDOMINIUM Over blfi Harbor 2br . 2blil Feel like a million for S650Mo 492·5963 &Taro 3232 ...... ltecla 3141 ...................... . -••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT Beautiful cou.a•e by t.be 3 or 4 Br. Priced from • $C'B-CS15. Fncd yard • 1ara1••· Famille1 Woodbndge 3 br. l 1 • ba. upgraded condo. Lakes. pool, tennis, rec. center. No pets . $485 mo. fm.1.3S2 after 6 & wknda. DIBAILD P.tio Home; 3 bdrm•. 2~ batba. fal'D1.ly room. 2 p&Uoe, lovely Y•rd A"ad for 6 mos lease . move 10 oow! S'700 Mo + sec deposit Owner/bkr 759·0226. eves 644-6143 Lease. Executive home in Deerfield 2600 Sq ft 4Br JBa Nr schools & park. lmmed occupan CY 975-3265. ;tfl 4p m 5524136 $800/mo UHTALS l BR. 1 ba ....... $425 2 BR. l'h ba. . . $415 3 BR. 2'h ba, $695 <Brand N~w' l 't5Z3 CAMPUS Da· llNltCE sGp • uuna. d cu .... y, Ne-rt·, yrly. rental·. BeaWful.brandnew car gar SC75 o A u pr New cprl& pauot. real grouo s .,....00. ~,.... Excellent loC!allon out No Peta 642 3863 Adil& No Pets. $345 aill O>lled 2Ull477-7001. tie 2 BR 2 ba condo .i..-.... _,_ .., bl>i. ~d flr. Quiet: l.... to..._,, ... g & pau. Quiet delUXt', 2br 2' ~ba 7812-C Ronald. HB. LIASl/Of'TlOM adul bid r-r;roT, Beacb front $500 Ou1dreo welcome ln ,.nTh "' eec<.l\U -I', t i ....... m . pool. WINTER ONLY ~ E family sect.ton No pets "" unn"" ......,.,.,.o 2 bdrm. l ,., ba, patio apt Nopet.s $S75Mo. Ocaofroot 5581182 OpendaUyl05 JO M20WI nr bch. no pets, $375 ~~e'°:~r .• ~en~~: SHORTTERM Rt'ntala 3llllWestW1J.soo.Costa Mapk-St Apts now rt-nl Bob.;.,.Agenl 842253& -parually furn. Pier 4r Weekly & wt11tt>r Mesa <behtod Harbor tng 1 lidrm apt:,, S2~ & Olx 2 br. 3 blk to bch. S3llO ~IFF immac 3 float for 14 fl boat No Agent 6751U70 Shopp111g C.enter J up Furn or unfum 1919 mo 711 536 9561 eves br. 2 ba. fam rm. 2 ~ $750 Mo 63l·S5113IS48:iM08 '1apleSt 631 31.174 213-4.32 7166wkdy:. 3 BR 2Yt Ba. ocean view condo $l!m mo .. applies to $198,500 645-7272 frplcs. &rdnr S82S mo Uruv Park. Irv Yrly ~ 2b l'-" ard a-,.....,.. 2 "'-. ~ .. •ftr •""" r. .,.., > · Spa< Jhr tnh.w t-nl'I 111>1 La r,,. '.I b r ., b • '"" c.XN rental. end unit condo 0 • .. uo..., _,., "ar Very Clean A .1u11c ,.. "' "' W f .. nu ..., )l4f rrpl refurb11>h1•r1 t.o~nhou~ ... ~pt frplc overloolwlg lake le Sao atl'r ront 2 Bdrm NoPeU SJ'T5Mo .,.,, ~ c ·'-p .. ·" • _ ......--. lofM: to """'pi. ool ~ Dl\sti. 1 rru from be'<' .. Joaquin Golf C.ourse. 2 w antiques a. view be f;4S. 922:6 • " BR & den. furn or $3500/mo Short tenn Bachelor loft. ref rag . -~. 675 C"-e lD frwy~ & shop-' parUa.lly.so $7SOM o No 2 Br & den VIEW stave. pool. adults. no ~2 br .. pt.., Jo'Jml ping S400 mo Call Harbor Ridge 3 bdrm 3 ba + den Lwtury Con- do Sl.3)0 per mo. Call 64().:!00I) WATERROMT Modern 2 sty 4 Br 3 Ba home. 2 frplc's, lg deck. on the canal 1n W Newport Avail 1m mediately S850 mo yr round + lsl & hut 4r dep CaU~ pet.s. • Sl500 mo In Promon ~ ~ 648-2901. _ _ ly unit Pool & Pl .. > 841 :9>016"m Lo :'>pm Realty Bay & ¥i8.&t\ l -tory Penthouse ~ ~ 2br Encl gar ground SondanN· We-.t Le 2 bdrm. 1.., ba. nu, COltdatdl-W .. f1CMltHw• Great Loe Adult.a No ~pt~ 199h M 41 pl~ phah cpl lg reoc~d · Urefw.&sl.-cl 3425 631-1400 PN ~ 9441.631·2291 ~l4111ior&t2 l!l()I p;d.al>. g11r. $395. Owoeri ••••••••••••• •••••••••.I~~~~~~~~~ I 2Br 2 Bdrm 2ba. nr ~ O>a.'>l lf73-3l LS I · all uW pd, DO peu 2Br. 28&. washer. dryer.---------smduJdOK.mng.d rw. P\aui.)l,.llr nol)e'b ~I SR. nu pa.mt. btd 3 RR 21'2 Ba condo, gar. & <.'arport Gus fpl<.', pal.lo. pool pr1 v No pets Ocean vu. $580 mo. 96M064 ---- dishwasher. compactor. 4 BR. 2 ba • un.furn Ital', L960 Wallace. Mgr S 3 !.I ~ pool l"'a m1 to bch. oo Pt. Niguel area, $475 Yearly . S700 in SC8 9560 644-4ST9 pets, S335 mo 960-Qt2 a...8700~ 4&2·279& 3 BR. 2 ba. bay v1ew ----28r 124() W.dnt rouplt• or 2 YR OLD CONDO furn, wmter . . $1.000 mlestiBllU woman over ,W :-.u pt'l'> .,..,_ 3844 Best CM. loc. 2·story 2 BR. 4! ba . furn Beaut garden aptS Pool noctuld.n:n 54.IJ 65HI> ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br 1 .... _ •-dry II Yearly ...,CJ\ •-nAut ...... Luxuraou1> Waterfront. • i,.,.,., pvt w , a · · · ......,., at5Pll ,.... ts. DO..-~ TR!PLt:X .... .. _ ( I '"~ 2 .,_ ...... •--f -< lrK lBrCondo. frpl, A.1<:. .,.u.... p c, pa....,, ·Car ooocuo:.... rom......., I Br beam c:e1bn"!> n"w pool I --L l ......... ~ f ...,.,c ... ~ , jaCUlll 831 5700 enc gar. __.. ease. 0 •'''""'m rom......, ly decorated. c•nc l Newport Studio Condo. Nr Hoag Holpttal. Pool, spa. sauna. Security. $400. 646·2947 or m ;m .1001 63l·l1.33.64(M267. 2250VanguardWay urage S295 Gu & Qaplure romance tn lrg l' Cl.-........ Condo All ~9626 water Pd. lw'J bloc.'k Police Br lake front twoh3e. ' -· 2br. -· n.-. '"'"...... ""'-, _.. .......A ted b1t.ios. a le. bale. cstm 2 ya OLD COMDO ~ ,.,..__ evt'5 • '"' ...... es ~ore drps,& mini blinds. Best c M k>c . i.tlorY. Newly decorated 2 BR. tw all the toys. frple; LDdry area. Bit over ... n~ 1'"'"· ... ,..,._ all ..__ t.emUS crt •wim't .............. p ......... ,. ...., .... pvt peUO, aillt.i. JAGl&IZJ etc M96. tDd 2 car pc $115.llo. bitm. fplc. patw. 2· car Sl50 Eves 7St.aJ• 1 1 • . 5' 5 7 . 2 2 1 2 superb Bluffs condo. spec. 4 BR. 3 ba. tl50 ldo. Adtla. No Na. 612-a.3 en.cl pr. $525 Leue. - -at-31J3.MD-4S7. 2br. Duplex. Df'Wty paint ZU.a18Bt Agent 844-U33 Executlve-1pect•cular ocean view. 3 br, 2'1'1 be, Newport Crest Coodo. Tenn11. pool, jacu:u1 Lease 548-7813 Walk to Wort & Beacli 2.Br & den, spa. huge patio S675 Lease. St().1177 ------- BLUFFS COND0·3Br. den, 2Ba. b1gbl)' up· graded. super clean. S'7SO mo .. be. pnme le· oants on1y 644-1720 Back Bay, 3 BR, 2 ba. Adults, no pets Avail Dec. 1.sl. 54.$-4452 A ft. 6 PM Harbor View Knolls Con· do, <Ford Rd " Sao Miguel), 2 br, micro. gas bbq, pvt pauo. pool. t.eo· rus. jacun1 S125 mo Day <7141776 1100, eve 752-l.300 So. ~ Pt N ......... -•••••••••••• ~ . uapac..2 ............. 3106 br. 2 be. paUo, pool air. 1 sty, furu/QD{, Adult& ...... •••-•••••-•••••• $'10. 56MlOI. Brta!Jt • alr7. l·BR. I.e. hv. rm • open be•m Northwood Irv. New 2· oetl's On Grand C.Dal sty. 2br. 2\Aabe, Nr pool. SIOO. Vrly A.&ent m..tB22 Dbl. gar. Many xtras. 2 Br 2 Ba. ~ ... -r •-.. ••. Liie ~Mo. m-4348 ........... ..,__, street park1n1 Agt Mane tr73-8706 " ........ Fwrwfslled ....................... lalloo '" 1::..... 3807 ..... hlmd 3706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lrg 2Br. lBa w/2 paUOll. 1 Br furn or unfum SCOO gar fr laW>dry facilit1es yrly Adults. no pets Avall Dec \St $500/mo. 675-9229 yearly Call 675-8213 eves . afttipro l Bdrm Bayfronl with view. for single ex· eoro.adtfMar 3122 ec:tdive. Available Dec. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1. ~ pr mo. yrly. Agt New lfPlllaln 2 Bdrm. I 673-4062 Ba. dishwasher. refng. frplc, poUo. garage Iris lalloo h1 l 1tlla 3707 S5ClO Aft 5. 644 0149 ....................... --- 2Br tnplex w/wet. bar & 2br.l~ba. twnhse fprlc. frplc. blk from Pav1ltoo pool. d~k. beam ce1l QI.JI owner (714 > 327.224-0 ings. bltm. ... lndry hkup. SGIMo Onve by 4348 E Winter 2 bdrm. avail PaC\hcCalHwy 673..(M73 ---------1 Ot!c 1 unul mid June 3BR 2blil,nearpool.len· Encl gar $375 mo New2Br28a. frplc. y rly ms & beach S7001mo m.9229 lse, S650 mo 67S-0472 3 BR 2 ba. Beams. Sleep101 room·s & --pnvacy and sp•c1ous· 1ot.cbenelUs S7S wk & 2Br. 1Ba. Near bcb. ness t6.'501mo up Oceanfront &7S-8740 w1poo& Carport for 2 Wat .. ftCMlf Ho..a · $450/mo ZU.1'2JH517 ed. YardApnp Pet•...,...._.. 11•t SDO to S42S 2 Br. I 6 2 bll OWd OK ~ 1S63 •••••• •• • • •• • ••• • •• • •• • • apt.a. Bakoay. laUDdO' rm lmmed. oceupy :llr.2119.den.crpts drps. Sp9c2BrN Lag.ocos~e Adulla. oo peta. gar Washer . dryer tnr)'. bltns, qwet. S400"1 TSL Mgmt 6'2-tt03 hookup Pauo. no pe\S. 2 mo Y r Y A d J t j . ludl ~Mo Ult H Del 11111>1039. 16%1 38Z1 ' Eutavte 2 br. l ba. bttns adults ont.y. DO pe\S $3.50 ~lZ18aJl.!."6pm - Mar Mi--9CSS l Br. oc:ean view $435 Grt Locaoon Mesa Verd~ Adults. no pets SM5mo. 2Br. child 01\ ~ lUl6or 199 3922 569-47180r 5.'16. 511-' I Sharp, cleAn. 2Br. l& Blum. 2 yr old 4plx W Side KJ<i.5 o t no pets 2 Bdrm upsuurs. S260 pr $ J 7 5 6 4 5 7 4 7 9 mo Otshwai.her bit 1ru. ~/wknds Z£? Mmer ~ 118 St.~· ~fana ~t:r 11 ,\ \dull!> Studio. ut ii vri' d lC' b_,at·h . S;$!>1J It:.;.,.,• • ~ ... •te wpo..t leach 3869 only 2 Br. I', ba, tilO Joann St No cluldnm. -.mall doic oil 642 7344 $36.5 .. •..•.•..•..•••....... BAVt~RONT 1kr "''lh ' view IJOrch. S·t7~ ni<1 lf'I~ PARK NEWPORT '·' •2 Br. l ba coodo nr So Coast Plua New crpts. drp&, AIC . pool. secu.nt) gate Ch1ldf't'o ok. oo pets $475 545-SlSl or 968-3652 2 Br garden Jpl "' ~..ir l.Dvely t..rg JBr. 2Ba. 1 \ r Stove & rdri ~ $3!:15 oki. a(ijacent to schools. Adults. no pt•ts ~ 1377 Bat'bt?lor~ I or z BedrtlOm~ & Townhuu~t·~ From $:91 oo SpeC'taculJr spa. tntal n •1·rt>al111n prni<ram -.oc1.1I pn>).'(rum 7 poob.11 leMb t'OUrh \l I' a?-h111n •C Island Jambore .. & San • J~qwn lhlli. Hoad ilVai.I Dec 10, $4151 mo. SCB-1238 or 646-4670 EASTSIDE New & completely re f urb\Sbed.. 24tl bdrm cot t.ages. some w1tb encl garages Yards . washer dryer hook· up No pet.s. From u.15. 26 li Elden Ave Days 646-Qi2. eves 64>9$43 2Br. i a.,B11 1ownhou't' pnv pallo .:ar nr I r•tn">P & mkt S325 mu l c1ll 673-571.9 l::.a11ts1de 2Br I ~, Ii.I en Tnplex Nev. pa mt I fl)I. 17141644-1900 crptS. drps bltm:. a.:Jr . • laundry Wat er/~u 2 8r,2 baroodo •2blkh>1. pmd Older child 0 1\ No ~. 2 car Ji:J r a Uh> up pets $385 203 01eie. ~Bitaul b.I~ .. 1e1o1. ~ 548-3281 ....,.. u -,..,...IJDt 642 1603 tWi14• '9odl 3140 631-1400 eor-.. Mw 3722 -~~~~~~~~~1-•••··-·-••••••••••• SZ50 Bacbeior apt.. Open S"'8 MICE -On the water, Newport Sat ll 2 312 Latbpur • Y&LA CORDOY A Beach's finest. $1200 Cdm. •EutQde ••••••••••••••••••••••• l Bedroom. l bath. Yt'Jrly ' 2 Bdrm townbouae. new. ~ $350 mo Al{t I secunty. teon11. spa. -------- Dear beach 2202 Ress Yt 8k>ck to beach. 3 br. 2 Clr. 98().5771 or75l·2060 ba. down&ta1r&. blln1>. S Bdrm 2 Ba, flllllily rm. frplc , Harbor View Homes, on nice al, oear comm pool. Gardener 1nc1~. ms. MG-4829 mo. 6'2-4713 nd~ c:o.M ...._. 3124 •Loclr.ed pr w /storage COiia Mine J724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-Ga beat. au cook:mg. ,. bot water aU rree. •••••••••••• •• • ••••• ••• *2Br condo. nr So C sl •Adu.ltl oa1.J. no pets SUS CASITAS Plaza $425. Pool. spa Month to Month Walt to beach. Super fn>'c. patio. aarage S600 b•ehelor. all utll pd lZ14'th St. 640..,\40 Stove & refng S2SO mo Onve by $425. avail. now. , 5.11>-:MS6or962-8050 2 Br 1 Ba, carport 1234 For lease: Woodbridge 3 br. 2 ba. walk lo bch, ~Imo Agent F\lm. 1 br apt. $275 4t up. 75«!17 or 83J.897 4_ l Bdrm S32S Encl. car· Adult.a. ino lbr. stove, refrlR 0 ar 2 Bdrm $385 pee.. 2110 ~rt 81, Adult.a No PeU 2323 Elden Ave. C. M. Walk to beach. 1 br JUlll W Balboa Bl. Call for remodeled . Stove & •PP'· Jim or Carolyn\ ---------1 Creekside,3 Br. 1~ Ba. $650. ut &i last. $200 secur. deposlt. I.ncl. aa· IOC. dues. Avad. lmmed. __ _..;.., ______ • MWl'18. 55U17• ..... • 6U..s850 3 BR 2 Ba, comm pool, k>velY Bluffs end unit. Qi.det location Ai aumet new from paUo. Eat·ln IDlcb w /bU.n appllc. 2 car 1ara1e w /opener. No peb. $700 mo. A.all. Dee. 15. 115·1000,N. Croul ... Townbou1e nr. Hoa1 Holp. 3 BR, 2~ ba.; fee. pool. Adult area. Dbl. carport. $500. IMM. RMH« ta-5333 a-y larp 1 bt'. patio, pardtd pte, walk to bMcb. .. mo • ..- or~ ~ $300. 64&-2901 Man.qer ~~ AodertOO CASA DI OIO 2 Br, 2 be condo, A/C. 2 DD l...... I .. ,_ ._ olf ALL UTD.JTlES PAID pool. clubbouM, teewi· -..... w pa ... • . Compare before JOU ty, nr. So. Cit Plue. No au.t pa.rkiq, OD W. rent. C111tom dul1a peU. "50. (714)88M511 lltlaSt. •. 17$-5830 featUl"ft : Pool. BBQ, di. COY 'rd 1ar••·· D•• _.....;... _______ r ft.&miture. surrounded wttb pl&lll:I l&ndacap1q. Adl.i&t llviq at tts beiL No peta. *"9. se.'18. 1Bdrm~93&$. 2 Bdrm f\IJ"D1abed $450 &adt t• E. Bay 2br. • W. WU1GD. M!-11'11 lba, pool. Adult.a. No ,.....,_ ._. 3140 Pela. •Mo. ~3721 ...-••• .. ••••••••••• •TIIE D.\JSY • M.l'l ,.mT •For JClDS ti lbelr ~IDataa.U.U..t ~ ~ ~lib Ul' "l'oll.« rou~ Ttrraeed •l.ltll'nlbln r,:rklllal fo::a~: -Zldrmd11Ba 8 pa o lo •~o o • a . •Walk to.-it =•· llUtll....._C.ll. •-I INI, • <rM •1;.a11 bl ,...._., bom•· ..... iiiiliilil•iii•••I UM lll&d9m 6 abt.DIU ... W1ll•lo'.8UDUJl1toa OlllW. 2 8lcb'oDal rm. ... ~,....- Adulta. ----vwau. rr..i · ftrMktlil Clll a Diiiy Plllt ·-142-5111 • rein&. Sm&* or couple 7Jl>.,U2Zagl ____ 'tt welcome. S300 mo. oa.oh'OOl 4 Br luxury'" •M56ortlU050 ~ upper. SlOOO mo yrly. 751-9442 d yi.. c:.e....... ll24 cJls-WTev•/wlrnda. a Br. ~ Ba, new plWlb ClU"Pllbq, pool, J8C1.Wi, •mo. Adulta, no J)et.91> Locat.c! acrou froc9 .. Nwpt Itch Gotf Course.• ., •.• ~-.. WESTCLU'P PLAZA.f AREA 2br Zba, pool. nu ~. COCl)pl CUI lutcb . appln1. ou drp1. nu ~--· -=lift'; b\O bayv\ew. ~-,OOJ)da 17HJM..,.. :i t 11 ··~ ........... . ....... . -<l>llep lirt. lllatun .... labM will alt YoW' boule & B)odeble, No Uve 1.D. PBOF PAINTING Dt..,_.,Rtla. ~ .... ~ f:ua~:o~r c:~ •im ~~ r~~~ Jamc.'s Ra11ecty Anm The fu&est draw in the • m-c71D, 53MJU for rel • prof ave. West. .. a OaiJy Pllot ~2514. Cl.aulfted Ad. IG-5878. a-iftad Adil IU-511'1 lZ 1n ••per. NB/Cll --. I'm am11l, prtces ...a.1111.11~14 ....................... ......., Clr'Cllltt Joo'I IJW care • 'lard -················· dem-ap, ,,... tit. c.u PCla~ fl artwora. -.cz5'7 eym. atl1 All Elll> Auod•• 111-TBU TnmaWaa. laodKapU.., dea«qa, laluJi.DI. Dave ..... .-.afUPll. _ .................. ...;.;.. ________ _ Repair • Re roof. All 'lNe &ltmmiu. &opplq, type a· sh In & I e •. removal. Cfeao-op • ron.bakes-compo.ur. haul awly. J .W. Tre, ,,.._ eat. 5'1·5a> Fha. Slrwtct,-.m1,exuw. Aval.I. T ..... Roof repain, all types. ___ ......... Ouarante•d. B6C Credentialed malb, ~. StMllZ l'Nmdl, &pulab, .....s. la&. sPelUn& En &llalL ~1 ot roof• re· ~ a.nM. Guaran· -------- No waklq. Bob. W ' • Cb ' J ,,,... ---··-··--RISDENTIAL 6 &«.. tW¥e IGCDltbiftl to aelJ• Car wuina. Quality aa..&rled ads do rt weU wort.~ 6~1912 _ ... ................ • ......... 4210 Gllettt . Office...... 4400 ...................... ....................... ......... 4310 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I I ....... 4450 .....,..... 1021 Lelf&"-d SJOO"' ulf1 5JSO T,..,.. 54H ....................... ....................... ... .................................................................. . ... .,.,. ._. 3869 PALM SPRJNGS, CA ... _ ................. 0 C. Airport. beaut eitec ••-u••••H••••-••• CONDO RENTALS Ebel double t•-:r:e • b"·-.Wte, 2 o(fices, 6 con· Newport nr Poat Otc 502 --------Laltor Found a pet• CaU 1q' alore/ofc. 2UOC ~-LOAMS Animal Aufatance PRE LAW atudent needs Sailor aeek1 pa11a1e 125.000 WUI do uyUun~ l.Qlfrm Auialralla: Scuba Leaal. Coalldeallal dlwe Gf'. Barrier Reef. DVM. P.O. Boa 3242. Dpt S. CA. SG-100' 1aU, N 8. 13113. wUl crew M A. Clan, Dlluu 1 BJl 2 Ba c:iwnen , ·-,__ .. _ .. .. v uut fermce rm, can be rent- AAAA\ley ""'°""mlniums, from beac • 81 f10. ed separately. All Avon. 80·29'7 or ud Leaaue.5J1·2273.nofee. 2UWT"/-1001 2Jld Trwt Deed Loam 00 ad.. dcee to beach in Complet.ely Fumlsbed -.5211> services available. cpi&et atta. Z car 1ar Country Club Settln1. --------=~1 P'aund or loll a pet! CaU •lopn.r. W/D Is many Golf, Tennia availab&e at Dbl. 1ara1e. IS5mo. _91_~_izz _____ _ odm" featurel. S700 per SC>eclaJ Ratea for our BU1bard • Hamillton ,._ beCMti•• to meet SpeclaJ Pale llotlloe r.'l' needs' 71.tf'm. im. 2U/2a-7a 4600 2llO Nwpt Ctr Dr. S&dCM. •FOX1' LA.DY * _N_B_t::_a_,_, __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,.. No pee.a. l·ta-4112, Client• onl1 Weekly. ara. H.B.~ 5uttft fG.813 <ask for Jeff) Monlhly, and WHkend 'M>ere 11 8 difference! 3>)T M aeets rmmLe ln N 8. aru,CaUGre11: 21J.Sle>-0881 DEPT. Fouod · Fem Oermaa SAMnAa<> IA* Sbepberd, apx at .. tu, b1k oun:ALLONLY •'7J..l IJI_!_ I=-=:. Rentala. Offloe...... 4400 Large suites (.260 I t I ••••••-••••••••••••••• prov1d1of hi&bly pro lor2RmSWtesfromS7S re1111ona secretarial T19 W. 19th &. Call Tom service with a maugea. 1'4/llZ·S200 fa<' e . Weal m I a ale r Nl-"541 TOMMYl4r ...................... . Resp couple from Mid· west needs tumlahed apt FAST CASH -. Si:ti1at1 & OF ... EWPORT l I .... lOOI " ...................... . I Br Venailles -.SO 1Jdo2Br+den 18$4) 2S&I')' 2Br +den '91)() 2 Br 'l'owDbcqe l700 2Br+den, aUp, $1300 2 Br. view. pool $950 CA11iEORAL CANYON -~-2200 __ . ------• ble number or wuu. 2082 COUNTRY CLUB 121l IS off Ice fu ro Michelson, Suite 212, nr home for Jan • P'eb _,TDuwlapf7J.3D3 C.a.1.1dauibter548--4002 Found Cwm or adopt Gftyl\an l&e ~kapoo f' lrUb Setter. F Prt Ma.yW....... SOJO Bull Mia . black Y ESCORTS Mature wome.p : l«>DELl.NG Sue. 10-12. Needed for Te. Room for MacArthur Blvd. View or lrvtne Call 752 01.34 __ _ 1"'° or Three bedroom house for profeulonal working couple Costa Mesa area Up to S400. For Dec. l Call alter 8.30PM $48-1546. ·-··················· ~~~~~ 642-lSl \ 14 hl"I Grf-f Ca .. .., ~~~0~ ;r:, W•rf1•tHw1 611-1400 3'-~ Cathedral C&D.yonDrlve PalmSpnnp Califonala 92262 all1JOl1. $&50110. 75.2-1747 BAYFRONTOFYICE NEED $35.000 Aolmal Shetter 644 3S56 --------•I 500 aq ft . all am meott"-, 114/S73-L003 2.bdTDM~y~~ - collateral BUltR LOST II Boxtt, bfown. WHJTE. Agt. 87~'"30 ''Kie". REWARD ESCORTS coune. Daytime clan 1~ Bib to beach. 3 BR. 2 .DeNrt Re9ort RJty IM. be. New paint • cpg. 'llUO/mo.yrly.918-3422 ...... sa-.. 4300 ....................... Ocean view, spacious, Movb:I&• AYOtd depoatt.a • Mah&te adults, noble cut fl~IDI expenses! ridJt party. &'2-3tl.Z. ProfH1lonally since QJe oh kiod ... PENTHOUSE SUITE Le 3 BR. 2"" be dpls. f /p, Im Loca&.ed within the uni· patJO. eocJ 2 car car HOUSIMA TIS que European deslined INO/IDO. Avall 12/U , -..ut Udo Marina VIilage. 1114131.~7fl0teves. Rm.mite needed. quiet. Qmkier: ()Cl'ANFRONT-2Br. Ula. DNl, Jce2 BR 2 Be. CdJI. trplc, lli25 mo. yrty, ~ '1» + util. Evafn.9102 Prt~!:~~tor _mo. __ wbUr __ f7_5-"7 __ o __ 1 MALEabrW/11 Dlx Pum WetO.r, J...ountes 2 Br, 2 Ba, Venaillea Pen-Nwpt. Condo Nr. bcb Panoramlc Bay view thaule, teue. '1116. All. w/pool, apa . S2 95. Covered Patio Marie. 673-87Q5 ...;~~86...:.,_______ Decorat« Amenities ....... c.M. !klper coado 2·br, 2 Ask about our C•l•rw ba, pool, frplc, $225 FREERENTOFFER -···················· "'5-'1i53; 673-2181. 2br. SPACIOUS CONDO Rap. F w/l child ods 675-8662 mcl dbl aar Pool priv Mme to rlJld " abr Ap---------smMo. s:J7,38M t/ble in c M. area. call ~ de Capaatrano, 2 B Karieaft 5. 646-0948 ~. IDOWJUiJI view, Sbare3BrbMSeal Beach. nu carpet. Pal n l l250 + Yautl, Meaaa1e: ~r1 . S400 mo Don.ZU......,.. •THE" EXICUTIYE sum Full ltt'Viee omces in Newport Cent.er 640-5C70 ...................... a.. quiet non-amoker GrHt Uttte C..ter abare new bse H.B .. xlra In C.O.ta Meaa 1 bdrm, GAO mo. uW in· Newly remod. 1bop'1 63S-Nll center located at 2750 Delp. M/P to abr larae, Harbor 81, baa space ~ bM In CdM. 1285 available raqi.o1 from cno. 7S4210, 7S2·11'IO ed 5800 tQ ft. ready for lL 1mmed. occupancy. Call ....;..;;; ________ , Paul s . Kau. Aet l'lllD nnmtAI to ahr 2br ZlJ/4'4-4531. .. , ............ d home oo Lido hie. -------- .. u.fwwlllal~ 3900 S215Mo. 175·4473 Ive LUXURIOUS ........ -............. .-. mcunv1 sums ~--.a Vil. 11/Fahr 2 Bdrm 2be bse 1 Otnca now av all. ID ........ blk to bMch. Cdll. Peta e!ea•mJy appolnted Es· .NMf w bdrm la .. -O.X. STJ+utl. m.t580. ecwive Suit.ea centrally _, located DHI' f,_ways, a.Id apta in Hbplw BllpGlalble II Lrl 3br court• • tbe Oraoce ~~.:£: ~tnC4M.Nr.6eactL Counly Airport . -..... ._,_, waierfalll ...,_m«550 FaclUUe• include a ~ -7 frimdlr etnet.t ~ 0 forcootbat• f'taalt Roommate want-tlonal / tel epllon e peJ4. Prom 8u t d • Y r I y N . B . operatr-_.... ..-• .,....,,. drive NorUl beecbfroat. Sl75+uUl. ~:.,:;;;;.;;, to McPadden .._., cal.II. a com~ c:auf. 1a Well CID McP9dden Federal law library Seawlnd Vlll•I•· ard rmmte needed for beautlfullv decorated _.,._ s:dc.'11 ' Br bowe. Pool, ' ....._ ocea 2 bib, MB. ~ctC8·ti::: ..._ .tOOO _•_tu5 _______ . fiutt lo Hcratanal ~ ............ ., •• Roommate w1oted. ~eta. l'orf\u'tbtrtnto a..w~ Clean, -•~let , non· • • peraooal to.ar 112..-• •· llDOIYr, llld to lat.e •· &broUCll &.be factuu ... _.. "• ._cb. If.a. 8&fte pleaH OMtact Vona• ..,_...,_); A.aloe., <7l•)tH·2211• C'M-- Newport Pier. hJ·foot lraf· fie. Ofc·Ret.ail, 8S6eq ft, S725. 842-3812 I MOUMTFttH II )'OU slcn a l year lae In November. Next to 0 C. Alrport. 22S up to 1280 eq. ft Phone S.57-7010 me.sums Look1n& for an o(fice ln a warm 6 frtendb at· mospbere? Do you need penonaliud phone COV· er1lfe • the avaJlabillly of a profea11onal 1ecretar1al 1erv1ct? Vou 'II hnd us al 6" Baker Street. Ca U Bev al m,2111 EX£C.sums Pnmt Newport Beach loc. Near 0 C a1J'port Reo\ Inda reception, conference rm. janitor serv . ull)s. 100 free co pies & more Secretarial Nrv. avaU. Uz or Doug ~MMll DELUXE OFFICE 1200 1q ft. ; all or part. ~Sq ft . No lease req 83J.32239To 12A.M LADIES EXECUTIVE DESIRES TO LEASE NICE SINGLE FAM HOME. CONSIDER f"lJRN. NWPRT. IRV. CM AREAS. $SOO RANGE. XLNT REF, NOKIDS.151·1.ltl. Quiet apt. /work area needed by reap. woman; could excban1• plant care. lite wort (Of' re· duced rent. 840·5172 AM/eve lillneM,11'"9tt/ RM.c• ....................... ...... ()pportWty 5005 Eves m.s122 831~ 67 3065 FOUND abt 8 mo ~ blk Motil• JM. TNlt Af1han fem al• do1 . o.idi 503' Harbor • Wllaoo ....................... srs..2508 Wtlet'Mf9. Co. ------- All typea o( r.aJ eat.ale FOUND II. St. Betnard. ~ntulnce 190. M. Tll'rier mil blk/wbl. ._ l lana bured IJ'tY Tabby S,. cWdiwj • M c&. Newport Beads 2lld TDI AaAma1 Sbelier . ...__. 642-2171 Ml-0611 FOUNI>-lllnl Bit ~ OOIO:OWNER LOA.NS ARRANGED SlO.OOO~p 4-~ U you bave any lnfm M6-llt4 ak tor lANor'a °' Jeaay. •AMOKI~ .n.rrorD"""""ONLY FOUND. Ync cal. wb4e ~S*>trrTERll flea ~ollar. Jumloe Call Bob Wllham.l·Aaeot Cret*.. IM0-07'3 i.J1 Tn1orllSCHlll:57 LOST M tra·colore d wwiow bu 1~ U>l ooly Colli~. name .. Bu<'k " PU-SCHOOL money for s'hrt trm Weanng Palm Spnojls To ·1 No credrt cbttk Lie Yam Grlev1ne Llc'd for 44 children. 00 Prul1· l20.000 • up: REWARD Call 631 M27 Plus ruce 3bdrm home. For action call Aet Vic Dover Shor-ft/Back ••••••••••••••••••••••• Can ~ purchased on m.mi __ .,.1_. _Ba~r _____ _ iWL cool.net al 10'~ .. LD -o1- i.en.t. 2.bd TD for SaJe IN Due Loat M. A ualr 111 a o Park Place. loc. M2·74el l.n 2yrs, cail Keith : Shepherd/ Queeoalaod SS1D.5J5.75U Heeler, bill w/wht • Art ~Y Store for Sale. b r w a m a r k I n 11 . Located in Buay Beach Reward! liM-SO&a. Ol)' Sboppinc Cenler. t 1• 11 1rA1/ '°' more WormaUoa Pu u•/ l..Allt· REWARD Ladaa' 3' Hn Ml..OUIO form1a1 at So. Cat. MC /'flSA waa,e. SS7 2502 --· Pvt Gwt.aror bua teuoos DJAllOND WANTED for be11o.aer1. unique Pnv. ~ wiU buy I to3 llyie~ carat. N B ~S ----------Jalia W..ted. 7075 •Sll'tGU LAIHIS • • • • • • • • ............... . Your C-..cie o( lOO'a ol ~ u Socta1 Secy. or .-ct meD for modern pvt duly relief Dl&l'M NB Photo Datu. Ines-area Freetot.n"'. a..t pmmve JI br 9'71 ·TITI tune WtAll, 1'JS.4111 "'COWATW11.JTY.. HlfpW..., 7100 "()peD Uf•y&e" people -··--·--· IU)O!ft warm ~l•Uoos C.o&C>la call 150-067 4 SmOel call 75'MWT7 Recorded Ill.al any ht o.c. AllPOtT ESCORT SBYICI Spet'1ala11n1 1n bu111 neumeo. re11deol1 #dcocm A.cell Btkpa & TOIPOR.ARY ~ today to wort aa vanom accounUnc • bookli:eeplnc ualan· meats. Work close lo )'QUI' home. Aecll clfl'b, bookkeepers, accoun · t.aa&a are needed thruoul 71'·5241 0raoce Oowsty. CaU "' -formoremfonmllOO. MASSAGE w/a p.nonal Robert H.alf's t.oirb COCD1t Lo~ Ot1m P'IA Hultb Spa 2930 ecc I te J Pacific Cat Hwy. NB. 23.13No8'o9dway SraWluJ a:irls 10am-4am 121DO, Oold...U Bank.er COl«W .,._. ~ 7SOt ::ti= foj call 114/sal-3211,\#.. Leif A~ wrlat watcb at Pina Downtown Lacuna. * aq .. _................ c b a I • t • A d a m a ft. S325 mo. 333 Tbint St. ICE CRl!!AM·P'ul Food Ma1nolla, HB. Sal ~>31B-Z347. ~ r»er lot•· \I 11 r 1 •• II 11110111. Sentllaenul TOPLOCATIOH tlon. Mu1\ sell now! ...... •••••••••••••••• =~ wu my mot.ber'a . $29,000. -·· 14 2 7 4 Be• c b BI. m!i8112 ~5115 --------• --------Westnunst.er AvaaJ 1211. --------PENNY Loll. Laqbaired r. doc· FREE 89S IQ rt. office or at.ore, 1356 Weekly Guaranteed Gc*S-brown. Gold eyes. IS Ml ... UTES a e a r 2 f r e e w a y a , Work 2 bn dally al honu pt•ura Reward.~. " ~. ~ 1260. <S171lor1 br dally). Free ~ f'1uDd Whl PoocUe. M wtUt purch&M. .............. 4450 ~~ ADS Alao blonde Cochr MUST .... STUDIO ....................... Procrams Soamel. P'. Both veey Rap S•1klm. come • Farlkn•otnceapaceat 2230N.llai.DSt. OllY $2 alca clop. Aft lZ DOOD amt our loYelJ a.eta.: ~----perwcm--Deecled-- reMOOAble r 7 •0•0 ~· ft S.UA.Da. c:alil. 82706 ... 1'111 pvt :'a E. ln.lt. C.11. •J'l'laiD& es.per to take 500to2 • wotnl0•6000S Sell aay e&em., ettn· l'ouad: Lr1 Goldea Ml-tll2 '1'lfl ta0icw aboo. DO la· M.ESA VERDE R b6uUon ol kema lor Pl Re t r I• v e r , 11 • N r ,..,,,.,, Ced for Appt. PLAZA ~or LuM xlDl C.11. or .... wtOI a P•HY o.rfWd • llapoli.a m WASSAM 411-•t. Aleo needed 15Z5M v rde E c M area. Muat tell now: Pl8dllr Ad. l ..._for 2 H.B._.. praducta..,... eul Me 12"'' · ' "500/olfr + inventor')'. ~ve da)'I l:acb AGiUll MODB.S -------· -- 4 • Owner: au.'W. lldd.tl1ma1 1ne 1a tor tor Found. t.ra. blk. cockapoo ISCOllTS ,...., rbutonbfps a.t.-.PNffh cmn.llnUocaUoa•casb Uwrt,':~~~. male. Allo. white• blll OUT'CALLOMLY now av . :1_1our area. c ~ ~ fJll S0011f ~ Secriflee aaJe. Coo-coellapoo ma le. Red "--Ir Oal1 m.a5Zl 5pm. RetaJI or oilflce apace tad: Pecenon, 212 Vla P'or more Information Do•I• female. White ~ ...._ Amway-Become a di•· 1vallal>'I tor ur:un.cllate Nada,SaDCJemeaU,CA udtop&a.coouradcall =emale. NBAoimal Ul-2l40 trltuor aod ab&N la a oceup1.Dey la bltb uatnc _a_rz______ · ........ 80&.DIM ..a l•Mk'MMNI JIWtQ> ~. at llaPolla •Sen Juu ~WotDCGI &42·5171 """ * IHO 1bWbomttma100ncem: •••tt.t&.lfta-•• Waner ln Focaataln -. '"uuu••••••• .. ••••• Bob Wuber bea onlv -.,,..nv_.,,_ Vllle1 WS Sq ft at II' ~ -.000 . ._ _____ _... o • I ' lllVIN& tea ft ft.oatao0WU1Mf' A1t. A•k for Rutb --------•WANT& : rem•• to woo 4 ,._out of UM Ener1etlc leraoa to Call ' (7l,)ff'·2581 0 ; Keeter, 4H·3700,aft. rr.Jualrllt:C ablre~ot2.-laal 12 wbn pla1lo1 bai&bt diem ...._full __ a..-..,. m.2122 &wndQ&oLu •IU "->' m TablU. D9C za to _W_ud_asa_m_t.._raa_. __ 1 .. _ ~-•• .,_., • .._.. Vla ........ Alrtinaa Jaa Ith. Call Barrf -. -OllUY ~ "°"· ftfY,. l'WtofonnaU.C.U ,,.IOIT An1oae llDowta1 tll• ADbml ....,..,, rrr.-. ..._..., MOOable wm <>raqe 6'ZlM70 cm J'FTMIOO .....,... or wbd or Pl"· ,_.., .._... ,_. !:r~'='=~ catCa1nt. ioe. Jf1 •LORI'S* .~(Lettcb>plM ......,,pratt,~.c.u P.d '110#IO w "100 000 Ow'Dtr. l>ataUa, Bo 11 1111_, ~cllll • caU after• pm t.twm io • 1 ..u.,.. a.::. uo Hod St., DQ,Ao•'Mlm.CILtaOI 2,bruOutcaU o.::r. .. •d,..._. 1360 ........... ______ _ NewDOrt Balda. 0.11 (Ot XJntleuJpeor...,.tloaD-m-• IQ. . __ ................ Aaawerl•t Ser•I•• dttatl• Sterr• &ealtJ dll btlP. v_, •aleaMa; Neid'° talk to la T ..... .,,OOH nud••· plu1. .. ...... " PREGNANT! Cartn1. l'or "'-~ .:. .......... .. Mc*. Ml.JU7 --u.ta -caandeadal~ • ,._ ~ &vto· ... •u IMft. Top...-. Ml•,...lml,,"CM · ILOWllEN rtftrr'al. Al»rtkm, ldop-mea&c.aU•~· v-.:· C.perie1le. OD.11. HI Prima comm'l SJOO 0t ....., .. ..._ lt2I ~Nlieln\AUAD Uon•hlf'nt llllS'POWmeel ava.I • f'or.1& Ave. La1uoa 4HO aq ft 414·100; .....,-_ ............. IDCredibl1. loal Umt '° APCARE MT-Bl ..._ 8ledL ....... bU& I& a.Mt &a.a .,;;;;;,;;;;.;;;; ____ _ ..... tJf#klWlmllt ..... IL ~DellO& titWC... l400 tJlnMi .... , ... ' .,....._ C.M. * M· ft. _/NEED 'IW .-, .. IJam Ml· Utt.tJIDILA ..... , .................... PIS opeta'l.in• for • 81&.bo D1W crpL otft"9 or V lilllll: ~ II.Elf AT HOLIDAY IPZCJ.U. llD:TTR& PSIUION =ne aa1werta1 -..Ntmo.m-JZD 'WOI&. O.tHU Oal1•Mllra. ::;:ddeerrom,:: ~-* or DAMAPOIMT ·C/MONEY Letti,... IJH _.. •NM tJaJ •=~ .W':...J:.fma.U: V'' ....................... c:ov. ..._ r• • •e ~ eo: tr:. oa,..~:,,fh: ... . • tlM771. =--~c:.~=-= .. ii. .. ' ·c: 7: = •BrCMcaJJ lento. pnll f'rom ~tot.I• -WI 'Mllf 1':r1*i . ... ...... , .... ,... ............ ,..., ... .., ._ J011 call CluNftld D1L 89rY. tn•>Al-'m'I e.. . ...,... anll.abM • .. ,..... • •· 100....... ,,_..eaa .-.rrc . .. ,.. •f • trteedlr '""91 MM ,..._...,....,.. ,.,...._. aed ... ,., le _.................. o.t.-. ,,. ..... ,..... ... for Mii • UIMd All'b ~ ~.,.. rtttoa11. Call Howl ......_ till tor Clll.._. _..,..__...-..., _ _.._ ........ ~ 1U .....,. MIP . "&.O &. --• ~ ar It. .. • 'J .. .,. t t. , • -• • ' e&alnPtST OllllnlDI for e)erlr typlat --~--.ood~ol la ftaNe co. Damed. Did.al Otftce lier. do YoU opelUq, wU1 &nlD. com· relate well •IP"S>le. ==· Public1 ________ 1 f\U1 mou&h recomtnac· DATA IMftY tx. pndlce oeeda •aper a.ilf'llHtwTkWI , OllWlATOlt ~member. Al·MIO, CNllnMAS a.rt for Ucket qency IBM 11'1 ()pent.or ror a MOMIY ~m2tu1J. ...time,. -.f.ppt..s t . weU ... bffsNd • crow-.,..,,. ..... r • -... inC Oranse County cor'-li217S mo. lluftt'a Elect EarJy moraiDI L . .l\ NewportStaUoaenlnc. poratloo. Eacelleot Tunes dfUverY $4041'; beneftta Ir workib& COD· x::.,::: CM area, 1 <:e=r:UJcs.C::-J!:!. d1Uoaa. Minimum six lbJtkeepef r, ~II Charge 121-7019 979·925I ly lady ln ber attract ~~~.k~!qP~lrcebd e0xn· or arowlna Fountain home, Lapna Hilla. Uv· Valley CPA. Some typing Casa A Maaoo own too II ln or Llve Out. f\exlb&e 3741137'2. Pay wtll req'd. Xlntoppty. Salary &tranaport.atkm. Salary forrtchtpel"IOD.6'4-4140. be commensurate with open. .._2713 open. Call 642-9!13 C 0 u p U T E R experience. Apply In • person, Moo thru Frl IOOOHPER CLE:RICAL OPERATOR-Exper.oo &am-!lpm Jmmed for tuU-cbarie Securities process Ina 32 ayat.em for tramlUoo JOUY ROGB IMC l*kpr, travel aacy back· clerk ror Fubion bland to :M. Aca& Pyble. Solid 1700 GilleUe ground pre{. Plea.ant at· references. Compenaa· Irvine, 546-0331 mospbere, contact: Inves tment t'ir m Uoooegotiable Locatioo EqualOpporEmployer 840·0620, ask for Processes new Invest Irv industrial complex.~~~~~~~~ ments involving bank de Call i R K - •nn ........... zs,.... older ..... Liie ~ cm.. Net Slit•.-or ..... Ora••• CoHt YtUow Clb, anoo Mt. Herrman, Foua&ala ValJQ. (No of &la~r betwa Newbop• fl lluel\d) ESCROW MGR. GmenJ otflce for achoo&, tYPlD& experiene-e s~ to 4 hrs Mon· Prt MS-5171. 741 31eCampuaDnve <.Acrou from Jcm Wayne Airport 1 Equal Oppor Employer Janito rial /Part tlm~ eves Moo.-Fri .. J..thnl/ rugbt. H.B. area. 960-2800 ~ JEW&RY WAXER Exper. only. Steady won. Top wages. Frin ... berk" Xlnl worlun& con· cl> 714 979-61.24 , manager posit.I & detailed follow ~~ appt. .J on. Deli Help, full Ume, over up. Investment or bank 1.8, expeT pref'd Refs ~~nence helpful COOK 644-5619 •IOOICKHPIEJt• ~---~---~ll cbarae lhru trial ,... ..... cal -Expt1r 'd, breakful· Dellvery P/Time AM. Top salary +ownership DESK CLERK Motel available to quality 0.)'ll, part tune SeaJarlt s e o 1 o r o f r 1 c e r Motel. 2274 Newport Pre1t1g1ous Newport _Bl_vd._C_._M _____ 1 Beach locatJoo. Reply lD Gen'I Offl~ Cleric. hte lyprng, ll>key. Mon · Fn P'l' Non11molter. S4 per Keypunch hr CallCarol C. A L L D A. T 6> 7Sl.fllll OVERLOAD GLAMOUR JOB-MARV f'ORTEMPORARY blllan "lei' looch, family restuarant L A. Times SlOO per ~· num·computer IOOKIUEPER To SanJuanCapo "93-!Mt """*-ln r ...... ft. Beach. apenence helpful. Very -.-busy office, need pro· $900. C()()t( _~_a_t96 _____ _ fesslonal. salary open Type medical Insurance Private Country Club DD.IVERY . Early AM At.rrOTR.ANS,IUcRman. Resume to: Panco Ud, forms Xlnt opportunity X1nt Ben .. Gd sal Mual L.A. Times to homes on exper pttferred Must p 0 Box Irvine, CA w/growuig co. be well quallfted For IDL Balboa Lslancl 3:30am to havetools.548-228S 92'113. RECEPTIO,...IST to call6'4-Sit04. • B:OOAK. S525Ko. Alaode· " liver 4 daya a week. BABYSrrrER NEEDED. Boollk $t50 COOK.Specialty Zyrs ex· Balboa Penn. 548-8441 or 3achool children, in my eeper full charge Bilingual, dealing pr. reqd. preparing. -.uu home Mon thru Tbun Agarcssive young com· w/i.nsurance. Busy Dr's Mandarin cuiaine. Will --------from 11:30 am till 5·30 pany Meds bright tn· office. prepare CbineH cuialne Delivery penon, apply pm. Smith Sehl Dist dlvldual experienced Employer Pays All Fees Pekin& style, Korean S.m-5pm. In person: Hlmt Bch. 960-2S60 aft thru tnal balance, state· M,_1.t. •... atyle. Salary $1,SOOMo. Irvine ~lueprinl. 4301 .. -rnenl.I. credll, payroll, vaw"'" T .. oi-a. ,.___rt Be h. -.. _=--------! aeneral otflce. Atlas Ii..&...,.. ... A aae ad to nearest ..... ....., "" .. ..., ac Babysttt.er needed for 2 Spor14 Industries, 311 E 1.s~+:'!s; Verrc=Jr. Employment Develop-DELIVERY LA Tlmea boys, 2..tyra, Ref's req 'd. A Ito n, Sant a An a, Plua, Eut. Suite 213. ~~11!.!,' tAdm ep~~..i Car Routes, CM /H B a>.-.. ~:1137 c.M. -· IUU MAM. $350-S40CJ mo + (AcrossKooaLaaes) forbyemployer. booua. 5'6·4481 . or BABYSl1TER _ : $Cbl Bm drivers needed at 75,.1511 tM-82 qe cbild.ren. Aft achl. Capistrano Unllied ____ ... _____ 1 Counter help for dry -------- Brian 6 Yale area. School District. Im· cJeuer. Good boura, DEMONSr'BATORS. Fri -.ZZZSaft.SPM. medlatst:rain.ln&labeing CLBICAL iood pay, HB area. 6 SC 108.m until tpm. __ -..;.:....:~:.:.......-~ offered to a limited -.a::n. Wart ...,. 1'0Ur bome. -llll*illc number of appllcao&a. ~ ~~.::.~ Counter help, mature; Jl'oodt 6 appUaneea. Ta.ta ~ Ooatad Kn. Strattaa at SIJ-004S .._'::JI ~· 1'Mnlor~7000. ~u!c::=t. ~-· mior kl· ~-1 r . ca 1 Dlm&alA=Wm Ja •. lnlu required. wm IUS DllVBS ....-t_L1n:_ fall,=Prr aper. R.D.A. ciiimder "1UI. Call for U ,-II \ OOUPLE to aaaiA mg. iD SaW7 open. KAY COSMETICS KEYPUNCH CRTJOBS N E E D S B I!. A U T y 851·9091 ccnfKSen.ce 714 /97S.1177 Dealt derk " t100t omce help W1ID&.ed The lDn at me. DtUCTO. Laguna, 211 N Coast MS W or eqU1valent ad-CONSULTANTS.Op~y !--........... ._. to earn to~S wi the fastest groWU11t C<lftmellc co &S r~tly set-n on "'60 .MUJUte1" & . 100 Club · We traLD 1 Call 957-0496 Hwy m 1 n 1 s l r at 1 v e e x p r Ask for Mn Dotlgbty Responsible for plan IMETAAY AIDE olng. finances. P R. Days PM •h1ft Xlnt lf'll111wnUng"at&trof i " Submit resume to B•R benefits Apply 1455 S11ters, 8100 Garden Supenor,NB Grove Blvd 17, Garden DRAFTSPEISOM Grove.CA~_ _ EXPERIENCt.O We are looking for a R E S T A U R A N T moUvated rHpooaible MANAGER·Pleue call Draft.er. l 'yr. muumum G7-4441. Aak for Rick. mechanical draft1oa Partnen Bistro w1tb experience 10 l..agunaBeach GUARDS FUii &. part lime All areas Unifor m s rurnuhed Aaea 21 or ~ Ret1red welcome No a:peneo~ nee. App- ly Univwul Protec:t\on Service, 1226 W. Stb SU.. Saal& Ana. (n. ~ boun ~12 • 1-4 Man dlr1.a P'ri. metals , threads . Exper. merchaodl1e tolenDcea etc Work will needed Handle loclude draftlnc. li1bt I::° office lmPort cbeeltlna • croH re· ~ resp--------fenmclnc. AA Dearee ------HAPPY ,......... preferred. Ea11. line cook. Buy ~IMC. 71.4/~ Newport Beach Equal ()ppartm.lly Employer dowal.owD ............ R.-t. Call L)laD-..9711. Prom all ol •al 557-0045 FACTORY ,..-n_un=_ WAREHOUSE &..I r ASSD'BI £RS ~ l'950NHll Sll"l1'C:U KEYPUNCH DATAEH'TRY or&AToa IBM 3741 Operator for a weil estabU.bed " &row· 1111 Oran&e C.Ounty cor- pora t 1on. Eacelleat beoefita & workloi coo-dJll008 Minimum arx months keypunch ex-penence required on IBM 374113742. Pay wilJ commensurate with ex- perience. Apply in penoo, Moo tbru Frl 8am-5cJCD. JOU Y llOfia INCi 170GGWett.e • l.rvuae. 546.ml Equal°""* Empk)Jer-, "'pl J II l' 0.. to tralo achool bus tlMPOIWl'Y l'lllSOHHll. SlMaS Or a a a• Ct y -4e l u a e 1Wo~ 1130 :..m :::u.al~:~ driven now belnc 372311rdistrfft blda-al + tovety apt. Ir Loa 570 Camino o. fonned. lfintereated, ap. Mtwpott hodt CailSZl~for appt Have~ YoU want Driver nttded for NB &areJ.la, San Clemente. plyHunt..ln&tonBeaebCi-~~~~~~~~I toaell?Cluailit!dadldo area flower abop. F.qualOpporEmplO)'er ty School Dlalrlct, 735 -SeUldleiteml MZ-5178 1twell.&&2-567I. ~ lcthSt .. HB. 714-536-7519 No Expenence Needed 71 ZJ llrdt Street Top Pay PaJd Weekly Ma wpo; t IHdl ~ j@Jl~ ~~e ~r ~~o~:-~-~C~~~~~w~~ ..... to cuefarU YCllS" old aftensoons, llc.h* bolJle wort. .ome coot· Inc. Occaalonal o•d nAdJt. CaU SM ll-4 for i&. tervlew. 114·411·7111. llaaardl BIJ .,... U9UQa ca.ma . Bllnkinl &p. Ycmlt Tee.rs Sc.ah Coat Bank, an in- dependent built. 10760 Warner, PV. Contact ~ 6awY• 540-5300. E.O.E. Banllinl •• I l'EUIR OJmmercW.Jlank ~Uer eJll*' n 1 t •atJ for um Nllthna......,t poai· tiaa, ClOa11dY le qu.aUty aerrtcea to\ t•atomera nec:eaa1.r1. We b .. e a frteodly •taff • ~.•are In· t.eNSted •o •ctUallfled \elllrs to join OW' team. Good CJPPtl to wort In a challen1•01 Ir pro· fe.ioati ••lom.meot. Good ~ a benetlta far a quUUiiid penoo. Appil'*lt. JboQld eon· ~Cl =::::o Carina person or couple to live w/bayfront family. Med. housework resp. Cooking & care of teenaae boy. Salary neaotiable. Bonding & refa. req. 642-3873 dy. 673-4130 eves. · Caahier p/L El Toro & Laauna Area. Im med. employment avail. 8"-4480. eaStuer/Hardware Sales Apply in penoo, Rion Hardware, 102' Jrvine Ave, WestcliCf Plaza. NB CASHIER Our eiqwialoo has creat· eel maey new Full" P tr opminp, pd benefits • 1rowtb oppty, rapid waae lnereaae after 1n1nlna-UNIVEISITY STEREO Apply at: 18211 Newport C.Y., or Call Penoonel: .. u 21).G.1722. ~5~ ----R-/CL_ER_K_·_E_x--1 . '~ per. to work in CdM 11111~&:-:.iua. Pb•rmae~. Call lln. 1'4111"-'..c_,1a.pr vcuic. eM-ms for ID· ...... (!) 0 don't miss our christmas gift train! The Daily P1l~t gift train IS' your special place to advertise items for sale as gifts at Christmas Time. Th is is the little train that can! This special gift guide will appear each Wednesday frQff'\ Nov. 21 thru D~c. 19 reaohtng 108,000 households each week. Run 8:9 many times as you wish. Samples of two ot the many ad StZes are shown below -you can run an ad for five weeks for as low as $55. YOUS UNUSED ITEU COt1LDBE •EONE'S CD.l.STllA8 • • GIFl'S TOYS J£WELRY SPORTING GOODS GIFT CEnlf'ICATBS AtJTOMOBILES f\llJ time S.-1522 Hardware. 3107 E C.Oast IRVINE EOE 752-6666 _Hwy_.:.~·CD_ll..;.__~~~ MA C HINE SHO~ TRAINEE Swiss Automatics No exper. nee tn Laguna N i&uef. 83\.9331 M1F HOTB. -------- Floral designer for NB area shop 64S--0093 Floral Dea1gner. exp necessary, 546-9172 FOTOMAT DRJY&.THRU O>unUr aaJes posaUons Fielllble hrs Apply m per.iOO 11lh St & Orange Exec Housekftper I Au l B1lmgual Pref Surf &Sand Hotel Laguna Reh , 4'$7-4477 xJ65 MAODNlST TRAINEE, prefer some shop exper for 'Im mfgr firm in lrv Call Riley for appt ~-·------------· I ManufactunnJ? I EXECUTIVE SECRET ARY I I Challenging position with excellent I opportunity for personal growth. I Requires top secretarial skills in· I eluding shorthand Excellent salary FREIGHT Exley Expres~ I and rompany bend1ts Contact our I I s I 0 0 It 1 D g f 0 r I Personnel Dept ror mterv1ew appt. I owner 1operators to 549.9175 service the Northwest I I Ave.CM Contact Ro&er Peck.man En1tinttnn1t .. --I P-SC7-&m I ADMIMISTRA TIYE ASSIST ANT Gardener " lite malo· I To runcllOn as admmastration sun.. I t.enance. part Ume for 40 Y \lllt apt complex c M I port to our Engineering and I 1e2-m1: M&-1486 Marketing Support Depts. Good --------1 1 secretarial and dictation skills. I Gmrn1 I Must have experience in engineer-I Sl5' .tdy I t •lt1d ing control. Salary commensurate Wed 2 hn d&Uy al bome I "th · E I Cll71for 1 brcW.ly >.Free Wl expertence. xcellent com· brocb11tt. Write POC, I pany benefits. Pled"se call Pat: I lCl Newport Ave .. Apt 556·9650 . L ,'l\lltin.Ca.D!IO I GRADCO-DEMDOll IMC. I ~ Ada. your ooe· L 11.opiboppbllceater. ------------· ' take the COUMS&Olt ~--bn­• ~w'(rltiJ!: bmdlt rlOtlldaa duU•· Call IUh, HO•IOH. QIMal~lAJ • q, mo HatbOr, o. . Newr'a'9e. . SO. · ERN SAVINGS RO--~ Y6U ARE. FREEWAY CLOSE TO 5 OUTSTANDING AUTO DEALERSHIP e Mi§ion MERCEDES BENZ ~~ ts --·· COUMtTS (]"\ por :~~f~ ICJ ~=:·s-•t• SHOP & COMPARE · OUR LOW LEASE RA TES " 0 BARWICK DATSUN 8 MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS E) SAIL CHEVROLET 0 MARQUIS MOTORS Mlsseon v iep 714/831-1740 714/495-1i00 8 SADOLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS <>Nip CI rt(I Molt U1•1• IMW 0.-llr FACTOltY AurHOllDD SALIS. LIASIMa a SBYICI J .. llf4..W-. .. O. ........ '\uu1.1-:n .\t k \ .\1.1.t-:\ '"1•01n' -29402 MAaOUllrTI PICWY .• MISSO. VllJO 17 l•t U1·10e0 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-9, SATURDAYS 9-5, CLOSED SUNDAYS 0 o\a ~o -• SALES ~ 10101~ ·: ::::: MllRQDIS MOTORS 831-2880 ..: .. ~r:. 495-1210 LAGUNA IEACH LEASING Ali.. OUR '79 MODELS" 900 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1131 ........ WAl'l'llSSIS COQU NOSTISS SAl.ll/llfAIL r\iU • Par\ TillM <lftee ........, t J ILJ ~411 ln Penoo :.r:= '== ~Slel'JFIB.lae Rl UT·tJU Kr. Weal. er SEAllSTR&SS Ea· penwed. baal .,.,,... tl6P Oh ..._. netuoaa. Saab ~J ............. Sdlock.m.im .......... '!be a.1boa Bay Ctu.b lS aowbinnc HOSTESS E.speneoce prerened Muel be available [ Lendt ti weekdays .. llJdm&hl Pleau call for appt Moo -Fri.I 30 lo $ 6'.S-7358 SECaEIAltY C.pw•· "' 1 0 ... State,...._...,.. r lln'°'5 firm -r.-.. Island BuJ. act1•e.. challmet dJTer&ar ... ~ lkllll. Un>-" incl ebortbaad I or· PJUUllOIUll ab1bl1a M>-01%3 M Fn. t 0.$ 30 RMt.aurant -Secntary, cener•• otrwe. eood typinc. excellent Tbe Ruety Pehcao Is bmitfiU Ito$ MS-21ll. lookini for a day bwa __ penou fuU lJme. Apply ID SD:RETABY I RECEP person btwo 3 .30·$, TI<XlllST-AtbletJc ap· Mm..sat.. 213S W. Coast paret dl.stnbut.or. Salary Hwy. N.8 $100 + dep on exper. Good ak1lla reqd. Type 80 .. a.&llil $_.IW/llfl""d accurate. P'roat office •PP••r•aee. Noo· -emoter Call MJ.ll.50. S+IEWBSOMS CASHBs F.AGLl!SOH'S Baa• Tall lll!ID ·s Stores as tunnc lar u new W..tm.tmttt store lo Westminster llall C&ll C. Lltlmao foe ~-Zll/6n..SZ5l llT AIL SALIS lmmedtale permanent s-t t.une. mature. e•· penenoed. for women·· apecially shop. 14$-5711 Co.ta Meu. 141·2242 fft••naton Beacb. RETAIL SALES SALES • CASHIERS BUILDS&S Ell · POBIUll, • diriakla ol Tbe Wlct. Cor1*aUoa. ta. hnawflat~tqa tar CUbian Salea Pa. • 8Dth f&&U and pm\4lme =!om .,. avdable. startinl ••I• •nd comp•ay beneft&a. Apply to Store .... ,., BUILDERS EMPORIUM 2191 • .,. ... C.-MIM.CA SECllETABY-'nred of t.1k t.ellin&~ Want \0 ad- VIDC'e ~! Want to learn about f maocing ti real estate" Do you bav~ good clencal alulls" 1bm call ~7-17Sl Ul Npt. ~area. EXECUTIVE SEX:RETABY lrvine·bued developer has opeoang ror secntan' t.o t.be pres•· deol ol a arowin1 firm. Coostructloo back· IJ'QUDd. aood lYPinl " SH slulla aeeeaeary. Salary commenusrate wtexper. Call Mrs. ~ct540-a1 Sec:nW7. 1lJGltl witb cor· panle ecmtrotler. varied dullea. lllJOCI akiU. re· ~: typl••· Olmf•pbaae coal.ad. Salary com- meaaa rat• • le:r.p . 213/CZH•. ' , I t I I • ~ I c • .. mary hie I~ agency l'IONe.rportQr Dr NB St.e 115 ~212() SICUllTY Ol'ffCBS ORANGE COUNTY IMfOIMS ARllED •UNARMED hll or part-time. ADSbifta. ~Q.OTHES Elps'. la nW1 abopldl-- 'J'niil&, tO wpm, intereat-ina varied Offtce dutlel. Xlo& aalary . CaU Souadtraftamen Audio. <n•>55M193. TYPIST F\lll Ume. evening shift.. 'IO wpm. Excellent com- pany benefits. Apply between 9Alll tk IPlll. Monday tbna Friday. Ask fer Paul Ward or Carl Knapp. OllAHGE COAST DAILY PU.OT 642..SQIZ 330W. BaySl., Costa Mesa Equal Opportwilly Employer Male/Female Forlntenlew call URGENTLY NEED -------• I.Ol'lJSSECURITY D E P E N D A B L E --------lSU·A W. B&Ur. C.M. PERSON who can won lkydn 1020 ___ 11_•-_m_.JU4 ___ 1 wit.bout supervision for ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------i Texu oil company in 4mo. old, hardly u1ed Colta Mesa area. We Motobecan Mirage 2 10.. AJlEHJION train. Write K.O. Dick, apd bike, eold, w/xtraa. Prea., Soutbweatern New $380: aetue ius. SECURITY Pmo&eum. eox 789, n . es1«5e. ........ n WOlthTx. 7&01. Girla--218-'' -Hu-f-(y-10-aa-pd, ,..~ .amo.tDeW. Good cood. G« • ,.,,.and .floor or a W•lt!HQUSIJDllYll 547·3182 ..,. Mtwtt)' dMaloo. Mllll have IOOd drirlog hit ti.me 6 full tbne ~ 01NG in C-Nt& u1101Wllu !!~Hable our .,. _ _. ....... Plbrmldl.~ t;pfz ., 1030 -APPi)' P.arl'a um ......_.·-•-••••••••• _,_,,,,~_, 36 lS26 Netrport Bhd. C. · Nikon P2A, 35 mm. MOii.i t0-1151.. l.4-$0mm lens. oner Pielocttlib Senlce Wuh •detail penoa beell UMd. 9800. 1'1N'D'. 211111&rtww, Ste2'17 S.Serrice Mauser _'150lll5 ______ _ Coli.a Mesa. E.O.E. lollmoaftSocl Goga 1040 JSaS Harbor Blvd., CM -·-•••• ••• •• ••• • •• •• • Senice Sta attend full WOOD WORKING in K=~ ~· ~~ tum, alJll(y Cbevroo 1251 lhUtter lhop. H.B. area. b p. t · t NQtl:fwyLagBch.. 8G81 Sd-7335 I 0 w . y p y . ' 2l3/W1·134Saft6pm. Servi~ Statton Allen· WOltJ( ovasus Chlbll&bU&I, Bostons, dant, La1uoa Beach, Make more mooey work· Poma, Pete, Yortde, T- F/ltme. 1 part time 1ni abroad reiardless ~ cup Poodle, Sblbhu, ~.._'7032 your age. HX or pJ'ftelll _531_-5027 _____ _ -'---------• poeltloo. All \ypes of Dacbsbund puppies. Good workers urgently re· disposition. X.l.Pt. co\or- quired. For details, send 1ng. Call Parters Pets. a stamped, 1elf· 6(0.0090 addressed envelope to: --------PanicJB ~.t Purebred Dobie pups blb 5trvkes & reds, shots, tails, no 701WashiqlooSlreet papers, $50· $100. Dept, 5032 s&Nl9. IWCaJo, New Yort 1"205 AKC f'el. Cairn Terrier. Fem. 6moa old. All 1bots. Cost $220. will aeU $12S- OBO. 631-0&29. AKC Ja;a&Se China, 8 wbold. blk &cwht. ready OYER $1,•.- WORll OF •EW CARS AllD TRICKS MIST IOI '71 OLDS c:un.ASS~ V-8. auto. ,,..,._, fact. aar. power ateenng & brakes. rlldio. landau. 1 owner creem Poff. (448HPM). 5 1987 '73DATSUM 1• f.ASTIACIC Yellow. 83,405 ml..._ (788FJOJ. '72 DATSUN 1200 •ASTIAC:S Yellow. ee.748 mllel. (AWL499}. SMaMllYITHISI HIAT•AS-SA .... .-wll.SI '78CHEVY CAN.MOLT V-8. auto. "-'I.. llir cond.. power- eteerlng & bratt••· pow•r windows. AM/FM stereo t..,., tlltly wheel C0"'9, tllt wheel • .._ er-n Nf. '' '517VEO). WA60M MG...SaYer for Sure " 4 cyt . 4 si>eed. •r oond . oower stHnng. AM/FM atereo ta~. luggage rack. (79280fl sa21s '79 DATSUN JllDCOUPI 6 cyt., 6 IPMd. air cond .. AM/FM atereo. magi Cebrlolet plcg • sliver In color One owner. "Fantutlc pricer· (989WZP). 59699 '70DATSUM lllWMOM 4 cyl.. .uto. traM.. Whlt....,I t11-. IUQG1189 tack, one OWMf' Brtght l9d In colOt. "Tell 0'1Y9 thll ontt" (337SZV). Mew •79 280ZX Cpe. Auto. t,__. iac:t. w . custom P&lnt. mags, raised wtute letter hre1. AM/FM stereo Stk 109-9 I 102·2921 !Window Stickers 12.2761 Mew •79 5-Door Station Wagon 4 apd . tact. atr. cu•tom mouldlno okQ.. more Stk 1238·9 10474441 (Window Stk:br MeOBl Auto tnlns . '-Ct. 81(. AM/FM stereo. crut98 control. more Stk. 1135~·9 10045441 (Window $hdcer S~91 Mew '79 210 5-Door Station Wagoft Fact. aw. a.ito trtnS.. luggage rack. whl1ewatts. more Stk. 1399-9 (014338) (Window Shci<er '80991 si. Off WINDOW STICXER $664 5526 BRAND NEW'=::4- l 979 200SX SPORT COUPE ... ~ ............. . •a.&. ....... . ... , .. SUL •1322--9 (1930ll) (WindOW St~er s 7149) 5719 ' ..... °'. IOfO ............ ; ........ .. ....... 0Dklr1'V aaav.-••· ..... • • • • 100 '1 of N l!W 6 011C "11 Pa.Im 8aacb 21' "12 l'bld OJiarW'; a1Dt UUD pWlol ls Ol'lam· I Km i . $11 , $ o o . caad. Orlltnalewner. •• o.aa.711·Ull 'JM.S7.ZJS7orMl-31D 11700-0ffer.'7.-i AatlQut "tPt Ptaoo. -.._,... 9040 Rl2fJ' 22 ft luxury ~ :i=~~· Mn••••H••H••••••H• bome; 11~ I ; .. lf. ·-. 9170 --------a· BD.&. double asJ. trtr. call. IZIO + • mi. ---··-·--.. ••• Cbrlltmat '.IOJ la • $100/ or beat oUer. ..... "T2 VW Poptop Cmpr, 1'url1'-' orsu 4D... ...._•1m '71 GMCt ~ llJD1. man1 xtraa. All1P11 luxe w/lape recorder, II'+, 1lpa f . Cab elr. cm.. llblt coad. 114».• alDt cand. ti•. --1D ........, Clartacnft SIC. Xia&. caad. 5tM252 Cll-1.317 s.M1t th ti a IOt2 :r;:?',':d.~ =· ~ T,.... 9170 ~---lt'l-4-Ford--£200-. ....................... .....,.. ....................... esceil. cond.., cat.en Ult., Btm1na S40 $1SOO. llotN 'S2 Tt.vlo Tralln, 8140. SIOdmN.SMl5~ N'Wlnl macblae SSO. W>-IO' a.ta CnftCCobm· Ml;ast be IDOVed.. Good ..-u.= tllO aa.3'43 . IDAIMMr tw US rU nver or deMrt home. .--. -... 111.ra mkbd Ml~ Sl200. 645·4368 or ---........... m avta no •lcear 545-1114. NMIDD001ALLY ....... appr'OK 200 bn. ...... NumarrtfoLk ready to in· T ........ &mty 9110 W.lwfarLesa ltall. 1ltra' bdl. 1ipa I. ....................... s I I • Le«bo Mriuen bett W:lb u · Scotcbman. "oo. _, IDIQ' m. P-.rta a.ooo tor 21 'd' fLltbed. nit.able ~SI BIY OML Y t.ll..0.-.1a.t 1ur car trtr. _,,oa.. 761·1ll2A41t. 'M UQlflite at'. PG. FB, m...,. ~ W..-.cl 9590 Twm • _. ~ !lllaa. ~Slit•lei.P_.. . ••••••••·---··· new bl "16. WbMllau. &Ae=wartes 9400 WEPAYTOPDOLLAR Bow PW. Swim s&ep, a. -················· for tap u.ed can-f«etp. na. AW> ptl, 0ei> fDl. MEW dorJ-"cs or dwiea. lf ADF. New m "1L Head. PARTS•SE&VlCE your ear is atra deaD., Shart, Propa, Upbol. HOUllS aeeusFIRST! Carpe~ Drapes. Pumps. llual sell to 14 days ()pm7a.m. 'tlllp m. became al "-' of 1Up llondly thru Fnday Belt olfer takes Before OoledSat •Sun 5, 213/~. All 6 ., Enectave Mon. 9~f1'9 Mnda. n4/840-2682. SADDLEIACK FOltD Z3' Umfbte fully equip %MOS llam, Sama An.a Sl8,SOOI Offer. ~k19. AUbeCoraerofWarner 67Ml1T1 546-7070 • Flsh1ng boat Whaler. 19'd .. mahogany Vee ~~Ooorz ~. ~ hull. trlr 1750/bat al· ._...... -........ ~ ff!f' 5411-T.IW Offer 113-~ . ....... / ....... s. Q ... 9050 ·-··-·······-····· ....................... C brlat m aa Parade Clmtsa. put.Me so CW' leaa. Leave lafo. TMJ875..2001 UIPORTAHT NOTICZTO llF.AI>EBS AND A.DVEllTISE8& The price of Item• COP'NELL CHEVROLET •• ,. lf.•rl• • I t.,..; .• ,, . • 546-1200 9060 ....................... advtttlHd by nb.lcle -------- dealers m \he vetuc le cluaifled advertl.1101 CanlSelJ Your Car! ACCORDS/4 DOORS/ LXs/PRELUDEs '48, LlDen 11. 2Sft. vam bull . 1l1p 10 NB . beautiful. $4000 l!M-9010. eatumm does oot mclude C:UVll:R IMW &DJI applicable taus. PAYS TOP DOLLAR l.act"n$e, tranaCer fees. ForClean Ueed Imports IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GOOD SELECTION . HONDA PRELt.:DE '123~] ftnantt ctiaries. fees for Call M1lte or Don 22 f\. Cdumtu, sleeps 4. w Jg.alley le bead. asr Pol!Ubon coatrol de-135-31 7 I V\oe cert&ficatiom or de ------- 12J)115. 1·213 322·Z21 l Coronado 25. showboat. zzns. fast le c&eu. x.Jnt oand. f uJ.ly eq I.DP, SllllOO I ~=l'JW: WANTED! otberwue 1pecl11ed by Lale model Toyotas. tbudvertiaer VolVOI. Pickup& & Vans. ~ust.oday! olfr. 8'1S-32IZ. • ., ' 1/ Chr·h 9520 ........................ CalAIOCIJ7 ... m.rsi-cnUiq c:uU.er. Prot ... iollall1 CUltom IUJt. 'het • od t.at.rtor. Loeded wtU. ,_.. mchldlDI dJ-.J. WiDdwae A reftiprator. Ready to crulae ~-80,00C>/offer ..... ••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~=~~ C710 -.Zt'lO. Private •77· Cherokee Cbtef , put)' WILJ).Cbevy 4$4. Full ...,-"=--u---.... ---_--.,, .. -iD~• ewtlll. loaded' Lo mi. --9 put..., .. _.._ Never run off-road, ~ lloop. FOi' detalla 631H712or81$.IZD. callS.U·tm AUTOS WAMllD Donl tnde · tell UI your uaed llercedea S.GI. ~ ta to find out wta.t your llBZ's Nally worth. MiMtm Viejo lmporta 131-1740 Tnidll t 1:ood~=l~S ...................... ~•••a W firm. Priced to 1el1. "18 Cbtv)' Luv •/camper ••--••-•••••••••••• m.-. lbell, alnt nmnlnl coad. Mea-. t705 S700. M"701 ...................... . •t:i:!' I 9070 '54 Chevy l~Ton SI ALIAIONIO -.. • .. ••••••••••• '11&bed. ret>lt m ••· DemoSIM~ S&MtS AYAa AILI PIO. 548-TM 71 AJ:#A IO• •o YACNewport-..CUl 77 Chevy Luv Php, SfOiiS-4M SIJpt A..U. Call ::'1.J:: ~=10,. ~ Aatomatic t.um.. air .had)'orffaney btwaNPll caad., AM/111 t....ue ea.-. ...... ·-· W ~ Ranpr. suoo. atpa A..U.b&a. CbrW ~-=Oox.Ul·m&or 1 .... beet, Newport --------..,. .... Yaebt Club '15 a.., wan Stepalde. m.JD Mateatter. ·-~--...c:'!l!'!"!"'~--ll1'- DOI IATS l>a.IVDYI UMlllUCTIOM OfMIWff1t u•~ .... AL&OIDCSi .. .. ITOCll Oall..., ...... QY.Y 11a... tlaa& pre-owaed BllW ,_ .,.. ltokin& ... , IJl.a.t4'Mt4t • '74 ... W Sbarp IOOJ two·door automaUe. Radlo, ........ alr.m'&RN) S4Jtl ICIWITNAM VOLISW4MM 'NDOWf!lbn\Mter Ave. mW•mtmter •mi ... ,.., oaAt•I COUMTY-S OLDIST .&. U...__,htq 10U waa to aeU? Cl-.lfied ada a.mtled Adi, your oae- tt ..U. ea..wrt. *"Uoppiq center. LAnl alCTIOMOP ALLMOOILS SHOP 600MPAJlS BARWICK OA I \UN 811 l.!1'>·1'iJ-Jl7'> M1o1. Mew noo M1e1. Mew • teoo,,_---··········-·--·· ·············-·-·····. '10 IATSUll 511WAGOll .. ' cyllackr. automatic lr'aDI., IU&l•I• rack, ~ ~. brla)lt nd ID color, ODt OWDer ear. T"t Drive Tbl1 0.1 Cll18ZV) $1191 SANTAANA DATSUN 81 E.17tbsu.t S..Ana sa-1111 '11 110 Wa1oa. lmmae. A/C, atereo, below wBolffale Blue Book. 581~. 19 DATSUN 280ZI CPE. I cylloder, aatomaUc tram., a1r eoodiUon.ln&. ltereO, ~ ndiala, Cac· 11ary map. White lD col· or. 12 llo./1.Z,000 mllea ISYice eaat.ract av alla· ble. "Loob &Del driva new.·· SIOWKL> $9811 SANTA ANA DATSUN 3>01 E. l7tb Street s.m.a Ana SSS-7811 ~ "'1ftNI s~ 1s ... 10 1ouu PRICED FROM! \ (Ill 611 1'71FIAT 'lbe ltal1an Rocket ut Spkter. Valencia oranae IJ'C)ve oran1e coupled with • jet black top and saddle Interior. Thia rare beauty la 1tlll 10 ber virsbl dreu for 1t wu never removed or a1ued ln ber 10,000 lov- ing. careful. IPfbtrok!na miles. QelVNS> $6995 SANTAANA LIMCOLM MBCUIY UOlN. TUIUpAve. TUJ1'1N S4'1--0611 lf76H0te4 CMCWAeOM Olwwt~ blue aky tthae. A•tomaUe of ~ wttJl au caod1-tlaaflll. Al8o. .. SZttt .. -"-d ft Say llon? fCNOB> SANTA ANA ~t-CUIY mtN. T\llUDAve. 1"USl'IN $C'7 -0$11 'T7 Hoada cvcc s speed. llJOCI eoad. $350t), 14$-$118 iaAcalrd LX. lotml. llbat cood, ~ yr warranty, •1014. ...... t7l0 ....................... JAGUARS XJILa. XJ l2La .,CJS Coupes Malt eolior'I a vallable for hnmecHlte delivery. TIST DllVI OMI TODAY!!! lf76MAZD4 IX4COW'e 'eyl., ' •PMd tram. • ,~~~~~~ .., beJteCI radial Urea.1_ C53DPKJ). m5 llartJor Blvd. OOSTAllESA AUTOS MowCW,12495 ._.CU MADA • 1111rt1or Bl .• C.11. '4M700 WAMTID 979-2500 Dani trade . ..u &Ill your ---------. used llercedea Benz. °"91 9746 Call UI to ftDd out wbat •fftt••••••••• • • • • • • • •• )'OW' MBZ'1 ra.lly worth. -•••••••••••••••• • • Kill.ion Viejo lmpo11a llB "71 4S> SL Goqeoua ___ l _J_l·_I 7_4_0 __ ........ 9740 blk w/buck 1kid later. '72 0..... ZIO. A/C, P IS, P\&Uy loaded. lltbll cood. clean . SI • 90 0 . P P •.IDO. P.P. 11+G1-4U'l m..-o Rm-. "11 aoc. Air ClODd, '73 90 SE U . Ulbt blue, AM/Jl'M, etc .. etc .• Beaut 4dr aedau, &Dtf, ea.OOOml, cood. cboc. bnm eat. l&lftO. tape, IJnl cood, bamboo lilt. eood mpe .ao. 144-QfT lm0. NZ-n'5 --------'72 3:iC> SL: Same aa 450 "19 KB 4SaSLC, lo aula1e. SL. Only 4700 producea. .-woe leue Botb loi)ll. Loaded Ltke •1112ancU'75-3222. new 114.000. Call • 2:50 SE 4 dr. vry c~ & m.31.324'G7~ <dlipmdable. one ownr ..a, H1 mi S3700. US.-3323 ... .......,evs. 1972 a6EL 4 s. sJnt cood. Low l!Wea. Owner au--..'""'* alts. MB • B>SL. beau, 16m. '742 ....................... .... lt7f MCk & MJDGET1 140Pll MANTA CPE. ''A Gu Saver for Sure! .. 4 cylinder. 4 1peed. ...Bo. bright red In color. bodys1de moukhnga, pin ltnpes, wtutewaJI ures. "Very, Very Nice!'. (1.16MIO) $2386 SANTA ANA DATSUN 3!01 E .171h Street Saal.a Ana ~-7811 '75 Opel Ascooa ~D I 4 1pd, A /C. fuel J\I AM for M lke ~ ~ • ltl/blk. 2 tops, auto, ••r, c.-. $13.SOO/OBO. P/P. TI4~Ullil ..... of '748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rEUGIOT 21125 Harbor Blvd. COSTAM~A 979-2500 'M lilercedea 220 SE. CMalc. $7,000. Rebll fuel b:Uedor %13 ·5'PrS315 SPECIAL LEASE PLAN AVAILABLE ..EDIAR •un•Y 1980 MODELS ACCORD HATCHBACK PRELUDE ~CCORD ..... ' • ··~--·,--4 ..... •11u111111>...., OOITA 11111:1.\ 9lt-2100 111U EACH BLVD HUNTINGTON 8 EACH MJ.2000 71 SClltOCCO ~Sport Coupe 21.000 miles A 11\.oma\lc. !Mno. more A beauty' aalVOC> S6t'5 IOIWITHAM YOUSWAGftii 7600 W~tmlNtrr .\vi> an We11tmtnslt>r m 1~1 638 7880 Lea~ town Miul '>t>ll ·74 Bug. x lnl cond 646-4008 74¥WGHIA Convrrt1blr with automauc Loot. and ,,.. erut • ONOM PN 1 Slff5 IOIWl'IHAM VOUSWA ... .,.. ............ ,., ... an WestmJDst.er m.7S61 al-'TMO O~HER DIESEL 9.a Wqon, 48mpg AC. stereo. AM/FM, 1200 mi • white. brown ml SlO. 750 Aslt for Mr Coal!I. 714-~6·4141 dys. evs. 8Cl>984-7444 evn WtW.....YW Haa Tile L&T1eat Seltt tlon of VW Bugs and ~per Btttles m Oranl(r County From 1972 thru 1.916 AlJ m Tap CondJuon' IOIWITHAM YOUSWAGftil 7800W~Ave. ID Westmina~r m.7S61 631-7880 'Tl Super 8fftJe J3Km I r.ct«y reblt. a tract RI.-sreat. MS-3415 72¥WIUS Dynamite clean 7 ~· apeed. radio. beater A real Jewel. ~) $l4t5 IOIWITHAM VOUSWAMM '1DW•mlmt.erAve. ID WMtmlMf.et" •mi ca.1M0 7t IAlllTOllSIL 9.mn>ot, AM /FM. air I. more. Lemon yello~ MU7Sl '72 VW Poptop Cmpr. many xtras. AM /FM caa. xlnt cood. SM50. 8311317 ~ --. YOl.¥0 IMll~ MIYtCI M«»W-. tNuaua or;uv~a v Y.XP~K'r& IAIU*I YCM.YO I ffarbur Blvd cxwr A .. DA MMJOJ 6-4M4'7 • • . . 77 VOLVO i3 Afdwood d't:1eaance, • ~ ISi.JC.. wtlt. I th r , SW\ l"OO(. 1• 'M?.t 4 DI AM PM atneo tape . LO'lf cnaae. loeded 8uutJful ' Pnced SlOO over low Ket ear IZ300 Dys 6'2·7978. t ly Book fi cylinder . aftT.~ f automat1l" lr•n• .. ,r '74 CDV clean &otma full fl cond1t1onin& pow•r pwr 13.200 • ~ steenng" bra.It~. power 962 8323 w1odo"'' le.tlher 1n t.enor fo'itctory slld1n11 '78 Cpe de Vllf'. i.ilver . "J1( one own4'r rar , .. \t xlnt rond SMOOO Lo m1 BlgU l2M11 l2 01JOm11t• 64-t~Ql"~7W7 ..en.1< t" l'<>nl r •H1 J' .u Id bit• 14.>JT't \I S6975 71'1 Coopt-di.' \ dlt• lo;.id1·1J. :?2 OOOm1 1,. \l nHt•r ()y,111 7 :!2 1t f."~lllYL SANTA ANA '74 ~De Viii~ Rt>t. DATSUN wrth white top Loaded Or1a1nal owner 2001 E 17\hSlrett S6.000m1. $2495. Call. s.atJl A&a ~7111 _._ • .,. _____ _ c-.+MH COt-'NTT C o "17 YOLYO ----·-······-· I P.Xt:LUSIVELYVOLVO ""aan.ro P-8, P·lt • ..n-, l...arselt Volvo~ 5yr warr • eaeeUeot m Oranae Cou.nty • amt. GnO M4-LM3. BlrYorLt:~E DIRECT '71.leyln, auto. PIS. P /B, PfW~ over 20mpg. S4flOO .. \ej w~, ;:;.:~.:.~i ~ 2025 S Manchester C225V AF 1846 5221 aft s Anaheim 750-2.0lJ 0.nc*tf HlO 1 . • • . . 72 PUIOOF.S. •uto xlnt SSlnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 64&35J2. or 957 0700 $2,000 OR HST '7J l64E. sruf. auto. At<:. ods exhauat wrk. 1930 Harbor 548 937S or 661 7291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''°' ....................... '75MON%A 4 <'Yl.Jnder. automallc . .a.M l .. ~ (1$2WCM > Sale $2177 Sall bodr hrd z:MOS Main.~ Aoa At the Coron-of W arver 546-7070 I I I . .. . •! ;: '7tTUllO ..... 11Co11nt lllltbeautJ -llust..Ut f ..-I. f qbder, A/C, ~ lnterlor, m•1 ....... ~deck, mlP u-. Lo/mL Pit•. _, ........ Call malt ALANMAGNON PONTIAC 2480 ............... c.e. ...... . 1714) 549·4~00 1980 Excellent Selectlon (, 'IT'S WORTH THE TRIP. 0 All makes, models and colors. Classified Auto Advertising in the DAILY PILOT Mew "°°.......... "°° ~.... tlOO ········--··· ············-·--· ........... ·-····· ·············---··· ALL 1979 OVER DEALERS ~ COST* IMMEDIATE DEUVERY '77 VIRA CIUISll • ... • • I i ' I @ .HURRY.t FACTORY PR1cis· ~~ •• 11ss Santa Ana 's biggest ever clear 2!!~~! TO YOU ance sale takes place this weekend. THrs w=:::•v1N~s You can make unbelievable saving on I 0 HEW ver 140 brand new 1979 Lincolns & Mercurys. LUXURY 1979 Pick one you like best, we'll show you our fac-IHCL~~k Vs tory in~oice. make us an offer we both ~an ~ive with1 ~~~l'lllc~"- and we'll sell it to you. You can even dnve 1t home 1-------..;.;;.;.;-•;;,:,c:'::oey:___ ... Normally we can approve your credit in minutes. BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE THIS WEEK·END ... S-EE US! 'we ARE NEXT TO THE NEWPORT FWY. JUST SOUTH OF 17th ST. OFF-RAMP . t J YEARS OF SllVICI SA TISFACTIOH '11 FUID PINTO WGN. ~,.._for Scare!" 4 eyllnder, 4 apeed, air condlUonln1. power .a.e.tq, All/Fii at.etto tape, lu11a1e rack. nl29QP'> $3215 SANTAANA DATSUN 2ll01 £. lTUa St1-t lt71C+N•Ac ~=~ ........ 58595 With ..._ un.nc>r. stereo t1De .,.._. a Cacflllac wn wheel OO¥era. C 1781"ZUl. 1971 CADILLAC ~ ............. 58995 Eautr>ped with all of the <:acflllac luxury oe>t10na. in exoellem eondttlOn & r>noed to Mtl! 10221038) s.ma Ana w.. 7111 --------------------.... ~~:Ji~.~~ ....... ~9 79 5 71PINrO IUMAIOUT Full ~. st«eo t1e>e. wire wheel covers. below ave<aoe miles & all of the Seville luxunee (~) 4 cylinder. automaUc, dehae itUrior ~ ex- t.tor mzvEA> ··-------------Sale $31}} 1971 CAIMLLAC S ff1hckFord ~= ......... ~9895 2JIOS Maui. Saau Au Hat all of the CAd1llac luxury °'*'-.i1d iow Al lheComerof Warner miles ( 107UKY 546-7070 l .. ________________________ __ '74 Pin&o Runabout bte blue Looks Ilk~ new. Sl.S» 6M.Q)JO ---- 74PfNTO RUMAIOUT .. ~ 79 NCTO Whether you're 2 door with 4 speed. selfing appliances t: radio. beater. deluxe m· or apparel, Suzukis or Salukis, •• ter1or and exterior . microscopes or m icrowaves. !• CStOWGV > Afghan hounds or Afghan :: Sale $3377 blankets, on ly the Dally Pilot :; Sod!Mack Ford se rves up 350,000 deal·hungry ;: 2at0S Mam. Santa Ana readers, for SS 55 ! At lheCornerofWamt'r :: 546-7070 ~I DAILY PILOT '72 Ouater I owner . 2'l,000ml. nu tires. perf cond . 18mpg. $2400 644-s.M2 "74 Duster. 34k m1. V-8, aJ.r.S2'm @3..!i()64 Sell wt th EASE' It's a BREEZE Oaull1ed Ads 642-5678 Family Want Ads 3 lines, 2 days, $5.55 642-5678 ·For only S5 SS any private party may place an ad to sell any article of perwnal property any two days 1n cl row Every Saturdey throughout the Football Seaaon the Dally Piiot brings you . ·19· nnO f!!.J!.~~0 rt!~$V' ~ A ne-.. exc1tine. proreaaaonal foot· ball maaazane section bringlnc our readers tht> most interesting, com· prehens1\e and authoritative roundup or matt>r11l on lbe pro games to be televised each weet~d ror 20 week1 Pla)er profiles. <1t'O\ltma reporta, pictures. pred1ct1ons. the point spread. 1na1de commeftl• on stratea1es and who and whit to -. atch for everythlq to enable readers to 1et the mo1t enjoyment out of their pro football watch1q. -. ~ . • '74CADllAC s2999 SIDAMDI~········ Futl J)OWW. air conc:t .• AM/FM '*90. tilt wheel, top & extra ctunl C&45RXL). '73cAM••c s3499 lll.DiOI. 4'.DO • • • • • • • • • • • • M pcM9r, f9ctory air cond .. AMJ=M stereo, tilt ...... ~ top, full leather lnWtor & In LICE NEW 00f4itlon -ONLY 44,000 miles. ..,.~ ' :~1 .......... '3499 ~ powM". tMtory air oond., Cabriolet top, ,.-.., ..,alt pwr .... t. ei.r.o tape. tltt .._.~,__pwr. window• & low, low mllea. 11'-lrr} ..,, CHlftOUT s4499 . MOttn CAILO ,, ••••••• LANDAU. Full power. factory air cond .. AM/FM .-.c>. apttt pwr. Mat. tilt wheel. ctUlae concrol. "1IYe wheels & ONl Y 15.000 ..._Like NEW-on• owner. (558PlEl. No. 27998et'!W81 with 110.8 CID engine. mirrors. E78-14 tlret. four~ m1nual trantmltek>n, heater/defroeter. bectt-op llghta, 3. 73 ,.. axJe '9tlo. flltefS, etc. LEA51 Ol IUYI ~ly 54598 LEASE OR IUYI Only 55998 New ·ao J/4.fon Fleetslcle Pickup! No. 100480/3433 wtth ""'cond.. euto. trw... 1'9dlo. tlnt.d glaaa. step bumper, dlx. front option, gaugm option, town ... t. large mirrors, HO shocks & springs. pwr. steering & brakes. G.60R rachals, 360 CID engine. etc. LEASE OR IUYI 0nly 5J698 New •ao "Big D00Ue11 I-ton Pickup! No. 101127/3444 with air cond.. auto. trans., V8, 8. 75 ti,.., dt* rears. large mirrors. eng. & trans.. oil coolers, aux. tank, pwr. ~eenng. AM/FM r~lo. ~ugea option, spec. cemper equip option, and more. camper not inc:tudld, shown U polalble UM orly. y LEASE Ol IUYI Only59698 • New •79 4-wheel Drl•e Pie~! No. 206179/3a99wtth bw.epeect manUll n... eng. oH coofer. Y8. H.D. gen.. hMtw/defrOlter. tinted glatt, aux. link. ahlekt plate. oauoee op11cn, ....,._ box. enct motet • I • • • • • • • • • • ....... _ ... Mew ·ao 112-ton Fllat~kle Pickup! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N o . 100315/3432 with economlcel 1lx cyl. engine, manuat trM&. radio. ierve mlmn. heater/d9floater. gauges QPtlon. GR78,...,etc. LIASI Ol IUYI Only 54998 New '80 Crew Cab I -ton Pickup! No 1001&613438 With air cond . auto trans . Srlverado option. 8 75 tr,., dual reaB. vs. speed control. aux tlWlk & bettery. trnted gla11. large mrrrora. AM/FM ~lo. eng & trans 0tl coolen. 9'>8C· ~ equip. oPttOn, etc. LEASI Oil IUY! • Only 511,398 i • • New '80 •/2.lfOi Passe•ger Sport Yan! •• . -• • • • No 102352/3451 with aU1o trans . eoooomical 11x cyt. engine. tinted gt-. large mmora. pwr eteenng & braMs. radlO. chromed bumpers. heater/defroster. atab!llzer t.r. etc. LIASE ott IUY! New '79 4-wheel dri•e LUY Pickup! No 274798/3528 wrth radio. ~ manual transmlSllOn, 110 8 CID e ngine. mi rrors, heater/defroater. F70 all tetr11rn tlrea. filters. t>D-op hghb. step bumper etc. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • LIASI Ol IUYI 0nly 56598i Mew ·ao CheYJ 4-wheel Drl•e Subwban! 1972 PONTIAC · DISVl&&I ..... VI. ..,.tlO ttW*., .... oond., fMll'· ...mg ' ~ vfnyt tap. l'9dk>, P#f, Wlndowa, W1W llfW I rnot9I (t33EOO~ . •1195 1'75AUDI flOIWAeOM 4 «¥. engine • ..,..tic ~. pwr. brak••· bucket •Ht9, AMIFM stereo wlcaaHtte, anroof & mcnl (702N. Y ~ •ins •ins .. .