HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-29 - Orange Coast Pilot• .. Malihunt Moves Out of State J SLA Defector Sags Patty Hearst Tortured THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 'NOVEMBER 29, 1979 -------"Ol.;ft; .... ,~ ....... . ~ ,,. - ' t <. l '9atty 'Tortured' SLA Defector Tel& Her Story . 'TORTURED 8Y SLA' Plllltcl8 Heam .Nevada to Reopen Nuke Waste Dump • CARSON CITY, Nev <AP> -TM Nnllda Board of Health, re· JHlinl a plea from Gov. Bob U.t, bu voted unanimoualy to reopen a eootniV.nlal nuclear aarbqe dump near the desert WD of Beatty. Tbe panel ruled Wednesday that permanent clolure of the du.mp. nm by Nuelear Enlineer- mt eo. 1nc. o1 Loullville, KJ., wu not wuranted Tbe fadllty, .. of Oa1J thl'M lD the nation, Cio;!ald nopm wUhtD a few days. SAN FRANCISCO <AP> - Patricia Bearlt WU cGrtared b7 Symbioneae Uberation Army memben who left ber with no choice. "She either joined ber kidnappers or died," a defec:tor from the revolutionary 1roup said, according to today's San Francisco Clironicle. Robyn Sue Steiner, Z7, who said abe left the SLA before the February 1974 lddnappin1 of the newspaper heireaa from a Berkeley a~ent where Mias Heanl lived with her fiance, Steven Weed. outlined the kid· nap-torture episode in a copyrlgbted story In the newspaper. Ma. Steiner said the SLA also considered kidnapping the 20- y-e a r -old heir;ieas • mother. Catherine Hearst, and "exec:ut· in&" former President Nixon and other notables, the newspaper reported. Ma. Steine!" said the Idea of abducting the youn1 woman was raised among SLA members late ln 1973 by Emily Ha.rria. who ls serving a sentence for conviction of kidnapping and robbery in a Callfomia women's prison. Her husband, William Harria, is serving time in San Quentin prison on the same convictlooa. "Privately, I had irrevocably decided my days u a terrorist were over when ca.ver, Icy eool Emily HanU accidentally dla- coverecl Patty Heant lived un- 1uarded In Berkeley,'' Ma. Steiner said in the Cbronlcle re- port. Ma. Steiner said SLA member Nancy Lins PenJ re1arded MlH Hearst u "tbe belt cbolce IO far. Sbe'I a perfeet Tictim, apart from the blab-up polWcoe like Ronald Beapn or Nlxon, ~rid Court Asked . fro Pressure Iran bS the wwtt) ram t.bem oaL Heant'a father coaunanda 'ao mucb power witb the news media and is ., rich -be ·u be in our bands completely if be wants the cirl kept alive. "Tht' older woman m1gbt have pe11ed out on us. but tbe daughter LS strong and healthy, we can use her to manlpulatt> her fathtt," Ms. Stemer recalled Ms. Perry aaymg. Ma. Steiner said: "Patty wasn't JUSl a rich bitch, throw· ing a stack of bread aboul She attended demonstrations and rallies oraanlaed by radacal groups on the University or Callfornia campus. Millions of people cnllclzed her behavior cSee SIA, Pase A.%> Mesa Police Expand Hunt For Slayer ' 'Goose' r ..... so Handy Mason, un employee of tht• Henry l''ord Museum in Dearborn. Mlrh , checks tho condlllon of tho e ngine on tht.• ''Goose," the ull metul uarcruft lhal rur· ti • rll'CI Ut•UI A1t111 llh htUd r.: ti\ 1~l I\ .;o,i. th•• ht hl rt1-.;ht .i1·1uoo tii" ~.uth h·i .. ~ yt" 11 I I\ ilf(tl Youth Group Fund ( )fflc•ittl lflat)'t'tl I.A MlCli A l ~t~I lll1 M •11•t1ttr Utaylu M•1 ll11 h•b l1t1uh 11u•1•ttnrtud •heir &htt t 'II~ ( 1111m1i1l -wu told h•• ku1•t flmu H1•111 .. lvtter pohtUna& oul JMMl•lblts fh u d•n1•n of prui-••...t hou•WM r111 old•r t'IUun• Missing $36,000 Wealmtnater police are tn vett11aUn1 t.he dlaappear•nt'C' of 118,000 that wu reported mlu· lnl from 1 youth or11nlaallon servins Fountain Valley and Wettmlmier. lnv=-tor Ruaaell &Uva said the f h1v1 been r..,orted mlatlnl bJ Ann WtW1m1, com· mi11loner for Amerlc1n Youth Soccer Or1an1aaiion, R11lon Five. Burn Victim, 81, Suceumbe ( .... ,. V 1nabM hlO ~loud•neM «'c>ntlnuh11 throu1ta t rl· day. Lowe tom&hl In lhAt mfd to upper i>it m1h.w Vrtday frt>m 10 it th• beH Lo 'II tnJ nd I I• T .. 4W ... ,,, '"'~ ,, ~·,. pnllf"JM, 1'1ttU't IM '14nl#ftl ~""'°" of 0 tU '"'. Wt/ r~ °" PIJ(ltl At. (. .. I .. Ir tens American • n1ty · ,.,._&¢ I FACING PROBE Hamilton Jorden Pi••ee••••Na•e• Jordan Probe ~Set to Begin WASHINGTON (AP) -A special three·Jud1e court ap- pointed a 1pedal prosecutor to- day to inveatisate alle1at1on.s that President Carter'• chief ad· viaer, ffamlhon Jordan, uaed the We1al drua cocaine. Tbe panel aPPolnted u pros- ecutor Anbur If. Christy, a New York attorney who pro•· eeuted mobster Frank Costello when Obrtaty WU U.S. Attorney for the Southern Dtatr1ct of New Yorlt in J.B58..58. In its order, the court said it waa actlnl "upon conalderatJon ol the application of the attorney 1ener~ ... for the appointment of a 'lpecial prosecutor to in- ve1t11ate the alle1aUon that HamUton Jordan poe1ee1ed co- caine in the Southern Dlatrlct of New Yon oo June 27, 19'18." Jordan bas denied be bu ever used cocaine. The Wlllte Houae chief of ttaff waa a~ of uain1 the drua during a Ur18 vlalt to Studio 54, a New York City discotheque owned by Stevea Rubell and Ian Schraaer. Huntington'• A .,aloa R ubell and Schraser said Jordan was seen uainc cocaine ln the club. Tbey offered to testify against Jordan in ex· cbanse for the 1ovemment's droppln.a cbar1es of federal tax e vasion against -them. They pleaded euilty Nov. 2. Eight Guests Flee Second Hotel Fire By STEVE MARBLE Ot 11W Dally ,.lie« SIMI Eight guests of the 50·year-0ld Avalon Hotel in downtown Hunt- ington Beach escaped unbanned early today when a fire swept through the structure and gutted many of the second-story rooms Fare investigators said the i ·01 a .m. blaze at the hotel at 1161~ Main St. caused $150,000 in damage. lt was the second fire at the hotel this month The blue, which toot 42 firefighters 30 minutes to douse, destroyed the structure's roof and damaged a pizza parlor and a small clothing store localed below the hotel be asked not to return to their rooms because of safety hazards. Employees of the Seaside Pizza Parlor, 118 Main St., and the Second Glance Clothing Store, 114 Main St .. will also be barred from enterina the charred structure. A $22,000 fire at the Avalon Hotel earlier this month forced a similar evacuation when the structure's rear wooden stairway was burned. Hosmer said bot.el 1uests re- turned several days later when the stairway was rebuilt. He said bad the stairway not been rebuilt, tenants could have been trapped in today's fire. The cause and origin of the early morning blue is under •Pt· vestlgat.ion The special panel said it was disclosing Its decision "in the best interests of justice." The Judges said Christy couJd m vestigate ·'any other related or relevent allegation of a viola- tion" against Jordan for cocaine use. Christy, 58, was special counsel to New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller from 1951Ml. He ia a senior partner in the New York firm of Chriaty and Viener. In addition to prosecuting Costello for income tax evasion, he was the prosecutor of the man convicted of blinding col- umnist Victor Riesel by throw· ing acid in his face. He also prosecuted and won a conviction of mob figure Vito Genovese on narcotics charges. Hotel resident Anthony Hill, 29, reportedly SPQtled the fire and alerted seven other sleeping tenants. Fire officials said all residents dashed down a rear stairway to safety before the fire speadtotherooms. F ..... P~AI Fire Marshal Roger Hosmer said ftreflgbters evacuated three occupants of a neighboring building. He said a local Red Cross chapter uaiAted most of the bot.el guests in finding other lodging for the night He said the hotel residents will 3 Arrested On Sex Rap Three Newport Beach massage parlor employees were arrested on prostitution charges early today Police Sgt. Tony Villa iden- tified the suspects as Karen Gunter, 26, and Denise Lynn Belcher, 24, both of Lons Beacb1 and Shirley Ann Betler, 34, or 1830 16th St., Newport Beach. Villa alle1ed that be arrested the trio after they ottered blm sexual aerviOM in excban1e for money. All three women are employees of Olympus Health Spa at 2930 W. Coast Hi&hway, accordlnl to police DAILY PILOT SLA PLOT RECOUNTED •• after she was kidnapped, but Patty He'ant bad no choice. She either joined her lcidnappen or died •r Ms. Steiner said abe wu u- signed to associate with the heiress in preparation for the kidnapping, but fled from the SLA to Miami where she learned details of the kidnapping from Ma. Perry in a telephone con- versatioo. Ms. Steiner said Ma. Perry's discussions of the Heant abduc· lion included the names of "Willie" Wolfe, Biil Harris, Patricia "Mizmoon" Soltyslk and SLA leader Donald DeFreeie, who called bhmelf "FieldManbalCtnque." "The Hearst action was pulled as planned with only one dlf. ference: Milmoon took your place. Weed wu hesitant, but be opened the door Just u WlWe and I were cruising past the house. Bill used some force to f et lnalde. and then Cinque umped out of a bush where be ad hidden and followed the otht!r two. Tbey went in with great ccoftdence " Ma. Steiner said •be WU told by .... Peny. "The Weed pie wu beaten eomewbat 'brutalq, but it WU unavoidable. He pl'Otect.d ac- tiveb' ad nolally. Cinque told blm to keep quiet, but be wouldn't so our leader knocked him down to qldet him. You11 remember the field marabal dkl not want 8111 abootlnt U poai· b~t" Ma.~ laid .... hrrJ to1Gber. "Weed .wt wouldn't abut ..,. IA fact, be put up eome ~ eo B~ kiebd him and beat blm. ti. brob a wine bottle over 1111 · btad a beat him to the nocw. WbUe am wu deaua1 wttb WHc1, MilDlOOD 1rabbe4 tbe Hunt woman, who WU tn the 1hower. CIDQ.ue ·incl lllamoon tJarew a f batlfrobe aroWMl ber dowutllnl, wMri BlU WU IUD kit--w..a. no wu ialiDolt UDCOIUldoul. "Hunt WU 1ereambii,-, ad for 101M Odd NUOD, ,llliinocla Diebdup~-~--~~ I& &o -· _,, ------oat to • car. It waa •· ........... Mddoarap- CMJ Md &o lhb ..... '•--.._ c,,,-~ •• iUtebed blm rapidly," Ms. Steiner said she wu told by Ma. Perry. Mias Heant was taken to a house in San Franclaco'a Mi. aion Dlatrict where Ma. Perry told Ms. Steiner, "We have her tied up and blindfolded in a cup- board. She we~gbt gag ex· cept when we , but we're starving ber b a.a poui- ble, just bread and at.er. "We'll keep her locked up and any of the men and women who want her can take her. Cinque of coune, took her first, u leader. but ahe'a gettlns foul. She's in total darkness and we don't let her out to the bathroom, so ahe'a crouchina or 1tandin1 u bett sbe can. "We lake turns st.and.ins out- side the cupboard, apealclnJ about her and her backll'CJUDd, polnUng out bow evil her tne ~ life la. Tbil la part of the bldoc- trination, of coune. Cinque ln· alata abe undentand why she's been kidnapped, that abe Wi 't Juat an objeet of m~. She must undentand the cs and ideal.a beb.1nd our actloo. "She must learn to detest the ba~qround tbe represents and what ber family have doGe to pt theit money and power. Tbat'a why ahe'a bere. "8be'1 terrified, but we'll break her, we'll lnaWl fear~ \II into her aoul. We're dnlmmtns our words Into her braln, her stln, ber bonel. We baJll OD the door to keep her awake. Un- fortunatel,y, there'• no •1>1bo&e in the door, IO W baft to open It every now and tben to mm 1ure Ibo'• all"-" When we do thll, we speak calm11 to bu', teWq ber IM cu ... da1110l all the time U AM Jolna ua. W6at a COQP that riulcl be for our part! , " Ma. Perry told Ma. S&etner. .......... wbo lald the~ tb.reatmed to ldll Im Oftl' W ~ fWclto -···""· Sbe said McaUM iaM feanid 1otn1 to ~ hlrMll ..... did oot reUirD to t1M Unlted ~to belp M.119Hiantcturlqlw1fN tr1al OD dlupe llail ~ la aoSLA lMiU·~ 111111'9 tb• -.peper ~ • ,,-. .... ,., three a.om. ..• o.....i•·•~Mu Aid die e8art wociJcl lbow the wOftd ...... .., power dktator' or aHSmee ID &be ;o,td wa.,.. hope to ntJuWah tbe American flame or rreedom and de· moerae,.'' B M Home memben uried Carter ~-a deadllne for u.a. &cUOD to will nleUeol llolt.l .. tn Iran U .U peaeefu1 effolta fall. TM HouM members, led by Rep. Samuel 8. Stratton. D· N .T., 8DD!"llDced they a.re ID· trocltadnl a NIOIUUoo uJ'lly Carter to aet the deadllDe If a•e•UUJ tor "Hlectff, de! liberate, .-allNid, and iDcJw!; iDllX M'Yere mWt•l'J oper• Uoa1" tor rel•••• of tbe bolUl1e1. "At some DOint tn ti.me tM fat. of tbe bol'81u wW be Mal..s," Rep. IUebard lcfml. D·llo., 1ald M a Jotnt Mn CCID• ferenc:e. "'l'bat wUI be tile fhoe for actfiaa aucb u tlda ... Carter refUH:d durhl1 bi• news conference WednHd•.1 Alabt to .., wbeCMr be 1WOUld tU:e"· mlllw, aeUoG u peaeeftal etf ona f.aU. * * * . ........ .41 .. ~ m.AN ••• eoart II from ~ United ~. Pror..or IUcbard R. Baster ol llanard Uatwwattr. ID ::.:r;-b18t«J, tbe court bu JI adftlortee to ..... teraadmal ~and• Judl-llMIWI in dlspat.ea amoq U.Jf.91mban. Meanwbtle, hundreds of thousands of lraniao1, some cbantin1 "Islam up, Carter down!". marched in Tehran to- day in response to Khomelni'a call for massive anti-American • proteata on this importaot Moslem holy day of sacrifice and martyrdom. So.ellod9 Geel~d Here's a greenback of a dilferent color white A Japanese bank teller in Hokkaido spotted this one dollar bill which was blank on its reverse side due to a pnnting error. A spokesman said the bill. among currency notes purchased from an American bank. was genuine I',... Pop Al SLAYER HUNTED ..• The killer baa struck twice in that city, killing one woman and seriously UlJurini another 1be injured woman'• unborn baby daughter died u a result ol tbe aaaauh. Four of the victimf. lncludlng one who survived, were from Costa Meaa . One or the murdered women lived in Irvine and another lived in Corona del Mar. Another SUl"Vlving victim lived in Santa Ana Heights "We sent that teletype to agencies In Canada. too," Lowenberg said. "In fact we sent It anywhere that there Ls a receiver to hand.le a messaae." Like Tustin police, Costa Mesa investigators are atHl sorting through more than 2,000 leads that residents have phoned in the past month an.er police Ls- s ued a drawing of the auapect. Calnoo said 10 suspects Iden- tified in those leads have been completely cleared in the cue. "But that lea vea us with another 300 people that are still being looked at and another SSO Official Re8ign8 CHICAGO CAP> Supennteo· dent Joseph P Hannon wierpec- tedly resigned Wednesday. mo- menta before he was to propose spendin1 cull of about S'J8 million to ease the school system's 1rowing financial burden. Hannon, 47, gave no reason for bis reatenation effe<:· t:lveJan.25. leads that we uven't even start· ed to check." he said "We couJd be worktng on these leach for aootber year. · CaJnon added. Ai.r Crash Victims ldentif ied· AUCKLAND, New ~land CAP >-A1r New Zealan re· leased today a list of f ID paaaengen aboard the ·10 that crashed in the Antarctic oo Wednesday. k ilho1 all 257 aboard. <Related story Pqe A4> Air New Zealand aaid delallJ, indudinl hometowrus. would be released after notification of tM victims' families. The incomplete names of the victims appear after lbeu home country: Tiie ., ........... --,. ... , • Mn. L..M. AIH""'•"· p J ltlHMwlly ., .,,. Mo 8-ell. It ...... Mn. M .......... _,,, L. 9wcll"91a.r; Mn..,, K--.. Mn. H Duff _,,, ML~.G ~.IN_.,.._. J..,. II Si.t, --Mn. ~. Mn. J ,,_ 1'911 M ia D a.~_.. Mia M. a.I'll<* ~ ~ ,,,,. -Mn.. T SKI. S ..... S. T .. .-. T ON. MAW A. 1tr,...... IN -Mn.. Owwa, H.O... S ,_.,.._ It y.-_ ft c;.to, M HltMclll, It. "---· It ~. H S.•, /lk -Mn.. M oe.,.1, Ml -Mn. H y.,...._ /lk -Mt'lo.A ·-·-IN -Mn.Ml-.1 o ........... .,..,_ J ............ Mn. J Hol-•Y H.A. "'9tter. Ml•,....., C-.,, Ml• E rew-; """-E TrlndW. Ao\n. A ..,__ c...4111· E .. _ -MIM It M ~ , ... .,, .... J _.,., ·-i.·1tl(-,,, .... 1El..et-. The demon1trators stayed away from the U.S. Embuay and the 41 Americans laeld h~ta1e there. lo another development, the replacement of Abolhaaaan 8ani Sadr as Iran's foreign policy spokesman apparently doomed U N Seewity Council efforts to ease lbe criaia. Kbomelni'a ruUnc Revolu- tionary Council on Wednesday replaced Bani Sadr wlth Sadegb Ghotbzadeb, a bard·lloe member of the ruline CO\Dlcil and cbier of Iran 'a state-run radio and televlaion network. The otfidal Pan newa aeeocy aaid Bani Sadr would retain Ilia poet aa rma.nee minister. Ghotbzadeb told Para the gov- ernment still had not decided lo\:' h e t h e r I r a n w o u Id be rep resented at the Security Cou ncil meetmg Bani Sadr, who wanted to mediate an end to the emus, had been scheduled to fly to New York to address the 1esa10n Bani Sadr had been trying to arrange a compronuae between U S. and Iranian positions on the Americana held at the Embassy since Nov 4 by Moslem mill· tan ta demanding t.be U.S. IOV· ~rnmmt extradite Shah Molwn· med Reu Pahlavi to Iran to stand trial as a war criminal. But Bani Sadr's attempts at sttkin& 80me sort of middle way out of the impasse only stiffened lhe resolve of the embassy OC· cupiena and Khomeini. On Wednesday, the militants condemned the U.N . Secwity Council effort to mediate the crisiA and Bani Sadr's plans to repfeHl.lt Iran at the scheduled council debate. Ecboine Khomeini's rejection of U .N. mediation, they con- demned t.be world forum u the "Satank Council" and "Catten m1>utbptece." and said aaaiD they wUl settle for not.b.lq less than return of the deposed abab in excban&e for the bost.a1es. Tuua 8Dd A.hura, the twill days ol IDOW'1lln1 todaJ and Fri· day, matk the bilh point~ the Shiite Moelem holy montb of Moharram, a period of ritual mourninl commemorattnc the 7th century aa1aa11nation by Mosle m rivals of the Imam Hoaaein. a 1randaon of tbe Moslem Prophet Mohammed and f<>lmder ol the Shiite leCt, the domiaant community In Iran. I · '{ Newport Surf and Sport Specializes in Powltrf umv . J;i;,u11tainmin/' Quallty Jacketa- ln assorted colors. · Newport }tarbor High School cheerleaders Salli Kuykendall, Lisa Holsinger and Sue Sparre {from left ) encourage Sailor water polo team during CIF semi-final match against Long Beach Wilson Wednesday •n other aotabl••· Ute Dftlpaplr.~ 111. stelMr' aald UM ldla ol 1bdad1Da ti. JOUD&. nm wa ral1ed amoaJ SU memben late In lt'J3 bJ l.mlb Harris. wbo I.I aerviaC a .ateee for couvtction of klclnapplna and robbery in a California women's prilon. Her husband, WUUam Harril, I.I servtnc time in sen Quentin Daily ...... -·"' L.9• ... ,... night. Sailors triumphed and will go for their third CI F championship in a row Saturday night against Sunny Hills. See story and pictures, Page BL World Court Asked To Pressure Iran BULLETIN lated by t)le Security Council. TERRAN. Iran <AP> -11le World Court observers, who Moslem mllltuu laoldl•C tbe asked not to be identified, said U.S. Embassy U.ttateaed W. they did not expect any quick afternoon to speed ap a trial of judgment by the court since it is their Amerkan bo1ta1es as not in session. "spies" II the United States al· One of the members of the lows tbe deposed 1bab to leave court is from the United Stat.es. for Mexico. / Professor Richard R. Baxter of Harvard University. By Tbe Associated Presa The United States asked the In its 35-year history, the court international Court of Justice to-has issued 16 advisories to in· day to order Iran to release the ternational organizations and 39 49 Americana held hostage in the Judgments in disputes among U.S. Embassy in Tehran. U.N. members The court, composed of 1S in· Meanwhile, hundreds of ternational jastices, is the prin· thousands of Iranians, some cipal judicial org.an or the Unit· chanting "Islam up, Carter ed N atlon.s and is located at the · down!", marched in Tehran to- Hague in the Netherlands day in response to Khomeini's The U.S. request was seen by call for massive anU·American some court observers as largely protests on this important a symbolic act and part of an M~lem holy day or sacrifice American effort to seek a and martyrdom peaceful resolution to the crisis. The demonstrators stayed But it could also put addiUonal away from the U.S. Embassy pressure on Iran when the au~ and the 49 Americans held ject of the embassy sie1e is de-hostage there bated in the U.N. Security Coun· In another development, the ciJ. A meetJ.nc of the council is replacement of Abolhuaan Bani scheduled Saturday nl&bt. Sadr as Iran's foretan policy All membert of the United Na-spokesman apparenUy doomed lions may brin1 dilputet before U. N. Security Council efforts to the court, but all parties to its eue the crtsls. judgment.a must apee to accept Khomeini's ruling Revolu- ita jurtaclic:tklll. tionary Council OD Wednesday It wu not mown wbetber Iran replaced Bani Sadr with Sade&h would aaree to come before the G bot b za de h, a b a rd -ll n e coW't, but Ayatollah Ruhollab member of the rulint council Kho eiDl ha uld be would re-and cblef of Iran •1 state-run fuse to accept an,y deci.llGll die-radio and television network. prllGD cm tbe NIM -ftdlclll. ••Prtftltel.J. 1 b-41~ d.clded 1111 ..,. ... Me tCllbt were o.w wbm diner. Jey cool Emily Banta aeddealallJ dis-- covered Patty Hant lived un- guarded ln Bertele¥: • 111. Steiner said in the Qanmlde ... port. lb. St.el.Der Aid st.A member N anc1 Lin• Perry re1arded Mila Hunt u "tbe belt cba6ee IO fer. Sbe'I a •Mrf~ .tclUm. apart from ta. bfp.up po&Jtleol like RGUld 8"Can or Nblml, bat tbe w:wltJ rwJea u.m out. Hearst'• father eammudl IO m ucb power with th• ••• media .nd ii ., deb -bl11 be in our baadl coa:apletelJ 1t be waata tbe ldrl kept illve. ''Tbl olidia' _,,,,,.a mllbt haft pe11ed out oa ua, but the daualder' .. atroq and~· J we UD me bar to mampijlate 1Mr fatber,'' lie. stebain' ncaJJed ••. PerrJ ..,.m,. 111. 8\etner Hid: "Patty WUD 't j9lt a rteb btteb, t.brow· tq • ltllct al brad •boat. Sbe attended demonatnUou and ralllea or1aDlsed by radical 1roup1 on tile University of Callfornia campus. MUJ.lom of people crttldsed ber behavior <See SIA, P.,e AZ> Corridor Approved County Backs San Joaquin Routing A route for the proposed San Joaquin Hilla Corridor was ap- proved by Oraoae County supervlaora Wednesday after years of debate and scores of public hearinp. Supervllors supported a route recommended by the planning commission which would see the corridor beginning near the pro- M•taal Al• posed Corona del Mar Freeway and MacArthur Boulevard m Newport Buch. The six to eight lane thoroughfare would cross the borders of Irvine. Laguna Beach and San Juan Capistrano before connedlJ\g with the San Dieao Freeway near A very Parkway 14 miles to the aoutbeaat. The route was approved despite the misgivings of a ma JOrity of the members of the au· dieoce at Wednesday's heanng. Opponents claimed that the corridor would add to conies tion, increase pollution and would damage the environment ln the rolling bills of southern Orange County Pl"OpOOellta contended tbe cor· ridor is needed badly to relieve already overtaxeo transporta. tion systems. Dr. Gene Alberton of Laguna 3 Suspects Nabbed In Newport Heist Beach said the corridor will be challenged because increases in smog will cause a threat to health. He also declared the issue should be placed on the ballot for voters to decide whether a rail tranait system or other aJternatives to a freeway would .e prefund. Police from six agencie.s, guided by two off-duty Newport Beach officers, captured three smpected robben Wed~ niaht, momenta after &he trio al- le1edb held QP a Newport ~ .... City 1 ,_. D w J .... Van Orh1', 24. l>f Ra.a~o California; Wade Pcur Lura. it, ofW~lnMer.~.W... Zrtt I.-; ~ ol All are fadne cbarpl ariDed robbery and an betna held ill lieu of $25,000 ball. Acconlln1 to police reports, two of the men allegedly were idenUfled by witnesses as the pair who toolt nearly S200 from the Market Basket. USO Irvine Ave. in a9p.m. robbery. Police said two men. armed with a revolver and a sawed-Off shotgun held customers and checkers at bay while emptying the store's cash registers. They fled to a waiting vehicle which sped away. At the time, Detective Mike McDonough and Officer Mike Welch were r eturning t o Fire Destroys Ringo's Home LOS ANGELES (AP) -M Rin10 Starr looked oo, six fltt companies and24 firefighters bat- tled a blue that caused an estimated $135,000 damaee to a two-story Hollywood Hills house leased by tbe former BeaUe, nre officials said. Los Aqela Fire Department spokesman Sanford Fu said be didn't know whether Starr was in the --when tbe ftre bqan about 3 p.m. Wednelday in tbe second-story awe. No i.IUurles were reported. The fire WU blamed OD spub from a cb.lmney that landed OD the buildins'• wooden roof, P'u said. He aald be d1dn't know who ownedtbeboule. Former Lagwia Beach Mayor Joa Brand uid freeways do not IOlH ~I and tbat they ..-Mc: a me owe1 whelmed an-.._ tbeft . • proper Ind \lie P''""*lilltbearu. 1""' J 11 P Wesley llan .. ......... ...ndar b ln doa.bt ""' ·-of mnrl11lno-by pl= to come to ll'iP5 Old4ed •eDeaouo _. r.A.-.:Jif~p&a. mddd-•••~ "-C .. , ,... •••• of tll1e BeaCl. Calta ...... lmM. o...._ OMlat1 Cbamber of ta A-. tbe ~ = ft.. • Patrol and u.. n.---•meres. u.e •wton Vl•JO ..,....... eom..., aDd u. 1ntDe 0>m-sa.ert.tra Dlputmeat eon~ pay -sued ID faYOr ot tbe eor-oo tbe allesea badit• u •"' r1dor. .. drove IOU&b on tbe Saa Dteso ~ tnmportatioo corridor ts Freeway near the llacArtbar projected to .erYe a volume of Boule~ off ramp. IS.000 to 130,000 vehicles daily. Accont.inl to police. the cash Included in all planntne is a and weapons were recovered. 50-foot*wide median to accom- Police Seek Singer in Child Theft John Phillips a forme member or the Mamas and Papas slngtna group, was named Wednesday in a $50 000 Orange County arrest warrant accusing him of child stealln1. The missing child waa iden· tiried by Orange County Deputy District Attorney Robert Molko as Tamerlane Phillips. 8, wbo had been lo tbe custody or Phillips· ex.wife Michelle Ptullipa Burch. Accordin1 to llolko, Mrs. Burch toot Tamerlane to an Wl· dilcloeed Newport Beach loca- tion where Pbllllps wu Uvi.al for an overniCht stay. Pbllllps had vi.litaUon rifbta to the cblld, Molkowd. When Mn. Burch returned to pick up tbe child. PblWpe and bis current wife. Genevtne. were IOQe and have not been l~D since. MQlko said. Mn. PbJlUPI allo I.I named in a ts),000 arrut warrant. . modate some form of rapid mass transit in the future Con.struclion of the corndor is estimated to cost from $160 million to $210 million but there are no assurances of state or federal money to finance the project. Costs. which don't include land acquisitioo, are expected to escalate further because con- struction is not expected to start for 10 to 15 years The supervLsors approved a route that includes selection· or in the west sector of the cor: ridor segment 17 in the central sector: segment 19 in the east central and segment 24 m the east. 3 Arrested On Sex Rap Three Newport Beach musaae parlor employees were arrested an prottitution cbar1es eartJ today. Police set. Tony Villa iden- tified the suspect.a as Karen Gunter, JI, and Delliae Lynn Belcller, JI;~ of Loni Beach, and SbirleJ AM Betler, 34, ol 1830 Ul&b SL, Nwport Beach. Newport Eyes Noise Ordinance Villa alleied tbat be arrested tbe triO after ~ olfered blm sexual aentca in excbaqe for mODlf. All three womep are employee. ot Obmpua lfealtb Spa at 2ll3D W. Coast Hlpway, accordinl to police. ... .,•••elu•••le•I•• WASHlNGTON (AP) -c.ntomla Gov. Bdmund Brown Jr. Hfl be fawn ooupon raUCJDtq ol ftlObne "aa IOOQ u a worka- ble plan can be developed ancf OollJNU can tlaoroqbJ.J debate it... . Gu ratloo.lna and other eonaervaUGa measures are the belt way to reduce the estimated ao to«> pereeot enel'O waste in the United S&atee. BJ'Own aaid Wednesday In an appearance before the Women'• NaUoaal Democratic Club. Amerfe••• £eta"e 814nua BJ Tiie Auecla&M .._. Two lf'OUps ol Americana left Bancladeab and Syria today under lbe State Department'• "voluntary evaca&Uon" plan fOI' Americans iQ 11 Moelem countries, prompted by the U.S. Em· busy meee in Iran. Jn Dacca, Bangladeab, embassy spokesman J ames L Meyers said 74 of the 900 Ammcans in the country -14 em· bauy J)el'IOllDel, their families and 13 private cliliens -bad volunteered to leave the capita) "temporarily." In Damaaoua, Syria, an embaaay source said a froup of 25 evacuees Included 1S famlllea of •Americans wbo wort at the embaaay or are employed by companies with government con· tracts. He said some new out today and the others would leave Friday. He said it was a voluntary departure and the State Department haa put transport facilities at the disposal of those wanting to leave. State Fire Kilb T•ree LAK~IDE (AP> -Fire swept through an apartment early today, and three bodies were found in the charred debris. The dead were Identified by the coroner's office as Jesse Al· len Simms, 27, a woman and their 6-m onth-old daughter, Esther. Jnvestigators said a wall gas beater may have malfunc· lion ed. fire r•!;S• ..... •••e• ~--.,a.,.-............ tbii iUtem \'tlitUi'j 1 C6U~ iliii'i ID from u to JOO aeree ID an hoW"a time ~. threatemnt a DTDDber ol homes on the clty'a nortbeaat perimeter. autboritiea aald. County fire department spokeswoman Dana DeDiana said about 100 firefighters from 2' engine companies lft'ere at the scene and 10 more companies were en route to the Pole Canyon area blaze. Many companies wer e stationed near the homes to protect them from the names, which were being propelled rapidly through steep, hilly terrain by strong easterly winds. New Zealand Names Air Ci:ash Victims .. _. AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP )-Alr New Zealand re· leued t.odaY a llSt of foretsn puaenpra aboard the DC-10 that crubed m die Antarctic Oil W•dneada1, kUllDI all 367 aboard. <Relllted slol'J p_,. A4) A.lr N.-. Zealand Mid deta1ll. includlns hometown.a, would be released after notlflcaUoo ol the vlctlma'fainllles. · Tbe IDcolllJ)lete nalJla ol tbe vlctlma appear after their home country: Tiit u ... ...._, ..._ It, 9lelr1 Mn. L.M. AIHnm~; '""' ··-••IY: Mr ..... Mn. ._.,.ell; K. -.....: .... M. HMIMI; MN. L. ~1111e1w: Mrs.,.,.._.:-...."· Oulrl Mn. M.L. U.; 0. ...,.._,~Mn. a . .I•; It. hie!; #Ir. _,Mtl. I Mrl.~P'w· rfll; Ml•D . ....._.~.. ter ..._.., llr, ... ..,._ T, IMl; S. 11 .. T-...JT.Ollt;MlaA 11:11 ...... ;Ml.MdM. Owwe; .., a..., I..._.:•· Y ....... t-N. a..; M. ...... , ••.......... : ........... ; UC Irvine To Host Physicists A two-day eoftference Friday add Saturday boated by tbe pb,Jatca departmat at UC Imne h-hpected to draw 250 pbyatdlta from the United States .-_,;,;,.;......;.;;... ....... ;.o;;;.,....._ ....... _.__ • and l:urope to dllcuu the latat .. DAILY PILOT expertmental .resultl lD elemen- tary particle pbyalca and theoretical questiona concemlna the u.niflcaUonolforcea in nature. I The conference. to be held at the Rectstry Botel, 11 convened every two run lD lntu. Tbla year'• ccllifennee ta tbt Hftlllb aueb ptbe.itn'I boated bJ UCI. Tbe National Science Found•· tion and tbe U.S. Department of Eaera prov&ded an,n11 to pay for tbe conference. after llie w k~ bt& r1u1 ....... w !~tlM>!-. a. .............. ldla.,,.. • ....... .... ........ ,,... .. JIAM te ueoclate wta. ._ ......... Ila ~aUoa lw tbe llldnaldQ, but Old tram 1LA .OllJiml W-.MI ...,._ dttalll ~ tbe ~ ...... lnm Ml. Perry tn a telt~ COD· ...... M1. al't• Mid ... P907'1 c1K•=1• DI tM U.ant •haile· t\oD lncJul4HI t.M nam., of • 'WUlle" Wolfe, 8111 Hani.t, Pa\rlcla "lltamoon" SOltyslk and 8LA lead•r Donald De,.,.._, wbo eau.d ldliliMlf "l'teldllanih-19'DQ .'' •on. Heent ecuo. ·-Plaid u pluiaed WWI o.lJ CM dlf· ference: llbmooa took JOG.I' place. WMd •• a..!tlnt. II& a.. opoed ta. dOor j .. 'and J were crulaina put tbe bouae. aw __. 10me toree to ~•t i.Dllde, and then Cinqae umped oc& 'of a bOlll wMn be ad bidden and rollowed the other two. They went. iD with ireat c:oofldeoce," Ma. S&dner Hid she WU told by Ila. Perry. "Tbe Weed pta wu beaten 10mewbat brvt.a1111 but 1t wu unnoldable. He protested ac· Uvely and nolally. Cinque told him to keep quiet, but be wouldn't so our leader knocbd blm do)VD to q_uiet bilD. You'U reme~ the field manb.al did not want any 1boottn1 ii possi- ble ," Ms. Steiner said Ms. Perry told her. "Weed stlll wouldn't ahut up. In fact, be put up some fipt, so BUI kicked bim and beat him. He broke a wine bottle over bis head and ~at him to the floor. While BUI was dealln1 with Weed , Mlzmoon grabbed the Hearst woman, who was in the shower Cinque and Milmoon threw a bathrobe around her downstairs, where Bill was still kicking Weed, who WU almost unconscious. "Hearst was screa ming, and fo r some ~d reason, Mizmoon picked up ber purse and handed it to her Then they dragged her out lo the car It was un- fortunate the man next door ap- peared and they had to grab bim as well, but we ditched him rapidly, .. Ms. Steiner said she was told by Ms. Per ry. Miss Hearst was taken to a house in San Francisco's Mis· sion District where Ms. Perry told Ms. Steiner, "We have her tied up and blindfolded in a cup. boa rd. She wears a light gag ex· cept when we feed ber, but we're starving her aa mucb a.s PGAi· ble, Just bread and water. "We'll keep her locked up and any of the men and women wbo wa t -_,.l&~ke '*°· ClnclUI ~ ~. toeW aar11tU.. u ~. but abe'a •ettinf fouj. Sbe'i in total darkness and we don't let her out to the bathroom, so she's crouching or standing as best she can. "We take turns standing out· side the cupboard, speaking about her and her background, pointing out how evil her type of Ufe is. Ttu.s is part of the indoc· trlnation, of course . Cinque ln· sisls she understand why she 's been kidnapped, that she i.sn 'l just an object of money. She muat understand the politics and 'ideals behind our action. "She must learn to detest the backaround abe represent.a and what her family have done to 1et their mone1 and power. That's why abe'a here. "She'• terrified, but we'll break ber. we'll tmtiU fear or us into her soul. We're drumm.in1 our worda into her brain, ber skin, her bones. We bana on the door to keep her awake. Un· fortunately, there'a no apybole In the door, IO we have to open It every now and then to make sure abe'a allve. When we do thia, we speak calmly to ber, teWna her abe can aee da)'lllht all the time ii she jolna ua. W6at a coup that would be for our part!." Ms. Perry told Ma. Steiner. Ma. Steiner, who aald tbe SI.A threatened to k.ill her over her defection, ned to Enl)and. She aatcl beca\lle abe feared goina to pr1aoo herae.lf, abe did not return to the United States to help Miu Hearst duriDM her 1978 trial on char1ea abe participated In an SI.A bank robbery in 19'74, the newapeper reported. , Mias Hearst'• seven-year HD· ten co waa commuted In FebruatJ by President can. after &be bad served leaa than two yeara In prison. SftelDarried Bernard Shaw, one of her body1uardl after· autborttlea took ber tnto custody ln Sep- tem ber 1915. Prosecutor Nanwdin Jordan Case WASHINGTON CAP> -A special tb:;:J~dae court ap- pointed a ptVHeWJr ~ day to inve1U1ate alle1adom th.at Preaidmt Carter'• chief ..S- vller. H•mUtoe Jordan, med tbt Uletal cb'ua cocaine. The panel appointed u prw- ecutor Arthur K. Chrtaty, a New York attorney who proa- ecuted mobster Frao.k eo.teUo when airtaty wu U.S Attora.y for the Soutbern Diltrict ol Hew York lD 1951-58. In It.a order, the court aald it was act.iq • 'UIJO" cODliduaaoa of the appllcatloo ol tM at:tGney general. . .for the appOlntmeel of a special proeee'*f to ID· veslifate the allecaUon tbat Hamilton Jordan pouesled co- came in the Southern District cl New Yon oo June 27, lt'7I. .. Jordan bu denied be bu evw used cocaine. The White Rouse chief ol lt.alf was accused of usinr the drui during a 1978 visit to Studlo 5', a New York City discotheque owned by Ste-+~n Rubell and Ian Schrager. Ru bell and Schrager s a id Jordan was seen using cocame in the club.· Briggs Files Suit Against lran~Eoading An attempt by State Sen John Briggs of Fullerton to cut of.f public funds for the education of Iranian students will be heard next month an Oran1e County Supen or Court Judge Robert Todd is expect- ed to ruJe Dec 21 on Bri11s· re- q uest for an injunction a1ainst continued spending of public money. Brius filed b1I lawsuit Wed- nesday a1ainat the state of California and a number of atate otriclaia and .,enciea to atop what he called a atft of public funda for noo-lmm.t11ant fraolao s tudent• rrom ldnder1arten through coUep. He l&ld be took ate actloD became cl tbe illepJ ad o1 tbe Iranian IO"f1UDml ID Ml.liq the American Sm ba11~ In Tehran and &Jae deteauoa ol American bostal•· Brlaa• alto l• aaktac to aboliab other at.ate ualataDce \0 the studenu in welfare, UD· employment paymenta, Medi· Cal service and food atampe. Newport Says 'Hamb 0/I' Of Upper Bay Tbe Newport Beach City Coan· cU wants the regional Southern Califor1U Auociauoa ol Gov· emmmb toll ... IU ..._.oil-" Uoper Newport BaJ &Dd h!dwd let a k>cal a1ency deal witb &be bay· 1 ailtaboll problems. nit 1..,.. P&r Council \Oek • aimilar lta:nd ea.rtiei' thia week. Newport Beach council mem ~rs believe the JWi.sd.kuooa al· fe cted-Ne wport. Jrvine and Orange County-s bouJd be the new policy gro up, Newport Mayor Paul Ryckoff lndicated lD a letter to SCAG direct.on. "What we are r~ally k>ok..ing for is more local control." Ryck.off said. Tbe county. Ryclloff noted. presently 1upporta SCAG'a views. SCAG bas endorsed a plan wblcb recommends waterUed ccmtrola, &Jricuhural practiees aboYe tbe watsabed and coatrola la retanlatlon baatm of tbe footMlla to atop lhe flow ol lilt la&o tbe ba7 A local ~ would P"JPOM solutiooa for &aP9tnam prac- Ucea. do a attt•dm ll1ld7 and sua.-..,_." clreqiq in the bay. R)'Cka« ukl. Be aaid in the lettar that Newport Beacb would prefer that SCAG'aA'Ole be recluncl to a "paaa throuCb qecy ~ review ol polidel Mt by a loca1 aiency." Mrlo lJ' IQJurlDI anodtef. 1'I injured womu'• unborn biab1 dau•bt.et died u • rwalt Of IM auauJL Pour altbe Yk!Uml. lne~ ont Who auririved. ..,.. _ ~ Cotta lleaa. O•• of tbt muJ'dered women lived ID I~ and anOeber llwd ID Corona'1~ Mar. ~ nn1¥tltl .... Uved tn SUta Au IWOC.. "'• "We aent tbat teletjpe &b •1•nclea lo Canada, too ... Lowenbert aaJd. ..In fact we sent It a&11Wbtre tbat tbete .. a receivw to bandle a m ....... " Like 1WtJn police, eo.ta lleu lnveltlptora an IUJJ ~ tbJ'Oup IDON than 2.080 liilldi that rea:ldentl have' pboMd .In the put month after pollce ts- aued a drawtq ol the 1uapeet. Cal.non Mid 10 ampec:ta ldeo- Wled lit thole leada bave ..._ comp~y cleared in ll»eaM .• "But that leavea u1 with another 300 people that .... IUll belnc looked at and another • leada that we haven't even start- ed to check," be said. "We eou1d be workina on~ leada for another year,'' Camca added. Recall Try On Miller Abandoned The laat attempt to recall Orance Count1 SupenhoY Ed1aoa Miller baa fallen b7 tbe wayalde. ; Stephen C. NW, cbalrman,. tbe Committee to Remove llUler, announced WedaeldaJI that b4t la at.aruto-llna bia eftolta. I • Nlll. a ZZ.year-old law at•..,.. at Loyola University, aald Ula\ inatead of a recall bia or&a.niza. lion will support a canc:Udate to oppose Miller in the June pnmary election. Nill s a id he had great 1ru1roots support when be an- nounced recall plana Oct. 23. At that time he also crtticlze4 leaden or a previous recall pou.p after tDe7 bad Krappef their plana. Miiier said today be never took the recall tbat seriously and wu not aurpriaed. ·'I bebeve that they realized they were fighting a losin1 bU- tle once emotions ran out." )filler was appomted by Gov- ernor Brown la.st July to replace Ralph Diedrich. He ran into an immediate storm ol controversy because ol a nll·war s tate ments while a prisoner of war in North Viet· nam and because ol bia rela· tionsttiJ)ll with Jane Fonda and Tom .Hayden. MUler nid that be especta to announce bia candidacy for ~. full four-year term sometime around the nm ol tbe =· MeanwldJe, be haa bold.- inc hmd·ralalna event.a and.._ bad coatacta with polltical caa-aultiq ft.rm.a. He aald be allO has elllaaed la utemlve pabUc apeakfni caui- paiam. Asylum for Shah?. CHICAGO <AP> -Repallllca preaidenUal coat.ender Roaalcl Reaaan says the United sa.._ "violated . . America ~· pie" in not aranttni permaDellf;. asylum to the Sb.ab of Iran. ' Newport. Surf and Sport Specialf%es .In , powferfwnu 1kuntainttrinlf Quality Jacket• In asaorted colors. .. Jlmiy Drllg fl ,f!sers Win WUrt Nod WASHINGTON (AP> - 'l'bouaands of ex-soldlera boo&ed from the Army after urtnalYles 1bowecl they uaed d.ruaa will re- cel•e boaonb&e ~flea if a court~allo~to...._ The former semcemen would e their 19'1·tban·bonorable T.C.~u~ trict Judie Barrington D Parker. J1 Parker said the ArmJ acted il· 11••111 when it mustered out 1ol«l{ers wJtb less-tban- boQorable dUicbaf'les who were forced to submit urine samples. ..: It wu the first time a court lau ordered aqtomatic upgrad-iag .. of diachargea for a large IJ'OUp of ex-servicemen, accord-fDI to lawyers in the cue and l!entagoo officials. The number fll men involYed could be close to Je,000, Parker said. Royce C. Lamberth, chief of die cml aedion of the U.S. at· t,emesrs· office in Wasbtnstcm, pid the government is consider· ., ... lllJPeal •,ff• said· the Army does not waut-• dffr'ad• ctt•Oharlff ••without comiderinl a IOldier'I 4'.el'.all service record." l' Bartcn StichJnan, who Ill~ =e uit on beb~f· bt. 4a 'db· • aOIA!lei-, ~aic! 11fe '"nlh1 _, d ~crease emplo7ment op- portunltel for the men who -,e- rid l«'il!ral and undesirable a . He cited a 18'13 arti· c the .Army's Milltary Law ~•TieW. which aald employers ~ 6ducaton ncted negatively 5. d applicants whose dis- es from the service were ess anbonerable. h)(oet of the dismissed soldiers received 1eoeral discharges and iem~ elilible for veterans' benefltJI. The small percentage •ho were pven undelirable dis- char1eJ WC>Uld become eligible '*~under Parker's rul· lflg. -· . '••General" and .. undeitrabllr' f,fe tt.--two ca~es· of leta-~-bddtnbh dlWim'IW tbat are banded out without a eou:rt- martial. SUatl'l , •!lb· repriaeateel Antoaio 4. Gllel Jr., said miast clilcbarfecl after a aim· urinaJ11it wer. let ID tm ud 1973. He said t6riller PnlideDt NlSOG ordered cle telU to tocatO drq .users in UMt milltarY. especlally amcmc dmc:emen aeninl in tile Viet· nam c:oidJict. 0-.: ..... eel tn 11'1', sued rO.s.:Dlltrlct CoUrt after fill· to trin ..:,.~ before community of Laona. The 59-foot tall, 47-year-old white spruce will be moved to W aahlngt.on Friday. Cleveland Forest Probe Set Friday B,yALUIDDLE Of .. Deity ........... The Cleveland NaUonal Forest is unique aJDOll8 areu mana1ed by the U.S. Alriculture Depart- ment Forest Service because it cooslata d 450,000 acres situated on three separate land blocks in Orange, Riverside and San DlefO eounttea. iiig mix of people, but their in- terests have been hard to pin down." Ms. Reid said she doesn't have much difficulty recoplztnc the interests of most of the meeting goers. • 'Tbe vast majority of people attending," she aald, .. are pTivate property owners with land tnterfactng the forest. They are concerned with law enforce-ment." Forpaer Oran1e County »oUtlctl lbllneler Dr. LoW Cd· la .us pl8id iulli1 l'dcl81 In San Dte10 County upertor Court to 10 ol 127 cbafle1 ol state Kedl.cal fraud and INDd theft. Ilia d.only aald Wednet- da1 • . DetaUI of the plea bar1aJn let· Uemeat. 1n wb1eb Cella waa a.be rtabt to ~al certain Luua to • hlCber eou.rt. were worked out dur1D1 an afternoon meetin1 between Cella'• attorney, Kei1b Monroe. ~County ANt. Dut. Atty. IU I Capi.nl and Juqe W1Wam Yale. 'I1le aettlemeat came on the beela ol a lbarply worded state- ment from Monroe that the Oran1e County Diatrlct At- torney's oftlce wu refuainc to accept a aeulement ln the cue and wu pushin1 for what was expected to be a loo1 and COlt.ly trial. Aeeordtna to Monroe. Cella acned to the settlement aa a means of movtn& the caae into the Rate's appea.lS court.a. Monroe explained that Cella likely would ha~ been found guilty on the charges had the caae gone to trial. "We j ust couldn't receive any further re- lief at this <Supe rior Court) level," Monroe aa1d. Cella la charaed with funnel- ing mooey out of two hospitals he once eontrolled t o help fmance pu9ieal campaigns. The physician, who formerly had of. fices in Santa Ana. now 11 m federal custody on a convtction on related federal charges in· eluding Medicare fraud. Deltr~ .......... W1Ll PLEAD GUil TY Dr. Loula Cella He is due to be released from a federal pnsoo camp ln Lom- poc m February. Monroe said. As part of the settlement on the state charges, Cella will be sentenced to 21 months in prison , Monroe SaJd . but the sen· tence w1.U run concurrenUy with the federal term meaning that Cella 's February release date will be preserved. Cella also will be hoed $50.000. Monroe sa.ad. Monroe said three tuves im- medlately will be tak~n up on appeal They a.dude: Tbe settlement reached thi& week la identical to one accepted in San Diego two years a10. New legal ~r eedings, however.' were red after an appeals court ruJ that some of the evidence used against Cella had been seized illegally The 127 counts or grand theft and raise claims against the s tale wer e containe d in a Orange County Grand Jury tn· dictment. In return for his guilty plea. 117 o( the charges will be dis· missed during Friday's proceed· mgs before Judge Yale, Monroe said. The case waa moved to San Diego from Orange County on a change of venue motion. 1 I I County'residetits will bave the opportunity to dlacuaa what they ~ee aa the major issues in managiq Cleveland lands Fri- day iB Santa Ana. A Forest Service spokesman said the purpose of the meeting, set for 10 a.m. in the Santa Ana Public Ubrary, is to identify is- sues so that an Environmental Impact Report and forest plan reflecting public sentiment can be prepared. ··we WW weigh the quality of input, not the quantity," Modee said. What the agency la Joolcing for, he said, is the idenWication of issues and suggestions about what activities should be al- 2 Get Artificial Blood ' But a Sierra Club represen- tative said her group has doubts about whether or not the agency listens to,tbe public testimony it solicits Sally lleid, chairman of the Sierra Club's Southern California Forest and Wilder- "" Are• ~u... aaicl the For•" 5-:tJ# .,bv ~ for RPJ>l.lG:;d.1# .... ,.:ilt -.,,put wbea fonanlattna mne..,.a plan a. lowed in various sections of the T "dentified t ta l cer. said Thomas C. Drees, forest. wo uru 1 pa .sen a a If past performances are any Santa Ana hospital have become president of Alpha TberapeutJcs the aecood and third Amen cana of South Pasadena. a subsadiary indication. Mrs. Reid contends, to receve artificial blood, wtuch of t he J a pa nese firm that the Forest Service is talki.og still is unapproved by the Food m anufact.urestheblood. through its ranger bats. and Drug Administration. Drees aaid Wednesday that "After telling ua otherwise, The patients both we r e Dr . Ron L. Lapin , who they weighed coupons and tear-Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's spec1ahua ln treating Jehovah's out cards aa heavily as personal w _, eel th letters when it came time to Witneaaea refuse to a ccept itneues. penorm e opera-traaafusiona of natural a.lood tiom at Doctors Hospital. compile Roadless Area Review beeauae they believe the Bible Tbe artificial blood is tn Evaluation (RARE Il) IUl'Ve)' ~orb1.a-u aceordlna to Auodat-odorlw wtnw emulsioo thlll ca reporg," sbe aid. • '-"" Or•"-· eood ... l'm&bta at-ed Preis. 'f!!!l...."'1~ .!!.~~Ileen~ _.. v T~e.,,Ff A. •. •••• •P•c...,_l .,..___._ ~ lilt tencUna Jl'rl4ay'• m~. or,• permllilail lb' ... tM _...,=,. a aueeemfQJ .,.,."•• cmlJ • Tests oo animals show it is in- ert and eventually eliminated from the body. Bat U.S. re- searchers say it muat undergo further te9tfng before it can beco me licensed and widely used. It bu been wider development ln thia eountry and Japan for about U yeara. The first artlfteial blood tramfualoa lD the U.S . ,.... perloriqed at tbel t1Ul ••rtlty of 11lnne80ta l WO weebqo. .limtur ......_ ~. I. ur:a all· beeaw the pat.ieata' Uftl were an oxygen carrier and does DO( dreaa matters Involving tbe threatened. One patient wu suf. clot or help i.maum.ise the boclr ,..,., u 1 nteareben IQ' UJeyJ forest's Trabuco Ruion -the tlertlla ~ bJeedllui •&~l._llt ~ .ud ,_...~ ....... ,,.._.. •odllittoe Upa-c abllu UJt••• ••• llDdtlllt~«*-IDilla &1eectt•~ at.aDces. • ... ~.•r· .. m , • "When we loot at thf'flnllbed pl-•·-....r~~ln­ put ... Mftf'Mil"~she'Wla: mth*ta' J£0cii, iana ~entna manasecaent officer tor the Cleveland Forest. said respome to a aeries of pabllc planninar meetlnp 10 far bu been low. He described the estimated 80 peo- ple who have aUended three pre- vious !IW!dnp "u an interest- SllY4ndoCeQYoaa. __:;;:.:._::::.;~::.,.:.~~~__;:~~_..;.~_..;.~~~~~--~~------~~~~~~. .,,"OQe ·ec:mbover17 ..-dal to J / tUt area., ........... "la tbe "r- iNue ol public access to the forelJt 1D eoafllct with private Light Side Of c .. ? ruris. WASHING TON (AP) - Prealdeat Carter brought a burst ol laUgbter in an otherwise ao'Dlber news conference with a deadpan reaponie to a q_uestion abijuf toreicn 11tudents in the Utlited States. Carter wu aalted by Sarah McLendon, cor- re•P.ODdent for several email dail1 newapapen, wbether foreign students, and particular'1 lnmlam, lhouktn't be acreened more closely before betn1 ad- mlttedtotbla country. "Well, it la very difficult for an Iranian cltiJeD or a student to get a naa at the American Kmb•••Y In Iran at tbils tlmi.'' Carter aal~t. brtnllpa a wave of laupter fJ:'Olll ~. property owners." The situation art.tea, Modee said, primarily because of public roads through the area. Anotber Trabueo Relion Laaue is whether or not wilderneu status should be granted to San Mateo Canyon. Modee s aid the For e st Service, after the RARE II sur- vey, suggested that the area simply be clo6ed to any vehicle activity. The agency changed its cok>rs when it made that decision, said Sierra dubber Reid. San Mateo was included ln the RARE II process for three years before ~in1 dropped two months before the final survey report waa iaaaed, she said. "We cooaldered that action by the Forest Service to be a double cross," Mn. Reid said. Jdodee said that, after the public teatimon.J pbaae la com- pleted Jan. 7, lllO, the Forest Service will belin compillng the impact report and plan. The process wtl1 not be completed until 1983, be aald. ·N11mhing Freeze Hits Many States Available For Immediate Delivery Classic Wall Unit ~ @ ~ .. [!] .. I I I I I I I I I ..... r Hfigh()ffl(:jalOrdrrlftQtlw Nakml toed Out a/Coda Mna municlpalicy'a famed Sunshine Studio. Tbat'1 the buainela out on 19th Street where the ladies model while weartna only a •mile. . Does tbia mean they'll have a Goin& OUt ot Buaineas Sale! •••••• SPEAIUNG OF COLD WO&KING condttiom, YoW' complainta about frt&id mominp alone lh1I couWne an confirmed. The Fruft Frost Warninp are back oo KFI radio now at 6 o'clock, seven nipta a week. In byaooe days around bere, the frtgid forecast meant that you ran right out to smudae your navel oran1es or lemons. Now it Just means you turn the electric blanket up to 9 and assume the prenatal position. ****** REPORTS HA VE JtJST come out of the Countt.c::.: that another recall campalln aaaiaat Supervilor Mlller bit the dual. Thls one was 1uppoeedly betDa puabed by a Loyola U la w student named Stephen NW.. CHatlTOHUaOR, Jft'W Z1alaad '(AP> -IM lttw r.iatad J>C.lit IUl ..,.... llT r:rtCIM to ..., ....... ... foeuea Wll • ~ ..... l6dl oltM...... Uil'UIJI DAlot .... ,.., ... f Mimt, lbt . director OI Ute NOOftlT ~atkiDMNtidQ. Moaat•hnan _... Nldlld U. 1Jopee Of lloa8' SI au Mid a polar ........ Wll • klJ '*"1• IDI, tM ..._ &Dd '9ekaaft,. a u .I . N•TY 1pobeman NJC)lted. TBSD&AftTOLLln ....... day'1 era• 'tf•• tb• lourUl-lar1eat ln avlatlon lll1wrJ,. Twtnt1-one Americana were amoai U. vtdlma. Recoftl'7 operation dlNdOr Roy Tbomeoa Wd the Air New Zealand DC-10, OD a llabtleeblf nt1bt to the ant.ar~tfe, 11wu ba1lcall1 oa t.be Wf'Olll 1kle • the mountain." "lt would Hem there b•• tae. a aubltanUal error ln navtaaUon by the pilot .. .It eraabtd on the northeut aide ot Mount l:Nbul. It 1bould have bMn pa .. 1n1 UM mountain on the norU1we1t 1lde,'' aald TbomlOll. chW Of UM Antartlca dtvt1lon of Ne* 7.ealand'1 Departmea~ Uflc and lnd\wtrial ReH Tbormon Hid M certainly rule out the btltY of structural or mechanical failure. "IN MY OPINION the plane was certainly in the wrons place to come down s o low ,·· Thomson, one of the country's foremost autbortUea oa the an· tarcllc, told r•portera ln Auckland, New 7.ealaad, before leavin1 to bead up operatlom to try to recover the bodies. . Recovery ol the bodies trom the froum Antarctica cout 2,000 mUea llOUt.b ol bere will be a formidable tHk. Tbe plane crashed and exploded about l~ feet up the aide of tbe 12,400.foot Erebu.a, u acUve volcano. . .,. CMILDMN "'AV PCM 1MllR CUllMATl'a DUD PAl'MD The aarre ,....,, D•Yld .. ...-.... ••A--. c... Vldlme IBT • Twite, <AP> - Pos>e U~~~ and k1-d Patrtvda ~ I of tbe J:aatera Ortlaodox Church todaJ u the leaden~ Cbrlltlanlty'1 two lar1eat. brancbel 1ymboUcally t.uncbed thelr d1aJope to end more than n!ne centuries ol diviaton. The Roman Catholic poot1ff also bu11ed Patriarch Soork Kbalud1an of the Armenian Cbnatiao Church shortly after flylne to Istanbul from Ankara, wbere be extended bl.a appeal for ''moral values, peace and liberty" to Moalem1. The pope amved in lhil overwbelminil.Y blamlc nati<Ja Wednesday. Joba Paul '1 plane l&Dded 1n lat.anbul, ChriaUaDitlr' ~ Eutern capUal, mldir a bHpt sun brealdU thl'oqh ac.u..d cloudJ. Turi.1th and Cb.riat.lan reUcloua oftkiall were oa bmd to rreet uae pojlaff ~ u.. ~ tarmac. BEPOSE UIAVING Anbra. the pcatlff toad a pt.ba1q ol Catholic. at a cbu~b ln the Italian Embuay complex that lllam and Olrtat&atty mU$t pro. mote tolidar1ty, add1n1 that ''this la a oecelllty of our ace and an order ot God " Tbe pope said that blur 61 a monotbetatlc rell11on, rec·. 01niul Jesus as a true prophet and venerates the Vlratn Mary. Tbe pope paid his respects to the Turkisb 1overnmenl leaden Wednesday In Ankara. t be caplut. On Friday tbey wtU formally inaucurate a 3E to remove some ot U.. o c~ to ~ unJtleatkllHil two bnadlll9 ot CbrllUatty. wblcb apltt 115 yean qo and now claim a total ot 900 miWoo memben. - "However, we do DOt bell'"lt .. cu be SeimNd that th.ii is aa t.raordiDerJ cue pr11 •tn1 es traordbwy~·· • TB& "1.JDGB ordel'M PRtml prcle9edtnp ..... 'Mdletel; wt tltat tM e-. 'prcwuted ~.·· Rosen laid that tf tbe ,..rtm;t ultlmatel1 flnd tile TVP•IUlll!a School Bou'd In Ml eo111a1111-~ with all CClllltltut""'•I , ..... !:~· men ta eoneea alq ndaJ · 7 •a-o:- llOD, ··we tll1md to eater a •· der of eompllanee and doM tale cue IO that q..UOU Rdl • we have just l"e90lftd. are DOt prneat.ed to another Jud&e 36 yean from now." Re said if the school board is found not to be In full com- pltaoce, he will enforce the or· den neceuary to obtain com· pltaoce and then cio.e the cue. AMONG Tll08E ASIUNG to reopea tbe&._caae was Linda Bf"CHra 8mi111, mother of two Topeka PUii&. Tbt orictnal U.S. Supreme Court deciatoo bean her ma.Iden name. Recall campaipa a_Jaimt a -POW lliller an one ol UM evnmt .oa•ws ol oraace Count7 pollUca. TbeJ drop faster than eucalyptus Jeavee. •••••• A three-mu New Z.alaod moua~ tum low ... to the crub alt• bJ u.a,. Na.,. helicopter reported no din ol 1urviwn. TbeJ u,llted "80or10 bocll.ee, '' but UM bodie9 '"'9 f..t bem1COWll"edbyblowin1anow liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on the permanent lee pack, lbe AND FINALLY, THE WORD bu come lhat the brass of our Fublic Utilities Commiaaion was vuUy diaappoint.ed by the turnout up at the County Hall ol Admin.Latratioo for a Pacific Telephone beartnc. At issue was whether or not Ma Bell should be allowed to charge you 15 cents for every "information" call you make in excess ol 20 per month. One of the PUC wheels piped because "fewer than a half dozen" citizens showed up to complain about the prtc· ing plan. Maybe there's a logical explanation for the paltry turnout. Maybe everybody else was oo the phone, tryina to 1et a right number. Navy spokesman said. THE NEW ZEALANDEU re- ported aubaero temperatures and said bU11ard-Uke winds were blowlnl piece• of wreckage down the moun· tainalde, crlascroesed wtth deep crevasses. The reports to a Navy bead· quarters here were made by radlo from the U.S. reaeardl bue at McMurdo Sound, eome 40 mllee from Erebus. Both the mountain and the base are oa Roe• bland, just off the coast. Blizzard Blasts New York TMy're Shovelin' Off in Buffalo l'e•pe,..,.,... . 0 " .... » n .oa t2 11 , ... .. n " 0 • 11 •• ... n n .. -.. " .oa • n ·• " .. .. ,, .. '° 11 .... .. .. II n n ., fS SJ 14 n M .. H .s. .. n .n " ., • n .. . .. SUeatSaata Believing that deaf children should have an opportunity to talk to a Santa Claus who cares, 20-year-old Brad Hatton of San Jose bas learned sign language. He says deaf children are overjoyed to learn they can finally tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The child is Debbie Sicberman. Boy, 2, H~ld as Hostage Father Fires Sho~ Sun-emkn SAN JOSE <AP> -A rifle- totiDj father held police at bay for 1Mn u.r-baun artJ toClag ldctine lats twa:-.Yeat'410 ~ ~bQjtage in his rel1de 1*e ~r a dispute witb hll wtfe, pOllcesakt San JGie police said the man, ideJltilkid a John JIP!'•1ue. 25, flqall' tunendered to police wlbOut' lncldent and w• taken tq •~'lll6arby hospital for p&ycb11trtc evaluation. »\l om potat. be told police he dilln 't wut to hurt hls SOD but wOuJd aboot at anybody who c.tme near the house. Apparent· lyJ be fired one shot during the _..hour ordeal, bat lt wasn't inSended to bit anybody. • c .. Sl'ATE roUowlna a stroke. lier aie was reported variously as between 62 and 68. c ...... , ......... SAN DIEGO (AP> -The Navy said an air and sea search would resume today for an of· ficer who disappeared Wednes- day after ejecting from a dis· abled fighter plane. Offidals at Miramar Naval Air Station said the unidentified radar intercept officer was ejected from am F-14 when the craft's plexiglus cockpit canopy suddelalr ~w off. The man was still •ttacbed to his seat when be left the plane, but Navy apok~1men said no 'parachute was al&hted and the llier 8' preswuea dead. Ollilel'ftlF•..,., SACRAMENTO <AP> -Al· sem bly Republlcao leader Carol H•llett aays sbe will seek united GOP support la January to re- peal aov: F.dmUDd Browa Jr.'• ~....,.... elJocttion pro. ~---. ~ Mn. Hallett. el At.etde•o. lilaaecl a ltMen'* Wed:needay aa7ln1 De ls arsfal all M- aembly and Senate Republicans to endone a proposed resolllUon by Auembl)'man ~ene Cbap- pie, R·Roeevtlle. to end Brown's state ol emeraency. ..... C'INlllell.,etl SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -The state Board of Equalhation bu asked the California Supreme Court to overturn a declaioo aJ. lowing three major public utilities to reduce and roll back property lb assessment.a t.nder Proposition 13. The state Court of Appeal on Oct. 16 reversed a San Francisco Superior Court niliDS against Pacific Gu and Eleetrtc Co .• Southern Califomla EdllCD and San DielO Gu and Eled:ric. A petition filed Wednesday by the attorney 1enenl'a qfftce for the board contended tbe appeal court declliol1 wu clearly er- roneous and violated tbe California cooatitution. Tia rleea persona were charsed wtda trespa11n1 in a demoaatiatian at the plant CID llaftb 11. a tfl'fl da71 after the Tbree Mlle Island radlatJon leak. 0.. ... fotand IUih1 in Juatiel Caa.rt, two pleaded aail· ty, and a miltrial WU cled.ared for tbe reet. 'Love-in' Contract Espoused SACRAMENTO <AP> -No contract, no property setUe ment. That's tbe way actor Lee Marvin's lawyer says tbe law should read for unmarried couples livtnc tocether. Attomey David Ka1on Hid coatrKtS would "mJn.imiu op- portunities for fraud and legal blackmail." But not everyone agreed with Marvin's lawyers Wednesday at a bearing of the Assembly·, Judiciary Committee. Pooela Po.,er Taking advantage of a sunny day. a pa1 r of rollerskates and a willing tow from Sook1e, his three-year-old St. Bernard. Jon Robinson. 9, scoots along a Del Mar street Davis Sets Stage A npeeeotative of California Women Lawyen said restricting the ~to sue for part of an ex· lover a property would hurt some poor women. AND TBE COMMITTEE cbalrman said such a require- ment would be full of loopholes. For Gay Rights Law· Tbe committee WU beadnC testimony OD ABH4 b_fc A•· se~ WJ}ter Inaall.I. D- RtJen.ide, tbM result.ed from tbe cue ID wblcb MJcbelJe Trto1a ga.e 111>• stnetnc career after be promised toaupport bel'. DA VIS <AP> -The DaVl.S Clty Council is to consider a l•Y rights ordinance at Its Jan. 9 meet!DI. TM coandl Toted S.2 Wednes- day to .......... etty auor_, to drall 5uch an ord.mance. employment and business se"aces on tbe buts of .ma! prefenmee wu Introduced by 1 )laJOt Tom Tomasi tD bebd of the Davia G111 Tm Fon:e. Ma. ·~ loat tbe eaH, ~the woa $10C,OOO in "re-babWUll:lian •• eosta. The 9'0Ce foUowed two hoan ol. i.tlmmT ~ mmv o1 u.e 2DD penoas who attesKfed the meet· tna . An Informal poll of the COlblcll members indicated that they ould .ap •• ••ch aa or· f dlnence .... But the ease did rault in a ru.linl that an unmarried couple livinl toeet.ber could be found to have an lmpHed undentandiftl that they would divide their property after they broke up . INGAU.8' BILL would change that rulinC by requiring a writ· ten contract for a property set· tlement. He said it would pre- vent a nood of Marvin·type cases. Tbe testimony WH about equally dlvtded tor and ap.lmt: Proponeata aaid 1enerally that it was a civil rtpta, human rights and lifestyle LSSue Opponent.a aenerally followed the argument or Councilman Jim Stevens, wbo said he op- posed any law that would com· pel anyone to associate with persons not ol their l.tktn& THE PROPOSAL to protubal d1scrim1nation in housanit. Energy Studied LOS ANGELES (AP> -The Local Government Commission on Renewable Resources, an ad· visory group whlcb ls expected to rece1ve formal commission status from Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr . has met for the first tame to discuss the future of solar energy AwardOK'd lo Lawsuit EUREKA CAP>·-A Humboldt County jury baa awarded $12 .6 million in damages to Seamen's Dlrect Buyins Sernce, a f1ahiq boat supply company that claim• it went out of bullnea after Standard -Oil Company of California broke a fuel supply coatract. Dt~ . GOURMET i:.'\T~ MARKET 'U . I. .. FARM FRESH PRODUCE U.S. #1 lt.ak.lal P9'a•s ... MM'Diq Frftb ~fl . • . Swed I.e. Sl&e NHel Ora.nan . t9c. 29c- ~ .. WINE CELLAR AND LIQUOR Early 'nml'I>. Scbool .,,. 8be 1ted DeUdem Appae. . . . . . 39C ._ Popov \odka 5.99 tfll •ll 3.99 f'lll•ll 5.19 ( .. ) . 4.99 ,,...., C1Up aaDdl FreM Leeal Cabba~ 12C ._ Gllbe)'11 GI.a .. Now featunn1 fresh pottild pl.ants ot <>~ .._ -... .... all kinds for Chrtstmu. Also rreeh ..cn;vttau, ~-......... . . · flowera dally. We wtll prepare DelaH,J'sClaablil 99 beauttrw rnitt basket. on order ror or Via ~ . . . . . . . . . 1. .. 1ut your bollday liVVll TOP CHOICE AND PRIME MEATS DelaHJ·• ,._.. etta·ra4Y-tltaf ........ 1.49 a. Kea&J Slllort RJ• of Beet ...• 1.49 • 1.a ... c ... ;, ...... 1.49,~ . SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT FrHh Local Rock Cod L98a. I f • -·· Students Test-wise One aspect of recently released statewide test scores that has been noted by educators is that students don't seem to take them as seriously as they do graduation pro- fl c1ency tests. There arc two e vident reasons: One is that on the slate tests only school and district scores are tabulated. Individual s tudents don't learn how they 've done. The second reason is that students know that they have lo pass the proficiency tests to graduate. The state tests don't affect t.bem at all One might point out, of course, that the state scores are useful in helping schools evaluate their programs, and that students oufJht to want to aid in improving the educational system. But we're living in an era when testln1 rule. s upreme. Kids are tested before learning a skill. after learning a section pf it and after CQ~pleting the program, then later on to see what they've retamed. Young people are bright enough to know where their own interests lie. They lie in passing a test that counts, not one that 1s supposed to help somebody else in what often seems like a theoretical and nebulous way. Maybe somebody ought to start testing the tests to find out wtuch ones are worthwhile. Sobering Move Newport Beach City Council wrestled with a recur· ring issue this week, a request by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department to allow use of alcoholic beverages at city facilities. Addition of a multipurpose room at the Oasis Center in Corona del Mar apparently has created demands from the public that the room be used for wedding receptions. The parb department wants a change in a policy allow- ing wine u the only alcoholic beverage permissible on city-owned property. The contention is that rental of the multipurpose room for wedding receptions would increase rental rev- enuesif alcohol is allowed. The council turned thumbs down on the request after one of its members declared the Oasis, council chambers, library or other public facilities are not proper places for dri.nk:lng. \. The concept that absolutely no alcohol should be con- sumed on public property has been around for a long Ume. And with some reason. But perhaps that philosophy is a bit archaic. We're not advocating cocktail parties in the City.Council cham- bers or beer dispensers in the libraries, but serving wine at a wedding reception de>esn't strike us as a great blow td public morality. • Opinions exprnsed in the space above are those of th• Daily Plfot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their author• and artists. Reader comment 11 Invited. Address The Dally Plk>t. P.O. BOx.1580. Costa Mesa, CA 92826. Phone(714) 642--4321 . Boyd/Book Boom, V .8. INTEILIGENCE aaen· cles are workin1 revertably to Identify tbe uWmate winner of tbe KNmllD'I Ruaalao n>aWte. Mailbox WBBTBEa the .. youn1" Romamv, an older rival or a COil· IOl'Uum al bopefu1a takes over from Bremnev, one tb1q II oe.r· tahl, aceont1DI to a top '' •• CIA evahaaUon: Any aucc•ar wftl have to have ~ support of Politburo member Yury-'\'. Az>. ' dropov, head al UMt peryulvely powerfUlKGB aeempollce. "The KGB bu an lmpot'UDl role to play ID tbe aUCC*lkJD proceu or in a period or polJUcal ln•tabtUty," the ClA '1 secret TBS DRMfAN klnamater la a tall. 1Cbolarl1·1ooiln1 man who apeaa Eniliab naentJy. Sources tGW our UIOela&.e Bob ... 8£AGAN a£....,.P: •ovie Mlt•lll' buffl are fadDg what's ab,lplq up as a 4.PdnmnlaJ fam1De OD late-atcbt feleviaian. Tbanb to a beartleu Pedelal Com munlcaUonllilleomm~~ such savory au•acreen as "Bedtime for Bonao," "Naughty But Nice,'' "Hellcats of the Navy," "Killers of 1964" and "The Hasty Heart" are hereby banned from the airwaves until after the star of these flicks, Ronald Reagan. drope Im status as a presidential candidate. The ruling as 05lenslbly to pre- vent demands for equal time from tus opponents. but it also had the effect of preventing Reagan's nvals f rom using the r eruns lo make him look ridiculous. Why Should 'Busy' Signal Cost 25 Cents? To the F.ditor: This is a "clasa action" letter meant for the Pacific Telephone Company, and lo acquaint others fanancially concerned. I hope The Pilot will cooperate by printing this letter. Since Nov. 1 Ma Bell baa im· posed a 25-cent charge on sub- scribers for each call made to ascertain if a line is out of order After receiving a "busy" slpal for hours when tryto1 to call a small service store I asked the operator to test the line to de· termi.De it it actually were beiDg used, &lld if not to report it out of order. ·'That will be a 25-cent charge," I was told I DON'T believe a caller shoul4 be peoall%ed for calll.na the telephone company's atten- tion to faulty service. If a check is made and the line actually ls busy, perhaps an impatient caller might pay a penalty for increaln1 the phone company's work load. If the fault ls a re~ ceiver off the hook, the called pal."(y ls responsible, whether throuJh inadverteqce· or de· liberate action to aaaure beiq und11tu.rbed. At any rate, Ma Bell sboukt be pleued pbone uaen attempt to cooperate in tmprovlftc aervice by reportfni auspicious eoadi· Uona and the impotition of a fee is hereby <and oaJy here) ~ teated. O.H.P.KING r•re•• •ere To the Editor: Tbe tbrut to our atmospbett la not oa1Y for tbe future, but bu earulfed US DOW. I hope tbat the DaUy Pilot will ~OOUe Uill daqer and eoo- lider 8 in terms ol lta support for farther IJ'C)Wtb of bednaom communJtlea ud artert• to fled~ It b1i1 bliD aald that hedOtn C!aD be defined U JOU?' flit~ 11mlt4d b7 tbe P09ltion Of m;, DOH. Our DOH, re1ptrato17 p111qn, lune•. ~d cueraJ hult!l AN IDYOl..ct ill all .. tlalo~'-!nvolytps tbe ariWtb wsuua~ 8outl Coliit atr ~'. ROBDTS. ROMNBBR0.11.D • Uon that the "lllUe euys " aren't UJin1 the small claims court. They are, as I do, but so are the big 1uys. And what's wrong with the "big 1uys" savin1 legal fees? U they don't, their leeaJ expenses would be paned oo to ua "little pya" In the form ol bllher prices. In conclUliou, the uae of small claims doesn't preclude the "lit· tie 1uy1'" uaa1e of it. Does anYoDe know 1e>me "liUJe f'O'" who didn't use the ayatem because of the bl1 pya? TIIOMAS B. O'K&ER Clt•8•11Cleai To the Editor: 1118.Q)' people may baft dis- covered the almost conatant traffic Jam at the north end of Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach, caused by: the Corona del Mar Freeway endlnc. airport congestion. too few street lanes on Irvine Avenue and the Illegally s topped gasoline waitlne line for the Ex· xon station al the Bristol ln· t.eraection. Several minor auto colllalons have oceurred here re- cently. I use the term "Uleplly stopped" because the curb ls poat.ed .. No Stoppinc At Any Time." Tb• various businesses aJoaa thia block (including mine) have made repeated calls to the police about the lllqal stopping and lane bloctqe with almost no reapcae. Tbe Police fanally appeared one day and cleared tbe •u waie;Une out. We all tbou1ht "fin a response," but then le that the police bad been impeded by the Jam-Up on tbetr way to u accident elaewbere and declded on their own to eome back atwwant to lake cu. ot tbe line. venience for two high state of. ficials carries a lot more weipi al city hall than tbe serious ln· coovenieooe and financial loaes of four local b\asiDeuea, not to menticxa t.be buard ol a a.erioas auto accident. JOHMHJCSJ'ON l_le,-4 To the Editor: Should Jmk food be bumed? We can talk about It a kl&, tu like the weather. dofn1 aomet.tdnc about it II qaite a dlf. rerent dmlg. F1nt. let's define junk food. What ii it? To know what ~ food ... to jOU. I anast lmoW who you a.re. U JOU are a dtabeec, It may be anytbin1 witb beaYJ auaar content, lacJadlng alcoholic bever.,.. U you rm• health food store, it's~ that you don't sell. If J'QU are trying to lose welabt, It'• an)'tb.i.q with a lot ol calorlel. U you are a kid, it's probably spinach. peas and liver. NOW SC>llE people will tell you that a hambor1Jer II JWLk food. What la lU It is p'OGDCl beet, a sauce and a veaetablo • perbspe tomato, onion or pickle on a ban made from •beat. la that junk? To some people it 11 a caadJ bar made ol m.Ut, butter, eaa .. suaar, mu and other good food produc:ts. One penoo will tell you that low-calone IOda pop ls junk because lt contains pnc· Ucally rdbin(, while a penoo OD a diet will tell JOU that it is eood because it ii low-calorie. I would be for hlnntn1 Junk food if I knew 1'tlat it II, but It la a CODfUDon of tslbs. FOOcl can. not be Junk and Junk cannot be food. The two terms are op- podtes. Jllll~LDING facilities within the city or Newport Beach. Airport Action understands that Koll/Aetna wants to build a 500-room hotel at Koll Center in Newport Beach. We presume such a botel complex would be comparable in •ise &Dd capacity to host coo- venUona. coatenmees and meet- ln11 to the 500·room Hyatt Re1e11e7 at tbe Broadway Plua IA downtown Los ~eles. If IUCb II tbe cue. tbe IColJ/Aetna botel would be aJpJficantJy lar1er tMn the Newport Beach Marrtatl at ln rooaa. 1'1111 aNTatlCllON al any .... -.Id be ccmtno to the beat •• wta of .... dt.J. u Newport Blada were 1c> allow eoeat.nldiOD ol • ..... lloeel It WOGld 1) add 8ilntft~ .. t.be au.rface tndllc oa the eaat AIJe ol the Bay, Ud I) add allGtheT powerful vcice to the lobby .... illl to expend the Jolm WQDe Airport. Surely a aubltantlal number al tbe new hotel'• l'*'8 would arrive and depart tblOUlb the Jobza w~~ creatma. demand f« additional carrten -and the apuaioa of fac:WU.. In addJdan., penniaaJae to build a new~ would mm it very dlf. tlcult IA tbetu&u.N to._, any re- .Questa bJeJi'*'n1 boteJa for &arae eca1e..,...1on (foraample, 100 or JOO room eddltlons). Airport Action ur1ea the Newport Beach Qty Couocil to remove from tbe 1eneral plan any poulbllU;r that a hotel will be built at Koll Center or anywhere e1le ln the Cil1 of Newport Beach. It does not make --tot tbe d~ to wort at kMSUI tbe airpoct ~talned ID &lie md tbm to allow a new bDt.i to be buUt, • hotel that wtU mo.a. alr and IW'faee traftlc. Ali'pOrt Ad:kiD bopel tbe Qty Cou11ell wlll remo•• tbe ,_= of cml&IQltilo; .... ,..... tM ieMnl -----~tW. :='w":'.lw'\:r':= ..... . . JUClWlD 8. JONAS, M.D. "I MEAN, how many times bave I woken up in bed next to a woman r bad just met the ni&bt b"tfoN! At tll'lt wu a ~t that be It ~~:~,;for • WOllW1 t .. u.,, •peelalb after· I ftnt Uke tbe Wt.er~r. cot dlvoreed Ucl wu ldnd of "Well. J I'*' wbat I'm ••)'· down about lll)'Mlt. Jt was met lnJ ts that l th1nk a kit Of men to a.ow that tbtte Wte-nt Yt'Om.e are:· be ta.id ... Not that the)' who Uklid me aD4 wanted to tnow tt -but eom.umea JOU apeod tbe mpt w1tb me. baH to see eometb.lna lO blaet "But lately -all J .cao tb1lt aad white. like that letter, about la ho• there's DOthiDI before you think aboul It. ~al about me at 111 Oil Ud&-___ ...,.............,,.. .. putlCiilli litm\laJ mcinlq I .. THE WOllAN wrote that. ber wake up Wltb um woman I met weddtnl Dlabt naUJ was lier 10 boars bllore -aad • tJii ' •edd.baa ailht. l auulD• that Saturday bdore Uiat • ·pro. what lbe wu tl)'lnf to say was bably wake up with eome otbei' that 1be wu a virsfn before 1be 1uy. and the next Saturda)' aot married. Pretty quatnt in she'll wake up with a third IUJ. tbi1 day and qe. and I'm not So wbat'110Jl)eeial about me! sure that I ev.n believe her - • but 11 tt'110 out ol the queltion, .. TllA'l"S TD alee WDc abaul then ~ Clo I ftAd myself t.bl.ak· that woman's letter. Sbe 15 Inc aboUt lt!" speclal for her buaband, and I •aid tbat if I wu understand· he'• apeclal for ber. Maybe it's in& him rtaht. be wu com.in& just an unrealistic tfluslon , but il danaerou.ly close to talkin1 sure Mema to be a pretty nice about revtvtn1 the old theory one. You can aet Just so jaded that any woman with sexual ex ,and aopblsticated and scoff at penence was "damaged 1oods ·· that kind ol thini before you re-"WeU. 1 know tbat at IOUDds ali.te that maybe it isn't so bad.'' like that.·· he said. ''And maybe I asked bJm if be waa aaytng thal°s what I am talking about 'I > \l LEYISTUDEMT PAlllS WE HA VE A LARGE SB.ECnOM OF: Lightning lolls &.,. & Gals • Off1•are CJllJI & gals l1u1h1gloll • Left ... J...._ • Spin • S•d1ck SHOP I.AIL Y FOR BEST SILICTIOMSI ALL ITEMS PRIC9 AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES DURING 'MS SUPER HOLIDAY SALE! SKI-SWAP-.... SMALL ·FIN, IEASH & WAX W /EVERY PURCHASE . OF NEW SURFBOARD SIZE 136 MOWOMLY .......... ---· .... ..--·-.. --.. ~ ··-----------·· (1 -·---·-···-·---., ... a . . --... - I Arabs Resent · Westem Image LONDON (AP) -Arabs bitierly resent tbelr imaae ID the West, where IPECIAL IPECIAL 8AVIN6S I 8AVIN6S I 8AVIN68 ! DURING OUR .. .. NOVEMBER SALE! I'== I LftJ4W0114PtCWiiM OiC. . f~~~T l_·-= • It•.'""° COior · .. .;~~ ,,....... lilililBJ • I 004Yo Sold • 1 es s.. lilt NOW s32900 SAVE '40 •AM/FM Slefeo • Auto Reoofd Player •8 Track Pl~ 1712 CLEAR OLMS ITEMWAA From Eaat Germany Gr.cefully ahaped glasses have ,,__...,.. sharply faceted stems. WATER RED WINE BRANDY GOBLET 51/4 •tall 4• tafl &• tall 8 Oz. 6 oz. 4 oz. 1,29 1.29 .99 COST PWS OWN DESIGN WRAPP1NO PAPER Bold and buayl GINGERBREAD PERSONS HEAT RESaSTAHT COffU GI.All I NATURAL RATIAN HOLDERS Glass and rattan 09' togetMr ..S add up to a neet and stylish coffee ·•Tom & Jerry" or toddy "cup". 9 OZ. GLASS .. HOLDERS From Hong Kong 3"dlL Wlthot.tt 314" tall .40 ll-:l!,,..;q tiand1e lllU .59 43• total ht. 1•v.· bottom ba•k•t dll. 5.69 FllOll OUR .IRELRY SECTION STERLING SILVER LOCKETS From Thailand 011ttenno lncteed IOcket• to hold t>ftty pteturea. >4 • Heart or 1 • Oval 10cke1 With 18" chain 9.99 each ROUND BEAD GARNET NECKLACE From India 6MoOtft bftty beeds form a most eteoant necklace WONoa.FUL WIND CHIMES Breezy tones from bf ass to t>t.cnt>oo. 8AM800 FtOM Tlltwan 6 '/1 • c»a. 2J. tong 1.77 BlSOUE CANDl.EHOlOER a FlOWER TAPD CANDLES From Japan Gtae.ful tttm tapers to make a light· l'leartecl "bouQuet · CANDLES Red, Yellow. Leaf OrMn. l¥0rf, AntlQue Brown. <>ranoe & Whit• 15· 1ono 1.19 J*g. ol t2 WHITE BISQUE HOLDER ~s2t candles. FROM OUR CLOTHING SECTION conON VOILE PAINT MAXI OAESS · From India LtQht weiohl A-hne dress ttas raglan steeves and button necJlltne 1n a prelly mutt1co10red bitty print ASSORTED COLORS 5-M·L 13.99 LUBECKER CHOCOLATE COVERED MARZIPAN BAR From West Germany _...,..-,.~ 2 5 oz net wt. .. ~\ .83 BAHLSEN PFEFFERNUSSE From West GfHmany Spicy lugar glazed cootUes are perlect Chrlatmas treats. 7.1 oz. net wt. .97 00 . BUSY SANTA TERfUflC TOYS From lnd11 ._ -----t Handy boxes to .. , HANDCARVED NATURALLY BROWN SHE5"AM.WOOO 20· )( 30• eheet a&ze .99 pkg. of I sheet• MINIATURE BABY DOL From Hono Kono Bitty charmer wears a bright •ult. VA!!ll::J/I \.--------t Plaatk: and cloth CLIAAGLAll REFLECTOR LAMP From T&Httey Ught the way for Rudolph et al. 12· 1a11 2.99 construction. .49 3• long bOlled WHrTE EARTHENWARE AMBULANCE BANI< From Taiwan Jo take good care 01 10Uf mC>fl9Y ms. 5• tatl 1.18 UGHT WALNUT '1N&IH RATTAN ACCUIORJU From The Ptllll~nee ... hOk1 all kinda of treasures. CIGARETTE BOX Holds 10 1.49 ClQ11'Wltea DEEPLY 3• x 4 v. • CARVED fl LEAF TOP SOX 4" X6" 2· deep 1.99 Huntington Theft Su.peel Ca~ght A 22:rear-old man police alJeSe WU one or two men wbo bound and c•Hed an elderly Hunt· lo.ton Beach couple &;pt. Z1 tbet'I made ofr wfth $30,000 worth or Ptntu nap bu been a~ted by San Diego a orltia. an Stanley Farmer, o( HunUnlt<>n Beach, was plcked up on a ~.000 robbery warrant Tuesday. Officials said be was nabbed while at· tempting to enter the U.S. rrom Mexico. Police said Farmer apparently had been m jail in Mexico but were unsure what charges he'd been held on. Another suspect, 23· year-old Bradley Jay Barton, was arrested early this month in con· nectlon with the robbery of 70-year-old Am Kiani at hia Qimmer Lane home. • Farmer, police said, will be tranaported to Huntington Beach to· day . Barton Is in custody at Orange Coun· ty Jail tn Ueu or $25,000 bail. The robbery victim and hla •year-old wife told poltce two men barged into their home, tied them up and left with ten ruga and a tapestry. The stolen Items, police aaid, haven't been recovered. Court R111ing SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A defendant in a criminal case cannot be convicted solely oo the buia of an out-ol-court idenliftcation wit.bout a corroborating idenWica· Uon durina tbe trial, the Caltfornia Supreme fearthM Scout-o-Rama Set Saturday Boy Scout1, Cub Scouts aad Explorers from throudlout Oran1e County will conduct a Scout-o-rama Saturday at the Orange County Fairgrounds In Costa Mesa. Featured from 10 a m. to 6 p .m . will be demonstrations or various scouting sit.ills, a cook-0-rama, booths and camping demon - strations. Admilslon la $2 per family. Entrance is recommended from Arlington Drive to avoid swap meet traffic. --·- Award Panel Nominated presented at a luncheon la Mardi. 11 rt. D a ale 1 G . accompllabmenta b1 Aidrieh Jr, ol Newport youtb, special bealth Beacb bu beeo 1eleeted 1ervlcee. support pou.ps to le• d t be 1 9 7 9 accompliahmenta, ~ial Or1umationl wiahinl DilJMyland Commu.nity comm u n, t y . c iv t c to participate lo tbe Ser v l c e • Aw a rd c o m m u n , t y , awards program are Committee. environment and aaked to write to Tblt will be tbe 23rd ecolo1y and aenior Procram Admlniltrat.or. 7ear Dlaneyland baa citizem aemcea. Disneyland. 1313 Harbor s-..... cr•·-U4a•w. A-. 493-7301 413-7I01 made eub 1ranta tc> A ward a w, l l b • Blvd., Ababesm. Ol'l•nJUtioal Jlldced to---------------------------------be maadu out1&eadln1 eontrlbutlon1 toward bettertnc tbe qaallty of 111e in Oraal• Count7 ... Tb1a yur'1 awarda will total Sl00,000 with iranta beiaC made ln Increment.I of $20,000, $5,000 and Sl,000. · M ra. Aldrich ii one or several Oranee County residenll named to the committee. Ot.ben are Henry Segeratrom of Costa Meaa, Mrs . Sa.mmy Lee of Huntloaton Beach and Superior Court Jvdae Frank Domellicbinl of San Clemente. Also named to the panel were California Anaeh executive A.E. "Red" Pattereon ·of Anaheim and Mrs. Kenneth Caines of Oran1e. Mra. Aldrich, wile of the UC Irvine chancellor. is on the board of trustees of the Children's Hospital or Orange County. UCI Town and Gown and serves on the National United Church of Christ Board or Homeland Miniatry. Nominations for the awarda are in 10 areas, cultural, educational, service ror youth, Save24°/o • AM end PM Time Indicators AM/FM Electronic Display Digital Clock Radio Chronomaticf"-208 by Reallstk: • Snooze P8net Hide• Clocic Controls 41 88 Reg. Makes a ttmely Hohday g1ftl Watch the tast tew houn of 1979 tick away, then gently wake to the New Year with pleasant beep alarm or AM/FM radio. Features 59-minute sleep control. dimmer swrtch, snooze Simulated rosewood f1n1sh. 12.1513 54.95 HALF-PRICE Superb :=.,:y, Speakers Now .... by Reall1Uc 39!! Ae9.79.95 &en ~::::;;;;;-. .... --; 2·Way Acouettc Suapen~lyswm Put a pair under your Chrlatmu Tree ... for the price of onel Upgrade your present s)'9tem or add a eecond pair of apeakert. 8" woofer and wide-dispersion tweeter pro\Ude clean.. n1tur1I sound. Genulne walnut veneer cabinet. «M011 BUYAPAIRI .,~ Sterwo 8-Ttack Player by Reaflaffc Stuff a stocking• Great 3995 stereo. small enough to fit rn any car Wrth speaker ~· cable. all mounting 59.95 hardware. 12.1102 Reg. 24.95 Checkbook sized calculator! With 2000 hr. batteries.~ Youngsters Love :These AM Radlosr FLAVORADIOS• by Redlo Shack 599Aeg.S.V• 7.812~ 'A fun gift m 1ny one of 8 flavors! With Mrphone, wrist strap. Battery extra. 12·• . . .. --- Former llexlcan Prealdent Lula Echeverria bu been named busa~ at-11.181 wW con- ' Unue aa llexteo'a repreaentatlve to U .N . Educational, Sclentlfle and Cultural Oraanua- tion in Paris. Save35% t , Hoover Otlebt'ttv Ill™ CCD)1ster Powefful 1.7 peak horsepoWer motor Is matched wt1h blg 14-qt. bag capacity. Hos 7-pc. attachment set with top sld&-tool rock, deluxe floor and rug nozzle, full time edge clean- ing, and tiptoe on-off switch. #53125 79.99 reg.129.99 Save~ Hoover Deluxe Upright Powertul 2-speed motor hos all-steel agitator, dirt-finding heod!lght, full· time edge cleaning. and 4-posltlon height adjustment. 5-plece attachment set lnctuded In yourlCJVlngs.•4195 89.99 PONTIAC, Mlcb. <AP> -For the flltb time 1n 11 lllOOtbl, Toten ts.Ye rejected a tax lncreaae for the 20.300-atudent Pontiac 1cbool district.. After the vote, 1cbool Superlnt.e:n- dent Odell Nalla aaid the district would have to borrow money to finisb ' San Joequln HlUe Roed. -....... o.tve , theecboolyear. ...--------------------------------------------------~--• -~-----·---------~ ), ---k Only ·Savings Days to 50°/o • Sale ends Sunday, December 2 • Special Hoover demonstrators at every store • Last chance to save on the big 9Qllection before 1he holidays Sove20% Hoover Quick Broom For quick spot clean-ups nothing beats our llgNwelght electric b<oom. With cassette bog changing and eosy~olllng wheels. '2039. Save 10% HOOYef Concept One Pow« O..tve The power drive c leaning system Is self-propelled fa efforttess cleaning. With 2-speed mota. Quodra-flex™ agitator. edge cleaning plus dual heOOllght. •3103. 49 • 99 reg. 64.99 ~199 • 99 reg. 219.99 Save IC>% Hoover Upright Vacuum Dependable Hoover features for rugs, shags. or bare noon. Has f\JU Ume edge cleaning. sturdy an steel beater bar. and easy-to-change bags. Umtted quanffties. •4119 . . llAOPIPOl IKJRL AWAY Pl NtlRUURO, N.Y. Donald ,,.._, Undeay, left. and b.._nt M•rtl CuPtng Couple Run f 'Piping Sclwol PETERSBURG, N.Y. <AP) -People who Uve in tbe Berbbire foothills near Petersburg are accustomed to the bauntinc altlrl of the pipes as Donald Fraser Lind.lay puses on the spark or claaalcal piping to studenta. It's on the mountain here that Lindsay and bis father, James. built the lnvermart CoUese of Piping, the only institution in North America devoted solely to piping. The tbret'·buildine eomplex la home for Lindsay, 34, and b1a wife, Annie, a potter. THE LINDSA vs· INTEREST IN piping began more than 20 years ago when Donald developed a fascination ror touring Scottish pipe bands. "My father couldn't keep me away, so he fmally bought me a practice chanter," Lindsay recalls , Learning to play the practice chanter, an instrument akin to a recorder, is the first step in piping. • Instead or banishing his son to the woodshed or garage, however, J ames Lindsay, also got a chanter. A piper in their hometown of Morristown, N .J ., helped, but it wasn't long before the Lindsays wanted to learn more ··roa THE NEXT THREE SUMMERS we went to the Gaelic College at SL Ann's, in Nova Scotia," Lindsay aaya "I was 13 when we first went. It waa beautiful." It wa at St. Ann's that the Lindaays beean to 'UDdentanc:l "piobaireacbd" or classical pipina. '!nae G..ae word, JICono.meed ''pea-brook,"~ .,lplDJ.a!:•t 1oe1 ~ die. ma.rp.hu moat ;Ame •IOCiate witb t.be lmtrumeDt.. "I fell JD love with it," Lindsay -.ya. "lt WU somethiq which bad deYeloped separately from the rest ol Western claaslcal music." It was at St. An.n'a, where dancing, drumming and Gaelic also are taught. that the idea for Invermark was born. It would be a place just for pipers Blowing into a bag which, In tum. acts as a bellows for three drone tubes and a ehanter, while simultaneously trying to play a melody fine tune the inBtn.unent, ts enou1b to make anyone "a liWe bit different,•• Lind say aaya. "You not only have to be a musician," be aays, .. you have to be part mechanic." Lindlay and b.la father opened their eoUe1e in )NL Boardlna students made the pl.llrhnqe to the mouotaln every 1ummer unW 1975, when ~mt It.ate Health Department relUlatima for -ummer campe cc:mvinced tbe Llndaays to atop taldn& borden. BtJ'I' TOE TEACHING OONTINVBS. Pupils still climb the deep dirt road for an bow or two Witb J>mald Llnd.sQ. and there .,. the teacbiDC uaaiom with • pipe band In nearby Willlamatown. ...... U....., know bow the plpea lbouSd IOUDd. ~ore be waa 20, be bad wm Seotland'• top prise [o~ _amateur plpln& -aometbl.D.I never done by an ~mericm. Students. meantime, can •et a pracUce chanter, a recorder-like instrument with a reed. for $21. A full set of pipes can be purcbaaed for '355 ~nergy Revolt Seen in 1980s l SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Social upheaval over the COil and anilablllty of eneray will bit the United Statel in the l.880I, "and the wont part ls fhlt J*JPle may be armed," ooe ol the nation's top enero apert1 bu wanMCL ··~ <tM people) are IOlna to rlse QP and hJ U., doD't want to tree1e fn the dart in a clean n•lronment," Job.n McKeua. profe11or of lem •&iMtriDI at tbe University of Teua, --~ McXetta spoke at the 12bd annual meetln1 ol tM AmmieaD lmUtate of Chem.teal Enalneen. iReNld t.bat a maaalve conservatloo effort wW M Gilb' 10 ptrftDt effectlve by um . . · ~"l'bll •ll ODe of the few opportunlUes we b&Ye to neltlrierqe on oll lmpO_ltl,•1 Hltcb laid. Coetb on lncreaae TB£ NEW YOU Cit)' survey. NPOrted ta Frida.J's Joa.rnal ol tbe American Medical A11ociaUoo. wu baaed on a pro1ram let ap to offer a tecond opinion to patleatl recommended for sur1ery and covered by the city's health lnauranee procram. The survey showed an inlt1a1 hilb lncldence -25 perceJlt -of the aecond suraeoo disqreelna with the need for 1ur1ery. But in ' oel1 I ~rcent of t.M c .... 1tudltd •H tbere a firm rejection of aur••r1 b1 UMt second phyliclaa wbe'ii IO~ef.bbac more tbaD a almpJe ")'el «DO" wu CGD9iderecl. Tbtrefore, the New Yon.a concluded. ''tM NeeDl ue by a U.S. Navy_ Sued For 'Polloling9 SAN DIEGO CAP> -Air pollutloa watcbdoO ba.e ftled suit aptut tbe tJ.S. NaTY fior dirb1u San Dteco'• ... The -San Diep CodDty Ak • PoUu.ticl:l Cootrol Dll&rkt ft.led a complalnt-ru.daJ MMinl SSDO in clril Penalties ud • eoart tn- Jun ct { o o •••laat Na•Y Secretary ~dward Rldal10, Paclftc Pleet eommander Vice Adm. Lee BUNU &Del CIDClr. Jt. R. Barry of tbe tanct•n• ab1p dock Fort Plaber. • SUPER COvtRA6£! TBS JftJDY WU coadueted b1 Martin Par11. B4ward Sall~ and ~ 8ereQIOD ltaff mtmberi ot tM New York Ctty ~Of Health. WbtG tbeY ltiadlecl the deta.ll8d reipoo1ea ot ttie second ~··~!.!!· t.be New York.en la Clll:li• • ...... , found mqy ol the di•er1eat oplalon• "more • Violinist Yehudi m.:U~ Of aemantlea tban of Menuhin Is tn China c dlaasreemeat." for a 12-day visit dur- l ·,· I n t b e m a J o r tt,. 0 1 ing which be will give na aneu." they Hid, "the three concerts and a conauJt.ant bad not, In fact, aeries o( lecturee to Nieded tbe Ol'tclaal pbyaictan'a Chinese mua1dans aurclcal recommendation . Rather, be bad requested mo~ diasaosUc information or an additional period of oblenattoa.·· Call 642-5171. Put a f .. wonta to work tor •OYER 1500 SPEClALlY • FAST 30 Miit. DRY! MIXED COlORS! • RADIANT COLORS! • EASY-CARL WASHUU! SELF-STICK TILE ROU£11Eflll PAK 129 •RTF~ ~ct • WAIUal A llUUIUI fl' Pll. ,.., .. CERAMIC FllTURtS _,.,.691 a •MAP ..... • TIWll ua ,,._. · 'U ·~Ma41UZI! u. CARPET RUINER ~ ... 69 C • ATTMCTm CUM 9ftJ , ... ...... • Nlm:TIWT-. WIMI nl& zr-. • SP££DY 1 /2 HOUR DRY! • WASHABU. COlORFAm 'f'Jct 999 UL VINYL COUNTER TOPPIN~& 9 • •Wleu -SQSSOtt ~ a TIUM TO ITT! ff:' • llUISTS STUCS. IUMS. flWtS,t ASSORTED HAND TOOLS,39 • 1VP.quAun TOOLS .-.'\al ,_A '910fu.saou&,. fill"".. U.. lOOllMJOI! ,~~~fjlUXURY BATH VANITIES I ·-~ • lf.AMLESI CULTUIED lWllLE 10Plf • HANDIOME. INTllCATt DETAIL19GJ • fllMTUIE OUAUTY tAIRJnl1 . \ \ t "' I \ ~ ,, 1\ OCEAN PACIFIC N\'LON PARKA (A) Hondsome. rugged sty'llng al warm llghlweigt. ~· ., NMJ or tan. Sizes S-M-L·XL: reg $60 ~$3999 rGltftlNATILT. TBS Di11 found tb8' .. ~ ........ whoa vt' 21• ecmeu.ia llfta" au.r191'1 ... ~rttsea·. bn• a co·'tg n 11 ICICll'e ol t .1 -_,..._ tt.e 1enenl ........... of (.0 .•• ACCOI~ to a.ii .web• one member the bolpltal'e resi- dent ltd, .. I lf•md •boat bis ablllty to reed tlae DOtee ot a doc- tor with l•rated lwutwrittni. aald, "It'• 1»ptcbh111. We cm't read tbem, IOW9 dae't try ... "We welt until be comes around acain ~ ukl us if aucb·and-ICICb bu been ~. Theo we lr:now what to order,·· the reaidea& laid. ••ALTBOOGB Pll'YSJCJANS• poor hanchnittq baa been a tndltianal joke. UMre an IDIA1 pb11ld9I ...., write well -.., percent aeeordla1 to tbl1 it1ldJ ••• aald u. Npoft. • .,,.... ......... -,.,t:f!iololScal prot.tem• ta••I••• aa ap-proaeb.1Q1 Uae N perent of Obnlm.i -.. wrtttq II U· lejl.i or,_. to f*· ....... Ula eomidelt.al Ulla ::.:==-a.:.',!:': THESE SPEcfAL SALE . . UDMntad tlda u a madH· PRICES GOOD THRU DEC. I. 1 UOUltblt ..... 0 Calliq written eommmdea· tioo .. tbit le,.a bula for tbit bolpltal pncUee "' .... clDe, •• tM ltlld7 polntH oat tW the .., .... "'-~ lllospltU ,. qalre tbll IDll1lale lilnaWnl be accompanlect by a printed venion bmeatb. • Of'laAJ1HO OOl.D .... • Of'laAJ1HO ...... CMllT .......... TUCTOI DIUC6 Al9 ltslRHU TUI.II AOTOllATIWlY ftdfr .. p'"k s59" MSCllllflKI 1wiiiAi llUTto• ....... 1/20 SCALE 522'~ ,,,. OVER&: UNDER -•1.-ot-s , , .. REG. $39 .99 FuMlllllJ..3 CUB =ll'dl.tdlll; eon.-..~ Ptplr Cub two-~-... ~· tnQNplUIH'-2GS ~ .. Ml&..._ laOlogear. lllQillland ..,.....-.a. .... .-nbty NqUH.0. COMPLETE WITH RADIO & ENGINE 524 79 UST $169.95 Get Our BIG DISCOUNT Gift Idea Catalog fftEEatAIY ._ ..... , ... \MIO IAMOI.•• ceac.u. JOU¥TAHI VAUIY, CA t1701 en•> .,_.,.11 .. \ .,•I\ f p.., I, •I ._, .. _, ___ I .. U VAN IUllN II.VD-. tlVltstOI. CA t2SOS '7•41 ,. .. .,71 I . ' I Oose Ca U - Two wind surfers narrowly escape a collision in waters off Miami's Rickenbacker causeway during stiff winds tbatkeptallbutthemostexperiencedsurfersbome. . -~ -. TbtD lalt 1Nelr, Nortb Yemen ••Id It woWcl DOt pmnlt 1t1 WO: rttort eo 11e Uled fot'mr ..-. tJoo ....... I.ran. "We bave U:Pl!IHd our con- cern to NCll1h Yemen," a U.S. offlelal told Tbe A11oclated .. Pna. "We don't wut tbem to be WMler any w loo t.beJ e&D play bot.b am a1atmt tbe mid- dle." IAPAN AND onu:a Mtiom tbe Padflo area bafe ..... nd alarm • t1M powtll ot lo let naval power lD the Pa lfle ID rteeat 1ean, UD· dencond bl lune .., tbe ap-pearance of tbe ftnt &o.tet airer curler. UM «>,000.tce M l.Dak. to be bald ln tbe Par Eut. Accordln1 to lntelll1ence analyst.a, So~let aval opera· Uoa1 In the JCaat bave doubled Ulla ar to about IOO ab1p days. la a meuun- ment not ot tbe number of atdpe but of the time that v ... ell .,. operatlna at aea. • Ex-con vie EL MIRAGE ( bomb with the aUcb ot dYnaml• lnalde a home The four other persons in the house escaped injury when the explosion killed Kenneth Cooper, knockmg down walls and blow- ing out windows , San Bernardino County aherifrs dep- uties said Tuesday. t l I I ... Be wise this Christmas - shop where you get friendly service, a wide range of gifts, convenience -and save time and energy. Shop Weatc;&fl Plaza -where shopping is always a pleasure. Santa Claus will give free rides in his sleigh on Saturday, December 15th and 22nd, from 12 to 4 pm. , ... a I' ) ' . -~ ··-. -..... ._,,... -- kni1s for the special man in your life He's vital, alive. a no nonsense kind of guy. He appreciates good looking clothes. but he wants his comfort too. and Mervyn 's makes 1t easy with shirts that look as good as they feel. Button or open collar styles with · contrasting insets or piping trims. some with pockets. All of soft, soft polyester/cotton. Young men's sizes S-M-L. reg. 16.00-21 .00, 12.80-16.80 Men's sizes S-M-l-XL. reg. 14.00-21.00, 11 .20-16.80 1WT1N ............ ,. ., . . 1 I • . " . . . , ' - Luxury Liner Eyed for Cndaes ' Signups ForYM 8l1nup1r for IOatb Coa1t YJICA wi.ter adl.W. for JOUDPt.en frqm •r•de acbool to ld6 ICbool qe will be lleld s.tarda}' frosn t a.in. toap.m. The lltnape will be taken from tbe parenta ol tbe ~ ba the YJICA dfieeat 2S0'78 Getty DriYe, Suite C, Lal\IDa Ntauel. Pareata 1UY reciater their Junior biP or bJ.p school "Vdentl for 1ki and snow tripe to \he San Bernadlno Moaatalna. Grade school,......,._. may be real1tered for --------Chrtatmd' holiday day Se...,:_ Cut camps to be held at tbe •••"""° Crown Valley OAKLAND CAP> Community Park in American Airlines re-Laaum Nlcuel. poria tbat it plans to dis-The akl and snow tripe con ti nae service at and day camps are r--------...;;;;;;:;;;;::.. ______ :._.:::....:.._ ___ _._ __ _ Oakland International slated for December and ARLINGTON, Wub. (AP) -The S.S. United States will return to ... ~th a new looll: financed lo a novel way, says owner Richard Hadley. The luxury liner la IOIDI eando, wttb staterooms eoing for u much as $149,SOO. Airport in mid-February J a n u a r y . F o r ( ] Cruhlo1 Society, could buy because the Oakland lnfonnatioll. call Carol MAILBOX STIMULATES lnthe atateroorpa ran11D1 in price from fiilbta are loaina money. Slovak at 831-9822. ---------.J-DAILY PILOT $11,500 to *149,SOO. -----------------'-___;,.:=:==========--------=========~ Members woald have exclusive use oftberoomatwoweek:seachyearror ,---------------------------------------------------------------------------....;~------~ 20 years -guaraoteeln1 future Hadley who lives in W. farm.loe community near the loot.bil.11 ol the Cascades when he's not buildin1 condominiums in Hawaii or Clftlee buildings in Seattle -hopes the 990-foot ocean liner will become "the greatest cruise ship ln the world." THE SHIP, THE last luxury liner to fly the U.S. flag, was placed in service tn 1952 and sailed for 17 years before its owners defaulted on a federal mortgage and the government seized the property. Now it's in mothballs in Norfolk, Va Hadley bought the ship a year ago through hi s n ew ly created corporation, United States Cruises Inc ., for a $.500,000 down payment toward its $.5 million price. That wa:; a steal, he says, because the line" cost $80 million when it was bwlt and building it today would cost $400 m1lhon The company will spend another S30 million lo $35 million on refurbishing. Below decks, the stup will be transformed into a OQe~ -first-olass -cruiset fo( 1,~ passengers instead of me 2,000 it was desianed to carry ••wg DON'T WANT a pack-'em-in operation." Hadley says. "We'll have the lowest passenger 1>0pulatioo for a ship of our sise b)' far. If a person likes to cruise and 11 affluent, it's the only thing t.bat m.U. any tense." P assenaen could dine in their choice of six l"lltaurantl, 1wlm in three poola, play racquetball on two courta or )ob tenD1a balls on the aa1y full-me court afloat. To ftnance reftarbilbing, Hadley plau to ae1l oae-e1xth of the lblp'a apace u. ln effect, time-1bare con&>mlnluma INVBSTO&lr. WBO would be membel"I of ~n• UDlted States vacations at current prices -and travel at 40 percent of the published public fare. Members could spend as many as 200 days cruising at the reduced nte on a space available baaia. Hadley said 100 memberships had been sold or were "in the worb" and expects bis regular prices to be competitive -somewhere around $165 a day, perhaps. THE smP, wmcH will be fueled by a liqwd converted from coal, wtll spend half its time sailing between Los Angeles and Honolulu and half o n voyages lo such ports as Stockholm. Singapore and Rio de Jamero The s hip will ca rry an all-Amencan crew "I Lhinl-. a lot of people foci as I do, a lot of people would prefer to be on a l ' S sh.ip," he says T"9 bHt ski bargains anywhere ilnt found In Ute Skiing classified ads In the Dally Pilot. 642-5678 Of\~ it\~~~., ~~twwll~~"~ UpiDO<noff oU items f'~~I~~. Ll'fbal room, =room· bedroom flll'alture by fftJµ'eekm,1.Tbomaa Baker, Century; Alnerlcan of ...umvwe Albright mmermu, John Wlddicomb OCcllloaaJ farnltare by Welman, Bau, HekmanJ.. Knob Creek. fpUo fan.Hun by Brown Jordan. 11attao hU'lllilmi b7 Cal Aal81 Flcka Reed. La•PI '1 llarbro. Frederick Cooper, iwwards, Knob Creek. U»Mll&ered hrahare by St.one PhllllPI!, Royal Coacll, Karge Canoa, Debu Flair· Muter Craft, Henredoa, ~ba(fer Brothers (also leather>. CarpH1 bJ Ben.en. Wallp,apen b1 Van Luit, Oreeff, Schumacher. Stockwell, Cb~es Barone1 ~alam~ .. SUaclaJr, MaDUICNeDl1 Flne ArtliJ J'oo Mitchell. Danci II. Deah. Ketll!IOback4' Warren. ~ • ..,_,,_..by Strobelm ,. Roman. PlDdler It PIDcUer Schumacher. GrMff, WavtrlY, i"er1uaon • Upft#. DaYid • Daah,. SCalamandre~S. Harrll, l.P. MariOO, Weat.«ate. NOTHING WITHELD P.ROM ~El . --. 11.523%/ 11.022% Annualized Effective Rate• \nnuill Riltt" on6·1Donth,$IO,OOO Money Market-.....-........_. .... L • -llfi ~~.rein~·-·~ ol botb pdnc:ipal ud f« a 366-dAU:: chle to lellp,.,.. ~ 1ubject to change at the 6-month renewal on dte 1\-easury It.at• .. (.It I c.. at.Ut tim. ReplaUooa do 1IOl pemiil compounding of interest and • roqun_.,..andal ln~orest penalty for early wnhdrawaJ. ltato effedlve 11/Zl·IZ/5. Citizens "Check Your Interest'• Plan · helps you make the most of the money you save-and the money you spend. Through a cooperating bank, your checking funds J19W earn 51A% interest compounded daily. And you pay no monthly or per-check~ Enjoy maximum interest With one-stop con· venience. Ask us for all the .details. . Citizens exclusive Fmully Flmi'dal s,...-bring; you an array of special money- saving, money-managing customer services, includ- ing the quarterly Finmicial Overview Statement, free travelers check& and money orders, Family Financial Fof'CC$ter budget guide, Ind more. For a nominal fee, you can even have your income tax returns prepared! Discover why it pays to save with a Wise Financial Friend . •s1.ooo mlnJmum balanco required. . Whoo .•. ls )QI" wise financial friend? &CmZENS SAVINGS. ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION NEWPORT BEACH: 3300 West Coast Hlgtww.y near Newport Blvd., 631-9205. \ 1 Gift Suggestions From F edco KODAK EKTRALITE 10 ~AMERA OUTFIT Santa could be tough to catch, unless you have this pocket camera outfit by Kodak. It f•tares built-in electronic flash for indoor pc:turel and better outdoor "peopte• photos. Fised Mttinga take the guesswork out of da)'lilhtlllots ..• youjust aim and aboot., day !'! night. 1'bia snet sift, inducm. film and ~~·~me fin< eo~ woo't miaa mOaMlmaladtement .. maybe even a oace-in-e-Uf •tune mapabot or you-k.now- wbo ·-e • .. MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES Always Bring Your Membership Card With You When You Shop At Fedco •\a •o- KODAK COLORBURST 50 INSTANT CAMERA Everyone in the family, right down to the kindergartener. can eajoy this gift because it's so easy to use. Just aam and shoot and the motor deliven the picture. It's the easiest way to get beautiful color by Kodak with an elepnt SATINLUXE1" Finiab. This year, live eomeone 1.0U l«>Te a gift that can make the whole family happy .. in an instant. COLOR PROCESSING •• Kodak KODAK CAROUSEL 780 H PROJECTOR Your family and friends can relive those special moments you've ~_!~!._ed on slides, with a KODAK CAROUSEL 760 H PRO- JECTOR. Color slides are projected with a clarity and brightness LET YOUR PICTURES COME TO YOU Kodak Mailers are the fast, easy way to have your film processed. It's as close as your mailbox and a stamp. Pick yours up today! that adds to y:our viewing ettjoyment. Membership Department Stores FIDCO LA Cl•NIQA/3535 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles 90016 nDCO SAN ••llNARDfN0/570 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., San Bernardino 92410 PIDCO SAN DllQ0/54th & Euclid, San Diego 92105 A.PW~• .. Smoked Pork After dodging traffic on busy highway out side Hamilton. Onta rio. Can .. this pig which fell from truck relaxes by puffing on cigarette provided by rescuer as they wait for arrival of animal control officers. Listen to me on K·WAVE, FM 108 NOllFOLIC, Va. (AP) -Women of th• m lllhr)', Playboy M.,Ulne nnte )'OU. Nt~r ada,'beN ud to atbet' Nav1 dtte.. worded llk• wartlm• recrultlq po,ten, are ukiDI womeo hl UD· lform for a brief bio- IHJ)b:Y and a pletu.re. AND PIA YBOY En· terprlae1 in Cblcaao ta)"• the rHpon .. 1• aooc1. "We're having ao many girls call from your a rea ... we're sending a photographer down later in the week,'' a secretary at tbe Playboy Mansion said . AT THE recruitin& stage for Playboy's pie· torial on military women, nude poses aren't required. A bathln1 suit will aufftce, t b e m a g a'-t i n e spokesman said. Cmdr. BW Dingler, a Defense spokesman ln W asbington, said bis of. flee was checking to see if any military regula- tions prob.lbU a display of flesh from beneath government-issue uni- forms C.11642-5678. Put • few words to work tor ou. FM Enjoy great music ... WIN big prizes! We're trying to decide on a name for our new Pelican mascot Cast your vote and you may WIN I I at Priw: W1" •,.of "Wt 'a llw" ....,._.MONDI w • ..... CIJIOI! 2n6'3ld Prizn: WIH a v1c1tlon for two In LA PAZ. Mexk:o. Includes flight from L.A. via Aeromeiclco, plus double room for 3 nights at the famous Loa Arcoa Hotel. 4ttt-5ttt-Gtf).7th PrU .. : Din,,., 10< lour at fabulous rnteuranta. Your choice of Crown HouN, Laguna Niguel. Ivy Houae, Laguna Beach; Bayahore House. El Toro. l'5011m11. aal .. 1•• •l'KI g<atu11y 91111• 1 K·WAVE "Iron-on" lo009 for your T •hl11 to the flrat 1000 entrant• requeatlng them. .,._. ChrM na1Me uncNlt oon11der1tton fot our maacot are broedcaat on K·W~YE eldt bout. 1. tune FM 108 ~choose the name you think moat llttlng. 2. Write It In the blank bltow. 3. Mlll U lo K·WA\IE •Mh•Beach, San Clemente. CA 92672 A dt••lna wlll bl Mid and prlzee ew•rded In tM Ofder dr1wn. If you want ooe or more of the K·WAVE souvenirs lltted martl them with an "X" and eftdoM a ..... adchued etanllp9d 4d tndl ...... r--~-----; :e~;;;, ;.::t: :~ ~.-----,---: I Petlcan I ' .......... 11e ftlOWlnO ~ flwof ~(Mlf ... 1111• .. _,..._,... ............ I 0 lrOfM>ft IOOO 0 WincllflltlO -.o.I 0 ~ .. IOIW TBEN RE OMBBED Iler and pulled ber Into a aectuclect driveway. Tbere, oo the cold give the exe9flenc• ot Rewtett-Packordt top HP quality, prote111onal col· culotors. \. •• ,.. t09lc, for •xua problem- solVlng power • .. If-Checking bult:Jlt cllognollUD ......... •with OWner'• Handbook. lntro- duotory a.ot ...w -odvcmoed peogrGftW'l'Mlb6e llrMlnokll tof toUtne and oomple• prob'9ms, no progcommlng e•pefienoe necee1C11¥ paymenta. P'9leC'1' ond Mure value. trend llne ror9costtng. Internal rate of 19Nm and net pre.ent value. 5 nnanclol and 20 oddre$$0ble storage MQlslerl. up to 99 pro0rom 11nes ao.oo HP-311 -programmable actentttlo, all the trig. logt. stottattes and oonvet· slons. with outstanding progrommoblllt\l 49 llnes of program m.mort up to 3 keystrokes per llne branches. loops 8 condl11onols tocompore ond choOs.e ... a lues. 3 levels of subroutines fast. easy editing wtth sinole-clep. bock-step 8 oddr9S$oble storage reglstefl 90.00 c heerful helpers by Stylecrott ore brlghtly printed with woodgroln background and colorful lrulf· ond-veoetable ctesians. r90lpe iox. fits 3·· x s:r cords. comes with tabbed OMO.rs. 1.IO ... chubby"' MetniO P4ld. hold• 1 • ttuck pod of 3-112" IQUO~ ~ ~------.. ------------- big, special selection handsome attaches choose lrom mony, many hand- some attaches for buslness-on- the-goi elegant. padded .. Gfher· look designs -11ght, strong molded atyt•s -son. flexible portfolk>&. ot- lroctive deto1llng. durable hard· wore. convemenf lnstde file pock- ets -$Orne expandable ttYtes. In subtle ton. bfOwn, burgunc:I\( gray ond blgok. reg. 26.95to 85.00 IALI 20..99to 67." distinctive desk accessortesl rloh walnut -tngraved by~ IMame. powerful beams ol pure llght actually vaporize the back· ground wood. leovlng o minutely detailed pattern In elegant bas· rellef choose trom 3 d ifferent de- sl gns: nostolglc aalllng •hips, breezy 1ecnoapta or beoutlfully In- tricate north Amertoan tfH• -by Loteroroft. • ooltndor ttond, holds standard day-by-day calender 'It.SO ·letter optner, 8-114 long. t.IO • mtmo Pod holder, 4 x 6 pod. non-skid base t .00 • butlne .. cord dlapenHr LOO sleek walnut cs..ar .. .., from Sheaf· ter. odd o touch or elegance to hOme Of omce. smoott\ IOll<S walnut 11 lnlold with bruthed olumlnum and controJtlng block accents bfU*Md flnllh "Wntr. 0or ballpoint ond outo~ncll. or ~n only •• -and 3" It 12" bate .,..... • S7.IO •pen only. 3" • 7" bate 27.IO super ideo1 for fabulous foodt wok •et, for shr-tryin<J tne deli· c1ously render yet cnsp Ve<Jeta- ble$. wcculent meats and seafood. mot make Ctunese cooking on art complete tO-prece set includ~ co¥ered wok. baSe. cooking tools. even chopsticks and feclpe book I 19.9$ .._.,.. ....... ~q\Hck wot1t ol blended drinks -~us whips c1eom. e<;)gs. pancake batter 120 volts of power wrttl outomottc on· off heavy gloss container with o z marks. 13" high 19.ff Kllban cots -brighten up a desk! ct.sir pod, crowds ol de1tghtfu11y absurd cots congregate on the side panels or a 15 x 22 flame reo blOtter pad «>.OO Lov..o-Ccrt fetter hokier. Mids lots of reminders. notes. corre - spondence 4" hlgn. 6" wide ond 2-1 4 · deep. llned In bright reo - with o block-and-whlfe co1 to love I '-00 ~ peno-., o aeleet1on ot both cllck and 1UdlnQ barrel style .&mm teod penclll.reg. 3.25 to 3 95 IAll 2.At to l." eJdra t.oda. .5tnm size. He. Mg. 39C IALI elegantly understated wrltfng tnstrumenta~ .. Taroo by Sheaffer"" peN are a fhOUQhtful. mel'nOfObfe gift "'°' Wiii be UMd tor ~11 to comet heavy. bolo~ to tit comfoftot>ly in the hand. 1ubtle morte btoclc finish wl"' g1ouy gofd·tone accents 3 dlner- ent lfYl•t. all refllloble tout1toln pen, with 141( gola nib. io.oo rollng ball pen 10.00 bOtt point pen tl.00 f special savings -pencils and potntar oU ootor ~Llmpoffed. brllllont ~ 00t011 moke good star-ter MtJ -OI oppreclofea girts tor PtOCUclng pclnferl. *' lnclUC1e lor~ IUt>e Of wttne. H colon apeo6al puroMM t6.ff -12 Oolon tpeOlal purof\QM f .t9 water OGtOf Mt. lmported.12 trons- luoent cotori plus white for postef. opaque. en.ct reg 3 25 IA&.12.At .a .. prtc" OP.pl. y to stock In dOffl and tr\fOUO'\ o.e 6 a"olal l"'fehGM•. tMuth not , •• d...ecl M pttoe. ore llrlllM QUClll~ Jt•m• bougttt to b• exo•ptlono ~. :::J: •" VllA, MaaterChorge er _..,,, .... South Coast Pt.za 545-0431 Puente HOit M•ll ill w .. 1 CovtN Fnhlon ,.NI o.t Amo '•hlon Squ.,. -· A ~ in . .,.. the ... , lililkl by 'fl.:rear-old Sea. IO la lb. ·N.Y., wbo baa not d cldtd ... u.. to IMll l"Otledloo. a.Id ND. ber COIQpetlUoa Pl'Omlteit to be • bat abe lppe&n undaunted by the probable OOllGDlla., amoq them Rep. EU.ubetb HOttanan. D-.Y .• and ber onet.tme boa, former Mayor John Undu1 . "I'm quiet and I'm smart and I'm able to set ~-My proleuional life baa been one of a • ...., said in an 1ntemew Left 1.m1pobo wu mentioa of ber penon-1 Ii,., marked by three divorces -from two bus.,._ -and a bout wttb ovari&o cancer. RE& J..f'OOT·lt i"LUIS 18 aBGAL k>otin& at. qe SS. Colu.nmlsta aUll ref• to her aa "Queen Bea.•· But Mia Myenon, mother of a 31-year~ld daupter, Barra, ltriYet to play down ber early career . .. That's who I was, not wbo I am now," she sald firmly She entered the Miss America contest, she said, • a .. lark." and to try to win the "5.000 prize for a music scholanbip and a piano. She sWl bq the Stein"ay baby grand, although marrlage and a ddld kept. her from finishing her router's de1ree studies in conducting at Columbia Uniftrslty Mias Myerson bad played Grieg and Gershwin in the talent portion of the contest, and before long she •ound up ce tbe vaudeville circuit. But she abandoDed tbat after only a few performances when audiences proved mop interested in her filUre tbaniier nute plaYtna. SHE ALSO ABANDONED THE traditional Mias America personal appearances because, she said. corporate sponsors were uneasy with her being Jewish. Some reportedly suggested sbe change her name. · ''I just didn't want to be demeaned," she said. although she made no public statement alleging anti-Semitism at the time. • Years later, she worked as television hostess of lbe Miss AmeMca pageant Her two-page official biography mentions none of this -referring to the Miss America competl· lion only as "a national talent contest." It also skips her eight years as the Lady In Mink for CBS's "'Ille Big Payoff.'' a etveaway program on which she modeled the prize, and her nine years as a panelist on "I've Got A Secret." IN llD. TREN·MAYOR LIND8A Y plucked her out et the TV world and 1ne ber a job • ~ew rt City's ftrst commlNDODeJ' ol eouumer af. ftJn. She accepted, admJttlng abe ltnew notlring about consumerism. udge Declares Slayer 'Insane' MARTINEZ (AP) -A judge bas ruled lbat 20-year-old Julien LaMere lived in an insane ~orld of evil little green men when be murdered bis 12· year-old brother. After a two-week non-jury trial, Judge Max Wilcox of Contra Costa Cotmty Superior Court ruled that LaMert kUled his brother, Jason. in the basement of their"Ricbmond home July 18. But the judge said LaMere was innocent by reason of in· sanity because he believed the brother had turned ibto one of the little green men. Wilcox asked the county mental health depart· ment to make a recommendation Dec. 14 of what t.o do with the defendant, who is expected to be sent to a mental hospital ~) . ,,...., ~,a. 1m 1M5'a BEAUTY QUE!N. ntEN AND NOW Conaumer Advoc.te 8"b ttgMr Ptatform But abe llud.ied. and by seneraJ comenaus she did a good job -push.tnc th.roueh a Wlit pridnl law for irocerles. cncll:.ln.c down on aleuy lnatall· ~ent cootracts and short-~ mere:banta and 1aining the Oedallng consumer movem4P1t the kind of attention that a less well-known commisatoner ml1ht not bave commanded. After leaving the city post, abe bired out as a consultant to such corporations as Briatol·Myers. Citicorp, and Warner Communlcatiom. Some say that has tarnished her consumerist lma&e, u Writing Workshop Scheduled A workshop to im· pro•e written com· munlcation.s ln business is acb~uled Saturday at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The program, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ill Library 221, 1s designed to h e lp managers. owner s, salespersons and others re learn primary writing skills. Advanced registration is suggested and the $20 fee includes a workbook. To register, or for ad- ditional information, pbbne 892-7711, ez tenaion502 'JAWS' IS DEUC4CY TOKYO (AP> -A snack shop selllng meat balls made from freshly caught shark bas become a popular eating place in the Chinese coastal city of Fuzhou in Fujlan province . Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency re· ports Xinhua quoted the store manager as saying the shop tripled its daily s upply of shark meat. but was having trouble keeping pace with the demand. It said frozen shark meat just was not as popular 8BE BAS BEEN LAYING TUE 1rouudwort for a Senate race for years. decllntng pleu from political leaders to nm ln pre· vioua eJect1 · "It waa ~t to me to eet a broader can·' vua of experience for myself before becominl a candidate," she said. "I wanted to see bow the bullnesa community worked from the inside . . . to learn more about the politics of nmnin&-· · She campaigned effectively for sucb suc· cessful New York Democrats 8.5'"'Mayor Edward Koch. Sen. Daniel Moynihan and Gov. Hush Carey. Koch. a close personal friend, and Moynlban have promised to return the favor. • "I f.bink I have the slcllls and talent to be a senator;• sbe said. "And when my points of Vlew are dfflared l think the people of New York· will see there's a very credible reason for me to run for the Senate and reasons why I should represent the people of New York state " Phoenix. 18 flights daily. Tucson. 17 flights daily. wtltl U.ed .... .... ,,..,, ..... JO ... Wu-,, Dec.JI ....... " NIWPORT ~LS SECURITY a!HTEA ~ 314 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Applies &o domestil' hoaR alld •to ~YI iD 9'0cJl :s::r: hristmas is traditional and so are we at Halliday's. St. Nick likes to fill his pack with handsome selections now on f es live display at our shop. Men who like good things will enjoy a Gift from H.alliday's. Phoenix. 4 flights daily from Ontario. (3 non-stops) 6 flights daily from Burbank. (4 non-stops\ 5 non-stops daily from Orange County. 3 flights daily hom Los Angeles. Tucson. 5 flights daily from Orange County. (2 non-stops) 3 flights daily hom Ontario. · 4 non-stops daily from Los Angeles. 5 flights daily from Burbank. And to 32 other dtles In the US.. Canada and Mexico: ~ise, Caho San Lucas, Mexico; Des Moines, Eugene, Eureka. Fresno, Grand Canyon, Idaho Falls, Kalispell, Klamath Falls, La Paz, Mexioo; Lewiston, Mazatlan, Mexico; Milwaukee, Oakland. Palm Sprm~. Pasco, Phoenix, Portland, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; Reckling, Redmond, Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Jose, San Prancisoo, Seattle, Spokane, 'IWin Falls and Yakima. Just call a Travel Agent, your Corporate Travel Arraagei; or Hughes Airwest at: Los Angeles (213) 772-5100 Ontario (714) 98&6724 'Burbank (213) 247-8333 .. ~·)Orange CoWlty (714) 540-2060 J Font.er moved to Salt Lake from Michican tlve years ago -"With a name like John, bow can l be from Utah?" HE MADE A UST OF MORE than a hundred o( the odd names that have crossed his desk and re.ceotly offered bis newsroom co-workers a little contest -guess who's male and who's female. It cost 10 cents to enter, winner take all. There were no takers. However, if you'd like to play along, here are 2~ stumpers from Forster's list. Save your dime, tbe answers follow : 1. After; 2. Arga; 3. Bliss; 4. Cula ; 5. Dadi; 6. Iva; 7. F.dme; 8. Elna; 9. Frosty; 10. Gilder; 11. Hale; 12. Jedda; 3. LaDell; H. LaPreal; 15. La Veve; 18. Loa; 17. MarD; 18. Momi; 19. Orlon; 20. 21. Reath; 22. Twenty; 23. Varmit; 24. ;25.Zlra. Annen: l·M; i.•; ~•: 4-F; s-•; t-F; T·•; ; f·F; 10.M; ll·M; 12·F; 13-M; 14·M; 15-F; l~P; 17-M; lS.F; l .. M; »M: Zl·F: ZZ·F; Z3·M; ~F; ZS..F. Scoring: 20-25 right: Congratulations. You pro- bly hail from Nephi. 15-19: Not bad, but you nught want to read the Salt Lake phone book. 1•14: Newcomer to these parts. Nine or leu: If a 1'•D answers, hang up. r atlLDRaH .FllAH J CHILDRESS. rHl<Hnt I .... Clemenl•. C.t Peued eway on ....,,..., 1'. 1979. She I' sur.1 .. d 11y H 11ust1end Cll•rlts, deuvhl•r l••n A Tuch r of Westl•-• , C.t . '°" Cl\ertes w CN klreu, Chino, ca.,• sis!M Flor-• Ell· n of Fort Ord, C• end 2 llllclrtn Kristin M CllUclrei• lft A. CNIClr-Strvkn wilt on Fr\dey, No..mlltr all, 1'19 •00 PM In Ill• Peclflc YI•• orlet Cllepet tnterm•nt et I< v-Memorlel Parll. Paclllc ~-ydlrect- "8C:I l&OfHHS l&Ll&04DWAY MOnuilY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 SMITM & lV1MLL MOnu.-Y WISTQ. ... CHUB. Mortuary • Cre1T11t1ons 427 E. 17th St Costa Mesa 646-4888 PlllCl llOTHllS SMITMS' MOllUAaY • 627 Main St. ~nt~ach ........ , COU*iAL NC4L ..,.. 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westmtnatw ~ Death Not~ •• •• A \' t.eacber, the wbole tbln, kind ot tc•Nt me," Aid Bill rontebea wbb c:odcelved tbe proJoct. "It au •tarted •ben I WU tryio• to tblnk ot a wa, to teach the 801. Of R.leht. IO the klda will re- member lt alx moat.bl from now." StUdenll ln Fontcbeo'1 llth-snde hialory ela11 at the Oak Grove· Coburn SCbOoJ MYer-1 weeks aco be1ao tolicltini aipalw'es on mock peUtions calllna ror re~al ol the ftni 10 amendm ti to the U.S. Comtltu.- Uon, tbe Bill ol Rllhll. Delettna the tltfe but retain.iq the text or the BW of Ri&bta word-for· word, the peUticma W'8ed that a pro- ponl to repeal the entire document; be placed on the lJIO election ballot. IN 11DD SOUClTATIONS. atu- deota llld the document • 'coddlel tbe crimlDal.'' The atudenta round that 74 percent of the people in Waterville wbo took A. FOLDING CHAJR •• • Easy to carry. Stores conveniently Perfect when thpl "extra" guest drops by 7.88 17.88 Reg. 12.99 B. 30" STOOL Legs and seats are sturdy 2" Alder Hardwood Model :: 133W Reg. 23.99 Give Christmas cheer the year 'round Thi• brewer makes 12 cups of del1clous coffee at cup·a·m1nute·speed The decorative wood look grves ii special charm Uses standard 3Ya• papet l11ters u L hsted. Model :t265. FARBERWARE 12 CUP BREWER. Reg. 3199 22.88 A kitchen ct ... ic A sure to pleale '1011day Qllt. Includes glass pitcher wifh temOY8ble blade assembly tor euy cieen•f'IO With recipe bOOk and ont yeat warranty. U L hlled Model =73·8. WARINO BLENOER, Reg.27.99 21.88 Wreath8 • Villt-r'he Gallery .. where you will find Southern Calilonlla'• largat -'ection of unique imported ornament•, .U d"aaplawd on beautiful fresh trea.. • Give a gift fh:at grows.. chOOM from Pine Pou, Po~ Orchida, English Gardens or beautif\al frah wrutba. • fOt' the finWring touch in holiday decorating, R<>9Cf''• has '°'1ely wrath. and centapieca handmade from our own daignen. • •• and it shows s... "'*'*' Hilla Road at MecArtht. BM!.. Nft.oport Beach, (714) 640-5a)O o,..~ ......... C. MATES CHAIR A super comfortable 28" high. Ideal add1tt0n to the living or drntng room Model =100-N 28.88 32.88 Reg. 38 99 O. CAPTAIN'S CHAIA Luxunously designed seat measures 17H deep, 21"' wide . .,Wodel a 1 HJN . qeg 41.99 Gorgeous Christmas greeting Bulbs rw.nlde with Yuletide cheer So en,oy their mult!OOlored "'IGOfllCtnee at • vecyeconomlcal cwtce. ltn • 11 WHt'*PrOOI. sate and UL listed Modet :1120 J5 UOHT OUTDOOR TWINKLE SET. Reg 599 3.88 S..utJfulfV IU~ YUietide tnMsageS .,. ~-=" box ot 20. Pick~ -.ori• end_., own PfOUdtf. CHRISTMAS CA/WS, Reg.159 bOlt 98cbox new name I familiar fac~s FULLERTON 301 So. State College 870-0050 O~n Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 9 Sttt. Bto e Sun. 9 to 6 • - \ Home Centers formerly Ward & Harrington COSTA MESA 1275 Brl1tot 556-1500 Open Mon. thrtJ Fri. 9 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6 GARDEN GROVE 7707 Garden Grove Blvd. 537-9571 or 893-8623 Open Mon. thru Fri. 7 :30 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Sun. 9 to 6 CAPllTRANO BUCH 34182=~Rd. Open Mon. thru Sun. 8 to 5 1 , ORANGE 324 Weet Katella 997•1224 Open Mon. ttlru Fri. 7:30 to 6 sat. & Sut1. 9 toe ( OumlNI Lads C•s Slaelf Lite DEAR PAT: I've DOtieed that the uncu.red meat producta' labels warn that they abouJd be kept refrigerated below 40 degrees at all times. Does tb1a mean they need extra care in bandllna to prevent the arowth of bacteria? H.W., Huntington Beach Nitrate or llltrlte-free mea\a ate more perish•· ble than their nJtrtte-cured counterparts and tbey abo•ld .be bai.dled as carefully as odler fresh roeats. For de&aUed lnlormation on bandllng un· cared meat prodacts, reqaest a free copy of "No Nitrite Meau • Handle Carefully" from Food Safe- ty and Qaaltty Service Publications, USDA, WHbl.Dgtoa, D.C. 20205. TAN TAN TAN TAN rrsNEW IT$ FA9ULOUS 1rs A FAST TAN! ~ARE IN AND OUT OUla<LV wtTH AN THAT"S EVEN. FUN TO HAVE. AND LOW COST· • "-flll.___&.Mlt",....... • IMli ..._. 1 lllCIUmllM ., .. .._.,._,..,... ..................... _ ., ................. 111 .......... .... •<*'-• I =.:•'111$.,.. ......... • •::u • , ......... ,_ .... . . , ............................ .... ......... More Americans Alone -Report WASHINGTON CAP> -More Americans are livlne alone or with someone not related to tbem, according to " Cenaua Bureau rePOried. The bureau said that non-family households in· creased 66 percent between 1970 and March 1979. DURING THE PERIOD, HOUSEHOLDS con· slated or a family increased ooly 12 percent. The vast majority of non.family households - 8'1 percent -consist of a person living alone. and this has contl'ibuted to a dechne in the average size of American households. On the 77 3 million households that existed in March, the department said, 19 8 miWoa or one in four consisted of persons livinl alone or wUh a DOD-relative. WBILE THE OVERAU. G&OWTB 'RATE for households m the country was 22 percent, wbit.e households &rew 20 percent while black bouaebokb were up ~ percent and Hlspamcs were up 43 per- cent. The proportion of family households main· tained by a woman with no husband in the home was recorded at 8 ·percent for whites, 16 percent for Hispanics and 29 percent for blacu. THE SUPER '79 CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOW• SAlE• . , OVER 450 RETAILEflS. WHO• f$At FAS, AND MANUFACTURERS have been brought together at the Anaheim Convention Center for a giant three day Christmas gift tale -450 different merchanta-bigger than any $h0ppfng center In Callfomla. New products, unique gifts, discounts, and more. Thia year, do all of your Christmas shopping In one place, at one time, and have fun doing ltl A FEW OF THE THOUSANDS OF GIFT ITEMS YOU'LL FIND-toys, jewelry, sport· Ing goods, TV's, apparel, arts & crafts, appliances, mopeds & motorcycles, bicycles, books, pianos. pool tables. organs. furniture and accessories, records & ·tapes, cameras, stereos, home decorator Items, and thousands of other gifts. PLUS A WIDE VARIETY OF UNUSUAL MERCHANDISE NOT GENERALLY FOUND ALL IN ONE PLACE. 3QAYSONLYI FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10 AM·10 PM THOUSANDS OF OYS A large selection at 1/2 PRICE ·DISCOUNT COUPONS COMPUTER PORTRAIT OF YOUR CHILD ANO SANTA NOW SAVI! 42% ~-·--lllU- 40 Ml ydS '759" '4399' 60 sq ydl 113t4' 659"' 75 Ml ydS 1.•241' 824• 100 sq ydS 1,nr 1,099"° OurldreU...ef Custom '\;. Draperies SAVE '320- 48()00 60()00 8()000 • t I Nevada-Califomia. I BortWr lss~ Crucial ~ BENO, Nn. <AP> -Hundreds Ol , California landowners could find the ' ttuea to tbelr · Pr1 tbrown mto j queltlon If the U:: Supreme Court decid~ tD favor ol Nevada in a ! border dispute, •CCOl'd.lnl to docv· ~ menta ftJed ID the cue. J Bat nm ti the eourt uJt1mate!y a.,. i ddes to lean the reeopiled boun· • dary where It la, attorne,s tor both ·Mala say tbeJ plan to ... addi· ·Uonal 1aod from tbe ledetal ~· ment. d«fmtna tbe7 were cbNted Ol T tbetr1nmrttanee a cenfurJ qo. MOST OP THE boundary, which folloWI tbe towering Slerra Nevada range for much of its length, la bar· ren deeert or remote forest land. But d.,nsely populated, hlah1Y Yaluable property surround• Lake Tahoe, wbere the atraightliDe border bends sharply. The dispute &S over which boundary s urvey abould be accepted California sued Nevada in :urn to have an 18'72 survey accepted north of Lake Tahoe and an 18111 U.S. Coast and Geoclltic Sun9y 1iDe aceepUld to f tbe aoutb... Ttme l1nea baft beell wed -for laws, contracta and other' of- ftclal purpoeea -llnce they were .... But~ elal.m&M iJtbot.b I 'Agrees to Pay LOS ANGELES (AP) -SUmet PoolaWtltbu~toeay$1Z,OOOin civil penalt.lea and coltl ma atipulat- ed Judament. endlns a diatltet at· torney'a aulte alle8in1 the firm faliled to reaolve cuatomer eomplalnta. - Tbe ti.rm admitted DO WJGICdolq in a~ to ~Y the ftlle. Attorney Nell .Palpano, repNMDtln.8 8umet. attributed tbe allepd tud1 nqitltN ·for repair request.I to a utlollwlde ~ement strike and ••umeuooably {beavy ralm'' of tbe put f~. The cllstrlct attorne1'1 office -cbarged Sunset. wbich baa eo omcea oat.lonwide, with failure to mea pro- mlaed completion dates for recrea· :Uonal pool.I IDd fallure to resolve .eomplalnta, imlulrlel and dilpuUla in timely fublCG. stat.. ,.,..,.,U• an eatUer 1M:I 1111"· vey north of t.be lake. And It cbarl• that tbe 1872 IW'Veyor, Allexey VO!O Schmidt. Uleaally moved the boun· d•ey and cheated Nevada of ~ square mllel in tbl process. 'tllE MGR COVRT has c:tven botb aides until mfd.Deeember to ftJe ad· cUttonal briefs ID tbe case . "Regardless of where tbe boun· dary ls, both Nevw and Callfornla bave a real lotereJr lD ~ what the title 11 to some of tbeM lands," said Jan Stevens, California assistant attorney 1eneral. Stevens aaid California's "primary aim is to f.~:11e titles clarifted." He said be p to ask the court "to make some sort of declaratioo that the ownership is proper." IN CALIFORNIA ·s EL Dorado County alooe, 385 parcels valued at $50 million sit between the two boun- daries, accordinl to a J.t.page brief filed in the cue by the California ·Land TWe Auociatioo. The brief listed a mua of problems which could artae if the recocntzect boundary 11 moved. CGGtrac:O. utlel and lan which had affected prtce1 of proPG"tf tor ~ eatan pddnJ7 could .,.~tlrrori._, ttUld. 1M w'rliidcia~ttial If th• 1me .. aldfted, C&lllCnda COD- tracta and Ian abOukt eontmue to be enforced on land• suddenly in Nevada. Othenriae, beea\119 the two stat.e's laws differ, many land titles and C<Jlltractl mtcht be illegal and planning and IODinC conditions at· tached to land ml&bt be abo&bed. EVEN IF THE border lu't moved, both states plan to p..-a the federal 1ovenunent to live them more land. Under tbeir statehood acta, both were ll"&Dted a eerta1n amount of federal land to aeU or arantt to private lndSvlduall. Thoutaada of acres IJ'Uted to Nevada were between the diaputecl ~. That means l!WlY l&Ddowners wbo received land from Nevada have been paying tu.el aDct obeY1ni the laws ol California. Ste99Da estimated the total at 10me 5,800 acrea. ''WE 1'lllNK THE federal IOYVD· ment deprived us of the opportunlty to select tbeee landl and we've aot aome sort of compensation comina." Stevena nld. N evacta Jlpeclal Deputy Attorney General Jlm TbompaoG said "we f..a Nevada 11 now entitled to a.natber J,800 •Cl'll of land IOmewbere wttbiD ltl boundarl~ if tbe Supreme Court approved tbe Von Schmidt 11De," be 1&1d. Writer, Ne:wspa~r Separate NEW'YORK (AP> - Writer Pete Ramlll says tbe New York Daily News baa decided to drop bis thrice-weekly ·column because his sen Uments were too far to the left and were "un· balancing" the paper. ..I WU kind of stunned by the whole thing," HamWaaid. ID a statement to the staff posted· in the newsroom, editor and executive vice president Michael J . O'Neill called Ha mlll "a man·elogal1 sifted writer and a put 1UY wbo produced many memonble columns tor tbe paper. We bope that be wW eaatinue to roll· tribute occaalonal eol· UlJln.t or articlea in tbe future." Hamill said O'Neill offered him the alternative of writin& a weekly DOO·political col· umn. Hamill turned down tbe offer. With a prealdmti1l eJec:tioo on tbe borboa. be said, "I did not want to have my banda tied." Hamill. whole column 11 syndicated and wbo baa wrtUen several nov- el 1, said be would "clean out my desk ... He aald be la finl1btn1 another novel aad II talklna to New Yort Ma•adne and Rolllna Stone , a weetl7 newspaper. Fire Grad Richard Prederlck Bor•• al c.oMa 111 .. ha &ndlw..t tc'OiD tbe Loe An191•-0oml1' ftN Depanmat•1 valnlD1 ac&demJ. THEY FIT ••• WE GUARANTEE IT ~ onew porot ~clcoboots from any of Nedi Shops. Ski on them and if y04J're not con ipletefy satisfied with the fit, retun them before .bi. 1 forofulstorecredt. Once you try o par of Nordc:o boots you won't9vethemup . Satunby. Oe<:cmber I st Sund"9y.~berlnd I 00 A.M.·5 P.M. '-.. , ./ --.. ---Adults S:?.00 Children S 1.00 ~£ VlLLAGED\SCOUNr ..... ~ PRESEm'S .;/ ~ f-. ''ANTIQUES IN THE RAW'' -7" Z 2-0AY ANTIQUE SALE ~ < Saturday Sunday ~ Dec.1 Dec. 2 Preview 9-10 Sale Sale 10-6 10-6 ~ue VWa1e offers you eveeyday the finest llldQUes available lD ou.r Via Fabrtcaote location. FW' real savings visit tbe Antique Villa&d Discount Mart cturilll these two days only! ALL ANTIQUES AS IS! COME EARLY! BRING A TRUCK! lhowWTallln •••....•.•...•• '96 (Mt of') a.In .. . .. . . . . .. . ._ '96 Sldilllii ................ ···;-'85 ........... ······ ......... '100 .,,....,. ....•.......•...•... ~SCJC> StadMg .._.. ........ ._ s240 Oak..._,. .............. ._ SJ38 Flat top & Roi top ....... ._ s 175 Hal Tr91(-HOted) ..•... ._ S60 Stcnd Glau ................ ._ s24 'L 25% Off Dltt and Str&lahtj~ans . ~ MCl100%~denim In Jr .• Miiiy *-~ •1&U3 Sale 13.50-17 .25 25% Off Long Sleeve Plaid Shirts OtQSM1a Sale SS-13.50 Special 18.88 Women's Dresses 1 pc. Wry and velour fabric In fall and holiday cok>ratlon8. Save 300A> to 500/o Dress Sale 1 and 2 pc. dresses and pantsutta In assorted 80llds and pttnts. Jr., Misses and 1fl stms. Better velvet skirt suits tor Misses s!zes. Orig. $18-$90 Sale 9.99-14.99 . Sweater Bonanza! Reg. $t8-$30. Zip front and button front cardigans. Many stutes to choose from. Dressy Holiday Sportswear Sale Classic Velvet Blazer orig. $48 Sale 35.99 Better Veiour Shirt Jacket Orig. $28 Sale13.99 Special 9.99 Save 25% to 30% on Selected Tops In evening wear Not all sizes avaJfable. Lona Sleeve Velour Toes chenille & solid cut In assorted faJI colors. SHQll Women's Marfbou Satin Slippers. Beige and black -""·- Women" s Western Leather Boots. FINE JEWELRY Sale 39.88 _, -- Ladles 17 Jewel Name Brand Watches Orig. $65-$95 20°/o Off Entire Line of Gemstone Rings Orig. 99.95-$800 25o/o Off Selected 14K Earrings Orig. $15-$45 Save 25°/o on All 14K Gold Chains. Gold Filled Cobra Chatln Sale 16" 18'" 20" ~··Bracelet Orig. $15 Orig. 16.95 Orig. 18.95 Orig. 7.50 Sale 8.81 S.le10.ll S.le12.ll Sale 5.11 ,. Wood Jewel Boxes for The Holidays. a Walnut Flip Top Lid . . ......................... $7 Tradttional Musical Wood .................... $25 . Mu$ical Wood Chest ......................•• $34 Oak center Pull Jewelry Chest ........•.•••••• $ 39 380 Rotatlno JeWelry Chest ..........•. · •.•... $55 Swing ~ DoOr Jewelry Chest .....•....•••. $59 Llmli.d°""-AMlttt11M , Gtna of glamour to p1eese the moet dNerlftled feminine taltll. ChOole nylon Mtln ~ embelHlhed wtth ttlOe or bf8'd. And COlY oonfectfont to warm her heart all winter. Sale sa ...._ '10. Nylofl Mtln With ecru , lloe. '* lllt. • ..I Sale 9.99 ., Jr. & Mlssv Slacks rOrig. $14'-S t7. (;dy gab8rdne and poty ,..,,,..,,. .... blends in asst c:ok>rs. Sale 19.20 Ree-Pt. Acrytk: wrap robe with contrast ttltchlng. Special 5.99 Ladles ftporiength ftlnnef gowns. Aaaortld pMCa. s-M-l SpeGial 12.99 '11~~ \ Plnt it WU tbe DeW boule. I• 'E"'1tlliaa MelDed to be eolna up '+ct we eot eaua1at into that." A 818TE& JN e0Ue1e lost a bolanblp. "So we picked up tbole expenses." A death left another family ember ln trouble. ··And we eaded up helplq hlm." l in an. reealll SUaan, "We just tcbed eur income '°°far " ' WODAY, SUSAN AND Jeffrey are od the road to recovery. It will take m more than three years. Each SlJIAN AND IEFFREY never aot turned down for credit. "People will uaume that becauae you 're doing what you're doina. you've got a good job, you abou.ld be able to handle it," said Susan. Managing money at work was dif· ferent from managing money at home, Susan said. "At work ... I know exacUy what I can do and what I cannot do ... At home, there were family members constantly saying, 'Well. look, you've made it. It's up to you to help some of the others make it.· · · The new budaet leaves lbe family with "eoou&h to get by." a.be aaid. They have mana&ecl .to h9p up the payments on t.be mortaaae. but there .,.. ao curtain& • ta.a U*-room windows. N~ fUrnlture wtD bve to wail. "IT WASN'T EA.SY, but oo the other hand. it wu better than what was going on before," Susan said. She and her husband have cbanjed their spendina habits. "I find myself dotq more predict· mg on what's comlnl up. f also find myself using tome of tbe tecbniquea I have to UM MN. _at. work u far aa short·ranae and ldn1·raqe plannln1. I'll go back ov• my cbecb and see what we a~t lut year and at what time of year and can anticipate what to expect aOd what we cu do and what we cu't. • . " Wben the wuhlna macblne broke down recutlx1 Sunn abopped carefully. The aa.resman Qtpdber to buy a new dryer aa well u a washer. PFOBE. SHE PBOBABLY would have qreed. Now, abe stopped to lhi.nk. '"I doll't need it. AU I need la a washer. I ~ fOU flDd )'OUtH1I making men leclilooa to th1a e«eet. You don't Co along with tomeone else's opinlOll." The waaer waa paid for ln cub. In the put, .. we'd pn>ba\11 have ended up tbaralng it and havtnl another bW,'' uid Susan. Susan and Jeffrey bave learned t.o say no. To famll)' me~ben. To salesmen.. TO frtenda who uqe them t.o spend fott!ilnp tbey can't afford. • ·u I b..t one recommendation,·• said Susan. ''I would Hy to ~ple: 'Do not reaGt Under pree1ure.' '' NezC : ShOpptno far CrtdU High-rise Traee? FRESNO <AP) -Eleven downtown Freano bieb·rlle hdldlnp have been found to not mHt m.ln1mum ftre resuJatlona, Qi, PlN llanllall 1Uch1rd Bor~ Hid: 1b.ree adMi' b1"1·111e1 cwtllD deftciendes but are exempt from the law. Come and vWt our~-nighttime Chri9tmas display of shimmering cancan ~ beautiful garden pathways. Join us for ChriiltmM carol. .ung in harmony by a choir. See our outstandlns cti.play of ornaments from our lntemadOnal collectioa, the largest in Southern California. Delicious n:frahments will be served, evm Senta Clay will be at R<>ser'• to delight the c~ of"aU ages. Roger'• Gardens Annual Gancllelighting Cerentony Friday, December 7th 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Oae NisJat Oaly N•nay • lacloor Plamte & Flo.Ut ~~H ' .. 4-year,GoingR.ateAccount Rate : Annualized yield : 9.85o/c 10.53o/o Fortheperiod·of 12/1-12/31 6-mondl, Sl0,000-minimum T-Bill Certificate Rate: 1\nnualized yield : 11.022% 11.62-1%.* For the perjodof 11/29-12/5 •If kft °" <kposil far .. ,.,., ti#""'"'"*· k.ieWlll. ~ilitJl;IJis. ""1jKI k> lb."*' ti#• ~· N/llil/~"°*•G .. Utflinw '1f ilfMnsl ()fl T.IJit CPti/lclus. ---- - -----~ -------~---.---~~-- H you move ypur 5avings to Allstate Savings it's goiog to c(S us pteiiky. 5*%, When)(>uopena no-minimum-balance ~k ~unt with us. =--..-<#;Even mo(e, if 4-year. Going Rate Account at the rate shown in the box . And megabucks. if you put your money in a 6-month . SI0.000-minimum T-Bill c.ertificate. For the highe\t rat<:s available from anv fedcralJ v insured financial.institution. That's what we pay in interes~ subject t~ substan · tial inte~t penalty tor early withdrawal. We also spend cor:isiderahl~· amounts on free servtces. With any Allstate Savings account, you get free notarizjng and document copying. But as yow:: balance goes u~ \\e add even more. Free tniVelers checks, money orders and note collection for $1,000 balance. A free safe deposit box, at 52, 500. And our exclusive . Statesman's Oub, at selected branches, when your savings halance reaches $7,500. Now then. Lest arl)Qne get the wrong imp~ion, we should point out that we do all this gladly. Because it's good for people and it's good for bu~i~. So if this ad moves you to open an account at Allstate Savings,we11 paydearlyall right. But we're going to enjoy every interest~ com- pouiided minute of it ' M~1'iiill: <A•>-Tbe parenta of SI .. • Pr~•l•7'1 Iona• lb'llr~ acv.t Uada 'I'hOal~ .... '*-tattn to C0'*1 :ID1a . ..-. over , bouse boulit lw die late atnpr. Mr ·.· ipd llra. Sanford TboD>~,... named 11 def en· duu Jn • Chancery Court swt filed bJ the eiecutora of Pldley'a estate. The suit ua that U. Tbompeou be evleted '""" • --~ boQCbt in m' OJI ... (ore.f;to~pa1 '2151> a moa~~ TIM' , tbe aalt ays, were ~ •• rent.fn,e tn the _bOQlebtc~= ~ywas d.attiiilheh"ai , wbo ap- pears on the te evbion aeries "Hee Haw." After the relationship ended In 1976, tbe suit says, the Tbompeona were allowed to re· main to the house because TbomJllOO was disll~led and b1a only blcome came from Social Security benefits. WAIHINOTOM<U Par1911n, M" .... ldU..peo. Pit ........ ~····-~ .......... if...., ........ • ..._ RoW &be upertl aay tbq 'Jun proof tlaat tbe pncttc. ....... GO•w..-t ~GmcllJI aq am ...._,, ~llllowteon· cl•tlY•b Uaat ctru1 therapy • ~........ .... ] ..Wiltillibklodpnuure. ( AITD ANMOUNCJNO the · MEDICINE ruulb of tJle ftv•Y••r trial, ""'-----------~ at t• liled.lcal centers, lftldall a.raed dodon to aa· IT l'Ol1ND 'IBAT dutla flam snulftlJ treat au 1ta1• of all ea.-w• 1'1 ,...emt -. Jala~~ PNllU,.. with ctruca over-a five-year peJ1o4 for d CltMI' ftleana. hyperteuion patieata aettlnc MW dodon do not .ctvtle eoullteat drq tteatmeat ..-tnatmtat ·roi ~ple wttb mild compared wttlt those 1etUnc or bordlrllae llllD bJoocl pr9• typical treatment from tbelr aure. Allcl became people with doeton. . the ecmdltloa usually have DO TU ltudy allo fOQDd um for symptoms such as pain or cha patients with mild bJpertenaion, comfort.. a chronic problem is those &ettin&. ayst.em&Uc: treat· that they don't reeularly take ment b9d 20 pereent fewer de- their medicine. •lhl from all CIUMI UWl thole .. U tbere ii a meua1e from not lettinl lffecti-.e veatmmt. thll study, it ia that thoee who bave blP blood preuure should cet on treatment and stay on treatment," Hid Dr. Robert I. Levy, dlredor of the National Heart, Lun.i and Blood Institute. .. .WE NOW HAVE clear evidence that they will llve much ioager," be said at a news briefing. Hieb blood pressure iB a lead· inl eon\iibutor to atroke, heart ataeue and kidney problems. About 35 million Americana hne deftnlte hypertension and an additional 2S million have less severe, borderline b1gb blood pressure, Levy said. The Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Pi:ogram, which be1an In 1972, was S'lO mtllion project conducted with 11,000 pa· Uents. It compared the outcome of patients who got ideal treat·· ment with those receiving what is common therapy. which 1s often inconsistent. Snait.eater I Champ Dies In Conteat NANCY, France (AP> Champion snail·eater Marc Qu~ll'quandon, aged 27 and wellbiftl 367 pounds. died ol in- digestion after eatinl six doleD snails in three minutes, four seconds, bosptUd offtdala said. Qulnquandon, the 1ue1t or honor at a snail dlaDer here Saturday night, fell W Sanday after bis feat and died that after. noon m Nancy Hospital. oftidals said. He bad complained to a friend that be was oot feeliq in form. Last July, at an Olympics ol the Absurd In bis native eastern France, the buJldoler Giver ate 12 dozen snails in 11 min~ 30 seconds for what waa claimed to be a world record. Hts &oal for 1980 wu &o eat 200 snails In 15 mlnutes,but oftldall said bis wife bad been tl7tna to r•&ralll b1a ..U """""*"" out of fear for bis buJtll. Tufted barrel-back, wood framed chair in popular fruttwdod finish. OIOICBOF DEOORATOR COLOJtSOP CINNAMON ORBLUI! 1=1 ' I .'i I Polaroid's Pronto Sonar Land camera. Just press one button. The Pronto Sonar model focuses auto· #nattcany. You get sharp, precisely focused SX-70 f>)C· tures about as fast . as you can press the shutterbutton Shoot from 3 ' to 12' indoors using flash. 8u1tt-m low· light indicator. Never needs battenes. The ~I smirteat camera. F.eatures Sonar automatic focusing. Push onty ~ button fOf' sharpty toCused pictures from 10 4 " to infmlty (flash to 20'). BuitHn low· lght indicator. Never needs batteries . Camera folds to just 1 "x 4 "x 9." Includes neckstrap. Guaranteed pictures plus film and flash with Polaroid Sonar cameras! erfect ~res with your Sonar .Land carnet'& or Polaroid will reptace them . (f r or ~o :tQ~}. F&ls. buy ncN1and~t2 J)8d<s of SX-70 Sytvanla FlaStibaiSo (tor ontv 5CW postage and handling). ,,.o. I a11111 aa 11abo OneStepKil ~Kl ...,..._ .. ,.._---- EYef)'thmg you need to start taking beauu- ful SX-70 ptetures ,11J5tantJy. lnciudes &rry1ng case. pack of SX-70 film and FlashBar. With Potar<>td's OneStep you press only one button. The wond·s simplest camera. ~ -... Buy a OneStep from us now and get a pack of S*70 film and a Sylvania Flashbar direct from Polaroid! (for only 50¢ postage and handling)~ Film and flash with the OneStep! Save even more with our film diSCO\lnt coupon! ------------::1. sen r---------rs---.~ I .,,,..,_ 51JOO OFF ~fl'ie.-,,oftll'd.,nt 10 t'\llailoioC:O.C-()!lei PO Bn• I N1M61 t1 P.O te .. 1'tt17 ......., e<V'.I01e ~ ~ IOC-.,.,, me I :".':;.~~;-cr~'Z"8'~~c=:.=,': I OFF ...-.d" ~ 30 ._.<JI~ ........... 30 .... _,, ~ A---L ~ -.o orl>f"' USA LM>ll _,,.. """"' CollPO" >Old-. ~ I ia.eo~.oi~tllflewQw\•.,..'·*'°''°"" CouPotl 'N¥ nol oe • ......., °""' ~ o.: ..... "" I Polaroid SX 70 . 1Wo •-* • Type 108 or I ~ Polaroid SX· 70. Type 88 film AdOIWla I iype 108 ltlm ---I ""' ___ .: __ :...;.. ------------. Membership Depart.merit Stores ~ M 10l .. IGA/3535 S. La Ciet"eaa Blvd., L.Os ~etea 90016 .. fANUll •11NAllDlllOf570 S . Mt. Vernon ~o ~n Ber.1ardino 92410 \ .. -' .. ... .. , •• ! • .. -. I :THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil KNne GORDO . . ' .. c_..-....... --_ ... . . ~ ''Mommy, whir• is dry CWI!~'' 1 J. 4l • % ,._. ( I! f. : DENNIS TM& 1MetlAice: , ------------------.. Or JQI can just tell them yru "'1"e there ~ and save being · ripped arr au: b>eks tor the shirt! I i I ~ oaou.C£ .., 1~ I/JO ~S WP ~·« DR . SMOCK ..,,.. '°'*' 1() ~ f£A0'4 ! ! ,,,,..,,...____} ~ 'f't~r-v#•S-... .,. llllC; by Gus Arrio&a by Tem K. Ryan OH AU. Rl6H"r-HANK~N!JfeN, WHA1~. YE:SS1R, IN 1"HIS Fte!t..c:'· vA$"8f.!, 1"H f!!R!I 5 AL.WAYS ROON\ FOR A Nf!!W WRl"°'KL..-e! TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Dllle9d 5~ 10Thump 14 Vogue 15 ''Thi - IMirlf' 19 Aoderlt 17Some ~ 2wonll 19 ArOof 20Y"60 21~ 23Qtyontfle OU bmber 52 Heroc S4F-o.cs $5Slrcatc 51~ ...,. "°"' MZoollQht: 2worm 18Vannin f70faknOC llUln'INIM 98Gemlan1Mr 10~ 71~.•0· 25 ~pr.-DOWN fix 261n1 - - ~ 30 AllslO!ldl :M o.ttler 3Sfnctbl - 37 Applelld 38 OecllY 390hatterl: SC04 42 Func1lon '3Woeword ~ Enemlea 48AYe:PNfllt 410llN.- $0Hor\z0ntal 1 Love god 2 6i.ngy ~ 18 Unortllodoxy .. SWiii 11119 22 Sherbet 4 7 Lured 3 0.den 24 &lngo'1 kin 49 Finllf om. • 4 S.... 26 Cordey'• VIC· ment 5 Goel nllll• tm 51 E/lt«tllin 8 G,_ .._ 27 Soep l>l#lt 63 uw 7 Stend 28 Of blrttl 55 Key 8 Upnght: 29 oe.11ntet 56 i:oray 2 WOtdt 31 Adhtfld 57 Formerly 9 ...,_ 32 0.-o sa tt1h111 111ano 10 ~ 33 "9rpoon 60 Vatch 11 "-'Y ,. ........,. fl Sll!lld 12 RuMllft ""* 40 ~en&. •.o. 61'Heec1 13 ~ 41 ~ 65 o.tigure r A new couple ha•e moved to Colt.a Meaa- or maybe eomebody bad twtna. Whoever Chan.led the populaUon fisure from 80,000 to· ecr.ooa. on this sip on Bristol Street North near Redhill A venue didn't leave an explanatloo. Bul wboever's beeG added to the city, somebody wanta w be sure a lot of people know about it. 1'Confidential' Hitches · Hidden Mani.ages ~n Up1U1ing in California SACRAMEN"l'O <AP> -Near· I)' a Wr4 el tile marriages perf01'1Ded in California this year were .. confidential" - without tieaefit of llceue or blood test -a lelialaUve eom. mittee bu been tofd. Merle Sblelda, chairman ol the vital 1taU1Ucs aec:Uon of the state Health Servtee Depart· meat, said Wednesday that of the 1'10,000 marriages this year, an estimated 50,000 were "con- fidenUal. '' BE SAID THE number of coo- fl~ntlal marrtqea bu been ria· inl eacb year a1nce um. and the owatter ot reaular marrtaaes IOlnl dow1l. The Auembly Judic'larr Com- mittee WU a1lo told daat tbe state law permiUIDI audl "eon· OdenUal" ..ma.-..W be aMffd ~ 1yeo'ple-•tao ~re .... marrtecL .... too 10UDI to marry, are tettln& married to a.....S ~. or are dodc· inf ibe $8 licenH aJid tb• 126-to-$25 blood teat. llauaea aald .. Mat~ln' Sami'" .. ~ ta tbe newapapen that couples who are llvb:le together ea.n aet mar· ried lep1ly without ,llceme or blood teSt THE LAW, PA.SSED ln the mid·JJIOOI but rarely used unW a 1972 ameQfbnent, wu intended tO lelltlml.ze children. Shields said there wu really little purpose in the law CdM Bueineues Plan P,pen Bouse Tbe Coroaa del Mu Qiamber of Commerce la 1pon10rin& a bolidaJ oeea ~ from l p.m. to ' p.m. SUDc1a1 m mon than 30 abopa GD Eut Cout Ri&hway A c:hamber spokeswoman l&id tbe annual event ii i.Dtended to laandl tbe holiday aeuoa and to ~~~r-rtunlty to ~ aeq with the buaineaa area at stretches from A voeado Avenue to Hazel DrlYe. .... anymore, since lllegtt.lmaey no looser bu any legal meanlng. The um amendment provides tbat clergymen can obtain nrtlftcates ol CCllftdeDt1al mar· rtaie fn>m coanty clerks. After' performine tbe ceremony the clergyman ftJes tbe certificate with the county clerk, wbo does not allow public lnapeetioo ex cept oo court order KOBERT ZUMWALT, San Diego county clerk, said there were fewer than 100 confidential mantagea lD bil county hi llrll, but were 5,802 In 19'11 -38 per· cent of tbe total number of mar- riages He said at leut 120 of them involved at least one Free Ill 'I •nett• performeneM ldcti"Cbt st: Nick'• General Store. a ~ raiatna Cbrlatmaa bua•r planned S\IQ4ay by St. John tbe Baptist Chureb AUxiliary at the cburcb ball. 1021 Bater St , Costa Mesa. Carla's Puppet.a will perform at 11 a.m. and 12:30 and l.:30 p.m. The bazaar will feature Cbrislmaa decorations, baked goods, a plant booth and band· made items. - Wallhangers Eyes Reorganization DALY CITY <AP> -Wallbanien, wbicb operates racquetball and b•odball clubs lo California, aald lt bu filed for reoraanila· lion under federal bankruptcy lan A statement blamed "possible industry overbulldln1, particularly tn Southern Calilonna," for the need to restructure ita debts. Wallbaqen aald it planned to ccmtinue normal operatklaa fGr' ltl members and customers wb.lle worlrlnc wttb Its banken. landlords and creditors on new rmanct.nc. CormtyAitla LagunaHUlll Swim Project ••••••• • Jere1D1 • BuJett, f, IOD Of lllke and Maureen Hulett, has been ... c.c.ta Mesa member ol the month for oetobel" bJ tbe Soya Club of tbe Harbor Area. He at· tendt Woodland School. . . \ Da vtd Kemp. 11, son of. Gerald and Corrine Kemp.~ hu been picked as Ne~ Beach member of t~· mootb for October by the Boya Club of the Hartx) Area. He att.enda Harbo?: View Scbool. /' \ i I f ' l l : NO 81TS t"-!'WI nfen to tbe 1nU• !· Welm.,.... dot OWIMd bJ Ted Tate of Newpmta..clL. 2 Personalities 6een in Suspect ~ .. COALVJLLE. Vtab <AP> -,.,._ pel'IQDa) 1111ebiatrl.lt for Mary June Kr)'pr bu taUfted at w tdal here tb.atlM bellews Jin. Kryaer baa two separate penooalitiea. ODe of wblch attempted ta • atranee for her husband's murder. • However, two other psyehlatrtsta told Mra. Kryger'a 3rd Diatrict Court trial that they queatioo the double peraooallty dlagnoeis. MU. DYGER, it, PARK CITY, IS charged with conspiracy to commit murder and attempted mur~r. She ls accused of trying to hire a bit man · in August to kill her buaband. Euaene K.ryger ol alif ~ Vu Nu.ys,C .. Dr. Euaene Bliaa of the University of Utah " Medical Center testified foe the defenae that be ·· believes Mn.~ ICryser cu 1ubcooacloualy-hyp- notize benelf. brtDliDI out tbe lecood peraooallty. wbleh be c.ned "June II ... '"Tbe .... ol u.e ~ .... '91'1 IW'· row:• Blllaaakl. ••1at1M ...... tt. ... ~11ebe P'I and frt.obli. .June D loobd on the wide !la!••P1M-aTY.nnmrto"'7•~-re­,.._.__Ja_M11rrm•11ll.-1,._M .. atme ... • rt'llB NPWS 11&1 DDIDD1bat Mn. JCrl1er tried t.o Mnlll• a coatraet t.o kill ber husband. but elaJ.tm lbe wu not respomible for br acticma alnce tbe sec:ood peraooalitJ was in :i control at the time. · Prosecution witness Dr. Louia G. Moench, ~ senior psychiatrist at LDS Hospital, told the DOO· l:i f~ ~~~~~~ea.,:~~t-t a:re;; ~ taking diet pills. Dr. Breck Lebegue, former chief resident of ., psychiatry at the Unlvenity of Utah, said be felt i: tbe woman's partial amnesia is brou&bt oa by .. mall.ngering. She's feiping a mmtal WDeu." 5,000 Animals Starve . DAR ES SALAAM. Tenum• <AP> -More • than 5,000 anlmala, moatlJ wlldebeut aad ~ bPe died Cl6 Ule ........... ol the qed NaUoul Patt lD an eooloOeal dil.._. eauaed bJ poachers, Tamama•a aovenunent itwspaper reported. : Tbe D:.I News q~ Mara re8kmal came Olfteer v~ lmmbe -= poaeMra aet biafb ftre9 boPDI t.o late al to newty ~ 4C1 lfUI wltb tbe arrival of llM XM) niDI. • But. lmlllbe laid, th1I ~· nim failed to '9•tertallse. 'lbe 1ubeequent droueht led t.o a .-rtace of pasture and ••mala have been dJlDI kom ltanadoD, be aa1d. work right with •workmate' bench · lt'a a vt... tt'a . ~ And lt'I • wane tatlte! All In one! F~t nat tor at0r-oe enct cerry\ng. 9Y Black & Oecl(air. 179001. Rtg. 14.95 5711 ........... Clll'l Ill n ., ....... =.J:..• n_,, one • 9fflclent gaa w.w heetef'I. ~lned tenks. rapid ltot water (900\lery ·~·· high ~ lhtll-ofta. 2().. gal .• Reg. 109.95 99~ ..-. ........ ts .• 1Dl.ll ................. 111.11 --. .... lM.fS •• 139.11 13aa -...... tbeUlln Ugllt up •1111 gro lllJt Piel< up a pactt of Oro Lin 75-watt llOl'rt bulbl rt a a bnOM ideal Reg S 10 3!! Spred 81Un Latex wall paint ooee on Ilk• tine allk Ind IM\IM a long i.ttno. OOod IOOtllng nn1ah. Reg.11.95 7!!. 12!!. b&&l•wa• ........ • 0.. IOg IOOkl ........ ... of dllftwood from 39•• the holftc1 24" on CUllOft\ ~. IAC044. Aeg.lot.95 ,...:.. ..... to .., ~llan Grounding ldapt., frts betWeen P'UO & reoep. t.o. Sate and QU&ltty· butlt BIO 1..ga1on ClCMQll* ot Thomoeoi•'• w... s.. fOf Quldc end M9Y ..., of maeoNfy ~woad. Reg. l1.95 89!!. ......... 1 ....... 2.11 eec .......... Wt Quality Pnce-Plttet c.t bf ... ltltc:Nft ~ you"W be sweet talking f<><ever. E1sy 1n1tall1t1on 8" centttra 135211. Reg 2095 1588 ........... -... Qreceful Manzanita l&Ump. 24•, Pen, IMd. 42'' burner, ember kit and connector Included. IRM&-24.Rag.&4.16 Ye.J .... PlllL OUN na ..., tnm -~··· .......... ddW -bu .......... IMllW. Ria eaUre If:~ ".tu.milled bato a job .. a caddy CID a coarM. tbe ... of u •.. bu... t.o Power Boat Phenom She's Cook(ing) In Rough Seas BJ ALllON LOCKABEY Oliify ............... Diminutive Betty Cook m.Q hue to look 111> to the bi&, bulk· inc males wbo drive 9.oOo pounds of roaring power boat.I over rough oeean COW"MS. But Betty Coot loots up to her male counterpart.a only wtule convening dock.aide. On the water. for the pul three years. the husky male boat ~keys have been 1ootm1 up to Betty Cook, the 56-year·old Newport Beach woman wbo re· cently woo her second world cbamptooahip in tbe rusaed sport of ofbbore power boat rac- iD&. n WAS 'l'llB 8EOOND U.. ID , dll'ee Jan tbat COQlk .... .,...., t.empOftl"Y poaeasion oa the coveted Sam Grtt.mb ·~· !!:::£~~~ often ~wtth broken iloats orbrolm la tbe lint world-~ltam­ piombtp at Veaice. ItaU. Coallr drove her new 3f-root tunoel ball Ccatamaraa) Kaama oTer a 173.4 statute mile course at an average speed of 83.t aulea per hour. Aronow <USA> 1967 and Ulm; Vmcem:o Balestnen (Italy> 1961' ad mo, and Carlo Bonomi Clta· ly) 1973 and 1974. It wu the 10th career win ror Coot wbo alto woo the 1978 ancj 19'79 U.S. open class cbam· p1on&hips. and the ninth time one ot the tunnel huU designs bas fln.lshed fint in a m8JOr off· shore J>9Wer boat race. BE'ITY COOK. "no women's Ubber," says she. is modest in her trtumpbs in a macho male· sport. <She la the only fem.ale drtver tn the big Class I open cla11). "Of course. everyone it out to beat. UM! wlnneT." saya Cook. .. Otber tban that, I atill get .-. fine wUJa tbe me driven sad crews. ~ --.. w. be nalstlc.'' &be •• • powet-neM lDC la a tuJO sport and J cer1aub ~ ~Could ..... it wWaoul lbe t,... " sneo ID the eoeQllt ~me. pl• . ~ ol the team wbo ue on . ,. tbot'e It tbe nee atte and ~ · l back mo.ta Meaa:· ;· COOK'S CltEW is composed cl John Connor. t.broUleJDan, and Bill Voeel, na'rilator ~does the driving. . Deity ...... --.., ..... ~- lo coUec!tiq ber stt'OOd world title in three years. Cook jomed the elite corps of only four male drivers who have ever won two world championships. PreV10US double victors were Jim Wynne cUSA> in 1964 and 1966; Don .. To wtn a race takes more than J~l steering and driving. I don't have the strength and technical ability that is also es· senllal for wuuung." says Cook. NEWPOArs STEVE BECKETT LOOKS FOR TEAMMATE AS A LONG BEACH WILSON PLAYER DEFENDS. Sailors Get Shot at Third Polo Title LONG BEACH-bo-ti~ defending CIF 4-A water OC>lo champion Newport flarbor lets a shot at a third straight ti· Ue and tbe ~ to avenie its only two lolNS of tbe 1919 season Saturday, \banks to Wednesday•a ID-T victory in tbe aemifinals over L(>og Beach Wilson. The Satlon. who seemed to have tlainp Coin« tbelr way throuah the fll'St ba1f with a 5-2 advantage, saw their lead disappear early in the fourth quarter wben Wllloo rallled to tie the ls· sue at 6-4 at Bebnont Plua. BUT 111kE GRIER and Bob Thomas quickb acored two coals to get Coach Bill Bamett•1 Sallon healtby qaln and WllaGD wu not t.o aedously threaten . qaln. Sunny Hills, wbicb baa beaten Newport twice in three meet1np. ad· vanced to the finals for the second straight aeaaoo with a ~9 victory over injury-riddled University. Bamett was pleased with the victory, but unhappy with bis team'• failure to connect despite bllh percentqe shots. .. WE PL\ YEO FAlllL Y WELL. but we misled so many goals. We bad a one-on·oobod.J in front of the cage and blew it. WUaon came right back and scored on us, • · 1 think we bad a mental letdown in the first ball when Wlllon lost a player on fouls. WethouPt we cW}d ~." Sea View League most valuable <JwJted Wilkimon player Jeff Campbell was mis.sin& from the University attack due to a badly ln· 1ured eye in the quarterfinals against Los Altos. "JEFF SETS THE HOLE for us and we really felt bis absence:· said University Coach Chuck Moms. "We worked with others settmg the hole this week in practice and they played very well. But U\ tbe second quarter we just couldn't maintaan posseasioo in the bole and Sunny Hills got that big lead." Sunny Hills burst to a 9·3 lead at the ball and salted it away with five more goals in the third pertod "WE WENT FURTHER than I an· tac1pat.ed, but I wish the bubble hadn't burst." said Morns. "We were picked to ftntsh fifth in our league. so we bad to be up for a lot of games." University ends the season w1t.b a 15.0 overall rec· ord. Newport Harbor. the Sunset Leque champion. smothered Wilson with balance as four players were credited With mullJ goals. Gner was the Sailors· leading scorer with three. followed by two each from Diggy Riley. Bob Thomas and Steve Beckett. Ian Marksbury was credited with 16 saves out of the Newport net Newport Harbor's cbaUenee to No. 1 (See TARS. Page BZ> DIGGY "UY (LEfT) GOD lit TO TAU MID GAi "l always drive with a crew of two because l don't think it is ef· f1c1ent to split the various responsibilities. Some drivers only carry a crew or one to save wet&hL" Cook terms lhts year's cham· paonstup nm more satisfyme than her first title m l!rn ·'This tame we really d1d 1l on our own" ALTHOUGH THE VENICE race was run m comparatively ~moolh water it still had its at tnllon rate Ten boats started in the Class I Open div1s1on and rive fuu.shed In Class II seven of tbe 11 starters finished "Ttus is because m smooth water everyone runs flat out," explained Cook. "and this can be tough on boats and machinery 1'here lS a saymg in the sport (See COOK. Pa1e 84 > . ~ . ........... _. . , . ,,.. ~ ye1r'1 team ancl la1\'1," •· ,, .... Ptt_,oN, .. ii Uaat 1ut f.!':! ft wen a UttM awed. SIP'" ;(a'; and Kand. We baY4t lb pllp _,..._wtr-~.ln~' t: wbat ~·re BU ·now. We'll be t.Uer ~um time ... ·: sBreak . :· ~ . A Capsule Report From the World of Sport• ~Chicken Would Go to Jail :)lefore Shedding Feathers . ..,..u.,...... . SAN DIEGO .t-.Former KGB Chicken Tel • Giannoulaa ha Iott. tbe latest roand ln a letal · sparrtna mJtdl with bl.I fo~ employen, but the • plucky masc« aaya he'll I<> to j&U before be sbeda bl.I Ceatbera. Superior Court Judge Elizabeth N. ZUmwah refuaed Wednesday to modlly 1 May 29 lnjuncUon that forbids Gian· noulas from appearina with any San Diego athletic teams dressed as a chicken Giannoulaa said radio station KGB's ob.iectk>na over similarities between bis new costume and the chicken suit he · wore while represenUng t.be staUOll bave caused bim ••a great deal or stress ... "I'm a little tired of my fate being dictated as to bow they Cthe radio station> feel when they wake up in the moruini." he said. If continuing to perform "means going to jail, then so be it " be said. Despite the bravado, Giunou.las admitted that the cbiek~ filhts have tW'Md.blm tnto • .._ acared pencm." But be wasn't scared e:nouP '° ltaJ a__, from the • public eye, and KGB attoneya b.lft Ulr'•teDed biol wttbuio- , temptofeourt~illl.....,•tle.t~~ • ~~---------........ ., ........ --~~~~ .. ••118, formet' NBA standout~ .... --• CeWcs, ~med bow be WOUid tare aplmt ........ .AINlal-1~ of the Latera: ''Yomll man, you bave the questioo backward." G•alle K.W. Butery, Srere• 6 .. 1 tory, no goaltender bad ever scored a goal until ' 1n the National Hockey t.eaiue·s a.year b.la· ·m Wednesday nilbL New York Islanders goalie IWlJ .Sml&b ~ blltory, but be couldn't stop Colorado 1rom ncUhinl a '1-4 victory, the Rockiel' flrlt-ever win over the Islanders. With a delayed penalty comlq up oa New York, Colorado replaced its goalie with a alxtb attacker. Smith made a save, then ~·a a. 8a•aae erranUy JJbot the puck into bl.I own net. Of'fidala awarded the goal to Smith alDce he wu the Jut lllander to touch the puck • • • Gal'J llcMaal' ftnt c.,.... bat trlek paced PltabarP to a 1·2 win over Quel>ee : ..,,,,. "••••..,.,.. a.e..a. cieeei. • ., . ~ Buketball AllodaUOD •Wt Houston to a A little knOwll ~ ldl ftnt National m UJ..111 overtime win oYer-ae"11114 Wedneldaf nipt. An. LeaYeO. the loab pllJer Mleeted tn • · the 11'19 draft, acored a career-b!O 21 point.a, roar in the crucial overtime period. ._ .._._. tallied 15 polnta for the wlDnlnl Roekeu ... lolla Drew and Du .._.,.., eomb&necl for 39 point.a aa AtWrta bested ~ot-• · · · ,.... EnlllC aCored 21 pomts and led to ltl fourtb Jtraltht win, a 120-lGa decl.PoD onr W ••• Guard 111U Neda aeond ei&ht key polnta lD the final ouarter u New Jersey beat Detroit, ... Rookie~ Nau led New Jeney with 2' pobltl ..• MIJWaukee, tbe Mldwest Division leader, UppeG au recora t.o 11-1 wttb an IM'I wui over Indi1na • .,. .. .J..._ led the Bueb with 1t polnu. · Plnda filee P•ril•I Slt•Nfl •• •• , .... Eadl member ol the WOl'ld champion Pittl· • burib Pirates will receive 128.28'1 u bil ~~ ' UM World S.W pot. and tbe. p&.,.,. allo -· partial....,.. to tbe batboJI. '1bl ~· prbe for wlD.DlDI ~can Le.,_ Welt II •.m.11 $'' wblle tie ~ SU.114u1o9en tJI tbe World and tbe Bedl pocUh tlO~:?t ~ for ciapbirtna tbe.,NL e.t . race .. .A report that JSUWDGn SIM.eber,.. ..._. .. .-. bl1 • ta.s milUOG 1bl: pact ii eceurate "In eome -~:" MCClfdial to P 'I~ U ~ • • • '1bl 8aD ~ Giantl are ~ doae to ~I tree aaeate ..... let•'* qd 1'M ~ .•.. ~ Nuaetl eeoiina aC9 Da* .,....,_WU tdtD to a ~f« 1· raJ1 \\'edDeedaJ adOt aft#."be WU IU'udr In tbe. ~ dlYiq for a loaM·INall dmtDI •NBA aame at BoMGe • ....... .., ..... troelOwtfta .. tt'9 top fPClf1I .wnta °" TV toftlaht. Ret'"9S ere:'"' / nc..te.nt; '" 'wort9' wetcNno; ""fair; / ~ It. l:llp.&,~7 {"" ••WJIAT CAN I SA Y'P" aaya Hermlted about the two. "They mean~ to thla team. They 're mentall1 and pbJSlcally, an4 tbey~ 1ood ol- fe:nllve IDd .,emlve players. ''TbiM'e'I a lot ~ bea!tbJ COID· petltloQ bet,ween tbe two. 'ntey'" baDdled the 1ltuadoa well md have beeD vetJ •• portlve to one anotheT. '"l'belle last two yean have been auper for me and tboM kida have been an integral and im· portant part~ it. .. Spaeth and Pickford return the complimenL 0 MY PIUT IMPRESSION a bout the school and coach Hermated wu that it wasn't good enough," aay1 Sgaeth. ··But he's been extremely helpful, and I've 1a1Ded a lot ol esperimce. "Tom urea about bta p&ayen. u JOG doa't haft Ute coecMn• a'8ff belliDd ,... ..._ ~ wm'l M••trrrhL" .. 'Jblre'• oo one bdter than eoqi Herilute4, • •ffered Pickford. "I ...W w learn ...,~ and cmtrol and be taqbt it to me.•• Spaeth and Pickford are exdt· ed 1bout the chel~ ln front ol them. Tbe two, wbo ave acored 220 of the team.. 330 aoala tb.l.s season, reali.ze the presaure will beoo .... ............ &M ..... LOOKING FOR A TITLE -Ne~ Harbor Hip's Sallon are ln the Cl~A finals again.st SWmy Hil1I Saturday following Wednesday's 10. T victory over Long Beach Wilsoo at Long Beach's Belmont Plua. Wilson's Mark Gord.lo (26) def~ as John Gifford looks for an open man. , ......... OUN SENDS MESSAGE. • • b1I vo&ee. He bad emerta1ned b1a He named f(jell Kovak of fotmer teacber o•er tbe lrvtne; Keany 1eet. the No. l Thanbelvtni bolldaya and bad player at UCLA lut year~ Don called twiee to cheek on Otin'a Paul and,. ,obllloa, a MV"m· pro1reu one daJ t.b1a we8 and year-old wllb an "amazin& WU toiDC to Call ataJ.n that nieht Swint.'' U bdD.I aD>0Ga the l'e· after the doc1.or bad talked with cent belt be bu been foned to the Laguna Beach resident. leave. ... TlllNK ALL TBACllE&S DUSING hia rean la t.be are bons wbe\ber they teach teacbblt profn1lon. 1M b•• matb. lwUDID1AC or wtal&e\'U,'' B.t•";."°• ~.-or'~8ob1111ope. Olin aaya. "Tbe a~y to set ... "'·~ .-..-leaiou aomethinl ac:rou and dedkllim and • ...,..,... al otha' '°IM"cne are tmpartant. Yoa mua have ~ He bu -.0 heJped the abUity to communicate 'Wttb Grall NeUles and Wilt Own- people, bath the dllld and the be~r!~ 8rJ:: ~. = adult. -~-• "I have been fortunate to ba~ or -~ .. ,an. a profound tnowled&e ol iolf. He ii eoastdered a.moac the My knowledge acaru me top five tucben ol aotf iD the aometimee. But I've dedicated world and prides him.Hit on the ...._,_ lif to ·t and Ide number~ boun be bu de~ my w-e l m a to b•I ........ ~--... ~capped ___ ... _ k>t of sacrifices to be a better ~ ....... uauw ~ teacher tomorrow than I was to-OLIN PIA YED on ~ tour foc , ..... _.J TARS4t •• seeded SUnny Hll1a is set for t o'clock Saturday night at the aame lite and Barnett aaya Ids crew must do two tblnp: Get tbe ball to Grier and atop the La.D- eer• · aeortnc ace -Mike Splcer, ajmlior. .. Sunny Hills play• really pod def en.ae,.. 1a11 Barnett: .. We have to pt tbe ball CODI~ to-Grier at two nuurs. 1'bat wu ou.rtq~wbeft.••Jaltto them. ddeme ,nttocet.ed •· And we have to stop 8Pker '' 3,978 Watch Surf Rip Aztecs, 6-l day. five years before takin& up "The response I eet from the teacbm.g. He played m the days The California Surf made its people I teach indicates that l of Johnny Revolta. Bobby Jooes inataal mdoor soccer game a have helped them in some way ·· t "I played a lot of rounds with rousing success Wednesday "YET ITS BARD to explain him">. Olin and Marty Dutra night. thanks to the scoring of to people. u 1 were comc t.o be a and Tommy Armour among Craig Allen and strong goalteod· aeat pianiat or violiniat, I would others. Armour cave him Im ing by lilJU Mahoney as the Lo6 do the same thine· 1 would ded· flnt pro job at U. qe of 11. ADaeie. Ast.eel fell, 6-1, before leate my entire eaistence to Ualnm-.. 4locton ,_ b1s 3,111 at Anaheim Convention it.~tawortlwttbjwdol'pla,enis ~-Jt:="S:~~ ~ 9CIONd tllree ttmes and wctll klle)wn U.roupout. the aulklU o~ feelin1 aorrJ for bad an assi.at. while Mahoney IOUthland. Ue bu tauabt at San-blmaC. was ~redited with 20 saves . ta Ba~ the driving ranee at TBS •«uw;s DVt: Col4 biln Tbe lbutout bid was spoiled by the <>ranie County Fai.rrrounda that tf be htD.i9 a eoU club the Aziecl. Rodney Dan1erfleld. and at Aancbo San Joaquin agam. tt ~d be Illa last effort wbo scond LA's only aoaJ with amonc other places. on um earth. Yet be tried' It an assist by Bob Bolitho. • ·worklnt with juniors is Satunt..J and bad to be picked Allen, who also bad an asaial, perhaps my createst joy." Olin up off the ground. bow ever. wun 't the Surf'• only says. "Thia helps to perpetuate Pbil Olin may DOt bave bad a weapon. golf and bring good caliber penooal family at any time in Laurie Abraham1, Peter Wall golfers into the iame. I have bis We. but all ol those wbo have and Steve David each chipped in ·~--J·-'-now I _ .. _ .. 1 -·'d benefited from tu.a golf mstruc· with a score u the Surf moved "WE RAVE SOME freshmen beuul..,..., f-~" u theyw~·t ~';ke lion feel they are part ol lu.s mto a t1e for first place in the on the team," aaya Pickford. "ao P "'"'"'r. famtly Western Diviaion it's pouible they could become ~lt...:o.:n...:.tbe:_t.our _ _:_· no_bod__:y:_wt_u_. ·_· ------------------------ unglued around all the~ up -------------------------------· there. It could aet. to them. ' ··1 doo't think our unity in the IOOl l'UD will COlllJM," C9Qlllen Spaeth. ·'I remember lat year wben • Doua. 1l1U ~ and myself went one fot,:'9.•bootJ.nl lo the aenriftnalt ~t Cer-ntot. We ..,. jUM. &errtb&e. I taow we eu•t do ay wone tbla time." "Thia team II weaker than lut'a," admits l'tckford. "Lall 1ear there wu a lot of lo· dlvhlual talent that molded tot.tber at the rilbt time. Tb1a year, there ilD't that mLK:b ln- dividual talent but we mold to1etber better ••• And the reuon for the team'• to1etbemesa ii becauae Plddord and Spaeth supply tbe setting 1el. .. * * GWC POLOISTS FA.CE DE ANZ4 LOS ALTOS -OoldeD Weat Co1&e1e'• water po&o team wtl1 open deteme ~ ltl state dtJe Saturday morntq Ct o'clock> wben the RUltlenr, the No. 1 Ned from tbe IOGtb, Dlu ()e. A.nu, tbe No. 2 team trom the north. At 10:ao. Wnt Vall•J. tbe lOW"Dilmeat fa..ttt, and Loac S.acb CC meet tq tbe o&ber Mmlftul Tbe two lolera wUl play at 1:ao for tblnl place wttb tbe two mornlq wtnDlrl lolnl at I for tbe ('htinplmthlp. •• s•-llallll .~!!!!!11~ Motor 111 ~ 72! •r • rt l1 It b d • . . . e d I• ~ tt I ' Neap•n••r .. • . Wtlb four lettermen, lneludiq Utree retumlnl at.art.en, Coach Jerry DeB1-k ls confident bis team can do well. but tempen bil opUmlam, 1\.atina: "The lea1ue could be woo with a 7-3 record. To say anyone is aom. to run away in thi.a league would oot be aecu.raie.'' i Bruce Caldwell, a 6·5, 207· pound senior, as the core of N~wPort's game, with 6·1 Bryan Linsky and M Bill Yardley ad· dios their dimensions ...., ................ NEWPORrs BAUCE CALDWE.Ll (24) RETURNS. GWC, Bucs Bid For State Crown fl"Om bee 11&1'181"1 and COG.Id be a m~ factor In llarlna'1 dftve for tM UtJ • while Dave Flnley <t-4 ar.). ROa Banhall <&-Z Jr.> alld DcMlc MeClellan ($-3 If.) are bat11iq for a ltartiq berth at forwucl. Dawson la set for tbe backcourt, wtlile 11.m Muleaby (5-11, ar.) bu the edge pniMDUy ottr Jell Karin <&-1. sr.) and Roser Wellinler (&-1 jr.) for the ~efe::v!~ we'd Wte to stay w itb man.to-man,'' says Popovich. "But. we may have to use more zone due to a lack of depth and speed. We're oot quite as quick u wt year. "Westminster is returning seven or eight players from its squad and I feel like this thing is going to come down to the last league game." Offensively the Vikings will continue their normal habits, a passing game with a post that goes high or low. "We'U run some special options, but basically it's a motion offense," says Popovich. ,., ... ,.,. l'aUq For the second straight year the Barons enter the season without a single varsity let· term an. but two transfers and the nucleus of a 19-5 junior varsi- ty team gives the Barons a rea- sonably solid look. J unlor tranders Frank Luongo (6-6) from New York and Jeff Christensen (6-3) from Texas bolster Coach Dave Brown's crew. Fred Marshall. a 6·4, 210- pound Junior. showed well in summer action, and along with 6-2 junior Dan Miller, gives the Barona strength at forward. Chris Cowan (6-3 guard) may be Fountain Valley's only start- ing senior once football star Eml.le Harry (6-0 Junior> rounds lnto baatetball shape. Otben l.n the attack include 5-10 Hldor Guy McBee at the point. e.o Mnlor Paul Ken:ben- f a ut and •·• 1enlor Demiia Eldridse. ~·~e~blfn...iie:l!Xf:1:18Dd•1e1irl--leaie=nc~~ei! are ltlll leunbi& our s~ " note. aro.n. .. Bui we've ~ pretty eood In iwactice by the time leacue starts, we could be pretty aooct. Still. we have a lot of question marb." Edi ... The Chargers have a little of everything with returning starter Paul Reagan (6·4 senior> three football players <6·5 M'ark Boyer, 6·2 Frank Seurer and 6-2 Rick Di Bernardo). two sophomores CDiBemardo and 6-3 Richard Chang> and a nucleus of seniors who have en-· joyed league championships as sophomores and juniors (JV team). "Nooe of ou.r ~ have to du.ck to get through ttle · doorway,'' says Edison Coach Bany Leigh. "But Dudley Lee (6-2 senior) can net the ball aad Bill Voietsau (6-Q Jr.), Keifb Banks cs. to ~i.) ancl Chane ekl thread it. 0FF purchase oric~ ef 1t1ndard (13 .. df') or medium (13"xt3"J tile the~ • TIM trio of 5-U Junior SeOCt Bee ·11 M or lt••lo McQUon Ud M 8M1or 8-.rt Aufd rbe6de wtll Prvride Jhmt. lnston Beileb wttb Ila two Ila.rt· ~= lneha4 •·t ,~Mlte Tutner, e.;1 Paul N"¥ ~ll ScOtt Klq, becked Sean Traty aad $:-8 r Alvanz. .. POUi trouble coUld ~a real oroblem for us In U.. line,'' ·~ Miller ... It la • concern. We're Jut Dft t deeJ>. B\ll we do bjve COo4, 4-Ch ! and talent at l\WT.' . b "Our Jtmior vanity r~ • pressed lut year and *'-'• what we're ciotD& to do thi.a ,..,. It's a ICraPPY poup and,'ft're 10Ln1 \0 press for 32 miDut.M and run at every opportunity." • .-. Ride in Style and Comfort! E c Delun Alfn1kJnl art cuttom cut to tit mtulfly lft1 mt Nit In Clrl, trucb, Wint Ind lir· pllnll. U.. '*" to mike hornt • office chM loot llntltionll, "'°" plulh, too. Almllln Seat COWttl .. t•Y lo Install In minutltt CoonlNtt Fa.n Ten or Shift Grey ""' yoUr Clf lnttfior ..• and ride In •tylt Ind comfort! 2975 Fllmew Rd. Costa Mesi • 751~155 J' . '• .. •: , . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . : . w' -· .,, ,, •• • . .. .. .. . '· I, :: J •, I :,, :: r: ... •• n~·· ~~ .#' ': t: . t • ' t ~ ~'fl'.· •• •• •• •• •• 1: I t ~ ~· >: I ' , , • . . • . .. .-: ,. ,. ,• ' .. .. .. .. • • .. .. . r ' . .. . .. '; .. .. ... I ·: .. .. i ~ , . ' . , . .. ... . . . . Misc. . .. COOK .•• •at Nlllh races break people md 1.-a.'t'acea break boaw. •· Bu& ..... the exception of a few Meoria. -.it \be start and law on la tlae ,_. when Connor pulled back ca !Fn tbinktn1 _. elf.. on the eoO:ae W ~ ltamna showed lil· tie ~ lta bread stern to UH:. ,..t al tM Clua I and Cius It boa~ 'pS•SJmOIO CHAMPION Pn..-Tino of Rome broke ..a er the first 10 mloutel bl ~a prototype Don Atoao..atalter CigJrette cat. Ba.ck Cal. for awbOe it appeared that ti.. ..,... tc1f American driven. Coe*. llowUd Quam Who waa ~·-tlle~Bocky Aoki'2'. Coaa• cat. ~·· -.od JC>ek.._ lppolao lA ~ ~ Scarab- lllcMlob U, , 90u)l finish ~-U.,~dooe cm *M'1.S. ~ 8't ._..,.ne '1t totae float· AS •oaE 81'0&118 DltOP MIN GD ScMdbem Cautomia, the Department ol Flab and Game plant.I catchable rainbowa lD nearby ereeb 1ucb u San Juan and Sllwrado. and tblM are euil1 reached to proytde tome oll leUGD aDllDI. In eddltion to tbe stocbd ltl'ftlliia. u-. .,. aome 1mall native trout th.t tnbal* tbe upper' 1treama flowina out of tbe anelud N8doul Forest. Access ii almost im~ and tbe ,.,._ ivy ll everywhere, but aome aood natift trwt fishinl can be eaJo)red for tbale wtUtD.c to wort 8t it. Currently the limit on aQ stream open tn Southern California ls five trout. but there are other llmftl at some lak• m caJ1fonala tbat are either stocked oo a reauJ,ar hula or prGted a native population of either brown or rainbow troat.. l&VINE AND ANABEi• LA.&&I lboGkt continue to offer •ood trout ftlbiq :ae t.be winter monlhl. La ... t news hocn lntDe tbllt trophy trout lD tbe five-to 1J1*IDd a-. wUl be stocked thla week iD priparlldoD for ltl ~lnl Anaheim la a.tao •toclda.C aome ':a .. la tllie 2· to 4·pound ran&e. Irvine Will allO a OM& of rental boat. to lu operatJoo. openlq up tbe ..un lake and shoreline to local~ OUTDOORS ·Bueoa V1aa. One spor1Alber retmned to tbe bUIC& wttb a l1!llOl't ~ catebin1 taalna ad n1e•n1 three black marlin 1D one day. --niat bu to be 10me IOl't of reeard. lf lt'• true. Tracfltlon1Jly the best bil madln ftabiDC oil Baja"• eastern abore la In Decem"'ber and wtth dorado, aalll.J::se:°d and striped marliD IU1l aroaDd. DO tb1a area II pUinl a lot of au.-. llOll NIOrta haw opentnp DOW bat mUQ' wtl1 be ftlled over the Ortllmu bolldaJI. Allo tbere bave been tome clum&ea bl alrllne ca ODKtkw Into Mexico ao travelen bad better cbeet with Aeromnico to auure ftipu are 1t111 Kbechded. WATDl"OWL BUNTING bu slowed a blt for Soathel1I Calllornia scatter cunnen and probably woo 't pick up a1atn unW aft.er the full D1000 • p...._ Tbere appean t.o be a lot of ducu and uoa.nd tbe Saltoa Sea, but they are blind, decoy and bunt.er 1hy. 1 IOOM bunt.en wbo are ~to ·::a a .-e tbla year m1lbl live a local a wbo Clftert llmlted C•nactten bmker hl&llt.lD& in RWendde Coaoty. Gary Boa ot El Toro bu a pretty &ood opendoo IOia& and bu been 1ueceuful iD ~ IOOd buntia~.J::llY local .,.,.. lbocMn. ror mon -bll luidecl lumta complete wttb 'pit blindl, decoys ud a can.-.---~. . - .. " U..MMtedM!ltlio~•e~iw water pickups. Minu later one of Mlcbelob Light's outdrlves went out after a masterful dnv· inl job by Ippolito and bts throl· Ueman Jack Stuteville. Yacht Races In Hibernation For the Winter ·1 ~ra Cloaed 'l Cook and her crew are now 1earin1 up for another cam· pal&n with the tunnel bull Kaama and a new 38·foot Scarab, desl1ned b y Larry Smith of Marina del Rey. The new boat, says Cook, wall be a refinement of the other Scarab in which she won three races thla year. THE DEEP·V SCARAB will be used prlmarll1 ln rou&b water ~ and the t1mDe1 bull bl amootb waler auch as the tbrM au. racet acbed"*I nat year at Detroit, New Orleans and Milwaukee. "In the put three years we have dooe more than we ever dreamed we could, and now we think it ls time to start giving back to the sport," says Cook. PLE'JTENBERG, So. Africa -Phil Berman of Dana Polnl ia the on1f American bl the top ftve after eiibt rac. ID two days at tb• Hoble·l world ebam· pioublp reptta. After four raeee on Tuesday. , Beruum wu leadlna the pack wtth a low score ot 2~ point.a, but OD WednesdaJ dropped into a tie for HeCIDd place with Ian Bubford ~ Amtralla, each with la~ polata. 'IA.Hin• titer eight racea on Wed.Dellday was Mike Collier of South Africa with l~ point.a. He bad moved up from t.bird place alter Tueaday'a four races. Competitive yacht racing bu virtually &one into winter hibernation with only bolld•y re· gattas and a few winter series scheduled durlnl the ~xt two months. Balboa Yacht Club will rtart the winter actiri&,y in Onqe County with the ce11ewaJ of l&a popular Sunklst Sett..-~~ the first weekends ln December, January and February. Small boats will race over courses in· s1de the bay oo Saturdays and the larger keel boats will race over ocean courses on Sundays Only other event scheduled in Orange County tbis weekend ia Dana Point Yacht Club's Holl· day Regatta for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet ( PHRF> yachts oo Sunday. In the Loa Angelea·Loo1 Beach area Long Beach Yacht Club has ialued an invitation to all claues to ..U ln iu lnvtla· tional Race oo SatW'd'y a.Del Seal Beach Yacht Club wtll bo&d the third race of its Su.nday Sailors Serle9 OD Sanday. '" -~ c.i...,,.. .,~._ ... "°"wt .. : ......... ¥1..,... a., Ytcfll()ia -nt .... Q.-...... ...... """*' .. ~ ~Vec:lrlOillt -.............. (~=.,........,· IM Y.-CClla-~.._ ....... Ne.1110)~. Slt"W oet. Y.mt C ..... -,......... ..... S.nft f~ltP:.'. SO..fl'I s.-y. ~Y_,..CM_ ......... ._.. .. ,,.. t.olllAI ...... ............... IMI• ....... Y.otCIW -Mll'*Y ....... ....., ....... . ................ lllea.-.... ..., ......... ~ ....... ~ YtcM Cl* -~"" 0-IYI ..,_ letwUf, ....,,_ Vlller Selllftt Ae-letlM -0.. --~- ROckets Hit Track some of the wUdest creaUons lo drag racing will be compeUn1 in tbe U.S. Jet, rocket and wbeelttand championships at Oran1e County International Raceway Saturday night to con· elude the 1979 racing aea..soo at OCJR. LHdiq eJ.ibt fiame-abooti.ol jet.I lDto action wt.L1 be defendlnc champion Lea Shockley of Kanau Ctty. Shockley aurprlled lool Ume Jet klnl Dou1 ROM at last year'• nent and bu been runn1na even better this seaaon. Rose will have bl• Green Mamba on band alon1 with Roser Gu1lln'1 SberbH'1 Special. Otben in the field in· elude Tommy lvo, Doug Brown, Wayne Knuth, Al Eierdam and Tom Brown. Brad Proffitt of Garden Grove and Freel Goeske of TbouaaDd Oaks are the two rocket ear competitors with can capableaf over IOO miles per bour. Gatel open at 11 c:au.alibtu and bracket com loo Wttfi eUmtnaUona set to l1n at '1 and the flnaliltnall c.UefodM at 11. Boxer's Death Probed NEW YOU CAP> -The New Yort State AtblMic CommJ.uloa 1aid It ii coaUnutn• lw ln•aUptloo into the death of Wllll• Classen. wbo auttem a brain lDJwy Jn. n,hl at Madllon Square Garden'• Felt Forum 1ut "*· . CluililD dle4 w.-esctar nlCbt 1D Bell.we HOipttal. rorm• warld blav>"weilht champiQQ Floyd P&UanoG. a mnabillr ill U.. state comJnlqiGo, wu wttb tbe boxe.t until ODe bout before bl.I dellb. !l'be ca ... it death WU beUned to bt bemoni) ... lfll ln the brain. Tbe Puel1o Rican boiter wu lmocted. out tbi 10&b round ol bla bout a1ainlt unblatm Wlltnd St1*t ol HoUltCJn J.aat Friday. C1alien. a 118-powid•, had ..-aa ti~' wtth 15 MC!Olldl remalblnl tn the nlntb l"CMllDd Pl'· daJ aflht. When the bell lounded to start 10th aD4 flAal round tbe zt.y ar-old remained on b1a 1tool . • Saine Old Story: I I Pray for Snow ar DAVS a.JNNINGllAJt __ ..., ...... TIM ddll lld ...._ ,_ b•tweea \WO boll4&)'1 -~md~ tboM d.ltel .... rullJ Jmt op- timlltic tars• fw itf raart opera ton. " They bope IDOW will It.art fall· Inc la No•ember and last throup April, but lt doea't alway1 won out tllat wa7- e 1pecIaJI1 la Soutbera CalilorDia. TODAY ONLY ONS So«..:...n Callfonda l9Glt baa uubd up lta rut. 8DOw Su:mmlt ID tbe SaD 8enmdlDo moaatalna And tbe &anm• folb an~ 00 • S>«•ed. ...... mao·malll ID09, aD U.. wtdJil = tbe .. ssw ...,. eold • &o u.. tWr caaom 1bJ11 GD tbe piomd. Sacnrmak:laa faetutle1 are poised for acUoo •• Mftral other ao.o... caa .,..... but they're ~ for • 0.,.,., ol natural IDOW to tupplement what tbl7 ean mate. Mammadl l&omt&ID, wttb tt. b1Per ......... doesn't haft to botlaer wttla man-made mow, and tlodl1 • npoc1I elCbt cbain aperadal .... bue of JJ.1.1 LD-e&. ottie tMl Waa. 811T 'ID U&LY OPENING of lbrnmaCb WU marred by a tra1tc 1Dci41ent ln•ol•lna. troalcaU1. a •kl ln1tructor emploJed • Mammotb. · Altboullll cm.I>' tbe lower nma were open. U. lki lmtnaetol' and ftYe ""dliee trMked to tbe tap of the mountam tor aome akllDc .. oo vlr&in IDDW •&be conilc:e. TbeJ..,.,..... otl -••aJaocbe OG tbe UQlrOOIDfld IDOW • bur1iDI two memben of the P•~1 · ~ ... OD.I>' able to enc out OD1 of dlilm IA time. Tbe U1 iDltrUdGI' died. "It'• •m•":Ji to WU a Ul in· 1traetor, ol HOPI•. would do Mm4Jlh=: -foollab. .. Aid Mammoa-. taln 1pokeaman EYuRsmeiJ Every J'Of' **'9 an waned to 1tay on tbe sroomect. IDatbd t rum, and ~ear someone ::::.:::.,. .(pored ~ • • • SPEAKING OF SAFETY. a lot of parents doo't realize that cbilclrm under 18 years of ace callDOt be treated by a pbyalclan without parental pennlalloo. lmqine your IOD or dauchter bu an accident while lkilne. and you can't be reached im· mecU.ady. Bee.use of maJpnc· lice laws, a doctor may refuse to render medical aUenUoo. Solution: baYe your under-ace children CUTJ medical releue notes wttb them-a 1imple note SKIING ttattnc that you 1rant perml11loa to ant Jlceaaed pbJajdan to perfCll'1D Dee! II U')' emerpney medical treatment. • * * KNX NSWS aao•o (1070 AK) wlll broadcut ltt reports four Umm a day each Wednes· day. 'l'bundliy and Friday. Tbe report.a. coverln1 Southern Cautornia and the West, will be aired at 9:43 a.m .• 12:43 p.m., 3:'8 p.m. and '1:43 p.m . KABC ('790 AM) wm alao broadcast aki reports, with two updates a day scMduled at 4:50 and 5: 50 p.m. cturtn.c t.be after. nOOd Sporttta1k MCIDeftt. The KABC reporta, wblcb wW air Monday throulh Friday. belan tbl• week and will conUnue tbroqb April 12. • * • SNOW FUJSUES -Moun· tatn Hieb. a two-chair neon 1.n Wrttbtwood. bu been IOld to Terry and Patty Topautn1 ol Anaheim. They've IOlved one ol tbe aru'1 major probleml by pa•laa the parttna Jot • • • Snow Valley hu added Slide Peak to tta operaUOG and 1utdecl ftve new dlalr'I, mak· Int It the laraest Hi ana ID Southern CaUfomla . . • Snow SUmm1t bu a1lo euanded. put. t1a1 ln two aildltlonaf chalra . . . • , I I l ' ---, ..... ·-.-. ... ·--~ ......... , .................. ......, .. --~ .............. ~ ................. ~ ........ -..... ) At News . ••alcJl•••gen Louise ffarawl, lelt, of San Juan Capiatrano has been ap- pointed manager or the Corona del Mar branch of Bank of Amertca, and Beverly Swenson of Westminster bas been named manager of the Caeta Mesa oflice of California First Bank • SINCE TllAT year. red wine ....._ bne rematned fairly eona ~t. at 45 mWkm Callou a year. WJllte wtnM, however, bave re· a~hed us million gallons ln an· aMI aalea, the InaJ:itute said. rte Strom, a San Franelaco wtne dealer, attributed part of tfte white wlne boom to in creased buylne by women. Price Increases Lag in California same period. ''It 'a easier to sell red wine to a man." be aald LOS ANGELES <AP> -Southern Callfomta's consumer price index did better than the rest of tbe country with a O.S percent increase for October locally compared to a 1 percent rise for CODIUJ]ler prices na- tionwide, federal officiaa re- port.a Food and beverages, up 0.8 percent, and housing and medical care, both up 0.6 per- cent, led the categories ln cost increases for Southern CaWornia. i(reps Re-elected NEW YORK (AP> -Former Commerce Secretary Juanita M. Kreps bas been re-elected a director of J .C Penney Co. Inc., thf department store and mail· order chain Local Labor Department spokesman Jtm Wurth sald that October showed the slowest in· crease for local CG11aumer prices since the first of the year TOE t.5 PERCENT increases in October meana the pu.rchu- lnC power of the dollar is DOW 45.l centa, compared to ita value ln 1967, W6eii the Labor Depart- ment started the index. In Wuhlngton, officials said rapldly rlalnl prices for energy throughout the nation slowed 11gnUicanlly durin& October, and food price increases showed a modest slowdown. PHYSICIANS ARE DISEASE DETECTIVES .. IT WAS A Plll:M'Y boring month for the local price index,'' Wurth said. "lt was the lowest of increases for any month this year.' During the firat 10 months of 1979, prices rose locally 12.5 per· cent, Wurth uid. In 1978, the in· crease wu 7.3 percent for tho But moderatiod l n those areas was ofr.et by a 1.5 percent jump ln ho~ prices -the steepest monthly increase since 1947 Nuggets la 4'ars with oblervant eye1 4J\d alert ean they lbten to your troubles. Their ••Q•Ulve flnaera reel .vour prolllem. Often a. •lated by X-R'ay or dlapo.tk tab. with ex pert bowledp they In· nstiaat.e the cause of an ailment State's ~Gold Miners • I I , .·' • V1 1') '( I • Hoari!l ·Their FiruU Home remedies can re 1\ev& lbe pain or cliaeom· fort or a minor allmfllt. Su\, iC these symptoms retum you need a Doctor to discover and treat the c,auae cl your trouble. We can nu aey prescription any Doctor may write SACRAMENTO (AP> - Callfornia'a new IOld seekers depend on the world· market for the high prices._. but if the world market bad to depend on California gold, there probably wouldn't be much or a market. That's because only a small amount of California's placer gold , YOUR DOCTOR CAN ever goes through the rertoers to the PHONE us when you w9rld market. Moet of it stays in need a medlclne. Pick up jewelry, jars and jeans, out of reach your prescription If even of the tax people. shopping nearby, or we "I don't sell any gold," aays Melgs wHI deUver prpmptly Bertolett.e, 37, wbo dredges the South without extr• c;harae A Fork of the American River a r.., gteat many' people miles upstream from John entrust us with their Marshall's find lbat started lbe ft prescriptions. May we Gold Raab. compOWld youn" PAUL*>PMAJNACY "WHY SELL PORTABLE real "".,._, estate. A briefcase full could be Jlf ........ .__, enough for a lifetime. That's why I ......_..._. worlr aa a longshoreman lo the ~=====· 142::··=''::"°::=::=::=:-' winter," said Meigs. "Some IUY• bne )an full of nuueta. Ob doll 't worry. they're in ufe places. Tbey might sell a pemaywetgbt of 'fines' once in a while for tl.S or $20." These "fines,·• or gold dust. represent probably a minor part of the repon's production. Twenty pennyweight make a troy ounce. which hu been hovering dose to $400 oo the international market. where lt baa to be refined and 99.9 percent pure NUGGETS AREN'T that pure, but they brtng more per ounce than the lnternatlonal stuff. Bertolette produces a catalog of color photos he's had made of his own nuggets "The smoother they are, the f artber from the source." be said, explainlng wby some look as rough U a pinch of 1bredded COC<JDUt and others ea·llke. Joba S. 1'adrJk of Loq Beach bu been named assistant vice prealdent at the Newport Beach branch of Baak of America. Jamea P, Feltoa, director of public relaUoos for Avco Fllludal 8enk:el, wu honored tb.lJ week in Newl>ort Beach for 18 yean of service with Avc0. He-plans to ret1f'e th1J Decemt>.r 31. -_____ _.... __ _ J8DMl9 A. GukeJ of Huntinston Beach bu been appolnted bulinea1 deYelopment ottlcer at the Newport Beach branch ot 8allll of America. ) ., ................. . ........ •C m-..cW •• 'h ... ' Fred.rte 1. Fon&er. J)Nlldent of Newport Balboa Sanua ud Leu ot Newport Beach, bu been appotnfed to the Newport Harbor area Chamber ot Commerce Boa.rd of Dtreeton. Wiiiard E. S&a.tt bu been named uailtant vice praident at wen. Warco Bok'• Oranae County Airport office in Newport Beach Bau -f Ne•fOri bat •PPolDted Maady TedeM9 of Costa Mesa u ualltant •crow ott1cer at the bub' Lid90fftce. 1 . MJAMI 8 CH, J'l1. <AP>-- Takl•I adveata•• of tbe wuteined dollar, &uropeau.,.. croulq the AUa.atlc ln rttcJC'd numben to •acatJOn .I.A MJam.l Beacla1 9rovldla• a 1orely needea boo•l to the area'• tourltt indUIU'Y. Even It t.M bel&bt of f'londa'1 wlDter aeuoa, toU.riat otncaall aay retel tor • two-week vac•· Uoa pedcqt compare favorably wlt.b tradWooal SW'Opeu re· &Orta such u Spain'• Coat.a del Sol and the Canary lalaDda. '1'be)''re Just about tbe Ame when you ftnd that a lood dinner in a restaurant or botel lo Florida 11 b.alf wt.at it co.ta ror the aune meal ln Europe," says John Aoderloa, vice prelkteot ror marltetin1 for National Airllnes. "When ton in the reduejld coat for sr.h't-aeelna. car renta• and abopplng. Florida becol9es a real value. •w1:·•E P&O•OTING tbe bell out ol what Florida otlhs - and it's worfdnc." Just bow many Euro"ans via· it Florida ian 't know. But baaed on reports from the U.S. lmmi· gratlon and Naturallzallon Service. Miami·Melro tourism director Lew Price estimates that about 150,000 Europeans will visit Florida In 1979, com· pared to about 100,000 in 1978. Price predicts the figure Wll1 be higher in 1980, with as many aa 250,000 Europeans visiting Miami Beach via 1cheduled car- riers such as National, Brtb.sb Atrways, Lufthansa, tbena and Pan Am and on charter flights. JAMES LOFl'US, Miami uJes manaeer for BrlUab Alrw1ys. says the decline ln the value of the dollar bas been the key in- gredient in the ln.fiux. ·'When they come to Ml1nu. •pecially in tbe aumm.r, U!lt)' dlacover the .Price of a ,_ hotel 11 aao to ao • nllht. wb1Je comparable l'OOll) ln Spala or tbie Canary klanda "'1ld eo1tt three times u mudl." Loftus aaya.. Anrtee ra~ for travel and lodajn& f« a two-week vacatba ran1e from _, to tl.1!0 from Germany or ED&land to Spa1n and • to '1.DID from EUfOl)e to Miami Beach durtnc the wiDter MMOD, Aadenea aaya. . Ft1urea projected for oat. mm- ,., ............ WEAK DOLLAR MAKES U.S. TOURS MORE ATTRACTIVE Malrette Bruggemen and Rob de Brufn of Honand ifl Mleml Over Th_. Counter MASDU.,S MUTUAL FUNDS .. t l f • • • • I I • • • • • t I • ' \ I f I • i I ' I l . • I t I I .. . • .. • ' • '• • .. •• • lbnTON •oaowm wa. die~ Of tbeM tiD* b written, ODO that •IDPe ---wU1 be pal4 '°the Ml'to&.11 ..... t wen~ bJ our toc:W1. J'or aataple, I ha-.e been lookin1ata120-pqe dDl':o-mmt &bit NOMIOll the blow·bJ·blow proeeMJq1 ~ the ,. .. ,.,. Tnde Commbalon <FTC> C01'duct.d a~ Seuw. ~ t.o eta.ermine wbe&ber Sean ad ttl ~· ••rtJ1la1 a1ency, J. , WaUe1 Tbomp1on. ~ 1tretdled the trutJa In tb• ••!!"'OI when tMJ c!!aimed that the Lad7 JteJUDore dl•b· waher would remcne au partklft and rum . from d1lbel aad pots -without prior rinsing or acrapin• ~ SUU CALLED rrs LADY Kenmore the "<»lt· younelf dilbwuber." Aa tbe Watercate escap,. wu uo· lold.i.D« In Wullington, D.C .• Sean ads were proclaim~: "What dilhwuber would dare load these messy dbbea wlthoui tcraping or pre· rinsing?·· <You know tbe anawei. > WeU, the F7C spent a lot of Ume looting at alt Che Sean documentation of these claims and calling ita otm expert wttneases -and the law jud1e bearing the cue concluded in the end that the nation's largest retailer ti8d DO right to make aucb a far.reaching boast about tta PfO-~ct. . Al umes· it ~as lricky. Sears submitted reso.lta ol a teal abowing that two Pyrex dishes and a mix.inc bowl u,c.ed. • to make a chocolate cake with frosting had emerged frqm a Lady Kenmore wasbing clean as a whiatle. But you can't fool lbe FTC. which ruled: • "CHOCOLATE CAKE AND frosting are not trUfy representative of the enormous variety of food solls normally encountered m the publtc's kitchens." What about macaroni and cheese. Sean" At another point Sears moved to disallow a finding about dirty dinner dashes comwg out of its dishwasher on the ground that photographs clearly showed that •'one of t.be din.Der plates -spectficaJl y. tbe second plate from the left i.n the rear section of the lower rack -was tipped over against the plate next lo 1t an such a way as to bl<>t!k the spray of water to the face of the one plate and the reve rse of the otbeT. · · Nice try. Seari., but 1t won't work. The ~C J~ ruled: ··The arxumenl of Sears ts without ment. . Tippingcf dishes, or change!> Ill the pos1t1on of dashes and other lte~s in the d.a.shwasher. citn occur very easily either when qit: racu are pushed an and the door closed or as a result of ~ ag>lBllon and impact of the water during washing l,e. lion. . Thus, these are completely normal circumstan~ and pl'OVlde no basis for excluding from con.s1deralion tae still-dirty dinner plates .. : • WHAT REAU Y SU~K SEARS m this case was ~ triumphant findlng by the FTC that wtule these Lady K.,., . more a<b were runrung in magazmes and on tdev1sion. telling people that no pre-n nsing wa.s nttded, the own~r·~ manual spectf1cally staled that 1t would be a good idea t u soak or tightly scour encrusted foods on plates before pLac mg them ui the dlshwasher. It seemed that the people at the adverusang agency were not in touch with the people wntin& the owner's maaua.I. Anyway. thlS momentous cue now moves oo to the next stage: an appeal of ~ Judge's de<:iston to the five commissioners. If i,My uphold the de<:ision. lhen Sears bas the option of appealing to the federal courts. Wbo knows - the dirty·plates.-i.n·tbe-diabwasber cue ~y eveatually reach the August level of the Supreme Court? 1'f anula~turi119 Industry Analysts Paint Rosy Job Picture SAN DIEGO (AP> -A sli&hl drop in the October unemployment rate for San Diego County ha.a led market analnta to paint a roster picture for Job aeeken in manufMturtna. Aeeorc:UDc to labor' market ana.b'1lt Jack Nowell, the number ol manulacturi.n& jobs now totals MOt"e than 100,000 for the lint time in county history. STATE STATISTICS released Tuesday show that more than 42,000 residents remallied joble11, but the unemploymmt nte dipped ln>m s.a pel"CeJlt In September to 5.1 perceot last month. A report ilaued by the stale Employment Development Department nid about 139,200 civilians make up tbe current labor for~t compared to 92,100 at the aame Ume last year, when toe uoeml*>yme.nt rate waa abcftil 6 percent. NOWELL CALLED the manufactwing boost "a vel')' favorable sign" but warned that eomtructloo jobs may continue to decreue "becauae of a timwnooey market:" Jobi in government, includina til&CaUon. also rallled tail month, Nowell said. Those po1SiUona increased by about 3,!500 jObs from September to Odober. he said. Gold Quotes By Tiie A.uociatect Preca Selected world gold prices today: lrall•: morning ri.xlng 1410.90, off $0.30; afternoon fWn• $U1.70, up J0.50. Partl: afternoon fixln& aue.37, up SB.63 . ..,......,: tl09.98, up s:uo. Zmtdt: bid tw.oo. up 11.50; 1413.00 uked. Nft Y..t: Handy & Harman $411.95, up S0.50. New Ylft: Engelhard selli.n& price tu2.oo. \lP to.ao.. New Yon: En1elbard fabricated 1old $424.31,: up so.s1. • If lt'soot wheels, ' -you'l I move It faster Jn a Dally Piiot ctasslfied ad.call . 642 .. 5678 and a · f r;iendly act-v i ser wll I help you turn your wheels Into cash. · 1 r. t- 1 . .. Robert Gulllaume, in tho tJUo role of ··Ben.soc... may have met bis mat.ch to ln&• S\ven!On u Gretchen the maid. The show ail"I torilght at 8:30 on ABC. Chan- nel 7. • OVDEA9V o..at· ....... ~ "' CD MAaEL..l l.DtiMR "EJIORT 7-·~~ IJIEOW. "TlnMt Town And The Bog "'PPle' Youngtt.,. from LOI Angeln ar>d New YOftl City pley1ully ~ to ~· the qullllll• !Mt male• ''*' c:ltlft lhe gnHll· •t D NEWl VWEDGAMf G TIC TAC DOUOtt tD AU. .. THEFAl&V Atc:Ne emV9 llOr"8 f\'Om wottc In hlgtt ... ,~ ol M«lng Na dd buddr. Joe TUdtw, ..... e .-r1111on °' mor9 than 18 ...... Cl) 0000 Tw.eES -~ Cl) 111.M. MAGAZINI A loOll at l(lrlel> phOIOQf• ptiy; ulmine IM tun 114 -••ploring 1:00 8 TIC WAL TONS Jim.Bob ahecl• hi• boyltll int-••.,., ..... "' kMI with .,, o6der INIMed -G IUCIC~ .. THI llnf ceNTUAY A l)<lnOCl91 (Pllm!IUI Hens· leyJ del•mlfted IO "- &ck lor '*-" blKl<rnalla Eartfl 1 ...oer.. onto tumong Ille._ hel'O 0- • MOYIE ..... ·~·'"''-~~-................ -.• ......., . .. ~ ......., :::'"":'}""' !ti# "" --• . ~ .... "'°",. ....... . , .... ent1omOCUlla ................. Of OWli lipiid ...... '° ...... Of ..... ~AT .. a..-......... '°" "'"""'°'~ ~· -u.r-. ''O; ti'' .,.., ... ~No.4lrl£. -~ ...... U.Tlt ........ .. (l) .... fMl.O Fow ..... ..... .......... lllc:09nwtt Ofl ..... ofNllNI llMdgull ~ .... a II ....... .,_ ...._, 10 '-d. • QUMl't ~.,..to prQlljl9 ... tat. Ill cMI tire -Ml to co-up. murdw •• lrt'WE •• • • ·11nen·, Song" (1P711 '*"-CMI\, -0.. W1111wna. T'WO'llial!Mf ~ lllW9 a,.,. friand. INp \Int• OMClt dllrn9 °""of tllelft. (2 In.) •aav...,.. l,IJ lME LOMQ WAACH "Zulu ZIOn" AfrlcMa OtS• COWi< their own cultlltll and ~ roota Ir! Zulu 111depeocM11t ~ the Alrlcan ~ IO Qw-il- 1'-llty. (RI Ill TMAT'8 PNm41RT~ The PW* Pllnttler f!Oets 11<s OWi\ .,.,... wfttl ..... S.... ano proOuQer Bleile EdW•dt rtMllWlng dtC>t l1'0ftl 11¥9 p,,,. ........ llllNI ~ • bellind- ''--kM* at IM let~ .. , .. 1'19 --. "AeYeoge 0t The Pit*' Panll>er " ~. lllU.V GRAHMit . . ABC"tlt:OO-••ertan·1~:· ~ blgtJJy acelalmed TV moyle a~ut Chicago Bears football playen Brian Piccolo aocl Gale Sayers wtth James Ca.an and Bllly Dee Williams lD the lead· inl roles.. • ~'*"'°'--­ll>IUO I ..... CAllllMTHN2 "~oe 10 0•0toe OurAnv . a NIEWIOeJ< ([O~ OC»ilCMT • Bl¥t s--a·· 10:911 ::t. liC( ~TR& "lo¥e fOt t.yd••" ()lo ,,__,. bf ll'O ,,._ OI .. ,... •• lncr...ingtv red&· ....... to London: Alc:n- •-.00 nMurna to E- lord to wnte •b0u1 ""'8t he .. _ belt (Pwt '°of 1:11 If!) 11~9 De Cl)GJ NlW8 8 =MELAUOH • • '-9 "Men In War 1115n Rob«1 AV«n. Aldo R9ll ~ lntantrynwln flgM 10 obi.., an ~ hlll 1n I<-1211'11 I tD a.t•A•l•H 'Ma,erT~· Cl) THE llNNV H1U IHOW 11:30 B ()) OOUJMBO The plllland«iog '°"."'. 1-~·~~P<•· ...... ,_ "°"' ~ twn ll'Ofll .. ,,....,., .. die ~~ tlyrtYdel· iJ';'ONOHT Holl JOllnflr Canon ~ Donne WOOl!oll< ~ Dlclo Van Panen I Dr\TM CiYME 9 PQJOIM*AN ~ po.. • a racl< lltlOW to ,,.., lhe ...... Of o1 record COfnPW'Y fl'• derM .HOCaM'a ...... The o..tlC>O gtain1 to round IC> • Aiied egetilt .. ,,._ 9) GET lfiW'T ..... lltld "~ '"-'. QUf\I ,. p>otting a w>Oe- KaMI ~mog .o-m CAPTIONED MC NEWS ~MDIOHT- wio 8 TWIUOHT ZONE Our1nQ WOtld Wll n • mart ac:QUWW Ille a~ 10 - de9lt\ ., IN I-ot "*' aoou1 10• • ..-.oN: ~ ., 8ETa&ART fE (l.I TOl«iHT JOHN DARLING -Af'ERNQOH~ • 12-00 0 • • • ' Swamp W1t1ar • 1194 I I Dana Andrews WaOer Brennan Ottectea by Jell\ fWlolf To Pf8\le<ll htm lrom r......iing hia hid- ing pl.al an escaped mur- derer hOIOS • young man t:aot"'tt on• ewamp 11 fir , 30m1nl S:00 ~ • * "PerllOus Voyaige ' ( 19691 Mteheel Park& W•I· .. ..,.. $1\atner A tevolultOf>. •y ... Ider~,,. COii() by l't•,.atlng • bOel and hOICl.ng ,,,. ~· hOl19ge 11 hr • 30 ""° J by Armstrottt & ~tuik .. • MAaa I l.IHAE1' AIEPORT •• ·~ "Co11nl dOWI\'" I 111681 RoDert Duvall, J-Caan An American Utronaul i.ndl on Ille "'°°". only 10 discover • oemo111lled Rua•••" ~ ..,_,, ... 121n1 ~AM<HAMMa -----------------.-...... ..... .. O..•...tLbfl•gs e t<NXT (CBS) Los Angeles e KN9C (NBC) Los Angeles I Kn.A (Ind) Los Angele5 ~TV (ABC) Los Angeles (I) KFMB (CBS) San O•eoo 8 KHJ. lV (Ind.) Los Angeles ttl KCST (ABC) San Diego I KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles KCOP-lV (Ind.) Los Angeles • KCET· lV (PBS) Los Angeles e KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntlng1on Beach G 8A8fCET8AL.L Alhlei" In N;tlon..,. Ohoo State m CAAOl llUANt:rr ,.,., fNEND8 GunlGlef't~ Cl> MOv.E • * '~ "Ttle BNst From 20 .000 F alh0fn1.. (111531 P;1ula Raymond. Paul Ch111uan An e11perirnenlll alOmk: bleat ~ • lretnetldOUI prehlllOrtC beat (ttw .• 30mlnl • •TOMGWT Fleld Mgm901• ate com- ''The Scribes" An lllllMl!Mly lmp0r181!t end Pllghly es1-ned pa<1 OI the ~oe 11a1e "' aoaen1 Egypl _. lhe ecrtbea. '°'°°a CIJ 8AANAllY JONE:8 A ctoM frleflO and co- WOtker. ol.BettY\,.at • \'ol- unte« cen1er becorMs lhe v1C11m ol a raptat. G KATI: L0\1£8 A MY8TIRY Ttle '°"'* glrtlriend °' • budding polltlden .. found d-s .,. t!w'eet•llng to I~an Cosera*' ~~ ·-· . . . ~ . -"'' . =a&al.llOYD LOS ANG (AP) -&.ldden\1, wbol)J,. '&bere la • new A!Oerlcan. apertmce: Tbe unrelent- m11m..-Cll ... ...,. ~a ...sd away CJ')1nl • fevered ill wlll toward the United States. '): 111Ptb' repoda ..... coin'bblatioll ot strat6t ,. ( N ~JJ'S ..4'.N A Ll'SlS port1q alld • faJr c1ea1 °' anatJm. . '"'l'llS POaPO&E JS TO &\ft people a repJar ""'------------------outlet for tnformatioa, whether there'• a lot otlt or It la a strange and frilhtenin1 im•&e. and radio eo1respondeat Bob Dn tltTehran from Lon· penulve. Televillon viewers are confronted with don as IOOD as the story broke. Dyk made it to the lmaae from alp oa unW algn off, in repla.r Tehran. but soon afterwards. the Iranian govem· new1 proerama and in frequent 1pedal reports. ment barred Western journalists. Tbe takln& of the American Embassy in Dyk and..\»C were alooe in Iran for 3'1'1 days Tehran and the international crisis it precipitated with fn!Sb oo·tbe<•pot coverage. Altbougb NBC have created a ravenous bun&er and CBS made do nicely with footage purchased for information, and the three from European news agencies, ABC bad a leg up major televlalon networks have in coveraie ol the story. been obliging. ABC, NBC and .. A lot ~ newa la baaed oo luck," &aid a CBS CBS have demonstrated to staffer ... We wre literally oo the next plane to varying degrees television news \Iran when th. e7 clo•ed down the country to at lts beat -live and on-the-western journalists. There was no rhyme nor rea· apot witbplctures sonastowbogotlnandwbodldn't ." . Viewers IUbJecl to mo· By Friday, Nov. 10, C~ and NBO'Ud en.a ments ol idle curiosity m1lbt and correspondents in Tehran. 8Jld all tbnle have cooaldered the paradox· j networb were rarely feeding full C9Vertae ot the ~· .._..,,., ical matter al American COi'-story to the United St.at.ea from lram.an Television. · <:et1>ondent1 aendlna bome pictures of the Again,ABCeuelled. just a tittle. I think that ABC 's Jud&ment oo tbe matter is to be lauded (tboutb J wish Howard Coeell would quit doing tt oo Monday Ntgbt Football teleu.sts>. but coverage by all three networks bu been com- mendable. At CBS, Mike Wallace. Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather have each bost.ed a late-Diehl ~ special oo Iran on days when there were develop- ments, and CBS aired a 10.mlnute mid-afternoon wrapup ol the events of Nov. 21. \be day &hat the American Embassy in Pakistan was attadced. And CBS' "Sunday MorniDt" nen show (eature4 a moet informative four-way dilcussion among correspondents Ed Bradley ln Saudi ~rabia, Tom Fenton in Tehran. Hai Walker tn Pakistan and Bernard Kalb in WuhlQllon. NBC RAS DAILY bulletin updates oo the crisis, and, &n addition to ita three late-DI.Pt news ~'cttr~~~E .A.'5f SMOT OUT Of-~T ! .,.~ ~-Claris•••• John Denv~r sings Christmas carols with Muppets Kermit the Frog and Miss Pi~gy during the taping of a holiday special. scneduJed to air neict Thursday on ABC. Chan· nel7. •· A7atollab Rubollab Kbomebll remindlq h1a na-J lRIG that A111erlc• la Iran'.-fGl"eDIOlt enemy· CBS RAB .Ult ED FOUR ni&httlme news specials on the criais, NBC three. ABC has~ ... STaANGELY, NETWORK correspondents are one every night since Nov. 14, providing analysis " NQdil:li tbelr reports to tbe United States from the and some new information in each 1S to 30-minute · specials, baa dedicated porliom of its lul two .. Prime nine Sunday" sbows to coverqe of the -------------------Iranian situation. · stat.nm 1nm1an Televlalan facilities. American report whether there was a m.;c>r development tele'ridoD reporters bave1 for the most ~ be«l during the day or not. The ABC reports, anchored ·•• nnbhMlered lD their work m Iran. It's been suggest-by Fr~ Reynolds, •re stratabtforward and con-• ed th.It JQlometni la seekin8 to calm American cise, and .ba¥e presumably earned new respect for p.ualom by dlltlnplshlna between the American ABC News. Iona the No. 3 news netwwt. 1onroment and the American people tn b1a The deci&klo by NBO and CBS not to do D1ahtlY vttupendoae newa spedala on Iran la atrictlJ a matter of news · Tbm, be lJ'ADted interviews to ABC, CBS and judgment. •·we try to provide our 1pedals u ... N-= wblle rifua1DI to meet with a State Depart· events aarrat.," aald a CBS apoblman, a aenti · ment deleptkJa. Former Preadeat Richard Nb.on ment that la ecboed bjNBC people. coal.den neh act1om masterful media maniP.W•· ABC followed a d.lfferen,t lode ... I'm not sun .. •t10a on the part of KbOmeinl ("He's cruy like • that the accurate nport.lQ8 of a ~ can be .. rox," NlSOD laid lD a TV urtemew WI week>. gauaed by the auniber of c$evelOpmenU tbat octw' V1terlor 11\0ti'fll or no, tbe nlaUve freedom ot each da1," said an ABC News ~man. "Our movement aceorded to Amerlean C()lftlpoadeata · bu made poulble an admirable performance by all three networb. And tbe _performance of ABC Nna, IOID8Wbat aurp~. l'8Ddl above the reat. A SI' 01' GOOD L\JCK Sot A.BC oft to a food tlArt from tbe 't'erJ belimdAI· ABC NeWI Miit In abort. good coveraae or what NBC news ex· ecatlve Edward Planer calls, "~ only story 10- ing." MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "APOCALYPSE NOW" CR> "AND JUSTICE FOR ALL"tRl "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" (PG) "10"(R) "STARTING OVER" (R) ..... --......... ,_, ............... . ...... ~alCll­.... ....,,. Me -ICI fOa Ml. t11 , .................. . u...... ....... IUACln '"' LIGAC'Y Ill) 1..-a .......... ...,. ............. ~~'18~~ c..-. ....... ~.-!! =~&::..~~:=--~--n 717 .. Ill.. ... c:e... °'-~-::.~a. ...... • ntaU.ST ..... .. ......................................... c:.owrw o.u ..,..... ~ ..................... ············ ._... ""'...,..., ........... ~ ...................................... Ulllll .... ~ .............................................. LMfSNf1 I lllAf'9ft \.M.--......................... "····~=·~ ..... ~ .................... ~..................... N1a: Vl<ll.J KetenllWI • .. • • .. .. .. • ..................... "°"""' ...,._.,. aault ln the aecood act rrom wblcb none eecapea unbloodied. MARGO BEll8ELF 18 amoq the lut of a dy· ing breed, a Hollywood sex symbol from the ru. ties who made Z7 bad movies and deaceoded to playing the hooky tooka. Sbe carries a torch for her past and tries to drown the preaent in alcohol. The scene is played out in ber dresain1 room which she shares with the other ftve chorines and her lesbian companion. WAIL Y IRJNTOON'8 dre.Mq room MUlna ta well plotted and P'ersacca'a offata•• auude. broudlt up eacb time the door It CIVl'ned. la an in- spired touch. Rieb Golaon '1 1tpttn1 tfted:a wU, divide the two-area set. _ "Marso and the Glrla'" la dmtlDed to IO far beyond Oranse County -lt'• probably the best original to debut locally siDee "lllo&her Banh" eight yean qo. Performance9 coati.Due tbroup Saturday and Dec. ~ at. a p.m. in tbe Drama Lab oo the OCC campus • . J( 'Sueeess' Movie Fails 81 &ON PENNINGTON . '119.....,.....__ What st.arts out to be an inbilUinl satire on the promotioo of credit card conawnpdon quickly disintegrates lnt.o a murky and wlina~ robbery plot ln "The American Success Company." a Columbia Pictures release. Scripted by William Richert and Larey C9beJi, from a story by Cohen, the fllm involves an "Irma la Douce'' type ploy lo wbicb a milquetoast el<ecutive in the Berlin headquarters of an . ~ternation&l credit card ( MOYIE J om pany. wbo is married lo the bo11's l.lEYIEW apoued c1aua1iter. take. ......_~~~~~~-OD a leOODI{~ to domUW. Ida wtfe q4 to se• ewo wtth b1I falbel'.lD·llnr. . . "A comedy to cheer about. It's just excellent." ~ShMI. WBC-1"~ 141-.• · i:I•Wl$f,SLil UATIMa.JIU WtttmiMlllf 893·t:W-i IMA PWI 8rN ~~339 lftAIM' ...... "uo IUU. c...u MISSIOti YllfO ~-6220 IUPIA "a IHUn..--Buenl Pant 8?1 .070 c.DOlll O·i"O' 634 2~~3 aw .... ...,.., --Ntwpot1 8Mctl 64'~780 ~._,... .. ,...__. claustrophobic settings. as reflected Ul Rolf Zehetbauer's production design and Anthony Rlcbmond's pboto~apby. JEFF BRIDGES 18 09'AY a s tbe mild-mannered executive·tu.rned-roue, as are Belloda Bauer u bis •illY and Mlf·lDdu.lc•l wife. and Ned Beatt~her bulb1DI father. None ol tbelr, ~ ~.Jlowe•w. became ol tbe scristt and them . Blaca JaU*· OD the «be!' Mad. ts quite tmpreuive aa a proeUtute who teacta. Briqa bow to be an effettive lover. J._.. ~ns a ample and surpri5inllY toucblng cbaracterbatiOD. Steven Keats, u a down-and-out printe d e t ective, give' ao embarrautogly broad performa.nc~ that is totally out of sync with anyuu.n, else ln the film. f' •4 lender shrimp •Crispy fish fillet •2 Hushpupples •Fresh coleslaw •Golden fryea •Tangy aauce The seafood Taste America Lovea. l I ! I I ..... avD llSN alt around ID a ll'OQP ... ...,. bow to liaten, thaV• ' pr'OINM fw ... bat DO newipaper bU .. .,. 1"llD a lteecDtne, •&even Men Learn How a. u.ten. • .. So tM men'• movem•t will nnft' be vlalble. It wilt be a much more. alleat movement ID which men will be think· lng tb.rouP and feelin8 through their own feelinga." Mens llberstionist Warren Farrell Farrell, who wrote the book, "The Uberated Man," bu helped launch a movement to belp men understand masculine traps they conadously and often uncoasdoualy fall into. And. more important, be abows bow to crawl out of lhote ro&e model traps. Role model traps ancl~e athletic Beauty is Her Business Attitude is the key to being beautiful, says beauty executive Aida Grey. Laughter is a good tonic, she says, while frowns constrict you so you 'poison yourself. ' I By JUDITH OLSON Of ... D.ily ...... '""" I She kind of sneaks up on you, this beautiful woman in the black Galanos suil Aida Grey, one of the foremost names in the beauty industry, knows many litUe tricks for stayiDI lovely aod pracUces them without .aoyooe else 1mowta1 what a.be'• doin8· When I.be abares one, it'• like a bombahell belnl dropped. Tbere'a tbe feelinc that Mias GNy la aware of many tblnCS the average woman lan't. Mlss Grey talks about facials and masques Her guest uses a roasque when she thinb about it, which averages out to about once every four montha The beautiful Miss Grey, with the skin of a 25-year-old, uses a masque every day, rotaUng between four varletiea . And then there'• the bead. A C\Dtomer com- es with 1. book to be al.Oled and Miu Grey tella her to bOld her bead a 1IUJe hlCber ao ber lbroat will be more becutlfUl. MIM Grey, mtarally, baa a ~rfGI tmoat and cbia. Rel" bead .. . PAPE"· WILL BOLD a da7-loq worbblp Oil ma.le a.od ,_,. reJa. Uonabisw Sa= Dec. 1, at the Uaitarla UAi l Omrcb ID ea.ta M•a . He bu taulbt at Eut Coast UD· lftfaitMI ~gcttq l\utcen, Columbia. ~ Amerieaa .ad Bl'ootlyn College. He lt:Udied men's auttude:a on women'• Uberaticm for hi.a Ph.D. from New Yort University. A former member of the board of direct.on of the National OrgGWlbon for Women in New Yort City, Farrell led a work.shop at lut year's fll'lb Na· lional Conference on Men and Mucullntty at UCLA. Farrell organized the flnt cooference. whlcb helped fuel the men '1 liberation movement. Farrell belteves men have been yearn.mg for a bberalloo movement. to help bring men closer together with themselves as well as women. 1 ,-: beaa&w -I n ii1'7.AJC1JM1n' • hllb. . ~ ttoea MllS Grey'\etrm m-eaerc:ue anct have a routwe for beraelf ~e her~? Ml.u Grey ls taltiDI about • uereiSlnl $e body all day'' aAd then q\l\eOy point.a out. that abe \J sil'tinl strai&ht tn her cbalr. away from the back. forcln& beT owu muscles to bold her body strallht BER GUEST ii slumped in the chair as uaual. acribbllng notes with her legs croued. • .. I ,. , ia. SHE advocates waltine bri•ld>:. "not runni.ne becaOH Uaat. lnjura 10'll' heels -and says she benell nm.a up aod down the stain at her Beverly Hilla studio at least SO times a day All o( this ls remarkab~ause Miaa Grey lS at an age where moet people have retired. Though abe admits her age, she doesn't make a production o( it, and abe la stunningly beautiful for her M-plua yean. Her new book, three years in the writing but 45 years in p~paration, baa many such instruc· tions on "bow to incorporate beauty into the dai· ly routine." "There are no commercial.a," she aaid. "It teaches bow to stay young and beautiful on a slim budget." "188 GREY, born int.be South of France to a dermatologist who loved opera-bloce t.be name Aida-touts cosmetics and proper care of the skin. but believes foremost lba1 aWtude is the key to beinC beautlfcal. "It's bow you loot at lite, what you give \.o life. A smile and &ood humor activates your circulation. A frown con.st.ricta you. Evt!rything freeies inside you. You poiaoo yourself. "U YoU give out beauty you get twice as much back." Miu Grey stresses that laugbtet" is one of the best tonics available and that the good of life must be aoucht after. "Ufe la beautiful," 1be aaaerted.. "The iood outweighs the bad. It's what you take out of life. Some people just take, tbou&b. If you learn to give you'll eet more." MISS GREY JS·not one to lit Mck and rest oo her laurell. ~ ber wqrld-famoua atu· diot, when abe treata aome ot tbe IDOll pboto- graplled ttan and penooa)lt1es in \he world have ll"O"D· abe benelt 11 there wonma many days, ~. alwa)'I t.ryi.n1 to lmproTe ber pro- ducta. · ''I'm eoaatantl)' researeialU wtth the sreat muters. t JO back conataat1f Urto berlll. God bu aivm us herbs to beal ounetves." Sbe ..,. cle1nstn1 la tbe molt imPortant part of a beauty rout1De and UMa a deep pore clel.DMI' berMlf ne.ry Di&bt wtthout fail. '"l"ben are .no miracles," Mlaa Grey em- • pbulled. "Sldn mu.at be clea befon you IO to bed." Clean1ln1 ·will cure acne, Illas GNJ believes, bUt it must be thoroulb ad done CJD a conatat. MVWal·Umel·a<day bull. . Cftater •I Aiteatio• ., California 's Junior Miss, Donna Hogle of Huntington Beach, 1s the center of attentJon 'i as members of the 1980 Tournament of Roses Court examine the costume Donna • will wear as she ndes the Eastman Kodak Co. float. 'East of the Sun, and West of the Moon' in the Tournament of Roses Parade Jan. 1. It's a Dog's Lile Bowser beauty parlor goes door to door BJ IOCHAEL PASICEVICll local parlor, he says customers appreciate the 0t•o.tl'IN9C...,. one to one oooveoience of the service and are bad -...1 savin& time and ps money. Dogs in the know never 1t so guuu. And, o( course. the dop tend to be .,a bit They've found a way to ebauna.te lbol5e loog more mellow when they doo'l have to travel as stuffy drives to the bowser beauty partor. No far from t.be front door. longer must they spend hours -sometimes lD Tbe Gallopllli Groomer was in business for • mlxed breed company -w&Jting for 4 chauf-a year when lukovtcs took over in 1977. ~ fered trip home. 811.UlT DOGS SIMPLY get master to fetch BE SAYS THERE are other companies that the Galloptng Groomer. offer sunilar service an Southern California and Once an appointment is confirmed. pooch one that bean the same name, but no con.nee· can juat lounge about the bouse until the uon. lJl Anzocu. familiar van pulls up. Busmess bas been steady and bis on-catl A abort saunter down the driveway into the fleet of vans may be expanded SOOD, be adds. back ol the van and pup i.s ready to let t.be H~ver, there are no plans to follow in the GalloPin8 Groomer do her stuff. footsteps ol the old "GaUophlc Gourmet" show Al many u 40 dopa day are laking adv an· and put his service oo televiaioo. Not only would taee ol the Anaheim-baaed operation run by 1t be financially unfeuable, but where could 24-year-Old Fred ltzkoYics. you get a bost named Graham Cur? Hil companf, which e111ploys oine people Dop take "I> a ,majOrtty o( the house calls. , all under aa& 30, baa elgbt V'1la ready to servlce but the Galloping Groomer also provides Ora.nee 0ouat1 carnivores ..bo need a bath, cut bathing service tor cats. _. and flea poY(det1nl. Mary Gum ot Fountain ValleJ, a G~ "OtJll Parca STAaT at $11.50 <per employee tor IDOft Ulan two yurs, says she croomln&> and IO up to $50 lf we're dealina wttb once took care of a client who wanted a cleanup a bll Encttu Sbeepdo1.·· ••JS ltUo\'lca. and Lrtmfor a pet&alneapic. lt wuo'ta problem, EftD. lf U.. prjce mlsbt be ~ than the abe 1Ud. ........ ~ rn~~-~~.,,.._~~~~~<n11 ,\ J I "The Unknown SaUor'1 Quilt," sewn durtn1 1805 by a sallor wounded 1n the Battle of Traf al1ar when Admiral Nelson defeated Napoleon, la on dlaplay ln Costa Mesa. Quilt owner Maraaret CarriQa, left. hu ai.o put other ••• Men's Lib l'•rrell also baa re-celvect naUoeaJ ataenuon aner not betnL 1e1ected u flnalitta at "bealt-··Our defense for iJlltlltinl an exercise ty contest..·· They com· meclianiam 11 to turn called llen'a Beauty womeu lnto sex objecta," Contelt plain of rejection tor tbelt pbyalcal •P· be explained. "We know tbatUwecan tum women "Every woman ii part pearance and that tbelr emotio.nal and 1oclaJ of the beau1 contest into sex objects, lt'a eve~day o ber life qualities were ianored euJer to be rejected by an object than it is to be wbe 1be'1 attractive On the other band, rejected by • human be· or unattractive," Farrell women, after a role re- inl .. 1ald. "Every man is en-venal date, otlen say, "I couraged to be a judge in found myself bragging Hts workshop, sub-that beauty cont.eat about myself to prove titled "RlJb in ReJa-"In the workshop , myself worthy of him," Uonabips," features heaaJd. participation exercises women can understand "What I'm asking to get men and women the social pressures that women and men to do is to understand the nature have been placed on to understand bow peo-of sexual roles men and men can uo-ple have come to play In an ex.erclae called derstand what It's like to the roles they play." the Role Revenal Date, be l~ed at as sex ob- Jecta" OU.er exercises and men and wom~cb rold and eu • I P••r.U 1t0ted that Aiacusslons at the teft1icm OI the flnt:date men ue 4'U.eit Pll'Y ..-orkfbop, spomored by There's Room For More At Holiday Festival The plans are all made, the inv1ta lions are out-more than 3,000-but there is one slight problem Sponsors of tbe Holiday Festival :set for &mday, Dee. 2, at tbe Jewel Court of South Coast Plua bav.e · learned that many invitations were •pever delivered and so the response bas been slow. 1 A spokesman for the Cbtld Guidance Center of Orange County, one ol the. two aponlOrl, 1aid there are ample retenationa left for the ..ia.la party which bepm at 7 p.m The Holiday Festival, which lJ be Ing co-sponsored by the Oranee County Chapter of the American Society of Interior Detigners, will in· elude dinner by the Moveable Feast, dancl.Jll to The Bil Band Commotion, strolllnl martacli.ls and a fashion show by Bullock's. Abo, there will be a mime and a malician.. Tickets are $35 and may be re· served by calling the Child GutdJDCe Center, &•6·7733 , or ma1 be purchased at the center, 171 E. 18th St .• Colt.a Kesa . Santa's Letters Help Mom CHICAGO <AP> -Jane Helm In •uburban Napervllle amwera Santa'• man. for '2 a letter, and olt.en lbe ii called on to put In a few words In mom '1 behalf. Mn. Helm and her ltd -ber ; motber. husband. two 1l.aten and nelabtiortlood motben -belp Santa aDawer Cb.riltmu lettera he re- c eh ea hom 1lrl1 aod boya tbroupout the cocmtr)', .. We don't Saat luert a aame into All alread)'-tYPed i.u.r. '' Nld Kn. t Rmm,32,inother~twochltdnD. I "Aa .. receive eacb cbll4'1 letter, •• alt down. react lt., and then '8t1DI a lot of time, we answer It. We band· print our answer on brl1ht red sta-tionery with 'Santa's Headquarters -Nortb Pole' at the top." Mn. Helm says that some mothers eaclole a ~nonal letter aloq wtth tbeir child 1 Santa ~r. "Tbey ask ua to please remind tbelr ch1ld not to blte and bit l1lt'.er or brother. One even uked tbat I re- mind bu 2~-year-old daughter to 10 'potty' when she WU suppoMd to,'' aald Hrs. Helm "I feel like 1 am a psycbologlat, counseJor and minister all rolled into one." Tree Yiewing to Aid Charity Coastline Community C0Jle1e. will focus on tenalom in two-career ~latioaabipe, the male life cycle, alternate COUNTRY CHRISTMAS STORE uNtoua GIFTS FOR EWRYONE AMERl(fkN ANTIQUE AND GIFTS A refreshlno new loaf( In American Antiques. Invest In the future and collect from the past. Holiday Hrs: Mon . .fn . 10 to 9 Sat . 10-s 30-&.m 11-6 \ PUBLIC NOTICE • PUBLIC NOTICE • lir1cn~i .USIMU~ IUMlf ST A TWMalfT Tiie .......... ..,_ II~ llut! --PAC,,IC "E'SOU"CE SYSTEM$, PMOT~Y OY"-'MICS, IU.1 ,.,...__ ~. ""'-J, ~ 9Mdl.~ .... «-.-. c. c:..-e-... , M"tnl• =· Nu: ........ llMcfl, ~. ,.... ........ ~., ..... ........ ...... J.~ TMt ......,... -,... ....,, tlle c-ty Olftt ., er-.. c-t, .,.. -.1&."" • ~OFFLYING7 ~ Take The Pint~ To Tab-Off CALL R>R BROCHURE PatriotisDt: To What Lengths? <'114 t 546-J629 •at. •102 Tait eboat 10U1' bad tlmine. BeN are ID tbe nllddle ol u eDeJ'IY crtt1a ~ we•re 1•Uin.a pnaure from all aldel to~ oar UMnno.-tata ID at es de,.,_. ad flllldan m.tpen are pwM"' to brtq bact the mlnlOlrt. b tt • tm•stnatioo or is 10meooe'a brain IA a boldlna patten> t TD P&OBLE• JS tbat many of the Jeadlq ~ an men who have never known bow the human anatomy worb. It'• relatively eaay to explain The m1Di•JWt coven at best one-sixth of a woman's lower extremities. When the woman bends her knees to alt down, tbe taision releues and the Hirt in the froot goes DOWN. However. becauae ol tbe lftl}e of the body, tbe a~n the back becomes more acute u the body ud the batk IGeS up. By the ti.me the d ere ( Bor.oscope- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER• By SYDNEY OMARR ·] ARIF.s (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): What you need is made available. Make inq~es, give full play to intellectual curiosity. A relationship is ques- tioned, tested TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Moon cycle hleb -means you can successfully make ~appearances, appeal.a GEIUNJ (May 21..June 20). Much now ia under cover. clandestine--bospttals, tnstttu lions, clube. or1anlzations could dominate scenario CANCU (June 21..July 2.2): · You are lnex· trtcablY Uivolved. Accent on affection, desire, frlendahlp and romanuc aapiratiom. LEO <Julf ~Aus. ti>: Define auibltiooa - re••IA ..... citArbere YOO 'Want to 9D and how to art .. •cleldnatioo. Views are vindicated. 'VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Study Leo •. meautf!W~ be1ond the tmmedla~. Pursue • edua pubbabln~ projects. UBaA (~ 23-0ct 22): Tate a stand, estab11ab riahta and principles. One who taught, aided you in past is due to make reappearance. SCOllPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Avoid direct confrontatlons, definite commitments. Gemini, Salittarlus natives figure in scenario. SAGl'ITARl\JS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Obtain hint from Scorpio message. Sacrifice speed for attention to detail, thoroughness. CAPlllCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Check safe- ty devices, improve property. Relationship in- tensifies; significant changes occur AQUARIUS (Jan. 2Q-Feb. 18>: Moderate pace 1erves ~t purposes. Home, domestic re- lationships are emphasized. • PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): EHorta tend to. be scattered -key ls to perfect techniques and to be ''practical" eoncen;og relatiouhlps. • Christmas Gifts in Large Sizes . 40 to52 ExactJy what she wanted! A smart new sweater for Ctvfstmas. See the great group at Ella Nor's. . Joasty-warm Jackets and llttle chlll· chaserl. All In RUFFBl.'S . WHOLS'IBY ... , .... ..... ltn .......... I makea ccmtact with a aeatJcbalr/bencb, abe ls exposing a portion of ber body covered only by underwear. Uthe seat/chair/bench ia made ol plutlc, atone, wood or metal, she could slip riaht into a coma. We're going to have to approach the problem carefully as some women actually liked the minisldrt. I talked the other day to. my friend, Donna, who has terrific lep. The only reuon I keep her around ia for a role model. ~ iliq. alligator ... f'rom our boy5 dfzpt . HQD _ig LACOSTE l~ eluMr.kntt e.hirte in easy ~re polytZ.9tlz,r eri:i coU.on, m assorte.d. so 1 ldS ••1fELL; I, FOR ONE," abe said, "am tickled to death about mtntsJr:irts. I've hated those old lady skirt.a that swirl around your ankle and cover up everything." "That's easy for you to say, Donna, you didn't carry your babies low and get left with flabby knees.'' "I don't see why we can't wear what we look terrific in," she pouted. Then it hit me. "We do it for our country. Heaven knows I've had to sacrifice. I've been buying aillt because I can wear it win~r and summer and save. 1·~ given up polyester for ultraauede ~auae polyester ls made from petroleum and my country needs the oil. I've bought lush sweaters in natural ftbera because they're warmer, and I've liven up my entire last year's wardrobe and replaeed tt wttb uew clothes became they were Impractical for tbe thermostat. How can you indulce yourself in mini!kirta when your country needs you?" Wben I told my husband about our connnation be Mid, "Too bad you talked ber out of i1. Doma&eouldJaaye WOl"D. mtnt•ldrt and nDaed tbe body temperature ol ~ man in her office bulldiJli.' • .Sometim~ I quetUon h1a love for America. All your Ouisbnas shopping ••• tied up in one beautiful package • Santa never had It so good! When It comes time for you to play Santa ... come to Lido Marina Village. With over 75 boutiques to choose from ... who needs elves? And. you cen park your reindeer for free from December 15 through December 241 Delightful gifts can be found In any number of Lido Marine VIiiage's shops, everything from flne jewels to jeweled fiMry plus gourmet kitchen ware. 1pedol soaps end fragmnces, chlldrens' toys and un~ue treasures from around the world. Stop ln at the Oreenkeeper for your Outstmas ~handmade omamerts ... stroll CMS to Perfl.mes Of Lido and 1pedal order a frogrant holiday wreath or belket. William Roberta ftne jewelry ls bound to have the perfect gift for that someone spedel ... end for something exotic stop In at Cemata's Pearls and Kimono • DoU your wardrobe need sprucing up? There's the Unicom. Devereux, Papagallo and Robert Alan's Men's World of Fash ion, just to name a few! And start or end your shopping day with a wenn cappuccino or pk:k-mew espresso at the Coffee Peddler. Wh\le you're there. take 8 whiff ci the wonderful Quist. mos pastries being whipped up at the Oerman Home bakecy on the boardwalk. ~rting December 15, the ~Santa Oaus wtll be strolUng through Udo Marina Village to otfer an ear and a candy cane to chlldren of ~lit egest Remember. the best thing tabout Ouiltmaa shopping this year ls thatyoucandolt l .•• ahdhave a ball et Udo Marino Village! • . II Wei • " -..... &o GPK&M. n. ..,, dtaa..,. an la Lbl ~pleiot.~v. •• ,._.~· ................... ~ .-. 1or a :k. n·. l.beil' p 91""MMPI -... M. ... --... ~ \M profttaeri.ao tblt UJ cM ~~ ,.... fora . _ .... ... :.O.:..""'..., .... .,,.. w A OONN&Cl'ICVT na•. ... ....,. • ..., _ ............ take MUt1 • J pap ad 1n u.. day PR':: o.. ,,, ..... " .,._. papen to proclaim tbe="~ble but true" otrer •lull a .. -2': ol 0 Ubnry \J" an__ ol nb centwy ~~ ......... II; " ~· ... u.. a.AM knir, pre.lDflaUoo ~·.... a • .... It.A. price of '10.• •• ., .. •· ~ 1.-. • -• 0.. atiwect out for preeentatlon lD tbe :iii"~,~---=-:; ad .. mztalm ftve of John 8telnbee.k'1 molt lmpor· ~-== .._, ..,, .. tut ....,_ eomolete and unabridaed" from "The • ouMAM!l...u -..._....,,_a. Grapetol Wrath'' to "Of Mlce allep." . =-o.::...---•---'-With barely literate MAM:lllOWOOO-O... lollt. 19 r llf.pap DOVe1I aud UM· .. ~--.. ..... ..... ~· J les1 boob ol U..ta retail· =•U'MOt"*--.., f ~ 101 at any,,bore from ., ... J!t ... Ill-. ~. .. • -H 10 lhf9 fta , .. ,_ -J' ... ., ... ... . ... .._. ........... ...,,. .... 1VWO..-Dt1t1NO -o,....... l if' . ~~ ll a cornmendablo ~ 11.• ....... v.....,, • ., ,, blnc ventUN :,--,....,u..,.,. " A1lo arrayed on the Wdcleobookl ~ am WAl.OH·MIOOl.aTOM • ~ abolt tn tbe ad are tbe undlluted bat ~ !.e. :::\ .... .::""~·11• .. Lawrence. Gen Vidal, Joeepb Conrad. Grabam ~~~ as.:::'.: Gl'MIMtt Mary Stewart, W. Somerset Mauabam o.&t-... • nd Joan LeCarn "durably bound la 1old·foll =::...~~°"'i::-., "':! .tamped simulated leather." ..... a..-... sn .. "a-.""wLus .,,,_ 11ur. wArr roa n. ms•s THE hype: ::"-• : .=i =: _, "Thia library of 20th century cluaica la a atunnlae .... ~ ... -.. ...., .wt. achievement in publi1hla1. It repreHD.tl the beat :::::.-:..~--~"·· of 20th century literature from D. ff. Lawrence to Ma01NAoOS1tN1t -o.mineo Jr., John LeCarre " 11• .,.. °"' .. .....,_, 17• Mtll of There it la. The fault dear boot b11ver la not ....... oc;T, • ....., • we.suMAAv•• _. Wiii'-o •• 71• lD tbe w!wnea tbemaelvea but lD the llan that the _. J-...... , •• v . .-., publlaben haft elevated from underllnp. H 20th =~ _ .,.._ c.s century literature baa awept lD eight momentous -. ., ........ ~ _. .......,· volumee from D. H. Lawrence to Mary Stewart ~~:;.~~ _ ,.... .. J .. and J~ LeCarre, our cultun ladeed ll la aertoua 41, ........ .., ..,, -... ., win. decline =-~T• _ ... ,._ 12.,,.,, W'lmever became of poor old Rudyard Kip. M9t'l•A..12._...,,,. ... ,,...... Ung? And Wllliam BuUer Yeata, Georce Bernard cuf<T-4.AWLP -HWt. 11. ... Shaw, Sinclair Lewis, John Galsworthy Eugene Mertlytt,11.._~~...._ O'Nelll, T.S. Eliot, William Faulkner'. Ernest SOF1tANK0-5EALS im ••. 21, Hemingway, Samuel Beckett and Saul Bellow? :'w LAMy *· 10• botll of eo.ia Nobel Prize-winners, all of them. RO$~A08EATS Lewll JemH, SI, :.:!s!:~.:;:u""'· 41. 11°111 01 AND FOR THE SAKE OF SUDDENLY OCT " canonized Mary Stewart and whatever brand of KING-LEWIS -· Eug.ne, )4,...., tok . th bli b ti . I t' thro P•.,•• Rlllll, 16, taotll of ,_1 .. ,, em.sm e pu s ers are prac cmg, e s w ..,........ lo Nobel laureate Pearl Buck, although among the KROGH-EMBURY -o.v1ct er•k. 20• women novelists of this century WiUa Cather to _..., K•-• "'-• 17, boU. cf SH ciem-i.. me bas no peeress among such deserving sister MCCARGAR-BATES -'°"" R., se. scribes as Muriel Spark, Doris Lessing, Eudora -&.qie A.. 6' beCll of UOUN ..in~ Welty, Katherine Anne Porter, Flannery O'Connor wttYSOfllG..C~!:~:cius _ Ai.. and a dozen others whom readers will be angnly ,..,.., n. of a.-o.-. _. toe writing lD to nominate _,_.., • °' wa•11•-· With Joseph Conrad there can be no quarrel !;"=~ '::~. ~ exce]>t that chronologically he comes a decade ::~=00 .. ,, _ ,.10., .. after Lawrence, and lt'1 nice to see Bllly •-·-._.Al'-J .. n,....,. • Mau~ beck cn the flrll team. But where are ,,_.._.en:• V~ Netloltcw and SUD O'Cwy, ,_,_.to ,,_ • •n.O _ ... .-, rank 1fttb tlw•belt in tbe tm•patiTe ... of our ... .,, ...... ..., ... ..._,,..., motberton,cue? 1t,.,llWL• • • an.-... -n-e 0-11 Ev-1-Wa -and &.INOIAY.-...m. N'dt..._.,, .................. __ • .-w.u. ~u u ... 21. •• om. Meu, •114 ••n•I• F. Scott Fltleerald, three ma.st.en who told ua so =~~ _ ...._ o .• much about th.la society of ours in the 20th century, 'II, ...,. a.... 0rac.. 11. 110t11 of where it ls heading and bow we got to be the way ==" . ~· CM""-we are? 71, -c.ttwn,. l.oulw. 21, bolt! of ""'9Ungloa8Mc'll OCT. tJ eAANE~SPEHCEA ,,..,,., Jo. n. of HWIClllQlon Beech, •llCI Ulur• l..oui M. 11, of AIMNlm CLARK-CARPENTER • Robert ... -. ll. and Ctlautlt1• S..S.11, 24, beCll °' HunltftOIOll -HUIBARC>sa>TT Jim ._.,d, •• -T-l.M, 17, bolll Of Hnun-llft9toll llMCI\ MUltOOO..·OONNE -Slew R•Y. n. ef .....,.._ and Linde. U. Of AIMltletm. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AN ADMIRER of Gore Vidal, but I do not value him less for admir· lng Truman Capote more. To my mind, no living writer handles the language with such grace and exquisite fragility of phrase. Opals and diamonds glitter from hls paragraphs, luminous depth.s of language that delight with their warmth and flow . It's a pity "In Cold Blood" was such a success. Critics and perhaps Capote him.self were dJstract- ed from aucb neglected American classics aa "The DAVIS-ROlllNS -MldlMI wa.,,,., Jt,..,. °'*• s.... "· 110U1 of Hun1 Grass Harp" and "Other Voices, Other Rooma." :tra.~1NNA1to _ Jem11 The mystery of mystery-writer or apy .....,..,a.•0ao-.. ..... l.OWMM., chronicler John LeCarre'1 1uccesa aWl IX\)'atifies :A~~MAu EH••· 2• .• , me. I alw"'a thought be reached tbe peak of bla w.m1M11r IM IMNY .-. 11 ... powers in ' A Small Town lD Germany," cbrontcl· ~~~.-ooa..s _ SMdor, 11, .., I.DJ. Bonn, Europe's mott bortne capital, with u.-......., -K.et111M11 .1-. talents to match. ~-= ~ owreit n I wooder if J.B. Priestley or L. P . Hartley .-Delli• *"-· 21, ...., ., ca~ ever beard of Mary Stewart? ..... fl.SH1t.aAr.L°t:·~ Kl-oie., I WONDER IF BEINEllANN A.ND Octopus •· _. ~"°·ts, ll04fl °' ,._. <actually I blame' sll of th1.t oo OctoJ>us, whoever ~':.':!g:vis -JoM H., a. .. u1 be or abe la) ever beard of Jobn Cheever, John Up-v.e-. -;v ........ L-. 11.of dike, Norman Mailer, Tennesaee Wllllams, John ..... · oc:T. u P. Marquand, James T. Farrell or John O'Hara? •H1.••·"°HRSON -,..._, Before cbooalng John LeCarre and Mary ::.::-.:;....~ ... ~Mane, v. Stewart. did they reject James Thurber, E.B. OCT." Wbite, S.J . Perelman, Robort Bencbley, Frank euc••u ...... wtGTON -JOllll sumvan Red Smith Joe Palmer and P.O. a.."· ... --·-· 21. ....,. od a.-.!,_ • .,._o....-W e-? :::'C~==..-... ic:: Anyone for James Joyce, H.G. Wells, G.K . .,_..,c:i:..-. Cheatertou. IWaire Bell.ae? OCT.V •uaM.aa-ea...11.1M .... u.. I ·-~•an OLD OCTO-'S ·~ BJl n•..t-111. ...... .,·._ *'* · -~ c"' nnu ,,_. ...... r ~=~.._,:=.:=:: lacJuded John Stelnbeck. 1Je 11 the only Nobel ...... ._. laureate I can name-drop at wtll. While on aailn· -::,,~:~-;,:•=., ---=~~ ment for Newlday la Vietnam, Stelabeck bad Die ... .,Cll9 room Ulllta1n over mine in Sai100'1 Caravelle MDI Mii MDI:.!!:...~ RoteJ. Ht Uled to come down rel\llarb' to borrow a 11:r-....,....._ ~-. cu,p of bourbon when bia wife Elatne wu t.rJin1 to ::-.:.':M";:'~..._. *'· couTblmb onalto Ol'Ullt e Julee,. I.I tb t th •u.-....... .,....., ..... 11, • H ou raae, o course, a e ., T,.._""m " pubUabln la auembllnJ their barf ala lbelf of ~ ..: 011irt111 w .. 11. 20th CCDtmY cluaics left (blank). Here tbe reader E~ ...... "· .... " .._. can lDlert tbe author of btl eboice and 1pare tbe IUOMT4"1AOU• -1t .... a.1polt oftke tbe burden of ecmtfmdtnl wttb another .;;;.!-........ o.. ..... • nalancbe of liltten durt.q the Cb:datmu rush. ltRUO«R:gUIM -a-t:f, tt, .. GONE TO SEA? Ernest Hemlngw•y OVERLOOKED Peart Buck REMEMBEAEO W. SometMt M•ugh•m MADE TH£ LIST Gore Vidal ...el ... , ........ ~ .. ......... -....: ~UTAACJI-..... --·A., 't!' ...... ....., ... etw .,., ... nl1••r. wa t •MT•MAUNU -IC .. HUI ..,......,, ....... , ......... StutMnt Power Limited! ................ OID~-WU.. A fff :==::= _. u-. CIC;f.• !Wtl.LI....,.._ AOKT -.--,.. _._NII. 1' .......... I • =D8•WALllH -0•'1 ..,, ... .-.--.: ..... ..... . ••a.e•eNlJ. -.--J ... .. = .................. .. ::= ... -&rte;; ... ••• IC atl:y "'Lee, IL, ••Ill •f Senato 11ld there hH not been enou-enluatlon of tbe current 1yatem tn wbicb atudentl aubmit oral and wrltteo material OD fuulty teauN and praa>ntion mau.t, but do not tab part tn deliberatlom. TD D-UTD TOLL O• JIOSE TRAN T,000 wben tbe lblp wu torpedQed ~ tbe SoYtet 1ub- ma.rlne S JJ D1U UM ead ol WOl'lid War U WU ftve tlmee pater tban the number Iott lD the 11tanlc. Pmi.s-tt ra&el only a f~ la IOIDe war hlstoriel became ltl doom wu JUlt one •mall part of tbe cbaOI. u mllllaoa of panJc-ltrleten refqeea 1U"UQ)ed westward to 1et awQ h'om the reveqe- bunl?)' SoYSet IOldiel'I of the Red Army. Three British writen bave told the story lD a new book, "The Cruelest Nllbt" (Hodder and Stoughton). l't18UC NOTICE 1UP91tla. CIMln WTita IT A T1I Oft CAA.a """'9A l'Olt nta eoutnYMO&UtO• Pl.... -·-TREY WE&E HELPED, THEY SAY, by ""*''"""°".,.. CoetC 0.:1.-,..... MOTIU OP M•A•tM• 01 many .-.~ .... --..1 ._. Sovt_. --eiall of tbe Len-...... IS, J2. !'. '*-' "79 ..... ,. PCTtTw. Ntt NOeAft OP WILL. U'll:'l IU--.iiu u:t -uu.i ,..,. ~ Lan•111 TUTAMmM-lngrad Naval Muaeum. Central Naval An:hlvea, Ta•Y,..., POtt A11TMCN111A110M War Vetenna' Committee and tbe Writ.en' Union. PUBLIC NOTICE '0 u•1••1Tu uMDu , ... l•MP9_..,. ....... atlfllAT10M The a'1tbon, Chriatopher Dobaoo, John Miller WHTATUACT'~"co" and Ronald Payne, relate bow pan.le set ln P~=-::' ~~!..~M..tc:aJusTiNUl!A.u throughout Eaat Prussia wben. the German ,..,. ...._ ...-i. delllt ._.. ALiee J. ,.~ Ollaeled. ~ ~&&CU UlllCI 1&.1•" THa lllAltlta eAlAAa & paeoeRtCM. ltEA"-11 ... Mrellle authori•i-publi-'--..l what b:= lD ... _ "'-•• , NOTICC " Ha1ta1v GIV•M tNt German town~ by the Army. T1tA01NG ODMl"ANY, ""' ......., "'"*' , .. ,..... ., w111 .1111,., , .. Nemmendorf. Just imlde tbe wartime border llvd.,c--....~~ -.•L8ttSr&T....._...,., .. _ with n...i......a wu taken by Gen. Gall•• ..... '• 11th 1tlc.1W1N Mw••rtv • ..,. s.w. ,.em-•,.....,.,... e. u. ..--. -a.:t ••«fl ........ 5-e """· c;.lllisnN .......... ~ .. '"*"'*"' ... Guards AnDJ oo Oct. 22, 1IT7. 1be Soviet.a were ,. .. ,....., "' ..... Act ,......,.... driven out by a counterattack five days later. 1::,.~ 1aCM1eUC1N 1>•.,. ~ :s:,. = = ::'!!: RtcMrd,,..,..,., .. t!IM ... ---'-'"' -...... • ... a •oLY ... SINGLE 1~ 6 lllTANT re-T1tlt ............ -Iii.I •"" ................. OK. 11. ""· .. IO:OO Dfta n nun c-e, °""·" ~ .... c-itr.,. ........ 111 .. ~°' °"'91"-•• malned alive," aay tire autbon, wbo detail "in-"--7·""· P..._ .... ,•tt•c1~a17all ori<Censw diacrim.inat.e" ldJ.llnc. ~..,... 0ao.,.. c... o.11, "IMt. om. --. 111 .. otv °' s.e .,.., When t.bla became lmown, tem of thousands of ..........._" u. u. "· "" W1·n ~=--.......,,._ 2'. 1m people began neetna from their homes.,.. the Red ~~AIK.H. Army drove toward Berlin the refu1ees were PUBLIC NOTICE aowuDI. aow••os. forced northward, pilln1 up in the Baltic ports •1ttTOtt&f'lANAG&111 where they hoped to find sb.ipe to carry them to "~=:r ::.:·:-........ safety. 1 ...... _.. __ ................. utm1 -· T•; cru1>0-rm A coaaal rescue operation WU be ....... In four J H LI--l!NTUl'lt:Sl!S. "*'-Yllsr ---,,__ J •-NC., e C:-dMie ~. flwlllt-0-c.o.MI Oelly l'I:..:. month.s &fljUJ an. 23 to the end of the war oo May iu s.o1111 Duen RN•. or ............ 11, ,,_ o.c. s. mt ¥•1• 8, lMS, a~ Of 2,02%,902 people lt'ere transported ~~ E-.rtMt ..... , ~ PUBUC NOTICE by the navy and merchant navy to the W•t, ac· ~cm.~ ...... ii..S.:... cording to Ad.Ql. Karl Doenltl. • ~ =--~~ .., __ su_"_"-,.-cou-.,.-cw-,-... -- ..-...n ST An 0.-CM.I llCMllllSA l'Otl J H U.-~ TM• CXMHfTY MCMIAMOa THE 25,~TON Wlt.R£1.M Gust.loft, named .-;...u.-...,...,... by Hitler after the-leader of the German Nu.ii lD ........,.. MOT1c• oft MaA1t••• o" Tll .. --..... wltll IN NTITICM flOlt fl!ICMIATll CW WILL. Switzerland, a111aaainated in 1938, was bullt for c-1, Otf'k °' o.-.. c-., °" AMO l'O• .....,..,.. .. THTA•aN· cheap cruising, carrying in normal Ume1 1.~ _...._ '· ""· TA~Y-., HAfilltlET •• SPALDING, passengers and 400 crew. snveM T. CMU .. ••noee o.c. • .-. • :..-:-;~Dotft MOTIC&'. IS HVIHY GIVl!N IMt The liner spent the war tied up lD captund ....-: ie. _ • JOt4H aa. ~ALD4NG -111ec1 .._"' Gydnia Poland as a floating navy a..--c"-It was ...,. ...,CAft:Jtt • .,. .. 11e11,. ,.,_ °' ww1 •"""" ' • t.HU • • a . .._. tf ~ T--ery IO finally ordered to evacuate more than 6,000 people, .._,,_°"_ c_ 0 .,,:'!:: -.,.u~ . ......_ i. ~ •• including 1,500 submanners and their families. -t..1~.n.2',1m un.n ~.=~-~: .. ":! wounded soldiers, women naval auxiliaries and i.n -""._ '*--' ''· 1m. •t civilian refugees. PU·· •c Nn...CE .. OO• m . .,, _ _,.,,._..of ~t-...... u e a -.... J Of Wid Courl. M 100 CIVIC As the liner pulled away Jan. JO l!MS bun· c-i-on .. Wst1.111tN 01Y~'><l"i. • • ,.,,. c.i---dreds more refugees, 1mplonng a passage. were '~"'::!=::' ~-a,..,., helped from small boats up gangways and The.......,.__, .. -.._ LUA.&11AHO< s crambling nets. ""'"~UTl1v.NO COfHAlH[lt. ,..,, l'\.IWT !"::"~ 11e1111e1c1 lf•. w111111111110" 11uc11 tn_,,,_.,... THAT SAME NIGHT THE LINER waa bit by three torpedoes fired by Soviet subma.nneT Alex- ander 11.artQMko. commander al tbe S lJ. The W"llbelm Gusdoff took Just. over 70 mlDutea to el.nk. Aa lt lilted at 2$ dee:reea and wltb pea- demonlum nOnl around the packed deck.I, wblte- Jacketed atewaro Max Bonnet appeared on the bridge with a tray of drt.nb. "A fin.al cognac. gentlemen," be said The officers drank and threw down the glasses. There weren't enough hfeboats Many pai.senjters were trapped below Rescuers plucked 964 persons from the sea Rocks Hit Jetliners TOKYO CAP> -Two All Nippon Alrways jetliners on domestic fllebta were bit by rocks hurled from an eruptina volcano in aouthern Japan, an aldl.ne official said. The p~ 1.-nded safely and no injuries were reported. ANA said tbe rocb broke the windsbield ol a Tri1tar Jet carrying a cr•w of 11 •od 104 passengers while it waa traftliDI at 11,000 feet near Sakur-.llma. At almost tbe ume time, rocka bit a jetliner with a crew of 11 and 214 puaenaers, flyine at IB,000 feet about 30 mu. eut of the Sakur-.lima volcano, the airline aaid. <AO'°""•... 'T-P-Oellf tll a ll•tlefl J r . HIZ LM._..,.CL9'1 ltill1et• Lft , w.,,.,,,..1 ... I••<•, T .. · 11111.._ c.i:,.._,.. a--..:ar ....,,.._ ,,... -• ~ ity • • ..,..,.,... o ... C...tt OtHy Puoc ..._.._ .... a. 7', DK. S, ttn t.SS1-rt D&W111A....,_.Jr ,,... ___ , __ .. C-lf o.11 .. Or ... c-., -PUBLIC NOTICE ..........,n.mot. ~-~-------~~--~~-,.,.., --~ ~ c-Oeffy 1"'119!. 141 ...... CIOUWTWTN• .... J2, 1'-DK '· IJ,""' _,. ITATWCM'CAUPOMtlA flOtl nea couwn cw CMtuea ...... __ PUllUC NOTICE •OT•c• OP ••••••o 01' fin I T1 °" l"CMI fltlOeA Ta Of' WILL --A•O l'Otl ~ltS T•HAM•N· NOTICE TOateDI~ T41tY A'90 .... AUTMOtltlATIO.. SU,..ltlOltCOUlrTOl'TNE TO ADMIWISTelt UlllO•ll THE UATll CW CAUl'OtlWIA l"Ott 1•ot1P•MD4UfT AOMIWISTaATIOIC YM I COUlfTY Of' OtlAMOI 01' •IT A ftS ACT. l90. A--1 Ett•• ol \IEllDll! W llV.KE •• hl.tieofJUNflt()YJU.La.JUNE YEROIE WILLIAM llAKE eu !> ltOYAU..DKMw<I 11e1tOtE k.AKE.~- NOTICE IS MEllEIY GIVEN 1iO TM NOTICE IS Ml!ltEllY GIVEN 1 ... C c.-tona1--... -~ PATSY IUIKE ANOl!llSON •"4 .,.., Ill _,.. ......... <-• ...... ~ DANA L. AH0£ASOH ~..Cllton. ,,_ WOd dK.alhl ere ~ te flle Ml IH<ld ....C,. • .-CltlOl'I lor ~· n.m, wllll -M<ll'UerY vouci.n, t" el •Ill -lw I-of Ulrten ti. oftla of IN <1er11 of ,,.. -r..c-.ry -for ,..,_.,..,Ian to Mii-~Gr .. _. U..0., wfVI _ ......... ...SW .. l•idll .. --Ao. Ille fle< .. w ry .,..,cll•r., 10 '"' ~wt!Mfll Es-Act.......,.._• ..,..,. ..... •I &lile 11 ... Cermo" I• •llfch It .., ... tor lurlller ·-· 5"119 al.~ .. _,__ Nrtiut._ .. _ ... _...,pl __ Cel ....... -ll4l6c:tt I• U. ,._ ef tlf llNtf&I .. -II.a ..... Ml tor itoKI-eof ltlll ............ IOI ell ~-II. "19 ... lf;•a.111. Ill I,_ _....._....... .. u. __ .. ..,. ~---·""" .... lef wid ~ --............. .tttf ... ~ ... 711 0¥1< OIMsr Drl ... -II. ,.,. ~ .. tH•-la. "'llW City °' S-0 ..... 0sl#l9c?lla. o. .. ~ .. "" onM ............. "" .....-'-...... ....A.MNKH. ~---~a.ti ...... -~ 9!0S9M&....,..... U.OMclttlf ..., .. ........ ltlOfA•DO.flltAlml mt a ......... .._. -"•"-"-.... . .-.. .,...,,c;A..., ......,......_CA... 'hf: cnll~ Ttlf: (TWI,..,_ Aa-'91W: P&U I ........,_.°'.,.. es.se OollY ......_ .._.. .... 0r ... c.. DilllY fllllst. ..... " .. o.c ... IJ, .. "" .... ,, ....... ,. .. Dae."'"" .t6>1't ' Subscribe to the Orange Coast newspaper that entertains and informs you fully about your community and the world. Read the stimulating DAILY PILOT 642 .. 4321 l .. , . I . I I I I • I' I .. . . I" J • I , .. . ' fl ~ .. • • ., ~ . "18Ut NOTICE ~eus. .... T'IMllllT Tiie .......... ,.,_ •re .. 1,,. ..... la! OUTeltS INN, ._,, a1 C41mlflo .. Orlw, ~ ..... Ctlltornl• t2U1 • ...... .._, WIH'-t.. 5031 ~n l Orcle, Hwltl ... ; IMcll, Callforlti• •11.0 Jolllt c. H.,.. •• SUS OwrlMd Drive, ......., ...... llMB, C.lifv<fti• "140 Tllll -.al11ttt It COf!Guct4HI OY • .. .....,.1~ ~ 1 ~ " • PV8UC NOTICE '""1ca 10.:..U>ttotlS WNlllCllt COUltTOP TMll ST ATS~ CAUl'OttNIA fl04l a; TN•Cl9UNTYOPotlAMOll ...... ..., IEtlete ol ROSS M. MEUNIER, •ko ROSSWEU.M. Ml!IJNll!lt Oe<Hwct. ~ PVBUC NOTICE Cl"-llMI P'·IJfm l'ICTITIOUS •USINllU Pt18LIC NOTICE l'tc:Ttl10UI MStltllU <.. MAMe tTATSMaNT TIMI IOll-'llO ~ •re dolllO ...,.. __ , PVBUC NOTICE f'ICT1l1out •UllNHS NAME STATCMINT The ~ ..._. It 00"'9 OUtl· .... .., ~,.....,or.,. c-o.11y Pti.t ..... u. u. "·Dec. .. "" un,.,, PUBUC NOTICE HARllOR MAOtlNE SltOP, 7 .. 1------------WHI 11111 Street, Coll• Meu. l'tcnnOUI MISlltlM lllAMll Sl'ATa•NT TIW IOI~ pWSM It....._.,.._ AMl!lttCAL IMTEltNATIONAL., IUft Ort ....... H..,.llllVtM 9-lt. c;M ..... awt ......,,. G. 0.-. 1'SG ~~ Mwlt ....... 9MOl,~9Mt PUBLIC NOTICE IT A TilllMlfT 0. A9AMDOMlllNllllT ~VMOf' PICTl'nOUS •UllNlllt .. ,... TIM , .......... I*-~,,. -· .._. "'9 UM of IN Fl<tltMIA lklll• ,,... ... _ LAGUNA GAltOEl'CS. ttOU 118 qwl ltoM, ~ llee<lt. C.lllornl• thSI TIM Fktlllooll 9u11Mtt ... ,... r. fwrwcs to -~ lllld I" O.-C-11..,J.,,,11. ms O.IVll• E. T-\.IMQ. nou A-• lloed. U.00-llMc/I, C.lltorro t:i.tt W•-IE 81n:I, IOU S.I"' Vlft<fftl l"'l<K•. ,_,.. An.t. CM llor1,;• ff1IS Tltlt tlullMat _, tOlnOwcteo rr, • 09tte••I -',.nNp DeMt.T-lanQ Tiii• ·~ -fl ... Wl!lt c... C-ty C)ertL., Ot ..... C-y ... ......... 17."'9. ...... Puetl"'90 ~ C..tt Deity l'lloC, ..... 2' ... Da. .. u, .... ,, •SJt.1' PUBLIC NOTICE Cl"-IOMI IUNIUOll COUllT 0, TMI STATSOl'~ll'OIUUA 1'011 THI COIJNTY 01' OtlANOI! ....... MtJit4 NOTICE 01' MIAlttNO 01' .. ITITH* P0tt .. lt09A rl 0, WILL ANO CODICIL ANO l'Oll LITTIH TllTAMlllfTAltY f:tl•te ol OAPHNE TUTTLE WICl(STltOM, •Ito know11 •• M .... NIE T. WICKSTROM.~ NOTICE IS Hfltl!llY OIVIEN llWOI 8enil Of NNrlc:O HatiOMI TtVM -,..,.,. "-detlofl ,.., ...... llerelfl • !*111911 lw.......,... of Wiii -CMicll •IHI '°" L.etwn THt-1\l.,y, ••· ,.,_. .. ~ ,, -~ _.., pwtkul..., eftd !Mt ow ''-Md ,._ ............ _11 ....... wt Nir~1t.t'1't,tott0•olfl.,l11 tM _.._ .. o.r.·-....... wtd c-i_ M 11111 C ~IC ~ 0'1.,. Welt, 111 Ille City of S.flt• A"•· c.11-... 0.tH ,..._,.., It "" Lei! A. 9'tAHCM, ~Cler11 C0¥1NOTCIM. c•oww ,,,. .... s..-....... 1'.0 ... 1111 CAttNt , .. ,,1'4)....., ,........,. ............ ,,_..,,. Or-C.tt o.lly PllOf ...... u .n.2'.1m .....,,. "''"" ,...,.,,.. or.,.. c.-t o.i1ot P11tit. ...... 2' Md DK. 6. 11, 20. 1'79 W.-1' ,-PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE A 11 .. Mt• wlll be IWld .C t 00 • lfl MOllCl8Y, Ot<-r IO, "' Ille P,.· lfllu• et JOO E , .. ,, H1911wo. N--t 9NOI, Celll-• Cf' U)tAW ?S' IJlr<"Mn Cf' all 8C>U Ol•-• TN IMl\tttl'*\I 0. Mu llotV\tcle Vlll-O- PublfllWd Or-f.oHt o.Mly Pllol Howmb« 2', tm •JIS·I• PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTlnOVI •UllNIU NAMa ITATaMaNT TN fOll-lflO ~M>nl •re dOl1t9 llUll-• llU.CAW AVE1'4Ull "ltOPERTIES NO 2, '" Em.re•cs II••· L•t'IN Bekll. COliforN• tall •u'"4 0 ~ •JJ l!IMl'Old ..., . L..-8"(11, COi"°""'• "'51 11., 0. -·-·· C.0.-totlOll, • COlltOrftlo (M'llO(IC14'1, Q:I l:l'llef'Old Bay. L...-llNc:ll, Cellfoml• ..St Tltll _,,..., ti C.OllOU<l.CS h • lfrnll.CS~P 8-y 0...1--Corp Burrtl O ~­,,........ Tllll ---WM Ill.CS wltlt IM Co*lt' Oettl .. 0. trt09 '°" "'y .. ....,_,.., .. ""' HUMllY e&tlltllTT a KINO ........... _, c:.r-... A.._ .. Yw ... o ...... .............. ....-.... Ill ~liNdl.CA'*' f'.1 .... PWlllMll Orenoit Cliett o.tly Pllec "°'" " -DK •. U. •· tt1' 4JS.1' PVBUC NOTICE Dnr Dr. fMetMnb: I've alWQI ~Jed my h•mbursert well«me. But I MYID•t '1HD them up because ot tlMt recent acare·talk tbal'&MJ m11 cause cancer. I want more proof. Lat.el,J, l'•e been beanna that eon .. m11 be dan1mJU1 for people wbo have heart trouble or bJab blood~· How much U'aUl b tbeN ID tbi1 theory? I lib my coffee, too. I doa't o&aD to~ lt unleta t.bae'• real proof it will ra.CM my pru- 1ure. I take three cups a day. Sba1l I quit? - Mn.Y. Ex·emperor Jeao • Bedel Bokaua ts ~ seeklni to annul b.lS • sale of three French chateaux to a French businessman • shortly after Bokassa 's overthrow as Central African Republic ruler. He said he agreed to the· sale under moral duress. DEAR MRS. Y.: How btc are the cups! How 1tron1 the coffee! Row blg:b your preuure? How's your heart! You can see wby your own doctor, who knows you much better than I do, will have to make the decision. NeYertbelHI, a1 ( DOCTOR IN J general advice. it seems H HOUSE to me that three cups of T E · coffee a day should not be harmful. True. t.hal a few years •go, a heart apectallst In tbe East belleved that coffee was bad for the coronary arteries. Bu1 aubsecaueat studies ln CaUfomJa and ---------- other reglool round' tbere was no scteoUfic baala Boy, 12 for lbe t.rutb of this theory. LIKEWISE, THE THEORY 18 I . ed q_unllonable that taking coffee increases th& DVll hazards of hypertension. For example, in one Framingham <Mass ) study, systolic and diastolic T E blood pressure levels were unchanged m men tak. O gypl lng 0-6 cups of coffee daily In women, systolic . blood pressure was s lightly lower in corfee COL UM 8 I A. S . C . drinkers. <AP> A 12-year·old Al times. when susp1c1on 1s raised agamst the boy from Eas~y. S.C., e.ffect of coffee on the coronary artenes, mvestJga will be the guest or the t1on shows that it's not the corree but the accompa Egyptian government nylng ciearettes that do the damage Some co(f~ next month and meet. drinkers are notonously heavy smokers President Anwar Sadat. Sam Brown was invit· UNLESS 111ERE AJlE SPECIFIC contrain-ed to Egypt after he d1catJons. J do not adv1se coronary or hypertension wrote to Sadat in the pataeols to give up cotr~ taken U\ moderation C3 sprin&, sayin& 1ie sup. cups a day>. Remembenng, of coune, that tea and ported bis efforts to cola drtnk.s are also sources of carfetne brmg peace to the Mid- U you can take coffee without getting di~ East heartburn, rapid pulse. losing sleep or becom10g JANET McKenzie, a edgy and nervous. conttnue to etiJOY its delights s pokeswoman for ••• M EDICALETTES FOR MR. U .. As you say, "Why get an ulcer worrying about a thankless fnend?" Reading Marcwi Aurelius Medit.ations will also help pre- vent that ulcer: Egypt's tourist office in New York. said that ar· rangement.s have been made for the boy to leave for E&Ypt on Dec. 17 and return Dec. 2', with tbe Eoptian aov· emment payin1 bi.a way .. "Once you have done a man a servlce. wbal more would you have? Is it not enoup to bave obeyed tbe laws of yout own nature, without ex· peeling to be paid for it! 1.bal la lite tbe eye de· mending a reward for seeing; or tbe feet for •alk· in1. It ia for that very purpoee that \My ulat; and they have t.belr due lo dolo& what tbey we~ ere.at· ed to do. Sam '1 parents, Doaald' and Sybil Brown, will· not ao alone, but an Egyptian 1overnment repreeentative will ac ... compaay biJD durinc bis tour, Ms. McKenzie sald. ''Similarly man t.s born foe deedl 0( kiDdnea; and wbeD be baa dooe a kiDd.11 actiiaQ. or~ .erved U. eommoa 1"dfare. be baa doDe wtmt Ille wu made for. and hu received tm qaitlaace. • • MS. McKENZIE saJlf site dtda 'l know whl' Sadat atqied out the Jet;. t.er ••• Some doctors believe that e\J'U)' cue ol obe:si· ty sbould be coosidered ooe ol potential dJabet.et. HY• Dr. Steincrohn in Ills booklet. "Wat.cb Your Diet Because Fat Cao Kill You." For a copy write to him at Box ueo. Cost.a Mesa 92828, eoclo8Jn1 ~ cent.I and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. ''He wu tbe ooe who read the letter and wu4 very moved and ex- tended the i.avil.atioo." sbe said. Talent for Plaaaing Convention Managers Dear Joy~: How aboat pef'llOllS· •ho muage C'ODYentlons• Is ceileJe neceaaary! -S.S., St. Lotds. Mo. College 15 not essential, but un · decided liberal arts majors could find opportunities ln this field. TbinJt ol convention management as the umbrella. and of exposiUoos and meetings as the main two ribs Expositions are trade shows involv· mg ex.bibitor'S of products. Meetings can .ftUlie from small one-company training sessions to industry-wide ex· trava1amu attended by a cast of lbouJanda. MOST MANAGERS work for trade associaUons or similar groups; often they combine convention planning wlt.h other respomlbilities. Some are hired by private firms that arrange powwows for several cllen\3. Others direct meeting management for big corporatiOM. Be&inners may earn Sl2.000 to $18,000 annually. and with ex- perience. 135.000 or more. The job means travel -perhaps one·tbird or your time -to anywhere in the na· lion. someumes. abroad The travel fringe benefit.I are ,.real. but you may be on duty 16 houn a day durilll a meeting or show YOU NEED THE abllicy to deal ( CAREERS J with logistical details plus a talent for planrung Also ideal: a liberal arts background with business. ac- counting, sales and writing skills - and a persuasive. resourceful personality To begin. either work for a trade assoc1auoo. or come up through the supplier route such as hot.el sales work or city convention bureaus. Part-Ume and full-time people are hired. Donald J . Walkter -ex- ecutive director of the Nallonal As- sociation of Exposition Managers . Box 377. Aurora, Ohio '4202 -says he'll try to answer specific career questions; enclose a stamped, self. addressed envelope. Convention management seems not to be a dead duck in recessions; ex· perts say people an not goin& to quit meettn1 like lhi& -it's the American way of bualoesa lite. RB ADER SE: RV ICE : To obtain "Oc· cupotioftoJ Un~pto11me-n.r:• a Lobo" Dqortnwnt arlklc on how aoeU various occupcrtioM fll* • durmg a~. nclo.e a gsmmed, wtt-<Jd4rnwd mail- sng la~l wttJa pr ,.,_If lo JOf/Oe lAin K,,.,.q at 80% l:ifO, Cotta Mtta. Mental Study OrderM WASHINGTON <AP> - Paychiatrilta are eumtnJ.na • .-oasan who autboriUea allep bunt tnlo Sen. Edward KennedJ'• reeepdon room, pulled a lb:·incb launtJnc ll:nlle -.ncl 1ue a · 'blood-curd.lina" yell. The~. wbo the SecretSenke ldenUfled u &a.anne Oaaood. •• OC°" dered held wlthoUt boocf Wedl8dQ" by V .s. Mastatrat• Lawreneo Mar10Ua. He ordered her teGt to fed•rally operated st. &llAbet.b'• Hotpttal m Wablqt.on for IO da1I Of m~oblen&Uan. KSNNDT, A CANDIDAD fortM 1980 DemocraUc pre1ldentlal nomina· Uon. •fl!I tn hia omce when u.. ind· dellt od:Wnd.~ Cftlct la~ from tM tedPt.iOD . area '' IDO&ber room md tba'liilaiueb&...u& MU.tor a.aid..., JMt WM not aware oltM db· ~ Autbofl Wd • a.cnt ~UM WOl:d&D WU Mon the band. U.S. AttonMy Carl R•u.b delcrtbed tbe woman•a aeream as ·•blood· curdlinc." Be u.ld the .. )'eu1>ld woman moftd Into a tranateat botel blN Od. K. She came &om Baltt>cl ud 11 UDmanied, u.nempJo.)'Od and on weUare, be Mid. TS& WOii.Vi'S •oras., Nine Ot~ luued a 1tatemet from ber bome Jn .Naelaua, N.R. It uld: ''IU&aaDia baa.__ ~talUlld fQr a ICbllclobreo&e t'olldlUoD at bioipltala la Nn Yaril, New Jenoy and New Ham~.·· 111. 011ooct. wbo appeared bewUder.d at th 1'••iin11 wh Cbaratd wttb auultlDI •,....... tew enforce.._t omcer:1,s.ent ~ Ac•Dt Jaeepb" P'. .._ ......... ~~ WU t!Ulcm:Uti bUd. The mat1matm J:t•~ for COQylctklQ 10 nian EQUAL HOUSING YOUU &.OYI THIS ASSUM AILI Ju1t wallt loto tbe WlnDlb ol thla 2 BR COD· do Jn a super area &lld fall ln love. Freshly de- ' corat.ed Ii apacioul. M · sumable Jou. Ooly $90 ,500. Call Now ms.no. _OPPOATUNIT_Y A .... t .-.Moffcr. LLSTATE All rMl estate advertised -ln um newspaper ls aub· ___ A_EAL __ TOAS __ llAI. ISTAn IXCaLINCI 5'MCI ,, .. , co .. wmt us. .... WllTCl.lff. s.. ......... J ........ 2 ........ Plre,t•ce. I .-.tee~ t• 1tte,plat a lr•lf!• 1 .. 1-. q.kk ,,.,...._, I I H ......... ,. OP1M .... UT, SUM. t-41JO •• SIJt,IOO NEWPOIT BEACH 798111 We have a fe'f special ~ ~ wffb built·ln f\unctn1 and alm01t no qualllytna necesaary. 1 bik to beach $11119,000 &a••s Brw/OCH.O vu $239.500 Acoupleol3'2 62'1 $229,500 AS SUMI 4 BR, comer Jol wrth RV " bolat access. Hurry! Call~ FOREST E O L SON '• . . . " Ph• a deluxe model _ _!•~·c~-~-~~c~~-$279,500 JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 ~ J«t to tbe Federal Fair hoaslDI Act of 1911 'Wlddfmakee lt We1al to ad\lertl•• .. •DY pre-f-..ce, limi&atioa, or ~beledon Vllw:,...., .... $7800 Prtva~.C:O!plete P.ut<UDOCONDOS 2.3 " ' Br. with pool. 1acuzz1 &: sauna . Panoramic coast.a views, in beautiful San Diel(). Startinl at M&.800 wrtb only 5% dn. 11.875 tnteren. Taite advanta1e ol erand opemn1 pnces, as they woo 't last. Sales office oPeD lOAM to duslt. 3M3 Del Sol Bl. San O.ego 714 /690-4989. NB ~'1971 ~:no..-:.; ~ co make an1 .... paefawe, ~­tiaa. or cfiseltmlnatlorL • DOWN w/red barn, at.able area & pool w /cabana, NOQUALIJl'YING Gourmet Garden-view AllUIDe 10"' Loan ldtcben. 1pl.ral sWrcase "BR·ZBATH down to Teena or ln· • Lan quarters, 3 Bdrm &: ,,,. .... , 1 ~c••--library, warm lllaater ..._ _ __..,, &.titew/ownmarblefplc. 11d:I newspaper will not 754-1202 SeUec will help Flnaoce bow1n&Jy accept any --------1 Call today for appoint· advertialeg ror real AIA.MDONED meot: 673-8550. AUTO REPAIR . Opporturuty lo acqwre t.bebuslnesa PLUS home on a large C 2 lot 821hx191 Owner will financt> for you -SSS.000 down&: $22183 mo will buy 1t Olli now for details =~~-is ID VJOla• ~c:W1mtt::a. ,.<Jl'fN l11'J •1l;l11l•h:N•: I i t1on; 3 Bdrm+fplc, . • ranched fenc & roses. 1.~~~~~~~~'. --------i Owner Anxious. Call .:: ~ EltllORS: Act.ertisers ()PfN ,,, Q." \ 'VN 10"' ,.,~' ;:~.=:.~!~llltl DAILY PILOT ...-s ...., for tlle ftnt IJt. Just moved into town? cornet .. _._ OllllJ. 1bm get acquainted wrtb lhe ClauiUed Adi'. -------... 'lbey're tbe ~1-l, way .......... w. ........................ to fmd illll ~items and aervicsn-,!Pl a .. 1002 -------....................... &H9'JITOWNHOME Lot:aled near tenols coarts & pool. Spacious tivtn1 4r spotless. Call 6'5--0303 F ORE STE OLSON ••• lh ........ . Lt• aHumable loans1 _low Int. Hallame. Hom• from tlll.500 • $175.000. lullllae Creek Baytteat VDl..Uty Park Westdllf Bi1Canyoo Harbor View: Hills ~IAED INDEX ,, .... , .... Cal 642-5678 IUC>aS ...................... 'loKll ...... .... .... ..,... . ... .. ............ n.DA&.Y ""'OT_......, ............ .._. ......... ...,. HOUSIS~SAU 1002 • 1100 onm UAL HTAn 120t·Jt00 IBCTALS JI ....... SIMISS. IMVISTMIMT lllMAMCI ....... ,. A~TS .... LOST A FOUND ., .. NlSOtW.S • llH llmYICI DlllCTOH .... SCHOOLS& IMSftUCnoM , ... JOaWAMTID 1tH _,WAMTID 1lot MBCHAMDIU ........ .-royou .... IOATS&MAllMI ~" ....... TUMU'OltfAftOM ......... ~ " ... .,,. YOUMEAHIT7 YES, WE SURE 00. Only $5-4 ,900 lor lh1 s cherry, c harming 2 Bdrm coodo w1lb a large patio & community pools. Also seller will help financ e. C all 919-5.170 today. Ed Ridel. RJtr, l11c.. 71~46-1111 CHHRFUL CDMDUPLEX Walk to beach & shops. each 2 Bdrm cott.a1e b~ wood·burn1og fplc &: patio. Owner will help finance. Call Now. ALLSTATE ~q.rr H~•~~~f' ~~:.OflS I •1611 SActUFICE Sprawling 1 story. 3 Bdrm+ pool. country lcrtc:ben. bnck fplc, re- modeled through.out, free-form pool+paUo &: r~. owner wiU help finance. Only $89,900. Call 963-7881. Cl'1N flf \o •ff \ H/f-1 f(.H1' f'Jt< I' [~INI When You call Classified to place an ad, you're as· sur ed of a friendly welcome and help lo wordlnl your ad for beat reapon11e. Call Now! 642-~ Redhill~Realty I illll l<l'alh l ll fin• ~73 noo I• '\I ,t. If •11 ...... 1t.t flt •r .. PRIME UDO 151.l PIOP. Modem 3 bdrm .• 2 baths, wtlh awmy South pat.10; completely remodeled. On 40 rt. lot. Has aeparate apt. above garage watb outside, pnvate entrance. la rmve·ln coodiUoo! Best priced properly 00 Udo Jale. SG0,000 ATTIACTIYI l'IMAMCI• Big Canyon custom home with dram2ltic design. 4 bdrm, 4 bath &: 160' fairway frontage with several carpeted view decks. Air conditioning1 wet bars, formal dining room, nuge family room&: 3 fireplaces. Marvelous f.or entertaining, great for family living. Let us tell you how to keep your financing way down! $749,000 . IN N~PORTCENTER -. 644~060 C Y E R T T D N I N C B 0 E D I G G S S,0°I H ER U I NT RP WYN 0 DR P AANRYOREDEAHTOUEOAU V P ~ J N Y E 0 Y R E H T E R R R M L l N R 0 U 0 S D T S D E G S ~ A Y M I E 0 R £ 0 N A I E 0 Y A I L G P E A E T P E Y I T C E J D A E W S E D A R C R l U E U l Y T E M S M l R M H S ~ CAOEPUNOIMYISODNllO 9TOLDM!S!OMOUYERIA~ PRfPOSITIOM.IMR!JSE "SITROMEVOERJDTODCU ELPHTIOMUEOEEHJMMIC OPSfORPNS£ClCM!URPO D~UDMYADPMRUTORIR8T OMI Of 1MI flW-ntAn MIW In EastaJde Costa Mesa: one of tbe few newer homes ln tb1a eatabllsbed neighborhood. 3 bedrootds, 2 baths. spacious noor plan, family room and location close to schools. WUJ.aellsoon at $134,900. Uflllii l()U I: t1()Ml:S REAl.TORS~ 676-6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona ~el Mar Rent $475 mo! $561 Mo Buvs! OCIAMVllW Veruiu. peatbouae, uJ lra deluxe" im - maculate! 2 Bdrm4 . 2 batbl ; frplc. + com mun1ty amen1t1es $Z10.000! W.0.19yProp. ... ,. .. 671-7060 * OM M.51•• ~T W• ......... L .,..., ......... ····-... .. wtlll ! 'I Cl I ~ .......... ......... ,•::zc...-= +t,, 11et1m. 'L .... ,..., .. ,....,..WMlwlllcu..,_Sut.Ao. OM MAaeumt'TI:: 0. • tet _. _,.. - • lat .t ......_ w.e ,__ fll 11 tue, ,rl• ... ,.ti• -Mlt..._ fer eWMr MC ... f• twe ......... -..... llt SSJO ..... ty. AH•••t• tl••cl•t ......... C. for ''a ' t t ~ .t SZJ7.500. COLI OF MEWPOWT UALTOllS 2515 L c...e Hwy .. C--.. Me 675-5511 IAYFllOMT BMIOA ISUllD •IJllUX Channin1 Old Worl4 facade. UMCI brick, &LaM • wood. kdtiq • to· t::f?u1~~ came. Call ua for more dl!l&al.la! ~. C11'il;wlMdl 1011 ....................... OMTHlllACH 4 Bedroom1, 3 bath•, lll.llUI Ii apa. BEACH ROAD REALTY a-0888 c:or... ....... 1022 ....................... LIASl/°"10H 5 Br 38a Spyllau Hill, moo per mo., applies to $4115,000. 6'5-7272 7l0SAMTAMA OPEHDAILY 3Bdrm.~L61 Rent till Jan 2nd-&i> for $'75/mo. ! Im med oc- cupancy. 2 Br condo. Walk lo beach New paint. carpet. drapes Swedlab frplc. Buy al 1561/mo PITY &: assoc. dues incl. for 2 yra. j~~~~~~~~~j $30,000 dn-full prlce --------•I We have several fine homes with pier & slip ~ t!M.500. Owner Will carry SlS.000 at 143 lOl. no paymmita 2 yrs! Take over approx. ~.ooo lit TD. at t~%. Close me.row Jan 2, 1980. CaU fast 752-1700. oPfN-'40•ft\11,,111 ~,,.,,.-,, GIANT 2·STORY Fantastic 4 Bdrm LaLtn da, 1rg patJo, BBQ, 3-car garage, separate ctuJdrens quarters. fam1· ly rm, formal d1nan~. Asking S.149 .900 Ca II for Private Pre vie w 963-7881 ,,..,.., ,,, v. ,~ t, , "" 1 fo, '·· f l~llHftl ISINdtu.itt I m.dles.rl Hi&h summer and wmter rents. $<&25,000 F . P . Views. Fant.asuc invest· ment. Needs some work. TemlS. Shorehne Assoc Investment DIVISIOO 714-3@-22.62 EASTSIDE Mo 9ualfylftc)! Olamwlg 3Bdrm, large lot Owner wall carry f1nanc1ng . C all now .. won •t la s t ! &tS-nn. c .,., ,., ,,, •J. " , 'Ht.I rn .u ""'"'' • [CIMtl OCU.W.ROMT COM DO 2 Bdrma., 2 baths; aecurtty bldt. Vacant; lmmed. occiapancy. Sub . &an1e.1Z25,000 maD 673-11924 Eves associated Bl>•1•111~ l>f/ltTOllS ' • .,,, • fl \ t•• rJ t t 1 1 t.b I IMVISTOU OML YI If UNITS Nr Prime Beach Area. $485,000. Court sale. Deferred maintenance. Good pro01 opportunity. f'nt to call 1eta tbil rare berpin! SboreDne A.NOC. Toa h•• ONLY ONE LEFT IOO/oDoW9 $1,150 Plus ckmng coat.a PBflMSULA POINT Newly decorated 4 bdrm. family home. Close to ocean. $325,000 EL TOllO HOaSE COUMRY 4 Bdrms., 3 baths: ranch style, mini-estate in orange groves. $249.500 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3·11 Buy\•d•· Oriv" N B bl"> blbl .. VOGEL PACIPIC HEWUSTIMG C.CodC• wr Thu COM duplex rututts Identical 2 BR. bath houses wtlb wood noon. flreplacea and pvl. pabm. Owner flex· lble·11.1bmlt trade or crailve fmancl.na. Ask· 2 br. vaulted cellln1. bnck fireplace <real), lar1e ceme nt patio, .)aC'U:Ul. 2650 Santa An• Ave. JUSl !>O of Mesa Onve FIHEST YlSTBDAY'S tog 1225.000. CaU Dano HONEYWOOIJ TOWHHOMES 961-6111 VIEW rttCE Babb, A#J.. rant.a.stlc M~ Del Mar __ 67>21 ~ DO:"O\'. \ >;'S of u lifor n i11 •lAL UTAff Pal.aual froot row \ ~w home 111 exclusive Jrvtnl' Terrace. 4 Bdl'ln$ . on a large lot, wttb pienty of pnvacy. A very e&epol home, bul Wltb lots of warmth. SI .084 ,000 · £x · a!Ueot fuiaocmg avula- b&e. h o m e J h u g c New Ustlng . 4 bd , view, Bdrms +d e n . warm pvt beach, completely wood paneling, owner ~modeled Fee land. yys BP Cre.au ve. Must S32S ooo Darrell P.ish ~~cal~~?•:.• , ...-. A# _646.2326.:_ 63 !_12ti6 • r1 • c ~· c11••67J..4400 I~ lli11Jf I ;;;;;,; ....... !~.~~ ..... y ... Span1.sh atyl4> duplex. 3 u •" ua.zua llACH UVIMG Br Ii 1 Br uruu. Bolb HARBOR w/frplc'a, disb .. .aabera. $29.900 modem appliances & Super moblJe borne parlt beautiful Span. tile acroas from beadl. adJa Walk t.o beach & sbc>ps. cant. eolftD&. restaurant. Very fleuble teruu \ Owtsion of mdtt&.1.1 \oonge. Large 1 0 w n er w 111 l rad e II arbor lnve-;tment Co BR. oou.ld be dlvided to 2 S2SO,OOO Bdnm. best mvest.meot, moYefast! ~~ FALLBROOK ~Li: di-1111£! Assu!!~!,'~~t . as ~ow :o~wrn/ :~Y1~~nel ~ rtRG& Hldlllw?Story ~ ot Lbe area'• moat popular modeta, l~ h, a lha.lt.e room. Ap. pnJL Z2llO sq. ft. Entry. formal dlning. family room. firepla c e Landscaped yard with wrap arouod patio. Bnck BBQ wllb seat&.Dg, hsb pond. Owner will help l'ioance quabfied buyer Donl waatl $147,900. Call 5«).1720 TMIBL -sume 10% 2nd. Ocean vu desperate' Will hnance --------3 Br, Seaview area. entireequuy! Spaclousl ..... ~ 1-... •--0--111.ll_G_L_EN __ $25,000 dn. Parmenls bedroom spbt lenl. l 2S -vvw Aft $1934 /mo. Ful price acre estate. Overlookl ·---··-•••••••••••• 1245.000. Comparablea al Pf course. Submit any Diatanctlve new 2 bedroom, 21-li ba COD• domuuwm. t8'7 ,990. $225.000.497-5038 reasonable orrer B A L I 0 A Vacant/move 10 fast' .,MYISTOltS.. Call Dan , B r oker. ISLAND Beacb Dup'"· 3 yn okl. ~7221 YIEW HOME + 21R 2Sl8 Ddm Ave, C,M ~ Low ma Int en an c e . -GO&.---C-O_Ul_Sl_VU__ Al"( IY OWHB Owner w /belp rinan· • •-~ Rllltic 3 bdrm. l bll. wil.b ce.CallMJ-0303 GreatS.clt Bay locaUoa. to' &oSo. t.y, ma ...... fireplace. encloaed 21Wry,!iBll.3ba.2fam1· kit, i.t owaer, 3 BR. c.anee. SO'xl'lS' R-2 tri- ty rooa:w. Perfect for the formlJ clbUAI room. II• P'a lat. 436 KamUtoo. tq ram,uy, Auu.me H · famllJ room, bu1e Do 8 disturb teoanta. ildq lou and ast tbe mclmed paUo. Putint llult cbe ln "'7'9. Prin-~~ beJp000 ftna.oce the room forp •.~...:.!_C·OOO. dpals onJy. •.ooo F O REST E' OLSON ... . . ' .... •·~-~ relt. -· .... .__. ~orCISl-3Sae> _...;._ ____ .;___, A•••UALn acmODt Hm~l 1-------- r tf'TSIDE 546-0l I 4 SYCAMOU GL.81 IAl ••• ,.. I 002 llAte MEW CUSTOM "-"'-" Adi • 5178 ················-···.. Fa.bulous tarce , bd. 2~ Goqeoua Eutaide Mesa IE be. QUallty townhome cwitom built 3 bedrm OR condomiDJuma. Only 8 2 bedrm + den home! 'available. $108,9'0. X30 ~~cZt?!~~ llDlll ILllllS UD. ~=:~:; 11tA1P1 to Newport" Baclt OVER 50 YEAAS OF SERVICE E. Side location. 845-3795 Bay! See tJ:us winner• ...,. ....... C...,.. w-... 11 WA TIR YllW now!! Call752·1700 -...,., IDwiltmeot Dtvl.aklo Ol'f,., "' o · • \llJf'; 10111., 1 • lnt.rliullll Old Spaniah Home Above Woods 71~2312 ,. I Cove. Six Bedroom•. Five Dalba, Larae flOOD • ltmllOM•••fT EIUoy lowest later.at !f::._~~:!lfi1:!ilhAd , IJftHJ~ ~~~,~~.:!:.mc.~:~d~i::et~~~h~e!~c~ =:,,... . =-•-···~~ Garage. Private Stepe To Sandy Beach. macnab /Irvine realtg A SUBllDtARY Of THE IRVIN! COMPANY A1'1BCTION: lqUISllWCSl Within secured gates ls an elegant style ol llvtngr Overlookinl Upper Newport Bay, thll 5BR Georllan Colonlal •late ii surrounded by 2~ acres~ loveb' treea, rolllnl lawns, Juab landlcaplna, awlmmlq oool II apa. PLUS tbere 11 an ele1ant rldln1 rlna . 1table1 to accommodate 14 bon• 6 bqe corral. 2BR auett cotta1e. •t,795,000. Lynne Valentlne6" 6200. (P·70) M2"'23S Secluded Garden " PatJo Areu. Priced Al $919,000 (5) --.,..., ...... &31·1• ••• DO¥a Dim rmt.el Loftly North O.ta lleaa bome at Ju1t Bil family room. e. loedl ot tree. a 1tora•e too. Family neipborboocl, maoy amenities, VA bu)-el'9' welcome. Call _..,for more info. · •. HERITAGE , . REALTO RS .. . - --. .... ' -. . . .. ·~ e ' • • ... 15 • . . .. .. '• )~ -. ar ~ .. bl. ~ $4 II. ' -to q. l6 ' no •75 la·) • 1 la. IOS IP· di ~. -pu t r 'l t •TNlllAI a.ft& I aa .• I b91 fa•. ,., •/Wot IHlt; bltn kUcll ; tUe. ....... a Pac.JO. blUl ... .... c ,..... ,,.. •• , 1600 "=xON. &ALTY t100 SO.FT. f'ltoae4M-0111 *· be. + ~lliab Pub, .... __ _j_ WYICPft..-;;Jt Of land. BuiLllJl1 ~ . ..................... . •--.-... I OIO din. Hl&b beamed eell· l~liilli ilM••~ 1q.ft.. StfWIMd for 2nd -.--~ I•••· C'omplelely ,..n; ltary. Downe.own Costa ••••••••••••••••••••••• novat44. no Via ZaD·t!!!a!:!!:!!:!!:!:!!!:!~ Meu. '150.000 ·~ .. L*ure WOC'ld, Oate 1• tbM. 147~.ooo. ~02:80 •-Mcee6 11tr PanoramJc view, 3rd <UdoJaJe> T.... 1090 -r ' ~ ,.' ftoor, Vllla Nueva. 2br --·-•••••••••••••••• ~~~541.~~7~7~2~t~~~ ... 51M11t A/C. an OPe4 SUMDAY ;_ 7pm air. zti., l2JO Via Yelia. TVSTIM/4 IDltM ~ 1-S. <Lido lal~ ). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!•l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!•l!!!_.~ • .:t ••• !!!tr::~ .... !!.~~ '""lZ_.;..·000_8.ozao _ _;....:..._ ___ , 0n ~'.rc~~:! .. c C::..W.. lf24 I' • , .... 1040 OUTDOORUVING --.-.. ,•..._-MT--•I ~~rrp&candtr For uJe by owo.r Approx 4.000 •Cl rt . Street lo atreet. Showroom, 2 of· ftces, 2 batbs, located in Sao Clemente. Xlnt fa.naoc1n1 •92· 1115 or ~ n••• •II••--• .. •••• -.................. BONANZA -.....,." ,, .. an ex a ~HOUS Br Spaclou1 dech with ....,sa clean 4 Bdrm w1pror 7Ulih.CosfaMeM Wit.b 24% down. owner will carry al ll % JD· terest. U ....... nn .,:rp1c:',1 ba1...: n---TAa..11 OCMDVleMwWeohance ~10"--vt-w landscaping and lhe ~-. ·• ..._.,.,._""'" YOIU' outdoor dloln& 4 _,,,_ .,. right price. CALL dJDln' rm, HP den. HAl90UI 'Ibree larae bedrooms A truly spectacular vtew QUIC:X #t.m.,..!19. llat. dea.n S BR, 1~ a. and2~batha create your that covers mountauis-644-7211 condo, owner fma.odnc. biUslde llYlDS lJI atyle. &lxnJ.l.oe.city habta·baY· '19.~. $1..l18.SOO ocn-Catalina-auoriaea· SCOTI'llALTY LINGO REAL ESTATE sumet.a. Prestige aecurl· 536-7533 CTU>m..m __ 1__ ty bids. La boat alip COU•IPAU po1uuble. S53S.OOO. Also FAHl'ASTJC SPA! 4 Br. Mhlm Vlefo I 067 same in same bJd& !Br ~NIGEL Ell\ILU & /\550(11\T [5 J~ ba. ASSUME 9% ~ 2 bd house. lrg lot, ••••••••••••••••••••••• unit '225,000. Ofrered by LOA.N.l'Ullprtee-.900. J:iarea. Only $74.~. Allurnable,3Br,28a.cen-Jamee A. Mitchell Call D-75G or 535-83l2 ck631·1266 traJ air & beat. $103,500. ~~~05A~/SUN 12_4 ....................... .at forauta. "-· ~3627 . 21 REALTORS ~~~-~ ... !~.~~ 1100 Great Fcnly Homt! SU SPllA Y Huge p""5tl1Jous 5 bd Beautiful 3br, 2ba, Con Harbor View llom~ do. W/sec gate. pool, Value & location' spa, tennis & volleyball Patnck Tenore 631 1266 crts. Short walk lo the beach •I I ' If Parle Place Inc 842-7461 Thia home bu lt all ror -REALTORS Lbe actl•e family. It lnille 1044 --------feaitaa. • l8xJ8. pool. • ..................... . sauna. bop added fam1· WOOOIRJDGE ly room wttb wetbar, ~ 3Br$12S,0005Br Ba, pooltable Ir much ll~.000 assume 9"!1'ii mare. Thia 4 Bedroom 642--0112.~ 3~ a.th ho.me ls truly kwet;, with new catpet. Woodbndge 2Br. frplc . t n g.... 4t r 1 x tu res ~ auumable. 559-6548. BIG CANYON SpectacuJ.v golf course estate, 6600 sq ft. 4 to 6 Bdrms. 5~ bathb Pool and spa. Sl.395.000 IAYRlOMT CONDO PLUS SUP' Luxunous elegance an tJus 2 Bdrm, den condo with breathtaking harbor view and 42' boat sl!p Benut1fully decorat· ed in soodung shades and decoralor mirrors Security 11arage parking F1n11nc1ng available Truly a perfect paracbff. don osen rP., l tt1r' 731·3111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TusttnVilocJ- One year new Silvercre!lt Kmpbrook. Jmmac 2 Bdrm, 2 Ba, dbl wade 3>x54', localed tn pnme 1\&st.m 4-Slar park Two pools, recreataon center Q\.aet adull park. Offered at only $39,500. 540-3666 JN#telc-rn Real Estot'-• Inc . throughout. Call us now _a_.ooo_. ____ _ for an appt to see th11 home.. ~2ift60 $79,900 Orange Tree Con- THE STARNES CO. 640-5711 OWME:R MUST SEU a.xro 1977 Hallmark, AC. SAC.RIFfCE 2Br. 2Ba. hardwood Assume 99"~ tsl, as· cabtnetssbowsbeaut1ful-su.me 10% 2nd. Ocean vu ly call 972·8421 TortoISe 3Br. Seav1ew area . do, S·plan. A !C. up. • SELECT graded, pool, tenms, super location, broker, $25.000 do. Payments II Nomad. 8xl2', IBr. ba. OCEAN VIEW!! $1934 /mo. Full price liv rm. k1tch. A/C, new PROPERTIES 833-:m7. 4 ar llS5.ooo. Opeo Fri BY OWNER r .,_ ........ ,, "' ~.ooo. Comparables at crpt. SS.500. SP<' S130 mo ~u•ce! Assume 9.6·ro. SlM.000. 497.5039 64.>9332 after 5 wkd.ys. or 1-4:30, Sat 1·3:30. 2833 University Park UI Nice4bd,3ba.OWC2nd. ~x291 (8-5). $335,000. Patrick 631·1266 --------Sbaatar,891-ISIN Princeton Mdl. with ......,f.Vlew.rool -----'------r added 2Dd story, 4 Bdnrus Low ma In le n a o c e lnclr'g muter bdrm yard-4 Bdrma, ramlly ,...rn WVING 'W/a cove. Highly up-REALTORS room and up1raded unnu graded, land included. _________ , ldlcben. Call for addJ. PICE Rm••m •129,900. Open house *MO* LlooaJ inlormauoo or ap. .,., Sal/&m 10.5. PbMa-7012 pomtment to see. c.-. Bdrm l ho * QUAUFTIHG * -a ~ rne. 4 Br Granada In Tbe ONLY SI0.000 dwn on lo srat loca · llaacll tract, Just re-famasUc option. 3 BR ex- Jleddl&now .. e.n • ... du~ed $12,000. Gall ec. home . 11195 642-5200 -.I-• _55_1_·2_129 _______ mo/pyml Pre1tis1ous ~L~·~~~b~~~~~~1~e~w•~re~a~.1 ~-THIS NEAT •• •. 3 Bdrm. Amhurst ..WHOMIFOR BEACH PIOPll Thia large quality built ~~~~~~~~~ Model, with a major sreenbelt location, is re- a<\y and wail.Ulg for a smart buyer to snap il up• 0-PoW 1026 ....................... • * R-2 * * Beadt house w I a pr roved plarw to remode u a duplex; ~ blk to beach IALIO ..... EWP'ORT Trailer borne by owner. 813>. Space rent S75 mo. Yard, patio, & awning. Adult park, Cll. $3900 327 W. Wilsoo 141. S48-46'T1 llACHROMT Leucadia dbl. wide. Small secure park. ecean•iew. Sli.5t0 ~ res., 744·0S50, 74'-6299. New 20 wide Adults. t22.500. 5535S. J & J . m-GIO LAU FOREST AllU Just listed 3 Mobile Homes. w tall upgrades ID prest.il>0\l5 So. Orange loc. Details 972·8•21 Tort.ot.ae Mobile Homes LOW IMTHIEST Take~~~resl J_ QUAIL rate loan' St'vl'ral chotet> pi .A. CE I 2 bedroom rondo I.A homes an popular Spr ... NOl'BTIES"' IDRS community 1n 10,..Tlll:JOP..M.I ltvU>e Lakes. 1trta1D.1. ~~~~~~~~~ lenD.11. lu_,b laod.scapuig -: From $57.950 HOME Pbooetoday lpnn only> ~ 1434 (Broker > lncOMt P'roperty 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT IEACH 12UNfTS I DOOR from OCEAN Unbel!evably low LOW PRICED al S425.000 Owner wiJJ trade Wortd RMI Estate 556-7777 11 DB.UXE UNITS PRl.ME EA.5TSIDE, CM 2&1nnaeach 1lfESfARNESCO M0-5711 RENTAL "'1JS 2 UHfTS $130.000 Ooly SS0.500 down toeXJSllng loans Sate or ex chance nRAMID ~~-•]:J.1761 2200 •......•............... Newport Bea ch waterfronl lot 30x 100 W1p.er & slip 573.3747 or 833-2211 TWO CHOICE IUUMNG-sms in Arch Beach Hetchla. Qty and coasU.ane views from lheae rioe lot.s. sn.ooo • SBO.ooo. L....-... U. 497-1761 INCX>ME PROPERTY From 138.900 Modular Type llocDes. M MCuritJ. ~~~~~~~ 3-pft bacbes. pool • pter. 'noeuu.re a.le P11, 3m1 hdftc ca Hwy, Laauna Bch. R M .P. (1 J4 ) 4Jl8.3S79 HAWAII TRADE. Im pro•ed ooe.n bluH .lot at Pna cev1lle. Kauai for do pymt on Nwpt Bcb 1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• Large 3 Br. 3 ba. Yi bltt to bay S800 mo yrly ~312J6eves 2Br. 28a, 2(·ar gar .. la~e lot. $4.50. 646-7175 Carom .. Mar 3222 4br, 2ba, entry kit, dbl car gar Frplc Nr. So. Csl ...... •• • • •••• •• •• •• • • • Plaza 64.2 ·4446 ,..,. usaic Ocec.V• ----- 4 Br 2ba Lusk Harbor NEW 2 br. frplc, pvt View Hills 11100/mo 1.:ie fenc e d yd, 1ara1e. lmmed occupancy dshwhr. Nr. bus. $450. 644-7211 A4'l ~19 ___ _ :IJr, 2be, 2 car pr Rust.le "'-TllVLm.JLl"IG QUIET 2Br, Swdsh rrplc Im med I'.: Sade. pvt yd, all re-a::n -OMS, 758 l IJ l decorated. utiJ. $450 mo 7Jl.e626 CIEBLIASI JumAM Creek 3 Bdrm 38r, ZBa. cuJ-de-aac. nr 2300 SQ ft w;th som~ Mesa Verde Goll Course. ocean Vlt'W. Wlde itreen SZ5i50 mo 545-5J3l beJt locaoon plus tennu• and pool pr1 vile Res 0..0,._. Sl.3201mo 3226 Uruque Hom~ Realtors nl067~ LEASE/Of'TIOH Everytb101 you could want 1n Spy1la11. Beautiful 4 bedroom Trwiew\Dda. almost t,(o acre. Foreves Y1ew. en.a.. fmancm1 ....................... 3 Br. 2 ba, 2SOO sq. ft. fully. .... decorated home. Joel. wuber. dryer, BIRO~ .. near barbor. S750 mo. - Mary Kay 964.1887. • • ar.. 1nt:~ ....................... : HOllES fOR RENT ' 3 er 4 Br. Priced froca:i .. M1S-t5'1$. Fncd yard • \ , 1ara1e1. Families plnise. lt:ida • petP- welcome Call 964-zsee or 97J..2971 AO . no fee. ~ 4PlD/MnoVer* oome property $1.35.000 714 1CJO QJH eqwty. Udo Newport Co. ·~~~T~T~Y~l~l;:)~q~H~R ~~ New home for leaa~ en.lwde, l1SO mo. NO •• pas.• BR 2 Ba, 2 + pr., lDal bad: yard, 551-4258 ~4: r '* v.., 1n.f : 673-759524 br 1. .... .................. . Pride of ownership. 12219.000 Principals oo.ly Broker 641-0920 Mo••• Dnert, CMr1oob bay, 3 Bdrm 2 ROlllESFORRENT Bii. 2 g&ralft, laundry 3 or 4 BR Prtced from garages. Families OCEAN VIEW Custom tn plex. 3519 SQ., ________ _ lnort 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• custom 4 bdrm home ls nearing completion and ideally located, steps rrom the ocean. Asking SZW.500. Bwlders say, UALTY 675-8170 --------submit your offers. Call rt. All woodexU!nor, sun decks. 2 yrs old Two 2 bdrms, one 3 bdrm $237 ,500 10';} interest with S77 ,500 down (714 )496·5275 105 0('1 Repo5a, San Clemente rm.~c tSUveub SllLIOO~mo. ~151115 Fl>cd yard I& please. Kids & pets FOR LEASE welcome. Call 964·2566 or 540-U~l for special de .,F.aslbluff Deluxe · 5 bd .. tails. view, pool. Fee land. $289.000. Darrell Pash. NO. 640-23216 or 63 H.266 ~~-:. HERITAGE OWMER ANXIOUS · R..4.MIUNG Nice 4br, 2ba. 2-sty 't523 CAMPUSDa~IRVl"E ~~~~~~~I RANCH ••• . • REALTORS home. OD larre (~acre l 1 _ .__L 1 0... style home on winding cukte-aac in end lot. Will -,----UNDA ISLE tree hood street 3200 Sq sell on VA terms. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ft. spaciously designed 4 Pan Place Inc. 842-7461 2 Beauuful Well Appomt bedroom. 3 bath, formal e d On t h e W a t e r dmlng. 2 rrplcs & pool. 1 lulll4• .._. I 040 Properties 19995•000 & F.asy terms with owner ...._••••••••••••••••• $2.lmlllloo. Byappt. hnaoc1ns available SIASCAP! CONDO • .._ SAleT IEACH m.too Only 1 yr new and in top CIOOdltioa &Del uplf'&ded 2 Br 2 ba ltround o.r unit w/an uaumable loan at ~~ lDL Tennis. spa. pool and clubhouse. Only l blk to beach. CALL &M-1211 Caqsey & Comp~ THIHEAITOF ORIGINAL LAGUNA VILLAGE Fantullc orean view, ======~~-1 bon .. room, large deck, re.a.s.cnt1cel 1 p a c lo u s m a s t e r ~NIGEL Gl\IL[Y & l\SSOLll\T ES 500 Yard.I to ocean, bedroom 1ulte wltb ''Model Perteet". 2800 red • o o d b o t t u b , eq,Ct.lor4bclr.,w/pool, tr:house windows, f,tiit. '-riclt At-J211J. r block kltcbeo, very prlvate 3 RVM~ llZALTORS Gr; 1~ lwnble; our beacb. BUI Woode, SJM:MOwoel' /afl. ~ ... 1141 ....................... · Bedrooma, 2 bath home. sz:rr,400 • 110.s. Cout mway lJI VU1qe Falr LAGUNA BEACH 497·2457 «g Coldwell Banker *Cote Realty makes w. a super buy. & Investment CaJJ~1221 640-5777 CENTURY 21 ac..J lcry Views! 2 Bd condo. secunty bldg w /boal slip. Only $199,500! Patrick Tenore 631-1.266. REALTORS $3.SOODOWM WestclffR Hilla. VU HOMES M.onteeo Mdl. 4 BR. 2 ba. Next to greenbelt w /mtn View Super lease bold ONLY SJ62 .500. Owner I Agt. 955-3454 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lo down, no qua I., plush 2Br, frpl, 192,500. 64.s-0758 Assumee bal of $170,000 4-Plex, 100 ft. to ocean. at 11 ~% New 38r, S248,000. Terms. llmbome, Newport Heu. Marahall Rlty 675-4600 vacant, HOVE IN NOW! PrinoalJ . .,~ ....... UNllUIV AILI! ~cact I 071 s..rp 3 bd. 20X40 pool + ...................... . Jae. Jhlie lot. Sacrtflce Private acre eetate. bone w/t«ml. $129.too. Prtrt. country. Builder's Just only. Patrtclt: Tenore. complietlq. 25712 Paaeo ai.ia De La Pu. $495,ooo Bia' /Ownr. 780-1125 REALTORS C.. de Capistrano Con· do. 2 BR, vu. new palnt, new cpta, oew levelora, LIASl/OPTION relrt1. 1ar. pool. ma 2~ oeean riew ta>Jmo.~ eando. SUOO mo .. applia .i!.-1... •- to$111.JOO. le7272 --1010 ....................... :::=. =-',.::' r-.. 1111L•" .. 1te11U~ •1w1. al.Ult • ._..., 1 2 ·•-•ad walt adult 2 oa a ot t t I One _, -·• •...._ bedloom and deD uoJt, baml; qtllet C\u -•ac. one 1 bedroom unlt. Ulb&6.lld# Gloltoul, ~and dr'9pee ln· alf Deir •INlhdecor. ,... dalled; Cocated ID a ~ IUllDllKt lout linlblt .,.. of S.ttta •'1 I 11• \ \.I ,1 • 11 1 i :l I • ' 1 • ' " • 11 , ' ' I I I AlliL Lt" '4 ODI, rent U. otber ... or real both. Idea for taa brHk. OWnet-will help finance qualified b111u. Act eow l Hl,000. Call 141).nJD ~ -- •EXCITING• New 2 bedroom 2 bath 9'13-2971 . Agt, no._fee:__. __ hom«" M1ss1on Lakes 759-9221 llMf"a.a.adl 3240 Country Club Golf _,, OPEN COUNTRY Located 10 Shoreclifrs Country Club Park A beautiful 24x64 Viking tbne. w /everything m eluded. Ocean view . above E<it.rella Gold & Country Club, San Clemente teruu~ pool Bt-aullfully Coda~ 3224 •••••••••••••••••••••:;,: .. landscaped. no main ••••••••••••••••••••••• Elegant 2 bdrm, faro. r.~..; leoanct> yard •New 2 br condo nr So "den. ($625 /mo). Plush !· 9al0Clubhouse Rd Coast Plaza Pool, spa. crptg, 2•2 ba cedar & By owner SSTUILER ,. ARIC SS Desert Hot Spnng~ u 1 5 mo 159 o 2 11 • glass 5 blks to ocean. ' II Spal't' partc in LA coun 21.J.378-2572 833-89i4 DbJ car pvt gar. fully ty Eesidenl/mgr 3 2 Br ~~~~~~~~~ • maint, yd Adults, no, houses & ~rv1ce bide t 1 2 BR. 2 Ba condo, air pets lnqwr? al S27 18th .. t.rtr.s 111C Mo ll"05ll $130(), SllMn ,.crodiM cond . 0 1W, pool. clbhse. St TI4·960-633l. could be St800 S95K full T 1 me · s h a re co n Set" • Nr S Coa$t Plaui SPECIALIUY BeauUtuJ 24KSZ Keywest (1972) Mobile Home in Laguna Hllla. mceat 5 Star Park. 7x 15 encl poreh, num>red doors. bgbt wood int.enon. 3i., Ton ll1I' cond. 2 spacious Br's wit.b ba +dress1J1e area. walk ID closet.a All ror only $29 soo. aru-~> pnce w/$2:5.K dn OWC dom1n1ums 1n Utah '~ No peb $475 mo baJ 10% Call t.'Ve3 art finest llkl resort. Park C1 TI4 ~I alt 6P M HOMES FOR RENT 3 or 4 Br Pnc:ed from $495-$595 Fncd yard & ~arages Fam1l1e:. • please. kids & pet~ : -•come ~I 964·2S66 or ; 973-2971 Aft, DO f~. CLASSIC MOlu.E HOME SALES Z106 Harbor, Ste 206-A 540-5937 11pm. 912 lS23 ly Pnces dunng pnme ---s1o aeason start at SS500 TUSTIN ~EX Fft' Slmple ownership 2 3 Bdrm 2 S. owner s umt & 3 bdrm uruts. 2 baths + thrtt 2 Br t Ba apts 18011364 2000. u k for New paint. carpeli., Mlke,extl95or0<m,l'xt drapes & dishwashers U18 Pnde o( owoer1h1p main OW of COWlty tenance Excl'llt•nl P't~ 2550 netghborhood -r-· , BALBOA ISLAND •••••••••• •• •• •• • • • • •• • REAL TY FALL.BROOK, Palamesa 673-8700 Go If course . I 7t h 'tO TAX SHB. TER -fairway. brand new 2Br Condo, gar. very ntct' Sl 15,000 768-0643 or 768-J98i 1.8 Unit.a, 2 years new. best location 10 C-011ta Maa 29% down on con· MOW IS THI TIME tnd. Close before Dec for job seeken to check 3llt.. "79. S774.~. the Dally Pilot Help 0.Yld Bourke. Rltr. 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted cla.aaificallon. tr ___ 544-__ llll50 ___ _ the Job you want 111 not EAST C.M. t.bere you mllbt cooskSer otferlllc your aervlcea 12 IWts with an ad Ln tbe Job Pool, ICJOd coad, 1485.000. Wlllted cateaorJ. Pbooe Owner I A.at • 84 4 · 7 7 22 ~eG.,;;;,...;5871..;__ ___________ ,~ s@~c41~-~£trs · Tlrol lnfri911ing Word Gome with o Cliud:le r.w"' GAY I ~ ----- Otwr'-Qe .. ~ °' .... f-ouo...i.i.. -dt i.. lo-oO la<., loo.• ""'l)le -01 I ::~;.;rc74,~~'~rn,., r t r t I' r I' I 6 r.:f':.:t~ \flfft$ TO I I I I I I I I 'Cl*Mit.ITSMfwef'I II CllUHICitlM IJOO w ..... ~61,' WJ Over . Cali~> D> acre aJlalla ranch . iwervoir. 900 apm well. large 5 Bdrm. home & lhop, Oat land tilled • rt· ady for planllnc. 12700 pt acre-owner fmancme. anxiow to eell. R-2 ~ldable loC in the C1p1strano Bea c h Pahaades. ll0.000 16 acres w /double wide mobtJe home m the Paso Robles area sas.ooo. R-1 lot 10 San Clemente. 118.000. 22 acrea CZ pan:'!ls 1 wlt.b 2 wella. home. cueat boule, barn Ir view. Walk to Puo Roblee. Terms. sz:zt.000. 3 Bdrm. Templeton lane .... 000 W/JU,000 ..wmbfe·lou. a ac:r. ot almondlt with well; a &ood bulldln• lb. ti u.ooo. Priodpals onl1 p ...... For rucbtl. ae,.aac. Im~ 411omae, callUct Jteo Marta at ...W.Hetslcl 1ta11ar• Auodatcs -~&riel P..ol\obltt MJ2Jl.HIO .. J46W04t Leue 3 RR + pool. tn Colle~e Park t•am1ly area S150 Me • Isl. last +Stt A.gt o~ 646-32SS lYJ() 3 BR, pvt. fenced. nr !.Chool-;, k.1d:. OK On ve bv 11 4 ~ Oarr('ll , N;Wthon , WJPlacentJa 9f11 l318 4 Bdnn. 2AOO sq. ft exec home Near schools. • sboppang, beach & btke trail S725 mo 962-4663. ------4 BR, 2 ba., washer & 3 BR 2 ba. pool $'$50/mo dryer Dys 896-7281, eve 1.st & lasl+SlOO Avail 536-2177 or 842-8953. $575 J:!/5 &44 7211 day~ &1\-mo _____ _ 549-Z719 eve A.gt ask for Frank 2br, walk to buch. . . . • . MESAVBDE DUPLEX Xlnt area 1 yr lease. 3 BR 2 Ba. $575 2 BR 2 Ba . M15. 1st & last -+ aec. Davtd.146-32:\5 S450Mo agt. fil~ ,. • • 4 bedroom. 2 bath. near .. ~ beadt, fireplace, newly ~ remodeled, large fenced back yard. 557·0454 All new 38r, f'amlly wtncb. or after SPiii. room, no pets, $850/mo. 8tCM093 anytime. _54IMIZ:W _________ 1 3 Br, 2 be, frplc. Cloee to 3 BR 2 a., l'deea Vente.. beach. Gd refs req. oew cpta, drpa. etc sim ~/mo Call collect aft 6 mo 7S1·2080 IBl W 192()..2333. Heu del Mar 3 BR 2 Ba 4 Br coodo, carport, no JJOO', new csU, drps, etc. Pita. Huot. Cont. $475 Prime loc. $650 mo mo. 78-7833. 7Sl-3* 4 BR. 2 ba, waW.na dis· Mela del Mar 3br. 2be, lance to bcb, bis yard. l natl Dec 15, family or 2 chUd.ren, no peta 15Z511o. 540-L54Z.541-._, lllOO/mo. lat & lat mos req. S200 cleamn, ·def. ~W&COMI Reh. needed. Ca II 2Br, feoeecl, Ml.ne.r St. ~ cbll. or 114·~ se.IS75 Mll1·121U. e"9/Wbda. Jilt pl'd. I e.drOom Oft a 2 bdnD. 1 be, Dr bd\. DU Q\'-l ..,..., 110. w mo. epll 9'50 month OK. ttU pr mo. Call l»U12 751.ml .. FOi' Le ... : Woodbnd&e \ Creabide. I Br. 1._ Ba. Exec. home 4 BR 3 b1, --------•I livrm, fam rm, dln'g rm, 3.BR. 2 ba, near pool and frplc. Walk to schls, team•beacb$700/mo. LAQUINTAHERMOSA park. pool, tennis 38.R. 2 t>a, open beams, 16211 Parka1deLn 1 blk Im med. occupan cy pnvacy Ii apaciou.sneaa. W. of Beach. 3 bl.US of 9)0/mo. 975-3265, 11n J ISSO/mo F.dlnger pm Ir wkods ~·4 \36 Watertrool/SWbwy M7 -5441 2,adrm. 2 ba. 2 car pr '3l·l400 ~IHQ 1741 il/dr opnr. A/C, auto ••••••••••••••••••••••• sprinkler /lndscpd. S.Cls•illl 3276 Studlo. prof. decorated, Be au t \ f u l b om e ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrmnac Free m1ld ~nt. Orao,etree bom•. 3 Br, 2 ba. 00 coll coune. & ~ Color TV. S85 wk SS25/mo. Rec, rac11. ocean view. Duple it . orbymo.~2227 ~:~t~•n 1 · 1980 $f.50IDo 499-.t882 OCEANFRDNTSTUDIO 1 -ltedt 1241 Ocean Vlew, Im ma c 3Br S3SO utal incl ~•••••••••••• •••• 2ba, new crpta Near SJ&.-0321 2Br. den, frplc, deck. lldJools.B3l-lOl3 pm LAGUNA BEACH MTR Arch 8ch Hgts, no pet.a Sal.ta Ana 1210 INN. Ma.id 1erv . color 1i251D0."94-l.94l ••••••••••••••••••••••• TV, beaied pool. Ulll South Cout Plaut. Airy C7l4 )494-5294 985 No 2Br, 2Ba C.Ondo, lush aur-c.o&st Hwy _ roundinp, 2 paUoe. A/C, Split level studio. pool & submit on children. view Nr Emerald Bay $850/Mo. Panoramic $115 /mo. 2uma-1SM &: ~ 1325 494-8490 · white water vlew. Newer Alt. 8, 714/751-7850. Alk · · - Beautiful l&e 4 br, 3 ba, l800 mo. Avail. now. 497·20&Z; 48'1 ·3212. 3 BR. 2 ba. 873·82'19, rorDan. Me.,_.. leach 3769 ~-1 Seti.... 3214 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCl!!ANFRO NT. 2 br, ••••••••••••••• • •• ••••• THE very 1' deck on cliff, Priv&Le 3 br + den. rrptc, prd pi.I, pool, pvt dbl 1ara1e. Walk to "GOOD beach, adulta/no do11. beach • inarlna. $725. Bef'a. tl50 mo. '86-ta> llZ.oll0'7 evm; ~days. -.-.-.. -.-.. -,--,-2-,-, LIFE" "9gilllt...... 321 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VEAR-ROUND FUN: ..... •••••••••••••••••• HOllP.8 FOR RENT Soc11I Act1v1t1•1 01· 3"Br, 2 bl. Lie pvt yard. I <It ' Br. Priced from rector• Free Sunday MU lncl 1ardeoer • M'15'-lf75. Filed yard 6 Brunch. BBO 1 •Par water'. Dl-OIOO. Tbomtoa I• r •I••· F •ml ll e • ti••. Ptu1 much mor• Red.y pleHe. kid• It pell QAfATAECRPTION: welcome. Call IMM-2588 or Tenn11 •Free LH1on1 '1Wll'fL Act. DO fee. (pro & pro ahot> • 2 Health Clubl•Sauna• 3400 HyOroma..age•SWlm· ming •Goll Driving Ranoe R.AUTIRll APART· M~JfT8: Singles. ' & 2 Be drooms • Fur· n11hed & Unturntahed • Ackllt L1111ng • No Pell • Model• Open daily g toe Br. lBa, Near bcb. w/pOol. Carport for 2. tm/mo. 2JJ.138-9517. 2br, 1i,.,ba, frplc, paUo. encl gar. Adults No Pet.a $375M o MS-407 4 GRAND OPENING FAMILY SECTION ADULT SICTIOM Wect:fleld , 2 Br. 1 v. ba rrom M20 2Br,2ba from$4SO 3 Br, 2 bll rrom $525 BeauWuJ, brand new Excelleol locauon next toshoppang il park Ouldren welcome In family section No peta. SUPHMICE ~··.·.'I AOUl T .,_,:' l iYlt4C. ...... 1 •1 & 2 BR Paho A~ •011hW81hef'S & BBO s •Pool & Rec. Room •Lush LandlCaPll\Q •JoO to Beect1 I Sh<>PI ~f.A lt-'VIRONME,_.T~ •l /,) l Hom•llon H 11 JBrV....W._, Udo ZBr+deo -.SO 2 Slty 2Br +den tlOO 2 Br'l'owDbome f100 2.8r +den. aJlp. l1JOO z Br. VleW. pool lltlil> W•f1_,.._, 631-1400 TAHITI :::..SM~ Call Tom Jlodln i w 2 br couaae ::;;;~;;;;;;;;;;; an blldt oo TabW rib•• car, row boat, •Hb macblae. complete klcben. 9k FOi mon blfo call m_. ev• • weebnde PALM SPRJ.NOS, CA CONDO RENTAi.$ Luxury C.Oodomlclluma, Completely P'umilbed. Covntry Club Settlt11. Golf. Teania available at Speaa1 Rat.es for our CUttPlil oaly. Weekly. Mor.ihly. aud Weekend Rm&.ala. Call· Domlruque at (7U)32M9U CA11ttDRAL CANYON COUNTRY CLUB 34-~ Cathedral Canyoo Drive Palm Spriap eautomia~ Desert Rellort Rlty Inc ...... $Mn 4300 PENTHOUSE SUITE LocatA!ld wWUa tbl UJU· qut European dellped Udo Ilana• v1Ua1e. CCJDDder• 2,tGOSq . .ft. Private Elevator Wet Bar.~ Paorai:Dtc Bay ¥iew CcwendP.UO Decon&or AmeotlW Aak about our Jl1lEI: RENT OlPFER 675-8662 'THI'' EXICUTIVI sum Full aervtce offices In Newport Center Mavull" Avow! depoaaU • ___ MD-__ 5'7_0 __ _ cut hv1n1 expeo1u1 GN.tUHtec...hr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~fe111ooally 11nce lnCoetallaa HOUSIMATlS l"ewly remod. abop'c cem.er locai.d al 27$0 112-4134 Harbor Bl, bu apace 8-II tP' to abr lar&•, anlJ.abAe ra.a&iac lrom loYely i.e an Cd.II • •900 eq. fl. rea41 fOI'. mo '1S.QZ10, '15.2-l 7JO ext mim.d. OCClllMlDC1 • Call 11 Paul S. Kata. A 1'- J13/41M-Ga . Rmmlte. 1br 3 br. 2 ba, Cdm hae. aooamltr • LUXUllOUS ve1eLar1an pref 'd IXICU11YISUITIS ~monr bch S'lS-~ omc .. QOW avall. IQ. Female roommate want· elepnt.ly appoin\ed Ex· ecu.ive Su.ita centra1l.)' ed to 1hue condo In \ocat.ed our rreeways. L•1uoa N11uel with courts • tbe Oraoce tame SZSO/rno Call for Co u o t y A 1 rpo rt . •Pill ~ FaclUUe• iaehade a YIU.A CORDOVA •Eulaick •Locked gar w /atoraee •Gas heat, ID$ cookan1. au hot water all ftff. 9b2·4SOO 11,<a 8lk:a ta beaclL 3 BB. 2 ==--------be New pa1Dl • cpta. 1 Br condo, patio • $100/mo. yrty. 988-3422 Female want~d to 1hr rrimdJy, efficient reetP" oceanfront apt $200-DOO t to n 1 t I tel e pb one ~ l353 operator who creeta your ---clientl and anawen your ,> Adulta only. no peU Month to Month t Bdrm$32S 2 Bdtm$385 2323 Elden i\ ve. C M Manager, Rlck Anderson 84.2-7605 storage abed. newt)' ~· decorated, W 10, frig. ~v. use of pool • clbhse J 8l)t to 11hoprbu.s No car needt'd $30 0 1 mo 964-~ 2 Br. 2 ba. pauo. end 1tar no peL'I $375 mo 968 bOOIS So Coat VUla Condo 2 br, or 960 @40 2 be. Lille oew PaUo. W/W ~. drpa. $d6. IWL -1)11 1001 W. MacArthur Bl Mat.W ll4J 842--0138 oc ~3309 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --2 BR. 2Ya ba to-#1.\boU$e OCEANYRONT-2Br. lBa. Tn level condo w ('rlyr calls. a COfl\Pld.e Calif. It trp&c.112Smo yrly,$$00 f'em.•llyroldson Npt Federal law library, mo W\Dl.el'S'1~ _ Bcb Nr o<'n Non beautlfully decorated New lwtury townhomn. i. mok er S2 5 O + '"' u ti I allfllerence room., pbot.o ~7267 CO()Y machines, at tht W br fprlca. bay Vil'"' hnest 1n 1ecretar1al Vea.rly ~12 Bkr Yem nnmte n~ to "ihr ~~ For further info lbr. VeB&illes. Npt Bch Cd.II hH For i.nlo <.;all & • pl' non al tour Pool. J•C 6 ameruu~ Kattn. ~6 8801 EJLL.16 lhroutb the faclh\lea, 1$.'lO 95$-2033 llon f"n Nm-Fri 8 to~ plean contact Vortac-~ Alk (CM' Lynn. A.HOC • (714 )95$·2288, 1 Br. den. Jacuu1. bS pebO. lease .. &t0-1117 F~ lb.are JBr. %Ba . ~ .. ,_._3llOO or be$. lll llll 5' NB 6 -"-... _____ . -- 1175 mo 67$-411 l Bachelor . frtlt 4' J780aqft.2cariar.near aucrowave, fencd yrd, l beach $800 mo Call aft pd OK. $190. 646-4326 -6pm. 714M7·M90 AiX.I ror ~t 2 blks from F.a.sulde 2 br. l ba, 1 car ltWw )144 Hoaa Hoap 2 Br. 2 ba Need I rnponslb~ rm mau to ah.art' 38r apt near OCC Sl 17 + ~.., uu.I 1st 4' last ~alt 4 ·~~ r:iU\ m gr s of c 4 I 5 O A gar, UIUAJ rm, _, mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Patnce. Npt Sch ~3148 oc 646-0078 241 Oraneetree Coodo lbr. c.o.ta Mesa St w/loll. ~Mo :.ir. 2ba. ocean v>ew o•w 8albOil Nd 2 res pon non na. 1mob for 3 bed. 2ba on bdl 1157 mo 675 722111 O.C. AllfORT ()pen daily 1~5 30 398 West Wilson, Cotlt.a Ma& (betund Harbor 1 Br. l ba upstaln apt Showi.nl Center ) Crpta. ctzi:-, 1u 1tove, ~16 ly ndeconted 981-22'38 ~non to shatt lovely lst bul ld101 beblod La1un1 Beach home GuJbver's. Larse new 831·M83/541H.408 I a r a 1 e . $2 8 S mo .,. _ _... ard 54U188. ~ .... de 2br. lb•. y • ---------gar. Very Clean.AdulU 1BRwith1toVe, reCri1. all No Peta. $365110.646-0505 ti1l paid.. $305. No pet.a 67).74119. 2Br. au uUl pd, no pet.a, 1m chUd OK. refrie. d /w. pr .. 1960 Wallace, Mir tr1.~95e0 lBR $285. NR SHOPS. BUS. OCEAN. PVT PATIO, STV, FRIG ~12Zl w I b u 1 I n e 1 1 m a n ~ve .Wt.ea wit.b all Stra11ht. non sooker Mn'ica avalla~. 20%1 S22S 49M29l ew.ioas Cutr Dr .• 1213, 811cbetor. partly CW'D. up-J.rvlne. Call 752-0m. ~. yrty 125(). Avail 2 rmmatea wanted to lmmecl. "-17s.~ aha.re areal H.B. 4 bdrm ,.._ lmalt..,. 2 Br l Ba. partly furn. UP. ll&ln. yrly $4.50 Avail. lmmed ~ 613-m5 Nm! S1lO ea per mo. Uicl Wtn \£ii. Mat be euy 101nt. There i. a differeott• cln 6 dependable (Arp 1ulte1 (3IO 1.r.> IM-MTS provl~ bJtllly pro· YOLIDI adlt 2 bdrm 2 be fe91looal Hcretarial cmdo1 ••br/dryr l2CIO + r ~ J :'.:!8f:i ,,... ut , t14.4974 Mike lllc:balaoa, &ult•. au. IDUllN llwa•e lntDl.~D>GD' Oakwood Garden Apartment• ~Betch/lo.0 170018th St !Oovtt al f61hl (714) 1542-8170 Newport leech/No. 880 lrvtne tat letlll (7141 M~550 ..... '\ ... , .. ,. -.... , .. --..~ ........................... ... . . '• ....... , ....................... ----~----CNrs a , t n b•• a.a twher proviBI ..................... .. pdrs. ......._ .-Id •erm. lovlal eclun· Gardminll c .. an UPI 6 ---------1 ___ .;;..;;..;.;.;.....;_;;_;....::~-~'l.11N1111d\I daaal enriniam•at tor landacap1101. Oeorae HAULING, all &ypee, con. PC=~-::-· ---831-'7115----RESIDENTIAL A Stora. <*time~......_ JOUAI ehildND. Uc.d Jbushl.545-7072 ~ 41 small tree re- 0--aabb. Nmadel · ...._ l!:'qla". p.rden.ln&. clean movala. 846-7at 12 yn nper. NB/CM ............. Car waa:log. Quality area. I'm 1maU. prices ••••-••••••••••••••••• 'Mlr1LNZ-Md•&a-m2 lq. rtoalr. All wor C ' •• UJ», pi'wtln1. Patrick. tt.•g & Air eo.d ~-ll 1'ft bl a~• --t••••••••••••• Eves~ ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ~ llr. Palo1Dbo. R.G. Construction Co. Japanese Gardener 15 Tnanile Htt Ir Air Cood. areamalL67S-301A ~ ltocco, 10UJ' home------- HOUDAY SPICIA.1. Olriatmaa. Jack Taul.ane, add.it, remodlg. ----------' 1UimocleliD11 !~t/EJtl. Yn Exper, 1ta111t Work Co 17910 Skypark Cir MiDor to major' re.,alft. Fr. doon ltwmoowa. ad· 6C1eanup775-1861 ~ outaJde" ecimr.m -11111 lo Call Mark Jone. • ......__ ~-.for an up. 6 re-_...,. for Ad Action . Qualltf work. Reas clticm. Uc'd..131·5113 • llric.-.9. a.ta. Ml-1951 Gardenina. tree tnm· .... ' ~ IDIJl&. cleao·Up, fr malnl ---------1 -·················· Ml'V. Amie. 548-Ml4 lhDe ,...U, addtUom, ELECTIUCIAN Priced • . eablaela doon etc ii""' 1 u · Keo• Gardenma Service llanbl. Prl/Sat/Sun: ~-ree ~~te on Mowing & ecfglng, or •'Zm.Mlotllt Uc.~ ~ complete yard malo· _ ___.;;..;_;..;...:...:...;., _ __;;_;.::_:= -t.maoce. 645-1587 Sell with EASE! U'aaBREEZE Casified Ads 642-56'78 Sbelton Electric; Uc~nse Gardening, landscaping, =:-Ally aue jobs. tree tnmmiog, clean· · ups Aviles 64&8474 Office.... 440 .... Wcmted 4600 MalfCJ19'1. Tn11t •••••••••••••• •• • • ••• • • ••• •• • •• • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • Deic::ll 5 0 3 5 DELUXEOFF1CE R E L I )\ B L E I N . ••••••••••••••••••••••• l2m aq. ft.; all or part DMDUAL SEEKS lBR Sattler M.._ Co. 9 Sq. ft. No lease req HOME· APT Have good • ., 83:>32Z39Tol2A.M. refs . am quiet and All types or real estate ---------1 employed. Prefer rent lnvestmeotssince 1949. <Ic apeee for rent. Lag Wider $200. needed by ~in Bc:h500sqft$1.25persq Dec. 1. HB., C.M., FV 2ndTD1 ft. «-4151 area 642-2171 545-0611 Dehne Euc. ()(fices o 964-5947. AfterSpm. Pmimula w /Bay view. $1100/IDO. Pb673-SSS3 ...... /lllYHt/ . RnmtCe Medical Bldg Cost.a Mesa. ••••••••••• ••• •• • •• •• •• 1500 sq. fl. Very reasona llainHs bl~ rent. Suitable fo Opporh8tity 5005 weight control doctor. ••••••••••••••••••••••. 5'8-2103 HOMEOWNER LOANS ARRANGED $10.000 LO $250,000 •AMORTIZED •INTERF..ST ONLY •SHORT TERM Ci.II Bob W1lhams AJtent 731 7771or~1957 PU-SCHOOL FOR L~E-So Laguna L1c'd fur <M children 250-S50sq ft Plus ruce 3bdrm home . ~nh/ 49$-418lor496-3319 Can be purchased OD Pei M llh/ -------~ xlnL coolract at 10%. in· Lad & FMd terest. ...................... . 100 aq ft. will build ParkPlace,lnc.842·7461 • --=••llh 5100 swt, ample parkloa -••••••••••••••••••••• Jcbol"ilberlG-3lll See for younell, local • Amway distributors are COSTAMISA eQoytog extra Income. Pral. oftlc:ie spa_ce avail. Weabow youbow. Phone iD California tat Ba for appt.. 631-1628. Btweo IUdc, 7~ aq. fl. Lo _7_U_P __ M .. ____ _ ~ locl: Janlto~ ........... --'-..-~·A Qotp hmltr 5015 daot parking avail.•••••••••••••••••••••- OJDv. location. Close Ah "'•"ton. ~evel •sent Choice N N.N. 8% + bad.: .RD £. l'Jtb St overage return on o.ta M-.. M2-9MO. 1175,000 cash. Gd tax BALBOAISLAND shelter w /compl. mgml .,.~ offi •A"" u & guarantee by parent .,.,uu:or ace . ....,.., mo company Agent67~170 M t>Svis. Broker $!»Incl uW & cleaning 754·7772 Phone an1weri n g jMoMytoLoan 5025 secn!tarial. xerox copy ••••••••••••••••••••••• ineeervices & furn avaaL ---------1 711 W. 17th St. Ste A·9. SWIMG LOA.HS CIU31-0055 and ...... ReatGI 2.nd Trust Deed Loans oo --·•••••••••••••••• • residential property Foratore "office apace a Cu.'ltomized to meet re.onable rates. your needs! PENNY PINCHEI ADS ONLY~ ,, Sell any item « com· blnation of 1tema for S7S or len with a Penny Pincher Ad 3 llnH ror 2 con.secuuve days Each add1t1onal line I!\ (,()< ror the 2 day5 l'hBl'J:l' tl 1 No commercial a!L. For more 1nrormJllon amd to place your ad C' a II 642-5678 Free Junket F11ghts Everyday lo Las Vegas Via Scheduled Airlines For Information Call 521-8970 (213 )776-0100 500 lo 2700 Sea Ft. R.E DEPT. ~ VJ:RDE bR ~:~A.MIC PSlCHIC READY 1525...!~E.C.M. l~~~~~~~~~I Adviser·Don·_s.confuse 545-4123 her with any OrUJnary re· ader QJl1t•• Profih C•1* 1Sooa! . Retail or olfice apace available for immediate oecupucy ln blah traffic center. at Magnolia Warner In Fountain Valley. 142.S Sq. ft. at 55< • &q. fl. Froats oo Warner. Call (714 )994·2566 o CREDIT HO m-29'11. A&ent. PROILEM . atC1' Ol IUY W & lrd 1D to.. 4700aq fl. office building, 971-6531 mar' Udo Isle, purcbaae Arranged by price $750,000 w /$100, Comt .... L...s dwn. ·00 32nd St., Nlwpmt Beach. Call ro IMMID. FUMDIHG details Sierra Realty "6 loana at S2SX ea. '£D.11ZO •2 loenl at $100K ea. Ml wpart llYcl. CM Secured ~~:J FAtate. Prime oomm'l 1300 or Newport Pacific 4950 eq n •H·SOO; Funding ..... ___ ;;...;......;.......:::. __ _ 527-3406 Lost&Fcutd 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE FREE can: 642-5671 I.alt or Found a pet? Call Animal Assistance la(ue. 537-2273, DO fee. lia.ble~r ....... •••••••••••••••• Repair " Reroor. All Prof. peint1n&. Ext • Int. l y p e I -• h i D g I e I • Mmt Ext 1275 IJIOOLS rockabakes com po-tar. Free est. S3S-G3 Free eat. 541 ·S930 Fln. \ l'.all a Wanta REALLY CLEAN Reaaooable prices. Ex Moving by TM Stuving Inter euer patch _A_v_ail. ______ _ HOUSE" Call Glnaham ce.lJent work. Call Pam, College Students Exp, plastering, tree eat do Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642~78 Gtrt.Freeest.645-5LZ3 87S-9C'19 lratruck 641-842'7 ownwon~ ' Cluaified Ad.a are tbe -.wer to a Jucce:saful garqe or yard sale! It's a beUer way t.o t.ell more people! Rob1o's Housecleaning Make your aboppang SELL idle items with a Trade your old stuff for Srvc, for a thoroughly easier by uslng the Dally Dally Piiot Clau1hed new goodies with a clean hol&3e. S4<Ml8S7 PlJot Claaalfied Ad.a Ad. 642·5678 Oass1fted ad. 642·5678 ------ Lod & Fomd 5300 Pew SiOINiClb 5350 Peuoeah 5350 Http Wcmhd 7100 Http W..ted 7100 Hetp Wmhd 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Found or lost u pet? Call O.C. AJJlPORT ,.,.,.~~ 1 .,.11 •IY'ni...,... .. ....,. p R .. , ......... ~ru Special Pals Hotnoe *LORI'S* ESCORTS-VICE ~,,....,..c~ ~, .. ,,... .. ,A/ ,A/ "u1v...v11yic. 7141972.1235, 21.31258-7398 5lli & speci.at proje<.U for a LOT IOYS HoldoySpKlol! Spec1ala1ing •io bus1 Ace abP.yablt dynamJc desacn firm lo Medi c al & dental LOST 1 •amond clwsler 24br11 •0utcall Only nessmen, residents 1rv Reapons1b11.aties LD· beoefllts Top pay Con· eamog. Vic. lrv. Club. 953-9820 953.9434 ~come Major real estau-de elude. Codi4«i ol A/P It 1.actGenera.Jllanageral U.at.UWARD. 180-0914 PREGNANT" C;-raog. 739-5241 veloper 1s aeekan& a ~~.~·~n~~':!i EA.ILEllE LOST: 111. blk Germ Shep oonfideobal couo.sellng & MA':>SAGE wfa persooal t:.\gtlt U>Cbvidual u ac tnal balance It 11 a TOYOTA-VOLVO Mix. Appx. 2wks ago. referral. Abortion. adop-touch: come to the Olym count.I payable cler k _ .. on~t.ed -ttloa U1811 Harbor Blvd. •· II ft 6 · k Must be ab&e lD use 10 .,.,_04 , ...-COST• u "'""A Has tag at c. a . . lion & eepa.ng. pus Health Spa 2930 ~ b 6 b wtltcb req a W1IUnlJMIM "_..., 6'2-61168 APCARE 547 2563 Par1f1c Cst Hwy .. NB lOUc system ave toleam a:J..3500. 646-9303 ty to type 40 wpm _ __ "' REWARD return set AFrenchDelaghl BeauWulilf'lslOam-4am ldeal candldateW1Uhave ACCOUMTIHGCLBI Al!TOTRANS.IUdlmau. Rolls Royce hub caps LEM.AH DE LARUE ~serve you ~ 750~ I 2 yean expenen~ m We w i I I t r a a n . exper preferred. Must TaJl:en Nov 25th, East ·~ t--·1ce• 5360 accounll pa} able with ~-.J'-Yach•ft. 1831 have tools )0-2288 HOLIDAY SPECIAL re.~~ ., ~natructlon uposure ......-u.~ .. ~· "' ---- Bluff 213 fli8.802 l Outcall Only•24hrs ••••••••••••••••••••••• desired We offer xlot Placeotla,Cost.aM.!!!__ Ba bysitter wanted LOST· Sm long haired !j5.l.~--~ ~ BRASS KEY ~ aurrounchnp" ·--------·1 Urgent !!! Alao ror Male bUt & bm dog Vac an o'utstand1ne com Christmas vacation Hamilton & Harbor COVER GIRL pen1at1on benel1t AcdC Bkkpng Prefer Colle&e 1ludent 11 2 s REWARD ' * 95)..0778 * •=Mt• Escorts• pacbge For 1mmed1ate TEMPORARY but will eoo1ider ~ur 548-7~ ~HrOutcallService CA RlNGTOYOUR ~ pleue csJl ~today t.o work bomelnFount.ainVa Y, for an appt. or apply ID an vanou1 accouoUna 4r. pnler Cox school area., Lost: Doberman puppy, PRE LAW student needs SOCIAL AFFAIRS person· Geo a Mezo bookkeeplnc aH&ID· Call after f eveninp1 male, 9wks old, 23rd, li!S,000.WUldoanything •661-0729* 'TlA/17~1&08 cmats. Work clo.• to 961-0 234 aaytlm• Newland&Wamer,H.B. Legal. Confideol1al ~SAHOMIS J"Dllr'bcme Acd&clerb. weekend, scbool aa-_ IJ42.91170Reward! DVM P .O. Box 3242. NowH.lrtng 311128'•1._~Dr. bootbepen. accou-=r:; OK to briAC YOCU" Lost: grey male cat NB. 92663. Need t.o talk~ a lawyer " &dt.92'7. lrviDe, tnlS t.mlla an needed tbruoul to~boale. w;whlte; Eaatalde C.M. •FOXY I ... DY * For r~call~~ppotnt· ·--u ... __ ~ ~.~" -~ aeeded for ~ area. Betzy 752-4000 Ext Ii.A meat sss-~ -~ven-nlUC..... ve "........,.. -,....~-boy9, M)Ta. Ref'• req'~ 3!18 OUTCALLONLY l.nc8Df0Ultmenta avail&-Employer &obertllal.f'a iQ~)~-~·~·~----. J'ound Cockawil. auy, vie Brookhurst & Gardilm Grove Blvd, Oil 11/21. Call 98().5308. •97Z..l Ill* bie. ~o MCI ts sc -. msMlttllro9d••)' BabysJUer wanted for M.· SfNu~H09 ~ 8dl ll""pae nio.WB:an.kr W·Fmom8.30-12my htn Gn«C:a .. •r •Accn~presaure Co bu immed openlnp rt:f·Su&aAAa S2br.Llhllclo'cd3t-Ol30 ' ESCORTS •Refliexology ID our Accountinl Dept ,. 11"".r ,.IDJ •Mauage We orler xlnt pay u ....,.. Banken-We'll find th., • Found male Shepherd. ~Hrs 641-0180 BG 0 _. .. _am Lie 'd benief'lt.I. worklna coadl· nOil I.Jo fOf' you. ~ · .......,...., taoo.s 4r. cood 1tart1n1 ,_. tan w/black race. Ap MC/VISA M T ACCTS PAYABLE CIMl!r)'e7-«171 prox 1 yr Brookburst & -Call for ~wt 646 9345 salary to qua.bfted cu Needed detail minded •--------Ellis. Ftn Vly. 9&MH12 DIAMOND WANTED • ---d>date ftll a.._.,_# can .. keep Pnv party will buy 1to3 Sodal Cluba 5400 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Jl990D t.o acctc. paya· ...._ • rtERK ble poaalloo ID busy n••&p•-nuE ----carat, cash N 8 548 ... 975 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ <>raace Co ad aceocy. ....-... -· "' FOUND! Lady's ring. vie MEETTHE PERSON Prepare " prOCHs ID A.cdg. payab~ exper re· TB.LBS Hoag Hospital. owner •SIHGLE LADIES* Of yoor choice from open vott"ell " other amount.s qd. lOkey by t.oucb "typ. Wtstem Federal Sav10p ~t identify 760-14~ Yoorchoiceor lOO's of ramded couples to poten· paya~ by lM company an« a muat Xlnt. fnnge Is curr ent ly seek1ni Fotmd. Sibenan Husky selectmenformodem tiaJ marnage partners Researches current• benefits Call Mrs respe>osable Individuals Photo Dates lnex fast & safe through So put acrounu. assurH BredteTh2617f' ID work"' our Newport Male. Black & while """"'•Ve 24 hr !'1(7979 Cal f's I t •· ost corn!CloeU o( Invoices Beach office S&L or Spaniel mix female ..-·-1 arges .. m un· received Ability to Black & White remal"' - ------1qlM! Dal Serv 1ooo ·s of •. 0 Assu..._. 1 bank.mg expeneoce •• ... "COMPATlllUTY'' .......rs from doctors to ex operate a typewnter -1 "'or Saalmaller. piece· preferred. We ocrer d cat Newport Beach ~ L f 1 .. 1 .,,.,.W f p key by touch Desire a c ood · 1 Arumal Sheller644 3656 ·~· i esty e peop e ea omen JOIO ree M candidate with I lo 2 yrs ~. 6am-'I 30pm Mon· g starting sa ar~. sine-ere warm relations Dal ~rv ~14 )636 _?~2 _ exper, WlU consider can lbun, Benefits 979-lCIU. pleasant wortung cond1· Found· Young male Shepherd mix Blk ttan So Coast Vllg Call 645-1064 Found· 0 C.C Male blk cat w fwhl feet & neck 646-7048 aft 3 pm I.mt Wht M Poodle, vie TalberttMagooha. FV Reward Please call with any ullo 964-1838 Couples call 750--0674 T-....1 5,.50 dldate with m.LDJmum of ·--------•I tions. & exceUent com Sa.ngles call 750-0677 • ...... .. pany benefits Qualified Recorded Msg any hr ....................... 6mo exper AS5841LEllS appbcant..s. please call Sailor seeks passage ACCOUNTING CLERK Ehlr)' level pc»1llon 1n Phyllis lmont1. !714) MICHB.LE"S •0.tcall• llAM 2AM 835 3749 lo frm A~tralia S<-uba Performs & ~cilia w1rioe hbricat1on, 644~ c.bve Gr &mer Reef ~ta~~~!n~ screen pnoting & as -WESTBtH ~ ~r/wA 7'f>"Al00~1~~~: sutus reports ~ Empk>yer will ,........ SaYiltcp 3XJ Nwpt Ctr Dr SleJ04. Ma.loWwlce & update of t:ra.nC • u••o .... ~ IM Corporate Pt.ia N 8 ~ lease & agreement hies -,._,. C.OUt Highway 6 tot yr exper desired in ?ml Ct.y Ave, H B Newport Beach, Ca 92660; AmPncan Airline Coupon fof'S25 494·8283t>arly AM accou.nuog Abahty to CW Beach. S1Garf1eld > E 0 E M If • operate a typewnter & to •E~O~E~~~~~~M~/~F ~~~~~~~~~ key by tooch. f·or appt _ - - - -Banlong PLATO'S RETREAT For free·thinking & sw ingang couple~. Relax w /absolutely No Pressure. Adult Fun 1600 Ivar, Holly"'ood --LOST. dog. red brown shrt batr Lab. 649-2678, f:wPuymlnt & llH·3118 ExcitmgPhoneCall.s ~ ~~~~~e~ ~~t ASSEMll EIS COMMEICIA1. We will lrarn Apply TB.LB ------ -We are for real Try us. ••••••••••••••••• •••• •• ---------Lost: Bile & Wht Spnnger f'ooe.A·Fneod· $58-aMl. Joba Wcahd, 7075 ACCOUNTING Sparuel, Umo old Mesa -b -••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTING Verde . 549-0351 or Are you a usmess ex· S4().3lll0 ecut.1ve going on a bus• 29 year old English ness Lnp"' Call Travel.J.ng Cordon Bleau chefess, SecreUri"es for Bwnoess Sec~tary, governess · CLERK Executives (7l4 )894-990& seeks po11llon an capac•· ty ol any above with de· or lil4>BIM-~ vW!d, salubnous family GoodOppwtwity! andtor private yacht. We bave a po11t1on Call 846-1141 available with 2 years FREE 15 MINUTES bootk.eepi.ng experience Must be high 11cbool or buslne11 1chool craduat.e. lodivlduaJ wUI aalSl Repm FIDanc:al Manager witb nrious accountini ~- We offer a eompe0Uve aa1arJ and excellent fr- iop beoeftta. Pleue ap- ~In penoo to· •""'9r 7 a m . M a c G r e g o r f'IU time 1 Yacbls. 1631 Placenta. ~ CAIJFOIMIA ' Costa Mesa IAMIC 261!51 La Paz Road ASSEMllEIS Mission Viejo ELECTRON IC 837..()()66 Posilloo available for E 0 E . pe_rsoo expenenced an -PCB. wire assembly, BEAlJ!Y· Sculptured nall W\J'eha.mess assembly" manicurist needed,., some nuaor mectiarucal. rooow ~~· but not ls looldna for nee. V1ck1 for appt. t.erested lo Iona _64.S.-s _______ _ e mr loyment. Bktpr. 1eneral office, E.O.E. Cal Pat Mills, mature, small office, 56'1·9051. S.E. &m1a Ana. 54M673 Mlemhler .. • PUCISIOM F\lll cbarse Lbru trial ASSEMILB t.lance. mini·eomputo Poaltion available ID erq>edeoce helpful. Very bwy office. need p~ mecbaolcal auembl1 feMioaal, salary or:n. lbop. Must bave &ood n-·-p ... mechanical aptitude 6 ,__ t.o: anco .... mmual dexteri~. M.uat P.O. Box 1llZ1 Irvin~, be ramlllar wtt.b re-wort, •CA~S27l3~~-~~~~~ troubleaboot.lo. drillln1, 1- niami 01 6 preHing. Booktt.eper/Clerk. Full Mloimum 3 years ex· Ume ooe orl ea.ta M--.. pertence. Excellent com· olc. Must be dependable . P9QY beoefita. Contact, Cal1631-0723or~ Pat Miiia, 557-9051. Equal Oppor Employer. C&IUUC GLAl&a -..... JO cnw-. SI· ... dlmUlll a.eill op. ....-.,, ...... ............. Hotel HOST /HOS11SS We .,.. MekJq people- onelll.ed penoos able lo work day or evenln1 lbtfta In ooe of our boUI reetauranu. Eacellent 1-------1 company benefits. Apply -----------General hm· DOOD. M 0 ft. P'r l LEGAL SECRETARY One 1irl office. self· .starter. 1eneul law, COil> uper Call 644-21544 C3llh Is weeUnda) S..VolthMMy-4opt ~~TTHOl&. Dental usl1tant. Come joln our team. Good •• :..J VOLT ft ""'"-''C. ... lAU ._, ... , f l'loM t '• 900 Newport CeotAtr Dr Newport Beacb Equal Oppor Employer ---Uquott Cl.BK FuJJUJM Plua Verde Liquor 549-1422 M>ril:inecond. F/f. Mon Exper. nurses aides or 546-4741 -Fri.8:11·1420, traintts All 3 1b1fts :IHICampusDnve Hctd D-1Nl'--AL-A.SSJST _______ Fu_l_l· 1 =-~=· ~nc;~~ J~~='Z:Ort1 tlGHJ AUDIT =Nby ~ ':!>' time. No Sat.. £xpanded SL Cll. 548-558S Equal Oppor Employer pie to care foe home 6 2 G.tJes 1n pleuant H.B ClrlHf Kb& ao IPria. Pvt rm. amce. IM7·2'm FACfORY TRAINEE ------UU\ 'IV "bat&. m-576' all ~~~~~~~~~DENI'AL ASSISTANT lndmtrlal ceramics. AP· Girl Friday ~~~..: 6PM r: -pl)' Cen.m·Tek. 981 W. <lelical exp .• liebt typ-..-___ BOO ___ _ Fouped•tity pnclke in 18tbSl. CM in&. px1 math atutude, aptttude '"'number and LOCXER MATTEN· Npt. Beb. Xlnt. op· ----· ----1 oflice situated. N B calculator akUls NCR D ANT 6. .F 0 0 D par1.Unily. Top pay. Ex· Pl II 851 9141 4200 e1tper1ence pre. SERVICE. -8.30All to per. reqd. Non·1mobr. FACTORY ease ca · fttred.Advancementap. 2PM. Mon·Fr1 Call -------·--------• ~ WAREHOUSE _9-_Spm'-----~rtunmu available Umvenit.y AthleUc Club Oerlcal Comractor. experienced, Dental Aul.slant Great ASSEMBLERS Guards njoy ucellenl com· _7$!_711QJ _____ _ St.ff JOW ·~ w/awn plam previously opportunity ror· recent NoExpenenceNeeded s.c.ftySup."lsor pany !>enema Ap,ly LOSING 11lf: BUDGET M..-.•drct--.y. approved for beachlronl KS. grad. 45 trainee x. TopPay Paid Weekly Pennaoent. Must have ~~f"· 1100· rl RACE" A bustneu of WENE.ED property. Must have re ray llc~oae prer. ~ fl-J experience. lrvme com u.&aD•OTTHOTB. )'OUT own can help in· 1!!11• •c• ... .,5 swne & track record. S.UO/ht &42·7998. i i:m-plex. Call 833·3000 ext _. rome teeop up w /outgo nw;; ~ P.P. Aft 6, 832-6175. 8-S, e 191. Equal 0 pp or WO Newport Cent.er Dr PbOne local Amway dis TYPISTS 213/T.5-0325ext.492 DENTAL·Ortho Lab F.mployer Newport Beach tnbutor .ad ael \he . CCT'-C' ... .,5 --training. Some wire '-------F.qual()pporEmployer whole story 631·~ Of' Al ., ~ COOK-Breakfa?l/luncb, ~ le dental exper JRVINE 752~ --------1164-~ .RECEPTl1 t dOMISTS .. ~ht:,e~~~.AW~~ ~ .. ~: ~iuttr~~t EOE Mt F GUARDS nousEcLEANERS LO_T_A_TT_E_N_D_A_N_T_- "PP 'I o a/• wora Clemente Inn, 125 6t2-4393 ~M.!iO b.r +Bonus WIU FUIJ or part tune Mu.at tomorrow. ACIFJC Eaplandlan . Sao F1LE CLERK part tame traul.~U&Ptr Advan bel8 557-0520 PERSONNEL, 1370 E. Clemente Desk clerit & frool office cement Oppty Must -----Edln&er •Santa Ana. --------• help wanted. The Inn at ~. hcht typmg, fahog, Kave transporuuoo · 551-7016 COOK Laguna, 211 N. Coast ma.allng "' mlac office We CCII off.r JC* 148-7080 MA C HINE SHOP TRAINEE -Sw1111 AutomatJcs. No exper nee ln ....,_.. Niauel ln·9331 ~~~~~~~~ dut1ea. Call SaDdY Exper'd, breakfast-~forlln. Doughty 641).1856 ssssssssssss • a..EJUCAL llSleh, lamll,Y restuarant SanJuaoCapo.G:J.UM8 DU:SEL SERVlCE AD· COOll=:--V VISOR Requaree $ 1ean ., MINTOP ~ M traininf .\ft ll.lll"W tAJ4Y MONIY lJae eoak. Lapoa rnalnt«NDNacoper.UOO .........-8ueb Restaurant. CaU of commercial diesel Work local temporary ~orNlna .... t7S5 vehicles to Service IJlaoa&er. WlU develop & ... lpunen\a. We offer C o o k f o r 1 m a l I supervise mamtenaoce *-°l. kJoa term~ rstaurant. Qual. Stan· programs (or com for all typea of o flee darda. Exp. prefened, merc1al fleet diesel wort. but will train. Xlnt op pt 'y v eh 1 cl es. Pro v 1 de Openlnp for the follow· fer practical restaurant tecboacal advice to := exp. 675-4720. 673-1570 C\lltOmer regard.mg re 1--------•I pura, upkeep, cost , ac FOOD SBVICE MGR. 5AMto1 PM, Moo Ut.ru Friday. Must be e:apr'd in orderiD.a and receiving and ca~ble of aupervl5· tng employen. Salary open C&ll aft 10 AM 97!W747 SANDWICH &SALAD ASSIMILf:llS SAM ID 9:30 AM. Mon lhru Friday. 13.50 per hr. cau aft 10 am, 979-0747 •10.-,•:: .. •) COOKS couota, operataonal WCJM Ir i needs, etc. CaU for appt. •Secr .. wtet Minimum or no exper. $1.500/monthly full time. FREIGHT Exley Express •-ti'-' h needed. Will train. Full & Take ad to neares t I 1 I 0 0 k I n g r 0 r *"8ClllF'°'*1 part time. Apply 1n Employment Develop· owner /operators lo •Ci-ral Ofc C:ltrb penon. me a t D e pt . D 0 T aervice the Northwest. •T~ Dick CL·-h' 825.28l.010. Ad paJd for Contact Roser Peckman 141wpmt ~ s b'Jemployer. a>o-547-6557 WESTERN ReOster now & eana op-RESTAURANT ~1!1'Ii.Sf~~/~~~~FurotWre ----ltri-ppe--r-oeeded--SECURITY portunlty for Puerta Be Newport Btvd CM pl)'"AK. D. K .'1 Dcouu, f /l. No ex per. nee. 2ll4Z S ......._., Vallarta trip. _, FairvMw, C.ll. "-00/br. Huat be reap. " Tw 1 c•, Ce ftlOS Ooa\ef bitlp, mature; mature' Ir able to start F.quaf Opportunlty 1111m .-IQ knowledge Doubleday Book Shop, lmmed. Call Dip'o Strip £mployef'M/F req. U .10 Hr. Call Fubioo llland, 1eekl orcomebyat'78SW.11th ~~~~~~~~ 557.0045 m.sia qualified penonnel ror a. Oolta Kesa. 548-7'22. :: rr\-L•n: OOUN'l'EB llELP . Part· ;:~~::.-:=: 7.·=~~CE run':~~~. All U 1 11 -time. Bake Shop, Cd.II. M>-5313 -.a. "MH a" ea a • Un lf or m 1 ~....,...18MCU 111-mo ·-- CALL TODAY • Houlecleane~ ea m $$ 's <SJ 5(). SShr > wor1t1n1 r or a prof c1eaa1n1 1erv . M 1&1 t b a v e l r a D 1 p llUk, apply Tbl' Ian a\ 5S2-4J08 or G4$-9168 IAIUD•. 211 N . Coast fb.Decteaiwn Ptr SS hr. Hwy. Laaum Bead! Owo transporlalloo. MaulteDance mao. ex- Afta' S, IJ7i.0076 penenced, full hme Must work weekend.a. HOUSBEEPER Over 2S yn Cont.act Sue. Mahn. uve-1.11. Small home for elderly Will consider couple. Room·board • sa..laty. 962-7984 Jb.llekeeper needN for convaleacent hospital. Xlnt benefits w/lnaunoce & incenUve Apply Beverly Manor, :MO Victoria, Coata Mesa. Jobn Wayne Temm Club, 144.soo MAMA~IMBCT Fabnc cham 1nterv1ew· mg f°' mimt. poartJooa Fab or rtJ ex pr req Jack 2131627 -4471 Maoaaement ...... M••pt• 1225 week + f>onWI. Xlnt f\llure potenlial, lnnge benefit.. trainl.ft1. ur nee. Call ~5111 ~r. llve I.ft, &1 sl*Lkma. Noa smoker. 2 chl..ldreo~SJ&.~ -------- HOUSEKEEP ER - W.m.d Sun 6 Moo oaJ.y. XlllL woric1nl coada. No. Laaun.a area. 6'4·1 days, 417·3N3 evea wtmda. HOUSEKEEPER Mature, part time ....... .... tr ,..al HwT,...._ •ahlaga.. ®National Nuf'Sf09 SeMces 12812VallevVleW. Ste S G¥Oen Gt'Olle CA QW-ID> NODUCTIOM woaa Corruuled box CO,JD• Nutrallonally minded J*l,yU.openinpfodde· fem. \D ... all to )\Dee Is peadable emJlo1eea. food prep '"'spec. cbet, Wlll trun. P.!xcelletlt la bome days. WW t.ral.D . btoeflta lo • 1rowlDj N-ew*er. ~ ~. llmt be over Wlll coulder live-In. ll. Apply lo penoo Dunoa wk. aft. S pm before 4PID.1... 15511 Del 714-6C1·515'1 Amo Ave, TilltlD.. Bee Off'Cl/f WW _Pete_. _____ _ needs capable aelf Ptr Bookkeeper. Lap.na starter wltb out101a1 Beach dinner house. personality Good RelenDC1111.*"8ZZJ ~ votce Typuig ·eo wpm L111ht matb RCPT JllmlMJ Cir lllillt be able to wort WI m buly Cblroprac1lc ol· der ~adllne pressure. (\(le Expel'. fl fn:iat ofc Xlnt beaef1ls. ulary appearance req. Mual 9DI+ Pb 7S2~ !owe ~· 10 key by touc.b.. F\l1J ume. IC'l .a7'2 OfFICE =:t •al lood wit.Ji S A L B 8 T A T B SAL.IBMAH W .urr&D. n MacGreaor F.ARNUPTO~COJI· Yadlla, L63l Plac:ast.la. ~ON NBT. 1-Can ea.ta"--· ..a ,,.. lllK '° $lOGlt OIDIR BfftY ..... 11.J. 2-FIDd oat .try ID tey ,.,._ a.p. Cea otc new lie. earn bl& Al "..-here. Come talk w\lh tra.uun1 for data fJ:" them. 3-0 ur produc-~odS::td ~~pl · t /In ea pen 1 l v e -"°'•"'/budlet terms. 4· Com~nsatlon ne1otla· Pre·Nt appts. ialore. ble Call for appt ~Find out wby '"We've Marl I y n Ma C ri 11. sittbe beltthl.ng going". ~. N 8. &l"M. Alt for Mr. PART TIME EVEHIMGS Adult.a wU..b owituacllnc. annctive penooaUUes wbo ~ worlwii Wlth lada. Over 21. SC.art al 13 50 per bow'. Phone 142·4321, Eat zso BEIWEEN 1.S PM. .. ...... " EquJ ()ppol'tllldty ~- Haward. lliSS-3402 8-l~tate UC .. Sll> \MJCIMS9 Will traJ.a. Best com· miMioa split In tbe I.a· dl*'110/30, '° top pro-ducers. For lnte"lew call BW at a.dbl1l Real· .,., Udoomc.; Gl-1JOO • Drlver/Gardener comb. Growtn1 lrvlne Com· turrmbed. Alea 21 or 37Jl llrdt street Counter belp lor dry Have valid CA Ucenae. pe.oy bas uveral full over. Retired welcome. PART· 11ME. Ta.te inveo· =.._.. cleanen, full tlmeo; exp. Good drlvloi record. time poarUom avalable Noexperleoce nee. App-' 'Howtet•rs Co beoeflts Irvine t.ory iD local llorea. Car a1S11So t.a1 ••s•ss Pftl. Apply 7·3 al lllater Min. ace 20. Apply al for~llab&e tndhiduala to 1Y Uoivenal Protection Study work . x Int 540· 7639• A. Kenda vis nee: W rl le phone --------·--· Jielt <.1eanen, 293t E. Penny1aver, lUO perform varloua clerical Service. 1228 W. $lb bmellta, exp. pref .• fo _lnd. __ E __ o_.E_. ____ aumbet,exp to: ICC•, --------o.tllwy,Cdll. Placentla.CM. dutle.. Ra=blliUH Street. Santa Ana. ID· newCUlltnact.loa. Maturewomanlojoinour an JIM, Param•. N.J . --------Qa\G~ .. o-cE OOUPLEtoual.atmgr.lJJ DRIVERS • Delivery ~~I~ .. c"•tompbooe-e ~~ ~l2 & l-4 ._2,~ftt~~~l 8f~AlYu?00ttn!Jr ~dant. <nm. ~~1:;:;:;.!!,~ _ .. mJBJS... Orau1e Cty-deluxe bakery products to =~ ;';;neif..;.;1 Haf.rdreuerwanted. Rent ~-~Hilla. ' ~N:;.-vliies~J..:;: Part-tiJm dNs cJ.n AJ. TJOMT. S....n-... ••ES ~-eal + lovely apt. aupermarket1. Early d\&lel. Cal Linda ............. ternooa1. U .00 /br.•--------.-...-·.ruu Cal.T521.UCforappt. morn1.oa to mJd •lter· IJ'l't.mJ apace In buay,well· IN s UR AN c E . -~--·-----IG-4.lot. JIWl:ll!!Ptlaldatneededlay A'f.&~:S CVSTODIANS DDOD.M7.m7 a..u.r.ci,p,mgProducts ~te::1°°~~~cn~ Oimmerdal prope~ Medi.cal ~t for --------a •Hk (Wed.) tall TopPay Nof'ee !!!'da11meolswomeo. DIUVEBS-Full or part· WantAdR.esulta 642-5678 !ipm. =~ .:r:i:ce2 ;~ =_:a. ta lleu. ~ .. L_ •1'111,a&farDau 1 JtaklWeetlJ '--ta lleH Newport Ume. For Vet. Lab. 10.m --------lncludinl typlni. Xln ----------..-~'"9 RECEPTIONIST, lloD Piie area. lluat be U .8. to 2Jlm. Or a lo 7 pm. G al be n e 11 t 1 . J,a m es llodm-l'llCIJlta trit.b • leut l yur ex· t.bnl Tbun 2Pm-10pm, Dile flitba. Ca11532-8551. l MUil be over 21 lfature ener lnauraace. Irvine Call ae.AA W... perience. preferably Sun Mpm. Call '112·7'03 _ - -Dlt.t&i tblnkln1 X.lDt. drtvia1 ----------------... Yaunne,'JSUllOE.O.E ~ ... 1_ newtpaper. Excella.t UnlvenltyA1bletlcClub . .,...,..,.., tr:yO RLOAD r,-NCOl"Cl. lll·210l. · f ---"------• ,_.....,. •• compe.ny beDdlta. APP«Y AU f« JobD ar Jeff. ~KEYPUNCH ~ • . IGUIANCICO. '-:i1:~ ~wa1119AM-1PM,Mon· uc...1a..1ST lllVINE •alTJ*•U1·9091• D1fV1RS . t., 1 de1lrH mature In· Ol•A¥AICO•aT z ..,,.,_per ,n:, It~ JOE .. _ -T dlftduaJ who ls wtWn1 to •MODELS• --~-...... bel ------11!111-... Wl ~ faal wWI Dall1 -or women -yra or accept rwpooalbUity and DAI. Y rtl.OT ---exp. • ~Want.Adi. older. Koow &be cout dealrea to learn all *rut,.~* &a-5112 Mloc., Net iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii-'.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii~ c:ltiel. Net S1IO • week or M ~va' ;a m.UM. more. Oran1• Coaal 10U ean pblllel ot poUcy bolder D>W. BaySt ·-------- Yellow Cab, 17IOO Ill. ' ~!!~~:~~i Expert66enc:.I llPreli72e9rTed r""$iltf l~ceptlonjs.t,Nr8acl~l CLERKS AIU. TIME MO m II I ICI MICllSAIY Hurry r Immediate openiDJS wn..i; learn vartoua pbuel ol atore operations. Lota of customer coat.ct. Herrmann, Fountain be~ •i.-.. * -v * ~ ~aurpoa. · · a;.A· Valley. (No of Slater blneftta, +. ps '*-•salary eom· betwD Newbope • • Pb7IMIS15 .x>a.s: n.tJ. (....... PAYIOU. ~•I~. Call for !Uc.lid> ftll•holldag ~•MCI •bo• for dealtaer • 1IClllCIAM .-.eo.,. VIU 0 + ••••c:Y 5:..:uc:;d~ To Pf'Oride ._,,tance ,. ~r1001at, lnlae- DBIVERS; croeuoaDlrJ, AV.a.;..-._. t P1nt • cuualty, com-Omt llocWt All perform difficult 6 hlllim Orm bu DO 1peclal Ueeaa. r•· C.Ai;J.-;USU... rotrelal llnea un· .,..; mtoDt.aa oati for 1..-..Sble ciencal ac-jauMd opealoa for • quJred. ll4cGre1or ~ter. Eapertence SEASON. Public lnvtt.d. ,,., ... on, wwk for Uk ,...aublt, •rna,. Yecta. 1111 Placentua, raq d . Robertton South CoHt Vlllaie. payro I pro1ram. Cl$C..as&towoi'tlDOW' Calla...... Olaneufand Is now hiring lmurance Aatoc.. Inc. 9'7·8111. Knowledaw of 1-wt • ,.. rut-pae.ct Croat offc. ' ~ 1ulatloat 1overala1 WW tnin. Call Bouie A for the fast approaching "-I x.tra ou.b? wort payroll procedun• 6 _!•~eoa.~------..,.. Chrlatmasseason. Jaaltorlal/Part tlm• &M Cbrbtmu ltuon ..._. 4llt11et poUet• -~ .. --. lloa.•fti., Mhn/ .. ds. "-1.l u.. Ott .......... ·~· ............ App~'"/:"'°" It ntf!!. 8.B. ana. IMIOoaDO pm& time ba1p waa&.ed. ~a,..,. · ......_. Ilea r •• t ~ot~·;~ wcn imc:b nie. • .. • .. din ft\•'°'· Ainn'9 OU "'9 JANl'IOB!AL CO ..._,..... ftlldblll ...._ '10Qtto ........ WWI' ~l Of Clll (114) 1 Llcbt office cleula1. ....,. .... Dlt ...... smt Pll' ...ah. ARl.17 taD ~ Cal • DiSaieytatid.. t AIN (QUAI. Ol'POATUHl'TY EMl\.OY ~ dmt fttU Um.. Top •• hanafall qlforma. ~ .P.l'IOll to Poutala lllU1.._ ::,c•· Ssptrienced Start tm-.... At ae• Yllllf Sebool Dt.a&.rtct, IBedlllllolill&-.c C!ll· ,,._ w.e-M•MMJ. • 8. coner of T1lbtrt • HC.HUf .JANm>IUAl. HELP Brlttol.t .~··. Nur Nft-li84. ~ Ute _,,._.,.700• ' QqMoverZlw/tl"&M .• -..m.QUWJ-O'nt U/1M. £.0.B. t. lOPIL Lacuaa Be ,....... .. .., PBX OPSl\ATOI\ AN1W --' .a.ITMAI SIU SDV. -fta.D • ,.rt.. JAllll'l'QRIA.L.U to IPlll. tarl1 mor:ataa L .A. llllle. Ssper. pref. llloDol'Jf, -IDO 0C 'I'-dlill~ .., + ---~,_11-:-~~....,....- AlrpoJ'\ A.rea, mature ~mo. CM er •· 1 S.Uwtlh&ABZ! :::: •I ,.,, CllJ> IJl.7019 f~tZll ~~::..,. ....................... ~--~ -m-asa , nM>EB Jua aU;: ... ·~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~..,-llCllTAIY ____ __._ __ ,WOOD WORKING in .... :!;~ MCrtW7 / •-::::::;::=::-i•J lld&il' ._ H.B. area. w.t RlChland Terrier. c-Meet I • II ...-Sto•~ se•n .. a.m aam1.-.11m K..11mo1,cbamp hna. .. ..... ..., *~'• a ~ Olnter loraaitnelwd•aredla· -------• mek.eotfer.""'2140aftt. Spomoredby Coaplete lratnla1 Execullve t'Altt. trtbutor. Some u -WOllOYll.Sl4S AKC ::t Lbua A~ Newportllartlor P8llablie. m\llt be at-Knowlod10 of JBM 1*MDee ._.. • .ry. l'\IU .. ..-._==k ~ ,.....__ e.1.,.aasProfesaional _;,..;.~~;:;...;.;;..;.o.;.;;....-i tnctl" 6 aa~tve Memory typewriter time. Immediate open· --.. • rom '-DAWP W Club WSllOMlt WW be..,..~ bual· belpful, 10.10 wpm l G d illlllbl'*9 · ol · ·Bur DOW wUllq to omedl TO... -owmn Na&tdlnl w/tranacrlptlon U · ~elii:.o c.f1°S.:1b:~ 1QllrNI. aaOt' ~ bold for yo u t i 11 SlltUrdat;Dec. lat atlll&. IUnle:dN a.div. ~ecou!at1G1 • tea ~n·~~D~Datblyleto. MlilutM/FIB •8171 E.O.&. =~i ::~e~r:· ,:! ii:.1~~ m ••. 2Bll~~M~~Place MOVING! Rerri1.1V. to ......_ 1tcmt of flee NoSelln& to taOOtwk ---cPnicL For detalla. tend "'""9WI -Bedroom Mt. e\c Heavy-pup metal offic!f/ =-~"', .. u.....sM_ .. ~ra-.te 8elliut.0'500/Week dlalwtthmanytypesof ~~~~~~~~I a •tamped , ulf· PrwtlDY• 1045 4blbE.alF~ M vs T s £LL d es k . 4 etandar~ iii l1i•• vv.. Otll--for wort. =to •11•400· ..tdreuedeovelopeto: ... •••••••••••••••••••• EVER'Y'11UNG! dnwers, 1 deep fl\o l1Jt•••n..~!! r!.!._~·. _____ 1 __ a._pp&.;...__ m.9"11or 7180. ..,.~~ ... -... ,.., .... •••••• Black Lab mile, 1 wa, 3 ...... _ ,_. Sa .. PM PromOltollOO drawer. ll50 or nearet' .-.""-"..-....-s••K.c11 .. ., • ..,.. ......... , ... , wttb Olt WHUUU' ~ • .._ MalelFem,CutA!. \~111~·-:;·· ~ .... :ni.ft Ml.CUADytime offer.5tl-1546. llll~.11'10llt.rbor, w. baN an lmmedlete ~.,.,ft apr. WUlt.raln. Advance _. .._1340. .,.,......1uppu • c _Cll.-.;.:;;;iNnW.:;;jjii•iiij;f•;;;;..:--;;I apmJaf la our factory Ptr, Ahp>rt ara, Mon· poulbUitl". Gd com· 701WubiqlonStreet tooll. clothes. etc. 741 Cuttln1 tbl. Hxl44", Olympia port. elec. ~ outlet It.ore for an H Fri All, S.H., ty11tn1. P8DY benefit&. Apply ln Dept.5032 Mix CocQr Spaniel Blk Balboa,LqunaBeadl. beavydl4y,neveruted typewriter Model SKE m:IPllC>il6'1T perienced Hlespenoo. 20bu min, Hultb ~amUUllam.at 8"falo,NewYork14205 ~~home.male. OerqeSele,Sat.t-a,223t 873--3538 :cawe· $150. ~ft ..._. Job llllllt be able to work ~ beoeftta, Salary open, Sboel. 222 So. Port C&rlille. NB. Kat· Raocbeto Camper shell. -· -------~Wort .!°'ea:~ fluible acbedule.1-m._2llfl0 __ . _____ Euc1id,Anehelm.C... YoutbCouD.lelon MUil live up our cute tnm. toys, booka; anare fttl JJS.J.979, xlnt cood Privateparty selh.n~near Giiiet wttb lharp It up. Llberal benefita, lnclud· SECRETARIAL SbutterSbop,oeedlexper Pert Time evenln11. Teri POo. ''Hlid.1", F . dnlm..bocteyeqwp. 751.-J. new o ffi ce equip. It eomlal exec'•· Mutt lacpralitaharln1 •ut.ock Newport Bcb Mort1a1e abt.tt« fabricator. Pay ~ adulta worlrlng moa 4SIWl14 furniture. Gorgeous sec-tne-Wlll tnJa to de-llaaa plam. Pleue app-co. baa lmmed openlnga neeotlable. C.U for appt. wtth ycdh. Over 21 Own __ _;_;.._;_ ___ __, Marnace sale aurplu1 Re1ular family mem· t.y. de9k w/retum, ong . ......,... I new data lYmpersoolOamto5Pm. for indMduall w/exper TI4-84Z-8931 tnnsportaUoo. $3.SO hr Free 3yr old La b !~~'!:. '!'~tuSarets"-~ ~•tl Tbenbip, forJlohn Wayne coel Sl.616, sale price OLGA CO. 743 Baker in the f ll lo l llart.&-9PM Hlaltey. M. well man ...__... -~ "° eon1s C ub. Call SSOO Mat c h I n e =:f~ency Street. Co1ta Meu. liom: o O• I po1 . Small lbop needl 1 Fem. CALLANDREA oered. Good w/kld1 4010 Park Npt. Apt. 223. llG--2832 bookcaw at lateral file •E.11th,c.taileaa FAiual Oppoc Employer QUALITYCONTROL for~alofficeduties. 8G-G2l. ext 250. 1-SPM. =:~~i:me 6"-93 Gitf1l01pd3' .. blueblke cab w/oaktop,ong.cost Stem 142-1470 111/F JI' a.ERK (Typitl). Wiii 40 Hr Wk.~· belpfuJ E.OE. ~--...;__ _ _:.....;__--1 9uok. queen bed1 • Frm1 bv rm drapes. tri95.cn. 3 pc sale price ~ r auditielec.ttlcf numberof tQootoec.C .. 64U2l2 Mlt ;lg•dlM fWaftWI 105 CoucbH, lbles. 10111e 2 pr, avo VD tie bac:U ~~ ra~~'e e~~~isre:: Sale$ loan ft1ea for accurate SNACK BAR ATTEN· ·-•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Junkie-all rea1onable w/14"vaJ I prlxl2' 1 pr cak ulalors, telecopaer, Rel&anDt f\&ll fJP/f, earn up to S7 documentaUoa. Typing DANT· Rec:eptlonlat . ...... 1001 **I BUY** ~9AODM 0R~ar~l. .,00tt1• ~~75 all. 982-3294. book binder. etc. Call COOIS 6 IUSIOYS br req. 4SWPM. Prior ofc: Part time. Uolvenlty •••••••••••••-•••••••• .. ... ~ v ....... ~·-675-S716 t'\illltP!l'.lOUlaln, .531-4811.Paul. experdesired.IDgbSchJ Athletic Club, ask for1--------Good tlNd P\uultunt Se.aabottDr N.8. floe* M~ lb ------· "" ~p~ SALES H&.P ~&atioa orequlvaleot John or Jeff, 752.7903. wmno:NSTEB ~~ l will 3 or more Garqes Sale ball ~:S'. t~onn1:n NI IOll ~·-· Mll'Sexpel'NQ. ABBEY SAT Dec. l. from 10 All SIJO.C.11~7912 .. ••••••••••••••••••··~ WWlt.ed. f\ill or p/tlme. DOCUMENT MACHINE Tailor; man or woman to MASTIRSAUCTIOM lO • Good )unit. 121 w. _ salt water aquar a.&ammit Infants & c hildren's OFER.ATOR take charle of alteration ANTIQUE MALL 646 1616 & IJJ.9625 WU.00 Electnc elievator cba1r, w/ltaDd all acc:et. $1001 HOSTISS/C•hhr wear. Costa Mesa. Ex.pr. AB (Part.tlme) 20 to 30 dept. Salary + com-a> 5tlOll8 ol fine antique ,.. .. 0 HPA1D mountl on 1tairway. 63HJ76ev•.early All. J>ut Ume. flellable, & pref. Please call for in· bn per wit. To typeloan mi n i on . Newport fumrt~ & treaaurable ~ ANTIQUE Furn Penn $31S.53&«518 . neat eppearance. Group t«Ytew. YOUNGLAND. information 1nlo Bur-Cleaners. 548·2221 items. CJoeed Tues. For gd wed fum. anti Dry SI o k • Cherry ,..._ & Or..-109CJ beel1b plan. Apply in 545-1440 roughs Document Da.Uybn. UM quesltclrTV's 967-8l33 ~Tbl. Vic. Cb.Uds Mm• W~ 10 speed ••••••••••••••••••••••' geraoo between c.-uESPERSON .Machine, a<ljU1t forms T~~~~~r. C.M. ofc . Mon&Fril~9 Sleab. Vic: Piano Lmp. taka. OnlY l year old •o•lOO's of NEW & J:»Spm. ... Barken, ~ from print-out " make ..... 1c mwV W ·relums. 11751 Wett.minlter Ave MODEL HOME Elc. Elc. Uhr ltCordura • eadL ~ycle. S50 USED PIADD9 " or1ans. izaEt'JUlSt.C.11. .,.~·Sl'ERfE00DEPT2. correction• when IOCDe intervieWI, F\111 or G.G. 554~103 Samples/Hand Bas•. E. itcellent condition •up.Oealer7Sl-1121 ~pr. pre . ver 1. necesHry. Prior olc ell· Ptr.6'2--0212. 1'11Q$( "UJ SALE Acc:es .• Back Pak1. ,.rfect Cmatmu 111t RlltlUnDl llUlt be able to work per At lYPln& of 4SWPll w. -u Modm Loveaeat. ONLY e.10tt Antique Upright Plano, Oil7'1 Dell, counter= eYmA &md.aya. Al>PlY in ..... Teacher-preschool, full For sale utique oak bed. Decorator furniture & 2 • D A Y S T 1 L L V"-•• w·•-r __. $1.50 :a\ Ivory 11.eya, carving . • -~~ -..... t:hoe,10CDebenefiLI, ~oa'" dre11er go. --• ..., .,.,.. _ __._ -" .. 177 -·-per'IOQ,, r--.,.~Rima Q.ERICTYPIST • acceuones. Cedar Glen CHRISTMAS. TWO 751 .1$l4 '4S·•l1I an• .....,.._.v,..., · • '1lllure in Otbm' .,... ntm'DJ Prior otc e.per. Good 540-lJll. cabinet •. II Townbomes. 2554 Elden FAMILY SALE! Sat " mac:h. • ~ 109a ~JD,...._ Dll B. ~~ii tYJJinl aklli. 6 ability to TELEPHONE ~:M:M. Ave, Costa Mesa. 11to6 S&m ~-1l2M FQJlClove ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 0-.HlrJ,Cdm. ~ 10 key would be SOLICITORS BatMub, w/ball • claw dally 64U'13' Way,'"·_.., f'tnbalb. video sames. C1taUoa 1k1 bocU ... taar.•t Counter SAl.ISl'llSOH ble, to fill our Part Ume. Su.n·Tbun. lep,$250, -----------I 9M!L J Im• up. Del• lmtal. ~onl:y4tlma. Sztll • ...._IDUtUIMopeo-for .O.lper '••ell')' typt1t po11tlon1 In 5:10tot:30Pll. C.aeuu -.... SA ..., Paa:ailJ.AttadeS.Z>U 111-1.116 ev• or ear~ ... aqil for IWPQUI· s.Jan. NB, Exper. F/f =:::..=.,::~y :.'°J::t:'=r. Aotiq• Day~ Circe Campai~::. br. F...-.YSAU naar loOID. 41". Untqiae _All_. ______ _ Mf wwbn. Nice at· lmmed. 671-4134 or VAULTQ.ERK . ble. ble to Collow ill 18 lliJrt S1115 Hll areal for lHDI; LA1"lt 6' ~ Cluktma &ift. 4 bar· LI ...... 1094• . mllrWe • Newport &11~. EDtey Jn el po1ltlo.D. ~ la N B . P\nD. C.U m.G0e DllD\ 1tand dreHer, wtlla1 Pll0 racS., dExtbwl ~1· -· I treaale. ~ ~ ... ••••••••••••••••• =. En~ C..Jf 8olDe olfl de-. .......... • ·area. · cube w11beive1. t•la c e, 1 •PH ..e. betw red. hand mlled. '• a Boots for ...... ....-~ ...... P/T·Nlt time. oe ••per ....,_ P!neAllarlashmllme bed.Goodoor>dtt'an! ....... microwave ova>. Sim· •·--•to 1 Pll Pnmo _ ... Dyna.....,s•..:,: -· - -' 'Represent OUbta'edidg ...._ WUl1Da to tralD. AND or.._.---. • -mom all wood ctDOPY GearJ1 Jeff .. -wu. ...,., =llllll••r-.•11111 1iJae Qf cle&Dlnl com· Reapon1lble for tbf Tlle,r--S.S. AmeriamA.atirrueQullLI u•oawm:•· cnb. uaque bet>y iroa°' · Ome1I•• 18~ cm , ..__... i;o u n d • a related !!llttjten:anee al our loan SIOO MO. au Red Hlll-Olf Briltol ___ aau_~......;.._•_19 ___ , crib, aw.a butds. au J .._. _. DanJap now w l'I'Yrolia 3.W di84ooal CMHlml dwnlceMI Pnlducll lor .ftla GUAltAMTllD Su I t e G · 10 2 , C M New Sofa • Lov .. eat, wood. IM'le lelectlon al Cl1lllbu &ruirlr W. w9 bmdlnp '200. Ra1cltle .... _,.~ U...olc•commerclal SF.CRETARY $1100~. _1.0All_:..~-aPll...;;..;;..;;;;._· ____ eartbtoae1 1215. 25 '' lk:l --uipmeot alria ....... 111m • ..,a.u. Cap-ice. bi-arcb ladies ---._...,......, 1 b · MIS be an independent -....__ -~ .... ..: ... _..._ ~ Ill mGC7 boat..-1. ao. Dynalll dll'USat,2'11SW.Cat uae, .. a aclrll'OW1d Lbink / ood t 1 P0'9111AL ., ... r" 1010 Color1Vcomo'9U-. • ........ ......._._.,. Pro. bl·performaae. Hwy NB belpful. Call Bob: er w I YP n1 MOWHlllMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• color port TV, wood cot. la)'S. • Christmd • Ame r ican A1rllae boob near new •l.se I. .._..:___. s -1ms.10pm. ~·-· .. !.~rr:t\iort.15cHe fee end t b I 1 . omamen11. etc. Friday, Coupons Beit offer. uoo. 'eau 8'75-7D7 aftet __ ~--.. ... -..-MO EXP. MIC. Retrtprator. oew iood 11 w.tmlrwttt. S»-4.903 Sll&urdey Sunday 1329 - IUS.oy Salu -S·9pm. Earn didaphone uper be ST•-1 ........ -4 people, 1lllht damage, Suueit' Lane.· Ne. -1171 8pm '3-•th can 495-5971 cxmidered. -· -· omly SZ70 OI' $17 mo. s yr fternodelin1: 1e111D1 lm· PllDttme nlO&a 1-~~ Ide • w on lnt 17 ns & ova G d -..... _, __ _.c dbl .. ov'"'n .. ~. HOS'l'IS. S . .., ........ , •• oro r e er x working ~_...__._._, guarantee. ar en ,_ ..,_;u1 ... "' • --------c:oods • lood atartlng uaue"'uu supplies local· Grove Appliance 13191 1tv top, Rl•lera cor ..._ I060 r.alltbm/dQs. SALES PERSONS salaries to quallfled can· ed ~ l~or lnterview Harbor G.G. Open UoW pot.Ip, lamps fl olber _ .................. . Olvw'tlett. Penooality plus adults dldates. Xlnt paid 8.5.17.Q33 lteml.Raobl.9'2-8619. flalby, wbJt.e Appaloou AJlllbmpencnbtwn3·S to work wllb and benefrt.s. For appt. call TB.EX CASHPAID ~aof .. leeper. llkeoew. 1eldtn1. 31i't yrs old. pm.300080.Brtatol,CM motivate kids. Over 21. our Penonnel t>ept at OPIAATOI Wsbr/dryrst Refrl&•. brown"ao&citooes S200 Green broke. Espr'd ......_ Io Laauna, Cepbtraao. fW0.4Sll>ext202. E.O.E. wortingoroot.957-8133 •1344 · · rider and gd home Ollly. Sao Clemente areas. .,.,.,,......,...ARY-"'•""'r'd 'or Sm N.8. e1tportln1 firm 8)0. PhWTS..0191 ~ Help, full or part PART TIME '""'-'OU:.& -v--1' needlperson to2·6 PM. 5 Hot pol n l combo Dinette Ht. 4 uphol tilile,eppl.yllondaythru sales manaeement. dya wk., 15.00 per hr. microwave , a elf · chairs. woo d l op . Chestnut Geldlo1 16 J'rlday • 2pm-5pm EVB41N&S Qualification. include: PINN call 640-6313 ask cleaningO¥entfr4burner wrGUlbl 1roo bale $100 band1. 1ood m o ver. McDamldl 20362 .Beach DUAa.JIE: Typio.1. SH, ability to for Pegy. stove. sWl ln crate $500 ~u• . Ready roe~ level llvd,B.B. .-~ worltw/numbers&lnter· 673-8'37 ~7w --------1 ~ $2,000oroffer IK2...mtor494·9466 relate wttb sal•people --------' Klq 11 Watert>ed, frame &!l-%196&tl s. Reeta11t1Dt/Bu1peraon Ell.250.Betweenl·SPM. inlhefoodlnduatry. Xlnt TEXAS OIL COMPANY Hotpotot bltn dabw1hr. & beater. Xlal cond Cb ,_ P 6 l--*6Dhlner,es:p.not A.skForAodrea h'ioge benefits & work· needadependablepersoo 1tlll lo crate Sl25 562-4I01oraet-982S nlUllH ony. yr req!. Xlat benefits. iogcondl.IDprlmeN.B. who can work wttbout m&U7.549-nu ---------1 Slwtlmd, oew ladcile A suar/tlps. ApplJ \D 6e.les location. Ph!ase inch.Ide supervlalon lo Costa Draet cabtoet. 8' sofa. tact. 1225 · 5*5331 t•no~ ll·t'. 1·5 . UY'AJLClllUC salary requirements Mes a . Conta c t Hotpoint combo self· bsrltook. Ha 10 11d--.a..1065 Gull l •er '1 • 1a4 8 2 For a new 1tore openioi with resume It send to A i deaning OYetl • 4 burner 175-4338 -llacArtbur BlYd., lrviDe ID Fashion llla.nd. Npt. PO Box 1410. NeT,rt cuatomel'I. ae un m-stove. sU11 in crate 12:§() •• .. ••••••-••••••••••• --Bcb. CaU 114·160-1225 for Bcb, ro..., ............. O. . portent. but maturity ls 11'1'H4.17, 549-1113 Oak Dtnl..n1 room ta bl 8/WTV S30 EJec: Fan RO. __ lntervl ...... -....., We train. Write K.Y. w/4 chain. Sacrifice. GE Toaaleroven SlS. •T.F&l•OMl'S appt ew. D I ck • P re a . , Brand new. never been $300 Stephanie Dys ~ S30. Lamps $7. PIZZA STC>al S&lea * SICllTAlllS • S o u l h w e 1 l e r n u • e d • n o f r o s t ~.All. Spm.551 Clock SlO. Aft 6pm . Nw~ortull•part ~ .-Growiog..stafflnl• Petroleum, Ft. Worth, refrigerator. 15.'t cu fti S41-6427. time atloeeUoa WANTS YOU •OurOffice• fi.1&tOl =color. P7S. Cal ~ 1070 ...,. .C. · Vary-'lb ftll avalanche of or· .-Girl Friday /OUl"I• ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.dala 6b0u.n: Ideal dert from marine, •Se.les/OurOfflc.. Tbe Second Mate-Inc. WANTED wa1bln1 ....,1e ,..,,, lo.come for molorc1cle, 1portlng *Couolelon/Exper• Looklnl for woman / machinel 6 en run· ha wt .. • atudenLI. aiodl.. mocor aporU, re· ~/Free ceneral maneier for niog or not. 1·6314 , :r:-'~tti:! ~ =~~rv:u,! ~Bhdl. ~~t:'~ nmninl crew • otnce. 831-lD tar ...... mmt bued want confident wln.ner Newport Beach, 83MUIO M2-0ll71. days. Washer Sl!IO. mn1-$150. o a 1 o Q r > o b ~ oaly. We treln ... Tow Trw:k Driven eJt· = room Ht f75 . :::::=: lif.,f-~-=-~~· Sl'JCRETAllY • J:~ r.r.r:~: 1~~ G . E . Com bin ot Io o -. •• ID : PERSONNEL/ <JumWay,C.M.M2·1Zli2 wuhertdr1er, $250. S:A'Dal:leililM '#"aotec11Umll men wbO l'IAVILA•INT 751-8514, 5'$·417' ao1 ~tollcDme)Ae) tiW pt along well with EXECUlJVE Exp11nd1o1 office .....S mecb &.O.& women. Call II r . mliilmum 2 yean ex· ~NMCm. • SECRETARY We are •••kins • matur•l••P•ri•nced ..-to ulilt a buy re1lon1I peuoanel meae1er. Appllcaat mu.t bave offh• ""D'= aperl--ancttt .. cn\arial lld.UI. The Little Train That Can! GET STARTED ON THE RIGHT TRACK EARLY!! Sell Your Holiday Gift Items on the Dally Pilot CHRISTMAS GIFT TRAIN PAGE This special gift guide will ap- pear each Wednesdav from Nov. 21 thru Dec. 19 reaching 108,000 hOuseholds each week. You can run an ad the size of the sample below for only $11 per week and we have many other sizes to choose from. For Information and help in placing your ad can a CHRISTMAS AD-VISOR 842·51'71 GIFTS TOYS SPOllTINO GOODS JEWELRY POI'S & PLANTS ANDMADE IT MS I CATS DOGS GUT C RTIF.ICATES AUfO 081LES .. llAlf Wo' II (•II 1 '11J N h : ., . '", "TO 114, ladtab ....... ........... N10t. '1ml &rot tHOO. Xnln, ..uJd worlr. Al foot ~- .,,,... t' ' 11 C4llli'il "71 ~ WW aamftc. lbtbaaatr -llMaill! tlOO'I l 81 &o°* f ....... 4 CJ ..... NC. 8Ull under ow wmtt • di teatw !ottrlor~ mac '87 Squa.rtbact nd, DI.I =..:IDY atraa. =-~~:. =• p&JDt·beadllatr·eDI pC.J, Blitci«.r. iwblt. Plrem radlala. '71 lloaW C.r&o Ve. D C&Ut1N121 1 Blau aaf= ,\II/I'll. mps. imay ntru. ,u. ----· _ ....... ....,,_ Cc. move :-If~ =-~· ~~~ '::i im MU1Rao1, 1taadal1l ... .u. tl.dO. f1Ml60 2Tm lhlA Call imk fol' DllD. MMlD MHIJO T7 tu S.T&!f• Potwdle. a..,..... ff21 '72Mue qGrude.IOld 7' alloJied, T.a rtd, t.aD W VW Bus. Xlal coad, •·--............... bru ~-v.a, ~&Ill' l&~J. ~ •orbmtoftef. '73 Ou71ler Newport 4 ail'. lfeNo map ...,· ,,~tlALt.S•pd. Gl·.. ~s:::-4:=· Xlliteobd.i:aiiO.iMtat' Blk. loaded. lft:amac. '70 VW 8quareback. ~ duty tmpeaa&oe'. '79GIU, mu mai wbJa. JIS»/Olr. 17$--am/lm/c.a. Smf. &a.ma ~ raUo dlllenatlal . .,.. ll1cb U.... &hr llPbol l~~~~~=~~~t SAemRCll -r°'1" suoo. m.5077 aft. tar-. air, aweo radJio. 1unrf. at~. All/PM: t--Y.~~~~¥.-lr. tM &tll&coad loml 25 Ideal c•r for u•e atereo c••••U•, mN. II• ..U . .O or '7111abbil Db. aJ:rat ccad . •/\ravel trailer. '1250. amplifier. 5 mo. old, IUYING -SB.UNG nlallY_. DAILYPILOT IOATMAIT bltalr.545-2014 llkb'1, new 11aprcb. Oa1175J.7051. i: ~·.,:::ai auto, ... _ "" ~wear:~:.mia4z ... ~s "13~'-r.T•C•ap. ---·-----_,_ ..-Ridl demi. Ddt top.job, S495. -r'l~J V-tii•,.IOOmi. u;;•••••H•••••••••••• _. ---~PvtPty AIC. A•IP stereo, I DEALER IN U.S.A. '78 Qiav Bui. 12,000aU. power lltrlll. OK medt.., IOY All/Fii •tereo, white 77~ needa coamette.. a-. CAIYll w/bl.k top • Int. XJnt a.010 m.u.. au whM. MS-W5orNO-a10 T7 •z e.t otter over ROU.S·ROYCl CCJDd. 0=.~5·HOt: ~1&~ae~: 115 lll.llt&ol coav. a eyt, •-.,~ ••~ v•-t ... 1••111 w ewamp, All/Fii 9 track. white auto. red , beaut ;-5i0~ ....... A.Ill · .....,.-..ca Yahoo '771. w 1w . beaut cond restored. Xlot. ss.200 ~-'=........:;--'----..--\'---.... .,...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• <714 >Na-0871 Fountain 113-3800 .,, no. St. Wp. RI ttlt, OOllOSUNOA'fl VOi.YO Valley. • Mmtana. &oed eondi. 12.000 ml, fact. alt, fan· s.a 9760 C ttm..td f9J0 Uon, AM /Fii &·track. ~i mp&, $3400, ••~•••••••••••••••••• SALIS. SllVICE ·-•••••••••••••••••••• New tires, auto trana. SAA.I Ate L1A51MG '79 llAJlK v lo L&bt. bliae. $1000 or bea l oU er ~ '723 ·--OVERSEAS DELIVERY wbil.e landau top. Fully _st_l_·3508 ____ _ ............... Demo&t.JelDProll'f!U EXP•l>'l"r loaded! Cherry Leu •n r ... .-1 Ti ............ S./ 5 brand new Dunlap aoow • .... ,_. • a.t/'St1 .,. f 160 crusher truck Urea wtlh AUTOS e11642·5671 ···-················ wbeela and rtma. $tOO w·~ ••• .. •-••••••••••••••• 1979cr. ............ , c.n•<> Lbao 2500 ml.Jell. S12.750. -""" .. .,..., super n ce, -3115 GT 2+2. dart blue .-, .... d ....... .,.. Call ~sao fr uk for ·~· Call for Ullo. metan. tan int. VU~pd. AutoalaUc, • r con · ~ 1_. Peter Pe 1 e u •ea . se. or~ RDfl' 22 ft hawy motor \Ake& all. 873-at7 """• a.r ._ _______ ,., home; 1leepe 8 ; self· --Dool trade ·sell UI your coat. $250/Wk. + • ml 'T8 Ford Courier, 9K. uaed Mercedes Benz. 15'0olemaaCaaoe. 16&1115 · aW>. AJC, loaded. $&99S a.ti ua to find out what Bam-X Ball 2 Ex~Ueot --Steve. SJS-7555, 8C7·2229 your MBZ"a really worth. Nana pedclles. $300. 11.iaeJ.oo VlejO Imports ~ ~ ~ tl70 "73 Chevy 1-lon '"Blc lll·1740 -.. -.-.-.-.. -... --••••••••••••••••••••••• Doolie", Fully equlp'd. ------'zd .. 9030 WEEKENDER . Near incl 11' holiday camper, AlllOl. ... uted .. , -Zl' -r..~ lrlr ind• loali. s.-sa>. • •••••••••••••••••••••• -=:-.;::::•••d•_:::• ;;t ~-~ weu~: '76 OJevy ~T abrt t;;S-Alfaaa..o '70$ IS -.. .....,.~,I ..uuu. M.-oi llll1ll "~des. stepside /abeU &o /m1° ..... •••••••••••••••••• = ::S. ~/.~!ita'd 'TM-41D-l.185or · _ map, A1C. man). xtru: AU-A IOMlO Pl5(). 546--1656 llllh. Po...-9040 Mio s.r.ice Paris ·-.. -.............. &Acc:euori.. ,400 •i6 Datpo L·B, Cam- CJualc 27' Monterey ••••••••••••••••••••••• borac abell, A-trana., c1e9ei flab tioet Wt.th or MEW AM/FM, 631-2083 w/out NB mooring. PARTS&SERVJCE '73 Datsun Pickup. ~.AfUPM,~~ HOUIS Custom 10/out Super ForS&le.38' Jeffries 0pen1a m. 'til&p.m buy. $2500 /bat o r r Sport Fisher, ln xlnt Monday tbru Fnday 962-12'4 cood., tuna tower CliOlledSat. &Sun. '79 SRS Toyota Lngbd. ___ 673-4950__ ECrectave Moo. 9!24n9 i2.ooom1, Xlnt cond. DemoSaJe lo Proc.reu 71 AJ.1-A IOMEO srol'TS SB>AH Automatic trans.. air cond.. AM/FM l.'a&sette & map. (1052 ). $9,999 BEACH IMPORTS M8 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 ·ss Cbnscraft Express SADDLEIACK SSEW/oHr 551-4664 Crutaer. Sflortf1sher, FORD ""'GMC too V-6 A.a W/--... --lt. anf. xtr"•, ..,.,,."S. M••ft, Santa Ana ""' • iy. • • runs D........:.; ..,. ~ ..... good. Great work truck ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9707 twin acrew, 6 cy · $8500. AltbeComeroCWamer Must Sell. Sl200 or Beat '79 Audi 5000S, fully !i66-iOO 546-7070 Offer.~. eqwp'd 10,000 Miles. loah. IMI/ 9050 '74 Ford 2800cc, V-6 Must sell ·u F o rd Sll.000. 831·91'4 7:30 AM Q1at.. ea&lne and trans com· F.conotioe half too pack--"-3-·JO--"'p_m ___ _ -··-•••••••••••••• plete, $450 both. up.Newmotorftbrakes. '78 5000; bu everyth.l.Di WINTER IN llEXJCO '71Triumpb GT9d2000cc, Good tires. Beat offer. No dn. & uaume Jene at $1iloe40'KetchtoCabo, Seyl eqlne an trans IMl-Jm.aft.t . 1231.73mo.17U.510 J.e Pa. 1~ ..a. AIQ !!QPWf, .. both. '74 --------· s.ntr~. DDql *21 v.a enstne. "J9 ToJ'OCa s 1pd. abort ---'°'' ..._ ml,_,. end tom· bed. -mt. eQatomtlld, - -~•.ooo ml.Jes. 9175 ciomwt. ~ ....................... __._p ..... Aft ··Laden 11, 25ft., varn s.90a744_"" ... J . er ForSale: "TT Datsun P.U. ltull, 11 ll p l n NB. ahortbed with nve speed beautUul. $4000 .... ..-...--.r_._ tram. AM/FM cassette 7JMll .. S...-10CI.& a1r wry lo ml Xlnt cOOd. oew Urea, ~-73 .5494 llk-eolO. -.._.. .-player, imny xtru. f.:x. -------. .. ••••••••••••••••••••• trelnely excellent cood ••••••••••••••••••••••• ScllaDa 20, #49, no spin-IMPORTANT St,2!50/080. CaU 641-8613 -.n¥ 9712 aalte r e q ul pm en t , NOTICETO v-9570 81S«16S. READERS AND -ADVERTISERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16'HobieC.t w/trlr. The price of items i8 Q,evy Van &-cyl, all Xlnt. cood.. Sl,400. advert.laed by vehicle xtna + cstm lnt.er. See ~17 dealers lo lbe vehicle to appre care & quality. SANTANAS25 clauUied advertising $(.«IO. 492-6793 alt. 6pm Absolutely full race columm does not include orwknda. =ui 8 ba11. Poaa. any applicable laxea, -..... -vw--0.....----,,..--m-~-r Uceme, tran1fe11 fees, ,,. .. .,,,..,,, .,,. rt Slip. Allt for Dmnce chars-. reea for many xtraa, AM J M Carol or Lyrur Noab. air polluUan coatrol de· cu.s, xbit cond $3450. ..... ~ __ aoms __ 01"_752-_22_11_. ·---1 vice cerUficatlona or de-831.·1317 aler doeumentary pre· AlllDLt-Gl'facJ--fUO pal'lltkll cha!9ee unless ..... •••••••••••••••••• ........ 1peclfied by a.~. -. ----CllllDENTIAUY Wpli/ W.LMieforLea C 'ca 9520 f• llm1An"'- W'mlkmfer•l2•alla. CU· --·-·--C:.-51-"°"1 Y-==:. bkycS. trt.. '11 VW Cano Van Rare. 761·1332 .... Reblt me 6 tram. New ..._ W91hd 9590 llbocb, brake9, battery. . CREVIER $1 Sf A llOADWAY SAMTA AMA 835·3171 Tift! UUIMATI OflNlHO MACMNll, •USIDIMWa• '76 2002 4 SP (641~) '17531114ap (0179) 'T7mAS/R (427RFQ) '17 meal (4.58.UG > '78321141p, (Z3tUKH) '781210lA A/C ClllWDA > '711133c11A S/R (0082) ca..dS•dlJS Beal.Cilul Eves ap.3998. = ="n!~~f.s t. YOI. YO C312WYP I 'at Mach I New paint, 97•5 '8.IM ~~~cl Ccwt .. llil ttJ2 ~~-~!!:. ~t~P /B . .. '46-9JOJJ40..94'7 -.................... ---... --••··-·-.. •••••••••••• IEACH IWOITS iS Cot¥. lo ma, very 1T M\Staoc. new brakes '7S Jl\at ut Sport. 56,000 MIDoveStreet C.Ul81COUNT'Y clml, a11 n:tru. 11000 Is w•ter pump. $1500. mllel, new top. 5 a peed NEWPORT BEACH VOL VO acz.1730 Call~ N,000. Call alter 6 p.m . 712AMO &GaZ2 EXa.llSIVELY VOLVO 'm Ro9dater. full pwr. 350 a..bll 9fSS T.,.e. 9765 ~VofvoDealer w /Opeed $1.000 .................... _ • .... 9727 ........................ lo<>raQPc.o.mt1! 2131951..Ja, 714/131 *' •••••-••••-•••••••••• 41J ToJd.a W SJOO BUY or LEASE blllloft. CaU~m&:;. DlUCI' 118 Vett.e ROlldater. PS. a::gg~ST~~:""..:S-~· ~ ~~~i ''"OlOS . C....S.,s•• LR ~U ... D~ERS 811Haevea/wkndll 2025 S. Manchesw "Faathack m . 4 apd. r~A•qi ~· 'r........,. 9767 Anahetm 750-2011 o.11 IOIDr won. mue VI. al.CO. lrull., ~ air, pwr. •teeriot Ir brabl, • pwr wt.dows • auts. All/Fiii stereo, VU1)'1 root • mYCb morel amTJDI. TODAY II I ••••••••••••••••••••••. air ~-°" 141-m4 •• • SZ.000 oa llST ..;;;aft;;..;.~~pm.~---SMtl INYBSITY R£PO i'3 MME, aDW. auto. A/C. Dodgt "11 SALES&SERVICE Tbr Daily Pilot Federal nds ea.b.luat wrk. U130 -·••••••••••••••••••• THEODORE ROBINS Ot.DSMOllLE Crecht Uruoo ls now tak Harbor S48 9375 or i'3 Polan. SJLOO/beat of. HONDA log sealed bids on • re !1517291 __ ~ __ _ rer. (flC)Od rood 540-1471 . fORO ~TIUCllS Jl(lS&eUed '7l TRS with "16 Wagoo 2& DL. air. ~7Z ___ _ 2.850Harbor Blvd 47.000 miles Minimum AMtFM cass. rack xlnt Ford 9940 70(J0 HAR BOR e 111l1 ((J~IA Ml!>A b-11 (JOJO COSTA MESA bid $2,400 Car can be d I Bo k Pl ... ff60 5 .. "96 .. 0 seen at the Dally Pilot con · be 0~ 0 al ..,~··•••••••••• • •••••• •• -~~;•••-•••••--•••• .. v-... a utomoli ve a a rage SS100 (\ >'94 2227 M •-pu 115 8an-acuda. S200, pod 'T1 Honda Accord: ong. between 9A • 3 "' "1'62162GL ONG conchtioo 968·0914 aft ow o er. Im mac. & weekdays ooly · Contact Loaded Must Sell ' ~ loaded! Eder. grey. bl.It Pa Qie between 9AM • 963-9123 ------ inter. Sunroof, at.ereo. 3Pll at 842-4321, en. JIM i t Ply Duster. 6 cyl. 3 spd AM/Fil CMKU.e, A/C, forfurt.beriJllonnaUoo. ..._. UMd ttkll.~ml>I Sl250orbel special wbeela, Mich. Tdumpb TR·7 JJ117, bllt ~ -·••••••••••••••••• 1_w __ m.awa ______ _ tiNI.. U..nic.,prem.or 1pd, usrf. Ju1 net. llkll 9'10 "N P't1140IA 0..-~ UD.lead iu. Up to " AM/FM cma. id CIOlld. -·-·•••••••••••••• <Ida ..,,.umu OQQd e llPG. 91110. t7MU1 _.,IOllO. oe"407I CW> W JMdl E1ec:tca hlb Neeik 90llle bnb "TT Baada OVCG ..... 91J4J. powered. Good coacl. Lo Blue SUDO. lluat sell Sapeed,eoodcoad.. • v•-9770 saoo. 10.1593 att. 4 =--------u. •tad. Baa.. Ofr..... *3SOl>.~lil ..... ~;:;; •••••••••••• frwtcoda ------_m-_..,. ______ _ ..._.. 97JO vw · Havinl trouble tell C •1: "15 ;;.-:;-;••••••••••••••••• hur: your car" Try u.a Top ... •••••••••••••••••••• 1979XJ6L.immaculate dollar . Pa.id for or Not' i 4ELOORAOO $1B.OOO 8rUUE your car to Jim Loeded' OrilUW Owoer 67~75'70 Marino Volltawacen . AP.proximuely SOK 97~4 l8'7U Beach Blvd • Hunt mi.lea ...,_ GMa • liJ.OOn Beach • Aak Cor l3500 ~111123 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Ftank Mari.Do or Tom -------i3GIDA Ai.tin. '75 SDV :dDl. ccod.. Many Xlnt shape! Low m iles. FOR .... 'OF YOU_R_ un.. ~1ot~. Many extras Ru11 -... .... .._ fW04IS2 VW MllDS Mada ''JI SaJea..Leuln1~--~ ...................... '7 4 Eldo Convl , lbow1oom. k>rm1. tint after, 1111 Grauda, 11lver, VI. ~ '965 aa.r. II tradl 72.000 ma. ••• .. •••••-••••••••••• sz:riD 152-915.56 l '72 fwllw C4ill ' I Mlr .. idl ft47 New Uree. jlllt bad a .......... ••• ••••• •• ••• blDI up. Needa Uminl '17 1-cyt. au&o tma. a/c. =-~toiler. Mtr574.s Oood lbapt. SIJIOO. -- ---m.3 __ 1_<11__ .. Le lllam. Jtlnt cood, Mlscwf "so A..C. PIS, P/B. $&'50. ...... -............... 64&-81&5 ORANGE COUNTY'S MIWIST l.JNQ)LN.111 ERCURV D&Al.EBSHlP RAYRADllOI '72 Pootlac Safan Needa aome work. DOO. 9812·134'7 "70 ....................... UNOOUl·lllERC\J RY 1117 T· Bird, Utt CODd., lil-llAUIOCnterDr. mt. II) J')C>d cond.., enc Ir ~·=re-tnlt =-~nmapelfed.. __ no-__ 1_000 ___ Yi-.,.-n14 ~SILltiillD ~ Ootaa7 •e I el······-·· .. ··-· "711'..1 Dll'11i:IHlli!iB10mt ft.. t ,._, PS. PB. dnl is Od CCQd. 2 new tfnll. --------•I 1M¥tdl town llu.at HU. f •ct • r D t' · f u 11 Y ec.d. On1 ownr PP. Very anxious lo Hll . .....Z71 ~~·· alat cood, ~--=ust_ •_e_ll S%,ot5. Eva /wltoda SMllOOl'bstotr. Call U. 2'l' ().0.,, aallboal '11 lm· IDIC. VHF. dl&lta1 depth ....... pedeeta) ltelrtlll. dJJl -.. maQY ma. ln· tld. tioat allp. 11.B. $!5,1SD.11......ai.3eves. .,..... wbadahie1d, catm ··-·············-·· pmt II later. Poncbe WE IUY 4IOSl.C --59-1311 da-.m5evtwlaadl. .-.u:.uL\TE New car factory warm· DMHEROIESEL ~'t.:u..~~ ...... UM4 ...... UMd DELl'VEBY! ty, abowloom new. IUD· Sta Wqion. •mPI AC. 973.4173 w kd y 0 D ly I iiiiiiiiiiii~riiiliiiil!iliiiiiiiiiiii O'dQ 20, all ext.raa. N.B.allpt3~ tTS-3141. wbeel1 " bub caps, CK• .... C .... 5 lficMtm, A.II/Fii CUS .... -" AA =.:t::=.·1~· AMDTRUCIS LAaClil S&ICTIOM roof, fa ct o ry alloy at.eno. All/Fii. lJOO mt. betoft SPll .I -...--1979 wbeela•caaeeueat.ereo. wtdl.e, blvwn lDL SJ0,750. · I _....._,,.. c.11383) Aili. for Mr. Coall, C o "17 32m's .-.e SllMOMS 714-$4f-4141 dy1, eva, .. ·-•-•••••••••••••• 'It Uncolo Convertlble 521r1 IMPOll'TS 11JMM.7444eves. io~ Camaro 3'11 eo1. _,, n&nl. New top, reblt ALSOallCSi'1 l.t70HARBOR BLVD. VW Bus -ia., 1 pauenaer AW>, tstm exhaust. new CONt-IHL C HEVROLET AUTO CENTER '°'' lram, top mecb. IMSTOCll CXlSI'AllESA All/Fiii cu1 .. radl•i Urea, oew pe.Ult. Clean • &lllboS-Udo 14, "71. w/2 Parta car lncld . Calltoday -Wealaomay 611·1276 Urea lo/ml, lill.e new, quick, economical. lela aalla. _,.,, Aak for Sl,100/080. 90·8578. have that pre-owned ~~~~~~~~~! NJ.7ilitcw•t·l.lllO mG3f .. ._..,. f I .I' I • 11 f 1 I ' ',._ I \ ,, , I NOTHING OVER 549 Pde:f7S.WI. __ t•GN.tbs. ____ 1 __________ 1 BMW you are looll..l.oc MIZ '17 vw CaJ"IO Van Rare. '18 Z2!t alvr, AM t FM fi~l-2040 4'5-4949 Bel* _, II tram. N ~-. ·1~top, ~.950 firm. 5'11>-I 20 0 * MO DB'OSIT OI LAST MONTH WI TAii AMY 1IADI CPliD .oa OI MOTi PHONE CIEDrT APNOYAL WAN'l'm abodm. br'abs,battery llllMlll __ WW INl1 you more for nlbber 1 wtDdatdie&d. ~ '78 aumro. beaut. car. c:.ANCHCOUMTY'S )'aUI' dean used i2 or ..ai& • mier. PwadM lmdld1 Xlot eoad M.ov · OLDIST lat.er lllercedea Bena. wheel• • hub caps. q, m.t .u. ADy re· IUl~ST. COSTAtieA G '=1Y1eJo1mp0rta I ="'!'ya~.~-· ..,.,.,.. oaer accepted. ''t71iliitii;;5iir~1rlaaft" .. 111-mo •1100 r1a11. an-1220 o"" ;.;;..;.,;;;11a;;.;;;.. _____ ll 73 ·S 1999 1SM1Z71 ti COUPI •••••••••••••• '72 D6lle1 230, A.JC, PIS, Qen•I ffJO Full tJOlttt«. f8Ctcwy w condltklllllllQ. Undlu Salel.servtc.Leuilll clean, Sl,toO. P .P . 'Tl Bae • .._.,. cleu. New ___ ...... _.. top. tilt wtieet. AM/FM ,..,_,a 8HAAP1 c:.wr,IK. r7MIDO =-6 tun.up. '30PG. lnt-.0 C032GWZ). RaD1 ee BMW ,, G&.C prtme eoad. Q IA'AMCll Jambone wire Wbla._Slt,000'. nfWIUI CID 0amaraa, CaDric:.,' Nnpalt s..cb ._.... _.. Blck wen.. Ooad am,, lo mt. call ....._cart.. IWli. 6 -~------i...:D=.:w=--.,;.=:=..;beau.~~,-1111-. d$:-.m.-=.,-. DruUc **' IOiMd.AIBI .. .u•1-.;.,a1r,. • vwL~.-.c11. on1. SAVIMOW!H $ c.m.. Jll,.IDO~ , I , DeW DNdl a •alve1, TWll6U1151.. llM,$1115.1SM .. 11111 I llQt _palDUD..J. .. VW a...t. Cbata· -.Lm'l•W.11'Ual&., ..-D&-ml.lpec Cll.toam Una,....Alll/rlh ... '17 m' door, IOOd coadl· .. CIODd. ... TDlm . UYl&e OWIMI'. eau ,. O:llwt. a.s .,,.. • ===== All/ftl .... •1111 a..1 • ~-llltml. 8la"p HU \:'r.~~ -r:.:,.,w. l!WJ, tr-t08CJ.-.r v.a. .r racll•. lood l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Wf1 IUINOI. a.. _.. · tlrH. tuts. Cloo4 c6ir.af4J27, • &q.a~re~k, _tOod lrall•Dortatloa ur. '11 BMW Gall '4p, ae tDI rtlllt bJ TaD .. Qltm r. 'JOO or .•• t otr.r . ...... ~ ..... ..... , .. t741 cmd. .... ...,"71. ....,..befon2Pll --!!.................. 'II COl'YaJt ... ca ... ac" ......or lloau. Loolse1naa n,•iatr.-/t.t; Guests Routed . and 9t'er aotabl••· tb• DIW nported. .... Aid &.be tcSM ol ab4UC'dq tbl JO'llll woman wu ralaed amon1 SLA members late tn ma b1 ltmilY Hant.I. wbo la ler'ftq a MDleDCe b COAVl~ of kidnappiD& aad robberj in a California women'• priloD. Her tmabencl, Wllliam Hanta, la aervtng time in San Qumtln :~IJunt~gton Hotel I Swept by Fla1nes ' By STEVE MARBLE Of-o.lty .......... El1bt guests of the SO-year-0ld Avalon Hotel in downtown Hunt· \ngton Beach escaped unharmed early today when a fire swept through th~ structure and gutted many of the second-story rooms. Fire investigators said the 1:07 a.m. blaze at the hotel at 118~ Main St. caused $150,000 in damage. It was &he second fire at the hotel this month. The blaze, which took 42 firefighters 30 minutes to douse, destroyed the structt.1re's roof and damaged a pizza parlor and a tmall dothlng store located below the hotel. \Votnan in lltnJtin~on Three male uaallanta wbo aubbed a 27-year·old HUDt· futon Beach woman early 1 Willn9day releued ber aeccinda later when an unidentified motorist drove up and atarted yelling at them, police said. Officers said the three men let Ule woman go and aped off in. a Iii.ht green sedan. The uniden· 1 tilted motorist appeared to follow the trio and hasn't been • beard from alnee. f Tbe woman, who was oa her , way to work, was stopped by the trio about 7:30 a.m. near Heil Avenue and Sabol Lane. The un- t armed men, police said, at- tempted to push the woman into I ' r. their car. L.L -Ttre--ril!tim told omcers one or ! the usailants bad a big nose and wu wearing a pink shirt. She ' told police all were about 30 years old. She didn't know any I of t.bem. she said l' Blaze Blamed On Diapers Hotel resident Ant.bony Hill, 29, reportedly spotted the fa.re and alerted seven other sleeping tenants. Fire officia.la said all reaident.s dashed down a rear stairway to safety before the fire speadtotheroom.s. Fire Marshal Roger Hosmer said flrefighten evacuated thret occupants of a neighboring building. He said a local Red Cross chapter asai.sted most of the hotel guests in finding other lodslnl fQr the night. He N.id the hotel residents will be asked not to return to their rooms because of safety bnaTd1. Employees of the Seuide Pi.zsa Parlor. 118 Main APWM FACING PROBE "t Hamlttoft Jordan Investigator Appointed in Jordan Case St., and the Second Glance Clothing Store, 114 Main St., will al.30 be barred from entering the charred structure. A $22,000 fire al the A vaJoo Hotel earlier this month forced a similar evacuation when the structure's rear wooden stairway wu burned. Hosmer said hotel guests re· turned several days later when the stairway wu rebuilt. He said bad the stairway not been rebuilt, tenants could bave been trapped iD today's fire. The cause and orieln or the early IDOl'Dillg blue '-under in· veaU,atioD. HB Clients Named in Lawauit 8'rS c.uam lldioil Co •• anpred over cla1ma that tta bomea are poorly c°'1trueted1 flied a $100,000 lawsuit Wednesday against four HunUnaton Beach residents. It waa the seeood time in the past two months tba\ the com- pany bas g°-"e to court over Golden Weal Estates residents' claims that their bouaea leak. Named as defend•nts in the action are Peter Horvath. M arcaret Horvath, David Down.a and Judith Downs. In addition to monetary damages, the company la seek· ing a court order that would bar the defendants from making "falae and defamatory" stat. menu about the company's prod· uct. No bearinJt date baa been scheduled. Mn. Downs uJd in Octobef' that home values were dropping and that the lutin& walla were cauaing mold to grow on interior walls. Company officials at the time the flrat defamation suit was fl led a aid the residents "maliciously ma.liped the com· pany'1 repatatioo." They aid the company bas bought back five bomea and made repair'I oa otben in an at-· tempt to resolve &be problems. Turnout Heavy HONOLULU <AP> -Stri.kiq public worken turaed out iD heavy DIBDbera to vote OD.~ posed contract that could end tbelr strike ol more than ftve weeks. prbon m tbe aamt eon~etka. ''Prt~. l bad ltnwcahly decided 1111 ~ ... tenwilt were over wbea elever, le, eool EIP~ Harrta ae~tally dis· COYer.d f'aUJ Jleant lived UD· 1uardN ta Berkele,. :· lb. StetDer aid Jn tbe Chnlokle re- port. Ila. Steiner said SLA membe!" Naney Lina Perry recanted Mia• Ream u ''the belt daolce ao far. Sbt'1 a Dafec.t ftetlm. apart tram tbe hf&b·up pollt:leo9 like RclDal4 ae.,an cw Nboa. but I.be MCUrity rulel Chem out. Rearft'• fatber comm&Dda ao mueb power wltb the newt media lllld fa IO ridl -lae'D be in oar bads eom~ if be "8AC.1be sUt ap .U,e. .. Tbe older woman miabt baYe pe11ecl oat ou u1. b•t tbe 4a~ 111 l&l'aal ad .boaltbr. Nfte Pipe Goiag la I we can me her to malpalale ~ her fa&bl!r, ...... Stetntt recalled • lb. PezT7 SQtnS. Ill. Steiner aatd: ••Patty wam't Juist a rtcb bttcb, throw- inl ' llack ol brad about. Sbe attended demoutraUou and ralUH or1amstd by raclleal 1roups OD t.be Ulli•enity of Callfonda campua. MU.Um. o1 people eritid.aed ber behavior ca.~.PapAJ) ....., ....... .__ Work is tmder way on a $7.5 million sewer project dMigned to modernize and add capacity to SO-year-old system between central Huntiaiton Beach and Orange County Samtafion Districts treatment facility near Brookburat Street and Pa~ Coat IJl&hw&v. llueb ot tbe won being dooe by John A. Artukovtch and Sou Inc. of Azusa will be along Coast Highway. Federal and, state ganta will take care of '6.4 million worth of the work. Tbe rematntng $1..l million comes from sanitation district flmds. World Court Asked HB Morn ' To Pressure Iran By 11ae Auodated Pre.a The UQit.ed States asked the Intematiooal Court of Justice to- day to order Iran to release the 49 Americans held hostage in the U.S. Embasay iD Tehran. Tb~ court, composed of lS in· temationaJ justices, is the prin- cipal judicial organ of the Unit· ed Nat.ions and la located at the Hague in the Netherlands. The U.S. request. WU seen by some court obeerven u largely a symbolic ad. and part of an American effort to seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis. But it could also put additional pressure oa Iran when the sub- Ject of the embuay siege is de· bated in the U.N. Security Coun· cil. A meeting of the council is scheduled Saturday night. All members of the United Na· lion.a may briq disputes before tbe court. but all parties to its jud1ments must agree to accept it.a jurtsdiction. It was not known whether Iran would agree to come before the court, but Ayatollah Rubollab Khomeini baa aaid be would re- fu.e to accept any ded.1loa die· tated by the Security Council. Wor&d Court obaerven, who askM not to be ideatifted. uld they did not ex1*l uy qukk judameat by the court aince it la not 1n sesaioG. One of the memben of the court ls from the United States, Professor Richard R. But.er ol Harvard Uoivenuty. In Ill ~year biltory, the court bu issued 16 advisonea to in· ternabonal organizations and 39 Judgments in diaputes amoog U.N . members. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Iranians, some chantini "Islam up, Carter down'", marched 10 Tehran to- day in response to Khomemi's call for massive anti-American protests on this import•nt Moslem holy day of sacrifice .nd martyrdom. The demonstrators stayed away from the U S Embassy 21nd the 49 Americans held hostage there. Jn another de velopment. the ' r•placement of Abolbassan Bani Sadr a.s Iran's foreiio policy spokesman apparenUy doomed U. N. Security Council efforts to eue the crisis. Kbomeln.l's ruhn1 Revolu· tionuy Council OD Wedn~ replaced Bani Sadr with Sadelb Gbotbudeh, a bard-line member of the rulln& council and chief of Iran 'a state-run radio and televillon network. The ol.ftcial Pan new• -.ency ·•aid Bui SlliClr would retain his post u ftnenee mlnilter. GboUmdeb told Pan the gov· el'llmmt IU1l bad not decided wbetber Iran would be <See I&AN. Pase AJ> Faces .;· Charges CamalJa Juanita Miller of Huntington Beach will be ar. raigned oo charges of felony child stealing Monday in Central Oranee Cowty Mumcipal Court. Di.strict Attorney Cecil Hicks an- nounced today. Mrs. Miller is accused of tak mg her 5-year-old daughter, Valeena M.ariaka Miller, from her guardian's home on July 31, 1978 and concealing the child in v1olatioo of a custody order. The motber and daughter were located in Arkansas last July 3 after an extensive search. Hicks announced that Mrs. Miller will be returned to Orance County Friday after she exhausted her legal remedies in Arkansas. The governor of Arkansas bad previomly granted an extradi- tion request by ca.llfornla but Mn. Miller bad cballen1ed the action. Coast , $36,000 Theft Probed - ... .., ........... ... W ASRINGiroN (AP> -Cdlonda Ocw. l:dmmd Brown Jr. IQI be fawn eoapon ntkmlltl ol IUOllae "u-. u a worb· ble pla can be dneJoped --Cilqrw OU tlllorouibl1 debate lt." Gu nttomn1 and other ccm11 •atkm mM1un1 .,. tbe belt ·~ redlaee tbe eltl.mat.ed •to• peneat...., wute tn the U SW.. Bron Wd Wedlaieda1 tn ao appearance befon the Womm'1 National DemocrMlo Club. ~£etl .......... •1,...A•ut••Prw Two sroa111 ol Americw lilft Bn.,.,_b ud SJria ~ under tbe State l>epa.rtmmt'a '"woblnW7 naeaatlae" plan for Amerlew in U KOllem cocalbtw, pnllDJUd bJ tbe U.S. &m· busy.,. tn Inn. . • ID Dacca, B.en1Jadab, emba117 •llOk•man Jam• L lle)'en Aid 14 ol tbt toO Amidcw la tM1ecwtr) -Hem· bU17 p1110D611. tllelr famlJle ad JI pftHte em..,. -bad nlunteendtoleaHtbtc-.a·~.·· ID Damueul, SJrta, an embaay eoaree a*kl a poop of 25 evacuee. included u famlliel ol Ameltcam wbo won at tbe •mbaan Cll' are emplofed bJ CG!IDP8Jdee wttb ~ ean- tracta. 8e Aid IOIDe ftew u todQ and tbe otben would leave Friday. Re aald tt was a ~untary departure and tbe State Department bas put transport facilities at the di.apoaal of tboee wanting to leave. St.Ce Fire &II& 3 LAKESIDE (AP> -Ft.re swept through an apartment early today, and three bodin were found ln the charred debris. The dead were ldentlned by tbe coroner'• office u Jeue AJ. len Simms, Z7, a woman and their S-moatb-<>ld dau,bter, Esther Investigators said a wall eu heater ma,y bave malfunc .. lion ed. llefl 'l're.,,• I• c .... , -NEW DSLlll, IDdll CAP) -&emit eam._ b"OOpt Uft IOGe Into ectlae ........ Aflba forc:ea in a mlJol' olfemift a1a1mt rebel-held a.reu in central Af Panlatan, aceordJ.nl to a delayed report reachla1 hen. The report. which WU received Wednesday and coald. not be inctependenUy eontlnned, laid the Soviets were T~lk aDa Uzbek soldiers from the Central Allan Soviet republics just north of the Afghan border. There wu no estimate on tJie number of soldiers, who have facial features almilar to Af Pam. The town of Gorband, 40 miles northwest of Kabul, wu re. ported returned to Uie eovernmeot of President Hallnllab Amin after being tMld for two montbl by llloalema wasms a "bol,y war" a1aimt tbe pro&viet 1'91ime. New Zealand Names Air Crash Victims DAILY PILOT l' ... P-.4J JORDAN ••• • or reJeftat alle1at1on ot a .tota lion" aa••Mt Jordan for cocaine uae. Cbl'ltt)'. se. WH 1peclal COUDl41..to New York Governor Nellon Roelteleller from 1-..i. Ha .. • teaior partner in tbe New Yon firm ol ChrlltJ and Viner. • In addlUon to proaecutlna Cottello for Income tu evuloo, be wu the proHeutor ol tbe man canncted of bllacllns aol· umDIA Vlctor Riesel bJ throw· 1111 add in bll face. He al.lo prOMcua.d aad .. a eoo'fletkln ot mob n,... Vlto Oeno¥111 • nareGeiadwPI. fttr... 11*8 .... .. .., ., ..... "" ... ~ ... ~__. W r:kldl...., • (Vi. •1• I ....... "'9 • ........ ........ . ~ .... ..,_ID~IWU. lilda•--.: ... ,... from .... IL.A tOllliinl wbln IM lea..r-4 dMlJI o1 *-kw..=rrvm .... ~-·~-­~i •lid .... ""'7·• di:~ tbe Hunt abctiac· tton lneluded tb• namH Of "WUUe,. WoU•, atU Rants, Patrkla "lllam~" Sottyalk aacl SLA lea•er Doaald DeJ'rw. wt1o a.DM htnMelf ''l't.Wll.anMl ClllQw ••• • .,... HNrit aeUcia ... Dlllld u plaaMd .. .., aaiit .,_ fereaoe: Jllamoon took JUQJ' place. Weed wu belitant, baa be ·-.... door juat u Wlllle and I were cruia1DC PIA tM ~. BW med aome force to f et lnaide, and then Cinque umpcid out ol a buab where be ad bidden and followed Uie oUMr two. 'l'beJ 1NDt in wttb peat cmftdenee .. Ila. et.Iner' •aicl ...... told b, 111. Peny. H'fhe W11!9d _ ~· WU beaten eomnut ~. but lt wu Wl&Yoldable. He protetted ae- tlHl)t and DCUlly. CiDQue told blm to kHp quiet, but be wouldD't IO our llader lmoebd blm down to q_alet blm. You'll remember tbe lleJcl manhal did not wat _, Moottq U pout. b1e ............. uld .... Perry told her. "Weed ltill wouldn't abut ap. ID fact. b9 pa& up 80me ftlbt. 80 -BUI kiebcl blm and beat him. He broke a wine boUle over hla bead and beat blm to tbe floor. Wblle Bill WU dealla1 wttb Weed, lllsmooa 1rabbed the Hearst woman. wbo WU in tbe abower. ClDQue and 1f t1moon threw a baUlrobe uoand her dowmtaln, where BUJ WU ltlll kickizll Weed. wbo WU almoll uneomdoul. "Heant WU ~ and for tome odd reu0a, 11am,,.., •icked up ber pune and banded It to her. Tbm they draged her out to the car. It waa un-fortunate tbe man next door ap-peared and they bad to grab him aa well, but we ditched him , rapidly," Ma. Steiner laid lbe was told by Ma. Perry. Mia• Hearat WU taken to a bouae in San Franclaco'a Mla· alon District wbere Ma. Perry told Ma. ~di "We bave her Ued up and olded ln a cup- board. She wears a llsbt la& ex· cett wbm we feed her, but we're atat'Wll ber u much u poesi· ble, JUlt bread and water. "We'll keep her locked up and any Of tbe men and womm wbo want brca tab Mt', Claq99 of eoune, took blr ftnt. aa leeder, but 1be'1 1etttng foul. She's ln total darlmela and we doo't let her out to the bathroom, so abe'a crouchlnc or standin1 u best abe can. "We lake turns standing out- side tbe cupboard, speaking about her and her backlf'O',md, polnllnc out bow evil her type of We I.a. Tbi.a I.a-part of the indoc· trlaation, ol coune. Cinque ln· aiats abe underatand wby lbe's been kidnapped, that abe lan't just an object of money. She muat undentand tbe politics and ldeall beblnd our action. "She muat learn to detest the backcround abe repreMDtl and wbal ber lam.lb' bave done to' set their money and power. Tbat'a wby lbt'a hen. "8be'1 terrified, but we'll break ber, we'll lmtlll fear of us into ber aoul. We're drammtn1 .ou.r wmda into her braln, her akin, ber boDM: We bau OD the door to bep her awake. Un-fortunately, tbere'a no apybole in tbe door. 80 we have to open it every now and tben ta make aure lbe'a alive. WbeD we do tb.11, we speak calmly to ber, te111D1 blr abe can see dayUibt all the time 11 lbe Jo1Da UI. What a coup tbat woufd be for our part!," Ila. Perry told Ma. Stelner. Jill. Qelner, wbo aald tbe SLA threattned to kill ber over ber defection, fled to Eqland. She Uld becaUM abe feared 1ola1 to prilqo benelt, lbe did not return to the United sta• to help MIN Hunt durtn1 her me trial on cb.arl• abe participated ln an SL.A b9ak robbery in 1974, Uie newspeper reported. ~.6 .. led Here's a greenback of a different color white. A Japanese bank teller in Hokkaido apotted th.ls one dollar bill which was blank on ita revene aide due to a prtntln1 error. A spokesman aaid the bill, among currency notes purchased from an Ame:rtcan bank. wu aenUlne. Americans Uniting In Iranian Crisis a,ne~.._. Flap waved, cburcb belll pealed, ooac:re1at1ou united ln prayer and white armbands be1an to appear aa Am.tCllDI unlted In support of u;s. bosta1e11 beJd tn Iran. Preddent Carter, tn 7,500 let· ten and M~ appealed to Amerleam 11to•QnU Uielr ...um-wi about tbe Iran criall by rlDl1DI church bells at DOOD daily and by wrttin1 to Iran's mi.anoll to tbe Ua.lted Natiom. Cardinal lobn Cody ol Cblcqo uked Catbollc churches ln Coot and Lake counties to complv and ur1ed consreaaUom to pray for the boetaae1. • The bell.a ol the Travi.a Park Methodist Cburcb ln San An- tonio, Tex.as, tolled Wedneaday, and will ring (9 Umea daily until the 49 boeta1ea are releued, said the Rev. Dan E. Solomon. •'Tb• whole world la being held bostaae rtabt now by the eventa in J,ran." the puior laid. An aoQ1IDOQI woman ·uller to radio at.lltScm W'SOC lAA·abow boat Dick Pomerantz an Charlotte, N.C., auaieated dlat wlllte umhMdl WDCIJd be an • proprtate symbol of support for Uie boltae'el· U.S. Steel Hikes Price PITTSBURGH <AP) - U.S. Steel Corp., tbe na· tion '1 l.eadlaJ producer, announced price lnereua on a vart«.y ol product.a today amountla1 to 2.S percent acrop ita enUre •&Ml product li.De. "Tbe tncrea1e1 are wltbin tbe prealdeat '1 voluntary aatt-lDflaUon IUideU.., bu& are lmufft- cieot to reeover the coot.in· uinc lnfladonary coat ln· crea1e1 beln1 ea- periwed.'' the company Hid. On 1\mda,y, t.be com- pany said it would cJoM 11 _plaata emplo1ta1 ia.ooo because they were no loal• prafttablt. By Wednellda7, Sen. Robert Mor1an. D-N.C., was extoWns t.be idea OD tbe Senate floor and radio ataUon.a ta Califonlla, IUcbt1an, lla11acbuaetu. Georsta and New York bad ta.ken ap tM plan. Some bust· ~ la Nortll Carolina w.ere offertnc the armbudl tree ol cbar1e. '"Tbe idea aeema to be spread. .n1 acrou tbe eountrJ. · · aaJd lloraan. "Wea.rtn& en armband woe 't free tbe boaqea or have any effect on an irrational ck· tator or fuatica.I atudeata, tu It says a great deal about t.be way our country la united ln thls criala." "ll '1 just an apollUcal way that we can remember tboM people," n.ld Ronn Owem ol San Francisco radio station KGO, an armband-support st.a· Uon that reacbea 14 Western states. Elww~ WBl'D radio in A.rdlbald. • ..-A.m.tcan broadea1ter1 to Jola ta a ••m••lcar proclamaUoa of free4om, demoerac7 and de-....,,,.,_ bJ plaJbaC at .... ............. •uDeal ····~ nmT*-..... " GeDll'&I ma:aapr Mu Sm.ltb laid tbe etfort WOQ)d lbow the world UUlt "no power, dietator or alliance ln tbe world caa ever hope to eidJqulab tbe American flame of freedom and de- mocracy.'• But 5' 8ouse members urpd Carter tocSa.y to aet a deldUne for U.S. military action to win releue ol Aloerican bostapl in Iran if all peaeetW eftorta fall. Tbe Home memben. aect by llep. Samuel S. Stratton, D· N. Y., am.ounffd ltaeY are in· troduclq a rnolutloa urstnl Carter to set tJie deadlloe if neceaaa.ry for ''aelected, de· liberate. a»PaiMd, and lncreu· tnaly Mvere mflitafJ opera· Uona · · for releaae of the boltaees. "At some pomt ln Ume the fate of the boata1ea wUI be sealed," Rep. Richard lcbord, D-llo .• Mid at a joint oewa COO· fereace. '"lb.llt will be U.. Ume for actioa such u th.la." Carter refused durtn1 bis new1 contereace Wedeeaday nil.bl to la)' whether be would take m.Wtary actiao 11 peacelul efforts fall. An MUm»t-lw ••t• .... Jobla Brl •'aft~ to .. t11 ....... ...... ":fdr k WW .::n. 'ir:-6 .. ~ Olli&)' .. =.Todd-~ ed to ,.. Die:. 11 • .,.., .. quest lot -~ ..... eont.IDued •P•1 ln1 el pllbllc mCllDl1. BJ1.lp ftW bLt llWlidl W..S.. neadar a1a1J11t ~ •Ute ot Callforma 8Dd a mm• of.._ olftcta.11 ad .,_... to ,stop wbat be eallld~ot puble IUDda for ncm-lralaD 1tudent1 from k ader1arten tbroucb coDete. . He aald be took tbe adtoe beca111e ol the WecaJ act ol tbe Iranian IOV81'111De1Dt in Hl1illl the American Embassy la Tehran and tbe detenUoa of Amerlem~. Brl111 also 11 aatln1 to abollab other atate aaaa.ta.ce to tbe atudenta la ••lf •N, UD· emplormm& pa,-meata. lledi· Cal Mrftee and food atamP1. Brl111 baa eattmated that state taxpayen are apendinc about hi million annually for the educaUon ol the atudenta in tbe publicly owned and tax· supported educatioDal apt.em. He admfUecl, bowe"1', tbat be doea 't know tbe exact UDOUnt of espendlturea because ol a lack ol record·keeplng in the scbool ayatem. Police Seek Suspect in Auto Theft& .. Hunt1nctcn Buch police are searcblnc todar for a man they believe co lected Ford Mustanp. Tbe trouble la, PQlljce aatd, the can beloqed to ad.er people. The mi.aaing car collector, ol· ficers said, rounded up a berd of 10 Mustangs which police hap. ~ed upon late Tuesday. .. Officers anned wttb a warrant to arrest Michael Schroeder. 2$, of 8211 lnd.Janapolla Ave. for failure to appear ln court OD a weapom charp reported ftnd-lDa ua. aatoa bebiad bi.a res-idence. The nastJed Mmtanp, potice aald, ..... ~allJ dis· m..u.L 'n. at 1115, 'el and 't7 can alJeaedly was stolen from Huntinctoa Buch, Coeta Mesa and lrvtne. • Tbe can, each eltimated to be wortb around $3,000, were towed off and stored by police. Marina High Pop8 Concert Scheduled Marina HJlb School 'a ~al erou.-will ata1e lhetr anaual Popa Coocert Friday at 1: 30 p. m. ln tbe Huntiqton Beach Hilb Sebool auditorium, Main and 17th atreeta. Ticket• for the concert, dubbed ". . .And All that Ian," will be available at tJie doer for S2.50each. Change of Venne? SACRAMENTO <AP> -Tbe NAACP la beint allowed to join a le1al ~ to Pl'OPOllUoD 1 to atop bualq, but the Judie wonde whet.Mr the cpe shouldn't be tried ta Loa An1ele11. Newport Surf and Sport Speclallzes In PowltrAmu .· ~ ~untainarin,.~. . t' r I I Sileltt Saata Believing that deaf children should have an oppottunity to talk to a Santa Claus who cares. »year-old Brad Hatton of San Joae has learned sign language. He saya deaf children are overjoyed to learn they can finally tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The child is Debbie Sicberman. Boy, 2, Held as Hostage Father Fires Shot, Sun-enders ( STATE ) folloWtng a stroke. Her age was rePorted variously as between S2 and68. ...,., ....... SAN DIEGO <AP> -The Navy said an air and sea aearcb would resume today for an of. ncer wbo diaappeared Wednes- day after ejecting from a di.s- abled ft&bter plane. '\_ Officlala at Miramar Naval Air Stat.ion Hid the Wlldentified radar intercept officer was eJ~cted fr(>m an F • 14 when the craft'• plex1glau cockpit canopy suddenb' blew otf. The man was 1Ull attached to bia seat when be left tbe plane, but N•TY spokesmen nid no parachute was •ilbted and tbe flier w11 presumed dead. ~ peal Gov: Edmund Brown Jr. 's odd-ewo psoUne aDocation pro-gram. Mrs.. Hallett. ol At11earo, iaaued a statement WedDeeda:)r saying 1he 11 arlia1 all M-- sembly and Senate llepublleam to endorse a propoMCl rwo&ution by Aaemblyman Eugene Oiap- pie. R·Roeevtlle, to end Brown's state of emerseucy. •.••• a........., SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -Tbe state Board ol F.q111liutioa bas asked tbe Califoraia Supreme Court to OVertUJ"D a dedskJa aJ. lowln& three major public utllltiea to reduce and roU t.ek property tu aueaam.entl under PropoeiUoo 13. The state Court of Appeal on Oct. 16 revened a San Fr&Ddaco Superior Court rulin1 aplnst Pacific Gu and EJectrte Co .• Southern California Edllcm md San Dieto Gu and Eleetrtc. A petWao ft.led' Wedmedlir fly the ·-='• omee for tbe board eoat..__ tbe ~ C9w1 dedDoo WU C'Jearb er-' roneou and violated the Callfomla~, Tlltrteen person• were charced with trespuatq in a demomtratka at tbe plant CID Karell 31, •few days after tbe · Three Kile llland radl•Uoo le•k· 0De WU found plJty in luatleit Coart. two pleaded l\lil· ty, and a mistrial WU deelared for tbe rest. 'love-in' Contract Espoused SACRAMENTO <AP> No contract, no property aetlle· ment. That's the way actor Lee Marvin's lawyer says tbe I.aw should re•d for unmarried couplMllvtngtogether. Attorney David Kagoo saJd contracts would "mini.mile Ol>- portu.nlties for fraud and legal blackmail." But not everyone agreed with Marvin's lawyers Wednesday at a bearing of the Assembly., Judiciary Committee. A repr ueotattve of California Women.Lawyers said restricting the rt&tJt to sue for part of an ex· lover'• property would hurt tome poor women. AND THE COMMITTEE cbal.nnan said such a require· ment would be full of loopholes. The committee was bearing testimony on ABSfJ.4 by As· semblyman Walter Ing.alls, D· Riverside, that resulted Crom tbe case in which M1cbelle Tnola l•ft ap • atnp1 career after be promiledtonpport her. Ms. Marvin lost the cue. ahbO\llb abe woo $104,000 in "re-babilitatioa" costs. But the case did result In a ruli.nl that an unmarried couple living t.ogether could ~ found to have an implied l,lltderstarvting that they woulcY divide their property after they broke up . ING.u.1.8" 80.L would cbuce that ruling by requirin1 a writ- ten contract for a property set -tlemenl He said It would pre- vent a noo3 of Marvin-type cues. Poeda Poteer T a klng advantage of 2 s unny day, a pa ir of rollerskates and a willing tow from Sook1e, hlS three.year.old St. Be rnard. Jon Robrnson. 9. scoots along a Del Ma r street Davis Sets Stage For Gay Rights Law DAVIS CAP>· The Davis City Counc&l 1s to consider a gay nghts ordinance at 1ts Jan 9 meetmg The council voted 3·2 Wed.Des· day to request the city &ttomey to draft sum an ordmance. The wt. foUowed two boan ot testimony by many ol the 200 persom wbo atteoded the meet· ing The teshmony was about equally divtded for and agamst· Proponents said generally that 1t was a clru ngbts. human nghts and lifestyle wue Opponents ~rally followed the argument of Councilman Jim Stevens. who s&Jd he op- posed any l•w that would com pet anyone to associate wtth persons not of thetr hking THE PROPOSAL to prohibit d1 s crimana tion 1n bous1nR. employment and bus iness services on the basis of sexual preference was antroduced by Mayor Tom Tomasi in behalf of the DaVlS Gay Task Force An infonnaJ poll of tbe COUDCJI memben indicated tbat they would appTove s uch an or- dinance. Energy Studied ---, LOS ANGEL~ (AP> -The Local Gow!mment CommissJOD on Renewable Resources. an ad· v1sory group which 1S expected to receive formal commisa100 status from Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .• has met for tbe flrst tame to diseuss the future of solar energy. AwardOK'd In Lawsuit EUREKA CAP> -A Humboldt County jury bas awarded Sl2.6 million in dama1es to Seamen'• Direet Buytq Semce, a filhlDI boat supply company that clai~• lt went out of .,...tnesa after. Standard -Oll Company of Callfornl~ broke a fuel supply coatrlCt. Dfl~ · G~URMFr ty~ MARKET u FARM FRESH PRODUCE u.s. t1 llUllll Pota&oes . . . .... l9c.. WINE CELLAR • ......, rr..ais,eaci... .. . .. 2k.,... AND LIQUOR Sweet le. Sbe NaYel 9naps ..... 3k .. 5 n ~ aty 8bie led ' Early Times.... . . . . • ,,. all> Detld"9Applet .............. 39C .. Popov Vodka .• . .... 3.99 "" .. ' Ctbp ~ f'1'eslt Local Cabbqe l2e .. Gll•Y• Gl9 . . . . . . 5.J.'9 '-> Now reaturtng rrah potted plants Of Score.by $a:l&dll . 4.99 n. .a. all kinds rot Cbrtstrnes. ~lso freah flowers datly. We wtll prepare Dela1M1'•CbaM.b1 beauutul fruit balJtm oa order for er Vin ROM . 1.91. 1w your boUdly smn.. TOP CHOICE AND PRIME.MEATS SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT Freil 1.Aeal lodl Ced ........... . 1.98 .. We have J!'RE>H LOCAL SWORDFISH SO GREAT TO BAR 8 Q OR BROIL Don •t Corset to order your fresla &ASTERN OYSTERS f« that~ UGaal bobday oyater mw. Ask about our beautilul shrimp trees ancS aeatOOd trays lot Your hottday ~rtJet. . j j -. .. •. .. an Site Change Fair Groups and indlviduala proteatlnl portiODI of Hunt· ington Beach Company's 531-home development planned for bluffs near the Bolsa Chica wetlands were upset when they learned their formal appeals would be considered in San Francisco instead of locally. The state Coastal Commission meets about every two weeks -alternating between northern and southern Califomia. Law requires speedy hearings for appealed projects approved by local coastal commi.sslona, so the 118-acre Seacliff IV development issue was to be con sidered at the Dec. 5 session in Burlingame to meet that law Appellants, who are charging irregularities in earlier hearings by the city and who claim Seacliff IV will damage the coastal environment, said it would be difficult for area residents to attend the Burlingame session. To assure a fair hearing, the Huntington Beach Co waived the speedy hearing requirement so that tile com· m lSSlOn could consider the issues Dec. 18·20 m Los Angeles . Presumably everyone will now have his say, and a dec1s1on can be based on a full presentation. Tragedy's Lesson The deaths of three young children and a teen-ager in a Huntington Beach condominium fire last Sunday once more dramatically and sadly underscores the importance of smoke detectors. The lives of three children of William and Carol Clarke and an IS.year-old relative could have been saved had their rented Durham Drive residence been equipped with such a smoke alarm. A smoke detector, fire officials said, could have given the trapped victims the few extra seconds they needed to get out safely. Fire officials passed out free smoke detectors in the Durham Drive neighborhood last August. They said they were unsure why the condominium didn't have one of the life-saving devicee. .. In the wake of the fatal fire, the City Council okayed s pending federal funds to step up the detector give-away program The reaction throughout Huntington Beach bas been swift. City officials reported they handed out 150 detec· tors the fir&t day of the new push. It's unfortunate that it takes a tragic event like this to gel the public's attention. • Opm1on1 expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those of their 1uth0ta and attista. Reeder comment is invited Address The Dally Piiot, P.O Bolt 1~. Coeta Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (71•) &42~1 Boyd/Book Boom BJL.M. BOYD Thirty yean a10, the book pablllben in tJlll country put out about l,IOO tttles a year Now tb•r'r• publl1hlnc ah:nOlt ~'*' • year. And tbe trend IUll a,ppean to be rlt· ma. Whn'• rou.r pesa .. to why more and more J'eOple are bU1ial ~ and more boobf 111. pma ll they're ••Ulal fact.up'er and fed· ~~..-ltb what'• on II it true tbat people 1'111o'•e had tbeli' qe 1emea removed ill eataract 0pen. tiaDs can lf!e far better at ol1bt than people wltb normal ldlklls7 5o I'm &old. Clalm ia UM 9e!leDa mten oat WtraNll9&. lllllL Wltll UM eye lens cone. lhe viewer not only Mel what'• villble ln or· dlnary Ucbt, but what's further made visible by ul· traviolet lilhL Q. Louil, bow do you ac· count for the fact that tome people are lucky and aome people aren't? _ A. TU. it 7oa mean l~ la 1eneral and DOt Just lucky lD 1•mbU.Da ,...,._ Can OdlY pal that ... l~ folk are thole who gtt lbto the moat acUop. You find no luck, 1ood or bad, lf you don't play, what? And )'OU cu rlic,~..y lf you doo 't bet. Pe 't.boulb, I'm DODI too keen OD bonea, eardl, dice, atocb, boindl and com· modltiu. They're not aamt.a.. 'lia.)''N tun uabap for tbe bcR-.. Tbe bdOt bit OD ~ble ltuff, liU lud and lumber. But th• brt'1atM '* 00 lntaq.tbli atult, De aoallence m peo-,... 1J.8. INTELLIGENCE aaen· clea are wol'tlna feverlably w Id aUty the ultimate winner ot Lb• Krem11n'• Rmalan roui.u.. Mailbox 1"lllif ~ for t1lil Up Job ..,. ~f«JCllil· Uoa, aD••Me!l .aDd a· r::-...&Mtr ,.._ b...e for lb2is6tn. 'l'bt outeoma Will baYe a ~ Impact OD world affain. We npaded earlier tM lD,. lere1Uatto11ibtUt7 tbat Ort~ Romanov -~ kin '° tbe f N-&eYOlUtloD impwtaJ fem 17 -•ltbt AHUllH 8NllmeY'1 UUe. At a, he'a tM rouqllt member of tbe Polit· buJ'o, CIA Ualylta beU~w bl.I wc:cea or fallu.re may depend xi bow lau Brezhoev rematm in. poww; 1lomanov'1 chancel are tbou1bt to Improve the 1oD1•r BrelluMv bold.a oo. W8£TB&a the "you.as" Romanov, an older rival or a~­ IOl1Jum ot bopl:fula lakes over from ~. OM thlna la Cllf· talD, ~-to a top-MCnt CIA naluatlon: Any 1uec1•ar' wtU bave to bave the auPDOCt of Politburo member Yuri V. An- dropov, bead ol the penulvely powertul KGB MCI'« police. "Tbe KGB bu an lmportallt role to play in t.be IUC~ proceM or ln a period ot potltlcal tn1tabjllty," the CIA'• 1ec...e 0 ..,._um~ II .. att•t•. ratbl••• part b•nta•nt wlloH cold en caleUlatJlii at.tlt1MSI •• ftt. bi~ .......... *» • 1t08 boa. 1'be CIA apecg na•t !a.Uard a ~ • to wblda Of ..... •Ii leadlM_....wW_tht KGB tblel'a eeal of -~.r; But they do d11co .. nt t= poulbditf tMt ~ will ... to p'&b tbe ~ ... rtq ~ bJmself. Be JI a ud 1A PoOr hea!U\. LUie former CIA ob.Mt a.or,. emb1 .ADdlopov wUl a18o ~ that ma IMllnment u head. ol tbt eec:nt. police will plOft • lerioul po&Wtal llabWt)'. oas&K'& G•AP.aVINE: Ronald lteapn and TeddJ Ken- =~ are oddHn favorite to wiJl retpeetlq partiel, DOmina- liou for pr•ldeat, accordinl w our own poltieal propolticator. Jlmm1 tbe Greet. For u.o.e. wbo are wtlllnl to put their money .tlere tbeir opi.nJom are, ber•'!1.~ earl1·morn1D1 line from u. Lu Veau oddlmaker: Repulllie&n1 -Rea1an. a to 5; Oeorce Blab.• to 1: John Con· DaJb 9Dd Howard Baker, 5 to 1; thl( CnDe, Bob Dole, John An· denon and any late ataarten. 40 to 1. Democrats -Kennedy, 1 to 2; Jim.my Carter, 2 to l; Jerry Brown and any au.baequent bopefula, 50 to 1. &EAGAN &EBUPF: llovle nott.aJcla buffs are fadng wbat'a 1baplne up aa a quadrennial famine on late-nilbt televtaion. 1'banb to a heartless Federal Commu.nacatlom Commiaaion, au.cl\ aavory silver ecreen pma as "Bedtime for Bonzo, · "Naughty But Nice.'' "Hellcats of the Navy," "Klllers of 1964" and "The Hally Heart'' are her~by banned from the airwaves until after the star or these nicks. Ronald Reagan. drops his status as a presidential candidate The rullnl( as ostensibly to Prt'· vent demands for equal t.Jmt> from lus oppooeota, but it al'i<1 had the effect of preventin~ Reagan's rivals from USlOg th•· reruns to make ham look ridlc u.lous. Why Should 'Busy' Signal Cost 25 Cents? To the EdUor: Thia ia a "clau action" letter meant for the Pacific Telepbooe Compaay, and to acquaint others financially concerned. I bo~ The Pilot wW cooperate by pnnUna th1a letter. Since Nov. 1 Ma Bell baa lm· posed a ~enl charge on aub- acribers fOf' each call made to aacert.ain if a line is out of order. After receiving a "buay" signal for hours when trytn1 to call a small· aervtce at.ore I asked the operator to test the llne to de- termine if it actually were belnc u.sed. and if not to report lt out ol order. ·'That will be a 25-cent cbar1e," l wu told I DON'T bellen a caller abould be peaaltMd for callina the telepbone company'• atlm· tlon to faulty aemce. u a check le made and the llDe actuall1 la buay, ~rbapa an lmpaUent caller mltbt p~a penalty for lDcre tbe COIDl*lJ'• york -:=. U fa ult la a re- celver off tbe boot, the called P•tlY ta reapooalble, wbetber tbrouab inadvertence or de· Uberale aeUoD to auGN betD1 UDdlablrbed. At UJ fa11, Ila Bell 1bould be pleu«t pboite UMn attempt to coopet'IM Jn lmpnmq ....tee b1 npclfUJll IUIPdom CCIDdl· t.lonl and tbe lmPolttloo of a ,_ is bel'eby (and OlllJ beN) pro. teated. O.H.P.KJNO lion that the "UWe cuya" aren't u.slD& the small claims court. They are, as I do, but so are the bag guys. And what 'a wrong with tbe "big guys" saving leeal fees! U they don't, their leeal expeoaee would be puaed on to ua "little CUYI" ln the form of hiper pri0e9. ID coocluaioo, tbe u.se of •mall claima doesn't preclude t.be "lit· tie 1uya" uuge of it. Doe• anyooe know aome "little IUY" wbo didn't u.ae the eyatem becauae or the big cuya? THOMAS B. O'KEEFE 8'9•••'• s.,,,,.r, To the Editor: My commenta oo beball of St1nal Landmark Inc., wltb reapect to tbe company's Bolaa Chica ptoperty were appareaUy 1arbled in your Nov. • edJtloD. Contrary to your report, Slpal ta not an oil compuy. Not does stpal haft any plans to .. develop Ja1oon property frontla1 on Pacific Coast HlSbway .'' f'urtbimnon, there la DO QUM- doa ot ·~ theaahwa~r l~OOD ID tta natunl ltate · • · Slpal, ill fact. 1upl)Oda tbe it.ate Dlputlnent of J'bb and Game'• plu• to develop an artUlciall1 rMtored 1altmanb. It ll .,.. of tbe larpst develop- ment projecta ot ita klDd to ~ vid• a mamnad• wlldlll• re· will detennme the future uses of both pnvat.e and public lands at Bolla Cll.ica. Thank.a for your in· terest. WAYNE A. CLARK Public RelaUona C-oumel for stpaJ r.anctmark Inc. 1-1cl' .. fl To the Editor: Should junk food be banned! We can talk about It a lot. but like the weather, dolnc aom ething about It ia quite a dif · rerent thine· Ftnt.. let.. define JUDk f.od. What ii tt ! To know wba1 junk food la to you, I mutt know wbo you are. U you are a diabetic, It may be anyt.blnc wtth beawy su1ar content. iocludiDI alcoholic beftraeel. U you nm a health food stoN. it'• aaJWDI that you don't tell. U you are tryiDI to lote ••l•bt, lt'• ~ wttb a lot of eUodel. I( you are a kid, lt'1 pl'OMbtJ aplDacb., pea and llftr. NOW 80llS people wW tell JOU tbat • baalburnr .. JUDIE food. What la 1tf It ll p'OaDd beef, • uucie ud ............. ~ tomato. oalOD OI' 1**11 On a ban ma from wbeaL II t.batJankt To ar:me ...._ It ta a candy bar IUdl ~ mllk. baU.er, .... tuiar, auta &Dd otber sood food prOducta. Oae penaa wlU tell . . >S t. I , , 'J , '· lU V,. ., • .. . . . . . \, - ~" a&ca OP WOllJIATE · .. 77 #79-020 Mount it on en1Mal'faceupto2~" thJck with !nclud.cl clampe. .i.o hu llUOtios\ OUJlll for smooth w.rfaoM. 16" ftm ja--. . . ..n..t FiPI ,_ odd U.P19-clamp....._ wedge ........ can hold pipe•~. ha"4J it OI' .ton it •Mn not in \189. ''QUESTIONNAIRE'' CATALOG WINNERS You will recall. dear rMden. how we ran a drawing in our last mailed catalog. Now com .. the winnen: Change Wta fut w.. • belt eander. but haNIJe it M9 lJlse • •hltal. 8ou.ncl8 lila.e • mutation. (Don't attack me. rm Am..t.can. ... " &iendly.) 2W'xl6" helt. sm %"2 IPIED COIDLal DIO.L 269!oo ~. thia one la ......u:Je too. Get • full recharge ln ju.ft 18 houn ( l n.-cl ~t two ...u "'Hawail for mine. how about you?) CUil 4" UV&TOll FlUCftWITB POP-UP ~~ 16.66 Nice chrome ~ Oel\t..t ( ma7be it'• not nioe. maFbe i\'• j\lft faking and it fooled ). POLICILOD 3 ,7 1aoz. T• will 91t a ldok oat°' th18 CIQl\k. It'• .... that hudena to~ ..J. 8M •""" .._...,...,," .... II.ID ...... !111111111 , IUCIDICID VlllllU DEED .RI llW 177,! Vuy epeed from 0 to top or 111'9 ·..t to an.,, ~ JOU nMd. TiltU\9 .hoe, 3 amp, ~ llP. do r thick 1n wtwood. l '' thick t.n hardwood. ILACllDICID ¥t .... IOVTD ~~269!. ro1cun lUTOU ... ··:::·~ 1•·~ at.al, tou9h. and \llllfu1. r-tlw one who tu.. OU9 of their OWft OU it 9We i9 hand.,, to ...... pair. .... ,_ • .,,. llTIOIAL LUDD lllllUPJ.111 FLOOllll 14 ?.rr. We.,. ~ what JOU will -b\ tM ~~~::-=·~t09.r the elah Sold ln 28 ... ft. boae onl.,,. ca•mc nu IOUll 1111111 77~ 6 9?.ieo.rr . ... , ... ...,... w. .u:~ ....... ... ......... ,, ... !(1 ..... 1 ...rs.-,..,. , ..... ... ............. I '"'f --... . .. ·~ ......... ----. IDCO KRACO 1N -DASH AM/FM/MPX PUSHBU'M'ON RADIO wml 8 · TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER •KID-S7S.. .... I "1. ·------OR KRACO IN-DASH/UNDER-DASH AM/FM/MPX PUSHBUTTON RADIO WITH CASSETTE STEREO TAPE PLAYER •KID-587 YOUR CHOICE: 9997 CIWIOll ·6~ --1897 . 721.• so. l'T. 801' You1l U. the way J'O'U' ~ ue ment.d and the moth. don't cotton to It. Burin9 all th4t. it look. good too. TWll 111 &LVllllV• IOOrllC r...- 10-.ar 1a"d8" 14'dr 18'.a&" •ATURAL •. .., 7.n &97 10.n ~ 11.97 WHITE 7.9'1 9.97 11.nJ· 13.97 11.97. NO 81TB -Thia refen to tbe 1eatle Welmaraner doc owned by TM Tate of Newpart Beadl . . ,.,..., .......... ~ ......... ~ .. --:r .... ....,· ...._ .... ""wit•................ ......... .. CM...,....U.-,...._~ 2 Personalities Seen in Suspect COALVILLE, Utah (AP) -The penoaal Cycbiat.Nt for Mary June Kry1er hu testified at r trial here that be belie~ Mrs. Kryger hu two separate persc:nalitles, one ot which attempted to arrange foe her husband's murder. However, two other psycblatrtsts toJd Mrs. Kryger'a 3rd Diatrtct Court trial that they question the d0'1ble personality diagnosis. MRS. DYGBR, SC, PAUCITY, 18 charged with conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder. She la accused of tryt.n1 to hire a hit man in August to kill her huaband, Eugene Ktyger ot Van Nuya, Calif. Dr. Euieoe Bliaa of the Univenity of Utah Medical Center testified foe the defense that be believes lln. K.rypr can aabcoa.adoualy hyp- notize benelf, brinaiDs out the aeeood penonality, which be called ''.Jane IL" •'The roles ol these pencmatitiea are very a.ar- row,'' Bliu said. ''ID tb.la cue, it was Cl"eated to be gay and frivolous. June U looked oo the whole thin1 u a Pole-a TV HfDario -and h8d DO re- al IDh!!ticw ol eaJT7lq llUt tM c:rtme.." TBB DBPZNSB BM NOi' DENIED that lln. Krya_. tried to arraqe a ecmta act to till her husband. but claiml abe wu not responaJble for her actions since the aecmd penooality wu in control at the time. # Proeecutioo witness Dr. Louis G. Moench, senior psychiatri.lt at LDS Hospital, told the non. jury trial that be believes Mn. Kryaer waa suffer- ing from amphetamine psycboals, brou&bt OD by taking diet pills. Dr. Breck Lebegue, fOl'IDel' chief resident ot psychiatry at the Univenlty of Utah, said be felt the woman's partial amnesia la brotalht on by "malingerin&. Sbe'1 felplna a mental lllneaa.·• 5,000 Anima& Starve DAR l!'S SALAAM, Tanuot• (AP> -More tban 5,000 animal•, mosU1 wildebeest and elephant, have died an tbe ..-n =rc of the Sereqetl NM91l Part ID • eco1cJCL.. diautv caused by poaetien, Ta.mania'• 1onrnment newspaper repon.d. The Daily News quoted llara rePma1 pme officer lldndal lmmbe aa = poac:ben set bulb ftrm boPDC to lure uat to Dn1J spnMJt. fd srw wWl the arri•al ol ee•m•I n.ina. But. Jmmbil Mid, thla ,.. •• ralDa failed to materiaJile. Tbe 1ubleqamt droulbt led to a lbortqe. of· putun ud qhna1a have been cbinl tipm llanaUaG. be aaid. • t ,. f work right with ~workmate' bench It's a vise. It's a sawhorse. And 1t'1 a work table! All In one! Folds flat for storage and carrying. By Black & Decker. #79001. Reg. 74.95 57aa If .. aid ..... ...... " ., ..... Time for • new one ~. 9"ldent gu ...,. ,_.._ G...._.IMd tenkt, repld hot weter recovery l)llteml , high temper11tUr•.MM1t-of11. 20- gat .• ~.10U5 99~ ..... ""114.fS .. 105.81 ....... ,... ·~ts ... 111.18 ...... ""UC.ts .... .. .Black & Decker s \_. variable Speed reYe<1mg dnn can remove screws and bore holes. Burnout protec1ed. #7127 Reg.19.95 1388 ....... 1111 Ulln Spred Selin lete11 well pM1t 0099 on Ilk• fine eltt end ....,.. • long laatlng, good loo«lng flnleh. ~.11.95 7?! Bl'Oadraaia Cat LONDON <AP> -Tbe BriUtb Brot1de••na Corp. wW .Sall Oter· Mu r9dlo broaaeuta la Prmeh, Italian. Onelr, Tuatiab, Mable, ad . B•rmeH aa well aa Saropeaa I trwmtukla ID Spe0 1!lb bee&1lle of bQdaet eat.a lmpcwed by tbe Bdtllll SOTermneat. light up wllh gro lux Piek up • peck of Oro Lux 7~wett llQht bulbs . . 1t 1 a bt'IQht •dea• Reo s 10 3!! youcmlllipl lo lllJ CGldU... Grounding adept• ha between plug & recep. lade. Safe end queatty. bullt. ... .., ......... Big 1~ oontalnef °' Thompeon·a w..... SMI lor quicit and eay ..., of rnuonary and WOOd. Reg. 11.95. 8~ ca.rt, ,.._ UI •••.• I.II e.cau.e wttf'I rNs queHty Pfeoe-PflaW c..a bf .. llftchen lauc:ec ,iou'n be .... , telklng 6orever. Euy lnat•ll•tloA. I" centere. 135211. Reg. 2095 1588 . . : 17 ..., --I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1979 n••2:.:,p.r belHH from a Bert. a~w-..111111 Heant llftd wtUa bu ftuce. stev• WMd, 09.tMMd I.be ldd· nap-torture eplaode ln a copyrl1bted 1tor1 ln ti•• newapeper. Ma: StetDer Mid tbe SLA allo conaldend kidnappbls tbe JO. year-old belre11' mother, Catherine Reant, and "neeut· lnl" former Prelident Nboa , 1Re"iew Promised and otlaer aotablea. ·tb• MWIPQlll' nporUd. ...: StllDll' aald I.be ... ol abduetlnl the ,.,una woman was ral1ed alQOD• SLA members late ta ma by Emll1 Kanta. who ia Ml'vlna a amtenee for convlctioo of kldnappln1 and robbery In a Calllonlia women'• prtaon. Her husband, WWlam Harris, ls aervtnc time in San Queattn pr1lon OD the NJDe cmW:U0Da. "PriYalelJ. 1 bad lll'Hocably dedded IQY .,. ... tenorUt were Oftl" wlMa clever, ley eooi Em.Uy llllrris aceideDtally di.1- eovered Patty llMnt lived UD· 1uarded In Berkeley,·· Ms. Steiner aakl ta the Chronicle re- port. Ma. S&dDer said SLA member Nancy Lln1 Perry regarded Mias Hearst as "the best cbol~ ---' . • e Residents r 'Cite Noise Woes Realdents of Irvine's Culverdale section say they are ~ with noise problems •'Our problems are health, safety and convenience," said Mn. Buff White, chairman of an ad hoc committee with the Culnrdale Community Aaaocia lion Culverdale residents went to City Hall Tuesday ni1ht in search of relief from problems they say have made their village the most nolse-burdened com· munityintbeclty .. The City Council, on a unan- imous vote, promised the nearly 100 residents who Agran, Anthony l I Tivo Renew Feud On Public Funds 81 DAVID IWl'ZJIANN • Of ... Dllltr ......... Jrvme'a political odd eouple - eouncUmen Larry Acran and • Art Antltony are feuding a,aaiD. 1be 1atue this time ia use of 1 tu"pa1fJI' f\aDdl for handllns eor ~~~Yidua1 ~ ell members t ADtbaDJ doesn't like it And IO nw1 •uaa-tect at tbia week'• City Council aeaalon that City 1lana1er William Woollett Jr. ' ~e up with guidelines govern· \ lnl use of public funds for cor· J ~respondence of individual city legblaton. Tbe council went along with th~ idea unanimously. Anthony, at Tuesday niibl's council meeting and in an in· tervlew Wednesday, said be ""wun't trying to sing.le out any other council member's ac· Uvities in brineing the maUer up. Ant.bODy contnded Agrao's letter did not Nf1ftt overall COUQcQ Polle, .. aoukl DDl have been Mal oat at elt7 a peme. Auan. while voting for An· tbooy'• propoeal, defended the neattr eo .._. aem out to the comm-1t1 ullbelatloD pretl, desltm. He USd be belieffcl tbe preaidiilla Deeded to be told that authority for future lnCl'eaes in cable televiakJD rates has been taken from the ~ty because of a new state deregulation law He said the cost for preparing and sending out the letters was only about $15. , Agran said be hoped any future policies do not ~inder "useful communications' with the public. Anthony said it was not his in· tentlon to Infringe on the abilities of council members to communicate with residents. crowded into the City Hall chambers that each of the prob. lems they raised in a letter to the council would be reviewed to determine the status of any re· medial measures now in the works. The council told City Manager William Woollett Jr il wanted to discuss the matter again at its Dec. 11 meeting. It also asked Woollett to provide a plan for curtailing noise levels from nearly San Diego Freeway traf· ·• fie which may already exceed slate and federal noise stan<tards. Mrs. White said several proJ- ects being comidered by both the city and state could have further damaging effects on the community. Sbe saJd the proj- e c ta include the propoaect ma.nna of the CUJyer Drive oo- ramp io UM aortb.boad Jiu D6elO ......... ,. ta. ......,... ol Culver Drive., Uae reaJlpment ol M alll Street, lbe exteask-ol Heil Avenue and tbe extension ol 11.arftrd Avemae. ........ to~ .. reUef from the DOiie abd poUUdaa ol the San Dlego Freeway, preferably by means ol a wall, berm, fence and plaotinp," Mn. White said. "The city bas talteo over the section between the freeway and our homes and once verbally promised us a berm.'· She alao said CUJverdale a commun1ty Of 460 homes Sur· rounded on three sides by freeway, Culver Drive and Main St., needed protection along Culver and the freeway on-ramp ••from cars startinJ and stop- ping at a metered light and from sound bouncing off the Wood· bridge berm." so far. She'&~ mum. apart from the .up politico. like Ronald or NbGD, but the leCUrity naie. tbem out. Heam'• father commands '° mucb power wltb tbe news media and ii eo rteb -be'U be in our buds completely if be wants the lirl kept allve. ·'The older woman miaht have pe11ed out on us, but tbe dauabter ii atrcmi and bullhy; we can me ber to muJpalate f ber father," Ms. Steiner reealled Ma.PwryM~. Ma. Steiner aald: .. Patty w••n 't just a rich blUh. throw· tn1 a ltaek ot bread about. She attended demomtraUoa1 and rallies orsw&ed b1 radJcaJ 1roupa on the Unlvenlty of CaUfonda campaa. Mllllom al people critidsed her behavior <1ee llAt ~ace Ai> oelly ~-M8" -·•1 don't want to make this a l personal kind of thing," be said. But be said he opposed the idea of council members ex- pressing pereonal opinions at public expense. Councilwoman Mary Ann - Gaido proposed the city prepare wbat she termed a com - prehensive environmental im· provement Studt on Culverdale noile problems. She said such a study would allow the council to discuss various problems in one package. TOWING SERVICE OPERATOR ELMER GOETSCH SIZES UP HERD OF MUSTANGS Police SMk CoUector of Other Peopte'• ·as, '86 and '17 Ford• However, Anthony said the ' impetus for bis proposal was seeing a letter sent out by ~ two weeks earlier to community al8oclation president.s in the I city, Tbe mayor pro tem said be , dldn 't think it appropriate for Aaran to send letters at public ~ expenae to community oftlclals expreuing bis lndivldual view· point on potential future ln· creases in cable television rates. But ~. who baa claabed frequently with Antboa.y in the paat, aa.td Wednesday be believed it waa mlaleadlnl to 1u•1eat that communlcaUn1 I l'ftb comtil'Uellts "is a rald Oil ' Ole public truaury." ' .Communicatlnl with cltlzem, •• aald, la • "fundamental rHpontlblllty of elected of· L flo!all·• . ;:;...--------..... Coast Tbe letter Agran sent to com· munity presidents stated bis ·•concern and opposition" to pro- posed rate increases for cable televlaion service. Irvine Autos Among Stolen Wednesday he termed the pro- posed increua by Community Cablevialon Co., a sublldiary of the Irvine Company, u "nothing less than monopoly rate eoue· ing ... " Those rates, wblcb the cable firm can ra1ae under new state rules, would lnc!'eue charges for individual aubacrlben from $6 to s10, effective Jan. 1. Other council members. however, said .Ome of the prob- lems Mrs. White mentioned already are belnl handled. Residents coatended that no ~o~d Mus tangs solutions to their problems have I' 1 • 1 A 1ran aald Anthony baa chosen to dw'aderlze his letter as a mua ma.wn, at public ex· peme. "Tbat'a just not factually cor· rect," be said. been forthcoming aa yet from City Hall. Turnout Heavy HONOLULU (AP> -Strikinc public workers turned out lo hea~y numbers to vote on a pro- posed contract that could end their strike of more than five weeks. ' Joaquin Corridor Route Ap~roved ,,. Huntington Beach police are search.lna today for a man they believe collected Ford Mu.atanp. The trouble ls, police said, the can belonced to other people. The m'•ln& car collector. of· ficen laid, rounded up a herd of 10 Mustanca wblcb police hap- pened upon late Tuesday. Offtcen armed wtth a warrant to arrest Mlc.bael Schroeder, 2S, or 8211 IndianapollJ Ave. for failure to appear 1n court on a weapoaa charge reported ftnd- lnl the auto. behind bb res· ldence. The rustled Mustana•. police said, were all partially dll· manUed. Tbe collection of 1985, 'Ge and 'ft can alle1edb' wu stolen from Hua.t1.DttOD Beach, Colta Mesa and Intne. TIJe can, each .Umat*5 to be wortb around SS.000, were towed otf andatnNd by pollce. World Court Asked To Pressure Iran t \ .ti lWLY N.OT WASBINOTOJf <AP> -Californla Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. ..,. bit faYOn coaaaa rat'°:: ol iaollM .... 1000 .. a warka· b1e plaD ca be dl•"'°l*I CiaDanea can tborou011 debate iLu Gu ratioldna and Gtber eoaMl'9aUoD meullnll an tbe best wq to rectuci UM ettlmated IO to 40 pereeat --a wast. iD tbe Ull.lted lbtel1• Brown 1&14 w~ ta an appearance before the WOIDlll'I "atiOa.al Dnloeratlc Cl~ A•ule• .. '£e.eellW...• ., ...... ~..,.. . Two ll"OUPI of Americ-. left B..tn1Jadelh and SJ'rt• today under the State Department'• "voluntary evacuatkln" plan for Americana In 11 Moelem countries, prompted by the U .s. Em· baNJ tSeie In Iran. In Dacca, Ban•ladeab, embuay apokeamu James L lleyen uld 1• ot the IOO Amertcana in the country -1• em- bauy ~ tbell famlBes and u private cltbeu -bad volunteeNd to ..... U.. caplal ·~ ... Jn Damueua, S)'J'la, an embua7 IOUlee u1d a l"l'UI> of 25 evacuees included 16 f amlll• ot Americana wbo won at the embauy or aN employed by eompanlee with f0Vel1l.ll*lt COD· tract.a. He said some flew out today ~ the othen would leave Friday. He aald lt was a voluntary departure and tbe State Department bu put transport facilities at tbe dbpoul ot thole wantlnl to leave. Stace Fire 1' fib T•ree LAKESIDE (AP> -Fire swept throuah an apartment early today, ~three bodies were found in the charred debrh. The dead were idenWled by tbe coroner'• office u Jeue AJ. ten Simms, 27, a woman and their I-month-old dauahter, Either. lnveat111tlOl"I Hid • wall 1u beater IDQ baft malfane. Uontd. 11e11 r .... ,. ... c .... , NEW ·DELHI, lndla CAP) -Soviet eombat troope bave 1one iatO lldiGD •..,.Ide Allllama tareee le. & m.ajar a&natve a1almt relllll-...S .... Ja eeitn1 AfpanJ.u, aeeal'd1lil to a dela1ed repllt aue1ttn1 bere. The report, which w11 reeelved Wednesday and eoukl not be lDdependenUy coaftrmed, aa1d the SorieU were Tajtk and Ulbek soldlen trom tbe Central Aalan Soviet republics Just north ot the Aflban border. There wu no estimate.--~ number ot soldiers, wbo have facial featurel alml1ar to Afpani. The town of Gorband, '° mn. northwest ol KabW, WU re- ported returned to tbe 1ovemment ol Prelldent Hall.sullah Amin after belnl beld'for two moathl by lloslema wa11D1 a "boly war" aplnlt the pro-Soviet restpie. New Zealand Names Mr Crash Victims AUCKLAND, New Zealand <AP>--Atr New Zealand re· leased today a list of foreign pa11enger1 aboard the DC-10 that crubect ln the Antarctic on Wedneada1, ktlllAg all 251 aboard. (Belated story Page A4) Air New Zealand •aid details, including bometowu, would be releaaedtafter noWlcation ol the vlcUma' 8mllles. The incomplete names of the vtetlma appear after tbeir boa\• country: ,,.. .,..... ...... Ml• "· .... ,: Mra. L.M. AfHllJftlft; f'.J, ICIUMYlly1 Mr, .... Mn, ..... ; IC.-....: Mn. M. "-"'IMllJ Mrl. L. WctltlilM; Mrt.. I' • ...,._; Mn.. N. DllffJ Mrt. M.L. ...... ; .. ....,.., Mt. aw Mn. L J-..; lit. ,_.I Ml ... Mn. ~I Mn, J. fltt· nu: Mfla D. ... ..__.Ml• M. ..,llldl. ,.._, '*• ... tiWs, T. IMI; I. ...... t. TeuM: T. Ole; Ml•A. IC.llo1111 .. ; Mt. _.#ft. 0-.; M. ClillMll 5. lleN .•. Y...._...; N. o.tt: ... ~; .. ,......., •• ..._, H. Seto;,.., Md Mts. M. Ot.rtl; Ml Md MrL N veneei-. ,., . .,, Mn. A.,,,..,,.,,'*·..,. MtL MllWIH. OrHt llrlteltt: MIL J . Pridmore; Mn. J . Hollowe1: H.A. PllUM; Ml• SuMft Cojlley; Mia E. I!.,...,.; MrL L Trlfldlr, MtL A. Andlr-. a..: L .. __.. _.._ K.M. ~ ..._,.., J .....,.,, ~--:1(.1(~ ,,_, a. LetlNs. 3 Arrested On Sex Rap Three Newport Beach musa1e parlor employees were arrested on pl'OIUtUtlon cbar1es early-today. Police Sit. Tony VWa Iden· titled the 1U1pecta a1 Karen Gunter, 31, ud Denise Lynn S.le~·l; botb ot Lons Beacb1 and Ann Betler, M. or 1880 11th St., Newport Beach. VWa aDesed that be arrest.eel the trio after they offend him sexual aerrices iD exebanae for mOGey. All tbree women are employeel 6t o=-Health Spa at 1881) W. t Hl,:bway, aceordl.aa to police. .. F,....PflfleAJ ROUTE ••• solve problems and that they soon become overwhelmed UD· less there ls proper land uae plaDDilll tn the area. Prosecutor Nll11Wdin Jordan Ctue WASHINGTON <AP> -A special three-judge court ap- pointed a special prosecutor to- day to invesU1ate aJle,aUooa that Preeident Carter's ebltl 86- viser, H•mlttm IOl"dan. UMd tbe illegal drug cocaine. The panel appointed u pre»· ecutor Arthut H. Chriaty, a New York attorney who pro•· ecuted mobster Fnnk Coltello when Christy WU U.S. Attomey for the Southern Dtatrid of New York in 1958-:B. In its order, the court did lt was acttns "upon CODllderaUon of the applicatk>o of the attorney 1eneral .•. for the appointment of a spedaJ proeecutor to in· veatt1ate the alle1aUon that Hamlltoo Jordan posaesaed co- caine in the Southern Dlatrtct ol New Yort'oo June 27, ltTI." Jordan bas dailed he bu ever used cocaine. Tbe White House chief of staff WU accused of Ulinl the drua durtna a um visit to Stud.low. a New York City dlacotbeque owned by Steven Rubell and lan Schrager. Rubell and Schrager said Jordan wu seen using cocaine ln the club. They offered to testify against Jordan in ex· cban1e for the 1overnmeut's dropptns cbaraes ol federal tu. e•aalon asatnat tbem. They pleaded IUitt1 Nov. 2. The specla1 panel Hid lt WU dilcio.tn& lta decllioo ''in the beat 1Dlef8tl of justice." Tb• Judlel '*1d Chrilt.J couJd tnveatlpU "llU' other related or relevent allqatioo of a viola· ti on" aaatnat Jordan for cocaine use Christy, 58, was special coun.ael to New York Governor Nellon Rockefeller from 19S-tl He is a senior partner in \he New York firm of Christy and Viener In addition to proaecuUn1 Costello for income tax eva.sioo, he wu the prosecutor of the man convicted ol bllndlnl col· umnlst Vietor Riael by throw· inl acid in b.ll face. He al.lo prosecuted and wca a convlc:Uoa of mob ftsure Vlto Genovese oo narcotle» cbarl•· The Wat.ergate-lnaplred Ethics lD Government Act. wblcb took effect lat year. provtdes for a~ pointment ot apec:lal prosecuton to 1nvestt1ate cbarcn aaalmt top govemmentotnclala. The law requires the att«ney 1eneral to call for a special prosecutor un.leu be determ.lnM aft.er a prellmlnary tnvesucatton that the cbari• are umubstan· tlat.ed. • • Out of State I PoJlee Mek1nl • l!a1wr r/. lbl o,_.. OoMt women ba" expanded tbelr 1eareb da· tioowidt •..U.• a crtm• 1MilMUD to law •o~.-mt .,_.. m u.,:u111t.ecS sua.. 1>9U eNld ...... y. Lt. lac Cahacm of Costa 8ecall T Meta, whole department eent out a Wetne !'MO" or ~ 'l!'V ~ open.ndl af,Uie ldllef·rapjlt Mid -.T tile IDCM :re made bee ... in-• =.~t11at"U:~ Miller : fted tbeara. It baa been more than ftve Aband d weeu alnce tbe Jut murder. . one Calnon aald that pollce in the five apndel tDvestlPtlnl the nine ... u1t:1 attributed to the k.lller are •1(!~~ throu1b the thousands ol they've been given in the put two moot.bl In additioo. lnvesti1at.or1 from the 0raDJ(e C<Mmtv Diatrict At· torney'a omce are cbectlne rec- ords at the Oran&e Coanty Jail. They want to find out U a man fittlnl the IUlpecl'I desertptioo baa been Jal.led then in the put five weeb. 'l'Ji• poeatbiBtJ that tbe killer baa been Jailed or bu fted the Oranae Cout ia a poulbOity. police aay. became of the time element. Tbe killer ha.I auacted nine women atnce AQ&VSt. im. One murder-rape oceurNd in 1971. and the rest happened um year. The asuulta were becoming more frequent with three m Sep- tem ber and two in October. The nve·•eek 11~ could mun the ldllet' bu Jal.led on some other charge. hu left the area ... or he's dead:' noted Capt. Ron Lowenbera of Tulttn. The k:Wer bu struck twice ln that ctty. kil.llng one womu and seriously IJ:uuring another. 'The injured woman's unbom baby daughter dled as a result of the assault Four of the vkthm. including one wbo survived. we re from Cos ta Mesa One o f the murdered women lJved in Irvine and another llved 1n Corona del Ma r Another surviving v1clJm UC Irvine To Host Physicists A t~ coaference Friday and Saturday boated by the pbyalca department at tJC Irvine 11 expected to draw 250 pbyaici.atl from the United States and Europe to dllcu.u the latest uperimmtal ,.Wt. in elemen· tary particle pbyalca and theoretical questiooa coocemina the unification ol forces 111 nature Tbe conference. to be held at the Rqiltry Hotel. la convened every two years in I rvlne. 1bil year·• coofereoee la the aeventh such ptberi.q hosted by UCI. The Natlanal Scleoce FOUDda· lion and the U.S. Department ol Enero provided p-anta to pay for the CCIGfereoce. Dr. Gordon Sbaw, UCI pro. lessor of physics and cooferenee coordinator laid the nperimeo· tal portiam ol the conference will concern topics such u electron· poelll'OD anntbtlattm aod buic ~ teraction between quarb and iep- tom, which are amona the basic conatluamtaol nature. Approalmately 20faculty mem· ben and p-ad\aate student. from the UCI pbyalcs department will parUcipa~ ln the conference. The l11t attem~ to reeall Oran1e County Supervtaor Ed1aon Miller bu fallen bJ the wayside. Stephen C. NUl, chalrmu ol th• Committee to Remove Miiier. announced Wedoelday that be ta abandoning b1I effort.I. Nill. a 23-year-old law student at i.o,ola Unlvenlty. 1ald that lnatead of a recall b1I orsaniu· tlon will 1upport a candidate to oppose Miller in the J.ane primary election. Nill uld be bad 1reat crauroota support when be .an· nounced recall plana Oct. 23, At that time he alao crltlel~ed leaders of a previous recall group after tbey bad acraP.l)ed their plans. M tiler aaid today be ne~er took tbe recall that aertoualy and WU not aurprtaed. "I believe tbat tbey ftaliaed they were ftchtlnl a loelb1 tia~ tle once emotloaa ran out." · Miller was appointed by Gov· emor Brown last July to replace Ralph Diedrich. Briggs Files Suit A.gaimt Iron Funding An attempt by State Sen. John Bngga ot Fu.llertoa to cut off public funds for the education of Iranian lludenta will be beard next month 111 • Oranre Cowa&y SUperior Court. /udae Robert Todd LI expeet- ed to rule Dec. 21 on Briua' re- quest for ID iftjuactioa atalmt continued 1pending of public money. Brtgp filed bis la•ault Wed· nuday aaatnst the state of CaUfomla and a number ot ltale offk1ala and qedcie1 to Mos> w bat be called a lift of public funds for non·lmmi1rut Iranian s tudents from klnder1arten through college. He said he took the action because of the llle1al act ol \be Iranian government in setdne the American Embassy In Tehran and tbe detention of American boeta1es. Brieas also la aakln1 to aboHah other state uslatance .to the students in welfare, UD· employment payment.a, Medi· Cal service and' food stamps. Bri111 ha~ estimated that state taxp,.Yen are 1pendio1 about SW.million annually fe>r the education of the students jn the publicly owned and tax· supported educaUonaJ ayaiem. He admitted. however, that he doean 't tnow the exact amoant of expenditures because of • lack ot reeord·keepln1 lD th scbool ayatem. · Irvine realdent Wesley Man declared that the corridor ta tn doubt because of unwillinpeaa by plmmen to come to pips with a fUndiDI plan. Newport Surf and Sport Others tn the audience, lnchld· Ins repreaentatlvea of the Oranae CountJ Chamber of Commerce, the Mtaslon Viejo Company and the Irvine Com· pany, arped lD favor of the cor· ridor. 'l'he tramportaUon eorrtdor LI proJeet*l to ~· a volume of ~.ooo to uotooo ~1 dallJ. lnelpded m ttl pll!lD.IJll b I SO.foot·wSde llMdlan to accom· modate some form of rapid mus tramlt lD the tuture. Conatnactioo of the con1dor ll eatlma~ to cost ftom '180 mUllon to '210 million but then an DO auuraDC. of It.ate Cll' f tderal money to ftnance the pro Jen. Cotti, wbtcb do1l 't lneluCle lud acqdl:lttloo, an ·~to eaeal.te f\lrtber beoa\&M CM atrucuaa ll JM!t ~ ~ for lOto ,..,.._ The ·~ appl'Oftd • route ahal!tnclUda ielectlcm at., in th• Wit. --of tbe eot• ridor; MIJl'*ll lf la the cwtn1 aec&ori MCmeilt lt lo tis• Mil een&.ra1 IDd ICllJ'Mft' a.& ID the • ~ Specializes in -- Poulerfwnv :~ lvt;,untainttri~(; Quallb' Jackets In assorted colors •. I I I \ t ' l ... l I t I ; ~ I .. . SllelatSanta Believing that deaf children should have an opportunity to talk to a Santa Claus who cares, 20-year-old Brad Hatton of San Jose has learned sign language. He sa11 deaf children are overjoyed to learn they can finally tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The child is Debbie Sicherman. .:·~y, 2, Held as Bostag~ · &;i-Father Fires Shot, Su"enden following a stroke. Her qe was reported variously u between 62 and68. .............. SAN DIEGO CAP> -The Navy aald an air and aea aearcb would resume today for an of- ficer who ~ppeared W ed,pea-day after ejectinc from a dl.a- abled fiabter plane. Officials at Miramar Nayal Air StaUoa aald Ule unldrl!C~ radar lntereept officer was ejected from an "'f', 14 when the craft'• plextalala coekptt canopy suddenly blew off. Tbt man waa 1UU attacbed to hi• seat wbeo he left lbe plane. but Navy .apok.eamen aaid oo earacbute wu al&bted and the Iller wu pres\lmed dead. • peal Gov: Edmund Brown Jr. 's odd4WD ,....,. alloeatloD pro. cram. Mn. Hallett, ol Atuelldero, 1J1ued a atatemeat Wed""'lday aaytn1 •be l• urlins all As· sem bly and Senate Republicans to eodone a proposed reaohlioo by Auemblyman Eu1ene Chap. pie, R-RoeevWe, to end Brown's state of emergency. ..... O...llellgetl SAN FRANCISCO <AP>-The state Board of EqUJUutioo baa asked lbe California Sopreme Court to overturn a dedllon al· lowtoc tbree major public uUliUes to reduce and roll IMck property tax auesameot.s under Propoeltioo 13 The state Court of APPf'al on Oct. 16 reversed a San Franciaco Superior Court rulin& asaimt Paci!lc Gu and Electrtc Co., Southern Calllomla EdiloD and San l>ieto Ou and Elect.rte. A petlUon IUed W edne9dQ by tbe attorney 1eneral'• omce for- th• ~ eonteoded tbe appeal court dedllon wu elearl,J er- roneoua and violated tbt CallfornlaeomUtuUon .. • Tbl tee'D &:!;:.:hie were elm.Pd wttll iD a ~•Uoo at the plant CD Matt.b n. al• da~ after the TbrH MU• llland • radlaUon leak. One was Ip JUllice 01art., two p - ty, Ud a mlltrlal w 1ared for the reel. . 'LOve-iD' Contract Espoused SACRAMENTO <AP> -No contract, no property settle· ment. Tbat 's the way actor Lee Marvin's lawyer says the law abould read for unmarried couple1 livtn1 togetbtt. PfNH!la Po.,er Attorne1 David Katon s~d contncta would "mfnlmlze op- portunities for fraud and leaaJ blackmail " But not everyone agreed With Marvin's lawyers Wednesday at a bearing or the Auembly·. Judiciary Committee. Takmg advantage of a sunny day, a pair of rollerskates and a wtl.hng tow from Sook1e. his three-year-old St. Bernard. Jon Robinson. 9. scoots along a Del Mar street A repraeotaUve or Calllorrua Women Lawyers aaid rest.rlct.ins the ri~ to sue for part of an ex· lover a property would 1lurt aome poor women. AND TUE CO•lllTTEE chatrman said auch a require- ment would be full of loopholes. Davis Sets Stage For G _ay Rights Law The committee WU beariq teatimon)' on A85&& by As- semblyman Walter losalla, D- Riveraide, that resulted from the cue lo wtuch Michelle Tnola save up a sinliol career after he promiaed toaupportber. Ma. Marvin lost tbe cue. alt.bouP abe won $104,000 ln "re- habllltadon" coeta. But the cue did resaJt to a ruJ:iDg that an unmarried couple living toeethel" could be found to have an implied underat.aoding that they would divlde their property after they broke up . INGAU.8' BILL would cbanee that nding by requirine a wnt ten contract !or a property set Uement. He said tt would Pft· vent a Oood of Marvin·type caaea. • DA VIS CAP> -The Davia Caty Council ta to coruader a 1•1 rights onhDance at rt.s Jan 9 lftfftin&. The couoctl voted 3-2 Wednes day to request the city attorney to draft slldl an.ordlnance The wte followed two hours ol te1tu:noay by many of lbt 200 penom wbo attended tbe med· tog The testimony was about equally d.lvtded for and agamst Proponents satd generally that at was a civil ngbts. human rtgh~ and We.style lASue Opponents seoerally followed the argument of Councilman Jim Stevens. who said he op posed any law Uu&t would rom pel anyone to associate with persons not oC their bk mg THE PROPOSAL to pmtubtt d1 sc nm1nat100 1n housma. em ploymeot and t>uaine11 services oa t.be buts of sexual pre(,rence wu mtroduced by l Mayor Tom. Tomaal 1n behalf ol lhe Davis Gay Taak Force. An Ulformal poll of the council memben lncbeated that they 1 would approvf such an or- dinan~ Energy Studi~d LOS ANGELF.S CAP> The Local Government Commission on Renewable Resources. an ad vusory group which 1s expected to receive formal commission status Crom Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr., bu met for the first tame to disCWlS the future or $Olar eoerp. AwardOK'd In Law8uit Dt~ . GOURMET i:.'\T~ MARKFI' 'U FARM FRESH PRODUCE EUREKA <AP) -A Humboldt County jury has awarded $12 .8 million in damages to Seamen's Direct Buytn1 Service, a f1lbiq boat supply company that claims it went out of bualneu after Standard 011 Coinpeny of ca.Utorma ·brofle a fuel supply con&raet. u.s.ttaakjqnaaaon .. ..!:~ .. WINE CELLAR Monble J'rnb SplDadt ~°"' - 8Wfft 14-Sbf-Na.el Onn&f'I 39(., AND LIQUOR lklleol ltt7 8be lled Early Time• 5.99 int .. , DeUelcMll,\pplel .... .. . . 39c-. Popov Vodka 3.99 , ..... , Crhp lla9da Frnai Loeal Cabbac• 12C .. Gdbt-)'• Gin . 5.19 ••• Now fea&w1nc rreeh potted ph1nts ot Scoceaby Scee.ch 4.99 1,.. • ., all lllndi ror Olrt1tm111. Al.so rreah flowers dally. We wlll prepan.• Delaoey'aQablh• beaYllfUI fruit bullet.a on order for •r Via aoM . 1.99 .. CIM your bolld.a1 itvtna. TOP CHOICE AND PRDIEMEATS o.aa..,•1ra-..... NMJ ...,aWlf ........ 1.49 • .... , ........ .,..., .... 1.49 .. f • 8eH C .. ell aeHJ1 1.49 1• • SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT Freab Local a.ck C.od ....•.••.•. : ••.•.• 1.98 ... Irvine vs. Caltrans As noted. it's not often members of the Irvine City Council see eye to eye on important matters. But the council found common cround this )Veek in its feelings of skepticism toward a CalTrans proposal to install traffic meters on northboUlll'1-on·ramps to the San Diego Freeway as it passes through the city. The meters really traffic signals -are meant to unsnarl traffic malting its way onto already congested freeway lanes by regulating its now. Council members, perhaps justifiably. want the state to look more deeply into the potential adverse meets the project could have. The city is asking the state to prepare a detailed environmental analysis of the $850,000 project rather than give it negative declaration status (meaning it would have no serious consequences>, which the state contemplates doing. Although the chances seem slim the state will accede to lrvme's request, it is proper that city representatives are attemptmg to safeguard the interests of their community. Their concern that meters could cause traffic on the ramps to back up onto surf ace streets, creating even more rush hour havoc, seems legitimate. A CalTrans official tried to assure council members Tuesday night tbat the meters would work efficiently right away. But the eotmcil said it wanted to see more figures on traffic projections and plans to handle any problems that could arise. While the city·s appeal stands little chance, we think the comteil was correct in not quietly acquiescing to the state's plans. A Good ExaDlple The City of Irvine and its palice officers have com· pleted negotiations on the first labor agreement in the city's brief history. The Irvine Police Association already bas ratified the tentative pact and tbe City Council will consider giving its approval to the agreement Dec. 11. For a city and an employees' association both untest· ed in the trenches of meet-and·confer labor relatiooa, the speedy and amicable conclUBion of negotiations ~ to be viewed as a positive sl.,.ll for future relations. Certainly, it sets a good precedent in the city's in· augural venture into such negotiations. Going into the talks, both sides said they were looking forward to the meet·and-confer process. This created a positive climate which enabled the bargaining sessions to be completed ln two weeks. The ®Otract with the police officers and sergeants expires in two years and soon thereafter other employee groups will more than likely be ready to bargain with the city. 'lbe good example both sides set in this first round of negotiations could be the pattern for future talks. It's a good beginning. • OpiOlons expressed In the space abOve are those of the Oalty Piiot Other views expressed on..th1s page are those of their authors end stilts. Reader comment is invited. Addresa The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642--4321 Boyd/Book Boom BJLll.BOYD Tbl.rQr )'ears aao. the book publlaben in thla comitry put out about a,eoo titles a year. Now tbe1're pobU1bla1 almo.t •.•a 1ear. And the tr'liOd ltilJ appears to be rls· m,. Wbat11 your aueu .. to why more aDd more people .,.. ba:J1a1 more i:Qd more boOtat My si-ll they're '1ettine fed-up'e,.r and fed· up'er with what'• on televts\on. A cbaracteriatic common to almost all overwel•bt women la the teodency to U · aome a relaited po1ttlon either 8lU:lftl or atenA1n1 bJ cro11ln1 tbelr arug eom- fortablJ OVfl tbetJ' ~· Uona. So reporta a medico. U.S. INTEUJGENCE acea· cles are WIQddna feveriably to idenWy the ultimate w1n.ner ol lbe Kremllo 's Ruaaian roulea.e. Mailbox WB&TBBa the · 'youna" Romanov, an older rival or a COil· IOrtiufD ol bopduJa tate. over from BrabDev, ooe thin1 la cer- taln, aeeordlnc to a top.MCnJl CIA evaluation: Any suc:eeaor wtll ba" to bave the support ol Politburo member YU17 V. Alt· dropoY. be9d ol tbe penulTely po--1alKG8sectel police. · '"l'be KGB bu an important role to pa., 1D tbe suceellioo procaa or 1D a period of poWcal 1D1tabiUty," the CIA'• MCrtC da1Jj tDte11t1111e1 report Ui .. ed. ··-Mrtoul ~ IOr tbe , Job OI 1 eral MC...,, mun an.re tU\ b• .... tbl taelt11a~~a.!~ the ~'"tt. or· san -a.. ..... ,. u <>Peratma vtrtuaUJ uncbecbd bf lbe 14-manber PolltburO fa the MV118 WI of JOMf SlaliD't ODe·maa n,aM, UMt XG8'1 in· nuence plummeted C.mparartly att.r lta cldef, the bated taweD- tl Berta, WU depoled and G· eeuted 1D 19151. But 1D receot years,. the KGB baa recovered m&ada ot itl lost power. "Tbe <19Ml coup aplnst Kbrulhebev for eumple, bad the acqukwceDce al the KGB.'' the CIA reported. Tbd re1ur1ence pull An· dropov. if not 1D the driver's teat, at least in the poeiUoo to block tbe •uceeMioe ot anyone be d.1aallllrove1 ot. H1a lnllumee i.D the ~Ill •betted b1 tbe KGB ties ol t'#O fellow mem· ben. Anid Pellbe and 1UrtU Muurov. Andropov la a1'o • cloae peraonal Crlead oC BrelhneY. 1'llB Dbl.IN tinamaker la • tall. aebolarly-lootln1 man wbo apeab En,U.b n~. Sources told our auoclate Bob ' Ga EIEK'8 GRAPEVINE.: Ronald Reacan and Teddy Kea· necb are oddl-on favorite LO wtp tbetr relpedlve pardea, nomtn.· Uou for president, accordinl ti> our own political prolftOltlc&tor, Jimmy the Greek. For tboee wbo are wlWnc to put their money where their opln1onl are. bere'1 tbe early·mornla1 l1De from tbeLu Vecuoddlmaker: RepubljclDI -Reapn, 3 to5; Oeorp Bulb •• to 1; Jobo Con· ullJ and Howard Baker. 5 to 1: Ptill crane. Bob Dole, John AJt. denon and aoy late atarten. 40 to l. Democrat.a -Kennedy, 1to2: Jlmmr Carter. 2 to 1: Jerry Brown and any subsequent bopefull, 50 lO 1. &8MSAN aEBVFF: Movie wtalli• buffl are f•dns what's abapln1 up u a quadrennial famine on late.night television. Tbanb to a heartless Federal Com municatloos Commluion. such hvory !liver screen 1ems as ··Bedtime for Bonio, .. "'Naughty But Nice.·• "Hellcats of the Navy," "Killers of 1984" and "Tb~ Hasty Heart" are hereby banned from tb c airwaves \mW after the star or these flicks. Ronald Reagan. drops bis status as a presidential candidate. The n.&bn~ as ostensibly to pn· vent demands for equal tim~ from hiA opponents, but 1t also had tbe effect of preventin~ Reaaan·s riva.15 from using the reruns to make ham look ncHcuJous. Why Should 'Busy' Signal Cost 25 Cents? To the Editor: This ls a "class action" letter meant for the Pacific Telephone Company, and to acquaint others financially concerned. I hope Tbe Pilot will cooperate by prlnlina th1a leUer. Si.nee l'iov. 1 Ma Bell bas Im· ~ a 2:kent eharse on aub- scrlbers for each call made to ucertain if a line ii out or order. After recelvlnl a "buay" aipal for hours when lrYtnt to call a small service store 1 asked the operator to test the line to de- termine If it actually wen being used, and if not to report it out of order. ·'That will be a 2S·cent charge," ( wu told I DON'T believe a caller should be penallsed for calliq the telepbcne company's attm· tioa to f auJtJ service. U a cbed: ii IDade and the line actuallJ ii busy, perhaps an lmpaUent caller might pay a penalty for increuinl the pbOne company's work load. U the fault la • re- ceiver off the book, the called pam la reapoa.alble, whether lhrouJb inadvertence or de· liberate atUoo to uaure be1nl uodilturbed. At uy rate. Ma Bell sbcMald be pleued phone men attempt to cooperate in impn>Yinl service by report\lll susplclioul condi· lions and the tmpoeit1on of a fee La hereby (and only bere> pro- tested. O.H.P.KING T••--••ere To the l.ditor: Tbe tbreat t.o our atmosphere ii not only for the future, but bu -.uJted Ull DOW. J. I bope tUt the Daily PUot will recoam-this danpr and ~ llder tt In tenDI of lta •UW*t tor fWtber powth of bedroonl eommmalUM and ·•rterl• to l.-clt.bm. It luil .,._ aald that freedom ean bt dlftned u your ftlt billill limlt*9 by the pol1tloo ol ID1 aoH. Our OOH, rHplratory p~1aa,., Jcmp, and 1eneraJ bealtb are ln.olftd la all ~ clatou lnvol•IDI tbe ll'fttb Wit.bin die SOuth Coaat alt Mlln: JlOBDTI. ll08SNBERG. M.D. Uon that tbe "little euys" aren't ualnc the small claims court. They are, as I do, but so are the big iuya. And what's wront with the "bll 1uy1" 1avin1 letal fee.? U they don't, thelr le1al expeues would be puaed on to us ''Utlle pp'' i.D tbe form ol hither pricm. In coaclmioa, the uae of small clalma doesn't preclude the "lit-~ ven1ence for two bip state of· fic1als carries a lot more weilbt at cl ty ball than the aerious in- cooveruence and financial losses of four local bua.i.Desses, not to mention the board of a serious auto acddeDL JORN HESTON lie 1uya" ua1e of it. Does To the F.ditor: anyone mow aome "little l\IY" Tbe Pilot is to be commended wbo didn't use the ayatem for your frequent and t.borough because of the bl& guys? coverage or the proposed TifOMAS B. O'KEEFE Orange Coast National Urban To the F.ditor: Many people may have dis· covered the almost constant traffic Jam at the north end of Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach, caused by: the Corona del Mar Freeway endln&, airport coneeallon, too few street lanes on Irvine A venue and the Hle1ally stopped gasoline waitiq Ji.De for the Ex· XOD atatioo at the Bristol ID· tersection. Several minor auto colllaiom have occurred here re- cently. 1 use the term "ille&ally stopped.. because the curb is posted "No Stopping Al Any Time." The varioul buaineues aJong t.bil block (lncludlni mine> have made repeated calls to the police about &be W.1aJ stopptna and Lane b&odr•1• with almost DO respome, Tbe police finally appeared one day a.ad cleared tbe 1u waitlq line out. We all tbouabt ••flnallJ a reaponae," but then learDed that the pol.lee bad bem impeded by the Jam-up on their way to an accident el.Hwt..N and decided on their own to eome badt afterward to take tan ot the line. Park. The population growth forecasts for Orange County will certainly place open space as an 10creasing.ly high pnortty item in the future. The cost or the Urban Park to the taxpayen of CaU!ornia and the nation will be money well spent to be aure. However. the demand for open space for recreational purpGllel such as campln1. hikllll, equutriao activities will not be entirely fulfilled by the Urban Park based upon the &ncreaaed arowtb ln Oranae. Riverside and San Dleao counties. A partial solution to t.hia future problem Dl8Y be provided al lit· Ue or no cost to °'t taxpa1era of this state and the naUon. A ~ posed San Mateo Canyon Wilder· neu iD • 46,500 acre riparian.oak woodland k>ca..S ln the southern encl of tbe Cleveland NaUonal Forest would close tbil recrea- llon 11 1ap. Tb11 la land that belonp to all the citisem ol tbe United States ao we have a veal· ed interest in nat bappeas to the canyon. only way that Iona term pre· aenatioa can be uaured is by Coosreslional •ction. It is ex· peeled that during 1980 that lestalation will be lotroduced to obtain Wilderness status for San Mateo Canyon. lf you would like to vlsil this beaatilul area or want to fmd out bow you can help save the canyon, please contact the Orange County Group of the Sierra Club. If you area already familiar with the area, please write your Congressman and ur1e bis aupport of tbe San Mateo Canyon WlldemeH. PAUL WRIGHT MeC•r•••u•'! To the Editor: The attack of CouncUmao Art Anthony on Councilman Larry Aeran amacb of McCarthyism. Appanm&ly Mr. Anthony COD· siden hlmlelf to be lbe self· appolnted P1"0(ector of bl1 busi· neas lD lmne. Mr . Anthony should realise. however, that there ant interests other than tboae of bualneaa whlcb .need procectioG. I, for one, am supportive ol the eftorta al Mr. Acru tn limit· ina arowth 1D tbe City of Irvine. STEPHEN C. JONES ..., ... , ... To the &ditor: Irvine Cou.ncllman Art An· tbon1'1 efforta to brinf tbe p01lUcal 1amea of Maryanne and Larry, Tom and J a.ne <ol 1rvtne Coandl, Cblcaao 1. and movie 1tar fame-common de· nominator CEO) were a welcome Nv.latlon. I haft followed tbe a.ntlca ol · GaJdo and Acre for aome Ume now ucl un wonclered lt I CCMll4 P*lbb bo tho onb' ooe Wbo ncinea•w t.be1r tactics and ~l~ ~' Obvlov.ab ao4 taaatl\IQJ.;-. )Jayor Prdl'em AatldllJ, nu bave ooce aclin )\alllfted mJ 1uppart of 1our pl&ct cm our Clt1 Oc>untU. ~ANDAVlS Canyon Area .. ••d .other notable•, tbe De~. .... Mid the Mlea "' 1bductlnl tbt 10UDI womu,,. rat.a.cl amon1 SL.A members law ID lt1a by EmllJ 1Wri1. wbo II ..-viq a MDteaice for conviction ol kidnappJ.n1 and robbery ID a California women '1 pmoo. Her hmband, William Harria, 1a aervtna tlme In San Quentin 1:·0K'd Over Protests BJ &OBEaT BARKER • Of .. Deiltf ........... ' Orange County supervisors I brushed aside stiff opposition •from residents Wednesday and approved residential use on 39 £ acl'el ol open space land in the · lloboaCanyon area or South I La.IUD&. The change in the land use ele- ment la expected to lead to the * * * 1Lagunans i ·Protest i.land Plan construction of 174 affordable residential units in the affected area. Supervisors approved the change in land use over the pn> tests of nearby residents who declared the action would pave the way for development of Hobo Canyon and lead to over· crowding and cause adverse ef. feels on the enviJ'Onment or A,.WW._... FACING PROBE tt.mllton Jordan Investigator Appointed in Jordan Case Laguna Beach and South Laguna. Other critics claimed that geological concerns have been ignored and warned that of· ficials may be settine the stage for future landslide disasters. The 39 acres in question are part of the Hobo Canyon land holdings of Daryoush Mahboubi· Fardi, a Beverly Hills bu.si· nessmao and United States citiien. A land use element which was approved in 1974 launched plans for the development of nearly 700 homes on 361 acres in the canyon. In removing the 39 acres from open apace, aupervleon Wednes· day imposed a eertes of CCJDdi. Uom that included tbe reloeatkm of about• mobOe bome tm1ta to the affGl'dable boalin1 portlaD of .... ~. Offlctala alao called for JU&rantees OD fire protection itepe qaiDat floocHDI uad main· taanee of aos-1n bWJ ueaa. But the eoadt.tldDa did bot ap- peue critica. Many in the audience asked supervilon to delay changes in the land .-e designation until a specific plan is completed for South Laeuna The apeclflc plan, wblcb is ex pected to be finished by Jan. 1, 1981, ls viewed as an instrument that would help resolve compel lng community interests and provide a land use plan and de- sign theme for the community. A representative of the de- veloper said, however, that coastal commission permits would not be sought for the project unW the specific plan i:s completed. Estelle Warner, a member of the Temple Hills Community As· sociatioo. ~ supervisors she failed to understand "their rush to accommodate developers." "I urge you all to vote oo unW approval or the specific plan, .. she said. She alao said that supervisors mieht be aettin& the stage "for anothor Bluebird Canyon landallde di.salter" by approving residential uses on what she aaid may be unstable terrain. Laauna Beach Planning Com· mlaaioner Nell Fitzpatrick declared that a number of key factors have not been studied. He aald the entire area sbould be re-examhwl because of pre· dieted water shortage., over· crowded tranaportation systems air pollution increases and heavy traffic on reaidenUal slreetl of Laiuna Beach. Daftd Lee of Victoria Beach Homeownen Aaaodation 1ave Supentaon a pet1tloo that be aaid cwrt•'nec! 1,5M aipatur. of retldent• oppoeiac tbe de- velopmlllt of Hobo CanfOG. He a&ld tbe de•e=eat would d111cr:N a co re. aource wbtle eddlni about 7.000 velllcle trips d.s1Y to tbe a1readJ overbuden.ct Paclllc Coast llllhnY School Plaiu Book Faire ao far. Sbe'a 1l oerfeet victim. apart from t.be blp-up pollticol like Ronald Reapn or Nl:lan. but tbe aeeurtt;y raJa tbem out. Heant'a fmtber commands ao mucb p0wer witll the news media aDd Is ao-rteb -he'll be in our tumda com~ if ._ wanta the l1rl kept alive. ''Tbe oldier womu ~i~ have pe11ed oat on ua7"Tui tbe dauahter ii atroaa a:Dd be~; II t~ Saealcer Fits.· •• we can ase her to 1Danlpeilate her father.·· ••• stelne1' reCaUed llh.Peft'J'~ 111. Steiner Hid: ••Patty wun•t Jult a rleb bUda, throw· inl a lltllCt ot breild 8bo'at. Sbe atuncl*I demoutratlou ua ram.. or1utaed bJ rad.lea& 1roups oa tbe Ynlver1lD of Callfonda caml'QI. 11mw.. of people eritimed her bebavtor <See!LA. ,... .U) San Juan Capistrano youngsters bold up 3-7. A $25 gift certificate at a local sport· their footwear for judle Dan Belletiet' in ing goods store awaits the kid with the preparation for the city's "rotten sneaker scroungiest shoes coot.est .. scbeduled durtnc the week of Dec Gunshots Punctuate SC Chase Spectators thought a movie thriller was being filmed in downtown San Clemente Wednesday afternoon during a cbasethatincludedJunfire. But police arrested 60-year-014 Leroy Call of 234 Ave. Monterey on attempted murder charges followingthe2:30p.m. incident They said that Call fired a shot from a small caliber bandjun that blew out the rear window ol bis own auto. He was asserledly being pursued at the time by a man with whom Call bad argued over a woman. said police Sgt. Jamea Spmne. Spreine said the initial attempt· ed murder charge la expected to be chaneed today. Call turned himself in at the police staUoo and remained in custody today. Spreine said the chase beaan at the city beach .area when Robert Lee· Anderson, '8, of San Clemente, a11ert,dly be1an punuiq Call in bl.a auto. The two autos sped tbroqb the downtown area. Several witwaes told police they tbouebt a motion picture was beinl filmed with atunt drtvera after wat.eh.l.q tbe pair speed around corners and t6roulb patdnc Iota. Sprelm laid tbe chaae eDCled aft.er tbe two autos sped ..... El Camino Real and Call Wt the ctty. Aadenoa eontaeted police aaJiq M tboacbt Call WU try. inl to lboot bim, SlnlM Wet. ~o one wa hwt ln tbe lnei· dent. police Mid. World Court Asked ' To Pressure Iran By Tbe ~ted Presa The United States asked the International Court of Justice to- day to order Iran t.o release the 49 Americans held hostage in the U S. Embassy in Tehran The court. composed or 15 in· te mational justices, ls the prin· cipal judicial organ of the Unit· ed Nattoos and is located at the Hague Ill the Netherlands. The US. request was seen by some court observers as largely a ~ymbolic act and pa.rt of an American e ffort to s eek a peaceful resolution to the en.sis But it could,also put additional pressure oo Iran when the sub- Je<:t of the embassy siege is de· bated in the U.N. Security Coun- cil. A meeting of the council is scheduled Saturday nighL All members of the United Na- tions may bring disputes before the court. but all parties to its Laguna Cited In Wrongful Death Suit Tbe d.tJ of Lquna Beach wu amo91 defendant. named W edneaday ln a Sl million wl'OQlfUl death lawauit flled in COD.Deetion with a July acddeat in wblcb an out-d-cantrol cement tnac:k burded ll*> bua7 Padftc CoutHiabWa.J. Killed in tbe rollflion tUt uJ. timately lDvolved 10 veblcles waa Ellzabetb Ann Brewer Schock. JO a Laauna Beach woman wbo had be.a m.m.ct for n.. m+•••tae. Tbe laftait wa1 fUe4 in Oraqe OaaaQ' Superior eo.tt CID bebaJf of Mr balbucl. ... ton 187 Scbock, ad ... PG9ll. ltell1 C~-Bl'•••r and1 HeU Brewer. The ·~ aecldellt OC· cured wbml a cellMlllt trudr rou.ct clDWb .. V1ilJo ....... colllded WIUI ••••ral ean. •truck • ,., &al~ ....., ad came to Nit • ~ 1t.tiaa ...ntu.~1 OtlMi.,... IWDld.. tbt action wen Trt·B l'ndtnl. Paul Batt; calftlt ~ad Pwaplq,~1 Llrr7 Ardell, toala ~ l.cill ca_. ua. &Net'• ddftl', 'Jftr7 DMD Lawr-. It ta aDleld tn &M ''* :Uaat ~~w to ua. acesa.at ~ . •1c1Ntb. - 1udcmeots must agree t.o accept its J uri.sdi ct.Ion. It was not known whether Iran would agree to come before the court, but Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini has said be would re- ftae t.o accept any decision dic- tated by the Se<:urity Council World Court observers, who asked not to be identified. said they did not expect any quick Judgment by the court since it is not in session. One of the members of the court is from the Uiuted States, Profe830r Richard R . Baxter of Harvard University. lo ata ~year history, the court bas issued 16 advisories to an- ternatiooal orsaniUtioos and 39 JUdtmenta in cfuputes among U.N. members. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands or Iranians, some cbanUna "Islam up. Carter down!·•, marched lo Tehran to- day in rapooae to Khomeini's call for massive anti-American protests oo thlir Important Moslem boly day of sacrifice and martyrdom. Coast Weadler V artable blO cloudlneu contlnum, diroqh Fri· day. r..o.. ~ m-the mid· to appel' a. HlPa Friday from 70 at the beachm to 15 Inland. 11'8 ... Te.AT ks .... faial., ..,. .... ,...,... ftar• Ole..~ OOflC ..... ., 0 ~ ..,.. fJCJ 'WJIGffltd °" ,. Al. ,. • WASHINGTON (AP) -Call.fonla Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. HY• be fawn coupoa rationina of tuob "u IOClll u a worka· ble plaD e8Q be ct.veloped ucf C«llreu Cail thorouabb' ct.bate u ••• .... . Gu~ ud other COOl«V&Uoll meuw. are the belt way to ndoce tbo .Umated 30 to 40 percent eoeru wan. ID the United StatM, Brown Hid WedDl9day in an appearance before tbe Women'• Nadollal Democntlc Club. A~r..eelfltl_.a ., Tiie •• du.I Prw Two l"OUP9 ol Am.new ~delb ud s,na today under tbe State DePartmeat'a" evaeuatkla" plan for Amertcaa ID U MoeJem eoaatrlea, prompted by tbe U.S. Em· bauy aSep ID Iran. ID Dace., Banfladeab, embauy apokeaman Jamea L. lleyen aald Ti& ol the 900 Americana ln tbe country -14 em- buay pel"IClllDel, their families and U private dtls.em -bact volunteered to leave tbe capital "temporartJ.1. '' · Jn Damucua, Syria, an embauy 10Uree Hid• ll"OUP of Z5 e~acuee11 lnclllded 15 famlliee ol Ameitcana wbo work at the embuay or are employed by eompan.lea with 1overnmmt eon· • tract.a. He said some new out today and the othen would leave Friday. He said it wu a voluntary departure and-the State Department baa put transport f aeilitiea at the dlapoeal of those wantlnl to leave. Stflte Fire &IU. 3 LAKESIDE (AP) -Ftre swept through an apartment early today, and three bodies were found in the cba!Ted debm. The dead were identified by the coroner's office as Jeeae Al· len Simms, 27, a woman and their 6-month.old dauibter, Esther. Investigators said a wall aas beater may have malfunc· tioned. 11et1r .. .,..1ac .... , NEW DELHJ, India (AP> -Soviet combat troops have eone into actloo aloapide Al~ forees in a major olfenalw ..... n11e1.w .,.... 11a 01111n1 M1m1nu, ~to a del•Y8d l'epOWt ................... 1'be report, wblcb WU received Wednelday and could not be indepmdently confirmed, aald the Soviets were Tajlk and Uzbelr aoldien from the Central Asian Scmet npubllcs just north of the A1'han border. There wu no estimate on tbe number of soldiers, who have facial features similar to Afghans. The town of Gorband, 40 miles northlrest of Kabul, wu re· ported returned to the government of President Hafmillab Amin after being held for two months by Moelems wallna a "holy war" again.al tbe pro.Soviet reajme. New Zealand Names Air Crash Victims AUCK.LAND, New Zealand <AP>-Alr New Zealand re· leued today a liat of foJ'elp pa11engen aboard the DC·lO that crubed tn tbe Antarcttc on Wedne1~•1• kl1Un1 all 257 aboard. (Related atory Pqe A4) All' New Z..laDd laid detalla, includiq bometoWD1, would be releued .rt.er noutlcatloo of tbe Yictima' famlllet. Tbe tneomplete namea of the vtcthm appear after tbelr bome C!OlOltly: ... u ..... -· .... ~-..,.,; ~ l..M. AIHftfllt1111 f'.J.. 11tf .. ••lt~1 Mr .... ._., ....... ; K. ...... Mrs. M. ...,, .... , ...... ~:-.,'Ii.~•: lllW'I. H. °""'Mn. .......... tto. ......... ~-:Mr-. .. Jt/NI• ll. llfef, Ml'J..,. Mrl. I Mn. J • ...,_ rtll; Mia O. ---. .,.Mf• M. 8er1'1Q. ~I ""· W ..,.._ T. ltlll; I. ..... 1 I. T.-...: T.a.1 ... A. IC,..._.; Ml .... -... 0.-1 "' a...: a. ....,.,., "· v..,_,,.; ... a.lo~ M. ~ IC • .......,..., ll ......... , 'o.A ..... OQMT Ll5C DAILY PILOT . . .... __: -· • T --. Woman Badly Injured in Auto Accident La1U11a Nlauel resident Janet Stacey Channlcbael, 21. wu r.-port.ed in eertous CC>Pditloa today after lbe ltl'Uet. the rear of a parked aeml tractor rta tn her compaet Md.an near lMr home Wed.Deedq monWif. Caltfornla fflibway Patrol of. ftcera Ted Burpoo ad lerry Graul reported t.bat tbe erub occatnd at t :as Lm. oa Crown v~ Partwa, near Wett Nine Driv_. CHP oflleer1 1atd 11111 Cbannk.bael slammed into tbe leml -ria tbat WU parked aiant tb• nCltt lbou.lckr of • .... bound aoe of Crown Valley parkway. Tbera was no •P· Putilt reuoa for the erub. • ,,......_,,.AJ su ... rldor ta Deldect blld.11 to .reUen alr•aAlJ otettued tr&Upioi'ta· UOA •11tiiiii.; Dr. Gelle ~ of Luuna yean Of ~bate Mi ~ ol 8Mdl Mid tllit tocrtdor wtll tie p_abllc bl.... clall~ ..... IDCN ... in s...,,."~ a J'OUle 1mo1 WAD eaUM a· tbreat to reeOIDiDIDdea b1 the ~~Janoln1 ltb. , commtetao wbldl wou1cJ 1ee tbe He aJM declared lb• ill~ corrtdol' t1:1C1nntn1 our U. pro-~ be l>iaetd ce the ballot poaed oonioa Ciel •ar: ......... , ~lo!~ .......... and llacA.rtalar aoutnal"d lD _..,all f ,.,....m ot other N"'DOl't Beacb. ' to a hwtr., woUI Th•~ ah to ••1•t·l•e• bepr.,ured.: ~ .... Would ~'°" tbe l'Ol"IDS La-. Bed llQOr bonten o1 1mne. Lacau 8eec:b Joa ~ iald rr.w~ do not and San Juan Caplstrao Wore aolve pr'Mllems and tbat they eomlediq with tbe San °'91o IOOD beeCJme Oftl'Wbelmed im. l"reew1y near Avery Partway less tbere II proper land UM 14 mlJea to the aoutbeut. pl1nntn1 in tbe area. The route 'WH approved lntDe r.ldllllat W_.., Man desplte ta. mialivtnaa of a m•· decland tbat tbe corridor ii m after lbe wu kidnapped, but-Jority ol the members ol the a1&-doubt became ol unwilllopwu Patty Hearst bad no choice. She dience at Wednesday's beari.QI. by plmners to come to lriPI either jolned her kidnappers or Oppooenta claimed tbat the wttb a fUDdinc plaa. died." corridor wooJd add to con.1ea· Others iD the audience, lnclud· Ml. Std.Der said she wu u-tlon, lncreaae pollution and ing repreaentatlves of tbe 1J1oed to •••odate wttb the would dama1e the eavtroameot Oranae County Chamber of belNM in preparation for the in lbe rollin1 hills ol southern Commerce, the litiHlon VieJO ltldnaPlllna, but fled from the · Oranae County. Company and the J~e Com· SLA tO llliinl where 1be lumed Propoomta coot.ended the eor· pany, argued in favor-of the cor· details ol the kidn=I from rtdor. Ma. Perry in a tel e CCJG. Tbe trJmJportaUcm corridoc' ls venation. projected to terYe • volume ol Ml. steiner eald Ma. 'en-y'1 Street work 85,000 to 130,000 velilcles daily. d.lacu.uiom of the Hearst abctuc-l~hlded in ita planning i.a a tlon lJlcluded the names of 50·f~wide median to accom· "Wiilie" Wolfe, Bill Barria, Ballot OK'd modate some form of rapid Patricia • 'llb:moon'' Soltyalk mua tnmlit iD tbe future. a D d s LA 1 e ad e r D 0 n al d Comtroctiaq ol tbe corridor ii DeFreae, who called bimw1f In Clemente estimated to C09t from 1180 ''FieldManbalClnqbe.'' million to '210 mlllioa but~ ''The Hearst aeUon waa pulled s Cl c are no usurances or atate or u plaaned with only one dif. an emente ity Council federal money to finance the ference: MJsmoon toot your members bave af.proved the project. place. Weed wu hesitant, but be wordinl ot an Aprt ' lM>, ballot ColJtl. wbicb don't Include measa.re autn1 voters to ap-opened the door just u Wlllie prove a s:z. 75 miWoa El Camino land acqniai•km. are expected to and J were cndlln& put the R l _. .. _,_ escalate further because COO· bouae. BW used aome force to ea atreet ""~1 project. atructioa ii not expect.eel to st.art 1et lnalde, and then Clnque m~~ ~~•:,r letc= for 10 to J5 yean. Ju.mped out ol a buab where he d 1 d b lb th The superviJon aPProved a had bidden and followed the ec e w e er e main route that includes a.lection of other two. They went in wltb !t~:C:~~ Clemente in the west sector of the cor • great coofidence," Ma. Steiner The ballot meaalire st.at.es: ridor: seement 17 in tbe central said abe waa told by Ma. Peny. "Sball the City Council ac-stttor: segment 19 an the east "The Weed pie was beaten quire funds and authorize tbe central and segment 24 in the somewhat brutally, but iltwu nec:eaaary wort to resurface and east. unavoidable. He protested ac· wid El ea R ,,_,,_AJ PROTEST •• 1Uk)''1crnr..t1111to.;e~ oOt ao to a. eOUtal eomm_ 1· C" WLW-.n.t' ~ ol a~ ~ ... 8oilda Lqma ..., .. ·~U:=t)_~ ...... tbe p~ cu't ._,... tbe tnf· Ile or runoff, or wllat~!'~!1 there'• really noc.b•n1 tM DDUG candoabOut(t" ••(BoUd iWrmU) ftillD » UtoD.T told U tbe boa.rd"~ cu ~.~rr~·t-1-:er: r: place, .. i:e"".:td: Ha ... Joloed IJJ VWa1e L••une 1pokHman 84Jfada Blacketer, wlao tarmelt the board KtJoa "premature· and been ... " ul'os bou.s IMID .... tlllM m lb•1 would be wtlllll• ~ ,.. CODJidirir tbelr approwtl OI U. 1eueral pla ti U. tpedk pbn sbowa too lnucb ttatftc OI ~ problems. But tbe1 a1'oulda'l have approved l1 1D t.be ttnt place.'' abe l&ld. "Their <the board'•> m1Ddl were nude up a loo& time aeo on this," 1be said. "It'• futile to 10 up there. 'Ibey do wbat tbe)' want to do." She laid petitJou ccataialq more tban 1,500 alpaturu ln op. po•lUoQ of the aeneral plan chanae were presented to the board. "But they don't U.ten to the people." Marlene Roth, Laguna's direc· tor of community planning; said the board abould have con- sidered a short ccadnuaoee of the tt.em, ''in view of the prob. lema ~resaed by resldenta and lhec:lty .• 'f ost of the Wednesday _ speakers oppoeed the extension of Hobo Canyon Road to the city's B•lboa Avenue lD the Arch 8 e acb Heiahta neighborhood. They claim that road CODDeC· Uon will bring traffic coocestion to lfle hilltop community, and c1· ty officials say lt will mean the city might have to provide ftre and police protection to the aew development. lively and noisily. Cinque told en mino eal approll- bim to keep quiet, but be imately from Avenida Pico in wouldn't so our leader knocked the north and to the City Limita in tbe south. rum down to quiet him. "The project, wberl eoms>kt· ed, will allow four traffic lanes, left-turn lanet and the reteoUoa of eWUq parldq. Eight Emerge As Manager Finalists in.SC ''The project 1a estimated to eo.t '2,'JS0,000 and will tab .. prolrimateQ-one ,...,. to com- plete. Tbe project wtl1 ... re- quire acqutaitioo of any prtnte propert7 and will be fuaded from s.uo"" tu and federal grant maalm." Americans Uniting In Iranian Crisis San Clemente City Council members have named eight ap- pllcanta u fmaliata for tbe job of city manaaer. And a councll·hired consultant says a new San Clemente chief executive may be selected as early as mid· December Ralph Anderson, whose COD· suiting firm baa been bi.red to help the council screen job appli· cants, said be lB now contacting the el.ght. finaliata selected Mon· day during a closed door meet· ing. Anderlon aald more than 100 applicant. 1ougbt the San Clemente manager post aft.er tbe job opeolng wu adverUaed nationally. Tbe post wu opened when former San Clemente city manqer Jerry Weeb reallJ)ed Sept. 30 to take a job with Daoo Corp. Anderlon 1ald the council -will interview tbe job flnalilta during tbe next three weeks and narrow the field to two or three appli· canu. They may~ brouabt before council memben •&•in for a second round of interviews, An· denon•atd. Andenoo aaid the names of the fiQalisll will not be released alace tbey were submitted in confidence. When the aearcb for a new top alde be&an, council membera appo!nted former Pomona city manager Jerrold Gonce to aerve u San Clemente'• interim top exeeutive unW Weeki' replace· meat could be found. Gonce said be expecta tbat tbe eouncij will al.low him to coo- tinue u Interim manqer UDW the ant ol tbe yur. Thieves Hit hi Clemente U.S. Steel Hikes Price PITTSBURGH <AP> - U.S. Steel Corp., the na· lion's lead1n1 producer, announced price increues on a variety ol product.a today amounttne to 2.6 percent acrou It.I entire steel product line. "The lncreaaea are wllb In tbe president 'a voluntary anU·lnfiatton 1wdel.ine9, but are imuffl- clent to recover the e<1atin· uing tnllatlon.ar)' COit ln· crea1ea bein1 ex · perieaced." the company tald. On T\aesday, \be com. pany said it would cloee 16 planu employin1 13,000 because they were no looser prdltabh. ., ....... I , .. .._ "::t.' waved, elUlrek bells pee. ~-ted· prayer and wbite armband.I be1an to appear u Americans anUed la 1upport of U .s . tio.ta.-held IA tran.. Prect.ta• Carter, in '1.500 let· ten and Jlal.lcra.ma, appealed to Amene..W~ytoexpreaa tbetr Mdiment;a about the Iran criaia by rinOnl church belll at aooa daily and by ftiU.nl to Iran '1 miasloa to the UnitedN1Uoaa. Cardinal JobD Cody of Cbic.aao asked CatboUc cb\l!'CMs in Coot and Lake counties to complv and urged coa.creialions to pray for the hostaaee. Tbe bells ol \be Tuvi.a Part Method:iat Cbu.rcb in San An· tonfo, Texas, tolled Wednesday. and will rtnc 49 times daily unW \be 48 bostagea are releued, said the Rev. Du E. Solomon. "The •bole world 1.a being held boltqe rl&bl now by tbe eventa m I.ran ... the pastor said An anonymous woman caller to radio ltatJoa WSOC talk-a.bow host Diet Pomeraat1 in Charlotte, N.C .• au11ea\ed that white armbenda would be an ap. propriale 1)'1Dbol ol support for the boltape. By V. edneaday, Sen. Robert Morcan. O.N.C., wu extoW.ng the Idea on tbe Senate floor and radio at•liona Jn C•Jtfonlia, llicbl1an, MaHacbu1eU1. Georli• alld New York bad taken up tbe plan. Some buli· neu.es m North Carolina were olfertna the armbands h'ee ol charge. ''The ldea loeelDS to be apread- tn e across \be country,•· said Morgan "Wearing an armband won't free the hostages or have any effect on an irrational die· tator or ranatlcal students, but it says a great deal about the way our country is united in this cn al!l" "It's just an apolitical way that we can remember those people," said Ronn Owens ol San Francisco radio atatlon KGO. an armband.support st.a. tion that reaches 14 Western states. ,, Elsewhere, WHFD radio in Archbold. Ohio, ursed American broadcasters to jojn in a "m usacaJ procl•maUon of freedom, democracy and de· termination by playtq at leut ,. ... nA'r4..tt,. .... ,_,,,.,., ~ .. l .. -M-every mtte bOW'I. General manager Mu Smith said tbe effort would abow the world that .. no 1JOWer, dic:tUr or alliance ilf tbe world can ever hope to extlngu.iah tbe American flame or freedom and de mocracy." Newport Surf and Sport Specializes In ~ .. Poutkrfumv ;: 1 "M;,untainttri1~~: ... . • . •:. Quality Jackets ·: : In assorted colors;: Sllel&t Sant•i Believmg that deaf children should have an oppartunity to talk to a Santa Claus who cares, »year-old Brad Hatton of San Jose has learned sign laJWuage. He says deaf children are overjoyed to learn they can finally tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The child is Debbie Sicberman. Boy, 2,. Hel<I as. Hostage· . ' Father Fires Shot, Su"enders -' ,SA!( .l0$l!! CAP) -A rule-( J toting father belcf poU.O,.. -t bay ~ ..41TE for more than three hours early ~•n today, Mldin1 bis two-)'Ur-old sOt> bolt.age ln his residence here -----------' ~ a dispute wttb Ida wife, pP_!tteuid. S8ll J09e pCIUce aalcl-tbe .,_, itenttfted John Sp~ 25, ftnallJ 'Surrenchred to )>01.lce -Mtbo'al tneii:leDl abd ... Wren t' a neal'by boapU•l for ia1cbiatl1c evaluaUon. •At G1Jet,Oint, be told F.'ct.be cldn 't want to hurt bts but '1f0Uld •boot at anybo y who ~Sle near the house. Apparent-=e fired one abot duriDI the -hour ordeal, but it wasn't tended to bit anybody. following a stroke. Her aae was reported variously as between 62 and 68. Pllet Mlssi•9 SAN DIEGO <AP> -The 'Navy aaid an air and sea le&l'Cb wou.Jd resume today for an of. fleer who disappeared Wednes- day after ejectint from a dis· abled fighter plane. Offietala at Miramar Naval Alt Station laid t.be unidentifted radar intercept officer was ejected from an F • 14 when tbt' craft's plexiJ}aas cockpit canopy suddenly blew df. ~e man was still attacJ>ed to &is seat wben be left. the plane. but Navy spokesmen aald oo earacbute was sighted and the mer was presumed dead. peal aov: Edm1IDd Brewn Jr:s odd-ewm paotiDe allocdoll ~ gram. Mrs. Hallett, ol Atascadero, issued a statement Wednesday uyin1 abe ia ur&tna all As-aem bly and Senace ltepublieaD8 to endorse a proposed~ by Allemblyman Euaene Chap- pie, R·RoseviUe, to eod Brown's state of emergency. .... 90..llell•e• SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -The state Board of Equalisation bas asked the Calllornia ,Supreme Court to overturn a decision al- I ow i 01 three major public uillities to reduce and roll back property tax uaesamenta undec Proposition 13. Tbe 8tate Court of Appeal oo Oct. 16 reversed a San Francisco Superior Court rullnl against Paciflc Gu and EAeetric Co .• Southern California ~ and San Dleeo Gu and Electric. A peUtioa filed WedoeecWJ by the dclmey , ........ oftlce fer tbe board CODtendm<l tbe appeal court dedaioG was elevl:J er- ro n eou 1 and vlol•ted tbe California COa.ltituUon. ' Tbtrteea per1on1 were charted with trespUaiJll tn a de4*1tl.uaa at tbe plant c:. Maron. a few Qya after the Three Ml.le bland radlaUon leak. One WU found IQi1C.y bt Juaie. Court. two plnCled pu. ty, ud a mlltria1 WU d~lared fortherillC 'love-in' CA,ntract Es po Used SACRAMENTO (AP> -No contract, oo property aettJe. meat. - That's the way actor Lee Marvin's lawyer says the law should read for unmarried couples living toeether. Attorney Davld Kagon said contracts would "minimlz.e op. portunlties for fraud and legal blackmail." But not everyone agreed with Marvin's lawyers Wednesday at a beal'ing of the Aaaembly·. JudlcQ.ry Committee. Takutg advanta~e of a swmy day. a pair of rQJJerskates and a willing tow from Sook1e. hts three-year-old St. Bernard. Jon Robinson. 9. scoots along a Del Ma r street A repraentative of Califonlia Womeo Lawyers said restricting tbe riCbt to sue for part of an ex- lover'• property would hurt aome poor women. A.ND THE COMMITTEE chairman said such a require- ment would be full of loopholes. Davis Sets Stage For Gay Rights Law Tbe committee was beario.g teatlmooy on ABSM by As - semblyman Walt.er Ingalls. D- Rivera1de, that resulted from the caae in whicb MtcbeUe Tnola eave up a sincini career after be prom.*-ltosappoitber. Ma. Manin lost the cue. altbouih she woo $104,000 in "re· babilltation" costs. But the cue did result In a rulinl that an unmarried couple Uvin1 b:lgether could be found to have an implied underst.and1ng that they would divade their property after they broke up. INGALLS• BILL would change that ruling by requiring a writ· ten contract for a property set· Uement. He said tt. wouki pre- vent a flood of Marvin-type cases. DA VlS <AP> -The Davis C1ty Council lS to consider a &•Y nght.s ordmance at its Jan 9 meeung The counetJ voted 3·2 Wednes· day to request the city alt.omey to draft aue!b an ordinance. The WU followed two boars ol t.esti~ by mUl)' ol tbe 200 persons wbo atl.eftded the meet· mg The testimony was about equally cbvtded for and agamst Proponents said generally thal 1t was a civil ngbt.s, human n&hts and lifestyle lSSUe Opponent.a generally followed the argument of Couocalmao Jim Stevens, who saad he op- posed any law that would com pel anyone to associate vnlh persons not of their lilung THE PROPOSAL to prohibit dtscnmioation in ho us1na. em ploymenl and business services oo the basts of sexual preference was introduced by Mayor Tom Tomasi an behalf of the OavtS Gay Task Force Ao m.fonnal poll of the councLI membffa Uldicated that Lbey would approve aucb ao or- dinance Energy Studied LOS ANGELE.S CAP> -The Local Government Commission on Renewable Resources, an ad· vuiory group whjch ts expected to receive formal commission· status from Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., bas met for the fll"Sl lime to discuss the future or sola r energy. Awarf OK'd In Lawsuit EUREKA (AP> -A Humboldt Coant1 jury baa awarded $12.6 mllllon in dama1ea to Se.men's Direct Buyinc Service. a filhlnl boat supply company tbat claim• it went out of bullneu after Standard Dfl~~, · GOURMET ""4~~ MARKET lJ 011 ::r.:DY of Caliroml• e a fuel supplJ act. FARM FRESH PRODUCE v.s. '' BakJai Pota&oes . t9c • WINE CELLAR Monlq FreaSpiucl. · · 2k ._. AND LIQUOR Sweel 1«. S6le Na"' Onn1es . . . 31c:.. S on · Sclaool ao, Slae ~ Early 11mes . . . . . • .,-. ,,.. •Ill DeUd.-AltPies • . . . . .. .. . . . . 39t .. PQP9Y Vodka • 3.99 •* aa> ·~~~II Crlap llndl rreu Local Cabbace 12c .. Gllbey1 G.. . . . 5.19 ••> Now featuring fteab Potted plants Of &oreaby Scoutl . 4.99 nw..a> all kinds for Cbrtstmas. Also fresh flowera dally. We will prepare Del•M!J'•Ol•~ beaullfw fnut baskets aa order for or Via it.. . . . . . . . . . . . -1.99 .. <Ul. your holiday 1J'1nf. ,. TOP CHOICE AND PRIME MEATS .,....., .. r._ ..... ,..., ... t..., ........ 1.49 .. ... ,,.-.--~ ....... 1.49 .. l.4.lu1 SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT •• 1.98 .. Goll Fee -Questions San Clemente cowicil members have approved a city golf course fee bike that a group of local senior cltilens says is unfair and unnecessary. wtrlle a SO.cent Increase on the previously imposed $1.50 nine-hole. rowid of golf fee may not seem like much to ask, the controversy surrounding the hilted price bas raised some serious questions about the funds generated Crom the municipal facility. Golf course advisory committee members assert that the SO-cent fee hike is needed to offset the increasing operating costs at the municipal links. But two council members who voted against the bike claim there appears to be more money than can be ac· counted form the city golf course fund. Council members Karoline Koester and Myrtis Wagner charge that there are discrepancies in the books for the golf course fund over the past 10 years. They have demanded an audit. It may be possible that the discrepancies cited by the two council members have a legitimate explanation. But it is unwise to proceed without checking them first. The books should be put in order before a shortage or funds 1s used as an excuse to increase ~olf course fees. Signs and Sales An irate San Juan Capistrano restaurant owner is battling city hall over what he believes is an unfair sign ordinance. • Ralph Letizia says he's been losing $2,000 a month since he opened his fish and chips restaurant 14 months ago and he bfames the c1ty·s strict sign law. He was cited earlier this month by the city for hanging out a cloth banner advertising his shop and was ordered to take it down. One must sympathize with the problems of small businessmen. but ~ strict sign ordinance benefits the entire community and city officials have no choice but to enforce it. While he can seek variances to allow a banner-type or other signs m front of his store, Letizia seems unwllling to do so. He says that could take six to eight months and by that time he'd be long out of business. But caty officials say a solution to the shop owrier's prob· lem could be found within a month after he files a request for additionalsignage. Since the city appears willing to hear out Letizia's complaint and perhaps come up with a solution to bis saggine sales, he would be well advised to work within the framework of the law. And if his complaint is valid, the city should make an effort to a speed a solution. • ()pinions e.pressed 1n the space above are those or the Daily Pilot. Other vteWa expressed on th1a page are those of their authors and .rusas. Reader comment is invited. Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 1seo. Costa Mesa. CA 92826 Phone (714) 642·43?1 Boyd/Book Boom B1L.•. BOl'D T-birty yean a10. the book publllberJ ID tbiJ country put Ollt about a,eoo Utles a year. Now tbe7•re publlsbio1 aJmoet 40,ooo a year. And the tnDd IUD appears to be rts-tn .. Wbat'• your 1u.1 u to w1aJ more and more people an ba1tq more aad mClh boob' 111 pea II t11ey•n ptUai ft4-up'erlud fed· :.r;:..-ltb wbat'I OD to almost all overwet1bt women la the tendency to u- sum e a relaxed po1ltloa eitber atWna or 1tandiq b1 cro111DJ tbelr um• com-fortablY '1'/er tbelr mldaec- doDI. So reporta a medlco. Claim la that a low1b ot all tbe aold and 1Uver ever mined cm earth la now at t.be boUom ot the .ea ln the bolds of tun.ken lblpl. It lt true tbat people wbo've bad tbelr 9Y9 a... remcwed lD cataract OPUa· Uom om ... far. bee!er at nlsbt Ulan people wlth normal 'NIOGti lo l'm told.! Claim la the .,. leDa fUtll"I out ullr&ftokilt n-. Wlth JM ., ............... .. ~ ................ . dt111ar1 U1bt, but wbat.•1 fUrtlMr ..... .....,.. bj Dl· traftollltlldl&. • • U.8. INTELLIGENCE acen· c.t11 are WOl'klna feverilhlJ to ldentift' the ultimate wtnner ot the Kremlin's Ruaaian roulette. Mailbox TH eaDdldet.ll for the top Job are alrady Jotk•11n1 for · •· tkla. fCll"llllg alllucee and, U · Ca""' ... tWr powe.r baMa lor abowdown. Tbt ~ wtJJ ban a latln1 impact OD Wc..ld attal.n. We•repottect earlier UM ln· tere1UDJo.:ao11tblUty that GriaorJ DOY -DO kilt to tbe rre-Revolutton Imperial fam ly -aaiabt auume BrabneY'1 UCJe. At 58, be '1 tbe 1ouniest member ol the Polit-buro. CIA analyats believe b1J 1ucc or failure may depend Xl bow IGDa Brabnev remalm lD power; Romanov'• chaDeel are tbousbt to lmorove the &oater Brabnev bolda oo. WBBTBER tbe "youn1·· Bomano¥. ao older nvaJ or a COD· aort.tum al hopetW. takes over from Brabnev, one thint lacer-tain, aceordlnc to • top.secret CIA evaluation: .Any aucceuor wtll have to have the support ol PoUtburo member Yury V . An· dropov, bead of the pervulvely powerfuIKGBaecretpollce. "Tbe KGB bu an important role to play ln the aucceuion proeeu or 1n a period Of polWcal lnatablllt.y." the CIA '1 aeeret dally lntelliieace report bai not. ed. ··~ Ml1olal ~ for the JOb of ...... al HtNtal'J mutt~ tbat b• bu the tacit appco+aJ ol ibi MC ii~ or· ·-s~=t:=~bd by Ure u.mem•. POUtburo In the 1av.., day1 Of JOMf SWin't ooe-mu rule, tbe KGB'• ln· nuenc. pbmu•Mfed .. mllOrarib att.r ... chlel. the bated uvreri- ti Berta. WU depoeed aid U · ecuted ID 19'3. But ln recent years,. the KGB bu reco~ JDucb ol lla bit power. "Tbe <1*) coup aplmt Khruabcbev for example. bad the acquleaeeace ot the KGB," the C1A reported. Tbla reaur1ence put.a An· dropov. it not 1n tbe driver's seat, at least lo the po1lt.ion to block the nc~ ot anyooe he dltappnw• ol. Hit lnfluene. ln the POlitburo ta at.ett.d by tbe KGB ties ol two fellow mem- bers. ArYtd Pellbe and K.lrUI Mazurov. Andropov la abo • close personal friend of BrHlmeY. T11E DEllLIN tinamaker la a tall, 1ebolarl1-tooktas man who speab BqllaJa nuently. Sourees told our auoelate Bob &ateruuiD tb&t ADdropoy la lD • • ••tute, rqtble11 J»•r~l bureaucrat wbote cold =e: calcula~ attit&iU" fltl eU tor IU~ u KGB boU. • Tbe CIA taperb won't baald • ..... to wbieb ot the • leadlaa oon&eDden will 1et ijae K08 CllW't tuJ ot approval. But tbey do dl1count ''e pouibill'1 that A.Ddropov wtl1 be able to ar•b tbe btua rtaa ,,.. hlmeelf. H• ii a and ln PoOr bedh. Llke former CIA chief ~ Buab, A.ndtopoy will alto ftid that bia eutpment u bead ol tbe aecnt police will pnmt' • aerioua poUdcal ll.abWty. 1 GRl!B&'8 GRAPEVINE: Ronald RU1an and Teddy Ken- nedy are oddl-oo favorite to win their ftllpeetlft part.Ml, oom.lna- Uou for ~t. aecordlnl to our own poltllcal pfOIDGltleator, Jimmy the Greek. For t.ho&e wbo are willint to put their money where their opinloDI are, here'• t,fie early-momtn1 line from t.be Lat Ve1u oddlmabr: Repuliticam -Rea1u, 3 to 5; Geor1e Buab. 4 to 1; John Coo· nally and ~ant Baker. 5 to l : Pbll Crane, BOb Dole, Job.n An· denon and any l•te starters, 40 to l . DelQOCrata -Kennedy. l to 2: llmmy Carter, 2 to l; Jerry Brown and any aublt.equent bopeloJI., SO to L &BAGAN REBUFF: Movie nottalpa buffs are facin1 what's abaping up as a quadrennial ramlne on late·ni&ht television. Thanb to a beartleu Federal Communications Commlaaion. such savory silver screen 1ems as ''Bedtime for Bonzo,·· "Naughty But Nice," "Hellcats of the Navy," "Killers of 1964" and "The Hasty Hearl" are here by banned rrom lbe airwaves tmtil after t.be star of these flicks. Ronald Reagan . drops his status as a presidential candldat.e Tbe ruling is ostensibfy to pre· vent demands for equal llmc from his opponents. but it also had the effect or preventing Reagan's nvals from using the reruns to make h1 m look ndlcu.lous Why Should 'Busy' Signal Cost 2S Cents? To the Editor: Thia is a ''class action" letter meant tor the Paclfic Telephone Company, and to acquaint others financially concerned. I hope The Pilot will cooperate by printing thia letter. Since Nov. 1 Ma Bell hu im· poeed a 25-cent charge on sub- scri ben for each call made to ascertain if a line is out Of order' Alter receivina a "buay" a1pal ror hours when trying to call a small service store 1 asked tbe operator lo test the line to de- termine it it actually were being uaed, and if not to report it out of order. ·'That will be a 25-ceot char1e,'' I wu told I DON'T believe a caller should be peoaUzed for calllq the telepbone COIDp&D'/'I atten· Uoo to faulty Mr'Vlce. If a cbeck la made and tbe line actuall1 la buay. perbapa an I mpltleat caller milbt p~a penalty fOf' lncreul.na the comPallY'• work ~. If fault la a re- ceiver all t.be book1 tbe called patty la reapomlbae, whether tbrouJb lnadHrtence or de- liberate aetloD to uaure belnl undlatuned. At _, rate, Ma Bell abauld be pleued pbone UMl'I at4emPt to C:OOS*'D ln I~ service by reporUna •UIPldoUI eond:I· tiorll ud the lmpGllitloo ol a fee •• beNbJ (and only here) pro. tested. 0. ff. P KING lion that tbe "UUle 1uys" aren't using the small claims court. They are, aa I do, but so are the big guys. And what's wrong with the "bi1 IU)'I" llViDI le1al fees? If they don't , their le1aJ expemes would be puaed OD to ua .. Utt.le SUYS" ln the form ol big.her pricea. ~ In condUl.lon, the me of small claims doeln't preclude the "lit· tie guys" uaaae of it. Does anyone know aome "little IUY" who didn't use tbe 1y1tem because of the bi& IUYS ! THOMAS 8 . O'KEEFE •.n•n•CH••I~ To the Editoi': Wlt.b the announcement that Haythome'a Department Store la closlq ita doon IOOD, U well u Watem Auto, one ll lncliDed to renew tbe bullneu climate in San Clemeate and lo look at what la h•'Tc:!J"•· We are 1 our two new automobile a1eacles and tber::t;. co1Un1 our city tboua ot dollars &DDually ln tax revenuff u well aa the employment ot .local reatdeota. It would be difficult to de· termlDttbt louof reveou• totbe clty and emg.t:ymeot of San Clem••m lo the lack ol local support for a fine reataanat. Apparel nor. do more buai· Dell • Nie tlme tban t.bey do tbroulboul tbe yur wbesi they douJa M rHbstQ& fUll J)l'Oftta fl"OGl mscha.ndlle told to resf. Tllreea •ere ct.Gta wbo an butDa cwnmt. To the Editor: modern merdlandbi -at out-Gf. Tbe Cbriaet to our almaspMN town ..... la DCK-17 for tbe Mure, but bu WU& arpa&sabl or IJ"OUP9 ~~ •~•CODCSDedaboutthe ... __ UIDOW. l 8 l I bofethat tbt DallJ Pilot will bullaeu climate n an ~ tb1t dwtr and coo-CialDeCll&e? alder tt bl termt cil lta •llfl*'l ftlS an COONCJL It bail :=-m=:-0:: :'ru~ endeatortN to rNrd •= teed dleln flVm --=l • ~ It U. b., u1d that ~ \l the,_.... f~ MD.Jan GD eu bit dlft.Decl u your Git...-. the dtt IOlf eour.. TIMt Pl•• Umlted by &be pomltkll of _, velop'w' ad tM ~ Baeti llOH. Oar DOH, ,..,.= Club JIOme ~ occup7 macb of C:'.... lanp alld Ute comdl 1 Ume. Howenr, I~ .;. mftlftd la all • t•Dllble re1ulh faU to tl•IWJD:&:-..,S: -:-Tb~in ... or Com~ =ma.aOUNBsao,11.D. hu a• lilt cl"memblln bUt m1m.....,W11Whlft1•· a.u lt II •· lillNlalve force to Imp...._ •-;-Rrttor the Im· pro• ... •' of t ... t..~l•QI eu ... * tM • 4a. tllDe llMI,:._,.._ WWDOt M.Uait 1111111 tM lD Su C'UMatt to support a mua1er. beaut)' contests, mixers. parades. etc. because businesses will have gone to greener put.ure8. What does all of the above lm· ply? A community aatlafied to alt on its posterior and to be apathetic toward anyth!nc that mi&bt make San Clemente a bet· ter place lD which to li•e and lo rear a family and lo work and to play. JAMES H. ASHBROOK IJ••rtl To the F.ditor: Tbe media were all p~­ m1 that Proposition 2 would lower interest rates. However, upon readinl the pJ"Opolitioa, it became obrioua that It would hav·e the oppoaite effett. I beUHe tbll it known U falle ad· vertillq and that the oat.come of tbe election is oulWled by aucb e111ooeoua publicity. The Bible repeatedly warna acainlt usury ••• '>the act ol lelldiq money at a rate ot In· teret1t that la excessive ••• "Tbe pel'IOl6 or naUoa that praetlcea usury eanat klDt endure. Th1t la a nataral law. as real u the law of trHlty. It caooot be broken. l Aove Ame.rtca and wbat lbe at.ands for. I don't want to tee th1I nation eollapae. It ta time :e~f===-~ pat an md L CJlAJG BURLl:R local authority, and aareguants for our health and the environ· menl. Tbia legialatloa la now before a conference committee <the Senate did not authorize the f'#atver or laws .. did the HOUM>. It is hoped that a more equitable form of EM B will be worked out there. We should uree Coa&resaman Badham to reaaaea bis pogition and vote for no EMB tbal involves w&Jver of laws. ANN JOHNSI'ON 1-• *' eetl To tbe Editor: SboWd Junk food be banned? We can talk about lt a lot, but like tbe weather, doing something about It is quite a dif. ferent t.hlnc. J'lrtt, let'• define Junk food. What it It? To know what Junk food ii to yuu, 1 must mow who you are. If you are a diabetic, it may be anytbin& wltb heavy 1u1ar content, lncludlng alcobolle .,.,., JI y u run a bealtb f, re. It's an)'l.blna that J'GU dali . JI you are tryln1 to 101 • lt'a uyWq 'fttb a lot of cMJories. If 1011 are,* kid, it'• probably aplnadl. pua and liYer. NOW 80llE people will tell you that a bambul"pr ia Junk food. What la It? It la pvun4 beef, a uace and a vegetable, pet"ba,. tomato. omon or pickle OD • bUD made from wheat. II thatJuntf To ... people tt 11 a eandJ bar made Ol mltt. tMter. eus! IUfU't DUia and other tood fooa p.rOdueta. One j)enOD will tell ,OU_ tllll low-ealorie toda pop la ......... it N!ftteln1 prac:- Uca1J1 notldq, wtllle a penon GO a die& wUl tell ,_ tbat It ll ti.ad•••• It II ~Alolie. I WWld be for Mnntna Junk ~ If I an nat lt Ii, bu& it ll a eoolllkliD ot tm'ml. Food CU• -. IM' J-Uid Junk cumot 1-focil.' Tbe two &erma are op. poelttil. llM BOLDING r .. I Police seektng the slayer of ix On.dee Coast women have apanded their search na· wide by sendi.nl a crime et1D to all law enforcement encies In the United States, ce said Wednesday. Lt Jack Calnoo of Costa esa, wboM department aent The skeleton of a camper mo.ma !t1 rock bunters to &be Mo-ne Df.Mlt lloadaJ bu bela tatlvelJ-ldeatlfted u tbat ~ obn Lee ·0rew, abo known u obD Lee Deodineer, 34, of Costa e.a, oftlda1I ta1d toda.J. A apokesman for the San ernardlno County Coroner'• nee Hid t.od.ay the ldentlftca· on wa1 made with the aid of apen found on the man. He aid camping gear was also Oimd in the area. Crowd ~-ts Gunman Coast •= r ••lnu fro a .. .............. ..... ff.ant .... ,,. .......... . ........ _ ........ ~ •••·tori re epla•d• la a cop1rt1llted 1tor7 la Ute new•~ .... ~ .... the 8LA aa.o klend dDa-pplQJ . tbie .. year-old belreaa• mother, C.therb:te Meant. and .. neeut. ln1" former President Ntzon out a teletype "MO" or modus operandi ol the k:Uler-rapllt said the move was made because in· vestigaton have to coaaider the possibility that the auapect has fled the area. It bas been more than five weeu since the last murder. Calnoo said that poljce in the ,., ......... FACING PROBE tt.mnton Jofdlln Prosecutor Narrwdin Jordan Case WASHINGTON <AP) -A special three-judge court BP· pointed a special prosecutor to- day to invesUgate allegations that Pre!sident Cart«'s chief ad· viler, Hamilton Jordan, used the Wegal drug cocaine. The panel appointed u pros· ecutor Arthur H. Cbriaty, a New York attorney wbo pros- ecuted mobster Frank Costello when Christy wu U.S. Attorney for the Soutbern DilUict of New York lo 1951$. In lb otder, the court said lt WU actinl "upon eonaideration of the application of tbe attomey . eeneral. . .for appoint.meat of a tpeda1 prweeutor' to lo· veaUsate tbe alleptlon that BamlltoD Jordan pasteued co calne tn tbe Southern Dlstrlct cl New Yorkoa June'Z7, W18.'' JOl'UD b8I den.led be bat ever Uled cocaine. TM White House chief of staff WU aCCUlfd of ualnl the cirui durbl• • 1978 vlslt to Stud.lo 5', a New York City dlscotbeque owned by Steven Rubell and Ian Sebraa•. aubell and Sc1tra1er aald Jordan wa1 Mell UltDI coca1ne lD tbe club. TbeJ ·1 offered to te1tlfy as.Wt .Jordan lD u- cba=e for the •ovemm•t'1 dio ctw..-of feicWl'll tu ••at on~ .~alalt them. The)' pleaded PiJt7 Nov. 2. Tbe IJ)IClll pane) tald it WU dllclollal Ill dec1liklll '111 tbe beatlm..tlolJ...U..'' n. ~ ma arw.1 eCNk1 1n, ....... ., ......... or .. smaUaSaMmofaftoia· U." 11 'a rt .i.-fir eoc,.. aod otber: Dotabl••· Ute ... :!"&:.~ . .... ~ uSd tbe Idea ol abd~ tM JOQD1 womu.,.. ratted llDGDJ 8LA members late ID ll'7J bJ Bmtl1 Hanta, wbo lt IOl'Vtq a teatAmce for convlctloa of kldnappin1 ud ri>bbery in 1 California womtG'a prlaon. Her tnaband. WWlam Hanta, lt aervtna time in San Quentin five agencies investigating the nine usaulta attributed to the killer are slftinl through the thousands of leads they've been given in t.be past two months. In addition, investigators from the Or~e Countv District At· torney 's office are checking rec- ords al the Orange. Countv Jail. They want to flnd out if a man fitting the suspect's description has been jailed there in the past five weeks The possibility that the killer has been jailed or bas fled the Orange Coast is a possibility, police say, because of the lime element. Tbe killer bas attacked n1De women a1nce Aupat. 1977. One murder·r.pe occurred in um, ud tbi nit ba,,.ned W. year. -.,,.. ... ub .... beeomlaa more fr9qumt wtUl three ID ~ tember and two in October. prtsoa m tbe tame con9ktioal. "Privately. I bad~ deelcMd Ill)' da11 • a tel 1va11t wen over wfleD ci..tt, Icy cool Emily HarN acddeat.ally en... covered Patt.J Beant lived cm- gua rded In Berkeley.·· 111. S&einer a.id tn the Cbroaicle re-port. Ms. Steiner aaid SLA member Nancy Lint Perry retarded Mils Heant u •'the belt cba&ee so far. She'• a perfect Yk:Um, apart from tbe bJah~p pollttCOI like Ronald ba1an or Nw.. but the seeurtty .... them oat. Hearst'• father eommaDdl • much power trtth tbe aewa media and is so rich -be'U be in our bandl completely ti be want. tbe Ort kept alive. "The older woman mlibt bave pe1ie4 out oa us, bat the da'-"hter ta ltnJQI and bealtby; we UD UM JMir to maalpalate btr tatJNr.•• ~ Stelnei'-.n.d K1.P~~· M •. Steiner ,.14: "Patty WUD°t jmt a i'klt bitch, throw· tnc a 8tllCt ol bread about. SM attended demODttratlou and ralltes or,.nl.led by radical ll'oup1 cm the University of California ca.mpm. MUllOM cl people crtt:ldt.ed ber bebaviar <lee~ Pap A.a> The OYe•wee-I~:'~ could mea tile ~ baa j.u.d ()_9-eome otbei' efaarae, bu left the area, .. or be'• dead," noted Capt. Ron Lowenbers of Tustin. The killer bu atruck twice in ... ,,.,.~ .. ,,,~~""'"·" that city. ldllin& one woman and seriously lnjwi.ng another. The injured woman's unborn baby daughter died as a result of the assault Four of the victims, including one who survived, were from Costa Mesa . One of the murde~ women lived in Irvine and another lived in Corona del Mar. Another surviving victim lived in Santa Ana Heights. "We sent that teletype to agencies in Canada, too." Lowenberg said. "In fact we sent it anywhere that there is a receiver to handle a messa1te." Like Tustin police, Costa ·Mesa investigators are still sorting through more than 2,000 leads that resldeots have phoned in the past mooth aft.er police ls· sued a drawing of the suspect. Calnon said 10 sdspect.s idea· U!ied in those leads have been completely cleared in the case. "But that leaves us with another 300 people that are still being looked at and another 550 leads that we haven't even start- ed to check," be said. "We could be working on these leadt for another year," Calnon added. Bandit Hits Mesa Motel A lone bandit eacaped with $220 from the olftce of the Ali Baba Mot.el, 2250 Newport Blvd., in Costa Meu Tuesday, police aald today. They Hid tbe man, who claimed to have a pa but dldn 'l dllptay It, Oed on foot after the 11 p.m. robbely. Police said tbe nearb1 Sealark Motel: 2274 Newport Blvd., WU robbed earlier um week. The thief lo that cue wu described U in bit earb' SOI ad unbmpt. Tbt AJ1 Baba thief WU 1D &la 80I and cleu4baven. accordlnl to delcrtpUau Cive.o police. o.MY"' __ _ TOWING SERVICE OPERATOR ELMER OOlllG" SIZES UP HEAD OF MUSTANGS Polle• Seek Cotlector of Other PMple'• :es. 'M and 'fl1 Fords Mesa Autos Among Stolen Ford Mwtangs Huntington Beach police are searching today for a man they believe collected Ford Mustangs. The trouble 1s, police said, the cars belonged to other people. The misaina car collector, ol· ficera,aid, rounded up a bet'd ot 10 Mdstanp which police hap- pened upon late Tund.ay. Officen armed wttb a wan'&Dt to arrest Michael Schroeder, 25, of 8211 Jndianapol11 Ave. for failure to appear In court on a weapom cbarl• reported find· ing the autos behind bis res· idence. The rustled Mustangs, police sald. were all partlaUy di•· mantled. The collection of 19115, '68 and ·~ can allegedly wu stolen from HuntlnCton Beach. Costa Men and l.rvlDe. The can, eacll estimated to be worth around '3,000, were towed off and ttored by poUee. World Court Asked To Pressure Iran Judgments in disputes among U.N. members. M eanwblle, hundreds or thousands of Iranians, some chanting "Islam up, Carter down!", marched in Tehran to- day ln response to Khomeini's call for massive anti-American protests on this lmpof'lant Moslem holy day of sacrifice '! and martyrdom. The demonstrators stayed 1 away from the U.S. Embassy and the '9 Americana held bosta&e U... Jn __., deYelopment, the ' replaaefneat ol Abolbusan Bani Sadr u lran '1 forelp policy spotesmm apparently doomed U.N. Security Council effort. to1 ease tbe c:rtlts. Khomeinl'a rullnc Rnolu· Uonary Council on Wednesday replaced Bani Sadr with Sadeah G botbaadeb, a bard-llne member or the ru.11D1 council and chlel of lran•1 state-run " radJo and tele~laloo networlq 'nle ciftletal Pan Deft acency said Bani Sadr would retain his po&t u ftn.ance m.lnllter. Gbodnadeb told Pan tbe IOY· · emm• ltW bad not decldOd . . .4wrte• .. £e•ee MW•-• By TM Auoda&M Pnu Two aroupe ot Americana left Baqladeab and Syria today under the State Department'• "voluntary evacuation" plan for Americana lD 11 Moelem countri•, prompWcl~ U .s. Em· baHy ste1• 111 Iran. T"> ID Dacca, Baaalede1b, embuly apok .. man Jamu L. lleyen said '74 ol tM too AJMricau 1D tbe country -1• em· buay personnel, their famW• and JJ private ctu.m -bad volunteered to lea" the capital "temporarily.'' In Damucua, Syrta. an embalay IOW'ff aald a croup of 2a evacuees lncluded 15 famUI• ot Americana who won at the embuay or are employed by companl• wllb aovemment COD· tracll. He tald some flew out today and tbe otben would lean Frtct.y. He tald lt wu a volwttar:v departure and tbe State Department bu put tran.port facWUea at the dlapo9al of U:ae wanting to leave. St•tf' f'lre K Hb T•~ LAKESIDE <AP > -Fl.re a'#tl)t tbroulb an apartment early today, and three bodies wue founCl lD the charred debrta. The dead were ldeaUfted by tbe coroner's otftce u .J-.e A.I· Jen Simms. 27, a woman and t.belr 1-mootb-old daqhte.r, Esther. Investigators wd a wan ps bea1s IDa1 haft lllalfmac· tioned. 11et1 r,...,.. ta C••••• NEW nm.m; tAP> -8°"lt ecieW troope Pw ton• into acUoli •~ Allha forn1 In a mljor ~ve acalnlt rebel-held amt iD ceatral AlpanfSWJ, accordlnl to a delayed report rnch1n1 here. The report, wbicb wu r.cetved Wednesday and could not be Independently confttn\ed, Hid tbt 8oviN were TIJlk a.od Uzbek aoldfers from the C.ntral ¥tan Soviet repubUC9 juat north of the Aflhan border. Then wu no 11Umate on the number ot aoldlen, who hav• factal featw'tl tlmllar to Af1bana. The town of Oorband, "° mu.ea nortbwttt of Kabul, WU re· ported mumed to the 1ovemmmt of Pte1ldent Haftrullab Amin after belnt held for two montbl by Motlem1 wa11D1 a "holy war" aplmt the pro..So•tet reatme New.~ealand N_ames Air Crash Victims AUCKLAND, New Zealand <AP> Alr New Zealand re· lea1M ~ a Ult of forelp PHHDttr'I aboard tbe DC-10 that crUhed ln lbe Antaretlc oo W•dneaday, klllln1 all 257 aboard. (llelated story Pa•e A4) Alr New laalancl aatd detalll, lncludlnt bometOwn•. would bt rtltand after ootlftcaUon of the vtcUma' f amilt•· The tneomplete nam• of tbe vlctima ~r after tbelr bome couatey: _ __,,.., .......... OU• I ...,.. UA. ' Ahf*lMll, ,,J, IUMtiffltfl M • ....... '"'""" .. ..__, ...... ...,.,..., L. ........... ~, ....... ,...,; ... .- M.'-· '--' ....... ~--=...... .. . " ""'' •• ... ... l ......... n111M1•0......._,_.,... .. .,..., ,.._, ._, .... ..,._ T, •11 t. ~ L fM T.OllN ... A..~~-:. O..W.1_ ... ~ ...... ;·•· ... .... 1-. ....... ll~·· ' .... ..,..., c DA ILY PILOT H S.to. Mt Md Mn M. Ol.,1 ,,,., ~Mn N Y~l-. Mt.~Mn.A lnull.-Mt -Mn. M lfwllll, OtHt .,...._, Mra. J .., ........ Mn J. ._._.,; H.A. l"MI« • Mtw ...... ~. Ml• a ......... lilft. I . Tr!Mlt; ~A. AMw-. ea..: a .. __.. Mii Ml .. l(.M • ..._I. _.,_. J M9wr ..., ... :l(.l(MM<lt fir-•: 1 . i...tlMa. 3 Arrested On Sex Rap Three Newport Beacb maa•ace parlor employ"' were arrated oa proltltutloD eharcel earl1 toda1. Polle. set. Tolly Villa ldla· Uftt4 Ule 1uapecta u Karen Ouni.r. II. and DenlH Lye Beidler ..... botb ot Loaa 8Mcb1 m Sblrle)' ADD S.U.r, M, C11 tao lldl a.. NewpOrt Beacb • Villa aUepd tUt be U1'llted tb• uto after &bier oftt* blm IUUI Mnbl lD uchanl9 tw IDCIMJ. , ll thr•• women are Spa~~.~u:. affiii-·~ Seven Killed In 808 Crash after .. ,_= '! ........ I· .. --~·=-.... .............. ... WIHiil • ,... ..... far .. kMlll•.... .... n.d troiD tM ILoA.Oleli ~ ....... .............. . . -.... ,.,,, . ... ., ........ ......... ... ·~~· .......... ., ..... ...... 0 ......... tb• ..... of ., UUt" Wolle, BUI Harrt1, Palrt '• "IH1moo .. lolt11tk ••• I _ A l••d•r Do••I~ Dtr,..., •lao ealltd 1a1mae11 ,.,............ ." .. Tbe I an& ICtion wu pulled •• pl....S Oll11 .. dlf. fertnce: lfl1moon took rour pltoe. Weed WU MlfWt, \it M oPQed \be door J\W\ u Wllh and .I w•re crulllnf put the boo•. ll UMd IOID• fone to f •t lnatd•, and then Cinque umped tut ot 1 bmb wbere be ad bldc!a ud followed the other \wo. They weat lD with .,..,~·· .......... Hid lbt WU told by Mt. PenJ. "TIM Wted pJ1 wu beat. 10mtwbat brutally, but lt wu unavoidable. K• pnMit.d AC· tlvtl)' and nol.lll1. ClDQue told btm to lrt•P quiet, \ut be wouldn't eo our leader knocked blm doWl\ to ctulet him. You'll remember tbe fteld mU1bal d1d aot want any a.hoottnl tr polll· blet Ma. Steiner 1atd lb. Perry tola ber. 11Weed auu wouldn't abut up. In fact. IM put up tome l\&bt, '° BUI kicked bllft and bea[ btm. He broke a wine botUe over b1a head and belt b1m to the floor . While Blll waa deallnt with Weed, Mlamoon crabbed the Hearst woman, who WH lD tbe abower. CJnque and Mtamoon threw a bathrobe around ber downatain, where Bill wu .UU kickln• Weed, wbo WU almost uncontdoua. "Hearst wu acreamlna, and for aome odd reuon, Mbmooa picked up her pune and handed It to ber. Then they dra11ed ber out to the car. It wa• un· fortunate the man next door ap- peared and they had to erab btm .. wen. but we ditched him rapldly," Ma. Stelner said ahe W&I told by Ma. Perry. Mias Hearst wa.s taken to a house In San Franciaco · 1 Mia- 1ion Dlalrict where Ma. Perry told Ma. Steiner, "We have her Ued up and blindfolded In a cup- board. She wean a llebt 1aa ex- cept when we feed ber, but we're stantna her u mucb u pout. ble, Just bread and water. "We'll keep her locked up and any of the men and women who want bet can take ber1 Ci.Dque ~ coune. tqot ber lint, u leadet, but she's 1ettlna foul. She'a lD total dark:nea and we don't let ber out to the bathroom, 10 she's croucblng or standing as beat abe can. "We take turna standing out· aide tbe cupboard, speaking about her and her backerowid, • polnttng out bow evil her type of life ia. Thia ii part of the lndoc· trlnauoo, of course. Clnque ln· siata she understand why she's been kidnapped, that abe lan't Jtat an object of money. She muat understand the politics and idealJ behind OUT action. ·'She muat learn to detest the back1round ahe representa and what her family have done to get their money and power. That's why 1be'1 here. "She's terrllled. but we'll break her, we 'll lnsUJl rear of us into her soul. We're drumming our words into her brain, her skin, her boaea. We bani on the door to keep her awake. Un- fortunately, there's no spyhole ln the door, to we have to open lt every now and then to make sure ahe'a alive. When we do thll, on apeak calmly to ber, tellln1 her she can tee daylipt all the time lt ahe Jotu ua. What a coup that would be for our part!,'' Na. Perry told Ma. Steiner. Ma. Steiner, who aald lbe SLA threatened to kU1 her ovu bar detectJoa. nec1 to En1land. Sbe said became a.be feared 10LD1 to priloD benell, ab1 dkl not mum to tM Uniad Statel to , help Mill Hunt du.riq ber im Uia) OD cbartts aM putielpat.cl ln u SL.A bUk robtierJ lD 11'16. lbe IM~ Npo&Wd. Gunman Roba ..,.. Actor'a Wife • To .. hSltot John Richards, 12, of Costa Mesa. tries to get a shot past Wes Torell, 11. also of Costa Meaa. with the guidance of Phil Condon, athletic director at the Boys Club of the Harbor Area. The club ii conducting reg- iatrat.lon through Friday for boys· and girls' baaketball programs. Call 642·8372 for information Testimony AttaCked 1'Y Frank's Defense By FREDERICK 8CHOEMEllL OI .. Deify "-._.,.. The defenae in the Theodore Frank ctuld murder and rape trial began its attack today on a forensic dentist's t.esumony am · plicaling pliers seized from Frank's home in the torture ot the 2'1\-year-old victim. Amy Sue Seltz. Under cross examination Uus morning by defense attorney Willard WibeU was Or. Gerald Vale, chief of forensic dentistry for the Los An1ele1 County medical u.amioer-eorooer'I ol· fice. Vale, usine a alide preaenta· tion. testified Wednesday that marks left. OQ tbe lirl '1 cbest '11- aue w.re rem~bly similar to the jaws on a pal.r of Vlce Grip pliers seized from Frank's Woodland Hilla apartment. Frank, 44, is char&ed ln con· nection with the May, 19'78, kid· n a p-rape-molestation arid murder of the girl who diaap- Youth Kills Self in Mesa A Youn& man who apparently shot b1111Self lD tbe bead abortly before noon today lD lbe park· ln& lot d. a Cocta Mesa sbopptna center b.un 't yet been ldentlftecf. poltce a»d. They aa1d the man was found dead lD the cab of hia truck at about 11 :20 a .m . after a pa11erby reported lbe inddeot t o a nearby 1bop and a saleswoman called paramedics. Police said the suicide OC· curred in the IOU1h putrlq lot at K -Mart Plua, 2200 Harboc Blvd. Wttneaaea said the truck's en,U.e wu nmnlD& wbeu the vie· Umwufound. peared from a baby s itter s home in Camanllo an Ventura CountJ. Tbe garl '1 body. mangled beyond recognition. wu found two d•ys Later in Topaoaa Can yon ln Loe Angeles County. Vale. wbo a1llO ia an attorney. conceded today that the Fran.It cue was the finl cue in which he baa analyze d Vice Grip marks Vale has previously testified under queslloain& rrom prosecutor Irv Pra,1er that be h.U .. \lel'&l years aperleDee 1n ideatlfyiq tedb marb. vale to1d Jurors and Judp Byron McMillan's court that be analysed lmpre11ioa1 from about 1' dift~ of Vlce Grtpa prior' to 1WI «l:a· cluaioo in tbe l"rant cue. "I cannot conclude tbeae similarities are a mere coin· c1dence." Vale testifted. "It ls my conclusion these aimilarlties do ex.i.at becauae the suapect's pllera did ln ract make the ma rk s on Amy Seit z' left breast " As part of bis anvestlgat.Jon that s panned more than 200 hours. Vale testaried he used the pliers to ma1'e marks on the stomach of a research dol that had b ee n comp letely anestbetu.ed Slides sbowtne the upertmen- tal ma.rb were shown side by aide wilb a allde of the mark left on the Setti lirl's body "Tbett bl qwte a stroo1 coo· sistency, ·Vale testified. Vale aald that certain "distor- tions" are evident but added . "That doesn 't mean tbe evtdencebec:omea valueleaa." Vale likened bit aaalyals of the pliers to lontlal into a crowd ..... of people. Each race, be aaul, ia diattnctive. Aa 111teaq,11fl1,,.._ S. . Brt1ia· ot;~ to ft& Off public fundl for tM educ.akit fl lrulan ltah!C• wW be ..U.S nest moa&b 1ia ~ Oim&J ..=Todd Is hl*t· ed to rule Dee. 21 oa Brtaa' ,.... quest for an lQJanctiOa UalDlt eontJnued 1peadfa1 of · jullllc mOQeJ. . ' Brl ... ftW bit lawsuit W.S· n .. daJ •aaia•t th at.at."!Of Califonda and a D"1Dbft Of .W. otflctall and apeckll to lfop what tile called a lift ·of publt~ fUDdl for noo-tmmiaaat Jruiu student• from tlnd•rtarten throulb colleae. He •aid be toot Ute aedoa beeause d. the W.1&1 a~ of tbe Iranian government lD Mllinl the American Emba11J ht Tehran and the detenUon of American boltai•· Bri11s alto l• aaklnt to abolilb other at.ate Uliltanee &o tbe students in welfare, UD· employment payment&, Medi· Cal service and food stams-. BritP baa eatlmated that atate taxpayers are 1pendiDI about Sl3 mllllon annually for the education of the atudenta in the publicly owned and tax- aupported educational 1y1tem. He acfmitted, however. t.bat ttie doesn't know tbe euct 11DOUDt of expenditures beeauae ot a lack of reeord-keeplng ln the school system. Miller Recall Attempt Abandoned The last attempt to recall Orange County Supe rvisor Edison Miller ha.s rallen by the way side Stephen C Nall , chairman of the Committee to Remove M 1 lier. announced Wednesday that he LS abandorung his efforts. Nill, a 22 year-old law student at Loyola University. sald thfl instead of a recall bla organiu· uon wtll support a candid.ate to oppose Miller in tbe Ju" primary electioo. Nill said be bad 1reat grassroots support when be u- nounced recall plans Oct. 23. At that time be also crltlclied leaders of a previous recall group dt.er they bad auapped th~rplam. · M1Uer aaid today he never t.ook the recai I that serloualy and w aa not surprised. ·'I believe that they realized they were fighung a loainJ bat· .Ue once emotJona ~ut. · M Iller wu appoint~ by OoV ernor Brown tut July lo ~lact Ralph Dlednch He ran into an hnmediatt storm or controversy becauae d. anti-war statements while • pnaooer ol war m North Viet· nam and becauae of bit rela- uooahlpg wtth Jane Fooda 8Dtl Tom Hayden Maller said tbal be expec:ta to announce bts candidacy for a Cull four.year term aomatme around the fl.rat of the year. -Meanwhile, be bu been bold· ing fund·raiaint eveota and baa bad contacu with poUtScal CC.· su1Ua1 rtrm1. Re said be a1ao bu en111ed jh exte.nalve public 1peakln1 cani· pailna. Newport Surf· and Sport . . Specializes in . puwf ttf wnv 1A4unlainmi~~ • Sileat Saata ) Believing that deaf children should have an opportunity to talk to a Santa Claus who cares, ID-year-old Brad Hatton of San Jose has learned si&n language. He says deaf children are overjoyed to learn they can finally tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The child is Debbie Sicherman. Boy, 2, Held as HOstage · .. ·Father Fires Slwt, Surrenders SAN JOSE <AP> _. A rtae-toti.QI ,.....,. beld POUoe .,_,., fol' men than th1'le ......_ _.ty toct;;..~ bis ~aM>ld SCJa tan in '1m resldriee here ae\et' a pute wttb 'hla wife, p61iCeNid. sail Joee police Wet tbe man. idettllfted u John Sprque, 25, fq.ally sul'l'endered to police wllb6ut lncldent · &Od «u taken to a nearby boapttal for meblMrte evaluation. :At ooe point. be toltfpoliee be d.ldlft 1R11t to hurt bts100 but wpuld shoot at anylM>dy who came near the house. Apparent- ly-be fl.red one sbot 4urin& the three-hour ordealp but~t wan 't inteaded to hit 8Jl.)'bocly. ( ) followinl a stroke. Her a1e' was reported variousl)' as between 62 and 68. PlletMlnl•9 SAN DIEGO <AP> -The Navy Nklan air and sea search would nswne today for an of- ficer wbo diaappeared Wednes- day after ejecting from a dia- abled fighter plane. Officiala at Miramar Naval AJr Station said the unideatifted radar intercept officer was ejected from an r-1• when the craft's plexiglass cockpit canopy suddenly blew olf. The man wu still attached to his seat wbeo be left the olane. but N41vy spokes~ sald no parachute was aiabted and the flier was presumed dead. ..... .,ell, ..... SACl\A)(ENTO <AP) -M· semblY Repqblican leader Carol Hallett ~ she will seek antted GOP SUJ>polt tn. lanuaey to re- peal aov: Edmund Brown Jr.'s odd-e.en guollne a1loclrtioa pro. gram. MtL BaJlett. ol A 'tltlldero. issued a statement Wednelday saying abe la uratng all Aa- sembly and Senate Republicans to endorse a proposed resolution by Assemblyman Eugene Chap- pie. R-Roeeville, to end Brown's state or emergency. ..... Oudlell9ft SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -The state Board of Equaliutkm bas asked the Calllomia SUpreme Court to overturn a detlaioa al- lowing three major public utilities to reduce and roll back property tax assessments under Proposition 13. Tbe state Court ol Appeal on Oct. lS reversed a San Francisco Superior Court rulillc •lain.st Pacific Gu and Electric Co., Southern California Zdiloo and San Diego Gu ~ Electric. A petitiQn filed Wednesct.y by the attorney aeneral 's office for the board contended the appeal court ded.aloo wu clearty er- roneoua and violated tbe California constitution. Tlllrt••• penooa were cb.sed wttb trespewn• in a de&:DOGIGiidue at UM plant CID ll&ftb Jl, a few dQa after tbe Three Ill.le I1land racUaUon leg. One .... fOUDd pUty ta JCllUc:e-.Ooart.. two pleaded p11. t1, ud a allltrtal WU declared torthe"8. 'lDve-in' Coiitract Espoused SACRAMENTO <AP> -No contract, no property settle· ment. That's the way actor Lee · Maryin's lawyer says the law should read for unmarried couples Uvtna together. Attorney D{lvid Kagon said cootr'cta would "mln.imiu op- portun1ties Cor fraud and lesal blackmail." Pooela Po.,er Taking advantage of a sunny day. a pair of rollerskate::. and a willing tow from Soolne. his three-year-old St Berna rd. Jon Ro binson . 9. scoots ct long a Del Mar street But not everyone agreed with Marvin's lawyers Wednesday al a bearing of the Assembly·. Judiciary Committee A representative of California Women Lawyers said restricting the n,bt to sue for part or an ex· lover's property would hurt some poor women. AND THE COMMITTEE cbairmao said such a require- ment would be full of loopbo&es. Davis Sets Stage For Gay Rights Law ~ Tbe committee was bearing testimony on A8564 by As· semblyman Walter ln&alla. b. Riverside, that resulted from tbe casein wtudl MacbeUe Triola eave up a aineinc career after be promiled toaupport her. Ila. Marvin }oat the cue, alt.boueh abe woe $104,000 in •• ,... habiBt.atioa" coeta. But tbe case did result in' a nillng that an umnarrted couple livtng together could be found to have an implied understaMing that they would divide their property aftertbey broke up. INGALLS' BILL would change that rufin& by requiring a writ- ten CUil.rad. for a property se\· tlemenl He said lt would pre- vent a flood or Marvin-type cues. AwardOK'd In Lawsuit DA VIS <AP>· The DavtS Ctty Council is to consider a gay rights ordinance at its Jan 9 meeting. The counaiJ voted 3·2 Wednes· day to request the city attorney to draft sudl an ordinance. The wte followed two hours ol teatimOllY by muy ol tbe 200 penona wbo .u.oded the meet- ing. The testimony was about equally divided for and agamst Proponents said generally that it was a cavil ngbts. human nghts and lifestyle issue Opponents generally followed the argument of Councilman Jim Stevens. who said be op posed any law that would com· pel anyone to associate w1lh persons not of their lllong TUE PROPOSAL to prohlb1t discrimination in ho usinR . EUJlEK.A (AP> -A Humboldt County Jury baa awarded S12 .6 million in damages to Seamea 's Direct Buying Servtee, a flablng boat supply company that claims it went out of buainela after Standard Oil Company of Callfornia broke a f"'8l supply eoatract. FARM FRESH PRODUCE ' em ploymenl and bus iness services oo the basis of sexual preference was introduced by Mayor Tom Tomasi in behalC of the Davis Gay Task fi'orce. Ao anformal poll or the council members indicated that they would approve s uch an or- dinance. Energy Studied LOS ANGELES CAP> The Local Government Comm1ss1on on Renewable Resources. an ad· visory group which 1s expected to receive formal comm1ss1on status from Gov Edmund G . Brown Jr , has met for the ftrst ume to discuss the future of SOlflr energy. WINE CELLAR AND LIQUOR V.S. tl Blikln• N•toea . . .. . . 19C • Moral.q Fresb Splaacll . . . . .. 29c ___. Sweet le. SUe Naffl Oru~• . J9e .. 8dMI a., Sbe lled E1rly TimH Ddlct.e ApPles • • . . • . . . . . 39( • Popev V..U . 5.99 ITM ••I 3.99 1111 .. 1 .. 5.19, .. 1 . ... Crtap Rad Fn11i Lotti Cabbage 12C • Gllbeys Gbl . . . ' . Now f~ Creal\ potted plants o< •-b .,__.._ ... all klndls for Cbrtstmat. Abo rresh -.vres Y ~ · • · • . 4.99 11'9•1l ,. ftow-ers daily. We wll\ prepare Deaa..,'•Oaablll beautifW fn11t basket. on order for or Vbt lt09e . . . . . 1.99 *• 11.11 your bolid.ay liYinl· TOP CHOICE AJltlD PRIME MEATS Del81Mf'•f--..... ,..., .... ..., ....... : 1.49 .. ••a&J ........ ., ..., .... t·· . .,~ .... C'htk ...... .491111. SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT Fttdi LecaJ .._ Cod .. ~ •.... ····· .. 1.98 .. • Students Test-wise One aspect of recently released statewide test scores that has been noted by educators ts that students don't seem to take them as seriously as they do graduation pro- ficiency tests There are two evident reasons: One ls that on the state tests only school and dlstrict scores are tabulated. Individual students don't learn how they've done. The second reason 1s that students know that they have to pass the proficiency tests to graduate. The state tests don't affect them at all. One mi'bt point out, of course. that the state scores are useful m helping schools evaluate their programs, and that students ought to want to aid in improving the educational system. But we're living in an era when tes:,ft rules s upreme. Kids are tested before learning 4 1 · , der learning a seq1.1on of it and after completlrig the prog~m. then later on ~ee what they've retained. Multiply that number of tests by the number of years, classes and units a youngster takes and add in the college entrance exams, and you begin to get the picture. Young people are bright enough to know where their own interests lie. They lie in pasiing a teat that counts, not one that is supposed to help somebody else in what \ often seems like a theoretical and nebulous way. Maybe somebody ought to start testing the tests to find out which ones are worthwhile A Warm. Heart Loneliness~u ng the holidays is like the weather: Everybody tal bout it but nobody does anything. Except M · reen Kemp. The Costa Mesa restaurateur. saying she knows how desolate it feels to be alone during the holidays, cooked Thanklgiving for 200 at her dining establishment. The charge? Fifty cents a person. Mn. Kemp emphasizes that she isn't trying to glorify berseU. She just believes everyone can do something to help otben, and this is her way of a.ssistmg. Many of the people who joined her last Thursday couldn't afford to cook their own dinner , or had no one to sbare the holiday with. But more than that, many people who read about Mrs. Kemp also shared ln the spirit of 1enel'08ity and humanity from learning about her example. Mrs. Kemp deserves warm applause. And here's hop- iftR a lot more of us will adopt her motto that we can all be I pothers just by doing something kind in our daily li vea. • OplntOM •s>nt•Md In the apac. above are those of the D1Jly Piiot. 00.. YlewtJ eJCprnsed on thlt ptQe ire thoM of their ..,thGl"I and artlsta. Reader comment It Invited. Addr ... Thi Daffy Piiot, P.O. jkiilc 1580, CoSUI Meu. CA t2e28. Pho~(71')A42'-4321. ~oyd/Book Boom u .s. INTELUGENCE aaea· ciea are wor1dDa fevert•bb' to ldeallty tM altimate winner of tbe kremlin 's Russian roulette. WBZTBEa tbe •·yo11n1" Romanov, an older rival or• coo· eortlum of bopetula t.dee over from~. one thins ta cer· &aJ.n, eeconua, to a &o1>-Nent CIA evaluatloQ: ADY 1ucceuor wtll bave to bave the 1upport Of Politburo member YurJ-V. AA· dropov' bead Of the pervulYely powerfl&IKOBaecm pollce. ''Tbl JtOB bu an important role to play ln tbe IUCceulon proe ... «la a period of poUUeal lastabWty," the CIA '• MCret TBS DSllUN _ldapabr ii a tau, 1ebol1rl1·1ootta1 man wbo .,.. Ea.llilb nuenuy. Sourcea told our uaoctate lob ..... M~ll .. ••t10, r1tlltu1 ••iii>' Hf llfleral •llOH COid Mtd ulRI~ attitude" naa ldm ••II for 1111 jOb M KGB bali .• 1'bi CIA nP111i woo't § .,....eowll&Cboltllle -~ cca.-n will .. Koa·~1 Mil ol •~ Bul &bey clo 4l1coua\ 1 POllJetlitr that ADdr'Op()T MIJ able to ll'ab tbe brua rtq bimMtf. He II • and lD poor ~· Uk4I foraMr CIA cb.W Qeoiae BUib, ADdroprv wU1 a11o ftDd tbal Ida Nllpment .. be8CI of tbe MCNt POltc. MU ~ a Mrioul political liability. · i GaS&K'S GaAPSVINB: Ronald .Reasan and Teddy Ker\; aedy are oddl-oo favorlta to Mb tlMtl' IWl*Un partlet. aom-•· CioGI for pretident, a«OrdlDa to our own poHUeal propoaicator. Jimmy tbe Greek. For &hoff wbo are wtllhll to put t.btlr money where their oplnlona are. here'• tbe early·moraln1 Une from the Lu Ve,u oddlmaker: Republicam -RN1an. a to 5; G.orp IMb. 4 tot; Jobn c.c,n. oally ad Howard Bak•r, I to l; Pb1J Crane. Bob Dole. Jobn An- •noo and any lata •tart.en. 40 to l. Democrata -Kennedy, l to 2: Jimmy Carter, Z to l ; Jerry Browo and any 1Ubaequent bopefub, ~to l. at:AGAN a&aurr: Movie DMt•lai• butts are faetn. what'• •fl•plac up H a quadrennial famloe CID Jate·Dllbt. televt.aion. 1'ballb to a beartJeu Federal Communleatlons Comml11lon, such savory allver acrttn 1ems aa "Bedtime lor 80010." '"Naulhty But Nice." '"HeUcau of the Navy," "KaUera of l.964 "" and ··~ Hasty Heart"' are hereby banned from the airwaves until ~r lbe star of tbeae filcks , Ronald Reagan. drops tu.s status as a pres1denl1al candidate The n.Wng ts osten.s1bly to pn· vent demands for equal ta me from hia opponent.II, but at also had the effect of preventing Reagan·s nva.15 from using the rer11ns to make him look ndic11lous. Why Should 'Busy' Signal Cost 25 Cents? ro lbe Editor: Thia ll a "class action" letter meant for the Paclf ic Telephone Company, and to acquaint others financially concerned. I hope The Pt.lot will cooperate by printing thl.a Jetter. Since Nov. 1 Ma Bell baa lm· posed a ~l cbar1e on sub- scribers fM each call made to aacenain if a line b out of order. After recet'Jln& a ''buly'' lllDal for hours wbeD trytna to cau • small service.store I uted the operator to test the llne to de· termlne if it actually were being \lied. and if not to report lt out of order. "Tha wlll be a 25-cent cbarse," I was told I DON'T believe a caller should be penaUud for ca1llq the t.elepboDe C!OIDPIA1'• atten- tion to faulty Ml'Vlee. U a cbeek ii made and the llDe actually Ja buty, perbapa an impatl•at caller mlpt pa~penatt.J for lncreaatnc tbe eompany'• wprk lo8d. H fault 11 a ,... celver .tr the book1 tbe ealSed pa(t¥ 11 respoaalb .. , •betbe!' &brouJb lnadve,..nee or d• liberate ldiaG to .. UN beiDI andlsturW. .M U1 nt.e, Ma a.ll 1boul4 be ~ ..... pboae UMl'I de1DPt to coopet'IU tn impC'09tna'Mntee by reportlq MpfdOU c:GDdi· t1oaa ad tbe impoaltioa Of I fee .. benbY (and oab' beN) pro. tasted. O.H.P.KJNO t.loa that the "little 1uya" ami't ualns the small claims c:ou.rt. They are, as I do, but so are the bit fUYS. And what's wrong with tbe "bl& 1uy1" eavtns lesal feea? u they doa't. their tesaJ npeues would be puud ca to ua "little pya" in the form ol hlsber pricea. la eonclualoo, the uae ol amall elaima dola't preclude lbe ''lit· tie 11111" m.a1e of It. Does anyone know IOme "little IUY" who clldn't use tbe 1y1tem becauae of the bll guya? THOllAB B. O'KUFE C'IC•B•UC ... t To the Editor: Maay people may have di&- covered the almost constant traffte Jam at the oortb end Of lrvlae Avenue In Newport Beach, caused by: the Coroa8 del Mar .Freew17 endln1. airport con1eat1on, too few street lane1 oa Imne Avenue and the Ulefally atopped 1uottne walUq line for the Ex· XOD 1tatloa al the Bristol ln· tarsedk!D. Several minor •uto eolllllCI» have ~u"'9d beN re· eeaUr. l UM t.bl tarm "llleallY stopped" b9cHM tbe eurb ~ potted .. No Stoppln1 Al AG)' Time." The ftl1oul bualnelMI aloq dl1I bloek <1Dcbad1nC mine) have made repeated calla to tbe poUff aboiat U. We1al ~ and ............ wttb aimoli DO lWJ JMI. 'ftle police flnaJ1y appe&Nd OM day and c&eand tbe IU sl{ue out. We all tboQ&bt .. • 1'Mpoa.M," bUt tbm tbat tbit police bad blm tmpiMIS bJ tbe JalD•U&> oa Uaelt war to an accident ... ._. and dlctdM oa tbelr own &o oome b9ck afterward to &aa c.. o1 the nae. veruence for two bleb state ol· ficiala carriea a lot more wellbt at city ball tbaD \be aeriom an convenience and finaodal lolaea of four local bmioeues, not to meaUcm the bual'd of a serious auto acddent. JOHN Hl:STON .,...,.,.. ... r,.. oa.Jy way that Iona t.enn pre· aervaUaa can be ... urect ta by Coo1ressioaal action. It ls ex· peeled that duriDI 1t80 that l•lialaUan will be introduced to obUln WUderDea status tor San Mateo Cuyoo. If 10U would like to visit this beaut.ifw area or want to flnd out bow you can help aave the canyon, pleaae contact the Oraase County Group of the Sierra aub. If you area already tamlli.ar wU.b the area, please write )'OUr Con1res1man and ur1e his 1upport of the San Mateo~ Wllderneu. PAUL WRIGHT ,_,,,. .. ,, . . ~ lD U..1 mmer,._ dl.tcover the price of a aOOd hoCel Lt ., to l.10 • l)lpt, wbile comparable room ID SoalA or tbe Canary bluds would COit three t1me1 u much." Loftus ••ya. MIAMI 8ZACH. rla. (AP> - Taisha advaatac• of ti•• weakmed dollar. Ew'oPel.DI &N tto11lq tbt. AtlaDUc 'ln reoan'.I nwnberl to vaeaUoo lD Mlami Beaeb1 wvldlnf a sorely needtCl at t• the area• 1 tourllt lDdi:.try. • Eno at UM beilbt ot Florlda't A verqe rates tor traffl and lodatn1 f« a two-week vacaUoo ranae from .., to tl.lfO from OermlQJ or FA&l•Qd to Spa1D and .. to '1Jl/li2 froat Europe to Mt.-ol Beaeb dvrln1 the winter ~. ADdenen .. ,.. Ftcures projeded for Dest sum· • INft'ITtJTa reported Caltforala wb t• wiA" ... ...., to marbt tbLI ,_,. .-C01111&· tDr man tJaaD • ..,.. eat Of &be table .old by tM lndlllb'7 TM lepuiU allO lndicate that ~Uforala red wlDH ban ....... a dllcreabl& ~ ol tM ~·· mane\ atnce JIH 1rbeD the fll&bt to white 9'De~atarted. SINCE 'l'llAT year, red wtne .aal• Jlaft remained fairly com tut at a mWioo 1aUou a year. Wblte wlnel. bow.ver, have re· acbed ns mllUoo 1allona ln an- QUl Nles, t.be inaUlute said. Bric Strom, a San Fraacllco wine dealer, attributed part of tt.e wbit.e wine boom to in creued buying by women. ·~u-. easier to sell red wine to acan," be aaid ~= Kreps Re-elected NEW YORK (AP) -Former Coaunerce'Secretar)' Juanita M. JC1ep1 has been re-elected a dl~ of .1 .C Penney Co. Inc., t.b~ department store and mail· ofjer chain PHYSaCIANS ARE 0!9EA&e DETECTIVES :l 'Cm: R.Ph. Price lncreas~s Lag in California LOS ANGELES <AP> - Soutbem California's consumer price Index did better than the rest of the country with a 0.5 percent increase for October locally compared to a 1 percent rise for coo.sumer prices na· tlonwlde, federal officials re· ports Local Labor Department spokesman Jim Wurth said that October showed the slowest in- crease for local consumer prices since the first of the year .. IT WAS A PRETTY boring month for the local price index." Wurth said. "It was the lowest of increases for any month this year.' During the first 10 months of 1979, prices rose locally 12.5 per· cent, Wurth said. In 1978, the in· crease was 7.3 percent for the same period. Food and beverages, up 0.8 percent, and housing and medical care, both up 0.6 per· cent, led the categories in cost increases for Southern Calltomia. THE t.S PERCENT increases in October mean.s the purchas· in& power of the dollar la now 45.l ceuta, compared to Jta value in 1.967, when the Labor Depart. ment started the index. In Waab.lngton, officials said rapklly rising prices for energy throughout the nation slowed significantly during October. and food price increases showed a modestslowdown. But moderation I n those areas was offset by a 1.5 percent jump in housing prices -the steepest monthly iDcrease since 1947 Nuggets in Jars With observant eyes and alert ears they listen tu> your troubles. Their aenailive fin1ers reel your problem. Often U · stated by X·Ra y or diapogtic tests, with ex )lel't bowledle they ln· 'ftSutat.e the cause of an llUmenl Jlome remedies can re lleve the pain or dlscom· JQrt of a minor ailment. Bat. Ir these symptoms return YoU need a Doctor t.o discover and treat the cause ol yoo.r trouble. We can fill any prescription any Doctor may wnte State's Gold Miners J ' SACRAMENTO (AP) - California's new gold seekers depend on the world market for the high prices -but if the world market bad to depend on California gold. there probably wouldn't be much of a market. That's because only a small amount or California's placer gold "Some 1uya have )an full of nugget.a. Ob don't worry, they're in safe places. They might sell a pennyweight of 'fines' once in a while for $15 or $20.' • These "fines," or gold dust, represent. probably a minor part of the region's production. 'YOUR DOCTOR CAN ever goes through the refiners to the PHONE us when you world market. Most of it stays in Twenty pennyweight make a troy ounce, which has been hovering close to $400 on the international market, where lt bu to be refined and 99.9 percent pure nffd 8 medicine. Pick up jewelry, jars and jeana; out of reach .7our prescription If even or the tax people. ahopping nearby, or we "I don't sell any gold," says Meigs will ~ deliver promptly Bertolette, 37, who dredges the South without extra charae. A Fork of the American Riv,r a few (teat many people miles ups tream from John NUGGETS AREN'T that pure, but they bring more per ounce than the international stuff. Bertolette produces a catalog of color photos he's bad made of his own nugget.a entrust us with their Marshall's find that star\ed the 49 p1ea(liptlons. May we Gold Raab. ~pipiound youn1' 'PAllL80PMAIMACY "WHY SELL PORTABLE real "The smoother they are, the farther from the source," he said, explalnlng why some look as rough as a plncb of shredded cocoout and others eu·like. Fne......., estate. A briefcase full could be ·· , i:=w: enough for a lifetime. That's why 1 • Ml·I worlr as a longshoreman ln the !=lc:===·='="°===~I winter,'' said Meigs. lob 8. Kadr'Jk of Lona Beach has been named assistant vice president at the Newport Beach branch ol. BaU ti Amfttca. Jamee P. Pel&G9, dlredor ol public relaliona . for Aveo FIDUdal 8enteea, wu honored this Wffk ln Newport ae,cb few 11 yean of service witb Avco. He plans t6 retire tbla December 31. Jamee A. GukeJ of HuntlqtoG Beach baa been appolnted bua1neu develooment oftlcer at the Newport Beath brand> ot Buik ti AIHdea. FnMlrtc I. Fon&er, pn1ldent of Newfert Balboa S.'ftllp ad Leu ot Newport Beecb, bu been ap~blted~ tbe Newport Harbor area Cbambtt~erce Board of Dlrecton. Wlllanl E. Maab bu been named uatatant vice prealdent at W6 PU"ll9 BaP'• Oraqe County A1rport otftce in Newport,Beacb. Bapk of N••Port bu appolated Mairty TtctHeO ol Cost!a Mesa u aulatant escrow olftcer winter MUCJD, tourllt offtdall •u raitel foe' a two-week vae•· tJoa packqe compan favonblJ wlth-tradWoul Ewopeu re- IOrtl lucb u Spala'• eo.ta del Sol and tlae CaaU7 lalandl. "They're Just about tbe ume wben you ftDd that a Sood d1nner in a reat.avrant or botel in F'Jorida la half what tt costa for the same meal in Europe," says • John Ander'lon, vice president for marketln1 for National Airllnes. "When ~ toa in t.be reduced cost for al&bt-aeeinl. car rentala and sboppin1, Flonda becomes a real value. •wg•ag P•O•OTING tbe hell out ol what Florida otren - and it's worttng." Just bow many Europeans via· it Florida isn't know. But baaed on reports from the U.S. lmml· gratlon and Naturalization Service. Miami·~elJ'O tourism director Lew Price estimates that about 150,000 Europeans will visit Florida in 197'9, com· pared to about 100,000 in 1978. Price predicts the fi gure will be higher in 1980, with as many as 250,000 Europeans visiting Miami Beach via scheduled car· riers such as National. British Airways, Lufthansa, Ibena and Pan Am and on charter fbghts. JAMES LOFnJS. Miami sales manager for British Airways. says the decline in the value of the dollar bas been the key in· gredieot in the influx. "When they come to Mia.nu. A,. .......... WEAK DOU.AA MAKES U.S. TOURS MORE ATTRACTIVE Matrette Bruggeman and Rob da Bruin of Hofland tn Mia,... Over Th~ ~unt~r NASDUstNwp 1' JOY> ""' ·~ -»"-.... lJp• a11d DelmlS 1"'I> 11 NEW YOlttt IA"I -Tlle fol-"'9 ldl ,..,, 1tlOo ---~ • .. • c-.. ~IS"-._,, .... ~ --90f!e .. ?:is _1 ____ , __ _ 12 .,~ ~.:.. c-. ~ .. - I~ IS... ... _ ..... Ir ..... -12 -IM1" = =---pe....w_.~--1,.,., •• ...,._ --............. , ....... I~ IS"li l:Md P<"I<• --~,,,,._ Ille! prb Jf"> _, -UM Olli ~I " ~ l.. I c.e-..c ,... • I"' Ull 4U "" ~ 2 c .. ~ s-• ,..,. u11 JS.J J1 Jl-'1i J Is::. >o... • lie. U, JU D¥t JA'-; -~ ; ·-8: ft: ~ ~ 6 UTL °' 4 • ._. U, 21.t -~1 c-7\a+J U,f11 n-l1'" • == . J u,. ,.., • ~ • .. U, IU 10 O-f\.11 1 , • I Up IS 4 It TifNfll• IO.. • I .. Up 14 • IJ ~,.,._ I • • '""' Up 14 S tJ COQNV'ft 1 lo. Uo u J 14 ~I I ~ • I Ui> IJ J U S...vh< •., "" Up IJ.J •• Sc-1' • • 2.._ Up IJ 2 II CoHllM ..... • .\e Up U.O ti SM~ l'"-• '-. Up 12 " Or01lrT ll.. • I'~ Up 12 J 10 s.i11 .. r ~ ~ • I.. Up 11 • JI AllA,.... I"" "' Uo II.I ~ ~f~ 7l ~ . 7:',: ~~ ::~ U H01~ ... • I'll Up 101 U ~ldeftt •"' + .. Up 10_. OOWMS LA•t OIG PtL \ .. t'9 Oft 7U ]'lo • ' Off IJ.J ••. , .... Oft "" , ... Otllll 1 ... Off ti I I·• ,. Off tO.A> JO J Off •.1 ·~ 1', Off • ' , • .., .... Off • ' -I Off I.) ... '-Off 1.t J., ... ()ff I.I J~ t g:: :.1 )... ... Ott ..., • 1oe Ott s.• , ""'°" 5' • 11. Ott s.• 1 ... Off 5' • • .... Off s.• ..... I Off S.7 '"' "' ()ti u • .,, "' Off u ll"1 l\lo Off S.I ~ I Off SI ·MUTUAL FUNDS \ r I • . • I I ' • : ' , • • • • : • • • • • • • • • . . . • • ' • I • ' , I • • • I • • ' ' • I l • , c f J t I ~ .... ~-· -"' M"'-''-12"'-.. J4Y,. "" J2 .... .. __ ..., n"' •• "'1t-14' n-. • .. ~-~ .... . ..... u•. n Jll""" • ... .. M"-., 34'>-.,.. 1 ,.,,.. ... ~· I 12 -)4 tO'"t ... • ·~ .... u "~ .. .. " IO'-... )1 XII IOI . , .. --.; ... • ., " 110 • ,. ll , ., ., 11 J J H I ., ,. " 1 JU ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• " ' . ,, ... ... l,,, .. .... , .... ,, ,,.. ~ .. ... Jilt'". t\. ' ""-llloo .... ""' ..... " 11 • " ?>"-• ... • J ,. -... tf'' u .... 11''1• ., MILTON •oeaowrn W1lell t.be blttof'J oft.MM tSJnea Wrltteo. tbat aiDple mteatlc:m wl11 be paid to the MiiOUI were ccmtronted bJ our IOdety. ! For ~pie. I bave been lootin1 at • J.20..pace dCu. mnt that recodnb tbe blow·b)'·blow p~ that U. Federal Trade Commilaion <FTC> conducted apJblt Sean, Roebue' to determine Whet.her Sean ud tt.. )d· vertl1ln• •t•ncJ. J. Walter Tbompaoo. ltnlcbed the tru.tb ln the early l970t when t.beJ. cJ.almed that the LadJ Jlteamore dl1b- wuber woaJd remove all putJcles and fllru Money Tree from d1atae. and pota -without pnor rlnaina or acrapln •• 8EA&8 CALLED ITS LADY Kenmore the "do-it· yourself diahwQber." Aa the Water1ate escapade wu Un· foldlnc in Wubiqton, D.C .• Sean adll were proclalmiGe; "What dilhwuher would dare load these messy diaba wttboutscrapin1 or pre-rinamg?" <You know the anawet.> Well. the FTC spent a lot of llme looldn1 at all the Sean documentation of ~ claims and catline it.a own expert wttnesaes -and the law JUd&e bearing the cue concluded m the end that the nation's largest retailer bad oo nght to make aucb a far-reactun& boast about it.a ll)'o- duct. At times at was lncky. Sears submitted results of a test sbowin1 that two Pyrex dishes and a mmne bowl uaed to make a chocolate cake with frostine had emerged from a Lady Kenmore washing clean as a wtusUe. Bul you can't fool the FTC. which ruled : ''CHOCOLATE CAKE AND frostmg are not truJy represent.alive of the enormous vanety of food soJls normally encountered an the publJc's kitchens." Wbal about macaroni and cheese. Sears., Al &Dl>CMr pomt Sears moved to disallow a findihg about dirty dmner dlsbes conung out or its dtshwasher on the ground that photoeraphs clearly showed that "one or the dinner plat.es specifically. the second plate from the left lD the rear section of the lower rack was tipped oVer against the plate next lO 1t in such a way as lo block the spray ol waler to lhe face of the one plate and the reverile of the. other.•· Nice try. Sears. but 1t won 't work. The FTC JU~e ruled: "The argument of ~ar!> 1s without menl Tipping of dtsbes. or cbangel> m the pos1tJoo of dtshes and other 1te1ns I.I\ the dishwasher. can oecur very easily either when tb£' racks are pushed 1n and lhtc-door closed or as a result of tbe agilatJon and impact of the water dunng washing ae- t1on. Thus. the-M: are completely normal circumslandes and-provtde no ba.!i.1s for <:xclud.ing from constderat1on the still-dirty dinner plates · WHAT REALL V SUNK SEARS Ill this case wa:. the triumphant fmdtng by the t'TC that wtule these Llldy K~n more ads were running Ill magazmes and on te1e v1s1on. telling people that no pre-nm.mg was n~ed the owner's"' manuJ.1 $pec1fically stated that it wouJd be a (lood idea to soak or bghUy srour encrusted foods on plate~ before plac· ing them m the dishwasher rt seemed that the people at lhe adverusmg agency were not in touch with the people wnt.mg the owner ~ manual. AztTway. th1a momeu10US cue now moves oo to the nest stage: an appeal of \be Judce'• decilion to the five comm••"onen. It they uphold the deci&ion. then Sears bas the option of appea.llnc to the federal courts. Who knows - the dirty-plales·Ul ·the-dishwasher case may eventually reach the August level of the Supreme Court., Manuftttf.uring Industry Analysts Paint Rosy Job Picture SAN DIEGO <APJ -A sbght drop in the October unemployment rate for San Diego County has led market analysts to p&.Ull a rosier picture for Job seeken. in manulacturtnc. ACCOl'din& to labor martet analyst Jack Nowell, the number of manufacturing JObs now totals more than 100,000 for the fanl Ume m county tustory. STATE STATISTICS released Tuesday show that more than 42,000 residents remained Jobless. but the unemployment rate dipped from 6.2 percent ln September to S.7 percent last month. A report iaaued by the st.ate Employment Development Department aa.ld about 739.200 civilians make up the current labor force, compared to 5'2,100 at the same time last year, when lhe unemployment rate was about 6 percent. NOWEU. CALLED the manulacturtne boost ''a very favorable •&en" but warned that construction jobs may continue to decrease "beeause of a ti.lbt mooey market." Jobe in aovernment, including education, alao rallied laal month, Nowell said. Those position.a increased by about ~Jobs from September to October, be 1a1d. Gold Quotes B1 ne Aaodaled Presa SeJec:ted world gold prices today: L I'll I': momin1 fixin& $'10.90, otr $0.30; arteraoon fixin~ tw.10, up to.so. adlt aftenooa fhinl ~.37, up tll.13. Pr...,. ts '409.•. up sa.ao. ·"' hddl: il'd tn1.oo, up ti.so; S.13.00 uked. New T.tl: Handy • Harman $UU5, uP $0.~. • New T.tl: En1elhal'd Mlliog price $&12.00, 'IP to.~ NMf Ywk: EQ1elbard fabricated 101d tut.~ up to.11. • classified ad .. C81f 642·567.8 and a friendjya~ vl~wn• heJpyOU t""'YQJJr heels into caSh •