HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-17 - Orange Coast Pilot' r MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 17, 1919 • • • • • MesaWo . . I Leads -.All Wrapped Up WASHINGTON (AP> -The coot.est for· the Ul80 Republican presidential nomination, subdued by the Iranian crisis, bas setUed into a catch-the-leader pursuit ~ witb Ronald Reagan at.ill setting the pace. "Let's face it, there are some people who thought as soon u be came df the blocks, that he'd stumble," said Rep. Jack Kemp, R· N.Y .• a key Reagan organizer "But he's nmning a good race and getting stronger.·· RIVAL CAMPAIGN TEAMS CONCEDE BEAGAN an early- favonte status -but say they hope to chip at that strength once the primary season opens m earnest. · Republican candi<lates are pretty much holding their posilloos and marking time until the field of rune GOP candidates can be narrowed. The major and some of the lesser-known GOP candidates are devoting their energies and funds to heavy campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire and the other early primary and caucus states - moat operating under the theory that they need early, strong show- inca to capture national attention. Campaigning has been rather low-key lo date, with the stalemate at the U.S. Emba5$y in Tehran, where 50 Americana are being held hostage, casting a pall over the political landscape and temporarily robbing the Republicans of one of their favorite themes -attacks on Carter's cooduct of foreign policy. &EP\JBUCA.N CANDIDATES RAVE VOICED 1eneral sup- port for Carter's performance in the cri.11..s -without dwelll.ne on the subject. · "'lbere is a hh•tu" because of lr•n and a desire to a~port the president and to not criticize the voice that speak.a for the country ln a time ol criais," said Kemr. ' Reagan's proposal tha deposed Sbab Mohammed Reza Pahlavi,· who new to Panama Saturday, be sranted permanent asylum in the United States provoked former Texu Gov. Jotm Connally to openly criticize Reagan for speakln,g out of turn. It ••• one ol the few breaches of the uowritten, unspoken '·apeat-no-W-of·another-Republican" rule that seema to be 1ovem- inl the GOP atruaJe. CONNALLY, WHOSE '8 IOLLION WA& cbeft ii tbe lar1est raised to date by a preslclentlal candidate, bu been dotnC eome (See •EAGAN, Pase A2) Navy Jet C,rashes; Airport in Flames Hot air balloon-maker Don Piccard ·deflates one of his new models following a recent test run in Costa Mesa. He made this one -it's 60 feet high when inflated and encloses 75,000 cubic feet -for Jim o.lly ,._ ,,_ ... ·-...... 1 Wright of La Crosse. Wis Wnght plans to call it "La Crosse Word Puule." ffe says there are lots of neat places to go ballooning in Wlsconsin Thieves Take 50 Yule Trees FromHB Lot Tbievea made off with 50 Cbristmu trees from a Htmt· lnltOD Beach aalet lot Sunday, leavtnc beblDd only a trail ol needl•, police aald. Spg Trials Lo .. 1 Hostages' Freedom For Honday Nixed Offlcen uld they believe a truck wu used to haul the Uny forest from an unsecured area ln front of Aqell Home Center, 1800 Edincer Ave. Tbee••PMDI, reported mias-lnl at 1:40 Lm.., wen valued at l850. lnv..U,aton aald Cbriltmu tree tbeftl are OD tbe iDCJ"Ule ·W. J'e&r nd speculated SuD· day'• tlMNI wo.ld eltber at-t.mpt to Mil tbe ... OJ' bad a lf•rJ bll Cllrf1mtH party Pliliaiid. mlpt appear u witneuea. "but DOt u the ~&aled ••• He had Mid before that the boltqee ~d not be tried unW Ute pmd j\&ry npon.d and Its ~ toold be evaluated. ht tbe lbadenta, who lDiist tilt ab.Iii be retumed to Iran ror U1'11 b&ve Cciltradleted or...,.. nalea Gbaitbilldeb Mveral tlftMll oa lit• atatua of American ~bi&cllnlra. • <Sei ..... hcaAJ) • Auto Runaway Car Rolls Over Her A Costa Mesa woman was l•Ued Sunday after abe ap· plal'eotb fell while ltarUq ber cu ud lt backed o•er ber sneral times, police aaid toda)t. Set. Tim Holbrook aatd Butt'ttlt Ftnley lilarsbaJI, f7. died ln tbe 5:30 p m. accident Ln front ol El Pescador restaurant at 17th Street and Tustin Aven~ He "1d Mrs Marshall left the res uurant after apparently arguing wtlh her husband and rried to s tart her car Her husband had come tn ,. separate car. Hotbr'o<Mt said Details of how M rs Marshall fell out of the car and 1t began baclnng up aren't yet known, Holbrook said. He satd the car aooarently be1an crrcling .in revef"k, part. ly 1n the parlung lot and partly m dnving lanes on 17th Strttt, running over Mrs Marshall ~veral tames while passersby tned to halt 1t The runaway car struck one c er on 17th St re et. but tibe dnvtt. James Gordon Day, at, of Newport Beach . escaped without iAjary. Holbrook said. A m«orcycUst behind D-.y, Bnan Bi1lbop ol Newport Beadt. narrowly averted a se<:<>nd aol· llslon and managed to jump illto the rwYway car and halt it, Holbrook said Mrs. Marshall was taken to Hoat Memonal Hospital but«· forts to reviYe her were unsuc- ceuful. be sa1d. <See CAa. Pase A%) Coast Weather Fair throulh· Tueaday ' and alllbt11 C90ler 'rue. I day. Lowt tonitht coaeen-1 trated la CM 40I. Bllha t hetcla1 ...., froaa .. at the beadMiit to 11 m.; 1 I land. l r INSIDE TODAW I \ ' Charlie Chan relaxes on his antique settee in the three- bedroom house he inherited when bis devoted owner. Grace Alma Patterson Wiggins, died in April 1978. The. cat was the sole beneficiary of the estate. Story on Paee A8 .. fi'ro..PageAJ REAGAN NO. I •.. heavy campaigning -especially in the South. Connally atrateglsts concede that Reagan is still far out front. btlt claim the former Califonlia governor's strength, out.aide of the "-r West, lies mostly In the Northeast -despite the fact that in Ute 1976 primaries Reagan ran poorly in the region. Connally is focusing much of his attention on primaries in -Alabama, South Carolina, Georlia and Florida. 1 "The best opportunity is in southern primaries. Reaian's !ltrength is sort an the South," srud Eddie Mahe, Connally'a chtef C,!lmpaien strategist &EAGAN AIDES DISPUTE THAT THEORY notJ,q Re .. a.a'• euy victory over Connally ia Jut mQDtb'1 '1ort,d.a GOP straw ~ot. "We're concentratin1 heavily on eve!'Ylhina in the f1nt wave q~ primaries, includine t.hoae in the South," aiid Charlie Black, fl.eagao's political director. This weekend, Reaaan completed his third major campalln 1$Wing since announcina his candidacy a month a10. But he'll re· main at home in California until early January when he'll bit I.be campaum trail again. Black said. Meanwhile, former CIA Director Geor1e Buab of Texas, buoyed by his upset victory la.at month over Sen. Howard Baktr ol :tannessee in a Maine straw ballot and h1a 1tron1 •bowing in the .i'lorida GOP tally severl weeks later. is trytn1 to keep that mom en· tum 101n1. Bush has been atumpin1 bard in Iowa and New Hampshire and also payin1 close attention to Florida and Maine. IOWA'S JAN. JI CAUCUSES P&ESBNT the ftnt m~or showdown for candidates, J,Dd New Hampehlre'a Feb. 28 prlmary temaina the fint involving both parties. A GOP priblary in Puerto Rfoo oo Feb. 17 ls also attracting the attention of ftepublica.a ca.a· atates, however, includio1 Busb. ' Hi.a strategy requ,ires a 1ood sbowiq ln the earl1 primary slates and he knows be must make his ·move u IOOD u pouible. "I have to do better than you guys think I can," be teU. re· porters covering his campalen. Baker haa practically abandoned his job u Senate minority leader to pursue hi.s campalen. He's focUlina ·lar1ely on seven at.ates: Iowa, New ltampabire, Arkansas, Maaaacbuaetta, Ver- mont, Connecticut and Wiacooain -as weU as Puerto Rico. DESPITE INITIAL SETBACKS, SUCB A.8 the straw ballot 1'»• to Buab in Maine, Baker feels he still bu a 1ood cha.ace of be· iii& in the ftnals. "Our thea1s ia that ttrough the Illinois primary, lhrot11b March, there is goin1 to be a wionoWiog down proceaa" and that two or three major candidate. will emerge, with Baker among them, a spokesman aaya. Rep. John Anderson, R·lll., whose moderate-to-liberal philOIOl>hY and voUna record aet him apart from the real of the paek of GOP contenden, ia Puttina most of bis eneray and limited respources into maldna • strong sbowtna in New Hampshire. He has been campalJDlnl there extensively, wbile dom1 little in Iowa but lookln1 ahead to the Masaacbuaetta and lllinota primaries. U Anderson can't begin pulling ahead by llllnoi.s, be probably will drop out, aides aald. s DAILY Pll.OT TM~-CIMll o.ffy ""'4. w:tt.-~ kc°'" 111--.~i...--.. , .. o._ Ce.nt-....... ~ ......... _.,.. ...... llllM -.., ......... ,,..., ... c.~ -. __, ---.-............ ,,,,_. talf\llM-r.t......,.,~.._,.,S...0.CMot A ....... ,.........~ ........ _..._" _ _ .,.. n. ,,,_ • .-,_.,.,._.It II PO WH1 .. rSl'"4.Ceu. ..... c.i.....,......_ .. _ ... ... ..._, __ _ Jkllll CWttf Ifie• ... ----~ ,,.......~ ••• T~,....... Clllltrttt•.i.-__ , ..... ........ ~ ...... F,....P.,,eAJ I.RAN" ••• Tehran Radio to4ay quoted Gbotbudeb u aa)'fA1 lnvtta· tlOM to join the 0 it'uad Jury" are belnl extend~ to Ne>bel Peace Prbe·wlnnlna . trllb 1tate.bla.D Sean MacBrtde Nd Lout ·Edmood Petutt, prtmdlnt or1 both tbe Pam Bar ~a­tton and tbe liaternatlonat Or1n•utton of Catholle Jurtai. ~ laid' toda1 tbat !My Ud not received lnvltadGlll. I•• lf nflle. la DOt ra1Md ..., fw1MI' clurtn, u.. one ftN et American retail =DI _ _ otl ;riot9 IDllP••• •U ... . Tbt at~-bJ audt Arabia railed ltl prtcee II per. c l above pnytoua 1•¥911, but banl,y above tbe 121.IO eeil· rt 111 _, OPEC tn lune. ooaMltel • ._. · u Ub)ta, ,...... tDt eeUina .... ..., .., aQd .,. .......,.. (or furtbelt ID-,.,. ..... .. Tbe U'talbect COUD1da fH ,_,. wbltenr'" 8*," U~ 1fG Oil Mlnl1ter laaedin aJ ICabrak to&d a report.er. Llb.Ja, wblcb breacbed tbe QPl:C ~in October. an-nounced ·.uou.er price lllcrNM Suoda7. It biked ~.price of tu hJ1b..quall\y cnllde oll -prUed for ita bleb ~eJd ol PMllne - by $3. 'Q to ... ba.rril, retlOllc· RtdJ.a.d .... d .. Uve to llfov. 1. Mabrak Ue>aald Ubfa, which ahipa nearly ball of the 2 million barrels lt produces dally to I.be United States, will reduce pro- ductlon Mxt yeaf, but did not H1 by how much. lndoonla al10 boosted lta price bf • to 125.eio tor a 42· ••llon barrel. Iran's official Pan newa a1enc1 1ald the price of Iranian crude had been raiaed h to sa&.00, but Iranian OU Minister All Akbar Molnfar called the report a ruuaor. The pre-<:<>nference splurge of price hikes was begun last week when a bloc of OPEC moderates. led by Sau.d.i Arabia, bumped prices up $6 to $24 a barrel The Saudi·led bloc said it raJaed prices early to bead off even greater price increases at the Veoesuela conference. In ad· dltlon to Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, the bloc includes Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Together they account tor about balf of OPEC'a daily output of 30 mllUon barrels. Marissa, a five-montb-oJd mo-. leopard; gets her weet.IJ' bath from Fred SterUq, a 1upervtaor at N9'* York'• Bronx 7.oo. 'Die smallest ~ a Utter of three leol>ardl born at the zoo last July. Martua wu separatecf from her family to be specially fed and bathed. I Kuwait's oil minister said Sun· day his country was ·'support· ins" I.be S24 a barrel pnce, and llB Bousinc1 aources said Eeuador wu likely ~ to go alq wttb it. But Algeria raised its base price to $26.27 a barrel In October and Nigeria went to $218.20 in November. Yamanl aald befo~ the meet· ln1 his naUon would seek to maintain the 124 price ·'for u Jon1 aa pouible." UAE OU Miolater Mana Said al Otetba &a.o Hid M would not ....... for Hearing Scheduled On Seacliff Appeal •• tnan • .,. ID addiUcm to ftz1q a new rate ne State Coutal Commlalon la 1cbecluJed to cooalder appeals Tuesday in U. An1ele1 to the recent approval of a S.Jt unit housing developJ:tlent 10 Hunt inrton Beach. t>urtni the 10 a m. IHSIOO at the Airport Manna Hotel. 8601 Lincoln Blvd .. the comm1u1on as to bear appeals to South Coast Commisaido approval 1ranted to ~rd. the OPBC mlniaters ~ expected to dlacuu the future ol tbe dollar, the currency all OPEC countries except Iran use to tramact bUlineaa. The Ira· nlana, &oclted in a bitter feud wlth the United States over their holdln1 of 50 American bostqee In Tehran, dumped the dollar thla month after President Carter impounded Iranian aa-f;'.uel Blast aet.I in the United States when CI Iran tried to pull them out. Several blemben have called Ro••*o 5 ()()() for replacement of the dollar ~ ' wltb a • 'bt1ket •' of several 1tron1 CUZTeDClee. "We have to protect ounelves •••tut currency nuctua~·· said the Libyan otl mlnlater. "We have suffered a lot of baee due to the Ouctuatlon.a of the dollar 1be dollar la adrift." CA>ps Arrest Three Bikers SAN FRANCISCO CAP> - Law enforcement officers report they have made three more ar- rest• lo a crackdown on the Hells Angela motorcycle gang. They are Michael Tankenley, 32, a member ol the club from the Sonoma County town of Windsor, and two Angel as- sociates -Unda Walton, 30, of Oakland and Wayne Smelser, 42, of Fremont. The chartes ranee from beinl a felon in poaseaaion of a •boteun to belpln1 a fu.ett!ve avoid an-eat. Eiabteen lfella An1els and u -soclate. are oft trial in San Fran- cisco on federal racketeerin1 cbaraes, and 1everal others a.re awaltiq trial. Mml Mwt Go Through TAYLOR, Mich. <AP> About 5,000 retldent.I returned to their homes after flrefllhlers from alx Detroit suburbs ex· Uo1uJ1bed a Oaah fire at a 1aaollne 1tora1e lant which raeed out ot coovol ror nearly 24 boun. Tbe blue sent orange names and black 1molte into the sky Saturday and Sunday. forcmg evacuatJon or nearby residents It finally wu brought under con trol about 3 a.m Two house trailen were destroyed in the fire, but no serious in.Juries were reported. the Seecftlf IV '*°"""'-Tbe 11$.acre 4leNla5 Nit ii propoeed for bluffs O'ftdc••in1 the 8o1aa Chica lowlands at tbe weal eod ol Palm Street by the Huntingtoo Beach Company Appeals were filed in early November t>Y Steve Schu..,.,...,.r a former Seacb!f Homeowners AsaocaatJoo pres1· dent . the Amigos dt"' Bolu Chica. a Hunl.J.ngton Beach coo servauon group. and the Le1al Atd Foundauon ot Long Beach Because ol state law reqwnne immediate bearlna• on appeals. the Seacllff iaaue wu Khech&led for consideratJOo by the state board near San P'ra.aciHo lat.e last moatbJ However. HunUnrton Beach Company oftlciala requested a delay ao that the iuue could be granted a full bearln1 In Southern CaJJ..fonlia tomorrow before interelted local ll"OUPS and lndivida.ala. The appeals which seek dmlal of the project are baaed on claims that earlier approval by Huntlniton Beach city •lend• were laced with procedural er· ron and that the project would adversely affect the coutal re- sources in the tidewater area. "' . :tQI ANO&la <AP.> -A IM "' Alil•r. lictiO nftlmu. dioe; "' ~J!d A;eeHCabl lO NM - .. ~to tbe IO VS .. ~dllh--m.o&LU;: ~ ... J-autMin9 ~ .... alDM..U ....... the ,.....;. 81rtbeWMDot'1iowed ..... ..,...,, : . .. ...,. Ala Pw ~ DIPC ,..,..... tbat the mUltant1 atendln1 •uard at the 1ai. accepted tbe ueb after tutn1 b1a prae pa11, dlaappearin1 luide the embuly f« IO minute., tbea ,. turninl. - PHD WU told be. couldn•t CO 'inside, 1al.d IUIPC newsman Tom :'=:l~' ~ the aack,a were rmvap tbe 1ates. ud one tdndmt Pl'OIDJled the eardl would be deif vered u looc u they did DOt riolate Newtty. Tbe only problem Paen en· countered.. Wayman laid. wu 1ettin1 tbroulb the crowd ol re· porters presaed around the em· ba11y gate. Paen started a nationwide drive (Or Cbrulmas cards for the bo.t.aaea and the cards de· livered today came from more than 30 at.ates. with most of the cards coming from Southern Callfomia. Wayman said. Handmade cards from school children joined glossy card-shop 1reetlnp from a group of UCLA dentistalnt.be bulging mailbag. ·' l am very fretluJ and sad when l hear something that as sad." wrote Llsa BolJvar. • ftfth. grader at Richmond Street School an El Segundo Lisa's homemade Christmas card included a sketch of priM>ners in ~lls. A claaamate. Carol Sheehan. sketched a star. notm1 in pesictl that lt wa "the •tar of Jesus and when the star of Jes\.m is around hope is wt th you · · Paen Used a second room at the Hotel lnter-Contmental to store the cards. ..God soeed your return ''! .. a Detroit farruly wrote. Carl Borelll, of PIHervUle. Ca hf . telexed word that 5<' small Chnstmas trees were on the way to Tehran "from the people ol Placenalle. · · J im and Dawn Vob.a ol Cer nt~. urged the hostages to .. Tn not to despair Yo u are nor forgotten " A card also came from Mr and Mrs Don Bertsch of La Jolla. wbo aald.. "God k>vea you ad ao do ,.. alt from the home ol'diii ." Dozen. of firms sent cards wtth slpalurel from an thea~ ~mploye. Chnstmas tnes. Santa Clau.<; and reindeer decor3ted cards made by pupils at St J oseph School for the Duf in the Bronx. N Y and fint 11raden m l 'ruo,, Caty. N 4' hoped ··you a,.. all safe and come home fut .. Jn Waahinaton. DC . thouBh. the correspondent for Uie Na taonal lra01an News Serv1('e declared lhat the Amerit'an news media were !'t1rnn~ up .. ant1·revoluttonaty teeling5 among Americans by broadus'. ln& news ot I.be Chnatmu cant umpatp. E're.P~AI CAR ••• • The Vlctim'• husband. Robert Lle wellyn Marshall of CostL· Mesa, was held on suspmor. of be1n1 drunk in oubllC' but the char1e wasn't related to the death. olftcers UJd. They aatd inve1tl1at1on lntc the traeedy att continwn(l. • avr POUnCAL co•ron dldla't come eaa7 tor tb• 41·)'Hr-old aa- Hmb!Jmu frOill Oraqe. 'JbNe Um• before hi cllmbed Lnto the ~ Diltrtet Hat, NeltlDde bad tried for elected ol· ftce. And tbree Umee he lln1lbed sec:()Od beat, ttrtee to tben-Democ:raUc As· .emblyman Kea Cory. C<lntequently, ln peraooal coovenJl· Uona, Neltande often T'eflects on lboee early fnastratina election defeats and. ·Won't Release Yanks t ;. Hostages' Captors I · Hold to Hard Line ! I TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -MW· tant students occup)'i:Pg the U.S. Embassy denied today that any of tbe 50 Americana tbey bold would be released by Christmas • and said all hostages will be 7 t tried u spies. , Foreien Minister Sadegb Gbotbudeb told foreign re· ~·,.. ~r~ tbat. aom• ... • ,. ..... be releued n Chriatmu. ··No. no. tbe7 are not IOIDI to be releaaecl. •• a •tudeat spokesman told The Aaoclatecl Presa He said the embuay occupiers would leave the seUln1 of a trial date up to the Iranian people. ·'The Iranian oeoole will de kEHNEDY,CARTER UNRED ON IRAN-AI Bird? Weed? Canyon Fire Cause Traced A tumbleweed or bird that flew against 56,000-voll elec· trlcal wires was blamed today for a SS.acre fire that. menaced Laguna Beach and Emerald Bay last week causing evacuatiao ol 200 people. The Tuesday night blue that jojured nine persons and badly damaged one expensive home while scorchine others started on a rid&e between Boat and Emerald canyons. Capt. Marc Hawkins, county fire department spokesman, said several witnesses saw a foreien object strike the wires on the windy bill. "1'be tumbleweed or bird or whatever it was burst into, names and tell to the around ... Hawk.ins said. The naming mat- ter landedln brush. More than 420 fireficbt.ers - aided by a fuel break between the bllltop bomes and dry chaparral -subdued the flames lubed by gale force winds. Man Admits Setting , Blaze in Newport with the former shah's re&ime, beginning Jan. 1 or 2. The pro- ceedings wOuld take about two weeks, be said, and hostaces might appear as witnesses, "but not as the accused." He bad said before that the hostaces would not be tried uoW the l?1lDd jury reported and it.s Oacfln• could be .. a1uated. But tbe ttudenU. who lnalat the lhab be ~ to Iran tor trial. haft~ or over- ruled GboU•~ral tmaie. on tbe ata~ f American diplomata held in Iran. Tehran Radio today quoted Gbotbudeb as saying invita· tions to join the "?rand jury" are being extended to Nobel Peace Prize-winning Irish statesman Sean MacBnde and Louis·F.drnond Pettill. president of both the Paris Bar A.ssocia tion and the International Organiultioo of Catholic Jurists Both said today that they had not received invitations Told ol the radio report, Mac- B ride. in Dublin, said his participation would depend on the inquiry's terms of reference. its purpose and who else was in· volved. MacBride. a one·time lnsh Republican Army chief, woo the Peace Prize in 1974 for his work 1 in South-West Africa (Namibia) and vialed Iran earlier to help mediate the crisis. Another broadcast said Iran is stopping oil sales to Panama. where the sbah has taken ref. uge on a resort island. But Panama sald Sunday that it has not imported oil ffOm Iran slnce 1973. * * * more Ulan mo.t elected offteeholden. eoanta hb political bl••lnel· Abo. be II not all tMt kupreued by the deetJoneer1nc power ........ and po:UticaJ biawtlJ that bHe pledted tbelr support wbJJe W1bli him to take oa Miller. · A fGUftCAL P&AGllATl8T, Natande lcnowa tbat lt bl la to defeat llWer it will be what be aometimea calls ''the peopl• bebbNS all u.o.e doon at >11 tboee bouaes that. in tho ftnal analys!I, ct.term.lne wbo wtm eled:looa." A.Qd not all tboee people behind an tboee doors in all tboae ~ in the Third SupeJ'Vl.IOrtal Di.atrtrt tnow Bruce Natande. The d.latrtet'a voUq breadbaaket reacbe1 throup Fullertcn. La Habra, Bru and Placentia even tboqh eeo· graphically lt atretcbea from La Habra in the oorth throu&h tile upper reacba ol El Toro and lillt1k>n Viejo So, ln recent con•eraatiooa Nestande has talked of a maaaive personal campallJl to acqualnt himself wtth tboN voten who bne not seed the name Bruce Nestande on a ballot before (Sff MILLD'S SEAT, Pace Al) I lriag •• tlae Cake People of the United Arab Enurates are the world's wealthiest people with per cap1ta incomes o( SlS.000 a year These residents of Dubai take to the ice recently at the Olympic size rink, the first an the Arabian desert The federation's oil revenue makes the good life possible A. Newport Beach man has ed· milted be set an apartment flJ"e tbat forced the residents ol 48 unltl Jn Newport Beach to nm for tbetr lives Saturday Dlaht, police u.td today. Yule Cards Delivered Gold, Silver Show Sharp ·Increases den tis ta ln the buleinl mail bai. "I am very fretlul and sad when t bear IOIDeth.lni that is sad," wrote L1aa Bolivar, a fifth. grader at Richmond Street Scbool in EJ Sepndo. Llta'1 homemade Cbriltmu card included a sketch of prisoners in celll. A cluamate, Carol Sheehan, sketched a star, DOtinl lo peacil that lt wu ·'the aw ot lesua and when the star of JMUI ii around hope a. wltb you." Paen UMd a lecaDd room at tile RcM1 mt..r.CooUnent&I to aton the eardl. "God IDMd YoUI' return !1 ! .. a DetrottfamU1wrcu. Cari Borelll, ot PlaHntlM. C4RTER ASKS FUC DISPUY. i ,, Miu.ER CM Wife Crushed By Car A Costa Mesa woman was ltilled Sunday after she •P· parenUy rell while start.mg her car and 1t backed over her several times, pottce said today Sgt Tim H ol brook i.a1 d Beatrice Finley Marshall, 47. died m the s 30 p m accident m front of El Pescador restaurant Jt 17th Street and Tu .. t 1n A\enue Ht said Mrs Ma rshall left the r~staurant after apparently ar1wna 1Wlth her husband and tried to !>tart her car Her huaband had come m • separate car. Holbroot said. Oellili ol -.OW II ra. Manball fell out ot tbe car and it be1an bac-ttn, up aren't yet known. Holbrook said He said the car apparently began circling in reve~. part. I> m ~ parlung lot and partly 1n driVUlg lanes on 17th Street, running over Mr, Ma rs hall St'veral limes while passenby • tried to halt 1t The n.m<1wa} <'ar struck one l' ar on 17th St re et but the drtH•r Jaml'~ Gordon Day, 34, of Sewport BeaC'h escaped '4<tthoul tnJUry. Holbrook said A motorcvchst behind Dav. Brian 81~p of Newport Beach. narrowly averted a serond col- hsaon and managed to Jump into the runaway car and halt at. Holbrook sa.id Mrs Marshall was taken to Hoag Memonal Hospttal but ef- forts to revive her were unsuc -; ressruJ. he said 1 The victim's husband. Robert Llewellyn Marshall of Costa Mesa. was held on susptcton of ~ betng drunk an oubhc. but the charge wasn't related to the death. officers said They said anvest1gat1on anto the tragedy is continuing Youth Revived N E W H A L '.. ( A P > F1refigbteta have r evived an·· 11 · yea(-olli fl\ewball boy who r was ~ clirucally dead \ after an ~avation site caved in on topo(~.' 1 '·Coa t , ·1 ' i • .JDtlSALEll (AP> -The laraell ParUamm voted todQ to reltl1d ahortklDI, 9Dd1q a criall which tbreateMd to topple Prime llinbter llena~beqi Blcln'• coalJtloa 1ovemmont. Tbe Krleaet ~ a.a, with nine abstentlom, to repeal a law allowtq abortlou for IOdal or ecoDOmlc reuona, but tbe bill mast.pqa two m-. readlnp before lt becomes law. BelaUN of a thNat by a four·member ultn·Orthodox party to drop out ot tbe coaUUon, Belin declared the vote to be a vote of confidence ln bia rule, totem, recalcitrant coallUon sup- porters to vote ln favor of I.be repeal. Ollertlle C•r• Der•H CITY OF INDUSTRY <AP)-Sb Southem Pacltlc tank can, one carrying liquid chlorine, derailed and overturned to- day, Los Angeles County fire officiala said. No injuries were reported and the chlorine did not aplU, the · officials said. One of the other overturned cars contained liquid urban dioxide and another car contained a peUet.Ued n<m·toxic sub- stance u.sed as a packing filler, a fire.department spokesman said Britaf11Barlu11.S. 011 Ira• WASHINGTON <AP) -British Prime Minister Marearet Thatcher publicly pledged British support for United Nations sanctions again.st Iran today "We indicated very clearly that when the United States wishes to go to the Security Council ror further powers under Chapter 7 <the part of the U.N chart.er deallne with sanctions), Great Britain will be the first to support it," Mrs. Thatcher said after she, President Cart.er and their advisers met at the White House "You expect nothing less and you will receive nothing less." she said 30 \/ntf<"I~• ColUde in Fog MANTECA (AP) -The San Joaquin Valley's worst fog. caused traffic accident this season lulled two men and dama1ed 30 veblcln aJoaa Interstate I near lwre before dawn today. CV. and &nlcb bepn slammlna totether ...t cl bere ' shortly after 5:30 a.m .. forcln1 cloaure of the intentate'a south· bound lanes for moat of t.Wee hours, highway patrolmen said. Vialblllty was reported u low as 20 to 50 feet. Killed in the crash were Robert Schumacher. ~. of Stockton, and Knoal Bartley J ordan, 41, of Loch. No New Oil Price Bike, Saudi Says CARACAS, Venezuela <AP> - As the 13-nation Organization of OU Exportin1 Countries con· vened here today, Saudi Arablan 011 Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamanl said he does not exped the cartel to raise prices aeatn after the recent bikes by several OPEC members. Yamanl said Saudi Arabia, which produces one-third of OPEC's oil, would not raise prices beyond the $24 level an nounced last week and would maintain production at 9.~ million barrels a day during the flrst three months of 1980. uaoline and heating oil prices C»Uld go up by as mucb as 11 cents a 1a1Jon. World oil price• were about 100 percent abo\11 lut year's levels as the cartel's oil mlnlat.era convened behind u,ht security in this Venezuelan capital to debate another pas· aible price hike. Even if the price la not railed any IUrther during the OPEC conference, Americall retall " DAILY PILOT The latest bike by Saudi Arabia rimed Its prices 33 per"' cent above previous levela. but jwst barely above the $23.50 cell· ing price set by OPEC in June. Other countries, such aa Ubya. paaaed that celllng months ago and are preaaina for further in· crt>ases. "The industrialized countries can pay whatever we uk," Ub- yan Oil Minist e r lzzedin al Mabrak told a reporter. Libya, which breached the OPEC celling in October, an· nounced another price Increase Sunday. It biked I.be frlce of Its high.quality crude ol -prised for its blah yield of auollne - by $3.73 to $30 a barrel, retroac· live to Nov. 1. · Mabralt also s aid Ubya, which ships nearly half of the 2 mllUon barrel.a 1t produces daU)""to the United States, will reduce pro. duction next year, but did not aay by bow much. Earl Sheflin Dies at 79; Services Set' Board to Get Union Plea For Day ·Off John Sawyer, g e neral manager of the 7,500 member Oranee County Employees As· aociation, said the request was made after President Carter gave the day off to federal work.ers. Sawyer alao reported that sur· veya abow that 70 to 75 percent of eaiployees in private lndmtr:J will not have to work the day before Christmas. He added that Dec 24 should be a slow day around county government, anyway Besides, the workers can make up the lost work at a future time. he declared. But Bert Scott, the county's personnel director, said the re· quest appears to be a dead issue He said the association pre· vioualy had asked fclr U~e day off during negotiatiom but shelved the request at I.be time the con· tract was settled. "The public expects cert.aln operaUoos to remain open and at this stage the request is too late," Scott said. Scott added that It would cost the county more than $500.000 an lost salaries if the employees are given the day off. Woman Stable After Crash In Newport A Torrance woman was in guarded condition today in the lntenalve care unit of Costa Meaa Memorial Hospital aft.er sustaininl multiple injuries ln a Newport Beach accident. Marcela Slavik, 22, was a cpaa1e111er lo a car driven by Ronald Ray Espinou, 21, of HunUncton Beach. It was st.ruck whlle tumlnt early Saturday morning at Briatol Street and Jamboree Road by a car driven by a.or.e Sbufelt, 45, of Irvine, pollcea&ld. Eaplnou wu reportedly malt· lnl a left.band tum onto Brtatol from the aoutbbound tum lane ot Jambor.e Road, police 1atd, wben bl.I car wu at.ruck cm the puaenpor llde bJ lbttfelt'a autO, northbound an Jamboree. Eaplnoaa and Shufelt were taken from I.hi 1CeDe ol the 1:55 a . m. cruh. treated at Colta M .. a Memorlal Ho.pttal and re- leued. Wrapped llp la Bu Werle Hot atr balloon·maker Don Piccard denatee one of bla new modela followtnc a ~ test run in Costa eu. He made this one -It's 80 feet high when lnfiatecl and encloses 75,000 cubic feet - for Jim Wright al La Croae, Wis. Ertlbt plans to call it "La Cro11e Word Puule." He says there are Iota of oeat places to go ballooning ln Wlacoosln. Rites Held For Producer Milton Bren Private funeral services b.a\'e been held for Milton H Bren. 75, of Newport Beach, a noted buaa· nessman. motion picture e"· ecutive and sportsman who daed Fnday after a long bout with cancer Bren was to be buned at sea A long -tam e Southern C alifornia r e•udent Bren became a leading studio ex ecutive and film producer tn the early l~ at the Hal Roach studios and al Metro Goldwyn· mayer. He was responsible for such films as "Topper " "Mernly We Lave," "There Goes My Heart" and numerous falm l'i starring Wallace Beery. Bren, a ~-year re!lldent of Newport. Beach, also wu In · vol\'ed in commercial rea l eatate development of omce bulld.lnll ln the Loe Anaelea and Newport areas. A World War g veteran of the Coast Guard who saw adion ~ a destroyer c aptain In the Pacific Theater. Bren also w as a yachuman. He won the Pacific Coast Star Class Champaonstups an the early 20s and he skippered larger rac ing yachts for 35 years He Is survived by his wife, Academy Award winning ac· treas Clair Trevor of Newport Beach. sons Peter Bren of Paris, France and Donald Bren. an Irvine Company owner, of Los Angeles, andslx grandchildren Bren dted at Hoag Memonal Hospital in Newport Hunger A warenes8 Day Planned atOCC Hunge r Awareness Vay, sponsored by the Hunger ProJ ~ .eel Club, la scheduled Tuesday on the Orange Coast Colleae campus in Co.ta Mesa A rock band, Tamarack, will be featured aa part of a noon ob servance on the quadran1le • F ..... Pe.,eAI • • TOO, ID aP.GUD8 MBA.ea u a formidable oppo- nent dapite the mauive adverse Ned.kin to Mlller'a ap- pointment to the Third District seat wt Ju11 by Governor Brown. UR others. ~es~ there could be and poulbly already ti • pub&k backJub to t.be diautrvua publicity that ueoaapualed Miller Into otftce and baa haunted him ev• &IDff. n ·a called the underdoe syndrome and could~ a bic plua 1D M1Jler'a ravor. etpttt.lly lf • muJUtude of C8D· d1dates step forw•rd next year to lambute the appolDted mcumbent. ON TOP Of' TllAT, Nestande ts sensitive to the pout· ble back.J-.b. that aulht be created by the joblt Republican and DemottaUc: establishment a.hen.meat iD bi.a corner. He ~es the power structure's endorsement of hunMlf as a possible tool Maller mlsht take advantage of during the carnpalp by cutiq bim&elf m the role of the anU- eatabliabment candidate and Neda.ode u the establllh· meot'1 handpicked and polished candidate. H~er, wbm diacUS&IJll the decision be wu asked to make and the forfetl.LD1 ol tua auembly eeat, the item that wetebed heaviest in Nestande'a convenatiofts center on state Coft'mment's cooUnwna impact on county IOV· emment. BE 8Dlft. Y WASN'T so cert.Un tbllt the m~ battle1 reflectl.Da baftat oa Oraap OMmt.J'• fUtalre weren't to be foupt ln Sacnmmto rather Ulan in Santa Am. water, tr~ biebwQS and flnaee ~Ill~, tt are. .. ......, what ta aldilc:all:J. law that wl1I be 6'dded men bJ stale °'""""'di.ID tbelr local COdllterpU'ta. And as Orance County enters the flnaJ phase of Its de· velopment in the 1980s, Nestande wun't so certalo tb•t bis place isn't in Sacramento. PERSONALLY, HE IS mo~ attuned to partisan politics and a legislator's role than be t..a to nonpart.Jsan political alfa.an and that ~etimes a-Wkward dual role of legislator administrator a county s.uperv1sor play!> Nntande •• • Ronald Reagan loyalist woo. at the same time. LS palatable to the Democratlc structure He 1s aJso a young lecislat.or who haa erown somewhat weary of com· mut101 weekly to Sacramento He la enouch ol a political realist to lee the advantaaes lD havtnc to nm ror omee Oft· ly once in flYf!r/ rour yura as well aa the eomfort ol dally contact wttb bl.a ecmtllueata. . So a cl now. Nestaade, like It or not, Is the man on the wtut.e bone riskl.nl bis political Ulestyle to cballeqe Ed Miller ad in tbe proceea ... ve aomethin1 to say about the influence cl llUJer baeken Jane P1lada and Tom Hayden oo pollUcaJ lite in Oran1e County. Brown Funder Attracts 25 SEA Tn..E <AP> -It wu no erand aoil'ff -only 25 people showed \IP far Illa $100.a~ danner -but Callf oruia GoY. Edmund G. Brown Jr. lnallted that IUppOrt la awelUq for bis prealdentiaJ bid "~ candidacy ia buikliq. It'•~ momentum alJ over the country. wberner I co," Brown said Saturday nlsht. Boys and girls in the Suzuki Strine prQ· gram at Torrance in Torrance Unified School District show concentration as they entertained Sunday night durine the I DeltY ............ ~ .... Orange County Music Center's Sixth An· nual Chrtstmas Candlelight Concert held at Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. I • . ~ Crisis Building Carter Lead N B W Y 0 a K ( A P ) -public mlad about bl• com· Amenew· oPtatoal of .Jlmm1 • petace. wtuAe Kennedy a. ap- Carter md Edwarc1·11. Lmnecty par.au,. ral.led Mm• doubb ll••• ntpnopped ta reeent about bit ablUt1ea. <Related w .. kl. lar1el1 beeauH the atory, M> ':!::le belf••H Carter bH Tbeee majoc' ntnp ID publie led tllle truin erbll well oplnlm come u the baStie for P::,rf,~~~~ .. ~. !:::mi:!~~~~ NBC Nft'I poll abowt. Kennedy and Callfornia Gov. TM ctssr In publle opbdoo Edmund G. Brown Jr. beat up. nm deellel' than Just tbe lnnlan The Gallup .,.,.. lbowa carter eri&la. Carta' 11ee1m to be dis-lead.ins anil Keanedy and ~ pellin• aome quesUont In the amona Democrata in a mytbieal Four Legal Aetlons Homeowners Suing Over House Leaks Owners of four Ora.nee Coast area homes wbo claim the walls of their sunken Uviq room.s Leak are the latest discrunted homeowners to file Oran1e Couo· ty Super ior Court lawsuits again.sttheS&SCoo.structioaCo. The separate actions. filed Friday. alleae the rirm breached contracta and warranties and c<lmmiUed fraud. Tbe bomeowntn were lilted as Brian and Dana M •wdlley, of lrvaoe; Richard and Irene Elmeren. of Seal Beach ; Robert and Rhonda Hopt.im of Westmi.mter, and Robert and Kay Pepperof Cypress. utJGGaJ primary ma~bu=i. a .,.,... ftom tbe .Z..to: 1 lteanecb' enjoyed for m oYer.carter. l Despite tbe overall awttcb ti oplnlon. tbe AP·NBC Newt pat) taken lalt TueMay ad Wednef- day .uu lbowl Carter bu ,..q. DelHS in tbe public eye, wbile K••••dJ retala1 1ub1tantlal st.reDlfbs. Tbe deaftst coaU'ut in the pabllc Ntin& of tbe two men comea on Iran. BJ a •21 maratn. the pubUt appf'Oftll of Carter'• act.Jona ,.._ cardina the conUDued captivlt.f of 50 Americana in Iran. But by a 541·12 ed1e. Americana say Kennedy sbouJ4 not bave spoMa out OD the U.• Dian criaia u be did. On carter, 10 pereent were oct sure or wen uninformed whilt 21 percent uid they bad °°' beard of Kennedy's 1tat.e1qenta and 5 pereeat of the 1,585 adultt intemewed acrou the countrt by telephone were unsure. Crowds Inundate Each action allqea intnnioo of w•ter. moiatvre, mold, m ii dew aod tuectl "t.hrouCb floors. walla, window• •nd fareplaee." On Dec. 2, Kennedy said in q interview wtth a San FranclaCf televi&ion at.atioo that the Sbab of Iran "ran one ot tbe molt violeat recimes in the biltory of man.kind" and that be bad come to tbil couot.ry •'with Ilia ump- teen billion dollars that he'd stolen from Iran." The Mauachusetts senator bu been crttlcii.ed for shilling attention from the pbpt ot the boetaps and for appeartnc to undermine Carter's effort to let tbe boetqes freed. Oaristmas Star I Well-known concert and television entertainer Edie Adams was the special guest vocalist at Sunday's Music Center candlelight concert. She performed with Carmen Dragon and the California Pops Orchestra. Adlilllrliag VIiie Deeor Mr. and Mn. Edward W. Schumacher of Newport Beach check out decorations prior to Sunday nlaht's Christmas CancUellgbt Cicmcen in A.nabelm attended by 1,000 aap- por,tera of Oran1e County Mu1lc Center. Mrs. SclnmacbeP wu 1eneral dWnDari ot tbe event. . Dfug Ruling Fought ' LA International LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Gnnch wbo stote Chnsmtas prob- ably would have won a lot of friends ln •aw enforcement 1f he'd taken Los Angeles lotema· tiooal Airport instead As the seasonal migration or millions of travelers stampedes through the busy termmal dur· jog the holiday season, tempers are as hot and po~ steam- ing buttered rum. Sgt. Frank Costigan, traffic 'Truth Squad' Bugs Krishnas In Denver DENVER (AP) -The Denver Hare Krishna Temple has filed a lawsuit against a Christian "truth squad" that trails its dev- otees as they solicit funds, dis· tributing pamphlets calling Hare Krishnas "poor brain washed dupes " The temple wants to force members or the Lovingway United Pentecostal Church to stay at least 10 feet from Krishnas at Stapleton Intema lional Airport, where church members and Hare Krisbnas ~ have been wagine a silent war Members of the Lovingway United Pentecostal Church follow the Krishnas wherever they go -even into public rest rooms -banding potential donors pamphlets that say the Kri s bnas are operating "a lucrative con game," the lawswt says. The laws uit was fil ed in Denver Di.strict Court. District Judge Howard Kirsbbaum scheduled a bearing Wednesday on a motion for a temporary restraining order lo atop Lovinpay church mem· hers from interrupting Hare Krishna members conversing with travelers at the airport. The Hare Krishna Temple has held a permit from the city since 1969 to diat.rtbute scriptural in· format.ion and seek donations at the airport. lo an Interview, church pastor Maurice Gordon said hia group believes the Hare Krishna re- ll1lou1 sect ls a cult th•t WOflbiPI "a beatbeo Sod," but actnowled1ed one church member m1lbt bave cone too far. He aald the church member "touched" a YOUDI Krishna de· v~tee and be1an apeaklng an ton1uea. . "We've aft'Md not to do that anymore,'.,.-be aald. "We'll behave oune.1"9. •• Gordoa laid freedom of re- llatoo ta "UDfortuDate" because llll abuMd. "W• ftel tbe public bu a rllbt to th• nowl~ the Bt6le teacbel about Yk>ral traits ot tJMiel poupe, ., be laid. SAN DIKOO (AP> -"Jun t.ep e __. I 'el!~' 1.Ued • JOU1 ma Won paunlinc to bis ·•• trom ..... lltb floor of a downtown llUtlai ww.r. Poltoe fdaUtf ed llJm rrom papers CID tbt ~ U Robert 0 . Rol!IMI, aa, ol lc:oU City, Kan. An otn r, RJek S1mmou1 •aid be trMid ·~ talk him out or Jt for U mlnuta before be JwnMd ..• JM tOld me ooWd DOt ftDd • ~ IMl oObod.y *Id ' blnld&b...~ • commander for airport security. said one or hls officers wu try mg to issue a citation to a cab driver when the cabby suddenly rolled up the window on the of. ricer's arm and bit the ac· celerator Costigan said lhe officer was off work for two days wtth in junes The cabby was arrested for assault oo a peace otticer. Two or three security offioers a day are being assaulted by motorists who don't even offer as much as a bah humbug to thear victims, Coetigan said. During peat periods, omcen impound an avera1e of one ftbi. cle every 10 minutea. !!ven one t1aJ retndeer would have bad problems weddDI between cars on Avl8tlon Boulevard over the weekend. Some travelers use airport secunty as valet parking. Aft.er the $28 towing fee, the $10-a-day charge for storage is the same as the daily rate for long.term parking. And there is an advan tage -the cars are kept m locked lots, Costigan sa1d. Al t he stll 1 uncrowded Burbank airport, security or f1cers are unable to issue cilJl lions and must call the police, said ch1er or security Vernon Brown. So far. Burbank travelers have been friendly, Brown said "It seems like they come straight from the bars." be added. Ontario International Airport 1s begmrung lo show signs of the times. a spokesman said. Airport officials suggested travelers leave earlier than usual for their hollday coo.nee· lions. Al Burbank, Brown recom· mends leavina 45 minutes early, but for Los Angeles lnt.erna· tion•l. Costigan said people should plan to leave two hours ahead of llme Each bomeownn' II MMinl compmaalOl'J dama1ea to be de- cided bJ the coart and l500,000 m puDJth'e ct.amaga. Ownen ot aewra1 Sf&S.buill homes m Golden West Eat.al.es m HunUDgt.on Beadl, c1Uni 5imilar problems, pttVlOUlly filed• S300 million dam.ale swt aaaimt the firm Woman Raped at Knifepoint The company bu liAce flied two defamation lawsuJts against its detractors Tbe suits claim the homeowners are making false llatement.a about the com· pany's product A lJ.yeu-old Diamond Bar woman was raped at knifepomt Sund•Y 1n a Fountain Valley Company officials bave said firm where she worked. they have made efforts to cor· Pohce s.aMi a man, described rect the alleged leaks. as black with medium ten'°' Other defeodanu Hmed in Alro-style hair. a beard and a Friday's actioo a.re Sbapell lD· mustacbe, entered the business duatne. 1oc Sbapeu L&Dd eo. •hen• warted aJoM in tho and tndlvtcsUts wbo 10ld Dai ... ~ part ol tbe city af bomes to tbe curreat owners. U :ts a.Ill. 1 The woman told omcers the Housing Talk Scheduled For Irvine Housing m Russia. China and European countnes wlll be e.x· a m1ned Wednesday dunn& a luncheon sponsored by the Cowl c1l for Environment, Employ ment and Economic Develop. ment<CEEED The luncheon. open to the public. wtll be held at nooo at the Registry Hot.el in lJ'Vlne. Ray Wat.soo. former Irvine Company pre5ident and a pnnci· pal in the Newport Development Company wtll talk about housing in the Soviet Union Herb Tobin . builder and author of "Housing is Such a Bargain Now." will discuss housing styles in commumst China Gilbert Ferguson. CEEED ex· ecutive chreclor, wtll talk about housmg in Europe. Luncheon tickets are $5. Reservauons may be made by calling CEEED. 644-9000 man pulled a switchblade kni!e from bis pocket aad demanded money after wa.1.bne through the front door. She told tum there was none In the store and offered "a few dollars" from her own purse Officers said the assailant declined the money and forced the woman to a restroom at lbe ru r ol the shop There he told her to disrobe. threatened her hfe and raped her. police said The attacker then forced lus vicllm to face the restroom waU and walked from lhe bwldmg, pohceS&d. The woman was later taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital. examined and re- leased. police said Many Subpoenaed . ASPEN. Colo <AP > -Dozens of subpoena have been served on past and present officials of thJ.S wtnter resort area in a federal investigation or alleged drug viol•tiooa, authorities say. 1be investigation also includes possi- ble corruption among city of ficials. •ccordina to Mayor Herman Edel spiritczd classics ... our traditional soft sOOulder ~coats. tbz. perOzct addition to a men's iwardrobi. cleee1c~in ~,oliw.s, mid.Qr¢Ya. - • CoalllJ, LAii' • .,.. p ft& of the Ortnc• Count.y ._.. eme-. iao. MJ4 tbllr tlDh unual beneftt. U. Qa1lbml CndMltPt c.e.t. And U.., •erm't bi • n· cant storefront any more. They were in the Grand Ballroom of the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Luminaries from every sector of Orange County Ure were gathered for a musical Christmas tnbute that is clearly a highlight of the sea.son. And al tbe same time they were fillin1 the cotfers for the future music cent.er. ' That center now hu something solid to base tbe hopes on -a five-acre parcel in Costa Me11.'1 South Coast Plua Town Cent.er, made available throlgb auspices o( the Segentrom f amlly THE CHalSTMAS PROG&AM itael.( was outstanding, with Carmen Dragon and the California Pop& Orchestra, guest star Edie Adams and a whole bunch of ablolut.ely amazing Younest.en. One eroup, known as the Suzuki Strings out of the Tor ranee Untfted Scbool .Diltrtct. wu compoeed ot Yiolln.lata, I to 12 yeasa old..,_..-. aoalcl U.. -. Gina. ,,._,. were Miioul. Very, v61')' aerloul, at thy delJ&htecl the u- sembly with thelt mu.Ueal offerings. Aootber youth IJ'OUP on the program ls known as tbe California Boys Choir, 30 choirboys ranging in aee from 9 to 16. NOT ONLY WAS TBEIB singing a delight but you had t.o wonder where in the world did they gather such a diverse variety or young faces'> They looked like they'd been cast out of a Charles Dickens novel. At any moment, you expected the Artful Dodger to appear on staae and cry, "<11cay, lada, back to tbe streets ... " In all, it wu a marvelous Christmas concert and all tbe vohmteer workers are due congratulations. Now. look· ing ahead, the Music Cent.er people 1till have their wort cut out for them. They must raise $50 million t.o build the complex. But there ia comfort in bow far they've come ao far. After all, they area 't in a vacant storefront any more. Skier Hits Tree, Killed ... KEYSTONE, Colo. (AP> - Everett Wayne Price, 50, or Phoenix, Ariz.. wu fatally in- jured when he struck a tree while skiini on Keystone Moun· t.ln, a spokesman for Keystone Lodge reported. A lodge spokesman said Price was round on an intermediate slope. Ski patrol attempts to re- vive him failed and be was pro- nounced dead at Snake River Family Health Center. Price's death was tbe second recorded this season on Colorado slcl slopes. I •......a: MQJ,JON doUan In ftH ....U, I WU, la qulte IOOd. l dm"t lmow fto .... bu Clone It." aaJ4Smttb, wbo eddied he bu not made a "deftnitive cheek" ot tbl boob. Smttll attend tail -ttmete al a reception bo9ted by Ethel Jtm. nedy, the widow of Kennedy's late brotbll' Robert. A family friend 1'bo cqanlsld t.be ewat. aald moret.ban400penau bocCbt tl.OOOticUta. Smitb predicted Kennedy would wtD tbe oominatioa. but refuMd to predict victory in next month'• Iowa caucuaea. Ken- nedy bat uld tbe precinct caucUleS Jan. 21 acrou the state will provide the tint real teat between bimaelf and Prwideol Carter in their strual• for the nomination. KENNEDY ALREADY bas made several villts to Iowa, and is returning there thJ.a week dw'· ing a six-day campaign trip tUt also includes atoo6 in lllinois, Wisconsin. Maine, New Hamp&bi.re and Masaacbuaetta. The even.log at Ethel Ken- nedy's Hickory Hill estate in suburban Vlratnia capped a bee· Uc period ol fund-raising for Kennedy, who ralsed mooey last week in Chicago, Boston, Miami, Saa Fraaclaco, Los An&eles and St.. Louis. The Masaacbuaetta senator was accompanied by hh wife. Joan. who alao made several campaign stops Jut week. G tJ EST8 SIPPED DRINKS and ate hon d 'oeuvrea while a tbree-plece combo provided mualc. Tbe famlJr Cbriltmu tteewu...,,.,.latbtlhtlf room. deconlted prtma.rilJ' wttit teddy bears. An overslled televlaioo screen wu aet up in one room so suests could watch the final minutes ot a pro- tesaionaJ football game bet~ the Wa.sbincton Red.aklna and Dallas Cowboys. Perbap& mindtul of the away held by professional tootball ln the nation's capltal, Kennedy waited until tbe game was over before speakinl very briefly. PaoaADONG SUCCESS for b.11 fu.od·ralalng efforts. be said, "We've achieved our 1oall and we've bad an excelJeot response." He said the money raised ao far would "permit us · to carry tbia campaign on throu&h the first third of the primary and caucus st.tea." He did not elaborate, but Smith said lat.er Kennedy would resume fund·ral1tn1 after the first of the year. In its most recent report, flied Oct. 10, Carter's re·elecUon campaign reported lt bad raised $2.4 million. Much of U.S. Freezing Snow, Rain Splattering to East Coast HI ~ P'rlC ., 10 60 10 ., 10 '1 ,. SI 77 SJ 2S .CW 10 0 .. 2' Si • .It 41 1' .14 st ,. .., •U J7 J ... .S II 4S ,. ·" 4J ti ., " • 11 .tt 11 4 ..... s 4 ·21• .... gr-. .. " ..... ., ... .: ;f .., oei ... Cit, °"'* .. .. .....~,... 11 1 -... ..... .._ ... , ~ .. . --• tt SLLM!t " : . 1:ua 3., -= 1'" ..... • ·t ............... I.., 'NM -" ... ,, . • Wgger Marke& Sllare Low Tar-Nicotine Cigarettes Expand ud '*"-~-.-.. meat. Bat maauflda:a •• ol 9ow· tar .,,... oftm make ... flDd. lDp tlle heedliMs ol di* ... u1in1 the reaultl H 1e1Uo1 polDta. WASHINGTON CAP> - Cicarettes with low tar and nicotine contents bave--riMD to more than half the brand& oo the market for the first Ume, the Federal Trade Commlaalon aaya. An rrc report of teats oo 11a Tar II \be.~ lD elpnCte brands, released Sunday. smoke tbat procnatel caw, AC· showed 103 having lesa than a eordina to tbe NaUoaa.I Caneer milli1rams of tar and 101 bavtn.i~ loautute. Nieotiae is a poboft leu than one mtlll1ram"'"Or' aad. became It la a powerful oicotloe. Tbese aft the two ele-rtimalaal lD small doMI. la a ments aclentiata aay can cause prime tuaped u a cause of lung cancer and heart attacks. heart attaclta. scwernment of. The nwnber of k>w·tar brands. ficiall uy. which accordang to lnctuatry The brand ranked nest in standards have no more than lS both tar and ·a1eotine was mUllerams of tar. now at.anda at Carlton wtth 0.2 miW1ram tar 59 percent. Tb1a Is up from tbe 40 and O.°' mUU1ram nlc:ollae. percent reported by the FTC last year and 31 percent ln lm. ~ batb IDalUN"MIU Tbe m meauremeata. re-..... Ovall kill8 •iJe wtt.b quired ln citantte ad .. rti.M· 29.8 crama tar and 2.37 menta. often are put m ftDe prtot mtJ.u,nun. llkotine. L&XINOTOJll, &1. (AP) - Clark CO~nt1 lberlff Lam La•IOD .. AJDOlll &lie ftrll to nacb &bi awb llte GI •· hfta. =~~'::W.": tenM "OW• -... for tbe ..... Ylc:UIDI IDl'ldl. ''Tiie a1ra'aft wu ID fJamM ..... arrtftd at tbe .... ll'beN •• DO Waf We eoaJd .. 1MU lt uab1 !be ftN trucb ll't bere. •• 1aJd Lawton. ..,,.... w .. a'tr£ dN1 we coakl do at tbat '' The beraft Queellalr ,. po~ •a route to Atlau, er Suoday nllbt lbardr afte1' taUott ~ Lntqtm·1 &lue Graa l\eld. 1t »lowed ts 1ants down a aat.11 lloplnc htd OU u.t farm of JRMe Smltb, 1eau.rtnc ctebrtl 1n tu wau aDd eomiq to i.t u,,.lde down Mar aereet. La•IOO said tan1tl1ator1 would trJ today to ct.t.rmlae •bethel' the aircraft struck a barn at the top of tbe bill. F\reftp_.,., CM\ A.Ir Patrol and Cla.rtE County Ambulance Senlce personnel workei In numbia1 cold to remove the bodies. which were taken to the Univen&ty cl Kentucky Medical Center for identification bJ a foreut_c S-tboJocist. • Joe Sptveaa, en air tnffte coo- troller at Blue or ... Field. u.kl a fll&bl plan called for tbe plane to eany lix penona to At!anta. Clark County Coroner E . L. F.dc· la1ton .Ir. eonflrmed seven penom were. aboard. "One ... probably a C!'blld," Edctncton u.id. ··1 could tell two were adult males, but the doctor w\11 have to IO further on that. They~ bu.med too badly." An eyewltneu, Thomas K mdler. Uld the aircraft's engJ.DeS were .. making a atranae noise" sbortJy before tbe crash. ·• tt circled oveT' our farm and sort ot made a loop and headed back toward Lexmgton." 1a1d Kindltt "At that ume 1 it started lostn1 altitude. It looced like 1t was loolan& for a place t.o land. . "It k>oked like It was only in tbe ur five more aeconda after ..... it IJO °"" tbe bill. ,,_, we saw • big na.sh . . • There WU JlDt a big bunt of flames and ll ht up the whole sty." Celebtata The Senses! Surround Her With Spirited Cavakt Perfume by Faberge France .. Cavale says new things about you, about her. A contemporary French perfume that's defiantly romantic, ardently independent. The fragrance of field flowers crisped with top notes of lemon and'orange. dehcate touches of herbs warmed with .cypress, patchouli and oakmoss. May we suggest: Cavale Perfume in s1lverplate purse flacon, hinged and fastened with a tewe\er's chain, Y, oz. 60.00. Eau de Toilette. 2 oz. 20.00. 4 oz. 30.00. 6 oz. 40.00. Eao de Toilette Non·Aer<>Wrav. 4 oz. 30.00. Eau de Toilette Purse Spray •. 4 oz. 10.00. Cosmetics. Sales tax and deltvery charges. beyond our local United ParoeC detivery area, will be added to tetephone and mail orders. • ' 1 t Nezt Step la lt'•ter Bed ln•ol~? DEAR PAT: I sent a check and order form to Mua Marketina Association in North Hollywood for some "water bed" insoles. I waited until Sept 18 and then wrote a letter to the company pointing oQt. that my cbect had been cashed Aug. 14 and no mercharvUse was received. I also stated that the Federal Trade Commission rules require that if no date for shipment is included in an advert.Jsement shipment must be made within 30 days or receipt o( the order or a customer must be informed and offered a choice of a refund or cancellation of the order. I didn't even receive the courtesy or a reply, let alone any merchandise • JG .. Irvine M ... Martdiag Asaocialioa ls sending your order Immediately. Tlae castomer service reprHMia&he aa1• a "delayed delivery" ~ant was malled No.. ZS, bat eve11 duat ls far beyond tbe 31-day F'l'C BOtlftcadon deadlJ.ne. The aeller also ls reqldred te la.aft a "reuoaable basis for claims" aboal lhlpptas times. A bayer's fallare to res,_. to a Miler'• Mdee ol delayed delivery and~ to HMll!i ..W be ~reel ciomeat to a »4aJ dela1. ,._ dela711 laqer lb.a dual, tlle Hyer mlllt the ... aprw e•1 !•C U ,_ wat to f.U.. 11P wffla • ~ .................... ,.,.... c. ... •IAlla. 9elld JOlll' let&er to JIM Wlbla1re Bl•d., ... ,. ... lllM.. ~ Reirie.,~d Fro• Fiie• DEAR PAT: A few years ago the sour cream Industry placed a free pamphlet m the dairy sec· lion of our local markets promollllg the use of "real" sour cream rather than 1m1talton products. One of the recipes in the pamphlet, "Broccoli Bisque," became a family favonte. However, the recipe fell down between my kitchen counter back and the wall. It's ab6olutely irretrievable! ls there any way to get another copy of this recipe? N.R., Newport Beach. It look 10me doing, but another copy ls In tbe mall for )'OU from die Milk Adrisory Board. OUMa11 G .. 11,, D••r Lerlc• DEAR PAT: A few months ago the mortise lock on my bedroom door began to act balky I squirted some household oU into both sides of the keyhole. It worked for awhile, but is beginning to show signs of sticking again. Is there something else to fix this other than 011? K.D., Newport Beach Try blo-1a1 some powdered graphite or 1lmlla.r prodad blio &lie keJboJe. OU aomeUmes re1&orM a lock &o workiac order but later will CHM I& to cJoc apba. U p-apidte doeu't work, f'e· mon &be led In• &lie 4loor ud dleek I& for mecllulcal defeda. U It appean aD rtpt, IOak die lock .. ..um tlda9er or mllleral IPlrt&a for a few bosl. •att aaW It la thoroa&blY dry, &Mil me tile 1rapldte. , 1luman Cliain 'Eormedt ro Make ReieiUI Brewster, a 7-year-old St. Bernard, relaxes with Santa hat and four 7·week-old puppies spilling out of his toy baJ at a Salinas pet store. The dog apparently enjoys playing Santa for other store pets and ls protective of the smaller ones. owner Tiffany Worthy says. .• A 808PITAL spoketwoman, tald, "It wU1 take boun jmt to 1et that Raff off him.'' Police apokamu set. Jim IUcbart Ndd Bem1 WU aPDUeDtlJ trylni to ldD bl.lnHlf when be al· tered t6e 30-foOt-d.lameter p6t.. ooe ol the amal1est at ti.e =· The tar pita bave preserved the bona ol rlc diDOHW'I. "He Ult Jumped in." Rldwt said my TOLD flreftlbten be wu snteful that they bad lrftCI bis life, 1aid fire department spokesman Yartln Gana. He wu about 10 feet from the edge ol a pit when rescued. "Just bl.a f~ce and forehead were sbowtne." Gana said. "We don't know bow be 1ot in. He bad to climb a fence." Gasoline Supply 0 K SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -Guohne Will be re· adily available during the Christmas holiday. but will coet nearly half again u much as a year .ago the Califorrua Slate Automobile AMoclatioo aaid 00: day. 11-month Lettuce Action Ends LOS 'XMGELES <AP> -A.a ll·mootb United Farm Workers' lettuce slrike_-.•i!'-'t an Imperial Valley grower, one of the ori&UW Waeta ol the U FW, has been settled. the farm union says. UFW spokesman Marc Grossman laid Sunday a tentative agreement was reached wttb Admiral Packing Co. during a late night aesskJD wttb a pair of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s key aides. Grouman said ta.lk.s were still COO· llnuing inte rmittently (r-------J w 1 t h o t b e r s t r u c k ST ATE growe r s. but that Brown's office was not ---------J Involved in those. ''This ls a sign du.ring this holiday se.uon that we seek peace in t.be fields,•• Grossman aald in a telephone interview from UFW headquarters in Keene. "It shows that pride and hostility muat be put aside so that we can reach agreements." PA.SA.DENA (AP) -Scientists have SUC· ceeded in re-eatabUshtnc two-way radk> contact with~ Voyager 1spaeecrduit1peedl toward it.a rendezvous wttb &Mam mat NOYemblE.. .. We bave re-establlabed eoetaet with the spacecraft .• Now the trick ls to find out what bap~" Frank artatuw ol tM Jet Propcalaio9 Laboratcl'y aakl SaDdaJ. Rdbaertf Fl~ DelUH PARAMOUNT CAP> -Leaking naphtha at the Douglas Oil Co refinery ignited and burst into Yule Tree Clerk Shoots 'Prisoner' FR~O CAJ» -A woman employee at a Christmas tree fot here was arrested alter shoot· ing a man J.o the leg when be be8an to flee after she caught him allegedly~ to steal a tree. Officers said Aolla Susan Hull, 33, of Caruthers, spotted three men trying to steal a tree from the lot Sunday and held one ot them al IUD· point while other employees called police. The man, identified as Randy Leroy Stohl, 30, of Fresno, began to take otf, police said, so lb. Hull fired three shot.a from a .357·mapum re· vol ver -ooe into the air, one Lato the ground and one into Stobl's left leg. She was booked for lnvtttie•Hoo of auault with a deadly weapoo. Stohl was hoapitaliied wWa shattered bones and was reported in fair cooctttion A spokesman for die lot said at leut six ~bristmas trees have been stolm since 'l'banksliv· mg. names Sunday. but fire officials said the names were extinguiabed within minutes Capt. Al Moore aaid tbe naphtha. a petroleum distillate usually med u a IOlveat. backed up in&o the plant'• Oare, fueliq a brtlll.ant flame and send· ing demeamoke into the air. f.••••rlc Dntr99H PALMDALE <AP> -The 87·year-old Pearland Hotel hu been destroyed by a fire that forced the evacuation of 12 occupants. About 25 county firefighters fought the blue wblcb broke out in the lobby late Saturday rupt. Damaee to the building, which bad been ~lared a historical landmark, was placed at $130,000. and content.a bl were estimated at $20,000 reat ift Idea B-Mhnell lnata-Focua• ••. thenewtocus fNture that lets rou klenllfr fast mowing ection ,,,.,.,,,,,, 84.l*to~ s1andatds with precision craftsmanship and optical auperionty. The YfKY fines1 in distincWe binoculars. Other models av.Cl· able. Comee oomp4etl with retractabte eyepieces, lens caps, necll 1trap, and a deluxe case. ............... 3121 EA.8T C0.'8T HWV CORONA DSL MAR I ""'1. 67.J 4670 I ~ ' f . , • ,. Right, for Once The Iranian militants <also kno~ as "students"> hoJding our hostages in Tehran produce far-out rhetoric on almost a daily basil. But last week one of their sup- portive publications inadvertently hit the nail on the head. t>enouncing Seo. Edward Kennedy after hi.a dis- avowal of a n obviously fake letter 1upportin1 the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the newspaper lllamlc Republic said, "It would be dangerous for the Iranian na- tion to think there is any difference between Kennedy and Carter." Dam right there isn't, l! the paper la suggesting that Carter and iGnnedy share the same views of Iran's ob- scene breach of international law in invading an embass) and holding hostages It probably was going a bit far to describe Kennedy as a "friend of Carter.·' And stating flatly that the 1953 coup that overthrew Premier Mossadel(h and returned the shah to power as "initiated and planned by Edward Kennedy 's group'' was really distorting history .. But insofar as opinion on Iran's current maneuvers goes, if the man in the White House now were Ford, Nix· on, Johnson, or Just about any other president we can think of, there'd ·still be "no difference." And it's time the Iranian nation got the message Marines on Job The Marine Corps Air Reserve haa done lt again. The Reserve's Marine Aircraft Group 46 at El Toro rounded op more than 4,000 new toys for this year's Toys for Tots drive in a single day's celebration at the Tustin Marine Corps Helicopter Station. The toys, as usual. will be distributed to needy yo<lllgsters in time for Christmas. The unusual celebration was highlighted by a 10- kilometer Toys for Tots run. More than 480 runners paid $5 apiece to participate, the money going to buy toys. · A demonstration of radio-controlled aircraft and a helicopter display also attracted a sizable number of vis- itors, each donating a new toy as the price of admission. Four thousand toys may sound like a lot, but the Marines have a lot of youngsters on their Christmas Ust. Those who want to help should look for the Toys for Tots collection barrels dotted around the county in shop- ping centers, banks, fire stations and· various business of. fices. A call to Group 46 at 559-2727 will bring exact in- formation on the location of barrels in your community. • Opinions expressed In the apace above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views expreaaed on this page are thole of their authors and art1st1. Reader comment 11 Invited. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642~1 . Boyd/Mr. President B7LK.BOYD Tbere wH aome debate over bow to addre111 the Prealdent of the United St.at" at the time of George Waah1Dston'• lnau1uraUon. The Senate wanted him to be called Hh Hi1bne11. WHbln1ton aald be pre- ferred Illa MlpUnesa. But Juat tbe word Prealdent aened untn Tbomaa Jef- fuson dedd4MS Mr. Pl'ealdenl had more 41anfty. tn the capltal of Malaysia, Kuai. Lumpur, you can be sent to Jlil for Uuvwto1 a ct1arette butt iftto the street. Tb.tr IDtl-Uuerlna laww are find. ~ A nra1• area of tbe so 1tate1ll72.JIZ tquare miles. Dear Gloomy . Gu8 That state that moet nearly approacbea the avera1e la North Dakota wltb 70,865 square miles. The proposal to Ue totether the decontrol of oil to a so-ca Ued w1odf all profit• tax calls to mind an obeervaUon by David Lloyd Geor1e: "Tbe moat dangeroua th.in& lo the world I.a to leap a chum in two jumps." What waa needed by tbe U.S. Army durinl WoTJd War JI wu a rank comparable to lleld manbal. But the man deal'1Ulted for that rank wu Gen. George C. Manball. He aaid empb.aUcalb' be would not be addreNed u MIJ'lhal Maraball. So the field marabal rank wu put ulde. And tbe army Sot lta ftnt nve-•tar aeneral. Blank poaten adonl the walll of at leut 10 ot Lcl:t· don•• train 1t.at1001. Aa4l. bao1lnl OD a eOi'd Uom tlcb blank po9ta' II a felt-ti~ pa. AD accosnmOdatiola I• tbe 1ratl1U writen. Ltttl• tat.a. untortunatalJ. wan. lD London train •talion• ._,. alreact;, a meu. So JoU waot ~ "°" bit*· 1ook1Da _.... do '"' All rt,iit; bllr1 a ~eu lilll • two -DO IDOl"f U.U tlatet -attbebilMate.da_..U. CONNALLY purports to be my1Ufted at the perceptioo that be la the candidate of Bil Buai- oeaa. "I am concerned about . . . the picture of me u a rtcb man'a candidate," be saya. •'The idea that I ·~ the tool of Earl Waters • A ,.., bdort tile electioG. CooaaUr bad rahed a ~ N..1 lllloo for b1t ~••,..,., dUe malnly to UM auf ... o1:.ag BuliMI• aac1 s11 Ol . ly eomparlton. bl• R~pablltaD rt.al, Ronald Rea1aa. bad collected H .t mllllcDSua ~y Carter bad ra1M4 • O.ptta Ccwrwlb''• c1alml d ''baJGDe7.•• 1t•• DO MCret tbal tbe baam.i9 eomman11y ecimtden ~ tW.rmu. At• bu- :;: Ill 'New Yett Qty, • d tbe a kM OOiPCll ate fat cat.a lD tbe COWW"J wen aQd wbo~ •ere~ for p E•91'J oae named 0.. nall'-. (t I al9o DO teem wby Comial- IJ bu been able to milk tbe boarctroom. IO auccenfuD,. Ht bu promlaed buainaamen that lbey would have "a friend ln the White Houle" if be'• elected. More specifically. be bu apoken out in lavor of lurnin& the ant.i- truat •Latules -already pretty much~ a paper ti1er -lmo a thoroughly tame pussycat. He aJao opposes the law that forbids U S ~IJ>es$men from brtbing foreign ~fklaia. on grounds that the ban puts American busl- -0e11men al a competllJvt di.lad vantage ~ . I Tb• luue of corporate biibery, d coane, bU ~ID Coa.llilb"• pMt.. lie wu ledlcte4 u.oaib......., ~-= tor 611 mvoaftllMllt ID:t,;· milk fund Kaadal durtartbe Nlson adm••waUon. Altbouab be tot out ol &ha ' partJeular quld·pn>quo Pl'*lea- m eot. Connally baa proflte4 from b1I put performance - and bl• future promlae. A• aecntarJ d tbe tnUW')' Under Richard N'b.oa, Cmull.y pUlbed 1ucceutull1 for tbe ~ milHoia loan tbat balled out tbe Lockbeed CorpW&t:loll. Not 1w- prl1lo'11. tbe Teuo•1 fu4' ralMn ..,. blelled wltb the maximum $1.000 cootributloD from Lockheed'• board cbairm.l.D, BOJ Andel'IOG. Connally'• rhe from a barefoot boy lo Plorel'fille. Ta- ... to weahb ud lnflueoee lo Aust.lo end WubiqtoD b8id a certaln Horatio Aller flavor -it ... accompUJbed..larply on the coattails of two powerful patrom. Lyndon Jobnaon and Texas oilman Ski Richardson. Jobnaon lau1bt him bow to wheel and deal lo politics; · R1cbant.oo made him wealthy by hirin& him u b1a attorney. THOUGH CONNALLY now makes little attempt to ma.at bis obvi0ut affinity with the money boya, It wu not always that way When be wu 1ovemor d Texaa. be dalled that be wu re- cel •ln1 any money from tbe Rlcbanboa eatate. The fact d lb• matter. when fl.nally brou&hl out, wu that be bad rettlved lhe bulk d a $750,000 executor's fee from t.be est.a~ wblle be was s1tUn1 lo lhe governor's chair. Connally'a Bil Bualneaa con- neclJon.s have proved valuable when It comee to fundraillng for hla presidential bid Whether they'll go down with the wt.en remains to M seen An even bluer question 1s whetbe-r bi.a profit.able linU to the Arab oU mogu.la -which .._ we·u detail U'I a future column - will prove too bitter a pill to be swallowed by an American public outraaed at the f1nanctal ml.aery and naOooaJ bumil1atloa lhe United St.at.es bu be-.~­ fenn1 at the band.a d lhe Middle Eaa~m pell'Oleum pot.enut.es. Inept Legislation Generates Initiatives Apparent aiaaatlafaction with the Lelialature'1 unwilllngneu or inability to act oo numerous ilauea bu produced a bumper crop of initiatives. Al the la.at count papen for 36 proposals bad been taken out by Pf'OPC>- nenta, UUed and summarized by the attoroey general. and placed lo circulation for signatures. One. the Gann tax limitation, baa already been voted upoo and paaaed earlier t.bU month. The ln.lllallve, which livef citizens direct legislaliv£ powers. waa a major achievement of Calif - ornia's ,real reform 1ov- emor, Hiram Johnson . SlOC9' it• adoption lo 1911 by an overwbelm- int 8 to 1 vote, a total of 435 pett. tiona have been taken out. However, the mere drawtna up of the papen does not in n..lf make a b9Uot propQlltlon. Tbe nut atep la to 1atber tbe Sydney Barria tbouaanda or signatures necessary to qualify It for a place on the baUot. AT PRESENT this requitta 346.000 signens for a statutory In· itiallve and s:J0,000 for con atitutional provlalon. That num her may appear sta11ertne itself but ln actuality proponents mual gatlwf' many more to as sure acceptance, because of dis quallrtcatlons by officials of slenatures for various reasons Furthermore, the 1l1nature gath.ertn1 must be dooe within a specified time period wbkb, un- der C\11Te'Dl law, la 150 daya. The huie numben needed to qualify and the relatively abort time to do so ti.a MTVed to curb thla graaa roota lawma1tln1. On- ly 38 percent of all propoelUons reached the ~Uot. Of the cur· rent crop of 38 leu than hall are 1till In drculation. TR081! THAT aucceaafully complete the alpature 1alber- in1 by the end of January wtU find 1 place on t.M June ballot. Otbens. lncludlac whatever new onea may yet appfU. have until the end of JUDe to qualify fOf' next November s eeneral el~ lion As the laking out or 1nitlaUve papers la no certainty that a pro- position wiU reach the voten. neither la the qualification ol the petition any fuaranlee that the proposal wit become law lo !act. chances are all aeainst lawmaking in thu fashion Tbroua:hout the S7 years smce initiatives first appeared on the California ballot, only 48 have been approved. lesa than 30 per- ~t of the total voted upon proposals allhoueh they have twice mana1ed to place 10 before the vot.en. once in ·1934 and •lain in ur73. Of the propoaa ls now in circulation three would alter the Income tax. Most notable of those la the new Jarvh initiative which propoees to cul the tax lo half. Another propo1ea wide open 1ambUn1 in two zoned areas. one being Adelan~ lo San, Bernardino County and the other JacklOD, Amador County where voten UU. mooth rejected the· idea in a straw ballot. There are alao two educational •oucber plans. Another atill being drcuiat.d la a renewed auempt to l .. alla! marijuana. OBVIOUSLY, the voters do not approach lawmattn1 lltht.ly and are not tn favor of wholesale approval of baUot propositions The blchest number ever placed on lhe ballot ln any one year was A PROPOSAL to eliminate 17 in 1914. Maybe the votera closln1 houri for bars bu ~ were lolrliue<f with the novelty abancbaed. Perbapa it.a apooaor of lhe lrocess. Still, they only foed too many people ln agree-r a vore stx of the measures menl wttb the Sena~·s former and that la t.be moat ever adopt. -IN•t leader, HU1h M. Bums; ed in one elecUon altbou~ that who. when asked for bil views record was equalled in 1934. oo llquor-c&ol.lq bounl, 1aJd: The most alnce approved ln "I Ud.nk we abould cloee all one year wu three, occurrtne the aaloom at 12 o'clock every both in 1983 and ln 1W73, but pro-ni1bt. AAy S.O.B. that can't &et ponenta have not alnce come drunk by mJdnlabt Juat aln't try- cloee to the 1914 tot.al of ballot tn1. " Nv•••ovs co•aa bnaabn. ~air plaa aAd eoid cream Jlll'I •uaiest "ln a ~. ver1 PNllmlaary way" tb1t Pl'OIUtutel Uved on tbe 1lte, 1Q. 1t.nactGr DaYid Abrama Hid lD ID inleMlw. But Abra.ma U71 tM dia la allo PIVWid1u a lllnlftcaat loot at boW earl1 Sacramento aocMe;y operated. " ••. 1bele were women wbo were landowners and 1table raidentl. People tend to be .un· appredative ol women'• rolel lD the. early put of Sacramento. But IOme of tbilH r.'°'ti~ were economically mportant They ftl"e entrepreoeun." EA&LY SACaAMENTO citizena "were tolerant of pn>e· Utution and tolerant of the women.'' Abramacootinued. Perfume bott* from Paris, mustard Jan from Bordeaux, tableware from England, exotic wine bottles and olive oil coo- tainerw bave all been unearthed at tbe site. Another find was a bone-white bowl whose Ud proclaimed it once contained cherry-flavored toothpaste manufactured ln Bri- tain by appointment of Her Ma- jesty Queen Victoria. THE DIGGING 18 taking place under tbe Enter=e Hotel, a loal·vacant 1887 • 1q acbeduled for rehabllltatioo into Nltauranta and shops. City directories of the day and census reports indicate that several proelitutes lived 1n two 21-foot bouael, with a t1n shop tn between. Tb• emaua Hated tbeiJ' pro-feeaton. "Earty. they were frank. TbeJ med tbe word proetitute. 'l'beJ. became more eir'eumspect lD tbe 1870., 11.atin& perbape only a let- ter P . Later they used euphemisms, we suspect. such as. seamstress or dressmaker," Abrams said. IN THE 1880 census, Johana Heigel. who owned one house in the al-ea, was Hated as "courtesan." Former slave Matilda Roberts from Virginia competed two doors from M1 . Heigel in a house owned by Mary Gregory, who owned several properties tn early Sacramento. The houses were on the banks of the Sacramento River where sailln& ships linked the Mother Lode \lrith the rest or the western world. Abrams said the houses were between the buslness sec- tion or town to the aouth and Chinese section to the north \laming Given on Sausage ATLANTA (AP> - Christmas aauaa1e, a tradiUoaal lift amone European tmm11ranta, ii a major c1use of trlchlnosll, a dfHue at- tributed to Improperly cooked meat, the na Uonal Center for Dls- eaM CoatroJ 11)"1. &Onomist Advises . On Yule Spending LOS ANGELES <AP> -U you're aWl paytna for tbe llfta you lavished t>n famlly and frienda lut Cbriatmu, Dr. llauriee Goud.naard baa some advice for you. Gouchwaard, a11oelate profe11or of flHaee aDd bulDffl economics at the Uahenity of California, aa11 aome lhnple arithmetic done before you draw op your gift list can eliminate a ( J lot ot worrytna next year. -· __ ro_N_s_v._ME __ R __ unGUaE OVT YOU& mon- thly income," advhea Goudzwaard. ··From that total, deduct your basic espeues - mortgap payment, electric bW and so oo -and arrive at a number called 'dlapoHble ln· come,• or what's left over. Allow no more than 80 to 70 pereent of your dllposable income for de)lt repaymeoL" For ex.ample, if your dlapoea- ble income is $400 a month. no more than $280 of lt ahould be Expert Tells How to Deal With lmults LINCOLN, Mass. <AP> -The next time someone burls an in- sult your way, don't get mad. Don't even &et even. Analyze, says psycbololi•t Mardell S. Grothe, who, with b1a partner, Peter B Wylie, bolda one-day insult-anawerlne seminars at $4.S per ticket. Grothe says leaminc bow to deal with lnaults is u aimple u learnii:lg to drive or play a IOOd gameolgoU. "In an hour I can teach YoU a whole variety of tecbnlquea that will stand you 1n good stead. It's a matter of practice," Grothe said lo an interview. The trick, he says, la to analyze the lnault, who said it and why. budeeted for moatbly debt re· payment wttb tbe other $120 kept uide for emeraenetea. "Don't tamper with tbe 'aafety fund• for C&rt1tma1," Wll'DI Goudrwaard. ''That IDODe7 Just milht be needed dwinl the boll· day ffllOD for tta orilinal lnteo- Uoa. Belidel, people have a ten- dency to put off repayment of aelf-lmpoeed debts." GOUDZWAA&D SAYS Cbrittmal debta ahould be paid off •1 llardl or April .. tlaat you won't ltW be ptUq bWa lD May OC' 'UDe -when ,OU ma:t •ant to bOlaw f« a Heatioa Alld be ad•I.-conaumen to ebooee who they borrow from ca.refaJl1. Credit earda are eooftldeat. say1 Goudzwaard, but are uaual- ly fairly expemive sources of credit A better choice, be says, is borrowln& from a company credit un1oo wbme maximum in- terest rate 1112 pen:eat. Banta, with interest rates of 13 percent oo penooal loam, should be the secood ebolce for borrowers, Goudzwaard aaya. Credit cards and retailen uaual- ly charge 18 percent and abouJd therefore be t.hlrd 1n line, he says. FINANCE OOllPA.NJES. says Goudz;waard, charge an averace of 21 percent annually for penooal loans and should be the conadmer's la.st choice for bor- rowlq. Ultra-Thin Dress Quartz that's ultra-fine jeWelry. From Lady Seiko. Stepp17", 1mo the ~ m a s~ wtth Jll the el~na and versatilry you could~ Wint. Style to take vou lrom cJ daytime on the town. to the nattiest ~ Yec1r ~. PJrtlt"J ' Our own wishbone )/1ne. brilliant "'bl~ patent /Nther. red Of taupe lod '88. In the Desrgner 5~ Salon -~heft: wt-Jre all t~ thmgs you are. Sifts 1ust rtght IOI you' Sell or tr..te your olCI skis fHt with ~ new Sllllng dauffled ad In tM~tyPIMl · MZ·J671 '·'"'I 111/l 1\q•llfl'I' ,11 '-•11t/1 ( '"''' f'f.111 ( C 11 1!11 111/ '''''f I ( 11•1 1 \11••.1. c 'J)t'tl \fotl(/J\ 1h111t~h ,,1turc/,1\. 1111111 It 1 \ ,._, '" 1 .11 I'\! · ~\, I I 1\ M . till 11 l'M l 1980 Wildlife Collection Calendar Bring this ad in to any Universal Savings counselor for your free 1980 calendar. lt'sjuafright for use on desk or wall. The 12 color reproductions of paintings by James Lockhart. considered by many authonttes to be the finest wildlife artist in America today, are designed for framing. Our ~style calendar includes special notes to help you plan your savings program and take advantage of Universal's many free services. Our supply is limited, so one gift per family, please. Adults only. Remember to bring this ad. ASK ABOUT OUR 26-WEEK MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES I RATES ARE QUOTED WEEKLY. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE TEST Protect your health with regular. periodic blood pressure check-ups. They're free at an Universal Savings offices during regular business hours. Now you can have real flexibility and convenience in your total savings program. Our new Univeraal Treasury Certificate lets you earn high returns baaed on U.S. Treasury rates {or as little as $100. Univenal aft'en a wide r&Dl8 of other hi&h-yield certificate accounts for the aame low $100 minimum deposit. 1bere'1 one that's just right for you. PallboOk coovenience ia youn, too, at om new high 5.50% current annual rate. Open yours today. $10 doee it. We'll tmmfer your fundl to the account of your choice at no coet to yo°' when you bdaa your passbook or maturina certificate Crom any other finendal imtitutioa. fWlllll ............. •etzts ....... .,.. J tiafor~wltwh-ftom~ 9C.'!CIOUr'G . ~ l i I I ' • 1 ~ • I SENIOR QUALIT:f ASSURANCE TECHNICIANS .. . CP-.... P..tMtl 0 TBEUBClJTOaOf"l'llSDTATawantecl MEDICAL COMPONENTS ..,, .~ ... ,... .,~~:::::.,• 10meooe to Uve here f\lll time'°~ wOu.ld CORP. ts looking for senior -;:.~ ,..:-............. ..,_ .. .._ ..... bne Iota tA affeet;loo and pata," utd UM teacher. quality assurance technicians -...._ .... MORT WRAI' .,,,0 MAIL#. wbo uted not to be ldemitled. '1Wbee I eome with experience In rnechanlcat ••••c• o• ••••••• o" inu••••.w•-"*°'-c.&e ho f ___ ..._ be' al ~l-...... __._ I Ill. .......... WTllWw..L Mne GeHlw'l'll.etJtD. me rom .... ..._, • ways UI _.,., wur Inspection and miniature v suar ........ unea • ...,._. G ..... ~··••<tt Ille •• dow, talkiDa to me throUJb th &1ua. e'• llad ot ins-uon. Must be fammar with ... ., ._,.. ..,.,.......,.. (Ml ....... ~--. -s. 0r ... the eolDPUl1. I tbh:lk... "''""' •• • .., .. n•• u•••• ••• •-.......... ca.,....'210f In hi.a lei.lure houn. tbe ~ fellne often various Inspection ptans and =-:..~~·· ........ .,.. -1::..-... .. ~--..cer. atretcbea out .on the atereo or tbe comfortable sampling attributes coupled with •••••• ......... L . w1uo"'· 0..,•~•nc . SHBRM,AN OAKS couoboratavortt.emarble.tOPPedtable. supervisory skltls. PosUlon has ~ ....... ..,0.v...... ~.~s.~ <AP)-Quw-acter actor u rtheD.1 opportunity for ·advancement. HUU•'-UMCMC .... ,...,_. ~---· Bena Doftm•• 64S, who •appears oblivious cl palntblla. ddcate b f 1 t S t • ....... .., ,...... • ... ..., .., .,,... ........... _ ,..., w11t1 .. -... lbadow boxes and little bdck.Jmacb aeattered E x c e U en t en e s . a a r Y ._...,.......,. ,....., ...., ..., c:--~ ., 0r-c-. made b1a Broadway de· around t.bebouse. But be appearat.oappnciat.etbe commWnsurate with experience. "' ...... • •-• •• ......, ......-_.,"" ---' ... but in 19" and appeared comfort of the huge old-faablooed bed ln the :'9...!:: ~·~:'.::::: =:.,ica~oowuy opposite such actreaea muter bedroom. Only thoM qualff'led can .,... .., ..._ ...-c~., .... .._ ._. .... aa Mae West and Mary Mra Babcock 581 ~·-.............. .,,....,.. .. _ .. · ~ ..... Martin durtng bia :JO.. Rm CA&ETAKD SAID BE 8llUNS the over. • <7"> ~ --... "'o.c.-.. • ""· • .._....,... O....,. c-o.i1, ""-'I. McCo.MICK MC>trTUARIH Laguna Beach 494-9415 ye a r career, d't"ed turH cl his cat nelgbbon. who come dally t.o ail on for appointment !..::.:.·:".~~.-~ !'-"'_,...,.DK>_."-·-'-'·.!!!'~ lJS~a~t~u~r~da~y~al~t~e=r~a~p=ro-:_~th=e~s~lU~of~tbe~~lti~·t~c!b~eo~wm~·~do~w~. ~~~~~~~~J;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~l!J;;:IJ c:-0rtw--. • -0 -.•s-. PUBLIC NOTICE longed illness. Charlie, being a wise critter, deftn.ltely prefers ~~"·"" ___ _ Lal• a-.u.c" er--C.......°"' PIU. Laguna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAJtla. LAW..._MT. OUYE Mortuary• Coemetery Cremat()f'Y U!2S G1sle< Ave , Costa Mesa ~5554 IAln..&GBOH """8A.L HOME 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 PllllClllOTHHS llBL llOADWA Y MOllTVA&Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42-9150 PAC.-..C YllW MIMOllALPAU Cemttery Mortuety Chapel 3500 Pacific View Onve Newport Beach 644-2700 c PUBLIC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUS eust••W flAMa STATaMllllT .;:;:...'°:!"!"I,. .--..... , ... DECO• LITE EHTE•P•ISES, 10711 PHrl SI .• Oer•• Gre¥e. Cellfonll•t2Ml. ~1""-'Mll• l11t .• ,.,.,, ....,. SC .• o.-., 0.-, Gellfomla. .0 Tlllt..,... It ~CH by• aw ......... Pff'lllMn.Mlla, lllC. Tltl• .......... -..... •"" Ille C:-ly CIW1I .. o..-.. t;euftly ... ... .,.,.,..,,,""· ~...,, ,..., .... Or-.. C.O.lt Deily Pllol ~" 17,24,11,"" ... ,_,, PtJBUC NOTICE c:p.-.J P..tmn ...cnnous eUM•ua ...... ITATUAeWT n. ........ ...,_ .......... ....... HIXSON EOUIPMEHT COM· ~AMY, tt7 f'l'DllllC ..... Pl-• ....,.,. he<ll, CellfWllle...,, ••Mf"t M. Hlaso11, Jr., 111' ••Y•"• Ori,,., eer-. .. 1 Mer. Cellf9rftle-.ZS. TIMI ...._.le mNIKllll '¥.,. ~ ......... ~M.HIGM,Jr. TMt ........ -...... """ tM C-ty a.11 .. 0r-.. c-ne, ... DK ... ,.., ~ar..o-it1D.itr ...... o.c.fllW " ,, .... "· "" .....,. CAnSTaa~ f'~au1ol•IU .._ .. .,., ~''""' ..... ' ....... ,,,....... fhe IOl-•"9 -\OM ue dolftQ .... .,. -· .. ;.e~.::. w =~1.::~':!.?~~Gc:~ ......,..,........ -.u. .. ......... Or .... C... o.ilt'...... W1lt1e"'t f! Cevert, JOIJ5 0..-0 .. ,. "" ~"' lAU< .... Drt .. ~.(.A PUBLIC NOTICE f 1-"' c-1 •JOW l.MIMl090 Drl•. l"Wr"c,t. , ... -~ .. <_, .. "' • _ .. __ ,,.. __ , c-t f-~c-''"' --~ ,,..., _,. .,. c-1. ci.n ., 0r.,.. c--, °" -·-••ov1• •ICllOW co•"" _,,_....._ , ..... CA .. ......... .,.,..... .._,_ 0.-eo.11 °""' .... Dec J, 10, "· >• ... ,.. .. 11 ,.. PUBUC NOTICE I 1 II t I j ' 36 Yean Fo~Mair · :·Delivery Cuce ..-vea \be QMJ•td htter la1i week. It .... pMtmaJ'bd Nov. 11, !MS, Cat• lied • lla~t •\amp aad uot!Mt •WN> ladiiiuiuu approval by a ceaa", a pr du.rt.De World war JL TBS A.DDaE88ES. CuoD'a wile, Catberioe, dlect In 1"11. Cuon. wbo m•t:::,• tbe U.oi versit.y ol Ha wall torel read the letter bl dilbeW. u} WU IUl"e kJat-wtnded ill tboM day1." be aald. The Jetter wu add.reued to Catherine Lubley, NNC. U.S.N., Navy 131. It waa Mnt to Judy Bqabaw, public affairs of- ficer for the Navy Exchange ol· lice at tbe Pearl Harbor Sub- ma rlne Base, wbo passed It alone to CUoo. CASON SAID BE met bis future wife at a hospital in Well· 1ngtoo, New Zealand, while he was recuperating from a trop- ical disease. Ba•ld11g Birds A pair of cormorants soak up the bright Florid.a sun- shine in Biscayne Bay near downtown Miami. Cormorants are used by Oriental fiabermen to catch fish, but Florida fiabermen prefer to do the fiahln& themselves and are content to share the sun with the birds. Glory Days Fading . In Old Mining Camp AUSTIN. Nev. <AP) -The old mining camp or Austin -once t.agged ''The Town That Died Laughing" -still lives and still l1tugh1'. But the mood in town these days is a little grimmer. Austin·s primary reason ror sur- vival -serving u the Lander Coun· ty seat -baa been stripped away and given to bustling BatUe Moun· t.ain. AUSTIN WAS BUILT on the riches of a mining strike, but a new mining boom and power plant comtrucl}oo ba\\_e boosted Battle Mouatain'• popilation to almost 4,000, almost eight times that of Austin. \VblJe Austin merchants .alp t.rom the trickle of traffic alon• U.S. 50, Battle Mountain drinks from the flood along Interstate 80 and a major east-west rail line. Lander County District Attomey George Holden s aid Battle Mountain residents just g6t tired or the cost and time or driving 92 miles to record mining claims. serve on juries or do other business The vote was almost 2· l for the move. and the state Supreme Court backed it up THE SmFr SEEMS to have hurt Austin's pride as muc h as its pocket- book. "I feel a very definite sense ol Joe.a, sort of feeling bereft," said Recorder-Auditor Estelle SaralecuJ. who sat at a desk inside the 110-year- old red brick courthouse. "It's a shame," said Sit. E.F. Mc Mullin, who heads the aberlff'a of. fice in Austin. On Dec. 10, the Nevada Supreme Court rejected Austin's request for a rehearing of the previous declslon upholding the shift. That effectively blocks further appealB. AUSTINrl'ES IN restaurants and hara around town said they still hoped to fight the move -perhaps by seceding from Lander County, perhaps by merglna with Churchill County to the weet. But County Commissioner Bert Gandolfo, an Au.tin native, said neither acUon l• likely. Mrs. S.ralegui apeed: "ID a moment of trauma. people .tll do and talk about . a lot of things," she said. Ironically. Battle Mountain wu once a railroad point for Austin's rich ores. Indeed. the county took shape mainly because of the Austin boom ln 1863-1864 Like other mlninl towns, Austln grew explosively. Silver waa dll- covered in May 1862. By the next spring. an estimated 4,000 people bad tramped into town. In September 11183, Austin became the Lander County Seat. AT ITS PEA& IN llQ.1885. Auatln waa a rowdy tdSp ol about T ,000. 'Ibe -newspaper complatnecf that ex- uberant druna aam iD UM ttreeta, Wblch alrelMIJ were DOlsy from bonee and um.fa clopplns alons with supplies and on. The town's Saruac liars Club and Ha 11 vely. often .tlcUon-filled n-ew spaper. the Reese Rl ver Reveille, prompted western writer Oscar Lewis to title his 19609 book about the fading boom town, "The Town That Died Laughing." On~ there were almost as many mining and mllling companies u people -6,000 were incorporated in three yean. Many were pure fraud. Investors bought thousands of shares in the Reese River Navt1atloo Co .. which promised to barle silver ore up the river to Battle Mountain. The Reese, wblcb trickles thfOUlb a vast valley west ·of Austin, probably couldp't float 1 canoe, let alone a barge. TODAY, SAGGING buildinp rival the active shops aloo& Highway 50. The steep hillsides are marked by dozens ol mine tailing dwnPI and empty dirt roads that once were lined with tents and aod shanties. Peace and quiet now draw people to Austin. Jan Bunnint. a waltreu who wrote a biltory of the town, aaid she and ber huaba.od moved to A\&IUn became Elko -pop. 7,S21 -wu aet· tln& too big for their tutes. Bob Wiiliama, bartender at the Golden Club and A111tin '• sewer and water man, said be returned to hil native town after Uvtnc 10 yean In Sacramento while aervtnc ln the Alt Force. "I don't believe tn cb1n1•. myself," be aa1d. Panel Nixes Control . WASHING TON <AP> -The Coo1umer Product Safety Com· ml11lcm bu deellaed to belfn re- 1ulattaa two-wbeel motoriled otf. road Ttbiclea •ucb u mlql-blbl, trail b6a. aDd mWe,elea. staclel and fall oft the bikes, tbe commtv\on notAld. "SIDE•• GSNS8ALLY UD• dentand thla rilk and no CPSC· laaue4 clealp ~lllrementl . . • would elimlut. or ... •ubltaDtlallt' reduce it," the eomml11loa con· eluded. Ho••••, tbit eomm•lllc:Jn c1ld IUC· l•t;Ua.M .. aMaufadwen 'fOhm· tarU.J ~ ~ • .,. Shat tbeM •e&dcliii IMJ be made ad • • Wrltedown~ on a Doodle Ph~ Touch Q,lJ $8'4 ~· Dial $69Q5• c Wiater Slate Classes Set lnNe~rt ...._R1que1tTe"IJ~···· °'.......... ·=i::"" ... , ==· : .... --:~='· INNeAf ree DI ........... t~ r.,. c.n..845-1701 u ttour. CCU1Nr of Dr. Dntd W. GIDeon Robber Kills Clerk M0600W <AP) -A robber abot and killed a cashier at a plush jewelry n.ore in downtown Moscow and wounded a 25-year-old politi! 1tt1eant who tried to arrest hlm. • MOICOw newspaper re- port.ed. Soviet newapapen rarely report the detailJ ot criminal incldenta, especially lo downtown Moecow. But in recent months, authorities have la- tenalfled a campalp a&alnat crime. W"'1nc ln· creaaed preventive meaau.ra. Everybody can use one. It's a telephone you can own from the GI E Phone Mart. But not just your common household variety of telephones. Thesephonesconle in shapes and colors you've never imagined. They look like presents. The GTE Phone Mart has all the phones you see here. And more. You buy them in the store. And take them home with you. Usually they plug right in . If you do need GTE Phone Mart connectors. an installer will make the easy conversion for a nominal cost. A telephone for Christmas is original. It's thoughtful. And you 11 be remembered every time it's used. Tuts year say "Merry Christmas:' With a gift that jingles. l ri-i Si G.~'llJe Coml' f,y tht' Phon~· Mart "nd ~ncH 1p 11rmmd SNOOP\'& WOODSTOCK Tc111.i.h Call $1 l~ L\~ Owl SI .25 l\.1" ' } 'I t J I I I • i I ~ • i .. # ,. ' Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 0nly9mgtar A ION ta; ~im cigarette all your own. Regular or Menthol I ~ ....._. aio-•••• "· tm Jon .A.rnen's Performance in 1958 W. j the Most MernorabM -~ ... LOI ANOa.D -, . ..,.., IOID• ot .. ~ .................... 1* mJ mJDd, J! WU ~llilal (ViDcie) tom la 1"1 '" blocked • t • ca.mao) OJbliel'• PIM to <le ) C.., pve WI a 11.J& wlD. ADd lM otbU' la WIMD we biat tbt Cotta I ...0 I , M-10, ud Ut.1 WN unddtated It tllilt um .. 'l"bat'• the year" led tbe lealU8 tn aa ... _. ... ,IMl••a•••~ot '~1•1•1.,. dW.. .. .-..naaeCOl'ded ~.,. ~ flw a Call•-clW'd o1 •.m ...... r1• • ....._. -,... u. umna ..... __._.... tM 4htllGD ttd9I. NCDemb9nd tbe ......... ed . ~ ..Abo 1'10 WU I. -.albHlht 'lb.al'a wbm ft averapd '72,000 ~ a & • a Ram r9COl'd, and ftlr'9 wu 11.tsn ROMY Gris, Bob eve?')'ooe wu cbeeriq for UI... • Via 8cdJ -"I bave two ditrereot types of memoriel. One eooc.nU.nc beteb9ill and the other toot ball. Wa*-'OlkL JGG A.rDltt. Tom hua. Tbl t1at WU ...U• .•• _. • _.. tbl bnncee. ftlS •SUON l'O& ftlS ftlallTS wu tM 1tam1• lat PIM et tM CoUseum, a plac. c.be)' called laaaMt rot II,..,., Anabetm S&adiwn will be tbeir MWdom• t.1*. "lily peaW.t baHball mtmori• ..w be (BoJ) Campanella Nlpt and the playoff win a&ainlt llUwallkee lo 1911. It ... UnMJ tD be DOltallle: time ftw a few tun; mid t1me fw a lot ol refliieUou. Hen are ... refledica ol the Colileum ,ears: ~ G•" Au. -"Two UUnca rea1lJ atlo out in •'My peat.It football memory &I probablJ tbe . ftrtt sa.me I e'fer saw bere. I atood oo tbe roof Of tbe preaa bos and watched the Rams play tbe Bean. 'fbere wen 100,000 people and Jon ArMtt wu tnc"-'Clibla. He went wtld And the Rama beat the Bean, 41·~." SLIPPIN' ANO SLIOIN' -The ball slips away from Kansas City quarterback Steve Fuller as Tampa Bay's Mark Cotney shoves him to rain·soaked turf at Tampa 0. Kloaermu -••The day the Rams beat .,.. ........ Bay. Kansas City couldn't overcome the wet conditions and lost a 3-0 decision. putting Tampa Bay in the NFL playoffs as NFC Cen tralchampion. l ;And Now to San Diego ••• Bears to Play Eagles as Dallas Stuns 'Skins Kaosas City 3.0 to Dail down fll"St place. Philadelphia, already assured of a playoff berth, defeated Houatoo 218-20. Oalcland and Cleveland, two other teams that ourtured sleoder AFC wtld-card hopes, saw them dashed, wilb the Raiders losing to Seattle 29-24 and tbe Browns falling to Cincin- nati 1~12. THE USUALLY PLACID Slauhach had seen juat about everything in b.ia 11 years in the NFL -but nothing could match the Cowboys' same acatnat W ashJngtoo.. "We were out of it ... then we were tn 1t . then we were out of it . . . then •e were in it. I've never played in a game like that before," said Staubac~. who passed for 336 yard.I a1aloat the dazed Rtdskin.s. "I can't re- member when I've ever gotten ao exdted ia a football eame. Thi• beata them all." The Redakloa led 17.0 before Staubacb brought the Cowboys back within three pointa Just before balft:lme. one of the TDs coming on a 2&-yard pus to Preaton Pearson. "Roser was juat areat," Hid Coach Tom Landry. "Be held 1ll to1etber wben it looked like we were aone. We were fortunate to pull it out, but be'• Just tbe tiDd ot guy who can do It. He's been do- ing it all bia career." Elsewber'e in the NFL: Seara 42, Cardlnala 6 "We had to eo out and win by more than 33 and we did il I never gave up ~ause . . . I tbougbt something good was e<>- ing to happen," said Cbicaio Coach Neill Armstrong. Just about the only thing tbe Cardlnals were playing for wu rookie Ottis Andenoo's chance for the NFL ruabiq title -but the Bean held him to just 31 yards before be left in the third period. Anderson finbhed with l,tm yards while Walter Payton gained 137 yards aod scored three TDs for the Bean to fiDlah with 1,610. But neither or tbenl won the ruahioe title. E.egle• 21. Ollefa 20 Earl Campbell dld -for the second auceeuive year -with 1.m 1an1s toUowtns Ilia LU- yard, one TD sbowtnc qainlt the Eailes. Quarterbaek Ron Jaworski rao for Pblladelpbh(a first TD and bi.a backup, John Walt.on. paued for the same. winner. a.a1era21, ameo Pittaburab did what it doee 80 well -llDOther the oppocttlon - bJ permlttina Buffalo jut eiPt flrlt dowl», and three Of tbem came oo pmaltiee. lleuwtdle, <SeeNPL.Pa,.ao the .... lD 11151 Ud ,. AIDIU bell '8cb • IUC• ceaful dQ. TM time we Mat C..boJl la Jm (1741) wttb ~ Badl ud Hm"Clld laeboa. And UM ftnt pme I played ID 'Da n. tJlire wen 100.000 DIOPie la tbe itua. J!ll NINIDber tboee UM mOll" -• • llettla OIM9 -''My lat J&me ID 1'Jt apiaat tbe Atlanta hJc:om (WOO by tbe Rams, SO>. That wu a penGD.11 tdO for me.•• ... WldertleW -''Wlnzdq the cbamp6omblp la 1951. became that seemed to mate everybody to happ7. rm really aad to 1ee dlie Rama lean." ...., Gltlr' -"WbeG Georp ADen came to tbe RUii (119) and aaid the team wu IOiDC to atop 1.uiDt Mat up. That na llplftcant because from that= on the team came t.opther u a team. We ad c:ared about one another. and lbat'a wbeD tbe realiutioo btt tbat two can do the job~ tM:ncme. ,, ..... r .... -•'The ebamllkJalbtp same of 1951 and the pus from <Norm> Vu BroekliD in Ute fourth quarter that broke up the 17·17 Ue. Grey Skies Aheftd? Rams Visibly Upset Over Loss ! , By JORN SEVANO Of•Oe#r ......... LOS ANGELES -Reviewing the Rama' UJT9 recutar seasoo football campaip ia a UtUe like reading a weather report: "Mostly aunny aklea with OC· caalonal cloudineas, and the poaa1bility ot a shower or nro ... In other words, the llama are unpredictable. One minute they're up, the next they're down. For ooe quarter they're great, the oext horrendous. ABOUT THE ONLY THING that la clear conceraine the Rama ls the playoff ptc:tw-.. The Rams. Dallas, Tampa Bay. PbUadelphia and Cblca&o are all in. wt th lbe Eagles bosUac lbe Bean ln the NFC wtld eard game. U Philadelphia wins, lbe Rams go to Dallaa. 11 Chicago wtna, LA beads for Tampa Bay. UDlortunatel)', bew the Rama are l{OinJt to perform}!!!'" playofb ila'\ IO well CieQiMld. Many al the veterana ware m. llQ Ull9el fClillow'iM tbelc teal'• zt.H aetbmck to Jlew o,s-m ~. ·. Tbe Ram players were humiliated in what WU l1bly their f1nal appearance at the Collleum. Deonil Harrah was embarrasaed, Fred Dryer livid and Jack Reynolds was wonder· mg if t.be Rams belonged lo the playolfl at all. COMBINED, TOE aABIS commhted six turnoven lo the game, ma~e very easy for Archie M and Co.. who evened tbelr record for the seuoo to 8-8. the best in the 1J. year history of the ftanct:\iSe. Tbe Rama jumped out 'to a 7--0 lead in the first quarter and it wu Z7·7 before the Rams could put any more points on the board late I.a the final quarter. About the only highlight the Rams bad wu Weoderr Tyler eaining eoough yards o.it oo 18 carries) to go over the 1.000- yard plateau, makinc him the flnt Ram to accomplhh the feat al.Dee Lawrence llcCutcbeoo in 1977. But even that was tarnllbed by a Tyler fumble early in the fOW'th quarter when the Rama were still la the came ( 20-7) and. deep into Saint tel" ritory. "Wbat happened to U1 today bot.hen tbe -(bleep> out of me," aald an obvloualy disturbed Dryer u be dresaed quickly. "Thil la my job. Tb.ls la wbat I do. Some 1uya oa thl1 team maybe felt we didn't need um 1ame but they're· balluctnattni. Thia same mattetect ... "WE OBVIOt18LY weren't ready to play," added Due Elmendorf. "We abould have played a lood same but we didn't." Many pointed to tbe Ra.mt' bard climb to tbe top u tbe reaaoo for the letdown. Tbe Rama, who W.. la a •must win' lltuadoe hom tbe middle al tbe MUOllcm, cllaebed tbe tWe wttb a bard-fouct!t win bl Atlanta. Thole Wti.o adMred to that pblloaopby, though, were frowned upon by some of the veterans. "That's a copout," a aid an emoUcoal Reynalda, wbo wu one of tbe few players carrytnc hll weight apinst the Saiots. 'Tm not pieaaed at all by the way we r,layed. Actually. J'm ubamed. · ··we better eet our but.ta in gear and atart playlne aome football." warned Denrus Har- r ab . "We embarra1sed ounelvtS today, and it's oo fun be1oe embarra1sed by anybody." THE lill8 RA VE TO cooceo- trat.e now oo oot getliog embar· ruled in the playoffs. Predict- ably. the players aid 1t didn't matter who they met. all they wanted to do was get t.bemaetYeS ready. • ''This will man lbe sewntb atraiebt time ~·ve been a.n U>e playofh," ..,. Harrah. ··we·u bau no esCUMSU we laee. "EveryboclY marked ua off •111'}1 tit• media, .... ,.... We'" ..... CIO~bldlea.ctl door IDWcalr.e dw _... UdllS. •• ''We've bad ., maay ups and down• thi• season.·· admits Larry Broob. "it's hard to ptct what our dest.l.ay IS gOtDg to be. l We can't let what happened ~ • day happen ia ~ playoffa. We · either play well or we're going 1 home. We have to do H now. There ls no next Sunday. · "l'be questioa i.s, can we play well when H 'a time to plaJ well"" . J RAY llA1A VA.SI, wbo s\llded 1 the Rams to a 9-7 flDiab amidst ' iDJUriel, front office problem.a and lntemal pressure, aays the Rams will play their finest games duri.aa post.seuon play. , .. I guarantee you we'll be i ready to play and that the Rams l w1ll do well Ul the playoffs." M alavas1 said. "We don't care who we play, we'llbeatourbest.'' One person who isn't quite CODVID~ LS Reynolds "It will all depend on the players." be says. "We can put 1t all together l! we want to. But everyoae must do their best an-d1v1dU&lly . U ooe person lets up or doesn't do his job It could cost US tbe1aaw. ··we oulbt to be tbadful u bell we• re aUll in t.bU tlliAf, ,.. became l 'm not SW'9 ..., even bt-loq ... Tbe Rams belong fqr at least two m~weeb. I s A C•paule Report from the World of Sport• emn's 'Insufficient Action' !:;Uads to Basketball Loss ~ From AP DtlpakMs McDONOUGH, Ga. -The excitement. drama and dllplay of youthful 1killl were mi.aaln1 when Henry County faced Fayette County ln a hilh school basketball 1ame woo by Henry County because of "lnaufftclent action." With about alx minutes remalning ln the first ball SllW'· day nllfhl, the acore waa Ued 4-4. A Fayette County cuani stood ln the forecourt, holding the ball unchallenged. At that polnl, the officials called the 1ame and awarded Henry Coun· ty a 2-0 forfe1t victory. "Lack of sufficient action la ln the rule book," u.kl Bill Fordham, executive aecretary of the Georgia Hilb Scbool Aa· aodaUon. "It la baalcally a judgment call. I was not there ao I don't know if it. waa the proper call or not." "They held the ball on us the whole fint quarter," Henry County Coach Harry Werner said. "Their strategy wu total· ly unexpected." Coach John Parker or t'ayette <;ounty could not be reached for comment. The two schools met earlier this season 10 a somewhat livelier contest won by Henry County, 74·51. .-------Quoir of dae Day------ " It's one of the most fantastic things that's happened In my life." -Ch.lcago Coach NeW Armatroag, after the Bears beat St. Louis 42·6 lo earn an NFL wild card berth. E'ree'• 49 Pebat• P•ce Sa11 Dletfo San Dleeo captured lta rutb t1ctory in the lut m alx sames. n>Wn1 paat Detroit, 113-121, Ln Na· UonaJ Buketball Aasoclalloo action SUnday. Uo,.d f'tte equaled his career bish with 41 point.a and center Swea Nat.er added 22 point.a and grabbed 15 rebou..oda for the Clippers . Des pite Mike Newlla'a NBA 1eaaon· high 52 point.a, New Jersey fell to Boston, ll.S·ll2, lD overume Larry Blrd s ank 19 pornt.a to lead the Celtics lo their fifth straight win ... Roa Brewer tallied a career hlgh 33 point.a aa Portland bested Hou1too, J..23.101. Maartce Latu aided t.be Trail Bluen' cause with 17 oolnt.a and 11 rebouodl ... Center Sam Lae dropped Ln a layup with 1S seconds left to lift Kanau City to a lO'J.105 verdict over Indiana. Tbe . Kinf• have won alx slral=1amea and tra' Midwest Division lea Muw,ukee by one-hall aame ... Mllwa ee anapped a 1tx 1am4! loelni 1trin1 with a lot-79 1 blutinl of Utah. Marqaea Jobaoa led tbe ,.... Bucka' allack with 21 polnta ... Fred 9,...•, nmnlnl Jumper with lwo 1eronda remalnin1 1ave Seattle a lD-121 decision over Denver. Pldd .. tlae , .. ,e li.te dae B•ll ELMHURST, Ill. -Elmbunt ColleJe literally pul the fool Into the football th1.a put aeuoo. Tom Foote wu the team '1 place-kicker, 1ett.ln1 a number of records. eeftl' .... Ible to fotltt t\. '' be Niel ·•t ... vtnl a.am. and NUlfted wtth · 1 ftNlr. I biMI • ball. I tall Pltdl ID 1D1 1ccomp • menu." Hid &mpt0n, wbo played ab.-=tor tM Buffalo Billa Mfore bllal tb laa PnbdMo"two ,..,. •. Sb:D,PIQD. wbo ... football eommenWy tor NBC ud owu bit own produc:Uoo compar&1 IA Loe AiilelH, l&ld M dalp't Pl•D to wort for any ~rt orpniuUoa. '"l'M A roarMLL f'AN. I love Ow c•m• and I'll be around wateblDc.·· bt laid. ••Rl&ht DOW, lookiDC back, tM alne ~an with tie Billi went rather quickly. The lul two, like me, llowed down." be Mid wtth a lautb. ftg ir• f;Jd .. 4 8Crhl• C• 27 Am•atq Pbllldel~ coaflnued It.I uaault OD MoatrMl'a ncoril fOI' IDMt CGDMCUUve cames wt~ a m ID N~ Hockey Lea,ue play BundQ. TM l'ben tlM tbe New Yort Rqen l • l, l"U.mdnl tbelr unbeatee atrtq ol 2"7, one aby ot the Cana· dlena• mart. PbUaclflpbla ht an lncndJblfl »-1.a Ull• MUGG . . .•are Ta.rdlf 1cond two eoa1a and addN one au1lt to tead Quebec to a •·l wln over Pittlburfh, IUDPlaa the P101uln1' seven 1am1 unl>eaten streak ... Boston ended a four 1ame wt.n· le11 atrtng with a 5-1 deelalan over Buffalo aa Terry o•aelllJ tallied . twice ... Chlca10 received a pair of 1oa.ll each from Grall& MmlffJ and Clift K....u and defeated Detroit. 7·3 ... ll•rrla Lakowkb broke a 3-3 tie on a breakaway aoal 48 seconds frorn the end ol the same to give Wlnnipel a 4·3 wln over Edmooton . . . Three third period 1oata rallied tbe ' • ., United States to a 4·2 win over Sweden ln Taaou• the opeo.lng game of tbe pre-Olympic tournament. The U.S. bu woo Z7 of lt.a 40 exh.Jbttioo sames W. year. 6ee,..e Bai.. Ir. Die• •• 54 Georp Balu Jr. died 5'.mday mornlne from a • maulve heart attack at b1a Chlcaeo bome. He waa the presldenl of the Cblcac<> Bears slnce 1913 and . WH 54 ... The Detroit Uona will set the ftnt choice ln the NaUonal Football Leaeue coUeg:tate draft In A prtl San Francisco also bad a 2· 14 record. but Det.rott 1w the No. 1 choice because it.a opponent.a firushed with a wone record than the 49ers .. Amencan Leuue basebaJI owners plan a special meetang in January to tackle the long.running attempt to move the Oakland A's to Denver . Clyde JollDICJD pumped In 16 secood·half polnll Sunday to lead Loyola to a 71·70 victory over New Mexico in the ~ place eame of the Nlke Cage Clualc al AJbuquer que ... Unbeaten Park aa ... 11ee of South Korea retained his World Boxinl Council nywelght title Sunday ni&ht, knockin& out G•Y Eapadaa of Medco ln the second ' round ... Eleven Manhall Univenlty f~ HAUS ball players have quit the team 1lnce t.be end of the TbUDCle:nDI Herd'• HO MalOD ••• Prime Mlnllt.er Clwu 8la&ll Ulreateos to cancel the tm Aa1an Games ln lnd.ia, staUnC that money for the Aaian Gamet 1bould be diverted to ruraJ irri&aUon project.a WUUe WUlla moved from third place to be-come the ftnt black bowler ln the hiatory or the Professional Bowlers Asaoclatioo to qualify for the Firestone Tournament of Champlooa With a 219 avera1e. the 25-year-old is Jl6 pins off the lead of S..•· aoa 8U.rMs with lour games to go. . Kay t 'loyd and Peter Jaeobeell made the Colla Rican Fnendstup Cup goll touma ment a two-man show as f1oyd won with a Z75. followed by Jaco bsen. three strokes o ff the place T~o-.Radlo Followlno are the toP sPQrts events on TV tonight Ratlno'> are. 11 I ' excellent;;., "worth watchinQ , '"fa ir .' foroet It. 8 p.m., Channel 7 ./ .( .( ./ N~L FOOTBALL: Denver at San Ol~o Announcers: Frank Gifford, Howard Cossell and Don Meredith. TM loser of tonight's oame must travel to HOYston nut week for a wlld card game, while tM winner earns a wMk's rttt as the Amerlfan Football CX>nference West champion RADIO Football -Denver at San Ole90, 6 pm , KN X (1070) FOOTBALL / 8POATS BREAK / IAIKEl'BMJ: ,,, ....... FINAL GLIMPSE 0 J Simpson checks the Atlanta crowd Swlday in his last aame in the NFL. Simpson. after fwnblmg once. returned late in the game and ran for 10 yards on tus flnal carry of an 11-year pro career ,,...r~•' LAKERS TO.PPLE SPURS •• dnvlni and Nixon h1tt10& from tbebueline A steal by M a11 c ~tarts another rut break and. loolnna to Nix.on on bl.I ncht. be cai-tt by throw1n1 a blind pan to Wilkes whose layup makes at 14-0 and bu lbe Spurs calling the1rsecoodtimeoutW1th9 17 You could go a whole s.euon without see101 a fut break run to 1uch perfectron. But that was Just part of the story. The fl.rat tJme Abdul Jabbar toucbea ~ ball on t.be offensan end of tbe court. it'1 on a Up-m from Kalk. 1be bi& l\&Y then paaaes to lflxoc, whole 11-footer Just beat.I tbe 24·lff00d ~lock. Bl' THE TIME I ce M an Gervi.n finally breaks the ·~ fo r the Spurs, it's 18 2 B)' the time the Lakers mlss their first shot It 's 24 10 By the time lht' quarter finally end5. at"s 36 24 The rest of the game was c1 matter of seetnl ),/ Gervin could sui1le·h&ndedly raUy the Spun or if the Forum ran.a could rol lecUvely C'Onvin« Laker Coa<"h Paul West.bead to play Spencer Haywood Both we re good tn es that didn't pan out. Gervin. with his dtteptJvely smooth moves. acored .u pQU\ts but had to take 40 a.hots to do rt West.head tned every dt'feodt-r imaelnable on t.he 6-8 two-time NBA scortng leader but to no av ail Fortunately. the Lake,.. did m anaae to slow down ~rvtn · s 1ooriq sidekick. Larry Kenon. who acored 12 poi.at.a "WE DID A GREAT JOB on Kenoo and I thoueht we did a pretty good Job on Gervin, .. Westhead 1a.td "But you doo'l '\top Gervin He can hlt fineer rolls from 30 feet " Weit.head wu more evulve over why Haywood, a four-Ume all st.u who ll playtn1 Ina 4nd leu these daya, didn't pla>' a 11n1le minute a1ainst the Spurs. He wu paUenl for a wbile u be d1plomallcally tried to euphemiz.e a dlaclptine probleln but d~ the line when the l.saue dominated hk a poat-game in· tervtew ~ion "ffey. don't for1et we p1-yed one httkuva basketball came tonl1ht." he \old reS>Orten. Provins once and tor all be doesn't have rabbit ean. he aald or the crowd's incessant chant· 1ng for the 6 9 powe r forward · 'The)· pay their two bucks. lbey C'an do '4hat they ,.,ant .. WHAT Tflt; CROWD want· t"d ,., as to see Haywood instead of Don l''ord when the Lakers nttded a front line replacement. Ford wu booed when be walked to the scorer's table, booed when he <'ame into the game and booed wtw.•n his natne wu an· nounced over the P.A. ayat.em. So you <'an lma1ine what the reaction wu when be miued an easy layup late in the fourth quarter All or which wu ror1otten rat.her quickly when Sao Antoa.io made a late run al the La.ken. Kevin Restanl'• three·polnt play from 31 fed out putled the Spurs to within one. 119·118, before lh11c wu lou.led ln the back court and made bolh free throws $ 15 Million Plan Marshall Sobs After Ending NFL Standings Coliseum to Be Remodeled LOS ANGELES (AP> -Al tbe Loe Anl•l• Rama played their lut 1euoo 1ame tn the CoUHum~tbe Loa An•elea Olymplea anllinl Committee a1reed on a million ft.nancial pJU to remodel the old 1tadlum. The plan announced Sunday •ould renovate the f acWty in Um• to brtq a new profaalooal football team to Loi An1ele1 neat ,.er, after the Rama mu• tlaelr acbeduled move to Mabelm. owner, Coliseum offlctal.I tt t.betr chance of lettlnl .-c~srteam .,.. Nmote. I.milted OD about .15 milUoo ~ improvement.a ta the Collae\lm before conaideriDI 'move. Wben ettorta to aet llDaDetnC from tbe federal and atate aov· emmenta f alled, Jtoberuoa went to Uerberrotb. •ho aald be, Robertson and Mayor Tom Bradley helped work out a deal. Bulcalb, the asreement pro- vide• fOI' banka to lend money to the Coliseum for Improved dre11ln1 rooma, a practice fteld and VIP autt.. Both Collaeum oltlcJala and Otymplcs or1wsen. 1tand to benellt fn>m tbe a.rrancement bec1ue the UM Olympics wUi be held IA the lladlum. Tbe loam would be auaran· teed by the~· of Olympics mt.all by ea of flacal tup- port from aa ualde'9tlfled • pri••te eorporaUoo Ud from mt.al nvmu.. from a new foot. baUt.um. Tilt foodM.U t.am NDta1 la tbe moat crucial part of tb• peckap, U.1'tnv&b • 1ald. ad · .UM moet d.lfftnlt to Uae llP.' lleet DO tum b• otttno: t0 mo.veben. 20-year Career AMERICAN CONf'IRENCI EHt w L T I'd. l'P PA •·Miami 10 6 0 .625 341 257 New Enoland ~ 7 0 . .563 411 3'26 NY Jets I I 0 .500 337 313 Buffalo 7 9 0 .438 268 2~ Baltimore s 11 0 .313 271 351 c-tral •·PlttlburQh 12 .. 0 .7SO .. ,. 262 v·Houston 11 5 0 .... 3'2 331 Cleveland • 7 0 .5'3 354> 352 Cincinnati 4 12 0 250 3'7 421 Welt •·S.nOfego 11 4 0 .7J3 3t4 239 1-0enver 10 5 0 .667 212 245 Oakland 9 7 0 .s.J 3'S 337 S.attl• • 7 0 563 37' 1n Kanw1Clty 1 • 0 .... 231 262 New~ ... :..i;·-- .. ~ ..... v-:CMMltl ge&e::. ........... =iJ':"=· ..... .. ......... OllflW .. ,. .,...., .. ::=~'l'f,1t11.111.I NATIOHAL CONft@R£NCE I Ht w L T Pct. Pfll 'A We X·O•llH 11 5 0 ."88 '71 313 )(• Pf'llldfphl• 1t 5 0 .• 339 m Washtnoton 10 6 0 .625 3-48 2'5 NY Giants 6 10 0 .375 237 323 St Louis 5 11 0 .313 307 351 Centnl x· Tampa e.v to 6 0 625 273 237 v·Chlcaoo 10 6 0 .625 306 24' Mlnn"°'a 1 ~ 0 438 259 337 GrHn S.v s 11 0 .313 246 316 O~trolt 2 14 0 .125 219 365 West •·R•m• 9 7 0 S63 323 NewOrlNM 8 • 0 .soo 370 Atlanta 6 10 0 .375 300 S.n Francisco 2 u 0 .125 -•<llnched dlvl1lon tltlt v·cllncMd wlld card berth i<llnched Pl•voff berttl .......,..:=::-e:a::""··-· ·~::""I .o..w .. .......-c ......... DavlsC•• No Dynasty, Says Trabert SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Yes, the United States ia the first country in the 79-year b.lstory of tbe'Davis Cup to win the final in straight seta. And yes, their beaten oppooenta say America could have played its reserves and still won the Cup for the second straight year. But no. says the American captain. the United States ia not building an international tennis dynaaty. ••rrs EASY TO TALK about a dynasty," cap. tain Tony Trabert said Sunday, moments after bis squad poll.shed off Italy s.-0 for the 1979 crown. "But we have to play the first match next year in Mexico ln February. And if we win, we play Argentina in tbat snake pit in Buenos Aires against Guillermo Vilas and Jose-Luis Clerc. two pretty good players "In a short 1>eries , anything can happen And as soon as we think we're a dynasty, that's when they'll come get us." Despite Trabert's caution. it was bard t.o see a weakness in the American team here. Even without Jimmy Connors, not one of the four matches was close. John McEnroe was devastating, even when not •oln« full speed aft.er the tiUe was woo. Vilas Gerulaitis played perhaps bis ~t tennis of the year. And Stan Smith and Bob Lutz, likely to be replaced by McEnroe and Peter Fleming next yea~, . bid a food farewell to Cup compeUtion· by beaung an 1Dspll"ed Italian doubles team. "WRY DOSS EVEaYONE seem to play great against. me?" Adriano Panatta, a loser to all four Americans, moaned aft.er dropping Sunday's rmal match to GerulaiUa, &·1. 6-3. 6-3. "I think that's the best I've seen Vltasllay this year;· Trabert said. "And bis father sai the same thing." "l played bard because l knew that Adnano would be," Gerulaitis admitted. "But once the score gets to J.-0 they should call it like the World Series. It's a nice exhibition but there is no reason to play. Earlier, McEnroe beat Antonio Zugarelli, 6--4, 6-3, 6-1, to extend bis Cup unbeaten string to 10 matches and 28 sets. Zugarelli was a last-minute replacement for t;orraelo 8arazzutll, injured Friday against Gerulaitis. "I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE PLAYING thr~ out of five sets when we already won," McEnroe said "I bad nothing to gam. I tried hard but I don't think I hit the ball as well as I did against Panatt.a." Elsewhere. Brazil qualified for the final round of the 1980 South American Davis Cup elimination round with a &3, S.l, 5·7, 7·5 victory Sunday by Carlos Alberto Kirmayr over Chile's Ricardo Acuna. Bradt clinched the playoff berth against Argentina by taking an insurmountable 3-1 lead in the best~f-five points semi-final round. Brazil's other points came on a singles victory Friday by Tomas Koch over Chilean veteran Jaime FUlol and a surpri.sing victory in doubles Saturday. Chile's lone point was won by Hans Gildemeister, who beat Kirmayr ln singles Friday. Mustangs Travel Tonight Costa Mesa Hith's Mustangs travel to Caplstnno Valley Hieb toniabt for a non-leaeue duel in tbe loqe buketball 1~e for Orao&e Coast area teama. It belim at 7. Costa Mesa hu a three-game winning streak beblncl tbe 1bootln1 of Steve Lux, who bas ••erapd le.I potnta. UNUSUAL LEASE OPPORTUNITY · · ,, • •·fW 19b0 • • • • , · r. 1 , o r l 1 \' f. u "' c > N ~.~ , • I • /I. P , /I. ,.... lJ T :;> U • . K '> ··nm mu• u •orth all thole Jobnn1 Canoll Jota and the other 1tutt. We are champk>na." -1'ampa Bay liMCaacter U.Wld Lew&a. an. the onct·la\llbabSe BuceanMn beat Kauu City 3~ and woo the NFC Central DivtaioG champiocwblp. ' .. "The 1ta1e la aet. Tbt curtaW are pulled. It's playoff tJDMt. Jt'• our 1bow now " -Plttiburp de· C•"alve end Owtald ...... alter the Steelers beat Buffalo M to ""' die AmtriCIJl ec.f•reaC.'• Central OlftliGll title aod com.lnue tMir quest tor a f ourtb &per Bcnll UUe. "Wbeu I tot to t.b9 ai~. It wu almost a 1l1b of relief lmowlns thd 1t'1 finally ovw." - 0 . .1. sa ..... after he rushed for the final 10 ol bla 11,238 yards MCODd only to Jim Brown'• Nf'L. r~ord 12,312 ln San Yranciaco·s 3121 Jou to Atlanta. "I've been confuaed aU week about who we would play. aDd I really didn't 11ve a damn." - Philadelphia Coach Dtclr Vermeil. after the Eades . beat Houston 2111-20 and before tbty found out they'll bolt Cbicaco Jo tJae wild-card playoff~· "At baJ.ltlme, we decided to take &be R bome ~th ua after the MUOI)." -S. quarterback llm ~· aft.et pua for 114 'I. and two touchdowns to a Zf.%4 victory Oakland. • "Sure. we may bave been SoolwlJ ~•id bit to the pl1yoffa -but tbat ia DO aeuN Angela Coach Say Maland, after the R 29-14 to New Orleans .ttJ ''1lus takes a little of the It.in& out of I x.it tou1b nar." -Cmcinnatl Coach ...._ •,ff: aft.er tM Bengals beat Cleveland 1&-12. ~. ... ~· ._.._.._,. -.. ...... ...... . ... ...... ~----, ..... .. \.A-~t.._f°"'9 I tM>-0...•---...... ,..... ......... --............ ~ ........ ... _ .. .,., . ..,_llO\o ... ..,_ ...... ,,. ,..,.... .. CC&d_ ...... , .... _ .... , ..... ~ ..... , MO -......,, ._.. ..... '-klW W .......... _ ._..,. .. .... G.cerdlnetal ......, ....... .... u.1. ···-· ~ ,. , , i+--4 Oll-....,...lnM~kl<kl CM -Wlll'-t 11 ~" ll"Offt ~ ~kklll CM-...,....,""' rn.em.1 kl<l<I ' S&. -Tlttey ti NM lrorn H•rt lklck ,...... . CM -WMta a •~ """"' rn.om.. lll<k) CM-~•""'l,_..•1c•1 Oii -Wllfta llS ,. .. trorn Pft•PC>• c ~· kick) •-«Ute .................... ltUSt41NO -SI. IAwla, Ande,,.,. 14-Jt. lrew11 ._M. Clll<e ... P •'l'l•11 U ·1'7, Wllli-n1Ma. PASSING -St. i.-tt, P1a.,.kl•wl<1 J.n.t-41. Mer1 2 ..... 11 Oii< .... ~ ...,_.,. ,.,_ l·t•n • 1tac•c -SL L.oul&. Tll .. 'I' , H Olk--.. ..... Wiii._,.. •It., P.,-... a.rtn JP~ .. J lrJ. ...._27, YUdnp 2' ._....,....,.... ' .. .__.. ' 1 J 1-ll _E....,.. 1 0 0 20--17 • Miii -._'""' lklO lelledl NE ,_.,, s -· lrom o._ ISmltll "o' 11111111 -It. 111111,_. I,_ 10.-lff klOI 11111111 -'G 0.....lff 24 N£-C-IN11 CSn\llllklOI NE -....._ • -· lrom GrC)9MI lklO ,_., . ... -~ ""*"'., --....... IJ N M I""" Kr-r 10.... --llklll . •£ -PO Slftlttl • . _...,.,. ................... ltUS141NG -Ml,_tole, YC>Vn9 1"'40. ltT-.... .,_ '"'° Hew E1>91-4~ IW7.~4-JO • PASSINO -Mlnn••ole, Kr•m•r 'll•tl·l·lff. New E119lanc:I, G••t•n ll·•Mlk ••ce1vo•o iw-taCe, vouno ''"'"-.. ._.. HI. .,_ •lS. Wittie M l. - .......... Jet'-J.147, ""°'9911 "''· NBA £AST'lltH CX*P£1tlltCa Atl.llllk DI.,..._ Bottoll Pllll-lpltl,t w ..... ....,.. Hew Yon PMw Jerwy w &. Poet. .. 2S 1 ·"' - 71 • ·'" ,..., ,, u ...... to 14 tt All II 11 10 ..J1S IJ C:..VMDIYw. A~M• n IJ All -S.... Anl-.. .. .JOO 4 .__ Ii .. AM 41/t Clew4-IS It AU S\'t -It It AU~ ......... • u ..,,, .....,. ... COWl!ltl*9 ...._.DI....._ JI .. .... IO 11 II n • u ~etffk~ 5eet'll• ,, • '" -LMM1 n10 A11 1 "-".. 10 1J ..... ~ Pwll.... II .. .J 2t • s... ~ •• 1L A7t t Golden S.... II 2Cll"~ U s-rt"•._... I.Men 1:n.~""'-'" ICeMa• CJIY 101. '""'-1'0! llotloft llS, -Je~w'I' llJ, OT MllW-ICM, Vi.fl 1t Peni-ID, '-Ion 101 s .. n1e 1 n. °"""9r 111 !>en 0le90 IJJ. 0..n>ll I~ T..,._'•0- Mo 9MM1 KNOuled T.....,..10.-L.-.nac~ •111111.1 ac Hew Yon ................ o..n11 s... Dteeo• ~ CllY c ...... ..,., -Vt-. L..-lrien 121, """9 111 ...... "'"°"'° ---12, ~ .. PevllJ 11. 0... t. O«WI 41, aw-"· ""._.. w. Illa n. °"'"" ~ T .... , s1 ,._" '" LOI MtOa&..a -CMMI II, Wlttlft 27, •W I U U...,_tl.Hl-».'-"9r 6, 1'9Ne,.,._.. T_,.,._JI IJI, ._...., ....... Sell..... 24 » I I a-11• UI.,..... a. U JI ,._," TM ............ -Genii!, ltu~. ....,... _. -l"Ntl.. T .... ,_. -S.. ,,,._ 1Mi. ,., l.M ......... U. TKllllk .. I - Orlf"vk\. ~· I... . A -ti.alt. 0 -· -nm t.J " ,.. .. , JO bl 7.t " m " Jt ... ,.. rd • .... ct I S:.'t-?P, ....... ,_..._. ••••m• "" • ....,.. •• ,. , • m • ....... I*•••••• NV..._.. 111 II • • * • .....,. '"'"•m ......... V.._ U II PD•• ~ .. , ....... W--. Hl1•••tn , ... '--'' • " , u • Ill <Mt.. • " J ll ., llJ ...._ , u , t i .. "' ~C191ff'•••.ecs ........ .... P'! rtt , .... o..c ........... • • a a " . . ,. u , , • 1111 ,. "' . ,. ... Wit*" ,, , .... -. .. "' ........... ,. " . .. " s " . . • " 1 • IJ • . ... .. • Ut .. It ..... * ··-,. . -........... ........ .,,, ... . PllM1f1t"111 I, ... vw.. ........ t =.t=r' .,__._ • .._.....s T__..._ , ....... .._ ... ~._ c.ter•ll .... Yen lllNMln ....,...._SIL.Mt &.oeAlenJloe .....,... ..... (M ....................... , Pin i ~ Ofl My IW ..... I 11A. 1ue. 1.a. rnte •-c.._1 n-. tM1; ... T .... _1C~1l tA 5-<_, r~ c.er-Cu.tleMI JS.le. ,~ tUI; °" Se Wllel lMttdlelll IJ.AI. .... Wiit ~ IP,..., ...... SJ Mtt., -...ec..n.w.,.- TMf'f ,___.. .._.,,..... CM°""I llAI, 6.Jt. •M. ~ ..... CMlk -1 7M.UI, £1fWfty .. 0-. l~I 1.-. IS •Mnll C.._.1"6<1~ P-, __ ,_Mr !Mite-I l.AI, "' 2 ..... ~ IMMrl , .... , ... ..., Major l>J ... ('#_, Ut. ,.II .. ,..._...~~ ",...,16.AO. 4"' I.lit, -""""'-MeulMol I "-1111 •Al. 2M. MIMflt ~ IMelrl 4 20. U •uct.e , .. ,,peld .... Slatt. •--Mrlcf'N ~ 1Mlk ""11 I.AO, '-*I. J.•. °""9 8 $4¥T IT rNtvre I , M . i OI; ~ So"6c Meell IMytHI LJI, UH· ... , .. n....., 1-.JO. S.W-r--«irtr• lht'I' IHM11 .._, 1.11. J.11; k"-"• f-1 Ma, U0: LM\r TrltK IC..UI UO. ~~r~f~tl f4M. n.eo. 7M . ,.,.......'°' 1c:er.1o1a1 to.a L•: H-..tlw1 .... l~I UO. U ••· ec .. c ~11 "6<1..,AO. ,.....,. •--U'llll ~. IAdelrl 7.C uo. tAt, Me _,,,., rc..r.u1 ue. t A . ,,......... 1er.g.,.1 uo. TIMfl r--....y Dec ,._,., u a, ,.., r.». ~ Mt1111 k CO..w1I It• 1.». ,...,..hey CQefM1lto 20 SJ~ 11 .. , , .... . All ..... II.It& ,-....._,CUD (111 S-... C-.1tlu1 ... P....,.. ,,.........,_m ~J...... ...,...,.t-11' 0.VMI Or....... ...r>-11..e-lS 0 A Wel"""9 ,,..._io.11 -m , .... W.llMClf l'0-71•1 li-JSJ '"""Mr.... 11*11 I• 19' J..-It_._. 71-1).111)-llt Vlllce Hfffller 1 .. n-11.1._m s...... ~ ,._,,.,J-7>-"' -p....,,. .. ,,.,S.0--... T-y..,.,.. ll·n ·1>-1>-1" JM ·-,.,,., .. ,.._1" LM'rY z...... ,..,~, .. ,~-.,..,..,., Herd , .. ,.n.,._..1 Ewen Wiii'-,,.,..,.,._. ,,_lat•J-1 ·~· "°""•Oel!Mo ,...,.,.._mo TomTelll.,_. ,.n.c.es-m M isc . • • FOR THE RECORD I FOOTBAtC /BOATING ~··Off .. Incident PiriuuaoB (AP> -Twr7 lr9dabaw ::-:a:· ecrape cm b1t ~ -1pa t.be ren!t al q play bJ a ftNd·QP rOolde. H~. Bradaha• bad DO hara ree11D(.1 alter. th• Pitta- ~ ...... eU'Ded anodaer' dlvtaba UGI by hea*'N Butf.ao -.OluDdQ • .... ,ws,~11~t.o have to IMDll IM.a~ lDcb p6ecoe ol ba1r to cover It up," iidded Brad.lbaw, wbo lot ~ abnlion oa a play that NIU.It· ed iD tbe ejectioa of Buffalo U.bec*er.ILmH•,.. ... claD't UdDk the .w --kicked me. I eu"t Lm•p ll&m kktiq me," Bndibaw a6lll4. avT ,,.. o•ncuu oa.. Nally tboa&bt Bndlba• b8d bee ltoml*I latmdcJDell:J bJ Baalett, a PlttabZ:3b area uu .. wbo ., .. a • collea• A ll·Amerlea at Indiana Unlvel"llty at Peamyln.nla. In tbe aecood quarter. Bradabaw acrambled 10 yards on a t.blrd-down plQ. Re wu tackled at tbe two.Jard llD• and waa rol.lin1 oo the turf wbeD Hulett arrived. Telev1alon replaya 1bowed Haalett'a foot comln1 down toward Bradabaw'1 belmet. Bradshaw's belmet came otf and the Pittaburp quatterback scraped b1a forehead acrou t.be 1yntbetic turf. ··1 1ot nothln' to aay. AU the rderees," Hulett 1aid lo t.be BUI.I locker room. "They let a couple al th1np io. but they can do whatever they want out there." rruoo llAntl nn tor TDI al e ui U Juda an.4 L~AD SwUD mlde aa acrobaUo IOCll"· tq catdl of • JO.Jard T1tr1 Bndlbnl)Ma. .... baft tbl CCIGftdeDce .. can td.e lt all. ~ we baw lo ID lat• tb• playoffs llke it'• tometblu on," aald defenalw tackle Joe Greene of tb•. Steei.r.. aboottn& for a fourth Super Bowl UU.:..... ......... :. ....... ~. For Tampa Bay. the pla1Qtfa are, lndeed. aometbJn& aew. Pour ,an aio tbe Bucceneen -•re wt.mea. kwabl)' lautJWM. But when Neil O'Dooosbue kicked a J.1.yard fleid aoal with l :IO to play, t.bey became the futeal·risin& expamion tum in NFL..._,. • '-"1'11111 .-. lt worth all tboM 1elamQ Canon jokes and tbe 04.ller .ma:· said linebacker Danit a...ta. "We are Cham· plom." ...... 2 • 21, ..... ,. 24 Jim Zorn tbrew two toucbdowla puaa, ooe of them co•erl•I H t yards to Sam MCCullum. aa SeatUe dubed Oakland'• playoff hopes. llCCullum cauctit eilbt puaea for 17' yard.a. Dan Doomi.Qk cau&bt tbl other scorine atrill\, a l'>yarder that broke a 17-17 ballUmeUe. ''"!''' 18. Btowne 12 Cl••• and's even slammer -.. ol a wild ca.rd went UDdu wbn fllllt.ck Pete Johnaon and rookl• quarterback Jack Tbom..-oa eacb ran for a toucbdowa for Ctnclnnati F...._31,48era21 0 .J . Simpson fialalaed bl1 maplftceal career with 11.%11 ruabin.& yards -just u at them Sunday in two nasa. few SU ••• PriadlM -IMd ftllt oat .... lol1nl .... --.... -.... Bartk01nM'• HYn•Jlrd TD pau co Jim Mltcbell -ll.obllt Pno,..U'a .. ,ud lliterClsldai for another aeon 1a •• tM Falcom tbllr ~. Plllltotl J/I, Wllngl 2J . Tht Patrtota• IMeYe Oropa came up wtth a 4&).:1ud TD plM to Harold Jacta la a »GOIDt fourth ~ t.o tum. baci UM Vlk lop. llimMIOU'• extraotdlnen .. fenalve end. Jim ,llaraball • ended b.ts NPL career by ,,tay • ln1 Illa ~record'2i20d'nl· uJar-MMOn 1ame . . Colll 11, Glanta 1 Don lleCaW., scored ca a pair or -.yard nau .. u.t Colli cloMd out the ...... bJ snappin& a fiv•·1am• ICl!'IAI streak. Coach Sues Over Ouster MAD~BA <AP> -Tbe former football coach at Yosemite H1lb c School ln nea.rb)' Oak.burst Jau filed teparat.e lawsuits Oftf bla diamlaaal and crtmloal chUd molesbft& cbat1es. Stu Roper. who wu acqutttedol the molect•q cbar1es. flJed ane aui t cba.rlinl that a prt ltUdeat accused b1m of fond.lln& ber and maktng laUA1 remub. That ec- Uoo aeebft,750,000damacea. The aecoad •ult. which aeebt23 m illion. aceu1e1 Yoaemite H1&b School Dmric:t of ~ to term loate Roper u a t.eacber and bead footb91l coach Tbe ICbool board bu Nfaaed to reamtat.e Ropet" aiDce b1a acquit· tal in AUi\*. NHYC Regatta Lures 95 Boats Sallon turned out ln force for their tm swan IODI as Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Chrtatmas Regatta drew 95 boall in eiebt dule9 Saturday and Sunday. Small sPKlalty ~"9 centef' to be bUtlt. M or e than I S m 1II1on tourists vll!t this beautltul wine country area annually. G ross strictly llmlt~ In aru ~klnQ th's en extellent mve-stmen't opportunity. Ready to 00 Call Cootnry to tradition, all clauee aalled oo CO\ll'HS lnaide the bay lnst.eed of the rar&er boats 1al.lln1 lo the ocean. 1be ouWde c:ounes were abandooed becauae of the UCbl wtDda at thil time of year. Larsest cl.us by wel&ht of numbers wu the Sabot whb IO entriea. Tbe wiDDa' WU Cuaendra Smettler, NHYC . Nm ......,_ clua WU the f1.ebetll..ZZ. wbkb usually races oo outside counea, wttb 13 entries. The winner wu Bob Searles in CbJapa. Trophy winners in eacb claaa F.TCHELl...&22 ( 13) -Cbiapa, Bob Sear~. NHVC; 2. California, Tom Coritett, NHYC. 3 Perfect. Don Edler, NHYC. SNIPE (S) -1. Joo PiDckney, BCYC. 2. Don Crenahaw, ABYC. SABOT (30) -1. Cu sandraSmelt:a.er. NHYC. 2. Doug Teulle, BYC: 3. Joann Norman. BCYC; 4 . Regina Parker. NHYC, S. John PerlUck. BCYC . LASER (12> -1. Jerry Norman. BCYC; 2. Steve Rados, NHYC; 3. Lynn Malanoaky, DPYC. SOLING <S> -1. Pat Doucan. BCYC . J .24 (6) -1. Skip Elliott. NHYC ; Z. Robin Sodaro, BYC. SANTANA·20 (12) -l . Bill Hernchaft. BYC; 2. Dick Brown, BCYC. 3. Kim McRae. BYC LI00-14 (10) -1. Don Barrua. ABYC; 2. Chad Twichell, UYC; 3. Paul Auman, ABYC. Comings " ins Elliott LONG BEACH -Ev ComJ..ap of C.brtUo Beach Yacht Club broke Loq Beach Yacht Club's atran&)ebold oa tbe Walt Elliott Harbor Cballeqe Tro~ Saturck)' . ComLoo. at tbe belm of tbe Cal.st doop Hap- py Time, defeated the defender'• Oordoo Gann ln Rebel m and Buccaneer Yacht Club'1 MCOOdary cballenaer Capr1ccM>, aUled by Mel Pierce ln a nve·m.lle sudden diaatb race sailed in a llpt to moderate brtfttt oo Loi Anaei. Harbor. The tropb'f WU deeded ln la by tbe late Walt Elliott'• daupter u a cballmae troDbY for yacbt cluba ln the Loi Anl•l .. ·Loaa 8eadl harbor area. Cabr1J.lo Bucb-Yacbt Club dominated tbe raee for the flnt fn y .. n but Loftl Bucb Yacht Club baa beld It for the lut four ,...,.. Tbe race la 1ymbolle ol the dub champk)aahip of tbe Yacht Club A.uoctatloa at Loi AAael• and Loal Beach harbors. ~ --"'vw -.....,..._ .... --· '9J(\\. lOCl&4. c.wa_ P.,.,. ••--~-..,._.,....,_ ~~.,...,--~~··~ • SP9C1A1 -TOPS FOlt 4i0Sl -Sfft ....... • AUTO UPHOLSTERY ~ ~ 711 W 1 7tt1 ST Ste 8-6 PHONE COSTA 11.tESA. CAL.IF 714 1 Transmission trouble! Let Art c.r-..,,. JOU ...... ,. 10% off on oll trantmlaMon repaln.. $IO off on aH ttanamlukM'I ,.,... MlfAD Ora nge County's largest f TRID and most complete o ufo- WE GI¥£ 6 ttOtlOR THE ATM IOtlD£0 NATtOICWIDf COMOtTIOMAl WMIWITT mo1t11e tronsm1$S1on service •Free e1tlrnate1 • F,... road teats • Pick-up • dellvery ()111• QOOd ltY\J Oooember 31. I 9 7'9 •0676 Bechler l?IVel Avenue, f.ouneotn Volle¥ (7 Id) 962.o6M i1RELL I P.JTU•a&.US •LACKWAU. N 10'1 -&ft ... .. .t N Money Can Boom~rang ' 8)' SYLVIA l'OllTD u 10W" am.tm&t lift to • cblld .. .,.,..Ulll ,.., - and if~ peen,. It r{&bt -the ctfl ean be a bonama tr. vou.. &.be stver. aa WU u fort.be dilld. ot From the Cbild'• Gam)W YlewrpotAt. )'OUf tUt • H)' $1.000 would b9 mucb mon ~lat.t ln die form fl Mveral tbowerwl cudy ban, a triJ) to Dl.lneJ World or4 tel of model tralu. BVI' YOO'a ft.Dan. cialllftcan: •Offer chaaces to keep pecewtt.Ji tnnauan ! 1Reducie the tam· Money's Worth ... 0 U7'1 tael bJ tram· • ferrina ••nble lneome fn>m a ldeb-bracbt tupaJer < yop. tbe .malt) toa low or ie~braaet tupeier (tbe ddld>: • Contribute to vital llle-eoall, aucb u a colle1e edu<fl· Uon. • Teach the child bow to invert money to make mote ~~. ' Under the Sift lax law. an adult can Civ• any cbild up to $3,000 a year wit.bout p~ lift lax. The annual U · cluatan LI •.ooo tt two 1poc11e9 lhare tbe ctft, aJtboqb o.11 one ol you actually may mate the lift. NO MA'IT'Za ROW mucb the cbild receive1, you, ~ parenta. can claim a dependeocy exemption u lone u <•> the child I.a under 19 or a full-time atudent and (b) you pay over hall the child's support The 1979 tax IJlws allow up to Sl.100 to be received laJr· free. proVlded 1100 IA a gift Ally excess would be taxed at the rat.es appliuble to the benffit1ary, which, for mo.t ch1ldren. are low If you gjve securities, you can at.art the child's educ•· t1on on money manaaement. You can buy securities JD the child's name, tn which cue the gift as based on the amount g1ven to purchase the secunlles oa, ADVISES Geor1e Ra.sbn, Merrill Lynch vice president and man.ser of the corporate tax department.. yau can comidertrallllentq seeartties JOU al.ready own that ve doint wen. tot.bectuld. 11>e gains wiU then be laxed at the cb1Jd'a tu level - and you can lake the losses on the poor inveatments YoU retain as lncome tax benefits an your hiper bracket U you prefer to ejve cuh ror anvesting, use lhe doll•r- cost avera&ina metbod of ~lDI -under whlcb1~ou put the same amount of money l.nt.o the same stock, r~ardleu of 1u pnce movement. at r"elUJar intervals over a Iona llme. BY BUYING DURING low manet.s <as well u h.Jgh>. you averaee out pnces and usually stay a.bead of the cur· rent manet These accumulatioo plans also cu be u.sed to , buy mutual fund sharn. S Stocks Move Ahead While OPEC Meets· i 1 I J I ' NEW YORK CAP> -1be stock market eked oul' • / small p.1n in aC'Uve lradlq todQ u trader'I waited for dnelopmeuts from a meetin& ol oil~I COUDU\P in Caracas ~ Dow Jones averaae of 30 ~als was up J 87 I poiots to&M.62 but at loct almost three pomts m the final hour , Advanc-es outnumbered dechoft by a 4·3 margin oo • the New Yon Stock Exchange .ftit~lu 111 Tia~ !tpotllglu NfW Y'Offlt l "Pl Ok 11 NIW '(Ottl( IAPI ._.. ....... .... ~ ..... a. • ...... _ -"'-.., ....... '-~­J ... Ii.- l'rt •• -1'71 lo- ,_y 113 .. ,,. l'l'O 11 I 11 -·" AMfa 010 NfW VO.. .. IAPI 0.-C II Tadey )'1 m t~ .. .. 10 ""• ":l. 1'J ,t; "' ,.. ,,,,. °"1 JIJ JIO til ,.. • "I'm afraid t.4afmaduke'• effort to speed up the delivery ot Christmas cards leaves much to be desired!" MISS PEACH • A~TK<JP. tle vre-w ~ iHE TV <;;HOW<; ))\\ ) SHOE MOON MULLINS Y~S, 11M ,ALL TH'Rot.KlH .. I SfNT WILLIE TO ;HE Posr OFFlC&rto MAU. WM ... fl. 11 THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "My brother is one of the wise guys." • DENNIS THE MENACE by Mell Luarius P'JO, r CAN NEVE.It ~ lt'.> FINO MY &t.A~tt-S IN TIME .... by Jeff MacNeUy by Ferd & Tom Johnson r l l<NEW THERE WPS SOMETHJN<i l H,Al>TO Do ..---""- GORDO ' I •'' THI~ I~ CRANDALL'S i..a.-.:-, PE R!>ONAL fl LE ' I MU!>f 'WHILE MEfTIN6 WITH &£ CAREFUL NOT TO H~ NEW WIFE Al' SAM ~REAIC. fHE LOCK' DRIVER.'~ LAW OFFICE. PAUi. CRANDAl.L lb UNAWARE THAT HI~ A5~1f>1'ANT, KEVIN l.ANCE , 15 OOIN(; THROU6H HI& OFFIC€ Fll.E5 / TUMBLEWEEDS tvE BeEN OOINGAU.. 1'Mf COOKIN6 DR A BILE FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE • • • • • • ! I . ' , f [ !, j' • • f • . . ' . . ' • • • . f I ' I • . 1(,, ... ~ ~ .. It WU a football ICCident. Whtie witching ~ yesterday's game, I tripped°"' the antenna cord." : NO~MAM. IJl&A"f 'S 1'MA1'" lOl.OONC 't>\.f U ~A~IN&? IF"st:'o PetcEO HE,l'D~E 8AfD t't1 ~')( by Knln F...,.; '· ' by LYM Jotamon · . • ' . . ,_..___.,., I WOUlD HfWE ---· .. DR . SMOCK AUIOPSY 'f'HAI, ANP see wMA-r .M.Ac>e 11-r PIE!. by Tom k. Ryan ....... ._..,...._ bl>HERI fi()l?)~ ANOC'AM RIDE ~~KE • : I ' • • . ' by Gtorge Lemont ;. . 'IOD\Y'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACAOSS 1~ s SdlOOl MIJ. 9 Llglble I• l(rWlne 1s~11r deity 16 Aoc*ftlfl 17 l.JqMd ...,.,.,,. l9 Heron 13 °"""* .. - " lnaW "*-611 As¥or erv..., 68et...e • ~ IN ltlt· llllllB':t:' ty 70 Cer'd Ol"'9 7tOMI 20 <Wiry DOWN 21 °'*-.,,.. 1 ~ r.cta. 2 Prllident of 2WOfdt T- 23 au.. 3 SM>bom. 250b-. 2e Ory ' Cllbnle 21 Mor9 lftOUntllll oc.ut't s Ff'lllCfl 24 8root 46 Se>eed """' 31 AltOnW•ig "'°""' 27 ElqJlrw '7 Oouwey 37 Pn' !Mr 8 PwUdl 2t Tw» 49 Jug '*Idle la Won """' 7 H. A1'tcM 30 8ibllcll iwne S2 Oriolea, .. g. 39 a.i •• PCJf1 3 t Count on SJ l&A1t 't Neb '1 '*(Ill-I Hegl1M ~ E. lndllw\ 55 T-. tor - bof OOlltrlCtion .....,.. } •2 8'** 9 ~ 33 WOOCf1 '*"' 541 Nevl.-iot• '5 20'• .,. lhowlrlOI 34 ....,,,., """" 46 Stllel tO Hllr 36 DoZ11 57 a.dla 50 T~ 1 t Aur1I 31 llncrJ I Id 51 f=¥ ~ St Clr'pa 12 Ano.~ 40 F..., 5t Fervor 54 Some tr-.. 13 H.L ._... 43 A - -: 10 Miii S8 Amg ti """ ..... """ 81 Artmfle,.,.. .. az c.ro 22 et.tor 44 ,__ ee a.. . .... . . . . ..,,. ....._,., .. t fHI) O.t>otlll Kerr. . .._ ........ . ~ ....... .,~ ·~-Gal eTN1000~ a.. .. ....., "'°"' .... I'* a I ll*U. .. ..., tot._... 10-.. • ............. lnMCf\ • n.&.Wlt ,MJ. ICN(A w A Utt On ,_,., ' Nlrr9f· td by~ ""'· , ..... OOC-ntary .. lnllMI F..,.,.1 Ir ... WOfl& ~ llWC*IUOM UW°""' the OOMtVlllONI of ._ wtlO _..,...lolllm. MO. CJ) M•&•l•H 8.J Ind Winc:ti.ter come to ~ W9*I they - Uked IO jplnlly WTli. I nipott on • dlrtne C>PW• h0rllfll¥~w*' • MOY1l ' TUBE TO~EERS ABC. 1:00 -Mocwla1 Mot root. ball. 1'he ~ver 8l'OQC09 ancfjtbe Sall Dte10 Qiaraen ni.lx it up In· the tut. Mooda_y Dl-111 f•me ol the tm aeuon. KCET • :80-W1l11am Faulkner: A ui oo P"aper. Tbe author's Ule and work are chroalcled ln th1t 1peclal, nar· rated by Raymond Bun <see 1t0ry below> . NBC e 9:00 -"'lbe Gatherln& - Pan ll." A sequel to th 1918 Chriltmaa drama with Maureen Stapleton u a widow co.Pina with llfe after her bU1band's death. (See photo below>. of•~,_. ffom ~·· gddllrl ... I • NIWI ....,8AU.llW ''Tllere AIWl't ,.,,,, Mot• ......... N A~ In college .. INjOf\ng In wttc;flcrlft • M•A0l•H "8dmr _.. llOIN IO 1111 "'°"* .... .....,.car. n. on tooc II ••:•on Ind Col llolW _. lflOC In .,,. McUldt I WMAn ON N1XM H:IO Cl) HAMV 0 Hany-ce. tot.~ When the WKRP stafr holds a Christmas party, VenUI Flytrap <Tim Reid) plays Santa Clause on "WKRP in Clnclnnatl" tonight at 8 on CBS , Channel 2. ''TIW OltNrtng • P8rt u CP're1T1lere) M11uffn St~. EINm Zlmbelllt Jr A widow and lw growrt chlldran1 ChrllllTlll reunion le CC>mOlbleCI by lllelr llnlnor eble IMC1IOll 108--lftlwllle Ind conlllcta lrl their °"'" "- t<UO·~ THIATM "Poldartl II" EJ I II beth relu1•1 10 tole11te 0eot99·1 ~. Aou. jMbley Of L~ AnnlUge II nurtured George 1nd ROie .,. pmed ag1on11 9ldl Oll'let on the r>ew Pat ~-•lt'Y eleetlon CP"1 II of t3HAI -wflO dltNc>PMrecl .... befor9 ... ..... 10 -• lerge '"'*"8'1Ce • TOMQtfT °'*' hOll A.ct> Lmle au-t• 8uo<fy EoMn. ~ Rogers I :=-GAME • &ANPON> NIG ION Wherl "* '9lllrM Mtly from a IOng trip, he ll)Olt1 1 hOmecOmlng party Lamoot Ind Ortwfy had Planned • OVIRIAIY Gl*t Mel Tor me G ~L I LEHRER MPOflT 7:JO. THE MUPPET8 Ou.t Linda Uvln I OOHSUM~ 8UYUHE NEWL YW£0 GAME Q TIC TAO DOUGH tD AU. IH TH& FAMlt.Y Edith manages to dfag Atehle 10 churell on the!< annl\'9rsary wMe Gk>N Ind Mike try to v<Np up • patty e GOOOT....a A1 the Ev.n-P'ec>W• 10 jom Jamee In MIMIMlppl, WO<d arrl\ln th•t throws 1 domo.r on everythlnO C'Jaaanel List Ing• e KNXT (CQS) Loa Angeles D KNBC (NB~) Los Angeles I KTLA (Ind I Los Angeles KABC-lV (ABC) Los Angeles ()) l<FMB (CBS) San Diego f) KHJ-TV (Ind ) LOI Angeles 9 !(CST (ABC) San Diego I l(f'TV (Ind.) LOI Angeles KCOP-T\I (Ind) Los Angeles KCET-TV (PBS) Los Angeles e KOCE·lV (PBS) Hunhngton Beach Corning (Jp Roses Marilu Benner, co-star of the TV series ''Taxi," sits amid 296 roses presented to her by the producers of "Grease" for her part in organizing a reunion of cast members for a celebration of the production's passing of "Fiddler on the Roof" as Broadway's longest running musical. E ac h rose represents a cast member who performed in the show. 'Roots' Acclaim.ed On Cyprus Screens .MACNEll.I WWI' ~ • MOVla Ci) EVEHINO AT SYMPHONY * * The V811Ut1 Atta" ' 11116111 Wiiiet P!Ogeon. lfl Funtenber'g ID WIU.IAM P'AUll<..,. '·A Liie On Paper" Nl<rlt• ed lly A1ymood Burr, thl1 documentary •••mine• F1Ulilner'1 hie WOfk Ind llllP<fllk>nt lhrOUl)h the Ol>MrVlllOnl of 1tlOM wftO wt>te c~t 10 htm CJ) P M. MAGAZJNE t;OO 8 ()) WKRP IN CIHOINHATI * • * ·~• CNi.tmu" (1~1 Bing c;,oaby. Denny Kaye A comlC IOlll110m6 tlkff an ent8fl1.,,men1 1<>0 Hi Vermont to hell> a '°' tner 09'* II who 11 In dAn· oer o1 1ot1ng 11;1 WI 12 IW'l I G) MEIW OflllffTH GuH ll N111lle Cole 01vld Branner tuac HIVM. Norm Croatiy Wiit Wiagne<, Udo Oanc4!f1. M41 .. A Multa Gueat collduclor Colin Oev•a leada lhe Boelon Sympnony 0.ct'8St•• "' thil K•"lj LNt Overture lly Hec:1or BerllOl Ind A Cl'llld Of OUf T me llY Sor MICl\lll T .ppef 1 I Al 11-00 IDDCD®l HEWS MN<.E ME LAUGH G) HOGAH'8 HEAOU The GeetAPo ...... ~ corwot Of StMaQ 13 end --on-ltllnk eno Scflutli to 1118 Ru._, lronl • OETSMART Maa end 99 poee M N my per90IW'el 10 lrlCI • pa~n. llr1S1 "'°°""Ing lor llAOS • CAPTlOHED AllC .... QIMOW • ~ tm MOV1f The WKAP 1t1111. au1pect- ing that Jennifer Is OOillG IO be llor>e IC>f Chrlll rT\11.. tom. Up With IOm9 Ul'llQUI • • ·•c1r1v1n To V 90CAte8" 11117 4) Mte'lell l ong1d1le. M 1cl'l1e1 8<Ylfl1 * • '1 WullleflnQ • • • Tiie COf'trlKt pr-•· 10 -'* IC>ntl>-,_. He1gri11 f 1970) Anni 111173) en.no l'YIOll l v• s-D UTTtE HOUSE OH ™'~ f'.IO 11 lJ) HOUM CAU.8 IPremierel A phlllndenng Ooctor (Wayne ~·1 ~· Iii• matcn wnen ht! l8Jll l()f 8 8rlti.h diYOftee !Lynn Aet:lqr11re1 wrto ~no• r.011411y Ca6det-Mlt.n.I Tlmoltr, Dellon 8ued on !tie lldty by E""'Y 8'onte -MDIOHT~ The lngelll' etdef1y neigtl l>Otl 0111 thrUled 10 tetwn their IMf1.4108 0t9ndton It moving In untll lhey le111n II.-Is 11 meen nood JOHN DARLING 8 MOVIE • • • ··Marrl8gll On Hoe Atx:U 11lile51 FrW!k $1'1d· Ira Oel>O<all Kerr Whtie nn •Kiiton, • IOY9t 1 ouanet WW'da up In OIYOfC41 witn ,,.,. wtte mAfrylng ner hu11llnd'1 best lrtend (2 ,.,., ) D MOVIE • • • ··The Megntfic.m MlllOC>r ( 1~55) Antl!Ony 0wnn MllKa.! 0 Hite fD CAAOl EIUfM'TT AHOFRIEH08 er,, UNTIL I GET CAUOKT The Pl'fCl'OIOOk:ll M>C\111. legll end )ud.CW MP«!• ot "-dnln«en """'"II problem on Amenta ere nlfnlned thf OUl)h tnter - lflewl wlll'I 11m111111 of 1r1ct1m1. 11torney1 and judgee ~rated llY Olci<. C.....t 10:1>0 8 CJ) LOU GAAHT LOl,.1 fuclnltlOn wtth • femllle rectuM leeOt """' 10 put 1111 a11tt on rhe tr 111 Liar and Loner Faulkner's Offbeat Life Viewed By PETER J . BOYER LOS ANGELES IAP) -A Si mon and Schuster short story anthology includes this nole in its b1ograph1cal sketch of William Faulkner ''At the outbreak of World War I , Faulkner joined the Canadian air force, had two planes shot down under tum in France, and was w~." Thi5 experience, the biography continues, gave Faulkner ''the new and matur- lna vision of the returning soldier" and shaped his work Now. the good folk of Oxford, M lsaissippi, would recognize that story as one of crazy Bill Paulkner's outrageoua lies. He Joined the Royal Air Corps, all nght, but the war ended before his training dJd He never got out of Canada SO, HE BOUGHT himself a set or secondhand wines and concocted a good war yarn for himself, which, by the lime he got back home to Oxford, bad been enlarged to include a head lnJUry Uuit left him wttb a 1teel plate ln bl.a skull. Blll Faulkner Is remembered by his nel&bbon ln Ox!ord u a liar, a boozer, an eccentric loner. He ls also remembered as a genius, ol courae, but ln Ox- ford, that'• a secondary fact.or ln the reckoaln1 of a man'• ac- count, like the color of bU eyes. Genius is somethln1 be juat waa; but drinJdn& and cart')'lna on and not paying bis bills, those a re things he did, which 1omebow count more ln remem- bering. A 11 of this ia Important because Faulkner, more than many arti1ta of thi1 century, -.,. ........... LIFE AIRED ON TV Wiiiiam Faulkner waa inextricably bound up with bta people, bl.a town, bU re&)oo. "William Faulkner· A Llfe oo Paper," a two-hour 1peclal oo KCET. Channel 28 lonlgbt at 8:30, understand• tb11 , and thereln lles its special worth. THE OOCUllENTAaY wu produced by the Ml11l11lppt Authority for Educ1llon1l Televiaion, with the help of a couple blred band• from Hollywood and W HbJ..n,ion It be&ins. appropria~ly . with an air view ol Lafayette (pro- nounced. by the way, La-FAY· ette > County. Misalaalppi, which In Faulkner's fiction Is known u Yoknapatawpha County. Then to Oxford, Faulkner'• ''Jeffenoa." "It was from tb1t town, t.beM people, thi.I couotry1lde t.b1t Faulkner drew the matenal that shaped the poems, stories and novela that comprise has body ol work." Raymond Burr says m the narration. "It was this South that nourished his need to write," tus need lo make tus "sc ratch on the face or anonymity.'' THERE IS THE town squart>, with the marble memorial to its Confederate dead rt.elng tugh from Its center: there's the Gathntht-Rttd Drue St.ore, Sneed's Ace Hardware. the Bank of Oxford. Thi• I• pre- cisely wh4're any documentary on the llfe of William Faulkner belonp. aft.er journeys to Paris, New Orleans and Hollywood, this 11 prect..Hly where William Faulkner d ecided that he belonged ·' l diM:overed t.ut my own Uttle posta1e stamp of native 1oll wu worth wrilinl about." F1alkner said, "andUuitby1ubUm1tlnlthe actual to the apocryphal. I would have complete liberty to UH whatever ta.Wot I m.lfbt b1Ve to Ila absolute top. So, c~ated a co1moaolmyown. •· USING INTEaVl£W8 with the townapeople IDd Faulkner'• own accounta, the documentary paints a portrall of the Withdrawn boy elven to H trava1ant affectatJom aod wild lmailnlnp wbo bffame aa Nobel laureate and winner of the Pulitzer Prbe; "llttle Btlly Faulkner," "arrocant BUI Faulkner." "pecullu Bill F1ullmer," whose bome wu in Oxford. llllalulppt. It l1 a documentary rtcb &Del tuU and cart.nc, and weU wunh •Mchi.na Sinatra's 4lJ ·Years Honored HOU...YWOOD CAP) -Frank SJ.n1tra'1 .CO 7e1n u an eotertalner wW be cellbrated wtth 1 two·bour •pedal on NBC OD 'lbunda7, Jan. J. Tbe all·ltar tpeclal wW be taped durtn1 Sln1tra'1 tab blrtbda1 party at Ca.ar'1 Pa11ce ln Lu Vqu CID Dee. 12. "It "10 be a 1•~ ol ....... , tn.dl to 1ban b1I bapp~"'"aiil' ncceu. '' uld Paul Ke1-. Wbo la prod1i1dat tt wttb llarc ~. .. llUJUll:r9. allo trill be sraDcl manba1 at tbe t1lt Tournament ol .._ Parade on Kn Year'a D&J, also to be t.eleca& by NBC. _ . .....,., .. .. .. ttlCll. .,... Joe C..W.W1 ~ • 0 ,. .. ltOlft Ille lllllOlftan'• noote. .,._,.., ..01 I ,,. ......... ,.... twO~and~ Ille fUdnlClplng of 1 ll*d .°" ...... Max le~ In hit ··~ 40 ,....,. jlllene from l(A()I ...,... I •TOl9ff 1t:to ~ " ~°""' """"*' tore. • MCtftltry 10 Wftl\OflW tnOtWll from • bet* end ........ Md..., boel ~ ·~ • • ~ ··t W• A lhopljftet' I tll50) 9clatt lr9dof, Monl F ,..,.,_ A taftO OI es10f tlOnit(I ~ ti- ,_,._.,.by~ "IO to ~ Ille wNllte on .....,.....,._uni-~ .... the fMCI ft .., -30 _, • DD<C.AWTT °'*' _... Olf9CtOr "'° e>rodueer Dore Sct11wy IP.., 1QI 21 f2:AO. (I} ...,.. I //JI. l Wft wtllle .._.toettng l1'le ·-"*" --of • ~. MoMllel'I find• __.. OI ~· perMNI 11-'" me ,,..,..., .,.,, rnenl (A) t«I 0 TOUOMOW Guffll 1n111n1t!Ol\llly ,_.., cnel• AltreCIO vi.w-"" "'~ Peptfl • THE IWlEMAH " 11'W81\11 "°"' lnOl"9r ~orr ~ 10 NortT1 f oni lootung tor 1 ..,,.eel """ I :::. , LJMIJP ~ 1:ao1 N1W1 THl LONG llN04 LOOH Ende HOii Aonl6d E109 ._ MOClll> OI h!I own .,,..,_ lri lgflt OI IN--IRI 1:111 .... ....... OWMAMlla: _,..,THI._ 1.0 ......... ,..,... ~"YOll~ _, _,,. ...... polo .... lollOwed by • .,.... dleOl1t1ton t:te• MOYll ** "*""'-• To Hide ' f tt11) U. VM ei.t. T OftY 111N.11nte A 111ob1ter onW9 .. -~to ellmlN• • '°""" ~ ute !WI men 11 hr. 30 '""'I dO. THIONN._., "MIOge Deeter · the 1u1nor of The New Cl!Mtlty" c11;m1 ltlar the women I ~11 hu btOUQtlt bed ,... (P.rt ,, 4:JO. OU) HOUll WOMI ~ Bo«>C...... TIN!•d•••• Daflll~ Mo.,•~• . . -AFTERHOOH-~ t2*. • • '.4 ~A 8'.llorint f Of -, Mwrdef" C tt631 Jean , ~ JoMpft ~ /4 mM lft8ll!CIU to prow hie .......... ~oftne PQllOfl dMthl 01 hef hua- bend Ind deugM8f ( 1 lw I 30"*'1 f 1:00 9 • • • • . C'"*°1 IPIW1 21 C 111671 Alcttlfd Hern. v-RedgrlW ' KJng """"' beru.e s.. I I l lnOllot lot "" io... of I 1 0.-. ~ ceu9'"Q I I "" oecey al ..,. tnaglCll 11nO OI Came!M. ( I lw 30 llW\ I l:JO. * * • "AoM" ( 1H7) AoMlnd ,.,.,..._ s.dt• Dee An ~rlc old _, llgtl1• "" dllqttet ~ '" • CIOW1 blltle concem--lriQ ,_ ..WCV C I IW-30 INI) by Armstrong & ~tiuk Tougla Derision Maureen Stapleton doesn't want to sell the Cam lly bus mess despite pressure from Norman Goodman in ''The Gathering. Part II " tonight at 9 on NBC. Channel 4. '*" lfthll#• ·-n41 'AU. aotel MAMwmtONI IUCKSMOr' "TMl.=-.Of THI TAU. aoet MAHwmtONI ILACSIHOI'" ......... "'" .. ,,4, .. "qUADIOPI BllA .. "M•ULMOUW FAMOUS IRAHDS AT DISCOUNT!! .._.,.,...w~ HUMTIMGTOH llACH: := 964-lltl :::.!.. 142..0514 :::.-14MHI ... Cent "'"" 1'1t ,.......... , ........ ... .......... n:t~...r, ........ "10" tit) ,, ........ 1HI DID MUNTD ....... .. .. ··11n1 MDlEJt 'TMI ROSS° SOAIW«J MO THI SntATOSPHDI WITH HO aAZNJ NJIFatMANCS.41 _ .. ,.._.,!J t t< a tr .• ,,._., AUllMJll ·~ ... .. _ 71)1~]1 9~10 -...... -..... -.... UOCAl THI NOW 1W> ., ... , ...... & ... (IOlaY, NO l'UMll lflVI MAITIN a THI Jlltk('ll ,,...,.~, ........ ,,:GO 1,.,., ·u IOClll fMIY W1R1 IOICIL.• ,,.__ M fl8I 1'11.1 UVD Pln_,...INI 71)/\)1 9~10 ft.us ...... ,., .......... 979 98SO ....... , •' .... ~· 879 !lllSO YOUNG flAMCINIRIN(Nl IT\WJnP PAUONI IOCICT 11 INI PUii NIAYIH CAN WAIT INI ·1r w ......,.,.. ..... ............... "JtSUS" _,.,._ .. ~.-...a1-• JDIDM w-UOW. THI ONK>NfllLD Il l """' U' IN 1MOkJ I'll TMHI f-1 fU-1.CAULDllON Of DIATH 1t1 2.FIMAU IUTCHll 111 ~.THI DAIK (II J AOUll Mlf Sl 1.SUMMll CAMP 111> 2.THI CMOOYI TUil Ill ULUH OOllDON (111 NIJI tlAnY e IOMN IAU"41 1941 !l'OI ... 111 OOIN' SOUTH C"OI ~':'ITl'rriimip;;;;;T::ii~=\wauu.1M~f:=-~.~=i;::r-:===~ ST.U TUICtet JHI ONI Ale ONL T !NI ltOIPY. NO PUMll ' ...................... .,.. • ,,~ 4\ " ..... .....,. .......... , ... , '"' ONIONfllLD 191 ...,. ___ _, IKAPI flOM ALCAfUZ<Nt 14' ........ ••MJ .... ...-.·~-.... ""°'' -Ol•l-0-·~•Ou-• u. ........ . --,..... TIMll ~ , R.yan Kn'!W's tlW ·Ropes By Tbe Auod•ted Pna Followin& are Blllboard'a bot record hita for the week ending Dec. 22 a.a they appear in this week 's issue of Billboard's magar:ine. HOT SINGLES 1 "E.<lcape" Rupert Holmes <Infinity) 2 "Please Don't Go" K C. & The Sunshine Band (Tl() 3 "Babe" Styx CA&M > 4 "Send One Your Love" Stevie Wonder lTamla> 5 "Still" Commodores <Motown) 6 "Do That To Me One More Tlme" The Cap- tain & Tennille CC<1sablanca> 7 · You re Only Lonely" J .D Souther <Columbia> 8 ··No More Tears Barbra Streisand & Oob na Summt>r 1C-Oluml>1a Ca~ablanca> 9 'Lad1c·~ l\1ght" Kool & The Gang <De-Lite> 10 "T<1ke The Long Way Home" Supertramp (A&M > TOP LPs 1. "The Long Run" Eagles <Asylum> 2. "On The Radio -Greatest Hits, Volumes One & Two" Donna Summer (Casablanca) 3 "Corne rstone" Styx (A&M ) • "Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants" Stevie Wonder CTamlaJ 5. "Greatest" Bee Gees (RS()) 6. "In Through The Out Door" Led Zeppelin (Swan Song) 7. "Wet" Barbra Streisand <Columbia) 8 "Tusk" Fleetwood Mac <Warner Bros.> 9. "Damn The Torpedoes" Tom Petty & The Heartbreaken <Backstreet) 10. ''MJdnJibt Maetc" Commodores <Mot.own> Hewn a ~ black sharecr:opper s son who never dreamed hewn adopted. STEVE MARTIN ,n heJ~ A UNIVERSAL PICTURE c •919 UH•Vf ~l C•TY s TV005 INC '"ll ~IGHT5 At:Sf RvfO Ut•Wl:J*'mli'I run CITY Ct11Tl• BIWMel' t*lMA ... , IOUTll COUT '1.UA 0-•"Qt £>3.4 9181 wtsl!TWISW 891 393'.> Collll loltM ~6 1111 "'!!1119 an, 111111=1• s.an1.1 AD.I rn 1m ~ ~d~.~rd~-- BRISTOL CINl·.MA enetot •• M~ leltte An1 540-7 ..... --· .. -·-l&f -I t I II 36 ,,_ OOUIY ITf.MO CINEDOME COMPL l X CHAPMAN AVE. I I .A. FWY OAAllGE 134·2553 --, ... ·-l&T 11 • >• •• t• M I t f ti 7t111•"' OOU\I 9 TENO • Q: au a,... o•HeiaS ... ._.. 1a .-a w.t ~ r.•nl..,. Ille•• IMI• -.,...yr.e • ._ ..... ~--.......................... _ .. : .... ... -I PS a 11 , IM A•• '11 A : Y•, iAdor O'Naal wu ..U-tratmd for bll auer.s confroutadou. Ht._ one» a Goldeu 01o~-boar. AIMS bat Mm bl~ 1D ... IPOl't for 1•anutbeownerof H""1~ Q: _. .... ....,. .... crm..,..ta CID111 llr ... N9C·TV "' rtal, Hfte ...... Clalaa''T Md ..,. ..... ...,.oma .. ,....., - Mn. I.~ Alllefta, CnMe A: The "Mtl" weren't Mtl. N.wre and DOG· UD1oo labonn •l*ll centuries creatina tbem . .U far aa Hope tUiDa a "eruh ~ lD CldneM," be 'Glad You Asked That' bad so little d1alofue to band.le wbat crttla could cr1ticlae him! Q: Now .... HMJUI•• (.leU 8&&~) ls dt.Meed r..... .. All la &lte FaallJ :• wbt .. 8e .. a.1 foe a Q~ -Jin. Mel.ta o.r.. a~. N.Y. A: The veteran actreu ls not "divoreed" from the Carroll O'Connor famJJy. She'll be makiq six or more vtslta to "Archie Bunker's Place" this aeuoo. Actually. DO one will bave to run a benefit for ber. She'll be aeen on tape or ftlm m the syn- dicated renma ol the onctnaJ aeries. Meantime abe'U return to her lint love -atace ·~ -lo such road company attractiooa u "Dai&y Mayme." Also. after worldnt u a housewife through the run of "All in the Family," Mw Stapleton couldn't be better off ftnancially if LA divorce lawyer Marvin Mitcbelaoo bandied her "case"• Q : S1Dtt Barban Wat&en left Liiie '9Teday Sbow." the oely one I flDd worUl watdalq • It la Geae SbaUt. Now that I 'm a "Good Morat.1 Amer1u" viewer, I'm cwto.a ll dwy lla•e enr beaten "Today" lD the ratlq.a! -Cyat.laJa Colllm, Palm Beacll, Fla. A · Yes Twice The sttOOd tJme JWSt rettnUy -the Wttk or Aug 20 24 Ont> or the bistory- makmg lughllgh~ of "Amenca s" scbeduJe that week . in case you wonder. was a three part to· terv1ew wtlh Farrah Fav.cett' Q : An Ttny nm aad bis former wile, Miss Vkkl, geulng back to&ether a&a1D'! -Tim 0 '& .• Seattle. A Yes But only as performers Miss Vicki joined a Roy Radin tounng v1rndev1 lle urut last sumrQer for a sbow which mduded Ttny Also on the tour were Barbara McNaJr Denms Day. Joe Frazier and Homer & Jeth ro. among others Q : Watching Rudolf Noreyn onslage. be sHms so ln c:ootrol ancl sun of b.JmHlf. Does be get nervous like most ~rformen just befo~ be goes on~ -E. Hutter, Pittsburgh. A Yes Though he loves lus work. Nureyev confesses that a "terrible nausea" gnps b1 m before he goes onstag~ Send your que&t~ to Hy Gardner. "Glad YOM A1Md Thal ... car~ of thl-8 ~. P 0 &kz 19!520. I nnM 'J2114 ManlJ(l1 and HJI Gardnn IDlll auiorr cu mon11 quuhona °' tMJI can • UwrT column. but the ooh&meof mml~apt"rlOflal,.,._.~ble. NOWPLAYJMG • CMmA ctMoo• mwuo1· c ... a wur ~II llltu ~ ~ O·~~ b~ ?'J~J Westrtwlsi.r 991 ~ MM raa DtUTI-111 8..e'll P~~ 81• '°'C MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "APOCALYPSE NOYf' CR> "AND JUSTICE FOR ALL" CR> "1941" (PG) '' 10" (R) "AND JUSTICE FOR ALL" "10" (R) "OAS PUMP GIRLS .. "INCOMING FRESHMEN .. (R) "WHEN A STAANOEA CALI.&" (Al "THE ume GIRi. WHO LIVED TI1El.ANE" .. MO",. • ,,. .... "' ...... I• •• ~N<.>tNOJ\ ,...._ .{II TIME FTER ~TIME " ... ~ AMERtCAN ~ • THE G.f'OOvt TUii(" ...... (1') Flf~ G<>f'OOH Plvt ' SUMMEi. CAW"' - --~-- .srN\ l:: TN!I\. . . --..... -·-..... , .. . ... .. .. .. STEVE MARTIN. 1heJfRK ..... I It) 16 ttt -~ t•l•••tt•• Efll Carr, above, has a collection of 600 ~, some of which are seen st right . , ~ And during the Christmas holidays, as bas been their custom for more than a decade, they decorate their living room with a portion of Carr's 600-piece toy collection. THEN THEY BA VE an open house so aJl their friends, particularly the children, can see tie toys. "It brtnp forth a lot of noetalgia to people wt»o played with these toys way back then,·• s.b's Carr, SO, manager of an maurance ap-phJul firm ... It'• like watchin& a Model T eo- htg down the street." ~ "It's like turning the clock backward and ~ egmeth$out of your childhood.," aerees .. :.~· "R'1 Ult fun." · llast al a childnm probabb ban never seen a tin, wind-up toy . The toys were oltlawed in the United Slates in the early '60s because tbelr sharp edeea are considered dangerom. . But those of Can" a generation remember. His own memory was jogged 17 years ago when his mother gave him four tin toys she had kept from his ch1ldhoodt Mortimer Snerd. Pinocchio, Dopey and a drummer boy. "I BAD FORGOTTEN about them com- pletely," be says. "None of them worked. I took them all apart and made them function." Carr, who has many of the original boxes the toys came ln, is a purist amone the erowing toy collector fraternity All of the mechanical toys in his collection work-from the jump-roping LitUe Orphan An· nle and Lil Abner Dogpatcb Band to the Amos ahd Andy Fresh Alr Taxi and Blondie jalopy. ' , 'Dams' Bo11nd by Brotherhood Orange Coast amateur radio operator tells of ~eople~ Temple broadcasts. : 87 MlcRAEL PASKEVICB • Of .. 0-'ly ......... • : For three coasecuilve eveninga, ham radio , enthu.alast Gordon West beard a preamble of : what was to become the horror of Jim Jones : and hla People's Temple. . • • , ' , • t 0 The radio sipala that beamed into hi.a Costa Mesa home from Guayana were clear. But the messages were not, be recalled. "Many amateur radio operaton are aware of miaaiooaries asking for auwlles <via radio>.·· said West. But they were talk1ng buaineu ... and there were some political overtooes. un WASN'T Juat medicine they were talk· ing about. They were using secret codes.'' West bad his tape recorder nmrung. Many other hams cbd the same to document an illegal use of 8.ll'Wavea by another operator "The next day I beard about Jonestown •Dd that the P'CC was looking for tapes Hundreds were turned in." <West's tapes have not been returned) West tells the story as an example of the brotherhood t.bat ex11t.s among t.be 350.000 a mateur ,..Wo operators i.n the Uruted States. It's a hobby wtth a strict code of ethics. And amateur racbo operators intend to keep it that way BUSINESS DEALS and politics a.re forbid· den on the ham radio alrwaves, according to the amateur radio operators' code ol ethics. 1bis could explain wby West bas been able to con· verse with radio operators who Uve in tbe Soviet Union. However, West noted, Communist aovern· ment monitorina ol radio operators la far more "strtnaent" tbaD in the Stata. And the Ruuiana have 1ooe H far aa to adcl the ao-ealled "Ruuian Woodpecker," tap.tap a&p.al iDteDded to Jam ~ta aucb as tbOle by tbe Voice ol America . The lDcesaaDt aound ol the SoTieta bu become aa predictable to West u otber phenomenon related to ham rac:Bo Mt-.. Bu& lt'I DOt merelJ the ~ to 'bounce 1ill voice off tbe moon or a aatelllte tbat (aadnates W•t. a bam buff for IDOlt ol bla • JeU1 ad nrrent iutnactor for Oraa1e Coaat and Coatltne c:ommunib eo11e.-. II I • Because · Peopie Care 9J TAD M&1Ul1JI A I •• ,._.., PHJU.JPSauao Kan. -The alp above ~ 1ate ol UM UdJ lucked down a aide •lrMl aot J a alotu to \M cntsena ot thll 1maU toWD.. , lt ...,_: 0 Not al we •llD· but what _. &tn. _ tllil~Wu.etlfe .. uve." Walll ..... It;•~~ .... ~ the door, ..S 1MI .._a 1 warti ti 11'9 tlaat bat btca•• a qa ti '• dl-term•vttm to •Cut of Ila OWL '1N'ftL ISP.I' ... tM llftm o.u. Can Hom• WM clallifteill bJ tM ..... of Kwu • a D .... lilome for Qlerb, clNMld W cllladYU-ta119d people. It aot .. • mootlt for tleb ftlfare Nlideat, and charted Pit•• ~ .. IAPID US Mwtq MW eurtalna from material dooated by a dry pods at.ore, we're aetttq new mattretaee ud Ctwblom aod aome ~urea.Jo ~ate the walla. 11M rapome bu amadnc." Tbe local weekl.Y newspaper, The Pb.illlpl County Review, eummed QP tbit awpome: .. How alcl It would be -for GDee -to do 10mltbinl for ounelvea wttbout .um, the SGT· erument to do tt for ua." •. IWldelD .. Wiie b' food. loclllDI ud ~ · tM-elock aupetvtslon l"ow1een people Uved Tbe borne la now clullfted u a private ... ~ ... ~. · _ __. ,.....,. boardina home, and henceforth will aceept OGly -.. l8'VeD CID ~ UTUlp --rwt OD ..-.realdenls who do not -uJ.re D"_, __ bome at· bte-~we. ~ -~, -..... ~ eoame ~tnut wcrbd ... bour tentioo and who are ambwatory. wteD to biD ta... bome IGlnl CID a abotstrln1. She bad a lta1f ctthree. But a&e also sot a lot of TWO &\NK aceounta bav. been opeoed by help trom the J'Midentl tbtmaehel. Concemed Cltizena Inc., the volunteer IJ'OUP. 'J'bouCb moet were old, all but one were am-One account bolda money paid by resident.a wbo bu.latory. 1be resident.a c:ona1dered tbemaelvea cu afford &be locreued month.I)' fee cl $500. a fam.lly. 'Ibey helped each other, loved each The other account la for donationa eannarlted to other, tended to each other'• 1pedal needl. aut.idbe IW!denll wbo previowaly 1ot welfare auilt.ance. BtJT TBB FINANCIAL odda ap.lmt tbe ''1bls ii aom~ we must do," aaya re· home's cootinued opuaUona wonened every day. Finally, aft.er bou.rs 1,_t ----' .... over the tired fum implement ea.ler Howard Voeel. ..-..--. · ''1bere ahouldn't be an~ uneertai.nty about booka, Mn. Chestnut made what lhe calla the moet painful decision of her life. She announced it; let'a Just do lt," aaya oe Saldi.no, a loc&J to the town in early August lhe could no tonger put.or. "It's Ume people •tarted doing tbinp keep up the pace, couldn't afford to hi.re more themselves Instead ol alttlna around and wall· b .. lp. and would close her doors at the end of the in& for • aovemmeot handout." Watcblng the resurrection cl the bome with month gratified amuement ll Erma Borum, lta ~ C1tlzen1 of tbia town of 3,600 aall:ed year-old founder. Now a widow 1Q fallina beaJth, themselves: "Where will these people go! What ahe leases the faclllty to Mn. Chestnut and llYea will become or them now?" City and county officials were dismayed to alone In a plant-filled bouae several blocb find It would cost taxpayers an additional $700 a awa.~it about broke my beart to thin.II: those month for each resident transferred to a public dear people would be turned out, .. aays the aoft. facility spoken elderly woman. "When my buaband and RELATIVES agonized over what to do with I opeoed it lo 1956 we agreed that old people· a loved one whose presence could complicate need love and 1tentle care. 1bat'a why we Coming Out of Ooset DEAR ANN LANDERS. Th.Ls letter ls a reaponae to the homosexual wbo considers bim1etf an emotional cripple. He aald, "I speak for thousands." and I'm sure be does. He also aaid be doesn't waqt. sympathy or JJhy -which 1a just ftne. ti.aUM be aeema to be feellq pleo t7 IOfTY for himself I'm • lesbian, and be wu NOT speaking for me. I would Ute to tell him, and those thousands be may be speaking for, that the closet can be awfully stifling. They Just might suffocate and die in there. I urge him and his closet brothers to come out int.o the fresh air and sunshine Nobody "cursed" the homoeexual with an "affliction." Homosexuality ts a preference, not an lllnesr.. 1 chose to be what 1 am, and 1 am not ashamed of it. I don't naunt the fact that 1 am a woman whose sexual preference is another woman. but neither do I try to hide it. ( At first, "coming out" frightened me I knew I would be rejected by ignorant people, and I was. But my mental health was al slake. My own sister turned her back oo me, but she final· ly realized I was the same person she loved before she knew I was a lesbian, and now we are friends. I don't want to be straight. I'm a normal, healthy woman who happens to prefer my own sex Once ttus guy accepts himself, be will no Horoscope ) longer be an emotJonal cripple. Perhaps he's crippled because of that cramped liWe closet he's been hiding in all these years. Please tell him so. -OUT IN THE OPEN AND HAPPY DEAJl OUT: I am prtaUa• JOV leUer became you repret1eal a pobd of view &ht de· 1ervea CO be beard. A s:reat maa1 people, however. do ao& believe laomoae:saaUty 11 "aormal a.ad healthy," ud I am • ....., &Mm. Obvlollaly, yoa bne foaad &lae cettnse co come oat ol &he cao.et aad an llappler became of It. J applaad yoa.r cudor, bat •1Ln111oa are aware that Dot all laomoeenall or leAlau cbooee CO be so open, nor are &ky u ,&eaaed wltb tbdr aenal prefereeee u yoa. I have re· celved thousands of leUen from male bomoee:s· aall (fewer frum lesblana) .tao are desperatetJ aahappy aad would give aaytblq CO be Rnlelt&. been a SOUtte of doubt. fear is removed. Check behind scenes, be dis· creel. SCORPIO <Oct. 23· Nov 21 >. New approach lo savings, investment program could lead to significant gain You can locate what bad been misplaced or de· TUESDAY, DEC. 18 material, establish a Uberately hidden. clai m -and a re· SAGITrillU8 (Nov. By SYDNEY OMARR latlonship. One who ls 22-Dec. 21 ): Intuition ii volatile means well, but on target -you aeo.se AQUAlllUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18); Accent OD desire, rebuilding, establl.abl.na a "algnifi· cant" relationship. Re· cent investment pays dlv1deoda. ARIES <Mar. 2l·Apr. ia not telling all. what la t.o occur, you can 19): Empbaala on com· LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. be at rl&bt place at munlcatioo, travel, long-22): Work with available crucial moment. Pl8CE8 (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Emphasis on career, baalc 1oals, pareat of ~ ae:s, bud1et ln connection with travel. publiabiq. HOME OF MIRACLE -A resident sweeps up the dining area of the Borum Gentle named it like we did I'm IO proud and happy t.hh town bu taken aucb an interest in my home "Now I cao sleep Dilhll." •• .Ha111s <From Pase CU razors, they often aaaume it's the ham down the 1treet wttb all the anten.ou oo lua roof wbo'a tbe culprit, be said. West., wbo hu more than $3,000 worth of an· tennu OD b1a roof. clalm1 lt'a a CBer wbo'a the violator more often than oot If it lao't , West aald moet ham radio owners are cooperative in dealing with the problem. Another fallacy la that it takes a lot of money t.o get into amateur radlo. West bu more than $12,000 of weU·protttted equipment in bis home. but said, .. An investment or seoo will do it.'' ADD "fiVE dollan worth of Radio Shack wire" for an antenna and you're ready t.o ao. be added. With leas energy than it takes to nm a ,trlng of Chrlltmu Ug.ht.a, the novice can com· mUD1cate with hams around the globe But you must have a license. That's where Weal can help. In addition to advanced bam radio operator counee, West wUJ offer a clau for bepnen throueh Coa.stllM CoUece startlog Feb s ·•1n nine w~ks. you'll have your own call letters,'· be said Energy Tip Here la an enercy aavtog augeesUoo from tbe federal Office of Comumer Affairs: Use your solar coUec· tor. Every house la ooe, but ll may be coUectJng the 1\an'a beat when you do not want it and re· leaaina the beat when you do. Cut fuel bUls by open· log the shades lo the mominl on the eastern and aoutbem sides of the bouae and clo.e them late in the day. If It la sunny in the afternoon, you can get additional solar beat by openin1 the ahades oo the weal aide of tbe house The shades orr north win· dow1 abould be kept abut at all times durtng the winter. Give yow ~ • IHt! sell your ski equlpnwm tut In tit• Skflng classified •ds of the O.lly Piiot. 642·5671 ran1e project• You material, be gracious to CAPlllCO&N (Dec. make numeroua con· relatives but don't 22·Jan. 19): You mltbt tact$ and some will P~ believe everythin& they b a v e r e a 1 o n t o ve valuable. say. cel~bratel Wbat bad TAURUS (Apr. 20· ~~:=:::-~~~~~-::::========================:::c=================::::::::::-~ May 20): You break new around. Be wlllln1 to tear down for u.IUmate pUrpole of rebullding OD . aoUd atructure. GE•INI <May 21· June 20): Open diato1ue with ooe wbole vlew1 may be opposite your own. Hold off oo direct coof rontaU001, lmPor· t.ant dedalooa. CANCER (June 21· July 22): Keep recent resoluUou eoacem.iq nutridan. health. Accent OD bale Hl"ficet~ and people who upOD yau. LKO (.July Zl·Aoa. 22): Emotlona could cau1e bavoc •b•r• rouUne aod loitc are concerntd. Key l1 to ~~tn=1:J~ lot. ~ Deedl, •ur· rinl. 'rt':' t>:'.J' ~ fDCO(Aq.~ 22):.., Leo ........ -1"IUd. M1let ibie The Red l?late A tradttk>n among the early Amatc:an famllla .. that whltl tomeOn8 daelwd lpeClaJ pra!ll or etteldlol'I ttMy wae .wd dinner on the Red PJale. Today thla Cl&lbn nluml ... lhe p.mld Milito~ • fdlnd't ipedal ~ .•. cellbatil a bis11Miay ••• ~.Job Wiii dane •.. rlWard. pl~ ... Of ~9/ ~ _. $pedal Toda!y.• Start a tiBdltb\ Ulll ............. Care Home in Pbllllpaburg, Kan. .··. I • • • • •• . .: . • • . . . . . . . . . for a Werry Atmosphere and 0 Jolly Good Assortment of goog ideas? ~ ... COMf TOM CRDET'S NEST Happy Holidays! To all of our customers we w ish y ou a Happy Hollday Su son. For your last minute shop- plnQ we still have some unique gift Items most of them handmade Our Chr istmas Decorations will add to the charm d the holiday. From bOth of us a MERRY X MA S and a HAPPY CHANUKAH MaTJI Ann Ii: J~ .. .._ __ "OO•OJW~ C...~W.... AoOOQt ... -Ff1 -~-. s-12.J ME. 17th Street Costa~1 .......... s.1 ...~. .... I 'DU _.....,.. will not 'knowtnflY accept any advert 1ln1 for real eetate which is tn viola· Uonoltbe law ,.. .................. . G1 ill 100 ...................... GIANT I IOO 541. Ft. Sll.IOO Spedacular 1800sq ft home! 2 liant bedrooms. 2 baths, bu1e sunny fmiit>' room. crackhng fireplaee. elecant d.lnlng room, country-type IDtcbm. service 6: laun- dry room, garden cov ered patio, Owner desperate! VA Ternu. or .,llAL ISTATI IXCa&.IMCI SIMCI tt•t co.I. WITH UI. • ... SANTA AMA MMNl'S. w .... ,_. .., ......... ...._ tw a.tstmnr -_.•,._.to,. "' .,,. c•tw• s..-. ' ....... .._ II In Int • 7/1 .,.. _.. A·I. wMdl ..... II ..... fw •••JOM, 1471. NEWPllT BEACH 759-8111 \V l·:S I. I·: Y :'\ TAYLOR CO. Hl<A I .TUl{S :-.111 1·1· I ~ H O JUST LISTED-IA YRlONT $415.000 Large living rm. w/Wide expanse of glass opening to huge waterfront patio for real Newport lifestyle. Water. boats, lights, sunsets --it has it ell. 2 Bdrrns, 2 baths. WESLEY M. TA YLOll CO .. UALTOIS 2111 S-Joa,aln ... ~ MEWPOU cana. M.I. '4Mt I 0 Assume ll0,000 ~% VA --------•I loan. Call.nowS*-2313 EXECUTIVl rtf'PN HI Q,.,,' ll}l'J rn~ l.J~ I !\tl!~lll OCUHFROMT COHDO 2 Bdrms .. 2 baths. security bid&. Vacant, ammed. occupancy. Sub aaraee. S22S.OOO m.3663 673-8924 Eves associated IHIOl<.fllS l>fllt .. Ol!S /11~1, ..,,,. lo'boo t • 1 t tit. ! G-.aoOI( A.IAMDOMm ESTATE COi I IGIPAU Dep.nt out.skle covered ESTA1'1 eatry adds to the beauty Ele&anl 3 bedroom, 2 ol the vaulted·ceWnc liv· • beth. family room home, inc room. g.ardeo view W1th 2 fireplaces, as· fanuly room. bnclt fpk, ··--.. I •c2 000 9112"' huge country kitchen, 3 8'"'""' e ... · · -,.,, Stately bedrooms. Loan Owner Anxious Callnow.546-2313 nwter swte w/walk·in ..... ., . , • . , . , closet, 3 baths, oak floors I ~ I & ea.rt.ht.one prevail, also ~STORY Giant 4 Bedroom. family room borne. gourmet kitchen, dining room, wall of glasa over&oo~unf! marucured grounds, 3 car garage. Owner will help finance. Asking $148,llOO. Call 963-7881. !i'i~I Morfft Cost• Mesa ,,.... Super sharp family home. New carpet, new p&UJt ln t.lus 3 bedroom charmer. Owner will help with ftnancmg Of fered at o nl y S91.900 540-3666 •NlteLt._11 Real Estate Inc ~ lt~ftiHW ~~r~b:~l ~t ~.;;;~:1~~;;:~ Li1RMI ~~~J ... paoellng, rauied formal GOLF COURSE YU strat.eglcally localed Del dining room. gourmet C8To tract-Costa Mesa • 4 91M. OCIAM YllW. 12 lt,000 ... and it's in Newport Beach! Hugging the cliCfs above the harbor! Separate master suite upstairs. big game room dawn. 3 decks, 3 baths and almost 3000 sq . ft. A real Unique Home at Just $219,000. U flliil l()U I: li()Ml:S REAL TORS'. 675·6000 2443 Ea't Coast Highway, Corona del Mar IAYAlOMT We have several fine homes w1lh pier & slip HHIMSULA POIMT Newly decorated 4 bdrm. family home. Close to ocean. $325,000 EL TORO HORSE COUMTIY 4 Bdrms .. 3 baths ; ranch style. mm1-estate in orange groves. $249.500 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 611y~·d" D11v1· N B b7S 6 16 1 *VETS* UM Y OS' HqlblAty NOW NOOOWN LOANS TO $100,000 LOW lNT RATE. Let us shaw you bow t.o Qualify T•toRedC~ 2 OtilA LOT Two houses locale<! ID a destrable area of Costa Mesa. Great for income property or live m ooe. rent the other. Owner will finance with 2.S'> down. Full pnce $132.500 Call 556-2660 _W. U...._754-1_2!>~ C: SELECT AIAMDONID T' PROPERTIES ATn.HACH ------ ' Bedroom. family room Real Estat. Offlu w1cracldia1 fireplace. FOil SALi 115,llOO. Walk to beach. Xlnt locaUOo lD Solana auwnable loan at 9...,'l. Beach. Sl.2.000 mrludes Owner will beip f111ant>e lease. lease hold 1m Take advantage, call provemeots fLxtures & o/ r/ewl'°rl REALTORS 675-5511 ot4 IAYADBI:: .,.._ Tft't"9Clr. Aall1I tstr dsl .... -sf .. Id & 9ldiM wkit WS. lt•rdwee4 fleer•. ••• kltclteta. ••• c_,..t' a; tt ., Idea. nine It•*•• 11, • ••• ., ....... Jl/i MttK. ..... y-4. .......... ...... • ••• ef .... ,..... FLIXllLi FIMAMCIMG •••ll•ltle. Sl:H,000. OM IAnml HIYI: .. Cea-clat Mmr: = ..... d -..... ,.._.to ..... .. c.+t Ital..,• _. w.edt .. IMNlt,.... .,_11th IMwllM IAY Y1IW .............................. ,.,.. ........... pool. .. ,. ... ...,,.... - www dw· fw ••act' !It be pffan., ._.._..._... ...... _.c ... a..,Ylew ~ ,__ c ......... --of ........ sns.ooo. COLE OF NEWPORT IEAl.TottS Z515E.C.-Hwy .. C... .. W. 675-5511 the 1a~ goodbye SINGLES PAD ~ uit.o ~ carefr~ $&'>5001. hfe. enjoyed wrt.h lha 1m -'1-- maculate 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. 2 A1mmt new Northwood yrc»d condo L&e bdrms, Condo! FY 11 P ti ce eartbtont' cpt.a. fenc~ ~·' Youn& Sm&la paUo & commuruty pool. • Coup6N type coms>'e• spa and lenn11 Super bOlta teanl.5. pool, spa. location Only 185.000 b&ll.iards. volleyball • CaU today 979-~0 more' Usut as upended lOO Take advantage' A Call fut'. 7S2· 1'100 LLSTATE ~·· . .,. I .. ~ -v .... .a:::: !~lff&IMI LOWDOWH PAYMBCT NO QUAUt'YIN(i &!per ilhal1> I Bdrm Coo do.. or So O>ut P1ua Pool .. S«Unty, partunc C lose es c row by Christmas or New Yf'ar s 640 4137 Own/Bkr And the sound of th4.' surf 1i1 yours to t-nJOY "' rh•" cu.,.tom 4 Bdrm No TI4-9'13-6767 fijrn Good inventory ot • · '• '· hstlJlgs and franchise --------[ ~ IRllMI ~:.:~ L::~·· LaJ!una homt' on lhe ~an side of h"' v A prttt'lf''~ l<X·auon 54<19 000 Seller says "Let's sell my 3 Bdrm Costa Mesa borne! Assumable 1st Hey .. r·u even carry a 2nd." Only $'111.~ Call now!J79.5370 Redhill 0-)Re.lity I id11 i<i'.tll\ tllliH' ho' I 1 JOO " " ......... ' ... .. llHD TO Sfil!! 4 Bdnn. view. fee land, remodeled W/orily the best' Private beach. Lrg. Assumable I.St TD. Will consider 2nd TD. $325.000. Darrell Pa.sh, agt . ~2326, 631-12&6 Ga•r• 100 Ge••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOmPLIX '!'belle 4 UDilt ba ve been be.auU!ully malJJt.al.ned 3 Br, 2 Ba owner'a urut + One 2 Br I Ba apta. Xlnt locauon ~.ooo BALBOA ISLAND REALTY e73-8'JOO OCEAMFROMT Redeconied 2 Br home •/natural peclty cedar New bath, fixtures etc Waler vaew Dbl garag~ w/elee. opener All this PLUS tbe lowest pr1ce. PLUS bit an financu~ Aaku\i 135(),000 --w-.,-to-w..tclff--JACOBS REALTY O.•st•ncttn1 3 bedroom 675-6670 m a deep lot wtth a big ----- taa&I room over • two car...,-.,e u·urharm C ;latcwt.ec:Ja 1018 il:tl and warm hoaae wtlh ..... •••••••••••••••••• badwood noon u11 • rompletely enclosed )W'd. Weil pnced for lb ~ OnJy $105.000 Call~l llil C:SELECT T'PROPERTIES JUSTUSTED! .. llSTAT1 OH¥•ACU ~ocanVleW. bluff lot amon1 p int' tna. 3 Bedroom. 3 bath. SM0.000 INdt Rood • ...., 4''"'°''' 102.2 ....................... Chanmna 2 bdrm ca CO(Jmade home ID Corona 1--------• thcblanda L11r1te lol QUALnY DUPLEX etves you amplf' room t.o Okie CdM 2 Bdrms .. 2 .tit on Cozy bnck frpk . beth owner's uo1t with redlliood pand.tng. sub frpk + large rental with mil oo flAll.lK'\Dll. A i;uper frplc both adJ01n1ni( value al 1229.000 poot ~.ooo l 7141 '7J..4400 121J1 u .. nu HARBOR PAUL MAJITIN REAi. EST A TE '44-7313 C.. DPLX S 179 ,500 11a IOUth of Cout Hwy locauoo L'i pnced to sell. A o.~rc.nn o( a 2 BR front coU.age wtlh lldrbor lm~tmt'nt (."n laU ol t'bann aod • I· JlR +den w Jrrpk on rear --------• atfen pvt llvmg Owner motJYated, try $50,()()() OCEAH qw down and conlrdt'l of Ven.aille$ peot.bouff ul· sale Call Dan Bibb. AJ..1 lra df'luJtt· & 1m 67S.2311 mlC'U1.at# • 2 Bdrm~ :? eo.ta Mino I 0 2 4 ~~ ~c.. + t'om -·••••••••• ••• •••••••• ........ ya...,..,u.ies $198.500' .... t.yProp. Reattan • 67S.7060. St-II with EAS t.' It ' 1t BRt;t:Zt: Oassd1ed Ad!. 642 ~IS 2 U FIXEll Owner wtll carry finam inc •l 101-,.. Lot 1, /OnL'fl fOf"2UDJLs Pncl'd JI onl) m .900 f'or mort' '"'" csll S46 58111) ~..:HERITAGE ' • REALTORS kitchen with beamed Gf'eal Baell Bay location. Well·mamta1ned home ceilings, separate 2stoey,SBR,Jba,2 fami· w/giant Bonu.'I rm with breakfast area, seduded ly rooms. Perlect for the sparkllJlg pool w /diving --~~~~-- paoo, 2nd Story host$ 4 tig family. Assume ex-board aod slide' Extra C!E 111111 ILlllS Ct. illting loan and ask the Queen-size bedrooms, ownertobelpfinancethe storage galore' Much. spectacular master muc h more '' Only suate Pnce JWll reduced rest. $125,000. $129.900 wow· I Call To $22,000 Call Now FULLEllREALTY day:7S21700 64&-TI71 546-0114 °"''' "· 9 • • •• ·~ •• [ij.1Jlil ~t.~z~[~llllil <lilly, Call Abe 9Q.794() • a CUESTA WantAdR..ultl 662-"-· ~ ---------1------------4 Br. 2 ba , ONLY ~Coldwell Ban~e~ ucwsava Y ouas You won't be dreaming when you see the sylvan rear yard with the extensive raised wood decking. Inside. cathedral wood ceilings & a brick fl.replace welcome you to this 3 bdrm choice Harbor View Hills residence. $250,000 FEE. Attractive financing available. INNl!WPORTCSNJD • 644r9060 . $12.3.500. Act 963-8377 90 DAY ESCROW will purc hase $2 4 Million. Calif. 6: Arirona. PRINCIPAL. P.O. 5305, Hlmt. Bch. 92&M PIMMSULA POIMT Wa&.erfroot. Spectacular vWw ol Channel; 2 •I.or)' 6 Bdrm mansion, buae family room w /Wf!l bar O¥Sloc*.I water. Exotic .....ier-1'4te w /private patlo, boatallp loo Owner uWowl, Submit ....... 7171 <»rN flt t• ti S lutw IO Ill MCI' I~ ~Ill ASSUMAILl LOANS ~autiful 3 & 4 Bedroom homes to cboole from '9000-lo $15,000 to As sume No qualifying Hurry ' Call : TI4~. (>11, .. v . t \ t ,, ' ,., ~""-'. [~lfilll The fast.eat duw 10 the West. a Daily Pilot Clasalflf!d Ad. 142-5678. LUSK HAUOll VIEW MILLS 3 Bdrm + family room single story home. Nice large 1ard. completely fenced. dog run • sw.fng set Brand new top of the line kitchen apphances for gourmet cooklng Earlhlone decor Anxious seller Owner a11l1ted flnanclng Offered al 1259.5()0 macnab I lrvtne realty AIAMDOMED RUSTIC CDM HOME Needs TLC & lmagmauon: 3 Bedroom + fireplace. ranched fence & roses. Owner Anxious Call 673-8550 CHEBFUL CDM DUPLEX Walk to beach & shops, each 2 bedroom cottage bas wood·burmng fireplace and patio! Owner will help finance Call now 673·8550 STEPS TO IEACH Private patio enters to charming 4 Bedroom Beach home ; slump-stone & tile. fireplace. step-saver roomy kitchen. feel lhe ocean breeze on terrace orf cozy master suite. All this for $139,900. Call now 673-8550. 673-8550 OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE M.UffS ASSUM.AAI LOAN Su~r · E Plan Spht Lt-vel With \t~ter Bedroom On t"lrlll U\f'I T"'n Bf'<lroom~ & I .trRe f''am1h Room \\1th \\t>t Bar & Refnittalor On ~r l.t·\f'I f'.alln1t Art-a In Kitchen Earth Tonf' Color; Throu11hou1 t:xrellt-nt f'lnancm11 A!>ktni.: S205 ()(XI ,\ Ju\ Of Nt'wport .. L1!>tln1! G:r --........... &31-1800 Ill DOYIR DllYI PISTIIAL VIEW-SUPEI COllO 11&c11I t 1111111 • Ml J•t .. • ....... c. CM CJ 't ... ..... -....... ,...,., -...... Y1IW ..... J ....... ,. ..... ,. ..... a ...... ..... S1ai11it a '"bi: ,...,._.... ..... Ill fl II , 61Wf00 A.d,•rt1 .... r ... mJ'r J,H.,,.• lht>tf •d' '" '' h phnn, K Ou • m lu ~ JU l m \ton•l u lhr~ t-nd.1\ ti.''',... • ., '4h.lr•1"'' I (r-1 \ \It S.\ 11• t'll • J,-.1 "" fl" .,..,.,. Y;'i• I Xi I tk •f" Jot h HI ..... , llilil I \1,1,, IH \I II ln.t:'' lu,1-rlt .. -. 1...-.("*"4 hit:,., ll t.H "'to(} 'llHTll 1 r11 'n tl111l lrf't• .u1 12.."I• CUSS!f*D DIAIK.M5 ~11dl11w for •'tll" It ktll' I• ) 30 11 m I h ,. d ~ \ brfurr put-111 ~• """ r'l«"f"Pl lor Sundw" &t Mondo Edl11on~ whrn •MlhM •• Salurdn. 12 -CU1SI.,_ aMLAno.G F.R RORS Advt"rll•r•• allould rhttil l~ar ach daily 6 r•porl t-rro" 1mm t'd1all"ly Tll E DAILY PILOT biUm~ lialltlllv lor lhr for•• 1Morrtt1111S«'f110n only CA f\ICEL.l.4 TIONS WhH lulllN an "d bl' ~Ill'• to mallr-~ rttOrd .. r ""' kl LL !lll'M ~t f H 11V4'n VOU by )OUf •d 1aku •• rr-tttpl ol )our ta11eo•ll•llOn Th" kill 11 W 91 llt'r m ••I ll t' ,,. ......... d b• , ,,, MY~ In UM or .. .. tMAl• CAflfCILLATION Ott COlll R llt"l10ft <W N l:W ~ 0 a & ' 0 A F IU1"N11'0: '"" tllWt .. made '° lift « ~ a MW ad .......... ~ . .... ~.-. .. .................. .......... ..... I PAllPLACI VDY aAll&. -'4 ft ........ , ·te· .. ·~· • MIWUlft• ... H •.o.--I W pi:. r. -·--~--Ori. BUI •lll·41e .. H Hr• U.P\ sfs .r $ ront11l ~I e14uatte t&NIJJ I f -~--·----...:;.;:;.~,--­..... 1or u.. llftw .. ••••oun ac lt ....... .._ 1• n...,.Btadl 009! JGee1 c:.lo f·Ol'.=U· ':if C: OLSON U:.PLAJAAllA ..... 11• OMLYNt,900 v .... .-UbAe tot Qia d4l'*8l,lbe-eoadot I• Newport MftTNOUIA.sl ..... It. Olliill ...... BeacL Oc•UINDt • v· • 1-. ·-&c. fm•,..,.. * .,., Ah' CICtltia. ~1 t •r ••• c--· -·--• .. n Sh wt-ll .. 'U19 PDC.Ol&Y ~~~~~~~l .. ,..a. u • _.. su. 11K.-.uYOU... I PM'. ~ ~ IO -IMI ._..,,, ::; 1111/mo+HC • t 'I OWMV4 0f EMirW. .W pdcM. ~ ... ...;: ;w;. It. .;.•..;..;.;•--:_eoa __ m_._...;;....._ --------1 dep. Anti homed/ TlllTOWl•tOttlt CSllllU). •llDl tt .... Dtt.t. HllWV.. Hll1a ""'-.,.,.~ ...... ., ..... 6 •P-._....._ ~ ._,. JAOO "9idrooa aad famil1 2lr: -.. rehts. utl pd, Jl'GL ........ ~. IM-7171 -··-·-····· .. •• .... . Pool ..... MiailMh,-~ ..... °' ilel1 • .Joiaa Man11au.,.-_______ , ........ SI ..._._.~to-taaa.._.n.. • Jal lmBILEltOU .... D1.l.le .,,.. ..,. dllllld. IUllO mo. -==~:..;;;;..;.;.;;.;....;;....;.. __ • 8 u y ·S l!L L·. SNT. L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... ,._ 2 bedroom 2 betla ~ ~ ... .....!! ~ a.!!.:....""', ~'-~2 : • lloaMt. llb•k>a Lakes -wvom •wv u.u.. ..---· • INm!t~~ ~=... TRIM =~~,~~..:,~ :.o.~ -~.:-.,::,.•maa l:::J.v W.w .. C.... landaeJped, DO mala· 671-1111 ...:'_••;;,;;.· _____ _ -\\'alh1:r t: l ~r: .......... .,,IOO. ()pealll. a..n l-4 ~tL.Alf'v.. CMi.l.US6't.1n1 111111 umirn t.-.CC ------~~~~!E ~· -Rd. , ..... ~ = L1 3Br. :Be unlt,:W c......... 3224 • • r .~.... . Br. -..__ aLaO.. Z·2Br. l~8' unlta. ~~~ ................. -.... .... U42 a • • --· -Take over contrect ..__,, .......... -.... •••-•• OWUI ror1, **-_... *-· 5'1111 Mii ~~~~~~~ ....., i 11t C1C1D11o 11r. So. ............._...._.. OAK GLEN ,.. ..... rl.yu ~ •tM.000 U. owrlooklq pan. -..COASTNWY at •~-. tm. R~ = o.t Plua. Pool. apa. ,.._ I ff t • See It &Qt Umo _.. __.. low for aru. uc.t Nm81rtr&olll.ml')'coo.. UH mo '1H·02ll · TM Luxul')' o un · sa.p to Cl7M&I land oe Sll1.D D01' • W~I-!!:_~~· '-:t investmmt. cau for dD cm llilikm HWs oc. IDtlM · • ~ Hartlor at ooly ODMnskle Great lDYesl· --~... ._..tac. putielb details. L&Melde, falMUJ • ..:;;;;;,.,:;;.,..;,_ _____ , -'*'mo. SBr, ab.I. meat! Call now. _,, ·--· endlJ oct1b ora. tl46-llOJ dD."9w.Owaer/qeal Eedear. u.., a 1ard. boat allp avalJ, DtaUneUve ••• 2 L-1...... 1044 n..-..m ~,,u You'll love lt! 12&$0 t714 CUDlorlD-*7 pr. Very clean Adult& . ..:~;:;;_;,.:;.;.,..m7 ___ • ----'-lroom, J~ ba COA· ..,,_ U'#NIN'ldl\IUNl()IJl,._1(1 • W/12:1ll2 fadcr'7 add 00 Nof'da &a91o ~ ''i:a'~~-11. mtlt5.•.,S•Br•OllD~OOO·-~·~·i= .. ! C'a 1Ja1i. lHn·,f11 SACllACI ~l~·n ~~:':; ~liiiiillii•"' n.rr i~ii-llJ-::'.Jll ~~er,-" ZSSO Ooaap, 2Br: Z8a ':':: ~ &r.tn~ -·-~ ~-.. ~· Ul'lii:J: $7.IOODM ~ eoYered patio. IC •-•••-••••••••••••• Sauna, S3Z5 mo. da. AJt. 14S·42tZ or IYO-Aa.umH balance of ~yard~for ~-!'. a.cr.atloaal Laod·ZM CZIJ>l5l-IZIO Ml-lJTl. • ""'.._ -.~uz....._, Sl'la,500. lbr. 2ba. Upper -few 3 CA... GDlY S1!IO per acre ' RultkSbdnn.lba.wtth DOVBSHOUSt BackBayNPl-aT-11,!:_ Move n before DON'TrAY ~A y 8 EL ow ~br,stowil~rig ....._ l244 fireplace, enclosed ll'ff .. ABI.£ Beautiful vtew of C2Mia.maa. 1-PllCIS MARKET) salmon Jtl.lJ'77DOJlda.Sll5/mo. ~~•••••••••••••••119 _,.,.,,.. a.2t11. AHU• _. ........ ,_, SAc:mAC:a ·-awL doer, -.,.., -°"""'>'Club r:-,..w....:,:: :.=-::::~.~ ~!!°:.:..•~: Jtw,~,'~c,Ao· ~Lii'... RllJi ~tbet!r'~ri~ ~=-•t~ NEW~31!,:,8!s.,~ ::-J~~~en: Mam da9e iD '79. J>rln. Super cleaa home In tub.~ MS-0303 aume balance ol $177.JOO. ~f.-, · •. illllii... priee ~ue · laveatlo& aa.epm pool + ape-n.r So Cst ~ f'OW"le. 2 BR • den. cil»Jaoaly. •.ooo e s t a b I I a ai... d ChetoH.S. aT·5Cm now wtU probably uve · .-,Omo ~-ft.rn. "' pertia)ly so. A ~orl.11-.152IO ~ ~000. )'OU »-lri SM these 2 .... 11We -..._._ condo N FORESTE OLSON SYCAMOIE &LIM llAteMEW Fabu.loul, larle 3 bd, 2~ ba. Quality townbome "''"l A 1 A•fOA' .••c...... .... = .. coadoa>inhims. Ooly 8 --------avallab&e. $109,990. 3'30 Sama Ana Ave. M2-f'134. WATEAROMT WOODBRIDGE CONDO, CUSTOM brand new 2 aty, 3Br, With Boal ahp. $32S.OOO. ,...,._ ._,_ l bedroom gourmet Ru 2 b fl l~ -~ rm, "t'"'• I .... _,_ 3 BD • • • aer. In cl. lake • Po o Is ' kitchen. form.a \U.LW.Jg, SI0,000., $20,000. dwo. jacuuis, & tennis Avail. family room w/craddinR • llOO. per mo. Ownr/A&\. foe immed occupancy. firepla~, large lot, spec &9023 ..,,ooo. 5-9062 laallar view. Call now Charming E ·Sldel ~~~, .. ~.,,.., ... , Dollboua e , Under ! I = Prlo Ooly, Agt' A ~~~:le Wi lldti utea SI0.000 s&cry Hanover plan wrth 3Br, l~S.. weatslde. delightful greenbelt IOMAH EMPIRE AIJ.. ~-view. Just liaLed •l only Most elepnt ln l)c)ver •MMMMllMllW-i ~OOOCALLQUICK Shores f>ool with spa I _........__ ud fountain. Furnished C .,, .. _ 644-7211 •wurlty system. Only Small, coay bouae on 1 ..... ,......... ~ trs. buildaW. lot. ao.ooo. c.1 ....,,......... For sale by OWDtt. Ca u ZJ3/471-7'T13 u u ti# a IJJJiT.tL1J aJlP "1n NIG[L EJAIL[Y & l\55£JCIA1 (5 FORESTE OLSON "'•" ..... '~ ... 5'MCY AND WARM Executive home built around beautllul lnMr courtyard. 4 lar1e bdrms, mast.er suite with sitting room. Thia home bu everythiai for l be diacrimloallna buyer. See It today. $30C,OOO •EXCITING• OPIM COUMTitY Located la ShorecUffa Country Club Put A beauutlll Mdt VlklDC Home.·~ lD· eluded. Ocean view aboft !lltrella OoU • Country Club, San Qemeate, SPECLUIUY Beaull!uJ :MXS2 Keywest Qm) M~ Home m Lacuna Hllls nicest S Star Park. TxlS encl Westchlf adult coodoe. 18 porch. m1r1'0red doon. prden homes aroWJd hibt wood loleriors, 3"7 COIDID. pool Clote to Tcm air coad. 2 1paclou:s shopping le 1ervlces Br's wtlh ba + dresaulg S8l,OOO. Century 21 area, wailt lD closets AJI WeslclUt.~72Z1. ror only $29,SOO. WESTCUff Gru·~SIC Owner will rlnance• MOllLIHOMI Ranch bocM 00 pretty area. 4 bl', 3 ba. Cam nn, SA.LIS = S yr old 4-unil ~ad 2'00 Halecn1t·Klllybrooke truly .,.,,_,...., · 0 •-_._. Hu 1 D..a-.. r-N __............... pas. '1'50 mo. --D -~ ..,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• --.,.,_.,.... • ..,. ......... """' BAY68EACH ..... I -J bdrm. 2 tNi w•.-o r --kit 3bt + --I ...... Cl d "'"'"" ~.!.rm"--:;: n.... wa' ·-REALTY 1 ........ 1 _ owner's unit. OH Haine 6 ~ Proper ,.... nv ..-~ """' - prqea. 1 a Mllea lo ty tiaUDp Comm&aaAOO • pdm' incl SS75Mo Woodbridce brand new 4 beach. 1245.000 Each Dl!IDtla~ ~31216 *'GZM or 1157-2:1Z7 Bdrm. z story Lge yant Sell l or both. Seller will - --Yrly * ~Imo. Don finance .... ....dd Mar: 3 BR . 2ba. I Tytn-ttAaaoc.'7$-4000 WwM H. T.,W Co. ··-··················· 0 K. No N RJ:ALTbRS MMllO tt... .. ::zb.Md kidl . ~ .o San AD.a ~;-.r.;.; •••••••••••••••• l>lllr~.lD~ , ...... "-'-.... !141 sss'.ooo Sales price. ..••••••••••••••••••••• sczs.ooo. By owner. Prin ~ couaae by ttw I c:tpals only 67S-43S2 au 2 br. pvt bu c b. 90/o On.ty Mo down on this brMd • buUer fourpl.H Owner •Ill c arr y ti.Lance at 9'it for 4 yrs All 3 Br. l~ Ba uoJta y earl'/ lncome '1l.200 OYer SlOO pr mo 1peocla b6t Full price SUl9.900 ~ DOpeU --~79 ....................... liq!es. 2717 remonl BeauUful Z·story, RSJ L..n ~ Avail Dec towabome. 3Br. 2 .... ea. Udl. .... 11136 --~ VleW A.aaoc. pool, -nl Avail. Jan lf1'A VEJlDE. earthtoee S7'7SllDO~. t'pta. Ice kllcb. new palnt. 3 BR S62S mo Lovely Woodbrl~e ~HDIO, 546-574$. Pam 'hable. 3br. 2.,..ba, r, --W ID. pr, pool, letUUI. MESA OD. MAR. pool, lake. Avail. l'eb. l blln1 . microwave. Adults. Only $630Mo ~ q>(. MW p&Ult, _..,·~----rtt rm. apan!ma pool J BR 2 Ba ~ 751 2060, n.tlerock. 4br, 2"7ba, up 5*5745.Pam owfied, all appl. Ordnr S Br. 1 be. 2 car &•r. l&e pool, pn 1HDO 7~ Jd, ~ • chUdfto COO· ~ 4 Bdrm home. r."' 1idend. ssoo . mo ltlcioua r.cquel c ub 16700I 1m"'~-asmo~ ser. ~ retnlft"a1or. dul rm. 2 trplca • ~-110& Harbor• Qe 20&-A u-.. NB muy to buy. eau Cen· 540-5937 31DW.Or>Mt •• -,. Undlll" .. 2 cu pr. Bti ==='""-'"----bk 1"1-Lee covd patio. ·La~---__ ._._~_-_:_, ~Pria~llM211 ~ ........... 2 Br Ill' bda tllGO seraa.wbdatmci - 2Br. pool '-la SJOO a . poo&. leaaia SJOO Udo2Br.nralltmO WID. r'11'1c .. •umo yr IJ .... IGMU. ~~.SPftngs ali amealtlea, nea .... 1171. ~ t ur1 21 Wea t c 11 ff· 1~~~~~~~~~1 ---"'-M'46 ___ _ llG-7221. S.«*•tew ~ 3bl'. %\a. l'rpk, alr. pal.IO&, pace 1100T ...._.... Si IPS TO ...uu.:t BEACH NOQUALIFY! By owner, 00 wide greenbelt ~OME" Eaataide Costa Mesa. Spedous4 bdrm .• 2"7 ba. ·~ SZ.500 down. $1 , JB7 per townbome. Approx 2l600 Sp a c 1 o us d up I e x 1 n mo. 3 bdrm. 1~ ba, pooi, IL of b"'ft .. .nace Newport's fu>eSt rental bu0 e family rm. Mr. sq. ...,. .,. · area Bolbwuta4bdruu. • ..,..1000 L4Jta of uparades. PaUoa, Wood.OO·um>or_. lush la ndsc a pi n I Steps tol&Od Woo't last. ·~-:--------t Generom fueslparking. tM&-7711. .EASTSIDE 2 LOTS C;'J Walker & lee 816 CANYON Newly refurbished, elegantly decorated Bordeau Model, rre· ~ area. Cal ua about thll fabulous bome!I OPEN SUN. 12-4P M 21851 Newland # 176, dou hie wide Gulfstrea~ 2 BR 2 Ba + den. ·wr dbb9e. Ail·~ Acnop for We 1200 ....................... so Aaea. all or part or. C1. ty water , power fl ~. Ready ror de· >ttlopment. Victorville area. between freeway & Hwy 39S. $2,&oO /acr~. BIG CANYON Spectacular 10ll rourse estate. ~ sq.It. 4 to 6 Bdn:ns. SloAJ baths P~ 3 15% down • "' intettel. cmd1pa '1.395.000. 1~~~~~~~ Tll STARNES CO. 1-..wPOtT--HIHMfrS-- &7'17761 Charmine spaclou1 2 ~ s&cry, 3 Bdrm, family, dlnbia room, larp li vtoc o-PoW 102• OCEANFRONT -·-••••••••••••••• New Modular Type •HO• CaJJ 542-1Q5i Bet WHll ~~ CDllda••lw/To.,... -...--1700 =·pool. jac. leanls SC.7C!O Jbr. b , fDcd U1 rear )'T'd Stt\I ll&bllDf PelS • On waler 2Br b ~ I z UMfTS On wattt 2BrIdea11300 + LAMD FOR 6 On wa~. VIEW. lie L&R41r. .A. 2 8r +den SZ250 Cblldrta considered COST A ~A '-DIW J8r 2 be., $600,000 Pn.bly peiDted ln •out IC1"olMTBIST Submit •bort term oa .-Mo. ta-A Durell my of \be above. Abo. '6 lOOI 30% DOWH oaiMn ma1 r\IJ'IUa!L ..:..::::._:..:.. ____ _ llNOYATID W .. ssf:Olll"-s ~nc~e:!.~1~ New paint. plumb1nR. Ille. 714/631-1400 pm isz5Mo lat + 11« ~. drapes fl roun • ..:_..:::..::=:::. ____ _ lMopl 752· lllO ' 9UAIL PLACE NOJ•NS• ta,. n l:Jt, .MJ ....................... ..... ulcOc..V• $10.000•ll• clloll ~r ocean vSew from tbla 3 Bdrm home. Owner wUI help wltb nQMCina eau Now. li:>cms, pvt community. 2 bds, at hr security. aub-lettloc OK. From $.W,IOO. Treasure bland 11obUe Home Pk, 30801 So. Cat Hwt, La1uoa Beacb, R.lf.P . (714 > • 9UAUFYIMG * 0NL Y $10,000 dwn OD faa&.utic opt,ioo. 3 BR ex· ec. bom e . $1195 mo/pymt. Pre1Uglou1 Harbor View area. <>wn.. $'1--0210 room. Muter suite with z deck.I and 1paclou1 mirrored bat.ha. Warm woods, br1ck aod at.one. Tnaly a deeorators de· liebl. For details c1ll M>-Ull ....................... --------1 LOWIMTIUST 4 Br l'MMI Lalk Ku1JOr V\ew Hilla SUOOtmo t.e. lmmed. occupaocy. .Till,... fuCllH"• Eatale1West &-3m • 770.0251 7 ... 3711 Fn 1•v..., 1034 •THISEA! --·••••••-•••••••• Split a..e1 I BR., 2 ba, SUPER SllARP·Owner bui• fam. rm. w /~et motivated, 4Br, a~s.. bar; blln kitcb; hie, ia 1q ft.. Ia x.1, .,._t.:Ple Patio, bltn :f":'rea, Fo\lntaln =-.-Hilla area. Valle1 Sehb, ck>N to MJailON REAL TY aboppiaa ,... -.zm. Pblm-.cml ........ a. ..... 1040 _, .... ,............. ••A&.DIAY LOT SIA SPIA Y 1IO-o7lS B a"id *· a.. Qoo. do. W /MC 1ate. ~!t DC&Pl10NAL , t 1 . HERITAGE . • REALTORS .... LMlltlcMt TMe ovw low in&erell rat.e bani Several cbcN~ 1·2 bedroom coodo homes lD popular Spr . -Inca community In MEW HOMI FOR S-..._ Irvine. i..ue.. 1tream1. llACH NOf'\E Caplst1 GMO I 071 tflania, lush laodacaptq. 'Ibis large quality built _................... From'57.ll50. c:maom 4 bcfrm home la Owner, 1900' aq .. aer. Pbanetoday (prin. ont1 > oeutn1 compLetJoo ud 2~. w/family room. U4-WM <Sroker> ideally localed, 1tepe many UNJ'lldes, 1 mile OWN•R. L•tSURt: from tbl oeean. Aak1nc from be b. • uata t lo c. /1:1 SZSl.IOO. Bullden HJ, ftnanc:!nc. VA poealble, ~ ~c.~• aatimtt JOW' often. eau p,500. 84282 --~--11Wlo. !!t_ll$1 for special de-._.._ .,.__ ...._ laall plu. mr • _ --1010 %Ba, frplc., A/C, lr1. -·-················ balcas:IJ, view. Alaumit· Ille loa TU4»tlll. · :;~.. HERITAGE -t..m. YOUafO&LS IDJJ>AYVALUEIN a; Sbart walk to tbe A a C B B E A C B1~~~~~~~~1 tie.eh. Bl!IGJITS 1: ,..__. ... __ , __ MZ-?"1 nrJo1 bte In• be•chl•-------1 . . RlALTOHS .._ ,. .. , " 2000 ....................... ~---:;.;:;.;:-•:.;; .. ~---------1 co.. db• q~ IDClaD-UNDAtSU_ tam llCliDI llGft'CUdtac 2 Beau1Uu1 Well APDOlnt· ,.... a bedroom bome ., o a o • water db *'-11 Jaodlcaped Properti• .... ooo fl 1U'd. Seller mQ' carry a s:u llJlWm. BJ appt. Old 'lbwn, 3 br. l ba. 1lOI ... ..-.ooo. call dap -...; ..... wlmdJ C:J Coldwell Banker or ZU-Gl-4731. llHTA.LS 18R.18a ..... 2 BR. 1¥1 ba ........ S4 38R.2"2ba ....... 38R. 2ba. ........ FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal~ '4J..S'71 t-'OUN 0 Sa moy rd £ 8uMtl Hound, VIC 20th 60ranle Olli S:56 3729 Found lAbrador. bUl 1- wrth n!d rollar Vic SJC ~pt.al.n.\ Hill 831 6357 FOUND cat Gray & brown. 1reen t>Y«'' Penl&D. Vlc Adams & &ahard 968-2559 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ), Want Ad Help'> PUTO"S RETlli T For free.tb.inldnl • SW i.a&ing couples. Relax w/absolutely No Pre11ure. Adult Fun 1&50 Ivar. Hollywood MASSAGE FIGURI MODB.S ESCORTS oun::AU OHL Y Days, Evee, hr 631-2140 GOLDEN GIRL Pro( Massage by St.eve. Llc'd Therapl8t, N 8. 3.9 Apql Only 548 21117 MASSAGE sunpatlco Your masseur u. BobJame5 OukaJ.IB 9-11. 494 5111 -- Khlt's o.tcoU 953-9121 ADULT X MOVIES! Sbowu' By Appt. Call JobD orcancty, IM-53114. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fut complele 1ervlce Comm'l/Reald. Free eel '1Sl·9004 Accounlinl ./ .f" TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Earn XTRA Holiday$$$.. For IDformalioo on ho<V you can work a few days or a few weeks to earn t.hat XTRA Cash call 16 Work lbe hours you have avalJable Accounllng Cler~ Booklteepers Data Entry /\ccountanll> Auditors CPA's CALL OR VISIT TODAY ROBERT HALF'S account~ 2333 No Broadway 11:m. Cofdwell Banker Bldg.. Santa Ana 1714•35-4 I 03 ACCOUNTING ._ •• a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gardenlac. tree lri m mma. clean-up, &: mainl aerv.Arnie.Ht-8414 Lite haullo1-mov1n1. Oarap-Yard cleaniq. .. I alttlwg Rel:aaratel. eo.oT05 ...................... . -~ Parenta at'· HAULING" CLEANlNG rtvn.s for Holktap, need Relid/Q>mm1. Freeesl p1.:e for them t.o 1tay, Blkt. blodrwalla. •tone. «IDCl"lte. Prof. wort at re.an. prices ft'ee •. Gery 5e0-4814 ..... Olllta.MQ tbe1 will tend House, HaWln~Traab Trim ., Plant.a, Peta: Prefer PETERSPAINTIJllG ui... ,..r ·: .. -.,. .. -k CdM/NB/LalWla. Pis Eapr'd. Reas Rates u...~•-.. -I t E i.":i'.'Reliibie~~l callalltpm:MM133. _ ?!~Eat. Call Gene ·~·Rd.' C:~1 " • .., .......,..., Gene..411o-70ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• Landscaptnc, tree tnm ()(X;1tudeot.Lareetruck. 1be fastest dnw in the Jonie est. Comm'l/Res1d mine. clean-up• Free Truh, tree trtm Dan We11t. .. a Dally Piiot SEIL kUe It.ems wtth a 11\od wbat' you wanl In Honest R ... 11able est. AviJes. 8'2-8474 642-5703 Oua1fled Ad. M2-5e78 Dally PUot Claatn.d Ad. Dilly PUol Clautfled.s BA/MC '151 -eoot People wbo need people ahouJd always ~Ii: tbe Service Directory lft the DAILY Pl.LOT ADMIH. ASSIST. For large ret&J.I furruture s howroom 1n Costu Mesa Good lyplng skills & organ11at1onal ablhlJes Good salary + bene For lnleVTVlew call G\abmao Fu rruture ask fer Ji.m of'Chet. 540-3822 BAHKING OPPORTUNITIES CASHIER GEN OFf'tCE Experienced, P /T S3 50/br. Apply THE EARL'S PLUMBING. lS!l6 Newport Blvd CM N2~17SJ. COMrUTU TICHHIClA .. \licro ~1.nc. wtt &. hardware aspects Un derstand auembly c1rru1try Dynilmll youna company Ground noor <JWO"tu.nrt Y Dent•I Asit Ortho ~ )OUI our t~am f>rocreu1ve olc. C M N 8 Sti-5170 General Office EXTIA MOMIY Tdepbooe appt setten *IP w $450 per mo. nper nol nee F1n1bl~ Mw I J & det llOOfl hours Call ~3475 ask Amway has 4.000 pro ducta Dlstnbutors wanl ed. no door to door 968-9"'9 •TB.UaS F\tll and part IJme. rel•t· ed experience ~wred AMERICAN SAVINGS Clencal coder. tem· porary. part &t f uJJ tt me. arrange sctM!dule with superv150r Call 641 1390. ext 37 Ask for Mrs Easterly Ao extra $400-$1.000 P<'r ln.JNTU'llGTON BEACH , ________ _ month. ptl Cboo:.e your 7830 Edmger Ave own hours! 53&-2403 Mr HJ ock 848 2222 APARTMENT MGR. 18 Wll~ 111 Costa Mesa Couple for mamlenanct> & ble bookkeepinR Apl ava.t.lable 962 8229 ASSEMILERS Busy Santa Ana firm needs assembler trwnees Apply Jensen Wemac. 3433 W Harvard Sl., Santa Ana Au zt+rr .. T,..._ lmmed ()pcn1na. will l.ra1o. N. B 548-9818 Tt.'STrN f>41 E 131 St. "Courtyard .. Mb Hunt 832 2581 Gl\RDfo;N GROVfo: 12141 Garden Grove Bl Mr Werung 534-8690 EOE IAR&Y MAKJMGm O..ERJCAL MEB>B> IMMB>l.A TB. Y For long and short l<'rm po6ltlons Ui San Onofr<' area Top pay, exN?llent benefits O·mslanl plaet> ment in the following fields. TyplSts C50wpm > min accurately Steoo-SH reqd l!l)wpm+) & above Detail Clerks for Quality A.saW'IU>C1? Reproduction Clerks Nllht and Day Shifts available for clerit pos1· llorll lrvlDf! Ptt'IOllfkl ARroo 488 E 17th, Costa M~a ~~ 64214'10 DemaJ usl . 4 daY\. no s.t 's Beacti area ~75llO Dental A5~1~lant Ortbodont 1 t" R 0 A Newport Bch 644 12.81 ... ,.... A•ol ._. forSandy ____ _ .. cliet•ly C•ll Mr llml9yt51·7 Ill -------G~neral ...... ,,,.. .......... ,,,.. ........... ,.... DeataJ ROA With c Ip TIS'THI Sl>SOM TON C-Ook /Days Permanrnt po61t.10n. f uJ I ll me x lat ~ rond apply in pmiOn TIM' UJ>'Pt'r C~t UK'. ~ CumpUA Dr lrVUlt' COOt< E.xpr 'd jlm· rook Uui. > downtown L<iicunJ Brh r~tauranl C'all L)nn 494-9765. !Ho 5pm COOKS. Mot.her'> K1tl'ht•n 'RestaW'ant. 4913730 COOKS to' T Top '>iilarv ~IQ02 Dr Kmg ltunt Bch. Dl~PI A\ 111 '11.Dt-H Mill 7yr.. uJ)t'r t.o bwld rustom hardwood di\ playl> r:.labh$ht-d C'o w1heallh plan Profit shanng, pd var. stead) work s .. tary op.-n 714 631 0660 ChJrln f.ACT'ORY 27 PACKEltS/ ASSEMllHS MA.ILCLHKS MEB>EDHOW! Gary(hrp I ~II C'IJ>f'rlrn<·t' Tup I pii)' Job\ llK'Jhod In SJn 00NUr SHOf> e:arl) AM t.i An.. <. n•tJ \1•·'" & aftemooo !.tuft!> °"r l.rvmt. & "'~"''P<lrt IW.ich 18 Appiym~ Dlpp1t~ Appl\ tod .. L "'"'" g:iw UIS4 lloewport Bl t.omonow(I) Doubleday Boolr. Shop. Fashion l5land. sttki. quallf1ed ~rsonnel ror JOU.Y ••• earn ••tr• SU'I tor your ~netmea lotly We heve 1 fOb IOf you! Work a.-. murh a.., )IOU "'.tnl hnnu' avail. n1·\ 1·r a It'· AJ; 11'*"-n Typist a.riD S.C~s Wm etMl llM Wortren Dnvmg t.o Sacra~to for * Cbnstmu Want person * Autornollve GEHYA.L SERVlCEPERSOM Tb11 may concern you We are a national wholesaJer of l.ndustnal I eq\ipment We are look ~ for l.ndl vlduals who want to earn bl wn $200 $500 per wk We have ruJJ & plt.Jme po51· uons ope-n and a com plete tnwu.ng proeram. U you are tired or mak· 1118 rrunlmum wage. or Must bave recent work expenenet-. be rlex1ble & depend.able Telephont> & transportahon a mu!>l Apply Moo·Fn. 8-4 i!tll.Jl1mum or no exper needed Will tratn Fu IJ 41 part t1mt' Apply 1n penoa Dick Church's RESTAURANT assast ma na g~r !>05 rt IOn foU.U llllk' E:q>t•r on I) ~S3ll ,8 t>RCi f ... Ot. ~=g & ex Artlst gomg Lo high d~ sert Anyooe 111tere:sll'<l 1n Jo1n1ng ronlact M aurice t:ga . 0. 728-4650 wft 6 PM LINDBORG Tt:NNIS CLUB membership. $400 5JS. 7378 WW lbe gorgeous blonde <white s wuler.black p&Dt.s) who lov~ my ex otic car. ooon lime Tues. tn Laguna Sch please call. '114 /644-1812 or 714/Ml·Sl.55 hrsoMI Sernc.H 5360 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRASS KEY •bGmlh Escorts. CATERING TO YOUR SOCIAL AF FAIRS •661-0729• NowHinng S4nu S.vation • Accupresau.n • Rerlex.ology •Massage B.G. Rodbeim. L1c 'd Call for appt. 646-9345 •f:=& ' IOll ....................... JablW_..' 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wareboule manater. in-wd«Y control/maaace-mmt. Prol .. lonal seek.a ~:.IT.County op-. 48M218 MlfpW_.... 7100 ....................... HO! HO! HO! COME IN! SB.ECTA SPECIAL Pos1t1ons avail m our Auto Center Ouues mrl worlung with tire., bat ten es & shocks CAR.LSIAD OFRCE worklng tn a uniform. 3088 Pico Ori .. 311118~rt Blvd CM Cook wanted (o. T or Ptr. Gary 1 Deb. 330!I t: C:O.St Hwy. CdM. or rail ~2.1.93 call toda)I for an in C.tsbad l.ervlew. We believe age E.O.E. Mo ms Count.er help Part t1mt· Is no bamer. but t.hal ~~~~~~~ ... ~ Permanent poi.1t1on Dnver Ganknf'r romti Ha\? \ a.bd C. \ It <'t·m.t· Good dr1v1nsi: rerord M1ll a3t-20 Apply .. 1 Peonysa~er 1660 ~a CM Orwer nttded Respon~1 I* " dependable: pe:n.on Deeded ror deln·en. of appll~ elc f'lex1bll' lxNn C.11~1 ll70E.~r s.A... 55 .. 7016 610 .... Wpot'i Ctr Dr M.&. 640-1970 t'ACTORY WAREHOl'St A..~t M BLt.fl~ CHRISTMAS GIFT UNDER OURTRH! Xlnt benef1U incl medical, dental. d1sab11! ty and life 1nsuranre plans. Pension & profit ~hanng plans avail , as well as retail disrounll> at JCPenney & Treasury Stores knowledge 1s t.he key to ~ Lagwia Beach &kery success. for an in 497-4l82,or49514~ l•--------~ l:.xpe:n~N> :\1.'i."'C.ktl 1'op Pay Paid Weonl\ ~ accounting personnel temporary APPLY IN PERSON BE:IWEEN 8AM·3PM JCPettMy 6131 OrangeTilorpc Ave BUENA PARK F.quaJ Opp'y Empl M ff -- BABYSITTER kind. for 2 beauWul cluldreo. 2 dys wk. my home '160-1380 tervlew, call 957·11SO, lrvtne Bookkeeper /Cook, daycare center. 5· lOyr olds Some knowledae. exp 3Hrs dally, Sept· June, 6Hrs daJ.ly. June. Sept SS OOHr 548-8849, Betwn 1·6 lootdlnpet Auto lnsurance Billing, Accts Rec-Payable. aome typmg, xlnl work· ing cond. Larry Hunt Oerical GENERAL OFFICE TYPISTS SECRET ARI F.S ACCTG CLERKS PPBX·PULSE Top Pay No fee Paid Weekly l\crrell' SIJMCIS.llt. IRVINE EOE 752-6666 M F O!VlSIOD Of Accountants Babysrt.ler In CoUege Pk Auto Center 1825 ---------Associated Personnel area, 4-5brs day. Mon Service. Inc Fn, lO·J0.3pm 641 Ulln Laguna Canyon Rd, Earn ex&.ra money for the holidays' Many open· mgs now-wit.h lop pay- th rough out Orange County •Accomt••ll •loaWleepet-s •Accwliltg Clilrks •G1•ral Offlu •Data Procn .. PLUS!! Ask Alllut Our New Bom Ptan! Balboa Perunaula salon has 1mmed. openi.ng for marucurut. Call Dee's SaJon at 6'13-5'170 Lag\m& Och. (1 >494·3000. m.8866. Breakfast Cook, ex perienced only, top pay, excellent beoef1t1. Beautlful beach k>caUon Apply In person 400 S Ranking Coat Hwy, l..ag Bch The TB I EIS JollyR.oler Newport Center f\&ll time, liahl typmg. Calll1 If mtaler Ca.ahlerini background. Expr'd In new fl re· Paid benefits. Call Dona model. custom, realden· Croxooat844-14e1. Ual cabinets. f\111 lime, IMPSUAL Sid. steady, excel waaes & Equal ()pportunit bmetita. San Clemente Employer m/f !h1 Cabinet Shop. 492·*1 " ~~~~~~~, _&:n_.ai __ • __ _ -------• CASJUER/HOUSEWARE Bl*'nc BANKING P05mOMS IMMID Of'IMIMGS fOR FIJ..E CLERKS · Euetlent tralnln1 op· portunltJ for career· DDded tndlriduls. Ea· PlrimCt dWl.nl wttb the public a plUI. Wt otrer a lood ltartlDJ Hiii')' eompUmeoted bJ coo· 1en1al wort••• at· ......... and •actlleot w1r:wa Pb•~~~ SALES, Apply in penon Rion Hardware. 102.4 Irvine. NB <Weatchrf P\ua) CIQIIER -Exper. pert· li.IDe evenlqa Appty In pslOD Two Guys from Italy. Z3S7 Fal.rvSew Rd Cll. Cl.ERK A/P 3 to 4 days per week. exp pt"ef'd AJ>- pty at l&eO Placentia. a.ta Mesa CLEUn-1 1 11 PM t.o 7 AM Sunday lbru Thurs . 6'1~ Paularino, Coeta Mesa. m-4652 cuarmsT For leeal department Typina speed 50-5Swpm Baalc koowled1e of alphabet ical ~ aumerical twna. Good phone etiquette Xlnt ciompmy p&id bendlll. Qtll penonnel. m.al4 IURl-TYPIST Tnlnee pottlJon avail.I ble tn our Clualfted Ad vertialDI departmebt Hean IAK to IPM. L1atit lypina requlred (U-.0 wpm>. TypUai ten wiU be~ Some ten key bJ lo&ac h I* uy, Counter Help ror dryclean1ng planl Newport Beach 644 0932 --- COUNTER llEI.P Full and or part time Hou.ew1ves welcome Run xerox rnactunes Alk for Klyo 546-211193 COUNTER H ELf' Sandwich shop. woman Part lime Days only Mon t"r1 Npl Brh ~lor634 1483 cx>uPLE Lo o.sacn mar in Oranae Cty deluH bld& -11al + lovely apt C.ll 521~ for appt CUSTODIANS F rr days men • women Co6la Mesa Newport area Must be t: ~ ctUJeo c.u 632·65:51 CUSTODIAN fwl ume M F 8am to 4 30pm Cd.M area Xlnl working ooodl. Call IS73-Z268 M t• 8 J0.4PM CUSTODIAN Daya, Costa Mesa & Newport area Xlnl wartinl C'ODditioa.I Top pay. must be dependa ble .• '1015 DttJYas Men or women 2S yr.. or older. K.oow t.be coa~t aues Nn $180 a wttk or more Orangt' CoJ'l Yellow Cab. 1'1300 Mt Herrmann. f'ountatn l\arell' IRVINE EOt. SOMC:D..K. 752 66116 M 1fo' Valley (!'Ito or Staler ---------be l w n N e w hop~ Ii Eucbd> Female att.eodant to care ror diiablrd woman OnVtt's hce~ & light Drua Clen. part tJme. ~tnlt req Ir\ T\aes Wed Thur5 after 1559-5109 noons I 15 lo 6 t~ "'--'•.o -&C2-4.104 ruuu • ...,\era1t~ -----1lx-Balbo.I s.i" Club 1~ EL EC T R 0 N I C /\ ~ now tunnit SEMBLEJlS.all pha~ Hoshu-lff...._. salary rommeni.urale Sat & Sun Eve-. onl)' with exper Engl"h 'ttui.t b~ t'11~r1enced 5peak1n1 prelrrrl"d Uruonpotouon AlJare Electroruc~ 31118 L Waihr-Ooy Airway, Ave .• CIC Two daystwk only Mu.st !lectnnan, upenencE'd rutdenllal • com mere la.I 8812252 Dec:trurUc Alllembty farm loc:aUd nr ocea11 needs Ftr tra1nfft for mfg dh Earn while you learn. Many benefits call t45-8I Electron1c a .. embler need9d for ll'OWIQ& com peny ~ up pref Kni1bt Equ1 pment ODr1>. Im Lotan A" . c II 557-4111 E1ed..r..mcs ~· l'ICll•CIAN tmimdlaee opeotnp • opportoa1tle1 lo an beexper Please rall for appt Mon t'r1 II 30 lo 5 646--7358. Fun lovin1t atlracllvt' 111UDe11 from 2IO 30. top pay. ext travel Olrls wtth any bu.11.Mss exp, ahortband, ~•J •tau. le1al. 101 . m1mt. or K(l. Call 1'714) llN-9808 llill Potter G~EKAL VOLT .T~•por•ry S.r•ice se•ds yo• Holldcry GrHti•gs. c.. .. & Me ft for .. ....... ,..... ...... tow.a. CLERICAL ~STRIAL TEcHNICAl VOLT ft ,._~.._ •• Al•• •..f 1-'"" I '• 546-4741 3848Campu1 Onve Newport Beach I.Across rrom John Wayne Airport• F.quaJ ()ppor EmJ>'°yer Gen I Ofc P rr nex1ble hn. H B area. ask for Joan a.373S. Gfti.S AtDAY Exper1ent"~d pro(essional-permanent part lime for lax & ar· countinc office • t.o S9 lolr. Wntt: _: .. ••nt ex· perience t.o. Allen Ham· rnond. CPA. 2041 Bual· ne. Celli.er Dr. SuJte 103. Irvine. ea .. mu. GUARDS P\all as part llme. All areas . U nlrorm s furaJ.abed. A1es 2l or CMllr. a.ired welcome. No a:peiience nee. App· lY Univenal Protedk>n Service, IZH W. Stb Street. SanLI Ana. In· ~ boun •u • 1-t Mon thru Fri. MMnOI 0111' r. ta CM. .,eft· ~1T1nann trae .1.1 dr• wk. -..at 1llunNI •tmllltnU • • -cOlilmitST Super pl '1Mcit loe ••tilt attrac . personable t1pla&. Co otren Jr.mt beiwf, houn t~. ~•'Ji c:=::~ Ir 'I rwJ Ume ~l· plHHDt 6 eftidHt da .. lal.lllldr'J rm ; will .... IDUDCI' lO Jolo cnla Good ......,.., Al>· a..rvatlona l>epan· lb ,, . "-•l*'t vma. ..,_NLIUmed.Qw.f.A· ~ooo Hilaria Wa1 . ~ary, pro1re11lve CIO • ..U abalP aecretary W/lood lJplDI • ID ltiM.lve ~21U =•od'A& oompa~ New,.t •~ IG·911 tadwllnt.,.... ...... 3 0 -~· 8eenUry Mml be QUAhlied ln 1en ·1 dee lklllatprocedures Prefer 2·3yra. uper meal ,_r 1bift. Appl>' G~l SICUf1 l ilfly Put/Ume. Eapr'd. HrlJ l••·•o••· lloa·Prl. row nt rv 0• rm IJ9l· Van r..,._ Lv mat f1t·ftll c.lsa.i P ~• .-, IDodvat.cl, t.1al tf:iiion H01IL wn&aJ1wi&b1.Jyn ex· SJ ' F.qv.alO..,. ~r lllONewport Center Dr ~. a.tary acc.ordlnl to nlMT'IMG N9wponBaacb uper. Call Fran,, U= 2JO °" °""· f& Equal Oppor E p&o ..-. fol' a career op. JI 8Clll'ilT m yer I -.. ... w s•ra-•DY -. la DriDt1a1. ap-Rl.STAUBANT - MO SM ...........-. """"r.•~ PlY PD'lNYSAVER. A qualified mature Don't-•--_ .. on th'-HIJUledemen wanted to b'~mort1a1e -~ Cll • IJll"IGDcaDmake$4bour .. .._ ....... .. ......... tar Jul • Ra llDanclal flrm. Lilli• • · l n o "r fa 1 t f o.o d 1round fir oppor. Super -'" ce 1 I · tkJo, real eM.ate 6 cor· R E A L E S T A T E l'tlll.eurallt owned by The co nffds attr person ~ Aam. '"3 'l\le9. • porate law exper. pref. SALESMAN WANTED. Joib' Roser. Apply ln w Ith t y pl n I about l75-2't4. Mm 2 to I yn ••per. ,.. EARN UP TO u"° COM· PlftOll to: SOwpm. Adv rapidly •Hou1ecleaners, earn qd. Salary + frin1ea. MISSION NET. l·Can FuH benef package & xtra ... worttni for a n4-75-1515 uk for La earn rrom SllOK to SlOOK .a.I __ lovely beach loc. lllU deaninl aerv. Must Vonne. _ annually. 2-Ftod ovt why R ,WMS- 912-9955 have tramp. 552-4108. __ · new lie. um bll S$$ •• , C4ll SIMrri -Lepl Sec., temp. Exp' In .. __ Co I" ilb .... HOUSEKEEPER-full· Uti&atlon. Non-1moker. 1..:i". me ta• w .-... time, 1ood benefits, Hunt. Bch. 841·1400. them 3 Our produc· t/lnexpenslve SI SECIETAIY w/med lnl. 64.2-S88l Leaa1 Secretary l1nd/bud&et term• 4· # 16 '9rbha l.a.d Just 1 yr exp can land lbaekeeper/babysitter 9 N.B. few llrm seeks Pre·aet appu. &•lore. ~~N~ewport~~~Be~a~c~b~~ this pog m mktg wtth to 6 Mon thru Fri. 3 nature girl w taood skills ~f\nd OU\ w~y "we've ~ plush prominent co In school age children. & front office •P eott.bebestthin1going". fteltauraal N.B FanwUc bener & Irvine area Own car. pearance.eHlOO/Fran NB area. Aak for Mr F'1ll aervlce restaurant workdlne cond Start Re rs . S 1 2 s I w k + Maida. apply 11\e lnn at HoloVard ~ 101JD to opeo ln Laguna uJto S860 bmellta Call833-031.5 Laguna, 211 N. Coast Real Estate Beach. Seeb fuU "part· '7Z·99S5 ~,.t"011ve In, English Hwy, Lacuna Beach UCIMSID ~~YT~~~~ CGl Sllert s g, 2 am chldm, UMLICIH$1D necessary. Cooks & oonsiderSll>-2403. MAJ&.CLHSC/ Will train. Beat com· belper, hostesses, mlsalcm tplit ln t.be in· cuhiers • chshwashers rasot•IEI. ~<>HIST Attrac, personable indlv wtth l,YPIDR 40+. &OOd pb voice & rec. ofc exo to meet & greet Hskpra -make U for COUl.lll c:bslry '10/3G. to top pro-Appllcauona belog a c· Chrlatmas Dana's. Newpo rt Beach ducera P'or interview oept.ed at 35l CWf Dr . Callfonua 's I rgat, needs Mortgage bankinl f 1rm c.aJ.I 801 at Redhill Real· between 1D & 4pm • Tues S people to l'lean fvt teeks individual for en ty, Udoolftce; f'D.7300 Sat For lnfo. call homes Pd d a I y . try level pogition to re· -~ oe1ve, sort & dllUibut.e led •tate ~-l38l. clients & ans phs Lots 1---------, or variety Xlnl benef Start saJ to SSSO. CclC..,., '72-9955 SUPllt CHAU.BtGE Flexible secy wirecent exp ne«ied quickly by thi1 beaut Irv facility Xlnt working cond & benef & b o nu s atnaetun. IHJECTIOH MOLD SET-UP First shill. WW con.sider 1 trairung lf mechanic ally UlCl1Ded & learns quick· ly. Job entails: setting moldl. 1tart·ups & mmor troubleshooting. Ex· peneoce belpfu.L CAMIROMFG 7801Clay, H.B. CW /Beach S/Garfield > E.OE M/F. INSPECTOR 97z.ft55 -.c....,. • Mach puts~ for • 1 aadl tool shop for rut growtna co. MUI\ be exp. Due to expanaion needed lmmed. VAi, Irv 546-8210 Beaut Irv loc seeks CDlf.act Clark. allr. p ersonable. lmurance mature 1nd1v with It F.G.S. typing abthty to meet & IMSUIAHCE IKRS. greet co cbents Lots of f II I variety & xlnt benef ha•~ th• a ow IUJ Start sal $700 op:•igs: C411 Crry ~ Vaffey & 972-9955 ftlee1t0ft lrwhH -IECEPTIOMIST To work in beaut. admln ofc 's ProfJ attitude & nice appear To help w 1 clerlcal personnel functions & be support to other • admln ofOCi!rs Must be ! pleasing to people & • ha\'e It typing Slart sal : to S8SO ~~ AUTO UNDERWRITER Agency Expr In sub· standard auto preferred. Al!TO UNDERWRITER TRAINEE Expr. helpful, but not nece\.'lary. Homa Ofc/Ftn Vall•J ADMIN. A.5slsTANT Muwnwn 1 yr accnt'g expr, data processmg ex· posure helpful. All company benefits. bberal salary based on upr and ability. FUiierton Branch call Judy, 871 77Z2 Fountain UMl'T CLHIC Valley Branch Call Light typin(l & lot.'1 or Kathy 549-8161 Home ofc • vanety Ul lovely beach call Sid 963-0941 fac1hty Excellent co & benef 11.osurance f7Z-9955 CGISllert UC..i10MIST/ TYPIST Enjoy lbi. 1uper loc. & put your good typln« & spelling s~~~ to good use. Xlnt UC1DCJ Ir Ml to $800. - KITPUMCH °'8 ' Swlnf lhlft. Xlnt pos. beach clty loc. Light nper req. 900 + :dnt .. Motif. m..ffl1 • Cela.'i MCIUP Career opportunities have never been so close to home Large 10· 11urance company has opeainp for: MAIL CLEUS RECORD CLIUS Mll'O SYSTEMS OPI. Pleaa.Dt ""1ng tondi· ~. Xlnt. employee beDefttl lncludlni proftt· abarlnl bonus. retire· menl plan, employee uvin11 plan, com· prehl!Dllve We. Health 6 Deda1 Imuranoe. Ap- ply ID penoo Moo.· Fri . 1:31).2:00. UNCO IMSUIAl'CI CO 17570 lllOOKMUl.ST POUMJAM VALLIY LO.I. mall. aloof with OffkeMmopt' RESTAURANT perfonnaoce o cour1e Larae upandinl com· MANAGER -Must dlaies. Valid CaWomia pany Is seeking In-have full food & drivers Llcenae & car re d1vidual1 wbo po11e11 beverage backeround quired. Pnor omce ex rmoaaement skilla 1n re· Room ft¥ advancement periene & t)'J>ln1 slull.s al estate. Pel"llOftl we are for the rtgbt a~s1ve desirable . Excellent looklnJ for, poulbly penioot··"· Apply "'t pei;,s.onth company benefits. Ca II manAlinl an office now. w / .... resume a ~ ""' Penoooel. 840-4580. tdl or have the experience " A e r o S q u • d r o n :m. E.O.E. d ea I re lo become Reltauranl. 3180 Airway· MAIMT84AHCI Ialerior plant.a, full·Ume, knowled1e of plant• belptul. Gt-0168. MANICUfUST for busy salon. ml.Wt be e:aper & fubMxlable, full lime Apply al Richard Ouellette Salon. 20 Newport Cenler Dr. Newport Beach. MATBUAL COHTROL DPEDIToa Dit:y lewl pos. min l yr otr. e•P Ability t.o M>rtl w /figures and de tails a must. Call for appt. 540-7639. A. Ken DaVlS lnd. E 0 . E Medical Part time RN, 3 days/wk. Salary negotia- ble. Mon. tbru Fri 644-1641. •MODB.S• • •ESCORTS• Expmeoce Preferred •661-0729• ..... SESAJDE- E\'tt'Y other wknd off Def comp of $S0 aft 6moB Free med It dental lna. aft probationary emply Apply 1445 9Jper1or N B _ managers. All replies CM. S56-87llO __ _ he.Id 1n 1trlct confldence. Retail Store Clerk. 7· moo month + booua " fleven Store located at Incentive pro1ram & lot7 w. Baker. Costa other company beoeflta. Mela needs part time i Reply to Box &54, Dally IWIDI 6 &0me p-aveyard Pl(ot. P .O. Bo• lsec>. lhlft. matute clerk. No o.t.a Meu. Ca.12JS2! _ exp nee. WU1 traLD. App- R.EAL ESTATE people ly ID penon. F.qual Op.. wanted, wbo wan\ \o por Employw won 6 love Newport Beach. A&ent 87S-8170 -...estate Sain Sta.rt the year r1'1&. A.s- aoda&e with the top peo- ple 1n the bualne11 at Se&ec:t Ptopertiea. We or. fer an opportunity to learn lnveatment.a and e:xcbang1n1 as wel I u a complete training pro· gram for th e new hcena~. To earn top com ml1>11o n s call 751-3191 ROUTE DRIVER ~t Corp. bu an opening for a route dnver. Postt.loo also ID dudes Ute mauitenance Wor1l 3$-40 bra pr wk Startln~ $3.57 br Van . Must be at least 2S yn ot age & bave a eood drt V1n& record. Apply at 10885 Kalama Ibver Rd. Ste A. Ftn Vly or phone 714 1964 4455 E.OE. Sa.IUng Instructor. ex· perience requitt<i Part t;:SELECT lime winter/full time ~PROPERTIES' summer. 87~9060. SICllJAI\' Eotrr tent. Xlnt potent. ror edv. Uae -------- 1our t7pl•t Ir ab . Lo••11 beaeh loc w 1r t..ctc Maef. Start ....... ~ ·j . fn.ftll C.-IMt Typlnl 55 60+wpm Teecber Gmd opportunjty for ef f'Ull umetPart time. pre ftdml. well~r1anized. sdloof tHcher Newport pencmable lndMduJ to ee.ch &40-lm.0 Ill m on IJ"C)Wld floor or -------..., formed corpora \ion In prut111ou1 Newpad Cent.er/Fuhlon llbmd. 7l4-7•1S25. ask forLaVODDe TlCHMICIAHS ,.,._ .. ....................... CASH PAID Wabr /dry r11Refrl11. wwtw:l& or not an .am 1051 •MO'llM6 SAU! »Jr Accwznalatioa, too many to lift, tome Antl ques, UJJ IOld. ~ma ....... 1068 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BOX STALLS. 12:a24 . apenln1 lmmed. tt!O mo. You feed/clean Cal) beloreSpm 751·38118. 8ecrdat)' part U me or full time. Property manaae mml e:apenence & real astate license p~fertt<i MS-7300 WILe..tal ()peninp for ~ual1fled electroo1c tedu11c1aas With stroal lmowledae of In. lo11c and analog circuitry. Electronic scboohog (m1Ulary or other 1 helpful Will trouble s hoo t core roemortes. sem1conduc tor memories. <'On I.rollers ii systems for product aeeeptance Refn1eralor. Caloric stave. cuwaan top mdJ water aoftner. Beil offer 7Sl·Jl21 - -Ha ••• oi6d &oodt 1065 Dryer must sell ••••••••••••••••. •••• •• Usedonly6mo9. Luxury carpel SSyrd ___ u&3577 ----Wardrobe '85. Dog cage SICllTAIY Used Refrigerator•. S20 S48-'111133 W 1 D · s Y e i. r e n d Cdfee tsble. sq~-;;;,;;:.­clea~ ance 'sale. aood mode. hex commode. t.qs 53&-08ll . 536-43.10 mactung, S'IS so gal "enf1cauon A top oot.ch secretary 1 typUt needed t.o support a busy Newport <:.enter Executive 1u1tf' Knowledee of 10 M Memory typtwr1l1:r helpful. 60 70 wpm w trao1crlpt1on el penence Must be able work Independently & deal .uh many typn o won Salarv lo $11 . .WO GW1lorM4 7t80 Pleasant work1ne ~n vironm1:nt 1n new rac11tt1es orrer com Pf'llllVP rates • fnn&e bepef1l1 1n('lud1n1t medical. dm1aJ 6 bfe Ill lkydH 1020 barttl oak aqvuanum. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S200 ~n size rnattres.-. ~bw1nn 27" Varsity. mm's blke as. 541~. ~ i.urantt e I c y c L £ s A s TU:HDATA coar. SEMBLED • adiust.ed 3400W Seaerstrom A~e llcJll btk~ $10 or aes & box spnn& " heavy frame. Wt~ new, $75 Full a. maunss • box spr· lft&, hke new, ~ Call aft. 5, 790-~_ ·----........, I070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sant.a Ana. 9'2'70t 561 ·3&56 or M2 2073 ~3ll05. est 3U Pf.rfect ChruUnu Gtft · S Spd Boy'1 ScbWUll\ m Faauly nng. womani SF.CRETARY Part ume Balboa 1s1 lea•• or ~ m.S480 TELEPHONE &eocma Stl pub, boys l 4 k w I 4 . 7 S r o:. e SOLICITORS S'2' . wa"t 215. almost t o ur ma I 1 n e , 6 r n d SECRETARY ror real Part time Sun-Thurs mwSZ:S MlJU! dlamondll, 11200 value l'sl.l .. devi•lupt>r 5 30tot30PM Caneam 00-0740 "' *"""' S700 w II T-.o Fur Lady Sc.-hw1nn lmmed opt>n1 n.: Good _,., ID ptt mo 1 short band, lYPtn& & traUl Yust be respons1 =:;s~i.c~I :.s· like ntEULTIMATE GIFT communication <ilull:. b&e & able to ro11ow 1n Deaant Hobday Dining M 'tu re. en•' r get 1 c -.iuct.lool lo N.B area Mftl's Pe\,1£eot IO 'peed W11.h sublt.anual invest person Oranae Co lili»l402 .--bake. xlnl cond $115 med potential. 122 ~ G d ALVINS DEU.A ROBIA Airport brea, oo& Timerneanamoney U~ _m._as:s_1 ___ --SlerhngSllverf1atware. sa a r y . en e 1 l l> SPiii" hou.n I.I\ bwnneu the finest ol o'd patterns. ~ work.in& cond1 d your own and watch Of boos.Mwkdyg.~ your earn1n•• 1row 1030 ~at $16,800. . .. ••••••••• •••• •••• ••• ••• fenid at 25'l. off See at t....-1 fT--a..• Local du tnbutor will "--Fl ...... 1 •-bank. call Ron <213 , ~• •J JP""•" show you bow Pbone -........ w /r1 " DI, • Growing Irvine firm 5i5IM467 motor drive UOOe• -~-_1 ___ ·---- needs highly quahf1ed -------l.6mm Arn S w /lZ 120 MacMt1ry 1071 Sec:reUl'y/ Typ11t for 4 Tow Truck Dnven ex pwr ioom 400 'ma11 ••••-••••••••••••••••• proteuiooala. PlelHDt per'd Top pay Apply Fiuid belM1. Sync moc.or 1tmo1pbere 80wpm . GfiW Tow1n&. H OB Cue R.cocder. Shde Air compr essor, in· abort hand a plus. nex1 Ob.msWay,C II 6'2·1252 syMCU6rttOnierbrand dl.etnal type Curtu. 3hp bl .. ell d R W/23) i.&J ph&ae motor e • a mouvale new Sany ft ~rt! 80 pJ tank Llke new ~7S01 ~ ,OllHoe corder w blltn Alll P ...,.. fi·,,_ u-•·-.... 111.11 .. r ----Switchboard operator TJA..112·ZJ31 .. -" .... ,..,..., .. ~ --------• f/l.p/lhrs avall,caUfor ,.~ -----RF250 compl. w /all * SECalT AAIES * alJlll ~756S. _. IOJS nee u 1ary accesa New Sec/R.E Ftnance •M•••••••••••••••••••• tm SIG 95, l.ed 1 mo S15.tlOOtoS18,800 TRAINEES Persian k1ll ~n~. CH RIOftrm ~~--~era.I "5everal Growmg tool rental r1nn SlJ'1!ld Sholl Rt-1 Some ........ .... 1010 •*<il"OWUl&.stalfllllo:• • h35 openmss for men "' adu.la ~9865 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •-Ow-Office•• stores In Costa Mesa .. Girl Fn10urs• • ~I.Ula lkh & El Toro DoCJ1 1040 ••SalestOurOfhce• • Neal ID appearanrf' & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Awl0nly1F'rtt ~ b&ndwnung 2y...-. K£~NO f>ulll\ A.K C Ui Ret.oders A&enry l'Olle«e or eQUl\.'alent t'K Olamp !lire M I-Pet 4t 4020 Birch. F.1tab '64 per, me<:h apCJlude. will show P v l p t y Newport Beach S:U.8190 tram apply im Newport :?lJ r. 134..'> an h pm Blvd, C M or 2260(I L.i m bert l2D.1 El Toro SICUT ARIES TYPESETTU Register today for local LAYOUT ARTIST temporary uslgnments Openm11 1n small but 557..0045 ' gTOWUllt pnnllng ro in I cn-L1n:.1 Newport Bch Reqw~ nun ol 3 yn expenenN Ul l)'pe.eUlng. layout & ~tnppme E'llpenenre W /nt'W Slt't tero; part1('ularly desirable Olli Gordon at 5"48-1164 TYPIST /P· r,.. 5day wk 8 A.II to I PM Rlcbardlon c; lndust.Iu I Su.pphes St.art 1mmt'<l Pleasant worklnll rond1 lions Opportun1t > Irvine 9S7 l lSO -------- Ch1hu.ihu11'i l'11m., ~. \orlllt' J l'Up Poodll' SluhltU ~l 50Z'i P ersian Kittens . Cocker Spaniels Calm Terners/ Lhasd Apsos/ Shih Tzu DachshundSJ Golder Retnevers All At PAUB'Sm'S Mewpoti m.edl 640-DO!J 8roUn heartf'd family rnal ~ve up 1L" beaut -; yroki. AKC male altered German Shepherd f"ease caJI for dl'la1b 640-«l3l6 LUGGAGE TAGS from your bust.ness Cl m Send one card for each t.ag plus one spa.re WI' return permanently sealed attraC'l 1 ve tag & 'trap. meeting a1rl1n1• I U ~wrements Pn· \"efll los." & lheft' For a Pf"'500ll.J1ed tal( enelost' wallpaper , fabrH' or ·•Day Glo" paper & w1• will back & tnm your t.aa:s Or try two car<b b.ldl to back PRICES S2eaor3/S5 4 St.a~ St 60ea. 6 '9ta~ Sl 50u LO or more Sl 40ea Sales Tax Included !'IOCARD? Draw your own or send name addl"!".'ls phone & ~ U make one card per l.8£ Add ZS' each Send check or money or derlO PILOT PRIMTIMG P 0 Box 1560 Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 Pinballs, video games IZ75 & up Del & 1natal FarmJ.y Arcade IMG-2341 ucqumALL Racquets " tournament b&p Brand New. Bl& Sav1nas . Orea\ fo r Outatma1. Ml-1513 Dnftinl Table, '8"d4 " .... center A side drawer w/30"x30" draftln~ n:ach. $425 lfl7-4012 AUWOOO CALLSl1·*1 1 -.... ... _, !!!!~~ ..,, 912:, l+J, Aarp • .., •000.1. •pd. •ll • GOllO ~n .., ot.el So.W.. ·~· .. ml. nu •/Uddie dGdl tat.. 8NW4. --~~ mt°**"· Q OL·I &-HI• tta•e camer1 • flatlla tU,,1---._...~-.~-r­Altll _ l .. ... ~ .. .... ~ lf&lll -... ,__.,_ .. traller. • ... Q\m • LalQt&te u ,.. -.... -. maltraMa 1wata1 la ,.....,, AC/DC $40. ~~~a -.all port.pottJe tad: Lake Wa ... r wllO alrltea ... ,Gt · .... cond. llz:IO MSolJU ~~.:=11'<JlltlCl'.it lllllJU· ........ ,, ... ....... ..,.'*--lnLlllbcitfwa. ·~ 9400 ..__ • ..,..,.TS DC.IVDY! u•1.act10M OfMIW lt7t , ... .... AL&OIDCSJ'• ...._Mt •It. 9761 '1t levtlle. brow a on T..... llroft, laU..r, ••· t1JI -----··••• ,_.TJat ..... .................. 'Tf Oorolla lltu.adc; I -'------------ .,, ,,_ IJI Spart. •.ooo epd.. a1r-ecl94.. All It'll Cll n.. ..-..--'71 II u c II a r q u a a dlll. .... tGp. s a.pted. ....., w/cn_... a Ill .. __ ............... ~t.am. PUil pwr M.a. C'all tAer I p.m. per 1al. Xlnl ~ood. lf7t-.O ..._ xi. caad. ADOO . eGma 07·U21 E\'U . 6 CllAIA.ti'Clt ID-ml 71 nAT Sparta Spydef 1 '•..., cm Camaroe. c.._r.:e.. t'111•1 9912 lJl. Cleu.. k» mlMia 2 ,,.,.... '767 llaaLe Carta.. II bm • ............ •-••••- t o p a • A 11 · f 11 --••••••••-•-• ::.~ Draat.lc r.d..e· Sleno/tQI ... 100. Call ·es SPITFIRE eonv. ._· ... YIMOWtll 7'1UllO ftel.11MD51 Loabtrum pat.. '750. ...... t ...... c-. --1871. ~104 -···················· MIW Stereo. ta,., pb= Ddfteld !ledric Bay PART86SPVICE .. S10C1Q 1111 ftll 111 Sprdilr ea.aw. caD tod.Q -W• ai.o m.Q All/F .. •tereo. mai llave tbat pre-owned wbla . SHOO. Bvoj BllW you .,.. look!D.I ..... ; da19 tn-lJOe, .-ormaio v. .. 9770 illu. beUy ---ae1l ~ COHHEll .... ~. AM /P'll, bmL xmt. cood. What a HOUIS ................ ·-···· I A 0 ~ ---' ~ -r~--A/C CHEVROLET ....................... • ........... ~1uuum:a-• ' CODlll, m. Teleacope, Clariatmaa Pre11ol! 'tll UG.llron D·IOmm, F · S10JJQG.P.P.Ml-Jlll =a.~~c: llXlaa. lb new, ~-llOllda1 1 11).1811 "n Ubp llercuey. 1'7' ac.edSaLft~. ---------1 otaaapar. ID Dua Pl. flfedive lloo. t/14179 lhnhrtck Gaa Ranae, allp. suoo o .a .o . SADDLllA.CIC ~ Gold, SllD. Queen -.sra FOIO ~;!~~ed, catm. ------T"--DIOS.Maln,Sant.Ana w /dual n4. 11' Cbria Craft • /lraller. Oe. Green/Yellow/Wbt, Sl,OH/ Beat offer. AUbeCornerofWarner llbnu. •. 675-7314 _se.«8 ___________ ,_4_6-_7_0_7_0 Hushes Alnvat ,:; fa New lZ' 8ostoo Whaler· I'! N G L I S H C A R aqiom, s.o each. Call a&eeriDI comole, $1,250. SPECIAlJST. Repairs. 8CMll59aft5. New Evinrude 25 avail., len1cln1 6 overbaula. ----Sl.lG0.'11-mO ~ tf Il'K 1• ---Wulad IOI I S1dpjack ~ F /B clean, H · ...._far S-. .... ··~····--•••••••• tru, $13,.500 or offer. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED: By Pvt Party, eG-lm. ___ _ _ _ ~~~ aued OrtenUal Ru11 .......... , READERSAND se-1& __ __ _ _ a ,,.. t05o ADVERTISERS ~ .. •••••-•••••••••••• The pnce of items • I ... 1013 adll for dwter for tbe advertiaed by vehicle ..!.:."!'!'::: .......... ~J>~· Bch. Parade of dealers m the vehicle Galtar/Fender AcouUc LlllU Boat Parade. '4' cluaified advert11ln1 12. Collector'• Item. to~ ~~I colWD011doeloolloclude Model F-56-12. $400 Orm. ~ puaeqera. "4111 any applicable taua, ,.-. n..u ~l..c!Z2 license, transfer fees, _..... _......_ c..Ja ----finance cbar1•. fees for WE PAY TOP1>0LLAll ror top uecl can-f~t doa•UCP or daaal~ u 10'lr car la extra clean. ... -.FIRST! -· #1 .. °'9p c:..ey 2SZ5Harbor Blvd. COSTA II~ 979-2500 CONNELL . CHEVROLET ~~11 • .rl••f f\!\ll t t C'\.I \ \I ~ _..., \ 54~1200 lor! Da'Wlr 131·J0404'Mt4t '71 Flit LZ4 Spyder. All/Fii C8U, oew map ~COUNTY'S at ttr.. as.ooo+ m.1. •lot OLDl5T cmd. MSOO/otfr. T74·2'1'11 IOIMdd84's & mo N. Beach Blvd. LA HABRA CS Ml. No. ol SA Fwy ) 014J5~533l SUDday by Appt. orm.a.&s- 97%7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yl5nYOUI Olt..t..MCN COAST HONDA HEADqudTBS TODAY!!! UMIVIRSITY SALE~U1 SERVICE Ol.OSMOllU HOMl>A. (iMC TIUCU BO Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540-9640 76HOMOA. Accordion/piano -"""'r' 9060 air polluUoa control de· Oan 't Sell Your Car! IOOd ClOIJdtUoo, ... •••••••••••••••••••• vice ce11flcaUons or de· ClllYIER IMW FOR THE M2-81M1 Aler document.ry pre· PAYSTOPOOLLAR S 1peed. All·nl rad.IO. 0ran&e CG6TOO > SA.DDUIA.CX VAU.IY IMPORTS ll 1-2040 495-4949 UDO 14 paraUoo charges unless For Clean Used Imports IMSCltlMIMA. TIMG OfflceFwaHae& No. "°93. Two.. aeta of otherwise 1pec1fled by C&lUl.ikeorDoo IMWIUYB ,.,., ., •OH aalls.. road trailer & in tbeadvertlser. 135-3171 77 l20I ....................... perf~ ecaditon Best of J.ITU BEACH BL VD HUNTIHGTON BEACH 142-2000 73S&qler ~.Meda en& It body work Best offer BW.4M.cm 73 VW ~per 8fftW New pamt.. uns. Rans :1 lnt '2695 0 BO S38 91S4. S1M4'K. Volkswqen wllftled Pnvat.e party MS-Z375 Office Type 2 Cu ft. fer.~ Ridt at-7117 · .W-!!!:L Automatic, aunroot. AM· 9520 Sparldetta Refrlg & -__ WANTED! FM stereo, topaz Water Dl.apemer. $450. '49, Ludera ltl, 251\, vam ••••••••••••••••••••••• Late model Toyotas, lllMTJA > '71S Honda Civic. alnt ·711 VW Coov. aU wtrt. lo medL cond .. 1 owner. au. looutruns areat. IM-lllMO . bu 11 . a Ii p in NB . '46 Ford Woodle, restored. Valves, Picloqie & Vans 77 3ZOI - ----beautlful. $4000 . SJ.3.<KX>; '68 Ford Woodie, Calhatoday! 4 speed. AM-FM aterf'O Dlk. e drwr, 4l.Jtll, ask. 81M-Q010. restored mint cond. ca.ssette. sunroof. air. IQ. Typwrtr, Royal ----S:ZO.<XX>.675-8181 blue a90SXE> .Stndrd, lk ou, $75. RECBVBSSA.LE 71 J20I •-52' Columbia ~"Al '64 Crown ~ler Im· Automatic. AM·f'M L::::a,.. ---10-11"-oever la Ute wat«. P'riaJ A/C. pwT, ex· 1tereo cassette. air. r-._ ;r -,v Set st 1!1oat ~ n-4. t/b:IU'. dean. nma put. Cb a mo n I & W b It e . .. • .. .... __ ......... JIJ2 Plmcealfa. c:•. ant $tlS. ... 1. •v•• • 5C1ZJ'll) •..,.cm walnut Nbf CMla, domld bid. over wtmdl. ~====="~~~ 71320I lflD,tGu.JhraDMaornate ll0.000 OD l·l-30. Call -------___. ,.,... -. MSOOITl-2IDI --.,, .,11, ·--F\aber. '62 CAD PA.ltl< A.YE. 4 -n...·r • stereo, IUOO ~ Make otfr · 7eo.-OlllS PP 77 Honda S-ap. AM ffM mast see to apprecl&U 6651111 ..... 9730 ....................... '17 ~ XK.E bard LOp. U wtre wbeela. Good eoad tl.000 Dick IQCI:$, .... 7181 ,,__ '732 i4 VW Duber 4-apd. very cood cond1t1on. 11900 nnn ~ 1974 a.tt 6 ho VW 's '68 Bue 4t 12 Squarebadt. mau offer 8'1'-1870.~. i3 BUS. rtitt enc • tram, new brln .. t"lutch AM1FM stereo1ca11 S3ilOO ~:!!Ml ------ ·x." It 11 I• , r I 1 • , l' l \ VI ~ , I S 4 ~ I 200 '74 Nova. 4 dr custom ..saa.. JLbJl ~ S6MAT SSJH Chevelle. hi performance. balanced • bluepnnted. AM / P'M caaa . 12500 /o ffr u ~ '71 C..sm ro LT. loaded. IS1'00 or ... wxw leaM 7S 1113 or 790-IZll "Tl K.&npwood SUI Wan. IJf'W I.ram .. battery . p B. PS. AM I t"ll. AC. S750 ~1725 a.,.-9925 ....................... "JIB Cordoba. bltck. W\le .... tape. lthr lnl . 1n.rf. lee titer Interior. ma& wbaell, CUNtte deck, ID8P n,llt. Lo/ml. Pri v. pl;)'. Beslofter. Call 87$-291.t ••-...auto., ~IS. p /B. Yfl'Y good cood~ rz.aoo. lln-4012 'M llu1tan1 219 3apd AM /FM 8--track. r~ ura. Xlnl Cood ll.200: S.Tr76. 77 11 Hatchback 4·C')'l. auto trans.~ P /B. A!C. map CGDd. One. Onr. $.1.l50. 494..463( O.tmble 9'55 ....................... 19770l.DS Callm•S. ·-VI. aW> t.ram .. f adory &Jr, pwr steerina: Ir br&ka. • pwr wtndows • aut.s. A 11 /P'M stereo. vinYI rool 6 m&ach more• amt'JD1. ""' THEODORE . ROBINS FORD 1060 tlARBOR BLl/0. CO~IA Ml~A t;4'l 0010 P IP m.&lll PWo H57 ec-t t927 ...................... . •••••••••••••• •• ••• •••• 11 P\nto. Low mt. alnt i4Comd..3'.000m1.6cyl. eand &Htolftt 49341815 /1£. $2400 646-7193. ~ aft lpm 17).JC3'1~wknda __ ,.,_.... 9960 c. ··"· t9J2 ...................... . ............ •••• •• • •• • • i3 Sc.a.mp. needs, tires . 950 ar best olfer. Qall 15 T-TOP eo-as __ _ _ __ _ One 1n • m1ll1on •'' ~ 9965 ______ ...., Callfl11·312l PORSCHE'S air. aunroof, Polarl1 Spinet piano. Storey '821$'llabolany, fullaaila -------02BWRF'> Clark. XlJl1. cood. llOO 7• gear. lliot Cond. 1954 Plymouth Plan. 71 l20I ;4 Jemea KeaJey coovt S73-0T1S. Sl.500. 714-675-9224 . aft great body, flat bead 8. WANTED Automatic. AM . FM stereo CUI. M.SOO ....................... il Super Bulle. 1nrf ~enc.. $13>0 ~~Aft 4. AM FM i.tereo t ilt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• telesropaq pwT stttr lllC-pwr wmdows. pwr braka Au conc:UtJOCUnl. t.&nt.ed Wl.DdoWI 21.000 onlJ.D&I aWe:s Stt to 1 p- preaate" •. 800 C.. II MM.121. at. •.• 30 lO $ JDPtll or. 75'-C7IO ev .. Awtmda. 1972,._5ecC...... New t.ua. JU.St had " unr up. Needs umanic Id. SC'JSJOfftt. 146--5745 all6PM - -----.. ..... ooly SS,000 m l. $2300 stereo cassette. white -~ -1500 Piano 9' Yamaha concert _,,_: ..... ____ 6C2-6133 Allow m the opport.uruty sunroof. ~AX) ,..._ grand. Ebony • like new 18 • Sa l I b o • t • • 1 0 ----- --to consider the pure hue 71 320I Min ~1 llm 97 40 aind. SU..<KX>. 545-5431 Newport.er F.nt.erprise. 1 In A Millon•. er trade-an ol your clean 4--..t runroot. AM·l'"M .··.·.·.··.·.··.·.··.·.·.··.·.··.·.·-·· --out.boud motor. Balboa Porlche Check with U1 .,..._.. Tbompaoo, beautlful .._ Club ....... _ .... 700 .... T.TOPCORVETTE!! -....~ · stereo. Phoeni& oraqe Paramounttheateratyle, ua)' Ul:l"\ll. ... • AM /FM atereo. lilt, •""""'7! QD4110 ) dbl keyboard + band. 846-INll. ---teMscoptn& 6 pwr. •~r-71 l20f S87S 640-G19 R8) Inc. pwr windowa, pwr 4 speed. air. sunroof. PIA.MO SA.LE 8' aaiUng Sabot :llnt brakes, air c:oncb.Uorung. AM-FM 1t.ereo cuaet~. HARRY D. OQUJST cond. 2 aalla. Great tinted windows. 27,000 Black (OUUJY I 81110Hamll1oDAv,HB Cbrtatma1 preseat. 300 oripwmllea.Seetoap. 765lOI 9S). l155 516-371 claml. 90-1804 precut.e ! ! ! SB.600. Ca II Auto ma tl c . A M · f' M UPRIGHTS FROM $595 ~ext. 266; 8:30 to AUTOS lltft1'0 c~. air. aUD· GD•1'1TW!FROM .. 495 ~y_Lady20'dbtptan1ted s:JOPM. 111oa. thru Fri.. w ... ~ roo1.PolarlsC5nPZM > AIU .. ...,., .. Mahoe. OB, Hd, sips 4. 7564190eva fr wk:ndl. "'"• a.r 76 530I B\JY DIRECT S>% refin!abed, must sell Donl trade -sell us your ~ fromRebarikUn1Shop --1.-r. Q,_7446. ..~..._.Yet 9550 Automatic. AM F .. ..,_, uu ,_., "' .... _ _.. Uled llercede1 Ben& cassette, air, AJttb.racrte •M1171 4505&.C New car fad«Y warran l)', showroom MW. &Wl roof. fa ctory alloy wheels fr cassette ate~ Cln'IJ3) JIMSIStOHS IMPORTS li70HARBOR BLVD COSTAllESA '31·1Z76 11 Sdrocco. Ownparne. AIC. Sl.tteo. SS..S00 P IP '19G51 or a-0311 '71 VW Sq~cll. rood cond. clean 1n Ir out S1Jlll6 or beat Ml· IMS . 'S vw Sqbdl. Good <'OOd No dmta Even 11000 Al ""-all 5pm 562-«>38 77 Flreb1rd v..a. auto. Pwr. dnt cond. lo ma. nu urm. p~ pty $587S Day 99Jl &IMllll. Ev 644·2177 '73 Lua ury Le M ;,an s. '70Coucar Radio. AIC. lilt whl. ~/Beslolfer 11 000 under book . 10 VW Baja "8ug. Cabl ~909 861.83 look frmend. lLlat cond ,._,. 9940 ill Phoenu; LJ sport $1.900. 9e-4ZZ3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• co u p e . V · K • a u t o , -. -'71LTO2dr. Xlnt. cond . AM /FM. AIC. SS.195: i4 Steier BHtJe. really am/fm stereo. S4.tts 639 7407. S36 ·tl0761 5partlllg Goods 109 loah. Sllpl/ Cd u. to find out what ~ > --·-•••••••••••.. DodD 9070 '19 Ford u4 Loaded. your llBZ'a really worth. 71530I SCUBA DIVING ........ -............. -.SOOorolfer. Milaioo Vlejolmporta Automatic, aunrooC. All· dean. SUPER cond. LO a..u.o aft $ 53Ml.6$ ~~~~~~~I a11.~•11.s. -----------~~ 7Z TonDo. nma &rHt. '74 Flreb1rd, lo miles, EQUIPMENT FO ~A.VA.JLA.IU ~ 131·1740 Fii atereo, Ruby red SALE. MMOZl YACNewportl46-055J Tl"llClll '560 <DUDLEY> Ulla ....................... ~ lllilf JM"ted 77 6JOcM ~r.cWata .. •-a.. ac T; S wtalliaa 1979CHEYROLIT ....................... 4 a peed . A II · F II .,.... -. ....................... ·~ 9707 ea, llke new. Ca Mnln.t='•a.-... 91 .. t/iTOHPICXUP -ca11ette. Pol aria ll .......... .......... ~ •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• "1%I'AR > 7144'1·8182 any m -··•-•••••••••••• A very fancy truck wtt.b di s f It s~DOLa ·-before 1pm. S .A. I R aany optiool. For tbe '79 Au 5000 , o y _.,. ____ .. _ *ffOl.m.A Y ,..... outdoor fa m ti y equip'd. 10,000 llllea. YAU.IY IMPOITS Ptd tbl I'll u. alate top, ~T-1 Q.N44.107l. SJO.IOO. 831·9144 7:11> All lll·Z040 49Mt4t aa, bla, rck, bl rtm I a.tPricesaround! ONLY $69tS 61:1DPll candSlealS2'15.98M405 OomeSeut: llow•dO.noht ;s lOOLS. New Urea. 711MWIJOI TY. a.lo. THI MO-ft!DDlB Dove •Quall St.a. yellow " / b r n Int r 4 speed. power 1teeria1. .... Stereo M70W.CoutHwy NEWPORT BEACH All/Pll 8 track 1ter. power brakel ur coodi Newport Beach lll-0155 A/C, Ill cond. Only Sl500. tkJolq, All-PM ateno ~ 220 watt per ch.an· ~wao caaaeue. electric aun nelDC. a,earwarnnty. 2vispeC1AOmopeda 72 Ford ~Ton, auto. 3 ..... LS M .,..... root, electric windows. ..,. Darid,M-m5 llkeaew. Lo/ml t.anb, canopy • more. "74 Auw 100 A Ir• Topel/tan tntmor, only t:n5ea. ~7870 Great aha .... ,.,....1817 cua. aunroot, dnt. cood. 20,000 mllea. $13,IOO Kllllom IOO P A. 111t.em. r-IZJm. -.1151 m>..BFD >Call Mi-Ola . SiOl>~=r~•· ~==-/ 9150 W Qevy Yl·too. abort. Mio a..•tng tllO '71 IDIW. 11,000 ml. darll --------.. ······-··············· bed. Muateell. 548-971. • .. -·-··············-blue. fUlb' equipped. :llnt a.utitu1 RCA color TV 2 JUST IN TIMI ... ------------'1t cand. "8.000. 7eNm :._;·Fr98Del.SU&. 117~~~1 e I LEASE ANY MOE I~ ............ !?!~ :S:u'?111NT~~ I ANY MOBB. I LAW it..:. 350 Bultam A)ptna I I S:C: ~ :t'i!!-,8!'-:~i':. .1 PAY OMLY I IHOP•COllPABS ~~.:::a-~ I FIRST MONTH I BAWWIC I< DA T\UN &JI 1..l7':. ·II .I 1 · ''> =.ct;-:.:r .. ww. 11 PAYMENT I Pe119Deptl'1iDll . * •1 MO D8IOSIT OI LAST MOM'l'M •1 WITADAMY1UDE I ... JOIOIMOTI I I PHOMI CUDfr APPltOV.AL I -------- MU WAMTID WW pay you more for )GU' dean uaed i'Z or lat.er Mercedes Bena Cd today M.iaion Vtejo lmporta m -1740 485-1 1119 llBZ 290SE. (tty. \WY clean. aunrool Belt offer GWIZJ 15 BUG. nma aood creat lramqlOrtabml car ll30 ~ ¥.t.o ....................... bJCb dat.. new rad tins. AIC.SZIOO All/FM, duo. P.t Ply. 644·92SZ moo. ID-~. NM321. ¥099 9974 ,_ 10 Station Wan. 4Zt, ·-· .. ••••••••••••••••• au&o . AIC. PIS. P IB. ·74 Wa1on. 30.300m1, VOLYO nm1 put Beat olfrr dem.LOpabape.recau1 91-4012 $1.D (1 )414-18211. SALIS. SBYICI Hl'9.v.. UMd Amtos. Uwd ..,. LaASIMG ............................................. . OVERS~OELIVERY 1 .. -----.. . l:XPEBTS IAILllU VOLVO 1181 Harbor Blvd 006T A MESA 646-UOl 540-94'7 OIAMelCOUMTY YOLYO EXa.US1VEL Y VOLVO AUTO CENTER NOTHING OVER 54999 NESTANDE Panel Weighs 118 Units The St.ate Coastal Commission is scheduled to consider appeals Tuesday in Los Angeles to the recent approval of a 531-unit housing development in Hunt· iogton Beach. • During the 10 a m. sessloo at I the Airport Marina Hotel, 8601 t Lincoln Blvd., the commisaloo ls J to hear appeals to South Coast 1Comm.isak>o approval granted to 1 the Seacliff IV project. 1 Tbe 115-acre development ls Jproposed for bluffs overloolrinl !'the Bol.sa Chica lowlands at the west end ol Palm Street by tbe Huntiqtop Beach Comp&QY. Appealt were ftled in eart,J 'November by Steve IScbumacher, a former Se•clifr Homeo.mera Anoctatloa Dl9i- dent;. tbe Amteoa de 8otaa Chica, a Huntington Beach coa- servation group, and the Le1al Aid Foundation of Long Beach. Because of state Jaw requiring immediate hearings on appeala, the Seacllff issue was scheduled for consideration by the state board near San Francisco late last month. However, Huntington Beach Company officials requested a delay so that the issue could be granted a full bearing lo Southern California tomorrow BUT PounCAL co•ron didn't come easy for ttie U -year-old aa· aemblflpn fro11a Oran1e. Three Umea before be climbed lnto the 10th Dtatrlct seat, Neltande bad tried for elected of· nee. And tbree tlm• be flnlabed second beat, twtce to then-Democratic Al· aemblyman Ken Cory. CcmequenUy, in penona.l eonveraa· lions, Nestande often refiecta on tboee early frustratlnt election defeats and. eUMYIU.a before interes ted local groups arO. J IE'an and individuals. 191 .. The appeals which seek denial of the project are based on claims that earlier approval by Huntington Beach city agencies were laced with procedural er· ron and that the project would adversely affect the coastal re- sources in the tidewater area. Fuel Blast Routs. 5,000 TAYLOR, Mic h . (AP) About S,000 residents returned to their bome11 after firerigbten from tlx Detroit suburbs ex- tinguished a flash lire at a gasoline storage tank which raged out of control for nearly 2t hours. The blue aent orange names and black smoke into tbe ab Saturday and Sunday, fordnc evacuattoo ol nearby residents. It finally WU brou&bt under COD• trol about 3 a .m. Two bouae trailers wen datroyed ln the fire, but no serious lnjuri" ~ reported. There is absolutely no doubt in the mind of Edison High School senior Cheryl Meyer about which football team is No. 1. Cheryl and her schoolmates have good reason to be charged up about the Chargers, 55-0 victors over Redlands in the finale of the CIF Big 5 Conference. No N elV Oil Price Hike, Saudi Says CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - As the J.3.natioo Or1anlzation of Oil Expo"t!f. Countries con- vened here :y, Saudi Arabian Oil lllnl1ter-Abmed Zakl Yamani said be does not expect the cartel to raise prices again after the recent bikes by several OPEC members. Yamanl said Saudi Arabia, which produces one-third of OPEC's oil, would not raJae prtcea beyond tbe '24 level an· nounced Jut week and would maintain production at t .5 mtWoD bun1I • day durint tbl ftrlt three IDOlltbs ol 1980. World oil prices were about 100 percent above last year's levels as the cartel 's oil ministers convened Mhind tight security ln this Venezuelan capital to debate another pos· · sible price blke. Even if the price ls not raised any further during the OPEC conference, American retail 1uollne and heating oil prices could 80 up by u m ucb as 11 centa a pllon. The latest bllte by Saudi Arabia rallied lta prices 33 per- cent above prnloua levell. but <See OIL, h&e AJ) Mesa Woman Killed Car Backs Over Victim in Bizarre Miahap m0te tbmS moat e~ offtcebolden, couata bis polJUeal bleulql. Allo, be la not all that impreued by the electioneeriQ& power bcMllel and pollUcal bi&wias lhat have pled1ed t.betr support whl1e W'llnc him to take oo lliller. A POLITICAL PUGllATl8T, ~estande knows that if be it to defeat Miller it will be what he aocneUmes cal.la · 'lbe people behind all thoae doors at all thole bouaa that, in tbe ftDaJ a:nalyalt, determioe ~ wtna electiGoa. · And not tit those people behlnd all thoff doors l.n all those bouMS in the Third Supervisorial Dialrict know Bruce Nestande The district'• vohn1 breadbasket reac.bea throuJh Fullerton. La Habra, Brea and Placentia eveo tboutb 1eo- grapb.lcally it streLcbes from La Habra 1n ~ DOrtb throu&b the upper reaches of El Toro and Yitsloo Viejo. So. ln rettnt conversations Nest.ande hu talked of a massive personal campaip to acquaint himaelf wilb tbo.e voters who have not seen the name Bruce Nealaode on a ballot before <SH MILLER'S SEAT, Pa1e AZ> Won't Release Yanks MILL.ER Hostages' Captors Hold to Hard liine TEHRAN, Iran <AP ) Mill tant students occupying the U S Emb8!Sy denied today that any of the SO AmerlcaJJJ they hold would be released by Christmas and said all hostages wlll be tried as sgjes. Foreign Minister Sadegb Gbotbzadeh told foreign re porters Sunday tbat some hostages "pos.sibly" would be released before Cbnstma.s "No, oo, they are not aoing to be releeaed ," a st ude nt spokesman told The Associated Presa. Re said tM embuay occuplera would leave tbe settlna'of a trial date up tot.be Iranian people. "The Iranian oeoo1P will tt• clde that " H e dad not elaborate. Ghotbza.deb said the lraruan authonlies have not begun coo sidering a date for a hostage tnal. but that they are putting together an international "grand jury" to invesUgate U S hnks with the former shah's regime. beginning J an 1 or 2 The pro ceedings would lake about two weeks. be said, and hostages KENNEDY, CARTER UNITEO ON IRAN-A8 might appear as witnesses, "'but not as the accused · · He had said before that the hostages would not be tned unlll the grand jury reported and il5 findings could be evaluated But the student!, who U\SlSt the shah be returned to Iran for trial, h.ave contradicted or over ruled Gbotbzadeb several times on the status of American diplomats held in Iran. Tehran Radio today quoted Gbotbzadeb as saying invit•· lions to joln the "&r and jury" are being extended to Nobel Peace Prhe-wlnnln1 Irish stataman Sean MacBride and Louls-Edmond PetUU, president of both the Parts Bar Asaocia· lion and the International OrganizaUoa of Catholic: Jurists. Both said today that they bad not received lnvltaUona. Told of the radio report, Mac- B ride. In Oublln, uld his partidpaUon wou.l~ depend on the lnquiry'a terms of reference. Its purpoM and who else wu in· volved. MacBride, a oae-tlme lriAb Republican Army chlef, woo the Peace Prise ID 19'7' for bit won in South-West Africa <Namibia> and vtlited Iran earlier to billp med.late the crl&il. ADOtMr broadeut tald lnm it at.Opplns oO • lal to . Panaqia, wben the lbab Mi taken ref. u1• on a resort faland. But Pan&IQA aal4 Sunda>-that It bu not lmpolted oO tn»m Iran ..._ .. lt'll. fte pnat ln 'NliU •qUOWd a report flOin K.ermamhab lD the WHt "7lDS about IOO Iraqi mereeautel attack the Ira- nian bOrder po1t or Kull·•· Jtalatli Oil Sataada, DICbt wttb heavy weapons and art11ler; but were defeated tn a two hour at tack 1be reports also saad Iraqi mercenaries attacked border vlllaees. but casualty details were not given Last week the Foreign M 1n1stry blamed the t:nated States for Iraqi attacks m the southwest border area Friday Forces of the oe1ghbonn1 coun try pushed three miles mto lran, then reueat.ed after sk1rm&:5b.lna with Revolutionary Guardsmen, the m1n1 s try said Iraqi diplomats in Kuwait denied th~ report but an Arab League spokesman at the United Na· lions backed Iran's claim There has been no direct reac· t 1on from Khome ini on the shah's move to Panama, but the government has characterized it as a defeat for the UnH.ed Stat.et\ and a step toward accept.ance of Iran's demands Dot Trees 50 Evergreens Missing Th1e"es made off with SO Chnstmas trees from a Hunt mgton Beach sal~ lot Sunday leavmg beblnd onl) a tnul of needles, police said Officer's sa1d the) believe a truck ,.as used to haul the lln> forest from an unsecured area tn front of Angel!. Home Center, 7800 Edmger Ave Parts Illegal? The evergreens. reported miss· mg at 8 40 a m , were valued at S850 Investigators said Christmas tree theft..s are on the increase this year and speculated Sun· day 's tlueves would either a~ tempt to sell the trees or had a \ ery bag Chris mta s party planned Huntington Reform Plan Changes Eyed A Huntington Beach polit.acal reform measure. scheduled for a city council vote to01ght. may require some revisions, its authors said today Lorraine Faber. one of the authors of the plan to limit cam· paign contributions. said a city legal oplnioo about the measure pointed up some legitimate gray areas. "Rather than throw the baby out with the water,'" sbe &aid, "we would agree to a conleJ"tOce aeuioo with the council to COO· sider some modifications." She said the city attorney's opinion, wbicb said one sect.ion of the meuure fould be un· couUtutiooal, may &ive coundl members room to aldeatep vol· IDI on the pr'Cll)Olai. The couneU bas bMn apllt over the relorm plan 1'lth Coun· cllman Clancy Yoder appearlns to be. the ~ vote. Ycider &ala be .... bO&h pd and bad lD tM meuure. ~naes . ~Window The legal opiruoo said a se<:· lion of the proposal designed to hm1t the amount political action committees can spend on can- didates could be unconstitu- ~onal • p JIB l•P: .............. ... CONTA.DOaA ISLA.ND, P a CAP> If ..S Reaa " Uld lldl MlUed Oowa • a t}la.Uy ~ Paa•••• W.. _. tlitpa11• mcieareb Hid be ---to at.ay. Pn•m1nAee Mid UMy cu pniitiMt m Paeaaiah'8 ....... Rldtet;a.· " .. , ""1d bM ~ our deep fraUtude for tM "'1 . 1eurom bmt.ditl9 GI tlMI • bllc ol Panama and PnltdilDt Ro70. 8&nce n Mt fMl • IOU. we ha" ftlt .t bomt," UM she told a ..,,. cont &IDda1, a day after ant.in. ftom Tesu wttb bpNll f'anb Dlba, a woman Jranlu doctor, aev.n ~people. two dop and a huae amount ot lua .. •. KRtt..CS. .. n•••• JBJWSALal (AP) -'be taraeU Parliament voted today to ravtd aborticaa, eDcllq a crisla which threatened to topple Prime Wlnttter lleaacbem Besin'a coaUUoa 1overnmeot. ,... ICAmaet vot..s u.ss. with nine a .. tentlonl, to repeal a law .uo.tq abortionl for 10Cial or economic reuooa, but the bill mun pua two more readlnp before it becomes law. Decal.We of a threat by a four-member uJtn-Orthodox party to drop out of tbe coallUon, Begin declared the vote to be a vote of confidence lD hls rule, forcing recalcitrant coalition sup· porters to vote ln favor of the repeal. o(l.ri•e f:•n Der•H CITY OF INDUSTRY <AP>--Six Southern Pacific tank cars, one carrying liquid chlorine, derailed and overturned to- day, Los Angeles County fire officials said. No injuries were reported and the chlorine did not spill, the officlala said. One of the other overturned cars contained liquid carbon dioxide and another car contained a pelletized non-toxic aub- stance used as a packin1 filler, a fire department spokesman said. Britaf11 Barlu IJ.S. 011 Ira• WASJUNGTON (AP> -British Prime Mlnlster Mar1aret Thatcher publicly pledged British support for Unlt.ed Nations sanctions against Iran today "We indicated very clearly that when the United States wishes to go to the Security Council for further powen under Chapter 7 (the part of the U.N. charter dealing with sanctions), Great Britain will be the first to support it," Mrs. Thatcher said after she, President Carter and their advisers met at the Wblte House "You expect nothing less and you will receive nothing leas,'' she said. , llllededa Arrord• Sig•ed LONDON (AP> -Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, co- leaders of the Patnotlc Front guerrilla alliance, today initialed arrangements for a Rhodesian cease-fire and political settle- ment, a spokesman for the Front said. The accord would open the way for peace in the Britiah colony. The Froot spokeema.n said arraniements are be1n1 made for a ceremonial sipature meeting Wednesday when the over· all peace aettlement will be formally coacloded. Prisoner, 17, .. ·Dies After . Hanging Se'f A 17-year-old inmate of Orange County Jail died Satur· day, seven days after he was found hanging in his Jail cell, coroner's officials announced to- 0 day. The youth had been taken to UC Irvine Medical Center in critical condition and placed OD emergency respiratory life sup· . port systems. A hospital spokeswoman said the youth was not re111oved from the life aupport machines but died when his heart stopped beating. The youth, who wu cha.rted with auspicion of kidnapping, rape , robber y and sex pervemon, was found by dep- uties hanginf Pee. 9 from a bedabeet tied 10 the ban of his cell, accordine to Lt. Wyatt Hart. The death was ruled a delayed suicide by a coroner official. The youth was a resident of Anaheim OllANOICOAIT .,,~ DAILY PILOT , .. o._t_Oeff•~·-_ _... .. (.,... -·,,.--..... -. .,.. .... ,..°'_ CMtl .........,.,.ci--y, ,._ ... --.. . ...... .-_,, ._,... ,.,.._, .... c .. .. -· .._ INCll. ,...,.,......., llffrll-. _Y .. tn,1.-.l.-h«h1-11(-A ...,...,_..,_ ..... ,..._..._,,_ ~·· n. .......... --............. JJO """" .... 51-.c.i.t-. , ... _ • .,.,. "'"='~=--•.c.. Ytet .......... -OtMr .. __. ~=--,.......,. .......... .............. _,... ... ~ .... ,_ ............ _....~ .,,a-. .. o. ..... ~--- ·-~~Clftlee •11~~~.o ._,_.,.. Offtcit ~-=· :=: .. r::::::U" TeleplloM CP'HJ~ a • .., .. u..,...'°"" ,..,. .... Or ..... """"•c-IU. M0-1120 F,..,.. Page A I OIL ... jll!t barely above the $23.50 ceil- ing price set by OPEC iD June. Other countries, such as Libya, passed that celling months 110 and are pressing for further in· creases. "The industrialized countries can pay whatever we ask," Lib- yan Oil Minister luedln al Mabrak told a reporter. Libya, which breached the OPEC ceiling in October, an- nounced another price increase Sund~. It biked the frice of it.a high-quality crude oi -prized for its high yield of gasoline - by $3.:13 to $30 a barrel, retroac· live to Nov. 1. Mabrat also said Libya, which ships nearly half of the 2 million barrela it produces daily to the United States, will reduce pro- duction next year. but did not ·say by how much. Indonesia also boosted its price by $2 to $25.50 for a 42· gallon barrel. Iran's official Pars news agency said the price of Iranian crude had been rai.aed $5 to $28.50, but Iranian Oil Minister All Akbar Moinfar called the report a rumor. The pre-conference splurge ol price hikes wu begun lut week when a bloc of OPEC moderates, led by Saudi Arabia, bumped prices up S6 to $24 a barrel. The Saudi-led bloc said lt ralaed prices early to bead off even greater price increues at the Venezuela conference. In ad· ditlon to Saudi Arabia, tbe world's largest oil ••porter, tbe bloc includes Veaesu•la, tht United Arab 2mlrat•a and Qatar. To1etber they accoant for about half of OPEC'1 dail,y output ol 30 millioa barrell. Kuwait'• oil mJn.lster aaid Sun· day b1s country 'wu 11,1uppon. tn1" tbe '24 a barrel price, and IOW'Cel aald Ecuador WU likely to 10 alon& with it. But Allena ra11ed ltl bue prtc. to 121i17 a barrel ln October an4 N~a went to '38.20 in NOveniber. V amaai uld befON '1le meet-tna bla nation would Htk to maln\aln tbe '34 prtce "f• aa lo~ po11lble." UAE OU II Mua Said al Oteba alao Hid be would Dot PNU for new lncnael. • · In ~:16 rwna·~n-.w rat. eird, ."&M OP~ 'mf81it4n an -~to dWuii the fiWN of tb• 41otlar1 U.. currtnc1 all OP~ Willa~ li'u \M to Ulact JIMI•• . YUJ1A Aria. (AP) -A l'fJ . m • -tnlAlil ftal'\ c.- ,,,. on takeolt aacl plow.d lbl'OQl!I an as..,an lluav to- dat.1,.killlDI •Jf~' ...... --~~.aid. Tbe Pilot~ llftb befON tb• Jtt exploded. 1eatterln1 d brf1 ov. • wide ..... u tbi Yu a rport. At killt ftw t pl.-M tbl alrpor& were d•ID•l•Cl or dHtroyed. Tb• tiaa1ar -an IO·bli100.foot concrete bloell bu.U . -.. looked Uu It bad been bl by a napalm bomb.'' ac- co.rdla. to oae W\tAlll. 'lbe TM Jet waa tUinl otf on tb• nortb...ut runway ol the Joint ctvlllan-mlUt.ary airport wben l1 YeeNd to tbii oorth. AA the pilot ejected, the jet clipped a t.raller and tbeo bU tbe IUI' ol the l;l~. It~ throucb the ~. alted throulb t.be front door at the other tide and plowed into a row of parked planes before eom.hia to rest. There were reporta ol other ln· Jurtea. A apokeeman aald tbe jet hit the Bl.rah AviaUoo hanaar, kill· lnl Paul Btrcb. The pllot, whole name was withheld, was not lDJu.red, the spokesman said. The pilot was identified only as a student naval aviator from Squadron VT~. operating out of the Naval Air Station at Cbue Field lD Beeville, Texas. An accident board wu ap- pointed to investigate and de- termine cause of the crash. Tbe crub caused a power out· aae lD the area and poJ!P. ~oeed off about three miles Of"'bJlhway 80 from Arizona A venue to Fortuna. Fire Ca~wed By Object Hitting Wire A tumbleweed or bird that new again.at 58,000-volt elec· trical wlrM wu blamed today for a SS.acre fire that menaced Laguna Beach and Emerald Bay last week causing evacuation ol 200 people. The Tuesday night blue that injured nine persons and badly damaged ooe expensive bome while scorcbinl otben started on a rid.&e between Boat and Emerald CaQ10llL Capt. Marc Bawtim, comty fire department spokesman, said several witnesses saw a foreign object st.rite the wires on the windy hill. ·'The tumbleweed or bi.rd or whatever It was burst into names and fell to the around." Hawkins aald. The flamln1 mat- ter landed in brush. More than a» ftrefle.bters - aided by a tue1 break between the hilltop homes and dry chaparral -subdued the names lashed by gale force winds. Rites Held For Producer Milton Bren Prtva~ tunera1 services have been beld for Milton ff. Bren. 75, of Newport Beach, a noted buai· neasman, motion picture ex· ecuUve and aportaman who died Friday after a lone bout with cancer. Bren wu to be buried at sea. A lons·time Southern California resident, Bren became a leadln1 atudio ex· ecutlve and film producer lD the early l920I at the Hal Roach studios and at Metro-Goldwyn· mayer. He was responsible for suth films aa "Topper," "Merrily We Live," "There Goea My Heart" and numerous films starring Wallace Beery. Bren, a 2S-year resident of Newport Beach, a1IO wu ln· volved in commercial real estate development of office buUdlnp ln the Loi Anlel• and Newport area. A World War D veteran ol the Cout Guard who aaw action aa a destroyer captain la the Paclllc Theater, Bren al.lo wu a yacht.Iman. U. won tbe Paciftc Cout Star a... Qlam=abtps In the eari,: • and be ppered lar1er racloc yacbta for 35 y .. n . He II lllrvind by hll wtfe, Academy Award wtnnla1 ac- tru1 Clair Trevor ol Newport BHCh,i. IOD• Peter Bren of Pana, ncee and Doaald Br.. Ul lnine Company OW'Dtl"1 of Loi AnJ•I•, andmtrandchlldrell. Bren dl..S at Ho11 Memorial HoepltaJ ID Newport. I WraPJJftf lJp la Bu lt'erlc Hot air balloon-maker Don Piccard deOatm one ol hia new modela followinl a recent tat nm in Colt.a Mesa. He made t.hl.a one -it's 80 feet hi&h when inflated and encloses 75,000 cubic feet - for Jim Wright ol La Croue, Wis. EJ1lht plans to call it ••La Cro11e Word Puzzle." He :i~ere are l.oU ol neat places to go 01 in Wlaconsin. Board to Get Union Plea For Day Off Oranie County employeee an bopln1 that their n1quest for an extra day off Dec. 24 will ftnd the Board ol Supervilora lD tbe Cbriatmu splrtL But the employees' reqsaest slated for actloo Tue9day. may get a bah, bumbu1 from the board. John Sawyer, 1eaeral J manager ot the 7,500-member Oran1e County Employee. Aa- soelation, laid the reqae1t wu made alter Presldent Carter save the day off to federal worken. Sawyer alao reported that aur· veys abow that 70 to 75 percmt of employees in private industry will not have to work the day befOTe Chriltmu. He added that Dec. at abould be a ak>w day around county government. anyway. Bealdel, the workers can make up the l<>1t work al a future Umt, he declared. But Bert Scott, tbe county's peraoanel dl.rector. u.ld tbe ?-. qaeat ~to be a dead llaue. He laid tbe usocla.Uoa pr-. vtowaly bad asked for the day otf durinl negotiations but shelved the request at the time the COO· tract wu settled. "The public expecta certain operatiooa to remain open and at thla atace the request la too late," Sc:ott Rid. Scott added that it would cost the county more tha n $500.000 ln lOlt salaries if the employee1 are liven tbe day off. Foggy Freeway Takes Two Lives MANTECA <AP> -Two peo- ple died ln a fog-related pileup of about 30 vehicles alooi aout.b· bound lntentate 5 near here early today, authorities aald. -l',....P~AJ • • TOO, D &l'GUD8 MU.a.Eau a formidable oppo. Dlllt despi&e tbe muat" advene reaction to Killer's ap-C"'* to tbe Tbird Dtstrlct seat lut July by Governor UM otben. Nestande seaaes there could be and , ~ alrady II a public backlash to the dlsut.roua c::rM-:-....,~ Miller LDtc> olftce and baa It'• ealMd tbe andercloc ayndrome and could be a big plw la JIJJler'a fa.-. ~ally if a multitude of can· dldatel 8*ep forward MD ,ear to lambaste the appointed UlCUmbeaL ON 10P or TBAT. ~··ii aenaitive to the pout. ble NdrfMh lb.d ml.Pt be created by the joint Republican md Democrlltk eaablilbJDent allpment lD bls comer He ... die power structme's eodonement ol himaelf u a poulble tool ll1ller mldrt tab ednnta1e of du.rin1 the cam Palin}! cuUq ~lf lD the role of the anti- esta&Uabmm ~and Nesta.nde aa the eat.Abllab· ment'a handpicked and pol1abed cudld1te. llow•nr. when diKuaUlg the declaloa be •aa uked to make and the forfeitlN ol b.ia utembly seat, the Item Chat w8Cbed bee.Wt ln-West.ande'a coaversatlooa center on state perument's coatlnulng lmpact oo county gov· el"Dmeat. · BE SISPLY W&8N'T ao certain that the major battles rdlecUnl ha.test oa Orange County's future weren't to be fou.cbl 1D Secramento rather than lD Santa Ana. Sucb llaum u water. t.nmlP.Oftatioo. highways and tlaanee lD the aftermkt!l of Proposition ll are, no matter wbat II said ~.JIM.II th& will be decided more by ..................... ~. Alld -OnmP C.0-U .... the ft.oat pbue ol lta de--.elopmeal In die llml. Nestande wun't IO certain that his place isn't lD Secramento. PE&SONALL Y. RE IS more attuned lo partisan politics and a le&lalator'a l"tMe than he ii to nonpartisan poUUca1 affairl and that aomet.l.mea awkward dual role ol leplator·•dministrat.or a county supef"VlSOI" plays. Nestande la a Ronald Reagan loyalist who, at the same time. la palat.Able tot.be Democrallc atructure He is aJ.ao a youn1 legislator wbo baa IJ'OWD somewhat weary of com- muti.DC weekly to Sacramento. He la enouata ol a poUlical realist to aee the advantaaea m bavtna to run for office on- ly oace ID every fOa.r y..,.. as weU aa the comfort ol dally contat!t wttb b.ia coastltunts. So a ol DOW, Nesta.ode, like it or not, is tbe man OD the white bone rlating his poUll t'al lifestyle to chalJence Ed Miller and in the process have sometlune to say about the lnfluenee ol Killer backers Jane Food.a and Tom Hayden oo political life in Oran1e County. Brown Funder Attracts 25 The freeway's northbound lanes were closed by the series of accidents which. be1an between 5:a> and s a m . The h!1bway patrol reported that foe reduced viAibility to between 20 and so feet. SEA'ITLE CAP> -ll wa no trand 80iree -oa.1.1 25 people showed up for bis $100.a-plate dinner -but California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. imisled that support la sweJlin1 for his president.la! bid. .. My candidacy<-is building. It's developm1 momentum all over the country, wherever I eo." Brown said Saturday nJgbt. ------------------- --~-- ~ ··1zoo:· the Christmas ClasSIC ALSGARAGE 56 FASHION ISLAND J';JEWPORT BEAc.H c (7\4) ~··7030 GENERAL NEWS 36Yean For Mail Delivery HONOLULU <AP) -----··--eta yean qo. .._ Alu . ~-i...,••an ..... .,....... to ....... .. ffk .. 1a.1t.a f1'QID Nn lealUld to UM OU rt lit .. ft>t ~ ot Tarawa. CHOD ftd tM UD01J ... letter laat •••II. It waa s-t!Hfted Nov. 11, lMS. rtecl a l1x t IWDp and another ala p ,qc-.CAW&lll approval bf.• • a pr durtq Wtfld War 11. TllB ADDa BS, Cuan '1 wile,~. diecl lD tm. Caaoo, wbo maaa1ea tllie UnJvenity ol Hawall boobt.orea. read the letter lD dltbeJMf. "I waa aure 1<J01-wtnded la tboM daya," be aaid. The letter wu addreuect to Catherine Lashley , NNC, U.S.N .• Navy 133. It wu sent to Judy Baphaw, public affairs of. fleer for the Navy Exchan1e of. fice at the Pearl Harbor Sub- marine Base. who passed It along to Cason. Basking Birds CASON SAID HE met his future wife at a hospital in Well- ington. New Zealand, whlle he was recuperating from a trop- ical disease. A pair of cormorants soak up the bright Florida sun- s hine in Biscayne Bay near downtown Miami. Cormorants are used by Oriental fishermen to catch fish, but Florida fishermen prefer to do the fishing themselves and are content to share the sun with the birds. Glory Days Fading In Old Mining Camp AUSTIN, Nev (AP> -The old mining camp of Austin once tagged "The Town That Died Laughing" -still lives and still laughs. But the mood in town these days is a little gnmmer Austin's primary reason for aur- vival -serving as the Lander Coun- ty seat -has been stripped away and given lo bustling Battle Moun- tain AtJ811N WAS BUILT on the riches of a mining strike, but a new mining boom and power plant construction ,have boosted Battle Mountain's population to al~st 4,000, almost eight times that or Austin. While Austin merchants alp from the trickle of traffic along U.S. 50, Battle Mountain drinks from the flood alone Interstate 80 and a m~r east-west rail line. Lander County District Attorney George Holden said Battle Mountain residents just got tired of the cost and time of dnvmg 92 miles to record mining claims, serve on Jwie9 or do other business. The vote was almost 2-1 for the move. and the state Supreme Court backed st up THE SIDFT SEEMS to have burl Austin's pride as much as its pocket· book. ·'I feel a very definite sense of loss, sort of feeling bereft ," said Recorder-Auditor Estelle Sarateiut. who sat al a desk inside the 110-year- old red brick courthouse. "It's a shame," said Sgt. E.F . McMullin. who heads the sheriff's of· fi ce in Austin. On Dec. 10, the Nevada Supreme Court re1ected Austin's request for a rehearing of the previous decl5ion upholding the shift. That effectively blocks further appeals. AUSTINITE8 IN restaurants and b21rs around town said they atill hoped to fight the move -perhape by secedin& from Lander County, perhaps by meratng with Churchill County to the west. But County Commissioner Bert Gandolfo, an Austin native, aald neither action la likely. Mrs. Saralegui agreed: "In a moment of trauma, people will do and talk about a lot of things," she said. Ironically. Batlle Mountain Willi once a railroad point for Austin's rich ores Indeed. the county look shape mainly because of the Austin boom in 1863-1864. Like other mining towns, Auatin grew explosively. Silver waa dta· covereq in May 1862. By the next spring, an estimated 4,000 people bad tramped into town. In September 18S3, Austin became the Lander County Seat. AT ITS PEAK IN 1863-18S5, Austin was ' rowdy camp of about 7,000. The newspaper complained that ex- uberant drunb find l\lDI ln the streets, which already were DC>Uy from bones and camels cloppinc along with supplies and ore. The town's Saruac Uan Club and lta llvely, often flctlon-fllled newspaper, the Reeae River Reveille, prompted western writer Oscar Lewis lo title bla 19808 book about the fading boom town, "The Town That Died Laughing." Once there were almogl as many mining and milling companies as people 6,000 were incorporated in three years. Many were pure fraud. Investors bought tbouaands of shares in the Reese River Navt1ation Co .. which promised lo barge silver ore up the river to Battle Mountain. The Reese, wblcb trickles throuib a vast valley west of AuaUn, probably couldn't fioat a canoe, let alone a barge. TODAY, SAGGING bulldinp rival the active shops aloo1 Highway 50. The 1teep hillsides are marked by dozens of mine tailin1 dwnpe and empty dirt roads that once were lined with tents and sod ahanUee. Peace and quiet now draw people to Austin. Jan Bunning, a waitreu who wrote a hi.story of the town, laid she and her huaband moved to Austin because Elko -pop. 7,821 -wu 1et· ting too bii for their tutea. Bob Williama, bartender at the Golden Club and Austin's sewer and water man. aaid he returned to b1a native town after livtng 10 yean in Sacramento while aervtn1 lo the Air Force. "I don't believe ln cban1e, myself," be said. PROMOTE ~IMPROVE YOUR TAN the CALIFORNIA BODY a.uas way A HEAD OF OUR nMI •:: ..... ~ .................. .., 714-96~1624 . Write dou'" m~ on a Doodk Phone Touch Call .. $84 ~· Dial. $69 9.!i* Classes Set In Newport Ple ... llleQue8tTepelJ .......... . D18Mll,.. OJ ........ .,,.,..,... °' ........... Tmpe c.n.845• 1701 24 Moura Coul1MJ of Or. Onld w ..... Robber Kills Clerk MOSCOW (AP> -A robber shot and killed a cashier at a plush jewelry store in downtown Moeco~and wounded a ~year-old police sergeant wbo lri6d to arrest him. a Moscow new1paper re- ported. Our Giant Ecb PofnMttia9 haw newr bftn more beauttful. Th.,, are ~•lt..ble wtth muldplc bloom• In either Chrt.tma red or white. Soviet newspapers rarely report the detada of criminal incidents. especially in downtown Moscow. But ln receat months, autbontiea bave lo· ten1ifled a campaip agamat crime, urging in· creased preventive measures ~Jo.Quon .. M.c:Anhur • Noowp<Wl S..Mh b4().5800 o,.n ~ ._ to 5pm ~~ ~~- Everyl:xxly can use one. It ,s a telephone you can O\.\'n from the GTE Phone Mart. But not just your common household variety of telephones. These phones come in shapes and colors you've never imagined. They look like presents. The GTE Phone Mart has all the phones you see here. And more. You buy them in the store. · And take them home with you. Usually they plug right in . lf you do need GTE Phone Mart connectors, an installer will make the ,r-, easy conversion for a nominal cost. A telephone for Christmas isoriginal. . It's thoughtful. And you 11 be remembered every time it's used. This year say "Merry Christmas:' With a gift that jingles. ( d i #I G.''lae '""" " .. ,,/ ,, ' P.111 "11 [)ILi/, ••1{\ 'O<J •J<,• Come fry 1hc Phonl' Muri .rnd Sncx1p c.JTmmd SNOOPY& WOODSTOCK Touch C4l1 . SIJ'> l\'I'' Dial $125 t\~ '°' """-' OM Alno AleNoft Cttttw WDfOCMNA ~,_,. WDnlOOD VIUMll 1080~ WMU• Whttwood .,.19 °'"""' • < r I mf air:·o.a ma nicotine av. per cigaratll by FTC Mdlod. Warning: The Sucgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to1Your Health- 0nly9mgtar • A low a; ~im cigarette all your own. Regular or Menthol \ a1oav....... " Bruce NlstUdt'I deeilloo to take OD tM role Of tM mu GO a i. laone, \De -tieal hunwelat ualSJ*I Ute t.Mk Of -...UU \Dc1ullb1Dt ldilaD' MW. bo1D tbe OT llM~8oeidall ......... ,dtdD'teom•euy. ror t1Un1. • lM -....-11'1• YlctQr7 m the ! i Republic p~mary eleetloQ. NtlllllUd9 htrl an all but unbea\a* ftstun ln th* AaemblJ Diltrlct tbat benownor-mta. Btrr POUTICAL CO•l'OaT didn't come easy for the 41-year-old as· semblyman from Orao1e. Three tJmes before be climbed into the 10th Dtatricl seal, Natulde bad tried for elected of· flee. And three tlmea be ftniabed aecond beat, twice to then-Democratic As· semblyma.n Ken Cory. 7 NESTANDE Consequently, in penonal conversa- tions. Neatande often reflecta on those early fruatraUn1 election defeats and. OllANYILL• Won't Rekase Yanks 1 .Hostages' Captors -.Hold to Hard Line TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -Mali· tant students occupying the U S Embassy denied today that any of the 50 Americans they bold would be released by Christmas and said all hostages will be tried as spies. Forei1n Minister Sadegh Gbotbzadeh told foreign re· porters Sunday that some hostages "possibly" would be released before Christmas. "No, oo, they are not going to be released.·• a student spokesman told The Associated Preas. He said the embassy occupiers would leave the setting of a trial date up to the Iranian people. "The Iranian oeoo1P will "'" ctde that " He did not elaborate. .• County Employees Bid for Extra Day Gbotlnadeh said the Iranian authorities have not begun con- sidering a date for a hostage trial, but that they are putting together an international "grand jury" to investigate U.S. links with the former shah's regime, beglnninC Jan. 1 or 2. The pro- ceedings would take about two week•, be •aid. 1md bostaa- KENNEDY, CARTER UNITED ON IAAN-A8 migbl appear u witnesses, "but not as the accused " He had said before that the hostages would not be tried until the grand jury reported aDd Its findings could be evaluated. Orange County employees are hoping that their request for an extra day off Dec. 24 will find the Board of Supervisors ln the Christmas spirit. But the employees' request slated for actton Tuesday. may gel a bah, humbug from the board. John Sawyer, general manager or the 7 ,500-member Orange County Employees As· sociation, said the request was made after President Carter l gave the day off to federal workers. Sawyer also reported that sur- veys show that 70 to 75 percent of employees in private industry wm not bave to work the day before Christmas. He added that Dec 24 sbould be a slow day around county government, anyway. Besides, the workers can make up the Jost work at a future time, he declared. But Bert Scott, the county's penoMel director, said the re· quest appears to be a dead issue. He said &be association pre- viously had asked for the day off during negotJations but shelved the request al the time the con· tract was setUed. Coast Weather Falr tbroup Tuesday and alidttb' cooler Tues· day. Lowa.toa.fcht concen· trated in the '°'· Hltba Tueadq r~ from • at tbe biaaet. to 12 ill· land. INllDE TOD4' Y •'The public expects certain operations to remam ~n and at this stage the req9"t is too late." Scott said Scott added that 1t would cost the county more than $500,000 in lost salaries if the employees are given the day off But the students. who insist the shah be returned to I ran for trial. have contradicted or over ruled Ghotbzadeh several limes on lhe. status of Am era can diplomats held in Iran. Irvine Firm Told To Repack Wastes By DA VJD KUTZJIANN Of .. Deity~·-Steel drums of low -level radioactive wute which Nevada officials claim have leaked will be repackqed at a burial site in Beatty, Nev., by representatives of the Irvine-based company which transported them.> Al Baletti, radiological control director for International Chemical and Nuclear Co .. said tecbniciana wlll be aent lo Nevada Wednesday mornina. He said they wlll coll5truct Fire Caused By Object Hitting Wire more \bat most eJeeted ~. cou:ma Illa political blUtlnp. AJlo, be la not all that ltnPNIMd by the eleetbleerlq power~ and poUtieaJ tQwtp tbat bue pleqed t.beir aupport wbiJe U.l'lllnl him to take oa lllller. A POUftCAI, PMGllATIS'I', Nwande lmowa tbal if be la to ddeat llUler lt will be what be aometlmea caJll ·'the people bebiDd all tbole doon at all thole bouaea that, ill Lile ftlLl1 Dlyais, cWennine who WU. dedloo•. • • And not all thoee l*)pie beb.lnd all thole doon in all tboM hcael in the 'lbUd Supervilorial Dlatrict know Bruce Neetande The cUitrict's votin1 breadbasket reaches throu&h FulleiUo. La Habra. Brea and Pla~ eveci tboucb 1eo- arapblcally it atretcbe9 from La Habra ln the north throu&b the upper reaches of El Toro and lllb1ion Viejo. So. ln recent cooversaUont Nestande bas la.lked of a mualve penooa1 campaip to aequalnl biauelf wttb thoee voters wbo have ool a.en the name Bruce Ne.Aande oo a ballot before. <See •ILLD'S SEAT, P .. ~ Al> ...,,.._d..,_d .. Marissa. a five-monUH>ld snow leopard, gets her~ bath froriPFred Sterling, a supervisor at New York's Bronx l.oo. The smallest of a l.Jtter of three leopards born at the zoo last July, Manssa was separated from her f am1ly to be specially fed and bathed Man Held in Rape Attempt at Plaza A Sant.a Ana man remal.Ded ID Costa llHa )all today on cbar1• tbat be attacked and at- tempted to rape aa 18-year-old lrvJne woman in a aboppina cent41r pertdq lot SaWrda1. PoUC.rt t•fd loH Oona.ale• llartlnea ....... beln1 held In lieu ot $10,000 ball oa •UIJltdoa ot 1aault wl1h a ddadlJ ....,_ and uuult wsa latent to eom.-mlt rue. Pouet U. Jaelt Calnon Wei the bletlm wu a-ett.lna out ol her car at 4: 4S p. m. Saturday lo tbe partfq lot at Sout.b C.out Plua when a man trted to puab. her back lDto the car and thrutened ber wltb a Dile. A. comment be made led PoUee to believe be ID· taded rape, tbly laid. Tbe woman Jamped Into tbe ear. •lammed tbe door and locked tt. be aald. A ~ of tbe auspeet WU bro.dcut, Calnon Wd. and about an boW' later a Meu:rltt l'Wd IDlkle tbit mall recicil'ted =i.:s=~ tt.t·~ni: IJlbtllODldabilt , .. Miu.ER 4Crash Vic ti~ Mending Four survivors of a gnnd· 1n& t~car colb&on in lrvJne Saturday night -which took the ltfe of a 2-year-old child -were recuperabog at three Orange coast bo&p&t.ala t.oda y In stable condition at Tustin Community Hospital were Martin Tryk Jr of MJM1on Vte)O and IUA san. Ryan, 4 Tryk was dnving a van OD southbound Irvine Boulevard wbeo hts vehicle was bit broadside by a car going more Ulan 100 aules per hour on ea.st- bowad Jeftfty Road Tryt'a other son, Steven. was . ~ in the colll.1uon 'hO occapuU of the other car -bods &om Arisona -were taken to Seddleback Community HoapitaJ and Santa Ana·Tustio Comm&.allty Hosp1ul A passenger m that car. which California Highway Patrol of. ficers believe was stolen, was 1dent1fied as Glenn Harmon, 23 He was reported an crillcal con d1t1on at Saddleback The dnver of the car. 17, was also reported an senous condJ. lton wtth multiple 10Junes at Santa Ana-Tustin Hospital CHP officers said both are Anzona residents but could say no more about their back- grounds A CHP spokesman said of· f1cers began pursumg their car on tbe southbound San Diego Freeway 111 lhe Seal Beach area when 1t was spotted going m ex cess of 85 miles per hour at about 8·30 pm The tugb-speed chase. wh.Jch reached speeds of more than 100. proceeded th rough Irvine to the University Avenue offramp. Tbe passenger. Harmon. also faces possible cnruinal charges. * * * Auto llits POUJer Pole; Driver Dies Smog ;, "--· s .... ,., ...... JERUSALEll (AP) -1'be Israeli Parliament voted today to rettrtct abortlou. Dd1q a criala which threatened to topple Prime Mlnttter II aebem 'Belin's coalition so•erament. Tbe KnelMt .-.. U.~ with nine abeteotlonl, to repeal • law •ltowiJIC abortlona for todal or economic reucma, but the '1 bill muatpaa twomon readlnp before" beeomff law. Because pl_ a threat by a four-member ultra-Orthodox party ' to drop out~ the coaliUon, Belin dttlared the vote to be a vote or confidence ln bls rule, fattinl recalcitrant coalition sup· porters to vote in favor ot the repeal Ollerill• C•n D•r•H CITY OF INDUSTRY (AP)-stx Southern Paclfic tank cars, one carryiJl& liquid cblonne, derailed and overturned \o- day. Los Angeles County n~ officials said. No injuries were reported and the chlorine did not spill, the officials said. One of the other overturned cars contained liquid carbon dioxide and another car contained a eellet.lud non-toxic sub- stance used as a paclung filler. a fire department spokesman said. Brit•'• Barks 11.S. ••Ir•• WASHINGTON (AP) -Bnllsh Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher publicly pled1ed British support ror UDlted Nations sanctions aealnst Iran today. "We indicated very clearly that when the United States wishes to go to the Security Council for further powers under Chapter 7 (the part of the U.N. charter dealing with sanctions), Great Britain will be the first to support it," Mrs. Thatcher said , after she, President Carter and their advisers met at the White House .. You expect nothing less and you wlll receive nothing less," she said. llltodeda A rrerd• Sfga•d • LONDON <AP> -Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, co- leaders of the Patriotic Front guerrilla alliance, today initialed arrangements for a Rhodesian cease-fire and political settle- ment, a spokesman f9r Uie Front said. The accord would open the way for peace in ~o BrtU.Sh colony. · ' The Front spoketman aaj,d arraneementa are bein« made for a ceremonial stanature meetinl Wednesday wlien the over- all peace settlement wlll be formally concluded. No New Oil Price Hike, Saudi Says CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - As the 13-nalion Organization of 0 &1 Exporting Countries con· vened here today, Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamanl said he does not expect the cartel to raise prices again after the recent hikes by several OPEC members. Yampni said Saudi Arabia, which produces one·tbird of OPEC's oil, would not raise prices beyond the S24 level an· nounced lut week and would maintain production at 9.5 rnUUon barrels a day durin1 the first three months of 1980. World oil prices were about 100 percent above last year 's levels as the cartel's oil ministers convened behind tight s ecurity in this Veneiuelan capital to debate another poe· sible price hike. Even if the price la not railed any further durtne the OPEC conference, American retail gasoline and beaUna oil prices could go up by aa muclt u 11 cents a gallon. The latest hike by Saudi DAILY PILOT ,,,. ou.,..c-o.11¥ tlOel, "'""-" 1tt_ ..-1M _,.,_., ,,_,_.,. ,,..o._ c ... ,.....,,_,.~ _.,. ... ,_.,, ...... ._ -.,,.., ...__. ''*' IW CMl<I ..-. ... --.-........... ..,-IMAYellef.1.-. . ..._~c...,,., ..................... ,.... ........ .,...,.. ........ TN .,W.C ... _... ..... .,._It .tat ........ -.c--...c-...... ..... . _ ...... ~..-.-...... Vlco~~= ...... '-::.r -· .......... ............... ~"·"-_, ..... "'""llM /Mfletl"'~ Arabia raised its prlcM 33 per- cent above previous level4, but just barely above the $23.50 cell· ing price set by OPEC in June. Other countries, such as Llbya, passed that ceiling months aao and are pressing for further in· creases. "The induatrlallt.ed countries can pay whatever we uk," l.Jb- y an Oil Minister Inedin al Mabrak told a reporter Libya, which breached the OPEC celling ln October, an· nounced another price lncreue Sunday. It biked the frtce of 1ta hJ ah.quality crude ol -priled for 1ta hiCh yield of 1aaollne - by $3.'13 to $30 a barrel, retroac· live to Nov. 1. Gold, Silver Show Sharp Increases • Runaway Auto Kills Woman Owner A Costa Mesa woman was killed Sunday after she ap- parently fell while starting her car and it backed over her several times, police said today. Sgt. Tim Holbrook said Beatrice Finley Marshall, 47, died ln the 5:30 p.m. accident In front of El Pescador restaurant al l 7tb Street and Tustin Aveisue. He laid Mrs. Marshall left the restaurant after apparently ar1uing wlth her husband and tried to start her car. Her husband had come in a separate car, Holbrook said. Detail4 of how Mrs. Marshall fell out of the car and it began backing up aren't yet known, Holbrook said. He said the car apparently began circling in reverse, part· ly ln the parldne lot and partly ln driving lanes on 17th Street, runoln1 over Mrs. Marshall several times while pusersby tried to halt it. The runaway car struck one car on 17th Street, but the driver. James Gordon Day, 34, of Newport Beach, escaped without injury, Holbrook said. A motorcyclist be bind Day. Brian Bllbop of Newport Beach, narrowly averted a second col· llaion and mana1ed toJump lnto the runaway car an ball il, Holbrook 1ald. M ra. Manball wu taan to Hoas Memorial Hoepltal but ti fort.a to revive her were unaut• ct11ful, he Hld. Th• vtctJrn'• hUJband, Robtrt Lltwtllyn lhrahall of Cost• MtH, wu beld on 1uaplcloo of betna drunk In oubllc. ht tho chart• w11n'l related t.o ti\• dHth, olflctra Hid 'fhey aald lnvHllC•llon Into th" tra1C"dy 11 conunuln1 Prisoner, I 7, Die& After Hanging Self A 17·1••r·old Inmate ol Oran1• County JaU died Saba· day, MY days afte1' M wu found b~ ln bl• Jail eell, OOt'ontl"'I 11 aDDOUDcM to- 4af • Hot air balloon·maker Don Piccard defiatel one or b.la new modela followin& a recent tat nm in· c.osta Mesa. He made this ooe -it's 60 feet high when inflated and encloses 75,000 cubic feet - for Jim Wright af La Crosse. Wla . Erilht plans to call it "La Crone Word Puule." He says there are lots of neat places to go ballooning in Wisconsin. Rites Held For Producer Milton Bren Private funeral servleff have been held for Mtlton H Bren, 7!5, of Newport Beach. a noted ~I · nessman. motion picture ex ecuhve and sportsman who dJed Friday after a long bout with cancer Bren was to be buried at sea A l on g . l tm e So u t h e r n California resident , Bren became a leading studio ex· ecutive and film producer in the early 1920s al the Hal Roach studios and al Met,ro·Goldwyn mayer. He was responsible for such films as "Topper," "Merrily We Live," "There Goes My Heart" and numerous lilms starring Wall ace Beery Bren, a 25-year resident of Newport Beach, also wu In- volved in commercial real estate deve lopment or ofrlce bulldinp ln the Loa An&eles and ~~WC:t:;ra; it veteran ol the Coast Guard who saw acUoo aa a destroyer captain in the Pacific Theater , Bren al&O was a ya chtsman He won the Pacific Cout Star Class Championships in the early 20s and he skippered larger racing yachts for 35 years. He is survived by his Wlfe. Academy Award winnine ac· treas Clair Trevor of Newport Beach. sons Peter Bren of Paris. France and Do'1ald Bren. an I rvme Company owner, of Los Angeles, and six grandchildren Bren died at Hoag Memonal Hospital In Newport Wmner Loses Poker Holding ESCONDIDO CAP> -A farm worker from Mexico was ln f',....P.pAl • • TOO, RE &EGA&DS MIU.Ea u a formidable oppo. nent despite the mualve adverse reaction to Miller's ap- polnlmeot to the Tturd Oiatnct seat tut July by Governor Brown. UM~. N..Caode aeoaes then could be and poaibly alreadJ .. a public backlash to the dlautrous publicity that accompanied Miller into office and bu haunted him ever since. lt'5 called ~ underdog syndrome and could be a big phu an Miller's favor . ~pee1ally af a multitude of can d1dates step forward next year to lambaste the app01.0ted LOcumt>eaL ON TOP OF THAT. Nesta.ndf' 1s sen.&itlve to tbe possi· ble backlah that might be created by the Joint Repubbcan and DemocratJc establishment ahgnment an his comer He sees the powf!r structure's endorsement of himself as a possible tool Miller mtght take advantage of dunng t..br campaign by castang himself in the role of the anti· establlahment candidate and Nestande as the establish· ment's handpicked and polished candidate However, when discussing the decision he was asked to make and the forfetllng of tus assembly seal. the item that weiped heaviest 1n Nestande's conversations center on state govemmenfs C'OnUnwng Impact on county gov ernment. BE 8DlPL Y WASN'T so cert.a.in that the ma1or battles r~ beavtal oa Orange Cowlly's futu.re weren't to be fought in Sacramento rather than In Santa Ana Sodl tAues a1 •ater. tra.nsportalloo, hl&hwaya uxt t'lUDee 1IMI of PrcipQdta.re lS are. DI> m.a«er wbat la &aid 10UJ11, laues <hat .tD be dedded more by .Ute oftldab thu lhet.r local counterpart.a. And as Orange County enters the ftnal pbue of 1ta de· velopment in t.br 15180s. Neatande wasn't so certain that bis plac.-e t.SD 0t an Sacramento PEil.SON ALLY. HE IS more altune<i to partisan pohtics and a legtslator'i> role than he 1s to nonpartJsan political affairs and that ~meumes awkward dual rolf' of legislator-admarustrator a count> superv1S0r plays Nestande 1s a Ronald Rt.>agan lo> alast v. ho, at the same time. l5 palatable to the Democrat.Jc structure He is also a young legislator who has grown somewhat weary of com muting weekly to Sacramento He is enough or a pollt.Jcal reahst to see the advantages tn havtn& to run for 0Cf1ce on ly once in every four years as well as the comfort or dB1Jy contact with hia constituents So aa o( now, Neatande, llke it or not, ls the man on the wbJte bone risk1nl bis pol.ttical lifestyle to challenge Ed Miller and tn the p~ess have somethlna to say about the infioentt o( Miller backers Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden on political life in Orance County l',....r._.Al \\"ASTE REPACKED. • • ut11ractory condition In cupaUooal, Safet)' and Health Palomar lloapllal today after AdmlnilU'atioc will be ma.kin& maak.ct m.n broke up bia poker on-alte lmpectioaa to detenniDe tam• and 1hot him ii compllanee baa been made. permits to truck waste to W aabinltoo state to &et rid ol its backio.. ll;.N fiaa not been able to pick Th• holdup men robbed Pedro UnUl that Ume, the ban oo Ara1on. •. and other allena at sblpmeata remalm lo effect. th• 1ama S.turday nl1ht shortly Before Uiil lat.st epiaode took atter t.hev had been paid. place, ICN bad applied lor up any new matenals rrom its cuat.omen becuue of cJOlure of the burial aites Cor about s1:x weeu. ~~~~:::::;::.---~~~~~~~- ... Btrr POU'l'ICAL COIH'OaT dldn't come ea•y for tbe 41-year·old aa· aemblym.an from Oranse. Three times before be cllmbed into the 10th Diltrict seat, Neat.ande had tried for elected of· nee. And three times be flnlabed ~ beat, twice to tben·DemocraUc A•· aemblyman Ken Cory. Comequently, in penonal coo versa· Uons, Neatande often refiecta on thole early fruat.ratinl election defeat.a and, NESTANDE . Won't Rekase Yanks Hostages' ~aptors ·Hold to Hard fjne TEHRAN, Iran <AP> Mili· spokesman told The Associated tant students occupying the U.S Press ) Embassy denied today that any He said the embassy occupiers f of ·the SO Americans they hold would leave the setting of a tnal t would be released by Christmas date up to the Iranian people. and said all hostages will be "The Iranian oeool,. will ~ l tried u spies. c i d e t b a t .. H e d i d n o t ' Forel1n Mlnlster Sadegb elaborate. 1 Ghotbzadeh ·told foreign re-Ghotbudeb said the Iranian porters Sunday that some authorities have not begun coo-hosta~ "possibly" would be sidering a date for a bostqe released before Chriltmaa. trial, but that they are puttlng "No no they are not going to together an lntematlonaJ "grand be r~le~sed ." a student jury" to investigate U.!. }Jnts 1 ~-------Bhod?W~d? Canyon Fire Cause Traced A tumbleweed or bird that flew against 56,000-volt elec- tncal wires was blamed today • for a SS-acre fire that menaced Laguna Beach and Emeral4 Bay last week causing evacualioo or 200 people The Tuesday night blue that · injured nine persons and badly damaged one expensive home while scorching others started on a ridge between Boat and Emerald canyons Capt. Marc Hawkms. county tire department spokesman, said several witnesses saw a foreign object strike the wires on the windy hill. "The tumbleweed or bird or whatever It was burst into flames and fell to the VoUDd." Hawkins said. The flanun& mat· ter landed in brush. More than 420 firefight.en - aided by a fuel break between the hilltop homes and dry chaparral -subd~tbe flames lashed by gale rorce winds. Clemente Checking Recall Petitions San Clemente City Clerk Max Berg and bis office workers spent most of today counting the number of certified recall peti- tion signatures submitted 1-ie Coast Weather Fair tllrou1b Tuesday and alilbtly cooler Tue.- day. Lowa torupt concen· trated ID the 40I. Hlths Tuesday raD.lina fl'OID 6' at the beacbel to 72 in· land. IMIDBTODAY Friday afternoon. If the tally shows more than 2,900 certified sienatures, San Clemente voten will be called on to dec:lde whether to ouat council members llyrUa Waaner llDd KarollM Koester ln the Aprill city election. with the former shah's regime, beginning Jan. 1 or 2. The pro- cHdinp would take about two weeks, he said. and hostages KEHNEOY, CARTER UNITED ON IRAN-A6 might appear as witnesses, "but not as the accused." He had said befon that the hostages would not be trled unW the grand jury reported and its findinea cou.1d be evaluated. But the 1tudenta. who Insist the ahah be returned to I ran for trial, have contradicted or over- ruled Ghotbzadeh several times on the status of American diplomata held in Iran Tehran Radio today quoted Ghotbzadeh as saying mvita· lions to join the "grand jury" are being extended to Nobel Peace Prize-winning Irish statesman Sean MacBrlde and Louis-Edmond Pettiti, president of both the Pans Bar Associa· tion and the International Organization of Catholic Junsts. Both said today that they had not received invitations Told of the radio report, Mac· Bride, in Dublin, said his participation would depend on the inquiry's terms of reference, lta purpose and who else was in- volved MacBride, a one-lime Irish Re151ublican Army chief, woo the~ i'tace Prize in 1974 for his work' in South-West Africa <Namibia> and visited Iran earlier to help mediate the crisis. CUSD Board Replacement Keys Agenda more tbm mo.t elected olfttebotden, count.a bis political bl~ Also, be ta not all that bnP"Ued by the eled:iooeerinl power-.. and poutlca.I biptp that have pJedaed their aupport while uri1Dt him to take on Miller. A POUTICAL PUGllATIST, Nestande knows that 11 'be ls to defeat Killer it wiJ1 be what be sometimes calla "the people beb1.od all tboee.doon at all thole houses that. In the ftDal analyals, determ.lne who winl elec:Uom " And aot all those l*>Ple bebtnd all thole doors in all thole boula in the Third Supervuorial Dlatnct too. Bruce Nestande. The distrtet'a vOl!os bre~basket reaches throqh Fullertoo, La Habra, Brea and Ptacenba even lhou&b lec>- 1rapblcally at 1tret.cbe1 from La Habra in the north throujb the qpper reaches of El Toro ahd Mi.sstoo Viejo. So. in recent caoverutJom Nestande ba.s talked of a muatve personal campalp to acquaint bimseU with thole voters who have not seen the name Bruce Nesta.nde on a ballot befOl'e. <See MIL.LA'S SEAT, Pase AZ) It's tlae Santa~laopper ' MILLEA Santa Claus and Mrs Claus gavt-their reindeer a rest for the big night ahead and ar nved at Crown Valley Community Park in Laguna Niguel by helicopter Sunda\ Tht-) "'alked to the community bwld.ing to hand out g1fLc; and get holiday hopes and fearssort- t•d out Mane Js~bellc Henderson. 9. is on ,, r.., CIJU." lap County Employees Bid for Extra Day Prisoner, I 7, Dies After Hanging Self A 17 )"ear old inmate of Orange County Jaal died Satur day. ~even days after he was found hanemg in hl!> jail cell, coroner's offtc1als announced to· day The youth had been taken to UC Irvine Medical Center 4..J'l <'rtt1cal condJUon and placed vn emergency ~p1ratory life sup- port systems A hospttaJ spokeswoman said th~ youth was not removed from the hfe support machines but died when his heart stopped beatina The youth, who was charaed with 1uspic1on of kidnappina, · rape , robbery and sext perversion, wu found by clep-i-- utlea ban&ins ~c 9 from &\•' bedaheet tled to the bars ~ bla cell. according to Lt. WyUt Hart. • The death wu ruled a de.la~ suicide by a coroner official. ' The )IOVth WU a rn.ideftt, Anabel.-. / I • .. r 11n••P••• .... Pre•ee• ... CONTADOU ISLAND. Pu1m1 <AP)-abab lfobammtd Besa tt _. * MUJed dowa <.a 1 beavlb' paJ"d9d Pu .._ ili1a8d a4 a.. dipolecl mooll'Cb aa1d be bCll*t to atay. Pmkmlll• amdall aald they ea prot.ct b1m aad Panama fll"Clm Ida~ . 0 1 would to upr• OW' deep paUtude fol' the very 1ea l"OUI 1DvltatlGD of t.b• ~bUc Of Panama ud Prelldet\t Royo. n I« foot oo Oda IOU, we bave felt at bome." tbe shah tald • nen CoafeND 8unday, a da1 atier arrlvlnl from Tesu wttb bprea Parah Diba. a woman Irelan cJoewr. seven O(brr ptepla, two d6ll 9Dd a huce amount of lua.,•. Ka u•• • .,,,,...,. •etrt• 1 IDUSALl:lf <AP) -'lbe laraell Parliament voted today to nstrtet abortlom, ndinl • cruia wblcb threatened to topplt Prtm• lllnllter llenacbem Bepo's coal.iUoa 1overnmeut. Tbe KDllMt fOt*9 58-SS, wttb nine abltentJON, lo repeal a law a1lawtq abortiom for IOCial or eeanomlc reuons, but the bill mmtpua two more readlqa before It becomM law. Because of a threat by a four-member ultra-Orthodox party to drop out of tbe coalition. Begin declared the vole to be a vote or' confidence in his rule, forcing recalcitrant ~aliUoo aup porters to vole in favor of the repeal. CITY OF INDUSTRY (AP)-Slx Southern Paclfk tank can, me ca..rrytna liquid chlorlM, derailed and overturned to- ' day, Loi An1elet County ft re offlclala aald. No lAjurtes were reported and tbe chlorine did not spill, the oftlclall said. One of the other overturned can cont.ained liquid carbon dioxide and another car contained a eelletiied non-toxic sub. stance used as a pack.in& filler, a fire department spokesman said. Brhal11 Back• U.S. o• Ir•• WASIDNGTON <AP> -British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher publicly pledged Brill.ah support for United Nation.a 1ancllons again.st Iran today. •·we lndicated vecy clearly \hat when the United States wishes to go to the Security Council for further powers under Chapter 7 (the part of the U .N . charter deallna with aanetions), Great Britain will be the first to support lt," Mn . Thatcher said after she, President Carter and tbelr advtaera met at tbe White House "You expect nolhlng leas and you will receive nothine less," she said lllMHleft• Accord• 81g•ed LONDON (AP) -Robert Mu1abe and Joshua Nkomo, co- leadera of the Patriotic Front pn1lla alliance, today tniUaled arl'ln1ementa for a Rhodesian ceue-flre and political aettle- meat, a 1pokaman tor the Frcnt 1aJd. The accord would open tbe way tor peace la ~ Brttlab colOQ¥. ; • The Front apoteamad Hid arru1•ent1 are beina,.made for a ceremonial signature meeting Wednesday when the over· all peace settlement will be formally concluded ~No NelV Oil Price .Hike, Saudi Says CARACAS, Venezuela <AP> - As the l.J.nation Oraanization of Oil Exporting Countries con· vened here today, Saudi Arabjan Oil Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamani said he does not expect the cartel to raise prices again ffler the recent bike& by several OPEC members. Yaman1 said Saudl Arabia, whlch produces one-third of O.PEC'a oll, would not ralae prices beyond the $24 level an· nounced lut week atid would maintain production at 9.5 , mUUoo barrel.I a day durtn1 the fint three monlhl of llMIO. World oU prices were about 100 percent above last year's level• 11 the cartel'• oil ministers conven.cl behind tiltht security in this Venesuelan capital to debate another pot· sible price bike. Even ll the price la not raiaed any further durin& \he OPEC conference, American retail 1aaoline and beallna oll prices could eo up by as much u 11 centa • 1allon. OftANQf: COAST LtSC DAILY PILOT The latest hlke by Saudi Arabia rat.ed lta prtcea 33 per· cent above previoul level.I, but ju1t barely above tbe 123.50 ceU- lns price aet by OPEC ln June. Other-countriee, 1ucb u Libya, paned that cetllni tnonthl aao and are preninl for further ln· crea1e1. "The industrialized countries can pay whatever we aak," Lib. y~ 011 Minlater hzedin al Mabrak told a reporter. Libya, wblch breached the OPEC celllns in October, ID· nounced another price lncreue Sunday. It blked the price ot lll hflb-quallty crude oU -prised for ttl bl~ yield of 1uollne - by $3.73 to $30 a barrel, retroac· Uve to Nov. 1. Mabrak el.lo said Libya, which 1blp1 nearly half of the 2 million battell l\ produces datly to the UDi\ed a.tea, will reduce pro- duction neJrt year, but did not say by ho-. much. Indonesia also boosted ltl price by '3 to '25.50 for a a.. gallon barrel. lran'• official Para newt .,-.cy 1aid the prl09 of Iranian crude bad been ral.Md '5 to $28.50, but Iranian Oil Minister AU Akbar Motnfar called the report a rumor. • Y~ A.rt.I. CAP) -A NavY J m tic.fora w a.-.t.n.Jalal nl&bt ea fl re o 'a ho ff 1 ad 1lowtd {b llriKMt l&aQ&ar to- daJ t al' feMt Oftt penon on~ .... auUM>rtUa Mid. T jlUot ejected 11ftlJ .,.._ lb• Jtt eaplodtd, acattmn1 d brla ~ a wide UU al UM Yuma a1rpon. At a.ut ftn lltbt planM tbe alrport were dlma1ed or dt1h'oyed. Tb• banaar -an • IO· bl.~f .foot eoacret• block buil -"loMed like tt had bHQ bi by a na=bomb," ac-eoa'dlnt to one . Tbe TA• jet wu takin.I off on the north-eut ruawv of the Johll clvWan-mWtarJ airport wllen lt vetted to lb• north. Ar. tbe pUot ejected, the Jet clipped a trailer and then bit the rear of th• banaar It conUnoed throuah th• buifdiq, exited throulb the front door at the other aide and plowed lnto a row of parked pJana before comlnt to real There were report.I ol other lD· JUriff A 1pokesman said the Jet hit the Birch Aviation ban1ar, kill· ing Paul Birch. Tbe pilot. whose name was withheld, wu not injured, the spokesman said. The pilot was identified only as a student naval aviator from Squadron VT2S, operatin1 out or tbe Naval Alr StaUoo at Cbue Field in Beevllle. Texas. An accident board was ap- pointed to investigate and de· termine cause of the crash. The cruh caused a power out- age in the area and police closed off abqt.rt three miles of blpway 80 ·from Arizona A venue to Fortuna. Runaway Auto Kills Woman Owner A Cotta Mesa woman was killed Sunday after she ap- parently feU while startin& her car and il backed over ber several times, police said today. Sgt Tim Holbrook said Beatrice Finley Manball, 47, died ln the 5:30 p.m . accident ln front of El Pescador restaurant at 17th Street and Tu1Un Avenue. Re Mid Mn. Martball Jeft the restaurant after apparently arguing with her husband and tried to start he r car. Her husband had come in a separate car, Holbrook said Details of how Mrs. Marshall rell out of the car and It began backing up aren't yet known, Holbrook said. He said the car a1>1>arenUy began circling in reverse, part. ly in the parlting lot and partly in drivut1 lanes on 17th Street, runnin& over Mrs. Marshall several times while p11aenby tried to halt it. The runaway car struck one car on 17th Street. but the driver, James Gordon Day, 34, of Newport Beach, escaped wltbout lAjury, Holbrook said. A motorcycllat beblnd Day, Brian Bi.shop of Newport Beach, narrowly averted a aecood col· Uaioo and managed to jump into lbe runaway car and bail tt, Holbrook said. Mra. Manball was taken to Hoa1 Memorial Hoapilal but ef. forts to revive her were unauc- ce11ful, be said. The victim'• buabaad, Robert Llewellyn Marshall of Co.la Mesa, was held on 1u.aplcloa of betns dnmk In 1>ubllc. but tbe cbarse waan'l related t4 the death, oftlcen 1aid. They aaid tnvesti1alion into the tn1edy ts conllnutn1. The pre-conlerence •.Plurse of price hikes WU belUJl Wl week wh•n a bloc of OPEC mod-ratea. led by Saudi Arabla. bumped prices up $6 to SM a : barrel. Tbe Saudl·led bloc said lt raised prtea early to bead off even mater price increuea at the Venauela conference. C4RTER :4SKS FUC DISRUY Wrapped J]p la Bu Werle Hot alr balloon-maker Doo Piccard deflates one of his new moclet. followin& a recent test run in Costa Mesa. He made this one -lt '• 60 feet hi&h when inflated and encloses 75,000 cublc feet - for Jim Wright of La Croue, Wla. Eri&ht plan• to eall It "La Croaae Word Puzzle." He saye there are lots of neat places to go ballooning in Wlacon.aln. Rites Held For Producer Milton Bren Private funeral serv1Cff have been held for MUton H Bren. T~. of Newport Beach, a noted bus•· nessman. motion picture ex ecuUve and sportsman who dJed Friday after a Ions bout with cancer. Bren was to be buried at sea. A lon1 -tlme Southern Call fornta restdent. Bren became a leadm1 studio ex· ecuUve and rum producer U\ the early 1920s at the Hal Roach studios and al Metro-Goldwyn· mayer. He was responsible ror such films u "Topper," "Merrily We Live." "There Goes My Heart" and numerous films starnng Wallace Beery. Bren. a 2S-year resident of Newport Beach, also was in· votved lo commercial real estate developgient or office buildinp ln the Lo. AD&elea and Newport a.reu. A World War ll veteran of tbe Coast Guard wbo saw action u a destroyer captain in the Pacific Theater. Bren aao WU a yachtsman He won the Pacific Coast Star Class Champ1ooshiP6 in the early 20s and be skippered larger racing yachts for 35 years He t. survived by his wife. Academy Award winnlng ac '1reu Clair Trevor of Newport Beach; sons Peter Bren of Paris, France and Donald Bren. an Irvine Company owner, of Lo6 Angeles. andatx grandchildren. Bren died at Hoag Memorial Hospital ln Newport Home Ransacked In San Clemente San Clemente reaidenl Linda Wtlklnaon told police Sunday burclan ransacked her home after uatnc lawn furniture u a ladder to break into an upstain bathroom window. Police did not releue the list of items taken or their approx· lmate value, but described the 1011 u "extenaive. MILLER'S SEAT. • • TOO D ll£GA.SD8 •n.LER as a formidable oppo- nent ~le the mualve adverse reaction to Miller's ap. l)OlDtment to the Third Diltnct seat tut July by Governor l)rown Like o&Mn. N•l&Dde MJDMS there could be and pc»1ibly .u..cty la • public backlub to tbe duaat.roua publicity that accompanied Miller lnto office and has. haunted him ever since It's called ~ underdog syndrome and could be a big plus in Miller"• favor. especially lf a multitude of can- didata step forward next year to lambaste the appointed ancumDelll. ON TOP OF THAT. Nestande t. sensitive to the poesi· ble backlaab that Ollgbt be created by the JOtnt Republican and Democratic ealabli.shment alip.ment w tus comer. He aees the powet' structure'• endonemeot of btmsell u a poaaible tool Miller mlpt take advantace of durint the campailD by cutinl himself ln the role of the anU· establilhment caDdldate and Nestande u the establish· menl'1 bandptclr.ed and pollshied candidate. Howner. when dac~ng the dec:tslon he was asked to make and the rorfe1Un1 ot hl5 assembly seat, the item tbal wetcbed beavtest ln Nestande's conversations center on it.ate ,ovemmeot'1 cooUDWJlj UDpact on county gov· ernmeat. n lllXft-Y WASN'T ao certain that tbe major battles reflecdnl bea.U.t oa Oraa1e County's ruwre weren't to be foqbt tn s.uam-to rather tlau lD Sula AM &Ida ..... ~ bicbwaya and ftnuee m 6e .-.. ... ol are. no matter what ta said \ocalb. issues that will be decided mo~ by stale oft\aala than their k>cal COQllterparta. And u On.Dae County enters the final phase of lta de velopment U\ the 19805. Nestande wuo't so ~rtain that tus place LSn·t m Sacramento PEll80NALLY, BE 1.8 more attuned to P•rtiaao politics and a le11slator's role than he ts to nonpartisan politicaJ alflll"I and that aometune1 awkward dual role of legillator-adminiwator a county auperviaor plays. N•ande 11 a Ronald Reqan lo7al&.lt who. al the 11me time. ii palatable to tbe DeD>OCratlc auucwre. He 11 alao a You.DI tecWetor wbo baa crown aomewbal weary of com· mu.Uni ~ to Sacramento. He la eooup of a political naliat to eee the Mlvant••• lD bavin& to run for office on· ly once ln ...., fO!W' years as well u tbe comfort of daily coot.act with bis coUUW.ta So• of DOW. Nest.ande, like it or aot. is the man oo the wblte bone rtaklnt bis political lifestyle to cballen1e Ed lllllef.tuad lo the p:roceu have somethm1 to ny about the lnflumce ot Miller backers Jane foada and Tom Hayden on political life in Oran1e County. Brown Funder Attracts 25 SEA'M'LE (AP) -It wu DO 1rand IOlree -ooly 2S people showed up for bis SlOlh-p!ate dinner -but Callfonda Go.. Edmund G. Brvwn Jr. tns1atec1 that support ls sw•Wn1 for bis presidential bid. "lly candidacy is building. lt'a developing momentum all over the country. wbe~nr I 10." Brown said Saturday ftiaht. GENERAL NEWS EUJ:LSY (AP> -All ti• tort ti aidtr!8' .. k"' C lcMoll I U. DNf ... 8JiM ~u.oup &be tc'°°'9 .,. -'° IDO'f't ..,., • CDl.llm f ........ • tla•ltw . OppaMID fl tM 1cbool'1 ,... locaUca.., bu _. a mottl·mlllloD dollar mla\aa, hlehullat A1Hmbl1maa To BatH, 1).oa•laa~, and &bt a.rt ley Qty Oouncu. 8ATD ft.ANS TO Wtnl &be ftCbt to tbe 1tat.t IAllalatUN January. He all"ead1 bu .-t a t.leSTam ut1nt Gov. Sdlmmd aron .Jr. to reeon1lder tbe etat.t'• pan. to move the •cbooll laA . a lba-mw Mltmlc 1atttJ law tbat prabltitt.d U.. •ttu.atloD or eoutnacticm ol tcbool bulldtoCI '•on tbe trace ot aa active I ~fault." ~~~:::==:i:i~~~~~~~: Howner, on. or tne map·• ~lll'Vl~~SO~o'-. ~Ou.Ffu;f~, cbltf r't., DortbJ Rad· · .. , '' brucla· 1 coaceda Uaat lbe drew Ctit fault trac. ...... tbe aebOol bu&klnp oa tbe bull cl ~ only ·~ J.ndinct" lafonna. J u~. tnlD't mw im Uaat two CHRISTMAS uo ICl•Dti•l• completed a aEARANCE t.bol'Oueb MilmocrapbJc 8bldy cl the acbool llt. ln connection wtth =~4= ti! ;e.~;.entty'a STARTS TODAY • DEC. 17th MO ADMISSION CHAIR -----~----------Berkeley rHldtata baH *'l\MJ4 ftom the atal1 \Mt IDOY• 1DI tbt acboola would d9Jldve luedlcappod •tvdenta of Berkele)''a apedal 9due•= cultural, vocaUoul and m 10 Yie /o_r Seats e On Chamber Board 5 To sa oua llAUTWVL D•Oll.HAteMADI OltMAM8fn •.. CHRISTMAS Ow Giant Ecb PolnMttiaa have never been more beautiful. They are .vaHable with multiple blooms In either Christmu red or white. proarama. Bates and aeven council mem· ben Joined the t11bt after read· Five locumbeatl, four cballeqen and tmmedlate put preai· tn1 a aerte1 of articles in 1be deal Bernard Allen are seetinc five open seat.a oo the San Dally Callfomlan, the Univerai· ClementeCbamberolCommerceboardofdirectors. t.y of California at Berkeley'• BalloU muat be cut by Dec. 28. Chamber members may mail student· run new1paper. that the ballots to P.O. Box Al, Su Cliemeat.e t2812. questioned the basis of the Allen, a member of the-current chamber board because of hia state's dedsion ln 1972 to move service as past president, la ltd.in& electJoo u a direct.or in t.bia DICoaATIOMS ......... Clift ,,a. ..... 2StKt OFF ALL ..., n"&fS. Sa.YB ..t llGULAA MBCHAMDISE. TOO! (Everything 1n OU< St~el John'"fhomas Ltd. The challengers on the ballot are Margaret Colllna, SerJio • S the schools from Berkeley. year's race. antkiues&floral A MONTH· LONG loveat1ga. Puente, ~ne Vorpahl and Bob Wright The incumbent.a are Joe ~ JJZ !IL..-& "w-.....-~ lion revealed that the decilion Anderson,CurtHay,An.oKeller,JlmMeadandTomWerner ~ "'y,,,_ _ was baaed on inaccurate reparta After the five directors are elected, Chamber President that an earthquake fault runs Georse Gearn will appoint five more members to this year's """4 • L....-a.-11t • 49...0722 under school bulldl.n11 ,..:oo=--.:the=---=bo.:..:ar=..:;d.:.__ ________________ ~~::::::~~~~~~8~~~~=-::-~~~~~~==8~~::::~=-:::::=~ Objector Jailed FRESNO (AP) -A Clovis man was sen- tenced to 179 days In ·• custody on four count.a of willful failure to file federal income returns ~n .looqutn d i McM Anhur • N{>\Ol'j)OJO 84-Mh 1>4().5800 ·• and fllinc false federal withholding exempUona. Derrell Oliver Day ia a former national vtce chairman of the now de· funct Tax Rebellion Committee. --Open IWy S.. to 5pm ~~- What IJetter nm1 lhan low to Home Improve OtYM.t STAIN Gueranteed Apln1t Cracking, PHlll\9 and 8U1terlng. "o~ 9.20GAL ._ JOI Al , • .,. ...... (Wet • lry hlf1c11) . Immediate RfPllr for Roof LNka, Equally eHtctlve 3 4 2 on A1phalt, Metal and Masonry' (REG. 6.00) • GAL. ._2Mllliwrl•••LM*"'* "" ......... , Smooth Incl IHY Sprodlnt 2 90 f deel fOr Around Chlmneya, Vents, e FIHhlng, Gutttn GAL. Wnte down messa,es on a Doodk Phont. TouchCall $84.~ Dial $69 95• 1 Everybody can use one. It's a telephone you can own from the GTE Phone Mart. But not just your common household variety of telephones. These phones come in shapes and colors you\1e never imagined. They look like presents. The GTE Phone Mart has all the phones you see here. And more. _ You buy them in the store. And take them home with you. Usually they plug right in. If you do need GTE Phone Mart connectors, an installer will make the easy conversion for a nominal cost. A telephone for Christmas isoriginal. It's thoughtful. And you11 be ·remembered every rime it's used. This year say "Merry Christmas:' With a gift that jingles. l Fi i Et Gi\'IRe It , 1lw W\C urnJ 1r , n.11 .. 11 l)iuJ 1111/~ SM QV Cortt I.' frv I hf! Ph (IT\t' Mm 1.111d Sn1>ofl dfot<M SN<>OPY& \\'O( >DSTOCI< Ti1u(h Call $1 J'i t\'* 0MJ SI 2'i (\"' l•R til r • l ... 0nly9mgtar Bmg"tl(.'0.8 °'nicotine.a. percip1t11 WFTC M8dql. A low~ slim cigarette aH your own. Regular or Menthol. ~.-..-....-...... ~~ ..... ~~~PolitiCalAnal~U------~-------~~~____, Seat: Why Does · Brue~ IH/T POLITICAL CO•FOJLT didn't come easy for the tl-year·old aa- aembl.Tmaa from Orante. Three times before be climbed into the '10th District aeat. Nestande bad tried for elected of. nee. And th.Ne times be finh1W second beat, twice to then-DemocraUc A•· aemblyman Ken Cory. CoosequenUy, in personal con vena- tions. Neatande often reflect.a oo those euly frmt.ratlng election defeat.a and. .,.._YIUA men tba molt elilcted oftkcihtldm. couma bil potitlca.1 bles1-, Alli>, tie ta not a1f that l.mpn ned bJ Ute e~ power bomil and poUeieal tQwto tbat hue pledpd tbetr 1qpport wlUJe arit.q hbn to take CID Jllller . . A POU'l'ICAL P&AGllA1'8'1', Nestande knows that ii be u to defeat 11.lUer It will be what be someUmea calls ''tb• people beb1Dd all tboee doon at all u.e bomea tbal.. lD tbe ftDal aulyats. detenn1ne wt.O 1dm electiOOI .•• And DOt ill tboae people bebind all tboM doorl ln all thole ..... lD tbe Tbird Sapenhortal Dlatrict know Bruee Natande. The diltriet'a vottnc breadbasket reaches UlrouCh P'uUeJ1oa.. La U.bra, Brea and Placentia even ~ 1eo- crapbJcallJ it stretches from La Habra in the north tbrouih the upper reacbes ot El Toro and lliNICID Viejo. So, in reeeat coavenaUom Neaande bu talked ot a mauiYe penod.a1 campalp to acquaint lllmadf with thole voters who have not seen the name Bruce Nest.ande on a ballot before. (See ..U.D'SSEAT. Pa•e AZ) Miu.ER Mesa.Wonian Killed Victim Run Over by Backing Auto A Costa Mesa woman was killed Sunday dter sbe ap· parently fell while st.artio& her car and it backed over her several times, police said today. Set. Tim Holbrook said Beatrice Finley Marshall. 47. died in tbe 5:30 p.m . accident in front ol El Pescador reat.aurant at 17th Street and Tua tin Avenue. He said Mrs. Marshall left tbe restaurant after apparently ar1Wni with her husband and tried to atart her car. Her huaband had come in a separate car, Holbrook said. o.ta1lll at bow lln. ......n fell out al the car and it bepn backing up aren't yet bown. Holbrook laid. Wekonae l'isitor in Mesa He aaid the ~r appareatly be1an ctrcllnc in reverse, part· ly in the pa.rtUna Jot and partly in driving lanes on 17th Street. running over Mrs Marshall several times while pasaersby tried to halt it. Forsaking his traditional sleigh, Santa Claus arrives by helicopter at Paularino School in Costa Mesa today, flanked by community services officer Sandi Rose and Sgt. Carl Jackson of the city's police de- partment. Below , Santa gets a hug from 6-year-old Cori Berg. The runaway car struck one car on 17th Street, but the driver, James Gordon Day, 34, of Newport Beach. escaped without in1ury. Holbrook saJd. Spy Trials Lao•? Hostages' Freedom For Holiday Nixed TEHRAN, Iran <AP> -Mili· tant atudents occupying the U.S. Embassy denied today that any of the 50 Americans they hold would be released by Christmas and aaJd all hostages will be tried as spies. Foreign Minister Sadeah Ghotbiadeb told foreign re- porters Sunday that some hostages "possibly" would be CARTER ASKS FUG DISPUY WASHINGTON CAP) -Presi- dent Carter baa ai1Ded a ooo- 1re11lonal resolutJon deslsnat· inl T'uMday u .. national unity day.. lo support of the U.S. boataps m Iran. He asked lndlvldual Americans and or1anizaUona "to obMne tbat daJ by pt'OID· lnently dlaplQtnc tbe American fla ..... released before Cbristmu. ''No, no, they are not goina to be releaaed," a student spokesman told The Associated Preas. He aald tbe embassy occupiers would leave the aeWng of a trial date up to the lranian people. "The lranian oeoole will de· KENNEDY, CARTER UNfTED ON IAAN-M cide that." He dld not elaborate. Gbotbadeb said tbe Iranian autboriti• have not beiun coa- sldertac a date for a bostqe trtal, but that tbe)' are puWns toaether an lntenlaUonal ''ll'Ud jury" to lnveltiaate U.S. Unb wltb the former lb.ab·• "Sime· bectanln1 Jan. 1 or 2. The pro. ~·-. woWd take about two weeu, be aalcl. and boetac• micbt ~ .. wUD"••· '"but not .. tbe accaMd. •• He bad l8'd Wan Ulat the taosta .. would not be tried unW CIMD&N,P•AJ> * * * ·Newsman Delivers Mail to Iran A motorcycbat behind Day. Bnan BISbop of Newport Beach. narrowly averted a SttOnd col· lision and managed to Jump tnto the runaway car and halt tt, Helbrook Uld Mrs Manhall was lAkeo to Hoa& Memonal Hospat.al but ef. forts to revtve her were unsuc cenful. he said The Vlctim's husband. Robert Llewellyn Marshall of Costa Mesa. was held on susp1c1on of heme drunk in oublic. bUt the 'charge wasn't related to the death. officers said They said anvest1gat1on into the tragedy as contmuaog ~rters Meet No New Oil Price Hike, Saudi Says CARACAS. Venezuela CAP> - As the 13-oatioo Organization ol Oil Exporting Countries con· vened here today. Saudi Arabian Oil Minis ter Anmed Zaki Yamaru said he does oot expect the cartel to r&LSe pnces at.am after the recent hikes by several OPEC members Yamani said Saudt Arabia, which produces one third of OPEC's oil, would nO'l ra11e prices beyond the $24 level an nouoced last week and would maintain production at 9 .S miU1on barrels a day durin& the first three months of \980. World oU prices were about 100 percent above last year's l evels as the cartel's 011 ministers convened behind light security tn this Venezuelan capital to 'debate another pos stble price hike Even ti the pnce 1s not raJ.Sed any further dunog the OPEC conference, American reta.I Suspect Held In Costa Mesa Rape Attempt guoli.ne and beating otl prices couJd 81> up by a.s much as 11 cents a gallon. The latest hake by Saudi Arabia nused Its pnces 33 per- cent above prevtous levels. but Just barely aboYe the $23.SO ceil· mg price set by OPEC in June Other couotnes. such as Libya. passed that ce1hng months ago and are press10g for further in· creases "The 1ndustnallzed countries can pay whatever we ask." Llb- y an Oil Minister lzzedan al MabraJt told a reporter Libya, which breached the OPEC ceiling m October, an nounced another pnce increase Sunday It biked the price of its h1gh-quahty crude otl pnzed for lts high yield of gasoline - by S3 73 to $30 a barrel. retroac· live to Nov 1 Mabralt also said Libya. which ships nearly half of the 2 million barrels il produces daily to tbe United St.ates. wtll reduce pro· duclion next year. but did not &ay by bow mu.ch Indonesia also boosted its price by $2 to $2.S.SO for a 42· gallon barrel Iran's official Pars neWB qency said the pnce of Iranian crude had been raaaed SS to $28.50, but Iranian Oil Mlnllter AU Akbar Molnfar called the report a rumor. Coast Weather P'alr tbroqh Tuesday ud. all&btl1 . cooler Tues-dQ. I.owl toaJabt CODcetl· trai..a: lb the 409. Ht1h1 ~ rUPaa from • at CM 1'Mdw to 12 ln· • land . .;, -. IDBTODAW Al rt J RUSALEll CAP> -1be laraeU Parliament voted today to restrict abcutlou. endtQa • cmls wbkh threatened to topple Prime lllnilter ll••daem'Jle'1o•e coalition 1ovemment. The Kneuet voted u.u. with nine abstentlona, to repeal • . law ellowtq •bortlOQI for aocial or economic nuona, but the bill m• pass t.o mon readinas before tt becomes law. Because or a threat by a four-member ultra-Orthodox party lo drop out of the coalition, Begin declared the vote lo be a vote of confidence in hla rule, forcina recalcitrant coaUUon sup· porters lo vote in favor of the repeal. , Otl•riae Can Der•ll CITY OF INDl!STRY CAP)-Sb Soul.hem Paclftc tank can, one carryln1 hquld cblonne, derailed and overturned to- day, Los An1eles County fire officials said. No injuries were'"reported and the chlonne did not spill the officials said · One of t.he other overturned cars contatned llquld carbon dioxide and another car contained a pelletized non-toxic sub- stance used as a packing filler, a fare department spokesman i.a1d · BriCala Ba~lu IJ.S. on Ira• WASHINGTON CAP> -British Prime Minister Maraaret Thatcher publicly pledeed Bntish support for United Nations sanctions aaainst Iran today. "We indicated very clearly that when the United States wi11hes to go lo the Security Council for further powers under Chapter 7 Cthe part of the U.N. charter dealing with sanctions), Great Britain will be the fi rst lo support it," Mrs. Thatcher said after she, President Carter and their advisers met al the White House "You expect nothing less and you will receive nothing less." she s aid · Rlaedesla Accords Slga~d LONDON CAP) Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo. CO· leaders of the Patriotic Front euerrilla alliance. today lnlUaled • arranpmente ff>r a R~an ~NM-ft.re and political aettl•· ment. a spoketuban for Front laid. nae accord wou.14 open 11the way'°" pace UI the Bntlab colony. Tbe i'ronl 1PC>kesman uld unn1ement.1 are Wn1 made tor a ceremonial 1l111ature meeuna Wednesday when the over· all peace settlement wllJ be formally concluded. Bird? Weed? Cqnyon Fire Cause Traced A tumbleweed or blrd that flew a1atn1t. 56,000-volt. elec- trical wires was blamed today for a SS.acre fire Ulat menaced Laauna Beach and Emerald Bay laal week cauaing elt'acuatioo of 200 people. Tbe Tuesday nl&ht blaze that injured nine peraona and badly damaaed one expenaive home vrbile acorcbina othera •tarted on a ridge between Boat and Emerald canyons. Capt. Marc Hawldna. county fire department spokeaman, 11ld several wtb\e11et aaw a roret111 object atrtke the wires On the windy hill. "The tumbleweed or bird or whatever It was bunt lnto names and fell to the "1"0und." Auto Parts Buro LOS ANGELES (AP>-A major emeraency blaze at a downtown auto 11lva1e com· pany Sunday caused an e1Umat· ed ~.ooo dama1e before It wa1 broucht under control by 16 city fire enatne companies. DAILY PILOT , ... O< ..... C#M o.lly ~ .... - _ .. ,,,_ .. _..,,...._ ,,.,..._.,.,,..°'_ ,_~ ....... '-" .... .Uetllt-... ~·-......, ..... _ , • ._., ... c.... -·......., IMnl. ........... tHtlll ........ tll#!Yeli.y,1.-,&.....-~C-.. /o ..................... ,....._........,._ -.. ,,.. ............................ ,. ...... , ....... c:..--.~ta» ._ ..... .... _, __ _ Hawkins said. The namlng mal· ter landed in bn.ulh. More than 420 flreflghtera - aided by a fuel break between the hilltop homea and dry chaparral -subdued the names lashed by gale force winds ,.,....PaeeAJ IRAN ••• tbe grand jury reported and It.a flndinga could be evaluated But the students, who lnsi.llt the •bah be returned to Iran for trial, have contradlcted or over- ruled Gbotlnadeh several times on the status of American diplomata held ln Iran. Tehran Radio today quoted Ghotbzadeh aa sayin• invlta- tlont to Join the "grand jury" are being extended to Nobel Peace Prl1t·wlnnln1 Irlah 1tateaman Sean MacBrtde and Loul•·l!'.dmond PetUtl, president of both the Parta Bar AalOC!fa. lion and the International OrganiuUon of Catholic JurlJtl. Both aaid today that they bad not received lnvitation1. Told ot the radio report, Mac. Bride, ln Dublin, uld bla participation would depend oo the Inquiry's term1 of reftreae., ita purpo1e and who el" ... in- volved.. llacBride, a on•·Umt Ir1lb Republican Armf chief. won &M Peace Prue 1n 1974 for b1I work in Soutb·West Aide• <Namlbla) and vlltted Iran eatUer to belp med.late the crtal.I. Anotber broadcut 1ald 1nlD ta ato&>Diu oil 1alel to Panama, wbeio the lhab bai tak Nf. u1•· on a rno;t i1Jaad. :! Pilla.ma aaJd lkladl1 tblt It • not im1>Glt*t ot1 frltD lru 1'71. ,. Tht .,.... ln TehtU qiiQttd a report nm lt«m1MliaJa!J.ii:U.. weat 1arln1 abOut * lraql m•rceurtel &u.e~ tM Ir• . nlan border po1t~ub·•· kl•Jlt on ~ With b""~r '"' ~fit~,:.£.*"~" merffaait• att.ntd _.., ... ~ ...... Uli&lltJ 1lilllll ............ !VU 111A • CA ) -A NaY1 Jet ammumtklo far 1 wea tra1nlU fUtbt e fir• o tateoR d plowed .... • a!rPclft' ..,.., '°' 4&1 i1lllnl •f r..at ..... 00 l'f'QUnd. • Uet AW. Tb• jlaot ~ • ., .. , ..... tb• Jet HplOded, 1eattnta• dt "' OMI' • wide ...... , the Vumaall'J*t. • At fht Hahl planes at tbe airport were cSam11ed or d 1&roytd Tbt baaaar -an IO·bY ·lOO.foot concrete block bulldlna -"looked like lt bad been bll by a ~m bomb." ac· cord.lu to one wttnea. Tb• 11'M jtt. WU taklq olf 00 the north-eut runway of the Joint clvUlan-mllltary airport wbeo If veered to the north. Aa tM pUot eject«l, the }et clipped a trailer and tbeo hit the rear ol tbe bl.DJ~· Jl continued throup the bulldl.nl. exited throuib the front door at the other tide and plowed tnto a row of parted planet before comin1 lo rest. There were reporta of other ln- jurlea. A 1poke1man said the jet hit the Birch Aviation han•ar, kill- ln1 Paul Birch. The pilot, whose name was wlthbeld. wu not injured, the spokesman said. The pilot was ldtntlfled only as a s tudent naval aviator from Squadron VT25. operating out of the Naval Air Station al Chase Field ln Beevtue, Texas. An accident board wu ap- pointed lo Investigate and de term1ne cause or the crash The crash caused a power out age ln the area and police dosed off about thrff miles of highway 80 from Arizona Avenue to Fortuna. Rites Held For Producer Milton Bren Private funeral services h.ve been held for Milton H. Bren, 75, of Newport Buch. a noted busi· neu man, motion picture ex· ecutlve and sporuman who died Friday after a lone bout with cancer Bren wu to be burled at sea A lon1·tlme Southern California realdeat, Bren became a leadinc •tMio ex-ecutive and tum producer ln the early 1i210a at the Hal Roach stud!OI and at Metro-Goldwyn· mayer r He was responsible for auch f1lm1 u "Topper." "Mernly We Live," "There Goes My Heart" and numerou1 films starrln& Wallace Beery. Bren, a ~-year resident of Newport Beach, also was tn· volved 1n commercial real estate development of office buildings in the Los Angeles and Newport areas. A World War II veteran of the Coast Guard who saw action as a destroyer captain in the Pacific lbea\.er. Bren alao wu a Y•chtaman. He won the Paclftc Coaat Star Cius Champioo.ships In the early 20s and be skippered larger racto1 yacht.a for 35 yeara He ii survived by bU wile. Academy Award wlnnlnl ac· tre11 Clair Trevor of Newport Beach; 1ona Peter Brea of Pana, France and Dou.Id Brea. an Irvine Company owner, of Loe An1el•. and 11.X 1randch1ldren. Bren died at Hoac Memorial Hospital in Newport. Mesa \l eighs Youth Funds, Church Project A youth outreach Pf'Ol1'•m'1 requ11t for fundln1 and a church'• Nquelt for pennllUon to build a NOIGI' dtheu bcutq proJec!t will come before the Cotta ll•• CttJ CouncU ~. Tb• meettni wU1 belfn at 1: ao at council chambera, 11 Fair Drive . St. Jabil tbe Dtwtne Ep= Cburch ll ... ktni·• new dte1pati0i for lta p-ro-paty-at Bay Street end Oran1• Avmue to comtruct M unit.I of 1ub· 1tdlHd bou1tn1 for aealor etttsena. Th• pr'OJtd Ila ... ~ b)r IOIM ..... dUDI bl-" dta•ltr and trd1o tnbletU. Al.lo 08 ......... IJlda II I re4111e1t from C1oter for CrtaUff AltenaUNI, m &. ll\h ., for Nftllut .auta1 fUltdt tot ~dler IOClal iintce JOClth outNaeb procrul4 TM lro:ae wu 4lmtd HnllDI 111t 1MDth becaUte tt dlda'\J« UH ,..... to abaW llOW tftlC· "" ltl lll'.OIP'U' -.,... tD proYlDI 1tUtuda1 .... 1111· ........... ~ )'OUD~ • Wrapped (Jp la Bu Werle Hot air balloon-maker Don Piccard defiatea ooe ol bit new models following a recent C.t nm ln eo.ta Mes.. He made th.la one -it's 80 feet high when inflated and encloses 75,000 cubic feet - for Jim Wright of La Croue, Wla. Ert&ht plao1 to call lt ''La Cro11e Word Puzzle." He says there are Iota of neat places to go balloonln1 in Wlaoonain. Earl Sheflin Dies at 79; Services Set Gravealde services will be held Tuesday for lon&tlme Costa Mesa resident Earl Perry Sbeflln. who died Friday at the a1e of79 Serv1cee will be conducted at 11 a m at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park In Costa Mesa by the Newport Beach Elks Lodge Mr. Sheflln. who came to Costa Mesa In 1932, was a re- tired paintlne contuctor. He belonged to the Elka and to the AaaoclaUon of Retired Persooa He wu the f•ther of Joseph H. "Hal'' Shefl.ln of Coeta Mesa, a top Newport Harbor Hl&h School athlete in the early UMOI and a former Newport Beach policeman. Mr. Shefiln also leaves bi1 1on1, Frank Leroy Sheflln of Santa Ana and Robert Earl Sheflln and William Hu1b Sbeflln, both of Coeta ........ well u 11 anndcbUd.ren a.ad ll areat·srandchlldren. Harbor Boulevard Hit by Blackout A transformer failure was blamed for a half hour blackout that darkened an area along Harbor Boulevard between Mer rimac Way and Adams Avenue Sunday, a apokesman for the Southern Ca1Jfom1a EdJaon Co said today. He said the failure occurred at 10: 10 a.m. ln the transformer at Harbor Boulevard and Mer rimac Way. cutting service t.o 2,080 customers for :W m1nules Hunger Awareness Day Planned atOCC Huo1er A•nreneu uay, apomored by the Hun1•r Proj· .ect Club, la scheduled Tueld.ay on tbe Oran1e Coast Colleae campus in Q>et.1 MHa. A rock band, Tamarack, will be featured u part of a noon ob- 1trvance on the quadran1l•. ' l',....P_,,eAI • • TOO. D a&GA&.De •ILLE& u a formidable oppo- MDt despite the mualve a4vene reactJoo to Mlller'a ap- point.meat to tbe Third Dtatrtct teal lut July by Governor Brown. Ute oUaera. Nesta.ode sen.a. there could be and poulbly alread.J la • public backlub t.o the diaut.rous pubUett.y that tce0mpan.led KWer into office and has blunted him t¥er alnee. ft '• called the underdot 1yndrome and could be a bt1 plua ln Miller'• favor. apec1aJly I.I • mulUtude of can- didates step forward oat year to lambute the appmnted lDCUmbeat. ON TOP OF 'l'llAT, NeAande 11 sensitive to the pon1- ble back.lalh that °:1J:.:e created by the joint Republican and Democr.Uc ea ment allpment m ha comer. Ke sees the power atnactu.re'a eodot"Mment of himself u a posalble tool Miller m11ht tak.e advant.11e of durtn1 the campaip by cuUna blmaelf In the role of the anU· eat.lbliabment candidate and Nestande u the eatabllab- ment'1 band1>1cked and poUahed candidate. However. when dJacuutna the dedstoo be was asked lo make and the forfetuna ol ha uaembly a.at, the Item that w~ heaviest ln Nest.ande's conversatlOM center on atate aovemment's dmUnuin& Impact on county aov- emma. SS 8lllPL Y WASN'T 10 ceruia that the ma.jor battles ~ bellvtm QD Oraqe OMd.J'• future .. ren·t to be fou.cbl ID Sacramento rather tlau ln Sula Ana. Such llauea u •1\ef. t.raDapoNtioo, blpwaY1 and ftn•,,,. ID ol Propoa! ..... ao matter nu IS'.... mar. by It.ate oftld. tMia And as Orange County enura the ni;i phase of Its de· velopment tn the 19809. Nestllde *asn·t ao certain that hts place isn't in Sacramento P£&SONALLl', HE IS more attuned to partisan polillcs and a lea11lator's role than he •~ to nonpartisan political alfa.1rs and I.hat aomet.ames awkward dual role of leg1slator·adm11u.i.trator a county supervisor plays Nestande 1s a Ronald Reagan loyallit who. al the same time. la palatable to the DemocraUc structure He 1• a1ao a youn1 lepl.ator who has 1rown 1e>mewbat weary of com- muUns weekly to Sacramento He la enouch of a poUtJcal realiat to tee the ad¥1nta1• in havtn1 to ru.n for office on- ly once lD every four yean 11 well aa tbt comfort of da.lly contact wtth bi. couUtuent.I. Sou ot now, Nestande, like It or not, Ja the man on tbe wblte bane rtlldn1 b1J poUUcal lifestyle to ch•llen1e Ed Mlller IDd l.D the proeeu baV1110methinl to aay about the lnlluenee al MWer backera Jane Food• and Tom Hayden oo poUtical Ute in Oraqe County. Brown Funder Attracts 25 SEATn.E <AP> -rt wu no l"Ud IO(ne -only 15 peopte abowed up for bia $100.a·plate d11lner -but Callforuta Gov Edmund 0 . Brown Jr. tDlllted th•t 1upport ls 1we1Un1 for hf.I preaicS.nUal bid "My candidacy la buUdin1. lt'1 devek>pina momentum all over the country. wherever l 10." Brown aald Saturday a.tpt. NO llATl'E& BOW much tbe chUd receives, JOU. U. pa.reota, can claim a depeodeocy exemption u &one u <""' the cblld ii under 19 or a full-time ltlldeat and <b> you pay over half the cblld'a support. Tbe 1979 Lax laws allow up to $1,100 to be received tu. free. provided •100 la a gift. Any ~oesa would be taxed • the rates applicable to the beoefidary, wb.lcb, for moll children, are low. \ · I( you give securities, you can start the child's educ&.. Uon on money man.a1ement. You can buy securities iD tile child's name. in whids case the gill ls baaed oo the amounl given to purcbaae the secwilles. O&. ADVISES Georce Raskin, Merrill Lynch vice pre11ldeot and manacer of the ccwporate tax department, you can comklertranderriq aecunUel you already own that uw. doinc well. to the child. The gains will then be taxed at the child's tu level - and you can Lake lbe louea oo the poor iavatmeats yoa maln ., l.ncome tax benefit.a io YoUT hither bracket. If you prefer to give cash for investing, use the doll&I" cost averaging method of buying -under wbicb you put the same amount of money into the same stock, regardleu • of its pnce movement, at reeul&r intervals ov~r a 1001 lJme BY BUYING DURING low markets <as well aa high>. you average out pnca and usually stay ahead of the cur- rent market. Tbese accumulation plana also can be used to buy mutual fund shares. Or you e&n use OM of several fonm ol trust that offer you, the giver, income tax relief, and give the child a regular income. Amon, the&e forms of trust are· -~ simple trust, m wtucb the mcome is diatrlbut.ed currently and taxed in the beneficiary's bracket: • -THE COMPLEX trust that accumulates income rot future distribution. This income la taxed to the trusL TM tax is paid when the beneficiary rtteives the income. Simp~ and complex living trusts can be revocable Ccan be cbanled or canc-eled at any time> or irrevocable (nothi.q can be cban1ed for the hie ol the tnltl). Revoc•· .. ble trust property is taxed as part ol JOUT •tat.e; lrrevocat ble trust property ls oot. A Clifford trust <also called a sbort·t.erm trust or a re- venionary trust) is a way ol shift:in« income from one lax· payer to anot.ber temporarily. Thia livtq trust allows you to transfer a lump sum to anyone in a lower tu bracket for at least 10 years and a day. The income is ~ beneficiary's and is taxed at his or her low rate. When the trust ends. the property 1s returned to you, the giver. Outlook Bright For New-Grads EVANSTON. Ill. <AP> -Despite gloomy ecoaom.lc predictioos, a oaUooaJ 1~y &bows that a stroac job market wm await moet coUece cradu.ates out year, particularly eachw.ers. The survey shows that overall, 16 percent more collece 1Taduat.es wttb bachelor's desreee and • percent mont with master's desrees will be biNd in 1980 \ban in lt79. ''These fuJdlnp can be iDlerpret.ed la a positive way~· u a definite upturo -in the job market few new c:oUece graduates.·· said Frank S. Endicott, author or Northwest.em University's 34th annual Endicott Report and retired director oC the university'• office ol placement:: THE G&EATEST DE•AND will be for cnduatea witli ' majors in eneineertnc. aCC'OWltinc, buainesa administra· tion, sales and computer science, •eeotdlnc to the 1urvey of 170 ol t.be nation's lar&er corporatiooa. Job protpect.s for liberal arts rqjors, however, will be somewhat dimmer. " A veraee startio1 aatartea overall will increae by s. ~ percent to 8 percent. ;· The report a1ao indicates that the puticlpatlq flnu..} have brilbter bopee for the com.inC year than may ha~ • been expected from widespread pl"Qjectioaa of a nationat .... receaaioa. Gold, Silver Quotations . .. ~o "' __., 811\e A111et111il Prw ... , =c: worl4 pld pricea todaf: 1 : IDOl'1llnl flxilll "80.e , up $3.IO; aftemoon-n.t.u • . .,, up su.10. : •ute: afternoon ftldnc sns.a. up,.... , 1 r...,..: seeo . .s. uD noo. :: a.tdl: W ..... up '1.UO; "'10.SO ukld. • ... N• Yen: ~· llarman •·~tap $1l.'5. • New Ya! U'd aeWnc ...... up N.!O. 4' New Ya: elhard fa= sold MUt. ~ SU• * I f , I I ' • I I I ' I I I I I ) 0 "I'm afraJd Marmaduke's effort to speed up the ~Ivery of Christmas cards lelY8I much to be desired!" I MtSS PEACH • AtTHUfL. 2e vre-w ~ mErV <;; 11 ow<; )))\ > SHOE MOON MULLINS y~s. TM ,ALL 1f4ROLJ<jH --l SENT WIUIE TO THE Posr OFFICE IC MAIL -rneM . c THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "My brother is one of the wise guys." DENNIS THE MENACE 'UNKY WINKIRl!AN HOO.> u.w&.D lJOll LIKE m ~ A ~ ~ CJ«J&TMAS ffJO ME1.P 1HE 8ANO ~ ~ ~ NElAJ ~lfatMe AT1HE ~~ME ,61R 4 by Mell Lazarius NO, r CAN NE~ 5e.i!M TP FIND M Y ~LA~e: '$ IN TIME .,. by Jeff MacNetly by Ferd & Tom Johnson p--1 l<NEW THERE GORDO WAS SOMETHIN<i 11-1,ADTODo JUDGE PARKER THI& 15 CRANDALL~ u.e.i-. P£R5QNAL f'll.E' I MU~T 'WHtLE MEETIN<; WITH &f CAREFUL NOT TO Hl5 NEW WIFE AT !IAM ~REAK THE LOCK' Oll1VER'5 LAW OfFICE. PAUL CRANDALL 16 UNAWARE THAT Ml~ A&51!;iANT, KEVllll LANCE, 15 OOINb THROU6H HI& OFFICE Ftl.E5 ! I q by Tam S.tk* AND BA~~"°G 1b </00100 .• II , f .. I t ' 1fP,. .. ! ""'--------------------------~ ' . .. tt WU • footb811 8CCldent. wtMI• watching ~ = Yff1erd8Y• game, I tripped O¥« the entenna cord." ~ : DRABBlE by Kevin Fagin ~ ' --------------. ,.------~ ,. ______ .., ,.-------..... ~ ; ~MAN. t : • • v t "' 11.MA'f 'S 1'WAf l0l.06N£ \ : i:>V'i:l£ l.\X.AIZ1Nb? : • . .... . . i La"~ ... . ¥ ~ 0. ;_ I - r • • • • • • I • • • • I • • • -•--.J --;-:j-- FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE -. • ' I t f t • • by Lynn Johnston : .-----"l'!!!"--......... --.lllP-!"'"-~~~~-----, -------------..... : DR. SMOCK AUIOPSY 1'"HA1'", ANP see w HA-r MAPE! IT c::>re .' ~ l~AAAANO+NU A 6~.000 T~U5T IN YOUR NAME.MR!> CIU.NDALL ' TH~ H~ N()TH~ TO DO wm1 THE WILLI IFStE'o~ HE ,l'O HfflE ~tOt'H ~~ • • • • • I WOCJLD HftJE ~HERi 60Tb~ ANOCP.M f"JtlE ,_,.,:r-..---. : R BIKE ' ~ f • • ........... .._ ... ; • by George Lemont : ...------------~-------, . 'J'ODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE I:. -.! •• • ACROSS ,~ 5 School "'°' 9 Legible UMT'ED ~ S)ndlccte :: s.t\irday'1 Pume SoMd ·=: 14 KrWlne 1 s POlynellar\ deity 16RoddWI 17 LJqllid ..... ..,,... 19 Hworl 20 <Wery DOWN 21a.-.,,... 1~ lctL 2 Pr..o.nt Of 2woraa y._ 23 au.. 3 SMltlom. 2S C>b-. 28 Ory • Cllllomla 28 More ~- l":T:'T::T':'1~~~:"wm:T-T:'I ~ ot.:ur. s FfWtdl 2" 8rooll 4' Speed unltt 32 Alt°""'*'I) "'°"" 27 EJqllrw 47 Goe -.y 37 Pwtl' ,_ • P8l1lc:lt 29 ~ •• Jug hlrldle 38 Woflt unit 7 N. Afwan 30 81b1c1t M1M 52 Oriolel, e.g.. 3t Gl9I 11111 port 31 CClll"lt Oii M la1t 41 Net> 'I neigf1-8 NegalM 32 E. llldlen 56 T Ille tor - bor COilll **" ..igtltl 42 SPGC* t Advwa 33 ~ p6lnt 51 NM1gda" 45 20'• IPOC .,..... 34 Melino ~ .. Slald '° Heir 35 Doll 57 Ctlec*I 50 T~ 11 Aw-. at 1ra....s SI Fiji dmlnut 51 Clrpe 12Mfl/#~ 40Flllln 51~ 64a..nn UN.L.._. .QA--: IOU.. SI Aldng 1a lfllf ...., tenn 11 ArtlDna 1W 12 Clrd 22 CtMlor 44,... II& s.ir.