HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-11 - Orange Coast Pilot25,000 Troops Stage Mojave Wi••etap Case Desert War . ·.DAILY PILOT .~,* * * 15c * * * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH ' 1980 VOl.. n. H0.11, J SECTIOlllS, n PAGU I Hale, Hearty I APW~ Derek Morris. who was given the heaf!-of a 26-year-0ld woman in a transplant last month, receives a checkup at West London's Ha ref ield Hospital. Morris is reported w be making a good recovery. Cop's Wiretapping Case Dismissed Orange County Central M unlcipal Court Judge Gary Ryan baa quashed a search war-rant tbat led to the arrest of a Newport Beach Police sergeant on wiretapping and dangerous drug possession charges. "This should definitely end it (the case)," said Alan Stokke, attorney for Sgt. Robert Gatewood, 38, who was accused of tapping the telephones of two superiors. police captains Coast Wayne Connolly and Richard Ha milt.on. Deputy District Attorney Doug Woodsmall was not available for comment. Judge Ryan ruled Monday that the search warrant served on Gatewood was overly broad and vague as to what items could be seized. Gatewood has been off duty since December due to a back injury. He is still the subject of an internal affairs investigation by police officials. According to police, the search of Gatewood's Irvine res- idence produced a tape record- ing of telephone conversations, (See WJaETAP • Pase AZ) By Iran President ' ·Pro-Soviet · Tug ,... c-_--...---- Tied to Rebels By The ~l•ted Press Iranian President A bolhassan Bani·Sadr was quoted today as accusing militants holding ap- proximate I y 50 American hostages at the U.S. Embassy of being Wlder the influence o( pro· Soviet groups. He also predicted the hostages would not be freed before mid-May. a French newspaper said. "Unfortunately. they (the militants) sometimes let themselves be influenced by cer· tain political groups fa~rable to the U.S.S.R .. s uch as lhe Com· munisl Tudeh Party, which wants to isolate Iran on the in· ternationaJ scene," the Iranian president was quoted by the French newspaper Le Monde in a Monday interview. Bani-Sadr also accused Iran's Revolutionary Council of "weak· ness and indecision" in its re· RESULTS OF A.D DOGGONE GOOD "My Daily Pilot ad brought me a waiting list of customers. "I sold all six pups, plus some that weren't even advertised with my ad in the classified sec· tion." That's the advertising success story pf the woman who placed this acJ in the Daily Pilot: Yorkie pups. bom Feb. u. AKC. XJllMtXXX If you want similar results in a c1aulfted ad, call 642-5678. cent confrontation with the m1h· tants over letting members of the U.N. commission see the hostages. the paper said. "Ir the council bad shown itself firm. it u it hadn't changed its mind every day under pres- sure from this or that group, we wouldn't be where we are.·· he was quoted. The commission lert Tehran today with a veiled threat to withhold its report on the al· leged crimes of Shah Moham- mad Reza Pahlavi until it is al· lowed to see all the Amencan hostages. who began their l29lh day in captivity today. "The commission is not in a position to prepare its report and has informed the Iranian authorities accordingly." the five-man panel said in a state- ment. T he commission members new to Switzerland and New York after their 17-day vi sit ended without a visit to the cap- tives. Bani-Sadr's comments lo Le Monde seemed to confirm what Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the all-powerful I rantan re- ligious leader, said more than two weeks ago: the fate of the hostages would be left to the newly elected parliament. The Iranian president was quoted as saying the release could not come before mid-May because the parliament will not have sufficient time to examine the case before then. U.S. and U.N. officials hoped the com- mission's wort would expedite t.be boetages' release. <See lllAN, Pase Al) SLAIN IN HOME Or. Herman Tarnower APW .... MURDER SUSPECT JHnHani• II ' Author Killed I In Home HARRlSON. N.Y. <AP> -Dr. Herman Tamower. developer or the popular Scarsdale Diel, wa~ fatally shot at his s uburban New York C.ty home. and pohc<' to dav charged the headmistress of a i)osh private girls' school w1th his murder Pohc-e Chier W1ll1am Harns said the 69 year-old phy!.1c1an was s hot m the chest. arm and hand durin~ an apparent stru~· gle late Monday in his home in Purchase. N Y . near here. J ea n Struven Harris or McLean. \'a . was trying to drive from the house when police amved. the chief said lo· day, and she was charged with the killing because of what Harris called "certain ad· m1ss1ons she made.·· Police said they recovered a handgun believed to be the murder weapon Tarnower bsted Mrs. Hams, 57. first in the acknowledg· ments of his bes t-selHng d1el book. "The Complete Scarsdal" Medical Diet : Plu s Or . Tarnower's LlfetimE' Keep-Slim Program," which he wrote m collaboration with Samm Sinclair Baker . It said: "We are grateful to Jean Harris for her splendid as- s istance in the research and writing of this book." Asked today a bout the acknowledgment to Mrs. Harris, Baker said Tamower "had bad her read parts o( the book (for comment) and he wanted to acknowledge that." Chief Harris said Mrs. Harris would be arraigned on a murder charge today in Harrison Towu Court. She is headmistress of the Madeira School in McLean, Va., and is listed in the Social List or WasblDltm, D.C., as having a home in Carmel, N.Y. Weather ctearm, late tonight and fair Wednesday. Lows -tonilbt 45 at the beaches and 52 inland. Hi1hs • W~lnthetos. INBl•E Tell.4W : . AcCrna Jou FOftda luu 25,000 Troops Find War is .Hell "Sbe's a very nice lad.y,'' said the police cblef ... She worb at a very 1ood school. She's one of the nicest ladles we've ever bad here." He said bis police went to the house around 11 p.m. after &et· tln1 a call from police in White Pl•ina, who uid the>; bad a re-port of a bura)ary ln Procre&s there. • ,. Ute gonnd-"°"' wz ldt· ,.. to "tnlMPt" ;c"' -v .... ...,.,, "' tk:Gl ~ .. ""°"'of .. . TOlll ,,..,._ ($# SW Uwa .. -ol • ---,,.,., AJ). BJ STEVE IO'l'CllELL Ot• o.tty ""' ..... Nearly 25,000 U.S. t!'OOpl a.re more tMn balfwa1 throuJb a weell of limul•tecl baiuee SD the dnert a-.. ~B«l'IWW .. what one ....., aftlffr dllcrtW • "• war wMn everybody com. out a..._. .•• Gan.& ..... .,, a Jo1at l'Udl· ...., a.die eompr{Md ol • meatl,...... tlae AnD1. Alt J'eree and lfaffiM Cor,.~ 11 MlDI •ta•ed on the .Fort lrwln mltltal'J rwerration in tbll -. Jave Delert, a area nnrl1 ftve times tb• •la• ot Camp P-S ..... And while tbe Marine and Army ttoopa are •bootiu blanb from tlMl6r black llllt rillet, tbe 11'1 p)WI a;'.J:-· 11' bellcop-ten Md 1111 ud penonnel caniln 9ed ill tbe MVIG., aerdle an real ''D·O.," WU Oftl1 boan old J'dclat_ wben a comp~ltf of Azm1 . .....,. (com~ tbe ..., lorOll) ..... RrDl'tM ··~· at,yll attack at ta. JlarhM Corp1• Nelau Lake ..., .... ttrtp, arrtYlna ...... two al.mt C.JJO tlOOp carrien. "II-&~.~ ~me oat of tbe ., • .,n;o laltda ud blew ten/' u.id Marine Major Joe Honoo. "But t.My paid a blah price became we aot bodl of their tHlll~t plaw and tbe)' 1uffeNd a Ot cuualtles." He Mid t.bat'1 the wa)' tbe war Piil• ._ Witb umplnl ckllely watcblDI 1mall and la.r1e 1klrmllbe1 to detefJPlne "ua.am. ad -.. 91 a&rcnft -~ .... u..1lS =·~-~! tact, "aid ia tM md, tbeN are DO toewa; oaty wlnneJ'I, '' n. trl4mcll.J forcea bloluct. ( ... noon. •••e Ai) Mn. Harrb •u described by Cblef Rania .. 0 a friend ol Dr. <See AtJTBO&, Pap AZ> 11to Unebanged BELGRADE. Ya101la•la rA P )-Doe ton treatlDI Yu•oelav PNtlclent Jotlf 8'ol Ttto ~ toclaJ tMn bad t.ea no. eueotial ehMle ta bis COlltUUoa, repol'te4 al u...-y o-ave." I • 01TAWA. CIDada <AP> -A JolllD --tie_ 1 portable tOllet or ... ~fl a led1~111dlaW. virtue." • F ederaJ Court of Canada 11y1. but "H re' Johnny" l• Juat too reldity UIOClited with Johnny Carson and • .,,_ Ton.IJbt &bow" to t.e al· lowed u a ~ lOI' ~­ blti toneta. Clll"IOft IJp11leill I didlloft blv the registrar OI tracMtnarkl to a low WflUam Reynolds of St. Catb rlnes. Ont .. to uae the trad mark tor hl1 busJneu ol rcntlnj portabJe out.boull9. Before maltlu hi.I deti&lon Monday. Juatfce Patrick Mahoney ccepted a evidence poll r ult.s 1n wbJch 63 perttnl of '0•00.v thost' queried ln a random aurvey connected "Here's Johnny" with Carson or hll abow. Th~rerore. tbe pbrue wu not reglaterabJe u • trademark without Cano11'a permlssion. he ruled. Male Levers Criminal Life Blamed on Sex • LONDON <AP> -Geoffrey Kramer turned to crime to keep has male lover happy and then to rea Uze a lifelong dream of berom· ing a woman. Now he's going to Jail. still a man. The 24-year-old bookkeeper pleadt'Clguilly attheOld Balley on Mon day lo stealing the equivalent of more than $83,000 from his employer , the English National Opera. and trying to hold up a 1.1 verpoolsavings bank. His attorney said Kramer was trying to get the money for an ex· pensive sex-change operation in Switzerland . He also thought rob- bing the bank might draw atten- tion lo the "inequality" of the Na· tional Health Service's refusal to finance tus man-to-woman sur- ~t·ry. tht• lawyc·r!'>aad · It was ha!'> ~cnu1nc belac•f that he ha!'> 1-x.•cn 111 trcated in a vancty of"' ay!'> and that the matter ought to bt· brought forc ibly to the atten 1100 o( lht.• authorttlC!t," the Playboy Nude hflepri~d By Air Force LAS VEGAS, Nev CAP> An Air Force woman at Nellis Air f"orcl' Base who posed nude an Playboy magazine says she has bt!en reassigned from an · tell1~cncc work to H'Cretanal duties and given a letter or reprimand. .. r had a really good Job and I'm upset," Airman 1st Class Candy Lutz said Monday. "J didn 't know I was doing anything against military reg. ulations." · Miss Lutz. who appeared m the nude m one or three photo· graphs the magazine ran or her in its Apnl photo-feature on women in the military, said she would contact Playboy attorneys about the d1sc1plinary action She said Playboy told the mal\tary women the magazine would assist with any legal prob- lems stemming from the arti-cle A Nellls spokesman confirmed that Ms. Lutz had been re· assigned and reprimanded. Ms . Lutz, who refused to divulge her age, said she was not aware that she should have t-onsuJt.ed superiors prior to ac· cepting the Playboy assignment Nor did she realize she violated Air Force regulations by ap. pearing -at least In part -in Air Force uniform, "1 can see why they did It,'' she said. "A lot of Air Force women complained about me. The men didn't.·· DAILY PILOT Offtoet ca=. ~w.tcc!::.t: ~:~111 1ilt .... 11=.·.::. Tel"Nft• (FU}..._, Cl"'"*9 Aft .......... "71 ,.,..,,_a.--- lawyer explained. Justice Nell McKinnon said he was sympathetic to Kramer's problem but "even with the tx>st will in the world, .. he would have to sentence him to three years an prison "It is difficuJt ror the average person to understand the kind or problems you have had to contend with." said the judge "But whether you want lo be a woman or whether you want to be what you are does not alter the fact that you have behaved thoroughly diabonestly and you knewyouweredoingwrong " "Since primary school, he has always wanted to be a girl," Kramer's attorney, Laurence G iovene, told the court "His friends were girls and he only associated with girls A~ lime progressed. this matter becameanobsession with him." As an adult homosexual and transvestite, the lawyer con· tinued, Kramer tried to "buy" a litable relationship with another ntan, 29-year-old Ian Flrtb. Ile embezzled money rrom lhe opera by getting two different directors to slan two cbecka for t.be ume bUL 'Onecbecttwu Mntotf~ tbe bUl. the otber went Into a secret account in Kramer's name. ,,..... Pflfle Al TROOPS ... Army and Marine units, and the Air Force plays both sides. In briefings throughout the day Monday. Marine, Army and Air Force brass insisted the des· e rt exercise was planned five years ago and has nothing to do with the current international sit uations In Iran and Afghanistan. Army General Volney Warner, · chief of the U.S. Readineu Com· m and overseeing the $15 million exercise, said the massive war games take place four times a year "and this one was a desert exerci.se." The four·star general said re· cent event.a in those two nations has increased the public's sup. port of the Armed Forces, add· mg world events have "given us a shot in the arm." But volunteer enlistments are stiU not as promlainl as could be desired, the general said, cltina low salaries for enlisted men u a part of the reaaoo. "We m1&bt 11ve them tbe tralning, but by the end of their enltatment they're solng to 1et a' job on the outalde that pays more," General Warner aald. He said the military la especially s hort of e xperienced non· com miuloned officen, addinl "We erow thole OUJ'lelves." Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Beaudry. a spokesman for the U.S. Readineu Command, aald the trainlng exercises "ue Uke a football 1ame. U you don't practice, you don't win.'' The officer 1ald the lraJ.n1Da la most Important to the alr and field commanders overaeeln1 the troops. "It gives the commanders a chance to work with the other m1Utaf'Y brancbes and aoldiers,'' be raid. That k1Dd o1 eoordlnaUon and cooperation Is lmPortant. ht said, "so one commander doean 't accidentally blow up frtendl.Y forces." • And while tbe commU.rt bone their 1klll1 .. military chna playen ti.. troopt on UM lround wait tor almulat*S \wt· tle1. "I've been 1lttln• here all ..... ir ... Hid Ont MlcbltH Marine PFC 1ltUn1 In a macblne IUD nt1t outaldt bll tn· campmerit. · "So far J haven't IND U1 ac· Uoa at all/' be....,._.., ••.we did have an air raid, ~." be br11lst.mld. "a.t et ... a , .. alarm; Jt waaour ... ...,.~Jllfot • c:bow." Vented MIDDL&TOWN, Pa. tAP> - ol rMloeeUvt krntoa ... dlMl'ibld u too amid! to .........._.,. be6_af vented trom 11arie MUt Ialand eo workera can flnatly approach ltl contaminat4 eel naetor buU&n1. operators ot the crippled nuclear power plant H}'. ne vNttaa, 1cheduled for com.-Ttaurlday, wlU allow a tHmolwonentoenterat-bf·12· toot Nactor buJldlnc airlock to conduct rad.tat.ion testl, plant of. flclalt aaid Monday. If all aio-well, another team , wlll eotertbt bulldin1 Itself about a monthlatar. It would be the fiast entry lnto tbe building since a serious accident mangled lbe n uc I ear power plant's reactor last year. H1ih radiation m the reactor building will prevent any effec· t1ve work. Team members will be wrapped in beavyprotect1ve1ear and willst.ayoo.lybrieny. But the entry lt seen as an es- sential step in the plant's planned $400 million clea.nuppro1ram. The pur1lng or about 47 m1lllcuries ol krypton 85 Crom the airlock began Monday afternoon. A m I llicurie la one thouaandth of a curie, and federal regulations al· low releases or up to 2,000 curies u day. Plant health physlclal Beverly DellaLoggia he(d a wrist watch in front of a radio monitor. The watch's radium dial made the monitor's alarm go off and tu nee· dlejump. Sbe then held the instrument In the 1ush of warm air co'm1ng from the exhaust. The needle did not move She switched the 1nstru· ment to a setting 1,000 times as sen.s1Uve, and itaUU did not move. Two other set.a of radiation LD· s truments at separate locaUons Inside the plant similarly re- corded no meuW'able increase becauaeofthe krypton ventlnl. Recovery chier Robert Arnold said the PW'J>06e or the airlock venture is to take radiation read· ings that Wlll help in planning for the more amb1t1ous reactor build ing entry When the airlock 1s used in com ang weeks to provide access to the reactor building. plant officials !.a1d an estimated 28 curies or krypton will be released due to openin&thea.irlockdoon. Eventually, the orficials want tor gadually vent 57 .000 cunes of krypton trapped ln the buildin1 ao tbat cleMup work can proceed safely andefflclenUy. Both the plan to release the 28 cunes next month and the pro- posal lo releue the 57.000 curies are under consaderallon by the S li. Nuclear RegulalOry Com m1ss1on. A se ri e~ of me c hanical malfunctions on March 28 led to the most senous accident in the his tory of U S. commerc ial nuclear power. A loss or cooling water exposed and overheated the uranium fuel. The radiation released from the accident was not considered h armful. But a s tudy com· missioned by the NRC said the core came within 30 to 60 minutes of a meltdown, which would have released Jar1e amounts of radla· tion. F,....P.,,eAJ IRAN' ••• During a stopover In Zuncb, Commiaaion Co-Chairman Mohamed Bedjaoul of Algena told report.en the panel's mla· sloo "waa not a failure, but or course we are dlsapP<>lnted. ll was a step oo the road. But it was not a failure,'' an apparent reference to some or the evidence collected in Tehran. The commlaaion left without s eeing the approximately 50 hostages after Ayatollah Ruhollah KhomelnJ backed the demandl of their m1Utant cap· tors, and Iran's RevoluUonary Council rescinded ltl decl.ak>o to take custody ol the Americans wbo be1an tbelr 129tb day ln capUvtty ln the U.S. Embassy today. Forel•n Mlnl1ter Sadeah Ghotbudeh, who 1aw the com· mlaaioo off at the airport, said he hoped the panel would return to Iran to flnUh It.a work. He allo reiterated the regime's position that freedom for the hostac~ will be decided by Iran's new Parliament, wblcb won't con· vene f« another month. GhotbltdetJ 1ot into a belted dlaeUllicm on tbe runway wit.h one of the mllltanta who arrived unexpectedly to turn over a packqe of documentl from the emt> ... Y fUel to the U.N. com· ma.1lon. Wbat the araument was about waa not immediately knolm, but the mllltanta have 1ccUMd Gbotb1adeh of betn• a liar. M!dl• Filee A .. etl LOI A.NOSLP (AP> -A 8Uperior Court Judfl la)'I be wm .-1• ,.. _. televWon 1taUom to tum over aome of t.bidr 111W1 m. to _.. 8flUU_M>ft l'o•dltkla ID ~ WW. a ...... ftW OfW • rat&lelDtlrl •uaek • .. a&tol'MJ. HOME OF SCAA&pAL.£ DIET AU'l'HOR DR. HOMAN TMNOW!A ICl~I Of' 11.AYINO....,.._ Victim .... Md Ktll:ed "'~-. N.Y •• llHldeftM; WOffteft AINeted Les Ala•itea Ill•• F ..... P~AI Newport Cops Nab CdM Heist Suspect AUTHOR ••. Ta mower'•·" JM Hid she ar· rived lut nlitst wtthout lugap 1t tlM lllUte Where Tamower, D hnchrlor, llvf't alone except ff>" u h'llJMlu"Upt>r and h r hwibe.nd . fl:ltantir ftawM>fl . Tamower'11 publlaht•r, auld Mri. Hun• waH 11 tr•11J1-nt w«•f·kend v1111tor ut the doctor'• homei . Less than 24 hours after police allege he held up a Corona dt>l Mar supermarket for $291 , a Lo1i Alum1tos man was arrested by Newport Beach pohce. Sus~t David Paul Coluas1. 22. was arrested by Sgt. Ken Thompson and Detective Robert Hardy near his home at 7 p.m Monday on a warrant char1ing ham with the Sunday nlaht stickup ut Albert.son'•, JOG E Coai.t tllghway, According to lnformatlon n · leased by police today. the rob bery occurred at 8: u p.m. and ln volved one of the store ... checllen . PoUce aald the checker wal> stacking tbe cheeks and larg~ denomination ba lls from the reg. Clemente Pier later cloltst to the eatt door rA the atoro wtMn t.he e>.Ddit IP proached b1m, brand11tui»1 11 blue at.eel 1utom1tlc pi.et.GI Pollce uld the c h•c ller handed over all thfo e>a•h tn u,.. regasler lo the m11n wht1 '"" tM of thl" 11Lore Hardy •wad t1wl>1 y anv~•tlJE.atvM of the robber}' h'f1 to C 11l1J11.,1 wt-111 ~llegedl.> wa11 1dl"nt1f1•'f'l 11 It.I robber by ttwo "1.-rk wh'' _...,. ishown tui. photol(ra'1h The dettttwe noted Uuat Uw- !.USpect had a previcxu conVlc lion on rede ral bank rl)t)t)(•r y charges. He IS betne held lft Newport Beach cit y jai I In lieu or ~. 000 baJI Temower wu found ln bla pa· J1mM on Ute floor of a aecond· floor tMtdroom, between twin bed.I bleed.in• from the wounds '"' ih.; r1-"1 aide ot ht• body. ~,,,, ,., , .. )lj 1 Wr'Wflltt"f' wa11 an acllvt-and !#4'tttte rr\l'mt.in rt( th1• medical • • , ,. t>l1•tur1,.n1 ()f Wr·atchei:.t•·r I '1IJlll i I hv f:ohHJOabll' etnd ., .. •lthy •uburb Ju1t north of '',,, y,,n < 1t y "Y .. ni.rbie a.. • tommun1ty that h." hem a aymbol for affluence. •nd T•rn owe r 'a di et df'"c:rilwr1 in ha<, best-selling h<JOk , .. one of the most ex penatve to follow, calling for h11h·pnced cuts ol meat. Teen Hitchhiker Sexually Attacked The ~ has been througt many pnnUngs and paper edi t1on1. It was offered by book clubs and senaliied in national maga1lnes. The doctor's s pecially wa! cardiology, and he was honora11 president and chairman of th• Westchester Heart Association fie also was clinical proresso1 or medicine at New Yor~ M~acal College and associatec walh Wlute Plajns and St. A~ Hotplt.ala, both ln While Plains. A teen·aRe girl h1tchh1k1n g through San Cle mente told police two IDilfft with a pla\.Ol and a knlre picked her up lo a rusty sedan and raped her near the ca ty pier Monday night The girl wa~ not ident1(1c·d because or her age· Pollet' IO dacatcd she wall too hystenral to be interviewed by investigator ... '"Slim ' Food Under Fire LONDON (PAI') Food manufacturers should be banned from claiming any product 1!> "slamming," a government · appointed committee said m a report ilsued today. ·'To describe any food as <1 slimming food is a contradlctJon In terms," said the report by Ow Food Standards Com mattee. It recommended tbal phrases IJkt• "sll m ." "slender." "lo"' calorie" and "weight watchers" be banned. Ir the recommendations an accepted. BrtU.b food manurac turers would be reduced lo using labels that bill certain fooch all "low energy." after the sex attack that oc· c unecl lbort.1Y befcn 10 p.m. ll was not reveeled today wbetber the hatcbhiller was seriously injured 1n the attack by two men who told her they "'ere ptpefatters who worked at the San Onofre nuclear power plant ron..c;truclJon ~1te The girl told po!Jce s he -.as h1tchtuk.ing near a bar on the 3200 block of S. El Camino Real when the men. one sporting a three·paece suit, gave her a nde in an oXJd.JZ.ed auto . Aft~r dnving to the pier. one man pulled a h andgun and the other brandished a knife pnor to raplDg their v1c\1m . The teen ager ned tht· scene of the st>x attack a nd told a bartender near the 1400 block ol North El Camino Real that she had been rnpt.'CI. Poh<-e have made no :ii-rests 1 n the c-asl'. V ebicles ldJed SYDNEY. Australia <API More-than hair the 500.000 vehicles in Sydney. Allllra.l.aa's largest city, ~re ldlf' today, the f1flh day of J gasoline lAnkN driven' stnka. f1rw.a P.age Al WIRETAP. • while the search o r th• st>rgeant 's van uncovered thret amphetamiM tablets. Gatewood was accused o• placing the wiretaps on the twc captains' telephones as part of 11 puryorted "back stabbing" cam· pa1gn brought o n by in · terdepartmenlal rivalries. Boy, 12, Killed CroMing Street A 12-year-old boy was kil~ in Orange Monday when he was hit by a car as he tried lo cross busy Ka Lella Avenue on a skateboard Police said the boy. wbos~ name was withheld because of h•~ age, was crossmg at the un- marked int.ers<>ction of KateUa and Schaeffer Avenue. Tbe dl"iver. whose nam~ was also withheld. was not held pending further lnveati1atlon. Omega has seen some beautiful diamonds in their time. ' Omt·ga know!> how fo, S<'l d IJdy"s watch - wath d1Jmund'>! In 14 J...:ir.it yl'llow gold: A. Sl ,295. B. $2,400. c. $3,250. &aut1ful fCV.lt!lry <.ays. "I low l/011." n OMEGA ' -·........-.....-......... -·-... ··~-,,._...,.. ___ -------.... --------• 7 Rusty Water Bal Isle Gets Sedimental Balboa Island residents are being warned to stay away from the water Wednesday. THE WARNING, issued by the fire department is for the tap water which is likely to be fulVf>f rust ~ause firemen will be testing hydrants on the 'isl\nd. . An earlier test stirred up a lot of sediment in the water pipes last month. . f111lE DEPARTMENT .spokesman Art Morton said res- idents shouldn't do any laundry between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. W~nesday. "The sedjment ~an stain cloth.inc " he ex-.plamed. ' Bani-Sadr Irate Soviet Influence On Militants Seen ~Y The Associated Press Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was quoted today as accusing militants holding ap- proximately SO American· hostages at the U.S . Embassy of beint under the influence of pro. Soviet groups. He aJ&O predicted the M«ages would not be lteed before mid-May, a French news~ "t1 nforftbttte1y. they (tbe * .. .. Hayakawa Pushes Iranian Internment SACRAMENTO (AP) California Sen. S. I. Hayakawa says the United States should declare a "state of belligeren· cy" with Iran and place all Ira- nians in this country in reloca· lion camps "the way we did with the Japanese in World War JI. .. Hayakawa. who is of Japanese ancestry, made the remarks in an interview Monday with the Sacramento Bee in Wasllington. "We interned 610,000 Japanese during World War II, and we managed all right," Hayakawa said. "After what's happened, we have every reason to declare a state of belligerency and round up all non-citizen Iranians and put them in re&ocation centers." The 73-year-old Reoublican senator, a member or lbe Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in an interview published today that the State Depart- ment's efforts to gain the re- lease of American Embassy boetages in Tehran have failed and it is time "to get some bargaininR chips." Discussing bis relocation camp proposal, Hayakawa said, "the dUference this time from the way we handled the Japanese la that we wouJd dis· linguisb between American citizens of Iranian descent, who wouJdn 't be rounded up, and lioo·citiJen Iranians, who would be. "We would take cood care Of them ud we'd have a few bar1ainina dilps.'' Hayakawa aald. '1Jow .,. bave no cb.lpa at all. Tbe Jraniam can tlct us tn tbe face and Presklent Carter doean 't know •bat to do." llEWJL'IS. OF AD . DOGGONE GOOD militants) sometim~s let themselves be influenced by cer- tain political groups favorable to the U.S.S.R., such as the Com- munist Tudeh Party, which wants to isolate Iran on the in· temaUonaJ scene," the Iranian president was quoted by the Frent'b newsp9pel' i.. llOftde in a MOQday Interview. B:fa. also ace= Iran's Rd~---neas and :. lb its re- cent~ with the mili- tants over letting members of the U.N. commission see the hostages, the paper said. '·If the council had shown itself flt1D, il if it hadn't chanced its mind every day under pres- sure from this or that group, we wouldn't be where we are," be was quoted. The commission left Tehran today with a veiled threat to withhold its report on the al - leged crimes of Shah Moham- mad Reza Pahlavi until it ls al- lowed to see all the American hostages, who began their 129t.h day in captivity today. "The commission is not in a position to prepare its report and has informed the Iranian authorities accordingly," the five-man panel said in a state- ment. The commission members flew to Switzerland and New York after their 17-day visit ended without a visll to the cap- ti ves. <See IBA.N, Page AZ> Playboy N'lllk Reprimanded By Air Force By .JOANNE a£YNOLD6 OltlltlWttr~ ..... If whale watebers and Newport Beach City Council members have their way, Satur- day will mark the last time an offshon power boat race will be- held at Newport Beach du.rinc whale mtcratloo sepou. A spokesman for the Orangt" County chapter of the American Cetacean Society apgeared before the City Council Monday in an attempt to bait Saturday's race. .,. ........... HOME OF SCAASOAl.£ OtET AUTHOR DA. HERMAN TARNOWEA SCENE OF SU YING Victim Shot and Kiiied In PurchaM, N. Y., Re-'dence; Women Arrested Councilmen said tbey are sympathetic with the views ex- pressed by spokesman Dennis Kelly. but voted to let the race go ahead as planned. Diet Developer Slain However, they lD!ormed Jeff Brown, an oltlcial of the Pacific Offshore Power Boat Racing As· sociation, organizer of tbe an- nual event, that, in the future, it will have to be held at some other time of year. Woman Friend Held in Slwoting This year will mark the fourth time. the association bas staged its March race out of Newport Harbor. The three previous races have been sponsored by an Irish whiske)' maker. This year, it iB sponsored by builder Robert P. Warmington, a Lido Isle resident. Kelly said the society didn't want a 11peelal event permit is- sued for the race wit.bout an en- vironmental Impact report and a coastal commission permit. City Manager Robert Wynn told council members that because none of those docu- ments have been reqv.nt.ed foc ... ~ ••• ,,.,. -•i.tf qsem 'didn't beUeve t.My WO be neceascry tbia )'Pf. MURDeR SUSPECT Jean Hant• Cop's Wiretapping f:ase Dismissed Orange County Central Municipal Co~rt Judge Gary Ryan bas quashed a seatth war- rant that led to ~ arrest of a Newport Beach Police sergeant on wiretapping and dangerous drug possession cbar,ea. ·'This should definitely end it (the case>." said Alan Stokke. attorney for SJt. Robert Gatewood, 38, who was acaaaed of tapping tbe telephones of two s uperiors, police captains Wayne Connolly and Richard Hamilton. Deputy Di.strict Attorney Doug Woodsmall waa not avallat>Ae for comment. Deputy District Attorney Doug Woodsmall said today that bis office will study Judge Ryan's decision to determine lf it should be appealed. If the ruling is not appealed. Woodsmall said, be wUI uk the charges ~•Cain.It Gatewood be dis milled. Judie Ryan ruled Monday that the search warrant served on Gatewood wu overly broad and vaaue as to what lt~ms could be Mized. Gatewood baa beet\ off duty aince December due to a back bQury. fie 11 aun tbe 1ubject of an tnt.:nal affa.lra investipdoa b1 poJice off'ictals. Accordtn1 to eolice, tbe Marcia d Gatewood I lrviae rel- Idence produced a tape record- ing of telephone conversations. while the search of the sergeant's van uncovered three amphetamine tablets. Gate wood was accused of placing tile wiretaps on the two captains' telephones as part or a purported "back stabbing" cam· paign brought o n b y in - terdepartmental rivalries. 'Ibree Killed In Freeway Auto Plunge Three persona, lncludJng a Newport Beach man, died early today wbeo a car t:ravell.nt at high speed bounced off the center divider of the Newport Freeway and tumbled down a 40·foot. embankment near Ed· inter Avenue lo Santa Ana. Califonlll lncbway Patrol ol· Ileen. wbo ..Umated the car waa dolna 80 mpb at the time al \be cl'Nb ldeoC1fied the viettms u Te1TJ Ram.U.. 32, ol Newport Beach; Sandra Moore, 3!.r .of Senta Anas.= Larry ·°"~ Uoa,13.of Ana. Fatal Prank 'Tnuting' GirlfrierUl Slain I SLAIN fN HOlllE Or. Hennan Tamower Newport OKs Fund Limits On Campaigns In a S-2 vote Monday with council members Jaclne Heather and Don Mcinnis dis- senting. Newport Beach City Council members set this year's election as the startinK date for a new campaign contribution limitation ordinance. The limitation law. which goes into effect this week. prohibits a council member from voting favorably on an issue in which a major contributor has a financial interest. A major contributor is anyone who gives mott than $200 to a candidate throu1b a coltbina- tion of individual cont.ributioo.s and donations to political action committees. The new law requires Ulat candldatH supply Ctty c1erk Doris George wtth a Ust of ma- jor contributors. Those con- tributors are to fumiah the clerk wtth lists ot au their business af. fill a lion.a. Tbe amendment enacted Mon- day "avoids a t.otaJ throwback" to prior ekdions, accordinl to llaYW Paul Ryckolf. Kn. Heather aaid •be oppoMd the ameadment because ahe doesn't "belieff ex DOit facto le1i11aUon is consUlutlonal. • • llclalU made no comment in c..U., ldl clsszatmc VGte. Priest l)eath Hearing Set HARRISON, N .Y 1AP1 A socialite from W<.1sh1ngton, D c-. was ct\arged with murder lodJ}' in the shoolmg of Dr. HermJn Tarnower. devclopt'r or th•· popular Scarsdale 01(•L J ea n Struven Harris or McLean. \.a. headmistress of a posh private ~iris school and said LO be a frequent wee"•·nd v1s1tor al Tamower s estat'· in the affluent suburb of PurcnoM:. N Y, was to be arraigned Later today. Tarnower, a 69 year -old cardiologis t who attracted millions of overwe ight Americans to bis diet plan. was found shot Monday night in an upst.a.ars bedroom at his ultr•· moclem bome. ltn. Harris, a s\ender. 5-foot-6 womaa. was arrested as she backed a car out of the Jong driveway to the house. wtucb 1s NI. trell ~on a five-acre Jot. · .PeMt ClilW WUJJam Harris qM • ~ r'll'lolnr was ~nl'ed from the 111ove com· partment of the car Mrs Harris was driving. He said shf.' wa ... charged because of ··certain ad miss1oos she made "There appeared to bt-:1 struggle of some sort The plac1 was disheveled," the chief said Mrs . Harris. 57. 1s head mistress of the Madeira School. a pnvate school m McLean. Va that is closed for spnn~ vaca tion . She 1s list e d 1n Wastungt.on's social register a~ having a home in Carmel.N Y , not far from this New York Clh suburb Mrs. Harris and Tamower h<.id known each other for some bml' and ber name was first among acknowledgments in his book. ·'The Complete Sea rsdalt> Medical Diet · Plus Dr Tamower's Lifetime Keep-Slam Program." According to the doctor'!'o publisher. Eleanor Rawson of Rawson. Wade Publishers Inc .. Mrs. Harris was a frequent week.end visitor at the bachelor Tarnower's estate. She said Taroower was "an avid sportsman, hunter. fish- erman-he bad a lot of guns and bunting trophies." The estate had no identifying sign, and the two-story house stands several hundred yards from the road. Its neighbors in- clude former U.S. Rep Ogden Reid and Manhatla nville College. Police who went to the house (See DIET, Page AZ> Coast SAN DUGO <AP> ..... A., ... .._.if ............ ln UM •me:r:;Y tna fJf • ._..., N Yltilc )ll .. tM ~ lour--111i1Q1•tllllllm.'"'9 .... ,.. ... ......, .. F-. ......... ...... .. ... uiM ............... li11 ..... ,,.!.!!! • ••...,at'*n••lll& •rt 1111,aOllli~ =-.•r:....-..... -.-£~o1 :··-........... la .. .,.,, • nr.E,...aaacH ...... VENTURA (AP)-A.._IN .... la uemsqaaz tau on the o~ :; ~"·...,. zt' ~ tOdlJ • ra wen l lid 1'1 • OM wu S!,rec1 and ~lnlt.la &: ca~ two= nr., '=tu. The fire an the Gett)' Plat n .. ber 7 on the Mil Ude at Ventura b~e out at a:rr a.m. It took Vntu.ra ~ nren,htetl tO mlnutea to brt11a the name1 under eoatrol, WCI dlapateber Sba.roa Meler. • Firellibten from the fln department'• OU Tut Foree lound two teparate flra aom. when U..y arrived. A tb1rd one brokeouhoooaflerward.abeaatd. •••es f'•-fl I• Plee Rleer• PICO RIVERA (AP) -Authorities are lnveaUaaUng the slayiJla,s or two youn1 women whose bodies were discovered ln an empty lot today. Shertfrs Deputy Brad Welker said tbe women bad each been shot in the head. The bodies were reported about 6:30 a.m . by a passerby in the residential area. lnvestJgators "can'l determine whether they are juveniles or adults," Welker said. .o.u ....... ,., •• sare•••• LONDON <AP> -The dollar maintained its strenatb on world foreign exchanges today and prices tumbled further on some metal markets. Analysts said speculators apparently had become wary of lockang their assets in gold, silver and other metals when they can collect high interest rates on dollar investment.a. Gold, which plummeted in Europe on Monday, tumbled $40 an ounce in New York on Monday to $558. It was tradina al $5'10 today in London and at $566 ln New York. Silver sold ln London for $28.15 an ounce today. down from S30.2S and its low for the year. It sold for $29.10 ln New York. F,.._PapAJ DIET DEVELOPER. • • around 11 p .m . a fter a telephoned report of a burglary round Mrs. Harris backing her blue sedan out of the driveway, according to Chief Harris . She told them there had been a shootmg 1.DSide. the chief said. The pajama·clad Tarnower was found on the fioor between twin-beds in an upstairs room, bleedlnl from •umbot wOCIDCb of the rtlbt band, rtpt arm and upper !Ubt chest. .. e. wu 4'•d on arrival at a hospital. Chief Harris called Mrs. Harr~ "one of the nicest ladies we've ever had here." Tamower lived alone except for a housekeeping couple, who were present Monday night but evidently unaware or Mrs. Hams' arrival. the chler said. The housekeeper, Suzanne van der Vreken, whose English Is not good, telephoned While Plains pollce after hearing noises. Chief Harris said. The call was taken as a re~rt of burglary. Tarnower s diet was In de· mand long before his book came out in Deeember 1978. A quick· Joss regimen, it wu dubbed the "no-hunger, no-hassle diet" by Family Circle magazine. The book has sold three· quarters or a million copies ln a $7.9S hardbound edition and 2 million copies at $2.7S a copy i1I paper. The diet is named for the al- f 1 uent vlllace ha wblcb Tarnower. a noted ca.rdiololllt. established a group practice two decades aeo. It prescribes meal, vegetables and fruits on a reg.lmen that al· lows no substitutions. promismg a loss of about a pound a day. Tarnower's collaborator on the book, Samm Slnclalr Baker. said Tarnower had read parts of the book to Mrs. Harris for her comment. '·we are grateful to Jean Harris for her splendid as- sistance in the research and writing or this book," the acknowledgment read. Fr.-P,,.eAJ WHALE DEFENDED. • • "We saw two aroups of whales. One crossed lbe cou.rae before the race and one cro6&ed the course during the race," he said. He said tbe aecond group was ··run over" by racers two times. after which lbe whales exhibited unusual behavtor. Kelly said plans by race or- ganizers to use spotter aircraft and Coaat Guard vessels to rronitor whales were unleated. "1 don't see bow they could ln- itlate (the monltoriJlg program) and hope ft will be successful," he said. .Kelly eald he talked to a whale expert who said there ls no evidence that whales could hear the power boats in order to 1et out of the way of the vesseli. DAILY PILOT ,._0._C-..Deill'l'llot.•'"'wflkllltc-_..__.......,.,......,....,,..,.O._ ,_,~'*"-·------ -·-·-.. .......... ,,,.. ... OoeU -. ..._. lllecll. .......... ----._v .. ..., ........ u..-...,.,_c-" ..................................... _ ==...--====-=:.· ....::.:.= •• Yite.....::.:.:: ......... ............. ..... While council members said the)' were sympathetic with Kelly's cause, they que1Uooed his liming. Counclfwoman Jackie Heather noted that, after monltorinl last year's race, the society ap- parently filed no reports with ci- ty offictal.a or race or11DiJers. Kelly explained that the IJOUP filed a rePOrt with lht National Marine Fiaberlea Service a.ad planned to meet wttb a federal representative and a ractnc of· ficial in September. : ·But it was cance&ed when a bl'-e whale btacbed lD northern California and the flsberies service offlcial wu called there," Kelly aald. Councilman Doa Mclnnil not· ed the lack of COinmualcaUon from tbe society and oblerved ·'the whole Ide• of dialope la ' PHl due.'' . City 1taff. memberl offeNd their aaslsUmce tn ~ wtth race offlcialJ and IOdet)' aaem· ben to NIC!bll1lle nm ~·· race at • dlffereat ti~e. . 1AU U1u a4 houn aftei ,.ace .u,,. he held up • Corcma dtl Mar a~et fof •t, a Loi AlamJW ................ ~ Newport 8eeeh poMH. · . Sulped David Paul ColUul, 22, WU anated by • Keo ThoE and Detectl rt Hard near hi.I homo llt p.m. Mon y on 1 warrant him wit.b tbe Suda abt 1tickup at Albert.on'•, .. E Coast Hlahway. Accordinl to lnformaU. rt· Leased by police today. &M rob- bery occurred at 8: lS p.m. and involved one of the store's cbeclten. ......, ...... ,...~ ............ MIEM8D8 Of' MARINE 11T LANDING SUPPORT BATTALION STAND GUARD NEAR ·•UTPOST Cllmp Peftdteton •rtne• P•rtk:tt>ate In Wffk..lont W•r Gamea In Mofave 0.Mrt PoUee said the checker was at.acklng the checka and lar&e denomination btlla from the reg- ister closest to the east door of the st.ore when the bandit ap- p roa cbed bim, brandishing a blue ateel automatic pistol. 25,000 in Desert 'War' Police s aid the checker handed over all the cash in the register to the man who ran out or the atore. Hardy said today Investigation or the robbery led to Colussi who alle&edlY was identified as the robber by the clerk who was shown hil photograph. U.S. Military Stages Readiness Exercises By STEVE MITCHELL GI -DIMIJ ""9 IUlf Nearly 25,000 U.S. troops are more than halfway through a week of simulated battles in the desert above Barstow in what one senior officer described as "a war where everybody comes out a winner." Gallant Ea1le 80, a joint readi- neaa exercise comprised of ele- ments from the Army, Air Force and Marine Corpa, la beln& sta1ed on the Fort Irwin military l'elel'VIUOD ln the )(o- jave Deeert, an area nearly five times the she of Camp Peodletoo. And while the Marine and Army troops are abooting blanks from their black Ml& riflea, the 137 planes and jets, 114 bellcop- tera and 567 tanks and personnel carriers used in lbe seven-day exerclae are real. "D·Day" was only hours old Friday when a company of Army Rangers (comprising the enemy forces> made a surprise "Entebbe" style attack al the Marine Corps' Nelson Lake landing strip. arrivina aboard two giant C·l.30 troop carriers. "Man, they came out of the 1ky ln thaH two blrda and blew the holy bell out of the landing zone," said one Marine PFC who did not want to be iden- tif 1ed Htiher ranking Marine of ri c1als admitted the simulated attack by Army Range rs was a surprise, but s aid the apparent suicide mission ended with "friendly" troops blowing up the two transport planes and captur- ing or killing most of the Ran&e r team. "They blew up a few or our Harriers (a jet capable of hover· 1ng and landing without a runway) and a few of our cop- tera," said Marine M~r Joe Horton. "But they paid a hi&h price became we got both or their transport p&anes and they suffered a lot of ca.eualUes." He said that's the way the war gamea 10. with umpires clOMJy watcbin1 small and large s ki rm is hes to determine caaualties and l()!SSeS of a!rcraft and equipment. The major aaid lbe oext day. the Rangen might. suffer an at- tack. "and in the end. there are no losers, only win.Den." The friendly forces include Army and Marine units, and the Air Force plays both sides. In briefings throughout the day Monday, Marine, Army and Air Force brass insisted the des· <'rt exerc&.Se was planned fivt.' years ago and has nolhtng to do with the current international situations 1n Iran and Af gb anist.an. Army General Volney Warner. chief of the U.S. Readiness Carn· mand overseelng the SU million ~xel'olle, aatd the mustw war games lake place four times a year "and this one was a desert exerc~." The four·st.ar general said n · cent events In those l wo natJon~ has increased "1e public's sup- port or the Armed Forces, add tog world events have "given us a shot in the arm." But volunteer enlistments an· still oot aa promising as could bt' desired, the J(eneral said. cltinj( f',.._P~AJ low salaries for enlisted men as a part of the reason. "We might give them the training, but by the end of their enlistment they're eoinc to cet a Job on tbe outside that pays more." General Warner said. He said the military i.s especially s hort of experienced non- commissioned offi cers, addmg "We grow those ourselves ... Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Beaudry, a spokesman for the U.S . Read.mess Command. said the trami.ng exerctses ··are I.Ute a foot.ball game. If you don't practJce, you don't win." The officer said the traming L'i most tmportant to the air and fie ld commanders oveneea.ng the t.toops. "It gives the commanders a chance lo work with the other m1ht.ary branches and soldiers." he said. That kind or coordination and cooperation 1s important. he s aid. "so one c ommander doeso 'l accidentally blow up fnend.ly forces ... And while the commanders hone ~eir skUla aa mlUt.ary chess players. the troopa oo the ground wwl for s1 mu.lated bat Uea. "I've bei!n s1ttmg here all wet'k , ·· said one M1 c h1ga n Ma rine PFC s it ting 1n J machine gun n~t outs ide his en campment. "So far l haven't seen any ac tlon at all." he groused.· "We dJd ha ve an air raid, though." ht> brightened. .. But 1t was a false alarm. ll w ai our own troop~ flying tn for chow ·· The detective noted that the auapect bad • rrevious convic- tion on federa bank robbery charges. He is being held in Newport Beach city Jail in lieu of ISO ,000 bail. Man Seriously Hurt in Blaze At Apartment A 23·year-old Santa Ana Height.a man was in serious con· dlllon al UC Irvine Medical Center today alter lire caused S12.000 damage to an apartment where he and four other men were aleeptng, Orange County f I~ offidals reported. Information Officer Chuck Murphy s&Jd Marvin Ogle wru. burned over 40 to 50 percent of h11 body in the blue that broke out abor1Jy before I a.m. al the apartment ln a complex at 1572 Orchard Drift He uid Ogje, wbo was aJone 1n the bedroom where lAe blue appa rently started, was able to warn the others in time for them to fl ee A roommate. Dave Thompson, 20, was treated but not hosp1ullU'd at Costa Mesa Me monal llosp1t.al for burns on hJ1 hand, offidals said. A neighbor. identified u Bob Shernrr called firemen, Murphy !>aid IRAN LEADER CRITICAL. • • Murphy said 24 n~rt1hters battled the blaze for almost half an hour befon.• bringing it under control while paramedics aided the two Injured men. Damage was estimated at Sl0,000 to tbe apartment and $2.000 to Its con- tents. He s.aid there was no damage to three other apartments in ~ ..,;.me building. Bani-Sadr's comments lo Le Monde seemed to confirm what Ayatollah Ruhollab Khomejn1. the all-powerful Iranian re- U1ious leader. s.a1d more lban lwo WeeU aao: lbe fate of the hosta1es would be left to lbe newly elected parliament. The Iranian pres ident was q uoled u sayint the release could not come before mid-May because the _parliament will not have sufficient Ume to examlDe the cue before then. U.S. and U.N. officials hoped the com· miaaioo'a work would expedite the bostap:I' releue. Ourinl a stopover in Zurich. Com mfsJion Co·Cbalrman Mohamed Becijaow of Allerta told report.era tbe panel '1 m.1&- 1lon "WM not a failure, but or COUIM w are diaappointA!ld. It w11 • step on tbe road. But It waa not a failure.'• an apparent reference to 1ome of tb«! ... ... * Shahin Need ·Of Surgery evidence collected In Tehran. The commission len without seeing tbe approxtmatelY 60 hostacea after Ayatollah RuhoUa.b KhomelnJ backed the demaads of their mlUtant cap- tors, and Jr an 'a RevoluUooary Council n!llCl.Dded jts decision to take cuat.ody ol the Amencans wbo bepn lbelr 129th d~ In captivity ln the U.S. Embaaay today. Forel1n Mtnt1ter Sade1h Ghottnadeb, who saw the com· mlaalon off at the IJrport, aa1d he hoped the panel would return to Iran to finish its work. He also reiterated the regime's position that freedom for the host.ages will be decided by Iran's ne" Parliament, which won't con vene for another month. G hotbudeh got into a heated discuaa!oo on lbe runway wtlh one of the militants who arrived unexpectedly to turn over a package ol documents from the embassy files to the U.N. com- mi.ulon Cause of the fire was under in- vestigation, Murphy said. He said Ogle wu too aerioualy tn JUred to describe how he dis covered the blaze. Vehicle8 Idled SYDNEY, Australia <AP> More than half the S00,000 vebic&ea ln Sydney, Australia's lar1eat city, were klle today, the firth day of a gasoline tanker driven' strike.. Omega has seen some beautiful diamonds in their time. SLAVICK'§ I -. .. -"t. - • O mega knows how fo set a l11dy's watch - with diamonds! In 14 karat yellow gold: A. $1,295. 8. $2,400. c. S3.2SO. BtGuti{Ml jewtlry soys, "/ looi yow." I I · Wo Piet•re•' Underworld crime Ci sure Angelo Sica hides bis face and covens the lens of a television cameraman in front of the Monmouth COunty Courthouse ln Freehold, N .J . Sica and four others are on trial in a case prosecutors say wtu prove the existence of a nation wt de crime syndicate. ·.~;~~~~~~~~~--------------------------~~ .Alcala Identified ::By Teen Witness BJ FREDERICK SCHOEMERL °' .. O.Uy ,.,... It.ft Rodney J ames Alcala was identified Monday as the man who took Robin Samsoe's photo· graph at Huntington Beach shortly before she disappeared June 20. Brifelt WlJvert. 13, toJ<l the three-man, nine-woman jury sit· ·ting before Oranee County :'Superior Court Judge P hilip .. Schwab t.bat Alcala approached :•'her and Miss Samsoe and asked ·tr he could take their pictures for · • photography contest. "We both looked at each other and said, 'I guess so'," Mlss Wilvert testified. · The photography session ··ended when a woman friend or =Disneyland's ~Workers Nix ·Salary Off er Retail Clerks Union workers al Disneyland bave rej~ted the ·amusement park's Jateat con-.. a.rac& offer, a union official says. The proposed contract was turned down Monday night by 58 : percent or those voting, said .John C. Sperry, president of ·Local 324 in Buena Park. Both Disneyland and the union declined today to give details on the contract offer or how many worken were involved and re· . Cerred calls to federal mediator Bonnie Castrey. who has at- tended recent negotiations. The mediator . who was scheduled to meet with both sides again today. was not im- mediately available for com- ment. More than 500 c rafts and mainle~ce workers repreNOl· ed by 14 u~ions struck Dls- }1eyland for 15 days at this Ume last year. The workers approved 'a new contract lut March 20 that included tnJtial salary ln- , creases of from $7 .29 to $9.56 an hour. and from $8.42 to $10.23 an hour during the second year. During that strike, the "Magic Kin1dom" operated as uaual with supervisory penonnel and employees of other DlJney en· terprisea, Miss Wilvert's showed up and asked the girls what they were doing. Alcala, Miss Wllvert testllied. walked quickly away. Alcala. 36, an unemployed photographer at the time or his arrest in July, is charged with murder and kidnapping in the Samsoe case. The girl's d~aying remains were found in the Sierra Madre foothills two weeks following her disappearance. Death was at- tributed to stab wounds. Miss Wllvert, the last person besides the killer to have seen Miss Samsoe alive, broke down into sobs when she waa (int questioned by Deput y Dlatrtct Attorney Richard Farnell. Sbe testified that abe and MW Sam aoe went to the beach arou.od noon on June 20 and were sitting on cliffs al 14th Slreet and Pacific Coast Hl1bway when Alcala a p - proached. Alcala. she said. was prepar- ing to lake a photograph when Mrs. Jackie Young approached and asked what the gir ls were doing, Miss WUvert tesllfled. Shortly after the interrupted photo session, Miss Wilven. told the court, she and Miss Samaoe returned to her home. Miss Samsoe left shortly thereafter - riding Miss Wilvert's bicycle - to attend a ballet lesson. "She told me she was going to be late to ballet and that she'd better hurry. I told her she could use my bike." Miu Wllvert testified. The used. yellow 10-speed bicycle has not been found. Miss WUvert identified Alcala, dressed in light blue panta and a blue shirt, u the man who uked to take the girls' pictures. Report Critical LOS ANGELES CAP) -A previously undisclosed oplnlon attributed to former Atty. Geo. Griffin B. Bell freed President Carter and t he Central la- telllaence Agency from fWly com· plyt.n1 with a promlle to live Consress priornoUftcatlooof cov- ert CIA actlvttiett abroad, accord- lnl totlleLos~ie.nm-. .. ' . ..... .......... -.~&-- DOUQHTY DRIY!R IU.KU THE BEST OF DAMP SITUATION IN ROADSTER C•n On. Find Hllpplnna on the Or•nte Coat In •n Open C•r on • R•lny D•y? Rain Will Return Thursday, Friday You'd prol)ably like clear skies from now on, but would you settle for fair weather through Wednesday, showers Tbunday and Friday and sun- shine again on Saturday! Tbal'a what you're golng to get. according to the NationaJ Weather Service In Los Angeles The forecast also calls for highs m the 60s and Iowa Crom the upper 408 to low 50s. More r ain fell on Orange County Monday, with heavy downpours at times. In Huntington Beach, J . Sherman Denny recorded .08 of an inch for the 24 hours ending early today, bringing the t.ot.a1 since the season began July 1 to 20.21 lncbes. He said 13.64 inches bad faJleD by tb1s time last year. Hunt· lneton's yearly average. through June ~. ia only 11.73 inches, aod Denny said 1t looq as ii t.b1a year's rainfall will be double t.be norm. In Costa Men. Oranae County Flood Control eauies recorded 14 or an inch t.b.iJ mornin1 for a season-to-date total of 16.61 mcbes. compared to 12.33 lncbea at thtatimelutyear. They a1ao reeorded 18 Inches in Santa Ana today. for a season total of 20.39 compared to 13 62 last year and a normaJ year.tong average of 12.78. In Laguna Niguel. the Moulton Niguel Treatment Plant report- ed .32 of an inch reu Monday. bringing their 1eason-to-date total to 27.98 inches. Last year at l.bis time they bad teeorded 15.95 locbes. €Atlorado Bridge Leap Efsinore Struggle Continues 8 7 Tl9e .U.OC:ta&ed Press Crewa continue sandbagi.:ing and buildinl dikes, around un damaaed buildings at L dke Elalnore. The lake had risen to 12fA HI feet above sea level. acconJ1ng to Federal Emergency Man._1~e ment Agency spokesman Hick Schuster. The lake. normally at I .246 above sea level. will crest at t ,268 feet on March 24. the Army Co rps of Engineers predicts The ofC1c1al ddmage fi gure stood at 224 homes, mcludmg both permanent homes and trallen, either underwater or water-damaeed since noodmg began l n mid -February, Scbuater said. Bunji Jumpers Dazzle Pincords & Poplins Storekeeper customer Grant Stanley baa d1ecovsed we bave a wall full of the popular pant.I •••. eeJect from ten different colon. Sizee 26 t;o 80 A Rn of OtlllOldta_, chndlrfcr .,., boy. ••• ..s.-. ..... -• I I • I • ' . • t . \ ,... .. ,. Cocutal Cauncil CandUJote Hitting UwCampaign Trail collect maybe Sl0.000 from people who will later be your boss and call you bonkers · VOU WILL SPEND the money to eonvmce everybody that It will be more fun to kick you around in lhls job lhan any oCthe otherpeople who want to get kicked around in it. IC you cannot find enough people to g1ve you Sl0,000, you c·an spend your own money Be sure you smile a lot while you n· doing this And shake a lol or hands Now 11 1s UO('t•rta1n that tl C'osts $10,000 lo get elected ~1 !'> a ('tty ('Ounellman 1n every one or our coastal mun1c1paltl1 l'S Hut rn Nl•wJXH1 Hc.·ach. for example, oqe nick C'luc·a~ ha), already gulhC'red $8,358 so he can get one of thest: v.ondl·rful Jobs It' ELECTED, Clucas will get to n:place long·t1me Newport Councilman Don Mcinnis. who Is rellnng after a lot of years where he dldrtt really play ra1r He wouldn't let peopJe kick tum around much. When they kicked at him. MclanJ.t oft.en kicked back. So when Mclin.nls 1ets out of there, the bos&es may de- cide to try out the new gu/as a regular punching bag. Other Newport candidutes also seem terribly eager to spend. spend, spend, to get one of these jobs. Candidate John Cox has $6,974 in his campaign treasury. Candidate Phihp Maurer is working up toward $5,000 MC'anwhlle. in anothe r l>ector of our coastline. veteran Fountain Valley Councilman Marv Adle r 1s spending some money to l(el re-elected lie has spent $333 according to his latest report 08V10USL V, YOU SPEND a lot less in Fountain Valley to get one or these miserable Jobs than you do in Newport Beach. Councilman Adll'r, however. s uffered a ghastly set- back in his campaign JUSt the other day. The r ains turned one of' his signs on Rrookhurst Street soggy and It fell down. So Dr. Adler and hli. wife went out in the slush and propped it back up. Clearly, in Fountain Valley, you prop up a counci l campaign with a shovel rather than with doUars. When it comes to local politics, 'Fountain Valley may be the only place in our region that has retained any sanity. ., ftltA1111l1t1• = l...WIM1••Md ~int Cal1M' llM for IOUd llNIMm ,. • ..,,, tOdar .. o .. ,,, •. ,,.... ... Ala••• ........ ••••oUal prtmar.i elecUoe• u~ a endal. uai..w11t ~rtt ot campe.lp eompetldoa. Wbll • coa1erv8U•• R•pu.blkan ..... Md Oeonda Demoent C.,.. ruk..S u the favon• ID tbe eoetaeta, they wtn be MM.ed •Cain and aca1n ln 15 ltatal tbat eOuld pol.at to tbe outcome ot U.. cam~ for lb• Wblte Houle DOftlfaatloaa.-by Aprll l . Tben were pr.clftct caucwes to judle tbe eandlclat.ea ol both parties in Wuhinlte>n tonipt. Alaska, Hawaii and Oklaboma held Democratic precinct caucuses SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY haa gaven Carter aometblng close to a bye in the southern primaries. The Democratic chalJenaer already baa turned his att.eotioo to llllnola, wblch votes next Tuesday. The del- egat e stakes are far higher there. uod lhe political climate Man Held In.Arson Fatalities CAMBRIDGE, Ohio (At'> -A 20-year-old man was charged wlth aggravated anon ln con· necUon with the 19'19 Holiday Inn fire here that killed 10 persons. officials announced today. Gerald Willey of Randolph. Ohio. was arrested ln Columbus. Ga., on Friday by Muscogee County sheriff's deputies on a fu~1l1ve from JUS llCE.' c ha r ge ftll'd by Cambridge police. pro~ ecutors said. THE FIRE BEGAN in the early morrung hours of July 31 m a first-floor hallway of the two-story motel on the aouth side of Cambridge. Investigators swd the fire bad been deliberately set with an lnceudlary devi~ . with a flammable material used as an "accelerant" to spread the fire . Dens e. choking, s mok e billowed from lhe fire through the comdors. seeping beneath doors to the motel's rooms where guests were sleeping. Many guests used furniture to s mash open tblck, s ealed. double-pane windows, extending from celling to floor, to escape. A OONTIUBUTING FACl'OR t.o several ol lbe deaths, officials indicated. wu the pluUc wall covering ln the corridors which gave orr thick, black. lung· clogging smoke. Two memben of the police de- partment 'a llve-man detective unlt were ualened full-time to the lnvesU,aUon. Tornadoes Slam Florida Storms Continue in Midwest, Eaat FORECAST Mil ,._.... ....... Ill feft, INll• IMllM ....... ,,.,..,,.,.,,._.... I I II • J " • 4 " . ' " more toYlUD1 to Ule ._.tor frpmllw1akUNU8. •• s..M1 did ... -·~ nWBoeampt•• ID Tampa _. Mtqil, na.. trrllll to oapltaltae o. Carter'• -e1'f. mbaioe tlult bil edmlalllndoD bl\&OdeNd tn wt.laC lot a UDIMd N auou nsoluUoe crlUcal ot i.r .. u MU&emMf• ID occ.-S terrltol1•. In that adverilM· ment, Kennedy 1atd tbe vote would jeopardise lsrMU Mc:Uri· ty. H4t-aaid tbe v°"8 made U.S. forel1n policy the ·' lau1hln11toek of natlona throqbout the world." But Kennedy, who defe.ted Cart•r for tbt fir•l tllllf In M uaacbuaetta, kept hll aout.bem lnveatmeot to the bare mlnlmum. CAaTEa 18 VDTUALL Y W'I contested ln his home primary In Geor&la. and bJ.a advocatft are aakln& for a 1hutout. At o mlnlmum, they want to do bet.Ur ln Georgia than Kennedy did at home ln Muaacb1.11etta, where he a•lned 65 percent of the vote to Carter'129perceat. Flnt lady Roaalyn Carter ha!> said she want.a a shutout -all 63 home dele1at.e1 for Carter and none for Kennedy. Even In Georgia that's a toqh taraet. since the presktent would have to get 8S percent of the vote m each coogreuional d.latrict. IN A DWINDLI NG Republican field, Reaian'a only major southern rival was Georae Bush. who aald be would be utW\ed "to be reuombly close" to the former Calllomia JOvemor. He didn't dellne that an numben. He took. some comfort in weekend public opmlon polli> showlng Bush narrowing the gap in Flonda -but tboee were con ducted before Reagan won th(> South Carolina primary by J landslide Saturday. That runaway led John Connal ly to Wlthdraw from the race Sen Howard Baker or TeMesstt quit last Wednesday. Rep. John And e r son of lllinois bypassed the contests to compete In bis home state BnmtwDOdlawb91• Vlla•Cmd Our nfNI offce in Corona Del Mar offers you the oonvenient charge privt- leQes a a Visa card with the advantages of a sur- prisingly low Interest rate. ............... Grtet-ttricken wayne c.m.-u a. -.g.,, net,a.bor Wayne Ball .. C1mpb4JU'1 lhMl ,,..._. •• , bu"'9 to iround JU1t outalde the city Umttl ~ Uttle Rock. Ark. Becauee ot th•t loc&Unn, C1mob1U'1 buSlaln1 wu under the Jurisdiction of u Vt)funtbn' fire dep8rtment. $9 MilliOn Award To Crippled Woman NEW YORK <AP> -A Brooklyn widow who •Upped on a patch of candle wax an a darkened suurcue and aulfered perm•· nent back and lee liaj\&ries after Conslidat.ed Edi.on Co. blacked o ut httr bulldin& bas been awarded a rtt0rd S9 million In punlUvedamages. The woman's lawyer. Leonard L. Flm. aakl Mooday \.bat tbe six· member jury, silting In State Supreme Court ln Brooklyn, may decide to add another S1 million an compensatory damages to the s um awarded Gloria lfaU, S2. CON ED SVPEKVI SOR~ testified at the tnal that on Ma) 9 1975. they lm~rsonaled elevator repairmen to ~et LnlO the 18-ston building on f'1flh Strttl to tum off the l'lectnc1ty be<'aUSe or allf'~f~j non-payment of thl' elt><'lnc hill The action depnvc·d 157 tenanL'> of el<'ctnc pow<•r and darkenl'd ha ll~a)'> and l;la1r<'a!>«''-· ant1 '>l o pped water pu m ps and elevator:. Mrs Hall. a mem ~r of the tt>n a nts· cowic1l of the bwldmg. '>t'l about to calm resident.. She was walklng an octogenarian couple dowo the auur"5 when she slipped on some wax from candles that rea1denta were ualng to Uibl their way. the 1Rdtaa1d. She waa Injured severely and reqwred major 1w-gery that left her crippled and unable to con unue ber work as a clerk for lh•· Metropolitan Ufe lnsurance Co accordlllg to testimony. The Jury ordered lhe Lefrak Orga1U2aUon, managing agent or the bwldlng. to pay M..'3. Hall $4 m illion. and dJ~led Con FA to pay SSrrull1on. CO/I. ED SAID tht> blackout wa-. \'aust-d by a balun~ m1xup and lhitt l..efrak Or~.uu7.at1on , operator or the bwld.an~ had be<>n t-rralic in PJ ~IOI! ll'> IJllb A spokl"-0\an for Lhe ulJllly sa id Con t!I .... 111 .. certainly" appeal lit' .... 1111 < 11n Ed was not legall~ r~i><m.'>lbll• in t.tus casl' ~au:,.t· M n II.ill was not a Con Ed 1 u'tnmt r · The power that w,1-. rurncd ,,ff was tht• rt.-spons1b1ill} of Ldrak."hcsa1d Mlarfta• 111age aillttleln .. est fro111 the mM8SI -Savings!' 2867 E Coast Hwy To find oot how OOSI it is to get, stop into our newoff1Ceand$kabout the low-interest Brent- wood Savings Visacard. Brentwood Savtngs, 2867 E.ast~ High- way, Corona Del Mar. (714) 675-a071. SAN nAMC1ICO (AP) -.................. ....,... -...... tUt ---rob-....., _~ .._.. ........ ----trial;-: I'. 1M .._ ft'Wl&td • ol .. .._..,......,towrttea .. alleMttbeCMI. Oeora• Marti.Ma, wbo ev· reatl1 r•ta Mn. &Mw. '* u. Cinlak C.rt ot Ae-...... ,~ .._ .._ ... edb ...... t• ....... ccmftid lDt.eNI& •• ..... ... aareed DM.VN.OT UKIAH (AP) -A U.ytar.o.ld boy bu bten NTWt.ed for lnvetUt•Uon ol the kidna=ot nmmy Wb1te, UM S.year-eld who waa broUCf4 to freedom by t kidnap vidJm, pollce IA.Id today. # Uklab Police Chief David John:lon said the JJ.year~Jd waa •rretted Monday and booked at Mendoclfto County Juvenile Hall for lnve1Uaa· Uon ol JotnLn. Kenneth Parnell 48, ln tJJe Feb. 14 kidnapping ot arre.t because of a court l•C Dr· White in Ukiab. der lD the White cue. Parnell alao has been charsed Tbe latest arrest came aa. QI. with the lr:idnapplna ot Steven flclala reported that Stayner duriaa tM trial lo write a book aDd reeelved • m.ooo advuce h'om G.P. P\llmUl, a pubHaNna f\rm, llDd at.ood to reeelv• more \hanta5,000. '1tOM ID KJTTIN TO 'AT CAT -In 1967, 1wln1er-actre11 Jane Fonda made the movie "Barbarella." In mo , political ac· Uvlat Jane Fonda led a rall¥ to free the Soledad Brothers. She was later denounced as a traitor for her support of Hanoi t. the Vietnam war. Now her tremendous salary helps support the anti-big business political campaign of her husband Tom Hayden. Sta=· now 14, seven years·~ would aooa get a $15,000 reward · ___. r•-b h for retumlnaTimmy White to this an en-.. ~yner roug t . NortbemCallforniacommunlty. y0Wl1erboytofreedom. Stayner lJ also back with bis JOHNSON DID NOT'name the famllyandhasretumedtoscbool. "That's r•-·e's money," said arretted )'OUtb and said he could ~· not give any further details on tbe Stayner'• mother. Kay. after a., ..... rK.,..... MANHATTAN 8.EACH (API -Los Anae• poll~ said today a man they were punwna and a member of a police special aur. velllance team both died from Six Lives of a Sex Kitten { __ sr._:.cf_TE_J Jane Fonda Ran Gamut From Swinger to Political Activist police gunfire following a rob- bery al the American Savings and Loan office here. The dead policeman, Curtis C. Hagele, 39. was part of unit that trailed persons s uspected of planning c rimes. said Los Angeles Police Lt. Charles Higbie. The alleged robber was identified as Colvion H Wilkins. 29, of Lawndale, Higbie saad. lt'alko11t A "~rt~d LOS ANGELES CAP> -A potential strike today at the Los Angeles Herald Examiner has been averted with the over· whelming ratification of a new contract by e mployees of the daily newspaper. Monday night's 262·63 vote to accept the new contract came only a rew hours before a mid· night walkout deadline set by the union which represents more than 6CO Herald Examiner workers. l11tegratlo11B•~bcf "LOS ANGELES <AP> - Sebool Superintendent William Johnston describes the court· ordered preparation of Los Angeles school desegregation plans as .. almost a family af· fair" ln which tbe achool aystem made ila recommendations before Board ol EducaUon mem· bers became involved. More Chal"fln Flied VISTA CAP) -Additional child molestation chargd5 were filed against the manager of the Oceanside Ch a mber of Com· merce, according lo the district attorney's office. David Laurent. 37. was to be arraigned today in North County Municipal Court on five charges · of sexual molestation of un· der-age boys, oral copulation and sodomy. HOLLYWOOD (AP> -Friends called the rich society girl Lady Jane. Then she became a swinger -ln New York. Paris and Hollywood -giving gossip columnists fodder by dating homosex- uals and making pronouncements against marriage and her father. Next. Jane Fonda became a "sex kitten." in then.husband Roger Vadim's "Barbarella" and other movies. The scantily clad. blonde·maned star of the space fantasy film was a far cry from the wile and mother who came back to Hollywood m 1969 to appear an "They Shoot Horses. Don't They ,. AND SHE WAS FURTIIER STILL from the blue-jeaned. clench·fisted activis t who threw Black Panther fund·raisers. got thrown off Army bases and was called a traitor an the House of Representatives for her tnp to Hanoi 10 the mids t of the Vietnam War The word "traitor" came up again last year when the Academy Award·winning actress was nominated by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. to the California Arts Council. There were men in the stale Senate who had not forgotten he r broadcast to U S servi~men over Hanoi radio: "How does it feel to be used as pawns?" The woman who once said, "Property is theft ... now owns a $500,000 ranch in Santa Barbara. She rWlS a Beverly Hills exercise studio, is president and sole shareholder of two production com- panies and owns 500 shares of stock in Colwnbla Pictures. MISS FONDA, WHO REFUSED repeated interview request!>. lives in a mode~t Santa Monica house with her husband, Tom Hayden. 40, their son, Troy, 6, and her daughter Vanessa Vadim. 11. The ranch has been turned Into an etolOIY camp for poor children and offspring of those who support the Haydens' Cam· palgn for Economic Democracy. The CED wu established to elect aoti·big buslnesa actJviata to poUtJcal office and to corporate boards of direct.ors. · Miss Fonda. 42, tries to make each aspect of her life support her ca~: "l'm fi ghting to make the world human agam." She will no longer appear ln a movie that doesn't "say something." She teaches e:ate:rclle claues and donates the money to &er husband's cause. "I don't apologhe about putUnc my tremendous salary at Ule service of candida~ who are poor, and he's one of them," Miss Fonda said. "They never bank on people like Tom Hayden marry· ing someone like me, thus being able lo get al least a foot in the door of a campaign." HEit OTHEll INTERESTS INCLUDE Indian rights, anti· nuclear activism. solar energy, farm workers' pay and women's rights. 'Tm not particularly good or generous," she once said. "The only real qualities I have are energy and patien~." Miss Fonda baa received accolades for her acting sltill-sb~ was nominated for best actress in this year's Academy Award race for her role in the anU·nuclear "Cb.ma Syndrome." Her. off .screen life has produced death threats. Frances Seymour Brokaw, the second of Henry Fonda's five wives, slashed her throat when her children, Jane and Peter. were Justice System Eyed SANTA MONICA CAP> -The Rand Corp. bas undertaken a major Investigation of lbe civil 1uslice system, saying it ls "perhaps the most UD· der·researched area in public policy today" and government leaders are "poorly equipped" to deal with reform proposals. Rand President Donald B. R1ce s aid that the main objective of the new wtitute for Civil Justice ia "to belp inform polieymakers about the system and to help make lt more efficient, elfec· tive and equitable." tnterest Paid Day-in-Day-Out Compounded & Paid Monthly 11~~11.000 to 15,000 In any bat'lll 0t Selltnge I t.oen ~ooll ~ w. ean In moet ewe. Inc,.... ,our r.-front 5141(, 0t'S~t.Jo ft Of 8~~. JUST GIVE US A CALI.. WE CAN MM<E ALL THE ~RAHGEMENTS ev~ Inquire~-hlOt*~ tm.wtmn Otl1lflodM> °' • Covers: Eno. Comp. • Steenno • Alf cones. •. Ma,,uat Auto. trans. • Front •utP· • Drive Axle • Complete front & rear brake system • Etec. System. "UMllllloM Oft ..... CW... 0... Mii .. ID _.. d ....... ................... ...... ~lot~--·....,..._ M.O ........ "'°'9dle. ltlO. T~ "-. 0.-.. 4 Wiil Or. tJfOM '#Ill. Or.. .... c-dll......,... ................ . I 12 and 10. Jane thought her mother had died of a heart attuk. She was enlightened by a schoolmate who got the facts Crom a fan magazine She attended Vassar for two years where. "l went wild and got into lots of trouble." She went to Paris to study art. But when Fon· da found she was spending most of her lime in Left Bank dives. he took her to New York, where she spent time in Greenwtcb VUlage dives. SHE WORKED AS A phot.ocraphers' model, appeared wtth her father 10 two plays and eventually tned the movies. 1''or a long t.une, she ~lsted the beckon of Roger Vadim, who had a reputaUoo for collecting beauuful actresses. She said she de tested tum. but appeared 10 ''La Roode'' in 1.964. The romance and her sex star movies began. Her consc1ousness·raislng began when ber ·daughter was bom a nd fnends an France began ,ska.ng her to justify the Vietnam War. Vadim sa1d. "When she talks about politics all the tame, there Is not time to establish reellngs ... ··1 have more important things on my mlJld beside!> m<irnagc· and family," she said. SHE WAS DEFENSIVE ABOUT her movie roles when she began her pollllcal tours. trying to distribute anll·war hterature on Army bases. putting on anti·administratioo plays an GI cof· feehouscs. "I'm up to my eyeballs in guilt that J made :Barbarella'," she said. She divorced Vad!m ln 1973 and married Hayden later that year . When the war ended, her husband ran a losing campaian (or The Democratic nomination a.s U.S. Senator from CallforniA. But he was appointed by Brown to three state panels. The couple tn· fluenced Brown to appoint a censured former POW. Ed1*>n Miller, to the Board of Supervisors of conservaUve Oran1e County. "New facta keep coming into one's life. new feellnp," ahe ha.s said. "M Jong u I'm cbanging. tbe~'a hope for me." tallltn1 by telephone to a representative of the reward committee ln Ukiah. "We'll put it an a truat f&md for hi.a educatioQ:" MEANWHILE. STAYN£&. who spent halt hla 14 yean living with an alleged abductor. at· tended ninth grade classes in science, physical education, math. Engllsb, aoclal studies and woodabop at the 900-sludenl east campus of Merced High. •'The other kids were all excited to see him,•• said principal Joseph Reeves. "There's a little bit of a mob scene here, but we're hoping the novelty will wear off," Reeves uid o( the television crews and reporters who greeted Stayner on his first day back. "HE HAS A TOUGH rowtoboe. but we will do everything we can do to kttp hlS head above water.'' Stayner, who disappeared in 1972. wa.~ reunited with his family last week after he and White h1tchtuked anto Ukiah, some 20 males from the ranch cabin where the teen.ager lived wath Kenneth Parnell Parnell. 48, ls charged with kid· nappmg Stayner and White. UKIAH POLICE are trying to find a second suspecl in the WtUte abduction. The boy. who un· derwenl hypnosis, told police two men took part ln his abduction. Ervin Murptry, 38, a nllht janitor at Yoaemlte National Part Lodge, also has been cbar1edin Stayner's cue. t . I I . i It ii not DeW1 to ~ ...,...,. tut A1blft ... Hobie ta dana9~ o••aOwied at dltftnat d .. Of UMf year. Calla for IOluUooa to tbl c~ dilemma a& tM cnntc_ only tuWty tar abtll•• lnil ~ cbUdriia ha•e bea,,t hOm U. GIMd JvrJ -Sta.. J8"ia&ie JuaUce :oam:.6oD, la llcktMklD..:C.'f:'mbtr Npol\ tram •·~lltee ...... U. of UM eow1t1 H\bnan Services AaeAC1 termed the canditbla at the hosne .. PGt~alb up'°'1w." The latest eall tor action, a i.tter from Judp Robert E . Rk:k.19, PIWidlna Judie ol tbe Juvenile Court. ab cotmty aftlclala to Nli.m from vlolatlna stat. ud local hetJth and safety reaul.UOU by taktna ln more children thtn Albert Sitton la tiullt to houle. lnltead, Jtlcklea auaeata ln the letter, the excess a could be pacbd olf f.O hospitals. Rick.lee' 1ua1eauon, thouch not a court direcUve, sent nty offtciala ac""'11nl yet again to find temporary ys to espaod the home's capacity. The juvenile court Judae himself says the hospital gestioo was, u much as anything else. a means of ping the Silton problem in public view. Social service workers cringe at the idea of shlpplna off to hospitals the physically healthy court wards nprmally taken to Albert Sitton Home. ' Supervisors so far have been generous in going along W}tb the temporary proposals that have patched up the cf'<>wding problems at the home. But they should also keep in mind. as they approach tle June budget hearings, that officials expect child ~use victims to multiply alarminJ~Y in the new decade. ! 1bere abo are ominous rumblings that the abuae is idcreasingly severe, that the children populating Albert SJtton are more emotionally disturbed than in the past. , If those predictions are true, the helpless vie· tins of abtme as well as the surrounding community are nfore than ill·served by the interminable parade or J)Jtchwork solutions. t 1be time bas come for supervisors to put their money ere their mouths are. In February supervisors called e fight against child abuse their number one priority. If t'at is so. county citizens should be able to expect sfpervisors' selection of a long-term solution for the hpme come July. I face Traffic Facts f S Orange County transportation planners have come up Y<lith a formidable wish list that might, if implelJ.lented. uflsnarl our existing traffic shambles and even keep pace with population increases. ~ But don't hold your breath. The master plan drawn up for road and transit improvements would cost a cool St6.5 billion and right now there are no local, state or f 4dera1 dollars to cover that cost. .f Even if the money can be found 1 a separate study is ~lving into that problem -the planners see no way the ~cessary work could be completed until well past the tfrn of the century. ! While the plan envisions a number of possibilities for ass transit corridors to accommodate a variety of hiclel, from traiDa to monoraila, the planners say the tomoblle will remain the principal mode of transport.a· n in the county for the next couple of decades. -For that reason, much of the wish list involves pro- posals for extension and. ~xpansion of e.xisting freeways and highways, and addition of new highways, an ap· proach that brought prompt objection from several quarters. , . The planners were simply trying to face facts. It snot to difficult to project mcreues in Job opportunities and population growth. And it doesn't take a ~enius to pin· pomt areas that will be hardest hit by traffic. Pacific Coast Highway and the South Coast Plaza-Airport area, for example, already are becoming impossible. At least the extensive study has done much needed ground work and presents many alternative solutions. II the money can somewhere be found -increases ln gasoline and sales taxes are among the suggestions -the first steps toward its implementation should be taken before we all spend the last few yean of tbe 20tb century sitting in a giant traffic jam. • Optnlof"S expressed In the apace above are thoee of the Dally PHot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment la invited. Address The DaUy Piiot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92628. Phone (714) &42-4321. Boyd/Coins Migrate BJLM.llOYD Q. I've beard that coins tend to migrate. U put into circulation in equal numbers nationwide, they eventually wind up accordlng to their deoominationa lo certain cttles. Right? A. So it's aald. Hall dollars teem to collect in New York Clty. Pennies mysterioualy 10 to Ptttaburgb and Dallas. Quarters drift to San An· toolo, Little Rock and Clncln- natl. Dlmea and nickels travel to Baltimore, Lout1v1lle and Nasbv1lle. Tbat'a wbat the financial wrtten report. at any rate. JDtenltina, ii true. Q. Never ooce du.rtna the .... Jean I wa~ statloned ta W eltenl &arope d1d I tee a -Dear Gloomy GU8 How come so many en- ' •lroomenta1l1t1 are ·-terribly ~ people -wit 7her peo9le'1 mone)' aud ...... tUt ilf A,.W. SI .. M d :w.:.~ 'i Etr-r~- tow truck? Wonder why not? A. They're rare over there. And in Japan, too. Lot ol foreign made cars can't be towed without damage to them, that's why. Mix plain old bakin8 soda with cornstarch. half and hall, and you've sot a dandy deodorant that works as well as anything, according to somee~rta. Now you can buy elastic shoe laces, I 'm told. Tie them once and forcet them. The 1boe 1llpt on and off eaally thereafter. Claim La th•Y tquallle tbe lboe pres, ' Mre oftrothe whole foot. Mate comfortM&e. Surertnacl. Sulelde rate amon1 ElkhDOI UI tripled ID tM wt two cleeedel; Af .... laaman ..... ~ Al aadl1 DIDI ........ moathl. And our Lov. ud War ma DOted wttb ...,_ that mon ddklral are bom jat blfclr'9 ad at die Ume of Uaefullmocm. Q. ODI 8Dd onlY. GM p.r.l· dent it bmted lD #alalqtoa. D.C. Name b&m. A. Woodn)W WiltOG. One out of •ff1'1 1,000 coup..., manW at Jeut 40. la~:::.S. •••• , ... u, ••ti u·1~taJIJeld,Va.,to ..... ,.... ..... 'tJttllMla&; ........... ,. ....... ao. ~ W AIHUIGTON -Jlmm1 c ...... ..., ....... b to tM C'°"''= ., ...,. t011atn the ,. ue ta. Amertcan bol...,_ Mid .. hm6 lnalan mWtanta &.. m'6 .......... :'Ke wanta to IM'tai ow~·., beck alive. ...... • however. 11 tbe ..... at the top '"911 of bll a4lml1t1tra. Uoa to,..,.. ,.,.,. to Ira· nlan Jew1 wbo.,.. Mek-lna 11cap~ from penecu· t lon b y Ayatollah K homelni 's rabidly re· I I i i o u s followen.. An estimated 100 Iranian Jews, fearful of their Uve5 at the bands of the new Islamic rulers. recenUy fied Tehran and arrived in Europe. By edkt of President Carter's special Iranian cns1s team. they have been consigned to limbo in Paris and London. waiting d esperately for permlsaioo to come to the Urut ed States as political exiles. IN CONTllAST, Carter opened Art Hoppe tbe doon to UM aUb dlallffe a· pllclt warutn11 t.bat bJ1 ad· mlNlon WMld tl1aer v'.Gl•c. a1almt Amertcaai-Ia lraa. One aeeret cable, datM Aq.'. 2, 1'7t, predicted that tbe U.S. Bm-.1 woaild lte auaoked and Amerlcao bollalff would be aetied. State Department offldall, meaawblle1 admit tbat tbe Jewl1b rer~~,. beln1 baned lat •• IO"IU· ment be otle11de4. ·'TM Jewt have been put on a back burner," oae insider expla!Ded. "Human rllbta interest -to let them In -Is not part of our na-tional interest.'' COllPETENT sources bave confided that the declsloo to lower an Iron Curtain on the re· fugee Ira.nian Jews wu COO· tained in a directive from Secretary ol State Cyrus Vance, after cooaultation with Carter. A congressional group met re· cently with State Department and White House represen· tat1ves In hope of easing the U.S. restrictions. They were re- buffed. "They don't want to an· tagoniie Khomeini." a State Palm Springs Has Changed Our History Palm Springs Who 1s far and away the mo~t popular Republican in all lht· polls? That's right. Gerald Ford And who is now talking of tos~ ing his chewmg gum m the nng again? Right agaan. Mr. Ford. as you probably know. lives on a golf course here not far from the intersec• tion of Frank Sinatra dnve and Bob Hope drive, two or this desert commun1&.y's malo art- eries. Therefore. at great l'X· pense. I spent a week here in a desperate attempt to learn why a man who lJves on a golf course may weU be our next president again. What are bis hopes? What are hi.a dreams? Unlommately. I was unable to U\terview Mr. Ford personally a1 I was unable to get ln the gate of the Thunderbird Golf Course on wbicb be lives. <All golf courses here have gates.> I tlilnk it was because 1 was wearing a tJe. I SllOlJLD have known better. Only the night before I was re- fuaed admittance to the posh Barracuda Pit Restaurant and Accordion Bar because I was Earl Waters wearing a tie. I offered to re- move 1t but the headwaiter said not to bother all my shirt had lonR sleeve6 .. , couJd cut them off," I sug. gested hopefully. "Even so." he s aid. 'Tm afraid your trousers won't do." "They're grey nannel." t said defensively, "and 100 percent pure wool ·· "Exactly." he said, turn.in& his back. H umillated. I returned to m,y room and curled up with A BrVt Hf1tory o/ Palm Sprifag•. which r round moat enlightening. Ex· cerpta follow: "Prior to May 24. 1928, Palm Springs <then known a s 'Wbardat') waa a sleepy com· munily inhabited by a few bun· dred Hoodat lndlaos so Departmeat oMda1 told m)' re· auardt are lD poaeesloft ot UMr porter Lacettt '':*· .. U we Utt, afM.l any lew att.IDDtlM Cb ..,.. to have uclal pol{tlon leave the ooun&rJ ooul4 .. ~.,. tbat Iran •• perHeutla& a rested. ' '. number of lbelr _people, that llA.NY •EMBEU of b'ID'I would be a m-.Jor 1U1bt." . JewlSh community were •Uc· There an u,Uer overtoftea m ca1ful bullJM111me:a wbM the tbe atdmde ot U.S. Coa.aular of· sbab ruled, and now tbe7 are ftdall abroM wbo have been....._ "ltUlomatlc811y 1u1pect. SOeie peUUonied bJ lrant.n Jews for who have escaped have ~t.. vtau tW would enable tbem to eel honw stories Of a.elnJ a flucl baven In our country. under survelllanee. of ha •'Tbere ll lbeer utqoailm oo their phones tapped encl• tbe put of American workers leUen lntereeptecl b)' tbe ne't abroMI toward those Iranians," breed of Iranian lffret po~. a State Department source sald. Some of the refugees ttft A CONG&t:SSJONAL ob· behind their families and a)I server added : "lt'a like their worldly possessions. They Germany iD the 1930s, when iro· are terrified of applying fdr misraUoo red tape prevented permanent admission to the many Jews from escaplng Adolf United Stat.es becawse tslantic Hitler's holocaust." a vent~ may strtkt ba~k a~ Jews in Iran, as well as other their tnen. Islamic sects and a s mall Instead, the now.penniless Ira· minority of ChristJans. are hv· nian Jews ~re seeking tem· log in cooata.nt dread that rev· porary, non·1mmigrant visas olutionary tnbunals might or· But U.S. officials are inslstin~ der their executions on the they apply for permanent ref flimsiest of IJ"Ounds. Many on ugee-immigrantstatm. · tbe regime's "enemies List .. are Footnote: State Department under suspicion for having ~pokesmen r e fu sed tb "Zionist ttes ." which often acknowledge there 1s a problem. means DOthlng more than hav. They brusquely insisted the de· ing a relative or two In Israel. partment L& properly "obe~ we·ve learned lbat airport the lmmiO'ation laws:· :. primitive they didn't know a mashie from a rublick. It was on that tu.stone date that an eldt-rly prospector. Jeb Somethm~-or­ Other. struck a rich vein of pure polyester at what is now the cor· ner o f Farrah f'awcell boulevard and Rip Tom aven~­ The Great Polyester Rush wa s on~ ••SOON THE Hoodat Indians learned to lmtt and even double knit color·coordinated slacks and 'olf sblrts in pastel shades of pink. yellow. cha rt reuse. mauve aod puce. Thls led lo the dlscovery of more than 1623 golf courses lo the area on wh.ldl the Wbatdat cattle~raze. This special breed ls tu ly prUed for ita wbJte leather ~ which is Uled to make shoes and bells. -. . .. . ... "Tht5 wealth of polyest«"r. whtt«" IHt~r and free rigar-. lured thousands of men . all of lhem nrh and over 60. to head west so they might Ii vc on golf courses betund closed gales. T" d3y. polyes~r is used not only t.o make the natJve prb, but in tho manufacture of condomlruums, rt"Staurants. date palms and the pancakes and pte crusu that are the b.agh potnl of Palm Springs •• 1-1--.. ('~. SO NOW you see why Mr. Ford is so popular. We U&ed tD IJke president.s who lived in Jog cab'ns •d Wcitt stiH collars. But obviously a man who llves on a golf coorae ln pale puce polyester double knits is far more symbolic of the modem American dream. Highway Patrol Seeks Wider Territory AlthouO they didn't pull lt off. the calllornla Hipway Patrol made a IJ'&b for more power. ln a lelillatlve proposal which had already slipped through the Alaemb)y, authority was sought lo the Senate to extend the dutln of the CHP to include bodycuard duty for state officials. Such function ls DOW performed by the California State Police, which is the official dealanatlon for the Capitol police. The CHP wu or&anlzed in the late '208 by merging the traffic squads of the various touatiel. The move bad a twofold pur· pose.Onewu to •'prof es· alonallze" traffic enforcement 0 D t b e bi,itwaya and remove U from tbe "caab re1l1ter Ju1ttce" which prevailed. 'lbat wu the term applled to the pracUce wherein the J..Uo. of the peace and tbe ''•peed copt'' lhaNd tbe ftaes. d.ll=wtth JuaUce Jn favor of I their poclletbooks. The WU a n1cal OM of tran1ferrln1 the traffic NtpontlblUtlea on tho hi~• to the It.ate where lt p trly beloa1ed aad rellevln1 al 1cwet"DIDIDla of tbe burden. ID U. doml. tbe Leplaiure wu .-...•~t about tbe dutiel ot Ulit: ... 1N&ftl. 'fteJ wallW DO tia...V."'Jiiollee or1aD11aUOa IDt,rfertaa wltb other law t enforcement at the local level. They made it clear tbal the highway patrol officers would be peace officers only for tbe purpose of laws relatine lo the operation of motor vehicles on the highways. And the official title of the patrolmen was designated "state tratrlc officer" and remainl that today. BUT 'l1IE PATllOL bu erown r estless over tbe years, eapeclally tboee at the top. Tbey envision themselves as becoming far more thao Just trafftc eope. Some yean back some of the mont ambttloUI of the "top bra11" drafted a scheme whereto the CRP would u1ume the authority to police all waterway•, airport.a, and m&11 tramit tn tbe It.ate • •ll .. tbe bod)'ftU"d dadel fOI' .... offtciaJa. A&o' embodied ID tbl plan wa1 tbe take owr ot tbe Capitol police wbo pard tbe It.ate bulfcttnp. Such at4MIQ dutiel would ' ...J Indeed turn the CHP lnto a formidable state police organluOoa. And DO doubt with such momentum it would IOOO uaume all ol the LnvestJgaUve duties now performed by various state agencies. For. as it stands. both the CHP and Capitol poUee are lacldnc lD the upward mobility for U.a troops normally fou..nd in uniformed police orsanllaUoo.s which field plain·clotbea detectives tJooa with their patrol and traffic aquada. Tall m A deficiency which don '90rt a bardsbip, for it ls a fact lD law enforcement that then comet a Ume wbeD pollce, bec•Ule ot • lbol&ld dolt tbelr uolform.a aDd assume otber dUU.. But U.. la a sreat danpr ID the exlateace of a police or1anl..U. wbieh aalu too mueb ~ onr too wide a Jurt1dlcUoa. One need oal1 revJew what baa occurred In the . FBI to aee the proof of that. . In any event, the Glove &o take over lbe Capitol police's· bodyl\W'd duties, which WOQld; have been die first step ln tbe: CHP'1 loag ranae plan. failed to- win approval of the Senate: committee. : During the battle leading up to· the bearing, there bad been some name caW.na as the two: agencies squared off. The Capitol poUee were charged with; uslnl racial taraeta on tbei~ pistol ruip. nm appeand to have lec1tlaton lean.lq toward.S' the CRP propouJ until tt was• learned that perhaps the CllP bad been aulltY ot tbe aame. --. -. -. --------__..._._., ...,..nus ..... "'· ........... 4'ecoww.t ._.. ........... ...... .c ... ~.-. ...... . ,,.., --~----QI" -t.Wr .. ,... ~--··:I,"'-·~ ..... or 'l'lllQ .-,. '• tM .... '1lf ,OU CM 11.,. IOID~ the ftHdm> to admit be ii atlll a ~hfld, wtUtout belnt em.bar· ruaed about It. you have suc- ceecMd. So dilc toll. you mitbt ur., ii• &&me for all a1ea. 'YlMn we built our first disc 80lt eoune, al Oak Grove Park iD Pasadena. the police told us that not only dld vandalism v.trtually cease ln the park but also in the surrounding area. Not bad." AT 111E '11M£, Headrick, 40 and reatless, was running a water beat.er company. "Not my idea of creativity," be said. "I'm a child at heart, you see." He knocked at Wham-O's door. No openin1s. Very well. be said, he would work without pay for three months. If they wanted to keep him. be would stay. L •• ·~C•D TllS• .. COIU&Mrt HllDI ''0ff1clal Proln••ll ~ •• or .,.... ~Model.0 No Prau.t. No mon ll,aMID,Mrtoue. 4 Cadllltc bub eep....,.... • OGt ol Ma modela. Wben the 1tam&UI proce1a t8rMd up a flaw, laa~ a 1mall .ueka to p&N OYer tbe flaw: ''We&ibt: 1• an.ma. Ba1aneed by No. ZZ." Next, the Superball. Tbele. ail· ly Utt.le ba1b that bounced bi&b and errJtic. abo were awaiUna discovery. ··1 test-marketed the Superball in a liquor store, where I knew no kida would see it,·· Headrick recalls. ''I took it there every day and played with it. Adults buy toys, not kids. ''THE STORE WAS near the Jet Propulsion Laborat.Q.ry in Pasadena. Those NASA scien- tist.a couldn't resist it. They all wanted one. Finally, NASA had to ban Superballs from the lab. Nobody was doing any work. They were all playing with Superballs." Now Headrick 's full -lime passion 1a disc golf. All it in- volves Is tossing Frisbees at targets r esembling waste baskets over an 18-bole course. Try to avoid drinking fountains and picnic tables. · · Ounng the lunch break at Wham-0 ." be said. "we used to toss Frisbees at trash cans Win a dollar. lose a dollar. That was when 1 got the idea for disc golf. ., "IT'S A GAM£, just a game. You know." he said. "many things we do, if we get overly serious about them. lose their reality. Disc golf Is fun. That is its reality. "Want to play? Quarter a hole?" I . I n 0 ~ z I Offet npr .. MM:ft 2'Z. 1llO. Pl1oee M9y ~ I -~ IOc&tiOM. Good only In Sll\iu.n I c.lltomlawl'ler"I ~ ... !tie I Co6oc* "• tece •lndOw bllVlef Offer ftPI,_ ~ 22. tllO. Prlo9e ,,.., Wllf'/ at pettlc:tpatlng IOea1klM. Oood only In Sou"'8fn Calllom1a whef• ., ~ ... , .... COionei·• ·-•lndow Denn« ----·-----· --- GOURMET MARKET DON,T FORGET MARCH 17, --; ---~ DELANEY~··" ., ST. PATRICKS DAY! MORNING FRESH PRODUCE BROS. SEAFOOD Lg. Solid Head Green Cabbage. . . . . IOc lb. Russet Baking Potatoes . . . . ..... 19c lb. Local Lg. Sweet Strawberries .... ~ bskt. White Cooking Onions , nl·v. 1 mp 2 lbs for 29c Lg. Size Local Romaine . . . . . . . 39c ea. So. American Bananas . . . . . . . . .... 29c lb. PRIME & TOP CHOICE MEATS aged at least 30 days to t~ peak of perfection Frttb Swordfish ................ 5.98 lb. ~n·Jl to Bar h Q ''' h1111I t...,l)t•rrnlh v.h~n hJ!>lt-d v.llh ll·mon hutln DELI DEPARTMENT l lb. celJo.pak Ratb Racom Bacon .. 98c lb. Delaney's own creamed spinach .... 7!te pt. LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Delaney's Private Label Champape, Extra Ory. • ••.••..•. C711-.1Uz.2:5, Ccaae)Z7.M When you think of St. Patricks Day you think of corned beef & cabbage, and Delaney's bas them both. Our special bome·cured corned beef will be ready fo r your special St. Patrtcks Day feast. St. Patrick's Special . Old Bmhmllla lriala W1dMey (qt) . . . . tt.• . Deluey'• Private Label ('15tt mil) . · Nick Jilardoni, a competitive body builder in Santa Cruz, draws mixed re•ctions from a group of local school boys during a demonstration. Jilardoni later answered ques- tions about bis sport. ·Memorial Planned LOS ANGELES (AP)-A memorial 1emce for actor Jay SUverbeels will take place next Wednesday at th e First Presbyterian Churc h of Hollywood. Silverbeels, best known for ~ role as Tooto in the 1-:z Ranger serl~. died Wedn y. Delaney's special cured ud trimmed corned beef briskets ................ z.tt lb. Lean Ground Beef groand hourly .. 1.41 lb. Thls ad riftttlvt> Wf'd., 3/1?/tlt Thn Tws. 3/Jt/80 'S Vta RGee OI' OtabU.1 .................. t.• Kahlu •12112-..• ""· t.n ................ a.et Grand Marater CDIJ%1t.> ~ ........... 1.15 cUc..-Pwtc. o. Nee._.... Tas> ()pell DallY M, a1n 11 Sm llQ' ~Ne• ... *...-. Ns ;art -..ell 673-5520 Caloric g~s ~ange 1Nlfh 0 * *An Energy Savings Payback 1hat saves you money as you use If I W1 ~11! You only use gos When you're cooking. Extra • . own insulation saves even more. Enpy alt the a>n· ven .. of 1his great new ~git fl'I Energy Saving Poybodc to~ poy for 'f04JI~ • se" dMnlng oven • Ctk~ _, bUtMrS • t att •far Hiier cJHnlng I . • Introducing The Thrift Certificate That~ Annual Interest Rate After Just 3 Months. If you rMl1y want yoor ~ opened. reld tJm Id. our Thrift CertUkate. aft.« penalty, is~ then compere with oths ada by bub and ·:t;., f. lo&n Wlhicber. .-ciatiom. You'll • why w. bllMv't "The 90 WOl)o So, if you'd lib to .. '1fNr money IMltn = cir' jQlt IDl1 be the ftMlt thrift peebe9 in Amfta what It's reall-wrtA, without ba'flnc it J:qulH•l1 ~ bf la an unbeltable ~ ot b9nlftta. ap lend this aJUpOD whtl '/fNI dleek or ~order, or ~it mt.oa~Qwditamc..A t.oed- Short 8 moctb term. IAJW saoo mfnfMJJm. BJcb u• In-forrua nmdenta <llll1· t1r9t wtth Ill t&adft umul yWd ol lUtl wblD ... ------------~ ~cacmwtJ.•lfloon.tJ wttbdN.U.JOU I Ben'• mJ dleck ":r.., tcr. a maadl Thrtft 2lt c I wia Aumaal m...rUe, no mauerftat. Clrti~ 112 tM .... ~· (lliOO lliilllllllm) Ledl It wW t.nb end.W. l ..... I Type~ lllm1Dt o lndlftMl a'*,.._, I roa'll••dwf......., WlthtWf IOmoeth estlf. D ~ 0 0oipo111tian ...,,...=·,..,::. .._ .. ""'"" ndle/or I Ill die lmlll(a) GC I *" ,..,..i And JOO ~-tuV JOU farfllt lix I lft81pmft I IDQlltbl'mi..t. 1Wr • moadl •tiftdltll ~ 11().,(JIX) MW-I ~= I ....... bfwltuN fl. a .... tat..i tar -'1 wttlldlwal. I I lofert.trl&--:.:i:~---Ot1 811111 .. • ,,,,. tW,....... fo -Pf' ...... I . I .,..., a..t'1lftil t.D.• ..,.,_..,_u.. goo4. Totab .... "a I I bfPndll. 'lb--lo ~tJ--ttbota. ... COMMERCIAL CPJDIT in • =:l' JOU --ft Ill..,. -. for I I ~oou• 11tl•r' pmbOok .-mt1"1tt1aJDID. COWt1EJCIAL CJUDfT PLAN. t«XJUllCAATED ._ ____________ ... _ .......................... ,... ., / c- .. ' . . . • • • . ' ' ' ' I ·' ; i I I I .. ·•1 need • ra1M io cover the tuah ca.t ol jW1t bartly getUnc by" M.TMUt ~. 11tll IMO IMI. • ...._., ~TEY M. Al.TtM.H, r..-.it ot "*911~-mt. • N••POt1 a..tl\, Ce. P•ued •••Y MtU.I• • -•Cl> t. 1• Survl .... b¥ t Mlfl, 0.-MAIUON J~NETTE MILLIEll, re ; RKM<d F Al-Of HewWt INc:I\, ~I Of c..a. .... pewed ewev • Ce . One~ • ........,. Tedtko of ... t<I\ I-Sfte Ii •IH¥1ve4 '" her • C.o\IA Mffe, Ce , 1-\lalefl A1141 1!11s.Deftd ~ II ltlnff ol Coll• • Me<tlfl Of S..le Me. C. -ROWlt'f' Mew, 2 -Meiv;11 T. of C.i. M9M C-Of ~ a..c11, C.. FOllt -II-It Riii.,. Jr of CO.I• • Qr...ckltl ........ -or-t"9'-lllld. Mo e MOllwr, Olt<t W. Fewell Of : HOiy ,_-, wtll be r«ll9d Oft Tun-CMI• Mew, ·-Tilomee J F._11 ~ .S.1', ~ 11, ,.., et 7 JO pm #flll ot Co.le M9M S.0-..kft -· l\eld ~ M<lss Of lluri.I on w.oi141d9y Merc:lt T.,.ado, Merell II, 2 PM, Herllor • 12, ,,., • t -· llolll ot S. .-,,."' lAWll M9mWIOI Cheoel. llff Wllllom C•l!lotl< Oluf'cl\. '"'-et Good Sell of uw Flm S...tlletn 1 ... 1hl Snepl>ord c:.m.1ery 111 Hlllltlllflllfl Cltllrtl\ flf FOU111el11 V•ll•v offlci.tod. 8oocl\, C... ~,...,,cell Al ,.._.ce lnfer......,I wlll be 01 Herllof' L.- • .. 8rot1'e~ llell llnwodwoy Monc.ety on Memorlel P...-, '°''• ~ Strvlctt " T~ov. Mi9rcl'l II,,.., from 12 -•••• ulldtr Ille cllrocllOll of Hert>o< to 6 pm Pierce erolllert Sell Lewn-tOllwMD<'t...,y S«IUU Brooowov Mon...,,. Cllrecton. W<>'IG MOHN F RE 0 8 F WO ... G, rulcfenl ol • EOWIH s. HOHN. \Unit-llY wife Co>t• ~. c. Peued •• .,, ., IM · 0.loret, dA1191>1•• Nenc v Willl•mt, -ot '1 .,...n, Merell •. 19'0 He ... , Droll1•r Ven-Memt..r ot Ai .. re vice pr1'$1denl of eo.11 Home loon• MoonlC lOQOe rs", L0"9 Boecll 8el0ved -ol Pr•><ll•• Wonv, XOlltlll Rile, El IHUI S/l<lne, OOH IOYlnt , • ._ Of K.-lh -. ...... w-. P<•"O.nt of El &eul Orient•• 8-. Lines• o•-WonQ And .loM L-rd • P<l\I pr.-OI Wnlffll "·-··'"'" Wonv Memorlel MNI< .. wllf De f'lelcl o l Sllrlne Orfel\l•I Bendt. Horth on Tllur'ldort, Merell IJ, IM •t 11,_., ,Amulc_, ""l•lion Me~-nl Club. •I SI Je~ EPl'KOOel Ch11rcll ti\ • !>4H e>•nldent ot Aero ~· Cl\lb Ne•Porl 8oec11. C. F•mlly '"°"'d "4!rv1u' wlll .,. Thur\d"Y llAM. Oii· prefer contrlllv11on\ De -.111 lo IM O.y Brou.r• (l\apel VIS•l•loon Wed. Fred Wonv Memorlel Fund .. , SI 1 •PM '""' , 9PM Olld•v 8rolller\ J•-· Epo.c-• Cl\urcll , Deaths Elsewlwre KANKAKEE . Ill. <AP> -Len H. Small, 65, of Small Newspapers Inc. and vice chairman of t h e American Newspaper Publishers Assoc1at.Jon. was killed Monday in" two-car at· c1dent. BONG KONG (AP) - Retired Geo. ChaQg Fai- kwei, 84, a friend of the late Nat.Jonalist Chinese President Chiang Kai- c; he k who wa s a uthorized to accept the Japanese surrend6r in southt'm China in 1945. died Monday of a heart attack. NORTH WILKES· SORO. N .C. <AP) -Actress Priscilla Lyon Call, 52. who appeared m several movies with !>UCh stars ac; Clark Gable and Bing <'rosin· and startred in The· Little Rascals" Named to ABC SAGRAMENTO <APJ The appomtmc•nt of LeRoy Chatfield to the s tate Al co hol1c Beverage Control Ar>· peals Board was (jn· nounced by Gov Ed· mund Brown Jr. Chat· field, 45, is a former member or the state Farm Labor Board hl.Tz..mGBOM fUtaALHOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 "BCI llOTHHS UUllOADWAY MOITU41Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 SMrTM a nmt1U MOITUA.IY WHn:lff CHA ... Moftuaty •Cremations WE. 17th St Costa Mesa 646--4888 PBCtmc>nms IMITMS' MOITUAIT 6VMain St. Hunt~llCh ,_,AMLY •CCLOMAL N•AL NOMI 7801 BolM A¥e. WeitmtnfW 893<1625 PACMCYllW t e IC"NAI PAii Cemltll'y MOttuwy 3500~-Dtlw Newpon BelCh ~ movies. died Friday of cancer NEWHALL <AP> Fred ~hroeder, 62, an inventor who des igned a doc u ment-incinerallng file cabinet to protect U.S. embassy secrets. died Feb. 28 -the day the federal government granted him money to do further research and development on his de· signs. POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. <AP> -Emeel s. Betros, 49 . the Republican legislator whose lung canc e r prompted the state As· sembly lD ban all s mok· 1ng in its chambers in 1977, d1ed Monday. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brattl (AP> -Brazilian author Joee Americo de Almeida, 93, who wrote the 1938 novel "A Hagacei r a" <The Castoffs> and was elect· ed to the Brazilia n Academy of Letters in 1966, died Monday. MUNICH, West Germany (AP) -Ac· tress Olga Cltekhova, 83, who appeared in more than 200 fil~ including the movies "Bel Ami" and "Befrelte Haende," died Sunday. MILWAUKEE <AP> -Helen Mahler Bucbman, 83, founder of Henri's salad dress- ings, died Friday of a stroke. LA JOLLA (AP> - Painter-author Fttderic Whitaker, 89, past presi· dent of the American Watercolor Society and former direct.or of lbe N aUonal Academy of DesiiJl, died Sunday. TOKYO (AP> Tada1bl .. T1b•1 Kamaya&R, 68, Japan's pioneer Jazz muaiclan, died of cancer in a Tokyo hospital Monday. bis fam.lly reported. ..IO•a or nsea prtat.a ........ .........,m.-bya putlally 1iabmer19cl tb•ropod (muw.tial di.DodW') that WU k.leklu alolil a mudd1 bottom wlUa lbe tfp1 of ita toea," Coombl Aki 1D tbe report. Coomb1, • biolo1 llt at W•tem New EnJland College ln We're. ·' WHtcllff Plaza 17'al a lrvtne, Newport Beadl HI •It ' your Due to soatjng OPEC oil ~ces, electric rates could go up 50% tills~· Soaring OPEC oil price increases hit us all at more places than th e gasoline pump. They increase your electric bill. too. To meet air quality standards. Edison is required to bum low-sulfur foreign oil. This low-sulfur oil commands a premium price. Edison expects to buy more than 44 million barrels of this oil to keep its generati ng plants running in 1980, at a cost of about Sl.5 billion. 'Back in 1970 oil cost about S2 a barrel and our oil bill was 529 million. Already this year Edison has paid more than S32 a barrel for premium grade. ultra low-sulfur oil. And we're told there will be more increases in the months ahead. When OPEC prices go up. Edison prices go up. Your electric bill could go up 50% by the end of this year. These electric rate increases coming in 1980 will offset higher fuel costs only. They will not increase SCE profit. Help get America out of the barrel. Most of our plants bum oil and natural gas. Last year more than two-thirds of your electricity was generated by oil and natural gas. When we can,t get enough natural gas, we're forced to depend on foreign-controlled high~t oil. We already make some electricity from nuclear. coal and hydroelectric sources. In addition. we're pioneering solar, geothermal and ·Wind power. Our industrial customers are working with us in energy cogeneration. A11d we're actively urging conservation. You can help by conserving, too. Every kilowatt-hour you conserve reduces U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Whal vou can do: join the Consemdml Generadon. It~ going to require sacrifice to hold your electric bills in check. It's going to take a change in hab~ts. Here .. .. (', is how you can help yourself and your country: 1. Limit your use of heating and air conditioning. 2. Tum off second refrigerators and freez.ers if not in use. J. Use less water where possible because it cakes-electricity to pump it. 4. Tum off lights in rooms not in use. And use lower wa ttage bulbs where ~ible. 5. If you have a swimming pool. cut down the time you run its rilter pump. Also do your heavy household chores in the morning. Your vacuuming, clothes washing, dishwashing and oven baking. And give your appliances the afternoon off. That way you'll be easing the load between noon and 6 p.m. when demand is at the peak. Write Edison for commadon help. On request, Edison will provide you with a person- ally tailored. computer-designed. energy conservation program-called S.AY.E.S.-that's e~y to put into action. You can also write for a free booklet that gives you lots of helpful suggestions on use of air conditioning. heating, lighting, water heating, home appliances and solar energy systems. Write today: Southern California F.dison, Conservation. P.O. Box 800, Rosemead. CA 91710. • Theres a big job to be done in the years ahead. If )'Ou take it easy on the electricity you use-while we wort ; S • hard to develop domestic ways to produce it-there are · bright lights at the end of the tunnel. " E J Southern California Edison ,. ,1 ' ' • I '1 J i ; I l • ' j I .. • I I , I 1 I . ' I ! -----.._ -. -. ---·. --- ' STAMn>RD, Cou. (AP) -A aaat.blm~ctan ;;::==-=== ... -=::1:m...-------: wbo la• newcomer to crouwoe'\t pualt &ow"ney1 tilat dlli cJock and 100 WOl'd·wbuda to capture ~ 1n a naUoDal cro11word·aolv1D& ~· Dlalel L. Pratt, a vtttrao ol Sc:rebb.. COO· !rm~~=::.~ ao!s"7r~::~ Jt.yeat-okt l.aUNI, lld., "'1diat came away wt.th a trophy and a St00 cb.ck. FEAR OF R. YING? ~ Take The first Step To Take-Off CALL FOR BROCHURE (114) 546-362C1•t'ltt.4102 4lOO C.t111pu. ~ • $;,llt l4I • Nowport !Ir.tell, CA 9lt60 ..1. TRE TRJ&O ANNU.AL AMBalCAN '<l'OOword Pu.ult Tournament at a Stam.lord hotel attracted ~tranta from 10 atat.el and Canada. many vettram of put touroeya hen and other re· · tlat19 Ua .. ~ .... .,... • • •11tw-•1W1.., -.. .._ • "" o.r t• ._.... w ...... ,, ... y. cent OIMll tn New Jersey and Ohio. Cl=.:!~~i!" et"" ·wi.•1 w...-' "'"-llM "You have to bave a stnteay," expla!Md·~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiifi l>CAR PAT: After I read YOW' Cooaumer Pratt. a Defense Department employee at Fort 1 Cloeeup an.Ide about aavlq eoel'j)' by cooklnc Me-.1-Md "A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO wl&lll amalJ e&ecuic appUMC*. l tiOucbt. Mveral -· · ne• COii. One la. Sunbeam 11.ftuaJ"e electric frylnc Dose .... ,h 'P ' "I at.art with the clues wbich require filling in -.-~ SNSI O'Jle the blanb because they are tbe eUlest. Then 1 FINANCIAL PLANNING" ~·· wttb a l'el!IOV&bl• pot~eey lnffrt di.ab. My rrob· work on words that Cl"065 witb the amwers I get eia .&Mt ._ -~ booi&Nta .,._. too from those... A. ._..._.. s.• .. fltr w-fw w .... cJ•r abOUl· aeveral thhlp. For lnatance'... f?ow Big • B m~ch time ta nqu.lred for cookbu a fl'oaeo. cmn? 1 lR •IS• • 1 Tbe cont.estana in the two.day event vied with Learn about Investment Chofces today, real ro""'d that lt toolt much lOQ1er (it the tryin.1 pan • ~M Z each other and tbe clock· iolvt.na • set o! seven estate. insurance. tax planning, and estate Oum lD the oven. Alao. bow dO you use lhe fry pan puzzles filled with aucb clues .. : plann'-'. Speakers Include women CPAs. for bUiQ1 cakes? APARECIDA DO NORTE. Bruit CAP) -For a .... C 'f d D.R., Newport Beach small fee, visitors to a national religious shrine -WHERE DO HOSPITALS PtJT their VIP pa· wo me n atto rneys and women erti le Smbeam'a beadquarten IA Oak Brook, m .. ls can stop in a nearby photographer's studio and tients? ln the "star wards." Financial Planners seocUac addlUoaal laformatioa aboat this fryln1 have their picture taken with lhe pope. -What's 1ood for memory experts and bad for wt-e.t 4 Eve. Sessions PH &o you. Tbe appUance manafact0ttr's bome The ·•pope" in this case is a lile·sized, oil-on· car owners? Recall, naturally. beg T M 8 economist reports tbat It always takes tonier &o wood painting of John Paul II. Photographer Joao RWU\er-up Mariam Bobroo Raphael. a Port 7_9;~'~ ues.. arch 1 cook prepared froaen dlmten ln an electric frying de Souza thought up the idea and says demand for Chester . N.Y .. teacher, who won fint place here a pan becaD.M of unavoidable heat loss arooad tbe the photo is high due to the pope's scheduled visit in year ago, got a $1SO prize. Third-place ftrusher WHBlE: ·1~F6f2e~naccAe rtR~uo;n8a1~d. cover. Eveo to, It ls still more economical tban a July. Joel Darrow, a money manaaer and a systems lar1e oven. Use whatever temperature ls rttom· The figure is surprisingly life-like. A na-a nalyst for a bank-holding company who lives in Suite 300, Irvine mended on the frozen food package, but expect the lion wide television news broadcaat showed Greenburgh. N.Y .. won$75. (corner Jamboree and MacArth ~n cooking tlme &o be "coaslderably longer." Time Braiilians jumped back ln surprise when they saw Margaret Farrar, a puule pioneer and former HOW: Pre-Register today. Fee $95 reqalred varies with the food being cooked. Be the image. Others tiptoed cautiously up to the puzzle editor for The New York nmes. prese nted Call tor 1nformat1on 714-833·2366 sure &o cook a TV din.ner or frozen prepared food . ,(~ig~u;r~e~, ;as~if~WlB~~ure~i~t~r~ea~l'.::ly~w;as~jus~t ~a~p~ai~n~tin~g~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~t~h~e~p~n~· zes~.~;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~==~;:=============~!!. container OD a rack or place pennies under tbe r packace on each corner. Cake baking is covered In ~oar lmtructJoa manaal, but more recipes and ideas for other cooking uses will be arriving from Saabeam. Fee S~Md•~• Note '""alfd ~rvlceT ..... S4Al1' •I YO\lr O-DEAR PAT: I thought I read in your column 1Ct1•s1or.~ .... 1 v-••u1 that there was no set broker's fee in this state. ton •Mu•&41-1289 IU."""-1et ... Yet, I recently read that now there's a new law re· MIU•()tj Yti.>0495-0401 garding pre-set commissions contained in real t"11C:-'-•"- estate contracts. Can you explain what seems to ~~=='=:·=:·~~~~ me to be a contradiction? In other words. why is another law needed 1f one 1s already on the books? J .J .. Costa Mesa You read in A YS that there is no law t.bat fixes the amoun& of real estate commissions lo California. And until this year, tbere bas been no law preventing brokers from printing a pre. determined rate In their cUent contracts. As of Ju. ly 1, 1980, any real estate agreement for the sale of residential property with four or less units must contain a notice that commissions are not set by law aDii are oegoU.able. Tile measure alio prevetlU brokers' fn>m prtnU.1 sqgested rates la a eoD• tract ud dod DOt alfeet tbe validity of a ~er of tit.le to real property. c-tn-C..,ered I• 1..a•t St••d DEAR PAT: One of my insurance clients was kidding me the other day about how he bet that none of this country's famous battle heroes ever thought ol life insurance. He mentioned George Custer in particular -probably because the lOOth anniversary of Custer's Battle of the Little Big Hom occurred just a few years ago. For the fun of it. I'd like to find out if Custer did have insurance. Can you help me out., R.H .. Huntington Beach Paid Polltlcal Adv . \k>te fcx commoo .ense In your CltyCOunc& ~'°' John Cox Aprill Paid !or b'f TMC.0wlMC-llC-111W R.., KMi, TrN-... I 0 •ll>-0015 1-Oulr0Q9er N.-port IM~ll You should have checked rtut in your own;=======----... professional back yard with the wUtate of Life Give your budget • lift, lasurantt headquarters in New York. Tbe ILi re· sell your slcl equlpnMnt ports tbat General George Custer pardaued a f • st I n the S k 11 n g $5.otO We lmuraace policy in 1874. Some tllDJnc, ctusltled ads of the bah? It was paid olf in 1876, following bJs fatal lut D.ltly Pilot. stand at UUle Big Hom . ... Two of your favorite seafoods in one special meal. 642-5678 SHRI P &FISH SPEGAL s3.29 THAU APRIL 6, 1980 Crispy Fltih, Tasty Shr1mp, Frear. Cote Slaw, • ' Crunchy Huahpupplea. Golden Fryea ... \' • ' Port~~ Grand S e. as Iowas along on Makevourmoneygo with "3.30% diso t available • seat on every When you're taking off for Portland. Air California will take off 30% during our Grand Opening Sale. All you do ls make reservations and purchase tickets at least sev~ days in advance. Our $90 sale fare is good on every scat on every flight. And you'll jet there from convenient Orange County or Ontario airport. Service stam March 24. So tan off on 7:00A 9:45A 5:J5P 8:20P Fttq. Ollily Daily 7:00A 9:SOA f:40P MOP fuq. 0..lly Daily Air California and take advantage of our low Grand Opening Sale fare. Jwt call Air California or your Travel Agent (but remember thac you must make reservations and purchase tickets at leasr seven days in advance). We're doing evcryching we can to help make your money go a long way. We're Air California. And we want everyone to fly. Ponland to Oran&"t County 0... County co Portland Qtpan Anwe fftq. ~pen ArrlYC Freq. 10.JOA l:JOP !Ally 7110A IO:JOA Dally 11 :OOA 115-0P Dally 2.ZOP S:OSP Dally 7: I SP IO:OSP !Ally J:4SP 6:4SP Dally W!WdOteveryoneto fly. '· •U. mGDON, a •=1 211•. ~ tMt. .•hlle tM llCtual ........... 4lmkt ...... It ~-.,.... ··~· bMla •aloe' ..... ...-.,. , ~ raadJ for It. ·: ~ ..Umaa. of ....... we ..... • ': IOUU. ~.UM will 1aba l.l Auembty IUU Md • llllrtlll .. °'l90 ~ wW -...... a tiota1 ol two new IMta. n-8 LlllBLY, Al WBLL. UM area also will 1•in a state Seoate aeat and a ~al seal. That remalna to be vallatel by the comin1 cenawa. tben ltl'Ugled over ln ta.. re-diatrictint de· bate that wW follow. ''Tbla year. 1•. ll Important in tbe wla:mJDa ot exlat.ina Mata, .. Mrs. Bergeson explained. "Votes in Sacramento mean influence in the dlapoaltJoa ol boundary lines." Mn. BergMOO said Republlcam are looklna lo passage of Proposition 6, a measure which would base districting on community identity. They hope it will mean less gerrymandering. MRS. BERGESON SAID existing dialrlct lines show little of the usual pressure from parUsan politics because the 1971 re-districting was finally L~rlncomes Get Energy Aid Low income persons can receive fmaocial help to meet rising energy costs under a new program that will be in effect in Orange County throueh June 30. The Energy Crisis Assistance Program, funded by state and federal sources, provides as· ~iatance lo low-income households and Supplemen· tal Security Income <~I> recipients lo cope with rtaing costs. SPECIAL EMPHASIS is placed oo serving the elderly. Households meeting income guidelines will re-~ei ve assistance up lo a maximum of $400 in the form of direct payments lo utility companies for 'electrical and gas-heating expenses. The head or a household with four family members can quali(y for assistance if the family earns $8,375 or less annually, according lo Lucy Carr-Rollitt, a technician with the program. SINGLE PEB80NS CAN qualify if their in- come is $4,250. The ceiling for two persons in a household is $5,625. Persons facing an energy-related crisis and who are bavinl a problem paying their utility bills can CCJDtad the DlllO Crlsis Aasistanc:e Proeram office Jn Saata Au at IC7-G01. Energy pl'Olnm representatives also may be contacted at the Oat View Center in Huntington Beach al 960·8858; Huntington Beach Senior Center, SJ6.5496; and the Costa Mesa Share Ourselves Center, 642-3451. MOBILE UNITS also are assigned to southern Orange County. Persons who go direc tly lo the offices for as· sistance are asked to bring their utility bills and proof of their income. Edith M. Weir Fund Established Memorial services have been held for Laguna Hills resident Edith M. Weir, former placement ad- m l n is tr a tor for the University of Southern California, who died Feb. 29. Miss Weir, who graduated from the university in 1912, served as director of the USC Teacher Placement Bureau from 1923 lo 1959. Among the 22,000 g rad':'ates she help~d find jobs was Patnc1a BB Woman ls. Navy Ensign Navy Ensign Maureen A. Farren, daughter of John ff. and Muriel D. Farren d 20922 Mission Ryan, now Mrs. Richard Nixon, who graduated from USC in 1937. The Edith M. Weir Scholarship Fund has been established at use. Donations may be sent in her name to Gin Ac- count.ing, USC, Universi· ty Parle, Los Angeles. • ~ane, Huntington l , Beach. was com- Elect Incumbent Donn Hall ; missioned upon gradua-~ tion from UCLA. I The commtaaion wu , • received through the • , school'• Naval Reserve I Officer 'l'rainini Corps <NROTC> program. I e i • Cue Dead • WASHINGTON (AP> ~ Tbe U.S. Supreme Covrt bu refused lo re· vive a lawsuit cbar8ine 11 California law en- fOrHment oftldals with coverlna up alleced police misconduct in the 1973 killlnc of an Emeryville teena1er. DONN HAll fClt COSTA~ CITY COUNIO. v ....... , .. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarana Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. .. taste high tar inalowtar • \Ylltta.1.Slow..-procM:ts to choose fro'n. a.I,,..,, srrde s ho¥e w.ik:I l8d toGolden~ • 7'Sccme from higler' tar ba dsCl"ld ~ often after trying jJSt one pock. . • • . I I j T8S VICTO&Y eatended .................. ltl"eldr to ni'Qe I••~•. 'D 1plte of the abunee ot defeueinen Guy La· Pointe, wbo fa.lied to appear ror pruttce Monday. and Serie Savard, who learned before the same that bia tender ankle ls broten and will sideline him ror the ba.laoce ol ttie seuon. Tbe Canadtena, reduced to lour defensemen because or La· Point.e's absence and injuries to Savard and Larry Robinson, reached bllct for an overpower- ing offemJve assault, highlighted by the two-goal performances of Marlo Tremblay and Pierre • Larouche. THE GOALS boos ted Larouche's season total to 46, one shy or a club reeord for a center set by Jean Beliveau in 19:>6. The output Is also a far cry from the paltry nine goals notched by L a r ou c h e last season. "I definitely think the change in coaches bas helped me," said Larouche or Scotty Bowman's departure for Buffalo last sum- mer and the eventual arrival of Claude Ruel behind the Mon- treal bench. "It's very hard to say whether I "d evesi be playing If Scotty was still coaching 'het>e," Larouche said. "Pla>ifts every day, has helped my aWtude and con· fiden-ce, but Scotty never gave ~~~l'he Franchise' Is Area's Best · . Carlander Heads All-Coast Area Basketall Team ~ . i • By &OGER CARLSON Of .. Delly l'ti.t ..... Wayne Carlander, the 6·7"'.i junior "'Ith "The Franchise" label In his Ocean View Hi1h warmup jacket, pro· ved bis tag correct every time out and Is the Orange Coast Area's Player of the Year for basketball. Carlander earned the Daily Pilot's honor on a squad which leatures a first unit that ~uld pop lo 104 points a game based on each individual's scoring average. CAIUANDER, the Player of the Year in the Empire League with first team all-league credentials as a sophomore apd a starter at El Toro as a fr01bman, dominated the opposition with a con· sbtency seldom seen. - lie set his school's .scorint record with a 42-point effort. and also scored 41, 35, 35, 33 and 32 during a season ln wblch many times his coach, Jim Harris, was obliged to pull him out with the Seabawka on the rampage. Ocean View set an Orange County scoring rttord with a ~1 rout of Kennedy. in addition to going over the century mark on two other occasions. As a shooter. Carlander bu a soft touch with 18-foot range. yet wards orr inside defenders while hardly blinking an ey~ on power plays . OTHERS DISTINGUISHED WITH first team recognition from an area which produced ball of Orange County 's Top 10 teams in the fmal rankings and the No. l team <Ocean. View), are Estanc1a's Steve Van Horn, ltlater Del's David Cook. Corona del Mar's Rieb Klndorf and Ocean Vlew'sJeff Andrade. Coach of the Year honors to go Mat.er S .. INN C:--•1,,..r , f Del's Jerry Tardie, who was chosen as Orange County Coach of the Year earlier. ALL OF 'nlE FIRST team selectJons were Involved in champion.ship seasons with Carlander and Andrade pacing the Seahawks to the Empire League cham· plonstup and a berth in the CIF 4·A semifinals. Van Hom and Kindorf led their respective teams to a share of the Sea View League title, but each found the road to the CIF 3·A crown blocked by La Quinta, which eliminated Estancia in the second round and Corona del Mar an the finals Tard1e's Monarchs swept to their second stnught Angelus League cham- p1ons h1p and el1m1nated favored Compton and Palos Verdes from the 4·A WAU•• II * 11& .._.. playoffs before running int.o Oc .. n View. Corona del Mar was lhe only school to pick up three spoL-; on the 15-man roster • as 1un1ors Mark Spinn and Steve Moore were selected on the second and third units. Moore, who did not make AU-Sea Vi ew League, was good enough lo the playoffs to earn recognition on the CIF Tournament team. OTHERS WITH TWO players on the squad are Newport Harbor, Marina and Estancia. Bruce Caldwell (second> and Bryan Lmsky CUurd> Jed Newport Harbor to the Sunset League championship, while Marina's one-two backcourt punch of Keith Dawson and Sam Aiello, despite failure t.o make the playofCs, have been lStt ALL-COAST, Pa1e 82) I ' (Seel<INGS,P•1•BZ> Carner's Dri"1~ t~· the 'Top: It's Easy • ' ' •• 1 , . • • .... Snake-eye~ ... -': 40-year-old Golf Pro to Defend Women's Kemper Open Crown By HOWARD L. RANDY Of -o.lty """"" ..... A note to male golfers: If il's an ego trip you're seek· in&. don't try to outdrive JM.nne Carner. Take the easy route home and beat her lo a close-to. the·pln competition. Carner, off to' her best start ever in her 11th year On the Ladles Professional Golf As· sociatipn tour with three vie· tortes in the five event.5 she has played, was in Costa Meu Mon· day for a promotional event for the upcoming Women's Kemper Open at Mesa Verde -Country Club. CARNER 18 THE defending champion or the Kemper tourna· ment and with the start she has made th.is season, could be in the wianer's circle again when the tournament is ataged March 27·30 at Meta.Verde CC. Carner was on b~d to hit closest to the pin and to 9utdrive amateur ;olfers wbo paid a dollar to compete against her • an4 whr trokets" to the Kemper Open. She could come only 23 feet, 11 inches from the pin that was set ISO yards from the elevated tee and as a result, 13 ot the 20 competitors beat her best.elfort of three shots. Her third driNe was 2Z5 yards from the tee and only four male entrants were able to beat her with Robert Harper of Laguna Beath kiting one 247 yards for the best of the g11oup. Eight women and nine men failed t.o beat her drive . For Carner the current season ls one of enjoyment. "TIUS IS THE BEST start I have had," she says. "I won three tournaments last year, in· eluding the Ke mper here, but this year ls fantastic." Carner dJdn't start her pro- fessional career until she was almost 30. She woo the U.S. amateur national title five times, then decided to turn pro after winning the Burdine lo· vllational as an amateur. She'll be 41 on April 4, proving that life does. indeed, belin at 40. "Carol Mann stayed at my home one time when we were both amateurs and we were good Ctieods," Carner recalls. "But during the Burdine. she avoided me and I kept going around t.o talk to her and shake hands. It was really funny, and she says she doesn't remember it now." Carner recalls las t year's Kemper at Mesa Verde. "I LOOKED at the leader board on the 16th bole and there were so many of us tied for serond and third that I felt a bogey would put me in 12th place. 1 really wasn't t.binkinll 'f'•No, tllt 1-t nor authlal ~tt woa't be for .ale at tbe &oat lbow,0 aald a.JDGldi. ·~• JUlt want people to lmo1' wbatm..,.edbydtol1alla..._ .. At a .... otfact, ~ ur.. an .uke ••..:float, HY• a11nold1 . " .... thne toDa -'°" ..... 1w iJOil Rolla R.o1c• or A1lilon ................ ualimlttdlft.-. IJ abtlarM dDriDI a race -.._ bl .......... -wttb ~IJ ...... 1qaare lniellll ot tbe boat la Wii.,..... IAJOMU. .. ••AJllD 'IWSS& g NO triia " lal4 .. ,..... ·--~-iiiliil­rlven ad ..tuari• e.._,. ~1. 10 a driver coWd be traveliq at abou\ 115 , . t, about 1riDning at that time. l JUSt wanted to stay in there '"Then Nancy <Lopez-Melton> fell apart and I was able t.o WUl the playoff. It was probably the craziest win I ever had." She picked up the name, 'Big Mama' in 1976 and it has stuck a lthough her hus band Don cringes when he ~ars her called by the nickname. "Sandra Post started It when she was in the press room wail· ing for a playoff. When she was about t.o go out, she said, 'I have to go out and take on Big Mama.' "THE TOUR CADDIES kept the name alive because they kept on calling me Big Mama. Then it started again at the Colgate last year "It doesn't bother me but Don doesn't like it but .1 think be might be getting used t.o It by now. But it isn't his favorite name for me." "I doo't particularly like it." Don said u he watched Mon· day'scompetilloo." JoAnne was injured on a motorcycle last year after her victory at Mesa Verde and missed m06t or the tour alter May. She doesn't feel the effects of the accident and la trying to shed the extra pounds she put on. She baa taken off 16~ and says she wants to shed another 30 pounds. She put the extra weight on when she wu re-cuperating from the injuries and couldn'lplay 1olf. But weipt or no weiabt. the rest ol the playen on the 1,PGA tour are allo bavinl a wetabt problem only the.Ir's ls apelled W AtT. Walt until Carner (al.ten for them to wtn. For 49ers ~= At Vegas LAS VEGAS CAP> -The young Rebels showed their elders from Long Beach a thing or two, and made a happy man out of Jerry Tarkanian in the process. Nevada-Las Vegas, a team dom mated by underclassmen. rolled into the third round of lbe ?llatiooaJ Invitation Tournament Monday night with a 90·81 vie· tory over Long Beacb State. The Rebels, 22· 7, will entertain St. Peter 's, 22-8, in a third-round game Thursday night. Tbe Peacocks. who lead the coun(ry an defense. showed why with a 34·33 victory over Duquesne Monday night-. The St. Peters·UNLV winaer earns a berth in Monday ~·s · semifloals ol the nation's oldest post-season basketball t.our'Da' ment at Madison Square Garden. •'TBA,..S ONE t sure dictn;t want to lose," said Tarkaniad, who coached at Long Beach St.lite for five yean before eot'll· Ing to Las Vegu in 1973. ''This. wu a real big one for me. •'The key ID the second ball was our reboundina. Lona Beacll had been ataytnc in \be aame ta the fint half with their offensive boards. I thoqbt our kida at· ' tacked their zone extremely well in the aecocict ball, thouab. ~ we took to the defensive ~ w.hen we bad lo." ;,: Freshman Sidney Green ~­the Rebell with 23 points and~ rebounds. He made 10 ol bis If' field aoat attempts to lad tM <See..._ ..... ) ..... ,..,~···· • NftVOax -o......... ..... .... u. ~~ .. a row. la N..a-.a ,_..... LMpl ••• .------· 4-f ~•I •lw Do11 -------. Dickie Moore, former forward of the Montreal CanadJens : "The worst thlng that can happen lo a hockey player ts that he starts to think. A hockey player is not smart enough to think." PMUln •efclttg to Trade Maddez The Philadelphla Phillies placed Gany Mad· • doz on the trading block Monday, refu.sing to meet the demands of one of baseball's best de· fenslve center fielders for a reported five-year, $5 .million contract ... The Cincinnati Reds have reportedly .already contacted the Phillies about a possible trade (or Mad· clox ... A mtld heart attack Is expected lo keep Milwaukee Manager George Bamber1er out of action for about two • months, and Interim manage r Bob Rodeen, former Angel catcher. says be haa mixed feelings about taking the helm. "We would all like to see George sitting behind that desk calling the shots." Rodgers says . . . Oakland wtll start either Corona del Mar product Matt Keough or southpaw Bick Langford In its openln' spring training game Thursday. . ·. . according to Manager 8Wy Martin ... .' · · ( , Bill llobluon tries hard not to say It out· • ·: ' · 1 • , right, but the hard-hitting outfielder does MAOOO• . not expect to play for Pittsburgh this season. Robinson, 36, says he seriously doubts the Pirates want hlm anymore. He hu already vetoed one trade to lfouston ... The San Francisco Giants have switched from bright orange to black as the color for their road jerseys at the suggestion of Willie McCovey. ''When yoa think of Giants you think of big, mean 1uys," said McCovey. who bu ~ -called "pussycat" during road trtpc ... Tbe oraap never d1d do much for me." · · 11tree Big-JO Tea•• W'I• I• N IT The Blg·lO coolliluted lo dominate the National m Invitation Tournament Monday night as Michigan, {lllnols and Minnesota marched into the .,uarterfinals. Mike McGee led Michigan's 74·65 tlctory over Texas with a 25-poiot performan~ . . . Illinois itopped Illinois Slate, 75-65, behind F.dcl)e JohDMD'• 25 points lnd Minnesota turned back stubborn MlssiHippi, 58-56, •s levln Mcffale and Darryl Mlkbell each scored 15 points . . . Virgin.la eliminated Boston College, 57-SS, as Lee Buer rut five free throws an the last 27 seconds ... Kevl.ll Rosen tank a Ue·breaklng fr.ee throw with 19 seconds left and St. feter's used its paralyzing defense to defeat Duquesne '4·33 ... Carl Jordan hit a jump sbot from the free throw line under tight pressure with four seconds remaining to pro- vide Southw~lem Louisiana with a 77-76 margin over Tex- as . . . Moat Sleets hit 11 fr~ throws, seven in the final ~Mod. and scored 25 points lo lead Murray State to a 70-62 victory over Alabama . . . In the NAlA tourney in Kansas City. Jeff Tock.Ht scored 18 point& and Gre& Berthmd 16 aa ~Iola of La Mirada halted Franklin Pierce's 25-game wtnnlng ttreak, ~ ... The U.S. Naval Academy announced that l>asketball coach Bob Hamlhoa will not be back next year. No teason wu given for the dismissal . . . Nolu RJettardllOD, whole Western Texas Junior College team will be plaY1n1 ln the national tournament next week, waa n&Jned buketball rcoach at the University of Tulsa. K..,,_ Trade lor t'et Deleta•eaa•• The Los Angeles Kings acquired veteran de· Ill fenseman Jeny Korab from lbe Buffalo Sabres Monday In exchange ror a fint·round ch9lce In the 1982 entry draft . . . Brat A1Moe set up four Vancouver goals, two by ~nter Gary L..,.i, as the Canucks I broke a four-game Atlanta winning streak with a 5-2 National 1 Hockey League victory Monday ni&ht . . . A group of 4;\ualralia's leading athletes came out against their 1overn- • • f ment's proposed boycott of the MOflcow · Olympic Games. The athletes, who also refuee to participate ln any alternative games, are threatentng to 1ue the Au.ttralian government for financial and emotlonal loaa due to Intensive train· lAI . • • The 1borougbbred Board o( the Maryland Racing Commission baa delayed Implementation of • rule that would tou&bea ~ti cy on medication . . . · Dtvlaioa cbampioG 8Wn Zap) of New Yon Kai RaaUM of Houaton · •cw.a were unanl.lbc>Ua eboltet to the All·MaJor ~llQUVI Soccer Leape t.Hm, Mlected by coaches ••• Major bailees in the orsamuuc.al •t.nle'twe ol the Denver NUf• IN app&rW\Uy WOG't affect Carl ldiieeT• the NBA team 1 pruld.at and IMMral ....,.,., or bead Coaeb o.me Wallll ••• Latnwee ...... baa al..,..S a HeODd 1Ma1 coo·· tne\ wtth UM .,......,._ 8ullN. • • 'l'JISANO .... &lloMRa .. 111 the blflnlflllwmerc.kqoCUbs .. .,..,.. lhrmaa f'rua u a lfff•l1 ...i,nmeat.t scout. Bx· eeuUv• Vice Pretldent Bunte Bavul l&ld Fr&DU would wort the c...-ln Arbon• thu 1prtna, "•Ad be avaUallle 11 we need bU:n for Htl11\JDent1 durlQt • tbe sealOft." The club also renewed the*· tracts of lhird baseman Camey Lansford. pitchers Chris Knapp and Mark Clear, and Infielder Todd Cruz. FROST AGREED to terms following a momlng meeUn1 wtth his agent, Dave Sloane, Bavui and Angel Director of Pl~er Penonnel Mike Port. "We were asking too much money and t.be team's offer waa a bit less than it should have been," said Frost, who was 16-10 wtlh a 3 57 earned run average last s~ason. His 1919 salary was $35,000. and Frost originally was seekin& $125.000 a year with S2S,OOO in ln- cen ti ve bonuses. The Angels' final offer before Monday was for $75,000. "WE ARE PA YING Dave Frost forwhathed1d last year.not because he walked out," said Port "Things were resolved In a com prorruse fashion." Sloane said that while the walkout did not affect the monetary status of the negot.la. t1ons. it did help frost come to lerms ··A lot of thinking. discussion a nd evaluation was done by Dave." said Sloane. "The ability to do that at home. and to do that in camp Is very different. It's tough to deal w1th those situations when you'rebwlyworklngincamp." As (or Frost's fine. Sloane sa..id. "He might take that out of my commission for not getttne this thin&,gtledonUme." ,. ..... r-.•i 49ERS ••• way as UNLV connecl.ed oa 59.7 percent of Its floor shots. Sophomore Richard Box con- tributed 22 points and seven re· bounds for tbe Rebels. Also making major contributions for Las Veras were sophomore Mlchae Burns (16 points>: freshman Larry Anderson Cl2 points) and sophomore Michael Johnson <nine points and 11 re- bounds). LONG BEACH STATE riniahed the sea.son with a 22-12 record. The lost marked the end of the college road (or standout senior forwards Michael Wlley and Francols Wise. Wiley had 28 points and six rebounds while Wlae was held to 11 points and seven rebound.a. The game was close throu&bout the fint ball with UNLV leavtna the floor wtth a sllm 46-43 lead at tbe ln- terml.ulon. But the Rebela •low· ly J.ulled away ln the second ha , lead:ine by u many u 14 point.a before the 49en cloaed the 1ap 1Ughtly. Lone Beach State Coach Tex Winter pointed to the lack of pro. ductlv1ty from bla team'• at· tack. The 49en bit 40 percent ot their field goal attempts on the nigbt and were outrebounded 43·39. .. , EXPECl'ED ua to 1et burl on the boards," said Winter. "But I dJdn't think we would have aucb bad shooUn1 to 10 a)on1 with It. We bad to have good •bootloa from our suardl and we didn't. Tbey're aood abooten, but they didn't elem· onatrete it ton.labt." KINGS ••• • in BJROWAaD L.~ ." ' Of .. .,..., .......... ~ -I ' ~·~ ud a two and a one and a two .;t11 rtq CMil • Ulit .... Verde Countfy Cl~b aolf course, W•4rtetday, llarch 21 when Lawrence Welk partldpateia Sn UM flnt P~•IJ' tournament at tttie . ~~of the LPOA event bere. Met' tut year's pro-am was rained out and nbHqumt1y canceled, fana were 4en.&ed an op- part.uDlt1 to ••tch their favortt• eotertaloer and tbe women's ,olfen play. Tbil year, tbe rainf q1ay be cban,in,. Moe- da1'1 lDIUaJ event. the loAnne Carner ChalJeaC•, wu completed in a lilht drlaz.le. The ~am date came durtDC a be•vY dowapour. Tbe pro.am eveat la determined by a bUad draw for plaJina partners mcludini Carner. Nan· t:'I Lopez·Meltoll and others foe the better ball ftvet<>me competition. ,. For thole watchin1 1uch thinp, the oaJy cl· -.... ··~·--· ftcl1I entrant from o.t .. ,. ... M.rt ...... among the five who tied for flnt last year is Donna Capofti Young. "I won't decide lf l will play ln the Ke mper until the Wffk of lhe LPOA oat.tonal pro-am 1n Las Vegas," said Lopez-Melton. .. I plan on playing all five events out here and that Includes the Kemper." defending champion Carner said Monday. 8\Jt 11he isn't omcaally In until s he slgna the LPGA book Jan S tephenson 'NEU< took la.at w~k: otr after winning the Sun City Cla11ic and bun'l committed yet while Chaim Hl1ucbi of Japan backed away from her commit· ment after her doctors asked her not to travel thl4 year wh.iJe she is preenant. Tournament lJme ls drawtne near and most of tbe other players on the tour are slened or bave GOLF made no romm1l"lent al this date. Only two. in· cludi._ Higuchi. have said they would not play In to.ta Meu. CARNER COLO -JoAMe Carner smiles as s he watches an amateur try to beat her chip shot in the Carner Challenge Monda~ on a cold 6ay at Mesa Verde Country Club. • • • ONB OF THF. MOST t.'NlQUE tournaments to ~e alaQe In awhile Is the first Orance County ~n Heart 0f)('n to be played at Mesa Verde Country Club May 12 Dave Cooper Is spearbead- ang the event that has a number or club members who have uodergonl' open heart surgery as com· m1tteemen. f'ro• Pagr Bl ALL-COAST AREA .. "Proceed.J will be used for the low interest 1-ducabonal rund for children need..lng direction or fo r those with p11rents With such problems ," says Cooper. singled out for their Individual ab1lJty . High h.and1cap ~ntranu will use the yellow lees and the compet1llon Is open to both men and women for a Sl.50 entry ree. for further informa- bon, ooatact Cooper at S.0-9122 or write to him at 1.525 Mesa Vetde Dnvc Eut ln eo.t. Meu. 921626. Estancla's Tim Krohnfeldt earned a spot on the second team, while a second team berth goes lo Fountain Valley'• Jeff ctu11t.ensen. Third team spot.a were also garnered bl Edbon's RJcha.rd Chang and Huntingtoo Beach 1 Jason Walker. • •• lThlEll EVENT8 ON 'l1IE DOCllET include AU-Ona1e Ceaat Area First Team one invohtng the Loa Angeles Rams for the South Coaat Juruor A.ll·Amertcan Football League. It will bt> heki at San Clt>mE'nte Mwl.lc1pal Course Sunday. May 4 with Ram players. coaches and manage· ment penonnel t'XP<"<'lt'd to partJclpate. For more mformat.Jon. cootact tbt> tournament or leacue of. fices al 532-<4050 or 661-0758 To writt> for informa- l.Jon. add.reu Rams-South Coast Open, P .o. Box 2063. Caplltrano Beach. 92634. Player, Scboot Wayne Carlander. Ocean View Steve Van Hom. Estancia Rich Kindorf, Corona del Mar Jerr Andradt', Ocean View Da'fld Cook. Maler Dea Seeoad Team Bruce Caldwell. Newport Harbor Jeff Christensen. Fountain Valley Mark SpiM, Corona del Mar Keith Dawaon. Marina Tim Krobnfeldl. Estancia TbJrd Team Jason Walker, Huntington Beach Bryan Uuky, Newport Harbor Steve Moore. Corooa del Mar Sam Aiello. Marina Richard Chang. Edison Ht. Ct. Avg. 6-7VJ Jr. 26.0 6·5 Sr. 22 5 6-5 Sr . 18.7 fi·I Sr. 23 l fi.O Sr. 14. 7 6·5 Sr . ig,9 6·3 Jr. 19.5 6-6 Jr. 11.6 6·5 Sr . 17.8 5·11 Sr. 11.1 6-3 Sr. 11.t 6-1 Sr, U.t 6-3 Jr. 10.J 6·2 Sr. 18.l 6-4 So. 10.8 The secood a nnual Pat Haden celebrity tournament wiU be held at Irvine Coast CC, Mon- day. Apnl 21. Beneficiary of the competition will be the John Tuey Cllnlc on ~half of deaf children in Oraap County For further tnfonnaUon on this one. call 826· 1246 or write to Sl.89 Saratoia Ave .• CypNN. 80630. Tbe dlJrd Benihana of Newport Beach charity iD•iC.atJ.anal wUI be held at Aha Vbta CC tn P.laceatia Monday. The O,_,ge Comity CllJldl'en's Ha.pttal will benefit front tae pf'OC'Cl8da . Sprinter's Marks Hold Up LOS ANGELES <AP> - U nlveralty of Southern California sprinter B~ulliDs, who received creditl rom four community colleaes nc one semester lo 1971, bad bla audemic reconb authenticated before be WU en.rolled at USC, acbool otnclala NY. Dr. John E. Larten, USC faculty athletic representative. said In a prepared 1utement Monday that he had received autbenUcatJon or Mullin•' rec· orda from each community col· le,e. 'It ls important to note that the courses Mullins took ROBERTC. KAZ EA ATTORNIY AT LAW ____ ....._ ., ....... 401 CMc c.nter Dr. w .. , ...... , .... Aft. T .. : ... at Speclallzln; In criminal law, drunk drtvlng ~ pef'IONI lnlury. Free cansula· tlon. aati1a.d the reqaJremeota for the A.A. ~fii~· wbicb wu re-qulred f« bWl1 at use un· der the requlremeatl of tbe NCAA and Pac-10 Coofereoce.'' Lanen stated. Tbe Los Anplea Times report. ed ln Monday's edlUont that M ull\01 received tbe credit.a from Pasadena, Rio Hondo. Weal Lot An1elea and Loa Aneeles COIDIDUllitY colletes -spread ~ tal Aqeles County -lb ~.(all of 1171. The 23-~}(llUlliral. In hls tlnal year of euanmuy at Southern c.J: a ....... bl the Trojan .fDO.m tum that set an NCAA nlC!Of'd Wt mont.b. Dr. Jay Berpr, Soutbem Cal dJrec1or ol edmu.1om. aaJd ID a prepared statement he was con- cerned that Mullina' academlc records were obtained bJ re- porters without bll permiuloo. "wblcb la contrary to federal privacy laws. . " Beraer said that he could say. "With Mullinl' permlaslon" that or the a llUts Mulllna completed In the fall ol um. only 14 were accept«t by use . Only course wort that "roughly parallels the types of academic courses tau.cht at USC" ii accepted for tramfer. WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY • ' . . ~· . • ' .· ... ...,. ........ ...... ..:a:.·--............ ~"--. ............... Vertl .... ......., .. ~ ............ ......................... tC tl\Mll CltY el 0llu9o o.. .... sui. .. OMvw MALNdera ~-... G ,G " "' A .. Gef'Vlft. s.. .._.. .. '11 .. 2'Jll9 » s ,,.._ $Afl °"9o ., .,.. Ul lfH JO• OeMl•T. Vt• .1 1U 4Jt Im a 1 ~rvl.._ PM " 7M J11 llf7 »• MeleM,~°" 11 -SU I"° »• ... , ... LA 11 m JJI llOS H • IU•l,0.-11 43' 01 1101 UO 8 11"d-.KC n ... Jtt 16J7 n I H•TH. W•>h M ~ 1/0 UJI JU Crtr91't ....... Yon " Sl7 •II ISIS n] .......... 0 Oft o.t Tel A .. Me'-. Hou\IOfl 11 Sil ~l IOS. I• 9 H•ltr, SM Ol9go 1l JOt 10 1°'1 u I UMeld. W"""'ngtOfl •• 1M UI 'OS IJ I C.J ..... ,. PIWI. ., I.. U • 111 I? I Sil,.,.., Se.tllle 11 llS •1' 104 11 1 .... .,. 0 .... A .. .Jtlc..-...,. -York " Ar'Cl>bld, Bolton •• Luc..,, Golcl9fl Sf ate 11 "1-.Les ....... " W•ll1er, Cl•"'ll-.. COLLEGE NIT Tournament SECOHO •OUHO Mlclt!Olf\ 1•. THu El PIAo 6S Vtrtlni• SI, ~ton Coll999 SS St Peter·, 34. ~" Murr.,, SCJlte IO. Al.0.m• 61 llllno1> 7S. 1111no1, St••• •S SW LOU4w..-. 17. Teau lo Mln.._\OI. ~. MIUl\\tPOt S6 ... s.. n• SS6 )IJ Hitv ·U\ V-'°· ~ llM<I\ St•t• 11 THl•D llOUNO .,....,....., M tcl\•9"" 111111 •I Vlr9ln•• !11·101 •• ,, ,. 78 11 St Pf!ler'\ (17 •• •I Nev I.A• VetH 122 I) Murr•, Sl•ll' f1J.11 at l•llnol\1~111 SW LOUl\I.,,• 111-11 at Mln<>e\01• (19 101 ttAIA Tournament "llST llOUHD Soulll C•rolln•·Al1te11 14, H•mpto11 111\tllule 7J Ce11tr .. Atti-'7. A~rg, MoM •1 Altll-Cllrl .. 1., IS, llllftOI• W.IMJ•fl SS Blole, c.tlt. 7 .. Fr-1111 Pierce, H H ... Centr•I W•~l"9f0fl "· ,_._,,.. St • Minn n At~St. IO), Oowilne, N Y J7 ltO<llltllnt, MD 71, Oell<tnee, Olllo" C•"'-<on, Oki• n So191n<1w Valin. Moc.It .. .women'• Top 20 '·()id °°"'-'"' 2 ,.,.~- ) SI""*' F Au\hll • LOU•M-TKltfll s TH•\ 6 South Ce<oll,.. 1 l0"98e«h'>I 1. Rutver• 9 Marvl- 10 N C.rol1na SI 41 Clll'YMV SI 11 l(•llW'> o Ke111uclrv 14 IC •nw\ Stal• IS S... Fr...c1w:o 16 North-•I..,.,. 11. Soulftenl C..I 11. Cenl Ml_,,, " ()elrot1 20 u,., Oreoon M/irc~r ·~ . ' "" " E.ahlbhton BaMball Alon-d8, ,, •. Ce111.FI• VIII•. 000 010 ~ 7 t MlMHOt• 000 IOO 122-S 6 I SJV•rMlll. sue C.l -J .......... H•wkl<IS C71. Serum. "'-1\0ft (0 , ~n 171 -l.~.w -~.L -S.xe.Hll -MI,,. Mto .. ,Morel~ Atl.Ml..._.,,,,a. 1ta11wsC11V tlO 010 Jll>-10 16 3 Detroit 100 020 01 1-S IO 2 Cllemllen-. P•llln 141, OWlstl..,Mlft m. 5•-(ti -Quir1' (61 , FldryCh. Aoit<N r21. Holl'<•>. a.illtT 111-Wocllemuu. w- O..mMrlllil\ L -FtM-,cl\. HA -Oetron. Kemp. At ,,.,~i. Tuu 001 M 000-S u I H-Y-IAI 000 041 lOlr-4 11 I J.,,klnt, P9rrv U). Lyle 161, ~ (II -~ ~-· "'. JoM, #o<Gltt· fi94111141, Kut (71...., C.•Ofte. Gulden 161. W -I<••• l Lyle. HA -.... Yorll, SoOert>olm. C-ldl:IMl,K1"99a k-.IW,..,.... LOlAfltlelel 1 I 2-J to\elltr-J I 24 ,.,.,....,.... I tMftt=... s::'' a (~'ri· Lal._), 1 ... t. , T~.,..., 1 IH ...... LIN'!Mnl, MO. l. .....,..,_, ltl..,.,..... I IL• ..... •V, tMKquel, 1) 40. 4. LftA .... 01oM1t .. ,Jeft_. 0or1n11. 11·u . ~ -S.1-. LA. IO J1. SI-., LA. t.,», a..rt•••· MINI. ,.:47; st,,.....,-, LA, ,,,.tor, 11 ». L........,, ~ mejw, 11.U; Clt41T, LA. m l-·,..•)ef, 1'·0t. LuPlen, Mon, mlnor . .,..j«, t•:"; Los A,...lff llltllCll, -vffbJWI'-. 1•.11' SK.-. ...... S MontrMI, T_.,.,.,.., IJ IE~. Lam- berti. 16 09 • UK Aft91PIH. HOWM J !St L•u•e111I. II S6-P911altlH -Cl>anr.-., -· 1 SS. MMt«v. LA. • S4, Moftdou, Mon, I 24. TillN~ 7 lot Angeln, SI L.wreftt " (HOwM, P•lm.,I, 1 07 I. Mom• .... l arc>u<M o , S 10 '· Meftt•••I. l•roucl\t ••. S JI Pen•ltles-$1. Laurenl. L.A. S· 10, LO\ 4n9elft lllfKI\. ~ t>y W•IM>ft, •IS. SI l •ure111, LA. ""Uonducl •• IS. -.. .... oeftCI\. ~rited bV --.. 11 >S :.-• Oft goe1 -LO\ Aft91tl .. llHJ.11·>4. Monlrtal 12•9 ll·l1 GCNll .. -LO\ A"'°ltt. LHYrd, MOii lrul. L•roc-. A IT - ABN World Toumement ( ............... ~. Pint._.._.. Jofla11 ICriltlt dlt4. Tim Gulllk....,, .... ._. Ille HAllHe def. 8111 S<a1tlon. 7-6, 4-1. GeorOH Go¥ltft dltl Peul v ... Min, I s. l·S Coll11 DIDlltT dltl. T~ Roe-rt, ..... •1 rel .. Chtls o.t_,. dltl. MMlt AIOotrl. ..... • •. 7· S; Louk Sa11dert d•I. C•••o• l(lrm•.,.•. 1·S, l ·S: 8-r Mclttr..,, def. Olrll Wlllloru.~.M.. • Women'• Touma1Mnt ......... , ....... ............ w,,.. ,,_*'·or.. S-1.. .. ,. .. 1: .._ R-+I Wf, .. lfl Hort-. .. 1. 21 ..... .,,.,...... •uzt<• dltl c.ro1i... $4oll. M , .. J. ~ ColllM dltl. DI-. MorrlMn • ~ , ... M; ~Mee.I--. ..._... JOfdef', M , ""''; Yv-Ver ... aatl -PltM!\11 ............ , ... ,; M¥Y Loll,., ..... def. AnM Smllt\. M , .. J; ..,_.~def AndrH ~. ~ 6·1, K•l'.ftT JcH'deft def, AMKl,,__a, .. S,M "'"*·--~ Stolt-IC Im $11ftds dlt4. Ru1ld·SNrrv .A<lttt. ....... ,, ... . German Open C.t ._ ... ,,... .. ,West ~l ,..... • .-si...... Wojtett Fl-dltl. Hertm.11 IClrc-. l>-4, •·•. Mn -II def Tony Gr-. l·•. 1.s ... l . Kim W•rwlo ~ Ro"""' Sieren. f>.l, 71, Tom .. Smid def, JH " Jeulltlrt, ....... :s. StiJ Condition• wntM-M 0 UN TA IN HIC:lN -J·S lft<l>e' Mw c u\lom "'°"' on a 1111se J1 i11<Ms e>«load powder • .tll llfts-•Mlnl HOLIDAY HILL -Ban 30 ... lft(llit\ 'lol>t'l"Q lllOW,ellllfls-r•lfto. .. ~ ..... MT. t.AU>Y -~ ,._ ln<llit• !\Md ...... •11 lllts-••"'9 IC llATICA •IDOIE -CloMd Clue to •lldlt on Af19ele1 Cre't HIQl>w•Y MT. WATIEltMAN -8-..... I~\ P«lled POl'ld9•. •II lllts _, .. W., •""'11e ...,, tell "'9 1111en '""" •ltdlt .,.. on Aftetlltl Cresl Hl9flw•Y to lltl .,.. •• ..~ ........ SNOW SUMMIT -9-24-60 lftcl\ltl .... d P«k ....... " .,,. ••• SNOW YAL.LIEY -ea.. n l11<111t• herd j>klt, efl llftl ..-.. .,,.. ~DMINS -8-IMO IMlllt' l>MO P.Ck, two lllbOC)M'•llnQ Misc. Monday'• Tranucttona usa•TMU. ............ ,,._let*! WASHlltOTON BUt.t.•fS -SIOft•d LA•rltf>U lloltoft. l«wd, to • 104.ly COi\· Ir.ct. • AP---- "MYPATHER W"8a registrt\· Uon chairman for greater Sea~1 so I used to always get passes t.o the pits. Even as a yt>ungater t was a g~at admirer of' 'Bill Muncey. who lived only a few ble><:ksfrom us. "So you can Imagine what ' thrill it was when I beat BID ln ~ Mission Bly Regatta. In th~ year 's campaign circuit I flnishect second berund Bill with only 2.2.00 less points. Despite his interest in fast boats. Reynolds may have wound up as a professional basebaU player had It not been for his m1litaryca~r The name of the game is basketball and three Nebraska supporters of a girls high school team really got their minds mto the action as they urge their team on to a vie · tory during the state playoffs in Lincoln "When I was 171 was scouted by the Mets and the Dodgers as a catcher . When I turned 18 I wa~ racing the draft. so I enhsted in the Marine Corps. I played soml' baseball while r wa~ 10 th(' Corps" Raiders Dealt Setback AT AGE 73, Reynolds' father Tage 1s an enthw.1ast1c member of the Circus Circus crew Others or the crew are Dave Knowlan. a former aerodynamic eogtneer at Boeing Aircraft. who designed M 1 s~ Circus Circus. and Jim Harvey. 34. crew chief. who is i.n charge of keepmg the big power plants rwuting Ou:ners Vote 22-0 Against Move to LA RANCHO MIRAGE CAP > - Managing gener al partner Al Davis of the Raider s finds himself in an almost untenable position today because he wants to move to Los Angeles and the National Football League de· mands he stay in Oakland. NFL Com missioner Pete Rozelle said 22 of lhe league members voted against perllUt· tine Davi.a to move his team into the vacant Loa Angele• Colileum with five abetenUons and Oakland not votin1 . IWzelle said the "moralll)' of hop..scolchln1 franchises" was one of the main factors lo Moo· day's vote. D,\ VIS 8A1D KB still plans to play in Los Angeles but Rozelle retorted. "The Oakland Raiders will play their games in lhe Oakland Coliseum in 1980." The Commissioner sald. "We will schedule lhem in Oakland." but be admitted that the issue still must be settled in the courts. No fewer than six court actions currently are pending on the matter. Davis said he was allowed 1n the meeting for only about JO minutes. He said that he did not want anarchy in the NFL but simply wanted the same rights granted to Carroll Rosenbloom. who arranged for the move oC the Los Angeles Rams from the Coliseum to nearby Anaheim prior to his death last spring. Davis also pointed out other franchise moves which had bttn made . "TIUS MEETING, t\S Ft\R as I'm concerned, was a dominated m eeting," he said. "I'm not al- lowe d In when the attorneys don't want me in and they take a vote when the attorneys want one. "I firmly believe I'm right. We're going to continue in Los Angeles doing what we have been doing.·· Jim Hardy, general manager of the Los Angeles Coliseum. said, "We have a seven-year contract with the Raide rs and a commitment for $17 million in improvements. There would be Goring Traded To Islanders UNIONDALE, N.Y. <AP> - The New York Islanders traded lonstlme players Biily Hanis and Dave Lewis to the Los Anseles KinCI for cent.er Bukb Gort.Di ln a NaUonal Hockey I Leaiue trade today' Rania. 28, the Islanders' ftnt- ever draft plck in. 1972, II prtnz clpalb' a rilbt wiDf wbo bu played ln every OM of tbe ex· "an110b club'• 1amet, ucept OM dda MMOD When be l'U benched. 11ata MUOD, bll ei,rtth, ti. baa l5.,. ... 11 •11ta. Lewta. le, a defellMIDIJl, WU the lllandin' ..eo.ld Cli'aftt plct tn 1m. Th1I ........ be baa • total ol It ~ on ft1H .,... an~ 1' ua&tt. TIM »,J9ar:o&d Oori81 la lD bit Wb ~ Wttb LOI ~·' In lt7't·1' til WOii dMt lea1111'1 t••r B1n1 TrottiJ for 1portam~ combhle41 ~ ·-pa.,:ftfa ....... --• to.all Ind ...... ,.... Poia'I, a course or action in the courts against any who would seek to negate that contract " John Mecom of the New Orleans Saints. Still. Hardy admitted. "It does look pretty bleak for the Raiders coming here this year." THE RAMS' MOVE from the Coliseum to Anaheim Stadiutr1 la scheduled to start with the 1980 season. The move caught Davis by surprise since he had not expect· ed it so soon. The abstentions cam e from Philadelphia. Cincin· nati, Miami. San Francisco and Los Angeles but not a single Cranchiae supported Davis. But at race time. Reynolds is all alone in the cockpit of the big thunder-boat. The NFL appeared to be mak- ing a power play acainst Davis when Charles Sulllvan of the New Encland Patriots moved ror a vote on the question of the Raiders' move Crom Oakland to Loi Angelee. The motion was seconded by ''THE PREV t\ILING H'Dti- ment wa:a for our con.tltudan and bylaws.'' aa.id Roaelle, who also poinred out that one ol &he court suit.a had the NFL ao&nl aaain.st the Raiders, t.be first Ume iD bill rec:ollffUon sueb • action had been ta.ken. "It la then you bave to bave full coocentntlon, usu.red that your crew baa made tbe boat fut and ... _.. Wllat mu.. an wallm•'*9 drivesriskbisllfeatsucbapeecW "My ~•\at thrill la doing lt and winntq," aays ReyooldJ; "With otben l pesa at is tbe fe,r of .._ lfa.ybe It'• a UW.1f both... Q Brande to Take Hawaii Position Charlie Brande. one of the most successful high school volleyball coaches in the Orange Coun· tv area. wUI take a job as assistant women's coach at the University of Hawaii IO the fall and will take four girls from the area with him to play for the Rainbows. .. I will be an assistant to Dave ShoJi in the women's program and Kori and Kns Pulaski along with Kari Rush will be going there with me Marcie Wurts of Corona del Mar will also attend Ha wali on a track scho larship and play volleyball." said Brande. Brande has been girls coach at Newport Har bor High for the past two years. taking the team to a championship this school year and a third·place fi nish in his first campaign His boys' teams at Newport have reached the quarterfinals of the CIF playoffs each of the last two years and most of the team returns this season. lie has coached the boys for the past four years Yelich Selected Sea View MVP Costa Mesa High's Karen Yelich was picked as the most valuable player and champion Estan- cla 's Cara Francy and KrisUn Frant.sen were named to the All·Sea View League girls basketball first team. Yellch, a 6-1 senior. averaged 21.2 points a game durtna the past seaaon. Francy. a 5·9 sen ior . averaged 11 .2 and Frant.sen, a 5-10 senior. averaged 16.2 per Ult. Completing the first team were Cindy Stoughton of Corona del Mar (5-5 junior with an 18.0 point average> and Robin Holmes (5·9 sophomore with a 22.0 average> from El Toro. Second team honors went to Uu McNamee of Estancia. Carol Krikorian of Colta Mesa. Brana Walder and Elaren Jone11 of University and Terri Young of El Toro. Youns la a JWllor, the rest are seniors. Joe Wolf of Estancia was named coach of the year. Race Crew Under FBI Probe ROCKINGHAM . N.C CAP> -The FBI said Monday that members or racing dri ve r Joe Millikan's field crew are involved m an 10vest1ga t1on of interstate transportation or stolen vehicles FBI Agent Howard C. Burgin declined to iden- tify the team members 0 ••fer WIDE AREA COVERAGE ORANGE CO.-L.A. •17.75 ••••th ·involved or to elaborate on the investigation. which became public S und ay a ft er an a non ymous telephone ;;=.;;:::;;:::;;:::=======~ call was received al the press box dunng the run· ni ng of the Carolina 500 stock car race. "We've got an in · vesligatlon going lnvolv· ing interstate transporta· t ion of stolen motor vehicles. The investiga· Uon involves some of the crew." said Burgin. who said he was referring to Mllllkan'screw. ·'That ·a about all l can tell you. We haven't gone to a grand Jury." Burgln sald. The anonymous caller, a woman. told Charlotte Observer sport.I wrtter Tom Hiutns that the FBI was ln•eall1atln1 Millikan's team, wblcb la employed by L .G . DeWitt. president of North Carolina Motor Speed•ay. DeWitt declined to d.la· CUii tbelnnatiJlatioo. "I'm boktlni off unW cbartes an made. Tbe FBI baa'*" up rroot and told me IOIDe ol our team memben wen belna m.. ve1ti1ated . . . When chars• _are ftled, u..n I'll cMdde net to d0~1; DeWltt..WSunda.Y. Elect Incumbent Donn Hall DONN HALL FOR COSTA MESA CITYOOUNIQ V•APl'Ll• l'l1d •• = ....... ',._J_ c.-... Olly.~ llOO~ -..CA • I • . • • .. • . .. .. i ' f ~~l~t .Dffalwre Oil, h• DAILY PILOT ,J ·.~============~~~~~~~~~~ ,_._ m ~·----------------------------------------- (I, $50.000 to $500.000 g~ INCOME PROP£RTYSEOONDS • ·--· ...,, .. ymsM ··-•C•-ndd ............. • Weekly co 'I• •NGMWv ........ • ••-ta..co3~ -~c.tif-W. \1•011t\t ftiUt •-• ieC--tk»tt -tee I •r vour liOdflC'•n'J n.-.'(f, (714) 759-1515 AMl'llllCAM HOME YORTOAOe :?JO Ne"'po<'l Center 01'Ne OestQn Plue N_PO,, 8eacll. C.1lornoa 9:?660 Wu Rlenliful? WAIHIHOTOJf <AP> -TM federal pnrn· meat ~ _. ......,attaa data ladicat.11 UMN la more rNdlly ·~Mrdle °'1 and utW'al tu oU U.S. 11m9e'tllaaearU.r belieW4. A ~ NPOrt luued lut week by the U.S. Oeolaclcal 8urvey IAY9 that tbere la a 95 per· cent cbaaee tMt at least U .5 blllian btrrela Of on la ytt to be dlaclovered ottlbon, up from eaUmatea ol 10 bilUoo barrell ln 1175. AND n SAID there ls an equally &oocl cbance that st.5 trillloa cublc feet of natural au will be found, up from tbe 0 tr1lUon cubic feet cited lD tbe 1'75 estimate. · However, other fil'IN9 lD the report lndJcate the overall amount of offshore oil and gaa la 20 per· cent less than previously projected. The new survey f11ures put the maximum amount of undllcovered oil at 38 billion N'"T'ela, down from d billion barrels i.o 19'15, the Jut time the agency made an estimate. THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT of natural gas is placed at 139 trillion cubic feet. a decreue from 181 lrllllon cubic feet ta ms. Government 1eolo,Uta say there la only a 5 percent chance the amounts contained in the "maximum" eatlmat.ea actually wlll be found. OM!' 11'1 ............. Oeo\' ..-.... Safet9 Afoot Floor mats with a safety slogan were among the exhibits at the recent Engineer· ing and Plant Operations Show in Costa Mesa. The mats, manufactured by the Dust Control Division of Prudential Overall Sup- ply. Cerritos, are multicolored and accord· in& to the manufacturer , available on a rental basis . Honors Slated Tom Uegler. credited with supenriainl the final. st.aces of conatructaon of Anaheim Stadium ad bulJdial of t.he Anaheim CoovenUon Caller will be honored t.oolghl aa "lllO Manager of the Year" by the Society for the Advancement of Mu.,:ement, Orange Coast Chapter. The ceremony ts scheduled to be1in at 7:30 at the Jolly Roger Restaurant, MOW. Ka~Ua Ave .• Allabeim Over The Count~r tWOUlliMJs • I • ·-.-·-·...._-... .,...,-----........ ..! .... -~ I • ., JOllN QJMQfl NEW YORK <AP> -u '°" •infrr ...... comet from you mlpt rel• co a ltllCly ol ltft 1realioul activity by an authoritative p&ael ol tbe Na· Uonal AuodaUoD 0( JkallMN l'..eoaomlltl. ll IOCUMI OD one of tbe poteadal eowen. Aft.er revMwtna tbe 387 noD·a=Uona bllla puled ln the NCODd aasion of U.. 9l5th • the econom1lb found 140 were moderately or alplftcaotl.J lntlaUcmary and cab' a deflaUooary. T'be only blll NtJl u ''alp.lftcantly dtf'laUonary .. was lhe AirtlDe DerelUlaUoo Act. wbieh beau tbe pbueout of federal cent.rob in that IDdUltry ower a NVeO-year perlod. Twenty·dlne a=aUoal bHb alao we.re evaluated. Twenty-two were uqed mtJ.t.lonary, the looe ~ beln& the rescluioo ol $463 million approprfat.ed in um to build two B·l bombers. ··Most of the bllls were not by themselves very si1nlllcant." said George McKinney, panel chairman. "But taken together. their impact will be fell in the pocketbook of every American con.sumer." Md[.NNEY'S WARNING may cu••"" have been borne out, since iollaUoa in recent weeks bas accelerated to an annual rate ol more than 11 percent. Pocketfb>ks are lighter and tempers hotter. But Ul spite o( ~ ill effects. a queatlon remai&: Did lhe people really get from Congress what they want· e<f~ Everything costs. but was the price -in terms of in· flalion -too great a price? You judge. These att the eight bills considered to be slgn1ficantJy inOauonary · -~ Emergency farm Bill, PL95-279. which ral&ed permiaible t..arget prica pald farmers for divertlna land from production. -PUS.334, WH1CR EXPANDED federal credit al> sistance to rarmers and other rural residents. -PL&S-~. a $4 billion military ronatrucUon bill -Pl..95-483. which sharply Um.Ued competition from vessels owned or controlled by the Soviet government in shipping between the US and other nations -Pl..95-523. the lfumphrey-Ha-.kms Full EmplO) mcnt Act. ~tuch set a national goal 0( 4 percent unemplo.> mcnt b\ 1983 -PLfS..588, "'HICH INCREASED veterans' pensions -Pl..95-$99. which authort1ed $54 billion 1n federal aid for highways and mass trans it during the next four years -PL9S-OOO, the tax reduct•on ball that lowered taxes last year by Sl9 billion ReV1eWJng the list, many Amencans are likely to be tom between what they see as worthwhile goals and the high price of those goala. Some wtll rind themselves al •ar ~·Ith them.selves. To spend or DOt to spend? Technical Forces Aid Market to End Skid NEW YORK <AP> -The itock mart&et ~versed a sharp four·sessloo decline with a t.edmical rally today. , 1be Dow Jones avera,ee ol 30 bad..utals. olf :n.$t point.a ln four tndiq d~. rebounded toclay 1.51 potnb to 826.45. OaiMrs outnumbered IOMrs by mON Ulan a 2·1 margin •moo.a New York Stadt ~change-lbted Issues. SlfH-lu I• Tlw Spo1l19ll1 P•eel••H•s,t rrraps 'fEW 'l'C)4tlC IAPIJ-,.,.. 0ow _.. -.... 1.....,.., -,, IT'OCJU JD..,., °II;'.,, :r,, ,\'fr. ~:: . ?i1 JD'"' m " 11s •• , .. • • 111 n. o 10 I\~ '81.1' !OS It ICl1 ..i lo-Sf• 0 .. tilSl!l M.Jlt .. 00 ~7 .. lOI lo• I /') ,....... • '°" .&OD ,,., IJO .00 U11'1 \ '• 100 16~ ) )1)'00 NEW YORIC IAP) M.tt 11 -.o~•"<..S DH••"""G v::.~t:e. ... ~. t\'Of't'\ .... \OW\ N EW YOltK CllPJ ~··-IC( .. ,...,,.,.,.., 0..,. WH'tl--h-v,.,.., . T.., ~-'-JM\ 1 to~' "" lo <Sat• •t1tto.s.tt Toes.tr .... •'I \lt '"'°' ) '•) _,.,AM«• 0•0 -.ew YOil!K ... ,. I -II ,., .... o~~ ,,,.. la) ,.,. ' 11« .. " I told you Ot101. I told YoU I thoullnd tin.: no'-" no rtde. .. and bonel don't oounU" MOON MULLINS . ~---·;ANt:> BUJI: SOCl<'S ~MY Bfi!OWN SU IT . . MISS PEACH . ~' ~' ~'°""'·' MLA5~11.1, ~CAN'T VOU Ile.AD I l 1 () i90tAT POl.ITl'6 ~A CMAN6& ?? THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane . . • • • . • "This one's mine. It grew faster 'cause I tol to it a lot." DENNIS THE MENACE by f'trd & Tom Johnson GORDO JUDGE PARKER J'Vt: NEVER j~IED 10 by ~I uurius ................ J·ll FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE DR . SMOCK NO-r N\OCH. ~ KeeP MY eees 1N c~eoARc::> e>oX6S! by Gus ArrioU ~KNEW EXACfLY Wt-\AT WE WERE PL.ANNIN(; NO, OfAR··· rrs TOO COLD··· IT1S FRE!ZING OUT IT'S NOT Rl6'4T TO COOP M! UP LIKE THIS • r c•-,_..-... by L Yftft JohMtln Ttt:8 ~ f'ReYQ> ~OOT1Je~ ijol) Wt$t ~ ...,,..,.. ~. ·----~ by George Lemont A PRACT"ICE:: GOIN' RIGH"T" DOWN 1"HE:: -ruees AN ' HE::'S L,..ALJGH IN'.' 1004Y'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE I 50 09wrlgod- dlla t fltyltlm st F1.r IOUrCI S l.ou. S3 .,._,.,NIM tO Kind °' •. llft 56 Hndu tJtle 14~ sea- 158lldlmore 61 ~ pt IUbj. 18 Miia -12 8ellWI ONI 17 Rulnor M c.-.noriy .... 15M.-on 19 8lr9"Q ¥oiDI • SWllow 20 Celm 67 Ex10l1ed 21~ 68P ..... 1g. 1111.orm lie K• 22Rumpe 23 Summit . DOWN 25~god 21 8'>1r1i1t1 1 Mlnhn • 0 •• •tll • • I t •• 0 ' I • • I -·"' IL I I • a •It I & I l 1 lole D t I It f I u ' II 8 f I l -IO D • • I • I I . ' .. ' I 1 -1 ' . 11 •--· .. ' ·-· I •1&11111 ..... ,. ' JI l I C I I •l•IOl•I IP IAtl-II. I t -•••IOI , .. '0111 I I • I •I •••tit 1•111•10 ". T • oo--· IM I JI • I ' •• c •• l"l'l"I' a I' •0 •• . , AC I ········ ' . , •• I f I a I I' I' 1111 •I l I •• I • I D 1•111•1• a I I D •• •• I 0 I --2 lrl&lnd 11 Let1er •bbf. • 1 Ctty on the 30 Pllc:ie 3 Wlnglille 24 Number 3, &NI cafe 4 IOnd 2S Spree 34 Mike llelll S SclMcfl l*1 21 Trence 38 flrt 2 words 6 Lulu trMt 27 A Ford 38 Knodt 1 Some VOCWIQ 28 Reform 39 Our tongue. 4Mlnls 29 Far: Prell~ 2 wordl 2 words 3 t -ton 42 Mlltnrttl 8 lnlcllw 32 F renzlel 43 Slllpeler 9 Mr Amu 3a Toeca, 1 g. 44 Senlot 10 lJI( riYer 35 Biii cllbl 45 Mongegee 11 P..,.i 37For1un1111- 47 Reh 12 llberlt -Inv~ 49 Bulte 13 Rl¥8rl: $(>. 40 Kntgtlt Dlnubl 46 Kind of line 48 leaw S I lnstrumenl S2 ()pefate S3 Alrowtleed S4 Indigo pi.tit SS Hiii: Prefix S7 Outfits sa Kith's eon S9 USC's rtvaf 60See 63 A Stooge .. Jeremy Brett and Joanna David aw in four-part presentation of Daphne du Maurier'a "Rebecca," airing on Ch. 50 at 8 tooif ht and each Tuesday through Aprl l, and on Ch.~ at 9:40. It's the third feature in the new "Mystery!" aeries or tbrUlen. N!PORT ()) JOQR'I M..O ltl r.mw~ Gwien: AM1er1 S1a<161. 8'tltt-~ Strong, Si.wet.~. 1:JO. '9A 9AIQTUL1. I.A» Mgele9 UllWa Yt. SanOlego~ 1".80. I OM 1'MI 10WM Stew end Connie tt1M1 Oft nlQflt petrol wfttl IWWftber'I °' me PaMden9 Polee o.p.nrnent; an lnMMlw wlltl JoMptl W111nb9ugh: • ....... wtth • l..oe Mgelel couple lllflO pnctioe ..,.. Qlllody °' "*" cHdl'en. 8 IHANANA au.I: J.y Johnlon. I ,N:Je THa ...-0 1100JIOO ~THAT TUNE • AU. .. TNl,NAV Mike'• ti.-friand. • highly ,~_, abetr.ct 9rtlet ljACJ9llZl!f11 In ""°" ... Olofi9 to poee tor Nn\. • MAae./ LBiMR NPOftT P.M.~ I ..wlCHl!JCI( 7:11 "-B>CMIMN< Aeouletly ICMdU'9d ~ Oa1111n ~,., ,,.,,. I KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles KN8C (NBC) Los Angeles I l<Tl.A (Ind ) Los Angeles KASC-TV (ABC) Loa Angeles ()) l<FMS (CBS) San Di.go • KHJ-TV (Ind.) Loa .\no••es a l<CST (ABC) &.,, Diego I KTIV(lnd.) Los Ange+ea KCOP-TV (Ind.) Los Angeles KCET·TV (P8S) Loa~ KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntlntten Beaen 'United States' Wins Language Liberawd on New TV Series BJ PETER J. BOYE& LOS ANGELES <AP> -Something lovely and strange comes to television tonight, a series that simply demands a separate ledger for lta reckon· ing. It ta called .. United Stales" -the allusive tiUe referring to the various stat.es of connubial union probed by this serlo-comlc lMovaUon: and It ls the product of a virtual free hand given to creator Larry Gelbart (who brought "MASH" to TV) by NBC President Fred Silverman. (Channel 4, 10:30 p.m .) THE FD.8T THING YOU NOTICE about "United States" ls that it comes wi;;nooe of the standard 1l1npost1 of ordinary lme Ume televtaion that direct us to tbe "righ mood. No bouoey theme aong, no audience reaction, no laugh track. Once iD.llde "United States,.. yau'll notice noae ot tbe ltaDdard elements of ordiDary TV com- edy. No bam·n.sted dilemmas, no easy aolutlon.s, no clwmtly laid comic setups. Instead, you'll see ( J two manied people talk· TV REVIEW lna. Talking in tbel_r bathroom, talking ln -------.J their bedroom, talklnf in tbe kitchen. Talk ng about death and money and about the fact that they talk ao much. It hu been suggested that sucb ls the true stuff ol marria1e. that "United State&" ls a UD· ivenal definition of marriage. It la not that, any more tbao It.a intelleca.ual cousin, "MASH," la a true deftnltion of war. •u.a. • PftMIERU 10NIOffT Beau ....... '80ft' ~Ham• --.. -· ...._,,_ XHJ e T:do -An tnwmew with 0 Tbe C'Maen'' precedes the buketball 1am• bltwMn Uae San Dteao Clippers ind U. IM ~elea Lakera. . NBC • 1:00-Marie O.mond and Oavtn McLeod bolt "Tbe Bll Show" wttb ~ John Byner. Mel nuta, Bert Pal'P and Pink Lady. • • • u :30 -Beaulta of the Alabimi, PlOrida and Georlla preslden·· ttal primaries are ualyzed. : ..... __.,_.....,.... •'&::.· ...... ..... eo...,. -·IOMllf ,... ......... .-.:::11111 .. .... ..... Clft .. ...................... d ......... ou ... dl:u ..... .,,.. .. llgrllty. , ... ""' Md .,.., ..... , ~-----...... ..... °' ......... mo-. Ind OClfM*tt• ll'OM,..,.... 1'*'11.!~.::' Dil'W A&.UN AT LAMIE 0... .. .,. ..,,.. Mr. Hyde In .... Md. pn.t. I AU. .. THI 'Mll.V ......,QAU.lln' "Ul~'I c.tdl" A ,.,., .... "' io\19 ....,. • "*""91d. Md .... 10 k.-plw~ • nte VO'f NJll."' CHAM.a CWMIN o.wtn ~ pub'- .... .... ..,,.,. Origin QI ~., ....... OfNet- Yrlll ~··Oft~ bett4, 1161 .... '-1"11 1'1111 Mred ~ Wlleoe -~tO~·--­.., ~ ("-11Ol1) ,~. ()) NIW9....::W. AelYt• Of tM floride pri- ,.,..,., -pr-.-d .... INCIA&. Aeeul\I Oii IM ~ Flonde Md Giorgia pri- ,,..... _pi _11ed. I MTINOOAMI 9 NNaaNCIAI. ~ of me Aon4e rri- INrY Md a look • The .... -~-.... -.......... . ..,. ..... '1(1C.1Qj ........... ~ (tt1f} ~ .... o.td Yee•-.. TM~ "*'°·~...., ... lftOftd ........... ...,,.... 1n.,...~--- 11et .... Md~ ...... Qin.I ......... H09M befuddlel tfle o-e.po • .. ~ "".,_.IO..,_.,. MIN...,._ (Pen a') -~1-AelPI\ ...,,. .,,. polttca ,... ............ io.. Md ""'""" '°' oflloe llell 111 upe Md dCMN. tt:IOe ~MC ... U:OO. ()) MlllMM't' '°'8 The .,......., o# 911 •· motleter tiwned .tlUrtlot .._..,.,.,,.to ioc.te '- mlaltMO ,..,_. (R) 8 THI .-r °" C""** o...aa· ~ a.-.- '°"· a.. **"' Allll'y Or UlndOr\ Stllltt>. .. ~(R) I MAG .. LAUQH 0 • OM: ~ The IMF to-. IN~ of • Oii~ CO"- munilt 10~~ ., KINQ()f l(INllNOTON I 12: 1a e a Aec MOllW • e 'h "81•cll M••llet I 8etly'' I 1I71) Undl Purl. JOHN DARLING Disputed TVFiJm Gets Boot OKLAHOMA CITY <AP> -An Oklahoma Clty televlalon station will not show a mm that prompted a $2.4 million libel suit med by the parents of deceased . nuclear plant worker 1 Karen SUkwood. The movie. entltled ' • IV -"The Plutonium Incl· ' : .... ' · dent." was based on a ' ' ,. book by 'Thomas B. Al· l · ' · " len called ··A Sborl · • • ,r "' Life." It a1n t.onlgbt at 9 Ste,..'• Cfti f~ oo CBS, Channel 2. "We elected not to P o w e r s B o o t h show the movie 'Tbe Port r a Y s safety Plutonium locldent' on eneineer in con- advlce of our at· troversial film. "The torneya." said Jack Plutonium Incident." Sallaaka. KWTC pro· atrin~at 9 tonight on IJ'&m manager. CBS Qb. 2. "'Coal Miner's Daught.er' is an achievement in American cinema.'' -....,,... ('...,.,, C I!:"*.,.__ :=,=·~1•• AP!J\ a L :::£~ -ii.r-= •• ,. .,..., ,,. °'1lf" Utlt) ~ c.M, ,.,..,, ..... ,. ......... ...._., ,.....,, -..... ........... ... .., ........... .... ._,,,.,,. .... , ... MOWll ••• .. "'R..,MNafi_MI..., .. ON1) T~ ,...,, .Utlft .......... Paur ....- ...,. ........ W1¥9!.eion .......,, .... .......,.._.. oeat1Uft1I P .. 1-~f ~ (1 "'··" "*'·' • LftMIG~O- ... ME !18 ................... .... '*-'-belwwlor: ~ ... --llbout her '* ....... Pl•~· ..., em, --S-.ICflfl'a trw.......,. t:11 • ()) C:. LATI MCMI • .............. ,,.7 .. ) M•rt11t 811Mlt, Sluy Speoalr. A ~ 1111 n ..,,.... Mt .. ...-.. gw1tttend. In "'* qi.-tor ~. go °" • ""'° _...,,.."'I t:IO. TOWO¥OW au..: MlltWyn Funt. tor. ,.,., ... Of ll'I0"9 9"ld N ~NUity Allen FuM; Mrs. Howllrd COM1 • MOVm .............. ............. ., -1'!:!"'·'"-•••M . .,..,. ,....,.. WllltTo,._"(tNa .......... ~ Qll ., .... °"""' .... w.. .............. .. ....... .. , ....... . ... ............ .... .. r='*...., •• ''TM Ccliwl90tlol• .. • tt7t) ONrtll Dllmllll. """"' Co;c. Alt ........ ~,......., ..... ~"'·--belwlM ..... -~ ,.... ............ ,1 lw.) ... wcwm • • "'T1'e n:.a--I 1..., Vln~t Prlee, Judith ~Nt9'111oroela~ ... .,. tN dMltt of • ... ,,_,.., but " -- Md la io.t. ( t lw., 46 "*'·' UllNIW9 ._ MCMI • y, ''t..WMt OO¥!lf Ooatcw" (tt39) J Cen'OI ...... L.Joyd~.A~ ~·-..... ~ -to • O"OUP o# UI-~ ~.I' llr • tO Mft.I lt'ftf~•••'• Dayti•• ltloeW. *** "A Y81111 in r ... RAF" (11411 Ty1on1 ,.,_. 8et'Y 0....... An RAF Iller•~ ell• ~Af'TEM«>ON­~ ""~ 10 be ,_ en otd '*""· (2 hn I • MOYll • • • Ml.olle '" n.. AIW· -"(1967)09lyCcJoc)er, AuOl-./ ~. "' Oetec- 11"9'• _.,.., ~ ·---In • tled'9IOf "°"" '-...... I .. -.... °"' lo Wttgue """ (2 1n_30,...1 2GD. wc:NW ... ''Hdd ThM ~ I 1~ 90wwv Boyt.. Leo Gorwy n. ~ .., ... IO~ .......... l"9y tound ~*3 "' • ..._,,., 11 "' I ~-1 .... t:a NeWS ~ NfW8 • MOVIE * ..... "A U0n la in T"°I 6'"9h" fl~) J-c...,,. a.-. ~ ,.. ~-· '-"' 1.t.GO G • • ·~ "8e1Te Sterr" 119411 0-Tllmey. Rer1- dOlpn lcott. A dlrl"O "'°"*' ..._ rw llome to b«:olM .. ....,., Oii '" out .. bend Ill ,,,. c6oae o# u.e CMI W•. 11 11r., ~ .... I •••• ••a.t.nOf&oy. Town" PM 0 8per'°9r T t ecy, Midi_,, Rooneoy f .... ~ •trugglea IO comCl9I fll'4'*9 delln- ~ by~en ~ murdeter ( l "' . l>O""" I a::ao• ••• ''The~ Arlt ~" 1117~1 Ed ~ Leonerd Nimoy A bOV ~IW'O '°' • ~ . ...... •Ill ,,.,,.,, • leb. ........ "'8111 .. oor>1 ...... --• , .... <leedly o.-11rw.30men1 by AnMtrono • Batluk Hope in 'Starmaker' HOLLYWOOD <API -Bob Hope will star it "The Sta.rmakers." • "book &how" about a talent bunt to discover tomorrow's bluest star. The special, which airs on NBC on Monday, March 17. stars Robert Urich, Robert Guillaume. Lmda Gray and Mane 05mond. Sam the chimp from "BJ and the Bear" will also appear. ( 6 4 2 • 4 3 21 J Dtrect or collect, to aubacrlbe to YOUR hometown paper, th• DAILY PILOT rsoimrcir.Tr-1 I ACTORS STUDIO I P•ld lta member a I S53.on.se 1n 1e79. for I Co mmerclal1/Movl ea, I Voice O.enl/Modellng, I~-----_......,_, Theatrelend 8xtTH. We I n••d n•w fee••· All I --CHAPTB 1::-,... I TWo· 8 ., .. * .... 17141 fl7.f211 I "]ca::: .. =E::l:::R::o::::TR:c> ::Zl~:::ii-e;z:::aw .. ______ ., HORSEMANN . HalBL lOl-•cm•"• Orange U4-39H UAcamllll Westmtnstar 893-0!>4& EDWAMSI' a.llA CDTll COIU Mtu 97t-41 .. 1 llWAW'ta•aaca El Toro 511·SllO L.:oel..,._. :;J94I° l.'6RACKHOLr INI I '~AaTUI(• IG! 't a Buw Patt 527-2223 ; •PAllQWI& l .. NI.Pl I -======::.. 21..iJ!!Pii=!f&.1~ : I Kano Dotrtce. Wt. u lbe appeared in the role ol Jane 8llDb LD tbe movie ... Mary Poppins .. tn ua. Sbe la shown at rtaht pJaytn1 tbe f4tmale lead. Alexaodra MacKemie, in the movte ... The Tbirty·nine Steps .. --. ..-........ I-CAN eeeoLOtlQ ................. ... .,. ......... tm10 IT UIOltNI tMt .............. ... MMmCAM•.._ ...... CUST AC'9lll MOM9Mnoee awrnt TWO"' ................. , ....... , "LE CAO! AUX fOlLIES" WIC OAY .. 7 116 -IU111M-1-.-... , .... diW&I ____ ,..._ CMINAnNDMWllllCNI l\W AND Mna fOI Allllll ..... .,.,. tmoATU.CNt "--........... 'ftlDa 11. IN J'ACT Uttle tne. ol "olcl·t'11e mualcal .. UUdw la .. nae .. , ... , Priaee ..... " for ltl ~o fta1r la mom r 1&1 of ,. .. uo crl1l1. Yet .... t.bH• nevtr ~· overl1 "lCMJt tww tlMt Umt ud pkioe ot U. MDrJ <a m)'Woll vanaa c:ountry ID &.be l.lml). ,,_ 11ary ot a oro~ prteee..,... &o beeome a .. ,..,.. N'' fw an alJ.too-bl'W Um• durtq b1a atudJ• a Heldelbtrs Uo.lveni- ty 11 rarely 1ta1•d today, poHiblY btcauae of lta heavy vocal demuda. Tbe prlnff. for ln1tance, i1 played by an actor aeemin1ly pbyalcally inap- propriate for the role but t.be ma1nJlicent v°'ce of James L. Cutlip soon ovenhadowa any reaervaUoa.s. Cutlip brtn11 the proper e11n.t~ low-key aJ.ncerity to tbe part of lhe future monarch torn between attain ol state and attain ot tbe heart. And Dana Meryl as the young tavern waitreas who captivates him gives a fine, sena1Uve performance while mat.china him in vocal effectiveness. THE OBLIGATORY COMEDY lead -in this case a bumbllnl buffoon who envtalons himseU a 19th century CIA oper41Uve -la in extraordinary han«h at Sebut.ian's, with Jeffrey Wlnoer virtual- ly walking away with the ooo-mualcal sequences. He is aptly complimented ~f Unda Wolfe as a sprightly barmaid who literally sees through him. and their third act duet is a gem. Jack Rluchel ls strong _ and sensitive as CuUip'a avuncular tutor. a highly sympathetic role well interpreted. Janene Lovullo's princess, betrothed to the prince by state tradition, is given Ir.., ..... et 1ubtJety, _... BObert JCIMI - la tot Amin Bryam • .._...., ol tbe IW· deat cbonil for oee nlpt ~ -fuetloa1 ••OGWr wtt111 Utt.le notlceablit abemce ol,.... tWan. ==.,..:r ID ededh9 petfc;nnmeee .,.. ~ ..... ~·c..aa..r:.~~~ mirer. 0"'1 er..aa and IM9 811'man .. lqlt. "'*..,.....,..._.... ,, ......................... a.-.~ ...... ..~ ........ ~ ......... ___ ., ~ttt• . -.kal ...... u.-. 0..... _... r:::.:. -..o~:. .... .,,...,..,.._ .... .., •• .... >....... ~ ........... l'tc4,S..O.-.. T'MaCASY l'rtM• 1tert ,,.._ ........... ~ ..................... ~ 1... c:111111• • ,.~:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:_:.:.:.:.:.:.".:.:.:.·:.:.:.:.:.·:.:::.:.:.:.:.:_::.:.:.:s __ ..,...,........ • ..................... ~ Ltwwto ......... __ ........................................ c.n..-.. ""._ ¥111 llMtti ................... ..._ .......... c..i-5~~~~~·::~:·;~·;·;;:,::.~·;·~~:·::~:::":·:~~:.;:.~;~: ~ $E C.•T""'11......... ....... .. . ......... ....._.~ oi.c ..... ~ ............................... ,~ TCllW............... ..... ... . ... .. ... o-.r--., spirited COlieiiana, Danny Michaela in a sensitive cameo u a waiter who earu the kfni's favor and John Man.ball Culver as t.be by-the-book prime minister. MtJSICAU Y, THE POWE& generated by such choral numbers as "To the Inn We're Marching," "Come Boys," "Student Lire," "Serenade" and particularly t.be rouainc drinking song is a wellaprlne of •ust.a1n1nc interest. Wayne Madison's lmaelnatlve settings and Michael Dearbaugb's fine llghUne effect.a allo are en-cbancfnl. ·'The Student Prince'' seldom aurfaces in local theaters <this production ls the first in at least is years ~a.Uy), and musical theater afirianado$ are adviaecf not to Jet the Sebutian's version pus w:uattended. It continues throu&h April at the dinner playhous e . 140 Avenlda Pico. San Clemente . Now Johnny's C.ashing In NASHVILLE. Tenn. <AP> - The man at lhe party, scotch and water in band. tugged at the black shirt sleeve of Johnny Cash. "You don't know me,'' the man in the three.piece blue suit told the ruggedly handsome 6- foot-2, 200-pound country music superstar. "But many years aao. I carried your bags at the airport. And I want &o thank you for the $10 you 1ave me; $10 wmt. -•&:Jin tboM dQa. .• um t11ie *10. CUil bu _. a long way himself. Thirteen years ago he overcame pill ad· diction and an interlinked prob· lem with alcohol to become lhe top star in country muaic. Now, he's celebrating bis 25th year as an entertainer. It's the silver an- niversary year for "the man in black." Cash. 48, bas sold more than 50 million records, written more than 1,000 soogs and received tbree platinum and 10 gold albuma ill t.be United ~tea -..... Be 1Maa woo m Grammr awards and six Country Music Association awards, including the prestigious entertainer of the year accolade in 1969. And Ul80 may be a year of milestone~ for him. Besides celebrating bis 25th year in show business. be IDJlY be inducted in- to the Country Music Hall of Fame. He's been nomiaated for the sbrtne in the past three years. to see veterans Merle Ktleore. Grandpa Jones and Hu1' Sbow inducted abeed oC ... School Bans 'Cuckoo's Nest' GLEN BURNIE, Md. CAP> - Tbe principal of Old Mill Hieb School in tbia BalUmore suburb has banned a play baaed on the novel "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nett," the se<:ood pro- duction to be halted at the school in two week.a. "My objections to this play stem solely from the wie of what I consider to be lewd and of- fensive language and to two scenes leading up t.o and includ· ing the seduction of one of the cbaractera," 1aid Leroy Carter, the principal. THE PLAY, BASED oo the 1962 novel by Ken Kesey. is about rebellion lo a mental boapltal. It features a patient who or1anize1 other patienta aeainlt a strict nune. A film venioa of the novel made in 1978 woo four Academy Aw arda and WU voted by the American Film lnltltute u one of the 10 best mcmes ever made. The novel also ta on the acbool ayatem'a apprc>Ted readJ.nl lilt and the play bu previously been •tased at nearby Annapolll HlCh School. DLUIA TEAQIE& Arthur E. SmeWmoo 1a1d lut week that ''FOXU" ••• -CU.:.·w- "IATUIMl-... be was "outraged" at the pro- apect of tbe show betn1 banned .• lfe aaid he wrote to Echrard J . Anderson, the Anne Anmdel County ICbool IUperiat.endent. ukln1 him to overrule Carter's dee talon. Carter earlier rejected a pro- ductl~ or the rock muleal "Hair .. for almllar l'UIODI. •'Then are plays available that portrQ upUftlna, cheerful and bapp)' entertainment ex- per1encee ... Carter •aid. "I feel tbat there 11 enou1b of Ute seamy. violent, rrt1htuln1. lewd ud mibappy side ol tile porln1ed all around UI. •• ., .....ae Darint& ~Do It! Fatlaer and Soa .......... Actor Richard Kiel. who played the steel- teeth .. Jaws .. in James Bond films. bolds bis inf ant son, Christopher Martin, at home in Los Angeles. The 7-pound, 10-ounce baby is dwarfed by his father's 335 pounm. 7 feet 2 inches. ---------~-~==,__~---===-=::.....== ---~-----~~--- 'I can wear a football player , out from a chair, ' ! says Larry Frankel, Jett, shown at Hill Top Home for the Elderly I ·. in Charleston, W. Va . At age 75, Frankel is heading a group Of fJXercisers including Harland Gorrell, right, 76. --- ay .JOEL C. DON ... Olllfr ......... Art today comes lo a melaqe of wpes, •h~ea and colon; from the more tradWonaJ paJnttnca. aeulptures and aatique furnlahinp to the equally popular aod, in aome cues, equally valuable it.ems aucb u orange crate labels, baseball cards, s~amah.lp poetss and even barbed wire. Public thirst for art bas paralleled the skyrocketing inflation rate and the plummeting value ol tbe dollar. But the mes.sage at a recent seminar on art as an investment waa blunt: Don't aacrlflce aeathetlc enjoyment for cash. "Art Is a long-term investment." said David Bathurst, president of the New York branch of Christie's, one of the largest fine art auction houses in the world "You cannot buy today and seJI tomorrow like you can stock. and bope to make a profit. ''THE STORIES that we have all beard about -how something that cost $100 is selbng for $100,000 -often don't mention that 20 years passed between the two transactions." Seminar panelists didn't leeture about the merits ol buytDg a Picasso vs. a Renoir or market preference for works from the French Barblzoo school over American impressionists Rather. they addressed the nuts and bolts issues of art investment such as estate plan- ntng, insurance, appraisal and the art auction Above all, they advised. the art market 1s not the way lo make a Cast buck Bathurst advised potential collectors to sta} away from the art ma rket if profit 1s their main motive because those persons will buy badly "You will bu y the right artists. but the wrong pictures; the right etchmg, but the wrong state." he said. "If there 1s no knowledge and. far more 1m· portant. no love behind your choice, you will be indifferent or blind to quality. And without quality, there is no hope of making a good in- vestment in art." Held at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. the seminar also featured John Duncan, a Illa Jll'Oll'Ul ll fedenlly funded and M· mJoll_. throup tbe West Virsinla State Departmlllt ol Welfare with an . .gnual budaet olflt-000. Newport Beach attorney spectali.zing in estate planning; Norman Newman. an insurance agent with Great Northern Brokerage Corp.: and Stephen Lash. a vice president with Cbriltie'a and bead of the estate and appra1aa1s department in New York. Spomored by City National Bank, the seminar also wu held at museums in La Jolla and Palm Springs . Although London-based Christie's is known for fetching seven-digit figures from single auc- tion sales. Bathurst and Lash said most auction sales an well Wlthin reach of ~ neophyte art collector. BA111URST. WHO auctioned a Gutenberg Bible for S2 million in Apnl 1978, said the average sale at Christie's last year was $3.000, and many sales were made for under Sl,000. Christie's. which auctions between 20 000 'Art is a long-term in- vestment. . . You cannot buy today and sell tomor- row like you can stock, and hope to make a pro- fit. I .. ~" . and 30.000 paintings }earl). increasingly has ~een a nse 10 bu) ing and !-iell.ing of collectibles 'One of the mtere.,ting things about the business is that we are not JUSt dealing "1.Wt the tradlllonal areas." '>aid Lash. "We're not 1ust dealing with these.> high priced objects. We re talking about rare coins. rare stamps and vintage cars · · Lash explained that auction houses general- ly make commissions by levying a seUer's fee of 10 pertenl and buyer's f~ of 10 percent off (Sff AllT. Pace CZ> camaraderie among tbe group. In many institu· tions. staffs are indifferent." "l really enjoy it," s ays Margaret Thompeon, at 97 the oldest member of the group at the Hill Top home. "You need ex.ercile. That's part of life." "It limbers us up, helps our artllrltll and heart conctition," aays France. Swm. 81 years youq. A bltnd woman. Welde Camp. '7t. sap.the nerdle bel .. ber bod.1. bi .. and hmda. Frankel, a naUve of New York Cit>'. eame to Welt VlratnJ,a SO years .ao to belp ........, a brother's clWn of amall department nor. •Wiii t.boUCb be DeTer cared for die hwfaw world. t A GYllNAST IN biO achool. be ftlun· 'I teered bis Ml'Vke t.o teada omnutta at tbe t Chars.am TKCA and dld dda few as Je&ra j'. while worldna full tlme in tbefamt1Tbtallm1•. After tbe buaine11 wu llqmdated. be -founded Us 18 tbe LawrtDCe Fr-.a Plta111 ~ Center •• DCIGll"Olll priYate dab. .,.... ........... founded tbe Liwtace l'rankel ,....,._,a noaprdlt public fOun.datloe tor NII ... tato "':~~ .... and~ wtt.b al autborlU•. Frankel deallDecl ~ ol IDedal eurcll11 • bbd ..a ....... ellOdrm. He ......... .., ,.... tnldll la.tlilaftald. Be ............. , ,, •• .............. at..ate&eMmMi Um••• mid New Ytll'k ~; u .... ..-,......_u.&:.,......,. s.rnc.... • ..,._lild ..._cm Ute err.aa ~ enrclle oa padenta wttb heart di•ue. I dt HOWARD A. SIEGEL IS CROWNED IJY ROIJE"T N. Wl!l!D ' King Is· Crowned The cache or royalty here on the Orange Coast la now complete with the crowning of Howard A. Siegel as King Neptune. Hia coronatJon took place at the Balboa Bay Club Friday rught at a dinner dance hosted by the Newport Harbor SpasUc Lea1ue and the United Cerebral Palsy Association. Siegel, we think, is a good choice to wear the crown. He bas a royal presence and certain· ly is experienced in reigning -just ask any of his business associates. Walt ToUnon's orchestra came down from San . Francisco, as us ual. to provide dance music, and the ballroom was decorated with daisies and carnations . Among those offering congratulations to the new king, who was chosen for hJs service to the <'o mmunity. we r<' Mr. and Mr5. Danlel Epstein, Tony Vitti, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reilly, Supervisor and Mn. Tom Rllt>y, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mangers, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Wray, and Mrs. Richard Robinson !hl' was unable to attendJ. And, Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Weed <he was o.lly ...... "-tit-. ... tnc. O'o..11 JUNIOR WOMAN OF THE YEAR Mrs. Joaeph Klockgether last year's King Neptune>, Mr. and Mn. Dick Cllarcb, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doan and Don Jolly. Also sharing the evening were Siegel's parents. Mr. and Mrt. Sydney Siegel of Tor· ranee. and his wife Diane. ~ Jolla Renee Rlngwalt, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlngwalt Jr., Corona del Mar, will be presented during the 1980 Las Campanas Debutante Ball July 19 in the Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach. Wendy Catherine Birtcher, daughter of Mr. aad Mn. Arthur B. Blrtcber of San Juan Capistrano, will make her bow at the Ball des RosenkavaUers in Vienna on June 26. ~ KILL !A SNAILS ••• ~ Wet weather wtJJ bring ~ anafl• end 1tur. to your r-: garden. -rha 1 I~ ft .0 th• Mfett lnAll bait we <fl recommelld for uee around chUdren and pm. II appnalag s By Judith Olson The formal presentaUon, which will take place in the Palaia Schwanenberg, ls attended by fleures from government, tbe diplomatic world and residential society. aecordlng to Mn. Robert &ltb Williams Jr. of New York, ball chairman. Among members of the American sponaor· ing committee is Mrs. B.B. Anderson of Newport Beach PhJllJp Gl111gow, commodore of the Balboa \' a cht Club. has found a new callmg. During a revived traditional activity at the club called Chef's Night Out, where club of· ficen ael'Ve dinner to memben and suesta. Glas1ow wu bead waiter. Reinstating the event. which bun 't been held for 10 years, was Glueow's idea. All the club officers donned red coat., a.ad their wives put on red aprom to let'Ve a chicken dinner to 1SO guest.a. Joining Glasgow were .1olua 11.oM•-· Ter· rence Webb, Dkk Krenz, Tom Lamadoa. Grei Harns, Alan Andrews, Dick Deaver, Rld1ard Jones, Robert Wheeler and dtelr apoues, aloni with Dorta KJnt. The waiters awarded a bottle of champagne to the most grumpy guest, who turned out to be Coop JohnlOIL Music was provided by club member Swede Jobnaon and his band. and a good time was bad by all ., ~ Mn. Joseph Klockgetber of Fullerton is the new Orange County Junior Woman of the Year, as announced by the Assistance LeagQe of Newport Beach, Junior Auxiliary. We learned the news during a gala luncheon and fashion show at the South Coaat Piasa Hotel. New spf'M)g looks were abown by Saks FLfth A venue and iiiclude sherbet colon. knlta and more knit.a and the retumln1 Ivy Lea1ue look. Judges for the cont.est were &kbnl W. Gay, A. Vlaent J orseuea. Mn. LollJa K1U'tt· JIH, Mn. Mary Aue Muc and &lpenbor Harriet Wieder. Fashion show chairman was Mn. WUUam Wegener. Hetdl Loalae Jolulaoa, the first Newport Harbor student lo leave on an AFS program this spring, ls ln Brasllia for a year. She will attend college with other high school students. If J10U ha" on Una /or H~. and it Co JudUh ()Qon at Che Doil11 Pflot, J>:o. Bin l~. Cones M e1a, 921126. or call 642-4321. '~j ~~ Women in Science & Mathematics A conference to Increase young women's interest in mathematics and science; to foster awareness of career oppartunlties for women In math -and science-related fields; to provide students an opportunity to meet and form personal contacts with women working In tradltlonally male occupations. For Junior high. senior high. colleoe women and lnter~ted adult• In Orange County. SATUIDAY, MAICH 22, ltlO RIG. llCMNI t A.M. OIANM COAST COLL•I COSTA MISA, CALllOIMIA tZ626 ~nON: C714J 1u;;l76I WI.Ma do parent. atop worT)1nl about tlMlr chUdne? No qu11tlon bH been aaked more or a.uweredlell. a. tbln a ma11c cut-oil period wtt.n off. lfi'tDl*-oameaecountablefOl'tbllrownadioal! la a.en a wcederl\ll aaomtDt WtMa pa,.... can ...__ dMaeW epectaton ID the U\'et ol tbttr tlliUdl9 ad lbnal, Hlt'I tbltr 111•," and feel ....... , W1ISN I WA.I In my ao.. I ltood ln a blepltal ~dor waitln~ for docton t.o put a few ltiteMI in my IOD I bead and l Wed, 0 WIMa do you .top worrylq?" and a nune wttb autborM1 lald, "When theJ ttt out of tbe ac· eidnt-pram atqe." Illy mother JUlt smiled falDtly and II.id ~ I wa lD my IOI, I Mt on a tittle cha1t IJI a cluaroom &Del beard bow ooe of m)' cbildne talked lneeuantlJ, d1arupted tbe clus ud •• beaded for a caner m•~ llceaae p,lates. I.a lf to read my mind. a td;bet' aald, 'Doa't worry. They all 10 tbroucb tb1a 1ta1e and then you can lit back and eojo)' tbem." MY llVhlEli Uatened and aald notbln&. wi.n I wu IJI my 40a, I spent a lifetime waltlnc for the phone to rtnc. the can to come home, tbe front door to opm. A friend aald. .. They're trytnc to llnd ttwm>wlftS. In 1 few years. you can atop worryln1. They'll be adulta." .. B)' tbe Ume I wu 50, I was alclt and tired of belJll vulnerable. I wu 1Ull worrying over my chUdren, but there was a new wrinkle. There was notblq I could do about it. Yet I continued to angul.ah in their failures. be tormented by ••• Art <From Pace cu the sale pt1ce of an art object. For ex.ample. If a paiDtlng sells for $100 at auction. the buyer will pay SllO. the seller will get $90 and the auction house will take a S20 com mission. Auction hou1e personnel abo offer a~­ praisal services for lnsurance. estate tax or 11ft purposes. At Christie's, Lash aa.id. written ap- praisals are offered for a one·tlme fee. which can be waived 1f the object is sold sooo aft.er the a pp ra.iAal. Art appraisal is an imprecise science. be s aid. 11te tuk of setting a value on art ts especially difficult wllh woru Crom contem· porary painters or young. uo.k:nown artists. "What we are depend.in« on when we give estimates of value is the Intuition, the eye and the field or the expert." Lash said. THE MARKET VALUE or appraisal or a pr ivate art colle('t1on 1s the cornerstone of an l'State plan and providing adequate ins urance for a collection. Norman Newman. who serves as an in · surance consultant to museums. galleries and major art collectors. warned art owners to scrutinize art lmu.rance cootract.t. "'lbe insurance companies have 1enerally put into their policies what we call packin& and sblpplnc clauaee." be told the audienee. "If you're movtni your property, you muat use a competent. profeulonal packer and/or sblpper of floe art object.a. They don't expect you to have a picture wrapped In a blanket and put m a trunk." Also. he saJd art collect.ors shouJd check with their lnaurance company before lending objects to muaeums or friends. Some policies. he noted. don't allow the owner to waive them· surance company's right.a. Homeowner or tenant insurance policies generally only cover the cub value of the art object, without consideration for appreciation. he said. Attorney John Duncan said art collectors should provide an estate plan in addition to a will to isolate an art collection from taxation. 0 BY CAllEFUL ESTATE planniq you can greatly reduce ,the taxes and, In some cues. eliminate those taxes completely." Duncan said. Moet tax aaviD1s are reallied by estate plam aet up over a loot period ot time, be aa.id. Jn addition, art collerton can reduce taxes or obtain deduct.Iona by: -Matinl lifts to Individuals or lnttJtu· tiona. -SeWq up Uvtn1 or testamentary trusts. -Donating art objects lo qualified public charities. An lndlvldual can give up to $3,000 per year in prope~ or cub to any one person without paytq state or federal &l!t taxes. be aald. .. ........... Get Yourself Going ForlheBOBI Powers "Total ban Tra1111no Mes It au DOSSlble. Immediate classes 111mloQ Call today tor your 1nt11v111ua1 program discussioo. P£ASONA&. ~T • MOOO.INO SCHOOl.S ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN a COUNTRY OMNOE (71 4 647-8228. tbelr fnlltratlou and ablorbed ID tbelr dlaap. polntmeata. My trienda aald when Ill)' kMll Sot married I could atop worrylnl and lead my own Ufe. I WANTED TO believe that. but I wu haunted by my mother'• wan amUe and ber oc· cutooal, "You look pale. A.re you all rilbt!" "Call me tbe minute you set home.' "A.re you depreued about something?" Cm It be that parenta are aent.eneed to a lifetime of worry! la cooeeru for one another handed down Wte a torch to blue the trail of human traUtJes and the lean of the unknown? ls concern a curse? Or ii it a virtue that elevalel m to the bigheat form of life? One ol my children became quite irritable recenUy when be aaJd, ''Where were you? I've been calling for three daya and no one amwered. I was worried." I smiled • wan smile. The torch bas been passed. [~_B_o_r_o_s_c_o_p_e_._J) WEDNESDAY, MASCH l? By SYDNEY OMA&& A&1E8 Olar. 21 -Apr. 19): Superior may make unusual request. Key is to seek a defln1· tion of terms. Find out what la expected of you. You can tranaform apparent setback Into rous- ln1 Victory. TAVRUS <Apr. 20·\!ay 201: Bnng Jong. ranee objectives tnlD focus. Tue noth!ng for granted. Accept personal respoM1b1ltty for ac· Uooa. Plan ahead -open 11.nes of commumca· lJOD. GEMINI <May 21 June 20>: You can be finished with k>ng-standlng debts. financial and emotlooa.J. Accent on money arrangements tn connection with partnt>rsh1 p. cooperat ive ef- forts. special 1.nve11tments. CANCER <June 21 July 22 J: Individual ap proach to questJoru.. proJeclc; 1s much preferred to "comrruttee reports." You wall have unusual op~rtunJty to become more mdependent -key 1s willingness to welcom e new contacts and con· cept.s . LEO <July 23 Au g. 221 Become more familiar wtth basic terms Don't depend on de· pendents. Bwld for your own secunty. A family member, envious and resentful, could toss verbal barbs. Be matun· cnoo gh to avoid angry response. VIaGO (Aug 23 ~pt. 22 l: lnstmct could serve as reliable ~u1dt• }Ou nee11 not Ix· wedded to trad1t1on. P~1lJon not strong for direct eaafroot.at.ions~ d1verstfy, accept social tnvtt.dcm. coneentrate oo contacts for Mure \lie. Ll8aA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Emphasis on routine, basic pl"O(t"d ure._, \ahd appraasalc; become knowledgeable-abr>ut propertv and 1t-. worth. ~vi.s1oru.. rt'\ tt'~'· t-xammat1on of fine print ma.y be ntt<"'\sa ry part Of ~~nano · ~&PIO <Oct. 23 ~ov. 211. Surj.(c or popularity come<; rrom s urpn1e source. You an· on rece1vina e nd of aood news a s pecial messase and somethinJ of value ha°nded yo u on proverbial silver platter. Be ready ror change . SAGrM'A&IUS (Nov. 22·0ec. 21J : Count your chance. be sure or obtaining money's worth. Keep eyes open when makina purchase -accent Oii payments, collections and percep· Uon ol what is really needed. Protect valuables. CA.PaJCOaN (Ott. 22·Jan. 19): Dance lo your own tune. Cycle hilh and you are strong despite tbo8e who attempt lo undercut you. Define upiraUons, see people as they are and not merely as you perceive them In fantasy world. AQVdlUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Someone may be trJtnc to ''put squeeze" on you. Take time to ~amlne procedures, asptratJoos and orgaa.tuUonaJ duties. Emphasis on what occurs behind~. spttlal c:ommunlcation from one who is temporarily confined. Pl8CE8 <Feb. 19-Mar. 20>: Wish comes true ii wllliq to be rid of Wlllecessary burden. Time bu eome to push aside "security blanket. .. A major project can be completed. LAGUNA BEACH SCHOOL OF ART Spring Ouaner 1980 March 31st-June 7th •J9-1rv • Pt1n11ng-a.g1nn1ng • Life 0 1ew1n9 • Wttercolo r ·~ • o.-i"'a • Color II Design • Prltltmeking ~tiOft •An Hlstof'V • c.r.n1cs · Atku • Sc:utc>rure • Childntrl'I An • Stone Cervlng • Ptlotogniphy • Llth~v • Communlatoon 0.lgn • Eicpennen'-f EnerneUng EVENING CLASSES • Painting • Olrlmlcs •An HiltOfV • fthotoal"IPf\v • Ofwwlng • Mixed Media • .»welry •n lf't echool ticPttlenct with a unlqut tnvlronmtnt -·-. .- D&~• ANN lJJtD91; J laiow JOU .,. . .....,. __ _ I aa....,... ~ J'OG .wa...-. ........ to ~taila ...... Pleue, Aaa. urce Uie TV 1MtWGl'btofW'9labout tWr l*·food N\'eMll -. t9DU1b to do tome .bard·bitth11 doevmea· ta.riel GD tbe problem of UDwanted animal&. Tbe OVtJ'-popWatioD ot cat.a and doca La a natblal dll1raee. II y cblldren a re anhnal-loven. We a,.. ... aponatble pet-owneri wbo believe io bavln1 the cata •l\d doss apayed and neutered. It la 1urpri1ln1, with so f~w people left on farms , that so many lnd1v1duala have the farm mentality when il comes to letting an imals run loose and breed al will. This is foolish and expensive. Thank you for helping a worthy cause, Ann. - BROKE AND WEARY DEA.ll B. AND W.: I hope tbe readers who have pets will accept personal respoaalblllly for tbetr ulmals, as you s a11ested. Documen- taries woald. Indeed, be very effective bal It will probably fall to public TV to do the Job. <I wtsb ABC or CBS or NBC would prove me wrong. Needle Workshops Author and needle arts specialist Erica Wilson will present two workshops in Newport Beach Wednesday. She will discuss quilt mg from 10.30 a .m . to 12:30 p.m. and c rewel fro m 1 ·30 to 3.30 pm. in the needlew.ork depart- ment at Thfl Broadway. Fashion Is lard. Reservatibns may be made bt calling 644-1212. Thi~re is a fee of SS.50 per ~lass. Kiwis To M~e! The Newport Beach Kiwi Club, an associa· tion of current and form e r American Airlines stewardesses and flight attendants. has scheduled a March 16 luncheon at the Costa Mesa home of Mrs . William Knowlt.on For more information about the club. phone Mrs . Paul Brumfield at 499-4721. .4•• ....... r• ,..., eal ttOW oa prime dee.) D Z A R A N N LANDERS· I bave IOl· leD UlYMlf about $4,000 llu1b11 tbe tollet or t...u oo tbil water lJl the bUIA -or wait uaUI re•1 ao ooe left in t.be baUu"Oam-Am I tM only lady whb th• problem t PlHN tell me If then'• a aolutkJD. -WlSH r II AD A OLADDE R BLADDER DS~a WISH: Yt1, .... uv•llu U •• ••-ud u.-.. ....... u. ... e. n..ia .......... yeanelf, .... t.erca,. anto debl 1 don't know H bo D exaelly bow ll hap· 0 008 pened, but it did I'm 1 bla TV fan. ao 1 wrote to n_ _ • four ~ my favorite TV ~igner persooallUea a.od asked if they would lend m e a hin $.5,000. I riaured I could Ol a clean up au my debts " and have a little extra cushion so I could breathe easie r l ex plained I couldn't bor· row from a bank because I h ave no security. and they would just have lo have faath in m e. (I have never cheat · ed anyone out of anything in my life.> Every one of the TV s tars I wrote to is a millionaire. I figured that out of four a t least one of the stars would com e through. Well. Ann. I have to tell you this. but I didn't get even one response Why are big shots who make it to the top so selfish., Every one of the people I wrote could have sent me $5,000 and never missed it. I wall look for your answer in the Kansas Ci· ty paper -R.H. DEAR R.H.: You can bet your bifocals that the TV stars never saw your letter -and It's just as well. If "the peo- ple at the top" read all the penooal requests for money, "your old clothes" and the incredl· ble things the public aaks for, there would be DO t1me to do anydl.lng el1e. Wllat's more, If they i•ve money to even a small percentage of the people who put the arm on them, they'd be boated themselves. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have seen some letters in your col· umn about guys who can't unnate in the pre· sence of other guys I you cal l 1l "a bashful kidney"). but never have you printed a letter from a female with the problem Well, I have 1t -bad. If a woman is in the next stall. I just can't seem to go. I have to hold 1t until someone TOLEDO. Ohio (AP> Steamtrain Maury G rabam, king or the hobos, wears designer clothes. He shops at Salvation Army s tores, checking labels, searching a lways for the hallmarks of qua lily : a moth hole perhaps, or a genteel fraying at the cuffs. ·'I have an image to maintain." sai d Graham. attired an a natti ly frayed P a lm Beach jacket and vin· tage pants with a :.hine on the seat ··clothes make the hobo ·· Clothes could also be the :.tart o f a second career for the Toledo man who four times has been elected National Hobo King. Lately he has been featured on a local TV commercial for a men's fashion outlet and has appeared on Tom Snydcr·s"Tomor - row" show on NBC. The hobo life is dif· feren t than it once was. Even Stea mtrain doesn't know firsthand what the old hop-a· freight days were like. He didn 't s tart hi s career until he wa~ in hts 50s, after he and his wife had raised two daughters. He hit the road in 1971 when his knees gave out <.1nd he could no longer work in the cement· finishing business. In the wanter . Graham . 62. lives on the south side of town with his wife Wanda . a physical therapy techni c1an. Cell 642-5678. Put a few words to work for 011 For your next . . ' anniversary. THE DIAMOND ETERNITY RING. The eternity ring, a circle or semi-circle of diamonds, is a lovely way to tell your wife youre glad to be married. Pick one for lier from our selection of diamond eternity rings. Then ~ve her the anniversary present she11 never forget f "l.oc* heref I CM write my name In tho duat on this vtsuaJ display unit!" Marriage Saver Meal Advice Wins Praise By DR. PETER STEINCROHN Dear Dr. Steincrobn: My wife and I were only days or weeks away from divorce. Belatedly, we writet.othank you for saving our marriage. We followed you ad vice We came across the col umn yesterday. Will you help us celebr ate b) reprinting it as 1t first appeared'! It may help many others-Mr.and Mrs. N. DEAR MR AND MRS N I am ver:> pleased. Herc 1s the column you rl'ferred to an its entirety • • • Dear Or. Steincrobn: I've taken :.omt• nolt'!. lat{· ly Most of our family quarrels t.lke place bl'forr breakfast. or bcfon• cJinncr I:. then· any rea:c.on for th1s'1 Mr. N. DEAR MR . N. · Givf' me one guess and 1"11 say either one of you is irritable because your blood sug aris low. Remember what Winston Churchill said was lht' reason for tus happy marriage? In all their manta I years, he and hts wife had breakfast together only once. At least so goes the often told tale. I CAN UNDERSTAND the possible reason. The~ we re not affable breakfast companions because the)' were irritable at that time of day. Low blood sugar does that. "1311#1 ""Oii-C)r ... (AHi 0.tlY PllOC ""-'. '· 11, ••• u. ,.. ,,. ., PUBLIC NOTICE "CTIT1ous ausueus NMa STATEMENT T,,. 1o1-no P9<'""' " ooonq C>u•• O••ICh.t•I s ..... ~ °'"""' .... "'"'\ \'4tenwrn• ""'"' filed • .,,.. ,,.. County Ct•r~ of Or..-. (UU'\t'f 01"'1 F•0< ... ,..,,2". '"° PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE -------------f'ICTI TIOUS elJSINf. SS NAMf. STATf.Mf.NT T,.... tot10...1nq Pc''W>n\ .,,. do1nQ bY\ltwt't' ... FLETCHEA MAAIN[ nn• T"""" A.Yf'nti.t• Soutl'I L•Q.,n• C..lllorno• tan Cr•tQ M.M't11' F-lf"tctw, tnt\ f Poitl'"CS Aven~ Soutn l •Qun• (•11t0'"'• .,.,, A~-11 J-1\ F1.itiw. U'?tl ThJrd Aw•*'"•• SOYt" l •CJY"• CAii IOmo • """ Tiii• --11 <-tod bY.., ...,. in<...._ ..... -.. ~ -r ....... ~-..... -~ l'wl<ht< Tllll U--II ... Wtlll IN c:...;..1y Ci.A Of 0.-C-h .,. , ........ .,o.•• l'UWI P111>11"*' Or-C-•1 0•••¥ Pttot, F•C> 1' U-4.11.1-..... PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTIC~ ... ' ~ /4 I I A • t ' Think o( it. You have dinner. let's say. at about 7 p.m . Twelve hours later it's time for breakfast. You haven't had any food in all that time. 1f you are the type in whom your pancreas, adrenal.5 or liver are especially susceptible to producing a low blood sugar level. you're Likely to be nervous and irritable. Another trying time or day is the evening after PUBUC NOTICE the tong workday at the office. shop or home.•----------- Perhaps you've had just a snack for lunch. Or no lunch at a ll. Your wire hasn 't even had lime to nibble while ironing. c leaning, cookin~ and taking care of th e children. You come home famished. You have h ad a disap· pointing day businessw1se. You are confronted by complaints about the children. about a broken ·do~n vacuum cleaner a nd many other patJence·trying 1r· ntat1ons. Two low blood s ugars add up to ZERO in satisfactory human relationships . THE ANSWER IS EVIDENT. MAKE a pact. No talking at breakfast until you are through eating. No talking before dinner maybe half-way through. Give your blood sugar a chance to nse and :c.mooth out the amtab1lity m your brain. It's all so sample 1t seems s illy, doesn't it" I am not suggestmg that you take some wonder drug lo promote peacefulness. No special treat· ments Just asking that verbal communication be postponed until both husband and wife have had a chance t.oeat and e levate their blood sugars. I 'll end on this scientific note about hypoglycemia <low blood sugar>: People a re more lenient and patient on a full stomach. Eat before you talk. Eat before you scrap. Try this. Mr. N .. and let me know how it works MEDICALFITES FOR MRS. Q .. We don't have a p at answer for the cause of obesity. Of course. ove reating and lack or exercise contribute to the problem. But there are other factors. You are not doing your child a favor by overfeed· ing her so she becomes fat. Remember that the fat baby often become the fat adolescent and the fat adult. Many obese people overeat because they have emotional proble ms : hostility and frustration pro- duced in broken homes. Eating becomes a security blanket. , . Often the cure or prevention of obesity lies 10 the attitude of parents. The treatment of obe&ity in cblldren ts not complete until parents are also treat· ed . Many a child stays fat until the house becomes a home. ••• C~llMI .... .-l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS N-E STATEMENT th~ tcM~•nQ ppn.on 1 \ OO•nQ °"'' \\ ., l~lANO TAAOINC (0 ... PANY p Proouchon Pta# Nra.Port 6~.c.n C•liforn••.,Mll Ac>bP'rl M t41t-.on. 111 Proouc tton P••<• N••Po" 8~•<"' C•tdOrt'U• '7..0 t t'l 1\ bu'WnHS 1) t ondUt tt"d «>• •n '" O•v•Ou•I ACIC)lli1 M Hin.on T PU\ '\tittf"f'nH't W'9\ tdf"d ••tP'I ttw CowrHy C '•''-ot 0'•"9' County 0" f tD•u•,., ,, ,._, l(INOEL & ANOEaSON lllCll An_.,, .. uw __ _,,_ ..... , f.••I T-. !Miii• •-N•--1 a-olo. C.1-• ·-I' I,_ P11C>I•""" ~~ Co.•• O••I• P•IOI F•C> 1',M4!r ':" II~---~ P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICf. TOC • E 01 TORS !>U~•IOttGOU•TOFTME 1'1)1 .. , Publ \f"FO ()r '"?' (O\I ''M' t C •• , (l1tf.lltO1" ...,._., t I ~ 1Qfn ''"* PUBLIC NOTICF. ~HATEOl'CALll<O•NIA f'O• NOTICE OF DEATH OF THE COUNTY OF O•ANOf. ,.. A·1mu MARY E APPEL AN D (\l•••o•fLLfN .,.A)'fY.OF PETITION TO o.~::,~,,_..,..,,,,....,1~•,...,r•o•1on A OM IN I STE R ES TATE ,. I~ •bOW.........., _..,....,, 1"411 ••. NO A-103512. >f'""°"' "'"'"'9 ., •••~ ~·"'' thr ~,o T o ("l I I h £' • r ~~,;',:;~:..,~:=.:,:·~ ,':'; b t3n•1 f ic ,,.,,.~" c r ... d1tor' •<• ot '"" '''"' ot -•bOW ...,,,,-,,Ind f Ont1nqPnt CrPddOrC, Of °"'' or 10 P'•-'' '""" .. ,,n -Mary E Appel anel person'> •oc-.ury •Ou<n•" I<• I"• UI' who ffi"'V bP otherw1Sf' 1n ,..,,•Q"'f'O •' ttw otttt• Of A1<N'a c. u ..... 841• .,.., i..•• 11\11 c""'°"' I tf'rPc,tt>d 1n the will anel or ,,. .. , ~f'T\M'lo.-. .. \.Alft00'114•U 1J l--staH· ..... ( .. •\ ..... plA, ot 1 ......... " "' ..... A PPl1t•on h-''-bef'n ftt .. 11 PUBLIC NOTICE ,f\drf",.\~ '" .ttU """'"""' pipr1•1f'ltt'tQ Q ,0 1,... ""''"'• o1 "'"' .,.. • .,...,, .,,,.,,. by E' vr 1vn M verhul'> --,.-1CT1TtOU~ llUSINIESS '""' rnon'"' <tit., 1,,.. 11r\I PYD"• ••·on and WaynP F. Appel 1n ,...,...En.t.Tf.MENT •11"''"°''<• th•' Supi>rior Court o f Tll• loll-•M ~·.on• ••• OOonq Oal...i !..~~":n OrtlnQf' County reouestino l>u\ln•n•' ,,.._.n w"••• that Evf'lyn M Overhul.., ,,0/~1J~l~~1~1?.or~ .• 0.,!:,' ~1;::::,~: ... .,.,,. .,, and Wt\ynt! F Appf'IS bl' 14101 -. COurl, lrv•M, C•hlorno• I"" olbc>Y• .... .._ 0.00onl d ppo In I Pd ii'-. pPr i;on n I ""~,,.. P.i..-276 N fl (•mono •ICMA•o G ., •• ., r p 0 r f' .. t n I ,, I I v (' s t 0 RHI 0c_, .. 00 c.0.1.,... ••• 10!>" 1H11~0n... aelm1n1<.tPr thf' e<.ttlte ot AOQef RK""r 1001 -· Cou'1. ~0••n.C:..H •~U M a r v I:: . Ap p f' I Of 1rv1,. C.lllOm•• .,114 A.__., 1er E_.....,. H t t 8 h ( ,.. Fio,.n<t AotMr UI01 Moor• PuC>ll\Md 0.-(Ootl\I O••IY P1to1 Un HlQ On (•c)( unvf'r co.m Irv•""· C•"'°""• .,,,, f.•b 1•. -~l!.....'.!....'.....,_ ~ t h P I n Cl P p e n d C n l Tnl\ buliM\\ ,, conou<l•<I by • PUBLIC NOTICE Admtn1strtllion of E statf'<, Qe'Wr•1-1,..""'" Actl Th<> petition is set for Tiii\ ~:;'.!:!'..7': ... 111...i w•'" m. HOTICf. Off' heartnq 1n Dept. No. 3 d i coun1y Clff• 01 o.-County or ~M.ICAUCTIO.. 700 C1v1c Center Ortvl' "''°' ... ,.,,.. 1-in •«or,,_.• ••I" 111e u"''°'"' West, in the City of Sanln F1,_. Comm•'<11I Cod•, or rtC••P' Act C f M h Pu1>1•"'9d o.~ ,.,.,, O.••v Po1a1 '""", c...._ ~ Sl•I• v ..... & Ana. alt orntd on arc AUrcll 4 11. 11. n 1• 11).t« s1or-eon-IW<.cw 01ttt• l'Oltce 25. 1qs() at 10:00 a.m . ,,.., n ,.., • 1.,,, -~· ~ 101to.1M IF YOU OBJECT to the PUBLIC NOTICE '1°'-""-" -'"'" ... P•.c...i granting of the petition, tor 1>11l>IK .... oon"" Mer<ll n el I IC> PICTITIOUI 8Ui1NIU ... M ., ,,.. c.om.oc: ... _. (OSI• you ShOuld either a ppe,lr NAMI STAT'UHNT ~~~ c:i.;::~100 l • Vf'i•. SP •u. at the hE>annq and sta te T11e 1o1i-1~ IN''°"' •r• 00<~ O<•~.ca1i'°""• ~'° your ob1ect1ons or f1IP .,.. .. ,...... L•,_ OP\tnonll, •)() 1o1 Ar...-, written ob1ect1ons with th•' F &F CONSULT INC CIVIL •OO.•-•m.Cehtornt•,IAll SJ court before thP hearinq. EHGIHEEltS.<1• VT• 11>1 , 11,, Bu•I O•IM~ LAS.Ii• ·~' s w..,11 • .., Your annoarance may tll' ,..,~ Cemor 0.1 ... ~1~ 140. Ir...,., •l.Of-.Uolff«ftl•,ll,°'111 ..,>"c c.111orn1.t '211S 0,-. Counly F.....,.1 .... •. (10 .JoM in person or by You r o..nn OoMlcl F•vn ... Jr . 1' <>•odd. 112 H e.-• .,, s.MA1 ..... attorney 11:._._... 1r-. c.ilfoml• mn c.i1-.. u,u. 11 I F Y O U A R E A Ulla.-"•.-"· uo• ·-J•,.k• Conotr • .aJJ _... Hvnt· C R E O I T 0 R o r a Trw, Twll\.c:.1-.~ lfl910ft8Mcll.c.l~.llO 'H Tiii\ llUtl,,.U It cOMu<IHI by • Jim Wool•n. 4jt Purl Ortv•, contingent Creditor Of the U-1-., treated eady, anxiety may become a ....., .. _..,..._. •llC-........... $u:Jtoo deceased, you mus t fi le iu...... boow..I ~ o. ,..,,..., Jr em .......,, <t• Jim~. m1 I I Ith th t faxed dlaease, says Dr. Stelncrohn in bit ~et. Titl• ......_. ... "'" wttto -Miu1on 81""-. G..., A-. 111 .. nid9. your cam w e cour :'WbatToDoForChronicAmdety."Foracopywrlte '°""1' Clef1l ot 0r..,.. '-1".., c..i1totN.um.21 or present It to t he to him at Box ·~. eoa·-Mesa 926216. encloelnl so ,.~ •. ,., M•r•uo•ll• Wrye, 1.01 Ele<lrlc pers onal representative ~ Wl '1,,_ Avenw•. k•I .. eel\, CAlllornl•, appointed by the COurt "ea•• anda1tamped,self-addresaedenvelope. '"'*.,.,.., 0r .... eo.si o.uy P•1o1. $411.&1 ... ..., , ... i..-._ 11. ''· •• t0• 0 .,1.,,. s..11 .... ,., • .,, ••"• within tour months from __________ ;,,._ ___ ;,,._ ____ --tA-.cwir-.c.ilforNe,.,.._U the date of first Issuance Fight Vowed FRESNO CAP> -The Fretao Qt1 Council bu aareed to o,bt for com· pletloa of two maJor freeway proJectl. 'tbe projedl ln'fOlve the im- provement of fflahway 41 throuP the dty and the completloo of Freeway 190 between Abby Street and FreeWQ•. RUFFBL'S UPHOLSlaY .. , .... ..... .......... ...-c-. .... "•"'~'"2'4fl•-.Seft of letters as provl~ in r -----------'11 Fr...U-,Cell..,,..._ •t."'-'1 Sect! 700 of -... p t Al ec1werc11, "' AO.I• ''""'· on ""' r a e Fr8e Tickets: Orcus Vargas I 0r.,....~UM7.Jot Code of California. The f'Ht ~ ... ,. S1r1u1 ",..." time tor flllno c laims 'Wiii ~.~•1/lf!J•.!11 t I I t f ...,.,....,.. 0r..,. CMst Oe11t P11o1 no exp re pr or o our *'· '· 11.,. 1UN1 months from the date of the hearing no11ced anove. YOU MAY EXA~INE the file kept by the J;OUrt. ~=~· If you are lnttf'estecf rn the TIMI ... ....,. ..,_, .,. cto111e estate, you may tne a _,_.: reQuest with the court to OOCTOM' ..ous• CAL&.., 1• receive special notice of ~:..i.~Mortfl. .....-n a-:ti. the lnventOf'Y of nl•te ADVNeeeo "~ n. IVSTeN. assets and of the petlUons, '""-• ColllfWIN ceYJ*••• '*' accounts and r•ports ~ ....._ ,,..,,._, eat.,_,.. described In Section 1200 """..--11 ~ ~ • c.er• of the Calltornl• Probate rtJ1IUC NO'l'ICB ExctUIMt Huntington ...,..._ ....,........,. Code. -, c.nt• offer d*ty ttwu M•. 18. Pk*-uP :::..~ uw efflcet ., ........ I ,, !:u':'~= ,.... :=:::-:_. .. 1· ca;:. 1:~1'J: fMfl ~ "9 ~ ~ .i Ormllt CIWlty • ":feer. ca; ' I « 1•> tC>PcHCUIOOtl*to --••,...,_,.•._ Pi ... tM-61U ' Huntington c.'9lr ,.....ONllll ee.. Dall¥~ .-.......... Ot9llt ~....._ ..... "'"-1 -.W\ .,_.._..._-.....-~~-~·..,..,.",.,,... ,.,.. ... ., .. u,• · ..r."41• -·' '"'"-"' • UAL 11T•11 ac• • s1e1 aca , .... COWi Wl1M U1. ....... MCI MT. . • •••• .. ............ ,.ti • ,_._ ....... ,.,,.~•r••.- BATUI 7H11 MYNOMT We have 1 veral fine home!f with pler & sllp a Toa<> HOISi COUtCTIY 4 Bdrms.. 3 baths: ranch alyJe. mlnl·estate tn orange groves. 1249.500 BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR '1 • f \o ! I o• •,. ' I , • 1 •ROG .WwwNwn ..... dllcll ....... --= .. ,... .... DMYPll.OT-• ...., .......... .. cmrnd ... ,.... Olllf. ... AMCI SZOl.000 P'tatutk 3llOO + IQ.ft home. Totall1 re modeled, hardwood Ooan. bay wtndoW9 too. Gourmet kit c hen ovelook1 sunny breakf ut area. 2 larae bdrm1 downalalra, ________ , l8ClOlld story bosll lpClC· lacuJar master t ulle. Huae dreuln& area. rabed Roman tub, mar· ble top pullmana +2 more queen alu bdrm1. A IDUlt to see. Call now for personal prevlt'w 646-TITI ....................... G1 I .. IOOZ ....................... DOYaSHOUS LOWDOWM Owner N)'I bring orrer c:D Ullil flUllaltlc 6 Bdrm · '""'" •,. 'v""""1 , ...... , ............ [ 1 ~ •,:. ':.:'~~~ ~ ~ fjNM ~7171 UHIBJEV AILE &,lli50-4 Bdrm, 2 balb, hardwood floor, new kitchen with all the goodies! VA auumable 814% loan. $315 PITI. C SELECT ~:i; &otdown. but call :~PROPERTIES ()Pllvll10•tl)l~l()lfl MCI' =1:'E~. te·tt;Ntl pnvate maater swte, nallive stone r1replace.1--------extra large game room. Askin& $109,95(). Call for all amenities. 963-7881 ..wum.-1 MISAVBDE 5 Bdrma. or 4 ar a den; ""''''"?• tt\11 "'°~' '·" immaculate 2·story ( •. II01i:lj;(1I ~~d~~~:ni-:: " l;f;\ i ·J: waler sortener, de-~=~~~~~· ~I cont.or waU coverings. = ~for app \. $1811,:iOO WHY r A Y IUHT? 8B31163 175-4777 eves cou.ECTm ~ 2 Bdrm duplexes. OJrma del Mar. 2 paUoe and laundry room, as· 1WD1ble lst TD. owner ·associated ·' 8 1lOl<f "S-llf"'lTOlt5 llJ]•, W lrtlbo.., •' t Jt,• I wlll help finan ce .-------- ~ ~N Ill 0 •II\ llJll ll)lll ti" I • {lllftllld RIDUCED FOR QUICK SAi.it OCW:ROMTS Seller will help fmance. Submit your terms & creative financing. 6 -------~ Deluxe 2 bdrm .• 2 balb urutB, now 85,000! OPPORTUNITY moca often when you ..-e reault-gettlog Dally Plklt ctaaaifled Ads to ~ the Orange Coss marUt. Phone 642-5678 Owner's deluxe 3 bdrm., 2 bath unit + • bdrm. rmt.al. oo 55 ft. klt. Now Sl95Jl00! HURRY ONTHF.8E I W»alayl'rop. ........ * 675-7060 * UDO llU SH0,000 3 bedroom. slnaJo story on n prime inside lot, recently carpt'tl'd, draped, painted . wollpuporod arnd tlfed ! Whew ! Owners hovt' u nt•w hou1.e In mind: chance ror buyon to muke u neut buy. Pr(.'8onlt'<t ut ~.000 U ,._ IVIJ [ ti()Ml:I REAL rans~. 6 /b eooo 2443 Eest Cou t H1uhw.iv Coron1 dol Mtr IXICUTIVI QUAUn MHAY•DI Oraclou1 land1capln11 and entry ad1 lo the ele1ance of this ,,000 aqJ\. home. 3 Bdrm plWI ...-.ie muter swte. Beautiful offlce/Hbrary comblnaUon. Maanlfl· emt family room wtt.b CllUlllY brick fireplace. Pleasant shaded patio with lush landlcapln&-3 car prage, xtra bhns. A must see. Only 1227 ~ Ca.II today! 546--Z313 QI'~" 010· ,. , ''"' '""'' '•"'1 ' !®IRfMI W•f1wtt4-s BR 4 Ba c ustom waterfront home w/171138' pvt dock. ~ 11.cm.000 dir9ct ban builder. For cWalJa • tbia home ud appt to lee. call Carol Hott, ·agt 931.oo!M. Prln only. GAIDIM COMOO! A bargain, 171,SOO, 2 Bdrm. 2 bath, bric k fireplace, encl 2 car garage. 90% hnanci.na available. 17.200 total down. Call now. 546--Z313 ' Ol'fli 111Q•1• \ IC)N 10 8' lvlff' 1~1111 IUS11C2• older home OD large tre. covered lot. Eutalde COila Mesa. •.ooo. Roy Mee8"die. Rltr. 5 .. 772' AIAMDOMED ................ Plllale 1roundl. Beach. :.sty Froot porch. Lob- by entry. a BR. f'l>rma1 din. park>r. w /bltn dbl china butch. Den/1ame rm. 2nd 1ty veranda aun- d ec k w taep out a lde ltalrcue. 1Ddoor artl.IUc 1wrwell. Guest qtrs. Domed cellln11. Bay window. err acceu. 50% reltored.. It bu it all. Must sacrifice for Sl2S,OOO. Call now!! Brokr. 9S3--0ll02 DOYBSHOUS 4 Bedroom, 3 bath. custom. ClOl"Def' locatloo, ~ lcapa, with someCl- ty llahl view. ~.ooo. ~o/ 7ff.t221 9 ........... w-.oc1 ,,._. On Newport Pen.a. or South to Laauna lkh.. Single family, muJt.lple dwellmg or romm1 tn· come unita. Brkr Invited. Write: R. Luther, Box 420, Laite Arrowhead, Calif. 92352, Or Call: 714-337-2414 or Eves 33'1-1TI7. $15,000 DOWN! Owner will carry SM.000 AITD on um a Bdrm 2 bMb ftxer. Family room witb atone fireplace, utility room. 2 car prqe. A steal I Call now 54&-2313 O"t'' ,, • .,,.,, \ 'ut" '"'"' f.l'tff 1•1@111 . -. tis C~l~we_ll Ban.~~~ TAKI TIMf ,.0 LIVI in this immaculate "drm. 2 bath one story townhome in adult community. The plushiest of carpets. elegant use of mirrors. upgraded appliances & excelJent location near golf coutse & tennis club. Walk to shopping & bus. $137,500 Fee. ' tn•A•M&L--C.. ..... .... ........... ..., ..... ...... ...................... & •• ~ .............. Hlt.IOO. M Cc.DMA -MAI -Oat Lclliill•; ................. --. .. ...... , ........... ...._ ... c-....,.a1mt ........ .., .. tew&SIM.000. COLI OP MIWPOtlT llALTOIS Dlll.c..tttwy .. C._ .. ..._ 675-1511 moADMOOI KAllOI V1IW talS &aper ~ avail , OD U. lovel,y. SR fami· l,y nn bocm wllb reiuln1 view tA mW .. blllalde. it.allltlcal1 priced al •.aoo c.n DC1M'IE VALENTINE m.eooo or MCMll7 SmlM.Slst,000 Country l i ke at · mcMlpbere, 1 urround1 lhla fantaatlc family home. Atrium entry. formal dlnln1 room . famlly room + bonWI room too! Private, secluded muter suite. Owners wiU help wlth flnancin& c.11 now ror CMMACOYI ~ 3 +dart room In adwlve Cblna Cow. Bley aad ocean WW.. P'ee land and a11umable loM. c..um..wo (')l/lfN ,._ 11 • '\ • ,,, 11 11<-t ,,,,., • te.INHI US.1M••1 .. OlD Coac>MA DB. Md True 2 Bdrm cotta1e. WoodburD.ln1 fl.replace md qua.lot pvt paUo. M · 1ua1e bl Tl>. and owner may help finance . $117,S)O. Call ITl.a50 preview. 646-7171 SllJ Ol'flvl~O ·ll\ll"ll0141,.,_I ~~>~t¥!~~ .. l•dllld ~~~~ RL'dh1ll~~Realty WTSIDE CHARMER Ea1talde, Coata lleaa cbarmer. brand new, just completely re· modeled! New roof. c:9rplta, Jl&ln&. kJtelwl &be woft:a! lacndlb&e value, Ju.at S102,IOO. IUTy! TU. .ctvutaie I 11,IP Kr.Ill\ tllfl\l' •• J 1 jl}\ . ... .... . . .. LIDO'SMOST SPICTACU!l--U VIEW 41111 Udo Part Dr., ab floor condo. 24 Hr. eeearit;y. C.U fol' •PP\. ~ 752-1700 WISTI:UFF COMOO m., "1 9 • "\ ,.,,, '"~~ '"' 1 Sba'1' 2 bdnn • 2 bat.b l ~ UNll ~~,1~~,!r~~: with mirTOred bar. r rp k . ,_.U.C an JIM ~~1;ft'h"!'f 2. 3 • 4 BednJOmS with tractive finan cing oceen view, pool, sauna, a~. spa ar Iota ~open apace In Sunny San Dle10 ~ SC7 ~ wtt!I s~ down peymeot. u.~ to- 1.aat rate. Sot1-m1 or a_..... 1 ACRE-1-1 llEM VIEW! Spectacular tao des oc.o view trom um nne loelltion. Approx. 1 acre In Lquaa · beach area. ft-'81 and clear. Owner may rmance. C.ll now. m.1100 ()l'IN '" 0 • 11 \ llJ"I 'ti ttl ~l'l f • 1•1hlltll LAlM ASSUMUllLK. Lib Dew inakle • out wt1b new £' and a '*Y brick 1c tn um altndiw3 , 2batb home. L1e a11umable bUJ rib DO quallf)'inl. Only 915,IOO. Act now. callm.5370 ALLSTATE. ·REALTORS A Th v1•11on or Harbor lnveslml•nl Co OUTSTAHDRtCl VALUI Qiper 3 Bdrm 2 bath family bome in Oceanside. Great nelthborhood, near acboola, pub and 1bopl. l..oYel)' fDO'mtain view. Out1tandln1 starter home or rental unit SlS,000. don osen r••.ut•>1"' 1Zl3 N. OOAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH ., .... ASSUM All I LOAM AHD- • aMrp 3 bdrm bome wttb and M1Vmable w ... aad ..u.r will carry 2bd. N~ ctuallfyln1 .. and ~ SHA1P Fl'<*' Ill only S10U50. 41r. l~be. W/nice fam Clllt'1'NJ10NOW! rm. ar frm1 dinina-Nice A ~~~~c LLSTATE WnAda callta.M'111-REALTORS Ill: 111111 ILllD CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE llflMl'S MIWllJ &OOM Art11tlc1lly Decorated Northwood Patio Home. Thi• Homt Showa Ule A Model Inside • Out. Trl-Level, Tbree Large Bedroom• Plu1 Boftu• Room fr Famlly Room.. Sprt"' Ha• Spnu\1 ,, Tb1a Rome II BursUn1 Wlt.b All 'Jbe Bloomln1 Amenities tn Tiit Worid. HUllYtf Quiet CuJ-dt.S.c LocaUon. Good Sttrter For Vouf! Family. Oen Can Bt Caev.ied To Fou Btdroom, New Ea Tant C•rpeta. Brl1 Ir ~ £1t.Jn 1\utien. One Of Jrvlne'1 1"tMtl COm111unlt1 AHoelaUon1 Wll.b Pool 6 ,._., tlJ8,000. ti) -> SO. °' PCM. J .,_ A 2. AITD Interpretation : A South of the hl1bway, OJd Corooa del Mar duplex with a 3 bedroom, 2 bath Wlit and a 2 bedroom. 1 bath unit that will sell with an attractive All Inclusive Trust Deed. 1bese are sharp units with high beam ceUlngs, patios, oversized garaaes. new carpets and fireplacea. Listed at $275,000. IJ~l()U~ ti()M~I REAL TORS•, 675-6000 2443 E.n Coat Highwty. Corona del Mar ........... 1006 CCMaf'lllY UYl48i .. -··--•••••••• IACXIAY ..-llM"Wt....t.ll / 1.f'HI H1" '.t Pf /It '' SZ6t.OOO ._,,., ~ ,...___ O.Oww .. dLot C JswU•lltH ...._.. bulll. brick ac· I Bedroom•. den. 3 Sanifice! Small. cosy cmt. com.try kltcbeo. bldla. J9CUl:ll ud room -.on very Jrir. bl&Jda. ,_.., room wtt.b ber. lars-tinc4can. ble lo&. For aaJe by ClaanniQI •YiDI room. LOU lllCHTa o w n • r . C a I I brick flrelUca. Lee utila · . G!l3 >m-mi. t;y room. room for office. It..._ '71-lll I v--77 7 77 .. 4 BR 2"' a.th. Room ror C.W .. ..._. I Oll u s s teaaia, pool or borM. ....................... . he 111 .. , .. Mesa Verde custom. 4 llOO.,.Oa.Yllw bdrardm. 3~ bu .. poo1 400E.Jr~ RJI AU. 3 Bdr, 2 ba, fee land. " , j a c . J a c t le CJl MUS Ne•IJ decorated . ffmcletnan,831-1211 ~~t~fl~t~~~~illlll...~~~ ~rJ!i:!t~~: l:i~~BS~ -Bk:r.cn..sm ~ UDOISU ~~~~ J Bdrm OD •• wide k)t WANTED: Corona del wt&b ta..-Mvtn1 room, Mar duplex w /lie aa ~=~ 1umable loan Prefer area bt wn Poppy le JACllS 1£ALJY thr1uerite . Buy o r 671-6670 trade ~top 0 Boll 25C7. Capiiltrano Brach, --------t _CA_aa. _____ _ a..lcCd I• DlllbdWIJ cleeoraled ' bedlloom wtth c.y f anu · ly room, u.ed brick ~~= view ot moam«alO& and city ll1bta. Special flnaoclDI available. Dll.GOIL IUY'IMISIA A 1pedacUl.ar S Bdrm oceanfront con domlnlu.m ElepnUy de corated La1una Lido comer unit to be aold furnbbed. Owner ••II provide rmancing "' fan u.tac tenm Hurry on thitooe! BALBOA I SL A N D REAL TV l7J..8100 FOu. 4-ft..EXES n..e woo\ last wtt.b 00 l,y SK.ODO down Od eacb ~ they are clioee ~~evm.Calloow. Whelan Real Estate ~3666 Sl'Ye.LASS Owner will carry lit TD OD beautiful S bdrm -... hi&tl!Y ~. mn ice ""· az:5.000 Call Century 21 Lodlbut.m.8M7. Corw •• ,. t By Owner. Creative fl.oucu1. Customized lhroulhout-3 Bdrm. 2 be. pool a yard, beach ~ Call tor a ppt M).11113 --------ea.taMfta 1024 .... i -.-HERITAGE • • REALTORS MD9 .. fM Gocw .. • ti &..- Availabae to e"VttJODe. No new loeo rost.I, DO qu&lll )'101 lo~res t u low u ~ Ute your equity and move up into IDJC.ba' home today 3 ~ 4 bedrooma llany to choose from. BK R ~l7IO TAl881. -· ftULY Dll.»tf11IUI. S7500DOWM. owe. 3 Bdrm1. near ocean No quahfylng Fanul)I rm. f rpk Call anytlme,,...,, 5'1-4m0 ASSUME $92,500 IOo/o V.N&.OAM IASTSIDI l IH.M. 11121.ATHS FA*. y It POOi. NICI s120.ooo FULLBUALTY 54Mtl4 OM.., $94,900 Four 1lonom bdrms. family room. RV Kctlaa md Lule corner kJt. Be l•!Won\lut!~ R-3 IMPTHmAREA 2 Bdrm boule. but Id ! more uo i t s Onh ll<JZ.000 Call 64S-9161 ...... .;. OPEN HOUSE REALTY ,;'-. OAK GLEN D11t1nct1ve new 2 bedroom. 2..., ba con· dominiuma. ••· 2518 Elden Ave, C.111. ~ SYCAMOUGUN llAHDMEW P'abo1om. large 3 bd. 2 ~ be. Quality loW'Dho me CQDd(JS On11 ' available. from $108.990. 3430 Santa Ana Ave. MZ-6734. O.crtbes tbl1 lovely i.--------coodo near So. Coast Plua. It feat ares: 2 Bdrm 2 bath. formal din· ma room. new carpeta, new wall covertn11. cs.me noon. av ac· ~ -... dowDaCaln md llllll. For an appoint· mmt .., ... call ~1151 . · : ~ HERITAGE . REALTOns msra•• 11/t¥oLOAM IASTSIDI ~ • bdrm. 2 be. 2 *-7 bmna OD q\Ut ~· dNae in EutUde c.o.ta ..... CUlt.oai dealped POOL 6 SPA in extra or· dloar1lJ beauUful17 prtYll&e Jud. Owner' will belp finance! NJ.mt C:J Walkr.r t; I r.r. macnab I Irvine realty WOOD .... Charming 2BR condominium for tnveatment or lat time buyer. Available nowt Flexible rtnancln1. '87,800. Julio Van Wleren 762·141'. (E-71) IACKIAT lSl'TIMEOFFEREO A f'OOID7 3BR home wrth pool. Priced to MU at oo-tp Q.000. CAU. 644-72 r I /Jn NIGEL DAIUY b. ASSIJCIATC 5 *** , ...... ..,. 131 W. 19t.b St Costa Mesa Yau 8re the winner of lwo tickets ($13 .00 .U.),to cacusv.ae.s Mar. l«.h · llar. 20tb o.ta11 .. 11 Rmttn•on Carter nct.u may be dalm«I by caWq M2-5l'll. ut. 272 * ... 1.-..c0te0 la French Quarter ~ pdce la aru. Locat.s OD sre.belt. ~.tn,•. WON'T w .......... 1~1111 ·. . r-.. :1 ·1 1 ,; t ..... :·I ~h .. ••• .. ,· 11" t:'• 1Wllu1moor . Yau~:-..= al two Ucketa (Sl3.00 vat.>.'° cacusVAll•AS Illar. wtb· llar.JOth ODIUM .... ......... c.ter 'l\dilU imy be claimed by calbl IG-:;eTS. ext. 212 *** llM:MConA .. . Nwly renovated 3br, u.. cmlY s bib from t.be 1'er. M price $150,ooo. hit Plllee. lDc. M2· 7411 stWIP2•C... Only $'7'1,500. Lowes\ price ill area. Priced Cor qulct&ale. w.td ..... Es .... su-1n1 ._ t 'l2'"o VA • ~.000 down • Oean3br, 2ba .+-PoOl DIYOrCe forttS sale snomo. 541-°'2:5 Bkr. COOL POOL Neet 6' Clean. 3br, l:i4ba Nr. xJJJt. ~ & Hunt· ilW.oD Center. Park Place, lnc. 8'2-7461 ~ auwn. loan. 3 br l~ ba, heated pool, ...... """· tulb' lnaulat· ed. llD.000. Siu. Mk for hie,IG-7Cor....-. ...Ulllll ,.,.,. hbolou 4 bedroom Y• "-. *-'b' aoca&· .. ca c\&i•uc. WO to.a balaace. Newly ~. t""'1l>' oaint· eel tbrou1bout. 'rhl11 .._allobMc.ntral air ~ • hardwood floor&. Call •• I',\ '\JI H ~ l ,t ,\I IY ~ ~)~' 1 /()()(} BTllWOOD Custom home with S bedrooms and den wttb prtvu atrium. 2l600 ~· it.. Beu.er Hurry I ! RANCH REALTY 551-1222 SYRACUSE ('41EGE PARK Priced w ell u nder bullden 2 models of lhe same plan. Th is 3 bedroom and den home abo bas a t.Jle roof and ceo1ral 8.11'. Highly UP· graded with pro· fessiooally landscaped yards. Call DOW ..,__ RANC H ~ Hf /\L rv \i.V :)~) 1 /000 ... AMCI lk• ,_ PLUS ... l& ICM2 PIMAMCI•! ID I I I• e •I I ............ • Ele&aDt TartJlnM* U • • ~ Wiler View. ..tlve ~I Hills Only 1 yr old"Twnhome and na&ht bpl new! 3 2br. den. 2'1\ba. 2 frplcs, Bdnm, formal dininC PQlll. ..... ..-.. teDDla room , estremely $115.0DO. apaclou1 I Take over Beal Eat.ate "R" U. 10IA% variabldint loan. n~ Owner w /finance balantt with 25~ down f2t'W~i&CHtOMT 1t 15% interest. Asking CUSTOM just $2$9,000! Call for 4 Br, 3ba w /deck 6 dock. mire info. 752--1700 900.000. X1m Is unique Of'fN 111Q •11 ' •u•• ro 111 N.r1 • =:.l~~.:J !•:1na1tl1 Lease/Option to c lose Ml-Beautiful new con· ,.._ 1 do overlooking lenni1 "'°''""'et111111ip0 .... "'1rary courts • pool. SI IP Desim available. Call Sandy . th tah d . aat .. MMID fe1:lure e orut~safo::1~ Candalwood Model in the Deanne Homes. 4 .Bdnns .. 3 ba. plus fam. nn. Walk to pool and ten· Dis. park and sboppmg. ••ndcctcor• Uraent by owner New 3 br 21,Aa ba townbome. Beautllul oo la1oon, pool/tennis. security, auumable $1UK loan. Be low m.Ret price. $24S,OOO. a:u l541· 11'S2 t~ --~1A-!t .. , ~5~~-~.1-0waer will finance ! " '~ ~rv;;,MK: I'\'""~ .,..... 1044 ....................... Bript cheery home.............. 1041 ...... to tba lake ID Wood· -•••• .. ••••••••••••-. ~ .. c.,.t UArUMAMIADOWS n4o-l 202 Georwe Cbarlell Re&hy ill --------1 proud to ptt!lellt these D. I D view bomea situated -• -aplmt gentle hillsides. Ulla ... , 4 Br I Ba. 3600 Priced fl'om $300,000 aq t\. a.t locatioa. Prof. '75-7512 landacapln1. $185,000. e.t bu;r. Bllr. Chuck -~-~--_zv._552..ao30 __ ·. OJ)~ UalvartltJ' Park Pl~ 1 Ponlbam Model. New CllPlt. We. wallpaper, OCEANFRONT lllillllll bl • out. Great Ne• modular type loutloa. C l oae to ...._, pn. COIDJD\1Dl1J • .... put • library. 2 ..... ,. br eecurltJ. aa• Great term•. a Gb·leltiDI OIL ..... ~ •.oeo. aw-.lb.l ..... ... Prta. OlllJ. •Jill. ASSUllABLB FIRST ()pm._ l-$. AMDSSICONDI »,..I llNU4 "z rtn1 a..U.W. at • ....,. .... nae fll IJ\61' for $18,000. ftll f Bdrm lamllf ........ lt&U--... fteft, flraplac• aod ............ UMOOUALISl'ATE --- ..,,.,Ol1' DIC .....,., &MY111MS MIWUSf&ee Lie • lvl1 cutom 4 bdrm • lbia trn&Y rm, 1ourmet iltcben 6' ~ pooi. Offered ll 1225.000 w /Giily soo.ooo down needed • k>w l.n· --en nilting loan. Hurry can\ lut I 545-t4tl ......... BIG CANYON ~r golf course -.te. eeoo sq.ft. • to s Bdnm, S\.'J baths. Pool and spa. $1,2!115,000. Tll ST AINES CO. &1J.11&1 .-WPORT CUSTOM Exclusive drive leads you to this charming Harbor Island area fam1 ly home. Free form POOL m garden sett1.ng Spariotu & beautiful Seller anxious llome may be purchased for KJS,000 prior to remodel iog commencing. &41>-7711 ·-CANYON 4 Bdrm. CtMtiff tloanc· jq. Aaumable loan. OlllforQPt. 60IUDO ~ Wa&el'fruat Condo. Spettacular view. As· mmable Joan.. C.U for ddaila. *Cot~ Realty & Investment 640-5777 teWPOIT + POOi.ViEW beautiful rmly home romplete w /dramatic POOL~ SPA. Room for boet le RV. Crty lights view! Recently r e · modeled in fantastic location.~ 77U UDOISU 2-Sly. early Calir. 3 BR. den. 3 ba., liv. rm. w /fpl. & beamed ceil. Cozy patio. Walk to bearh; club • teonls fac1J. $315,ln>. Call MIS.5ION REALTY 494-0731 HAlllOI YIEW Lovely Monaco model. QWet street. Lrg. pvt. back yard. Aasumable lat T.D. Price: Sl8S.OOO. Call owner for appt. 6(0.G60. THllLUffS Bay & ocean view! Sophl.sticated town.home, finest & IJ)Olt deaJrable early area location. First offering by original owner. sza,ooo. Agent 6'0-5560 . HlHll~Gl 111 ,,, I • •14'-. ·--Fonner home or the llAJit\RAJAH OF IN· DORE. ' BR. 8 be .. 41 ft. PoOl, approx. l·acre. <Mb, trade or JO'S, down. Oner /ql 50-l'm s..llNda IOl4 ... ................... . •0...-wil~af IJ'Vo C..INI..... H111n1Wa .. i•~ ....................... .... .................. . •• ..._ c.-.w.. aw •• ,. n• UIUHI---~ , .... ue• 111111 u , .... f'll.IPLACL BU08..a ..... ...,_1111 .a.ill Mt•. a batla lao••· f WJO.WT&lf > hchaded Hd ••ry 0..-Oroa i. ICl9 .o ullill oa priHte. 11 ... Yarde, .....,,.: --. AA-e:• cattle ralltb. ._to,..........a.ool. lat fH Nl7,ot0. By trW. OWMt' will a.a, ~/mo. Mk fOC' -------~•!!I l!fl!,!•~·~·~L~--1 • Good lnmU.t !l!""'-Aal· 161-Tm ~lot in Caplatl'aDO J Br, J 1111. (rpk~ llMch. t'J0,000. -.... lit • -• acrw la lfuieopa dlp.No,.....,,.'IN7. ....................... ..... ._ ....... 1000 .............. ~ ...... . •7Uttm• ,.._. oowtai aru al Ganko Grove, 10 mo. °'41, all 2Br • l\o\Ba Twabu UDlh, owe W/301' dD . $450,000 . 151·~ DAVIS & CL.An IMYl5n.tTS FANTASTIC AHA.MC..- JMTS &.o.ca-..a. o..r.ftoaMed. Grou lac. aH,JtO. A1klo1 t111.ooo. 81 oweer: tl)MM. Nlwpart r.Mbhlf area. ,...,... •• ooou. \'le ,..,... Reabor .... °' ..... BY OWNER -Appros. l '4 .a. Ill 201IO • 20112 Bireb St. Nr 8r11tol. -.mo CMb dD. o.w.c. ti.laDee. Prine. OnlJ. •·128 JHOUSIS ON HUGE LOT AT SIG,000 Cao u cban1e .a.o. ,.. eeo. m -mo Xll53 . Four 2Br. 2ba unit•. 113),000. owe loan at lDt. aru. a.ta with leue UTZ,DIGBTl&AIBY ls ~acrw db home tn <»f WHAT A VIEW! P .. o Roblu area. 2 br, 2 ba, bltna, ._ rmcronwei ftpk, many i.-.C.-a&it.b&t tor ~·lltel. A.dWta, no petg. alfalfa or 1rape1. m>.vrt.m6or'151.al.17 . ~/acre. IF WE DIDN'T LIKE ~ loveltme'Dt pro-THE MOUNTAINS pertim available allo. WE 'D BE L l V I N." Pl1AdpaJa CG.11 pleue. v For raocbe9. acreaie. HERE. Reapooalble !*~ lsbomea. married couple only. CIOlll.Ad fem Marb at Im/mo. lat ls lut +coo .. W.tla11k:k dep. Ju•t renovated, Redorls.Aa9oda&es ~clean, 3 Br l 'h UM1Sllrin1Stred Ba, 2 car earage + P..oRobles carport. Le yard. Near or wnie to Ken Mark.a, OMV. Call for appl. 8555 River Road , 714 1866·2234 da y:., Atucadtt'o, Cahfonua, 714/81M791 eves. 91422 .. or call after 8 pm. evea1n&1 to Cll05) 3 Br. 2 ba uul Incl. 4116-SM11 Children' ok. Walk to So. on1y AtJ.. en -4560 .... Cout Plau. $575/mo. RE t MAX . Suzee, ~!MOO. or 77~1333 . I 0 t.w IN'fS.C.M ............ • ••••• •• • • • .. Brand oew custom home" Jost.or)' 3 br 2..., be, stepa to sand-too many amenities to hat. --------•! J32 10th St. CaU Steve Qqier-tm )&3G.Gf1 0 .W C. all paper at 10%' 12 untta 10 Coit.a Mesa approved for addiliooa1. 9-uniu or %3-coodos. 752.1.920 8-2 Br, Z be. Z.3 Br. 2YI ba ...... F...w.d bible, frplc. lndry rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IASTSIDE 2 Br, encl. yard, d111- hwuher. No ~· $425. ~ teWP0«1' HGKTS 3 Lovely bdrms H'•Ba . nr schls. Super clean . $151,950. JONES REAL TY 673-6210 Newport Crest. Truly one al the most attractive 3 bdrm t.IDIU. 1 year old. Near pool.Bullt·tn ftnaodDc w /good down payment. No poanta, no quallfylng Tenni s. Jacun1. Smtth-Meyer. Afj. 640-s.357 or 548·7813 Newpor1 Crest. super ron do super location 1 ) r old. 3 br. 2"'1 ba. i;le1>5 away from pool. tenni::.. & J8CUUJ. $175,000 By owner 642 JOSO VILLA BALBOA ExCl1ing new project bay & ocean vlews, ) & 2 Bdrma for sale or lease. S1a.s.ooo to $350,000. s.wral to cbooee from. Apat. ~orm-CN88 OCWROMT stiecba 5 bedroom •. 3 betb famllJ' bome OD per+nnla. Lule a.1 lot. • Olll owner 613-3538 Newport Crest condo. 2Br. 2\'.t.Ba. Upa.raded, s.lm.. 1ocaUoo " partial view. llt0,000. 6'5-2300. Owoel". POOt.. HOUDA Y Nestled ln Newport Beach. Beautiful a nd warm. 2 sty with formal dining. Huge gourmet lutcheo. professionally appraised, priced right 645-0:m FORESTE OLSON .,,,,. "''"t t•JI><'\. Newport CTest Coodoe. 2 \WU avail. 3 BT le 2 Br . Tennis. pool, Jacuzzi, princ . only. Smith· Meyer, Agl, MS-7813 or 64l)..SJS'7 BAY 'OCEAN VIEW Lowest pri~ 3 bdrm view heme in lrvme Ter· f8Ce. Large uaumable lolm. freshly redecorat· ed. Olll DOW (or det.aila ~21. Owner wilJ finance/trade <? > •ater view custom really spacious home. Agast. 813-1795. s.cr.a.w W /Ya.wf As.!ume9.15%. OMC2nd. PatriclTencn, S31·1JIMS UMn+ eott•CW With oe.-riaw_. .,... 11 . ap•rtme•tt orr Holmwood. Oo• neat com.marclal or omce ~*&r ,:w~r.:.port 642-1200 Olllof-leal ..... ....................... 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •EXCITING• Udo Pen 1974 Tra vel e te wtcabana, oullide pauo & garden. Duhwasber· disposal·fros tfree Fng1da1re. F ren ch a rmo1re d1v1der 2 storage sbeilb, comer Jot <HU6363 > ... , .. , ... Custom Camb ridge 2U60. 38r, 2.Ba Natuu.l wood int lF84331 l Also-1970 Universal au.45. 2.Br, 2Ba. highly ~ SDKWl.y .. LDvely.ffighly upgraded Villa West Home. 20x60. 2Br. 2Ba in Lag. Hills Dicellt s star partc., ror· oer lot w /large patio are•. Alr cood·only 127 $0. (JK50IB > .. CLASSIC MemlHOMI SALIS 2'10I Bllnar, Ste JOI.A MO-lt37 COSTA...SA 3'151 lJ'D Wester'D, to 1pece rent, 2Br. 2Ba. Akan~. prden tub. b land ldtcben, many xtras. (UmlO) Tortohe ...... .-.. 972-8421 ' QUAIL PLACE Pl°'8TIES"' 10,... Tit l:JO '.M.I DllUll 4-ft.D R.IXlaE Ta.MS Owner IS offering ooe of Oranie Cowrty 's f 1DeSt l.Suta on an anatallment sale buls! W'by pay !ugh interest when you don 'l have to. Perlect 3 bdrm. smg1e story owner'::. urut in front Woo 't last' 545-t49 I 12UMITS fllttCE REDUCED! Now only $.'579,000 Pn m~ area. Owner will carry M04.000 at only 12% 111 ter'elt! Near Back Bay Pnde of ownersNp. Best value In Costa Mesa! M'llt lell. Huny ! BKR 545-9491 MEW UHITS. C.M. Lee 3bd. 2be owner's unit wifrpl, yard. garages. 3 units at $235,000 and 4 uruta at ms.ooo. TSL lnvstmta 6'2·1603 ywd. ~.000. .,..,... ] 144 TSL lnvsunts 642· Ul03 •••••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • San Joaq1&.0 Country Club Z08 FOil COMDOS area: End urut overl<><* ------.......... Vf!Arf lZ 34 • •••••••••••••••••••••• OI UHrTS uig lake & golf course 2 Elcec hm. 2600 sq ft. 2 f rpl. JU lot in Cftltral Costa BR & den. beautifully Meu. l20x2'lO lot w 13 2.Br furn. No ~-m> Mo , Im mst.r br, lrg tam rm. 4 br, $875. 968-2720; 9Q.8I08 boUltw. m>.ooo cash. yrty. Bly 6 &e.cb 75&-081 l 8 UNITS. Owner will cany w IS'I0.000 down. CALL~ll03 IUICTS Garages. Prime D11- oeyland Area. l200.000 Agent~TTTI S Stores • fut food IO<' a Uoll aC'n.s from ma)(>t OC c:elter S:J00,000 down Pnns only &I s.56-6171 RD'l'TAL INCOME PROPERTY ~.900. Mod ular Type Homes. 34 hr ~unty. J IW1i4oahoda 324C> ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1141 HOMES FOR RENT . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 or tbr. Pri~ frotn OC EAN FRONT COT· .-..~ Fncd yard & TAGE, 2Br. pvt bcb, garages Jo'am1lie s ad!1B.-.3S79 please K1d5 & pPh M'lcome Cal I 964 2566 ur t6awporf leodl 3169 ~2971 Agt oo ft'+' ............... •• •••••• f~ Sbr. 2• ,ba. Sol VL'llJ OCEAN f'RO!'IT 2t.r . Ho~ nr 11 Uarbour a v1&1I Wit.I)' monly ~ ~mcl.:rdnr 1147~~ ~24 0181 exl U7. or ~7613 LIDO ISLE Bayftonl home. 3 b<. to Jul) ht San Manno 21.3 449 44&i • 1-.Jte\ UU\P Sol Vt~la • Sl.Jlt't & l-;J~.1rd~ Sllr 21..,Bct. r .. m rm frpl1 SH9S mo w .1:rd nr M7-4S25 pvt bearbes. pool & pier Hortior YWw ._. (714 )t!l9-:1116 2 BR. 2•;, Ba. ~ condo, SU .!~4 Ba FOUi 4-f'LEXIS beaut. furn l800 mo per --v 2 8 • 2 • , ~ 1 v·-1.11$. J BR, 5450. a BR. f70,000 Dwn. SPEN· .._or w•!M.I """ .... 152:5. C1oM to &ebools, DABLE w tlow dwo, ofli~~OMD fw1a 6&boppla& ::ec ~°". ::.p:~~ ~~~C1MOOO~· ~~~~~ ~•emw•:mumti QUdMn&. DO k»6D fees. -= ~~ OREATU VALUE 6 PLEllBILITY ,, 14 aep. Iota . P rlD . onl7 . 0..-/,..,13l·ml. MISTOU $PICW. • UNITS. z b&ocb otr ~Bhd.T-.O¥~r SZ03.000 lou. Seller W /earf'Y papen wiLb DO pe.yment.I UI 1912.. Act now' Call 714-~ •'t "• '. . ·. ""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• H•llOI YllWHOME MIWHC>Ma • Larwe 2 story. 3 br. t":! b•. $67 5. Hunl · 1ogton Clay ar~ll M>-5004 ...... pan ... ~ tbe ocean breezes in this cute 6 ccny single wide coach. ~II today ror full deWla <FN94 ll >. Tortohe .......... 972-8421 20 MEW UHITS-CM IAh for W. 2200 2 Bedroom. den. 2 8.a th Mona<."O model. fireplaet> and large Y•rd. Com mtDlly ~ a.od grttD belts . $795 mo Agt •VStYPSUVATE- T1ny house , walk to bt-a c h , new crpl:>. ludeum. pa10t. pnvate. focd yard. NO DOGS. Wat.er pd. $295 mo. $.MS ID move 111 421 Lake. See Mgr.900-~ Beautiful 2 bd, 2 ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• townhouse unit s Two~ll.8 'lots. w 1frplcs, vaulted ce1I· 04 Begonia Bl.aid to Inga SUIL 0wnr I Bid r NEWPORT BEAC H · Mobile Home 10 e• · clu111ve Mill pk, $39.500. Owner Wlll carry 2nd. G\mtber at Walker & Lee 9Sl-83n or home 77<M21S TSl.;lnvslmts M2 1603 -.1125 ~148 1ZX44 • '77 SKYLINE. walk to Hoag Hospital AMS. 557·9390 ~48 • 77 Skyline. 2Br. 2Ba. walk to Ho ag Ho5pitaJ AMS 5S7 .9390 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Br house & l br guest, 1rg R·2 lot. Assume loan $137 ,500. Owneribkr. ~ 2 HOUSES Only $.'95,000 for both. WON"T USI' Take over ~ loa.n.. Great rent.al area. WortdhtilEI .... 59.ar~.lnuJetoHoag 556-7m Atta.:....,._ R-3 LOT Prune Cosla M ~a localJon on Baker Sl. foc apartments or condos Swider ,. perkage available Call Jack for In· formalloo. RCTaylorCo l'40 C)l)QO Hosp. 1200 Sq. fl .. 2 BR. 2 bathl. S38.900 ~_.r:. lllSl' SELL 2 view lots Realtcr 642-5333 12 UMm near Greentree lnn. VIC· f W"4• 1Hd9 Mlwport -.odl =~es or Sat pb Double wide 1978 100' Crom und. Only Somerset, low space Ml0.000. Fee land. Woo'\ rent. 2 Br ZBa, close to Last! ~ down, owner beach, SJ9171-9. will e&rTY at I~. TorloM Wortd a..t ii .... ............. 516-7777 972-8421 AawlJtforW. 1100 ....................... RXa·lU'LD Upper Nwpt.. Hta, Cosla M.ea.. 3Br. 2Br+bonua rm• l.Br. Shon Id in· come. owe nnanclog wtth tow dn. wo,ooo. rasc. BEYERL Y HILLS Fantasti c Doheny Qt.at.el. B1.111dlog site. The moet spectacular views or LA, ocean. °'8Dnef lalands. $296,000 t.er'lnl. ......... LE 4'7-1761 Ua , • .,._., ...... 1400 ....................... ------ ~ ~of Hwy 9 room home. 3 bdnns, 2~ ba. study & family rm 3 car gar. 2 frpks , laund t1D> mo Lease 760 9536 ldtSpm DUPLEX 3br. 2ba. pal.lo, avad 3 ~ Lse $700Mo Brkr C.oo~ratlon No s mokers Own 1 Agt 644-1271. 9157 5762 Ex.ec Landing 500 Jbr. 3ba, ram rm. den, up grades. ~Mo. 846-3739 Br. tn level. Super area. walk to ~at·h. etc. S195 !J68..t02 l or 963-0352 3242 --------...................... . ., ... Hllh Beautiful Southport. w ~rb Vle'W, s Bdrm + Boo11S. 4'.,ba. S2SOO month. ""' . 7«>-lk333 Coda M9M l224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• KJOS ,.ftTS O« EASTSU>E 2 BR. $495. Gar Ir fncd yard. Kl·ZSlO ar 646-448 2 Br. I bit, garage, adulta ooJ.y. 1435 mo. 67~ lmmac. 3 br. 2 ba. Fi replace. Near So. <»est Plaza. $1125. Aet. 842-ZIO; 6'2· 1010 2111'. lbe, frp&c, w/yard. Stove/refrtg. Adlta. No N:s. SC75Mo. 646-1105, 4MBPmard S Br, 2 ba. Cam rm. gar. Jae yd. Kids ok. No dop. -mo. IJHIOll. Cll/NB area Hr 2ba ~. J car 1ar . -/fl», Ill~ col· ... new 2 Br. 3ba Coodo. 2 frl>k:. wet bar, Cull rec r aal. S'l'OO mo. 5.52-3988. 2l3 i1lll2-4079 3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IBCTALS 3 BR. 2"' ba ....... Sl.000 4 BR. 3 ba ....... 8)01850 5BR.2~ba .•....... SU> 48R,21,iaba. POOL Newport Beach . . • . $916 .. .. r ,. ~O.Condol CAIADIO(IO AU. t11"D.JTID PAI 0 Co•part before lOU reat. Cutom dt1ltn IMlvee: P .. J, llQ, cow 'rd 1•r•1•. aow fimLltlU'8 , IWTOaDdtKt wtlh ,._.. ludK11Mn4 Adllll lvtQc at ltll best ~l:n "'"1laMd am -w. WU.00. tG 1'71 l.u'll I Ir •:1::,•1•. Adiiala.eo.-.. ..... l Ir. ,.,.,,. -.cl. ,.,, Adt&lw, ao ,.u. ma. ...,,,... SJ\JNNtHO lit. I IR. 2 be. ..... ..,.. Poot. now lll!lSt. I BR, deluat: pallo, ....... auw o K.,, oo .._,... H2• •ta1111&~ ...................... . m.T1 ------ 1 • I tldnn, l&ow, Cll), ms •-. ••·1G0 • •'JIDI. ~mi h'. bdL Mal. sM· Ulr. Own pvt. yard . Encl. aar *Olmo. -..n. WUl(Uf'F coMo.. all ••• later1or. pool. ................. .... ,,,.. ... -.. ····---· WAN'nl): ~· Ill ,._ A~. A.rddt. cM· 1lped Ntw twnbm1. ~ fw Nat. 10llJO ....... •'I Vft. w"' .,,, Olilllf. Loca"8d °" q1111. ft'plc btt1D k.tkb °*l lfW7 la centraJ peUoe ' deeka. llu1t l.q\ma 8th. AOO per Set! Proll'I tTJlllo. mo.e7.all••·U.S ...... ..,..., l&nate ,.,.., .... , •• WDTa.lJT 2 br. 1~ be MCUn. ltenlt only. c--. ... mo A.chalta .. ,... ,_,.,....,., •• llO ,..... 1'1JI Bid· OM...... 4400 bod La. 541-1m. ...................... . Udo BlJfraaL U .. Lain CID Uile Wl&er. 2 Bdnns, frpic. nnty pQMd In/. a.a. Sbort or lo8c t.erm na.a.1 mat •mim llOl w..ctllf Or . .,,,. 100 lq ft. wW bulkl lo 111lt. ample pulilaa. ,,.,,....tO-nu. ml9'1. ft. -IDO. mTOM HMIOl aft . Nlwb' 11 rat h• .... &MM.· ca.r la C..t• ......... ml IDrl...S.~KJ rro• approa 41t to ft .,...apb6 at reuooabJe Paw.a. Kata ~.m•- IUILIAll ~awa1l1m1 Widow ILN IDOMJ ror 2Dd. T.D'a.. No n.ut ~. ao ~. l80.GOO ... Por 1cllon call A1•nt ,,,. 71l.1. AA1tl•. llllMITE& FUNDS! aar,n.w mm1mo Slpet-1 Br 11J"deu apt f\d • ret. A.IJ uUJ pd AG.ill. oo P9b au ma a tir tilt• a.w. eon. ~lo beach. MM 6 bw Pool w 0 M\&ha lalt~~~or ~78 Modem. ctt.a 2 Bdrm, 2 bath apt over 1ar. 2 doon rrom be9dl. Very privak, Ua.e ol lovely pMio. Open beama In II v 1111 rm Lot#ol 1t«a1e . walk In. ti~ c~ Olshwubtr 11arba•• dap 'With or without PAI• Ori Vt by $403 River Ave. aod call for appt. to 1ee. Auilable March 1.$ '4$-1771 lll7Wtlldllr, N.8 ~141·5Gl2 ........ 11•1 RdltlU ...., Briatol. I J yr ...... 4otnc:., ~ tJoo ant•. warehouae wtt.la ia,.. aUdUlt dooc' • fllll aeeur1ty 111t.em ~vail. .n.-~25-IO CaU Co Me tOAM 'to !PM ~8'4..00 WTD&..e.C... .. , ...... , .... ., .. 'rM.osYIUH ~w. 671-U7J tar mo mo Ac-.~ a...-..... lJ41 ----.............. H.arbor R1d1e Eatates 0 C & A N P' a 0 N T borne l Br, Jba. 3 ftpks, MONTHLY R£NTA~ tae famrm, pvtjac, 3car hniabad mobile horn"' pr, let' ... ~ AJll!t. 00· l bdla. a. br lffVrity: lY. IZ'1001mo IM . ._,9636 SISW. RJ1P.-.a16 aft5pm. ---------- ar.ntrant. year 'rOuod, S13lO mo. or fum .. '1400 mo. El Puerto .... 18 Maple Ave. apt~ ......... lt«h 3740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IXICS.OMLY VfNI' cbo6ce ol 2 smart l&J* • DO upkeep! 2 BR. 2 be., dehue, va aw4rrHdy.*° Peothouae overlooking b&1. OC"ean It tree tops • 4 8R. 3 ba .. duUnl. 2 Wet bani, plush' Vacant & re adv. l13>0 mo l100 FREE RENT 2 Br. 1 ba ll\Ml.IO apt Pvt P9Uo • aar11e. Lota of &nU. m52 Blue Lan ""11. ~ "s-. 49&-3354 Oft~. ............ 40 ....................... 1 or 2 Am SD.119 rrom '75. 11'1 W. 1llb Sl. C.U Tom ~m> W.ud · busineu • I.iv qtrt GI poqlble I. Npt C M area 1175 1015. Mf-Ol79 Prh'&e Party 11.u money to mis Real r.tate 2nd T 0 '1 tw'IDC et<' 'ut 4415 ~ 8kr -~ 1!27 C rcW .... ....................... •tJl FS. T,_. CJflee or sbop •f*tt. 475 Die.ti 5035 I\. ft.., OD '1'CJUnd Or + 1 ••---••••••••••••••• Walk lo beach; 2 BR, 1.,., bL '100Mo H.l°'AMHT Spe.aiab ~t.ate l.Jvltlg • BuUliful p&rit·Uke i.ur roundln11. Terraced poot Sunken aa• bbq, aparklio& fountains Spacious room s Separate dlnlna area, walk·hl cl011eu. home tilte kitchen & c ablnet.s. Walk to Hunhn1ton ~. 'f,,(;uma "'' ._ /In> •. ~fw''"'u •llJ.UXE• GARDEN APT. .......... .,. ....... ............. , JtoO DIC. SUITIS Prtine Newpon Buch toe. Near 0 . c. airport Rent iod. ~. con ference rm. janitor 11erv . ulll1. 100 fru c oplea 6 more ~aJ ten avail u. or Duus e1 Nll ~ . ..,er uruta, total s.tler ~ Co . 11111 171 1q ft On Coat AD type ot reaJ ~ Hlry. &o. Lacuna. SllOO ~ ~ lN 1\ner' Auoc. .e4· 1177 w.-..... 1252 ...... v ..... .... ••••••••••••••••••• 1.mmac. C01Dpletely re· 2Br, 2Ba. den W/fll)lc, furblahed, 3BR 2 ba. i di VI Mooaco model, quiet, onn. o . rm. ew. ba.ady loc. Avail mo. at 8>. Avail. 4-I. 770-98'76. 900. Debi Bibb, Agt. ... ..,...._.. l2ff ~.M2"88S8 (Eves). ....................... NO FEE' Apt. • Condo Newport Crest Condo 4 br. ,. reat.ala. · Villa Rentals m>aq. ft. Nr. Pool & ten m.4112Bkr nis. Snulh·Meyer, Agt, S4I-781.J or ~53S7 2 BR tdh. rmtr suill" l. l ti.... den: appro• 2100sq Nwpt Crest 2 bd, 2..., ba. ft. fo)opk .. wet bar, 2 car walk to beach. pool & ~ pr. ~. pool, sauna, lenrua. S875 mo. Days ja ul privll Lease 962-88C7oreves673-5264. . ~101 or C213 J l'T1'0 ER RENTAL ON BAYf'RONT . le~; uclusive Dover Shores. s Bdnn. home HAUOttYIEW Somerset model, 5 Br. 2.,., Ba, nu remodehng & redecorating. Sl200/mo lae. No peU. Avail. 3122. &W..alll8 with pier &rloaltor60 ft. S-Cle•llh 3276 bollt. $3000 Mo. Yrly. Bay ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Beach R.u.lty 75&--0811 2 Br. den, 2 ba condo, 1 yr SPY , ... ,., lease. SS75 mo. Pool & G~. 4 br, 2~ ba, spa. lsl, last + S200 dep. view. Gardener tncl. LSOOsq. ft. 493-U..l; eves Slm mo. 640-0735. ,m1254 or &-2734. Ask BeaWfuJ Large house in for Al or Jerry. aJmoel .,., acre. 2 Br. 2 Bdrm. 2 ba condo, ocean frplc, hi beam ceiling, view. Adult.a, oo pets. lot& ol room for boat or $590 mo . 493 ·8385 ; camper. Compl fenced '7»-0186 Mr Davis. e'15mo.~m1 -------1 ,.... 3290 ~ 4 Br" den. l9tS. -·················· mo. lmmacuJate. I Br. I~ ba, comeT lot. '4$-5388 Brick frplc & n•lural .Beacon Bay. pri v beach . 2br. lanai or 3br. 2ba. Lge encl patio S900 Per mo 551 3006 or 2J.3..433..1492 ••• Rows.... SSU River Ave. Newport Beach wood. No. Tus tin . S6501 mo 76().9536 aft Spm C-'c I J Id u.tw~ 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• STANTON <Katella • Knott ) 3 Br. 10,.C, ba. 2 story Dahwhr, patio, dbl pra&e. 2 kids & 1 pets ok. $475 964·2566 or 9'13-2971, A&t. ooree. You ~ the wl.nMr of two Uckets <'13.00 value). lo CIRCUS y Alt(;,AS 2 Br. 1 ~ ba condo our So. .. __ 1-.. M ....,... Coast Plua. lmmed. oc· -eo;:&.e:!"aal<NUJ cupancy . $450 mo. HUIJllnllonCenur 642·4463; 675·8386 ; Tickets may be cla.imed _m._~------- by call1n& 642-5678, ext •VU.LAGE CREEK • 272 Split atvel end unit -* * * vaulted ceilioga·maater Seaview 4 br, 3 ba, spec· t.acWar day Ii n.lle view from ocean to mtns Inda. gardener. tennis. pool & jac. SUOO H 833-1070; B: $5.Z· l.800 +LOF7·2 ba·D R.-pool -frpl·pvt patio-gourmet kitchen-dbl gar+ hobby opp SCP·mature adult.I -166(). 751·7946. 751-0770 --------•I VUlla Gn.nada. 2Br 2ba. ooeaoview. perleet cond. LIDO PENINSULA Condo oo Ba yfroat wf'noo 1q fl ol beauttlul liviQ&. 2 BR. den, 2 ba Walerlrool patio. SlSJO/moyrty lae. Amoe pool • pn v. SS90 Beverly: a.Q'500. I.WES 28R-<0Ddo- Turtlerocli end unit--.00 mo. 1 BR-i:Olldo- Oraqetree end l.lllt-t&25 mo. 2 BR-.lngle family bme 1 Bedroom furo ~ 2 Bed.room f IUll. S48S. Townhouse unlum. $475 Aduha, DO pet.a. UtWties Free! LA QUINTA HERMOSA l6Zll Pazblde L.n 1 blk W. ol Beach. 3 bib S. of F.dinger 847·5441 -u.,.a S.oct. 37 41 •.•..•........•........ LAGUNA BEACH MTR INN. Maid ffrv . color 1V, healed pool Util C'714 >494·5294 . 985 No Coast Hwy. L&m&ry studio Free m it id serv. Color tv S8S wk. inc. Wl. e-2227 View, 1 br, $450/lease Responsible 11duJ~. no petB. 494-00ll6. Bachelor, utu. and .. walk to towo-beacb. Sl95 67-J-8m 2'315 f . CoH~ CdM Coefa...... 3124 ....................... 1 Bdrm apt ~ p.rqe, , .. pald 642 5Cn3 2 Bdrme. l bath apt. AduJLa Gu pald M2·5073. meatilUlu APil'TMEMTS GttAND OP&llMG 2Br.2 Ba ~ ExceUeot location. walk to complete shopping. BealA.ifuUy landscaped Specious apta. Pnvate petJoa or decb. Adulta. Hea paid. No peta. Spa. <>Pea 10-6 daUy :118 West Wilaoo, C.M. 63l·S5831548-:M08 957-02112or497·3079ne •2 Br. 2 ba. nr. So. Cst .. ,~ .... I . A01Jlll I ,,2 ;, ll\INL. • 1 & 2 BR Plt10 Apt\. • 011hwnhtn a. aaa·, • Pool & Rte. Room • G1nf1n l 11tchup1ftt • Joe to 81Kh l Sho111 ',f ,\ f '\J\'11\' )r~\11 '\: l l'tt, <'fl,,, ,It,,,, H • <ll1/ ·l >llO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sawild Villwe New taJ bd;.;ir.ury adl.IJt apt.a In 14 plana rrom Ins. 2 bdrm ~fromSNS + poola, t.llWI. wa'-falla. e!.O~or=nc ~ drtve North on &each to McP'addfti I.hen Welt on Mc P'IMSdec to Seawlod Vlll•1r nl4MJ.5Ull 4000 • •••••••••••••••••••••• JTZWeeai&Up Studios . 1 brs , kllcbenellu. pool tt& rn.ld Mn'. $48-~ SWmy Mn. Moul PROMONTORY POINT Loll bdrm. Maybe part time employmeot for re· duced rent. Kayla 675-2101 PIESTllOUS UICATI.._ ~ve ofTko9 avail Ill full eerv otc '*fa Nr oc. AUpon ~ .. pbane a.m . M!CY eer-v tlOIJI. rm. etc. PleaH call ~ Oma! ll)I«' 1100 Mo . s ml office IUO Mo 1827 WeatcJlff Dr. Nwpt Beach. 131-0mO WW t.aJd to suit 2500lq ft near OC Airport, Call ~- •e.wpcM1 IHda 1769 ~~~. &4ic::"~ren lmely all adult. oo pets, ....... ••••••••••••• • •• l.2&i3 Br apts. 6200 Ed· Furn. room la Costa Mesa. quiet home for woc1llni penon. 642-4794 Room w /kit prvp. AdJts oo1y nr sboppi.o1 cntr. taz. 7D> eve/wbda •NEWPORT BEACH• •PRIME LOCA TIO!•h SO yd3 from wa~rlronl ~ 500aq ft. ('TW) ...... NO LEASE ~EQUIRE• YEAR·AOUNO FUN Soc•al Act1v1t1es 01 rect"r •Free Sunday Brunch• BBQ s •Par ttes •Plus much mo•e QREAT RECREATION: Tennis • Free Lessons (pro & pro ShOpl • 2 Health Clubs • Sauna• Hydromassage •Swim ming • Driving Range BEAUTIFUl APART· MENTS: Singles. t & 2 Bedrooms • Fur n1shed & Unfurnished • Adull l.Jving •No Pels • Models Open da1ty 9 to 6 Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beach/So. t700 16th St 1Do .. er at t6tlll (714) 6'12·8170 N.wport Beach/No, 880 lr\11ne lat 161111 (714) 6'15-0550 1 & 2 Brs apt. :M21 £. 16th St. Adults. no pets S350 Yrly Also unrurn &fS...4718. BeauW'uJ furn penlbouise apt. Cotry club facl. Monthly or longe r . tl!50Mo. 76().9117 1 Br. blt.ns. mng, pool. 1Dger, b.b. 846-0619. •Df.UJXE OFFICES• P'rom l rm. ~ to 1100 aq . fl. From D ft. No lae req. Babi.Dd AJrport.er Hcul at 2172 DuPont OT . sate!! &13-3223. 9-12 Adulta, DO pel.5. $325. 548--0t92 Faau.ly. 2 BT '340. Spic. 3 Br. 2 h• $395. Play. gmmd. pool. 646--1486 lral'ldtWw~ 2 Br 1 ba From $4~ 2 Br '2 ba From S450 J Br "2 ba From SS50 Beauulul specious units 1.0 sma II bul ldJ.ngs Pvt yards, ptlloti. Open daily LG-4 at 1.982 Maple St TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 3 br, 2 ba. nr. So Cout l'Wa. Call 833-22.38 M · F, 8 :1)-5 =-> Near New 2 br. 2 ba, <bbwhr, sundeck, $385 . S4M875 I Edra L.gt Roo.s I Oeao, quiet. 2 bd, 1 ba. No ldda/peU. l350tmo. Call Jef( 631-1.2166 REALTORS '1 Br F.utalde, 11naJJ but oozy w/lot.s of neat wood. I sm. 842.MS() afler 4 pm. ~ Br, 1 ba, C'l'(S &i drpe, kids oil. No dop Sm a.II yard m> mo 831 ·9081 IJg l br. pool, nr. ahops, adlta, DO pet.a. Ul1J pd. l.M4 Monrovia st8.o.13S 111E VICI'ORIAN 2Br. wtpr. Adil.I, crpta, drpt, bltns, facd yd. Water pd. sa&-4120. 667 Victoria St $350 OCIAMARIA Walk lo the beac h . DeliptluJ lae 1"2 Br apt.I, some w /fTJ>IC, all patios or balcorues En )<r'f 21> acres w t a u.racll ve g reenbelt. tree s. landscape & 9 hole put tang green. 2 pools Friendly clubhou H w lfrpk. color 1V. sauna, ex.erctSe & weight room St.arts at S3eO tnclud.J.ng major Ullliues. Adults, DO peU. CASA .. SOL 21UI holdmst '6z..665J .... .._ 4150 ....................... Lovdy New n.un bomt' for dderty. Home cook· Inc. Pauo &i loving care 83&-107I. 83:2·2788 'Yoc:.affOR ~ 4250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DICUTlVl sums Nr O ran ~e Coun t) A1rport area. 950-2288 l..arge Bag Bear cabin. Cannery Village orhcE' pool t bl. color TV 2 space av&JJ 1 lge & I frplcs, aleepa 14 ~16 sml Broker 67H912 Ski Sun Valley. Save money oo Condo rental from loc al o wner 714 1 759·0157 . 'Wlcndl1Eves714/951-0309 C abin• ror r ent . weetr.eada, weekly, mon ExdillMU4o V...,.s.h -ba .._. ... _ t.bly. Green Valley Lake. QJI", l , • .,..c. gar. ........ CAS7..15)t Mas vat'at.e lmmedtale ly, ~ IM on lua l.lrioul 0~ ft I Ue<' olfc io heart ol N 8. :J)(o below C'UJTml rnce Im macuJate. Cal 9'79-31S7 Olte'B-~1. bwMher, large paUo. No --------Pet.a. S3115Mo. 7~7474 &i 53S.:s:lr7 1.lr, dupla. 0n cW-de·HC atrM.. Nr all. Aft. 6PM. 8CZ-Wr7 Large 2br. pat.lo. nr bell. MSOtmo 817 Geneva. a5111Bor 846-4080 HEWl21w.2bo. Plltio, fll)k. iar. ad.It.a. DO pet&. SRiMo. 646--13'5 Beautiful coodo. Adult community 2Br. 2Ba. pool, ape, lmnil. gym etc. lmtmo. ~ or 9&-258SaA. 5. &..-JMIMdl 3141 ....................... La1una Beach. ocean YM!w, new f Ufll. atud.io w lldl Pool, ape. alttpi 4 Avail. Man:b 21 thru 28 DIO. 752·2S50. P\m&.Y ol snow at Ta.hoe. spacious 4 BR, 3 ba home, Taboe Keya. South Shore, Ju1t min to Heavenly Valley Ii Sl•rbne. Avatl by the ..-. WO. Oa.11 M2-M71. ....... s..-. 4)00 ....................... lilovtaa ! A VOid depostt.a 6 cut llvln1 ellpenaes' Profeulonally since 1971. HOUSIMATIS m-413o4 *'°1M DELUXE SUITES. From $2915. Air cood . ~ pq. UliJ pd 2.855 E CR Hwy. m.e1100 ~sum Orona del Mar, aarden olfloe aul te. 8SO Sq tl Realonomlca m..6700 Orona <Sa Mar; db 2 rm 1u1te S2SO mo Realooom1cs Corp m«1'00 a&. in Bayview Haul Hl1tor1cal landmark IZ50 • t.q». Bay View. lmmed. «>map. Coot.act Road7~azz ance or retail 1paces •val.I. 0908 Pl. Plua . llowllUira, froat. $250 • Up.-..ma.•9594 llo 4M-U'T7 S,.Cwtslwt. .... W_.... 4600 WTh ···-················· MJ.Jf7f .....,.., ' ~Mdloom t'Cltta,e In •et lllG't m La1vna .... ~def 1111 ora.a-...1or_,fYf ... CNfC .,.. es.en Ual -~ llCI IOJ. r 10 Tbe Dally Pilot ~,.~,. p 0 flo• 1MO (Ml• .. ~. CA t212~ "' f"'ll'phOftl' en-,.. Ync '~ ""'°'"""• Mu dlial. ~c •P' to •hi w NtDe Or ~~•inc~ m CdM Cill anyt1ml" mz:m Grac1ow, profe111onal woman non smokl"r. ~ destrn love ly room 111 quabty home CdM.Npt a~as KrtC'h pn v des1r1b4e M2-UJO. Ad-Gtter • 40 34-hr PrUeuilno&I couple leek 1n1 3 4 Br house an 1\lrtJerocli e il'98 llBIAa COSTA MESA z.dlD-S "-' ...... tJ .,._ Ur-m. su>..-tw ... ..., .... ... ~~ fD.191 . ..•. a.ff" ---i...TD ,,. ..a.. a.A!IO 1:r ---,...,.,.,., """'"' propat7 ~ , ..... n#aot1.tb1.-O t>.ic S1ttntr. 540 3t6b ,,, sa.a:a TD'S fOtl SAU SllK.. S36K. 44.JC 1 ~ • mm )1eW1 Guar paym~nt.:. ,...~ ~ 11.S.OOO 2.nd T D. at Hr. Due • ~able In 2yn Ducounted to St2,600 75.1 SO aft lPM 2HD TIUST DHDS Owner' lnol'I Owntt. smelt> fa.mUy ~ & 2's 4 'I [.mm to 125(),000 w /00 pnp.y or ballooo. U yrs Oat* f'lnaodaJ s.me. m4 > &«MIOlf ·•-:r •I P19iwa•/ l.Olt~Foed SD> month Rent Small kitchen. good startt·r bar TIME 74Sl 1400 •••••••-•••••••••••••• -t _,_ ... , 5100 Established Raa1J gift and stoMwa~ busuJes.s m t> lt'g ant shop pmc cmt.er Ideal ~r operat1oa Turn Key. wilb e•cellent return Owner mtnug. m.ooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• D.l.0- 3800 P~ew L.n •28A 1rv1De Ya. are ~ wtnner of two tickets <Sil 00 value>. to C.CUS Yil(;,AS Mar MUI · Mar 20tb QJsta Meaa Ii Hunt.in«ton Cent.er Ticbts rmy be claimed b)' calling 642·587'8. ut 272 • •• C.-ftool 5 I 50 .. 513 CA...U,Dl·fRVttfE -................ . F.u&YSH<>f' Coda~ -Olr Pool lo woc1c. H.B. lo Whittier Blvd. Call 914-SS 6 days, est&bbshed 11.> rs SU.en> Down TIME. 751-t 400 ................. saJe.59-2509, 64&-S4611 -.... ......... 19eck no. 200+ cues. 40+ bp. plua aalm No ('OUJ e-AakiQa SZ5.000 TIME: 7SH400 5300 ....................... FOUND ADS ARE FREE cat~ MJ..5671 llST AUIANT Lall or P'omd a pet" Call UDO ISLE. Newly de· oonted lD neut.re! lOM'S with pluab cpl. 2Br, frplc. atrl um /patio. M75/mo. yrly. DeeneHomea--.OOmo. --------l.8r w /utJI pd; $325 mo .. no p e ta. nr OCC, Windward Properties 9D«l'Z7 l.8r. lbe, 2 blb to bcb.. $t(IO mo. Abo 2br. 1 ba. new crpta • palot, clean, dntown, uoo mo . Martha,881-1161. M IP' a hare 48r, 2Ba Newport Beach. between ti.y 6oceao. 6'73-U66. cwnce SpaCf' available. 1001q ft. ammo ~•udea 1£1 6 malat. Good ~a­ tJoo. PCH • 62nd Sl, Newport Sborea Center. C•ll Robbie. days se-m7. zv.. MS-0221. Or-. An imal A11l1tance Steak 6 Lobster. ha1 i.e.,u.. SS7·2273, no f~ 38R-twnbme, E/Side, VERSAILLES. Adult CM condo. IBr. lba . endunil-.OOmo. BeaituJ apa facllitles. 71~ 1700 m »/moyrty. ()l'fNlll 9 • H~IUNfOIW fol'(t• ~..:: :.::I.;.! IL'-~~;;;' ;:!:-~•~l!!!!i~l~·'~1•~1~I~ view. ~w decor $745 'l.: '.:m••• 1 •••11:-5't· THE BAY . WaMrftclat condo 2 BR 6 D •II Ml...... J600 ~ 1..118 pM.io, •lecant --···-········· dlaar.SpedacWarview, 811ul. oew 2br . 2ba, alp SYalllble. IZZSO/mo w/aundecll. Cloae to 1"f7. baacb ID CdK. $485. mf1M WEHAVESUMMER RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH associated H lJ , ,. I fl•, W ~ I\ t 'r 1 J) ,., J I 'v\i' b ,, 11~ • •t • r 1 I•,_ I 1111', New Coodo. Central loc. Fully furn. New crpta, drlis. pool. spa, om. Lise pref. cl1I Janet n~ eves Joyce 21NIM51.5 OCEANFRONT-lge J-br apt .. wtnt.r, $500 mo. Days 842· 1121 ; ev• ~ OCllANl'RONT, a pee· t.ac11larl Dally, willy, marrl .ty' BR, ..,.,m "a=.~ 1111'. e.cb, livtnc • kit cb w /stove " refrl g. $300Mo. UtU Incl. 599 Hamiltan. 551. J.256 lzl. new 2Br. encl. gar. watll/dty bkpt. Nr. So. Cout Plaza. PllO/mo. 55'1·2704. Nwp& ... 2 be', 1~ ... ... Avall. 4/L D Olle. ...... l Br apt.. in t.owu. near main beach. 1325 mo. Adult•, no pets. 115 Acacit flTl-3M:l. i...-..... 1152 ....................... OultryCt.tbltvtq; 2 BR + den c ondo , no ctaldreG, m>. Audrey, Ill. tlS1. T.!12 ... ............. ....................... PABllWPOIT COUMTIY Q.UI u.... &UlC*· 1U bedroocn ....... ~. ...... IM-UOO OMTMlllACH Newporl·Oeeaafroat ..... 8uuL modem 1 ':ia~ .... Phoot OCEAN vunr N.a. Adil • • .., trplc, bek, club bit, pool. NC, '7$01( Cle· cit 111.,,_ ... m -2111 BAY1'RONT l BDRM. t BA111,MS -- l~ fem abr. 2 BT. lba apt. wtmale. Blk.a to bch. $175 /mo. HB Eve ~ Fem. Z1 ~ to abr 2 hr. dm. ble oo bay lD Npt Hrbr. lac UH or •. l'OWbo&. P\&m neept for ltra br. 90/mo. No util. ~or•.OJetr. MfP' '° aban s hr coodo Dr. s.c. Plau. "· m.str br w/Wb. am mo. + Id. 5t5-1m after 4. Oma Pl ..,. .... pvt. batlt, $200, tlt/l11t. ...... e\'e. ~ Rlamle WIM to * Npl. b Jbr ,Qmdo SITS + uUL-.im '50Sq. ft •mo 4001 Birdi 5l. N. B. Aim&. 541.5032 P\u'DUihed omc. f« rent. .. ,mo. 2'1'f1 So. Briltol St. Co1ta Mesa . mAJTJO..IOl.I •BAYPaHTOFFICES ..... ft. 114-m-lOCD • I........ 4450 ....................... For....,. 6oftlee1~ce at ,..........,...., IOO .. 2700 S. "· MJaA VD.DE f>R PLAZA ISID-.V .. !!,C.K . MMIJJ llMTOllUT '1008CJ ft.~ buUdlna. ...,. Udo a.. pureb.Me llltee "71.000 • /l&OO 000 awa. uo UDd St .. Nlwpart 8tedL CaU for detella Sierra lleal\1 . .,., •f4IWPOIT /C.M. u, to mo eq.ft ... au. at ..... .....,., tM • Nwptameoo \ beer • wine $17 ,000 _ __.... ______ _ IDOll&h Gross oo boob Found or loat a pet! Cal I IMO.GOO FUJ.I Price, 2H> "Special P•l1 Hotline. Down. TIME: 7Sl-1400. 714Jln.123S.2U~'7a MAMUfAcn.... Laat: Dogs. B/W Huakie ........MIWa: fem. lan Doble mi• Ceramic. Wboluale male. Adama/Newtand, ....._, moldl. nxture. HB. -.n11 6.aoct Yalued I\ l30.CJOO. n-_--,n-.-.1--.-_-_.._-T- f\&D Price II ao.ooo. S-.WftAU --er. TOO:: 7Sl-1400 rilrmbq, beicelnclr, C.M. area. Children .. es I • heartbroken. pla ca II ..~! .. !:!L ... ~.·.~ _t'1'Mla _______ _ lllL J.5'Jt lo 1no 00 lit. Lost. llale Yellow aid 1'DI aec:. by prime Labrador. t1r. CdM b::al R.E.. • '° • IDOi. ar.. m.tMO. m.1214 . Slll.000. mm. No mu. 20 UWAID lb wt&.bnul a lou. Call I-..Aaaoc. m.1111. loll: ~ far brown t.b a.le. V\c. Dua Pt. OP"k>per looll1n1 for -.at1J. capital. Hl1h return ---------pomble. can Joe. 1m.,. L.Orn': Cal. CM. CabriUo Development Corp. 8t.1W .. tmle1t•r. L1 81-NR :::.IWtlt. m.le. 2/rt. ~ ...... I02I ....................... &.E.Bllillt.Ptn.Loua ... ,... :i.: ~u.ltJ • ••101 ll0,000 6 ... DO ~P\Danda) ata4 0 U N D : CXlLLIB/l'lltlWfw ml•. rad fem. HUSltY .ala. la a .U... r.tn. TD· 1UJ:R mix. abort balr. bra /wJat mat e . DOUIUIAN, Nd male LAB&AJ>Oa ml11, btll ..... CA't.-e .......... 911ltdi,,Mt1Ml r. ...... . • l ...................... Af .... --············· __ ,.• ¥1 lfhi:t RooiA addl\, remodel 1-~!!tw'!!•!'!•!;.·!"'~'!-~ __ ....;...;:; _____ , P\am Oeo PUmer • ....._ .. a.;__ Rem.odel, addlttona, b.Uc'd.557.-aa -...---P9lb. N080DY DOES --....... ._.. lT BEMER.. J.S CClmt ,,_.,_..Co. ftotllt-Mlal-Oom-.ttlal Uc:~ S».$.\U 1pec1all•ll 111 ut m ~nnune~.c.iom ......__ Smob·Gar. Wlrtleu c:.,.t let rlce -· ~ eddiUooa la ........ "'---················· ...-...-1 Demo. hmpoo fl tte.m cleu. .a.fail IXMOO IM.~. Color bri~; wbt • .. •••••••••••••••••••• C:.,••• cpa lOmm bleach. Clean El.ECTIUCIAN·Priced --•··-··--••••• tlv, dio rm. ball SU. Ava r1ibt·free NUmate on nn SJ.~ couch SlO. chr latp or amalJ jobe. aJSroll INTERIOR t6. Ouar elJm pet odor. U c. t337254 87~ CARPENTRY Cpl repair, ts yn expr. --- By J~ Do wort myself. Refs. ELECTR.lCIAN S3l-4101 Be• t r a t e 1 • b e s t Cua tom Carpentry· workmanship. Small ld./l:xt. Boat dock re-We Care CaJ'l)et Cl.eanera plir, Cbar RenovaUnc. Steam clean. Also up· ~preferred. 87~ 6611• bolstery. Work auar. RES IDENTIAL & STOIMDAMAH Truck mount unit. Free Landscape. Quality mt,rus.rata64S-3716 work. Call Mike Ad .....,. · · · • · · • · RAlmodel Sitter 12'1, 642-4300, Reddmt ...... Commer. CARPET CLEANING :Mbrs. Ucemed ........ Booded STEAM &SHAMPOO Free &t . . . . . . 646-8849. 960-3766 'lbere's an euy w11y for SEU, idle it.ems with a ..,._ fn·•--,t-dr_a_w_1.n-lh_e_, your to sell that bicycle u-= ~ you no longer use. Just Daily PUotClaMlfied Ad. West .. a Dally Pilot advertise 1t 1n the 6C2-5678. O&Milled Ad. 642·5678. Clawfied 1 CaJI 642 5678. --------------=-- FOUND: brindle colored fem. kitten, tan collar. 4-&Dos. 318. 968-8417 FoW\d March 1. long ba1nd. iraY ctr wb.ite cat. \Ile Harbor VJew Hills Qlm MMl121. SCRAMillS ANSWERS Greatc-.~ ESCORTS 31 Hn &U-0180 CHECXS/MC/VISA ICJMS OUTCAU 953-9121 Palm .ti Psychic Readings tells past. present & future. 213-8M-3258. Bisect -Heav1 - J..Mky -Sleigh -Prd. Massage by Steve. n.d 1 ~ Llc'd Therapist, N .8. pa UC• IS when you U.m·8pm .. Appl Only watch out for faWDa rock 548.2S1T andaethit by SKYLAB. -------- Ftlmd Yony female. Vic. Newland It Warner. ~J..O. CAJJ 842-4182 or MZ-D'l. FOUND: Puppy, approx 3 moa. Mar. I. Hntc Ctr Mall parts lo t. TI4-848-3&2.8 Found. Fem. Afghan. ~;-c1o "3218 E. 17th, C.11. se-~1112 ~ BLONDIE'S ESCORTS Tan. Hunt. Bch. Call ofO.C. •••• 972-4694 631-0:fST or 960-3960. ATTENTION JobSMl&en Wat.ch fM the SPF.CIALSECTJON "JOBS" Thursday. March 13 iD t.be Odly Piiot ACCOUNTS ,AYA&IQ.BJC Immediate openin1 w /raplcUy upandln1 s.nta Am maa~actu.r­llW ftnn. 171' experience tn Mt:Oiil4S payable and pneral accounUn.a ez. posllre. Knowled&e or tJ"llda diaeouaU belpf ul. Pleuant working en- vironment. Salary com- m ens u rate w /ex- perience . Contact Cheryl: 540-4811 Acc.owmng Sodala.bs 5400 Accounting Payable t'liM ~I 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·uL llACIC l()()t(" ~:!_ experience re- PREGN ANT" Caring, Lifetime membership File Clerk. Alpha fillDg. confidenbal counseling a& sz. wometi S20. Improve mac:ro-fihning. ~~~~on. adop-your lifestyle We The Balboa Bay Club .. _. .. ~ penonally handle ea ap-Please call for appt -~--~----S47 2S63 plkall<Jo to assure a sue &&.s-7358 cessful introducllon Ap ---· -----COVER GIRL pucallons accepted by Accowit.s Payable posi • 953-0771 * phone. Take part in ex. taon avail. w1lh bio- lM HrOutcallService citing social events medical corp . Ex- w/Orange Co newest & peneoce iD a mnfg. co. a PRE.LAW studenlneeds most prof dating +.Computerexpenence s:i:s,ooo. WUI do anything service. &n-7181 preferred. f\JIJ benefits Lega l. Confidential ....,..~ 6.11Qint.a·'.,!; Administration. DVM. P.O. Box 3242, ~ _,., _N_.a_Di63. ______ _, •••••••••••••••••••••• • •FOXY LADY * ~.. &H 1ool .Accrwwwt ... ea.rte OlITCALLONLY • ,.,,_ CREDIT ~1 ·········•·····•······· ~ •972-11 JI• -------.: A lull-time position is D_J_A_M_O_N_D_W_A_N_T_E_D_:, AIRLllll ~~~-~~ !~~is~c~~:i~ Prlv.pmtywillbuy1to3 CAREERS mana1er In a busy carat. cash. N.B. 548-4975 ne'ftJNllWI' offlce. Duties , ....... c....i -;-:::;, ., .. _ .......... MASSAGEsimpalico •Alrlm.. are van ...... .,.llUUIU ""' a Yourmuaeul'· •Trowl A.-.... ~~=i,\!! •· n..bJa--L ..,...,y " "' ..., ..._ • -Y > ...elts ,.. <MW k With still. Credit or of-Outca.li.~11.494-5111 • ,_ wwy,. • udtillt flceexperienceisdesira- ble. Wort ln pleaaa.nt en· vlronment wltb good company benefita includ- in& 2 weelta vacation after 1 year, company eaid ~ medical and dedaJ and credit union. etc. Apply at: TOMMY'S OF NEWPORT ESCORTS :klh 642-1.571 •• SPUU'ruAL READINGS ioam.10pm. FuUJ Lic'd. •'Jal at C.llOS4. 111.5 S. Camino Real. Sao. Clem. ·••-tien• •Cut-S...Vk• • fldoet A...,t ~ .............. ,. .. ill YMr ... -Ctil ,..., .. write....,. lntel'Htlonal AlrAaHl ... y 400 E. .,.. ..... lhid. v__._, Wo. 98660 (2H) 695-2500 ~COAST DAILYP'ILOT mw. Bay St., Costa Mesa Between tbe bours of 8-SPll. Call tor appomtment ...._..,...,,..,xm Equal Oppl7 l:m.pk>yer n ts ....................... Ca~ntry. maaoory . rooflo1. phambina. flocftul. stucco • tu~. Drywall II more. J B --ltlectrlc, palot1n&. dtywall, plumbfn1 re· J*r. P'aolJty buai.neaa. Llc'd + work iuar. l8-S189 Plumbine, electrical, heating, a1J gen. repa.ln. F\'ee est. 535-1.162 H.A.g ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCX: student. Large trvck. Trasb, tree trim. Dan ~ Hau.J.ini & Dump Jobs Ask for Randy. 641-M27 HAULING & CLEANING R.eaid /C.omm 1. Free est. Call 962· 1462 ACC'IMG Cl.BU( SECllTAllY Post acda rec. /payable voucben. type ~ wpm, receptioni1t duties. lrvme Mfr. Call Karen. S4l).84 ADMIN. ASST. Plbme. fin.anda1 plll1l· ning Newport Center. IDE. Call Mn. Dudzilt, 664-7454 AdoAesceat Glrta Home, Uve-lD Bou.emotbe!', ' &iris, 3-4days week, room It bo&rd+aatary. Call Aa&rtd: l4&--0C530 or ~. ADVERTISING SAi.ES The Dail.y PU.at bas llJl lrnmedi.ate opea.ln& for a salesperson with DeWtpaper dlaplay ad- vertising experience. Good salary. com rmssiom "excellent fr inee beodita. Excellent growth opportunities for a persoo with career am· titioos. Call for appointment ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT '11U42-.c321. Ext. m Equal Opportunity Employ el' Am 5eTv pleas o(c Npt 8ch Exper oper or wUI tram 3-1.lpm sbift. Call S31-5640 Af'Q.aK Various duUee. JI' /time. Experience helpful. Mon.·Frl. &-5. Huy co. beoertts. Apply at 1880 Placentia. Costa Mesa. Apt. mgr., resident for 64 HB units. Experienced oo1Y. Call days, 97&-3900 All BllPR. Skilled NuniDg facility ResponsibWties inc: pa· Uent billiD1, follow-up, sumaariel and aginp. Familiarity w / lleili-Ca.l pre(. WW train person w/at least 1 yn. similar expr ... id typiol .. ten key~. X1Dt salary ~ benefit.a. Apply Hwit· ~ Beach Coovales· eel& Hoap. 11811 F1orida St. BB. 8'7~15 A~·EM Pel $1.75 Hr. 0-A>m.ln. 3 yr. exp. Soider It Wire PCB 'a Read B /P '1 If A.CC1'G BX.PNG ~Uca ., . .,, n:MPOl\ABY t\lrdD area ~ todaJ to won OIDeca MH443 cm ftrioul aCONIDdnC • bootkeeplaf 111l&D· AS S I! M B L E ll S · menu .. Wort oklH to AaHmbler, macblne your llome. l'lsur• :-.~-=: CJnl to ..... .Aeeam-Nial fMP I :1q &\ =--~~ _ .. _ .. _____ _ ' AISI tiJ,~kln.f'uU Um. ....... br. .,.. 1M9 •. 8 . JllOD· ....... :·c.u ...... • !l»i , . o;wt. eonu ' Al ..... llilulli. lT.l,nd..,._ .... OUlAll ....... HeuUa1. tl••••P•· drh•••r removal• . .,....,.. ....................... 1hairt a REAU. y ct.&A.N HOUSE! Call <HD1bam O&rt. ,,.. ... 6'MU:a thm•I .. ....................... ~ Law ahadeat. a. a. t, lJ mos. at. Eap llret. o.vtd sa-5* C&U &aow Houlecleantq. l'ar • boale « b.»lDeu MJfe• •• tblll ~ UM IDOW. ·-··················· m.ooN HYPf'f08IS WORXS OeMtinc. any type 1st dm9 work done w /iate- ott;y. Ranbl. w . S-0105 Cedar Crpl • Upbol Cleauen. fir wadoa. pa. cln's. Ranbl. Prof Simoa•*3. '151-tl61 T.L.C. Bouecleanan1 Service. Dependable. ~ Ue'd/Bonded. Try us! 7SC-4930 TlffAHY'S Weekly or l lime maid ave. 10% DISCOUNT ON VACANTS. Steam ca11M1t clMniftl. wured. Free est. at hrsvc. 1131-7181 Housecare Ser vic e , LesTroia Domest1ques, caJJ 6'0-7315 for your house interview Xlol. clearung done by """,.._ comuJtailoa call Ad S&Uer t 18, 80-000 lM bra .._,_ ....................... R.J. Cook 20 yrs exper Local year around service . .-.u.M. 831 7132 Income Tax Pre-II! ~off before Mar 15. M. P.awno.tro. enrolled qf.. (714 )M2-04,S5 Call today for appt. 646-W3 Short Form. Slate ls Fed. SU. CM. cenlrally localed J ~.Acct L Mltic 11f l11 g ....................... .-Qualily Landacaplng• Clamp. IOftacape design It &nltallauoo. All work guar. Free est. Green· dale Landscaplnl( 7Jl.Q76 Ron. '6/hr 4hr aun Llc Flnd what you want an SS7-6709 Owly Pilot Class.if 1eds A.5SEMBLERS we will train Apply '1 am , MacGregor Yacht.I, 1631 Placaltia, Coeta Meaa. •ASSIMILBS• •'RAIME£S• ~County manu/ac lurer of electro mechanical products 1S -*in& t.ral.nees for day shift. to assemble eJec- lrmic 1witcbes 6 di.a· plays. Apply iD penon MaaM'S,.~• 1MO l&onrovta, C.M. SQ.J&27 E..O.E. ASSISTIM IDtTOI suavn 5:a>Pll to t :30Pll. llon- day tbru Friday - t :30All to 1:30PM Sabu- day. Great f« colleJians md mnanli&bters. 184.00 ~!r' week ONLY R.lXlUlREMENT IS A GOOD VOICE. Call 60-4321. ext. 312 after S:30PM, Monday thru Friday AtteDdant·work w /ban dlcapped adults. Must be strona. willing to assist in tub u to1let1ng. feedmg, general clean· up. Xlot. vacation & in suraoce benefits. Urut.ed Cerebral Palay Assoc :Gil W. Harvard Sl San ta Ana. 546-5780. AUTOMOTIVE TIRESBYICE and light repa.in. Will.i.ng to train. Newport Tin Center. 3000 E. Coast Hwy,CdM. AUfOROUTI R.IDISTER. Early AM 1"'6 to 2 bra. $375 lo USO /mo . Xlnt . moonll1bt. Wives, re· tired, dlaabillty. stu· dml5. Need ad wheels. 5«)..DJI or S40-6722. Babysitter f« 2mo infant Wltdya. Our home or yaura. Ref '1. 646-*11. BaoklDg Plldfic Federal Savtngs bas openings for full timr t.ellen. Nwpt Bch ofc, exper preferred. Call Pat Pate 644-7630 811.btiq TELLER NO SATURDAY HOURS. f\1.U..Wne teller. Exper. pre{. Npt Sch. off1~ Univerul Savio1s " Loan. A1k for Mr. Jameo. ~. E.O.E. ~ opportunity for lndtvtduala with 9 moaths previom Teller experience. FUii and part time poattlon1 available tbrou&bout Oranee County. We proride an outat.and· 1ng benefits package complemented by con· genial working at· mospehere Please call Lorn.me Miller C714197~714 !>1•rr <·~I~> WELLS FARGO BANK Equal Opporturuty tmplO)'er MI F IEAUTY ASSIST. to train for cllentel~ Grat opport. Minimwn +. 837-37'19 lt837 -42SO llAU1'Y MANAGa Newport Beach salon St0-1512.~ &lBJMI Of'9lA Tott wanted person w/blueline experience, runniDI or working behind bluellne mublnes Zerox ea perience he~ul. Call Mart '751·2lll80 BabyslUer, my bome. BOOKKEEPER full permaneot, Eves S.11 ~ b f L Please Call 67,._7621 . c ar1e. or aguna " Beach aub·contractor _OlM __ .______ _ MUil bave conalnJctjoo Bankina experience. Call 811-4712 OPaTBJ.B S...C...t ... ~==·~· 541).5300 l!!.0 .1!!. ...... -........... °"' BOOKKEEPER -FuU- dl.rp w/computer ex per. C.11. Tl~ U20 •utti111t 1/Cleft f\ill ti.me. aper. belprul tu not oec. Many co. bmdl. APl»tY at 1llO Plaeml'•· ca.ta .... BOOKKEEPER l\a11Qwp MOTIORIMG .._ bawdlvwaU'.led a - per .• do -bJllinl. hr& '""""' too.I tO. 00odl!1UJ.llWM&. IOOllllT• ~'a.""r== =~/time BDok-Qwi'ftecl pel'IOll ..., ... .-o1 ... 11....-Ir flealbl• ..._!tlttnrdw6 Olllls ......... Call• ... 4ru. Palntln1. INT/EXT. Neat, booelt. reu . 12 yn. esp Lie'd. Dan iM-UM.S. Fine ext. paU1Uog St . LlcJlna Try me R Sinor m4666 Prof. J*Dtinl Ext ls Int. Mc11t Ext sm. •380015 Free ea\ 536 4383 MCN~ PAPER RAHGINO Comm • ,..., Quality wan oal)'. Steve · Dart 4N-Tnl.eves.~ fteAdent!a4 • c:iommettial P'ir"inl ft"ee est. Reas. 1'11Ua.1'1UC111. 87S4m Daw .. Pamtina-tnl/ext. all )'QUr' JNl&Dhnl oeeda Rs. comm. ind. free esl -.1.,, all 5pm ...... /far* .... .................. . Rel'oofia& • Repain, a1J types. l'W'· No Waltina BtsC:54M513 ~tc1t•I r ..... ....................... Sewiq M~Serv . myourbome. Guar 25 yn aper VlS-1107 Sewtrrg/AllU ..... ~ ~ 6 textures ... •••••••••••••••••••. ...EST. ltl-14J9 Seni& ~dune Serv 1n home Guaranteed 25 PLASI'ERING ynexper. 714-9'1S-1107 AddUIQM,bcMw. --- Freeesl. ~ T.Y.A •• • nave·a P&J.Dtmg. ~ Pl11ter1ng·pat c bes, area 9 yrs, IJ1(J8t reu, realuccos. addll1on3 che ck my ref . II c Rm.bl Ed.~ ....................... AtllC & rool l.DltaJlallon Mult.iple outlets Z3 Yni exp. 8Ul Coyne 496-7912 ~ n 't !i .... .................. . -~~ n. ....................... Spedalizin& In reatd/ ml Oltm Pain&J.Dg. lo rates lat property lalaod Free eat. 3 yr guar Serricel956--0GJ 98Z-l.f78, SSJ.9113'1 alt 5 ---- Ceramic Tile Jnalalled. f'1n. counters, tubs f'r'9e est. Refs. 54().ql60 Le Pai-er 1R ID SttYIC... It quaht,y papenn1. 714 536-ZJSO Qmtom WaliJN1penn1C All work gu.arantttd CoMt Property Services ~276' c.uttsa f\111 Time, tood pay. G'°'1fth co. s local.IODS Over' 210 We Tralll. MITRO CAI WASH 2lll50Harbor Blvd. Qista Mesa. C~HIEIS UTDTEM MARKETS Openmp now available for hill ti me Asalllaol Manaon Oii 2Dc:j • Jrd shifts No expenenct' nee. We tn.1D. Ad va.oce- menl opportunity for aanaeement positions~ $5 SO per bour tf ~For mott ln (ormauon 4' interview. apply to store 177. Ill Del Mar. Costa Meu. 6.11·ie21. Will lnlttview Mooday thru Friday frcm Sam to 3pm F.quaJ ()ppor Em~ 1Ddepeodeut dram elean- m&. plwnbmg t5 ~/up. SIUl.02 dys, ~ all 5 f\'OPle who oe~ people should always check the Servi(~ Directory tn lbe DAJLY PILOT Cl.RICA&. OFFICE AJDE Aro:>UNTS PAY ABLE We Be aeditl.c peraona ble 4r ~nthus1atlc 10· d1vlduals for above opmmp. OFFICE AIDE Office Aide requires PJd. accura.te typul. ft!. ial. llDOd ~--etJ· :::. to retieve llecep- MXXJl1NTS PAY ABLE aou.ld -.to7 workinc wlUa .... ts be able to later<aee well wltb ::-:-~ r b9qltuJ Diil ~,.map..,_ ~ c lllDP9'1Q paid major med1ca1. deata1 • lie Ila.. pralll ....,.. New. cl••• modern .......... ~ woridal TrwSlt•k» ....................... Tiii SURGtOH Tref.e tAllJlled & removed YardOnupl. m ~~ _ Haw sometlunit lo :.ell., a..s.&.lled Jd5 do rt well c.odt. full ume dit~. <ipp ly M·Th. J...5 pm, eoco·~ 4647 MacArthur Blvd . NB. SIG-2.:M.c COOKS & BUSBOYS. 40 hrs wee&. Call aft l:! noon.~ Qioks ZIGGY'S A new. exciting, fut food. bealtby foods ...Uu.rant needs P · T OJob. •rood~· Lmdlet aa.11-No aper • airy. Call Teny. Boser or .I •ff. 0y1i -.acrt or..,,. at-191. COC*WAMT9 111111 tlln Fri 1 to 3Pm WW &nliD. Jac:e 6 aa1ad ~~Good • 5' .. c 0 ...., CIMCO & 5 fNOWo ,.,_ New aperience lo wort· ll58rttp 1n1 f /tJme • p/ltme. Costa lleN m-2Ula. - Q blk. S. °'·Baker off <XXJNrER HELP. Dootn- Redhill > Sboc>. 5-2: aopm. F rr OencaJ AM Pel Miw Job Mature woman ro r pie&aant Newport Bch d e. derical. no SH Hrs, l..sPM llloo.Fn ~ 7431 zo IMlti&IATI ora••&s Wlfl&D a.ERK TYPISTS FU.Ea.ER.KS XEROX 4000 It '1000 O'PR XEROX 9200 A MIO OPR Pref mawiT womUL No exp nee. Apply in pet"50fl. D1pp1ty Donuts , 1854 Newport Bl. CM Cow>ter·11rl. Kuster·~ ae..nen. FuU llme. U16 E. Ulh. CM 548-70'l'l. OMUrffetp IMTBNATIONAL HOT DOG CO. Need p/tune • f /llml' ccuMrtlelp & food pre pann for oew fut food restaurant. No exper. needed. Apply in person at Plaza ~ Cafes. Birch &r VonK.annao. N.8 . or call 95.S-353>. Ask for Bob Anderson. Cyhndr1ul Grinder· WW tram. Short Ir 1odi: Crank Shaft -Cam term assignments No ~rator. Webb-Cam ftt Good pay. Paid fl3l·l'n0. Eves, 873-2828 Mlekly. Dalli Pnxaatng Manager for dalla process mg dept d Newport Beach CPA ftnn. IBM system 34 ex per. required. Xlnt ll'OWlb potential. Call ~-interriew. Ct&DCAU 11.mre penoo wanted to care ~ for 7 mos. ok1 boy. Mj home AM. I•--------Delicatessen Person. Irvine. M-F. Good pay. muat t» over 11. neat &i &d. vacalaona. Perm. CLERK. full time . mature. W /train . position. 833·7'166 art switd\board, typ\J\I, m. F/Ume, iDcld:s wknds . 4pm. in1 It li&llt drtvlna f« See Teny, Hi-Time OeJJ Newport Beach lab. &-E.l?tbSL,CM ftJnne Jm alter lOam, 640-0140 DellcatesMO Help. Ex periftllce prefet"nld. over Clerk typlal/Dehvery JI. 1 Fff. l for Mon l*'ICJll ....med for large Wed a . Sa t. ls Su n c:omimrda1 travel •Keo· tM-5119. q . Good baleft&,a, &.Int. D-ELl--V-E_R_Y_P_E_R_SO_N . lcw:wdm,, co. car. Call &le NU It p ... --Bedr fOI' mtemew at '-· .... ...,.....y 151-41113. ~--A~Phy. llV. l ' l I I .. 111111 MT A .. BEGIN A COEIR ASACOSMETIOAN l.eom '° ~,:=:;~ l1IW lkin mochirw. ltam ~up ~ the professional way. iet Ric.tuds Beouty Colleae http you start developing ntw Skills os o Cosmetician. Ahli only 20 weeks you con be ecming a good living. COSMmOAN QASSf'S NOW1 Umtted &. ..... t-Cal Nowt Top instructors give Help ond Gutdonc:e. Plenty of Procticol Expenence, too. TUmOH PAYING flROGRAMS AVAILAILI PLACIEMEHT ASSISTANCE ~ OPPOaTUMIT1H: • lntere~1ng Work • Personal Satisfaction • Security-Jobs not tied to economic s1tua11on • You progr ess r apidly to become thoroughly skilled • Self-employment ()pportunittes CAU. t6M61 I Fett IHfOttMA TIOM RICHARD'S BEAUTY COLLEGE ............... ,,. 1'0601f.....,..,H....,._leecJt .... ~ ... L•hi:o .... .. , ... , JI -$1111 HltLCll. .... ,C .. ............. 14111.Cet. ....... C.. '7J.HIO L ~~ earn - To Sing Private voice classes ror beginning & advanced stu- dents. Insfrudion in vocal techniques. diction & m · terpretalion. Call William Ghent for open audition 7 pm Thurs .. Mar. 13. 7141750-9354: 636-99lt> THE GHENT STUDIO 2158 Mountain Vie w St. Anaheim Sun1etTra••ISchools 10061 TcAert Ave. iSollfttaln Valley 964-6755 _,......._"* PRIVATE HOME TUTORING (Serving You Since '62) BASIC SUBJECTS ~•MATH • ~TUDY KILLS ALL GRADES Mr L Rob1n,on. n1rector Tea<'her Pll 0 I Cand1dat1., 551-5646 I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : · Help Wmhd 7100 tWp W.ted 7100 tWp WClllhd 7100 M11p W.ted 7100 H1fp W.ted 7 I 00 tWp W.nd 7100 ....................... ......•................ .......•............... ...•.•............•.... •.•••.••••......•...... . •••.••...••........•.. 'Delivery pers on for ELECTRIC JAN, wboAesaJe seafood com-Journeyman MARINE. paoy , s ome counte r Only bard worker need wart. Nut appearance. apply. Ron lhooing Apply in person. 145 54.Sa16 BroachnySt., CM --------- Delivery P /Time , LA 1'mes. SlOO per week. 1n Laguna Beach. 494-8496. Dtgineer" JR. MECHAMCAI. BfGIMIElt ••••••••••••••••• GENERAL •CLERICAL •IMDUSftlA.L •TECHHICAL . Del Men over 18 for L.A. 'nmes ID homes in NB & CM. Rebable & have de pen. car. Perm. P 1T $4001$4 50 pe r mo 646-0637. 646-5844. Medical manufactunng ' company needs worker 546-4741 to rep o r t to Ch ier Engineer, doing vanous tasks in engineering. Ex- ceilent benefits & work· ang conditions. Mw 100 Viejo area. Only lbo6e seeking permane nt emp&oyment need apply. --------1 CallSUsan.581·3830. Dmtal office needs help. ~~~~~~~~ Aili or part time, pre-DIC. SEC. · vlous cbair·aide eirper. lkal-.atedevelopme'flt ' euen U a I. App I Y at company in Anaheim re- 6'4-0ll83. ________ 1 Q\,tres experience • top ~-J n-~pt b · h s kills: Typing 70wpm. .,,.,....... ._..~ " ng t, s horthand 100 wpm cxper. mouvat.ed Must <Gregg preferred 1 Good know insurance, typ111g req 'd. Sala ry open benefits. Salary Sl200+ S4P,.8344 per m o nth . co m · • Dental. cha1rs1de a&s1s tant. Mon·Thurs. X·ray u c req'd, Salary open. 546-.:JXlO DENT AL RECEPT. F /llme. Busy preven u vety onented pract1re needs tulthJy mollvated de1Jendable receptionist who enjoys working with and helping people Must have m.uwnum l yr ex pr Xlnt hrs & be nefits 842-5561 Dodi .......... lootlt Attewdant Newport Arches Marina Call Judy: 642-4644 Onvers. , Deliver bakery products t.o supermarkets. Early morning to m i d · a.ft.emoon. Call 557-6727 DRIVERS Olecker Cab. G3-.s888 Driver/Gardener comb. _ Have valid CA licerllH!. Good driving record. Mio. age 20. Apply at Pennysaver, 1660 Placentia.CM. memurat.e with ability 1' qua lifi e d Ca l l 714 634-4741 , Oly mpus PaCJJic lnt 1. Executive Secretary Newport Beach corpora· uoo seelts efficient. out· goi n g. c harm i ng secretary for the presi· dent ol a fast paced com · pany . Well organized, sr lf s tarte r with )>hofthand & typing skiJls necessary. Excellent benefits. Contact person- nel department. 642·9470. fXECUT1VE SECY Out.standmg oppor. for imture prof. secy ID as· s1st dynamic top ex· ecialve in N.B. Top or· garuutiooal, secretarial & admin. skills nee. Real estate background heipful. Must be a sell· starter. Xlnt. sat. & benefits. Cootacl Wendy Kallmann at 851·9322. Factory Trainee lod\JStrlal censmlca, Apply: Ceram·Tek. 981 W. 18tb., C.M. DRIVERS -SilOO Week. --------• Will train truck dnvers. Fadory Open8am-8pm. ~13 DltmRS Men or women 2S yrs or older. Know the coast , dtiea. Net Sl.80 a week or more. Orange Coast Yellow C.b, 17300 Ill. Herrmann. Fountain Valley. <No or Slater betwn Newbope 6 &ltlid) -------· s J 16 ltttBtATE OPIMMGS WAREHOUSE ASSEJIBLY FACI'ORY Good f'l!lll!"'1 • incenUve boma, bolklQ a: vaca· tbl PQ. Pakl weekb'. 3848 Cam pu.c; Dnvh, Nl''.'port At>ach 1 1\rr~s from .John Wn\nl' r\1rport I fo:<Jual Op port unit' EmplO\ c·r •••••••••••••••o• I General. C.ging. women, Hair Stylist w /foUowing men, day/eves. Will Will pay 65%. Design. train . Irv ine. Call Plaza. NB next t o 641·9020. 8-llAM. Fasbioo Island. ruJc for G•BALOfFICE Rob.~ ID mo., 1rvtne marine Hair Stylist diatributcw needs general Opportunities await lbat office person. Ex-S pe c ial Styli s t · peneoce preferTed. Call Manicunsl·Ass1st ant. Sandra. ~ Call 631-44.15. Mon. t.bru GBaAL OFFICE Wlll t rat.D lo operate computer recording & filing system for new car dealerstup. H.B. area. call collect (714 ) ~9147 t.wn 11-4. GftleraJ The Balboa Bay Club is now hiring for Hote l Front Desk Expenence In NCR 4200, PBX helpful Secretary. heavy typmg, !IOl'ne accountmg helpful. Hrs. 8:30 to 5. Mens Spa Attendant. no experience necessary. 2-10 Mon. t.hru Fri.. Sl.50 per hr. Junior Maintenance Engineer. Entry level position. Union benefits. F\Je Uerk. Alpha filing, rrucro-filmlng. 8 :30-5. Mm. thru Fri. $3.50 per hr. Accounting Payable Cleric. Experience re- quinid. 8: 30 to S. Moo. thruFri. Porter part time. Wednel. Thurs. • Sun. 4 to Mldnlpl. S3. 7S per hr. Relief Coot. Experience necieuary. Please call for appt.. 6673Sll. 0en1. Cftlce Trainee, run or part time, must be IQOd W tnwnbers, DO typ- ift&. can 5S7-trm ........ y Allistant to MCMary in Newport Beach. Must be accurate typist with 11!111 olftce GJW. m.~ eooDMOMIY IP.- Unique pat.lo co. Job: llJIU.. for free estimates. Oill Daw a IG..zr72 CMJAID Mind. Deed mn m- comeT Day poaltlon a.wa&inl 2 dap/wk. -. liave receat ex· ..... XJat. WOftiq ••llwL $6.50/br. Fn Hot.el Front Desk Clerk. Ex- penence in NCR 4200. PBX. The Balboa Bay Club. Please call for appt.~73S8 HOTEL/MOTEL PBX OPR /FRONT DES K CLERK WANTE D. Apply Mon-FrL !M San Clemente Inn 125 W. F.1;plaod1an Ave . Sao Oemeote Hotel Night Auditor · Desk Uerk. Ben Brown's Ahlo Creek Inn. 499-2271 .Housecleaners to work for Janice's Raggedy Ann's Hrs 8·4 Tue to Fri 67$-2514 •HOUSICl.EAHBS U /$4.SOhr+boous. Will train. Full or p /time. Ad· vancemeot opport. Must have transportation. &e-1080 ~ Mature woman to live in. $500/up mo . Good benefits • bonuses. fM8.6T18 ~I Cook, Uve-ln. mature lady for small glat home. Wt-711Y7 or -.11111 ~ Port.er part time, moving furniture, cleanina win· dows. etc. Please call for appt. The Balboa Bay Oub. 645-7351. Houaewl vea-St uden ts, xblt p rr oppt.., I nex bn, &ood pay. Call: TLC Hou.aecleanln& Serv. lnnUPll. 7M-tNO bC1911•1cw.t ln Coeu Mesa nMCb ~~=81~~~v~~~ ....... other f:'!klaa ... opm. ean appt. mm> I -2 blip w / l.nl1aUGn. Yoa too? Put Ume 1'• can belp eacb otber. .-rorappt.1.n11 lawW» Accaaal. Ala- t.1111. prime eommerctal a1eocy, O.C. A= .... .unctfN . ~DandlJllT .... INSURANCE Fountain Valley branch ol larxe auto insurance agency bu os>enin&!l for. UMDaWllTBt TlilMIES JR. ACCOUNTS RIP. No exper nee Sala ry commensurate w /exper. &ability. All co. benefits. CaJI FGS at $49.8161 lll'luranc-e Co mm e r c i a l U n · derwrite r. Lrt? N 8 . ~cy. Exper. nee Sal. comm. w1exper Call Dlane Bullock: 833-95.50. J.merior plant co ~ bard work.in& penon for warehouse installation. fJSl-0150 or St0-4242. INVENTORY Blouse dept, St John Knrts nee<h a ~pons1· ble indiv ID oversee Lhei r blouse inventory . m · el udes record keeping. Should be bi-lingual '5panisb I English ), a PP- ly Ul person St John Knits, 17422 Denan. Irv "JOIN THI NEW llDSOHTHE ILOCIC .. Register today wilh one d the newest and exert· mg temp. placemeol ~es in the county. Typi.ats. Sec. 's. Bltpr's. Gen. Office. No Fee• 97M505 The City, Orange E.O.E. Kamel belp, wtnds/llve· In. Call ror appt. Car needed. 5*-4234 LEAD II.AN TRAINEE ror production cenmlcs shop. Must have lead ex· perle n c e &: •pealt SpmUsb. C.11979-8800. Leclll s.a ••• , H.B.~ olfc. 2)'rs ex- per req 'd. 8C7·1293. LIGAL SECUJJt.IY &aper tbou1btlul boss desperately needs your exceUeot &epl &: office slcilll. Will diacusa hours. pay . Call 644-2644 anytime. Lepl Secmary SmUI dynamic business litl&atlon firm In Newport Center seek.a ~-eft'Jdent • ener aetl c le1al secretary. S.H ., die· ...... xlnt. t.ypiq skills a must. Xlnt. salary depeDdiq upoo qualification and H · pa1mce. Good beneftta . ..... LOAM• ' Lola~ IMtdl •hr,, llceDHd lD · diYtdUl. Top comm. .... MAIDS AW>' ID HoosekttplllR. San O ement.e Inn, L2S W Ell plandian ----- Ma nag ers n e e ded ~ husband & wife team with ~If storage, apt renting or m otel badlground ex per 'W orll S da,ys a week wrth good Pl')'. Please c aJ l 967 -8191 ----....._.,, .... Trailtff Are you bored Wlth your present pos1t1on? Being overlooked & wasting )'OW' t.a.Jents " Seek mg J career & not J mt a )ob" A challenging & reward.mg career can begin for you today in Consumer £Jee:. tronacs. We 're in the field d specie aie pn>ducts & computallonal equip- ment. We aell tbem We bave 6 reta.tl out.Jets Lhru which~ meet the buy. UlR pubbc. and we 're ex panding rapidly be<'aUS(' wt' 're professionals at our )ob The po61t1on 1!> son:>ewhat l4!'1'hru<'a I but we train. And at 1sn 't ea.sy. but then really worthwh ile t h 1ng'I sddorn are H yoo sa>k only the ~t · then work for the best C all Mr . Tan ey (714 )549. 737 3 MAHAG&efT Unhmit.ed income pot.en. t1al tn pr1 mary wholesale busmesa. Profit lhanng &: other benefits. Need OOl leave present po&I · tJon.~~. Management IMR.ATIOH PIOOF Seekin& ambitio us person who des ires freedom and securit y and is wi1liq to learn. Won' ialerf ett wit.b pre- terit job. cau ror appt. lncome Pla.nniq AlaOC. ~ Manicurist, pedicurbt, sculptured nail artist. make-up 6 artist f acia1ist needed. WW pay t.op waaes w 1toUowuig. Desi,cn Plua, NB next to Fashlon Island. Ask for Rob. 640-aJZJ MAIUNA WORK Ji\ill Ume &r part tame wart outdoors at manna in Newport Beach. f)iU time position in ma1n- ten an ce work with gmera1 ma tntenance " hand tool experience pre- femld. Part Ume morn· lnl PGliUoo la janlt.orlal wOri.. Euellent beoef'rta for f\lll Ume po&iilon. Ap-ply mt THl•YMCO 1071 C..melbedt Newport Baaeb, &M-1'118 Equal Oppor Employer llat11n couple, relief ,,,...,.. • aall.a clua A motel, OolC.a 11 ... 5 da71 pet' moetll, DOD• illd91, QO PIU· WW tl'Mla.maof ANNOUNCEMENT If you are a male or lemate h&v1ng en •ntefMt 1n the medical ex tec;iat t1elds. and 11 you are unemployed. under~mptcyed on welfare or a vete<en you mav be e11g1ble tof training in one ol lhe fo11ow1nq programs •Respiratory Therapy T acnn1c1an ICert1ft00 Ehg1blF< •Operating Room Tecnn1c1an AMA AcC1ed1tect •Para-1eoa1 Lawyer-; Assistant An el1g1ble tns11tu11on onOPr lhP Ba<,1c Education Ooo o r1 on1ty Granr-, & Supptemenral Educatoon Opportunity Grant Programs National Oirr•ct SluOPnl Loan Pr09rams FQf morP nlor1T1a1ton r.a11 547-0305 AmPrican Collt-Qf' c.I ParamPd1cat Art~ & ~c1Pnc.r.-. 1800 N 61oa'lw1.- Sant a Ar a Ca11l(.)rn1;,i 9,. /Oti ~~~ ..... ~~-~~ I ~-~~ ..... ~!.~~ Mf'd1cal 1Us1stant full UHIN' 1..umbt>r M,1,tant ume Expenenced front ln,oican.: derk Jfl k.t·\ & back office ~4000 tJIUl'h & .ir<'urate l ) pan..: SM Clemente .i m~ ~' >r.mi.:e MEDICAL ASSISTAl"T .ind M ED I CAL PHLEHOTOMJST re qui r ed fo r :'<le ,. por t Bea<'h lab Phont> J;m after IOam. 640-'Jl40 Medic a l front o rf1<'e ~creUry Orthopt"d1c officoe Call~ Messen ger ~.~tu re prr,on wanted for full ume at Ad Agenc)' Call 566-04ro MESSINGER Dynamic mortagage nnn needs a mes'ie'flger Must be reapons1b~. de· pendabite, have own car &. ~ dri Vt.ng rerord FWl ti.me Call Joa nM ~ 10 30am 549-8871 ~TIAIHEE Medical manuhtctunni: <'Om pany n eed '> .i worker .Machine -;hop expenencr requ1 rl"d. h1R h s<'hool ma<'h1ne s hop ok Exc ellent benefits & workmg ron d1t1ons. Mission V 1e10 area Only l.ho5e !'lttkmg permanent employml'fll need apply Call &Jun. 581..JD>. Mot.el Desk Cler1t N F Experience preferred bl.a not necesaary Day s hift SJ SO pe r hr 646-744.S 2274 Newport Blvd C.M Now hiring. The Wholly °"' Restaurant ID NB C\llTmlly accepting ap- plications for full time COlder belp & coot In dav\duals must ~ tughl,y motavat.ed 4t personable Pteaae appty m person. Udo Marina VillaRe. 9 AM·ll All. Ast for J im 67S-4(8) Nursing Nunes Aides. All stul'ls. Good rate ol pay. No ex- per. nee. Will train ~rtlficallon program available Apply Port Me sa Con¥alesct"nt Jbp1tal. 2570 Newport Blvd. C M 642 0400 NUR&NG RN , LVN, DIRECTOR OF S TAFF DEVELO PMENT - Become a part or t.be grow1n1 field or pro· feaional seriatric nun · inc. 19 bed stilled nurs· 1nC facility la C.M. Com· petltlve salary. 2 wits vac. health a: dental ins .. bolklQI. Sick Ive plan. Ollllacl Marjorie Robb. D.O.N. MOVlct«ta, C.11. &a.038'7 ~ Experienced Certified Aidel. all lbifts, lull & pmt time .... to SU.5 per hr. to ata.rt. TllAINEIS 1 to ~:30. X1nt NA tra1oins proc. !ant wb1lil 100 learn. ........... to SS.10. JI......, Cooval•ceQl Qder', '°"°" UF1'1Cf, WORK 'W ill train SUIO per w~ lo Star\ Open 8a.m to f!pm !B.'>-8413 --- OFACEWORK for church P lime 1n own bome Gd typ~t. de Wl5 ~ 646-7512 Optometnr offm• part urne. nt"dl. UUl}..OIOJ: & w1l l1n~ to I cat n II H H47 S927 Ur-der P rn<.'hSOr F T Small new compan) Good potential. rti:hl Pf"'50ft Cal I~~ Orthodootac lab wo rk. mother w luds in school 111 'W'Ol'1t ~x1bl• hr\ and f'alll extra mont'\-'1u'l lul\-e :.omt> manual dt'• tenly and df><;tr1• lo lnrn S46-51i0. 759~ PART TIME EV&tlHGS AdWt5 with out.stand 1n Ji?, auracuve persooaltt1e-; who eQJOY ~with lads Over 21 SUrt at S3 SO per hour Phont' 642 432 1, E xt 250 Jll:l'WEEN 1 ·5 PM Mk for Jt..drwo F.quaJ Opport urut y E.mptoyer Part tilM bUSIJtt"SS OP· po r t un 1t y f or pro res11onal & non pro ress1onal. Call Mar y &.ot67 PARTTIMl EYIMNGS Assist ID editor suney l'Onducted from our ol · fice at the Orange Coast Daily Pilot. S 30 9 30 Mon-Fri 9 J0.1.30 Satur ~ Great for coUet 1ans and moool.Jghters. $84 pr wk . O NLY REQUIREMENT IS A GOOD V OICI:: Call 642 4321. ext 31.Z after S 30 PB, Monday lhru Friday P~TE-UP ~ER wrth at least 1 year ex- perience. preferably newspapu Excellent oompany bent'fits. Apply between 9 AM & 6 PM, MoniU.Y thna Friday OIAMfK COit.ST DAILY PILOT lJoW.t.,St. C..MIM .... o,,i. lwRy . , .. ,., PIX oratATOll Dependable mature openton '°' anrnrtnr IS'V\ce. part Ume. Al8o Dlllll arave yard reUet. AlJd:J M. lloa. tbru Fri. ISi \f. lllb. St. C.M. Ml-lG •NX• T . A. B . answer! DI M"Ylee T.A.B. QI, MrY. h.u a few eotltlooa open In Tm., SA. <;111 A: Hunt.. 8. --.. Vanea lbttb1 P/f .. rrr . ._, ouUtand· .. -....wo.to..r ,_...._.•eamwhile ,....... . -... S.O.E. Matt your shoppln1 ....by Wini tM 0.ib' PUatawtn.t Adf. Pl•tlc: s .... , ..... for retaH llore. WUI tntn. ll.50/b.r. Plutlca Pha.558-0IOO ·~,-.. f!RS HELPER - WW lnWl llOO week ID start. Open lam.fpd>. -..cu Pre-~ Teacher. lead teaclwll wanted. Tram to be dire-ct.or In our <>ramp Co .choob. CaJI American Pre-School. LI~ Hilk. 1'1C)._l.9tl __ _ •NISSMAH• Jl'..xJ)ef' A. 8 . Diet 360 &. lt.e* Good oppor. CaJI Ed 714~ Printing :s ho p need~ penon '°' put.e up & negat1v• wor k. plt rt ume, exper. helpful but not neoetlMJ"Y W11hng to traln. 646-4(170 M · F PUmNG Stoett Penon. mvenlDry. & genera.I r leanup posi- t.Ion avad immediately cxrers x1at benefit.' an cludu.\g paid med1ca I & ~I l.Nlurance and op porturuty to learn pnnt lllR ind\atry w/5S yr old pnnung CO ID l.ag UDil Hlll.s. Lake Forest area. Ol.11 9C51 ·9ll00 NJMTING ll you are" 20 or ovf'r. & lonlung for a career op pnrtunrt)' an pnntan11. ;,p 1•h at Pt:NNYSAVF:R. 111i> Placentia . CM !'R ODI.. C T I Or.. 'JllAJ~t:t: Rub~r ~ pruduct.!. I rv1ne a re ... Mu•.t p.l\"> compan) Jjh)'!>tCaJ in cl 'rf b8C'k X lta) K.endc1v1~ Ind t11 S«>-1~ E <> ~- P Tune AM. LA Time-. dPhvery 1100 per w1>ek. In L.igu na Bt'a c h . ~------ P llme-rT)OmlDRS Book ~Ji: t''Cper Nt>wport H·· "ch Ya r ht CI u b Ml true I' time pt'r\on Pt'r'ion Frida} !I :t. :\Ion 1-rt l\t-ltl\t' Jllrtude e-,,en u.iJ Cal! t:nn Donnelly i l4 '7S2·1T.I> P lJme rettpUonist App ly an perso n . Regas Ha1rstyllst <1, 3333 S Hr1 sto1 1So CnJ "' l'ld/at ( ~Im ITlt.'<i opt>nin~ ~)-~ 1'1 nr'·· fl•'• r!1•d Ill S1Jto•• I lit ,• h 01• tup ton n11'"'"11 C'.ill Rod llYJm" 17141146-5502 R.at&tot.Salef New Licensees or Ex per 'd, S100 Schooling Rebate o n 1s t <'O m· m1s!>1on. n o exper. rwocessary. normal work· mg hours 9·5. call Rod 'i51 1400. ~&taMW.S Opemnit ror h ctnsed salespeople. locally awned. with national re· fetTill system. Excellent work ing cond1t1on ... Earn Joo<; comnuss1on f'or cool1dent.1a l a pp t call 7S9-0226 ~ E\_ECl' • Sl'STEff.~· l •• "!!:'' ) __., 'W Real Flltate UCB4SID UMLJC&fSEO Will train Best com D11SSt0n spbt in the m · d\lrtry 70 fJO. to top pro- ducers. For interview ca.11 Bill at RMhill Real· ty. Lido olfice: 673-7:8> R.1 Estate COMDOSHAIE 5.AUS Umtted openinp. ReaJ Ell.ate lieoenaecl and ex· perienced only' Looting for aomethin& new 6 ex· dtinl to offer 10U.f old dl4mlele. We bave lt 1 A new concept lo Umeahar-inl wblcb ma.bl sales (Mt.er. Tup coauniaaiom for .., ....._ WIJJ not u..fere with 10Uf re-uJe. U... will help' CalJ °"" OUlow '"' f\lll de· ==•. lralainl • Ml-t491 c:;: Walk1:r t; I r.t! ........ SICMl'AIY =..t'e-•-= --'• ........ _;.;;.,._ ___ -J .-..~aun~. a.t•'n I,..,....,, laa.~Ula·-­a..tal Gift~ duu ... w .... tJptac .. •••tlel _,MY,_~ tel•...,.. mawn 0. -ale ,... ,_ .. tfplllaDce. 1Aara _, '° ..... ~. complete otllc:e pro. = ..!:.. ~~!i C' e du r. 0 f • m. I W"1'P'ni e.oer oa 0 c menufauurlo1 t'O Airport area Coatact ~GI*'· T\4 -181 OJuck naom.on. IM--18'0 REC E PT f 0 NI ST I Secretary /L11al, u srx::u:rARv -Pffma. ceUm akilla. aa1ary oe1. Deftl part·tlme. Flea. Newport Baach. NO-lllO hta Airport ~a. k R Anderson, O>. 54t-IM3 SICUT' AIY f"1I Ume, feoeraJ oltlce ~t/typlst. Mltl. cM.lel. good t.YPiat. l airl SSwpm. Leul offit'e, engineer oftlce. Good Lagun. Hiiis . Mrs . pay & benefits. Call WU.low: 13MOS>. »Mil --~~~~~~~ llCIPl~T SEXllETARYTRAJNEE MUil tne . XJnt Trainee w /lypin& ability beneftla. Call for of 4-0 ·towpm w /ac - Bplll: MM555. C\ll'aCY. Eqler. helpful, IM wW train rtaht CAD· ltlC.nOMST didate. Aptitude & wtU· WAl'JnftlT ICMHIOMll $ Wart lot • ...,.,,,. • you wW ....... a llO boo!M We~toppay for 1QUS'aktlla PaMIHolQy Pa.kt VacaUoo.I P&ldW.-Jy lMMl:O IATE OPDIINGS FOR Shorthand Secretane:. Dldallhooe S.Crel&rl es S"eniofo Typlst.s Cleric Typlata JOU! the team of pro- ffllllional tempora rles lRVINE E.0.£. 752-ee64 M/F needed for s ma II de. in8nesa to won bard Im· velopment company ltl partanl. ~2111. Newport Bea ch Full ll me. Genera I or c ex. Secretary wtth laaW'ance penence. Good telephone experleoce moet belp{ul, ski.Lia, accW'ate typmg ~ pay with package MaLw-e & dependable bmeflta. Call ABACUS Salary STOO mo Ca ll for Agency at 751·9700 SecTetary I appt. S4l9-7971 _ Secretary/General Of. Ra:taurant lice. Xlnt. tYPLDI skill.a Full &t PIT po.alloo.s 10 req1.ared. Non·smoker. new specially foods 950 mo. to slart. Near center 1n Irvine. Call OC.A!Jix>rt.54S-TI17 . ...... Secret.ariaJ Rm&aurant Accounting Secretary, OICU11YE seca.ETARY TOSl600 Land developmmt cor· Ponltioo seeks efficient. outgoing. c harm ing aecretvy for the Presi- ded. ot lhetr fa.at paced oocnp8AY. Sborthand & typing skills necesaary Euellent beoefata, great C>ppOrtunity. Call RI~. ~. Coaai.J Penon· nel A&eol:Y. 1790 Harbor, C.M. ~ever a fee. WAITRESS. accepting bMvy typing, aome ac- appbcabons for dinner & countln& helpful. The ana•eyard ahlfU. P aid Balboa S.y Club. Please vacat\on1, Taylor's ca1Horappt.M5-73S8. Restaurant, Redhlll & SEX:RETARY . LEGAL SA. Ftwy, Tultin. Needed for busy e person SaUina I.mt.rue tor needed. l r v I n e La w Fl r m . Newport Beach, 25 to 27 Minimum 3·5 yn. ex· cruhlog ullboau. perience. Call Fran ~now. fWJ tlmt' _833--3m_· _;__· ----- Service. Ci.D 1hop > Xmt. oppor. & benefits w /rapidly growin& co. for mechanically in· dined lndiv. 714-~. Senice staUoo attendant. summer. Call ~1100. SALIS Able to work daym. Apply at: 1»22 PCR. Hunt llcb. cm >m-1571. Laree auto 1.nauran =.. ~0,'~~~. ASSTTOSl'°°"".O SIMia 1mWe poeWom. 1611tbave.erowortiUe w~ beneftta. Salary + bonlll m1P1 tap aeey sldlll. to ST AllT 1140 MO Call Kathy at FGS; WDrtl: fMt arowin& coml JobSeeurtty »Gal mo r t I b ll r • N B . Dtablllhed Company · Dlveralfled reapon Freemedkal/dent.al S&les Clerk, full or p w/ou&alde PR. Apply ln person time. Apply 111 persoo, lrvtne~lAjency Between8am-llam tOl.m-12. Costa Mesa Sta 488E17th, Costa Mesa ~Production Plat"e tkJners, 270 E 17th St Stezat 642·1470 Newport Beach C.Y. ~-------- SAL~ Full lame only. Sho sales. Hrly + comm :Jm S. Bristol. CM App tnperson. SALES GIRL outgoing fnendly, over 18. Jr sportswear, full or pa lime. Th e Secon Glance. 2122 W Ocea Froo1. NB 675-3361 S41fSIADY for high quality ant1qu & home fumiabmg at.ore. lm Laguna Canyoo Rd • SICUT AltlES * Recei>typ~fun S9,600 Secy legal~ $14.400 G.O. type 10 trvl $13,200 ••Sales /Counselors• • Our Office Appt Only /Free U1 Reinders Agency 4lm Birch. &t.ab '64 NewpOrt Beach 8.13-8190 SECRETARY TO LB. Sales Management GENERAL Pleasant dlgrufied pa UIUl~£R tune sales & manage nlMRQ ment work. Flex1bl The Dal ly P l lot 's houn. Sales & manage Secretary to the General ment background a plus M.arui&er bas married SubetanUal graduate b!m.aodaoewsecret.a.rr income. Bonl14, profi Is needed. This Is a posl· sbarinl & equity plan Uon of varied duties re· Call983-114.2. qWin& good typing ak:ill. ___ ;__ ___ _. maybe some dictaUoo Salesperso n neede atill (but not man· Sllturd.ayw & Sundays f dador)' ). Ability to meet gift.shop in Corona de and communicate with Mar. Call Mon.·Frl. 1.mponant visitors and m7.2lll. ::=.:~~r= S .. , u-·SOMS Dl1lY Pik>t at 642"'321 11111 r-is;a a o d a a k f o r P a t ~ty pita adults Stepbenllon to make an lo w 0 r II: with a 0 aximintment for an in· motivate ldds. Over 21 . ....._. ln Laguna. Capistrano teniew.Aa Equal SanC'lemeate uu.a. ~Y Employer PMTTIMI ffm••S SICalTAltY PHOUI: TRAINEE POSITION ICMIZlor.-00 FOJl SZCJlZTARY Ell.ZllD. Between 1-SPM. Wl'IHGOODSKJI IS, Alt For Andrea Type., wpm. ahodUDd ;;;;;;;;;;.;.:_~~~-;.-;.~ IO wpm. fraat olfice ap-'! • n D c • 6 1ood WISWOMAM illil;t ,.. volce. Ginenl lbr .... r.t no.riMI dee dudea: Will waft ':.·:r:.=-awn. far .._ ltatr ID small nit ulary • ,_. es&.8te ID...untnt b' penooable, C: 0 , 8 a I a r 1 CO ID • ~bl• .. letPfrtoo. meuurat• wllb •x· hl1, P /Ume. Kr. ~.caUorwrite: ::.:::d•. 4tl·O'lla, ::~ir:. 1'm1Gmtleld. ""· Blblt ..__._. ... mt~ SHIPPIN G &t RECEIVING CLERK ~ Mesa St.aUoners. zro E. rnhSt .. C.M. App ly in person 10.12 St a tionery Store 1n Corona Del Mar needs exper'd sales lady F'ull· time. 5 days, x.tnt. work· ing conds . E,,pec1aJly fine clientele. 675-1010 S toc lt Brokerage C\.15tomet services rep Expanding di11count stock brokerage needa customer a ccounts services rep. to handle growia& buaiaess . Ex· penence lD aecurl lles m· duatry with margin llnowledge essenual. Ex- cellent salary & benefits Newport Beach/Irvine Call Personnel. Let· terman Trans actio n Services . In c . (114 )7S2-0070. SWITCHBOARD Oper, H.B. Mal be able to type le do some filing. Exlnt beoef inc medical &r den· tal in&. Startin• Sal $750. Call 147-8511 btwn 8am·51Jm. Teacber fPre..Scbool. Part time rnomin.& po1lUon. Own child welcome . American Pre-School, LAI HWa. Call 'T1'0-199t Teacben Aulat.-Speclal dMaea for b.andJcapped edulta. 2 yn. college · ex· perience req. $900. Jtl.nt ~ " ins. benefits 11·1 lll:Mll 1:30-4. Unlled CerebnJ P at.y assoc. m> W. Harvard St. San· taAaa.~ mMtOMIWOU PHt Ume own bra. Guer. ular1 . ~all ... Tm .... tOtLIDda Tn-t·R«ept.. waat.ed foe pfd otfc ln N.B. llluat be eolh\lllaaUc. have •lot l)'pln1 skills . Heavy pbonu . 673 0300 llaa>5plD Typbt wurklna with let· rifle office peraoos, nex.l· bie houri. 80 wpm. Call ABACUS Aaen cy at 751-9'700. TYPIST -Growing Npt 8ch tlrm needs ex per. typtst. Must be reliable & hard workiaa. Min. of a>wpm ssum. Nancy. TYPISTS Regi.sttt today for local lempot'&I')' us1gnments. 557..ocMS Cf\·Llr\: llMPOll.u'V Ptesoi.Nll 5UMCIS 3723 lfrch Str.et Hewp:rlleodt WAJTUSSES Minimum 4 years food ~et>t'e required for dinner service. Apply daily S.llam or aft epm. Be ma rd 's Restaurant. 33>1 E. Cout Hw y. CdM. Ward.a dehue upn&hl freelw. 11 cu. ft. Imo old. Werranty. USO . ~o. Hotpolnl elec. ran1e. avocado. dbl. oven. JLlnt oood. '100. Hotpo&nl dis· hwuber. avocado. ~. s«m ..... Mah,.. 102' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Go&na Out of Bu.alnesa. MbC'. steel forms. rebar, toola, plnDized bolta, nuts " wasben ai plwnblng sup- plies. Sa.le will be M · F. hm-5pm. Everything must be .old by 3/21 l&t62 Got.bard, Ste. J. HB.8G-W1S c-... a It«• mllt 1030 ....................... Kodak Su~r 8 mo~ 1e camera MS and prnjec t or M80 Sl25 Ca ll 846-5061 Docp 8040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ONO Pups AKC Ola.mp sire MtF. Pet & s h o w . Pvt pl y 2ll/9n · 134S aft 6 pm Sbeltle. perfect male. 7 moa. AKC. xlnt back ground 96J.Q3S Wa1tre11, Ex~n enccd A.KC Dobermam. red. 8 food • coc:kt.all waitress wa. tall cropped. dew wanted. P\aU Ume. As k dawa removed. all shots for Karen, lrvloe Coast S44-82lilO .-CASM•Am Wloaton '• Newpo rt J....uy II nirnntl1 bu>'· i+aU~ acrap . lm&ant cub. Tue· LC». 1111 Newport !lwd., C.111. i.-for the bttsht ll'ffD buHdln1 acrou from Aaron Bratblrs Art II~ IOI.IX Oyster Quartz m an ·1 watch. llK. ludden clup. Dew S7200 Slavick '1 price $9500 ~ta 1010 . ..................... . LUGGAGE TAGS from ywr bualneu cans. SeoS one card few each tea piUI OM apare. We return perma nentlr Mlled att.ractlve ta& Ir at.rap, mee\in1 alrlint l.O. reqlliremeota. Pre· ~ lou 4' theft! Fqr a peraonalized t.a• enclose w•llpaper, fabrl c or "Da.y G\o'' paper • we wW bedt • trim your t.ao. Or try two card& bedl to becll PRlCF:S S2eaor3115 4 'Stags S1 60 ea 6 '9tap Sl 50l'• ,. ~Uved .... ~!~ •• ~ Dn>IAN ... wUI 11U or P u I .......... a6L tnde......... ,..., ........ . u·r•••• •••••1&oa 1n1n1 OoMt Golt• ea., .wo. ...-MJO, or. llY Club membtnblp. na. llo*b Jd ....... reuoaable. Movlnl ~ M.e.MC.s _K_A_T_E_•_O_A_•_D_P_O_a ldl aJumtnym awn.l.fta, SALE New. -Call Good coedhLoo -~t'O. _.. KRYPTONICB WHEtLS. BENNET SlOO. PRO. truclu. WOOD BOARD 2'&"" 7~". ~. •mz. uk for Rieb lllovlDC Sale. Notbina ........... . '1VW •· Wllblr, dryer. ... 10'5 ... Oolor TV. ~. ·--•••••••••••••••••• &Imp, Nf, aJlllliancea. POR SALE Cosnpltte .,_,aft. I...._ frame abop ~u.ip. ~ Aloi tabk. nq\Uite old· IDll6dlnl Priced'°" quick ••• ......... .,,,..,.,,,.. a.. .... v ..... .._o1 two Ueht• <sn .oo valul).to QICUSVAMAS Mar. M&b . Jlar. • o.a-.. ' n•"'-•C.:.rJ.ct 1\dalla m&l .. ~ ~e.ma ...... ,.. • •• , .... Cir Cla111c 441• Si.pb•'1s Q\Met', Pvt Ply~ arEves:-- Saicrtftce 31 ' Jerwy i2. lrbll. eeneretor. t.nn dlutl. 1Jeepa A>, nybr1d1e. low bouts . Nwpt ti a!Jp avail. Pvt pty.DUSO.m-me tasbioaed wttb artlaUc aue. ec..- pl no lees. Slate. tv,...._ 12Pattenon F1at boUom Lealher poekeu. $1.500 tM. te.90 1091 V-drlw, 327q, all wood value. aacrtflce $415 ·-•-••••••••••••• CIOlllSlrUCtioa. '2"°°°80 Delver free. GM10:2 BtMi1W ZS" 7M.Uth color Slll).31!15aA. SPiii. TV. z yr wnrty. free de Drop In raoae. DI•· bvery S13t 646-1718 hwasber G /S, Caf1)etin&. ~ Seeswtrl. 11' deep v JO. s mall V8, trlr SUOOobo. 64().0010. Id ODDd.. Best of r .914·29'74 SKATEBOARD FOR SALE Good ~lion 6Smin. KRYP CTONICS WHEELS. BENNET PRO trucks WOOD BOARD 2~" x 7~". $40 ~ u.k for Rieb ''MISCEl.LANY. Teruua Racket : Head XRC w/Gvt; K.oeluel Blue St.ar lkUa 1&S CM, Gel.see llndlnp. Amplified Ex- cel 110 I a accordion. F\~l abop ll&bt fix\U.tt:t ; mloi bllnd.s • W0\'911 wood. oullide fl6 .. wtndow 1hade; Va nous dra pery rods . nl4 ~ after6PM" KENWOOD KIUC>lO rt· celver SO watt.I per cban· 111'1 Zodiac Grand RaJder ad, regWarly $400 DOW 1299 AUa.nuc M~ic, 44S JV, 17""'. dip Mercury . E. 17th St . c M Gess than 100 hrs.>. trlr --------_ • mao.y extraa. 17000 Stereo Equipm ent _~ __ 13 ____ _ cabtneu regularly $85 HydtoHolll. Uft, IO.OOO now 13111 AUanuc Mus1 r Iba. tWorb on 8'det1e I "6.SE 17thSt CM. Li k e new . S2 500 Mu1t sell Quadrallex home receiver, pd A:ll, Best offer M5-2Q() Ed 25m. Cdor T. V. '12S One Year Warranty Mz.5340 l Pioneer SX ~ recr1ver lpr JBL 88 Special spealrttl. I dual model 1104 turnta ble . Call Gordon ~ ...... Ji'7S Oat boUom, comp. re buUt.. 4.54 Chevy. Good slD boet.. very fast. Must aet. llfTT-4004 ...... .... / a.tlr' to5o ....................... IOor more JI 40 ea Craft.am1n electnc lawn MMaaU Ctr 300 am fm c~ w AS..-T t.nu 1pk~. brand nu S2tt0 o f r 8'7-4746 al\ 7pm G rt'!£_ •IMMAC. 29'-30' BOATS 6 12 mo p1AOI prepaid f1'om 1118/mo. lncludl.n1: slip,~. 7141964·5994 Salt~Tax Jncludt'd mower. lWU> 8 " bla~ loah.W 9060 NO CARD~ 1 l ..cd 1 lllOCrtM. calC'ht-r Draw )'OW' Olo\ n or "end l00-0311 afttt 7PM .......•....••......... name. add~. poon ~ we ll make OM card ptor t-ilctl•1o.t Lai Add 251 each W..t.d 1011 Plorlttf' SX 780 ~l\vr 49, l..Aaders 111. ~ft. \am hull. slip 1n 'llU beau tiful S4 000 884!ll10 Send dM!Ck or mont'}' or ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. brand nu l200 ofr 8'7-4746atl 7pm Gre~ derto PtLOT raJMTtMG P.O Bux 1S60 CDeta Me.a, Ca 926216 M.wtu.ifor91 2 unllorma S15 each. I penta\At szo, Slle 9--10, all In exceUent coodition & worn only a few Umes by •tudent nww. 540-5121 aft8. TOPCASHPAIO For Ulled fum.rture & ap plul.ncer;. workine or noc 915Hlll3 B 6 W TV<., 10· S30. 15 e Gd. cond ~ T7 C.C 26 28. 2-boal ownrr. Aruuous Loaded ~-Cruiser Full in 11t , lobrd. wbl. 1p1n WANTED SCRAP GOLD naker. many custm Any form Top dollar lcMt'I & MstM xtna. slip. call Bob or _,, ·-.,,,,, 2115 Gtmna: ~im. Eves _, . ..._, or ..... . 9 s 1,11 llt d&Jy --•••••••••••••••••••• Saataoa 21' 1loop. :lllnt Offlct,_wMw• & Gaau.. . tO t O t"Xld.. sl:pt 5, heed, sink. ... , ,.. 1015 _................... 9lp OIB. allp av&U. Be5l ·-•••• .. ••••••••••••• W.tcllForOw offer. Call between O:luntry Club, 1800 E FtwtoYOlt 1045 ~~~~~~~ Coast Hwy . .,....~. -···-·············· •• U1ed 1811 Cor recting ~1Pll.taa-72S> Sftec:tric ti &mos old i t 1 o L a n c • r a 6 · Youth CounMlon Part Time evenln1s . 0.Ct'l"n« adults ~ wrth youth. Over 21. Owo tnmpOrtatioll. S3 SO hr. start.UPll CALL ANDREA To pd home. Eng. Set· ter. M .. newt .• sbotl. nd.I ., yrd. M7-N11 Germ. Shep., healthy. l yr.old rem. 1112-1117 &C3-GZ1. en 250. 1-SPM. Ad 0 r a b l e b I a c Ir: E.0. E. poodJetterrter. Spayed Mlfd llM Lovea people. Good •••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • boa:Je needed 5311--993::5 .we.,... 8005 ,..... 1050 ............................................ ~. W!SJ'MlNSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL Dally UH. Fri 10..9 CLOSED 11.JESDA Y U751 Wer>t.minater Ave. Garden Grove 554-6103 Unique c law footed mabo1any partne r 's desk SlSOO. McMahan DmkM2-M50 ** IBUY** Good uaed Furniture & Appliancea--OR I will sell or SELL for You MASTBS AUCTION 6-i6-8686 It llJ.9625 *tHS'T AMT CUOtT * New liv rm. bdrms & dinettes. Lo-Lo Down ' 536-9982 $7MOo.frUp. New living rm, bedroom. dioettea. G14 > SJ&.11862 SACRIFICE: Queeoa1u aolid brass headboard S32S. G~ vinyl sofa btde·a -bed $60. Ca ll 5:»9 PM ooly, except Sat . .tr Sun. lJ.9 PM 673-.'ll54. Cbandelter, bar-type desk, anUque dresser, tables . wall un it r.B-IM1. *** Meoffla atoOHarbor ec.talleu You are I.he wlllDer of two tick et s ($13 oo value), to eta~VAIGAS Mar 14th · Mar. 20th eosia11 ... ar Huntmatoo C4mter Tickets may be cl.aimed by callin& M2 S618. Ul ZT2 ••• Sota Bed Like n""" Mal tress never used $1 75 Queen box spnng & mal tre8S New SlM 641 8205. S86-9548 W'l St...t.M) sa. ..... 't Prelude pattern 5 I>{' place ~ting for 12+ I meat forlt, l gravy spooo & 12 xtra teaspoons. 7 4 pc's. total. s1.soo 968-4'42 or 962·3646 IUUTtFUL RARE & Ut«ISUAL CHtMESf OIJECTS. Flaurinu . Inlaid Screen s . Cloison ne. Porcela1os, Ivo ries. Furn. Many unusu al misc. ~ from 10 to 6pm. Pod t.bl Uo slate. regula Uoo aile. Xlnt. cond m>.alt.4.~ ~. ~ nteer/cnMer, loeded . BOAT cm w9tk from comple 30x7Z" Foldlnr tbls . D3>. U9ed steeo rhrs 124,SO • up 12" draftmg tbla $149.50 Mclhhan Dall. l0"'50 anee fumilure foe sale. o.b. cha1rl. t:DD/. ti· l>le AlJ OI' lodJ VI d uaJI )' J~ 540-~ DESK llSX72" SlSO. IBM Exec typewnt~r SJ()() mJ.SOO 1017 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Canary heru for sale I pa.Ir Glouacesters Call 963-aiOO "-'OnJ-1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fuMry p6aRo $95. 6'2·2510 or 646-4848 lJPRlGHT piano. ·xlnt cood. make oUer. 548·5431 Slightly used Yamaha Organ. model B·12·1R Olys~7506 Sherman Clay Elec:trorm Orpn. 8 :I) to 5 8.33-0210 5.:l>on~Sl.52 Ask for Patty H1ftW don at fad«y Owner ~ft lr&Mferttd. S3000 dt' ~ po9U appUn to new ,-a•&ll' blo'er · Newport slip loah. MmiM 1,1,111.t tolO ....................... 111.000 Marine hardware avaa.I. • ieK. ftnenetna O.U~.K JS· PlW'ft' Tri all ntras. greet shape. New '5hp eng . ind Newport IDOOl"lD.« szues. 9S2-4H:· 9070 ....................... SUPS A.VAIL.AIU YAC Newport w.-OMI MAICUS CHA*B. Upto28 ft. $14S g'1'3.81'5eves. bquldation ~. 10 da~ loat'S. SpMd " only. 810 Towne $\.. Sid 9010 ():ma. Mesa. daaJ.y '1 l !) ...................... . PM. startuig 317 thru Sia 00,t. n· Cougar. 115 3116 HP tv1nrude . Good loah.,........ 9040 shape eooor best offer •••••••••••• .. •••••••• • _564-5 __ us _____ _ lt71SCAIAI l'trio JO 's, 130 bou~. Tl flllilalloa loeded. Pri. pty Beal Of ...................... . ffr ! Call 546-1200 ()loo . t ta:ta lad llin tt 40 Fn. days ): 731·8216 ·-••••••••••••••••••• ~ & weekends > UJ75 Pucb Moped. xJnt Askfor Jerry C(l'.ld • S300 or best ofr 861-0&C'7 or 661~ • lO' SU RAY W1-dr Sii!9Jl50. CZ13 ) 588-2131 Zl • V1bng Runabout, best olftt or lab over pay. menu 6.11-1900 um Commuter Moped . o nly 65S mile i. lOO+aules per gallon DZ5 or best offer. Call 751-31it29 SpeciaJ private rollection sale by collector. U K , European & Oriental silver , c rystal & pore el aio ant1q ue artifacts & furniture. S100 up to $10,000. Ad mls.sloo lo sale by pre- arranged appt. only. Call: 714·673·31.Sl. All p.D"Chales must be cash, 00 penonal cbects 8C· oepted. Thia UI OOl a de· al«''I wboleaa.le sale. II YoU are a collector, this 1ll your opportwuty. All saJee rmal. Sale to be bekl Mareb J.Stb & 16th. New bdrm furn. Whale forml c a . Below wboleaaJe coel 2 yellow bedspreads. kin' • dou· b6e. 551.Qa>or~. Upri9'f,...,. $200. 979.5731 Ca rpell. Redecora t 1ng .-;,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;,J..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==-.11..-m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==---~ FIND YOUR NAME Stonemlln'a Unique Anti· qUM open1ni on Gluaell, Orange. March l.S. 20% oonaipmelrt for all your antlque furniture . jewelry. linens, tools. etc. Call for a ppt. 7tl"'741 PllHCH AMnqulS New shipment of floe French Ou dloillg & bdrm ... ,_ anived. <Mt' a» pea. ~ale ~· direct t o tbe SO. COA.51' AN· n~ CENTER. 2318 So.rin. Sut.a Ana. (114 ) f'7f4TOI. Opn 7 cb9/Wk.1NPK. 5 Ida aUdlq cloeet doors. varlo'9 wtdlhl S20 a set. Call847·'1D. Sto9pm. Gla11 chrome coffee tables. $150. Gold COr· duroy dialn. S1%S eacb 851-815. Ila• •••t~ .._. 1065 ....................... BRAND NEW. 1% place ~of s. Eqllab llooe aaa. Dundee pattml. lllnl.on. a50 s-place MttinC. ~ price. ALSO. -al extra pieee9, ~ prfoe. 3 pl8C9 aeumas of CfJllal for 12. J'OMOria. Nabarn. S1S.Sll per ~ mabotJany roll· 11.Ma. ~ prtce. Call Ad Ull> t.dtee' deU. See to 9Uter tlU 24 boun. ~-·~·1088 ICMIDO. hue. Xlnt. cond . dk. gold. beltolfer.1113-6335 Newport Athletic Club membership for sale ~4;~X225 CAR TELEPHONE $1500. TIFFANY'S Gok1 Card Pvt. Club Mem· berabip UOO . Call 7SC21or752-1821. Just by sending us your name and address and by watching for your name In the classified ads of ttae DaUy Pilot. I WiA UcMta to the ctr~ua. area aml:lHmtnt 1ttrac· Uon• °' lfOl"tina tvatta. ''*rm out lht1 coupon anct mall It today to the: WIN TICKETS WORTH $12 IRVINE AUTO CENTER MARCH 4 -6 COSTA MF.SA 405 AT BRISTOL ST. MARCH 14-8:00 MARCH 15·2:30, 4:00, 7·30 MARCH 16·12:00. 3:30, '7:00 HUNTINGTON CENTER MARCH 17-8:00 MARCH 1M:30, 8:00 MARCH 1M;30, 8:00 MARCH 20..(:30, 1:00 DAILY PILOT II ~ ........ 9170 ........................ 'MlllK lwo.AT.PS.air, •lereo, ••• radlala, ••lllLE L 5G-ClJI '"'* hill ForY...,C.r1 JOllaOMaSOM .. ... ... ,.., -Harbor Blvd u.talleaa ~$13(1 Ulllll_. away lift 1•~ ......... 1 'W ldlateand. ll09 ...................... . s.~ -..w '712 ....................... , .. -. '77afRu 'vroallxtm w_..._; ZI' ....,_, ill Very clean '4.100 CREVIER _. .. cc.d.. Ml).a5 :117.-. ---.............. ·~11111rt.. t400 ....................... MIW PARTS•SUVICE HOUIS Open7a.m. 'ti16p.m ~lbruPriday Closed Sat. "Sun SMXM.BACI FOD .aGS. llain, Santa Arut Al the Ccmet-ol Warner 546-7070 97 Ford ..._ Ton plCk\IP $' n a ••OAow•v W/UtilLly boa. Good SANTA AHA rood. $1190. ~··5J20. 835·3171 .56-G1U IHI. UlHMAll l>'\1\'IHC. MAt.111NI '7'111 Ton StlverQdo Chevy Camper Spec1aL 9500 miles. T.O P. 548-9701 AA. 6. -.:111:56 Daya, i4 Chevy ~ ton. Xlnt cond. New pa1nl. 121650/080. 83J-4.'W3 19 2lll.X 2 + 2 AutomeUc, loaded. 1 owner Low mu... u Mo.112,000 Ill. Service Contract Available. "'UMlyl" •VZO > $11,297 SAITAANA DAJSUll an E.. 17th Street Santa Ana • 1811 '14 llst •••• 45GSL, SLIMO.Xla&eand.. (l'M) ..... wkclyli 'n tlG61.c xJnt. cond. S11,lllO. clJ1 . 152-JCCM, ........ '714IOSL All/Fii atereo. tape diet, mlPe yelloo#' top eand. IM.000. PP. (714 > 1991 all IPM. '79 300 Silver Dia . 8'emitW car. ~. llklll. 9'.er'eo, l"1ly •uto . 122.900. Leavina ataie. MZ·Jla W1 Mercedes 250SL.new paint, eng. fl Ura. Mint Cond. 2-tope Muat see Oill9112-WOaft. 5PM 7lhW450SI Perfect cond .. orig. owner. W /sell a t »P· pralS&l. 640-5959 M · F \WJl1LD like to trade lll'ed but aound 230c.i. Chevy ·11" eft1ine foe '17 -up VW eqine i.o more or ha equal cood. Details, SM-ll1hft. sPM Tl Chevy Luv xlnt cond .... 000. Camper 9>0. 839-1599 .... 9744 ii 280Z 2+2. 4-spd, e~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• mrf. AM IFM casa .. A1C. MUC us•• ... ~ &.-- Sell.service lmtallallon IZ2Wtboo, Colt.a Men 645-75Si Mobile service '86 Ford ~ T. truck & cabover camper, 3 gas limb, nu jumbo tires. wbls, Cl brakes. P . P . SMl6.NMMS '67 ~utility. Lift.gate. Alki.og l2000 . 7S&-0097 iS Datsun, new palnl. Ures & shell. 30 mpg. mX>orbesl. 673-2018 ~~~~~~v .. '9570 a..g pamt & upbohtery speciaJ. Reparnt and de· tail + recoverfront & re· ar seats and coco mats. only $395. David. Call 8·12 weekdays, 8 4 weekench. 861 ·8003 J61ipVW ..... S'Ts!oeo. 631-1151 '73 Chevy 350 eng. 'Complete. $300/best or-,er. Ph. •n-3577 ....................... ....................... '46 Ford Woodie.~ $13..000; ·e Ford Woodie, 1"e&lored mlnt cond. S!0,000. m-6111 &HllEVY llALIBU S.S. 6 cyl. Oassic H.T . Original ••••••••••••••••••••••• l9IB Ford Van l loo. Good condition. Call after 5 PM. se-8074. ------- '73 Ford Econoli.ne. Auto' stun. AM/FM 8 track ster, Sl900 Call aft 6 & wknds 559·4474, wkdys 533-0581 ·---- 11'78 Ford C!50 Van t-:x. cellent condllton Many extras. $4,900 or best of· rer. 493-29)8 . .. L...t.g 9510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •LIASIMQ. * A&noflmCHASE ....,LIASE OUr ''Goodbye To Buy" brochure explains it all We 'll mail you one FREE ... simply call US! 900IOBO r-======= ~42. AMla&W..t.d 9590 --------1 .............•......... '» .lal.emallooal True It. .... restoration. $525. ~ l!llD ~ Benz 300 Ii.mo. Beaut. wtUte car. Jt1nt mecb cond. Red tM&ber lDt., $14,000 firm. 714-751-1337; 833-2211 Ofl l.:197-GIO j 'SO PORSCHE aptit-wndw .. qie. 156. Nda nstoration 11500/blt. 536-586Seves. 9550 ....................... ltnTOYOTA 4X4 s..rt TNCk 1bil 4 wl.eel drtve ia ''LIKE NEW" • has many extras. Call stMCZJeveniqa. WE PAY TOPOOLl..AR for top used cars-foreign, domestics or classics. Jr )'OW' car ia extra clean, see us FIRST! ,. , 111 ar_,. C_.ty 29125Harb0r Blvd. COSTAM~A 979-2503 CONNELL CHEVRO LET , ,. 11.o I• ' 1\1 • I ' ' ..... 1 \ \1 ~ -" \ c;46-I 200 FOITHE DlscaJMIMA TIMG 9MWIUYB! •PRE-OWNED• •1MW•1• 71 l2n! 4 spd. CB14TK I > 71321>1 auto. (894T J A I i8J;n4spd. C728WRF > i8 320I auto. CS64 l ) i8 l2n! 4 spd. <924XZV I i8Dli4spd. (OllUJY 1 77 63>CSJ (2 > C472T AR I t980'1 HERE MOW! LARGE SELECTION OFHEW 1979 320i's & 5211's IHSTOCX! SADDLEBACK V AILEY JMPOR:l'S 28402 Marguenie Pkwy. MISSION VIEJO 131-2040 495-4949 Ci.oSm SW«»AYS IOIMd•UM•1 !l.50 N Beach Blvd LA HABRA (S Mi. No. of SA Fwy J C714152J.5ll3 Sunday by Appl. 711MWUOI Immaculate! Runs on re gular gas. 4 speed, power steering, power brall~. air cond.. AM /FM stereo cassette. electric sun root. electric windows, topaz/tan lntttlor. Only 3>,000 milel. $13,900 or best off er. Call &f.2.-0138 BMW m 11. rjord blue. snrl, AIC, Blaupunkt .• M/FM cass , new Mlchs. Perfect cond $8900 or best offer fllfil-0119 71 BMW CSI. Blue, lealh. new paint, tram & com pl eatbaust 1ystem. Sl8.500 By &PSJ'. S.0-5423. 75 W. like nu, 43K ml. loeded. Must see' S7200 645-7313. For the price of a VW 1600 BMW Claui c. N"ew paint, brakes.' shocks Runa good. $2400 Aft.S-'1S9-0129 Robyn 53K nu. SllSOO. 661·7074 77 Dutsun 8210 HtchBck. Xlnt rood Lake new. Ma-6 P M. M<!,.QISJ --- 'II> Datsun 280ZX. 2+2. J,<OJ Mt , 5 ~pd .. all ('X· tras Sl2,000 675 5475 l!."'Ves i2 Oat 510 Wagon N1•w mg, uses reg ga... S2000 AftSpm.~ 76 Datsun 280Z. auto, air. s pecial mags, lo m 1. S6.SOO 675-5609 '68 Roadster parts car. best ufCer. 499-SZUI or Lv. rrtig. at 4.94·9589 i8 280 Z: white 2+2, tm· mac , 5-spd, a 'c, Mag whet'IS, am. rm rass .. !.nrf.louvl"t'S. 15.000 ma B!OO Call 640-6:tiS i3 24<>-Z. silver, AM!f'M Lape, A C. mags, ong owner S3800. 831..,14S. 76 Dfi1sun 8210. $2200. 4 speed. Call 968-5671 after 6PM. '11 280 -Z . 5spd . amlfm/cass. Special wheels, $8200/080 . 56l~aft 5 '73 DAT 610 Wag. 4 spd, A 1C. reg. gas. super dean Sl995. 559·9347 af\6 Aat 9725 ....................... Must sell. '76 Xl9 $3500 So46-033l or 997 7079 i4 Flat 128. Runs well. nds body work. Sl800. Call aft 4 pm 496-2904 '75 Spyder. lmm ac. In/out, new lop/tires. spec int 497 -3849 evs/wtmds . 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VISIT YOUR OIAMGECOAST HONDA HEADqUARTBS TODAY!!! UMIVasrTY SALES fl SERVICE Ot.DSMOllU MOHD A GMCTIUCKS 2.850Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540.'640 ii Blue Honda Accord. Xlnt cond. Sunrr . AM/FM, tape cass. AIC, new tires. See to ap· predate. S5200 /BST. 552-ll098 aft Spm. ii Honda Cmc, Cactory air, Blaupw:ikl AM /FM stereo. w1J en1en tri· ax:iaJ 1peaken, Halogen driving Ugbta, Mic.hello radiU. lo. mi. $4450. MS-M.57 '7t Ford ~ ton 4x4, AlllPI& c..ae aureo. ' ..... ell,,. tirea, cmd.llact.USIJllO ...... ....... T1 53)1, black. 3!,000 mi, ...................... . 9730 f ....................... bT~ .... -.... ... ... -.......... •tock. nn...1 t u, .. , IAYINOWI Chl8ell Your Car? a&ao, •uarooC. &U', alloy .._..UI "ltXJI. ~ . CllV• IMW wbla. S100. 4M-•1 ~ ..,,,:.• w/blacult PAYS'IOPDOLLAR '74 BllW. anrr, A IC, rwa-Uted lmpona am/tm. lmmac. cood. c.11 lllborDon ea,OOOmLLlc. H42 LQ'l. IJl..J 111 can 1>uroth7; •H M L WANTED! ._llMS. WN.SU. I.Mt ...... ToJoW and Allo1a/BBS. Call De Oro, Volvo•. ~•fl u1 ~ftMllL.;.;..;.;..;...;._ ___ ~- 'roDAY 111 W BMW 1'00. XlDt 8*h. -~·r1':••1 cood. Neb · coametlca. Priced for 9ulck sale. SllOO. Dllvem.mo '72 BMW IOOa. 4 1pd. All/nl nidlo. Radlal au.. Vrydea:it .... 01111-....a1:•. ...... t7ll . ..................... . mirac l e rn.1L d <l I ,.._ ·- 7lMCH Sharp little sport s roadster tn extra clean c:codWon 056PG F > SZlt5 IOlwmtAM VOUSWA~EH 7IDI Westmmster Ave an Westmmster m. 7561 638-7880 ---Op.I 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W Station wagon. xlnt cmd SBS01best offer 642-Qll ~ 9741 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $4000 DISCOUNT olf WUldow sticker pnce <m 8QY remairung 1979 Peugeot 604. RACH IWORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 9750 ....................... 72POUCHE ""tl4 .. Sharp jet tUck 5 speed with appearance group and Riviera mags Dynamite!cmEJZ > $4HS IOlwmtAM Vot.KSWAGa. 1QX) Wesurunster Ave. an WestmmateT- 893-m1 638 7880 769121 Sunroot 67J...lZ27 1970 9U T Pon<:he, MW engine, stereo. alloys. Sac. at 17 900 1213)592·1991 or (714~ 75 9US, Sl.lnroo( coupe. 5 spd. Peru Red/tan. ori1e thruout Lo miles, xtra special 114.750. "'5fM Pone ... 53'-7NI '63 Porsche Cabriolet Perled cond. 25mp1 + m.ooo. 552-GIS Par. i6912E A/C. amlfm, ster. sunrf .. alloys. 42.M tl5,500tOBO. 640·8020 wtdys. Poncbe i6 9US Targa Air. 40.000 m 1 Iced Green. $16,000/bst orr. 6T.H732 '74 911 Tarp, loaded' Lo miles. xlnt. cond. 114,SOO 646-4844 days, eves. 548-3117 '86 911 Coupe: Rblt eng. Kooa shocks. lobro tranaaxle. $5600. Call 631·1534 Aft 6. ·------ 'IB 912: XJat for restora· lion. Completely rblt eng . w lall papers. 66-2300. Best ofter ii Poncbe 934. $10,500, xJnt cood. (714 ) 646-3224 wkdya. '65 CAlllOLIT =:~uonally clean. ul. sweet nmnbla. E:llrm. 114,000 cash. pp m.umcrm.1no ...... t75' -····-·-·········· •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ROY CAIVll ROU.S·ROYCl , .. ,,. ... ..... ..,.,, ... tll \"----...... OOSlD SUNDAYS ,.,... ,,,. ..... ........ -....... . '71 O:lfOlll 4 /C, IOOd tu m.I, 1004 con4. stJO. l1ND54 Mare famlle9 an Puint u. ca~ ''but" um 1ear.1io11 ban • ca..-tW'• not pttJnc ..... ~ ....... .° 'n.IAd. • ,. o.naa. -· .... mt. auarr. A11 1 r11. H•PI· Call all I, •un Yllllw111 tno ....................... 7JfOUCIWA ... SOllAlmACI St.alp M1&om1Uc ••eon =::rtm()-a IA .. , IOIWITHAM YOl.KSWMHN 'Jm)W•mhw&erAve. lD WMimlosttt ••1 &S-19> Havtq trouble selling )Qlr car" Try us' Patd for or not' AU for Frank Manno or Tom Al.kui 117 t I RACH IL YD. llwt:t•IHcJa 14 2000 76VWIUS Dynamite 7 pasWftger w1th 4 1peed and over bead atr cond1t1on1nic 038963 ) SSHS IOIWJTHAM YOUSWAG&I 7l!OO Westmimter A vr. 111 Westmmster -~l &311-78110 15 SCIROCCO Aar r ond . AM t FM stereo, low nules. map. radial lar~s 12 Mo /12,000 Mt Service Contrart Available. 834MKR I $3670 SANTA ANA DATSUN :m1 E 17th Strt-o.•t Santa Ana s.58 7811 7'VWIUS Vef"/ ab.up 7 pu&ftlier with cwertwed aar conda· bCJniD1 U.000 miles and Wie new' llQm4 > S7ttl IOIWITHAM YOUSWAG&t 7900 Westminster Ave. m Westmms~r s mt 6»-1811l 15 VW BUG 4 cylinder. 4 speed. AM IF'M . steel radial ti~. cu.stom 1nten or Super sharp ' 12 Mo. /J.2..000 Mi. Serv1r e Contract Availa ble !elMDS> $.1775 SANTA ANA DATSUN :n>l E. J7\h&reet Santa Ana ~ 7811 *** C4W'OIL,_ 17421 Breda L.O Huntm~ Beach You ~ winner of two ltcltets ($13.00 value), to ClaCUSVARGAS Mar 14th · Mar 20th ea.ta Mesa fl Huntington ~l~r 1lcbta may be cl&tmed by callinlC 642·5678, ext m ••• i2 VW Van Rood cood rz.cm. PP 5"48-1640 '14 Hormt x ... kyl Good llllN-A.ulo. Xlat cr:M.*2.a.m.a. llllcll HIO ....................... "12 f ·J>UHD&er wain. New ..... IOOd tram, all pw, aU ...... oc a&r. m.-.aa 5. "12 tick Electra. toad cmd.. .. l1lel1 to biebest dfs.8B«ll3 ca HIS . ..................... . *** O.,,.,Lee 441Fau Dr c.o.ta Mesa You an the winner of two tickets CS1 3 00 valueJ,to catCUS Y AIGAS Mar.14&h ·Mar. 20lb Costa lieu le HlDinalon~ TicbU may be clauned by calliq M2-Sl78. ext m ••• '7'11 B&amu 111.000. xJ.ot cond C714 1 6.41·3224 wtdya Ute ii SevllJe, metallic blue. WI.ft wbttls. 1u.nrf. new ~hchehn tare s . Ul.000 rm lmmac rood su.cm Call 640-MS6 or MHl5'16 78 SDV beaut rood Llbr. slt!re-o. rn~ Loaded E.!1116 -.mi ~ 7253 Tl Out. I cy1, aUck. tno. Good cooditk>o, 5e-m4 ff40 ....................... *** MonttFru•IMllf moo Sa.Ybrook Ln Hunti'r Beach You are wmMr of two llcketa <SJ3.00 VaWe).lo CIRCUS Y AIRGAS Mar. 14t.b · Illar 2lllth eo.t.Maafi u.atD111on Center Tk*aa may be clalmed by callmg 142·.-rl. eu m *** *** "lllluRang. TTop. ..., ~·'JmMIOU H55 ...................... , '73 Toronado, 6l.OOO miles. 1te reo, cruise . t.o.ded X1nt cood. Sl.200 Call 67~ 1076 °' Ad Siner 12. at hn 142-4300 "MOkil ._.dr, Jux sedan, 11 blue, whl vinyl top. lmded. ~ tires, alnl eond.. 31,000 m.1, S3000 55).41019 i l VISTA Crw.ser. run..., good. needs some body work $400. M5-Qll Ford ·• LTD Wa1on. i7 Cutlus Brougham, ae.a, web·maiataloed AIC. P IS, P 1B. xlnt. ftsb bme up, etc. t650 cond . S4200 0 BO orbestolfer 144-li73 ~aft 6 ii Granada 4-<tr. 6-cyl. PJCi mi.1eage 19 216mpg PWo 9957 Sl975.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Ranchero. 82.000 miles. Aakang $2900 641>2211 or M7-8332. Ask for "I"' or John ~ Musi hi 2119 3 spd on the floor. Best Offer. l9-4.lil5 ---..... ff 45 ....................... '75 Mart IV 1Llver wtred pllab LDter XlnL cond S6Knu. Best reason.able orfer dy 836 6620. az.4eves Cowlluc.t.. Martt ltl 1'71. My ... pped. lo a. -of a kilMl c-be ..... at l942 Harbor ll •d. ~S:lO. 15 PINT~ RUNABOUT 2000c c. 4 cyhoder. 4 speed. air rood .. power stei'nng, radio. stee l radials, luggage rack. Factory a.tom intenor and exterior pk ~ Q.°'251 1 S21S SANTA ANA DATSUM :VH E 171.h Street ~Ana SS8 7811 ~ 9960 .•..............•.•.... ---i6 Cad Srville 4 dr. ltte Mlic:ay H50 blue, clean car S7&SO -·•••••••••••••••••• cm Ply mouth Sport Fury Suburban 4 door 2 seat Waiton 55.000 m 1 l~i. Pow e r w1 a . ~ brakes/air cood I root rack. AM tFM st.ere<> rad10. cruise contr ol, custom wheels, Jade Green MN.illtc wath wood grain s 1<ks. green \ myl mtenor Pnci>•t b>-lfiv. w~...,ale S2til5 I >'<ill) Pilot 642-43Zl fo'.'\l l lU QUJ Moo to Fn, 8 lO to 5 &:B-331.3 Late i8 Seville. M1rh ures. It blu metallu· w lthr. sh•reo tape, lo m1 . s ho wroom l'ond aJways r;!araged ~ah arer 6'T.H642 i8Cad Deville Eleg Takt• ovtt lease. no down, S29U mo. 631-0e6or975-<8>0 ttl7 ·-······················ W1 Camaro. one.. owner. pwr. steerin&. power brUs. ataomatic trans. m mg. Best o1rer. Call 1131-1506 eves only a. ..... 9'20 ....................... 79 CHEYETTE 4 ~. 4 speed. air cond • radial tire:.. tJIMtnJ>"i. lu1ucaice rark a56WZX > "A Steal at moo .. IMIJn.~12 SANTA ANA BATSON :m1 E 11th Street S8llt.a Ana S58-78 l l ORANGE COl..'NTY 'S MIWES~ LINCOLN MERCU RY Ot:AJ..ERSHIP RAYR.ADBOE LINCOLN Mf:RCURY 16-18 Auto C4'ntl'r r>r SDl-\o.-y l...Jt1· l'~t1•x1t IH\'1:0-.f" 130-7000 15 MEICURY BllCAT WGll V-4. power 1leenn11t. AM /Yll. radial tires Fad. custom Lnle'nor lucc•ce rack Very clc ao. I owner ica:.· saYer. <213MMN I S2366 SANTAANA DATSUN 2.00 l E 17\.b St l"f'E'I ~Ana ~71111 78MaCURY IOeCAT WAGOH Low miles. wood1enin ~.CMSUZW I $4695 BARWICK DA TSUM ""''' I lj' ''I ' 83 1 -137 ~ 49l-ll7S -;i, Pl) m o uth \'1•la ri Wao>n Roal rack, PS, PB. auto tall gate, CB . Many more extra!>. eo.ow nn. srroo. &ie3379 "1'6 Vol.are Premier stn WJtJ1 I.At~ All power 1 rT1Pfi! ~r~r 673 2A~ ra.ticlc 9'65 . ..................... . 76 Formula Farcbard Flltau Sal(' A c. p s . PW . am fm ca.'s lit. wtll 33,000 mt S4 .0'J5 64&2DJJ. or I ·~ 71 Pontiac Boonev1lll'. ~.QXI m1 good cond . DU) ~-4870 74 Flrt'btrd Xlnt rand PS PB. A C. new lire:. S29lO Ph 833 2849 a tt S wtidrs W f'tn!Oc.rd . Sl350. Good rood, new Lt.ret.. mag. ... lihocts, PP Ml 1985 ------i3 Moote Carlo. extra tw..., 9952 clean . all extras. l ... •••••-•••••••••••• i8 Lemam· 2 door, a ir. amtfm. on.ly 2600 nules. 2JCXl & lake over pay-meus. 548-2880 Ask ror Alln! o wner. S1900·0Her ~Eves '62 Corvaar wacon. a Classic. nds 90me work. l5001olfer M0-5650. "16 Chevy Monte Carlo fl.CXX>nu. PS, PB. A1C, dMn.~. Must sell '78 Chevy Mabbu., 11,000 mi. Im. mac. cond. RIO. See at SIM~. ea.ta Mesa or call &42..UOO. Ad.si.tter Mlatboun. '86 10 good condatton. 1i20llO. Bob at 675 2300 M·f',M ~ '65, 2'0 conv't Very oriimaJ Better than de al« rebtt. 83)1) 75&-0097 Alltos,UMd • ••••••••••••••••••••• VeCJD 9974 ....................... '73 Vega GT Wagon Good cond1t1on, runs good. new brakes. AM FM radio. 4-s~. A C. 26 mpg Bestolrer 646-3104_ A.tcK,UMd .•................••.•. NABERS '68 VW, dnt cood • nu ~ awvy Malibu wa.ion. whls, paint & xtras $325/best offer. Runs rnoo. Aft 5 962-4925 fC"!lll. 631-1157 . AUTO CENTER '78 convert Bug . showroom new. lir 'd "THAT BUG ". 2SM , AM /Fil 1lereo1tape, 9111115. P,P.IM0-434.5 ..... 9772 ....................... VOLVO 9932 .. ..........•••.•...... i5 T·top. Wht/marooo ial. All poftr. 21,000 mi. Immaculate. a,eoo. PP 7S4.f1'IO or Ad Sitter f 143, IG-GID • 3' bn a (IQ. 77mvETTE T·TDP ANNIVERSARY llODBL. Air cond., automatlc.L loaded! Servlce \;ODlract Jw' C ' PRIZI WIUte ........... IMfl)! .... ) $11,8 SlllTAAllA ~·l&Net ,...Au •1111 'Tf Vtl, tu. •. auto tr-. .,.,. atra. ---~ ........ ,..~.ma.. ........ o.n.u. T_,..,...__ al. S\l,OfO. NY·lt .. ti 1425 IAKB ST .. COSTA MU.A NOTHING OVER 54999 i!.=o ............ s4999 Automatic trans.. factory air cond , e>wr SIMfloO I ~ Pt.US many mcwe IUXUfY Items' Low. low miles' ( 1N44282) '72 CADIL&.AC s2999 COUPI DI VILLI •••••••• Full C)OWl9(. hlctoty air cond . tllt wheel. et8'90. le1tf'ler. padded top & ONLY 38,000 mileel (938FZJ). i~~T·TOP ... ~3999 Full pawer, factory air oond .. tilt wheel, stereo. ra!!Ye wheela. Dedded top -must tee; LIKE NEW concllttonl f171 Rt<T). I I I c l • I ' 1 • I 7 -~·WJD•••A,N ..., ..... _ T•• I •••• tbat r•ared ... , .... N,.....'efWt. ta&. •11•1 bosne Ja,et week .... ·~ lnt!(ey. AttJiioucb t.be woman and ber faaalb eacaped Hfely, tbeJr cloWU. tumitu.re nd penona1 Mloqlnt1 were reduced to cbarnd rubble. The family's pet poodle pert1bed. AD oristnal Dovel tbat lln. Tanner had •pet .... ,... wltll9a ...... man..._..._....._, ............... MCtJan of t.Mlr lllOIM •am~ aa ln· remo, lfra. ,._.,and ber 16- year-old da~ were forced to to11 a ntne·day-old Jnfant to safety from a aeeond·•tory balcony before jumpln1 themselve1. The TaADera Heaped wllb lbelr lives and liWe else. II ra. Tanner had been. teain& ORANGE COUNT:Y, CALIFORNIA tM O"Ml•"•'¥m ta wblcb the f aaaUy Uwd •. Sbe bad bO In· IW'IDC9 to C!Ovel' the cwwned coettnta. Tbe Red Cron bu provided temporary bouaifta tbrouab nooa Wtdnelday, but wbere the Tan- nen wlU ftnd abelter after that remalm a quest.Joa mart. At tbe time the ftre struck, R•&ina Tanner wu look•n1 for a new job. Today, finding employ- ment ia even more Imperative. •he ..,., u sbe la to beit.P ~­ bulWnl a me for herself IDd ber family. llra. Tanoer bu been a Foun- tain Valley resident for two yean. lo the past, &be bu held posit,klol In teaching, coumellnc and sales. She bu 1raduated rrom Pepperdine University'• law sdx>ol. Just bef0tt the fire struck, Mrs. Tanner was prepaJinC a new resume. Divoreed, she was 1980 Jly~ with her aooa ~ltb, JI, and Kevin, lS, ber daushter Marjorie, 16, and tnlaot ,rand· daughter, Sbarina. On March 4, Mra. Tanner re- calls going t-0 sleep at about 11 :80 p.m. Kevin was away, but her two other cblldren were at home. 1be family poodle bad curled up at lbe root of her bed. She hadn't been asleep long when the children roused her. shouting that the house was oo FIFTEEN CENTS fire. .. I tried to go down the stairs, but 1 couldn't because tbe flames were coming up tbe stairway," Mrs. Tanner re- called. Keith bad managed to get dowDJtaira and outside before the names had spread further, but Mrs. Tanner, Marjorie and the baby were trapped upstairs. The trio made their way to a <See ASHES, Pase A2) Rebels Pro-Soviet? Iran Leader Flays Militants By 'fte Aaoclatff Press Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was quoted today as accusing militants holding ap- proximate t y 50 American· hostages at the U.S. Embassy of being \nder the inOuence of pro· Soviet groups. He also predicted the hostages would not be freed before mid-May, a French newspaper said. "Unfortunately , they (the MURDER SUSPECT Jean Harris militants ) s ometimes let themselves be influenced by cer- tain political groups favorable to the U.S.9'.R .. such as the Com- munist Tudeh Party, which wants to isolate Iran on the in· temational scene," the Iranian president was quoted by the French newspaper Le Monde in a Monday interview. Bani-Sadr also accused Iran's Revolutionarv Council of "weak· A~WW..,.... SLAIN IN HOME Dr. Herman Tarnower Developer of Diet Dr. Tanwiver Slain HARRISON, N.Y. (AP) -Or. Herman Tamower, developer of the popular Scarsdale Diet. was fatally shot at his subuTban New York City home. and police to· Council Raps Information Procedures Huotingtoo Beach City Council memben expressed frustration Monday at sometimes learning more about what's going oo in city ball through newspapers than tbroutb the city's top brass. The council suggested a plan be developed to keep them up to date on information that is being turned over to newspaper re- porters. "I just don't want to look dt1mb by bearing about something for the first time in a newspaper," remarked Coun- cilman Clancy Yoder at the evenma retreat with city depart- ment beads. Mayor Doa MacA.lllster urtCed that employees contact CUy Ad· mlnletrator Bud Belsito after tbey'" b8d a "sensitive" con- venadan whll ~ press. ~TS OF AD DOGGONE GOOD day charged the headmistress of a posh private girls' school with his murder. Police Chief William Harris said the 69-year-old pbyslcian was shot in the chest, arm and hand during an apparent strug- gle late Monday in bis home in Purchase, N.Y .. near here. Jean Struven Harris of McLean, Va .. was trying to drive from the house when police arrived, the chief said to- day, and she was charged with the killing because or what Harris called "certain ad· missions sbe made." Police said they recovered a handgun believed to be the murder weapon. Tamower listed Mrs. Harris, 57, first ln tbe acltnowleda· menta of bis bett·selllng diet book •'The Complete Scandale Me~ical Diet: Plus Dr. Tarnower's Lifetime Keep.Slim Procram." which be wrote in collaboration with Samm Sinclair Baker. It said: "We are arateful to Jean Harris for her 1plendid as· sistance in the research and writing of thl.s book." Asked today a bout the acknowled1Cment to Mrs. (See &lJ'l'BO&. Pase AJ> Priest Death ~ngSet ness and indecision" in Its re- cent confrontatlon with the mili- tants over letting members of the U.N. commission see the hostages. the paper said. ·'If the council had shown itself firm, It if it badn 't changed its mind every day under pres- sure from this or that group, we wouldn't be where we a re," he was quoted. The commission left Tehran today with a veiled threat to withhold its report on the al- leged crimes of Shah Moham- mad Reza Pahlavi until it is al- lowed to see all the American hostages, who began their l29th day in captivity today. "The commission is not in a position to prepare its report and has informed the Jraruan authorities accordingly," the five-man panel said in a state- ment. Tbe commission members flew to Switzerland and New York after their 17-day visit ended without a visit to lbe cap-tives. Deity ...... ~ ...... ~ MEMBERS OF MARINE 1ST LANDING SUPPORT BATTALION STAND GUARD NEAR OUTPOST C.mp Pendleton Martnff Participate In Wffk-k>nO War Gamea In Motave Oeaert (8ee IUN, Page A2> Dike to Aid ' Residents of MQla High Bidder For School Site Flooded Park A five-foot high dike ls being built today near a Huntington Beach mobile home park That was evacuated last month when waler cascaded into the park. Paul Cook, the city's public works director, said the dirt beam will be molded on the Ocean View High School campus to hold back ruooff during rain storms, which have flowed into Beach View Mobile Home Parle. The city, he said, also plans to deepen a natural trough near the campus to direct the now or water away from the Gothard Street park. About 60 Beach View tenants were helped from their homes last month when water flowed into the park. Residents blamed the city for the problem. Cook said recent develop- ments around the park hampers drainage and pointed to new cooslructjoo at the campus as the major reason for runoff problems. Candidates Night Set in Huntington The ftnt candidates night for all 12 Huntington Beach City Council hopefuls will be staged tonight by a pair or recreatioo- oriented orsanisatlons. Spokesman for the Huntlneton Valley Little League and Equestrian Trails, Inc. said all candidates have indicated they'll attend tbe 7 p .m . forum in City Council chambers. BJ IEllllY CLAUSEN oe -o.11y ,... IUft Frank Mola of Huntington Beach was the high bidder Mon- day night for an 8.S-acre parcel or Ocean View School District land at the corner or Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue. Mola. representi.ng Mola Development., bid S3,12S,OOO for the old district headquarters s ite. His oral offer was $25,000 higher than Huntington Beach's Sand Dollar Developers at the end or 75 minutes of bidd10g. Only three written bids were s ubmitted . The h ighest , H1mtington To Seek Help On "Facelift' The Huntington Beach Caty Council majority agreed Moo· day to hire a professional con- sultant to belp prepare plans for giving tbe city's oldest sboppt.og area a $330,000 facelift. · The move came in the wake of a council acreement to spend federal funds on street. improve· menta, patterned bricks, and theme benches In tbe downtown area. Councilmen Ron Pattinson and Clancy Yoder opposed the actlon. Both contend the dowatown cosmetic touc:bup ia a Walle ol money. The council voted to spend up to $21,000 on preliminary studies. The consultant ls ex- pected to come up with several architectural themes for the downtown project. Fatal Praak 'Tnuting' Girlfriend Slain Harrr Karl Wiesen ~ La Habra told police be tboulbt la1a run wu empty wbm be put It to his t.~'1 bead Monday Dlibt ud 1bot her to. JNVIBTIGAT01l8 SAID WlffeO. .32, quotect Diane Carol Thorn, 22, u aayblc, "I uwt you wWi sn,; life" Jun before the fatal lbat. WllllD told olftcen be WM la·• IA a.. mMeJ room db IOll Thom .._ be toe* 4M& IUI ,a Cdber NtOlt• IDd relilO¥lid two tialMa. SZ.1.52,000. was entered by Dr. Samuel C. Hirt of Beverly Hills. Five ftnns joined in oral bid- ding after the initial written bids were offered. Distnct adVlsors had mdlcat- ed late last year that the proper- ty. zoned for commercial use. could bnng up to S3.5 million. District trustees will consider the Mola b1d next Monday rugbt. The old headquarters s ite . which once served as ~ean View School. was abandoned last summer. The 8 5 acres were purchased in 192S for $16.880 and were last formall y appraised at $1.5 m1lhon. Mola satd he plan!! to con· struct a $15 million commercial and office complex. 1nclud10g "some financial mstitutions. on the site where old school bwld· mgs now stand. Escrow is expected to close on the sale by June 2S if Mola's oC· fer ls Connally accepted Mon- day, said Jim Jones. district finance director. Jones S8ld proceeds from the sale are expected to be used for equipment purchases and maJD- tena~b:Jarojects at the district's 2' a by drawing loler'elt 00 Invest.meat. Dlatrict Superintendent Dale Coo1an said the board of trustees Is expected to sell another parcel of land sometime after July 1. E~pected to be offered for pub.Uc bW ii Site 33, a 15-acre parcel near Edinger A venue and Santa Barbara Street in Hunt- lnatoa Beach. An elementary school bad been planned there, but now isn't needed, achoo& ol- Ocia11 said. ManAccosed Of Pot Sales 25,000 Troops Play War BJ STEVE MITCHELL °' -DeltJ ~ 51.11tt Nearly 25,000 U.S. troops are more than halfway through a wttk ol simulated battles in the desert above Barstow in what one senior officer described as "a war where everybody comes out a winner." Gallant Eagle 80. a joint readi- ness exercise compnsed of ele ment.s from the Army. Air Force and Marine Corps . is being s taged on the Fort Irwin mibtary reservation an the Mo- Jave Desert, an area nearly five times the s ize o f Camp Pendleton. And while the Marine and Army troops are shooting blanks from their black M16 rifles, the 137 planes and Jets. 114 helicop- ters and 567 tanks and personnel carriers used in the seven-day exercu;e are real. "D-Day" was only hours old Friday when a company or Army Rangers <comprising the enemy forces> made a surprise "Entebbe" style attack al the Marine Corps' Nelson Lake landing strip, arriving aboard two giant C-130 troop carrien. "Man, they came out of the sky in t.boee two birds and blew the holy bell out ol lbe landing zone," said oDe Marine PFC who did not want to be Idea· Ufied. Coast Weat•er Cleariq late tGnlabt and fair Weclnesday. Lewa tollilht 45 at tbe beaebes and 52 lnlaad. Blabs W~intbe80s. INSl•E Telt" Y I SA.NDIEOO CAP>-A ........ ~tA ........... in the emers:enq craM ~ •:ff PJ N Vllml Jll la Utt waw iout .... oft Sia 0.••tie ....... ,...... ......... llilrt. ()CM......,, fte t1'WtllCO~XIMil11Mlll, Wh ) J"tilll ......... l&llilil ·rs used 1n '"toueb &ad fO" ......_ wbla It ... --.eti1I nilbl, a UY)' lpM•mU .......... 10 ...... , 8 ODfllt 0 hellcoiptw crew picked tM .-• A ~t1man at UM NHal MtcticaJ c.t« la lu '*"°MM U . Dan Davit, 30. ~bOM~'1ttt• Ud two dltld'Nft 11.e ln •a.rbJ Cof'9Rldo, died ol l~uriea. · Rre E ... c. •t etl ,,, .. , VENTURA (AP> -A nuh fire enpted in an empty atorqe tank on the Getty OU Co. leue pn;iipeft7 early today when v~ ~ l•nitld by a cleamna \anlt ~. OM pu-.aa waa 1n ured and lbe lnlUal tire cauaeet two other ftrea. -autboriUet 5 d. ol The r~ In UM Getty Plant number 1 oo the wett aide Ventura broke out at 2:2'7 a .m . It took Ventura County firefl&hters 90 minute• to bnna t.M name• under control. said dispatcher Sharon Meler . Firefighters from tbe fire department's OU Taak Force found two separate fires eolnc when tbey arrived. A third one broke out soon afterward. sbesatd . ...... Aret1 Bit .. 'l••ke PHILADELPHIA <AP> -A minor earthquake that rumbled through the northern suburbs of Philadelphia today was the fourth in a series of small tremors that began March l, officials said. No injuries or damages were reported from any of the quakes. Police said they bad hundreds o( queries about today's tremor from residents of Montgomery and Bucks counties. The Richter reading was 3.2. .. u.r •-•••••• 8•rna•'" LONDON (AP> -Tbe dollar maintained its strength on world foreign exchanges today and price• tumbled further on some metal markets. Analysts said speculators apparently had become wary of Jock~ their assets in gold, silver and other metals when they can coUecl big.b interest rates oa dollar investments. Cold, which plummeted In Europe on Monday, tumbled .$40 an ounce In New Yorlr on Monday to $558. lt was trading at ~70 today in London and at $564 in New York. Silver sold in London for $28. 75 an ounce today. down from $30.25. It sold for $29 ln New York. GIK1 1 Illa•, Ne,,etf•t•r• T•Uc BOGOTA, Colombia <AP) -The Colombian government said talks with the guerrillas holding the embusy of the Dominican Republic "advanced in a climate of serenity," but no progress was reported toward freeing the more than 21 hostages, includmg U .S Ambassador Diego Asencio, seued 14 days ago. A nt>gotiating session was held Monday in a cream·colored van outside the embassy. occupied during a recepUon Feb 27 No details were gh·en on the latest round of talks but the stale· ment said talks would continue at a later , unspecified date 'Bureaueraey' Bit Aruwal STnOg Tes·t For Autos Backed The Orange Co unt y Transportation Commission doesn't like the idea of requiring annual smog tests for California vehicles. but 1t endorsed the idea. anyway. "Vehicle inspections don't work. they lead to bureaucracy a nd they'll cost Sl billion a vear,'' said Comm1ss1oner Bill Library Book Mailing Plan Slated in HB An experimental mailing pro· gram of library books is being offered to patrons of the three Huntington Beach branch libraries. The trial service guarantees patrons will receive books they have reserved as soon as those books are returned to th~ library Currently, only patrons of the city's central library at 7111 Talbert Avenue can receive re- served books in the mall. The branch Ubrariea are k>cat- ed at 9281 Banning St., 525 Main St. and at the comer of Graham Strfft and Edinger Avenue. DAILY PILOT Vardoulis. who cast the lone negative vote Monday. Chairman Al Holhnden agreed but said the alternatives were "reprehensible ." Comrrussloners approved the idea of the annual tests. but didn't endorse any of the four bills now before the Legislature. Requiring the s mog tests is one way of meeting the man- dates of the federal Clean Air Act of 1971 , county transporta- tion officials said. And if local and slate agencies don't comply with those man· dates. federal officials can deny certain building permits and curtail federal highway funds, com missioners were told. Califonua cars and trucks pres· ently are required to pass s mog inspections, but only when the vehicles change ownership or are registered for the first time. Under the Clean Air Act. vehicle owners would bave to bave annual smog teats. Mail Sought For Hostages ORLEANS, Maas. (AP> -A Cape Cod resident hopea to have 50 to 100 baga of mall -Eater and Passover cards -seat to the 50 American bo1ta1e1 in Iran. ''Nothing really bu been done for t bem since Christmas." when thoulanda of card.a were sent to the hostage&. Alfred Demott o( East Orleans said Monday. Volunteers are workinl OSI the ptolect at Cape Cod CommQQity Col eae and Norford Hi&b ScbOol In Eudlam. They are mtklnc arr•n1ementt wlth local poatmutert to bave apeclal man ball ~ded In mH• poet offices, &e aald. ... ..,: ... Nli"t '° I ...... WU no othi=WI \0 ••t out," Mn. T&n:Mrree , .. Wlll \0 IO *' for her 9"1&NM9 and pwwe, but lh• n .... were •J» "9•*M I · Marjste pl•••d fW ........ I' to ~'JU\p. , ......... to tatcb btr. "lf not for my dausbter, I prob- ably would havo 1tood ,.,.,.. and burned to death," Mrs. Tan· ner Hid. Sh recolved minor cut• and bnalHI in tM leap. FamUy m.mbers ran to rouse nttltbbon and aummon the fire department. but the contentl ol the 'home were clutroyed. Fire official.a are continuln1 to probe the cause of the fire. In the wake of tbe traced)-. 8rlan Benjamin, Heeutlve director of the Boys Club or Fountain Velley. where Ketth Tanner works, has desisnated the club as a coUectlon point for anyone wishing to donate lumlture. clothing or household Items to the Tanners. The club is located at 9840 Talbert Ave. He also offered use of the club's van to pick up any larger donations. Although she would appreciate s uch gestures, Mrs. Tanner said tier highest priority Is finding a place to live and, above all, find· mg a job so,that she can begin rebuilding. Information concerning a job for Mn. Tanner can be left with Brian Benjamin at the Boys Club. 968-5252. or with the Raymond Jacquett family, 971-()!i.56. Looking forward to settling in a new borne, Mrs. Tanner pre· dieted. "This time, I will have insurance. and I will have a smoke detector -believe me!" F,....P-eeAJ IRA.N' ••• Bani-Sadr's comments to Le Monde seemed to confirm what Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. the a ll·powerful Iranian re ligious leader. said more than two weeks ago . the fate or thl' hostages would be left to the newly elected parhament. T he Iranian president was quoted as saying the release could not come before mid-May because the parliamenl will not have sufficient time to examine the case before then. U.S. and U.N. officlala hoped the com· mission's work would expedite the hostages' r elease. During a stopover in Zunch. Com mi ssion Co-C h airman Mohamed Bedjaoui of Algeria told reporters the panel's mis· sion "was not a failure, but of course we are disappointed It was a step on the road. But it was not a failure." an apparent reference to some of the evidence colle<:ted ln Tehran The commission left without s eeing the approximately 50 hos tages after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini backed the demands of their militant cap- tors, and Iran's Revolutionary Council rescinded its decision to take custody oC the Americans who began their 129t.b day ln captivity in the U.S. Embassy today. School Sets Orientation Parenti ol students who will be Marina High School freshmen next Call are Invited to an orien- tatk>n Tbunday in the school gymnasium, 15871 Sprln1dale St .. Huntington Beach. Counselors and department repreeentatJves are scheduled to meet with parents between 7:30 and 8: 15 p.m . At 8:15 p.m .• informaUon will be presented regarding regi.stra. lion, graduation requlrements. athletics and health require- ments. Fountain Valley Home Burgled Cash, Jewelry, a color televiaioa and stereo equipment were reported stolen in a burglary Monday night at tbe home of Burt A. Tepli~, oo Loa PlDtol Circle tn Fountain Valley, police said. The 1uapecta bad entel'ed the home tbr'oulh a window and re. moved tbe property tbl'OUlb a sliding glau door. Tbe totaflou was ettimated at Sl.537. Oat1ieal Guitar Concerta· Plamaed Kunlo Aoki aod Yoablo Mataumoto, clillicaJ ~tartstl ::: ~i:n0o"i1.n:~ Coue,.11 l'onam U. Tbe --.n. are elated lfW • a.m. Wec11Sl1flllt, llarcb, lit Md no:1p~· ...... 1.L Mo m JlfrM. , " -":::.: -·· Teachers Layoffs Plan-restudy Urged Wes t Orange County hilh school teachers plan to ask trustees tonight to reconsider layoffs planned this year as tbe result of declining s tuden\. enrollment. Bill Bianchi. spokesman for the union represenUn1 teachers ID Huntington Beach Union High School District, said hla District Educators Auociation believes layoffs are not onJy unnecessary but probably a "wute of time." District trust~s voted early in February to begin a series of moves that eventually could lead to cutting as many as 103 teachers. Bianchi said attrition should reduce the teaching staff enough to avert layorr requirements brought about by a declining stu· dent enrollment. Bianchi said Jerry Mannion. union president. also will ask E'ro91 p~ ,, l AUTHOR .•. Harris, Baker said Tarnower "had had her read parts of the book (for comment) a nd he wanted to acknowledge that ... Chief Harris said Mrs. Harris would be arraigned on a murder charge today ln Harrison "n>wn Court. She ls headmistress of the Madeira School in McLean. Va . and is llsted in the Social Llst of Was hington. DC .. as having a ho me in Carmel. N.Y ··she's a very nice lady,'' said the police cruel. "She works at a very good school. She's one of the nicest ladies we've ever had here." He s aid ttis police went to the house around 11 p .m . after get- tang a call from police in White Plains, who said they had a ~­ port or a burglary in progress there. Mra. Harris was described by Chief Harris as ·~a friend of Or. Tarnower's." He said she ar- rived last night without lugage at tbe estate where Tarnower. a bachelor, lives alone except for a housekeeper and her husband. Eleanor Rawson, Tarnower's publisher. said Mrs. Harris was a frequent weekend visitor at the doctor's home. Tamower was found ln bis pa. jam as on the floor of a second· floor bedroom. between twin beds, bleeding from the wounds on the right aide of bis body, police said. that barpi.ning beg10 on lbe pro. posed staff ~uct.lon plans. pro. gram reductions and working condition s ant1c1pated with teacher cuts. The bargaining, Bianchi said would be conducted along with negot&aUons on a new teacher contract. The teachers' current contract exp1res June 30. In a new contract proposal presented to the board last m o nth, teachers are seeking wage bikes that would ralse purchuing power to 1976·TI levels. Bianchi said Although no fi gures a re at- tached to the salary hike re· quest. Bianctti s&Jd, the figure would be clo&e to 22 pe~t at today's cost of Uvang indexes. Tonight ·s board session is scheduled for 7 p . m . in the Westminster High Schoo l cafeteria, 14325 Golden West Sl .. Westminster Shah in Need Of Siugery NEW YORK CAP> - Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi &a iU and must be admitted lo a U.S . ml lltary hoapital in Panama for emergency s pleen surgery, friends say . but the Carter ad· ministration is resisting the step, the Oa1lv Nt'ws reported today · T he former Iranian ruler underwent a ~allbl~dder operation 1n New York on Oct. 24 and was treated for cancer a fter the admiaistraUon permitted him to enter the co untr y as a .. humanitarian gesture." The s b.ah's admitt.ance touched off the Nov. • seizure of Amencans at the U.S. Embassy 1n Tehran by mllltants de· mending his mum. Jewelry Stolen Tbe theft ol women's jewelry valued at $3,930 wu reported to Fountain Valley police Monday by Dia.ana Lee Llvinptoa, who lives on Slater Avenue. Taken from her home. she told police, were a diamond ring valued at $3.000, a sapphire rfn&, a gold necklace and gold !tarriJlgs. Exams Slated For S11mmer· lifeguards Exams for s ummertime hfe guard positions in Huntington Beach will be gJven Sunday at 7 45 a m. in the apparatus room of tbe lifeguard headquarters. The c ity a nnually hires between 10 and 20 n ew lifeguards for summer duty. Ap- p lic ants must have perfect vision and be able to S Wlm 1.000 yards in less tban 16 minutes. Accepted applicants will be given a ftnai oral examination April 5. The hiring list will be based oo combi.ned points from ~al and «al tests. The lifeguard beadquart.en is located at 103 Pacific Coast Highway. For further informa- tion call ~5281. Group Meets On Proposal For Coastline A citizens group c harged wttt\ preparing a plan for the Hunt- ington Beach coastline will meet Thursday evening to discuss en- vironmentally sensitive habitats in the coastal zone. A chief topic will be the beacbfroot stretch between Beach Boulevard and tbe Sant.a Ana River. A recent coast.al com mission report identified tbe strip as sensitive wetlands need· ing maximum protectioo. The st.ate-mandated cout.al pl11n must be approved by tbe cl· ty coUDctl and the coastal com· mission by the eocl of th.la year. Thursday's 7 p.m . meeting will be held in room B-8 of tbe civic centtt. 2JOCJO Main St. Omega has seen some beautiful diamonds in their time. Omea,aknows how To set a lady's watch- with diamonds! Jn 14 karat yellow gold: A. $1.295. B. $2,400. c. $3,250. Btautiful ~rysays, "I IOVt you ... ' .. • ' ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALlf;ORNIA 1'9q*w4H~ 1D pcot• Hft or PQ ,_. .,. ,_ a.u.m .,.. . Uenta U.1t1• at UCJ'1 lledleal Center iA U. Qtr ol Oraqe. Ttte ebaocellor Mid tbe COUil• ~·· notice ol Intent to dllc:oo· tinue f'lhnbwlernent hu "no l•t•I fore. or effect." Ul'der provlSlons of a contract b~tween the unlvenity a nd county, the county .,_ys the dJl. tenaee bltaeeo u.. actual coat of lN....._ and tM ...... t re· lmbVlld b1 U. at.ate for M-9i· Cal patleata at the medical center. But 1upervl1ort voted un· anlmamly lut month to put UCI on IUMDOnth notice that it will loae the 1ubaidy the county pays for the medicaOy 1Dd11ent, about $2 mlllloo. Rebels Pro-Soviet? Iran Leader Flays Militants By Tiie Aaaoelated Press Iranian President Abolbassan Bani-Sadr, was quoted today as accusing militants holding ap. proximately SO American hostages at the U.S. Embassy of being under the influence or pro. Soviet groups. He also predicted the hostages would not be freed before mid· May. a French newspaper said. ·'Unfortunately, they <the militants } someti m es let themselves be Influenced by cer· tain political groups favorable to the U.S.S.R .. such as the Com· munist Tudeh Party. which wants to isolate Iran on the in· ternational scene." the Iranian president was quoted by the French newspaper Le Monde in a Monday interview. Bani·Sadr a lso accused Iran's Revolutionarv Council or "weak· ness and indecision" in its re. cent confrontation with the mili- tants over letting members of the U.N. commission see the hostages, the paper said. "Ir the councll bad shown itself firm. it if it hadn 'l changed its mind every day under pres· s ure from this or that group, we wouldn't be where we are," he was quoted. The commission left Tehran today with a veiled threat to withhold its report on the al· leged crimes of Shah Moham- mad Reza Pahlavi until it is al· lowed to see aJI the American hostages, who began their l29th day in captivity today. A.Jdl"tcb. aft.er eonfenine with aaiven.tty Jepl adviaers, said t!M co\IDty'a DOUce .. ,alb to meet tbe requirement.a of the contract in that It ai.atea an in· tent to reduce tho COWlty'a flnan. clal liability wit.bout 1pecifically reducma the nature or volume of services to be provided." UCI oftlclals also believe the notice ia lnsufllclent becatuse the TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1980 county may not reduce the level of aervice without a coo.tract. mandated 180-day ne1otiatln1 period between the two sides. "The contract doea not COD· template a unllaterial reduction of services by the county without those services being provided elsewhere, much less a uni· laieral reduction or liability for services with no corresponding Fl FTEEN CENTS Move 1 reduction of services," Aldrich said. Bill Gonzalez, the medical center's director of clinical services, said this morning the county, at the same time it notified the university or its in-tentions, aJso contacted the American Arbitration Associa· lion to mediate the matter. <See BAP, Page AZ> o.;.., """P-.., ~ Mllc- "The' commission is not in a position lo prepare its report and has informed the Iranian authorities accordingly." the five-man panel said in a state- ment. The commission m e mbers flew to Switzerland and New York after their 17-day visit ended without a visit to the cap- ti ves. MEMBERS OF MARINE 1ST LANDING SUPPORT BATTALION STANO GUARD NEAR OUTPOST Camp Pendleton Marlnea Participate In Wffe.-long War Gemea In Mojave Desert MURDER SUSPECT Jean Harris .,.,. ............ SLAIN IN HOME Dr. Herman Tarnower Developer of Diet Dr. -Tanwiver Slain HARRISON. N.Y. (AP> -Dr. Herman Tamower , developer of the popular Scarsdale Diet, was fatally shot at his suburban Ne w York City home. and police to· day charged the headmistress of a posit private girls' school with his murder. Police Chier William Harris said the 69·year-old physician was shot in the chest, arm and band during an apparent strug- gle late Monday in his home in Purchase, N.Y., near he re. Jean Struven Harris of McLean, Va., was trying to drive from the house when police arrived, the chief said to· day, and she was charged with the killing because of what Harris called "certain ad· missions she made ." Police said they rttovered a ha ndgun be lieved to be the murder weapon. Tamower listed Mrs. Harris, 57, first in tbe acknowledg· menu of his best-selling diet book, .. 1be Complete Scarsdale Medical Die t : Plus Dr. Tamower's Llletime Keep-Slim Program," wbtch he wrote in collaboration with Samm Slnclal:r Baker .. It &aid: "We are grateful to Jean Barris for her splendid U · alatance in tbe research and writinlof lhil book .•• ~LTS OF AD DOGGONE GOOD Asked today about t h e ac knowled~ment to Mrs . Harris, Baker said Ta m ower "had had her read parts of the book (for comment) and he wanted to acknowled~e that." Chief Harris said Mrs. Harris would be arraigned on a murder charge today in Harrison Town Court. She is headmistress of the Madeira Schoel In McLean, Va .. a nd is listed in the Social List of Washington, D.C., as having a home in Carmel, N.Y. ''She's a very nice lady," said the police chief. "She works at a very good school. She's one of the nicest ladies we've ever bad <See AUTHOR, Pa•e AZ) College OKs North Campus land Purchase Bani-sadr's comments to Le Moode seemed to confirm what ~ atollah Rubollah KbomebU, tJae •ll·DO"...,.. Iraalu re. llgious leader, saJd more than two weeks ago: \he fate of the boltage1 would be left to the newly eleetecl partlameat. Tbe Iranian president was quoted as saying the release could not come before mid·May because the parliament will not have sufficient Ume to examine the case before then. U.S. and U:N. officials hoped the com- mission's work woul~ expedite the hostages' release. During a stopover in Zurich, Com m ission Co· Ch a i rm a n Mo hamed Becl,jaoui of Algeria told reporters the panel's mis· sion "was not a failure, but of course we are disappointed. Jt was a step on the road. But it was not a failure." an apparent reference to some of t h e evidence collected in Tehran. Shah in Need Of Siugery NEW YORK (AP> - Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is ill and must be admitted to a U .S. military hos p ital in Panama for emergency s pleen surgery, friends say, but the Carter ad· ministration is resisting the step, the DaiJy News reported today. Tbe former Iranian r u 1 e r uln d e r w e n t a gallbladder operation in New York on Oct. 24 and was treated for cancer after tbe administration permitted him to enter the country a s a "bum~tarian gesture." The shah's admittance touclted off the Nov. 4 seizure of Americans at tbe U .S. Embaasy in Tehran by mJUtanta de· mandini bis return. Fatal .. Prank 'Tfmting' Girlfriend Slain Harry. 1 lCarl Wiesen of La Habra told police be thought his gun was empty when be put it to his girlfriend's head Monday night and shot her to. death. INVESTIGATORS SAID Wiesen . 32. quoted Diane Carol Thorn. 22. as saying, "l trust you with my life" just before the fatal s hot. Wiesen told officers he was in a La Habra motel room with Miss Thorn when he took out his .38 caliber revolver and removed two bullets. THEN, HE SAID. he playfully pointed it at he r head "in a test of trust." La Habra police arrested Wiesen on a murder charge. He is being he ld in Orange County Jail. Prado Dam Killing Similar to Others A young man whose body was dumped near Prado Dam in early January may be the latest v i c tim in a series o r 13 strangulation murders com- mitted in fo ur Southern California counties. San Bernardino sher iff's of- ficials are trying to identify the youth. who they believe was a runaway. The blonde-haired, bl~yed young man was lS or 16 years old, s feet 7 inches tall and 125 pounds with shoulder length hair. said Det. John Stowe. He was wearina a blue short· sleeve shirt and bfue slacks. Tbe manner of the youn1 man's death is strikincJy similar to that ol 13 other youths, all 15 to 20 years old, stranaled or suf· focated, th~lr bodies dumped along heavily traveled bhthways. PoHee said most of the victims have been nude or partially clad. llCMJt of the killinea have had bomoeexual overtonea, they said. Seven bodies believed to be part of the murder stnng have been found in Orange County. with three in unincorporated areas such as Ortega Highway: two m Irvine and one each in Seal Beach and Anaheim. Three bodies have been found in San Bernardino County and two each in Riverside and San Diego counties. Brown Progr8D18 Funding Rejected SACRAMENTO <A P > -A Senate budget au~ommitlee has rejected funding for two small Brown administration pro- 1rams, including one beaded by political activist Tom Hayden. But the three-member panel, which made recommeDdat.iom Monday to the full Senate Finance Committee, left the Le1lalature's budaet intact. Smog Test Law Backed But County Tnuuit Board Flay• Plan data. federal ontdai. can cleQy certain bulldlnL;rmtta and ::-:.=~::i. ,.., 25,000 Troops Play Was By STEVE MITCH EU. OI ... O.U., ll'!lel StMf Nearly 25,000 U.S. troops are more than halfway lhrou~h a week of simulated battles in the desert above Barstow in what one senior officer described as "a war where everybody comes out a winner.·· Gallant Eagle 80, a joint readi· ness e xercise rompnsed of ele· ments from the Army, Air Force and Marine Corps, is being s taged on the F·orl Irwin m ili tary reservation m the Mo· Jave Desert. an area nearly five tam es the s i ze of Ca mp Pendleton. And while the M arane and Army troops are shooting blanks from their black M 16 rifles, the 137 planes and jets, 114 helicop- ters and 5167 tanks and personnel carriers used in the seven-day exercise are real. "D·Day" was only hours old Friday when a company or Anny Rangers (comprising the enemy forces) made a surprise "Entebbe" style attack at the Ma rine Corps' Ne lson Lake landing strip. arriving a board two giant C-130 troop carriers. "Man. they came out of the sky in those two birds and blew the holy bell out of the landing zone." said one Marine PFC who did not want to be iden· lilied. <SeeftOOPS, Page AZ> Coast Wea&•er Clearing late toniabt and fair Wednesday. Lows tooieht 45 at the beaches and 52 inland. Highs Wed~ay ln tbeeOis. INSIDE TeDAY Act~n Jou Frlld.o hoJ f'llft tJw QGnlld Jrom NS ~· ,.,. to .. tn:ator·• cturill8 tJw Vwmom COfff1kt, to politicol ocfftnlt U-~of ,.,balld Tom lfafldn. (S. llr Uoa of a Sc IC--."""" AS). .... MY_...._ M ,._.._.,. G .,_...._a.... .-.. • = ;1,--=~l .. • 0 -.. .. .., = A4 I M I , VENTURA (AP> -A nuh n,. erupted ln an empty atorq• tank oo the Getty Oll Co. leue proper\)' Hrl)' today when va,PON were lJIJ\lted by a clean.in&. Wlil mqtor. <>ae person wu tnJured and tM lNUII tlN caUMCJ two othtr fll'ff, autborit!M .. Jd. Tbe fin5 ln the Getty Plant number 7 on the west aide ot Ventura broke out at 2:21 a m. 1l took Ventura County rtreftpt.en 9() minutes lo bring the names under control, said dispatcher Sharon Meler Firefighters Crom lht: hre department 'i. Oil Ta&k l''orce round two separate fires aotng when they unved. A third one broke out soon afterward. she said. •••In I'•-" I• Plr• a1.,er• PICO RIVERA <AP> Authorities are investigating the slayings of two young women whose bodies were discovered in an empty lot today. Sheriff's Deputy Brad Welker said the women had each been shot in the bead. The bodies were reported about 6:30 a m. by a passerby in the residential area. Investigators ··can't determine whether they are juveniles or adults," Welker said. ...,,_r ••••••I•• Sire119i• LONDON <AP> -The dollar maintained its strength on world foreign exchanges today and prices tumbled further on some metal markets. Analysts said speculators apparently had become wary or loeking their assets in gold, silver and other metals when they can collect high Interest rates on dollar investments. Gold, which plummeted in Europe on Monday, tumbled $40 an ounce in New York on Monday to $558. It was trading at $570 today in London and at $564 in New York. Silver sold in London for $281.S an ounce today, down rrom S30.2S and its low for the year. It sold for $29.10 in New York. Funds OK'd For Water Group Picnic Funding was approved Mon- day evening for the third Irvine H:.inch Water District employ~ picnic in eight months. The IRWD directors set May 31 as the date for the $1.800 pic- nic. which as traditaonally held 1n a grassy area near the Sand Canyon Reservoir. Normally, ,the,.. u e only two picmlcs per ra.cal y,ar. ~. t.be 197"'80 fiacal ye_,-tbeTe ww be three because of a cbaqe of scheduling. according t o General Manager Art Bru- m~ton. 11 e said that the usual Sept. 29 date ror the employee picnic has been changed this year in order to get greater employee participation. This scheduling change created a lhree·picnic fiscal year About 256 people (there are 160 employ IRWD emplayees) showed up for the last picnic, Bruington said. F...-P~AJ RAP ... l',.._r_,.AI AUTHOR .•. here" lie said has police went to the house around 11 p.m. after get· tmg a call from police in White Plains. who said they had a re port of a bur~lary in progress there Mrs. Harns was described by Chief Harris as "a rriend of Dr Tarnower'!-" He said she ar raved last night wtthout luggage at the estate where Tarnower. a bachelor, lives alone exce~ for a hoUMJceeper and ber buatii&nd. Eleanor Ra-.oa. Tamower a pubUaber, said Mn. Harris was a frequent weekend visitor at the doctor's home Tarnower was found in h1!> pa 1amas on the floor of a second- fl oor bedroom. between twin beds. bleeding from the wounds on the right side of his body. police said. . Tarnower was an active and leading member of the medical e stablishment of Westchester County, the fashionable and wealthy s uburb just north of New York City. Scarsdale is a community that has been a symbol for affluence. and Tarnower's diet ducribed ln his best·sellln& book -is one of the most ex- pensive to follow. calling for high -priced cuts of meat. MIDDLETOWN, Pa. <AP> - Tnl'tl ~ rwdloacU•e ~ · 111. dlltnbed u too amall to meee.nMA..,. belq vtnt.d from Thne bJud ao worken cu ftaall1 qipro1ch it.a tcJat•mlu&· M ~dot bulldlq, o.,.rMGrl fl the crippled nuclear power plant aay. Tbo venUn1, 1cbeduled for compMUonTbunday, wUI allow a team ~wort .... to enter a t-b)t·U- foot Nector bulldinl alr&ock to condurt redlaUon i.e.t.a, plant ~· llclal1 aald Monday. It au 1oe1 w u. another team will enter tbo buildln• ltaelf about a month lat"r. rt would be the fint entry into t.be bulld1n1 since • serlou. acclde.nt mansled the nuclear power plant'• reactor last )'ear. High radiation in the reactor building will prevent any efrec· tlve work. Team members will be wrapped ln heavy protective gear and will stay only briefly. But the entry is seen as an es· sential step Ln the plant's planned S400 million cleanup program. The purging or about 47 mi Iii curies of krypton 85 from the airlock began Monday afternoon. Am lllicurie is one thousandth or a curie. and federal regulations al· low releases ot up to 2,000 curies a day. Plant health physicist Beverly DellaLoggia held a wrist watch in front of a radio monitor. The watch's radium dial made the monitor's alarm go off and its nee· dlejump. She then held the instrument in the gush or warm air coming from the exhaust. The needle did not move. She switched the instru· ment to a setting 1,000 times as sensitive, and lt still did not move. Two other sets of radiation in· struments at separate locations inside the plant similarly re- corded no measur'able increase becau.seofthe krypton venting. Recovery chief Robert Arnold said the purpose of the airlock venture is to lake radiation read· ings that will help in planning for the more ambitious reactor build mg entry. When the airlock is used in com mg weeks to provide access to lhl' reactor bwlding, plant officaal!-- said an estimated 28 curie!> or krypton will be released due to opening the at rlock doors Eventually. the officials w<1nl tor gadually vent 57 ,000 cunc~ of krypton trapped in the building so that cleanup work can proceed aafely andefficienUy. Both lbe plan to release the 28 curies next month and the pro-posa 1 to release the 57 ,000 cunes are under consideration bv the S. li. Nuclear Regulatory °c.'om· mission. A series of m echan1 c:a l malrunctaons on March 28 led to the most serious accident m the history or U.S. commercial nuclear power. A loss of cooling water exposed and overheated the uranium ruel. The radiation released from the accident was not conside red harmful. But a s tudy com missioned by the NRC said the core came within 30 to 60 minutes of a meltdown, which would have released large amounts or radia· lion. Gonzalez said the county an· Uclpated the university's opposi· tion to the ll;love and contacted the arbitration association on its own, a step the university would have taken. F ..... P-.AJ He said an arbitrator would likely be assigned to the case before the Aug. 15 cutoff date for county payments FREDERICKSBURG. Va . (AP) -The water treatment plant in this city of 17,700 was shut down again today after water poeslbly contaminated by 63.000 gallons of kerosene leaked into a holding pond, officials said. DAILY PILOT , .. 0.-C-IDellf-,WICft_;o;,,,H...,. .,. ___ ... _,..,..._...,, ... Or_ , .... , .._...,.c.,_ ....... -...... . -··-~ ..._ ,,..., .... '"""' -_...,_,~_ .. ,_ , .. ,.119!..,,l,_,~llHc:"ISelll"CMM /4 ....... , ................ ..--...... ~-,_,. .. "'" ... _ _,.,..,,. --..... -... •-.a...-.cotllerf'I•.,,._ \ -·-..... __ ,...._ ~ .. c... 11~·'*~-o... .. ._ . ,_.,._ R•.., Tit.UH (1W)-.a:rt • an••• Mt•• c••"" flf#ltoMC..-.... ..... TROOPS PLAY WAR. • • Higher ranking Marine of· fi clals admitted the simulated attack by Army Rangers was a surprise, but said the apparent s uicide mission ended with "friendly" troops blowing up the two transport planes and captur- ing or killing most of tbe Ranger team. "They blew up a few of our Harriers (a jet capable of hover· Ing and landing without a runway) and a few of our COP· ters," said Marine Major Joe Horton. "But they paid a high price because we got both of their transport planes and they suffered a lot of casualties." He said that's the way the war games 10, with umpires closely watching small and lar1e 1klrml1hes to determine casualties and losaes of aircraft and equipment. The miUor said the oext day, the Rangers might suffer an at- tack. "and In the end, there are no losers, only winners." The friendly forces include Army and Marine units, and the Air Force plays both 1lde1 . In brlelinl• throupout the daJ Monday. Marin•. Arm)' and Air Poree bran instated the des· ert exerclH waa planned five years lllO ud bu nothln1 to do with the e....,_t lnt.matioDal 1ituatlona In Iran and ~bMl .. n. A'tflrl General Vol.Hy, Warner. , daMf ~ tM U.S.1le1d.lw1 Com· mod_O\WMelu U.. SU mllUon exerdM, hid t6e mualve war sam• take place foul' UmM • 1"J' ''and tbM OIM WU a dlMrt uerdle.'' Tbe four-llar ..-..~ uAd N· cent~ tJl ... :hie~ baa inerwed thi G,':;~ •• port q( u.. ArinlilA ,,.: ..... Ina WOrld ~ IMtw .. .,.,_ ' us a shot in the arm.'· But volunteer enlistments are stlll not as promisinf as could be desired, the genera said, citing low salaries for enlisted men as a part of the reason. "We rrrtght give them the training, but by the end of their enlistment they're going to 1et a job on the outside that pays more." General Warner said. He said the military is especially s hort of ex_perlenced non- commissioned officers, adding ··we grow those ourselves." Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Beaudry, a spokesman for the U.S. Readiness Command, said the trainlni exercises "are Uke a football 1ame. 1f you don't practice, you don't win.". The officer said the trainln1 ls moat imponant to the alr and rleld commanders overseeln1 the troops. "It gives the commanders a chance to work with the other m IUtary branches and soldiers," he said. That kind of coordination and cooperation 11 Important, he aald, "to o ne commander doesn't accidentally blow up friendly forces." And while the commanders hone their akiU• aa military Chlll Pluen. tbe b'oOpe on the tround wait for almulated bat· tl••· "I've been altUnt b•N all ••tk, .. nld one Mlcbl1an Marin• PFC 1lUln1 ln a machine Sllll nest ®tfide Ida eo- camp.-at. • '89 far J baven't IMft ~ IC· UoD at all," lie IJ'QUHd. "We did ~lli~~ raid, tboulb." be ~~--. falle alarJD. Jt ... ~ qwa ~ '111.q in fot ~·" LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP, -A.a Air P'kee woman at Nelllt Air Force Bue wtlo p09ed nwll ln Playboy cna&ulne 1811 ... has b••o reH1l1ned from ln. telU1ence work to secretarial duties and given a letter ot reprimand. "I had a really good job and I'm upeet, •• Alrm1n lit Class Clndy Lutz uld Monday. "I didn't know I waa doloa aoytb.ing aplnlt mllltary re&· ulatlona." Boat Racers Face Whale of a Problem Miu Lutz. who appeared lo tbe nude in one of three ~ graphs the magad.De ran ol ber In its April photo-reature oo women in the military. said &ht would eootact Playboy attomey1 about the disciplinary action. She said Playboy told the military women the map..iine would assist with any le1al prob- lems stem..mJ.ng rrom the art1· cle. A. Nellis spokesman confirmed that Ms . Lutz had been re- asiugned and reprimanded. By .IOANNE REYNOLDS °' u. 1>e11, .... ...,. If whale watchers and Newport Beach City Council members have their wey, Satur day wtU mark the last time an offshore power boat race will be held at Newport Beach during whale migration season A spokesman for the OrangE' County chapter of the American Cetacean Society appeared before the City Council Monday in an attempt to halt Saturday's raC't' Councilmen said they are sympathetic with the views ex pressed by spokesman Dennis Kelly. but voted to let the race Police Hunting Tractor Thief A 39-ton Caterpillar tractor worth $70,000 was stolen late Sunday or early Monday rrom a firewood storage yard m county territory eai>l of Irvine, police said It was taken rrom A&L Fi re wood on Sand Canyon near Barranca Hoad. wh1t h used the tractor for land clc1u1ng oper:.i lions. a spokesman ror the farm said. "'We don 't know how at was stolen or where it was taken." said Sheriff's Lt Wyatt Hart lnvestigaton said that a 22· wheel ri& would be necessary to haul the heavy tractor. which carries no license plate. go ahead as planned However, they inrormed Jefr Brown. an official of the Pacirlc Offshore Power Boat Racing As socaataon, orgaruur of Lhe an nual event. that. in the future. at will have to be held at some other time of year . Thlll year ~ill mark th.: fourth Lime, the association has staged its March race out or Newport Harbor. The three previous races have been !\ponsored by an Irish whiskey maker This year. It is sponsored by builder Robert P . Warmington, a Lido Isle resident Kelly said the society didn't want a special event pernut 1s sued for the race without an en· vlronmental impact report and a coastal commission permit. City Manager Robert Wynn told council members that because none of those doeu· ment.s have been requested ror the prior year's races. city staff members didn't believe they would be necessary thls year. Kelly said his group morutored the l~rrule course "hacb runs bet ween Daiw Po1.11t and Hunt ington Beach and out to Cat.alma Island during last year's race. V ebicles Idled SYDNEY. Australta <AP> More than half the 500 .000 vehicles in Sydney. A~tralia 's laraest. city. were tdle today. the fifth day of a gaaoUne tanker drivers' strike. Ms Lutz. who rerused to divulge her age, said she wa~ not aware that she should have consulted superiors prior to ac· ceptmg the Playboy assignment Nor did she reaUze she violated Air Force regulations by ap· peurlng -at least In part -In Air Force uniform. "I can see why they did it." she said. "A lot of Air Force women complained about me. The men didn't " Iliree Killed In Freeway Auto Plunge Three persons. including a Newport Beach man. died early today when a car traveling at high speed bounced orr the center divider or the Newport Freeway and tumbled down a 40.root embankment near Ed· mger Avenue m Santa Ana. Cah!orrua Highway Patrol of racers, who estimated the car. was doing 80 mph at the time or the era.sh. identified the victims as Terry Russell, 32, or Newport Beach: Sandra Moore, 38. of Santa Ana. and Larry McCuJs- tion. 33. ot Santa Ana. Highway Patrol officers said they aren't sure wbo was driving the car because all three ot the oecupants were thrown from the vehicle during the crash. which OC'curred about 12:45 am SaddlelJark Studnats $20 Parking Fee OK'd Saddleback College trustee~ have approved a $20 a year parking fee plan for students who don't want to bike up a steep slope to get to their classes. The parking fee plan, set to begin in the fall, will not apply to Parking Lot l at the Mission Viejo campus because trustee!\ said they want more students to leave their cars t.bere. But to walk from Parltiog Lot l on the northwest end or ~ campus to any of the nearby buildings inclucUn1 the college library requires a long hike up a steep grade. When the fee plan 1oes into ef· feet, the most remote parkinR lot :.it Saddleback College·., North Campus an lrvant> also wall be desi8Jlaled a rrtt of C'hargl' a re a, trustees agreed The partdnlc fees are expected to bring in S240.000 a )car in rev enue that by law must be used ror lot maintenance. Sttunty or other uses related lo the facility College aides plan to work out other details or the parking fee plan and bring the matter back before trustees later this year One element of lbe plan yet to be worked out is bow teachers and college aides may be also charged ror parking The parking plan al.ao calls for meters to be Installed. Under the eeneral fee plan out hnl'd by trustt>C)> Monday. t'ach student wall be required to buy a $10 parking decal every semester to park autos in the mo~t popular lots Trustee John Connolly voted against the plan because he did not agree with the idea of mak· ing some parltiog areas free of charge. Trustee Euge ne McKnight also voted against tbe issue beeause be wanted to see a more detailed plan. Board President Roben Price abstained. The vote was 4 to 2 in favor of tbe parkin& ree plan. College aides said the plan will not affect handicapped stu· dent parking at either campus. Omega has seen some beautiful diamonds in their time. Omega knows how fo 9et a lady's watch- with diamonds! In 14 karat vcl low st<>kl: A. St,295. B. S2,400. c. $3,250. &Ylutiful Jt'Wtlry 5m(S. ''I love you." ~ I t 8'fte"-'laW ..... p.....,.... ..... oP•td tM ........ trtal ol a lt•YNr-old San Clement.t boy aceuMd ol ahool- tq a Caplstruo man ln tM tac. and then st-abbtnt him repeated· ly aftAtr an •l'lument over a POrtable radio. John Embray Uatened MODday aa a friend of bis, Gary Strub&e. 19, telUfied tn Oran1e County &lpertllll a.rt tW &mtnJ Ud t.akea ~ fncUee ln a Gekl, thep ..ad lie wu "uvtna-. round ot aam-.ltton to Poot aomecme." Struble said &bat while tbe two were at111 la the field be beard a abot and tu.med to tee Nebon Krue1er, 3~J 1prawlln1 backwards to uae 1rou.nd. hb arena f1aillna. Struble teetifled before Juda• llUClll ,.__ U.at be •lowly walked .., to tbe motlonleH bodr ud ltared al lt. " Ml't bow ti be WU dead or If be DMded help or wbat," Struble uld. THtlfytn1 alowly and de· llberately, Struble whispered that he uld, "Oh John, why! Wb,y !" and that bl• friend replied: "He tried to take my radio." Rebels Pro-Soviet? Iran Leader Flays Militants By Tbe Auociakd Press Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was quoted today as accusing militants holding ap· proximatel y 50 American· hostages at the U.S. Embassy of being \Older the influence Qf pro- Soviet groups . He also predicted the hostages would not be freed before mid-May, a French newspaper said. "Unfortunat ely, they (the MURDER SUSPECT Jean Harns militants) sometimes let them selves be influenced by cer· taln political groups favorable to the U.S.S.R .. such as the Com- munist Tudeh Party, which wants to isolate Iran on the in- ternational scene," the Iranian president was quoted by the French newspaper Le Monde in a Monday interview. Bani-Sadr also accused Iran's Revolutionary Council of "weak- ·~-......... SLAIN IN HOME Dr. Herman Tamower Developer of Diet Dr. Tarnower Slain HARRISON. N.Y. <AP) -Dr. Herman Tamower, developer of the popular Scarsdale Diet, was fatally shot at his suburban New York City home, and police to. day charged the headmistress of a posh private girls' school wtth bis murder. Police Chief WiJliam Harris said the 69-year-old physician was shot in the chest, arm and band during an apparent strug- gle late Monday in bjs home in Purchase, N.Y., near here. Jean Struven Harris of McLean. Va., was trying to drive from the hous e when police arrived, the chief said to. day, and abe was charged with the . killlng because of what Harri• called "certain ad· missions she made." Police said tbey recovered a handgun believed to be the murder weapon. Tamower listed Mrs. Harris, 57 . first In the a cknowledg- ments of bis best-selling diet book, "The Complete Scandale Medical Diet : Plus Dr. Tamower'a Ufetime Keep-Slim Prof.am·" which he wrote In col aboratlon with Samm SiDelair Baker. It uld: "We are arateful to Jean Harri.a fOf' her splendid a· llataace in tbe reaearcb and writinlaltbis book.'. Asked today about the ac know led~ment to Mrs. Harris. Baker said Tarnower .. bad bad her read parta of the book (for comment) and be wanted to acknowledge tbaL" Chief Harris said Mrs. Harris would be a rraigned on a murder charge today in Harrison Town Court. She is headmistress of the Madeira School in McLean, Va., and is listed in the Social List of Washington, D.C., as having a home in Carmel, N.Y. "She's a very nice lady," said the police chief ... Sbe works at a very good SC?hool. She's one of the nicest ladies we've ever had <See AUTBOB. Page A%) ness and indecision" In its re- cent conll"oolation with the mili- tants over letting members of the U.N. commission see the hostages, the paper said. "If the council bad shown itself firm, it if it hadn't changed its mind every day under pres- sure from this or that group. we wouldn't be where we are, .. he was quoted. The commission left Tehran today with a veiled threat to withhold Its report on the al- leged crimes of Shah Moham- mad Re2a Pahlavi until it is al- lowed to see all the American hostages, who began their 129th day in captivity today. ·'The commission is not in a position to prepare its report and has informed the Iranian authorities accordingly ," the five·man panel said in a state- ment. The commission membe rs flew lo Switzerland and New York after their 17-day visit ended without a visit to the cap- tives. Banl.sactr'a comment.a to Le Morwle teemed to coalirnt whJt Ayat.ollab llubollah Kbometnl. the all-powerful Iranian re- ll&.t.ma --.IUl !A!l'9 tbu• two·._.. .,._. u.e ,_. o1 UM boet.apl woul4 be left' to the newly eleeted parilament. The Iranian president was quoted as s aying the release could not come before mid-May because the parliament will not have sufficient time to examine the case before then. U.S. and U. N. officials hoped lhe com- mission's work would expedite the h06tagea' release. Durit'tg a stopover in Zurich. Com mission Co-Chai rm a n Mohamed Bedjaoui of Algeria told reporters the panel's mis· sion "was not a failure, but of course we are disappointed. It was a step oo t.be road. But it was not a failure," an apparent reference to some of the evidence coUec:ted in Tehran. (See lllAN, Page t\%) Shah in Need Of Surgery NEW YORK <AP> Shah Mohammad Reta Pahlavi is W and must be admitted to a U.S. military hospital in Panama for emergency 1pleen Hr1ery, friends aa1, but t.be ·carter ad· mhalltration l• resisting tbe ltep, the Dally News reported today. Tbe former Iranian ruler underwent a 1allbleclder operation in New Yol"k on OcL 24 and was tt'eated for cancer after tM adminlatratlon permitted him to enter the COllDlry as a "humanitarian 1eatu.re." Tbe mall's admittance toucbed off the Nov. 4 1el1ure ol Amertcam at tbe U.S . &mbauy ln Tebr'8 bJ ..Wtuta de· ........ Ida retura. Tbe trtal h bela1 beard wtthoal a Jury. II Fent.on decides that Embray. who wu 13 when the tUU.nc occurred, ls &.uihY of murder, t.be boy could be sen- tenced to tM California Youth Autbori~ until be la 23. Embrey was arrested about five boun after Krueger a.lao waa stabbed 14 times ln the cheat and srotn areas. • Deputy District Attorney Bill Morrisey coateods that Embray shot Krueter in the face with bi.a final bullet and then did the .stabbing aft.er Struble bad left the scene. Defe nse attorn ey Harold LaFlamme said he will argue that Krueeer stole the boy's radio and Embray the n offered lo lrade him the gun i..nstead. The Santa Ana attorney said the evidence will show that Krueeer pulled the tnaer on tbe 11m once, said it djdn 't wort and threw It back at Em bray . LaF\amme said be contends that Krueger was starting to walk off wtth the radio when the boy picked up the gun and said, ••yes, lt does." and fired the lat shot at Krueger, striking him between the eyes. Embray also will deny stab- bl.ne ~ger, La Flam me said. .. . .\ ...... .. .,. o.ty "*" "-"'-~ MEMBERS OF MARINE 1ST LANDING SUPPORT BATTALION STANO GUARD NEAR OUTPOST Camp Pendleton Martnea Pertldpete In Week.tong Wer Gemea In Moteve OeMft Teen Hitchhiker Sex.uolly Atta,cked A teen-age girl bitcbbjtlng through San Clemente told police two men with a pistol and a knife picked her up in a rusty sedan and raped her near the ci- ty pier Monday night. The girl was not identified because of her age. Police in- dicated she was too hysterical to be interviewed by investigators after the sex attack that oc- curred shortly before 10 p.m. It was not revealed today whether the hitchhiker was seriously injured in the attack by two men who told ber they were pipefitters who worked al the San Onofre nuclear power plant construdion site. The girl told police she was hitcbhiltlng near a bar on the 3200 block al S. El Camino Real when the men, one sport.mg a tbree-pu~ce swt, gave her a ndc m an oxidized auto. Arter driving to the pier, one man pulled a handgun and the other braodtshed a kntfe pnor to raping their victJ m. T e teen-ager Oed the scene of th sex attack and told a b rtender near the 1400 block of orth El Camino Real that she bad been raped. Police have made no arrests In the case. Prado Dam Killing Similar to Others A yOWlg man whose body was dumped near Prado Dam in early January may be the lat.est victim In a series of 13 strangulation murders com- mitted in four Southern CaWomla couatiea. San BemardiDo aberUra of. flcialt are trytnc to klenli.fy the youU.. wbe they beliew was a runaway. ne bloadHWrecl. bl~ you.n1 IJlan wu 15 or 11 years old, 5 feet 7 i.Dches tall and l.Z5 poudl witb •boulder lenath hair, said Det. John Stowe. He was wearing a blue sbort- aleeve abil't and blue alacks. Tbe manner of tbe youne man's clelllb la atrikintl1 similar to tbllt al 13 otber )'OUt,bl, all 15 to ze yean old, atr&1111ed or auf. focated. t.betr bodles dumped aloa1 beavlly trave(ed bl,~ mC19t ol tbe victtms have nude or partially clad. lilOllt ol tbe ldlllap bave had homosexual overtones, they said. Seven bodies believed to be part of the murder stnng have been found in Orange County. with tbree in unincorporated areas such as Orteaa Highway: two In Irvine and one eacb m Seal ~hand Anaheim. Ttu. bodies have been found in San Bernardino Cou.nty and two each In RJverslde and San Diego ClOUllUes. Oil Company Cited WASHINGTON CAP> -A third U.S. oil company was cited today by the Council on Waee · and Price Stability for violaUna the aovemment's ant.i-iDflatioo guidellnes. The council. which ovenee1 tbe voluntary pay and price procram, a.aid Crown Cen- tral PeVoleum ol BalUmore was out of compliance with tbe price •tandard. 25,000 Troops Play War By STEVE MITCHELL OI -o.tf? ~•let -Nearly 25,000 U S. troops are more than halfway through a week of s1mulaled batUes tn the desert above Barstow in what ooe senior officer descnbed as ··a war where everybody come~ out a wmner.:· Gallant Eagle 80, a joint readi- ness exercJ.Se comprised or ele- ments from the Army, Air Force and Marioe Corps, is being s tage d on t he Fort t rwin military reservation in the Mo- j ave Desert, an area nearly five tim es the siz e of Camp Pendleton. And while the Marine and Army troops are shooting blanks from their black M 16 rifles, the 137 planes and Jets, 114 helicop· ters and 567 tanks and personnel earners used in the seven-day exercise are real. "D-Day" was only hours old Friday whe n a company of Army Rangers <comprising the enemy forces> made a surprise ''Entebbe" style attack at the Marine Corps' Nelson Lake landing strip, arriving aboard two giant C-1.30 troop carrien. "Man, they came out of the sky in t.bo6e two birds and blew the holy hell out of t.be landing zone," said one Marine PFC who did not want to be iden- tified. <See TROOPS, Pa1e A%) Coa.tiit Weat•er Clearinc late toailht and fair Wednesday. Lows ion11bt 4$ at tbe beaches and 52 inland. H lgbs W~inthe80e. INSIDE ..... "Y RESULTS OF AD DOGGONE GOOD Rubber Strike Ended? The Oran11 County Tr11uportatlon Comml11lon doMD't ala t.ht Idea ol ='!.DI annul ......... ,....c a vehlc•. bill It QdOned Ule l4t1 • ..,..,. "Vtblclt lftlpeettona don't work, thet a.ed to bureaucracy aad th•r U CQlt U , blWoo a year:· nkl Commlaliooer Bill VardouU.a, wbo out th• k>ne ne1auve vot. ~y. Chairman Al Holllnden •&reed but •aid ~ altemaUves were • · ~prebel:lllblo." Commlulooers llPProved t.be Idea ot the annual tata. but dldn't endorH any ot tbe four bills now befor9 the Lealalat.ure. RequJriD1 the 1mo1' tests is one way bf meetlq the man- dates or the federal Clean Air Act of 197'1, county tranaporta· lion officials said. ....... Are•Blt .. Q••k• And if local and state agencies don't comply with those man· dates, federal officials can deny certain building permits and curtail federal hlgbway funds . commissioners were told. PHILADELPHIA (AP> -A minor earthquake that rumbled through the northern suburbs or Philadelphia today was the fourth in a series of small tremors that began March 1, officials said. California cars and trucks pres· ently are required to pass smog inspections, but only when the vehicles change ownership or are registered for the first time. No inJuries or damages were reported from any of the quakes. Police said they had hundreds of queries about today's tremor from residents or Montgomery and Bucks counties. The R achter reading was 3.2. Under the Clean Air Act, vehicle owners would have to have annual smog tests. Dellflr Malatal•• Siraa9i• LONDON (AP> -The dollar maintained its strength on world foreign exchanges today and prices tumbled further on some metal markets. r..... P.,,e AJ Analyst.a said speculators apparenUy bad become wary of locking their assets in gold, silver and other metals wben they can colled high interest rat.es on dollar lnvestments. Gold, which plummeted in Europe on Monday, tumbled $40 an ounce in New York on Monday to $558. It was trading al $570 today in London and at $564 In New York. IRAN ••• The commission left without seeing the approximately 50 hostages after Ayatollah Rubollab Khomeini backed the demands ot their militant cap· tors, and Iran's Revolutionary Council rescinded ita decision to take custody of the Americans who began their l29th day in captivity in the U.S . Embassy today. Silver sold in London for $281.5 an ounce today, down from. $30.25 and its low for the year. It sold for $29.10 in New York. Boat Racers Face Whale of a Problem Foreign Minister Sadegh Gholtn.adeh. who saw the com· mission off at the airport. said he hoped the panel would return to Iran to finish its work. He also reiterated the re~lme's position that freedom for the hostages will be decided by Iran's new Parliament. which won't con· vene for another month. Ry JOANNE REYNOLDS 01 Ille 0..lty Pilot St•ll If wha le watc he r s a nd Newport Beach City Council mt>mbers h ave their way, Satur- day will mark the last time an offs hore power boat race will be held at Newport Beach during whale migraUon season. A spokesman for the Orange County chapter of the American Cetacean Society appeared before the City Council Monday an an attempt to halt Saturday·~ race Councilmen s aid t hey arf' ..,y mpathetic with the views ex· pressed by spokesm an Dennis Kelly. but voted to let the race Land Usage In Dana Point Topic Tonight Land use incons istencies in Dana Point will be discussed during a study of the Dana Point S pecific Plan tonight a t Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation District offices. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Capistrano Bay Area, the meeting begins at 7: 15 p.m. with a discussion of the proposed specific plan that goes to the Orange County Plan- ning Commission next month. The document will determine what development is acceptable for the county community in future years and a final dratt. J>f the plan is proceeding through county agencies at the present llme. The recreation office is local· ed at Del Obispo near Coast Highway, adjacent to the Dana Point aeVt'age tftatment plant. The public is invited to attend DAILY PILOT go ahead as planned However . they informed J eff Orown. an official of the Pacific Offshore Power Boat Racmg As· socaation, organi%er of the an- nual event, that. In the future, tt wi ll have to be held at some othe r time of year. This year will mark the fourth time, the aaaoclatioo bas at.a.pd ita March race out of Newport Harbor. The three previous races have been sponsored by an Irish wtuskey maker. This year. it is sponsored by builder Robert P. Warmington, a Lido Isle resident. Kelly said the society didn't want a special event permit is- sued for the race without an en- vironmental Impact report and a coastal commission permit. City Manager Robert Wynn told council members that because none of those docu- ments have been requested for the prior year's races. city staff me mbers didn't believe they would be necessary this year. Kelly said his g roup monitored the 19>miJe course which runs between Dana Point and Hunt· ington Beach and out to Catalina Island during last year's race. San Clemente Man Indicted In Tax Fraud /\ San Clemente real estate broker has been indicted by a federal grand jury for filing a false income tax return for 1.974. U .S. Attorney Andrea Sheridan Ordin said a single felony count was filed afalnst Roger S. McCurdy, 39, o 3909 Via del campo Drive. If convicted, McCurdy would face a maximum sentence or three years in prison and/or a $51.C?OO fine. mcCurdy was idenWied as a real estate loan broker who works primarily in Orange County. An indictment Is a charge against an individual. It does not establish guilt Of' Innocence. fi' ..... P-.AJ TROOPS PLAY WAR. • • Higher ranking Marine or-us a shot in the arm." ficlals admitted the simulated But vohmteer enlistments are attack by Army Rangers waa a still not as promising as could be surprise, but said the apparent desired, the general said, citing suicide mission ended with low salaries for enlisted men as "friendly" troops blowing up the a part oC the reason. two t~c;:rt planes and captur-"We mlgbt glve them the tng or 1 most of the Ranger train.log, but by the end of their team. eftliatment they're going to set a "They blew up a few of our job on the outllde that lays Harriers (a jet capable of hover-more," General Warner su . He lng and landing without a said tbe military ls especlaJly runwa1> and a few of our cop-short of experienced non- ters," said Marine Majol' Joe commlu1oned officers, adding Horton. "But they paid a high "We powtboeeounelves." price because we 1ot both of Air Force Lt. Col. Richard tbelr transport planes and they Beaudry, a spokesman lot' the suffered a lot ol caau.alUes." U.S. Readineu Command, aa.id Re said that's the way the war tbe traJD.t.na exercises "are like games go, w1th umpires closely a footbill 1ame. II you don't watching small and larae practice, )"OU don't win." 1 kl rm is bes to determine Tt,e offtcer ea.id UM tra.lnlng la caaualUes and lo9aes of alrcnft moat Important to the air and and equipment. field commanders overseeing T~ m-ajor said the oext day, the troop1. the Raqen mlgbt suffer ID at-"It oves the commanden a tack, "&Dd ln tbe end, there are chance to ~ ..ttll the other no lolen, oa1Y winnen." mWtary branches a.ad 80ldien." · The friendly forces lndude he iaJd. Army and Marine units, and the That kind of coordination and Air Force plus both 1ide1. coor.raUou i• Important, be JD brteflnp tbrouabout tile sal , ... o one commander daJ Mef•1. JilartD9. A..rmy ud doHD't aecldentaUJ blow up .__. 1-....l-wd tbl.. frt-Akl fOftll, .. ::f !:t:-;ar=PiDect ft~ And" wlllle the commuders years aao and bu DoUWac to do hone their 1klll• H military wlUI tbe cwra ill~ cbe .. DlaYen the troops on tbe 1 U u a ti o a I I a l r a a a D d 1l"OUD4 wilt ior 1lmulat.d bet· "'fj...... tl" o..a1 vome, Wen.. ·+ve bed altUDI h•H all ebMI tbt U.S. Beadl .. t Com· wHt, •• uld on• lllc~l1aa ma.Dd ofenMfD1,tbe '11 aWJklla Marine PFC 1ttttn1 lo a ........ aald i&M C''" war maddlae IUD .-t CM&Ulde b1I en· .... ~--Umela cam..-. ,.., .. _. um:oae ,, .. a~ "to t.-1 bavtn't ... UlJ IC· ~.. Uonatall,''be~ ..... d DOitol .... • .... -.....-a;1111•- . LAS VEGAS. Nev. <AP> -An Air Fon:e WONM • NeWa Air Foret Bue who po1ed nude In "'91boJ m1p11De .. ,. • tw b••• re•:!r\aed from i n· temaenee · to 1ecmartal dutlea and 1lven a letter of reprimand. "I Md I really lood Job and l'ln u&JMl.' • Atrntan lJt Cius Cindy LuU Hid Monday ... , dldn 't know , l was doing anythlng apinat military rea· watlons." Crime Didn't Pay For Sex Disaster Mila Lutz. wbo appeared in the nude in one of thr" pboC.o. graphs the magulne ran of her In ill April photo·feature on women ln the mtutary, said she would contact Playboy attorneys about the disciplinary action. She said Playboy told the military women the maauinc would assist with any legal prob- lems stemming Crom the arti· cle. A Nellis spokesman confirmed that Ms . Lutz had been re · assigned and reprimanded. LONDON tA P > Geoffrey Kramer turned to cnme t.o keep his male lover happy and then to realize a lifelong dream of becom in~ a woman. Now he's going to jail. still a man. The 24-year-old bookkeeper pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey on Monday to stealing the equivalent of more than $83,000 from hi:o1 employer, the English National Opera, and trying to hold up a Llverpoolsavtngs bank. His attorney said Kramer was trying to get the money for an ex· pensive sex·change operation in Switurland. He abo tbou&ht rob- bing the bank might draw alt.ell· tlon to the "inequality" of the Na tional Health Service's refusal to Fon1ms Set For Lagunans Two candidates forums are scheduled tlus week for the four Laguna Beach ('Ouncil hopefuls. including a chamber of ('Om mer('e breakfast Wednesday and a commuruty asS()('1ataon forum Thursday nlght. Laguna Beach chamber of· facials will host the breakfast forum at the Hotel Laguna beginning at 8 a.m. at a cost of $3.50 Wednesda)'. In addition, the Temple llills Community .U.OClaUoo will host a candidates night Thursday at 8 p.m . at the borne of Dean and Sallie Phillips, 2348 Temple Hills Drive hnance h LS man-to·woman sur gery, the lawyer said "It was bls genwnt• belief that he has been Ill treated 10 a vanety or ways and that the matter ought to be brought forcibly to the atten· taon of the authorities." tht: fawyerexplained. Justice Neil McKinnon said he was sympathetic to Kramer's problem but "even with the beSt will In the world." he would have to sentence ham Lo three years tn prison "It 1s dJ!CJcult ror the average persoo to understand t.be kind of problems you have had to cont.end wilh,"saidthejudge "But whether you want to be a woman or whether you wanlto be what you are does oot alt.er the fact that you have behaved thoroughly dlabooest.ly and you knflW you w«e doing wrong.'' "Since primary school. be has always wanted lo be a girt," Kramer's attorney, Laurence G aovene, told the court. "His friends were girls and he only associated with girls. A.5 lime progressed, this matter becameanob6ess1onwatbb.am." As an aduJt homosexual and transvestite, the lawyer con tmued, Kramer tried to "buy" a stable relatiooabip with another man, 29-year-old tan Firth. He em beuled money from the opera by getting two different direct.ors to sip two chen.s for the same bill. One check was sent off to pa) the bill, the other went into a s ecret account in Kramer·:. nam~. M ~ Lutz. who rerused to divulge her age, said she was not aware that she should have consulted superiors prio r to ac cept1na the Playboy assignment Nor did she realize she vk>taled Air Force regulations by ap- pearing · -at least in part -an Air Force ururorm. "I can see why they did It." s he said. "A lot of Air Force women complained about me The men didn't." f'r991P9fleAI AUTHOR •.. here." He aaid bis police went to the house around 11 p. m . after get· Ung a call from police in White Plains, who said they had a ~· port of a burglary in progress there. Mrs. Harns was described by Chief Harris as "a friend of Dr. Tamower's." He said she ar· rived last rugbt without luggage at the estate where Tamower, a bachelor, lives alone except for a housekeeper and her husband. Eleuor Rawaon. Tarnower's publisber. a.aid Mrs. Harris was a frequent weekend visitor at the doctor's home. Tamower was found m bis pa- 1amas on the floor of a second· floor bedroom, between twin beds. bleeding from the wounds on the right side of bis body, police s.a.Jd . $20 Parking Fee OK'd Saddleback College trustees have approved a $.20 a year parking fee plan for students who don't want to hike up a steep slope to get to their classes. The parldng fee plan, set to begin in the faU, will not apply to Partdne Lot 1 at the Mission Viejo campus because trustees said they want more students to leave their cars there. But to wallc from Parkina Lot 1 on the northwest end ol the campus to any of the nearby buildinp lncludlne the college library requires a long hike up a steep grade. When tbe fee plan goes into ef- fect. the most remote partilul lot at Saddleback College ·!> North Campus in Irvine also will be designated a free of charge a re a, trustees agreed. The partcin« fees arc erperted to bring in $240,000 a year m rev enue that by law muat be used ror k>t maintenance. secunty or other~ related t.o the facility. College aides plan to wort out other details of the parking fee plan and bring the matter back before trustees lat.er this year. One element or the plan yet to be worked out la bow teachers and college aides may be also charged for parting. The partdq plan also calls for meters to be installed. Under the general fee plan outlined by trustees Monday. t'ach student will be required to buy a $10 parking decal every seme-ster to part autos lo the most popular lots. Trustee John Connolly voted against the plan because be did not agrtt with the Idea of mat· ing some partdng areas free of charge. Trustee Eugene McKnight also voted against tbe issue becaase he wanted to see a more detailed plan. Board President Robert Price abstained. The vote was 4 to 2 in favor of the parking fee plan. College aides said tbe plan will not affect handicapped stu- dent parting at either campus. Omega has seen some beautiful diami>nds in their time. 9mega knows how to set a lddy's watch - with diamonds! In 14 karat yellow gold: A. $1,295. 8 . $2,400. c. $-1,250. Btriutiful fe!»rlry says. "I love you.·• -.ri'~·1:t·"= =-· r -· _,,., .. ... -55 ....... ::;: ..... ,..~J! 1n.. ..,.... "'lltm eM9.'' ..._ . .-.--..~. -----.--c·-~~~--.............................. _, • 7 .. ..... 11& ....,.. ...... duct ,.,1o4l1 •••• .. uHd cheeb ol N.,...'a em••ta11, at .... twtee a ,..,.. · However, C011U.uoua monitor· lnl ol tbe p)Mt'• a!r em1-&CN It OM ol tM ~ ol l ll"OUP ol n•l1bbon oraanlaed i,)' the Campal1n ror Sconomlc t>emOCNCJ, the l"O\IJ) led by Jane Foeda and Torn Ka)'dea. Stemmler 1ald that, ln tbe periodic cheek&. Narmco'• New Chief Declares inl of about u netpbon ud CED 1epraeatalives lut week, said many of the problems found after last ye-.r's explosion have been cleared up by Narmco of· ficlall worting with the city Fire Department. The explo1ion killed one workman and seriously burned another. A second, unrelated ex- plosk>o several months later ln· ju red another worker. alao seriously. C Fl FTEl;N CENTS Jlall aaid Narmco hu pro- vided him and the fire depart· menl with a list or where cbemleals are stored. The con- talnen on the site are marked only wtlb numbers rather than with chemical names because or fears that manufacturing secrets will be stolen. A• for the evacuation plan, Hall said the subject tradn't been raised before "but 1t could cer- tainly be looked into." More Fire Stations Needed in Mesa Militants Branded Pro-Soviet By The Assodated Press Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was quoted today as accusing militants holding ap- p roxi mate J y 50 American hostages at the U.S. Embassy of being under the innuence of pro. Soviet groups. He aho predicted the b06tages would not be freed before mid-May, a French oewspepu 18id. •·unfortunately. t hey (the militants) sometimes le\ themselves be lnfluenced by eer· t•ln political gro\Jps favorable to the U.S.S.R .. such as the Com- munist Tudeh Party, which wants Lo isolate Iran on the in· ternational scene." the Iranian president was quoted by the French newspaper Le Monde in a Monday interview Bani·Sadr a lso accused Iran's Revolutionary Council of "weak· ness and indecision " m its re- cent confrontation with the mill· tants over letting members of the U N. commission see the hostages. the paper said. "If the council had shown itself firm. it af it hadn't changed its mind every day under pres· sure from this or that group, we wouldn't be where we are." he was quoted. The commission left Tehran today with a veiled threat to withhold its report on the al· leged crimes of Shah Mobam· mad Reza Pahlavi until it is al· lowed to see all the American (See IRAN, Page AZ> * * * ,..., .......... ,.,_ 'MORE STATIONS NEEDED' Chief Petruzzlello 1bree Killed In Freeway Auto Plunge Three persons, including a Newport Bt>ach man. died early today when a car traveling at high speed bounced off the center divider of the Newport Freeway and tumbled down a 40·fool embankment near Ed· inger Avenue m Santa Ana. California Highway Patrol of· ricers, who estimated the car was doing 80 mph at the time of the crash, identified the victims as Terry Russell, 32. of Newport Beach; Sandra Moore, 38. of Santa Ana. and Larry McCuis· lion. 33. of Santa Ana. Intern Iranians, Hayakawa Suggests SACRAMENTO <AP> - California Sen. S. I. Hayakawa says the United St.ates should declare a "state ol belliceren· cy" with Iran and place all Ira· nians in this country in reloca· tion camps .. the way we did with the Japanese in World War II." Hayak.awa,wholsofJapanese ancestry, made the remarks in an interview Monday with the Sacramento s.e in W aahln«ton. "We interned 810,000 Japanese d&U'tal World War ll, and we manaced all riaht,' • Hayakawa aald. "After wllat'• happened, we haft tftl'Y. reaaon to-cfeclare By JACKIE HYMAN Of ... a.ti• ....... ..,. Costa Mesa's new fire chief said Monday the city needs to build two new fire stations and relocate ooe to meet fare needs in the 1980s. , AP W•r•n..,to Chief John Petruuiello. who Joined the city in November. told City Council members at a study session his findings were based on an intensive computer study of the city's fire needs, hazards. and development and traffic pat· terns. HOME OF SCARSDALE DIET AUTHOR DR. HERMAN TARNOWER SCENE OF SLAYING Vlcttm Shot end Kiiied In Purchase, N.Y., RHtdence; Woman Arrested City Manager Fred Sorsabal said be believes a new fire sta· lion in northeast Costa Mesa and the relocation or the Mesa Verde Fire Station to northwest Costa Mesa should be completed within five years. Diet Developer Slain The city currenUx has four fire atationt to serve about ........... Woman Friend Held in Slwoting Sorsabal a lso agreed with Petrumello thai a sixth cit)' fire 1tatlon. attea41' plaaned bat with no 1tartln1 date set, is needed at tbe CltJ Hall eomp&ex. Petruzziello told council mem· bers he is particularly con· cerned about heavy traffic and rapid development in northern Costa Mesa, and knew of one OC· casion in which a fire engine became stalled in traffic near South Coast Plaza and didn't reach a car fire WlUI the blaze bad already burned itself out. He noted that a Santa Ana nre station and paramedic unit cur- rently serve that area through a mutual aid agreement. but are nearing their capacity in the number of calls received. Petnmiello said tbat. ln addl· lion to the new fire stations and the relocation, the city may have to look at expanding its paramedic service. It currently has one paramedic unit. He estimated the additional annual manpower cost of the new stations al about $617 ,000, with about $30,000 for support and services and $160,000 for equipment. MURDER SUSPECT Je•n H•rri• ApartmeaC Fire ............. SLAIN IN HOME Dr. Henn•n Ternower Sorsabal said tbe northeast Costa Mesa station probably will be located on land provided by the Royale Development Com· pany as part of its plans to de· velop the 165-acre Sakioka Farma property. He said be hopes land In northwest c.o.ta Mesa can be ob- tained by an e1:cban1e for the current Mesa Verde site. Dis- cus1iaa6 are under way wtth the se,eratrom family about a pC>Uible lite. Santa Ana Heights Man Badly Burned Petnaniello said bis studJ. conducted wltb the aid of Fire Marshal Russ Hendenon and Battallan Qllef Gerald Poarcb, showed that the heavy pace of developDMJDt ln the northern part ot t» citf bu made ob- 1olete fire protection studies completed only five yun aao. A 23-year-old Santa Ana H•iP&I man.WU tn serious COD· dltlon at UC lrv1ne lledlca) Center today after . fire caused m.ooo damage to an apartment wbere be and fow other men were eleel>lnl, Oran1e Comlty fire otftdala ~pomd. laformatlon omcer Chuck Murpby Wd Marvin Ocle ... burned over «> to ~ .,_rctDt of bil body in tbe blale that broke Fatal Prank 'Tnuti:ng' Girl~ Slain Harrt Karl Wleun ~ La ~bra told po&lce be tho~ laiJ IUD WU ~ fteft Ue put it to bis 111tlfrtm4•1 bead Monday m,bt ind Uaot her to· aeath, out shortly before 1 a.m . at the apartment in a complex at 1572 Orehard Drive. He said Ogle, wbo wu alone ln t.be bedroom where the blau appareatly started, was able to warn the othera ln Ume for them to flee. A roommate, Dave Thompeon, 31, was treated but not boepit.aliJed at Costa llesa Memorial Hospltal for bums on bla hand, officials said. A aeipbar, Identified as Bob Sberrlff, called firemen. M\lll)lly aald. He 1deaWled tbe otben la tbe ·~•a tblrd roommate. DnftllSeymoN. 21. and tWo .. lton Ina A.rbnlal. t.arry Puff and ltAICM' XeDdrtd. botb n. MW'Pb1 Mid M n~ baltW U.. ..._for almo&t ball .... ~_...,..,\ .... eoatrol wblle pualMdlca ~ &UtWD=.-.Damap ... .... ... 110.000 to the .,.. ......... to .. ~ tma.. HARRISON. NY <AP > -A IOClalite from WJshlngton. DC . was charged with murdf'r today tD the shoot.mg of Dr. Herman Taroower, developer of the popu1llJ' ScandaJe Diet. lean Struven Harris of ll~Le8n. Va .. headmistress of a posh private girls school and said to be a frequent weekend v1s1tor at Tarnower '> estate in the affluent suburb of Purcha~1:. N. Y. was to be arn11~n~d later ' today. Tarnowl'r, a 69 )ea r olff' card1olog1st wh o a llrac t"d m1ll1ons o f overwp1ghl Amencans to his diet plan was found shot Monday night in an upstairs bedroom at has ullrJ- modem home Mrs. Harns. a slender. 5·foot·6 woman. was arrc'ited as shf· backed a car out or the lonJ! driveway to the house. which 1!-. set well back on a five acre lot Police Chief Wilham Harri~ said a .32-cahber n•volver was recovered from the glove com pa rtment of the car Mrs. Harris was driving He said she was charged because of "c('rtam ad· missions she made .. There appeared to be a struggle ol some sort The place was duibeveled." the chief said Mrs. Harris, S7, 1s head· mistress or the Madeira School , a private school in McLean, Va. that is closed for spring vaca· t1on . She is li s ted in Wasbinl'OO's social register as having a home in Carmel. N.Y .. not far from this New York City suburb. M ra. Harris and Ta mower had known each other for some time and her name was first a.-g acknowled1ments in his book. <See DIET, Page A.2) Coast Weather Cleartne late toaigbt and fair Wednesday. Lows tonilbt '5 at tbe beaches and 52 inland. Highs Wed~lntbeaM. IN818EftDAY Actrnt laM ,... 1tos nm tlw gamut Jmn #Z kil· tn to •• ,,..,,... ~ tlw .. ..,... ~. to polittcol actfoUi M lllPPO'f of ltttlbad Tom Halldf'lt, (SH Si; Liw• of a Sa bin,,,. ASJ. •••• Vt:N'nJRA <AP)-~ GMh ftre .-upted lD an tlQllC.Y a&o,.... tank on the Gett1 OU ~•tt property 11rty t0da1 when Vlj)Qf'S wen \Jmltid br I Unit motor. ()De per.-WU lnJured and t.M lnida nn ca two other nra, aut.IM>r1thll aaid. The fire ln tbe Getty Plant number 1 on the west Ude ol Ventura broke out at 2:2' a.m. It took VenlW'I County firefipten IO mlnut• to bril\l lhe names under C'Clfttrvl, aatd dispatcher Sharon Meler. Firefl&hlen from the fire department's Oil Task Force round two separate fires going when they anived. A lh.lrd one brokeoutaoooafterward,1be1aid. •• ..,.,.,.._.,I• P~ ••eer• PICO RIVERA fAP) -Authorities are invesU1atin1 the slaylnp ol two young women whose bodies were discovered in an empty lot today. Sherttra Deputy Brad Welker said the women had each been shot in the bead. The bodies were reported about 8:30 a .m by a passerby ln the retidenUaJ area. lnvestigalora "can't determine whet.her they are juveniles or adults." Welker said. • O.U•r Jf•l•C•la• 8•f'ftlfl•• LONDON (AP> -Tbe dollar maintained tt.a atreqtb on world foreign exchanges today and prices tumbled further on aome metal markets. Analyst.a said speculators apparently bad beeome wary of locking their aaaeta In aold. silver and other metala when t.bey can collect high Interest rates oa dollar lnveatmenta. Gold, which plummeted in Europe on Monday. tumbled $40 a,p ounce lo New Yort on Monday lo $558. It wu trading at $510 lllJday In London and at *4 ln New York. Silver aold ln London for $281.5 an ounce loday down from $30.25 and its low for the year. It sold for $29.10 In N~w Yorlt. E',....PflfleAJ DIET DEVELOPER. • • 'T h e Complete Scarsdale M e di~I Die t : Plus Dr . Tarno Lifetime Keep-Slim Progr· Acco dang to thl' doctor's publii.her, Eleanor Rawson of Rawson, Wade Publishers Inc., Mrs. Harris was a frequent weekend vi.altor at the bachelor Tamower's estate. She said Tarnower was "an avid sportsman, hunter. ft.b- erm an-he had a Jot of suns and huntln1 trophJea." The estate had no Identifying sign, and the two-story house stands several hundred yards from the road. tls neighbors m· elude former U.S Rep Ogden Reid and Ma nhattanville College Police who went to the house around 11 p .m . after a telephoned report of a burglary found Mrs. Harris backing her blue sedan out of the driveway, according lo Chief Harris. She told them there had been a shooting inside, the chief said. The pajama-clad Tarnower was found on the floor between twin-beds in an upstairs room, bleeding from gunshot wounds of the right band, right arm and upper right chest. He was dead on arrival at a hospital. C hief Harris called Mrs. Harris "one of the nicest ladies we 've ever had here '' Tamower lived alone except for a housekeeping couple, who were present Monday night but evidently unaware of Mrs Ha rris' arrival, the chief said The housekeeper. Suzanne van der Vreken, whose English is nol &ood. telephoned White Plains police after \hearlna nolaea. Chief Harrla said. The call was taken as a re\>?rt of burglary. Tamower s dMt was ln de- mand lou before bis book C'!D)e out in Deeember 1171. A quaca. loss regimen, it wu dubbed tbe "no·btmger, no-huale diet" by Family Circle magazine. The book has sold three- quart.ers of a million copies In a $7.95 hardbound edition and 2 million copies at $2.75 a copy in paper. · The diet is named for the ar. fluent village in which Tamower, a noted cardiologist. established a group practice two decades ago. It prescribes meat, vegetables and fruits on a regimen that al- lows no substitutions, promising a loss of about a pound a day. Tarnower's collaborator on the book, Samm Sinclair Baker, said Tamower bad read parts of the book lo Mrs. Harris for her comment. "We are grateful to Jean Harris for her splendid as- sistance in the research and writing o f this book," the acknowledgment read. Cop's Wiretapping Case Dismissed .. Orange County Central Municipal Court Judge Gary Ryan has guashed a search Wat· rant that led to the arrest of a Newport Beach Police seraeant on wiretapping and danaerous drug poesealoo charRea. • DAILY PILOT r LAS VEGAS, Nev. <AP) -An Air Pon:e woauqa at N• Air Force Bue wbo poled .... In P~yboJ ...... -. ..,a ... llaa bte• r•••••int4 -tr•• ·~· teW~ w• to •.-.rt.ti dull• and 1tv•n . a letter or repr1maaid. . ... .... • rn111 aoo4 -and l'aa ....._.. Alnnaa bl a... Cindy LUU 1aJd Monda)' ... I didn't know I wa1 dotn1 anytb.1n1 qainlt mlUtaJy ,__ ulatlona." ·- .,...., ..... ,__.,, .......... _ MEMBERS OF MARINE 1ST LANDING SUPPORT BATTALION STAND OUAAD NEAR OUTPOST C.mp Pendleton ... rtn•• Particlp•te In Week-long W•r O•m•• In Mot•v• DeMrt Miu Lutz. wbo appeared tn the nude 1n one of three pbpto- 1rapba tbe map.sine ran ot ber ln ha April pboto-reature on women 1n the mllltary, aald lhe wwld ooatut Piaf.boy atume)ts about the dlacipUnaiy actioa. S he said Playboy told the military women the magazine would asmt wttb any legal prob- lems stemming from the anJ. tie . 25,000 in Desert 'War' A Nellis spokesman confirmed t hat Ms . Lutz had been re- assigned and reprimanded. Mi. Lutz. who refused to divulge her age, said abe was not aware that she should have t•on~ultt..td superiors prior to ac· ceptmg the Playboy assignment. Nor did she realize s he violated Air Force regulations by ap· pearang at least m part -in Air Force Wllform. U.S. Military in Readiness Exercises By STEVE lllTCBEU. Of .. DMty ........... Nearly 25,000 U.S. troops are more than halfway throuab a week ol simulated batUea ID the deaert above Banlow In what one senior officer described as "a war where everybody comes out a winner." Gallant Eaale 80, a joint readi- ness exerciae comprised of ele- ment.I from t.be Army, Air Force and Marine Corps. is being staged on the Fort Irwin mlUtary reservation in the Mo· Jave Desert, an area nearly five times t he s ize of Camp Pendleton. And while the Marine and Army troops are shooting blanh from their black M 16 nfles. the 137 planes and jets. 114 hehcop· ters and 567 tanks and personnel earners used in the seven-day exercise are real. "D·Day" was only hours old Friday when a company of Army Rangers <comprising lht' enemy forces> made a surpnsc "E ntebbe" style attack at the Marine Corps· Nelson Lake landing strip, arrivlnl aboard two giant C-130 troop carriers. "Man. they came out of the sky in thole two birda and blew the holy bell out 6r the landing ~one," saJd one Marine PFC who did not want to be iden- tified. Higher ranking Marine or ficlals admitted the simulated attack by Army Rangers was a surprise. but said the apparent suicide mission ended with "friendly" troops blowing up the two tr~port planes and caplur· Ing or ldlllng most of the Ranger team. ··They blew up a few of our Harriers (a JCl capable of hover- 1 n g and landln& without a runway) and a few of our cop. te rs." said Marine ?rUJor Joo Horton. "But they paid a tugh price because we got both or their transport planes and they surrered a lot of casualties " He said that's the way the war games go. Wlth umpires closely watching s mall and large s kirmishes to determine casualties and losses of aircraft and equipment. The ma1or said the next day. the Rangers might s uffer an at lack. "and in the end, there art> no losers, only winners.·· The friendly forces anclud<.• Army and Marine units, and the Air Force plays both sides. In briefings throughout tht· day Monday. Marine. Army and Air Force brass insisted the de., crt exercis<.' was planned fi v1· years ago and has nothing to dn with the current internat.Jonal s 1t uat 1ons in Iran an d AfRharustan Army General Volney Warner. chief of the U S. Readiness Com mand oversee10& the Jl5 miUJon exercise. said the massive war games take place four times a year "and this one was a desert exercise" The four star general said rl'· cent events in those two nallon., has increased the public's sup port or the Armed Forces add ing world events have .:given us a shot In the ann '' But volunteer enlistments are i.till not as promlslnf as could ht.- desired. the Renera said. citing f",.._P~AI low salanes for enllsh:d men a~ a part of the reason "Wf;' might give them the tra ining, but by the end of their enlistment they're going lo icet a JOb on the outside that pay., more," General Wa rner !>aid He said the military is especially s hort of experienced non com mlasioned officers. adding "We arow those ourselves." Air Force Lt. Col. Richard Beaudry, a spokesman for the U.S. Readiness Command, s~ud the training enrcises "are like a fOOlba.11 game. Jr you doo't pracllce. you don't win." The offictt said the training I"> most important to the air and r1eld commanders overattlng the troops. "It gives the commanders a chance lo work with the other military branches and soldiers.·· he said. That kind of coordination and cooperation is important. he s aid. ··so one commander doesn't accidentally blow up friendly forces." And while tbe commanders hon4t their stflls as •militMy chess players, the troops on the ground wait for simulated bat ties. ..I 've been sitting here all week ," s aid o n e Mi chigan Marine PFC sitting 1n a machane Run n~t outside his en <"Jmpment. 'So far I haven 'l sttn any ac t1on at a11.·· he groused "We did have an air raid. though." he brightened. "Hut it was a ra ise alarm II was our own troops n yang io for chow." Costa Mesa's Fred Wong Dead at 49 ~t emorial services will be con - dut'ted Thursday for Fred B.F. \\ong or Costa Mesa. vice presi· dt•nt ol Coast Home Loans in Orange. who died Sunday of t'Jncer lk was 49. ~n·1ct.>S v.111 began at noon at St James Episcopal Church an !'Jewport Beach. Mr. Wong, a U)-year resident of Cost.a Mesa. was a former administrator with R()('kwell Jn. temalionaJ in Ohio and was a member of Tau Ka ppa Epsilon at the University of Chicago. where he received his MBA deKrtt. Before Joining Coast Home Loans• year and a half ago. Mr Wosia waned ror the Tuat.in in· vestment firm or Waddell & Reed Inc. He leaves his wife. PriaeU1a and bis children, Kenneth. unc:b and John Wong. all of Costa Mesa. The family ha!> requested m~monal contributions lo tho rrt'd Wong Memorial Fund at St. J ames Epascopal Church. Priest Death Hearing Set IRAN LEADER CRITICAL. • • Ronald Spring, 33. or Long Beach. pleaded innocent today to charges tbat he murdered Father Felix Doherty of SeaJ Beach's St. Anne's Catholic Churrh. hostages. who began their 129th day In captivity today. "The commission is not in a position lo prepare its report and has informed the Iranian authorities accordingly." the five-man panel said in a state- ment The commission m embers flew lo Switzerland and New York after their 17-day visit ended without a visit to the cap- tives. Banl-Sadr'a comments to Le Moade seemed lo confirm what Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. the all-powerful Iranian re - ligious leader. said more than two weeks ago: the fate ot the hostages would be left lo the newly elected pllrliament. The Iranian president was quoted as aaytna the release could not come before mld·May because the p1rllament will not * * * Shahin Need Of Surgery NEW YORK (AP> - Shah Mohammad Reaa PahlaYl ja W Ud must be admitted lo a U .S . m lJitary hospital la Paaama lbr emer1enc1 spleen 1ar1ery, friends say, but tbo Carter ad- mlnlatratioa ta reat1ttn1 the step, the Daily Ne"'• reported today. The former Iranian ruler underwent a ' ••llbladder operauon tn Ntw York oa Oct. 24 aQd waa treated for canc.r •fl•r tbe •dm1nt1tr1Uon petmfued blm to eiiter tla• eountry a1 a "humanitarian a-tun." The abah't admlttanc• to.cw alt Ua• No•. ' nilure ot Americana at t.latt U.8. &mbauy In Tehra tw l mWa.ata de· mudiii Ida Ntuna. ... have sufficient Lime lo exarrune the case before then. U.S. and U.N. officials hoped the com· mission's wort would expedite the hostages' release. During a stopover In Zurich. Commiaaion Co-C hairman Mohamed Bedjaoui of Algeria told reporters the panel's mis- sion ··wu not a failure. but or course we are disappointed. 1t was a step on the road. But It was not a failure." an apparent reference to some or the evidence collected In Tehran. The commission Jen without seeing the approximately 50 hostages after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini backed the demand& of their militant cap. tors. and Iran's Revolutionary Council resel.Dded fts decision lo take custody of the Americans who began their l29tb day In captivity an the U.S. Embassy today. A preliminary hearing bas be-en set for 9 a.m. Mattb Z1 tn West <>ranee County MumctpaJ Court. ~ was returned lo Orange Comity Jail In lieu of $500 .ooo bail. Police claimed Spring st.ruck the priesl Feb. 6 al the rectory of the church. Father Doherty died Feb. 21 ol complications re- aulllnl rrom the blow. Omega has seen some beautiful diamonds in their time. . . a Omega knows how foset • lady's watch- with diamonds! In 14 karat yellow gold: A. Sl,295. 8. $2,400. c. $3,250. Btautiful ~lrysavs. "I iovt you:· I • J t • • 'DlANSAC'DONS Congress _BiUS Spark Inflatio IJ IOBN ClJNN11T NEW YORK {AP> -U JW '""8dw wbll'e 181111._ comes from 100 mlCbt rel# to a ...., of 1t7I • srnaicDal MUY!ty by u ~ft pene1 of tbe 1'&· Uonal AaodatklD ol BUlineu BeoDomllU. It fOCUMS OD OM of tbe pot.Ual IOU.re*. Alter revMwiDi Uat ., DOil·•=:: bWa P9lled in the lecond Miilon of tbe t5th • tbe ecoaomJlta found 140 were moderately or latlatiooal'J and only 29 deflaUoaary. The only bU1 seen as ''alpll\cantly deflatloaary0 ,, .. the Airline DereplaUoa Act. wbicb bePD the pbueout ot federal CCJGtroll fD that iad..try °""a MVeD•ye&r period. Tw nty·thl'ee appropriatiom bl1la a1ao were evaluated, Twenty·two were J\ldced tnftaUooary. lbe lone exception betq the resdaslon of $463 million approprf ated ln 1977 to build two 8-1 bombers. "Most of the bllls were not by t hemselves ve r y sicnlficant," said George McKinney, panel chairman. "But taken together, their impact will be felt an the pocketbook of every Am erican consumer.'' •clUNNEY'S WA RNING may ~.,• have been borne out. 1lnce inflaUoo in recent ween bas acce lerated to an annual rate ol more than 18 pen:eoL Pocketbooks a.re lighter and tempen hotter. But in spite of those lll effects, a q uestion remains: Did the people really get from Congress what they want· ed7 Everything costs. but was the price -in terms of in· flation -too great a price? You judge. These are the eight bills considered to be significanUy inflationary -The Emer gency Farm BiU. Pl.95-279, which r aised permissible target prices paid farmers for diverting land from production. -PLts-334, WHICH EXPANDED federal credit as· s1stance to farmers and other rural residents. -Pl.95-356, a S4 billion military con.st.ruction bill. -Pl..95-483, wluch sharply limited competition from vessels owned or controlled by the Soviel government tn :-.h1ppmg between the U.S. and other nations. -P~S23. the llumphrey-Hawluns Full Employment Act. which set a national goal of 4 percent unemployment by 1983 -PLff.588, "HICH INCREASED veterans' per151on:. -P~599. which authoni.ed S54 ball.ion 10 federal aid for highways a nd mass transit dunng the next four years -P~. the tax reduction bill that lowered taxes last year by $19 bilhon ReVlewmg the hst. m any Amen cans are bkely to be tom between what they see as wortbwblle goals and the high pnce of those goals. Some will find themselves al war with themselves. To spend or DOl lo spend? ENCOV&AGED BY THE •~PONSE to lbelr s urvey of 1978 bills, McKinney and b.ia panel decided to analyze Coogeu' acUYUy in im. And, aakt McK.lDDey 11.ooday, Coosna may be cbanatnc. Spe•lrinc for blmMtf rlllber thaD the panel's other economists or ror t.M association. McKlnMy. senior vic-e president of lrvang Tn.&St Co .. said be perceived a sbJft away from the inflalloaary attitudes ol im. ''The IU)'1l were contused," be aald ol la.st year's Congress. "Tbey were tryiq to back away from spend. Ing." Whether~ other pane[ members arrive at the Mme conclusion Wlll be known on Marcb 2S. On that date the e<'onomasts Wlll release a fuU analysis of the inflationary or deflatJonary impact of Congress 10 1979 Sa•1etllillg E~tr9 Mechanic Charles Gunther claims to have some special "p(>wers'' to aid him with car repairs. He calls bis Sacramento shop Karma Kanic Ltd and features holistic car care. Gunther says be practices astrology andotheroceults. Gold, Silver Qoot8ti~ns ' f l ! I a "If I told you once, I toad you a ~ timle: no,.,.., no rtde ... and bones don't count!" MOON MULLINS CON Fout.JD JT,EMMA·· YOt.Jg~r ~SOCKS FOR MY 8Ll1f" S u IT·· MISS PEACH ·;A>-Jt> BLUE soc~ FOR MY BRoWNSUIT. THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane ~. '--........... _ ..,.._ .... ''This one's mine. It grew faster 'cause I talt to it a lot." DENNIS THE MENACE GORDO CLJtwwtE lHAf PAU\.~OAU.. 16 U61'ENIN6 ON AH £XTEN5ION, A DRUNKEN ltEVIN CONTIMIJEt> HI& TIAADE ~TL.YNN! ~?ff,,~ by Ferd & Tom Johnson t\JE NEVER "TRIED To ... by Mell Laurius IT'S NOT R16'"4T TO OOOP ME UP L.JKE THIS ··-... -,.,. ORA8 8LE OR. SMOCK by Tom K. Ryan ~:=CA\J 1JIJMPl..US ~--·---...r " o--'-·-"" by Lynn Johnston T~~~~ j ~OOTlHE~ J ij()OWISH~~I tf()C.. by George Lemont A PRACT'IC~ GOIN' RIGH~ POWN "T'He -ruees AN' H~'S l.-ALJ<S H I N ' .' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 50°"'1~· deM I Ahytnm 51 FUf IOUl'Ce UNITED FM1Ure $yndble Mondey's Pume SolYeCI 5 Louie ~ Miii 's NINI 10 l(.lnO of •• lift 55 Hindu tJtle • 0 • 0 I t L A I I IA 11 10 f l4 Unetuous 56 CNN I a •• • v l It. • • ,.11 15 9lllc:*more 61 ~ • • I l • c • 0 •• I t . ,, ' ". 1 I l 00 • • •• ... gin M>j. 16 Meta -e2 SellWI one& . ' •• I·-· , . ··-17 FUnor &4 c..nony -· . ' ·-· • • •l• •I 1•.-1•1• ' . L I C • I •1•10JIJ IOUf'Oll 65 Mansion 19 Slr9"Q VOI08 66 $Wiiiow 1•1t.11-0 ~ • l I -·1•1•1 20 ~ 87 U.tor19d 21 A111m 118 Pln8I. t g .-worm 69 Klft 22 RumPe 23 Summ11 • DOW~ 25 E.gyptl8rl ~ 29SC*llth l Mlflhel • ' 0 . a I 11111•10 v ~ -· "' . l"I•1v1a . ' IUl"l' I' t I 1•111•1• II I 1• 1• 1•1• t. I I I • I • •1•111• ' . oo-•• I ' • • c •• 10 •I •• • c . • !• •• I t I I I l I •• ' . ' . I 0 ... I I D I pMw 30P*9 2 Ireland 1 a Lener abt>f. 4 1 City on the 31 SfNlll calt 34Mlkelleek 341 Fire: 2 WOfCt 38 Knoc:t 3t Our '°'919. 2wordl 42 *"""' 43~ 44 Senior 45~ 47 Fllfl 49 Butte 3 Wll'lglllle 2 .. Num0er 4Klnd 25~ 5 $peed! par1 26 Tr.ice 11 Luau lfelt 27 A fofd 7 ScMne voting 28 Reform eventt. 29 f 11: Pr9tlx 2WO«ft 31 -ton a NctNe 32 Ff11f1Ziea t Mr. Amil 3Hc:>IU. e.g. 10 UK rt\llf 35 a.I dube 11 .,.,..,.. 3 7 Fortune tel-- 12 Lkll -lnge#d 13,...... 59. <40 Kn!QM Dlnube 411 Kind of line 411lMwt 5' lnl1TUment 52 Operlte 53 AnowtlMd 54 Indigo plant 55 Hiit: Pfeti• 57 Outfit• 58 Kilt\'. ton se use·, "* llOSet 6J A S10oge • •