HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-25 - Orange Coast Pilot, IUlll CIAIT Oy --S UNDAY . JANUARY 2'.i I 'JH 1 Oatly Poll•• ,..._. •• , ~etrl<~ 0 '0....11 MARATHON DIRECTOR BILL SEL'llN HOISTS ONE OF 52 FLAGS ALONG ROUTE Susan Armentrout, 15, one of youngest entrants, ties ribbon honoring freed hoat•gea Marathon·at·a-glance TimRs .for ru1u1Prs., nUllfir .f <>r spectalOrs It':. r<J«t· d ;Jy 111 lr v1111· 111•11· "I ;1 1·11111 plc.~·tc· h:.l of 1•vt·11I:. n ·l;it1·d 111 1111' 11111111 .111 nu;.il World Ma:.lt•r!'> Marathon 111 lr v111 f' dcd 1catc.'tl c.i:. a " Hun fo r f-'n·<·d11111 1111 ht· ;,2 ff'ced hosl'ttJ.!t'!'> < "'" Ill •·..,.., /'\1111·111';1 d 111rf.l h '. hand a nd ·I•' ·1·t.1I 111'"1 111 Hl ;i 111 l'ro~r ~un of Amcrl(';.in 11111 ,11 'i:11ldl1·li.11 k M ;1..,11•1 < 'h11ral1', I>on w .ilk1·1 1·1111d11(•!111 7 :45 am Ha1·1· "l lart . 11 v1111· M :1 ~111 Ill :111 ;1 111 t :r11 Vf'r"lll y l11 J.!h S1·houl l'ro Tcmpon· l>av11J Siii..,, ;11 lln 1l;.i J.!" P;1rk, 4fi01 W;.ilnut /'\ v1· IL111d Hnw1· W(·11ilwr),{1·r . <·ondu(·lor, "Tu: .1 \'1•ll11w lf tl1li1111 1<111111d ltlt'Old Oak Tn•1• " H 00 <1 m llol air lwllt.11111 dt·111<in:.t r;1 I II •111 ;1 111 .. /'\ 1111·rlt' a I h1· lkaut1ful " tum a nd ridt·~ provirlt·d hy Hotwrt M1l11kt•n Ill 4~, ;1 m . lnlnKltwt1on of Awt.1rds I' I ' ....... ,.11·1··· !1·1;, a m Prt·M·nl ;1l11m of 1111· ( 'olor~. lJ S. Marin t' Corp~ /'\11' Statum, J<:I T11ro, Color (iuan't ' !f :SO a .m Tr1hut1-to 1•11.(ht ll ~ Dail y 1'11111 l'ulilislH·r Th11111a~ I' llal1 •j I .o•, /'\11g 1'11·s H:irr1~ pl;1y1•r.., ~crvif'cmen l11st 111 th1 · at11•napt t11 In·(· ttw hostaJ,!cs. ,,,.,., M•1IH'(• 1.;dd1<· 11111 !J :51 a rn N a t iona l A n thl'm , l'n·s t1111 l>t·r111anl performed hy tht· t l nivns 1l y ll1gh S<'IH1'1I Hand and Saddlt.<h~11·k M a stn Choral<' 10:0:> u m Firs t runnn 1~x1u·1·t1·d 11 .:1oa 111 I 00 p 111 .... , :1d111111 1>1 v 1~11111 wuuu·rs pos ted I.as I runn1·r~ en! er I he Baron band cheered Inaugural parade song drew wild plaudits •Y P~Tlll(;I( Kf:NNtmv OltMOellrf' .... tlett Ju1t a few houn 11fl«!r lht! !il! American ho"tal(eR were rt: leand from Iran. the fo~ount11ln V allt)' lllah School Uand, perfonnina In Ronald Reaaan'11 inau1ural parade, rilaye<J "When JohnnyComn Marchinte Home." The retponae wH overwhelm· ln1 11 the crowd llnln1 Penn· aylvan.la Avena.e ln 1W11hlqton, O.C .. went wUd witK enthuala"m and 1*9lupemotl0nt. Tean al relief and •houll ol Joy over tlw ....... ol the hOltqes were lriltered by the hith school ,...,...,.dreued In rid, white ud..._unlfonna. .. .._people alonf:,:t'arlde ....... .,.. ..... . ...... .,...: ....... ,... r I wui. lrt•rrwnduu!l," hun1l 1n:-;h'111· tor Frunk ll urnt:11111ud "It w1111 11 very 1·mot111nal 11v 1 rn<"nl : 1int•youju11l l'll n't fllfl(t•t .. llarnCH 11ahl h1· t1Clt·1·l1·tJ the ~onit 11n<I xuhmlllc~ II for HJI provul lo th(! muu1<urut111n c·om m ilhw u month 'H(ll lie 11uld he t•ho:1c II lo "ri•mlnd 1Jtm1>le thul Amc rlt·un11 we re locked UJ> over lh1•r c Cln Iran 1 " He uid he never aucsMHl lhe 11on.c would become a11 limc•ly1111 It wa11. HutJUllt before the par11de 11tart ed. 1 Jeepload of Army soldiers drove b)' the 134·momber band and banner squad and annount'ed the releaae of the Am.-rlcsn" over 1 lo~1pealcer. "It wu 1 GDCe·ln·•·ltf.Ume n · perleate for tll• 1tudent1." ' llarni•x 111111I "For all of us The Cultforr11a 11tudcnt11 allm 11aw lhc· t1IJ(hl11 or the capltaf dur lnl( the• four tl rty 11tay and d111· 1·1)vc r<.!tl lhul., on the E1111l Coast, It acet11 v1•ry1•old In J unuary. "l\l rlnl they didn 'l helicve UI when we told them to brinte lonM unde rwear and cxtrarclothtn1. ' lauathed 11chool official Evie Hel.cen. wh08e dau1hter is In the. band. The band w111 one of 20 hl1h 11chool unitl invited lo perform at the parade. It w .. aelec:ted from 400 natioawtd• appllcanta. blHd on tape-=~:. of their mUl1c, color IDd reeoat· mlndlllml. ( YllR HlllTlll IAllY PIPIR OH ANGE COUN l Y ( ALIFOHNIA •,o (I NT S Antarctica's tranquility is af)out to thaw. World de- mand for oil and minerals will tap that continent . Page C6. 52 coming· ho1ne Psychiatrists give Inst tests WI fo:SH/\J>,.;N, W1·.,t C;(·rrna11y (/\I' I 'f'ht· '."1l fr1 •1•tl i\m(•flt <tll ho:-.t aiw.,, .,111111· nur.,1111( •·mo I 11mal w11untl'i from 14 1 ., rr111nlt1~ of 1·apl1v1ly 111 Ir an, w11un1l Ufl pri· It rn 1nary fl:> yl· t11 u t rw lt:sl IOI( Saturday ;Hid 11n ·pari·tl to ri v h111111· lo tlwar fa111 il1t·:-. A t1•arn of Stal1· IJ1·11art11ll'11I ,..,y d1 H1ln~b ;11h111111ht1·rt·tl an ull day li:Jlll'I y of ll•:>h at lh1· 11 S Air "'11ri·1· t111~p1tul twn· wh1•ri· the· •·x 1·apl1v1·.., h:1vt· 11'·t:n ... 11w1· W1 -cln1·:-.day lr1 lwlw1·1·n. g11v1·rr11rll'nl 1·11111l11y1·1·., anion..: tJ11· ~.(! ri·1·1·1 v1·tl rll'w 1d•·1111rwa lion aml p;iy 1·anb 'l';ulor... f1111.,h1•tl all•·rul111ri.... on ., 11 1 I ., a n ti 11 t Ii •· r 1· I 11 I h •· :-. purd 1a:-.i•tl hy 1111' r11r11w r l'ap t1 v1•., rlunng a $1 ~1.0llO .,,,,,.,. al I t1<· l111·al 1>11:-.I 1·xdia11 1(1• Jo'nduy 1\1> t h1· /\m1·n1·an ... prt•Jlun•d 111 d1•part l11rlay 1111 th1· 1111111'11 St a I •. .., and ri·1111111ns w 1 lh th1·1 r fa1111l11 ·:-.. '."1i' l ra111an 1·xil1 •:-. ma rd1111g lwl1111rl I h1· lia nru·r 11r 1111· lat1· :-.liah lir•1ugl1t ~.:! n ·d r11.,,.:-. t11 tht· h11sp1tal .. W1· ;in· ri·1ir1·~1·11t 111i.: I h•· n ·al 11 a I I 1111 11 f I r a II I II I d I l h t• /\m1·rw<111 fll'l1J1lt • Iha! lht' ~11t•n1 111aJ11rtty of Iran .., 11111 1d1·n11ry lllJ.( 1l:-.1·H w1lh 1111' l•·rron:-.1 Jo(l1V t•rnrnc nt," .,;11rl a 'fmkt•.,mun who uskt-<l th<il tu ... namt: nut Ill' u'lc i! hf•1·a11:-.l' tw 11;.., family 1n l r;111 • • • Families r~ady for welcome WASlllN(;'l'C)N l/\1'1 The fam1ht..'S or thi• frN:d Amenc·an hostag~. ludt·n with J.(irts and high hoJ>4•s, prcfJUred Salurdaay for the long uwuiled reunion wilh their l11vt'ff ones u:. l'resi <l<•nt Hcat(an 11l anrll'<l a lwro·., wt:lc·omf' "I sltll don't know whul I'm going lo say lo him," ... aul Mal t11· Jont·~ as :.ht• h1•adc1I 1·a:.1 from Dclr111l to J(rt•t•I twr return 1nl( hushun1l, Ch arl1·s "Wtll'n thf' t1mt· <·ome:.. 1 ·11 knuw what to :-.uy " Tht· rt•ndn vuu., today al S ll'wurt A1rf111r1 Ul N1•whurl(h. N Y , will 1·ncJ s1•parut11m:-. uf at l1·u:-.t 141 ~ month:. 444 day~ 111 ff' a r and liOJll', IJf I' X lll'flf'fH'I'' !hut 1·;in n1•vt:r '11J1le Ill' .,harc..-.l /\lmul. 15'1 d11M· family m•·m h ,. r s ' I n f' I u " I II Jo( ., II m f• grandflart•nl., and 11n1• fianl'f•, will IH' tr:in:-.1111rlf•cl 111 Sh ·w11rl al l(OV1·rn mn1I f'XflNI SI' 'l'ht• forrru:r hosllJKt:S art: lo l11ud1 down al uhout noon PST Th1·1r h11J111·<·o mtnl( will b (• privuk nu 1fitenilur11:s und no rt:portns Th11l's lht! wuy then: turning /\merifouns some 11t1ll l(rap1.1hnl( Wllh the horrors or their ordt•al wanted it, or fic·ia ls said T h e y the n will 1(11 i nto 1wdu11ion with their fomilres al the Wc•!il f'o1 nl M1l1 t11r y Academy l{Jll1l T ue11day Many <~he fam illell gathert.'d here Saturday for brleftnfC!I •nd a meeting this morninte with Reagan, Vice l're11ident <ieorie Hu11h and their wlve11 As they arrived in WHhinl(ton from point.a all over the country, the famlliH made provisions for today's welcome. Vir1il and Toni Slclrrnann, parenta ot Marine S1t. Rodney V. "Rocky" Slckmann, broutht th~ir 19-)'Hr·old ion Kurt and • bottle or champa1ne from Krakow, Mo. Vivian Homeyer brou1ht pop. com and 11u111e for her ret1u·n· Ina •later. Kathryn Koob. Carol EUedae, 1l1ter of Anny offlcer Joaeph Hall. picked out • red·white-and·bla.e outfit in Ken· newlck, Wuh .• for the oeciuioft. .. , mliht .. wen looll patrtottc . . . 1111 looll Hke a n11:· IM Hid. PoUce Md plaAacloth• 11..u c:lamped u,ht aeeurtt7 ae Ute c ... asyNIONI, P11e AJ) ' . - /\ I: S 11frw 1at ;i1·1·1·pl1·d l111· r11:-.1 .. , arnl a l11>11k 111' 11111·1 r ) li y l111· ,. t a':-.:-.11· 1'1·1 :-.io.ir1 p111·I 0111a1 Kha\ '<:tlll •Hid pn11111:-.t·d 111 rl1· l1vl'1 ttw111111 ttw 1·11 h11.,tag1·., /\111 1·rwa11 11ffll'1al., .,,lid tlll' •·x 11•1'1 a g1•., li;1d rl·1·1·1 v1·d 111<ir1) Jo( I ft .... f I IJ 111 (; I ' r I ll a II <t II ii /\1111·r wa11 w1·ll w .... 1.,.r ..... 11wl wl 111i: 1•11n ·1·la111 1 ••1111·., 111 I tll' I .1ll4·r I ~ l\1 •11 I r11111 C 'li;1111·1•l l111 I 11·1111111 Sd111111lt , l11li...l 1·r~. Ir 11111 a 111.:-.11111 I 1• I 1· V I ., I II II ., I a I I 11 11 ,1 II ii 1·li .111111:1g 111· l r 11111 :1 l111·a t W lfll'I'\ .J:11·k (';111111111 a '-;l al1· lfrpart 1111·111 'l"•kl'~111 :111, l11!tl ri·11•u-11·r., I hal all ~.:! w1·n · 111 d1·11:1rt l•icl<t\ l ri1111 11,.:ir.t.\ 1<111·111 Ma in /\11 1~1·1· 110."lt:, l'"K'' AZI Tough stand taken in Colombia kidnap ("o lo 111l11 a11 g11v1·rn1111·n1 11r r11·1a l., rl'fu:-.1·d Sa1urd :1v t11 n1 ·g•1l1al1· w1lli t1·rrr111~.t " wt.1, k 1rl11 ;1 Jllll 'cl :mil ;111· I lin·al 1•111111'. lo kill an /\11 11·111'a11 """'11111;1r~ lwl1111~·1111: lo a ll1lil1· lr111:u1.,t11• i:roup """''I 111 ll1111l11q.p 1111 ll•·lll'h t '11lo111l11a .., 111t1·r1111 111 1111.,tr·r ., :11d 11.... g11v1·n11111'111 w ii I "ar·t 1·al111tv" writ. n •garil to lhl· k11l 11a pp111Jo( •if ;,n /\1111·n•«111 lrnl(u,...t ""'""''' ldt1:-.I i11w1 rill;1 ;tlulu1·11w, li a v1· tlin·:1l 1·111·d '''kill h1111 l111l-n11r M1111:-.t1·r c;1·rrn;111 Z1·a lh:ro1andez 111ud llu: l(Uv~r.r11nc11l 11r 1'11·..,11l1·11t .lulto c ·, • .,ar Turli;!\ /\ \ .da wi ll 111,1 111·gol1al1 • with .,ul1vl'1 .,.•111,' 11111 1·xprc· ... :-.1·tl op 111111 ..,111 th:1I 1111· 111 .. or f'lw:-.lt r J\ llall Jlltll'l 111'111 1'11lllfl li1• '><IVt•iJ w11h •111I h11~111i.: 111 1111' 1!111·1 nlla:-.· d1·111 a111b '1'111' /\pn l l ~llh M11v1·1111·11I , llw I ;1 1 i.: 1·., I I 1• It 1.,, ~: 111· r r 1 l I a 1111•a1111:il11111 11111·1:111111: 111 11111> ~•llll h A11ll'r ll':111 nal 11111. '"'d ·Tllur...ih1\ lt1al ll1IL1·1111a11, :!k . ~""'" 111· kill•·d 11 11!1· ....... 1111· l1 11g111:-.lw 111:-.lll11t1· ll1al •·11111li1~., h1111 l1·a\1·., ltll' 1·11u11lr,v Tl11·v ..,,., I• 1·l1 1:1 :1~ Liit• 1h•adltn1· fur 111' p.irl 11r1• EX-HOSTAGE'S MOM COULDN'T BE HAPPIER Toni Slckmenn to welcome eon home C•" ·1·01: INSlltt: SQUE•:z•: IS ON Whal <·1tru11 growers c11ll "fln.cer blight" la li11ted on police lo•s as "crop theft." lflgher pricH and more urbanization m•ke the oran1es even more precious. A new county ordinance m ay 1lve the 11hertlf'H de11artment more power to slop lhe disappearance of produce from IO<'al groves. l'age C2. NOVEi. HHOW Tran1form· in1 Herman Wouk'a novel, "The Wlnda ot War," Into an all·llme TV apectacular for 1912 wlU COil Sii million, Involve 10 mont.hl ot lllmin1 in Europe and mark the TV debul-of ve teran a ctor Robert Mitchum. P11e 811 . TAITY TalUMPll Two Oran•• Co11l bu1lne11women bave added Nit to \heir boomlnl 1peclaUty loodl 1al•. Their dlt· tUtcUYI muetard and Hlad dnlt· i•I• are now dl1trtbuted na· Uoltwtde. P ... CI . " IU:GAI. RONNU:? Will W ashlngton, I> <.: folks emboss gold 11lar!I alonw rennsylvam• Avenui"' Man11a1nic E ditor Thomas Murphlne reviews the st.rt or Keate11n '11 "imperl•I presidency" hHed on four days spent c·overlna the lnauiural, and wonders If the capital'• m ed ia and the new p resident c:an ro exiAl . Pal(e A7 / INDEX l r11111...-c• • • ._..._ Ct C ........ At c ......... ~ .. OMt ... I ••tt ., .. CM .._ ... . A1111U ...... • ....... ., ...... ••o ............... Or .... C-, M ......... a ...... . .• .......... CM ...._ M DAILY "'"Of MCTIOM Clllr c.fls• ........ ...., TV._ Al DNlY PllOl Sunoey, Januery 25, IHI Happier past SC Nixon mweum ope,.. Tben were ff1M11 auuw..U .-.a. adbll&ve um• ..... ......... -.......................... apart tryll\I to hep their frM driab from 1pllU., At t.be-f•r tide ol the ~·rowded ruom lb• froaen, brome face. ol former 1•rea1dent and rlnt Lady l\jchard and Pat Nt•on 1tared 1m1,a.u1vely at the crowd 1athered .to honor them It waa lht' uP41nmii vi th• "Bit uf lh1tory" Nixon mt'morabaha n1wieum ln-Sai1 (;lemt1flh1 1 THOUGH THE l'EL,aaATl!D ··oa•£• San lemente r ldtinti wtire not t.Mr• to acknowledae the r ro•d ol well wlsh•n. ••nday. It ct1dn't seem to bother thou~bled ··nw N1xooa were very pnv•t11 people when they lived here u ad ttuward P~huae, • 32 year reaident ol the city u hf' stuod nut to the two sculpted b\&Sts ol lhe couple. ' As ·far ti I'm concerned there is DO COOtroversy 85· .,<><'1ated with tbt!m from havlfll lived here. All I know is that the> were auod ne11hbors and nace people." A madt.lle aged newspaper columnist beckoned his son toward a pboto1raph oo display showing the writer, then a young reporter, racina after the vice presidential can· d1date an 1962 as Nu1on glares and giv~ the thumb6-up sago "HE'S TELLING ME TO GET back in the animal pat " the colwnn.ist eaplained. "That's what we called the press car on the campaign train. His staff bad this printed up and sent to me." A group of three people 1athered around a glass case containina five Ufe magazine covers. The ·one most ad· mired pictured Nixon as a fresh-faced vice president. Dal· ed Ott. 14. 19153, it read "Nixon, a vice president who is makinc good." Other showcases in the room contained campai1n but· tons from all the former chief executive's political cam- paigns. One large one had a picture of Mn. Nixon. "Re- elect the First Lady" was written in bold yellow letters. "We or1aru:sed this museum to do honor to his pres- ence in San Clemente for 11 years," said Roy Fraser, general partner and president of the museum. "WHEN THESE MERIENTOS WEaE housed across the freeway at the San Clemente Inn, we bad more than 70.000 people from aU over the world come to see them and sign the guest book." Fraser and his partners in the mu.sewn project spent $600,000 to renovate the former barbecue food stand, local· ed across the San Diego Freeway from the former Western White House. Casa Pacifica. The building houses everything from the former pres- ident's golf bag to straw bats saved from the two Republican Conventions where he alfd Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower were nominated lo head their party's ticket. "Granted it's a mix of museum and concession stand for tourists," Fraser said. "Who knows, someday maybe we'll have the Nixon tapes here." ByJohnNeedh4m Hundreds of tires washed onto beach A sea of old black tires washed ashore along Orange Coast beaches Saturday after crashing waves from a dying Pacific s torm caused them to break loose from an artificial reef. Lifeguards in Huntington Beach reported finding JOO of the rubber rings. The off-shore reef serv es as a breeding ground for fi sh along Bolsa Chica and Hunt- ington beaches. Despite the bellyflopped tires a crowd of 3,000 trekked to Hunt- ington Beach, with many report- ed walking along the littered shoreline. In Newport Beach tires were reported drifting into the Santa Ana River channel. By Saturday the once l~foot swells that had attracted numerou s s urfers had diminished to 2 lo 3 feet from Dana Point to Seal Beach. The Orange Coast fared better than the rest of the state as authorities began calculating the damage from last week's ocean storm. Rescuers are still searching for a 17-year-old Marine sta- tioned al Camp Pendleton who was washed out to sea in San Diego Thursday after he slipped from a rock at Sunset Cliff. Mat- thew Ray had climbed onto the cliff to watch the high IS-foot waves. In San Luis Obispo boats were reported damaged from the strong surf. Storm damage was estimated at several thousands of dollars in Santa Barbara where waves tossed nearly 100 catamarans into parking lots and into each other. Beachgoers can look for tem· peratures in the high 60s today with water temperatures expect· ed to remain a chilly 59. f'r .. r.,,.A1 REUNIONS TODAY. • • Marriott llotel in Crystal City, Va., acr~s the Potomac River Biker injured in PCH crash A 26-year-old motorcyclist is in serious condition today after he crashed into a curb along Pacific Coast Highway in Sunset Beach. The unidentifie d man was taken to Fountain Valley Com- munity Hospital with leg and pelvic fractures, according to a spokesman for the California Hi1hway Patrol. The motorcyclist was north- bound on the highway when he crashed into a curb near 23rd Street. His motorcycle spun out of control and careened lnto a nearby lightpoAl sending a piece of the poAt crashing Into the windshield of a passing car . Thomas P. Haley l'ulllltllltr AObert N. Weed . ~ ..... ,.. M . ThOmas l<HVll l•ttM , ThOmas A. Murphlne Ma11991ftt ldlW (arolA.~ I lwldeyl ... c"''''"' , .. , o,.,,,. c .. u llldllllllfll (_..,.,, fl• MWt ..., .................. ..,'-'~ ., ...,..,.....,... "'"'" "'., .. r•111r•e11ue •lt••11I •lll•tl•I ,.,..., ... ,.~IJ'lt-r. from Washington, where the familie& were settled for their one-night stay in the nation's capital. Hotel spokesman Paul Lauaro s aid the Slate Department had reserved "the entire hotel from now until Wednesday," The hostage families are ar- riving," he said. "We are leav- ing all of our facilities open for their use, but the hotel will not be open to the public.'' Lazzaro said the families and Slate Department personnel as- sisting them were expected to occupy about 2SO of the hotel's 340 rooms. Reporters and cameramen clustered outside the hotel's main entrance, but their acc .. was restricted to one wln1. One reporter who entered tbe lobby to tallt with hotel officlab wu quickly grabbed by a security agent and hustled outside. Until Tuesday, the homecom- ing is a private matter. TELEPHONE All d1...,....111: (714) 142-u21 Cla11tfted ~: 142·1171 0,,tCll C:..• Meu: ...... , Strwt l..-INctl: 1117 Ne. CNtl Hltft ... y H""1lfltl., IMdl: 1'11S .. ecll ........ ,. VOL 74, fllO. • .. -Bo.dies· found • ID collapse ram«> <AP) -The bodies ot H"8 cOMtnlction woriters killed when a platform coUapeed at u .............. hydroeJectrjc project nortlMut ol here were recovered Saturday. the cor- oner 'solfice reported. The miners fell ~P lo 470 f4"t when the platform 1ave war un- der them Frida); ni1ht in a 9'70. foot shaft bored vertically into a Sierra Nevada mountain, authorities said. Another worker inside a caged elevator suatained a broken leg and WU nown here for treat· ment. The dead workmen were identfilied by the Fresno County Coroner's Office as: James Pharris. 33, Burks ville; Gary Halcomb, 31 , Marysville : Michael Mulrennan, 32, Big Creek ; Edwin Bissette, 21, Pomona; Merle Lear. 48, Dinkey Cr eek: Daniel Moreno, 23, Fresno. and John Clark, 25 of Fresno. Night shirt workers other than the seven on the circular plat· form in a 44-foot·diameter shaft were accounted for. said W.J. Tomei, project civil engineer. The workers on the platform were applying concrete to the s haft's walls for Granite-BaJI· Groves Co .• a joint venture of three companies constructing the plant for Paci.fie Gas and Electric Co .• Tomei said. A • statement issued by the com- panies said the platform had been in use three months prior to the collapse The statement also said that the cause was under investiga- tion by a team from California OccupationaJ Safely and HeaJth Administration, the construction company. as well as PG&E. ·'Some of the shirt had years and years of experience,·· Tomei said. "They 're kind of a s pecial breed of people ... The a ccident occurred 1 ~ hours before the men would hav e eomple t ed their work week The first three bodies were located on a ledge of the shaft 300 feet below the platform. a f'ro• Pagr A I HOME. • • Base after a brief ceremony. Officials said U.S. Army and Air' Force bands would play at the departure from the same airfield where a jubilant crowd cheered the Americans' arrival from Tehran and Algiers just before dawn Wednesday. Sources in Washington said the form er captives would fl y to Ste wart Airport in Newburgh, N. Y .. and take buses to the U.S. Military Academ y al Wes t Point, where they will spend a few days in seclusion with their families. Families of the ex-hostages were flown lo Washington on Saturday in preparation for a flight this morning to New York state for the reunion. Despite four days of rest and "decompression " al the Wiesbaden hospital, Cannon said many of the returnees are "still fatigued, still in stress condi- tion " after their Ion~ ordeal. "There has been and will be continuing return or the 'posl· stress syndrome' associated with confinement, their beatings and various other m istreat- ments, .. Cannon said. Police search for kidnapper 'near Irvine . Police and sheriff's deputies aided by search dogs wer e com bing a remote orange grove near Irvine late Saturday night hunting for a man who kid· napped a young woman from an Orange shopping center and forced her to drive to the des- olate area. The unidentified woman between 18· and 20-years-old was leaving work at The City shop- ping center in Orange when she was approached by the suspect, said Orange poll~ Sgt. Dennis Flannigan. Sheriffs deputies spotted her car stopped on the edge of an orante grove about 8:30 p.m. near Tr~buco Canyon and Jef. frey Road. according~ to dep- uties. ·'The police checking the car may have spooked him," said Sat. Flannigan. "She was In the 1rove and he let her go." Police said that the woman was not raped or otherwise hurt in the ordeal . Officers from Irvine and Oran1e and Coeta Mesa'• police helicopter participated in the Harcb. Trained dol• trom Hunt· ln1toa Beach were called to the 1eene et lO:JO p.m . Tb• fOUD1 woman ran toward the police when 1be wu treed and UM 1mpect -a male white ln Illa mid to. with a lbort. tbbl atature -ned lD the oppoltte dlreeUGD, aald P'lanalaan. • • I 7 plunge to deaths elevator case at the same level as the platform whkh jo.tled the caae. when platform breaks The accident occurred at 10:25 p.m . Friday durin1 the nilht shift of workers buildin1 a shaft desi1ned lo relieve air pressure from an undergrouncl tunnel. Paclfic Gas & Electric Co. spokesman said. unstable, dangerous debris tiampered early efforts to find the bodies. "It i• uery hazardous opera- tion for the (rescue) people to get under the shaft," Tomei said. The entire platform suspended from four cables fell to the bot- tom of the shaft, Tomei said. The injured worker, David Piercey, 35 , of Albany, Ky., W'as reported "doing very well" after bi.I leg was set at a hospital here and he was discharged at mid-morning. •An attending nurse said Piercey's "preference Is not lo speak to anybody. lie said he doesn't remember. I think I re· membe.r him saying that." Tomei said Piercey was in the The S3IM million plant 50 milea northeut of here will have a capacity of 1,125,000 lrUowatta. When completed next year, it will supply power from this Cen· tral California area north dwinc peak summer demand periods for the utility which serves most of the northern and central part ~f the state. The accident is not expected to delay construction. Al'Wi ........ BIG YELLOW RIBBON ON NEW ORLEANS SUPER DOME WELCOMES EX-HOST AGES O•kland, Phlladelphl• clHh for NFL chemplonahlp on dey the 52 come home It's a Super Sunday I 00 million to glue their eyes to the Big Game NEW ORLEANS (APJ -PT Barnum would have loved 1t. America's biggest traveling ci rcus came to New Orletns this past week for ils XVth show. and an audience of about 100 million will be watching on Super Sun· day. What started in January 1967 as a simple rootball game to de· cide whether the champion or the National Football League . C'Ould beat the best team in the old American Football League has grown into a mass ive party that seems to involve JUSl about ever yone. Somewhere in the middle . or all the hoo1>la that surrounds the S upe r Bo wl . th e Oakland Raid e r s w i ll pla y lhe Philade lphia Eagles for the c•hampionshiµ of the NFL today About 100 million will be tuned to NBC when the 3 µ.m . PST kickoff comes after a two-hour pre -game show And that JOO million people will mean parties from Paoli, Pa .. to Petaluma as Ame ricans gather to watC'h Many will be more t ha n C'asually interested. The Super Bowl is America's biggest bet ting binge Nevada cas inos, where one can legally wager on a football game. handle about $10 million in bets on the Super Bowl. But the legal odds m a kers guess that hundreds or millions or dollars ride on the outcome of this gaml' through offire pools, friendly bels, and wagers placed with bookies. The center or a ll this fo r Super Row! XV is New Orleans. and the partying is fast and furious in a town that's made for it. The city expects to take in about $40 million from the morP than 70.000 vi sitors to the city "You 've got to remember that the Super Bowl attracts the ul timate big spenders ... says Ed Nebel, director of the school or llotel. Restaurant and Tounsm Administration at the University or New Orleans. T ona Cascv. a wait ress at lloulihan's on Uourbon Street. ha s seen Mardi Gras, Sugar Howl and . Super Bowl crowds rnme and go. She s aid the crowd now thronging Bourbon Street is the best. "Why, because they're decent people... she said. The Philadelphia Eagles or "lggles" as they are called back hom e seem lo have brought along the biggest cheering sec· tion. Green 1s all over the streets in banners and beanies. shirts and signs. Raiders blark 1s here too. but not in full for ce But then Oa kland 1s a longer trip and the "T raitors .. have been trying to move the club to Los Angeles. We7e Listening .••• The Daily Pilot wants to hear from its readers, what you like about the paper and what you don't like. We also would like to publish your views on any subject in our letters to the editor col- umn Call the num)>er below and your message will be recorded. M essa~es will be transcribed several times daily and delivered to the desk or the appropriate editor Mailbox contributions will I.le deli vered to the editorial page editor Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. !'lov circulation call s. please Tell us what's on your mind The number 1s in service 24 hours a day. seven days a week 642•6086 SKIING NECESSITIES ·~ • • HATS: CtNer your head with a hot to help keep • your hands and feet worm. 40% of body heat is lost when your. heod is not covered. GOGGUS: Goggles will heip protect and worm your face in c:otd weather. whether it's snowing or not. They ore essential for visibility when it is snowing. GlOVES OI MITTENS: When buying a 91oYe or a mitten consider first where you will be skiing and how cold it will be. A weU insulated mitten is considerobfy wormer than o glove. ; Al"WI ........... D ogyone It ' Lauren Stever1s uj (;rand Island. Neb need.~ a new leasl1 011 life She's trymg tu walk her tltree dugs at the same tmte Ch,.rlarking "'perferfion' <'her, krHJ\1.11 tor ht·r rl' 'ea ling l·o:.lurncs. ~a.vs shl' dot•:.n 't think '-ht':. \t•r v st• x ~ and l'er I •uni) not 1n a I t' a g u t• w 1 t h t'arrah t'aw c f'tt or M a ril )n Monuw. .. I II on 'I lh'lnk I 'm a 1 sex symbol.· CHE A the s inger says in the current issue of Forum ma~az1nc ··Marilyn Monroe was. but I don't e\.cn see rn\sclf as Farrah Fawt·ctt. w0ho was I ess th an Mon rue M' look t•ame in lx'<·aust· 11 wa·s hard to relatt· to women like :-.Jon roe or f''c.irrnh .. -.he said • · 1 ·m mon• l1kc llarbra St r t-1santl , who is not a ht'.1ut1ful woman . ther<·'s no ""' vou t'an :-.tn•lt:h 1t But s h~··~ sl'll1ng s 11ml'lh1ng morC'. and I 1 h1nk that·:. a good 1 hing, for 11coplc to hl' atilt• to lovt· \OU and think 'ou·rr· ht•a111.1ful , t•vcn 1f y o u r (' n 01 t h e · fl t• r ft• ct W(llTI ~In l.1kt· a rl'ru n o f a fi() Minull's" c·µ1 ... o(I<• with a h rtl'f upd iJ I l' lat·kNI on thP end . Dan Rathe r a nd 1 hl' C'h11·a gu c a b cl r 1 ,. l' r _ art.-at 11 ./J again --'-' H ob<-rt 1-: ~/' M ann . a -~.. law~t·r lor RAIH[A 1 h l' c· a hb1 l'. said f''rnla\ ht• "111 file a (•om plutnl anusin~ the c us newsntsll'r of m1 stlcmcanor 1 hf'ft of st•r v1n·s ;.ind f;u lurP lo p~y a t·haufft•ur ' d 1 ... 0 rill' rh 1·und U C' I J ftt•r l(.1lh1·1 , ,,;lll•illtnl'd la'l '-:o \ 1•111 l11•r h1.•'d hl't'll k id 11..111111·!1 · th f'htll1p ... and tJkt•n for a "llcl ruk north of do\I. 11low11 l'hw<1go Ha lht•r cl 1d 11 l a PJH•ar 111 n1urt Frida} 111 prt·s:-. tht• d1 :-. o r d e r 1' t' on ti u e t d1 a r g l' :.iga111st ·Pt11ll1ps. and tht· l·ast• wa:. t'onl inued ovC'r l·hl: µro lt•sts of Ph11l1ps ' l:.iw.' er J anws /\h('rn. Hath('r's .1t torn l' ~ s Cl HI th l' n l'" s man "has ht•t·n l1t·d up 1n ('\ t•nts s urrounding thl' hostagt•s Jnd I hl· 111aug11rat111n " Furmt·r Y1pp1 t· lt•atkr Ah· bie lloHman, who s urrt·n clt'rC'd m S<·11tt·mlll'r to fan· a l!J73 <·oc·atnl' sdhng e har)!t'. has l'hanged his pll'a to gull t ) 1n hopl's of l!C'll1n~ J lighter sentcnn· The gra~ ang , 1:1 ~ l'ar 11111 lormer Vietnam War pro ll'Sll'r faC'l's no mun· than fl\'t• 't·ars in stale• 11ris1in un dt·r ·a pica harga1n ""rkt'<I tlUI Fnrlc.i\ "1th till' cl1-.1r11·1 allorney·s· offin· lit· 1·11uld go fr<'e on probation Hoffman, who pll'adt·d 1n not·c•nt afll'r s ui-rt•ntfrring Sept 11. would have· fan•cl a m aximum Sl·nlt·nee 11f If, years 111 prison if 1·onv11·1ecl Sentencing w;is S<'hcclulcd for Marc h 6 'It ' ht.·t•n a 71 · vt·ar or dl':tl t1ll'lucl111g Jail · C1nd 't•;1r-; on th1• run. ll1Jffman told n·p•!l"tt•r.., uul:.1de 1:ourt · · 1 1111111• n11 11111· f('{•I.., I s hotild ho• Ill J<1tl l!wll\1• \t'Clf" Tt•lt·vis 1on pt·rson 11 l1 t.\ Da vid t·'ro.;t ~111d L ) nnc t 'rt'dt•rkk, w1d1J\\ o l c·omt• cl 1:1 n i>l'l l'I' S1•ll1·r~ w1•r1• rnarr11'<I Saturda) fo'ro.;t, II anti llH' i!!l vc·a r uld llri11 sh ac·tres:-havt' bt'l'll s 1·1·11 tn)!t•l la·r frt'que nll) "1 111·1• las t l>c•l't'lllht·r Tht•y h.111 tl :clt'd "x \ 1·ar' ag<1, hdi>rt· ht·r 1'177 mLirnag<· t<) S1•llt·r ... "ho d11•d la:-.1 Jul: 11 Thi• Ht•\ ('harll''> Halph '>.lid ht• Jll t''lllt-d O\'l'f I he ('hurd1 of fo:ngland 1·t•rt•mon~ in St l'(•t •·r·., ('lturd1 in tlw I Ill\ "u II o I k \I II .1 !.! t' "f Tlwh1·rto11lll'<trI1,...w1 l'h II w,1., lh1· f11..,l 111 arnag1• ftir Fro'l and tht· .,1·1111111 1111 \1 1..,.., Frt·1h·rid. \'11·tona . "•·llt-1' Iii )t•ar old d :1111.!11t1·r ti\ 111:-. m ar r 1.1~1· 111 111ov11• sl•ar Britt fo~kl :1111I , t11ld !ht· l\rtt 1..,h donn·st1(· r1t·ws ,1g1·n1·\ I 'r•·..,.., 1\s ·11·1;1 t 1on h\ t 1·le ph111w fr11m :,os 1\ 11g1·1,.., "Wh \ d tt.l I.~ 11n1· k1•1•p 1t·ll111g us al l ho" mud1 -.h<' lo\t•d dad<h .1fl l'r Ile dil'd" flow t'Ould. s hl· rnarr) -.om 1•on1; 1·lse ...,, 'illon ·• """'~ Th l' <I r 1 v~,. r . t-: u gt' n l' l'hilhps , was 1·hargcd with DAVID FROST, LYNNE FREDERICK WED IN ENGLAND Richard Spooner dies NB· chamh~r"~ ~x-chi~f ~uceumh.-; in Vir~nia K) THOMAS M URPHINt: Of 1"9 0•11' "il•I Sl•lf WAS HINGT ON . D C Richard II. "01ck" Spooner. an Or ange County Lincoln Club dir ector and 1mmcd1ate past- president of the Newport II arbor Ch am ber of Commerce. died in near by Arlington. Va Friday after s uffe ring an a11par ent heart attack. lie was 57 Spoo n er had hcen i n Washin~ton to lr•ad the Lincoln Clu b delegat ion at in augural festivities. Ile had stepped down from tht• Newpor t c hambe r pr esiden1·y just one week ago. He and his wife. Georll(ia. left Was hington Thursday for Ar lington where he was finishing some le~al business and visiting friends. lie had complained only or a s light cold. Spoo n e r was rus h ed t o Orth ppe d ic Nation al Rehabiliatation Hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival at 5 p.m .. PST, a ccord· in1 to nursing s uper visor Betty DIES AT 57 Richard Spooner Pearson. An autopsy was pend· ing News of S poon er 's d e ath .Poles press demands with one-day strike WARSAW, Poland (AP> -A m~ority or Polish workers de· fletJ the government and s tayed home from their jobs Saturday to press demands ror a five-day work week. The government ..Umated 80 percent of the work force stayed home while ln· dependent trade union esUmalel l'..,ed f~ 70 percent to 95 •cent: 'he Nte news a1ency PAP alM Satarday'a lou·ln industrial .. uctiaa to the Dal1oa •• debt· ....... lllli'MftY "probably"•· cMdtd -~ mUllOll. ' One uniden~ified. economist c haracterized the continuing government-labor confronta- tions as "a total disintegration of the national economy.·· •'Throughout the country, between 70 and 95 percent or workers in offices, shops and factories were absent from worlr," said a spokesman for the G d ansk headquarters of Solidarity, the independent trade union that emeried Rom last .ummer's strikes and which tlalma ICllDe 10 million mem· bera. I 'ho<"kt·d """'" 1atcs Jnd 1·1,·11: l1 •;1d1·r.., al1111g tht· Orang<• C:oast ·1 am ... 1mpl) shoekcd and g ri1•\ 1~1 · ... aul i\.....,t•rnhlywoman \1 ..1 rt.1n lkri.~l''>lln 11r :"llcwp<1rt lk :wh "lit· wa ... m' friend an<I Cl r t•al l1·ad1·r and thl· ktncl of per,on w1• c·annot afford to lfl!->•' "I It• was sclflt• ... s <int.I gav(• ~·' 111ud1 111 h1ms1·lf for the hustnl'SS 1·nm rnun11 v and 1·au .,c s he hel1ev1•d 111 ;\/h w1 s hc:. a nd prayt·r.., go out · to (;<'11rg1 a .. S p 11 o n " 1' m a n a g 1· d M r s l\C'rg1·son·, l!nf! 1·ampaign S peaking 0 11 ht·half of lhc 1·1ty, Newport llt-ath Mayor Jackie 11 t•athl'r said. "Dick Spoone r's dt-ath 1s a partll'ularly hard loss for ml' hcC'ausc of his t·ontribu· lio n s of w i t . humor a nd leudNship. lie C'Ould turn had s ituations into 1>os 1tive ones. lie will be missf-d to an in<'redible <ll-g ree " 1-· o r m c r New p o r l Be a c h mayor Oonah1 Mc·l nnis said, "Dic·k Spooner was an absolute· ly fa ntasll<' com munity leader This is a terrible loss ... An international corporate at· torney who lived and practiced in Newport Bea ch, Spooner was a d irector of the Orange County Mus ic Center and 33rd degree Ma son in addition lo his other c ivic and political activities. lie was a retired lieu{enant colone l in the lJ .S. Air Force, having ser ved as an attache in Europe dur ing World War II and in Berlin when recalled during the Korean War. Born In Portland , O r e ., Spooner earned law degre es from George Washingt on Uni verslty and Williamette University and held a degree ln Rusaian studies from Syracuae Unfverslty. M asoolc luneral serviees are tentatively scheduled Wedn•· day al Pacific View Memorial Parll cbulll C~a del Mar, at 2 p.m. wt1h .nal to follow with military honon at 1r•ve1lde. I 0 Sunday. January 25 1981 DAILY PILOT ..... Jiang giVen death But Mao's widow !franled 2-year reprieve PEKI NC I AP > C hi na's h i .: h e s t <' o u rt s e n t e n c e d C h a i rman M ao Tse.lung's widow, Jiang Qing to death to· day but s uspended her sentence for tw o years to give 'he r a C'h ance to r eform ror c rimes of f ram i n J( a n d persecuting C hinese leader s durin g the 1966-76 Cultural Hcvolution. Former Vice Premie r Zhang Chunqwu was given the same s u s pl'nd<·d .s~tcn<"e as Jiang. who began I.<> s hout s logC1ns after thf' senten('c was announl'ed, re fused to leave the C'Ourt ·and had lo be dra)'(gcc1 out. a<.·t·ording to Chine ... <· sources wh<> attended the trial Ei g ht other to defendants V. l'r t• J:!I vt•n '>l'lltclll't•:. ranging from 16 )t-ar~ to ltfe Six of them J lrea,dy have been 1n t·ustody for m ore than nine yea rs, which w ill count against their sentences ··Down with r e v 1s 1o n1 sts headed by Deng Xiaoping!," "It 1s right to rebel'" and "Ma king revolution is no t·rime~" they q uoted her a s shouting . Deng, purged twice during the c h aotic C ultural Revolution whe n the Cang of f'our held power, now 1s a (.; o m m u rt i s t P a r t v v 1 t• e eha1rman ancl C h i na 's top leader Thi' sources s a uJ Jiang Cling was hancJ<"uffed after the sen tt'nt'C! was etnnounl'cd . and t he invited aud1en1·e of about 800 ap plauded the Judgments. 1-'or mer Vire P remier Zhang. laht:IE'd a fellow "<·h1ef t'iJlpnt" 1n J iang {}m~·s Gang of !-'our, v. as ~iven the same S'Uspended cll'C1tn s1·nten<"e. wh1 l'h m eans China's Supreme Court will re· view both senten ces in two year s to decide wheth er to execute the defe ndants · A II t~e d'-'fcndan ls rated possi· ble d eath sentenC'es on c harges of frame ups, 1wrsccutions. and plots of armed rebe ltion. Obser vers had predided Jiang ~mg would receive a s us pended death sentente even though she alorw has rem ained openly de· f1anl during the trial before the 35·JudgC' panel at tht• S upreme C o u r t t' o rn p o u n cl a t N o I H 1)i(h1'."'t1usnes~ Hoa cl Throughout l11t• trial. which e nded a month ago, s he re · matnl-'<l dd1unt and denounced her Clt·t·usc:rs and JUd)'(es as "re· vis wnists" wlto had turned thcir bat'ks 1111 Mao's pol1t·ics TRI CIA MATIHEWS FOLLOWS CHRIS GRAHAM IN UNIQUE PRODUCTION In background , Candice Copeland and Torn Shelton act out roles Getting message aeross Kids enjoy play on comnumicatio11's hiswry 1-:11rai>l llrt•d d11ldrt•n s at on lh1• t·d g1•:-. of th1·11 "l'iJh, tlll'1r e~•·.., ri vctt•cl 011 lhC' South ('oai.t Heper11ir) slag1· a s tht• ('t1sl;1 Mt·~<t 1·om1rnn\ <;t aged a nt·" mu<;11•al to tour lol'al :.<·hoots N o 1 a h u n d r <'cl h 1 r I h d <t .' part It'!\ t•dgcd with ~atl y 11·t'<I c·akt·s niuhl ltav1· •·oi11man<k·tl I ht• sam1• rapt .it I t•nl 11111 fr11111 lh<' young auclrt·r11•1• who 1rn1•k1•d th1• SC'H thc•atn t11 "l't' 'Tht· Cnmm11nll'ul111n Sl1ow Sign ... , Ltn<'s and WiJ vt·.., · W(•aring hl;u·k pa tr•11l lt•<1ll11·r s h o <' s, a ncl I 1 tt It· 1· h "1· k 1· red cl r1•-.scs or t·ar1•fully 1ront•rl s hirts thn sat almos t hr1•alhlf's.., CIS tht· lt~<'lv mus i1·al ah11UI th<· his tory of ;.ommun1t·ut11rns un folded twforr· tht•m A fl'w g1ggl<•s s lipped out "ur reµt1t tuusl) followed "-' polit1· applau.•w as lht• ras t launched mt<> <J wt:alth 11f tll'11ghtful song and dance roultncs ('h1ldrcn Wl'rt' not a lont• 1n th eir f'OJovment of thf' pla) On1· youn g rathl'r in a nav) hlue hus1 nt·ss s u11 was "••(•n a hscnt mind dt•rll} st1t·king his f1ngrr-. 1n his mout h. s11 a hsorh£'<1 was ht· 111 1111· jll'rforrn;111• 1 Tht· 1·htldren s pl01~ IJ~ Dun' 1\.117.lt•\ c1Jrll'f.'rns lhl· <'h<J n~ing h1sl11r~ of 1•111n11111ntt·.1t111ns from grunl ~ Jnd L•ar h !'>.lgn languaJ:!t• to 1 h1· s11ph1,t walt"I (.•11·1·1 ronw mPd1;.111f r.1!1111 and IPl1•\ 1'111n Wlwn· I" th•• ht•;irt of lh1• \Oil t' 11f l111• lalkmg mot'htn•"' .1 ... ks Bt'<'" ulf "'h11 h;,.., IH'''" 11r11 pt·ll•·d 1111 •1 th•· llJth 1·1·ntun fro111 his 11wn prim1t 1\t· n il! ur1• l"r11n1 tltl·n · lht· 1·,1 ... 1 hn!lrt'> u r ....... tn.Jt mg q111·st f11 r th .. rrit·an 1ng ht•h111<I la11g 11a gc· :ind tho· d1ang1·s th;ll ha' 1· 111·1 urr1·d fr11m th1 · l'<•ll\ E'l:11rc•ss 111 th1• f1r"l n1•w.,p.1p<·r arnl l<•l1 •gn1ph ·\ !.1:-.I p~Jn·d "hfl" 1•11011111·1 t' "Ith (';1tf'tl_\ :-OllllJ.!" tjUIC'k l'CI" I u 111 t· 1 • h a n g 1 •" J n d ~. t r • 1 n g p1•rf11r111.tnl't'"' .11111" ,.cl no f1clg1't Ing ··1 lo\t·d 11.' "aid Suz, Emt:rs1in 11. o f< '1 1rono del Mar 'I l1kl'<I ;, lot oft l11ni.:s ahout 11 · T c·n ', ar old t-:r1n l'ox of ('11r11n ~1 ·dl'I :\br siiul that s ht> t-n '''-' n l lhl· s11nJ.!" m 11:-t of •all "a11I <"hris lfuher ·11 "<I " good I ltke<l tht• part "'1th th•· g1a1111ap1· n·ronh·r · <..,('Jl d1rt•1·111r .Jo h11 l><t\ld Kl'llt•r adm1tti•!I that tht• pl;n Ill.I\ lit ,1 IJlll•• 111" • fllllJllit•att'U f11r '111111· '1111ng 1·hddren. but .1d1f..d tha t 1111,...t "111 undt'rstand ""'n c·t l11nL' Tlw' 11 lton1•...r """' Kl'llcr of 111 ... \•11111g .tti<l wn•·(• The) 'rE- u n "'11•h 1 ... 111 :•I •·•1 \nu know "hl'll l/11•\ t'lljll\ 11 "1111·t• 1•11,•1 lltt• 1·11,ta '1t-sa 't1!11p.111 ' ti.1 -. ..,t,111•·d th<tu<;ands "' 1••·rt1111r1.1111 .... '··J•''' 1:111) f<1r C't1dclr1•11 1 ...... 1 ''"" ... w111· :.11 11011 <·htldren .1tl•·nd•cl 111•1 t1• 11!.111 200 ,,,.rf,.1111.111•···., 1.111•·d II\ tlw S('H )! l'IJli ft '1'11111 W.11 ti pr ''"''lltf'd ;i S<!:l,{.MMI d~1 ·1·k "" l11 •hall nl :\11·r v\n'.s '-l •ll 1'' 1111 1111· c·1111l 1111ial 1111; of 'l 'I<.., l:•HI l•:ct1wat1onal T11urini.; I' rod u< 111111 Tl11· !"I 'It 1·:1 ... 1 1s a\·ailahle for l1wr ... 111 "i11u tl11•111 ('a l1fornia throui,:h .111111· 1:1 1·11.,,t 1s $1711 For 11111r1· 1nf11r111 .t1 11111 c·a ll :1~1 i i:!hlll Tht• 111us1t·al t·asl of Candice 1-opt•la111I. ('hri' <;raham. TnC'ia \1.cllht·"' and T•1m She lton 1s s upporlt•cl It~ llw 11r()(lul'l1un "lafl :\1 .1rk l>onnt·ll~. Dwi~ht II 11·hard I >cll t'. Diane dt'Pricst . < 'h111 k \l•1<11 t· \t whael Beech, \; .1nC'\ I l.1rna11n a11d l.l'o ('nllin 7 FURNITURE STORES UNDER ONE ROOF! . . ~~~~~~~~~--~ ~~ - CARPETS • DRAPES • TV • STEREO • ANTIQUES • DESKS BEDROOMS • LIVING ROOMS • DINING ROOMS MHOME ~FURNISHINGS MllALL EUCLID AT SAN DIEGO FWY -FOUNTAI• VALLEY 171·1111 ' "" UAll Y PILO l NATION I WORLD Hostage pac_t lets ReUgan s"'how firm ness WASHINGTON I A I' I l'ht-•art-t.llllt.mt "'1th I ran fCIV~ the Kt~ .. 1(1111 <HJ1111n111t r ttltoo 1t~ hn.t l'han<•f' to show 1t an1 .. nct11 t•• 1·1111duC'l lJ ~ for'11ttn Poll r~ •llh IA fi rm hand , M<»ll> for th1 ' n ·u,011 th" dt•al th1tl freed Iran S2 mert1·1rn 111111\1 v1·" " um.It·• '1nlt•m11vt' ft'\ l("\lfo allho11ah £1\1'1 t' 11' hlllc• th1111JI lht• ad ni1n1Mnallot1 will w1 nJ ua> t·ndvr1111nai th. l.:11011 Thv avvriw ... 1 '" "''' ot lo 'll(lliil the world that • n.-..,, 't'l of lt>lldt•ti. htt' t1&k1·11 m n 111 W1t'it11n.ituu, •nd ltiltlt UH:) "'111 tw tuu~h \11 1ll•al with IO lltt" ("\'('Ill of anoth.-r Iii("\ uf tcrron i.111 Thc.i.e "'~11 111, 111.i\ r .-1M· 11ul·,\l11n' .. twul ' mt>n ('t1n \'Offim1t111t'11h .:••m•r 1tll) t111'kt'Vt't Th\') 1tla.o nt.i\ me n · .. i., lhlll't'lll tu1 tht' thrn · l' ..., \'II ucn~ · l ) n\l11i1 U\\ 'u . ~Ohl -.Ol>h,<1111 and /.1u ~ u'"'r\ lrnov. 11 10 bt• 111 Ii ~111 .w J;111' .i'> wt'll "" for tht'r Wt',lt'rn 0<1l 11111ub Ill I• Im "llll lhc'il rt'l'Oll'h\ 11<1' ll'I I Ill<'> Thr W.-11 Strt"t:I Jvurndl hu!> ,,rnJ th• pal'l hJ!:> ltlt' ' nH' Cl)Of d i \IJ(Hltrl~ ..... "'' a~l t'4"lllt'ltl 111<1J1· ' .~ •.• !' & ....... Planning ~aiile' U.S. Marines plot strateg~ as units from the Rapid Deploy ment Force fight 'So'"iets' in mock war in Southe rn Californi a desert. with M ludnu"per, that is to bay, none at a ll Thl' t.-ditonal advised Reagan lo exam111r the agrcNnc nl <"Urnfully and to renounce it if Uu· unfulf1llt>d provisions do not ~nt!fit Amera·an 10 lt:r cs t:. The Journal also questioned the consl1tu 111111<1ht y o_l.J.Jw lJ S µledg., lo take da1mi. a1<a1ns1 11 1111 uui ur Arnc r1<•an r ouru and have them sub 111 1ll\'d lo J O 1nlc rn;,t11111al tribunal 111 \IK•l·r~ where l ht> final terms were nailed do"' n, :.11111t' d1plomal1l· observers told rc1>0rters lht.1l th~· :wrorcl wa~ a legalistic Jungle which wo ulJ 11rulw hh 111·1·u1>) Amerfran lc~al authorities I 111 ' \'<Ir' "T iit: Ut .. \L rnulcl tmn~ up all ~ort~ of prob IL·t11!:>, · ''utl un 111f 11·1ul who followed the nt:gotn1 !·1011~ 1.·lo:,cl> .\l\ the ho,llif::t.'l> tell or the ir ordeal. thl' 'rllll'IMTI pCOIJjhl\ "'111 J.!ruw A~kL'<i 1f reµorts or n1 tl>frCaliuerll WOUid Ill akc ll h<irtJtor to l'll rry OUt th{' a..:rccmt·11t, William lht"h, the St<ill' Depart Saturcl:t\, units c·ont111ue.J lin· lire e >..t'rtt'-t' wi th tt."ar i.:as f1n•<I .11 lht•tn I rnm I t.1· ·en t·m~ Korea clampdown ends But Clm1i still retaim stroll!{ p<11(¥-'rs SF:OLIL. South l\ort:a I A I» The longes t period of marta:il law to modern Korcun h1 ston came to an end today Pres ident C hun Doo hwan Idl ed th•· m ilitary decrcf' in the second government ac tion this "'eek that was expt•t·lc·d Lo imp rove n· latiuns with lh(' I lnitr•d Stalt:s · "The foundation for sot·1cil s t a bility h<.ts b een reslorPtl. Chun said 10 announ<'tng the end of 15 months of martial law 1m posed after thf• OttulJc r I 97!.I as sassrnation of President Pa rk Chung hee There were ft•w outw.1rd sign!> of chan~e tn this t<Jp1tal 1·1L~. h o\\ever . and d 1plo mat1c· source!'! said they ex pec·leti any futun· t•hang1..-s 10 be g radual A MIDN IGllT lo 4 a rn curfew s ttll was in crrcc:t and will continue. and an appoinlc-<l legislative assembly alrc<id) h<1l> passed several meas ures that will take the pl ace of sornc martial-law de<'rees. The measures, described a-. "safeguards against possible re· currence of social disorder.·· 1n dude a new assembly and dem onstration law. a basic pr ess law and amendments to labor laws . Formal press censorsh1µ end1•d "'1th tht: term1nat1on •if m<t rltal la"' but lh1· mt•d1a will rl'm ain untlcr <'IO!>C' g11v(•rnml'nt control Chun also will retc11n l'l'rl ;11n °0 UVl'l"'ilght . ('Cl\\ Cl"'- \ h 11n al!-.11 ,announl'l·cl prt''o 1 d c n I 1;, I <·IL· c I 1 o n s am'' n .i.: a uthonird c·:md1dalcs f11r i''Ph 2:, and parltarnl'nt ar~ t'll'tll1111.., to hl· l,l'ld '11011 aHt•r f'h1111 '.dH1 llll'!'to.. I ll \\"a't. 1l1).!l1111 I•"'' rn ron lh "'''h Thi~v~s takt> hahy ~l~phant ('1)1't•::-.:11J\c;E N . D t·n OI a rk I /\ l'. T ti II'\" t·'o hr11k1· 11H11 lilt'< '<1pc•11hc1~l'O tcio t1\'•·n11gh t and s\1>h· a 1;m pound lrnt.~ l'lt•phant. pol1c·t· n·portctl Salun l<Jj . Off1 ec r ~ sa id the l'll•phant wa ~. s n a t r hc d from under the trunk'> or two g rown elephants . marc·he<I through a dark and descried g a r dt"n. taken out through a largP holl' cut in the fonn' and d rt Vl'O off in a 1 ruc·k or \'(Ill • I 'n ·-..111!•111 l<··~u .. ,111 lttt1·d 111.1n1.1l la"' :1 11.1:. Jh•·r !'11:11rnul111g lhl· ScjJl 17 ckal Ii -..L·111 <·n"'' 11f 111 ... p<>l1lieal ard1 fl\ al d1 >.-..itl1·11t lt-;1tll·1 K11n IJ.11 JUllJ.! K 1 m h:id tw1•n ex 1w1·1 t•rl lo 111 I Ill' 1l-;1ding 11pp11-.1l 111n r·a111f1t1;1lt• 1n 1111• Jlrt".trlPnl1:il t•l•·o 111111 -. 111 1111'" hh :trr ..... t \l;.I\ r;' """ 11111\ 11 1111111111 h;1rl'1' •1l 1·tl1t11•n .111cl :tll1·111p11111• lol 11\ o JI h1 fl'-' tho· J.'''' l r1rn11·n1 h.1111 h.od d1 •n11•d • ha rJ,!•''> 1 l1,1l tw org.111111•11 l:t\I \l a '.., n:al111rtV111!1• 111·11t 1·q JJ.!Jlll:-1 111 tl llJr' r11i1· lh ttl I ul1111fl.HL>1 I 1n .1 bl;•ll•h 1q111 ... 111g I n Ii I... II a 11 \ l" f\ \~ .. II~: J II In -..0111h1111•'l l\n1 t•a H1•ag:m. Ilk" lornll'r Pr t·'o1d1·n1 f'art1·r h <1 o! 11pp11i-.t·d Kirn '!:> 1h':alh sr>nt1•n1 t' ,\ ~t :1!1· lll'JHtrl 1111•111 -.p<1k•·!:>rnan , .wl ii,.. 111ni 111 u lal1 11n v.ill 111 nl r1butt• ''''" 11 \ t h l• 1 1 il l· -..1 n ·11 g llwn ing ''' rl·I at 111n • twl"' 1·t·11 tht· I 'n1t1·d Stul t'!:> and Soul h f\1irl'i.1 GO\ E R ~)1 E"1T "11urn•:o. 'ia1d <'hun" .. :11:1i1111~. a n · f·"<pcr·ll·tl to 1mpnl\'1· t11' lt:m1l In ta lks with Ht·agan whoin he \ 11·~' <J'. J I riendltl'r ull.' than l".irtcr C'h1111 I!'> ••\111·1·lt'<I fo a"o k Rt«11.!a11 nnl to wit lrtfra"' an~ nf lhf' 111,lllWt l :--I I ClllJIS 1·11rn·nth ha!:>t•d 111 '-11111th l\11rr•a Utah fog siege breaks Snow to continue in rwnhem Rockies · un,t•\onabl'r m11d wt•lf\Pr tJl•nUlf'd '""' M•d-•• on Sllu•Cl•Y !oelllno rec:Of'd h•O"' tor lht Clo 1n parh of Nf!'t)rA\lil•. IO•• •nd Min noola, ""'ii• snow •nc:t ••in spru<I throuoh Ille ftOf'lhtrn R0<111 Mo"" l•lns lhln ~'' 110neo ,.,. P•<•l1< Lo.ttl •no pans ot \OUtr-•rn FlnfldA •ftd 119111 snow fell over P••h 01 Pennsylva<1l• lndwestorn New York The lront INI twouohl '""'* 10 I~~ mounl•IM brou • ''~ of toq •nci smoo tllel -d lOlled lht S•ll L•U City 1re• for •II t>ul thr"" do• S•IW.• Dec.• A tl••w In IN Ml<lw•\1 "'I reto•d• for the cs.y In the Mlnne•polls·SI P•ut •rN, .twf'• • rNdinQ of ~ .. f)roll• • "'¥1< Ml In 1'JI l)y "•• ••HI; Slou• City, ·-·· Md .. 1 p,m , CST ......... of u. b<•Hkino • m•rk of o : end 1.lncotn, Hetl • 'ltO ,,,.,..,.,prlng.1111• .. 0.0•tel. T'"'P9f'Murtt er-.c! Ille ,..llon •I m1-.y ,...., ''°"' 111 In LlmH IO .... ..w .• to 76 In 1.utl«IO<k, TtUI. TodaY. lliCIM ltl 1111. lOu wJU. t.Ome \now were predict.cl •<rou II•• northern 0'9•1 Plelns end In much of ,,,. Hor!MMI, wllh -•1tPKlfG In p.,11 of tf>t nortNrn R0<-it1 A le• .,.,... rtwrrlH .. ,.. Ho«ttd owr lh• lower Greer 1.•U• end nnrlMrn o-.yl"Wo ... ..., ........... ,. .,, ,, tt. • t ' • ... • 1•t~t .• \ t"" .; l~l 4f>, ' "' ... '"' ...... . ... "' t·-J~ ....... , ., ",,I·~ 1••t '"' .. , ,, I '•II ! • .., ~.,, <f .. ;• t''t n, q A.,. lf.l "'"''••I , ... ~ f4 t I If "'f•fl? A tt ,. ' ..... ..., M•ln•. wllh tr~ •oullM"n half of lh• n•tlon e•Pfl'Cti"Q mo\lly \unnv "''~' HIQll\ In the 60\ •nCI 10• we•~ ~; PKltd In FoorilM ""d tn. '°uth.,n Grul Pl•lns. c ... ,.,... •• Most ol Soutllern C.llfornla wlll bt lelr '"'°""' Mond•v with 11191111y cooler nlQhh eftd warmor d•Y\ Or•noe Goun4y -. of •2 to • •re IOr'it<HI, Wllfo .... lodey •nd Mon· d•Y In Ille "'"' 10 upper'°'· Velley1 In 11'9 I.A l>Hln wlll M vt cl'ollly nlll>ft, WIUI IOllH of lS 10 0 U • .-<ltd. Hltlll In llwt" ero lore<HI OuUy winds below unyon1 and NHH ere..._ tonltllll. wllfl "'""' ot U to 2S '"1111 ••PKltd, Meunt•ln ., .. ,, e1peclln9 l•lr .... ..,.,. wm ..,..,. wlnlft 1<101"' uo to 10 to • .,._. ~ .... 1M -111 end • ""'"'•••t 1e11ltflt ........... ,. OWmltM """wlll r411191 from to lo JI, w ltll llltM l9Ny end MMday In ,.. ...... mlcl-.... 0.Mrtl wlll .. lair lllr°"9f' Mon' •1, wllll .... ""'"" u to • "'"" f'Nll\ t .. Mftll ...... _..._.In"'"" "'9f' -Hltll --1 wlll MW ...... ,. ............ wfftl .......... ..... -'" ""' ........ 11. """' . toctav and Monday w111 bP H lo 6S on lhP n•Qh 0.Yrl Md 6S In low 10\ 1n lht low Clewr1 No,.t1'•rn •nd ctntr•• Callforn•e ••II .,. tnO'\lly lalr ll\rouoft TueMl•y u<1pl local loo 1.ie nlQl'ol) •nc:I morn· tr\Ol In v•ll•Y .trN I . A ftw •hOwer< wlll lln911r In ow Sierra Ne'••d• melnly -lfl of LAkt Te-. Snow level wlll IM .. J,000 Itel In Ille norll'o end s.• '"' In tlle _,..., Cocuf al lt'.-ad1.-r Norlflwe" wlndl 10 lo16 •noh owr Oliltr c-t.• _.,, wllll J lo S toot wH , .... ,. E........,t, llQl'ot ori.o4e winds nlel'ol and mornl119 houn lltcemlne -lt•h I IO U •nots In et· ternoon. Wind waves 1 lo J fttt. WHltrly 1-111 J IO 4 Ifft '•Ir ...... ..,... lenleM 0Alban• Alt>uQUf' An(hOt°'Qf' Atl8nl.t Atla"tr (Iv Hdlf,mon Roqon 8u""'o C:na1 l\ln ~( (}'HH'l\11'1 W\/ (ht!y .. nntt (hH lQO C '"" 1nnttt1 ( leo:vPl,mri ( Oh,HT~bU\ Dal Ft WU1 C> .. n11,.r Or\ M01rv'\ Otlroll Honolulu HOU\ton lndnaPll\ J•<"'"""" Kan• City Lo Vt Q.t\ Lltflp ~00 loul•vllle MPmPhl• Ml•ml N••h•llT~ N11w Orl-.ltl'I\ New Y6•' 0-1• City Om•h• Phll•dphl• Pr.o.nto Plltttlu~ .. _ .-1c- S.1tl•U St•ltl• 111.ouls WMlll ..... n NATION .... ~· 10 10 It u l b Jb bl lti ,, 1) '" J1 •l JJ u ll )8 78 J• n S8 11 )1 JO bS .16 lb 1'l ., 7l Jl " II 7A ... 13 '' H 5' 11 JI " ,, 6/ 6S H l7 13 bO )6 bO lO .... &0 .. .. 1J II 31 •• S? so ,. s• n 0 u 6S JS 67 .0 0 JI /I ., )7 16 •• n ., 11 u ,. ... 0 ,, ,. ., " \ . IOi'OI w okesmun. r eplied dryly Thursda~. "II tertainly wall not make it a ny easier." tt11<I d11l 1101 1111111 r-..ttrn1J lh1• mcaninJ{ or k indness," lit· -.aul After lulking to the freed Am er ican!. 111 Wies baden on Wedn esday, former Presiden t C'arter accused the Iranians of acts or barbans m ac; Heagun had be fore moving into the White llous1> 1'111• H•"lt'• 11 11 111 .... 11110 t1·am was kept in· 1111111111 111 tlol '"'"' 1 11111111• ""Carter's negotiators "''" kl·ol uul lh•• t1111• tt1JI 111·<.-d the hosta.:es in ex· 1 h11n1i" '"' 1111111111 k n., lrnn'.., t•statt> . Wit\ '"I'"' •11Jt• f lfHl "''"" ,(khz:irt Nahavi . the r hief Iranian negotiator, 1 etorted t hat "by brrng1ng up s uc h bai.eless d a1ms, Ca rter a11d his new successors would lik ~ Lo breach the declaration." He said Thursda) night that "if the United States does s o. then ll meani. the U S government. despite all its com m llmenls. does not re!.pcc-t its tnlt>m al and 1n tt'rnatwnal laws as we ll · 1111 \\.1 h•• !,1\ "111 11 ~·lat•· 0L·partment 'f11•k1 ''"·" 11 1:1111 111·1..d thl' review. no 1 t':t ,011 ",, • 111 H ' \ 111! 1.un 1 "'·•"offered at the While 111111-. t I I fl l1111'f1111 lh111•d 1\ h.at "4• r•· t ,t r • 11 IN AN INTERVIEW with Pers . the lr<1n1 an llt:\\S agency, Nabavi s a id there were v1deotap<'~ or tht' hostages rn which they all said the.1 hao bt>l'n treated well and had no rnmplaints "W1• knc·w that somt· of lht· hostagt·s "'1•re ungrateful I "fl i lft It• I ti 'I'• .• ' 1ol I I I ,1 .. J *· * * * * ,,,, I t • • I ~ ' " ti ... I,., Sifting thro Co~r~ss to prob~ I ran W .\"I! I N (j T < > N I ·\ I' 1 C'ongn•,., 1s gt·arini; up for l·"< hau-.l l\ c hearings on the form l'r ho-.t aJ.!("i orrl e<tl. US lranran ri•lalion' a11d futurt.' Arnt·n1·an 11oli1·~ toward lt>rronsm Whlll' th<-rc ha-. li•:en t nllttsm of fo rrnt.-r l'n::.1<ll'nt Carter s handl111 ~ of llH· 14 1 ~ month "t C.tll'lll<lll'. . 'Tht• Sti4 que .. ll<in IS what ''"'"· what 1·an wt· do .1!:>k1•d l<1 ·Jo l> .. 1111<· i'";.as<"ell U F la l· :1. .. 1·•·11 , r h a1rm.<n t or the Ho u ... <· intcrnatwnal uptrallons s ubn1rnn11t\l·e It.al "'ill n indurt 0111' of 1111• IH«.Jrt ng .. ,_ 1 •111t1nu1·d "1)11 ....,.,. rlo·<'l:t rl' v.·1r 1m 111ed1.il1•h Jn1I gl\ 1· up our ow11 p1·opl•"' l>n .ill 1·<1unt no·..; pull I h I' I r d I f' l 11 Ill iJ I <; I/ U \ I It ( d ~1ng1•n111!:> 1·01111tn1·i-.' und II .i\• 1'11.111'-1,,.n111d " h 1h1·n··111111·1 h1n11 l'bt· T in. llOllS lo" F11n·1g11 Mfa1r!:> ('0111 mit11·c· and four of 11., sub 1·1m11111ll1·t•.., nia~ ht•J,!tn hcann~.., I-l'h 10 hut llt1· .... t•nJll• h1rt·1j.(11 1t .. 1:.a11011.., 1 '11111 m1 tl~·e dot" 1101 ""<IJ•·•·t l e. lwi.:111 ti!:> •1w11 111 't·'>L1i•a\11111' f111 a lit>Ut a rnonth -; f• 11 ;i l 1• \I .1 J 1 I I I ~ I I' a tJ' I 11•1\\ ._1111 ll:akl'r 11f T ••nll .. !'>'<'I' ha• 111gl'd 11t1• panl'I ltt ~"" until I ht· wo1111<1.., ht'.JI a loll l•· · I· :"' 1•11 .... a ul '"' ..,u!J1 om n111tl1 ht·:iring!:> a lso will d t-1\ l' 1nt11 tht torna•1 hostaj.((''' n :plH '' lh<tl I h!'\ w1·rt· tl'rrnritt•rl h ' th•·1r 11<1111,111 1.11 l"I '• \' 111 1·1u11111" Hu ... • ,. 1 •• 1ng c111d 111111'1 111.t11 ,, \ "i I' I I r lo .1 loo•t\.\••••ro ••Pl• llo I ( )\• n I' H I , I I ' t l o 1 I, '-l•·nat1· 1 11 v 11. lfo· lh1·rt• ,h1111ld J.!n 11• <'11£111.!l''o l 7tl1 to AtJ-. \'I I \ "\ I \ \ t' ,oddo·tl .1 Io I I• 1 ,o• 1• t 111• li..t "' 1111 , ,, .: 't'"'j" ti.,' .. ; I 1ldr • •1 \ I ' I ti .. t.1"l. "' 111• I , • I'•',.., 1:11id1··· .11• •• l 11d1 n1 I : (')t of'k I t i• \\ 1oJ• .. I '.11 I "' l/11• 11 • '" 11'1 .f ,HI :j .It d 11 't 1u l 1'111·' l11i1f\ ,1 ii do ' 111111 I• 11 I I • g ood an5<11t'• mr•nry H•·.it~ How !. tlloc., lor a d c.,cou1ol '' ""''' overt•sPd valuec; ' ('.,1 ... t1 on on :\ n -; 111!' vo11 f"I " ' ' ' ,.•1' rrnrl~ lhi'll ca • • co1v;un1t1 r • W h ·h ,, o1np1HL11' ,,, ,•' VOii !11111' IC WP ;1lso -..wr· <.l n ~nil n ·•"V oil'' '. h e cl1d 1e " m::im1g1nn a om ? Wt> co111•r w• ... i.. i I • •1• r • In lhr• markf't fer tun t J1ou•1<1 Iv"'" I' 1 '1nti spPc1al even ~ .,,,. 1 ... • , 1a1nrnen , 1 Jiot)tW'" ;1 ,.r1011 rf'l)VIP5 Rccrea11on ..,p,or ~uw ~ It 11 v" vo11 '' 'ti new" ,lnd r:i ., ofl\t't I·' I 11 l . • t• tH ••n lo I flll t I rnc c;,, ' vru " you h(IVI" I'" I I Co•I "" (1.!I "' '-l1opwo1n lfl\ely QC'I sun"'''" \1 , What'• In It tor you? Th~ snswer appear• on every page o YOUR DailJPilat 642·4321 \.111111 '\ d Iii\ Ir• 11, ,.,., .. u1•gcste<l in a press 1, ' ol o 1.~11s under standably '" "'"'' 1 .: tic.., 1n the race to 111111·li·\. i·r o•c mcnt against the 1J 1 t 11 I 11o 1r:;.11gural deadline. .. 1 1 h• lt:al were troubling I!• n.11rn·d "The review 'ho ;11'rt" ment c·ontains, ,,,., .. , 1111derlakcn on • ' ..... lit * cleal 1 1 ~ ",. -..hould dig 1 1 H:ol .. ., 111ld r t· 111· l 11 "'''' r :1111 Wl11p 1111 1ol 1 .1'1tor11rn '11id. 11"' ,,. <an a\Otd 1 kl!rnund m l r .ir11:1 nh .1n · 'o " 1 ii • I 11 1 It I' I 'n 1l1'<1 cle d • l lllS """'"had been I 1 \ • .oddi·d 111 the • •1 • ·! .. ; rr\ t• rn hi· r 1,, I.. 111n ,. 111 11 . l:1~111 g-. and •11 I 111•1 ;o ll St• Of • h•·1 111 11nl1•rcd •It•,, 1<1,,.k1lule \11 !l,1\t"o ''"d 1111' t I I f .t 11ni1· D;1\" •11111• ~~I II ;,, 7.1 I'll\ I .J 11 ll( l 'I' r1•,j I' II .• y '"•l··.J .. \111r.:., I 1111 • I I hr II• I 1:1•111 <11111"1 I I • 101 11 .. d I 111· ; GENERAL NEWS NEW, RED-HULLED NEW YORK-36 LOWERED INTO WATERS OF NEWPORT HARBOR Hull No. 1 from WHt CoHt builder will go to Eaat CoHt In a cla--ss by herself First Neu1 Yor~36 raci~yacht launched By Al.MON l.OCKABF.\I OllMD•1ly PllelSl•H The first New York :IC rllC· ing truis1ng sailboat produced b) the W D Schock Corp of San ta Ana has been launched at the c·ompany's retail facility on Lafayette Street in Newport Reat·h Scores of yat·hts m en watched Hull No I e«ised into the water at high tid e a ~ Mrs . Rell) SC'hock. wift> of the founder and president of W I> ... H1tr' Sc·hock Co dous ed the prow o f the bright red hull with <·hampagne "Just for lu<'k" Formal t·hristt•ning of the first of t h e lo n g awaited New York 3() Class will be in Rye. N . Y . hvm c of (; eorge M. "Dooic" lsdalc .Jr who headed a group of New York· Yacht Club m e mbers who l'ommiss1oncd the d esign and building of the ya<'ht lsd alc and desjgncr Bill Cook of Greenw1 d1. Conn . arrived s ho rtly after the lciunehang to s upcrv1sl' rai:ging of the vessel They will also be on hand over the weekend for s ail testing of t h e new yac ht 10 Newpor t Ir arbor and the Ol'l'an A s mall group of tllew York Yacht Club m em ber~ headed by l s dal e h egan l ook i ng at lust to l>t' completed by June. Hcyond that. produtt1on for the hoats looks good with d ea lers p lac·mg orde r s for hulls num~r 1ng into the 30s, an·onling to the Sc hocks. Local val'hts m e n w ill be among the owner s. llull No 20 i~ sehedul e d to go t o c;e rald M ad1gan. Nu 24 will go tu Tom Omohundro and Wa vne Austera. No, 27 has hee n com rn iss 1ont'(J b\' J al'k 11 am II ton and Tad Jones 'fhe Schoek brothers, Tom and Stott will a lso buil<I two of the boats fo r t hcmselvc~ At lt>ast three other boats will he lor C alifornia owner~. IRS says pilots involved in f rand DALLAS <A P l A document filed by an lnternal Revenue Ser vke agent in fede r a l court following a nine-month tax fraud conspiracy investigation alleges that as many as 2,500 airline pilots may be involved in a com · plex illegal tax deduc t ion sche m e . The affidavit, signed by IRS agent James Michael Dunc an. was fi led after I R S officials raided offices last week in Los Angeles and Honolulu and con· fiscated more than 60 boxes and 11 filing cabinets full of tax re· t urns and loan records reported· ly r e lated to the cons piracy sealed he re Thursday, Duncan said the undercover agent, who was posing as a pilot. was of fe re d a prom issor y note for $120,000 for the p urc hase o f 11 ,429 s hares of stock . Papers for a second loan were a lso offe red . this loan in the amount of $21 ,600 the exact amount of inte r est o n the $120,000 note. The unde rcover agent then paid $1.944, which amounted to 9 percent interest on the second note. and received a b ack-dated tax deduction of $23,544 for his cash outlay of $1 .944. a-.-.-~.pecUicauons.Ior.a Jfi.footei: de- s igned hy Cook They were hop· ing for a s maller and less ex pens ive des ign than the famed :-.lew York 40 The scheme"'lleg.edly centers on a Los Angeles·based tax con· sultant and a Hono lulu busi- nessman who the I RS s ays have cons pired to gener ate thousands of b ogus loans used for the purchase or worthless or non· existent stock. T)tE HONOLULU ma'n told the r RS agent that h e had us ed the s ame method to gain l ax de- d u ctions for about 2,500 airline pilots. but la te r c hanged that numberto800, , Club member~ requir ed that the y al'ht bt· c·ompet1t1vc 1n light airs and have a fovoralllc lnlernat1on<1 l Offs hore Rule rat mg. Sthock was lo rmall) tom missioned to huild the boat in February 1980 Final spcc1fica· t 1ons rc.'quirl'd al least HI signed huvers 12 of them from NYYC · ht'fo rt• tonstru c·tion could hegin. At present there arc 21 Nc•w York·36s an µroduc-tion with the RECORDS SHOW an UO · der<'over agent. who m ade thr ee visits to the office of the Honolulu bus inessman . tape recorded con versations of a plan for a s eries of "loans" for "stock purchases" that generate deduc · tions about 12 times gr eate r than the m oney involved. In a stateme nt that was un· The lax expert in Los Angeles. where the unde rcover agent was sent to have his tax return pre parc el, was told that returns had been preµared for pilots from ··Pan Am . Contine ntal and Western" and that the tax man w'as planning to m a ke a trip to T exas in February to pr epare s imilar returns . I RS officials said they are ron· tinuing their investigation. Anniversary Sale Jan. 23rd thru Feb.' 6th At FIT IN ILUI, we are celebrating our first anniversary which means that you. our customer. can now SAVI more MONEY than ever on your favorite designer name brands. such asCALYIN ILllN, 6LOllA YANDllllLT, IONJOUI, and SASSON, just toname a few. Now is the time for you to save JO•/o, 400/o, even up to IOe,'o off from the regular price! When was the last time you went into a store and were al- lowed to walk out with something for Nll71 Now you can! Each day during our sale. 7 lucky customers* will be We carry: Anne Klein, lzod. chosen to receive a Piii gift. Who knows? You might be Huk-A-Poo. Robert Bruce . lucl5y enough to receive your favorite top or bottom for Calvin Klein .. Glor.ia V~nderbilt. Fiii just for shopping at our state! Bonjour. Chic. Lightning Bolt and more! • While you are visiting our store, take the time to look at some of our new arrivals for spring and summer. Fit In Blue, the store where you can ALWAYS buy first line designer labels at a 20o/o savings! Do you really think you should shop anywhere else? Moulton '.tlwy Irvine c:.nw. Drive --~~~~a • .,.. I re_ __ __,.I ..... AM fwy ~ ...... .. IFlt nr:, Iffilue 770-1677 \ •AppMet to ~no CMllomers only Mea. ... s.t. IM S-.11-4 Cl111iJ-.22 tlhOO .,..,W' _,.,.,_....,, ...... Sunoay. January 25, 1981 DAIL y PILOT A• Reagan pl&ns welcome Presi•ni alao lwlth bzulKet-Cld 1e18ions , WASHJNGTON (AP) -Presi· dent Reagan laid plans Saturday for a red·carpe t ceremony lo wel come hom e th e fre ed American hostages and held his fourth s traight day of budget· cutting strategy meetings with his Cabinet Then , wrappin~ up his first week in offi('(!, he was treated to lunch by Vice P t esident George Bus h at u private d i ning establishm ent for m en . the Ahb1 CJub. The pres ide nt had a h ght schedule of appomtments for the day, with Gen. He rnard Rogers. commander of allied troops an E urope. the o nly v1s 1tor other than his Cabinet Mondale eyes run in 1984 M l NNEA l'O l.I S I Al'I Former Vi<·t· Prt·~1dcnt Walter MundalC' ~ays ht· has rl l'ridt•d against running for ttu· L' S Sen atl• 1 n I ~A2 , !Jut t old a news pap<'r he IS prcpuring rrir a possible pn•sHll'11t1al 1«1mp1.11gn 10 19114 In a l'opyraght arl1dt• 1n Sun da."·s ~1 nn eu p11l1 ~ Trthunc !\1 ondall'. 5:1, ~a11l he had thought ''l o n g and hard · a bout laun1·hang ;,i pohtw;,il 1·omc hC:1i-k b~ rl'lurrnn~ 111 \1 1nn1·~01 a to run ag;,i an ... 1 Hepuhht·an SM1 f)a\ 1d Durt'nlll'rgl•r 1n I ~JI!:! "IS ~y 11w11 11111111 I had 1ir1•I I~ "l'll dt·t·1d1•d :11 ll'a'>l 1·ni11 t111nalh '>llnll' "t•ek~ :JJ.:o Hut I fanalh · 1·;,irnt· ''' lh1· formal d1· ('ISIOri JUSl n•1·1mll~ ... ht• addt'<l M undal1· ..,u 1cl h1~ dct·1~10n wou Id help J.!I v1· ) t>ungt'r part~ mt'mber~ an Mmm•sot;,i a 1·hanc•1• to run for the· U S Senat1· The forml•r Vll'C JJrt·~11lc·11l al!.o md1C'alL'<I ht• would work al'tl\'L' I} in support or part) n md1dales in the 1982 clcc·tlfm and would "du everythirlJ.! I l'an tu scrvt· m y s tatt• ·· I.AST ThurscJ ay. M11ndal1: 1·1111 firmed that he will le1·1un· cit th<· U n ive rs 1t \' of M1nne:-.ota .., llubt'rt II liumtJhrC) lnsl1tutl' or P u b 1 i c· A ff u 1 rs tt n d a 1 1 h t' un1vt•rs1l\ l<tw~t·hool In add1t1on , ~oncl alc an 1111unn'1l pl.in-.. 111 10111 lht• la" firm of Win~ton & Strawn. wht<'h has Ofrl C'l'~ Ill ('h1n~g o a nd Washangton. D ( · M1indalc will work m the firm ., \.\'as h1ngt11n ufri1·t•. J ... an LaHurn join~ Mobil•:. Park Board .J e an l.aBurn. a lfwa l ltus1111•:-.., c1wncr. has h1·c·11 appoinll'd t11 th1• San .Juan ( ·ap1:-.lr1Jn•1 ~ohtl•· llorrw f'ark H1·vww Hoard It \ lhl' t 1t ~ ('!lllrtC'tl Mr:-. l.aHurn a nirit yPar ri·..,1 dent of San .Juan. will a~su1111• her position imrr11'd1alt·I.' B efor e R e agan a nd the Cabinet turned to economic mat· ters, Secretary of State Alex·' ander Haig briefed them on the r eturn of the hostages . ativl's of .the hos tages when they v1s1 t him today . the presi- dent. s aid. "fi as1c·ally I'm ~oing to explain why I'm st aying out of the way when thcy I!" to meet them. WHITE HOUSt: press s ec rctary James Brady s aid the Cabinet will be broke n up into a numbe r or working g rou1>s to plot ways for tramming federa l s µend· in~. "I THINK this 1s a time for them .. lhe h o~tagl'~ and the pns oners of wa r , the freed pris cmt.'rs . and tlw1r fan11 lies to i.:ct toJ.!t•lht•r without <tn y in· t l'r fcr(•nn · liy 111t• .. R eagan. asked a s he r eturnc.'<1 fr o m lunC'h about reports of abuse of the hosta ges. s aid, "We ll, I only know the s a m e as you 've heard the s ame re· ports that have been made public , su r c·an 't com ment .. Asked what he wo ul<I tell re l Heag:m plan~ to nice! with 184 relatives of the frl'ed hostages today at the Whitt· llo use hefore they board thrt•e µovernment a1rrraft to fl~ to tht· Military t\t ad1•m } at W1·~t P111nt fur their long awaatt•d 11·u1111111 ... May not need it Court orders mom to have C-section (;Hll"FI N, Ca IA l'i A woman u11d1•r rn11r1111der ,,, havt• a Cacscirea n 'l't11on 1( rPqu1rc•d II> :-,.i\1· h1·r ancl lwr unborn t hild ma) not nl'ed tht• sur).!1•n ;dl1•1 all a ho.,111t:d ofri1•1<1I ~aid SaturdJ~ The (;1·org1a Suprt·111t· ('l)urt r,n l''nd<i~ j!J\•• 1·u-..1•1dv •if lh1· unhorn l'hild 111 th1• Huth C<wnt) 1>1·11:111 1111·111 ol l-;11111 h and ('luldrt•n S1·n·11·•·.., until IJ1rth and 11rtlc11·d lh•· rnoth1·r .lt•:-...,11• ~l <tt' .Jeflt·r~on. '" ha\t· lltt· 11111·1.t11<111 1r llt't'dt.-d Mr-.. .ldf1·r..,11n ~!I ;ind hi·r hu.,hand .rn 111d ••111•11tf.,111 1 ·11n~1 1an 11 11111'l1·r lta\1• 11IJJ1•1·11·tl -..a\111i.: th•· 1•1111·1·dt11l '1olal1·-..1h1·1r 11 l1g11n1~ l11•l1t•f., Jfltl L111 1t 111 1,, .. 1 \\11l lt1·;tl n111t lwr <tlld t hlltl tu "f '1HS . .ll'fl1·r'''" "11'. d1..,, h,1 r~"'l I r11r11 1111· h11.,1•1t.il l-r11la\ 111gh1 "h1·n It''" ... 1111"1·d l11·r 111nd11!1111 k11111.1.n 1· pla1·1·nl ;i 1ir1•\1L1 had '"I""" •.11.t \!:11 .,ltall '•·111 1.I 1111111str;itor ;11 1:n1fm ~J1~ild1n).! c •>Ulll \ ll•1..,p11:t1 T"'' ullra ... 1.und !f·o,t ., p1·d11n111·tf •·<trl11 ·1 ... 1111\\••d ~Ir · .J1•trl·r.,11n':-. btrlh < :rnal bl0t•k1·d Ii\ lh(· pl.1n•111.1 Tit•· pl.w .. nla n11uri-.ht·.., lh•· unborn l't11ld Wlwn a wo rn.i n" 1th !ht:-1·1111tl11111n J.!111·-.. 1111<1 1.tl111r I h1· p lat·t'nl<.i ll•ar., 1110-...· rr•in1 th•• 1.1.011111 .tl111•i..,1 1 .. ,., 11111\ kill 1ng lhl' lJah~ and .... 11d ;1n~1·r1ng 1h1• n111ttwr .., lilt· rlt•• 1·11ur1 :-.aid ~1\ (';11·.,art•:..11 ...,.,.111111 "h11 Ii 1rt\11h 1·" • 11111ng thr•>Ugh lhl· ;ilidorn1•11 and 1111· ""all of 1h•· 1,1,1111111 I••1 •·11\•1"' the huh'. woul<! prt•\'1•n1 th.t1 tl•wl<ir.., ..,;i1tl IH'T A TIJIHI> 1111 ra-,11und lf·~t 111·1 t111111••il I· 11d:I\ 11 1g h1 . ~howed th1• pl.<J1 1·111.t kid n111\1·d u 1111 ... 1 111111M1.il 1t<'<·urrcnt-<'. '\1•ni ~a11I "It app<·ar'> lht· pl<t1·<·nta ha~ m1gr;it\•tl ..,11 1111•wl1al unrll•rstand 11 ..., unu.,ual IJUt th1·rc h.iv1· 1,..1·11 ··: .... , .... "hen· 1t ha~ · :-.;t·ro ... a11l 10 a tcll'phont· anu·n 11·"" Mrs .Jt'fft•rs·in·s hu~band, John .J l'ff .. r..,011 1 .tll1·d 11i .. dearanr·e 11f the h1rth canal a m1r<11.lc "Tht' d1wturs have been hghtmg lht fat·t of C:ml's woNJ of h<'ahng , .. -..a1<l .J prfpr-..on. pa..,lor of 'hi· 'hili.h ~;1n 11f1l•d ll11llnc~s B<1pt 1~1 ('hurc·h. an 1ndl'Jlf'Od1•n1 d1111 dt .... 111d1 lwlien•s 10 rl1nn1· he aling St:RO S,\IU tht' d1wt11r-.. f1·ll 1•11ml11r1 i.1IJl1· "Hit J llv" 111g ~·-lo go horn ... 11n t ht-1·ond1111m 1 hiil o'> ...,11111 ..... -.11,. _1!0.-:-. into lal>ur. s lw rt-turn lu 1hc• h11..,p111al I It •· h,;h\ 1-. du•· ~l ond a~ ·'.\t I hat 11m1· wt· "Ill du an 1·\iJl11fll,tll•111 .•nil rl• ll·rminl' 1f ~ht• \\111h:1\•'111 han· th•·<' ,1·1•111111 11r \\ill 'lw ahll' 111 dt•l1\ l'r rwrn1<ill ~ '\t'r'l :11ltJ"d 111• 11· I' ·' p11ss 1b1li1~ th:..1 -..he·1·a11 dl'll\'el lllll'm.d h In f.!l\'1111.! 1111' -..1a11 · 1·11 .. 1 od~ 111 lh•· 'l11ld 1111 I 11d.1\ Ill\' 1·011rt :-aid 1h1· 11nll11rn 1·hild "a., ,, ht1111,1n li1·1111• 11111\ c•a pahl<· of su-..1a1 nmg lift• 1nd1•111·nd1•111 nl lit• m111h1·r ('11:-.loth 11! lht• C'h1ld \\Ill r1•111rn lo lht• 111111h••1 .ii l11rlli 11 :-aid Tlw ,J(•fft'r~11n~ h:I\ t• 1hn·1· 11lh1·r 1 hlldr1·11 .11.!•'" I ::! a11d .tll dt•ll\t•rl'd normal)~ 111 thl' h11-..1it1 a t \ ,. Not· e v e ryo11 e •a II have plac~ • 111 'll 11 1 h ,111~t· 1 1111n1' ' 1•11pul.tl 11111 1, ,qq110 •• 11 lt111r r '"' t1H ll11111 .ind "ht!•• th• •:111\\lh 1,111· 11.1, ,111\\1•d 11"·1 1 111 lh-'ll.:11 lh.Jt lfl tltl\ ol II ' oil I' ).(Pill).! \ta 111 11111\ lllf 11111 p.1rt1< ul.ir h 111 ".11 ~" I h11.1go111 B11 lf.1~~ . Tht• ,,11~11· ''It lll' 1111 .111 ol tht· "lll' I""'-111,11 ,11111 111 111t ,1tt•:. tl1.1l 11111' I 1 °'" I .1ltf111 111.1 111 I--l1111d .1 .111d tl1.tl 1, .1h:.11rb111g .tl1t1t•'I .di 111 1111' 1 11lllll11 'P••l'ld.1111•11 ._-1111\\li \ ,., J lt'\h•r .11 ... 111111 1 11111 huh·' th.ii lht· lo("' l 't 111111 111 ·,h111alcl ... u h ,111111• 1w11plt• 111 111 111t· '"11th .11111 I•• ,d 1,111d1111 11t1• 111 1h1,l1t.tl 111 \..111 .111 ,1..,111l l11•111111h 1111., 't1 ,111i,:1 11•1 111111111•11t!Jl 11111 1111111th1•I 11 •11 11•111 l 1111\1111,,11111 tor 1 ,,1l11111c1I \1;r11d ,1 lt11 t h •. I· 1i.lil1• ·'' 1h.1t tht d 1111111 ii 111, 11ltl 111du .,111 11 ht ,111l.11 1d 'l111t1ld ti,• ·" 1 t•pl\·d .1 1111\1tt1ltl1 111,I• .id 111 l11:ln111 J.! '"' 11 llJIUI ..ii t111 I I' r.:r1t·~ '"' , •. ,1 ... 11111111 It il1•r .ii p11l11 ,, .• , .. ild l'fl1 ll\ll ,ll-!I' pt t1t1lt \\ J(ll '""''"" " I k 1ll 11flf lltf1tlj1 th1· g 11•\\tt1g -..u11 ts1•11 "'"'l''> \\ hJI lltifl'\l'fh l' 1111' 11111..,t ,1tt1.11 I11 1• .tt • ,,., 111 I h1 "llll l<t·lt l lr Jlll-!l' ( tllllll\ l'IH1l'lll\ \ll.1111.1 '-'1 111111 I lt11) 1• llJ\'t· .di tl11 · 11111hll'lll' tht•\ I .. ,, h.1111i k d1 I I I\ 111" \\ I 1111)tlll \ll' 111 1111 111 1 1111111' ll''llt•llt' 11111.l"ll ,Ill\ 1·11111ur.11.,t'llll'lll 1111111 till· ll·tlt·r.tl i..:1111·1111111111 1 lll't• 1u:-.t l'>ll I a 11l<H 1· 111 lht: .... w1 l•JI ,., ,., '11t1t· 'I hi.., 1' 1111t .111 1•\p1 '''"'""of .1 l.1:-t 11i.i 11 111th1·1111 \ 11111:-t 111 ti... \\l'l't' \\1'l1111111·d 111tolh1·.~un ... 111111·1Hll'1'h1" "' \\ 1·l1·r1m 1• otht·r .... Hut llt1· p11pul.it1 011 .. 11111 111 11u1 d 11 1•1 111111 • I!'> J..:(11 11g Ill Ol'l'Uf' Jll~ W;J ~ <tlld a 111;1'>' 1111 g1,ti 1<111 1111111 llll' r111rth \\11u ld di s1·n t• t•1\h1·r t h<.· llt'\\ 01·111111•1.., 111 1•lll s ··h •"• Um· l111al no te· Thl' d1u1n11a 11 111 lh1• t'111111111 ...... 1011 I h.11 rnad1· !ht· n ·1·11111111t•11dalw11. Dr Wlllw111 \k1 :t1 l 1it C11l11 111 h1 ;1 l 'n11 ,.,...,,,'. ha.., n·111·1·d 111 1.,1 ,l11ll.1 \\ 11 l10u1 I 1·d1·1'.ll :.uhsHh . \H' hnpt• Witticisms l1au11ti11g Colorful eornml'nh 1·11n)l• t•:Js l lor < lr;111f..'1' r 1°1111 st ate Sen. John<; St·hrn1tz The~ g11t 111111' g 1111d J'l.1' 111 11, Daily Pilot two da~ s runnrng last "t·t•k Schm itz was tn 1~·p1l·al lorm up 111 \11 .d11 111 i ;it t I•' Rl•publi<-an u1 a ugural bash when lw oh:-1•n l'd .. Ronald Hcagan has hl'l'n 111 11ft11·1• '>l'l'l'll 11•1111 .111!1 20 min utes and ht• has ~ N to nu kt• Ir .11J I I 11111~ 1 '•· hN·n s old out · If<' was rt•ss ltnlO,\ the prt•\'lt)ll!'> d.t ~ \\ ht·n '114' 'i1 •1(,•f'• wa~ ad,1011rn111g 111111t.•rnor.' o l :\lart in l .11lh1 ·1 l\111:· 11 111 tht• :i2nd a11n11 t•r:-an ol his h1 rth Sd111i111il•·1:1111111 I t\ mg "I will 1101 n•111111d ~ou \\ll<tt .) J•:d l!.11 111 111', 1•1 ••' a h11ul :\l ;1rt 111 Lutht·r I\ 111g 111 • 1·1111-..1tl1·1 ··d l11 11i t• • 11• I• most n11tono11:-. lia r 111 tlw 1·mmt l',I :--;t'' l'r rn1nd t 11<11 -..11ll'l' h1:-dt·ath I l•1t1\ ··1 li.1 111•1•11 • post·d :I" Otlt' 11 1 tli1• lrlOSI 1111tt1rll)ll t11 1d• 1'11 ;1•1 1• d 1H.•rSt'l't1l o r:-. 111 p1•11pl 1· ht· didn 't lrh•· 1111 wli.1 11 1,, 1 n ·ason :--:11. S1'11ni1l i' h:1d to g1•1 111 .i1101lw1 lwh .it 1111• .1 11·1 l'll'i l rig ht s lt•:1d1·r, 1·1 f'll 11 po..,t h1111 111u 'h Hut tht·n l\111 g had pl<·1H~ 111 1 w11p.i111 1·, .. ,,1.11•1 l1 l Sd1rn1tz g<.·rn lroru h;1<·k 111 1~7 1 "~l'\'t•r II'\ o ur h1~tt11·.1 ht.1 :-. scw1;.tl1-..111 i.:111 '111 Ii .i ... 11111 111 the a rm a s undt•r !'resident Nixon .. Or this famous 1972 1·ommen l. wt11<·h 1·;1us1•d t hi· r•· moval of hrs Ht·11111Jl 1t•an 1·n ·dent1 tib and lrkl'h "'" st·,11 111 Cong n.•ss· "I hav<.• broken off d1 plom<.1t1t· relation.., \\Ith 1lw Whitt· llou:-.t· I am not opposed to hrs I :'\1x1111 ·..,, trip ,,, l't.·kang. I ;1m rinl~ opJHISt·d to he m eommg ha1·k Hut 111 1·•1plun· \I.hat "'' regard .1:-. th1· qu1nt1•" \-1111.t! .John Sl'hrrnt / ·'nu h ~11·1.· to J..!<1 hal'k to l!Ht'i d11nc1g I h1" 111 I pt.•riod 111 !ht• -..t;tlf• Senatt• 1>11r11 1g dt•l>:1t1· 111t 1 " 1·1111 rt•g1stra11011 l>tll . Sd11111t1 1011~·d 1111 , 11·111.1 1k.tl .!1 ph1lnsoph~ .. :\lc1d111w g 11ns :.in· n11t 11nl1 narrl~ t h1111 )..!llt 111 .1 . net.•d<.·d f11r st·lt· dl'ft·n~t· ;111d honw dl'l°l'n:-.t· l'h1 .., 1111·11 tal pit·ttll'L' 1:-t111t 111' dalt• As k lhosl' who 11\'l'd th1·11111 .. !li 1111' Watts riots l \\111t·;1r -.. a i!o .. St'hmit i' 1s · <'Ill l'rl ;11n111g . ,., 1•11 \\ h1•11 111' ... 11111 11 1 lihl'r<Jll'I ~· bt•m g funn~ i\s a rwwspaper 11!:11 1111 ·.., 1101 111 horl' its n·adt•rs . wt• hopt• ht• .JUst k l'1·ps on l .dk11.1• Nmnes not n e c essary Or:m gl• l'1111nl ~ ts f'Ons1tll•nn g p rnnrng 11:11111• 1 <•!-!' 1•11 nea r I~· 1.000 pu hlu· t•mplo~·ees. b:idgC's r 0111l'lt•t1 1\ 11 h photographs Tht' 1dl'a 1s to injet·t ~· htt Ito 1w1 ... 11:1.1ht . 1111• tht• bureau<"rttt·~ and :uld a h11ma11 111111· 10 .i I" ,.11 \ dinical atmosµht·n· Trouble is. mttny cmplo~C'{'S dmt't want to \.\1•,11 th1·r11 SomP departments expt•rimrnted \\ ith t111· li:1dgl ..., 1n 1 li1 pas t and found t ha t 1t took so muth effort to t.>nlori" wearing them that 11 wasn 't worth 11 It does seem l h at I he l~ pe of badges under 1·1m-..1d1•1" lion sound a little loo of'f1eial A full n<.tml' t·omph:H· \\Ith photograph is likel,1 lo look m or e like a pas:-to a gP\ 1·111 m e nt base than a d1<.0Pr~ hl'llo to a tax pa~ t•r Sl'l·kmg 11••111 Las t name badgC's han ' too m11C'h of a m1ltt;11·1 ·II ' pearanC'e a nd it 's hard!~ the pl<J n· for onl' nf thost• 1·1111• "H e llo. m~ namt.• rs .. p111s Dump tht• 1tit':1 • Opinions expressed in the space above arl" those or tht• ll;ifly P1101 Other views e xpressed o n t111s poge are 1t1ose of their ;i u1 ho1 '> an•I artists. Reader comment is in vited Address fhe Datiy Piiot P 0 Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (71 4) 642·43:.? 1 Boyd/Moxie stic k s By L.M. BOVD Q . llow come somebod} with a lot of encr j!y and l)••a r Gloo111 y Gu~ We've come a long way in 2 ,000 year s . Today 's "good Sa m aritan " i s in da n g e r of b e i n g mugged, or worse. and mini s ter s ne e d m a lpractice insurance before they can safely' offer counseling. D.M. bright irteas 1s sa 111 lo 11 a vc "moxil•"? A Used to ht' :.i :-oft d rink l'3ilt'd Moxie. Its advertising suiu:estecl drinkers of :-antl' we re lively swift thinkl'rs Tht' product dwindkd o ut of • the marke tplact'. hut th<' word stuck. Q. How do you account for the f act t ha t m ost c hild poisoning cases occur on Sunday mornings? A . T h at 's whe n I h e grownups s leep late. What's the next le tter an l his series f 0 ,T.T ,F.F . S,S'? This is the sort or query put tb scholars to test their a bili- ty toJlgure things out. Try it on tfle bright mind in the family. Answer is the letter "E ''. Each letter in the series is the first letter in thE: word for a number': one.,two, three, four, five, six, ·seven. .. tilhl. ' E ' .. lt0...2..-1 ~ ...... _ .. _____ rh .... om.s-P H._•'•v .... Pueu-SHER U ·.-----~.~ Sundey. J1nuary 25. 1981 Thomts Kee.vii EDITOR l'uhlil'4h.-.r~s Notebook I Responsibility in rear windoW lh 1110'11\~ t'. llAl .f:V \t 1111.lol.1\ "" fr1t•111I <inu I pro . , , .!1•.t .11 '"'' llaltl'Ht Island fur \\It 11 " 1· 1 .. 111• "" l 1rsl trip h~ I ", 1 1" 1 I 11 • '\ 1 ·"' po rl B a I ho a I'• 11111 .111., t •\ ,1 1111 ~h11h 1111pn ·sscd and I 1·1~ >Ill IP! 11.11ol 111 tlt1· <trf'l\'\11111 I I I 111111 \ I ltd ..... ··•11· ., II •• )II 1d 1111' t t 1.1111 I 'I 11111o., J I • I t I II I' 1,1111 Ill(' 11 ti I It 1 •1111•1" 1111 111•. "' 11t1 -. • 11 Io! II 11 cl I II 1d l"I' Ill I I t I .• \ ,Ill 11l 11tlf I (It ,l llL,t '( 11,.-..f ,ll'f',I \I 1 r • ·1• I 111.f I q111 ·111 d up .1-.. t 11 111(1>th1 r • 1).!hl ;I\\ at! Jn).! llw 1, I II '' \ \10\11:'\T':O-111111 · 1111' 11 \\ 111.IH\\ 111 llh· \.Ill 111 I n111I 111 1·. ,, 11111 pnrl al 111 .t ..,1·1·111• .,1 r ''•" 111• 11 11 \ I 111111111,.fll••d 111 'I 11 lld 1111 I.Ill' h".Jd. ll)l111flJ ,, I 11•11 111t111·11H·111 -. \1·nt.·d 111 1111 :11d1 Ill 1111' d i I\ l'I " •l'oll ill\' ,ot I Ito I Ill d1• 1'ClfflJ1dllll1ll 1111 '"'lll•·lflllJll I ""l'lltldt•d Ill I If •I Ii .. l't.tll1 •1 111 1·1·1111cl-... lh1· j, I\ 1 I •",II h• If ,u I t1" I 1!1• f 1'11111 111 t ltl' , 111 1111• lll'ol ltw JI·'""' 11~1·r '""' "d '111111 ' l'l"tl!'>-..t:lfl l1ht• ti 111 .111tl I '"II l • ·d f Ill~'• I I It.ii 1111 \ Ill I\ I • 11'1 ••I Hitt It• I' Hlolli 1111 • """"11111111 I \ll•·d Ii I flt ..,,), ·• 11• , •I.ad .11 .1 bath in~ s uit: pi.lsscd our t·ar and seemingly we nt on his ~u } .-.. A calm settled over the van and muc h to my s urprise. the fjjce of u youngster pe(•rcd 11ut the van wtn dow in scarth of the ha nishcd f ellr1w . Todcscnbc that seart htng f:.iC'e us bt·w1hkn·d 1s indet·d an underst:.iternent W tlAT ~O W '.' Tht• h;oni sh<'d. o.,t•a rl'l1l·lf lor fc·llow rt•l u t'lll·cl <11111 opt·m·t.I lht· liaf·k 111 lhl• 1 an It 1urnl·d 0111 that not •mt· hut \\\II d1rl<lrl'n. hoth '"""· \\ 1·n• hwltll1·tl tht•n· · f'h1 · oltll'r 111 1 ht· t w11. ;.i p1w~1nm• 111 ht• .tt>'lll t H. \\ ,1-.. l'l111g ini.: l•1 lh1· -..1<h· ol tlw 'an "'1111n).! h" ft·<ir" "'11h1 ht• -..1111· .. 1 h" h.1nd 1\ 1 ... n 1 ht· •--- n •r ur111ng "'" 1•!11111 111.111 •ip•·rn·d I 111· I .1n rlo •II I h1· 11tilll .ind I lw.., 1 .ii old 11111 Ill• 1 Ill .• ( ho•f'k Ill ;"' ,.i., I 1•u111•111 II 1llf ,111f1h11111t,,h11\\ 111 ,llf••C 111 •11 I "',. 1111 h•"• ,q1,1rl 11!1·11 1•alr11 d 1.i l11g 11 1 ·•ltl•"·""d '" h · \\ lti...pt•1 I'd T iit-:\' <ll l t'KI.' h u~1g1•d .111ol h l,,,.tf lh1 · I.Ill d11111 \\,,., ',,, ..... if .111d \\1 ° l11ll11v.1 ·d 1111 · \ ·'" lt1f'll .lltl 11111111Ill'11·1 n \, .111 011:-1·1\1•1 lh1• prt''""'''' .111.t l'l'.tl'111HI'\ 11f I ht· 1 llllllj.' 1111\\ 11 I 111 l! \ II I 1111 '-111 I I It' h ,11 k .. 1 I 11 I ' \ "" IOll('hf d 1111' d1·1 ·1·" 'I ht· 1111k ... Ill 111•• l 1,,111111 1111 1 .111 did I .1111 ... un• \\ h.111111·1 thu11J,!l1l ll1i•\ 11111 '1 \,I 1 .. 11w11tlwr th•• 1· l'\•·111' I II I ,.lllh.11 lfllfl\ \11\llh lfllhl'!,111' 1cf 1111,ltl '\ Ill cll,'l t dlll' I tit 11111'1.lllt'I' Ill\ l.11111' \\tlllld ""' \\llh 1 .. 1,.t J1r 1·d11 l:tl11l1I ' I 111· ,1 .. 11 :-.l:1111 \ h1t lr 1I(·' "f\1 II 111.11111'"' llut II ..,1•1•1111•d lo \\'(1f'k 1111' 111111 f 11• V. ilS :t• 1·;11 di l'I' d 11 l:ol\\ 111 .I I l'I'\ 111 .... 1111 \' 'I'll"" I ... I 11.i\ ,. ,., .. , k 11111\ II T llt-.tn . \\ \" ~lOH t" ·V.t,d•ir11 111 111' \\••r•b 11!.111 .. 11twr Ii• 111 I t•\ •'I' I hrnlg hl \l\ d.td d11·tl .ti .1t.:1· 1.i J lw11 h .111111lw11·1111111•111 I h.1\1 t'\ l"'f'lf•lll 1•fl I •111<'1·1 llllH IJ,.. I \ I 111 ' 111 I f 11' \ , lfl I '" d"t11 ,,, d I ol•· 11>11 l-.111114 l111v. 11 11• 11 ••I 111• 1'11'111111• •.\\1lL llw 1l11ltl1111111 h11\I 111111 h \\ 11 It 1 h' · ;1d11 I h 111' o I\ ( ·d In h111 h 1·;.-..t·s I I h1nk I hen· IS i.I 111111h111,il 1011 111 that s1•ns1• of path••' 111:11 i-.a\'l. '"Bul 111r th<· 1·ra1"' 111' 1 :11d . 1h1·r1· g<1 I." a nd <J k1·1•111·r ;m ;1n•111·!'.s 1 liar '' 1· rt·<.t lh do a l l1•1·1 a11d 1nll11t•fl1·r on;. .111111 h1·r h \ .di •lllr :.wl 11111:-"' 111.ori \ 111d1r1·1·t w~1.\, , .... 1 t:.r lu·r 111 lhn·1· girls. l'\t• 11:111 Ill\ 1•xpt·rtl'n1·1·~ with 1111' 1n t1·11,1111·-.. "' Ill •· 111 th1· pa-.1 :'\u ol•1ul1t I 1\lll 11.111· lltt·m 1n llH· 1 lulun• 11111 ~1m1·how, I lhmlrit 11 tll l ... 1lill•·r<·nt Iii lull~ n·1·11gn11 411~ !11" 111111.11 I :ulull 1·1111lll<'h It ,I\ I" 1111 It tltl I I'll F loating -airport idea Ill holdin g pattern . • , ,. If,. t d t1t''' 11•·1tpt1 \ I 111 , , 11 I •II I I" II I 11, .. I Ill I ' .. I flp I 111 ,\.ftll' Ill• jllhlilf1l' !'Id 1!11\ If, L litr' lo •I \\.Ill • , , " I I I ... ,.i \ 'Ii• >I I 11 I I l I .1 l'i . • ltlf I " "ll'o' 111 ' II.,, I .111, '111· I'' I 1·111 I I li1 I !tl1h I J • ! I I I fl 1, If I I , I . 11 II I 1 lfl IU I 11 ••• I l•tl 1, I 1l •1 1o••' Ill "Ill I• 1.t 11 II f I " II I I I \ ll 'I I. • \ ·' ' I I I \1 I •/I 111111 If ol °'I "1• \11: •II I ff .0111111 I' J•l•ll "'''• 111111•1, .. 1 ll l•\1,1t 111 1• f lf,1 Id .11.d 1t!lr1 :.1i11 f',1,l,.11 I(, 1,,, ... ' ,, •fl • 11•· " p1·1 •11 111"111 11,, f I '•I I '11 1 I ·.\ j I 1 I t , t ,,, I •Ill ' • I II" • •\ "' 1 lw 1·11111 lrll'rt I ,JI 1111• ii •I.tit•, I' ,\, Id 1, .1 111.1'"'" 1 .ill I'"' I flt lfl• •I,\ I fll!f\111 11 ,lfll•flll llt d •11•111111111 1 11 l ro111·l1·d .1 .f •,l•l l 11111' IJ\•f \IJll'flt'il \II. I i1"l'o'lll'l'I \\111lld,1i lflt• 11 I It I•• d1•1 llqolll . ltllfJI "llt.tll ' 11"11' 11 ' .. ,11 •11111 llo1n1•t"v.n \•Ill\' "ltid I id• ••II II ,111d 1 llf'll d1 · J•.d I \I 1•11i11 I f11 •ol1 I flti•ftf-..\\h11 ft ,•111ldt!1 •1i•\f•ll ,fl \I/Ill d••!'>llll:f I I I \rn Iv Hoo1u •v . .. \ \ .... \ I illlfl"lf 111" flf•\ 1•lt1 p111Plf( " rlt .. ll11.o1 111 "'I''''' p l.111 I" l'dll'f llto ( ;q1.11 11 If• 111 111.ifl\ l.1 1• • \1111•111';111 nll J••11I-11 1· 1,, 111,• ·l11•(1•h1•d l•i 1li1• l11•.1k111• 11111111 .011ol t., .. .iii"' I 111 •"ill 11111111 < 111'1 "\ 1 I I I•• fil J11t I pi.trt ll1o1I \\I 11111 dt .1111.1111 .tll • • "' d11l\lt 11,, ...... 1111 "' l11o·I 111·1 ·•"'" IHI ·•II I I .111 J" •I I 111 ••II ""1111' 1•111111 ~ \~ \ 111 111 1.11 d1·1111 1 111: th•· j'l.111 .ind • """"' r 11 ''' 1,, n11·11 ·I' ,, llt.t!h1 •ii l.1111, Hur ,, pr11110 ... :ol '' l11·tr1 l' ,, thlwd 111 I ht• ;q.!l'IH I 1111· I-IH:--1 1111 . .t 111 .. o11111•11 1 \\11tdd llf ltli,llih lt1 htt.. I lll•lli'h lfl I \I I'~"' I"'' I'll;.'• I' .111d \\11111<1 ,, 11•1 1111 ,1 •••111111111111' '""'' Iii I\\ ''"II I h1· l..1 ... I .111d \\ 1 I 1 ''·' 1 I 1·1•d1 1 ll1,1t.r 1:•1111 ii "\ • r I Ill' 1 •111111 I\ \I 1111ltl dr "JI "11 .111d J•ll lo. 11p J• 1 ·•'llL\ r 1111111 II It I I \\ I ii I If 1 '\ \ .... \ II II 11 J d ,j'' I • i11p tl'l/>'11' 111 "!ll•·t , 1,11 11 II \ Ill' tll f1111'h 11 tit.II \flll t l1ltld I \pt 1 I '•Ill 111 ,. ........ "'('I \ 11111 "11' I "' I h• 1•11t11l l I \\ fl'l 11,fl l1 \'\I I\ h"llf 'I"' \ '~ \ I 11 ,'lfll'l'f 1d1" l\•11 k1•d 11111,I lllllffl .tll'!I "'' Ill• l''"ll'l'I 11 ;1~ \llw1·f (' J.:\•,1·1' l'I \\ h11 \\ ,, ............ ~~111 ·d ,,, '\ \~' l :t11 t.:lf'\ ll1•-..l'.1 t'f'lt ("•1!11 1 IJI \ lr).!1111;1 Jk ft•lt lh•· .1).!1 Ill\ l.t"I .;11111nwr h11111111IJ••l11r1 •111'-11 •p11r 1 '' ;,, ,,i1,m1111•ol l11 111' -.01wr 111r-.. 111 \\';1..,h111).!l1111 I I :tlh1 •d lo I\ 1 ... ,., Punch ' . 111 r1e d 1•11.J' ;>Hl'•••lur"• • 11 rs 11 s 1u~1 a form releasing us from iny !Pq..i1 r1:~.µ01 5101 I> for ,.111 tv w111t" Jboard our c1afl · • .... ~ J f1 ft.1 ~f t Id t I I ~ f •I' p,1 "'"'I'\\ 1111ld I I I 111' I• q 1.~ .. It.ii •II' 111 ,1 t •l.11 1.111 I\\ •f 1 I I lw flo,11111 o1 I'": 11 "'"lrl I•·•" • "r 111• I 1111 • •I "•'.ti • •II .t ii• 111111• !'111 !fill• 1t1d 1t11 Pd' .. ·''lll\''' \\Ht.td '" "' 11 \1 f l ti 111 11 .111ol llwr 1 1•1d,1·d llj• \ "" • 11111•1 f'11 I 11t11l .Ill\ 1"11111 Ill Iii• I tlll"d °'I.II 1·, II• .Ill\ ,.1 /11 I 1"•1111 \I 11 li"lll 111.1h111j.!.i111 ''''""'""'"'' 1111111ol f\ \'"I ... ;.id • ft,tl I h1 1t•1 11111 •l"c \ l'\1:-1, 1111 1111 1111.il 1111' .. 111•111'1 Id -..I.I\ .tl11f1 lt•l lljlll •,f \\',fl ,11.1111111 ', ! I" tf I 111dt11, I· li .:f1f f I I '\\ ••1111 I 11 I ,\!/tild h• d• 1111 11·d\1.1 I• 1•ol1•1 It ltt 11111 'llL!lll• I I 1111..' p1 •11plt• ~;1 \ 'l,,lf 11 \\111ol d 111 .1 p11•1·1• 1111·;11\t• fll 'II•'~' 111 • 11,'lllt' flt.ti 1·11tdd I 1111 i"fillf\llHIJ l\fl1f,t \t',lf' ftf'';t ld 111 1. Fl.o \'fl'\(; .111 p•irt \'•1t1ld 111 I 11111111 k \ •1•1'aidt11.ot II \\'llllld '" li lt.: "lllllit.!11 111 jl!'ll\ 11 11 • -ill lhl' 11111 111111• 111,,1r.1d11 111n:tl :11rp11rt 11· l,1111 .1111 , liar-.. 1w rhap-.. • \ •'II L! 11 I -.. 111 'I'' 11111 111•1 .111-..1• 11f I ht· Jll't'l'IM' li •c1-..1 II -..111·1·d1·d 111 t.:••I Jl:l "'~l'llgt·r .. •II ,111d 11(1 1h1 • l1•1•1lt-r fltl!hh f\ \ ..... 1 lt.t ... I 1'1 '11nll111'11dt•d lhitl I'·'''' llC• I" d11 11111 'llllJll.1 \\ :tl k 11n 111d •If 11 h1· I l• 1.ol lllJ.! :11rp•ll't Washington 's • winners exp ect w ea1th I ,.,., 111111111•11dl·d that 11 l' put rt .. · 11.1-."•11g1·r' 111 ,i.,1ltrt1·h.11r:-. ft1• '.t 111 f'lll' I 1J;11 r' I\ lltlflf Ill' jll'll twllt·d ,tl11111.: .1 tr;1l'k .. ind \\llUld ht· 11111\ 1•d 1111'1 po .... 111111 d1•11•rrnint•tl Ii\ ,I I llf(l lll lft'f" I It" .1p1wllat ron "f'rcsidt·nt f( •' • t1.u l' going t11 takl' a littlP 11111> 1 .. J.wt u:-1·cl to It " lik e 11"1t 1·111l11•nng to put lht• date r1f 111 .. 111•\\ ""'" on a C'hl•C'k m the t 11 "' h·w rl t11 .., 11f .J.1nu ary I frl 11flt'n IO lht• positron or lt1•11lj.' :Ill •1ll!'l'l'Vl'r 111Sll'CHI of a I• ;1 1 111 I p.1111 ;t II fl fl f 1·11111 °''" I h111 ·-.. 1111.1 1 I "'a" at I< 1• ;1 g a n · s 1n .1ug11ral ion t "':111dt·r1·d ;1 r o 11 n d Wa s h 1111.(to n a 11<1 wat c·hl•d '1'111• S l'C'lll' w a :. ~11 m <· 1h1111-: like tht' Qn e 1n the lttt'kl'r room or the winning team .1111•1 tht.• Suµc•r Howl. Everyone "':.t<.. la11gh1nj;( and yelhng and ~111g1111{ songs like "The Eyes of T1•xas /\re lJf)IJn You." Texans i-.1•1·m to rt'late lo Reagan more than the peo1>I<' from any other state•. ThE> difft•r ence be tween Was hingt on and the winning loc ker room was t h at the players are better dressed in the lor ker room. ~ l 'V E NEVER SE EN a s mHny mink coats as there were in the nation's capital this past w eek and I don't like mink ronts. I've never had the money to buy one for my wife, so maybe I resent them , but I find them as pretentious a s one of those mile-long limousines. For years. Washingtori was cheaper to be in tha n many major U.S. cities, but that isn't true anymore. I auapect t hat with so many rich ~publicans a. •• ·----....... ...- n11n 1ng 111 lo\\n. tl1111g:-;irl' going 111 g l'I wor"t'. I on Thi• cl1•mand f11r I h{' g1111d hol f·I r 1111m ,, f11r ,.xamp l <', \\tll tnt·n•as t'. ..;o l ht• pr11't'' will go up Thal ':-. hard lo h<·l1t·11• wht•n ~OU Set'' thl' p rl('('\ tl11W T ti t: W .. : t-: K It t' for 1• 1 h 1• inauguration. l Spt'lll u 111ght rn Washington at u m·w h1>ll'I ('ttll l•d I h•· Four Sl'ason' Thn·1· would ht111· ht•1•n t·noui.:h for m1• I !'>t'I a 1ww worl(f 's n•(·ord for 111~~t·lf h~ fl<l.\'IOJ.t $t:M for ;1 room for on1· night Th<· hell was ftnt· ;,ind tht• shl•(•ts we n · d ean. hut thl'rt•'s 1ust so mu<·h slcC'p 1 ou l'an gel m :.i holl'I room rn ;mt• night and s1:14's worth i:- mnr(• than I nt·cd I sa~ I pai1! ,for the room. Artuall~. thl' company paid for 1t and "Th<' ('ompany" doesn't l'nm plai n muc h tn /\me rir a whl'n you t•om1· to Washington. I F VOt; DON'T actually c· h e a t . s t> m c n n e i n t h e a ccounting department who d oesn't st ay in hotels muc h fi gures that"s how much a hotel room costs and you must have bl'en doing something important if you were in Washington. Dur ing the inauguration itself, I s tayed at the Washington II ilton. ll 's hug1• and, while it is n 't one of the city's luxury hotels, I had no complaint with it. My room w1\S S79 a night and f was there three nights . I T HOUGHT $79 was high but it was the extras that gol to m e. A local phone call from the hotel room cost 60 cents a nd dry cleaning was prohibitive. At the Dem ocrrtJc Convention 111 :\1•"' York l ;1~1 ... umnwr. I paid Sli lo ha\ t' a "1111 1·l1•an1•d at t h1· hol\·I In W;1-..h111g to n . I v. .tnlt•d I \\11 pair-. 111 -..l;ll'k'> .ind a ... u1 t drn11· Tht· Jiff( l ' r .. r I pair,,, 'lal'k:-11a:-Sli and ,1 ~ull 1Ao:1'> $!1 HI II v.11ultl h.11 ,. l 1 ..... 1 m i· S21 . nr .1h11ut "'h:ol I pa11l for !ht• jl:tllls tn lllt' f1r~I pl:tl'I' With th1• t'Xt 1•pt111n 111 °'llml' or t hi · world':-. g r<•atl'st m 11st·11ms ;ind :irt gall1•r11•s, Wa~hlllJ!IOn i..; :-ttll 1·1ilt11 ralh 11111 of town It h.1:-;1 do7.('n -or so IPt.:1l1ma1t• tht•att•rs . hut "llt•llo 1>11111 1~ usua ll ~ playrnl! at mo~I 11f them T llER f: l>O•:SN'T s1·Pm 10 hC' a ny s trong, ong1nt1I ar11st1<" rno1·ement in Wa~hini.ttnn It all 1·om 1·s from somewh{'re else a nd that isn't apl to chang<' under l'rt'"Hknt lkaiwn I t's i nte r e s ting to S<'C Wash ing ton's :.itt1tucle toward our new president On thl' one sicle. the newcomt·r~ arc excat <.>d and e nthusiastic. Thl'} ·re mostly husbands of the women rn ·the mink coats . As far as they'r e concerned. it's a ne w ball game now and they're going to be freed from the restraints applied to the free <'nt e rpri sc sys\c m b y government F.vcryon~ will get ric h again or everyone they kno w anyway. THE P EOP LE who do the work in Washington , the civil servants, see things differently. They looked on dur ing the inaugural festivities with detached skepticism . T hey've heard it all before. It doesn't look that differe nt lo t hebl. They think they'll weather -}. t hJs atorm. too. ! ~ .. .__.__....... ...... _._ ...... ..-........ -_._...._ ... ._·--·-·-· ..... ... k \ ,, ...... 11d that. •IOt'l' ;.i hoard 1 It • t I 11 :1 t 1 11 g " 1 r p 11 r t . l h l' f"l '•'••ni:1•r-. 1\111tltl Ill' fn·1· t11 mon· 11111 111 1111 1 I hat I h1 · 1n1tial 11 ,111-.ft-r-, \\ ould h ;I\ 1• In ht• rlorw in 1 II• "hi ilfl d1.11r o, lll'<':tll~t· 11 rt• 111\1 ' th1· p;,......,•11g1·r:-uf lht• l'•''l11111-..tl111tf\ of !111d1ng tht· right \1 ·" loJ.!11 111.1111·\11ld •·n11g rna1.cof 1•.l :-... :1g1•11 ii ~ ... 111· s;11tl I Ital 1 h1• fl11;ll tnJ! ai rport 11 •111 Id11111 l1a 11• 111 ... 1111\ Ull\\'n when II p11·!..1·d "" 1111~Sl'llj.!l'I'!'> from lht• l1 •1•tl1·r fl1).!111-.. Th t• fcerfrr .11rpt:i11o •-.. would fl~ nosl'-first into ;1 n 11p1•n1111J 111 I h1· n ·;1 r of l ht• f111al 111).! .11rport . tlu· paSSl'llJ!t•rs would h<· lr:inslt•rTt'd thrnugh thl' noSl'. .ind 1ht·n th1· floating airport \\ 11111<1runt1nu1· 11111t:-w;i~. lt•a,·inl! 1 h•· f1•1·1kr pl.int• hl'htnd T tl E HEST thing ahout this Is llll' 1·.1 ... l' 11 "111 pron dt• tn gettinJ! t rom Hill' part of thl' c·ountry to <1not lll'r part 1)f th<· t·ounlry." "~ :-it·r~a11I ·11 '""be Just as easy tfl fh from a s mall town rn Texas 10 a ~mall to\\n in M;11ne a!.1t 1:-to fl,\' t rnm Loi-:\n).!l'lc•s to Nc·w \'or .. \'1•1·~ llltlC' r('S<'arch has ht'en don1' 1m ho\\ humans art' ~oing to fl'Hl'l to th<' 111t•a of using the rJoat- illj! a irport Kys«>r said this is ht'l'<JUS<' pc•opl(• a r<C)always skep· t ical nfnew ideas. "Attitudes evolve." he said. "My own collca~ucs five years u,go w1•r(' absolutely appalled that anyon<' would ronceive of this. But it catches on." So,,t(NASA approves. it may be lust iHnattt>r of time before you have an airport zipping 40,000 reet above your house. setting down for maintenance only once each year. The llare Krishnas had bitter p~ck abiglurich. ; •, Why do women lack elective office equality? Or C'iar lt1 \.J tltll " <1 rm1Jit111m o/ pvlH1t ~ "'' 1n1r,. al r ul 'ilutr ,. Ml Ir rt on Do I.st 'llu\ t'(n bcr ., t•ludl1111!1 Jl&n•I "" t•nd o l l.-•111 1111 • hill.. lfl Y..Olrll'fl't; rljlhl ~ I!> a I.I t> ' 1• u r t 1 , u I t1 1 I ~ 1 11 r1hfonu11 . \nd If "'V 10hliJI llllj1o1C \ ~Il l tJ\i.l h,.\t. 1111 lh.-µul1111·ul h p pOrtUfilll t"J. rut Vo lllllt.'11 Ill tl11' aoldro stdtt'' In mctn \ '-'41 \' 10 1Jmt·n hi.n· ('UtHt" d 11111.: \0 IH 'llll't' 11al>:>IS~t· u ( l ht' l YUi \ ltlt'OJ 1111wt In l i.20 But t'\<en bt.-furl· that .\mtnd nll"nl fllW '°"omen \O rrl· cll'C'l•-<J tu thr ( :sldor1110 \')~c111bl> 1n l!H~ .\Jll.l 1'et10~t1 1919 a111.l l!flti therr \Ol'rl' cilY..<1\ ... fu ur 11r r1v t Mailbox - wo1111•11 ml'mh~·rt-in thl' 11t1.ie·s luwcf h_l'Wil' . RlJT 1'tTt:K tha t , the number ul wu11~~11 1•h·ctcJ lo the As· ""'11 bl,v Jro1>1.11..'<l tu no more lhan 1111 l ' ur l wo per sesi;1on for 25 \ 1• 111 s lh:I Wl'en l !153 and '76 1 um>lht•1 ~:i y~arb ) lhe number •>I wvmcn Abbembly members 1 ltmtK"" sh1ibtly ranging from 1 m~ tu four l>(.'r :.()ssion No1 until 1976 wer e five ~ umt'n cle1·t~ lo ttw Assembly mall0h111g the number elected 10 1922 In adll1lwn. one wo man, Ho:.e Aun Vu1l'h, 0 -Tulare. was dt:l'l~ to lhe stall! Senate .i.. an h1s tor:1<· first Thus 1t took S4 \ i:ars lO beat the 1922 record Two years later. nine women were elected to the Assembly and another to the Senate -a major increase. AND IN LAST year's election, the number of women in the As· s ~mbW-mcreased lo 10. At present, then, there is a record high 12 women in the California Legislature. Hardly a stunning record. Blacks. who make up less than 10 percent or the state's popula- tion . hold eight of the Le gislature's s eats. Latinos, who make-up about 25 perce.nt of the state's population hold seven seats. · If women were doing as well Your~f R/<5/./T, Prt· NESIANDS-- IT-· IT'S GXPI~ EC>~ .. , I' ((I ~-..,., as blacks and Latinos, they would hold about 32 le1islative seats. Why is it that women, who make up more.than half of the state's population. 'comprise just 10 percent or th·e slate's lawmakers? OR, DOES IT even make sense to compare the political "success" or women lo that of blacks or batinos? There are g'ood reasons why such a com- parison is probably a mistake. First, the black and Latino population Is c lus tered in specifi c are as of the state's urban centers -for example, Hunter's Point in San Fran· 'Let joy of return overcome frustrations' To the Editor: Am id tears and s houting and c heering, 52 Am e ricans are finally free and saf1:!ly in the arms of their countrymen. It has been a unifying event, one in whi<'h we all feel a part. Now lhal the crisis is over. I 'm beginning to hear other voices that frighten me almost as much as the voices of the Ira- nian "students" who started this whole mess. Newscasters. both on radio and television. and perhaps in some of the print media, are looking to "get even" with the Iranians. One radio personality stated on his early morning pro- gram that. "I'd just like to see som e of those students pull a nother demonstration now." People who feel this way are forgetting the facts. One is a point of history Almost 40 years ago ther e was another "Day of Infamy.'' Americans sought to "get even" for that by imprison· Ing thous ands of Japanese- Americans, a fa ct that has been one of the major disgraces of this country. We "got even" with the wrong people. with the people who were. in most cases. totally loyal to this country . lhis crisis. All we could ac· complish is lo make ourselves, lo ust! the word of our new Presi· d e nt , barbarians . We are greater than that, and I wouJd hope that those in the public eye, be they politician or media, act in a civilized and r esponsible manner . I would pray that these people in public view would not turn our righteous anger against us and urge us to actions that can do no good and can cause us great harm. We must take our new found joy in the rt>turn of our people and let it help us overcome our frustrations. We have joined together in this joy and this same spirit of unity can he chan- neled into positive actions that will prove lo the world that we are t ruly civilized. We must work to see that s om ething like this can never happen again. We mus t see that e v e n th e barbarians of this earth know that Americans are strong and united and we will remain free! The voices or reason will urge that we move forward, not be led to a retaliation that can on· ly cause us later disgrace. No one has yet learned to throw mud without getting hi s own hands dirty. ANN A. POWELL ......... ,, ... ..,.,.,,, TO TAKE OUR anger and frustration out on the Iranians available to us would again, in most cases. be "getting even" with the wrong people. To the Editor: The second fact is that there is I want to comment on the Sun· no way to get even. To even the day. Jan. 18, editorial, Che para- score. to wipe the slate clean, graph regarding having the •ould mean that we would find supervisors tell the county lob-laoss days, more than 63 years. byists in Washington, D.C. to That is the amount of time that seek beneficial changes in the has been stolen from 52 men and Federal Re fugee Assistance m omen. Thal is the amount of Program. me that they have lost from What is wrong with our el~t· elr families, their jobs, their ed legislators? We certainly are lives. To get even we would also . paying the senators and the con· l\ave to find. the years of produc-gressmen from this district plen· tlve. loving lives of the ei1ht ty or money to have their youni men killed last April. elaborate staffs back there in We cannot get even by putting Washin'1oo. ourselves on the same level u I don l really think we should tbose who are responsible (or__ have_the extra bu~en of lob= l>ytsti. TWOW su11est tliat you bold a little fire to the feet ot our elected representatives to set some help on this refu1ee pro- blem. GRANT MeCOMBS ........ , ...... ,, ... To UM l:dttor, J 'm IQ ud ob•loull1 cm· .Hraed about aar 1 .. talMtoa "You hAvcn't rtfcrre4 to ~ trAilers As iresorg '4tcly." whic h would affect me and others Uke me. or course I hope the bill by Art Agnos, D·San Francisco, outlaw· ing job discrimination against 1ays puses, but with its passage I would still have serious res· ervations about informing a prospective employer about my sexual preference or who I Sleep with. I don't feel it's m~ employer's business lo know who I love or anyone else's busi· ness for that matter unless I wish them to know. Unfortunately, people general- ly view homosexuals in purely sexual terms -not ln terms of two men or women in love Uvlna to1eu., waWnc toptber, hav· lnt fritndl over for dinner and aimpl.y Uvtq the way everyone elae cto.. long way to go before their mis· sion is complete. If they are suc· cessful in defeating Art Agnos' bill they should next fight to keep unmarried couples who are sleepiftJ together from gaining employment because fornication is also condemned in the Bible. Ir groups like Califomians for blical Morality and the Moral jority are successful in their pai1n against "immoral" , we coutd soon be seeing ent applications with quea like "who are you liv· int with?," "Do you en1a1e in pre-marital or extramarital sex?" "Do you enga1e in oral sex or muturbatlon?" "Do you cheat on your tax forms?" What rtaht do these fl'OUPI have to enforce their values on the rest ol IOClety? 11 tbey are rlfbt, II God cloee cut homoen· u.11 Into bell~ .a.ould IMJ. W01'17T TbeJ be aadlfted la tile kaowlecl1• of tlt•lr ,..,.... •I Iii ...t tlt8t God 1Mll ........................ ... .,. • NAIQ tfli&H&LD cisco; central Oakland: South· Central and East Los Angeles. Not surprisingly. these areas tend to. vote for members or their own racial or ethnic group. ' Being black or Latino is a requisite to political success in these areas. But being female is not a political requisite anywhere in 'California. If it were otherwise, a majority of the state's elected public officials might well be female. THUS, WOMEN can't seem to make ."their" s tatus or issues politically relevant. Two recent elections illustrate the point. Bobbi Fiedler defeated an en· trenched congressional incum- bent on the school busing issue in the San Fernando Valley . Fiedler, a leader against man· <latory busing, won on that issue being a woman was irrelevant. On the other s ide of t he Hollywood Hills. Yvonne Hurke was defeated in her attempt lo win an e lection to the Los Angeles Count y Board of Supervisors. Burke. originally appointed to the board by Gov. Jerry Brown, represented a district which is es· sentially all white. Burke, a well known leader in ~he black com· munity, apparently lost her elec· lion on a silent race issu~ -being a womanhadnothingtodowithlt. According to a relatively re- cent poll by Public Response As· sociates of San Francisco - California voters claim to be almost free of sex prejudice. Over 90 percent reported that they would vote for a qualified woman fo r Congress , U .S . Senate, mayor or governor. Perhaps. Opinions ex pressed in a s urvey may be different from votes cast in an election Wh at do we me an by· 'qualified?•' IN ANY ~ASE, women have a long way to ~o to achieve equality in winnin~electiveoffice. Perhaµs. if som e major political issue were to emerge which divided the electorate by sex women as the "natural" majoril> would do better at the polls . Rut no such issues seem to have appeared nor do they seem likely lo appear in the near fulure Pizzazz rubs off where it's needed By THOMAS MURPHlNF. 011"• O•llt P'llel St•H WA SIU NUTON. 0 C Native newswriters of this capital greeted Ronald Wilson Heagan's asC'e nd ancy to the White House much as the bratty little kid next door met you when you came to town with your brand new bicycle At first, when you wheeled out the me talhe red llollywood model with the shiny chrome wheels. he made a studied effort to be unimpressed ; he gazed at birds overhead and spit a lot. That fail ed when other ne1ghhorhood kids flocked around to admire your llollywood two-wheeler So then he hurled gravel at it, tryinl-( to c·hip the paint. In large measure that's ho.w the native press acted here in reporting the Reagan inauguration with its battalions or llollywood personaht1e~. the limousines and limelights and .Judith Leiber Ame ri<:an alligator handbags. First they played cool and later they chipped at it. Thus in reviewing the televised version of Frank Sinatra's gala the night before inauguration. the Washington Post's Tom Shales wrote that it "came across as a tacky combination of a Hollywood awards show, a Kiwanis Club talent contest and :i telethon stocked with fewer greats than near -greats . " And Shales in his description liked to use buzz-words he probably figured they mouth on the corner or Hollywood and Vi ne like ... show-bizzy" and "glitz" and "hype' to describe the gala, which he suggested " probably passes in llollywood for pomp " AND DON'T EVER FORGET that place called Hollywood Thal name will probably appear an Washington dispatches a lot over the next four years because it reetlly unnerves the local press They fear it. Jtgives them the Jitters They might l'atC'h it and come down with a terminal case of Kle1g Light Why. somebody might start embossin1-: g'>ld stars along the Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalks In reviewing the Sinatra gala. however, one vituperative piece by Shales wasn't really enough Two other by-linecs, Megan Rosenfeld and Joseph Mcl.ellan, <''>mhined their acidic typewriters for on·lhc·scenc coverage al Cap1t(JI Centre They selected Johnny Carson's wiscc raC'k l"'Well. this is the first administration to have a premiere " I as a serious inlroduc· lion to their commentary These two scribes also liked the Shales buzz word glitz lo describe the goings-on. They wrote that the n-President-elect and Mrs. Reagan sat upon velour covered wing chairs on raised platforms. "in rather throne· like fashion . . .. Now you have another Washington press corps fear over the next four years The throne. The press here writes a lot in mumbles about the threat of .. an Impe rial Presidency.·• Actually, most of Reagan's people were driving Cadillacs. Costs of Mrs. Reagan's inaugural wardrobe, at "an estimat- ed value of $25,000" proved to be an enormous preoccupation with the catty-crew Washington press, with emphas is on the dollar signs the inaugural gown by J ames Galanos. estimated value more than SI0.000; the alligator Leiber handbag, SI ,650, and so on into the cash regis ter. CLEARLV, THE CAPITAL PRESS was far more impressed with what clothes cost than how they looked And they looked marvelous, believe it. Native newswriter criticisms of only near great enter - tainers conspicuously evaporated on inaugural ball night. The writers kept stumbling into names like Charlton Heston, Lionel llampton, Elizabeth Taylor, Wayne Newlon. Glen Campbell. Harry James and Sammy Kaye and more Alas, even cold-blooded Washingtonians came up with stars in their eyes. While Hollywood people specifi cally and Californians in general took a lot of crybaby cheap shots from the capital press, they seemed to lake it all largely in good humor. "So what if Nancy Reagan's gown cost Sl0.000," shrugged one Newport Beach industrialist from Big ~anyon "It ·s goingto end up in the Smithsonian museum anyway .. -· · Another; Newport resident associated with the new ad· ministration reacted to criticism of the glamour gala this way: "Sure, it had some glitter. What this country needs right now is a little pizzau. Mr. Reagan needs lo be more presidential than Jimmy was. It ~ill help him draw in high quality advisers and staffer~ and brighter businessmen. "IF PIZZA.ZZ HELPS TO GET this country moving a1ain and builds confidence, then some glamour has accomplished its purpose.'' And if some of the local Wuhinaton writers and ~ritlcs had been down on the streets with the re1utar citiaenry. lining 1Pennsylvania Avenue six-deep, waitln1 f!'r an inau1ur~ parade that was late in the chm and lfOWinc dusk, they m11ht have Jearned a bit more about whalsome 1lamour can accomplish. Down on the street, it wu 1etlln1 colder. It was a red knit mil· ten and cloth coat crowd. e Yet when the president •:eel· precedln1 the parade unit..-he wun't pouncHna afoot the PenMylnnt1 Avenue pavementin a cloth buaineusuit. He wu rtdtnt splendidly lD a Ions, black Umouslne1 bead and 1boulden thrult out the alid•back roof, Allllna ana wn· ln•. He wore a formal momlna 1utt. A btt of pbna. WMblnstonlana and villton, Uaed 111-d"P ••oac the parade route, Just lov.cl him.,,,_, cheend and jumped and ' •••• tbell' catton mitt-aad dMn ,..._.. some more -••• la tb• mtll row beck from tlM cwb. Md tMt'I wbln Amlftca aMlll ltl ~~bl tla• tow ...... ,..,. ........ IS• tlMn m UM~ ""a;· , ,,.. DM.Y N.01 COUNTY Parking "1les ~yed for CdM connnercial strip a 8TEVE •AULt: .................... It all 1lart.ct laat yHr wht!n • handful of on•nt-1 t\&I &l'ltre..hanl& Ht up •boll 11lon1& the C"orooa del Mar commerdal 1lr111 T ht'n <'•mr prt1d1<'1 111n lh'll t;11st Coast Hl&h••) would bt'c'omr on """'U•l \/t' sho1Jpln1JC area taOorC'd for th~ W \11&IU\) One lllndowner aa1d It would tw<'ume tht< Hodw IJrlv\I or Or1111Mf.1 Count) The aro plan, outhnanc he1tht Umita, bwld· 1nti1 site re1ulat1on, and • 1na11t1ted cure for the area'l lack ot parlllna. wu ahown olf lut week to mem~nl ol \ht' Coron. del Mar Civic A1- i.odal1on which rt!prHl'nt11 LOO tamilies. shop owner found himaell deticlent in required on-site parkina apacea, he couJd leaae a space at the city lot. She speculated that a businessman could be chuged up to $10,000 for Muc h an arrangement. Fees derived from the lot, ahe continued, would be placed in a. specla.l city fund earmarked for purchasing la.nd for future parking lots in Corona del Mar. owner wh9 adds onto his building by more than 10 percent would be forced to comply with the parking ruJes. THE PROPOSED PLAN suggests that a businessmean who fails to meet these require· mefll~ would immediately lose his building permits. Uet• Mai.t\.'r. 1.111 unwanal l:ha.siness P~operty A:.i.ot·11tt1on nw mbt•r who dropped outcl,ol the rhumbcr bul liatc•r rt' Jt>lnt'<i, told civic members thut 11 ·~ the 11r111K>i.t'tJ puking ruJes that would spark 1·hang''" II\ the artia. She admlth.-d tha.l potential customers from one shop would bti competing against other customers for at parkln1e spot. The lot has 57 stalls. Several civic members speculated that such an arrangement could quickly change the .\ nature of the Corona del Mar strip by putting tt\e parking 1>ricetag beyond the reach of mom and pop-type operations. al!SINt":S.." T£NANT1', l1&r1t"b ruvr\11>\llll~ b) Corona dt'I Mar Chunbcr or <'unlUlt·rr .. , fa,•ort!d prt"srn 11t1on or wha.t lh\l) , .. ~ as a quaint s mall Ill"''' bu1un.is11 d1stn1·t l'roµ.-rl ) o" fl l'tli ""hu ">t>lll fr um \ht· r hambt>r to form lh<' Uu!tllll't~& Provcrn A1> O<'••llon .. ;rnJ l'h ttn6't' w,.,, lllt'Vtli.blt' That'!! ~ hc>n Lhc-k ud t'<• I •r 1vt' 1•1 (•tlu·taon w11i. mi.de A1•1•11rd1ng_ 1.0 the arcu plan. which will be ~luthed b} d \) Plunntnl( Commissioners, new busmcssrrum ur shop owners thinking ol re- 11111<h-l11114 would be asked to pay for off-site vurk1n)! 11 th~1r lot fluted lo provide enough '>IWt~ A SECOND SUGGESTION for easing park· in" conditions would be for a property owner to purc hase a residential lot for $150,000 to $300,000 behind his store for parking. Civic association member Bill Agee, in a letter to members of the chamber, said "I would like to see Corona del Mar remain a low- key residential area and I would not like to see regional stores like a Tiffany and Gucci become the wave or the future." Hut lhl' hitl\k l.lt:I wt:rn lht f;ill'ltull1> ia!)IJt'IAri. to bt• ~ 1an1nt: ,\ "''""''"' di t'd J•l&n for tht' t·~m m1en:'1dl d1?>lrH \ h dl> trntr"~' Both the <'hdmoer , Jnl.l t ht' hY.llllll."b' ~ruuµ trd \ t' t'.nduri.~ It t\ t 'ITY·OWNED PARKING lot at Bayside l~rr vc nnd Marguerite Avenue should be nwtered with shop owners leasing s paces there '''r \'UStomcrs. the p!Jln suggests. Although a number or merchants have done this, Mrs . Mas ter suggested a "very large number" of businessmt!n have little or no o n- site parking. ' City planning commissione rs are expected to r eview the proposed area plan later this year and make recommendations whether it should be adopted. tn·othcr words. said Mrs. Masters. if a new The area plan says that a current shop Optimism overcomes ~rdeal Cut or Curl Officer back on duty nine nwntlu a/ter cycle acci·dent H) PHJL SNt;IDERMAN Of .... o.u, .. i ... "•" Huntington Hl.!ach poln•e offH.'t'r John Suttle doesn't re m ember a thing about the m otorc:yC'le at·cident last spring that sent him tb a local hospital with t rilical injuries . The handsome officer. an Irvine resi- dent who moonlights as a model and ac· tor. shows no disfigurement from the mishap, which kept 'him in a coma for 16 days. · BUT. t'OR JOHN Suttle, the road lo recovery has been a long and frustrat- ing one. a struggle that is not over yet. He returned to light duty last week, taking a traffic desk job. Because of the lingering effects of a brain stem injury, he c annot yet return to field duty . Suttle still must overcom e some mus· cle coordination difficulties and slightly s low speech. "I hope I'll get better." the officer sa ys. "That's about the only way you can look at it-optimistically. "U you look al it pessimistic ally, then you might not get better bec ause you don't r eally want to get better. It's just go- ing totakesome time " SUTILE'S ORDEAL began at about 10:30 p.m. last April~- , 0•11• "11-4 St.tfl "-• ATTITUDE AIDING RECOVERY Police Officer John Suttle The seven-year veteran officer was riding his motorcycle west on Edinger Avenue, responding to an accident re· port. Suttle says the injury wiped out his memor) of everythin~ that hap1>ened that day. A southbound van ran a red hght al Goldenwest Street and struck Suttle broadside. An outside mirror clipped his head. ACCORDING TO JJ Oli ce reports. Hobert Jack Quirk. 23, or Lakewood, in- itially fled from the scene. He turned himself in to police the next day. PUBLIC NOTICt; "ICTITIOUS auSINfSS N"IMf STATEMENT PtHCl HOTHIH HUPOADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALTllHGHOH SMITH I TUTHILL WISTCLt"' CHAl'IL 427 E 17111 SI Coc;ta Me-;a 646-9371 PtllCI POTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAAY 627 Main SI Huntington Beacti 5J6.e539 NII( fAMllY C~OMIA1.""4HAL NOMI 7801 BolSa Ave Westminster 893·3525 rAC8'tC YllW ...., ..... , ... Cematery Moftuary Ch1pet 3500 Pacific Vrew Drive Newpoft Beach 64+-2700 MICObetar MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 769-Q933 !)an Juan C.p1strano 495-1778 Quirk recently pleaded guilty to charges or felony hit-and-run driving and transporting a pound of marijuana lie was sentenced to Hi months in Chino State Prison. rmmediate ly after the accident. Sul· tie was rushed lo Huntingtorwntercom -- munity Hospital PUBLIC NOTICE "IC'TITIOUS aUSINfSS NAMf STATEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE OllANOf COUNTY SU,.EltlOlt COUllT 1•c1vic c ... w 0r ... W••t ~Ma, C•llfw114•t27tl P LAINTIFF MARIA DE LOS "1"4GELESORNELAS DE FENOANTS RAFAEL J S"1"4CH EZ, MARY C SANCHEZ, ROSE D YOUNG. SECUR ITY PA CI F IC M O RT G "IGE CORPORATIOl'C, • 0.lawa'" CO<pofa· lion, CHICAGO TITLE 1"4SURANCE COMPANY, • Ml"°"'' Corpo<atlCM\, •ncl DOES I tr\f'0\1911 10, lncl11•IW. WMMOM' CAHNUMll:fl~ NOTICll Yw ...... -..., -· T ... (9'1f't .... , ...... ""' ,.., ....... PUBLIC NOTICE l'IC'TITIOUS IUSINEH NAME ST"ITEMlliNT T "'" fotlo'#'fng p~r\on '' do•no bu,,ln•\~ •1" TH E WESTERN DELI, '71 At•IH D• , Co\I• ~ ... C• '1761' Jell A Mill•'. '171 Atalu. Co••• ~~•. Ca •:ii.:16 This bu\1nf!i\ 1'\ <Ondut ff'd by •n 1ndlvtdual J•ff 4 Mill•• Thi\ \U1Terrwm1 ••~ t11ed •Ith lhe County Clertr of OrAnCJf' Count~ on l•n11afy n 1'191 """" Put1•"1..s Or onQP CO<t•I Oa•l1 Pllol J•n 11. 1S. Feb 1. 8, 1"1 17t-11 PUBLIC NOTICt: l'tCTITIOUS IUSINESS NAMf \T4TU1UNT l Pl"' fOlfOWlr"Q l>P'W'I\. •rf OOlnq bU\1n,.\\ ~\ l(ATELLA EXECUTIVE SUllES, '118 K•t,.11.t Avtnu~ Suit,. 1t0. An•,....•rn, (al1forn••~*4 SM,. o Fonq y~,. ''"'" Fonci •nd YNt Hon Fonci, 1'18S Del>rA Slrttl. EI I o•o, Ca111o•noa '~>0 Vt!• WtnQ Fonq •nd M ifV Ler Fono1 •S'1 Northv,rw Or1yf" An••HtlM , C1ilto•n1a '2901 Snwo Kwei Lf and MtH Yim F t 1. 1t.Sn Loma Verde, M 1\\1on vu: •O, C•l•lo•nla '16" S1mlll!I lot\ '""' Jo•~l>l\ln~ loh. IJIS Aldo, Montf'btlllo, Cat1ro rn1a '!06<1() T nt., bus1nru " c.onduc ted by •n un •ncorpora1fJ'CI ~)\CM.\at1on o1t\~' """" ft P•' tner\hiP Yff Hon FonQ T h1\ \tat~rnen' ••\ f1tfl'd w't" INf Count1 Clef'k ol O"•nCJO' County on Jan 14, 1'91 Fn•1 PubllV,.d OranO" Coa\I D•lly Piiot J an H . F~b I, I , IS, l'ltl •7• II PUBLIC NOTICE -·---·· ..... ·-·~ •11111• • .. "-fl ... ._. lllf _ _.._ l'ICTITIOU' IUSINlliU -· NAME STATEMENT II you wl'1> lo-"'-«tvluof •nal· Tl•• toUowlnci "'""" I• dolnQ bu•I· torney In 0119 ,,,...,,.,, YoU "'°"Id dO so """ H promplly10INlyOU<wfltlflHHPOllH. R p It OEVELOPMENT COM lleny,,...,llefiledCM\llme. PA"4Y, 1111 eusiM\\ Genier 0,1 .. , AYllOI u ....... .._,.,...,, .... 1:1 Suite no. 1r.1ne, c amornla •nu trl._.1_.-.ClfWc-•U•·· •••· Rom•" P l(•llme'. 1'1• VIII• •-•••-... u._,.........._. H11arte, NeW.,Ort Beath, Calllornla IN ....... LH II~"" -'17..0 ...... Tiii• !>onl~• 11 <oncl<><t..i by an In· SI U1tw-. IOlkllar •I conMjo de dhildu•I "" ·~.,. Ht•......... ..... Rom.nP Kallme• llacerlo lnmedl•tement•, de HI• Tiii• •t.ienwnl ••• flied wllll IM mener•. 111 '"C'Ue'ta -••ta. \I 11•Y county c .. rk of Orenci-Coul'IY 011 •1•1111·.---..... , ...... iempo. • 1"1 '· TO THE OEFEMOANT: A cMI Jal'llUY '· ' '11~ compl .. ftt .... ..,.llledllylfleplalnUtl PllllllSNcl Or-COHI O•llY Piiot. .. •IMI you, If you wit!\ to tltf-ttlls t 2.s JO "' 1'7 11 1-11111, you ..... .-. wltN11 JO .. ys .• .,., Jel', ' 16• ' ' 1 • 111lu'"""'°"''' .. "'"°" you, fl .. .,.llh 1111scovrt•wrlll.i1r_,.10111ecom. 1 ptelr1t. IJ111fts you dO to, .-det..,11 wlll be em.reel on •llPllcetlon of Ille PUBUC NOTICE plalr1lltl, Miii lllls ~ourl mey enter • PICTiTtOUI eUIOllll lvdtlMftl ... IMI you IM IN r•lt.f tit• NAM91TATa•1tT m.,..tct In IN <-'.int, wtlkll covld Tiie for,...1111 ,.''°"' ••• •01111 Ntlllt In ..,.nltlwNnl of w-..s, t•l"t Jlu""9M .. , tf-Vtrtwo,ertyorOflltfrellifr• UHIOUf "llOOUCTI, HtO ~IMlnlfllc..,.C .. nt. P1.c.i11i. ,. .... c.w MeM, C•. '*'" OATEO;Autlllftt. 1'9CI O.•• ,redl, JOll·D ........ Pl., Lii A. ertANCH, t.flt• Afta, C:.. ft1t1 C'"11 O~y ,.,_,II, JOll·D Or.....,.. Pl,, Oy09hy0ftcla, kftt•AM,C"' ... 101. OUYI o.uty Tiiis l1111INH I• c..MllctMI llY 1111 "' .. LA~Mf. MllaAllAlt.ITlllCIC~MO ,.,.,,, ..... ( ........ ~ ..... , Mort"91Y • C.m1tery 111111,........ DIW• Pr9dl CfefNtOfJ ..... ...,CA_... n11 ......,... -mw """ • 1'"-GttfetAWI . c.._...... C-IY C.1"11 tf 0r..._. ~.it ~-,....__,. ,....., ... ,.. J-ry IS, ffll. ---......,..,,....... ,.,..,. 1 MC).~ I , ......... 0r"'llt CeMt Delly PIMlf, P111MlellM 0r"'llt c-tt Delly Pt• 'i ... .._ __ ,;.;~.;.;.---"" JM,"· tt.U,...._ '· "'' ... I J•n. tt ....... t, •·"" t1u1• ' ' ·'The dO<'tor said that had I not been in such good shape and worn m y helme.1, I probably would have been killed." Suttie says. FOR 16 DAYS AFTER the mishap, he remained in a coma, as his wife Debbie and fellow officers kept a vigil, offering e ncouragement. Mrs. Slllth! said lier husband's first words upon emerging from the coma were. "Debbie, I love you," and "Bear." the name of the couple's cat. From his coma period, Suttle only r e- l' alls that once he thought he was part of a traffic accident diagram. Of the firs t weeks after he awoke. Sut· lie has a sharp memory only of the day his wire brought the family dogs to the hospitaJ parking lot. DOCTORS FOUND Suttre·s proble ms we re caused by damaged nerves al the back of his head. On May 13, he was transferred to St. Jude Hospital in Fullerton for extensive rehabilitation. lie had to learn to walk again and to im- prove his slow speech . The process was difficult for Suttle, who was an avid jogger before his acci· dent. "It still is frustrating," he says. "I still can't run because I don't have the coordination.·' TODAY, SUTTLE IS continuing his therapy and is happy to be back to work. He has returned to model.ing, but wants to <'Ontinue his full-ime career as a police officer preferably in the traffic departmenL Does he have any second thoughts a bout getting back on a motorcycle? "If I remembered the accident, it might .be different," he s ays . "But I can 't. I couldn't ride a motorcycle right now because 1 'd probably fall off. Dul it wouldn't bother me to get on one.·· With a grin, he adds, "As long as this time they promise I won't get hit." Uniperm," Special 23.88 The nal ural looking perm for everyonl• hy Helene Curtis It automat1<.ally cond1t1on<, your hair for long-last1nq curls and wa11i:-!> Precision cut 12.88 A cut for everyone 1n your lamlly Tailored to your 1nd1v1dual hair texture and type Perms include shampoo. cut and styling. Chuge It. Price• effective Mon .. Jan. 26 to Sat., Jan. ~1 T~E s:.v~.IN~. ~ALON ATJCPenney ~FASHION ISlAND • ~ NEWPORT CENTER 01 course you can charge 11 -~~l Sears H 1111•i11J£• tt11 Rt••1t•l1 PLUS STORE fAO<QJ° TH(S( ITEMS llEAOtl f AVA•lA.Bll f OR S"l£ Al> AOVf IH1$CO Wt• sl'll first 11uality and 1h :-o<·ontm111·cl m l'rchandisl' from S(o;irs Hl'l:.111 a mt Catalog D1s trihution ·w a,.., .. 1ir11·1•:-. q1111t1·tl .1r1· th1 · 1 q~11l.11 p111·1•-. .11 "hll'h r h1 · 1!1•11 1 .... 1\1·n• lc1r1111·rl\ 11ff\or1·d 111 t ·.1t ,rl1•1: .i1 111 111.1111 ~1·:11·, 1(1•1 ;11 I ,..,1111'''' .11·111111d I lw 1·1111111 r,) LITTLE GIRLS' 3 PIECE SETS · were 19" NOW •1111 CHILDREN'S BLUE JEANS NOW 1311 wu 108" NOW E1tect1"e tr.!5~1 WESTERN 8TYLE PILE LINED CORDUROY JACKETS were 3997 to 4997 NOW •2411 SILENT MOVIE PROJECTOR wu 18880 20" 3 H.P. ROTARY LAWNMOWER Side Cotchef 119236 was 9499 NOW •&9•• 5 only llunUft•tun lk>u .. Mt5Adam" t\d1m" & Ma•nolla C714)11:t·llM BOYS' HOODED SETS were 15" NOW s9 99 • Ca1Nft0 Pteyer • DfglUIClock • .... Tumtabfe • 2SpHkon NOW S18995 5 only 20" 3.1 AEIEAVE POWER LAWN MOWER IS90ll03 • 11c1e c.~ • 1o11c1 ..... ,.,.....,. • wu 182H NOW .. 4> •11911 STOIU: tHnias \ "'"" •. , ... t ::lll t :• ~···~11 •.. ,, ••.• SWt141••• II:•':• 1 t ont i\1111 about Sc> a~ c: l'f'CI ll pla1110. ·~ . , CIVIC SAFETY ·Buses best Fleet heroes Ttonored • By aoat;aT BAUt.:I °' -o ... , ."-, ... Two WlSWlliC ht'roH h•ve been commended for thf'ir loffort. IO ktif'l>lll6' It n~t Of llunllna&tOO R•ach ~<'hool bu'I•·~ 1101111i1 11tr(1n1 after a lot of Vt'U and mllf•I llonon•d uftl'r thtr bu1>ti11 rcil'tllYtid the h1ghl''lt pO!!"llhh• N,1tfcl} n•U1111 from C'i.ll fornla H1ghw•) f'atrol irl lil'•'t'lun w1•r .. Edw111 "tlap" ('irah• 66. h t'llV dut) OH'<'h&filc·, and (;t:M&t' to:I 1111 M , mt•C'hllllll''' ht'lpN 'l'hf'\ toil 1111 lt unt1111(lon Deitc h '1ty t d t'm1•nt&1 \ 1 ~whuul IJt 'lt rtrt hu1>t:i. 10 the ~1o1r<1~t> tt>ro11nul ht t11111I cll'>lr11·t twadquartcrs ul 71\ l.&t h SI THEY &t:Bl'ILO ANO repluc·e e ngines and .111 other rn~or rep.t1r wurk lluwevt-1 mo~t u( lht' prublemi. the) face llt>"I with \u1 h thtngi. .ai. ai r lea.k s 1n the brakt' ... , ... tt'm <illll elet·troniC'al problems m engines T1r~ R~I worn ond often need replacing, too Uut t;ratt: declares t hat the buses on the w hull' Mt: '>urpr1i.1ngl) fret: of mechanical pro- blem' bcc<rnM• the) art'"" strongly built "THESE M EN KNOW their business from \ to Z." said Hobert Hawthorne, the district's d1rt•ctor of business services tit: sa id that tht' A ratmg bestowed by the C ll P 10 December will savt: the district money 1n the forrn of lower ins urance premiums. tlawthornc also said the dedication and ex pertisc of the two men 1s keeping trustees free from worry of buying a new bus fleet at an es timated cost of $800,000 Grate '>ervc.'<1 a~ a mechanic on Huntmgton Beach Fire l>epartment vehicles fort 14 years before joining the district in 1971. ELLIS, WHO HAS BEEN his assistant for four years. has been active in the heavy con· struct1on business in the lluntin~ton Beach area fo r a number of years Hawthorne said that their work also has preserved a dis trict safety record. Not one bus has been involved in an injury accident because of mechanical failure while under their care. Included in their charge is a 1958 Crown Coach bus. the oldest vehicle in service which has registered nearly 400,000 miles. It currently is used as a spare. Grate and Ellis received commendation for a job well donC' re<'ently from school district lrustc•t•s .. Sa~rifi~e or else Enviromnent down drain? By DON CHAPMAN OUlwO•llfl''l ... ,IMt A consultant who has written environmental reports ror maJor Orange County projects says residents face a critical period ecologically and must make sacrifices or .. get whatthey deserve." F rederick G. Sawyer of Tustin , who is teaching a class on the subject at Saddleback Coll ege, said if people allow uncontroll ed de- velopment, the county's FRED SAWYER environment will "go down lhe drain·· and a population exodus will begin. "The worst possible s ituation would be no controls on develop- ment and land use. Jr that is the case. then we can kiss goodbye our whole concern for the e nvironm e nt .·· s aid Sawyer, who at 62 is a 25-year veteran of en· vironmental consulting. "We're already starting to use land (for de· velopment) that's marginal." he said. "We 're go ing up the hillsides " "WE'RE USING LAND not intended for struc- tures. ''I'm trying to bring to public attention the fact that the envi ronmental problems of the future differ from those of the past. ''Increasingly. it's d ifficult to preserve places like Caspers Park,'· said the consultant, who pre· par ed envi ronmental data ror the 5,500-acre wilderness park. ... AJso, what do we do with solid waste? It's in· creasingly difficult to find a sanitary landfill base. No one wants to live next to a dump, but I think we're going to need that." BUT SAWYER ADMl1TED people are not likely to act on environmentaJ issues until it costs them money. He aJso said many citizen groups need to im· prove their organization so that they present a "united front." "We have to look carefully at (land zoned for) a1ricultural preserve . It's obvious that the owners ultimately want to develop the land. But we have to look carefully before it ls removed from the pre- . serve status," he said. Sawyer, who also prepared environmental data few various Orange County coastal projects, said many conflicts between the environment and ~onomics can be r esolved. "I BEUEVE IN compromise," be said. 'Sawyer's course on the future of the environ- mental movement meets Thursdays, from 7 to 10· p.m . at Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite' Parkway, Mission Viejo. Pot charge nixed 'rf or ex-coU11£il~n FRESNO (AP) -Former Fresno City Coun. eUman Elvin Bell wW not f-. cbars• for tbe dla· tovery ot 10 marijuana cilanttea at bia home. Dlltrlct Attorney Dale Bick..tafhakl. . Hil oftlce found lmuftlct.t nklwe to ,.,.. ~· Bell, who la qain nadnl for tbe coacil, pc~...wraa1c1 . ..a...._Tbe farmer comcUmaa CODtmded tlae •art· ......... pllllUd ............... ........., '~ ................ . •• BUSES EARN HIGHWAY PATROL'S HIGHEST SAFETY R~TING Edwin 'Hep Grete, George Elll1 commended by sc hool district .. , ... 0-,p ., '·".cc .... .... .,.,..." Our "eg. \0.9i 8~50 Mtsses • Stylish Oenim Jeans ' ""'' "''''' 11+ ..,,,., t t I~ H , f1,1tl' f1J1;I i1 0''''"1'' 1 it .u1J1'•1 H1'' ch_.n,,, t t ou< ~<;\ f if•<l " w·tne )I ···\'f' ..,.,,,, 11 l 111JI 1'1 ,, ,, ,l'.J lfH1 <-,~.,··· 1.11 Vin1f Protector For Mattress Full S11e o.,..., s1;~ .............. u1 ... .. 1.81 I.. 2 for s 1 Standard-size Pillow Protectors l1µp11rwJ v1111r l..CJW't 10,., ... t r 2.60 laked Half Chicken 0At.eo f)f\0 (hf("'••f w It• Ml' I t']f,.., f'Wl OPilfHf w·~·J.1pf'\'1 t>• 'tt •• H • J'av. l'•fJ ... l;)f'!P ff>li rl'1•1 l·o•r,_.., ;,.... __ _ --...... 8 I 9 0 ~2~~Reg. Men's and Boys' llylon Joggers Mt·,1., 1nrs n c11' , I t ,,,,,. "'Ji,., I Jciqt~I I Nt!h ''IJf'thl 1rn11 ( ., j1Je<1 I.(""'' (.I '-,tuf I "' f I nn gum oulsolf• Mvn'• ~•lPS Ooy< '''"" ;>·, G ~~r-#C- ,• -. . -. 5.98 ..... C.latltt l~,111 .. ~ hhttf At11J !¥lo"• ,, 11•1 .... I • ,,, . ' "'I ---· M~A ...... 14.88 .... ,..., ..... ., ---~----·-· -------------------· ---·--· \ '1 !!!!Pl\fl ~ 1.11 · . t I I I I ' """® .22 u ..... ~ -with '*"° point. 50 ,_. ,_ bo11. Sofd in Sport• ... (2.4 Todd,<>r Boys' Boiet Pants I '' ... .; , . / / {!1;; $1) --. KM0 1220G Black /wh ite Portab le TV ,ft t , •• I I '·'"' ,..,. h f .,,,, •• fW!lfllt VHf 1111 . t. For 31h-Pound* Artificial log Burns ;wpp11>>1• "llAlnl~ 1~rer t'<"•' "" C>',.,, 'H.if.-1 Sunday, January :is 1981 CAIL Y PILOT ... ' GRAND OPENING IN COSTA MESA , offers SOMETHING NEW AND JUST FOR YOU FOR THE CAREER WOMAN WHO WANTS TO RISE! THE ASPIRING MODEL WHO WANTS TO SHINE! LIT AUSTOM"S Har YOU llH a SHtMI. AUSTON ........ & tr•••• c• 9Nt .... ht • VOGUE • COSMOPOLITAN • SEVENTEEN • MADE.MOtSEUf • GLAMOUR • EBONY ShK~y fl'nstOft °" ...._ Gt-1 • .. , • Hew Y Oft. Co .. r Girt Mo!._.. F.-. Cle1w1 How f-i.w, "a•1ng a new rmage for you 1s me beauty of .vnat we do ,. -. .. -t• L .. 'I ... ,, •11•1111 ... 1 L I -..( j,r •••t.trJi~1 U1 H " I 5.96 "1en 's long Sleeve Flannel Sh irts ' .. ''•· .J ' _, I _,,- \ , ---. ., I .;.------' .~ __ ,.:__=--: -lll I _.,. rt; ie 4 'f\tc.•ru,o•d\ ___. Qveoe • l l l 3.3 3 Etch ' Sott S\eeping Pi\\ows 38~. Di1po11bl1 U1ht1n 1.ooo·s o l llgh1~ A Ojust ablc 1111me Coklf choice I ... 4 33 6.97 Indoo r VHF I UHF T'I An tenna '. ,_. KM200 58¢ Pair Crew Socks With Orton · t )rlt n • Ii 'Y'' ''•'ltt1 r1y1u"' .n m.en .. -.,,/f' H} 11 21.88 ..., I 9etle Miter w/upt The OM aid no 11ome mcwte ,,.., oen be without. Helpe In lllldno. 10 .97 Jogger's Watch With Stopwatc h I .. '•I N tit liquid Lrsol • Cleaner r.1ts1ntec1< fl" .i •••• rre'" <;m('ll ,;J[I ircc•. . A •• DNlV PtlOf \. \ Cancer figh·t improved Hospital• join to detect di1ea1e earlier 9) IOHN NS&DllA• °'_ .... , ........ t•t1,.>••1t·ua1U1 at tour South Orua• Couaty bo11p1 tah have bandfld toesetlwr to or1uiae w9'at tbC') hofw will bt' a c•ncer procram lhat wlll lud lo 1•111rl1 .. r lh1t~t·t100 111 th«! dlna11t! and abo • , e lht-i•atlt>nl mont'y CalJt«I tht• ~,utht'rn Oraf\iC' C.:ounty Cancer t'r!ljtrom. 11 involvt'b South ('out Medical C-rntrr 1n South L•atun111, Su 'h:mcnh1 G~n•ral llui.pllal 111' ~" l 'l"m~nt ... Mtb;oun Comm~lly ll1•.,1Htal '" M111-.1un V1cJu and Saddle.1b11C'll <;om rmHllh ll11"1p1t.-l 111 I 111(un11 lt1Us f Ht. ( .\~t·•.tt l'ltU(1ltAM Wlllh laCCrt .. 'i.hlt:d 1h1, mvnlh b tht-l\flll'rtl'liln t'olle&t! of Suraeuos u 11 .. r 01..-r .ii tnli r .. r I • 11 ycar11 as " pilot pro • r 1; 111 I ht' Ull!Jt'lu:-ht."h11uJ th<! con11ortJum was lhe hq~I\ dt.-tertot• u( )ervttt! du~liCalUHI btitween the lu111 hOl!p1tab. prv~ram orgaruzers s~y , ln •dd1tton, a Joint pro&ram is expected to vre\ en1 duph1·atuirl or· stallst1 cal mformation c1nd encvuragt! 1·0:..t s avings ror ;all four hoi.p1tah. "WE 'e•:LtE\lt; that lht: program will c ut "'"'i. and 1mprovt' t art: and treatment, said pro· Involvement's in the balance By AllTHUll ll. VINSEL Olt __ ,~_,_ Muhammad Ali is the greatest, and a heavyweight in more ways than one. He leaned from a ninth floor window in Los Angeles last Monday, then crawled out onto the steel grating of a fire escape to talk a distr aught young man out of leaping into eternity CONSIDER THE awesome responsibility of being called· upon to do that -especially if untrain e d in th e psychology or dealing with a would· be swcide and a s k yourself how you would handle 1l I m issed having to by 10 minutes one night. Covering the night police heat £or a Long Beach ne ws paper some ye<irs al(o, I left lhe press- room in the police sta v1Nsu tion al 1 :30 a .m. to go home. The call came in at l :40 a .m .; a suicidal young sailor perched on the fire escape atop the old Hartwell Building, threatening to leap and dem anding to talk to a newspaper re· µorter, as a crowd several stories below Jeered at him to jump. SINCF. POLICE COULDN'T loca le me, thev l'allro Htll llazlell, anothe r reporter. al home m F'ountain Valley on his night off He m a de 1t to downtown Long· Beach in 12 minutes. No Judge in the land would nave rined him if he'd been s topped for speeding. The distraught teen age sailor wanted to go to Vietnam and help save the world from Communism he blurted out. but he was as· s igned to some menial supply room task on the Navy base. llazlett. a combat veteran and r eserve Army offker at the lim e. leaned out at that dizzying height above Pinc Avenue and c almed the kid. telling him all about inter-service transrers H•: SUG<iESTF.D HE might transfer to the /\rmy or Marine Corps and the duty he so desµcratcly desired Finally the kid climbed back 1n and police hidden behind filing cabinets in that lop floor offi ce grabbed him and 1t was all over, except for the grumbling of t he rrowd ~lone.-. below Bi II went and wrote I he story for the morning editwns. but he lert out his role in the pred awn dr ama because to him 11 was just another as signment THEY HAD TO ADD AN Editor's Note. explaining the full story or that little slice of life in the big city and an off-duty reporter 's role in it. One of t he t hings I 'II always wonder a bout is what would have happened had I re· ceived the call. And every time I r ead of another episode in which someone is talked out of jumping and given another chance to straighten out a troubled life, I remember that night and those fateful 10 minutes. AND I ASK JUST a simple question for whic h ther e is no answer. Dear God, what would I have done? What would he have done ... ? CALL MITZI WELLS ABOUT A SECOND TRUST DEED LOAN UP TO S&00,000 Newport Equity'Funds·lnc. LicenMd Broiler Since 1171 (71•) JMNIUIU ,._. ______ _, 1ram lltdicaJ Direct.or Jobn Hunt. "We eapect to aee a tar1e number of our patients recelvin1 an •arUer dia1noeis of their diaeue.'' Huot said lhe maintenance of a tumor re1· iatry ia central to the 1oala of the pro1ram and • prerequisite for accreditation by the Amtirtcan Collqe of Suraeons . A tumor re1i1try is a data collection and dlaaemination system. Information concernin1 cancer patients is gathered, cate1ori1ed and i.tored by the registry and is easily access ible for use in monitoring, evaluating and treating ~ancer ONE Ot' THE C HI Et' responsibilities of the cancer program staff Is to collect and record dal• on the diaanosis and treatment of cancer patie nts al the'four participating hospitals. "Over the years we expect this data lo yield m eaningful statistics which will help us In the preve ntion and treatment of cancer,". Hunt said In addition to the tumor regis try, patients undergoing treatment at one or the four hos pitals receive the benefit of having several physicians consulting on their case . "This 1s a multi·dis riplinary approach to treatment." Hunt said . "Several alternative m ethods of treatment are usually discussed , of rering a wider perspec·ti ve to t he patient's primary physician." HUNT SAID IT IS unusual , but not unique for hospitals to coope rate m an a ccredited cancer program like the Southern Oranl(e Coun ty program. The Ame ri<.'an College of Surgeons Krants accreditation lo such multi hos pital programs only under special circumstances and specifies that accreditation will be suspended ir <my of the participating hospitals withdraws from the program. Three-year accreditation is awarded only when a cancer program mt>els all criteria est ablished by the college of s urgeons. In order to maintain its acc reditation . the Southern Or ange County Cancer P rogr am will be sur veyed again in three years . PHYSICIANS WORKING on the vrogram said they plan to sponsor more free cancer screenings for the public in order lo dele<'l the disease in its early stages. Last July, 1,200 people participated in a scree ning condu1:ted al Saddleback Community Hos pital. Hoth San Clemente General Hospital and Mission Community llospit<tl will s ponsor screenings during 1981 Mardan earns $3, 700 award Mardan Center of Educational Therapy in Costa Mes a has been awarded a $3,700 grant from California Community Foundation for the school's sensory·m·otor integr ation program . Mardan Cente r is a non-profit institution serving more than 100 c hildren in kindergarten through 12th grades who have learning dis· abilities. The re('ent gr ant, a center spokesman said, will enable specialists in the fi eld or e motionally and educationally handicapped leaching to pro· vid e equipm e nt and mate rials l o improve ('hildren's body image, balam·c and <1wa reness or space and vision A~RllC T Tropiul Fish• Fresh• M~rine Aqu~rium Supplies ' Specl•I J•n. 21 , 1981 -J•n. 27, 1981 HypheHobrycon rubroatlgm•: .99 A hint of red in my translucent body, a blotch of black· on my dorsal fin which 1s tipped in white, add a blood red dot where you believe by heart should be a nd you know why they call me "Bleeding Heart Tetra." I am an elegant and ideal commu nity fish. See me at Aquatic Tropicals where I am on sale for .99. 1510 w. Baker • Costa Mesa -= 549-1391 • Corner Harbor & Baker .-... . . .. ~ ~ •••••• 11 .... ., .. , .-.. _. ...... -... ......... _ llnruf fled •en.tin el Still as a dt.•t'O.\. but <lef1n1tcl,\ re<il, Lh 1~ gull 1i-t :tk1ng :i hn·alhcr on lhC' turnl'r of <i dl'l'k in D<in a !'runt llarh<>r B ask in~ in a IHl <ii !->Un v.a!:> v..elr-omc rt·IH·I r1111n di\ lfll! for food 1w do<l.1~111g m.1!-.h of !'>.1tlo1n11 ., Niguel talk on advisory panel set Directors or the Laguna Niguel Community Association will meet Monday to discuss tM formation or a Municipal Ad· v1sory Council lo represent the ra1nd ly growm~ ~ommunity. The advisory pane l would l·om prise residents from an Wl· mcorporatecl area They would m a ke planning reu1mmdnations l o tht· c·uunt:-B oa rd or Supervisors on matters <irrecting I tw t•ommunity 1>1st•us:..1fl11 on forming an ad v1:..ory t'IJUn1·it was 1n1t1a1ctl al a cl1rct·tors· mel'ling 11a.rlit•r this 11111nlh llowt>vl."r . a d cc1:-.1un wa:.. 1111..,1 µont:<l to 11llflw t 1me t o 't•ir1·ula1c• a tll't1lion lo poll 11ubh1• Ol•HllOO /\. ill'l'1s11m on I hc h<1untlaric:.. :d ... o mu:--1 h1· 1lc•l(·rm1m·<l hefon· a prupo:..al 1:-. hrought hefore lht· ('OUnl \ s upt•rv1sor:-. I or con '1tlt·ral111n T hP nweting will Ill' ht·ld 1n th1· ( 'r11wn V:illt•\ ('ornmun11 v Park 1• l u h h flu s t· . I · r fl~ n \~ a 11 e \ l'ark""a~ a1~1 g uC'I Hoad, al 7 .:jt) p m Tiii' puhlH· 1s urg1.•1l to al lt·nd fft .. v•"nut~ sharin~ proj•-cls studi~d :'I: t'Y. port lk <IC'h 1·111zt·n~ are bt• 1ng a:-.kt'<I t11 1·11mt· up with <i 'i<!~> ooo <.,h1111111ng ti~t to ht· Ip cit , nffl('ti.Jl'o di·ncl l' IH1Y. t11 ~pend I 1•tl1·ral rt'Vl'llUl' s li:irinl;( mom·\ du11 n).!lhl'l·1>1n 1ng\1·a r · ,\ p11hl1<· twaring 1111 how th1· 1111tnl'~ '>hnuld l11•'o1H·nt wrll IH'l'llll du• I •·d 1wxt 'l'h1ir..,d:" in \.'.1·wpor1 f•,,.,,, Ii 1'11\ ('111111<·11 < h.1111lwrs :11 •• Ill I• Ill 100% VINYL TILE •LDll·W~UlllJ • IClllOR TllM TO fm ~~._59~ 15191 hKh Boulft•rd .. ... 322 w. 11'tt .... Sunday, J8nuary 25. 1981 DAIL y PILOT A '' THE NEW WAVE IS NO WAVE ... NOW AT THE BEDROOMI We'ue Put An End To The Motlon •.. Experlence Our New Waueless Mattre•• Todayl ~ THE LAKESIDE I•. I • I\ I I-' ' • • ., ... I H,. j j •• , •• ~ ,f '',,It I \.\.'It I( t \>. t ~I •I l•1p1•1! ... td1• Mtl ... <11 111 11 d1I~ I d lJIH ... rllld yll:'dmlll!J hra-. ... Ulf<, "" '111"'"'' I• 1 ,, '" h l11'-.t1•1 ( (~,~~~/\' ,;1Fylvd mirror lauwdp ilnd ' AT ~~>lJY (I() SAVE 12~,?.~? $ 3 99 .I THE WINDSOR l'1•·wn1111y a trul I " .. 1,.rh1•d tatnva :n~g~nt sohtl w<,od bookcase headb ;" < "" 'P" oal "'"'"9' a<que<•<l '" • luvely nc h hno>lo ~~:J <>MJ>AR~-AT $529 s34 w SAVE S180.00 -9 B"<I Only ,,..,._.Miiii THE TIFFANY N11\A.' "lu11o•1 lr11111<1rl. ...,,,\ ''" '•11 th1..,111<111!..,l1t fuur I'"""'' I .'.i s2 9 9 "ll1111wd fllld 1.11 qu<'tt•d I•' " rt< It dl'•'P ..,f.,.vn ",u, t' l i t i • ~I Ill-., <l•'I "' .11. l OMP/\H I I\ I ~ ·dq, ll t c..o .MPLl.TL Bf:OROOM M:T ' i1 •• ,, ~;:·,,; l1111q 111qli1 -1.11 1d Pl.ti" "ot;lt~'(··-dr •. , ... , 11111• I Ill I " 111•1 \~o1\l'l1• ...... Ill •11 >NU') PAC I.I \ I) 4i l•'' ,,,J '• I n I tu''"' .1111 . p1ll1 1\~' Bedroo S R" '" ,., t ... 1,.·.·1 ''' i1t1 . ·, B P m ,e t en Sl26" '"'I'•" """" d Ck Reg 5250 T ,.. 7.95 . . otal Valuf' Sl 5 l9 .95 C SALE PRICE omplete Bedroom Set $899.00 Bo nus Pac k S39. 95 TOTAL S938.95 SAVE $581 THl: HYDE PARK . l'rn 1•• ',j "\v 11 r I ,,, k ' Ip •llld •'II~ I I '' 1 ''"'' '·'''"''h" I ...,, 1 ' 1 "~"1 ' '"'" 11 11 f, • I I ,,,, ,., q .. ,,, I • I" •II ·•I ., .. ~ ( ( >~11'AHI 1\ I < ..... ·,"' Ill 11• H.., """ tfi,, I "11 ;--, 11(1(1 ' 'AVI '30~00 s599 P•dd•d '"''' ophoM I T~E FREEDOM PINE This magnificent masslv f bed offers an ~xclll e ?Ur poster waler· THE GOLD COAST • . ' ,;7~' An I L THF. CONTEMPO ~ ~ • ' "t'!Jilnl nookcast' h db ' ' , ,. carvt'd dl'~1y11., and a heal o"d bed woth ' "'' l),.\odwv .. bl« T ~ / ' •, ' ' , AT $45<J nc '"''h COMPARE 1 .. """ "'"""'"\,..,I ;•vmg "" '"" moJ.,,, HE LAU R[L CANYON / _, " " ,,, SAVE S130.00 29 h, '""'I !'<>Ml' A J; i " u om\ boogaon 1h., can. I ,.,\,.1 u .,.,.,":·;.,:~:::;• ~~:·\ 'I'"'"\.,.,\ "nl 1<" I .,\ 00 s3· , .... 11.1\\ lu.,i.•1 A 1 "i""h!d .<Hlli l.JCquerl'tl tu a I\ ntl'dillll1 I accented with d ng spindle headboard rich oak finish ecoralor turned posts and a COMPARE s3 AT $599 00 SAVE 1200.00 S.d Onlv 99 A I $.i<>'> (XI s229 """"' to11 COMPl\KI t1lqu1!11!d ~.i.-hecl S.d Only SA VE It 40. 00 M $5'1'J 110 Bedroom Sets From $679. """"'' s AvE •Joo.oo 299 THE BEDROOM fl, .t 1 l11I\ Sale Beds From $179. 1009!. Flnt19(:lhg 0 AC • 30 Dly Tft.1 Avall~bte. IOU 101£ IUI UE lllOll llTll OrTIOHl IPACl IUUl l'AllH HILU IHHOI ~HITIH ~· st BONUS A// sale b d at control & a quality Libert v· e s are complete wtth u·L listed h -Y my/ lap-seam matt eater with the rmo ress with sa/ety /mer & pedt?stal STORE HOURS· M BUENA PARK . . . onday-Frlday 10·9 • Sat 10·7 • · HUNTINGTON IEAcff . ~:~!20~1111"11'1 IAt S1nt1 ha F•vl Sun 12·7 . -LAGUNA NIGUEL eac• llwd. ITown & Cmtry Ce~te . · · · WESTllllSTU 1 i . ~~~~2 GC•:l•~1•,l1lr1111T1ke AHry 1111~111,,· COSTA MESA . . ar H urowe Blvd. (West if leacllt &AIDEI HOU . . : :: : 5 Ha,_er llff. I lert• el 111• SU . . . OIAHE . 811111 Gme llwf 11 Ill W . . . . · :m111ini . \ ::: ,•i:•:;-Awa. fj111 h11 .~~.~\,"::·i~fl · . £ 011 IA . 330 l 11"' lit 13 11111. ltrt• ti 114111 . ICHI 1'4 lill k 1t SH ltrll~lll · Fw~ (7141 994·3044 (714) 964·6844 (7141131·0333 (7141 891-1577 17141 631·3376 (7141 537-6550 (7141171-6551 (7141114· 7114 (213) II 1·3537 A •• DAILY ~IW I ' · u1Hlay January 25. ttlt .WE'LL PIY YOU TOG.Ell YOUR HOUSE OF SCRAP 2 DAYS ONLY SUNDAY --JAN. 25 MC)NO.A Y --JAN. 26 Buyin9 Daily --I 0:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m , 111an ,· \'1·:1 r-.. tu p:1v \1111 ""ur lr11·11d-. h•· ... 111 rov. 11 'STERLING SILVER h11d 111g :-; •1·rl111g -..;1h 1•r 111 ~ 1111 1' 11w11 lwnw 1-.. hk1· fi11d1 11g li1dd1·11 ln·:tl'ollrt \11d 11 .... right tl11·n · 111 fro 111l 11I \1111 111 anvtl1111g 111: 1rk1'<l Stnl111g Krir vt'l-, F11rl1l'o, :-;p111111 .., l 'l.11.1· .... ( 'a 11d lt •l-twk ·•. Tr. l\ .... I· r:i 1111· ..... ·11-.1 S(•L-.. ( '11111111• ·11111r:1l l\'t· ( '111ns < ':111 d1•l;1li r:i ..... I '1 ~:1n•llJ· C '.1..,1·-.. S1h·1·r Har-. 11r ;\l•• l.dllo11.., '111'1 1'1111· Arni \\1· t1 .. 1 I 11 ..... 1 1111\ "'1•·1l111J.! lor -..·r;1p 11 1 \\1 11;1\1 liuvo·r .... l1111k t tlJ..! '"' 1 •·11.1111 i:1;1l\\:lf"I• p.1!1••(11-.. Troy Ount't' DIAMONDS y, 111r I h:11 n1111ds do11't hav,. to lw in p1•rft·1·t or flaw· 1, . ..,..., 1·1111dit 1011 lo Ill' w11rth 1110111·.v Hr1ni..: tlll'111 111 :111d w1•'ll g-ivt· you an l111111·st :1ppr:11sa l. Our sp1·1·i:dty 1s I )1.1111111HI ..... \\'1· h:iv1· vt><irs of 1·x1u•n- 1·1w1· g-r:id111µ ;ind huy111g I >iarnonds . \\ 1· huv :di si.1.<•s and t_vpi:s. No I >i;1 11111nd 1s loo big 11r t.110 s mall. 1 ll'n' arl' soml' ty pical pn1·1·1' Small ( 'hii1> l>inmonds 1 , Carttl l>inmonds •ti Ca rut I >iumoncls O ne Curi11l l>inmonds . . . Two ('nrnt & Ovt•r I )ianwn<ls $1.00 up lo $f>.OO N ll'h $fi0 .00 up lo $iCHUHI $I 00.00 UI> lo $f>CK).00 $-HH).(H) nnd up $1,CHUUH> and up DENTAL GOLD Mavlw v11u tul'k1·d :iw:1v a Cold ( ':ip :t long 111111· ;1.gn bcn tUSI' y• 111 tltnuJ!hl 11 \\ '111ld bt.> w11rth :-;i mwt ht ni..: s 11111t·d:t v That i-11fl'11•da\' 1s t11d :t\' Wt· pay cnsh for 'I >1 ·nt:il I ;11ld, Gold ('ap:~. (;old Hndg1•:-., Ek-. Wt! u lsu huy l'1ll'k1•f Wakhf's. All th1·sl' tl1·llll- an' worth mon1·v and "'' eneoura~"' you l;, bring tlwm in a nd gd un appraisal today. HUMMELS If you eollt'd or own II ummcl Figurinci-why not find o ut what. thc•y an' worth at today's price!'. We are ex1wrt.-; a t appraising tlwi-t• Fig- urines and m uny 11tlwr AntiqUl's, Paint· inJ(H. s~ mpK, Hronw s1~1t Ul'S, Hra:-;i-; Jt.emij, cycn (:unK Ori1·ntal nnn Pel'8itrn Hugs art• ju1-1t on1• mort• it.cm we're looking for. You rn •wr know. You mi~ ht lw !-lilting on n fortun e!· Tiffuny LC'aded I.umps, too f t_ J GOLD COINS I 111 1 '""' '; .. 1d ( '1111l ... '" \\11 f'~ l11r \1111 )o u 111.1\ 111·\l·r .tJ.:.tlll 1 .... d.!1· ••• ~··· ''"' t11111 h 11111111·\ l11r th11l-•' 11ld (;,.Id ''1 II"' ( 'llt'.-1 .. 11ld 1r1111k ... 111 \11llr ,1tt 11 1 ...... k d .. ·p lllffl \'llllt l1:t:-1· llWlll 1\11d ..... -.11c·h l11•l1111d .. 1d ... ,,1,1 1·11:-h11111 ... 11111 ) till llllJ..!)11 jll:-1 f111d .I li1J.! n111 r11l -.urpn-.1• It c·11tdd lw th1· l11°l-I lhtni..: \1111.\f' f•\'l'I' d 111H· 1.00 l '.S . (;01<1 ('oins :l.!)O t:.s. (;olcl ('oins . a.OO lJ.S. (;old ('oins '1.00 l l.S. (;o lcl ('oins f>.00 l .S . ( ;ofci ( 'oins l 0 .00 l '.S . (;old Coins :l0.00 l '.S. (;old Coin:-. :;o.oo l '.S. (;old ( · oi ns $7.).00 to $l00,00 & UJ> $7.'"dHI to $17!').(10 & up $~00.00 lo $fi00,00 & UJ) . . . $:l0,000.00 & up $7fi.oo to $:.wo.oo & up $:WO.OO to $f>00.00 & up s:;oo.oo to $1.000.00 & up . $H,CHIO.CHI & u p 111.t-:/\St·: :\I rn; \\',. p:1v :11 1, .. ,..,1 l\\w1· tlw :d111\I· prn·1· .... l11r 11.S I ; .. 1r1 ( '11111:-d:t11·d I "1.\:l rn lwl11n • DIAMOND RINGS W1.'v1· l11't'll 111 tlw 11·\\1•ln· l111~1111·sl'o for 111:111\' \'1.,1rl'o W1• know wh;1t v1111 r dt.tm1111d flllh"' :1n· worth :11 tod:i~··..., mark..t pnc·1·s T,-11 ... 1 11::-111 ~" •' you a fair appr;lll-:tl w1rl10111 high prt·l-.... un· l111\•111g \\'1· hi.I d :di tr:i11l-:ll'f11111s 111 ... 1nl'I 1·1.11 lid1·111"1· ,i11d pn1\'1d1· 11nl111n1wd s1-.·ur1tv l·:11i..:ai.:1·1111•11t l<1 ngs , , ( 'lus!.4 ·1· H1ngs , M1·11·s :ind I .:1d11·s S11lit:11n• Hings. nnd .d i 111 lwr l>i:1111onrl .J1•w1·lrv. l~ring tlwrn .ill i11 . Wt· Jl:t.\' <':t:o.li f'11r l>inrnoncl E11rri11J.!s I )iumoncl 1'1•1ul11nts Diurnoncl Wutdws I >iumond Br·m ·1·l..t:-. Loost• D inmond"I 53PLUS WI' know how tar S11n:il Sc•curilv got•s th1•s1• d a _vs fur ~nior ( 'ii itl'ns . B•·l11w v1111 \~l 11 Ii nd a SJWl'ia I Bonlll' ( 'oupon ( '11ns1d1•r it 11 little· sonwthin~ c•xtrn from UH to v1111 111 s h ow 1111r appn•1·iatio11 lor your effort.R. C11y Of N-111-" Coty l-••1t -... . ..,._ ·······-· -··-· CLASS RINGS !>11 \'llU _..,IJll \\• .11 \11111 ( l.1'' l:11w 111 11111 ' 1111 \'OU ki111\\' '"li•·n • 11 t '\\, d1 ,;! d 111 1 ll\ \\ltJ1 ('la -. .... Hing \l.11111!.111111• 1 I i1 11 t•w.111l'o "'' .111· la rg1 • l'noui..:li 111 •1!11 ·1 \1111 ;1 1ir1·1111 u111 pnr 1· 1111 \ • 111 1 ( 'l:1sl'o H111g nr 11111 t 1111,1 • 1 II._ ( ;1drf .Jl'\\t•ll'\ I .\Il l flt I l11t 111111'1' 1h.111 '"" 1h111k 11 ti11w \•ill .-.t:c rt l11111t 11 1i..: 1111 111.11 gr.Id tn•;i..,ur•'. <;,.jd -I•·\\• Ii'. 111: 1rk1 ·d 111 K I I h I ., h ' : h 1 " .1 111 ahl1._ ( ;,,fd H1 11g ,\J1o11111 11t1• t .. .id I li.1111'. < ;,,f,j Hr:14·1· 11'1 s. ( ; I 1 Id ( '1 ii I I '1111\ I I" Id I .. Ir I 111 L! -I " .id \\ .. d d I ll g H;111d .... I ll'nt:.J I ,.,Id 11111l'l 1111111111 \\', P"' 1·;ii ·l1 1'11r ti Boy..,· I OK ( ·1 .. ..,.., I< 111g-. l.aclit·i.'--JOK ( l:i..-. l<111g-. $:!rU.HI & up S l .).00 & up SILVER COINS I fl I•• J'I ·:-t 1., j If 1 j,., 111111-.. .111d 11ff1·r I" I ( 'I I I .. -....,, \ ""ih ,.,. I >•111.11 -. •I !•: , ,\ I' 1, Ila If I 'oll.11 .. 1 I !lh I ,, 11, 1,,,, <l11:trl1·1·-. r I !Iii I ,\ )1,, I•,,, l>i11w-. II !lilt ,\ ft, 1 .. ., llall I >1111;11·, •I !Iii.-, t 111·11 I 11,•1 '\i1·k1·f .... 11x.1.1111111 l'•f :.!1 ~i1·k 1•l-.1 1•11.11h1 11 l'l.1'- I' .11d 1)11 l111t1:-1• \'OU I 1 1., .1..it.h r111c1 :-.01111· . 1 1 •1111 .J11.-.1 g.illwr '11• 'II ll JI 1t•g;1n l11 •..,:-qf I • 11 • 11t1dltl•HI . :111d 1 111• 111 111 \\,. k1w w • 1 '"" .1n· ..,,.,-,,,u ... , 1,11' 1111-. \\h11 11:1\'1• ' • 1 •·• ii\ 1 r \\'1• :1 n • '"' I 1111 q 1l1'11 • I 111 I I JJl.I kO' \1oll .Ill • 111111 '" ... ~.-. 1111 ,I( n111n · -... ; 011 In Sx.IHJ 1•:td1 ;... I . -,If (11S 1.00 l'llt'h till\ 111 SI .fi(j t'IH'h s I .:!.-, 1·al'h I I<' 'id .. ·1-.t'I:.! 1lt n 1 ·1 .. ''"Ii I ~ ,.J.,,,, i c· 1·.t<·h :!.>c· 1·:11·h < 11nadi;111 :--1h ,., 11 .. 1t.11, • 1,1, ,, I. 11 , ( a11.1d1:t11 ll:dt f ltoll.11-.. 1,1, ,\ 1:. o1, ( u 11adi:111 <111.11·11·1 • "ih ,\ l\1 l••t • C1111:11li:111 I )111w-.. 11.1, ,\ 1:. 1 .. ,, • ,.!.-,,. 1•:11·h X. up ..... -, 1111 o·:ll'h & up S:.! .. -111 1·111·h s I .:!.; t'll<'h .-111<' 1·ac·h BUYING NOW \\·,. hu\ lr11111 111d1 1il11 d· Ii.inks . J\11d m · /'·" 11111111·111,111 qut•st 1111ly \\',. 111 1 lld \)1111 S1Jl it:11n· I >1 ;tn11111d - 11 "'' , 1.1li's :md from '.1 .. 11 I lwt ks 1:-su1•d bv rt" I 'ii J 11 111 1••1ld~ :1111l I .arµn .Marriott Jtotels ~ 900 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach 644-4000 Robm 90 3 2 DAYS ONLY ARMED SECURITY ON DUTY NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED l'ricc·s tl1w111:1I • cl:11 h d 1w t•• 11i.1rk1·f c·11mliti11ns. • . ·---·-· -· .. Daily Pilat SUNDAY, JAN. 2S, 1981 FEATURES ANN LANDERS B7 BS , NFL title at· stake 'i-:~ UHi t '\ \I ''" 11\t llUll' hh' ur1· -.t w.hl!d in the bucks or our minds for several ht1Ur''> th11> tlay lw •·n pl,H , .. 1 ( 1111111 H 1 11 I 1 1111' .ind 1>11• "•'\ 1•1111.• .. 111 .. 11111.t .. 1d ,, t\I I''"'' 111 the Supcrdorne. a mammoth mushroom or a t1111 ld111).( IJu rcly out or sight or the French Quarter. 'l(J n1c n lor mqst or them . anyway) will do battle 'lor a ll that 11> sceminl(ly ~ood and true. l ht .., .. tu11l.11 I 1 h 1111·• , i 1 I'"'' hu"l•·•I .11 "''n ,·t 1n1t'' 11ul , I •It l u(IUO'l J 111,1111.>n r1·11l ,111•I • ,,,. "l11 11•..il1•111 .111 \ llCY. 1., ~ n IJrrn~' l hou'><Ullb l•I I I • 1•1 t11.,1r111•: thr Thal 11> what the Super Bowl is all about . or "'hut wt• rn11(ht 1ma~1n1• 1t to be. It is the last gam e nf .1 l1111g 't·a~on It dl'l1·rmmes the best t eam m 11ri1ll·-.,11111al football at least best on this p .11 tll'ula1 c..la) 11\\ ull~l""\IOU"I 11111111 d1 tru ptl\ •t'l Jlll•1l11 •t I • • I 1 , I 1 I I ff J II\ I ,,,.,,.1.,.111ol 11f ,111 11(J f JLI l1J llll I !11~ fu r 11\urt •utr ·~· 11 111.:ht '> l t'\o•ln [ho.-.. 1•1t'• ,., 111 1 .. 1• 111 k t:b tu tht ..,UI'• 1 I, " 11111r.· lh<tn th• ~111 11 , l ulJ.I \ 111 \111111 , 11 .. ._.Oil' Ill 11•Y.11 '"' •• " ,, pl 11 , .. , 11•! l••I ~J I UPl.t\ : .... I II•., ltt OIH llu tl f P 111 '1'111-. J bu" an "an) given Sunday" which the latt-Bl·rt llt'll :md his sul·cessor, Pete Rozelle, so often aml 1>0 fond!} '>J,>Oke about during their reigns .1~ l'Clllllll ....... IOlll'r~ or the National Football League. \11d 0 11 th1., t..;unda} 1t 1s the Oakland Raiders. I h1• r1.1l 101 1•li I orlff.tl1111 It' I 'lht•I' and blal'k band or ruHianS, a nd the l'hal.Hll'lplua I::aglt·~. a green.garbed. disciplined ll11l'k. ¥.ho wall do hatlle for the Vince Lombardi 1'111pla' lur $18.000 apiece and fo r the right to 11n wl,11111 '\.\\•'n • Numlic·r0ot•1 '. I , ....... I Cl II II f I ,. , , I I ho ... t.11-(t'' l hto I I 11 I I It 1 I " r 111 • r .,1,,,,, 11111•.).!ltl '- Antea t ers hit wall Bulltl<>µ;s sllJJ> l f (A~l 's offense, 64-51 Spt't'ial lo th1 • l>a1h 1•11,,. ... H 1-:SNO ( 'h,dk .11111 I I up for th""' "11111111 I• 1 renM• Tht· llulltlog• •11 I 11•1111 1 1' the nation ~ 1\11 / tl1 •11·1 ' • ll'<tlll . (.'Olltllll"ll·!l ,1 I 11111 •1•1 II 1 OJt 111n·~ No I 0111·11 ", lo'"" l it e UC I r v1111· \1111· 11 • 1 • 11. \lo htpplllg lht•11t I.( .I ft• I• 11 St·llantl /\r1·11a lwl••r • , 11• " l'tlp:il'll) ('1(1\1.d (If fo ,flt ........ fo I 111ght Tht· ll11 dd11g, ""'' r • d 11, PC'/\1\ 1·01111• ... 1 \\If ft l (I I" II ~urrt·ntlt•r,·d a 1'1 I .1 1 ' 1 .11•1 "' g arne!-> '1'111' J\1111.,ot1·1·, "" iii 111 ht·r hand t•.11111· 111 \I rl 11 .111 pl11s1v<· offt·11~1v1· 111.irk 111 11 • T hat 's 1·1·rt a111 111 ""'""I· 1111 Satunl~" l>1•,p1lt• ... 1t11ol 1 Ill! '" I'' Ir from tlw l11'1tl th•· \1.r1 ,111·1 lll'Vt•r t'llllld g1•t Iii• r 1111 -..rrd ;.;w1 't \It• lht•\ "'a11 l 1·tl 0111 11' U11 11u11u11g:-. · ,,,,.,11.,t1..-.r11, .. , 1 1 , l itmth th1· llul ld·•~· ''"' ~ ... , r ... t•ath .... hot . 1·ad1 11111111 111•1111111• l' n ti 1 I r 11 1 n I' ti t '" ,, • t. II ol I !\I u ll1 ).(~111'" <·n ·y. Tht•\ ... hll\\t•d II ·' I" '• " 11 th ff l' r~nt ..c•t ~ 1111 d I I. II • I' 1., in ed :VI u 111 ~:a II \I I" I' ( \ ti I \ .\•It I ll ,I :1 .I /11111' !11,llf'llll(I 11111 , I o1ll11 I 111111 '~ I lrt•\ \A,t'rt' I ll t f1l .i I • tH..111 I !11 • • 11111· 111 th•· lit·tt•·r 111· '''" ,,, ,,. la1 t·d lh" '":tr PCAA s1,1nd1ngs (Of'tPrrft( P ,,..,..,, 11tll w l w l I I I ' " I " • ... I I , I ,I ,, I . . . I I I i t+t• I ,111 • l!t ••1';f1' nf ,l.11t 'I t tit t II Hf ,, t I lt!l'I. w, ,,,.. 'l.(f,11 \ c ... , .... ,. f •'. ,, /1 ·''"' Tt1u1 'o(J.1y \ (;;H•'"' •' I~, I• I ', I .1I1 111 • \\11fd 1 h" halt !->O nttll'la 0 11 '''''" • I 11.ilur .df\ kt'l'I" th1·11 1, 11·11 1. • ·'' ,.,.,, •• ,. """ '' Hut I• 11 \l'I \ "''" :i nti lhl'' \.• • 1 • I p r "P·" 1·d 11m1gh1 · \ti 1·1 I t 'I had Jlllllpt·d oul 111 ;i ':-. l'h :r11l a g 1· l':trl' lht• f\111f.J111 ' t 'I > Ill I llrtft•rf•ll;'I' f:I :1 •\ 1•1 .ill• • .11111· ba1·k lo tak1· lht· 1 111 11 I oll1•1 an >i z ,purt with Ill Pi ln'IM 1 t hl· h.dl - Thi· s1·ort• thl'n ~l'l' suwetl hal'k and fo rth u nltl tht· ll ulltlog, ~c·or<'d th1• last fou r (tOllll~ or the: 20 nltnUt<' '\tanza lo '""Unll' a :JO 21i margin al the m- ll-1 nll"l!->11111 t 'C'f <'itnlt' h;wk t<1 1·alC'h them otl :1 ~1 :M. hut lhl' -.tulJhorn llu lldog' fought bat·k ag:1111 t<J I :ik1• I ht· It-ad for good al J8 :n Tht• gam1· ,,;,i~ t·tl C'IO~t' loo. at Ii 1:1 1111111 tlw Hulldog-. ~t;,igt-tl .1 :1 o 11111 1 lo lakt· n1mm a nd at '1'111· 1\11l •·atl'I',, "ho wo•r•· I r11-.1 rat c·d all l'\ t·n111g, had 11111\ I o u r p I ;r ~ t • r ... I'"' h:. K 1· v 1 n :'11 aJ,!t'•"" l>l point.. r 1·<11·h tht· -.1·11r111g 1·olumn 'l'ht• Bulldog~ 1'110\t·r"·I), hwl 1•1g h1 playt·r~ "''"l'l' ;1 ha~k('l or 11111n· l1•d 11' H1111 l l1gg1ns' 20 "" 1 n t... Th•• /\11t !'all•r..,, \\ h11 ... urft·r1·il l hl·r r llr!->1 lt1!->I 1n l'Ci\/\ pl;,i~ an lour 11ut1ng-., 'a\\ th1· Bulldog~ -.hoot ;i 1•n 'I' Ii() 5 (lc:rt·('nl from I ht· 1 loor I ~ft of 11:1 1. des pite hold 111g a sli.1t1~t1t·al t•dg(' m th1! rt• lr1111n1ltng dt•partmcnl. 2:1 15 Thi· «11..,the~l fa1·111r. h11wc•\1·r . 111 a~ ha\'t' l1C't•n I h 1· t u rnover~ a~ t T I had Iii 111 Fr<·~no Slal1· ·~ "'\'I'll • Kings benefit from Simmer's disappointment. For story, see 83. 0 0 on Super SUnday The week or pageantry in this Creole cit y. rounded 263 years ago by Sieur de Bienville upon his arrival by sailboat from French ca·nada, is merely a prelude to a struggle billed as tit antic. Yet is 1s merely another football game, played by two teams which met once before in a regular- season game. m circumstances receiving rar less attention. The Eagles defeated the Raiders 10-7 at Philadelphrn . This game 1~ a showcase ror Jim Plunkett, whose career as a quarterback descended rapidly arter he had won the lleism an T,roph y as a college root ball star PIUnkett IS the phoeni x or the N f''I.. rising from the ashe~ tu guide the Harders further than the} have been s1nt·c J an 9, 1977, when they won one of these cp1t mccl1nl(s It 1s a ~how1·aw for 11111 Bergl·y a nti John BuntinR. a p;,i1r of bearded Philad e lphia linebackers The) arc monuml·nt~ lo rchab11itat16'n and rejuvenation. to the belier that ligaments and t·arlilege crumvled and torn can be woven and molded and that battered limbs can be made whole again. It 1s a showcase fo r Lester Hayes, a thier un · like any other in this league. lie is a young man who, embarrassed by the impediment or stutter- ing, stood mute as scouts sized him up in college. Who was all but shunned by those who were m isled by his s1lem·c into thinking he was less than bright. Who has emerged in Oakland as a cornerback with an extraordinary knack for getting to the ball quicker than the rcc-c!1vcr he guards ' It IS a !>howr ase ror Harold Carmichael. l'h1ladelph1a·s skys<'raf)cr or a wide receiver <the r eceiver ll ayc~ will often guard) who managed to· ('ateh at· leasl ont· pass m a remarkable 127 con· S l'CUll Vt' game~ It as :J showt·asc for Bob Chand ler, Ted llen- <Stt SUPER, Page BZ) (!(Pilot's peerless picks Super 801t'l predirtions . . . \ Nam~ Craig Sheff John Sevano Roger Carlson Howard Handy Ed Zintel Curt Seeden Winner Oakland Oakland Oakland Sc or~ 24-16 20-1 7 20-10 24-17 Philadelphia 28-24 R•~ason Al Davis. Because luck is on the Raiders' side. Oakland's inside running game, Oakland's defensive backs, and Plunkett's hot white Jaworski's not. The Polish Rifle over the Stanford Indian. Oakland's defense, Hayes, Hendricks, Matuszak, et al, bend but don't break. The Eagles are due. I '\. ..... ;, ....... OAKLAND'S (FROM l.EFT) RAV CH£:;STER, CLIFF BRANCH AND BOB CHANDLER WILL BE MATCHED TODAY AGAINST EAGLES HAROLD CARMICHAEL, CHARLES SMITH AND KEITH KREPFLE. John .. ~va.110 Super Bowl and the Rams • • .one year later It's been a year. a lthough 1t 1hw~n·1 c;ecm that long, since the Rams and Prthhurgh Steelers staged their sparkhnJ.'! pcrrorm.1n<'l' in Sup<'r nowl XIV. Today, 1t will be Phlladclph1a and Oakland in the 15th winter classic. a nd who would have ever thought at the beginning of the 1980 season these two participants "'ould havt· reat·hed this lorty plateau? Certainly not this reporter, and certainly not the Rams nor Steelers, who srlfishly would have picked themselves instead. BUT AS SEASONS GO, 1980 was truly forget· table for both. The Steelers, ~sibly going through an a1e transition. couldn't even reach the playorf s as they suffered one disappointment after another. The Rams ? Well, the Rams were a victim of themselve.. Management squabbln. internal blckertn1. the holdouts, the walkouts, they all con· trlbuted to the team's de mise. So, with that in mind I fell it was only natural to contact 10me of Coach Ray Malavasi's players, to He bow they felt Oft this day -the most Super ol all football days. • Rather than beina on the#field,' many of tlle Rams wi ll be slumped in chairs . Some won't even bC' wal<'hin~ the game at all. Mike Fanning, Larry Brooks and J at k Youngblood, all vacationing with frie nds, will probably be hunting: Vince Fer- ra~amo is curre ntly in Las Vegas , probably izam blin~ some or his new upcoming contract away: while others probably won't watch bec ause of eitht>r al lack or interest. or b) they don't want to think about what could have been. Indeed, many of those Rams who were con· tactcd expressed sadness and disappointme.nt at letting 1980 get away from them . And, at the same · lim e, many expressed an intent desire lo make up for it in 1981 . "l'M DEFINITELV DEPRESSED because we're not there," adm itted tackle Dou1 France. "Hopefully, we'll have a very successful team ne1lt year. "I feel we should have been there. I don't know why we're not. Maybe it's because every· body was psyched to play the Rama thia seuon. Maybe next year, with tbe preaure ol1, we can 10 into the seuon Uke any other team. I'm excited and can't waJt to set bacll: Into it." "It tooll ao loftl before tbat for me, lndlvidual· ly, I know how tough it is to get there." added center Rich Saul. "I reel bad about not being there because everybody likes to go all the way. But I 'm happy for Philadelphia because I know a lot of the guys and I know what it (being in the Super Bowl) meant for me. ·'Once you get a taste of it. once you know what it's all about, it's like anything else -you want to go back to it and come out a winner. "I feel bad about not going. I know what il takes and it's not an easy road. Whether I want to or not, though, I have to accept it .·' ACCEnlNG IT. That's been the toughest part for Coach Malavasi, too. "It's frustrating because your whole year is geared toward getting there," he says. "You de,!· icate ~· strive yourself toward 1ettin1 there, that's why It's klnd of fr~at.inl. But I think we have an outatandln1 chance ol beinc back in tm." Of course' there were some playen whole emo· lions weren't as somber. "I would have liked to have been there because It's a bll thrill and achievement,'' 1aht aafety Nolan Cromwell from bla bom• la North Carolina. "But al.nee I'm not, I'm Just IOinl " re-lax and enjoy tbe olf·HUOll. •• · · 1 didn •t even know this week was Super Bowl week." exclaimed linebacker Jim Youngblood. "I probably wish I was there. I would like to be there playing in it. "But I really haven't thought about it much. I rorgot about football. I just want to remeve myself from it right now." AND THEN THERE WAS Bob Brudlinski's answer: "I have no feeling al all towards it. I doa't 1ive a damn al all about who's playing. We're not there. so the hell with them." It's been that kind of a year for the Rama - one they'd like lo forget and not have repeated. It's the forgetting that's 10in1 to be the hard part. though. • • • A LOI' OF PEOPLE dwtns the HllOll polated to the leak of Johnnie JobnllCID'1 coatract u the principle cauae for the Rama' proble1m. Whether It wu or not la lnlltpiftcaat. There 'really were a numbers of NMDlll. What is lmpar- Cleell:VANO. .... •> 81 DAil v PllOl l1.1nca.r. J9ftuary H . 1M1 a --y.-M 111an' for a day •nu• Al' dillpal<'M• t> \t\L:\NlJ Wtlh Olikhand Riuder!>· owner [iJ \I IJ1&\I " 111 'It·~ Orle1111 '> for the Super liowl. the •II• foot b•ll 1..n!> •I ( 'l11nl') ., ll<1r here onh had a r~ .. 004'b!t-li1cs1m1lttolo"lhe llt wdl> Charlie Wt"bb of Concord, who wll!> {'hosen from 17 l'Ootender .. ~ the wmner oC t'nday night ·s "Al Davis Loo):. ·\li ke t '11n tc .. t' b} f1 \'t •Judges. induding two former k~1def"b Oa\lls hd~ earnttl the wrath or Raiders' fans 'because of has ~Ian t.o move the Nitltonal Football League franchise t_o Los -\ngclt!> The N 1-~1. has tned to block the move, and a suit against the league 1s scheduled to go to court Feb. 9. Webb, who desc·rabed the award as "the worst moment in 11)) life. won an array or prizes. ml'luding a piur of sun- glasse::. a l'ase of suntan lotion. a one-way bus ticket to L9s Angt!les and a li mousine ride around the Los Angeles t"uhseum lie also won a "yes man" for a day The prize:.. a spokeswoman for the radio station s ponsor-1n~ 1 he event said, were C'hosen to make the winner "feel just like Al " .-------flm,••• .,,. 1h.-daH ------, 'Im Valvaao, who moved from Iona to become basketbaJI coach at North Carolina State, talking about the pressure to s ucceed in the Atlantic Coast Conference: "I made a ridiculous statement when I first we nt down to N.C_ State. I said I knew basketball down there was like life or death. I was very wrong It's more amportanL •••• iw• Btr••r•I'• se .... 1 r~•rtl Mike Bossy equaled Maurice Richard's fa bled ~ Niii. mark of 50 goals in a season's first 50 games , by scoring twice in the final 4: 10 in the New York Is landers' 7.4 victory over Quebec Saturday night. Rossy was blanked his last two games, but beat Quebe~ net- minder Ron Grahame for the game-wannmg goal with a backhander from a sharp angle on a power play for his 49th goal of the season. Bossy then got the coveted soth score with a 25-foot wrist shot between G rahame's legs at 18:31 for a 6·4 Is lander lead. Ril'hard"s feat was accomplished during th e 1944-45 s eason with Montreal. E lsewhere in NHL action . -Mario Tremblay scored three goals in a game for the fi rst time in has cart:er as Montreal snapped a three-game losing streak by de- feating Phi ladelphia. 6·3 . George fergllllOll scored two goals during a three- goal. third-period com eback that lifted Pittsburgh to a 4-3 triumph over Calga ry •ossv . . . Ma"' Kirton and Reed Larson both stored twice as De troit s napped a four-game losing streak with a 6-2 thrasing of Colorado ... Captain Darryl SlttlerofToronto Sl'Ored four points to power the Maple Leafs past Hartford, 7.4 Wayne Babych and Ernie Federko rifled in goals 93seconds a11art m the opening period and Babych added a second power play goal with 7: 15 remaining, enabling St. Louis to pound Ch ica~o. 4 2 . . Danny Gare's two goals led Buffalo to its 22nd victory of the season, a 7-4 decision over Washingto~ ... Eddie Johnslone scored two goals, including an empty-netter in the fi nal seconds. as the New York Rangers held off Vancouver. 7-5 . lgruted by Al MacAdam's goal 20 seconds into the game, M inncsota blasted Edmonton.6· l. B ridfl•••• lrad• 81Wlc• pa•' Na• DWfla Junior Bridgeman scored 13 of his 29 points in m the fourth quarte r and Sidney Moncrief contribut· ed a pair of· key three-point plays lo lead Milwaukee past San Diei;?o. 121-117, in a National Bas ketball Association game Saturday night _ . . Elsewhere around the nrcuit, veteran centers Du lssel and Dave Robisch dominated inside as Denver knocked off San An· tonio, 129-115 . _ Moses Malone and Calvin M•rpby com - bined for 36 points as Houston dealt the mumbling Utah Jazz their fifth straight defeat, 106-91 . _ . Pllll H•bbard scored 25 points and grabbed 11 rebounds to lead Detroit lo a 117-94 vie· tory over Cleveland ... Indiana's Geor1e McGlanls scored 19 points and Billy Knl1ht added 18 as the Pacers, bolting a he ad with a 22-8 burst in the third quarter, crushed Dallas, 107 -89 ... David Greenwood's three-point play with 26 sel'onds remaining gave Chicago a 104-102 victory over Allan· ta . _ F'orward Larry Smitb hit a short layup and a free throw in the closing minute or the game to help Golden State ice a 117· 110 victory over New York. 't'rllote "°"'•"'HI lto••r •••••,,... FRANKi.iN, Tenn. -A Tennessee firm hopes m to festoon the Superdome in New Orleans with 4. • yellow ribbons before today's Super Bowl game to celebrate the r eleas e of 52 Americans held hostage 444 days in Iran. With a semitrailer load or yellow bows and three miles of nine-inch ribbon, representatives of CPS Industries Inc. left this Nashville suburb Friday for New Orleans behind a police escort. The three-vehicle caravan arrived in New Orleans 13 hours later. The origin or using yellow ribbons to welcome the return· ing hostages is the song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon," in which a woman welcomes a man returning from prison with 100 yellow ribbons. Bill Wright. CPS manager of sales and customer service, said employees worked through the night Thursday to com· plete the order. a portion of which was donated to Super Bowl ofricials. P•rrbl&. Tlpr•••r.rioir,...,, AU-star catcher Laace ParrtU hu qreed to • sign a one-year contract with the Detroit Ti1en and to continue negotiating a loncer contract with .... the team. Terms were not revealed but it la known Parrish turned down an earlier otter this season of Sll0,000 · after making $105.000 in 1980 . . . Univenity of Texu athletic officials are planning action to prevent Juture m.,...,,. of football ticket.a by Lon1bom playen. Officials said they were leas worried about punitive action by tbe NCAA for alleted past ticket violations than what mt1ht happen In the future . . . American skier Ta•an •c1UeM1 won the World Cup 1lant slalom of"Lea Geta, France, only • boun after at.,lnt a almllar victory ln Switaertand . . . ell.a. ll1ll of South Korea became the World Boaina CouncU 1uper-featberwel1bt chamJ>kln with an elthlh·round knockout OYer .., ... 0.- .... Milwaukee Brewen tlua• Pa.a ........ oae of tbne doaea major leacue bueblll play.,. wbo haft ftled for Hlary arbitration, does not aped arbitration to ~ be neeeuary. "Hooefully, we waa't haft to do that. Jt'a Jut standard procedure \0 protect tbe riabt. U JCN don't ru. by a certain date, tbea you can't do It. rt•a Jun leverac• oe our part. S6nc:e we bavm't really ltarted \0 neptiate, we don't want \0 Joie that rilbt." r SPORTS BREAK /BASKETBALL MARYLAND'S GREG MANNING LOOKS-TO SHOOT OVER NOTRE DAME'S TIM ANDREE. College basketball • UCLA WIDS •·rom ,\ P dis1Jatches I.OS AN<:El.1-:S .Junior forward Michael Sanders stort'd 17 point!> tu pa<·e a well balam·ed attack as the UCLA Bruins rated to an easy 75·61 Pacifi c 10 Conference victory over Cahorn1a at Paullty Pavilion Saturday niRht T he 12th-rated Bruins defeated the Golden· B€'a rs for the 43rd str aight time Cal's lasl victor~ over UCLA was 66·65 on l''eb. 24, 1001. at Berkeley Darren Daye added 12 points for UCLA, Cliff l'ruitt had 11 and Kenny f"ields had 10 UCLA rated off to an 8·0 lead in the fi rst fiH minutes of pla~· as Cal missed its first sax fi eld goal attempts. The Brums led by as much as 16 at 35 19 late in the first half, but Cal rallied to t ut UCLA 's halftime advanlaj;!e to 11 at :17-26. The Golden Bears got lo within fi ve points at 41 ·36 but UCLA went on a 10-0 spurt in a three- minute span and was never seriously threatened afterward. Trojan• dra"'n Cardhtal• LOS ANGELES -Junior forward Maurice Williams scored 19 points to lead the Uni versity of Southern California lo an easy 89-64 victor y over visiting Stanford in a Pacifit lO Conferenc e. The Trojans. now 4-2 in conference play and 9-6 for the season. trailed only once that in the opening m oments whe n the Cardinals' J ohn Revelli s ank two free throws Southern California then ran off fi ve straight points for a 5-2 lead and held a 27-23 margin with five minutes to play in the first half wheh it out- scored Stanford 12-2 for a 39.25 halftime lead. The Trojans r an off nine straight points to open the second half, including four points from gua rd Jacque Ifill. and they were never headed. Tlgft99 ... Id all 4flrr• STOCKTON Senior forward Ron Cornelius fouled out for the first lime in his career , but before he did he scored 30 points a nd grabbed 13 rebounds to lead Pacific to a 76-73 victory over Long Beach State in PCAA play. Cornelius. a nd Malt Waldron. who scored 22 points. dominated the inside as the Tigers built an 11 -point lead midway t hrough the second half. Long Beach went lo a press and chipped away at the lead behind the outside shooting of Dave Shutts but could not get closer than the final margin. Cornelius. who had gone 104 games without fouling out, got his fifth personal with 1: 11 to plav. A•~ •• ...,,.,, Tlla• •r•r• Forward Brian J ackson scored 23 points and U tah Stat e weathered a furious last-minute Fullerton State rally to hold on for a 68·67 Pacific Coast Athletic Association victory. Jackson's free throw with 1:23 to play gave the visiting Aggies, now 9-7 and 3-1 in the PCAA, an apparently safe lead or 67-57. But Fullerton scored the next eight points to make it 67·65 and it look a free throw by Lance Washlneton with five seconds to play to clinch the victory. Guard Keith Hood added 16 points for the Ag- gies. Utah State broke a 20-20 tie midway through the first half with nine straight points and Hume signs pact CINCINNATI (AP) -Pitcher Tom Hume bu •creed to a one· year contract with the ClMin· natl Reda covertn1 the 1911 season, Reda President Dtck Wat'*' aald Saturday. Hume wu co-wiDDer ol Ute NaUoul t.eacue J'lreman of tbe Year Award after tb• lllO H..C.. He bad nlH vlctort•, IS aav• mid a 1.98 ll:RA . Bear battle F ullcrt1m nt.'vt•r got l'lo~er lh<rn thret• until the final 12 sCl'tllld~ 'AIWn Wt'ar h1l a pi.Hr of frt.•c thr(JWS lo make it 67 1;!i .San lo•r St. nip• GaU«-lttJ• SANT A BARBAHA 1-'orward Doug Murrey losscd m lwo frcl' throws with five serond:. to play ito i.:1ve San Jos(• Stat<• a 57·56 triple overtime vat tory over ho:.t lJC' Santa Barbara 1n a Panfw Co;Jsl Athlt:l 11· A:.s<w1alion conte~t The Spart an:. took l'Om m<:1nd m the third over timl'. building a 55 52 lead with 3 4!J off a Murrc~ 20 foukr and a layup I>) Sid William:. Both tc<1rns were unable to c·ash 1n on several t·hanl'CS until Murrc) was fouled with fi ve se<'onds to pla). llis tw~1 free throws ga ve San Jose a 57-54 lead. ,Joe Dobrin rnmm ed home a dunk shot with one sel·ond to play, but Santa Rarbara fell short b} a point ·'°o' rr Ba•• rd••• Maryland COl.LE<:J·: PARK. Md Kell y Tripu<'ka sank six free throws 1n the final 1 :53. enabling 13th· ranked Notre Dame to hold off 10th-ra nked Maryland and S('Ore a 73· 70 victory Tripu('ka. who scored 25 points. converted on all three one-and-one situations. each tam e with Maryland trailing by one point. The last tame he steppC'd to lh(' line five seconds remained in the C'ontest Notre D<ime freshman Tom Sluby also con· vert ed his one-and-one attempt with 13 seconds left fo r a 71-68 Notre Dame lead. Ernest Graham followed with a basket for the Terps. now 13·4. DrPaul drlral• La~allr PllILADELPHIA Mark Aguirre scor ed 35 poi nts and pulled down 14 rebounds as third- ranked DePaul held off pesky LaSalle, 69·62. Aguirre sank 10 of 12 from the field in the second half, a nd the 6· 7 junior sealed De Paul's vie· tory with a two-handed. behind-his-head stuff off a steal for the fina l margin. The 16-1 Blue Demons, ranked in a tie for third with Wake Forest. gave Coa ch Ray Meyer his 639th career victory. The Blue Demons seemed stymied as the second half opened and LaSalle took the lead by a point three times. But Aguirre followed his own miss from the foul line to open an 1 l ·point run and a 15·2 margin over fi ve minutes. Mt• ..... ia •p•r•• loaea IOWA CITY -Center Randy Breuer scored 17 points, including nine in the second half. to lead Minnesota to a 60·48 victory over No. 9 Iowa in Big Ten play. The 7·2 sophomore hit on a turnaround s hot with 14: 19 to go to tie the score at 36-all and took a s hort jumper less than a minute later to give the Gophers the lead for good. The Hawkeyes jumped to an early 9-2 lead, but Minnesota's Mark Ha ll conn~ted on a field goal and two free throws to tie the score al 10-10 with 13:56 to go in the half. The lead changed hands four times before Mark Gannon scored on a short jumper with 29 s~onds to go and a free throw with a second remaining to give Iowa a 25.23 halftime edge. SlJPER. • • drlckl, John llatuaau. Bure .. Owens, Pl\lftkett and othen. tlie cutotts ol teams which 1rew weary of these men who march to the beat of their personal drummers, yet men who know how to play football and play It so very well for Oakland. For the Raiders are the essenc~ of outlaws -marauders who form a bond and, out of pride as well as ta lent. prevail. IT IS A showcase for the work ethic of Dick Vermeil, a man w ith boyish . c hi seled , All· Am e ri ca n features ; a workaholic who drives himself and his Eagles pe rhaps harder than any other coach : a man who literraly s leeps with game films. And it is a showcase for Al Davi s, th e Nf''L "s Me phis to pheles, the black· haired, black-robed genius-boss of the Raiders . lie weaves a spell which has the entire league fighting for its constitutional life, a spell which has a nation drooling at the thought of his re - ceiving l he Vince Lombardi Trophy from his arch-e nem y, Rozelle. This is a Super Bowl hard to figure. Unlike any of the preced· ini;? 14, there is no qutraghl favorite. although the "line" has he ld with Philadelphia a lhree- poinl C'hoice. THE RAIDER S may be steeped in the tradition of win- ning 16 t onseC'utive winning seasons attes t to that but they a rc not the Green Ray Packers or the PittsburJ(h Steele rs, team!> which came to this game wearing the mante l of invin· C'1b1lity ilnd left it the way they arrivl'd. Nor are t hey the New York Jets. who, led bv a charismatic quarte r bac k· nam e d Jo e Namath. saunte red into the Super Howl as prohibitive un- derdogs and taught the world a lesson in the art of keeping one's 'A Ord T hl' Hai<lers are merely a fool· ball tt•am So. too. an• the Eagles . ff •the Haiders come from a rily with an anfcn onty complex , sitting as 1t does JUst across the bay from " C'it \' wh1<'h rails itself "The Ci- t).· ·then tht· Ellglcs ('ome from a cit~· wh1C'h will acc·ept nothing less than first plare · and :-omct1mcs not PVCn first The fan!> m the <.'1t) of Brotherly Love. ~ou might rc<·all. booed Santa Claus With thr Phillies h aving a lready c·aptured baseball's World Series, Philadelphia will nut bl' s atisfied with a Super IH1w l team It must be a Super Bo "I w i nn e r A s k a n y Ph1ladelph1<1 fan to assess the 76crs. losers in last year's pro basketball <·hamp1onship series. or t he r lycrs. who lost m pro hnckey·s finals Then duck ON!-: Tfll~G seems eertain · this will be a game of trenl'h warfare. a defens ive game whe rein lhc fi ve-yard run on third-and-fou r 1s f ar more pivotal than the 40 yard pass on fi rst.and 10 It will be bas1C' football. Defe nsive football Deliberate foot ball. If you thought the third Supe r Bowl the J ets' victory over Raltimore was a dull game , you will prob:lbly think the same of this one. It will be, to use the pedestrian term, ex- ec·ution. It is almost a shame that this game will be played on pristine carpet SPOFJTS ON TV / BASKETBALL BOATING Today's TV l y HOWAAIJ L. HANOl' ..... o.ii,~ ..... f-ollow1~ 0 1e the top \Jk11 h •v•nh on r V IOddy Rotl ln0 .. ,.. • ••• t'H 1111tn1 . wur th wott hmo • • I air . , to1 Qt"t ll ,., t) t •·'"·, Ch•nnet a NaA aASIC ET a A&.&. ._,hoon111 a t Plltladt>lµt11d AMOUnctn c,.,, ... Bt'•HJt•r !Jill HV\\illl iln<J RIC k 6drr y Jul tu' f 1 "'"'" ""'J lt•v .,hllddelph1u lbt'r'l are hO')ls to !' nnt\ Jonn,un "''d ow Sur" who •rti ti y1ng to make a r un"w<1y n t tlw Wt•!>krr1 Cunlt.-1t•111.\t P(1c1f1c 01v1'>1on stand '"0 " I II•· Sur" l•·ttO Ill•· l <1111'1\ ov 1•, 1,1am.--. .Jo in1no Johnson u11 I "n f 1 u< It n uti111\a11 .rnd Watttir Dal!•\ w1'11le tht.-7ber'> """' 0"" ,1f>t•w•111\ 110 '!llt•v1· M1" 1n (ICfdtlton to Or J -11 a m , Channel 2 -~ " GOLF ~not.-11 1 • 0Pt"ll An"°"n<tn JJl k Wnttdkl'r Vin Stully F rank Gtteber, B1·n V\ I rgl'll of•O K t'll V !'Ill I.In DchnO C.rondm put IC.i<Jt"tner a two under pdr 69 Saturday t o ldllt." th .... lnir d rouna IE-dd 1n the Phoenix Open with a score of 101 A '>•r>qlt-\lroke bac ~ ol the veteran are Tommy Valen- t in.-Mtlo.t" Rt-1d .md Jim Ne iford, all non winners on the PGA Tour ldgunc1 N19u£>I '> Mark 0 Meara had a 67 tor a 206 total and Alan T d011· .Jl'>O ol L a'luna Nigut>I, had a b9 and wa s in at 208 ~ 11 e .m ., Chennel 4 v v v v COLLEGE BASIC ET BALL. Ohio State at Virginia Announcers: Don Crtqu1 , Bi lly Packer and Al McGuire Ohio State's Big· 10 Buckeye'> take on No 2-ranked V1 rgin1a. Ohio State defeated No. 16-ranked Michigan in a Big 10 game Saturday night Two of the keys to 5uccess for the undE>leated < 15-0) Virginia Cavalters are senior Lee Raker arid frt>shman Othl'll Wilson. Both will be in 1>v1dence today ~ 3 p .m .• Channel 4 v v v t/ SUPER BOWL XV : Oakland vs. Philadelphia. Announcers: Dick Enberg, Merlin Olsen, Len Dawson and John Bro<:tie. With all of the prelim1nartes out of the way, Super Bowl XV is here with the Eagles a three-point favorite. Oakland has been there before including a wor ld cha mpionship 1n a 32· 14 win over Minnesota in Super Bowl x I. The Raiders have done 1t the hard way as a wild card team with J im Plunkett at quarterback. Philadelph ia has never been to the Super Bow l a nd has not tasted the glory of any c hampionship for 20 years. Ron Jaworski, a lormer Ram, leads the Eagle attack at quarterback with Wilbert Montgomery as the top running back OTHER TELEVISION • 9·4Sa.m. (34) FUTBOL INTEANACIONAL. 10 a .m. (4) SPORTSWOALD "Saviors, Saints and Sinners," an NFL ltlm production, reviews the 1980 season. Among the players appearing In the program are Brian Sipe (Browns). Ron Jawor ski (Eagles> and Danny White (Cowboys >. (SOI SPORTS AMERICA. tO:JO a .m. (7) SUPERS:rAAS -Top a thl etes put their versatility and sense of humor to the test as Superstar s opem; its ninth season. Among those co mpeting in the men's pre- liminary today are Kareem ABdul-Jabbar. Julius Erving, Jim Craig , Mike Eruz1 one, Ron Duguay and Wayne Gretzky. 11 a.m . (SO) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY. 11 JO a.m. (7) BOXING In the opener of the weekly amateur and professional boxing series on AU C, Yugoslavia and the U.S. square off in a series of bouts taped in Las Vegas. Howa rd Cosell reports. 1 p.m (4) SUPER BOWL XV PAE-GAME SHOW Scheduled segments include a report on alleged tic ket- scalping abuses al lhe Super Bowl ; a profile of Philadelphia Eagles assistant coach Sid Gillman; an update on the Pete Rozelle-Al Davis feud ; and a feature on Pop Warner football. Bryant Gumbel es host with Mike Adamle. Bob Tr umpy, Len Da wson and John Brodie as commentators. 2 :~ p.m {22J SOCCER. 3 p.m. C50l FREEDOM'S DEFENSE: AMERICA'S CUP 1990 Yachting's premiere event. held last summe r olf Newport, R.I 1 a.m. C4J SUPER BOWL XV REPLAY A taped replay of the Oakland-Philadelphia Super Bowl XV game. RADIO Football Super Bowl XV, 3 p.m .. KNX ( 10701. (The Daily Pilot is not responsible for late changes. I CHARLIE SIMMER SimDler falls shy of record·. HOSTON (AP> High-scoring C h a rlie Simmer of the Los An~eles Kings capitalized on just about every opportunity fo r three goals Saturday, but ad· milled he was "a little bit disap· pointed" after a 6·4 victory over the Boston Uruins. With his 47th, 48th and 49th goals of the season, Simmer just miss e d lyin g the National llockey League record o r 50 goals in as ma ny games. a ma rk set by lla ll of Farner Maurice .. Ruckel .. Rt chard during World War II nearly 40 years ago. "After com ing this close. I guess I am a little bit disap- µointed." Simme r said. "If I had S<'orcd only two goals today. I p robably wouldn't be dis appoint ed "llo wevcr. I real ly wasn't feeling any pressure I was just try ing to µlay our game . and win tht• game ... The offi <'ial storer l'redited Sim mer with only three shots on goal as the Kings r allied from a :1-0 <lcf1c·it lo break a three-game losing streak and ha nd Boston only its se<:ond defeat in the last 10 gam es S1mml'r·~ first goal was an automatic "s hot '' .. lie tipped in a long shot during a Los Angeles p(1wer play at 17 :40 of the second per iod Then he tied the score 3-3 at the outset of the th1 rd period during another power play After assisting Jim my Fox to put t he Kings 1n fro nt 5-4 m1dwa} throu g h the thir d pe rio d . Si mm e r c ompleted hol•key·s three-goal .. hat trick .. by riring into an open net with 1ust one se<'ond left As ked tf he had set a ny personal goals before the start of the season last fall, Simmer q uippl'<l ' "I think I wanted to get 57 1-(0als (one m ore than last sea son ) so no one could say I had a bad .v1.•ar." College basketball scores College Wttl J..t•'>nt.t 'lt t>• UC l r y1ru• '' P«t< ,,1( 16 l OnQ 8 ,.d(h \t ll U ldl'I St i.t. ('\ ~ ull~rton •I S•n J°"' '>I SI U( SMt• llMb~•A S. I) ol) USC 11'1, Sl•nlotd U U(l.A IS. Ce1ttotn1a ,, Or~oon !,t '' W.t1\htN1ton41 tott Or~o-> 10 W•,h•nqlo-> SI 06 C:.onr-,,. lo;ot• .. PorllatlCI II P,.PCl<'r<I•"" 1' S•nl• Ct•rall. SI M•ry --~ UC,F •1, U S.n Ot.,Q(H • (MPm•n~.CS8~ur\l••ldlO C~ Dam•nq""' 1~111\ Ml C•I Poly tSlOI H UC A•v•t"0.-11. cs LO\ AnQelt <•l A"dlaf\O\ ""·(•I T~cn l• Whittler 16. Pomon~ PHI"' && UC D•Vt\ '4. SM rAmrnto St •> ... o ... Ar1rona 51 9l, Ar11on• •I Montana •I. 80•..-SI •0 8 Yu U , WyomlnQ 10 Ulll'I ... Co•or.Oo SI '>b MontaM 51 61. ld•hO 14 •O•llO SI , •. Nt¥•d• Reno 10 No ..... ,.,.. ..... Webf'r SI \I 17 on A I /Jr. &8. (.r11nd (anvon H \e.,. .... ,, "" Foret' \7 ,,.,,..,f l f.ld'° ,., R•< .. 60. SMU Yi O•••h0nl"1 St tP 1()1# .. ~· I~ Oti t•N>m., ,. .. tC dntwt\ St &l Orfll RotJli'rh 80 flhOOI\ ~t I\ l ou+\1""" St 80 f l'nnfl'\41.,..... t>J 'io M "'\l\\IPOI 11 N o f fl'•d\ «;t ~b rou Art;.U\\..t\ S1 l""d' AA.M Al • r ~ An\d\ ~· 88 Un•D'l M f •1:•'\ I\ 8ttYl0' 10 liou\le>n 61 rev w Lam •r /8 Pdtl A'"'E'f1<dn 10 H Ou\f0'1 Rauh 't 6• IH Iii. i 1tlh• Ror~ \• f t-ll'A\ Soutrworn /1 Pr.iir1f" V tt*w t>IJ Mid-II w M 1rn19'4f1 /8. Bttll St 11 l t\P k an\fl\ ~ (OIO,aOO '~ (1,,(tnt"tJft 66 C)I l OUI°' ~1 N,.tJU1\lt,1t b6 M t\\OU'' !,] N ltltN>•\ SC.. M14'm•. 0 h•O SI M•nnr\ot11 bO Iowa 48 Wt\(.On\1n S.<I, llllllO!\ <IS M•ChlQ.,n St '"· Pv,du1• b8 Ohio SI 6', M •cl'l1oan U fndl•na flJ, Nor1hw•1,ltrn ~ ( relQl'llon 84. W r •.•a< S• ~~ A coast-to-coast perfect ( 3-0) day By ALMON LOCK.ABEY o.+i,,._.......,._ LONG BEACH -Two matc h racing crews from widely separated parts of the coast wound up with perfect scores Saturday in the first three races of Long Beach Yacht Club's five-race match racing series to select the final entry in the In- ternational Congressional Cup series in March. Robin Morgan, Lillie Ship's Fleet, Long Beach and David Miller, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, eacb wound up the breezy, frigid day with three wins. The only skipper with an outside chance in today's final two races is Richard Hackett, Coyote Point Yacht Club, San Francisco, who scored two wins and one loss. Six crews showed up tor the Pacific Co•at match racing champlonahip. Crews from San Die10 end San&a Barbare were last minute scr•lches. Brian Thomas, Seattle Yacht Club, scored on- ly one win. Strtkln1 out w&tb three 1trai1ht losses were Steve Reed, South Shore Yacht Club, Newport Be.ch and Blll Petenon, Cellfornla Y•cbt Club, Marina del Rey. Tbe race commlttH d.a.Jed start of tbe races for an bour becaUle of la~ of wind, but when the brMM dkl ftll la from tbe ""' lt wbiltled up to 13 to 11 lmola, ford~ ..... toclclll fOul ~· B•del MC a Mrtl9 ID tbe al Cup, tM ..-.. wl 1llo pick up the 8 Plc'er ~trapby. • £ M 1trUQd" Ml l}ot1Wt1nq C,f fltPn &\ 1oJt"do10 f ""' M 1t h10,.n Ml 'ot J Or .. dh•v \8 S tll1no" Al Ody Ion 8\ M"rQUf'll• IJ [J,,..,.,.RQ W1(h1tA \t 88 K -.\j C,I ~7 ()t>oO U 64 W If ••f'lft~ .-t 1\ MOrl'rw•Mi St M 1 .. v'"' 01"110 ,_., 0,.,,,,,, ,., l O'IO•·· (t'ur~qo en O•IAhom .. (1ly ~b f IOudA '11 Al,tl)dnt.it ~ 1 ..... r •nt•dA SI, Gf'OrQ•A SI 10 N t1 Cttrolir,,. too '""°'<f*'t ,,..-,, M> r urMtJn % Tttnn (hctl\41\00qA 'fO 1011 ~ l\l;tbotmo1t ~ M c NftttY \t ...0 M""" ,.., 1'IQ SdtnfOr(t 1't b• Akron IQ AU\l1n p,._,. &) Al1t A•ttntnqhttm '" J11tt lll.,orw1lh• APPdldtl\1ttn ~t I\ MM\hAll ~4 Gt0'9•* ftl Auburn &J ~ ( W'ltm 1nqto n IA. (~•''"''"" llap bS " 8fo'thu,.-r uot..m.-in ,., Opl,•~Af,. St No lowtt ~). ( d"'Dbf'll b• E '""""''""~" Q1,(1l,.dol ll11 Ou•• is. C••m'°'' \I St1 CMO""-103. Od.,cl>On 88 No C<1r'Oljnft C'it II, E"'\' '"'011n-. ~1 \J F1011da SI /4, lul•"""1 J&mf"\ M~l!t.Of'1 10, GeorQP M1t\On K•ntut-• 18, VM<lerbtll b• Old Oom1n1on 16, Wm & Ma1y \I w~~" ,.ore\!"· N ( A\hYtll•" NW LOUi\tan~ 11. Gtt 5.outh,.rn n •011 '""'•""~ 90, NE loul\f•n• 11 Murray St lO. Ten""\-htl'I '8 Grambltnq 1'. AlcClfn St 73 Moml)l>I\ SI 10, V1r9ln1• l ecll Ml M1cldl• hnn ""· W Caroll"'1 S7 N•• 0r1Hll\ I•. SW l oul\1•n• •7 '>oul....,rn U 7', Ntt l'lolh SI 10 L OUl \l•n• T~c f\ 1•. H•tdln Simmon• II !loll Ttnr-.•-SI ••. Ja<Uon St le Mf\\O\\IPOI S• M 1U1ulppl SI SJ U oll E~\I o~ P~ul 69, l d '>all• 6? No tr .. o .. ,,..... 11 Mdt yldnO 10 Q,,.,,.11) l Afdyf'U,. 6;4 DUOtt,.\n .. \•. C-,t,.ho n \'9 M"1n,.IJ Vflrmonl n t ,.mp1 .. "' M•M lllt•n U \I Jo\eol!' /1 N C Char tone 6S W,.,, V1rq1n 1.t IS. St Oon4v,.ntur,. •4 Conn,.t htuf ,.,., (if'O..-qe-lown /1 loU 8att1Morf'> ... VM I ., Amfl'rf<MU ll l e-h1Qht.f Rtoom-t>v•Q SI ll 8uekn•ll I) 80\lon (all-1', v lo-> Hall !>I fOH V1llinovb I S. (OIO"lf' I\ Hof\tra 10, 0t1,....,.,,,. ~t r-ordham 10 Fit1rf1~td6t \I • , "'"I\ Pd ll .. j M dfl\I b• Ptll ,. C:.f'Q Wd\l'l11191on SS StM~ 10 lond \J R1rnmfX'd6.t. Navy \6 Y air •(f. Nfl'w Httmp\hHt-6tt Svracuw /fl, \t John'\ 11 St Prl•r'\ 81 Slo,,..1'1111 IJ lonq l>lft>O 11, Army 10 Norll>H\lorn!>O, P""" ~I 18 RhoM l\IAnd \J, Prov•dttn(fl •f N ltlQdff't 6.f c~n1\IU\ &l ~•drr 7', C•lhOlt< lJ bO Community college *"' c .... c ...... -. OranQf (CM\I II, San 01eoo Ml!\a M CerrllO\ 10, Fullerton U M1 Sin Anlonto 67, Gro\\mont •l 11\!HletlC_...,.,,u SaOdlfbaO 110, P•lomar" A 1ver~oe '3, C 1lru\ .. Sa n D'-(( "· S.n Bernardino 11 w......,,St ... c...--• Moorpjlrk •S, Ant•IOllf V•llfY •l Complon 77, 0 •,,.rcl 14 11 ot) Sa nla B•rb<lr• ... Glenct•le 0 T alll4,(.,,y01tll Tr•cle Ttcl'I ... Ventura S7 H•ncoo '°· W•~• LO\ ......... SI Dft..t c.tter-• Mtr•C:0.141 "·Imperial Valley tO ll•rtl-'S. Cerro Caso 61 COMPARE HOUSE of IMPORTS ® DIAL 714 or 213 MER-CEDES 60MQS~wmt SN*IMS -........ .... .. ..... ....__ ........ -... ·-~~ ,, ... ....., Sund•y. J•nuary 25, 1981 DAIL V PILOT •• Bucs, Gauchos • Will OCC rolls; Saddleback explodes Orange Coast College's Pirates bounced back from de feat with a convincing 88-61 victory over host San Diego Mesa in South Coast Conference basketball action Saturday nieht while Saddlebac k had an easy tim e irt blasting host Palomar. 110-69 in Mission Conference play. I Or•nge Coaat II, S•n Ot9'10 MeH 11 The Pirates of Coach Tandy Gillis came back from a loss to Grossmont a week earlier to com- pletely dom in ate th e Mesa team. It was close for about 10 minutes when the Pirates out·scored the Olympians. 15·6 to take a 42-26 advantage to th e dressing room at halftim e and they never looked back. l" fact. starting the s econd half, the Pirates improved their lead by out-scoring Mesa. 19-6 an the early going. then inc reased the ir lead to 73·41, a 32-point advan tage. "We had a good per formance by Ri<.·h Kindorf and by a couple of pla yer s off the benc h." Gilhs said. "I thought Rick Riley a nd John Kres1ch dtd well for us and that our offense moved the ball well tonight " Kindorf hat 9 or 12 from the floor and would up with 24 points along with a game high 12 rebounds and eight ass ists 111~ 24 points is a season personal high. Brian 'Maravich was 8 for 12 from the floor with 16 points and nine r ebounds . The Pi rates out-rebounded the Olympians. 47-22 with 24 of the caroms coming on the offensive boards. Mesa hit 56 pe rcent of its shots from the floor , canning 28 of 50. Ora nge Coast <:ould hit only 4!.l perC'ent, 36 of 7:l attempts. Tim Johnson. a Pirate starter and one of the team's leading st·ore rs. missed the bus and dtdn 't m ake the trip to San Diego Orange Coast improved its conferenC'e re<:ord to 3·2 and overall mark to 12·8 while Mesa 1s mired in the cella r with a n 0 5 mark and 1s 2-17 o verall SEVANO • • • tant. though, 1s that management 1s now takmlo( stel)s to ins ure that won't h aprJen again With eal·h new conlra <"l that 1s being ~igned players are not1t 1ng a new dause whi<'h prl'vent!-. them from cliM·ussing their contrcicts through or with the media. No one 1s sure what the penalty i~ yet for someone who does. but 11 ducsn 't look hke anybody 1s ~olng to test thl' ('!ausc. either al least not _vet. anyway • • • Speaking of tontracts and salane~. the N i"!. Managcml'nl Counl·il l'amt• out with their figures for the 19tK> t·ampa1gn. The avernf..(c fc.iothall player m<1de $711.657 for a season's ~ork, with q uarterhack!i far and away the highest µa11I Her e are the a vera~e figures. anording to position. for 1980 · Quarterbacks $1 31,206. Defensive linem en $85,683 Hunning hack!> $83.496 Receivers $75,961i. orrensive linemen $74,596 Lineback er s $70. 753 Defensive backs $68.753 _. . Kickers $60.861 Sports writers S19.7W. I think maybe we s hould holdout next season a ') Jl> ,_ All ·SIZE ...cAM CMS MICil•LIN XWW, 15 inch ms ws sue" as us.1111 tit 111. ""' tra fl ... 11. flfffl40 11t·l11. s .. 1111 17S 111, c...-tn .111 T11111111ct"• 11•.1•1 c..ttr tll-111 Cat11to111tt1 tll·IDI M11\ Vt t ... 1,1. C-11• 17H,1 Moftll Cano t14· m 205 x 15 581ct0 Saddleback 110, Palomar H Tom McCluskey played his best game of the year and the Gauchos blew Palomar out or its own gym with a torrid s hooting display. McClus key hit the rlrst eight points of the gam e ~r the Gau<:hos then came back with the first six in the second half as he scored a career high of 26 points ancl had a game.high 10 rebounds for Saddle bat•k. "Tom played his bes t game of the year by far," a pleased Saddleback Coach Bill Brumm el said after the game. "We neede<t this one. We have had so many dose games tn a row, we were due for an easy one." · Turning back to Md.:luskey, Brummel added : "lie was j ust s uper. lie kept the entire team o n fire the whole game .. Saddlcha('k was in front from the opening basket a nd with J ·OO r emaining , enjoyed a 44-point edge at 100 5fi 1.m Kc·v1n Howland's eight-fool j umpe r The Ga uchos out rebounded Palomar. 58-27 tc1 imprnve their c·onfercncc record to 4 I and overall mark to 14 7 Pal<imar I!> now 0-5 in 1·onfe rent e play a nd fl 15 for the year Phoenix Ope~ Graham has taken charge PllOt:NJX fi\P 1 Ua\1d (;raham. a tour tt·'itl'<I Australia n \'t•l t·ran who ha~ hccn there man,\ limcs llefort'. put t11g\'lht•r ;e !>Olid. lwo undt'r par Ii!.! and look ""It· <·tmtr11I of lhr· loJI ..,pol Saturday in tht-third round of th1· l'hot•n1x OJ1t•n J.!lllf tou~nam1·nl But th<' 1·0111l11na1111n 11f his vast l'XfJt:rtcnc·c. 1·11m pdr'fl 111 ii globt• I rol I ing 1·;en·l'r lhal ha!> prlJ clun·d vH·LorH·.., ;ill o vt•r tlll' "'•rhl. and the non "inning ~tatu ... 11f hi!> 1·10..,t·'ol d1alh.•ng t•n, 1.;;n't nl'l'C''o!>:Jrtl~ a h1 J.! a<h ant a).!1· i.:111ng 1nt1J Httl<iy'<s linJI rr1und. (.;raham ... a11I Thl•rt• art• "" rnarl\ 1ournam1·nh no" and "'' rl· pla~ 1ng f111 !>O m ul·h m1>ne~ tha t ~ oun1 .. wr . It·..,~ t'XJll'rt1•111·ed pl ;J\ 1·r~ d1in 't fear pl<t) m g badl~ ..,,, rnu1·h as bt•f11r1·. (:raham ~aid aft er pus linl! hi'> ~()<! Iota!. 11 .,hots under par for 54 hol1·s m ·l'r th1· ti.n 1; ~ ;ird l'hrwn1x ('ountr~ C'lub 1·11ur..,(• ··1t ~ not ;t hf1· 11r dt•ath s1tu<1t111n The young pla~ l'r~ kn•·~ then··~ Jlwuy~ next week If they (':tn get 111 p11~11 111n 111 win. lht·y ran go ahead and t ak<' a<h ant af,!t' of I he· '>JI uat 111n rather than ft•ar it . .. ,.,t' ).!111 to g11 out l11m11rrow with lhe idea that lhl'rf' <.m · Ii. H. Ill, l:l. l!i men who ('an win the lo(olf lournaml'lll I'm g111 ng to hav1· 1'7 ~hoot llfi or 67 to win 1t ," .,a1tl (;raham . "Hln('r of fi ve i\mer1 ('an t1Lll'S 1nd urf1ng t ht• 1!17!1 l'';A national l'ham µ1on s h1p . A !>lnJ.!h• stroke ha ck at 203 were Tomm~ Valent1nl:!. Mth· Heid and Jim :'llelford. a Canadian nn" hnng tn th•• 1 ·n1t<'d Statt·.., All arc non- " 1nnt'r:. on the Arnl•ru·an t11ur Valent ine used hts g reat length off th<' t c·t· to ..,h<1<1t <t five under par lili Reid kt•yt•d h1:-. f;7 artiund <'X(·ellcnt pla~ on lht· .short hole~ :rnd :'l:f'lfunl ha.., to work hard for a 70 Laguna ~1guc·J'., ~urk 0':'\1c:ira fm :cl a third r ound Iii for a 200 t•1l :il f'lu r ..,lrokc~ off tht• leader's pan· Al;m Tap11· aho •1f J.;;iguna .\/1gu{·I. had a se<·oml straight fi!I a11d 1~ ;.1t <!'JH ff~\l~ FOlt MD-Sill AllEltlCAll CAllS MICHELIN XWW, 14 inch "" CAllS sue" AS Ct•l•"I '" 111 llltl••• Pl·ltl Cvtltu 111111 Lt lllt•t 17' Ill Ce•ctrd t71111 111111 111 111 Slytt•i t 77 IOI Aa,t• 171 IOI G11014t (IS I I I Ot11ttt I 7'· 791 '~°'"" 171 791 Vt"""' 17 ... 01 185 x 14 5 70~ •. , tlA l 1 I', (11 FOR THE RECORD 1 -· .. -(_ > . ,, 61 '""• 1 ( ...... , . ,,,., . Clll. r .~ I rc,.n< ':>I b4 l '"'"'" ~. t .. ' litl~f ... ,, ' •" ' I ;., I > COMMUN I fY C"OLl CGE Oranqr Cvo1 SI Ull SO Me5e 61 u ... ,.. f ' ~ ,, • I d , .. I ·h• I .,, '" I" l j t• I ' S~ddlPh;i,. '.,\ r1r t f e "-< r1- ... ' .. I 111 <, t ANl 1~1(,S . •/I iOu•t (,.1 1 1 f.nntPr<•n• ~ ~,,.,,,, • 0.-•1 •II W W I ,, ''"' t• ;i1fv1 •r• tJ•• , .. u ~ ' 'H l I•• I• ... I I II •• • I\ ,. X \! not.t•s Phu•nl• Open ••• ot h• •h•'' •' .. •• M ., M•1•I IU .. •I I ••••'VtJ W•110 l '""'' ...... ,111.,.. .. ,, .. .,1.111 ......... IJ •I •\ • .. v•u"' ...u1~ •' •• .. .. ,,, .... , ...... -.A•••.,.. ., ., ,, •) •• It .. /)" • 41 .., ,, .. ·~ ._.,.,, I '-VA•~ .... "' t I a t'•t•I ..• ··•-·&J ._ 't "-"I _,., .. y ... ,, .... , ... ,, . """"' O kl Ill t I ,.,.,, p,j,I II ~ .tftf'f I ·~ t· f ... I I.Jin• ~rt ''' I h1J•V' i.. •·1lt\ I-f"fUU'- '"''"" f\p,,. , ... ur(Jtt Ai• h•·• 'i''' t-o.,n f\vorn wuo-.10\ ""'''"'' ''W'Wll0\4.~n i)A./f'I Ii.tr• r>u11 t'W hty v~'",. \.f""~'""' i'''"'' \l(A.klOll Mii,., Mor•~v b •lll'•O (,,~m tohon" M tlhH Hr U\,.. f'Quql~1"' HOliby N•t~\ fldH H "lllklf'-!;\ Aud At11n 1.~n• I 1Ul,.t l .... E IOtlr ~nfl W1t1••n\ J A<f t4dd\ '><'>II Ho..n '0'-'"'tMtt~ Motf'il Hoff"'\ (,,, M 0'0d4'\ l 'ff"t Lott fl1)f>bv P4-4f'\t'lllt RN J Nu<llou, '1tll .. """''" t:tochy Cl•"'P-tt J 1rnmv Po._..11 1'ot>G1lc>er tommy Adron l ... on~ r cl f OOmp\O'I Hoon, w a11 ... 1 I~•' M 1lttw>li 0t)VQ ft•~ll ro Flori C hA"le\ (OO<ly ~•' 11; F ctldo l1m l)P U1 Arttftld ~ ••lm .,, rt111 M.-11_.,.,. ...... ll .. &I ,, ... I ''"" ,, ., .. u10 .a ,,, ,, .. 1>e I I •S 6V61f~ .. ,, .. 10 •1 •• .... ~ .. •••••• 10 /I 0 &I •• 10 •I 11 111 0111 .a II 1>0 10 •••• 10 o'> o ~ 10 o• oi II Ml I ) •I ol 10 II OI IJ .. 10<>• •• •• 11 10 01 /} 10 ., ,, //; oY II., 69 69 II 10.a 11 ..... ,. II OI) 11 10.ol 11/().0I .~ ,, .. " .. It ,...,_,, IJ.11-10 •1 11 10 10 10-10 .. ,, ,, It 1069 /l .. ,, 11 o• It 10 •• ,, 10 10-11 IJ-11 11 II 61 IJ 11·69·11 ot 69 IJ 10 It 10 10 II /1 1o1n13 09 II 11 69,, /1 08 II /4 ,, .. IJ ., ,. /1 .. ll /1 10 ,, /1 "10 n II 08 IS 69.JO H •9 ll·I• 11 •• ,. II 10 I• II 10 1' •• /1 ,. ,, •• IB Monterrey Cup t•• Monterr•,. M•a1CO) S11tqtes 0Wr1•riiM I• J01 JOJ IOJ lOl 204 io. lCM 104 IO> IOI lOS IO) IOt IOo IOI io. lo. IOI '°" 10o '°" IOt IOo lo. * lo. 101 101 101 IOI /OI 'IOI lOt JOI JOI /OI 'IO'I 'JOll 10'I 10'I 10'I m · 'IO'I 'IO'I 'IO'I 'IO'I 110 ?10 110 110 JIO 110 110 J•O 111 111 Jll 111 111 Jll 111 Ill 111 711 117 71J llJ JIJ 113 711 Ill 7tJ 11J 714 11• 1•• 10 71S 11S 7tS 119 I' •... fUld+h\ ""'f Jurin \MHf fl I f) 1 1Y •1"" r t..ak d*•I Raul Ramu1>1 b 4, ' t IOh tn ~' u k df"I P,~"4..df Po, IP\ r \, & A V t••t A•w•h4'1 ,,,..., 0 ru(P M (Jn--on I) & 4 Women'!I tournament C..atCll'fClf'UMlt) \1ttqle-\ S•m•fttt•h ., , ,, a.~1rh~ t t>t·t ._ .. ,.,..,. M~niOl••Ov~ &O. M 1 t1n11 N'd¥r 1loln\td d,..t JoA nnl' I I ' I b I Oout>Ms S."'•hn•I, Annt ·,m11h rlttthy J ordan Mt Oa rtMrA • 1H .. , •,n.trr>,, Wdl\n b • b l Pro bowling ALAMEDA 0 .. EH 1'1n.I s.-1~, H()D HtU"l(ll .. y (l.f-1 J•y Roo~n\On 101100 t-t-tnCll.,.'+' ••n\ \11 JXX>. Aobtnwn ,1,000 Otller Rewlt1 ~uo1n..on ~' J•·•• Mo''"· 113 HO, O•• E.dr• Antht)n1 110 t~ Mr.r1n l1tot M•"'""" t~,;,,.,,,,n nr J'J"I LeeAle•M ,., Y'I LAT• ••WLT hntll r•c. Mei. Wiid Rew• IMll< .... 11. 17 10, 1 00, • •• My S.lln 060 IC re .... I. I 00, t IO, • .,, .. ,_Jet 10.1omti.), LOO U •-•U• 11-11 Hid UI IO Alie~• /,lU SATU•OAV'I •llUL U ••Jto ol .,_...t• Qu•r1trnot\e m .. tln9) l'•r•t ••e fwl•• ,,,. Splo tNocwt. U1 00. ILIO,JO.IO, Sir Jet 81;9 (AG.llr l, UO. \IO, MOllH NH-• ICle"t"'I 10 :00 '2 n tci. I~ SI 1MilcUt.'4t IO S.co"" rece P,oo 8a•• MIU IT, .. ,.,,., • 40, , IO, 1 JO, on L• A .. IH•rO. ),.0,, JO, J1mb<a Au 1 llrOOll•I, s .0 frw a r.ce C0tPOr•tt Jot !Cltri\\el 14 00. ) IO, ) C> He<" IW<1rdl. • 00, l 00, t.•rlerbO ICe1clo,.I 7 IO J1 u<1c la I• JI ot•O •d 10 Fo.,rth IAO Dee 8r19n1 Cnici. IW•rdl. •to. S JO, •JO. Slnlul C•nyon IC•rclotal, I 10. ) JO MIMlp Doo ( r rt•w••I,) '° F11tn r... Leh Do 11 IO" IAO•lrl,. JO, J 00 1 OU The Bomtl l !lrool>.\) S ;oo, • 00, Eoy w r-ttr ICrteQtt•) s '° n ttaa<ta 17 fl D•ICHJO 00 !t•••h r d<.e hl•nd Auler (k•rO ti 00. • JO s IO BobOy Oh On IClor1n •I I 00, I "° A1.,1no"91"t IM1tc~11) JS 10 ' Soentll reco Jtol Spy 1Cr .. 9<1rl, J.C>, l IO J Cl Or•I II tAdairl, f 00, l .0, -· 810 IC•rC101•I, l IO $7 H•cta Cl•I O<l•O •ti 00 u Pio \la 11 •• s J II IHIO S4,9l6 IO ••tll l"'•O"' w 1r'W\1nq hclt.eh t\1• norw \J S? Pt<._, \1• <OnwhU•on P•id ''" .tC) with I u w1nn•"'9 lit-th ...... not\.,\) [1Qnth r.Cl' Strefltl.tn S•• tC•rdo1•• J •0. 1 "°· 1 JO. FrHl(h Foret IH•r11. 1 '°· I ;oo Mr Merry Cn1<0 (Tru..,rt). J 00 N.1nlh r1<• J ••ml• J•v Clr••\ur•), '6 .0, ;oo to, • 00 W•nnlnQ Copy t 8rOOl\\I, l IO J 00, F••lldlO..\ Filly (Mttcnell>, 0 "° U U•Cta 17 Al D<tld U ll 00 S•nt• Anll• SATU•OA'l''S •llUL TS IU ..... IT41Y , ............ _. -1i..1 F IF'\t ••<• Hither •nd Thlth•• IOll••re>l. 43 IO, t• 20, •.OO: Vat.,,tlne Le• 11>1nc •v•. l 10 J 60, C•mp Ho•t lV•len1ue1a1, 1.IO Second ••C• C htella ln Looi>. tSnoemal>.erl, I 10, • 10, • 00. Aoonev I Gilligan), 10 00. I IO. Bend In the A...O IHewt1y). I 70 U deity -· 1 .. tl pekl '111 '° Third r•t tnter"i•w Tim• (Cordero>~ )J '°· 1100. s JO, 8r'911t LMIY IValen1 ... 1a1, • .0, J to. 81ue hmpt•llon IM<C•rron). 1 IO F ou rt h r •c • Formu l• On• 10e1•"-WY91, 11 IO, • 00. J IO, Strlkt It 81g I P1nc:•Yl. 7 IO. l tO. C•ll Ma M1>ler ICorOtrol, I> JO Fllln race Grae,., (Ha•lovl. J 00, 1 IO, 1 10. M-41H•'l ClloKe !Olivares). I 10, • 00, Wntorn SIMl.i IMc:CMronl, J IO U eucl.I tt •> P•1d SSt 00 Sl•tll rtct A·OulO AIM tM<C•rronl. S tO, I'°· l JO, A·8uon Cl\fco tPinuyl, S IO. S 20. J.20. PM1ner• In Tu .. t V•ldl•lff<>I. I 00 Seventh rtct S!Mm'> l'ool ICHt•-1, 17 00. S 00. 4 C>. El .. en SlllClle\ IHaWIOI. •.OO, • 00, EH<ullv• Counwt IMc:Carronl, • IO U otc t• ( J.11 D<tld ''S SO. u Pie~ s .. <•~·'·9 1.31 D<ttd '"· 111 ao "'"" 11 .. tnnlllQ h<k.i\ l•I• norw•I U Piel>. Sia COn\Ot•tlon p.110 •JOl .0 wit~ l4S •IMl'IQ t•cl>.tt\ ll1W '-W\) Et9nth rect Fly1nq P••ter IMcCuron), J .o. J 40, J 10, l(lf'IQ Go Go I Oe•anoun .. •I, J 10, 110, Fle\lero ISllOolm•k•rl. 110 Ninth re<« o.,111nqly I Mc Carron I S.00, ) 00, ) 00. Gr•n1a Dewo IH•nwn). •1 Ml. 1• 10, Ent•• Nov• (Oelahou\\•Y•). J JO SS --•rt• •• •n ""'" •osa.oo A lt~ndeno •I 130 Hollywood P1rk FlttOAV'S LATE •ESULT lenlh "'" ll•w•rtll• Nil•ntky IAn Oer\Onl s 80 3 •O • 00. Duo••t A I Oeo,om•r I. l 00, • 00, (O\mac Ch••I !Son r1f"Vtllf") f) 10 \.]..-acKl11' 41 SJ P••d \S-1 )() """''<l~nc. I.IOI SATu•oav•s ltESUL TS I Siii .. IS.ni.,.1 lier-MU ..... tl ... ) Ftr\t rM e l(•nc)\ Oove>•tt t Oe\Om"' •. U 10, 9 00, S 'IO. Fort tor ElleU t Barlont l 11 "°·I 'IO, lllllQ J•y A IAuDonl 3.IO $) .. a< I• fl II IH•O Ull 00 Se co"o r•<e M 10n19ht Cf'loo Choo t A111>1n1 I oo. ) •O. J 10. Andy. L•on 1(ioul1rte-l, l IO. 110 C•nterbury L•rw 181<!>.lordl,1 'IO Thud r«.f' .,.owdy St•r f Ti\twd 6 60, • 40 l IO ScJo<ty Old Al t TOCIOI, 91)1), • 00 Anoy, For9f"l•bt• (01.,.nl J '° U e •a<la IS ll paid •111 00 Fourtf"I r.c:t F•nt.Y 8•rO.W\\ CV•Hand 1non•m1. 11 00 I 10 l 80, Fourth A~ ILIQhthlll). • 60, '10 Monl>.•n1 ,.,~ tOf\.Onwr•, 1 IO ~''"' r•tt M ulU .H•nover (Aos.n), 10 40, •IO, 4 00, Ae<I SOii I Todd), 3 Oil, l 00. Hal>.•lo• IV•ll•""inoflaml, S 00 U e •e<t• 19 I) P••d '7t ~ Sl•!h ra<t Aowov Y•nkH IGrundyl, l 10. J Ml. 1 00, Tolptd• 1Cn19!1t ISn..rrffl). J 00, 1 00, Alden N 18ake rl, J 00. Se.entn ••<t Cl any Brei ( W11tl•m•I, 9 '0. S,IO, J,00. PIM Ship (Ander,onl, 100, 7.oo, SyncOl)lllon IVa1tanotn9f1<1m1. 1.&0 U • .. Cl• I). 11 paid $107 .00 U P ltr So• O·S·l·9·l ·ll peid $19,llt IO•llll on• wtnnlnq tl<kt!I 1\1• hOr~I . U Pl<k SI• '011\0lalion paid U'3 40 with n winning t•<ktt\ lllw nor,.,,, E IQhfh <e<t Foay Marhnlav I Altch•tl. \• oo, t• .O. 11 .o. T am1s Gr•m I Bol•n>. 8 •O. I 20, Mollie ~rken1•Y (Ouomtrl, HO N1n1n re<e LuOy Caro A tAalt n!0td). )S "°• t. 601 • 60. Genf'r•I Silver CAnderwnt, • .0, 3 IO, ~ryl'\ p,.,.... 1 Oe\omerJ, J,20 U . • *-•ti• I 0.01 P•iO SJOS SO NHl WALHCON.,•••NC• ...... hOlv.._ 1u,.., Montr .. 1 Pilhburvn H•rlford ..._ D•trolt W L TOl'OA"'8 ,. U I lll 11, ~ JI 16 S lOI 1•1 ~ t• J4 I 116 211 ,. u J• 10 ••> no • IJ J• • 141 201 l3 Aum1DMtlell Mln ... SOI• ,. n II llS 13' ~ 8ull•to 11 10 IS IU ,.. S• 00)101' 10 20 t IU t•t .. Toronto II U I ttt ?1' o Ou•bec 11 n IJ 16• 111 l4 CAM .. l lLLCONl'••I HC• ..... IC .. DM1iell NY hl•ncler\ JJ 10 I J1' ISJ 12 10 u 11• SJ 17' 0 Phll.O.lpl\I• JI 14 I 194 Ca19ary n ti 9 111 Wuh1n91on to 11 11 ••1 NV lh"91r\ 11 7• 8 111 191 •1 St LOlll\ V•ntou"•' Cn•c•Qo Cotor.oo Edmonton Smy-Olvl1iefl ,. II I 11• Ill .. JO u U IN 16S U 10 u • ,,. , .... .. ,. I ,., ,., "° .. 11 • Ill '°' JO S JJ 10 111 1H ;oo s .. .,,..., ... Scarff ll1"9••. ~ton • Detro11 1. Colorado 1 8ull•to 1. wnn111Qton • MontrHI •. Pn1l-ll>ft1# J New VOt~ I 0....bP< 4 Pltllbu•Qn •. C•IQ•ry l Toronto 1, "•rtford 4 New Yurk RctnQeH 1 \l•n<ou"t!' \ M1nnewta •. Edmonlon ' SI Lou!\•. Cn1t<190 J r..i..,.'tG•m°' N o O•f°nf'' \.Ct'f'Oultl'O Kl1t91 6, Bruin• 4 k .......... .... 0 1 I "'"' ..... ""' 1 80>1on, Mlddltlon 11 ILatondl'1 S JI J Bo\ton. Mlcldlelon 11 (lhtellel. 10 H Penalties Goldup, LA, t OI Jtnwn. LA. J OI. Unoer. LA. 9 OS, O'Ae11ty, 80\ 17 SI 80..rque, Bo\, II 16, Htrrt\, LA, 19 Sii *-...... l Bo•ton. C..h~n II I PM' Mr Nao I, 1 SI • LOS AnQelH, D•onnt 00 il•vlorl, 1J. II S. Lo\ A<IQelt•, S1mrne• ., (llor.oo H•l••rdl. ti .o Ptn•ll•H R•o,.,ono. Bo•. 9 s.. We•I•. LA, • o llo\lon bttn<h 11 SJ, !:•"'"""1, Bo\, 1• ti Tllln .... IM t. Lo' AnQeh!\, St mm•, 4t ~ H•lw•rd, t(or•bt, ' 1) I LO\ Anqele\, HArrl\ .. (8oM•. M M11<pl\y). J OJ I 80\lon Perl>. 1J IMldclllllon, ~NH), • "9 • LO\ Anllf'°'• Foa t t01onnt S1mm•r) • S• 10 LO• An9t1n, Simmer •• ( 01onn• I " )t PM•ltle• T ... ..,, . LA mt"°' '"'JO'. ) 01 , 8orQvt. ~. m1nw ~for J.4 Wells, LA. l ... ll0t.ob, LA. S 7•. Miibury 8ot S 71 Snoh on -· LM A"91I .. 11-41.(17 J• Oo•ton 1).17.11 JI> Go.liM LO\ A"91'ff'\, Lt\W'O Bo\lon, Cr•ICI ,. 1J,1i. SUPER BOWL XV I l'lnal •...,iar Se•-lndlvld""' Le-nl 01kl•nd R1ld1r1 PhJnil;Pf1 P(\\lorin1 Wll...on Guy (hdf"IC!I,., 8rdntn -.,·11n e-... qrwn (t\ ... ~tf>r K'.1nq Wn1t11nQton Jfn\.t!n 8'd0\t\aw Aam'-f''f Maltnt-*" M•,t1n1 Vd n EttQtten KtnQ Wh1U1nqton Plunlil:ttl Guy Jrnw n P~n1or-1n1 M•lthttW'\ W1l\On Br•n<h c ... PASSING An. Comp. Vck A••· TO 110 l&S 71'1'1 I II I~ 130 t6 q37 I II I I )I b 10 0 ' ' J7l100 0 PAU RECEIVING No. Yd• Aw9 TO •9 ,.,, lb 0 10 U ~II! I~) I 19 JSQ ~ ~ 0 18 II><> '1 ' • 11 ,.. • • 0 10 701 •08 0 1 91 17. 0 • 137 ,, 0 ' Ill 11 • 0 " "0 0 JG 110 0 RUSHING Ho Yd\ A•• TO 111 818 )8 \ 1/) 161 4 4 A ~' ,.,. ) ) l 78 ... \ 0 1 J J8 171 0 14 JO 1 I 0 ,. • 0 0 II 7 7 0 ' ) ) 0 0 ' 1 0 0 PUNTlfl•G He Yd\ A"t. II lll'I' Oo PUNT ltETUltHIHC. Ho, Y•\. A119. M•lln•w\ •R •11 8 8 Mt I( 1nn~y 1 O O O KICKOFF AETUAHING Ho, Yd\. Avt . 7• )I) JO J 71 397 18 ' I t IO 18 I )J JJ 0 10 100 10 100 M411ht .. M\ Whi111nglon MOO<ly Jen\en Chrt\ten\#n qam\f'Y,, H•V•\ 1 LEAOtHC. KOltEltS 0 0 0 k 8ahr Cn•""'"' Br•nch v•n Ette).lt'w!n Chti\te, ., "•c•~r ""'· 91 00 ., JO ,. PhMed11pNe lee••• ...... llO ... C.0.. Y•. a,... TO J•••<t-1 411 UI JS2' 1.12 21 Plw r<lk t• .. •n T " o Gl•m-J J SS llll 1 Moftt90mtttY 1 0 0 0 00 0 "AIMlfG •llC•IVIHO -teo-ry C•rml<,,_1 Smlllt N•. Yft. A ... TO so '°' t. t 1 .. l lS IT.O " ., us ,, • ) llrtpf .. C•mpfleld SINVftOI• Gl•mmona H•rrl\ Porker Ftllket Henry H•rrln9lon Giibert Dl•on JO •SO tS.O • 11 JIS 10 I 1 11 19) 10.1 J ti "' 10 s I IS JOI IJ I I • ... .... I . ,., ,. , , • .. I/ 0 0 l ,. 1.0 0 1 I I 0 0 I s s.o 0 MOl\t90merv G1•mmon. Harri\ Harrtnoton Camptleld Jfworol H09•n Smith •UIHIHG H•. 193 9T tO• 31 V•t A•t. TO 111 • •,O I ,., ),/ >•t J) , .. Sl LtM .. ltr F IU••e S<i•rr• 01aon Culbredth I( repfte P1wrc1- •• IJO 1.1 11 9S l.S IJ U l I s ll ,. 1 Jt 10 s .. UHTIHG ' 1 ) IS IS 0 II J I • • 0 3 ) 0 J l 0 ) '0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H•. Y•• A119 IS ,.., Jt l ..UNT ltETUltNING He. Y•• A119 St••rr• l6 no· • 1 H•nry 10 111 I S C:,1amm0ftd I i I O lllCllOl'I' RETU•HING (41mpf1t•ld ... ""'Y C,1(t"'1tTIOf\d H4rr1noton 01aon MOl"llOOf'fW', f Btut 8•1t.•r ,,.,.,. sp .. onold Na Yoh Avt ,. 1.0 10 I I IS• no t7 ti I 10• II ) JO IS 0 ?l 73 0 I ' ' ,. I• 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 LEADING SCORERS k Fr.inklln Montoon'W'fY (armt(hael G1ammc>nd HO" 1\ .-kif M.er ROSTERS Oakl•nd .... .. •• ,... p .. • M •rc. W1hon 08 8 R .. CU\I P 10 (hr1\ Bllf'lr t<- 16 Jim Plunh11 OB 11 Chi! Branen WA 11 Arlhur w rutt1nqton AO 1l O<I•• Mc1C1nno CB 7• ll•1th -· (fl JO M••k ,.,_ EoQntn RB 11 Oerr1<k J..n'W"tt A 8 n ot•nny K•f'IQ RB H o ..... ,,.. o·s,...,, c 11 l6 Mtke-D•vt\ S JI LOIH "•••' (8 '1 Monl• Jeck'°" CB 0 Ir• -ltnt.w" WR u Burp~' O~ns S 46 Todd (_hr•\ff'n\en RB IO Da•• O•lby C II !101> ... ,..,,. LO \1 M11trio (t'lotto L 6 )J Roo M41rlln LB ~s M•tt M11it:n L 8 SI Jfll Bar""' LB )1 A MtC••nanan LB &2 Ql'9Q'"" K1nldw Dl bl (Jf>M UP\....,., c.. •\ Mtt kP'; Mdrvin V bb ~tl'vt" So;lvto'\1f'r OL 10 .,h•nry l ~wrPn(t• T II l 1ndwy Ma\On I C n Jot\n MdlU-\/f111J. OE 13 O~•l" B'own1n9 Dl l e D•wfl Pear D l 11 J04! Cam~ll Ol 18 .. ,, s""" l IQ 8rutf> D•v•'I l It Mor"\ 8r.O\llaw W R 9) ft"d Henotttk\ LB 8• Orrq(• R.emw-v TE ts Boo C""n<ll•r w r; 16 C~dritk Ha.rdman OE .. R•v,,_,., C""•I•• IE I• Rt<h Martini WP 'IO W1lht" J°""' DE C•ll-!IYV Southern M iu P•nn SI St•nloro (olor•OO SMU (OI0,.00 Svr.-cuw (OIQAlt: fe•a\ Arllnq1on Okl•f'IOm.i S•n lo.o St Co•or•oo f f'I•\ Al.M S•n D•tQO SI w ,,<on\1n M'"'"' t r-1,. I BYU UCLA l••U•Or Ill\• oil\ use use Penn !.t (itl1lorn1• SWI ou1\1 .. n11 Ofl ldhOmet ff'1.J\A&I T ennf'\\f"t' "'lotrf' O~f'nf' r lnno• A&M I( dnW \ fAmP<1 Wct\~•"QfOn f w~;;~~~:; M11ryldnd St UCLA On10St M t•m • (Fl• 1 111;.en1uc11,y use ~o l~••\St M0'94" S1 ti( D•••S F to,1d11 St Phll1delphl1 ... 11'1a.,... Po. fof"y Fr•Mhn K M•11A~Qll-' P Aon JaWO'\kt OB J~ P1wrc.1~ OB 11 Rob H•rt,.. OB 11 H~HOld C.trm1(hd•• WA )'() Le-rot H•rrt~ F 8 1' John Sc••rr~ S 11 B••Mn!WllY.>n FS 74 l ac He-n<Wr\On S JI A 1<n 81a0mort ( B 31 W•I Mo<>IQC>mo•v MB ll Lou1• G••mmot'la H B 1S Perry .,.,.,,1nqton F8 ll Billy Campll•ld RB J~ Boo TO<••• FD •I Randy Loqan S 0 RoyMll VounQ CB •• Htrman fdw .. ,d.. C 9 SO Guy Morr._. C )I R•<fQ•<' W1lkf\ LB S7 Rt; Pnllllps L B U ,_ r •nk Lt"'-'''-' L 8 ~ Jorry A-n'°" LEI 5' Al C""\l•y L 9 ti M•r~ Sl•lt• C 11 P•l•Y P•rot c; 61 Ron a .... , G 61 Cllarll• Jonn\on MG .. 8 111 8erQOy LB 61 O.nnl\ H•rri\,On OE •9 WOOdy Pleopl.-G II I( •n Clar•• Mc; So C •rotin.t 'VcunQ\IO•,, !:.t ,...~··· MP-al(o St vsc Sovth~rn Ar~ttn\d\ St UCL• V•nO.rO•l1 Okl•hom..t M1\\1\\•PP• S' Al>•I (hr•~fl.tn Ut•h SI Jae hon SI t<:•nw \ Ppnn St M1fhlQ4tn ~.!corn~t SAn DleQO SI rcu CfloOrQ1t1' ft-ch N~br•O,,. Kfntu<kv un .. P1llsburQfl M1nrw\.Ot11 N W Lou1\1•n• Ool•llom• SI C.olorM)O •'••nw\ St V•ndf',b11t Gr•mOl1ti9 S~r.wuMt 1J Slt .. K-y G It SI.., Wel"n T 1• Jerry SI-. T It-Uri Heir-DE 11 S<ett .. ,-... w• a • .....,,._ w• M l(ellll ll,...,,la TE I CNrlffSmlUI w" IT Cl-"4~ey DE • Jellft-.,,.ie TE U J-l\lfttl"9 LI ti T ........ lr-DE Cte- Syrec- Te- Maryle ... SI. ... 111111.. T-•-n •-SI. Gre ..... 1"9 T-Sf. v ... No.C., .. IM l•YIOr Teem record• AMU~:-.;..~::,••llU, JI ll•ntM(lly U J• S•n 0 1-JO J; W•~rlQlon JI 1 Bull•lo J4 11 Kenw• City 11 ll San DleQO J' 0 Pltts1>11r9h H Jl Su"I• t• t• Ml<1mt tO JI C1nc1nn•t1 11 " s .. me 11 I Phll-lllrll• 10 • o~ • .,, > U Dalla• i. 1• Denver 11 ll "•* YOt' G1•nh ti "'•Y6ff• 71 HOU\ton I •• Cle••l...O 11 J• S•n 01f'QO JI HATIOMAL CONl'l ltllHCE -·--•ttM) JI Denw"' • 0 M 1nM\Ot• I JI Ne• Yorh G1•nl\ 3 14 St Lou•• l• J• W•\hlf'IQlon 14 lt Nt • York G••nh 16 II Dall•• 10 II CnlC~ t• 11 St•ttlt 10 le New Ofl~M'I\ J t 74 W••n•"Cl'on 0 10 O•ol-I , 1 t S•n 01"90 11 II .. ll•nla 70 I/ SI LOU•\ J 11 o .... , Js 31 M1nMSOf• JO Dall•• ,. I f1ct1 1nd figure• ,_.,,e .. ,,. thf' •~u..h •nd l1Qure' on Suprr Bowl J( v. Sun<l•v, Jon 1~ 1'f the-Nt'W Orle4'n\ Sup,rdom•· rtME )pm PARTICIP .. NIS D••••nd A•ldef\, A"ltrt<Ml C.onff'ren<f' champ1oni, v1s1tot) PnH1dtlS>h14 E•qle\. Plf~t1on•I Conffrf>f\C" < h•mp1on\ ~ te•m l E .. M RECD ADS 0dk lano, 14 ~ Pf\ll«tdels>h••. 14 • 1ncluC:W\ po\t\e-•\on 111 Sll'l(E f"• Vonr• Lomber01 lroo"• NETWORK 1£LE\f1';10.. N•l1on .. 1clt' bt NOC C,_.nrwl • AH 11m..-l pm Pr .. O•'"" progr.tm beq1n\ •t t p m • GAME A"NOU.,CERS 01<' Enl»rQ pl4y by Pl•'f Me,11n 01\en dn•IV\I Jonn 8roo1 .. 11nd l .,n 0 11w\on contr1buljn9 .analy\f\ ESflMAfEO IElEVISIO" VIEWERS 100 mtlltOI'\ R .. 010 CB~ "'"'""" 1 •Som C.AME .. NNOUNCE AS J•O !lvn C>l4V Dy Piety t11nk Str•m •n •IY\I 8r.-nt Mu~bl.HQ•r """•rnf' D•<.111 Stockton orr Qttmf OFFt(IALS. y..,,.,., o•t1c1•I\ •nd two •ltt'""'•' cno~n IM\t"d 0"" lt\.e•r '~gulu \t".t\On p.ortorm.tfUf r"""., •r~ Ben 0f'f>•th '"''"'"'"' Frlfn• \1n•ov1l1 ump1rfl> J on., Vt"f,.,, M •O liMie\mdn fom Ooo•tv II~ t udq.. Ot-tt" t oot1 \tO .. i "dQf' r o"" K,.11,.""' bb<"' fUCIQ,. Frd1 Grif f tfld 1udQ• Alt,.rnc..t,.\ 010 Jo,.~n-,..n, Jotlf' iCf't. Al IENOAN(( Hl\IORY I ArQf\I cro•O w~h di Supitior 0 (J wl )(IV 14\1 Vl'•' P10,.d•nt11 101 QA\ Comparisons o........ p .. ,, .... , ..... 011 Del Oft o.i. Tot•h Ru\r\1no Pd\\lnO Ptn•ttv F1f\t Oownt 181 319 108 IOfi 149 181 ,. JO ltu•'""' 31• 118 llU n 110 SI II/ l~ Nrt YO\ C,.tl~O Au\f\tt\ 1 1o0 1 no 1 ••1 1 •II 1•1 IOI Sii «S Avq I>"'~"''" •0 l • JI l• p ....... Tot•• 't'd•C.••ne<I J10• J /JI ) Ill 3 llO T(,lfO YC11.L\t 41 )•)I• 419)71•1 ••lSI "•I VO\ <;.y..o 1 119'1 l Jt> J,SJ• 7.1?1 Pa\M\ Allmptd 4SI SJ• •II ~] 0•\\e\ Corno•to 1J) 1... 1H l•I Como•••"°" Pr<t II s so ) v I ... H•O lnl•rt tptNI H JS 17 1S C--NetY•_., Tot~• I 00 1038 ) St9 • «) lnlHcept .. 8y lot~I 'fttrO\ A .. tu,...a PPIUrnf'(lfr 10 JS 7• "°' 111 l (I p""" 1S 110 0 ,, 110 f 0111\ II 81 It " 0. JI!. JI 8 ., ) PYfth •f'fwrnt To1•141 '' l • Al/Q R,.Tuf'n 8 6 I q Rf"lur~Off' TO\ 0 0 K loeff """"" .... .,,,,., T ol•I\ b1 Avq ~tfurn 19 0 Af!lurntd for r 0\ 1 TOl•I• f umblf'\ LO\t """"'' .. II JO PeNltlH .. to• 0 98 107 TouchdOwnt; Rv\lllnQ Pa\\1n9 Apturn\ E •1r• Po1nh F,.10 Go•I\ FG,,.llemotf'd S•lt11._ T 0111 Potnt' •10 977 S<wln• •• " 11 .. t9 ]I 1 ,., 38 ,. II 7 Jo .. J• 0 lO<o tl H • • • • 0 0 Sl 10 18 0 II I 0 0 ,. ,, ,. 10 'It-81 IOI! '" A& lo 10 A 11 •• ' 7 .. ,. ,. u Jt l• 0 0 ,.. l1J NFL lends aiding hand Big Equity Loans (N EW 1HtL1·'''-I" 1 \I '• Th" Na t uu1'tl ht(1thall l,1 .. 111u1• l 'la~cr'> /\'!:. ~nc·1.1t1n11 h;1• • u111111luli·d nwr 1• than S:l:l.fl()O r .. IH·l 1• 111•• laind11•., r1( thrct• pla~ l'I"' \"h1J •,uff•·t 1·d I ragPdtl·s lus t 8f-'l.IS1tll • 'l'ht• 11l;t I l'I'\ 1111 lt11J1·1f I h•· late Jim 1 \ n•r """'a' 1 11 • 1;ff1•ns1w· ~uaril t. h11 tr"ik l11s 11\\11 11111 his w1fr'"o life. k:aving four <.'htldr1•n , Hamid Md.in· l~n . re11rt•d W;1.,hington Hedskin l ebal·kt•r kill1•tl h\' a hit and-run d 1vrr. and "l<'V<' L1llll•, µaralyied in an autmnob1k <Jf'f 1dcnl after bc111~ r elt•ast'CI h\ 1h1• "it 1.11111s Cardinals Ont• or thr <11 <.tr.1c·t11m ... around th~ Super Howl sr<.·111• ,., 2:1 ~car olri Jane Modcan of Chflon. , J . the cover g irl of lns1d<· Sµo rt's bathing suit is· s ue this week. "I 1m·k the EaRlcs by 13 points , .. said J one. The mun in 11te striped shirt walk · ing around Su1>cr Howl hotel heaCi· quarters 1s not one nt the officials of Sunday'sgarne. He is Tommy Bell, a Lexington, Ky.. attorney anti a former NFL referee. His job: Officiating a taste contest betwe en va rious b e ers for a is set for haltime Sunday Commissioner Pete Rozelle of the National i.~ootball League has a wide range for his choking price. It is between 3.5 cents and $500. Al his Friday press conference, discussing the current scalping scan· t1al on Super Bowl tickets, Rozelle said his wife had told him some tickets had been sold for $500. "She will be mad I told you, but I said that was close to my choking price," he said facetiously. Later, the commissioner was asked about the practice of host city com· panies escalating prices for the Super Bowl. "I saw one store marking up M&Ms (a chocolate confectionary) from 30 to 35 cemts." the questioner said. "That's also my-choking price," Rozelle replied, racetiou~ly. A pool on the Super Bowl is a media tradition. Two days before the came, Philadelphia is a heavy favorite among the media, with an 12·49 margin. One person picked Oakland to win 35· 7. The largest Philadelphia ' 5100,000 & UP What do Newport Beach, Bel Air, Beverly Hills, San Marino, Malibu, Huntington Harbour and your own affluent neighborhood have in common'! · These properties are GOLDMINES of rapidly accumulating equity . often ~urI?ass~ng . ~nnual incomes owned by high ach1ev1ng 1nd1v1duals with the talent for making money with money. Should you now or 'in the future wish to unlock any part of that dormant equity for a great VACATION, INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY or any other purpose -we can convert your equity into large. amounts of cash in just a few days. Call RANDY DE LANO and discover why so many property owners are turning to the easiest and surest MONEY SOURCE yet devised, YOUR OWN HOME! MILLll•S II LOA• "'KOLL FINANCIAL TOWERS --~MacArthur Blvd., Suite 470, Newport Beach, CA 92666 ( . . . ..:•• ::.'f ~,-f .-:-~::::'1 i':::: ~ ~'1: 1'\f-_r..,.t.,-.~t"V)i.-Y-/:tt'.'9..Y::.J"!.*l~t~,.UA ·~~~ .... _,"'J1i;::~•..:g;-::f(lll""""'-'!'1'"!'W•lt4! .... -_ .. _-•• ~!""" ... ~•::_.:-;._~.:; ~-.__. ..... 6::.:.:,:. ,_ _ _::•• :,-,7,;:::..·-:~ _._, .. -::=.~::. •:..:.: \ • , ... -Sun day. January 25, 1981 DAILY PILOT •• Today$ World Afast Marathon of IT vine RUN FOR FREEDOM Runners-Dedlceted to the 52 American Hostages Sunday, January 25 , H• H•,_ ... cu, 01•1•1 ... He. H•me At• Coif OIYitieA Ne. N•me A1• c11, O•Y11•• No N•-A .. Cllr 01•11• ... ""•"'•-..--· ,. s ......... o.ii. 'I" ,,. , ..... --)4 0 1.m ....... A Hl Wottll L. NkMll H ....... l ·U SH •-rtw ..... ,., 41 110111111 Hillt E ti 0 ""-s.-... u LM A ....... A 111 ....... OoMlef 47 o •• , .... OI Q JU l(l-rMcMllll11 n ........... -..... ·-· 117 A11-yL IO-nl 41 h11t• ....... A -~ ... )I Lot A_.., A 171 OoldJc-n L_ ...... 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Teft'-t • Ml 011"'-• ......... ' tu ••••.--.i • ·---·-• t74MlleMr~ H lrYIM 0 ,.. .. ....,..:::-u """.,... • •n..11-• . ........, " S.-.MeMI• • -u c.~_,...._ N Jtt..1t11111 . , L"99Ncll c ttl ... c .. .. (.,.... c: SPONSORED BY THE ~c!Jr~ Daill Pillt ,. J(lia . ANO THE C, (l•JJIRILTr:l · . ~ \ •• «Wl.V ... LOT Americans are healthier than ever, but with medical costs_ soaring and no con- sensus on a national ·health program in sight, some difficult choices lie ahead. • How did things get this way? • What are the solutions? . • What are our responsibilities as individual~ and as a nation? On the examining table is the health carft system in the United St-ates and the concerns and expectations we as a society have developed. The patient Is ill but can pull through. Courses by Newspaper provides a thorough examination in a newspaper series and a related college·level c~urse that makes house calls. America 's health care system has improved dramatically in the past two decades. Most of us are in better physical condition and we are living longer. The infectious diseases which have plagued man since the beginning of time virtually have been eltminated in ttiis country. Medical Part one: An overview 1. Medicine and Health Disease control and other medical advances have substantially altered America's health patterns over the past half·century. Yet medicine is only a part of the total picture. What part do nutrition, environment and other factors play? 2. Health Statua and lta Determlnanta. America's overall health record has improved dramatically in recent years. To what extent is our health determined by medical treatment and to what extent by our own health habits? 3. The Medlcallzatlon of American Society. Our health care system has expanded its control to areas once the province of families. clergy, lawmakers and social workers. What are the assumptions and dangers of an increasingly medicalized society? Part two: The health care system 4. The Structure and Practice of Medicine: An Historic•• Perapectlve. Health "growth industries." Will our health system be able to cope with the problems of increasing size, complexity and government regulation that trouble othEtr sectors in our free enterprise system? 5. The Health Care System. The scope, availability and quality of health care continues to improve. Yet 60 percent of Americans believe there is a crisis in health care. What are the underlying reasons for this discontent? 6. Speclallata, Generallsta and New Health Practitioners. Kindly. caring general pract1t1oners who make house calls are becoming a thing of the past. What are the forces that have given rise to specialization : what are its advantages and disadvantages? What is the role of new health practitioners, such as physician 's assistants? technology is at an all-time high and stands on exciting new thresholds. Yet more and more Americans are expressing dissatisfaction with the system that has provided those benefits. Complaints range from runaway medical and drug costs. to over·specialization . to the enormbus influence a few special-interest groups exert over the health destiny of millions. The state of the nation 's health is a complex and controversial subject, and there are no easy answers. Now, Courses by Newspaper offers an incisive and informative 15-part series which goes to the very heart of the problem. The most painful areas of our Series Outline 7. The Right to Health Care. More and more Americans appear to favor adding health care to their Bill of Rights. What constitutes a minimum acceptable level of health care? What are the problems inherent in this concept? Part three: Problems in Paradise 8. Why Doea Medical Care Coat So Much? "Third party" approaches. such as medical insurance and public programs, relieve both recipients and providers of many "cost versus benefit" decisions and foster an i II usion of "free" care. What are the effects of technological advances and inflation? 9. I nequltlea In Health and Health Care. There is a clear relationship between poverty and poor health. As more and more doctors migrate to the suburbs, inner cities are becoming medical care wastelands. What can or should be done? 10. Modern Medicines: Miracle or Menace? On the one hand. we look to ·regulation to ensure that prescription and over-the-counter drugs are safe and effective. On the other. manufacturers blame regulatory red tape for rising costs and delays in introducing potentially life-saving · drugs. How do we balance those seemingly contradictory interests? care has become one ., -· • ..... , .~," · , . ..,. ~\.'.:'.· . :. of America's major At..-i" · ,;., .:.~ . .-. ! TO R~GISTER, CALL COAST LIN~ L~ t:'.'> .. · ·: COMMUNITY CCX.LEGE . AT 913-0824 national health are examined thoroughly in this newspaper series and credit course. The course not only raises key health care issues. but sets the stage for the kind of informed discusS'ion that can lead to sensible solutions. The Nation 's Health Course by Newspaper begins February 7 and continues for · 14 successive Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. The articles have been written by prominent physicians, authors and educators in various public health specialties from across the nation. They outline their subjects in plain language and supply readers with insights from a wide range of perspectives. Part four: Search for solutions: Frontiers of Knowledge 11 . Of Magic Bullet• and the Future: Blomedlcal Reaearch. Dramatic medical advances lie ahead. What are the social and scient1f 1c 1mpl1cat1ons of "genetic engineering?" Can medical science cure all Ills. physical and emotional ? · 1 2. Aging In America. . The effect of biologic aging on health is widely misunderstood. How do non-medical factors. such as income level , stress and environment fit into the equation? Part five: Who is calling the shots? 1 3 . The Polltlca of Health. Four major special·interest groups ar.& shaping our natiqn.'s fragmented health pol icy. Will doctors. hospitals, drug companies and insurance companies continue to call the shots? 14. The Role of the Individual In Health Care. More and more Americans are turning to so-called "self-care." What 1s the motivation behind this trend? How is self·care being organized? 15. Health and the Future: lndlvldu•I •nd Social Reaponslblllty. As individuals. we can stop smoking. watch what we eat and exercise regularly. But what can we do as a society to control our environment and the contents of foods and drugs and take care of those who are unable to take care of themselves? .. . :~-~ Coming February 7 in the ---------------------------------------------------------- I IPlease start my subscription for the Orange Coast Dally Pilot I February 7 to correspond with Coastline Community College's I Course by Newspaper. I Enclosed is a check or money order for S13.50. I I I I Name ................................................. . I I Address ............................................... . 111111 Or•nte Coast D•llY PUot now. a.vst. Ill() POSIAGI NI I I S~AHV ,, 1011 10 ,,. IHI '""'' 0 ~UllS I I I I I I I. I I I I . I City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ............. Pho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Box tMO I I Cott• Mna, CA t2'2' I : Signature .........•..................•........ , . . . . . . . . : I , CIRCULATION DEPT. I I . . 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' \I •·II I I I· .1-.t.1 I' I I 1• \\ • I • oil DAILY PILOT 8f <: 1 11r1J('/ 11<· riesiy1l s in bright 1l11r<; dPco rnte a cotton knit .. • sprmg ,1, ... • lt.11 1·11 'l lo-;t the dainty I I •f ' lr.1·1"1 11,(" s1·1·n •in ~ling-back i. ti"' forrn 11f:.. spectator •Ii 1 11t•1ut-., :ind hlack patent ,, 1111111• k id 1~ a good spring •l>\l.S ltETURN for s pting 1 I "" 11,.w lw1·b, low wedge or 111d 111.111.v will have ankle • · '" 1111· • p11rt11'1· v<'rs 11ms. 1 ,, , l•ir -.prang will lw very 1 1 .i 1. I, . ..,,1,., M.., .Jurkovic. 1 1 •t11t111i: lht· pale·!'> wall be peach I 1n11k ...,,,.. '»•}!'>, with white and Ir,. 1• lwh1nd 1 r IN popular in past season, '''I ''"' 11 ·-., \-.; 1111d1·r'\tal t•d , s mart •I , '.i• \' 1°11•·1 • p1irt!'>w1·ar stall favors I .:1 • ~ 11 111g wardrobes a • 11 , '" surl ,.,1;111gf'ahlc s pring I ff f 1. 1,1 , ., , d 111·d J;tl'k1·i... :ind p<ints team up d 1111111 q•l,1 1 .. ' 1111 ltl•111'>l'!'> :.irnl accessories to 1;1·11• 1 1! r• ._ ...... --•• -.... -................... !~.'..11!.' .. !.l.\!'.f.t~U.IJOJLlc..~.l,\(u1~ ........... -................. .. .,. ... ,... .. Fiili1Tiiii'i";il·:·.1;-·;·;·": ......... v.. 1 I If I( I 1\"I· /\NU 1·vcn111~ wear. 1\11.1 .J 111J '' 1• 1 '• r •·d ;, -.111·1 1alty <it J ohn '•• \\ •I· q,,, r I\ t' .i full 1111·a111n~ to the l.11 I 11 111111 11 • d o '"''" l:.1 •. ·ti·,,. l '" f.1 lt111 ., r ufflPs, lare and \\ill .id·! 111 •' rl 1 xp l11d1• 11ntu Lh(• t'ven ing \\Ji II ti I ".i~ •• I 11 1, ~""''" ' ' •j•' o_.,,., P•lnt ,,.no\o, b'f P .. ,, ,, ., o P• ,,,,.,u Pure silk 111 uil>rcrnl 1·"fm s 1s ru'f·1·nt1•tl 1mthY<1 hTZ</ltl lw iwlt w tins clr1ylm11· tlrC'ss ''!I l·'nu1<·1'"''" uf / >11111 r111 111·-... 11 •I ,, I• h 111 II;, f I I I f, \\ II t, I '1 1•11 ·,11 11 111~ l111"k1·d silk dre!;ses .i 1 111 p:t:-1!·1.., 11ff1·r understated •• l'.IJI I Ill I t)l•kt;11! dri•ssf·~ 1·1 t,,.111 l1·11~t h dof'-;n't seem to ' ' 1 1 t If I A quilted shoulder gives empham to an \JI-cotton knit top with matching shorts .,, L«mard. i . I Sportswear by. Anne Klftn features a raw ailk safari jacket with liUc pants and blouae. Hallton o/fers loungewear /o r after-hou.ra relazation in el egant comfort.\ ' Crystal pleating and shouldft bo9I enllm1c:e an ivory-colored f1010f1 bf LllCW Atm .......... ~, •• #. • 1y ........ ,.. .•••... , ......... ...._ ••• .-,,.. ............. ~, ... ·-·'* .... ~ ........ -...._ ............ .....,,,_ .... ...._..__.. .. "'" .. ~ ......... . .. ,,. --~ • • I •·••-• •-.• .,,,,. ·-..... •••••-*••-..._........, • ._..._ ._. ________ ............................ ' ........... -..-.. -.__......_ •• ONLY PIL(J f Sunoat. J•nuarr 26. t M I FEATURES RUFFELl'S UPHOLSTHT Ther all grow up wrrudiy .... , ..... ........ ,.u ......... .... c .......... -, ... , "' You have to keep age in perspective V•lunhm1 ~•td• 11110 ' 1n 1i tOf fUUI "Wthtllwtitll '~(:, '\ ... ~' _, /t " , tit I II Ill/''"'' ... 3445 Via Lido / Ne wpo rt Beach . T /1 -~~S,!t PIOTICT YOUISILf! TEARGAS l'UMll I ClllJUnON .... THIS NEW LAW COULD SAVE YOUI LIFE! New If y.w ce .. •lfll ..... ~r•n • '"'"°"··. In tuSI one 5«0f1(I yo.. Call oomp1e1&1y sl<IC> ano <l•saOle one OI rno•e 11niic1<e<s tiuman 0t aroma! · l'mrn 14> 10 8 " awav• 11 s ,usl 111111 surc>le BecatJse as ol January 1 s1 1960 Callt()l,..11 taw has gNefl ~ lhe nglll 10 protecl yOUtsell and tove<l on4l5 Mlh CS T•npis The s~ongest l&argas availaOle' In tacl ll'fl CaltlOnl•I o.p.rtmenl ol JusltGI! llgt'885 !nil! C S ()~5 •S 10 ""-lltrvnger "'9n ,,_. CALL TODAY FOi WOIKSHOP INFORMATION! (714) 559-0604 WARNING ,._ 11\oe " hs s.ubStlrc.c Qt f)e'I'! fl 'U' dfty ~ ofler lf'\I,, \ef'f oefBflS~ '\ d h'IOf•y u~ (.'af•tU'ntl Jaw the w,,,.,,.,I\ rve danCJ'"("luS us.a llll'"fl ea'f'.I FACE-LIFTS by Acupuncture AS YOU 'VE SEEN ON TV "A NEW FACE WI LL GIVE YOU CONFIDENCE TO START A NEW LIFE." Safe! Painless! No Risks! LOW-LOW FARES!! WITHIM I 0 to I 2 TIU TM&fTS. LIMES IN THI FAC E WILL H~IH TO DISArPIAI HUNTINGTON ACUPUNCTURE CENTER 19929 BUCH (at Adams) HUMTIN,TOM BEACH 536-4070 SOmti poople 1et ver y de pressed about their ll(ltl I l'annot undel'tltand UUa. You are only aa old as you reel Ever yon e knows that. . Someone pointed out to me the other day thllt Shirley Tem ple became a 1randmotber. They are obviously talkinl about another Shar ley Temple 1tnd n ot the sam e one I know. The one I r emember who sane and danced Iv "On the Good Ship Lollipop" would only be about 9 or lO years old now. Then 110meone said they read In the paper where the government m11de a mistake and sent a dnn notice to Mickey Mouse at Disneyland. A spokesman s aid they were 1oln1 to notify the government ur the error and that Mickey was 52 years old now and served in World War I I II s hould be obvious to everyone MS It is lo me that they arc talkang about two different Mackey Mouses ( Meeces'! Maces'1) The one I remem ber as a rodent and the ~overnment would have rememb.!r ed if they hall madt-a unifor m for him durintc World War ti It's not a lwbby · People just don 't stop to figure things o ut. My mother called the other day and said , "Quick ! Look at Lucille Ball's daughter on telt!vision. She's in a new movie.'' I t urned il on anct ther e w1t'!I this tall bcautlfuJ woman m olht:r thought bt!longed to "i Love Lucy " I told her not only WKS it a biological 1m poss1biUty, but Lucy has red hajr and this gir l wa11 a bruncllt:. There's a group of people out there who 1usl c·a11 't stand it when you rt:main young at heart Ther•~·s always someone who will bull into a ema versatwn a nd say, "Oid you krww ~ddie 11 us kdl. thut rott c•n kid on 'I.eave ll to Heaver .. , Security work is serious job Df:A H /\NN · You h ave pr inlt.>d sever a l letters from people who wanted to e xplain their Jobs so lht.> public wnuld un derstand Will you p lease print one more for m e? I am a security officer I am not a "hobby-cop" in love with m y badge, trying to be a bully or getting off on my powe r. I am doing a job because tht'rC have been thefts, acts Of vandalism . violent incidents and ot he r problems that the police were unable lo prevent. A lot of it happens lo ordinary people. likt· you and mf' We end up pa yi ng r cplat'em e nt <.-osts, higher insurance and hospital bills Many police departments an• swamped by calls to settle domestic fights. take people to thl' hos pital, preve nt s uicides and so on If undrl'ds ·or us art' underpaid. ) f't we stay up a ll night , walk miles around buildings lo check unloekl'd areas , and ask people wh o are loitering what bus iness they have there. Som etimes this ean be a very dang e r o us qut'stion I have been physi c ally :itlacked by hos tile drunks, m entally ill persons, and there is always a l'hanee that I might he severely injured or killed jus t as it 1s with a police officer. In some cases my risk is even greate r because som e folks belt eve I have no right to "1efend m ysr·lf or that they have a right to lry l1J "get" me because I am not a <:Op I find los t kid s , s t olen ,,, \\\'\\\ property, escort wom en to their cars late at night and answer a ll kinds or questions. My pr esence s o m etim es prevents thieves from s tealang pU>perty they would otherwise walk off with Just seeing me scares them off. These positive things keep me doini.( the JOb in a conscientious manne r I realize there are those who do not belong in this line or work, so. if you m eet o ne , repCJrt h.im lo his superiors and i,:et him out or th is profession. B u t please. don 't make 1t ro ugher on the rest of us. We'r e just trying to make the world a little nic·er ror ever y body Thanks, Ann. Several millwn security offiters than k you. /\ ·sECURITYOFFICER (WIS.I DEAR WIS: Thanks to you and your colleagues for making this dangerous and untidy world a s afe r place. Tbe security o fficer s aro und tbe Ch icago Sun.Times are terrific. And two a re women ! DEAR ANN I had a job after school working in a restaurant We were paid from 3 p.m . t o 10 p.m .. which was closing time. The boss expected us lo slay and 1iu11pot1s mid. l.oxic slwck dean up the tables, run the s w eeper and m ake s ure lht: kitc hen wa!> in A I cond1t1on before we left. Thi!> l<i0k at lea st 45 m inutes Nobody was paid for the extra tamc I nt'vt:r s aid anything be<'aust· I l'ouldn 't afford to lose m y Joh I th ink tht!> is common pra1·t1ce 1n many r estaurants . I am out (J( high school now and don't work there. a nym ore. but for tht' ~ake of lhf' others. what can be· dnne about tukmg advanlag1· of IJC'Oµlt· l1kt· tht~ ., Th e o wner wa ~ hi g hl y patro n izing to ha s l'hurc h m e mber fru.•nd!-., l1u1 I tlun'l think ltus w::is a vt::r~ t 'hnMian way to t rt' al hi s t•m 1Jlt1yf•t·s /\ LA TE co~ Pl.Al" f-J H DEAR I.ATE: Wert' you 11aid by tht> hour'! U so, you 'ihould h ave been compt-n!>alf>d for the clt>an·UP timf'. If, how~vt•r , ~ou we rf' pa id by th1• day or Wt'ek, tht> extra duly wai. par t or tht> job. Workers who r.-el thf') arr tw · ing unfairl.> lrt>atf'd c an and should complain to the '1,;ational lab or Relation!. Hoa rd or tht>ir state departmenl or labor. Look in tht> phone book. TherP IS a my rl1/fnent·t' l1rtween cold and co11l Ann Landers .~hi1w~ you hVw tu play 1t t·ool W1thoo1 f reezmg pt'aple out m her tmoklet . "Tf'en Age Ser -Ten Woµ1; 111 ('1101 It " Send .50 t ents crnt.I o l1mq self o.ddrPssed. stampP!l Pn11el111ie 1•1 Ann l.ander11 I'() llur I 19!J5 Chicog<>. Ill f,(Hi JJ More investigation needed /\ TL/\NTA I A I') /\ ne w study indicating ;.1 link between s u1Jer absor bent tampons and 1ox1t shock syndrom e needs more investigation before final conclus ions arc dr awn, officials or the National Center for Disease Control s aid Wednesday Members of a CDC task force investigating the mysterious, sometimes fatal disease ex- pn•ss<.>d interest in the s tudy by Midwestern re- searchers who found a link between tampon absorbenl'y and the risk of toxic shock syn- drome. Hut the CDC said its own s tudies failed lo establish s uch a link and more resea rch was needed into the role of absorbency "WE /\RF. IN no way casting doubt on their findings," said Ur Arthur Reingold, a member of the tas k force. "It's cle ar they round a rela- tionship with a bsor bency. and we reel that's im· Wrist e xercise por tanl. But we l'eel more s tudy 1s needed because of our own fi ndings and hecause 1t 's suc h an imPortant question.·• Researchers from three Midwestern ht!allh departments reported Tuesday that they found wome n who use s upe r-absorbent tampons f'x elusively were 30 times more likely to contract TSS than women who use no tampons Women using any kind or tampon stood a 17 l1mt•s greater chance of contracting the disease than wom en using no ta mpons at all, the !'.tudy found T he study, which involved 240 women from Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. did not de- termine just why super a·hsor bent tampons seemed more likely to br ing on the disease TOXIC SHOCK has aHected IH8 per>plc. mostly women younger than 30. and caused 69 deaths si n ce 1978, h ealth officials s ay Symptoms include fever. diarrhea. vomiting, a drop in blood pr essure and a sunburn· like rash YOU'RE WORTH MORE MONEY To stre ngth en weak. limp wrists, the United Slates Twirling Associa- tion suggests laking a five-pound weight a nd attaching it to a piece or rope. then fastening it to a short piece or wood .. Slowly turn your wrists , r aisin g it to the to p . T hen lower the weight · b ack down. Re peat 10 tim es. Reingold said t he CDC's own studies failed to find a link between tampon absorbency and toxic shock r isk, but "we m easured absorbency in d ifferent ways" than the Midwestern r e· searchers. In light or the new findings, he sa id t he CDC task force plans to r e-evaluate its own data using the absorbency test employed by the Midwestern tea m . He added th at the CDC is con tinuing to evaluate othe r factors that may be associated with developme nt of the disease. Reingold said o the r findings in the tri·state study seemed to confir m CDC studies establishing a link betweenTSSand tampons . Ttlc women who make 11- lhose earn ing $40.000 a ycm arid ' more-don't stay in dcadcnll jobs. They look for ()pportuni- ties nml challenges in life -the kind we ofTcr at W:1lker and Lee Real Estate. We c;m show you how to turn your life around und huve the money. prestige and inde1lCndcnce you de. erve. Walker & Lee is 11 leader in caree r development. Our man- agement take s n personal interest i~ your.sm:cess. Don't mark J 8/eW JWflectioii~. I SPECIALIZING IN PAINLESS HAIR REMOVAL WITHOUT NEEDLES I THE EXCLUSIVE ELECTROH PROCESS OF HAIR REMOVAL FCC APPROVED Remember -It no longer hurts to be beautiful $5 OFF ON INTRODUCTORY FIRST TREATMENT FDA REGISTERED and call u fo r more informntion. FREE: "How To Urcss For S\lcccss~ 190 pg. fully-i llustrated book free to the first 100 ~•lier ·! S4.9S value. Call Sharon (714) 835-4545 Walker 8l11 l11l l1tat1 FOR FREE OONSll. TATION & DEMONSTRATION, CALL: 875-23&1 lle's a J)Ollceman now." Or someone in 1t1 beauty shop will lJ'y to frost your hair naturally with a sm art r emark like. "Sandra Gee is 39 years old now. I hear d it from an ummpeachable source." l>on't gf't the wTong idea. I don't expect the wurld to st and µerfectly still year after year . I know that your old theaters give way to parkmg lots and old boyfriends have faces that l'Klt>nd all thl' way bac k to their coat colla rs, but y<1u havt! to keep it in perspective. I .ast nii;:ht m y husband turned a page of the paper ancJ s aid, "The Atlanta air port is fin1 i.ht'CI " "Wh1dl /\llantu?" I asked defensively . ''Tht: 1101• m G cor g 1 a. " ·' You'rt.· lyi n~'" I s aid. "The Atlanta airport has heen unde r construction for 35 t•ar~ II was all something we took for g ra nt ext." "Well. 1t '!-.fi nished'" l't•oplc' JU!>l <'an 'l stand to see me happy and w1·ll udJusl1•tl Next thing you know, someone w1 ll 1t'll mt· l.1ttlP Orphan Annie has grown eyes a nd :-.tn~!'. on lht• New Vork s tage. MONO/\\', Jl\N. 26 HySVl>NF.\'O MARR !\KI ES (Mar 21 /\pr HI! You get inside in· for rn al uvi 1•1J11ccrnrng C'Onlracts, <·onsolidation s. lnVl'Slm€·nt µrucedures a nd moves planned by lht· 011p11!>1t1on. Re d1st:reet , play ca rds c lose to 1·ht•!.I TALRUS 'Apr 20-May 201 I.eave details fnr :i nnttll'r t 1 mt• l't·r<·e1 Vt.' picture as a whole. /\f'1•1·nt on l'1Jmmun1t atwn, inc reased employ- ml•n1 0111)()rtun1t1t·'> :.inrl rea('h1ng understanding "'11 II n ·1 a h·1trant r<:lal1 Vl' (, t:,'11 ~1 I Ma,\ 21 .June 201 You make "re· rr1arkahh'" dts ""' 1•r) that yCJur tastes have 1•ha 11gt•1t lrl\ol\'I· ... rerrcal1on, s peculation and llll'rrthf•f._ of lll•J•O'>fl t• !'.l'K ('\"('t:R l.lun1· 21 .July 221 Domestic en- ' 11'011 rrwnt l11·1·11111t'" more 1 mportant than usual. 1";1m11' 1111ir11·\ ,,ncl long range decisio ns 11111111 n:ir •• •,1·1·11,1r111 1.,.,0 1.1111~ 2:1 Aug :n) /\Cancer individu al n ·1 l':th "' '''H flt · d1~<'rtmmat1ng Sirt through rum11r:. '"ll:tral1 • fa1·t fr<1m hr t1on. Focus on -.hurt trip.., 1·;e(I-. rn ••!-. .... a~•·'> llnrl a money-making 11p11ort1 m1I \ · \ IR<;o •Au1-2:1 S1·µt ~1 Someone wants ... 11rnt-1h1n g fur n•1th1ng ~·1111 1'<1uld be pnme tJrJ.!•·t \ou ":irn mon· Ii) <;t r.,a mltning techn1- qui·C.. J;!t•fllfl).' rid of -.urwrflimu!> material and hy 110 1 "1•.1nnf.! ~ 11ur h1 .. trl 1m ..,lt•evc l.IURA "l'Pl .!;1 0 1·1 221 Set your own p:11•(·. th1 ., \\ill . lw d a) of arh1evem ent, ac· 1'11111 pl1 ,hnwn1 antJ pr•1f1t making enterprises .\I ak t• pe r-;11n .1I ;q1p1·aranr1:s and appeals. SCORPIO 10 1·1 2:1 :'>Inv 21 I Open dialogue v.1t h 11111· who w111 k-, lt1•l11nrl ,,·cne~ in hospital or 1•h:ifll.\ 11rgan1zttll•i11 You havt' rare chance to oht :11n mat1·rial wh1 rh 1:-. not l)rriinanly avatla hit• \n1·~ I .1hr:1 1w r.,1in .... pla~ k<'Y roles ~.\<.lrfi\Rll '!-> 1;-../11v :.!2 lll't' 211. You ct is- 1111 11 '"I .u..;1111 1h.11 1 1111 an•nr111mmunc to •ll r1g.., .111d .1rr11"'' •11 11111• I· n ·!-.h <·oncepts, con 1;11·1-. ll'nd '"''" '" lift· Hom :mta<: fantasies l'llnH' 1111.;t• tu f11lf1l11111•11t C .\P Rll'OR'\ 11)1•1• 22 Jan 191 You learn wh•·r1· ~ ou "'and 11111n1·~. hasar security and 10,·1· d11nunat1· "l'l'll:trin 1-:mphas1~ ''" supen or s. d1all1•nJ.!P!-.. pri•s t1 g1·. 1·arcN a nd your cons- 1·1en1·1· \Ol 'ARllS I.Ian 20 Ff'li 18) Trave l pla ns 1•11m1· into -.ht1rp. l'lt•ar foC'us IAXJk beyond the 1rnrnl·<lta tl' l'uhltsh, t'ornmunirate and s eal in- (1lrm;,it1on )!ap Avoid l1e1 ng provincial PIS<'F.S 1Ft•b 19 Ma r 201 . Revise plans . prof1·<lur<•!-. :ind gt•I g111ng with "C'reative ac -- 1·ount 1ng .. Mone~ anrl t rcct1l ar e e mphasized. S1H·1· 1 al purt'lta:.<'!. -.a I cs and partnership pro- pos a b . .irt' on ;1g1•n<la Vide otape d haircuts are barber's ans wer 1'11 11./\f>El.P ll l A I/\ P l For <'ll!>lomcr:, who want lht·1r hair styled "Just like the la!>I lime , .. Barry I.Nm a rd ha s lhl• a n s wer ,· 1c1C'11t arNI hat rr uts Al hi s P h1lac1<'lph1 a s alon. lhc 41 ycar-olrl l.l•onard has 1n!'.tallcd a t a n g I e o f e I cc· t r on IC' t•qutpme nl , ('os t1n~ abo ut Sl ~.ooo . t o videotape his loc•k s hear . in~ · 'Tht• c lient might come in anct say · 1 want a hairl'ul like the one you gave me last sum me r · Well , I h ave t housands or clients, and 11 ·s not always easy for me tn remember exactly what type or hair<.-uts J ga ve them in the past," s aid Leonard, who pre· fcrs the title crimper to hairdresser "Now, a ll w e do 1s look up the tape and we know." With each video cut, L eo nard tape s a pe rsonal message abou t his dient for exam · pie, "She likes a glass of w1nr .. Or bage l s . yogurt, s alads, tea or corree. which a re all ava ilable on a com - plimentary menu in ¥t a !cove off the m aib s alon. or tele·cut room. /o'or Valentine's Day, the gi/1 t .. From My Heart to Yours" These precious "Pavlum Heart" pendants set In 14K Gold over Sterling Sliver now can be 'fC)Urs. "Pavlum" Is .999 + fine pure silver crystallltd . whic h Ives th l.LIDILaJluslon_otur.....tipa .. v14 ---=-:-----: a mon s . The "Paviu m Valentin•" of your choice with 18" neckchaln. will be gift boxed for your presentation. PIMM wrl•-"\Y 111 llO~ I ~ TIW ''Pevl""' 1(1yt.My HMfl" tw lltllt1S,.M, TH Ille. Tl• "P_.,,lllt'fl H-1'' I., lvtl ,,. .... T• lrocl. .., , .... P .. lvm Allt!Qw HM rl" ... 1,,.. ........ T•• trocl. Ne,,,. ... ' ... . • • . • "" .. • ........ .. ..... CllY.. ..· ..... ,. ,._ ..... l •.• Enclosed Is my r em ittance of s ......... To Valentine CollKtlon: E.A.S. Corp., 3000 Walnut =~'e:'!hSa~.~ ................. ; / Mr and Mra Murat Munt-Greenelsh Tanu Greenelsh and Dean J Munt Ill, both of lliuion Viejo, exchan1ed vows or marria1e an the Geneva Presbyterian Church, El Toro. Mrs. Munt. dau&hter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Greenelsh of El Toro. is a 1raduate of West Hi1h School in Bakersfield and Saddleback College. She works in the production depart- ment of the Dally Pilot. The groom, son or Mr. and Mrs. Dean Munt Jr. of El Toro. attended Foothill High School in Tustin and Highland Community Colle1e in Kansas. He is employed by KNI Book Publishers. The couple is living in Mission Viejo follow- ing a cruise lo Enaenada. Les-Caras Mark Les of Costa Mesa has taken Barbara Caras of San Diego as his bride in ceremonies at St. James by the Sea Church in La Jolla. The bride, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Peter Caras of San Diego, is a graduate of UCLA. The groom, son or Mr. and Mrs. Mark Les of Costa Mesa, graduated from Est ancia High School and UCLA. He is a stockbroker for Paine Webber. The couple plan to live in Costa Mesa after a trip to Hawaii. High-Hartnett . Colleen Hartnett and Mathew High, both of Newport Beach. have announced their plans to wed. Miss Hartnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Hartnett of Newport Beach, is a graduate or Newport Harbor Hilb School. The future groom. son of Nancy High of Garden Grove and Ernie High of Westminster. graduated from Westminster High School. The wedding will take place in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Newport Beach. Hair-McElhiney Christine McElhiney of Costa Mesa is engaged to marry Corwin Hair or .Salt Lake City. The bride-elect, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Richard McElhiney of Costa Mesa , graduated from Estancia High School and Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. The future groom, son of Dr. and Mrs. V. Boyd Hair of Salt Lake City, is also a Brigham Young graduate. The couple will marry in the Latter Day Saints Temple of Los Angeles. Kelly-Carson Michele Mary Carson and Roderick Fall Kelly. both of Costa Mesa. are engaged to be married. The future bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Carson of Newport Beach, is a graduate of Chatsworth High School and Cal State. Northridge. Kelly is son of Mrs. Rosemarie Kelly and the late James Kelly of Mandelay Bay. He graduated from Point Loma High School and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The wedding will be held in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. Mias McElhiney Miss Thomas Miss Koll Wedding and engage ment forms con ~ ob· tained from the Daily Pilot b1I 1endmg a •tamped, ielf· addrtsaed ~~lope .to the . ,...eature Departmnit. P.0 Boz 1580. Coata Mesa 92626; or by vs.siting any of the Daily Pilot of/icea. They are k>cated at 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa . 17875 Bf'ach Blvd.. Huntington Beach, and 1027 N Coa:1t Highway, Laguna Beach. Engagemnits should be publiihed s1z weeks or more be/ore the wedding, and wedding announce· ments will l:w accepted up to one week a/tf'r the wed- ding Solem-Thomas Marianne Louise Thomas of Corona del Mar and Kurt Richard Sole m of Paradise Valley, Ariz .. are engaged lo be married. Miss Thomas. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas of Corona del Mar. graduated from Solon High School in Solon, Ohio. and at· tends Arizona State University in Tempe. The future groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Solem of Paradise Valley, is a gr aduate of Saguarao High School in Scottsdale. Ariz .. and Arizona State Univ~rsity . He will be attending the Medical College of Wisconsin. The couple plan lo marry in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. Bailey-Koll Madelyn Ann Koll and Robert L. Bailey. both or Los Angeles, have announced their engagement. Miss Koll . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lee KoU of Los Angeles and Newport Beach. is a graduate of Ma rlborough School in Los Angeles and UCLA. She is a language specialist with the Los Angeles Unified School District. The future groom. son of Mr. and Mrs . Robert L. Bailey of Los Angeles. graduated from Loyola lligh School and USC. He is a vice president with the firm of Donavan and Seamans. Randolph-Kindig Constance Kindig and Robert Wyman Ran- dolph, both of Balboa Island, are engaged. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Craig Wri ght Kindig of Corona del Mar, is a graduate of Oakhurst School in Pasadena. Randolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ran· dolph of Fallbrook, graduated from Oregon Slate University. Ceremonies will be held in St. James Episcopal Church in Newport Beach. 'kllmer-Howell Cynthia Anne Howell of lluntington Beach is engaged lo marry Morgan Dale Zellmer of Waco. Texas. Miss Howell . daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Fred Howell of Huntington Beach, graduated from Huntington Beach High School and at· tended Texas Tec h Uni versity in Lubbock. The future groom. son of Mr. and Mrs . Chris Zellmer of Waco, is a Waco High School graduate now attending Texas Tech. The wedding will take place in the First Baptist Church of Lubbock. ' Bullington-Sheppard Kay Sheppard of Balboa and Charles Bull- ington of Costa Mesa have announced their engagement. The bride-elect. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Cha rles Sheppard of Balboa. graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College. The future groom . son of Mr . and Mrs. Charles Bullington or Costa Mesa. is a graduate of Newport Har bor High and attends Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. The couple will ll'ed in the Memorial Garden of the Orange County fairground. DESIGNER'S INVENTORY SALE! 20-70% OFF Your One-Of-A-Kind Sale! Designer sofas. chaise t6unges, chairs. tables. lamps, chandeliers. pictures. and numerous unusual accessories. Must make room for new Spring Inventory. FINAL WEEK OF SALE MONDAY, JAN. 26 Thru SAT., JA-N. 31 0 MEMOS, NO RETURNS. FIRST COME, FIRST DELIGHTED! CllClfr INTIRIOIS ..... c ....... ._ Cta•11le. C• ' -412·4131 Sunoey, J111uary 25, 1981 DAILY PILOT ., R LAST CHANCE TO SEE THIS ZANY COMEDY THIS YEAR! ~©£~~ £QD}l t1®~al$ = ($iMU <>/.a 6~) . . I ... ~' t., .,. "-'"' .. ( ,_, '"' I• ~ 11 • 611 6/t., llM COllWA! __, OON ANOl I\ -IHI PAlllll IYIS • ·-·-IAIW N08ll '·--""'--·WI~ llllOll "·-• PrtlA IUJl ~ _ ... ' _......., w:oocs KJllJIM ----~-.... r1e1c~ !1)1101" .. 0M ~ _,_ .. 11111 CONll.tl lo '°"" .-tlllA' _,__ .J -UNG I lllOlf 4 NANDA Olli ,,__ '-" • LlNt l 111011 l IAI SIAR PICIUAI\ PNOOUWON A NIW WOAIO PICIUR£S RlllASI , • ., ~l·•t'l\•K},.. 111-u Ort..,...,,..-, ,u,....,.i.i \'9°&m (8 MIU TMUTll( ........... HAMllM ~ Dlllf(ll ............ 1~ A~fOl·811MSO Fish& More~ •2 Crispy Fish Fillets •Golden Fryes •Fresh Cole Slaw •Crunchy Hushpuppies \<ttsiJ l .. n': I I ·~· "'' -. to A • ,• •• f 1• CWngCjohn Silver~. SF:AFOOD SHOPPES 30'5 Hart>or ll•d.--Costa MHa ,,.., So.tll of .... S.. IH990 FT-ffwey Acroa•~""*• HU com 111ua .. u•oi-uowr llYIMI ''• .. ,: . • ' .. ,,' .. .. 1 .. 11 l • " l : l l 11 . '""·' MISSION ~1110 HUWllNCION 11 ICH 'C•"•n d \ ~"' i 1 •l ~ 10 ~ J'I f 'N1' I • .; ., .. ~ PAf..-,( f• A(~f l.1'~1 1' l-"•1 t>.lt• h t'• t ,.., .IU-4 ""'-I •,t "ONE OF THE YEARS 5 BEST FILMS" (~ t.G .... ~ , 1 , Now he walks ! the wind> o f eternity! ,~~ TREVOR HOWARD NICIC 111'.MUS ,_ ;-I ,Lf • , r ; JJ I I II ( . r ' c-11 1r I vvd< J1 ·1 .. ' 0 ·~· ~~·•••1~?,t!@l.'I r:Jt .,,. . ... .. pc; .. '• .. A I' '' D It. ,4'111'1.10 I A • o . ,,-- ,,..._., .i ... , .......... '••t • • ." • ..... tt0.a12 I ··"'· .. ·•••·•· a ID•UDI W C191•A CHTtll l ~: ,~~q~~ ~· •• ft'fl \I' i ,---------. MADINE'S llEALTll Cl~l l R FOR WOMEN I { . 1' I e I A JOIN NOW AND GET IN SHAPE fOR THE l'lt:W YfA R I • ' ·• I ...., I Starting a Ne w Business I I I ' I ' WHIRLPOOL SAUNA • SUN ROOM MASSEUSE• LIFE CYCLES NUTRITIONIST I .\cc to oel 1ng 10 Calllotnla 8usineu .lnd Ptolr.n lons Code (Sec 17900 10 17930) a ll p•t1on• dOlng bu•lnen unde• 11 11ctlt1ou1 name I - 50ol°F MEMBERSHIP FEE mull Ill• a a1e1emen1 wllh lh• Counly Clttk and h .. f' 11 p11bllalled IO ll t llm •• In • newtp•pe• urvtng lhe a••• In which Ill• bualnnt It looteo The 11e1ement It required by law end It necHury In protec1lng ro11r b11t lnett name Motl banlo.t req111ta I ( _,.,........,,._--11-· ..... AOL..111.fl!11G9-~pea--t;t--~1 No--CONTRAc·rs cofftmtrc1a1 1eco11nta. f.x plk1.~ Tiie DAILY ~llOT OFFER . &;;., ,,,._. .. , '°"' llllftt •11et JAN. ll1t ~blkttleol ff•"<H. We ·• We Offer A v..._ And ~:;;:t~:11-;-,.::.-:~'! · · Hllll·Qu•Uty Pe,...•I Servke MM' ct•lly •tr•lea t• '"• To Trtm1 f1nl AINI o , • 11 1 • co • " 1, · · -· Aelllne 'hhl f"ltlleee. c_....o_. lllMf -. ., 011e ., •• , •NEWPOllT I EAC'H HUNTINGT()llj BtACH ctl'l¥to11lt111 offlct1 or S7 phone th llOAl MISSION VIEJO I~ Alpft'lulft Dl~AltTMINT .......... lat, JJI '" "'ero 241'4Alkl•Pliwy 8-46.))77 ...... _.... • ......, 770-llOO lunda~. Janu911 H . ttlt · ... .._ COMPOSER JOINS CAST ON 'SHAKESPEARE'S CABARET' STAGE ~ance Muluhy handled Bard'a lyrtc• •• H they were contemporary Variety show airs for youth 11 0 1.1.YWOOO CAP> "S ign On,'' a half hour pilot for a new clay Ii me variety series for young peo!Jle, will be tel1•c·ast by CHS on fo'eb :1. NOW PLAYING T h i-s how wa s p r o d 11 c· {' d b y I h c C hi ldrcn 's T t:l ev1s 1on Workshop, crc<itors uf "Sc•sarn1• Stn•t•l " MA ... SOUfM COAST CIMIDOMt •••c. • ',"Ow\ \1 • .11 I' .il 1,,. t M ' ~ i .X·Il1C'j.j •t fN\• • ~.'• ii! ' 1 1 I •' ·'Sign On" 1s designed I as .. a grriwnup -.how for k i d s . IOWAllDS CllllMA wur UA MOWllS ll.-C:Olll OIUWl·tll ffueri.1 I'•'' ij~ I 4'J/I/ 1owa11os· saoouaac11 llO r&IMI IC:Cl "lD I ' •' ' •' ~~11 fCNI Tllll UICl.atlf•HT TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUIZLI ACROSS <oop measures 19 Repulse 94 PULZler I l><ilt•l!OI 79 Ir""" 1'.14 Hindu 20 Stoel< 95 Female i, I 11r 1thc.ac11m ll 1 I 9tl!way demon 27 Vital equine 11 Mu1uct.a11 87 flOQQll I 11111 136 Conduc1 79 BIUH· 96 Lalh t.•ly 81 W11Mrew 137 Nematodes pencil 97 Male heirs 1(, '»< Phf\ 1J'1 Pt•,11ly 14 I VflQ8S 33 Prn11tng 98 School Fr 21 Oily trout 142 M1nP measure 99 Fendar '• <.n•.11tt ll(j 1lcihv1.111 1:.ntr:tincec; 15 Matures m1sttaps Ht1tl•1t1111tf1 h11ll:H1 144 Nut any 18 Aedat.1ors IO 1 Longoreo •111 llll "·'"' 146 <;~ .. 11.11 '19 r o11nd:it1on over .'1 M.,, • .,,.,;.u1t Fl4 f.lt•t 'lfll MIJ Aware 4 t Snitres 103 fl11>t1cal king IS•·ti11td' 1HI ')oft •lrtllli" 51au4 43 fnt.ounler~ 104 Purvf!yeO ,f,c,, uul 'I 1 Aue1 tJUwr~. 149 At1e11lh11y 4'l Send lorlh I07 C<H1<Hl 1Ju11 ,, .. , ... ,,:.1 At1111 150 J,1µar1•,~e If 1 L11yurs dli:i ~,,,.,,.,, .. ,, ~? ,,,_.,,,,,tp,ti rn11f .. 1,9 Greek god 106 Pri~•11VI' 'U) ../t•fht'Uthr1q '1J V•Clal" I'; I I JrOy qur•'>I de~~ 110 lll'rO !'. ·~ 1 If ,th.111 ftYl'f fl'.J',.1 ... ,., tS4 l1'1 lall '•0 l>rclive awaro j/ t11t11Vtfh;;1I 'i(i Nnu11 •·!1•1 1'J6 St.sic• Aht;r (allhr ) 1'11 Snap111<1111 'M 1)tlf .. n1 •• -...w1 lll(j 15 7 Mnn • ,r1r10 •,2 Cgy1>11an 1 13 lhHrled h 114101 C.1 rt•b 'II l>1·~1tl"<J t--n• crown 114 f lushy fru1I '""' 100 (,""l'l IJllll', 1~9 ( •IJWIQf' ')4 $1\IOr~ 1 16 lllSO<.C egg JI ( '''''•'''"'ct 10 I F "~IPr llOrt 160 R1dq•• '>5 IJ1s101n 117 Pro noun 't41 l1J1Utn• 111•1 ... 162 St<irmPO '•ll Ovcqoy 119 EgyphlJP 4(J '1uhff•I 10;. Ot 1111•<ou11 164 S.1lvi·" '>7 Science bud ~. I• iftt., ''''" IU4 Army lwtl•, •6'> s.1110 '""" t.ymbols 12 1 Spells ~" 1Jf>li1 tOS .-,,,.,.tinq su' 166 SIUck onq 59 Sp<1111Sh 1;>3 fr1Jgran1 4f1 C.r1111•.011 1111.r• rn;11erin1 coon wood 4 / 11.Ht)y IOt, l)n11kr•y 167 No11f'l1<ot 6 1 Glossy palf•I 125 Grinned ~It I •·tv•·•I tlJ I ll••,1111'> /Ulil 63 Join 1;>7 Seal' , ' "' till "' tl11 • HJ9 th.1111 .. l>OWN 64 Allec1a1tons 129 Sohd•1Y l1ut t tO t 11111 <o 1 Tuow· 66 Loom part 130 Till ~I I ''" ., 11llHr 2 Ull;111ent1e11 61 $Mr I le11er 13 1 M,.,,o recenl ~'i I "t-J'' I 111,.i•• 11 1 Pr""''""Y '.l I .ro>ek ltillf'r 69 M;in's name 133 Foxeo look 11,1.dy 11/ c,n111 ... r11111q 4 A1.11oss 72 B1111sh gun 135 Unnorve 511 v .• 1111 111 All umu Gabor 74 Palm Illy 1 :18 r •t.loma1ton 60' ,,, 111101' l.1lf'S 5 Dream Fr 76 News !lam,,. 139 Smooth 6,.. M111 t1.t111t 1, I wor<ls 6 IPll doJ10 140 Garden 1oot 1r II I 15 Ooctrme~ T Overhead 78 Auss1;in soa 142 V!>f hla1es 6C,Wf'rlv•tr•·•I t t 7 Salmono1d lr8UI 79 8 (HQ3"1 143 flllsellall "' ly liStl 8 lnd1,11nct even ls Musial 66 IJ"l.JY"d 118 Bnseball 1111 9 Above 80 Sallpeter 145 Umillr1hly 6!1 l•so;ue 120 wast!' IOAl11o t1mt! 82 0yyone 147 MaOon {.l)r\I., allowanc:e 11 1 akes away 84 Sprong llow· l!Xl Kong Sp 711 JotlJAlll•SP 1;>;1 r n1.11on 12 ~1<111 drink er 152 t·IPlm pos tlrttrt'Hl 123 1 h1r qs 13 Pion! shoo1 85 Obtained 153 Flnclrtc.it 7 1 L1b11>rns 1:i>1 S11t1~y 14 Shrtne 87 Sailor l."111 1') 51t1Ct1PS tlrlll~S I S lr1cct nut 88 Gym pads 155 Knave1)1 73 1 O'>~l.>'JI I :16 Jug handlrs 16 Kiln 90 Mos1 ado• tlut>s 7':> Uataa,.; 128 No11h Caro 17 ~am11y able 158 BurmesP. 76 l'lulr; hrttan member 9 1 Slorehouses lan9uage 7 7 Gro'Ck INIP• t30 Glided •8 Chemical 92 Nelwork 161 Prupos1hon 78 The SWt'\>1 1:12 Prrnllng Pnd1ng 93 Begin 163 Army abbr -,--··~ ·--· ~. r . NEW MUSICAL· Belting out the Bard? ~ . *. " ... W'Ofth cheering -.Ut." -l«W YOM M!lr MWS, •oi .. 1Hnc..,.o1 NSW YORK CAP> -Lenee Mulcahy wiab• hia lyrict.t could have attended tbe opentn1 ol tbelr new Broadway musical revue thla weell:. Alu, the IUY waa detained elHwbere, baviftl died in 1111. Be that as it may, "Shakeapeare'a Cabaret," muaic by Mulcahy, worda by 1Willlam Shakespeare, 1ot under way with a six-member caat, a small band and bil hopes it'll do as well u lt did Off-Brqadway. THE COMPOSE a SAYS it baa about 30 1on1a. or snippets thereof, the lyrics culled from assorted sonnets, poems and 10 of the 38 plays the Bard wrote Jong before there was a Broadway. Almost a fourth of it features one of Shakespeare's first published poems, "Venus and Adonis." The compilion he's cooked up for aJJ this are a mixed fQt -folk, bluegrass, gospel, soft rock, a bit of jazz, country and Elizabethan, or forsooth music, if you will. "INCIDENTALLY, I DIDN'T write the songs in a dramatic context," says MuJcahy, a short, dapper man in his 40s born in Australia and a graduate -in music -from Sydney University. "I treated them as if a contemporary writer had just given me the lyrics " The show, directed by John Driver, co· author of Off-Broadway's hit comedy revue, ··scrambled Feel," isn't Shakespeare's first with a New York collaborator, of course. Amonl( th e m o r e notabl e e,arl ier .,_, ....... , .. ,_,... ·~·11tM\O • l~''Ml!fM'/M l•-··-..... ... ~\-•1• .... ............. !'40 0\ .. Remembe< when comedy wos King. now he's President. "NINE TO FIVE" h\t is the corn~.,! " of the sea-·· Jettr•Y ~~~ X TV wees Radio wares: "Tb~ Boya From Syracuae," the 1931 Rod1en ani:l Hart musical baaed on "The Comedy ol Erron," and the UMI CoJe Porter hit, "Klu Me Kate," baaed on "Tbe Tam1n1 ol t.he Shrew.'' StiU, it isn't loo often you 1et a sbow in which the Bard'• words become lyrics, where, say, "Roeallnde" is belted out AJ Jolson style, on bended knee, or "Shepherd's Son1" from "The Passionate Pil1rim" evolves into a soft· shoe number. "However, in fhusical theater practically anything can work if you do it the right way," notes Mulcahy, involved in musical theater ever since he wrote for revues during his college days. This may be a busy year for the·composer. In addition to his Bard revue, he's currently got two other new musicals afoot out of town. ONE, IN BALTIMORE, is "The Duenna," based on a work by Richard Sheridan. The other, in Rochester, N. Y ., is "Keystone," about the golden era of silent film comedy. Oddly enough, Mulcahy says he's never wanted to have a go at writing pop music. "My whole goal is musical theater, trying to find the right kind of musical language which incorparales various contemporary idioms. And that's what I hope 'Shakespeare's Cabaret' is." HE GRINS WHEN ASKED if the heirs and assignees of his late collaborator will get a cut or the show's royalties. "I believe Shakespeare's in public domain nowadays," he says. "Rut I'll let you know if I hear from any lawyers " HOSTS MIKE CONNORS ANO FLORENCE HENDERSON with guests: Ed Asner. Danielle Brrsebo1s. Joyce Bulllant. Vikki Carr. Beverly Garland . Melissa Gilbert. Ronny Graham Guy and Raina . Anne Jeffreys. Cheryl Ladd. Maureen McGovern. Jo Ann Pflug. Seals & Crofts. Tom Sullivan . Special appearances by Steve and Cyndy Garvey Rhonda Fleming and Ted Mann Fred and June MacMurray. .. ,. • NOW PLAVINCI ct1TI •u ',.,ulh (Ud\I Pl<11a ~4fi ?111 NO I "Abt.A f"1 AOC .. t;t • f lJ.J f fJl-4 ff41G t NGAOf f'W"Nt• C•lt 642-5671. Put a few words to work tor ou. (, ''' A gripping two-hour television special about real pe,ople trapped in the nightmare world of child abuse! Robert and Rosemarie Stack Congressman James P Corman Or Billy Graham. Senator Mark Hat11etd 1 11111 Ml1 ',f ' • I' : i ?Ji I ff I ,t ~.ti Iii r•i' 11~Jj (J • • • f •• ,, : 1l 1" '' ! t I , ,JI 1111 J ~ ' SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 8:00-10:00 PM • KTTV, CH 11 .fii<.Y>ltie li.?11pleto11 tloesn 't bt11'f! a din1e. f/, I but /Je 11111kes et'<"1J'o11e feel like a 111illion. I "'TRIBUTE' IS TERRIFIC:' c,t" 'II \I II 1111 ICIO\\ 'Ill M. '0( I\ JACK LEMMON ROBBY BENSON LEE REMICK I.A\\ l<f.~C•. Tl lt\IA~ .. ,,1 l>A\ II> to:-. rf.H ''"'"."' , JOH 8 MIWAEL.\ (iARTll II l>HABl~SKY 1~ •• 1 .. , """ , BOB t:l.ARt. 111n1 ·TRIKI ·1 t· """'"« JOll~ \tARl.EY mt (.ATTltAl.L li~Lt. c.AR-'ETT ... [COLLEEN DEWHURST! li<rttnplii lh BER~ARI> Sl.ADf.111..,.d "" h" "•«r 111.. "''"'"(f(l uo 1hr 'uar 1 .. \IORTO~ liOTTl.lf.R l"'"""" Pmducm THE Tl'RMA."i·FOSTEH CO.\U-'Mf)' •nJ IUCllAHI> S KRIGllT "''"'""td h' JOEL 8 ~tlCHAEL.'\ •n<l (;ARTH II l>RARl~Sk' 111m •<'II II\ ROB CLARK "Wt St ill Have Tlmt""'n«lh RARRY MA'<'ILOW ""'d' •nd 11"'" "'BARR' ~tA\IL<1'', (iJ JACK FELDMAN and BRl.:<:f. st.:ssMAN l4U\lt "' KEN WA."S BERG --; ;-,o;:;:.-_,_._ fPoWTUl*G .. lllt 9 ,........_.. ~ t;._............... c::•••'..,."'•'"a .. •~'OI . aat--.----I '~ •: ,,. _...,.... Hl '\,.",11'1 I :.....' '11 •1 ,. ·~· llH\\JI IN ,_~a~ .. WAADRAMA Confusion's expensive 'Wind. of War' bring Robert Mitclwm to TV lps ;\NOEl.&8 <A Pl Upata1n ll wu Ii New Yon apartment Dowuta1n It ••• • Londcm net Out.Ude, d•fM al acl<M'a lolled around ln Brtt.iala World War II uniform• on U.e lrouadl al what actually la a ltoman Catholic moa~. ,,._ llp.lfin lhe madcap conl\allun and the 1err51:.1 1hoocln• achedwe IW'10Undln1 the. ftt al the ti» milnOI\, 11 bOar tetevhloo prod ol "Wtndl C•f War " ~ Hu man Wuuk 'r. mau1 v~ novel of the oea-. .. adiQa up lo Wurld War II are beln.i P••<'ed totetb•r by pr«Jdut·er dir«\or Dan Curtis into wt.et may bt' the most Upa\111vt1 ind com plu tel•Vlllon production ever Robert Mltt hum. m•km1 tui. telev1s1on dt: but after more than 130 movies, plays Pug Henry Pua is a Navy captiun who takes on special m1u1ocu for Preludenl ROOllevelt, and it 1s tbrouah bas eyn that we see the comma of the wu Poll) Beraen plays his wlfe, Rhod• IN AN PSTAlaS WING of the monastery, doubline for a New York apartment, Curtis directs Miss Bergen and Peter Graves in a Stene Later that day, they move downstaus with all the costumed actors for a party scene in a London flcat After film mg m this c~try, Curtis takes the company lo Europe for 10 monlh.s of rilming in Yugoslavia, lt1dy, Austria, Germany and London. "NQbody's ever done a nything this big berore," says Curtis. "We could fit ·centennial' in one of our trailers. "Jt's not only costing $35 million, but we'r e all over the world. We're not doing any backlot stuff. We m ay have two scenes in a studio." CURTIS, WHO.IS producing for Paramount Television and ABC, spent two years preparing the project for the cam er a. Much of that time went into the casting, and before the selection of Mitchum there was talk that feelers had been made to Paul Newman a nd Gregory Peck. ''When I finally went through everybody I thought could conceivably do it, Bob became m y first c hoice," says Curlis. who denies Newman was approached. KEZY 1190 AM 91 FM. So. CoHt Plaza ThHlr• preMnta Friday & Saturday * MIDNIGHT MOVIES * SCREEN #1 I SCREEN #2 . "PINK "LADIES & GENTLEMEN FLOYD" THE ROLLING STONES" N.Y. TIMES: "Exhltaratlngly b&zatNI Ob ... atwe, exctilng, scary, w11c11y •nervetk:." _,_ ....... _ ,.,. ,_ One of flte r .. , •• 10 beat. -Tl- A .. ,.._ CAPTAIN, WIFE IN 'WINDS OF WAR' Script 8ttracta Robert Mttchum, Pofly Bergen The 63-year old actor is being called on to 1>lay a very active man of 50, but Mitchum, standing by Curtis, looks up to lhe job. As always, he has that sleepy-eyed look • beneath his hooded eyes, but he appears fit and s eems much younger than his years . ONE ol THE PROBLEMS of dealing with "Winds of War" is keeping the events or the book separated lrom those of its sequel, "War and Remembrance " Curtis says: "The trouble is when you read the second book, and you're doing it, you get confused with what goes where. Wait a minute. "This scene goes m this book. No, il goes in the second book. It gets very confusing. "PUG, FOR INSTANCE, becomes in· vo lved with Pame la Tudbury, a British journalist m the first book," says Curtis, "but doesn 't go to bed with her untillhe second book. So he won't go to bed with her in the picture." "Winds of War" will be telecast in seven parts on ABC in the fall or 1982. The se·npt runs 964 pages. there are I, 785 scenes and 12 starring roles. Among the h is torical figures to be J>Ortrayed are President Roosevelt. Adolf HiA.ler. Josef Stalin. Benito Mussolini, Winston Churchill, Hermann Goring and Harry Hopkins. THE PART o•· RHODA is Polly Bergen's first major role in about 12 years, whe n s he re- tired to run her own cosmetics business . "They sent the script, which weighed 7,000 pounds, and lhe more I r ead t he more fascinat-ed I became." ROURT~ DS NDlO RAOIWO 8ULL ·--, "oetN W1LLIAMI ... UIYDUYALL IN POPEYE TIM CONWAY DON KNOTTS THE PRJVAre EYES lll*ftl.t.11 "'" *" .......... ........... ..,. Sund1y, Jwtuary 25, 1981 DAILY PILOT 8 J J 3ii'ii'\r,~~'E ..., AClll HllDUllD IEIT summ• ACTIEll LUCIE AllAZ IEIT OllllUl SOii ·L<Ml on lf\e Aoclls" MUSIC aoo Lyres by NEIL ~AMONO ano GILBERT BECAUO caneoome D k1ccn ComplcrH Coll 6l4 '2S5l ' t t \ 1t • I 1\' I f 0,. t SUM. - "9 to 5" (PG) I. "SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES" !PGl I ''POPEYE" (PG) ------1 "TRIBUTE" J .f lfJ~ lilfif IWAY YOU CAN" !PG! "ALTERED STATES" <Al' 6 -NOW •HDWING- EOWAROS CINEMA COS TA M ESA 17 14) 546-3102 PLITT CITY CENTER ORANGE(714l 634-9282 ~. ; fl\'•' ,t .\ I t t "I I 1 •• II Hf' I I • .,. I ~ ' ·'· .1 ..... ~1 ... ~ • • • • • • • • Turn your unusables into usable cash. Call Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. I !!(.._ ORDINARY PEOPLE STARTING OVER (RI '"ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN '10NEYSUCKLE ROSE PG t • u. •• '"""""' °""""' • •• .._ ..... "T\. (. ..... ~,, .... .... P\.A • 6 I O\lillO Ill 1111111 l'UOM ._...., 1.1~1 Wlllllll_ ROBERT~ DB NIRO RAGIXG BULL .. (!]v-. .. .,..... ~ GINI Wlllltl IMH~!fli&~ ~~ C~RAZY ~IJ"''i J'••·· .... _.. ' .......... l!l S'l'lll ~ .. C:llAZ\' : ."·:.~ .... ool .~ "" • '' 10 l0-$Af ~UH t 0 4 00 I n I >O tO 40 "THE . CANNERS'. ''" 700 tOO IOM SAlSUN I 00 JOO \00 '00 I 00 10 M "BLOOD BEACH" .. ., fRltU,I O•O>O SAT SUN 1JOJ1\ soo 10,1 0.~0)0 JANE FONDA "FIRST FAMILY" ·~ ' 6 GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS CISTA•sa 811s101 540 /444 •t•CT• KACll I dwdld\ l t11111 K41l Ol!IH ,·~. 4 MISS* '1fJO Cinrma v.~1u llJO 6990 • llAllC( OranRt Mdll 631 OHO ACAOl MY Ml 111 81 RS • 1 ... Jr·· ', i 1n,) J gu•·-.1 1 .j'"I' 'H''f •Jn "' 994-2400 F"•t11lt• et LM"GlellllllOOd 71) \JI •llO f •l ully el C..,..dl~WOOO 7•J U• tllO F •<wlly •• c .... 01t- 1u SJ' '* ~•1.ullv 01c .... o••-n> !JI tllO CMI tf'f CMAll • GOlOlf M.t#tl SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES 1"°' 1l•l•Jll •,1t •10•llOI fMI PQWlfll l lMINO fMt ,.,..,... NINE TO FIVE ,...,, 1 U • J 0 •I 00 •I JO • 10 •-' CL.ifllff IAlfWOOO IH ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN 1~a, ,, 0 . J 00.' )0 •• 00. 10 ,, JENNIFER O'NEILL • STEPHEN LACK SCANNERS (R) 11 »·1 ... ,. .• ,. ...... , ... STIR CRAZY ,., IOO•t ~·lt OO ·• >l••O•\ ........... , ,, .... POPEYE , • .,, I) t\ • l M \ M • e OC1 • I I\ Cl .. ••t.Df-,_ •-.c1 •tC"'••O .... Ofll STIR CRAZY ,., ., )Cl •• °'. \ .... 00 ... JO POPEYE , • .,, 1DO•)lC •tQ(l•I O •llot .. fl.Ult 01 trttRO RAGJNG BULL ,., 11 >0 • J 00 •'JO• I 00 • 10 )0 Chf'lof(Hait •C.OLOll """'" SEEMS LIKE Ol.D TIMES 1•01 I Cle• J 00 • \ I\' t 00 • tO 00 " ........ 0 ...... l. '" ..... " ......c. SCANNERS (R) ..,., ... , ...... 1•tM1"111•·••·•''""• c .. ne-...11 •00lN..a .. SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES (PG) llO.,._ I U•Mf IUtt 4 tt-• .. THE ELECTIUC HOllSUIAN (PG) ..,...,.., ....... , ....... , ..... "'~ ,.._.nw,_ ..... ,,, • ..,. ·~ YOUll 9UCKI --n9 DAY Al ---·---•-to,,.. .. ~.,•-• ,.,_.I'---AH Al _ ST_ ....... ,,.. 1$, .... ""'· .._, •• 00 "'--• u IMPOAUIH NOTICI • CHllDAfN UNDlA 17 fAU' J(,..W't•O .. IM.l •IU,, .. •uo SCANNERS (R) "LUI NEW YEAR'S EVIL (R) OAWfO MU,-,-lllAM•MAflllA .. A HM.l•A) .... t.AJOlt BLOOD BEACH (A) l'lUI CARDIAC ARREST (R) TIM ro ........ OON IUIOTII ... F•IM••Y " I TH£ PRIVATE EYES (!PG) l~~!:JL•' Limon ~t Plul 879-9850 IBATTlE 8EYOND THE STARS (P f Ho AM c., A.ci•O W1tn IQn1t1Qf"I Atc~\Gtf 9,.,. ..,, Own A# Po,,..,. 'w .. D..,, .,._., .. ... ~ .... ,. ~ Gt• Wtt.OI• AM flltCH.tfllO •••Ofll STIR CRAZY 1•1 .... USED CARS ,_, '"' ~· ..... flfO , ... '~ NINE TO FIVE ,...,, .... BRUBAKER 1•1 f frifoAM (.M' A.010 W1tht9n11tan M t P.\Qry 8r•no YOUI Own ll#. Pot1• S A,,...,-.R 0 fllflLl • ITI,..._ .. '-AC*, ••111•;;.:e.b=tMl""-:~::-:.~ .. ::Ji•-:; .. 'Jl •-~ .. .qp SCANNERS (R) I ••• ;J~Jt,~·I~: ll~ijM' L~ .. ~· ·~-::~ r~7'0;" 1' h.u1 _,, __ ,_ '••''"• NEWYEARSEVIL(RI _,, ~,,.. ·>--------------M ,_.. ~~ *Cll fttllCOM'WA••OOW•fllC)"'I* .,.. ... ,.~. THE PRIVATE EYES (!PG) '•'"' •1 1 •-•ll• "\VI •. •' BATLE BEYOND THE STARS'(PG ~ •r" .,1.,.0 J OA'f'lO JtUf'ftMN•MAalA•• tfK.L.•..,._ MIO.. .,.. fi' ._ •• ,.. BLOOD BEACH (R) t.1110•, ....... •t.ut •" .,., CARDIAC ARllEST (II) I No AMC.• Roclto W11h tgntll"" N<ft-Y Bring Your Own AM .... t.•••· •1-••· ....... Ct.tfff lAlfWOOO 1• ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN 1P01 .... HONEYSUCKLE ROSE '"°' ..... .....,, ...... POf>fYf '"°' -THE HUNTER ,_ ........, __ _ Dt11MID9 LION CON DtNAITIA DI LA MUlfl'n --·--1'"11'8T ,AMtLY (R) -UP n. ACAMlllY (ll) \ , • 'I OA!i I' 1980 SE VI LL E , __ AR SPECIALS l v I fl /,I) 11 t. , Fl EETwo c 1 i,"our.1.,.,,. sa 1979 OAT\UN l80Z COUPE "' ~· .. 56995 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO COIJPE /\• 1 • ' I •1 I 1980 CADILLA C SEVILLE H4 •.' 1/ 5 16,595 1979 C ADILU.C SEVILLE OllESR , • 11r , 5 11,995 1979 CADILLAC ELDORA DO DIESEL '1<i'1WOV' ' 55695 5 12,995 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE ?'•.'T/W 58995 GMQUAUTY SEA'VICE PARTS I 978 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE 163VOY All C.;.RS SUOJEC! IO P1110f1 SAlt 1981 C ADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE Bt ,/\ lhO, SALE PRICED - 1979 CADILLAC FLEETWOOO llOUGHAM 1111Vl(.N 59895 1977 CADILLAC COUPE: DEVILLE fVifi~~PN I 55995 1978 DODGE ASPEN WAGON 158UZKJ ·- ' ~ . lS ~o/o~ I '\ c. 'b. ,i\f·'"'"' \ s :J ot1'" (\ 3\\ 3(\0 O (\3S ~\t~ ((\3\S 0\\l\O ~ I \ ~ _}L ·~ • :::198\' -.. ' ........ ~.ii-.J i --------. --__ ::a I I .I ...... h i ... •"' 1 Ito<'"'°""' .. , ... '111;111 M \I( I' 41SfWY ....... ~~ ~-·----.. --~~ .. • ----... As the price of . . oranges nses, so SUNDAY, JAN. 25, 1981 REAL ESTATE STOCKS CLASSIFIED C2 Cl-4 C6-12 does crop theft. New law due. C2. •reM-..gup l>rarige (;oast mustard business diversifies, distributes nationally 8 ('~aOL MOOltt. °'"'"O•"• ,._, ..... ... o ut )r111r ' .. 1.:11 l'c~K l l:uhh~ul.-r 1an1t .I ant' \\ 1·drm1r1: 11.p~c.-c ed th1·11 111u'ttJ1 t! t11 prc4d Hut to °Wdlllt· 'l\·1.1. \'11rk am.J .MldOll "' ~u1•h 11> the ~·urrt'nl d1!>tn bu lion of P cii:10J .rnc !'>1>t 11 al Producti. thdt ""'eel -.µcc1al lllUl>l ard Jnd l>IJOn lC1 lw lour l>a l.td drtl>stng:. thdl '>tartt.'ll v. 1th a n he1rl1111m n·t'l IH' 1n Laguna Bea<·h "SPl!:CIAL TY H>ODS arc re all) c·omin~ into their own." said Ms Goldwater "Nat1unall) they are a Sl 15 mil hon bu~iness "Peoplt-may be pulling tn the reins by not gomg out so murh or c·hoosing l ess ex p e ns i ve meats when they entertain, but they still want somethmg extra to dress up the meal." Indeed, imported oil vc mis. must ard, wine vinegar, t•heeses and freshly ground sptl'CS are r ommon in today 's kitc hens Two-inrome households a lso m ean less time for cookmg but I m ore mdination for an evening treat "MORE STORES from Scars to Neiman-Marcus arc addtng s pecialty food s ections, and ing, a bleu cheese variety with oil and vinegar base, at the na· tional fancy foods show in Houston next month. SCRAPBOOKS OF customer's comments attest to the populari· ty of their othe r three formulas : garden herb. poppy seed and honey mustard. Som e writers describe thems elves as "ad· diets" a nd mothers describe how childre n a ctually crave vegetables with the dressings As mothers thems elves. the two PeggyJane partne rs can re· late to the nutritional ploy They retail the first time they saw th ei r product s a t th ei r neighborhood supermarkets as "an emotional rn om enl." They like to keep the business on a personal basis, often mak· ing deliveries to the ir longest term m e r c handi ser s a nd som etimes staffing the point- of-sale sam1>le booths in store aisles . "We still carry a case tn the back seats or our cars, and our c hildren have been known to hand jars out the window tn parking lots or at stop signs. Ms Goldwater added ~'. t. -~ •.• · _.., ~ . . .... ' .. i -. :... . -~ , . f r / y 41_ • most people don't realize that gr ocery s u permarkets have separate categories.'' Ms. Wed- more said. SPECIALTY FOODS SHOW INTRO~UCES PRODUCT Peggy Goldwater, Jane Wedmore triple buslne11 annually SO MUCH t 'OR role m odels That's about how the bus iness go t s tarted To l'nter the s upermarket level. t he women took 17 t· as cs or mus t ard lo Peter Young, vice president or Younj!'s Markf't C'u. one or lhe largest food distributors in Los Angeles P""'• trem l w<'lOft C1tuen PERSONAL TOUCH HELPS BUSINESS AT POINT OF SALE Peggy Goldwater offers Hmplea In Tucson supermarket ··Sometimes custom e rs look for our line among the regular 1-~rench 's and r oupon brands But with our more distinC'tive flavor and higher 1>ri ce. we're in the specialty sec·tion." S helf position is J ust one strategy the two women have learned since they quit their ad vertising agency jobs, mvcsted , $1 ,000 and started deli vering the firs t batch of jars to local del icatessens and gourmet s hops ONE OF THE first hurdles was findin~ a food processor who would bother with th1•1r small 11rodu1·tmn order .. Los Ange les cloes n 't have a pravak labeler who could meet our nrt'fls, ·· :-.aid Ms c;oldwciter "And we don't want t1, do our own manufa<"l uri n g c.it thi s point." No w that their business has tripled Pa «h year and involves thousands of eases per month. the processing cind pack aging 1s ha ndled by Wilsey. Inc . of Oakland. Th" two enlr<:1>r<:ne ur!> µIan tht•1r marketing routes and pro· motional t ampa1gns from their off1 t'l' at 2418 MaeArthur Blvd .. Nt•wport Bea<·h . a nd consult wit h food t•hcmist .Jim llag gcrty T ht>1 r lall'Sl prOJcd mvolves n ·plac1ng the sugar 1n the sweet mustard with fruetosc "so none of our products wi ll have ad d1t1ves or preservatives." Whtie the origmal mus tard is temporarily out a t some stores, the women are preparing to in- trodu1·e their fourth sa lad dress- lie wc.is immediatcl) pleased with the prndu('L but waited for two ye ars b e for e· t h e ir pers1stcnc·e al food show!> n m· vinl'ed him they t·ould keep up production. "We still travel sometimes with Young's salespeople to learn the territor y and keep track of where we need to boost our supplies." said Ms Wed- mo re Their nt·xl expansion steps tn vol vc health food storc•s. hoteb and r c!>taurants and, perhap:-., a M1dwl'!>t manufa«tunng 11ullet to help kecp tosls down "TRU('KINC; IS onl' of 11ur biggest «ost:-. bee<iusc we have to be so c<1reful about tempe rature control ... Ms <iuldwater ex plained "The mustard and dressings don "t have ty be refrigerated at home: until after the) 're u1.1en~. but must be kept at a constant 50 Costs, aggravations multiply after car's By JODI CADENHEAD Ol tllt 0•11' P'llet Si.off First the good news If your car is stolen in Orange County you have about an 88 pe rcent chance of having it recovered. according to fii.tures from the state Justice Department Now the bad news · Whe n it's found, lhe chances of it still be · ing in the same condition you l,asl saw it in are zero. according to Huntington Beach police de - tective Chu<.'k Hollingsworth. In his 15 years as an auto theft investigator Hollingsworth says that he can't recall a single car being returned lo its owner in good condition. PARTS SUCH AS engines. tr3nsmi ss i o n s, wh ee l s. windshields, and doors m ay be missing or damaged. "If your car is stolen, it's go- ing to cost you monc•y." said llollingswort.h . "'I've gone down 1n the yards and those cars are tt·rrorizt.>d " E Vl'ry year the chanr<'s of be in g u v1l'tim of au lo l heft in c· r c a s t• s . a <· e o r cl i n g t u a spokesman for the California J us tir e Department In 1!178 some 6R7 peopl e out of 100.000 were vktims of car theft. By 1979 that number had risen to 737. MOST Rt:CO\I t:RED stolen c·ars are found within one lo two weeks. reports llolhngsworth. Rut the problems and ag gravation r es ulting from <1 stolen car don't (•nd when the vehicle \,<; found Victims or auto theft must travel to the reC'overy s i te t he m selves and a r e res pons ible for pa y ing a ll stor age fees Then comes the additional hassle of convincing your in- suran('e rnmpany that you did in fatt have• c ustom mag wheels a nd stl'el belted radial tires. Hare 1s the driver who takes a picture or the quadri-phonic s o und system install ed in his t r rasurcd car i\ tJTO ('l.UB a uthorities re- JH)rl a 2.'i µen ·cnt increase this year in claims paid out lo v1c- l1ms of auto theft In Newport Reach Porsches and Me rcedes a r e the two favorite targets of thieves. ac· C'O rdin g to police detective Robert !lardy. T hose two luxury line m odels figured prominently in tbe 267 vehicles that wer e s tolen in Newport Reach during 1980. Of the 16'.l that were recovered. 22 wer e stripped for parts and <inothe r 11 were torched or in· vol ved in traffic accidents . Gene r a lly s peaking , car thieves are not looking for the whole car. but rather the profit from selling it piece by piece. said Hardy. "WHAT HAPPENS is these crooks supply junk yards with stolen parts." said !lardy. "With Porsches and Mercedes it takes a long time lo get those parts, s uch as a hard top. So they'll take it just for the lop." The attraction behind selling parts instead or whole cars is two-fold. First. car parts are not ser ialized and cannot be traced. Secondly, c ar parts s old separately yield a much higher profit than the entire vehicle. For example. a 1979 s edan that would retail for $7,000 would cost $24,000 to replace each part individually, according to a sur- vey published by parts supply dea lers. Professional car thieves have another wa) of unloading stolen cars. OFTEN THEY'LL go to a junk yard and take the serial number off an old vehicle and the n tell Oepartmenl of Motor Ve hicle authorities that they've totally rebuilt the c ar Compounding the problems. law e nforcement offi cials say. is the low priority status that 1s typicallv attached to a uto thefts. During the last 15 years t he longest sentence lloll ingsworth has e ver seen doled out to a r ar thief is 120 days, with the rare exception of those sent lo state pr ison for repeat offenses "IT'S i\ REAL problem and il"s going to get worse,.. s aid Ho llingsworth. "Rut t here's a lack of inte rest put o n it by Indoor air pollution causing alarm By PAT DUNN Of"'-0.11, ,. .... ,. ... Tightly sealed, energy-efficient homes and work areas may be doing more than lowering energy bills. Several federal agencies are concerned that indoor air pollution may be a serious health hazard. In an energy-efficient home, the inside air may be replaced only once every five hours, as opposed to a one-hour total air replacement in homes not so U1htly sealed. In some instances, concentrations of certain pollutants inlide the home are above those in the outside atmosphere. A VAUETY OF pollutants -formaldehyde, nitro1en dioxide. carbon monoxide, asbestos, radon (radioactive gas produced by radit.1h ) - can accumulat.e in higher proportions in well· lnaulaled homes. Tb"e ~llutanta can arise from many aources, lncludin1 1as-flred appliances, tobacco 1molle, bulldin1 materials and rurni1bin11. Sven aeroeol sptays and household cleanen can relule chemicals that may remain indoon. Tbe World Health Or1aniaaUon bu ur1ed 1overnmenu that reduce ventilation requirements in . the spirit of ener1y ~--to be mindful of the impact on air ••allt7. lt also recommended further NltrkUclnl on public 1mokinl and N14 bul.ldinl •atlltall coat..., formaldelaJ'de and rldo6 8'oUlbta"6ded. re leased from urea formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI), a plywood particle board, and from combustion sources, such as gas appliances. fireplaces and heating stoves. Formaldehyde'causes a variety of irritating and allergic reactions and has been shown to c ause cancer in laboratory rats. The -commission is presently examining regulatory alternatives for formaldehyde-gas products. beginning with UFFI. Asbestos, used in construction for insulation and to deaden sounds, can release asbestos fibers. which may be inhaled. Asbestos bas been implicated in diseases of the lun1 and various cancers. LAST APRIL, THE SALE of asbestos paper used to insulate hot water ducts and lo protect walls from heat-producin1 appliances was banned. Previously, artificial fireplace aabes containin1 asbestos were banned and manufacturen recalled hair dryers containln1 aabeatoe. Another pollutant, radon, ia present ln soil and tap water. as well as masonry and concrete-baaed bulldln1 materiala. It can ml1rate lnto the home from and throu1h the walla and foundations. The radioactive particles of dec:a)'inc radon can attach themselves to duat and be labaled Into tbe lan11. Indoor radon lenl1 are particularly bleb ln .,... " tbe COmltrJ ....... tbere are lar1• depo1lt1 of radloacti•• materlala. CAaao,,.-•ONOSIDS AND allro1ea dloalde ................... " ... • ,, .. ..., •• 1ueb .. , ...... IPH• beat.., .. water heaters. furnaces and dryers. Carbon monoxicte, as well as other combustion products, can build up in the home from lighted fireplaces, especially when dampen are malfunctioning. Cigarette smoking produces a number of chemical pollutants, including carbon monoxide ,. benzopyrene, soot, and formaldehyde. Repealed exposure of animals lo low to moderate levels of carbon monoxide fa believed to cause dama1e to the heart and brain. RESEARCH IS PLANNED or under way to determine the ma1nttude of the pollution problem and pouible remedies which will still allow eneray aavln1s ln homes. One device under study ls a beat excbaqer. Tbla product hu n9l yet been test.cl by the 1overnment for efficiency or safety, but installed In a window, Ub an air coadftloaer. It Is now beina used in Scandinavia to brin1 fresh air lndClon while blowln1 lDlkle air oat. The Environmental Pratect1cle Al~>', UM Ener1Y Department, the Comumer Product Safety Comml11ioa. aad tbe OccupaUoDal Safety and Health Admlailtrlldae an ..... wit.ta ldmUlt.I and ladatry r••tatatl"9 to dllc ....... IOlutiaal .,. ,.... ... to ctll air polltaUan. ' ID tM m1•tme, Coal_.. CD ltl more ,..,.,...... .. IDdoor ,.......... =. c ..... Uae CPIC'1 toll·"" MtU.. <•) m 1 • de•grt·e:-. or the•) may se parate I lowt·vt:r, the· re's plenty 11f pro1;f that tlll' produt'l does tr;wt•I wt•ll Tht· mustard s mtrodut'l1on to Wa:-hingt11n , I)(" h y Pt•gg)·s fathtor . Sen Barr) c;oldwater, H Anzonu. wa:-. notecl h) 1«1lum m st .Jack Anderson. and sPveral llolly wood hosts' Jet set friends have taken it home That·s national dis tribution on J lll'r:-.11n<1l l>m.1~. I he ~ ay the two w1,mcn µrefer stolen 1> 11 I ll' l' <Ito pa rt m e n 1:-. a n d t h c publH' " l'olwt• in Newport Heal'h ar- resll'<I l>a lc H1ehard <;uthriP, 27. l)n s usp1 c·1on of stealing a pi ck- up Lru t•k from 1:1 pool s upply company in Orange II 1· plea ded guilty last month and was sen- t t•n N·d to :lO 1lt1ys in I he f·ounty J a II Breaking into a c·ar 1s ha r<ll y a 11rnhlt.>m for a <1<-tcrm Hl l'd car thief. ~ay lt1w cnforct•m ent of ficials Most l"an <lo it m less than a mtnutl' and that's 1f the «ar has an alarm system "Pt:OPl.t : Iii\ VF. lo realize that t·rooks read the brochures on how alarm systems work and have acces~ to the same equip- ment as <1 rnet han1c ," said II ard ~ 1J ni0<·ked car s ar(' an open in- v 1 tat wn to less professional thieves. who often prowl the beachfront watt•hmg unsuspect- ing motorists '"hide'" their keys before going orr for a day on lhe sand. Still . !lardy advises motorists to lock their car a nd to use an alarm system if they have one. In answer to the rising car theft problem many firms have designed new anti-theft devices. LAST YEAR El Pac Elec- tronics in Santa Ana began marketing a computer devire that fits over the cars ' starter. allowing only those who know the combination to unlock the syst em and s tart the car. Engineers at the Santa Ana firm designed the computerized syst em after findin1 that other sophisticated devices could be thwarted with shaving cream, a pair of pliers, or a decodin1 mechanism. Car thieves are not the only ones driving up auto crime figures. Many times it 'a \be car owners themselves wh() are 1uilty. "You find a lot or can diaap- pear If there has been a bil layoff," said Hardy. "THEY CAN'T make the pay. ment and they can't stand the Idea of a repouesaion to they drive ll olf a pier aomewbere °" leave it lD the desert." Last yeu Auto Chabl paid Sii miW. ID claUBI m.d b1 OWMn of stole• eara. Tllat fl1•r• repr__.. DHl11 a a PlfCllll lncrea• over llTt, tald Am Club i••Ht11ator Smlll• ......... ' IWLY ... lOl BUDGET ADVICE Growers plltting squeeze on orange thieves . Ck.nil pow•n uJI U .. ,..._ bUlllll• " But an .,tatn t:naH•b lt'• ult.cl 1leaUn1 .nd wU~ U•• prh·• or oran1ea •quttalnt 11pw ard a lot mur• or it l• .. pert .. moatb, lA Ume to beat Utt ,,..... bantat of Valenela oran1ea 1loa1 lba cout. alon1 road1ide1 , where . a1ricultural division of the backpack, 1Ud Keller. common recipients of stolen citrus, aaid Keller. •'W• anl.lclpale that•• 0rUC4' County bel'o mea a more urbanlaed un. It will become an incrc•1tn1 problem,'' aa!d Paul Stepb•ny , executive director ol the Oran1e County "'arm ISW't&u. Stephany estimates that the Irvine Ranch Company. theft rate la 25 percent. "IT'S HAaD TO tell bow much fruit baa been stolen from an orchard and how much is just dam aced trees," be said. WHEN AVOCADOS coal $1.39 each last yel'r it wasn 't uncommon for thieves to plunder the 1roves al ni&hl and carry away S25 lo $40 worth In a "You can tell a theft by the amount of dama1e to the limba," be added. "SoqaeUme. they'll jual rip the whole limb off the tree. "We think this ordinance ii 1oin1 to help," he said. "If they c.n't prove that they bousht it someplace, you can aaawne it waa stolen. ll will inhibit future thefts." f•cNaalA& cu• of cru&> \Ml\ have pr0mpl.cl kK'•I 1row•n tu pee itMJla iM "ount y <'~•• fw an aoti UMlft ordinano that wlll prot-ibit aoyont> .withuut • •al• rf'r f'\pt from 'ran•&>orun1 • r o mm •r <'••' q u11nllt y o f •1r•rwtwal •oud• Roadside stands and reatauranls are lhe. two moat If ~ur.ed, the new ordinance wtll cive lhts county Sheriff's Oeparttnenl more power lo stop tht! lhdl or produce Even without exact fi1ures, local 1rowers say that they know their 1roves are bein1 raided by thieves at an lncreuln& rate. Beal estate mailbag ••• TH i 0 a 0 IN AN(' t: t !I e•~tecl to co t.i..for.-tht' rowity Board or Suprn l~or~ nt'at lhrdnl hit are oran1e and 1.voca~o 1roveis, especially Whe n the price ror a particular crop 1oes up so does its theft rate, said Fred Keller, vice president or the Big breakftUt ~onus? Savers Oip over pancake purchase proof By MAaTIN SWANE DEAR SUPERMARKET SHOPPER -I havt' seen several different refund forms for the $1 "Aunt Jemima Great Breakfast Of- fer ·· Although all call for one proor from Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix and another from Aunt Jemima Syrup, the third !equired proof is different in each offer. One form asks for the brand name from milk, for example, while another asks ror the name from a package of bacon. The otrers also have dirrerent post·office boxes. AH of them expire on Feb. 28, 1981 and a re limited tooneperfamily. Since they appear to be different offers, is it all right for me to send in for each of them? Sally R. from Norfolk, Va. DEAR SALLY There are currently more than a dozen Aunt Jemima refund of· rer s, all of which require one proof from Aunt J e mima Pancake Mix, one from Aunt Jemima Syrup and a third from one of a variety of breakfast items. I checked with Quaker, the manufacturer of Aunl Jemima products, to find out if refun· ders can take advantage of more than one of these offers The official word is: Only one $1 refund per family. no matter what proofs are required. This situation has caused a 1real deal of confusion among refunders. I hope that Quaker will consider this problem in struc· luring 1b future ofrers DEAR SUPERMARKET SHOPPER - Kello11's recently added proof.or-purchase seals to some of its packages and is asking for these seals as the required proors for its new refund offers. What should I do if the cereaJ mentioned in the refund offer doesn 'l have this special seal? Janice R. from Flint, Mich. DEAR JANICE -Kellogg's has con· firmed lo me that it is now requiring proof-of. purchase seals in~lead of box sops. for ~··of its offers. lier" 1s the company s offlctal response to your question: · "As with any change. we understand that there must be a consume r adjustme~t period Also, cartons without proof-of.purchase seals will be on grocers' s helves for some time. "When no proof.of-purchase seal is print· ed on the package, the mailing house has been instructed to accept box tops during the transitional period.·' Since there is a rapid inventory turnover for m06l Kellogg's cereals, this period is bound to be a short one. SMART SHOPPING TIP Emily Segreto of Barnegat, N.J .. tells us that she puts all the coupoos that she finds but cannot use into a svecial wallet that she always carries with her. "Whenever I meet a friend or a re· I alive," she says, "I t ake out the wallet and ask her to select any coupons she can use. Since I s'arted doing this, most of my friends have started carrying coupon trading wallets of their own. "As a result. we are all getting to take advantage of many more coupons. than we ever did before. REFUND OF THE DAV Write to the following address to receive lhe form required by this offer of a Coming Sidekick dish6 French's -Coming Offer, P.O. Box 23450, 1 Mustard St .. Rochester. N.Y. 14692. This ofrer expires March 31, 1981. ,------------------------------------, CUP'N' f'ILE REFUNDS MIKellaneoas Noa-Food prodads l t1p out tl'\I\ me MtO tutf'O ft with '~m•••r t •V.-ott r oupor't\ bftYf!r•v~ r•fund ouer\ wirith twver•9f CCXiPOn\, IOf ~r.,,,ple !>l•rt COllMll"9 IN -pt'OOh ot PUrf"41W .. ~•I• 1-1"9 tor ttw req1..,.., rf'lund """" •I 111• \utier,....rkel. In '''""'~"'"' and m-11~. •nd "'hen tr..i1noi with 1,,.,,,h, Off•" m•v not I» •••il•llM 1n #tit •r••' ot the t ounhy Altowir 10 WM*\. \0 r.-c.•lv« ,., ... refund ClllCKET II Ret.....i Off•• ~nd ttw rtquired rf'lund •or"I •nd '"" ""°'d' "CrlOtl b' Gill•tt• .. from ""• bl1\ler P<ltk-\ of Crlcht Di\90..0I., But-Ll9hte" E •Pllt\ s.p1 lO. 1 .. 1 • OU~OMT CM C.••• Proelucl\ Refund Rtui"" a I~ t •n• f~funO Send ow required r~und form, the °CS nu•nlH!r" from t"" bo><k ol OM"'" ol o-• R•llY \llnyl I Oji CluMr •NI a \lore reulpt EaptrH DK 11. "" LtQt\1PACt\AiQ11.na•r"1•'\•• ,..c..••P' •1tno ... prtte ttrt -.d EaplrHFf141 1, 1"2. IHEEll ENEllGY l.IGMTS \t Relund Soend '"" rt· quired refuftd l0<m Mid "'" round paper bottom dl\11 from -pec-419t of SM.er EnuQy l19~h P•ntVhow E•PirH-ChJI, ,,., IT~!>.., ol a Gun it Refund ~nd llM! rl!Qulr•d H•fund IO•"'· Ow nel·-•Ohl tt•temrn1' tr om two •-• bOttl•" or orw ,..,._. b0t11e of ST P !>un of • Cun •nd • reQl\ttr rece•pl wilt•.,_ pt'l<• t lrd ed E •plre\ Fob H . "'I SYl.VANIA Ft.a\11 Relund R•<elve • $1 refund Send tl'te required rl'lund form •nd 1M (Of\\U""°' 9.,.r•nlff p•nel '""" •llY •-8h~ Dot Ft .. h proelucl\ or from o,... 8t.,. Diii 1wo--k E•S>lr•• Fltb JI, 1'11 TUaTLE EllTaA Reluhd f:le<el•e • \I refund. Send Ille required refund torm, t,,.. Pl•\liC •lrlP from tl'te tn GINEllAl. El.ECTlllC Mowr Acc""I l.!Qhl J1 R-le !.end ttw requ1rN:t ripfund fOf'm, tr'le proof .of p..;rcMM sNI from ttw MC.k p.tnPI of Ont' Gf'f'•r•• Ete<trt< Nlfwr Ace tint !~.~=,~::.e~: ;.":,~ ,~,'::: r~t,": :~~·=: ' bO• •f"ld • r419hter rt<•ipt with tM prlc• tir<ted E •Pirt·\ I ~' >t. "'1 I I -------------------------------------· Car choices Buyers liberated NEW YO RK (AP) "Hitherto," she says, ··m e n would ch oose powe rful cars as a s ymbol or masculinity. Now the liberated man no longer has to flaunt his sexuality through horsepower. used to be uninterested in anything but the color of cars they bought. B~ •OBERT J. eauss DEAR BOB: We are receivin1 connictlng advice about selling our home and carrying the financing for the buyer. An attorney rriead says it's a 1ood idea because we can earn the high in· teresl income and spread out the tax oo an install- m ent sale. But another friend says we should insist on an all cash sale so we don't have to worry about collecting payments or foredosing. As we are nol yet 55, we don't qualify for that $100.000-home-sale lax exemption. I am retiring at 52 and we plan to travel for a few years while we're young enough to enjoy Ure. Should we carry the mortgage'! -Owen D. DEAR OWEN: Yes. You atlonaey gave yoa practical, sound advice. Many retirees sell "elr bomes ud carry tbe rlnandn& for lllelr bayer. Re11om for doing so Include: Euy, quick sale for top dollar; excellent re- tirement Income; Investment secured by tbelr former bome and lnsl•llmeat sale tax savings (lf not eU&lble for the $100,0M "over SS rule" tax ex· emption). In today's ltome sale market, caalt sales are few and far between. Even II you dJd 1et a cash sale. yoa would probably Invest tbe ma11ey to earn aboat wllat you could earn by flDHdng lite Hie. But If yoa take a caslt sale, you wUI be booated Into • llJ&ber tu bracket aad owe a big profit tas. To lltow bow proflt•ble seUer·flHacln1 can be, suppose yoar home sells for Sitt, ... wltb a Slt,ttt cash dowa payment and you agrtt to take buk a ...... mort1a1e •l IZ percent Interest OD· ly, b•luce dae la rive ye us. Eull montb you will receive SM iaterest. And in five years you'll receive lbe $91, ... principal Ctbe buyer will prob•bly then refinance and take tax.free cash out of tbe bouse). Due lo Inflation, the mortgage term slHHaJd aoc be for more than 10 years without providing for an interest rate adjustment. CoRtrCM'I IH'fl#'r grts lwttrti•• DEAR HOR . We arc buying our homt on a contr act for deed. We are doing so to stop the mortgage holder from r aising the interest rate 1f we recorded a de<.-d My question is can we take itemized tax de· ductions for the property taxes and for the in terest we pay to lht• seller" Eva D DEAR EVA : Ves. A pun:baser on a contract ror deed, also called a l•nd contract, contract of. sale, agrttment of sale, or last•llment l•ad con· tract, Is t.be "equJl•ble owner." Tbe seller is called tbe "letal owner." The equil•ble owner Is entitled to all the benefits and obligations of the property. The only thing the equitable owner lacks is the deed to the property. 'J'ar brrak dfH>sr•"I appl!f l>EAR BOB In 198() we sold our farm for $478,000 When we went to our lawyer lo have our taxes prepared. he said we can't use t hat $100,000 home .sale lax cxempllon on the farm profits. lie allocated the purr hase price to $75,000 for the house and $403,000 lo the land. Our profit of about $55,000 on the house is tax exempt, he said, but we couldn 't use the rest or the $100,000 exemp· lion on the land profit. I am 67 and m y husband is 83. The big lax we have to pay is a terrible blow if the lawyer is cor- rect. Pleas(.' C'larify. Stella N. DEAR STEl.l.A: Your attorney is correct. The "over SS rale" $1H,OH bome sale taa bruk only applies to profits on the sale of your principal residence. It is not •ppUcable to Hles of other property such as rarm land, apartmenls or com merdal bulldln1s. For tas purposes, you bad oae sale of lite v alae ol your prlnclp•I reskleace Uncl•dlnl a rea- sonable amount of surroaadln~ land) aad aaotller sale ol llle farm laad. Mallat the sales price allocation Is •P lo yoa and yoar tall •dvlser. The 1reater the •llocalioe to Dr . Lynn Atwate r , professor or sociology at Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J ., and contributor to Forum maeazlne, says sexual liberation is cha nging the car·buyin& habits of men and women. RS COR•R "Similarly, women ''Today's liberated women are m o re concerned with mechanical functionina of can, efficiency and design," What kind Of man awns his own computer? ... ,. Coln• • ••mp• OOLD•llLVER ftrtcee tor 1 ·2M1 .-c ... -.• -Ct.11•.ae ..., ... l<.t1h1•t 1•·1nlt1llnll,11\. tltl' 1111·;1 nl Ol\llllllJ.! ·• oHftiptllt'I '''' '' '""' 1111w 1111•a11 ... 111•11t•'I ll1•1·;rn·•·.11t .\111'1• 11• ••"11.11 , .. 111111111·1 1.111 lwlp 1 "" 111.i\.•· t• "' •' .,f 11 \ 1iltl1• lliottl'IJ.!I'' d.11,1, t 111111 )ti'• lllllllht•t • I.• l'I'' I• I' 11fl• lll•lt'l''•l'' 111( .. 1111:tl11111 .11111 Jlltlll• lt'l»tl• tlte value ol "e bouae, tile 1reater your taz aav· l•ga. Adrise ...... ftl •• tlepreiri•tlea DEAR BOB : Recently you told another read- er he could depreciate part of his home which be used for his insurance sales business. Is there any way homeowners can take incom e tax depreciation deductions on their homes if they don't operate their business from their home? -Brenda T. DEAR BRENDA: No. Voar peraot1al res· ldence Is no& deereclable uless part la ••eel for a bnslness office or shop. Ask your tu adviser for details. Dftfttrfknu .... .,. ....... . DEAR BOB : I read in a magazine about tax shelter investments. It said the Internal Revenue Service limits deductions to lhe amount of money "at risk" in the investment. Does this apply to real estate investments too? -Dan D . DEAR DAN : No. Real estate ls • bl& except· ion to that tas rule. Tas dedadloea for realty Investments 'are noc limited by lite amCHlDl of money lnvesled or al risk. The reuon Is Con1ress wants &o eacoara1e real esta&.e lnveslmeats. 11 The special Bruss Report "Everything You Want and Need to Know About the $100,000 Home Sale Tax Exemption" is again available. To obtain yo ur copy s end a $2 che c k p ayable t o "Newspaperbooks" for Report 80107, Robert J . Bruss. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P. 0 . Box 259, Norwood. N J . 07648 > 2nd TRUST DEED LOANS •Fast Service • Competitive Rates •No Points •Up to 1 S years repayment terms Compare Our Ratea Diane Sutton 847 ·9661 • ... ,v,.(J 11, .• c·T 10"''"""''"" •1t ,..,, I FINANCIAL /'. tJ •• ',,,,.I SERVICES proptlrt, C.l.T. FINANCIAL SERVICES 16897 Beach Blvd., HuntJngton Beach $50,000 to $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS • lnf•r••f only P11yta•nt • lnco•• • Co•••u:i•I • A••id•nta.1 • W••lily c:o••lt-nt• • Monthly f•ndln9• • 6 month• to J y-H • So•th•rn C.llforwlf I I ,, t ., tCM1n inlor111•tlon ••rvlc• I I •• , I loll ,,, l !+,•,·d (714) 759-1515 AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE ) -ll t-'4~'*"\UHI (..f'Ott:r Qh ..,t.I ().,,,qn Plata NPWUur1 8Pac.ti C:111ifl),r\1(t 'l7b60 11tr1,..rref'lh UM.• 9111.M ..... ..... ...,.. .,,... ,., .. -..,. ...... , .. .,..... ... ....... . ~ "'-.... ..,~ "'"' ,, •••• , .... ,,.,,.. t•\Jlt'll'l\I' 1h.tll 111111·•h.11ttt).; ""'' tl1•1wnd.1bh• 1h1111 d1 ... 1nh111t•1t pt•~ t'"lllK \Int~· 01·\lhh-111:111 (t:ltl raltz1·ll El JI' ,\ nd k~i. 1h;111 S:tf100 '·I' .111111111 Whr 11o11J"'"1h1· fll'r~·111;il c .. 111pu1t·1 11·111!11111111 t11 11 .. 1111111 LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE ARRANGED ON YOUR PROPERTY RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL AND LANO , .................... -... c.11 ... _.. ..... (714) IN MIO lout" eo.et ,. .. a VIH ... ..,__ ...... . , __ .... C-,..•I Turn your unusabtes Into usable c•sll. C.11 D•llyPllot cl•uffled 642·5'71. CALL TOM MARITO'N ABOUT A SECOND TRUST DEED LOAN UP TO S&OO,OOG Newport Equity 'Funds · Inc ~Broker Since 1171 (7••>1 u~ 111dil)'., ~ lbZt ........--mmpu iJ.ilMICIOCOMNlR ---;:,.:. ~ ftCl4MOlOGV/ ~--INC°"'°"fto 714"7Ml23 z .. w. IMCMT14UR • IMITAMA OfllM .. ...._ M SAT. lol • HUNTINGTON HARBOR 16-400 Peclflc Coll8' Highway Huntington Beech. CA 926'49 (714) 846-5587 (213) 692-3557 Offices In: ORANGE 1 oe3 N. GluMll A,,.. OranQe, CA 92987 (714) 771-5440 NEWPORT BEACH MIO Newpoft Cel"9f OfM Suite 250 Newport Beech. CA 92el0 (714) M4-t923 JOii.Upiand, Pasadena. Citrus Helghta, Encino, San JOH, Oceanalde, Palm Springs, San Diego. Havward. Burlingame, Loa Angeles. San Berhardlno. Ian Cl•.,... and San f,.nclaco., • ~ NRCUnAGI 9'ATI IMf M MDtlR MTN nel """' LOAM .r- NEW YORK ST CK EXCHANGE • Week'• and Year'• HiJh1, Low Close ·· l " ... "" 11 II IO ,, ... ... ~E II 19 \Jh tlli 111. t.l)lo nl• , .. JI\ II .. " "' .... ''"' '· v -· ll " I ' !~' I 19 lOb 19 ~ ~~~ ' I~ I.. 11 II . '°' II II() I> • N II .. 10 ..... 1Q II o/ "' IQ .. .... ..... ,. ..... ...... Lew ..... Cltt I OIOIOf 11t IOI t1' 1•111 OIOlo 01 2 U •2' 20 ·'~ .i: : ~~ &l:\~f ~ = .~ .;: ~~ 10 20 ,,., IJl'o Olt l• pf I ~ 11 Ul<I. 1)"' OltmS 1 .. 1116 3\i,,. 1' 0,.llolO IO II 'IOI Ill!. 1~ &1\~ •o ·~ •0m tt~: IO._ 0111119 pt I I )l\fo I) • 01110<> I 090 t 11l II • ~t; g:~r" I I~ I~ 1: : '"• 01 l>t111> It t ttl ll :., i=J ~ 11 •:~ ~Vi l'h OollLJ i. I 114 I \ ll'-()oMly I " • Sii :»V. lllo OotMI IO 1 IOI lt l. lJ Oo""' I 0. I• l'3 st .. 1t , O..WCh 1 110 a lltl ll\o ~to 0..WJn ! f• It 113 u6'1t II 0tf¥0 I u " l'2 4l'o t i Otftr ' .0 l• H') •1 • IJ 01u 8 I ... 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""'~'°n" , r k I 1 er as I'd . 111 1., of ,, '<;I'll · L 11''°"'11 111.trkt'l 1 111• I <lr1 "t "'''" 111• t1 I k Tradtor ; ftr\t five l)flf·n serve "' ~11•m Jor II,. Januar\' •t hd s an ex • ,., ord 3C'· r1 • h1• tren<I in ,, , • t 111• en:.uing 11 1 t I • I ·~ 1 t I ~ 1·11rs, and I I 1 11 th .. rt· :.tr<' plenty, ti 1 1>1111 tdcnrc, and I ,,, 1 ·, 11 .1 1 ,In\ surh reg. 111 ,,,. U'.N I :.u<·cessful· 111 , 1 .11m t> mcims of 11.: 111 1 :.1 k• t 10 pr•>d1ctabilily 1 ·, 1 11,,,,, "'Im won't bu y the l•.1111111• 11 I h1•rf• ar.-others r • t 1• -.ull'mn to the I \\ht' •\It .11 "''-Tll\I l!1'll-tt:-. annual tum I 1 '°'"' l'!l\I I~ dul)bcd ror lack of 8 , ·•11·1<" 11t l1 "l he Super !Jowl • t. k •,t ,,.~ .. t l'rfl1!11"tor Theory " :• h11lt1: lh.1l lhl'ff' has been a close 111 t 1m .ii rdat111n:,h1µ, whether by 1111n· q111r 1<li:nrt-ur not. between the 1111~111 .,f tht t1•,1m that prevails an pr .. I A•llnll ., c1nnual l'hamp1onship 1 l:iHr · .mrl the 11·rfurmance of the 1 "tori. markl'l that ~ear I ' I rr ;1 member of the old American ·~ I 1"0111 hall l.ea~ue <before its 1970 ':I incri:1•r wllh the National Football l.t•al'(uel '.'ins Lhe Super Bowl, it's 'aid to be bearish If an original NFI. team prevails. it's bullish. Following the first 14 Super Bowls, the martcet followed th1t script 13 timl's. reports William Lefebre, an. nalyst at Purcell, Grlham •Co. Tbe sole exctplion was 1'70 when 1-. C'lty ot the .\FL won the 11m1, '"-tbt stock market man11ed a 11nall ad· vanceforthtyear. · ln ~r.ear'a S.per lowl, Ju.e ~---· u":"O.::~=:: wia,k'llfll "'......, REAL ESTATE .,,,. Sunday, January 26, 1981 'DAILY PILOT .C• California re or• Resales continue Slide Moving Up In R8al Estate 00l1GIAN PUW&lt; of l.llllUllll N1~ut'I has b•en •1•r.oanttod ttu1r ullve v1 rt! pruldt!nl of MarC'Or, nr . • l.•1un• N11u•I b1n1od real t11l•le sates and markf'lin& r1rrn Powne w•IJ tM' reapontoblt• for admrn1straalloo and ClalOIQI r4'1atlona with ""w •11d e•111tm1 rt1 fild .. 11t1al dt'v .. lulJt't dit'llb llll wilt al10 VH•r11cc tht• o" site sale11 stalf in thr ftrm'11 H le11 a nd 11 .. rvk1• lut·¥lfl->11s th• 10111is M1&rror al\ur movt: thaf1 Coor Vt'fU 5 hcl6dl0i hlb own rt'lill clllntc 1.1ml 111vt~bl111tmt cont JH&n) Pno1 tu forming his ftrm, tw "a~ 'ult·' and marketing d lrt-r tcir fut u nrn1ur Orange Cuulll\-tk•~ hunw 1h1v1.1lo~r -··· M M,__ ~ll'lii \'0 or I rv111c hll!> JOrncd the Real t-: .... 1,.lt"n. w. m anitt't.'I uf the Hr uokhurt Ofhce local l-d .H 210~ Hrot•khur ... 1 '>t in lluntingtou He1&t:h Sht.' hab h.ad a ">Ut t"ci>bfuJ t·arcer a:. a sales as ll\ldtc ~11\ning LoJ> dWctrd:. hoth en 1oales and hst mgs A n11llau11 dollar producer he1 hr..t } ear µi.Jh'-' bu:.1nes:., s he 14 <LS the tou)h:.t1n1o: a~enl fw the .:ompan~ She 101n:. lhl' k c<JI E:-.lalers ~11h an txlcn:.1\t' batkground in bu:.tnt>:.!> adm1n1strat1on and managemt>nt a~ well She hold:; an a s:.ot•1ate d e ~r cc 1n matbemalll'S and st•1ence from Thiel College in f'ehnsyl vania and has a lso won awards in these major fit-Ids of s tudy H INYO MARIL VN LAGOSZ uf Oana Point has been named manage r of the Irvine Pacific Design Center in Woodbridge In her new pos ition, Ms . Lagos z will be re!>ponsible for the overall operation of the design center including sales, l'roduction, installation and marketing. A former desig n and home economics teacher, Ms Lagosz brings ten years' experience to her new position 1-ier most recent affiliation was as vice president of sales and m a rketing for Associated Design Studios of Costa Mesa. A graduate of California State University, Los Angeles, Ms . Lagosz holds a BA in home economics and in· terior design SALLY ( VEKICll) SHIPLEY of Newport Beach. who joined the George Elkins Company las t year as a s ales associate, was recently named "Salesperson of the Month" for the NewPort Beach Branch Office. S he is also a member of the Gold Key Club for obtaining more than S4 million in an- nual sales. S h e was married to Wally Shipley. president of the Na- tional Horseshoe Pitchers' As- s o t'i at io n o f Am e rica in December Mrs . Shipley, who holds a H A in edicat1on from the lJ n1 v<'r s it y o f Southe rn Ca Ii for n i a a nd a L ibr a r y C r edential and M. A from Californ1<J State Un iver sity , SHIPLEY Lung Heach. specia lizes in residential resales . Barratt Developments Limited . Britain's largest private homebuilder . has announced the av· pointmcnt of Dalt' Stuard, chairman of Barratt Am erican. to the m ain board of the Barratt Group. JIM AND GL•:E CUMMO of Laguna Niguel have joined thl' sales s ta ff oi Lango Real Estate in Laguna Beach afte r 40 combined years in th e field 11f r eal estate Before embarking 1m her career in real estate. <;t ee worked 1n the aerospa ce industry for 10 ) ears After obtaaninl'( he r broke rs license and opening a firm with her hus band, she became ac- tive in the Pomona Vallev Board of Realtors and the Upland Chambe r of Commerce. Jim Cummo graduated from the University of Kansas and s pent several years working in the c·hemi<'al industry be fore becoming a broker for t he NYSK lie th1'n became a Mortgage Banking Re presentative before turning to real estate and ins uranct• sales ROR•:RT C. RE ID of Irvine has been named sales manager for the William Lyon Company's Rennell Rant•h single-family community in El Toro Involved in real estate sales and investment counseling for. Orange County firms for live years, Reid joined the William Lyon Company in 1979 A native of Denver , Reid attended local col- leges and Califbrnia St ate Universit y, Fullerton. when • he majored 1n liberal arts and real estate. Seminar oll office parks in Irvine The Orange County Chapter of the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks will be offering a seminar Wednesday at the Airporter Inn Hotel in Irvine. • The fee is S40 for non-members and $30 for members which will include cocktails al 6 in the Skyliner Room and dinner at 7 p.m . The speakers include John Walts, President, Axiom Properties, Inc.; Tad Jones, Vice Presi· dent, Tamutzer-Hamilton Development, Inc.; R. Edwin Hansen, Assistant Vice President, Security Pacific National Bank, and Robert Campbell, Vice President of Industrial Development Birtcher Pacific. Nothing along the Orange Coast stirs up response like our . classifieds. Whether you're selling appliances or apparel, Suzukis or Salukis, microscopes or microwaves, Afghan hounds or Afghan blankets, only the Daily Pilot serves up JS0,000 deal-hungry readers, for SS.95. DAILY PILOT ... Family Want A~• , 3 Une1. z days, $5.1, 1 142·5178 • •For only $5.SS any private ,,_rty may place an ad to self any article of penoNI property any two days In a row. -, StuMrd JOtned forces with Barratt on March 31, l!NIO, when ha• firm. American National Howiing C'orporataon ()( lrtlne, wu ac- t1 uired by Ruratt Develop- 111t:11h1 Lam1tl'd This a ('qulsition mark~l lht' Hnllsh firm 's entry uito lhc lJ S hous ing market, with tht• i.ubs1dlary U.S. firm seekinl( to acquire othe r build- *ig firms In California and the 6unbelt states. StuMrd, who has 25 years or t'X11erience in the housing In- dustry , is c urrently national nuuo v1t'l' president for Area XIV of the National As- so<·1al1on of Home Builders . He was president of lh tt Building Industry Association of Southern l'allfom1a in 1978-79. JOHN AVITABILE of Laguna Hills. executive director of the Orange County Housing Authority sin ce 1978, is JOinmg the Newport Beach-based Mc Lain Uevelopmen t Company as director of :spet1aJ projects Avitabile. who jomed the Housing Authority in 1977 and rapidly rose to his post of responsibility for all operations., managed an annual agency budget of'$14 million. with 52 e mployees serving 22 <·1t1es and unincorporated areas comprising 75 per- t•ent of county population In his new post at McLain Development, Av1tab1le will be responsible for establishing and executing innovative procedures and services to be offered to homebuyers lo meet the challenges fat•cng today's homebuilders. R. JAMES SOMERS of Newport Beach, a sales manal!er in the Newoort Beach office of Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Services, has been appointed an assistant vice president of the company. Somers began his Coldwell Hankercareerin 1975asanoffice building a nd investment s pecialist. He came to-the rom· pany following five years with Grubb and Ellis Commer cial Broke rage Company. A native Californian. Somers M>Mus a ttended UC Berke ley and USC where he earned a bachelorofsciencedegreein busi- ness administration. He was appointed to his sales m ana~er assignment in August 1979. High interest rates. a scarcity of lendable funds and the gene ral economic uncertainty com- bined with seasonal factors lo once again depress the home resale a ctivity in California during the month ol November, the California Association of Realtors has reported. California Real Estate Trends, the Associa- tion's subscriptior newsletter , reported that on the basis of 8,830 resale transactions completed by 49 Roards of Realtors, the number of sales declined by 24 .2 percent from October and lagged 14,8 percent behind the already reduced volume re\!orded in Nov· ember 1979 ALONG WITH THE decline in sales activity, the median price of a California single-family dwelling dropped from October's level of $99,038 to $97 ,593 for November The seasonal influences traditionally con straining ac ta vity have also tended lo d epress prices in November. The statewide m edian price has declined during that month in three of the last five years. • Des pite the slump , the median pnce continues to inc rease at a double d igit rate and is up 1 J per· c•ent from the November 1979 level of 87,886. Since the 1975 fi~ure of $42,000, Califom1a existing home pri<'es havt• "hmbl'd 1:12 pcn·ent a figure far tn excess of 1nnation The November sal<:s volume was only slightly below the 25 !I percent drop recorded in November 1979 when tht• Fed eral Reserve Board's high monetary inll'rest rate policies first impacted the hous ing m<1rket!oo "TIU; .. i\CT THAT SAi.ES volume has held up as well as !l has is a tn hute to the ingenuity of buy ers , sc llf'r !oo, and Healtors 1n developing m ethods of a lternative financing," declared Art Buying course set ·'-Home Huy en~ in Today's l''lu-ctuating Real Es tate Market." a four week lec·ture sen es, will bt- oHered by Coastline Communtty Coll ege from 7 to 10 p .m . Tuesday:., beginning Jo'ch 10. at th .. Unitarian U n1 vcr~a1ts1 Church, 1<!5!1 Victoria St , Costa Mesa There is no rcg1!oolrat1on h:e for the senes Pre registration 1s <1dv1scd hy Jo'eb :1 <1nd registration may be made al the door on a space-available basis For add1t1onal information call !l6J 0811. ext 256 Laguna Hills From SSJ,900 • Lakes • Streams • ·n~nnis Now you c.:an live in nnL' of the fi!ic.:\t :1r1..:a.., in all \ou1'1L·rn California am idst acres of lakes. spal\linµ ..,, rl'.:1111 ..... "all'.rfa ll-.. spa. pool. tennis courts. green gardens ... and all a t a pril'L' ~·Ht thought \\<I~ !!lllll' flll'L'\L'I". Richly detailed condominiums! A chuiL:c 11f l-hct)r11e1m. and 2-hedroom homes with features like fireplace. water view pat iu ur deck, vaulted ceilings. fine quality carpet. smartly styled Tappan appliances. central air conditioning and much. much more. One of California's most coveted locations. A short dri\l! to picturesque Laguna Beach. minutes to the Southland's finest and newest shopping centers. Take the San Diego Freeway ro the La Paz Road off-ramp and drive west. The site I near some nf the finest and most expensive homes in the beach urea) is at LA PAZ ROAD and MOU LTON PARKWAY. , .... m ..... W,,('(\ "'''' ''''••UHMlttHt i\\1t1luhh· ... '""' All '""'I'\, .. ,,,,.,, lit on11r ~·· PHONE f 71411'31·fl700 Godi. Stockton. in has first statement as president of the 130,000 member Healto rs · assocrn11on "It 1s ironic. but now is a good time to buy a home." said Godi. "While lending m stitutions are understandably re luctant to make new loan com· mitment.s in the present economic environment, prospective home buyers should still be aware of the e xcellent pos~ibllities for rinancing home pur('hases through "the 'assumption,' or lake-over of existing loans al below market interest rates." People who would not ordinartly quaury for new institutional hums m iJY well lw ablf' to afford home 11urdtast•s al lht•se ri·rl lH'ed rates. and besides getting a heller rate of interest, will pa) reduced loan fees "OVER 75 PERCENT OF the transa ctions be mg completed today involve the assumption or ex isling loans or consist of the seller financing first, and soml'hmes. se<:onrl trust deeds," Godi c·on· tinuecJ "In f:.n:l. during Non•mlll'r most nf thf' trans actions C'losed by our ot111·e ullhted creative f1nanrmg wh1"h featured inter es t rates m the area of 12 13 percent Such altcrnntlV(' forms or fmanc· in~ can also work wt•ll for the scllc:r It allows the t·omplctiun of a transaction and pruv1drs a regular monthly income " AcNmlinl-( to J oel Singer, ('A H ·.., d1n·t·lor of Pla nn111 i.:. Ht•<;t·ar<·h und lh•v1·lop1111·11t, "No Vf-'m bc·r Wa!'. lht· ·~·th l'llnSl'l'Ull VI' lll(Hllh '" Whll'h sale:-. were below tht: prcv1tlus yt•;tr !'.total This is eloquent testimony 10 the· fallurr 11r an 1•xis ting 1•c·onumic polic'y that ass1gnf'fl h11u!oo in g lh•· r11le (If a pawn 1n an 1m•HcC'lual l'ffor1to 1·11nt rol inflat11m "Hasl'<l on cl·onom 11· projed 1011.... we are t•autiouslv cmt1mis t1<· about th1• p11s..,1 l11lit1 es that '"me• 1rnpn1v1·1111·11t will hl·g1n 111 the• 'Pring (Jr shortlv IJcforl' Thus , wt• du nnl b1•l11•\'1• tlw prt'sent slurn1i will either tw a s prnlr:H'lNI nr a~ sevrrc as llu· l!l~I downturn.' 'irng1•r c·11n1111Plltl'<I THE SllOKTA(:t: o•· l.ESS ('11..,tl} 1irtJJ1Crt1cs I ' a11pan·nt in lht• ~hstrihul11111 of lht' 1·x1sling singfr family ho rn<' 'alt·~ ;1m•mg th•· various home prc tc t·atPgorws llomP~ in thl' $11)(),1100 plus 11ri1·e rangt• at'l'ounll'<I for 47 ti 11t·n·1•nt 11f .ill \lovt'mhf'r trans al'11on~ A~ 1:ar ago h111n1•-. 1111111~ pr11·1· range n·prcs1·ntt'fl ;Jx 4 p<·rr·t•nt 11f ... talt·"' Hit• !><11 .. s On a n<1t1onw1d1· ha~1!oo. tht·s1· h11nll·\ 1111•-.t•1HI v n·1iresent alioul 20 1wrC'1·n1 of all s alt·.., llomt'S unllc·r SSIJ,00<1 wh11 h n1•c •1u11l f11r nearly one th1ril of all -.alt·.., cm a nat1011w 1tl•· has1s. have v1rt uall\ 1l .-.ap111·<1rt·li frt•OI t lw 111<1rk1•t 1n l'ahfom 1a J.\}!J A I l >IC_ l~I L •• ·. . . • ct DAILY PH.01 Tranquility· thawing ~ When will search for oi~ minerals reach peaceful end of the ear.th? f;Ot'TOH S NC1T'f.. Wh~ IOfh <'"'''"ll "'°" ,,,., tw~" to t<Wr l"-t Allto,.<'fte ..-n<IWli/. 11 IUOI t llftl tltJ«I (>w IM ltQllQIU l"OOl ueU I hcU llUI ~" at ~ IWUoid n<>I hofc MM Oii a~ of lftl"1"IWll~ tum,.,.rtlllllft 8 '" """' 1 lw , "°"°"' I>/ "°' WMC.11 "' t "' '81 ioo,,.., 11' Ow l•w I l.krly u I plou1 9 )W.\&&t;Nl!: U .AMV •""~···· .. M 1 Mll ROO ''l'ATION II tllft'lll'lt I I\ f' t It I'> lht' lllll'>l de:.ol•h· 1 vltk 't Jn1:'1 w1mJ u·st n1tr.-1l lllltf'I l'M11blt' t•ntl OI t he t'ltl'\h It V. llb lhl' C•lll' lJlllC't:, "'er) on.-.. gret'tl lh111 dll 1h1: n• I IOn ) 1•ould !ihdft' 8 ut now. <1b m dfl l'unsuint:i. m or e l&nd mon• ur thl"" rt:i.ourl'e~ of hi:. gl~. he I!> lurntog nev. t'\ t:S to ttus ctnc·1ent tunllnent · T he land of µenguin:., seals , whalei. dl\d ice 11> sten as IJ(>lt'n l1al land Of Oil t oa l and lflHI TH£ HA Vl-:N for :.c:1entlfu· s tudies and 1nte rnat1onal l'OOperat1on 1:. env1s1.oned <is a possible powderkeg, Its long fuse s izzling t oward explosive n1t tionalislic conlrontalion Here al the m ain U S Anl arclH' base. sc1ent1sts and or fic1als talk of d ecades of lranqutl research and s haring among na t1ons They speak of m en a11d woml'n b-Owld by the hostile environ m ent . an explorer spirit and a lo v e for science work111g together through coJd and hot wars . NEXT TO THE Mt"Murdo headqua rters of the National Science Foundation. which runs U.S . Antarctica activities .. 1s a small. nag·encircled park ded· icated lo Adm. Richard Evelyn Byrd a nd his idealistic dream Under a bust of Byrd , who lee.I five Antarctic expeditions and was the fir st to fly over the South Pole. in 1929, 1s his charge to those who follow him : "I am hopeful that Antarctica in its symbolac· robe of white wall s h ine forth as a continent of peace as n ation s workin g together here in the cause of science set an example of an ternationaJ cooper ation .. The s cntimef)ts are noble, but can thcv s urvive in a world s t arv ed f o r e n e rg y anri m inerals? "NO ONE knows what the mineral potential of Antarctica is." says R. Tuc:Jier Scully, di r ector o f the U S . State Department·s Office of C)Ce..;ns and Polar Affa irs "Hut there certainly 1s more inter est.'· Scully continues "ll ·s not jus t a se1e nltf1 c and geological iss ue a ny more It's now a political issue.·· •wr arr trrf1Mrttllf1 arrllSH ol fJrfag pra- •prrl on. ••• eer arr ••••• Beneath thousands of feet of ice covering 98 percent of the land, alon~ the mountaian ran~es that cul the continent and offshore in the i<·y seas. are believed to be vast d eµosits of minerals and oil. ARl-:AS IN AND around Ant arclica geologically resemble parts of other continents where oil, gas and minerals exist in abundance. Sma ll-scale scien· tific core drilling by the United Slates h ints at possi ble hydrocarbon deposits offshore. Large deposits of coal and iron h ave been discovered on land, as well as c oncentration s of chromium, nickel. cobalt. cop per, gold, titanium. lead, tin. uranium a nd other metallic minerals . · Although none yet has proved commercially attractive, the ris- ing cost s of energy and raw m alerials is increasing ,pressure lo find out. A JAPANESE geological sur· vey s hip recently began a three· year program lo look for signs of oil in Antarctic waters. The ef· fort, sponsored jointly by the government and industry, will not involve drilling. But the Hakurei Maru will do bottom sampling, depth sound· in1s, and seismic reflection and other t ests in the Bell· ingahauaen, Weddell and Roes Seu -the most promising potential oil areas. The United States, West Germany, Poland, Ureal Britain and other countries have con- ducted similar surveys in the same waten for stated scientific reasons, but few deny com- mercial interest in the findings. UNTIL &ECENTLY, the hanh environment of Antarctica made exploitaUon economically untlliMable. Tbil ii chaqine with rblnl pricn aqd new teehQOIOIY. And envlranmentaliata and Antarctic Hieau.ta an worried. .. Many adentlltl are very un- ...Y about the mlnerall q._ . tloa," 1ay1 Dr . Fraal Wllll..-on. chief 1cleatllt f~ th e NS .. ' Ill\ 1-.11>11 111 l'ol•r 1'1 0 l(r1t111' 'l\11ttt11lllJ 1' ,1 Ulll(lut' 'C'l t!f\ t1fa t l'l"•11u1<1• .111\1 thl') don 't WiHlt t u h11\ , . .ill \ Lh111t: 111~~:.m~· 11 Up WORl.UWllH•: 1•nv11onmc nta l 1(1 llUl'll llhli ul l' 'u:.p11·1ou~ about 1111111•n 1I 1·icph11lal1011 , .,d y 111g that 1\111 u1 ,·1..-11 " o n1• of t he laM 'II tu.ilh u11ll111d11·1l lHll>Ollutt'<I '''"' t u,11 "'' '"' 1-:.11 th l luv.1 •Vl'I , l(l •IUll" 'tlJI Ii II' lht' s 1,•11 u ( '11111 ;111d tlw lnttrn t1 lllHlal l11:.t1lul\' tor fo.nv1ro111111·nt •Hid l)1·vclt11t11lt'lll 111 I ur11lu11 :.t''-' 1111•\1tubl1: cunflttt be twel'11 1·11v11onme11I111 and c-ommf·1\'lal 111l1•11•:.t!-. Tht-\ pc)lnt out thut ttie1 t• rnuM lil' ">rm• 1·x1.l11r:il1un and '>tud1t'' t11 '"'' wh.Jt 11•:.1111r <'t'' Ult 111 An I .J rc·t u· u ;11111 I" J S!>('...... l h•· ''"" arw1rnent .ti 1 ri1 p;ll't tJf t•x ,.11111 Ill).( lh<·m OIL o•:v t:UWMENT l'ltU'\('' Lhe mm.I t·1111<·<·rn htt·aust· o f fl'ar " a hou1 '-!'llb \l m.1 \11t ('011rrnu about :l ,.. tarrli<-a PXplulla - 1ion11 a r ~ np propriaf P. II "''' 1trgnal. ur«t w lrf" '1wh 1• 111111., ,,,,I '\(.'ab, • h l ... lf•I .il•l'lj1 lh1• 'I) l'>f a nti «ould lw v1 .. :11 h :.f1,., I•'" Thl'rt' Ill I'\ 1111-111 •. 1111 .i ....... 11111 hrC'ak up or 111·~1 111•· :.-. ''"' 111 t·old t·l1ru ;it c~ :.a" 111 1.1. ;1rr1H r ont''i. l"n\ 1ron1111•111.tl1'\h .,;,, 111d a !>p1 II r·ould p111\ 1· 111111 • l.in1••1 I n I! l n " 11 I ;1 r ,. I I , •• 1 1 h ,. II cls t·whi•n · But thl'\ ft·a1 th.ii t hi' r1· ... ult of faC't finding ul11m.11 .. 11 t rnrld ent·oural!<' dt·vl•l11111111•nt t' 0 R t: X J\ M f• L f, . I > r ~ Ed w aril Z<:l l1•r "nil c; "''l.t l>reM·hhllff, physicis ts al the t l111vt•r<>1ly of Kans as , are sur- vcyani.t the rathoactivity of Ant· :.irt·t1l' rocks They want lo find uut what is the natural back· ground radiauon on the conla· nenl and a lso us e this informa· ta on for geolog1 c·al mapping We ar e frequently accused of bc1n.: prosµet·tor s. but we are 11ul. · Or ZellN says. T ht> sc1en11sts s a y uranium, thorium a nd other potentially l'xplo1 tablt• ra dioacti ve 1nalerials exist 1n Antarctica <llld they won ·1 over look them 1f l11011d "I woulcln '1 \,\ant lo sef' N im· nwrewlh 1 t•l·1tverabll' uranium (1111nd h1•n·,' "\lld ()n·M·hhoff "llOWEVE R. FROM thl' IKllrlt 11( \'ll'W of ., l s t·111zc..•n. I thank ti \,\ uuld hl· wromg for the lJ111tt•d -:1.1tt'' 111 go Into rH'gotial11111-. .ilJ .. ut 1111111·1 J b .1nu n.1t knt1\,\ ~11.11 ...... lt.1\l• 1111 lh1~ 1·1111t1nen1 .. '"' '·"' \1 11,1 ul \,\li.11 i•<w-. on 1n . :ind .1!111111 \1t1iH I Ill I " lied 111 J (;111f1111 lfr; l!l'>!I I r1•,1I I lh<il '.f•t Iii•· nui111ll'nl .1:-.111•· ;,. • .i ,, .... 11 t1f11 1•r •",.n 1· 'l 111 ·~ 11111'111.,J -.iJ,!1ialon lld r1111. 1A.l111 ~,.,,. ll111·r 11111,l·d It~ I' 1l.111d .1d 111r111:-.11•1 th•· ··•i11\1m·11t , .. 111 I •• 1111 h.1\1• l'lo,t·d 1t .. rr tu Ill I ti ,ir \ II I 11 11 \ II 11t·1 l• Ur \\" IJ"•"' ft•.,t 1n1 :rncl rad111a ('\I\(• • I •·•1 1 ·l'"~:il 111 t-. 1111·. \'I'\ .1h 11 :-.:d1·..,11·p:-. 111 I ..t 1r111•, ~01111· rtl whic·h •1\ • r l.q .l\q:1•111111;1 Au,l ralaa. I hil·· !-ra1111· '.'ll·v. Zeala nd. "•I" ,11 :111d < :n·.11 Britain 1'lt11m I·· 1 I' 11 fir \ 1!111 1l11• 11lh1·r 11n:rM·1•1 n){ c-oun 11 w· lkll!1u111. South Afrll'a, l.1p.111 . 1'111:11111. llll' ~ov1c1 Union .11111 1111' l '111tl'd Slat•·:. nl'1lh1·r 111.>k1 1111r n·c·11~n1z1· '>Ut Ii d ;,11ms I lt1-. ... 111111111 r thc:-.1· 111untri1·s w 111 llllTl 1n Hul·rrn!> .1\1 rc1.,, \11•1•111 1n;1 and wal l d l•t·ld<' "h,·th1·r I•> 1•arm•-;tl\ 11(·f.!Ot1a11· o ,.,.111·1.d-. .1•·•·11rd --. ~·' ~.>. \' - ----~:::a:r-- ."-. BEAUTIFUL, CLOUD-STREAKED SKY SUCH AS THIS OFTEN MEANS FOUL WEATHER 011 end mineral depo.ata lie wtthln range of Mt. Erebu• end McMurdo Sound · 1 ~RI.IC NOTI(';, ~ I FICTITtOU~BU~INf~~ NAME nATEMC:NI • ,, ' "•' 1111, "'-1 ,,. , ,,,, 1 11 '' nt '' ,, '.JN i..Or4\l'..1NMf ,...,, 11~ n1• -;rP l dQVf\A lh'tH h t,,l,+trn~1d 'f/f, JdCdl ,n JO ••d'ft tJr1h 1 I J (dl•IH1t1 t AQ\Jnd &t-4'.Cn (JJ l1f ,,, "1&\• t' •• " ' , ,,,. tt •• ,. , 'h t ( ,.tit11r11 1 nqun.1 fh""' Ii (,,1111., • ''It t.i' 1 .,,. 011• ...... ,. , '" !J., ,, ,. t. Qf r\P,,.I ~· '"' '" •0 l't HI.I(' '90TH E FtCTITIOO\ 8 USI N[SS H&M[ SlArfME .. t Pl'Hl.I(' !'IOTl('t: FICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME H ATEMEN' 11 "1 •, 1,, '""'nq 1• rV)n ., 1' no Cu I \ •1..-' • I I '' P<JrJ~IH 'l'/.1~ ,,,,,,,. fi , J •,f 'I A'\'111 \ lf)})I f''''HJ1<r,)\1• r ...i· ,,,, ,. 'i'ita. "'''' M··'·' r ·'''";"""' ''"'" l •ti"'°'" M r.1<11 .-r\ '14 "40fH"t Mt1ph 'l1 "'" r,, • 11'1 lJv0,11 I •·'1 ~,.}K Ci• t; ... ,., f H ilh l • l('i/10 f•orHJt' ·• o\f.t M f>\d « •t ,,,,,,, t S·u .1nr1t t-l 1A pn '1• ,..o rtP\ "111;1' M,.p I ,_,, • .,.. R,,,.,., .• H!il\ c" 'fOl tO f t ..... (.;u \lf!f•'lo\ ... COf'l<lul t ... tl 01 "" .n f 'l1 • r11..1'1,,p\• 1\ ron<Suf 1t•fl n~ I '11v 1'1 •1rt1 •t f1·t ,,,ft,.,1 hu .. r.,,~u1(J,.r10"lf• 'H.lldnr• f r,,.1 .. n ,, fnni 01•!hl"'"'" Jot• tlfO It) t4•t""'rtrlf f 11"1• f h I • 1 1 If I lj+ f 'tr '''' ''·'"'"''"' w.1•1 1 11'(1 wt11 ''• IO'U6"(,\ ,~ I 1~/)•/ ( ourt1 v ( 1• , ll. l•f Or .-th'J• ( ,.,1,r,1 , F 1\)111 1' Jb!t'hf'rt J11tflfl-' ( 0~'' P ul • P 1H11 Ot•rfm(;lit•'n t~ SUZANNE E GA\.EH ',, 11 ' •• , '8 1\ 1,1;, IQ\@! Fl\1411 PuDlt\n.-d Or ,.n(JI ( tM t (),..,..,. '-•'' 1 Jon 11 18 1~ r ... n ' 1~1 Jt! fll PtlRl.I{' NOTICE D 17Ul AnortWy •• L..I• 114 .... ,.,,.. M.iple Ori•• B•v•rtf Hill\, C.. 102'0 PutH•~hO OtdnQI• ( r .... HI tMllv Pd')t j .,ri I~ I\ h"D J j 1'1b1 t/l 1'!1 Pl RI.I(' '10Tl<'t' NOTtCI'. OF AVAILAllLITY FICTI TIOO~ 8USIH E~~ OFANNUAL llEPOIH N•ME~T•Tf ME H I Puf\u.tnt toWtH'Wl&Hk l d J o• lf'lt "" ft1.-ttitio .... inQ 1 .,., ,.., .. ,. 1 '"Q llil'rnttl q,.1o1 .. nu. (odfo no1H e ""'"'t"bt 1 t>u't~\ "' Q•••n•"•tt"4•4!nnvalr .. uort•ortn .. 1,-. i AM PA'i Al·A.l<1I MI N1•, ll"!Jt l'l'Rl.lt· !'liOTH'•: Fl(TI r1ous BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I hr fOlll),...1nq Of>r-,on' "' • ,..fJ'>tnu '"' I I '' .... lJN!(A,, INlrRNAl!(JNAt t)l)f; U 111"'11 1 Wo1't t D\lf'l M t•\·I f .i li•O"" • M o ,t ... " I 1 • ,, .. r (, U t; I \ "I .... u al Y"'"' ()(t()(Mtr )I Pl@()o l ~ARRY t.1 I ~,t:tmO,.\ l it!'J" A,,,,tll,m• c ,. 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Jon H , 1'191 JIRA I P UHUC NOTICE t 0\ Puf ,.,.. 0 (1f,1f\ tf f I • f,.l t f .,1101 I l)n 011>-" Y \ {)I df1'\P..J ll• 6~•1f' (A Otfflll ff'• 0•1\llHH\ I', f'lf',,V(ft•cj IH'fl'f1P(3 ()•0°1ntor,h1' • ''"' f••h'"' ''"' ltl'1it1 C.fP.tf' (J ( """q 1•lrttn' '""'°'"'olt p~''""'' ny ' T "'' \fitl 1->-tnPnt ,...,., • 'Ad "" O t•or r ount 'f Cf Pf~ ol 0 1 ""tr· < nunt" on PCRl.I(' ~OTH t: Fl(Tt TIOOS 8USINl'.S~ NAME STAT(M(HT J1tnu•r t I\ 1~1 FlU1l•I f hf" ro11o w1no p .. r ,on ,, <1o•no PuOlt\~ C>-'f\Qf' (u .. \t o,.. I~ p IOI bu•.inft\\A\ Ja n te 1\ J f'b t • ·~t 111 Jj l MAt:hc•~ AGEN( '( 1"' Gralf" I ""• (<Ktrt Mof"\.A (.it 9?&Jo CAMPING IN ONE OF ANTARCTICA'S STRANGE, DAY VALLEYS Sclentlata dr1lllng to find out gleclel, geologlcel hlatory M oJr1t,4r R (htf•••n 'IU! •_..u,um1nQD1r(1 Ut Co\f4 Mii\.& Cd Pl!81.1(' NOTIC't: ~,.,, FICTITIOOS 8UMHESS NAME STATf.MENT 1 "'' OO~nft\\ " condut It'd by "" lh,. lollow1no Of"•\On\ .tr ,. J l'l•nQ STA.f(M (NTOF AeANOOHM(NT 1ncli•ifJu,)I --t • hu\tt'Nl'\\ "' O F USl O F M.eritdr R Ctutii4'n f /\ A l \ Ii A 0 H 0 1 I l FICTITIOUS 8USINl'.SS NAME I I nl\ \l•l...,,,.n1 *A' !ii"" #ofn ,,.,.. I A SS 0 f I A f r ".'J 1 ... c.,. n ,~' 11 I r n, .. •ollowirWJ Pf''""'.,,,\ At)Jlf'ldon~d lcount"t c1 .. ,1t of OranQf" (o6'nh on ~rtttM'"'"'P' 1801 0 P..uuourt P1,u .. ,,, ... u'" or ,,,, J • ht10"·· 8 11\•fl•, .. J"""-''• 1S 1qs1 F UJ71S t 100 ~n1A A~ (-' 97'01 ,..,..,n~ PuOll\hP<I C>M\Qlll Co.t\t O~lly Pilot I (o•b1n . All,.n 14~)} r ..--.f"o C A l AR/ll~A «.. f \TA1t ~ 1•S Jttn 18 U ~fib 1 8 1'911 11~11 """°"'v~I f I fOfO (,. ~101 p, omo11tor • Or''*" w .. ,, Nf'wOOr I D• ~:~: ~\ci'~~~';'.,· ~~~~ ~~'d•i~;;u• I ''";'~~ r/' .. '7~.. """""' N .m.. Pl IHI.I(' NOTIC't: •J L,.,.. 1 Miol\14'r 1~\l .. •1nqt1•n l,.rw rt-f •• ,, .... '0 ~t:w·"'''" w.-.~ •••""" "I 0f11r'IQf> :C.O\l•M,.\A (d 91&,. (oun~•,•-:.-l~,<n81 10111, ... -.... FICTITIOUS aUstNISS Th1\ nuo..trW\\ 1'\ ,ont1uc h11t1 b'f -. , .. ..-........ ,, ~ I t,\ NAM( STATEMENT Q"n@ra1Po8t,,,..,,h,,, ,P,omon10~., 0 11.,,. W,.\t N,.•OOrt '",.. •ot1ow1nq pf'r\on •\ d c1nQ Lf"f'J Molih•r n.,1uh (A 91bbQ bu\1nf'l\\1t!t RAMCO ENC",•Nf[RING Hit\ \fl'ff"fTW'nt WA' fll""'1 w1rn t~ l h1\ OU\H,.,,,, "''" t Ot\dU(f.-.fl "" ,.n (()Mf'ANY 401 tN L• y,., .. t:1• (aunty-(llil"r 9' of t>ntfiQf" I ounh f)n l•nd1v11'.J~AI \)riitnQ• Ca 91&6& JAnU~flfl\,1~1 (Mtlf'I\[ .,,,...dv A1th~fd A M•rrtfl, 401 w l • flr-.-Publl\firtd Or,.n«' (OA\t 0ddV Pilot (ounh Cl•'"' 0 1 O;,.nor County on Tf11\ t>u\1nr" t\ conductP.d by an ,,UJIO ,,,,, \t"'"""'"' W A\ lllt'd .,..,,, 1N-1V"'" #"rl,Or.-..Ciit t7M6 .J JAJI 18, H . I <'b I, 8, l'lftl lll 81 D•<'ml>., 11 I~ lnd ... du•I ••..!" -1" 1'11... Rt(hM<IA M#ttlll PUBU{' NOTIC:F. r\f'\\ a \ FICTITIOOS IUSINl;SS NAM( STATEMENT /\I SCRC.ENWOAK~ 11111 II'~ Strf'fllt, H1;nl1nq1on A .. llf n c~11totr'll.t .h .. W1tlla-mJOhn P11ulf'Y Jt t1111 A'" Stre•t Hunt1nqton 8~~t n. Ci1l1torn1A •1'41 Th•\ t>u~ln.-u '" conduct11d bv M1 1n dlvidual Wllllam John Paul,.y Jr Thh. 'l•te""""'t w•'° ttled \llrtth lh• Courtly Cl••~ ol O•Mll" CounlY on Je1wery1, 1•1. ,.,,,.,. Publl•""d Oran~ C:O.•I D•lly Pllol. J•n 11. 11 U. F•b I, 1•1 '°'It PUBLIC NOTICE fl' ITIOUI IUlllllU llAM9 ITAT1Maln Tiit 1011-1,.. "''°"' ere dolno llutlftftl •: MO NTCLAllt I, IOU Hele ·-· lnitflt, Collfwnl• '271• Tiit 11-.rt P. W.r"'Mflon Co la Ca lllornl• cer-•tl9111. 10'2 M•I• A-•· Intl,., Ce. '2714 Hutt9ft A_.._.-,. C:ellto"'ll -....~ ._ R. '"" ttrwe, Safttl AM, C.. ft"1 Tiiie ....... , 11 c~IM llY e .... ,.,'*"'* ... . Tiie "*'1 P. W-illltOfl Co. Wllli..J • ....._, ......,, """ ......... -ltlef '""' ... ,_,, Ctlf1I .. 0r8'191 (Wflty Ml J-rylt,"'1 . .. ...... ........ Or .... Ceett Delly Pl• JACKSON. t<IOOlll & SUCK\.ING '"" ,,.,...,_, •a' "'"° *"" lo• A"•"'"'' at Uw (ounh (l~rtl o• O r•nort County on " ... ,, ....... ,_ January a . 1 .. 1 Wtlll ,, ... 11111<11... fl'IU7JI ... N••"'1 c.-Ori.. TMIODOttl MO•AITIS. ISO. Now~_,..~.,... •-N--.. M-•. ·- Publl<r..d <>-"°"'' D•oly Pilot S.1'1• AM.~. fl711 Ja n ••. n, Feb I 8 '"' l1S" I Publl\ltf<I 0r ... oo Co.t•I Dally Pilot PUBUC NOTIC't: ,.ICTITIOUS aUSINIU NAM( STATl'.MINT T n• fOllO#tnQ ppr\-on\ ~, t doing bu\lntt\\ .. , FLAIRE HAIR FASHIONS •JOO• Ch•Pm•n AYf! . Garden c;,.,.,. Ca ti MO Meroaret Sln..,1, >t1• W Awai on, S.n I a A,.., C• "7 lot Ar<lllbeld Alta•ncltr Slew•rl, 1116 W Aw110n. S-le Ana. C•. "710CI Thi• bu•llWU I\ <onduct..i ..., a ........ , .,.,.,,_tl\lp Ar<lll• Sl•wM1 11111 \lat-I ••• lllld wllll Ille county Clerk ot Orenoo County on Jtnuary U, ••1 Jan II. H . F•b 1, 8, t'lftl ltt·tt FICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAMI STATIMINT 'hf' IOllOWlnQ swnon I\ dofnq OV\1 nP\\ 8\ MUSTOE INVESTMENTS. M>I £ Lamb.,1 RO<MI. L• H•bra. Cl lltornl• 'IOltJt H.,otd C Mu•to.. t ••O Norin C••OI Sl•ffl l a H•b••· Ct11t .. ,... I "io.JI Thi\ bu\ll\f'\\ I\ <ondultf'd by •n '" dl.ioual H•rold C Mu\10t r .... •lat ...... nl .... loltd •1111 , ... Coun11 Cltr~ of Oran~ County on J •nu••Y •. 1•1 "urn '""" Publl.-Or-Coast Delly PllOI Publl•IWG Or ..... (OHi O•lly Plfol, Jt~ ti, n. F•ll I, •• , .. , Ul .. I J •n II, 11. U. F•b t, "" 111·1• ..... ti.II.~'·'·"" ,....J' .. •t------------------.-..-..:.-.1 j '\ ; NATION SeiSmographic sense "Earth 1thake8, control what you put on it' I TADt~NA 1AP1 Th• ul<J man ·~ m • ('hair which ha11 becom• acr1.&&tomt'd to him Th• do11 . a lund of 1•neth· r lul l•r J•<'k b \ nitm e , barll• bet'auae hr 111 un•<'<'OUntably 1but in tht• ~lrno111 whll\! tht: \' li1lnn »r• hf'rt' T H t.: IJVlNt, ruu111 lb 11 l'luu .. 1 loo. i la Ila 111 booll1> 1111 th1 11 cu lt\la t'. nt>""'>IJlll.lt'r 1.'1 11>1>10 ~i. n\ 1111 a1:1n .. , "l"·nl'd .11nd un Optined miill I .. min1lirr \ or lh1H otht'r vo vrld (•UI thcrt' amJ n·111111 dt' r' ol J v. nrlcl I h.il ui.et1 l1J tw lt•IO\I tht "'ull 1h d ll old rll\mogra~h nv lonKef rt'c'orrl 1nttlht·!>hl\<'1' 1f th1-.uld t'•1lh Or l'h•rll·~ I' llu.•htcr 1~ a ~urt of i.e1~111o)(t41ph h1m~e1J. but ht' I!> ~llll '40rklOJ( iJI HO •~OB MOIU: Lh .. 11 hair a 1 c·n tur~ ht> hcc. ehartL'<.l Lhe Ydgar1e:. vr lhl~ lr-..m bllllli: CIHlh and g 1 .,. c n h 1 ., n d·ffi t' 1 u l h e logar1thm1r l>I ale that ii. u1>f'd to rneasurt:' those trembles Over the ) ears he hab hct·omc so mewhat r esign ed lo the ra1ltb1lit1es of his planet and the li1olog1cal form~ No lon.:er ot watch over a working se1s mol(raµh , he .:cit hi s rirst word on the Itali an earth- quake disaster last November from the regular newscasts . THE D•:ATll toll was sad bul not surµris1n~ ·· t:sµecia!ly 111 !flat part of the world ," he s ays, "the story repeats itself with painful regularity .. T he Italian poor continue to live in old. t·rum bling, masonry houses that clinli: to hillsides in earthquake country. The earth keeps shaking them down The people keep going back. "They don't seem to want to m ove." Richter s ays "But then ne ither do we .. ,., ....... ~- ADVOCATES UPGAAO"ING Dr. Cheri•• F. Richter II e t•hut:kles slighll y. but only sl1~htly bet.'8USe his own Sl'aJe of earthquake intensity shows that the ltalian tremors we re less po lent t han some that have hat Southern California No one moves away frum here either he figures, control what you put on It. lie has strived to upgrade the old buildings in downtown Lo6 Angeles because Richter can sm•ll potential dlaast.er ther-&. "WITH ALL DUE reapect and <'O n sid e ration f o r the pro- ress1onaJ men. experts and ad· ministrators who have been in- volved in this question," he says with deliberation, "I have to say they are all too young. ·'They didn't see what hap- pened In 1933 in the Long Beach earthquake. I did. "There 1s currently no con· ception of the extent or the degree of the destruction that actually tookoPlace · · H E I S SINCERELY C'On · c·e rned about downtown Los Angeles where thousands work in what he considers old, unsafe buildings. In 1933 and later quakes to the south and north, downtown Los Angeles cam e through all right. It h as lulled peoph: into thinking the old part of the city is safe. II is c·olleagues insist that this man who was never elected to th e Na t ional Academ y of Sciences is rarely applauded for WHEN IT COMES to earth-his major contribution. quakes, Rit'hter IS a pr actical That, t h ey say, was hi s man. So long._ as ear thquakes _ l;rndmark textboo_!_. .:'..Elemen· can't be prevented, man s hould tar y Se i s mology._" f irst use good sense when• he has to published in 1958. He simply put live with them. down everything he knew, they lie is guardedly upset with sav people who continue lo inhabit llis earthquake work, along fli msy buildings in earthquake with that or his tolleagues. was territory. and he as upset with in-important in selling the stage for adequately constructed build· plate tectonics. the theory thatthe ings that l'ontinue lo be used conti_nents are adrift, colliding although one day they almost with eac·h other, s wallowing up s urely will come tumbling down. crust anct driving 1l to the surface If you can't control the earth, again. · 'FAITH,' 'HOPE,' 'CHARITY': RUBY'S COMPANIONS Dolls from PoHum Trot heve own reatlng piece Fairyland gathers dust Jtmk to others was Ruby's treasure POSSUM T H01' <API lier face was framed hy the cracked ond dusty window from which she blindly gazed She had a name once, and Ruhy would know it in an instant, if Ruby were still here But s he 's not here anymore, and the forgotten doll s he left staring out the allk window was just one dccayinl-( reminder or the fairyland Huby Black left behind. Som e people callect the place a Junkyard. but others s aw the life.size wooden dolls Cal Black made for his wife as valuable folk art. TO CAL AND Ruby, it was Just Possum T rot a cactus - strewn ho mestead with a heller- akelter colltttion of desert rocks out front and an elabor ate doll theater alongside the house. It was th e r e i n side th e Birdcage Theater. that the child- less couple~s r edwood family came alive ror small a udiences -usually tourists who stopped off o n their way lo a ghost town three miles up the highway. · The dolls would sing a nd dance, talk and even pedal a sta· tlonary bicycle mounted on the 1tage. Outside, enticing the vis- itors off the hi1hway, dolla rode mlnlaturewlnd·spun carouaels. WHEN CAL DIED seven reara ace>. Ruby closed Pouum Trot lnd beaan to Ove the eccen- &rtc life of the old and lonely and eevlne. Trull plied up lnalde r modeat boun. Layer after er ol duat aettled undlaturbed ~-ber f\lnlture, on her Ufe, an ....... TIM 1Dtrr1·ac>-round1 cneked ... Ule ..... n.ted and nn.Jly stoppetl moving at a ll The dolls stopped sangin~ and 1lancing And the people , fo r the most part. stopped coming. "I cton 't think s he let the place go, .. saict friend De lores Griffin. "She JUst loved the dolls so much she couldn't sell them. She promised Cal she would protect the place. fl meant too much to her and she wanted t<> keep 1t just the same as it wes when he died ." BUT RUBY Ht\D leg trouble and didn't have the slrengh to run Possum Trot alone or the heart to let someone else do it. When well m eaning c hurc h members tried lo c lean the place up. she called her friend in ala r m "Dee, they're loading my stuff in a pickup and taking it away and they don't know what's there," she told Mrs . Griffin She feared they would take the 60-odd dolls. that they would throw Miss Babe Tangerine and Miss Maple in the truck with the rest of the trash. And Helen. "That there's Helen," Ruby would tell visitors. "She waves her arm and kicks her leg. Men really get a kick out of it when she lifts her leg like that.•' RUBY DIED LAST July. The pastor found her body Inside the · filthy house. Relatives came from Georgia to inspect the estate, then left without puttin1 a headstone on Ruby's deaert grave. Moat of the dolls were put ln store1e. Only a few remained1 seemlftc to wait for the cal'OUHI to tum, for the bicycle to pedal, for Ruby and Ca1 and the people who lo.ed them to return. It w• the drum ol ,.,... ~ who shared Huby and Cal's love for Possum Trot to see the place d eaned up, renovated and re- horn. A si>r·month search for in- vestors to take on the t•hore was futile. Now even the face in the win· dow is gone. Mrs . Griffin, as estate executor, said she sold all the dolls to a Los Angeles art gallery for $10,000. "I THINK SHE would be satis fied now," Mrs. Griffin said or Ruby. "The main thing is the dolls will be together; even if they won't be here." Mrs. GriCCin is trying to sell off the rest of Possum Trot the rocks, the antiques, t he weary house. It will t ake months to clear the homestead, Mrs . Gr iffin said, to erase the dirt and trash and fantasies of the couple who once lived there. Barbed wire now coils around the gate t o Possum Trot , threatening intruders Ruby once cam e out to greet as treasured company. · No gaily painted faces smile from the stage. No merry songs echo inside the silent theater. "IT 18 A SHAME," lamented Mrs. Griffin. "You know, Ruby received a lot of Cbrlatmas carda thla year. I Ht down lut week and anawered eech one . . . telllng people where she waa.'' Part ol the proceeds from the doll 11le went to bu)' twin he•d1tone1 for Ute~ alatkt' 1rav•. The mmen bear the name ol lnalband ud wlf 1 . TIMtr d•t• ol bh1b. Tbetr detel ol de- at.b. AIMI no mtatloa wh•taonw ol tb• f elrylad they built~. . . . Sunde~. Jenutary 25. 1911 A I' WI'""""' ALAN MOLLER CHARTS PATH OF TORNADOES Boyhood ambition becomea vacation job Tornado watcher fulfills ambition FORT WORTll, Texas I AP> Ahm Moller doesn't spend his vacation skiing, swimming or s unning on a s a ndy be ach Inste ad, fttr two weeks each spring, he grabs his cameras and chases tornadoes The 30 year old Nation a l Weather Service meteorologis t claims that stalking the elusive. swirling storms is "relaxing. en- te rtaining," a nd doesn't un de rs tand "why more people don't do it." ''When I was about '1 or 5, growing up" in For t Worth, I wanted despe rately to see a tornado,'· Moller said "When I wasn't out playing baseball, I was uul looking for tornadoes " B UT TH E DIMINUTIVE, bearded'Moller , a self-described "tornado freak." says there is m ore to <'hasing the killer storms than risking life and limb for a lit· lie excitement. "We go out a nd try to capture on film the exact time the storm forms. its touch down and dis- sipation. Ry going out and chas- ing them, I've found that storn:is which produce tornadoes have definite visual patte rns." he said "I've learned far more out in the fi eld than I ever learned in the classroom." Heavy rain and hail toward the southwest edge or a thun- derstorm signal the possibility of a developing twiste r. Moller said. Moller, who has been on the trail or twisters s ince 1971, said he uses the information gleaned from his many outings to teach "Skywarn" partic ipants mostly amateur radio t>perators li e r eca l l e d how th e ~roup started the Tornado In tercept Project, a field study for graduate s tudents tha t is work i n g in conjunction with thl· storm lab anct the uni vers1ly The group prepa res by study ing climate data and pinpointing an area where thundcrslMms are probable. "Then we drive out there and wail. After nine year~ of chasing tornadoes I can us ually prl'dict which thunderstorms will pro- duce," he said The majority of h1!<. trips havl' bee n lo westl'rn Tt·xas. ''OF THE 55 tornadoc~ I've seen, half of them have been out in the countryside nc<1r Amanllo or Lubbock." he s aid "The C'an yons out there s eem to be ideal forthcm." When a twister is born, the group members zig-zag <1cross the countryside recording its life and death on film, he said Moller claims his hobby isn't dange rous for .. <1 trained ob Sl'rver " but admits the ~roup has run into some ha ir raising s ituations "IN UNION ('IT\I, Okla . wt· <'ntered a storm from I ht• wrnn~ t'nd and all of a s udde n a tornado formccl about ICH) yards away," MollC'r s<11d ·· 1 panicked and cuuldn 'l get my seatbelt oH so I ducked un d c rncath th e das hbo ard I J>l'<·ked up and saw 1t JUSt lift riJ(hl over us " DAIL y PILOT CJ Lawyers'' residency pushed SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) -The legal profession should take a <'ue from the medical establis hment and push young - law school graduates lo take specialized res1dendes before going into legal practice. a<'- <'Ording lo the chairman of a na· tional legal task force. "At first blush, the idea may appear to be so revolutionary as to be both impractical and ridiculous." sai.d Nebraska Chief Jus tice Norman Krivosha, chairman of the National Con· ference or Chief Justices task force on bar admissions HE MADF. HIS rt'commcnda lion al the.> annual meeting of the Association of A'me rican I.aw Schools Hut in dealing with qucstmn~ about lawyer competence in lht' United States, he s aid. "we have ex h au s ted s o man y other alte rnatives without s ucces~. tha t pl'rhaps s uch a revolu tion a ry idea 1~ a ll that n · mains." lie proposed thut law sch0<JI graduat1•s who c·ho11s1· not 111 f u tr i 11 l h t• rt• s I d c n l' i e s ru r spec1aliza11on woulct bcl'Ome un cert 1 fit•d genera I practilionl'r<; who coul<I idC'nt1fy a legal pr<il?, I e m , p r o v 1 11 t• •· m e r g e n t ' \ servitt·~ if net·t•ssary and n·f1·1 lhl· <'11t•nt 111 :.i sp1•c1alisl DOCTORS WHO DO not l <1ke rl'S1dc11c1l'S also can bt· li rem,,,d to J)fa<·twt.· on <1 ~l'ncral ha!-.1~. liul mu~t young phy~1e·1ans rlo tak<> s11m1· sort of rcs1den•·} "Thl'fl' an· no short1·uh tc• competC'nl'y, .. Krivosha sa1rl adding that u system which <11 lows a youn~ lawyer to gain ex fl P r 1 •• n c t• 11 n ct c r µ r o pl' r supcrv1s11m is nccd<'d 1944·ioor deadfowul HECGIOLO. ltaly !Al'1 A liJ' by a former Italian res1stan<'c fighter led to the discovery or the re · mains of two G e rman soldiers. killed outside this north Italian town in 1944. The bones of the two un- 1de nt1 fi Pd s oldiers weri' t a k e n to th e !ora l t't•mNt·r:. aftt•r th1· man. who wa~ not 1dt•nt1fic·d. d1 st·lo ~c d th l·1r whcn•a bout ~ to th<· Milan new,pa1wr 11 C; wrno I wa ~ amo n g the• -par11~an~ whc1 sh•1t them to dt•:t lh 11n April l !M4 Afl c·r ,., manv vt·ar~ I think tht•\' musi h;. hu1wrt an a r·t•mc•lt•ry," lhc· man wa ~ quot1·d a~ ;..<iy1ng how lo Sl'Ot tell-tale rotating clouds in severe thunderstorms. TRAINF.D HAM RADIO operators, dubbed "s potters, .. arc c<11led on by the National Weather Ser vice to go out in the field when bad weather develops and watch the sky for the signs of developing to rnadoes that mclerologists cannot detect on rada r Acid rain seen Moller, who is m charge of the Skywarn progr am for northern Tex as. said his field studies have helped him lo make the early warning program in his area ''the best in the country." fi e makes his a nnua l tornado chase in April or May, "when the tornado season starts ." with a group of "tornado nuts" he met while doinl( graduate work at the University of Oklahoma in 1971 . ·'It started as a hobby, then w e got fund in g fro m the Weather Service's Severe Storm Lab in Norman, Okla .," Moller said. 2 measures miss ballot S ACRAMENTO CAP) - Initiatives to elim inate the sales tax and to r eorganize the Southern California Rapid Transit District have failed lo quallfyfortheJune 1982ballot. Calllomia Secretary or State March Fon1 Eu said that no signatures were sul]mltted for either measure. Tbe aalea tax propo1al waa • constitutional amendment need· in1 m . 790 alanaturea of re1· latered voten by Dee. 21. Jt waa •PGMOred b1. rtNonnen White ol Loi Aal•lea. TM npld trwlt meHun wu • atetutoey emend· meat nMdlnl Ml,llt •ilD•WW. b7 O.. •-ft wu aDOUONd bf llllcbHl Brodie of CDOt• Pull •nd "" Ca11foml• Aaocl.U. " Tr•nlk ltlden. i 1 • gruwing problem TORONTO IAP I The in coming Reagan admJmstrat1on will fa<'e yet anothe r environ- mental problem affcct1n 1i: in - dustry when it lakes over this month acid rain. T he U.S. Envi r o nmental Protection Agency is pulling together details from other gov- ernment agencies a nd is con· sidering proposals for amend- m ents lo the Clean Air Act. The changes would toughen the act to cover pollutants that cross slate boundaries. These steps and details on the harmful effe<'ts of acid rain to lakes, and possibly to forests in the long run, were discussed al the annual meeting or the Ameri<'an Association for the Advancement or Sclen<'e. ACID RAIN IS believed to be the result of man-ma de pollu- t a nts emitted into the at- mosphere, mainly oxides or sul- phur and nitro1en, and washed out by rain, often hundreds of miles from the sources. The s ul· phur oxides comF. trom the bum· Ing of fossil fuels such u coal and the 1mellln1 of ores. Nitrogen oxides are emitted from sucft stationary sources end from cars and trucks. The Ontario Minlatry of the Environment bas estimated some '8,000 lakes In eastern Canada have been killed by acid rain -u far aa flah life ta con- eerned -with potential dev- ut•Unl effeeta on aporta ftlh- ta1 a.a tourism. LU• ln the Adlrondlft Mounte1n1 In New Yon 1t11te ere emon1 areu af. f~ bJ •dd rain ln the United scatea. Some 10 · lo SO percent of Cen•••'• acid rain poll.._. .. ori~anatt• in lhl' l 'n1ted Statf'c;. acrord1n~ lo t•sl1mates riled by botany l'roft•!<.Sor Tho mas C ll utchin~on or the l 'naversity of Toronto IN MUCH OF thf' Midwest United States. particularly in the Ohio River Valley, coal-fired powe r plants burn high sulphur coal and arc cons idered major contributors to the acict rain problem in the Northeast, said llarry H. llovey of the New York Slate Department of Environ- m ental Conservation. The utilities. flovey s aid. con lend they are not r esponsible for acid rain or that there is not enough known about the pollu· tion to be s ure of its cause. They say according to Hovey. t hat no additional emission controls can be imposed until r esear ch proves the m guilty or contribut- ing to acid rain. The Clean Air Act must be re- a uthorized by Congress this year, Hovey noted, saying that a number of amendments may be introduced. This will be a n Im - portant time to address acid pre- c Ip 1 tall on and long range transported pollution, he said. THE EPA IS examining the question of controlling pollution that crosses state boundaries, accordln1 to Richard Dowd, director of the science advisory board for the a 1ency l n Wuhlqton, D.C. 'fM.&PA, Dowd Hid, bapll to introduce amendmenta to t.be C .. en Air Ad covertn1 edd ralll •fter Ute new edmJal1traUoa Uk11 over. -D•t•tl• of Uae •••IMlmelltl IH• 1et tO be ..-.. aut. ta...... ' ff DAAL 't PllOl " . . ( u 111rd•~· Jan11ery H . , .. , f 1" oz_. Use Answer lld service when placing your ad . . . a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your ad ... we take your messages 24 hours a day . . . you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only . , s7 .50 per week. For more inf.ormation and to place your ad call 642-4321. ,: ::-::: 3k' ~ ... Daily , P~lai ·: 642-4321 -' ;e . ~· ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ . \ . .. . • -------. . . ·······-··· ......................................... _ . .., ................ -···~-------,-. ' S unday, January 25. 1981 DAIL V PILOT .C9 ,~ .................................................................................................................................................. ...... The .Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell Trade It With It, Find It, a Want Ad [642-5678] One Call Service Fast Credit· Approval ~.~ .................... 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EQUAL HOUSING OPP O R TU N ITY ,..IMr't Metk•: \II rt1al «'al .,lt' ..,cJ >irrll>t'll •fl lh•> nt''lllap~r I> ,.ubJt'1 I lv lht' Fed .. r.-1 t a ir llvu> m~ \<'l uf I~ 14nu·h m.dto 11 111 .. 11 .. 1 111 .. d \fr\~t' u1n µrdt'rt'm't I 1Oill d l11 11 u I cJ I" 1 rim1n.1t1un b .. ~t·d 1111 r.llt' •·ulur rt'l1ic1vn :>t'.ll. or 11&t111n.il 11111(1n. or .1n mltnllvn Ill mJkl' 1 .111y :.u<·h vn· f 1· 1 t·1H'l' l1rn11 .1 1i'u11 111 111 , 1 nm111auon 1'tllb ncwi.pllpc r will 11ul know1n~ly 111:t·t•1i1 an) advertls1nl( fur re,d estute wh1t·h 1s 111 v1olu tmn oCthc lllw EAIOltS: AdYertt1~ .._.. c"9ck their .. daily .ct r.port .,.,. ron -...ohty. Th• DAIL y ,,LOT DIWIMI I 1-...y ffW the fint htcorred f111ertlo• ,...,. R•••U\1ful l1 t't' lllll'•l a t 1 t' l' I W u l k W ••\ ltll llUa(h fl., ... t'I j ilh•ll 11n.11 ... 1u1o 1u ,li.1k l' t1u111 h•~flll' ('h 111 llllllit h.e\ ... 111d1 .... \ .. nh.tm' 1111, l lit'UI 1111111 1·u\ ll' <11\l C. h 11 I Ill ti 11 o U II cl ' tldr<iw1;ull Clvo1., 1fr ~vr .. Lv1 > lflul h .,. di 111,11..t' Liie. llvlf hoW.t' .; bt'dUI \ Ill nlilll\ It'll ( dll U!> llOW SEA COVE PROPERTIES 714-631-6990 IA YFtlOHT /DOCK Dover SMr.1 6501( 3 br, 2 ba, easily expan dablc. favorable finanr in~ Oven Sal Sun, l 5 400 M urn1nl( St:Jr l.11 Owncr. ti42 51'157 A WAID WIMMER! 'lllt' 1't•t J .II'\• ur I 1 \Hit Pnn'<.1 thuu~.11111~ h1·l11v. lht' ~111111' 1110tll•l 111 1 .... .,,.1 l'OfhJltl\111 1''1«tllll l ' Ill <'ht(J\o ll,11!,tn 1111' 1'1111 I ~II\' I ti'> t' IJ 1J ,ll I \I J 11 1 I IHIV J lt' ,J llllllll ufl rnai.tt'r bUllt• ""'II\ I I reJd) tu \l'll .11 s1:~.!10t1 View View View Harbor View Hills l'all~.!til1U Corona del Mar C:SELECT T' PROPERTIES lhr . 31Ja . fam r rn. owm•r will fina 12', !->hort 1er m . 2.'i'. down. $4 CI\\ rwr Agt•rt l IH•I 58.5!1 OCEAN VIEW! S E L l.1-.H \\ 11 I FI :-.. ,\ N l' 1-: . I. ... I i.: l' I m uJt'rri Ul 1'1 .E~ :1 2 WILL DO I bdrm. 2 bJlh l'<ll h u111t :! car ji\arai.:i:. 'lll1tl••1 k GI ASSUME ~.900' 1 'l1't"d 2 (; 1 ·-. for 1h1t1hll' IRVINE \'I\ ~uh~11111t 1• 1111 lh1s PAHK l'LAt'E. d1111tT hcaut1ful \11•,,1 \ t'l'•lt• <.'Omer NEW :! ... run I -.; c. rt h 11111tl e I " II h b d r 111 s • :J h .1 I II .c111um uff 111,1!>t1•r h drm EQUESTRIAN ESTATE PONOl-:HOS \ 1111 1111· ~1r,•pl:.a1·1• 111 L1\ 1n i: 1· IJ1nrng 100111 f111•11l.1r1 •1)(1111 . "1,11 1111• 1.,c1h1·cll';tl 1 li.i<·k llay arl'a, 1 .11'1 ,. -; ma 1 l 1 t' m cc rt , I ,. c.J 1 Hdrm hurr11· 5 h1H ,,. ~t;iJls plll°' '1 lllcll\ I lo , I la1·k rcx1n1' l:! , '""""' 1111: ;.1va11.1111 .. $/i!:i 111111 l.u;ed~ of 1,,.., k ""' k , (·11111.: .... ti111!" ""'"''1 \ SE Li.EH WILi. 11 ~.1.I ' k1td11•11 v.1lh f.111111\ FINA:"\CI·:· s~~1 11H1 •·•1m 'l'hl· \' 1c1.1·1 "" WATERFRONT !has prn111·11\ 1~ .11 l•I . Clean lari.:1· .1 l11tr 111 :11 .wd lh1· p t 11·•· •~ he !11.,. bath. 2 :.lo•' tw1uL .! 111 J r k. ,. l ' ,, I 11_,. ,, 1 fin·pla n·'· ,·h.1k1· """' Sl:!2,'IUO S1•1it' ' :Ill!\ lari(<• rt'<IW1~1d d 1•1·k to 1 •vw. 1 ,11! tctda\ l11r .tll WJll'r ' t•d~t' f.Cll)> 111 I <fcLJJ..l.).152._lJ.!.iU s lora gt• c'otlH111•1, 111 ,........,. .................. ...., ___ .., g ar<IJ.:t' $.J.l~.5(t0 ' THE REAL INCl.L'Ol'I;(; l.1\Nll' ESTATERS lal»oa lay Prop. a!>k1111-i'' "" c ti! '", :,.it; Z:ll:l I THE REAL i ESTATERS EXE C U TIVE TOWHHOME 2H H 11111\ SI 11 1H11 Hurr JONf.S . This home truly lie s e r vt's 11' narnt• t-:le.:;i nll) dt•curated •1 Uedroom home felllures dramall<' cathedral c·eil mgs, accented by plush carpeting , decorato r I w;ilkovenngs. drapes & mirror!> Lovely garJt.>n 1 __________ 1 feature!> ru~tom fl ,. signed !>pa and c·o"•·n•t.I ~ffWSale patio T o loµ 11 .. 11 Redtors •675-7060. Rb\Ll \ l'C. · I'' N4C> ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• , creative r1nanr1 n~ l!l Gen1ral I 001 avu1l;eble This hom e lb l ru l> a S ELE C T •• ••• • •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • ., P H 0 P E R T Y l ' a I I For........ 751 :l l!ll Super value' l'an I lwat «=SEL ECT this price in Costa Mt.>sa T' PROPERTIES 1.urf.(e 2 story ho me with A :;LEEPER 5 t><.lrm~. 3 baths, 2 li ving rms New roof hist )'l'l1r. newl.v painted, <t\oc·;ido tr1•e All for s 121 .~uo Conv or V1\1t•r111~ l'all now' Clyde J ohnson Hltr 549 2644 DUPLEX SI 10 000 l'nme Costa J.tesa units l'lf'an re furbish ed· fo'manc1nl(: llur ry ('all for dl'lails' 646· 7171 YA TERMS! NEWPORT BEACHf The g1111cl f,.,111111•-. 111 lcH'al 111n , '1c·v. ll"" I '-;i:l'JU)>llJll, µh;·,w.d I 1111 dit1on. pnc ,. & 1111;,nc in.: {'1>mh1111·cl 1•1 111 1k•• these two hnu~ .. ~ on 1 lc11 ;i real Sll.'l•p1·r t'all 1111 alldt•t;.11b LAST CHAMCE I 2 bdrm lo"-11h11u"· Newport l'rt'~l ('f11M• 111 pool & tenn1~ 1·11111 h S157.000 M Al'll\'S'I \l'l"l"I IC SU\ I.I O!\I ll 1-. \ 1.'I \ 673-5354 Prest1 g1ous lo1·at1on Quit•t tree h1w d l'UI de sar street We ll dei.1gned hom e shows pridl' of owners hip l hru o ut Sparious lt vtng room features bnck f1repla{'e, s unn y f a m i l y room1k1tchcn rombin a · t1on, ha~ 2nd fireplal'C'. 3 hul(<' bdrm!> I.oath of THE REAL storagt'. lo.,. down. V·\ ... ES __ T._~_~_E_R_s_r ~;:s··•rak(' advanltti(e I 3 BR, FAM RM. 645-0303 -POO~ l'o µla c·c·) •JUI m 1•,,a I!" bclore I ht• rt•:.11llni.: 1rn hi"" ph11111· Dall) 1'1!01 t'l;m,1f11•tl 11-t:: 51:7>i CUSSllllD HOUllS \fl\ 1q '"''' .. "'·' \ 1•1.ti j• !ht 1r .111' t1\ 1111 11liw1i• 'I UO ,, 111 111 • UI p 111 ""'111,1\ thru ~ 1111 •• , I( ht ntt111tl "·•lllHl,H I'! '" T \ \I~ .... \11 ~ I 11 I 1'-1 Y, II" I •-.1'•',-,,..,. Ill' ll'C,111' II~ \t II I \C ;t '" llt \1 II 1o:n' t '"''' ''""' l ... J.tun ... •~· .. , h 1•.a • .._""' '"111111 ·111 'I\ tll,d ,,.., ... ,. l/.'ff CUS\Wtto OUDLMS l•t•11iflm1• rr.r , .. ,,, & k1tl' '" ·, .111 I' 111 I h1 •l.t\ l;i·f•it ,. puhlit .1f "'" 1•\11pl lur 'u111l.1\ ~ \l11nd+t\ t-:11111"0' v.tu•11 il••11d tin• P• "Ml ur d.1' I(! tit MIU CUSSlflto IKUUTIOt4S ~llllClllS l\1l1t•rl"''I' 'ho ultl t'h 111•k tttt11t ·"" da llv lit rt•p•irt 11rro1., 1 m m •· ti tt• I " I \ T ft t-: llAfl.\' 1'11.•IT ·•"um•·' loJh1l11 y lur lh" ''"' m(•nrrt'1 I ln4't•rt1nn onh 1·,\ ,c·~.I l.ATIO'' Wht•fl k1lllnu ,en ,,rt 111· ,un,• IH mflk•• .1 n•t•ord ur •h·· 1\11 .1. "' \lllt.11 •t1 \PO \OU h\' \HOr ,t(1 tnk~r ._,, rt-"C't•1pt nf \our 1 •nr .. llniwn Tho' kill n u m h t' r n1 u ' 1 h l' r r··.:.-nt1-iod h\ tht• .td\ rrt1~·r in , u'f' "' .. d1•puh• ('t\;li('t'.1.1 ATl ll~ OH ('OH H flt'TIOS m· 'llf:W A n R t:~·on t: Hl':'llNIM ; t:vtry ellort I• tt101lt 111 kill or mrrttl o nt1 .. all Iha! hos IM<t•n 11rcl\lr\ld hUI wt ranni~ ~uar1nlrf 10 ilo Ml unlll 111 .. ~ti ha~ ioppl'nrMI en lhr Jl811t'r UIM f'. A l.INt; AllS ThH~ 1d~ url' ~triclly l'H h In adv•nct by mill nr 11 •ny nnl' ol our <tllitf'~ NO ph<111.-llf'dl'" Oudllne 3 p.m t'nd1y C'n11t1 Ml'!'a ollkl' 6 12 noon at 111 branch of fit .. TtU: DAll,Y PILOT nnrvu the rl11ht to clHtily. edit. NnlCll' or r ' f u • r a n y 1dvffll11Wltlrn1, 111d 111 t lllftlf IU flUl • ,.. .... ._ wtthoul "'* llltlff. ••11 ------P.o ...... c.e. .... ' COLDWeLL BANl(eRC NOTICE how U:uly l'llol l'l..1-;s 11'1l~I adi. 111:.µlay 1he1r llll'SS:J).!C~ With fc1:1l.11hty and 1rnpat·l"' Our ads. wt• an• proud to )>:ty. re ally J(N results Phnnl' 1;.i.2 ~i7ll One of In lllt' ~ """' e !> 1 a h I 1 ' h l' d 1 11 '" I munit1e' rn an 1"1C<'"lh·nl locauon :1 h1 i.: t.clrm' 1 d en + fan1 11\ r1•11m Re au I Ir u I ' I .... ~ I 1111· I f1rt·µlal l' 111 l.1•11il. room The l>.H'k ',11 d 1, an enlt·11:c1n1·r' 1t1·l1j.!lcl w i th ~p ;irk l111 j.! pu11I huge pal1•1. ti'• rifll' 1111 ' cntt·r l11 1n1ni: ''"' 11c·c h1J?hly mot1v.1t1«I , 1·,dl now. won l lai.l ·1:,11 171~1 THE REAL ESTATERS Ha ve son·wth1111' lo .,,.If • Cla!-.'>1f1t·d act ... 1!1111 v. .. 11 LIDO PENIN. BAYFRONT CONDO Lovely lwcp 21r + cMtt, l ba. cCMIClo w/paffo ricJM °" tt. w.._,.. C111toM •lrron. pl•t .. iolt .,..•rt & pa ... firs. COllllpl WtWt ldtclMw w/~ 1-clry rooM ...... MC.tty bide) w fboahHp a•oil. OwNr will coHlct.r IH/opt. Vac .... lllOYe • ROW. $625,000. °'" Sat/S. 12-4. 6ll Lido ,arti Dr. Fl. SH H.e..AlilOft. WA TEIFROMT HOMES IE.AL TORS, IMC. 631-1400 WOID UMI ------f4 ... 4 "' Cl.U a '01LA" ------o •-•onoe •h• 6 1<1ombled w&d' t,,..Jow 'o mo'e 6 ""'plr-~d' Punl let1•'t of e<M.h 1n , ... line of "°"otM I LAT SUE I I I I I' I I RAV BE L I I, I 1· I R 0 P L 0 Y I I I I I CERSUP I 1--1 .... ,-,,.._l,........,l,........,l,..'-t 1_'11 say ope thing for the '"---1 __ .._ _ __._......._ .... __ ._ _ __,_ pollce del)artment. They ~---".....-. ...... ----4· the balloons after l he I H • E N E V I atwaya want you to blow up .____I ...... I ........ l'_.._I _....1--J ·-.. ·· ..... h ..... .....-... --.r-"9-.,..-t G C-ple•• the ch..ckle q..-.f I HOPNAR I t I' ' I I I I by 1111::1 In the '"""'nl _,d1 .... ,__,_ .................... ,..._ ...... --I yow ~1'=... ~ ~· '*°"· (71 4)673-6210 • SURFSIDE COHDO Walk lo th•• p11 ·111•t111i.: .,urf l111ni lh1~ I 1!1ir 111 ' ,.,IOI\ l 'r111·t.l .11 1111\ $10:1.()()(1 ()Wiii I ... ,II ' f;.t>;l .,;cit• !'-1111111 I 111, l1·rtn' ·r<.ak•· .,,t, .11•1 .n ,. LUXURIOUS TOWMHOME 1>1'~11-!ller ".cl lp :q11•r 1 I 11f !t/!1 >fj" pl.111l11l1w1 'hullt,., 11.11 11ut•t J)u111'' .uui n11r1111 ··1! \\,1tolrcoli1·' ~•re· J"'l 1 l''"" 011bla111l111 1' l1 .. .t1111•' I \OU il I ond 111111" 111\ l'h' :J I II 1t r n1 2 • · Ii •• I 11 111wnhon11· l,11 111 "''" q11<1ltl \, f 11r 11 111\ Sl:JJ}1UO' Ol'EN S1\T S I':'\ I 11':\1 IOI ASP!-::\' I. \NI-: ('llST\ \i ~.S \ <'.di for 1111,, I 1••11" tj4I; 7171 ALLSTA TE REALTORS C.ALIFORNI" DREAM Iii .1111ifull)o i.p.11 '"''~ r Bdrm h on ... 111 1:11·o11 lt11111:011 ~·.1hul111;• l;i1111 h n w1n1 'I ,,, ··r~ ,, 4• J t o • I ~ J • , J ' tt I y, tl1pi1 jJl'o ,, '""' 11• 11 ~PO ')1(1 t ', ll 11111.1 THE R EAL _E_s_T._'.A:._T_E_R_s__, : A LL ST A TE I REALTORS S92,900 ASSUMABLE :1 llclrm. 2 h.11 It h11rr11· A IJltrllX !I y r~ \'1Jll11 i.! F ucpl;,.., purquc1 l'n t • ' h 11 I!•· I• a 1 1 11 J.! rt·•·u h uu 1· ,p 111·r • I 1•1 rh~o: u11•·r1••1 '-'' •• I •· f .... , q •t So. Calif. Rf'alty 46-5605 BEST PRICE ·FREE SEMINAR• -1.~:1\llN w h .11 ;1 tr111 ~· • 1>r''~' an1 ~ 1 vt•., ~ p11 •I I 1\H"ilcu1111 l11k1 1·p, t 'i.•,furr,,•1 (c,, \. •• ,,. ·I I \I( • 111 .... ,., • I I 1. •, ill t111· 1l11rn •1.l.:\11:-. how 111111.1k1• rt1t1\t •f''l VtJUf h i&\ f I "' Call Fur F .. •1· I 1• kt'I •957-8781)• •Re-atty Network• NEWPORT 111 r h (' .,. f' r r , I(' • • ti r ! I nl\•·r-.11 \ l'.JI k w••ll 1111 ·•ll•cl i! lll'clr<~llll .. h.clh honw on a l'11rw·c l11l I Orw 11f (h:cngt· 1"1111111)' 'I S9 SO O lif'lh•r •·•1m 1nun1t I''" I • 1•11o •· 1111 l11cl1 • .ell 1111111 11•'" '.J IH111 h 1 Ill k1t1·h1·11 ..... di !o1 .... di I 1·ol r.1 l .. 1 j'•' lul '" 1·:.r '.t t1t1J.' inti , ''" '"'" • P\\J,.iu1 HP,1• 11 u' dt tl1,JIM'l lt'> 11 ........... 11.~ I '·" 1., •.• 111111 :-v lllU•I· I 1hl•-a111t ,,11"11'u" 111 .1·!1 f.,, "" lclllc• rTcflll"\ .11 •mh $1;!1 'l•U• I .ill I l·forry 1·all •~t·l Iii · 1 ~,:A. ll-im THE REAL c=sELECT I I PROPERTI ES ESTATERS I I .. I c , I \'. I I H . 1 ( II I I [It \. /'/ [ '11 1111/1•\ tlf;tl 'I /'II• U•t1r•/1 II ,,,. "'j'•'" ,,, $l1J'J l~ti' "" t _1/,1J11ft/jlplf ~J /OJU 111 (1 I ,,\/titfl tf"\•tJ;• l: ,/ 11 t11t1·11~t11·, Hiid '1111 I h 'U ~11•• l., 11Jl•1r11I IJ 1''1 t1 ~·-'•'Id 111l11;r;l,n11l11m \i l\11 llt1rlu1t 1:11lt/t' lwfor1• 11 m t tP11 tld pn11u1rt11;Ht1l 'HU1t11lf1• 1·1tltH' •11•1 t;t• I I .. ' OCEANFRONT TRIPLEX & POINT .Ju s t lis ted 3 r c.tr t> & prim e propertic·s wi th seller a ssiste<l financing. "L.A . T1ml'f. .. January lfith, 1981 .. , "The dollar advanced s harpl y Thurs da y partl y o n e xpectation that interest r ates will not decline substantially". OCl.AtRONT _..IWPOllT llACH 2 very ra re oceanfront triple xes only 8 year s old .Just listf'<l ror $990.000 each with the sellers willing t o carry T D. at 13 "4 amortized over 30 years with no balloon payment. ......... '°'"' .. Newly remodeled 2 bdrm plus convertible den listed at $375,000 with seller carrying T .D: at 13% interest amortized over 30 years with a 10 year due date . .. -Y. llALTOI UllMl.,.,.IW..~._.' 671-tUI 14 ••ICI W HAT LOCATION!!! :1 Hcln11 1 " r 1111111 2 Hath Pt•nin..,ula hnnw 011 ;1 hq• H l h11dd a l1l1• lot 1u...i 1110 · l o 111•,1<'11 i\11 n.:" '1·:.1 1pt•t1ng. d1 <ttw.., t hri10 11I l,1·;iJJ\ rltt'f'Prt'nl ' Onf\ '>;;.!.l!r 100 \\II h l •'l'I l!-t BE CAREFUL!! lHIS H A$ TO GO FAST! I .t!..1· 11\ I I )It I 1 . • II I I I' 1111 •·n·-.1 ftxC'<I r ;.itc· I~ dr1111n1 :.! Hath n I I 'I >I \ 11 ,. II ;1 1 '-·O ( 11:1 • I f'l.1• I !11th ''1111 "" llt'I \\ill I .t f I I I 111 \. I"' (. &ALBOA TRIPLEX . ~"I" , 11·rd ,11 I\\ 1• llt'dn111111:-. r \\ o ht·d I 110111 (.. \lllt l11 d 11<1111 $:ill,(1t1(1 tf11\\11 \-.~111~· ~"tit1111 111 l .;1 r r• .... i11 I .II I \ .•NIT~ I f lh. I, I· i , l •. ~ 1 rr 1 'u. 1 '' \\ II I 1' le If I 1 I ,, ~lllillM M t I ll 1111, lldt "'" 1111 '"" ·'. "" "~ JAC OBS REALTY 675-b670 2919 Newport Bl•d com er· 30to I~-. HUNTING f Ot-t ·-...---.... -- VILLAGE 1 \I( \I' I , 11' I ti 1 Bd111 .... :1 t I I I" 1•·lh11l 1!tl "'" lllj'(lln \ 111 11'1 I l 1111 ,ell\ lu( ,,,,.I t1 '11 tt,1· I 1'.H I \\ 11 k II• I 1 I ,, 11• 1• 1, hnp h11tt11 't f I #ti• '-* JC\ I 11,\li I II; f ,. If I , .... 11• 1 pt" ti BAC~ SAY • I • • t• I' d I ' •H t '• '; 140.COO VIEW •Ir 'I• It , 1 d 1~ • ,,,.,.•;11&1 .11 ltl"•,, I I 1 k ,! 111 I I ,, •\\. ' "' l ... GUARD EV .111t1 n .... 11 'I 1 ore .1 11 I 1, ,, ln14 otu• 11 1 • • " ii t1·n· 1 111t1 .. 111, I 11 'l 1 .. ~ l • ' Jo\.. '1c.)l•11 Qlt) 644·8; ('rl 1h ''*' 1 11 I SI JZ .• OO USTS tDE '• I ti ... I .. 1\ t I I i fti• 1 I .t·• ill f11f I h• ' 111 1 I 1\\ lh J \I I I '• • ., l:i7,SOO .. LLER UAL TY S46·08 I 4 OR VIEW OMES IJiJl'f,&11 \I ' !II •:If• 11111111' 11v1·rl11o~n· 1•1· 'i •1,1 \.\',ilk 111 p111111! 1111'111 ''' 1,.11,1 ·. r; 1•o11 tltl 11 ••II k irt ' .fl l,1(1 I ·,h11 p ••1 c1l 11 .. 1-... ,,: r.irr1 .1111111 l 'c111111 1, riro ,,..111& \lt: h.11 , !.r1·k (.1 ·1•1.cr•1· 11111 b1 o11k·,h1·h• :-. I 1r~t :11 •I "rt I, ,,, •'rt'<I 11.t11n 1 h.:r ms & :1 h:1lh•. 111 .11 11• 111 "l'I• IX'•· ~j'\\l/(lrl tit/I• ()1 1 1pc·r1 t.;,1 f 8.-"'111, I t o '1 Pll'· ,.,.. r 1qfo• ,11 q;J'1tJ .00P i 7 14> 6 73-4400 Tti,· l':I 11 0 8 r8J8 '..J(•-J\t•. 0 • •>'ll' ' R of E ~tat1 ~•rm MAGNIFICENT COM 180 cfP..q. OCEAM VtfW :l 11r I Hdrin.., 2 hat h:-. Hum pus 1<0 0111 .I /\( ·1 ·zz1 <'ustotn rna ~tl'r llrl r rn w f1n•pl<H'l' $100.000 down. owne r will l'.trr \ :.it 12 · int 2501 llart.>or V1t'"" D r. Op<m Sundav 1·5 As k fnr Slf"v1·11 (;,.ori« CORONA DH MAR CHARMER I " 11 !in11~1· 1111 l.iri:tt lol w a lk to h <•:1d 1 or· F:1~h111n bland. English Tud or. :1 Bdrm'" pc•J.!g t•rl o a k floo r -: F 1n•pl :1<·•'. C''mtt•mp f't'ar 111111 Olll'll ~a l I 5 :.i t fi 04 fi05 1\ \ 11t•;.ido r '.111 Lorr:11n1.' R:tst'hE>. 6 UNITS -COM Wa lk to I lit• he~1 1'1'1. Super finanring av 111l:1hlP F11 ur 2 .Rdrms. & lwo I 1\drm. irarlud1p~ spacious owner 's 1111 it ('all Lorr a inc Basche . SAN JUAN CAPO IAICH Two homes.: 5 bdrms. 5 baths each . 11 acres of land. Divisible into 2 acre parcels. $400.000 each, $100 ,000 down. Owner will carry at 14'* int. for 10 years . Call Steven George for deta ils. ~ 714 •. 673-1600 ~ WM. I. DOUO & CO., INC. R1 .. 1,., EM. 1117 HH I, C.... Hwy., 5h J07 (?14t~ •iCerw _,..._CA tun OPEN TODAY 1-5 UNIQUE IN I AYSHORES Ht'llHHl1:·kd " l>drm i111mt· Pili:-. ~ut·:-,t howw Sunn y, •,1 •· II' $:1111 .tHHi :-,,.,. H1•1 I H1•c I\ '11wn<·1 al.!I 1 .1 t ~fl l i \'1 ... 1a l>r UNIQUf lt-4 HAltlOR VIEW Hl\lS 1 l1·1•;rn v1•'\''· 1 hdrm' fam rm . :1 n ir ~;1 r a g I' h1 tj'hl opo•n ft•f'lt(IJ!.. $.Wl,00() ~t·c· l>ott II' loh 11-.11n ·11 fY!li T111h1di' I 1n•· UNIQUE IN ltG CAt .. YOH Hl'<t 1t 111,111 I ·1l>d 1 1r1 !111111 '"" 1-alt'cl .-1 <' 1. .t 111'. fr 11111 I .s I J.. s .. !J:i f j(l,) S.-1 \ "' 1•1 l1·rw 111111 ·11 I' I •11 nin1• frt•P UHIQUf IH O lO C ONOMA DEL MAR 2 IHJl'f•1 'JI '1 1 'ti'/\ lci(I , .... 1f l1 p;1{111:-.. .lt•t 1 1 • li 'l'I ' l1'lfl ~cc .f od1 I·• 1 n .. r11I• / d .1CI.' \1 ..... lJH19UE I~ IRVtHf TEIR•Cf :1 l')rlrm ii• .i. p•.11•1 11111 \·;11·;11.t S<•• '.\i.id1n1• I"'"' ·" I'll~· ~:1111.1111•li;1 T 1•ff;J('t', I\ I ''IJ' ·~I ~H !100 · 1 ·~N «. t . Hl Al I UI<~. 6 7'; f.000 11 1 t t ... , ' ,11,,..f I f1.,1 .,, , ( t1 .,,..t tt .... I M"' W f; H AVE '6 or THE UST LISTINGS ,,... l O WI" I V..1 11l .\1t lhil' MIL LIO N $$ PROPERTI ES CUSTOM BAYFRONTS I WITH BOAT DOCKS .111 f ~)ll 'lj I I ~ Jf 1 I lm l'I' Shon·~ '\, \~ "' >r1 He :11 · i BIG CANYON ,, 11111 1,•1 1•1 1rn1· \0 1t'"' Lot --=x~1:1 om I Hd 1 ni !{(•s1dPnc1:· l'or 111or1111!•11111:t11n1111111i11ngi:; t I I 1 1,111 I ''"' R(r~D/RJ;ALtyll' \__; ~} J v l 6 75-231 1 .,.~---------------------~ .J.AaJAi,f-1$l.W..~l.&.AVWA•A•A-:W.<.j1•.A.9A ... \&NW.X•A•A4. ~ COTf. .. 1~ ·-"··~· 1''' It -~ I , it ,1 You' ce Arrived at . IRVINE Lo"•I\· :1 !'dl'111 .. , IJ;qh ~1 ngh' t.1mtly lto 111t· \\ 1tl1 \ J•.li \ p1 1\'alt:' \an t.':\ 1111 lc w ;1l 1e111. 1·lr"1' to ... d1nob. s l11.p11111 ).! .111.t l rt·C'\\.1\ ~lfil.:iOO lh\lll'r \~1 111•:1rr.' ~11d :~i Alrnon11 Tr l'l' I .n 0 1x·n S:il l 1 ~. Sund a ~· 11 :i LAGUNA HILLS E x (' (' p I l U II :i I 0 \\ n (' i.:. r In <I n (' 1 ll .I.! "' atlahlt: al r:tll'S bclO\\ p n ·,·a1hn" 11n I Bdrm 21 • hath lamth and c•nt c rta1ntn).! hom1.• \\1th 110111 nnct s pa.-< >ff t'l'l..'d :.i I $217 500 LAGUNA BEACH Blue wtttcr vist as abound from this 3 Bdrm. 2 ba home. Just steps to Victoria Rca(:h. Owner will carry a l ar~c 2nd trust deed. Offered at $259.500. 2075 Sen Joequln Htlla Rd. AcroH from BIG CANYON Newport .. ech 140-5777 ~YN..01 • ,_ macnab I Irvine realty A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY CUI TOM C..-0 ..,_., .. W Nol •1 E le1ant. newly r .. mock-1~ • expand.-d l BR home w/formal dinln1 ----rnr 1'1tand tntrlttm w -brkfat .rH. s•t"luded sea 6 t·x~rt·tJtt-rm 1·omplt•h' "" h~lh SpukUng pool. ~.000 IO ("IUrtt•' l.11HI 1 )f•t-~ Sl 'N '~ n .. llt' ('has(> Let' not ' f\2\10 t I i(I IATSHCm ,....._, ~Th.-ntchl l0t•auon and the 1 u.:hl 11111, t "''' 111 I" 1 h t-.H h pnn·d at $.175:000 ~ I.: .tnumablt· 111.&11 & wllt>r ""1lhn.: to ht>lp w lfmancanll( OPE. Sl':\ 1 5 2642' <'IHl'l I': t>H Oona Chichester "42 ~l\ 1Z 31 • llCLUSIYI HAllOI llD.11 M a~n1f1<.'ent Frenr h ~~d1lern.rnt'1rn 5 Bk Villa w ~i levels of hand<'rafted sta1n·a!i.C~. m~ll' · & t'Xt'<'Ultvf' l'tuat cs & VIEW 5 fplr. 1•lt·\ ,11111 '""'I "P" 1' .,,nuta Sol !100 .000 Lv111w vall•ntme &44 6200 I Z 32 > 121 "Of-WATH NOMTAM! w dockatiee.ror 80' boat on I~ t·umer lot in Hunlinj?ton Harbour Magnificent 4 BR home an C'I gourmet k1l t'hen. formal dining rm lg game rm & Ml'CH MORE Shown by appt onl~· St.475.000 lk lhan.' F;dkt•11sk11 1 ti·I:! H2:1.'i I Z :tJ l FAIULOUS WY&LASS! Sm~lt' st or~· "Ports mouth .. w /3 BR, 2 ha ths . & formal dmmli! rm Located on lti? comer tot w1room for pool & s pa Lots of privacy $.'>19.000 ind land Gods hall' Fix t>44 6200 I Z 34 ) llOOIMIW -FOaMH MOOILI Hill!hly upgraded 3 BR. 2'fi bath to wnhom e w/fpk & decorator accents . Close to pool & elubhouse. OP EN SUN 1-5. 636 Lak'evie w Col->ta Mesa $143.500. Myrna Boom 551 -8700. <Z·35) II& CA.MYON EJTATI! A truly marvelous 4 BR & 7 bath home w/pool & spa. Dramatic French an ·hitecture w 'no detail overlooked. Solid oak doors & paneling. 2 lg patios. rose garden & lake. golf course & country VJ E WS. $2.300.000 Barbara Aune 642-8235. < Z-36> LIHDA ISLE! Beautiful s pot on the lagoon w/52' on the hav ('u.'\tom Medite r ranean home w/4 BR ind maids rrri. t'urvcd stairC'a se. crystal c handeliers & high c·c1lmgs $1.R.'>0.000 Cathv S<·hweickert 642·8235. (Z 37 > DIAMATIC E:l.IGAMCE! Custom 4 BR Broadmoor home w statel v M urt va rd e ntrv & blk /wht m arble foye r . Patao l)(lol arc• · E:·xtentions of li ving & dinin~ areas affording complete pr ivacy. $650,000 Lynne Vale ntine H44 fi2<X) ( Z 38 1 EASTILUFf VIEW & 'OOL! High on a hillsid e street -to-street lot in excellent condition featurin~ 3 B RS. family rm & lg fo rmal dining rm Priced to sell at $279.500 Shown h y appt only. Larry Dyer 642·8235. <Z 391 WOOOlllDGE LAMDIMG-JM rtTEIS! Dramatic 2 level Plan on a s uper c ul·de·sac location. French doors, fa mll~· rm & dining rm. wet bar. upgraded kitchen & m <1n .'· more ft'atu n •s Appt only Marion Frizzell 55 1 R7fXJ I Z 40 I MEW~ HEIGHTS WITH VllW! Custom tri·level 3 BR home· w formal d ining & step-down living rm w/deck <:ourmet k1tr·he n. separate mstr s uite. Close to schools & heaC'hel'>. Fina n ci ng available. $399.000 Lynne \'a lenltnt' fl44 6200 ( Z-41 J MAH AM Offflt! One of the largest lots in thE! e xclusive "The Countn " scrt ion of Diamond Bar. 4 acres to huilrl an equestrian E:•state'. $175.000 Tom Allinson f>42 R235 I Z-42 > • LUXURIOUS HOME WITH WA! Flawless Madison .mode l has total privacy & one of the most dazzling views in Turtll' Rork 3 RR. famil v rm w /ente rtainment center & s paC'ious .stuci~· S.139.000 Madeline Crawford 752·1414. IZ 431 MEW OfffllMG! Ha rhor View Knolls 3 BR. 21 z bath h<1me w l'ha rming bay windows complete w/window seats'. Cus tom shutters. French doors, comm pool & tennis . $249.000 Lois Egan 644-6200. CZ·44) MOllU HOME IM THI HOVIS! Immaculate 2 BR. 2 hath double Lancer in 5·st ar park. All t he amenities needed to please the most discriminating. Immedi ate possession $74.500 Be lle Chase Lee 644 -6200. CZ-45 > S'ACIOUS CUSTOM HOMI! 5 BR & approx 4,000 sq. rt. o r l iving a rea for a growing fam ily . P ool & has ketball /hadminton court for outdoo r pleasure . $439,5(,t> To m Allinson 642·8235. <Z-46) ILUFfS! End unit "X " Plan w/spacious greenbelt location 2 levels of family living include 3 BR. family rm. dining rm, a nd patio. Financing available. $239,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200. <Z·47 ) WOODlllMI •LIM! "Lovely Ash" model w/2BR upstairs. beautiful earthtones & brick concrete patio a rea. Sellers are motivated. $110.900 Jamie Wilkinson 551·8700. <Z-48> 11¥1 .. TmaACI ,.ONT IOW! Sensational view of bay, isla nds & lights . 3 BR. 5 baths, lg playrm & library. Seller will help finance. 1690,000 leasehold. Cathy :; ... :.weickert 642-8235. (Z-49) DISTa•Ulstm LOCATIOMI On the Peninsula point: 4 BR + bonus rm. upstairs living rm w/elevalor for your convenience . Watch the sunsets from this beautiful oct.anfront home . 1750,000 Amy Gaston 642-~ (Z-50) Piii•• ii' NOMI wmt YllW1 Beautifully appointed 3 BR. 21h bath. home w/2 fplc & formal dlnin1 rm, cul·de-sac location, 3 car garage Ir air cond. S389,000 Lorraine Rennie 752-1414. <Z-51) 752-1414 551-1700 ( JrT'r'U'> VtJllPy ( P f"IPr W1 ndbridqe (PntPr 642-1235 644-6200 QQ I Dover OrivP Hmbor V 1Pw Center \ • • ·-Ml....... IMIUlt ... .. ............•.......... ..................... , .. •... .. , .. , ... ,.. . .. . ....................... ··············~········ * * * * * * Heritage Collection IN ASSUMAIU LOAM OflM TOOA Y I J.JPM J7ll LOllMZO, C.M. Immaculate 3 bdrm + bonus room with bar Neu new earthlone carpNs. shuttt•rs & nl'w ti le in Kitchen. Lovely ya rd with stora~e s hed . As k in~ srns.ooo For an appt to see., rail 540 1151 IMVESTOIS DELIGHT Maximum levt·ra~r with $5.000 down. 2 fMrm ('Ondo Owner will carry balanc<' with ugn•t•ahlt• tt•rms and pay mt•nts Cross 1nrnmt• $.Si100. Askm~ S7fi,900 ('al~ !>10 1151 for m ore cteta als INVESTORS, 20°/o DOWN Sharp triplt•x . fl'aturing sc>pa1·att·· gara~es a'nd pat ios N<•w roof. raq 1(•ls a nd drapt•s Ownt•r will l'a rr~· 1 tw finarwrng at 1:P 11 ; Askin~ $tf..'i,OOO f<'or mun• dt•I a a ls. 1·a II ~O 1151 HERITAGE REALTORS BA YFRONT LOT On pn•st1i.:io11:-. llarhor Island w1I h PH IVATE pwr and f111;11 for lari.:1· \'ill' ht lk :111l 1f11I I all I,.,., • ., •tncl 11ld1•1 rt·~rcknC'f' $1 . 7~0.t"KI I f'rm~ 17141 6 73-4400 12131 621-2828 Thr Harbor Arra 's ~'t R.al htatr Firm I l .c \J ti I( >I l I• .......... hec~ooll to U..Oflnt °'84 SAT. 12·4 OCEAN VIEW HOME l•wllM .ew 4 ... 21/J ..... ........ .._ ...... r"Ndy ... i-••• OCup9Cy. he .... qHllty c••fnlctlO.. l•c ... • .... , ..... O..nhed -~!Mr. brlcll fir1pl•u. c•r-lc, Ht.. Mirrored •••••. f .. IAHI llftc .... wtllll I IHC ......... ..... ~ .. -.. Ott.red .. SI 7t,500. I ZO C• 111111 •11, S• CkeswuA1. NO QUALIFYING-I 0°/o DOWN L-.. ........ t st T,...t hed. ow••r wlM cwry bel..ce. l be* a a.. c.. Cod C...,._,. -... .,... ... , ..... $117,500. LEAST EXPENSIVE IALIOA ISLAND Ta.it 2 b•droo•. coft•9• r•pnwah •pod ..... ..... oppaoludtt ••,....... ..... tint ........ , .......... 1-....... .,.-.cWle& c,.... .. tt...:1x9 •• ..w.. orfwt-4 .. s2ot,ooo LUXURY CONDOMINIUM IY THE SEA l•wllM 2 ..... •• oc....,a.w cad1 I I ...... , .... l•t.rlor dHI•• llty DHI•• , .......... ..,..,. ......... tpKW hm•lll• MM fMfl & ............. , ........... co .. ,.... .1.. ••lld ...... ,.. .... & •• 1 ..... ..... ....... ~· ........... ,,_ , .... ........ lty c ......... ., Uoyd Hd pW ......... lit' SIMryt W..-r. CIMta hh• 0"9ff4 • Mfl,000. AUTHEMTIC SPANISH EMEIALD IAY c .... ~,...1,.1 .. .._. Oc••Hlde l••r•ld l•y ........................ .......... -••• J .... J l•tlt1, f-'ly r•••· • .,.... .............. PllV ACY OM THI llACH ......... . ......... . c ................... .. ............... LI taA .,.. ... J ....... J ..... Jle•e wltlt Hper•te tHlf ........ Wild f i • .... H&tF••-••••W ........................ •• It ef 115 ta .................. er. ~4±:= ... .., ~ 644-7020 ........... H ... ._.. tt..••,._1-. .._..,,._I-. ............................................................................................ I u I til I 001 ....... I 002 GMHel t OOJ Chttffel I 002 • ..................... ! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' NOMT IOW---flYI .. TIUACI AST VllW LOCATION f<'untustk v it•w o f 0C'l'an. ba~:-.. as luncts. Catalina. It ~his & I ht• Jt'I h " · Suda a jo~· to wateh I ht• saalh11;1ts and a ll thl' hoat paradt•s l 'ustom h11tlt t11 lnkt• m1vanta~t· of lht• Vlt'W from niu:-.t rooms . l .c1v(•I\· ·I lhlr111 s. fom r111 & <l i ni n~. Bt•a111 iful 1ww l1111cls1•:tp111g 1111 l't'<lf 'll'1T;a1·1• l'.· :-.l11p1• :1 <'11r i.,:l11'a g1· ( ':111 ltKl;n tor :ippl "i!l!-..uuo LAIGE 'OOL SI 19,,SO I l\lfn 11:-. ~ laq :t• I ;1111 1111 1111 11\1·r:-.111 • Int "ti h h11g1· p a t 111 ( >111-.1 :111cl1111• 1111111 11\i 1•t1lt•t'l:11111111·11t .11 t•.t \/1•\\ '"" p1'l'-& kttf'ltt•ll ;tppll :llll'I", .,., I 1)1111 ,1•,..,tlflt loan 457 CHSCEMT. ORAHG~ SAT/SUM 1.5 HOME & 2 IHCOME UNITS All FOi UJS.000 \ p1·1 fp1·t 1·11111h111.1 l 11111 111 1'11.11 111 1wr-.1111;tl1t v \\.11r1111t l<t 11 w 1111w l ,1\1• 111 th1 · lo\1•1\ •,1•11:11 .tl•·" lldr 111 ltorrw l(., t'llffl\' th1 · 1111 ·111111• 1111111 tl w f\\•1 :•11111111 llllll:O. d 111•1 II\' lwl1111d 111 .td lflf ltifl ,1 1•111\ "I'·' IV h.11 l1t''I'"' .tr ••.t 111 1·•111 q 1l,.I•• I h t· Jlll'l 111·1· .11 111 111 I h 1· I 11w .I ( '11 t.1 :VI """ l1w:1l 111ri DOVEi SHOHS HST IUY' GHAT VlfW HOMt1 PRICE REDUCED TO \495.000 lh.\tll'I \Aili 1.111\ I I I I> 111.111 111 .;::110 111111 1''1 · 111t1·r" I 1'<1 11•• ln.111 I•·• I .11\ 1·1\ I ' .111 W1·ll·. I HI< li•111u_ "' ill1 I 11 1 111·.d d 1111111• I .1111 JI\ r 111 111.11:1111111·11 1 1•11t1 •1 t .111111 1••111 I 111 \\It h 11•1· •.k\lwhl fl•·.1 11 t il11I po•ol .'<. p.1 \'11•\\ n l h ,1\ '\1 "''"''' I 11 l11'h l ~ 1111111111.1111 . I!•• I I 111.1111 1111• r 1111 · • 1111111 .t <,, k ft II 1620 GALAXY DR SAT /SUM I :00-~:00 WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO .. REALTOR S 21 I I Saft Joaquin HiH' Rood HEWPottT CEMTH. M.I 644-49 1 O • COTL rLr.1 1( Cft · ...... Y r n( 1 · e : \ r rz r, r 1 a LJNDA ISLE l'r 11ft·!-:-111n.1 ·-t''(<' •• F nt!ll'>h H.I\ f .. ,,r· r ·---· . m.11d ... qu.1rt ,., ... "' • .t.. dtlt'k \\ 1lh ! ht• .. t•1,l $ • \! 816 CANYON t •t.PH c• 1tf 1th \ ,• •. t~'t' 'q ,_. \ •' .1• I· I t • : '.I II I I ll ' ' • I ' •• ti ' '" 1•rl.>..•l-. 111: t ti .. • ""' 1 I ,, 11 '" , 1111 ll1 till BIG CANYON 'I' I' I I I t I ' I • I I I ' " I I \ I , • \I I t I \\ 11 I 1 t I 111 I I • \ I 111 t t I 111 t I I I I \\ '"I\ .111· 1•1•t1l .1111I .. , •. I • 1.1 111111 BIG CANYON \\1111cl1·1-111I t .111 \1111 'It''' l•>\\11h11mt• I '11111 .111cl .... p .1 \II 111'\' .11111•111t 11•-. t I\\ 111•r "ill 1·;1rr ' l111n ~·11t1 .11 w ,I\ h1 ·lt1\\ p 11•L1il11q.: 111t1·1 t• ... 1 r ;11 1• t•:\t'lll:-1\1' .ti i-!1 i:1 11111 1 BIG CANYON l-'.\t't'll1·11I :\kl .1111 tt11111111111 11· F11tl 11 1111 . tlll t ht· 1•1111 1·11111 ,1•' Ht •-,( 1111\ .11 $ :1:!1l.l"IO SOUTH LAGUNA Hr1·at ht ak 111 g \'tt•w from 11n1qul' m·t·rlcMlkrni.: South l.ag1111 a and the h I u t' I' a c· 1 f ll' I' r 1 v ~" · ~ p I 11 s t-:xd11s1v•• at $74~~.!lOO DANA POINT S1wd:u·ul ar vit'Wl'> of tht' Oan<1 Potnt Ma rina t'oasllm1• from this imma<'ulate homt• on the bluffs . Execll<'nl home for entertainin~. Owner financin~ with 25'': down at IO''; interest. $750,000 CATALINA ISWD Furnished 2 Rdrm Condo with great bay and ocean view. Includes 6 pass. golf cart. Exchange possible . Ex<'lusive at $295.000. INVESTMENT OPPOITUtlTIES Pri de or own e r s hip . 16 unit apa rtme nt complex. Excellent terms lo qualified buyer . Call for financial information. Newport. Beach Charmer. 1 block to ocean. Ass umable 1152,000 loan at terrific interest rate. This duplex is priced to sell .at 1235,000. No qualifying required . 2075 San Joaquin HUit Ad. Acroe• from 910 CANYON Newport leach ~40·9 I~ I REALTORS ·" ·' ' -~ 675-551 I ·-OPEN HOUSES 1-5 JUST lmuc:ID -l ...... 2 ...... .._ wlte.~ ..... 1...-1-•S,..A rHI fwt ....... S 141,000. )JI l'toww, Cott.MM&. CATM.JNA YllW ........ -,•.ecd ) ......... ......, , ............. ,.... s,.c._.... •'-• of ec .. • .._, -4 "'4JM ...... ott.nd ... S4I0.000. I IOI Wh""-'tt w_,, c ......... Ms . • COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2S I 5 E. Coott Hwr .• c_.... .. Ms 675-5511 YOU GET MOii HOM THl STOH HST HllGHTS IUY l•.\1•1 \l l11n1· \••ti 111·• d 1111 1·111111\ II\ 111 1•' I• rr •·1•1;11 •· II \ .11 ,., .•• l11 \1·h •• I I " \\ t I h f ' If 11 I I ' • '•' t 11 ti I I "" : I "" 111 '\1 ... I""' ll••111hl l l11l~l1'l 'llH I MESA VflDf DOLLHOUSE l \tltt/1 '11.1 Ill I.lo I\ fl •tl,.1·111 .tl•·d If 1't 1~11 111 '''""' \ 11111.d 1lt· 1•1:111 .,f '>'t'• 1•-t ,If fll 1•lf1•1 lt \I• I !11· \ 111 . I !'I ,1 ,i' I I 111 ' \ 2000 Wett lc6oo ltYd. M•wpot'i t.och 67~1771 • Pete Barrett Real~r p n · '°'''n l ~ W f S f CLIFF-NEW LIS TING "•I''·'·' 1111 ·.f tr11l 11•,11 h '" 11111 \• 11 ">1 Jlif• • 1111 l111ill .Ao lfti I fl Ill /p1 • ·• ''" ··rtl• ri 11111111• 1 h1"''" t ~d r ,,, 111d 1.1.,,,f '"'II'• "'1th"''" r1t•11tr.1 j I. I I • II , •• I' # •• • •. 1 1,' "1• I t, n , , , , "'EW USTIM~f+'IHSULA f'04MT • • 1•.i 't•I" 1•nh .111 1 1• • ·~ I .1 p• c '11<1 H1·.1 m1•rl r ~ •J /\ f 1r1•plt.11'1' 1n ' . •, "'' • .. n<1t111in Cornt·r homt' H ! .. ...,, , .r n <1 rlt· n S~!'1 .clOO ~I 00 MiraPnar, I~ Opeft S-1·5 CU STOM Cliff HAYEN '' , 1 .. 1111 11ll1·r ... prl\ .11 ' lt1r .d i I'• ' 1r, ..:.11 t·d t·nt r.1111·1· prl\ .1 1. l1d1•·1 \\llll'' jlrt\.111· ""llllflllll,i.: I'""' 111 1•111 lll:-.1·d '.1rd \\ .11lahlt· 11 ·11wtl1.111•1\ 111 tlH' qualtftt'<i ht1\1•r S I I Cliff Dr .. HI <>P" S-1-S THE ADVAMTAGE IS YOUIS S 1·ll 1·r \\1111111.; lo 1·arn f111arw 1ni:: .11 11._1 .... 1111.1h~t· r;1te J:l:'i \\t l h r t·,i-.on;ddt· do" 11 pa' nll'lll :•11 :111 I Bdrm n 1:-t om '1111111• I >n I> .;::!H!t :1011 I .t•t . ., ta I k ' 14 12 Antiqua. H8 Opett S-. 12·3 TIME TO LIVE AHO ENJOY 1'111 ,m .r\ tht• 11111\\t'r at 1h1 .... lb lh1la 1'1•11111,111:1 Pc11nt hc1nw Brnml\ I lldrm I hat h a nti f:1rn1h room. :.! 1 ar i.:;trai.!t' ( 'los1• 111 hl'at'hl's. ha _, .1 nd 111·1•:111 ;tnd I ht' prin' IS rt)!hl ' I 5 7 7 Mi,,.._., lcAoo 0,... S-. I ·5 NEW LISTING-MOBILE HOME "Tht• 1; ro,·1·~.. Tri pit> widl'. Lancer l8 !'1cl , :-q fl of care frt'<' ll\'tn l! wit h I'll Uni n f1;.iv11r l.aqH' master s uite lot:-. of t•.xlras · :; minutes from f r 1•1·wa v. nt•w s ho pping rente r m·;irh" 'r>on 't miss this one' BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX ()\\llt 'I' \\tll l111 :1l ll'l' \\Ith IO\\ llllt'l'l'SI r:it1· Sp:1111111 :-:1 Hdri11. ::! halh .1p.1rl 111(·111 1 n ·111111 lt·l1•tl ~ Bdrm I ho.1th u111t "1th I 1n·p l a 1·1· a nd mini \It'\\ .J11:-.l :?rl1111r:-. from \\:tlt•r ONE THIRD ACRE IN NEWPORT lk:111t 1fulh dl'I a tlt•d :1 Bdrm hona' in mos t ·th-s 1rahl1.· a rl'a Largt.· fon na l d111111g roo m . d1•11. breakfast n"Hll and llllt<flll' ga rden r1 >otn. for \'l';tt' round t•ll tl·rlaining Ca ll lo SN' ih1:-1·111 icing honw : MICH THAM MIW-WISTCLW - F.njoy the winter sun thru s kylights a nd the cheer v w a rmth of this s p erial 3 Bdrm . family hom e. Be autifully derorated. big trees. private ~arden. S249.500. MIA T Ate __,,NICI IACI IA Y AllA 3 8(1rms. 2 baths for 1116,500. On large ,lot with remodeled kitchen and baths . In excellent condition - good area for children on cul de sa c . Good terms available~ 1601 Wiie. CN 0,. S-. l·I ,. J lwr91 ., 10011 • .;..,.. llOJ ., .. ,.. tlOJ •••r:al IOOJ Ho.wt For W. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• • ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HMM1 ,_. W. Sunday. January 25. 1981 DAILY PILOT ' CI I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• umn .. r11Tc111 'l'llf .... , .... Ml4!"' er.et c.., a W .. ,.. OCMM YU. •... ., ~ ................. . ~ ........ o.... .. ... ........... , •• , •• ,,, Al11. 1111.-..-1.1411. ICUJRllT Tllft.D ft.IS lo.; ......................... ... ,, t 1 ......... c....-;:;M .. . ...... ,. .................. . It lllW '-*• YU ef ..._ & ..., ................... w.., ... .,... ...... c .......... ~ nc~ -;11~ tw. '-f.ct tare.,. .. ,... .._._. .. ~ t+ ... SJ.JOO.MO. Ul·1 400. PDllSILA PT. IUUTY ... e ......... \._ ..... '' ..... d l ..... J k ...-. se.. of ... .... ......... • ... : •fll••tle4 .... rt.,, ........ ...... , .•• t..... . ...... ,. .. .. ,..... .... ,. ........ -..c.-. , ..• , . .,.. ._, ........ ..... ... ,. .... J • ...,., '--· .... to 1ey a 0c... MH.ooo. u 1.1400. cm• WITH FIUIT TIEES S.-'-2W. J k • .... lraa .. d Clll•·· ..... ,..... ......... . .............. ~Wit-....... .. ....... .... SJ f f&~ W.., I 1•lea. SJ4t,SIO. ... .., ..... A WATEIFIONT HOME W/SUP t. • ,,...._ ca u •ity. Wood. brick. gle11 I ........ • ,.met c.-.0 for tM13becl....,..._.L_...&opew ...... ,...... ,.. ...... ......, ....... Prt•• ..try ..d yow owa bHcll & IOAT SLIP. OWHt wil n1l1t_ ~Ith flamcllllJ. $550,000. FH. WATEIFIONT CONDO-VU s.c..., Mllg. c ................. .... .., .. '#11. For ... HealtYe ...... wHtt ._.of rooa &.-.. 2W. ..d ... Petlo. $495,000. NEWPORT CREST END UNIT oc ........ p.,.... ,._ 4 wMt 2-story JW. ...... wMt ................ . ,.tlo & cltclu. ........ ~-wMt .. of Mh ron I ... IC .... SI t5,t00. DCEANFIONT-EXCITING NEWPORT Verutlle enc•the Ito•• tllat'sl bea•tif•lly decorated wltll •11lqH .,..effy. Special .............. ...... ..try wHll ele•ator, ga•-• kite .... . ...... ._, ,,., ,. ..... floors. , ... ...... slutrtten thl..t. Wetclu the ... sets across tM beoclu & •ioY tM ...t frOM ttufs IJFKl.t luoMe. $750,000. SEABLUFF-AWARD WINNER Sp1cio•1 2-story tow11lto•e 111 a IM ... IYyftoDMld CDHYEAlty/ llld .. wHtt ...... ..._ itt fro.t ,._ 2 beet, 2'12 bo. Solar assisted and facilities of ,ool. ... t...is, welcJM F00111. AITD ,. ..... $163,000. CUFFHAVEN-CURB APPEAL Ha11d10111e lradltlo11al resldHce 111 co ....... Newport locatlo& ...... ...., ,..ocWed mtd recMcorehcl ittclblclllCJ new roof, plumbin9. landscopin9 and l11terior. 9 .. m., lllro•glto.1 wltll desicper w .. conrilNJs, wood & brick. Spoc'-....... ittclllded 3 ........ ....., roo., .,_. ,IWIH.-d rooM, 2 ftnpl•cn lo11e wltlu ••tlqH •HtleJ, del•xe gow..t cau by lultc ..... Pool._ ywd. ....... lot wfffl space for .... ......., who . •lo'fl """" .... .....,.. ........ a ....., ••In • ••I. $330,000 fee. ShoWR by appo ....... 631-1400. EXCEPTIONAL OCEANFRONT ISLE · l••tl,.y rwdeled· & redecorahcl Iii & o•t. Arclultechrally •11fqH coat1 .... • y wood & CJlos• 2 bed. + office luoMe with 2 bed ,...... ..et. Sllyligllh. .. ... .......... UlfoM oalu c•IMh. bcelewt ~ittg! St75,000. MAGllRCENT LIDO ISLE Pufectfon in every detail on Lido Isle. GorCJeOUS Country French 4 bdrm, 3'12 baths, 3 frplcs, plantation shutters, brass fixturn. Hrdwd floors, beautiful tile,, goldett oc* staircase, matchinCJ wall cover· ings. Menter wite with spa after fireplace. LClftdsc.-ct by Ro9ers Gardens. View from tne11t.r suite. Reduced to $665,900. 631-1400. NEW UITS-FLEXIBLE TEIMS CoHHIHt Hewport loc•tlo11 Hd ........ ,...,...., C9I ... "" ...... ,. two _. or .. ,. ••t,. I.cit .et ft 2·•twy ..... 2 Md ......... 3 ... DD. U•eillwmd ............. ! A•e•IHH IHl•d• woed lt•r•l•g fl~•:i•::H, •lcrow••e, clerHtery w & .., .., vu·. SJ60,ooo for ltot•. C•ll fer fl•••cl•t det•ll• 611·1400. Y•cm1M1rwmltt 011 WATD-8POI SfiACE VU I.Meir rr•rc• ••If 4 W--. a....., ............... .c-:: ......... . =r .:::v.:-.r ... -:--. '& = 117 ..... 611·1 CHALLEllCINC YU PIOPEln a W itf.., I••• I_.,,, ................. .._ .. ........ Cl ... sw ..... ........... ,.... •• .. :c·· _. -lie I ... ., _, __ te .... ..., ........ , ........ ur.1-. WATERFRONT HOMES. •NC. 11£AL £Sf.ATE s... ~-"'-''\/ ~"' ""w. C.O.t Hwy, ~-... ...... AlSIOfNTIAl AUi. fS fATf f.EA\llCES OPIN HOUll 1·4 OPIN IH SPY•LASS l! Story tractil1onal. Decorator pttrt't>l't G UH. bonus + playrooms. $5~5.0011 S ec Jim Muller ·At 6 MALIUU Cl Ht:LE OPIN IH HAllOI VIEW HOMES lmm:t<·ulttle '. Two' BR. suites. Muna<'o mode l. Pri ced to sell. $21ij ,500 See Paula F;rd At 1825 l'OHT Wt-! I!: ELE H OPEN IM UMIVEISITY PAIK Popular "D " Plan in P e te r s' Townho11ws. $::!10.000 Fee. Great financing'. See Lis a White At 12 TAllOE OPEN IM TURTLHOCK VISTA Truly a showpla<'e. Luxurious view. 4 RR ... Waldorf". Elegant wood paneling. Fam. + Din'g. rooms . $299,000. See Bar bara Ballmann Al 12 VA LLEYVIEW OVER THE SURF-LAGUNA Oc·eanfront home. entered through serene garden with Koi pond to soaring 30' vaulted ceilings. Heavy heams. Random oak plank floors. Mexiean tiles. Step-down rooms. Air·eonditioning. French doors. 4 f i rep I an· s . P r i v a l e st e p s to scdudecl tO\'c . 2 bedroom s uites. Nothing a long this coast to compare with this exciting. sensual home. Ow11C'r wi II help finance. $1. 700,000. RELAXEO LIVING In this beautiful 4 BR. + fam. Rm. condo. Located in a quiet section of T UHTLE ROCK. Community pool. Close to schools. Nice ly landscaped with priv<1te patio. $179.500. MORE FOR YOUR$ In friendl y Baycrcst . near boat launt'hing faei lit ies. Additional traile r parking along ·with lovely 3 BH. ::!12 BJ\. Hanch home. Formal dining. Fireplat'c. Fam. Hm. Ex· c·ellent condition and owner will finanee at S259,750. DON'T MISS THIS Popula r 2 RR . 2 RJ\ ... Cardiff" model in Universit v Park ·s T e r · race. It's bright, cheery . in g reat condition & located on a quie t greenbelt. One of the best buys south of the San Diego Freeway. $128,000, Fee. AFFORD.AILE IM HARBOR VIEW Incredible value. Newly red ecoral· ed 3 BR. home. Large cust. Fam. Rm . with warm paneling . Remode led fam . sized kitch & cheerful breakfas t area. Walk to park & school. $229.000 Fee. DRE.AMS CAM COME TRUE In Spyglass Hill. Impressive & person a ble :l BR . Ports m o uth mode l. Large, inviting Fam. Rm. Beamed ceilings. Built in bookcases & wet har . Garden maste r bath. Flexible financing includes lease option. Affordable at $4 19.000 Fee. MOST BEAUTIFUL "ADAMS" Ever in Woodbrid ge Estates. Highly upgraded with cozy paneled s tud y , 3 BR. + famil y room, Tastefully perfect in every way . Lus h landscaping & brick patio. Owner financed a t $199,500 Fee. CAMEO SHORES Exp;msivc ocean & j etty view on lrg. elevated lot. :l BH. Den . Fam. Rm. & 3 baths . Unique pool in lrg. patio. Great expans ion possibilities. You own the land. $649,000. LINDA ISLE LAGOON Enjoy the e legance of this 4 BR. home in one of Newport Reach·s more prest igious areas. lli·beamed ceilings in living room & family room. Elevated dining area. Two fireplaces. 3 car ga"age. Slip for boat. $1,300,0<>0. DOM"T WORRY AIOUT INTEREST IA TES This triplex on a 45 · lot in Corona del Mar has a fully assumable first and seller can carry a second. Priced comparably to duplexes o n smaller lots. $337.750. A DECORATOR'S DELIGHT Forty five feet on Lido Isle plus street lo street location. This five bedroom , five bath home is a perfect beginning for a ver y lucrative ending. $480,000. IACI IAY ISTATI On prestigious Mesa Drive. 3 horse E·Z car e stable. Beautifully decorated, including new gourmet kitchen. Big dining area. Overnite loft. 2 Big BR. Cozy den. $33.5,000. CUSTOM HOME-Fii LAMD 180 degree view of channel, ocean & pavilion in Irvine Terrace with private spa. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. $615,000. DRAMATIC IA YlllOMT With TWO boat slips. Unbelievable bay view. Newer custom designed 4 BR. + family and Dining Rooms. Watch the sunsets on large inviting patio. $1,895,000. ..._,., I 002 •••r• 1.002 Ho.wt,_.. W. Hones For W. ~HMM• Per S. .......••.•....•.••..•.. ·········•············· •..•...... , ..........................•..............•................ ....-1002 ••••• 1 ooz· ....... t 002 smws SPECIALISTS ·::·::·::·::·~·~··_::_·::·::·=·-.:··_-·=·=·.:.-·:.-·=· FANTASTIC TllMS M>IMOUS YllW Ocean. harbor and night lites. Superbly decorated Southport, 6 Bdrms. 4 112 Baths, lrg pool. Asking $895,000. Owner will carry $600,000. CHARMING COLONIAL 4 Bdrm with great view. cozy den, many upgrades. gorgeous pool and waterfall. $.525,000. Owner will carry $400,000 . BAYFRONT FIXER UPPER Older 4 Bdrm home in prestigious location with dock. Plans, permit and allowance for remodeling included. $1.200,000 . 714 1760-9333 ADULT CONDO In the Westcliff Area convenient to shoppin(f and trans portation. Airy end unit. 2 bdrms . & 2 baths. fir e place. bar and c:ommunity 'swimming pool. $129.500. 17141 673-4400 (2 I 3J 628-2828 The Harbor Area's oldest Real Estate Finn HAI-lHOll * * J.ASMIHE CIHK * • A unique combination of location. design and value'. This elegant & s pacious home features the work of a crafts man throughout and the security of a guard gate community . If you want maximum livability at a minimum cost. call C714) 759-1501 for private showing. Compare this outstanding value at $315,000. ltAC9UIT CLUI POOL HOME $227,000 Don't miss this lovelv home with pool. spa and a beautiful setting for e ntertaining , plus other amenities too numerous to list. Good ass umable l oan with potential for secondarv financing. Call C714 > 552-4477 ro·r an appointment lo previe w. * * 12'1:0 oFIHAMCIHGAVAIL• * on this customized 4 bdrm home featuring Fren ch doors. country kilC'hen & garden pa tio. Owner • w i 11 ca rry A. I. T . D . at 12 ··~ '. Compa re the value of this fine residence offered at $142.000. (714 ) 759-1501 or (714 ) 752·7373. LOY&. Y POOL HOME WITH EXCB.l.&fT AMAHCIH• AVAIL $117,500 . G r eat curb apJ5eal with a delightful entertainment center focused around a beautiful pool & firepit. This discriminating buyer will want to 'preview this home. l2o/" 'Yr interest money available with 20~ down. Call now for an appointment. (714 ) 552-4477 *•WOW•• ' Stl.000 IH COST A MISA A sensational bargain in today's market featuring 3 bdrms & covered patio in much sought after area. Call C714) 759-1501 or (714) 752-7373. $141,000 A beautifully upgraded Ayres built home. The professional landscape design provides a lovely exterior, with a backyard that lends itself to gracious entertaining. The floor plan is functional and makes for easy, comfortable living. Call now for complete information on this lovely home. (714) 552·4-477 • MIWPOIT OMCI C714t Ht-IHI 17141 71J-7J7J ""4Xa>.&.K.,4A£!l&fa~-A.&A•ft.4-\l.W..ASA4.X.J& Dalebout Bay&BOOch Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COMI WITH US •.• TO MIWPOIT ... S. Custom, three bedroom home. SlD'lken living room. Family room with wet bar. Owner will carry complete financing. Quick possession. 421 SAM IERMARDIHO ... OPEH DAILY ...... $360,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4:30 COME WITH US ... TO SANTA AH.A. Nea r South Coast Plaza. Two bectroom condo. Single s to ry . Like new carpet. Snake roof. N~i:t r pool a nd tennis. J\ssumahle $57,000 loan at 1211:.!<1,. . 1001 WEST STEVENS #I 06 ...... SHOWN IY .APPT .... $96,500 COME WITH US ... TO WESTCLIFF. J\tlrattivc three bedroom . two bath hom e . Family room. Cozy fireplat'e. Cpl like new. Lovely pool. Home in top condition. 1207 IERKSHIRE .................................. $230,000 COME WITH US ... TO HARIOR HIGHLANDS. Super four be<;Jroom home . Two baths . 1-'ormal cl ining rou m . Lux· ur1ous spa. Entertainer's back yard, incl. firepit and BBQ . 1606 DOROTHY LAME ......... IY APPT .......... $239,500 COM~ WITH US ... TO WESTCLIFF. Expans ive but not l'X pensive. Three h11.•<lroom home. 1"01·m e1 I dining room F<1mil~ room. Large li ving ruom with firc pl<H'l'. L argl' lot'. Luxurious pool. BB(). 1400 NOTTINGHAM ................•............. $245,000 COME WITH US ... TO IAYCREST. f'n·st1g1ous ll\'C bedroom home on quh-t s lrt'l't 1-'umily room . Den I.ur ge pool with solar heating. Owner wi ll carr y 1st T , D at 12•'2": 1823 GLENWOOD ................................ Sl I 0,000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES. S=>O. 0!10 JI r1 r t· red lie lion. Prohal<· s11l1• .1•x1·c·utor is e;ager I'> st•ll F ou r bedroom homt> D111 111g room and d 1·1 1 Po<>I :ir zv \ant 1441 GALAXY DRIVE ........ BY APP'r .......... : .. $420,000 COME WITH US ... TO LIDO ISLE. Just listed exclusively s pacious five be droom home (1 .. ould be three large bedrooms plus two bedroom quarte rs for gues ts or in -laws ). Three and one ha lf baths . Formal dining room . Family room. Large 40x90 lot . You own it . Not leasehold! 221 VIA AHMZI ............. IY .Aflt'T . . . . .. . . . . . . $465,000 COME Wl!H US ... TO DOVER St-110RES. Magnificently upgraded four be~room horn(' Form;Jl dining room. Family room. Gourmet k1t <:hen that would delight a nv t'iouse wi fe Fan~astic view of L·ppcr lfay fl c:d uccd ::-:d.ooo. Owner motivated 1 o sell. 1730 GALAXY DRIVE .............................. $475.000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVH SHOIH. Enchanting five ~edroom home. Upper Bay view is e njoyed throughout the hvmg area plus the master bedroom. Four other s pacious bedrooms. Formal dining and family rooms . Lovely pool. You own the land '. Owner will help finance. 1142 •ALAXY DllVE .............................. SHS.000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES .. li11 rt or IHl\ front : llugl' hrrC'k tc.·rT~l<'(' Four· hedro11m~ IL1\ 'll'\~ fnmi t•ntin· li\'ing area plu:-; nw stt·r IH·dr1111m You ,.,\ n t tw l;and: 401 HORTH STAR LANE .......................... $945,000 1617 WESTCLIFF DR., N.B. 631 -7 300 CHAHMB. FRONT I Bdrm unfurnis hed. yearly S450 Montic-ello Tuwnhousl' 3 bdrm. 2 ba. furn . \ rh $500. 642·2253 eves. · · associated BROKERS-REAL TORS l Ol'o W 8olboo P l J66 J HOME INCOME! (I) 4 Bdrm. 2 bu th + 2 more unilS, Costa Ml'Sa. $255,000. (2) 2 Bdrm I bath + one more unit. Costa Mesa. $109.950 Call for more details. 546·2313 Elegant Tus t in Hills Custom: 2172 Sall Air Dr. Appr $397 ,500 Terms & price negotia· ble. Call Owner 552·4833 12°/olNT. LOAN! Best buy~ Mesa Verde: Giant 4 Bdrm. den. 3 baths. 2fireplaces. Cami· ly room. formal dining . breakfa~t nook. huge yard with covered patio and spa. Submit o n down. Owner will carry balance. $215,000. Call now. 546·2313 MIWPOIT POIMT DWLU Spectacular 2 and 3 bedroom units. Picture ' windows provide birds eye view of the ultimate in seaside llvina. Fireplaces, new tile kitchen and baths. owner will carry (Inane· tnc-A 1teal: Call now. L])~@ft~~@C.ceaa · .. • ... •J . :·· . , -GOLF COUISI IEAUTY. MeH Verde Co.try c ... •few ...... 11'9td..,•tlle...tuet.TWl4 ....1 ............ 2 • ...., .... Nile a lllOdeC. ••• , .... d ldld9lll with MW ,.... & o••· e:.t..t.e •l•r• 1y1te•. L•rCJ• lot wltlt ,.,.,.... ,..., area. Offend .. $325,000. - C .D.M. DUl!tLEX . Ch.n11l11g ...... - 3 ....... & 2 Wrwl. .... .its ....,e flt •places. Hew c.pet, 11ew dreperles. Ho deferred ........ I: •• s.... of .... Hwy. A11m lfllr loiill I Ollty $275,000. -SUPH CUSTOM MOllLI HOME -2 ....._ .-, "'°"' & H• "°°"'• friendly star ,. .... w;-. ._...,"-·pool & .,.. , .................... t .... -OWMll FIHAHCIS-YllW HOMI. C--.. W. IMlly. 0---.., C8'l'Y lat ....... .. 12112"-.......... Ff I 1. s-11 ........ CI I If .. ...... Uh,*J4~l .......... J ••••• , ............. ,_ & .......... r-.,.. feet .... ..., & ..... I I ' Mewty ....... .. SJt7,MO. -IL ... S LIASI. lewtlM J "*•• JV2 ..._ C--. ,,._ ....... w ........... ... Ta:" :a.. ...... ,...., ... ... 1 •• , .... le•ely eer .. •~· . ..... , -•OOO YllW-C.D.M. htt .._ .. ea_ .. ..., ...... _......,,...,,,, ..... a Mtllt, I Iii Hwfr ..... M.; .... ................. Oilf Ptt.• . 1 CW&..Y PllOl 8undew. Janu 21. ,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• M1a .. ,_S. .._..,..,.14e ..._..._.. • ... ,.. IOOJ• ... n1 ......................................................................................................................................... •• ,.. IOOJQ.MH.. IOOJ .... ,.. IMI ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1g7 SU IEll CIKLE WYk.ASS ... COIOMA -MAI 0.-...., ..• VI t "W \'I t:W Vlt·:W 4 BR. f"H. bonu~ rm Sour1n,,: l'••tllnl(11 Low. luw lt>J t•hold for ~I vt•1t1 H t'rlvau·y on I.tr ~,. t'l•rnt-r t11l ltu11 lul l'ut1011 & ~antt•m with roo m f11r pool wuod huy Ul $5~.(W NF:WrORT fllo:J(;HTS :I Bit 2 hath1-., , •• ,, trult' i!Ul'i;I h ou~t· ('tir llPI' lot Zl!\ lnl \ \PIST k!\!\0 t-#1-. \(II lKO dt:~rt-t' o~·.-an vwv. R 2 lot $KU 500 OltNCE COAST ICAL ESTATE .......... A AIST OFFEIHI llW HAllOI lllCE ESTATE A ..... ef ....., ....... •1•u for , •• ,.,114 c•,... 1.-., ••r; 1• ... c•._ ~Mou •it, .,..,., c~ • .._ .. _.. 5700 Ml ft of He.e.cr. u .. ill ..... ...., .... dlooM .,... ... ~- ........ c 4llleeLS .... _.. ..... _... I• •••• Hu,tr-•I ltoMe lullNhs 4 ......... 4 IMttts, 2 powder ,....,, -....y, ............ ,....., ..., ,...., .... ,_, .... ,...... .......... ,... ...... ..tt ...... , .-. c • ., .... ,,-4 _..,. ••tla 'wl,. a totel "h191tta orlHl•d" ••Ir t P• a 1 •lie YllW .,._ ...t roo•a. C.,. for ct.foflt md Woe ...... s1 .tts.ooo c .. 631-1400 . WATt RI HON I llOMl ..,,tN< Hf /\I I '-I /\ I I ' ''· .C• V-. f , It ... , INlfllf l\J I 631 -1400 • • !\of j '1.,. ' I\ ' h I u•I '7J-6t00 4l•IOOM ........ funily lMq at l&a belt wl\b room \O arow. OramaUuUy 11p1rad9d thr~bo ut lh11• me palW. 011erlooll1 aunny ro•• 1arden1 ~ a.uumable flnanc· 111& Oon'1 wall''' (~ SEA COVE PROPERTIES 114-631-6990 CANYON CRIB MODEL lled bra c k pa th l o gorgeous 2 stor y 1n Northwood 2 Bdrms. llbriuy und den G ianl mas t e r w1 0 11 wit h Roman tub Central atrium l''rent•h doors. prest1g1ous elet'tron1t· gitted commwuty Call ror details. 1S2· '700 INVESTORS TICKET L'I now an Costa Mesa of rering res1denhal pro perty investment wath Capital Gains Only Jhgh Return:. lNot 2nd Tru11t Deed:.) <.:wl for information r!IR~~4~:r 1 YEAR NEW $79,900 Beautiful I year new Sandlewood lownhomt' Superb upper loeallon Ueautirut view or ~reen· belt and recreallonul facilities Balcony over looks pool and :. pa Spare age k1lehe n with lots or cupboards and l'OUnlcr spare Xlnt floor plan, all det·or ated in earthtonc.-s. Shows like a model Perfect for th<' guyorgalonthcgo' Call now. 752.1700 WOODlllDGf. C harming shingled ext.. 2 Bdrm "Ashford" in Lakt>s ide. on greenbelt & priC't..>d lo sd l $l!iJ ,000 JASMM CUB t-:le~ant upgraded 2 Bdrm Plan 3, s pa off master bdrm. C'lose to courts, lge assum 9 1 ,,.~ fiJ1ed interest loan. Compare to $350.000 homes Offer ed at $320,000. TUITl80CI HtGHlAMOS 4 Bdrm w /view. Lots of panelinR. pr ofess decor & lndscpng. Everything you 've lon ged for + a lrge assum. 9:i;..n,1r loan. $.389.000. SEA.VIEW Rc·modcled "Port Royal" w/super ocean & nigh t light view. Beautiful pool & spa. S m ash ing dt>cor atin~ & a block .buster assumable llP·1'Y. loan. $.525.000. YIU.AM Ill Ut41YYSITY PAii Unbeatable value '. 3 Rdrm "Rutge rs" w/Spanish tiled entry & patio. Sl57 .9f)(). IEACH HOUS~. $175.000 Relieve it: 6 Bdr~. ne wly painted in & out 2 hl1l<'ks from ocean m Newport Hca<'h. CUSTOM LOT One acre + lot w/architectural plans for $3800 + sq .ft. home. Rolling hills a nd horse area. $H\.'),000. MIWPOIT HACH 5 Rdrm. c ust home, exclusive Dover Shores . Near $1,000,000 prop. 'h blk from pvt beach. G racious ho m e for exec ente rtaining. S.130.000. INVESTORS Now Lusk R ealty can offer you a real estate investment requiring no proi>ert.Y management, no vacancy factor and tax benefits with no negative cash flow . ~!..Bl~ * •OPEN TODAY** 4JI , .... ._.. Overlooking massi ve greenbelt . lovely, s pacious, end unit townhome. 3 Bdrms. 2th baths, form /din, plus fam/kit., 2 fireplaces. big, big wrap around patio. Newl~ crptd & painted. $249,500 (a nice loan avail.). Jtlt9md .. Over 2000 sq. ft. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. end• unit, dra m atic 2 story townhome with sk ylit entry Decor ator features & numerous costly i mprovements. A great home for the active family. Offered at $260,000 including land. (Owne r will help with fina~cing). NEWPORT BEACH Charming and bra nd new on the market, thi s h omf:' fea ture~ 3 b ed room s , 2 h a t hs C:1nd C:1 large country kil<'hc•n . W 11h hea utiful landscaping a nd ~·<ird~ tl 1:-. offered for only $169.900 IRVINE-SPLIT·LEVEL HOME P leasingly del'orcttt·d with rl~s1gncr w a II a nd win ri ow t· o ,. er in gs 4 bedroom. :i h;.ith, fCJmtl y room. P<'g & g roove fl ooring . separ:.ite fam i l ~· r oom with fin·plan• llot s pa . Pre mium lot Tn1des and t·n•;.iti vt• financi9~ :.ivai lablf' $220.000 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Can you he lievc that for $20,000 down· you t•an s till m ove> rnlo Newport Beach'. We ll. you can This c harmer in Newport Heights is a 3 b edroom d oll-ho use Huge pool sized lot for jus t $172 ,000. llG CANYON Privacy abounds in this elegant. :l bedroom. :J hath Bordea ux model which offers comfort and c;pal'tous living in an t!xcelle nt loc-ation Owners will assist in fi n an C'in).! OHered at $.195,000 IA YSHOltES-EXCELLEMT TYMS This exquis ite ho us •• ha s been professionally customized and is one o f the ver y nicest homes in Bayshores . On ft·e land with 4 bedrooms . family room. atrium and libra ry, th is house is offe red for $695,000 with ou tstandin~ owner financing available . IA YSHOltES.-.EST LOCATION This nice 2 bedroom -2 hath B aysho res ho m e has fa ntastic potential. It is located just a fe w doors from the pri vate beach of this exclusive guarded ~ate community . Mus t see to appreciate. $405.000 Leasehold. ILUFFS C-PLAH Sunny end unit with night view. Four bedrooms. three baths. lovely patio. Carme litd plan. s paC'ious and airy. $2.10,000. ILUFFS. SINGLE STORY .. Just listed. exclusively . hard·to-find Bonita Plan. Three separate patios. Spanish tile e ntry Up-g raded kitche n. 3 bedrooms , 2 baths. inside laundry room a n d som e VIEW. $215.000. UDO PAii CO-OP 1 bedroom condominium in Lido Park hi-rise with views of the bay to the ocean . Owner m ay carry a sales t-mnnntTract. Sh.own by a ppointment. $269,000. ININSULA IA YFIOMT COHDO This two bedroom 2 bath adult condo has a beautiful main bay view with boat s lip availability. Excellent owne r financing with low down payment. Only $335.000 Fee. WA TIUIOMT LEASE OPTION Great bayfront value with a private slip for 35' boat. 3 bedrooms, 2 ~ baths, fully furnis hed for only $320,000. The owner will take a short term lease o~tion -call for detaU.. · REALTORS ••••• .,MUM Three bedroom delight has super yard for anyone with a green thumb. Very neat and c lean home on comer lot. Great for the first time buyer'. Just $81 ,500! VA buyers welcome. Call for details. Call 540-1720. AS~ 10%LOAM Fall in love with this "Sandpointe " home '. Super spacious with four bedrooms and about 2300 square feet. Three baths, formal dining room. s eparate famil y room and hear ty fireplace. Vaulted ceilings. Nestled on tr ee a d orned l ot. Ca n 't la s t·' $157,000.Call today. 540-1720. Gt'S T All MOTi Ust• your benefits on this s uper four hcdroom home. ll.'s loade d : H as dining room. family room and brick fire place. Almost 1800 square feet in living s pace . C lose to schools a nd s hops. Jus t two miles from heac:h $112.500. Take advantage and eall to<i ay: 540-1720 YA & FHA T.,._! flurry and see t his three bedroom "Mes a Verde" Delight '. It's sparklin g <'lean a nd just' waiting for you to m ove into' Features a s pacious liv in~ room with hrick fire place' VA and FHA huvers we lrome '. SJ J9,500 For detaib n 1il today. 540-1720 OWNH MOTIYATID. Anc1 may he lp qualified buyer with f1 n;.in('i ng_ Spanis h s t y led thrl't' ht•droom that shows the owne rs pri<Jc· in every nook a nd C'ranny. Firepla<•f> .J us l painted inside and out Sits on t l"{'l' adomt>d lot $J 25.500 Don't m 1ss ttn s on<''. !)40. J 720 ,, 10.75% LOAH l'st· \'our l'quity and ass ume th<: lov. tnl<'n:st loan Two hedroom vacation townhouse lo(·ated in beautiful Pa lm Desert ~ Sur>er d eem n ever Ii v(•d 111 ' Creal l'Om ple x has ('Ommunll ' pools . h ·nn1s. s pa and MUCH m orr ' Assume JO 7.5'; lo;.i n SJ J6.900 f'or m or,. i nfo rm at 1 o n t' a II to c1 CJ ·' 540· 1720 ........ _ ,, ...... 540-1720 2955 S. HARIOR ILVD .• COSTA MESA mE 110111 ILllRS ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE IMYESTOIS A nENnOH ,,,.,. Ll\ahlt• ll11nw On A J.url(l' H <! l.111 In lll'ltn Arl'a Of Cos111 Mt•!-./1 Hu11tl i\n l•.\fr.1 I 1111 1-"or ln1·11nw l'rr1·1·d /\I$% ~.1111 RAMCHO SAM JOAqulM I."' l'h .. :nd I 1n1I T"" L•·H·I T11wn llonw t>r1 1;1111 l'1111r,1· T"o llt•druom,. l 1 • Hatlt' St1•f1 Uo"11 C't1n\•'r'i1l m11 \rr•a W1lh Wt•I ll.11 lfra1111f11 I N1•" Canwl ('11l11r c·arJ)l't l':.rq111•1 K111 h1 •11 l-"111•11 & t-:ntn llnh Srn5.rllMI SPYGLASS 'I'" 11 S loru•' t )f t-:x•·t•lknt·I' Sunk1•n I .I\ rni.: 11110111 With F1n•pl11N· & lleurnl'cl \'ault1•d c·1·il1nJ.!S l.arJ,!1• F am ll \' lt<wm W11h F1 r1·pla1•1·. Full l.1•111.:lh 111•1.rlh & W1·t B:11 ("1•111 ral V;w1111m S,\1>l1•m & llUJ.!t' Ro11 11· 111111111· With Halh Sl'll..r Will Curr-l.;irl!" !'-1•1•01111 'l'rr"I l>t•l•1l 1'1101 S1~1·1I Lot 1\,k1n1• ~·,,.~, ',1M1 A '"J11, Of N1·w1111rl • l.1,linJ.! CIEA TIYI FtMAMCIMG IUY OF THI WH« t '11•a1 ,. Y•1111· o ... 11 l"tnnrl<'1n11 lln Th" 1\, 11 1l1·d11111111 I :1 I f1;1lh <"11ntl•1 In On•· Ill :"\ I' " "0 I I 111• .• I' h . ' M II " I 1-; I .. I' ·' II I (;a11• t :11ard1·1I < '11mmun1t1l'' :-o;1·ulr:1I I h·• •ot Sh"" 11 11' ,\ppl 1 rnl~ s1;,;,,0110 PllMI IA YNOMT l·'11rl 1 F ool F ro111 ;11:1•, 1111•1 ,'I.; D•wk Ill 1·:x 1·l11:-.11'<· St·1·1ir11 .1· c:11urd1·d llal',.h•11·1•" ( '111111111111111 l.11\ 1•h Two Bourn M a.,lt•r Suit 1• W11 h F1n•11la1·1• l'lu~ 1-'nur Ht•tlrr1om'. ti: 11111111~ 1!111101 & lll•n S1l•p1l11vm l.rv111J! 1!110111 \.\'11 h Tl'll l-"1H1t c .. 1hn)!~ SJ):ll'111u-. 11111111.: •\n·a With W1•1 11:.ir Truh c;orJ.!1•1111,. \',,.,,. OI hl:.,111, lit C"hunnl'11>. & An t-:xtra 1.arl!t' Front 1•at111 lit lil•c·k Ownl•r W;inl~ Thi" llom•• Snlrf l 111 rrit•fl1atd~ SI .'l~lu.uoo llG CAMYON CUSTOM HOME On /I. Beautiful l.111 Ov(•rlookinl( Th<' llith fo'a1rwu\' Outslumlin~ ('uslom Built Home Ep1torn"y Of Undt•rstati:'d F.lci.tnnee. In Tht> F a mily Wini! Of The• llnmt• Thc•r e An· 4 Lar11e Bedrooms 1-:urh With /I. Hath Master Has A f"lrt'plal't'. 2 LarJ?e Walk in ('hlst•ts & Frenrh Doors Opening To /I. Rrirk 'f<'rrac·e Formal Dininl!. <;ourmel Kilt•hc·n. Bonus R oom With Ba t h Plus M11111 ·~ 4~~ters <.'al) l'"or /I.pp\ S2.200.000 ll"OFUDO Jo:xpansivc• 1.rtlo Isle 811 yfront 90 l"eet On Thr Buy Thre<> CQnllJ(uous Lots Posslhle To Dork A 90' Boat. MaJ(nlficient Propert~· On Wttle Part Of Channel. 4 Rcdrooms , 6 Balh!4 &t Powtlr·r Room. Plu11 Separale Room & Buth Off Of The SwlmminJ( Pool. Formal Dininit. F'amily Room With Wet Bar. Wint Celler. 4 Car Oural(e /\ Va<'hlsman·a ON!am Home $4,f!00,000 Gl ·--........... MIW COMDO -LOW SDMI l.g . 3hd , 2 1h bath in Costa Mes a . Formal DR & firepl .. A ss um e J 1 34 3 w !low dn. St85,000. P atrick Tenore . l.Alll FOllST STUL <;orgE:'Ous hu~e Jbd w/spa & all ame nities. Prof. decor - (·:trlhton1·s Assume lOo/r int. w 0 11l v 1(1 ''; <In . $225,000. l'a lrrt·k 1\•non· LAGUNA llUCH CHAtia I .g iltxf h1Hnt• tn woodsy area '""• r h1·<11·ht•s 2 fireplaces \o, r ,, h 11 I o u :-s pa . A s s um e 111 ": ~m· ~00 <'a II Patrick T1·r11>r1· LIMOA ISLE •iii!' 7h.i 1 hi· mo-;t t'xc·1t. estate 11t1 I 111d:1 bit-Wtn<' reTlar . i.::1rn1• rm tn •out <Ir pool & "l'il l 'rwqual hasin v u. dk for >1~1 • ';wlit :~ 1 niilhon f'or appt. H11t. /<. I l'I\' 11• Km >P l t ~OA ISLE :,1r1 ;,t.a htllH' maste r ste. 111 J tl II'.• dt·t•11r,. formal din . b I d I I) 11 \ l 1 n r • I n cl a a l I I 111111 11111 Bob & Dovie K oop LAGUMA. l A•CH IA Y Fr 1•11C'h '\or c·us lom I vr . old fr 11111 n•"' '-11rf '11 lo San 'Pedro . ·1111 l '"'· ... :.1 rn.1, s pa. lib .. oak ll.11 & I Ir" 1·11 11 l'fimplete 2 1111111 • 111 t'<I I h;1 St·ller l<} fin ~I I 1 '• r)(.10 Htili & I >c1v IC' Koop. OC E.4,.. YlfW OOVH ~IS I hr 1ti.1 lah 'u from this xtra 11 l1l11ff lt1t punl '-PC&. party 1111 1 ~,11111' 1·x1,t fen askin g s-;:· .• r. 11·1 · f{11l1 & Dm 11> K oop WA TYFROMT 10.4 T DOCI 1h1 ·111,1 hr-. 11ld ne w s pa. It 1 , 111.1 ... 11•1 ''' " ha \'\"U Sell ,, 1 •"~•"-l 1 ·1 I 1 .-.2741< at 11 • t' 11111 Hoh&. l>1ww Koop DOVEi SHOHS CUSTOM" : 1111 \ h :1 lurm:al citn, brdge rrn :J F l '. 1:1h vu 6yrs old , .1pp1 ''' 'X1><1f1 ;1-.k1ng $SOOK 1'.111 .~ I"" 11• h.u11p C~MfO SHORE LEASE 1111 h ,1 t di \\I. pool. pri heh ' ·o~r rr .. 1 111• i<. l>o\ ti" Kuop ME W,Otrr IUCH lfftOSSISSIOH 11.1 ::h.1 h \ ,1<·t· rm lo r lrg I'"'" 'l';tk1• m •·r 11pl . fl)r $.5.000. "•1 111-. '"'" :•:11n $159K Roh ,'<. l>tl\ I• h1)1 II' srYGLASS HILL :1 111 ·111.1 ..,11p1·r nilt• lite & 111 11u11l .i t11 \ll lit•au d eC'or w n11n•11 //.· 1 ~1 papt•r. Grt. f111 I\ I "'l:J7K Hoh & Dovie "llllfl HUKTIMGTC>t4 HAHOI :'hr. :!-'.ha \ t·n sharp c·ondo ·~1 ·12K Boll & Do\ rt' t\onp UNOH $100,000 \lto\l' 111 111·rf t•c·1 :!hr, 2ba. 1 • r ir· I o" <'ti i.: ;r r . I r g . ya rd . ('11m mun1t.\' pool Hurry! Open 11 11 11 •., !-.un d a\ <':ill Lois ~1 f ll1·t llYIME COHOOS GaU T AMAMCIMG I H' !11 ~2' • clown on 3hdrm c·c11Hl n~ Crf•;at for !s t time 1111\ If Of" Hl\'t'"l0f $J05.90() lO $1117 ~1fMI <'all .J1•rrv .Jones NEW LISTIHG N 1· a r golf <·o u rse + I rg. park in M 1•s :i Vt•rdt' a rea. 4 bdrm .. B1u·<·ol:1 horn<> Oe li1?htful patio f o r 1•nt1•rtca1n1 n g .Jac ki e f I andlcman. VILLAGE CllEH TOWHHOUSIS Jbdr .. wnlk to south coast plna. Avail. 2 15. $675/mo. J\l !'i o . Jbd r fam rm . unit located near pool & club house. Asking $141 .000. Ca ll Jackie Ha ndleman LOCATION. LOCA T10M. LOCATIOM Wa lk to 90lf & tennis from thls t e rrific 5bdr.. pool home in Mesa Verde. Large, expanded kitche n with lot or upgrades. Ca ll Jackie Handleman for· more details . .. l l>ett' I larrt ·t t I~ ~aJty IHDIYfDUAllZH> IN WESTCUFf Skyllghb and c I• 1, •,1<11, w 111d11w ' h1~lil 1~ht t ht• warmth of t his :J Bdn n t111r11•· l "'' f\ pr i \;rlt• c·ornt•r h ig tr«'t'S. llCW dt•('Ol .... t 1 I',•, f he • •'ll'ol •11JI qu,tlit \' S:~·l!t ~100 f;):' ,·>()() 1605 WESTC LI~ DRIVE HE~ORl' &EACH LET'S TRADE EQUITY Est. Market Value: $450,000 Present Equity: $2 00,000 I pr~Mtllty oWft ttli• ~auttfwl r.n to..oi tMtt, 5 .,..°°"' Ilia-. wltt. llOO Mt-ft o1 lw:...-y locat.d ,_.... of dowwtoww Los •....-. • H.wt.afl. Cdi1. Locahd °" o >;,. oc,..·w wMi .-y ...... ~ '"°"· H\11 t.ou.e Is o hoMe for flf'f fmily ...t -· W Mc~ of a Med to MOY4t to the M.wport leocll area, I w..W COlt.W. ~ e-qwitiu wltti to-a..e who ..... to -•• clHft' to LA. WOtlld cOMi..,. trod•l<J f~ o bUkiabk k>t, p1tin saflboclt.,... 1 L.t's M c:natiu. Call Ct-:r. Sc..t tbury. -...... Hom~: 805-255-6662 O ffice: 21 3-552-1681 frn111lt lt'1p1.11il\ 1•111 ti11• I• cl I Jltl11'1 ' .I 11 ' • "'111 111 1111111" llt'.t1 tli111I \II'\\" Ill 111•,1( If ,lllOI I I I lllllO \lot\• I\ I ft II ti<' .Ill ,I ""\\ll,l.111" 111.tl ..... 11h·.tl ''" lt'l '1'1•l'l'I " • ., Ht ,, ti1·1 '" I I\\ .... ··1·• 'MIU Op~n ~11doy I to S 8 H t<ottllo, Loquno l•och Arc:h koch Hr1qhh LANTERN BAY REAL TY 1 1>1 v of \11t'l1or :igl' I i1 \ 1·-;t me11ls1 Dana Point llGl -6441 OUSHforS• Sunday, Jwiuary 25. 1981 DAILY PILOT . 'lf:ViE\V of 110lnES~= A FIRST OFFERING NEW HARBOR RIDGE ESTATE A i.o-of WIMWp .... d •l•9011ce for p•-rnd Colifor11io .fi•i119. Mo911 ifk ut cwt-FntKh Hormottdy r•\iduu 011 Ill« hill with 5700 "I ff. qf u cell ... ce' Liu ioi tofal lll1wy olld chooH yovr ow11 ct.cor befort co111 pletio11. S11b1to11tiol lhi119 .... ill ""' .. ceptloftol ho-i11clwdH 4 bedroo111,, 4 both\, 2 po wder roo111\, librory, fOf'MOI dillltwJ r-. fo111ily rto111, ,._ roo111, top roo111. ele•otor, phn 111· door .d outdoor ,,., Co111pwterlii'd -•ter both with • .1111 "heolth orle11led " .... ir-..t. P-ro111ic YllEW fro111 1110tt roo111•. C oll for dtloih Giid brochure. SI, 995,000. Coll 6lI·1 400. WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. 2633 W Coa'>t Hwy :315 Mdruie Av, N1>wp(Jrt Beach Balb'>d bldnd 631--J400 673-6900 ----- HILL TOP EST A TE Magnificent French M editerranean 5 be droo m Villa with nerlect1on in design. material~ & c ra lts m an~h 1 p Elegant formal living room & dining room . g ourmet kitchen M aster & exe cutive suite s with cedar lined walk-in clo•,eto..; ..io· pool with spa O ne o f N ewport Be;.1c h '• linP~I v1P.w pro perties Offe red at ~2 .900.000. LYNNE VALENTINE, 17141 644·6200 CUSTOM BUILT RANCH HOME 5 Bd rms. 4 baths . 3 fireplaces. wet har on a n '" acre of manicured grounds . Perfect for entertaining. You must see the interior of this beautiful hom e to a ppr(•tiate the c·ustom features OPEM HOUSI SAT /SUM 12·4. 1 '41 McCl.EAH DI. TUSTIN 963-818-2 12 718% Interest Rate Available l nnerlihle. Hut True : Thi~ 4 bedroom. 2 bath. tluntmgton Rea<·h Reauty Is Priced for Quir k Sale Ownt•r Will Help Fina n<·e Too' Quatifyitw) Proble1ns? Mo Qualifyillg Otaay He~. Hurry This Won't Last At $129,900! ~~ GOLDENWEST ~ ~ REAL TORS 848-8588 -~~~ ~ASSOCIATES To be published on Sunda.i1. f ~ebruary 8th Call 642-5678 HousHForS. Hovffs For Sak tto.wsForS. HousH For §de ..........................•....................••.•...............•..••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••..................•.•..................................•....•.. CLASSIFIED CONTINUED FROM SECTION C OflPOITUMITY knotlll oft• Whl'n )'OU '* r9Ult·1ettln1 Dally PUat CluaJfied Adi' to reada the Orana• Coast :narUt. Phone 142.54179 t ,, G~raf I 002 G..wraf I 002 G.-ral I 002 Ch•:.. I 002 Gwr.t" I 002 G>wral I 002 Go..wr°' I 002 ..........................•.................................•........••.•••••••••••••••••.•• REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS BEST IN BLUFFS E PLAN, IA.YF•~,·n. Fan last i c panoramic VIP" \ 11 ever y room . completely \ \\ .• oughout. 3 Bdrm. 21h bath, fam .11. 2200sq. fl. $.115,000. SPICTACULAI TllMA. 3 Bdrm, 2112 -bath, 1900 sq. ft. Highly upgraded. 1'eutral colon throughout. '235.000. HELEN B. DOWD MMIM ..•••.•......•..•......•••••••••••.•......•...................••.••• ,_, HOME PLUS INCOME Luxury Duplex on t:ast Peninsµla. 2 lrg 3 Bdrm units with fireplaces. Only 7 years old. Owner will help finance. Open Sun. 913 East Balboa. Call Aeent 846·5945. Mo •41•1~& Pnlll1M Beautiful· Br, 2Ba home In Stanton. LI lot, all ' new int. Try lae option. Alkine •t,500 w/tM,500 •U7" Pm. call Jo·Ann ('fH)Ml-•U . ONTARIO Xlllt ec.d. N• Allum• w/9,000da. at u~"'· a lclrm, I Batll. Fam. am. I/I Aere. lonua a. .......... RCTaylorCo ()40-0900 HAUOI 11191 MIAT PINAMC .. Fully decorated· upgraded 4 Bdrm home. Ocean and nlte Ute view. Larae ,uaumable loan and owner will carry 2nd. $785,000. CWlY PtlOl AIOYI THI cm t'rom lush r ourt ar<1 t>nlr i nd dramalH' 2 story foyer to uperbly uppomtt'd k1tc·ht·n 1h1s l1 room ~ 1 m t• ~ t .,. r i. I.~ l h c. m o Ii l dtsc·r1manu~c· Mwil rooms o~n onto ,,.., 10 ur \'U dt.•t'kli • fctitlurtnK cal y li h•., & 1au.,t11ral vu't Offered In Fee <ti Sl ~ m11l1hn Jt·11 Hunt l STOl•S OM T .. IAY ~ t>ll kno wn dl·~1ii:rwr ·~ homc W/45' 0 11 m.tan t·h11nnt-I P1t"r , :-,hp • 2 :. 1 d ,. L 1 t· ., < ; r ... t' n I a w n . h r 1 r k lt>rr•u·c ~urclc>n patio. 5 ttdrm .. uatt-:, & .:.tudy v~r soph1stwated hom t: r •l:>tored lu appeal tu the most . d1 ~l'~mmg Shown by appt 1 875 million F'tt: Poll;r John~lon J04) Wntdtff DriH, Wt. 204 .._wpert .._. C7141 Ul-7'00 ZMHOOM 14792 Waverly l.n CRy Owner) Irv 551 4~ Of/er Sat/Sun 11·3 321 Rochester . Costa Mesa 646-5096 Sat/Sun 1·5 • •22Salsburg , Hrbr Ridge, NB 644-6200 $389.000 Sun 12-3:30 • •611 Lido Park Dr 20. N.B. 631-1400 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 12 Vista <Bayshbres) NB 675·6000 $310,000 Sun 1-5 502 Acacia COid CdM) CdM 675-6000 $3.17 ,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Z • .... FAM IM or DIN 971 Rayside Cove W., N pt Bch 631·1532 $749.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 120 Via Trieste. Lido Isle. NB 673-5426 Sun 1·5 2100 Miramar Dr. Ralhoa PeninPt. NB 642-5200 $295.000 Sun 1-5 227 Via Orvieto, Lido Is le. NB fi73-7~)0 Sat/Sun I ·4 • •63.1 1.ido Park Fl. N('wport Reh fi'.il -MOO $625.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 l llOIOOM :nt Walnut St. F.-side,C' M. fi~2 ·fi:"lf.8 $137 ,500 Sal/Sun1·5 I 1:13 Berks hire. N.B fl42-2950 $.100,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 703 Balboa. Laguna Beach 495 10fl4 $450,000 Sun l-5 17952 Buller (Univ Pk ) Irv. 551-0106 $134 .300 Sun 12·3 :l4 AlmondTreel.n., Univ Prk. Irv 640-5777 $164 .500 Sat 1-5/S 11·3 •7 Hut• Oeauvilh•, Hig Cnyn. NB 7fi0 821M $475.000 Sun 10-4 272 V lllC:t NnvC:t . Costa Mesa 548 l lAA $1 JO,()()() Sat/Sun 12·4 fi Hue Valbonnc. Npt Beach fi44-RHn $449.500 Sat/Sun 1-4 21 t:J Miramar, Ral. Penin .. NB fi31 ·1400 $.'l.50,000 Sat/Sunt-5 4501 Gorh<1m Dr .. Corona del Mar f>44-fi200 $935.000 Sat/Sun l-5 421 & 421 1 :! Iris, CdM 759· lfllfi $275.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 :woo Port Albans . Newport Beach (i73 8.'>.50 Sat/Sun l-5 2fl42 Cirele Dr .. Bayshon1s fi42·823.5 $.175,00() Sun 1.5 3024 Ocean Rl vd , Newport Rea<·h fl3I ·1400 $1.200,000 Sat/Sun I .5 :M:l 62nd St.. Nwpt Shrs . N.B 75!.1-1501 $175.(H)() Sal/~un 12·4 l II ,... FAM IM or DIN :,175 1-:. 23rd St.. Newport Beat'h 979-5370 $184,900 Sun 1·5 795 Balboa. Laguna Beach 495-1064 $278,900 Sun 1 :30-5 14 Bumin~ Tree (Ri~ ('yn> NB 675-6000 $.595,000 Sun 1-5 2501 Harbor View Or .. CdM 673-1600 Sun 1-5 2738 Lorenzo (Mesa d c l Mar) CM 540· l 151 $168,000 Sun 12·3 618 Kings Place. Newport Beach 645-~ $210.000 Sun L-5 335 Flower. Costa Mesa 675-5511 $148.000 Sun 1.5 1674 Iowa (Mesa Verde> CM 645-0303 $12.5.000 Sun 1-4 •34022Chula Vista. Dana Point 496-8005 Sat/Sun 12-4 400 Morning Star Ln .. Newport Bch 642-58.57 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1472 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shrs) NB 645-9161 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 545 Irvine Blvd., Newport Beach 546-9522 $.126,000 Sat 12-5 #12 Sand Pebble. Irvine Sat/Sun 1·4 17 Whitecap, Jasmine Creek, CdM 760-~67 $432.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 # 14 Tribute Court, Npt Crest. NB 760-6767 $275,000 Sat/Sun LS 225 1a ito. Lido Isle, N. B. 673·7300 Sat3-5; Sun 11·3 384 Mira Loma Place. Back Bay 644-9060 $225.000 Sun 1-4 •1400Nottingham, West~liff, NB • 631-7300 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 • 1207 Berkshire, Wstclf, N.B. 631-7300 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1--4 :30 •219 Via Quito, Newport Beach 875-a> Sat/Sun 1·5 3aO Seaward Road, Newport Beach 631·1400 "1114,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 801 Clllr Drive, Newport Beach U1·1400 _,,000 ·Sat/Sun 1·5 .r / ., 1 ••• ,.. 1002 ............ s. ......... s. ......... s. ......... s. . ...... ...... s. ' ...••••••••...••••••... ···········!··········· ....................... ····················~·· •....•.....••......•....••....•..•......••••.• ---------------., .. ,.. IOOZ ......... 1002 • .....,_. 1002 • ...,... 1002 •••rel IOOJ .••......•........•.... , ••••....................•.......••........•...........•.•............•.........••.........•. IPDI SITlllAY 1-5 Ill lo.. IPAllOW. Woodbrid1e Creelulde, IRVINE . See this c harming 3 Br home & experience pride ol ownership: XLNT financing. Assume low interes t loan & owner will <'Mrry a 2nd. Spac master Br & bath. Owner transferred. Priced to sell at $145,tm PIMIMIU&.A POINT. Beautiful NEW hom e on prestigious Balboa Peninsula. Ne1rin1 completion. 4 Br l nd master w /large dress. r oom . Jctcuzzi, formal dining room + family room, 3 rireplaces 3 car garage. Deluxe appointments. Call to see. • WA .,...OMT DUPUX. Large 3 Br & den home w l Br· rental. Dock for 2 boats Lavish use of wood & glass. lluge patio Sundeck. MOTIVATED SF.LLER: $439,500. LIDO ISL.I. Country 1',,rench w /large formal d inif!g room. 3 large Br's. So. patio. Wide st. to st. location. Large assumable low interest loan. $425,000. D A V l D S 0 N R E A L Tl I N C. ' •., -'t I • ' '. ' 673 9060 MESA. DEL MARS Move into this immaculate 5 Bdrm. 2-sty, 3 Ba family home. New carpet a nd paint and g reat locatibn make this a very desirable property. Assume existing loans and save on fees. Full price $170,000. LOW DOWN Owner will finance this almost ne w 3 be droom 2 ~ bath Brittany Woods condo. 3 ~r ga rage, wet bar. greenhouse window, and microwave oven are among the amenities offered. Full price $165,000. -DIRECTORY Ifft' .... ......, 6-twy wlMI ,_ .............. ,_ ....... lw:Mw+ Al..._ lec ..... 1 ll1t.4 Mlow -._._la ............ ~y .............. .._,la...,., DAllT rtlOT WAMT ADS.,._, ....... .,... ....... fw .... -,.. _ ..-4 ..• , -· ...................... c ....... -· , ..... , _.,...,, 421 San Bernardino. Nwpt Hghts. NB 631 -7:.x> $360.000 Daily 1-4 :30 * 11 01 Whitesails Way. CdM · 675-5511 $450.000 · Sal/Sun l-5 :j l26 Cork. Costa Mesa 673-8550 $359.000 Sat/Sun I S 3126Cork. Costa Mes<1 545·9491 $115,00() Sun t .5 •4922 Lori Ann CCalif Hms >Irv 551-5836 $148.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •511 Cliff Dr CC lfhvn >NB 642-5200 Sat /Sun I 5 1:rn; Sussl'x .<WC'st<'liff > NB 642-5200 $238.000 Sat /Sun I ·5 I Silver Crescent. Trtlrk llln. Irv 675-3411 $249,900 Sat/Sun 1 5 2421 Bunya ( E!Bluff I N.B. 645-0303 $274,500 Sa 12-5/Su 12-4 l II plus An. 604/605 Avocado. CdM 673-1600 Saturd:i~· t .!) 4 IEDIOOM 4HOO Cortland. Corona del Mar 675-4010 $298,500 Sun l ·5 1315 Santanella Terr (Irv Te rr > Cd M 675-6000 $328,900 Sat/Sun l ·5 I 18 Via Ithaca. Lieto Isl('. NB 673-7300 Sat/Sun I 1-3 I 801 Santiago Baynest 642·8235 $42.5,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 223 Via San Remo, Udo Is le. NB 63 I -1400 $66.5,000 Sat/Sun t .;; #8 Collins Isle, Newport RC'h 631 1400 $1.100,000 Sat/Sun t -5 * •2274 Channel Rd .. Nl'wport RC'h 673-8550 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 II ... FAM IM or DIN 1978 Port. C helsea, Nwpt Reach 760-024 1 $229,()()() Sat/Sun l -5 :>o Ridgelinc Dr CHrbr Ridge) NB 640-6323 $790,000 Sun 2-!1 1607 Sea Bell Cir .. Spyglass Hid~e 644-4848 $.595,000 Sun 1-5 124 Via.l~rca, Lido Is le. N.B. fi75-18S4 $495.000 Sun 1 · 30-5 • 1608 Galaxy Dr .. Npt Reach 673-8700 $699,000 Sun 1·5 1:177 Miramar Or,Ball'enPt.NR 642-5200 S.159.000 Sun 1-5 2731 Bayshore CByshrs > Npt Bch 644-9990 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2682 Circle ( Bayshores) Npt R<'h 644-9990 $885,000 Sun 12·4 3709 Topside Ln <HVHlsJ CdM 675-6000 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1242 Somerset Ln .. Newport Bch 645-806.1 $460,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1620 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 644·4910 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 # 12 Tahoe, Univ. Park, Irvine 559-9397 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 12 Valley View. Trtlrock, Irv 851-0768 $299.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1730 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, N.B. 631 -7300 $475.000 Sun 1·4:30 • •401 N. Star Ln. Dover Shrs, NB 631 -7:.JO $945,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 #8 Alondra, Northwood, Irvine 759-1501 $249,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 22 Morro Bay (Spygls) CdM 760-9333 $525.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5752 Sierra Casa Rd .. Irvine 851-1826 $225,000 Sun 1-5 # 1 Jade Cove CSpygls > CdM 760-9333 Sl675,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 19232 Doe Run, Tustin 644-7211 $264,950 Daily 12-dusk 3481 Fuschia, Costa Mesa 557 -0916 $155,000 Sa 12-4; Su 10-12:30 21031 Manensa, Huntington Br h 645-0303 Sl~.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 l ... OOM 9 Pint.ail, Irvine 549-823.1 1310,000 Sun l ·S •2Ml Alta Vista, Npt Bch 831·1288 $319,000 Sun 1-& 20121 Riven Ide Dr .• Santa Ana Rita 5"-2.1U *175~000 Sat/Sun·~ 5 II .... FAM IM or DIH t81fi Newport Hills Or, HVH. NB fi7:J-4400 $345,000 Sat/Sun I .5 us l>ecrwooo. Ri~ Canyon. NB 760-9544 $2.000.000 Sun I 5 141 2 J\nt1gua COovt·r Shores'I NR fi42 5200 S:l89.5CHI Sun 12 :1 •1301Galaxy l>r. CUovcr !:>hrsl N B 644-9060 $55!.1,000 Sun t -4 · :w 18 Mandarin I WdbrJ.( 1 I r\'lnt• !151 :i'MIO S28fJ.000 Sat1Sun 12 1 * 1842 (;a lax' Dr. Uovl'r Shrs. NH li:U -7:100 $nfi5.000 Sun I .4::)0 * l82:l Glenwood. Bay trcst. NB 631 ·7300 s.110.000 Sal/Sun 1 ·1 :m IHi Malibu Circle, Spyglass, C'dM fl44-90fl0 $.595.000 Sun t 5 •921 .Jasmine. Costa ·Mesa 540·3flflli $189.900 Sat/Sun l. 5 1941 Ml'Cll'<1n Dri vc. Tustin 963-8182 $549.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 • •H(){) Harbor Island Or .. NR fi:n 0094 $1 .395.000 S<1t /Sun I 5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDIOOM 50 1 St Anc1n•ws Rd . Newport R<·h H7:J 7300 $1:19,500 Sun 1 5 146:lfi Oval Hd . lrvirw 540 :Wiflfi SR:l.900 Sun I 5 ti 7 A 1 res Court. NPWf>e>rt Bt•aeh fi:I I J.100 $1X0.000 Sun I .5 2 II pM FAM IM or DEN 52~J2 Plum Tr''t'. Univ. Prk. Irv 552 1800 $t:l8.000 Sat/Sun l 5 :n~s Bayview Terran·. Npt Rrh 7fiO-H:t3:1 $2 l0.00() Sat /Sun 1·5 l IEDIOOM I l B1~ Oipper CNpt Terr> NB 759-9100 $139,500 Sat /Sun l ·5 14584 Goldeng len. Irvin(' 631 1266 $99.900 Sun 2 5 11:u Vista Sue rte. Hluffs. N. B. fi40 5.56() $24!J ,!11H) Sat/Sun 1·5 l II .... FAM IM or DEN 52fl2 Thorn Tree. Univ. Prk, Irv 552· 1800 $159.500 Sal/Sun I 5 4 HDIOOM 29 12 <lut•<la<la . Rlurrs. N.B. 1>40 5.560 $2f,0,000 Sat/Sun t-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE l HOIOOM 101 As1>en Ln I Eastside) CM ():U-0189 $133.500 Sat/Sun 1·4 t I SaC'ramenlo c Heritage Pk) Irv !'>52-01 17 $ Sun 10·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 •• ..... z •• 2001 Kings Road, Newport Beach 631 ·1400 $495.000 Sun 1-5 2-3 llDIOOM 913 E. Balboa. E. Peninsula. NB 6J6·5945 $375,000 Sun 1-5 J .. ,... z .. 421 Fe mleaf, Corona del Mar \ 675-1055 $349,500 Sat/Sun 12·3 HOUSES FOR REN't 4•.-•AMIMwDIM •6 Pinehurst (Big Cyn) NB 675-3411 l2500 mo. Sat/Sun 1·5 . .... ** Wtllutt• *** Wlllastt•I'-' OPIM HOUSIS 1·5 II.MANY IA YFltOMT E legant, peacefulnesa with scenic reaches of the bay and ocean from this 4 Bdrm custom home, located on Newport's Peninsula Point. Dou- ble door entry into parqUet foyer with spir al stair case to second story. Panoramic water view from master s uite, patio & spa . 2 fireplaces shed their warmth and ceramic tiled kitchen is gourmet ready. French doors lead from living and dining rooms. to bayside patio and pier 2274 Channel Rd. PllVACY MIWPOIT HAllOI HOME Owner anxious . Says submit a ll of- fers on this charming 3 Bdrm home . Vaulted ceilin gs, bric k fireplace. gourmet kitchen. brick patio. firepit. dog run. bo.at access . Jt"R UJT T REES GALORE'. Spa'. Hurry on t his one. 2006 Port Albans . OCEAN VIEW CORONA DEL MAR, $359,000 Like new 3 + den Cameo home. Light and airy wit h wall of windows . s howmg to PaC'ific · 3 private beaches ~ss ume ts t an<l owner will help fanant'f' t1fl27 Cortland NEWPORT IEACH HOUSE s 132,900 Singles, young married . s teps lo heat·h. pool or tennis from this 3 Bdrm. e<1thcdral teilin~cd sty le beach home . Cozy hric·k fire pla<:e. formal din mg. Se <:ludt•<I fountain in enC'losed pa t io Hurr.'" won 't last 673-ISS-O r941HSUU rOIHT IEACHNONT I' •1 nor a ni I l' ,. H · " •• l " t• <i g l'. fro m pnnw larg1• lot . I hdrm. :1 hath <'UStom hnnw :noo ''I fl f1·aturing m:Jnnt· roona. 1•r1tr.\. lt\111.L! r <111m . din1n).! r1111rn h111lt 111:-. <·t1· Sl .:!R.'i.1100 LIDO ISLE :'\1·" h n ·rr11 .. h·h•d trad11 w11.d ...,, \'It• :l h<lrrn. <! lt:ath hom1• ft·atunng l<.1rgt.' · n•<·1·1·at1on roon1 & '.:! p~1l111s l.1nng roo111 h;i:-. <iltr:11·t1\·1· lw:1m <'t'1langs . fi n ·pl:u·1· t'\· t n •nd1 door ... lt·adang onto h r 1<·k pat 111 :":1•\.\ k11!·ht•n hi\ 111 :appl1a11,·1•s C'l11s1· 111 lt.•nnrs <·ourts, :-.and.' IH·adw~ &· <·luhh11ust· Can ht.• ..,old t 1111~ furnis hl·d $420,000 IAYFIONT \\'1• h;a \ l' 'l'' 1•r ;al I 111t· hurnt·"'i \\1th p1t•I' & :-.lrp Bl LL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1de 011ve N B 675 6161 fi42 5678 I Want Ad!> Cull fi4:! !'>ti7K macnab .' irvine realty A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY MOW INTERVIEWING EXrBllNCEO SALES rEOPLE for our new Laguna t11ll s OffJC•(l Pleasl' tall Hon Mazzano. 551·R700 752-1414 SSl-1700 l ""'P•" Volley (""'"' w ...... lt"-•l'l" (""'"' 642 .. JJI 644-6200 '101 Dove< (),, • ., H,l'bn-v ..... (en•~ COUNTRY CHARM-BALBOA IS. Tot.ly ........ & n•••ltcl .... .. Fro.I .............. c ....... ~ ..... & ,.,.._. cloon. .............. 2 1M•u1 a & to.cit of c ........ SJH,500. Showw by •11alntuu11Rf. ON WATER-VIBRANT DECOR Yo .. 9 ..ct Hcltl1t9. WATHNOMT 2-story ..... wtt1t ._. • .,. VllW of , ......... 11•""'9 • .....,. OwMr'• ••It tt.1 Z·story •••t•r ..... wltlt fln11l•c•, ..... ,..... -4 llritM ~-. c ....................... .... ........ ._...._two J..,.. -'"· s 1,09,,000. INIVlllUALITY & CHAIM ,.,,.. ........................ . c ...... ~.1.._ ... ..... .__. .... ,... .......,. "*-w/ff/I&. ... .., .... h4 • .,. .... ' ... .: .,_ _.....a... 9f w-4, wwA-4 ....... a.-S4I0,000. NEWPllT CONDO RNE LOCATION w ............ ,....,_ ....... IMtLJ._...._,__....._,. 0.--wll_.. ••• .... 111~.lll. - WATERFRONT HOMES, tNC . REAL EST A Tf. S.• R~n•.th. Procwnv ~mmi S74t,000 NMl .. ..--.. rt W•rfr_, LarceAt floor plan, view, i1lp ripta. JAMIS I. •OULO Ul·llJJ VIEW "XllUPPll Dynamic view! Popular 4 Bdrm 3 bath. Spec· tacular family room with wetbar, fireplace, formal d inina area. Country kitchen over- loob pool and apa. + VIEW! A mus t see. S27S,OOO. Act now ! W·Pl3 lmA~I ------- $185,000 Versailles condo , spacious 1500 sq ft 2 Br 2 Ra, ground nr, tennis, pool. s pa, social 3l' tavities. to-p cuarded area Owner wants ac lion'' Assume 11~•"'­ loan Owner will con sider Znd·subm at offer:-. lo Hope c:erne 640 6600, 7~1111 OCEAN VIEW ALL DAYLONG t'rcl• fnrm ,,w1mmanl( pool with J ACl'Z1.I am1 l:in(c ASSUMAHl.t-: l11an al !P1'. <\./\ 1.0 1\N :ihout $9-1.0001 5 Bdrm, •I l1;i, :tht1UI JO(IO Ml rt of lu xur) ll\1111( 111 l 'arl!>l1:id Hy Thl· Sl•a ·~ musl pn•,t1.:1nu,, art'a Xtra,, I( a fort'~ 11 h Ions of l·ahanct:. and hu11l lrl l111ok,,hcl\·1·s. :i rar .:ar & \ ~· r \ I' It l \' A T E ('()\ ltTY \HU l'nc·l'll tu,,dl l-'1\ST al $:1<1!'>,IJ\IO WALLACE&CO. REALTOIS 729-5966 Ol-6490 tcAoallland 1006 .•..................... llR Arnclh)st 2 s luq home & ;ipt Su 11ood ii will !>hock you Xlnt terms Owner 673 1275 ATTRACTIVE 2STOIY + MOUl':l<N A l'T $-195 Nr hil)l>. old r harm. I frvlr . 11.Ha l"ahuluu' a!>:.umable f111an1·1n.: 194EREALTY C2 I lt 04-0908 l~V t-:sTl\tt-:NT 1luµlex . xlnt IOC'alaon, !'Ins(• ll) ba~ ~ 111<;11 rt'nlal polenllal 2 B H t I II H Ownt•r r1>ad) to st>ll S.."12.'>,IXJO B t' :i 1· h T 1m1• I! 11 > 673·6511 CoroM .. Mar 102Z ••••••••••••••••••••••• 502 j\C'3l'la. s.137 ,000 620 A1·ac1a . $286,500 425 1-·cmlcaf. S26!1,SOO Drivt• by. then r all Sara M arvan, Unique Homes 67S·Sf>l!8. 675·6000 MO c;>UALIFYIM~ Fur the loan on tha,, nl·~1·r 411r i 21\r , Uplx So of Hwy l tl'r dn, uwncr l'arr1c,, HI 12' • s P $389.01111 Pran onl> Ov.11er Bkr 673 1148 One of the best duplexe~ by owner 6 73 4764. 675· 1~. 673-4848 CGneo Shores ..... u.~ EXTRA SPECIAL ' ~ig hl y upgraded , panoramic ocean view & just steps to private community beaches. uus ELEGANT 3 bdrm + maid's, 4 bath home with a sparkling pool has custom features galore ~ Deluxe security system. Xlnt financinic. Call today for more Info • •ppt. $529,000. llCH Dy 760.0621 SO.OP ... HWAY COll•LOT Femleaf •Sea view terms possible -·---541-1119 CDMDWLll - Pefett for owner /~cu· pant« Investor. 3 year old 4 bdrm, J b•th plus 2 bdrm, 1 bath, ••• , .... Is many other •mniu.. -.GOO. Call to tee. ............ .................................................................................... , ...•..•...•......•••.......... C•-tlllMlr 1111 MIM IOJ4 ......... 1114Nutkfl• ..... 1040 lkcM __ .._.. 1040 .............................................. ...........•.......... ....................... ...................... . =.. ... 1111.... air, 2'~8a. &yr new CQll G ........ Mll~,111.HO do Lrl ... umable lat LOI IJWll PAYIDIJ ~wn11• Ill C P , 2 llr. neat. TD Owner will carry a.....,. ·~.._ lilom•. riHll ..... t •r,et. 1ood Ind 111 8randyw yne Innovative New P rogram Allows 41 r. a~ 1 1 • b .. u t IMUID&I* io.n Churl& T.,.,ace Off SHta Ana You To Buy Your Home Even If = l:°iT~"-~;nd 11' ~ :v~~4S~~:'n !:: Yo u Have A Ver y Low Down 1.1a s1m Payment. Little Cash Needed'. Call c..con .. 1 fiWllMCO... ._ .. un.1 .. ,. J l*ftl 2 ba home WU~ bolaled muter Wntt , t<.~an bt par""' ,...,.,.t or an law qn n 1 ad 1 z Bch·m l"otl111t .. My ••1 )OU dt1r rlbt-11 It • ch&rmln& up tu 1.iAtf' •nd bou tdully located C4tw ..... 644a7JI I 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tlWCONDOS IASTSaOI C.M. 2$12 S&nta An1& A vt- 2 BR, 21., ba. l'Onte mp dnap $116,000 646-IO" 64'·6ot l ... . 9.5 llfTEIEST AMume MOK down l.o\' d y J Bdrm. ~ bllth fa1111 tr n:iom, flrcipl161'1•, OIWll branu!d l•t11ll1111•. 11c'" l'~r plurnl111111. liir111• } .rd. J uutile II • r 16llt' a&yh1ht Otil) SI 10 00 C'all 14$ ltlll.1 I •l'I N ti• 111',I I( I .l\l 1 r / Tentfk,.._*J 3 Hr 2 Ba Mesu Verde, \"A S 129.900 Ota n a 1131 1.266 • Jbr lb11 ne w ly re h.1rbri.hed t: Sri.It' C M humt', 111comt' rn rt'ar. will lo shopprng cnlri. Deluxe lndsl'pg, assume $70K owner wall consider 2nd $137.~ p p 642-0tl27. S48-49'l7 MISAYHDE 3 BR 2 Ba home on quid cul de sac Assumable· loan Won't last $1~.000 P r in<' only 54 I ·9993, Mark. Bkr lllllw1D.UCJM Easts1de 'duplex on huge lot R·4 zoning to build 6 <·ondos Asking $230,000 ONLYl771 NIMOMTH fo'1U1ta1lk takt<>ver lolln I.WI 3 br family ho me l>ncf'd 11t ooly Sl IS,000 ' l)wblc t1Wf\e fareplal'e . n ew r11 11 11 e w m1crowavt' ., 11 hom e w11rrimty for pe a cc of 11111\U HK'H ~~ IM91 !$20.000 DOWM! w\d uwnen> will carry to help the payments ht tht' budget on this popular Sunshine Home New root. new plum bing & new parnt rns1de & out Askin g $10$,000 HKK 545-9491 r - SOC!rH COAST SHUR ES LAKEVIEW Largest 2sty, a,c, up graded, assume $83 K 101 ~"{. $169 K Or ·-vtLLAGECREl·.:K "/\" 2br. 2ba. $119 K Pran Only PP. 751-7946 2 houses on lot I 3bdrm. 2ba, frplc I 2bdrm. 2ba. T wo 2 car ga r , o wAe r .J b l d~ m a y finance 951 1446 IASTSIDI 1 _2 P rtnc only 541 9993. Impeccable cottage wat h M~rk , bkr:_ -leWLYUSno HOME 2 Br + den Won ·1 last . MESA YEltDE R-2 Lot. loads of charm J I. ed ooo · & wa rmth-t otally r e· ust 1s t at $13$. Lowest price hom e an modeled thruout. x lnt E. Rae Rodgers 631·1266. area. Fixe r u pper on I Side loc. 642·6173 or REMAX q u 1 el c u I· de· s ~ c 646.5096 Mary Larrick. .. _ .,v Probate sale Ask mg. CIR Rltrs ,......._ $112.500. Prine o nly. ____ :_ Sllt,900 ~1-9993 Bkr MESA BLU FFS Lo w : - dow n. a ssum loa n Won't last 641-11833 DOH'TMISS T .. SONE ! Beautiful street in Mesa MESA VERDE 4 Br 2 Verde. 3 Bdrm, 2ba, I Ba. with pool, beautiful level. $169.000 landsca ping & ea sy care 1861 Rhodes Or yard Call to see now ' Agt, 557-11320, 979-8373 $129,900 D Bo u rk e - Realtor. S46·99$0 Mesa Verde Villa Condo, $117,000. 2 Brdm, I Ba Neat & c l ea n . Owner/Agt. 559·6221 0-PoW 102i ••••••••••••••••••••••• O,.HwSat/S..1-5 33822 Diana Dr Excellent vus , excelle nt house. excellent ter ms THE F'ISHJNG RL T RS 494-1092 CostaM.stt 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPARKLING 4BDRM Family Hume o n l y $122,500 Lota lly redone an/out, nr schools & S C Plaza . Open wknds 12·4 675-2345 3151 Ca nadian Owner/Agt. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 MISAYMDI S20l ..... Mld. Mesa Verde 4 Bdrm, 2 ba est.ale sale. Prine. on ly. $112.500. 641 ·8833 Broker. JUST llDUCED TOSI 10,000 OpenS al tSun 12·4 272 Villa Nov a Fixer upper Office cx- causive. nus 3 Bdr m l"'• ba. nr school home. Just reduced and try creutive financing. Century 21 Gold Coast 548·1168 call or call Betty an the PM 556-8249 ..... HTS DUPLEX OWCw/22% DOWN Newport Heights loca - tion with a Costa Mes a address south of 16th 2 Bdrms in front , l bdrm in rear on a neat tree· lined st. Only $137,500 CALL 644-7211 /Jn NIG[L IJAILEY ~ ASSOCIATES PRETTIEST MESA VERDE WITH A POOL · 4 bedroom executive home with a pool. on Country Club Drive. lar~e lot. Assumable finanrin~ at 9 3/4(7,. RCTaylorCo 640-9900 For An Appointment With One Of Our Investment Counselors Today. Do.1 •• L..ft o.t! INTEIEST RATE AVAILABLE Inc redibl e , B ut True '. T his 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Huntington Beach Be auty Is Priced for q uick Sale. Owner Will Help F inance Too'. q.llfyt.g Probll1R17 No 9Mllfyt.g Okay Here Hurry This Won't Last At s 129,900 102' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19311 Beach Blvd. (nr Adams). 50' fr{ C-2 z . Lovely old hse. $175,000 f.p. 20% d.p. 14% In. Owner (714 )499·1901. 493-50'4. Oc--. H.tHw v .. 1 I mmac ulate home , 10'1, dn. Easy Te rms . THE fo'ISHJNG RL TRS 494·1092 For the best buys. Con· tact Sales for Invest · ~nl-in Re al Estate: 496·8005. Ocean View Home. See ad in Open House Section SI 12,000 Fixer 3 Br. Pool + Jacuzzi. Price reduced. For financing low-down call Agt. 642·88SO. LARGE 4 BD • .,.... mi. to beach ! Excell. H B fami· ly home w/super yard on cul-de-sac. Only $149,900 ........... leoch I 040 • w fl e r ms ! Patri c k •••••••••••••••••••••••1 Tenore,agt.631·1266 MO DOWN PA YMIMT MHDED New Innovative pro· gr am allows you to buy your home e ven ar you have no m oney: Buy Now· Call for appt with o ur i nv e s t m e n t counselors today. O..'t .. a..ft 0..t. NO LOAN CO. NHDED 2 sty 4br , 2t..;ba beauty w/sparkling cool pool + spa . Get ready for sum mer run. o wn er will carry S60K. It will not last-call now: , .............. .. QUALITY CHAIMH Newly painted parquet entry. 2 Bdrm w/sauna in mas ter s uite . Ste p s aver kitchen with lop q uality bltins. Spa & 2nd story sundeck. Wa lk lo pvt beach, tennis courts, pool & park. $347,500 131-8440 ~60LDENWEST ".;:r: 1042 m REALTORS ••••••••••••••••••••••• >~ .... .I'· ~ASSOCIATES OwtaftHAMCIMG Spectacular waterfront 848·8588 view condo. 3br. 2 "'1ba, 30' boat s lip.upgrades. AITD at 12%. Nova INVESTORS I Properties, agt. 898.oo87. A T11NTION If • not d. • .. SJ.000 take over pymnts. I . you re . rea an~ _LDe Sl.205/m o. sha r p 3br. 1 liW~ ads.~ Cla111f1ed, 1~4ba, in g reat area. ~you re ~tnl a. lot of Wo n · t I as t J o-h n newsy 1nformat1on as (714)S99·0545 Prin Only well u some a real buys. ~~:!~~ ....... ~!~.~ .. ~:!«!~ •.•••.• ~!~.~ CONDOS IN COSTA MESA They·re excitingly d if WILSON PARK fe r e nt : La r g e 3&4 bdr ma. 2..., b aths , 2 fireplaces , m icrow ave ovens, solar hot water, TOWN HOMES tile throu&hout . Lovely grounds. Priced from , SW,500. Will trade for property, aold coins or fine 1ema. NO DOWN NOW OPEN PAYMENT! a.t UAL TOIS IK 64M623 ounTAMD ... I 8uper'' Bdrm I ba wtth CrH t BONUS ROOll ... Includes pool i.ble. Ne• ceramlc tile, =ud H~tln1. I S..Cllf.I~ ...... Sunday. JanuatY 2&. 1911, DAILY PILOT •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tk M <• ...... for s. ....... for s. thUIH for s. llimt. 1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... !.'! ............. '"... I 044 . I 044 l-leeclt I 041 , _____ .. ___ . ,. . . . . . . ............... ...... ... .. . . .. . ... . . . . . .. -................... . CUSTOM WATE R F R ON T LIVING Spacloul 38r, 2~Ba, all new cuatom Int. lnclud- ln& pvt penthse. 28r, 1\roBa rental + 45' boat dock. Askin1 S48S,OOO W/'380,000 at 11.76% A.P.R. Try 15% down. 4 C all J o ·Ann I 7 14 > 846-9012. 'TUITLmOCI UNIVERSITY PARK PwS.,AIOrP .. NISIPIMTHOMI Chan cellor home. 3 WOODSCOVI. 4 bdrma, 2 bath, fa m Uy ~ir!e~blt~~l~4o.~ DUPLll & •UIST room, l1r1e secluded w.ooo dn. own r will conA•I yard. Immaculate coo-give mt. only loan for SJ0.000 DOWM dlUon. Laree uswnable o b lout. S27'9,500 ln cludinl full balan« for Is l S yrs utrageou1 2 r . l b1. at 12%. 77()..9059 owner's unit. Skyli1hll, land. Ant ique Doors /Win · SAH JOAfi>UIN ATIN: IMVISTOIS dows. Beamed Ceiling, Corner condo in The Woodbridge con do. 3 Frplc. New Kit c hen /· Villas. 2 bdrma, 2 baths , Bdrm, 1'14 ba. Assum. Bath, 1275,000 by owner patio, double attached lit & 2nd TDs. No quail Days 833-3544, eves garage. 2 Years old. ( In S ~ 900 661·~2. 370 fo'lora Adult community. Y g. 1 ' · --- er.i.. I 044 Owner will carry large ~ YaY CllA TIYE I 2ndT.D. Excellent value E A l T Y fo'inancing, NO QUAL .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• · lni.. eo.clo1 a~~:.O~. CAILSO~ 0 I~ T ~ 0 l I 0 <, ~~d~~~~. ~~~t~i~~: .... "'-":... IALTOl ll3·f2tl 552-3339 3br. 2ba, + de n, huge 18'7<>·22% down o n J MASTE R SU IT E 2 Bdrm condol.Greatfor •COll!!'!IP•U ,___-::.·.~.. poolside ya rds . S20K 1st time buyer or In· -· ·.., ,. ~-1041 down or s ubmit trade vest.or. Sl~.900-$107,500. FIATUllS ••••••••••••••••••••••• <boat . aut o . etc . 1 J erry Jones. 631-1266 Super Syr acus e plan THE llG STEAL 6 4 o · 9 9 6 6 d a y s REALTORS * •DEERAELD! La r ges t mo de l 1n Deerfield. The Plan 5 done as never before: Pool, spa, magnificent decor. and landscaping. All this & assume a hagh loan balance. Ca ll now : \\bod bridge RH lllJ 551·3000 lt?OBuranu Plt•).lrvinl' DIBFIEl.D e>w.r-W• Carry 3 Bdrm + den , de tacfi ed Irvine home Well de· corated & on cul-de -sac. Assumable lo an + owner will carry. J erry Jones. 631 ·1266 S T U N N I NG L Y BEAUTIF UL 5Br Prescott in Wood· bridge, steps to lake Formal dining rm. ra m rm. 3Ba. custom drp:.. central aa r Upgraded lhruoot. $310,000. Open Sun 1-5. 9 Pintail Agt 559·5038 11JRTLEROCK G LENN Customized 3Br . 2Ua h o m e o n w o o d e d l(rcenblt. oak pane lled den. step-down living rm, library, dining rm . w e t b a r & garde n break.fast rm. By owner $326,000. Open SattSun 1-4. IH2 Sand P ebble. o..r-w11~. 3 Br. 2t,',i ba. Heritage Park condo. End unit. AIC. fully cpt 'd , encl 2 car gar. P atio/deck All bltlns. Comm. p aol. s~.soo. sst-3477 WOODlllDGI Beautiful 1 yr old 3 Bd 2 'h Ba. up g r a d e d4 I earthtones. amenilles galore. Just reduced $5ClOO for quick s ale. Lrg assumable loan. Only $143 ,500 . G l e n Hellwarlh, 551-9400. REALTORS ~ ....... ... 4 Bdrm Berkeley mdol in College Park area. Central A/C and much more . As kin g o n ly $165,000. O pen Hse Sat /Sun l ·S. 1467 1 •. ~ H/\NCH ~ Hf i\L TY ~ ~)~), 2000 LOW MAIMTINANCE Beautiful 3 bdrm . 2VJ ba condo. Love ly back patio overlooks green belt. Walking dis ta n ce to pool. sundeck off ma ster bed roo m N e w l y painted. -.523 CAMPUS Da: IRVIME featuring 3 bdr m s + and it won't take 8 th ief Broker /<?wner $199.9$0 den, 2 ba. Ideally located to see the value in this close to s chools, park, s h a rp Da n a P oin t ~ and shopping . Ask· duplex. Two bed rm. 1 oo.I 900 ba t h u p p e r u nit e H/\l\JC H Hf ALTY 'J'J 1 1000 WOOOlalDGE GAILIS MODEi. FOISALE Professionally furnished & landscaped. 2 Br, den. 2 bath at $200,000 552-0917 Days 551·0802 t~ves UNIV. PARK. 3Br , 2Ba, fam rm. Deane Home. Good & quiet loc. lg as suma ble loan. $180.500 By ownr 559·5902 By Owner Z Ar 1 ha Large kitchen with hutlt ins 2 car garage LarJ::t' y a rd O ff e r l'alt 551-4394. For sale by owner . highly upgrade4 lbdrm + den villa in Rancho San J oa· quin, surrounded by golf COW'Se & racquet d ub. pool & Jae across street Assumable 9~ •. 33 ye;ir loan. no points $1 49.900 Short escrow Call to see. 955-0623. 559-9362 DEERFIELD DARLING like new Aspen model. this lovely 3 BR b de co ra t e d 1n wC1 r m e art h ton e s O nl y $162,900: Redhill~ Realty 552 -7500 feautur es new c arpet. fresh paint. beamed cea l ings. rare place. drning area & enclosed pa tio You may wish tu use the I bdrm Lower unit as a "weekender" wh ile al the Mar ina. OUT Ot' STAT E OWNER MAY PROVIDE TERMS ror qualified buyer. UHered for only S144,000 FULi. PRICt~: MISSION R~AL TY 98.'i S. Cst Hwy, Lai:una ,...... 4'4-07l I .. L01J111M1 lch ChonMr Lrg 4 Bd home in woodsy a rea n r b e a l'hcs 2 frplcs. w1fa bulous :.pa Assume 11' :i.' { S299.500 <.:a ll Palrt<·k Te non • 631 1266 Agt Oceanfront 2 tt r :\t II s:lJW down OW(." IJdl JI low ml 549·2405 CAN'T IEAT THIS Bt:sT BliY in Lai;:una A~sume $70.000 1st 11n thai. spal'IUUS 2 Bdrm <-ondo near l'\'t'r"t h in~ On!} $1 llJ,000 ~YiU.R.IE. 497-1761 BY OWNER Panoram1t· whll<' Wille r view Walk to V1rtoria Heach. Assumahll' Isl Prine only, $250.000. t e r m s l)~·s I 11 011 432 7013, ext · 2470. t'Vcs 714 497 427 1 I nine 1044 ....................... To wn (6 Coun lry ft _Q L \ LTl )Q{~ "~ 552-1800 UNIVERSITY PARK SOMETHING SPECIAL A s pecia l place for the grow m~ fam ily. Custo m quality construction with luxurv features. 4 Bd r ms. 3 ba. s pacious ·2 s tor ~: Jivin g room . huge kitche n & fa mily area with fi replace. Formal dining rm and lge bonus rm wh ich could be converted lo two extra bedrooms if needed. Lots of wa ll pape r . new carpets. o r ient a l p a tio. Don 't miss it $1 92.500 . Open Sat 1-5 a t 14502 La rch. Irvin e . CHARMER Cathedral ceiling . wood beam s . cle r estory windows and a cozy loft combine to m ake this Univ. Park star ter home real ly a ppea ling Central air cond'g, 2 car gar age a nd Of Course there's a pool and a clubhouse and bike tra ils thru the park. Affordable financing. $29.500 down. Price $138,000. Open Sat. & Sun. al 5292 Plum T ree. CUL DE SAC· PARK LOCATION Sparkling 3 Bdrm home with form a l din ing room . atriu m . bre akfas t a r ea and utility room. Features inc lude cheery frplc, new ca r pets thru-out and attach. 2 car garage. Association pool & c lubhouse. $159,500. Ope n Sat . & Sun. a t 5292 Thorn Tree OPIH SUNDAY 1-5 124 s....tTHT. J us t lis te d · Alm ost oceanfro nt Sem a p \•l area wiundrgnd ulil Beaut. c·oaslal vu L~ lot w1rm for pool Pvt s un patio & lg ocean dt-ck 4 Br 3ba, re1• r m, gy m , ~ kitchen:., 2 frplcs. many extr as UtNn e r m a\ carry $595.(JOO. · AhYl1taArea Nido Way lot Beaut pano toa sla l vu Wa lk lo Vldoraa Hcal·h. Sec s treet Undrgrd util Xl11l bldg pad on down :,lvo1 .. Nol in C'oasta l W ilt' $225,000 497-17 11 RE£FRliLTY "ILUE LAGOON" in the llean or Laguna Be;it·h, filled with Ha re Ko1 & surroun<lt·d b) Jlol<1ni1·al Cardt'ns An cl.il>orall' 5 hdrm . 4 bal h horn•· "1t h ""'mmin)! pool OH·rl1~1k' \L I. of lhli. jlrlVttll' lll't•ttn \'II'" t-slalt' Silt' lut Shu\Ao n on I.' l>y appt Sll.'io.ooo Ocfllftfront Lot Hreathta karu:. ;,r tt' pr11 Jt'<'l llll! 1nl11 lh t' Sl'a \'tn u:.11) :,urrountl(•tl "·' 1·ra;,h1 nl! :.u rf ' In ,1 pn \ ate art'a one or the labl $2,000.lllHI N•w-New Th• Sea $300,000 LoClft Opt•n Sun I 4 129 <'res 1.:t'lll Ha ~ Dri\t• NO Ci\Sll lJOWN tn 0\\.11 lh1;, 1·u :,l o mt•d 2 s tor y , 4 bdrm. Ot'(•a n '1<·1.1.. fam1 ly n •s1dcra·1· Just :-.oulh of Emeralrt Ua~ Subm11 a pl1-<lgc· for lht' hal.1n1•1• Asking $395.000 494-7551 "•··~~'.,.,.),'~ Hll 1 ii ~ -.. ·.• I hM/~ ill, ·~I J ARCHIAY ,\ 1Ao arm & tn\'ltrni: :l tx..Jmom hnmt· in lh1' CIUICt fam1J~ l'tlnHllUlll ty l'cJ!)!t'd & )! rrnl\ 1•d nuori.. ~ourmcl k 11 t'llt'n fam1I) rm, usl'd brick patw S.18.'i.OOO LAGUNAROYAU An 1•x1·111n)! 01·1•anfrnnl 11wn \•1ur 01Ao n unit "11h Sll'JI!>. tu tht• s.111rl . "Pl har. firt•plat't'. lft•t·k:-.. p 1111 I. u n d t' r I( r o u 11 d garal((' wllh attt•ndant S454J.(~IO VICTORIA HIGHLANDS l ' n :-u r I> a s s t' d w h 1 I t' wall'r views from nt•arl~ C\'t'f) roum 111 th•~ large• 4 heclroorh. dt>n & f:J mil) rm hom1• t:xl'cllt•nl no" ror e ntt'rl a1 n 1nl( Prei.t11(mus :'llorth 1-:nct l11<'at1on SSi5.IMMI 1~lr•t'=r ;~,'M~i·&:~ tlc:&"'t Co•f"oCJ'tw-. --hC. 9-• 17t4) 494-1177 2Br. ~abana & lrlr. 3 pvt bchs , pool & f1 sh1ng l'ler $19.91K> 49'J-3816 11 % FIXED RATE ASSUMAILE LOAM t:xcitinl( wood & glass 4 bdrm, 2•~ bath, view. Peg Allen Rltr 494· 7578 tft I"''" tH 6 , ...... ..,, .. ,I• CAPISTIANO VILLAS CONDO Enjoy the q uiet charm of h 1s tor 1c S a n Juan Capistra no m thrs lovt>ly 2 bdrm . J34 bath pen thouse unit with large master suite. communi· ty pool. close proxim ity to b ike a nd j ogglnt? paths. and quiet cul·de· sac location. This is an excellent investment at 97,500. ISTA11 SIXTY FOOT WIDE lot and a short walk to toWll aw•il )'OU from this Ion· ly OCEANFRONT home with private beach ac- cees. Larae llvln1 areas, two fireplaces. three bedrooms, fou.r and one· hall bat.ha and wet kr a w•lt you r p leuure. T wo OCEAN FRO NT P ATIOS, too. OWNEI WILL CARRY. FIRS1' TllUIT D&l:D. too, Co t ••llfltd buyer. wtta .,. ... ..,_t. ,,..,. POIJft'MSNT ONL -·--........... ----... .,. .... . . .. .. .-. . . ..... -...... -·...,, _...._ , .... Ul\ILrPll O f Su11aaw • .1e1111..-.H.1 .. I ~ th11•tller1* ........... IMIW. Oftw......... Olllw ........ ....................... ..••................... ...................... .........••.•.......... •... , ..........•....... ....... f.erW. ...... MH•W. ........... Mlllft.... Me tOll ....... •·-'Cl:;' lllcwP,1,1rty JOOO Pll•I"'! llH •·•······· ...•...••••. ..............•....•... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .... . . ............................................... . ....... ...... 1 e6t .. _.. (Mt Cl Sa 1176 Cl 's l076 . ....................... ......._.. GOODIHCOIU: •••• :.~-.............................................................. ·····.····-···-········; 7 OCMJRMDPU Cl .... ,, .~ IUDila.SllO.•.LB LOtaY WIN t 1 NEWPORTBEACH 1..«a&ad at m 'ariZ 7UnlU.1156,000PaH. £ • STILUFF 21% -AT 13~ llEET •AST SALi ~~~~~~" !:·r 8!=.' !':d':T:: ~~=:;,-;::!~~. ~ ocr ... & •F c~ -Husband already le rt 3 beautjf ul 3 • ..u. wtU c•rry new lhop. 2 Bdrm apt. AU· 'Bnr bcb saoo.ooo NB U9I Wll-K bedroom condo unit. Pool, s pa, near IM. MI0,000. ln1 $520,000. Auume llC19hnder1Xaroaa. schools and So. Coast Plaza. Great CJSRtalton l.a5·5150 ..,,ooo lat T.D. al 1"-A1Upmw1tdy1, Ast. JC I flll f U,1 \ I" l""'' f 1 1 I I lll>U M'otivated seller will carry an 803- <·ontruet/second at 13'7. for 5 years on this !lpacious c ustom home. 2900+ sq h . 3 bdrm, 21f.r baths. 3 f tr~vlaces, large gourmet kitchen. f o rmal dining room. #1 acre lot. o,1k purc1uc t floors. Open b eam 1·t•ll1ngs u nd much more. investment property. Owner will ..._,..,,,rtr 2000 ~oo~'!t~c,=~;~· N7•1• ... we help finance at 12%. A Quail Place ••••••••••••••••••••••• RESTAURANT Exclusive. llNTI ~ f R€HIG€ BALBOAISL.\ND J 9UAIL PLACI Located in Sanla Ana. HOM€~ Excellent Main St loca-PIOPllTlll All l Br. Income w.ooo \lon. lnchadu lud. '"~11111 1lif1• I lit 111 111 ' CORONA DEL MAR yr. Ji.lull priee -t235,000. R.E. lnvealmenta bldp, all flxturea, cUen- llo • 111 t1 Jtl 11 I I -,,.I h•1 ., Owner will carry lrg maW.CoaalHwy, NB tele + 1 Bdrm apt. Full 712· I fZO 2nd. Property in very 64M'46 price SS00.000. Owner goodcondltlon. will carry balance "~ 1111• t 11 I \ l i 11... lrll Ill "'Iii 11111 JI ~.!:> 11011 t• I •111 11(111 )ll'I \I l'UI /11 I I'' I ' I flOll 4i1' f« Oort•H 1'01h •fMAX 611 -1266 Oceitn-Ootf Course Views from EVERY room. $310.000 (111 7 Avt• C r espi. San C lemente • < >wr1t·r will <'<>·Oper ate with brokers. 4tz.ao14 !~:!!': ........•... ~!!.~,!~ ............ !~~ . IXICUTIVI HO Ml- ~ l •iKll I 0'4 8 ~ CMnM< Mewport hoch l 0'9 ew,.,. .._.. I06' LIASI O"IOM 01 IUY Lease it, lease option it or buy it with extraordinary term s . f'a mlly s ized executive h o m e m excellent are a . Owner trans f e rre d and motivated. Call us for an appt. to see this outstanding 4 b efir oom home .. ·····························~··············· ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ .u ti~ '"••~ J Htl °' IJ.J H..UOAVllW .... H 1 I I rt .... l ... .J , t\11111\' ~Ill II\ ( MONTMO 1~ 1 • 1 otl ~If< !Jl<ill' llU !<Ill h, :-4•n • , .. 1 , ''"' ..,, Jt•,11111r ..,,,11 .. r Lo llow11, no qualify1n&. 4bdrm. ram r m. lmmac. ~9.000 Agl 751-4385, 831 7ll24 4-.. -• r •.I I 't•• ~~~~' .... ~?.~~ l:~~~I X. "O QUALIF Yl .... G k l' \I f'llllS .......... tt.... 6l1•oo•l1/2l.th Plus fam r m . & Ill ok study. 2Br & Ba an e p.1rdll' w111~ $39!'>,000 <Jµ,•11 Sat \lwner •bkr h<l4·i71!7 t 1o ooo oowH ···•llUI • II• I 11' \\ ., I I .ilLL>u.t :'-li-J.U..• lL~!~ 11, 11) Ii I • \ ',.,, •• , t ,,., ! 11111 1 I I 111 01 1r• 1 •• 29401> v1~to Pfo'IO I• Harbor Y" Hills II ' ... . ·~· ~ ~a;egu:/ ~v~ /S9-922 I b c lu1iH New WoteriTont Home Wrlt\loat Oo<k Yi< I', •wlh'r II"""'' I " 1 111 • 1.,.111111110, 1 '1,1 n 11111111• nuv. n·1•1·11ll\ , •1 1•h t.-tl IJubldndrnJ,! I 1 r. 111 l1·vt1lrl':> in..tulll.' l..r .:1• m.1-.l1•r Miik v. rlh I li,11!1• "'hirlpuul jl.'lll'•l I 11111 f11r111.il ti 1111111( room ~tl U•ll IOUOI, 1.'llSl<1m l 1ri "'·II I' ... llh t'HO\ er,_,, lh1n 1•11 '.! 1-;ir i:11rai:e. I I 'IJI-l•fl\ dh ' 0~1\0\. "-llh ( }j)l!n House Sun l0·4 441 Hedlands Ave· <Corner ur Uroad StJ <kcan Vww I Farmly Homt'·St>e 1t: I 538·861l UHers Considered Pnvale Probate Sale later · YlEW-OWMEI JUr Jl>;i ~den 200 K1nl(S J>I Call for apjlt 646 7590 •Try S20,000 DR• Westcl1ff beauty 3 Br, 2 Ha. µool. spa Owner wall fanam·e l'rmc·rpab only. Broker 9~7 11788 ".1•··, & c·•··1·1r11·11 , I ..... 1111· ,,,.. 11111t11 111J11r ---·u·0-0·.s---· • !• • 110 11,1111I>"''11111' l .... CREAllLE. I 11 t ·1•1! (I ,:l!l5 tW10 n EV r -in·• 1 r1·.1 111 ,. lo.in CIFISTYLE '"·"l,1h1t· '" quallfn•1I 1111\ 1'1 .. waits you 1n this s pal'ious 3 hdrm home Opc-n Sat/Su11'1 .5 comvlek wrlh a large 800 Harbor fslond Dr. l11rn1shl·d game room 1 •1 11 ,1t 1\1•1 1 16 ;,1,-,12 plus a11 ideal master •ti .. 1111 lo\ ·•Pl•I d111I\' 111-droom & a sunny patw perfe<'l ror fomlly enter IUOUCED laming. This 1s especial I '•I; 1)1 'II I\ -;,\L ~: 1 ly for you. Call today " 1111,· l llr :!11..i, r.11n I Ai:,tt, R It R.,673·7300. h1~•· ;i.• .. 1111 1hl•· • I / 1•1l1·1·11r ti 1t•n 11 I "'" .111. ,. ll:!;!!l,11<111 11111 l Rcre Oppon.lty h >'>lt•r 7•,(l lJbll O..&Jdo , IY OWNIR Thas 4 bedroom newly t ,,,. "I ft J lir, ~ b<a I Cm1shl-<i ~ome o_ff~rs tru- 11, .i, n ,,. hpk hUl(t· I 'Y spacious llv1ng 1n 1 " • fl. 1 "i. ul 1 iood lr<itl1t1onal £'legan1·e on v to l tn 5-!tlfOIMI 11 '\ "' '\ll\\ I" ,?• ..... ,: ,., 1;.i;, ;,0113 ... SEAWIND lie:iuttful Lido Isle See , ing is bt-hevm~ thrs £'X· eeptronal \'alue Call· 1111w R H R 673·7300. ·~· I ""' ;1\otllJhk · :! Newport c,..t Co.do II I l Ill I II :1 ' h . .1 I I I I ....,..SCONDO 4 Bdrm 3 Ba. Greenbelt location, frplc. ,pool. eood ftnancinr: $226.000. &44·5512 en s twknds. By Owner. lea11e option, Harbor Rid&e Condo, 3bdrm, 3ba. den, pool. spa, tennis. security. $~25.000 , 640·1447. 644·&q4. 9UAIL rLACI rlOPllTllS 752-1920 M•wport leoclt I 069 Oth.r R•~ E1tat•' "t c_,. Co.do 3br. 21hba, highly up· gruded Monaco with hot tub & pool. S47S,OOO. Open House Sunday 10-4. Kalhie H a rdesty , Realtor, 760-8244. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMMACULATE W estc lirr Newl y Remodeled. 3br, 3ba. poolt jac • $300 ,000 642.2950 1 .. 1.zLot With 5 BR 2 bath home. Build unit on back, All have ocean view. S~r investment. As k ing $260,000. Prine. only. 541-9993, Mark, bkr. STEAL IT! Owner says "we musl sell " TRY lO o/. dn Prime Peninsula pro· perty on oversize lol Sur& IUY W i 11 I is t e n t o a 11 Prime 2 bdrm tri level ndiculous offers w121,; ba. Ocean view. I, Pl R E aya .. 15'1 down. OWC al 13'7r 1 . & Investment ant Wallt to beach/pool. 67J.lt00 $179,000. Tom Gott1er. ------ likr646·9200 S-Cle•• I 076 MEWPOttT HTS. Tastefully decorated 3 Bdrm, 2 story w/huge master su1le. gourmel kitc h e n & lots o f privacy. Sl26,000fH . ~1~n'I . 1 . 'J;,,..J..1 Y· .. ~~UJ('UIU~l 546-9522 llSTVALUE IMMEWPORT Cliff Haven Condo, 2 bdrm + den. 51 59,SOO. Large & light. Last one available out or only 10. Community pool, lovely neighborhood. Anne Dennis, Agt. R .H_R. 673·7300. 5'YGUSS 0...-Wll Ceny 4 Bdrm + den. Coronado I mdl. Tas tefully up· j graded Beaut iful hill ••••••••••••••••••••••• ILUfF CONDOS Coastline whitewater views from these 2 highly upgraded custom new condos with s pa. frplcs. unaerground security parking, steps lo beach, pri1·ed al $340,000·$350,000. Kent Really & Jnveslmcnts 492-HOME. DOYOULOVE7 Ocean breezes. sunsets, bay windows. genuine marble oversized frplcs. plush crpt, hardwood noors? Then this bUl home in one of San Clemente's newes t & finest areas could be for you. Hi assumable loan balance. Great price Sl88,000. 831-1671 o r 661·2311 and nite life vu. Assum a. ,--------ble Joans and owner will S-..._ carry: J e rry J ones. C"latlwww 1071 6.1 l • l.2186 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Moblt.HcNM1 For Sc* 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •EXCITING• DeAlllG ~I·~ , Dbl wi e 28r . 2Ba. encl pon•h, ror lot. GreellleafP..ta &twhs.le Beautirul 2CX60 Ba r · n ngton Home, 2Br. 2Ba. fam rm. in Costa Mesa's mcesl 5 star park S,.CiCll l.y Beautaful lg c·ustomazed 2.4x60 Vik ing Home. 2lir & enrlosed porch In Laguna Halls nicest 5 star park (J E8359 l CLASSIC MOllLEHOMI SALES 2706 Harbor. Ste 206 /\ 540.5937 Reduced 54000 to only $38,000. Super sharp '73 Viking, ~ Br 2 Ba, 1m· med occpy 646·0384, 962-6365 he• FillcMciltC) Unl y $53 ,90 0 an Newport ·s h nest mobile park. Pvt beach. pool. spa. Others starlin& at $19,500. S29.SOO For info caULols M11ter,631-l266. l:i~~l9 REALTORS By Owner. '76 Signature 24X60 with encl derk, Westmins ter 5 S tar Parle. 2 lrg bdrms, 2ba. ram rm. lr11 hvmjl/dm· in& nn. pvt patio. as~ A pt€HIG€ .-q_----~-HOM€~ APPL.I VALLIY w/$300,000down. R.E. Investments 3333 W. Coaat Hwy. NB 64M'46 MoDoww.VA LowDoww.FHA Super 3 Bdrm I ;4 Ba ramily home. close lo Tustin Ave & Santa Clara ~ Prime area, seller will get crettlive Offered a t $89,900 540-3666 Near new •· Plex, 2 bdrm, 2 bath each \IJ\il with fireplace, enclosed patio, double garage . $165,000. Bill 0 rundy. Rllr. 675-6161. fOUIPLIX Excellent Gailden Grove location. All 2 Bdrm un-its. Extra nice Interiors. $19.200 yr income. owe ~ 5 years with SS0.000 d o wn Jo'ull p rice $225,000. Call for an · formation • Whelan 4_'-f'€HIG€ Real Estate . HO~€~ R.E. lnvestmenL'i Reasonable •4 Plex• All 2Br, l'~Ra. lWnhse style, 6 car gar, $150,000 Assume lsl & OWC 2nd w1S40,000 dn. Sorry prin only. Agt. 536·0123 ------ Costa Mesa tr i·plex. $185,000. SSOOODOWM. Owner witf carry equity as a st raight n ote Property does have a nega la ve. 963-7600. 645·8369 3333 W. Coast Hwy. NB 64S.6'46 f'ull y leased Stores nr Wt'stcllfr Sh o pping Center, l0.6'!. return on full price of $.190,000 6 yrs new. Assum louns ur 1or1, & 9'1. mlere~l <.:all Owner·Broker 543·4477 FOUlrUXIS Prime Costa Mesa & Fullerton areas Assumt' low interest rate Good income Cati Whelan Real !=:slate 953·0555 25 UNITS-TUSTIN 25 good re ntal units on 2.2 acr es in boomin g Tustin. Brin gs in over SIOS.000 pr year. S400.000 down a nd owne r will <:arry <1 contract fo r $750.000 at 10';. I UNITS WITH W AITINCI 1.IST Nice s pac io us units wit h 3 bedroom owne r 's unit + seven 2 Bdrm'. Cen · trnl Or. Cly loc:atio n . O nly J0.6X Gross. 27', d own will h a ndle a nd seller w ill earry financing. Don't miss this prime propert y . PRIME FOUIPLIX- OCIAMFROMT Uno b s tru('ted p a noram ic view. s teps t o beautiful s andy beach. Owner will t·arry . FUSSY IUYll FOUIPLU Spa c ious o wne r 's unit with fireplaC'e. 5 car garage . Beautiful tree lin ed s treet. Top l\1 esa Verde a rea. J QUAIL PLACE rROPllTllS 752-1920 A U€HIG€ .-q_~-~-HOM€~ R.E. lnveslments 3333W.C~at Hwy,NB 645-6646 Mobile Home Park- Dallas, Texas. 157 1paces. $950,000, $250,000 dn. Guaranttt 10~ cash on cash. 714/644-0367 eves. 752·2213 dys. By Owner. 4 Pl.IX· OIAMGI l Bdrm units with garages. Newly painted, good s hape. $165,000. Right Re41lty 979.asn POUIPLIX Westside Costa Mesa, Needs s ome work , $22,000 yr income. Full price $225,000. Owner will carry IOo/._ interest W/$160,000dn. __ _....,.€HIG€ -T--t--HOM€S R.E. Investme nts 3333W.Coasl Hwy. NB 645-6646 •Costa Mesa/5 units • C U.M rents , marnl free Lge 2's & J's, S240.000 S67K dwn. Prin crpals Only AGT Allan Wagner 646 ll32 ; 972·1577 l!f UNITS lfuntrnglon Beach 9"•'''. assumable Try $200K down Broker 675.2697 UELUXE 4 Pl.EX , popular Harhor area loratwn. Owner~ unit No new loan required Call nnw. princ· only, please Agt. !'>49-1366 VALUE IMR·lLAMD 2 Bdrm "dingbat" in Oceanside nr Oak St & Ocean. Lot size approx 70xl00'. Possible to build 6 UNITS. Only S82.500 WALLACE & CO. IEALTC>aS 729-5966 433·6490 FOUIPLUES IM FOUNT AIM VL Y T«tf'UXES IM ,,,, ..,,.,,,. t1•1m1'<l•.ill.' Speci~ ""'-cllta ,• , ~1"11 ~12:1 !llHI L'niquc floor plan 8 1 + -1YOWJIR" sumable loan. $60,000. 1111•••••••••••••••• .. MEWl'OAT IEACH + duplex on the water 1n Newport Beat•h We spec1ali2e in income pro• ducmg properties m this area. ......... __ .................... fl• I tit I 111 CAT ALIM A SUNSET ~ ' . , . ,. , it1n11 t 1 ''' I••• ''' 1,1n,:1 f(,,..,,, '"' .111111 t Htr\ t, pu1 I t t •II I( "i\ ''' ;I )>l•o.I 1••1 83 f.8440 Roy McCardlt', Rttr. I de~ .w<>?<1 floor Walk to. 548 7729 I bealh Call now for appt. • R.11 R . Agt, 673·7300 fl ·, 11 '.'. '\ '" I< II <i r h 1> r , , 1 .11·1111·1 :11\r ~Ba. 1 '" rn1 !:"111,1/00 \\'Ill I ( \ lll'Y 1111111 ,1\ rt'<l"i 1 1. 1 II , •·~ •1r t; 11 7ri~•7 NEWPORT CREST H I'·" kac1• rlt'al 111 '\ ...... ,1 l\1•o11·h i\l IAYFROMT CHARMER. SUPER TERMS -1 00/o DOWM Dont v. ail on lhis lovely h!J~e with private dock. $475.000 64 I 0763 1•11•·· '"" '.111 .1tford MptTm-. Towwihom.1 '1 11. J,.hrll 111 ' 2 hath 2 llr 2 Ba. Sll5,000 \ ,,,,.,. •>J \l I'!) -tw I 2 Br 2 Ba. SllS.000 , • 1l11 1 ;ll-.11 2 .. 1\t-n I 2 Br 212 Ba. $126.500, • u.1 1i1111 I< 1-1 k 1\~I . ocear vu li7.t • il~1 I Great lerm~. low down. P~di Mhtded John Marshall. 631· 1266 ' •' 11 r 1 r.. n r 1• <• ( a I hfc • rn11· \11 h \ \' 1111 l.11Ju hi•• 111 .1 rharrn1n)! 2 h<1rrro 11111111• plu'i df'n :-.!11·1·1 111 ,1n::PI llwat111n R~ALTORS REALTORS WIST CUFF Exec. home on quiet st. 4br, Sba,p ram. rm, pool. spa orr master bdrm, library. 460K. 64S·8063 YOUU LOVE LIDO Don't miss this com· fortable Lido Isle 3Br & den home on extra wide so· lot Country kitchen w/brick noor & eating area Lg d in ing rm, gard en rm , deck & s wimming pool By owner $525,000. 67S·3680. 219 Via Quito Ope n Sat/Sun M1. I ·•Otl "'''"'" 'ilt•ps lo ont• I OS~l llf 1.1110 ~ fin£'!il lw:H·hes M•wport Sltore1 <.:harm exudes from this romantic 2 Bd beach house. New carpet. Lush land scaping . Only Sl~.500. Jeanne Salter. 6.11-1266 Dramatic Lido beuut y. 4bdrm. 3ba, 2 story liv· in& room, JoL'I or !(lass. cheerful, sunny 1·uuntry kitchen. skylil(hls, ex· te nsive oak & 1l11li11n tile. Open Sunda y. 1:30-Spm. Thayer Heal· ty,67S-IM4. ••••••••••••••••••••• •• \ 1nu:o-\ tu ~('p s:t.s0.00(), l•r,.w11to«J In Ci rat•t• Fis LUXURIOUS • h1 r \1..'1 II II H 1173.7300 HEW DECOR ' l1<·11111rlul 111.1n1t11111 •1lh I l11•;11n1•d '"'111111.. k' I lll(hl!> In .1 "01•!1 ·' .1 1 I In lo\ \\ 1 l h ,, t I II 111 , m :1 1 u rt< I 1 1• •'' a n ii I l!rl·t·n<•r 1 \1 r<" I 1 • ''" lenn1 ~ · n111rt' \ •·n I 1>nvatr· "'' h ,, .p ;1 "PUC'lllU' l ll1lr m /I..· 1l1·n I rnrm,rl <11111111: r "' o11. I 1·oun hn1.tll'<l lll'UI 1 ii ol• lOI ,\ 114'otlllllll 1t,,ro1 for tilt' 11••1'(1•1 tlttl"I' I $149.500 Waterfront Hornet ledton. Inc. 631 ·1400 Me•pcwt hoclt I 06' ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT SHOil t;S 2 Sty A Jo'ra mt• llUf.!•' ~--trrtrli~~nr-1t-"'111r"'~tt ranan Call for lei~ sm.ooo EX<..'LUSI V ~~ t.STC; Ueach Hse 2 Sty, 3 8r. Uri 8W'lk8, pulnt &. suvl' u . Jus l ll i.l~<I n t $1118,000. ..,..,...,,,o·an.. ~~ ..... JQhn Coomtw bkr ~SHOllS 20'J. On • ANume 12% Ln. . Cute J Bdrm with ftNpi•ce Poot. ~nnil, ••• '° bcb. suo.ooo. O••IAll S41·1118 or ...... ROOM for lO' 104 T 11111111·>. 1111 1h1• wall.'r J & :! 11°11 "'" r>1·1·k .ind IMl111 l•1r1•11la1·1•:-l'rim(' l•k'.1111111 Xlnl 1•0111J 111111 lt11 r•r \ vc Lar~1· U'i "iUfll:thlt· IOltll C/21 Newport Cntr. 60.6767 IAYCREST ,\1-'llmt• ll(e low ml loan. <l Ill< 2' ~ lia. Cam rm. 2 t1llt· ~ Lush lndsrpng s:!H91\ 6.11·~3 Hltw-lt~E1hrh1 fol 11lly cu s lom12ed l.:iut rl'mont Room rttl d£'d $790,000 . Owner Agt 640·6323 Ne,.11orl ·s be st • 1ier m.mrmg 3bdrm, rlen + 1>vt studio or in· l11w quarters with view. New plush carpetin1. new paint In/out, in area of $700,000 homes. In· vestment & residence . OW(' 20~ down, 12%, scos .ooo 831 ·8819, 646 1514 FOIULllY OWNR: 3br rondo on Lido ls!and. Dbl encl. 1ar, a steal .Jl..$m.OOO. Altum. llllOK""lnd, at 7.K owner 11rill cart')' the rat " aft. for $ yn. M eture adult.a only 54•·4SIO dap, 17a.m. eves REALTORS "4IW LISTIMG NEWPOltT CRIST Beautifully upgnded 2 Br 2'h ba end unit w/o· rean & mountain views. Wallt to pool & lenni1. $180,000. w....,.....eHws .......... Ul·1400 WXUIY ntn'HOUSI PET OK. P11noramic bay & ocean view. 2 story Iv & din rms, frplr, 2 lg Bd, 2ba, pool. tennis. SIOll5/rno.175-74.S. llWIFRONT Peninaula Poln\ home. 4 Bdr, '"' ba. Sl50,000. Call ror flnancln1 de· talh . Owner /Aat. 17~ CONTEMPOUIY WAIOFIOllT OPEii SAT /SUll 1 ti 5 . ................. , ·····~ ... :,.. ,, .. .... .,_._a,,., ... I.....,......_ la'ft ......., ... lulf1~ e. lllla4 ..._ ........ ... ........ .. ....... ...... . .. ,,, ....... ..., ..,.. ...... ., ......... .., ..... .... ,_._.a.._ ....... ..,. ......................... WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. UALUTATE s.in . ....,. ... , "'-"v ,,..,..,." .. '~ \ (714)883·1Z7l. Brea~htaki~~ panoramic ocean view of Dana Harbor. Spec· Cosy Flnpl•c• tacular customized 3000 in ramily room, 2bdrm, sq. n. s Bdrm +retreat. 2ba, plu11h new beige $90,000 In upgrades . As· crpt, Hunli.ngton Harbor sumable lOW'k financ-5 Star park. Really i n g . $ 2 9 9 , 5 o o . World, Hunlinaton 33801Avenida Calita, Harbour. ask for Belly. SJC. 714-4116-5275. Open M6-SS31, 846-2629 hm. ffooael·5Sunday. 2Br, Cabana & trtr, 3 pvt S... Am I OIO bchs, pool & rishing pier. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $19,900. 499·3816 IUYTHISOMI ---Lovely 2 bdrm, 2 bath. 9UlC" ram rm. in exclusive 3 Bedroom Houae, 2 Car Palm Springs P ark Garage, i n a n ice $40,000equ.ily.Sellorex· Residential area. change. 75).1242. Sll0,500 By Owner ___ S4_7·_3_182 ____ Mobile home space for rent, 52', E.side. CM. $2()0. 673-778'7,640·9900 T_.. 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------~forW. 1200 3 MEW ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM HOMIS TOS&ICTNOM All in excess or 3000 a/ft. with 4 Bdrma, central air, greenhouse win· dows, vaulted ceilings, 3 fireplaces & many ameniUes. Open Dally 12 to dusk Doe RW'I <orr Newport Blvd. No of 17th.> Prices range from $264,950 lo Sll2.950. .. CALL FOR INFO: 644-7211 /Jn Nl[,fl nl\11 r' f,. l\SSULIAI [5 20 OA K STUDDl=:D ACRES Jn heart of Quarter Horse country. Year round creek, mal(nlri· cent views, 20 min from city. Xlnt terms , Full price only $82.000. Call 714·677·5611 or appl to see. Bkr. Top location: 2.73 acres. potential comm'I. N. San Diego Co., very vi11· able ; Off 1·5 A11t . l·Z71-l519 Kem County 80 acres. Submit all offers! 751-1242 Ca 1 a:cW ...... itr 1600 Olalrl......... • •••••••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••••• PRIME AUTOMOTIVE M1111e "-9 SHOWROOM In COSTA Pw5* I 100 MESA It 4-Bay 1hop. ••••••••••••••••••••••• owe financinc. 1575,000 ~ Capo._$55,000. a Br. 2 Ba. 1480 aq. n. I yrs. old. Alt M1·5032. NEWPORT BEACH· Q.aallty 2Br, 2Ba, patio, pool, clbhae. Super flnancln1 avaU. Great llvtnc •t $21,500. Alt ...... IXCUISIYI l.90 .... IULA Del•• a/: old mobile homtln P1rti. PUI by .......... t. ... 500 W.urt'raMHomes a.JtGn, IDc. 111·1400 ,, 011•11•• dbl ..... l•ft .... ..... Waterfront Homes Realtorl, lnc '11·1400 C1d1•l•l•:~Tew. ........ 17H ••••••••••••••••••••••• PVT PARTY-Non realtor wlahes to purchue Blulfa Condo, JBr 2_8 1ln1le atory. fut·> 141-7124 Evu Mr . Wrilbt IMlllw .... llldnn, l~be, I car 1ar, prime.,_, UtMecl tn· • COllN. '°"" DOOi • chabbouH, mu( •"·' t*,000. Oood ......... Wt. a..llJ Warld, H•· .................... .., ............ ... UNITS!. UNITS! UNITS! 4 Units. Center of Laguna Beach. Large Lot. Legal-non conforming. Submit on terms . as owner will finance. $295.000. 4 newer units near South C oast Plaza. 3 y rs. old. Located in community style development with pool and r ecreation room. Owner's 3 bedroom unit h as s undeck . Three 2 bedroom units. On s ite parking. Assumable finan c ing under 10% $242.500. 4 Units . Side by side duplexes. Strong rental market. Built in 1980. All unit& 2 bdrm. Good condo potential due to architectural design. 30 year financing. $149,900 each building. IUILDll -DIVILOPll DADY TO •01 72,000 sq. ft. of land ready to develop. Fairview /Newport Blvd. location. Includes plans for 37,000 sq .ft. office bldg. Owner will finance or joint venture. Call fast. CAU TP SPICULAm We work with quality builders in top locations in the Coastal Area. Jnveston are needed for spec. home buildtn1 pro1ram. Short -&er.m--investment. Amount of cash needed varte•. Hl1h returns! Contact us today. For inf ormalion on tbne investment opportunities or others, contact: C/21 Newport Clttr 760-6767 640.5157 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful location in the hills on Noria St. nr Del Mar. 60'xl78'. Clear Sll0,000. Sell or trade Realtor: 213·421 ·5764. Prime Lot Guarded Gale Pnv. Beachfront comm· t y 498·2600 e'ven· ings/wlcnds OCIAM • HAllOI llOD.., VIEW Estate lot near Dana Point Harbo r . P vt. drive. I acre+. Ready for immed . construe· lion. Terms. $260,000. IUll.DRS Condoland +plan. S8-Lake Elsinore- S580M 6-Coata M,sa- S29SM Shatz.en Really 640-6258 t 'I •• htert. ..... 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAii AllOWHIAD WOODS 3 Br. 3 1t.ory + rumpus room, 3\'i years old . TH\efully decorated. Aakinl SHt,000. Sell or trede exiaUnc 1~% ln· terest payable $377.78 manthly. 7Sl·lJ42. ..... ,tfltert .. o.._.,., z410 ....................... TIME SHARE VACATION. pvl party Nllin&. I wlla ln lBr, 2 wb ln IBr. Palm Spr· inll or the world, many acr ......... -.a •. ... :!~!.!?.:: .... ~~~ ar. a., HOO' a. atJ Home . A t e • c,..10ru-. r .. a. *· ........ , OwMr "'4,..... . PM' "O'S 1.11 a-. ................... .fer .,... ..... Catt~ .._ ... .. ·. . ... _.... 1 .. • -~ ... ha... ..:':.::""::.;:CllJ:£.:..' Jlnuety;::,;.:;;;.'-26;;;.:. • .;.;'";;.;;.;.'-----~-D_A_1L_Y_P_1_Lo_r_ .... ____ • . ......................................................................... !············· ....................... ~ ..... .. ............ • _...._........._ Ul .. 10-rt11 ..... 1241 1244 ~..... Jl41 ·---.-Ma '11114 ~~· .. ••• ... ..a 3421 ,-'ii 111ta111 --.. -r •••••••••••••••••"'••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• vat to •••••••••••••••••••••• Jiit ................ _....... ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._ .......... --1•• EDcbanUnt oceanfroet ,..____...... JZ6t •• •••••••••••••••••••• .... wP'•H • • * • I It)', -'. tbr, J~ba. tlr, a..,, J'4tla, diailll riUa la Vidoria Beacb ..... :;:-.~•••••••••••••• 1br nr s.c. Plaaa . pool. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-..ii•tu• ram a dift rm. 1160/sno. rm. • lam rm, frp&c. A...U DOW • Ir • a. 1pa. t ennl1. nun•. On the beach •P•c 3 .. , .............. Don't mlu thl1 opportunity lo own thia i., •,•re lot near L1iake S ha1tln 11 6 Mt Shasta 18 hole 101' couru nearb)' Hor ~bark rldln1 Build your d~am r'\"l1 rt'ment horne All Chi for onl 11 1.500 "'II h $4500 dow.-n ~ h•r will ~:arn IJul.ant'l' .. ~--... ·-LD ... _ Woodbrtqe ..... tuo . . . . J •• , ..... 1ua1e. sm. peUo, lake •le, clubhae, bdrm 2 ba thn1 J~ne _,,. mo.a.I dedla, patio, frplc. ID· llOlS,Udlll. 9Q5/mo. lncl. 1aa/1oter • • C..M•a VACANT4BR 2B•.•l llt endibleeoutalvlewa6 ._,7114 l2lJlMO·ll30 eat. 411 Utb. STOO m o . Ru, You.,.. tbe wtaner of to achoola. •hoppina. ..... to U.. 1and. UIOO D .J...1-. (Zl3>•-. .c ... ._ -.5171. I -...~ IMrlD, l ~b• Wood· 111rmo l!dlew•terR I: ,_,.,. --~---------fwy1 Kldl 6 pets OK. bridle co•d•. drpi, ..... · · lhifts 1 '"91. New I Br. a •• \ . l.h ..... l. to f700 eG-4471. aall for le · le. ~ ... ,.., Gf'MD· Lua 1BR/vlew, 1ar .. Mil· <kean view, -15 winter, iW LCIOll Kftth c,,U,l •'!_1 !. H 1Dalr ,._ __ , •oval ranta1ti-..... .-. 1'11>. Refrtc. lioft Viejo. 9175Yrb. ofhtreet pka .• llCllOff '11 H•oo 1 • •••PPI · ~ n 1 ~ •tH •o. t'75 ·HH. 15.S-I052 fplc,2BR2B•.t71-t172 5 blkl to ~an. Eleaant 2 -/mo. (JlJ) .. ·N'fO: Om Vu, 2br. Iba, dee. -..ttl Jullat bdrm, fa m rm • den. <JU,_.IMI. frplc , npenalve re· ------- 641 ACIH-1 oo-;. UIAIU rr1rt'd at swoo 1.1r u«rt'. rn·t-anti lt>br 0 "'fll'r WI ht• lO t• l'httll ~t· for rommNt·1ul 111<fu1-11 u1l Wutt•r wl'll nn pro11t·rt Aaabeim&ladlum lf725 moi Pluah crph , m o del a , n o pell, £. Bluff Condo. 3bdrm. C'laU Ml·51111. ~•tst 272 to 21-1 b1&, cedar • 11a11. 4 Bd f•mlly home, SUOO/mo. 11t/laat/aec. IV•ba. dift rm, tam rm, r alm yourt c .. e .Ol mo. Charley Darr. PP"-ltltd•Y• flf"'-..... Dbl car pvt a a r . fully _. -.;_;.":.••:....· ___ _ m1unl yd. Adults, no qt. 551·MOO Sl'EPS TO BCH. , 2Br, Step1 to Beach. 3br, 2ba •S/PITSOll E Side. rt nced yard , 1ar1p, I • 2 8r 544~ Ma ZSIO, le6·4M8 J,1t!t1i Inquire at m 18th. b I 2Ba, frplc, 11.000 mo. dpb. Yrly, f750. Avail. St 714 /960 633 1 o r Orlftle Tree Patio ·2 r , RMP4111·3116 Feb.1.673-0195 YeO-SU2. Iba home, pool. tennll • ...:.:.:..::.;:.__.:.:..:__ ____ _ SEA BLUFF CANYON COND0 ·2Br, 1"11 B a , rrplc, 2 car a•r. pool, Jae. tennis, $600 mo. 551·1<••ft6PM NrSo. Coaat Plaza 2br. 2ba, pool. spa, utlls Preatia ioua Versailles mini bdrm condo, sec, rec. fac. (213)1Ml·2372, (714 )5.26-11168 118~ 44lh St. lbr. i,.; blk to beach. $450/mo. yrly. 673·8954 9UAIL PLACI PIOPHTllS Buut 3 ttR 2~"'1 81&, t'On VACANT 3 BR 2 Ba, walk dO . tple. encl 1111r·, bltn11. to schools. sho pping, apa, 2 car 1ar, adult.I......... JHO ••fu!h-I ... l550/mo. 751-1197 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• -,,_ pd, $52$. 540.3778 -Ocean vu. 2 Br 2 Ba. $575 New VerHilles 2 Br . 2 B11 . UI 6/15. John Marshall. '575. By Hoae Hosp. 631·1.J116 11J. a too 1700 l r v 1n e 1Meu fwya. Kids • pels OK. g.~147 $575 1162·4471. ask for Ke1lh 2 Br, Iba, m Knox St f. :11dt SS95 util 1n <' HOMES FOR R ENT Brand new IWlury. Bl.lilt· 2U. Vi1ta Laredo Northwood 3br, 2 ~ba , 1111. encl.Id aar. central 4 Bedroom Condo On fam. rm, a /c, wet bar. a/c. WITH VIE W. Poole, Lueh G~belta. Newly brand n e w • I 8 9 S lennil. $850.11216·Sl47. Decorated. Immediate w/aardener, no pets . Occupancy . Sl 100. 7-1414 3Br, 2Ba br•nd new Con· Broker. Holpilal Rd. 968·2297 or 963·0867 Dnveby,rall64S·7009 4 Bdrm 1625·$650 I fe n ced y ards & o.t ef S.... o.t .. SW. --------•I garages Kids & pets .. ~: .. ~!.!! ....... ~~~-~ .. ~:~ ....... !~~ ~~!/ n~:pla~:~P:~~· ;,~;,7'~et9~:~2r!~~ o r do, encl aar, central AC. T H E L A K E S . w/view. 1950 mo. Lil JOlfBarranca NORTHWOOD Forest-I rvine Ctr Bl. 2 Bedroom, Sharp! Split-Secluded, waterfront, llJ&.5147. Level f700/Mo. Broiler . 2bdrm, l~ba. upcraded --758-t100or6'4·CMM New delWle l br rond o. view. ten ni s /pool . adults, $400/mo. 760·1~ Brand New 2br condo across lro m Santa Ana Civic Cntr. A/C. Built ins & parking 536·8967 a.ftSPM Dalebout Bay &Beach Reel Estate • REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 AUSTIN, TEXAS fASTIST .. OWTH AllA IH SUH laT 13.85 Acres on South-West side. Can be developed for multi-family such as 55 Duplexes. or industrial. Owner may he lp with financing. S690,000. 33,000 sq. rt. Industrial building on South-East side. Warehouse and 16 A C offiC'c s pa c:es . Excellen t income, stable tenants. Financing to suit new buyer . $750,000. .............. s... 1611 WBTCU. H, M.I. 6J I ·7300 CM of St.h jMewDOrt IHch l 1 69 ble g1&raae. ren<'~ > ard I ._...__. JJIZ RV ac<'ess $700 mo 3 Bdrm H• Ba Up throuchout. poo • sauna, __,.........,.... .,. ·-CAao..1DO · 0 644 1677 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ vn tennta. Y•: · ; h T h 2 .......,_m ind den "On· • u-c--...... graded Enclos~ yard ., __ , ..... . -•-.. _ ... _ 752 1212 Niauel S ores wn se. .._....., , ev~ Wunua : -· 3br, 2ba, lge Ind acaped do in the Bluffs for 141-77Zt Wit h Jaruu1, dou ble garage Near shopping. S700. mo. 213/$96 7202 or 7141960-7~. 2brcondo,2 ba; pool.ten· yrd, priv. bch, tennis, $150/Mo . Available •Woodbridge Condo 2br. 0lba, ~ enJOY pools. tennis, & lake lse or mo mo. options lo buy avail. 551·41Ml2 Mesa Verde. 3 br. 2 ba. ram rm . frplc. 2 t'ar gar. 5650 646·2821 Mesa Verde 3 Br I 11• Ba Quiel cul·de·sa c. Near sc·hools S7SO m u Isl & last Wkdays 549·2744, Eves641·0856 4br. formal d1n1ng. frplc, ram rm. new cpl pnt, Isl last dep $8501 mo 754.00llf) F-'rSi .. &L.tro.s 3 bedroom 21, bath t•o n do Fireplace. tennis and pools. welcome kids & pets $725 'm o ARI 556·2660 ' 'Sharp 3 Br 2 Ba F P Stove No dog !\ lst +d e posit S620 646-9586. 3 Br 2 Ba Condo A va1I Feb 1st S595 mo H1.:hh upgraded (i ua rde1 Comm Call 631·6994 nls, spotleu, fully de· pool, attached aar. w/d , March lsl. C1ll Ed at corated, 1875. ~1·028S, no pet.a, S750/lse. sec. de· '790-0115. Asent. 76().IOIO posit. 496·~_!3 __ Like new 3 Br with stove. C:h1ld & small pet ok. $550 mo 536·2456 or !i.16·797!1 Woodbridge, new 3 BR. 3Br. 2Ba condo "on the 2~ ba condo, xlnt loc g reen ·' U SO 1 m o . Must see. No pets. 1750 _73_1_·8_134 or 496·5772 eves. mo. 551-6417 ATTHEllACH 2 Br 2 Ha. Large yard . Rt'f's & dep. No pets, SS25 842·8S40 & 536-2190. Lrg condo, pool. garage, 2 bdrm . S500 1m o . 962·3S19 or Call Answer Ad #JM. 2.f hrs,-&42-4300 Nr 01·ean, Main St & pier 3br, 4ba $750 + set' dep Mature t•pl !i.'16·5031 or l213JSG9·9769 For rent : house in Irvine , 4Br. 2"2B1, FP. d1hwhr . nr pool. schools & rer tac. A v1 il. 1 F eb. S7Cl0/mo. After A.W.H: 559-53119. UKE NEW. 4Br. family rm. ctrn.rm .. 2"2 B•. la und. rm. frplc. 2 cu ear. New carpets. l or C ul ver dale 's best. $750/mo. on year lse Ag\: 133-9191. • 4 Br 2 Ba Frµlc Bloc·k ! Univ. Park home 3br, fenr e . dbl garage 2ba, single sly, garden Bus hard. Nor th uf l hme,a /c,built·ina,com· Adams S7UO + $350 s.d. mon rec. a reas. annual 642 7743or631 4532 lse a vail. Tom 631·0878 2bdrrn twnhse. I 12ba. frµlr. 1213>598 1756 afte r 6pm or C714 )979·5543 eves/wllnds 2 Bdrm 1 Bth. No. Irvine. Pools, l·crts, etc. Avail. now:'. $510/mo. Will con sider pets & kids Jerry Jones631-1266 . Agt. 3 br , 2 ba, pvt comm, walk lo beach, tenni1, pool, $750. 496.~79 --- '50()/mo. 2bdrm deluxe $130,000 beach home, pvt area , r ec . cent e r . 496-4812. Ml11 ... Ylefo l267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Immaculate 3 br . 2 ba ho me, 1575/mo incl maint. Ml-1842 --- La"eview ntw Madrid 740 model, 3 car gar, 2llClO sq ft , 3 bdrm + study, + •·1R, 3 ba Lg mbr hasF1P Lakepriv ris tiing , bch . sailing Lease $975/mo 768·0454 or 581-71167 MtwporllMch lZ6t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. 3 Ba. Huge " l To•HH ho use fro m bu r h UllfwtlillMd l5Z5 Av•il. aow SttS. Pen P t ••••••••••••••••• •••••• 781).1917~~~~~-· 3 Bedroom, 2 story. dbl = gar1&ge. $.S(JO mo Stanton Eaatblurr 4br. 3ba . w / pool, 11000 mo to mo. or 6 IDOi. leue. 64-0·7559 aft 3PM Harbor View Homes. 3Br. 28a. &ood cond. $800 mo MO-llJI --- area. Agt, 645·24 l I. .,.....",...... 1650 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4Br d uplex for lease 3!180 Seashore Dr . Newport 5 s in gles welroml' $975/mo. Yrly 67}·5257 3bdrm A-frame. walk lo "41 lwnti ,_.l.a..d be a c h , S 700 1 m o ••••••••••••••••••••••• MS-OU:I, 675·6670. 3Br, lBa homes, lg yds , garagt, children OK $400 to S600 mo Avail now S49· 1020. ... , .... , .......... 2 &r 2 B 2~'1 Ba 157S 3Br2i,,Ba~. 3 Br 21JoJ Ba"50 3 Br 2/1Ba $675 John Marsha ll 631-1266 R .... , ....... 1707 • •••••••••••••••••••••• I Br Carpets. drapt'~. stove. refnRe Ut1 ls pd Utensils fo r 4 $375 675-0935 2br. wintf'r rental. $450 673 1900 675· 1871 e\•es Ufi<'1ency Haehelor lln1t. furn. I blk to ot·n. $225 mo 645··1819 eor.... .. Mw YUR·ROUND FUN: ~OC•ill ACl•v•he~ 0 1 rec1nr • rree Su11oay Brunch • BBQ s •Par l·e~ •Plus much more GAEAT RECREATION· Tenn1~ •Free Le~~on' (PIO & pro ~hO(J I 1 2 Health Club~• ~auna ' Hyo1oma~!>dge •Swim ming . Driv.ngAdnge BEAUTIFUL APART· MENTS: Songl••' 1 & 2 Beuru1.m\ • r ,,, "'SIW (I & U11f11lrl1~l1Pd • Aou•I L ""9 • r.;,, µer~ • Muuet~ 0 1.ikn llJ.Jly 9 1•1 b Oakwood Garden Apartments Newpart Beach/So. 17()(i 161h '>• • 7'41 642·5113 Newpart Beach/No. t' ti' 1•4, 645·1104 ... lw•wh ~ 2600 •••• .., •••••••••••••••••• Mesa Verde 4 Bedroom 2 Bath. family room. nu carpeU; & paint . frµlt &. blt·ins S795 •mo Ava1la ble 75 1-3191 Sl'lec·t Properties lmmac 2 Hr I Ha $550 mo hi & l:.ist $200 s e1·ur11y Ca rpet. drapes, rcfrige 54!1·1555 Condo, 2b r + den , Rancho San Joaquin. up· graded , refrig-washer· dryer negotiable, $795. 552·8378 Newpart Shores Ca nal front 4bdrm, 3ba, newly decorated, 2 blocks to ocean. 962·668.1 REALTORS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --- -••••••••••••••••••••••• t'ive bedroom. five balh 40 A scenic ()f'cgun Coast l'llntemporury home on Seaspray Condo. J bdrm . 2ba, I m1 to beach, pool. lt•nnis. l:i CI' $650 . 642·4MI Lux Harbor View Hme 3br, 2ba , ram r m . skylights. new cpt ,lge patio, d bl gar , n1 t'e y ards. 63 1·4842 or Answer Ad #408, 642·4300 24hrs. LIASI OM LIDO and enjoy this spac ious 4 be dr oo m . 4 bath bayfront with swimming pool plus pier &I float for a larae boat. Act fast & c al l n ow : R .H R . 673·1300. Oceanfront I Hr. patio, lc6oalaM:td 1106 .. frplt:. i;ar. adult!..· no ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets. pvt st SfiOO m o Yearly t bdrm. beamed 673·7787, fi4J.!1900 re1hnR. servmR har. 12 fo:lectric1ty. fcnc•ed . out the HAY completely standing VICW a('('l'~SI ble, owner 492.249!1 rum1shed LarRe patio. Lux unous spa Dork will KAAN.A.PALI SHORES arcommodate la r ge MAUI boat $4400 pe r mo. Maui's mos t lux n·sort Available on short lt>rm rondo on 100· of while lease Broker. 63~-~oo _ s a n d b c a l' h a t Lido Isle lease. lge exec Kaanapah Hulk resale 4 BR 4 Ba. home Newly or 4 units passable a l last furnished & redec. $2,000 years prices to qualified per mo 673.7586 buyer. lnd1 vdual sales _ _ _ 3 Bdrm 2t1 Ba rondo. mod k1tch , r'rplc , comm. spa, breathlak ing vu .. 639·6194 Lrg. beautiful 2·slory 4Br. 3Ba fo~rpk. formlll din. rm . ram rm w wet bar. bonus room. patio. lrg. fenced yard 2t·ar gar w/waa her l dryer hookup. nr So Coast Plaza S800tn:111 75!1· 1438 or~·24Sl will be con sidered Big Can yon Country Pnces from Sl29.000 lo Club, 2 br . 2 ba. den. S560.000 C:ompletmn of newly deror. rurn. or un construct1on Dec· ·so fum gJJ 0209 Only those chenl!'o 1k Squeaky Clean 3 Br I 11 monstralmR fman1•1:1I Oriii prof decorated 1 Ba Lg FallTily rm. capab1hl} Wiii be 1·on modl'I home m Seavww, rrplc. dbl Raragl' $1)51) s 1 de red <.:on I u 1· I compl rum, 24 hr ~et· mo W a 11 a c· e A "c Richard Dorfman. t'&t-: gate, pool. tennis. 3 br, 548·8475or642-7743 lnvestmcnL'i, 841 h1~hop St , Ste 1925. llonolulu. 21" ba, fam . rm, spec-4 Br 2 Ra. Oen & fo'rph· Hawa11 96813 1H08 1 lacularvieW.644 ·4964 Near S.C.: Plaza S650 52.Hil42Leasehold OCEANFRONT Balboa mo +deposit S46·4131 Rmtehn,Fswnl, Penins ula . 4Br. JHa. SPECTACULAR Gro•n 2700 Avail t'eb I lo J une 16. CITY l.IGHTS VIEW ••••••••••••••••••••••• S750mo.tl73·2106 3br,211ba.skylit<".fr1>lc-. PASO ROBLES. xtras. $11()(1 l:1e. 964·346ti. 40 usable acres ....... u..-...111Md 968-4456 Potential horse ranrh or ••••••••••••••••••••••• grapes. House. wt•lls, Gi•:• 1202 win dmill $425.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Byron at l.arsl•n Heally ~1434 HIJl r 23!1 1139 211 ACRES. Junr t111n h1ghwC1y 5 & 99. 30 m1ll•s south of Uakers fwlll 1:11 arres of navel orani:es. also plums, tani:elos. lemons & 11rapefru11 Early produt'er d1 strll'l. fully equipped t urn kl'Y operation 1n r lud1ng labor Net operalinR m come proJerted 1981 before taxes an ex1·esi; of $300.000 o rrered al Sl.750.000 Wllterrront Homes, lnr Realtors 631 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... , ...... 1107 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jlir, 2Ba. IR lot, all new custom int S600 mo Call J0>Ann 846·!10t2 ..,_, ........ JZ07 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Peninsula Pl. House 2br. l'2ba. gar. patio, yard , • 2 blk bay 10<'n. $6001 mo yrly 12131775·6592 days, 675·62SS eves C--.. M_. l22Z ••••••••••••••••••••••• CAMEO, 41DIM Spacious family home. pvt courtyard & beach, lease pref. C.:all Rita at 644·9060. Old World Cha rm with new home amenities. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Walk to beach. S950/mo. Open Sun. 10-5. 709 La rkspur. 675·2740 673-5197. EAST SIDE U>vely 3bdrm. 2ba with Irie custom reblt kitchen, fri>lc, beamed ce1hnJ?s, private. hght & airy 5650 J. 756·3246, 548-0170 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. nu car pet. S6751mo 63 1-73711 Ask for Mike HARBOR/BAKER arell 3 BR 2 Ba. pool + Jacuni 1857 mo + util gr e a t f amily neighborhood. Da vid . 646·3255 2 Br with carport $475 mo. ~-2456, 536· 7979 4 Br 2 Ba hom e 782 Hudson. Near So. Coast P laza Children OK . $695/mo disc S57 3118, 556-2860 3Br, 2ltJBa, frplc. encl gar, bltns, Irvine-Mesa. 4bdrm, 2ba. new 1·rpls, stove. clean & in ciu1et llrea. 12131421·3339 Vacant 2 lir Xlnt Hunt Brh location t:nclsd yard Kids & pel'\ OK $475 Call Mr Snider 962.4471 ~-· l ... Dtr 1242 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WATl-:HFR ON T TWNHM . Ir~ 2bdrm. 21 2hu w 30· boat shp, all rl'l' fal·1lil1t'S a\•a1I $1200 mu 846-0503 Wi\Tl-:H fo'RONT R fo:N TALS 3Rr. 2:\•Ba. SI 150 mo 2Br. •~•Ba. $7SOmo 45' boat dock a vail Call Jo Ann, (7 14 1846·9012 l244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Woodbridge near lake. Brand new 3 Br. 2 Ba. Highly upgraded $750. 960-5411. TURTLEROCK P r esi· dent home. br. ram. rm. x.lnt . location. Oul'ltand· mg cond. $995 mo. Agt 833·9'l93 TURTLEROCK Broad· moor Plan I. 3 br. 2 ba. din rm. ram rm. frpl, lge kitch. comm pool Nr schls. & shopping Xlnt cond. No pets. $825 mon· thly. Call. 494.9542 aft 5PM. OJ:stomized single family hom e , 4 br , 2 v. b1 , form•I din. rm, comm. pool, tennis , frplc , .-r5/mo. 551-1690 ------Goll Course Condo 2 Br. den, 2 Ba . Beaut. loc. pool, spa, all a menities . $750. 675-9132 Top Irvine a rea 3br, 2ba, ram r m . all ammen . S795/mo; M l-2844 W Al.NUT SQUAR E Nr. J effrey & Walnut 3 Bdrm. 2 ba Twnhse. Xlnt cond. Cstm d rapes. lg yard & patio. No pets ~/mo. Agt. 642-0200 Northwoods 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba .. Fam rm , frplc. dshwshr, patio No kids or pets Avail now. $750 964·2566 or 973·2971 Agt No ree. U:M'TALS 2br.2ba 2 br +O zi,2 ba 3br 2'h ba 4 br +bonus 2'rJba $625 $800 S900 $875 * •CHATEAUX! Never lived In Wood· bri d ge c h atea u x townhome 2 Bdrm or l +den. S6SO pr mo on • l year lease. 14 others to choole from. 1525·$1100 monthly. We're the o nes to call ' Newport Crest 4 Br. 3ba condo Near pool, Jae & tennis. $800/mo 1>46·1950 (Joan>. 957 ·9303 <Bob Dreyer> __ BIG CANYON LEASE, elegant 2 BR 2 Ba twnhme Exciting decor Air cond . tennis & comm pool Ava il now. S950 mo 851 0611 !bdrm, like new. stove. I refng, crpts, drps . palm No gar Walk to beal'h. Quiel adult, no pets S.195. 675-0285. Waterfront Ne wpo rt Island 2 Br . l Ba. Lower duplex. NO P fo:Ts . Gas & water paid $695 yrly 673-2256. Newport Crest 10 Serena 2 br. 2 ba. dbl iiar ten· nis, pool S6!10mo . 752.2209 3br. l "2ba, frige & gas in· cld. No children or pets 16()()/mo. 'l ·245-8376. Exe'c u ti ve twn h se, Newport Cr est, 180 degree ocean v ie w. 3bdrm , 2 1'2ba. frpll'. mirrored wetbar. highly upitr a ded , 2 car gar. pool, t e nnis. s auna. Avail Feb. Lease $875 968-42:S4, 894.4833 CUSTOMILT. 3 Bil 2 Ba, new del·or, 11 ~ blks to brh SI 100 mo 675·1!157 Avl3!15 l724 Lower 3 Br Duplex. fresh •••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• paint S625 4 Br. clean 1'795. 2 Br. upper duplex SS75. Aeent 642·88S-O ntlll.UPfS Beaut . 3 Bed. end unit, SUSCASITAS Furn lbr apt S325 & up Encl. gar Adults, no pets. 2110 Ntwport 8 1 548-4968 bt wn 8 & 5 PM close to pool & tennis CASA DE 010 Brand new cpt Close to ALLlJTILITli:S P1\IU schl & shopping Avail 1mmed Drive by 2757 I Compare before > ou Vis ta Umbrosa Thl'n rent Custom de!>11o?n call features Pool. H HQ. C/ZINewportCwtr c·o v rd ~aratte . ne ~ 760.,767 furniture. surrounded ----• -with plush landscaping MIWPOIT CIEST I Adult hvmg a t its best rnREE beautiful COO· No pets dos available. Different . I bdrm furnishe d $410 locations. Pool. te nnis. I 2 Bdrm rurn1shed S490 spa. Close to beach and J :J>S W Wi lson, 642 1971 Hoag Hosp. . C/ZI Ne=Ctttr S32S Mo. Deluxe Mobile home Maturl' adults No _ 76 !~7 pets. Quiel. se1'urc 1991 Beautiful Lusk hom e, Newport Bl vd 646·8373 Plan 8. ocean and city li g ht s view Ne w carpets, drape$', paint Cloee to schools, s hop Lux. bglo for neal. ernpl nonsmoking gent. maid service 548·7197 ping and churches Va-Hwllhgtow hoch 1740 cant lst & last + sec ••••••••••• •••• •• • • • ••• dep $1150 per mo Call 752-1700, agt _ ON WATER : 2 Bd. 2ba in Tower s .' V iew Sl50/mo. PROF. DECORATED 2Br +den, wetbar, tennis & pool End unit Red to llOO/mo. H.l.'•FIMEST Spamsh Estate L1vmR · Beautiful park hke sur round1ngs T e rraced pool Sunken gas bbq, sparkling fountains Spacious r oom s Separate dining area Walk·m closets. home like kitchen & cabinets Walk to Hunt ingto n Center \\bodbr!dgc Reahu 551·3000 t9ZOlbrre11u rtnry,ln·ln•. BLUFFS: 6 8d With pool and recreation room -11.200/mo. Bay not rar away, 4br. 4 br/den. fam. rm + Weslclirf·Oover Ca ll 646-4844 days 548·3117 evea/wllnd11. l Bedroom·unfurn from $400 1 bedroom furn. from $430 2 Bedroom·furn. $490 Adults, no pe ts . Utilities Free' Brand new Woodbridge pvt pool + jac. 2300 twnhH. 2 BR, den. 2 Ba. Ma rguet Dr $890. 1lrlum, custom brick ~7·7230, 5"8·2692. Ask noon, ce.ra m ic tile en· for Ray. LA QUINTA HERM OSA try & kitchen floors. 16211 Parkside Ln, I blk VIEW HOME : For exec In Harbor View. 3 Br. 6ba. Pool. S2500/mo Earthto nes. Close to UYI OM UDO·-·. .. W•tmwt Hwt W, ol Beach, 3 blk1 S. oL Charming 5 bdrm. 3 bath b1yfronl with 38' boat float. 11600 mo. Bill Grundy. 675·616 l . Spectacular Ocean & City light view. Lrg 2 Br. 2 Ba. with formal dining. $1100 mo. Call Anthony Wltdys 642·5757. Eves & Wltnda 64.f.8889' 836-5147 2 Br. (;ondo, pool, s pa, ltd lake In adult park, 1775 This sunny & charming llllC.I.....,.. Edinger. mo. 6 mo. leaae. Call Udo home with 3 bd rm1, 6Jl·IJOO 847-5441 1144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br condo, 2 ba, pool. ten· nls, spotless. fully de· corated. f750. ~1 ·028S, 78().8IJllO L...-... 1150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LGE 2 Br home, cpl!!. stv. refrig, rncd yd, .car . adlts. $350 mo. 644-9806 cowu, beaut loc. $500. 675-9132. 752·1700, •It· 2 baths, cozy rlrepl•ce, $115/up 1.2 bdrm, pool, creat patio Is ready for Fl Id ~.._.. ~mmedl1te occupucy llllM._ JZIO Jae, adll, 18992 or a. lZ41 0. a 11trH ••••••••••••••••••••••• for only 187S mo. C•ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• _H_._B_. 842_·_2834_o_r_84_2·3172_ OCEAN VIEW Condo' Adult patio home. 1400 oc••.-OMT Barbara, Agl. R.H.R. Extra lrJ. ho use on Furn 2 Br Apt Adul'" aq.ft. 2 BR, den, RV ac-.,....rw 673-7300. \AJacre. "50/mo. 20172 · · · N .. ., 2br, l 'hba, 1 blk to bch. rent or Jse New. luxur y cesa, pool, spa, .tennia. $425/mo, l br, 1 b1, shr Cypress St. SHta Ana o nly, no pet s e ar S72Stmo. 3Br , 2a,.,ea. fr pl c '89Smo.Olana,546·2313 eapenaes . Gor1eous , Ellt BluUa , 2 i tor y , Hetlhta. 540-0904 eves. beach.980-2675 673·1853 s1co 963 2•9• new crpt 6 paint. pvt bdr d 1 11 ..... "'rmd l7 .. I o1 /m o. · '" '" or 4bdrm. 2ba. ram rm be•cb. No doss . Agl , 4 m. en, lba, rg v _. •Y•· ~.._. .. DUPLEX· Pvt bch , 2Br, _964_·_5354 __ .__ hou1e. pool Ir tennis •1320. rm, d in rm · l l200. Ws I 7 tsr J2tl ...................... . tBa, non-smoker. adlta Mesa Verde 3Br, 2Ba. nrby, no pets . 1700. _7.:.58-.:.....:...95.W:.:..· ______ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Studio. lux. spa. TV, only, no peta. Avail Feb frplc, close to schools & M0-7114. O'l Tftnple Terru e . lrg 1_._...._ HOllEFORRENT mild service, phone . 48r, 28•. frplc, 2 car e ar. 23• Oen view. 760.9019, U v. Rm. Din. Rm. 2 Br. !""!'9 .. _, 4 Bdrm. '625. Fenced 1100/wk. 4111.2227 wahr/dry r remodeled. parks. Ask for Carol; Deerfield Townhome . 3 seo.e. retrt1e. 1ar•1e. 5 Bdrin, rtt room. den. Kid a -110.-642-90 546-2313. B F R •700 mo. Utile incld. 2·1ty, C1pe Cod , Npt yard 6 1ara1e. 1 Oceanfrnt . Furn 2Br -mo. _., · Br. 2\AJ a. •m. m.. • :t Di .. ,_. pete welcome 964·2511 ___. l •--T 3 bd m 3 A/C. cloM to park-pool. 4N.0154 .~ ana ..... 1-~ or _.. _,1 ,. .. · ( M.H. Bvt. beach, a..-.m ... ..,......_. Jl6t rvlll'IC ernce r . Qxido. 3Br. 2Ba. frplc, ._ ar,,,,_, ·"9•··no H . pool.lyr leae.S4t·2405 -••••••••••••••••• .. •• bath lmm1culate home. end unit. 2 car car. pool. 2 car 1ara1e. full main· New a Br. 3 Ba. Vlctori• 8 -·---C·-... ·,-OM--•I !.::S~e~11~~e~~C:,: carol:546·23l3. ~~1;:.~e . sus mo. Bnch.l:.~:.mo. ~~':"..;.cenf:,~~ '=:':f:J::S~tp.rVa~ ~!'r.'!~ ... !?!! "'" mo.Ast.644·...,evet 2 Br 1~ Ba 1825. Pool, duaclocaUon. MOO o. unt. S .W . o f Spr· Ll14Br,1Ba.1150mo.6 YllW 1.o1... BR So f h 1pa, tetmla. 2 car gar , Leaae WOODBRID01 E •·*·pool, •bove prtv. /tlt. fl1Ml71 or 11 !!•od. 1 a 1 1,e1,!J,.e 1 1.,,tm_lneteu; a Br. a Bah S550 m o. Eucutlve hom e with numac. 5 · 0 lftY. 1olar condo . John Twnhme3br, 1~ba. • nt beacb, tlOOO/or 1hare (Natalie) .... ,._ Stepltobeac .11J.Nl2. eleiut fumlihlnaa Ir Xlnl net1hborhood . Manballt31·l2M. rec:. prtv. tennll, pool. 9-41aevee IBr JBa d pie P' 1 . decor. u 150 I mo . t1200/mo. 531·1453 M1S/mo. 152·0'773 d , WaDI to beach. JBr con· • u a. rp c, Sipedacular Oceanfront. 112·'781evee. 111 • Br home, view, 2 do. Formal dlnln1. pr. bit. IM , crpt1, drp1, Avail. now. J.4 Br. Coa· ~MIM~~11~11~~~~~~12bdrm , frplc . refrl1. eundecb, all modem, 2 bnakfut area. beaut. •1mo.IQ.45M. clo.171-SURF. Condo for r ent: Lido l&nd 2br, l\'lba, encl. dbl 1ar. compl. tum. ftClll down to vacuum cleaner /1llverware I • Mature adult• ODIJ •r•. nan. Maret. t ltll, M•·•HO d111, :.:'!:I ....... . I aetla. D ... 11r . ...... ,..,,.. •tmo. REALTORS TMILAIU car pr, clole to town. paUoa in prime locatloft. C!lltp :.~:$ 1421 L bd t t 7fl>-tl57. Oardtn View plea. Prof. SIClllO/mo. I.Aue avail. MMr1Q ...._ ...... r1 1 rm, • ep1 o Sboredlff 2 bdrm , den •tmo. I Br 2 Ba, new dHllntd interior. lit Aull 111. tt'f·tOts, -Wla--lal_.;.._boa __ lbd ___ f __ .. -..... ,.......... b11cb, ocean v le:ii • • c.,,_.6 paint. Refa re· ~.~ ?-!!e .• S.!r2.~•,·. lll/'111-40ft • r.m, am 1 ..... ,.. Villa Warotr. edulta, 00 peta, now home. Very clean. 1000 i'd. p ""II'!"_"""' _ .. w rm, Iba, •TH/mo. -lune Hat. UH/mo. s-mo.A1ent,813-SIM. ~0~· lOOI refril Incl. Buut. a.-.: o... •n aar, ....,, 0.,• ... '4· Poohpa, l7MMO. air, 11t1. l-be. on pan, . 1~,,!:,,l°°J.._aaa•H, -tnl/JM, • '9.!f· .. •w p O • T ff TI . ... .... ,..,. A..-uf U ft 'd I I I O / mo . 4 0 0 ~ l Ir wd6ll laome, .... ~.Uiria sa74•1rfi DPl.Af .... ftU ._,._ .. ~Br. I ae . W • ... rl ... _.OllMt~ _!:: -=·.:~ .:..:.. BeUoUo•• ., .... II, ..... ,.•hit•. I H ~..... ...... ..................... , ...... -... -::.._ .... -.-: ----~ ffl.fll'I a.Mtlont.m.1117 --*'"'-··::=· ...., ................... = _ _, .... 11r, frplt, Jd, wc1 ..._ a-.• fa•Ur ._.. Mall• roar ,._.,~ ....., ...... IE w_o. ...... •nw. •••· 11H w MLIOA MY CLO. 1 ..... ,w\bdlaee.a. ·---.W _...,...... • ...... _,-.A m-,.,..~/=.r-~ .. ,.._ ........ • ,.... ....... __ ._ ·,_a r$'sf.W.. •·•• • ...,...... ..... '· :....,. • .:ar. w1d hook ups, $500 (213l445·1!1711 ~:. Hayfront , fantastic· vu. upper dplx, 3 hr. 3 hll, rrplr , SI i501 mo y rly 675 1006 .... , ......... 1107 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbr apt Refrig/Stovt, nr the beach $325 mo 675·0612 evenings Ni c e 3bdrm . 2 ba . $65CJ mo 1111 June Will furn 675 5710 SZIO llachelor Resp<>nsi I ble Adults. no pets lJt1 ls I pd 1061:: Bay Avl' l\pl 9 Yearly 2 Hr I Bll lower w 2 prn•ate pi1l1os. dshwshr. lndry & gar s.sso 675 8213 I Corona .. Mw 1122 ~ ..................... . Spacious 3 BR 3 Ba, fplc-, patio. iiar $750 mo 673·8154 Ele gant I Br. Very pnvate Walk to beach SSOO mo indds utils 675·Z140 673·5197 I Br Fireplace.. :>love. refnge. private garage Water & Gardener paid Adult. no pets $495 year· ly 714 224·6441 Studio apt. 4 blocks rrom beach. SJ25 mo So of PCJI 7J0. 7000. 675·91 IS George Spt>ctacular Or can & City Light view Private lrR I br S600 mo Call An thony Wkd ys 642 5757. Eves & Wknds 644 ·8889 Lge 3 br. 2 ba. all new. gar. pal10,S850 Open Sat & Sun 607'" I ris 524·3112 Spacious 3bd rm, 2ba. -avail Feb. 1. Sundeck. gar. car p<>rt. 675·2S01 , 493·8871 9·5pm. Ask for Tami. · ---.,----- 3bdrm. 2~a. frplc. avail immed. $700/mo. 768-0654 --------Block to beach. Im mar 2 Br. pvt patio, frplc No pets. $700/mo 1st /last+ sec. 673·9671. 673-1600 JIZ4 • •••••••••••••••••••••• z ......... Newly decor . C:11 pd, en cl 1ar , p oo l , d /wuhe r . Ad ults . 642-5071 M1WL Y DICOI. .1 Br. 1u pd, encl 1ar. 0d/w..,_, pool. Adult.a . 641.50'12 , .. , ......... Newb decor. IH -~ encl 1ar .• p o ol , d /wube r . Adulll. 641·5071 lllSA VERDI: home at- naptien. I • a It dlx ... Nop1ta .... 1 .. Wft.Mlft.Uel ....,_. Mlllll Afb. No ............... ..,. ,_.:..S-~" rm •• ................... --=- •• .. "'. • '· - ., I ills......._ • ., Mt•ta..... .. ..... 000 1e11W 44H~ct._,.. 440010tllu...... 4400 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• !! • .?.:.~:.~... .~~~ ... ~.~ .,...,_ 1171 .............. Prot ... ioeal offle• for ...,,... 121PAClt.,41• a.....a.. .... ..__ •• .... :r::.............. ~topenoully l•11e. By San Dle10 llllCUl'IYISUm laerUlee. suD.leau _.._. ... -leilllt -4' M-. tN*. I ldrm. I bath Dr Coftdo ... d -.et your eompatlble f'rw>' . .._ aq. ft. Incl. NIMrVleeottlHtin Beeutfful 1000 .,. f.l .. ..... _ ................................................................ I cat 1ar., frple. pool tfltjrOoe.,.i, rpe, rmmle to 1ult your ree.:.t:,loo11t'1 office 6 ~ c.aa.r Gardea olllc:ee (w conf. " lunda,, '*''*! B , t•• • • I• a-,,..._,, .,_. ... &Wrm. frpk, a • a le la •·Plea Yrb••· ,.,,.. · -.nu Ufeatyle. Sbaf'e4·Livin1 • room,• omc.1, Mo-WTO l"OOlll) in deluu new .,., ,.._ rr,ae. ,,.., •icr•. wa1laert dr)'er HC'lad ,., , frple Newport ... e:t.Realty •-•aao Dl .. ·~NlB. Ill Dover Dr. k It e b •nett e , 2 -bul. puti. TuaUn area. -·• utlla11. t•r '**· tar. ,_.mmia1 Waraert lolu Clain -• •1 bathrooml, A/C, 80'/aq, MWP"t"OMTA•I Frwy eloee. Muat 1ee! ~ ...... a.,_ ..... )el1 ~1aWaa.r area UH per m o I•••••••••• .......... ••••••••••••• ft.~mz. . llMTALS Only 1150/mo. Call tu •.. orlHlM romm tOS ,._.......,. OCUJROMT·Yll.Y Lux. J Br. 2 Ba. Family Fem. willln1 \o •hr 2 br. 5'1 .. 1'11. Tll .. 117,Ul t• --...... 0.~•IJ Oondo. Near S.C. Plaaa. Iba lrvlnupt. Pool. ten 10C»-20008Q FT I Rental Spaces ~proa . .. I •Coeec> LMt• a Br 1 Ba Nice ... ut •Br. aa. upetaln P90l, air eond . rec. ma. l250/mo + "At utll1 ATN- 0 • : 'lt ft.• up. nelud· Unique Bayfront Office wlCPtua,,..airec-N~WIRlll>Al'TS area. rlou to all, la Duplea. Wood beam r6om.Gu6waterpald. B-IM5aft.lpm 200 Nlaew~t·a~· IOthq.C(.Vlew • C'. flit. au.,.. .. 1' Barh Pl) 1ar•1•. no pet• 14$0 celll1111. ftple • enc lad 15'15 mo. 2131'»~73. Z.~ F No-Smo, Prof. sh1 Preati1e olflce buildln1. Coat a M e' a . See 873-1003 au ...-coa'"4 ~. rK room, pool, 'ND ITU ,.,, w t aulo open er, 1212 No. Broadway. H11 Mana1er. J a t•iuil, enr l o"'d-wuh/dry, tum or un· 3br rondo, child OK , apt W/Jn't Stew n1 IAP\o2000aq.ft.ofoffice __ ...._ ___ _ 'r"'-I Ir laiCI Pwl ,.,..,_ Gaa .. w•ter Lovely a ltr with built fum. aecw"ity, prk1. Zba.1575 Ouan CDM 1250 me apace for lease. Walk to CdM Deluae Suitee. 1100 la_..,. far Ml ISM pd AduUa. nu peta :lt3 uw 'tuldOK 131$ OCIAIROM'T·YILY l213>211·3388 645-06502·1 O.C. Cowthouae or SA. aq.ft. AC, ampl pk&. utll '"-UYPM HanulWin.l'M .. ~4411 M2lW 38r, 2Ba. trple, enclad Loverly Zbr, 2b1, pool, M/Ftoahr2br.2baWood Civic Center. Utilities, pd. 21$$ E. Cat Hwy LO\'!LV n•rm t h BacbeAc1r quUtt bat auk. & lh Condo U&o. 1ar. w /auto opener. adult.a, no. pet.I, nr So. bridle. l250 + ..., utll parkln1 • janitorial -~-s.aoo ____ _ .audio W1UI f'rplC', pall<i. pvt. all lltlla pd, nut perta lh 1c«>n1 , pr 1 v • t ~ wuh/clty hook-up. Co11t Pia u, o 'looks I Call Tina '115·<T121 days serv · Incl. IMM EDI ATE tlW'I 1ar Ntwl)' decw 1D1 7W ilM iar•t•. ~· •P•. t .. n HUNT. HAllOUR lab, ~70. $45·3083 . 8$Hl75evea OCCUPANCY: Ask for IUO tH uu 1 1,0 NI Call tves$4$ 7743 3Br 2~8a condo w/boat -.........1_---bd Manha.~_·353_1._ •""-UC"e 1"' lllla.rl4'W l'vl\du Dia alip.Oceanfsbayv1ew.Z -__,....... Jll6 2 rm. 2ba. mature hw!ILaMr slove, laundr 8ludto • ..ac> Ocean vu. frpk'a, 2 ur aar w/aulo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~35. C M. area. 94!0-8611 NEW EXEC SUITES t • lit la Miii •10 Jo Ann t t M N e> ~. •mall dot 1·011 ...,.... NZ 1>t4 I • pt Oiah• ••her Miia paoo ~ ~--. s.tl ill)Juch •eetaBAB lilAnMIHTI 8.-.uWul 11rdu il)h Pool l spa Adult. no ~ 1 bdrm I:*) St-00 2 8drn1 $460 22S0Van41uard. ~U 11626 2 Bdrm 2 Ba $470. $475 3'18 W Wilson, 631 5583 -- SPAC 2BR ADULT Lge &utr h. ~n beams ce1I, incl reln1. no pelli $37S • up 221<> Maple: SI $48-7~. 873-8803 !Br Smail yard Stuve • relng Adults. no pets s:m $48-1377 SHARP Mesa Verde 2 BR 2 Ba. no children ur pets STSO mo + sec Call 546·5880, ask for Pam ----- Very attractive 3bdrm. avail Feb. 1st, $550. Call 675-6606 ~ u .. Pool 1.ovely acnmfrombear h,pool opener, wash/dry, fully f'1bulous ocean vu, Debble,arter6pm BESTO.C.LOCATION ., ... 841uth t'outTi·i 12131a.un6 furn.forrenttoJune81. oceanfront2Br2Bacon ------DIN.TualinAve,l .min. ra r l' S u11f l<>11HH •· --• .,. . ......,. ~·"":'"· .,,. T ... ~~ S"CS I do -J llH ,...,... Fem hsmate. lo share i S.A. & Nwpt f'wys. I ue .. 1 'h Id <>K " Br cundo l'c'°I, Jat'. 642 1601 Br 2 Ba F'rpk Mobil• prof. decorated ofcs .. n1h1 l ' '"n " · ts I • zt11t.-1.L..-.. home wi'lh easy 0 01n11 °-· · ~ l 11 !1311 IMJM 1U11U1• Utll, incl Sec'd Con Del f R ... -~-" ~eptlorust, telephone mt> • M2:5 Ii.: MO 580 Ulct ortt or en· W .......... d JtOO Mid-age M Walk tc serv . xerox. conf rm »~ · vn 4 UIJs In Newport Beach & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hoag or beac h $12S Sec. serv avail. Jo'rom IASTSIOI 3 ttr Townhou'J1t1 1Ju1I\ in., &>11UC1, 1525 I<!? 211>1 So PfU Days 646 4~i aASTMDI 2 Br Huu.se: with ya11i ~ 12'1 21Sl Nu j.ll't.:. Wiii cons 1dt'r l·h lld Oa}i. 646 4262 ~:~"i. 009543 UK I Bdrm I Ua Uj>pN, end gur. $365 mu M l'tta <WI Mar 751 990S Iv mi.g I Br, near S C P & O I' c' No pets SJ5lJ 7~-~ PINt: BLUfl-' APTS Spac 2 br. 2 ba Adult complex, put10 , v11:w, frpk, end gar . gas stove, d1shwusher . spa, lndry rm t'rom $500. SPMC 631·6107 2 Br Uppe:r (Juaet Enclad gar .. Adib. U, W. No pets $400/(Tlu Avail 2·15. 548 -9084 or 54().$446, 2 lidrm . 2 b1ath townhouse. l!araae. near ~ach S450 9tiO 1279 i HK POOL GAKAGt-; M50 640·617S 28r, I ~~Ba, pool, Jacuzzi. S47S mo 962 2575 1144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Northwood condo. l br, o'looks pool. up¥r11des. J•C. tennis. a c. S42S 731 1087. 675·6729 COil_' ta Mesa. _ l'~nd Yillat1e 645-7312 l2!IO mo. Last month free _ '1G4IWI • w/6m06. agreement New 1112 bdrm luxury Mat. l"em to shr full) 953.0937 3 Br 2 Ba Steps to beach. Ocea n view $695 Property House 642·3&0 or642·l010 YILLAIAUOA Adult only 1 Br I Ba I Hr + Den 1 ~. Ba 28r 2Ba + t'am Rm JRL PROPERTlt:S ~566 645·6459 Lovely 1 Br penthouse Versa illes, 24 hr sec . pool, gym, clubhous~ Only $550tmo. Call Rod 760-9333 or 673-8821 adult apts in 14 plans furn 2br, 2ba Pad from $415. 2 bdrm from Ne wpo rt $250 1 mo $505 + pools . tennis . s.4 8430 Avuil Feb I , t'{•m , 11011 450 sq. fl $450 per mo 4001Birr h St Newport &:ach. Agent 541·5032 waterfalls. ponds' tiai1 for cooking & heating paid. From San Diego t'rwy drive North on Beach lo Mc Fadden then West on Mc f'adden to Seawi nd Village smoker to shr beaut lq 250 sq fl office Sharl' 4bdrm home. house 11 (;dM, SJ50 incl ut ii I.ii.; I 760-9415 (714 )893·5198 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hmmte wanted Malt'. I l"emale, 22 30 yrs 552·0537 Mtl" to shr 2br. 2ba. hM frpk SJSl.l/mo + util 559·!1339Irvine1.151 3JOS . . recpt rm & secly sp. use o f c p y mar h . Law library Westcliff Hldg 646·4844. Upgraded condo. on lake, 1 r + loft. $450/mo 673-2787 wknds & eves. 951 3675 wkdys(Mark I Yt:ARLY Beaut 3 br. 2 ba Steps to buy & ore an 1141 $750 Bkr 64S·l683 ....... leec .. Laii:una Bea<'h Motor Inn. 98S No. Pat•1r1t· Coast Hwy, Laguna Be·1H·h Dady, W~kly , Kitc·hcn availablr Low wi nter rates 494 5294 M II" to shr 2br. 2ba a 1.11 w1;ill fa c no n s mk1 S2:!01mo 64 1·5!18!1 C M Slpg only. no <'OOk mi:. for o Id e r e rn p 1 n 0 n Rt.. .... p. fem lo s hr new lux ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 2 ba, frplc, patio. carport. wallt l-0 beat·h. ~-49'·1966, 49' 3196 ............... llSZ .....•......... , ...... . Walk to beach. I Bdrm. dr i nk e r / s m 0 k ., r . 3br, 3ba twnhse . pool I lots of storage. $430 mo ~/mo. Isl ' last 1~13 Jae, rec rm. ll'nm::. l'L Utllincl.Rae,9565871 1 Orange.t'M S350 NH (.'M ar~a Maril y n . li4 5 lil7 1I Bayfront 2 ttr I lia. no Room ror rent 0, milt' ys1eves kids/pets, yearly I from C)(;(; Laundry fac 673 8222 frplc Sii.iS mo F~m;ile Jl>r. 2ba, oce<1 nfr1ml UtJl I •DILUXI OfflCIS• From 1 room up to 2300 aq. ft Low rates No lease required. 2172 Ou· Pont Dr. Adj. Airporter Hotel. 833-3223. 9·12. WIST ... STll 14Z741Nclllt.d. 886 sq. rt. Choice store or office s pa re. Civic Center Village. Between 2 •·rwys 979·8889 or 645-1260. AlRPORT ARt:A Birrh & Bristol 225 to 750 sq ft. From l200. No lease re quired. Call 557-7010 ---- 0 C AIRPORT ARt:A 150 to 3000 sq fl of elegant exec. spac.. No l~ase rec1. 759·89_78 BEST RATE In NE\WOOT BEACH 600 to 4200 Sq. Ft. •Janitorial Service & Utilities Included •Adjacent to Airport & Restaurant Row • Acce11 to 3 Major Fwys. 833·8813 Luxurious. full service of fice space, 1·6 rms. con ference room. 11:r 'I servict>s . N e wpor t Beach, Call for info 752·6188 ORANGE CO. AIRPORT Lease avail. at 8()t 8000' build lo suit, pert for arch, engnr. computer!-.. electronic firm. Curtis & ASSO<' S."16·4S70 2 Br 2 Ba Luge Prtv BEAlrTIFUL 2 Br 2 Ba, patio 1 blk to shops & Mesa Verde. lJOO sq rt park. $495/mo. 675·068l , fplc, lndry, patio. dis Condo 2 Br. 2 Ba on l(olf co u r se I n c Id s was her/dryer. frige ~75. 492·6700 1 br dplx, ut1ls pd, 2 blki. I beach. Gar S52!> yrl} I Ken, 644 8494 2 Bil. 1 1~, HA Townhuusl' lj style Adult:., no 11t'ls $375 548·2682 pref 9S7·39S.'i I o n ti <i I b o 11 I' t• n l>oard,...·a lk. SJCIO mu l 7SI 5340 MEARH~RIOR Mas te r fir $235 .,er mo f>nvate bath. phunt' & patio Mature , n on smoker 493 3115 VALENTINE LOVE LINES ----1 hWllhr, encl gar. Adll'I, Newer 2 Br 2 Ba. 1425 no pets $500. 3 I 06 Avail. approx Feb Isl Gmger, 540-4400 760-1418 or 548-8675 eves orwknds. Ll'g Bach. w/patm $325 mo. 2 Br I Ba dshv.•s r , frplc. balcony $500 mu w 1e n cl gar P ool , 1acuzz1 Quiet adults on ly, no pets 2650 Harla S49·2447 560 J~nn St Open Sun 2 br. I child OK. SJ6S S45 4529. (2131598·121!1 $475 2 Br 2 Ba. Hrand new Townhouse All built-in1. frplc. lndry rm .. carport. Adulu on· ly. nopeta. TSL Mgmt. 642 6221 or 642-1603. Nice quiet 2bdrm, 2ba . mo51 ulll paid. adults, $47Stmo 622 Hamilton 548-0477 Luxury Apt with Vl('W or Balboa. 2 Br I Bu liu1lt ins . 11 pa. c arpe l s $4 5 0 $48 0 V1t· l or1a /Placen t1a 826-S147 2br. ept/drapes, rcfng, built ins, beamed re1I mgs. adults, no pets SJ9S 2272 Maple, 631·2927 SPACIOUS, qu1el. upper l Br Adult. no pet $340 645-7836. Qwel 2 Br Adults only. no pets $400 mo 755 W 18th St 646-95(f1 3 Room Garal(e Apt Quiet easts1de slrt•et $400 54 0 114 59 &Toro 3112 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut I year new 2 Br. 1112 Ba. Condo with pool, jacuzli, & cable TV in· dd. Yearly $550. Broker 67~12 tWlayt•INcll 3140 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br, 2 ba, frplc. wet bar, $500 Call 9·5, Mon Fri, 960-U4S Brand new 1 bdrm l'1t'r po1nle Condos Pool, s pa. lennl!i, garal(es S47S. (213J 596 7202 dys. 17141842 4721 eves THE W .. FR.E TIH Luxury Adult units 11l af forda ble living. 1,2 & 3 Br. Well decorate d . Olympic size pool. light· ed teMis court. Jacuzzi. park like landscaping. Most beautirul bldl(. in H.B. Un Golf Course. 2bdrm. 2ba, condo, nr bea<·h. l e a se $550 mo . (714 )493·5332 "'..... ..... 316' ••••••••••••••••••••••• PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTIY CLUI UVINGIM NIWPOIT IEACH An adult community on the Back Bay Spee lacul1r S pa, 7 sw1 m mini pools, 8 lighted ten· nis courts, bike trails. putt i ng gre e n . Bache lors, 1 and 2 bedrooms apartments, and townhouses from $449.00 per month On Jamboree At San J oaquin Hills Road (714)644·1900 Oceanfront for Winter Re ntals t'urnis hed & Wlfum. Broker 675-4912. NO FEJo:: Apt. & Condo rentals. Villa Rentals 67S-4912 Broker 2br, across from :.a nd. rt• Lfc, sunny rm, II & k II & derorated. deluxe mu:.1 law1dry far. !<ef!-. ~e11 'ti ' st.-e$600/mo 631 .5300 548·1372.Cost.1 Mesa 1 • • •2 BR 1-0 ~ lia . s tudio. I Allractivf' pvt rtH)ffi. pn• nr Hoag. Adlts. n•> pet!> s11ge locat111n. M "· 4U M7S mo 631-38811 I y r s over L 11 k 1 t pnv1lt'ges 97!1-!Hi~f; :!bdrm. 2ba, S585 Ea!>t YOUR lgf' !imt• lo ~hr "' r e s p t·xec f t·rn I PREFF:lt H 1~ t'n)n 1 Oc:ean or ll;irhor H11lg" I S49 2625, Ii I~ I HJIJ 760 250ll F1·rn. non sm ok111 g r11<J111 mate to :.hr lrg l <,loll ) l'ontlo in I n 1ne "'1th 1101 olher o ,..,. 111:. ... 11·1 bd rm. $350 mo <':i ll after 5pm ~!'J2 451U Bluff. frpk , 110 l>l'ls. di:. Room for r.l'fl l in 2llr hwas her. flt? Ami!!IJ' I house. M Jo , 1111·1: !-.Ur I Hoomm;il1• !-.hun.• 2111 I Way 642.5889 rounding:. 1!! )'d~ SWO Ula. a pl E I Tu 1 11 f'45 89711 CM Ft' m a It'. non :. ni k r WESTCLffF iHlr I Ba . , , I t,l u1ct S20 1 m u SIOIJ I Condo. Pool, adlts. no 1 nvate entran.l't: 1 rd i•r scc·unty 1 ~ ulil !151 8*17 pel'I. $600 mo. 754 1630 or mature work mi: .Malt• I . . 9S7-8350a(t 7PM Non smoker/drinkC'r I-em roommull: tu s h11n· I $245 mo 556·Uli37 3Rr. 2Ba huu~•· 111 SJ(.' I Huge Beach dost• 4 bdrm I $2.50 mo 495 9ZH7 3 ba studio with frplt· Nice neat room, w1refr1g S800 lease 2131376.4SO!l & bath. 1>vt entry, util 1 M,F needed to 11hr Jllr. · 646·3420 hse, incl w 1d clc-1-396.~ • · pd. Nr (.)(;(; Sl!!O mo 2sty hmt' Full Us•· 11f I 3 Br, 11'2 ba. ot·ean Vlt'W , llool2I & lowd 4050 I pnv ba. & 2hdrmi.. I rur bit in kitchen Yearl> o rf1rc ~lud\ c·ll· $7~ rno 673 l .,,," ··ft 6 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I' I J ' . k d. I ol<I ,.,.., u oo a l'. no 1 s 1 p1·1~. I Room & board In l'X maturl' 30+ sr· I I Heautlful 2 Ur Ste11s to l <·h a nge for r·om pa util 731 9117 '·1 t ' the beach Lrg hn<"k . n 1 o n s h 1 p & I 1 I ,. pal10 lmma(· S#i25 c ... 11 I housework .. smo~et ok l<oommal ..... ante d. m<1lt· 673-2507 581· IUUO~ 586 9fl93 ~ve:. or fem ale Sl'rioui. !-.I u ~k for Georgia dent preferred C'foi:.c to Lovely lbr Ver~aillt·s1 ~ ................. 4100 CH'C' $1 60 + util cond o oc: c an vu ~. P"lvnnl 'l45 9123 . balcony por:S'I 'spa ' •••••.eH'""••u,.a•••••a.a• . ..,,, __ ._l'~.1::~-- rlubhse, guarded i:att·: DO YOU LIKE $500 642·0435 MOTELS? G.OIJH ....... 4350 Wttkly rentals from S84 ••••••••••••• ••• ••• •••• & up. 646 744S 2274 Newport Blvd. <.:.M YocalloRl...tal1 4250 10x20 Gar Storage only Costa Mesa $40 mo Call I 5PM. 636·4120 Send a valentine message to your wife, husband. sweetheart. boss. secretary. teacher. fnend or anyone special with a LOVE LINE sd. Your message will appear on Saturday morning, February 14, on the VALENTINE LOVE LINE page m the Daily Pilot. For only S4.00 you can create your own message (approximately 4 words per line) each additional line '· 75•. We also offer a choice of hearts to place at the top of your LOVE LINE AD LARGE ~ HEART $4 SMALL (":l HEART ..,_. $2 2-DP1m YOURSELF ' •• lr I)' 12 IO Jr ot R· •· ... k. 'e· 5 ••• w le. ••• !I. ••• iN Is· t ••• \' 3 It- he he - 00 . .. E IS n In & " od ill or - R· n· 'I In •r· in • ·~ y 1t .a in n •at - JI• e· 'k. rll d. nt to R 2 Br patio apt $370 /mo Adults, no pets. 731 A W 18th St Call 673-7787. 64Q. 9900 A gt. t'rom $360. 846 0619 2 Br. I Ba. Avail now Area of Balboa & Coast Hwy . $52S mo J .U. Prope rl y Mgmt 751 2787. Aft 5pm , $48.llOM Live on the be a e h Very a ttracli ve 2 Hr I li<t . patio, garage $825 Savage. Wild e & ('o 675·9005, 496.8339 evt'S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Palm Springs/ Rancho Balboa Island single car FILL THIS HEART WtTH YOUR OWN HANDWFITI'EN PERSONAL MESSAGE OF LOVE FOR ONLY 820 ' 11 ,. YIU.A CoaDOY A Most ut1I free. New rrpt, e ncl garage . patio, dshwhr, landry rm No pets I BDRM $410 2BORM $475 2323 t:lden Ave . (; M M2·7605 Bachelor apt. avail now 1295 mo. Call 546·5880, ask for Dive Luxurious New 2 Story Townhouse, 2 Br. 2°12 Ba. fireplace.~-557 :_3986. • 2 Br. Condo near SC Plaza, SA. Pool, apa. $48().$500. No pe.ta, child OK. 5'9-3232or&4H460. F.,,d. 2 Br. 1 Ba. patio • gar. 2889 Orange Ave. $425. M2·11343, &45· 1387 I Br. Poolalde Apt $310 mo. Quiet adult liYln1. No pets. 731·1829 Agent. .. 7~1.\2$. 2 Br. l "'i Ba. Twnhu. Near new. SmaU child, pet OK. All blt·ln1. gar., frplc. paUo/barkyard. TSL MGMT. &42· 1603. $385· .. $0: 2 Br. l B1. Apts. Crpta. drpa, patio, wood beam cln11. Small pet OK. TSL M1mt. 6'2· 1803 ... t ... 21r l~ batha1.patlo, 1arage. m Cabriuo. M50 mo. Call 8'0-0UI lbr, 2be down1talt1 Ppt, Idell okay. SUO/mo. 800 W. Hamilton la·21l7 Luxury wtth view 2 Br. l ba. W/lpa. 1450/1480. Close to Hunt. Bch. A .. u now. g.5147 1 9 2bdrms, cottage style l i ving , c hil d o k ~$350/mo. 847-3020 2 & 3 Bdrm Apts $400-$450. Kids OK. no pets, 964·2566 or 973 2971 Agt., no fee. For Leaae or by Option Brand New Condo loc. Seaside Village a l Beach/Atlanla Blvd 11 > 2br +library + 3ba, ( 1 I 3br, + 3ba. Approx 1650', sec. gate, 3 tennis courts , pool /j ac $900 /mo p e r ea . t213 )833·1369 or eves (213)831-5734 Mei lwn WtA Apts. 2 • 3 Br twnhse from $475. Yard. built -ins, encl gar . nr H. Harbour 840-680'7. Nr beach. Lge 2 b r , 2 ba. Ctplc, gar., yd & patio, 1595. Avail. 2/5 Call An a wer·Ad #348, 642-4300, 24 hrs. 2bd, 2ba, DLX adults, no petl.$415 980-4145 HUNT HARBOUR AREA Lrs 2bdrm, 2ba, pool, jae, adult.a. $480. ._Lynn 146·~1. • I & 1 1111 '""' Aph • O·sn••\1"•~ & 880 \ • Poo1 & lltl Room • "'' °'" L •llllU•P•no • JOQ IO 8e1Ch ' Snops . . C,f A f ~N IRO NMI NI t• • ••f\V ' t.4 '' t1 •. 1 ' 2br. l\.\ ba twnhae, 1pa, 1--------- a.mll rrt, pool. l ml. t.o WALK TO BEACH. l br. beecb. •· ,.,,.a14I. 9lo¥• • ...tn1e. am. •aue or 5a·TITt. ll•a V•rde, lbr, 2ba, • specloul, newly decor, 9barp I BR, bltna, W /D, .. /mo. m.11M lmlllleft, pool. Good loe. Jbdra, Iba, nr l .C . Pla11. "·'rr,l . di•· trnrhr, J 1, Jet, .. rt. lluc Ill. ... ............. .. ,.. + •• ,. "' ·1'710 ... , ..... J llr, •~ ba, r.,,te, I ear ,.,, I bike '° Macia, ---1' MAlt98 S9UAIE Al'Aal'MENTS Very private 2 BR & 2 BR + den adult apts AVAi LA Bl.E NOW l.arge floor plans. garden lands capin11. pool, jaclllzi. Greut loca lion, c lose lo ever- ything ! t~rom 1585 No pets. 1244 Irvine Ave , between Westcliff Or & Mariner Or. 64S.025Z 2 br, 11"2 ba + gar, Hoag H°'P area. nu decor . open hse Sat & Sun 11·3. 4238 Hilaria Way. $500/mo. 830-5875 Water. dock, large 2Br, 28a, frplc, patio. newly dttor. Util. pd. Adults, no pet.II, no gar. $950. Without doc k : $800. 67S-2298. 3 Br. 2YI Ba Townhouse, adlt.a only. 1525 sq. fl. W /D hook-up, louted on greenbelt. Rec. center & pool incl. $815 mo. Ba)'WOOd apts. At San Cozy !bdrm, maximum sec. pool & clubhouse R c rrig 1nt'I . Th e Versailles. S.'i2.'i 548 3874 alter 6 wkdays 3Br, 2Ra. yrly, 4 doors lo theocn. nopcti.. 642·0891 Newport Condo 311r. 31Ja Boat s hp Sl050/mo. Can be rented with boat & partl y fur ni s h e d . 675-8650. wkdays call aft 6. Lee 2 br, frplc. patios, charming. $600 yr ly 675·289'7. 675·3504. 2 bdr with view $625. 2 brd Townhse $500 Adults. no pets 1409 Superio r 645-8684. S.Cll•scte 3176 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Golf course view, 2br .. 2 ba., a pt • bu1lt·ins. cerpet, drapes, 2 car ports, laundry facility. adults, no pets . S425 mo./lease. Owner 1714 J 642·0138. Joaquin Hills Rd • San Mewpart hacll 3169 Ml1uel Dr. 644·~. •••••••••••••••••••••• • WHY RENT? At Quail Meadows adult -eondominiums in Tustin, you can own your own home for monthly payments that may be lower than your current rent! A new program providing a 22 11} % mortgage reduction in the first year ls now available to assist you in making a solid investment in your future. Starting at $69,990 and with financing proirams for down payments as low aa 5%, you can buy a great 1 br, 1 + den, or 2 bd condominium home in one of Tustin'• moat prestigious neighborhood•. Don 't waste one more dollar ln rent I Call Sandy at 132.2300 for more Information and dlrectlon1 to beautiful QUAIL MEADOWS. Mirage· Condo, 2br, 2ba, gar age 220 O n yx pool, tennis. jac, else 10 SSO/mo. 675·4017 rei;taurunt row. 640·6676 Office ....... HOHOLULU OCEAM ROHT Spec View, 12th fl oor, corner condo in llikai llolel. 2br, 2ba, lge deck. beaut fum. long term S2000/ mo <714 )640-6931 4300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Moving ? A void deposits & cut living e xpenses'. Professionally s 1n<'e l971 HOUSIMATIS 832·413-4 ··~•onf:'l8'f c · ~f1'"l-'i11flcr;_ l Oldest & largest agency Serving So. California Photos and Heferenres Credits. ABC-NBC-CBS Cosmos-LA Times -Etc Since 1971 Irvine . 641 ·1899 Garden Grove. 891-1773 Female to share 2 Br 2 Ba In CdM. $22S mo. + 0ti ut Ila. 640-6858 . M/F roommate needed. N.B. $250/m o. ulil incl. Call BobS41.·<T169. Roommate to ahr 3 Br lml.lt)' condo, Npt Crest, totally Cum., $325 util in· cl. 548-721157 8'.wlnesa eaec. JO, looking to •hr beaehfront, open 3/1, must be reap., 1 yr -lee, Call Answer -Ad #350, 142-4300, 24 hrs. Fem. roommate wanted t.o ahare 2Br house In N.B. Muet be rellabl aeml ·neat fr a non· 1moker. IZIO/mo + utH. ...3723. Prof. Woman, JO to 1hr Cape Cod Npt H gtl home. Diana. UMlll or a.ia 2. roommate•. II. lu. C!lll.toiaC.ll. lla1terbr . lad br ........ ... 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl.Al.A EXECUTIVE sums "There is a diffe rence " 714/752-0234 2CM2 Michelson Or. 11212 2021 Business Cntr 11213 Start the ne w year r ight in well established 2.000 sq.fl doctors office Ons1te parkm11. Adapta ble for one or 2 phys1 c1ans. Call. REO CARPF:T 893·1351 1617 Westcliff N B. Want financial inst. 70005.f lat. floor. Agent 541·5032. IUSTIMG AT THE SEAMS? Elegant 3700 sq.ft. offi<'e bldg., in downtown H B. Newer bldg. w /onslte parking. Call, REDCAJtPET 893·1351 IOUCIMTll MIWPOIT Elegant executive s uites In pre1t11e location. With complete s upport services. 714/951 ·0681 ------- zi;o.500 sq. ft. grnd nr. uttla pd. From $200. 779 W. 19th. St. C.M. Tom 957·1900. Great Loe. Ample park· b\I. 800 aq n. ~15/mo. Call 41'-&4«M, 494-7551 . 14159.n. Eaeellently located on 17th St, Colla Meta. Call Realonomlee 175-6700 M.l.IMt ..... with omcea -,-e-xee. auitel. rrm 10211tto• 1/f. Cboireloe. Ul·I• O.C. Am'OIT AllA 221 eq ft flail Mf'VIH H • ecul.IYe olllH avail Im· med. CorMr of .I••· ttoree /lleArtllur. lt1utlfull1 decorated ACTUAL SIZE OF HEART [l D D I wish to send a message through the DAILY PILOT LOVE LINE I wish to create my own s2000 Valentine. Payment enclosed. D VISA II .. D Master Charge u D Please bill me. Name St reel ..•..•.•..• City ........... . Exp .... Exp I f • t • I • • • • t State ........ Zip Phone ....................... . Use the handy box below to wrole your love Line Message (Mtn1mum 4 lines) 0 Add $4.00 heart to my Love Lines O Add $2.00 heart to my Love Lines Mail to: DAILY PILOT LOVE LINES P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 4.00 4.75 5.50 8.25 •·Jae, 1uard l•tt ··-wltll bay windowa. ·•r ,...,,, , ........... 111111111111 ................................ .. an 'or oil' o n VC' & r ·r In l-2 !e , .& le 1i Id lso JI\' re fr 1e In ·on t F - nt. I 8 in· IC· in >Uf op· ave of 1t1. If ~C· ·n . ea ln ,.. It)' rr er,.tSenice Maiomy ......•....•.............•.......••..••.•..... ••••··•····•••••••························· . illl••••••••••m! lot-'. l 01'11~1 H\ l I Ill" i '-'11•"1 (lift' 111 ('11-.t u .\\khll•HI• 11 .. 111 ... t.•I M~11 1J1111l11\ \11(11"' l•llh I 11 Ill" M¥1 II tt7t1 1111 'hu11111uo '"""" a h11 l'o.l:>lrUl'\1ot1 a ll l ypel'I, :.!O } r i. l'X I' fre.-t:i.t ll r•J.3451111 ti45 ~!173 ( llm ) Ill U.'llt! le.,...... Dryw .. ••• ·, ·,,·,:1· ~ ·.·(·,·,·:\·l·I,· •. ••••• "•_.,,,_, t ·'' "''' ' .1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• " r .~ 'J1111 Mtt• 1>1 \Olall Spcl'iahi.l llauhng & Dump J4ili~ Ask for Rand} ~9 4368 tll!ul, cleanup, ronrr"t" removal [)ump triu•k ~irk strv 642 11;:111 TI..C for yuur homt' 15 y 1' expr ttefer~ncei. & n • a.sonulilf' Call Star •1t 642 6149 1\11111•1 II' \l.r It I l'flll I•""""' Ill 1,1 11'k l1hwk, t 1 It f, I t•t f, f't1'1' I ~t Mel1r w.ly dune, rcltJIJk. Mo•inq I •I DAILY PILOT SEIYICE 1111 •'" < u t • ,1ft1111 h • "t• .1111 & °"h ,11111""> < ''"111 t/u1a l & proJ Nn•• & r•· 1 11\llHI '"'\II''• 11111\ 1.~ p1•1 "1ll 1 11111tl l.11· :IH!l!J.l •t San <.:l~m·SJt' I'll' l.1h• hau.I. 11 11~h . odd Jul"· luwn~ n1ul4ed •19:.! 11:url reft-reru·e~ lU ) '' l"X,, t ••••••••• •••••••• Av111I dys 2 t Kttlll\ Mo1111 1~ • 11 , ,, 1 \1111 I \ 11 ,.:ve!'.1wknds55'1 (i4l!O 'I t '11ll'1'.•''-l111+ ,1 \l1•\ 1 { 11 h 1• l'lttl\11 It I 1l'ulli.'lo(i.' u~l' women v.111 ,,.111 , 1,11,11 iol ' 11 1·1 '.:J:! ~!I CeW.J. Acou.Hc: ' '•••••••••••••••••••••••IEll<tricClll lllECTORY A .. ,.,.~. 'vur ll••h I 1 ,, ""1•1n• ll1r •. • Rl'prt<"'"'"' , , U2·H11. nf JI I \ Unllllt'l.- ~f\ llh " '•"• •lib I.I H.-'"'~ • •, • 1 Ull "' 11• i 11 11. • II I ' •••••.................. Dr" .-,,. J' • ~·" 1. f t'P J r-I ,I :-.&.-. ''l•h·Jtl •ol I~ Li, ti ~ic1t' •.•..•...•............. Ill~ & C onfiden- ti~ Stop rurt'l'lu-.uro· " I I dent IOJUI \ ti I ... '. bilnkruµt q r1 .ti 11111 pt'r\~ drunk dr 11111h l'lt bl ;,,ppl l rl't' 111111lo hg11ttun. llilh1•r1 t; \\ 111 \t•rholh .1 111 \111 Complt•lt-1.-.:.11 -., n """ ~ 11272 L ..,.1 •• ,,l • .,. 1h ¥r. 1ul l"•h•I I "I I "'"' •l1J1•'1 1111.1 1-. ""' H· I ...... II· 1·. I ~ ••• 1 ·' , .. t ,. ... t fl, oill ., I I I 'I 111 , \I, I , • .' fl Ill • I "' I• •\1 1 'fl I' I •, I I<\ ... 01 "' ' t I t ~ oh I .. >. " I 111 \ t1j1 I f, I I• Jll I ~hi 'I J , h • I I I• II '" II I ... 'I • \' • I) fll l 1110 1 J ~ II f 1 ) 1 I, 1 , • 1 dHllll d1 j t \ 1 di•f I 11 J tt I I ~ Ii HI } , \ l 1 • ' ••• J t 11• l II ·' I !II. I \ ..... ll t(1•1... ··' ti'" I \\ I I ,j I t ' I I• ' t lt•n111 '"' '-lt .tf11 I t,•,1fl A I p1t .. 1 \\ 111 ~ ''·' t I I II • I\ 'l" '11 I I II I .., I J,lt ,,.- I ,11 pd,\< 11plu1I ' lt '.llol'I ""lt1111J1 ·-.t1 .1uqu111 I 'r 11l lluPI -.\ut~.ftJ. \\,ind If lo l•·•"I"' I "t 1 l•l'•lll \.\,1\IU~' (.ti.JI 'iiJ'< u l .. \• c uu,t 1t c t•al1nJ.:' • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'U/\\1>111 h,11111 \1•,tu1 Ill~ r1.1:o:t'1'HH'I \N 11 r11 1•<t I" Jli:J!~11 • .1:1 :.:. m j I ril(ht frL•c c ... t1111;i h' 1111 ,. _ __.. C ...._ l.11 .,:1•111 .'\lllUllJllh\ l! yg, rl'~l>OnSll..tll' lllt'll havl' .... I' 4WU trul·k .. vll •tfl't' main t.'<ju1µ \'an doam1h1ng' ~48891'1 ~I Otter~... I.It' ~:m~1 tii:I o:J.'>9 • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I tto... Cwe Service t uuuct,1l1u11'\ th_•t.uuutt,: ~ h•t Cf •l·•Jn ~tH Joh' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... 11, I l11l..,11l1 Hl•,1u1 .1 mo1nt & rt•p:11r~ l.11 M&ll \\ tnlt'r Spt>1·1ah' 111111 'il.tl1 l'.1111" "2:1Jl~l'IO 5'\8 520:J Clc.i111ng , p a111t111r.:. 111111 k & It 1" k I 1 • • 1 1·un:icntr.1 Lil· . 1to11t11 .. 1 i.I,' ~Di'1' I \I ' Gardettin<j ~\ 541; ZUIH, 979 ti l 1!i I t Ill< Ill lllm I. ~ tit II . ,~ , k Ii J t h It t t • ,1.u1,a\•·~•dl ~ .•• , Child Care . S29.50/wHk llHl lu111h ( \1 llllt'o II tit l 'l t'" houl ••It• ol 't t 'II "lo.11111111111· 1'111hlt ,fl• t •t ,,.111 httlt "''' ~ I '1ut r I I \I ,If l'.1 '·'' 1.11 •• ·················•···•• " ,, , ,. , r, , 111 ' • 11, 1 u .. 1111~1, I l'.1t11 111 • i., ,\ l 11\' J' t .dtlrtt."1' 110 Jttltt••l'olll.111 ll:Jll 1111.' Marnn<J Constn1c:tion t tt 1U 'Uhl I ,, n uut.tl Hlf1"1 I• !1111,fo l.11 ,\ '"' l'.1.I 'l.1..oK j .....................•. • \ 1-.1n I (l\\ pH 11 E~. ~1dtu11• Eni:lt'h ~l·"·•k111.i "" IJ 11tht"IJ"' 111 :1111 l..itl• 141,.hl'" µ0~1111111 ·" ll'IHHl('I' l'llllll'' (; 1'11r~l' l'UlllJ.ldllltln, hfl' '""'-111• '>1!1 2itl ~1 nur~"'" hud.>!r111111tl 1.i\l(Lll':~1 .... : Y.l\~'l l·:JI """"'" l·.1l;onR H.1lo. 1111! !'-\\<'<'Jlllli.: \\ .tll'I 1111-: l-r•••· ~.,1 1111all'' t.1:> :.1:n 1;.i1, •i4o:: Hc.ldyn•1 ....................... 1111111<• I 111pr11\'t'0t1·111 ·~~. I 1-. o•Xp h •lf\'I''. \';11If 11 I 11 1'11 11:111111111-: 1 .. 11 ·l~M l'lu111h111" •'.11 1w111 11 111 ... 11111 p.lllll Ilk ...... k l:l'lh'I .ti lottlll\' I t'llol 11 ~ Fr," 1 '11111.1 I•'' • ill ·~;x :!11!>4; .II l1·r f.11111 11111111 ,'(. \pl n·p.1tr l.l"t\11• ,ti II\ v..111 Ith di l)(lf \Io I I H;.Jl ~i''iJ l.1v.-11ut 11!11 ;n:.i ~aninq .•.........•......•..•. Want .t II 1-:i\ LI. 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I Elt•l 500 to 2700 Sq Ft. :-.11 .. ~1\ \,.I< 111-.] 11( l'l .. \i' \ l~:.!.1 .\1 c' 1 \ 1 1 "" I· I· :\I 545-4 123 ,,.,..,~ . .-• '''"' '" .. rr •• , ~II\' I. 111 ~'" I .,If It 1• .11·11 .' :!I.I t .. 71~11 '''"' 1••r• 111 ·" 11 • l -; ~11 rt ,, ... '"' 111111' "' rl't:.tl " I" 1 h,;t l1 '"~ unl \ .1 t • 011 .! 11111 '>If ft ~~r.1 :lhl :0.t ''""'' t11 l\.111k "' '""'JI"'' I 11111 t ,, 1111 ,. I \ ' I •'.I li1'i lZlh .'I.I 11.11 t. I APPLIANCE STORE lk1•1\ Ill li ll~llll'"' '<1 \ 1•;11 .., I '1'1• t ii :11 ''7011110 IJ\\111'1' ..... 1 ~ ... -.111>11111 1111 d11\\ II .11ld \\ill hl'lp I 111.1111 l' ( )\\ 11 1•1 11'\ ll'lllL! .111d lt•;t\ llH! ... 1.111· SMALL GtlFT ITEM MANUFACTURING COMPANY I \ l',11 ... It) f1t1~fllt '... 111'11 lllj.! ,q1pl't1.\ 1111.t1 1•I\ :· ~ , p r·' l',11 l'r1<·1·d "' 1111 1~ SI l.!1;111 S <·l It 1 ..,,1\ ~ ..,111111111 .di o l lt•I ~ EQUIPMENT RENTAL IUSIMESS I' 1: i 1 < • SI . O I I . 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It ~s /\II l\p1·-. of rt'.11 •·,Ltl1 1,..11!111· ''•" 1:1Hi '\11 t•. I 1 •• ,,1.11· I • I 1: ~-ity 5005 IO\\'~tlll!'llh '\lrH ••l'l l'I .~l'.i .>~ff. -;~ul •• ~.'.":':........... S~ciolizin<J in • t•uun't ln~t .• , •' I ;! i.lttf I''\ 'h"I'"· 1111 1om & ~M "'I (t .II\ ~ Ill' I'. '"''' ( \1 :, IK i:.!4'1 .\1"" !-"HI Ill\ <I llllKI -.q II \t'\\I\ f'Jlrllt'il l'l1·11t • .. 1 1,,1rJ..111r.: \;I :.I~) l1t I rrl• I •• 1 I I •• I ., I .I 'I I ti .1 ' ' 1~12 f.5i'H I'\''' Industrial R"'tal 4500 .....•....•.••......... ,Zll:.">' l11du'-I 11H1t·1· IKllJI r1•cl11111lo ('1 Rll. II II ~"':i(I b 1• H4:.! ;;11:~1 MESA INDUSTRIAL PARk 711 W. 17th. St. Costa M~,a. Calif. 642-4463 BLUE JEAH STORE Ov.11 1uu1 ""'" IJl'aut tful w.;n ·q1111· .11111 f;,.,1111111 -.hup <h1•r t.C", n;t11•>11.tl hr<trttl n.11111·,, & r..t,1tt•tl ... p11rl "l'lll s11 •. :,uo Ill I !Utfl·~ llt'j~HHllO I( Ill\ I'll t .. n (1ld 1111•-.. l r .llllll•I' ,'1 ,•r;.111tl OJll 111111.! pl utttu 1111:1 \uu 1·:11. h .i "' '""' -.tun· "1••'11 Ill ;p, I 11 tl1• •" t:1 dJ1~ Fur 111!111 n1Jt11rn & l11 <id11111• 11\ nia tl '.111 ll .. .lh11;1 1.1 k1 11111 l11•1tl ,111n · s.1:1 '""' 1111 ltrtl"' f1x1 uro·., & 1n•cnl•11\ ·1 l·1 m~ 'r't·arh 1J11,1111·!'>~ v.1 1h pr<J\l'li r1•f'11 rd \111 l11·:Jl I< '" 1;;:i 1:>11111 < JtWa!'. & "' 11ph11ht1·n 'hoµtnl'M.1111nP1 n111\ 1nl! Incl Ill.I><: & •"1111p $:1.'!4~1()1101).1~> Ii i?:! •~Oi"t (l unit <1v ;11J l.1I•• .la11 •:111!~1 ~q fl u111I U\':tllt':trh F1•li •:~'>Oll!o.'1 1 h unit J\:til late .. "" l1o<1k ... 1orr· prim•· Jou .1 •<1ff11 t' & \\ ,11 l·hn11~,. t1•m rn l..1i.:11n,1 ll••.11 It '-JI •""' Ill 1 .t f'h 111111 ll!t.11/Sq ft ·1~14 (~)7(; 2ndTDs 1 ·11111.,· \\1· 11· Iii• I'•• I 642-2171 545-061 I l':tl~ 1 'ii~1 i.t'• ~·ixK \I• ltllltl •11 h.-.1 i" I W11111v. ha., 111••111'\ fur 1 .ill\ I'd 110 1111,, :!"Ill I IJ ·.., :111\ · 111· I :Jh<J\l' ~Ill'"'" :'\•• ' r1·1tll •. n11 pt1ll .\ ~··11 ;n 11•111 1· a I I A (; T 1. 7 'I 1 :1 I I lruf '' "'' IJt••·tl 11t • ,, t •• ..,.. for ·.ti• .;,11 [11~1 't \ r 111 I v1·,111w111 n" 111·1•• ·rl I fam ''' 1;.i;, 71~J!I Sl:1.t0 1 at "tkKI r.1tf'-. ~11.I Tl> IJll \11111 Ill ••II• 11 \ ,., "111 hll.1 1•rn1 'I l l .I < .1 r ,. 1 H r, II k 1 1;7:1 77il l~\'J-:.t.;T<JllS WA;\1 ~.II Wl'll ~f'l'Urf'cl 21111 'I Ii-. llrok<"r '.15l! ·i:i:1•1 I For h 1 1.(IW~I ·' 11·ltl 1111 I T I 1 ·s & Nutt·~ If\ I 11·11 na:.nn ''">(' 51\i 110:>1, IAmounc:ftMfth/ Penonais/ Lost& FoUnd F< I I ... , • ~:Ill (I '" I I I C11ltl"lf It• If II'\ 1 I , \ ''"I! \ I II •II II• '· ,\ 111111 flt I \1 1,1, I.' 1' I o<.. I ''"' (,uld1•tt H•·I r i'I\' 1 . "•·II' H-lk ~·.(••, lul \I ( •Ill•• 1111' 1:• 11 "'~ 1111 111 .... 'I ""'" \\1 flit'' 1111:1 I pit :1,,. I l'lt1r11 1·1!• ... ,.I "'""''" I I I! r .. 111.11· Ill •• ~ /(. V.ftll t tl111 I II ul ' ltoh & llr"lt•I :--\ ~~111 .. ~11:· 111 \tiff I• 11111111111• '"' I'" I 11•1 IUJ. \IHI \.\tili 1 \\,dll I• 111 It· • ff1pl11, '"' o' • 11\Ullllt IU ( l.t ... ~tJ u•tl I• 1 •. I 1 lt. ·' " • I t'I C'O t'r.P .. !,.•IJl 'I ' Furnis hed or un furnished E x ct· ut 1 ,.,. Suites 12xl5 111 Irvine, w a I k 1 n g d 1 ~ta n ,. l' to Airport 208Z M1 dwl!'un. 7141752·0ZJ4 PACIFIC BLUFF IMDUSTllAL PARK •<'rph tlr .qH'' ,v., "''' I lt:ar' •J:I• IJt•r ~q Cl • 1 M1•at markt•t & <1<•11 IA·a~ingvrr11 1·h1 -. :\1 1111 <'atPnnv -.anolv.11·t. ••.......•.•........... ' WATERFRONT Enctllf•• Whs NEWPORT REACll Also large spa cl' avail & BOAT SI' AC I': Davis & Clarke R E 851-1666 ----- Rent 3 mos. lo 3 yrs 234 to SM s/f. Flex terms Furn or unfurn lo coel . newly dccorat ed. Quit'l Costa Mesa area. 2300 s lf. Ba thrm , Wt't bar i 835 Whittier A vt'. Costa MHa, Calif. 642-7604 • 1500 lo 3000 'If rt un 1Us l av11il for Jan or cupancy •31' pcr Ml ft 1000 1650 'll ft.Crom ss.5C.I mo Ideal (or 111~ . acr\g, r .c or t v rep a 1r C.M. 640·5275 San Clement e on b us y 1-:1 t:amino Real, new bid~ 3 spares. 1000· ca con ~~~·~~~~_.~·~r"'~J·J'!"~~~I~;~;;~:~.:~;~.~ PLAZA / Executive Suites ISecretarlal Service Leas1n9 Exer.u11ve S111lt'S, o~frrintt Professional services for thP professional company l''lcr.ul1YP, 1n a setting with .l manageabh? number of units f)/111: Exercise & shower lac1ltt1es, periodical l1hrary as well as all the usual executive suite amenit 11•s l twr~ is~ 1J1lt~reore f ht 1nttMm•11Qn HWt ttff'r.ttvu 714. 752·0234 2092 M1chul\Oo, • 212, Irvine, CA 92715 2021 Bu11nessC1rnter, •2t3;1rv1nt, CA 92715 • 10 Fn R 1 rout.' llak .. n· potf'111t.tl Stonlcp 45501 ('alllii5 \:l.'1:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl Vl•ntftn~ M al'htnt.-'~ AJiµrox fi.C.l(IO~q rt uva1I I Askm1t$.">0<1e11t·h· m Foun\Jln \'alley nP.1r I 751 1242 John:>.56 9JC.0.548·7~J.1 EXCLUSIVE ~D fr14~ $1;12011111 1 Hoard & l'art• home. hr . Storage .:aral(e for n•nt 19 beds, sl.'p owner~ 3 On Balbou 1'1'11 next to I RH 2 Ba housr. l1tc gunil' fun zom• < 101 i ft x2011rt I rm, al(\ 673-2943, 67:1 3!130 631-5661 ~8 0817 7,000 sq rt lot, rncd , ell'!" tnral, nr OC Airport, all or port. $.175 mo or less. 6't6·4631 The Ca:.14-,..l tlraw 111 lltt• Wl'-;t a l>atl) l1 1l11l nass1fwd Atl &12 5ti7K SS SSS BOOMING AUTOMOTIVE AFTER·MARKET GENfl1/\I MOTOHS AC DELCO I!. FORD MQTO RCRAFl l'RODUCTS * EXCEPTIONAU. Y HIGH INCOME ' •A., I\,,,,,,, 01,.,Jr ''' '''"""' ,.,'""""•' "'''''"''' • • 1111 /tlf • .-nur 'l~I~ 1\11 nunf\ • 'm. '.m (lf)N''"' From 'root II(>'''" •I"'' ru P.ur /mu• • ,\11/U011t(fl H,•()l_JJ/ 1J,,,,,,,.$J • fl'1ltm1trrt t-rn•n•,r>n PntMltJ~I • lmmt~l1uttt ltH:OO•tJ INVENTORY INVESTMENT 510,833. I ' No FranchlH FeH or Ao,altlet Amounc:ftMfth 5 I 00 •........•.•••......... Now You Can Sell More "ilh llaih 111111 1 l'E ,:\\' 111:\('llt.H \II..; 'lill onl.• ~:! :1 11111·-. 1111 2 d.1\ ... 0111\ •I ,1 tl;.1\ .tit .1 11111• .\tl11•11 i..1· 11111• '" 111"1 I' lll'lll' \ .tlllt•d "" '" ''"" .... I( h .11ld1111111.tl 11111· ,, tllll\ f~k· 1111 lflt' \\\of ti ,1 I ' Stt 1 I \ 1111 I' 0 Ill Ill f' I' t' I ;ii ,111' 1tll<1\\t•tl ('h ,11.:1· \' 1111 r lt1•n11' 1'111d11•r ,\fl n r lls r ~ ,, 111 Runk .\m1•11 n 11°tl Visa m MlllSIPl'<'11rd t'or morr mtorm:il 1011 and \o pla<'t' your ad nil 642-5671 I' \ v • , (\-\t. ! LI/ '.1 h we 11t 1'1' h1 lv 1 1 J f 1, I I\ u se Answer Ad <:,(, v 1· <> when placing your od tl Daily Pilot ad n umlwr ""' appea r in your classified c1ct . we ta ke y our mess ''lf'<, 24 hours a day ... you Ci!ll in at your co n ven1PrH .. c during off ice hours and g~t the responses to y our ad ... this service i s only $7.50 wee.k. For more informa - tion and to place your dd ca II 642-5678. DAILY PILOT "'1intlnq/f'ap«lnq ..... • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II "· \l'E 1-'0Hl't-: l'11111t111f' C11m 1w ny :1 I ;n1••rnt1011-.11f I' 1111t1r" .. :xn•lll•nce ' •• (, 117\J I 11.11" :tlsi1 Jrgh\ • J" 1tl I' & I l'Jl.ltrS, lo ti, ltl'l'i':·t Ml>t !iGM I'•" I 1 •111hli• (111d111R a 1,,, 1 • 11 I' .111t•r • • r 1'• 1 I' .11 a It 5 t 1\11 '1 Rcpah . .............. . 1'1 l••\lurl''i 893-1439 , r'1c.h r lastf!rin9;, J ~.:111 i II J 'I I' II I jl;(: I ' 1111 ,. \t 1 1. 1<:' JI ..•...•..•.. Ht 1111 •I• J111~. I 11..i .. " • I 111 I lt•,11 "ti 11" 1•11111111111 1.: " .•.......• I II I(( II I :\I I II\\\ C'd,\1 ~II • I I of I I 1111 •' I Y iC.t" ' .............. . I '" \\ !'. • • •,I• I fl ,ii 'I I• ·,UIJ\t' ' I, , 1•1 l'IHrt New & re<!Over1. Repair speci ali1l / t tay ·bus y prices. Reliable. 541-0612 QUALITY ROOFING All types, frtt est. Visa, Mt:. 541·5830 HARBOR ROOFING qualified roofing, repair leaks an ytime, xlnt rates on s hake & com· position. New or rt'· tovered. 975· 1107 ext 99. or eves 645·5210 Hoofs for less Rock, shingle, tar . decks. re· lllurs Free est 770·27~ --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOBILF: SEK VICE H e Sl·reens , n ew Saeens Custom Made. 6-12 9552 Stucco ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Stut'l'O, Rc pa1r1Con s\. 1-'1 l't' Est. George 5<\6 164 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T ILE INSTALLATION Heas rall'i., Tile Dts· t' o u n l s . f'' r 1• e Es t K:lil ol~(J a~y\l mc Window CIHftlftCJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.l•\ Tht.' Sunshtne In " l\tll Sunshm1• Wtndow { 'll•urung. 1.td. 548·8853 1'1>0ple who need people !-.ht>uld always c heck the 'it"•rv1ce Director y In the DAILY PILOT I t I 5 J 5 0 H~lp W antt'd 71 00 ............................. . I 1 I ,j I \ I. ' .. \ ACCHTS. PAY AILE l.a~una Be:11·h resort is lt1okin~ for r esp in · <I 1' 1 ll u a I. c x p r ' d 1 n manual EUI' /\/ P & 1 .. -.h dep<1!'.1L., Typing & HI kc·} h) luuch Good -;;tf;ir1· & ht•nefils , t:all l'oll.1. at 4!i7 1896 fur :tjlfl\ .,.,, :··-----------· , ., it , t 1111 1 •r .Plt~GS I l l~IMG I ' .t I~-.. , .,, -DY • ' ' I I J8 • I " !111 I I l Ill n uf ACCOUHTIHG CLERIC Hap1d ly Rrowi n g in· tnnal1onal co seeks en 1hus1asl1l". self starting tn1lt11dual for position 1n J\n·tg IJ ept al cor· µ<1r ;1lt.' h.-adquarters in 11 \'IOI' Gd ty ping & Ill kc•y c apah1lit1cs rt' •11111 "" Excell opp\ y f••r 111lvarH't'mt>nt . uu\ -.tJndini? 1·11 1·11mpensa \1on & ht:nl'ftt s 111 )Jl<·asant working en '1ronmenl Cont a«\. Pal ~11lls Scientific 11 "'' 11"'... DrilliftCJ Controls "1" "'•"1' J80llm1fc·hcll South I 'I '1 'tl 1111 Irvine. 557 9051. EOE 1t I IUrt' , ___________ _ f . d ACCOUHTIHG I I I 1,1 '' 1 lnllllf'J ~p~·~1~n~ for l'X 1 1 ... nl'11retl :H'l'OUnls re , I , l'•'I\ ahlt> µayablP derk 4111 .,.1 1 1 I ~ pmj! & IO kt'} addmlo? , 1 m :11'11rnc -.kills req'd • 1 1' 1 ;,~"' h<>nd1t~ Pleasant •. ··-"i,t.i)rliiiijt" ,;in1t " s!lso to 11 1 '>t;art l 'all ll;irhara H '' ! ~1•1 1>1.-i1 di , ,. , •. I •t Yl'f'~ 5)601 ........ ' •lfOPPIUG ·~ • ., • t 1 ,., I 1., .. " ... I t I' l 111• I' 1•111 I I 1 • ,ffltf .I• r \ -.11 tn I ' 1 1 r r •" f1 It 'ol 111 11111 1d lltU'flH' I ' \,t ~I I t"tl \Ill I• I tll 1111 t ........ 7075 .•..•...... "'"'i' lad) , 1r' J'P'I '· I ,I)\ l'' 't If 1'1 .I ft "11 • "'"!ii I 11111111 11. I I 111• 1• 1 :•fl 11 :111 a m It t< I l1t•ltl lfartl , 1 • tll 111• tot lt·arn -..1r1 "1• i.:rintlcr. • 'I ill 1'< 11111.;t ~hop 1111 1ds11 \1 llh' i\1111t1 •,1>111 1111 ... li ra ti ' I (1 1.lll ~!I ll J)tf'l(U II r n k 1· r . ,1 I s o 1 ·, .1ur nn\ l~xp. Needs I• I. Ii?!\ 33'>7 I t•"r Wantt'd 7100 ...........••..•.•..•• \CCOUHTIHG/ Rill.ING CLERIC II y(\IJ 111\V~; (;en. '"' ••xper "''h 11 book 4 , p111g h.1rkground \'~I) ,\RE Versatile, .t<1·11r11te, Oexiblc AN D C'i\N· T:ike direction 1·11stlv, operute a 10-key I , tm1ch & type vt'ry 1 'I'll WE llAVI-: J ual lht' 'pot for you. Beaut. Irvi ne ud a 11 e n cy, i. I i 1n u I fl t I n g a l · rno•1•hl'f"l", l .. rriflc i>e<>· pie 1•11ccll benefits. ('ll ll Mrs . Bret'k , 7.tl Gl7l Cochran, Ch•H l.ivlnp tonaCo. Inc. ACCTS PAY AILE COORDIHA TOR ll1·allh Sl0 r\'1t·t.·~ Com p.111) m In 111r. ha s an 11nm1'<llatl' opening for .111 .rn ·ounh payable 1·•1oirtl1nato1 1·0~1t1on '11111.lsts •1f 1•xtens1vc tlldl tlll~. 11'\'l('WIO~. & \I r" ('I' ~ ... II R 0 r p r (' !Jll'J1are'1 hilling re '!Ill'"" Tht• 1deul ran ii 1 d .ill• "'ii I ha v c 1·2 yt•ars A I' l'Xperienl'e, aft It• l•i operate IO·key. & hnv<' the maturity \o de 11 "1th vendors, bust ni·.;s manaJ.?eri.. & ad 1111r1t!>lra1or:-. Mus\ also It•: .trla1l orwnh1d & able 111 "ork wt•ll under pre -.,un· Xln\ ~alary & fr 111J!t' benl'flt'i package hir 1n(ormal111n & In· l<'n 1e"'. conli1t'l Sharon Hasms 714 r.o 1616 EOt-: MI F' ACCOUHTIHti MAHAtiH $20,000 HANG E l()()l(KEEftER L'p to $1,000 per m on . Irvine area. Call 213 822-9244 Ac·countont STAff ACCOUHTAHT Our Property Mgmt. 1-'manrial Dept. seekt a h111hly motivated in· d1vidual to perform ac- c·ounting responslbillllt'a as they relate to our romrnerrial retail shop· ping renters Must have working knowledge of operating s tatements, journal entries, etc. If you havt' a BA or BS Ac· counting degree, 1·2 yn. acctg. exper .. Ir deslre a challengln1 position la Newport Beat'h, send r• sume <indudln1 salary history) lo: Howard Derman r:J 1HE IFMNE aMW« 1081 camelbat'k St. Newport Beach, ca.neeo Equal Oppty EmplJr Placlnl your Cl....,._ ad • to limple ... J• live ua a call • &M phane and .. 11 ..... ,.. word,.... ad,., .. .. ............ . . rt(IL_..!DAl::::l..:.V..:l'..:l::;l;:U::.:1~---~---_;S..;u..;n_•..;•..:'t.;.·.J"".a:-"n_u_•..;ry-..2_5_. _, .. __ , • ~~~ .... ~?!~ ~~.~~!.~ ..... ?~~ ~~~ ..... ~!~ !!~~~ .. · ... ~!~.~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~~ ..... ~!~ .'! r ·--------FULt TIME, P /time ~W.-M U M W..eM JtM W..tM 11to-...::.-.......... Clerical C&.9ff•Ytcl l>ental Ahl 11 t11nt , lllll aerv. No exp. nec. ~••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••• .. __...,11• Cleri(al Entry PotlUon with N H energetic, t'n\hus11Hl1<'. ''n" ....,. 1212 E 0 E ....... /Savlna•• WH --..... c........ c.-'°SITION mott111eblcr. (or pnvate pr11ctice an " ... -· •.. ACXlOUllrrlNO Ranklnf TIU.9 T0p Npt lkh firm, exp PIJRCHASIN~ L.A Feder1I Savln11 l..aguna Beal·h E•J> nel' CeMral Office Worker M-.1 1a• '* Wortt-4 Toll,200 g b MUSTHAYI: 3•, day week. 37·40 hr:. Muallype40wpm nn11a11w ••_•H A puiiltlun ,. open at lrvlnePersonnelAay ~a,:~·~:p:p~ XJntteiephonukills C..:1111 "94 :15 311. Mun <:ostaMeu ~_9_·31M_2 Cl.Ell _,."" IM In c Savini• for a • t; 17th, C01Jta Mesa CLERK lypln1 to train in all A«uratetyping. Thurs mtll.tte . reapOntlble 8Wl•2:M 842-1470 """··-ol p ,_ Ad Malhaptitude <ifnl'ral OUice/Recep· au_M"EI ~·r .. r lo wor• Oil Moo ............_......._...___....., ... -enawn . Mon lhru fo'ri, 8 :30-5 DISHWAS ... P/T li<>nist We are looking Pa.Ilion requ lr•• 1 J • ,._ Wwd • •"r\ •l uur m•ln miniatratiocl 11 Pension Oood compeny benefits, Acute earl' ho:1p1tal 111 for a sharp individual )Mn exp.J h•m • haodl 1•n ... 1111QW> .nd 111flueo11 ulike • on at at our * 7 * W. ....,.~ Services P roceuor In Call Joan 760-6060 New~rt Beuch hus an with ad typing skills to i•I t h• P•> roll t111tl l111I AJlateJI:' Siilvln(I• It 1 .. 1 ff M1"4 ... .... OW' Newport Bea~h of. ---immcdiatt-u~ntnJ: for a h d 1 h la -........ nn a mlnlt 11m l.o.n .\a"IOlf off•··· thi. I erltllll• r llH II trf'. . nee II n e p 0 n e 5 _,, t I> 1 both 1r1 Irv 1n " •: 11 2580Nl!wpe>rt J:llvd. l:lt w It It • e • r Qua. lltl"'d afipltc ants CLOTHISTIMI part time dishwastwr ' ~rlorm a variety or of· ll'Aer•>tlt'lll lt!) htll l \llll I ll ..... 11-rt••n1·-ur•feorr eod l'Uilll Mtt•11 ' D= .., N h' I t t k11<•hen hc•liier Must Ol' r d t' F 't I •r •11 1 1 ··11 "' • ~ ' .. ' " ~•121&2 muat ....... wiUn" to uo ow trna par lme ice u 1es. o r app " 11 •' n• " • l•t I I Yoo"r••lt1••w1nn .. ror """ • " I i 18 ur over llehd sh ift. Ouhn intlu<I" 111 1"""" 1u111,1hah1-.J 11rol1!1>1>lu1111 I 1 • 1 u•cllPP >' 11 .. • ~ ... .... .. • .... lhru Intensive training !l a es & ass s tunt approx 2tlhrs wk Fur t•a ll Petra Darl1n l(, Ins P•Hulf 101 I ,..11 1 t.J t'111 u 11at 1at.•1I ,............. ..._..__......._ Immediately upan hire miilnagertraanees Mm. lnformatwn&intl'rvicw. Luth e r Medical d.hli1fin11 oo • IO t'f!ll f> t'al)11h1hll••• "'•Jut 1"111111 tn1nt·~101111111 & lou11 I ~ v11lue 1, to I .. _,,....-.. in preparal aon (or 6mo. retail experienc·e C'Ontuc-t Uur1>11ra IJ11rn n Products. IOl'. 3020 En- bu1"' 111al11u14 Jttu111•l 111111 \11llt•1 hr1J1H h rt1r lllM:l M.ll'Arthui lllvd SWllCIOSS Y .. yews c•rre challen1ing car eer 1n C..:all6421231 714 li<I!\ 5707 t; 0 ~; h·rµrlse St, C .M Ca - ft\ln" lu• 111111u 1t 01111 •C'h:\l1'(f 1.01u11l.tl" "''" lnu7~~·:.<:.~~-~'l7l5 KICK-'11 cleric• .. ,.,.l•.c•, IRA1Keo1h M ets . Ad M. •-· !l'.!626 t7141557-5963 "" ""'"' vrr ......ua. I ............. ._ ..... I l.A>mpanion/hou1>l!kcc111•r r rtc..P and pil)roll 111i. 11 ll11tMllr h .. 11v1 • u111t11111•1 ~ () • \t •• Jan 31st -,.... wnwm .-m In isl r 11 l f· on lo live with t•lderly tun. "Ill al•" t•t "' • " 1111"1 f111 t' u111\ ll\11dt1t•"• • • An11hl'llll S111dium _ .. _._ ••Ylr... IRA/Keogh or corporate DISl'I .A Y llu1lch'1 . 111111 7 ~labw 11t•v••l11pm1•11I I "' 1 1· Cull 042 twi?H. 1•ic t 212 to ...t ~ W .... eKper . e11irable Learn yr, l'XI' 111 hulld 1·i.tn1 't I ...-_ _...... d • wumun in Costa Mc:sll 1110.111111111 I•""''"'" 11• fl•mkllill 1•l111111 yuurt11•k1•\1> ... M...t lte wordprcwessm.i&useor 5483289 hai'(fwootl 1l1 s pl:l >i. t'l.l1~1 •fllt1t 1111,.,,., ... ''""'""...,.I 111 l1J11k1111i1 ~C'-ck 11• •r· 1 CRT. Ct>Ml'UTl::H Oper Ex E i.tahl1 ~h1•d c•u llP>1tt'ln,..,,, "'I'• 111·n1 • .i. l1r .i111 h 1 "' •CAI DltlYHS• llllt to type 60 .,. Appllca nt.s seekan.i li ut h p'd on llurrnul(h's 9000 w hl·alth p hrn. profit <it•neral HANDYMAN: A thinker who likPS lo i.olve problems wllh his hands Ge neral duties 111l'lutle clet•tri<·at. plumbml(. l'aq1entry. & IJlul'prmt readini: Good IM·11d1t:. & l'nv1ronmen\ Call~; 11.'\2!>, 9 4 "'•11¥t11 ·Hiii ull1•f• I. I l't l'l\llUIU~ t ",''\J,·r,11·1,11 1,· ('hl'l'kl'r{'11h .............. weria II challen11e shoulrl con l.um""··rt•Sllm "lln" ''d Sh<irtllJ.: 1111 \al'll llllll, 1.,, 11 "'" 11tilli••t1i·lrl .. 11tt1 11111 l.11,•1111111 .: '" ""' mder pre11We Md 2f3c:6257341 • '' wurktnJ:t und's Mellw:il st l•;11I~ "ur k 'alar) 1ll111l 11 .. .1t1h1 111 tlllfl '"0111 )t' nl'IJ U Ill 7700'''''' I t t l'ERSONNFI "" u ., "' MUOLIC,INC. t. •,:.11.11 .. '" 1 •~1•01 1"1 1 \ 'i1fl'11·r1L1 111'ork1·r t !H'M. ...... ll••"Y w ork & dcnl<il ins lfr:. 8 S. S 111~·11 1::11 t•~ill 11 , "" I'", • y•1111I :--11 •·x11"1 11 .. ,. Mu:.t i,I! loed. LOSANGJo:LJo;S da} wk llunt ll dt l.l<mu•,t w 1• t ... ~ ... 11 .... ' ...... .11111 Jr. co. ...... r llH 'I IH Miil Wlll(e tu fo't;Df:RAJ. SAVINGS 847 11511 L1w Ill & 'lo\1•1•k1·11d '"'"'' '" "" c \ '!:t:i t..._1u•l • •1•1 .. •l I 1ll1tl • lm1•1<\~ r 1 \1 I • •t• tto~r 11tll1t 11,.ftl .ind L090ffk•r ''"11 t'ull bdun• l l'M Ow c..,..y la • •h"slrni.: 1·ld1•fl\ 1111 .... uhl lt k• \111 "l•J•ut lu111 \lu,t hJ\t 1ulh••111111 t'\ l~f., ''tt):J ~ orte•cl flrM, COOK m "" 11111 . 1111 , 1 11).. 111 • , l 1 u 1 u 1 111•11 .. 111.. f I l'U·;HK For rnunll'r & l'ttnv ho~µl 1-:xpcr'tJ K:i:l <!Uf.I General Offlc• l'.1rl tune murr11ngs $.I hr ('oi.ta Mt'sa art'a . li4:.! 1141 1 ..1pJl11li110 1 • 1111·11 l'J r H1•11t u l A.:cnt O er •9 • pro• phone 1>al1·~ Full tum· u n i } ~:,,.n.•11t1 11 11a l 11,111 .... 1 ..,t "'''' ... u '" I 111ll ,1l l W1·l'k1•rt<b l'Jrt t1mt• t.111 .... md clwerM Mon t 'ri Nt•at ill> bent'r11i. Mr :-1>a 1 ,.,,1, t Jl'IP \rd "'r ~11m1· 1•\•1·111111 .: work ........ ••illWIMlllt, peurant'l' Fr1ni.:1·· t;.i:.!Hl*t I lllh'i.lt Jlrfort11a II.ink ~ht 752 7100 ••c•IJ•11t frl•CJ• IJl!Ot•r11 s M /I STE II , .. 1 .. 11111 Ii. I• t• Jlrl!l ll11rlx11 llh tl .... fits_.. lac..... Hl.Ufo:PHINT 23'1 ~·" I ACCTG CLH I :i.cl/ ,t .. rh r I ur l•L" fll; l'i.•1.,lf \ f lllU b C' C'\pt'll1 11• I I \l .u t' ii >lll ll;PI d I Xlll 'ldt l '1..,1;1 .\11·'·' CASHlll -'-&. loc_._ ... L....t off c·hl'r, l' M ~ti !1:11:1 ALLSTATE 1111th ~onw 1•x111·r1t'nt'l' lw S-DMcJo fwy. If 1'•1 111•; I PINti;unt . nt•a\ pl•rson --.., --r-• COOi< ~'ull llflll! & part 111111• 1/JH'OlllJ;('> ~lu,.I hil\I' I' X p In 111 'I 1 I U I 1 <111 :1 I 1·011k1111: t-: U 1-. S111n111.: pay $-1 $4 5\J p~r r-.. ~sted IR C'ln11•ut SAVINGS & ,________ hr l"utl &t purllinH· lr•awlclt ••cl tile DEPT.CLERK ANIMAL HOS'IT AL Tem a.i full 1111 •· 1fl11 • help u.-.1n11 '"'' "'·"" llue!lpr 111·1 \1111 "'·tl:t If 11'~1.'ll'"(\·11 ·•l'J•ll ,,, N II \n1111 .il llm 1111 11 J 25 Mt·'.. I Ir I ... ' I •• Mes;i LOAN lll•.1\1 'l'Wli\N I av111lahll• lnlt'f\'ll'W~ h) *"• poMticNI CJI•• 111 l..eudtnJ: Or1e ('1> ml.: I TION \\ 111,i foll111.\ 111.: th-111 11r UIJ~I( onl~ · 646 1<1~ I M fo' a c• or .., by ot 1·0 1i. se~·k1111( 1111l1v11.1u,1I \ \11· 111 h1·t 11f th1· yo11r co11•••l•11ce1 ,!Must t ypt• 4 ~" 11m & ASSOCIA 111111111 1 • ~1 ~57 .!:!~t.I I UoyCASd'HalNEWMf'YRS • for Dept l 'ft•rk poi. lj-t j! ;17:~l ( '1t!>lil ~1e'd Mt•rnimal I l11,,p11 .1 I :11.11 \'11·t11r1tt.(' ~t !-;CJ~. ~1F11 -.. .. .,, ... ;"'"" 11 ... 1u1 ir1.111 Malld.y lhlCMIC)h Fri-·know 2tl·kl'Y hy ~•J.:ht 1111111<·1t 11 p1·11111 i.: for daybetw..,.7:l0o.llL lll'Sp1.ms1h1ht1ti. 111\'ludl' ~.qual t lpp111t 111111 ' h.ll n·utti·r 1-.i ih ..i1,.11 _...400 typ111g . f1tin.: & J.:•·n ASSE.\!Ht.~.1(:-. ", '"II t r a 1 n _ I\;• I• I 1 • \ \1 l'.lllJ•l""'I \1 F II\' -: P·""' 1·ll•r1t·ul dul1t•ii l vr tt•ll' L11·1·11~1·tl & 1·\fl U M l!Pneral llf(· •·x1wr rt· ('Ol'N'flo.I< <:111. ""'"" l'XP Appl\ Ill 111•1 """ :lO:l:t S lln~ll1I . I \1 "<'" Mi.:r M .. t·G n•1t111 Y .11 hb 111;11 Pliu·ent111 l m lJ M1•i..1 l'all To111 ii:111 !l~l:I T 1J TE ~ M_.. qwrud AJ1ply 111 Pl·r:.1111 )J)) HartMw-ltYd. Matter SpecioltiH llt•:llJI I 11.111k111~ ~1. HAIRSTYLIST TILLERS 111>:1.11 · We· Jr" 1u111111~ Ass1•n1hlt•1 'ROTOTY,E ASSEMILER t Fulh·n1111 S&I.11," 11p1•11 ·'"·'.1 hu.,1111'""· & 111 n1•1•cl 1111:' 111 th1• FoutH.1111 of ti top ha1rt llllt•r-. .lt1111 \ .. flt•\ & llu1•l lll J.:l••ll l out 111·0..:rt':>"l\'1• ,,1;ifr & We ha 'l' .1 11 1111111<·11 t~•·H·hart'<1..,forfotl tm1..-; ~t tht' mn~1 out-of 'iOllT apenrnir1nr .... \,1 l•·lt .. r , ~;"i'l'I prt• i t'afl'l'f 1. ... 111 ... of S<'mblcr Sold1•r1•r \\llh .1 ll•lfi·cl t.ut v..111 11 ,1111 I l>1·nl'f1h ' • • l'lt'aM• 1·al1 mm uf 2J .'r' ··~111•1 'I 1jHllJ.: 11•11u1rl·t111·nl ~>111 1Q!811.J,k fut ,\h1·1· Mu.st ht>l'Xp<'r1I •'' ·" ·u" (' 11 714117 14211 sembhnJ.: ;i v.rrll'I\ 111 ;,1r:~~:~ ·' ' Hl-:\l'T,- electro mcf'h.rnH ,ti ol1· Ec1u,,l Opp t-:mpl; r MANICURIST VIC't.-s & suld1·nn1: 1·1 11 1111 1 E , 11 11 C I 1 111 •· boa rd :. u II II 1• 1 JI man11·uri-.1 nt•1•ill·d ft11 m1r r oH·o 11t• :\ \S ,\ ----------1 1111."' 11roi:n·i.~11 1· m ull cert1f1r at111n h11:hh 111· lll\:\1\1:'-:t; I h1•:1tit,1 ".1lo1n l.11.111.., 111 s1ralile 1\µµh a t I 1i .. n l·f1ti. • l'h 1·.1 11 Ma~tcr!'.pt·1·1.1ll 11·, { 1.lun.'hrn S:" 111,.:-. a ;)..IO l!HH>I, ,1,,k fort\111·1· ltl40 M11r1rm1o1 I \1 I l1 .. 1cl111j.! l11l.i 111·t.1I 111 6422427 t 0 1-. ).!,1111/JllOll h a " 1•X ASSISTANT l 1· .. 1!1•111 11p1111rt11111111•i. I .1 \ .1 I I .• It I ,. I II "u ' 11 .. :111111111 ()I .llJj.!1' 1 '011111 \ Offiu Manager I E xp ho"kk•'<·p1·1 /I. lyfJl:>I F1rn1 Ill i\1·1-.p1tl'I ~ l' a I' h ,1 I I' ;I \ 111 I 1 bt•l)pfJ b '''"" I 1'"11111' In Mr t\11'11•1 '"" Ii ; I-' ' R1vns11l1·-.; II 11.i1,1:.1 Asi.1st .\1unag1•1 1i11•h1' also I' 'I 1·11utlll't fl , 111 I kc l'n·11m 'hut). I ,.1j.!1111 :1 8ead1 4!n !)!)07. ~ !. I A SS I S I \'\ I llOl'SEKJ-.~:1•t-ti fld an1e1rnl ~l'••n"I' n• •·tf••tl f Or Ii 11 1111 I h 0.., 1t 111 h l.l1)i(un.J 111•11••1 • .di \11 I ll!V.1\1 \11"1 I I t•1·(.. I 1111 4!19 W I AllTO MECHA M IC t-:x1J1•rll'n1• .. t1 r1 11.1'' ,, Wt'l' k 11 "4 II I'' 11 I' He11d1b S.111 l'lt•111t•r1l1• 498 ~1 1 off II 1•-. TELLER I-ult l1111t· po."\11111' <t rt• .1\ ,11l:tl1k 111 l.;1 .\1 iraclu .11111 "''"f"1t f lk;ll'h --1 ~ l1111111lh lt! 11111• \ 1•,1r 1•)( l"'l 11'111'1 ·HI" tai.:hl I\ 11 lllJ.: ·"'' requ111·tl l'k."t' l'.111 I./\ .\1 IH i\ I Ji\ J1·:11ll'tt•· \11>111 t• :>I I •11:1 :171ii '\I-\\ 1'111< I 111. \I 'II 1 •.1111 \ ·'" l>.tlh1•11 , 11 ,r,11 K.1 .j 1 ·11-. I \ '""" \ IJ,11 lt-111• \I ,IJ.:1111 I' 11 1 1,11, i't 11 TELLER/NEW ACCOUNTS AllTOMECHAMIC t.1gh1 1q11n~· -.k tlf, :uut looldcHpiftcJ Asst. l':I\ roll l'1·r"111111•I .Joh 1'11~1 For 11rl1:1n ch·,1.:11 f11 m. 'al 1·nrn11 11·11~11 rat1· \Ao l'XJI l'l1·,1~t· "'lltf rt• '1lllll' to 1'11 11 IHll l l Sk 1 p;rrk ( '1r In !1<!71·1 •ILUELIME TRAINEE I' 1· , 'o n "' 1 I h g 11 111\ I 111a11ual tl1•x!Pn t ' t•1 Ill' I r<11ncll lo "nr k 1111 Hh1 .. l111t• ~1ud11111· ('all Mark. 7!'11 :!tilltl 111 L 1 · t-: I. I :'\ 1-: lll'EH,\TOH l"ull t 111w :\1 11 n i-· r 1 I-' 1 1n i:1· h1·nd 11s 1-:x 1wr11·11 1·1· 11 .. tpful 1\..k for 'I u)ll \IASn :u 111.l' ... l'ICI '""· £~1 f l't h1•t \\I ' (' \1 :.111 117 1 lloukkl'l'J>\'r. Cull d1.irK1·. I' T. al1h-111 "urk 111 I 1l1·11t·r11t<·nlh 1111 ...,., <·r;tl ,rn,tll 1·111111,.,, 111 '\;II X:J..1 :u 10 M/lfU\l';TS Fvr l ml & 3rd Sh1fb Wl· promote to manugc 1 mt'nl & su~rv1:.111n from , w1th1n Wi\NT A t:f\HEEH ., ( ·ostu Ml•Sll Ill Uel Ma r ,;;11 9421 t.ai.iunu Hcac•h ,1~1 !12:13 lfun1111gt11n H1•:H'h !162 !1116 < 'hrldrar<' n1•1•1lt•cl lloy H 01·1·ai.1m1al wknia:hls & wknrl!i l'ull li41; :.!51!1 CLlllCAL Full or pur111mc N1•wport lle<il'h uffkc llu...,y phurwi., 11111.'res tinl! work l'l1·ast• !il'ncl rl.' !tunw lo l'O Box 1!191. Nl·Wpo rt lkad1, l' A !!.:!66:1 Clcnc·al H I. Kauti & Co a c·l'<'Pl mg u11pl1r ut1oni. ror fo'ile Cl1•rks Lilt' ty ping re 11u1n'(l Will train ('all htwn ll JO & 4 JO Ask for l'el!I() 5<&!1 4700 1•lll ui:n :l1• 1hr 111•k CU:RICAl Sale:. Sl•rv1l·e Hep l>c,,1n•d lrn<'kRrttund I I I .I Costa M ... , 1640 Monrov1a. (' M ('11u 11 11• I h 1• I t1 F T Ca 92626 642 2427 ~: t1 E I\ U!>lt'I ·, I 't.·.1111•r,, l><t, I'. llilh : .. ax t:!l:J 714-546-1030 ht. I 16 BRUNSWICK I CORPORATION Defense Division I CLlllC/TYPIST l t~iunt .. r hf'fp "-.rm"rt p.11 I l.rJ( Nt·w1wrt ll1·a l'l1 llllll' S.111d.,.11 h 111.111 (.'J'fl (irm h ll" Int 1-.UOll'll full llflh• l•f1·.tl m1.-du1to• •11>1•n111 J.: ri.1 ,, 111•11orlu1111\ 1•1.11.1 llt 1>1•rrnant'nl. purt 111111• I t'"''''· 1:.11' ' 11. 11 l'IPrk t vp1:.1 l nl'lucl1•-. ;:~ :0.1111 \'anoui. 11H1t·1· dul •l'' a' I wcll a,, r111ant1ul ''""' ('11 .. 111 & Ot1l1•r \l 1 "'' ' ment t \1.11n.: Xlnl "411rk 11011 111 • '"'"""'' ,, t' 1• 1 1ng 1.•11ntl & 1·11m fl •ll•11 1 111-.1\\ h•l1·ph1111" PIL•a:.t· M'n1I r.·,um1· 111 1111t,1 h.1\1• J.:•w•tf i•ht111t· 1-;qual Opportunity I::mploy~r m 1f1v1h t'ol•·m:m !Jorn & I; ra111 . r<•l••r "'1th 111·•11•11· Ii,\ \1 , 5 0 2 II I. a Ill II u ,, I> I :Jl'\1 t'.tll .11111 1,1;, i:llK N1•wpurl llc·ad1 I'\ t'lt.-n <'ul SALES CLERK Li>ad ing Ota11ge l'u mri.i company is M'l'k mg an md1vtduul for S a I c s C I e r k 11 11 s Hl'Spons1b1lit1es will m d ud e 1·onfirrn1n.: purc has e orders , do rustomer follow up & as s1sl <'1.1stomer s erv ire !l'.!6li0. attn 1\11!>1111 Cl91( TYfttST Clerk Typist 111·1·tf1·d for our ,,ah·~ ofr. Nt•1•tl '" mentw who t·a11 I' 111· 411 -lf>WjHTl & I" .il1f\• t11 handl(• h\'~ f1hn1: 111:.<I (;n·at ~ru~th 111111·111 1al Wt• will tram Ito U~t· uur c·ompult•r ll'rrn111al ~:x 1·ell ro p;iui hcm·r11~ Pl" apply in lll'rsc111 Pl1'Sscy Scm w1mdu1·t11r... 1641 K<11ser Avt" In 1m· reps Must be able to use 1•---------l~key by touch Apply it m person or <'all Matter S,.Ciattie• 1640 Monrovia. C M 00! 2427 f': () t: CLERK TYPIST Work an a tC'ni.m11 frt•1• environment <ini.wl•nn~ phones for 2 1•xt•c·,, . a nd CRT OPERATOR ~ • .l:jJf full •1111t• 1111,1111111 I ()I t\1q~trt .rr1·.1 \1 11,I 111· fu;.1 & ,I('( lll'.111 111 H ;10 fl1 I :111 \.1 F ( ;if I f,,, J Pl.II '.1:.~. :1.1 .-,;t ,1-. le fq I 'l;11rr11.1 CUSTODIAN IJ111• foll 111111' fl""''"" '4•1rk1 11i.: 1111ld1J111 · al th•· ln 1111-t'11 ~1a1 111a ~11111 da,\ 1111 11 ~rnlo.11 I·: x I',. I I ' " Ill " •• II I 1J1·1w r1h ,,,,,,1~ , Stu .. nnc I kt~l! I!] 1HE IRVINE rD.APtlNY llWit 1 .1ml'lh.11 k S1 '\'1"• i"ll'I flt"" h .... ,_. fl";~lf· CU :RICAL EquJI ''111•• 1 l·.111 ph t doing light l.Yllllll: for 1---------- Re-Entering the Job Market? CUSTOM C ABINET DETAILER Exp'•! "' 111Jk111i: ''"•I• draw1111!' S.111 <'l1•11wt1t•· ('ahllll'I 'ih111• l!I:! ,11,t,I 111 11:11 >(It; t EMPLOYMENT l'nii.:r.1111 l•JJ 111.111111· ""'""" ,\1(1'' .cu"·• f•1r 111r11rm.11111n , .i11 l."li·• Surn ;1t Sa111.1 \11.1 'I \H 1\ :,12 :l'J2 I ~.11~m1·1·nn1e ENGINEERING II Salary SI 090 to S 146 I per Mo. EHGINEERIHG Ill SaAary $121 7 to $1626 per Mo. \ """ , /11IIll'lf1.1I1·1\ \u )(,•,tltrlf'' COUNTY OF ORANGE f', I "1tllU1 ~ I 1t pl •• :·~1 '\ 11.. '' 11•••1111 , IHll "·•fll.1 \h.1 , •• , ··~,, .. , ··••·1n1..'1111 \1111111,111\• \•111•11 l-.111111 .. 1. ' \I , ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN ti1·nl'rttl Tlw lal>oo lay Clllb is ftOW hlriftCJ: Roe ... Clllb Ct.rtr I ' llllll'. mU!>I hi! avu1I 'l11ur. l"r1, Sat from 9 5 I ..... Captain 1-:)(p n •11 'll . must lw ·"ad any11m1· Asst. Restaurant Mqr. Mu,,t ht· t·Xp ti . ffl'll "·h1·1hJlt• l'vl duh f'h-;1:-.(' 1·,111 lur a ppt 1,15 i:JSH .\11111 fr1. H 30 5 G~YAL OFFte E ~1.•J•1r ~fl\ lkh firm h.1-. "'1 l'r.11 1•ntr) 11•\'1•1 •·1 .. ru .11 t111t•111nJ.:i. for u1· • 111.111· l ,\ p 1-.1,, fil1· 1 l1•t J,, 1•l1· II 1nh·rt·,t1•1I. .,._ '11tll,11 t I 1 1111S1 .m~l11·l•I i i I I l~f t ,'l>!l/0 I'. \I i~.4!1 11r 7H~1:J I .' .1 \}., li.11111 .ii J •·.!" \:1•"'t~1rl c·,·111<-r l>r l·l••ll" \11 .. 11.1111 •.tl '\ .. 1-.p1111 1!1·;11'11 c··· \l:!li1;11 If( \ 1 •I I i;lt1 t I 1+l1 l 1,,,,flt•f;tl llHllll 10•1 I+ 'I •Ill "' 111it11 .. 1 1. •Ii 1,, .. 11 f MAIL ROOM ., 11 \\.fJt 1.1,,, ·11 ·1"''' "11111. I I<• 1111•11 • \.\ ;1111 I' '1'111w ' 111 I \l.t1!111•1111 1"1~1 1111 11 '" I •11Jt·11 """ :.1•.\t r1n .... h. I 1p , :.J• :\I 11111 -.h 111111'' !I,\ ~1 I !.\.\I \1111 I iill 1111 llli•i I , •t .. 1•.11111,111111 11.11111 • \',1• 111 .. 11 \ l111l1d ·'' I""" •\It d11 ,,I Ill• Ill " h·1111\· •. 111•1 11:1;11 1·1 ... ··1111.1 ,\q • t '"'"' \!.···· 11,,1\ 11,.1 • , , 1..111 ,. j1.r1<1. r1111 ... Ht·1·1·111 1u·1111.111•·111 .. 11q11 ... 1111 I l.111· likJ>J.: . lHllll J.:. IHI 11•t•1l.11'Jtl\ -.l111h1I l'lf'it!'oant 0 11 CaAI Mn . Pi~rick 111111111· Cun~\ 1·11 11l 581 _3830 ll\lrl1· ~1.1i!S:llMI ----------· '·•·11t•1,1I ESCROW OFFICER °'A\''' I ') (t t '.( htt' '\ \ I I I 1 .\. • .. 111 r •• I i 11 ,lJIL ' \ .ill 1 I ' I "' ."( '.' t I II ti h t II' J\,11 h.1t.t J n.ell Driver P /T \l.,11 I 111·, 111C1•-. \ al1tl I ' .1111 111 ( :11 "'I\ Ill!;: rt· 1 ttrtf \1 111 J j!I' ;!II \pp ,, l't'llll\ ~.I\ l'f', lfilill 1'l.u1·1111.1 \ q • . <' M ~ \t'I '-1•1 \ • \I' "' I GIRL FtllDAY l'.1111/o'l l It I 1tl ... I ..... '" 11 .. 11111111! IC ~-... ,,. lll'l'lb ~ I • ,. I •I I, 5 II I. J( l' • 1· I 1· J 11 "' 1• II I ~" 1111111111~ 111 .. ,,,. \ 1•a r t'f1u111'1t 'h"I' 111-.11111111, 1·\p .. 11 .. 111·\• "'1 t h "\ l's & ror1·1i.:11 1111 ... ,,fJ 1n i.1111· 111 """' .11·1·1111111:-. 1 work , ~O 1·t1111111 , ,11r 11•qu111'<I !·wltTl•·•I wkdys Li11·1' 1111111 1\11111 .q1p111•11111 will 1-.nrk 11ar1 1l•1•1kk1•1•111·r S1·1·rt•t.,1 1. , Vull d1;ir1:1· thr11 1r.11!.J t.a l.111 1·1· S ,\ 111 1· I t ~pt• 40wpm, work IOI( with 1'111111 <'. as~rstm~ c•u.'itomcr:. v1u lhl' phone 1 1(1•nt•ral ofrl l't' skills Xlnl startini: s a la ry with rl'gular reviews 1 tw nd1ts All s tate ln:-urant·c Co 558·6211 l'Xt llr>.124 ACCOUNTIM• Cl.Ill( WllTralll s I.' v l' r a I 1'l' x l' 1· ~ a n ti manal(ers m your 11"411 prt.'Sl.Jl(IOUS orr.c·l' 1111 l'X eC'ut1ve r ow Wt· ur" seeking someone who enjoys working w1lh11ut close s uperv1s1on. wh~ '" both ne xible and u sl'lf starter, but wh1) I!> <1b•1 able lo seek out w11rk when l1mc perm 11 s · Good kn owledgl' 11f English and spellinR 1s mandatory,, 11s I!. the ability lo proofread yuur own material a<Tur<tk DATA EHTRY . hll Jl""lo'.ll.:Jl.U1.Lt.:.t\'.J11'CJC1&"-' ---1 '' ,.,,. ·11·""111111' '1'0 " • ·-yi-f1-··, 11r21-11t1 ., "1 1111 1o1111 11,111lj "'•rl'l.in 1-.'IJI 11•·:-.in•ct ('tr . I~ l.fll(1111a 1'111 111111• •I d;1h I'"' ,.,.,.k HtJ . Lai.: lk h 1!•1 :111011 1111 f111l1n 1: ~.i1111·d 11 ' r 11.13 ll!llili 1'111 1111111• 1111111111 ;1111111. AYON -n u Own lluur,. C ,di '""' !>Ill 711-11 Hah)~11l1•1 11·,111111-.1hlt•j lll'ri.un. lll'1•1f1•il "" .1 llermu1w111 I' I "·''" "' ta kt' 11\1•1 m11t h1•r' clutit'" at h111111• IV 1 .11 1• for 5 > r •>hi ~:11 I '\ 11 C'all af1t•11111u11 1; 11 Hll 71 BMIYSITI 1-. ll Care for 2 t11n' ~ t. 1; pl'""'' I u11l .11 I \ 'IJ .\II El ~1 \11c1o· l-'.wh1111:1•1 71 1 77111 1111 l'olu111l11.1 11f1 1·t' .111 "I' 1-111111111' f••t :111\ :1n1·1· 11w111 <'l•IT11"'1•11vl' ~t art llhl 'alar11•, :1n1! 11111 'I •• 11111 n II Ii ,.",. r 1 I' IJ<H'kaJ.:1• 1111 lu1l1n i.: 111-n lal ~ind "Jll l•·al 111'1Jr:H1t'1• .iml full\ paul altra1·t1\f• c-.111•1•r a pp a rt>I &t our h•Jrlll', 1'111•... "' coe...1a Thurs 12 311 ~ •. lo In 1111., 5.52 SH0.1 Scrv""' mdloan RARYSITTEl!S llrn111 Auoclatiort 13) & Un.:1lt•· 17 mo l ~~fual01,p1 v No w 1nI1• r v 11• "' 1 11 J.: 1-:mplov('r M F mature. r1·~11on ~1hll'.I•---------• icood humon•cl l111•1r1J.: j)('rsons for lh1·1r c•ar1· I•---------• Occasionul 1l11vs & 1•11t•s, HANKIN<: own trans11 pn :rnrl'cl, ~: Side CM urc•a f>l(•asc call 631 ·I t64 Hab y s 1 lt c r n l' e d '"' urgently. I s days f>t'r week, 11 ·J0.6pm CdM . miut have car 6 & 8 yr old. 644·09'l4 . 640 44!}1 Babysitter ne1•d1·d. 2 girls, Mesa Verde arra Ca liC S <'hl N <"ed t ransportation 2 30 lo 5:30 Aft 6, 556·0036 ' Banking 1WIBS Experience req'd Xlnt salary la benefits. A11ply Penonnel: l_,.A.llAMIC 721 N. Euclid, Anaheim 991·3860 •~.o F.. SAVINGS ·COUNSELOR .,111 :~eeper • ! llrulal :-.hop, I' 'I'. ( ·1,...1a 1 ~l1•i.a ~Wi IH21 IOOKICllPEI I ;row111g n·11l Iii.tat<' 111 ''''l m t·nl 1·11 mpan y , llt~'<b \'lllTlJJl'll•nt li11<1k k1•t'til't kn11w le1ta:u l1l1· I lhruul(h ln al halJn1·1• ( 'on~lrUl'l tun or pru11l·rl y CLEIUCAl Gen Oft P111me pos. for m aturt'. older W<1mun lhte r estinR work m pleasant ofc on 11 C II . Npt lk h. f:xp . a mu.~t Acc·urat<' typmfe, no shrthci 20 hr wk . in cludt'S Sat & Sun Hrs lOA~ 2 311 .. M Call 646 7431 Ill u 11 ,, J.: I' m I' n I I' x , __________ _ J>l'rlcrll'l' a p1ui. ;\;on I 'm•1kc•r Send rl·~unw I•• 51411 lhrt'h St :iro fl1H1r . :-;l'wµur\ fkad1, !li!tit;t.I looldlttpiftCJ CIMI .. 'ull t1me, t•xpt•r ht•l11ful hut not Ol'l' Man) r 1m1 I pany hl'n dlli. A ppl~ al 16611 l'lan•nt 1a t\' l' j Costa Mesu {'I f'n ral 50 IMYEKTOIY COUNTERS NO<'ICP. nee·. Spel'1a l I ay 1nvl'ntnry Job We d . Jan 211, 5 45um tot lum !-'rel' .i1fl for <1nyonc who applll's her Jan 27th Call lmm4ed1ately C..:olumbia Sa vinl(s has an outstanding op· portunity ror a mature, stable, r esponsible person to be trained in a variety or accounting (u n ctions . Responsibilities will in elude dis tributing re ports. money order re· conc1liiition. and com· puter terminal postin.i. Selected applicant will be detail·orienled with an 11ptitude for figures, will have had previous clerical e xperience, and will type 40-45 wpm. Columbia offe rs e a cellent growth potential. un outstanding benefits package including den tal and optical ('Overage. and an ideal work en· v1ronment. Please call Nancy Perrin at 1714 J 776·7101 for m ore 1n· formation" ··-·-····--·,..·--··,,,,,-,.--_.-.................. .,.. ..... , . ... .. -. . .. . . . . . .. . .... . . . ly Typinl( or !'I() wpm 111 r equir ed E xf'ellcnt salary a nd c·111npuny paid benef1L'I Please call to arrange interview appmntmcnt Carol Huf11111 J714 I 546 1191)1 ANABOLIC, INC. 17802G1llette Avl' Irvine , l:t\ 92713 F.qu11I Opportunity I::mploycr M F CLERK TYPIST '" .... ---·---· ........... . & 1 'flT Opt•r;11 .. 1 I-'JI n•11 M1111111u111 loll\\ p111. n1 I )t' A1rp11r1 H~al !II I I Shu11111 I) 111 a t-: 111 I \ t f 1• I' k Tl·r m111 a l t/111·1 :11 .. 1 mu .... t ht• M•lf -.1.1rt1·1· ·" r uralt'. gtf with f11t1rr .. ,., ah1hl\ lo "111 k 111111·111·11 1t.·ntl). fom1hanl \ "'11 h l(l'n1•ral 1·11111p111t•1 1·1111 t't'l'" ht'lpful S.tl.1 n 0111•n IV 1·11111111t·11-.ur.111· With t'Xj) t;lf 11111111t111111 I\ lo aclH1n(·1· "'1l11 J I·"' i r u1-.1ng ('o 1n (' \I 5-1!1 L/2.1 lk'h\'t'r\ drt\'l'f ~ ,,,,, ... 1ra1n1·l:. full or I' I .\1111 flfllll ·' for l·11ll1·i:1· "'" 1kn1 & m111111l1 ght1•r, lht•r JH 1-;;1!>111 1·;1r11 Siii Sl5 pr hr i\ft 1 l'M ti.'IH •1'i0ft lll'11v1•r.\ p~:r~on 111•1·111-d llu11t llt'h a rt•a M u"t huv1• i.:111>tl d n ,.,. rc•1•11nl ~~lll 2MH DELIVERY F l1 m1· for l11 1·al di• hv\'r1es Xlnt dnv1nR rt'C' rt'<(lf Ph110t' f•ir uppC 5.'>7 9212. ~1sk for l'ersvnnl'I Nt!wport Sta t1on1•rs. Im· t • .,.., "'~ , 111· • 1.1 I '''.. • '1 .in ,t. · ' • J•·•·I• ,\ • t••1 1111 .. 1 •11111 " GIRL FRIDAY n •111111111111 ,,,11111 11.111·11 1 ~irl •ilf1t•t· t-:111.:hsh & I\ 1111, .. 1 li1·11 .. t 11 I ,ti ~1..,11 ,~h '-fteak1ni.:. 111· "·"·'" II ( \111•11 11 1 ur:tlt• lyi1111J.:. (' M 1Ut'.I l .• :' tr1f'Ui< ·,[,#, J7Hi bp ti 1· 1111 .11 tit· 1"'""' GR»HIC ARTIST "'.11111·11 I 1111 I' r .11 I f ""' 1•:.-11 proc1u1·taon r1 .11:•· 11.1tl• '"'I' • .tH 1.111:tl11llt11·'· (•11l11r "'I'~. 1~151•~1:1 \11,\ \I .Jl'\1 l.1~a H55 l:!'.11. "·'I• ,,,,,., l•t'' '"""'I "·1111• ti 11•1 I 111111 Ill 1•11.1n ll'l,111 ,111111 \1 11,1 lw f,.-.111•111 11111•1111·11 A 11Ut•1•f lfHU•l••t$ ,,tl.U\ "1•'11 t1•f' ll''l {',ill 1111 JJll' I >\-.!( l•1t 11 .... J!ll' \111 •11"" P.('.I I '"111 .. 11 J,l.u1•I •,11 :!•i~ .. ~ I .. ·1·m.d1· l'l•·t k W,1111 ... 1 f C11111t1:1111 \ .oll1·\ l(,.,,if l I l>l'llJ! ~1111 ~·!II~ 111~ 1-1111·.ll<.l.1\!-.S t-: 11 \l ,, I I 11 h a " t• " filH'r,.:l;i ,. ... 11111lcl ralt Som1• 1-.1t1t1I Wot klllJ! •'lll' t11·i.1r1·lf. h\tl 1101 n·q I ~ 1• t• II if II 11 tf 1• I w1>111lw1trk1·rt I Ir i.:h p;t\'. IJt.'fllWllt'lll IJt1~ll11111 :<h1I f)(•nf'f1t:-. E 0 t-: J1AllAllAM, IN(' <21:11!>.17 177 t.6:tti !l:l7li l-'1d•I Hepr1•st•11I a11 \'I' Tt'l1·11rom 1111• r <'a bl" T v 11f N1·w1><iri l1t·11rh IS ill'C'l'flltflJ( a1111lit·a tmn!t for tcrnporaq• hl'lp lo exdmni.:e <'ahlr T V equ1pmcn1 in N1·w1>11rt Ueurh arl.'U Mu"t l1a vt' dej)('nciablt' lrlln!>purtu t1on Will tram Startini: at $4.50/hr with m1·1•n t1vl' offer Apply at 9111 West 16th St N n AonilD ...... F/"-. HfN''cl ...... Costa MH• shop. 540.1146 FOOOsHYICI WO.KEIS 0 l' C Ca f e ler1u Regular, te mporary, full & part timc. <.:oniacl C..:o a s t Co mmunit y College11, 1370 Adamic Ave . C .M ~26 2 6 556-5947 E 0 F. M!f' GUI.RDS I-ult IY part llml' /\II .lfl'." l'r11for m!> rurn'll ,,~,., i!I ''' 11vl'r. retired "'1•kon11• ~u t•xper nee• \ t• t• I 1 l' n 1 \ e r s a I l1tnlt•1·t111n S.•n H'l', 1221\ W 5th St . Santa i\na lnll'r\'ll'W hr' !I 12 & 1 4. ~1110 Fri II ,, 1 r d r t•:.:-. I! r n l' l' cl s 111·1·11 :.l•d ass is t ant , Stu\1111 t-'1vl', r.40-1>4•13 HAIRSTYLIST ll1•lp ' W1• art• turn111j! aw~l\ hu:-.rnl')>S, & 111 need of 1: i1111 ha1n•utl<'rs Join 1111r pro~rc!>s1v1• staff & ill'f th1• n111SI 011l of your r ar1•t•r 1.oacl1' of h1·nd1ts' · · l'lt•ast• <'all ~1 41i 7 1H li . a s k for W1·ndy llANDYMAN. 40 hr)> Wl'l'k S4 pc: r h r A pi t.:11m11l<'!C Costa Mesa arl•a 1>45·3381or 675 5949 HANDYMAN for various JO~. S3 SO hr Mel·h m f'hnt'(I ht'lpfol 641 8427 llMWWAHt; SALl-:S 1\pµI) 111 person . Crown llanJware. 1024 Irvine. tWestt•hff Plaza ) N B lbpil11I COOK and diet aides for rt'llremenl home Start 1mml'd., salary depend mii on uper. For in· te rv1ew C1&ll . Celu te, 841Hltlll Hotel ,.._.D ... Clertl t:xperience prererred. Apply to t:indy. Surf & Sand llotel La1un a He11ch, 49'7 .4477. HOUSECLEAN ERS To work tor Janice's Ra11edy Ann . PIT, 1·3, Tuea.·Frl. 675-2514 Ro~aekeeper : Live In cere tor 2 yeer Girl. t Sat/Sun off. Speak EQslilh. lrvlfte. 1u.zm ---···· ·-............... _ ........ . . ...... . a H I• :·I I I " ,. •II 111 I\• )<. '11 "' ·u· 111' iii• 11n' Ti' - lll'S )l'O -Ing l'lt • &c lta I lo r ,.ter JUI• ~e . '" to t . j ...... 0 Ill ,... Wmalll ,. .. w.w~ 7111 w... 11• HelpW..t.4 7100 efpWmhd 7100 Sunday.January25, 1981 DAILY PILOT •• ... ]"................... .. .................. ·~··················· ... ................... ....................... ...................... . MDf-& l.At•l 1HrtUr1 IHta MAii• ........ YM.l.M P/T mornlnp 3h rt. per tw. W-.4 7100~.tp W..t.d ~ 7100 tWp W..ted 7100 ..... -~ lec1Gr>' AMJT\19Ua a rea Pual Muui-Jtanvu TIM o1 bed hours 6 ,_ nrl/C1•11• day. Good telephone 94.eT ................................................................ . a No. oir..,. c.i PNf UC. avallaW. wUla "'"' producll req ul r u depreula1 1urround· Mut t have plea uni voice. F .V.area-.7638 ~crlltorytReeephunhfl Uve .... ~ otlaer ar .,.ciaU..., 1• UU1a0un. ~Ito flt 6 lnitall lop? Medical Wel1ht penoaalit.y, wUI train. Prr-:::=.-Cl•rk n•-.. .. ed llC9'TIOMIST I IN's-4.YM'• type 50w11m . buokk.:ep ,..,. ... la 01 JC Int mulrlpal • bwaloeaa ........ ~·1 b .. ,... Lou CllAiu rewardin" Gary: ~. Coutal '""""" .. ~""" Jo'ront olc aprwoarance w ed f __ .___ -....11 16 1 f 1 d -· ..... ·~• 1 E • Peraonnel Aay. 2790 fo th · r-· e ne you nuw or ml( l(d bt•ndits profll -lJ·-c• t aru1 aw o r ••P•r •nee 11_n:JUAdbelpful 602.244 opportun t y . n r gwrow '"active accurate typing, ed 111.affrellef Acuteho:.pt ~h;;nn~. uffce ~nna"e _.~ I ID4I pd vara le1al Hrntuy K ti t.huaium a m&&at. F /T It Harbor Bl .. CM. Never 11 sports ear manufactur· phone manner. Excell 11U shifts Dt.'Slt;n >our m,•nt µotent1.il 545 71J3 aloe lefa euenllal 111111 1 n tr•llary Mat\lr• ule1l1dy for Ptropenil\11aullable fee.E.O.E. In& Co Fin arrange. advancement op own work week N!1w ' ...,.M.,,Oall1 Plkl4 KnM..aa•l»IM•a Cerd wom111 '11 wu r No H l ·IU9, 01 ·81110 . ment. Wnte 11342 Vara& portuniUes.644-7644 pay riues ~l·1NurfLO .. am. C-Oeu MeH, dm.lraW. alary rum r111ht•. ti Sund•Y• 1 •suo. eves 496·~ Cir. II 8 92646 or rall Best Nursei. 1te.:111try ' wi.. CCNtMlhlttt Ce-mMM&ta&.e wtth akllla It )'Ht Full' part llml" Personnel 53S-9896eve!_ _ C~ta M•--su 7~1 6771 GuudSll &t>kkl!" Smitll ('1dl '41 ).3811 ... cac NII f111•A1o.1ulL A I ~· " ea pt rl e n re X 1 nt ~p ~. CLIU_. PUBl.IC R":l.ATIC>NS' na 1e1m !;.,.; :,100 L llM offin• G73 5972 ....... ,If fw e'4krly lady Live In M •lure WOlftU w drive, c•uoli a.d II.HP houM Attrar th•• ana Nd ,...quired IM ttJO I'll Ml ..,.,.... PU'\tune. J da)'1 a ,,.It. •Pfl"UA 20hn. for fethtir 6 2 Miiii Mi.tat tl4! reh11 b l e fr1t1nd1, w i th matur• d1•pu~1 11u11 Ho1aucle11n1n1. me111 PhlPU AUun. 1.ru1ua1 t nu •nOow. Of c·hUd tatt'J Iii SO hr r lr11r .M ui.t ha\t! rar We•t New11Ql1 M'Q MllM 1116~ Accownt Ai.i.1>U1nt tu employe:e: bt:neht e:x i!Cllll ve with m • JOr rn aw~ bro&era1c firm, 1.ncl11d101 s e r re t a r111 I du&Ms , ml.lit have exp m a.roup We • h ea It h in surance incl markeung Xlnt N 8 kK'1tt1on 1-·or IW'l!all <71•)644 ~ INSURANCE SALES Tind ol fi&htmg infl11 lloll! Farmers Ins nuw interv1eW1n1 lo upand aeency force Jo'or de t111l 1. Diclt Myers IM&-7787 or s:M·0532 IMYIMTC>aY CONnOLCLHI Entry level pos. in material control dept Will be resp. for order· lftl part.a, eatablishin& llmita, • malntainin1 adequate Inventory levels. Ability lo work wlfi&ures a must. Call for appt. btwn 8 • llAM only. Suite Cole 540-7630 STRATOFLEX A Kendavis Ind. Co EO.E . JAMTOI Immediate opening Part time, wknd posi· lion. 2-11 shift. Salary negotiable Apply'\. 1n pe rson at Ad van ced He alth Cen te r , 1300 Bnstol St. North, Ste 11100, Newport Reach E.O.E. M/F Kitc hen prep pe r son needed. l!:xperi e n te necessary. Apply 10 person IPM·5PM T ues .. Fri. Sebastian's West, 140 Avenida Piro, San Clemente Laborator y SAMPLE HAMDLH Natio n al medical laboratory has several inte resting pos1t1ons available on the grave yard shift or our sample processing department Position involves handl· 1ng o f b 1o l og 1c a l specimens. Candida tes benefit• 'I H lt73 2137 rao;cut .. DW"MI, aldH, ... llC_.ftWIST Mel•haalca w /1ent1ral co mpanion a ' "~amextruincornt:in .-""" AAlk fot Kay eQIMP lmowled11e to rf dome.t ic•. Live In/out, An Or anae Co . mfg. your spare time.Mar Newport Beach uea To Lin In ttw.-k...,~r ~' ~ 11a1r Hrial t1qu1p for fuU~rart tame posltloM company haa an Imm ed. keting products and S950. Good variety s vut ca.)'a • WMll Nciw•"'rt 1mall dealer lle11lth avaa now. need for a person to as recruit distributors for a mature minded r"' vrocram o T t ..,. Call ... -• 1N .a.CTIO,.. sit~ in the Personnel Ofr Blue & Assoc. 760 7070 person Gorgeuus oHtl·e:. lh a r h • r • • N o o rn o't y bll s ~f -. _. ' " Prinumly In the health - _ & excellent be nerits '"'•••ir Keri ;t arrHlll v •rv u c. PanonnelServicea, Inc. I f o Id n 1 . 14 a 2 ..: . eo.Ut MtH ~5.0500 ns unnce cl alms & I Real Estate A1111wer phones, handle buya "15 !MM~ Jo'lro lone, Lii Mirada workman's comp. area Need lO l.adiex tu mudel the mail & do soml' over LOAM .... SINTATIYI K•Pldl) "roww&. aac 111e••lv1i m o r1 111a11c b<ulkm11 firm 1tt't'd11 loan n-p fur hr1 Co tcr n lot') lJplJ(y lor htl(h P•t in1 care4!r 111 n•al m Utt.: lt:11dln1 fur HICn hard w o rk i ng 10 divldwal <.:<intact Mr Fc.ter,7:$1 ~ 1:d , • c•/Hmdr- PtT approx 20 hrs/wk Rt:llr e d p l!rsun w1maeh1ne s hop ex11 pref ~7 33IW ask for Maril MlllD&.enance MAIMTINAMCE ILICTllCIAN A &rowing Org Co. mfg. co. ill seeking an electri· cian to keep electric al equipmt. such as wiring, m otors, s wit c h e s, switc hboards & e ler tric11l mechanis ms in 11d. repair. Perfo rm v~ duties s uch as replacing defective w1r· ing .. making connee tx.u to new electrical installations, replacing sm. part.a in ~s,--ete. S yrs. exper. We offer ex· cell. co. benefits & com· pet.itive wages. Send re- sume to: Box 1668 Daily Pilot P .O. Box 1560 Cost.a Mesa. Ca 92626 E.O.E. MAIT'IE DE SEltYICE 2 yr s exper in hotel/r est a urant, tourism or public e nler- t a in men t. flue nt in either Spani.st!._, fo'rench or German. Over sea r esta urant , bar. limOUlline & ser v1c·e ac· livilies of exrlusive club. Supervise S pers onnel. Salary 11.325 mo. Take this ad to the neares t Slate Employment Ofr UOT 1187.167-106 ad paid by em ployer. --- MAMAGEI W.wFe..ae AUTO DETAIL SHOP Newport Beach, Airport loc. Public contact expr nee Light bookkeeping Good s a l ar y C a l l 833·2211 7 Am to 7 PM Maniruris t lmmed openin gs for Marucurists with c hen- tele. Licensed & exp 1n a cr y lirs. Call Ton i 639-9293. I 7 I 4 l 9 9 4 ti 3 6 O . C~dates should have Jewelry If you need to nuw typing. t213Jll02t3711 NURSES a mm.ofl·2yrs.exper, e arn $10·$20 per hr 557-6122,731-7711 & able lo lyµe 50wpm 100'.1. "' t A I l Mech1anic Knowledge or .. ,irst Aid ~orkanl( 2 4 hrs . per tluy • ree o Pl> l<":tn Ope:n1n1 for t we ll RN's ICU.C<.:U Flri;. would be helpful Send < omm~!.1>10n , bonu!. ~I qulllified Oauun Mech LVN's & AIDl!:S resume with salary his Full lime 11os1t 1 on ~ • w1h c Call f'red San DAIL y PAY tory to: uv;ul. Also need<! I.aches d4:n1, K.11 137Sor411J 3375 NEW aATIS .......,. S,.CHlltt.i for ~grnl ~s1t!o.ns Call Wn1form allowance: 1640Monrovia,C M Mr St-brmgat67J7S9~ MEDICAL ASSIST <.:hu1ce or hos pitals & 642·2427 lo: 0 .. : ~I Toro. 2 weekd1ty1>. working hrs t.:PH & REAL.ESTATE 4500Campus l>r N II 9-tlpm. 77G-tlt:IO health rlea r a nl't' re· Pnnting SALES . Leading rt•al {•:.tall' t·om pant s~k~ prorc:.i.111ni.tl veople lo muni.tf(l' rei.al(• oHu·es Praml' arc<J :. a\all Xlnl pa} & hcnd11:. i:;oi-: t4211 Yorba St. Tu:.ttn MIDICAL-M.I. qwred Back office 11000 WISTCLI~ OffMtp,....,... Open Monday E\en11~~ By Appoinlmc11l io'IT40brs lfty~ ........... try p T28hrsifnotype t6l7Westclirr12w Exper'd. 1st Pressman Guss Commumt 11 4 unit Apply 1660 Pla1·l'n(1a Ave ,C M Eves 675·2257 N.:wport Beach 631-0610 75:!·91111 C7t 4Hlti:J :i6 7 I Medical Ass istant. front & ba ck 0H1ce. exp helpfuJ. c1all 1M7 ·6004 ~ALCOUlalH Must have own trans. & be f11miliar with O.C • L .A. ar eas no sales. pleasant position for in dlvidual who e njuys driving . Call 7611·8~00 Mon "'r1. 9.5 MEDICAL ASST Newport Beach Internist has immediate openin1o: for person with front & bal·k om c·l' experience. Write ad no 796, Daill' Pilot, P .0 Box 1S60. Costa Mesa. Ca. 926216 Medical Receptionist & Aide, P /T 1n gruup Pediatrics Mrs Austin ~o MED. TRANS<.:HIHER Minimum of 5 yrs cur rent exper m Med ical Records Departme nt . Knowledgea ble 1n transcribing all med1l·al r e po r ts inr lud1ng operative Top pay , work at home. C all 768-8500 Mon-.. ·ri 9 S MIRhmldl1er "'ee paid. l!:ntry . level spot with top lnter'I. co. Call on retail. Arrange promotions. Part time , 2S hrs. SS. hr. Call t-:llic O'Brien, !>40..5001 Also fee jobs . Snelling & Snelling or Ne wµorl Beach Agency. 4340 Campus Dr .. EOJo: ....... A ... LYH'1-aH'1 Needed for slafr relief. all shifts. aC"ute hospt IX.-slgn your own work week. New pay rall'S Best Nurses Registry <.:osta Mesa 7!>4·6771 An11he1m 95G·343u Nursing HOMECAaE RN's, LVN's, llHA. NA 's, South & Cenlral Orange Count ) <.:a ll Medox.. 1>4.l·~.1 I Production Plate Room Partttmc . Mon 2 JOl'M finis h. Tues I OOPM fm1sh Will tram A1>11ly 1660 Placl'nl1a A Vl' (' M Printing OffMt Pre11t1N111 "~xper'd 2nd Prcs:.man Goss Community 4 unit Apply : 1660 Plannll11 Ave .C M rttOOUCTIOM MACHINIST CZnd ShiftJ lll'IH 1-:,talc 'art•t•r • If you art• looking (or un UJlllllrt11n1ly lO ll·arn ,1111.J ~rhv. wrt h ~u1 ci.I a blli.ht·ll f•11m1111n~·. t·1111 H •• •w h Heally ~1·2000 e HANCH Hf ALTY ~51 2000 Hcl'l'Pllon1:-.l T~ p1 q necdl'd for Nl·v.1111r1 n .-ach ('l'A r1rm I .Ylt'l.ht•;il bt•nl'flll'> ;\:1111 I Org <:o cl •·C"tru 1 me:l·hal!!l'i!I mfR ha:. ..u1 • ynok111g -:r~1 l!)lll! tmmed upentl!R for 1111 11 l'Xper 'd mat'h1n1 ,,t lt'l'l'l•l.ttHll~l. 'C J(,\' RECREATIOH Sec· our ad undt•r "I' AllT T I M t: ' · 1 n l 11 d <r ' .., dass1f1ed · T .. IRVIME CO. H t: Lt•as111i,: A~t Sal:ir) + Com M u:.t h:i vc ~uucl s c c· r e t a r 1 a I s k 1 11 ~ S Uranf.(c ('11 a ro .1 831 1727 I{ E SAi.ES 1211p<•nm~5 on I~ J •DISAPrOO .. TED• IN YOUH l:.:A HN IN(;S'' I .et u;, 111tr11dun· I fill Ill ,1 11e" &n·a uf real 1;,IJll' Nursing MALE MUISE Ml.l.5l tx• abll' hi wtu1> & l.i\ll. :"' U ltll' h•1•1kk1·1·11 , ove raltl a ll ma('hlnc 1nl! 1>rr>lllut1onal clul11·' !!hop tou1 111g ~u•·h J ., 1ra1n1nl! 111. X Ha\ '"". mllh. latlle~. ,urfa• ,, I i-Murr<r I-or 1111 .. n ·11·" gnnder... rlnll!., •·h· Will I phu111·l~ll O:!CI" * ASSIST-U-IU-Y • Nt•" co 111ve~lrrll'nl rro ~ram for home bu' t'f'> (;r('al t'1J r n1n1t tip 1rnrtun1ty Wiii I 1 .. 1n )Ull I )r Sall'1> t·~1wr ro· 11u1 n-d !.15i !Iii!!! SST. net'dcd 9AM J l'M for pvt duty t·ase iu CllM Approx 40 hrs pcr wk Call for rnformatrnn UpJohn llPal thc are S e r v 1 e e s . t: o t-: 1 752 0993 be rl'qu1red to work from hluepr1n1 ~ skeh'hes & v1:rba I 111 format lllO A r>pl ) Ill J>l'rSoo <irt'all OFACEHELP. Girl "'r 1d ay r ecE'ptionis t . typis t , som e bookkf'c p1n g Take l'111.1ri:c tnw 111 d1vidual 1'artt1ml' Good pay. Nrar Orange Cty Airport 545 4%5 bet 9&4. Mas~ SpKiaffies I 164() Monrov J:J C M 642 24..?7 1-: ll 1-: Printing PmM"OOftl H~lpers Full tmw Mon. Tul·~ Thurs. Fn t\pph ltilill Plac.·cntta A Vl' , C M RECEPTIONIST ·1111 .. 10ll•rc .. 1111i: rulll11m· 1~·1m;on1•nl 1"•:.1l11 011 w111i a ll•adcr 111 tht· puh111 .1 111111111.tu,lry h•" fl'l'"lll S~lnvHt. lk:.taurant lmm1:d1al•· p.1rt 11m•· •ilJ!•0111.:;, LI \ J al lul 1'o1<1i., & dt·ll\f·n <1r1\•'" l'11<1k:. Ill ll\I h •· l>I /1.t dl1\l'r" 21 " 1-""><I oln' I> h1·c•11mt· .1\ ;t1bl1k Uul1c:. 111dull1• J!t1'l'l111j! v11.1t11r..,, 1rn~wt•r11111 1n l l'UOllOJ! t·all,, u:.111g a rn••rn11ry t\1wv.11tl•r & S•Jl'llllJ.: Ill l'Ol11111'4 fll.1d (;,,ud )!ttfll!t al 11 f l11• .. ' ,.kllh. I l'(\Ulrt•d I 1•1111 .., 1 111)! rl'n 1rd Ff1r 111 d1v1duab wllh 11ul f.!<11n~· r>crsonahtlt')> & a ld1· 111 work f'v1•s 1\pph •l.11 1\ .• n !>P .\1 A'k l11r ,J '""1 11r Mar). .\11· & I• rt'· I'll.ta , 17th &. 'I u,1111 arl'll:i ni !iprn Mun Fn To finll 11ul 1n11rt• .111•1111 ('1.,.,t1J ~le;,;; PRODUCTION 1111,. 111111111 l 1m 11~ hr 111 Nuriimg 111,1k•• .111 11111.,' '''" ;q 1 n1 .-. HESTACR,\"'T lll'lf) rll't"\leil ltd I 1·1111n1t-r help F I 1·.1111ii5 :rn1:1 n1~1 I' I RH SUPERVISOR WORKER 1 flullllnlt'lll. t·all ~1!1•• :1·11:11 PARTTIME Anabolic-, Inc .. a le .. il(•r I C~ReHarch The nation's •1 rov1der m the vitanun nianufai· Syshnn, Inc. o r ho m e h e allh ra r e tunng industry, ha:. an Slatcrl ndu:.trial l»irk RESTAURANT services is look In~ for a immcdiatl• opPo\IO/.! 1111 1737 t !'ttt W)•nnc 1 ·irC'lr Food <;t>r\l H'(' "o rk .. 1 malurl'. responsible KN Isl s hift lor a wc·i~hC'r .. -.,uot,un \',illr·~ !ll!70>I '''er l>I. will lr.1111 r.11 v.la flex Sl•hedule to mc'at -,hn·r & 1•11111 .. 11 tllRSERY SALES N 0 (' x IJ l' r I I' n 1· l , ....t..· nurst.'S Ref's required R~c.iot1id-Girl Fri-Flt•x1hll· 'tart111)! 1111w supervise our pvt duty neC"~sary 1 1 unlrol, apprc1\ I 1.r ....,...mg for r>e rsona ble . Call for appt l;pJohn 1111\\I I l'M \l tor. I h111 neat. energetic per!oon Healthcare Scrv1(•es. Callnrapply in pl'r:.1m dcrv li1\~1 ll'\I S1111 abletogroww1thawell J-:(Jl-:7~0994 In Laguna 1'1'.t•·h J(p l1h•al l'art1mwl111 111 eslabl1'shed con1 nany q u11 1·:-. 11ll-.1:..rn1 11h11n .. ,. ANABOLIC INC 1tent "111 11.1111 l11r 1"'1 Min. 1 yr retail selli ng ' • rna11111·r & lttt• I' 11111 . 111111 1·•1r1l1 ol '!l'\I 1,J'\I expA . • d I ,,k11 1, (',111 \1 ,1111.. -~rience require OfftCE 17lt02G1 lelll' i\\1' Mi>n Thur ,,·1\\1 1:-111H111 Full"me tart1' " I I CA l'11lh:.011, 1!17 a.1•,1 · -u s n., sa ary If you are sharp. alnt, rvine. 92713 Sun I.on'" l\1t1'111·n. ;111-:'i llOOO·lltOO/m o f'aid good wi th fil(u rcs. <7141S46l'l90t H l'l'c•11t111111 ~1 1111 Sci llarhPr 1111'11 S·\ n u n ut:HMAlt> M"r" &. denll·r~ <.'all K41i Jtl74 111 s:J6 27•1:1 Sttles • AMEXCITIMG SALESOPftTY Wl' 1111• l'lil ••I 1111.: i1 tri•mcntl1iu:-. 111•v. f11'1d ul 1•1rt••rlJlllll1t'nl lliul 1-. • ~v.1·~p1111-( l11t· n11t 11111 W ,. arc• lookllll( for II 'ale•:. 1irr1:nlt•tl ~·r:wl\ "II" h,1, a •11!1.lrt' for .1 lto\I• u Vt'rlll(l' 111t·ornt· Y 1111 must II(' 111•r,onal>l1· & t·v11f111t-nt 111 \ •rur ;1h1ht \ t11 l'nnimun.11.111· "llh ulhttr.. & ha\f• th 1w11tl:1 bk lrJt1'1w11 l,1l11rr1 w .. I v.111 LI JIO 1f 111'1' "·" \ I "kit fl 1111!<' h1·1wf 1t ~ ',, 1••\, ,IL T <·l1•1111111111l1•t ,., \1·v.1•ort llc-.1t•h 1111 \\ lf:tll <;t ..... , .. 11 t 111•;11 h SECRBARY/ ADMIN. ASST. t'hJllt•n111nl-! t•us m our •.alt". uff1c•1• 0 11t11cle1• t1111111·' ~ .Y111·rowav1• I II\ Slt.11 I' 111·n.onublt'. ~·If "olarll'I' .rl11llly tu 11t111k .... r1 .. •I )!ll l'llnt lllUllH a l 11111' 1,k 1 I ls ol 111\J"ol T' 111ng ut 50 f~lv.Jll{I .n'<'llrdlC'h IS e:-, 't'1\l1:cl ~·,q·ll i:rowth p11l••nl fur 1ndl\ wllh11i: I 11 I>' .1 1 II ( ll I' ,1 I cl l11•t11ftl \1qily '" 11' I " II ,. I I' ... I> l' \ 'it 11111•1111ol \I I I 11 I '>. I li·I I h.11"•1 \ \ 1· I n 1111· SECRETARY """ ~ ht 11!,1·1 ,1i:1· ftt 111 Ill I "l1111n I 1.rncl h.1i. 1111 SALES FASHION 11···d i.it• '""'11111 1! 10' • I '1• f I 1• I .1 I \ Ii I I k II I> l•.x1wr11·111·1· 11"< i• ,..,,11' I l•IH i .1l11111 I·''"'' 111 ,. (t1r ""flll'll ... •1111'·''. I lo'ff•••I 111 • "'I :tu ('Oh -.lnrt• Xlnt h1•111•f11" '''' I 1.11 t llc·I• 11 '1• lirnfl'I IOI f111l 11m1· 1\11111 ht! t "t 1~1 I SA.LES HB.P WANTED for a11t1qu>' '''" •' 111' I II I ~lUSI "11rk "''"Kl'11ol , •I• t.•1\'11•w-. Sat 111 '>1111 .I Ill 1 l.ll):llt1:i (';"''"" ftt l I II •SALES LADY " I 1111111111 • SHOWOFF '""""''' l<.l.1nd l ~·lc·' OflftOrtTUNITY CONTINUES TOKNOCI< \\h1•t1 '-UU "AtH ~ 'II f f;1 l.11' \ 1t 1'> I• I 11i. l' ( '11' 111.11 ' lo 'I> I I II• lr J r•·r f••• 1•r1I 11 • 11 1 J····' t If II• .. I I , • •• JI \.\fut h It! 11\ •' I ti t Ill' fl• lti th f •'I ' fi Ill• 1 t 1lt1•t ''''' • \1 ,,, , ... ,, If' th1· ,,, I '·' • ,1, I+ "I 'It' 'fl.lh' tO .,.,.,.k I 1f \\Hf l. 1it f," 1111111 •,1• tt"' \~P01f 11" ~ll1fl I itldl\ I0111.tl •• llOI lo f1t•,tf •ll't·l'.tf .II I I I ' k11.1• I. foil • 11& 1 .\ I• , .... pt1· \\1 JI •I I I t I .. ol~1t'' I I I H"I fl 1 t II 11 .,,11111" l 1ri I 't If lj 11' I t j tp I IHI• • l111f n1•/ I ''•" \ < 111 \l1•1t•I 'i·1 .. 1 n '1\\I .J '\I •, tc q :-. \I I· ..... 1'11 11 •" I •tit I IU\t"l lr\ "'I fl 1l11 l 1 1 i\ 111t11t11 I I di '>11 111 V. •·le h 7't I i''I;' t ... \I I ' I'• I ' I \ ' I di I t \t '1t th h .. ,,, 11 II I 4 I 1101 I 111 I Ji 111 • I \J• • I II ... 1*1' t l o I' 11111• rr t l•I• I ol •IM 'I .ipp\ •d 1 ~-. .... ~ 'SECRETARY .... 1 .. 11 .. 1 11111111·11 With 111 "11J1101tl .}i,11 th,tnd 01 l'IO 1•11'.•I\ /\ 11.JI 11111" (',di I 1 •t .,, .. I•··~ .ti !f1H 'i~IOO SECRETA RY "'"°11'111 111.11·11 '1'10 I •l•1 I~· 1•.11t •11 .1 ptc· I• I' 11111 I , 1111 If 1 I t• I 11p I I 111 I 11 fll Ht•od l'f II\\ f t1 '' l 'I I \ t•llt ft I '"'" I \ 1•111 fl I I f JI• ,, lf•)t),,d.., • I •iii ' .\' 11fto111·' J.if1d1I 4 p JI t1;1J ~5 7-6 122 73 1-771 1 I, • • \l'l'lt• 1111 A biqGil · Rbbo1t -• I l ~ f 11 '" " I! ".' .1 I 11 1111 ,. 1t1d.1. I \ ··t11r1J.!' q11•1°11111i. 111 !•n h 'I' i , 1111 , IC.-h 494-2 146 SECRET ARY I •• I '" I .. .. 11 !' '' "" j" ,,, 111r1 I l ,p I• 1" 1. 1 ... 1111 I \ I" ~IJ\4. l'UI l I .. ,,, ••It .q • ~ t ,, 11 , ,. f u r \\111 Iii···"" 11'111'1 LiA • • I ii• >I lo; I I !o ..... ,. .. I I ·"''.I ·" I I \ 1110\ o 0.,1 I ,1 I I I t I' •. ti '1 \ I ' '., I ull should have at least I --------- hholid~ys & vacations ; pe.rsonablconthe phonl', Ch1 ro1>ra1•t ir· t 'l1 111t·. !rnl<fl47 SALESPEO PLE osp1tali zat1o n 10 rehahle. type •. hke a t:<iualOppo rtun1ty l'.111 •111 Suran ·1 bl .. t "' L' I I' T. ltlf• 1M11·1·. )!ti ",. II' (; .... 1 "' year general work ex perience, typing skills and live within l'Ommu ing distance of Sim Juan Capistrano. Please send resume or call between 9am·l2pm for applicll· lion materials . Carol White (714)661·8000 MANUFA(,'TURIN<; . ce ava1 a e .-ar busy orrire I his ma~· be c,mp uyt•r M f-' "' .d '"" · ll1t-f-i~e~J..;O~l:-=r,O~r~y:;;o;;u..:.:;~o;-;n~t·:+---------.-!-+'l!IJJU.U:LC.C.~.K.C.!Wj~:i._~~+--c:at~M1>er'\9'rc---..'TTI.,... ~ .. T ..., .. LABEL CODER available. Inte rvie ws by for i'nterview htwn 10 • 1 k f \111• 1 111 "., 1 1 ~ PRODUCT A.111 m.i.: or an 1·x1·1t1n)! appt only, call 646 7441 Lori's Kit<·hen. 97!J 0747 IOH posllrnn "' lilt• rPt.111 in I"' .. ., I i i ,, I 1,11 I ' \ I H 1 ·, "I I I ';I 1 \ ·, J Irvine vitamin m anufac turing company re· quires person to work in Label Room k eeping logs and records and printing parkag1ng in· formation on labels. Will M-Jo'. Help wanted part time Ht-:t'Ef'Tlt)N IST rluthinf.! f1e•Jll " T hi' 1Jq11 l'111 H1" uh• LWYO'SNUHS .. :HY Ot-'FIC I-: POSIT ION Mailroom . Mun & Tue" di t""l11 t 1 1 I· 1 1111111 \ 11 ! \ ,,,, ""'II ...,1,1 Nichols Institute Sell with 1':AS t-: · 11 ·s a nin: 1-:z E Class1ftt'tl Adi. Ci·l2 ~.li7K P .0 Box 92767 World Wu y Pos tal Center wor« m close liaison i---------- Los Angeles. Ca 90009 Affirmative Artion Jo:qual Opportunity Employer M IF Legal Secretary , H.8 min 5yrs, Calif exp. heavy res ponsibility, xlnt skills. qualified on· ly. Ca ll <714 l847·t:i041 Sue with manufarturing. Many details and t-'UA regulations . Reports to manufa r t ur1ng foreman Please call for appoint ment. 17141 546.ato I ANABOLIC, INC. 17802Gillette Ave Irvine. CA 9'.!713 LIGALSCTaY Newport Beach law firm Equal Opportunity seeking legal secretary ·~~E~m~p~l~o~y~er~M~/~F~~ with minimum 2 yrs ~~~Ae~~o!~!y for a JO day acl mthe DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY DO IT NOW ' l i t iga tion exp r . Shorthand .. good typing req. Debra. 851·9033 AlkforSGftdra Your Daily P ilot Service Directory Reprt.-sentati Vt! a~~ ~~·~~~18 ·1-·'•42···5·"·'.·.•.••.3.1.1-i Reech the richest recruitment market in Oran91 County In a special Dally Piiot JOBS sec- tion planned for February 25, 1981. Orange Coast households served by the Dally Pilot and Coast Life number more then 103,000. They make up the most responsive, best educated and affluent reading audience In the county. JOBS standard-sized sections Include a story or a photo prepared by the Dally Piiot staff descrlbtng advertisers services or employment needs. JOBS sections Wiii aPPNr both In the Dally Piiot and Coast Life on February 25. Oeadllne Is Febru1ry 11 If a story or pftOtO Is dfflred or February 16 for an .clvtrtlsemtnt only. Torntr'W c ..... ,._,."' .. IPK• In JOBS, cell '42·5'11 • Exp'd, He('('l>l1on1st tor r a111 y . l'Xfl i1 0rl 1nK CI e r i c a I s k ii I s 'p1 1it t's A1>pl y lfifi ll rapidly l'Xpand111f.( N II dotl11nl-( rdu11 C'haln '" ' I \ I 1 1111 \ II necessa r y Vandruff acenllaAvt• ,(' M I.aw Firm. Senn e 1q1 ln11k 111i.; for 11t1IK0111g ~\I J .. ~1·1 I tl'I I \1 , 111 I '>I I • It .1111• I 11•'1°d1·d I " Ill p l111u• \\ llr•\ ""' l-:111 lnsuranr t•. II H H48 4413. 1nj!. lltt• 1'lt•r1 (•;1 I 1111111·~ 1111111 vutt•fl. n •lia I tit·. fl t 754-6417 PROJECT ... r II II I ti fr I l' I' ;1 II l>OJlt·~ Pt'llph· fc1r 111111'11 ~l:RVICE ST A TIOH ATTE~DA tH OfftCE Sha rp, ale:rl girl . gd. w/numbers Mal'Grel(ur YaC'hts. 1631 l'lal·enua. (; M PAINT t~R 3 y r s l'X penence in Apt Pamt mg Call after S Steve 964 oW8 P ART T I M E. to' t ime ans serv No exp nee Call: 1192-1212 E.O E PART·TIM E Trk driver W/good p1Ck·UJl 642·5702 Part Time IECIEATIOM COOIDIMATOI Our Apt. Recreation Dept, seek out going. responsible mdivuluals to organize athletic" social. fun events al Irvine/Newport Beach apt. locations . Mu11t be abl e lo work with children 20 hrs per week: days vary. S ub· mlt applications to: Howard Derman r:J lHE IRVINE a:MIWlf 1061 camelback St. Newport Beach. 92663 Equal Oppty Emplyr PBX AD1werin1 Service. Eves. Full 6 P /T . Exp nee. C.M. 540-1777. Penonnel ... ¥ISO. Perm .. f /tim e tupervllor needed for • lrvlne 'rea. ff vy phones, Id. oqanlsaUonal 1klll1, enjoy people. Screenln& • lntervleWlna. T op pay I TNOMAITIMP '41·1144 &.O.E. ..,, h I ' ( II II \ I 11 I pe11ranc· ... f(1)11tf d1C'l11in . IOI!!> Now Tak111)! ap EHGIMEER . mature JUci~l'mt•nt re phc-;;t111r1s l\fon Sat I(/ .1 Exper in c·omµoncnL..,, IJUlfl'tl !'least• ~cn<I rl.' Appl~ at htHt 1P\Al\t' .. .,,_ I h 11 ' I 11 I .ii I K~i:• lo \loll I• I: ,1 j '; I l.1 I I I • t t1 "•'-1.l elertrical <·onnt·i·t•ir:. sume to Classifi t•cl A1111 h e r m e I 1 c· s l' a I " . 1151 " 0 Dall) Pilot I' ( 1 11 /lollo I.I\ I I •• , ... 1 i ,, : Iii.•• ti I \. Io If• lrans durer <lt'l>I J.:n . llox 15'i(),(.'l\192f\21) mall'rials. & methotli. Merhan1eal Eni.:meer tng def(rt't' pref'<! Will report directly lo Ch1l'f Enf(1neer & a:.:.oml' rcspons1b1hty for mJr devetopml l'ffurt:. MILLERS OUTPOST 2302 Harbor ll\'d. ~Plaza ~.tit I ,11 1 11 • Bridal Con~ultol'lt \\ 111 11.1 t I " c' ' • \ '-' 'I • ''I '••I II' Ii I: f,·.utt·•' 11111 111111• Qua lified candidate:. call for appt Mrs Pien ck. ~1.3113(1 1-------Property M a nagem cnt Couple wanted, 20 unrl bldg, light mamtenan<'e Terms n e lit u t 1 11 b I 1· 731·6829 P/lime. 7days. 2h rs1da1 ly, AM delivery, L A Times. SIOO pe r week l.aguna Beach. 494·11496 SELL idle items with a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. RECEPT/TYPIST :-.leWJIOrt l:kal·h arl'a law firm -;eek' 11•11s t•ll in· d1 v1Ju;il with goo<! l) p 1111! 1.k1lls i-·ull t tnll' po:-1 1100 "1th bent'f1L' Cull <.'aria . R.'.>t tOO:i IECB'TIOMIST Expe r phones. ty pr 4~> •wpm, Irle hkkpg rn1se t'lcrH•a l l rvmt· mfr <'all K If !>411·R894. With growth c•o mpany Good phone personality Somr t yping , varie d dut1ci. Non s mok e r Co nta ct Anita 71'\·975-C~. 9.5 wkdys IECEl'TIOMIST With or without typin1o: needed. Top pay . Tem porary & full time Call Tod Servicei1 at 979·8900 E.O 1-. I n..i.111 ROllMSOH'S NEWPORT ts now mtervw"lllJ! fnr DEl'T. MAMAG ER Preferrablv with an t'\ llC111SC' lrl ...... /DotMstics tr you have a :.U<'l'('~'lul wm·k history in th<' homt• ll'xtlles areas with manag<'nw nt sk 1 I ls 111 matc·h. we want lo talk Lu you Please :wn.-1 re sume. or c•or1lat•l hy ph<me 213-488·5823 Genene Mr t:lroy 600W 7th St Los Angeles.(.;/\ !10017 t:.O E. p1 IP U• • t.11l •.1l1" >II• l'C'I ft Jtll I 11 I• ,, •• 1 SALES-RET All I 't 11111!' ..., II d I I . ,1 .. 1 .. I I l utu 1.11 ''I• SECRETA RY 1'1 'I lfl ,IJ1' •11t I' I "11 s~~"q Machine O~rator I I I \11 .1 1 lft .ti jllll I· •I •I 111\ .1 ,._, up I I \ 111 Ir ol !II I • ' 1111 1 t 1tn1 ,. ' I II 'l.or li•t 11'" cli·.t' 1 ' ""1 ~ f", I ' I t 1 1 J 1 ti I It 1 Ill II I II I II I' •. JI I I ' t •I "l1ft ll I .... !I ,( • 11111•' '1'''""111·•1 '"dJ· I • l :--1111111•" \111111;1\I' 111111,.d .11rprnl 111 .. I l'alll;,,,..l"''l!ll:1.1·1 ' ''11 •1.'11111' Se-crf'tary/R~cpt. .,.,., .. ,,, 1 I · ... It• 1 i\t>I• 'fr ()I 1tll'1'1Jl'I 1l1•od 1'111 111.11 \\111 ll'.1111. ~:stall' or 1•011:.1 h.ti k I 1 \I 1 lit 1 11.111 pr" .:round h1•lplul ~.il,11' "'111101 1o11 ... 1:1'1 op 1• n < • iii I .I 11 , \ ~·~·fil~'\7 SECIETARY rARTTIME HEWPORT IEACH LAW OFFICE T e-oc~ /Director f 011\ ,1f.• 'l'h rnJI 1>12 1~1 11 TliCHEIS To ~l;.1rt 1m 11w d1att•h Patt t1nw or full 11mc. l'n• ~1·huol ll57 1263 PLAZA/secretarial Service Per manent . gd p:i' some :.h r lhrt cll·~11 L••I ll44 5<>10 Tet·h111nan EHGIMEHIMG Spec1af1w1g in ~ TlC ... ICIAM S ••SEC•ETARIES• • Our Rn1win1t elertromrs RE UMES T7~1ShtOO l-'shls$1~1 f~lO ro hlls an 1mmed open· T70 Anuh FunSl:t.:>OO 1111.: for en l::nl(meerin g TYPING R('(p/TypetLa~R$1 2.~HI Trl·h with 3·5 yrs ell· Acctg/0el(rccS20,000 11er with prototype & CONSULTATION-PREPARATION Liz Heinders A.it•n1•y lest o f a n11log/d igltal COMPLETE SERVICE ~:,1~~~~;;~ ~~;c ~r~~l~r~ • ., r 0 ('es 5 0 r CHOICE OF STATIONERY U11e of mlcro·l'o mputet developnwnt syste m• ... FOR Secretary to Prt•s1dent of would be• des irable, COVER LETTERS dy namic ln vt•stmq11t alon11 with a knowledae COPYING company . Top sulury for of dhillal meter rks. A to exceptlonlal s kill!! & V. V to A ckt.s. contact SPIRAL Bl~DING m otivation. Reply 10 rt'Slstanre ckta. • hlpol IMMEDIATE TURNAROUND conncteoce to: P.O Rox ckts helpful. SATURDAY A EVENING HOURS =· C.Orona dcl Mar. ::~ ~~;r~1:::: f~~I en1ln~1 drawtncs 6 752 0234 apedflcaUona. QualifWcl ------WI~~· -----r.F--Uf you w•ot y.o1J&L.-111.A.oo..1-..... _.....,.....,...._. IOU MICHELSON Diii\'£ • SUITE Ill • lltvlNE, CA 92715 ~ ................... ,,...., . ---0r .... c._.-.. ~I me11a1e to rt· t0ntad: 1 c:b ' more peopl• at ......_.s,.11 ... 1 lower caet, Cla11Hied i. 11.oM.,..'ritl.C.ll. u.wa1to10I C•ll Now1 ea.IG'J s.o..a... .... .. . . ••• DAii. Y PIL.0 1 Sunoey, January at. 1N1 1010 '-alMe IOIO Ill• ... Ofhe ...... • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• I ••• 1011 tOJO ·!'-t.~~ ..... !!!! ............................. ~!!.~ c. ..... . HJI Twfonear-newWoodmark I '...._ pUJowback 1of•. LUe•A•TA•I 2 """"°"commercial all' •••••H•0 •••0•••••••• •••••H••••••••••••0 •• c1a1tom swivel loun1e oak 1am• set, Sell1 frotn y our bualneu eoodlUoeera. S a crifice Conference Ht round SEAOUU.. new 'IO •~ chain w /m\tdtlna ot· playpen sect. s ofa, cud. Send ooe card for ll G.000 few both. R.M. pedeatal tbl 4'7" diam .• 2 HP. N?S. ("75liat). CaU ••••••••••••••••••••• ·~leplilon. Sollr1tur• lupo n.1 •bl1 )'Q Unl •oml'lft to •ortr. •vrn 111.P S JU fll'M l<>un • 'll\l.ln ti.am U ~ ~ ~ ~ hr fo •PJ'I) rail &ril) a1 $4() 40l8 atl ~ 30 ... tCAUCTIOM MANY ITEMS Or r 1N•; KS'r ATE JEWW:LftY. ART UIUt;(''f.S. AN T l"llt!S . •'lNt: f llRNT l ll Kt;, t~TC PllONt, YOH INt'O .tr RRUl'lf Rt. 60 ~200 bY 9e\amu portable UA!t, video cam•re, "7 tomana ln belie fabrk, t.tb&e9. All leH than 6' each ta.a plUI oee apare. Abram., lilt Newport aide chra, 1125 ut Tony at 1'75·0915 or • for the 4 pieces. 1 mm. o&d. ITS·2523 We Ntum permanently IMvd . .f.M. 141-0223. •tu1 _tll_.-S __ . _____ _ ret•ll prlt • Perfe('t Nlftd 7110071 Capla 1hell 30" found 1ealed attractive lal • - ivory lamp table. 1125 ....... S. 1011 1trap. meeUn1 airline P•ihi,.,.•er 30X60 metal desk, ad 7.odiacSport Boat, new In fo'uJ1 c 1 IJSmm SLH n mr.rtt w.tler na•h • 1~1 .. le.•~, 127:1 17:1·4410 644·7721. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.D. requinmen\a. Pre-., cond. ISO. Two office box,_,, 3 family 1ara1e Hie. Ski vent lou •theft! For a . MS·l1a5 ....__, ('714)'7M ·1'132. • I .. ,....n,$10/H . M5·8580. -.nun 1ka ut1ful 10' cou c h & sharp round coffee ta- ltle. eontemp. sty ling. hke n.iw. 831·2923 10 f eq u Ip m e n t . personalized l•I encloee Newport Bayview Yacht Franklln1tove,kln1size wallpaper , f•brlc or C lub 1ln1le Fem1le ,... 8011 SWordfish Plank 14 • all alum lnum /10 scoot fiberalau on board bait tank49M923 tA lbln• ••. , w~ l\nHqu .. H11lhl ub <'1u1 Ir•••· old •t> 14' p .. 1,•uliun h1111lll~• dr1 '" ll't:• h7 l Jl<t~ C-. IOJI waterbed. J•n. 24 & 25. "D1y Glo" P•J>t!r & we Membership. 1750. Call •H••••••••••••4••••••• 9AM-:iPM. •21 E. 18th St will back Ii trim your 759·0811. POI SALIHI t;.u.11 t•r1Y1•l" ('oun trr C'lub ~ hr I «-n111• lt 110 .. l•dcr r••\1 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUCIPllSIAM American Oak Drs r w bevtl e d Mir ror . Small Oak Tbl. Old Ma &>It' Commode. Old Ohl Me l a l btld w 1 br11ss f r i.me, Oak Hdbrd. 646 J47ij C.M. tap. Or try two cards -sa•..a C •T back lo back. Frank '1 "Clown". $1500. r-~"' _. Spinet P iano $450. Bdrm PRICES; Dali e tc h i n&. SlOO 4\? month old male. WANTED-Avon Zod'iac -. )41)4 I' I I \ 11 l • I 11 11 t' I 111111 :9---------1 l h111 .. -.-i&lll ltf ll\'• l''t'lllU ll!, !i plly"d, l 1'r )t'tll 11 ulll Nc•·tl,. luvml( h o m1· $l2~, re 11 set w/queen size S200 12ea or 3/$5 Picasso, $65. 53S-M95 while, has papers. $200 Inflatable sport boat E le c t y pew St 50 '15taas$1.60ea. firm. Call 975·0.07 days; capable o f handllna ~ o&Ullff'll "l1 io l t'J " .i11 Wll tfl2:J 873-63711 6/9ta1ss1.50ea. PICHICTAILI 841HZ1_!arter6pm. 25HPmOlor.7SHl967. -~"'Vlo..lft. 5••1 -1 10ormoreSl.40ea. •"-".t79.c:137 V I b. d ..__._, 9040 Dtl & MOt..D 1 ,.1 111 .. ~ 1· I' !ii):.! !>t~t• MAllaS 0..,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• """' ,....., -Sales Tax Included ...., J ery arge 1r ca Re . -ower Antiques. Dining Set. NO CARD". wrought iron, $50. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1040 "' •• I 11 u t "I "'I h .. I I lht&WMHfh) ,. ,.,,.rJ 111111 lufh·d """' 1" "l"llUIUlllk' 1" 1 • tu.;th IHll t. IOUlllt ...,.,,1 l\1'.l-:. .... 110Nt> Pu ps AK(' l 'hurn11 i.lre M t' l'l't & t:uropean sm oked glasi. dlll111g set. alm ost new Sul;i & Luvtseal S27S. Murrantl Sll'reu. t rad1 Books'. History Proressr Spkr s , ca ss. player . Draw your own or 11end selllni library. 3SO vols __ ~·3154 1'71 SCAIAI Tapes, Bearh Cruiser. name, •address. phorie & for$17S. 557·2199. DUTCH IUHMIES 30rt. offshore boat. Twin 1..UtJ \l • 11 .. 1IU1jt 11j•t I .t ' 111'\fl• ~ t "'I d ll 1111 1'9.0 $.JtAI .4:1 l!t'Jl -.hu"' )'\I jll\ I IJ 007 I J4S .a flli p 111 G ardening, M o we r . we'llmakeone cardper $3EACH.S56·l724 tS4Vil,loadedwithac· Plant.I. Tools, Firewood, tag. Add 25< each Phone Mate Telephone cessories & low hours. 1n1.J111h n,.,..1 1,,, •l it ~ ·111111! 111 ..... 1' ' \ (' I 11u u .. 1 <1 11111•k ''""n 'ihcll1\' tr1. 111at1·. d111111 1' J ~ I I II ii• " I I h 1 I,• "' I Ill 0 II II I IJ U \l I I fh' ' 71 llonal cum.ie & End Ta I ble sci . beaulirul 25' C'ulur T V S200. Form al C amping , B o oks, Send checkormoneyor. answeringmachinewith Leavi ng the s tate : Clothes, much more derto: warranty, $79 with re· Slliillig 1091 MUST SELL: No re- li· .. l 11 "' h '"' 1 "111 I n11111llL, $l(JO ~.'II 412 14 nun ,,,., 1 1•1v1r•1I TU~\ l'I#\< "" 11•.il ' I\ Sl·S7S. Fr11Sat/Sun 331 PILOT PllHTIMG mote s149_ 750_3791 ••••••••••••••••••••••• asonable offer re fused'. W. Bay St CM 645·7l10 p .0 Box 1560 SACRIFICE Ask for Jerry whe n you \I\' .. t>tr 1 • •i'l 1 Jlt .ill I :i.taoJ.11\I t. .. •I r m 1·•1u•P m.-nl I 11111 .. "' ,,, ' II I .... 111 " k1111I I 11 .. 11 ... til ... l 1fft•r l•l II .iJt r .. 1 \ f< ( ~ l' Ill I ' 111• k I' I I .. 11 lvlJ l 11..ak I UUl\ll'I hi ~IMllld. I mus bl ,.hill,. -.lut•h Jll I\'\' Ill t'!>'"'' ~0 ~>25\1 :J p1• Sofa set mC'I Ud Sofa WCI 11rnma<·ulall'I all in 1824 W Balboa Blvd, 1 xlnt rnnd Can move Sal/Sun, 9·4pm. Furn & ~ Spe<Mllti•• ll»W )li.>nru• l<i I.. M bt1 2'l.l1 E q 1' lJ .a l I. '·1 1J I I l l' 1lJt1ll111Jlll' l h1111·'>(• 111..: I (714 ) 64 1 mij odds & ends, Pu1t'lJ1ed wh ile l;nmun 1 SUMDAY •TIAIMH llURIMf . .:1. 01:.11 IUlhl .. tu "'II kl'I h,tlJ\ 111l1 & OIJ rlrJ, ln11 ~· .,,, k Shcµht'1d, 1:d "'utl'll dvl( !Teak wa ll ur111, xlnt c·ond. & IJ1111h 1l u~ $21111 I prc hsed tn Oenmark . !Ill:! 17~ will aC'l'ept be:st oHer 962 80lt4 . ~ 4285 Oak desk, lrg rugs. old books, b1c·yde. gam es, lamps. chairs. dothing. erl'Ctor sel , misc 24276 Via Aquara , La gun <r Niguel 495·54~ IJtol ... •· ,..u,h ,1 ... 11 c1 S:11no I'll pup:., AKL' r1·~. l'.-1-...,11 ,..11h 11•111tJ ,. I I>~ iil>ll 6i511274 •amt• & s 1rt' al rt' tn.111u.1l dt•>o.lt'11l\ 111 tw \ 1 • 1 u.1 l"''I k ' ocnt~~ .,., ,;, t1..atr11•d lu "'"I Ull',~ppli-.CH 1010 Hlud11w \l..a1 h1nl' I .a ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• M.ik t\i<.•kt•r Spanlt'li., 12 \1..a1k 75 1 WHO u • I I · wk \Kl' ·h t $22~ n ._blt!r,, )f\\··~ (,fo,, ~ • • s 0 ~. J \\ l11 rlµuvl. Kt•rHnurl', 1•ul'h ~ 4!130 l'rut•k llrl\ er Warchuu'l' man,!> Ila\ 'w<'t•k I. \ & <>ran.ir lulHll\ n 11l \fo)IJI( llc('oruJ1t1011e<1. l'l·(1111i.h1•d i;uurn1llt'l'll ' $14S11d1\l'r1•d i!\11 :1111:1 al Suri H llfl•l11 11111\ 0 1 .. 1tw1 ~HJ lfrfr1;:1•r..at.11 , ,.. .1,lr1·1 . rv p 1-:s f_'J 'I 1-: I< I l'' I llf\t'r. l'll'l' r.tnj:1' 1'11.11n ......... b1kt• !>-1:! 4t1X:l µer1l'n l'1·d ~ < on1pu grnph11 'I } p1·:.el l 111,,i mal'h1n1• Salarv ill' µl'nds upon l•llpt•r-i1·111·1• • (J(l{)(J W(ork lllj( N1rll'fltlr11l!: and Benef11s 5:.lfi 25fo8 TYPISTS •I mm•-dtate I >pen Ill)(!> •P>t1me. f"t1ml', Trmp •TO IJ Pa~ For more Info. call Tod Services at 979 89ou llAHHOH ,\IU;.\ APPLl/\Nn: St-:H \' ll.E We b\!) _U~l'd nppl1111w1•s we sell recvnd. ~war <ipphant'es 54!:1 31177 Kenmore portahlt• dis hwasher. S7~ Top load mg. Xlnt cond 545·!1223 GAS DRYll $50. 673·8717 UHIV.OFCALIF. Wash er d r ye r . good Coop. EdettsiOft l'Qnd . $15() both Refnl(. Ano Merine Ad•isor I <iE. Sl5() 979·5137 Vefttwa/Weste"' L.A. Wnhnt L.A. Co's. lleveltip are<• w1dt• Ex ten l'fluc·:1111in 11rogram to 1•x ll'nd nrar111t· re sour<{·~ rnfo t11 lur·al pulllil' <1ucl1e11n·i.. I II group~ ~ m:rrtnt• u~t·r!. l11t-1111ry pot1·11t1al c·li1•n St-ars Ken more W a~h<'r & Oryc r . x l nt t•o n tl. SIOO bolh Mus t !>ell Xlnl µnre 4\17 1403 (ja~ SIU\'l' $150. 1;us dn · StiO , d 1sh wu:.llr $12f>·. ~luahty 1tl'ms 5f17 2 111.1 Pobl'r11111r1 Pup~ i\K (' !''lu•"' 11uul \'t·n ra n · !-'awns l!.rlvt'r) & lleds $175 & up li75·3712 1la) s ffli97~eves \Kl.' GolJt•n Hetrl'1\·eri. M't' v ups. mom. dud W 11 r m t• d . a 11 s ho ts . ~9!> Uli L o n l(h a 1r M 1 n1 Oarhshunr.1. 10 months. papers. very lovable. m . .oeds J(ood home. SlSO . 759-09!13 Ii\/\/\ ll O M E UO li T RAININ(i WI' train u w ner d oi: Obcd1l'nt·c• 1J r obll'm solvml(, sho"' & prntec tion Free I'\ uulutwn 739 7684 fTHtoYou 1045 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l-'ree to !?d home, 2 aban doned pets for adopt mn F S P eek a p uo . F e Corkapoo Vacc r ur rent 552 1513. tt•lf' & Jn •a., 11r 1•rnph.1:,I~ l(pfrtl(era lor <!:! 1·u (i for µn1.ira111<, ld1•nuf1<·!> ,.. lt:c makl'r S6~1 Da vs 1-'rc•e to.:.~ honw . .> r olcl µrr>lil1·11i-/11 frn•1' <.ulu H ., "'""' .,. • '"k -1 lovml( lolker mix. neut ....... """"· .\ r.s "' n Ills \1 ·h l "·'2 2""4 l ions 1hro111!h l'nl\ &10 5264 · ,s u ~"" .,. ~ IWl' 1.ti1:, t ' I' l.1 n & II ,, ,, 1hr1•1•t p11hl1t• ,..ork-.hop~ l ia~dryer S75 ·1purl ~1zt• l''l'C u tt•mp~rar) "r 'l·1111 m11·s & lll·rnon.,tr.• st~1ve. s:Js <~1~1d i·1111rl 11;rri:~1 nl'.n t or:.11: fur t1un~ l'n'part· reporls, 673 4749 n~uhred 1at 494 :J027 newslellC'r-; 'M S or equ1vale1ll & eKp 111 Fn1i1da1re ltefrll! $200 marine f1<.hl'rll'' ml(ml. Kenmore jila!. dn er $50 <,e(lfcllNl 11·1 h or 0('1':11111 (;"·Gas dryer s 15o Ken graph) t'11nt~ll·t ('11111• more w ai.her S!l 5 ~ Dac hshund s. 2 rt'd m rn, alter ed. s hut:;. AKC. 2 yrs Need IOVlnj.( home ~J6M If rnu('h, brwn whl blk striped. good cond Sl25 493·94 1 l Dmette set, L'oHee Tbl. Lamps. Mtst• llseh ld 1lems. & all wall deeor 5'15·6'715 Seetionul Curve !I' sora h1 dea b e d fe utu re , matching chr. re as 8 3 675 2699 F'URNIT RE WANTED 1 P(' or houseful I Qa)' mor~ ~~·4041 Large, modern Ul':SK Good t•ond1lion. SSO 963 3154 Bunk beds. table saw. 3 wheel bik e . moped, restaurant eq uip. stereo. Pineapple double bed. misc. 10-3 Sat/Sun 221 E 19th St CM 642 1353 New rum. refr11(, oHiee rur n + asso rted household gds Sat, J an 31st Call for vrev1ew 642·5125 Garage S alr . movin g, ~ o u c h s e t -. washer /dryer . r e fng. desks. bench press. rnr- ' ner bar with stools. <.:B . Sal Sun, 10·5 2 1832 AMTl9UfDESIC Ka neo he . H B 1Nr y nusual, $70. 963-3 1~1 Hamilton & Magnolia). Whl Princess Tw1 n bed I 968-443i>. set. SlOO Backn1ptcy. everyth111g 673 1403 must go, from S4 Sl25 (Jueen walerbed. <'Orn plete with healer & 3 scli:. or s het•ts Sl60. 752-67811. L1vm g& Bdrm XLNT COND 840·4575 Waterhed (Juecn s11.l', new ro nd , padded .sides hl'aut ton s t rue· Iron Sat r $175 548 704 4 240 yrds c·elery plush carpet & p ad . Sl yd , TV, ster eo, froslfree, lrkc new. IJ(lsture ped1e d bl ma tt/s prin gs. l'h ei.t drawers. lam ps, bakers raC'k, antique k 1ll'hen chairs. sturdy round ta ble. Queen 1\nm· r ha1r. p ainti n gs , hr a ~::. SC'o nC'es Sun 0111) 17141631 2f..17 Musi sfll' Girls 5 p1ec·e MOVING Si\LE M u:,I Bedr oom s et S3UO sell 2 desks. d rapes & 839 4:igs m1sr item~ 552 1490 Wicke r loveseal. l1k1· new. $75 Wrought inm bird cage, 14ltlOxl6. $5 Brown vr n yl s w1 ve l recliner rocker. no rips. s;!() 17 &-0089 St ove. Sin~er p ortallli: etc 17351 Cunna C r , II B. Sat /Sun 9am-4pm Hones 1060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.xt1·11 l't·r.;onnl'I ·1:11 M.i_vt;iu was h1•r s•·,•.1 l'l '1 l ,. ll ··' I 111 v1•,...11y II .ill, Viti\ •if ... ' 'ue "er e di ie go<'" (i1rl's whtle bdrm furn. t':rlif l\•·rki·I,.\ !J1n 11 c;uaninte1.'Cl ~ Hfi72 w l'hildren must l1•a\'t' desk. vamty, dresst'r & Quarter Horse. Good for English 15.3 hands 1·11 yrs old. Easy to nde. Sl.200. 673·8187 I ( · arcaf.46·51122 mirror. Sl0·S20 '"'' I ' ,., I•• =l!r t:> ( ""'"~'' ~ n-t•zcr, uprt)!ht. cle<in ~ u rlal>' I 1 11 XI \I w ork!, ~ood SIOO funWhr. 8050 1 5487103 Hoia1•o1t:1Goods8065 l11r11atl\1·\c·u1111 ~.111 . 54811513or54R~41.15 •••••••••••••••••••••••L· t h id' bd l••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-~I 11 'urn1 urc. c 1 i. c Hdni:eral•tr, fro..i .fre~ * * l BUY * * lamps , Sam sonite luK , 1 KAAASTAM IUG W 1\IT ll ESS Must 111• nialur .. & m·1·r 411 l '11rrl't' !>hl•I' l'all 1\11sw1·r 1\tl clean. works rim• S 150 (ilJ(l(J used Furn1tun• & . ga~e. mor e 645-7:121 -9xl2 ~z $125. 640-0172 54M~l3orf>41H41.1!'i /\pphances OHl w1llM'llTwrn Be ds w /mode rn M o -v I N G : . orSl-:LLCor You walnu t head & foot EVERYTHING MUST ._..;_ __ ~1..:.1....i.u.'-.l.11.1U.....:.J..ll[;:,_ _ _U;·as· ~ cJca.n.. .. 11.'W'ks. ·~TtttS-AUCTIOH board . comple te in c GO Cr ystal. plants, WAITRESS ~.;:~75 Mii 8513 or 64t.-8686, lll-9625 spreads $200545-4997 Terra Colla plant.ers, s m 1\ lllJh hi w n ll,\ ~I & I refrig, lamps, tbls, chrs. 121''11 rh~•rlll''~ <'hill F n~lda irt· was hH, 8 Boy's Trundle bed with MOVING EAST M UST pictures, kitchenware, ~Jiil rc .. Jthill, lllcll! :;i. yPars old , r uns. but mutch111g dresser. sµal'l' SELL Motorized table c ras h he lmets, radio ~11• =i!2fi. l ' ~I ~21-;~1; nN"Cls allenlmn. s2s Call saver bed with bit 111 saw $75. Marantz Ste r eo c ont r o 11 ed . di es e I II /\ n s w l' r J\ cl u 4 2 2 . tlrl'si:.er , gd q ualtl y receiver $95. Turnta ble p o w e red mode I • \\(H 11m·1>I!I\1-:11 &12.4300, 24 hour., 642 5286 m Playpen sections $50 airplane. N·Mode l elec 1-xp ,,..,,.)1!,,..11rk1·r In I ea Matc hing s wi vel train set. Muc h more r1•r1•,r1nl( 'Pt·r1;d111·1l l Washt!r& l>ry<'r. $200 8 1-:Ali'f 4 pr h\' rm r1X'ker SlOO. rt stool $30 673-4000. ""1 I< fllupnnt rt»11l1nu GasSln\ll'. $45 s<'t. 1 wk old Cost $fiQO, ! Leather slurred Rocker ---1lt·~111•1l, 11ot rt'<l ll1uli 548·27111, 6115 6o9s sell $3.'iO. also, like new $50 Vowl'r mower $00. .MW9iry 8070 pa\. 1u•rr11:111t•r11 ,,,...,, <~offlbl set S250 96:l~248~ Brand nu gold refng 21 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111111 \l11t l11•r11•111, l.rl! Ph1lrn doubl<' d11Qr. <'U 1n rreezer S350. WAMTED 1-: () "· n•frr~ f r ecz<'r, S250 Uouhle bed, nC'w. mul 957 6934 12·6 Sal 12·M TOP CASH DOLLAR 1'1\ll\lli\\I l:\t l!ullan Sha1h:~. 12· & s· lre:,i.. box sprin.:!> & I Sun PA I D FOR YOU R ·~1:i 1~:n l ii1 .1;:o;~;r;i; long $50 ea 644-1!259 lrame,$100 848<l478 JEWELRY, WATCHES. l Sectional sofa, brown, nr ART OBJECTS. GOLD. WordProceuor llUY APPLIAMCES Musi sell chrome l(las~ new S500 er SILVER, SER VIC E. l r\'lnC' llrukNaU•' re• Les 957·111 33 dm set w 4 uphol hurl! 548.Jfiog o r 0 e r FINE FURNITURE & (tutn•<; "''>nl µron·i.~1111! chair.>. wa s $1800. now -. ANTIQUES. 645·2200. 01H·ralor for t.u1Ll'lln & licydn 8020 St200 675 4410 t IUY FUIMtTURE Xerox &II> 1~ r "ork µrc1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kini.: sz Water lied Les 957-8133 l't'.,SrnR l"<pr or r omh of w11r<1 proH't''>S lnl! MEW&USID W1th htr,liner,m1rrored classes & tl{'rtral CKpr & accessories 167:1 hdbrd 2 shelvt's, I yr Typing 60wpm plus Irvine <E) 1>42 4348 old, S250 963 M33 Nice big wooden d esk S200 640-8688 Test 121vcn Benefits mcl prolrl !.hanni.:. med & Hental. 1u1t10n plan & 1Jd Sl'hwinn Scrambler H 11> SELL 1dle items with a P laid He r c ulo n Sora nm~ Xlnl cond S75 Daily Pilot Classifie d Sleeper Xlnt condition 552-7855 Ad SIOO. Cash 548·6234 Alaska natural gold nug. get rings. 1 with •, ct diamond, below G IA a p· pra1sal. 871-7876 1.57 round diamo nd. F color VS·2. GIA & E GL certific ates. Lazar e Kaplan m a ke F ir m price S20.000. 49'·3966 ---- <.:osta Mesa . Ca . 92626 '~ price ' J ohn Wayne PRICE REDUCED call 546-1200 or7ll-1216 * * * ,_.Melo 2136 "A" Thurm Costa Mesa You a re the winner of 2freetfcbh ($24 value>. to SUPEACROSS KICKOFF '1 1 Jan3lsl . Anaheim Sta dium Call 642·5678. ext 272 to claim your tickets *** WANTED TOP CASH DOLLAR PA I D FOR Y OU R JEWELRY. WATCHES. ART OBJt:CTS. GOLD. SILVER. SER VIC E . f1NE F URNTITURE & ANTIQUES. 645·2200. •WAftaFALLS• Natural. self.contained. a rt1st1cally crafted from volcanic boulders StoneAge Creations 1-914·492'7 lluymg Gold 1ewelry & Silver & Dia m o nds Jewells of the Kmgdo m 540-4912 OAK FIRJ-:WOOO Delivered & Stacked Judy. 494-4764 Lonl .. OOflS llehum Bo uquets d e · livered P e d ec·t fo r every ocl'asion 673 4419 Westini.:house e lec·tric 110 1( e arl , t o t a ll y rt'!ltored. S750 673 2730 Oran gewood $140 pe r l'Ord $25 delivery Tom 496-2250 Matt 499·5548 bersh1p. M us't sel 1 • 175CM w Solom on 55~ T en nis Club m e m HEXC~EL UELITES 752·2484. 64-4-1586. biodi 160 SCOTT Wheelchair S22, Nl'w Walker S25, C rulches S20. ~·7011 DI VORCE SAL 1-: Cigur store Indian, h and carved $265. Lut 1an Piccard gold watc h & band $2000+ value, S75() Misc paint111gs & oils S50 to S7!1<l. Bikes. 3 spd fold·up Moto Becan e Sl60. 10 spd 27" Schwinn $230, Man's 111 ct gold In dian heud ring S165, City parking meter on s tand $55, Alpaca fur rug or w alll'overing 48x72" $265, Par rot. rare, tame. Citron Co<"kal02 w rugc $1200. Olym p ia office t y pewrite r S90. L'n derwood addmJ? mach $25, Zabaton pillow. ver.> lllTge SiS. 2 parrot l'aKes. 'i p ril'e S60 & S85. Cad illar h ub cupi:. $100 ·set Offe r ~ c·a~h only 645·2963 FLY I NTJ::RNATIO~AI. on Pa m Am with arrlmt• two for·one ticket shp S1nKapnr e . Ce n lra l America . Grrmanv a ny of 11 ('UUlltrl.t'S Hurry' Good until f l'h 2M 760 1999 Seasoned & L'ni.eai.•med Euralyptus wood for sah'. StoO. p ick up full 673 0562 645-8715 :-Jew Amana l<adara111(t' M1cr11w a ve. 11rig1n<1l w•arr anl \' $249. C ir!'!> 20" b1k{' sJS 9s2 0601 poles wilh s trapless grips and lee tips S15. Both xlnt <'ond. 646-3724 Men's Tecntca s ki boots, s11.e 9, and poles. $75 complete. 675·4410 SpatfilNJ Goods 1094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1827 Sib. 7 shilling stamp w1document. Sl ,000 or car orl rade for hunl111g guns + money 646-3479 Scuba divml( wet s uits, 1 w om en 's s m u ll & 1 medium und regulator & mask 751 8967 Brand nu roller skates st 1 $20 Sl'hw111n lO·i:.pd 56(_! 846. S77 6 TV,laclo, MA, Steno 8091 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaul1ful RCA 25" Color T\', :.i yr wrnty fo"ree de livery Sl24 646 17116 zs• Color TV Sl58 I yc<ir warr anty 642·5340 Forced to ~ell Brand nc~ Cannon TLS Spkrs $300 OBO lyr old rec(.'1vcr $75 ly r o ld turn lbl w b r und Ill'~ $70 cartr1dJ!I', $100 Karl'n b'7:J 4!021 l'hll!>E' Lmeur mrll <!110. ~cncs 2. I~ pr r han n1·l. xlnl $150 fi<IO <!9114 COLOITV SIOO 64[> 7231 43'Gr..M•IMr Fully equipped. Perfect live-aboa rd. $63,000. Slip. $50,000 loan for 15 yrs. al 11'"1'7< a vail Pvt. ply 534-lSOS or 840-2254 on boat. SACRIFICE 7JIAYUMll 27 ft ..... 130 Vof\10'1. hi c--..G,....bo .. mdtroiler.Fty bridlJf+ M•y •xtr.'1. SIS,000 Ceil 675-26'5 MUST SELL O R T RADF: '64 Chris Craft. twin Chev 283's, 27 ' dbl µlank, S 1S. etc-530·2531 or m 28.14 Classie Bay Boat . 19' Century, gd cond. best offer 644·5613 '66 Chris Craft , 28'. twin 185 hp, wood hull. xlnt rnnd. full equip . 'new pa1111 997 8677 '76 Remt'll 24 · Isl S7900 49'!·4780, 496 4162 13' Boston Whaler. w JS Jc>hnson. lo hr~. ('IJ\'e r & xtra~ $32011 644 11260 dy!>. :vt r Sha w , 675 118 2!1 eves wknds t ~' <;la strnn I rt hull "' 50hp Johnson. xlnt ~ond . xt r a• $24011 ll46 2984 t:ood slate lolJ IJOOI table. Ant oak library hcn(•h SSOO You move. $225. Iron bed S50 Wstrn f'rl'nt'h l'ru\ 1ne1al i-un :,Oil' sl(•rl'o, frurl wo111I finish. $.50 545 K560 '75 KONA 18' Ski Buul. w 115 hp evmrude, s pr clean. 250 hr~ on motor , 548-4713 after 5PM Call 760·0786 saddle SlSO 966 0305 loah&MoriM WAMTID Commode and utility sink. 7Sl·8967 ~ &fli,...... W..t.d 8081 ••-••••••••••••••••••• 19' inboard b ay boal , ....................... GeMral 90 I 0 ('(ui.s1<' la psi rake t?OO<I Used m 1111b1ke . Work in.: ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond Best orfl'r 644·5613 Boy 's bikes 121 20 .. o r not An y <'o nd t 14'outbourd. f1bt·rgla!.s & I wood $2110 1;Jo 1;10 11r <!R' 1-:ddy Cr aft C<1b1n Motocross $20 & $60 l Reasonahly pr il'ed Call 974 1205 . 1 ·ru1sl'r slpi. 4, n •hlt enj.?, 2A" Ra leigh lOspd S80 559 9698 Dan 1 I ne"' paint ,' ver} n 1t'l' SJ>(' girl's while bdrm ...UCal loah. ~aiNtenance/ ~hape $8500 Ca!>h or set. SI~. 551 3810 IM.,._Nts 108: Sen1ce 9020 lradt' Slip avail Nwpt New1>0rt Be a ch Tennis (;ONN Director trombom Marine E lectrrt·1an ...................... , 1······················· 63] 1900 C lub rami l y m e m with cuse 1-:xeellenl ~1gn 1nstall ·re1Ja1r 1974 20ft He111ell Cabm bership. $600before 1-'eb condition. SlOO 675 H05; , Qual work !'>49 2:'12U e"V!\ C ruiser ·-11r5nP,rn- (213J 542·61 71. after 6PM lloah. M--. board o utboard VHF c••p::•uul 9010 1 fr equent· y l r ad 1u Airless spray r ig for sale. lba nei elect ric guita r ---Complete cloth t•ovttrinl? Wagner 2000, ISO' o f hose Professional m odel wtth ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• 1n buv. S leeps 4 toast &2gWlli,$800.640·5443. Tree of Lire gum~ up It G uard a pproved On the nec k Woodgra 111 *MAR I HE JU MIC lrarler at 4914 Glen Iris Beaut. Bird Cage for very lge bird. Approx '4'X6' 673-8954 uquidation Sale, 20"!. off wholesale price. Mark el Ceramics Kiln s & Wheels for s a le 9·3PM 2101 S . Yale S t S .A. 979·0121 Gorgeous White f"ox Coat $2000/080 759·9153 or 75 l ·2133 King-O·Lawn front-throw lawnmower 18" reel 2 h p x lnl con d S85 847-9905 Ca rpenter·s ScaHoldmg for la rge tru<'k. S50. 968-8293 POWER MOWE R Bnggs & Stratton U ke new. S60. 963·3154 body with hard s hell SALE• Ave E aRle R ock . cau $500 548-6446 Emre 's rleanrn..: house & 2 1 3 2 s s 9 3 u 3 0 r Fender Bassm e n <.:a b. NEW 15" JBL spkr~ SJSO/bst ofr. 642·4M5 bh noon. VIOLIN. used by pro fess1onal mus ician, xlnt $250. S40-5727 Offk• Fwwltwe & ... dp ,... 808! • •••••••••••••••••••••• Desk . T eak /Fruitwood . beautiful. for home or of fice $300/offer. 552 4307 would rather see boat 714 /fij).9147 $4 ,450 best owners a cquire lhe!.e offer 19' llallelt, 454 Chevy. Be r k ley Jet. lo hrs . xtras. $6000 495· 1313 ur 970·0241 a rt 6 16' Gl.ASTRON with t rlr . xlnl f1shin..: & ski boat 673·5340 TRADl!:WIND YACHTS 27' Uni '70, T 1G. l6K Jll' Chns. F 1G. T IG. S8K 40' Concorde. S F, 85K 40' BlwtrTrlr '78, 75K 40' Marlineer. ld'd . 6SK 44' Pacifica '71 , 160K &'75·9007 Eve 960· 1725 Cla ssi c so· t wn d sl. 1 21la) off per mo Call 752 22.S.'I ext •305 An derson & And e r son lnsurancr Bkrs. lne EOE1Mfll Win Tickets Worth '24 Gold & Silver Top Dollar Jdenlificat1on Req S a I o n -l y p e b e I t 957-8053 massager. paid SlOO. sell for MO. 968·8293 ClOSIMG OFFICES S e l ec t r i e 11 t y p e writer s (2 ). calculalors 13 I. 3 s1dl' return desks. l Leopold des k . 2·2 dwr fil e cab111els. 7' cr edenza. 7 chrom e chairs. 2 tub chain;, end tables, sleep sofa. antique desk, ne w recline r . office rt>/rig, set"Y chairs. misc sup· plies & equip. e xec C'hair. Wknds 963·'7555. 552·5'*: wkdys 645·2666 ite ms tha n the scra p dlrs Manne wi ndows for <.:olumb ias & ls lan ders, values lo SSO S2.50 ea Ideal for Vans & motor homes loo Fuel & wtr ta nks·som e free. all cheap Ma rine hose values to SIO per ft 25< per ft Marine toilets SI per lb Libe rty s h ip hatch brds. al r eady sandbla sted S25 ea 2.000 lbs bronze ptpe & marine fi lling SI 50 per lb. P a rnt SI per quart Gear box for Chrysle r eng SS Raytheon Mdl ISO()A, 32 m1 radar. complete H you t•an prove lo us you have the same set we'll give lhts one to you rree for spare parts lOO's bags sails, many new. 10% DISCOU NT with th is ad. l OO's o the r items Minney's Ship Chandle r y. 2537 W Coast Hwy, N.8. 548·4192 Fe llo w s & S t e wart, S49 ,000 Mu s t se ll . bought larger boat. will finance. P 1 P. 493·9501. 496-9'767 WottD ,_OCESSOR Xerox 800 ETS Opera tor needed for internal 'I m a rk e ting f i rm OuL5tandmg oppty, Top ·bene fits Call . Mrs . Copla n. IMS Equip . ment. 2805 Barranca Rd ., I r vine . 9271 4. ~tl!Ot E.O E ~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-..... 1005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WESTMINSTER ABBEY • ANTIQUE MALL Dally 10.6, Fri' 10·9 CIOMd Tuesday 11751 Westminster Ave Garden Grove ~103 USITHI DAILY PILOT "FAST llSULT" SllYICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call . 641-1671 llt.JU Anaheim Stadium SUPERCROSS KICKOFF '81 JANUARY 31, 1981 8:00 P.M. Tkllf'l!J • .val11bl.-II Tkkeiron, p1r1lt-tp1tl11g K1w1nkl dnlen ind An•h•tm Con\lr nllon C'rnler Boll om~r. Ladies 14kt yellow gld wedding set w /m iddle dia weighing 91 Cir grade E . Clarity grade Sl2 & 6 side s tone s weighing .SOkts. Appr SM91. Sell $3200. 839. 5302 DIAMONDS: 1.54 carat (V~2) Val. $11 ,090 a sk· ing $7,000; 1.25 Ca r at <VVS-1>. Val. $12.400 ask- i n 1 $8,000. Phon e 758-0177 & M9·9702 ... , .. 1ry 8071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Air C ompressor bouaht/sold. Ser vice ... 557-2882 IOICI ••••••••••••••••••••••• CIDLDREN'S BEAUTY PAGENT Girl's 3-11. Al· tractive• Talented, now ac<'elllinl applications. GOLDF.N GIR L ~Qi() ----- Cloain1 OUL, 111\a. anU· ques. ~· re flllturea, mutt ae • tM 32nd St, N.B.67 4. WAGNER A I RLESS SPaA Y OUTf'lT. llOO PSI <Eledric) 100 ft . 1De.W111*G\Ul.G~ Ollnd .... off• tat•. can o,..m.m1 Coldspot roo m /window air conditione r . 110 volts, $75. M5-9223 'llO Wellcraft 20'. llShp Johnson VHF. tUile.r, loaded. $12,000 10 80. 213·1162· 7729 tOSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yat'hl CRITERION 7l'Cl111lcY1wl Halbor Cock la II Cruialna cat.tllna, Channel Isle. Hawaii, Tahiti• Pacific Home port Nwpt Bch (714 ) 831-5192 (21J) 328·SG'7 •IMMACa'-M' BOATS 8/12mo. plans prepaid rromSlll/mo. includina llip, leaona 714/1114·9M For Claaalfted Ad ACTION Call• Dally Pllot Af>.VlSOR ....,. 11111.111 '"' ..,, .... ,.... f...a. tHO ••• tl70 ..... w__, tltD ..._.,1.,.rt.c1 .:s;.;:;u,..nd;:.:;•;.:..;Y·...;.Jan.;;;....;.uarv,;;..;..25.;..; . .;..' _1ee_1 _______ o_A_1_Lv_P_1_Lo_r_.-•;..;•~• ......... .__* •••••••••••••••••••••• 'MYW 77llOIOYAM ... HIUYH MW t11 • Alltos ,l•part.d ........ ,rted -................... ............ .... ....................... . .............................................................. ,...... ~ -.. _, v • t t ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t•'"AT llAYllAYl-t PK:IUP , • u om• 1 c Tup doU•n for SPortJs ...................... ... ...._ 97 .. 0 9760 « w6~ llnde PHd 1 1ranamla11on. a ir 1·und1 Cars Buaa C•mpers OIAMel COUMTY"S t 7J7 ere -• A :Me -a d ... el Wl'INU-PAITI 4 <'Y r,, 4 'd1tiu' "" tlOftln& Power 1t•e r lna Vl4'1,AIJdl'1' ' ••••••••••••u•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... •.-.•hr VHf lmportedrarJ>aru tury air cun itiuhin1. cUNtt~1terw.1unroof ~kforUJ(;MGR OLDIST YISITYOUI Turbo 300 D. Br and new OIAMelCOU._. UO 6 IU Oanuu lflltl'()"T mai11 H•re 111 1 llF.<17130I Thllvanhu & . "'' MriMa., ah tran&..r, AlfrOS Pf'LY bnullful bl1c1L rally ~iplt1tt' urpel pant>i JIM MAllMO Ol~I COAST '81. Can be picked up 10 SAAi •loo • mur• • Slap IOI Ill Manchet lt'f t!qUliiPC'd 1.11rkup w1lh lfli utr1t snt 'hi back VOUlSWA•IN Europe or L .A Delivery BUY or L EASE a vailable' P ried 11 Alua!wim nt1 woo v.-ry low mlll'i Thu1 l11 bu~kels If you l'Vl'r l87UBeach Blvd HONDA July 28 in Europe DIRECT lf!LOW inarht v1tl1M1 1 Ul' •llOl1 truck '"II h1t vt: wa1ilt!d a'fully equi\>ped HUNTINGTON BEACH Sales·Servke·Leasin& 714/640-9400or644·5964. OVERSEAS ....,.., r aU L•rr) Paul •'tQ llQ t;11•mc lo tiuud Iii n" w ho m" th 11> v1111 i.t & Vtir> reasonablr 142-2000 I C ..C HIADqUAITllS '70 280SL, m int cond. DELIVERIES .,.. lo •h4.t• 1r uut NI tl.57 ~ lJH It 1·an be youn lur uni Slttt TOP DOLi.Ai r -----· ~ • ..,...., tt tu lfl rui NnNAI ronJ J.100 OHO '°'l"tllltHHJ ll'1AOIU~U l<I ! vrwe1•omcseelhlsOnt' Rol:loy~ .... BM1W TODAY!!! xtru, Blaupunkl l'H8, , ... ,~.,~.,··:1 ....... i.a v• in...... S64tt IOI WITH "M NewpolS40rt BeJaamchbor64eeO· -'4• UMIYRSITY $20,500 PP, 499·5000. A1.t.Rurneoh11Hll11p,•lnt IOIWITHA)ie • PAID POI 04 " SALES&SERVIC.:t-: WA.NTtD G1JOd 111tlll1111 iond ltll>rt 111·,1 11tl1•1 VOUCSWAGEN ~I CL••N OLD•u .... OllLE MGI 97~4 JD Pot w...&da) 1.1.n ~l~ YOlXSWA•IN lOOOWt'stminsterAvi• -vvv .,.. '79 BMW 7331/While -••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 1?0Cd•OHi G1ove BI Wlll t'll<'h•.nl" 11111rn1" 7600 Wc~lml11:1t11r I\\ I' Ill Wt>stmmster USID CAISI nu vy, auto. 16" 88St P7, HONDA 77 MGB, lo m1, AM t fo'M ( •rH01•n Grov .. 530·9190 1nei:b1uuuJ "u 1 k 6 4 rtll'll whl& 6 l ll 6 . IJr11oll in We11lln111wh:r 111'3 '1:i.3I 638 7880 Al pin a . Cstm stereo, GMC TIUCKS very Kood rnnd. SJSSO. lC •vu ilt"n \lvu ~ c&lll NI 231J1 ""~ 1 ... "' to ft\ vw M "k'' 111 flli 7SSI 638 7liHO many extras. Only 11500 2850 Har!Jbr Blvd. G7Hl029 1t•1 tli3 2'111 1 1 '75 l'ly muulh Vuyuict•r miles, 1mpec:c•uble . COSTAMESI) •eupot 97 ,,. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '711 lludteti I tun, J' ) "II" .-• t7'2 1Fo lkbo•t 1 \1 111 111 r hlded, Sp lt<·h MlOOCI r1Ht22 l1H1g ht'(!, lll'i.' pol, S<!SOO bi3·08.S0 540.9640 '77 Subaru wa1on 4 whl p1i111111.ln , l'u11lo111 IJl'll. YI>.'! 0516 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dr, 4 spd, AM/Jo,M cass. ..._._ S. lum~r ru1·k & t•1t1l IJ0A '711 BMW 3201, snrf, air. '71 HONDA LEASE Minl. $3500. ~-8783. ••••••••••••••••••••••• eb II I) tru1lcl' h11d1 72('hcvy 11011 Cru1sa1re, whls, fo'rn /cass, SllllOO ACCOID LX IM l'Ok'l'ANT 1>tcr(<(1, l'll.Si., 311K $7~>110 ~ t't, ;,,,.,sips 4. lvw 2150 H..._ llYcl 6445942cves. DIRECT! '1~w t fl i.•11 llrn&h)' t•ompltt r S3uu ('f~O ... ~ t070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .Al &¥1 SJ1p, Huntm~ton H.arbor de<' .. w;,ter 12L3156rl 5113 EEOfl··1c ESPAC)o; fo'OR Ll!:AS~ 851 1666 so moonna 6 derelict, 516.000 Newport Brach. 16041229·M79 Kuat S lip for le11sc Newport Beac h l"eb. 1st Sept l !>t 191H 714·673~. NCfl'J 't;1'(J 17141645 7~1 llll(, t•yc•lc• ro1•k , S3ooo Costa M•sa 645-5700 I' ·75 • ..,., t I lh 4 cylinder, 5 speed , fac ' .... ,, ... 1 I ,,.,,., . au o. t:a er mt. lory air cundltionmg, IH.AlJ>:k S l\NU '7tTOYOT" .,..,,_,... t lt Th "'· WANTED I a c. luw miles, SG500 s ereo casse e. lb 1s a UVt;RTISi'~HS be l f I th PICKUP '66 l'llt-:VY v i\N • r.15 9321 au 1 u maroon w1 Thei "fll'r uf 1lt-mi. t I th · t ,. 4 1·yl1ndcr 4 i.1H·1•cl , (j0UtJ<·und,6 ryl,S1100 J.at.t.>modelT0 0 yotus and. • c us om co merior ~;~,l~·~~I 1~~ ::~~~:: m111.s llrre as J vcr~ 642 1272 Vo I \' o s <.:a I I u:. 75 HMW 2002. xlnt C'und, Weirds cannot dest·rihe c I ea n p 1 c le up "'1t h I 'rUOA Y'' · air, 4spd. pm:I' low at the exceptional handlln~ l l••alh ed llld verl1:ung l.'CtlfK•m~ and c xr ;-ll"lll Alllfo 1-'--9510 S4500 497 1881 p er for m a n <' e & 11•o lumna doe1> not t0 ~ J ' ---.., 937UB\' (J llll'ch11n1(•al l'Ont.l1twn ••••••••••••••••••••••• et.'Onomy I l n elude an) ll&.1i1l1t·able O ..,., uuw 5"" 1 d d I f o ly IN771112 > Sale priced ut 1al ,.., m ~1. ou e . a:., 5.a e or n t.aaei1, license, tr11mift•r TOYOJA.YOLYO sume lease S5399 f'*>. finan ce char((l'i., only 213 · 714 ltU H..-w 11., 1714 J6S7 :J(Jll fees for air pollullon ('uo S3999 er Co••• M.,. IOI WITHAM 1911 PIUGIOT MI01 llACH IMPOITS 848 Dove St reel Nfo:WPOHT 81-:ACll 752-0900 t.rolt.lev1cecen1r1c·a1mn1> IOIWITHAM MER-CEDES l'l\U•-•lOJe.so uu '76 5301. hpd a,. VOUCSWAGEM Of dealer cJueum t'nlar.> VC)U(SWAGEN dtrl.'CI 1 'ac;es am fm, i. r . rhll l'nl 760UWei.lm1ni.ter Ave· A u l o m a t 1 <· ~par11tion c•harl(e!t uo 7tiUOWt:slmmster A\t' $8."IOO (11JCl!l26 31l7fl I 111 WcslmmStt'r lrani.ml!tSlllO, ra1·1ory '77PEUGEOT 640SL lt:SS otherWISt' ~J)4!Clfll'd in Wt•i.lo11ni.lcr HOl 1C\1~ ol lmoort<, PORSCHES H!IJ 7551 ti:uc 71U<O :ur rnnd1tiunm1c power bylht:advert1ser 800-7551 (i3H 7~ I 'i7 Jll/I, h 1. a r 111 mi. . , .. , 1 !>ll'l!rtng, p11w1•r win AutosW.t.d 9590 H\'Wtin•;. hk1·n1·~.S!l!'llJl1 1 lloinla 77 All> ti>, dows.!>lereo.,.u11rcH1f A Gwr• 9510 '780ATSUNTttlW K .............. -....... WANTED li7JlllSH(j 1 ~wd, a'" "'ht•r S44'1 1 c•l<iss1<· lll·auty wit h ••••••••••••••••••••••• With ''am1v·rsb1•ll. xl111 1 t~u 46iH l~alher trtlt•nor An t•x \, ~-W)o;J>AYTOl'IJ()l.l.AH I Y .. 1--..a sha• .... n .. w t1r••.• $"'·""' f J '65 da~~u H.\1 W 111110 C:tl . , . . t' l' I I 1• n l b a 11 ti I 1 n I( .WWW r-,. '~ ""'"' Ur lo p U;.C•( 1·ar)o. 110 l l\ll 5s 11• ani r111 '"·ll ""1 '"40 Sul•· s·urr •·ond t , rl'hlt. 1\.\1 l"M ·· 1:. ' uutomuhih: 12 111Tt-:S1 • .__ ... CWlll "'" .,.., , ... -"' ron·1~n . d11111l's t11· .. or .1 ,r~ 1 1 • 1 ...... 9am·l p·m W"·"k ''11y.· .:a~f ··tt•• s:1~·)(I (}fl() s •. di . I PW ~ ,'l' Oni-.ull'allh1·1mhc:lwva "' " ~ dUSSll'S If yuur rar Ii-. ' ·n '" d I I <( 71 YW ...... DSL li7:J O'JSO t•\"l' ra 1als. x 111 ('0111 s .. 100 hie: prn·c: aner 6pm l'Xlra C'lcan . ~1·1• 11;. 5.5:! :!Ill $5999 41.000 ..... a.woof, ~1 HST' 4 speed, A •·F• '73 '76 Rani:hcro sht•ll. ~••••••••••••!?.~~ '7i C1v11., a l'. i.:rl <'omit IOI WITHAM c • s t t L i clean. S2SO or hest o ffi·r .. SJ.200 Wet'ktorub anti VOLKSWAGEN '74 DL, 4 s pd. am/fm cass, 3000 mi on reblt eng, xlnt thruout, 12150. 963.6583 Toyota t7H ••••••••••••••••••••••• '711 C ~LI C A GT LIFTBACK SSOOO. lo m1, xlnt cund 646·7564 '71 corona Wgn , auto. wht. 54K m1, a/c, new trans. brakes, am/fm i:ass, xlnl cond. SISOO 644-l:m. 640-2982 '79 Celka GT Coupe. fully h•uded , s11rf , $5900 552 9545afl6PM ·72· Toyota Corona 2000. xlnl concl, new painl. new lln·s. orig owner. SI SOO . 548 341)7 or 5411-26911. '77 ('chC'a hall'hba<"k, xlnt c·oml, auto, <llM m1. u1· Tra pDtialloa ••••••••••••••••••••••• ti 10 ....................... 171rn:..I e . c . "6 l"'6 ~k,_, '75 DATSUH evt.:4775151\t!I 761.l(>West m1 111oll'rAvt• 280Z In Westminster $6995 "76 C h evy Stcµ~1de Sharp 280 coupe J J_,... 9730 A!l3·7~1 6all 7MHU 'HO Ceh ca LTD Edition Shortbed, air, IJ!>, J>b. till l>IJCt'tl, ;,i1r t•1md. ;.tt•r1•11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.uacleu Call 775.5471; whl, dual tanks, uff n•utl " 1 '"Or~ c_.., Uynam1lc' 145!1SX l ' 1 Eliminalt' main\ ~·i;.I~ on I 1-:.-.1at1· Sall-. ·111 l>1l·~t"I. all Sat Sun Wk k d y:. !'CS!. 963 9145 •BONANZA '67 V35 F'ull IFR Collins Load ed. lmmac. Tie·dn 0 C 1f de· sired, will assist fin. 700.1524 ••• I. Da•isJr. 19<15 Sherington G 212 Newport Reac•h Vou are the winner of 2tw...tk•.ts (124 value). to SUPEICIOSS KICKOFF 'I I J an 31st Anaheim Stadium Call 642·5678. ext 272 to • claim yoor tickets . ••• 7'2 Lance mini lrul'k, Jacks. roof rack . l mted window:.. Priced to M·ll 548--0817 • •4 Dr Dodge truc k w cmpr, s ips 6, good rnnd S.1900. 968·568H Perris valley Camper -· '!lheH. fitll Datsun l'U SIOOfirm 645 1117ti '4fi Ford Woodie, restored $13,000. Al.SO '29 Model A Town Sedan. 4 dr. restored. Ideal for stu dent SI0.000 675-6161 · '69Cougar Convt OnginaJ & Sharp: 2nd owner New top S7f)Q stereo. SJ2()() or senuus o ff e r 559 50110 or 638 1131 ReueatioAal VehidH 9530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '711 Dodge RV Van Self contained Xtras. low miles. 842·5241 Sand rail with trailer bit "100: Xtra's' S1800"f1BU S45·2061. tto~udllbs 9140 4WhHIDrins 9550 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '80 Peugeot. great shape Just tun e d Mu s t s acrif ice SJSO I bes t 642-4039 ~o:r..ca:s/ 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MONTESSA 250 t:ota T Tnals, IOOO m1 . l1kl· new . $450 544·4560 fla ys. 673-6394 evei, HEWll JHf'CJ Pow s t eer . trak lot. hurkel s cat s , front slab1llzcr, r<>ll hilr & more Yours for 1m- med i ate delivery (0211870) . S7419 COSTA MESA AMC JEEP 549-1023 tires, s tereo, ai,k 1111: 2!tlr1llarl111r lllltJ ..... --1_-...,..d $4995 •·our Ji\f,' •'un\ 1,, ..... 511 11pt111n~. makt· 11ffe r 5 JOHPM $1995 545·2014 < '( IST1\ M ~:s,\ -v.. .. ,...... '"' ' " " 6i75 10.11 •••••••••••••• ••• • •• •• • 1 JIM MARINO eng Veil S1w c., & ~:i \ ,. Tf"iunlph 97 6 7 '10 DODGE V AH A u t o m a l 1 ,. transmission You rnui>t see this window van lo appreciale the s upt•rli care it has had with llJIA miles & beautiful a11 pcaranc·e. f696Zl<J) Yuu will drive ll ho na · ror only $1999 IOI WITHAM VOUCSWAGEN 7600 Westminster Ave in Westminstt>r 893. 7551 6311 7!111() '79VWIUS Dynamite 7 passen~er. 4 speed with low miles Ongmal 1382YllS1 $6995 JIM MARINO VOlXSWAGEN 18711 1>4>ach Bl\ d 142-2000 '10 VW Y AMAGON 7PASSEHGER 4 tylinder . 4 s pt•1•tl , stereo cassette: /\ be::n:ifffiilv an. The 1 c luxe model with seal!.. carpet, luw miles Vou wi II never fu1d a 111n·r m o d c I ( o r I <' i. s 1600YYH) Sale Prtn• Sll.999 IOI WITHAM VOUCSWAGEN 7600 Westminslt•r Av .. m Westminster 893-7551 ti3H 711110 979·2500 AHaROIMO 9705 VOLKSWAGEN S 111 lhl' lo ng r un IPorscM 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111711 hc:wh lil\tl li75!11xn.ur!HiO 1725 i·vi• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7!1TrlJUM PllTR7 ,,..!~~~~Sh! LEASE 842-2000 1 t-::irl) fi7 Jai: ~ ~2 4!-.pcl :1 ; 1978f'ORSCHE .coNV)o~RTI8.LE. carh'i.. knu1·k off huh:.. 1, 911 SC COUf'E Musi s<'ll des,perate For .111\ 1'11·an u,.1•11 1111 DIRECTI Oii I f µon or.dom1•i-111· 1·ar' ,,, • l'lt·anSS7S<1 ti75 r.s1;11 Thi~ utr ,., ;,i hl;i1•k un 't·r i·ar ~r l')C' e . or lrut·k!>'' ~~ hlac·k IH.'alll~' ~. "''''l'li l'<ltuly Xln l i·ond1twn. (.'onla1·t U11h \\ alk•·r 1911 ALFA ~ 'b7 J;,i~uar I ~ ~cilan J\ Irani. lal'!C)n '>llllffHlf, lo milel>, "lra:. 63!1·3625. LIASf re:.ill) 1!0•,.1 t lil"~11• \\in· f .1 1· 1111 ' a 1;. • •l n ii . "nt Sl 'ITFllU~. reel cQn vt BARWICK -···· ... DA TSU,.. 111'\C-c,.. ... - \•"-C•"'._ .IJI 117\ •tlll7S WEIUY CLEAN CARS ANDTRUCkS CONNELL CHEVROLET :!>0! llJrhor Iii HI <HffA !'rH:S.\ 546-1200 Top Dollar Paid F11r Y1mr t 'ar · JOHNSON & SOM Unc•M~rcury ~ 11:.irl)IJr 1111 ti We f'ay OVER llwlook F11r Your <:01111 Prem 1 um pri n · .. paid ror :rn\' ui.1•d c·ar I rore1~1l or dornt•,l 11 I m go1,.1 1·ond1tu1n &·c· Us Fin.1 ' SPIDERS YOUtt MEW 2IOZX wht•t·b. air. 1\111 1-'m. I H IJU l>~n kt 1\ :\I 1-·M tmmar c·ond 4 s pd, DllECTI Uridge,.ton•' rad1ali. '>lt·rt~• 1·a~i.1•ll1'. w1cl1• .11 AM FM eass, lugg rack, IEACH IMPORTS H48 l>ovC' SI rt•t't ,\:EWl'llllT 111-:1\( 'II l-~ .... ~~ ... ·P'9"MPllll St'n..,llJh p111·.-d F11r Iii." lt·alh .. 1 -.i·<•h . 11wr lurh1ne rims S4 ,800 quahl) 1·ur l'rl\ :111' 11ar 'Alll\111~'• hra, f•11:-tampi-. Must let ~o· 750.7393 t N00•1 n 1111100 l) 714 5411 5'i-li I & i1nl\ H (11H1 111 !It·'· 752-0900 , 1 11oc• .. _ .. .,.,.., •• ,_ I r:at~l "1' I' 1 ~ ............ !?.~~ ONLY S22,995 9707 '7!1 1Ja1~un ;i1111zx I irk '7'" M "ZD" RX4 IAKER STREET •• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , "' " USED C "RS lirwn, 5:-pd. /\ llr1 y1·d 4 cyhntlcr, 4 "rwcd, air "' 'Audi ·714 /\ud1 51.l(l(J, ~ 11ac·ka ~1·. wh1•1•b. a rn fm c·ai.i. 1•ond1tl\1n1n" 1\ \'t·n. JJrt• 142.'> Bakc:r St1·1·1•I x I 11 I (' ,, n cl <) ll I II • I ,., ( '( s·1· \ 'IL'~ \ ;( 111 t• t• 11 d SH !i 0 fl 11 ,. (' ., r l h :J I Cl rf I ' I'" I. ' '' ,-.,.,, S651•l ()fl() 5:14; 01<'1 .J p 5'"5 3334 i l4 54Gll:IJI , 1•11nla1·1 t•t.·onomyantlr1·l1al>1lil\ "'· Austin 9709 l'a111 Mon Fri, H :i 146!JLWB 1 Thi:.1~ a lr111• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uur~;,1u, \'flr~ ltfford:a ·r.5 Spnll', iH :!cir 510 S\'d~n. m1;11· 1 hie'. fur uni) '75 f'ORSCHE 914 $1<!00 OB() I c·o11tl,a1r,r.A'.11 ~rn I $1995 5:x; ll51 5.,1 :.1011. IOI WITHAM I ll\ nu1111L1• !°) 'l"'t'd 1•1111111· :'\c\ l'r '4 n•c•k1•tJ. 110 ru,.1 a n d \ t· r \ ,. I •· a n l'.IH!l!\11'1'1 • IMW 9712 '7:J 240Z 7 yl'ar~ T l.l VOLKSWAGEN •••••••••••••••••~••••• ~·•~ht .h~onH·. rl'µa inl., 76()0We~tmmster ,\vc I For 1 h l' b i•' 1 fl t• a I in air. Ma~"· ~I 11 k $4!>00 m \\es! m1ns~~r 1 llrani;:1• t ounl \ ('11m1· I IH<· ll7:J 65 0tJ . lt p ;, 1(9J.7551 fi:IH 7}(11fl S.·t· t '!-> T11d.1~ '· ~.r,2 74<!.1 S5995 JIMMARIHO VOLJ<SWAGEH 11:1711 lll'a!'h Ill\ ii '842-2000 SADDLEIACK 1 -V Al.LEY IMf'ORTS 211402 :\olargun11t-l'k'4'\ ~1 1ssum VWJI• 831·2840 495 49 CREVIER &. I SI & BROADWAY SANIA ANA 835 3 1 7 1 ,,_H UI f1MArF fHHV1Nr. MAt fllNt •USED.llMW1• '732002 I05:>XI ''5 <!IJ02a I OCl3.'i I '762002' roll>fl I 1:17111 ·77 3201a W.17<1 I 1979 MAZDA RX7COUPE i9 2'111ZX. hla1·k , fiic·I \\h11c' t'>elt•riur 5 .. 111·t•cl 1;11hJ 1\c·t•1•r11 l'kl! 1;1 ,11111 Iran' :\I fo'\f ,.,, • .,,.,, l'<ir..du• !Il l :-.c· i!J ~1111 Luxur) l'kl! 1111'1 I''· I'"' (•a,.,('(lt• hra. rear 1A111 I 'unrt l<1k1· 'l' 1•1 1 .. ,., 1·ru 1~1" 11·ar '"I"'' tlo'A hJu\er,,111.il(io.&c•~ •llliZ1\lld 11r cl1•1ai1,1.1ll w:i .. h~·r . a c· .1rn fm lrasharµ' •!S-IH\'N:\1 1 l:H<!l'i22 HS "'k1l:ih , J111• Slt'n~1 ni~~ w Surruun1I ONLY S7599 I or Kath~ Suuntl. ~olcl l'ana,.1111r1 IA.KER STREET ma •i. lll:wk (;•u• ·-~4* mt.· M 11111~11 Moldmi.: l'r111l'1·1 (;rp CARS H~-tl, l'\l'r) la•·111n 1111 Thermo (:uarc.I 1111 pr11 1425 llakl'r Stn·C'I lion, rnl'I IJ "'. a t'. s r lcc·I. M111g paml fir'"'· ('f)STJ\ 1\11-:St\ .1111 rm l;q 11• ~l1·rl'O, bra. ~old ;11•1·t•n1 ;.tn 11 I 54'5-3334 a li:,1Jl ut•I\ 1rnrn ,11• lnj!. all ."''.r\' & .s mug l ·n Mazda. 1'1~111n I'll~ I s12.;,110 ~44. 1;,1;11 du ~~. t-ornpl >2.hlHI 11r1~ m 1 low mis. l(d r•mfl S<!Sllli R1:11-::ni.1 cv1·s Sll,900i0HO f>4fi 4:1:11 . I !17!1 SHfi:I •Ir "fl ;, :111 l!lli7 l'1111 St'llE ~12 ;>31; 1»125 I n I; 11 ti d t ' o 11 d I I 111 n ·77 ~Z 2+2, xlnt 1·cmd .. 71, t:rismu, \'l•luur up 775 (!85Jafter 2o t'll)r k A. l . l'US~. ~ildllili.. Still holster). a '" 5s111I 7 r I · ti 7!1K 1r ·7 1•• !124. ~unroo . nrni:i., s i.i t '. · mi ,"' ,. Am Frn s ler1•11.l(d1·u11tl l11a.\.(·11H·r.ne<Al1n•i-.& whls Slil!IJO <l!Jk 11154 Huns gr1·a1 s:1.u50 0110 I hrak1o;,, J1lnl rn111I. srnoo 7i 211uz 2 t 2 l.11w ~3SSl 2 I !11\:11<1211 rn1h•al(1• X Int •·111111 I 97 O j $7.fJl~I M«-c~s HZ 4 1)7 !Jll rblt 1•111:. nu t1n•i., Vol&SWCICJfltl 9770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78VWIAlllT 4 c-yhnder, 4 s peed. sun roof Hi~hl now ts the time lo ~ave•S 1rncl gas 141lh Lh1s pretty Rabbit 111911'J I ) It runs great . hM1ks great and 1s very affonfahle al only S3l99 IOI WITHAM VOU<SWAGEH 7600 Westminster Ave. n Westminster H!t3 7551 638-7880 '78VWRAlllT I I) nam11 ·,-us tum 2 door 'Allh J Utomal1« tr ans .rnd low mile:, 1707VIJOJ Sl995 JIM MARINO VOUCSWAGEN 11171 I beach Blvd 842-2000 '75VWIUG 4 l')'l1ndt'f. 4 :,peed lli34NYl1 Don't beskep ti<·al heC'ause of the low pr11•1• lhts great hllle c• r on om y 1· a r 1 s i n hcaut1ful rnnditwn and will be sold this week· c:ncl for only $2999 IOI WITHAM VOUCSWAGEN 760IJWeslmmster Ave m Westminster 1193 7551 638-7118() H~v11rna 360, late '75 CR m odel , mutzlcrs, curnutt.s, s loc·k & desert tank. xlnt s hape $600 631-9259 '-r.l F'<1rd t-: IS.I l.ttatll'd l.1fl kit Dual lank!> 1 $5800 491; 4162 art 5 ·77 Dodl{e Ma"' Van. ri#iO() '77Jeep<.:JS.l'lean.lom1. m1 Loaded, Am Fm stert•o & many xtras . f'as:-. rapt chairs, ~nrf. , 'i7 6 :JO C'SI ii Ulll I 11040 I Closed Sundays 1nri 115511 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t ,trfl (m ('f.t~'· ~lnl c·ontf, ·1~s .\1 EHl'EIH:s ·~It' SlitUllii5 0480 '73 VW 'THING' Ver) rare Great run ner. llas ull the curtains HlfilNQKl loadl'(I for off road1111{ bed. $3.950 •198 75'.l!I Askintc SSSOO 5411-3641. 1 675·7306 '77 Custom 1:;1 50 Van. xlnl I " I r \I• 1 1\1 II ,H '80 Kawasaki KZ250 I.TO model, xlnt. xlnt 1·ond. ms. cond. many xlrai.. m .1k1• '62 Willys P U Xlnl t•ond , offer 751·42611 !ffATlON WAC;ONS Want !11 hu} ·74 ·71; full i.11t• wag•111, prt·fn <; .\1, SIS<llh'ai.h 645 1839. ·77 YAMAHA IT 250 Hid den 6 limes Ston•d 4 yrs $675, 673-8187 "80 y AM xsaso STD 2300 m1 , drive shaft. mags , bl1'/slvr. $2300557 1972 Hodaka. IOOcc dirt bike, Xlnt cond. $225 552-7855 moving, must sell As k· mg S.1200/0BO. <.:all Art 1714)530 4889 '78.leep Wagoneer loaded lo mi, $6000 s pr tlean 95.5-0289 MUST SELL T/WK '79 TOYOTA : PI S. P/R, A /C. Dual Shot•ks. Am/Fm <.:a ss, Much Mor e: B est Offe r 968-5210, 962.5900 Sacrifice. '77 S ubaru '78 01'175 Yamah a En-Wagon. 4 whl drive. d~, ~ono shock. 800 4spd, Am / Fm cass. ong ma, stored 2 Yl'll. Mint. $2.800. 540.11783. pert. cond. S800 or trade. ----- 77$-1494. T,_.. t560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1!:it=~ ~l60 7' CHIYIOLIT ....................... LUYPICIUP For Rent Harvnt Motor 4 cylinder , 4 speed, Home 20ft. Sleeps Six map. Ir you ever want· pl U R I G ed to own a n econom ical ~· ~97 e:ne~r sP:: pickup with 1hell a nd Pri •-p rt low m iles, now i1 your --"-•_ .... __ •--'-Y-· ----1 chance. (20J162> This ,.....,._ UHlfr ti 10 pretty little pickup will •••••••H••H•••••••••• tell thla weekend for 3X4 1 wheel trailer, SUit only orolfer. -..u S4ff I IOIWITHAM s·x tt 'boatrlr. YOUIWMIM *500 TIIOOW•tmlnater A11e. in W..tmlnater __ 11J_ • .-__ or_117_·•_m __ 1 •1a1 •-1• ......... , ... ................. ....................... Mn V.W Van h'oftt and .,_.....,,SIOeach. ... Jt•'IAIC1 .. 1rll1• .._ •&71hve . t .... W..ndiallDke .. lllllall.I 1171 080 -- lt7tttMC CllWCAllll Wl&h air~ .• All/fll l tnek •camper 1peclal ulilltJ ...... (111 .. ). -· UMlftlllTY .......... -........... ~t= '71 GMC Ueluxe Window Van 3500 miles on brand new engine Hemovahlt• ramper un1l, front & side a wnings 1;46 %6!1 days. 760 9561 eve's & weekc'.'nds SJ.SoO Ffllt SAL E .. It r 11r1I Wgn, IOO.<M)O rn1 . rt·a~o11ahll' rond & appc•ararH'I' 111· .. 1 offor 5-tH·ri!l!tH Use ,,,..,.. At/ service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your c·lassified ad . . . we take your messages 24 hours a day , .. you call in at your . convenience during off ice hours and get the responses to your ad th is service Is only $7 .so week. For more Informa- tion and to place your ad call M2·5678. '761MW l>ynamlt<' 2002 '' i.p1•t•cl lnins, air l'Onrl. 1>1·1.:C' IA1th lie1J(e llllt•rtor Vl•ry l'lfoan IOOll'ILJ 1 $5995 JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN IH71 I beach Blvd 842-2000 '751MW llynamile 2 00 2 /\ulumatit", air 1•ond . and only 53,()(}(J original miles Super t'll•an 1419NKtj> S5995 JIM MARINO VOUCSWAGEN 18711 bea ch lilvd 142-2000 SADDLHACK IMW '77 BMW 320i 234R7.~ '77 BMW320i 9221'WX '7!1BMW320i 799UW '79 BMW 320i 358WRE 179BMW3201a 836YZE 808MWS38i 8567.SU Zl402M• ... rfh P.trw-., ......... ,lelo IJ 1·2040 4tl·4t4t CloledSundaya IOI McLAllM't & eoN. Beach Blvd. LA HABRA (I Mi. No. of IA rw1) C7t41UUHI ....,bJAPlll. .1 9723 \:('!') l(OCK! l'llnd S'lHIMI ...•..............•.... 1 971 Ferrer i 3 01GTS, xlnt l'l111d1t1on Man\ ~Ira~ Will show b) ;ip 1w11nt mcnl $33,SOO 12131991·7117 Fiat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Fiat 124 Spidc•r Ht-tllhlal·k. imman1la1.e . must :we:: 072UJ !-o SAOOU:RACK BMW 8.11 2040 4!15 4!149 {.'losL>d Sundays '75 Fial 124 Spyder conv Xlnt cond. C:ustom 1n tenor, amifm. lug rark S382S or best offer I' r 540-J(YTI '76 X19 noe of a kind 20.<XXI mi. custom paint, cass. stereo. Monza sys., ma11s $5000 673-7080 aft 6pm '77 1.24 Spyder. beige. It bm top, xlnt cond, am rm ; rack, Mich. tlre!I, SMOO. S52· 1M5 '71 Fi1l Xl9, xlnt con d , lo mi, xtras, $5000 or best. Wltdays: "6·2932; Eves 6 wkenda: 831·3044 . t7J7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 HOND4 W4•0M 4 cylinder, • speed, air ~ln1. stereo, aun root. (881Rf:I) Here 11 a crut e<!OnOm y wa1on ·in zt' condltkm with lo 12"' IOIWITMAM ' YOLISWM .. -.Wtltmlnlter A•e. .............. .,.1 ... 190 Gf>I 11:145 "66 2011 1>1.-~el, ne'A 1·n1: 'l a r I\• 1 • h J II 4 ~ 1111 Am Fm. Ian 12:1..iK ~·1 ·1 I' I' •l!M 3134 '77 JOOD , ped rn11d. 711 ,UOU m I , m cl a 1111• I( r e e n . $ I 2 , !I o o 1114 1546 s1.ir1 '72 250. or il! 1·on<I. a '" p !',Am ·Fm •·ass. S5WO 552 45811 , 552 5073 , 543 2175 Musi Sell· M B7. '77 450 SL, immar. or11e pri,· owner 171 4 J835·933.'i '75 450 SL· One Owner Roth tops Call 675·0975 '64 ~. auto, r&h, reblt eng, new paint ml, $4000 499·4841 "79 MB 300CD, xlnt cond. $21,000. 495 ·1313 o r 97~03tl aft. 6. "79 MBZ 4SOSL, lite ivory. xln t cond S32 .000 642.2950 "19 4llO IL: Perfect cond. Only 7800 mlt.. Sell at 912,000 or take over .._ wtlh SIOOO dowa • .,.,.... .. of 9MI mo. CaU..,. ,, ..... ,.. • Wlaldl • a ••. .,..,, ·1411 l'or;,i·he !#21 l.o m1 . ii ~p1I full) t'llllll)l>l'll Sl 7 SOU 1;:11 !Hil:i & ~ <!IY.!H ·72 91 IT Targa, n•'"' 1•n~ brakes, nel·cb 11a1111. $890(1 675 1069 9755 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 RENAULT 'LE CAR' 40 mpg, 4 ~pt•ed with l'anary yellow ori11inal paint (irl•al ll u y' 14~V<;O ) $2695 JIM MARINO VOUCSWAGEN 111711 beac h Hlvd 1 42-2000 '691 ..... 1600 Best orfer 644 7809 S2t95 JIM MARINO VOUCSWAGEN 18711 beach Blvd 142-2000 'IOVANAGON 10.cnl miles. dean Must see· (089158 I SPECIAL ®'" »tw.Jt UOWQul VOlt<SWAGlN INC 534-4100 13731 Harbor Garden Grove '7SVW Bu g Sunroof 31179 SADDLEBACK BMW 831·200> 495.4949 Closed Sund1ys ·-~~~~~~~~-1 ltll IAAI TUllOt IMCHl••OITI ..Dow'9.,.. NnPOllT ISACR , ...... '11 VW Bq, alllt fClftd. 11.000 . , • , ll t S'•l'-•l u ·~•v ...._,, ••p•rted A....._u..4 .;;.:~······;;·;; ·;~::;.·······;~·;;f~.~~-.... ;;;~·.•.111.";... .. ··~······;;·ii ~--...-.~~ ---.........••..............•......•.........•... ...... ~ 1•11to•,I"'~ A•.a.t .. 1rW v........ t770 .._ ttlO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• V.a.w..,.. 9110 o•••.... 9710 ¥ .. t w.... t 710 7H\!WC'url11wr,tOJ>oflhe '7'1UfC• •••• •••• ••• •••••••••••• •. • •. • • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • •••• ••••••• • •• ••• •• • •• htY.. tn ~aak '-·oud Auto, SllYLAll J H . YOU.# I * ~...._. •79 lt7J Doo.I "71 fOaD CAIMILAC z+z H a t ch b ack ! DAITS.AM MUST ...... 11 OVER 190 NEW AN O DEMOS OPEN EVERY NIGHT11LL 9:00 f'Rf£WAY Cl 0 l W£ DISC OUN 11 10 YW JITI A. \." hu.. i.nr I It• m .,.m. awnlllll. Ctl, 6 c:ylinder , automall<'. '"'""" 1,,."1,11 11 ult l 1111li•u141· Hl•r I 1·111111 • burit\lliar lll.irm s7t'OO pow.ir atterin ti , hH'111I DIALllStW tM Economlul 5 1peed va. s tandard tran!I . Mir Look a l this very 1peclal OltAMGI COUMTYI ma~ual lran1. C lean c:ond .. vinyl lop. ndto 11 find. V~ en1lne with .4 1. 11 11K11111 ~.m 11""' !!);! Uo7 IS.J2 Gtll.'> ('ar. <O'HNYI) , c:ar. <062XJU). more : <l15G VZ > speed tranamiulon for OMLY S41tl $ll9S. &real economy! AM11•'M \nCIAL ,,, \" ., l'•IOl'lltjl•I \ Jll Yoho t77Z szttl L If I 1 1 11 \1 111, Jh 'IOU l'I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• SALE:S. SERVJCio: ANO LEASING HOW••AcL.... ster eo and r ac ng -_....... stripes. <M4VZX). It A N N U A DEM O SALE NOW I (\•1\Utu:" ... ~ ~~~:' -)J.., 111r·1 '1•111 VOLVO ~ 4 100 11 """'' •lll•IO 1 11 tl111l1u 1 11 il1III1111~,, t<,-4 6ilioJ 'I "' ,, •• ).IMt "" 1•1, SALIS, SHVICI 1 rt t' 111 AHO LEASIHG \\ "''"'"'' .... , .... I \I I 1 ... 1111 I•• ' '" lll' It\,,,\\ I""' ...... " 1fl11 11.>111.·.,., t f~I I, IH n 1 \ • I , lfl "~ l 11 ttl u A t .t ""' t I "'"'' I • f '"· f ·'· ·~-·· .... ' I ,, ''·'"' ' ,. t tthlf 11111 '" I II ti Ii l II ·•I• 't fl ' T I ' .. ll\I I I '' \\ " .. I" I I II• EUROPE BOUND m .. ;11s1-: s 1>,.:1.1v,.:tt Y r:XP,.;ln'S U RUIH VOlYO 1111;1; fhtrh•>r lll\11 <'11!-!~l'A M .. :SA 646-9303 540-946 7 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO ~\11.t:-.l \11' \'Ill \I) l ... j,ll''' \ 111\ II l )1•,tl1•1 HI ( lr'.tlt~'I' t 01111111 \ )II ' Ill I I ,~ ... 111111 < l '• ••• . . lj " ,. .•.......•..........••• '79 IUICI REGAL What 11 bug wllh undt>r 23.000 miles·: Fl•uturin.: JJOWt:r 'ilt'erinl( t1nd wrn dow!I , vinyl top and mun•' t513Xlll 1 Ju~t to.lit $1.~ JOHMSOM & S()M Lincoln Mercury 21i2ti I h irl>ur 11 h d Cu~ta r.h'~a 540-5630 ESTATE SALE 7h Bufl'k El1·1·tr.1 l.1m1l 1~1. 2tl r. full) 1•1111•1•pt•ol M "rt F r 1 • K 4 p 111 7fM 1:ix~ 7'• ''I'••'' E• .. t.11t· \\ ,q•ou ,tll pO\\ , (II\ I I Uh l' 111 1111 \111 ~Ill '"i ,., 1x1,, 71\ H ~:c; \I. h.1 \ 1h111i.: ~1f1<~• t \ ,. ' '7t CADILLAC ELDORADO F ull power, AM t'M stcn.'O. C U . split seal~. leollher 1nll'rtOr. w1 re wheel dri.ci.. tilt ll•lt• wheel , 23,0UO mrll'' 1Si<tVl)f I $12.495 ~ AUEN OLO~OllU•CADILLAC GMC • ~UIAAU &UIC..-.CC..,.,....._, lAGUNA NIGUEL ... ....., -.£.,.,Un 831 -0800 495-6430 '80 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE \ •. r, 111" 1nil1·,., 1111 tht-. 1 .. .,.u1ifull) 1.,1u1111w•I 111'ttr\ • ••UI'• 1u1 lu1ltnl! 11·,tllwr 1111t·r1111 1rl1 Dove•QuailSU. Exiljree Ir ,. .• t won'tlas'l lon1 ! $3991 NEWl~::;,~ACH blj!!filfiJ ~!°"w!;7." '75C .. VIOLIT Opt..nDatly &Sumla y 2626 HarborBlv . MONZA COUPE 'trl IO P M Costa Mesa 4 cylinde r . 4 s peed , 2!i29 lll.lrhor llh 11 540.56JO stereo with 49.000 on e C'oi.ta Me~:r ;o Mach I 3SIC. PB/PS ownerm~~·~~NY l l 546-1934 Nu brlts1t1res. Runs gd Auto. nds mnr body JIMMAllNO '77 Aspen Ucluxl·. lo JSK work + p n t 12000 VOUCSWAGEM m1, $3250 7(iO·IH.'14 18711 beach Blvd .• 631·6557 142·2000 SHUSFllST! We have a l(ood selectwn o f N E W & U S to: U Chevroleb1 '. COHNElL CHEVROLET -~ ll.1rlior Hh 11 I ·1 ll'i I A M r..-. \ 546--1200 '78 LUV W/lt1r , n ew 1m 1 Joh. mal!1'. am fm 8trk. xlnt c·und 14200545 3231 '73CllE VV 1.L'\' \' 1, Au\Omat1t·. Sl\'rc11, N1·" µainl. T1rl·~. xlnl t•cir11I $2:195 !Hi2 27:Jtl 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74FORD COUMTIY SQUIRE tPASSEHGER Only 65,000 miles. all nrrj(1nal ;ind ~har1> IA1aded • c2.12M VII 1 $1995 JIMMARIHO VOU<SWAGEH 11!711 IJcac·h Jll~d 842-2000 ·i1 1::.lax) 500 i.lnr 1·111111 JI '· ,, h $1\110 ()fl() !:11.:1 if>lfl '74FORD '66-6 cvt-SZSOO Gd concl 675 9325 '641/J-SZOOO or best ofr. 642 1339 '•i!> Must;ing 2+<! 2tm Auto, Al 1·und $2995/ofr K<i2 li<!M aft 5 or M46 6465 ·70 Mu~lanj! f''a:-.th;il'k, c· I 1· 1111 . ;i u t o, a 1 r . J\111 Fm. 19m p~. must ~I' 11 $ I 5 5 \I I (I B () li'15 l!llll2 •MUSTAHG• h7 2'\!J E111o:rnt'. \'K, a l'. flt'" radial tire~. n •tl v. l1lk 1111 t•rtur . S 17511 Ila\~ 1,12 4321 1•x1 210, 1·vi·:-. 1;,w 11~19 PROGRE SS BOB WITHAM VOLK SW AGEN 'I I .I lo """ti .. 3 HM AMC 9905 Cadillac ............•...•...•.. 99 15 v. h1•1·I 1•r 111 '" 1 ont roil ,11111 ,,, 111111'11 trturo•'' 11.11 1/,lt.l 1 '"" Jll'I Sl~.~•H7 't;iit'hcv lmpal;i l'u:-1 <'pc COUMTllY SQUIRE I'S I'll A< Cd V~nl Top 1 9 PSGR WAGON 9955 i ld l '' . ,, ~. ,, ~·j; ... 1 ·n vw fl ARnl1 IJ\ I '"' 11u f ,..,, i'• ·•I \l1lo • I I 111 I SHH JIM M.A.Rlt'"4 v VOUCSW~G H ... I ' ol 1 ..,, I \ ' ··I•• ,., • .,. i ' .. 1•, \\ '' 1.1 i I I 1: I •x ,. l·I· .. ,,,. 11\.1 1lf \\ . "' I ol I fl I • J f .1 'I ' fftl \\ """ I ~ "' ' '1 t Ii I t H ' I 11 II I I I < I I I \ 1977 AMC HORMET W AGOH ""'' I•···• 1a,• 1t1 11•l1•l tt1t•I ,.f , \\I ~\I to ,,.,, • I• \\ h11 \\ 111111 111 • ' \ •Ill\ •• , lttfll 1 ,It• "°'•I h l/ 1 OHLY S2995 BAl<ER STREET USED C ARS II< 1 I • I I 842-lOOn i hn '>c It jt 0(1 I I t II Ill 111 I ., 11.1 I 111 ,., ~ "I > f ~.t 1-.. I "'f I . ',. ''"I \ \I I '\ S'\S-1334 7;! llU•' l o II' .in1 In \lnl s.:• •• Avtoi. r-1 < • SU II I . .. ,, t• 1• • 1 I I \ I I II ,,, lo 1 • , 1 ~ 't nt 1 .. t 1111 l't 1,1 .. ~It, .. '1300 Aut•> 9800 Autos, N~w OU T --MOST MODE LS J TED FAR S-ELOW CTO Y STICK ER ! 9800 :.XAMP ES: 198 1 C IVIC 1980 CIVIC 5 soeoo <.11 1• .. 1 • ,, • 1 1 1977 A CCORD Avtomatu_ d ll '• '' • , • ma\, wheels ll 7&51JX/ ,, , , 1981 AC CORD //--,--f-. _____ _ ' ,, •'' 1 I 'i f fJtlJf•C 10'1 • ' ft 4 t S.AJ.F PRICES GOOD THRU I 25 -81 PlUS TAX. UC. & DOC. FEE. 1980 C IV IC H AtlOM WAGOM I 1 1 I• cl with C'•lr.1•. " 4(\fl'l PLUS MANY-MANY MORE 1973 CIVIC /\ llPAI C d '. $dV01 11501JFI '78 ACCORD LX Automatic air <.toieo 55595 lf52-4UJU '78 CADILLAC JOHNSON & SON EL DORADO Lincoln M~cwry It '" ll1.1r rtt1 1111 \J Y ' :!ti:!f. llarhor HI\ 1f \\H \'I \ l''\H '' 'i111111h 1·,1,10 ~!o ·':i <;d ('<Jnd $750 968 5230 l.11\.\ m rle~ 1.11JIJ••tl llfl Nov1:1 xlnt cond , l11wn1·r. drrvl'r, p i.. $!175 !168-5Jl8 t>rii.:mal and :.h<1rp' t2:J2 ~VII I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19780LDS TORONADO '.on I l"t all "' 1h1· 540-5630 •1•••11.il 111\111 \ • •111q1 I 6J<'orva1r ('cmv MANY Sl99S JIMMARIHO YOU< SW AG EN 18711 beach Bh d llU:-.O'TJNC;TOI" HEA('Jl T h , 1' .. 11 ,. s r ., 1 1 ,. t'l(U1p1~d ' A mus t. rnu;I s .. :i-:• •795WHUI S5211 UHIVf RSITY s., & Service :!~'>IJ llurbor llll'cl ( 'OSTA M 1-:S,\ "'""' hi.1cl1·tl "1tl1 Ii" 'Camero 991 7 EXTl<A PA l<TS Xlnt 111\0 1'11 71 Kl>1 llut1 \1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• )(a!'>m1leagt-Newtn111!> th1·q 11w ' 'iK'ili '1'JI c .111 ... ro1 :1n i.:•111tl 1·1111 e l l' 552 \<190 JOHNSON & SO N "''I •fl s;·t~W) Lincoln M~rcurt( :!•i"t'• I l.11 '" •r Ill,,( (', °'l.t \)t ' I 540-5630 " I .111111 " "' \ I )11 \II 11•d 1u11, 111 1 lud111,• 1111 •1111,.11 111//l-.I< °' \llfll r H \( " 11\1 \\ >{II .'Hiii MO I ,t1lrll 11 I I ol "' .1 ol11 · ''nt, i.nd 'H i.'"'''" 1 ·' l ,\ I .1 ~•· tJ\ t'I p,1 \ tll• o1 .. '·' .. ,~, i , I .111r11 '" I '' 1 I' 1· 111•\ illl• \lfll I IOfld Iii \\ I 11 ,., ~.~ll•i ;·,: 'lo.Pi li't 1-'h•1•l\\1•MI 11111\ I.I flCKl 1111 1•0111l'1llt111.11I.'111\ I l o p \lrtl '""" '-111111 '"'··· \X\t, '78 CADILLAC FlEETWOOD I tit I 1"111"' \\I I· ,, •._ft•f 1'" )\ , , tll k • "·' >pltl '"'" 1'1 1·.ot • 11111 \111\I r•~11 "' , "'"'"' 1lt"' 'IJtil \f \I \7995 ~ ALLEN lll1w 1••11 •' '·"' 111 l'.1111.1111 lulh l11.11l1·d ( ,111 1 .. I lflj', \ 11n1"1 ,, 11,.,1 1111 f;H C ·.sutat., "'·''"" 1!1·:1111 fi..•~ r1.1:!'f dt hfJfl 9920 ....................... '79 OLDS REGENC Y 2 DR. I >tt ·,('\ I"'" 1·r ~•·.11~ \ \1 I· \1 ''''I "I 11 llf'•I I t11 1 • 1, " 1 1 " t 11 rl 11 " .. l(j'li' I~ I S6395 '7".! C'h1·'' 1\1 111!'""'"' ~.,IJh' Wgn . .tll t'l1·1 "Ill ''""'' '''Jt" "'"'' 1111'1" .1m Kirk 'll•n ••>. ,, 1 111)' l.!.q.,!t• r.H k tl1,ttl\ ,ft.1·-. llr11" 11 "ht 1•\I 1•1oltl 1111 i.l11t 1·11nol ~l~l~I Hlt1111tl" 9925 .........•......•.....• '7S CHRYSLER CORDOIA \ H .. ut 11mat1 C' lra11<,m1-.l.11111, fatlor) air c·1111fl ti 11mrn1c full 1•>""r. 1~1w1•r w111l1ow~. -.1 .. r .. c •• Land a u lop, 1· r u 1 ' 1· 1· u n l r ci I 'l!l'.!~:'111( t Th" I' \11Ur chan1 t• 1 11 """ .1 l1t·aut1ful luxun 1·0ir al .. HI 11n lwh 1•\ .1hl1· prtl't• Ill t·\C'l'll1·n 1 c·11nfl 11111n l>t111't ..... 111 11r ti ,..111 lt1· 1(•111<· th""' l'l'"l'l1d $1999 80IWITHAM YOU<SWAGEN ......••••••..••..•.... '79 LIMCOLN MARI V 1\11 l'll Cl'J>l111nall ~ tJ<·autrful Iulo\ m rll'illo:t' 'l door v.1th full µ11v.1•r. un <lo•r 30,tiOO milt'' :'11u't :-.1·1· I hr s o nt' 11<1v. 11,(,tjj~1!1 1 Y 11ur' no\\ f11r fX!r.ri JOHNSON & SON 842-2000 '77 FOHi) <i HAN 1\IJ/\ . CilUA AC. I'S. 6 t)I AM f'~ Stcn·u. 1·.Jndau ! top, 22·211 m PK :'Ill ST I Sl':Lt. ~'ll5iJ 011< I t;;J!I :Iii<!~> '7a FIJHU <;ft ,\:-0.t\I>,\ 1\Ul1Hn<.1l1c• :\(' I'S I' II ~:xl· Corn! 1n & •1ul Sl~l'J;, fi..11. ~51! 540.9640 '800LDS OMEGA SEDAH ' 1\1r l'lllld , pow1•r -.to•t·r 111g, :l.500 mil1·'· l1k1• n1•" ' 1 I A PC<1~:11 $6495 9945 1 ~ ALLEN OLDSMOllLl•CADILLAC GMC • SUIARU 1······················· '79 LIMCOLH VERSAILLES ntl•·r ~ilit111 mil• ll1·.iut1f11I l r1pk 1.1,.,. "1th t1·.ith1·1 f\l 1•f ,.,, :0.l"rl~I. full . 111,11\t·•I \\ 11 lo .oil lhe l11x111' 1111111111 •~"i(J\.\ ~tll 1 !'111 1·d 11"" .11 •Jill~ Slqk~ JOHNSON & SOM Lincoln Mercwry ',!1;21; ll.1rli111 Ill\ ol 540-5630 \ l.l\·.iu11ful ~I .. rk I\ 1111f\ 2l.IJ(}(J rTII ,.,llfl \ 1•1!11\\ Ci111 ... h j!d I lrl'' • h·.111 1111 lfl,lf 1-.-. \\ ·" •II 111111 h ll fur •>" 111•1 ~.11111t1 1 .ill 1a.1 c~n:1 UUJ C....-.0 C .... ft.UIQ LAGUNA NIGUR .... ...., ........ un 131 -0800 49>6430 '68 OLDSMOllLE TOROMADO \ M l.1C'lu1' a ir 1·11nol1 I '11011111~ full 11""''1 \ t111h t11•.iu11ful lu""' I r '"" "'' ..i1t·nl '1111clrl ton I II ' I 11 t' ,1 11 ti " II I llf,jl-.1,(; I I 1•,f tlfl\ I' { "" "" ,11111 \llll \\tll illl\1• 11 h• 11111· fur 11111\ $1399 I OI WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN ;,,., w,.,, mrn~t1•r \' 1• 111 \\ 1•,111111r..l 1•r ~.;t • ,:,1 OLDSMOllLi•CADILLAC CiMC • SUIAIU tt·W C...-0 C.Al'tftailO Uftcoln Mttcury Maverick 9947 ~·--. '80 OLDS '76MOMZA2 +2 26'.lli llarlior fl h<f 1••••••••••••••••••••••• 'TOttGHAOO Fu.-1 '"\mi:. 1 1 , I ''"'k, '·.,,, .. ,, ,.,,, ~" 1 'lintl1·r 1'•7 1 '" "" , I 'oJ1111 •• 11 1 h.1 r 1 o.il 1 1!111 lAQINA NIGUB. 1\: ru11' ~•11Jo1I $:!kl :1 I .tll 540-5630 '"'l'f 111~ hr.11.1 I \I '''' • r 11•l,111r lfll• 1111r \l 1I.1: 5.5 i . :1 :>.~, 111 Jll..Olf!.Luuli:~ ~lluu ..A •. J.l _.lllL 'rur:.c .. \.\I t-\I K ~...,_.,..mn -...:&.11,.;..;.:.:.••wie...;..,;..-, ;:~110~1 ,. ,\ n ' \\ 1· I \ oi : I .! I J l!..1lA~U...-lU£.!.:..,"~lp;ll:..;''_;0I ____ ,_. Corvette 9932 1.1:!~:1011 ,.!lh(l1l~-~·•11r 111 .111111 mil1·· Autoi, Hew 9800 AYto' Mew 9800 I••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ''\''I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• :................. 1964CHEVROLET "'4efocury· 9950I SI0,995 Lowest Prices in Town!! '81 DATSUN 210 2 Dr .. fj.f h•'• -h· "'1 I ' ''''" f\,4t A ff•H~ Q• .. ttl •• l·t' 4 '.. h l tt This Weeks SALE PRICE 54169 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '80 DATSUN 310 2Dr I I If*'" 0 t I , 11 t • • I •1 ~ "" ll••U fl._,.. llioM)• f tw~~'Q I., t I 1, ,, 1 ., •"I' ~ ,1 4•, \ 11t 1'1;t Thia WMkt SAU PRICE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '81 DATSUN Shottbecl P/U 1 'l•HP''w"'' 1hl,hl'l•"°• 4 .. ~ Ul\n\ bfK.1., •11C'M' '"Dtcl•f'Ot. u~oat & Jn,_''°"'~WWrt pmtnrlNJO UM: .. 8QP 18Mlt) tS"'1 JUJI Thia WMkt SALi PRICE 55426 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '80 DATSUN 200SX CPI Avtnm•lte tr•ns IYJd'Y \td1t mol(f1nos urwt.,rco.t Sl O'O CtvtM cont101 o•• M~Ot•nQ O"l""~,_,.. & l~moomuu °"°'9'1.on pia,o li61ll tSt•· I t•ftt Thia WMk1 SALi PllCI 57491 .............................. I '80 DATSUN 510 2 Dr (QU•O~~ ,nctudM. \(M!le(t lt•M~ThtllC)tli • ., ~.,,,,.,. A .. ,.,. ... ""° tHn•lnTh~~·,;.;lt. s4999 SALi PllCI .....•..........•..... -. ...... . Pn<n plut , .. I-& clOC lfftt C.ra ...t>IKI IO ~ -Ofl9r OOod lltfu l·l'MI ""---o<9CI & ,,..,..., __ CORVETTE ·~~~~~~~~:.-1~;,~·~·,·~ ·~·· 1 With fud IOjVC'lllln thl' 1:-. 1111c uf cinl~ 311 m.111" FINEST ~ ALLEN thal yt>ar" · IJ1\C5:1.'•t 1.1:-o.<·r~I.;\' ~n·.111 1, '" I IJl-.:\U.llSlll I Sll,511 UNIVERSITY ~ ?&.~I OLDSMOllLl•CADILLAC GoMC • SUIARU MUJ C....-0 CAlftft.UIO LAGUNA NtGUfl ...... -4._,..,. S.S&Seniu :!X5U llarh11r llhd l.l~Ctll.' ~H.lll'I HY ('()STA M ES,\ Iii IK Auto I '1•111i'r I Ir 831 -0800 495-6430 S'I> L'~, 1 · • I· 1• 1 I 1:• 1 llob !JI'!. SUlll'I c·.1r. 5 .. ft 9640 ' r ~. ..i~i· " ,•-, "'"'" l'Xll .1~lo.trtl! $1jllll SHOWROOM COHO. '751' TOI' l'ov.t•r brakt·~. p u lo\1•r v.rndov. '· llOWt•r 'll'l'flll)( With 1111 ll'll'~l'lllJlnj! st t' t' r r n I! " h t' t 1 , a r r . AM FM ~ll'rt'o . rl'ar V. I n d 1l W 1! 1• f 11 )( )( l' r . autom;1t11· trans Sno" v.h1t1• with Huq~untl) 111 tl'nnr 27 0011 miles Im ma r ulall' t hruoul · SK.100 7 a4 ii7!lll or An.<;w1•r /\11 tt 20!1. !M<! '1:11111 <!4 hr:- 9933 ..................•..•. '80COUGAR XR·7 Unven hy a top l'orcl l'X erul ivc a nd t'qu1p1w tl with every opl ion h1• could thrnk of mdud rng key less t'n lr y, leather mter ror. AM 1F M quad stereo. cruise <"on trol. Full po w e r ' C18.1ZRT> Now offered for only $7995. JOHMSOM & SOH U.C• M«ewy 26216 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540.SUO '77COUGAI 11·7 P re vious o wne r d e manded lou of luxury' Including factory a ir conditioning, till wheel, cruise control. power windows . Beautiful Dove Grey: <594709) Now only $3777. JOHMSOM & SOM U..Merc~ 2il2iltarbor Brvo . Costa Mesa 540-IUO I fl \'I:--; E \M•ll j~Xi 830-7000 '80 MERCUR Y GRAH MARQUIS Thi :-bt'a1111tull \ 1•qu1ppNI lo" 111 111·:.1:1: · F<>H I > FA('Tl>HY ~::o·:n"flVE L \H """ 1111wt•r :.t•ah, Ii"" t•r v.111 """"'· ,\~f FM 'l1•r1·n. l .;rndau top ,ind n1111h 1111irt•' tliMZH \'' 1'11n·d t 11 :-.l'll now' $!14\l'i JOHMSOH & SON Lincoln Mttcury 21\26 II arh11r II h cf l'oi.la Mc!>a 540.5630 T11111 111111 hr rnr. $.:!;!llCI !Iii;! 1:1\M, IARGAIH ! 7!1 Olds T11ronad11 l>SI. \\'hoh',alt• S!lfillO I 1r111 Fr 11 a 11 1· 1 n ~ .1 ' a t I 1;.111 K>lli2. 1~14 41)84 9957 ....................••. ·1.1 1'111111 wai.:11n Xlnt 1•1111<1 ()rtg111<il 11wnt•r I h' I u ,I( l' I.' q IJ I ll "' t' 11 t .17<•J 5~>!J ~)746 71 l'mto Hunahoul t-:n.: 11\crhault•d May 'KO <;d nrn111n1: i::car Frame 1975 MERCURY lll·nt 111 a1Trrfo111 $!>00. MOHAR.CH 4 DOOR f•'4 7715 Auto m ;itu• t rans . arr eond . pwr :-.tt'l'rtll)(. Plymouth 9960 ne""· tires & only 42.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• m rlt.'s. This car 1s Irk•· '70 Ply Aarral'udn Nds N i':W 'l473NIF 1 truni. work S500orofr OHLY $2995 4!16 4713 IAICEI STREET 69 ROADRUHHER USS> CARS 1425 Baker Strt.'ct COSTA MESA 545-3334 '71 Mercury Marquis 56K mi. xlnt cond. St~ 979·7336 '66 P ARKLANI':. Cull pwr ~or best offer 63J.1449 '77 Monarch, smRll V·8, auto trans, ps, pb. dlx lnl, gray, 5,000 m1. $3500 67~:r767. '79 Mer cury Bobcat. ~llow, Jfl!I, prb. uc. AM /FM s te reo c a ss , 21,000 mi. '3800/bst ofr ...... "1t MU1ta1'1 4cyl, upd, fm /cH 11 Sat00/080 -..W.GT· ... Custom mt , nt·~ enit tra n s pa i nt . xl n t $1600 OHO 642 0826, 9fi2·9985 '965 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·77 Trans Am. Powe r steer1n1t. brakes. win· dows AM / FM 8 track S86 8415 '76 G r a n d P r ix , am1fm iatrlt. a ir. Sl300. 848-0886 '74 Firebird. 81 ,000 mi. must sell $2500/bst ofr. ~1·3828 '75 Veta Htchbck TOK I d cond MUST SELL 11100 010 640-DTI 557·0211 eftllllUle . . • IUNDAY, JANUAH tJ, 1'11 · U CUUI WHEN LfOU'RE ON A 141l(E LIKE T~15, MEN, '(OU ~AVE TO ANTICIPATE DIFFICULTIES LIKE THl5 GORGE . FO~ IN5Tr\NCE .. ~Ou.I 00 WE 6ET ACROS5 7 ~ c_J ·· I-ZS DON'T LOOK OOWN, >--· ·MEN--~:jtl51-MAAtM ·· © 1981 Un•lCd Featur., Synd1cattoi. ln1.. NANCY HELLO, NED-- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN~ Rl6~T ACR055 ... DOWN AT THE BOOK SHOP AGAIN I LI KE THANK INTELLIGENT YOU BOYS AND THOSE GLASSES MAKE YOU LOOK SO DIGNIFIED A 6EA6LE BR IDGE~ . By Ernie Bushmiller WHAT DO YOU SEE IN T~AT GUY? I ADMIR E BRAINY BOYS I WIS~ YOU WORE GLASSES AND HUNG AROUND l DON'T THINK I'M THE TYPE HOW DO YOU KNOW? . LET'S FIND OUT H--M M ---NOT BAD AT ALL .BOOK SHOPG I . . -........... • I I , I DENNIS THE MENACE IT'S AN.AWFlAI... MA91T !.' YOLA'VE 60T 1'0 CtAT OU'T iHAi ,,,,,:eteNAL.. VEL..t..ING l! NOT1c• HON C 0h.IV~18NT\..'{ T"'4!Y POflci&i T..tAT TMlf WAS MY f:'t~T ~IZeAM IN 1"Mfr81! MO~G? ~IJDGE PARKER • • l . . . . .. LOOK , I'VE 00T A PLANE TO CATCH! I 'LL WALK YOU OUT MY FllOHT LEAVES IN ABOUT 20 TO THE OATE! -.-c MlNUTE6.' . l'M AFRAID YOU'LL HAVE TO POfJTPONE YOllR TRIP! I TALKED TO THE f>ERC:>EANT THIE:> EVENIN6! HE't; CONVINCED THAT TIM WILL. f3E TRlED FOR MAN6LAU6HTER! HE 1Nf11f1Tf> ON QUEf>TlONINC? YOU AGAIN, '1E.ANNlE! ,,. __ _ ' . THIS BA0'S HEAVY~ ARE THEY THE BOOKS YOU THANKS.' WERE GOING TO TAKE I DECIDED TO TIM? I'LL DROP TO iAKE THEM Of: TO HIM! THEM WITH ME! IT'f'.> A L.lTTlE LATE! HERE HE COME5 NOW! ARE YOU SURE YOU WON'T : CHAN6E YOUR MIND AND COME ALON0? WE'D HAVE QUITE A TIME! . i . -~-~---- c . WHEN I WA5 IN HIGH 5CHOOL..,I ·wA5 lHE ~E.51DE.NT OF 1HE FUTURE ~HE.RE> OF AMERICA CAAP'fe.f' • ! .. ! j -t c ... j ... ® MOON ULLINS YOU DROF'PeP A S-rt-rCH , DOC'TOR / . 1Hal Ml.J PAR9'115 ~IMPED A~O SAVED 10 HELP PUT ME 1MRDU6H CDLL.E.GE A~D EA~ ('(y.) reACHl~& Ce.RllFlcATE . kA-rEK , r SPENT A LDI OF OOU) SNOW(,) NIGHTS CDMMUTIN& 10 5C.HOOL... 70 ~ ON fVV..) MA51E~5 DE&REE ... AND r-OR WHAT~ c.,>QO'VE ~EAL.L..4 CDN\E A LON6 WA(.,) I • GIRLS ~* I-ZS ___ b._,;y ____ F_erd and To.m Johnson YOLJ JLJS"'T"' PROPP ESP ANO"'T"'HfSR ONS: .' WoW!-r.ALK A BOU T L IFE= IN IH1 FAST L,A Nf ... WAIT ;flCLYou--· "IT-q.01 ~ • By George Lemont -;{.'M. N01"" SORE! CROWL...eY'S e>AR tS OPE!N "f"HIS eARL...Y/ A-r -rHe ANN<.JAL- COUN"'T"Y FAIR, KIDPO.S, .:t ONL.-Y' eN-reR MY' PIS:S ANP JEH ... r....tes, NeveR MY' SESWINCS .' -_J M I! e y• -e .. ~ ... ·. -.,,--:. _r:;._, • by Armstrong a latluk • --·---- : -. r IF SNAKS-EV'e RIPES IN ANP EN'Tl:RS iHe E'ANK, PUi-niE: WHJS'fL.e 1D YOUR IW)UiH ANP E'L.OW! GOT1HAT1! . , ~ . . CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYISP Tiwre ,,. •t least tla ••Her· eac:es ..... _.... •t•lh Mtwllft .., •M .......,. lllMlt. Hew -"'' , ... yeu Hftd tNmf CMcll eMwen wtttt "'9M e.tow. 6u'"''"' \i .,..S f '"'°"'ti IA>S ·~ 1ue ... 111P \! ••) "f """'"' ••W wt•~') ( 6'.!\\\"' \1 wlll\ ~~ IO ;j ( 6u1t&lW \t pno\) I .. ,.,.,~110 ' '8)unitr Whirle . ® -------by Hal Kaufman------- • T .. HT IPOTI All&ed •r Mt fMcMr to IMke "' • Mft'"'9 Utl"I tN word ''t11dM .. ,"........., wrete "MYFAT HlaMA SAVES 1WITH TENaU TTOftl, .UTHE . CANON LYFAS CINATE." RHrr•• INC ... fer PUZZLE OUT THIS ENIGMATIC VERSE Read over the words of this perplexing verse- rlddle c•refully. end then see It you can ar· rive at en answer: My ""'is In drab, but Mver In fair. My SKond's In hone, and elso in mare. My third is in ever, but not In now. My fourth Is In <•If, but not In cow. My filth comes both in main •ftd nd9ht. My ell comes oft•" In "'9 nitht. Whet am I? P.S.: II· lustretlon abolle may clue you In. No fair peeking below. ..,••J11•1.11•1 -•uy ...... AMwerqlffdlty. e Some No. I From • number that's Md. e11t oft the 0 hNd; It then will ewn be. Next. we aay, c11t off Its tell;• time of day you'll see. Whet numbet? ., .... _,_.,. e '" Merel ts tt posstbte te plMt twe ,...,,..... befen yeu '°that yw ca" reMI tM ty,. • • ,..., It It. ~lece mlrron 1bove the ty,. et• tlttM •"Ill .. Nch ottw end ollMf'¥e ttw ,&ece where tMy I ..... e Body Telk! Why ere bees goulpa? They're buny·bodl". Why•• '*'k•rt VIP1? They're wm· bodl": Whycen'tghostsbeVIPs?TWre~bodl". 11. .12 I~ .17 .13 10. 15. I~ ·18 -t: FLAT·FOOTEDI Draw lines, cut «111t and fold eMVlftl. outline, •nd stend resultlnt subject on Its '"'· Whet 11 it? For Better or For Worse I AM ANGRY-AND I WISH To BE LE.FT ALO~E! • \ . QK .. \F 1HRT'S WHAT" '/OU WANT • I KNEW YOU'D COME ~ -8B.OUtID F. l-l GNORED---- You LONG ENOUGH~ HIGH HOI Simptr add the tollowt"I colon to comple,. the cheery 11&1-slope sc•ne •bov•: \-Red. 2-Lt. blue. 3-Yeltow. 4-Lt. brown. S-F...,. "'""· ._Dll. ""' 7-Dk. brown. 1-Mlreon. SPELLBINDER SCORI 10 points for 11tlftl ell the letters In the word befow tO '°'"' two complete words: RITAINfR -. -. . . . -- THIN Kore 2 points each for all word1 ol tour letters or more '°"nd •mono the tetttrs. '• Trr .. ~at1M1tll .... flh. .... , . .,, ....... .._.. '"'' .... WHR\ D\D l DO NOW f' 6£(lu~€ 1'4~'1 ~t~f'ONO 10 rf r ~f MAK£~ 1' .. EM 6ROW 5£fffR I. tvE~'[ ~CtEtJft~'f KtJOw~ 1"~ Ai ~ ,...____, © 1981 Uni1ed Fea1ure Syndicate. Inc. IT ASTAAJO-UP AtAJIT ALL CX4.MELEOAI~ .JOK.ES1 FOLKS.( £ .; ii z!« A ~ ~ <SJVICI<->-ti) Cl+AAIGE " '!i At<rtsr, ti " .... Ta:>r • J § 1-2.5 ! @) SHOE ~A~£ ~OU 'fAU(tNl:J -ro? .. • \ f~£ fAC1' 1'MA1' 1'ME'l1 R~ ALL ~ SI& ANO ~RE.EN .PF!o6A0L.'4 tNOIC~'f~ 'f~Af 1'M£.'i L.t~f. ME ANO r1~0 ME Q\J1"f'f, t~1'£fl£. ~'flt'4b~ . ,.zc; u:rts SEE £tCH J.liTLE POA ~, • • Gus Arriola Ole FICAA.JK. GO!C.SH IA.1, A LEOPAl<D by MacNeily THEm YOURSELF Se<>c the questlOl'I • a ....-. 10 · ASll ~..,"Y Weeo<Jv 6•1 Le•lllQlon ••t Mf• -..,,,. ltj • 10022 Wt'll o•v 5~ lol Olb•Slled ouestoo<l\ So"Y. •t "" t ~s•tt 01ne<' FOR JAMES BARRE1T, president. FOR THE "ASK" EDITOR United Service Organizations (U.S 0 .) Is it true that Prince Charla ts in his Why ts the U.S.O. sd1I In operatJon; mom"• bad boob? If so, what did he wtwlt an Its goak? Who runt the do? -1.8., Annillton. Ala. organization? -L.M., Hobart, Ind. e It has nothing to do with the fact • There are still over two million that the Queen wants him to .. settle young servicemen and women and down .. already (it's no secret she can't their three million dependents away wait to have a daughter-in-law). but from home in need of U.S .O . ser· what really made her see a royal vices. U.S .0 .. celebrating its 40th an-shade of red was finding out that the niversary. is there in over 125 loca-future King of England has been ad- tions worldwide to help as the prob· dressing Buckingham Palace staffers 5elver. ln-tfte-R{)"s·:-it-will-Eentln1:1"'e----tb...-ynt>+.hrne""ir-+firrrrst1ramerltitJstisnTdone:-a---: ... ~~~:;;;iii-• A touch of home for the military. to expand its many varied family pro· y'know. It's in direct conflict with age-Bonnie friend Prince Charlie. grams. helping young men and old tradition that calls for the Royal women adjust to new communities and cultures and to handle personal and Family to refer to their servants anti aides by their la!>t names It was bad financial problems. Our greatest accomplishment in the 70's was updating it enough when Prince Charles was un-royally casual behind closed doors. bur QY..~QQing p_r<lg!am~!~t_~~~~ meet the needs of the service family. U.S .O is when he started being so in public. the Queen hauled him on the royal carpet a Congressionally chartered. civilian.' vofunteer organization. --and gave hfm a royal dressing down. · FOR -16~ of-TVs Thrtt's-eompanv Do you rally attribute yowrole in the Mries to gomg in b a new style of makeup, wbk:h changed )IOU' t.ce? - R.E •• Walla Walla, Wash. • Changing my face was not responsible -it was changing my hair. I cut it from its smooth. hip-length style to a shoner. more versatile. coif. It was a good move because it took me out of the category of the long-haired girl. into that of the more contemporary- looking woman. whlch they wanted. FOR ALVIN All.EV, choreographer-dancer From .U your crtps ~. which one scandll out most In VoUI' memory? -M.G., Pueblo, Colo. • Probably the oddest was our recent trip to Egypt. We visited a village. and would you believe that the craftspeople there were working away on products ear-marked for Bloomingdale·s -beads. rugs. clay figures. small items of clothing. There was something incongruous about seeing how those exotic gift wares in fine department stores start out. FOR BARBARA BURN, author of The Moms Ap· prooch; An Insider's Guide to Cot Core Why the .udclen vogue in c.ts -boob, onNllMftta, .,.,.._.,ceramics, et al? -M.T., Uttle Rock. Ark. •One reason is that more women are working now. which means they have less time to walk dogs. Older people find it hard to take care of a dog. Another fac- tor could be that It's not true that only little old ladies keep cats. At one time. a man would not be man enough' to ad mi! he had a cat: now Ifs chic. PRO Edward R. Hammock. chairman. N.Y. State Board of Parole Parole Is the single-most effective and economical form of com- munity protection in today's criminal-Justice system. The parole board provides a mech- anism for screening offenders before they come back to society. Without screening. they would mum. ready or not. Once pa· rolld Inmates are In the community. armed parole offlcers provide a detenent f 0tc:e by monitoring their activities. Better than 90 percent of parolees lead crime-free and law-abiding lives .. PRO Ano con -t'1At1t-M;l\X" \16N'SYOOW~h sraromai11 GOraon I waa recently In Swedal and got WI\' upset at the waiy ewryone knodled America t~. Why la that? -N.M .. Las Vegas. Nev. • Because America is more c11inpetent and important than we are. Also much richer So we·re a bit 1ealous, When people come to my house. there's no way of knowing what country they're in. We speak English. use many A.merican food_ pro<!ucts and listen to yo_ur_ music FOR EILEEN FORD. co owner of Ford Models. Inc TM IUgh ........ ~ an we ouar...,.. and obeane. How do you aplllln It? -A.S .• Albeny, ~-V. • Model fees may seem outrageous or obscene to you. but models are a very rare commodity. They are like athletes and have relatively sho11 careers. no pension or profit-sharing plans. So they rnust make their money quickly. They are recognized as the best saleswomen available for beauty and fashion-related products. and advertisers feel they are worth it. FOR TONI TENDJ.E. recording Siar and talk·show host Whitt II the tM¥ni haMt you llnd wry hard to control? - R.I.. LonAn, Ohio • Silk blouses. I collect them -both from local stores and new shops that I co~ aaoiss in my travels. I tell myself I have enough. but that doesn't stop me from getting more. Pure silk blouses make me go weak at the knees, I'm too scared to count how many l have. My favorites are those in soft shades. preferably eggshell colors. CON David Fogel, professor. criminal justice. University of Illinois. Chicago Circle The parole system hasn't decided what It wants to be when it grows up. The internal conflict Is be- tween being e cop and a social worker at the same time. Parole officers go to their daUy appointed rounds with Fnrud In one hand and a 38 In the ocher. Their work is dangerous. They're hopelaaly overloaded. If they can get their act together upon surveillance. they might deter parolees front crime, but at present they are more like tru.nt of. ficers than agents of public safety. .. EM • ><. .. •ft'• & .,,.,au••••') • ~---The museum Boom: ··-~ Prisoner of art: An old }al/house In Billings. Mom .. was converted in 10 the Yellow· stone Art Center America's Hungerfor Culture According to one study, more Americans went to museums I011t year than to sports events. From Biilings, Mont., to Daytona Beach, Fla., people of all ages are dlacoverlng that art can be exciting, beautiful -and even downright fun. By Luoo Krelaberg T he tt~ stretched eight blocks long. and almost all tickets to the general public: were sold out sho rtly after the doors opened. No. those who waited so pa- tiently last 5Ummer weren't hoping for sears to the Worki Series or The Em- pire Strik~s Bock. Rather they were queuing up in front of New York City's Museum of Modem Art to see "Pablo Ptscasso: A Retrospective." one of the most fonnidable and Im- pressive art exhibitions ever pre- sented. During the 19 weeks it was on display. well over a million people came to see It. Picasso's art. it seems. held as much fascination for Americans as "The Treasures .of Tutankhamun ... which began a two·year. seven city tour in 1976. The exhibition. con· llstlng of 55 sumptuous objeds discovered in a tomb underneath the sands of Egypt's Valley of the Kings 3 .000 years altar King Tufa death. 4 • ,,._,'I WllKLY. __,. •• , broke museum attendance records everywhere. At Chicago's Field Museum. more t~n 1.3 million peo· pie examined the treasures: in New Orleans. 870.000: in Los Angeles. 1.2 mlllion. Similar records were set in Seattle. San Francisco and New York. All toki , more than eight million persons saw the exhibition In this country. Such museum shows have been niclcnamed "blockbusters." The word comes from a World War II bomb with very powerful effects,and the Impact of these exhibitions has likewise been powerlul. Whole cities were swept with "Tutmania·· and "Picasso fever." Almost as rtlagnetic were the national tours of "Pompeii A.O . '79" and "The Splendors of Dresden.'' Attendance figures for "The Great Bronzie Age of China" -now In Fort Worth -and "The Search for Aie,cander" -now In Washington. D.C. -may not sur- pus thoae of King Tut. but~ ex- hibitions are alio expected to pack them in before they aw packed up and NtUmed to ttwtr home govern· ments tOrM time next year. Blockbuttm. ~. are only part of the picture. Museum atten- dance in general is booming. During the decade of the 70-s millions of peo- ple of all ages. tastes and interests trekked to Ame.rican museums. Last year. the Metropolitan Museum in New York received more than foor million visitors -a million more than the Grand Canyon! ··1 n the last decade. museums have made a far greater effort to attract larger audiences." says Richard Oldenburg. director of the Museum of Modem Art. "They·ve done so not only through special ex· hiblti<jns. like Tut and Picasso. but through a variety of educational pro- grams: lectures. museum tours. museum.-estaurants and bookstores ... People, Okienburg explains. have responded eagerly: "Thefe's a higher level of sophisticalk>n among the public. People are more aware of what Is going on because of med~ cowtage and expanded educational programs. and. thcr. Is a lot mote leisure time." The boom In attendanca t. changed museums from gimtnl. , somewhat staid . sto rehouses of treasures ro bustling cenrers of activi· ry Thro ughout most ot the 19th cen- tun;. art was collected almost enurely by private patrons The Boston Athenaeum. founded m 1807. was the hrst public institution to collect and show art But the great ground swell of museum building did not occur un· til the 1R70's. when the collecting of art began to move o utside a hm11ed circle of amsts and patrons In that decade. Nt!w York's Metropolitan Museum. Boston's Museum of Fini! Ans. Philadelphia's Museum of Art and the An Institute of Chicago opened their doors century later. museums have mushroomed across the coun- ---.__. ... t-'-n; A recent 980) polrby t e National Research Center of the Ans 1nd1cated that 6R percent of Amencans go to museums -up from b2 percent in 1975 and three percentage points higher than the number who go to sports events. · There are now more than 1.000 -·museums-in ihls-couri1n/exni0itin9 .. - works of art ranging from the Old Masters to the avant·garde. There are the cool anstocrat1c study museums. such as Harvard's Fogg Museum in Boston: encyclopedic museums. such as the National Gallery in Washington 0 C . small cJty museums. !i\JC::h ~s th.e St~rll!lg and Francis Clark Art Institute in Williamstown. Mass. and the Hud- son River Museum m Yonkers. N. Y .. modern and avant-garde museums. such as the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. Minn. There are teaching museums, eth- nic museums. university collections. · children's museums. national. state and local museums. neighborhood. branch and even ·mini· museums, The attractlons they offer vary widely -fro m the permanent collection of contemporary sculpture and pain· tings at the Hirshhorn Museum m Washington D.C .. to the recently ac- quired collection of 18th· and 19th· century African art and artifacts at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach. Fla In some places. peo ple come as much to see museum buildings as they do to see the works of art. New York's Guggenheim Museum. a cit· cular structure designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. is one of the most ob- vious. as is the new ultra -modern , _ EaSt Wing of the Nation4I Gallery in • • Washington O.C . But even In Sc I smaller cities. many museums oc· I cupy exciting spaces which have become tourist attractions in their ) I own right. t The Yellowstone Art Center In ,. I downtown Billings. Mont. . fot ef<am-~ I pie, occupies a convert•d county jail. • complete with barred windows. The f I Tacoma Mu1eum In the '1att ol R I Washington is pmnanentJy h°'.11ed I (condnued) I I FAST PAIN RELIEF HEADACHE 1COlDS110DY ACHf lNfUMlGIA Aeoeive full purchase price refund on Cured when you buy Anacin Analgesic Tablets 100's size and either Cured 1 inch 30's Tin or Assorted 50's Tin or Assorted so·s wtth 20 Free Tin. For details and refund certificate visit your local retailer. Umit: one refund per family. Get the Anacin difference. More pain reliever. And•.....,==* 1Ma •al•••ll• ..._ ...... - A Harlequin rornance: You doritjust read it. You live it ... Harlequin Presents romance novels are the ultimate in romantic fiction ... the kind of stories you can '.t put down. These are stories full of the adventures and emotions of love ... full of the hidden turmoil beneath even the most innocent- seeming relationship. 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Four free books for you. r-------------------------------, • Mail to Harlequin Reader Service. 901 Fuhrmann Boulevard, Buffalo. NY 14203 YES, please send me FREE and without obligation my 4 Harlequin Presents books. If you do not hear from me after I have examined my 4 FREE books, please send me the 6 new Harlequin Presents books each month as soon as they come off the press. I understand that I will be billed only $9.00 for all 6 books. There are no shipping and handling nor any other hidden charges. There is no minimum number of books that I h~ve to purchase . In fact. I can cancel this arrangement at any time. The first 4 books are mine to keep as a FREE gift. even if I do not buy any additional books. I I I I I "°QUARTER ASKED by J•net Oa1wy All Stacy looked for was a pllt'C' 10 Mll1 thln11 out lbr her•lf. But the t.1u11fol invalid had not twckoned on thr ruaedly hand1<>~ Cord Harm. ~rful Thun cMiw beron. A A ~~·- .& -...... _ SWEET REVENGE bv Anne Mather Antonia in~•nlly lwcomet pan of an e1tcmpted 1windle. and now Count Reoul plan• to catty out h11 ·.-revence~ Slw flft• from h1• cani. in Ponuaal to the NNnty of Lundt>n ... but Raoul. uMd to hav1nc hit ~ Wlth WOl1Wfl. l\ndt her. DIVIL IN A SD.VER ROOM by Violet Win~ar PlllllC-111. ,......, oftlw remote FrwnchCha- twu of leunc®n. deti,.,S the quiM. ,_r,<ed M.rp1. But low Md broucht Mirao pe1n nn<'• WON. Now P9ul Mandt aecuwct of muldtr. And Mafao dllcown '°Mt --... tllle lcMt tlilll. Name Addre11 Apt. No. City State Zip Code If under 18. parent or auardian must sian. (Thia line for 1ignatutt. l • Offer not valid to present subscribers. Prices subject to chan(e without notl~. Offer expires September 30. 1981. ....... .... : .... : I • l lS· : I • llm I 1~ I I I I .- ·-,_ I : ~'!~ L-----------~---------~---------~ . __ ,-· Ht!)h t ulrur,• .">1111 ·\tH<11l1•> ~ll 't! h /)t'rr .-r1t u f (li' .4 rllt'r'< 111i-,.,.,It'd lllllSt'Ulll\ 1v'I l t!ll' museum Boom (IHI! tlllt'dl 111 a 1 'Jlt) 1H'1,dtl-,.,11:a: b,1nk bu1ldmy 1.1. 1°h L(} '>11!1!1 l!01..1hc I h,.:•h \ clU•I., ton s1,11age 1 hi! Sd11 Ant0 1111t 1 Mu~\!um ,, loca 1.?d .n th" ft 111Til!1 L<Jne ':>rcH Br" \l t' 1 1. ., rn '11l 111.-d It a :, a n R<1rnanl!'>qu.t -.1"'"' J1mhle 111•\"'"il bm.k '>trUUu rl! "'rm h ipcrH tn ·lw ".>Un \\ th \ 1.?\\ ... nt 1h .. t.1 IJ<1• <!'II r \ ~ r onJ 1h" r m. b1?1.1rnJ Bui rhi> •31 .. ate-.1 c11:r.1~ • ,, 1 11 •!.:-. 'H.•\.\ mu,.•um '..I' 1,1 •j puh.i\ .ipp~•ll 3 to be tl!mpn1dll. \'Jd11h11:r,11~ Th1•w· sL111.1.' clTI! yl:'n.-r.1111. •11yM1 '": ..i1•1und a thcnh! f011 "'arnp1... ,,,, epoch, as m .. The V1k1ng.., ' a collec tion of more than 500 ob•e\:TS tla1111g from /\ D IJ( I I•' I 1 r,o d 'UI ""'· such (I<; The R11nianlfl'-1ri R11d111 French l 1Jrh Cl!nlu11. 'ic1Jlptur~ Imm Nr)l th A mer·ca n Cnlll!c-t11m . " par 11cular st~:ll:' . :.Ul h as thl! Ru-,..,1an Avont·gardt-nr Po..,r lmpress1Qn,..,m or the \\.rJrks of .i .. ingle <Jrt1c;1 such as Ce..:iln ne m P1cc).,c;n ·So accustumed has 1ht-public be- come 10 special exh1b111<m:> 1ha1 museum all~ndarlCI! tends I() n., ... •Jr fall on the ba!>1S uf \.\ tw1her <Jr 110 1 thl!H! 1:. an exh1b111rm to hv ""'en that 1s nor frnm the mus\'um·., •m11 holdings.·· :.1ate'> ,Joshua C T a~:lnr d1 rt>l11 r ,,1 11.;e :\dt ••lld (11li1td11i11 • t Fml' Art., uf thl? '::>rn11 h.;rm1a 11 l fhlllll 11011 1n \Vd-.h111gto11 D C • rl •r11u<Jn '>f)t.'Cd "°'h h I •Jlh Ml b1?1.r .flll!~ P l'\\'> dnJ Ot.'lll!.J no?\\""• •I th). g rddudll\ · bl:c'rn nw ... " ""' ""'ari,. .ny1 ... dt1?nt nf 1h"' mu~l!U"I ' proyram In man) \\d~., 1!11. <111 mu.,l!u111 01.e r rh'<' De.ht I\\•; J..-l•IO"" hd'> 1:.1111erl'ri th..-1l'alm ,,f '>'1• "' Olhllh'"' \\.hi!"' .1 1, QUl!'>!l<J l\dUll! thcH rnu..,'-!UJJI'> dr .. • r1tAt 111 'hull bus1'1I?'>" ' .. t.'I Id h~ ., In.I! th<11 tlr I .,.,~ bo?f'•J01t' 'll'\'"'"1d11. f h., '•[) n.11<1 n! tht> Pre_,.,.,., t>>.h~bmon .11 1f1\' Mu,1?u111 of M o<ll!l n Art !1,1 ,.,,imp;., \\a-. cr11. '<'red a-. tl ri.H111l'•l: 11.!\\~ e \<rH h1, e\ e r1.· 111dt">r 11t''"' •;rlo, A 'Ill m:n.i1e dc>e1;m<1Ha11, •ill th,• ,ft> ,,f P.rch~11 pr•JJ1.H .. 1:.1t! dlld J 11.,1.1vd b1. [1111111. d\ldrd 1.1.11111 •11y P1•11\; ~1'.ll!r Ad dt11 \tas brodcko"t na11rm\\IJI! 11H f"uOttt. T\.' 't<lt1011., :'-.1?1.1. 'P"J1""r' frrim .Ji must 1:.'\ 1:.1r!,. C• >u111 r~ pubh.,heJ I?' ten..,1\ .! re;>1Jrh C1b•..1ut :he ">h•J\\ Ono:" CllllC ,Jf bl1>ei..bt1"lt'h ,t.'ltt>J 1'-'l..?11111. 1ha1 the .. h11\\lnd11 .. h.p mr11. he J" t.<1iU.l1!J 1h ... l1'\fh:'r:t·nc1:.1 o f d rt Rnb•:rt Hwjht!'>. mt cr11w fc11 T:rrw mayot 1111 d nd h11~1 ,-,f tlil:' ~1~h1 porl PB~ ~ .. •:.-., •m rnrid"rn drt Lillll:'c f he .c.,J,,_ick t1I rlrt! .\'t-u 11.1. hic11 h1<1qdn 1h1; rl'•J111!1 111' r>'1bl~l rd.,\ ,,,..111 :.ta1:<;11') .1.rn.., up 1h.-trt>nd, f h., mu~t'um """ 1vr11J., 1., h1• llJll111._., .,;1,....,ma11 ·1• 11 ·., 1A.d1••h"u"' Ir ~ .:i cJ ... hc.11 • hd.d llU.' :lial ,,. I o:'d ... I. I•' rlltllrlld n R1t3h1 111.,\1. rill:' .. ,1ll.11t'• ,,f .A.m.:r r,)rh .\hr, 111U1i11'\. to tn J'>t.>11nv, .. ad1 1,1•.ir ""''"' IQ h d\t' lv1.1. r11 rnpld:nh E xpld1n; on'<' M<l5'><lchu~t'tt'> bus1 nes~m.rn Onrt.' I ~t1>pped 111 at the Bo~ton Muwum Qf Fine Art'-JU5t <.in a lark I "·as d111:1ng by and I felt hke brt"akmg ou1 of rhe rot race fl)( half an hour o I pulled •>l.e1 -a lmus1 yot 111 an acc1d~n1 bl:'cau.., • I rlrd 11 ..,o sud denl)· -and I "alkt'd m ond I 1us1 1110 \ed dlong. fro m µ1cturl! 10 p1cturl! It was hke being 1n anorher world I couldn I ~h~1.·e rt All my u.ornes lefi me 1 felt hke I was bewmrng -well. vnu knm.1.·. a ph1losophe1 I gnl r3111 somt' d1s1cmt" on my hie · MlJ Mvseums are reaching people rhey n~~' reocMd ~fore llAMIL'l''Wll!lClY. ~ •• •1 • 1 LIMIT TWO _ -CUTRlDGES WfTH THE COUPON BELOW 20 or 24 U P NO 110-125-135 -Sl.50 postpld 36 EXP.-$6.00 SKRUDLAND PHOTO 7000 W IELflrllONT AVE CHICAGO ILUNOIS IM3' -------------------------·--------------------------·---ett Skrudl1nd Pltota, 7000 W. Btlmant Ave ., Ctllc110. IL. 60134 '1 Hel'\.' is my cartridge of 12~xposure Kodarolor film I am encl08- ing S 1.00 per roll with thi11 ~pecial coupon We pay ~tage. -Here is my c:artridRe of 20 ur 24 expo$Urt' Kodacolor film. I am encl011ing S.'3.50 per roll. We pay pofltage. We uee :J Here iit my cartridge of36-expMUn! Kodacolor film. I ltm enclOfl· Kodak pap.r · a.a OO II W mg 4'V· per ro . e pay ~tage. ~ I understand failureA wilt be credited (~~\ ~ ifi.•.,.) ""'P..,.R-tN"'"T_NA_ME___________________ ~ - ADORE SS CITY -:I l.!!~:: _________________________________ ~--~~:::-~ w·arn1ng : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoki ng Is Dangerous to Your Health. Reg.: 11 mg "1•:· 0 8 mg n1co11ne-Men.: 11 mg .. ,.,;· 0.7mgn1co11nt1V. per c1pe111. FTC Aepart Dec'.79 ' -- The Latest Chapter for Erica Jong -motherhood By Emily Newhall "I ·d ideally hke a tree house 10 work in.·· muses Erica Jong. gaz ing out the immense ylass "111 · dows which frame the treetops outside ··Maybe an octagon on poles with a breezeway to connect me to the rest of the house ·· The· small figure in tight ieans and funky black shirt 1s suddenly 1arred by the hubbub of weekend guests. babies and ex - _citecL,,.dogs all QAfef.m9 dowrist-ans. Jong turns back 10 her spacious but book-and-picture rluttered srudy on rhe top floor and gives a sigh of am bivalent feeling ··1t·s JUSt not so isolated and private here anymore ·· In this soft-spoken w9man who has recently published her third novel !Fanny. Bemg the True H1stor~· of the Adveotures of Fann~· Hackabout-Jones). u·s hard to recognize the controversial author who was called everything from pas- sionate pornographer to 1magma11ve Em1/\ .\tt• hall 1,\ tl ro•p1p1er l•J• J •1t11:c""" "'O!IOZl•lt' l4 /it> O/$() freefor'ICl'5 trend setter Smee 1973. wheh Jany burst on the public scene w11h Fear of Flying la .top -10 seller of the decade). her sexually explicit writing about the ··r>nodern "'\t.lt:>man·· has created a sensation To 38-year-old Jong. the con- troversy is an inevitable result of be- ing a pioneer "Th£> female con· sc1ousness has not been the subiecr of much hrerature wnllen b~· women.·· she assens emphatically. -pnshmg-rrrrg:-coWYectffnger s through her thick blond hair ··what 1s mosr 1mportan1 to me rs to conyey the sense rhar women can be indepen- dent -and independent sexual ly I want 10 show that women can not only survive -bur also be heroines." In the best -selling Fanny. the author feels she has depicted a true heroine. The picaresque epic about a "female Tom Jrines" 1s writt en in the 18th-century sryle of Henry F1eld1119 (Jong studied 1he period as a grad- uate student at Columbia Univers1ty1 and details Fanny's adventures. first as innocent orphan and then as Forever Jong: Erica wlrh husband Jonathon Fasrandbaby fttfoHy ra\·ayed wanderer. wuch highwai,. - woman. harlot pirate. mother and wrner. (It 1s scheduled 10 be made into a film. \\1th Jong as co-producer ) Despite rhe au1hen11c ·aide English" she speaks. Fanny s \01ce has an unmistakably contemporar)' up v.:1th-women tone Jong tell us tha1 Fanni,• 1s a herome for the 8ffs bt>cause ··she not onh.: survives sue cessfulli,· on her own but m1egra1es \\ork and motherhood w11hou1 terrible mius11ce to either ·· Jong has also happily combined the two and calls herself ··ridiculously content ·· She. ?ind 34:)1~~r -old novelist-husband Jrmathan Fast both work during the day in separate endP of then rambling house m rural C on- necticut. While wntmg Fanny Jong gave birth to red-haired Mol~· Altho1.:gh Molly. 1101.1. 2. takes hours from Jony's ""r11111g ··1r·s bee" only good.·· says the ne" mother ··~he·,, never taken anythmy a"ay f1 0m me .. Fast has ~en a :.uppomve husbanc and father When comp.w11ve feei1"g> flare up berv.·een him and Erica o\.er theu careers the l\\O talk It r1u1 together w11h a l)'>\Chian1st ·\Ne e1w.>~ each 01he1 s compani,.· immen5'!1~. sa~·s Jong of her third husband '"The ~drock of 11is 1ha1 "e \I:' ak\dl.'> got- ten along ~tter -and had mort.' fun -""h each other than am.une el!>€· Jong wants for her dauyhter what she ne~lf has OUM -~work tnat l feel passionate about and am sue cessful at and a pE.>rsonal fulf1llm ... 11t ,,f having people around \\horn I lo\'e · She thinks that mnst women don 1 hem? both ""ThE.>\ feel 1he\. have to sacrifice ""urk fo~ a· personal hfe or vice wrsa Jong. "ho has also published four volumes of poetri, actually thinks of herself as a pOi't before all el e She promises more poetry. more novels and soon. an illustrated book un "'llChcraft She thinks even a m\'Sl<:!r\ may be m the future "'l'\'E.> a·lways lik\!d taking a genre and $tand r'3IWI 1119 11_~!111~ ht!ad ·· ...... 5encl MO con.-lobllt-Cl'ly D-trom ~ COmp's po11c and lleanl or~ Oomp's tirown -.w beans, p1u1 o lobl4 from yutavorlll wtenn. and receM o QCqlOI\ good for o ht . 18 oz CCl1 d ~ COll1>'t portl and lllonl. PteoM attow 410 e """"for dllMt¥ car vo1e1 whll'I prdliblld, lallld. or regulalld Umll one l'lbld psbnlly: one l9Qlml per en-. PleOM pr1n! plainly. TNI order Illar* ~ occompoif¥ yu ltQlml ~It or ~ will not DI honol'td Ol9r ..... MAACH31. 1981 Sino IO~ Qomp'I• Blont 'n Wlenlrl Days, P 0 Box PM·052, El Paso. TuOI 79986 ----------- AOCllll~------- Oh Ml -------"'----- L-----~----~---~-----~-~----~ adv •rt 111 .. m .. nt f\ llf~ lll'!1'(f l•JJI riflcJ d1t 1-.. 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' .---.. J I t 1•' tr• • • \ • • I• • KNIT ~ 11l111f11I \•''I ~.1 111 H1 f1.t11 !i1 1•11 ,,11 1111 1111111h C.reft 661' h,. """''''•fl' , .. , ( l11ld1.-11 ,,,.. f I Ii' 1.1•111 I ·•dlo ' '\ 1-. ~1,·r , .!11'11,1111 hi'"• K1111 .1 l11113htl•. \lrlft·'-C.11'1111<1• •'I t111d fll,lfrlllll'.J f,ur fr , Ill I 1111 1111q "''',''"d Craft 867 J,,, du'"''''''' f•11 "'""'..., M .111d I 1 'I I 'ii 1nr 111\1\ •' 867 r 1 t 'I 11 1 r , '1• 'h .J ft '' I• I 111 ( raft 751 I 1 1! '" •u · I r-., \) 1fllJ ... 1..; 1:1• 11. .... 11 l' J I "n lit•:• f ,,,, r••I .. • (raft 553 I ,1, < "• 111•1 tlrt.•1 •1· •t , , ,,,,. "' tu :IJ (J I :tH ( roe twt to l lH•t1 .. h, II I' • I I t! • I I H •• •11 'I S2.00 a 590 Mt11W him 11 polr Ol lnr11f11rt."hl~· \llpp••t ~ from kntlllng wor~t\ld for l1.1i~ur1t 11nw Crllft 590 ha~ dlrec11om lor "1z~, I0"'1. ll~1 ond 121<1 lnd11,tw Tootdn.MndSl.2SphaUcf•po9tap Md '-•'l:' wh ~ <Anv ~ pett.._ $5. ; Sl.00 ..:ta booll. P.O. Bo• 4JI. A·IU F_.,w .. ~~ Midtown SUdoft, Ne. °"'· N.Y. IOOll Include name.addrti~zlp codeond aoft num beT (New York Stare re~t~ odd Ml~ llJK I ...- For Staying in Shape All Yeat Round: The Family Fitness Guide Research shows that as little as two weeks of inactivity will spp 30 percent of your muscle strength. So don't let winter make you sluggish. Here's a special Family Weekly report on how your whole family can stay flt and trim throughout the year. By Kathleen Beckett W I? knou. rhctt bear'> htbematl:' in wtnll:'r anJ svmettme~ - po1t1cularh,; 'J I\ yJoom~'--(f.,~ _ -rha1 __.2r::_~:...,~r-+~:__-=--..,.---*-A--#~__;:;17:7=.t1E!I~ idea Illa) '<'vl:'n Wl:'m ap~<ll rng ru u., Bur l~'lllg dorrnanr for th\" u. inter months is nc;t such d gou<l idea for hu man~ If ~<>u and )our fam I) 1Aan1 to '>Id\ hr and rnm. you·ll n1:>1td 1egu!a1 exercbe and acmmy lh~oo~<'lul·· tlw· · • ~ear In fact. 1f Y'>U.re 111ac11ve for ch little d.., twu week •. vou stand ro lo~ up ro 10 p41r cenr of the strength and en durance you have bu1h up in sou1 mu~le-.. according tu Dr Sren~ Fl1:>ck h11ad of the Sports Medicine Laboraron,: ar rhe Ol)·mp1c Training Cenrer in Colorado Spnngs Nor only do your mu-.cle-. become flabby. but vour body becomes stiff. your I:''< <t?rtion level plummets and unwanted werght and inches creep on A nd once milder weather arnves and you resume active sports again. you incrna5'.' your chances of iniury by playing such sports with muscles rhat are out of sha~ and unprepared for ac11v1ty It's nor as difficult as you might thmk for you and your family 10 maintain in-shape. in-tone. strong. healthy bodies throughout rhe winter -even if you live in an area where the weather condr· tlons make 11 tough to play outdoors. A simple. three· step approach to exercising. done a minimum of three limes a week. will do the trick. You should. accord· ing to the expertS. combine exerclse.s for flexibility. exer· clses for spot toning and sport wori<outs for cardlovas· cular fitness (and to help you bum up calories so you shed excess pounds). Kurhlttn 8«111m .so"""" /or o no· 11m1ol moga11n' and th' co·outhor of Sp.nr l(h /St MoJ'fm I ~11111 Running or jogging 1s a great way for the familv to ger a workout. You don~ haue to Slop'" the winter -;ust wear warmer clothes. The Way to Cardiovascular Strength Many people play sports for the fun. for the comped· tion, .. aid~ In · volwd. If you play them &Ilg· oroUll\I. you can *> buid ~h In your hart. lungs and blood ~ -known as your c.-diov.-ular sy9Mnl. When you .are In good s~pe. slmply doing a sport to the point where you begin to feel fatigued will help build cardiovascular endurance. says Dr. Berton Nlsonlon. a consultant to the Institute of Spof15 Medicine and Athletic Trauma di L\>nox Hill Hosp1 tal in New Y ork City If you are JUSI starting to exercise. however. Dr Nisonson feels that you should take your pulse ro find out 1f you are working your heart hard enough lo do ii any good. You should get your pulse up to about 70 percent of your maximum heart rate A good estimate of your max· imum heart rate Is y1>ur age in years subtracted from the number 220. If you are 20 years old. for instance. you should work your pulse up to 70 percent of 200 -or 140 beats per minute. Once your pulse is up to where it should be. most authorities rec om mend keeping it there for 15 minutes. (Y ou can get your pulse rate per minute by tak· mg your pulse for six seconds and multiplying Ir by 10.) Beware o f over · stressi ng yourself. though. If you can·1 work up to the rate. or can"t hold it there for a fuU 15 minutes. slow down and start again -perhaps on another day. If you have a lot of sore musdn the next day. you·re wori<lng too hard. Perhaps you might want to follow what Dr. Fleck calls a "hard day/recovery day regime." Alternate a hard day (when you ru n. say. rwo miles in 20 minutes) with a recovery day (when you either cut bdck on your distance and run only one mile. or snck wuh rwo miles but give youf'S'!lf more time to run them). If you run or Jog. you"re giving your heart one of the best workouts 11 can g,et. And cold weather shouldn't put a stop to your running -just make sure you dress warmly Wear gloves or mittens. layer two J>l*s ol IOCks and COYlr ~ heed Wiit\ • hll ~ lose 40 percent of yoor body heat through the head). If it Is (contln..-d} t J pan1cularly cold wear a sk i mask or ;,earl uver your lace to warm the dlr you takE-1n and make breathing easier lAn hour of 1ogg1ng. b~ rhe \.\31. can bum off up tn 1.000 calone 1 One of the best sports for car d1ovascular endurance happens to bl' a winter spon that \/our family ma.,..· bl:! able to enjoy right now. cross·countl'\i skiing Downhill skiing will give i,•1)Ur heart a beneficial workout. too If your town has an indoor pool.· ~ ... ,.....,..._.._--,s"'w=imming Ts excellent for the---hcart - plus it exercises all muscle groups Racquetball and handball are becom· mg more and more popular and are great for mcreasmg your cardiovas· cular endurance -bener than play ing doubles tennis. most authont1es -ORDER believe ~-----···--··-·tte-=skalrrrg· antl"the mest "CTaze:-· NOWI rolfer-skatmg. are not. doctors believe. • that beneficial for cardiovascular en Richly tanned ... kitten-soft leather ... crafted into the most efficient organizer/wallet ever! Let a luxurious new Check I retary Final prestige touch: your 3-lnUl•I keep your handbag free of mess and Monogr9m custom-engraved on a clutter ... put everything you need on gleaming Signet Plate to make this 8Y9fY shopping trip at your fingertips lovely accessory yours alone! instantly! It's~ f,.med r~::-;;iiiili;;;::==:::;m Crafted in Puree holds your money, makeup, Genuine Leather. keys and change. Separate ID Cant Yours In rich Pocbt keeps your driver's license Saddle Tan (24) handy. There's a S.. Thru Orpnlzilr or Chestnut for a dolen or more credit cards, Brown (06). Order ID cards, famlly photos -.Yen store today! Use It for "Cents-Off" coupons. The Chlcldng 30 days. Section holds your checkboot< AND If not delighted, return it for a full re- cMc:k-register, and we Include a fund -guaranteed! But hunyl Fine sllm leHpolnt Pen to write checks ... ther 11 herd to flnd_.ttllng In COit. with. All this, plus a handy Memo And thlre'• no felting how long .. P8CI and TWO Inside pockets for can keep the prtce thll low -f0t currency and private papers! quallty th11 high! h.J-.; -----------------------V1UtJT T<xJry 8fld get 11 Mii II: AM•AllADOfl. 711 Wtst BrOICIW1y. Tempe. Artzo111 85282 F GENUINE LEATHER sasa REE n..CJaedt/re,.,., - R'uah ,,,. Checklretary Wat1et-9rgeni.s (No. ~1 In Bo NUS Genuine lMltlr '°'only a.• t« one (2for117.48 ... 3 for 125.94~ I undlrstlnd I can u• my ~ 30-,., then tetum It for M rwfund If I'm not delighted! ~~!Jk e = 1~1 .. r·1 ~1 .... ~-::--~-~-~-~·--:-/ ...... :-....... 1 Ind youtt to""" ft9n PU.AR MNT ...... = n r.:.-,.. I If you recum your pur· ._. • chue for a..retundl · •· durance -unless you·re a real pro and do three a six miles of vigorous skating at a clip You don·1 have to be a real sports enthusiast to keep your card1ovas· cular system m tlp·top shape. Shovel -mg snow -tha1 unwelcome wi nter- time task -can provide an excellent workout. according 10 Charles Kunt· zleman. National Program Director of the YMCA Fitness Finders Program . .. When you first go out.·· he says ... just skim two or three mches off the top of the snow until you work down to the pavement Do that for the first five minutes Work up to bigger scoops. and a.I.ways lift with the legs. not the arms Kuntzleman believes there are a host of other relatively easy ways to get and stay fit that can be pan of your daily schedule. Brisk walking is one example. whether you walk to work. 6r to the market to buy groceries. H ousework -moppmg. scrubbing ------ and vacuuming -can give vuur hi:!an a good workout 1f 1.ou do It vigorous!~· Kuntzleman ~uy~i>-,r.. playing a disco record to g~t 1.ou \\ orkmg at a fast tempo Jumping rope is anothl'r ea!>y exer c1se you can add lc; \.Our <la1l'y ,chedule You and )<Jur famil> can jump m the eve111ng -ewn while you watch television or you can 1ump in a hotel room 1! you.re on a trip. or jump behind a closed office door during your coffee break (If you are over 35 and have never exercised regularly." if you have a family history of heart disease or if you get any kind of chest pain when you work out. consult wuh your doc- tor about the best exercise regime for you.) Whatever sport you choose. give yourself a cooling-down period when (continued) il!!l!!;i J Mr. 'I0021 ~ ....... --------.=:: .., ...... ____ =-1 Croa-country •kllng pumps oft lnro tM body -It's o top cordlooolcular exe~. AAUIUMR 711 W llo-.tr•llilltt A'110111esz11 Clly ---..... ____ ~ ----------------------------t~ • 'AMU WUIU.Y, J__., It, tllt t ' A •• ....... --• " '• • •• ..,, -.. • .._ ... r. • ..,-M•• ..... .,....... . ._. ~·.i. • ..- • J ... • .. • -~ ......... -.,,., .,J ·-.... ,,. At .. • •• , ..... ,,-~rot-~""'l'C .. !"""-:1· .. ·t.....>;.·,. ,,, ......... , .... ~""'"'4 ., .......... ,. ..... , __ ....... ..... • ... -# • t"J •• .....-.. -,, • • .co..~ .. "'• ......... ,,.,,,..... ...... ,_~,,. ........ _, ~ .. ,,._ , ...... ,,,..,..,,.,....:.,.,... ...;~·-. •r-.; . '"' -, ..... .,._..,-.-1 .• --... ,.....,. •"-.,. ,.,. .,, ...., ...,. .. • ·• -· ,,,.. •• -. , -.... , v• ...... • o• .., .. 9'-• .,....,.., "t ol .,.• -.: .... • .. ~ -•N _,.. ... •' .... --. ., _, ....... 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New \brl< 11218 I D I have filled 1n my cred11 card number belo w Plcas11 accept mv on I , ro11mon1 end send postpaid my ltrtl l ·p1ecc Ono101 senrng on lh1< I I pattern checlled-a full 123 50 valuu abso rurely FREE -mone lo looot> I I even rt I decide not to CO'lhnue I unde•atand th81 I will rcco•vc 1 .. 0 Bddo uonll 7·p>ece place aelto"iJS-bolled to my llAasterC1rd or VISA c redol I I cu o account -about every s1• wool>.~ t mav keep e1cn edd11oona1 act· long IOf the low Americ1n Family P"Ce of 1ust 10 98• plus I t 49 snip-I I pmg and handling Pfua. once or twice a ve11 I m1y roco1ve •~c11lly I I selected acce11ory 01oup1no•. ltko an 01eo1nt 1erv1no piece set I may return any shipment 1 oon t want end cen stoo whoneve • 1 w11h •lier I I 0•1m1n1no my FR EE 1ntroduc rory shipment simply by no1ofv1ng ' American Family cio HH Oneida S111nte11 Plen I II CHECK OF o :•n••o" D ~o.. O to~ntll I PATTERN Vete•ie H111 Pendanr Artostrv I I CHOICE o !> o H o ~ttnf\ell I I Ceou Rao h111 . Sauaro I I Neme I I AddreM ____________ AP' ---I I Crty• _________ state _____ Zrp____ I I Your Slonalure I (Order mull be 119ned robe accepted) Mat I ·s11te•nd too.11 .. "" .,,.,. ••".,. edded THIS SECTION MUST eE I I CHARGE TO. COMPl.ET£0 8£f0RE I 0 0 WE CAN SHIP YOUR I ~d VISA FREE Pl.ACE SETTING! I Ctedlt C8nl I Ace'! No---------------------~--I . ~-1 u.Nt-089 ~ ......... ,.. "''* ...... . '-w ww-wwww•w•w••••••w•••••••• .. •l!IJll!lll~~~lllllllJll~----······· .. l!ml ... ·-····· •••• ···-·· •••••• LIK·A I STORE COUPON I I I ... , " t.• -~l • _ . .I ... • # I .... _ ........ ~.., ... ..,.~......,.. .......... ... ·-~ ... , ................. ,..,,~ .. -''''-"' '\ .. • •• , ...... ,., ~,... ... "K1ioll9C"'lll"t-'-''""'~ I I ,, .. , .. ..._ • .,. ,, •·'-•..#04.,..., •• Jo .... ,.. ...... . •• , • ..... • .... ._ ,..,, •. ~ '"'' ,,.. • ,,..,,.. 't .. . • "\ ,..,., "'~"'•• ~ •r<;')o.'o ")6 -..,, ' " .. , tv t "'• •'•.., "' • _., oe; ..,.,,,. ... <!,,........~ •, t .,.."': I • Io'-.,.,. 'to ''"' -..... \ • \ .. ,.,-'"°' .. .._ •1 ~ ... "••"-......... .--...... . ...... , .. . ... '" ..... ,., ... ,. ....... , ..... ·-r. .. c1· ... ar ~..., .. , ~.· I ......... ' ... '"' .... , ... ~ .. __.... ' ~ ~ ........... • .,... , . .,. •. ., ....... ., •. _, , ••. ,,. ..._~oe· w ........................... ._,,_·r ··'""""· I ~:~--.. :..· ~~: :~!::v-:.~ ;. '~· :::', ·;::. ON BAGGIES FOOD s rORAGl BAGS .. -._.,_ ........ '"~":i:;.;:~;-.;·:. ~-:; .. ~ LIKE A SECOND SKIN TO I I 10! ;~t~i.-.~~:·i~;:· HELP KEEP FRESH TASTE IN! I I • 311.50021 Y-~6t~~;~:;.,:~~7vr co I 1-------·····--·-····---... -· 68(j·A a«, I STORE COUPON I I .... ,. " ... --~ ·-,,. ... _ ......... -... [_ ... ~. I "''. • .... ·-... : ...... ,,, ............. v ""',~.__..., ._ '"' ~ ... ".;\" .......... 11-• ... ....., ~-..... f,. ~ I ............ ...,. ........ 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NII" o •• .... •t••• •• I , ••• ,. llf"•.!• • ,,,... -• ••• K • • .-.;~ ..... .,• • • •v. ,--.. ,.,.,....,. ,,...... ... :-...· ... > .. ~ .... , +f\J ...... ._ • .. ... -.. "', ..... _' -"',.,.... ... ·-...... __ ..... ··-... , ....... -" '"' ........ .. ,. ~ ........ , • -,,.,.,. .... •"'*: '"" ,. -..... 1• •• , .. ,_ ...... _ ~--... , .. _ ........ .. ...---• .. .. ,. -........... ;..iVt to\ .......... ·" .. ,,,.. .... ~ ' • • • ; •• • ,, .. ~,.,--.. .,. ....... ,., • _,.._, ,#., ¥1 r:1• ·"" l •' • ""' "-' ...... •1 ,.. • • • .. .. ~"" • ... ;.~ii:.;. .... : :: ~ !~--~ ~ ·-.... -.--. .,....,......... ,,.._.,....., ......... .,....., ·-·~"If><''">-• ._,.,. It ,.._O t.M"' ... -,1 -• ,...,. •n ,.._ 'rf',"'I '•t '""°'" ·;t~ "('Of f!Uf"""! .... ., i....·~·~ ~., ................ " ....... ;. . .. 115! ;~~~f.·~~·~~·~·.;~\~ ~-:.:·. (11' ............ ~. ·•+•\ ..... . . ...... : ....... , ~ y.5gs 181·5()03e COlGATE·""LMOllVE CO I o r.i0YNAM0LIOUID LJIU"IDRV DETEROfNT BEATS POWDERS ON TOUGH GREASY DIRT! ------····-----------19S·A STORE COUPON - ON PALMOLIVE Ols+i LIOUIO SOFTENS HANDS WHILE YOU DO THE DISHES! . _/ ~fMLA~MTl"GINT.,. DEEP DOWN CLEAN AND LEMONY FAl8Mt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I v(•U0rt> done Don'1 JUSt dr(Jp or flop -l.'!'>Pt'Clall~· 1f )OU are CJUIS1de in the cold \,er instdl:! 1Aalk aruund c1 btt 1u ki:!ep mo1,,ang and 1hl:!n t>OJO!,. a 1Aa1m sho1Aer. 1f ~·ou can. ro maintain th"' ela~11c1ti,· cJ! the musclt>s and k""'P them frum contracting The Way to Flexibility ~chrng-mlt-g1w you aOOd-1. - that s coordtnarl:!d gl'dCl:!ful. erect These exerc1~s do dr1ubl1:1 -du11,.. roe' tr~ them be{ ore sports in ord .... r 10 1A·a1m ·up muscles Warm up:. Me e!.pec:alh, important m the winter sa!,.'S Dr :'\:~11nson "You ha\ e to be urt-that \,:nu ne1ch out and '"arm up befnr .... you dn a1l1, act11.1f\ · lw ""pla111 ·Thi is moil.' 1mnorran1 .n i:old IA t:>c.1tht>1 IA h1ch Don ·, bounce when ~1ou 1ouch roes - lhal could cause muscle damage cau54.'S muscles 10 cnn1rar1 If vou haven't v.-armed up tht-muscles and you go out in to the cold and do soml' strenuous mo11ons. beforl! vuu know 11. you hav.... ruptured or torn a muscle " , Touching your toes is a classic stretching exercise -and a good warm-up for any spon What's not classic is the way you should do them -withou1 bouncing. When you bounce. explains Dr. Fleck . you're doing a dynamic stretch, which could cause muscle damage. You should do static stretches instead "Let's say you're doing roe touches." he con- tinues. "With static s~e1ch1ng. you bend down slowly. touch your toes and hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds at tl)e point w here you can feel the stretch. You have nerve en· d ings that protect the body from hur· ting 11self. In a dynamic stretch. you could bounce very quickly and tear a muscle before that protective mech- anism could ten you to stop. With a i Hurdler's Stretch .... ia1:< Slrl.!tch \.OU t~nd l)\t'I JU t ,,, 1h~ prm11 , 1f lt>.1!l111g pa:n , ~f<)r.? \.OU d• 1 dll\. dc.1ma~" · Y <>u m1gh1 alsrJ fT~ rh~ c ki 'te 109 ~t!I ' '1>.NCl~ -;!'\ "''' 11 vou don't nm 11 s1re1cht!~ uur 1ht-calf muse le~ <:1nd I!> a gov<l v..a1m ur for an~· spun ~tt111U } 1 .: f..,.,,, lr0m a v.:all dnd Wdl aqonhl 11 v.11li !fnu1 arms keeping tbl' b• t<l1.. d--.d •'-"Y' "''"•!:!hi a nd lt.'l't 0 11 the fiu,11 Ynu JI f,, ... ; a '''"'tch r 1h, caH mu)cf11, :t 1,ou don 1 r,1 .. p had,,., 1, 11.-funtwr uf'l11: \.'riu -lo Tht.> hu1d1t-1 ~ ~ne1ch ,.., a g1 •nd ''"'' Cl~l' fnr th1yh~ !:-:t \l Ith nne 'eg ~:r<'l•Qt: <)Ul fu"lafd the IJlh~r \'J lhl• ~IJt' 1)1 d l-i'nl at tht' kn... L,•,m n\ l"I "'' d 111. ''' 1con1111ut1d Do you kno"1 t-vo bo y kno"1s about vita111in Cl Cut your amt. Bum your hand. Break a leg. None of these will heal properly without adequate vitamin C along with other essential nutrients. Nor will severe bruises or wounds heal properly. Sorethroat.Earache.lfighfeveL All can begi n with an infection that overwhelms your body's natural defenses. Vitamin C, along with other essential nutrients,optimizes your body's natural capacity to resist illness and helps keep your tissues heal thy. Up tight or up in smoke. With both acute stress and heavy cigarette smokin& the plasma levels of vitamin C in your blood may be lowered. So, you could be robbing your body of this essential vitamin without even knowing it. Up your iron. Vitamin C increases your body's ability to absorb iron from food when they are taken together. Iron is the most common deficiency in the diet, and may be related to a loss of energy. There are many reasons why your body needs an adequate intake of vitamin C. Yet your body doesn't make it. Vitamin C must come from food or vitamin supplements. So, eat a ba.IaDced diet. You can also look for fortified foods when you shop or take a supplement containing vitamin C every day just to be sure. Vitamin Communications, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Nutley, N.J. 07110 Vit•mins. Something you can do for your health. • .cl>J176 • Warning : The Surgeon General Has· Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. touch yout head to the knee of rhe stra1ghr leg. Reverse sides and repeat. Side bends stretch the muscles along rhe waist and rib cage. With arms owr your head. beni;i as far as you can to rhe side and hold the position at rhe point of ._.~·u,g_pain. For the shoulder area . rry to clap your hands behind your back, As you become more flexible. try 10 ra1~ your arms until you're clap ping at shoulder level. rather than down by the waist. ~ Jl'OC*:e, you con work up to more demandfnsl •aha. The Way to Trimness While sports can burn up calories in a big way and help you lose weight and inches from all over your body. you may need "spot" exercises lo trim and tighten specific areas. If you 're not sure if your problem -a protruding stomach. for Instance -Is the result of too much fat or just flabby muscles. try Kuni· zleman's "pinch-poke test." Tighten· your stomach mus- cles and poke your stomach with your finger. If you can't feel any musculature. your problem Is weak rummy muscles. Relax and then plnch your stomach. If you Sit-Ups With today's Ecotrin•you don't have to suffer all the pain of anhritis. Ecotrin is pure aspirin but more gentle to the stomach than plain or buffered aspirin. Because Ecotrin has stomach protection you can see-cl Duentric•coating that lets it pa1;s safely through the stomach before dissolving. And Ecotrin provides anti-inflamma- tory action to reduce swelling. not possible from aspirin substitutes. For effective relief. try Ecotrin. • $._..__ __ ...... ·-- can pinch an inch or so of fat. then you need to take ac- tion. The high-calorie bum· Ing cardiovascular sports will help you lose the fat. A regular session of sit-ups will help tighten solt muscles. Sit-ups are still one of the best ways to tighten storMCh muscles -provided you do them with your legs bent. not straight. As Dr. Fleck ex· plains. "The more you flex your knees. the harder the sit-ups are going to be. When you have your legs out straight. the muscles you use to sit up are the hip flex· ors and, In effect. you an jult bendilg OYffl at the Wallt. Those muscles are used every time you take a step, and are usually in good shape anyway. When you bend your knees to do a sit· up. you're using the stomach muscles to pull Once your muse/es get used to 1t, exercising can be jun yourself up .. There are plenry of books around w11h toning exerc1!>es for every part of the body. So, though-tTib"e"molto may seem like an appealing idea from time to time this winter. you and your family will feel best 1f exercise and sports are part of r311t your weekly schedule WLJ Surprise Ways to Shed Pounds You can rid yourself of ex- cess calories in ways you may not have thought of before. If you make a point of climbing stairs. for in- stance -in your home as well as in stores and off ice buildings -you can burn off 200 calories for every hour you climb. Here are some examples of other ways you can use up calories by mak- ing just a little extra effort from Actiuetics by Charles Kuntzleman (Wyden). Calories burned ActJvttles per hour Walking (3 m .p.h.) 315 Riding In a car 95 Bicycling (13 m.p.h) 690 Drtulng a cor 140 Chmbmg stairs 200 Riding an escalator or eleuotor 105 Hanging wash on line 255 Putting clothes In dryer 170 Washing dishes by hand 140 Loading o dishwasher 115 Using a manual typewriter 125 Using an f!lf!ctric typewritf!r 110 Beating cake batter by hand 180 Using o mlJcf!r 115 Shoveling snow yourself 645 Using o .tnow blowf!r 265 Last Chance! --H / America's Beloved _ Si[19J__ng_ Star! , ~~~ Every Song An All-Time Favorite! No singer has ever touched America hke Katt.! Smith Now her new TV album is endearing her to Amenca all over again. Her beaut1lul pertorrnances ot her all-time favorites like WHEN THE MOON COMES OVER THE MOUNTAIN and SOME WHERE MY LOVE are brcn91ng her new fans by the rrnlhons Kates fabulous voice has won her uncounted awards But you've never heard Kate sing so bcauh· fully so tenderly as she does on this album Here are the favorites you ve loved all your Ille WHEN THE MOON COMES I CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN THE IMPOSSIBLE OYER THE MOUNTAIN DREAM GOO BLESS AMERICA and 17 MORE And how Kate sings them' More beautifully SOMEWHERE MY LOVE than you have ever heard them before You II play t LEFT MY HEART IN !his album over and over again for years to comp II SAN FRANCISCO will move you bring back memories stir you as CALL ME IRRESPONSIBLE no Other album ever has MOOHRIYEA THE SHADOW OF YOUR SMtLE I WISH YOU LOVE GENTLE ON MY MIND BY THE TIME I GET TO PHOENIX CLIMB EV'RY MOUNTAIN THE IMPOSStlLE DREAM STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT YE STE ADAY OFFER Will NOT BE REPEATED It you d0111 play 1111s oeaulilul aroum more man any you ve ever owned and en,oy II more et won r cost vou a penny But please order yours now II snot sol<J 1n sto•~!> at any price and we do not plan to repeat this advNt1c;P men! in this paper Mail the no-nsk coup0n loday MAIL TODAY• NOT IN STORES ----------------• Sutrotk ... mllng. Inc .. Dept. K9·101 I I 360 Le111ng1on Avenue I New York N Y t0017 I Please ruah me the l<ATE SMITH album on you• unc,011<11 I I Mnal gu1r11ntM that rt must tie tne mos1 beau11tu1 atbum I WHO CAN I TUAN TO YOU'LL NEV!ft WALK ALONE I ve ever heatd Of you will refund my ourchate PflC8 I """ I enclOM $7 98 Send Record Album I ; I = lenctoae S9.98 Send8·TrackTape I MAY TH! 0000 LORD IL.EU AHO KIE~ YOU HONIY MORE UITLI GMO UPLll 000 ILESI AMINCA I "] I enclOse S9.98 Send Cassette Tape I I Neme _ I I I I Addreu _ I I City St... -Zip I ----------------• .... ( A MUST FOR EVERY HO•EI $399 WORKS EVERYWHERE, THRIVES EVERYWHERE r THE FABULOUS, BEAUTIFUL ODOR EllDE1·· PLAllT .......... 0 ,, ...... Leaves your bathroom, kitchen, your entire home smelling sweet and fresh! GROWS UP 'TO 112 INCH PER MONTHt Hang one of these beautiful plants en yo ur bathroom. nursery, sickroom. pet area. anywhere odor accumulates• Absolutely fantastic in the kitchen, fry fish. dice onions and saute garlic without complaints from the family. You can even remove odors that cling to your hands by simply rubbing 1 leaf against your lingers• It does not reQU1re d1rect sunlight and THRIVES o n the hum1d1ty provided by shower and rurining water It grows beaut•· fully w1mout plant food of any kind, and 1s peal resiat11nt. Stays healthy and lovely all year round. It zooms upwards about 112 inct\ a month. Lei 11 grow into a m1n1ature tree or cut •I back to any size you w11h SATISFACTION GUARANTEED --------------------------• DURHAM HOUll. 0..l ,.. A"O• 3.,. ...... f()( t l'llll"*'' I •~om.. a.. ...._ .... Y••-nT4• us A onty 1N v ,..._.," edCl wlM 1u 1 I I SHIPftlHQ LABEL lli'te-"""" Pt-•91'111 _ o-. ..__ • .._.... I I O Ota« ONE lo• '3 t9 ptue IOC pCMtlhen011ng ~-1 Tot•• .. ,,, 1 I a IAVlt rwo 10t 11 re p1u1 si 1o~no aoo'"' __ _ I a ~O: =• f OUA '°' '" eo 111u• 11 40 c • .., ----I I S.:'t:e:.erJ~~~ ~" OAO£A s~ , , ... o--G.!: •--c ·• I ·----------------------···-· Super Rookie Darrell Griffith: The Coolest Jazz By.Tony Schermon m any a soaring basketball star can jump high enough to pick a quarter off the top of the backboard. Only Darrell Griffith -with a vertical leap of four feet -can leave change 'Tve guarded other guys who could leap." said one of Griffith's college opponents "But all of them came down." Darrell came down long enough to be drafted last J une by the Utah Jau . one of the NBA's worst teams. The 6·foot-4.-tnch Griffith was clearly the best college basketball player in the land last year. his outside shooting and creative slam-dunking leading the University of Louisville to the national title. Befitting his status. Griffith ex· pected megabucks from the Jarz, and after lengthy contract negotiations. he finally signed after the exhibition fOftll ScMrmon la o ~loncc ..,,.., ond o /re· """'~to FAMll. v WtbCL v ~ason had already begun ior a reported $1 4 m11lion over five years His late start did worr y him a linle "You 're not getting grades. you're getting paid ... he says of the trans111on from college to the pr~ ·-rm m the real world now. and a college reputa· uon doesn't mean that much up here ~verybody's got his scrapbook., . Everybody else was ru nning through their plays. and I was out there 1ust trying to figure out what was going on He figured out quickly enough. though. In his first preseason game. Griffith led the Jau with 23 points. And his hot hand has refused to cool off . He leads the league's rookies in scoring with well over 20 points a game. and along with unstoppable in- side scoring machine Adrian Dantley. Grtfflth has helped the once lowly Jazz play a brand-new tune . One of siX children born to a steelworker and his wife . Griffith grew up In Louisville He took to (continu~d) 'A""'-Y WHKLV, J,_-, k '1111 e '' Q. What is the WEBSTER'S NEW UNABRIDGED 20TH CENTURY DICTIONARY about? .... •• . •. ' ..... . '···· ... # •• .. . . ~ .. . . ........ . ; ··:/ .... :., ~: '···· .. . ... . . A. It's about 2,300 pages and more than 4 inches-thiek+ ~ F••r more tlun ~ \C.l!'-"ct"1cr ·, L'nJhridl!cJ 0 1, 11onar. ha' ..:r.l'd ·J, .in '"' alu.1M\' n:k1~n,,· h•1 ,1uJl"nt•. te.1.:hch. !Ju,111c.""mrn "'" rt'IJlll"' ,mJ uoriccr' 111 all tr.ilk' Jnd rn''C"''""' Th..• '""-1111 1• •1mpli: Her.·.-J d•ll11•0Jf) thJt •Uppli.·• rt!.-Ol'•·J ft•r ,t('\'Ufilh.! JllJ full tldinllhtO•, l'l•fTl"l't -pellin~· JllU pn,nun,·1at11"'ln•. lull ct~ mnln~1c,. '~ nt'n~ ni. . .s• \•ell J' lllht:r ~cn.·r JI and ~f'l.'• 1fi, 1nf11rm .. 11 .. n :\ la~<' 'tall ••f lni.-1•paphl"I' .mJ lm!,'.Ul'I' hJ' pain,1.tkingl~ ctl1tcJ and urJateJ each cJdini110n ,,, that it I• dc.ir. J.:curiuc .. md rc.1d1h unJ.·r•h'llx! 111 Jll it' 'M.'O!>l'' Mam nc" cn1nc' haw b.:.·n JdJcd in, Jud in~ rl"1:cn1 aJJii11in• h • the IJn~u.1p· in the nJtural JnJ '<>l;tal \t.'.ICn • .:,. me hum.imll.:' and other 'fX'l 1Jll71.'d hr.inch,•, 1)f hum.in Im••" lcJ~·· un 6 brldl.ed', •. not shortened : complete: •s>ttil\cal1y. duianat1na a dictiol\&ry that baa not been abrida ed from a larser work. un ~·cent'ed, •· no t accented : spec:11\caUy . in Tr.e lar(}t' c:ieer 1eg11:>1e type shown taelua s.ze1 ~es fh•s unab<tOged d!C11ona1y 1"e mosl reaaatiie Orie •n Pfllll ·. Pfus It conte ins tM•• l~t•nt •~l•nNnt•~ 1 A D1ct1onary ol Bi09raphy 2 A 01ctfonary of Ge09raphy 3 A 01"1onary ol Noted Names in f iction Mytho109y Legend J A 01ct1on11ry ot Fo•e1gn Word~ and Phr.nes 5 .. A.01c1.t.0n.at't 0L$.~r111Ju~--· __ Proper Name!> and Foreign Woro~ 6 Abbrev111t1onr. Commonly Used 1n W1111n9 11no P11n11ng l P111cllca1 Business Mathen1•hcr. 8 Forms of Address 9 Tables of We1gl'lts and Measu res 10 Special Signs and Symbols 11 Pres1dent5 of the United States 12 Vice Prurdents and Cabinel OM•cers of the United States 13 Oeclaratton of Independence 14 Con•ll1ut1on of the Un11ed Slates 15 History of Canada 16 c naner ol the United Nations 17 Air Distances ~twffn Prtnc1pa1 C111es 18 Pttnc•pal Ge09raph•C Feaiures of the World 19 Commercial and Financial Terms ... no~· own one of ltw rlMsl ttf~ttntt boob in tht world •t only •;.. of ks oriainalh· NfW DILUXI COLOI IDITIOM pub~ ~ · lnctude• n-sands of llhntra''-Atone I" ... ,.' Wlttl J2 Fllfl.Cotor , .... ll'lue • ~ Full Collectlon ot the M8" ol "'9 WCMM ~~ SALE ----'& 'J\.""'NEX-SA\iE 549-----------. I r\l"t .__ ____ ., I I MAIL ORDER W0364 I 126 FIFTH AVE .. N.Y.C. 10011 PUBLISHED 1'T $59 95 NOW ONLY $19.95 I I I I I I I Pk11w: ruih mt W<•l1,,.., \ '•'" ( •111· lorlt11trrl nu""'''"' 11 your ~U.I IWlk-f"''" o( St9.QS 1ph1~ U .00 puSUIJt Md handhnJl Ill Y. Roidcnb Add Sa)e) Tu I ..., Ms I .. AME I I ADDRESS I cm I I F0t ~.srer Scrvicl.' ZIP c'P YJ ".r'3 lJU~S u-n 'U 1> U:tt lJ u 'U :<_tt u ttUIJ) I t> ntl ..,_I t llOIU llM ONIEii GUAM1nH t I ~ E_., boo11 you putCMM trOfft ..,_ 6 _,..i:;., c:o 1>y INil lftUSt ~ r-al8nderda. " noc ... ~ q Ci It tor a full Ntund within JO de,a or cfedh to ,_ t ,.. C"8rp eccount. ~ • 1n ~ tor lOS yea" Sarnes & Noble !las <t ~ t>ec:ome Ill& worlds largest boollstore ISee tne cur· t ~rent 0UtMH& 800ll ol WOO<! Re¢ords I Oi.• 9091IS10 ~ t' sett !tie finest books on Ille world at the lowest P<>tt<bie-= C:• pnces Alli aboul us at your ~t sCflOol or w t111e <; et kbrary ~*••&aannann~nuaa aoau~ I -W9lf CAaOMOUten Ill tf ,.ctounl • () I ~~=~w~1 . I .,.__.. ... ~ S~1'.'1u•• . I 19'Cl ._,,.,. 4 'l~k ~ .. .,.-.,,, In. --• h : ------------------------·--------- .. , ........ -,.,_,.. ... , " ........ · EasY Going Taste " Ultra LoW Tar -O;ngTaste " ft_owTar Griffith (continued! baske1ball at an earli, d91! -K -and dec1dl!d ,himh, th"rt>aftl!r 1hat he ""anted to b" a pro tit's ..aid that Dar rell began dunkrng ar tht-d9\! of 10 b~ launching him·elf r,ff thl<' wall 1){ the Griffnh garage J At l ;j h1o1 \\ d'> already I) 2 and pla>'"'Y vmJlu t basketball with a number of p1•1'>. rn d udmg Artis G 1lmur\! dnd D<Jn lssel. and reahted rhen "rhat I could n11x 11 up \A.'llh the bt>')t .. Passing up m11l1tms uf dollar'> ru skip Cl)llegl<' and gr) 10 1he proo;. he l!rlrollec.I at the Un1ver)ll)' uf Lc.1u1c;v:lle. prom1 .. 111g lti brln~ tlw scho1:il 1h first na11undl t1tll:' neighborhood. the social life Plus you've got an unusual population structure out here In Utah.: nor too man~ blacks That ~ \\t?trd for rrw m t1 .... a>. but the peopk hert:' have bet-n 1eal~ nice .. Darrell lives in a Salt Lake City con· dum1n1um and yets around tm\11 111 a ,,~ mb• 11 •if his sudden affluence -a llJN°l Cdri1Tiac 'l\r1\1. I u m bu1.. '>ornt• of tht> thing f alwav., v.·anted ·· he Sd)'c; ·Thie' prnm is 1101 to gu o\.er - b1>a1J Y1J1J 1,;e go tu be v.~ll alert ·11 1,.uur !>p!!ndmg •tendl?nctes One ex pe11<.Jirure he·s d!lowmg himself h d hou~ 111 the Lc1u1,,\·11le area for h1~ parent!> "Oh ~:eah_ you 1;e got to dCJ lhdl It'::. obl1ga1on It wac, the f:i .. 1 thmg that occurred lfJ me v. hen f v. e111 p11 > Get Mom:.· 11 the rest a cnh'' Prn basketball'> !•JP r'l•>kl.? ,., 1,!1 ._,,c,u.,I\; J)ft>Ud but uncmeJ 11 , lw 111 eluded 111 th"' pr.. fii'lt<'nlllV 01 ( t>1J1"e 11..,. a thrnl "' c 1 •Ille llll•J c1 inti'lrt 1.1. ult p1?•1ple f \ v v. di<. hed f1 ir :.ci l1_,11g ''" teh?\l'>:<,11 gu1,-. .11 1he 11olllmal hmehght Thl<'n he add-. wnh o sm:le Bui I Jr,n 1 i>:-.t1uh. goi ar .. untl "' tmduc r1g nl\. -.l.'1f f he\ k fl• 1\\ f3lll \ .. l1u I <W t Wl.J --f.)n-me--wav lo 1edumm.'+-~'--~---­ pledgl:c' hi:' si!t riunwrou ... school ..c111 1119 recmd .. _ )Umped 1n1r, rhti 11a11onal e1;1.1 dnd l<'Mrwd t1.1. u famous 111ck naml:c's "L1Ju1sv1ll"''" l iving Ll<'gt>nd" and "Dr. Dunkenstein" lthe latter prompting iokesters across the coun· try tn refer 1u 'that Jewt!oh yuv playing f<JI L11111sv1lle"I Life ff)f the t)()m.?l<J\l.'n heru v. a!> free and ea!>~ ma111ta1nin~ a B average as a cornmun1ca11ons ma101. Darrell coasted rhrough college sur 1ot111deJ b\I· frwnc.I,, and fan'> But. · despne h1., natural ab1fttw~ Gnfftth had ru \H>rk hard at 1mpruv1ng h1 ,,kills In hh 1un1or year d i l ou1w1lle ht> undl'r\l.l'llt h1..pnos1s to improve ht'! defe115c T '' .,hdpe up hi-. ball hand ling hi<' pl<'rlt month::. bdort' h1'> sen1<11 yt!ar Jr1bhhng amunJ chairs And then he put in long hours perfect· ing his JU mp shot. now deadly, but up to that pumr rnn:.1der11d a relall\'ely weak ;i peer of h1:. ganw L lfe tn the pros requires even more dedication. For one thing. there's that killer schedule "I'm playing three college seasons in one." Darrell notes "Y(Ju've gfJt tu make an. effnrt to get your rl?st. •JI you're useless. The time creeps up on you -practke in the morning, home to res1. back to the Sak Palace at six. Sah Lake City one night. San Antonio the neKt. back to Sak Lake . out to L.A. -it's rough " fhen theres the compe1111011 "In college chere were some niyhts when you played a 1eam to whom you could do JUSI abou1 anything you wanted Up here. no way Goin· against the best players. night after night after night George Gervin. Dr J . Paul Westphal. The first time I guarded Gervin he only scored 10 points. I was pretty proud. but I can't e)(pect to do that every night .. (Grif· flth also threw down one dunk over Gervin that was so f eroclous ·-a screaming. yo· mama special begln· nlng around Darrell's ankles -flab· bergasttid Jazz guard Billy McKinney asked for stomach medication after the game ) The 10Clal atmosphere Js ddferent. too. "I miss LoulsvtJle." says the rookie. ''the feDas. the people In the BEi IER IHAN -BAYER! 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Pttase ru,n me _ _ _ Pnoto c~·.usr ' .,,1n li•O·Stcltd ••nOo•s tor 100 o/1010~ •I oroi S• 98 OIUS 75c POSl~t & ~~nOltng ~· uM ::o~~sla:::::o :~:::~::?'1~'::,',' S:•:: 11 Illus s 1 25 001119t a n1no11rg i :: IAW -· 3 ro1 ont~ s12 ?' r ., SI ~o i .:;:,~:::, •~ on'y s• SO c•• u • I tt tiler •eet1lliflO 111'1 cr4tr l 1" "C' a •r.'''4 • 1911y rtturn •t •llftill 14 c1ty1 to• •rl,•1 •t•ct ot I OOS!age I ftltlO'tflOl E•clostd s CT 'H Clt'lt! 1~1 •• S•'•• T IV Clltck or "'ll•t\' O'<!t• M '; O i :> ••\f I .... , . ·~ ···~· -. : •:1 •u •·• = ! ,,.-------------------'-·-········--··-·· Hete's to You, and Hete's to Health By ffiorilyn Honsen SUBLIME SOU : AMA~OINF 2 pkg' It lb ,och I fr"'"" :-.unh Arlen· B ,,<?,, ru th,, ... up.,rmdrhd :h • " .01 .. fillf'r~ '.\~l'k~nd > Im SU I\! 1,.ou t ' ; , rup m•llt'd l1ul1Pr 111 rnorg•llnP <JflMI l)okhm pt!o!S of .ii l['l•" 'J. ll'1np11r,n, q"1t4'd lom• P""I fiuu. hl'dps of ,t,tn~ _.11 , ,,, 1 , rnp tr .. ,h llm .. rul<'" lo1bou1 .i II"'"'' drld !:1111-s and !U nlblt!S ·A 1,1...:.ar r 2 '"•"P'"in' 1hyn1 .. li-ttve~ l ' 1 re.s~puon• •1th • 1l 1H\<j~~ o.l:\J llf1P 'I -,k1rm1•d t." •3 'f • , 1 .. 4,p<><>n 9m und blar \.. P~PJJ.,, llh'S nww Cltru• ~auu...... '. P"'·!l I 1 cup flrwly I ht>pp .. J , "•••'"d .tlm<Hld~ ... u pp~>I.<. at<? fa\orabl1; pY'i .,, .,------r-_hopiw<h>llnl~ ------- vnJ<i') uut o! han1 ! !Jt simply 11, .. ,q1w~b: Lim" lh1ll•nd1tu ":,Aorr \r•clp .. ti 11 a tdn 111m1rc:itill! hf: to\' :ntl..'r d ·1 • 1•! folio.,.' I " i' lp•)k at 11•11 r~c1p1? tr<.J~>! f•11 fr,,,,! JI . a ~n· '" ·t!..-1i ... f, >? "r' ~ut f('\m ,.,, TURKEY AND BROCCOLI STIR-FRY • 'J cup grepdrull )u•u 6 t•blnpoon• ~y s.un 1 , Cuti wal•• nTTlml'~ 2 ll'MC)OOnt grated lrnh gin~ o r 1 r l•upoon ground ginger l ll'Uf>Oon •U9&r 1 1 tea~poon minced garlk 4 talslHpoont v~bi.-o11. "dkidf"Ci l bvMh lreth broccoli. 1ough \lalli~ dt.cerded and top• broken lnhl ,m.11 flU\llUel\ (<I lUJ>') 11,4 cups allnd m~hrooms •1, cup tllc l'd grttn onion' or •c•lllun• 3 cu~ diced. cooked curli"'1 11, l Up tlkl'd \l.'8tU c hHlnul• 2 grapefrulh, peel•d •"d M><:hOn~ I . 11. <I '11""· ht)',,, 1111\ •jl<'\W!11 .. 1 l. I ,. )Ut, "'•l\J\c' 1.\....,(tl' Ii. f''""'"-)lt • f,•iq\. f , '']"' <Jlld •J<1rl1r 1111: ~llM• •tb <;,..1 J,,<1,• 2. In a 1.irgo> ~k .ll"t '" , •ik lw,u i .,,;,1., -.p•;'>'lS ,,) •Ill (11, hr• H • • 1.1 n11;.h ,,.,, .1·11! •jr•'""'' '""'n' ''~''' 1l11jl1 lw.1· ... 1.11 '"J l•ll\~ldt1!h, U"ll I b t•1C"C"11h I• tll•Jl Iv•"• r l r<SM fer I•) .1 lc>rY<' h• ,... 3. Hl!c>I r\'m11.n:n•] I ldl 1<.'~fl""' 1 11 \l\tlll<'t c>dd ru'""°~ dllU '\ .1·e1 1 h •'>f'' "' C1.o<1k <r rnn'j l."ll~ld•\l.~ I m1111m• u•11 tu!btcJ throuyh R!llum bmCl°•1l. m":ur.• 1,, ""tHl't .>rtd l•I'>) ':)1.1 91c>pefru11 ml'tur_. .111d add all <>I nnre C<> .;k1lle1 cn .. k )IU 11nq c.,n.,1anr\'> u1111\ '>i'IUl.l' s 1h1dwrw1I Aud gril pl'fruor )o.'(llons toss ~ .. I\•' "' r111ce Mukt's -I ~en•1111p CAf.IFORNIA ORANGE CARROTS -----___ _..;_..;.... __ I lb. carrot•. cut In 114-tnch elkn laboul 3 c11.,-) 111 ceaepoon ••It 114 C'41 waltr 1/a IH•poon frnh gr•led or_,.,. pftl 1 OtanfC. pnle4. cul In btte-eln !MK" 2 ~· buttet or martanM. .aft.Md l aab&npoon chopped II'"" e>Mon l . In C0\11o1red saucepf111. cook cam,15 i.1.11h wit In water until JUSI tender I Ill 10 15 minutes!. dram 2. Add rematrnng lflgred1enrs. hllat s!11 ring occasionally Moires " servmg$ ' I : ' ' ...... ·1 II• , .. ,., ,. ~ . .. '' ~ t t .. ," ·'. ,t \ 'I'\ I 2 H., .. 'I °'I /II •11 , . -I . . '. , .. \ """ ,,.., •. ,! . :r.,. . . If·• , . .\( .. ' , ~' . , I .'\ LIME H OLLANOAl~t ~AUCE I l lb ~2 \ll<k•I """"'' " '99 y11ll1<1 -t·mtnpum,-fr.,-h ltmr )urC'P 1 1 lf'a.poon ,.11 DMh 1.1vr nM I. I· .,,..,,, "' t -i'tlfl I ,1• I "'•'', n. .. I '"l .j, ! . . f -t, .1 t I , . . ll '-• , .. , 'lft~ U11 Y ... ,,,t ,,, .: ,1 •'"' t \ ni1••i1f. r " I<\'.' ,,,,,1t T1,r1 ", •,,r ,,, 11V. .. p.•.._1. 2. J<~'f'• '". .. ... •1 ,,. ol ;1 " " l',I! I ll ,. J•', I !I ,, .,. 1'1.J. ..,·~,, '• "'I• '•1 I. '1 t ,,,. 1\!•' \1...,' .. tt.' • J\,~ 1 k.~ .... .,!· :n''"~'n ,,,,,,,. 3. I "'-'~l' .\•II' •I ••'IJll.t of\ ... ~,,. • p.u ' ,.,, ~ '"'i t. ...._ ~~ f t..• it ·' \I• r ~'1'•' ._ , 1~h ,,,.,,, ,,,, rnJ;d•• ,,r,.,-,--aJ s , 1.·~r it-",,, i R,•11,.11 t • i' ,f I ut°'h: '' :,•r 't 'f •j • '"'t t•Hh. • J"l U1'1' '"' .. ,,,,., \l..iO. .. , .11•11111 , , ''fl FLAVORFUL GRAPEFRUIT· • CARROT MOLD I ce11 1about H on . I rruth~ plnuppl• 2 ~nv~lopn unftavorwd galatln 3 cebal'.,oona •Ill•' 2 cupe boillnt we ter Juke of l grepafruH I h nap) ' ~ cup 1hreddf'd c&rTolt I teaapoon frnh gr•lf'd gre~frult P"•I l 11ra..-fult. peei.d. cut In bll• .. IU pjttn I. Oroin p11 11?appl11 w11!1 1v~e1\'t' 1u1r1> J,1 b1)1.d. cnmb11i.: gela11n and "UIJ•H Add l>•>1ltn<J w ater ~11r to> d1\~ol1. •' ~.,.1.,11n At.Id ~r.1pefru1t dtH.l rewr\'>'d p1no'11pple ru '""' I . TI) chill quicklv plaC'~ bov.t o t g;ildlln mu<1u1e tn)1d11 Jllrger bo\41 filled lvllh 1c11 s1ir m1xrur1t rxcas1on.:1ll~· unul verv 1hick bu1 not w r tabout ' 2 houri 3. Srrr 1n d1c11notd pm,..npp:e ~arrot gra~wu pe.il and p1.,.c\'S l'our mro lightly 1111 ... d 5-cup m old chtll un11t firm tabou1 11 i huurs) To \O!l\,ot unmold on 10 $o!r\1ny dtth Moler• 61v d St'TL'llt!/> advertl•f'ment adverU•ement Buy a Gold Ingot for $_10_ Call .Toll Free-by Midnight Tonight .-..:::~~~~~~~ As pan of this phone advenis- ing test. we have operators mufdiiigby to hanOTe ffie nuge response we anticipate fo r this national test. This test has been commissioned by Inter- national Monetary Mint. You may purchase a solid 14-karat gold ingot (6 x 9 mm) for SIO plus SJ shipping. handling and insurance. There 'is no further obligation. Each gold ingot ( .20 grams) will be accompanied by a Certificate of Authen- ticity. These iniots are ideal as gifts or as p ieces ofjewetry! Should you wish to return your solid I 4-karat gold ingots. re- funds will be promptly made. There will be a li mit of J 0 gold ingots per address. Telephone orders will only be accepted on major credit cards. No phone requests will be accep- ted past midnight. t r,. '"''" .. ,, ..... \t ' .1.· \f r;1 Call 1-800-523-7635, Operator #E-37 In Pennsylvania call l ·800·662·5180 Please have credit card ready. -~-- advertl•eanent -·- " ~--- Keep v•rsen 11 ~~ 11111 with q11rtz- ayst1l 1mracy make Inexpensive ... 11ywllere v1u So-Eas9 waldl , Soft Sculptu1e ~~~~::==-HHere's an Idea 1698 whose time has come! The STICK.UP 00-anywhlr9 you dO to 11.-p you on YOURS ~·:.::r~~1 T:° .::.= !!* ~ FOR faatener on the b9Ck. A~ can move It t~ ONLY EACH! time again! TN9 la• dodr,., CM ....... • ...eccurete to wlt'*1 NCOnd8 • month. E.uy-to-feed_ • ---LCD-(Uquld Crntal t>iapliy) numbers lhow Houri .Mlnute ... ewry 2 NCOnda. the d191>1ey c:Nnges automatically to Month/Oey. It awn he• a bullt.fn com- puter thet lldjuats for long and ahon months! Runs tor 2 years on Installed, eaally repteceeb6e blttery. It's water and ahocic.f9Slatant .• .a hendy 1111 • diameter by •1, ·deep. You'll IOYe lta totally modern lo<*. molded of hi-Impact Styr.ne In 4 decoretor c:olorl! lr-™--1 c....&ilr!!f, I T ...... ctodle I a. lUfM. 9'CI.,... I °" I .--~~~~~~~~~~--.......... .,,.,.._ ~ """"* ~ •• °""" c.., ............ Cel.i bj1119e D v.. C ..._, CIWll With o stocking and some cloth you con mole• o 3-D picture ... By Rosalyn Abrevoya m a.king soft sculpture is like eating peanuts. Once you start i1·s not easy to stop. That's what you'll discover once you begin making things with old nylons or pantyhose. There are soft-sculpture pins and refrigerator note holders. There are 3-D pictures and famUy portraits. plus bouncing balls and hand exercisers and silly little gnomes guaranteed to make you smile. You can even use the cut-up nylon to give a doU an "Annie" hairdo. For a delightful addition to the fami· ly gallery. make face sculptures on a velvet background. add a lace collar or silk ascot and an important-looking frame. You'll have a humorous por- trait of a favorite relative. Similar. but different. are fun . bodied little gnomes which can be made to sit on a counter. a shelf. in a basket or on the windowsill. A far cry from the soft-sculptured folks are the bouncing balls also made A silly little gnome . from pantyhose They can be used as toys (they really do bounce) or put to practical use as squeeze balls for hand therapy. Folks troubled with arthritis find them to be excellent hand exer- cisers. And small pieces of nylon pan· tyhose can be used to rum the balls in· to little doll faces So. the next time you discover a run in your hosiery. don't despair. You·ve 1us1 created material for a new pro1ect' Complete instructions along with photographs and step-by-step illustra· lions of all the projects mentioned are included in a bool<let. To order your copy of booklet •340 ··soft Sculpture Made From Nylon Hose.·· send $1 . 00 plus 25 cents postage and handling to: Fa•lly Weekly Magutne P.O. Boa 431. Dept. P ,.....,_n Scatloa New Ymk. N.Y. 10011 Be sure to include booklet number and your name. address and ztp code. (New York Sta.te resi· ralll dents. please add sales tax.) t&J Or some oppeollng doll faces. D ....... o1 .. ,... .... d. .......................... .. ,_... w eedt booll ......._ llONl'Y.UCK OUAMNTI! I I NAiii _____________________ _ I I I ADDRlll ------------------~ I CITY 4 STATI ------------11' I CINDY GAR CREATIONS Department l.CPW ._ 2041 N. J•nlc. MetrOM Pn. lllinoi1 80160 -··----------I ..I ~-···«'~•"··· Dlpt. fW12S 14 Parle Rd. TinDI Falll. N.J. Gm. ,._ .... ,,. ................... ,_"°' .............. NIM'n ..... lfl 10 .... lf ~ ................................ o1 .. .,_., :.;::•::.:'=-*------------- ~-· 1•COIOr ZtlCICOIOr .... P'nce ._.,._,...,..... TOlll I edO 11 7~ lot ncll""" ... .zio ~ ..................... ,.,. ........... ,.,........,_._, ..... oco.o.· 1 -u .oo...,.. '°' .-. ,..... ..... • ~ 11111Mce °"" ...._..._. ....... dWW9I NoC.0.0 ....... IC ..... ..._. l'9CIUW9ll deooelt TooMlf.,C..-_.. QVlll O " ,._,.. C.. NO .,.....,. No E10t91IOll 0... ---- CMOIT CAM HOUJl• W.Y NOW ()N)(ft TOU. ,,_E 9'0UND ntE Q.OCIC IDO-a1·"31 IN NY....,.,.,.., HE WRITES THE SONGS every rime a theme 1s · played . his total take depending on how many stattons carry the show His btg~st rnoney· maker· ABCs World News Tonigh t theme which brings htm over $100.000 a year. ··writing a good theme is a subliminal thtny. ·· says Israel "The audience may not be aware of how ifs reaching them ·· Below. Israel reveals what he tried t() do In some or hts best-known themes -Family Feud ·W hen I saw the show. I thought of the Hatfields and McCoys - f i • a country. grass roots thing. Hence. the banjos in the song.·· -Monday Night Football: "I wanted something ex- tremely macho. whereas my pro basketball theme is more like the sport Itself. more fluid, less percussive." -World News Tonrght: "I needed something very sim- ple. yet memorable. Some- thing strong. with a sense that an event Is about to happen." -The Prlc~ Is Right: "I put myself In the winner's place. thinking what It's like to get a gift. th• shimmering happiness it can bring." a• AAMl\.Y MIKLY, ,_.,a, •1 A MUSHROOMING CONCERN "If you loo!< at htStory ... says Laurence Be1lenson. ··man has used every wea· pon he ever devised .And people haven't suddenly become more humane .. Thu-s. fie con-eludes. a n uclear war is likely. somewhere. sometime And he says. "It's 1ust as likely to come tomor· row as tn 100 years " Be1lenson. a campaign ad- viser to Ronald Reagan on foreign policy and author of Sururuol and Peace in the Nuclear Age. says we must increase our spending on both nuclear weaponry and civil defense "Even if we assemble a large enough nuclear force to launch a counteratta(k-'t~a Soviet first strike." he ~oles. "that won't bring oack 100 million Americans by then killed. O nly shel· ·MASS AP-PEEL America's favorite fruit? The banana. In 1978 Amer· leans ate 13.5 billion of them -over 20 pounds per per· son. But if you think we're bananas about bananas. consider the people of Ugan· da. In one provlnctr there. the typical resident con- sumes about nine pounds al bananas eacn day. I SEX+ MATH:? Why do boys trad11t onally do bent'r than girls 1n math'> Many say it's becaus\:! bovs are encouraged to pursue the subject more. A contro· vers1al new study. though. concfudes t 1at oys are orn with greater lnath ability Over seven years. psy- chologists Camilla Benbow and Julian Stanley of ,Johns Hopkins Univ~rsity studied some Hl.000 mathematically gifted seventh-graders boys and girls who. as well, were equally interested in math. And while some aca· demics argue that boys do better because they take more math courses. up to the se\lenth grade, course re- quirements are roughly the same for everybody. Yet. on the test used in the study. boys scored significantly higher. Benbow says she doesn't really know what causes boys· superior math ability. but theorizes that ii could be genetic' hormonal or brain differences. "W~'re not saytng girls can't do well at math." Ben bow notes :·But we believe there are ewer girls who can mathematically reason at a very high level Before now. the differences have been swept und~r the rug. Bur that can't continue tf we expect to solve the problem WORKAl>AY ADVICE Here's a tip on reductng lethargy at the off ice from a recent Amencan Optometric A ssociation report Make sure your work area faces art __ qpen ~~ce . nqt _a ~aJI i:ac_ mg an open space allows you to look up and focus your eyes at a dts· tance different from your working dts tance And conti nually changing the focus of your eyes reduces tension and fatigue The report notes the average adult has a concentration span of 45 to 50 minutes. It thus suggests a ratio of six work hours to two hours In total breaks for a typ!Cal eight-hour work day. INOW PRONOUNC• YOU MAN & NAIP Harry Zain has a mission. One of several unofficial Washington .. lobbyists." Zain . a fundamentah:.t Chn:. tian from Charleston. W Va . has been grabbmy van ous Congressmen for the past four years to plead his case His goal to lower the manying age to lo for boys and 12 for girls "This would put a 101 rJI good where now there ts ,) lot of bad ... Zam 2o told the New York Times 1ecently 'It would end prum1scu1ty It would make th!! yuu11g hap· PY and the old happy .. True to his phtlo-,ophy. Zam wants to many d 13 year old girl. Howl:!ver. her parents won't let her 5'1e him According to Zain. 'They do QOI _l.ll\O!?C.SIAnd. . - -Eliot Kaplan BIRTHDAY NOPLE (AD Aquarius) Sunday -Ed · win Newman 62. Monday - Paul Newman 56 Tuesday -Mikhail ~hntkov 33. Donna Reed ' 60. Wednes- day -Alan Alda 45. Thun· day -Katharine Ross 38: Alan Alda, Su.z.anne Plahette John Fonythe 63. Frtday - Gene Hackman 50: Vanessa Redgrave 44; Dick.Martin 59. Saturdmy -Norman Mailer 58: Carol Channing 58. Suzanne Plnhette 44. ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 / . 'ntd General Has Detemu W1mint: The Surg.eon n-ous to Yow Hlthh. That Ciprette Smoking Is.,....,.. >--------rn ll' 'l'OI 11111. lur 1ll' to l"ll pnu .. 11111h \I l'Jlh. 1hrn· 1,..,l, d1.1t h.1H· ,,.n nl ·" n1flll''''"'ll'' in m.11n .1 tuw ltrnm· hhr.1n The complete works of Shakespea~ _J_ lu.'-11&·.111111111 I ~OO·p,tlo(l" H1I· 111111 \Ulll.1111~ l'\l"(\ \\11rd ""·l~l''JX'.IH' \'\\·r \\fllll-. \II ~; 11f hi' pl.I\'· . \II ,,f 111- l 11111nl1t·'· 1r.1).:<'di1·' .• 1ml l11\lt1ril .11 drama' i11d11di 11~ ll.1mlt·1. 1!11111\·11 .rn d julil·I. \ l.tdll·th. dl ''"' .111 111 h1-Jlllt'lll' ·'"'' "111 Ill' I' The works of Kipling \t•tualh n~ht honl,,TI-nnl~-\· l • 1111pkll' 1141\ d .111J I W ''m•l''· II.ill.Kl' .md "'' "'' l11H'\I tlw '"'rid 111 n 111d11tl111~ I 1111,·\\1111\. \l.1ml.if.1,, (,11n).:.1 Din. l Ill' Ph.1111<1m Hil ~•h,11\ .incl otlwr,, The works of De Maupassant l~k m.1h·hl1·" tali·, In thl' 1otn'.llt''' m,,,,,., 11f 1h1· 'hurt ''"n till''' orlJ l1.1q·1 l'r ln1m n E ll'f'\ ''"" u1mplt•tt• .inJ 11111·,p1ir1ot.1tn l 1 m luJ,., 1 lw Oi.imonJ '\,'\ U1n·. \ Pit'\1· 111 "tnn)l. I hl· \\ill. Lit h \lllum,· h d11tht"t! in a h.1ml~unwh · 11111kd bimlinit of Jnli~m· l'l m 1h.1t h.1' huth tlll· l'fl')l....11\t ~•1k and ll·d of lt .. 1tht·r .. 1 hind111)( 1h.11 'houlil l.1l>t .1 liti:tlnw. Till' J'IOt)ll' 1111)!. of t'H 'n \'oluml' l1aH' hn·n )l,ikk<l .. \nd. "' J J c:liithtful .Kkk<l llltKh. l'<K.'h hmk ha' J lll'rtnalll'nl"' JllJt'ht'CI p;tl(t' m.1rkl·r of aim"'" rihhim. \i111 "ill l'OJ"' rl'jJin11. tht.''l' hmL'. ju't J' milllom bdi1tl' you ha\t'. \11ur frit·nd' \li lt JC.lmirt• dwm. pt'rh.tl>!'t t'\ en l'nn mu for"" ninl( tht.-m. :\nd ~·11t1r t:hikln·n \lill ~in a rl'al acharUali(t' ni th hmk' lik1· thl''t.' al\I J\' l'~M' Jt hand. \\'h\ Jo \\'t' ut'l't•t \'llU thrt•t· hook~ of thb 1·:ilitm· for onh' C\l t•ad1: \\1· l>imph wa1}t to intr11Jm·l' \I >ti to our nt•w Gokk•n Ginnb 'writ .... \\c think \llU will ht• impr"'""'' \\Ith tht· hmk.; "1· '-''till ~11U . .\nll "1· llfll'IC ynu "ill w.m1 to m\ n othl'r' In th1· ~Nil~. a~ tht•\ 1 ... t''""'' :I\ 11il11hk·. T~·' ''ill ind&Kk· . 1 Huw1., ih 1·om(1k•w "orks in· ~d!J(linl( Hum·hliot:L of ~otrl' l>amt'. \ \\iJman of tht• ~tm:h. Th<' ~Is. l'tc. ( ~tl'\l'llMH'I. J9 00\ds. Slofll'), ru·1m .. Tr1·:ii.un· hlund. Or. J1'L~ll llnd \Ir. H~'lk-. Kiclnaf'r''l. l'tt.· .. 1111 t.'Omplt•tt'. f(Jl~toi. 27 n(M•I, and storic'6' .\nnu t\11rt·nina. t\rt•ut)tr ~nta. fht· ReguJarly $23.67. Now only $1 each. c.~i.111·L~. I AIH' anti mam rnon" llN·n. lib tl~rin)( pla~"· '"'dt .1h>11lutd~ 1'0mpkt1'. 1nduclinl( \ 1>1111', tl1iu~" (,ho!>b. tlnlla Gabkr. l'll'. llu\ 11·. \ll 1h1· IJ1...,t uf \fwrh ·L f lc~mt·) -Th(· "iicn of' Th,· J-uur. Ht'tl 111·..k.J l~·""'k" plu> ut~·r )tfl'ill ''orl.i.. PU&.·. q1 tak•). Jllll.'m'. t'l>l>•~' 114' I hi' l(J't.'at . \nlt.'rit·an "rill'r: . \nnJhl•I I A'l'. Th1· RaH·n. Ttw Coltl Hu~. \lurtk·r' in tht· Um· \lor)Clll'. Th,· Hlud C.11 . t'll". Tht· foll "-'ril'!> "ill al!o11 lnd11tk· th\· \\Ork' of' Cdlini. \\iklt" Hnl\\nln~. I onl(fdkl\\. F mrn.c1n , I >i~tctt•"l~. 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Just rub' Gt nlly 11>ru1ve velvet1zed 2·sode0 pads tot over t1nous1 No meuv crums shawong chemouls J ..... , ... ly (0·163371 ....... 11M( .lllllT IMI AT PIRHmf. RE•OH CALLUIEI. COHI. •talTlf w1111 comtortalllt HARD 1111-Quteltly tlHtoc ultndtrs Simply 1111n1es11y & econom1c111y1 llook onto lira I vo111 -a foot Smoollltr has fine '11tn· per1te1 Ill! Wnrte less Sltel 111ru1ve surface = ~(G-9916111•-Safe I euy to use 7,,. -=:J ....._IG-ltl7611•M ;:J fftt·l•H• ::J ....... (C>"'8411 •ftl( 1959191 ~ IA•IOO IACl ICRATCHH ltts you get ro those hard·lo·rnch spots! 17· lo with Sluroy prongs tor · 111-1nsp111no· rel1tl1 Soltd llamlloo; hang loop o ......_,,11111 ... s'l!tl TOOTllPAITE CAPI OPEi I ClOH AUTO•ATICALLYI Ends waste. hardening! Ooen wnen tube IS SQUHltd CIOH whtn reruseo Fils 1111u11u Poly :::: a'•'-c.,. 10·733381 1'hq llAIR TRt••ER lets yqu be_ yoll'r own b"1rbtr' Ju SI glide over nead for neat enr 1r1m1 Grnl tor kids' Poly Blaou separate -li'l••tr 199-4991 j 11111110 (0·08029) ILUMIH CAP lllPI CURLi UlflUffLED 111 nue no mat· ttr how you roll I toss• lus· trous u11n 111m1n11ts 11111c-t111 htonest co111 :J lletC.,(150j2_) ·-~ ::J)l•H191(15040) .l'hQ :J Wllltt C.91 1150571 ft,q EU.111140 .. Mlfl•t Noiseless snoe Ups lteep htets new tor months' Non· s1t1d polyurethane wurs toke 11on1 PH' tf J 911lr. .., .... ,.,. "" ·~ ... 10·56697) ...... 10·567051 MIX Oil IUTCM ML.II ,..., • °" llOtle IT'Em NI TMIS CATALOG oeeLY 88! ,, ... ..._ .. ~ . ......, "llOT rocrr-PUI iiii fief war. on cold weatller! Give glowing wHmtll on body con· tact• Tnm & sltp into s11oes Cusnoon Itel too' Great tor sitters . skaters, hunters any outdoor activity' ;:J llelfM11923041-~ PHIOHllllD POCllT· ltH IOTt PA0-100 sheets to 101 down lo1ts & important t111ngs 10 do' Navy 111theret1e cover oolden rene"nll J• • ci,-1111e ..... ~ ltlt PH IP·7J61.41 ~ = l ....... ,0·138331 MMl'f IBJMDl.IT'BtltlUI Piii I EYHUllUI "o more glasses tost trom lop ooc1tt1s when you bend -or onlt· st11neo snorts' l'fn & soecs ht snuoly 1n ucn 1u1ner·look vinyl shultl Fits belts toL :J 1111 ....... 1000831 I«~ num -permanent copy car· ries in wall1t -c1n ntver l11r or llllln 3~ • • 1~ • .,tetty .. ....... .,. ;:J ltcl1t lecartty 1"111• tP·84428l ~ fOut·AWAY IClllORI IO A•Y· WNEREI Tuck 1n purse pocket suotcut ' Always n1noy when you nHd them' Sharp hllle scissors lolO to 1ust 2', ' 111 vinyl cast c ,.., ... .,, 1895t81 st.et 11 anu TUT1I Clutclt ICE UIE CLAWS! Give silt sure tootong on those sltelt sur· t1ces Just slop o~er shots coots E11111c 1>a11d ao1usts to 1nv size snoes ::J Ice lri91t (51425) ~ mD II CAUIMT WITMOUT Al AINTHYI P1lm·slze-fils In poc•et. purse! Pwrm1ts nut dll· poul ot 11nes. anywhere• Ltalh· ertnt·covered metal 2 11· Plfta.n1y(38t741 ~· l'tUllll.Y WllKl.Y, ..-.., a, •t tallUl •I CAllY """ •• la H '""" ot so up """ O•IU•AO m1~u HOIOS cm .,pr 111 eU) to 11n o' wn le o 0 11c coateo •·•t 7 , J • '""o' nonos ._ MlaCHfy •8670i1 YUMMY CHOCOLATES 111 rHlly lllllfy 1111111 lllltHlll LOO• ,y lf'llP'•rQ -l11Ckeo •n 1~~" o ... n OJoer cuos· 5P01Q mJ9ie1 s no a note' on "•Qe cJ01nt1 v 11~1 • -CHfy·M•t• •O 9)08 ·, Setet 3 S~ 'lllSOULIUO TALUllG" AlllMAL 1001 hd\ cni10 s name on covtr Prtss-•·O~ 9e1 a kick out ot ln1ma1 souno on uch paoe• 8 • s·, s1111 u111t, ·- -Tllll·IHll P ~2744 1 Sr.>q 2· YUll P'UllSf SfCllUAllY luCkS 1n purse or ooc•et-nilS 2 ·ynr p.ann 1ng ca lenoar onone aoo•ess seclton area cooe mJo oaies & oau pgs' Vinyl cove• u s t COIOIS P'luurt922131 sl:-q llllGHT OWL ,OTHOLOEllS Altt MAGltUIC! A wise pair ol oan nanolers-tney aoo a cnee •y nott to k1tcnen' Ouolteo rayon Collon w1tn col· ortul owl oes1gn 6'1 • 5'1 Owl Hoi.1 i0-83469) s.1 '' 2 s~ SALE! AllY1~ 11 • CATAUI ... , .... "' ........ Miil! (1tll ... ,...... . ....., 110 AIU 'Ulll.Ulll! " I MUSI I ·\I I • •1 f'I Ill 'f{ 1k fl1f.'t ljA l I 11 "f ff 1-1-h~f 1,t ,. I~~ 'tfl ll«JMll• ~·1· ... u1.I•~ :,•f HM'a MO, _ _, llllela wlttl fllW ,.._I fllll 1Mr1t1I JllU wtt I ltic&. For an 1t11ioMry. NIU, ctlelU. rtCIOIU . ......... ....,IMICll ....... .....,_ ......... , ............ IMeea.~Mrlttm.._Wllile • ..,...... 1111111 OM-•·•·111111. 1r1111ua11y lltllf: 1'61·. 0 ....... 10·7254t) ..................... -. 0 LIMlll .. 1111 (35NS> . .. ............... ~ PUL I SLICE WITH 1IWllW11ICIJ Ont siae. s • peelt1 10 moo tru11s & vtgtUblts tut & easy Fhp tt over-otner stats• iln1lt w11h shuo cutttno eaoe & se"ateo 110· Dtast1c covt•·~ana1e ~•lt•y encues s•ae not on ust Sta1n1us ~tee1 b1iaes Gru t 101 cimo•no 6', = '91t1r-s11c1r196s111 sl:oq A uu -.111 FIT 'lllFlCTLYI 11 •111 tllUlll, fur of Intl lnv1s1b le ou1rds shp under 1ny s11e r'"g-mus1ve or pet11t man s or •om· an s-lor 1 pertect ht' ltl If I widths, vinyl -.:1-.. U .. l0·91046l 0 CllUTE lfAUTlfUl HOOllO llUGI Ill HALF TH( Tl Ml .,,,h Jill Ru Gun' Just load press reieue no s 1n pre- 'ut ya•ns ,.,,Ct as last (uo 10 6001n one noun • Un with 1ny ruo yarn & most unvn :J ....... (440991 ·~ without 1001s -1nst1nt1y• Just o•ess 1n10 aoor 11mb Ju e 11ong to motels notets & feel sate' Ootr cu't •• lllH•• ,,. .. tltltftl Metal IU TH( CAllDI WITHOUT FUllllY FlllGllll AllE MIMO GUllU I Standard· Silt MAGllETI 1na1 PO•nl OUI noit~ Cuds have giant markings A & hsts as 1ney holo them on iltmJ'rTlO'"lITT''------1L'49• MOvJI c.ab1oe1 5~•EO J f·Z In Otcl 111.a" men1oon to messaoes ll•••er• 1322841 F1esn 1oneo olast1c , '• 10 " .. , .... (6'9621 ht •• 5. "'"' 172728) :_ ,..... .... ,0-9611~1 I~ FOUll FAT fllOHl~I LOH IMUl-hu 1ng teu1eo on t11e1 ot Duo' The piuure of co~tentmen1 on 11ble shelf tn terrarium' Gru n otueo ceruneen. 11-J ltl ti 4 ::J ,, .. ,1 .. t0·96859) J K1ytt11ltl1993901 l"t:q, 110 UllTIOY IOOUHHYU: lUlllllG IOOUI Boo k POSIS sp11no '" place se1t-101ust to tit shelves 91, ·13''> h• Halo books nully up11oht Go101one meul c , .... 10-984261 ... 112 ~ .. ,. ... .., .. ,ofrvt 1 tono hie 8t1u1tful IUptune fern trom English Channel 01owl hs lltvtr """' •1t11-doun t nttd to111 l1vu on air wllhoul Cllt O Lher.r111m91 ~· ICHOOL MEMOlllH IOOK It lltrltlllllll• Wtlh Ch•IO's n1me' 12 keepsake envelooes 101 1s1 gnde thru t21n grade Pilceslor pnoloS" s1gn1 iires- e1c Itel• tat 11111t. :J lcllttl·OIJI f P-98~!>81 ...... ••••rt• .............. .. .... .. .•. YOUll .OWll "llllTlllG IETI YH ltt l ctllllllttt 1111111· ••••. """''"· tylllhl•-107 cnar1tters -p1us st1mps 1n~ pao 1 .. euers• Ptrson1111e cnecH oooks oronr signs el' Pot-el Sile ::J ,,, •• h t l13t361 ~ 71 llAlllUI Ill A 'OUCttl A ktd s drum colltctton of col orlul g1u s ell s eyes -on cluo1no 1umbo snooter' All 1n slUiar or1*5Trlng"!ii~le1oy - ~o Had e play or stun away' -75 •• ,. ... 17250•1 KIOOIH' llAMl 'LAGUU tel' tht 'l<Orld 1 •oom is 111 tn~us• Wn11 1 thrill to• any youno- sttr • (,er am" u 11 1ontres 2•. , "· lt•t• hi"'"'' -111111• ,,.~ .. Giii 11P-030611 lor'a IP 030791 ~ lr.t( OOLLHOUIE FUlllllTUlll IY THE llOOMFUll Comp1e1e tu1n1sn1nos tor tne world~ t1n1es1 chambers Batn nas every1nono trom looreo , ,,. 1Ub to '• \OIP 01sn 18 PCS I fo r dotl-s11e l!uOy-9 oerletl mtn111ures ,11111\ gran d 1,1n1r cioc~-even OIO·ttmr ttlepnonr Btd· room has m11rored oresser wunoowl & pn,her gtnQhlm·covereO bt0-8 PCS PllSll' 0 Dtlll1•011l1111-t86t81t o Dtt111t11111Mr t86t99t ' I Delllltne lffrMll 1862071 UEGLAll llE,Alll Kil Ith you ttonten or repl1c1 n1noe screws 1n seconds' HIS m1n1· suewdrovtr m1onoty1ng gllss 4 screws Saves ttme 'onsumtng 111ps to tne OOlt· c11n -& money too' .::J l11oca Kii (695911 I~ ~AMl'-Y WlllU.'t, .1-r a. ., ILICI 0.1011 PHHCTLT, IAFILYI Handy noldtr nu 18 11Jinltn s1tt1 prongs 10 0110 111opery onions gu1dt '"''' tor pert eel 1n1n sltcts • W•d• llindlt kff Pl hngtrt Ult I :::J ........... t990lll ftq A QUICI TWllT OPtnl lhe ITIOSI Slul>Dorn IHS' DOllllS' H1·loe11ge ,,., Wrencn us11y 1oosen1 ltds lrom 1tny n111 po1 ''" 1>01111 lo 111g pickle 11r Pliltd Slttl 7~ lg ::J ,., ..... 14sn 11 •l':ott CVT POTATO IHI .. Tl•l 11 MLfl Aluminum Pot110 Baur CIMllC1S llHI to cenltr ot polalo MIT. lakn 1n110t 0111 I• 11 J. hell llOldl • 001a10H :J .... llC 10·990511 ~ llWtlll llVIDIR HDI CLU1· Tiii Organ11u oresur dtU ''IClltn snop dfl•tr on ~ oily' Me1a1 ••Panos lrom 11 10 20 -J ·HI Dltt•11 1 54403~ st.ow C •·HI DI'"" 1 ~!>1031 lhtf ..... , ...... " ..... MHZl• ..... -1 uoeta lro1tn lqpd1 wnn 1111 con ltnU ' Ult ·Sot c11I '"' *""' on 1011 lrttttr wrap Dags & 110 .. s ..... nia lfll ffHl· .. rt 1206Ul I~ llE,LACI OLO. WDlll 1111 STllAIUlll Ou raDlt poty S11a1ner has su t-111' ruDDtr SI OP Pf I Ir IP\ tood vlllU· lll>llS Prevents CIOQS LOC'S oprn cfoseo WMe 3 · • -'"''""'"' 1~42~~· ·~ MllOlfOOI.,.... MAMIMTOll TIAYI? Cool· Art ll1Ck ltU a11 c11 culal• uno1rnu1n tooos '" c111p1r 11ay1-,ups lood lrun & 111m 1011ger• Poly. to •a CJ Al•·llac• 181500) ·~ •11 Oil llATCM UL.II All'f t CNI llCMe ITlm I• TMl9 CATM.09 OM.Y • ... lcf .......... , LICI'' IUTCllllt MTaf 11 llllflMllcl Tiit loWIMI IOIUf .. 5'1•11ifllNll ---.. .., ... on ... ,..., --~ ....... ~ *'. Ctillt• to ..., .... 14Htact. AMllt ·~· o u., ..... (15eoS) I~ umc u111au HIP Ill· ,_..TIMI PMllll Juat loll w1111 111luno 1ooa1 Poi~ pe11· gu1~ & 111111btars1bsorll lood odors & 111111ty smells 1 u..... ahl ......... 1 .. 674) ,,_ ...... 190915) •II 1111 PLUHlll unclogs drains 1111. 10 1n11y 1nyone c1n do 111 Bellows·Slyle sue· 1ton does tne work tor you comp1c1 size mikes •I easy· IO·llandle Ptas11c 1~· ho CO"H PQT LOOl·ALlll Prtll1ly 110101 1n111nt COiiet on tablt counter Scttw·lltt ltd kttps •I lrtSll N1c1 tor s11g1r crtam1r1 too Cry1· tal·Clt1r p1u11c. nandy spoon 1ncluoeo 4'• tuon :i c.. .. P .. m1H1 al:-4( IO 11011( ··aw Ollll JILLY"' when you kttp the bar on 11111 l .......... .. t9S5391 open au · 5l1nd Air c1rcu· 111es-bar 011es 1norougn1y• No droppy men• No 111ute' Cnrome-prated melaf :::J IN• Drytr INt (2148SJ I~ CMHlll! IUDlf ICE CUHI to cn111 your Clunks' Cl1v11 let C11lle Tray lrttztl a cno1u1 rrne of' c11r· uceous cutou-u cn 3· 191 Grut p1rty tun Flu1ble piastre 40 •fl•·CllM1121921) •bt IUPRI IOUCIM art i1t11ost eny- tn1ng -p1per card1>01rd cord, 11noleum lat1roc1 Chp flowers small brancllts' lop tnru l1sll poultry' Metal ' PIUltC 6 IQ = l••tf lclHtll 158161) I . HEAT·HfLICTIH HIP NI give old tltct11c r 11111 clun ntw look! lllfltel 11•1 Sutel cooking. ant power• Cllrom1-p1111d attel. tit no1c1110 p1n 111m11111 ::J 1· Ort• Pll tnHl l ~ i i Drtf Pll (731Mll~ Mt•O CALUDAll PAL 11m1m11111 tor yo111 l tt1 yo11 see I wtt•a 11 1 111111 - plan 1111101 Has room lor dtrly notes & 1ppo1n1m'"'51 10~·1 te~-Han911t9 nooti .J ClltMtf"' 173205) • •'Nt c IUUI OVU·WATU Oii UIDU·WATUI PLAITll Wlttr-Rore tttft you •hen to water• Insert 1n 1011-turns wll1tt •htl\ water s nttdtd. "'"" •ll•n o-•r' P1e• "•-::J ....... All• (0·722981 l'-"t "~I A MAltl-Y UCI" our turlle setmt to say u 3 friends gather round '" rapt 11t1n11on• Winn1no 111111 hou· nnn 1n oru n glutd c t - ruhffrt 1"-· '"" • ::; '""" (0·94797) TAii Fun °'' IWUTlllll A tew slrokn w1tll O·fuzz ·lt wllt1kl baiting. m1t11no. p1t11no from sw11t111. blankets. coats lrt llC011dl1 Sturdy PIHllC Q •Fm·N!227491 llYP HUim All"11111 TUii of toot II putt. st11mpoo 11a11 cr11m Just push buno11 101 11gh1 emount1 Plasttc. stll·mounts O '-'lt·A-T1-.c301H1 ll'.oll recall th! s1m111e ple .. uru or yu1t1yur' tf1n<1m1de fr om 1 u1 palm -pttlly & prac11u11 Al>our 13 Use u mats on wall 100' let ti t 1f'lll•fHI 10·924l7J too• Ont of nature s 111111es1 Produces u o11c "'"'' blouoms pink '"PS Bulb dtvtlOPI 1n 3·4 •tt~S a v .... ••• t920l0} llM..-cer•lcl Eat ll dehtalt minillurt 1s lo•1ngly handpainled 10 c1pturt tht pink blush of M Uii s own A prttlOUS 1wM111tar1 bouQutl 111o11t 3-h1oh 0 ........ 111392)~ Mii Olll MATCM SAUi AllY • Ott-llORR ,,. .. , .. '"" CA TALOO Oft&. Y 99! (t ........ .,leef .. -"f ) DIGITAL WALL TMfllllO•: lTlll gives euct temperature on both l1h11nht 1t & ctrt- hgra<lt' l•Qu•O crystal d•O· tis olow lor usr 10011101 Poly us·t colors 81? h• Cl Dltl· Tiier• 102006} WIATMf~ Wiil OWl gives a 'hoot abou t tht wuther - ano cnanou color 10 prove 111 Ht s btue .nen sk•ts are t11r vootef •hen a Change. is due pink muns •I s to"'t out 11ot 8tSQue ceramic 3'• h1 j .... °"' 141t63) ~ ClllAlltC HI ti A CKAllM· IH CMIOU MOumtt Highly glueo ' o••ttfully toolto- CIHS•C eoo snapt is 1una- aeco111eo ••lh <lthtalt Dou Qutls A1>ou1 3 Cano1e onct '.: CH4111 1H 192767) s't.q CAICELlfD CMI Cll COULD IAVI YOU MO•YI So ueo them uft 6 nandy' Sturoy ••panoable Wt nu 12 compartmtnrs to kHO cntck1 1n monthly ordtt c· • e· 0 CHft Fiii CN S33t ~ CAIT lllOI IUTTlllPLY WALL MOOI hu 1•1vtl arm to hang pl1nts1 Sw1no1101bt1t110111 Hsy w11t11ng1 Prtlly indoors o• ou1• 11110 httnds S Screws 111c1 C ,,_KM• 1 •37031 I . l'OIY·PllfTTY ClllAMIC fllAMl O••tS I Ortt10ul photo elegant l•u lmtnl' Charm· 1ngt~ Vttto111n trt •hilt ct · ramie adorn,a with rous h stt 1nc1 71, 1 3•, ::J Cert•lc ft1MI 168908) ~ DOI I CU I D Ulll S111nleu stul llQ 1uures Ptl s U lt 111u 1n •hen ne strays' LOOkS loke I OttorilllVI oeno1n1• a,ec11, ••I'•"'''"· , .. int I ,11111 •••11111 CJ D11 T11 tP·9946~r •N 0 C1I T11 tP 994731 l°N4 • 6 ""ti to•• -A uo, MOlll A fOll t emonts 111t1• Ql•H Uram1t •uO Orr "IUll\ "Cl 11l111ng -IP 01,0 11un tub•' "o ctamp• UI\ 1n I 1t11n Ho10, S 000 ID• pull per SQ 1n 137 OOndJ ......... 1612341 1~ OIH Ulff Utl'I ,tlS AWAY tiom turr'11tu•t •uos ~n•uos tren' P11ce Pei Wot• IOUI WUN WllOOWlt Ju61 iwnoi• Wonoe• Cloth over 1nv gtaH sur•att Sprc111 cntm1u Js rPsrst "'"'' S111n) smuoou G1u11or •onoo.u mirrors •.onO$noeldS -keeps lllem so11-long' 10 • 17 = 11111 Cle• (904S61 I~ i- KITTY llTTUI ICOOI' fltlOS you keep h11er clu ner lo 1u1 longer con1101 ooor ' Saves SSS Area 1oo•s neater loo' 101, lg w11n gr11H1H bowl Eny cl¥n plHl•c -scU,tr fg61'9J HW YOU CH W1'E AWAY OlD l'AIU. VAUllMI Spemttv 1ru1to clotn mou h11n11111t J111pplltg '"Y' No 01ng11ous cntm1t1ls lumes• .. ---IUSI IMC>t1 ,_. .. 1 -11r(""' t0·633961 .,. °" llATa. ULll ANY I Oft llCHll ITI ... IN TMll CATALOG ONLY aa~ (1 ........ ,,tee• ••••••••I rlt3'1\ "·r•ar ,. ... 'TlittO'\ 't.ll•O\" ,•o• r d Jiit)'-' (Jn.. Or • • tu•n S!>O•'~f It ,,, ... u.,. u1nt-• · .. · ;>t-· ~ ·r· · or,!>'. 1-0 ". f ( r ~10 .. s, •• , .. ~ ·~·J · sl-4.t TllMTU WOHU CMAlll Ull: rungs any loose wood 101nts -w1t11 ou1 Qlut c11mps meu• Pen· 1n1rcts 1m11rno sweltino 1gen1 tna1 mates em 111 & slay tiont• :l Ti11·J1t1t (~9091 llHL CHAii l'llOTECTIOll Ceoar Logs shp over 11anoers Con11tn more IH•l•t etflf tUll 1111n tnr n11ural •0001 Ont tttUfllH a OraNtl cnes1 1runt '80 11 10. ::1 Ctflr l 111 10·?76721 sl:q O•E·TOUCM ILIOllll movt 11u v1est appt11nces wotn use tnO struggling to 1t1rr1nge lurniturt• Rul>l>er 10111 n1c•el·co11to 0011o ms 7 011m ltt 11 • LJ llllf•nltl 10·493201 THllUD HY IHDlt t•· ITA•TlY l'w ilh Au tom a11 c lhreaorr' Jusr out 1niuo in groove pusn Oullon & you rt ruoy to Hw' ~o lumohng we t11no 1nrno 8u111 1n curter snips rn•!IO 11 1ny len gtn ""''" 1003071 HEP YOUll MATTilHI IUllHllE fllHH wttll 1ll-1r11•f '"'""" etHrtl l nvelope Cover or soll Ph•Olt plultc completely en closes mattress on top bottom s•Ot• Lets tht lovely pattern on ma11ress covt11ng snoot tftru - & mauresses slay ciean new• Sroos on 1n 111tty• Willerproo1 aflergy-lree TIH1 ••ttteu Cewer (979981 hll Mettrna Cfttr I 980041 _ 0.111 •1ttr11t CIHr t9801?1 I l'fl·UIE YllOll CUTS DlllYl"8 ILAllll Https sroo sQu1nt1ng on sunny Gay~ lumb11no for sunglasses Clips lo car visor tllps up & do .. n l1ghl·ftl!er1ng orun PIUllC 10" 1 211· 0 ht·flH 1936821 I~ 10 mall eno .. r111no return iTO· oresst Just 101 & shck 3 hnes _ ............ , .......... :J lllL1fi1a (0·208421 ""* '.: Dl1,1111r 13S86SI I~ M MYDllO·PHI Alll "WATlllllDI" FOii TilllD. ACMIH HITI Ntv1r IHI a hare! floor unoerfoor again' .-mu 1no insoles havt sealeO·tn cushions of .. attr to soltrn every sttp• S11p 1n any shoes. fut plllo*s nelp use pressure or sr11no1ng. *•11\!..no. C My•re·Pl•a: 111tr I~ lie ... : I•. 17·11 f9JS91 1 W.11111'1: I•: (1·11 (940371 •••. (1·111 194003) •••.11-11 194 102) l1. 11Hll (94029t Lt. (1·111 1941101 llTllA "llAHlll lflAU" 01 WI Of AllY DOOlll It Ulla. "'"1, *1111 .. 1 Stnl Hoolr Bar· slips over doar: hn 3 douDle lloou C1n't 1n- 11rt1r11111111 clo11ng. 12" lg. O Mttllltr (6"23) ~ CATCM Hiii TRIM CLIP· ptHll No messy tltan·ups 11c11y flair down back• Snap· on vinyl covtr·up has llt••b" r1m Great for perms. 1tn1tno. etc! W1pe1 titan; adjustable 0 ~··"" 123297) ............ 1h4l MAH \2 SMlllTI '" I Of CLOUT IPACl-w1thout crushtng. wr•n~llnO' Just hOOk caddy over closet rod & hano ctoth1no T•oer·des1on avo•OS wnncltng Steel 6 wa 1~ n1rtt•"• (69708) p11u·moun1S to your w111oow dlltsidt-you rud t1m11tr1· turt !fl comforl from 1n110e E11y·rtld1no' No tools to •n· stall' Ptu llc. I '4 0 011ftt,. Tlltnl 117031) ~ MAGUTIC Ol'IGUIZfft CLIPS \ttP \1 It~ ol 8111$ Important notes uunos to oo lomorro* 01 to Hola ~·hon"1tdlly ll11nos em .. nere you can I miss em' Cotorlut styrene Ill ti •. r ...... c11,.10·95961l) ~ IMOW 0,, ICMDOL l'lfOTOI '""' ., .. .,,"' .. ,,.,. llltfll 12 ovals tor Uth year. center for grlO Pi•' Whrtt matbo1rO with brown borc!tr easel back & loop Or fits ff x 14· frame [) ,,. •. u, ,,. •• (591961 UVfll HUD·LAU.OEll HOSE 011 ltHUIE AGAlll Oo 1nem safety 1n wasner & oryer "'''n nylon 1trst, Wasner Case' Proreus trom snaos tw1s1tno• Ho•as uo 10 12 pr R111 M11 & wor~ s~t~· ~ WHll·CIH 18106711~ cou'°• IAYlll CAii kHPS em organ1uo easy to col tect usy 10 nanote wn1le shopping S1urdy env11opes for 12 grocery groupings ire bound 1n10 pu rse·srze ooo•· lt l. 6\lr" x 3"1" c C:...-""'1118281 ~ UPl·.UIWL CIMlll ·--,...,., ~ ......... .. llfttl•t9 ""'"'*· '*"' lfM "'"·"°''' 2·•'"': ........ lrOlll.., ..... , " ... . trN: ... .. '"'· r. a ....... 1, .. m -~ -- &LAii UPI llHI LIU ITHL ITllAPll Stll·1dht· srvt oolyester. re1nlorcec! wllh ltberglns-rrnsu up to 200 lbs SlrtsS' SH IS PICklQIS, noses. pipes Vi *O Cl ••••• ,., ,.,. (412441 .. ~ _, HIDY '0CUT ClllCUIT THTEll ltQllts to 1nd1c1te "l•vt" circuits Sile ttme· uv1n9 use for name outlets & SWllCllU, tn Cir boat t111ter. Tttts spuk p111gs too Cups to pocket .~ T11H11111 195-S211 ~ •MCLI llYCUAI t.tltm ............ , ........ .,, lllCltl\111• 119111 ,, 11111 l>y • lnJCIO·tlUtron1c Ctll 11111 , •• ttlltl llH IU POWtl AIWlft MIMI-to 11110 • dl111111yllolt -011t *'"'I llt~s t1111lly1 1 ... UIM 1•11111 ~ WllTI •Ill.II.,._ ..... ,_ ... QtvtS a m1llio11·0ollar too~ to notes. namr caras 1n· v111t1ons rsvp s etc' R1cn F1011n11ne·ltn1s11 pen w11lt$ '" goto -• oo•o •n• c.1• 111000 incl = Ml•11&.t10 500051~ .,, .. ,,,, .. ,,,,. 'IOIJ lrom form1no on c11 ""'"''"'''"' Enos u11111no ltttPI Vl ... I CfHll SlltCtlfly lltlllO w1lll lllh·hOSl aitnl -1111111111 on w111111111tld w111· .... " ......... :J ,,_.__, (71WI ~ FOUAWAY Oltlll llACI IHI lfltUI II CAlll F11ps open 10 hold c1n or cil'p firmly Folds 111110 slip 111 glove co111· p111111rn1 Hooks ncurtly 11110 window 111c1t Plnt1c 1•.., lg J lft9'·Hel• (1334ll ·~ ......... . I GF3' ~~~ •""· K·11 .,...en ..,u .. 1UlmC CITY, IU. 11'1t ....... IA ... ,_ c. a.,. , .. ..,, I ~ .. , ... .. ,,, .. , I ""' , ..... 1--... If c111rt1ne, 1111 In ell lnfot111,.I011 llelow- ''' ....._ ... CMfte, Chat" to my: 0 MASTIA CHAAOI 0 VISA ~ AMiAICAH IX""ll MY CllED CMID ........ la: INTH~ NO (M. C. Oll&.Y) tcnr , ___ --------• .JtlY._CMlt.IUI-.• ,., llOlltll I.• "'' Zit s1.,.11.t- ~--' 1Ttc11 •. :t:. llAMIWITIM C.llr.llltlf ~~ --... ....... :; I ! llNlll TOii W .. YL a Wit ~ l1qu1d V1ny1. Mend Quickly U dttts 10 Slrono Pl•ible mite· I 11al Ho mmno' Mends !HIS I burns spltl seams v1ny1 t in· I vu etc ' I', 01 I ~ Wl••l·••llf I 1107931 ~ I I I I I I VOUA SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED OR VOUA MONEY CHEEAFULL Y REFUNDED' -.Utal~1 N>STA'l CHAllT OrOtrt "/, lo $3.00 .•••••.• , ••. rn ttJ lr-.,tMn avoid d•"' by ... 13.01 to u .oo ... l'.3 ... w.1 .... 114 lncludln: r,o'"'' ffOlll 5.01 lo roo ... 1.65 "\ ... c.o tJ •-.! l) "'" !' W'JJt.e' ......... ··· r .............. ,,, .,-..,"" clllr H. ThtH from t .01 to 11.00 .. $2.05 uU ~••• $lllltf clllr~H 111 from 11.01 to SU.00. g .25 v.: .... •1 ., f)ft ....... only part 0 10111 ,,_ u .01 to $15.00. .45 " Tf !II~ ., coats. Wt 111r frorn 15.0I lo 111 .00. $2.65 WI \ \'\. •.> H ,, . .,. ,, ,, tht 1111. '""" 17.0I to 19.00. $2.15 ''" .... t '' - mM. l11te.,.._Tu , ... ca.ti ,._ 118t Clllnl 1111$UIAllCI (L•t tt ••c °""' It .. l.,ucff) m11. ~ .35 AMAZIH MAITEll CUTTEll Olf WIPI IHPI FOG HO DOl'T LOCI YOUllHLF OUT CUTI AIYTMt•I from metal lltlT A•YI Avoid accidents OF HOUSE. CAlll MaQrte11c MIN. 0100 s2. over f}t.oo .. Acid on1r n .o5 fMt ltl_,. tr C.t .D. •IUlt) ...... ....... to ttssue 01per-& never nuds sn11pen1no• The n · cre11 B11ou ol sell·snarpen· 1n9 steel! ,_. .. ,II l MHltr·Cll 1537771 ~ our to poor w1nas11111a v1s1on• Cnem1e111y truied soonoe helps keep windows m1rro1s too·hH •or weeks• = , ...... , \64816\ '~ cases n1ae '0•1" •r•n ~altlv Sf'ICIAL IUlll , .. Sl .. .-0 NIU DUWlllC tlft PIMCltAll IHUIUI TON llllllll). A SI00,000 Ctrnc;i 1<• ''''" • ~I~·· 'arn• -Proze wlll ~ .•wardl(I In • 11ndofll d11w1nc from tntrlH received '" 11>oroa. 11 p1omot1on' 'llQft101ed benino ~·d•" , .. 1 •. , •-noei by Spenctr Cr,fh thrOUchOlll 1911. unoer the superviSlOfl ot D. L Bl1t1 Corp. ilfflost oeci,ions art lrNtl. •ic ct••• 1. , ?', Stftt •. An enhy, tllrrbl~ •n any Ont of 1ne1e promotion,, rtt.ivtd or Dec 11. 1911. ,, aut01111t•e1lly elietble 1n • J ' " the S100.000 Prozt dru1tn1. Tiit SI00.000 Prl2e Winner will bt ollicialty 110lll1eo by mail. The ol!O\ of . 11,.Hllllt11 w1nn1nc d~nd uPOn the num!lff of ent111S recelvtd. VOid Wlltrt prohlbittd by llw. Alf Feder1t. Stitt i0·8883 I ~ 1no 1oe1I laws and 111u11t1ons apply. G TV WEEK. JANUARY 25. 1981 -R BUYERS GUIDE 101 McL.AlllHS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5331 CADILLAC NAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.ttOO CHRYSLER-Pl Y . ATLAS C .. Ysa.mt-PLYMOUTH :l929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa-546-ltJ4 UMVaSITY OLDSMOllU 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140.9640 LINCOLN -MERCURY .10HM1ote Ir SOM UMCOLM MaCUIY 2628 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa --140.MJO Mh ZDA MllACLI MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd. CQltl Meu -'41-17H caEVIEI MOTORS 208 W. tst St. Santa Ana -135-1171 CHEVROLET ROY CARVEi IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 SADDLllACI IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo --.11.2040 -495.4949 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 - OATSUN MIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -•ll· 1 JOO PORSCHE-AUDI CHICll IYHSOM, IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -'73-0tOO Ill.I. YAM flOISCHl-AUOI 13831 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove H6-H31 VOLVO IAIU ... YOl.YO 1988 Hlrbor Blvd. Coeta Mna-, .... , •• --- DAILY PILOT --- AMC-JEEP COSTA..-sA AMC-dm ~flMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa ~ -54t-e02J OLDSMOBILE . UMIVHSITT OLDSMOllLE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -5.40.'640 TOYOTA IAIU m TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. c.osta Mesa -646-tJOJ VOLKSWAGEN JIMMAD«> vousw.-.. 18711 Beach ~ .• Hunt. Beach -8'2-JOM MAU HOWAID YOUSWAMM • 13731 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove ........ ,.. ORANGE COUNTY ~ ~·. ~ '.~·SPORTS II. I I==---=::..· ................ ~ .. , .... "ftt IW W\ 5-; flle y.., II .... I RI~~=..... rt Mm ....... ~ .... .,.. =::--•• ... ......... c...t lloltl tlld,.. ... .. . ........... .... l:JI. CJ) 19 .... 111111 .... !:Mr• ti Ille US lilalwl ,.. = ......... ill ................. Hoitt SllowMal II UI 1'11 ~ .......... ft Ille l'llllHelfll11 [ICltt n Ille OeMll4 I:.: at Ille 5-14elllt ia "" Ollellla. la (NOil AIM MM11 1~t4 a1 IMI ) • J:JI ll)"' ---... t:a e ~ •,... ..., .... a. W.1111111 Wtlll b111111111ts ol ttus _.•Me e ........... . ..-w.-21 ll:a. NC at ....... Jiii u.i.tnily ti Clhlof1111 al USC MSMt,,_.17 II:•. Ill ...... "°'*Ilea WI l0U1hllle. ._,,...,n 1:• • W.. ...... UCLA vs 0111on Slale H• W.. ....._.USC at ~rMY U1'UllAY, JI It:•! U • C...., ....._. lums lo be announced 11:9 ..,.. ..... ,_. liov1111t oftlle $200,000 World Doubles ........... . 11:9 . flla ........ 1' ..... C111111111' IUJ ' II:• 1 U 8 r..-. ...... USC 11 Oltpn State 1:9 I Cll lillt~W1'..,...... 1:• •'-""'* I.Ill '" lllltln ,_ l:ll. &. ...... 5'etta ~ "Aaft1 JollMon" J:•. fl J (11i 111) s,.1* ~I • tf) r» '1111 ,,........ '-'"' T111t Covm1e ol the Sl25.000 Qu•e• Slale Open trom Ille foium 8ow11n1 Lano on lun S:tl •LU fal _. ""N ti s,.ts l:tl e Ce1i11' ........ UCLA 11 01cton SUllDAY, .IMUM't n 6:• e . ._. .... Ille WIN OM" (adv) '71 R1ch11d Lynn 7:• (It Nia SUtr. Zwa" (dra) '68 Hock Hudson, (mest Bo11n1ne. P1t11ck McCoohln t:tOe (JJ !211 "M111•111tM01ittlt(a,ftU"(~u$p)"7/ Albeit finney, Lauren Bacall, ln111d Beraman, Michul York IJll "llcCIM 111d Mn. Miller" (wts) '71 Wa"'" Bully. Juhe Chrosltt, Rene Auber1ono1~ MIHINY, WIUUY M l:IO e "licllt Watcll" (susp) · 13 [ll11belh l1ylo1. I aurence Harvey, 81the Whllelaw, lony Brollon. A1btrl Lane e "Mell .i friko tar" (d1a) ·~~ Alan Ladd. f dw;11d C llobtnMin. Joanne Dru • "[Isip , .. , .. (com) '64 lloberl W;ilktt Waller Mallhau TUlSNY, WIUUY 11 1:00 e (I ) (ll) !tlJ "'1111 ._.., .. (dra) '80 Anthony Hopkins. Rithard Jordan. James Nau&hlon, Piper I 1u11e • ''Siletlt ......... (sco It) ·n B1u<e Dern Cliff Polls e '1"'7 Uttte ~ tlld """'7" (com) ·n Lynn Atdgrm VtCtor Malure. Paul ~nd e "'111111Me4 ,_... .. (dra) ~4 Charlton ~tslon I lun01 Par ker WflHllSOAY, JUUM'f ll a.•• "'Ille "~ '"c" (dra) '/I Connie Stevens. Kim Darby e "lrtllltrty Le.t" (dra) · 10 Ptler O'loolt Su~nnah York • '1liPt If tlle Gfiutt" (•ts) '66 Cl1nl Walker, Martha Hye1 t.tl • (f) 1111 (f7) "n.r-tl'' (dra) '80 Glynn lurman ntUISOAY, JUUM'f 2' l:IO • "'Ille fll $t11J" (d11) ·~9 James Stewart Vera Moles 9:t0 8 QI) (U "Jee 0.Ctf" P111 one ol lhrtt parls (dra) 80 Robul Blah. [1lttn Heckart, Veronica Cartw11&hl fllNY, IMUUY lO 1:00 e "IW ...,. .. (wts) '13 Dennis Hopper, Wamn Oates e "'Ille Tllill1 llitll T• Heads" (hOI) ·72 Ray Milland, Roser C11er. Don Marshall • ''Tllet C.rtai11 fttlillc" (com) '!>6 Bob Hope ha Mane Saint SA1'URNY, JMUUY ll 1:00 • "TIM fll Story: AIM 11,,W' (d11) ·74 Robert I 01worlh, loleen Heckart, Kay lent. 01v1d Wayne 10:00. "Ceulll D1K11ta's C111t l"t" · est Id•• Since ~Shopping C•rt• Now you cen do • week'• 1hoppln9 without forgettlnt • •Ingle -Item! Uae pre-printed ahopplng Hate prepared tor you by PILOT PAINTING . T-y•er .....,i, (ICM Metil ,..,,,.,,,..., 140 ~-........ ··-· • ,..... ......... .-e••r.., •n con¥en .. nt ......... ped -------------.. I Ftll on rhi1 c-n. mall wlfh SI 7S • 50 poll ... • heftdl•"t 10 I I Pltot Printing Sho,plng Ult I I P.O. Box 154IO I I 330 W. Ber St. I I Coate MeH, Cellf. t212t I I I INAMf--------------· I I 1sr11En ____ -------__ 1 l crn _____ ----lll"----..J u,.,..,.,_...,, Send Today To Become A Super Shopper DAILY PILOT L - - - -• -• • -• • • • -'·------.---.J .... , CCQ<l Uunk<lr The Bunker is a very special story It's not about any one person. It's a story of the cross-section of the Inhabitants of the bunker in Berlin-tl:le group of · Nazis in the final throes of de!~~t. tril..P.P~~. !ll'ls1er.:.. groom2 and surViving to the very end The three-hour ·-· · -dtamattc-speclat;1:irre-ettfd ·15y-George 'SC:tiaeter. airs Tuesday at 8PM on CBS. The Emmy Award-winning actor. Anthony Hopkins stars as Adolf Hitler. He estimates he spent four or five months researching the role. Also stamng are Richard Jordan who portrays the amb1t1ous architect and Hitler's confidant. Albert Speer: Michael Lons- dale who plays Martin Bormann. Hitler's secretary, Tony Award-winner Cliff Gorman wtto portrays Retch Minister Joseph Goeb~els and James Naughton who appears as James O'Donnell. the US Army ottlcer and foreign correspondent who toured the bunker and subsequently wrote the book upon which the special is based. Special guest stars are Piper Laurie who portrays Goebbels' wife, Magna. and Susan Blakely who plays Hitler's mistress. Eva Braun. It's well known that the inhabitants of the bunker were de.voted to the Nazi cause and to Adolf Hitter. but the fact that Magda Goebbels killed her six children instead of trying to escape the oncoming Allied forces continues to shock and puzzle many 1tudent1 of history. Piper Laurie tried to answer the question by reading Goebbels' diaries and whatever material she could find about Magda Goebbels. Miss Piper learned that Magda was spoiled as a child and was raised with a strong religious background. Her first marriage to a man twenty years her senior ended In divorce. She developed a sudden Interest in poli- tics when she heard Goebbels speak at the sport- P11la1t. Goebbels was fascinated by the attractive woman and In 1931 her ex-husband magnanimously made arrangements for her wedding to Goebbels with Hitler acting as one of the wJtnesses. TV WEEK. JANUARY 25. 19111 Piper Laune For Goebbels. marriage to "Engelchln" (little an- gel} meant promotion to the Fuhrer's innermost circle. quite apart from social advancement. Magda's luxury apartment became Hitler's favorite port of call when he visited Berlin. Piper Laurie is highly selective about her material and 1s motivated by the challenge of the role rather 'than size or pos1t1on of screen credit ... or even the pay check. ' Her professional career spans the legitimate stage-on and off Broadway, the.,golden age of live television (where she starred 1n the original The Days of Wine and Roses) and motion pictures. Along the way, she has garnered two Academy Award nomina- tions and three Emmy nominations: "There is no question in my mind that I wanted tO do the role of Magda, .. she said. "Magda was a dramatic woman. a fascinating woman in relation- ship to the story. It was after I made the decision that I stopped and asked myself whether there was a mor1I question for me because I am Jewish." As a Jew. Miss Laurie felt as long 11 the drama didn't glorify the N12I cause. there wu no reuon not to undertake the part. In fact, there waa good reason to do It. "The first thing that attracted me w11 the subject matter. and the need to keep It alive, to remind people who are not 1Ware of what h1p- pened," she said. "The dram• humanlzn the mon- sters to a point where they're 1cc ... lbl• to moat people, 10 they can understand that many of the people 1round us tod1y th1t we oan 1ccept 11 human beings are quite c1pabte of being mon1trou1. Car- toon monsters nMd to be brought down to our ~ so we c1n understand the poaalblNty of repetttlon. Up until the very end, Magd1 Goebb9t1 bet~ In the Third Aelch. But not 111 her children pefllhed In th• bunker. One, a ton named MlcNlel, wae In bolrdfng tehoot. Mill L1urie quoted from a tett. Megda wrote him lhortly before her dNth: "Our •Pltndld concept 19 pertihtng." Mite Llurle ,.,,....., "Sh• ruMy bet~ It." . -1:30- • &illloll'• hllM •n..~ •n..1u1tnc,,-. UfNlw• •a••Mtcre .,..., ....... e:eo • (I) (Ul "" Jtft.,_ ()).., ....... et.We&aGINt .... ...., •• U.Al1ttes III .,_... •ILMl.llCr ........... UBN ...... si.. 8 ea,tiMH AIC llttn; 011ct u,.. 1 Cllllic Mon •S...StrMt (Jt) ~ Silllllllll .. CH fN111m -9:30- • (1J) Alice CD Yw lltw o.y -~" .lnlldM . ,, ... , .. ID ltilttr lltltn !Bl ut'a Mike • Diii A Tiit Electric ~r I an•11110011 12:00 • (!)) Tiit , .... ' Ille ....... D llJHUl Deya tf Ow u..s •NO...Sllow • (() (JI) !BJ All lty Cltillllrt11 (l)lltwa • ""fll e m ~See dayflm't movies @ Wlldl Yo111 llouttl m Dkk c.tttt .. (JO) f11t11r11 -12;30- ( IJ St1rtll fir T1111rr• Ct 0wtt [llf (C·C) m lllcllll T ,,.tias (ff) lllltrlltlieNI rr1111111111i111 [a cept lllurs 1:00 8 ti fUJ As Ille WofW TWllS D tUJ rUJ AMelltf WotW •""" ..... • m noi a °"' Lif• i. u.. a let's Mt • Dial With 11ame sho• host Monty Hall ID Clalt ... h1Strlld1111 m Q4;futurn ...... IJCl '"'"'" Q) El CllM -1:30- 2:00 e Tiit Gui4i111 li11tt II u (JI) TtUIS e Tiit M1111 D1tW ... SIMllt • I )J (19! IBJ Gntra< Hoajliul !IJ Tiit ""41111 li1llt G lrlllli4t ltr'l:.=>' ............. . ,....... -Z:Jt-·~= .. ,..... ..... , ....... , ... 1100 It.-&: l~t.:.ri:-.............. Cll ..... : $tt deyti!M lllOVllS ••o..~ . ..,.., ...... , ....... DUI .... ._.. .. , ....... e11c.••o-" -3:30-. ....,...,. ..... e ,,._: Cell ._. H Tiit con hnu1111 se11es of women bth1nd b11s •nit...Wef,..,.. • ... : SH daytime movies .(]) ..... ~ .. =~•fin (IJi '-",,.. o ••Mtcre . , ...... (JI) Tiit .,.., llllcll A °"' U., (C.C) 4:00 .. ,., .... , .. Miry ,,..,....,, =""' .... ........ ......... =:-=-. =.:: .. -c.. .. ~ ..... -4: ... ..... CD DllnWfll .. .... ~ Cll r11•11 (llW..Wll,..,.. ....... • f1lt Dldrlc c..,., . ...., ...... .,., ..... ,,.. ., ...... 1 100 •••(J)9 11twa .......... . ... .., ..... CIJ lllefy T,W lllltll't ............... 0 l ·Z· l Celllcl (C.C) •S...•rttt IJIHllf ....... · .,, .... . (JI) ....,._.. 5-urn -5:30-. ...... ,...,,... •I LM llCJ If)) W "-iUft • 5""' °" ff Dwtr f.ay (C·C) ID Tt Tel !tit Trvtll so •• AltcY• VIDEO CASSETTES FOR SALE OR RENT • tlo6 • T f'le Slunlnwl • Xanedv • Smoloev & Ttw llencl• 11 • "'°"'"""' • , .. 0,,.,,.., •NlfN O....... • ~ Ttw Volley ol ,,,. Ocll1 . ........... •AaiMlfteT-•llfl ed ...... • .._,..,.... ,,_ Ttw 0-C. PLUS 100s OF OTH ER TITLES -ALL RATINGS HOME MOVIES & SLIDES CONVERTED TO VIDEO TAPES , ... 5 Ruu1an\ to lind ii piece ol him horn ii Ruu1an satelhtt 8:00 fl • t jZi Aichle h11ktr's r!Kt (R) When Murray s marned daughte1 amwts at the Im Archie \ \urpr•sed free leehne m Otpclf1es en Accion $0 Maslt1p1cu lhul1t : 0Httr Ull (C·C) -1:30- D t It OM Dar al a Tinte tR) Buba1a leains a dtvilslaltne lesson trom one of her professors •hen ht implies eatracurricular ac1 .. 11y is one of Ille requuemenls netfsury lor a good &rade a 111t w.rtd ro-row rt}I '""'1 lllilltr m JOO Milliolls It hf nner mentmned her but he s tven mott shoc•tll by Murray s rut t1on to tht v1s1t I aha Balsam euests II S,ECIAL: Cou1trr Cow11ldown 1'90 (2hrs) This event is hosted by Dennis Weaver and leiltures ~ountry music artats Waylon ltnn1nas. W1lllt Nelson, Eddie Rabbitt. Ann Murray Merit Haaaard Dolly Parton. C1ystal Gayle 'nd hnya l ucktr ~ ...a-TM UMtdH ... -. ti j1<11un 9:00 c.atuw _fl • 12' All<• (A) When Mtl's 8 l)J r10, 2t Tllose AlllHllll'°\a"'re"is stolen everyone convinces AllilMG r uturts include ii dartdntl him to hut ii pan ol &uilrd d~IS to who calls tt1msell repltte man try1ne protect the diner alle1 hours to hypnol11t hunary crocod1lts. Ben. g Wikl a;11111o111 the rodent movie star that kno•s B ll) Qtl Motie: "Mlir'9f 1111 Ille over 200 trrcks, Rollo. a 121 pound Oritllt [J"eu" (mp) '17 (appro•. do& •ho Chomps mtr!OIS olt the 21,hrs)-Albert r1nnty, Michael York, lloors ol pa\sina tats, ii group ol Lauren Bacall, lne11d Ber1111an An basset hounds in a muscial ho•I off. inlernat1onal cut of stars b11n1s and ii lfollywood horse perlorming a hit-and sudden death to Acalha drunken comel!y act ciwst1fS most hend1shly pu1111n1 G '[0.ci[ VANDEMAN: yatn when an arroeant ~mencan * CUIES THAT lllll businessman meets with murder G K i. Writtt11 most toul 1n lht steep1n1 ca1 of a • A TllM flt LM t2hrs) snowbound train somtwhert 1n mid e HU HAW-TOP'S Ill die furope • COUITIY·TOIUTE! Cl JllMI Mi* •Met Mew TG Sheppard. Bruer 'l0 C... Liii ttlt CIMWftll (21\rs) ltnlltl and Rtba Mt£n1ue 1unl 8) Thit llatlwillt Mak !ht Ootttt @ l.lw IWer 5'1<111 Dee Sincers. the Nuhw1lle Super ID 9 S"-'• of the lie• The pickers and lhe Rutherford County Landscape ol Pleasure" This pro Squillt Dancers are the euests 1r1m bea1ns with an eum1nahon ot 'U l Mo<rit: "lltCallt l II". Mille!'' 1mpresst0n~m aod mo~es into tht (wts) '71 (2hrs) Warren Beatty. notion of lhe liberation of color in lul1e Chnstte. Rene Aube1Jono1s A modern art u the areal trreeer of ~ambler and a madam open a brothel HOSTS MIKE CONNORS AND FLORENCE HENDERSON with guests: Ed Asner, Danielle Brisebois. Joyce Bulifant. Vikki Carr, Beverty Gartand. Melissa Gilbert, Ronny Graham. Guy and Raina, Anne Jeffreys , Cheryl Ladd, Maureen McGovern. Jo Ann Pflug, Seals & Crofts, Tom Sullivan , Special appearances by: Steve and Cyndy Garvey, Rhonda F1emlna and Ted Mann. Fred and June MacMurray, ~nd gamin& house 1n a lronl1er min me to.,.,n fD 24 Ml\ttrptttt llltatre: Dall· 1er UH (C·C) B11an and his men are \kepltul about G1llesp1t. lhe mad professor •ho is e1pe11men1tn1 •1th a nt• method ol 011utin1 the ~1plos1Ye elements from bombs so Shoe• ef tltt Mn -9:30- D 'J I z.: JIM JeHersons g The World of Surwinl Q Ruff HouM &>let's -.~ m lllM Marti S,.c11I 10:00 D r I 1 (la> .Jf.,,_, 111111, 11.D. Un~nown and unseen. a myStery surgeon has been al wor~ 1n San francosco Memo11at and the h~p1tal stall 1s shoc~ed and battled by the secrecy and surcrcal skill 1nrolved Mun•h1le. Trapper has on his hands the dehcate case of a hosp1t1l11td 1nlluen1t1l l11ure 1n state pohlics who 11as hit '"th a heart swure while in lhe company ol a prostitute II Circle of tho Stars Concert (I hr ) "Henry Manc1n1 and f11ends" .... Gllltws -D Eflltlt A111tr Hewr G> WorM llttwtfl lltws '1_4' ..... rin .. (..it m ~· alld c.,.., m 11.-"' DM1111ce 'lt CHih ft 50 FealMrt S.lld1y 'lht Truth About Women" -10:30-m Jerry hlwtll 8) Jl111111y Sw1g1rl fD To le All-IKH ll)Motit ' TV WEEK, JANUARY 25. 1981 11:00 8 D e1 10 r1t; Otl lttwl D 'K""1trs · UOWfWM~ltewr .J) Carll 8111Htt & fntllds 24 Et111-' Al alld Y• Yt 111 lttatal -11:30- B s,ons r1111I ) Motietlltwi/nl CIM g Tiit 700 Clwll • llllotit/lltws ·•· leltPllhe .10 Mtvit: "Mi11nle alld llkil'Mill" (d1a) ·77 Cena Rowl1nds GI Mowie: "C.11,,lette's W.." '73- Animated II) lJJ Jae• V111 lmpe 2t Motiel""-'1~""' -11:4S- 8 lllotits: "11111 ""'*'-''"It• lnati&•• ," ........... ttle "-" II O (JfJ Mliwie: "Tiit Mac.in· tosll 11111" (dra) '73-PIUI Ne.man, James Mason, Dom1n1que Slnda A B111tsh 1nlell11tntt otltce1. pos1n1 as a diamond thief, 1s sent 10 1a1l lor 20 years tn order lo catch a 1ane lhal has been arran11n1 escapu from p11son 101 wutlhy c11m1n1ls 12:00 (}Ji Mlwlt: To be announced 8)TlltllMlll 'Bl Itek V• l.,e -12:30- • llfts/Me.ie: ... ,,.. Ille S.rf' (dra) · J~ -Robert Conrad, Donni M•llS. Don Strood. Robyn Millan, luther Mier 1:00 8 Sl'MTS: Su,.1 .... IV Repeat ol Super Bowl game at l PM Children's Village, U S A . presents A time jot LO Ve A gripping two-hour televlslon sp,clal about real people trapped In the nightmare world of cblld abuse I Robert and Rosemarie Stick, COnareaman Jlmn P. Connin. Dr. lilly °""""· Senator MM Hatfield. CHILO ABUSE-You ·ve read about it .. .-you ·ve heard about it ... you 've talked about it now it's time to do something about it! SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 I 8:00-10:00 PM • KTJV, CH 11 ..... I MllmM'Y I 1 u:::: ....... •----------flll ....... SllM'lt IM fllllll _,. IOTI: M ,........_ le .... jlct ............... ~ ... ........ 8:00 • Tlli$ " !tit lift • ,.,..,. alld ltts friend\ Hatten hosts • OillttnioM a fJlrd ,..,. oc1wie tf)) ltrlJ fallMH G) !Ins Ill Rftll!W {1Jl Veitt of A,1K11H111t ID The flectric c..,,llf 12t DIJ of DiscOftlJ -1:30- (lJ f!l DIJ of DISCOWtlJ 80dyswy • for You, Ille• Wolru11 D fllffti11c Ti111e 11 C•lmy • f11de1ic• I. Price ..... ,,..,.. (JI) II Is Written rtt1 R11 H11111llard 1n 1 Herald ol Truth lom ...,...., ..... .......... l •c...-::r .... 1t11u ...... ....... c.1111 .......... a ... , .... -t:JO-.QI ....... ,, .. :=., .. ......, ,. ...... c....- •.WT-rw • ON TIM '-"' Miit llSll'•Y• ...... • ...,hewn ·-..... l, ..... Sacctf 10:00 1 I ltwr el Pwtf (C·C) 8 IHI U Sf'OlfS: s,.rtsWtrld 'lhe 1980 Nfl Season· The Year 1n Rt~itw" 1 • hllily Filla hllitat: '1111 M· tfftw• II rMcllit" A111m1led • ea., WiNlflllll G Htrlld II Trlltll •• H,.....td HI s,.t\ Allltflu -10:30- • I 1 10 at lid• A11 Pt.,lt ,. D Cryslll Clllltdr1I • Cl"•IJ ca.,.i 11:00 8 t I SPO«n: Tiit PMtlll1 0,.. '911 Tw1111 ... 1 IJ Ill! Qt) VOIT$: Colltp In· •etW Ohio State 11 \11111ma m Flltfl TNt Lim a> Cllllrcll i11 IM HtNH Gl flluter,ieu Tlleatrt: Ductr UH (R) so Soccer, lbdt ill Gt1111111y -11:30-11 I , ) \2t) A!lillllb, A!111111k D Rn. Terry Colt Whitt1h1 0 Spectr11111 APT•RNOON 12:00 G lost in S,.Ct 11 tU 11011211 IUlllS & AMftrs a Settntll D1y Mvtnt~ts .. , \Mt lllCJ a> Mirtlll Wtllty 24! s,orts Allleriu fll) f1111nuel Ai and Yo· Yo 1n Rtc:ilal ID loU111/11tws 150 S1i111 C111ii11e -12:30- • 3 10 11 SPORTS: "Tiit Svperll1r1" llt Tiie lOM b11ct1 tD Mowlt: • "Tiie f11111t ind Ille Arrow" ( ddv) ~O Vn g1n1~ Mayo Rober! Oouclas Nick Dennis so The lhcic ol Oil Paillt1111 1:00 U Ila! Tiit CIS Alter-Pl•J· house (R) lost in Oe1lh Valle( U 123 1Jt1 S,ORTS: Sw1111 lwf Prniew 8ryan1 Gumbel hosts this pie gamt took at the combatants m 1111~ ytar's Super Bowl 2ame 0 The M11nsters 1 The Sia Million S Man O Mowie: •1 "Slltrltck HOimes ln ............ " (1111\) '4&-81111 llt'**.lll11tl8'uct ....... .............. , . ............... "., . Joi•. Soll!" ........... , ...... . ................. -l:JO-. ,.,..., . e Cl) 1111 19 SNITS: l1tlfll· ._.. ..... ~11111 ol lilt US MlllOllll Tum 11111111 Y111oslaw11 tn amate111 bo11n& hOlll Holtl Sllo•boll in Lis V11as, .,ev1d1 2:00 ,en..1.,.-..w. •&illlp•'•WIM Stir TrM • ....._: "Dll't biM IM lri4p, l.Mftf IM hr" (com) '68-lerr~ le1111s. Terry Thomas • llewit: l!IJ) "Tiie ... ,, e.y." A Wtri. -2:30- • l Willi Y111 9 F•ilr fil111 fttCiwel: "'flit TllrM StlOlft !if Artlffld tM W.W ill I Dllt," "Tiit TllrH SMecn irl o..lt" D llovie: "W11ae11 11 tl1t Pre· Mtoric Pl1Mt" (set h) '66-Wendell Corey, l\e1th L11~n. Irene Tsu. lohn "&ar. Merry Anders fD et.. T.a-St111 llt111111 alld Nil Orcant11 CR) m Sit"''" " o..weo 3:00 . ""'-""' 1J \Ul (HJ SPOUS: s,,., 11•1 XV The Plllladetph11 Caalu n the Oakland Raiders at the Super dome 1n New Orleans. la II t~) Diredillls \ t: s,orts AlieW !OJ Ptr'fldivt 111' To lo an-11etd m c.111"" ,, iM Whitt Howse: Tiit Rt141n Tr111sitilll (II) 1t 9""1t: "Tht S,, with tllt Ctld tloM" (susp) ·61 Laurence Harvey. Oallah Lavi, l1ontl Jeff11u, (11c Syke~. Denholm Clholl 150 Frttdom's Dtltnst: A111triu's Cup 19IO -3:30- • Face ll1t N1l10" '3 llovle: "S1ilor ol the llinc" {dra) '53 -Jellrev Hunler e Movie: • ''Sail 1 Croohd Slli11" (d1a) ·r,2 Robert Wacne• Ootom Hart Carolyn Jones. r1ank" Avalon. lrn1e l\ovacs e SPORTS: The SCAA C•m·llfll bee 1 o P11bhc Pulst 4:00 U Mowie: "b&t" (dra) 66 Ct,nn r ord S1ella Steven~ Oav1d Rtyno)O A dts1llus1ooed doctor h•e~ al an 1!.Qlal~d const1~tt1on camp rn lhe MeJ1can dhert and 1s b11ten by a rabid dog and mu\I see~ med1ul help •1fhin 48 hours I Qu11 Kid\ 0 9""it: 11111 "Michty Joe Yow"&" (acH ) 49 I e11y Moore Rober I Armstrong. Ben lohnson 10 lrOllSide GI 9""le: "Clllrlolte's Well" 73 Animated u Bill Glus-Sperls Celel111ly 111111-.s Q) lbrcus Welb7 124 tlolels ID Will Street Wttk 1$0) Odyssef •ViNiii I 8100 •w f}JJ""' m r.,..,. • Wildllft AcMtlbirt GA .......... Miii., {fll J)I Wter• Fllel • 11•a•s•N •T••--· '81 Ut .... fD Ml CrMtllfts Gr11t lld 111111 Home Ind Aw1y" James and r ustln both discover that loo much profts· s1onahsm c1n be 1 danatrous lh1111. HI r., Gita IM c..trJ Hl c..-c •t s,.,._, -6:30- • IJ ""' i Ill S..rd1 Ot ... U 121! ()j) SPORTS: P11t S.,.r ... I Slllw Wrap up with h1chh&hts ot lh1s season·\ Sllptr Bowl 'hamt11 onsh1p 11mt • Mffit: "S•rr~ •• tllt WI .. Ont" (1dv) ·7 (90m)-R1ch11d Lynn Constance Siech Ille Bue. 1 c11, bttomes lht w1ck1tsl ;in1m1I 1n the 1un&lt • llbldl """ ,. m WtkOlll Bick lttttr '121•1111 ...... f24) Crochtt's Victory Gtrdt• 191 Blc,suct of t11e Grand Oii OJty 7:00 U I U1 iO lllir1utt1 U IJll CHll's Ill) "Tht Thrill Show .. Ion and Ponch allend a stunt show and d1sco•t1 that they do m1ny ol th' ume 1\111 r11s1na luts as p11t of lhe11 ernyday 1ob D ~ <lO ()I) SPECIAL: StlMy Goes HtltywMd (lhr) ll's 1n hour of lun whtn Scooby Ooo. lhr clumsy but lovable canine, romps throuth dt hghllul upm 1n order to hit the b11 time in Holl1•00d by t1ndm1 ht5 own p11mt lime serru m Carol 811rllttl Q) Tiit IMlff 24 fr1111t Gellnatt fll) St11cl1 hf tlle lilt IR) 'T ht D•um of lhe Wanderer Jt """ so fmnc Lint 7:30-m All "' I.lit f1111ily 24 C..111• lltllCff 'H> Motil: "let Stttilll Mu" (dra) '68 (21ihrst~Ror.k Hudson, [rnest 801 gn1ne, Pat11c~ ,.cGoohan A nu Llta1 subma1111e c1tw on a rescue m1~s1on or1der lhe polar ice cap become~ involved 1n a race '"'" lht , ... 7 lllOtlOAY (C.-llft .. 41 UOlltt11 . U SEASON PREMIERE * "FOUL PLAY" Sim DEBORAH R~fflN u 3 10 2t rlllMIUtl: foul '11y lhr 1\1~ llM•r Gl1111• Mundy " h • 11a·,h1p ... 111 • 11 1•41 uld l!r1k~ h• 1 I ·1•11~11\ vrn1u\ t •P•hlr "' ~U•ld 101! 111! dhllnll l11u111J 10•0l•t'. Ill' lil1i.1w1 •lld lu1l•1l'•ndMv11111 • ,.,111111a·.• 111volwonr flor 11ly •, 111 h••,I h• "'" 4nd .1 pl1111in1um ,,..,.,, .. h•n 111• 1uu11~'.l•1 I\ ~1d11•UP•l1 Cl) W0<1d lltt-• llns tD llo<he I llo<M -10:30-m a> m""" fD 14 lltfle<IMNIJ Oft a.4y lml& e11 lt11\ di~ um•llldly I\ d IN V•fPll _,~.i1 111ll4~~ l'.ll10R lhr "lo1y 11f blldy 11••1 01dlt011 lh•OuRh lht• Al•\ !hr ,11• Ml h1t,IOIH dild d•)lhPlll rli· """"' ol ld\h1on •"11 l1ndy •11114m•11 1.1111111 41• •1pl1J1•rl 'o l1hs\erp1ttt lhulre 01nae1 UXB (CC) 11:00 0 u 3 • 12 19 ,.,., U 10 )3 )t lie~ u Stir Trt• 0 Jhe ""''"" 6'111t • M•a•S•M 8) lhwit: w "W1t Hunl" Id••> !17 lohn Su on Hotmt k~dtord A ~· h110ph1rnit wld•t1 who rn1oy\ ~ rlhne. 1\ ~•O•d•d by h1\ budd•" c~•n "he11 h' idnpl\ All R y•u old .. a1 ocph1n 24 1tyit11y (C·C) fD Dd Clftlt -11:30-' a ' <u llMn: "Qwlcl. M .. E .. " ''Tiit lltw Awttlctrs" 8 rn J Ot) W11111y C11M11 D srolTS: rAC 10 laMttMll It" University ot Cahlnrn11 11 USC • Mtt111'\ "4rott '1!» 'Sii C.•lio!IH UC lltwt m .... 12:00 II Space ltM • I a \0 {Jtj flfltny 1'411141 • ltiulefl 1111,...iMI -12:30- • IU t fHJ The TOtlltlltW Slltw c.m ttCtnt llGtlltMryMtfit 1:00 e ....... : "T1111Pf'1 IM lllatil" (dll) ·5~ Oiv1d N .. en. Yvvnnt l>e Callo 81111 f 11z1e11ld. llobt1t U1QuhJ1I, Geor1e Cole. [ddtt Byint. A l M1tthe.s, Noelle M1ddluon Whtn 1111 owne1 of an olalt and "11'1' 1n lrtland din. 1111 nephe" t1ke\ OYtl ind 1\ drjl1~td by 111 lhe v11ta1ers e•GePI OM, a 11ridow ,,. ,....., 19e114/Mlli·ll ..... ~ ..... -l:JO-e n. u......, .... : .,..... " .. , .... ,,.. (swsp) G1Hl~11N11t4a. St111 Coft '*Y Tiit ntpl\tw of I etolclltty old 111i1110Milt Klltmn "''" ' b .. uhtul 11111t1 lor Mf to 111a.1y lilt old min lot "" "'°"'' -l:JI-..... , ..... : .. .., ........ (ti~) '61-l11yd Wift, MlcMtl Anu<a, lotll lttcklMll. All ..,.• upert ta1rcllt1 1 ~" lslallf tor tllt ~utNM ellf 4hlflltf of a '°'""' •""'lend. ...... ' I TUESDAY I l•llUaltl 21 for m0<n1na ind 1ffe11100n lishnri. pluu tu OUTIMl rllOGUMS Btlow. 10< JOlll tonwenttnu, "' the day's lllOfltJ. OAYJIMl MOVIES 11 00 II) IW "luc•y leun" I""'' 14 l11hn Wdtn~ 12 00 CD "" "M1 l Mr~. S1111th" It om) 4 I Lmllr I ur11ba1d Cl) "Tht llahd M11a" ldrJi ~q f11n~ I r~WHl\d Av4 (,d1dn•1 I h• \lurv nt lh• l•mp•\luou" lov• ~11411 b•lw•r·n \ht IAOlllll\ ".11.r110,n u•int•r v.11v~ dllrt 1111· du• I""' of Alb• l:llO 10 "Dir• V1tlo1,.· 1.111111 11!1•) /11 I h1.1b1°lh M11111v..,,11•1y 3t '• "The Vatlty of Oet1 MOn" ftlritJ '4'-l t:r,•tlf (~1\f'ollll 1:11·g11ry l'•r ~ I 111111°1 ll•rry111111•· l:JO O "flte G11ls of rlenure Is· land" Crom)·•, I I r11 t:•1111 ll1111 I ayl111 A \r hol••ly fi11l1\ll gr11lh· 111•11 with lh11•1• 1l1tu11l1l••1·, liv~" d 11•••1 Plul ~ 11•.11•111 r 1111 • \11ulh l'•tiltl 1\ldnd 111111111 1\ 111vndNI hy I ~00 Oldllllr'. •V•NING 6:00 u u • 1tti 22 ,. """ 8 Slm•f I H11t<ll • ID l tO 2t llttn D TK Jae 0..111 • 111•a S•H ., ~Times 124 19ttltchtns 111 locfy 111111111 fD JIM (llclrK Cttllpany IM Tiit It& Blt1t 1111"- -6:30- ' i 'U 1t )I tins I 111•a•S'H 11 lultw" r10 l11nty Milltr m WlkOlllt II<• llott11 at lilt lt1111Y Hill Sllow HHoltll fJl) r..,i. of the first L1a1t1 Concl "lht Ma~llOH Wsmp~nna«'' (If) SlllAI Set 7:00 Bll•IU!lltws ( J) llrllJ lliltr • """ °"' Acllll r I I Tk tee DlllP • Tiit ,.,., WiW ltf Sill Ditti'• (c.111111y: ...,.., Ml11!11ill11 • M•a•s•M Iii Tt Tell IM Trtflll . .., .... QCI 111111 .-GltAtt e lhlt r,., (C·C) a,_.,,.., ............... , tit ... llldlelll Uflftt """ -7:30-. , ..... , ... lm ~j~ ......... ..... ,..., -=--.:: t t MOltf .... • ni. ...... IUMt ..,.,. m C11s1rn1 8111n so llewM:htd 8 :00 D II 17 Mower: "lht Bunh1" 1111•1 XII r Hr"' A111ho11y lh111k"" llu 1•••11 lr11'1~11 '•""'' N.w~hllln f'•u•·r ' rnw· \tu\ '•"'' t 11"'P" t+. th,.. • v••11\ 111 ·•"'' •H•ulld r.it11ll 11111,, 1111rlr1;111111111I 11•11111 h111••rnl rt111111p lht h11•I h•lll1~'lllK tldY" lwl111t· Iii• 111lld~\• 111 lhP I hud k•t• h O n lt Lobo M•• h11 M1111 Mod,\IY l•1I". lo ·,•v• I 111111 \ rt•·1111h 1i11dll' 11 ... k1n• loom hdVlllf' h1 U(1\• l•H • llfdVdflll" • •lll•rlolll "fWI 111 •" mw .hy.1111111 111111 llir d••lh• ul 111,.),. rnud••t•, U Mowie "S11tnt llunnina" 1·,11111 II tlhr· I li1111 • ll•1n J.hll f'•1ll '. A l111l•f1t,I Ill \P•I '' 1, l•OlfillY, 'olJ•I 1.1lly P,1t1Wll \fMI I• P,Alfll•ll'. Ill llllllf\ 11\ (11f•'ol'IVllli: lh.,111 1<11 I• fll•lllllllV, ''" I .1111 U 3 10 29 Hippy D1,s II f>nt1 111111·, Wh•11 I '.mil~ A 1•111111•11 I 11r111~ ln•kf'o • 1111111111\ Vl'>ll Ill .1 11111\I 111111~11~1 rlrnll"l ,111>'1 ,\ 1\1111 .. 0 iJUll\ IOOlfl"' h• I 0,jfll(I\ Ill~ llllMlllll 'lyl• .. 1t1h• fh1Hll• 4flll I 11.t 111 1111., .. ,.,1 "' '"" '""'"·hr• • w.iM111v. l11.v1· 1111° rto~d 111 ll11wAlll \ MIHIV. •Ult1m1Jli1lt• D h it "heiy l1ttlt C1ool ind ll1 nny" 11111111 fl I /hr'.) I y1111 ll••lr,r4v• V11.lur M•l1111• 1'4111 .,4111\ holln A\ltl\ Wlwo I h•· under world ' r ,., " ,on 1\ k11I0•01wef h11 n•r111y ""' lo l•r\• 1t1r 1411\IJO• 1tH1n•v but I\ pr"<•Nlrd liy " fornhlllll( t~wvrr und•r .. 111111 11111nN 111111\ And •oild w•d• tompl1l•l11111·. m ,,. .,,,.,,llf a> Mnoe: "fht llahd lunrle" (dr.iJ '>4 I/hi\) l.h~ollon ll"lon I 1••11111 Pai i.t1 A wurh Ame11< •n plAnl~l11111 ''""" .ind h1\ bt~ultlul m .. 1 oidri brnl• bdlll• •M h 0111 .. w1lh d Mrd~ nl wld1., •nl\ 24 l'Wtltl(lll: The H11to1y ol S111tt fhalll fD lltta (C·C) Uead ~·• lh11 p11i21am mvr\t1ial,) lh' U•.td Su • borty ol ·~IP.I wh1th 11~~ .tlw•V' ml112ued i•11IOR1~1\ h1\l1111~n\ •11d GhMHSI\ •$0 Mytttry! (C·C) -1:30- • 3 1 10• •2t1 LMllM I Slllrlty "Boro loo late" When the 11111 step out, I enny and Squ11m bullnn lhe11 hp~ for once, and l1nlu11~ about what a 1101 hie would b, 11 lhty .,,, silent movie st11s • C.rtl ''""" 1141 , ... ftn1t1• ID El SM De lrlt C~ 9:00 II <U l t>~ II I IM lt1t Ille fast and the r u11ous" Conti Rulhtr lord G11nt'1 schemt lo lrame 81 by pt1n1tna 01uas 1n his 111 du11n11 race lo ~n franttSC·O b1c\l11ts and Gr1nf is '°'"d to 111uf hrs own PfOpll! • r a 1 110 IJIJ TllrH'• c..,,.,, "Ma~t !loom IOI Uaddy" IK~ plan cupid to h11 111llr1tnd's w1dowtd lather, but h•l '"°"' h1IA11011Jlt m15l11e wtltn lht lo-ft llmtd oldt1 """ 1Nh$ 111111 "" lllltl ............ •• ..,.....,. (C.C) ....... lolttllollCfll" Or. 8dltlflt:S coMllCf becomes """oltH1011al itldttcl H tit ~ 1114 melllodlcdy '°" 1bout pulllftl 1~ lllUldtlOUS tclttlllf 11110 tetlofl. IHlllWtltlt, IM ltl \llllt IOt· tip ol WV'ftffl'' Cfott .,~, """''"' to ltM lo Dr. kklttCll'• .-Nq . lVWl lK JANUAIW :>~ 1981 ~o llov1 (C·C) -9:10-u 3 10 21 loo Cw'°' Cotll· tort ~ I 11.i1d 111 N••d \•I• lhro•\ 111• H11\h ldl!llly t!llU ol ~U/I ol IJlld\ .ir•d l•t'~' 1131111 •h•n \h• lakr\ 11 uww 11'1~•11 t•J '"'P rnllPR• friend M11n111•· r,1.idu.il• 1111u 111j11hood e> Colo1111a 10:00 u Ii) llt'll\ U ,, lt fl1m1nro Read A Ml1llll'I .. Rnen21 A c11eV1rtt 11111111•• Ot\!IJV,,\ th• 14lh bth111d 111• •1\lln 1 dU.,ed lu• whir h ~lllrd Ii•• ~•11P,hl•1 •nd t 11nh11111\ ~hr11ll I 1ft1\ \rrnpl• wolh • l11v,hlen111~ lht••I U 3 10 2t H11I lo H11t r,1u1\~ .11 Yrouo Own Ro\~ Jonathan •111> 1•111111•• lond my\ltrv ~nd d3nRtr whrn lhry takr an l)(;~.ln (1u1'1t lo lut•k up • 1111v. 111 1rwrl lhirve) O> World lltt•or' llein 2• Souncht11e (C·C) fD rrtwnte Special: lllu11au1- JIM!w S.1111 111"41 m llo<lle • llo<llt $0 lltwsclteck -10:10- m mm""" so Slit<• of tht tin 11:00 u • '10 12 20 ltews u• 3 u,.""" U Siar'"' Cl'"' lleWlywtcf wme CD M•a•s•H Cl)ClMSlffllt,_. 24 Odyuey (C·C) fD Od C1tett -11:30- 0 I 11 lto¥1tt: "L111 Gfallt," "Most Wanted" D u >t Jollnnr C111111 • 3 '10 121 lli11111MM 11 Cun"""• m ........ , """' m Sro«TS: lllT llM11'811 l'1ov1 dtnl• V\ I ou1sv1llt m ''° c.,tioM• uc ...,,, G Mo;lt 12:00 II Mewle: "Mtlltr" (dra) '&2 R1ch11d Buelm1. ~1110 [mo • 1311101 QI) ...... : ....... llMp" (d11) '79-Cliude •kins ......... , .......... -IZ:J0-11 CUJ (ff) hit T .. trrtw SNw c..tttC... • Tiit Dell LMt .... 1:00 ....... , .. , Utt -l:JO-., ... ltM....., ., ..... ,.Utt .""" ....... .... 2100 .~ ....... 0-. .. ''CfylfttllW' ...... ""' ......... ""' ' ..... n.c ........ ..... : "'"" .. '"""' (llor) '72-S.IY lllfMlell. frar• fillley, Al 111 leeclltr efld • -.Ctlfl ..-1 pl111 lo eMlllft 1 ....ac • w '""'"" ..,.,., ,..... ...... ~tlltd two ol tlltttl. -S:JI- • ......... : "Y• ...., Ir f• .... (Mii) '72-TM ...... . I UlllMY I .... ,_ 4.. e.: __ ............ _ ........ .... ..,,...... ,.... ... ~ .... ...:;:.Clll* ..__ .. .. ... • ...... .....,. I• .1::.. ...... .. l•) '14 ..... ....,.. ... (C.C) ...... ..,._ .... . ..... .,.. .. ......... ,.. • ._ Mt• ...... ..... :r l4 fief Wawe. C.,.. MllOll& etwtllll of Hett• S... Wt ' Mite •lfJ to 1t1111 IM • ,...... to """' ~ . ......, '"'-" ...... .... lC111) 61 aei -k.rllGll, a11t .... : ...... Mii" (tll'P) Hef911tll A ltMllN11 tlliel tlld 7J (~1)·fk11Mtll Teylol, Leu _,, re111Cte11I 11111111,.. ,..,... ''"'' Hllwy A •iddlt •1•4 -an. •rt Wet .... 4 11110 llt1..,i111t plaauH •r NlllOllft of lltt fut tilt liltft OI I _.111tu11 hM Ille ~11~·1 111lldtllly, tt•t1 IMf rt PrtdO ri...wu• Vtfllt Oii lltt sec;OIMI lllllballd. l:•11t1 "ler~fistwt"P1111 (11!1) !Cl)rit•TWai.r.-. 15 llut•tlll ~l&OlllllJ. ....; "lftlt If fr~ lft: la1111 MKltelll111 ( ) ·~~ (Zll11)-Alt11 Ladd. Edward 1ll "flit .. C...•" (d11) C 11.0rnJOn, l111nnt Oiu An 11 17 C1u10 C Scott, Sllcy w1terf1011I cop, l11"1y 1mp111011ed t0t llu~h Ja~e Al1und11 Cttc m111Mau&hlt1, seti out to clear hrm hl••O~ r 111 ilCHt ol lltt UPfll )CJI upon hrt reluse end '" so doona t1\lu ul t111u moc1t1n day Loi 1•h lhl _,ood,. on 'Mr 811 ' An.tit\ Jl0htem1n /i N ....,... 1:M e "lle,u11 Wai.·• (dr•J ... : "( .... , ...... (com) ~· I l111l11lh h ylor. 01111 · 4 (2hrs) Robtrt Wilker, Waller Andtt•I l'tltt I rllCll A rwnc M1llll1u. Suri Ives Tiit 1nl1mo11s btodt 01 • .C.ylon IH pl1nl1l10n lnsi1n Pulvtr atttmpll to carry on in u•ntr fin• d1Hteull lrmt •d1u1I th' loo1st,p1 ol Mr Robel1s '"I lo h11 llusb•nd'1 •If Qf 1or. • ff Tiit na~t9'tlft "''' •nd Ill• .DC'Pll\tnt 1~1 ul hi\ !he hmona ol the Sllttw' Jolin lither •ho controb him Cleest ind 5'!1h Sadfl Siii 1n flus tlo11t pl1y dtp1Clln1 lht elernJI bllllt btlwttn l~t stats A MAfl/C ERA Murray Hamilton WM a young man wMh a *°"I ,tOUtMm eccent ~he arrNed In Lot~ with 1 ... than 50 doffara In hll poc:i.t. and a burning _,,. to be an ectOf. Hamilton 1t1r• H the dlabollcal Authertord T . lrant. chief of the lpeolal Crlmet Action Unit, Whet yegea an ongoing wer to drive Independent true• tJ McKay (G1'9Q Evigln) out of th• 1tate of CaJlfotnla ft thlt Maaon'• BJ 1nd th• S.er airing Tueedayt lt 9PM. Hamilton arrived from hit native WHhlngton. ionh Carolina, by bu1, and took a 1tr .. tcar to 'iollywood, where h• checlc.td In at the YMCA. "The llr1t thing I did waa call Warner Broth•,.. Nhich WH my favorit• 1tudlo. Th• operator an- >wered, and In my thick aouthern accent I aald, Hello, dear. my name 11 Murray Hamilton, and· I'm u1t rn from Norttl C1rollna. and I'd llke to know it there are any acting job• available.· "She waa very polite, but I could hear her muffle her laughter on the phone. She told me I w11 going about It all wrong," aaid Hamlltot;i. " c-ar11t Qaftil c...., n.uttt I -1:30- I •vl111ii6 e:oo e e • it l <tli rtll Ill .... • /]I lf41 tJIJ .... e llM•r & Mlltdl •Tk ,._.. e 111•a•s•H •""' ... OC......t.llltWlllttllMt •Tllllltdrk~ A Tllllisllwllu_.. -6:30- ) (111 'HI IU ) llftl ,, 111•a•s•H • lkiltwre (ft ler.., Miller ....... lac~ "'"" eT11t1tt1111HillS.... • ,..,.. If tllt flflt Llrflt '"' lndran ( 1pt1rt11ce Urban and Rur11' IHI Stll4il Stt 7:00 B II e 1'211 ""' r) J lerlll'f llilltr • "''" 0171 Ap111 r11 Tit Ta Dtlllfl • Tiii JtUr's if.W (f)) lltn '"""' • lll•A•S•H <ill T1 Tiii "" Trwtll • lerrtt. !141 Fiii F-.r• tlD Chtf U., (C·C) tJt) hlllily ftll4 ..,.,.,...... .... , /ff "" llaclltillltllrtr ..,.,. -7:30- • z "' .... '""' I ) I """ °'1f' Aalill B fipt Ila! Witll D1wl4 HerOW111 .Slit ..... -~Sq1111n CJ J P1I lll1111i111 G fau Ille M11SK , • • •111 l..Mits' .... • Certl ..,. II) a.,lf 111 IAJ ~ Futwt Im Pin Alley e:oo • I • 1121 11•a•s•M Khn1er ~vu Wrnchole1 ·s hie when iln u plosion ups lhrouah lhe oper1tma room and BJ, •ho was also 1n lhe 0 R II flit 11mt ol lht t1plos1on, hu uoublt conv1ncina Hawkeye th11 ht wasn't hurl 8 (JI) IJIJ TV G11i4t: HIO-Tllt Yhr Ill ,........,. (2hrs) H1I l 1nderr looh back 11 the put ru1 rn J\I and 1rvu 1 p101echon tor lht lulu1e e r i r101 t2t o,.uty • lltn Gfiffit1 SM -9:30-• I• J 11 II HMM Cetll A de• anaed men h11 planted a bomb somewhert rn l\ensmalon llospr111 and lefl a lhruienona nole •hoch has lht tn lue slall c1awhn1 lht walls Dr Mtehuls huds a se11ch ol lhe hospr 111 and Ann checks a lost ot recent pahtnh wolh mental problems bul ev"yon' 1s ruM1n1 su1ed srnce lht nole w11ned lht bomb would 10 oH al •PM II> C:.1111 tO:OO a 11, 1u 1 LOii "1111 The piob 1,ms of ltlt oldtr aenerallon louth lhf I nb 11hen an eld"IY nt11hbo1 of lou·s. Ha1vey Shona. 1s ha~led by m1\Ch1tvous kids Ch11ht Hume's fathtr tl<apes the bo"dom ol re111e mtnl by shophllin&. and Bolhe dos tovus a senior c•lllen ••lh an unusual hobby f rtd Jenkins 1s a 1el11ed bus drrve1 who seh up his own loundaloon lo &•vt money away Undaunted, he walked a couple of blocks to Holly- ...aod Boulevard. and saw an advertisement on the )ack of a bus bench. How Do You Know You're Not on Actor? He called the phone number listed, and 'hlle he soon realized he was dealing with a fraudu- ent outfit, he did get a )Ob out of the dear as a 1essenger boy with Warner Brothers "I made $22 a week, and I had to pay those people 10. But rt was worth rt lo be inside Warner Brothers Vhen I look the )Ob. they made us srgn a statement -Nearing we had no desire to act "I didn't have a car. but every night I would stand at 'he auto gate and som~one would drrve me home to •1ollywood One night a car slopped me and 11 was ngrid Bergman. who was on the rot filming For Whom ne Bell Tolls. I was so 1n awe of her, r could only sit on lhe car with my hands folded and not say a word .. Eventually. Hamilton left the messenger 1ob to become an extra. whtch included standing in tor Spencer Tracy in Th,,ty Seconds Over Tokyo "The extras would s1raround and play cards. but I was .up front. watching the pros work rt was a magic era." Pegel I THURSDAY JA•um 1' for lllOfllllll 1tlCI 1lttr-l1st1n1s. plt1M Ml DAYTIME r•oCUMS. lttew. fer ,eur c111ff1111nu, i re lht 411Y'S-.ia. OAmlH lllOWU 11:• e • "R1Ny Ride\ AllM" lw,\) '14 lohn Wayn• 12:00 m "Th Kt ltn M1111n Slery" (draJ ·~1 Ann Blyth Paul Nt •m1n Ctne I vdn\ ~1lh1rd Cdrl~on C~ra W1ll11rn•, • illlf "01. (luld's lll11c hllt l" ldraJ 40 I d1w d r. Rob111wn Ruth Gor~on l:OO '10 "Tiil lhrht St11lt1" <rn1\) II 0dl1tn ll4lGav111 A I., V .. fl\ ntw\p~ptr rept11lt1 IOYt", 11111•1 ~ ''"'\ 111 mt11d•r". t lu\ed b1 ~ man •h•i bP.lwv•" he 1 a v~mpor• ,. "Ttndtr Is tllt •11hl" f'MI I (drl) 1.7 l•nnolP.r )flnt•, la\On Rob~rd\ Ir loa11I11nla1n• lorn f well l:lO • "DM111'41r lllch1n1" (hor t Mila f'ow'I~ I IY•Ntii a:oo 98G)111 ftl! (U 1 .. "' • St11M, I H11tdl e LJ 1 r111 rJt1 fJt1 ._., e nc T • ._... • 111•a•s•M e C.-Tillft IJ4 Tiii Slll'tt•tlfl ""' ACROSS 'llt 'Ot1CI" •• 'Tilt o1 111<111~ 9 Mtdioc.tt \OC°'ly '""' I 10 de ,.,.,0 " 5-\yfup 1•, Will\ Ill ScolJe 20 K- 21 CIO.\ 22 Ont m"'I l>f rnuncJ nn 'I""• to.. loll' 2• """'~ ~ ~· 28 At:..,.. ll l2 Ourlt • 'Htllllld' .. l ~ p 0 m fllt [ltdrw: c""'"'' so Tiit 111 ll11t i&,rMt -6:30- 3 12' .,. lt .. ., t M"A•S'H Dhllwye 101 8'1nty M1lte1 • ••-l 1t• !letter • Tiie ltnny Ht11 SMw ft) T1111tttt Sylld1-· Tiit Su414tn lntr•1 (kl st SlllMStt 7:00. ... ,,."" ) I lilfMY lllilltl • "''" DIJS ... ," • Ti< Tic Dourh D Tl11 h'ti's Wiid 10 Mery Crrltm Sllow • M•A•SHH 12 To Tiil lllt Trllth ., 8'1ttt1 m °"' u sy (t·t) 291 r '"'''' Fetid ID A,11fl4litn4lo I Al1111 S01 Tht M1tltttl/lthm Rt,.rt -7:30- • 2 ... 1111 T- 3 "'"' °'" ...... • !if f1111tly ftlld a SrotTS: Ctlftlt luht••ll UCI A V\ Oreton Stal• • £yewil11ns LA I rlil lillllliM • flu tl1t M1111t • All 111 1111 r 111111, It '2tJ M·a·s ·M U 18'111ty llilltr ID T111 111Klttllt ltllf11 ..,.,, CD CnttN 111111 10 llttndlt<• DOWN 7 y..,,..., lllll" lo 11v1tlt tn•-1 I''" Uot1t•'• roommt1~ lro~ I ~ llfltll1141 . 1'11~ Bl!fl Wiiton b lwtCe IPltft•l , lll(ly lj Muwn"' •cit II 'll>t Bil fUue ro pu11tt ..,,_I I) lllot~NMt 1or AM- I• . "'° siw...,. 16 Plt1' !flt,...., ol 2• Ac1rm II TtntlrUltolot 19 l-' .)4 Mt\ ltnny ''"'' 23 ··~ l6 A 'II• '9oplt' penon 2& Mulmill 37 5omott '17 ,_ .... ,, '""' 29 Aclorn •I UnlllO SUM ,.,_ lO ~ __ ....,,. ,,.. ' ll ~ 41 A Ht. YCWll Cly dtMlr<l J& A ..... ......,~ . ---·---. ==-40 Qi-. l'lllldlll ..... • 8:00 D U M11"u111, I' I ',11 Al~.rn1111 I dln·.w111lh Iona\ hom\elt lh• 111u:.1 Wdlll•<I OP" ,1111ul Ill 11 .... 11 D 2' >• luc• Ro1er~ llw <:ua1d1an\ A dyonY, m~n .i1trn1t\ Hul k w1ll1 • rlly\fl'llllU\ ~"'"'"V. 1ad•• hu• wt11d1 w11•ak\ havrr• "" th•· \lat\hr11 ~e~rth••• dlld onuµht•~ly 1•u111lt•. Hulk v.1th ho·, n111th•1 111 lh• ~Olh tt11lu1y • 3 10 29 Mot• I Mindy IRJ llu•l11tR \h!P~ Mork l•I•\ 111 \lid IP\ lor th• lo1\f hmr lo w • • t hr.a ton& t h6mp1rin •,kal'' 11own ;, Hnl~1 Muuritaon11•~k 111111 lluuldt• lo try lo \ave lh• 1J•y t •lf• i.11lrt •I wh•th ·n~ work-. from d•murtmn • Tiii ... ,.,, Wllh Ii~ D srECIAL: Tiii 1910 Sc1·f1 Jin IHy 11111 "°"°' fn111 Awards Uhr"1 A unrctuf' tin• 111 d krnd d"ar<h prti Rr•m th41 I t1•t'" lh• ht•.I til •v•11 lh•nR ~M' 111 "" lotld ut """l' l1l11011 hr11101 •nd tanl~'o1 '"" 1111· la\I yr.a1 M~•k ll•n111t ~nd (,.1111 MullrCJ will hw,1 ID rM M11111nt ti) Mowie: "The Fii Storr" rnraJ ~·J 17hr \J lamr'. ~l•warl Vera M1lr'. I ht hl\tu•y 11t lh• I Rt a\ told lh11J11Ch lht •ye\ ot uro• aa•nt •nd hr•. l1m1ly fJl) 150 ,..., Ch1w lht Mlln Who Would Ile Krnf' I rankl1n J ord Ill do\lovel\ that a wtct\\ful lawyrr lalhf.r an~ ~,n,,al10n\ ot Irv.al lrad1 hon 1n h•S family can he a faadvan lal' r.v'n tn tonl•atl law -1:30- • I J 10 Jt lotolll llllldtn Amy \ (,arttr ~·~ R•Vt\ 111•, 1 n wn1kt1 and h1•nd Amy an ott beat l•\\On on po\lltv• lh1nk1n«i wh•n het IV W(EK .JANUARY;>~ 11181 "P"'" 11d•· • 1111tuu\ 1otle1101\ltr b.i dU\• her oded\ lw an 1mpo<t1nl •d 1 •mpa1gn roy•lly !lop e l1t111 l'rohlt m C11ol l~rntll 14 £m11111tl Aa 1tlCI Yo.Yo'" R1<1l1I 0) Cua dt HllHPIMS 9:00 u • I 2 Knob L1114!1t111 Ahb1 t• vr1",•\ lh~ flH\lt 1111n1I• Judy '""' Caty •nd Vol wh•n \h• m• n•uvrr'. V•I hi "'" i.Sl•ur•nl •htre '·••y " ha;onR •n appa,.11lly wman lor l•I• d t;,I'. •1111 Judy D Jl >t Mowlt : "lot D111c11" "•'' 11nr 111 lhr"' Jldll\ (draJ '110 (~hr\1 H11bffi>llhrt~'#~romet-C'"tf w11Khl t 11.-11 ll•tk~tl tu• Dancer • 1 orev.•d vuvato• 1ov•\loial111 11nw11 t111tly l••d•. •ff u11dorworld h1I man lo "'' 1.t•f.•< and dullnR ho\ 1nve\loU lrtm ol lh• murd~t ht Ull(.rlv'" a "•'' ol hodt•'. 4rod turruptonn 1nvolv 111£ """ 111 ll•v••lv lhlf\ 11th''' and pr1ltl1ldlly amb11t11u\ la1111l1r\ U '3 • 10 •2t Birney Millt1 (C.C) Mov•~ ti " lhr v,mirt nt w\ '' thal 114111\ offrLoal' detny pcir nn lilm I\ fo llo\li•d lhr b~d n••\ '' lh.tl lhl're" 1111 "' 111 •l. and what \ mo,. tht C11mn11woner wan!\ lo burn 11 m Mm Guffin SMw fD so S11t1• ''"'"" -9:30-u Sha lb Ma U 3 <10 129, It's 1 liwi111 'HI ~ f' I (. I IOI\ makes an 1mp1~ '"'"'d •nd cormut weech rn de l•ro\•' 111 waolrt\\t \ rn Iron! ol her d~uRhl"' \ tlau ~\ lht olhtr •ltl "\\r\ l,nd lhe11 w pporlrv' u rs fD 24 T"" Old Mouw (C·C) I ti lur•\ f)lumb•n& al lh' houw N0tm 6f•111•wvl -· =-----= .... " .. "' . ..,,_so I 11,lft .. ....... .... ~ I 1v1w1• e:oo I .. •iii Jt ..... • ' •tOJ u IH .. "' Sbt•r I Mwlcfl fk tee hie" 11•a•s·H "", ... u '•11tf11111 ..... e TIM Utdtk C.111111 1t11 "" 111 11ut M11 Mt -6:30-c 1121 a HJ ~ .) .... .,." . .....,. Ii ..,.., ..... , I Wek .. IKk•etter Tiit a-, Mill Show ~f Qlllet CMll,i..t • ~1liell tf lllt Cll11d (HI (II) St• Stt 7:00 ••• ,,I! ..... (11 '""" lllillt1 • "'"' °'" •1•111 (I J Tk TIC '*'•" G TIM ,_.., •• W1kl C1I lllen ,,,ff.. Sllow e 111•a•s•M ... ,'"' G 0..1 bsy (C-C) (JI) f"""' f •11111 m AflMitlMll •• , fHJ Tiit M1dltil/lehm •epoit -7:30- • 2 O. lllt T- ()J""" °'" .... ,. 11 !HJ F1..ey ft114 • Sii• "' "' • Hell,..M S.111rt1 1t 1,.. MaauiM • f tu lllt Mwtic ... ill ... f 1111ilr ~I a.11117 Milli Q4J Tilia OW 11MM (C·Cl G TIM kllt~/ltll1tr ••port f2'1! 111•a•s•H GJ C111tiN llian IHI "" Siii .... ,. "'" 8 :00 I a r • , 11 a; lMl A ban~ iobber '" 1h11d 11\al I no\ may 1et01n11t him 1nd allempl\ Ill d1'>tred1I 111111 111 the eye~ ot h1~ devarlrMnl a\ well I\ bt.mK a larKtl lor • lady 'head hunter • •u~i:r:.. ...... (r.) ·11 (hn)-C•11111t Sleve111, 111111 0.,., 0vrHll lllt °"1UllOll. I ...,.. roMMty t1111" 11110 1 kNIMP '4"t Miii I ,.y( .... llllC ltlltr l.Ut91 lot .... ,..,.. lltlll» • ••>1'9 •... tit ....... 11 (C·CI Dn1d's R1\ D1v1d and le!lft\ INllllll llKOl'llft v111111d OVtl lht •t$10llh011 ot Ill old lht •Ir•. • fuelld send• 111 111111 1.ce hon• to N1d1ot.n i nd Mtrlt ~omn 1101M llttwttn blMbilll JllM\ • -..: ..........., lM" (dll) 10 (?llo) Pett• O'loolt. Su~Mlh YOik M1clt1el C1111 A love 1111nC1e IO(u\1n1 on 1 .om1n ind the two '"'" 1n her hit ont her 0 111n1ed husband and tht Olhe1 htr brother """ d1tpcr 11110 de1r1d1hon .,.. ....... • lillllle: "llictlt .. Ille QflUly" (H\) 66 (7hn) Chnl W1Jke1 M••lhl Hytt An,, lawman lty1n1 to m1kt • belle• hit tor h1m~ell 1anGh in1 hnd\ hi\ grulul fll~my I\ 4 hUlt lllllly bt11 tD 24 Llff frOlll 1111 Mel llek lril '"" p101r11m tealuro sw,d1\h wp"no R1111t H1lnon '" lhe l1llt 1111, 1tl H11 ha•d S1raun unt 11c1 vpe•• tS1mul~•\I un KUS<. ~I ~IM1 -1:30- .. C.iol lll111ttt fJ) ¥1 Duke CMryll" 9:00 II • 12 llltw11: "TIMHn .. 11" (0••) 'MU (lhrt) Clynn lu1m4n V111u111 G61dema lht \lury ul the Untied )l•I" Afflly \ U\t ol I so Ufl ,n ,nl1\led •fldfl l•me~ lhorn••ll •"d lhornwell\ \U b\,qu,111 y•4•\ ol menl•I ancu1\h D n H Dtff'rtftt SltMtt lh• A111 e\lu1 Wheu Mr U1ummu11d lf.i n' 11111 he hd\ 1nhe11led wm• ldnd 1n li•rlen1 he 41\o le•rn\ llial lh• ,,,.,. •ho bouwhl lhr la11d. "'' &ft•f grul Krtal ardndlalhtr WI\ ll \lave rrader u ) 10 2' Ta11 l dlkd ' l.ook1es lht ubb"' wnpl1 •do•r ltlr al lht a11ra11t d\ Iona d\ I alk4 kttp\ lhem \uppl1ed 111111 111\ grand 111•\ huveuly wu~'"' liul hm ~ d1'oten111111 ta\lt bud~ rr.v•al lh.11 lhr (IOOdoP\ tontaon '>l)mrlh111g murr ,., qu1\1lrly potent '"'" tit~ u'u•I CRt'.4.hedultdJ m Mt" G11ff111 Show -9:30- D 123, The f1cb of ltlt ll•e~l1111k Point lhe r.nmprltl1u11 brtwr en Hla11 .rnd •noll1e1 v111 •I I a\tland ~ltiool btwme\ w 101'"'~ lh•t '' ha\ vrry 'IA:llOU~ LOll\tQUtllln U ) 10 19 Soap l•\'olf d •nd Ch'''"' nu• dovort•d <h\l.Ov•r lh'Y have bttume pdwu11' 11t1yll1111K\ .ohen ~hP h1ta111tu\ty ""'" Ill •,rd111.1· Vdldt1 drtd ()hv\frr 1111(), ht" 11'"'' lluust 41f~11 w11tl A11111• r.01nK I•\\ lh•n \'lllnlfllHIV,ly •"" hr'. Ydunlt·d prowt\\ l•k" i I um11 ~I cJov• m c.1111 31 loM Alive 10:00 U '2' )t Quincy 01 All Sad Word\' A b'.aul1ful wom1n •tlu'.~d 111 murder •fmlJ'il lurll\ •Jul tu b• Ou•ntt ~ unoo1ng •h•n h• loll\ rn luvt w1lh her and nhllvmu'. In !hr 1nd1talron lhdl stw •, ""ne t11m "''" uut lu prov~ h•r u111ol~''t • Iii Ill """ U 13 1 •tOJ 119 V111$ l1mr • ..... • .,. ......... tty .. .,,"" !of 1~.000 to "" Dtft'' hit hM lkll1trs l11111t1 1N1l11tl\ '" m1111 ................ .(ff.I ......... ~ ._All rom 100111• 1940 111•' r1tJJ ud loot11e hOftl IKtnt Con llUMOllll hUl!ftlS tolllbtll~ to ten thr story Ol lht 1,000 you111110men •ho b11ved phy11ul d1n111' and hard1h1pi u well u torm1d1ble prei ud1te 10 \trve their country o the Women \ Au I Oltt ServKe P1lol\ (WASP) OI Wollcl War II .......... .. .. .... : fl•• Cllitlfllil C...C· tllA -10:30-. .,., ..... H Olli lretll1n ... ,., 11:00 11• e II UMtft D J tO H H .. ., • Siii Ttt• • Tiie ~ ""'' • M•a•s•H aJ lllotit: "TlltM TllouwlMI Hilk" (•t\) ~9 Oun Mu11ay I er Ht1111tl A "nthrr luvt\ ht\ cullrotnd IU m•"Y lh• b•nkfl \ d1u2hlrr ~ul '' the '"o 11, 1e4l11t) h~ 1 •• n11111 '>h4lt. oll utd luyalltn ·1• T_,, ... , h111lht\ fD Ot<l Cavett -11 :30- 0 • IZ Mow1e: " The S•1u Con1puur" fd•aJ /II U4v10 ldll\\tll Hdy Mtlldnd rnr ~0111111r1 A lurmer US Uepdllmt11I ol lu~lill' uov•\flKalor I\ lm~d by • S•t)\ bd~~ iiht ll llV• 111 lhrll dtpO\llUI\ .01fh 12:00 • Mtwl1: "Tiit IH•lt ,11h1 SltfJ'' 10111 ·~s Oo1othy P1ov1nt • t J •to It Tiit LM ... , • lllule4t 1 ........ -12:30- D tU 1H Tiit le111011ow Show Cont to Cout D Tiit ON Lttll SNw 1:00 • J 10 21 PtlK• WMan 18 You ltl Yo.r I.lit a> hid .. , .. ,~ llen -1:30- ... .,11,: "fopllpt," "Buth ol • ltttlMI" Iii Tiit l-.'"'" m Yov ltt You1 lilt a> Mo"' "Liu" (4d•I hJ Uoloi•'> 11.,1 ')tephrn Ruyd A llulth p11l11 • 111\Ut.llor 111111 • V,Uilly tUO "4 11•nl• h~I~\ • yUUl4(, g11I llm11r. hlrlll illl "' ti4/1 "loll• •,l,1v., 2:00 m Movie' "Qud G1111." "Slnat '""'"" -2:)0- 0 Mowie "D1men'9on !>" (\llWI I,/ l•lht·y 1111111>'1 I 1~111 • Nu11·11 ft3111ld .,.~.,. LUGGAGE TAGS from your business card Send one card for each tag 1 one spare We return permanently sealed attrac11ve tag & -;trap, meet1nq airline I 0 requirement~ Prevent lo5s & theft' For a pmsonah1ed tag enc lose wallpaper . fah'rJC o r Day Glo paper & we will back & trim y~H.Jr tags Or try two card~ bac k to t;>ack tO ••1 $2 ea. or 3/$5 4/S tag~ $1 .60 ea. 6/9 togs $1 . so ea . 10 or more $1.40 -·, .... r.a . ..,..,, .... I <111 "'' 11111•·(1 No Card ? fJI IN , OH #1;•1 H I 1>11 t •I jt I 1111" 1 lfl ,,. •• t1ti111• ,,,,,,,, N1 ••• 11•' 'I' hl1I, I I I If ENOCHECKORMONEYORDERT PILOT PRINTING Poat Oftlce Boa 1560 ! 330 W. Bey St. Coate MH• Cellfornte 92126 THE IRREVERENT BILL STOUT SATURDAY IAllUMY ll MORNING e:oo u • S.11r1M St""'*t' O tommunrty ftt4N<k m Un1wersrty of the Air -6:30- U ~Wodll 3 Villa Alt111 ID That's Cit g 10 It's You1 8111111ts.s I • VO!tt ot AarK11lt11rt O Davey ' Gollalll ID Speak Out d) Aolllper Room ID Ca,llOlltd ABC Ntws lt Hot Fudat 7:00 • U 12 Dusty's T reellouse 1 D ~J ·~IJ Go41ill11Hon1 Rona g f'ac.tselttrs I U l 10 29 Superlrlends Hour $ TY I looks at lmn1111 0 Hot F11d1e Show m lurn1bout fZiJ Yoe• lor Hea"ll -7:30- A\\ .1rd·\\lrHm1g rt•p11rh·r 11111 '>tcu11 b\ lint·' a da1h u Marlo's Maaic lltftie M1<h111t "l'l'r,p1•1 II~ l'." wh11 h lw d1•'1 r1b1•' ·'' "th1• c fo,1•<.1 th1n iJ g The Ii& llue Marble 111 a mJgJ111w or nt·~''pilpt·r < nlumn on th1· air" on th• a llMlsW~td ( l1.1111wl L '\1•1\ ,11 I uw-/ htrl\ ,ind '" .. Pl'r~J>l'< ti1 c" 1• i : ~::.~~..e!n"°111 ci1·,01t·d 111 ""'''ll).:dt111· r1•p1ir1rng, nt'"' anal\"' an<I Cl) Qw f'm, USA 'd\' '>lout." Jn m < ,1"on,1I cJ.i,h of good 11ld-r,hhinnl'< fZi) Vecttable Soup nlU! "ra"1ng IHI'\ t•rl'nl l '" ED liirllu,n "tout''"' j111n1·rl ( h,innt"l l rn 111) 1 ror "'v1·n y1•ar 8:00 lw n•wJn h1 ·d. "'11111• .incl brt>MI• c1,11•d \p1•1 1,1/ "'\ign D a 1n Thi Mn Mftftlwra of "'""'· J writ'' lw 1 all' "n,J-.1\, "ra1d1\ lllH''ligativ1 Mithty Mllna/Htt•le 1114 .ltc\le 11·pnrtrn~" It 1•arnt•d ')111111 .i 11·put.itmn thJt ha' lnl 8 in ()I TIM Fli11btlllt Sllft . . • Riflellllll lmv1•d hm1 lhroughoul h" 1 .irn·r. a 13 r10J '2tJ f'lnlk111u In 19h0, <.,111u1 m11111•c! lo ~I LA (< hanncl :;) m lo· CJ bller s..,.rmrs An1wle<. ,1, an inv1•'llAJlivt· rt·portl'r Jnd anl hnrman. 11 at Mo~i•: "My Girl Tiw" {d1a) 1'.111 \, hl' 111i111-•d CB\ Nt•w' 3, a lm AnR1•lcs-ba~£'1 '48 lllh ~:l~lan Halt < orrc~pnndcnt, .ind fm llw nt•lCI ninl' y1'<lr~ 1 overc•d · : ~ Upo11 1 Classic (R) ~1d<' v.uict~ o~ ,1m11•' in< ludlng Pr••,idC'nlial conwn--1:30- tlon' Jntl t'IC'ct1onc;. fJ Lt Cl lJ Tom & Jtrry Stout rcturnt•d to KNX r (C"hannd :.!) in IW2 as •' g bl f'.trol reporter. In 11#74 ht' bc1 aml' rn-anchor of the station'• 8 CI)®) <Jt) Ht1tlldiff 5: m wcel..ni11.h1 new' broadc.i't~. In 19711, he begar ti) hlfmlt' ract"J "Per~peclivc" o n thl• Ch.rnnPI 2 N1•w,. I= AM Sto ut <;tarted hi!> profe,~ional u1rc1>f' a' a reportt>r 9•00 with the Minneapolic; T1mt•\ newc;paper in 1947. Folio~· n Cl) (IJ) ... .....,,.-1.11• ing that, he wrote for the As~o1 lated Press in Min· ''" ~ neapolic;. In 19SO, ~tout moved bat.k to Los Angeles Ir • • 5'Y f l Ille'"' become a reporter for KNX Radio. I ~~/: "" Stout's. shelf full of award" include CA Pl RAS fron' • Cau..-...S the California Associated Press l elevislon Radio Asso-•,.... t.iation and Golden Mi kcc; from the Radio and l elev•-ID~ SelNul sion News Association. In 1976. the Los Angele' -9:l0- chapler of Sigma Della Chi journalism society confer-8 0 8 Deft7 Diel red ils first "Pro fessional Journalist Award" on Stout. ==:!"' llclil lldl/ Stout maintains lie gives all his awards to his mother. • leetla' °"' An outspoken proponent of in-depth news reportin~ e O ~ at local te~vision statio ns, Stout helped to devel 1 O OO elCperimental news formats for Los Angeles UHF sta-ea a..!, ..... lion KMEX (Channel 34) and PBS station KCET (Chan-e Orlll & Mln'9t nel 28). In 1975, Sto ut served as technical consultant for e t..tl I...,., Mobile One. an ABC series Ort local television news. I =·•..t-Lill" (d ) .62 Stout graduated from Hollywood Migh School and WllllM ~11• C.PllClne, 11 - holds a Bachelor's desree in English !rom UCLA where I c111• • 111111 CltlW ~ he was editor of "The Dally Bruin'' campus newspaper. ..... •,...... ,...,4 -10:30- D e 12 Tiie '°"'' Hour 0 U H SPORTS: Collt&t BIS· htllall lum~ lo bt dnnounctd II Aln111u's Top lt11 U 3 10 29 Thllnd1rr O Mowie; "Thi Eyt C1utu11" Csc1 111 Cynlhra Hull m Sn Million S Man fZiJ Tiie llwmahis 50 Voters' f'ipelillt 11:00 g SP'OATS: hid Clll11p1011 Tift· n" Co•tngt ol the S?OO 000 Wo1ld Doubles Championship gamt B 3 10 2t Wtthnd Special Part tr Mayday Mayday m lnte111atiollat llrtcht11 m Luella U.ft so Sac11111tnto Wttk 111 Rt'ttft -11:30- D • eta 011k f'Kk IJ 3 10 2t Amt1iun Ba114st1nd m s.u1 T111n Q) ltl's lllck fii) The M1cte of Oil ,1i11tin1 1so1 W11llill1ton Week in ltwltw 12:00 fJ a 12 ht AIMrt e l051 in S,.Ct • Mowit: "™' ~-ffOlll It· yo11d $''"" (s'' Ii) '67 -Robert Hutron Jtnn1fei faynt Cl) M1rt11S Wtt•y 24 Sf'O«Tl: Tiit US Prt IHtof Tttl· MClll~ fZi)Tltis Old ...... so Wiii Slrttl W... -12:30- fJ 18 (121 LIM la11prlllrDll ~1 lt'sfM ..... D r.u tJtJ src>ITS: Calltct I& kttllall USC at Orecon Slate ........ , r1oi AllilNls, Alli4Nls. AllltNb ID M"it: ~ "11411111'' (dra) '46 Botts llartoH, Anna let fD Sli111 Cuisillt a • ..., " .._,,,. m ••111illt IHl Tiit ..._ bch1111t 1:00 3, Mttit: "'fll• £1nt1111" (dial '~4-Pelt1 Ushnov, Gene Tierney, Victor Mature, Michael W1ld1n1. ........ " • liltwil: ''Tiii lid ..... ( drJ) '69-SidntJ f>o1her. Jo1Tln1 Sh1mk11S, Al F1eem1n 11., Bernie Hamilton. ltJ) .... : "Tiie ..,. ....... (ldv) '6l-l1SS1e. Jon Provost • .....,: "llilttf ..._.. (clrl) '65-llobtrt Mitchum, Caf10lt Baw • ,... Wt.If .... 1..-1 .... a ... : To bt 11111CM111ted. A 0.,., (C.C) -l:lO- • (I) lD JI ...... .,.,,.., .... : ........... s. ....... (te,.f1)'67-J..,.,...Cat. @• ..... ., ...... teillel 1100 a ~~.:rn: .. c., ...... " ..... ..... u. 0..., .. ...... . ...., ...... ...... au.,_ .. ... -----o--::: :.::-.:...-::: r--.;.;;~,, •=::-..., _ FSS-.Y . 1 .. __, ..... tOIOO • 1 u lllCIM: en .... : ..,.. ....... c:..c .. l!,;:..111.:. ... _u.iel "'""*"*": ...... .~ .... . 11•• ~1o:J0- 1 r.=,~>1•) 11100 ' .I lfl • .._ liar,, .. l ' Dilt ..... U:c.ee .... ..,..usc • OitaOA I M1A"S"H .. : "nit , .. , Dir'' (drl) ' C.0.&• Peppa1d An 1m11tS11 wtClllll d11tovt1s he 1~ 1ccused ot lftu11k11111a11111 by hi\ tou~in and his wife believe~ him 1u1ll~ US..."'""" • Did CMtt -11:30- • LI Ii llewita: "Tiit ltfltr· ............. •114 Wlft" • u QI ...., Cifllll I 1ft (JI, •lclttliM ........ ..., ... 0 i.,.ttt ID (If) C.ptlolH UC "-"' ........ 12:00 • llowit: "llufisll" <1dv) Sf> Lon Ch1ney, Victor Jory • l1J \11 a tM111.·, a.i.1•" ................... -12:30- • IUl 4J1 fltt To111011ow Siio• tout to C..sl 1:00 • Mlwte: "fr• Htll to Tttn" (d11} ·ss Don Mu11i1y, Diane Var\1 • Tltt lltwlywt4 ""'' • Y111 ltt Y111r U~ Cfll CM!lie's Ail&ttllC.ttl lllr11ttt . """ "-""'' ""' -1:30- • llowlt : ,.., "Capl1in Chiu " (adv) ''9-lohn Payne eTtitl-ltH1t1 e Merit: "Slit l'llr•41 with fire" (d11) '!>8-Jacll Hawkin\ e llowit: "Gi1ot'' ((Om) '62 Jackie Gleason ~athe11nt Kath A 1an1t01 who speaks throu&h h1> heart wins the love ol a Mlle 1111 -2:30- • Mowlt: (JW1 "Tiit Ollltr LOff" (d1a) '41 Barba1a Stanwyck David Niven Richard Conte A beautill con cert p1an1s1 sulfe11ng horn l B eoe~ to a Swiss cho1c where she nlccls 4nd falls 1n love w11h a handsomr doclo1 3:00 8) llowit: "ll11ule1 ll111S1011" (ho1) '70-Ana ha Cade, [wclyn Stewar1 -3:30- • lltwit: "Trtnurt Galleons" ·73 Documentary m llowit: "1'1111 11111 frOlll 111.stan· Ml" (susp) 66 Horst Buchholz -· .............. = .......... m11.. . ....... ,.. .. , ....... .......... 11••• .......... ( ... ) 34-)01111 Weyne U:M ···YIM ............ (11111•) '!ii ~Oortt Dtl .... c..w .......... (Ort) '63-JUfy C.tlalld J:OO ({ti "SM"" I TlllCIMd" (d11) '7!i Clo111 l •ach1111" a "TtMlr •• tlM 111111" toll(! \d11) '67-lu"iltr Jonts UI ....... ,., Tiit Ml" (Kl f1) '12 Codlrey C1mb11d11. I •vii1ili e:oo •ae1.1. DO """ •m c,11 1aa11tw1 • Stana, I N11tdl e Tic TIC Dlulll • M•A•Sl'H •""Jilts I t.41 ..... ""' ... Sa11tiltt .. ID Tiit ftedric C..,.•r Hl TM Ill 11111 lle1Me -6:30- ) ft. 2t 111""' e 11•A•s•H -~ 10 l1111tr Miller m Wtk°"" lack Kotttr at Tiie 1t111, Hill Sllow fD ltyll Sy•4ro111: Tiit Cll1ld Killer 50 Stuclio Set 7:00 DD8UNIWs ) lar11ty Miller D HtHY 01'1 A&1i11 • fie Tic Ooli1ll Cl Tiit IM11'' WiW 10 Merv '111f111 Sllow m 11•a•s•H IZ To Tell tllt Trulll m Solie! GoW 21 Wnllin&ttll Wffk 111 ltvitw fl) Ottr usy (t·C) ~ h111ir, f tucl 0) A,rellChtlHlo I -11111 so The M1c"-it1L1llr11 Report -7:30- 0 2 On the Town :i Him 01rs A1•1n o n 1 h111t1y reuc1 U Slll llalll D $100,000 ll1111t llllt l11M e "1 M1111111e 0 htt Ille M11sit m Alt 1n Ille f1n11ly 12 2t· M•A"S"H n larney Milltr J4 Wall Strttl Wttk fD Tiit MxNtlltl thrtr ltport m Cristina llz1n so Tiit 141Mntss Eacll1ftlt 8:00 U e 1 t S,ECIAl: 11'1 Your first Kin, Charlie Brown (RI lhit fllllt redheaded girl .. ~o uver the yea1s. has made Charlie B1own blue b11ngs him mo1r palpilations 1nd eood g11el 1n this in1matcd spw al D 23 31 Huper V1ller 'TA Mail and female Stella dons <1 ..................... .. til•ricll ....... Ill ....... .................... , ...... ........ . .... .... ..,. <•> '1S (2twa)-.,_. ~ A ,,_,._ ..... tritt to .... Mt""" It dllfievlt wllttl lie • ... '4 .. ll1t '""' ... '"' ....... ~ ::-,a;. .. :..:-:(~~ ... bollllf clltt' to c-.. 4llri11 • '°' · btty wl11cll hlll" into • h1ll·lltdpd Otllt With fllltCMll. IN Stitt ~ •. Ille Soft' 1101 alld • SWAT 111111 • .... : ""' T1lill • f• !tit•" (1101) '72 (ii111)-ltosty G11tr. Illy M1Han41, Don Marsllall. A bllQltd l116t1 ol • lr1nS1>l1nt loun Oltt011. •now111111t 1s dyin1. '"'"'" 10 hive his llt1d tr111511l1nltd It 1s put on 1 condemned bled min and u ch halts the other with due results .,. ....... ... :"TWC..-ftllil(' (com) "S6-8ob Hope. h1 M111t Saint. A com1e·st11p 111tst. hued by lht secret11y ind bridt·lo bt of a t1m1111s syndic1ltd e1rtoonist. f1lll 1n towt with !fie secretary u Ha1•CMkt1 e Wtsttr11 b,...11 "Wheels Go Round" lhlS p10111m Intuits ftt1I Jacobsen. a ctrtbral palsy wichm whG is • succtnMJ110111mm11 toe a m11or San fr1nmco bank 'ff Wiii Strttt W.- -l:JO- • .L [II srla.l: Tiit ""1t Vllt11tiM S,.Ciel: S...tlltW at Sta (R) Aft,, Popeye loreets Valen l•nfs Day. Ohwf Oyl dtt1dts to ltm him alfd s11ns up tor 1 cru1st m !ht hopes ot mtehn& M1 R1&ht e iJIJ 1DJ Salflr4 ·Ille rrwu y f ied and his pat Cudy li&ht city ott1cials lo keep a new fleeway oul ot VOits • ) Ill 2t 1'111 I •1 ~If lllw 1 It s Him or Me'· Beck, decides she d1strke hei mothe1 s ne• boylroend so much she boycolls her own b11thday party 1n a hi1111ous and tearful chain of events !hat puts Ben in the middle •hen Becky insists Diana hot htt • SHp 11111 SD (5§; Wnll111st011 WMl 111 lnitw m ll1lu llllje1 1:00 II • lt, Tiit h•es ol Hawrd With boolleg whiskey goin& 101 ten limes its usual rale 1n nearby Chi casaw County Boss Hoge s"s him \ell tosone all thal money betau\t no one will take the chance ol tlin\port 10& 11 into Sherill Spike I 1ttle s tem 101y But alter Bo Duke h1ls his htad and gets a case ot 1empo1a1y am nes1a Bon lakes advanta&e uf tht !>ltuahun and adop\s Bo a~ his \OR so he can make a hnanml ll1il1ne by 111v1n& Bo 1 un the moonshine !Rescheduled) D -ai )J ., ...... BttOIP I Dir Nero Wolle bcLomes rhe guard 1an ot the 01phaned daughter o! a c11minal and has 10 sheller her from her lather s ent1111ts and her o•n hanct while ht hnds her llhe1 s mu1de1e1 9 AMER. MUSIC AWARDS • LIVE/TOP SfARS e 1i 10, 2t S,ECIAL: Th 1111 A1111111I AIMrican litllSIC har4s (2hrsl This annual ewenl honors the best musical perlo1me1s in Popi ~oc~. Country and Soul as voted by "'~-... ,.. ··==~ Ir.:=. ............ ....... ·=···--...... , .... •(l)ID .... I.It. NJ ltM IMI 1111 lllttdl Ill • ~.,,...., • pubic rtletioll WOIMll it l111n to llllflO'lt !lit IMllllllH llllt&t II !It , ....... lllt , .... of( .... Otl . I ...... ~ .. ~ .....,, (lhr} M.,w111 Kalb u111111_es the 1t111nln& 1Nollltftl tht U111ltd Statts nulllary d lec1111. not !'lllh wt141011ry OI lt<!:f. bllt wrtfl t11e 11rt011s dr lln of 5'11 111d Uptlltnttd ptlSCMllltl 11\el Ital• ens to und11m1ne our 41tltnst tffOlt. ...... .hN ........ . tiSkl .......... .... •A.,i•Wiil~(Rl ell9c11t• ... H HM4 CMictl -lt:JO-. , ........... ........ o n..i...~ 11:00 e•w(U)DB""" 8 Tiit a.11.y Et11ttt VIMI sei.. • Cl) (ifl 111; ..... . "" .....,_ "-• M0A"S"H e .....,: . .....,,,._. .. hc•·h> '16-Nanty Kw1n. Ross Haaen Hi TM ... Vliet fll> Did c...tt fl $Mak,, ... -ll:JO- • • (fJ) llowit: .. ..,... "" Olol" (dr1) ·1~-Juhtl Mills. D 1J Qt, ,..._, tin. • llefit: "lillll\ h .. $JIU" (SCI 11) ~4 -Ptttr Graves • ll 1 dAl a''~ OGM1111Ml1 18 Mlwit: "A tall II btt" (dra) 74 (h11bt1h Montaomery S»t11 ~MClltwl ..... -12:30- • ~Ii Jt, TM ......,.., s,ed&I • ,3 fri41r11Htllrweo4I Ht1rtM1t 0 Tiit Deft ltllt Slltw 10 fr!Oys/Cirtl lllrllftt 1:00 g Mewie: "CllalllMr of Htffon" (l\or) 'I)(, P11r1c~ O"Neal 8 lloV1t: "Tiit Str111111" (dra) 13 Glenn Corbell 10 C.rtl .,,11tt11AUll·l2 -1:30- D Tiit l-la"I" e Mowits: "CaliM llyalt." "Tiii a...rt111 T11111111tlli 1111" .., .... : ,., "flit CeMttllllff " Alt1111" (d•aJ 63 Sophia Lo1en 2:00 e "°'"' Cr-·1 c-dr --2:30- • lltvll: "Ltwllll" (dra) 70- Ceo111t Segal (o Ma11e Saint 3:00 • lltw111: "Tiit 111 Gt•t.'' "•NdrKtl\" G) llowit: !IWJ "C1r111Y1I If Critllt" (dra) '64-lean Pocrrc Aumont • P ... 1J Tl/ WEEK, JANUARY 2S. 1981 ~-PflCIFIC -~LOORI 2146 l .tOAST HW\';, COIONA Dll MAI ''0-2701 840-2700 CARPET Your Entire Home NYLON 599 100 PLUSH Per Yard ..._ ...... ~ ,rice ..... ,...... . ......... ( 1 t ~~ It.\ '11 ( . rr 11 , I· S .\ \'I·: 10 1 ; -SNdinoO._ Door 78"x72" fl800 WlrMlowl 41"•72" .... ......... -~men * C:Ounters * ShaNers * Tubs · * Floors DUPONT PLUSH 899 Per Yard ANTRONIO'° IV P~ Yard ANTAON IV 1450 l'LUSH · :.e;d . •RUCE PLANK 2.49 .... ft. ' HMTCO.,ARGUn 1.11 ..... OAK 'AllQUn ate .... 4:00 tf) Tiit lllcklt1~ f11H a 1'11t ol Tll11 WtfW ., ,, .... S,.C11t l)l Mewie: "f1ep" Chor l II ~dtll £1holl R1y Milland. lo•n Vin Ark M f1..-·1 Otfenw: Amt1K1'1 c .. , 19IO -4:JO- .t4i Jiit Jllew Voict 5:00 D A111trK111 Mnntu11 llftH·Oll • W•4tr W0111111 • 3 2t SrGltTS: Wide Wforld or 5'efts 'l J CIM11e11Cy • sncw.: Tiie HIO S<1·fl hll· lllf atl4 Hor111 fil111 hards (R) 10) """ ID flleN: Htaarlly V111Kk" (adv) ·73 Wall" Matlhau lot Oon llakPr rehm f atr Andy Roboni.on l>t1~1.­ Hoilh, Horman r fll IJ lo le All-llCtd • Soled Gold 24 ltl1d ClloKts 8il All·Sl11 Socm SO Se11ch lor Solutions -S:JO-u Lui ol the W1kl D IJS """ 10 Wi4t hid of Spoth 11t Dolly rartoi. ~ fl) lo lltjor ~t Jllocht a Nocht l!Vl!NINQ ' • 6:00 D II 1 ·n Nein U Motie: ''bsy Come. luy Go" 114•1 '&1 (1hn) ti.ts l'relltw. "" ljt111111f1M A -.wr ltot••~ 1«1dt11 t11ty ~t•• •Mt Ill btlltwes t.o be • w111 Miftbn Ire.sure Ofl/'I to llfld 11 hllf4 ••I~ <~• t0tn• or ht tit•• 11au.....wa. .... : ...... ., ... s.... .. (ldvl 'M (?Ill\) RoM11 lullee. Yul l 1y11nt1 lllt tormt1 mt111bt1 ol tlle, 111a1111lecut $Iowan I\ ••dnapptd by • Wiid OI OUll~ i lld 1111 lorni.1 CCNlllHn COMt •1111 for 111111 ta>flllllC\~f- CMlf ......... (C.C:) ·~~ -~ -6:30-... ,. """ I WiW.,._ . ..,,, ,,.., ...... ti4.f S.Cet1, lla4t 111 CiolMlllJ • ,..,, ... , f1lllllet 21 ¥1111 GoWtll [111pl1t m u s.... 0e EdU11do 11 7:00 8 In St11th 01 . . . Great l ovrn 3 ; I ' fllt Mu,,.1 Sllow D Ila City C...e4y .[J••l111alA • GtlUIJ Mi1111 10 IK• Wllitt'' Jou1nal GI n >t uwrence Wt!' Sflolf u Htt "" n ~eow 6i) .. lltclrlOM Otl lolly IMllflJ SO S,O,ts A.er1t1 -7:30- D Tiit Muflfltf Sllow w11 h cue\i Ch1t)lophe1 I anthdm 3 Kim D1y1 A11111 .. hllllly ftlld Q ,, .. ._ ""' 8 In Su1ch 01 . 10 1111$ WIS MtllU 24 0110 Upon a ClllSI< (C·C) ID from lumpslrttt: A Slory ol 1110 MllSIC IC·C) lhr lllur~ l'ouo "' t.leei~ C1ly • m 8oun1 e100 ........ ,..," ............. ... ...,. ... ht u..t•lttft • Il l l!ll WICIM.: Tiie ...... GilM ...,. (?lltt) flus Jtell 111 n111I twtnt IS fllt$Hlt4 ,., tllt mtlll bell of Ille (Oft'ln ,.tu AuoclthOA w:IO CO¥ef Hollywooll ltf 11~1. m11111nes, 1ad10 1nd ttlewmo11 a1oulld tllt -Id ,_, tllo ... ,,. &••tll 111 fOf tactlltlltt 111 Ille f1tkll of lllOhOll PKIUICS 11111 ltltVISIOll e IHl • Millc , .. "lllt l'to ltctors ol lllt Ptoplt" Sllt11ll Pvsstr &•h '" the m1ddl1 of a ttnw r1c11I situalt0n when he dtltnds Ille town's blttk resrdtnh 111111st hooded. Iii.In hkt b1101s who then lake tt ven11e by hy1n1 to hamt hrs black deputy • ', 10 in ) L•n '"' (C·Cl Pu11led but ecstatrc, Doc hu his dtms lull when lie aerees lo too~ alle1 h1~ f11e11d's wile lrll St John gue~ts, A womilll, 101ned by hei 11 aoce meels someone on board who may ruin het wedd•nR plans Oorran lo Prnlo. Sam Cnew and Sieve "'" a~huk guest, and 1 man keep1n& •~cord of hrs 1r,,nd s romantic con quesl~. gels mo1e than he ba1ea1nrd lur lames Omen Bon Pailllo and Gma·Hechl guul D Tiie l'lflce m Tllo lest of Slltllw1n 24 M11i11tt at tllt lljou ID o,..illa ll111tt: TIM Mll .. I ti 111 011t11 (R) f111s p10111am oplom behind thf 1rlfv111on p1oduclron ol Ponch•tlli s monumental la GtOCmda SO rap11 ChHt -9:30-m Conl1cto 10:00 0 TONITE ON Hill ST. • OECOY COf'S IN ORAG II 13' JI HtU Sltttl lluts Dteised to 1\111' A\ Capldrn r u11llo 8:00 4nd O~IPClrv• Wa~hrftRIOn Plt~S lht11 U I 12 WtUlr in C1nc1nn11t tarn~a1gn tn Honeralt framed lfllow II ZJ1 Jt ll11b1ra Mandrell ind 1 op futinnv t 11Rue oflrcm Ifill and lht "1.ndrelJ Stsltrl Hrtkrr drPs; up., womrn 111 tatrh <1 U Sl'OllJS: C0Ue1e 8uhtll11f ddngeruu~ 1 dP•~I UCI A di O•~R1111 U Jllews Q 3 10 29 Charlie's An1els U 3 10 29 hntasy ltland A 'Hr· Mdr1wd dll A11grl fllt an~rh .. om;io nta11n2 hrr 41llh b11thday 1\ TV Wiii<. JANUMV H . ,., ,,.,, ............. lelt11111. ......... 1114 0...... Cole l• ·--=~ ........... LM" 1~-= .... I=,. (C-C) <•> , ..... ae,u.e -10:JO-..... .......... ~~......,, .. s.-,.... 11100 ••• (f ) (fe <lli \HI .... (1) """1--..it: ...., ...... ....... (•ch) ·~7 Soph11 lOltft • lllftt: "CIHt Gitt Ill"''"" (hot l '59 Don Sulhvan • Mewie: "CM!lty Vtrrk•" (adv) '13 W11te1 Mallh1u. Jot Don 8'ke1 relecra fan. Andy flobrnS4n. Shttte Horth, No1man fell m DlllCt ftttr 1211 Carll 111111111 11111 f1ittllls (J~ Wtrld fJ!) MHit: llWJ .. ,,,, Lt Mo-o" (dtaJ '37 tun G1b1n t)tJ """/Sl'OITS: Tiit Jop 1111• flcltll ., lllt '70s ff ~lt(C·Cl -11:30- D IV Mew1t1: "ll111Hr Jonn." "Tiit Att1ir" u 1n IJtl S.t11rll1r 111t1111 l1tt • lltws/lllowtt: "hrtwtll lo lllt P'laMI tf tllt A,ts" (!.Cl Ir) floddy McDowall. Ron Harpee M11k len11d Jamn Nau1hton • Tiit Titr1llt11 D Dlwt Allo11 al L111e/Tllf Sul ''"'" 10 ftloM: ''Surtu .. " (dta) I J Cent Hac~man Al Pac•no G) lloc• hW -12:30- • Mo.It: "JIM Lown ol HtrculH" ldra) 64 la~nt M1nsl1tld OMawerid II> Tiits ol the Unt111t<ltd 1:00 Q l'Y lll•t-•1Roc• Concert m MowiH: "D11cul1 Hu R111n lrom tilt Gme," "Jht Jllew lnler"s" a> Motin: "ltl1htr1111e rn W11.'' "CIHpenc hrro1" lt Roe• Concut pldi w1l h f11r wh~n lhey \et up a ton 1ta11\l111med 111111 ~ \tunn1112 /I yrar mdl1 who bel1evP~ he ha~ launo a old beauty u1nte\lan1 IJ&rbr fl~nlon -2:30- lliv,, 111 Krrs bul th• dll~•I 101ns lhe guesls and an undmover •&ent g •its: "ri1111iw\, l'r11t11eses." u11huly dlh•ncr as b•1I lo trap lht orlldertaV\ • ~an1 ••ow ., ,.,,rn, 10 "Tllitt Jllllts IR Starch o1 1 loll" troo~s al his own R•mP 1---------------------- 0 flit fbp ""'°" Sllow m lht Monte C11lo Show Q) MCMt: "Tiie flf Story: Ah1n h1p1s" (dra) 14 (2hr \) Robtrt f01NOflh lh~ SIOry ol Alvin Karpl\ ''"' ul the na1ro11 s mo\I w.111t•d ''"~ nolo11uus mn11n•I•, du•m~ 1hr • '"'' 1q10, 24 14 Out front ED Hard thotcu D••lh 11nd 01 t0¥ ihl\ \•P.111ffll t aplOIPS the glrJ" rnR 1nlP1rsr 1n P•'''"' ' 11ghh ond ffiPO•I •I elhrt \,.hit h ha\ comr JbllUI b••.•tU'•" of tnhnotn21 ~ abllrty lo ~l/Jlling lrlt bpy!Jnil ltrr vuinl ,,..1,,~11 t1MP1 t1td1113ry rfl(UlllSlant P\ dt~lh w111111J lr•ve urrurml so Sotctl, Made tn Gtrman, -8:30- D 8 fZ, Tiie Tim Conway Sllow 14, Sneak '•twrews P-ee15