HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-29 - Orange Coast PilotDRlllil CDllT GARFIELD ® I SMOOLP 1"MINK A fiTEA~ 6ALJCE ANP HONE.Y GLAZE WOOLP eE NICE ' • eu•AY, .IULY 19, 1984 WELL, ~ow WAS . TME SAME! RAISE lT TO YOONC:s CMICKENMOOP ON A PIET OF CRACKE.17 CORN, f>ARLEY AND 50RGMOM MOLAS5E.5 ~~ ------------ I MAVEN1T MAD SO MUCM FOM SINGS I MAD B'<PASS SUR6ERV ! by Jim Davis TME.N e>AR0ECOE THE DODE 0 i I I l ------------~--~~------------------..... ----------------------------.-..-----............. NANCY ® l'M BROKE AND I PROMISED BUTCH I'D PAY HIM BACK HIS QUARTER THIS MORNING . OH, DEAR~ I ALMOST FORGOT THAT ALICE EXPECTS ME THIS AFTERNOON a · c ..... t,.-, .... DENNIS THE MENACE ... atithe sky~ckers csme out w11h their HANDS UP! JUDGE PARKER NANCY, I NEED YOUR HELP! MAY I BORROW A QUARTER'?--· lF I'M NOT HERE WHEN SLUGGO RETURNS, I'LL DidpJ see -fhat on Channel 4? NEVER GET MY QUARTER THANKS, NANCV ~ I PROMISE YOU'LL HAVE IT BACK IN YOUR PIGGY ~- BANK THIS AFTERNOON by Harold Ledoux SAM I YOU DIDN'T TELL ME WHAT WENT ON IN THAT MEETING YOU HAD WITH AFTER TALKING TO SUSIE, MR. BENADlCT REALIZED THAT CARLA WAS LYING lO HIM IN HER PRESENCE, HE I TH\NK SO, .. BUT . CARLA AND HER FATHER! HOPEFULLY, CARLA HAS LEARNED A LESSON ~ ABOUT ME! ADMITTED THAT HE HAD ONE NEVER KNOWS! 6B.EN DISTRAUGHT AND HAD CONSIDERED GOING TO THE COUNTY PROSECUTOR TO FILE CHARGES AGAINST MEf MEANWHILE FINANCIALLY, I'M JUST BARELY ABLE TO CUT IT, CRAIG! I'VE HAD YOUR TWO BOYS FOR ALMOST A YEAR NOW AND MY JOB DOESN'T PAY ME THAT MUCH I I'VE HAD TO DIP INTO WHAT LITTLE SAVINGS I HAVE! 1 Fl~i BEGA~ 10 QOE5110N (>JMA'f ~ IJFE WAf> Alk ABOU'f w~~ I5Aoo'~oorrHOOr A CPlJ5E • 00 IME ~ LA1E N\OVIE AT A PAJ"AMA PAR'fl; ! 1J.UNGS SORf OF ~iAWZ.ED FOR ME WHE.M I SAlJJ 'IHE GAA~' IN COLlE6E. A~D, WMENIHE MO\JIE.'~> APPEARED , If EX~~ NEOO-FOONO ~ ~ Ri?EE.OOM ! BUT1MEN ~E 'BlbOUU.' CAN£ ALDN& AND 1J.llN&5 STARTED 10 8E{DME UNRA\JE.L..ED P6AIN I . MOON MULLINS by Ferd and Tom Johnson IV SURE TSL..LS 'y'DU A LOT··· Llkt:: How ID WIN A D~BATE: ··· ,.,,,.,, ... - DOCTOR SMOCK ~ AN'7 NOW FOR '"f'He FINISHINC::S -roucH/ Fei"CH IHES aoy scou-r.' ""rHA'"f' ONe Ct,...ASS YOU SKI PPeP tN Me.PICAL-SCHOC>t,... IS COMIN<S e>ACK -Y-0 HAUNI Y'OLJ 1 eH, POC1"0R P! · .. IT TELL.5 YA HOW TO MAkE A FAST U-TURN ... ~ - IT EVEN IELLS YA WH,AT llME IT IS. ... ~ow TO CARRY ON A CONVERSATION WITH A Bf3AUTIFUL LADY··· ' tie/lo,"" Yvonne ... by George Lemont PU'"f' ~UR SKIL.t-5 l'O WO~K , Kt P ! MAKe US A NISAI Ct,OS t Ne; KNO-r/ '-'US'"f' PON''"f' euRN MY weeN 1e/ so ~'L-L-­ ~INI:=' Me A ~It-Oft -re> l:>O ~HI! JO&! --------------------------~--------........... _.. ............. _._. ______________ ................... . -u ID B ... f 1"'-'ERE'l-L BE LOT!> OF OTMER DOG'S Ai lf"E KENNE L-:..·:....-""-----..ir::__ .- A t..00K AT 50Me OF -r..e PLACE5 'TOE.ATAND 5f.-40P fN L . .05 ANOea..es. ' :.. A"&PeCIAL. RePORT 8V KA"fl.4L.eeN 6UU..NAN ON ~ FOA ATM&..eT'~ ><r 1-0CAL-Ot&COS •.• ...,_.. _____________________ --------- - l'M MCK, ,,,._-,y EJ~OVPERL PEAR! ME~OCKIN'~ IROKE A::>WN. voose ~POOR. WAIF! HOW 1'WilCAI.-! HOW WA'> YfR rlA'(? . ' . I ' . • • AWW, MAQMADUK.6, "tl;:>U KNOW WE CANT TAKE )IOU WIT~~. HeL.L.O, .:r'M .JIM MCKAY wet..COMIN() YOU 'TO OUR coverv.oe OF -r~ TWE:NTY-THIRD Ot..YMPLAO! ANOIF -OMe PERMl'T'6 •.• \'t>U ~AV!i9 TOSTAV INA KliN~lilL.· COMING UP iHl5 EV!!NINQ OUR PROGRAM Wlt..L. INQ.UC>E:A 5PeaAL. Q..VMPtC SAL.UT& tJY MIC~eL­ ~.AGK60N ... I PUT rra.rrA 115 MISER'( Wli' t7A SHO'T&ON. we~L. TAKI! A w:>oK AT 80Me H«:>H..IOMT'e ~AC'TtlAl. ............ Ot..YMPfC l!Ve!NT'e! t CAN l'OU TRUST YOUR EYES? TMre a,. at INst ••• d•tter- eftell '" drawt111 *laHs ...._ .. ,..., aM bettem peNb. H9w ~ly can you flM """'' C1'edl aMwen wtttt tMM below. Ov1tt1iu I t ill08 t .... lllW' '' P"DI) f ~IN.II • ,,. •~! • "''"'"' tt •-.l ·c ·Ovttttiu •1 01peai i 1ueA111P •1 ••1 1 ..,....,.mo -------by Hal Kaufman------- • WATER, YOU KNOWI "One cannot ride In two lloets," .. ys an eld Myf ... "Ott , .. ,._,, uys a .. uor, "How about when yOU',. abelrd a TAltACANAMt Quiddy, ,...,.,..,.. consonants of capitali1ed wonl ti idtntlfy _,&:'i Ve'IMI. 119-..0 .. H•to.---U '"9' • Sum Number! I am• certain number. lncrNse ,, • me by seven and divide by three, and I wllrbe ti.lved. -~.._,. WELL VERSED CONFUSION A single 10-letter word Is the subject of this paradoxical poser. To puule It out, slmply SMrch the verse below for hidden clues: Allow mt, sir, to.r as first, and thin as nvmbef' two. Then after these, we find you are to follow as Is due. But fest you nenr grasp this droll, hyperbotlc fable, Pray, let there fol- low after thlt, w"-tever may be able. What Is the word. What number am I? ...__, • Let Upt Stand before a sofa er soft ctt.lr. Crou a let peraUel to the floor over a knee. Try to sJt dowft without uncrossing let or moving toot. • Narne ylllng I What do you call an eleph.lnt-slu pit? A porker·derm. What do you call a ghost of a chicken? A poultry-gelst. What do you call dumb fer· mites? 8001 In the wood. 11 12 • ·1s JO , • 6) ·17 9. .5 4 • \3 '~ 1'1 ... ~ ... I { ' ... l • • i eiq• /~:!~ u~~~ THINK BIGI wt..t can you draw ID complete tht amusing 111 • .. ~--.. •r P-e.jJ. scene above? To find out, draw llnes from 1 to 2, J, etc . For Better or For Worse w/!-l'M ~111'f NUT- RJrx;e R\PPLEl WHAT'RE. '/OU HAVl~',LlZZJE? ~ ,, .... --.. "''""-. ···--..... ~ ; "'"'--, ...... ... we HAVe arrit:R R'UM,GRA~ 1-\ COR\CE., SPUMO ··· · SHELL Hf\VE. ~~v. ' p 0 p PARTY LINES! Apply "-se colors ftNtty to the perty 1C11119 aboft: 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. >-Yellow. 4-Lt. IN'owft.. 5-Flesl\. 6-Lt. '"""· 7-Dll. brown. I-Oil. blue. t-P\lrple. 10-Dll ......... by Lynn Johnston lHEREs ~-~Urul FODGE-RA\SI ~, BUBBlE ' GUM ... r--:~~~ ' rf MR1etteS r.\eRGUTrlT. . . _., ......... . ·. t , - ---------------~~~~~~ ........ ~ ........................ ------- MOM WOUL.0 BE ------...-WW,, PA'f~lCK, w"f.N ~OU Gf.I A cRAv1~ foR PlztA, w"A r E.1..~e.. ..... --... --_.., NDW, w"''-" FRDU:N MAO lF 6~ KNEW l&)f. WER.£ AT 1"E. ~v~MA~t ~:r \WO A.M ... 1 ·Z'1 ~f<t.'5 ON€. f~Ar H~h ~A\J,l\GJE., ftf'PE.RO~\, ~~\l<A CAt-1 '(OU 00? "ERE-(5 ONE. \~A\ ~A? fRACf\lAU,~ NO\~Uti&, Sur \\ COOK? a.\t.E~E., A~O (j)(j(..? -...-~~ A~O ~tRf. ·~ A Da~ PlZZA Wl1" 1~ WOR~.?. rr COOK? \~ l8 l~ fl'J£ MlNU'f ~!>. \N \5 M\N\JTE:~. GORDO ® A J..E T'f ell. f ~M 6-rCX:..~01..M eMJEOJ:tJY ~ ::CMt:- 'THll-J~ , ff:J.-1-Ot.JT., II E.AICJ..06ED1 YOU WILL F/}JD SOME OP VOtJI< KIT7Y1S HAIR 77-IAT I l!>ICLJ5/-IED OFF-MV OAl<I< .BJ.J.)E 6WEATEI< .'1 SHOE S:>ston ~troyg NewYork,1~-z.. fadres Rip Guts Out o£ LA. I 15•0, ---~~~-~------- IT~ f=JWM O~cOF M'/ EA'TlflFIED ClJEil'O'MCR~ Ml&fJ .L.IV N. DAAJ../ M\M\JfE.~. l. 7UOLJ6HT ITWOVLO AMV!!le YOU IOu:AR.Al #OWFAR IT TRAVELE0. '1 Milwaukee, Ba9hesks, 10·1; 12-0. 13altimore ~apitates White~;ll-1. ' ~EatenAli~ By Ifidians, 1~-0. Nets Murder Giants I 17-l. PlZZA 5~0ll~O we 0\J'4? IPA THIA.leS WOl<TJ4 DOIJ..JGAT ALL,, .. lXJ IT WSLL,I .sA'/I • by Jeff MacNelly Cubs Derrdi9h St.I.Duis, 14-Z. : LOG New soap opera premiering RlY&lry ezlat8 between powerful C. C. Capwell Andenon), who ovenea the Lockrl4"e for- (Lloyd Bochner), who head.a the Capwell em-tunea on NBC'• new daytime drama 'Santa plre, and Mbu Lockrlqe (Dame Jucllth Barbara," premlertnc Monday on Channel 4 . llailJ Pilat MAIN OFFlCE 330 w .. t Bay SL. eo.ta ...... ca. Matt eddrHa: Box 15'0. Coeta ...... Ce~ 1212'8 Telephone: 142~1 l'rogram mfoanauon u provKlt!'d b;· <ht> nf.'l'40l'k.s and suuons M.J '!. ~~ ro ~ '-""Jlhou!_ notJc't' _ ...... Sport:J .............. ..... ... .....•..... ........•. ..... ......... .. . . PalfP 2 1"V Anienna ......... ... .. ............. ...... ..... ........ ... Pagp 3 Ila~ [)rania •........................... ... ........ . ~ 4 nJbe Toppers .:-=-.:::._............................. . .. Page 6 IR~ Sch«lul~ ............ ... .... ... .. ..... ~ 7 Everung Sd>«Jule ············. · ··· ··· ·· hlfe 10 n· Puzzle .. .. ..... . ..... ... . ... .. .. ....... .. ... Palfjr :Jl -Clw·aels (2) KNXT. CBS. 6121 W. Sun39t Blvd.,Los Ange6e:s. Ca. (~} KNBC. NBC. 3000 W. Al9meda A¥e., Burbank, Ca. (7) KABC. ABC. 4151 Pr01P9C1 Ave .• Los A.t'lgMes, Ca. (8) KFMB. C8S. 76n Engineer Road. Sart Otego. Ca. ( 10) KGTV. ABC H.ghway ~ and 47th St • San Diego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC. 8330 Engineer Road San Otego, Ca I 5 J KT LA 5800 W Sun9et Blvd .. Los Angeles Ca. (9) KHJ·TV 5515 M*OM A'1'8-. Los AngelM ca.. ( 11) KTTV, 5746 W Sunset Blvd .. Lot Angeles. Ca. ( 13) KCOP-TV. 915 N La Bree Ave •• Los Angeles. Ca. -·· (28) KCET. 4'01 .Sun:Mt Blvd .• Los Angejes. Ca ( 50) K OCE. 157._. Golden West St., Huntington 8eadl Ca. (56) KDOC-TV. 1730 C+ementlne. Anll*m. Ca -PgTV COi On-TV 1139 Grand Centr_, Ave .• Glendate. Ca (Zl Z·TV. 2939 Nebraska AWJ., Santa Monica Ca. (HI Home Box Otflee. Time-Life Building, Rockefeller Cen1er NY , N.Y. CC > Cinemax. Time-Life Building. Rockefeller Center. N.Y .NY. (E) ESPN, Bnstol. Ct (ll Se+ecTV Manna del Rey. Ca (SI Showt1me ($) Spotlight (C) Cab'e News Nerwotk. Atlanta. Ga. (9) WOR. Ne-. Yor11: City (17) WTBS, Atlanta, C. 2 Sunday. Juty 29. 19~ -lporls ABC team going for the gold BJ LORENZO CARCATERRA The te.am lS ~t and read). E.xpcnmced. outspoken ronfidcnt. the} "111 tackJe the 187 ·~ houn of the 1984 Summn Olympics 10 Los .\n~elcs v.1th a zcaJ that v.111 poss1bt> be m1ssins from the fields of tompcuuon Wh1k the athletes com· pctinf for 1h1s }ear's gold arc al a bll d1ihcartencd b' the absence of the Ruu.ians. the A.BC ere,,-. 1~ ranng to go. gJateful for the opponuntt> 10 pump some life mto the Games which might be lo~ng '1ev.er internt and suppor1 ~ .. 111 bt led of cou~· b' 11}.umt Emm' v.1nDtr Jim McKa,, tht: 10th tame he has anchored the Ol)rnp1cs ~kK.a~ has the ab1lm to tum the most t~1ous ~\ent anto some- thing v.onh watching.. ~ides \lcK•H v. ho v.ill v.ork -.a.hat amounts to an around·the~llXI.. shift, the cre11.sarcsph11ntodayum~ and t\enang. Frank Gifford and Kathlttn Sullivan will handle <h)timt v.h1le Jim umpk) and Donna de \'arona take O\Cr at nip.ht For e" pcnence. the edge belongs to Gifford and ulln an but for sheer enthus1a..m. bet on Lamplr> and De Varona .\Bes CttW also includes ~I Michaels (track and field. road cycling). How- ard Coscll (bol.1n1). Clms Schenkel (boxing. eques- tn.an events). Jack Whit· aker (d1vmg). Bill Fleming and Enc Hclden (trad. C)Chng). Cun Gowdy (row· 1ng). L)nn Swann C~ighthlung). Bob Bcarne f\olle,ball) Mario Machado (\OCC't"f). Cath ~ Ragb~ (!) mnasllC\) and Mart Spitz (swimming) It v.111 bt up to the .\BC te3m to suppl} the drama If .\BC" can attract v1e.,.,en v.1th a v.n~t-.,.,rtsthng championship on "Wide World of Sports" then u ~hould cena1nl} bt able to kttp \l~ers' e\ts n\ltled ....... 11\' ........... ,.1:r.~---.. ._ ,. ... Im CILlWUO ........ .. ..... ........ «¥," Ill :.:•s.. -:l C:C:'"':..:. LM • ;t4 llCl1f1 I ...... _.. ............... Q ........... , -8 ())MllOUC.~T.C I It Iii .. {IN .... t' ,. 0 01 •• , .. ····••q).(ltn..• .... > Ari ,. -1=-... e WIW t1h1t• f "-*' ~T~.~'i~ ;;..: ~ .... --~ ,,_ ... --....... ,: . ._ C8I .,, .... ,..... ). (1 ..... a19M•T• 1:11 NA _, 8-D9.e. "· ....... °'9 ...... ..... (w.. .... ,_ ........... a. .. c. ••• ., .. ~ (1 lir ... ... , . •Duan~.,....._n ... ,, lw.) ...... , ...... ,,,,,, ...., LI _... ..... U..IR•• .. ~ lsfl ~ 1afJ1tt ' .... 10 (----~,,_ .... .,.,,. ................ C81•••' ...... , .... ...,..,.,, ......... , W 8 aJ uml Of m Im CILlWUD ~hi, ........... , ....... ...... ..t.e ....... ,, .. e;":··.~.,.·:::::::s ~ k ":: ..-..'C.1 JI Q(llln.) .. e.:. '°" ,_ '°" ... tm .._ P1• .. Ge) 0' I P$ •111 .............................. ........................... ............. ,,.,_ ..... ...... OIJ ,11......, . . ,... .... ,. .. , llllDAYWCllTIP.-CM.a..M.L.__.,. ttll WCllTICU. 11111 ...,.'9U&. -11oac111Y ___ _ .. a · al IMm Of M Im CIL'91AD IO~uled: ....... 11r1111 •rr 9111Flfll 1 M • bl!JI" $ W'9 .. 5i[]i3.::. ~:H: O(llwa.) Ari& .. w• al ..... Of M Im CIL'9Wt .......... *__.. ........ ...... .... ._ ....... "( .. " ..... , ....... _ ... .,.e-···: .. .,, ..... 11•'1•1 lil.. i I • ....... :!:'!:'·-6119 .... "'''1!'*-'' .......... ... .... •-·-O(tlw1 • .... > -· .... "".,. .. ~ ...... -.... W•n•"I u11,. ... pu 2 'm .......... tll? ••• ,.,. 0 ... (1"9 .,_ .._ t s 1t11J. I t f I 0 (Plea ..... aPOaTa,..,.IO) -TV Antenna 2.5 billion to watch Games ABC's bTg show will cover 1 , 300 hours of events By PBIL SNEIDERMAN Of .... 0.-,,......., If you couldn't get a ticket to your favonte event m the 1984 Summer Olympics, take heart. The best seat for viewina thia international athletics com- petition m~y be your favorite livma room lounae chair. ABC paid $22' million for cxclu1ive broadcast riaht1 to the Loa Anplet pmea. Sinoe the contract with the International Olympic Committee waupproved on Oct. 25. 1979, the network hu been preperina for exhauative coverqc of the ftnt Sum- mer Olympics to be held in the United States 1n 52 years (related story, Pase 2). Approximately 7.500 athletes from 142 nations were scheduled to converge on Los Angeles to participate io 221 events. Over the next two weeks. more athletes from more countnes are expected to compete m more events than tn any other Summer Games tn the history of the Modem Olympics. This year. 17 nev. events have been added to the Summer Olvmp1cs lineup in Los Angeles. particularly· 1n the women's program. New events include women's marathon, rhythmic gymnasucs and synchronized swimming. By tradttJon, the host organ121 ng com· mittee may include demonstration sports as part of the Olympics. and 1n Los AnJ.eles. the sports of baseball and tennis will be contested Also. ph} s1cally handicapped athletes will compete for the first time in the Olympics in wheelchair events at the Los Angeles Mcmonal Coliseum track. ABC 1s cxpecung a worldwide audience of 2.5 billion people for its coverage. The network's contract requires it to provide the world television feed to other countnes and broadcast unions. In this role, ABC will serve as host coordinating broadcaster for 1,600 world broadcasters from more than J 00 nations. The network plans to cover •(>prox- imately l,300 houn of competition 10 Los Anaelcs, involvina 25 sports and 30 venues. The coverqe bepn Friday with an Olympics preview ahow and continued Saturday with the opening ~rcmonics at the Los Anaelcs Coliseum. ABCs coverage will continue throuah Monday. Aug. 13, when a Summer Olympic bi&hlisht lhow will be pre!entcd. Accordina to the network's plans, vir- tually all of I.be 180 boun of Summer Olymp1C1 wllJ be reported live, with a record 81 . S houn psaentcd tn pnme time. Jim McKay, winneroflO Emmy award.a. will bott the prime time portion of the nerwork's Olympic covmac. The Lot 1#'11111pt I Actor Chevy Cbue. author Grqiory McDonald and dlrector IOcbael Ritch.le take a break from the fllmln& of ••rJetch" in Loe An&elee. Wblle many TV eerie• have opted to •tay out of the LA area darlna the Olympic•. film companlea eeem little affected. Angeles compet1t1on will be McKay's I 0th Olympics. Daytime segments will be ca. hosted by Frank Gafford and Kathleen Sullivan. Late-night Olympic hosts will be Jim Lampley and Donna de Varona. Just what 1s rcQ u1red to proVlde this marathon coverage? Consider a few of the~ statistic compiled by the network. In its Summer Olympics coverage. ABC wtll need: • I I 7 studio cameras and 75 hand·held cameras. • three control rooms, one studio with four cameras and 12 editing rooms. • three houseboats for camera plat· fonna, four helicopters, two 60-foot cus. tom boats (for rowma and canocmg contests), llX moto~clH, four scissor lifts, siA cranes and 3S office tra.ilen; plus, 850 cars. 19 buses and 112 vans. • 3,500 Olympic employees. • 660 miles of cable. AJthou&h ABC will dominate coverage of the Of~mpics, the international com· petition wdl also serve as a testina time for Extravision, an electronic map.zinc ser· vice offered by the CBS TV network.. CBS ha1 bcaun operation of 50 Extravision kiosks in SO public places throuahout SOuthem California. Exttavision will provide I 00 teletext "pag~s." 30 of them featunng Olympic h1~fi&hts. The teletext servu:e is trans- mitted through a blanic ponion of the KCBS Channel 2 si~al. Olympics--rclated transm1ss1ons will include event scores, news bnefs. medal standi°"' and athlete profiles. The service aJso will provide local weather news. traffic reports and entenain- ment ups. The Extravision displays will continue to provide national and local information through September. In Oranae County. Extravision will be on view at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa and the City Shoppina Center in Orange. TV TIDBITS: SinJer Jerma1De Jacboll, currently appeanng around the country with his superstar brothers in the Jacksons Victory Tour, makes a guest appearance Wcdnctdat and Thursday on .. As the World Tums, the CBS soap that airs from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. He'll appear in a concen sequence, per- forming two songs with sinacr 1".ltltey Hoaaton. Popular model and actress lreote Skleld1 is makina a her fim TV movie for ABC. entitled "Wet Oold." It's an adven- ture yam concerning sunken ~old treuu~. (PleueeeeTV ANTBNRA/ .... 8) Sunday, July 29, 19M 3 Catlin beaten in jailbreak try Insists he's guilty of murder after -----his a ppeal denied ----- BY LYNDA lllRSCH ALL MY CHILDREN When Phoebe refuses to let Donna take Zack as her roommate. Zack seduces Donna. Follow- ing fight with Angie. Jesse seeks out Suzi. who is continually coming on to him. Liza gets JOb as production assistant at TV station Palmer's delight at the discovery of Lois Klingen Smith and regaining bis fonunc 1s dampened by fear Ross w11l leam Palmer did not name Ross as his son in exchange for financial gain. Ross and Palmer renew their fnendsh1p. When Palmer stops at Ross's for early morning tennis date. Ellen embarras!>ed to be found at Ross's place Joanna warns Adam she'll tell police he concealed murder Stuan committed Edna "ams Tad he must take Dom to her dcbutantc pany or she'll cwosc him as former paid lothano. Alfred \ mts his parents in Pans. Chuck and De\on gro" closer. When Chns's editor learns Chns forged letter of recommen- dation to publisher, Chris 1s fired. ANOTHER WORLD: M.J . foils Catlin's jailbreak. Cathn beaten by guards when he resists being taken back to cell. Sally, realizing Catlin tried to escape to protect her, decides she must be hyp- notized to learn what happened the night of David's murder. Learmng his first appeal was denied, Catlin insists he lolled David. Cecille finds body of one of her infonnants stuffed in refhgerator. The body disappears before she can convince Cass she has uncovered another murder. Under hyp- nosis. Sally recalls woman pulling tn~er night David died. As Catlin as being transported to pnson, Ross forces the transport vehicle over a cliff. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Steve believes Raymond and Juliet arc involved in a conspiracy to keep hi m from his father Dorothy manages to separate What from his children. Kirk discovers Whit has a dnnlong problem. Raymond orders Dr. Johnson to use Craig's hatred of Steve in prcvamman~ Cratg to lt1dnap Danielle. Craig's conditioning 1s cut shon when Lila and Maggie demand to see him. Onan returns from Pans and encourages Wbjt to use the Argus to fight Lucinda. Jay upset Shriner on 'Rituals' BY LYNDA HIRSCH · R1tuals.'' the pnme-t1me soap being produced by Telep1ctures, has been busy signing up some vel) major stars from the ranks of daytime soaps. First 11 was Pbilece Sampler (Renee. ··0a)'s of Our Lives"). Then 1t was Cbrtatlne Jones (a veteran of soaps ranging from "One Life to Live" to .. f-or Richer. For Poorer"}, and now one of the biggest names e'er to hn daytime - KiD Shriner. 5hnner. seen as Scott) on "General Hospital" and later as Jed on "Teitas," has always been a fan favorite. Since leaving "General Hospital" as Scotty, Shnner has appeared in several ep1sod1c TV shows and has made "Obsessive Love·· for CBS-TV. Please remember that before there were a Luke and Laura. there were a Laura and Scott) on General Hospital. Scotty and Laura's Jo,e story was the thing that rcall) stancd sparking lhe GH ratings. Shnner 1s ofT for a three-week trip to Europe w11h his girlfriend before he begins filming for "Rnuals" whi ch will air 1ive da\\ a wee~ in near!~ C\t'I) maJOr market 1n the country It's also set to aar an several foreign locations. Tclep1ctures has agreed to delay the taping of''R1tual "one week 10 ac(ommodatc Shnner·s vacation. ~can~h1lr tncr at /.\8(. the Alphahft 4 Sunday, July 29. 1984 network 1sgeanng up for the Olympics Al> we've told you before. three of their soaps -"Ryan·s Hope," .. Edge of Night" and .. Loving" -wall not air from Jul} 30 through mid-August. when the games end. Plesse note that these three show'i will ha"'" chiUang chflhanfers for their viewers: "Loving" wil have Jack involved 1n a motorcycle accident after learning that Dane 1s his father. and a gun will go off in the same room as Father Jim. Shana and Mike. Who 1s shot? You'll never know unless you tune back in after the Olympics. "Edge ofN1g.ht" will leave viewers tf')'lng to figure out how Logan could be killed (who shot Logan in a sealed room'!). Over on "Ryan's Hope," viewers will be left wondenng if Maggie and Dave will ever get together. Meanwhile. "All My Children." .. One Life to Live" and "General Hospital" will be running abbreviated 40-m1nu1c episodes: Watch "All M)' ChildrC'n" to sec a hcanbreak1ng and tender storyline be- tween Greg and Jenn)'. On "One Life to Live." watch as Bo and Delilah are chased through Ph1ledelph1a's Chinatown. On "General Hospital," Scorpio is hot on the trail of<.irant Putnam. When "Another World" reccntl\ did a (Pleue .aee 80APS/Pa.ae 30) when Dorothy admits she loves Whit. In Vennont. Betsy unable to remember her name. but does recall he's married and has a baby. When the bandages are removed, Betsy cries when she sees her damaged face John browbeats Karen into lettin~ Dusty decide who he's going to hve with. and when Dusty chooses Karen because he believes she needs him more, John heart- broken. CAPITOL. Paula undergoes surgery to remove brain tumor Ronni hystencal when her locker 1s broken into and her clothes slashed. Kelly admits to Judson the item Denato was blackmailing her with is not on the hst of his possessions and she thinks someone must have taken it while she was unconscious. To help erase Hal'!> depression. Brenda and Wally plan a secret rendezvous m the park for him with Scotty Rick> begjns h1sjob as a busboy at Mano's Sam uneasy about Kelly's silence over the Clegg buyout and again questions Myrna demanding to know why she was able to make deal whcl'l he couldn't Myrna becomes coy, refuses to answer and Sam decades to v1s1t Kelly m Jail. Myrna and Kelly keep their bargain and neither tells Sam that Scotty is his grandson. Brenda and Wally's feelings deepen but remain unspoken as they continue 10 care for baby Scotty Scotty develops a high fever DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Hope tells Bo ~he has alwavs loved him and that she married Laf'l]~ to protect the lives of those she loved as well as her own. Hope refuses t'O take Bo's advice and leave the countf\ Eugene gives Bo and llope his ncwc l invention. a two-wa) ~n~t radio for communication!.. Pete tells Mickey he knows that he 1s wrong for Melissa Melissa pleads wnh Pete to run away w1th her. hut Pete says he 1s not sure 11·s the nght thing. Nick tries to blackmail Larry A!. Bo and Hope sit in a boat kissing. Bo reveals he·~ going to New Orleans. Hope says she want~ 10 go w1th him, but he says it's imposs1bh: As they embrace once more. the boat stam to fill with water. Eugene. on a date with CaU1ope, has premoniuon that one of h1\ fnends 1s in danger. EDGE OF NIGHT Logan, in hotl·I room. recalls his farewell to Raven S~' decides to pa y Logan one last visit. As hl' amves he hears a gun go off. Sky is then knocked unconscious. He opens Logan \ hotel room and finds a dead Logan on thl' noor. an empty room and the windo\\ locked from the inside Derck amvcs a' Sky picks up the gun used to kill Logan and Sk> 1s arrested for his murder. Del telh Preacher he doesn't know how he's io1ng II\ get out of worlung w1th Kntch. GENERAL HOSPITAL: When Ceh.1 moves back to the gatehouse. both Jimm) Lee and Grant Putnam try to 13in her affection. Grant Putnam decides to lure Cella up to cabin At cabin, Ceha told b> workers the carving in the bench is recent cau!>mg Celia to recaU Grant I Swe4rintt the (Pleue aee DA Y'fDIE/h&• 29) AUTHORIZEO SALES SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAUL t 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana ~ 835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -540-9100 ALLEN CADILLAC·GMC- OLDSMOBILE 28332 Camino Capistrano San Diego Freeway West of Avery Pkwy Exit 831-0800 495-0800 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 Daily Pilai ./l> ' ca: I ;i\i' j;I R ij#r·1•i i:• ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORDi 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 -540-8211 HONDA UNIVERSITY HONDA 2860 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-0713 ISUZU SOUTH COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN-ISUZU 18711 Beach Blvd. Hunfington Beach 842-2000 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 STADIUM PONTIAC 2225 E. Katella Ave. Anaheim -385-1919 Across from The Big A PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 VOLKSWAGEN SOUTH COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN/ISUZU 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington. Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOL VO 1966 Harbor·Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 Sunday, July 29. 1984 S -Tabe Toppers -•lunclay ___ _ •••111 ... ma ,.,_.. .._ ...,.._,ow ., liie ·=--....., In C••• ...................... ...... .... ....... CMe ,..,_ "*' -••r•d..._twt ...... t. Ari l• -·A WI TO QtlT AT'a. = .e .. ~Ole Opry, ..... •'-= -_... rrh' alhn ....... a.t Atldrw • -............ ::':"'=ii:-........ ~ .......... . ......... ,. •• ,.~ .... (tin.) •a: 711 WCI: TNI C8f1\llY CO.. lrt•tu•~~.:-=:rc ..................... v ..... J "'.;"' ,,,. .. At,•' .............. (1 -!I;) A DAY • TMI OCMft'WY A lMll .. ~ = .................. ........ ... .... DI' ........... (1 fw.) •g:11• .UTI ,_ OT9 _.. ......... ..rw::·--........ 0111.-n CL ~1lllrl11n •-T1'9 ...._ht., .... . ...... 011.,.;:.::..u: .. ....... e.1tu ... "Y.... " .. """' ............ .......,.,. .... u ...... ~ 79QID uMvAL A looll .e...,.. ef tM inoet WI •tall ........ I Eli cled frOfft I ,.,.. el 1141 nr lldi of Mw•t epic-. (R) Q (1 Iv.) .. • UTIOU&. Qlo.wtlC .. ~ .. ,....... ..,.....,..... A looll .. the ulrW'dlhlfJ ........... Auetrlllla ... IM ul1n .. la ...... to pnune .............. ,.....lorto ....... Iii IWlllRl9d. (It) (1 lw.) Ali YlllC* • G!> IUIMVAL A looll M IOfM ef tM MOet •t11W......,...11lu:e1d ,,.., .. ,... of .. ,,., ............ ip1clee. (R) Q (1 tw.) ~ .... DD~OOODOU'DAYIMOll liOliY IOX TO --Ce "' ''' ,_,.,.... ,. lallD JM, ....... Avlllon ...... Die* ca.tr ............ h --ConNe ,,_al1,,.......,.. IM~ Trto ,_I IMll M lhe .._ __. ttto.. (R) (2 ~&.... .......... Agent a.- Ii ...... ::E pettltldl 1 KQ9 MMto...._ In.) -· • CMel) .,. , 118 Men ,... ..... Mile O':t1 IDR IMet. An ltl1rwtN.-............. ~ , ............... kc .... ..... .., --........ botllec ...... ...................... In .... ..... tn ....... lw.) -· •ll6ml A 8"' A looll ae 1 "'1-....... , ........ c ... --: ................... ............................ .,, ·-· •G ALL M ..CW. a&.-........ lie .... -.. p1a1nt'I" et,._.. ...... ...... ....... Dr. Leo llUnrll (1 lw.) 6 Sunday. July 29. 1984 --\Veclnesclay ...... ~ Nttm Unou&. ..,_UllC A -* .. lhe tiilt......, .. ,... ............... In .... ,. .......... c..ea .... (R) Q (1 lw.) .. e THI LAIT UZI,..,._ ...... lntlr-._ ,.._. ....,, ........ ...._. .... ...... .. ........ T1'I ,,... ...... "(11w.,'= .... ,.,,. ..... ....... ................................ .... ........................... . ..... = ... ......... ID I ti/I Ml I m 1111 IRJiCIM. ~ ..,,... OMltea lleDaw .. f •IJIMN ....... , ........ ..... tu•1r1rr o. ........ •••rr•••• Di __ .,.,.. (1 lw.) -""' ............... .......................... .....,,..._11•11uw._ -•Friday ......... ..... -19 W wrrll TO ..-.r -.yt • .,... ........ c ......, ..... Dr. -·Saturday ... ,. -TV Antenna Cont. Fr omPage3 Veteran character actor Burgess Meredith co-stars. Well-known !>Cnes stars will appear 1n an upcomtnf, NBC TV movie enutled "Hts Mistress. · It concerns a beautiful young businesswoman (JuUan.ne Phillips) who 1s tom between her love for a handsome. mamed execuuve and her personal sense of pnde and morahl). The cast included Robert Urich, ("Vegas"): Cynthia Syke1. ("St. Elsewhere"): Llnda Kel1ey, ("Lou Grant"); and Mark Shera. r·&rbarby Jones"). Stage and screen luminaries Helen Hayes . Ruby Keeler a~d Ana Lee will guest star in an upcommgep1sode of the new ABC series "Glitter ... Hayes ponrays a recluse 10 a mansion filled with memorabilia from a bygone era. "Glmer" 1s about a magazme focusing on celebnues. The senes stars David Birney and Morga.o Brittany . The Music Tcle\1s1on cable channel is plannmg a hve broadcast of the "Ft~t .\nnual MTV Video Music Awards." Hosts for the show will be Bette Mldler and Dan Aykroyd. It's schrduled for Sept. 14 at tht Radio City Music Hall . "The Burning Bed," NBC's fact-based TV movie about a battered wtfe wuh three children who •~ tncd for murdc-r101t her husband. will be telecast Oct. 8~ the bcginnmg of National Domestic Violence Week. The wife 1s ponrayed by F1rab Faw~ett, and Paul LeMat p~ys her abusive husband. . Former Monkee Mike Nesmith has been signed by ~BC to produce a primt time comedy senes enutles "Michael Nesmith in Television Parts." The new program will blend music and comedy in modem video style. h has been picked up for m1dseason broadcast. "Scarecrow and Mrs. Krng," the CBS adventure senes. will filming five new segments in European c1t1es. The ~nes. ~h1ch ~oncems a secret agent and his mexpenenced woman panner, stars Kate Jackson and Brace Boxleltner. European filming will be in Munich, Tcgcmsee (tn West Germany), London and Salzburg. .. .. .. .. - .. ... .. .. ,. lfl-·--·==-1\11) == .. - --- -.. w .. .. 8 Sunday, July 29, 1984 .. .. , -lunclay ·1==-I CC• llrfCMM'M 8'0rCTICa09 .,. "When Ya Comln' Back, Red Ryder?" ( 1979, Suspense) MarJoe Gortne<. Peter Arth. ( 1 hr , 58 min.) "ijWMA"M -CWJ•IMllllOO CA9UI ~ ........ --...... __,_u. tTMCMI QMIOt•ClO.• ............ llMICOIOI.,.._ TWILOCIUATWF 11 YOU'IM#e'IMI-... , ... ~ ... ... "°°9 ... ICU.Wu.a.A. llAITMI Clll '°°'9AU. Toronto Argonauta al Calgary Stampeders (A) (2 hrs.. 30 min.) (8) m¥ll "Strange Brew" ( t983, Come- dy) Dave Thomas. Rick Moran.s ( 1 hr 30 mi(I) (DJ AmA&.YWICt Animated Gilda Radner and Billy Crystal provide the vOtC es tor various animals as they prepare tor their own Olympic games { 1 hr .. 18 min ) Cl)n1•--..-(Z) llON "An Unsuitable Job For A Woman" ( 1982. Mystery) Pippa Guard. BMlle Whitelaw ( 1 hr , 34 min ) T1*Y #eMMAl.Am .. WWlfTOllA'91 .. lODA"W & I Nn"l ~-··· iRftCOfi LITnm.•u.n .-nm ~-°' 'All'M ~ ...... .. NKll ... "°°9 ... llON "The Secret Of N.l.M H " ( 1982, Fantasy) Animated. V0tces ol Ellz.abeth Har1man, Dom DeLulae. ( 1 hr 20mln.) -~ .. AmYAlilh 19 PMTWAYI '*"CAT umllUCM.I ATTMI_.. ~---11.MCH W.Y • .-T , .. ~ IT•Wll• ...,,..._.,. -l'fmTOl)Q ..... , ... M o.IT mT DOOR A group of kldt try 10 Nlde a dor*ey from their apart mtnt bu' neighb0t9 ...... .-... NI_. ... ,. , .... ,,,,,.,. r=tt• .... __ ... Dl_-...Y ..... " umf~ u.moa• .., .. ,..,.. """ ---~ (8) llOtll "Swamp Thing" (1982. Fanta- sy) Adrienne Barbeeu. Louis Jourdan ( 1 hr., 30mln) (Q) .. "The Young Landlords" ( 1983, Orama) Kevin Sullivan. Mer1a Gibbs ( t hr . 55 min) (I) llON "Tut>by The Tuba" ( t977, Muslcal) Animated VoiCeS by Dick Van Qtke. Pearl Balley. ( 1 hr .. 22 min.) (I) llOWll "Ladies And Gentleman, The Fabulous Stains" (1981. MUSical) Diane Lane, Ray Winstooe ( 1 hr , 27 min.) • WAT O/l TlllTll ,_!ID llOWll "The Magnificent 8-ven" ( 1960. Western) Yul Brynner. Eh WaKach 2 hrs.. 35 min.) .. Cl) umAT•11C1•1••1•1 fill•1111LR """,.,_ LL.OftOll.'9 MMa lf••11• .. fUllllOia#e,_ -ITmTOl)Q ...... CCM1W •t11YMU1.TM-llOWll "Krull" ( 1983. Famasy) Ken Marshall, Lytelle Anthony (1 hr . 57 min.) CD tTMIT'lla A young gift rs torn between the desire to make tt In the mtJSIC world and her mother's W1Sh '°' her to pursue a mor3 ac11cal career -1~~ a uma t111 • zm OL.YWIAD Scheduled. Men's and women's swim· rn1ng. rnen·s compulsory exercises 1n gym- nastlcS, men's volleyball prel1m1nanes: b0x1ng pretimlnartes (live trom Los Ange- les) SchedUled events are sub)eet to chay 9(6 hrs , 30 min ) -1-tmATCM.YAllY 'a-=-1. ... &ACUTM .... '°"'_.. COlft'm C.«f NIAUM mt kYWW ~CMTOWIW.L M llOWll "The Caine Mutiny" ( 1954. Orama) Humphrey Bogart. Jose Fe<rer 2 hrs., 5 min) .. ...CCII • IC'I CIU&.lllll iii ~ ..... CCll1'm' •Ul'ftUUM ... .,.,..,. ... "Smokey And The Bandit Part 3" ( 1983. Adventure) Jacl(le Gleason. Jerry Aeed ( 1 hr , 25 mm ) (J) •Amm TM.I 1111AT9 "Snow Whita And The Seven Dwarfs" Elizabeth McGo- V91'n and Rex Smith s1ar 1n a beaut1tul prlnoess's triumph over her evil stepmoth· er.Q Cl) llOWll "Easy Money" ( 1983. Come- dy) Rodney Dangerfield. Joe Pescl ( 1 hr .35mln) · 1 ·1* /~ 8'-unCll lmt1111 ... YGP.-D•W ,,. ... ~ = ..• , ....... , .. ,... _.Traces the experienoee of the s.pulveda famlty In Calllornle 11nCe t977. when the gfC>UP choee forced e>ule from Cf'llle rathef then continued tmprllonment • ~ •tllYIUl.TM-- (1) M'lllllDfl .. IM:m Indiana Govef· nora CUp (from ~. WIS ) (R) ( 1 hr I (a> A TM.I OI flO&lt _. A young girt comes to the reatlzatlon that happWlela camot reeutt from wlahe8 atone. I ..... """ -Cl) Mn'O IMml NASCAR Taladeg8 500 (live from Alabema International ... Y~tn.'30min.) llOWll "Tittle And Gui" ( 1933, eom. dy) W.C. FWds. Alison Skipworth. ( 1 hf .. 16 min.) • .W.OOlmn. (!) l'W'&l Chicago Cubs at New Yort< Me':.k3~-li: _ llOWll "The Three Faces Of Eve" ( t957. Orama) Joanne Woodward. David Wayne ( 1 hr .. 29 min) Cl) llON "The Sea Wotves" ( t 980. Adventure) Gregory Peck, Roger Moore l hra) Mr#MlODAY .. llOWll "A Summer Place" ( 1959. Ora- ma) Troy Donahue. Sandra Dee. (2 hrs . -150 ==·-::t ,..,,,.,.,_ •CA9UI llOWll "Young Winston · ( 1972. ~ raphy) Simon WArd. Anne Bancroft. (2 hrs . 30 min ) •••tlllMPllMCI (() ........ ·-I Love New York Grand Prix (trom Lake Plactd, NY.) (R) ~ hrs . 30 min ) CID 1111 MGLLYWOOD c::&..OWm Many of the top comedians tn motion pictures. past and present. are featured 1n this retro. pectrve of hitanous moments from the 111- ver screen ( 1 hr ) <:m llOWll "Sarah And The Squirrel" ( 1982. Orama) Mia Farrow (1 hr . 15 m1n) ' G IO YOU WMTTO llAll ADUI. .. (%) QlWD ~ TMQ wrnt Guest· Joanna CaSSldy 1W D umAY Location hve from lak.e Arrowt'INd ( 1 hr . 30 min ) e llOWll "The Great Smol(ey Road- block" ( 1978, Adventure) Hervy Fonda. Eileen Brennan (2 hrs ) ~ WIW Cl 1111AW ...OllAl ..... llOWll "All Fall Down" ( 1982, Orama) Eva Marie Saint, Warren Beetty (1 hf. 50 min) CZ) MON "Blade Runner" ( 1982. Sd- eno.Ftctlon) Hamson FOfd, Rutger Hauer ( 1 hr • ~ mm ) l •ou.oc:a-t1rtl llOWll "Minion Doller legs" (1932 Comedy) W.C Fle4da, Jack Oelcle ( 1 ht .. t5 '~' tWI 01COlaLl ... 'M9llmn .. Cll.:M• 1111-........... llOWll "8111" ( t981. Orama) Mic:Xey Rooney, Oennls Quaid ( t hr. 40 min.) CID ,.._. IOCI Wembley 18 on a ~ SlOO to save the TraSh Heap --ii·----1 QUIT MCIUI llOWll "Charile's Angets" ( 1975, .,,.. tlK)') Kate Jaci\son, '°""""'Smtih (1 hr 30 min ) ..._.,.. .• ........ "Dying Dey" Anthony Sklpli- lng presentt ov~ of the pk>t to tru• Sunday. July 29, 1984 9 -lunclay Conl. def him to the po11ce. but they retuse to bel*'9 him (Part 2 ol 2) (R) 0 ( 1 hr ) •••nt~tulMIEIAW. CH).,_ "A Cog 01 Flanders" ( 1959. OfaiN) Oa.,., Ladd. Donald Cnsp ( 1 tv 36 min) 1-MWW. NMICUll: M ~YIM 11111 ~ TO QIET ATU9 Taped al lhe Grand Ole ~. this rllUS*Calty anent· ed ceteb<auon sakJ1es Chet AtklllS as one of 1he WC>fid's greetest guitartSts whO helped establish NastMlle as• lop musoc ieccw~ cenler (2 hrs l 1='£ ...... mtAwm --~ •MAW H•W Chicago Cut><> at New V0tk Meta (3 hrs I .... 11 (fZ) l'•W Atlanta Biaves at San Fran CISCO Gian1s 13 hrs 5 min.) • • •119:1: M amt c:anmT CC.. iOl1' The all Aaion Copland Pf<>gf am includes "Sextet I<>< Ctartnet Piano ano Stnng Quartet " 'Piano VariatlOrtS" and Appalach•an SP<ing " ( 1 hr J CD w11woao Schedu'90 Rocky Lockridge mee1s Jult0 Llerna in a iumor hghtweight bOul schedvled '°' 10 rouod'S (lrve trom Milan Italy) France vs Spain 1n the European Soccer Championship i om Par~) I 1 ht . 30 min ) tmal'TAWlllWlmlAW. MA IC.MATI N0tr1S Wiiiiams vS RoC>e<l Visitacion f()( the U S hgnttttghl cnamp1 onsn1p htle sctieduled f()( nine rounos 1trom Shreveport La ) (R) I t hr 30 min) .,.. An Unsuitable Job FCH A woman ( 1982 Mystery) Pippa Guard B•lhe WMetaw ( t hr 34 mm l 1D .,.. Jaws 3 ( 1963. AdvenrureJ Dennis Quaid Bess Armstrong 11 hr 39 min) CS) llOWW 'Mr 1moe11um· (1951. Romance) Ezt0 P1nza Lana Turoef I 1 rir 27 min J 'Z) m¥a HobSOn's Choice" ( 1954 Comedy) John Mells, Cnarle6 Laughton l hr, 47 mll'I) IOUll ..... TAM tit Cl) NA IGU Sammy Davis Jr Greater HartfOfd Open · Final round (INe trom Toornament Players Club of Connechcut 1n Cromwell) ( 1 hr 30 mm ) I P.l'IOOP .,.. "Tt'le Wayward Bus· I 19S7 Drema) Joan Collins. Jayne Mansfield (:1 •::, ... tulMmtAW. ~ .,_ "The Secte1 01 N 1 )t. " ( 1982. Fantasy) Animated v~ 01 E1Wlbe1h Hartman. Dom DeLuts~r ( 1 V -.. 20mm) "-..,,/ ., ....... -.Mm .,_ A Gulde FOf The Married Woman" ( 1976. Comedy) Cybtll Shep ~d. Charles Frank 12 hrs I ., .... ··Them ' 11954 Scieoce-Fte tion) James Whilmorn Edmuna Gwenn 1._! hr 30 m1" ) • A DAY• M cowml'Y A IOOI< at French Impressionist landte;ape pa1nt1ng with Kirk Douglas as hOst ( I hr I Ii) ~ °" IOCllTY JD .,_ "Strange Bf•w · ( 1983. Come dy) Dave Thomas Rick MOfanls ( 1 h1 30 mm) QD-ICOTT 10 Sunday, July 29. 1984 •1• ~=-.:"Ro10 Grtp ClasSIC" ..,._,., ..... IOmTY AUTO~ WOfld Endurance • Nur bUlgring 1000 (from West Germany) ( t ht) •1111 .... -•Co.11MI•~ .,_ "Maya" ( t966. Adventvre) Clint Walker. Jay Nonh (2 hts ) I MC ... Q "•m•wwa&1 9n'm'll•ff TMI-Featured actress Jamie Lee Curtis. Cheectl end Chong drscusa trie.r new comedy·adven lure movie. new faQ senes "G011er " ( I ht) I _,__"'_ .,_ "KOfostu" ( 1967. AdVentureJ Patnck McGoonan. Yoko Tant (2 hrs I ID flOQM • IOCllTY CC) .,.. "Jaws 3" ( 1963 A~ture) Oefirus Quaid, Bess Armstrong ( 1 hr 39 mm) (IJ_,. "Staying Alrve' ( 1983 Ofamai John Travolta. Cynthia RhOdes ( 1 hr 36 rrun) (Q) A TAU Of flOClt .... A young girl COl"ne5 to the realwstlon lhal happ.ness cannot result from wlShes alone Cl)DIMl ....... cenu&. ,.,. Songs include "EndleSs Love." Am I No Moun tam High Enough" and runes trom the album ·Rosa · laped from a 1983 con cert in New YOfk ( 1 hr. 55 min ) (%) m¥a "Tem~r · < 1982 Comeoy1 John Ca$S8vetes. Gena Aov.iands 12 hrs , 25 min) .. 8 I Wint TOU Featured Dennis Weaver and his wile Ge<ry discuss LIFE !Love Is Feeding Everyone) along with San<ly Mui 11ns. e.J1e<:UTl\le director and Lydia Lopez director Firenouse O.Str1bution J){ogram 8 .a.rtwOM.D Scheduled Aoclly Lockridge meets Julio Uerna 1n a tun10t tognrweigtit t>out scheduled for 10 rounos (from Mttan Italy) France vs Spain 1r the European Soccer Champ1onst11p i =rtS) (1hr.30mm) ITMTm .,.. "Some Like II Hot" ( 1959 Comedy) Tony Cums Jack Lemmon (? hrs. 30m1n) e QMMTWI c.ATI Mm ona .WW 'Meml A look at the gangs1er classics "Ltttle Caesar" wrth Edward G Robinson ano The Aoartng Twenties" With James Cagney. and movie spoofs 1ncludrng "Yoong Frantlenslein." "Airplane· and Johnny Dangerously " • nwt _,.., ..... A Oruq War?" MayOf Ed Koen discusses hlS (equest that the Reagan aom1nis1rotion use the armed seNIC8S to combat the dr~~=YYO<k and the nallon "~ Olymp1c,Ed111on C'ft1 .,_ "SwainQ Tt11ng' ( 1982 Fanra WI Adrienne Barbelru; ~1s Jourdan ( 1 tu 30 min) .. ,AT-9 Mml Of M Dll Olv.w> Scheduled Men's and women s swim ming: men's compul9ofy ellterclses tn gym Mstics: weightllfting (lrve from Los Ang& les) Schedult"d events are sub,ecl to change Q 15 hrs) D llCMI Love War · ( 1969 Science Fiction) I IOyd Bridges. Angle Dickinson ~hra) (!J ...,. ITATI Mml Over 3.000 ama- teur athltt" from across the state will compete In the Mais 11'1 ttcti«y, basl(et· ball. bolling and many othef events 12 hrs) m> .,. ''See Here. Private Hargrove" (194' Gomedy) Robert Walker. Donnd Reed (2 hrs.) • WALL tTm'T wm "LOOl<tng In Tri.,. Future · Guest Aobe<1 Shulman, v•<.f, president of research and strategic plan ning, Conticommodtty ~. Inc i),ACl'IC ...... .....,..,.. .,..,..um .. WMlnm .......... ...,. uao wme DAYID **""'Z ...... u.-·---•ACU Of CM1wm AUTO UC. NASCAA Pocono Shoo· tout (from Pocono. Pa ) (A) (Ul llO¥ll "The Groove Tube" ( 1974 Comedy) Ken Shapiro. Richard Belzer < 1 hr. 15m1n) ... IO YOU tw. TOU DOW M llmB QAlmtt Featured Olympic competitors who tell 1n to\19 athletes who mlSSed 1he1r events and othef frNla and anecdotes make up an ott·t>eat examination ot ()lym l~~- .-0 um · The Russians Anl.l Reagan" Guests au1hors Slrobe TalbOll and Robeft Kaiser ( 1 hr I fl::. FOOT WDll•lll ~.,.. S111 Weeks" r 1982 Orama) Dudley Moore Mary Tyler Moore ( 1 hr 45mtn I CE) M. 't c.ATUT .....,., Highlights of the '63 Championship between the New York Giants and ChlC8QO Bears and h1ghhghts of the '65 Green Bay Packers ill> (1 hr I 1D ~-A NOT-..W Poµ Queen Donna SurYUTie< Sillies rn a concert taped at the Pac1hc Amphitheatre 1n CO'> ra Mesa Cattf ( t hr ) M oc..IY mT DOGll A group ol k10s try to hide a donkey fr0tn thelr apart ment t>u1td1ng ne1ghb0fs CJ) m¥a ·The Sea Wolves" ( 1980 Adventure) Greyory Peck Rage< Moore i hrs) •UYOHAU .. 90¥11 "The Wackiest Ship In The Army" ( 1961. Comedy) Jack Lemmon Ricky Nelson 12 hrs I .. * ... llMY m.a MOC)M AIJCI me.., c~ wmtlClll..,... .,.. "The Eamngs Of Madame De • ( 1954 O<ama) Chorl~ 8oyef Oen~te Oameu11 ( I hr 4 'j """ ) .. 90.,,. m¥a "RPvenge Of The GOds' ( 1966 Science-Fiction) JJmee Darren Robel! Colbert The 11me tunnel sends its pair or rravelefs into two nnc::ienl ball~ lhe Greeks anempt lo tree Helen from Troy and the IStaefltes' •9880H on the lwal~ =hO (2 hrs l mA111T fumllCM Im> •llMafOf_ = The Orowr11ng POOi" ( Ul7b. Mys1ery) Paul Newman. Joanne Wood ward A private mvesttgator It hlfed by a wHllhy Southern Otl helresa to dilcoYet -Sunday Conl. the identity of the author of an 1ncr1m1nat i letter (2 hrs ) IUT1"mLal UTnl ..,._ oet THI '9lAlm .WA "Down On The Farm" An e1'am1 na1ton of a dflemma In U S agriculture. the shorHerm need tor profit and me long-term depletion of soil and water (R) Q_( 1 hr) CI) _.. IOUTI Off lMI '111 Roberto Duran vs Esteban DeJesus (fought March '74 1n Panama City) ( 1 hr) CH) llOYll "Smokey And The B;,ind11 Part 3" ( 1983. Adventure) Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed A shentt challenges some men to a race from Florida 10 Tex as for a prize of $250.000 'PG' ( 1 hr . 25 mm ) C1J ITAMTRUCIC A young girl is torn between the desire to make 11 tn the music world and her mo1her's wish for her to pursue a more practical career cm llOYll "Enigma" ( 1982. Suspense) Maritn Sheen, Brigitte Fossey The CIA engages an East German refugee to return to East Berlin 10 steal a scrambling device from the KGB 'PG' ( 1 hr . 4() ;nJ.. .. ,me ... ... fllOIU TO NOftl '"'0000 tmClleOlll COlmf Al.IVI 19 Cl) • _,.,.. Scheduled a report on potential dangers tor women using an intra-uterine contraceptive device: a IOok at a convention ot tetev1s1on program executives. a v1s1t to Rosewood. Fla where as many as 40 blacks were mur dered in January 1923 (A) (I hr ) I GD -IUNDAY, u.&.A. llCMI "A Guide For The Marneo Woman" ( 1978. Comedy) Cybill Shep· nerd. Charles Frank A young housewife who feels that mamed hie 1s closing in on her dreams ot having an e1'trama111al alla11 (2 hrs ) i ... ITMllAICH lw.G AT POPI Singer Andy Wilhams JOtns John Wtfhams and lhe Boston Pops Orchestra ( 1 hr ) 8i) UVWA&. A took a1 some ot lhe most unusual sp1C1ers selected from a range ot thousands ol dllferent species (R) Q ( 1 hr l ~ llCMI "Krull" ( 1983. Fantasy) Ken Marshall, Lysette Anthony In an unearthly world. a prince must lace many tests as he tries to regain his kingdom. rescue his betrothe<l and light a fabulous beast 'PG' l!hr . 57 min) CEJ 1&11111 IOUTI 01 THI '111 Malthew Saad Muhammed vs Marvin Johnson (fought Aprll '19 1n lndlanapohs) (A) (I hr) CD llOVll "The Road Warrior" ( 1981 Adventure) Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence In an Austraha of the future where clv1llza11011 1s reduced to a collection of rural com· munes. a former highway cop makes a 2000-mlla run for sanctuary tn a promised land 'A' ( 1 hr . 35 mtn ) CS) '~ TALI TMUr. "Snow While And The Seven Dwarfs" Ehzabeth McGo- vern and Re>1 Smith star In a beautiful princess's lnumph over her evil s1epmoth· er. O NI al 90ITI PMm 19 (B) ,.,..... llOCI Wembley Is on a mis tJon to eave the Traah Heap. (%) llO¥ll "Ladles And Gentleman, The FabUloUt S1alns'' ( 1981, MuSICal) Diane t..M, Ray Wlnstone. The met80flc l19e ot 11 trio ot lemate oun11-rocker5 leadS ult/· mately to their selling ou1 in the biu·money wor1d of the music Industry 'R' ( 1 hr . 27 min) I TMAT-. 1* DAYOI~""--- -(I) ~. IUllTOWll Jenny 1s convinced that a neighbor's disappear ance is connected to hrs wile's digging of ~rave-sized hole (A) U fm IOIGlfT M8 An e>1pl0Sion causes a memory loss for Michael Knight, who assumes his former 1den11ty and perceives KITI es an ene~) ( 1 hr ) &JmA OI MCCUS COW. (!) 1WLlilKT .. G» llOWll "The Seven Vear Itch" (1955. Comedy) Marllyn Monroe. Tom Ewell A hapPily married man meets an attractive blonde after sending his family on a sum mer vacation (2 hrs..) «D LRl1'YUI Of 1'MI NCH,_ FAIDll ID UnolAL ~ "Australia's Animal MysterleS" A loolo. at the ex1taoro1 nary animals ol Auslralia and the sc1en- 11s1s working to preserve lhese living hnks to prehistoric times Is presented. (A) ( 1 hr.) 8i) WI& Cl TMUTM "To Serve Them All My Days" David runs lnlo some tough competition from within his own ranks and from an outsider when he becomes a candidate for headmaster of Bamfylde School. (Part 7 of 13) (R) o ~~ ~Get LOCAnoet "Rich Little Come Laugh With Me" The comedian·1mpress1onis1 pokes fun at the Olympics and pays trlb ule to famous show business teams ( 1 hr) (Q) llO'Wll "Jaws 3" ( 1983. Adventure) Dennis Quaid. Bess Armstrong A great while shark terronzes a martne amuse- me~ 'PG' (1hr .39m1n) (]) .. An Ott1eer And A Gentleman" ( 1982 Drama) Richard Gere. Debra Winger An und1sc1p1tned aviation ott1cer candidate meets his match m a tougn Naval drtll instructor 'A' o (2 nrs 5 min) '9 llOWll "The Longest Hunt" ( 1968. Western) Brian Kelly. Keenan Wynn After apprehending the runaway son of a Mexi- can rancher. a htred gunslinger learns tha1 the rancher has some cruet plans for the boy (2 hrs) .. (Ill..., FAlWRL 1:11 G Cl) ntl Pall eu.-The Ztmmers are shocked wnen they see an old friend kiss~ a strange man at the atrport (A) .. ij (() r&IS la. Tom and Helen make reselvations at the hotel Where they spent their honeymoon 30 year!> earlier lRl II fm llOWll "Twirt" (t981.0rama) Stel· fa Stevens, Lisa Whelchel. Two teen·age baton twirlers come under parental pres· sure as c:ompet111on ltnats approach (RI Q_ (2 hrs) 9 U1C•11• wcaD OI W.U COU.. 1UU 8 llO¥ll "The Alrican Queen" (1951, Adventure) Humphrey Bogart, Katharine HepbUrn A captain operating In the Con- go during World War I IS persuaded by a tady missionary to destroy a German gun bOat. (2 hrs ) I ft.D DllDC* llCMI "Resurrection' ( 1980. Drama) Ellen Burllyn. 81Jm Shepard. Atter-e near· fatal auto accident. a woman finds that she haa the ablllty to heel others but is persecuted because of her refusal to c:lalm a dlVlne Influence (2 hrs.) l lOUDIOLD WIW l:a MA19 .. To ~ Them All My Days" David runs Into some tough competition from within his own ranks and lrom an out&ider when he becomes a candidate for headmaster of Bamtylde School. (Part 7 of 13) (R) Q { 1 hr.) fl!) .--.fl'"'"l•a••"''1 .. Dying Day" Anthony Stdpl- ing presents evidence of the plot to mur· der him to the poltce. bot they refuse to believe him. (Part 2 of 2) (R) Q ( 1 hr ) CC) llCMI "Creepshow" ( 1982. Horr0<) Hal Holbrook. Adrienne Barbeau. A qvln· tel of horror stories from a child's comlC book Include tales abOvt re-animated corpses. alien vegetation. a voracioUS ape-like creature and mtlllons bl vengeful cockroaches. 'ff ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) (£) AUTO IACllG IHRA Drag Racing - Northern Nallooats (from Mlfan, Mich.) . {B) ( 1 hr.) CID llOWll "The Survivors" ( 1983. Come- dy) Walter Matthau. Robin Wiiiiams. A pair ol unemployed businessmen take off lor the wilds of New Hampshire to eecape a syndicate hit man. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) (1J llOWll "When Ya Comln' Back. Red Ryder?" (1979. Suspense) Marjoe Gortner. Peter Firth. A psychotic dOpe smuggler manages to cross the Mexlean tx>rder without any trouble bo1 becOmeS stranded 1n a sleepy Te1'aS town when his car breaks down 'A' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) (%) llOWll "Blade Runner" ( 1982, Sci- ence-Fiction) Harrison Ford.. Rutger Hauer. In a world of the future. a special pohce officer IS assigned to track down and destroy four renegade androids. 'A' l hr . 54 m1n) -ONNUP d Cl) ALICI Hazzard County's Boss Hogg and Enos Strate vlSlt Mel's Diner 1n an attempt to purchase the site. (A) 11 ICMOOL llAT , Guests: Dr Ernest Boyer, president ot the Carnegie Found& lion and the author of the book "High School" Cf) IOU) IOLD IAWTU M -Oii -Guests 1nctude Herb Alpert. Mar- tha Reeves. The Angels, America. Eddy Grant, The Association. Captain and Teo· nille. Jimmy But1ett. (2 hrs.) ,.. 9 Cl) nwflR--. u. Jackpot admin- isters aid to a patklnt despite her lack of adequate medical Insurance. and Brancu- s1 enters a grotesque painting In the annu- l•ISe: ;•I PAWL1'Y~ ClmAT P• a.AllCll "Budden· brooks" Christian sells his bUSineSS. Tom 1s selected Senator In Lubeck, and Too encourages Erica to ma11y a wealthy. old- er man (Part 6 of 9) Q ( 1 hr) (() AUTO IACllG World Endurance • Hur· burgring 1000 (from West Germany) ill) ( 1 hr.) cm llOWI "Independence De " (1983, Orama) Kathleen Qulntan. De~ Keith. A young mechanic finds hlmseff falllng 1n love with a waitress. 'A' ( 1 hr., 60 mil\) '9UM1TA -(ll) llOWI "Blondie Bril'IQS Up Baby" C t940. Comedy) Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake Baby Dumpling plays hooky, retutt Ing 1n Dagwood's arrest for kidnapping i_t. hr .. 30 min ) Cl) mT OI ntl • LM1' °"' Edell M\lf. phy. Sondra Bemhard. Ronn LUClll and Sunday, July 29, 198• 11 -Sanday Cont. .. nit ~~~"' .. --...:in, -;:v- ~'\"9'\~ ,.a!! CC'ts ~ ~ ....,.. 1': ""~'Yl"ICS ~~ " ........ ~ ~~~~ ' ,,, X\~ ........... 'fl' • !'f' l f :m •.•.... IN> • --~~~;: .... -~--~ ... MCll . . v -.-. ...~ ~"' ..... -e.'l'lS :I -~" ~I! ::.. •"X" ""'" .. ~ :WO."" .......... i;r • ~~ a"\: :-....... l"$fOll"\; • "" ~--,...,... .. ~ i :.... .. ~ ~ .. ..._,. ~ ... "' . ~ --~ l ............... "\..:!' ~,- ......... ,-,, T•~ ... ~ ... ~~~Ml,; ·~ ~~""" .. .., ~~ ,. --V. • .M ~~ : ... ?" """' ........ -~ • ........ ~, ... ..... ~,.,.., ~-.... ..,,,... :r'!\11~~ ~~ ·""' ~ ..........• :.-.. ~ &~~ .,"" •• 'IP''\.-.;: -"\ --.niir.. : -~· -~ ·""C ~:i ~ • _.,.._.,. ·~ ""~' ~ 3..ir.:. ' \.""" :rv ..=..-."f ~ ;1'• J ~., ~~ • •'-"'\; ~--~ '""' ~"\.'o -~ '.!-~ •: • .,. .... :w-...... • ~~ -~ -~ ~.....,. "~" ,,,.._..: 'N ~ ~ 1: N .....: ...,...,. ,... .,..,.,, l: ~ • "wW ~tfn..~ ~ .: "TS.. : --.,. '-.! ~.,. • __ .,. .. ,,. -• .,. ~ ~~ r ..... ,,. .. ....,,. :-f'V \.~ .. "'Wt. _._ ... ...,., .... : "'·"' .. '1't: 1.· r :. .,,..,.. I ·~--•• '\"\." -•,w. t\ ,..,~ ... r • ;w..~ -.-..: ..:-~ ~ftft -~ • .... i 31;, ... :t::.~ ~~ " ~ .... ., -~ ,.,,. ' . -~-..... "' ~ .UI'° !'i In ... ~(' •g.&8 "'le us Sn--11'1 ~ ~"$....,.. ~ ~· ·=~ '5:nr.• n.111:. ... ·~ c.~. . ,.,.,,, ~ ~~ ""--~ -~ ::« er. ~~ :t'i\..~ ~ ::>,."V'.:.('1,-:J- •.n ~...: r."llP ••• ~~ ·:: ·~ '-"~ -..,...... ~ "'-"'C't' •:: ~-~ ~ ~"f'S. :: : ~ -· --~ ~ s.--~-= .::..~.... ·''-""' ~ :-."le ~·.:-" ~ sr>r't :.t ~ 5..'9&'" :w-.:-.~~ ... ~ -. \. .......... -''""" ~-: ~ I :::-'-la.......,, ::,..r "'.....:..,. . ~ -= ~~ .. _,..~ .t...YY" :.&-<:S..11·~·~ 5-•. E-.'W"\:. 4 .:'I&"'~ :.."""'~ ~~ ·: ·:.: ii --.:re-.. ~ .:asn: ::-. :x~ -u:-- :t :..15 r . ;,,,: _. i ce ClllfJ#tm ,_ST'O ... :.- ~Cr •:r-p- ,..-, ~ ~ n::s.0t -,~ ::0..Y •'"\:'.·=~-,.~'·• = --~,:!""\........S .. ; .... : =!I-~, ,-~: .._... ""'~.P.> \A:".: .. -o-~ "-• r:"$ ~ !"W "'<PC ='° I ~::"I< • ~ ~ :rl'"-~ I'! ~ ~: ~..rr -v--: "'l\ x~ -~ -.......-a.~ ::c:. :_-r .... :. ""'?-, c:P .. ,"'>It =--:c-.s ~ ':rf'~·-· ... ,~ 111,;:S a-,.,: •r." i ~-~r = ,. !t3-Mr: -1---.. ~1.1·• - '"C'e!'"' -:-. .,..~ :::'• .J"' n.: u.>- ·~=--in: -:=..,..,.,-,~ ~"\: : • ::': ~~ ~ ·:. r T"lf ,r-r-.,. n ; :'I ~ ··~ .,..,. .,, ~~ -~ =-·· ii!.: !'""'> -,,x: .. -·.:;.~ ~'!.;: ~ ._.,~ -:':a-it. ·'-..,.,. v-. 'JM!""1' "'-"I."""-.,. ~ :i· °N ;:\..T• :-. :'°•·~ ;"io ~...._ 1 ~ ~ .... i Ii"! ~ ~ ...... l"\1Ui!' .... "'J!': :-... L ~'"lf tr'C.'1"JW' •• ~.a;: ... ; =' ~ :TW: ."' ~:"'1f! _, -----:''*!Vt ~.: ...... ~ ::-=---:-3en-·-~ U!"!Jl< .. ;:.~..i;:t .IL~ ~ •"\: .... -~~ ~ :"""lf I :\Ill ='~~ ~ •' ~ -T-'m • -~ ~ -f.ICJ:i. :: ~ -~ ---~ -.-r-::a: ~-~ -=--~= -~ ~;r--:rn.r • ~~A~=' "r.'11....,. :l."Wf ~ ~ .,-.C CJ I ~~ ~ " ., .... ,...-s <::" ':? :l: l"nl" :.:r-..:"< .: '!n -....,~,....,,...,.~ :: -ciir --- ~ ...... ~ -.:iw- •• • • ::-. t-,, ;. -:lrlt"!¥ .. :'\t -- ...com uca.1ona wm• .... .,. Pans Play~'" ( 1954 C. >rt ed)) ao.i..8'Y Boy$. Veaa Vonn An 1n is sent 10 Pans to pose as a scien1l"t aria uncoYef tnose attempting to stea a ~1.0r~1 lorrnula ( I hr 30 rTWl l Jr --"LOSlfl II 1982 Corr"~' Tom CruiSe Jackie Eaoe Ha-e.., > 0u1 •eeo-age bOyS l'lOpng 10 ~ 1'-.e-t • · ~ n t, I". a T1,uana OfOt~ P<:I< up an olele1 w,•m an gong SOV1"l 1or a MeJCic.an d """ " R ,,.., ~m.n J "9 J{\ --... y fotO< l 1983 Ror-..; Cf'\ C&•er Ka~ Matt Lattat\ZI A l'l!Qt ~'•IJOI S1V.Je"I t>ecomeS r~ica • "·i>l•eO #1fl tf'ot' OIOer •oman •1'0 6 tv1or ~ •wn llf1 F~ 'A" I • rw-31 rrw; ,.a ... W ~--.0 AT&Mm IT'ITOm• • t:ll ..,, ..... .. ,(); C81 ... _,,,AT'Clt --T">t ~ 1983 :: ...,., ;:-, .,_ al:e" "' .. ,..au ~ lllrilla...,s A cv ::• ~e-c ~ :a•e cft •:;, ·~ O' ~ H:arc>StVe i: ...;call(' as.~·~ .. -an ° c· !V u ~ir .. I .,.. .a.-J-c~ Ar<: A ~·;,p..-ar • ;iio; ::>an-.a R;c."'lafc Gt'-'!! ~va ... ~ ·-J1diSCClt".o~ ••'la'O' ... ,, .. :a-~·~ ~s '"IS ,.,..,..C" r ~ r,;n ~ ...... ~ : <"S•r-.JC•;;y c i: ... ,~ " -.. ... :c: .,.. ::.r~--~ - -,a ""'O!:'XI" 43~ ~.a. :. .~ 't"' .:· -._...,,..~ s:~ ... ::;,-a ;; :: ~ :.:00> t".;:1'A1e ·.a~ a=o..· ·.--i·-a·,.,c ~~ l:/tlff!f" ~,..<ir. a • " J'.i L.~"e • ~· .r~ aflo:: ~ -Y ....,...::._.,, .. X-..'~ c •..,. ~-_,.,.. ...T C*Oamtw_. ~ ... :r.1 IMTW .. lf .,.. C....: a.. .... s ~-=-~ ~ ~:n r a::,.:,e.·· __ ,... ... -ICGTT .. ___ ,.. __ ,.nam:u1 ..4 .,. ~ f.~ -v .Nr"" • ·~:--t ~~ ~.--rs 5-...'' :0 .--!! =---~· ~ ~ =' ~V"\; ... ::--: _rps :r:--.. ,. l '"..... ':<a"9f -. -• ~ 1 ==~-;.,,,.-,.. ~ ~-.. ~ -e •-..: • :..~ • ":r 45 ...... •l!N,_1 •AaY .e r .,. y -~ ...._~- ~~ ~~--~l!. ... •""lll'f ;:-.... --~ .Y'".:915 • ~~ .- ~~ :-.t' ... :O.j • ~ ~ ~ " c-· .... .... , . ..,, -~ ---~ ·~ -~:,t -Mon Graham Chapman. Peter Boyle A mean and ornery pirate escapes from prison after twenty years and searches for his son who has a map leading to buried trea- sure 'PG' ( 1 hr 4 1 min ) Island Ot Adventure· ( 1979. Actven ture) Norman Bowlee Wilfred Brambeu U. hr . 25 min.) CZ) "Fat Chance" (198 1, Comedy) r arn ham Scott January Stevens ( 1 hr . 40 mm ) -CC) North To Alaska ( 1960 Adven- ture) John Wayne. Stewart Granger t2 hrs. 2 min) Cll "All At Sea" ( 1958. Comedy) Alec Guinness. Irene Browne ( 1 hr . 27 min ) -al) "Oaring Game" ( 1968. Ofama) Lloyd Bridges. Nico Mmardos (2 hrs ) -IJ "The Saint And The Brave Goose' ( 1981. AdVenture) Ian Ogilvy, Gayle Hun- nicut (2 hrs ) (%) "Tempest" ( 1982 Comedy) Jol'ln CassaYetes. Gena Rowlands. (2 hrs 25 mm ) 1t.al (8) 'Lovesick · I 1983, Comedy) Dudley M00<e. Eltzabeth McGovern. ( 1 hr • 35 min) CJ) "The Shall Of Love" ( 1983, Comedy) Morgan Fa11ch1ld . Anthony Geary ( 1 hr . 32m1n) -Afternoon Movies- a.cm · AbbOll And Costello Go To Mars ( 1953. Comedy) Man Blanchard. Horace McMahon ( 1 hr 30 mm) CC) "Stroker Ace" ( t983, Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Loni Anderson ( 1 hr , 36 min I W (OJ "Sophie s Choice" ( 1982, Drama) Meryl Streep. Kevin Kline (2 hrs 37 mm) :%) Ladies AM Genth!man. The Fabv lous Stains" ( 1981. Musical) Diane Lane, Ray W1nstone ( 1 hr 27 min ) t.11 ~ My Favorite Vear ( 1982 Comedy) Paler o·Toole Jessica Harper ( 1 I'll 35 min) 4D · Ftre Over Africa \ 1954, Adventure) Maurll9n 0 Hara Macdonald Carey ( 1 hr 30 min) • :tJ "Around The World In 80 Days ' ( 1956 Adventure) Da111d Niven Shirle'( MacLaone (2 hrs . 48 mon ) (BJ ·Melanie" < t982 Orama) Burton Cummings. Glynnis O'Connor ( t hr . 49 mm) tte(Z) · Hobson·s ChOlee · ( 1954, Comedy) John Mins. Charles Laughton < 1 hr 4 7 mm) Ml(() "The Seduction" ( 1982, Suspense) Morgan Fa11child. Michael Sarrazln ( 1 hr •5m1n l ~ 'Thf" Hound Ol The Baskerv1lles ( 1939. Mystery) Ba!.11 RalhbOne Nigel Bruce ( 1 hr 20 min I .. ®"The Learning Tree · ( 1969, Drama) Kyle Johnson Alex Clarke ( 1 hr , 47 min I d Island 0 1 AdVenlure' I 1979 AdVen lurel Norman Bowlee Wilfred Brambell 1.!. hr . 25 min ) Cl) "Easy Money" ( 1983. Comedy) ROd ney Dangerfield. Joe Pescl ( 1 hr • 35 min) -~ "The Day The Earth Stood SllH" (1951. Sclenee-Flctlon) Michael Rennie. Patricia Neal ( 1 hr . 23 min,) CD "David Copperfield" ( 1983. Orama) Animated VOlces by R06S Hlgg!M. Phillp Hinton ( 1 hr 12 min ) --lvenlng C81 .... 11/LOIO .-ATllT OmtlCMtBO 'Mm'IC09Ml'f IAm.BTM QAUC11ICA • •11•-..r me ... IUIAllT'B MIOUQM M MTI NA ICMA11 Norns Wlltlams vs Robeft v1s1tac1on for the u s lightweight champr- ooshlp utle scheduled tor nine rounds (from Shreveport, La ) (A) ( 1 hr . 30 min J CID MOVll "Vellowbeard" (1983. Come- dy) Graham Chapman. Peter Boyle. A mean and ornery pirate escapes from pris- on at18f twenty years and searches for his son who has a map leading to buried 1rea- sure 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 41 min ) (DJ GAUCHO A youth from an immigrant community In New York City gets a police- man f<>< an m-law and desl)ite p<evious SUsPiCIOOS, develops 8 fnendshlp with him. (I) llOWW "The Shatt Of Love" (1983. Comedy) Morgan Fa1rchild, Anthony Geary In lhis soap opera spool, the lives of several people-from a suspicious pri- vate investigator to a comatose woman- are lnler!Wlned ( 1 hr . 32 mtn ) GDICIYMDlU d (]J Ml I HAI, •lllOQll-Fr""OPI-Ne WITCMll Washington lrvtng (Tom Aldredge) Intro- duces dramauzauons of three tales by. respect1Vety 0 Henry. Bordon Deal and Ray Bradbury CZ) awua ~ TAUi wrnt Guest •1Joa5=i-:. •• _ ..... "',.,,.. MOSTW llOYll "Things In Thetr Season" ( 1974, Drama) Patric1& Neal, Ed Fland- ers Betrothal and illness lhreaten the sta- b•hty 01 a W1sconsm tarm lam1ly ( 1 hr 15 mtn) (%) llOVW 'Tempesl' ( t982 Comedy) John Cassaveles, Gena Rowlands A New Vo1k archllect leaves lhe pressures ot urban hie and mamage and escapes 10 a Greek island w11h his daughter and a ftee- sp1nted young woman m this updated ve1- s1on of Shakespeare's play. 'PG' (2 hrs . 25 mint .. , :.:",,.um 7111 c. ... ..... llAllllAL..a P& IUG.Ulm A V1Slt with muSlc1an Herb Alpert a fire diving stunt by world i h d1v1ng champion Petty Davis llOllC ""*"' ... M•W Los Angeles Dodgers a1 Sa= Pedte5 (3 hrs ) I LO¥I ccor1': •coo•••OUWCCUfrf "A Tap-estry Of Black Culture" A special program on the ans In Orange County's Black soci- ety is presented In hono< of both Black HittOf'Y Month and the birthday of Manin Luther King (I) .,. "Sounder" ( 1972. Orama) Cicely Ty10n. Paul Winfield. During the dark OepresslOn years. a family of blaci( sharecropper• struggle 10 stay logether In 5pite ot overwhelming oOd9 ·o· ( 1 hr •5 min) (D)mwll "Sophie's Choice" (1982. Dfa- ma) MefYI Streep, Kevin Kline. In 1947. a young wrlt&f from the South takea up reel deoce With a beaullful PotlSh Immigrant a victim of Nazi persewuon. and her Jewish intellectual boyfriend 'A' (2 hrs . 37 min ) CID.,_ "The Catcher" (1971, Orama) Michael Wltney. Jan-Michael Vincent A former police detective joins forces WTth an undefground newspaper publisher 10 "catch" wanted persons for private cli- ents. (2 his.) NI 8 I Oii M TOW Hlatured. in London, a look a1 how the British keep thelr spirits up whefl the weather's down plus a IOU< of a museum dedicaled to 1ust one fam1- ls iT::~":. TICTAC~ "°"" caurr W.0. KDWlll.Dtll 11-.u MAI ...... Neal Gabler and Jef- frey Lyons look at movleS and musk: videos. Including soenes from "Aash- danoe." "Foolloose" and "Romancing The Stone " (R) (1)-IA-W.(IQ CID ,.,. ... IOCll Red iS sure she dlscoY- ered a mysterious beast, bvt no one believes her. .. 8 (J) ICAMCllOW Ne ma. U. Enemy agents kidnap Amanda. mistaking her for Scarecrow. to exchange her for a spy that Lee captured (R) ( 1 hr ) II GD DICK CUM'I QOOO CU' DAYI ... liOliY IOI TO --Co-hosts Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon 104n Dick Clarl< and riis guests lnclUdlng Connie Francis. Fabian and the Kingston Trio for a 1()()1( at the 1950s and 1960s (A) (2 hrs) 8 m¥ll "Laserblast" ( t978. Scieoce- FlcllOO) Kim Milford, Cheryl Smith A mtS- chleVous teen-ager ge1s hrs hands on an advanced weapon lefl by cateieSS aliens I hrs.) ..... ..., T'tlUINT z.- .,. "G1g1" ( t958. Musical) Mau- rice Chevallef. Leslie Caton A tombOy being groomed by her aunt and grand- mother sets ou1 on her own 10 catch a man (2 rirs ) II CMAMJ1 .... B11t1Sh Agenl Charlie Mutfm attempts to persuade a KGB head to defect. (2 hrs ) G .-AT ~ "Budden- brooks" In 1870, the 1001h anniversary of the Buddenbfooj( firm, Erica's husband Is J811ed, and Erica and Toni return home. ~art 7 of 9) Q ( 1 hr ) (t) llOVll "Stroker Ace" (1 983, Come- dy) Burt Reynolds. Loni Anderson. A truck8f makes a bad deal with an unscu- puloos fried chicken franchiser and bec:omes romanllcally involved with a pretty bul v11gtnal pubhc relahons woman 'PG' (t hr 36m1n) (£) lflOITICllfT'M (8) m¥ll "Goin' All The Way" (1982 Ofama) Dan Waldman. Deborah Van Rhyn. A hlQh schOOI sen!Of anxrousty tnes 10 get hlS vinuous g11llnetld 10 go to bed with him. 'A' ( 1 hr . 25 min.) (1)1101111 "The SuNtvors" ( 1983. Come- dy) Walt&f Matthau, Robin Wiiiams "-pail Of unempk>yed businessmen ta)(e oft fOf the wilds ot New Hampshire to eecape a syndicate hit man 'R' ( 1 hf . 44 min.) •;TICTAC~ =--(I) -.,_ .. The Borgia Shelf ( 1967 Suspense) Don Murrey. Inger SI~ Two men in a cnme syndk:ate try to break away from the organlz;attoo 12 hrs .. 5 Sunday. July 29, 1984 13 -Monclay Coal. min l .. 8 Cl)•DAYATA1m Barbara lrnds an unel(pected caree1 opportunity when Mane 1mpulSiVely takes her on a vaca11on ') m 0. LA. Featu,ed· a look at Ille in L.os r It's people and their dreams ti 8"91TUIBT taaCf Featured ~ristle Btlnkley discusses her venture into the Clothing industry CD IVll•ll AT '°'9 Marvin Hamllsch per- fOtms music from "They're Playing Our Song," "A Chorus line" and "The Way We Were •· '{R) ( 1 hr ) (!) lflQllTl&.OOI Oil CD .,. "Blue Skies Again · ( 1963 Comedy) Harry Hamlin, M1m1 Rogers A woman attempts to try out f()( a spot on a bfO·league baseba" team despite the opposition of men 1n the club and lhe owner. 'PG' (1hr .. 27 min) (%) llOWll "Heads Of Tails" ( 1960. Suspense) Phlllppe Notrel. Michel Ser- rault A female police Investigator and a widower try 10 find out lhe tacts surround· 1ng the death of the man's wife ( 1 hr 45 min.) I .... tAM .. IM.11. ~ .. Cl) emWMMT Kirk Devane 1s scheduled 10 be married. bur 11's not quite certain that he can remain consc1oos dunng the eete~(R) 8 Of THI Dll OL. 'fWUD Sched- uled Bastletball and boxing Pfehm1nanes, women's volleyball Pfehm1nanes (llVe lrom Los Angeles) Scheduled events are sub- Ject to change o ( 1 hr 30 min ) CJ) llOWll "Gaslight" l 1944 Suspense} Charles Bo~er. Ingrid Bergman A d1aboh· cal husband sets oot to dnve his wife insane. (2 hrs 30 min ) 9 QAISI Of M Dll OL. YWUD Coverage continues from Los Angeles o ( 1 hr JO min) I AUITULWI UD POOTUU. (R) llOl'mcaeAM.YM ... ...,. .. -Cl) ~ I LACa'Y Chns and Mary Beth beeome frustrated when they dtSCov- 8f how dltticult 1t IS lo break a porno- Q!_aphiC hlmmaJung ring (R) ( 1 hr ) u a CAllm ~.,.a na Aueri Funt and AngM!I Olck1nson hoSI An inter- view with Mul'lammad Ah dinner patrons struggle with ketchup that won t come out of Its bottle. spoons that meH a vehicle that splus tn half while 1n motlOf' (RJ ( 1 hr) I ..... THIUlff .-AT •• i:.•.:11 "Budden brOOks" In 1870. the 100th annNersary ol the BuddenbrOOk firm. Enca·r. husband 1s 1a11ed, and Enca and Toot return home (Part 7 of 9)9 ( 1 hr ) G IC IWI• I._, lfTO llAQE An 1nleN18W with award-winning Cart For~ man, whose credits include "High Noon·• and "Bridge Ovet The Aiv&f Kwa1 · (R) CC) .,.. "An11l}'V1Ue II The Possession (1982. Honor) Burt Young, James Olson A tamlly el(pefiences supematurany lnflu· enoed problems atter moV1ng into a Long Island house. 'R' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) CRl 9CMI "The Best Little WhorehOuse In Texas" ( 1962. MUS>Cal) Burt Reynolds. Dolly Panon A flamboyant. muckraking TV per~hty tries to close down a popu- lar = hOU$9 'A' ( 1 hr 55 min ) (lJ) "Smithereens ( 1982 Orama) Susan Berman. Richard Helt A young woman hns the New York nightclub c11cu11 14 Sunday, July 29. 1984 1n hopes of beeomlng a rock 'n' roll sing- ~star 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (.I) .,.. "My Fav011te Year" ( 1962 Comedy) Peter O'Toole. Jessica Harper A d1psomaniacal lormet matinee Idol has dlffteully coping with the PfSSSUres ol a live TV performance during television's l~PG· (1hr,35mln) -... ..,.. ... WllMTM AW GYM A IOOk at a neighbo<hOOd boxing gym In Brooklyn. N '1 , where a construction w01ker trains tor an amateur compe11tion .. Q}') .WW "Big House US.A." { 1955. Orama) Broderick Craw1ord. Ralph Meek- e< A case merits FBI invotvement when a young boy Is kidnapped from a North Country camp ( t hr 45 min.) .. CO m'ftl "Fehc1a" ( 1960. Orama) Jean Roche. Mary Mendem An Australian cou pie's marriage 1s shaken up by the atrtval of a bored ~m_Qhet ( I hr , 5 min ) ,. euum-- IOWMI ...... LAUGK• TMl&i& ·-IO&.l)ICUllTI TOTMIU.. ... -··-M.L (II) llOWll "Ouerelle" { 1982, Drama) Brad Davis. Franco New A young homo- sexual sailor meets a man 1n a French bo< dello who is not only a murderer bur also his ~posed brother 'R' (2 hrs.) 11:119 Cl)..._ .. , ... Magnum 1s hired by a hot-headed Texan 10 find his sister. who may have been murdered (RJ ( 1 ht 10 min} D fJD lllT Of CAMOlf Host Johnny Car-son Guests Bob Newhart Anthony Quinn, Miss USA 1963 Julie Lynne Haye!\ I) (lhr) •llMCHOf-.... CK:laln Alall ..... PUCI ··-··Of IAll flR..::.CO LAW am!ICA Scheduled Mar sha Dorman. author of "How To Stay Two When Ba~kes Three " ( 1 hr ) i "°"'~­"'9MCY ... 19 Q.UI Featured Lenell Geter discusses his false arrest and armed rob- bery COOVIChon ( 1 hr 30 min ) 1tiel(I) m'ftl "I, The Jury" ( 19S2, 01ama) Armande Assante. Barbara Carrera P11 vate eye Mike Hammer tangles wllh a coterie ol villains as he altempts to avenge a war buddy's murder 'A' (I hr 50 min) 1WI AllMLTID..,... 1119 1'K.tlHf Jam "'.,..,.. llOWll "I Was A Male War Blide' ( 1~9 Comedy) Cary Grant Ann She11- dan A Frenchman mamed to a WAC a11emp1s to gain entry to the U S at the same time as a groop of war bndes (2 hrs. 15 mlt'I) CJJ ••....., ... (ti 9CMI "The MOlntng Atler" ( 197•. Orama) Otck Van Dyke. Lynn Cerhn Through Pfessures in his IOb and the responsibilities of his uppef middle-class hie a man starts drinking and eventually loses all he ever w01ked for ( l hr . 30 min) CD TtlCll Of TMI -.r Guests T on1 Ten nille. 1(1m Fields and Lisa Whelchel from "Facts Of life," Wally George Kitty Bruce (daughter of Lenny Bruce). come- dian Pat Coopoi (A) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Cl) Cfl POOTIAU. T Olonto Argonauts at Calgary Stampeders !RI (2 hrs 30 min.) CH) m¥ll "Drawl" ( 1984, Adventurei Kirk Douglas. James CobYm A veteran outlaw IS challenged to a gunfight by an old adversary aftM he kltts a she11H during a pok..;&arne. O ( I hi .. 37 mm.) (0) • "Thieves Like Us" ( 1974, Ora· ma) Keith Carradine, Shelley Duvall Three escaped con\llcts set oH on a crime spree duflng the Oepfessl<>n years in the Sooth (2 hrs ) 11:9@ 110¥11 "The Yoong W1m01s" (1967 Drama) James Drury, Steve Carlsoo A tough sergeant and one of his young, b11 ter recrults react dltterently to the horro• of war (2 hrs. 5 mtn.) CC) m'ftl "The Happy Hooket Goes To Washington" { 1977, Comedy) Joey Heatherton, George Hamilton The irrepressible Xaviera Hollander iourneys to the U S capital and uncovers aome very sensltrve seaet doc:Uments 'A' ( 1 hr 29 min) tt9 0 ID LATI -.r wnM DA• UTllMIM Guests· Madellne Kahn, comedian George Wallace. Larry "'Svd" Melman (R) ( t hr) I AL"8 tlTQICOCI(....,. .,_ "El Condor" ( 1970, Western) Jim Brown, lee Van Cleef A chain gang escapee and a white Apache leader head f()( MexlCO to steal a m1llton-dOllar fOftune 1n gold (1 hr. 30 min) I ROWMl ...... LILMlllljlClt.._.,. •• LCM, tm CMtm.I ,.. OIW. ll&MCI m'ftl "Bad Boys" ( 1982 Orama) Sean Penn. Ren1 Santoni A young hOOd lum accidentally kills the younger brother of a teen-age dope dealer during a police chase and is sen! to a tough refOfmatory 'A t! hr , 56 min ) 111i118 Cl) 110W11 "A Big Hand For The L•ttle Lady" ( 1966. Comedy) Henry Fonda Joanne WOOdward A perpetual loser's wife manages 10 win back then lost sav· i s in a card game (R) {1 hr 20 min I ,. -wm fttlMO--T'IC-1•- llOWll "The Battle Of The Villa F1on1a ( 1965, Comedy) Maureen O'Hara, Rich ard Todd The children of an estranged coople connive 10 reunite their parents I 1 hr . 30 min.) CZ) mvm "Easy Mooey" (1963. Come dy) Rodney Dangerfield Joe Pesc1 A man who likes to eat. drink and smoke 1n excess stands to win $10 m11Uon 11 he sac ntices his w()(ldly pleasures for one yea1 'A' ( I hr • 35 min ) 19 D Iba.TM laO I.I) 9CMI "Come Out Fighting" f 194!> Comedy) Leo Gorcey. Huntz Hall At 1tw same time the Kim are gMng boi(lng les sons 10 the son of the police comm1SS1on et they also find ttme to get lnvol\/ed w11t1 i~~~~~r. 30 min.) .,. ........ uumt. bel .,_ "Summer Camp" ( 1979, Com edy) John C Mclaughlin, Matt Michaels The owner of a falling summer camp decldeS to ra~ money by holding a reunion fOf the now-matured alumni 'R' i!. hr • 30 min ) .,_(HJ .,.. "The Betsy" ( t976. Orama ) Laurence Ollvl8f. Robert Duvall Baseo on the novel by Harotd Robbins A powe<lul and relentless Detroit auto 1ycoon brings a daredevll racing star into his company 10 develOp o revolutlonary new vehicle 'A ~hrs, 12 min.) W CCH ICMI "CYJo" (1983, SuspeNe) Dee Wallac.. Denny Pint~o A woman and her young son art trapped In thff car at -Monday Cont. an ISOiated auto repa11 yard by a huge. rabid dOg. 'R' ( 1 hr • 31 min ) MllflS!' ... __..ATQt Y'·~Got Me Covered" (1943. Comedy) Bob Hope. Dorothy Lamour A Walhlngton sabotage ring 1s accidenlally invaded by a fOOl!sh newspaperman ( 1 hr , 35 min) -1~Cl ,,.,., IWMIMIT ~(IQ ... llOWll "An Unsuitable Job For A Woman" ( 1982. Mystery) Ptppa Guard, Billie Whitelaw. Aft8' the death of her pri- vate--eye boss. a young woman takes over the agency and Is hired to inveshgare a bizarre sulClde ( 1 hr • 34 min ) -~=._,,. .. -llondntr Movies- .. ~ "Things In Their Season" (1974. Ora- ma) Patricia Neal, Ed Flanders ( 1 hr . 15 min) "Cl) "The Hound Of The Baskerv1lles' ( 1939 Mystery) Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce ( 1 hr • 20 min ) •(%) "Ladles And Gentleman, The Fabu- lous Stains" ( 1981. Musical) 0.al'le Lane Ray W1nstone ( 1 hr 27 mm ) •«!J 'Tap Roots" (1948. Orama) Susan Hayward. Van Helhn (2 hrs ) -~ "Moonllgh11ng" (1982. Comedy) Jeremy Irons Eugene L1p1nsk1 ( 1 hr 3!> mm) CH) Moon Madness" ( 1982 Advenlure) Animated ( 1 hr . 15 min ) .. Cl) "David Copperfield" ( 1983 Drama) Animated V01Ces by Ross Higgins. Ph1l1p Hinton (1 hr. 12 mm) 19 (I) "Written On The Wind ( 195 7. Dre- ma) Dorothy Matone. Roberr Stack (7 hrs) 19 (%) "The SuMvors" ( 1983 Comedy) Walter Ma11hau Robtn Williams ( 1 hr 44 mm) •ca> "Octopussy" ( 1983. Adventure) Roger Moore. Maud Adams (2 hrs 10 min) CJ) "The Toy" ( 1982 Comedy) Richarc1 ~OI'. Jackie Gleason ( 1 hr. 40 min) -~"The Secret 01 NIM H " ( 1982. Far1 1asy) Animated V01Ces ot Elizabeth Hart man, Dom Deluise ( 1 hr . 20 min ) -~ "Rt0 Bravo" ( 1959. Western) John Wayne. Dean Martin (2 hrs 25 mm ) CB) "Wavelength" ( 1983 Science r1c rion) Rober! Carradine. Chene Currie 11 hr. 27 min) (I) "Saddle The Wind" (1958, Western) Robert Taylor. Julie London (1 hr . 30 min.) -® "Olso<derty Orderly" ( 1964. Comedy) Jerry Lewrs, Glenda Farrell (2 hrs ) -· "The Revenge Of Frankenstein ( 1958, Horror) Peter Cushing. Francis Mathews (2 hrs ) 1W CB) "Smokey And The Bandt! Part 3 . ( 1983, Adventure) Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed. (1 hr .. 25 min.) Cl) "Reds" (1981, Orama) Warren Beat !li._ Oiafle Keaton (2 hrs 40 min ) CZ) "Blade Runnet • ( 1982. Science F1c t1on) Hamson Ford. Rutger Hauer f I hr 54mln.) -a11eraoon Movies- -• .. Abbott And Costello Meet Dr Jekyll ~ .......... 19 PAmta 110¥11 "The Ktdnapptng Ot The Prest denl • ( 1980 Suspense) Wilham Shatner. Hat HOlbrOOk Whtie on a state ~ISi! to Toronto. the President of the United States ts kidnapped and held IOI' ransom 1n an armOfed truck Idled With explosives 'R' ( 1 hr . 37 min ) ~ llO¥ll "The Survivors" ( 1983. Come~ dy) Welter Mallhau. Robin Williams A pe11 of unemployed businessmen take off tor the Wiids of New Hampsh11e to escape a syndicate hit man 'R' ( 1 hr . 44 min ) MICH) mVll "Yellowbeard" (1983. Come- dy) Grariam Chapman. Peter Boyle A mean and ornery pirate escapes from pns on after twenty years and searches tor hts son wtw has a map leading to buned trea su1e 'PG' 11 hr 41 min.) And Mr Hyde" ( 1953. Comedy) ~or1s KarlOtf, Craig Stevens. ( 1 hr . 30 mtn ) CO) "SylV18 Scarlett' (1935. Comedy) Kathartne Hepburn, Cary Grant ( 1 hr . 37 min.) ta:9 CC) "Stars And Stripes Forever" ( 1952. Biography) Chfton Webb. Debra Paget {J~ hr . 29 min ) 1lll CZ)' The Earrings Of Madame De" ( 1954 Orama) Charles Boyer Danielle Dameoll t1 hr 45 min) '1' 'V1rg1n Island ( 1959. Advenrure) John Cassaveles. Virginia Maskell ( 1 hr 30 min) a.:t) "Going In Style" f 1979. Comedy) George Burns. Art Carney ( 1 hr 36 mtnJ JD Ball Of Fire ( 1942, Comedy) Gary Cooper. Ba1bara Stanwyck f 1 hr 51 min) 1111 CH: ·swamp Thing· ( 1982 Fantasy) Adrienne Barbeau Louis Jourdan ( 1 hr 30m1n) CJJ 'The Surv1v0fs" ( 1983. Comedy) Walter Mallhau Robin WOhams I 1 hr 44 min) a::a (%) "Ladies And Gentleman The Fabu lous Sta1hs" ( 1981, Mus.cal) Dtane Lane. Ray W1nstone ( 1 hr 27 mm ) W (C) Moonlighting' ( 1982 Comedy) Je1emy Irons Eugene L1pmsk1 ( 1 hr 35 min) d (J) "David Copperfield" ( 1983. Orama) Animared Voiees by Ross Higgins. Ph11ti:: Hmlon ( 1 hr 12 min) .. CI) Back To The Planet Of The Apes ( 1974 Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Roddy McDowaM. Ron Harper (2 hrs l OJ Mysle<y 01 Tho MilltOn Dollar Hockey Pucio.' ( 1975 Mystery) MIChael Mac- Donald. Angela Knight ( 1 hr 30 min ) (%) "The Survivors" ( 1983. Comedy) Wallet Matthau. Robin Wiiiiams ( 1 hr . 44 min) --ll.iEvenin.ag----• ..... Lim.I ltOUll OI THI MMm CM_,,. IUl.C*) ,,_..C09MY IATTUITM UUC'nCA ...... .arr -... ....,.,... MIOUGltl'MI MTI .ml "The Secrel Of N I M H " ( 1982 Fentaay) AnlfTl8ted VOICet of Elizabeth Har1man. Dom Deluise A secret society of tats aids a desPerale ·1 CMICMO'l~.all'T :rn:-• .,.. (II) cm....,.. -ICOTT w1MC.,..n1u11n•111 nt1auea11 .,. "Smithereens" ( 1982, ()-ama) Susan Berman. Rlchard Hell. A young woman hits the New York nightclub cwC1Jlt 1n hopes of becoming a roclt 'n' roll Sing- ~star 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 mu'\) CZJ.,. "Fat Chance" ( 198t, Comedy) Farnham Scott, January Stevens. Two overwetght, self-conscious pen pals plan on meeting In person but each backs out at the last minute and send$ a substitu1e r 1 hr -'O min.) ._ ttll 1"1 'Al'Tmll PA&Y held moose In saving hef home from the ruthtessness of man 'G' ( 1 hr . 20 min ) cm.,. "Heartaches" (1981. Comedy) Margot Klddet. Annie Potts A ptegnant woman tags along with a ptayglf1. 'R' ( 1 h< .. 35 min.) Cl) ~ "The Toy" ( 1982 Comedy) Richard Pryor, Jactue Gleason A muttimll- honalre "purchases" an unemployed black man as a plaything for his spoiled )'OUng soo 'PG' ( 1 hr . -'O min ) mlll*YMDWI ·1--Dooml DUGOUT 11AC:m.1~••w -.OIPOmm I ~-••t•' .ml "Wavelength" ( 1983. Science- F1ct1on) Robert Carradifle, Chene Cume Three creatures lrom outer space are cap- tured end detained by the U S Air F0<~ for medlcal ellpenmentat1on 'PG' ( 1 hr . 127 ~t ... ... ooom,.aum 19 Cll ... .... llMlllAUW. , .. llAQAZlll A VIS11 With 8uf1 Rey- nolds, motorcycle paramedics Ill actt0n at a d1r1 bike race ~--WCIMI ~ '::.w. Los Angeles Dodgers at San 0eego Padres (3 hrs l I ... OI fllOR'T\l9 LOVICGfl•~ llOTWSW POCllf • t •aw Minnesota Fets vs Willie Moeconl ( t hr ) CD llO¥ll "Don's Party" ( 1976, Come- dy) John Hargreave. Pat Bishop A group of suburbanites gather at a trlend's house 10 watch the electk>n returns ( 1 hr . 31 min) CZ) llOWll "Grea1 Expectations" ( 1S.7. Orama) John MMts. Valerie Hobson Based on the st()()' by Charle6 Dickens. A young boy's hie is deeply inftuenoed by a chanoe encounter with an escaped pr& oner ( 1 hr .. 58 min) e .ml "Cisco Pike" ( 1971. Orama) Gene t=lackman. Kris Knstofferson A crootced narcohcs agenr blackmails an ex- con into dealing a large quantity ot mert- ~na (2 hrs.) HI. I OI TNI Toa Featured· roling through Las Ve(J8a. with a lesson on otd Sunday, Juty 29, 1984 15 -Tuesday Cont. versus new slot machines, other gambling tuperstltlons and a V!Slt with an all-night l chlatrlst 1 ,-.,..., .• -..,. TICTAC_,.. llOWll "Siik Stockings .. (1957 Mus•· eel) Fred Asta11e, Cyd Charisse An Amerlean film producer becomes Involved with a female RUSS1an agen1'}' Paris (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I Wl.D, RO wo.Jt °' •m'Lt llOWA lnvesOgatt!S the origtrni and lhe dilemmas of the continuing nuclea1 weap-ons crlski (A) o ( 1 hr ) ~.,,. "Rio Bravo" ( 1959. Western) John Wayne. Dean Martin An Old cripple. a former deputy·turned·drunk. e young QUICkdraw gunslinger and a gtrl help a sheriH to outsmart a powertul ranchef who wants to ger his killer brother released from j><lsoo. (2 hrs .. 26 mlf'I ) .. 9 (I) AIFISW. VISlte><s' Day at Gen Perahing Hospital brings out a strange var~ of guests (R) D m TMI A-TUii Soldiers-of.IC>ftune are hired by a news reporter to rescue col· leagues being held captive by Mexican btlndits (R) (2 hrs ) e.,.. "The Day Time Enoed' ( 1980 Science-Ficrron) Do10lhy Malone. Jim Devis A super nova from outer space arrives on earth and its radiation causes at1ange occurrences (2 his) l __.wu TRIMfla. ICWA Investigates the on91ns and the clllemma6 of the c0<11mu1ng nuclear wt"ap- ons CtlSIS (R) ~ 1 hr I (!) .alTIClli (8) m¥ll "An Officer AncJ A Gentleman" ( 1982. Orama) Richard Gere. Debra W1nge1 An und1sc1phned aviation officer ct1nd1date meets his match 1n a tough Naval drill instructor 'A' (2 hrs . 5 min ) (OJ m¥ll "Octopussy' ( 1983 Adven· Me) Roger Moore. Maud Adams A Aus· aian general plani. a hrst-st11ke attack against NATO countries 1n Europe 'PG' 1l hrs . 10 min ) (J)m¥11 "Reds" ( 1981, Orama) Warren Beatty. Diane Keaton Amerlean 1ournalls1 John Reed's 1nv01vement 1n the RuS&an Revoluttoo of 1917 1s depicted 'PG' (2 hra .. 40= .. 8 (J)TtC LR Martin's colleagues become angry when he attempts to per- suade the station owner a retired Singing cowb<>y. to make a comeback (A) • TlC TAC DOUGH iJi =Al A look at some of the most unusual spiders, selected from a range of thol.JS8nds of different sPee1es (R) Q ( t hr.) Cl)lll'lmATUTllO•rTI Highlights ot Super Bowl II Green Bay Packers vs O.k1-nd Raiders (A) CI)llOWI "Reds" (1981. Drama) Warren Beetty. Diane Keatoo American )OUrnahsr John Reed's involvement m the Russian Revolution of 1917 Is C)epected PG' (2 hra .. '° min.) •all llOYll ··Night Gallery' (1969 Suspense) Joan Crawfor<l. Barry Sulhvan Rod Selling presents three tales of the supernatural an hell provo+les his uncle's clMth: a wealthy blind woman buys a poo1 man·s •Y"· an e11·Naz1 dteams or becom 1ng part of a pl8Cld palnHng 1n a South American museum (2 hrs ) .. e ()) llOWI "A Smell Circle 01 Friends · ( 1980 Cfama) Brad DavtS. Karen Allen 16 Sunday. July 29. 1984 In the 1960s. the frlefldshlp and idealism of tt"" Harvard students is threatened wnen one of them IS drafled to serve en Vtetnam (R) (2 hrs) • G m C* LA. Featured a 1()()11. at Ole en Los Angeles. with a locus on people whose !Obs a1e un1gue to the City ol A~ I ..,...,,_ JBPn ~ Featured Richard Bur1on talks about his m1nise11es debut this fall ~..,....·~~ lflOllTa.GC* (II) m¥ll "Ouerelle" ( 1982. Cfama) Brad Davis, Franco Nero. A young homo- sexual sailor meets a man in a French t>or detlo wno is not 0<1ly a murderer but also his supposed bfother 'A' (2 hrs ) I lllMW.-.U. .. umt 0/11111 XIII OlYWUO Sched· uled Men's volleyball preliminartes, bas· ketball (Uve from LOS Angeles) Sched· uted events are 9Ubject to change ( 1 hr , 30mtn) (J) llCMI 'Penny Serenade" ( 1941, Ora ma) Cary Grant Irene Dunne Recenr adoptive parents learn that happiness can soon turn to tragedy (2 hrs . 30 min ) 0 GAISI Oii THI XIII Ol YWW> Covera1.ie con11nues from Los Angeles c:;i ( 1 hr 30 min) f1D MO•,.,TNIOR_llll_ (E') ..._ IOUTI OI TMI .,. Sugar Ray Leonard vs Wttlreo Ben1te1 (louqhr November 79 in Las Vegas, Nev ) ( 1 . hr) ~"1DU. ,._II Oi) W IQITOM l1&LI A m1ss1ng per- sons case brings Laura and Steele 10 a town where everyone 1s 1n on a secrer linv~";,;= money and murder IA) TMIUlfT .,.,.., m.n..~ VllTUlt A llLn*C*~' Amer 1ca Takes Charge 1965 1967" In two years. the Johnson adm1nis1rat101 d1spatcnes 1 5 mllllon Americans to tight 1n the war. (A) O ( 1 hr ) CC) ..... , tTc*I The WOik OI today's hottest young writers. directOfs and stars are ga1hered together in short ltlm. video and animateo segments ( 1 hr ) m10mo .,. (8) QITTllQ nllt vtC19 MHr UCI( Four true stories about victims of robbery, assault. rape and murder fighting beck through leg1sla11ve changes. law suits and counseling. ( 1 hr ) .. .., Ill "llmT ... (I) AUrO ~ World EndUrance • Nur burgrlng tOOO (lrom West Germany) IBl ( 1 hr > JV MOVll "Night Shift' ( 1982. Comedy) Henry Winkler. Michael Keaton Two nightllrr~ morgue attendants t>eeome "love brokers" for a group of hOOkers who have lost their pimp 'A ( 1 hr 4~ min) -(fl)llCMI . The Ltst Of Adrian Messengei' ( 1963. Mystery) George C Ss;ott Dena Wynte1 An Engh.~man belieYes that ~ and a number ol Other people ere targets ,,.lforflUifm ... lllOWAll I IMITWI UUCIK• TMl&SEd• IO&.alGl.DflTI TO TMI llAMOR ._ .,.. "Blade Runner" ( 198?. Set L'!flC&-FICllon) Hnmson Ford. Rutger Hauer In a world (')f the future a ·1oec1a1 police officer II assigned 10 ltadi. clown and destroy lour renegade androids 'R' l! hr • 5.4 min ) CZl m¥ll "The Sensuous Nurse" ( 1979, Comedy) Ursula Andress. Oullio Del Prete Greedy relat111es hire a sensual 'Florence Nighungale" to take care of an aging count suHenng lrom a delicate heart c0<1d1t1on ·R' ( 1 hr , 20 min ) 1tlll IJ (I) .cat.-n Steve Is 9USplcious of claims that a woman's fears about attacks on her Ille are only Imaginary. (R) ( 1 hr .. tOm1n) D GD IUTO/ICMICm Hosr· Johnny Car son Guests· Ben Corwy. Jerry Seinfeld. l oav:.= ~rtet (A) ( 1 hf ) WUP•~n AIClll..._..PUCI ..... Oii .. Pl•ICllCO UTllHlrT AmllCA Scheduled researcher David Franke 0<1 over 100 ·sa!9'j>\ace9 to live In Amerlea. ( 1 hr ) (f) lflOR"SIC81• (Kl llCMI "Easy Money" ( 1983. Come- dy) Rodney Dangerfield. Joe Pesci A man who llkes to eat. dunk and smo+le in excess stands to win $10 mllllon It he sac· 11hces his worldly pleasures lor one year n· ( 1 hr . 35 min ) llCMI "10" ( 1979, Comedy) Dudley Moore. Bo Derek A successful songwriter disturbed about h1t11ng 'mid· die age ... decides to chase after a beauti- ful girl on her way to tier wedding A' (2 hrs, 3 min) eb 111 cua Fea1ured author Maolyn rann1ng discusses the "not-so-golden years" ol aging parents. a woman who fe><gave her attackers. ( 1 hr • 30 min ) u.1 TWUlfT la. mWll "ThurSday's Game" ( 1971 Comedy) Bob Newha!I. Gene Wnder Even alter !he Thursday night poker game is discontinued, a pair of married men still 1nr.1s t on their ·night out with the boys .. { 1 hr . 30 min J 8 mWll "M1ss1on· Monte Carlo" (1971. Adventure) Roge< Moore. T 0<1y Curlis lwo 1et-se11ing playboys encounter 1n1rigue while vacationing in the posh con· tinental gambling mecca (2 hrs , 25 min) (J) ..... "lllll•Dl•MrT ... Ill llCMI "Sssssss" ( 1973. H0<r0f) Strother Martin. Dirk Benediet A famed snake expert sells his experimental fall· ures to a circus freak show. (2 his.) m nlCll (Ill TMI ..-r Guests Lota Falana. Eurythmiea. Ralph Nader, Jlm Hall (Road & Track magazine). LO!s Brom· field (A) ( 1 hr., 30 min ) (()PIA llAMTI Norris Wllllams vs Rot>e<t Visitacion for the U.S llQhlweight chempl onshlp title, scheduled f0< 9 rounds (ftom Shreveport, La.). (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CC m¥ll "Desire Under The Sun" ( 1983. Orama) Oomlmque Slnclalr. l.Burent Hou· ron A group of cBrefree people spends a lun-fllled weekend at an excfUSlve resort l! hr , 15 min ) -·Cl UTl-.rwmtDAVDUii&IWI Guests Valerie Pewne. former baSeball team owner Bill Veeck. stupid human itrlC~~-.nl lllOWMl ..... UUIM • LM. ,_ CAii tm.I rnaew.,.,.. lfT'mACT fl&I llOWW "Ladies And Gontleman. The Fabul0v5 Stains" (1981 , MUSlcal) Diane Lane, Ray W1nstooe lM mete<><ic rise of a trio ol female punlHOCkers le•Ot uttf· matetv to their se1t1ng out in the big-money ~~--------------------................. .. ~~clay Coal. w0tld of the muse industry 'A' ( 1 hr 27 min.) -al) ._,JlltTM OM ~nae "The Female Rebellion" ( 1 hr ) tM e (I) COi 'W A fom-.e< world chess champton ts found gravely 1n1ured iost before hts match tor the world lltle with the current champlOO (A) ( 1 hr . 20 min.) We .. "II Conquered The World .. ( 1956. Sctenoe-FtetlOO) Peter Graves Beverly Gar1and An ugly cave creature aided by a scientist tS bent on taking con- trol of the world ( 1 hr , 30 min ) (!) llO¥ll "Go West" ( 1940, Comedy) Marx Brothefs, Diana Lewis Several zany men turn their sights westward. wnere they get 1nvotved with trams and railroads ~hrs) m .,_"The Jazz Singer" (1953. Dra- ma) Danny Thomas. Peggy Lee A young JewlSh bOy defies his father·s wiSh lhat he become a prayer leader and turns to the stage as a 1au singer ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ~MOWll "The Happy Hooker" (1975. Comedy) Lynn Redgrave. Jean Pierre Aumont The hie of New York's famous call gtrl. Xavtera Hollander is told 'A' ( 1 hr . 36m1n) (Q)mwll "Hear1aches" ( 198 I , Comedy) Margot Kidder. Annie Potts. A pregnant woman tags along w11h a playg1rl ·n· ( 1 hr. 35 min) WOO MOWll "The Big Brawl" ( 1980 Ora ma) Jackte Chan, Jose Ferrer The !;on or a restaurant owner takes up a battle w11h some mobsters who enter him 1n an 1nte1 stale lighting match 'ff ( 1 hr . 36 min 1 (I) llOWI "Homework" ( 1982 Comedy) Joan Collins. Michael Morgan A h~h school student has a d1thcull time trymg to lose his V1rg1nity 'ff ( 1 hr 30 min I 1:111 MULTNMLD ATTMIMOWlll AU.•TMIHa.Y ......... UUQtt .. POCllT ••a--. Minnesota Fats vs Willie Mosconi IA) ( 1 hr ) -11orn1ng Movies- •CZl "An Unsuitable Job For A Woman" (1982, M~tery) Pippa Guard. Bill.a Wl11 1elaw ( 1 hr • 3-i min ) •CC) "The Secret Lile Of Walter M1t1y ( 1947, Comedy) Denny Kaye. V1rg1n1a Mayo ( 1 hr . 45 min ) •@ "Made For Each Othe<" ( 1939 Dre· ma) Cerote Lombard, James Stewart (2 hr&.) NI(!) "The Gtrl. The Gold Watch And Dyna mite.. ( 1981. Comedy) Lee Purcell. Phil MacHM8 (2 hrs ) CB> "Tempest" ( 198?. Comedy) John Caasavetes, Gena Rowlands (:? hrs 2~ min.) Cl> "Easy Money" ( 1983. Comedy) RO<l ney Oangerfteld, Joe Pesc1 ( t hr , 35 min) .. ~ "Stmon" ( 1980. Comedy) Alan Ark111 Austin Pendleton ( 1 hr . 37 min l (0) "Blue Skies Again" ( 1963, Comedy) Harry Hamlin, M1m1 Aoge<s ( I hr :' 7 min) •(%) "Heads Ot Tells · ( 1980, Suspense) Ph!Uppe NOiret. MIChel Serrault ( 1 hr 45 min,) •(I) "Red Headed Woman" ( Hl32 r>r.1 ma) Jean Harl<>W Ct!estflf Moms f I hr 14 min I 1:11 (Ill WOM.D AT&Mm W (I) _.,. tll AT LUIT -Dami ITAM Spoofs of current political event•. foreign affairs and the 1984 presidential election, featuring Ed Asnef. 81een Brennan. Chevy Chase. Mike Farrell, Howard Hesseman and Laraine ~man ( I hr ) * 1(1) Cll ... _,,,ATat ..... CllLll•rt Nm . MOWll "Heads Or Tatis" ( 1980. Suspense) Phillppe N0tret. Michel Ser· rault A female Polle• mvestlgator ana a wtdowet try 10 !ind out the facts surround· 1ng the death of the man·s wife ( 1 hr .. 45 mm) t:lt II MOWll .. Attack Of The Monsters' ( 1969. Science-Fiction) Nobuhlro Ka11· ma, CMstcpher Murphy The lnhat>ttants of the planet Teto threaten Earth with destruction ( t hr , 30 min ) G) llO¥ll "The Pumpkin Eater" ( 1964 Ofama) Anne Bancroft. Petef Finch A woman dlSCovers thal her fourth husband 1s unfaithful. but decides that her unbOrn child and her love tor hef husband are mor:=an1 (3 hrs I l ..., .. AOQM'T aJBZJITml M MOWll "Going In Style' ( 1979, Come dy) George Burns. Ari Carney Bored with s11t1ng all day on a beneh In lhe park lflree elderly gentlemen carefully plan a bank heist 'PG' ( 1 hr 36 min ) Cl) llO¥ll "Humongous" ( 1982. Horror) Janel Julian. David Wallace A disltgured murderer stalks a party of feckless teen- agers weekending oo a remote rsland R 1 hr 35 min) M llO¥ll "The Survivors· ( 1963, Come- dy) Waller Matthau, Robin W1tl1ams A pa11 of unemployed buSlnessmen take oft tor the wilds ol New Hampsture to escape a synd1<:ate hi! man 'A' ( 1 hr 4"4 min ) l:llC.ff)llOVll "The Octagon" ( 1980 Adven- ture) Chuck Norrts, Lee Van Cleel A wealthy young woman h11es a ret11ed mar- -(Ill "The Stooge' ( 1953, Comedy) Dean Martin Jerry Lewis (2 hrs ) ... Gidget G~ Hawanan" (1961 Comedy) James Darren. Deborah Walley ghrs) 1'111 CID "Olona.. ( 1980, Orama) Gena Row- lands, John Adames (2 hrs , 1 min ) (%) .. Great Expectations" ( 1947. Orama) John Mills Valerle Hot>son ( 1 hr 58 min) -JU1enaoon Movlea- 119 41) .. AbbOll And Costello In The FOfetgn Legion ( 1950, Comedy) Patricia Medi· na, Walter Stezak ( t hr 30 mm ) Ct) "Adventures 0 1 Sherlock Holmes·· { 1939. Mysle<y) Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. ( 1 hr 22 min ) ~) "Piaf' ( 1973. Blography) 8ng11te Artel, Pascale Christophe ( 1 hr . 40 min ) ~) · The Sea Wolves" ( 1980. AcNenlure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore (2 hrs ) 1alZl "fat Chance" ( 1981 Comedy) Fam· ham Scott January Srevens ( 1 hr •O m1n1 1:11 CC) "The> Secret Life 01 Watter Mitty .. ( 1947, Comedy) Danny Kaye. V1rg1n1a Mayo ( 1 hr . 45 min ) Oil 'St Helens'. ( t981 Drama) Art Cai nPv l);)111d Huflman 11 1'11 35 mtr I fial arts champlOn to protect her from t•· rorlsts trained by the mystenou. Nlnlll cull. 'A' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) .. ~CllCOAm'IMlllM ~ ':' POLICATI This concet1 by the London band lnctvdeS the perfonnence of "AockabUly Guy." "We Say YMh," "Jeeptter" and "Let'1 Bop." ..i'Amt• • I IM l'W (II) .. "Octopussy" ( 1983, ~ ture) Roget Moore. MaUd Adams. A ~ Slan general plans a first-str1ke attack against NATO countries In Europe. 'PG' ~ hrs • 10 mln.) M (I) MOWll "Qoefelle" ( 1982. ~ema) Brad Davis. Franco Nefo A young homo- sexual sailor meets a man In • French bOr· dello Who 1s not only a murderer but *> hrs supposed b<othef 'R' (2 Iva.) -• llOWll "Cowboy Serenade" ( 1942. Western) Gene Autry A daring COWbOy irec~ a cattle shipment from crook&. MO'I Pml.-.T Nn'm -ICOTT d MOWll "The To'{' (1982, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Jackie Gleason A nut~ 1tona11e "purchases" an unemployed t>tack man as a plaything for his epolled ~~'PG' (1 tv .40min) *ii~ "Stars And Stripes fot911er" ( 1952 Bt0graphy) Clltton Webb. Otbr• Paget Atter leaving the Manne Corpe Band. John Philip Sousa forms a band of h•s own ( 1 hr , 29 mm l •1MtC ... l11111Dfll•lt 1MllUftTI •.... .,..00 tlll lMI PAllTMMm ,._, .. MOWll "Wavelength" ( 1983, ~ F1clt00) Robert Carradine. Cherie Currie. Three creatures from outer speoe ar.c.p. lured and detained by the U S Air Force for medtcal expenmentatloo 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 27 min) m 13 West Street" ( 1962. Drema) Alan Ladd RO<l Stetget ( 1 hr • 30 min.) a. CD) The Big Sky" (1952. W.-ttm) Klrtc Douglas. Dewey Martin. (2 hta., 20 INn.) Cl) "They Got Me Coveted" ( HM3. Com- edy) Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamout. (1 hr .. 35m1n) •([) Young Doctors In Love" (1982. Comedy) Michael McKean. SMt't Young. {_1 hr . 35 rnfn ) CJ) "The Sur11lv0fs" ( 1983, Comedy) Watter Matthau Robin Wllllams. ( 1 hr .. 44 min I •CC) ·s o.s T1tan1C" ( 1979. Drwne) David Janssen. Cloris Leactvnen. (2 tn.. JO min) .. (!) "Forgotten City Of The Planet Of The Apes ( 1974 Scieno.Flc11ofl) Roddy McDowell. Aon Harpe< (2 hrs.) , (BS1 Of Eterhant Rock" (1981, Dra- ma) JOhn Hurt . .Jefemy Kemp ( 1 hr., 30 min I l.%) ·Tempest ( 1982. Comedy) JoM Cassavetes. Gena Row\ands (2 tn., 25 min J .. ® "Strange Brew" ( 1983. ~) Dave Thomas. Riek Morania. (1 hr .. ~ min I Sunday. July 29, 1984 17 l --llilvening ..... LJm.I _,. Cll TM1 NAM Cll ... &I/LC*) Nm'ICO.Ntf UTTUITM GAUCnCA ·····~ .... tul.Ul1Wt TtlM)UQH 1"I MITI TNI co.\IAT IUTUI This documen tary ho11or1ng the 20th anniversary ot the Beatles' amval 1n Amertca includes rare footage of their early performances and highlights of their career. as well as an Interview with then prooucer George Mar tin (1 hr , 30 min ) cm IBD TNI IU&. Animated A magical seal enltsts the aid of children to educate adults about human cr~ty to seals ( 1 hr) Cl) ..,_ "The Sea Wolves·· (1980, Adventure) Greg0<y Peck. Roger Moore Durtng World War II, a group of British businessmen form a vOlunteer reg1men1 to destroy a German spy nest 1n the Indian Ocean 'PG' (2 hrs) G) DICI YM DYii ·1=~•ww .... ,,.~ ·wet~ ,... KMAft Al M1rnms vs C L Ber geron in a hght heavyweight t>out sched uled tor seven rounds (from Meta1r1e. La ) ( t hr 30 min > mncATC-.. =1::.. .. u. .... llAlllQ A LMIQ P& IUGA.Zlm A visit with Olympic medahst Bruce Jenner a high school btrd call~~ 1-:::...w Los Angeles Dodgers a1 San:.:il Padres (3 hrs ) 11.CMQllor.= llAllC f1' WATUICO&.OM Cll LOCI.TIC* "RICh Little Come Laugt With Me" The comed1an-1mpress1on1s1 pokes tun at the Olympics and pays tr b ute to tamous show busmess teams ( 1 hr) QJ MO¥ll 'Nallonal Lampoon's Animal House" ( 1978. Comedy) John Belushi Tim Matheson Two new college lraterntty pledgeS 101n Dena House the zaniest and wildest gang on campus, and help to fight the efforts of the school's s1mster dean 10 have them expelled 'R' ( 1 hr . 49 min ) cm MO¥ll "Blue Skies Again" ( 1983 Comedy) Harry Hamtm. M1m1 Roge<s A woman attempts to try out for a spot on a big-league baseball team despite the opposition ot men m the club and the owner 'PG' (I hr , 27 min ) G llOVll "E89t Ot Sudan" ( 1964. Adventure) Anthony Quayle, Sylvia Syms Survtv0<s struggle to escape a MOSiem uprising against the head ol a Br111sh out ~t (2 hrs) 7* • I OM TNI TOWN Featured v1Stt1ng Santa Barbara with some ol 1ts popular res1 dents. Including Jonathan Winters and singer J1m MessAna. plus a look at what happens when President Reagan comes to town 18 Sunday, July 29, 1984 I GD,Aa.Y~ ,.,. .... .,. 11C TAC DOUGlt MO¥ll "Les Girls" ( 1957. M~ical) Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gaynor An American musical shOw hits the European c11cu1t when compllca11ons arise (2 hrs • 30 min) fD WLD, WLD WON.D f1' 'lmALI 8\) MnouL 8IOM.tllllC A ~ at lhe rich variety ol plant and animal life 1n the rain forests of Costa Rtea (R) Q ( 1 hr ) (%) llOVll "Ladies And Gentleman. The Fabt.llous Stains" ( t981 Musical) Diane Lane. Ray W1nstone. The meteoric nse of a trio ot female punk-rockers lead:S ult1- mately to their selling out in the big-money world of the music tndustry 'A' ( 1 hr . 27 -1mlnk CMJ•CADI fJii ~ ~ AlllSOO 1ee1s threatened by her SlSter's popularrty when Kate 1s transferred 10 her school (R) 8 llO¥ll "Where Time Beoan" ( 1978, Science-Fiction) Kenneth More, Pepe Munne The discovery ol a coded map leads a German professor to bring a small party of explorers Ofl a Journey 10 the cen· 181 ol the Earth (2 hrs ) ..... ...., (!)TAJGHYD9 fD ..,...,...WOllLO Time AM Light" Host David McCullough eJCamlnes old and new telescopes and a -..ariety of tools and methods for measuring time. c:;i ( t hr) CC) llCMI "Tom Horn" ( 1980. Western) Steve McOueen. Richard Farnsworth In early 20th-century Wyoming, a bounty hunter hired by a group ol ranchers to track down rustlers 1s set up for a hanging ~his employers 'A' ( l hr 38 rrnn ) IPORTIC8Tll llCMI "Risky Business ( 1983. Com edy) Tom Cruise Ret>ecca OeMornay A high schOOI senior. Sheltered 1n an affluent Chicago suburb. decides to expenment with the w~der side of hie 'R' ( t hr 36 min) llOVll · Halloween Ill Season Of The Witch" ( t982. H0<ror) Tom Atkins, Sta· cey Nelkin A young woman is aided by an emergency room physician 1n her 1nvest1- gat1on of a Halloween mask manufacturer who may have been responSible for her lathe1's gruesome murder R' ( 1 hr . 35 min) utD G m1 a aJPT ... Jennifer resorts 10 ghostly 111cks to play herself in a movie and fo<ce her arch 11va1 ofl the set (r;> 11C TAC DOUCIN ~ =... WOMJ> EJCplores unusual commun1cat100 patterns. including t9th century lithography, cootemporary ar1 and the prospect of humans talkfng with Ol~:c.:)~;r I .. ~ MO¥ll "OestlnatiOl'I Tokyo" ( 1943 Adventure) Cary Grant John Gar1teld The U.S submarine "Copper11n" 1s ordered to invade Japan's most secure harbOf 10 open tile way tor bombing raids over Tokyo (2 hrs . 55 min) •8 (I) MO¥ll "Leave 'Em Laughing" ( t981, Orama) Mtekey Rooney. Anne Jackson Based oo the trve st0<y of a ter m1nally 111 clown and hts wile who cared for several homelesS children (R) (2 hrs ) D GD TMI 'ACTI f1' UPI Btatr has en out landlsh dream ab<>ut her tuture Ille and those of her frlendt (A) Q • m Cll LA. Featured a look at life In Los Angeles. with a focus on rorms ol entertainment that originated here g ... 9 anmYlmlT TWT Featureo Sophia Loren on location In Italy • TNI WT llAZI Patrick Watson Inter views Albert Speer. Hitlef's architect end author of "Inside The Third RetCh " ( t hr 30 ~(11) ~ .. "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" ( 1982, Comedy) Sean Peon. Jen n1fer Ja90n Letgh. StUdents at e "typical Ametlcan high school coolront the chal- lenges of adulthood, drugs. sex and schoolwork 'A' ( t hf .. 30 min.) cm mww "High Road To Chine" ( 1983 Drama) Tom Selleck. Bess Arms11ong. A mutlonairess hires a hard-drinking e.11 World War I flying ace to search lo< her IQ!lg-lost father. 'PG' (2 hrs ) (%) MO¥ll "Easy Money" ( 1983. Come- dy) Rodney Dangerfield. Joe Pesc1 A man who hkes to eat. drink and smoke 1n eitcess stands to win S 10 mllhon ii he sac- 11f1CeS his worldly pleasures for one year 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) GU.W..m.&.OI .. D GD AT YCMt laWICI While travelltng abroad. e wealthy wldOw Is unaware that her servants are plotting ambitous money- making 8Chemes. 8 Utml f1' 1MI 1111 OLYWIAD Sched- uled· Basketball and baseball preliminar- ies (live from Los Angeles) Scheduled eve<lts are subiect to change. ( 1 hr . 30 mtn) (!) MO¥ll "Hombre" ( 1967 Westetn) Paul Newman. Fredric March. An Apache- ra!Sed white man is forced to protect the hves of those he hates (2 hrs. 30 min) tD) umt f1' 1"1 Dll OLYWIAD Coverage conhnves trom Los Angeles O ( 1 hr . 30 min) Qt!) -,,. M1 rt ntl •IM*-...., MIAllMGI Charles McDowell anchors a retrospective on lhe House Judlctary Committee's deliberat10ng dur- 1_!]1 the summer ot 1974 (11'\r) (.£) .,... IOUT'I f1' 1"I 'M Muhammao Ali vs Joe Frazier (fought January '74 tn New York~ ( 1 hr ) M ~ = "My Tutor'' ( 1983, Romance) Caren Kaye. Matt Lattanzi A high school studtnt becomes romantlC811y involved with lhe Older woman who Is tutoring him In French 'A' { 1 hr . 37 mm ) -· GD IT ........ Craig 1s angry over an unflattering televlsloo documentary about him and Rosenthal undergoes a breast-~lant operallon (R) (I hr.) •&.:-~ MO¥ll "High Road To China" ( 1983. Orama) Tom Selleck. Bess Armstrong A m1ht0natress hires a hard-drinking eJC· World War t lfylng ace to search lor her IQl)g-IOst father 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) Cl)9CMI "Beach Girls" ( 1982. Comedy) Debra Blee, Val Khne A teen-age g1rfs fnend9 help her to loosen up so they can get on with Mavlng lun at the beach 'A' ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 1-....UL/AM -. _,. ... _,AOf?-..., Photographer Alfred EJsenst1dt'1 return to hi$ native Germany In 1980 Is doevmented ~PALL•-·~,_ .al111W (I) .. mww "Pr1vate Nurse" ( 1980. Orama) Karen Oambi.r A beautiful nurae Is &SKed by a greedy family to end a wnhhy rela· '"'ieUU~) ... ~~~--------------------................ . -Wednesday Con1. l .... llMTW'I LMQt. 1"1&1£4• IOUD OOl.D Mi'TI '°'"'~­-TNI NA TO&M (1') lfnlACYALI llO¥ll "Blade Runner" ( 1982. Sci· ence·Flct1on) Harrison Ford. Rutge1 Hauer In a world of the future. a special poltee otticer 1s assigned to track dOwn and destroy tour renegade androids 'A' {1 hr . 54 mtn ) 11:118 (I) TNI .. AYIWM Gamb1I, Pur· dey and Steed try to ou1w11 Perov an agent from the other side. who appears to have comm111ed suicide (R) ( 1 hr • 10 min 1 0 G IUTOPCMIOI Host Johnny Car- son Guests actresses Suzanne Somers and Kathleen Beller. Blake Clant (A) ( t lhr.) • IUICH °'- Wll' •~n MQll ...... Pu.CE lr•ll OP IAI FIMCICO llO¥ll "Under The Yum Yum Tree" ( 1963, Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Carol Lynley To ensure a harmonious marriage. a couple try llvlng together platomcalty but the arrangemeot becomes comical when the1r landlord tries seducing the young lady (2 hrs. 15 min) GD LATIMGHT AIE9CA Host Denn11; Wh~(1hr) (!) TICIJfTB CID llO¥ll "The Survivors" ( 1983. Come- dy) Waller Mallhau, Robin Wilhams A pair of unemployed bosmessmen take ott tor 1he wilds of New Hampsti1re 10 escape a synd1ca1e hit man 'R' ( I hr , 44 mm ) cm llO¥ll "The Big Slly" ( 1952 West ern) Kirk Dovgtas Dewey Martin Explor ers !ravel up the M~souri River to Black- foot Indian territory despite the hazards t 2 hrs . 2 min ) Qm .,. Cl.UI Featured home executives show housewives hQw they can keep chit· dren trom destroying their summer ( 1 hr 30m1n) thel Cl) llO¥ll Jinxed!" ( 1982 Comedy) Belle Midler Ken Wahl A singer talks on unluclly casino dealer into helping her do away w11h hef obnoxious boyfriend 'A' ( 1 hr , 45 min) 1W i DOI AlmlC.A -l'WUGHT?cm llO¥ll "The L1011s Are Free ( 1969 Adventure) Bill Travers. V1rg1rna McKen· na. A group of domesticated hons are rehab1htated so that they can be set f1ee ( t hr 30 mm) Cil llO¥ll Rancho Notorious ( 1952. Western) Marlene O+e1nch. Mel Ferrer Seeking the k1lle1 of his hancee. a cowboy runs across a dance-hell Queen and a gamblet who may Mid IM key ( 1 ht 55 min........., ... ~ m¥ll "Guilty Or Innocent The Sam Sheppa1d Murder Case' (Pan 1 ot 2) ( 1975. Orama) George Peppard Wilham Wtndom A. Cleveland osteopathlC sur geon cha1ged with the mu1der ol his wife l!_placed on tr1el 1n 1954 (2 hrs) W nlCll al M llGHT Guests Jamie Farr. Fred Willard Sha Na Na Kenny Rog ets. Carl Wolfson (A) ( 1 hr . 30 min l Cl) AUTO MCllQ Formula I Brttish Grano Prix (from Brands Hatch. England) (A) (._! hr . 30 min ) 1a11(1J m¥ll ·1. The Jury ( 1982. Orama) Armande Assante. Barbara Carrera Pri vate eye Mike Hemmer tangles with a coterie ot v1lla1ns as he atlempta to avenge a war bUddy's murdef 'R ( 1 h1 SO min.) ttll(C).,. "The Beast W1th1n" (1982. Horror) Ronny Cox. Bibi Besch. A. woman is raped on hef honeymoon by a hatry- legged creature end produces a seemingly normal son who grows up 10 follow In his dad's bloody footsteps 'R' ( 1 hr 30 min.!_ tt110 ID LA11WWITMDAWl>Liillliil'M "Revefse Image Show'' Guests: model Carol Alt, chef Alain Sallhac, comedian Teddy Bergeron. network correspondent Bob Baz.ell. (R) ( 1 hr ) l u.~-,._-... ,,.-. .... llAITWI~ I.OWi. _CAi mu rnoew....:a tM (I) MCCLOUD A Hawaoan mghtclub singer (Don Ho) figures in a scheme to frame McCloud's boS.s for murder (A ) ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) Wll llOVll "Atteck Of The Puppet People ( 1958, Horror) John Agar, John Hoyt A toy manufacturer perfects a method of turning humans mto dolls. ( I hr .. 30 min ) (!) llO¥ll "The Young Doctors" ( 1961, Drama) Fredrtc March. Ben Gazzara Two doctors with opposing viewpoints learn to respect each other af18f working together ~hrs) II) llOWll "Foreign Intrigue" ( 1956, Mys tery) Robert Mitchum. Genevieve Page Alie< a press agent's wealthy boS.s dies. he decides to investigate the man's mys- terlMOJlist ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (%) "The Duellists" ( 1978 Adven lure) Kellh Carradine. Harvey Ke11e1 Based on Joseph Conrad's s1ory "The Duel " Two French ott1ce1s continue their long-running feud during the Napoleoruc wars 'PG' (1 hr . 41 min ) 1~ (8) llO¥ll "Strenge Brew' I 1983 Come dy) Dave Thomas. Rick Moran1s Two beer-loving men become involved 1n a plot to kidnap a brewing he11ess and make the world addicted to a newly spilled beve1 I 'PG' (1hr,30mtn ) ,. MUI.TM NLD ATTNlllCMU AU. •Tiii PAl&Y .... llMTWI~• roc:aT • 1 ,._ Mmneso1e Fats vs W1U1e Mosconi (RI ( 1 hr ) · No matter what you're doing. your hometown newspaper The DlilJ Pilat fits in . CJ) llO¥ll 'M8fry-Go-Round" (1975, Ora- ma) Marla Schneider'. Helmut Befgel' Ten people m011e from one hot affltlr to anottl- er 'R' (1 hr • 26 min ) Wl~ATU.. -i C81 ... ...,,,,Ta. U..':u.u. llO¥ll .. S 0 S Titanic" (1979, Dre- ma) David Janssen. Cloris L.eac:hmlln. The personal dramas of 1he pasMng8l"I and c1ew aboard the "unslnkabte" ocean liner are played against the backdrop of the famous disaster at sea (2 hrs . 30 min) CO) llO¥ll P1al" (1973. Biography) Bri- g1t1e Ariel. Pascale Chrtstophe. The early career ot the famous French chent81A8. Edith Piaf. IS recounted 'PG' ( 1 tw., 40 min ) t11(0 .,_ "Young Doctors In Love" (1982. Comedy) MIChael McKean. s.ii Young A young surgeon tries to 0¥fll· come his fear of the llnife 1n this spoof of soap <>pefa chches 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) It.WU m¥ll "Mystery Of The White Room" ( 1939. Mystery) Brvce Cabot. Joan WOOdbury A surgeon is mysteriously murdered dUnng the course of an opeta· 11on he's performing. ( 1 hr . 20 min.) «D fllC)WW "Blondie Knows Best" ( 1947. Comedy) Penny Singleton. Arthur LPe OagwOOd is fired when he IS ca'91t Imper· son=l boss ( 1 hr . 30 min ) I,,_,, IWAQQMT ...... ,.. 2:91 Oii LOCAT10ee "RICtl Little Come Laugh With Me • The comedlan-1mpresslon1St pokes fun at the Olympics and pays trib- ute to famous show bUSlness teams ( 1 hr ) .. ~ QICO.., ntl .. ctJ = "The Earrings Of Madame Oe" ( 1954 Drama) CharleS Boyer. CleNeUe Dameux A pair of diamond earrings f'IQ- ures prominently 1n a IOve triangle lnvolv· 1ng a French general, his flirtaOous wtte and a baron ( 1 hr . 45 min.) a11(1) llO¥ll ··Halloween Ill Seeson Of The Wilch ( 1982. HC>fror) Tom Atk1ns. Sta- cev Nellltn A vounQ woman Is aJded by an Sunday, July 29, 1984 19 emergency room phys1c1an 1n he1 investi gallon ot e Heffoween mask manufac1urer who may have been responsible lor her tatnef's gruesome murdt!1 A ( I hr . JS min.) .. i'Mnf• • 11211W(Jt) • .,. "Murder In The Blue Room ( 1944, Mystery) Grace McDonald Don aid Cook A determined man t11es 10 unravel the mys1ery behind lhe dealh of his wife's t1rst husband ( 1 hr 10 min ) CID llOWll "Glooa' t 1980 Drama) Gena ROWiands John Adames A I01mer qun -Morning Movies- •CI> "Tempest ( 19841, Comedy/ John Cassaveles. Gena Rowlands (? hrs ?5 min) •cc:> "Five Days One Summer ( 1982, Ora ma) Sean Connery Betsy Brantley ( 1 hr 50 min ) • til) "Ebb Tide · ( 1937 Adven1ure) Oscar Homolka, Frances Farmer 12 hrs) 79(!) "The Ghost And Mrs Mu11 f 1947 Fantasy) Rex HamSOfl Vanes~ Brown Qhrs) CID "Snoopy Come Home" { 197? Com., ~ Animated ( 1 hr 20 min ) 1::9l&) "Tubby The Tuba ( 1977 Musical) Animated Voices by Dick Van DykP Pearl Bailey t 1 hr 22 nun ) (L 'Hobson s Chu1ce ( 19bd CCHnPrJy) John Mills. LtiarlPS l auy~1tor ( 1 hr 4 7 min I •Cl:l "Prince va1111nt" I 19S4 Adventtirr•J James Mason Jar1e1 l P1qh I 1 hr <10 min) CO. Gr~ory s Corl ( 1<182 l omPr.ly) Gordon Jot1n S1111.lt111 ().>p Hepburr• / 1 hr 30m1n) •CH; "It Came frorn Hollywood < 191:1, Comedy) John Canoy Oar Aykroyd 11 hr 20 min l .. 'Af11can Adven1urP 1 198'1 r>ran1a) David Nkena. Clive SAndf>r<. I 1 111 l •CZ> "The Dvelh<..IS ( 1978 AO\/PnllJIP) Keith Carradine li.trvey Keitel ( 1 hr 4 1 min) -(~ Krull' {1983 Fantasy) Ken Mar shall Lysel1e A111ho<>y ( 1 hr, 57 min.) CID "Blinded By The L1gh1" ( 1980, Ora· ma) Knsty McNtehol. James V1ncen1 McNtehol ( 1 hr 40 min ) (I) 'Terror On A Tr;i1n" ( t953. Suspense) Glenn rota Anne Vernon ( 1 hr 12 mtn) -@ 'Salart (1956 Adven1ure) V1c1or Ma lure. Janel Leigh (2 hr'> ) -a 'F11st Men In The Moon ( 1964 Sc• ence-F1C1ton) Edward Juda. l 1011el Jef · l11es (2 hrs) tt.11 CZ) 'The Eamngs 01 Mad;ime [);.. c 1954 Drama) Charles Boyer 011nrelle Oameu• ( 1 hr , 45 min I -Afternoon Movies- .. ., "Abboll And Costello Meet The Mum my" ( 1955, Comedy) Mane Windsor Mk:halel Ansara ( 1 hr 30 min ) CC) "Across The Great DMde' I 1976 AdVenMe) Robert Logan Heather R11t tray ( 1 ht , 40 mm ) (12) "ThO W1ntt!f' 01 Our Dreamt;' ( t981 Drema) JvCy Oav16, Bryan Brown ( 1 nr 20 Sunday. July 29. 1984 mOll becomes the protec1or of an orphaned 6-year-old Puerto Rican targel· ed by the underworld lor the 1n1orma11on he car11es 1n a bal!ered brtelcase PG 1:> hrs , 1 min) w (!) CllCAOO't.., 90llT CD .,_ "Lite W11t1 BIOfldte · ( 1946 Comedy) Penny Slngleton. Arthur Lake Dagwood becomes iealous whefl his dog gets more auenhOfl than he does I 1 hr . 30m1n) ~=-Blade Runner" ( 1982 Sc• ence·F1c11on ) Hamson For(l, Rutge• 29 min) ta(!) "My Favorite Year" ( 1982 ComedyJ Peter O'T oole, JesSICS Harper ( 1 hr 35 min) ,.cm "Xtro" ( 1983 Sctence-F1c11on) Ph11tp Sayer Bernice Siegers ( 1 hr 20 mm I (%) "An Unsuitable Job For A Woman" ( 1982 Mystery) Pippa Guard, Billie Whl· telaw ( 1 hr . 34 min ) m Hold Back Tomottow" ( 1956. Dre ma) Cleo Moore John Agar ( 1 hr 30 min) a. CC) 'The Je11cho Mile" (1979, Ofama) Peter Strauss. B11an Dennehy ( 1 ht 40 mtnJ 'HJ 'Yellowbeard" ( 1983. Comedy) Graham Chapman Peter Boyle ( 1 hr 4 1 min) t:11 .$J 'The Wilch s Sister' ( 1979 Mys1ery) Daphne Y0uree , Dara Brown ( 1 hr 10 min I MO .LJ One Down Two To Go" ( 1982 Dr~ ma) Fred W1l1tamson Jim Brown ( 1 t11 28m1n) CZ. Blade Runner' I 1982. Science f 1t lion) Hamson Ford. Rulyer Hauer ( 1 hr ~4 min l .. ~1 F1\le Oay'i One Summer' ( 1982 Ora· ma) Sean Connery. Be1sy Oranlley ( 1 hr 50 min) $ Tubby The Tuba ( 1977 Mus11.a t Animated Voices by Dick Van Dyke Pearl Bailey ( 1 hr 22 min ) d CR Snoopy Come Home I 19 72 C >1ne ~) Animated ( 1 hr , 20 mm ) .. (f) 'Treachery And Greed On The Planet Of The Apes ' ( 1974 Sc1ence·Fte1ton) Roddy McDowell Ron Harper (2 hrs ) CD "A Horse Called Jeste<" (1983. Ora maJ Sadie Frost, Mtehael Samson I Hobson's Choice" ( 195• Comedy) John Mills. Charles Laughton ( 1 hr 47 min) •@ 'Lonely Are The Brave· ( 1962 Wesl ern) Ktrk Douglas. Waller Ma11ha11 (? hrs 15 min I .... ~Evening_ ...... ..... um.I NOUll OM TMI ~ C81 ... "'LOIO VllAI IAm.aTM GAUtCT1CA IUH2•-..T .... MllWITlll n.ouGM THI MTI llOYm "Prtnee Valiant" ( 1954, Adver1 ture) James Maaon. Janet Leigh The Vik tng era brings two r111ats into d11ec1 con llict ( I hr , 40 mtn ) (ff)llOWll "Bltnded By The light" ( 1980. Drama) Kristy McNlchOI, James Vincent r. "•chOl A middle-Class tamlly is toin Hauer In a world of the future. a spec1,11 pohce olfteer 1s assigned to track dow and destroy lour renegade androids 11 lhr 54 min) _,.ICOTT d UC ... Ttll lllCN• ira TMllUf'ITI llOVll ·· Ad11entures 01 She11or • Holmes· ( t9J9 Myste1y) Basil na11 bone Nigel Bruce Thieves led by 1111 tnlamovs Dr Moriarty plan to s1t.•1JI th1> Crown Jewels of £!:and I 1 hr 2'? rrnn 1 ([) ...... Tml ecll @ Tltl pAll'TM)QI , y out ol 1helr comfortable existence wh(>r their 1een-age son renounces everyth•no they hold dear 10 1oin a rehg1ous cult ( ' hr 40 min) ll:J ITAMT111CK A young gtrl 1f, to1r between the desire 10 make 11 1n the music world and her mother's wish for her tu ~sue a more pracflcal career (Q) llOVll 'Greoory·s G11f" ( 1982 ComP. dy) Gordon John Sinc1a11, Dee Hepburn A Scottish schoolboy taus head CM!• t•eels lor his soccer team's ftrs1 lema11 player 'PG ( 1 hr , 30 min ) ,S, llOVll The Unholy Garden' 1 1<:(11 Mys1ery Ronald Colman Fay Wrdy A dapper Bfl11Sh scoundrel with a µenr,hrint lor adventure gets involved w1!11 c;11mr a11Cl romance ( 1 hr 14 m1r ) m Dee« VAii DYKI l:IO I ::U..1 LDIB •WIHOUR WHllLO.~ . • WCTUMrVIMI • TMATClll. 1•1C11 ... .... IUlltQALMMQ P& llAGAZlll Lnmed1an Geo•gl' \,.,, ltn perlorm1no aga11 high alt•tudt:> tra1n1nu l'~i:=~ LOVI CO..CTOt llOTOAIW lllCMI "They Got Me Covered' ( 1943. Comedy) Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour A Washington sabotage ring IS acc1den1a11y invaded by a fooltsh newspaperman I 1 hr 35 min) r1, llOVll lhe Duelh!\IS I t978 AdvP• ture) Keith Carradine. Harvey l\e111· Based on Joseph Conrad's story · Tr11• Duel l w• I rPnch otftcer10 ontonue 111111 1ong·runm~ lf•ud du11ng the N;ipol1>•1"' wars 'PG' ( 1 hr 4 1 min ) ea llOVll · SummertrPe" I 197 t Orama Ml(.hael Douglas Jack Wmden Alt .. , dropping out ol college and iostng IBtlh " his g11ll11enc:s ;i young gu•lor ptaye1 dratted 10 ser\le 1n Vte1nam (2 hrs ) 1::9 @ llOVll "Marnie" ( 196• Suspense/ T1pp1 Hedren. Sean Connery A man struggles to break the lhlevlng habits ot his ldeptoman1ac wile and restore hRrmfl r_!t to thetr mamage I< hr9 45 min ) 7:11 U t ON Tltl TOMI Featurf.'d on entertain 1ng p1c.1ure of New York as lwo Los Ar!Qe les womnn aspls11ng to s1ardom try I take their talents to the Big Apple 111•,,1 w11h veloran t&tk show host Joo f ranklln I GD 'AIRY PIUD ,. , • Giii..,. TIC TAC DCIUQM • ~~~--------------------............. .. Cl) MDVII 'Damn Yankees· ( 1958. MuSI cal) Tab Humer Gwen Verdon With a 111 tie t\efp from tt\e de111f an aging basebdll Ian becomes a champ1onst11p ballplayer I hrs. 30 min) Wl.D, ft.D WOllU Of A..U DO IT TCMllEI lttOW A discussion of window and door security and 01he1 bur ~r~i~t~iR) CVS IMTW I HURT: COllCa'T '°" TMI ll:laCAI The enduring rock band. San tana. reprise some ot their grea1es1 h1t5 1n concert w11h Heart from Aflos de Cha110l'I. Dominican Re~bllC ( 1 hr 30 min ) .. 8 (() lllA• P.&. Magnum tries to find a valuable artifact stolen from a Samurai wamor who ts prepared to die 1f 11 is no1 recovered (R) ( t hr I D GD -A~ Nell conv111<..es lhe Chief lo take 1n a s11ee1 urchin caught pull 1ng a door to-dOOI charily sc.am !Part t of 2) (RI 8 MDVII "lardoz ( t974, Science r1c llon) Sean Connery Charlotle Rampl1ng In lhe 23rd century lhe arrival of a mor1a1 prim111ve dlSrupts a sooety of eternally i=~ls (2. hrs I TWUlfTla. llfTIRTU_, Tm9QNT rea!Vfed "Vegas" star Robert Urich fD ft.D MmlCA 'Hog Wild'. Mdtly explains how~ wild hogs were 1rnpor1 ed from Europe and others arP domesflc slock lhal he"e reverted lo the wild. and he manages to run into the nat1·1e Norlh American member ot the hoq tarn1ly tne peccary ID C09UT1ll cao.cut ~ llOYll "One Flew O"er The Cuckoo s Nest ( 1975 Drama) Jack N1chol'>On Louise Flelcher A gleefully •rreverPnt 11oubtemaker · is committed 10 a mPntal 1ns11lut1on where he 1nc11es the other pa11en1s into open rebellion aga1ns1 a powerful nurse and lhe estabh<-hed hric.1 ' tat order R (2 hrs 9 min ) (!) IPOfWTICllmR .ff) llCMI 'Porky c; 11 I hP Nexl 0.ty ( 1983 ComedyJ Dan Monahan Wy;,11 Knight A groop of high sc.hool studenls try to thwart !he Olan~t a '>elf 11_2!1teou!> preacher and the KKK to censor a Shake- ~re festival 'A' ( 1 hr . 35 mtn ) (.Q) llCMI "Class" ( 1983. Ofama) Rob Lowe. Jacqueline B1S&et An Intelligent prep school student has an attair with his roommate's mothef. 'R' ( t hr. 38 min.) t.:11 D GD , ... , 1al Elyse's dec!Slon to accept a futHtme architectural 1ob causes chaos at home (R) ~ncT~~ ~~Comedian G80f'ge Gar tin pertormtno again, an in1eNlew with Peggy lee e WAL111CWI,..,,_,,..,.,, .. ,.~ fl!) 8'llM PMVMWI Neal Gablef and Jef· Irey Lyons h~t a special on drive-Ins. with scenes from "Indiana Jones And The Temple Qt Doom" and othef dnve-ln tavor1tes · • i}~ L A ballerina, 'm<>Oll- hght1ng as a ttashdancer. hlfes the Simons to protect her from crtmtnalS. (A) ( t hr ) D GD ~ Sam and Diane make a deal to find a "f)8f1ect date" '°' each other (R) fJ m Oil U. Featured a look at 111e In Los Angeles, with a focus on single Ille. the L A lam11y and the L A couple R~u-rT T~ Featured · ·v~ star Robert Urich I .... r.we. The Accused" Life lakes on new meamno for Paul Pressel, a poor schoalmaster whose marriage is onsulferable when he becomes Involved N•lh a ionety cotreague (Part 1 of 5) (R) Q_(l hr) I.\) w ... 1m-••1toC1• 1"1Am "To Serve Them All My Days" Oavtd runs into some tovgh compe111100 trom w1th1n hlS own ranks and from an ovtsider When he becomes a candidate for headmas1er of Bamtylde Scl'IOOI (Part 7 of t3) (R) O l! hr) (E TOfl U. IO-Terrance Alh vs Frank Newton tor the ESPN Lightweight Championship, scheduled for 12 rovnds (from Atlantic City, N J) (R) (2 hrs 30 min) a:; llCMI "Jaws 3" 11983. Adventure) DennlS Quaid Bess Armslroog A greal wtute shark terror1res a manne amuse- ment part<. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 39 min) Cl) llOWW "Porky's II The Nexl Day" ( 1983. Comedy) Dan Monahan. Wya1t Knight A group of hign school students lry to thwart lhe plans of a self-fighteous preacher and the KKK to censor e Shake- ~re fes1PYal 'A' ( I ht . 35 min ) CZ) llOWW "The SuMVors" ( 1983, Come- dy) WaHer Matthau. Ro~n W1fflams A pair of unemployed businessmen take off for the wilds of New Hampshire to 99Cape a syndicate hll man A' ( 1 hr . •~ min ) l lU..w..DLU* • e _,.cowrr Under the influence of nu medicatt0n. Lana shows her undetly1no feelings for Herry when she makes a pass ath1m (A) 8 umt Of 1MI IJlll Ol YWtAD Sched- uled Basketball. baSeball. merl's handball prehminanes (!Mt trom Los Angeles) SchedUled evems are subiect 10 change (_1 hr . 30 min ) Cf) llOWW "They Came To Cordura" ( 1959. Adventure) Gary Coop« Alta Hayworth An Army maj()f becomes involved with a treasonous women af1.w beino relleved of his comb81 command (? hrs . 30 mrn ) (JI ..a Of TMI IJlll Ol '911AD Coverage continues from Los AngeleS O ( 1 hr . 30 min) 1..,. .. -(I) DOTI l.-..ca Seo IS found uncoosc1ous and weak 1n a bombed-out church, ana Mack con11nues h111 assault on the Wotfbrldge Group (R) (I hr ) D GD MLl. ll'MIT aua Belker. LaRue and Washington 1nves11gate a disturbed man's v10lef"lt actK>ns at a gay bar. and a vagrant po51ng as lhe Cisco Kid gallops "''im~1nct (RI 11 hr I I rrm':r':., '°" Elhel Merman 10ons the Pops Orcheslra 1n performing a num· ber of her Ms. 1nclud1ng "There's No Business Like ShOw Business '· ( 1 hr ) G lftll•n We The Accused" Lite lakes on new meaning lor Paul Pressel. a poor schoolmaster whose marriage is 1nsutterable. when he becomes 1n.,.Ollled Under New Manage1nent • ~111 \ lflL' \II I ,1111., Oean A. l>t>mpM') fltnrr•I Mana1tn I larh<ll ' (,(l\\'11 · ~l<>t1ot ()li\e \ Irn iorial Pitrll · \ lo1·t u<u·r · • Berurd S. llodaJck Mt-u!C'..-....r Costa t.-1esa·s Only Co mplete F'uneral f'acilit1es 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Glsler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) PHONE TODAY FOR FREE INFORMATION 540-5554 Sunday, July 29. 1984 21 with a lonely oollMgue. (Part 1 of 6) (R) Q_(1hr.) CH> ... "Easy M~" ( 1983, com.: dy) Rodney Oangertleld, Joe Peeci A ~n who llkee to eat. dflnk and amoke In t•ceu atands to win $10 mllllon If he aac· rttloal hie worldly pleUores for one year 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) CD) AaliOOD IMC • c:Glmf The eupergroup perlormt • Mlec:11on ot their hilt -Including "You Make Loving Fun," "Gypey" and "Go Y<U Own Way" •• In e ~ taped at the Lot AngeleS Forum l hf.) ... . -.... "Walk On The Wild Side" (1962. Orama) .Laurence Harvey, Capu· cine. A man learnt that hlS former girl- friend has moved Into a house of Ill repute i tn.. 25mln) *9 MUULTmllll'I -•a an " ... .. .. "Mls8ehavln'" (t979. Come- dy) Leslie Bovee After a series of divoroes, a woman uses her substanhal •llmony payment• 10 Indulge her sensual dMlret ( 1 hr . 25 mm ) .. I!.+.:.. .. = ••:z•• -..ao"" TOM._._ .,.. "Kruff" ( 1983, Fantasy) Ken Mershall. Lytetle Anthony In •n uneer1hly w0f1d. a prtnoe mu1t laoe many tests as he trlel to regain his kingdom, rescue hrs twtrothed •nd fight a fabulous beast 'PG' ~~"" ..,.Ol ... Q llOWll "Tempest" (1982. Comedy) John Caasavetes. Geoa RowlandS A New York architect leaves the pressures ol urban life and marriage and escapes 10 a Greek Island with his daughter and a lree- splrtted young woman in this updated ver slon ol Shakespeare's play ·po· (2 hrs . 25min.) tW e Cl) MAllY TO MAllY Jonathan and Jen nlfer't Vlllt to a western theme park unset· tlet a palf of shady townsfolk and entan- gAes the Harts In a thOOt-out (A) ( 1 tw • 10 min.) e e mTOI~ Host Johnny Car· aon. Guests Cherie. GrOdln, B B King. M••=cJ~) ( 1 hr) l ... •m:nmn MClll•l Ill i"-ACI ii-ii OI UI fllWfC9CO e uw · 11 ca Scheduled: JOOr· nallat Robert Sam Al*>n on the I 0-yeer gap tine. former President Nlllon left off· a =race (1 hr.) Cl) ..,. CD) llOWll "Brief Affair"' ( 1980, Drama) AMl1te Haven. Bridget Monet Young student• of a mutic and drama schQol use thtlr bod* 10 echleve 1hel< goats ( I ht • 30:. Cl) "Richard Prycx •· Live In Con- cert" ( 1979, Comedy) Richard Pryor. tn hit flftt concert film. the comedian d&lcu.... raoe. drugs. seic, death, mechlamo and contempotary Hie (I hr . 18mln.) e M .. FeatUtad. author Tim Kimme! t• hOw .OUlll c.n communicate with t..,,.. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) tWOO _,_ .,.. __. ...,, uca r0ut true 1tO<let •bout vletlma of robbery, uuutt. rape and motder fighting beck 22 Sunday, July 29, 1984 through legltlalive Changes, law &UllS and C~(1hr) -1 mm llO\lll "Sergeant Deadhead" ( 1965. Comedy) Frankie Avalon, Deborah Wal ley After a space lrtp, an officer ieopard tzes both hlS career and love Hie with his newly acquired personality (I hr , 30 m1n.) G llOWll "Craze" ( 1974, Horror) Jack Palanee. Diana Oors A crazed antique dealer IOOks for humans 10 olf8f as aac11· lice to his African gOd. (2 hrs ) (J)•••w ... O llO\lll "Guilty Or Innocent: The Sam Sheppard MIMder Case" (Part 2 ol 2J ( 1975. Orama) George Peppard. Wiiham Windom A Cleveland osteopathic sur geon charged with the murder ol his wife !~aced on Wal 1n 1954 (2 hrs ) m nlCll OI M ...,. Guests "Real People" co-host Sarah Purcell, Wally George. Richard Haok. Mr Universe Bob P111s. slngef 8111 Champlain (A) ( 1 hr 30 min) (() ltAlfO UC. World Endurance Nur burgrlng 1000 (from West Germany) !Bl ( 1 hr.) .. CIJllOWm "Dark Arde" (1977. Suspense! James LuiSI, Susan Sullivan A smalHown police sergeant stalks a psychotic kllle1 who has killed and mutilated several girls t! hr . 25 min ) -·. UTl...,.wmtDAWl>UiiSihUI Guests Dudley Moore, map expefl Vin cent Cravero ~hr ) I ~MITCMCOCI .,_.._.,.,,,.., .... ..,.,.~. LM,tmUCMITn.I .... "X The Un!(no.vn" ( t957 Sci ence·Flctlon) Dean Jagger Edward Chapman A scientist hghrs an awesome but nebUlous rad1<>ac11ve creature on the Sootllstt moors ( l hr . 45 mm J I , ... PllAICI a. Cl> llO¥tl "The Seduction 01 Miss Leona" ( 1980. Romance) Lynn Redgrave, Anthony Zerbe A reclusive cot lege professor and a married man have their plans IOf mamage 11'lw1rted by his wife's ttluctanoe to give him a divorce illl ( 1 hr . 20 min ) .. CID llO¥tl "Yellowbeard" (1983, Come- dy) Graham Chapman. Pe1er Boyle A mean and Ofnety pirate escapes from prrs- on ahor twenty years and searches tor hi& ton Who ha• a map leading to buried trea- sure 'PG' ( 1 tw .. 41 mm) We MOWI "The Giant Gila Monster'' ( 1959. Sctence-Fic1too) Don Sulilvan. Fred Gr9h8m. Followlng a series of unex plained deaths, a town lfl held rn a grip ol panic. wondering who will be the next vic- tim ( 1 hr .. 30 mln ) (!) llO\lll "Attaci<I" ( 1956. Orama) Jack Palanoe. Eddie Albeft. Weak and dishon· "t Army officers take part 1n WOC'ld War Ii ICtlon (2 hrt ) e llCMI "Invitation To A Gunfighter" ( 1964, Western) Yul Brynner, Geo<ge Segal. A gunllghtef IS h11ed to klll en OVt· cast returning to his Western town 11 hr 30 min) Cll *11"'°" •••Cleveland Grand Prix. (frOfn Chagrin Falls. Ohio) (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (IJ) llOWll "Bangkok Connection" ( 1980. Fantaay) Linda Jade An Ame<tean tourrs1 in Bangkok MaChet for his mlSSlng suit case and ends up 1n a Mxual odyssey ( 1 hr , 30mtn) (J) llO\lll "Goin' All The Way'' ( 198?, Orama) Oen Waldman. Deborah Ven Rhyn A high schQol tenlOt anllloualy tries 10 gel his vlrtuout glrllrlend 10 go to bed with him 'A' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) -~ .aWtl "The Road Warrt0r' (1981 Adventure) Mel Gibson. Bruce Spence In 1n Australia ot the future whefe crvthzation is reduced 10 a coilecllon ol rural com munes. a lcxmer highway cop rnokes a ?000.mtle run !Of sanctuary 1n a prom1sea _11an~-ri.'~5 mm l AT'IMlllCMll AU•MPM&Y ......... LAUQK. .aWtl "The Sensuous Nurse' t 1979 Comedy) Ursula Andress Ou1ho Del Prete. Greedy relatrves h11e a senSYal "Fl<><enoe Nightingale" 10 lake care ol an aging count sutterrng from a dehcate heart condition. 'R' (t hr .. 20 mrn ) W ([).,.. "One Down, Two To Go' ( 1982, Orama) Fred W1lhamson. Jim Brown The promoter of a martial arts tournament pursues the mobsters who chealed him out ol the event's proceeds 'A' i hr , 28 min ) -1 Cll ... ..,..Tat .... llOWll "Xtro" ( 1983. Sctence-F1ct1on) Phll1p Saye<. Berntce Siegers An e8rthhng returns lrom an alien abductt0n 1n a hide ~ worse condition than when he lett 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min) d Ql) WOM.D AT LMll d (B) llO\lll "Drawl" ( 1984 Adventure) Kirk Douglas. James Coburn A veterar• ov!law 11 challenged to a gunfight by &n old adversary aher he kilts a shenfl du11ng apot<er game O ( 1 hr 37 min ) 1:11e MOwtl 'HOfror Island · ( 19• t Mys tery) Dick Foran. Leo Camilo A group of treasure-seekers discover t@rror instead t! hr • 25 min ) m _,. ''The EnlOfcer" ( 19!>0 Orama) Humphrey Bogart Zero Mos1e1 A sens& 11ona1 newspaper story exposes Murder Inc . a rackel which spreads terrOf wher ever II hits (?hrs I l ~CA _,, .. MUIT ...... ,... llCMI "My Favor11e Year" ( 1982 Comedy) Peter O'Toole Jessica Harper A dipsomanlacat former mat111ee 1dol has d1lficu1ly coping w11h the pressures ol a Uve TV performance during 1e1ev1s1on's ~~'PG' (lhr 35m1n) M (C) ·One Flew Over The C°'koo s Nest" ( 1975. Drama) Jack Nicholson Louise Fletcher A gleefully 11reverent "troublemaker · 1s committed to a mental 1nst11u11on where he 1nc1tes the other pattents into open rebellion against a powetlul nurse and 1he esMlbhshed hosp1 tal Ofder 'R' (2 hrs 9 mm ) -~ QICO,,. ... llM ~=-"Great E.\pec1at1ons" 11947 Orama) John Mills. Va1e11e Hobson Based on tho story by Charles Dickens A young boy's hie es deeply influenced by a chance encounter with An escaped pos oner ( I hr . 58 min ) llll~PAITM• ...... ,...(IQ llCMI "The Winter Ot Our Oreamci" ( 1981, Orama} Judy Oav15, Bryan Brown A young man beeomes 1ttracted to lhe junk..,.pros111ute he meets while 1nvest1· g8llng his g1rll1iend's death 1n Sydney's t1nder10tn d1ttric1 ( 1 hr , 29 min ) • 8 mvtl "Man-Made Monsler" ( 194 t HOfror) Lon Chaney Jr l 1onel Atwill Through an experiment with eleetncel ch1rget. a man 11 turned Into a human iamo~r . 5 m1rt) .. ClllC MIT~ .... .. econ ... CB> .,.. "Gotn' All The Way" (1982, Ofama) Oan Waldman. Deborah van Rtlyn A high SChoOI seo10< amC1ously tries 10 get tlr5 wtuous girlfriend lo go to bed With him 'R' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) CIJ mT a1 mAmo -11orn1ng Movies-• •CC> "The Jericho Mile" ( 1979, Ofama) Peter Strauss, Brian Dennehy ( I hr 40 mln) .. (%) "Blade Runner · ( 1982, Science-Fie· tlon) Hamson Ford, Rutger Hauer ( 1 hr . 54 mtn) .. all 'Pertec1 Gentleman· ( 1978, Com&-W Lauren Bacall. Ruth G0<don (2 hrs ) W c.s.J "The W11ch's Sister" ( 1979. Mystery) Oapnne Youree. Dara Brown ( 1 hr . 10 min.) -~ "Mr. Hobbs Takes A Vacatton" ( 1962, Comedy) James Stewart. Mau reeo 0 Hara ( 1 hr . 56 min ) 19(!) "Never Say Ote' (1939. Comedy) Bob Hope, Andy Devine (2 hrs ) (%) ·one Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest ( 1975, Drama) Jack NtehOlson. Louise Fletcher (2 hrs . 15 min) flll(RJ "Wavelength" ( 1983. Science Fie tion) Robert Carradine Cherie Cume ( 1 hr , 27 min ) .. cm "Krull" ( 1983. Fantasy) Ken Mar shall Lysette Anlhony ( 1 hr 57 min) •CCl "The Hound 01 The Baskerville~ ( 1939. Mystery) Basil Rathbone Nigel Bruce ( 1 hr 20 min ) · 0oc10fS And Nuro;es · ( 1983 Come dy) Ret>ecca Rigg. Of Pw Forsy1he ( 1 hr 30m1n) •CIJ 'Umberlo D' 11952 Qfama) Carlo Ba111s11, Maria Pia Cas1ho ( 1 hr 30 min ) -~ Table For Five" ( 1983. Orama) Jon Vorghl Riehard Crenna ( t hr 59 min J (8) "Hean Like A Wheel' ( t 983 B1ogra phy Bonnie Bedeha. Beau Bridges ( 1 hr . 53 min) (I) ''The Secret Garden" ( 1949 Oram11) Margaret O'Brien. Dean Stockwell (I hr, 32m1n) -~"The Deadly Game' ( 1976. DramaJ DaVld Birney Allen Garfield (2 hrs ) -· "A Man Called Sledge" (1971. W6St· ern) James Garner Dennis Weaver (2 hrs) 1*(%) ·The Killers ( 1946. Mystery) Burt Lancaster. Ava Gardner ( 1 hr . 45 min ) -1.11emoon Movies- .. ., "Abbott And Costello Mee• Franken- ttem" ( 1948. Comedy) Lon Chaney Bela Lugosi ( t hr • 30 mm ) CC) "Galllpolt" ( 198 t Orama) Met Gib son. Mark Lee ( 1 hr , 50 min I cm . JIWI 3' ( t983. AOVenture) Dennis Quaid 8MS Armstrong ( 1 hr , 39 min ) CS) "Mr Mom" ( 1983 Comedy) Michael Keaton, Teri Garr ( 1 hr 3 I min ) -® "Tempest ( 1982. Comedy) John Cassavetes. Gena Rowl11nds (2 hrs . 2!i min) W (l) 'A Dog 01 Flandefs" ( 1959 Ofama1 David Ladd. Donald C11~P ( 1 hr 3b min I W G "HOiiywood Story' 11951 MySlery) RIChard Conte. Julie A11oms ( I ht 30 mtn) • c.CJ "Mr Hobbs Takes A Vacatton · ( 1962 Comedy) James Stewart Mau· ·1-........ ,. lmlCAl DOC1'0I .,. "Journey F0t Margaret" ( 1~2. Orama) Robet1 Young, Margaret 0'&1en. Two British war 0<phans are adopted by a f0<elgn journalist and his wife ( t hr , 30 min) reen O'Hara ( 1 ht., 58 min.) ClD "The Big Steel" ( HM9. Adventure) Robef1 Mitchum, Jant Greer. ( t hr., 11 min.) .. ® "Wevelength" (1983. Science-fie· tion) Robe<1 Carradine. Cherie Cwfle. (1 hr. 27 min) (IJ "Brimstone And Treacle" ( 1982, Ora· ma) Sting Denholm EHIOtl ( 1 hr • 25 mtn) (I) "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" ( 1975. Ofama) Jae« NlcilolaOn. lOUtSe Fletcher (2 hrs . 30 min. I W (C) "The Twelve ChaJrs" (1970, COme- dy) Ron MOOdy, Frank Langella ( t hr 34 mm.) ... ())"Doctor. And Nurses" ( t983, Come- dy) Rebecea Rigg. Drew FOfsythe. (t hr . 30min) .. (!) "Lile, L1ber1y And Pursuit On The Planet Of The Apes" ( 1974, Scienee-Flc- tlon) ROddy McOowall. Ron Harper (2 hrs) (IJ "An Unsuitable Job FOf A Woman" ( 1982, My111ery) Pippa Guard. Biiiie Whi- telaw ( 1 hr • 3.4 min ) .. CZ) 'Thtt'lgs Are Tough AH Over" (1982 Comedy) Richard "Chee<::h" Mann. Tom- my Chong ( 1 hr • 30 min ) -•lvening .. ... t.mUMCMIClllW,.._ Cll ... "'&.GIG WllAI IAmaTMMUCTICA ILH••-.r Wlm W.. Robbie Doyle puts togeth· er all the elements learned so far to actu· !!!}' "sall a course " (R) c;> [,CJ MOWW "Sink The Blemftfek!" ( 1960, AdVentute) Kenneth Mote:' Dana Wynter The famous German battleShip is defeat- ed by all available air and sea l0<ces. ( 1 hr . 37 min) ([) AUTO ucm IHRA Drag Racing NO<thern NatlonalS (from Miian, Mich.) _IBl p hr ) (OJ llOWll "l<rull" ( 1983. Fantasy) Ken Marshall, LYtett• Anthony In an unearthly world, a prince must lace many tests as he Ines 10 regain hit kingdom. rescue his betrothed and tight a labulOus beast 'PG' 1! hr . 57 min.) Cl) llOWll "Somewhere In Time" ( 1980. Fantasy) ChrtStophef Ae.119. Jane Sey- mour Obsessed with the portrait of a t 9th·century actress. a modem-day pley· wright uaee hypnos18 to travel baek In 11me and meet her 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) DICll YAI DYQ ..... llAClm. /LWWI .... YmlCAWO.I MIO~ATl"MCTIOm YMT-. ,. Cll ... .... llAllllAUW. PA MitMB9 An all-wot'nln s6<)'04Ying tNm in competition. a cont•t for couPlel thlt promotee the comedy movie "a..cn. i1or=·---,_..,..., ... ,.,,.. ...... ., Cll "°°11M.1. Winnipeg Blue Bomberl at Edmooton &kimos (3 hrs ) ®IT.-I009•Y "Glen Campoen And Fr1eodt" Wlftle Nelson, Johnny Cash. Krla Krlstoffereon and Anne Murray lolc'l Glen Cempbell 1n a concer1 to celebrate hts 25 years In show business. ( 1 ht.) (IJ .. "Heart Like A Wheel" (1983, Biography Bonnie Bedella, Beau Bndges A diamatlzatloo of the nte ol car r808f Shirley "Cha Cha" MuldOwney, who won he< hrst raoe In 19e6 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 (D' ~ "Trail Of The Pink Panther" ( 1982. Comedy) Peter Sellers. David NfV8(1 Followtng the drsappearanoe of t>umbl1ng French Pofiee detecttve tnspec- tOf Clouseau. a TV reporter Interviews friends, family and enemies 10 put togeth- er a= of tits ltfe 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 mm ) G "The Garment Jungle" ( 1957, Drama) lee J Cobb, RIChard Boone Love and mob extortion ftlreaten the postwar garmen1 business partne<shtp of a man and hlS Widowed lather (2 hrs ) P:lt 8 I Ol lW TOWll Featured a talk with N Y 's cC>lorlut MayOf Ed Koch. a special gltmpse of the late lee Strasburg with his acting class; what makes New York's hot dogs famous, stop at a Broedway prem- 18fe party. lhlS one f()( "NICholaS Nlckle- b ", PAl&YfllUD ,. .... "°"· 11CTAC-- -NYATA1m ....... CCMIT ..._ 8"wic..D al ..... Wtae•ITOI_•._. P:lt .,_ "The Conversation" ( 1974, Drama) Gene Haci<men, John Cazsle A PfOfesslonal Wifetapper begins to ques- tion the ethics ot his profession (2 tin ) ... CJ) TMI IUCll GP MAZZAm Oalsy runs Into one of Bose Hogg's orOOked 9Chomes when She mes a crop-duster to help out a friend (R) ( 1 hr ) II TMI .,.. A female Ninl8 ptota to mufdef the Mas\e<'t K0<ean War buddy IBl ( t tir.) • ..,_ .. Futurew0tkf' ( 1976, Scttnce- Flctlon) Peter Fonda, BIV1he Danner Two repottef9 dig beneath the surface of • fan- tasy world where petrons pay halldS()mety to kll9 001 their wffdest dr~ema among a tatlOn o1 robOts. (2 M ) ..... TWa*' .. 8flWT'J • I f!ll 11 b rJ F.tured Rod St.ioet dlteussea h4 current acting rOles I "°"" COlllf WAllllJC*-•---llll ....,.. A female Ninfa plot:\ to Sunday, Juty 29, 1984 23 rru-def rhe Mast!!" $ lfort'a"I Wa· Cloela1 moo t lR> 1 ••--Ill.LAii an ~rcoup (R) (2 hrs . t5 min ) • W&L snmT Wiii .,~ C" T!'le .. Mml OI M Im Ol.'9UD Sched-8 • 06 CMeCll Hoet . .JofVony Car ~?" Guest F·a~ ,.., iams .;ce Vied Men's and women's basketba• son Guests Albert Bro()l(s. &C>Otle '&~' of researc" Cal''<>' S::-tzge-aiC ~~·s ~J-~~endng (live 1~.J:..\;,~) CC>.. "Ga __...... ""'" ' ·"-a-:~P • • .. _ •om os . ...,..~ ~ ........,_,, events are ..,.CS II bl11 n. ~ ""' V' .. ... subiect 10 cnange ( 1 hr . 30 min) .._....,.N.M:I U11be0n. Mark lee T ""° "'41•at.an loot (f) m'Wll In Ute Flint" 11967. Adllen· ,_. Wtlh c:ontrasiingry cJiftefenl ~ ture) James Coburn. lee J Cobb. Tl'le l.llll'nulOIM•IU••..._ Mtl8& .,.... up to t~I n Jurt<-..., . ......,. p 1 ._ .,,__ TOP ._ ._ Terrance All vs -· .,,... ~, ~·-,, ef'I agort ••• rm•t to thwart a group of F ank Newt f ES Wortd W111 I. 'PG (I l'Y . SO ITlit! > female r~IOl'lal1es (2 hrs . 30 min.) r on Of the PN l.Jghtwetgnt CH> .. '"Hean L <ke A Whee I I • .9e3 111 ..... °',. .. Ol 1WUD COYef age Championshlp. scheduled for 12 roundS 8iogr'aphy 8onnllt! ~ Seau &.()QeS continues trom Los Angeles. 0 11 tv 30 (trom AtlantlC Crty. NJ) (R) (2 tvs . 30 A drametaation Co' 11>.e e c• c.ai ra~ ) l1W\ ) Shirley "0. 0\8 MUIO°""ney *l'lO -.on l'llW'I cm ..,.,. "B<OC>Ke Does College" (No her ~ l.cle 1n 1966 PG 11 ,.1, !>J l:'c:,CCUIT Date) (1 hr . tO min> mnJ 1111 ~ 1Uatl • JWCUll Featured hOsl Pat Robettson cm .. Ja"'5 r t '963 ·~:ure _,,, ___ ... , and guest& discuss world events ( 1 hr Oennes Quaid Bess Arr:is'•onQ ,,_ ~reat -())•Mee*~ MellSSa pays a sex· 30 min) .twte Shatll ten<Yl.Zes a -r.:i·~ a~ rowfvt pnoe lof trading her son for PoWef 11!9(8) .,_ "Bad Boys" < 1982· Orama) ment pet1' 'PG' 11 h< ~ ~.,... and Tf!(ry SlJffefs baddasti from her Sean Penn. Ren1 Santoni A young hood Cl)... ~ ··-, .,.. .. r; r-~. lum accldefltalty kllls the""'.,..._. bfottief """"'" = .......,. . .,.._, wickeo ~st !RI (lhr) ·--·.,,-· MIChael Kealon. 7e-Gil'' :.ri ~·~· g e 9J..,. of a teen-age dope dealet dumg a pollce ptoyed tat~ an<! ~JSoa"~ -n.Js: a~,,..,. Cl UM'PI ..-J. 1 Tim ~ chase and IS sent to a rough relcxmatory hous•~ reso<)nSJDtl ·~ ,..-~ s ..,_ 'R' (2 hrs .. 5 min ) ~ enters the ""°'" tor cc ~G ::; r • •. 8i) 8MT -.TD TO W Me<yt 1119 ~ ~ ~ l ..a'9 A comedy 31 fTWl ) Stree-p ~ts a documentary looll at °' centefed around an arhng talent agency •11'1CTAllC80UIM Helen Cak:lrco1t as she ~"'ks in ,._.,.,, that attracts oddbaH per1on-nefS Stars ~ "''"".._ Jesse White and Carl Ballantine ~, ano Australia at>out the med<al ttveet Cil .,.,. 'The cnatteoge" ( 1982 :& atttll'm r. 10;. l\W posed by nuctear pC)We1' and ~s (I Adventure) Scott Glenn. Tost1110 Mrfune teem in ~'''°"' i cc.~'" · ' ~ hr I A corrupt Japanese businessman and his tnel promotes the~---:, "T .ie Bae:-... l'i> WW1'1IAll A ~tllTOIY "Amer 1rad11ron-mrnded txother fight over a pair lof Patty at> "•Clll!>·" s·or. Ol'l e...r11 oca Tait.es Charge J965-1967 In two ol ancient famtty swords 'R' (l "' 52 Reynolds years the Johnson adm1n1s1ra11on I ___ _,, .... 5 mrn I ~·-· ..,.r.pa1cnes 1 rrwlllon Ameucans 10 hgh1 W11LL fTBT WEB T • -n 1he Nar (A) O ( 1 ht) 1t:tll 1WLIMfZ.:. Ofymoecs?' Goes• rr~~· ,•, ~ _,.,. RISky Bosloess" ( 1983. Corn· .,_ "Bloodsport" I 1973 °'ama) Pl'e510enl of resea·cn Ce e<Jy) Tom Cruise Rebecca OeMofnay A Ben JOOnson. Gary Busey A hegh school & Co hogh SCtlOol &enlOf sheftered in an affluef\t athlete struggle$ 10 w1thSland the pressure I •MaY..., Gr11cago soburb decides to expernnefll 1nfhcted upon hrm by his pustly father and -coua. OIWIQI COCMTl ·rie .... 1th lhe IN•~ Sode of ~le R. ( 1 hr 36 a glofy-seelung football coach (I hr 30 Anactc On DrlJQS A.re •'re .)So'i; :.n mon 1 min) eA.lltTWl3tion of rhe ways..,.,,,.. r Qfarux-90ITaOOI (IQ U.,. "Deadly Hero" I 1976. °'amai County tcu dollars a•e ~ • '" cont•O> .,.,. The B.g Brawl" ( 1980, Ora· Don Murray, Olahn Wtlhams A trigger sut>stance aouse s prtM;.en!PJ ma1 Jackie Cl'\an Jose Ferrf!f The son 01 happy policeman's career and a lodnap •8 (I) DAU.Al Sv• ( ,.. • .s •we ,,, a •estaurant OWnet takes up a banle with vrctrm's hie are ie<>Pardl.Zed wnen he res 00' he< pregoa~t ar~ S.Ot tr, :::;e.g r r sorr.e mobsle<S wtlO enter htm tn an inter cues hef and It.tits her abductor (2 hrs ) ha~ <JOI.Ibis at>ovr Gr:a• .e. s r <.ir ... fll ~ s1a1e tignt1ng match A. ( 1 hr. J6 men) Cf) 111• nw ... IBl j 1 tv I .Q. _,.,. ·lhe B.g Stear· ( 19'9 Actven 9 .,_ "The Hound Of Ttie BaSker 8 • .,. T~ P• .a·e E , .. s tCJBO •u<e) Robefl Mitchum Jane Gteer Aftt!f a v111es· ( 1972. Mystery) Stewart Granger Comedy1 Don 1<0011s T"'l'l eon ... d, ; ..,0 Jangerous chase through MextCO an Wi1118m Sl\atner A mysterious curse bumb6ong Am.enc.an >e:ec• .e; are c;illed Army officer recovers a stolen payrOlt ( 1 haunts each ge<lefatton ot a noble Engltsh in to irwestoQate a St'fte-s 01 '"'IO•Of>is ,.,, ari nr 11 min ) family ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) EngllStl castle 12 'Vs J ~.,.,. My Tutor" 11983. Romance! ID TtlCll OI nll -.T Guests Jo • lft ml L.A. Fealur&C .; 100-at li'e , Caren Kaye. Matt Lattanzi A high &ehoOI Boxefs. actor Mark Harmon. the Rev Ellis Los Ange6ea Mth a toc:>.6...,. ~-, student becomes romanucalty Inv~ Crenshaw ( 1 hr . 30 min ) I .. .vrth tl'le oldef woman wno is tutoring him • UTlll•rT a....ea Scheduled 8"9JU• 1 Tc.QHT ~ea•t.red '" Ftench 'R' I 1 hr 37 men I Ct\arlel Befllt.2. lingu.tt, htstonan and Rod Steiigi9' "'5cu5Ses f\'5 :vrr er.1 ac' '''9 I IOllll author ol ·'The Bermuda Triangle," on the r<*ia --.T TaACltl existence of the lost continent ot Atlantis. • _, .... Scheav-e<l ac••ess Kr:illy -• E IDB FT... ~ singer Lou Rawls. ( 1 hr ) lebf~. °' Jqy~ &others ari )Ol.lma•rS! AllfO UC. Pikes P911)( ClrmD (trom -a>.-.Tl'UCKI Howard Br<>dte act<>< ~""a ().a mono C06oraoo Springs. Cok> ) ( 1 hr ) .. ~ .,. "Sex With The Stars" (1979. lingers Jenny Burton and Patr•t;~ Juoe , .. CI) .,.,. "P · Talk" ( 1975. Comedy) Comedy) Thlcit. Wll$00. Martin &trows hr) Peoel<>pe Lamour. Sytvia BourdOn A The wrttt!f of 1 sexual advice counri I flalLftca.T 1oung woman gets 1nvotved 1n some erotic embarlls on a ma)Of research Pl'oteet -a IMT\m OI ~ and humorous situations ( 1 tir . 22 min ) study of the relationship between a wom ,_ .... ·The ~al Cvt>a GJ'!SIS 1WID8 CIJ O•m..,. an·s sex drive and hef birth Sign 'R' (1 cinematog<aphef Nesl(;( A 'l'iet'ld•os. lrlm IATimAY~ hr . 30 min.) Pfoducer OOando J rrer.ez l Pill auth<X .,. .... .,..LAI .. • C1J .,.,. "Every Inch A Lady' ( 1977 and resastance ieaoer An1oot0 Na ... arro 11111&! ca• Comedy) Harry Reems. Derby Lloyd {!>art 1 ol 2) ( 1 hr I IGUDIGLOtn'I Rains Two mutti-rnillton dOllar hootuws CD .,_ "Stlvef Dream RRc"'f l 1980 ..-.TA9 Comedian Andy Kaut-rise to the loP of New VOf1C Ctty's sex Orama I DaVld E.$Se• ~au B•IOQ(>S A man spoofs a latenight 1alk snow. ,orned lnd\JStrt ( 1 hr • 20 min ) Brltrsh motorcycle en1fl•~"i>l<t>• •ntle!•IS ,.,,., b~ a Stdelock character and a vanety ot -11~YWWW late brother's cuSlU'T' built OlkP ;Jno _g_uests. I 1 hr I ll1QICOCI( WI dec:ldel to UM •I in tics bod le>< ttw-~cc Z .,_ Hooey'. I t982 °'ama) Ciro .... ,....,..uumt • trophy 'PG' ( 1 hf 51 m.n J GOidsmith FemandO Rey A seduetrve LOW. 'MJCMtn\I (%) ... "RISl<y Busrriess ( 1983 Com woman accommodate. hOtel guests With ... 'The lonety Laoy" ( 1983. Ora- tdy) Tom Crul9e. Rebeeca DeMornay A enthusiasm 'R' 11 hr 23 min) ma) Pia Zadora. Lloyd Bocl'lnet On a tel-- high achool MNor. snet1ere<11n an att1ut1r11 1Ul@ llmfTTllM*I evised awards pu:igr,.m. a successful CNcago eut>urb decides 10 e"l)ef'1Tle<11 1tll fl Cl) m'Wll '8Hth Of The Beetlel" screeownter teas tl'le shocking st<>t"y ol wltti the wll(jef Side ol "'" .... 1 • "' :36 I 1979 B1<>graphy) St~ McKenna how she reached tame 'R' ( 1 hr . 32 Roo Culbertson A. drama11Zatron of the min. I 24 Sunday. July 29 1984 early days of lhe world-famous Lrverpudll .. cm ... "Blue Magrc" ( 1981 Mystef)') ____________________ illiii_iiiiiiiilll ________________ ca_fldtda __ Rovalle Samantha Fo11 A worn- -l'riclay Coal. an Invites seven guests to a sensuous par- ty al he< mysterious castle ( 1 hr . 20 mm.) We llOVll "The Amazing Colossal Man" (1957. Sclence-FtettOn) Glenn Langan. Cathy Downs An atomic exploslon turns a man into a murderous g1Snt ( 1 hr .. 30 min) (!) llOVll "Belle Starr" ( t9-41, Western) Gene llerney RandOlph SGon A dartng woman leaves her home to become the leader of an outlaw bend at the close of the CMI War (2 hrs ) e 9CMI ''The Last ~tme Saw Archie" (1961, Comedy) Ro llchum. Jack Webb A pair of Air Poree ddies man- age lo enioy lhetr stint tn the Armed Forces. ( 1 hr .. 30 mm l Wl~TMCU tll ATM.,_. M.L.•1111, .... , llOVll "The Roao Warnor" (1981, Adventure) Met Gibson, Bruce Spence In an Austraha of the tvture wnere CMllzation Is reduced to a collection of rural com- munes, a former highway cop makes a 200<>-mile run for sanctuary 1n a promtSed land 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) W ~ llOVll "Blade Runner" (1982. Set· ence-Flctton) Hamson Ford. Rutger Hauer In a world of the turure. a specia pollce officer 1s aSS1gned to track dowr and destroy lour renegade andrOldS 'R {_!hr ,S4m1n) CS) llOVll "Vtg1lan1e" (1983. Ofama) Robert Forster Fred Williamson A lorme1 cop explodes w11h fury when his son 1• killed by urban terror1srs and plans to )Otr a neighborhood v1g1lanre group dedicate< 10 destroying lhe thugs 'R' ( 1 hr . 3< mm) W IJ 9CMI ·w1nnmg" ( 1969. Drama) Pau Newman. Joanne Woodward A champ1or race car driver t>eset with ott-rrack martta prot>lems is determined 10 win the Indian ~Its 500 (2 hrs. 30 mm.) CHJ llOVll "Wavetenglh" ( 1983, Science Fictton) Robert Carradine Cherie Currie Three creatures from outer space are cap -Saturday •(!) u.LPAMI_...,. (I) CR, NOTUU. Winnipeg Blue Bomt>e<s at Edmonton Etklm0t (A) (2 hra • 30 min.) CI)*MI "Wltchel' Brew" (1980. Come- dy) Lana Turnet. Richard Benjamin ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) -~"--.. .,.,. ....... DAY • ...,._~,._..A comedy C¥lte<ed around an aUlng talent agency that anracts oddbaH perlortnefs Stars ~ White and Carl Ballenllne. .. i THI WOILD ftl9CIMOW IYllAT · .. mw11 "Springfield Rifle" ( t952. West em) Gary Cooper. Ptiyths Thaxter (2 his.) .. {%) MOWll "Trail Of The Pink Pant~r · ( 1982, Comedy) Pete< Sellers. David Niven ( t nr .. 35 min) -1~ M•IRY ., .... rraw11• a..w ,.., .... ..... ., lured and detained by lhe U.S Air Fore• for medical exper1men1a11on 'PG' 11 hr 27min.) •1NIALTHPm.D .... IOWM I llMTWI LW • UCQUITUU. Ektelon Champ10nst\1p1> ffi) ( 1 hr ) t:m llOVll "O The Winged Setpent ' ( 1982, Fantasy) Michael Murphy, David Carradine On the roof of the Chrysler Building. a petty crook stumbles across the nest of a giant feathery flying serpent that has been lunching on unwary Man hattanites 'A' { 1 hr , 30 min ) Cil 9CMI "One Flew Over The Cuckoo & Nett" ( 1975, Ofama) Jack Nicholson. Louise Fletcher A gleefvlly irreverent "troublemaker" is comrmtted to a mental 1nslltutlon where he incites the other patients into open rebellion against a powerlul nurse and the established hosp1 tal order 'R' (2 hrs , 15 mm ) ' • dll mn'TMCU 1:119 MOWll "War Of The ColOssal Beast" ( 1958. Scieoce-FteltOn) Sally Fraser Roger Pace An Army ott!Cef grows ro gargantuan propcrtions foOow1ng his 111 fated exposure to radiation beams ( 1 hr 30 min ) GI.,.-"Ar\ZIO" (1968. Ofama) Robert Mitchum. Peter Falk. An 0ve<-cau1tous and stubborn general nearly rurns the Anlio invasion 1n10 a disaster (3 hrs I IU•c.t ... .. IBaMTm.10 ... AUl"fUUMI llUt fOOTMU. (R) -ICOTT 1:11 MOWll 'B11mstone And Treacle ( 1982. Ofama) S11ng. DenhOlm Elliott A mysterious young man cons his way into a cynical businessman's housenold ana ltle hearts of the man's wife and handicapped dau=. 'R' ( 1 hr , 25 min ) Cl) "Somewhere In Time" ( 1980 Fantasy) Christopher Reeve. Jane Sey mour Obsessed with the portrait of a 1 ....... --•mDO THl1U91Tt llO¥ll "Headln' For Broadway· ( 1980. Mualcel) Rex Smith, Vlv1an Reed i! hr .. 29 min ) CH)lllON "Blinded By The Light I 1980 Orama) Krl1ty McNlchol. James Vincent McNIChOI ( 1 hr . 40 mtn ) cm ~ Scott BalO and Vinnie Bufano star In thlt special exploring the effects ot ~~ure on teen-agers' drug habt1s (]I) THI llAL Animated A magical eeal enttstt the aid of children 10 educate adutts at>out human cruelty 10 seals I 1 hr ) .... 19th-century actress. a modern-dey ptey- wughr uses hypnosiS to travel bKk In time and meet her 'PG' ( 1 hr .. "5 min.) Ml CHl IT~ llCMm cay ''Glen C8mpW And Frte(ld$" Wtlhe Netsoo. Jotvlny Ceah. Krts Knsrottersoo and Anne Murray )oin Glen Campbell tn a concert to oelebrat. hlS 25 years 1n snow business. ( 1 ht.) Mt (!)-THI~ .. ~ llOVll "Sink The BISl1\8rci<t" ( 19t!O. Adventure) Kenneth More. Dana Wyntet. The tamOus German battleehlp la defe91- ed by all available atr and sea forces. ( 1 hr . 37 mm) ... NefMIU.-.J) OllMllC ~~he Road Wamor .. (1981. Adventure) Met Gibson. Bruce Spence. In an Austral1a of the tuture Whefe cN9z.atlOn is reduced ro a cOllecttOO of rurel com- munes, a former highway cop mek• a 2000 mile run for sanctuary In a promlled land R' ( 1 hr 35 min ) .. Qll .llBTHILW tt111J llOv. "Clouds Ove< Europe" ( 1939, Adventure) Laurence Ql!Vier, Valerie ~ son A tesr pilot helps Scotland Yard IOMt the disappearance of new bombers. (1 hr 45 mm) (f)IUYDI~ CI; llOv. "Things Are Tough All Over'' ( 1982 Comedy) Richard ."Cheech" Mar- in Tommy Chong Two men haw numer- ous misadventures while driving en Ar~ owned. money-ftlled limo to Las Vega. 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 min ) .. CB: lllO¥W 'The Big BraWI" ( 1980, Or..- maJ Jackie Chan, Jose Ferrer. The eon of a restaurant owner takes up a battle With some mobsters who ent• him In an Int•· s1a1e hghttng match 'R' ( 1 tw , 36 min.) WU llCml "Silver Star" (1955. W•em) Jimmy Wakely, Edgar Buchanan. A noto- rious oullaw marks a particular deQuty sheriff tor a violent dealh (1 hf' .. 30 min.) I,,_ ICCIM /CO • llTTCM M• MOMIMc.a~lOO ...... llCMm .. c~ THl ....... /um.IUSMI UllAICALI 11CM1~•m I ~,..... .. OlfMMD CIUMA.o ,__ ,.,.,... ..,.. .,,., Ci')Q llOVll "Yellowt>eard" ( 1983. eon. dyl Orattam Chapman. Pete< Boyte. (1 hr . 41 min) (0) ~ TOTNI ........ Dint Met· "" and Jack G1lforcl star In tNa •tOfY abOUl a secrer experiment to ctorie a f8tl'Q.9 ac> enttst ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) ()" llOVll "The Mango Tree" ( 1977, Dr• ma) Geraldine Fitzgerald, Chriltopher Pare ( I hr 35 mm ) I WINDOW«*~ 1::9 IAT\llDAY....-CMI CZ _,.TAI.II (Gl QA-. Of TNI Da CIL.191111 Scheduled· Men's and women'• tfllCk and held baseball. basketbell and bolcing _,,. 1mtn8rf(>'; handball. rowing, fMMd ~ shooting (live horn Los Ange!M). Scfte6. uled f'VeOtS are Sllbjeet tO ~ Q (8 hrs 1 Sunday July 29. 1984' 25 -lalurclay Con1. ;"""" ..... ·--....... .,_ "The Last UnlCOfn" ( 1982 Famasyl Arwnined Yoec::ies of Mia Far- row, At.n ~" t 1 ty. 24 tnlf'I ) .aamT .,.._ M~a Fats vs. W-. Moec:on1 (R) ( 1 Iv I ® MP_. IDCI[ Red tS sue She dlloov- efl'd a "'Y$leoou5 beast. bUt "<> one ~"°' (%1 m.-'lieef1 l l' A Wheet • I 1983 fk9~ Bonnie ~ ~Bridges 1tw.5Jm11) .-.mnam NI .,. The Wa• t~·· 11962 Ofa- m.a J St~ Mc0uNn Robef1 Wagrlef (2 l'B 10 mwt I ......... ~ITOOml ~.,.,.mmaPT .. mo .... aa• I Qlll ILOWLIC'Y •mlm •Tmll -M' a .. AustrMie's A~ t.tyst~~ A. llOOi' a1 the tt.Jttraor<>- ~ .,...... Of ·~ arlCl ~ ~ l:S'S W01u-.; 'CCV~~ .-ig RS to ~toroc !lfN!'I "' P"eset'Ted CR> 1 fy \ .. ~ '2m ' · l*:IYMID'f'll .. (l)TMZMtU.O/ITNI~ WWI rT TO llA• TaTM.I ILOlllLUCT .....,0 WCTCllY .... ' I MllTOllY M c.u.AT llAl\8 This ooo..nen- far) '"onot~ :~20th 4<Ylf'.~ d ~ ~res ar r•a " ~ ll"Cllldes '~l' too1~ cl ·~ ...,,.,. ~ anc ~ts O! tne.r cart'e' as wel as an ~lf"'t>e"W> '"'•n r!'leW Of~ George I.Qr. tr. l ' ~ lO""W" £ 19\. 'I WA TUT W 11 5'.c>er 8owi \I H~·s -oa ~¥5 M~ ()olprions ( J:i i::: .,.,. ~ ( 1972. Ora,~) C-oe>y TVS<>" Pav w~ ( • ly 45 """" ~ ..::al mn8 • _, Ni adoo'ed .. ,-1.F~;;;-~ ,......,. ~~ BrOk('f'I Sabrl'. 1196-4 ~~Ufl') ~ Cotv'IOt'S Kamala ~ 26 ~~LUCT • --IM RobOie ~ e~n5 t~ ~ b) wf.::n SM PtnOn9 ~1 ,...,,....,.end rt-et~ w~ O • m CMIT'Oft ~ Mll'O Ml:m CAN-AM~ f"OtTl & .nerd.~ I l .,.,. 'TOI"'! ~Otn ·~ .... e&'etl'll Sun<4 -Ju' Steve McOueen. Richard Farnsworth ( I "" . 38 l1WI ) ·-•mtm .. G1) llCMI "The Wrecking Clew.. ( t968 . Comedy) Dean Matlin, Elke Somme\' (2 -h,~·;EJ.. ILMLUC'I ........ &\. .. ,,.cu.,. -COO aa W com'TT 'The Atteck On Drugs· Are We lOSlng '' This ptogrem fOClJlleS on the ways "' Whtch Orenge County tu dollars are spent to contrOI substance abuse (I) AUTO UC. Formula I BntlSh Grand Pnx (from Brands Halch. Engtaod) (R) i! ty 30 ITW\ ) CH) OUOCAlm .. Rach Lrttte Come Laugh With Me" The comedlan-1mptessiornst pokes tun al the Olympcs and pays trib ute to famous show buS£ness teams ( 1 IV ) av•• a 1 w IOOl llCAN The v()j(;· es of Ruth Buzz>. George Gobel Tammy Grimes and Arte Jonnson are leatured 1n tl'llS special wnicti combines live action and an1mallon in the story of a gll1 (Ov"'n Cummmgs) who meets a host of llterar,- chatacters after hOufS in a hbrary (J)llCMI .. They Got Me Covefed ( 1943 Comedy) Bot> Hope, Dorothy Lamour 11 -1"'~:· llCMI Ur.;Querade ( 19-SS West· eml 0a)'1on Moore Jay ~o'ef~ 11 r:t-LM•M"<GGIJI UY'C-M WIWI• TO .. CI>.. ~ 1960 Musaca , Frank Sn9tza. ~ Mac:Lane 2 rv-, tt mn) ,,. , Cl) •wma • l•"M.L ~ co...eragt" ct Chcaoo V.'-te So• a: UlfwaUt,ee Btl'Wt."s 01 Los ~ Dodgers •t ~t• ~ (31'W$) lldlaP191 ... :r; ... ,., :•o lllC -UTaAC?: M lli'WrD TO ~ llO'lll · WarGames'" ( ·9e3 5u1pense1 Mamie-Btodef'o Oa~ ~ ' 1 "' SJ """ ) (II) ... 'Strangt" Stew'' P98J. ~· dy J Oll'we Thomas. Rctl Morat111S C ' IV 30 rTW\) ........ NI Cl) -.,w,.MMB.-::1 -.CW''-.... _ lu..11&..KT ... -Tfllllllila.~~·-~'!..--­.. UTS'tCT; Ml WIWTD TO om. ..... (() I' I I I W The Ha~rorw (M trom The ~ tn East ~Cl N J ) (3 l'n 30 mt\) ~tmAT 9 Fl•m!Wf :l) ... '\knberto O' (1952, Orama1 Car10 8atf1111 ...... Pia C..-0 f f IY 30 rTW\ I &11 ..... -1(1)MfM.-r --··· .. ~ ..... 11979 ,.,,.., ture) Peter O'T006e. John Stand.Ing (2 hrs l I mml1UTl'Cm'I~ ILOWILUC'f -·---AT MJA't A special barbecue featuring goal cheese grves JIM a reason 10 visit a goat ctteese fac1ory. while guesr chef Francois KisSel ptepares Oungeness crab stew Q I!) .. UTaACT: Ml llTIDDUC'TD TO C09UT8I (D)C* THI All 1RTM .,_ ,_.,_ (I) llCMI "Airplane II The Sequel' ( 1982. Comedy) Rober1 Hays. Juhe Hag erty ( t hr . 25 min ) a.l~he Vlolenl Men .. (1955 Wesrem) Glenn Ford. Barbara Stanwyck ,.. I Cl) CHUI.,. ... PllTIWM. 1'111-•HftN.L ILOWILUCT .-AT OUTDOC:m Jtm Tabof ellamines tly·frshlng gear and techn.ques. meet~ 1>1rctwa1chef A<>Qef Tory Peterson and vis its the Jamaica Bay Wiidiife Refuge Q 61) t.-i CM ITCl"t CID THI WNO 10UI -M,..., IHOW The WhO's North Amet1can farewell toor taped 11 the T oronro Map6e Leaf Gardens leatutes such Who claSSICS as "P1nbal1 Wizard. · 'My Gene<a1IOO." "See Me Feer Me' and "Who Are Vou?" ( 1 hr 30 mtO l w I .. w.•-.,,:•111 AOWBIT\m ,....,.. ITMTm IAftM.l Montreal E.1tpos al Choeago IQ.Jar __ -a c • ITCl"t .,_ Headlll FOf Broadway ( 1980 MUSIC81) Rell Smith Vivian Ree<l 1 "' <.>9 min I _,.,. Blue Skies Again ( 1983 Comedy) Harr., Hamhn. Mll'lll Rogers 1 hr 27 ffif(l l CZ:. mN ·Tr ail ()f The Pwlk Pant he< t 1982 Comedy) Pet11 Selef's. Oavttj Niven 11 hr . 35 rTWl l wl:'tI:aa .. WIJ'.IF •• '-19DGP ILOllLUCT IDM'-• ._JCMITCll"t DOTT8 ~NJ. cacu Country sta1 Dottie West weicomes Larry Galhn and me Gatl.ln Brolhers John ~ and the singirlO dUO Oa\l\d Fnznl and Shellt>v West (I IV) -· cm l'Cm'l ..:IM. U S Amateur BowWig Championships (from Las Vegas ~I phr.30rTWl) 8 9QliiCOfl Pro-Grip Orange Atd@o< ~~) I:~:'~.~-~ ~·o ( 1975 A~v<el Richard Chembeflam Tony Curll$ ( 2 hrs ) I ===~ 'l• CM.,_ mt•lll•YM .. .-Y LO 1 •11 S.nger f ~ei .C~ Loggins perlormt meny ol hts QfMle51 hits -including ·~ I Call YOU Friend'' •nd KMP The ,.._ .. In th.S Concett l11P9d et the $ente Bwbefe Coun !l... eo-1 (1 I'll l -~~ -Saturclay Cont. .. l ..... """OIUID>--.. • ...... mAll» ILOVILUCT .,..,,....,, lfTRODUCllG mLOIY .,. "The Thlr1y·N1ne Steps" ( 1978 Suspense) Robefl Powell, David Warne< l_! hr • 42 min.) (B)MOvm "Blinded By The Ught" (1980, Drama) Kristy McNlchol, James Vincent McNlchol. (1hr.40 min.) • 1•rm1L IUUITUTID * ...,.... "Supercharg&B" llOWll "Road To Ball" (1953, Come- i) ~~by, Bob Hope (2 hra.) tLOVILUCT IOVA lnvestlget" the orlgtne and the dlternmu of the continuing nuclear weap· on1 crl1l1 (A) Q (1 hr.) m llOWll "San Francllco" ( 1938. Ora· ma) Clark Qable=r Tracy. (2 hrt ) I ..... fllll•MVllW(I! "°"' "GrtaN 2 ' (1992. Mualcll) axwtll Caulfield. Mloht llt Pfeiffer. (1 hr .. &&min.) cm MOWll "Norman l.OVtt ROM" (1 982. Co= Carol Kant. Tony Owen (1 l'lr , •O CJ) "The Mango Tree" (1977. Ora· ma) Geraldlne Fitzgerald, Christopher Pale ( 1 hr . 35 min ) CZl llO¥ll "The Killers" ( 1946. Mystery) Burt Lancaster Ave Gardner ( 1 hr . 45 mm) -•:.L all fJ (I) NA GOLi Danny Thomas Memphis Classic • Third round (from Coton.at Country Club in Cordova. Tenn ) ( 1 hr 30m1n) Mf•UIT 9 ... I UM LUCY lfflGDUCllQ 9CUQY .,_,,...,.~Edmon 1111-• ... ... _,...wmtml DOUCLAI a uma °' 1'MI XIII OLYWIAD Scheduled Men's basketball. men's and women's track and held. bOxing prellm1- naries. men's handball, weightllltlng (ltv9 from Los Angeles) Scheduled events are subject to change O (5 hrs ) G llO¥ll "Shaohn Iron Claws" ( 1983. IA~:;"' Tao. Loe I Min (2 h'9 I WI.I AlmlCA "Hog Wiid!" Marty explains how some wlld hogs wet'e Import· ed from Europe and others an' d<>meStlc stock that have reverted to the wltd. and he manages to run Into the nattve North American member of the hog lamlly, the peccary ~ lf't10DUC:ml m.ol'f ....,ecam llCMI "St Helens" ( 1981, Drama) Art Carney. David Huttman. ( 1 hr , 35 min) ll01'G• CllTI lnmA1'1DUL W D09TOUITM .. :••AU. ATTMlllCMU I LAM LUCY ,..,.,. lf't10DUC:ml ma&.OIY llCMI "Simon" ( 1980. Comedy) Alan Arlun. Austin Pendleton ( 1 hr. 31 min) (J) flOCllT MI 'AW Minnesota Fals vs Wllllt Moeconl (R) ( 1 hr ) Cl) llOWll "The Sea Wolvff" ( 1980. Adventure! GraQory Peck Roger Moore {.?hrs) G TCl"'"OQl""'•m...... wrrM -.ft ,_ PAT IOCl9 ... 112') IAmAU. San Francisco G1an1s at ·1A'i.:at::_ rA .. "M llCMI "Farewell To The Planet 01 The Apes" ( 1974. Sclence-flctk>n) ROddy McDowell. Ron Harl)ef (2 hrs ) 1 11.CMLUCT llCMI ''The FBI Story" ( 1959. Ofa· i!w=:.::"'~ (3~•1 ~ llCMI "Yellowbtard" ( 1983, Com&- dy) Graham Chapman. Peter Boyle. ( 1 hr .. -'1 min.) cm llCMI "Happy Annlveraary" ( 1959, Comedy) David Nl\ltn, Mitzi G1yn0t ( 1 hr. 2t min.) (%) ~ ''Riiiey Bullneee" ( 1983. Com· idy) Tom CNIM, Rebecca OtMOf'ney ( 1 hr .. 38 mlnk.w. ·1fi'-:, ' DOCTOIWMO IA•'iLL San Diego Padres ar Hous· ton Astros (2 hrs , 30 min ) D ~ AT MJA'I Julia prepares a main course of braised sweetbreads. and guest chef Bradley Ogden seNes a des· sert of sui~sh =e mousse. (R) o (I) TGfl IO Terrance Alli vs Frank Newton for the ESPN Lightweight Champtonsh1p schedUled for 12 rounds (from Atlanllc City, NJ ) (R) (2 hrs 30 min) .... ~Evening ........ .. G ~ FOOTUU "Pre-Season Game · Los AngeleS Rams at San Diego Chargers Qhrs) D ~ POOTUU 'Pre-Season Game" Los A= Raiders vs San Francisco 1 498=.ii.mwu-. Mm'ICJ/9Wt WOIWATmCOIOM ml LOCATm "Rech Little Come Laugh With Me" The comechan-lmpress1ornst pokes fun at the Olympics and pays trib- ute to famous show bOslness teams. ( 1 hr) IMP_...,_, II .. Uf1'\IMOUMmlM,._. ... . TOO C&.Oll ~ ""CMICll-ftlft ... DO n YOUR I ' aeow A 1oOk a1 refin- ishing. refurblshlng and new flOOf 1nstalta- 11on (A) ~ llCMI "The Laat Unieorn" (1982. Fantasy) Animated. VOIOet ot Mia Far· row. Alan Arkin. An apprentice m•g1Clan aids the !Ille character In her search 10< the rest of the hefd that have been 1mpr1S· oned ~n evtl king 'G' ( 1 hr . 2• mm ) (0) "BreathlesS" (1961 , Ofama) Jean Seberg, Jean·Paut Belmondo An American woman has a tragic attalr wtth a I~;~~ (1h<.29mln ) ... awl.II~ TMU wmt Guest ne Wilder WIF~CGWT • ~, ,,._ ~ect. the Go-Goe. Rex Hamson. ( 1 tv ) I ...... .,, • W 01 ..... Anttvopologlst Richard Leakey reconstructs the !Iva of .human belngS' ancestors. Q ( 1 tv.) <If) .,. "Gloria" ( 1980. Drama) Gene Rowlands, John Adames. A former gun mou becomes the protector of an orphaned 6-year-dd Puerto Rk:an Ultget· ed by the undetwOf"ld fOI' the lntotmetlon he carrlea In 1 blnered brlefeeee. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 1 min.) CI:).,. "Mr Mom" (1983, Comedy) Michael Keeton. Teri Garr. An unem- l)IOY*I lather Ind h!Ablnd mutt ..,,,.,_ h<>UaeUeplng rMPQnllblUtlel wtlle NI wife ent"1 the w()fk force. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) Cl).,. "Tom Horn" (1980, Wtllem) 9teve McOUMn, RlcMrd FllTIHOrth. In H rly 201~tury Wyoming, • bounty l'lunttt hired by 1 group of rtnchlra to treck down ruetltft le Mi up tot • hinging --~'A' (1ht.,31mtn.) ...... Neal Oabler end Jet .. ey Lyont hott a IC)IClel on~ wtttl Iott* from "tndiena "°"'" And The Temple Of Doom" and other ~ lavorttH. CJ) llOWll .. Airplane II: The Sequel" ( 1982. Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie~ •arty A comme<clal spec...nuttte compe- ny attempts to keep a pilot from rewellna the problems will'! tis first craft befOl'e It taket off on Its maiden flight . 'PG' ( 1 tv .. 25 min). ?19 07)1111-• IA•Ml ... .,. "SSS'SSSS" ( 1973, HorrOI') Strother Martin. Dtrk Benedict. A tamed snake expert sells his e111)eflmtntal fail- ures to a circus freak show (2 hrs.) ()) .,.. "Watershlp Down" ~:.~d1 of 2) ( 197JJ. Ofama) Animated. on the bOOk by Rlchard Adams ~ rabbits try to build a new Mure tot them- selves when the forces of progr-drive rnem out of their home. (R) (I ht.) Ill LIT 1'MI CMI l Fm I LM Otana ~ and Michael Landon host thla appMl to benefit reeearcti at St. Jude'• CNldrtn' • H~ht.) ~ GI IT .. -:. C'A Guesta: eonc. FranclS, Alabama, ectOf' Tom &Jllvan, Si~ JUltUS LaRosa (2 hrs.) • llCMI "Jessi's Girls" (No Datt) ( 1 hr. 30 min.) 8 MTmM. --mlC "'Australla'a Animal Mysteries" A loo« at the txtraor~ nary •nlmala of Australia and the ~ tllts ~Ing to pr..,.... theee IMna lk"lka to prehlatorlc tlmea is pr....,ttd. <"> ( 1 hr) e nw•:~&•lflr IW OlaNne'1 r.i. tlon.l'llp with W1llla btglt'9 to ~ wt-.n the mOYM in with the Orummcnd faml)YjR) !~-... 1I0'9 "Poncy't" (198t, Comedy) n MONhen. Martc tWTitf Randy Ngh achoof t>oya Melt vtnQMnoe on • -.zy cathoU9e that refuMcf them edmlttanct. 'R' (1 hr . 3S min ) (l)~-ca:i .,.. "8reathlesa" ( 1983, Df9mt) Rk:hard Gert. Valarie ~ A tre.. gp1nted auto thief unintenttonely kJa1 a patrolmen and later de>.Je6opt an oe... SMt attr1etlon to 1 young wom.n. ~ ( t hr , 41 min ) ti llCMI "StOfm Ctnttf" (1958, Ora- Sunday, July 29, 1984 'l.7 -Saturday Cont. ma) Belle Davis, Brian Keith A Pofllteian attempts 10 ruin a llbra11an·s repu1a11on atter her refusal 10 remove a controversial bOOlt from her shelvtn.. (2 hrs ) -~...rTUCla~ .. UPUmD OI nll Melt,,,., FAMOUS am ..OC. R1eky learns whar a great father he has after his dad 1efuses 10 accompany h1m to an annual father son d1nnet (R) C:O llOWll Manha11an Merry-Go-Round' ( 1937 Comedy) Phil Regan. Leo Carrillo When a mobster takes cont1ot of a record- ing company. he nearly causes a male Sl!:IQer 10 lose his f1ancee ( 1 hr 30 min ) J llOVll ··w1tcheS' Brew· ( 1980, Come- dy) Lana Turner Richard Beniamrn A college professor s wife uses the black arts to help her husband's career 'PG (I hr 40 mlf\ I •fJ llOWll "Wa1ersh1p Down" (Part 1 of 2) f 1978, Drama) Animated Based on the bO<>k by R1ehard Adams Courageous rabb<ts try 10 build a new future fOf them· selves when rhe forces of progress drive them out of rhelr horne (R) ( 1 hr ) D w+ W ITWll Charlene's rela· t•OOSh1p with W1lh9 begins to crumble wnen she moves 11'1 with the Drummond family tR) D fYI C* U Featured a look at hie 1n Los Angetes w11h a locus on lhe Angelenos eJcper1ences from the cradle to the grave CJ) llCMI A L1flle Romance ( t979. Comedy) Laurence Ofrv1e1 Diane lane An elderly con artist 101ns two young runa ways 1n love on a mad dash across the European continent with the children s parents and lhe poh<.e •n t11JI pursv11 (2 hrs 15 min) 0 LIT ntl CMLDMJf LM (Cowr'D) ~ .... N-llAIOM FOOTIM.L ''Los Anye es Rams at San Otego Cnargers (3 hrs J fZl) Lftlm Dr James H Duke a trauma surgeon struggles to save an auto acc1· dent v1ct1m by flying her in a helicopter 10 a 1'1earby "'=-( 1 hr ) r)=··= Minnesota Fals vs Willie Mosconi (R) ( 1 hr J 1i MOVll Class ( 1983 Otama) Rob Lowe. Jacqueline Bisset An intelligent prep school student has an alfair with h1s roommate'<, mother A ( 1 hr 38 min ) .l .,_ Risley Business (1983 Com edyJ Tom Cruise. Rebecca DeMornay A high school senior Sheltered in an affluent Chic.ago wburb. decides to expe11ment w11tt the w1ldef side or h1e R Q ( 1 hr 36 min) <ZJ .,_ ·Heart Like A Wheel" ( 1983 Biography Bonnie Bedefia Beau Bridges A dramatization ol lhe hie ol car raef>r Shirley "Cha Cha Muldowney, who won her ltrst race 1n 1966 'PG' (I hr 53 min) • 1-.rllACll ........... (I) uml OI M -OlYIMAD Sched· uled Men's t>astletbalf ~n·s fencing. men's volleyball (hve from Los Angeles) Scheduled events are svb,ec1 10 cnange 1(1hr.30mln) MJMTZGm UM, i.-CM ITYLI llMIA'I , .. , Mama decides to tun tor lh9 office of mayor (Part 1 ol 2) (R) -aamlCY Cl IOc. Boone deC1des lo enh!.t m 1ho Army after his free spirited sidekick 1!l dratted ( I ht ) ..... 28 Sunday. July 29, 1984 l lOUDOOLD I .U • THI ILWI laura Ttw1m~ son (leueen Wiiioughby) a yo1Jng Tor0< 10 schoolteacher accepts a two-yee1 teaching posltlOO 1n the Yukon 1n:>ntie1 whefe she falls 1n love with an eccentric. penn1Jess miner named Frank Bertl11• i H. Thompson) (2 hrs) ~CM.ftlllA .COllCD,.. __ , MOYll "WarGames' 1198,l Suspense) Manhew Broderick Dabnoy Coleman A teen-age computer whiz 1nao ve1tenlly sparks a nuclear confrontahon when he accesses lhe Pentagons strait• glc compu1e1 system PG ( 1 hr s l min) Cl) AUTO ltACm Formula I BrtltSh Gran ; Prix (from Brands Hatch England) m i!_ h1 . 30 min ) (Q) ._. ~ Singer I songwril~r Kenny Loggins perlorms many ot ht" greatest hits ·· 1nclud1ng "Whenever I Call You Friend" and Keep The F11e 1n this concert taped at the Santa Barb11ra Cot.iro 1 Bowl ( t hr I u.TTA -.-r 1'IACal -IOUD9CU MU&.nmAT ~~-eOCOT .. IAT\IDAY IPORTI P~ MO¥ll "Laura's Toy' ( 1978. Dram.•1 Rebecca Brooke. Eric Edwards A lret> thinking couple Share thetr boudoir w11t 1 fun·lovta y~an ( 1 r11 ~ min 1 '*I Lacft TOPT91 LIT M ClllJIB LM (COWT1>) , .. mWI "The Wilby Consp11acy 1191•, Orama) Sidney Po111er MicMel Ca1n1• A black South African rebel sets out with r11, lawyer and a whtle m1n1ng engineer on i! cross-country trek lo locale c1amonus hidden years earlter (2 hrs ) (B)mf .... A•YM ... (O)llO¥a "Maneaters" !No O;,tr) 11 ht tOm1n) Cl)IUtOf .... Q (I)llO¥a "The Lonely Laoy t 1983 Dr.i ma) Pia Zaoora Lloyd Bocnner On a tt!I ev1sed awards program. a successl1JI screenwriter tells lhe shock1n~ s1ory nt how she reached lame 'A' ( 1 llr ll ,,.1m1n~~I td ... tW •MU...C:W.OLn.tCW'OATI •DAV'IDUllE&Yt•~ Guests commemorallng the seoes sec ond ann1ver&ary include Larry "Bua Mel man and h19 eon Troy "Chipper Melman v1S1onary Brother Theodofe, comedian Mel Coch11ta. parrot trainer Alba Ballard. Mr Conspiracy. psychic Lev Shne1der and iee-cteam magnate Tom Carvel (RI 11 lh1 . :. "r:J-J"1't llACICI .~ ... amsm(ll) 110¥a "I, The Jury' ( 1981 Ulamu) Armande Assante, Barbara Carre1a Pri vate eye Mike Hammer laOQtes with a coterie ol v1lta1ns es he a11emo1s 11 eve1199 a war buddy's murder 'A ( t 111 SO min) (J)M0¥11 "Beach G11ts" ( 1982 ComPdy) Debra Blee. Val Kline A teen age girl s friends help her 10 loo$en up so they can get on with having fun at the beach 'R ( 1 hr . 30m1n) "'98 llO¥a "A Little Aornance' ( 19/9 eom.dy) Laurence Olivier Otano L arw An eldeftv con artist 101M two younQ 111nn ways 1n love on 11 mad dasti acrMS th. European continent with the ch1k:tren parents ano tt'oe poltee 1n hot purc;u1t (<' hrs . lb rruri ) ·~-:-,,.~ MOft 'Funeral Home ( 1982 Mys tery) Kay Hawtry. Barry MOfse A youno woman 1n11es11ga1es stra~e occuren<.e• a1 t•er grandmothers Victorian home A ~hr 30m1n) tl:tl llO¥ll "Beach B1a11ket Bingo" ( t96!> omedy) Frankie Avalon. Annelle Fun1 cello Sk)'d1111ng and ll1<lnappmg are par1 ol the lun and f101tc ot the teen-age beat:h set 11 h1 . 4!> mtn ) (!) ,_THI anon DIS 9 cwmt Of 1MI 1111 OLYWW> Sched· uled Men'& b8ske1ball men's fencing men's vOlleybell (lrve from Los Angeles) Scheduled events are sub1ect to change q ( t hr . 30 min I · m lllOVll Best Foot FOfward' ( 1943 Cornedy) Lucille Ball Wilham Gaxton A movie star becomes 1n110lved 1n a national scandal when she attends a prep school aance (2 hrs ) fl) OAYID .... Mothers And Daugt-o ters In The Same Career ' Gues1s Loi<. Wyse president ol Wyse Ad11ert1S1ng and daughter Kathe11ne syndicated newspa per columnists Deane Lord and daughter jM~r~d (I hr) •ACI Am YlllOt tl:tl ....., TUCll '2:11 MOVll "Nolh1ng To Hide' ( 1981 Ord 111<11 John I eSlie A11 hard Pacheo Thi> !.I01 e• ot Jack a v11omaruzer and Lenny no!> lroeno lrustratPO nt 1011e are toto ( I hr 31 min I 1t1I \. .,VW Fellcoa ( 1'_180 Orama) Je11r1 Roche Mary Mel'lderr Ar Australian CO<i pie ,. marriage 1!> shallen up by the arrival ot a bored nymphet ( t t'or 5 mm l iti1 Cf) MOVll Fort MasSc1c1e" I 1958. West err 1 Joel McCrea For rest Tucker A cav airy s.ergean1 pushes his troops onward oesprte con11nu1ng conthcts with 1no1an rern=~·s t2 nrs) 'I., Rrsky Business ( 198J Com edy) Tom Cru1~ Rebec1..a DeMOfnay A nigh "hoot !len1or sheltered 1n an allluenl Chicago S4.lburb flec1des lo expe11men1 with 1he w1tde1 <.ii.le .:>t hie A 1 1 h1 :\6 min) ttiM I TMI wrrouac .. a ,. IOC& ,AU.Ca L01T••AC1 ... lllal ... MO¥ll "Goodbye M1 Chips" ( 1969 Musical) Peter 0' Toole Petula Clark A tJed1caled Enghsr1 schoolmaster 1s mu<.h loveO by n1s students 11 hr . 30 min ) ([' AUTO MCIMG IHRA Drag Racing Northern Nauonals (from Milan Mich ) ~) .O> llOVW Kinky Ladies Ot Bouroon Street" ( 1977 Drama) Dawn Cummings. Helga lfl.111 Four emotionally d•sturbe<I women decide to end 11 all 1n (111'\e grnat ~y ot _eleasure t 1 nr 2!> rnin ) 1M 1911H1'TMCICI t:1I 1 llOVW 'Tt-oe Sea Wolves" ( 1980 Adventure) Gr99ory Peck Roget Moore Du11ng Wood War fl. a group of 8rl1tst1 bu!l1ne'l.Smen form a volunteer regiment lo de'1roy a German spy ne!ll In the Indian Ocean PG' (2 hr5 ) tll 'H) .ml The Survtvois · ( 1983. Come tly) Walter Ma11hau. Robin Wiiiiams A pa11 of unemployed bu54nesstnen take ot1 for rhe wilds ol New Ham~11e lo 98Cape a syndicate h1I man 'R' ( 1 hr 44 min) 1:11 CJ) MOYll "Mister Moses" ( t 965. Orama l -Saturday Cont. Aober1 Mitchum. Carroll Baker The 11eao of an Af11can lrtbe believes that an Amert can has been :-.ent as a messenger of Goo to relocate his tribe (2 hrs , 15 min ) Ct) llO¥ll "Hard Country" ( 1981 Ora· ma) Jan Michael Vincent Kim Basinger A Te1tas factory worker is torn between his desire to continue In the "gOOd old boy" lifestyle and his llancee's show bu&· ness amb1t1ons ( t hr 45 min ) ,,., ... .. llO¥ll "The Great Waldo Pepper ( 1975 ComeOy) Aoben Redford. Bo Svenson A frus trated Amencan fighter pilot becomes a barnstorming stunt man In his thirst for action during World War I l hrs) ROCl*tJBJCA llO¥ll ·1 was A Teenage werewolf" ( 1957, Horror) M1chae1 Landon. Yvonne Lime A psychiatrist changes an unbal· anced teen-ager into a monster bent on murder ( 1 hr 30 min ) 0) llO¥ll Blowing Wiid ' ( 1953 Adven- ture) Gary Cooper. Barbara Stanwyck A wildcatter end his power-hungry wile a11empl to st11ke 1t rich 1n the Oii fields ( 1 hr 30m1n) \D llO¥ll ·Can Gan' ( 1960, Musical) Frank Sinatra Shirley MacLa1ne Score by Cole Porter A cate owner oerenos her 11ghls when tier dance hall is raided becauM' or "lewO · dancing (2 hrs . 11 min) CO. llO¥ll Norman Luves Rose ( 1982 ComeOy) Carol Kane Tony Owen A 13 year olcfs romantic purSlJll of his s1s1er in law leads to some very sensitive comptica· l ions when th41 young woman beconws pregnant A ( t hr 40 min ) ~~IUIUT (!) = Tom Horn ( 1980 Western) Steve McOueen. Richard Farnsworlh In early 20th century Wyoming a bounty hunter Med by a group ot ranchers to track down rustters •S set up lor a hanging !his emplOyers 'R' ( 1 hr • 38 min ) ..... '11 llO¥ll "Porlly's" (1981. Comedy) Dan Monahan. Mark Hemer Randy high school boys seek vengeance on a sleazy cathouse Iha! refused them adm111ance 'A' ( 1 hr 35 min ) (B) llO¥ll "Strange Brew" ( 1983. Come- dy) Dove Thomas. Rick Morants Two beer loving men become involved 1n a plOt 10 kidnap a brewing heiress and make the world addicted to a newly spiked bever ~g_e 'PG' ( 1 hr , 30 min) la) llOYll "Risky Business" ( t983 Com edy) Tom Cruise. Rebecca OeMornay A high school senior sheltered 1n an attluent Cht<:ago sub4Jrt> deetdes to ei1e>eriment wltt'l the wilder sioe of Ille 'R' o (I hr 36 min) ... llOYll I was A Teenage Franken· stein" ( 1957 Honor) Whit Bissell. Phyths Coates A 1950s Amefican descendant of the infamous doclor patches together var 1ous adolescent body parts to create a new monster ( 1 hr • 30 min ) Q) llOYll "Bugles In The Afternoon ( 1952 Weste<n) Ray Miiiand Helena Carter An oll1eer demoted lor st11k1ng another ott1eer re-enlists in the cavalry and oaltles his way to glory •IJ llOYll 'The Norli8$ Tapes" ( 1973. My1tery) Roy Thinnes Angie Olcktnson A psychic 1nvestiga1or PfObe& Ille "death" of 11 sculptor w~ vo+ce sounds very much oltve (2 hrs J (Q) llOYll "Breathless" ( 1963. [)fama) Atchard Oere. Valerie Kef)rtnsky A Ir~ aplrlled auto thief unlt'lten11on11tty ktlls a , patrolman and later develops an ot>Ses S1ve anracttoo 10 a young woman 'A' I 1 '" . 41 min) G .. ICO'TT ••CD llOWll "Sounder" ( 1972 Orama) CICely Tyson. Paul W1nf•eld CA.mng the dark Depression years. a lam1ty of black Sharecroppers struggle 10 stay logether m spite of overwhelming Odds 'G' ( 1 hr . 45 min\ *ll(l) ltlCMI The Killers' (1946. Mystery) Burt Lancaster Ave Gardne< An insur- ance investigator 1-11eces together the events that led up to a syndicate kitting In a small town ( 1 hr 45 min l .. <a ltlCMI "Class (1983 Ofama) Rob Lowe Jacqueline Bisset An tntelligent prep school student has an affair with his roommate's mother 'A' ( 1 hr 38 min.) -Daytime Cont. FromJta&e4 carving was not tn the DVX film Taking Anthony's suggesuon. Fnsco plays It cool with Tanya. Leaming Fnsco's playing games with her, Tanya becomes furious. Bea decides to pretend she has made fnends wnh Edward. She then tells Ed.,..ard that her lawyer wants $30 malhon. I tla learns that Edward ha s been v1s11ing Beatrice 1n the hospital and says he must stop or their mamagc 1s over. Scorpio realizes that Holly's cousin Alistair rs a two-bn thief from England. Altsta1r make~ arrangements for stolen necklace 10 be deli vered to Scorpio Scorpio, onto s<.·am. replaces the stolen goodi. with Jellybeans Ah stair funous and departs the Scorpios' GUIDING LIGHT: Fearing the Gal- ahads will hun Beth and Alexandra. LuJack moves back to the Galahad garage qu1h htSJOband tells Beth and Akundra that ht< no longc:r wants to be pan of their It' c' .\nnabcllc. rcalmng that Jim 1~ 1hc onh one who under!>tandi. her strange n - pcnenccs at the cottage. asks tu m to rnmr over. Jim witnesses the CJtpenencc'i for himself Tonyamvec;and 1sangr) with Jam for encouraging Annabelle. Make 8•'<'s MISS Piper a check for the full cost of th<' cottage. Paper later telephones a myl>- tenous stranger and informs hi m that there as nothing funhcr <;he can do Re'a real1ze'i tha1 Josh as still tn love with her .,.. hen he kisses her. H.B. and Claire agree 1hat Josh should no longer stay at the house Beth bur;ts into the Galahad garage and find'> Darcy and LuJack together Nola !K>llened toward Jonathan when he tell~ her of hie, sad. "Olt vcr Twist" childhood. LOVING: Jack confronts Clam: ahout his natural father. She swears he wa!>n 't a casual lover Later Cl a arc gi' es Dane a letter that proves how much she loved h 1 m Harry depressed over lo~s of Job. Whtie Ava wants Harry out of the house. Kate: 1nsiststhathestay WhenJ1mcomestoher room. Shana hides photos Dane gave of th<' mterlude she and Jim had at cabin Dane turns down Shana's offer of money. all hC' wants 1s the property. Mike unhappy "'hen Anne can't ..ay \he loves him. Billy. feanng hc: may be stcnle, refu~l> to ~e spcc1alt!>t Rita Mac''i niece. Colby Cantrell. becomes as'iastant buyer at Burnell's and gets nu'Oh on Cunas. Jonathan warn~ Edu~ that om'<' Doug teams they're not re.ally dt\OrC'cd. Doug will dump her Loma thinks Jonathan cares for her ONE LIFE TO LI VF· When Wtll Vernon decides to rettre, he wants l..arT) to take over as chief of staff When Lan) aeu into a frufight wnh McKcnna. sc' rral members of the board. andudin.a Dorian. decide to block his nomination. Mark pamcs when he hears Bill was at the plant before the bombing. ( ourtncy tries to put Carla down in front of Ed. but Ed comes to Carla'~ defc:n~ Brad invites Sam and Rafe to mo'e tnto Vernon Inn. Asa buys Becky $75.000 diamond nng and spends $6.000 on an ann1,crsar) pany. RY AN'S HOPE: Max believes lhe diamonds left behind by Mauie were rlani~d Mawc wntel> Dave letter s.ar.ang 'the want' to mart) him and he as thnlled wh·en hl' gets the note. Pru jubilant when. on 1l'lev1s1un, S)dney thanks her sister for the rabhat.,, foot 5hc: gave her because 11 alwa\' brought luck Max goes to Laslo \a}'tng that .,..,hoever killed O tto was also rcc;pon~1blc for Joe's "death." When ··r1nelli at 5" wins award for best news \hoY.. F inellt \a}~ ht:'!> going af\er white- rnllar lrtmtnah When Roger learns that \.1c1gg1t: plJn<o tu marn Da\C, he tells Dcha \hl' hl·ttl·t \top th1.· mamage or he'll make u•rtaan th.it \ht· hangs for the anempted murder of h~·r husband Manhew ')E.\K< II HlR TOMORROW Suzi has Jona) baptized Y.11hout Cagney . who 1s tt'ndtng to Ju!lttnc aftl"r her auempt 10 walk fatl\. A.I~\ !>hows in th~' nick ofllme to save .\datr lrom Bernie thl.' thug. T.R rc- mrmhl.·r<, that ht:1 lather was an 111 humored man a~ ~he continues to ha"c flashback c; C hal><' contront!I Lloyd for ha' mg ~alkcd out on ht'i live children. J u'ltm call'> 1 ell} and re,eals she has what Tell~ t'i lookmg for -a tape T R. calls Liza · mother" .._t:ntuck) iake~ control5 of a plane which 1s about to go down tn the rnountainuu~ Oar)..!>. The plane crashes < ord ,., Jcltnou'i and losmg blood. \ ()l l"I( 1 .\ND TH[ RESTl ESS. TraC) tell'> Patti wh~ \ht' c1nd Danny married Patti and D:rnn\ have tcntattve re<:oncil1- ai1on I aurt·n\ lather warns her to stop meddltng in l>ann\ ·,hie. Dina attempts to ntabli~h a fncnd'ih1p .,.. tth her daughter John arn' t:'iand dn' c~ Dina to her hotel to <ota) for nn\lal1t11.. tt:tc a-tcte J 111 d1scovcr\ them 101wtht·1 and \IQrms out. John returns from ..-onkrcncc to tell Dina that their dt\Oll't' 1\ legal and bmd1ng John tells Jill tht'tr mc1mage ha~ man~ un~~lved prob- lems. Jack .-.C'nd~ no.,..cr~ to Diane after he learn.., ">he h,1, 'cparatl'd from Andy Victor take' < om home tor a ~urprisc ··\hn'>tnH\, .. homernming and wants her to llH ''tlh him .tnd N1H1 Jan tells 8unh\ll. that lhl· orit.1n11at1on now owM htm Sunday July 29 1984 29 l lporls Conl • ................. ¢1zwe-Q (I lln.) U I -1-~ .. -11••• ,. I W"1 ~ • a II I D I 's ... = .... (llln.) -·I •1*DmGL'9UD .... ._,, ............ c:~ --I ........... ,_ .. .. ....... .._~,., ~lch1C' d ................... I SI Q (1111f .. .. 1 ... Tzarclmy----• .... \Ved.nesclay .. WIWIWI • ... 9 .... 01 M 1111 GL'TWW> l9fltiit8 Ii ......... U TR .. ,... ....... , ..... ~ ... --........ t1aerair, 12 ,.., ...... "" .,_ ~ e s l 1).. 1i=ei1tt1 c SOAPS ... FromP&ee4 remote at a Rye, 'lo ) .• amuS(ment par~. they called on S~bea SclLDetier, Sucy rract-ae and Lillcla Duo. The' d1dn t call on the r.un. Unfonunatcl\ It rained for eiahtsolid bou.rs on the onl) cfu, the~ could ao on remote. But tele\ mon bas 11..S tncks and mattresses ,.,ere placed aoo\ e the cameras to catch the ramdro~ so the\ wouldn't be sttn on air .\lso Dano dreued to the nines for her role as Fehc.1a bad to stay indoo~ unul minutes before bcr sttnc Not so Frag.ionne "'ho "'as dressed 1n pol}estcr to sho"' that she "'as frazzled after Just ahgh11ng from a roller coaster at the amuS(ment park 30 Sunday. July 29. 1984 .................. =• .. Q (1 .... , AfiS ll>Olt W 8 Q UIB Of 1W Dll GLYWIAD llhl 8 .......... 3 I 'w,.... :: =.: !.!.:';:. ..: ~ ......} .. ' ,, ............ ....... 0 (1111f .. •.oa.) ....... Ol M 18 GL1WYID .._. .... r.:e: • ...-.. •• ltf-· ........ ....• .. & a p __ .._ . ·--,_ ~ • t ).. 110 , a e ........ ....... to a o (lln.> r.- wz.:;;s~~.t.:) 01ia • • -·· .,. ... ,.... ...... -.·a a·•• 11t11.,111' =-.=-:: '1'J • .. ·~I :t ·~~I 11 ... ...., __ ..... ...,_ 'ft ru.t.y __ l'riMy ___ _ mru111 .. • 0 Ulm Of TMI 1111 GLYWaAO l1t11$d * ............. , , ...... ............ a I ..,bl 5 Srli ............ .,.... ....... ...... (IN ... ~···~ ..... ....................... I 0 (llln.) "' dll>a we 0 .... Of M Dll GLYWUD ..... • 11. • ..... .. I b ,,..., 1111118 S111k1y; ......... .... (IN .,_ 1-An91' 1). 1"11 • 8 d ........ .,..... .. .., a Q(1Dlr .. ..... ) Ml e UIB 01 TMI Dll dLYWUD .._. ... -.-. ... a I I I I .. lracll Md .................... _., w11 ai..1-...-.._..(IN._Loe ...... l.:.'''' , ............ ....... Q (llln.) ...... &._ ........... .. It ...... (2 ......... , ..- .. G WllB 1t1. ...,.. Det'9 P"" .. ,, .. , ..... 3 tr..,.... .. ...... .., .......... 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MiM11t1A A*-C1 IW9.. Ii..-.) ~ .. • ... PI001'liM1. ..,., • f 1111 I 0.." L.-..... 111 "--.... DMeo ~~ D 9l ..,.,. tu11r ca.me" L8a ....... llb!dt a ft. .. flt'-fl CD ... (tlln.) ... uml tll M 1111 GLYWUD ..._.. .................... _ ....... . ............ <--..... ~a... lae).l1h1M1• ................ .. .... 0(11w ....... ) .. , Unma&Y 9GITIPMt ttll •-.L ..ae&.GLYWIC l.IU11 642-5678 ds to work for you ~ Put a few wor m the 1ai\1 Pi\D\ 2 3 ' 9 13 17 22 .52 ACR088 1,5 Shown. she's Mary Beth Lacey 9 He played Ben Cartwright 1 1 Sing-Along maven 13 He's Ray Calletano tnll 14 Barnard Hughes series IS ·-Crawlord' 16 "Meet -1n St Louis" 1 7 -Saint Marie 19 Harsh '21 "The -News Bears" 22 'Oh. - 23 Planet of 34 Across 32 -Laurel 34 Robin W1lhams rote 37 "He and-" 38 .. -Day Al a Time" 41 'Jennifer Slept Here' star 43 ActOf Lmden 44 Az1e on "Rock lord F•tes" 46 Miss Farrow 47 "Truth -• Consequences'· 48 Co-star wtth 43 Across 49 Lucille. to Lucie 5 1 10 tor Nelson -WordGmne FILL I~ TUE Ml~SltJG L.E"rrEf('S IN IHe '' TV l>.JORDS" 8€ LOW. ~ fU ARKN.lGE ~ l.€l'f~S Yoo FILlED rtJ ,.-0 S'Pell IHE fJAME a= A I I I I 24,60 ··cakes -· 25 Played Spats Columbo 28 Lydia Cornett role 30 She's Krystle init 31 lntts tor Godfrey 1 Claire - 2 ''We Hardly Knew - Johnny 3 Romero or Calmer 4 Sonny Shroyer series 5 Tom on · Eight 1s Enough" 6 See 24 Across 7 She's Ahce 1nit 8 Jack Soo rote 9 Lt Nelson on "Vega$" 10 Preltx with plasm 11 Geoffrey Scott role 12 Played Sanford 18 Rehan or Huxtable 20 Monogram tor Rey 2 1 Cheers is one 26 Neighbor ot Ala 27 ·• -L111le Indians" 28 Character of 21 Down 29 "Long -Tomorrow" 32' She's Chns Cagney 33 Part of ITT 35 L.A player 36 "-Rider" 52 Stevie 54 Singer Franklin 56 Hamson or C war j 57 He was DOWN · The Greatest Amencan Hero" 37 'Your -ot Shows'' 38 · -Easy· 39 Compass po1n1 40 Wn1er Bombeck 42 Sha -- 44 Actor Waller 45 "Sergeant -.. 48 Ending with time 50 -culpa 53 " -Time tor Sergeants' 55 Monogram tor Tuc~er SOLUTION Daily Pilat c1assrf1ed ads phone 642-56 78 Sunday. J\Jty 29. 1984 31 The Panasonic Sr. Partner The world's first self-contained, 16-bit portable • Compatible with IBM PC software and hardware • 256K internal memory (RAM) expandable up to 512K • Built-in printer with graphics Capability ,,,,,,,. Pin: 1 yr. parts and labor warranty • Built-in 9" CRT with monochrome screen • Two 360K, 51/4" double sided, double density disk drives $2588 INCLUDES 256K MEMORY s1soo in Software Free: • Wordstar • Visicalc • pfs file report graph 13946 Tustin Ave. 1000 Bristol St. II. TUSTIN/ORANGE Nl"WPORT1C05TA .. l!IA ................. ------------------~~ 10 mg "tar" 0 7 mg n1co11ne av. per c1garene. FTC Report Mar· 84 Warning: The Surge on General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. %e~ehtxe f()() Regular and ·Menthol. ................................ ____________ ~~- With the workout Cbrla Evert-Lloyd gets at the base- line every day. you would hard- h think Lhal she would be ra.i.s- i°ng a racket about the wa~ her bodv looks Fact is. Chrissie doesn't see her physique as matchless. and she recently de- cided to do something about it. She's not forsaking her fore- hand. but in addition to her days on court. Evert-Lloyd has given her body over to phys1- c a l-f 1 t ness specialist Kathy Smith. formerly of the USA cable network's show Alice and Well and author of The Ult1- ma1e "-orlwut "She has gotten me into great shape ... enthused Chris Before. I only played ten- ms Now I m into aerobics. yoga, stre«ch- in g and nutrition." Advantage, Evert-Uoyd. 0 Ellzabeth Taylor. with her newly svelte figure and her newly red hair. is not go- ing to let her political routes show this summer She has no plans to lend an assist to ex-husband John Warner. v. ho 1s running for re-election as the senior senator from Virginia Taylor. if you recall. was instrumental in Warner's successtul bid in '78. But this year Liz'll be busy with her first role in episodic televi- sion: as a movie star bent on making a comeback m the season opener of the /\BC h11 series Hotel Hov. suite ii 1s Quick. name the T\ family that dwelt oh-so-harmonious- ly -with 1us1 the occasional uproar -al 211 Pine Street. We'll give you a hint The younger son's nickname was Beaver Cleaver If ~·ou·ve missed the antics of the Beave. Wall} and the unc- tuous Eddie and are fed up v.·ith retreads. The Disne\ Channel has good news· Th1·s fall. it's resuscitating the Cleavers in the series Sttll the Beai>e1 . with su rviving Lem'f' It to Beaver star~ Jerry Mathers. 35. Tony Dow, 39, as W\St' older brother \\all\ Ken Osmond as Eddie Haskell. and Barbara Bill· lngaley as cook1e- baking Mother June (Hugh Beaumont. who played Beaver·~ father. Ward. died tn 1982.) The D1sne\ series will present Bea' er as a dworced father of two II\ ing back at the home- stead v.1th the widowed June taking on the babysitting chores Wallv will live next door with COYlaa Original illustration for Family Wttkly by Paul Reott his 9-year-0ld daughter Bui some things never change According lo B1lltngsle}. although June will be "more of an '80s woman and may even wear pants a time or two, she wiJI alwavs have her pearls." · Replacement casting m films 1s getting more and more un- p r ed 1 ct ab I e Recently Sylvester Stallone stepped out of the film Califomia Cop and Eddie Murphy stepped in. Nov.. in the new movte The Pnote, director Roman Po&an. aid went from Michael Caine to Jeck Nicbollon to Robin WllHama before settnng for Walter Matthau. The turn- down from old pal l't1cholson was the nay that reall~ stung: after all. he and Polanski had made Ch/llD· tou n together 10 years ago 'My producer could- n 't live with Jack's fee of S4 million against JO percent of the gross. and I'm glad he said no," savs Roman. "But 1' as· an old friend. Jack could have lowered hlS pr1Ce a bit .. ......., There Sophia Loren and Daniel J. (Hill Street Blues) Travanti were. doing a bedroom scene for the movie Aurora in Sorrento. ltalv :\nd v.ell. the earth moved But --___;-• let .\1r Tra,·anll 1 ... '\ \ \ I , \I \ I ' ~ , tell 11. "h was reallv scarv when an earthquake h11 the rown... he explains Says Sophia, "I w~ truly frightened for mv life ... Uh. does that mean 'the\' had to shoot the scene all· over again'> Poor flWlll'NCK remrdm~ star Whal was your u'Orst mo- ment as a performer? S.H .. Bangor. Mame The time I------ was trying to make it as a singer -as Arnold Dor- se\ I was married v.11h an 1nran1 daughter. and flat ------- broke. I went tom\ agent and asked if he could please lend me five pounds He ga\ e 11 to me bv throwing the monev on the floor As I bent dov. ii to pick II up. I \'Owed that ne,er again would I allo" m\·selr to stoop so low Perhaps it w a..., a good thing that I had tu beg because ti spurred me on to make a name for mvc;elf - and the first thing I did w~ change my name. to Engelbert Humperdmck Daniel. The sacrifices an actor has 10 make n From Ando Summer. flku York: Robert Wtnde/er Los AnJle/es. Edlled b) Joan~ Kaufman POLLY HOWDAY o .. s101 of Grt'mhn., "-1101 can i·ou tell us about your producer. Stet>en Spielberg. /hat no one else knou·s'> -8 .R .. £1 m. Ill. Only thdl he is an en 1gma lo me~ well as to manv others I never e'en met him al- though he produced the film He left for Sn Lankd the da\ I began work. and ne\'er once did I ')f(' him on the ..et But that's not unu!'.>uol \1am tun~ ac- tors dv11·1 mt>t>t tht.>1r pro- ducers In fact unle ~ the\ 're in the samt' ..cenes acton. somet1m~ dun I mt.>t.>t their en-stars t.'lther So I m as curiou'\ ahout Sp1elberq a.'\ rnu are bt-tau:.,e uthl'r than that ht' 1~ a 'el"\ f 11w i)(•r<,0n all I knov. ahout him ..., \.\hat I read in the new~apc·r t984 FAMILY WEEf(l Y, An rlghl1 r....-v.d n • ~ YOU MIGHT NOT NET A NICK NOLTE OR JACQUELINE BISSET ABOARD A PLEASURE VESSEL, BUT THE ROMANCE IS CATCHING BY MARY REINHOLZ cruises. warned a Manhattan t rave I agent be- fore I booked passage on a three-day trip aboard the MIS Sunward II. a small pleasure vessel of the Norwegian Carib- bean Line sailing to the Bahamas. I could hear the mother superiors of my parochial school days hissing "sin" and 'rum" in my ear. but there was no turning back. I was on assignment to find out 1f life imitates the ABC television senes The love Boat -and apart from inducing those faint whispers of guilt. the task before me also provoked primal stir- rings about the terrors of the deep. I must admit. however, to fantasies of a bearded Neptune who would rise from the sea and land in an adjacent deck chair during my cruise into the endless blue of the Caribbean. Here's what really happened to me: On the day of my departure. the white cruise ship shone cheerfully in the sun at Miami's Pier 2. a perfect backdrop for the passengers swarming up-the gang-plank m colorful vacation wear. As I boarded the vessel , I could .\!of\ Remholz IS a lrttlonct JOUmoftst f1ung m l\;pu Yorlf City Sht has chons«J tht namn of lht po~gtrs mentmnf'd in thr. ortrcfe. to pr<> lt'f t thetr pnvan 4 FAMILY W UJQY. JlLY 29 . l!lil-4 hear some of my shipmates telling the ebullient blond woman who greeted us that she looked just like Julie McCoy. The loue Boars well-known former cruise director "Hi. you must be Julie." "No. but you can caJI me Pam." the smiling hostess said repeatedly as the pilgrims streamed past her, many of them married couples and sweethearts. Pam. whose last name is Petcash. told me later that that kind of banter is par for the course on the Sunward II, which she joined a couple of years ago as a "gift shop girl." She admined, though, that the loue Boat series may have been one of the factors in her decision to bolt from Delta Zeta and her studies at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for cruise work. ··1 probably wouldn't have known about [the cruise industry] without the 1V series," she said. Petcash aJso noted that the comparisons to her love Boat cou nterpart are no sillier than other things passengers say to her. One classic line she's heard 1s. "What time 1s the midnight buffet?" A line like that tends to set a certain tone. Indeed. a sunny confusion was the predominant mood on board the Sunward II for the first severaJ hours as some 730 passengers signed up for snorkeling in Nassau. checked their cabins. and explored the facilities: a massage and sauna area, disco. casino, cinema and several bars. including a nightclub named the Crow's; Nest. Meanwhile. I set about getting to know my shipmates. Among them was Lily, a septua- genarian matriarch from the Middle West traveling with her two married daughters (who had left their husbands on land), three grandchildren. and hus- band Erect and slim. with the cheek- bones of a Marlene Dietrich. she was a magnificent presence as she walked the decks. tapping her silver-handled cane. Referring to her husband, Ed, she confided· "I always wanted to marry my boss Finally I did." Their marriage, the second one for both. has been a 40-year affair Lily and Ed's elder daughter. Georgia. in her late 30s, however. hasn t been as lucky in love. "I can't stand my husband." she confided to me. "I'd divorce him. but I need his paycheck · "You can always get a job," said Georgia's sister Linda. younger by a few years. who was on board with her I I-year-old son, Tommy, an adven- turous preadolescent. Linda said she was happily married and hvmg m Florida "My husband watches 1V and drinks beer at night." she added. "He helps a little around the house. but he doesn't do noors." Other than the crew members. there were few unattached men on the cruise. although there were a number of solo females. Robin. 38. was something of a mystery woman. a kind of latter-day Garbo with cropped blond hair and gold-rimmed sunglasses. She told me that several months before she had left a well-paying )Ob as an ex- ecutive secretary to the president of a fast-food corporation in South Carolina in order to spend some time traveling. "I just had to get away," she said. "My friends are envious that I'm travel- ing all over It seems glamorous " But. The Sunward 0: Are sfnBles aJ sea /U\I cruisms -or loolfing for love? she added~''!' getting tired of "'mg out of a the cruise I'm going to drive to anot er town. a larger to.,., n and look for work, start over, with nev. opportunities. new people." Gwenda. an attractive divorcee from Houston, didn't seem interested 111 mingling the way the characters do on loue Boot. She said she was just tak ms.: a "long weekend" away from her worh as a sales representative. escorted h\ her 11-year-old son, Mick. "He's m\ buddy." she explained. What about romance? Gwenda said she wasn 1 thinking of the Sunward II as a "loVL· boat" for singles. "I'm looking for .i good friend. Too many guys today are just interested in a sexual relationship There's not a chance for a friendship As for myself, single for quite a re .... years since a college mint-marriagt' failed to survive a semester break. I wouldn't have minded snanng a rugged spouse on the cruise ship. or di least havin~ tun checking out the mar· riage matenal. At 4 p.m. rsnapped on d pair or sunglasses and strolled up to something called the Bahamas Deck A bon-voy~ party was in progr~ Waiters in dinner jackets wandered around with trays of strawberry daiquiris, S2 each. Music drifted down from the Bahamarama Lounge Several passengers in crisp nautical clothing stood at the rail, munching on free ham-and-cheese sandwiches, watching the waters of the Atlantic lap gently against the ship. My eyes alighted on one bearded soul readJng a newspaper l I I He looked to be a nonconformist. ahhough I ruefully observed that none of the male passengers resembled Nick Nolte in The Deep There was, however, a bit of show business m progress. On the Upper Boat Deck, a tw~man television crew was pointing a camera at a woman in a full-length white bridal gown. "Did you see that?" someone mur- mured from a deck chair. "It's a wed- din ... .. fs it real?" someone else asked. I scrambled up to the deck just m time to hear the couple pronounced man and wife. "We just got the blood test today," Ted. the 26-year-old groom from a small town in Iowa, said "I arranged for everything. It was a surprise for Bar- bara. She thought we were just going to take a cruise. The wedding dress was fitted in Iowa. She d1dn'1 know that It was in the box we brought along." Barbara. 22. smiled modestly. "He always said that someday he'd like us to get married ... The bride added that she also hadn't expected her surprise marriage to be filmed by a camera crew -from WJKW-TV in Cleveland -that was in Miami doing a documentary on the Sunward II. Joe. the Miami notary public who performed the wedding. seemed a little dazed. "I've married 'em skydiving and hang gliding, but this is the first time I've done it on a 'love boat.· " he said. All this happened before we had even left the dock The wedding party adjourned to the Bahamarama Lounge and the Sunward II sailed away from the pier. gathering speed as the last of the blank warehouse buildings onshore slipped from view. By nightfall the ships string of lights. arched above the Bridge Deck. were glittering like Christmas tree or· nament!>. Thirty-live seniors from An· drew Jackson High School in Kershaw, S.C .. who had ioined the cruise on the first day of their spring break. were dancing outdoors under a full moon The ship's deejay. Eddie Willis. en- couraRed an elderly man m a red shirt and white shorts to join in. He was still keeping up wltl'l the kids when I returned to my cabin for some sleep after midnight. Next morning, the ship landed in Nassau. capital of the Bahamas. The day was warm. the water was as clear as glass When the Carolina seniors returned to the ship in Panama hats they had purchased at Nassau's fa~ Straw Market, I asked them 1f they had enjoyed their rirst night on the cruise '' ~h ~~ ~~ ~ren. a 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-year-old "One of the crew members ~ave me a strawberry daiqum .. Karen's girlfnend, Audrey, offered to fix me up with a single man she had met. "He's about 40. He's sweet " "Yecch." said Karen. wrinkling her nose. "He's a pervert." Bryan Blackwood. the Sunward ll's jovial cruise director, ~id many people meet on board and get married when they return to land. But Blackwood, a native of Australia. termed the TV love Boat stories "very unreaJistic" in their rendering of the singles scene. noting that on real cruises women usually out· number men. The sit·com's regular characters. he added. do not behave like the members of a real-life luxur; ship crew. Captain Gunnar 01en was proof of that. Receiving passengers at a cocktail reception later that day in the Bahamarama Lounge. he was vel) businesslike "The ship rocked a little when we crossed the Gulf stream last night.· e>1en ~1d He then gave a brief history of the Sunward II and intro- duced kev crew members while tne Franco Pucci Orchestra sounded musical approval. Having done that . he disappeared . When the Sunward II reached Great Stirrup Cay the next day, a landing craft known as the Bahamarama Mama pulled up alongside the ship to take passengers to the nearbv desolate island. Its captain. 34-year-0ld John Roberts. actuall) came close to my rug- ged Nick Nolte fantasy He had once been a lobster fisherman and lived on the island of Spanish Wells. 64 miles aw av Blond. deeply tanned and wearing a white uniform. he spoke of growing up in the Bahamas. 'Mv father owned a hardware business in· '-'assau rellred at the age of 38. and went to Spantsh Wells. The Spanish used to go there for water in the pirate days .. He showed me photos of sharks and hauls from lobster boats. Then he showed me a picture or his wife and three daughters. all of them blazing blondes. So much for my fantasy. Sull, breaking away from the restraints or civilization 1s seductive enough. and if the Sunward II did not exactly fulfill telev1sioo-msp1red fan- tasies. it did seem to bnng out 1he romanric in its passengers.-of every generation Several voyagers. in ract. didn't want to disembark when thl" ~hip reached Miami. Perhaps the mood was best expressed bv Linda's son. Tom my. who confided to me as he was leaving: 1'd like to be a stowaway" IW A cruise can be one of the most relaxing wa'JS to travel. You unpack only om. the price is inclusive (meals. tips, everything) and there's no worry about language, guldes or foreign mentis. However, with the Jarae number of cruise lines and ships available, it can be difficult to determine which is right for you. A good travel agent can help, but you should also be aware of the dif. ferent types of cruises to be bad. for in· formation or reservations call your travel asent or the numbers listed below. NORWEGIAN CARIBBEAN UNfS. In addition to the $onward 0, SkywaJd, Southward and Starward, offering th~ to seven-day cruises to Mexia> and the Caribbean. N<i also owns the N~. the largest ~nger ship afloat It is 1,03'5 feet long and bas room for 2,000 passengers on lts seven- night cruises to St. Thomas. Nassau and a private out island. The price: Sl,095. Children under 17 can stay with their parents for $335. All of the above trips depart from Miami (1-800-327·7030~ PRIN~ CRUti~. This is the company whose Pacific Princess is the setting for many love Boot scenes. The line ha.s been instrumental in making cruising what it is today. Its four ships -Island Princess, Pacific Princess, Royal Princess and Sun Princess -which leave from several west coast ports and San Juan, offer special programs in wine tasting, music. .~rmet cooking and other hob- bies (J .g()(}.252-0158 in California; 1-800421-1600 in Hawaii and Alaska; and 1-800-421-0522 in all other states~ CARNIVAL CRtmE UNB Car- nival is known for its lively, fun atm~ sphere. The Carnivale, sailing out of Miami with a rapacity of 906 pas. sengers, offers three-day trips to the Bahamas on Fridays, with costs as low as $290, and tour-<iay trips on Mon- days, with prices starting at $385. The Mardi Gra.s and Festivale. canying 950 and t , 146 passensers respectively, also sail from Miami with different itinerar- ies. The 3-year-old l'ropicale (capacity 1,022) leaves every Sunday from Los Angeles for a seven-day sail to Puerto VaJrarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas (Mexko). Prices for all ~-day cruises start at S895 a person and In- clude roun<Hnp air fare from over 100 cities (395 Biscayne Blvd., Miami. f1a. 33137). CUNARD LINE. Well-known for the Queen Elimbeth 2. this line also has four other beautifully appointed ships. The 800-passenger Cunard Countess leaves from San Juan for one-or~ week Caribbean trips to over seven ports. The cost can be as low as Sl,099 and includes either free air fare or a S 100 s!2lementa:ry charae tor air fare. The Clinard Princess plies the exican Riviera September through Mrly May, leaving from Los An~es or Acapulco. And the l, grand lady, the QE2. sails t before taking aft from New York City for its famous round-the-world auise. All you need is 95 vacabon days and between $17.290 and $87,945 to spare. (1·212~1-nn in New York and 1-800-221-4770 in aD other states). ROYAL VIKING LINE. This luxwy line's three ships. each carrying 725 passengers. offer trips to the Pacific. Alaska. the Mediterranean, the Panama CanaJ and the Atlantic roast. For an unusuaJ view of New England'~ foliage, oonsider the Viking Sky's fall cruises out of New York. The ~week:­ itinerary includes Nantucket, Prince "" Edward Island. Montreal, Quebec. Bar Harbor. Boston. Newport and Northern Europe. The trip is pricey: Tickets start at $3,122. lf you have much less time but still need a lungful of salty air; there's an overnight cruise out of New York into Long lsland Sound in Oc- tober, starting at $342 per person (l -800-422 .aoooi Sfl'MAR. CRUISES. This line is an acknowledged industry leader in fami- ly cruise programs. Kids can eat separately and even have their own swimming pool. During the summer. the 1,2()().passenger Fairsky sails from San Francisco to Ala.ska and Canada; other months she leaves Los Angeles for the Mexican Riviera. Tile line's twin ships, Fairsea and Fairwind. carry 925 passenaers each. The former sails the Mexican Riviera and the Panama Canal: the latter sails from Ft. Lauder- dale to the Caribbean year-round. Sit· mar's 7-, 10-, 11 -or 14-day cruises start at S840 per person. The cost includes round-trip air fare on longer cruises; the seven-day-auise price reflects substantial an fare reduetion (l-213-553-1666). -Jana Brond They look so much like real diamonds, most jewelers can 't tell the difference ... can you? CUBIC ZIRCONIA PENDANT AND EARRING ENSEMBLE All the breathtaking fire, clarity and hardness of genuine diamonds at a fraction of today's diamond prices ... • Delicately hand-set .50 carat SPARKLING PENDANT Finally after years of de<lteated research. scientists have discovered a way to make CUBIC ZIRCON IA one of natures most bnlhant oem stones (1t actually has more color play than a daamood1) NOW, CUBIC ZIRCON/A IS A ''FAVORITE" AMONG FASHIONABLE WOMEN! • Matching .25 carat SOLITAIRE EARRINGS Today the CUBIC ZIRCONIA 1s worn W11h conhdence bv the most fashtonal>le women in Amenca No wonder• • Beautiful 18" GOLD electroplated chain A r1re "111turlt" tre11ure Look at this lovely pendant and earring ensemble Watch how these scmttllallng stones beam with inner · lire how they sparkle 1n the warm glow of romanflc candlehoht • Classic 6-prong how pertectly each stone is cut an<11aceted These are not make believe' diamonds but MARVELOUS GEM STONES mountings WITH A DISTINCTION All THEIR OWN The CUBIC ZIRCONIA is one of nature's wonderful treasures that wdl • Surgical Steel Posts stand up to any diamond year after year DAZZLING• EXCIT- f i d ING' ORDER YOUR ENSEMBLE NOW AT OUR FABULOUSLY or p erce ears AFFORDABLE PRICE1 .. -------No-Risk Rush Order Form -------' AMERICAN ~ILY ... ,,_ ... .,. .. 1,., I lox 21, Dtpt 91o-FWA ~ ,_ '"' KenalngtOfl Station, Brooktyn, NY 11218 OOARAIITTE I Rush me thtCUBIC ZIRCONIAPEhOANT ANO EARRINGENSEM8l£ atonly$19 95· l)lus$2 00 I I P<>!>l19e Incl "'1ldltnQ My Clledl O! moMy Ofder 111 luM •mount is tnclOSed Mv sa1tsfaction 1~ I This product is tully guaranteed If you are d1ssat1s- fied tn any way. you may return rt for a prompt and full refund O\Wlflleed u S Currency only liltm •&4n I Cut>oc Z.11CO!Q Ensemble Ibo available 111 FUk1tll Pendint Ind one-llall car1t Eamnos ('lotal I I wetgllt 2 M carats) Only S24 95 plus S2 00 postage and h1ndllnQ I item • 6481 I ·NY re.Sldtnls .oci aol)fOONte sales ra~ I PRJN1 NAME I I CLEARLY I I Address ___________________ _ ~~ I I Sme ZIP I -------~~,!!"~~~~~Sl-~H!.!_t~-------_j I • I I n I I c R ECIPES FOR DIABETICS ts a complete. all-J)Urpose OO<>Kbook that means an end to monotonous meals for diabetics and their famUles. Thts new. revised ed1t1on features even more of the practical, elegant and mouth-watering dtshes that made the first edrtt0n so popular OYER 335 RECIPES IN ALL RECIPES FOR DIABETICS can meet all your cooking and dining needs from easy family favontes hke Chtle Con Came to gourmet treats like Cheese and Crab Onental Style or Chocolate Chiffon Cake wrth Rum You will also find delicious appetrzers. soups. salads. breads. cookies. cakes. and drinks for every occasion-over 335 d1tterent recipes in all NOT JUST FOR DIAaETICS But this is not 1ust a cookbook for d1abettcs. RECIPES FOR DIABETICS will help you plan meals that are low tn calories. fat and cholesterol, yet contain plenty of frurts and vegetables If you want to lose wetght, 1f you want to maintain optimum weight. or 11 you 1ust want a good sensible diet-here is a book well-surted to your needs. EASY TO US• For ease ol use. RECIPES FOR DIABETICS provides· •the American Diabetic• AaaoclaUon._ • guldff for ualng nutrition labeling to upd•ted Exchang. Lista computa uchangn • dally menu guides • dle.tJc .. c:hengn for brand-name • exchange group bl'Mkdowna end c:ato-Pf'Oducta rle counts for meaaured Individual • hlnta for buying end atottng produQI MrVlnga • Ups on recJpes for mlctoW1Wlng • tlJN on dining OU1 So eat healthy. and dine in style with the entrre family Order RECIPES FOR DIABETICS today' PUBLllHIRS CHOICR QUARANTS• ----- lllrS boot is lully OIUf11119'0 II V01J ue 6tuatislted 111 any .,,,., VOIJ may rttllfn 11 lot a prompc and fuH retuod To ORDER• Send your name, eddt9u, zip code end chedl or money •order tor $7.95 ptua 11.35 ~end hendtlng to Put>- 11•'*-Choice, Box 62 Dept. SM.FWD K.ena1ngton Stdon, ikoc*Jyn, N .. Y. 11211. N V resident• edd eppropriatlt ..... t.H. PleMe print c19anv (Genet.I OlficM 1348 39lh St Brool<tvn N Y t1218)US CunencyOnly ~ 19&4~~ S.w-et Order two for S14.90plua12.70 PCMf"f19 end hendlfnf. LIGHT AND LIVELY SUMMER KICKS By Marilyn Hansen W ith the dog days of August coming on. ~ pie are eating lighter. And when it comes to dessert. that means fruit. But for the creative hosress, the ubiquitous fruit cocktail or ~rawberries and cream m!y not have a lot of appeal anymore. To really brew up some compliments. and maybe raise a few eyebrows. we've collected some special recipes for vou. The clean. sweet flavors of sum- mer fruit~ take on an intriguing dimen- sion when a whisper. or wallop of something spirited 1s added A few of our flavor-tie combina11ons framboise with raspbemes. tequila with green grapes, Southern Comfort with citrus, and Grao Marn1er w•ith strawberries. Go easy. though: you \\ant to enhance the fruit. not overrx>wer it Keep these easy-to-make treats on tap for the next time you entertain. they're guaranteed to make a splash! 2 cup• peeled, phted arid •Uc:ed peac:hff 4 tablupoooa black rupberry liqueur 1A cup creme frakhe or aour cream 4 tablespoon• honey 2 tablespoon• chopped aJmonda 1. In a rned1urn·s1zed bowl. combmt- peaches and blcK:k t'a.)pben) liqueur Spoon mixture untu 4 desser1 dishes d1v1d1ng evenl\ Top "1th a spoonful of creme fra1che. drizzle \\Ith hone) sprinkle almonds o'er all ~fokt>!> ./!>en ing:> FRUM FRUn COMPOTI 2 cupe honeydew or cantaloupe mek>n chu.o.ka Z kiwi fruit, peeled and alk ed I pear. peeled. cored and cut lnto chunks -=---. I peac:ll or nectarine, peeled, pitted and cul Into chunk.a I banana. peeled and alk:ed I cup aeedlffa red or p-een grapea, halved 3 amall mlnt apriga 'It cup 1tnaer ale V. cup melon liqueur 2 tableapoona vodka 1. Combine dll fruit!). mini ~n~ and g111ger ctle m lar~ bowl CO\er and refngerdle 2. Ju!>! before c,en in~ refllO\ e mtnt Com- Ulllt:" melon ltqut"Ur and \odka pour over fruit mixture E.'>pec1al!\ pretl\ sened from d wr-gl<i:>:> or lf\ '>ldl l"'.,.. I Wake<. .J to 6 ~nm~ FRISH FRUIT SHI RBD 2 cupe frub fruit p11rtt (t11raln lf there att aeeda) 3 cupa autar ayrup• Juke ol 2 lemon• I tab&e.pooa liqffW' 1. Combine all mgredlt'nt!> and pldle in ice cream freezer Freeze dC.cordmg to manufac- turer ~ dm:•cttom 2. ,\mount of su~ar <i\ rup u'ied !>hould be reduced 1f fruit I!> \ ef\ !>.,.. t:'E:'l Hoke'> I qt ·ro make a o;1mple "'nip. comlnne 2 mp!> "at er and 2 lUP~ !>UR<tr lfl d 2-qt '>ducepan Heat tu l>orllng. S11rnn'I until 'Ul{dr d1 .... -.ol\ t') Bwl '' rup for .'3 m111utt') Note Recipe 1-. fnm1 rtie four ~ct.SOOS r~aurant rn \t\, 'rork Cit\ "here fresh fruit ~erbet'> art-a' dtlablt' 'ectr-rwnd The <tlwhol m the liqueur prt-\ t·1w. ..hert>t.•h lrum freezing loo hdrd \!cm: in freeztor. W \ t>rl'd dlld rnmplt-tt-1\ '.t'dlt:"d 1u maintain QUdfll\ J --~----..-l.~...-........;;....:-........""-----------~.....-..-.;;.;..-:......~~_;._~--....__~--.--;. .......... _.._;...._.__ __ -.:..~-..------.:~--~ 8 f AMILY W1:1.K1v •JULY zq • t!IM c ~ ! 0 " 0 .. ~ .. ~ f • - I l \ \ ~~------------------------...................... .. WINE COUNTRY A good place tu 'tart " in \, har Jack Lu11don talled the "Valle\ of the \loon · in rhe rural Im' n <>f Sonuma tpupula11un 6.900) -rhe site of the Bear Flag re\ ult again'' the Spa111sh and 1he estdblishment of the Californ1d Republic 1n 1846 The tO\rn square 1s home to the northernmost of Califor- nia s 21 m1ss1ons a'> well as the 'l<Jld1t:'r. bdrrack.., and other historic buildings ,\1 the Chamber of Com- merce you ~dll obtain a map of the "'Ille cuumn (\huwin~ wme0 loca- 11011') or a guide \\'lth d car (nor a bad 1deci 11 \'OU re go111q tu be !~ting \.\me dll dc.1\ ). 'rou can al~1 gather p1rn1c pro- \ 1s1ons at the Sonoma Chee~ Factory Herb H~r Jr s Sonoma Sau..age Cumpan)'. and the Sonoma French Baken ~o"' you re read\ to t.>:<plore rhe tounrr.s1de L'nllke the neiRhbonn~ \apa Valle}. ''here more than 1110 \\lnenes hne Route 29, vy111g fur tourist dollars, Sonoma· plea,ures drt' -.pnnkled throughout lht-count\. pro\'1ding leisure!~· drives pa.'t '1n~ycHds. or- chards and pa!>ture\ Tht· counr0 ha!> 'iuch geograph1t \'oriel\ thar Ira' eling unh a le"' miles brings romplere 1..han~es 111 selling Within the l ll:?ti :!40 acres of Sonoma are the \la\ Jcama' ~1oun1a111s. geothermal ge~ ~rs. the Ru!>S1an R1n•r, Lake ';onoma the Arrmtrong Redwoods. the .~'>onoma \1uunldll1S. the Santa Ro~ Plain Jnd tin\·' allevs uf nch farmland \\ind' and mo1.,1ure w.t>ep dtro~ the rnunt\ f rum Sonoma' 62 mile.., l)f ruR- qed n~tlme Bt'(ause (If tlw .. natural d1n~rs1t\' therr 1:i much more tu do here than ' 1:i1t Sonoma s 128 "'inenes Camping in the rnounrarn.,, canoeing on 1he Rus- sian R1\ er .. norkt.>hng fur abdlone on the ...eacod..,I. fo,h1ng. hot-air balloon- ing. b1Cycl1ng. hor"f'back riding. whale- watchmq dnd hot-.,pring., soaking are ~ 'ear·round ttct1\ 111e~ There are htstonc ~ landmarks tu '1s1t and concerts at the ~ Luther Burban~ Ct-nrer for the Arts in ~ Santa Ro'd But 111 tht' be'>t grape- ~ growing rnunt~ in America. -;amphng JI lht" JUICe IS the b1g~e!it dra\\ V. me h~ been produced 111 Cal1fur- nia '>tnce 1857. "'hen Count .\goston Hara'>Zlh~. a colorful Hungarian refu~. e~rabh.,hed the Buena \'1 ta "'ine" m Sonoma Haraszthy imported not 0111~ Tnka~ and Zinfandel grapes from Hun~ci0' bur also more than 100.000 culling' of graf)E' \'anet1es from else\\ here 111 Europe His enthus1as11c reports of California \ ineyard cond1- 11on~ lured other European vintner -.u1..h as Charles Krug. "'hu planted '\apa \'allev The Buena Vista tasting room al 18000 Old V.111en Road (illi-&ii-2294) Jllst ou1~1de the tm' n of Sonoma. 1<. now " stat<' h1Mor1t land- mark Although Hdraszth) "'~ forced lo 'It'll 11 in 1866. the "''men· '"II st>f'\'~ a mt.>an liottlt-of traditional green JuSI ()Uts1de tht' fOUfl uf S<moma IS the Buena rista taslmg room. built tn /Hfi2 by the ''father of the California u•me industry: .. Count AguS1011 Harus:.th_\ Hungarian "'111e Another gwup of Eastern European 1mm1grants. the Korbel brothers from Bohemia. founded the F. Korbel and Brother., Cellars m 1881 It 1c; now one ot tht> large'>t producer~ of champagne 11\ Ille world Its brut. extra drv, sec. ro-.e Oiilural blanl de nu1r and· blanc de blanc ,·ane11e~ cHe all fermented 111 tbe bollle b\ thl' classical methode c hampeno1st>. \\ h1Ch requires the m- d1v1dual handling that makes fine tl1iimpagne~ c;o expens1\'e You can .,till~ many or the original buildings. mcludmg the old brand) rower the 19th<entul') \orth\\estern Railway sta- Tht> R1Unt Sebast1om u·inen ages Wmt' of 11!1 products m rt'Clu oocl baffels t1on (acquired by Korbel m the 1930s for $5) and the cool, dark. stone cellars fitted with huge oak barrels that were brought around the Horn m tall ships Korbel offers some historic sipping at 13250 River Road in Guernevillc (iOi-887-2294) In ~harp contrast 1s the other major produc.er of sparkling wine m Sonoma. Piper Sonoma Cellars (707-433-8843). \\ hich opened its modern facility m 1982 This )Oint 'enture of Renfield L1m11ed. Sonoma Vinevards and the French chdmpagne hoose Pip('r-He1d· 1eck -under the direction of wine master Rrxinev 0 Strong -ts current- !\ releasmR :>0.00<> cases of its brut. blanc de noir and tete de cuvee Strung. who began Sonoma Vinevards 111 1959 111~1sts that h1-, product 1s not champagne but Callfurnia sparkling "'me 'A true champagne .. he ex- plains. must be produced m thal region of France ... The same careful. old-fashioned methodP champeno1~ is applied to wine making here. even if the Jazzy contemporal')· cellars and v1s1tor s center are filled with ne¥. stainles!rsteel equipment. Smee bubbly b~ the glass costs about SS 111 the . winerv·s Cafe du Chai at 11447 Red- wood ·Highwa~ in Heald~~. you might as well buv a bottle for S 13 and up ·Old World grandeur 111 a California selling ,., the theme of the Jordan Wine"" found- ed 111 1972 A -Den\'er petroleum gt-0log1~1. Thomcvt Jordan Jr .. struck 11 rich and \\ent tu France to realize his dream of owning a great chateau The f renrh however. apparent!) frown on American u.,urpers. so Jor- dan. a bit piqued. returned 10 the Alexander Vallev in Sonoma W11h the help of wine consultant Andre Tchehstcheff. he <;et our to make a great cabernet sau\'1gnun Money \\a-; no obiect -the tab was about S 10 mil hon for the beautiful winery "'llh 11!1 facade 111 the style of a Bordeaux chateau And the 1976 caber- nel sauv1gnon was sel'\ed at President Reagan's inaugural dinner You can v1s1t this opulent establishment at 1474 Alexander Valley Road only b) ap- pointment (707-433-6955). but it's worth it. In fact. you can sllll buy a bot- tle of the '76 cabemet (S45) cmd be sur- prised -the president may have opened 11 too soon' The dozens of other small-produc- tion wmenes m Sonoma ma~ not have Jordan ·s seemingly limitless" tu nds. but thev usually have family monev or tax- shelter benefits to support what most of their owners will admit 1s a passion for wme. not business. Dr. L. Martin Grif- fin Jr .. a public health officer at Sonoma State Hospital. has restored the 1905 house and barn at his 240-acre Hop Kiln Winery (6050 Westside Road. Healdsburg. 707-433-6491). He mak~ award~winning wines in 13 varieties. producing 10.000 cases a year Gnffin supervises every aspect of the wine making. from picking the grapes to lOrk- mg the bo1tles. but when asked about profit, he smiles and says. "My profit i~ m the glass ... At Hop Kiln, as at mO'>I California wineries. visitors can taste the products freely and free of charge At Matanzas Creek Winery (609i i Bennett Valley Road. southeast of San-~ ta Rosa (707-542-8242) owner Sandra ~ P. Maciver is determined to make her ~ love for wine a paying busines.s. but ad-~ mits that she has not come out of the m red since 1978. when she began Under the d1rec11on of Merry Edwards. one of the few women wme masters. \1ataruas Creek annually produces 5.000 cases ("about what Gallo makes in an hour") of chardonnay. sauvignon blanc. merlot and cabernet sauv1gnon Ed"'ards says production costs fur a bottle break down approximately tht~ way grapes 52. boltle and cork SI labor $I , and overhead and debt ~r­ vice $4 Selling to wine shops and restaurants at $8.50 a bottle and at retail for Sl2 to Sl4, Maciver has ven little margin for profit. Perhaps the most familiar Sonoma name is that of a giant mass-production winery -Sebastiani. under fam1h ownership and supervision since 1904 Bur the iug wines from Sebast1ani. while a good value. don't ohen .... in ·ioe tastings Those honors have ~011t: to tiny enterprises such as Landmark or Sotoyome. which includes a great petite s1rah 1n its modest 3,000-case an- nual output At 90.000 cases, Chateau St Jean 1s one of the larger Sonoma \'miners, and its six separate regional bottlings of chardonnay are medal win- ners evel) vear Don't be disappointed 1r vour local wine merchant doesn't carry these \\tines With limited produt- 11on. manv of the better wines are sold onlv to ·restaurants. Some are not marketed outside California except to wine specialists. OptnlOn varies about the "'mes f rum Pat Paulsen Vineyards. but everybod) knows the name of this Sonoma resi- dent. LauRh-ln graduate. and former presidential candidate Other celebnties. such as Robin Williams and Ravmond Burr. have made their homes in Sonoma. and the big buzz aero~ the milking pails is that Tum Selleck ha.-. just purchased a ranch here Howe\<er, the longtime resident hero 1s. without question. Charles Schulz. who has been drawing his "Peanuts·· car1oons in Sonoma Count\ Mnce 1958. "Sparky." as the locals cafl him. used to have his workshop oH•r- lookmg the indoor rink at the Redwood _........ ............ ---------------------~-I I I Blue Shields ronet nior A Medicare Supplement Plan with Extra Benefits. Helps you keep dollars in your pocket. Helps you to supplement your Medicare coverage Coverage without a health statement . I Coronet Senior pays the Medicare deductibles and copayments for covered services . The only deductible you pay is a $100 joint deductible for Medicare Part A and Blue Shield's Part C Extra Benefits -prescription drugs and private duty nursing . Pays for services that Medicare doesn't Coronet Senior's Extra Benefits pays 50°/o of ch arges for prescription drugs out of the hospital and 50°10 of charges. up to $1.000 each calendar year, for private duty nursing in the hospital. Just apply. We guarantee to accept you if you meet the eligibility requirements. Pre-existing conditions covered immediately No waiting period. No lapse in coverage if you're changing plans. Pre-existing con- ditions are covered the same as any other illness or injury. You can join now ... If you are within three months of your 65th birthday or any time after your 65th birthday. Keep those health care dollars in your pocket Send for more informatton about Your choice of physicians Coronet Senior. Just complete and and hospitals maH the coupon beloo. You ·11 receive a Choice of any licensed doctor, hospital or other detailed and readable description of Coronet Senior provider approved by Medicare when you need care. benefits and rates. Remember, Blue Shield makes the difference. That's Shield, to Cany the Caring Card.SM WINE COUNTRY Empire ke Arena (1667 We~t Steele Lane off Guernev11le Road), which he ga\ e to th~ town of Santa R~ "low he Warning, The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. works nearby. in Sebastopol, but he still v1s1ts the museum of "Peanuts" memorabilia next to the nnk. Jack London, the larger-than-life author of The Call of the Wild. lived in nearby Glen Ellen, where he wrote many of his 5 I books and died at the age of 40 in 1916. The Jack London State Historic Park contains his buriaJ site. the remams of the fabulous Wolf RALEIGH K'tngl. 15 mo "ta(. 1 .0 mv. IHCotlnt: BELAIR Kings. 9 mg. "IM" 0 .7 mg lllCOOnt tv Ptf Clglflllt. flC Rtpon Mar '84. Sntokers, now there are two ways to get gifts from Raleigh and Belair: You've always been a ble to get gifts free by redeeming the coupons found on every pack of RALEIGH a nd BELAIR. And of course, you still can. Just save those coupons. and redeem them for any item in the Raleigh-Belair G1f t Catalog. From cookware to cameras. tools tu toys, these gifts are your~ FREE for smoking RALEIGH or BELAIR. And no w, with the new Coupons-Plus -Cas h Option , you can get gifts faster than ever ... at special low prices! Just save 100 coupon~ send them in with the amount of cash specified and ""=--"'."---you can order your gift right away. With two coupons on every pack and a total of 28 in every carton, they add up fast~ So rail or write for your RaJeigh-Belair Gift Catalog today. Then lean back and enjoy the rich tobacco taste of RALEIGH. Or the light menthol freshness of low tar BELAIR. Call 1-800-626-5510 TOLL-FREE for your free copy of the new Rale1gh-Bela1r Gift Catalog. There's no charge for the call. Call Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Toll-free number valid only in the Continental U.S. Or mail your name and address. including zip code, to: Raleillh-Belair Catalog P.O. Box 12 Louisville, KY 40201 You mu'l ht-.ll run o{ agt or uldtr ~ 1Bow4106wttks for,~, House, which was destroyed by fire the night before he was to move in: and a museum (open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. daily). Another writer of note. Robert Louis Stevenson. is also honored with a state park in Sonoma; the park's 4.343-loot Mount St. Helena is the model for Spyglass Hill in Treasure Island. SOme wineries are closed to the public during the harvest (September and October). Many stay open, though. !lO almost any time 1s a good time to go wme tasting in Sonoma. Just bnng an eye fof scenery and a thirst for what enologists call "poetry in a bottle." fW WHERE TO STAY 1N SONOMA The Sonoma Mission Inn in Boyes Hot Sprin~ offers the most luxurious accommodations m the county. Each of its 97 rooms has a canopy bed and ceil- ing fan, and guests have access to a European-style spa. three tennis courts, and an Olympic-size swimming pool. There are three restaurants. a bar and -naturally - a wine shop on the premises. Rates start at S 115 for a single and go to S36S for a master suite with poolside cabana. A complete five- day spa package runs S 1,800, including herbal wraps (707 ·996-1041). Sonoma has a network of country inns. in keeping with its 19th-century history and rural atmosphere. Even if you donl stay overnight in one of the restored Victorian guest rooms at the Madrona Manor. 1001 Westside Road. Healdsburg (707-4334231 ). you can still stop 1n for dinner prepared by their Parisian chef. In addition to hne cuisine . Madrona Manor has a nostalgic parlor (with piano) and a more dubious asset· a resident ghost (rooms S75-S95. suites S 115-$140). A romantic ambience is the specialty at Murphy's Jenner-By-The-Sea on the Pacific Coast Highway (707-865-2377). Superb seafood. including local abaJone, is served in the restaurant. where you can aJso get a custom picnic lunch to go. Should the thought of mar- riage cros.5 your mind. your host, the Reverend Richard Murphy, performs surfside weddings Room rates start at $60 with ocean views. i.\ brochure describing inns in Sonoma may be obtained by writing to Wine Country Inns, P.O. Box CS-51. Gevserville. CaJ1f 9544 l . Touring and tippling your way through the Sonoma countryside can be a delight or a hassle. depending on how well coordinated your travel plans are Hildy and Mansel Williams (Sonoma California Touring. P.O. Box 181. Sebastopol, Calif. 95472 . 707-823-4685) will make arrangements for every aspect of a perfect visit, from airport pickup to out-of-the·way wineries. 0 Diqb~· Dwhl is 1h11 book ed1tur hi th~ 1.o~ /\ngelr1 Herald Examiner. 12 F 4'41l.Y W WJ..Y • Jl.L'r 29 • ,.. Saudi ia. Our people are our most important natural resource. , ' He comes from a coumrv that will pay for his education all the way through college. A country with free medical care for all its cirnens. A country with no income tax and virtually no cnme rate. He is taught co ~lieve m world peace. He 1s our future. He 1s our hope. He 1s our most important natural resource. • R~I EmblssY of S.UCS1 Arabia. wash . 0 C OUR MONTHLY CAR CAR E COLUMN SOME LIKE IT HOT BUT NOT OL' BETSY By Don Sharp W e must be getting close to Yellowstone... said the child "I see a geyser up ahead." Don't get smart," the father said as ht· looked at the steaming automobile ld.,ualties along the road. "That could bt· uur radiator." In the series of energy conversions Ii\ v,ih1ch burning gasoline propels a l H only about 20 perceot of tbe heat Jin>\ ides motion. By contrast . about 30 pncen1 of the heat must be dissipated 111lrJ the air to keep the engine from rlH'lting into a lump. \\ 11h the exception of the Porsche ll 11 which is air cooled hke the old \ 1lk!)wagen Beetle, all current cars are ~t·pl cool by circulation of a liquid that. 11rr1perly, is composed of a SO-SO mix- llHe of anti-freeze and water. \ludern cars use a "water" pump for 11tt11lation In all but the Saab. the 1) unp 1s turned by a vee-~lt. usuallv 1111 -.ame one that propels the alter- 11.11 1r. and since the fan that sucks air II ri111 gh the radiator typically bolts on- '" Ille water pump. the belt 1s almost u111\ ersallv called a "fan belt " l'he ho5es that connect the engine to 11t1 radiator and the heater. or that con- r11., 1 one part of the engine to another 1ri· tht' weak links ill a car's system I lit hoses get oil-soaked and d•·l.(l'nerate into gummy stuff. or get hot In 1111 proximity to the engine and d•·l.(enerate into brittle stuff. Either way. 1111•\ are likely to burst. especially '' llt're they are clamped The first preventive maintenance 1•r11q-dure, then. 1s to inspect all promi- " 111 hoses and replace qut"Stionable 1 11 ' The engine may have others. 1••·r hapc; only an inch or two long. hid· d1·11 1n some obscure place. Consult a v.11rk,hop manual or ask a mechanic 11 ' ,, t<H has any of t~ese oddly placed I -.t'' dnd make sure that thev are in I.! • "1 lOndition too. • I nn belts rarely ever break from rn· I :1 ·rt•nt defects. Rather. they stretch m 11\" because they have been adjusted rnure tightly than they should have "1·n or they melt because they are too · "'l' and constantly slip A '11'ft•norating belt will show signs of ill 111·.drh. but you can't be 100 percent ""t' about a belt that looks healthv. 1111• insurance here is to carry a spare 1111t· dnd know how to put it on. \\ hile you're under the hood looking '''' 1he cause or overheating. do not - repear· DO NOT -open the radiator cap Live steam will blo"' out and give you third-degree burns all the way up to the elbows On most new cars the radiator itself rare)\ cau~ trouble However. in an a1r-cond1tioned car the heat exchanger for the air cond111oner 1s often mounted in fronr of the radiator. which means the rad iator gets air preheated by 1t On the hottest davs. whether you're stuck in a downto\'n traffic iam or dnvrng across Arizona. the radiator needs all the help 11 can get. you may have 10 tum off the air conditioner. The radiator in a car several years old 1s typical!\ half-clogged with rust and corrosion residue. so such a car needs a thorough nushmg of the cool- 1ng svstem Back flushing" with waler under pr~ure 1s rhe best method A shop can do the flushing, or you can do 11 vourself wi th the kits available at auto and discoun t stores If the liquid in the radiator look5 brown and rust;, flush the system thoroughly before tak- ing off on a long tnp ~ater pumps rarel\ quit pumping but the\ do de .. elop leaks The leak 1<> u5uall~ ·out of lll~ht behind the pulle\ for the fan bell and mav be furt her obscure<:i because the tnckle of coolant gets lost 1n an accumulation of oil dni> pings Therefore you should look vel') 'en. close I\ and regard even the faintest hint of leakage "1th susp1c1on Besides coo ling-wstem defect~ overheating can an~ from en~1ne faults. particularlv from 'acuum leak' and improper ignition timing. These pos.sib1liti~ should be considert'd 1f overheating persist-. after the cooling wstem has been thorough!~ checked Even with e\erYthing in perfect order. the car ma\ still overhear under some cond1t1onc; If the pointer on the temperature gau'!{' does no more than hover at the edge of the red "overheating· t0ne vou can keep driv· ing but 1f 11 goes into the red zont' look for a place to pull over and let the rar cool for 20 minute<. or so A car with onl~· a warning light leaves less room ror 1udgmen1. so when the light goe<. on. pull over al the first opportumtv and let the car cool off ·Aren't Wt.' lut.k\ !>aid the child · ~ot luckv 'iatd the sa11sf1ed I at her. ·careful V.e made .. ure e\'eryth1r~.!L"'as all right before we left home.' fW Don Sharp 1.\ tht• ou1h111 ul Tht' ~"" \\oman Om"' tHoo~htrm W1fllin1 and ho~ U~)(I thr prn/lfiKllb ""'' \~ Purd\ Au'fJrd for "'"""'ICt' in OU(f)ITICllll t' 1numoltfm I I I This unique Lourdes Rosary has been especially designed for the Missionary Oblates and is now available to you. It has almost indestructible pearlized beads and a sturdy nickle-silver link chain. The unusual centerpiece is a Lourdes Medal with a droplet of water from the Lourdes Grotto permanently sealed in the back side. The solid pewter Crucifix, a replica of Pope John Paul n· s cross, has been blessed by the Pope. This Lourdes Rosary comes in a rich, red velour protective pouch and can be yours !or a donation of s 1 o• or more for the works of the Oblate Missionaries. COME VISIT THE SHRINE ... _______ __,, 8 miles from St Louis • 200 Aaes • Stott0ns of the Cron • Doily Moues (outdoor s weekends) • RellglOVs Gift Shop • Condlehght Processions • M1Ai- Theorer • Penonol Counseling • Mother's ProVef Wolk • Rewrrection Garden • Restouront • A119elus Bells & Annuooo- tton Gorden • OuTdoor Ahor & Ampht· theatre • Lourdes Grotto • Motel • * • Open to oll fonhs veor round • hr '"9 5lilrW 11r.-, ~ Ms W.. -------------------------1 have enclosed an offering for the works of the Oblate Missionaries. Please send me_Lourdes Rosary(ies).•101 (110 offering or more each) Enclosed is 0110-0120 0 $15 0 1. ___ _ I DPlease send FREE Shrine Brochure. I Name~---------------------I ~Ut~l I Address~-----------------~ I I City __________________ _ I I State ZiP·------- 1 NATIONAL SHRINE OF OUR UDY OF THE SNOWS I 1 1501 Missionary Oblates • Belleville, Illinois 62222 .......................... CAMPY CABBAGI J ust when Wt.' all 1hough1 the Cabl>age Patch fever had cooled down. we get word of Camp Small Fry in Rumson :\J Dr Sanford Stein -a de1111st for most of rht-vear -1s the director of the camp to whi ch vou l dn send your Cabbage Patch doll~ for part of the summer. The camp started d.'> a 1oke. liut after Stein rece1\ ed 400 re..,ponses 10 an ad. the Joke t>t'<:ame c;enous. The little Ci1111pers are kept busy with hiking. cookouts. ems and crahs. soccer. swimmmg. and even an introduction to com- puters (What. no v1s11 to rhe anueut Indian burial Rmunds") And the\ haH• to write home weekl\ \.\ h) is Stein doing th1s'l "I m doing 11 for the child wh\l owns the doll That child 1s usually a"'ay at camp at the same time. and wan~ to kno"' that the doll will be hav· ing a good tmw 100 .. For in- forma11on wnte to P 0 Box 84 \.1. Red Bank . NJ 07701 So far. there ha\ e been no comµra1nt~ from the cdmpers UGHTMOTIF R ecen1h a dazzling sc1- en11f1C breakthrough rame tu light Stephen Peroutka 1., a sc1ent1st at John'> Hopkin'> L'ni,·er.,11\ Whene' er Dr l'erourka emer~ from a P'"ldem eltd Pvtlllehef Pa•• c~ M l·"Sit@~ ""-• Pretldtlll •llCI AH~ Publlthef Gfa•a•tl W·~ V~ PfM!denl eltd Ad Dl..c* James P Wa•S" \I~ p,.~I ,nc1 Oenl MIJI J il'\l IFl8n T "Ome>!.0" lclllO{ T11omu P1111@ dim room mlo bright hght he sneezes. Twire. to be exact. He L'i a victim of the "phot1c sneeze reflex." NO\\, the reflex itself 1sn ·t Ot'\\'. but a couple of Peroutka·s findings are. He got to thinking about the reflex when he took his 4-week-old daughter outside and she sneezed. Twice. Both his father and brother also have the sneeze reflex. He asked around and round that full\ one-third of his col- leagues have the reflex and relat1v~ s1milarl~ affhcted. So. Peroutka 1heonies. the reflex 1s hereditary. and it Wa5 bu11l inw the human anatomy to pre' ent d person from staring tntu the ~un Bless vou, Dr Peroutka That's a pretty bnght idea BY MARION LONG pyramids. That s right f\u slaves lugging huge slabs of limestone into place No preeise chipping and sculpt- ing. In an article in Science Neu.is. Davidovits says that the Egyptians poured. a mix- ture of crushed limestone, water and clay from the Nile River into molds at the con- struction srtes and then added a mineral catalyst to make the slabs harden quickly ThtS rheory covers a lot of angles. The Egyptians could mold the slabs to lhe exact size and shape they wanted. which made it a lot easier to Iii them together tightly. Does this belie the myth of "pyramid p<>wer"? CANDY MAN Even with all the lV shows and magazjnes devoted to bnn~ing "fascinating" people to hght. there are still notable folks out rhere. undiscovered Dr Alfred Stern is one Who IS he? He 1s the man who m· venred M&Ms. Dr. Stern was 29 and teaching chemical engineer- ing al the Universit) of Karlsruhe when he Oed Ger· many because of the rise of Nazism. He came to the United Stares and. though 11 was the height of the depres- sion. he found a job with a company called M&M. His task was to come up with a sugar-coated chocolate candy -like those already on the market in Europe -but one that wouldn't melt before II could be eaten. Stem worked llrelessly on the project. eventually enlisting the help of his wife and children For six months he brought samples or the ca ndy home. "And the f am1ly ... he says. "sat after sup- per in the hving room. clutch· ing M&Ms in their hands to prove that the candy would really verify my claim " That PYRAMIDS claim. of course. was that this MADI IAIY was the candy that would melt in your mouth. not tn Some of the world's grear your hand. mysteries are contained M&Ms were perfecred m in· Egypr's pyramids. 1942. shortly after the United How did rhe huge blocks of States entered WWII The Ar· stone get there? And how -my happened to be looking without using mortar -did for a quick-Energy' food that the builders get the blocks to ~ would w11hstand the heat or fit so perfectly that rhe North Africa -you know. pvramids are waterproof? o,omething that would meh in Joseph Davidov11s. a your mouth. not in your knap- chemist and specialist in an-sack. M&Ms were it And the c1en1 archaeology at Barry rest 1s history. Univers1tv in Miami. has a Stern admits he's sllll i;weet rheorv th.at may solve the nd-on his creauon ··1 feel 1t 1s my dlf> ·The E~ptians were t;aby I feel like a father feels master chemists. and they about his child when 1t 1s very figured out a way to pour the ~----------__.._ successful .. ~on1il,·\\Cckl,· We telephoned rhe Everet!, Wash ., Public Library 10 find out whar's being read there. Here are rhe 10 moS1 fre- quently requested books • Clan of the Cave Bear. by Jean Auel • The Collected Poems of Robert Service • Cruismg the San Juan Islands. by Bruce Calhoun • The Damn Good Resume Guide, by Yana Parker • The Handbook for Gold Prospectors m ~ungton. by Wayne S. Moen • The Manual of Septic Tank Practice. The U.S. National Center for Urban and Industrial HeaJth • Mtll Town: A Social History of Euerell, ~hmgton. by Norman H. Clark • The Mobil Trauel Guide: California and the West • Sea/lie Best Place,s, by David Brewster • "Son·: A Psychopath and His V1ct1ms, by Jack Olsen BIRTHDAYS (All Leo) Mo_nday: Paul Anka 43. Perer Bogdanovich -4 5 Wednesday: Dom De Luise SI. Arthur Hill 62 Thursday: Carroll O'Connor 60. Peter Oioole 52. Myrna Loy 79 Fn· day: Tony Bennett 58. Martin Sheen 44 . Leon Uns 60 ,,.,I ,,,.,.1,. "' I \ •11· I \\I I ~' \ \ llU I h .t ' I\ fl \\ t I I' ' \I I ll1tpp111i.: \i,:.1111 Eaec:ut• .. E01t0< ' T•·•o. Menegl"Q Ed1toc. Tm Mu•-o-t l>MIQll Oll9Ct0<. Aob<>n A~en:1111 &./\IQ( Edlt()<t, Jen Bcl<vtt Mary E.11,,, l:ltul\~ FOOd EOllO( M,tr.ryn Me-4UOC E.dllO.. 0.•td (, ·~· Copy EdllOI ~ (.ouflt•yn'\41~ ""' EdrlO< Mlll81'•41 Men89" lleponei~.,Chef C.O•-,a ~ ... "4'111' Photo (Qlf()f V<tor• EM Art Otrect()f A.r• S••<> Art S.nnce. Ol~OI M<'le'C J8<1111 Ari AUOC S.•ba•• J/lil:JK,,, Art 0!7'4ICI 1(109-f' Con1rlb Wiiiers "-" l~' 8•ow-~· l.O'ti a.. '"""Cit..,,_ .• ,..,,, ........... .ie ....... .,._ ...,,.,. s.,,.wn.,. ~· .,.,~, VP Mtg l 0 1t ot Operehons Roe;naro t.41 • PTOd Ou Oe"'O 8~"1 Pta1111111g Moc,,. .. 1,1.,.,1...,,~,.t' Me~eup Mgr Wor ,.,, .,.,,,,y Type MOf Jot! O'Oom.'"'0 v P Anoe Ao Ou J<>f' ~·11•· " Ente<n Mgr 1,..,.,, C. C.•M>n 011 C1~11t l Agency Retettont .>a~ 8 "°*''' AHOC EHtern Mgr r.. ,.. o" c:,.,..,. Soutl\erf'I Mgr .,.,..,...., J Sn<o•·v Octtro11 Mgr ~•,.....,, • Y f "' Cetlf Pt•' \ Soe· "O "'' °"' l .. ltl t'ICI ~ v Ill M1rt1e11119 Oo S1e1"ey FlocenltlCI Me11o.et1ng Mgc "• i;, A t~'ICI• Ae .. arcl\ Mgi C...•04 -. •• ,,., -"QI Promotion 01r P•• • "•• CrH llve 011 Rooe11 8a<'ttlt· Sta Pro Mgr Ouootl'Y 5.<:•-n•t-o ....,CllelldtllflO Mg1 (>ol''>a c...-nto·• Sc>« htnll Mgr LVO • Ja"""' Newsoeoer Aet VP . l f'f! £n•\ VP Newapeper ServtCH Rooe•t J Ch•1&11en Newapeper Ret Mgrt Je..,.. C.. 8a.,., RO<' W•tqQ<> xr""' ( W·n ClrcuteOon OpetellOnl lo4gr '°"'''"A r · l11n1Pott•toon Mgr J,.. ...._.._....., Co<11ume1 Swee i.,noe ~.,, Ad"''" AHi l'4 •• ~"<,,.l Gen.rel MCI F1nenclal Oc>er•llQnl A • R •••• Contr04 .. r Jamel 1 E•"tQ"' J ' I 1 ~ ou arc t~ armchair \leuth "ho 'oh e".) the lr1mc".) commu1ed in and around the :-.in1".)tcr"Hou.\e hat ii hupt'rt'd Murd"'"· vou could be SI0.000 fl(' her • I ''ten to ""hat the e\ 11 hou".)e "ha!> per' Clue-. arc ma .. tcrfull~ sprinkled throughout each !>pine- 11ngling page of the bool. The) are neatl} hidden 1n graphic dC'\Crtpltons. concealed in e\enda' lllO\ crsat1on. and expertly planted to li.cc.p ~ ~u 1111r1gued "'•th !IOl\lng the punle I he bizarre tale opens a!> m1!>crl~ Adolph ~ rJnli.l~n li'1ns a 14 million dollar loller\ '°luddenl). beasll} deeds begin to occur ;n h" nle-pcaceful hou!>C and 1erral > rng sccreh come to l1~h t from its \Ubterranean pas .. agcs and hidden r\111ms As one victim after another falb pre~ 10 n urder. the old house ~m\ to groan "1th n1Jlic1ous s.at1sfact1on. The~ gha,tl} e\enh cau'>e \Jolph to become obse<iscd "'th protecting h1' "innings Ht!> h idckn treasure 1s the \UbJCCl ol r Jdle' he pens 10 his -.1fe and part ot ~oh ing the ~ J 0.000 my,tery. I he stOI) 1s brilhantl} concocted to keep ~ou 11n the edge of your chair and thorough!~ rntcrtamed. It's such fun the ""hole fam11\ "111 '~Jn l to get 10\0l\ed in sol\ mg the crime~ and l 11llt:ctmg the loot 'n u needn't be a great m}\tcr~ buH to haH' c1 d1Jnce at the SI0.000. Some logical deduction cllHJ d touch Of plam Old common \CnSC I\ all II IJ~c, And e\len 11 your solutions do not agree cx - alll\ \\-Ith the author\. }OU could come the dtl\C\t and wm. Someone \\-Ill collect It could be Order }Our cop} ol "TM Ho~ 1"41 H'hu- pert'd ,\f urdn" toda} and pla} dctcct1'c for pkasure and profit. ) ou can't get thb bool an an} book)tore It's a\aalablc onl} through t~ mail. Contest rules and linal entn dates 'Alli be included "1th ~our order To make entering ea.,1er. en tr) ~heets are also pro\ 1dC'd \ ou )lmpl~ read the book. sol\C the cnmo. and fall out the ea))·tO-u)e entr} shttb "•th }Our 'olut1ons. Entne-, '<'Ill be re\1e"'ed b} Coruumcr Publishing Solut1om to the murders. v.hrch are determined b~ the author. arc ba\Cd on clues found 1n the booL.. If more than one per)on sol\o all the en~. or 1f no on< has the totall} correct solutions. the "inner "'II be determined b\ them~ correct ansv.ers and the an1l~er to -~hhc Adolph's treasure-1s hidden You risk nottung >Ahen }OU order You must be thrilled at the pros~ct of )Oh ing the crimes in "Tht' How~ that K'hupn-t'J Murdt'r ". or return 1t \Uthin 30 da~s -.1th all entry materials for a full refund of ~our mo~~ (minus postage and handling) You could be the )U~r sleuth! To ha\e }our cop) ol .. Tht' Houst' that WhilP""d .Wurder .. rushed to ) our door. )lmpl} fill out the coupon and mall toda}. The sooner }OU ha\e the book in }OUr hand\. the more ume }OU ha\e to ~ohe the m)')ter} before the deadline Remember. wmcoM '<'Ill collect 1he SI0.000 rc'<'ard It could be 1984 Ii I • -.. . . -- $10.000 Reward Coupon YES. I ~c to ~ '"-cr•mes '" Th. House tNt V\o ~.a Murdef ettd COii.ct the $1 0 000 r~d Pt"se rU$h me my copy wrucf'l 1nclu0es contesl ruin and ~cry mai.n.ts I unoerstanc2 t"-t I must be comple"t~ sansto.a or I s•fTlPf't return my C'OP'f of Tn. Houw that Wh1spere<1 Murder atong w•th all entr\' matef .. 1$ withcn 30 cays for • tun refund (minus PoStaQe and nandt11'\9 of course! You Mlty P.., in One of Two W•V11 --t9 95 ~ 50C ~ & ~'"'ii Ch«' O' monev ordltr (M-'c• chectls pey b&e 10 Consumer Pubhsr"ng --Charge m,, --MastetCard _ VlSA Accounc No E\O 0.1• --- lnterB•n._ No Na~ Addr.U ---------------~ City --------S11te ___ l ip_ __ _ MVSTUIV IOOK C_....,....,...o..,e D 11 Cet1ton. Ot\t0 441'IO W1..rlti W.r II lh1 J9""41l,.st rruJJt ... ry 111(1 lilt I 111 hr:.t11ry Y,. h..t ~llrr w ... y tt1 ntpt-n 1-(., I II th;u1tilf'IUl(hIf1 'IWO l)'.IWnful \lj(tlh dl'lfi 'IUJ'ld 1 And f<1J l~I -1hf<1Jl(h 411 ;iat•AU!lhinlC vtdc-11 wt~• .... v"11dl1u M(t lu ""v' ly tq rri&l 1Jfd.t-r fr1>tr1 the CHC, Vidt-o L1br.uy Ir WCJkLJJ WAJ< II WI'! If WAL''f t..k l k' »~ lffT r .. y111.11J l>t'.t' ..,,u...J r, lfnbo.t ''"''"II.' l.4ktn by frorit Wit' uurw:r 41fn'"n 1A IJ11tJr Mdt·• Mn1 wt11, n•.l<t-d tttMr liv~ t11 ,,., 111<1 tt11· l(rt:411 i.nt1. "'" .,.,itJ .ir tuu~ 1A tu\t11ry'a hr .. r l(lotMJ WAI lfn .. 1 1u1JI a µ..111;J lt11 , >f 1 ti;. u 1f1t~11t • 1 >f t lu rt rn;,rk4.hil brllt • Anzau ~a<.hhrad • l.A-ntn1'rad St~fit' •Burma koad and • f<omm~I Tiw TI.... Hump IJ*IM'rt flmc • fJ l>ay lnvHlon • Suicick Run to • f>oofttdt' katd Munnanak • ff•ro.huna • Taratd: J>l~•ll • lwo Jama • Warwiw Upn•inf( r >ripm frrm (.Ji~·, .iw.ud wtnnl1lfl. 2/JtJr t n11ury TV ll!nn. """' h Vf<)f(T4111 i.dda '" • Jl}'IWltl~ t t~t.loo t,f 11114gt''4 lt\lt v1VM1Jy '""' ,k.-. th<JM.' rnorTwnll/lfl' yt·4f• ~-~ h prr1 IQ'<Un 11 rwrrat~ by Crulklt,. wrth <hara< l1·n1tJc t.hnty 4nd ilUthonty And alt• 1imr 111 I utdy, rrr.;trlWJg ahpa14"1 1A 1'fAtJ t'Tt1bot.at-d burJUndY tNt ri l(Tij(_f'. •ny t".w>kthrtf rw t atliftl"I ".c...rt Y'IUI tolM.nph1"1 now wl1h f.urrlfH /It, AllV'> (.lnwl1f a~~~90 ~ "'' lf(T 4111 Ill f I IUJ tj.~">I k I 1 Ill J.1bntJl11m of /'uru f r1lfn tht- ,,. ,.rfuJ t.JI '" p..,, thr111.1gh twdt-n&nl( '" 1 t.otnc' l.tJ UK· tnwnpl W11t r.-1 um ,,f f)t>(~ilJ!k ill thr ~ ff'OCh ff'I l4Jm thrlf htJrlfK ilfld r bt-ir crt y II A1r fJr(JfJ al ArnJvm-,. tiaMK pi;ln f11r ;, .-.mJdt-lulJfr \t.lb 11t1J If•~. ~lllll( Ailk.-d :.rl.MJfnt-lrl..WJPS """'°"' ( A"mWI WUt• Ill TM H''""""' Bnd//t ,. nuracullJU• bn.~kthr<.JUfjl U...1 opc:nccf < lt'nnany lo ~ AJbeiJ Ukf' ill i.ut5'1'tlfl'• ~~pt-I JV /1ol11Af and IN Tl11rd A""J-ll't! thrm r1,U ¥rt,. ~.uwpt, !Jbtor:.tlflK 4<J,l~J IQlW'f' male• in"°"~' wt-et<1 and lh-n "'" Hrtlt-r'1 t..r.t v.atnl*-fl the Ardf.Mt-• It·, Y'JUI'" for 1..nly $~ ~. J>lua ahapputi and hanlihnJ(. .. t,ttlUI lht* U,_l IJf ill blank tape and ll ru.o W> 11'1 thr rt"l(UlM a.uitilcnptJ<Jf'l ~ ! Anti y«AJ dt.111'1 havt-''' LlJuo 41ly ut.hc.-r c.n w-ttea in I.hr ~t'lf'I, umtM y1.JU chot.M to. Aa a ub'&cnbrr, full.ft proer 4flll W1I ~ .towed to yw. ,,,,,. rvery <.1thfor mr.inth. alway• tor 10 day11' I rte n:.amanatm E.lich ~rt, IJ') mlOUlf' l)l"C>tCJ'atn <Oltl J49. ~ c ~A5 atuwu•K ilfld handlln"' But rt aa no muwnum nwn~~ y<Ju tnut.t buy •nd )''Al <.an cane'."' your .ul""1plit111 it any ~.for any n·.i11in for fJ tt'r M.'r'Vll f'. uw Y''NI c ft'dtt c.vd l<J 1Kdrr md uJI 11,U frN-I ·800457..Qff66 (111 Jndran.J I NX> 74l l~JJ (Jr uw-!No UAlpc.tn TAKE THE FIRS ONLY S9.95 -~-...,. IVINIFYOU NIVllSUY ANOTHll CASSmE IN THI 511115. ·nu 1.us1-1<A11''"' ()f l'AJll'I • AJN Dl«lf' Al Al<IOltM •THI-fef.MN,~., HJllJJ(,. • l'Al re»-""''' rm THlkl1 AWMY (~I~'-; \ 11 >~:f) l"'I IJR·\I\~ 1..4(.(J Nt.lf'th f rwcna..r Avtt Tur~ I but,.. IN '11SU -----------lli" VIJ>E<J LIBkAkY. I~ !"J(J8 PO li<1x llll, 1~re Haut.r. lN 4781J I Yu. ent~r my aul>M.-nptaon to WORU> WAR II unckr thr I Lennt ~knbt:d 1t1 Uus ad Send my first c:u~t~ at thr 111l/1JdU< tory P"'k 1 A ~ ~. plUI $2. 45 1h.ippcng and I hiuldhn&. wtkh I qn peylllj H indacatf'd bt-low (fill ltl) AllO wod me futurt c~ff«'tte1 on apprcJYal, with no I <lbbgauon ttJ pure haM' Check One: ll VHS [ J hf.TA Check How Paying: r J CREDIT CAJ<l> Charge my I ae11e1 purctw.c.1. bepnn11 wiUt m 40 <$9 Y5 • I S:l 45,. for £ 1m!P' T1t.t A l/111 C "1u In lC> A&.; , Ame1'1t.MI f.XfjrC:M r J VISA ( ~ttcf'Urd J ~n CkJb I A<cQWIC N1J falJV'" ~l(NIWC:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---I A65 I I (J <..HELK EH<.UJSt:IJ f<Jf Sl2 40-!Mutt 1~t1n bdM-d wi1h "11pmrntl NAME PHONF. < ) .... _ """' ADOKESS _______ AVT NO CITY 1.)1 ATJ:. - _ ZlP ___ I NCJTE: Al IUbr.c~..ne tubfrc 1 w rt'YW'W <..as Vadc<> u.ir.,y r~e• ttw nfltll tu ff)Ctt Uf I Cll'Ui any ~ I >ffcT lml~ to coowitntll U ., lndudlnl AWaJ L ~~·urn Ill addc4 fO •II onk>l'tl. -----------------~ J ==-·-- HIGH 13 LOW• ---SU NOA Y. JULY 29. 1984 1 0 ~ A N GE C 0 U N T 'f C. A LI f· 0 P P-4 I A ', Q C. f P~ T ~ Costa Mesa world-re- cord holder John Mof- fet swims In the 100- meter breaststroke today. See Page CJ . Cout Childhood sweetheart• make a ltfe together In EJ Toro more than half a century after they· pledged to marry some- day./ AS Don't call us, we'll call you , supervisors tell alr- llnes eeeklng John Wayne Airport access.I A5 1'///////////.l////.t,;.'//////////////, C&llfornla Workers dismantle the San Ysidro McDonald's, leaving It an empty, red brick shell./ A3 Columbian money- launderers trade Miami for Loa Angeles./ A3 'l'////////h"l!"l!'l!'h"l!"/l!<:'hZ·Z·:"h Nation The Rev. Jesse Jackson considers a bid for Sen Strom Thurmond' a South CaroUna Mat./ Aa W///////////////////////////,..W//. World Five countries have agreed to revive the Cen- tral American Common Marke1./A3 il'//////h"//fij',;.Y,'h"I!"';.:•"/..'/..' .. ;..,.,..,;;.. Style Loungers -the moat popular outfits for host- eeaes -keep the elegance ttowlng./81 If women use only one shadow color on their eyes, they' re missing a lot of beauty ./82 ~////////.l'/.1'/.1',Y//////hZ"/.•:..:O:•Z•:·:· Travel You can get away from It all and stlll aee the Olym- plca on a giant movie tcreen by taking a cruise on the Azure Seas./83 W///////////////////////////.MI'//. SpolU The Angels are knocked out of first place by M innesota, 6-1, as Randy Bush hits grand alam./C2 Seattle'• Seahawks kick off National Football League's pre-season by routing Tampa Bay, 38-0, In Hall of Fame Game./C5 .-,W//.1'//////////l!'//////////.'//I'//.• Entertainment Two comedl", both about women wrltera. open In Cotta Mesa and Irvine next weekend./8 5 1'///////////.1///1'///////////////I!"'/ .. INDEX etmeBom~ Bndge 8ullnNI Cdfotnle N.wt Cf ...med CrONWotd Oeeth Notlcel FM1.-• Horoecope AMt.anderl Natle>MI Newt ()pWon Pubic Notloee AMI !stat• lpott• l tOOkMWkftl It~ T~ ThMt•• Trevtll W•ttw WorkSHftl 83 83 87 A3 0&-10 M o• 83 08 83 A3 A8 04 01-3 C1-t ·8 81 ·2 TV~1 83 A2 A3 OC jobless rate best in state county labor tatiJuet fir11 wen uDC"mploymmt rait ltad1uo 1 f • 7. I percent w I 4 ,_'IYl'lt County posts smallest Increase ever between the months of May and Jufie 81 JEFF ADLER °' ............... Oranv < ount)' ·, unrmploymcnt rak rtm~uns tht lownt 1n the stale. p<Jitln& the tmallnt month·lo-month incrca~ 1n Jobkunnt rvrr rec;or<kd between May and Junt. accordma to newly releated untmployma11 f11· ures. Thr ttak Employmrnt IXvelop- mtnt £.>cpartmmt r~rted thr number of IJMmployed county t't'll· dentl rott from S2. 700 1n May to S•.100 m JuM. tht smallttt M~y­ Jun< 1ncreaw sin« 197•. when tabulated. t.\plalncd Aha Yetc.cr. a crnac i11 June. t&Wknu flood ~ matUt a.Alfytt With the ltate job matke1 I tcatth of m jobs .ncy. and padua&n t«k pnma I em.-Yetter s~ud tM unemployment rait ploymcot hdd unc:ban&td at •.1 p(rccnt. but · S'tiU. Yetter MS Ora,. Coua1fs q~ t& 1ta1.1wcal 1«u1XY of Job m rUi howcd -. SoQd. tofad" tht riiure. srowtb for empk)ymcnl dun the .. You can't la) a •holt loc of mo.lth lkd tbt job mar~·, 1mporuna on ooc month'• rait. You pnfor~ '"smprn.M"t."' havr lO watch the uend ~tr th~ or 1 hat contraiu sharply WJtll ntllh· four montb1 ... w cauuorwd borina Loi A•ln County, where lJMtnploy~• and t~ rel~tcd the ,JOblns rait 'J)Ulltd ahead from Olympics open in grand style ,,, ........ .. LA goes all-out with Hollywood-style extravaganza f ea tu ring cast of 20,000 ---- BJ Tk A1Mtk&d Pren Lf)~A"'uELES-Wrann1a huae V'" Jnw O.-en1' &randdauptn ran into the Lot Anatfn Memona.1 < ol· ltCWD Saturday ~JJll,. •hen she pas~ tht Olympic torch to 1960 Olympic decatblon wuiner Rafcr fohn.on. who ht the Olymp1t. ~ and formally lauoched the 1984 Summer Games The llJ.htJna compleu:d an i2-day, 9.000-milc Olympic lOrC'h relay that had built iuspcntc to the final moment ova who would run the final 1.000 yards cltmb 99 1\.ldium 11.epS and uk IM torch to 1Jnlk five &Wlt Olympte nn~ that 1n tum ht the flamr that will bt&U 1n a hu&r um over Los An~lt'\ throu&h out the <1amn C11na Htmph1ll. vanddau&hkr of the man who won four 01) mpK Sold medals 1n track. and field •t thc 19 36 Ol)mp1u 1n Berlin. dectnfied the cro~d v.hen 'hr ran into tht' tt.ad1um . Sht' also ran the first lq of the torch rcla) in Nev. York (it) in Ma~ Her cntranct into the Coliseum "''"climaxed a JI -hour H oll)""ood· utrnapnu openin, lha1 (..(kbra~d Amcnana from the p1on~r a,c to the space a,c and wekomcd tht' v.ortd 10 tht uamt'\ with trumptt\ and tambounnn P•IC<>M and pianos ballooni and good old-fashioned !»llyhoo A ca.it of morr than 20.~J. 1ndud1na a man 1n a \pa<:(' su11 who 1oomcd onto the: field with it ,et· propulsion backpack. danud and pranced and sana aDd played for die 90.ooo JpCCtaton "'"° bed paid s~ to S200 ead1 for tall aod ~tamated 2.S billion tekv&SlOll vcw- cn acrou tbe ~ Women an lacn and frilli aOO (J'leaM ._ OL T'llP.IC9/ ~ Presldent blowsltne Athletea parade UOWld CollMwn (left) U a tr1a.mpbaJlt Gina Hemphill, Jeeee Oweoa' l'&JlddaacJater, prepar• to pue the torch on to Olympta11 Rater Jotui.oD. Tragedy shatters party atmosphere Golden Timers will watch competitorsgoforthe gold By KAREN E. KLEIN Thanh to a srxu.il Ol)mp1t. <om· m11tec prOlf'lm. HO C <>\ta Mt\a aen1or <:1t1un• will gt·t a chance to attend the I 984 Olymp1t. \ toda) - abM>lutely frtt "I was so ccstat1<. ~hen I hrard.'' \lld < athy Bybtc d1rrc1or of < otta Mru'1 C1olden r1m en\en1or< cntrr "I thouaht 11 Wat loo &OC'.>d to bl-trur ·· Bybc:e Yid she iota letter ahout tht' Ltn Anirles Olympic· < omm11tt"c0 \ .. patron" prosram a rnuple of monthi. aao T ht' patron prosram IO\.UIH\ selling cho1Cc Olymp" 11de1s to corporate sponM>r\ then u11n1 tht' money to fund t1dcu and transpor tat1on for 100 000 children. senior ut11rns and handicapped persons who would probably not &rt to attend the \ummtr C1ames o therw1s.t B)h« wro~ bad; to the commit· lee. dnc.nbina the <1oldcn T1mcn program "'nd rt>qucttina HO OlvmpH ticket\ ·1 nrHr thoulht I'd rr«1lf\ grt t1n\ .. •h hc't' \aid Bui \hr did &rt tht· t1d•c1 ' alona ~•th frre traMportal1on lo <& lirld Humor abounds for NB consultant at SF convention Spends whirlwind week coordlnaUn ---"'"--Ferr a ro's movem ent T Newport Reich polmcal c-0n1uh· ant hfd Orot rcctntJ~ urned h11 nahtful plau 1n American pohtiuJ anna~ bt~oman, the nnt man t'ltr to omCl1lly hold the pune ol 1 prettdcnuaJ or vact presi.ckn111I nomtn . Th11 h11toncal footnote -wonhy. pe'fNpt, for 1nrlu ion an the ne•t edition of the fadd11h pertot me 1n~iaJ Pursuu .. -Oclcum:du p. CJCtaldu'f r cmro 1\t'pptd lO the podium durina 1ht Otmocrahc N1· 11on1I Convention and acccpt.ed her peny't unpr nu-d nom1na11on" 1 u v 1.tt ptaidcn ual ndida • Dr01. a l97 r-old former ancr dm1n1 trauun offirtal •ho rnd 1 r crraro'1 prnon I mp d1 tor dur· 1na the wttk·I n1 con'lenuon, u1d th humorofthtt moment 't I t on hmro. d pnt tt 1 n1fi n e of JEFF ADL£1 PEoPl t 1N THE News h sht wu about hockc) (<>mrx1111on in I o\ -'\ngtlM t<xla\. Tht' senior\ ~ho Y.111 atttnd thC' field hocke) pmr art thnlled. B)'bct' \aid "I thank 11 \ marvtlou\. · u1d Vrra Borton 6 7 of ( osta Mt'\I Her huiband. Tom. 1\ pres1dt'nt of the local chapter of the Amt'ncan -'\\ \o<.1al1on of Rt"t1rcd Person~ M r~ 8onon \lid \ht• had no1 planned on attcndina <&n\ Ol)mp1t event\ We're scnu>r u111cn\ "'-<'.rt poor .. \he said (Pleue Me 8EPflORS/A2) hedDros that lbt purw·holdin dutat't tn· ev1W>11 •ouAd he shatTd by all a the m~ mo~n w••rd it nvnn- ~r dama.. Thert wtrt other humoroua m~ menu ~ dun thr •h1rtW1nd ,.,«k u:11 •hl(h Dro1 ooord1n1ted f~o·s ~very move 1 wi."Cll a thow o( hn hu nd. John l m> and 1 1r th 11drtn. th nsutam uaid T R' al ~" moR' rnvtt' mDmCnll t t c nv1 ham l>tmo- f Pl ... rro /A2l , Someth Ing special was In the air - then carnage began Br TM Al~ta&ff Preu l O~ -'\ "IGH E:\ -\\1th the \um· mer 01\mpics ad.a\ il\o\J), 1 wun l an ordtnaf) n1pit 1n the { ollqt lommunity of \\Mtwood Thron&J of l n1veo11~ ol <ah· fom1a \tudcnh peradcd th<"1r can down WC\twood Bo111lt"ard honluna their horn\ lh«nna and~~' 101 red. v.h11c and blue hallooM at ~­ ~tnam fnda\ n1gt11 t 1m1hr\ \loppc'd t<> ""•h h" \lrt·< t- l ornrr prcac h<'f arau<: ~ 11h th<' u 1111<d Hut the t-arn1,al ;;tn111\pht·r1· ""•~ \h•llcrrd ""hC'n ll nun v.h11 au1hor1t1c'\ ..aid h .. d a Jrudtt,< ;aµtn\I poltlC drn\(' hi\ l it! o n it \11kY.1I~ k1ll1r11 unr fll'r\41n 3nd 1niur1nf \4 otht'r\ '" l rt Ill all\ 1nd ud1n1 a ~ ~rar-old ,irt "'h11 ot l ord1n ' to 1uthont1r' \ullt-rcd hra1n damlt C' r he man : I 't'iU -old I >a nit• I <"t' 't nun' had hil•t·n <o<"l'1na 1 fl\\C"h11trt\I 0.ntel Lee Toa.nc lnr month\. h!i hrotht'r sud Saturda' ) nun&. '*ho w1\ on perolt for ·a t">ur1l11n con' 1c11on wu booked tor in' ~t 1puon uf m urdcr follo•1n1 tht! (Ple&M .. TllAOltDT I A2) Step right up, folks: Plenty of tickets left ---~----------~----------------------------------------------------.... A2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 29, 19M .,. CoNTI NUE O SroR1E s ~"°'"'°'°~ ..... eyfte Oran&e Coutre.Iden ta atood ln lon& llnea Friday to buy remalnln& Olympic ticket.. TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE •• ~ Proa Al The hWdMt ticket to get It to the ~1ne11n•. '1PeOpte who bought eyctlng tloktta wegotng to the.wnt ~ did not bUy them to epec:ulate1" he ..act. The MOil ~.eve Ucket It a $95 .. t to the women's gym- nutlct flnall on Aug. 3. tt It eelflng for between $300 a~ $400. TRAGEDY SHATTERS FESTIVE AIR .•. From Al incident Friday night near the UCLA Olympic VLllage. Larry Young, 24. said his brother had been secmg a psychsatnst and was taking prescnpt1on drugs for his mental problems. "He never used to be hke this." Larry Young sa1d. "He JUSt became really paranoid. He thought e'er)- body was out to steal from him." Neighbors on the street where Daniel Lee Young lived with his family were incredulous at the news. while Young's parents and 11 brothers and sisters avoided re- porters "E'er) body's kind of shocked," his brother Lall) said at the famil~ 's house in a modest Inglewood neigh- borhood. Landon Watts. a neighbor down the street, !Ml.Id Young "rode around \\Ith his music on real loud.;ust hke an)one else . )OU wouldn'l figure for him to do anythmg hke that. "He was JUSt another ordinal) guy. 'I ou "ouldn'tthmk he'd be capable of II•• Dr Jeff PolekofT. 28. had JUSt purchased some clothing and was wmdow-shoppmg Fnda) night when he saw Daniel Lee Young's car mount the sidewalk at the oooosite corner. PolekofT. who accompanied one "1Ct1m to the hospital, returned and surve}ed the wreckage of Young's sedan at the comer of Westwood Boulevard and Broxton A venue. "l walk around here a lot:· Polekotl' said. "It's such a peaceful. rnan1- cured-t} ped place. ... It's probabl} one of the safest places m the cit} ·· JOBLESS RATE BEST IN ST ATE ... From Al fluctuations in emplo~ ment panerm Looking ahead. Yetter predicted that unemplo)ement "ould d~ltne still further. ··1 wouldn't be surprised 1fthe rate broke through the 4 percent bamer later thJS year and got do-wn to about 3. 9 percent," she said. County service mdustnes reported they hired 3,400 add1t10nal workers in June, with most gam~ coming at local amusement parks. hotels and hospitals. Retail trade payrolls increased b) 2,000 workers between May and June with over half the jobs coming 1n re9taurants. Wholesale d1stnbutors increased staffing levels by 700 JObs. Q, erall. the retail and "holesale ~tors of the econom) increased emplo} ment b) I 0.000 JObs so farth1s ~ear. Yetter said. Gains also "ere reported m manu- tactunng. the I 0th consecutl\ e month mcrca~ "'ere reported. the aerospace 1ndustr). the electronics industry, and in 1ndustnes manufac- tunng non-electncal machinery, fab- ncated metals or transportation equipment The count) 's construction mdustr) also posted a June advance. with 600 new workers added to payrolls. However. the total employment level of 39. 900 reported in June falls far short of the September 1979 peak when 50.600 peopk "'orked locall} in cons1ruc11on Yetter said she expected employ- ment would decrease slightl) dunng Jul> and August as the summer school recess draws to a close and harvests are completed on count) farms and ranches. The decreases \\.Ill be balanced b) JOb openings at new hotels and increased trade and ser- vice-related business created b} the Ol)mp1c games .. The unemplo)ment rate for Or- ange County is expected to remain the lowest among California's counties," she added. HUMOR ABOUNDS AT CONVENTION •.. From Al crat1c prcsidenttal nominee Walter Mondale had made the nght choice in c;eiectiog his running mate Droz, who takes 11me ofl from his coosultmg business and volunteers as a Mondale advance man to coord1- natecampaign tnps for the candidate. ~id he was asked b} the campaign to help Ferraro out dunng the conven- tion because "she didn't have a whole lot of people C'(penenced 1n nauonal politics." & met hrraro for the tirst time when she amved in San Francisco and was her constant rnmpan1on <,pending nearl} even "-Jkmg hour with her. unlll three da\'> after she returned to her Queens l\J 'I home The logistic'> of mo' 1ng a national canchdate from place to place are enormousl) complicated he said ~n' time a moH 1s made at least 75 to ·, 00 people need 10 go along. 1ntluding ~ecret ';en 1te agents. press people and aides . .\ mol<Hl«ldc often includes 11 Lars. motorndes and buses. Droz explained .. She tool.. 11 all in stride "'asn't overwhelmed bv st. but \he "'as hcmused." he said. Just Call 642-6086 Dally Piiot Oeflwery I• GuarantMd Utn:Mr r '""-Y ' Y not Nt•e vru• P'IL"" C>y ~ lO p '" t•• t"'llJ'• I C " 1'10 "°"' f r>l!y ..,,_ I"' ,,..,.,.ea Thal Ferraro would have to sacn- fice her pnvac) and the extent to which the campaign would change her life sank m for the first time early 1n the convention week when Droz '>aid he was asked to secretly arrange a pnvate fam1h dinner at a local re-;taurant "E'en though st -was supposed to be a secret. when our motorcade pulled up the press was everywhere. That's the first time 1t really dawned on her." ~•d Droz. who quoted Ferraro as commenting. 'Tll never have pnvacy again .. He said that throughout the con- 'ent1on the response to her was so overwhelming. with so many people. pamcularly women. wanting to to uch her or shake her hand. that Ferraro and her entourage often mo,ed from place to place through kitchens and sen. ice comdors "She had tx•cn 1n and out of so man} kitchens that week that she Joked she had been 1n more kitchens in one week than she had been m . in the last s1 x ) ears ( s1 nee her elecuon 10 ( ongress) ... Droz recounted Droz descnbed Ferraro as a "warm, fnendly woman" with a healthy sense of humor and "natural pohucal instincts" He said she always was trying to get the usuall) dour Secret Service agents to crack a smile. "It's eas" to be with her and work with her.'; he ">aid. Asked whether the' e'er discussed the h1stoncal significance of Ferraro's nommauon. Droz '>atd the\ ne .. er had the opportun1t} · "Things were movm~ so fast. there wasn't a whole lot of ume to do any retrospects ves." E .. en though the political com.ult- ant said he wasn't able to discuss the importance of the moment with the first female v1cC' presidential can- didate. he did sa} he was able to secure a little piece of h1stol') as a SOU\entr. Ferraro "'rote and signed a note thanking Droz on the covers of both "Time" and ''Newsweek" magazines that bear her likeness and the head- line ... <\ Histonc Choice .. Droz said those soon -will be framed and placC'd man honored spot on his wall What do )OU like about tbe Daily Pilot~ What don't you like? Call tbe number at ltft and your message will be recorded. trans<'rlhed and delivtred to the appropriate editor. Tht same U -bour an1wtrln& 1ervlce may be 111ed to record letters to tbe t'dltor on any topic. Contributors to our Letters column must lndude tbelr name and telepbon.e number for verlfluUoo No clrculatloo calls, please. Tell us wbat's on your mind. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat H. L. Schw•rtz Ill Publisher Clroulatlon 714/842-4331 ClaMlfted adverllelng 714/142·517'1 All other departm.nt• W..u.21 MAIN OFFICE 330 w .. 1 &e, 61 C:O.ta ~ CA Mal ICIO<-flo• 15e0 CMt•,..... CA 9:1t.1tl Goc>v"V"' '~' 0r"'Ot C:O.•I ~ Comoelty No -'10<-llutl•atl0"9 edol0t1M rnttr• or ~­"-'' ,,.. _ _, oe ..,..~.o ~ liP'ICN'I P. ..,_ ~ C.'Pv''l11! -&.1 ra., •t>O s .. na.. ,, 'f{"IU 00 """ -~ .,c.... c~ e;.., 1 •.., r.e• hr·-.• •O a "' .,,., VTJI." C<'l"'Y -De~IO Clrculatton T .. epf\on•• ChHJ Dowaflby Editor ilnd Assistant to the Publisher Roe1mary Churchmen Controller $«()ftd 0 ... l)Oel'Qe""'. C.O..• ...... ~ 1UP$ IU too) Subolc<>C>1'°" Dy t.ef!:« 5" 7~ monlttly ll'f me• Sii !oO man1Ny ' lt9Phen '· Cer.ao Pr Oduc I IOf'I Man1104"' Ooft8'd L. WHllame Cwculatoon Man1g91 • VOL. n, NO. 211 Morning clouds but mostly fair Coutal ft,Q~G) ::,o::co~._ " ., 71 It 74 .. " .. .. 12 74 .. .. .. .. 17 ., fl ., .. ., 70 u 74 ,, .. 10 71 11 .. 74 17 .. 70 11 .. IO 16 71 u .... ., .. Sl"IOw••l Alon F1u11 .. $ Snow Occlvdeo.....,. S1e1.on11rv...,.. IO M 74 17 IO IO 75 11 1t 83 ""''~ VY••~.,.. W• "' '°• • v !> (}.I. 1. ••Jlf'rMr • Extended Chertol te. N C Cheyenne CNc4QO C1ric1nnau C.._..tn<I COiumbia.SC Columt>u1,0tl Concotel.N H Dallb-Ft Wonll 0.Y10fl o.n-Temperatures Oel MolMt .. Lo 0.trOll AIDany Alt>YQue<Que Amarillo Anc:N>r909 ....,_,,le Atlanll 72 5fj Oululh 112 13 Et Puo U 15 EYanavtll• I& 55 l'al(ba/lkt 73 &2 Fwgo 11 19 Flegttall 72 15 Grano Rec>KI• 113 19 GrMt Faill1 ~~ = t::r 7 5 5e lubbocil n e 1 Memp1111 75 56 Miami llMch Ill Ill Mkllnd.-OdMM 79 57 Mheuk .. 74 57 Mple-St Paul 116 e9 NM/IVlllt ?5 eo New °'*"' 811 12 New y (l('k 80 59 NorlOltt Ve ao se NOl'lh Pl•n• ao 50 Oklefl(l((I• Cny Ill 15 Oman• 85 59 0t1anoo 70 47 PhHildelptlll Ml 63 ~-99 S2 Plttlburgh 90 52 POl'tland Me IM 59 ee 11 ao eo t2 &I 14 ee N 82 a. 87 74 81 ao 68 81 12 17 70 75 83 73 87 17 54 88 Ml 82 82 81 71 74 62 116 88 77 54 74 $7 Tidea TODAY 5.00a.m 1129am 4 24pm IO~pm lllOtC>AY ·1.3 •• ,, 87 Fttll 10w 5 41 a m ·I 1 F1r11111g11 12 OI pm 4 t Second IOw 5 17 p m 1 9 Second 111g11 1 u2 p m 1.a Sun Mt• toelay at 7 58 p m , ,._ Mondey at 8-02 a.m and Mll IOaln at 7 5epm Moon wt• 11 8 2e pm r1MI __..,at 7 54. m MondayandMtt 111 ta? pm Atlantic C11y Aulttn 8a111mo11 81ttlng• 8irml"ijll1m Bltmerck 73 13 Gf_.N>o<o.N C 95 II HarHOfel 82 71 ... ~. 90 80 Honolulu 89 82 78 57 90 51 88 76 90 89 SuRF REPORT BoiM Boeton B1ownh'>ll• llulfalo 9'irMno1on \It Ceaper ChartMlonS C Ch.,....lon,WV 90 70 Houtton 1111 sa 1no1anepon 115 73 Jac:hon M1 78 52 Jec:QonVllle 74 55 Ju.- Ill 60 ~Clty 17 74 luvegu 8 1 eo uni. Flock 77 18 89 73 aa 11 14 51 83 r.a 14 81 es as LOCATK* Zumaa..ch Santa Monte:• ~~nty am DMCTIC* 2-3 SW 2-3 SW 3-4 SW 3-4 SW NB financier faces charges By Tbe A11oeiated Pre11 LOS ANGELES-Newport Beach financier John G. Rinaldo faces 15 counts of mail fraud tn an alleged real estate scheme that officials say de- frauded nearly 7,500 investors out of at least SI 0 million. 1he indictment, issued Fnday, charged that Rinaldo solicited mvest· ments through a company he owned. Amencan Home Mortgage Corp .. and pumped the money into a second compan). Western States Pension Corp CoNnNuEo STORIES Rinaldo controlled Western States Pension, which was legally owned by his I I-year-old stepdaughter. the mdictment said. ln October 1982, Rinaldo soujtht Chapter I I bankruptcy protecuon from creditors for the two companies, which had collected $56 million in mdiv1dual pension-plan funds from investors. He recently filed a personal bankruptcy petition. Rinaldo is charged with using investors' mone) to pa) other 1n- OLYMPICS OPEN IN STYLE ••• From Al broad-bnmmed hats handed out carnations through the throng as pioneer dancers on the field drove covered wagons and built a frontier town. a gospel choir swung and swa)ed. and Jitterbuggers kicked up their heels Parking spaces near the Coliseum were go mg for as much as SI 00. but authorities reported few traffic prob- lems on the freeways as cars filled the outlying "park and nde" lots and took buses to the ceremon}. vestors whose money was used to fund bad loans. The indictment also charged Rinaldo with knowingly lending in- vestors' money to unqualified bor- rowers and with fraudulently obtain- ing investors' powers of attorney. lf convicted. the Newport Beach financier faces up to five years in pnson and a S 1000 fine for each count. Most of the investors hved in Los Angeles. Orange and San Diego counties. Church bells pealed and trumpets heralded an Olymp1~ welcom.ing song composed by Marvm Hamhsch and the Nat1onal Anthem. followed by American musical classics such as .. Amenca the Be_.ullfuL" More than 1,000 "'hlle and gold balloons. trailing the word .. Wel- come" in dozens of languages. were loosed as movie stars and tounsts alike wiped tears from their e)es. A sk)'-v.nt1ng plane wafted the word .. welcome," and a blimp Oy1ng over the stadium was also emblazoned with the word. The the interlocking rings of the modern Ol}mptcs were also wntten m the sk}. and wntten again 1n formauons b) marchers on the field SENIORS WILL ATTEND ••• The sky was sunny. the air was warm. humid and relat1 .. ely clean at the Coliseum on the University of Southern California campus Scalpers were asking as much as S650 per scat. From Al But "'hen she found out the free uckets were available. ..1t was a surpnse." she said. "l hke hockey and 1 haven't seen it in years. I'm really anxious to get to a game agam." The best part of the deal. she added. is that the seniors will not have to won) about transponauon. parking or walking long distances into an event. They board a bus at the Golden Timers Center this afternoon. Along with the uckets and the transpor- tation. they get Olympic hats as souvenirs. Looking for A BETTER JOB? Community colleges enrollment statistics: -55°/o enrolled for vocational training -30°/o enrolled for job advancement 8) bee said that the field hockey competition -while not exactly one of the most-souptt-after events - should be an exciting one. "It will be the U.S. versus India and India 1s the top-ranked team." Besides. Bybee said. most of the sensors arc JUSt happy to be g01ng to any event. "It's a part of history and it's the last time most of them will ever go to anydung like st. They're just looking forward to the thrills. the colors and the fanfare more than anything." \..: Results -31°/o moved into a better job 48°/o received higher wages 32°/o acquired a major new skill LOOK AT GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE'S CAREER PROGRAMS Accounting Administration of Justice Architectural Technology Art-Visual Communication Auto Body and Frame Automotive Technology Cosmetology Drafting Engineering Technology Floral Design & Shop Management Grocery Merchandising Industrial Arts Interpreting for Deaf Management Commercial Music/ Recording Arts Nursing Off ice Assistant Psychiatric Technician Printing Technology Real Estate Retailing Secretarial Transportation/Distribution Word Processing Written Communications FALL CLASSES START AUGUST 20 I Get your registration appointment and a free clan schedule from the Adml11lon1 Office. telephone (71 4) 895-8306. Golden West College 157.._. Golden West Street -Huntington Beach • , ~ NATION Heavyralnsflood Vegas for 3rd tl1De ln past ~eek ' LA\ VEGAS. Nrv -Heavy rami. moved into the Lu Yeps area apin ~aturda)'. pro mptan& tloodm& for the third day 1n the past wttk. Pilots 1n the art'a spotted two different funnel clouds Saturday, plac1na the city under a ratt tornado warning for most of the afternoon Police fanned out throughout the cuy to block intersections as they t>qan to flood apan -24 hours after Fnday's storm that turned some streets into nvers five-feet deep. No deaths or maJor anJunes were reported from Friday's floods. Aoods that hit the city and the Moapa Valley last Sunday left one man dead and one woman m1ss1ng. Synfuels begin Dowlag ln U.S. BEULAH . N.D -Synthetic "natural" gas from the natton's first laric/ scale coal gas1ficauon plant began flowing into the mtersiate pipeline sys~~ Saturda)'. the first 11me the fuel has been sold commercially in the UnatCd ·states. Si>. of the 14 p sifiers at the S2. I balhon Great Plains coal gas1ficat1on plant were 1n operation, and gas began flowing into the papchnc system around 8 a.m .. It will be earned by four p1pchne companies to markets an the Midwest and Southeast. said Michael MuJadin. director of plant operations. Burford scoffs at appolntment VA.IL. Colo. -Anne Gorsuch Burford. who rts1gned under fire as head o( thl' Environmental Protection Agency. says the ~nel to whi ch President Reagan has appointed her 1s "a nothing-burger ... a Joke ... She also lampooned the D1stnct of Columbia as being "too small to be a state and too large to be an as)' I um ··Burford. a former Republican Colorado legislator and wife of federal Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Burford. received a standing ovation Fnda> night from delegates to the 5 7t h annual Colorado Wool (1rowcrs Assoc1a11on con,ent1 on for her assessment of the nation's capital U.S. responds to Soviets on talks W .\SHINGTON -The State Department said Saturda) 1t had gl\en Moscov. a response to the Soviet statement of Fnda) that 11 would be "1mposs1ble" to hold talks aimed at bamng space weapons as long as the Reagan administration insisted on a broader agenda. The text of the U.S. response. delivered in Moscow earlie r in the day, was not disclosed. State Oepanment spokeswoman Anita Stockman said Saturda)'. "Today in Moscow our cmbass) dcl1,ered a U S response to the most recent Soviet message GI\ en the t1m1ng, ll 1s clear that the Soviet public statements this morning (which said th e U S sull had not agreed to the So' 1ets' proposed agenda l do not take into account our latest message.·· Illinois lottery goes video CHIC.\C,0-Like Pac-Man and .\steroids. the llhno1s Lottet) 1s going \ldeo Lottel) officials are launchl0$ the nallon's first v1deo-~me lotter) Wednesda~. when 300 video screens installed in taverns throughout the Cll) and suburbs will h~ht up. ready for action. Lottery fans willing to shell out SI per chance can win cash pntes rangrng from $5 to $5.000. Game themes include shooting down space marauders. searching for the lucky lad> and putung out Chicago fires. Pla~ers who win v.111 get a tamper-proof receipt from the game machine. which the) can redeem at the bar for cash CALIFORNIA FBI arrests alleged IRA member ln LA LOS i\NCiELES-An alleged member of the lnsh Republican Army was arrested on a cnminal complaint alleging he made false statements for a U S '1..a apphca11on authon11es said toda) Robert Hunter. who has spent time in prison for causing an explosion and possessing fireanns. was arrested Fnda> in Southern California. said FBI agent Paul De Flores. who said he did not know the exact location of the arrest and could not say wh y Hunter was in the area. Choir director sentenced to prison RIVERSIDE -The former director of the California Bo\s Choir embraced some of his singers after he was sentenced to eight ~cars in state prison for molesting several other members of the group last year Douglas Neslund. 40. wasi.entenced Fnda) b~ SupenorC'ounJudgc George C. Gro\.er. IA ho said he decided against a proballonal) sentence because Neslund had breached the tru<.t placed in him tl\ the bms' paren1s. Imports force tuna plant closure LOS ANGELES-Foreign compet111 on ma) force Star-Kist Foods lnr to close its Terminal Island tuna processing plant an October because 11 cannot compete against cheaper imports. the compan:. has announced. But the dcc1s1on to close the plant. which l'mploys 1.200 workers. 1s not 1rre,ers1ble. adm101stra11ve vice-president Ed R)an said Fnda) Com pan) offic1alsdec1ded to dose the plant Thursday. a da~ after the U.S Trade Commission refused to 1mpo'ie a 35 percen t tariff on all tuna imports. Foreign packers pa) a 35 percent tan ff on 011-packed tuna. ~)ut a 6 percent tanrf on water-pacl..ed tuna Photographer loses Games credentlals LOS ANGEL ES -Olympic officials re voked the credentials of an Ai.soc1ated Press photographer Saturday for taking a picture of the dress rehearsal for the opening ceremonies at the Los i\n~eles Memonal Coliseum Hal Buell, assistant general manager of The AP in charge of photos. said officials indicated the s1tua1ion would be reviewed after the ceremontes and 1hat the photo~rapher. Doug P1zac. ma) be allowed to resume coverage of the Games. The picture moved on th e A P's worldwide photo network on Fnda). ··1 think it was an O\erreaction to a relativel y minor thing." said Buell. "It's a <iunset picture You sec about five out-of-focus people ln\Olvcd in the dreso; rehearsal. If we 1Aantcd to take a picture of the dress rehearsal. we would ha'e gotten dancers and banners and all the-rest 1n 11." Demo conventlon boom a bust SAN FRANCISCO -From Fisherman's Wharf to downtown restaurants. dreams of a fin ancial boom from the ~mocrat1c Nauonal ( onvent1on went bust. pushing business to some of the year's lowest levels Estimates from the Convention and V1s1tors Bureau showed that the delegates i;pcnt most of th eir mone) on hotels -about SS m1lhon -followed by $6.5 m1ll1on on food . $3.5 m11l1on at the city's stores and SI 7 million on entertainment hnal figures won't be 1n until Janual). said George Kirkland the Con' ention Bureau's cxccut1' c director The Cit) spent about S8.9 million to hmt the four-<ia~ e'ent. with the rost to 1axpayers of about $7 46 m1lhon Orput\. Ma)'or Jim Lazarus said. I WORLD ' Latln trade organlzatlon to be revived GUATEMALA. CITY -Fi ve countnes have agreed to re vive the Central Amcncan Common Market. according to two government ministers The market was a strona regional trade organization that detenoratcd after a bncf 1969 war bet~een Honduras and El Salvador. Economic ministers from the Central Amcn can countries agreed late Fnday after a Iona session to reactivate the orga01zat1on·s economic and executive councils. the ministers of (1uatemala and Costa Ri ca said They said a m~tmg of the economic council. made up of economic ministers from the market countnes. has been stt for Aug. 24 1n Tegucigalpa. the Honduran capital Afghan !'efugees killed In bombing• ISLAMABAD. Pakistan -~ boob)-lrappcd car exploded Saturda) out51de the headquarters ofan Afghan rebel aroup based in the city of Ptsbawar near the Afahnn border. killing fi ve people and wound1na 12. officials $81d Two hours later. an explosion in the refugre-populatcd border town ofSadda. 7 ~miles southwest of Peshawar, killed &1x people and wounded 29, acoorchna to the official5 l hcy said the reasons for the attacks.had not been detcnnmcd. C.ulb1ddin Heknmyar. le.4der of the fundamentalist 1sl1m1c Party. blamed Soviet stcrcl police for the 9 I 0 am attack on has hcadquaners 1n Pe1hawar. Barrlen come doWD in Lebanon BCIRlJ'l . Lebanon -ThC' lebane\C army hulldorcd l\amcndc~ and etonatcd mine"! in central lk1rut \aturday m the ~ond phast of a plan to nif) the capital But 1n mountain ... o"'erlook1na tht ot\ 10\cmmcnt troop<; fought Dru"' m1ht1amen for \hl"t'( houn About 4.000 troo~ of tht Im\\\ 'rd Sth. 6th and 8th bnpd~"' deployed at fint haht in an 800-yardwide stnp alona he "arttn hnc" thut has \Cpamtf'd Cnmuan ta•• from mo~tl~ Mo,Jtm ~e"it •rut for nine }C'Af'li "There 1s no longer east or ~t lk1rut It !I now a united ~non with a united cap1tAI " Bna < rt-n Mohammtd H J rnmmandtr of hr opct'IUOn, told rrportcf\ .. ---.-~~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunel y • .My 29. 1984 Jesse looks toward · Senate .. ___ __,.,...P.:;.; ~ ...... CHIC l\GO (AP)-The Rev. J ·~ Jack.son sa.Jd Saturda) he has ~ steps to transfer his legal ~1~!~ from Chicago to Greenville S.C~ ~ p ving him the opuon of runnt :• apmst Republican ~n Str Thurmond 1n November + Jack.son v.ho wu defeated m =<'. bad to become the Democratl.C' Panf•°':O first blade pre\1dent1al nominee. * he .,.,11 announce later an the •!· whether he v.111 contest Thurmo rf.4 Senate seat as an indc~t ,.•: wnte-1n candidate •!•,.· ·T ve not ma~ a com m1tment ,...., run," Jackson said ··1 remain ~ '..4i 'meed that the ~outh "'ill remain a battleground for the progression ~ .... regression for blad.s 1n lh1s count!) .... A worker loada a truck with equipment from the McDonald'• in Sao Yaldro. ., ........ . hC' added ., "• • Jackson who wa\ reared 10 Grtt\\-•,.., \ 1lle. said he has signed statemenis· • st.aung his intention to return. wh~ -, is a legal formalll) necessary lo claim-• McDonald's being emptied in Wake of grisly massacre residence an South Carolma ., Jackson said unfair \.OtlD& prx.: ·: t1Ces in South ( arohna denied black Democratic candidate Cecil W1lhaait a chance to compete for Thurmond'A ,. seat , ·~ Follov.ing t"o 'T"ecounts. W 1ll1aius, • 1Aas defeated b> shghtl~ more than 1.000 \.Otes m South Carolina's ~mocrauc senatonal pnmal') b} Melvin Pun·1s 111. who 1s whue. • Jackson and Williams have asked~ • Workers cart away fixtures. equipment to leave restaura~t an empty brick shell SAN 't SIDRO ~ .\P) .\ McDonald's restaurant "'here a ~I> massacre occurred 11 da)s ago "-'3S gutted Saturday b) workers who caned away fixtures and equipment. leaving an empty red bnck shell. McDonald's Corp officials earlier had announced the\ 'Would not reopen the facilit)-. In which 21 people died and 19 others \A.ere wounded July 18 dunng a 77-minute siege b> James Oliver Huberty. The massacre ended when Hubem was shot to de'clth b> a police marksman Labonng under a bnght afternoon sun and the watchful e}es ol protl'stors. the workers caned off milk shake and frcnch fn machines. hamburger gnlls. sinl..s. pipes. table<, -nrtuall) C\ el) thing that once 1dcn11fied the building as pan of the w·orld's largest fast food chain "'The} started taking things out Thursda' ."said James Davis. one of a group of town residents who watched the v.orkers from the front sidewalk of the fac1ht} '"They didn't <oa) an} thing. The} JUSt stancd work- ing." The compan~ remo.,.cd the fa. c1ht\ 's most 1dent1fiable trad\:marks. its Golden .\rchcs and pla)ground characters. carh last v.eel.. Residents o(San Ysidro. a largel~ Hispanic 0ordercommun1t) :!O miles south of~an Du~go. ha'e maintained a \.tg1I on the !>tdc"'alk 1n front of the rc~taurant <.1nce the 1nndent The' ""ant the building razed and a memonal park erected an m place McDonald s 011ic1als were 1n San D1ego last ~eek to meet with c1v1c and commun1t> Icade~ but did not make an\ announcements con~rn­ ing the ru·ture of the building. There was no heav) equipment in place Saturda). onl) O'\ers1zed trucks used to take away the tables. chairs. cups. glasses and other uems remain- ing inside the restaurant. Da' is and other obsen ers s.a1d the v.orkers amved Thursda) and began l31l) ing out hea'') equipment and mach1nef) used at the fac1l1l) The~ returned Fnda) and Saturda~ to resume their ...,ork ThC' demon<;trators lOnt1nucd to gather signatures on peuuons asl..mg for a memonal parl. and Da' is said the} ~ould remain in froni of the site until the) get sa11sfac11on Justice Department to mvesugate ' Jaclcson said he v.111 mo"e to Sou.~ C arohna "1f Cecil W1lhams doesn't get a fair heanng 4.t tlus point. l am fa r more concerned about gaining JUSllce fo r Cecil W1lhams ·· If Jackson were to run as ae mde~ndent. he v.ould be required to submit at least IU <XX> pct1uon s1gna- tllres to the South ( arohna Elecuon Comm1ss1on b> Wednesday. o\sked 1fhc could beat Thurmond. IA ho has held a L S Senate seat ')JO~ I Q54 Jackson replied "It's m\. turf'. 100. He pointed 10 his strong sho\I, mg in South ( arohna dunng the Demo- cram pres1denual pnmal) .... hen he • "On the maJOnt\ of 'otec; Olympic arrests don't faze law enforcer& -Satisfied with security guards even though some of their number are among the a rrested LOI., ~NGELE -Despite the arrests of..e,eral Ol)mpit secunt) guards and other Games emplo)ceo; within the past t1A O v.eeks. la" enforcement official'> !><lid Frida) the) are plea!>cd '-"Ith the ··ou tstanding" performance of the unarmed guardo; and behc' e <;ecunt~ precautions are effcctl\e "Kl'ep in mind that the Los ..\ngek' Ol~mp1t. Organwng ( ommmee '>e· cunt\ fon:e wa<. ne,t:r 1ntl'ndcd to bl· a police force." police C m<lr ~ llltam Booth said "The\ v.ere hired to pertorm a secunt)·hosung fum:uon .. he !)31d ··1t's rcalh remarkable 1hat or the thousands· of people hired b) tht.' LAOOC. so few of them haH: '1olated an) laws .. FBI spol..esman Fred Reagan agreed. sa)'ing: "'I'm aware of no senous secunt> breaches and foci romfortablc at th10, point 1hat st"cunl' IS light.•• lnglc.,..ood pohCl' ~gt Harold Moret said that despite the arrests "Thc~·s an outs1and1ng crew ot Cl' 1han ~cunt} guard"! Isolated 1nc1- dent'i arc not ind1cat1\e .. The arre<>ted 01\ mp1l "' orh·r, inl'luded • .\ Sc.'C11r11' guard ::11 thl· l ( L.\ Prealdential welcome Ol)mpir 'illagc "nu 1Aas arrested J uh 15 on a misdemeanor concealed 1Aeapon!i charge after a metal detector i,i,as triggered IA hen he earned a 38- caltber re' oh er into a dorm1tof) area The man told police he also ""orked at another secunt) JOb and forgot to remo'c the gun from his 'ahse IA hen he entered the \.1llage. He IAa'i fired • ..\ se1.·un1~ guard "'ho "as ar- rested for 1n\est1gat1on of public drunkcnn\.'S\ last ~unda' at the Forum 1 n I ngle...,ood the sue ol basketball C\Cnts. 1Ahen he tx~ame belligerent and refused to leaH· the site after being fired for dnnking on the JOb •TIA o V.. ell'> Fargo \e\Unt> guards at the L' n1' ersm of S-Outhem Cali- fornia 01\ mp1c '11lagc "'ho were cited for posse"is1on of manJuana last Monda' after a Lo<. ..\ngcles police detective '>pollC'd !hem !>mol..ing pot on the JOh "'h1lc the~ weH' ,v.eepmg buses • .\ Bum!> lnternallonal Secunl\ Se~ ices guard IA ho "'as arrested Wedncsda~ for JO\es11gat1on of po'i· ses~ing and being under the influence ot the drug PCP 1Ah1k guarding broadl·asttng l'1.1u1pmcn1 a1the01~ m- Pll cHhng \1tt: at California tate Prealdent Re&aan eeet-manben of tbe U.S. Olympic team u be aniYa a{Hentaae Hall on the Unl•enlty of Southern callfomla campu Safurday. l n1,ers1t)·Dominguez Hills •TIAO men v.ho v.erC! bool..t..'d lor 1n' est1ga11on of burglar) Thu Ma} after a Santa Monica pohct' ollicer alleged I) sa~ them camng equ1pment from a Radio Shad. s1ore One of the men worked at the Sports .\rcna Ol~ mp1c bo'\1ng 'enul' as an c:qu1p- ment mo' er tor the Oh mp1c~ He .... as fired after pohn· arrested him and found he had an e\lens1\e '-nm1nal relord The other had applied IO '-"Ork at the 01) mp1l' but 1Aas nor u~en- 11alC'd Film's famous diner now becomes a school Money launderers leave Miami for LA Plethora of banks far from crackdown on eastern seaboard LO\ \'°"(1l::U:\ I \Pl -RI\ al ( olomb1an mnnc\·launJenng \)pl'f· at1l1n\ dn,en out of \t1am1 h' a fr-Jeral cracldo1An. ha'<' nw'e\1 "' loo; "'ngtles and its plc:thora ''' branch ban~<.. offir1als \a\ "In \fo1m1. the'''"<' 1nd.1ctt"d hank'> and t'lank on1, 1al"i. and l'' tn hc'od\ " ttC'nC'rall\ -'"'·rt I)( hov. then 1roup<. oprntll' • '""t.ant l 1 ~. ..\ttom<'' Bn•n \ \un \aid Fnda' Rut h<' ~" the ( ahtom1a o;1tuat1on ·1~ d1ffcrtnt "Wc'H: got t!"I 11lhon h n~\ The~ ran JU'>t It<' Jo" n the tOIA anJ get ra\t11cr·~ l hrd.' l<'r SQ '\ll{I m IA h:11 · e'er from C\.C'~ ont' ot thC'm ." \a1J \un He \: 1d thr nelAl·om<"r\ arl." "ina tor the hu\lneo;\ ol IOI.al ,,~·;11ne dealer\ "There' ll'tuall\ '"ml" t1tH1n am<'nl thM.t' d10t'rc-nt 1roufl' \un \lid "1 he fa\ttr th('\ c-an 1c t the m1,nt\. N L to Mmm1 or l)Ut ol thC' countn tht mon" mnnC'' lhC'\ mal..l" Im th<" dnit JC'ak" · The ( olomh1an irnuri' v. h" h all~lh "'~'crt m1ll!on' ol ,1ollar' in \'(Xd1nc rir1H.1ls h3't' Ot.·uinw .1 nu;or largct hH tht l \ attnmc' ' 11t11n· and ll·Jcral l<tlA ~·n1t1rrC'mC'nt Jgl Oll('' '" I cl<. .\nttrlt•\ ThC'\ h{,(' nl rea.\t·d lht 1ratti\111e<. ltx.i I h 111 th<' f'J't 'ea1 "un '31t1 • I t'<o go in~ on all m ( r thC' c 11\ t'' en "·'' Jnd "'l' arr 1n11·ns1h me 11ur et111rtc, ·· \un '-'lid V.. t: a"· r<'~h 1urnintt th1· ht·a1 un and wt -.-.<int tht• han~ .. 1n Io' \npdt<o 1t1 Ix t'n tht• IAJtth ft'r the~· ~rou~ · 1 hrl"t' alle'llN mcmber. of J l lll nmh1an grour v.1.•rt' arre-.tt"d la<.t wet"lo; nn a I \.._uunt IC'tkral ~n~·lraud md1t tmrnt It t.hafJCt1 th<'m v.nh lnundtnng morl than S l '.! million 1n ilk~1I dn1ii prnfit<. in .a "' w('C'~ , ~mxi . l \ \ti\ Rnh<'rt < Bonm·1 anm,uni:t"d F-nda' \un ~1d 11 v.31, thc ~tond mon~' l.iundcnni ""' flTO\t"\. utt'<l -.met the lra \;du~n bl-pn Thc members of 1h<' ~nond gmup wen tndH:lt'<l on • 1. hargl'' 1.,f l.iundc-nn murt than S 1 mslhun l hC' m,\nn l:1unJenng group u\u:tll\ m1." 1. frnm hanl. to t'ilnl.. · t\lhan1in' \(,,than S l0.000 an \:4Utl . tor 1 a\h1c·r \ l'h1.·1. i....,. I t'Jeral \ uft(nt"'\ • 1ran-.adl\m rrpon' deu1hn1 \ht \4.)\lr\ l"\ ''' thr m11nc' arc nn1 rt"'4Ulllr'd · hU , on' l"r.1un' nl It'' than 1 'l ~:1 • YOU DESERVE THE BEST Garden Grow w..m• ..... Sl8I 8-:tl Annmdo Ruiz Hw&auu• awn. folnMl Veley EDUCATION POSSIBLE Orange Coast College Golden West College Coastline Community College REGISTRATION IS UNDERWAY AT Orange Coast and Coastline Community College Walk-In Registration Starts Aug. 16th at OCC Register at Coastline Anytime. REGISTRATION FOR GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE STARTS AUG. 2nd AT Golden West College WALK IN REGISTRATION STARTS AUG. 16th WE OFFER THE FINEST INSTRUCTION IN: .. TRANSFER PROGRAMS JOB TRAINING CAREER ADVANCEMENT CALL THESE NUMBERS FOR INFORMATION 432-5735 892-7711 546-7600 - ORANGE COAST GOLDEN WEST COASTLINE ~ CLASSES ST ART AUGUST20 ' A4 Orange Coest DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 29. 1984 ---• Youth credited for efforts in marine radio incident By ALMON LOCK.ABEY Delly ,._. lleMtftt W""91 Ten-year-old Tam Brockway of Costa Mesa ts bctn& credited by the Coast Guard Auxiliary for hclpinf to solve a potentially dangerous situ- ation on the manne radio network. Commander Betty Macmillan of CGA Flotilla 24, Newport Beach, said young Tim, son of Grca and Sue Brockway. volunteered to take her aboard the family 's inOatable dinghy an an exhaustive cruise of the upper and lower bay in search of a vessel with an open microphone on Channel 16, the emergency calling frequency, which interfered with emergency traffic for more than 24 hours last weekend. Macmillan said the open mike had been noted by the radio direction finder station atop the Avco Tower in Newport Center before noon last Saturday. Attempts to locate the offending vessel, believed to be an the back bay. were unsuccessful. Yacht clubs and mannas an the Harbor Area were asked to advise manners of the open channel through their public address systems. but 1t persisted. Macmillan said the search for the open mike was abandoned at nightfall Saturday. but it was still on Sunday morning. While searching the back bay with a portable scanner and RDF, Mac- millan encountered the Brockway family, who had JUSt returned from Dana Point aboard its SkipJack-20 cruiser. Tim took Macmillan over the entire Harbor Arca 1n hl5 outboard- powered inflatable dinghy, steenng the boat while she made freq uent announcements through a mega- phone, asking all vessels to check their radios for an open make . The offending vessel was never found. but the mike was closed shortly after I p.m. Sunday. o.-, ..... ,.._..., ..... ~ Tim Brockway and Cmdr. Betty Macmlllan .earch Newport Bay aboard the Brockway family'• inflatable dln&hy. Channel 16 1s the Coast Guard calhng and distress frequency, to be Artist at work used only 1n emergency situations. It is illegal to usc the frequency for radio checks or traffic between vessels. It 1s legal for one vessel to call another on Channel 16, but after contact, the vessels are required to switch to another channel. MacMillan said abuse of Channel 16 1s particularly dangerous dunng the Olympics, when heavy ra~o traffic is anticipated. The open mike was probably not 10tent1onal, she said. noting that it might have resulted from a mike being acciden- tally depressed by a cushion or other object on a boat. Work• of art by Huntington Beach arti•t Sandy Gipe are on di•play at the Hunt- ington Beach Library and Cultural Center, 7111 Talbert Ave. Her watercolora feature flowera found ln garden• of Southern Callf ornia. BUDGET ROOM RATES HEATED POOL WATER BEDS Price gouging'• not 'inn' here The anticipated tnnu of Southern Ca.llfomla Ylalton ha• .ent room rata akyrockettna at hotel• and eYen motel• near Sammer Olymplc aitea. 8Qt thla motel •ten In Aoabelm off en a bit of encouraaement to anstou1 traYelen look.Inc for tomeplace to •tay clurtn1 the Gama. Chamber supports high-rise complex 50-a cre project by Arnel planned for Cos ta Mesa s ite The Board of Directors of the Co~1a Mesa Chamber of Commerce \Olcd Thursday to lend its support to a high nse office complex being proposed b) the Amel De\elopment Co for 50 acres north of the San Diego Frcc~a\ and west of Bear Street. The proJeCt. which has raised the ire of homeowners who live adJa,ent to the proposed d~velopmcnt, was to have been considered by the Costa Mesa City Council Aug. 6. At the request of the developer. however. that cons1derat1on has been tentatively postponed to the coun"I meeting of Au&. 20, according to the city clerk's office. The Costa Mesa Planning <.om- m1ss1on approved prehmanary de- velopment plans on the prOJCCt by a 4-1 vote last month. Jack Hall. chamber president, said he and all the board members at Th.uooay's meeting received a letter wntten by the North Costa Me5a Homeowners Assoc1a11on 10 oppo411. uon to the prOJCCI . "We have thrtt board membc" who hve there (1n the Grecnbrook nea&hborhood neitt to the proJcct) and one of them arauw a11ans1 at." Hall \Aid "But we'rt an orpn111t1on that ,, supposed to 'uppon commcrrc and c<?mmef'1:1al and ttta1I devrlopment It s prett)' loaical for u' to \upport a proJect hlcc (thr Arnel flroposal)" he \aid p Newlywedl Frank.le &Dd lk:tuy ISl'llbert at!blll!Dr hildhood s eethearts ed :irm but it took a long long time r affi: :rm""'... .r. 'lh: ("\'rn'l tt :;r.'t' .. :hruo..: ~ ht mmnnm ~ tht un ·~ •'11 .Nt••t ~ summe: liCbN1 ~ a. ~ B5' OJI th.c0r&lll!t'~' '~:;~ ~~ 1"l ~ hea' ·ser l:hm. nor.na r~ ti m ti ~.("lllU'l;,. f.:r. 'the ("\~ m:n ··-~.:-~ Now the Oklahoma C'Ol..1p1r !hmt> li1D El 1f10ro and they·ve yet to ha, .. e dnr:ir first lfigllli1 By * . .\s:ledat'4 Prus 4..S ~OD-<n lhtrd~aoci. .1IJ Sbatnle:L Okl&.. Franllt PratbC'1 ce HCSln' Wabcrt sbov.'td tbctr '°'~ ty, ex~ mapnM un.qn oi tilt lift ~ hoped to mal.t as h~ andw;fc. Thal hfr d.tdn 't bqin u.on1 kn th&ti r-o moaths •bco ~ pad.ad thm" blip and beaded 10 Ln \ qn le• DC the ~~-ed kDot. "'5 dWdrm. -wt "d 011 • mJUUt- nnr pa:SMd of ~ bai:x.. a:mmak. a:.d an 9e "CR p:aa IO ba\·r C1%I our ra:dl Wtlc:D ~ p c:wno.i -"8.1.Ci ~tn.. \\a.hen. noa f.~ nit i*::r b'~ Ul a mooeg tTIWt.:1 :iicm-El Taro. 11. 'be:r"r e:br:ru -l •U'b n a tlClC"c:rn~ ~ 90..&G WJ!WWI Al ll05i?l'J _'1. '-" Lowd ""'·~= c~ ,_ .. .h L:iid tn..O:im~H-=.1· ~ 8t.adL. prl a.it ~ a.!ld Mn. Dam Blood C:os.u. ~k:Y.. c!rl Mr Dd Mn. Robe:i [)a, 'ldi..."ln. Balbol..prl Jme• ~tr Uld Mn. T unotb~ H.L. ~ C ~ .Mesa.. prl ~tr and Mn. ~ Bal.n C os:.i ~lcsa.. prl J.ty t ~ and Mn..~ Lox. C.xo::.i ~ ~hr. Clrl J.JJ ~ ~t Cooper and J~ E!h"lr...1.1.. Costa Mesa. bo~ Jaty~ ~ and Mn Roc.ald 0:: \\ cs;· m1nsicr bo' ~ir and~ Gcnrdo \•r:a. Cosa Mea. bo' M r ancf Mr\. Jdfr~~ Mc Kin~. lrvme. ~ Jalyt Mr and Mn.. John Cokman. H-.nt· I nglOD Beach. bo~ Mr aod Mn.. RuUi Htll '~-po:;. Beach. prl Jaly •• Mr. and Mn Da\1d Stdf. Hunt· I ngton Beach. prl Mr. and Mn. Deonu Bean. Coro:a dcl Mar. bo) Mr. and Mn JOSC'Ph Z.aulk.a. Hunt· lngt.OD Beach. girl J•l)' 11 Mr. and Mn Alan M1ltnazzo. If' Ult'. girl ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL J1ly t Kath) and David Curran. W Mt· minster. sari J•l)' • Teresa and Pct.er Rodgers.. H unt· IOgtOD Beach, 1Jrl ROMANA HOSPITAL, HUST· INOTON BEACH JaJy5 -Mr. and Mn. Patnck McConnad Huntinaton Beach. sari Jalyl Mr. and Mn. Andy Velazquez Jr . H unuqtoo Beach, airl Jalyt Mr. and Mn. John Johnson, H unt· lllllOD Beach. boy Mr. and Ml'l. Steven f . Scb .. -ab. Huounaioo Beach. boy , ... , 1• Mr. and Mn. St.even P. Broob. Hunttnatoo 8c:acb. boy Mt. aod Mr&. Don Moore. Huot· ~~ ~ Ta)lor. Wtst· rnimter.prl JalJ II Mr. and Mn. William F. Johnson. HuntlftllOD Bad1. boy Mr a.Dd Mn. Ric:k 0. Mat~"S.. Hun . ~pt Mr. ~Mn. Ric W&lson. Hunt· . lcld.boy UllllOO JlllJ II Mr. ud Mrs. Ric.batd Rosaks. Wtst· ftllDlfcr boy Mr Ud Mn. Jack 0 . olf. Hunt- Bmdl. litl I = coAit MEDICAL CE:\TER ~ '9bll Karc:D aDdJ<*Pb Mon.a.. lrvint. SJrl U.andJim Benton, l.AJuna ~I. boy -..her st .. vi:w ems: tcunun It ~.: wu. tttt f rrs um~ h\! :;11uJJl! 1114 :::-:i ou.:t 011w 3mc.~ nijd .~1t:1:J. ~h:·~ fn"'tJ I tt: G ill' wt I llt u ~ t! t: lilfilll!!'" Ul pru.Ciummt nu wen cmunru Wl.'.l'J i: trlt: °B :J ti wt..'Tl OT U mw-' lJlU! :t;JC'f tlwu1telllrelr-hu n C!ilrlw.nu: b.c:'t n l..uns.w. \\. e ihe'"' d • 11:ir..:w.: n ; : : und htMUtC:mU. wffi duu. ll• :J ~ • 4, \1.::-.. cibort "fmr hWlbun.c tiir.:: 11 ; -i 4 \11altu:L! mu uu· ... '-vcu· -:<!!w:m an:! llDIA-h intu irre..._1wr.e.:: ~T he ··mi tru neir llID!-:-••:r • sw.::. M ;,. cihcn .c imr 11ru .'.iL!tr '1 ;e.~~: ~ tun .her :hr• ctu.o..."'.:i 1.J. L lt"'5 mu1 ~ i.n=. fl! ~ b:::' -llaa 'll.'.ti :ht s;ur'L ' \f. ~ • !' ~ .l .o...h.c: uci:rir-=~ f-...,_l.i."lf.....:tiM 11 Ir.~ CJO c~~ ~ -u .\.c.a fi!' '"Uc P" ~' a E'XE'"'1"'£ ~"'DUl.. PITU. Jiii'\ 11 R~a c.: f=.~tx" n:-:.an.:>:".: lh..'.:x~ ~ .-ESTEL' MEDICAL CE''n!Jl S.'-'"T A ~~ '-' !.t :'~·~ ~ J.a::nes \l.t~ -( ~ Mest..'pri J.IJ 1 Ten n.:. \bc.t.xl M~' ! !"\ ~ ~! !Aznl a.Ad Enc DU~"" lf' l.X ~'t~ ,., i Gall co Ro:W.j ~t': --z-C ,,:,s,a \~es&.~~ ,..., ' ~a:>a~C~-H Cesa ~•csa. prl · · Cll AILSBEUI BOSPIY-'L. CL&DSBEJ)I GDMA..'"Y JmitU C~ .u>d Mn. Mo.arc Rcpg.cr. H ~­ !JlllOC Beach. prl f'Ol ~"T ~ "Al..l..E\~ rolOlt. ;in· llOISPIT.ll. .....,. Patnna &Dd GfqDf) Brum~ HuntlnglOD Beach.~ .Ny! Ro~ a.ad ~ Hu.nu .oo Boch. prl Cb.ru and l..ar1' ~h:..: lQl100 8cadL. ~ • Hunt· Pamda and Rohn T:->.-. Hunt· 10&'00 8cadi.. bo~ . ~J Su~ and Rott-. F ... :\!.. F ®nwn \~ bo' c,~t.fua and RJCbanj \\\'Ill. FNn-~D \"~.prl . C oltto a.Cid l..nln ~larrl ("~a \tna. ho\ E1 Jttn and \\ Llham C .apJ1I(" ~ Hun!· 1ngtOD 8cadl. prl Jal} 4 Sc>,"'1n and ~1..0 Balhngu. Hwll· lngtOO Beach. 00~ ,..,-~ Lt.arux and Ga..~ RtuSlol Cosu \tcsa. bo' Ga.t.I &ad" Kto~th \\ ns.. ~"' J>()f'1 lbch.prl hl1' ~-~ and Jtffr''' Smuh. Hunt- •Qll.OO Beach.. sirl . Glona Li and John-Jena \\ ana. HunnQllon &eadl. Strl Lorraior and J&JD(S CunruQSb.am.. Hununcioo Beach. bo' Lani and Thomas Stmzrl. Ccm \icsa. &irl Jal}, Dcbtn and Paul Durtwn. Huot- UllJ.00 8cadl. bO) Barbara and Mobxn Kaml. Foun- tain Valley. bo) J • Debonh South and Md.ad Lon'C'). H UDUQllOO Beach.. bo) ~D md AAtbony fomcr I 8da. H UDl· lnpoD bo) Rachel aod EraiC C'bamben. H wat· ~ =t1ud Ed1'2ld flofts. HuntJnitOD boy Micbcilc and 0.ntel l.inVlllt. Hunt· anston Beach. bo) ,..., 11 Dt.a.nt and Stei>bcn Fcasttl. lapln.a Ntiucl. boy Jal) It Rcntt and Jeffrc~ 1Y1ttrl1nc.. Hunl- uttton Bc-ach. prl Man.a and Sam~I Rom , fountain Val~'· J!rl ~ ?i "thM U;tI ni cu-w::r; nna ~.c iu. ~ 1l UDIC' .. 'Ill w ~, q:at. S.;n..o.:t then tbt'\ '~ ~ 1cq -iO.M. Wf:"'ltb.er :m atl.~NC!ts J : .:11:.lt: ~ .:m.1 ':w~ h.Ul·:-r."'l. !"..:. ~-• fs:i:1 f ~ ~I N=r; Sl1I.: • "tier hi J.h..-S: \lr'.!l~ "'·tu:i ;uj. ,~~ .'.1.'"IC'j. Dl"'l~un~ :r-JIU'...-s:-t!' 1'W.:. 5.t--'"-itl{ ~~ 'i:r. 'the lCltl't ru..n.....~I :.~...K'm~ ~ t(IJ Thr •7N:t1JTl! N >l?l,,°Y:lt'l?."' ~ Jl2 "th:' ~nal'\('.rn: C.·m'·~ ("cme:r J:. <•n.,i.ar\ :th:°OOA!-'t ~"'" _:. W ~ • Want JW A flights? Airlines told to wait until number called Enroll Now FALL SEMESTER STAATS SEPT. 10TH ENollment Now Being T*- ~ 0..•0.-........... ,. .,,_,.... ... 2 ., ... , .... _ rr---._,h_,....,,___. '•1 •• •• '' • A Pnvste SCl'ool of Dlst·.nctfOn f:ourded ;n 942 ln Fount.in V al .. y 16835 Brookhurst (714\ 963-"'83, 76 YEARS OF QUALITY EDUCATION INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION by te.chera who caret STUDENT LEADEASHIP ................. litlf .-..... .. CJ..... a s-.a PHYSICAL EDUCA T10N . ~ ... .,... .. oft en.,.. fW Ul'dmr ~ ,_, ~ ec n r urc .......... r•" .....,_,. ~ ~ ..i--..,_ ... , •• •It tollJJllt~atl .... AGE 2 THAU GRADE 8 COMPUTER l.A8 & COMPUTER ~S&STEO l~TRUCT PAGE SCHOOL • Maritime Academ grad from. ewport · n.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-......._ )y !\.t.."llf"-~ 4.!$.""lo..-~ a .:i• -~ • MT ~..:ii=-·~ ,. s..:i~ ~ ~~n-;i·~co...:i • T • DaloP.~ • Software • Office Automatlar't .:).1· Sfl.:J•:t .3.,""l" l:lf!!i ":::J";» ~"" ..... -ul',~ s:i ':I' <.:>~!l ~ "'-,~..,,. '!.:, <:f ~~'M ~ ... ~"M ::r !'Tl.::! :'Y :i-.::o-•.:iit ~.r"'f! .... ..:T.r. :"> Sf!".:'""-~ ~ .. ~ ~ ,.. ,., f ::J ~ i..-....--. :: " ~ ~ ~ ... :.:r-, ~ .. "'•:~: ..... :t~"'>"'.:r'l...~-.. .. ,•,'"'\, '-~ .:. :t ... " ...... ..:>...~ ...... ~"'")·:; ,. .,,-, .""' ~ ,:re.,.,-.,. :-.:ti :r -~ ,,~r ·~mw-•.: t:::AI' ... ~ ..,. £...~.:?'~ ~ .:--... ..,~.._...,,..., •: "'""" '*·Jay F . .W.,un. V.P. 1300 0.... St ... s.... 100 .... ,.., ··~ CA. 92660 (714 ) au-3050 ~·.:.~ .. <fei:~ ,,5 .:~~~ ..a.w..oca.w• PRICED --....... FROM$228 ~- - • -l ~ JlnH\ ... Siii Rut.or~"' C $.lS.il ~~~ ~,..:: ~-=-:i, ......... -~· '"'":::.'.I ' . .... Before you call a roofer about that leak, find out about the roofer first. l\ . roofer ~. membe.rof t ~ts i.ntt. ~RMource ~ Nen\be RcstPr. ""9 Ofher As are thousancb ol ot~r bus:l that ......... .. SU~~ ~ l subec:ril:>e IO CS codes' ol ~ ... ~IW"ll • echsc ~ • TM 8w'MD doeal' endane j • Or•~ Ooul DAILY PILOT/Sunday. July 29. 108-4 Olympic spirit .-burns brightly ~:~ in torch relay The Ru~s1ans weren't here to see 1t Wednesday when 19- :..old Shauna Pnce earned the Olympic flame into Orange unty at San Clemente. The cnttcs of capitalism couldn't be laterthat da} when mentally handicapped Matthew olz pro udly bore the torch for a kilometer in Dana Point. if the Olymptc punsts were moan in~ Thursda} as 70-year· att Tambolleo raised the symbol of international ~ mansh1p, the} wen~ widely ignored . ...... Anesttmated one m1lhon Orange Countians tu med out to :ome the flame -and the Olympic Games -to their ard. The pleasure 1n the people who lined the torch route cepand warm and as genuine as the leather tn a good pair ~ oes. Thecontroversy that dogged the transcontinental O lym pic 1Cfrch Relay from its inception was forgotten Wednesday and lftersday-as it should have been long ago. Suggestions of ·~merc1alism" -each of the 144.000 kilometers cost the er or his suppon organization $3,000-seem shallow ngside the victorious smiles of the runners. ~ The relay. sponsored by AT&T, produced no private profits (\Od will contribute $12 million to youth spons groups across the nat10n. • Increasingly, the Olymp1csare wounded by nationalism that conflicts with the ideal of providing an apolitical forum for 1 ernational intercourse. Especially since the tragedy of the nich Games in 1972, when 1 l Israeli athletes were murdered tj.J; rronstsas pan of some insane political agenda, the Olympic ~cs have struggled without success forthe nobiJit} they once · yed as the world's greatest sporting event. • Tbc&Jorydays may begone for the Games, but the Olympic i~ isahve and well. thriving within the millions of Amencans ~lined the route of the flame. Like the flame itself, it burns ~1bintbc hundreds of millions of people who celebrate the ~rand integrity of sports competition. ,..., Using the Torch Relay to raise money that will be used to Qs'.gmote spon did not tarnish that concept, it enhanced it. ~ •• ~ , . . .... ~II that glittered Jras copper alloy ~-~old'" lned tht \pan1sh con- tador'> Thc:' didn't 1..nov. all lnc:a ObJCCt'> v.ere ma<l~ of l'Opf)(:r allo\ : "'It a human bah> ~ere born in the · stage of dc.,,clopmen1 a\ a bom kangaroo. 1t ~ould ht' \'eted at two mon1hc; ; Memo to the Weather Bureau : Hire biwh. The> c:an predict the weather rJtanges 100 miles away 12 hours 1n ft!ivancc ... • Your old telephone 1f t~r1cal. had ~nuts-and-bolt~ in 11 'r our rclnger- 1lor. 275 Your car. 3 'i()() fore an)b<>d~ e'er tailed 11 r one ailment feared worldv.1de ... .. ,,.. kno""n as tht• "v.a<.11ng disease .. • . '\'-here did "\l'v. 'or!.. < 11~ get ro""n <.tone'> for 11., hrov. n<>tones'' East Longml.'adm\ ~1a.,., most· •The old quamt:'> tht•rt arc Jban- d no..-. r died v.11h \\Jtt'f .... CJ. l\n 1 thc:ro.: 'omt \llrt ol gas or • h1ng JI .111 ht'IV.t'Cn thl' hea\enl~ r<. of oUtl·r <,pau"' One nrnkl uk pt'r c,quare cen- 'if't!etcr. mmtl• \nu need a m1lhon itfdleculcs ix·r 'quarc u:nt1mctcr to wnake a cloud There an.· some of ,hose . · Q v.,,, 1011" Bra1lk 11nenturul »railk p11111111!! 1111 the hllnd h1m'>elf hhnd'' A I k \,,,, \1 ;.rgl' ' he blinded h1m~lf accidental!) while play11'\1,. v.1th an av.I in h1~ father\ !>addle shop near Pans Those female beetles knov. how to interest a romantic panncr Durin~ one maung ~ason. '>C1ent1sts careful· I)' noted the·act1 v1t1es of 30 females in a log. Thereto flew 900 males pee hour. I nc1dcntally. female beelJct can't afford to get heachaches. When a male hectic drawn to a female finds out she'o, not feeling well tonight, he kills her .. If women aren't better cooks than men. how do }OU explain the fact that the most popular household cookbooks have been written by women?" That's what I asked. A client opines: "Those who can, do. Those who can't teach." :0-.e" Englanders of old piled rocks in a nng to make a small corral near each village green Therein they held stra} sheep. goats. cows. dogs, what· C\Cr 111.estock couldn't climb out. It wa<, known as the pound and eventu· alh ga ve us the phrase .. dog pound." When JU~t a toddler Thomas .\. fd1son stacked up a huge nest 1n a neighbor·~ barn. put some hen's eggs therein, and curled up on top to sec 1f he could get them to hatch. Nnhod\ ~lrulk a match before 1105 - L.M Bofd columnist. is • syadlcated ( "ThenotlonthatFrltzMondaleanl/TlpO'Nell/ upport ... hl~hertaxes so that. heroically, theycan brtngthefederal budget Jntoba1ance/san hilarious pleceofpollUcal fakery." · \Me. PUWiM~ ~ 't.Y, TK1~ I~ tte~ ~ J l AA~e. ~ ~a~~\Sl~\TY \Q ~ ~~~,,,! lT V~LATQS ~-~INCIPleSOf . ~e ~NT. .. PUTrlNG ~eR~LF ON 0\SPL.AY ... A,{\OJSIN<t UJST ... ~e~ S\\\.~ .. ~ - Re.W.~\U~G ~~ \i>&Ue ,,,, PA TRICK BUCJIA1'AN coJnmnl•t Pat Buc11A11A1 Tax hike support will hurt someone· Reagan should leave this issue to the Democrats For reasons practical and pohtical, President Reagan should remove any doubt there will be no taX increase in 1985. With tax revolts boiling in a dozen i>t.ates. to campaign on higher taxes 1s political lunacy. Walter Mondale should be given all the running room he asks. More important, there 1s no proven need for a major tax mcrea~. First. assume the economy con- tinues its growth. The expanding GNPw11l 1hcn shrink thedcfic1tand raise state and local surpluses, there- by dimmishinggovemment claims on the capital markets. and mooting the present arguments. Second. assume the economy falters . Then. a large, new tax hike would only push it into recession. thus expanding the deficits the tax hike is supposed to close. Unfortunate as the present deficit ofS 175billion1&. it is not without ancillary benefit. That deficit has killed all momentum for new social programs: it hasgjven Ronald Re- agan the leverage to veto any domestic pork he wishes: 1l has forged an immense national coalition be- hind a balanced budget amendment. Make no mistake. AS 175 b1lhon deficit 1sa bad thing. But there are worse thanJS. Among them. a S 175 b1 II ion tax increase which would ktll the recovery and with It Amenca'c; only hope of closing the deficit. Wh)' 1m1tate Fntz's call for high taxes? Whatever his other attain- ments. Walter Mondale has no credi· b1ht)' on economics. The Carter- Mondale administration left this country with 21 percent interest rates. 13 percent inflation and zero percent growth. Instead ofofTenngadv1ce. Mondale ought to be ofTin some monastery doing penance for his performance. Why Fritz Mondale favors higher taxes is no mystery. Mondale is a socialist. With government at all levels consuming 40 percent of America's wealth, Mondale stall needs billions of dollars to pay off the IOUs he has outstanding to special 1 nterests; he needs billions of dollars to pay ofTthe campaign debts in- curred m beating Gary Hart and John Glenn . The notion that Fntz Mondale and T1pO'Ne1ll support the higher taxes so that, heroically. they can bnng the federal budget into balance is an htlanousp1eceofpolittcal fakery Those gentlemen have not. an their late middle years. suddenly con- vened to the fiscal conservatism of Herb Stein. They want more money !IO they can spend 1t. Consider who else is clamoring for higher taxes. Paul Volker at the Fed appears to be one. But Volker predicted that 1f Pres1den t Reagan signed on to a "down payment" on the deficit, interest rates would fall and markets would respond. Reagan signed on - but interest rates rose. and the markets made no response. Chevron washes hands of paraquat Robert Dole is another. But Dole promised the president 1n 1982 that 1f he signed on to a SI 00 billion tax hike. the deficit would diminish and S300 billion in spending cuts would follow. Reagan signed on -but the deficit expanded a.md the spending cuts wert never made. Oil company seeks unique protection from multi -million-dollar law suits v. "~111 NC Ir ()l\i ( hl·~ ron < hcnlll31 ( o the nat1un·, \ulc manulauurcrnf thrlkadl> hl'rb1udl· paraquat. I\ rcqu1r1ngd1c;1nhutor\ who want to o,ell 11 undn thl•tr own lah<-1 to \lgn an agrcemt·nt ahsoh· ing < ht ..... ronulhahrlit)' fordeathor 1n111r" to 11'1(.'f\ ·11 \\1mpl\ pruJ<.>nu:onourpart .. JC. he\ ron \pokc<.man \al<l There ha\ ~·en .i gro~intt numll<'r of mult1- m1l11on-dollar la~\Ulh 1nvol' 1ng d('aths and 1llm·-;c;cula1mcd to haH' tx-('n c au\t"d h\ p.uaquc11 \.-h a\!>o<.1J lc<. Donald< 1oldbefl, .ind fohn l>1llnn nhta1 n<'d a mp" of th<.>agircmrnt that mu\t he \1gncd h\ an1.onc "ho v..u11<. to market para- ORAN<,( COAST Daily Pilat ••• quat unde r an ind" 1dual brand name It requires a warn ins label on 1he proper U\(' of1hc chemical. and hab1lm tn!iurancc of"not less than SI m1lhon per person and not lec.s than $ 3 m1ll1on per occurr('m.:e" -10 ht' paid for b~ the d1stnhutor In ad- d1t1on the contract state-; that "the 1murancc ~hall be c\prcc.sly endor\Cd to name ( 'hevron as an add111orul 1nc;ured(part) I·· I ndu'il f'\ source\ \31d the market· ingagr~mcnt 1!.an unui.ual form of legal prot~uon for a manufacturt'r Fvcn the( heHon spoke-;man \aid tht agreement ma' be un1qur Paraquat lint itainc-d attcn11on ~hen 1t was uS<"d to rrad1catt man· H. l. Scttw1rtz Ill ' ll " Frenk Zlnl ·~I' I~' U £ l 1 Tom Teft I f lf Crelg Sheff " ' r I hJ' Juana field<, in Mn1co sc'cral )car., ago. more rccentl} 1t has ht-en u..cd lor the <,amc purpoc,c on federal land in Kcntulk\ l 'ndera l ' \-sponsored program. paraquat will !.Oon Ile \prayed on ctande!>llnl' man1uana crops in Colombia. But the hcrb1c1de 1\ becoming increasingly popular with American farmers for "no-trll" farming. Instead of plowing last year'scrops unde1 . farmer\ can "clear" their fields with paraquat It 1c; already used 10 c:ontrol Wt'ed!i and 'f>Ced harvcsl'i on more than I O m1llionacr~ofU S. farm- land. including field!> ofcom. wheat. soyhcan\and (Olton Paraquat 1s one of the de:idhest poison\ known to man A !lmall Quant•t) dropped on an cxpo~d pan of the '-'od'f is absorbed throuah the 'lkin and attacks thed1~st1 vc system. thelt\Crandthclun1-'1. T~1sno ant1do1c beyond eat1 nacta) an hopes ofa~rb1na ~me of the P<mon "~inC'C parot:1ua1 doeJ not 1Mt1ntly dc\trO\ VC1ttat1on, forJ&e f~cn and 'fK"c1es( includ1na humans) c-ontact· 1narontam1nated planu.can be e'po~ for ~eek\afterc;prayingat normal concentr:rnons." wrote f-llcn s11neraC'ld. a c;cn1nr\C'1rn11~1 .it tht· rnv1ronmrnltll Dcfcn~ f-und "Ap· pltcat1 on of paraquat hy aenal 'llrll\• 1ng tl!I pan1cularl} dangcrou\ ·· t 001 no tr \t•\etal n>nl(lan1t'' ton· JACK ANDERSON tacted by my office said they had decided no1 to distribute paraQuat undcrthe1r own label. But Chevron's non-hab1hty requirement has not d1scouraicd others. HOW TO SPELL RELIEF?: Re· ,·cnt d1iclosures that U .S military aircraft have femed rehef supphcs from pnvatesroups to Central J\mcnca have caused dissension w1th1n 1he aovemment ascnctC1 and chantabtevoup$ involved. The National Sccumy Council '>uppons the use of m1lital')' tran~ pons. while State Oepenmentand Pcntqon officials att afraid 1t ma)' break the law M1htary tran,pon of pnvately provided rehef supphcs" prohibited rit«pt in cases of c~trcmc natural di\aslc~. ,uch 1 e.tnhqu1kcs or Oood,; ~ome of the pnvatr reht'f agenc1es .irt"ce>nC'rmrd that thr use of military am rafl will {IU~ thr1r human11ar1an ... n<1rt' to he rt'prdcd with usp1c1on l hr' al'\o lc.ir that dt'ptndrner on thr m1htaryw11l mean 1hat rehel supplies will go only 101hose who are poltt1cally"m" with the adm1n1s- trat1on. instead of to all who need them There have hcen at least four relief shipments transported by the U.S. military to date: C· I 30transpons carrying medical supplies new from Selfridge Air Force Base near Detroit toEISalvadoronApnl3andJune 15. Accord1nato('arla KohnofWorld Medical Rehcflnc., which collected the matenal forthc M1ch1pn ship- ments. more sh i pmcnts arc planned and thcefTon is bcinacoord1n1ted by the White House. A government source involved in rchef efTons told my auoc11te John Dillon that at lea tone of the Michipn shipments was J*1d forb) thcClA. Tb~pvcthe Pentagon a lcpl loopholc. the source said. bt· causc "tht' IJt'nCy eayin1 for ll has tO ~n1fy" that the shipment i lepl. Michael r s,tine.1 Whitt House. offic1al au1suna thr rthef cfTon. said a confidcntiaJ NSC d1r«t1ve last Dettmbcr ordered the m1ht1ry to provide ~C( for rehcfsuppllcs on any cario planes Oy1n1 empty to ( rn1r1r Amc-nca on 1nunm1 fl1ah11 . J•d AlldefWIJ ,, • IY04llcatH t'Ol•m•l•t. Again and again. the prophets of gloom and doom have been proven wrong. They predicted the Reapn ta~ cuts would produce soaring interest rates and risina inflation. Neither occurred. They fredicted that 1983. the year the fina cuts took effect. would be a bummer. The economy took off. They predicted a downturn m 1984. The economy ist.itpandina so rapidly. that they now predict a return to inflation. But theaold. silver and commodities markcu arc 111 po1ntina in the opposite d1rtt11on. In this manic dci>reu1 vn' ward that is the college of American economic soothsayers. Ronald Re· apn's has been the only consistently ~ne-andchccrful-voicc. With inflation at 3 pcrttnt. with 7 mil hon new JObs ettatcd tn 19 month!., with pcrcapua 1ncome soannJ. the U.S. economy ha bt- come the srcat locomo11vc of the metaphor, hauhna Tturd World na· t1ons out ofbankruptcy. drqa.i ni • reluctant Europe in10300very. Why 1n heaven'snamewoulii lhearchitect of Amenca'• .,utest postwar re· covery bt hstcn1ns to 1 chquc of chronic nc uvis1u,hosa1d 11 could nevcrh1pptn~ P•trkt llocbHH 11 • 1yo4Jcatftl ro11m1l1t DailyPillt There'• not enough epece on lneur•nce form• to deec:rlbe kid•' accident•. 83 SUND ... Y. JULY 29. 1984 NBC Md CBS bidding to woo eo.p oper• l•n• during 0.mff. 85. For the hostess' shining hour. • • .. j I ~ ----. ---~. Data"nen are offerl.ni more alternad"Ye. today in at-home fubion•. One of the m.,.t popUlar la the loancer. AboTe left, Cindy Galardi modela one In tarqaolae cotton by Bandy Starkman Loanc-. Beadln.I and pear la accent the brl.l!ht appllqaee. With the euy, loo.e and really f1lD fublon llhe wean .,..rench-made ehoea by Seducta. For the white cotton Starlkmanjampealt, aboTe rtcht: appltqaee and the wrap belt add a daah of color. The Anne Klein Ocarl tied turban otyle repea_to the br!Chto. Natorl rro..tdee the otyllah anower to quiet rel&X1Djl hoaro -ooft paote Jajamu fuhloned with contruttnc lapel and oleeve trim. Lollll pearl drop earri"ll• are by Van Allen. Daily Pilot Photos by Howard Lipin Elea:ance comea to life In the flowing Bill Ttce caftan worn by Cindy Galardi of Newport Beach. Chunky lucite jewelry catcheti a &llmmer of tbe plnlr.~ purple and turquoise. Seducta ahoea compete the loUDfewear look. .. . . . a touch of glitter can accentuate sensible, sensual, flowing comfort BJ VIDA DEAN· • ......... ..,.. ..... "forcvcninpout I like clothes that arc alittery and chic. I usually go for very tailored fooks 1n the daytime," said Cindy Galardi of N~nBcach. But, for at home I like very casual clotbea. .. explained the slim blonde who modeled at department s1ores for fun durina berbiah ochool days. OJoices for lounaewcaror 11..home-wear are endless and can be casual for ••a ni&hl in with no social obliptions" or dressy cnoua,h -forcntcrtainina. Jump suits and sh on dresses in cool co11ons1nd Oowinacaftanscan fi1 into both of these catqorics.. The Style cover loungcwear collection Cindy models today was arranged by Rob- inson's in Ncwpon Beach. "MostdcslJTicn are makina mort: st)'lcs in the toungcwcar •~• ofthc1rcol1CC't1ons They arc offcrin&.more alternatives whether you are entena1nina or not, .. accordi~ to Sarah Wonnan, viceprniden1offash1on merchandisin1-Robinson's. "The whole marketismakina them in reasonable prices. The bia,silhouctte now is Ille lou.,...., lhc knee-lenatb dress. Con· sum en want colorful, casy, looee and really fun fashions..·· ''I love the colon in thccaftan." said Cindy who has used some oft.he same shades in thedccorofhcrbey-«l&e home where she and husband John oa:asionally entenain. John GalardiTs ixaident and chairman of the board ofWicncnchnitrd, 1 chain he founded 24 yc&nl&Q in Wilminaton. "I like tocntertain-eithcrverylarJc panics or very small parties..•• she explained and told ofhostinaancvent for almost IOOof the rom~ny's J20franchi9eCS rcccnlly. Besides cnicnainina for business and pleasure. the Galardis share an interest in • traveling. They were 1n Rio dcJancirothis , year for carnival time and havetchedulcdan African safari soon. Other activities for the two include wafer skiing. snow skiiin1a1 Mammoth and ~ 1 eRJoyina their boat Hot Doger, convenient· Jydockeda1theirbomc. I Ci ndy, a nativccalifomian who for. mcrtyowned two busineues. one in Tahoe and a BusineuCardsTomorrowftancbiee~ OnmaeCounty, hulived in Newponlleodi for four years. ._ She is chairman oflhe Soph.iJlicatea, o • suppon lfOllP foe "-ament T""'tmenl ServicesCcnler(A TSClwbich will tpo....,,,1 the Nov . 3 Solid Ooldll-Sale ondo• Scp1emberbelcb bruncb. To stay la shape forber!Nsyl<hodl&le • and any style in !Ullion, Cindy"'Ul'tsQlll rcaularly wilh weiabtsandil. "IUloron tcnn1s<X>\lns . • : ~ -- --------------------------------------..------------:-- Orange eoast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. July 29. 198' LOOKING Gooo Shadow plays helpful when you dot your eyes .:t) The most com- rnon mistake women make wtth their eye makeup is using only one shadow color oobserves Stephanie Simo .. 1ch. a free-lance makeup an1st. who con- ducted "fore)' es VIDA DEAN onl)" consultations w11h CU!)tomers at the Lancome counter in Robinson's at Fashion Island last week. I chatted with her and and C'athia Balian. Lancome analyst, between appointments. "You need at least two shado" s to pla > w1 th to i.hadeandenhance the eye. Some women will u~ as man) as liveorsix." Stephanie explained. What colors should you use? That'!> the question that the two hear most often That's not an eas) questton to answer "You don't have to use a shadow that matches the e)'e or the color of your dress." said green-eyed Stephanie. who had great I PAPARAZZI PLUS loo lung eyes made up an blues. pinks and orchids "We tr) toa1ve them colors that are compaubk with facial tones and hair color as well as eyes". If you are not really into colors. and can't decide what's compatible with yourcolonna by pract1cangat home. It might be fun to stop at acounterandget some professional suggestions. There are some marvelous shadow colors on the marlet now. some sparkling ones like Lancome's Sun Lime and Parma V 1olet from the Maqu1llage summer I 984collect1on presented in honor of the Olympics. Lancome also offers Rose In see and Pepite d'or in a form that they call LaC'riette. It is actually powder, but it in the shape of a crayon that 1sapplsed with shon light strokes. The texture 1s different from the creamy cra)ons that come in River Blue and Aquanneand can be used in conJ unction w1 th other powder shadows. Some makeup artists say the sparkling shadows are fore\ eningonl} while others agree a hint of the sparkling color is great for h1ghhghtinga daytime look. "Liners are in." Stephanie and Cath1a agreed. Again. you 'I I Ii nd lots of colors. They showed me a so fl gre). Metahte, and a blue, Bluhte. The important point the two stressed on applying line was keep 1tclosc to thelash line and then smudge it. "Straight heavy lines are unattractive. I wait a few minutes until the hner 1s part!) set and take a cotton swab and smudge the hne." Stephanie said. The conversation then moved along to mascara. Yes, use it they advised. Apply to both sides of the top lashes. especially if you have very light lashes, and to the bottom. "Even 1fyou use a curler, mascara can be used without disturbing the curl of your top lashes." Stephanie added. "Lancome has fo ur types of mascaras-two build, thicken and lengthen the lashes. one 1s waterproof and the newest Styloc1ls has no thickeners. It gives a very natural covenng that some women like. The brush wand helps you get to those little hairs at the comer of the eyes." C'athia said. For a !ipec1al touch. the makeup artist suggested us1 nga dark mascara over the complete lash and then on the tips add e1thertheirgreen, blue or orchid mascaras. As with the liners. you don't want harsh lines on the n ebrows After filling in and sh a pang the brows with the pencil. you \hould always brush to 11 ve a natural look. Lancome makes this easy-there's a brush nght on tht end of the pencds that they call "brow definers". The company also makes two masques for the eye area to reduce puffiness. It is Adieu Rides (that's French for"goodbye lines"). There'salso a cream, Progres. that 1s to be used on clean skan for day and night. To make the eye color stay on longer, the suagcstion was to apply Creme Couvrante(ava1la~le in ivory and beige) then powder before shadow app!Jcauon. Equal an importancetogettmgeyemakeuponand kcepina it on isgettina it off. . "You should not 10 to sleep without removing your eye makeup," Stephanie said. "A remover can be . beneficial to the lashes. We have two removers. One 1sa gel and very good for removing waterproof mascara and the other is oil free. The type of remover you use depends on the type of product you have applied." ••• NEW PRODUCT: Oscar de la Renta has added a new product to his Act1vcc Body Care System. It is Antiperspirant/Deodorant Act1 vee and has the French Floral fragrance of Oscar. the big seller these days. Catch a Rising Star for a heavenly dinner Or find lavTSh e ntertainment among guests at Club Royal~ As pan of the celebrauon for Ron Soderling's 50th birthday. Gail Showalter borrowed Jim Stoat's 94-foot yacht. R1smg Star. to take guests out on the bay. Jim wasout.oftown and missed the party. So to thank him for the use ofh 1~dream boat, Ron and Gail borrowed Rising Star again and planned another moonlight cruise. Quail and wild duck which Ron had shot in Mexico were on the menu and Cornelius was there in black tie to whip up cherries Ju b1 lee for dessen. GucstsjomingJ 1m included Stewart Woodard, Karen Smitb, Teena and Matt Scbalnitz, Jim McGee, SHle Brown and Mark Zlgner, Dan Donahue, Fifi and Patrick Chao, Bob and Sherry Moline, Chazy Dowaliby and Bob George. Special guest was Danny Sullivan, wanner of this year's Cleveland Budweiser 500 race (Stout is o ne ofh1s sponsors). • • • British 1mpon Joan Turner, billed as the Queen of British comedy. held the attention of the 280a1tend1ng the Club Roya le party held at Shark Island Yacht Club. With her41'i-octave range voice she was belting out tunes. doing 1mpersonat1ons (Shirley Temple and Bette Davil)andgn mg out with comedy. The entertainment-packed part) also featured Olllly Piiot P'hotoe bf Twrl •- Harbor Chapter of the City of Hope. The 4 to 7:30 p.m . event will feature OCC Big Band led by Dr. Charles Rutherford, OCC director of music. James Altieri, chairman/producer, said this dance is a kickoff for the Glenn Miller salute black-tie benefit ball set No ... 4 at the hotel. To get in the mood the ticket pnce 1sS IO(ava1lable at the door) and the benefit is$50and includes dinner and entertainment. Reservations may be telephoned to 55.1-9343 or650-HOPE. • • • There's no dancing lessons with the Aug. 14 .. Night at the Race" planned by the Oran$e Coast YMCA Family Crises Center, but there will be a clinic fitting the occasion. Dr. George Hadaad, race horse owner and board member of the center, will conduct a brief clinic before the races stan. The fund-raising evening will beg.m with wine and hors d'oeu vres on buses to Los Alamitos Race Track where picnic suppers will be served. Tickets are $25, couples, and S 15 singles. The cen ter may be called. 642-8380. for further details. • • •• Jewish Federation of Orange County and the Israel Stud) Missions Committee will host a dessert reception ..\ug. 6 at the Newport Beach home onaldore and Penny Myers to celebrate the inauguration of El Al Israel Airhnesdirect service from LAX to Tel Aviv. Guests will have the opportunit)' to hear about the No\ ember stud) mission to Israel. France and the Ncthcrlandll-participants will Oy on El Al. The Jewish Federation. 530-6636. has further information on both events. • • • Recent baradm1ttees will be honored b) the Orange Count) Women Lawyers Aug. 11 at the group's annual summer party in the Quarter Deck Room at Balboa Bay Club. Resenationsare required forthe 5:30to 7:30p.m. e\COt and may be made by calling 979-2362 by Tuesday. • • • Laguna Niguel Republican Women's Federated Ctub1sgoing western with a 7 p.m. round-up party Saturday at the"Slayman Ranch'' in Laguna Niguel. Steak dmnersand other activities will be served up at the western am re-optional event being chaired by Marianne Morse. Reservations are being taken at 493-4146, 499-1791 and493-7223. • • • Joan Turner, the queen of Brltiah comedy, Paparazz1Plusised11edbyDa1I> P1/otStyleEd1tor entertained with song• and imperaonationa. Vida Dean with contributions from Gloria Zigner. Chris Stevens (formerly w11h Louis Prima) and b1gband songs Joel Valdivia was strumming his Spanish guitar with partner Lila Joining in the numbers with her Oute. Adding to the e>.c1tement of the evening were Nick Sidoti and Edie DeSatnick who presented a demon· ~:.trat1on oflaun ballroom dancing . .\fterwards. guests were u11ng their own fanc} steps on the dance Ooor to DJ Russ Unger's Fl) b> Night 5ounds. Capt. van A. F. Vano announced the next party("a really b1gone"J 1s se t for Aug. 17 at the Newport Beach Marnott. More information on the part) mg group can be obtained b) calling 642-6616 • • • Big band music lovers will polish theirswingan,d fo'< trot skills .\ug. 12 at the Irvine Mamott Hotel at th~ "In the Mood Dance"sponsored by the Newport Nick Sidoti and Eadie DeSabiick abowed off their Latin ballroom dancing during a . party that overflowed with revue entertainment proVlded by talented guest•. THE NEW es e e a ar ae 3653 fad Cood Hlghwo)' Corona Del Mar. Califoma 9262S FASHION CALENDAR After Gall Showalter atarted aalllng on thank-you cruiae aboara the Ri•ing Star with Ron Soderling, Jim Stout and Judy Billing•, above, •he helped Miu 'f ookie and David Chow present the wild duck dinner, below. if Confrey and Carole Phillipe enjoyed Club Royale party. : 'f• ... ROBINSON'S: A new hne moothcr. "Years Younger''. from Inna Shortll wtll be introduced 11 the Newpon Beath and Wcsuninncrstoruon Fnday and Saturday. Reprc~ntauves will demon trate the use oflhc skin treatment from 11 1.m. to 4 p.m. • • • NORDSTROM: Customers may $8mple Termc d1 Montecatini .. Mud" a new facia l and skin care tttatmcnt !Princess BorpeK') from 111.m. to 4 p.m. Wcdne\day throuah aturdly • • • BULLOClt' · In celcbra11on of the Ol)'mp1c pint. the South Coa 1 Plaza 'Storc will h1a'h}•ah1 summer ancJ fall fa h1 on trend'i durina informal modeling at 1· 'Op m on t nd1l\ / Admitted rapist tells life of sordid crimes DEAR ANN LANDER4) You have pnntcd letters from bartenders. 'l~U.ncs. lawyers. docto~. m u-s1c1an~. houscw1 ... es. lovcs1clt tcen- aiers. elevator operators, nonsts and ~hoe salesmen. but I have never seeo a letter from a rapist. This may be your first, 1f you have the guts to publish 1t. I am 32 years old and started on this rotten road when I was 20 A~ of last week, I have raped 25 women, mostly 1n Oklahoma. Anzona and Call· fom1a. l've never been caught. The system r use as vinually nsk.(rec. I am highly antelhgent. (A college graduate from an Ivy League school.) I am writing in the hope that you will pnnt my letter and educate the public They need to know WHY men rape. Perhaps af the reason were known. today's mothers of young children will do a better JOb and prevent another generation from growing up to be rapists who terronze women of all ages. I hate what I am but I know what caused me to be hke this and I hope you will give my views as much coverage a~ possible. I have read repeatedly 1n )Our column, "Rape 1s not an act of lust. It 1s an act of violence." You are so nght. Actuall> rape has 'cry little to do with sex. h has a 101 to do with the way a male relates to females Almost always. af )OU put 11 all together it spells M-0-T-H-E-R I TRAVEL l •• lMDEIS r came from a weU·to-.do family and was raised by a domancenna. overpowerina mother (divorced). My miserable. cruel grandmother lived with us. Almost every day since I can remember, I was slapped, punched, kicked. beaten with a belt or a hairbrush. Once I suffered three broken ribs from being kicked down a night of stairs. When f was taken to the doctor (Mom thou~t I might have a broken leg), I was ins1ructecf to say r fell off my bike. 1 have never had a garlfnend because I despise all women I kno ..... I am sick in the head. but I ha"e this uncontrollable urge to punish all females and rape is the bcs1 way to ge1 even. Please tell young mothers to love their httle boys. ff they can't. then do the kid a favor and put him an a foster home or give ham iq adoption 10 a family that will treat him like a human being. Children who are whipped and knocked around ha' e the need to act even I know )'OU wall tell me to get therapy and I am thinJunj .tbout It n&bt now. f despise myself for what I have done to some prettr nice women -most of wbom I dadn t even know For your 1nforrnat1on. I have never htt a woman in my life I alwayr. carry a sun but It has no bullets an H I would never want to kill anyone. Thank you for letting me e\prc..s myself. I've been needing to do 11 lor a long time. (Don't try 10 track me down. I am mailing this from a '>Late not mentioned an this letter ) -NO NAME. NO CITY .\ND NO FINGERPRfNTS. DEAR NO NAME: I am beglog you to get professloaal belp. You say yoa woald never till a woman, but rape k:lll1 ber soul and causes prob- lems that often haunt her for the rHt of b~r life. What you are dolng Is a form of murder aod you MUST stop. You can.aot conquer the problem alone. I repeat -Get Professional Help! • • • )Ho"' to --and ho"' much') Find out v.11h Ann Lander~· nev. boolt.kt. .. Hov.. 'What. and \\hen IO T di 'uur Child .\bout Sex·· For ~our l'OP~ send 50 cents along with a long. stamped. self-addrec,<,ed enq:lopt• to Ann Landers. P 0 RO\ 1199~ ( h1· cago. llhno1s 6061 I Secluded coves, rolling surf and craggy cliffs dot southern coast Southern California: The American Riviera South('m Cahfornaa: The purple hills and hard-boiled romance of mystery wnter Raymond Chandler. The sun-tanned rock lyncs of the Beach Boys. Enc Estrada astnde a CHiPs cycle on an endless nbbon of highway. From pnnt to television to radio. whatever your image of Southern California. another Southern Cali- fornia awaits the hundreds of thousands of athletes. spectators and JOumaltsts headed there for this 'lummer's Olymplt' Games. That Southern Cahfomaa 1s the one 1hey call "The .\mencan R1v1era." Just south from L.A. proper hes 100 males of year-round ocean re- sorts, replete with curving coastline. sandy beaches. Jutting rocky cliffs. and hidden coves. Stan Wlth Long Beach. located immediately south of Los Angeles and proudly displaying a fresh face following a recent. city-wide re- development. Howard Hughes' fabulous ny1ng boat. the Spruce Goose, as housed in a I 2·story aluminum dome, next to the for- midable ocean hner Queen Mary. The City's Spanish influence domi- nates the architecture of pmk and white ~tucco buildings along Ocean Boulevard restncted. but vasttors can take their place across from the main beach entrance or at the intersection of Pacific Coast Highway and Warner A venue. More than I 00 different anamalshve in the reserve. and if you arc lucky. you may spot one or two of the five endangered species of birds protected th~re. South of Bolsa Chica five miles of waterfront and beach. formerl} farm- land and sheep ranches. are now quaint shopping centers and gracious homes. some of which rival the palaces of Ven ace. Since the early I 900's. Newpon Beach has been a seaside attraction where beach~oers arrived by electnc car. Some of its coves served as silent movie locations. Cleopatra and the Keystone Cops series were filmed there. Later, a host of celebrities - among them John Way ne. Humphrey Bogan and Lauren Bacall -hvcd in the town. A detailed description of Newport Beach's charms would take pages. The highlights might include the cobblestone streets of Lido Marine V 11lage with 1 ts unique bouuques Art deco buildings accent 1LS decor, one of the most outstanding examples being the Lido Movie Theatre. It's flanked b' some 70 restaurants. ·Some 9.000 water-.goan& 'essels are at home in Newport Ba) Larson's spot. reputedl) bearing, an eene resemblance to the late C"C"ren- tnc. South Laguna and La~una Niguel are res1dent1al communities featunng shops and restaurants. Continuing south o n Pacific ( oast H1ghwa). you'll arrive at Dana Point. a spanan assemblage of architecture and small shops. A Manne Institute an the town 1s open daal). with exh1b1ts and a gift shop. Hike up Dana Pomt'c, small sandy hall to a rock-supported pier and vie" the tov.enng cragg) cliffs where waves crash ag;unst beachroclt. with thunderous c;pra\ South a le"" mon· mile!>. ~an Juan Capistrano greets tt'> famous return- ing swallows each March and its visitors \Car-round The cm 's re- nowned · m1ss1on. built b) Fr. Jun1pero Serra an I 776. was home to Janaero Indians. They were con- verted to Chnsuan11~ and taught to cultivate the land You can reach San Juan Capistrano readily by Amtrak .\ shon nde from L.A.'s Union Station deposit'> \OU at the hstonc Santa Fe stauon. built about 1895. The stallon. st1ll 1n use. is popular w11h mam '1s1tors. \long with the railroad \l:lllon the hu1ld1ng houses a fine rec;taurnn1 .\l ncarb\ an ( kmt·ntc. \CIU t an tf! ~our hand a1 .. ~l'l't .,h11ot1ng lawn bov.hng or ptrntl on man1rured parl..scapcs Pia) tl·nn1'. gull 0 1 thh 1f that's your fanc} : BRIDG E l --- --~ T Al.F. or T\\'O KIM;s CHARLES GOREN Orongo Co st DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, y 29. 1GM 83 Of:AI( 4f' ... \ut;R~ "" 1101" had man, rt'lfU4'11h O\f'r tht uara for tho.t hand•,., cun1ldf'r '-Cl !>.. our fa\Orit•• I hat malln 41ullf' a li•t. f 01 the UDll' bf'iDI, thf'ttlOtf', •t' ar• d#\.oc.lng th«' Sunday col ucnn to a nrl.-1 of la.mo1.1• taod11. At t~ tnd or th.- unt• ...... 111 ao back lo our •f'f'kl) 14uolfon and an•"'"' rolumn. Suuth \\ Hl 'orth l: .. t I PaH I • l'att I '\l l'a•• 2 :\ l Pa" royalt, w ~fl lht'ir ht'iuh ~«' Jtdl shuddf'r .. ht'n Wl' thin., what ~p~n<:d co our family durinr tht FreMh R~ulutmn. Uut for 1t lo hap pf'n tO both or Uli 10 one UOd I I rrut'I fat{' 3 :\ I J•u Pau f>a .. Opf'ninl lud: Quf'f'D or F.u\I W1·~1 \uln .. r •• hlt' -.uuth 1l1•1il' ~OK 111 • .\J 10 '1 I 763 i; 'l 4 +AK "f:Sl • K S3 K2 KQI092 • I\ 13 "'Ol 111 t. \Sl • Q 7 b 10 If~ 5 " • lfl 9b'l2 • 1\2 HUI \ J 7 I I ht\ .... ••fl 1111110'1 Id• 11111 "' Iv. in~. l h1 K 1nr, ol ~ Jlillcl•·~ .incl I ht I\ 1n..: 111 I lul•" tM•Ul lht 11111) V.;i\ \111ln•uld ltll lh.-m 1p.1rt v.,1 ... th.11 1h1 l\tnl( 111 ( 1uh~ t .. 11l a .. li)(hl h IJr).'.t r h1 J!l 1 tu \ h• It! t la1•1r .11.1 du 111 • 11 r.q11 .1ll1•nl111n J 1tw.\ 111f•l 11f th• ir 1•·1•l111t ... II b 11 11' '"'·d 111•ru1:,1ll\• 111 1:1• •· n<" 1i.:•' I h1 r• .1r1 I•'" in1r1 .1n1l.1<1J10\\1rtu J• "• II 11 ,, • "1 II r1 1111•111~" r l ht• ol:l\ \\ht It ,I fl .I II.foll I•"•' \\ Hlnrcl •,11 rllU'(·tl •' 1~111 lnr h1 ... I" r ..... 11.1 I! "" "Tht" t"n,.m~ had r athed 1hr1 t• 110 I rump and our ".irlnrtl t hrt-v. J d111l11nt 1·11t"'" 1n111 t h11 fru) t ht• l'Ut't•n ul l 11o11r10Ddl> Tht rob h• r lt;irun !lllltllJ:; Soul h .,fm·v.dh plau·d 1h1 •w\1 n in .in Jllt-111p1 lo t'tia\ our l'• 111•r:il 111 "•nt111u1• 1h1· ''"I h ll ht·"·'' (;;r to "h to lall 111 111 1ha• trJI• H1·,il111n~· th1 t.1 Ille ' "f"11j1 'IJll J•O'l·rl ,1 t/111•,11 ttw 1\1111•0( t 0'11lt' "•I' 1hr11,.1111. th·· v.11h 1• .... 11 lrid. , ,,, 1al•rmat ... aboul rltartn 1.01 • o • .,., • •f'•alf'llf'r f•r hrtdJ• pl•tf'n• .. rllf' c.,.. Bnd1~ I •llf't l!M)ll naaAaie· "°" _\_,. ( 1a•-··-· :\,.I. U"4t77 l>.\1•1 • "J7 I 111 h1rltl1ni.: '" v. •I ' n111 1 • .., , , I r ·'"'" "" 11 h "out.I ti;1 \ • Filing insurance claims .a traumatic e xperience :.~ ffrpn nted h' Keque~I I read the olher da\ v. herl' a "-Om<in '4a<, grocef! shopping and an If! 1ng to reach the la'>t package of fro1en hrcx·coh lost her ha lance a nll tcll head fir~t anto the freoer :I. man v.alling b~ gra~bcd her h~ 1he ankles. draggt•d ht•rout and dro' e her to the ho"> Pt tal v. here she v. a' treated and reka">ed. I have to hclte\e that lalltng in 1he lrcezer v.as lhl' ea\~ rart The n.·al trauma caml· ..... hen '>hl· had to deal v.ath the people v. ho fill out 1mur.rnct• forms I can see 1t no"' "Was this an accident''" "Yes .. ··'>.,as then: an~ uther v.a} to get thl· bronoh out of the case··· ··Probablv ... "Ha'c you gotten brc11..·l'uh out of the ca~ lake this before''' "'Aany limes .. Mothers knov. exanh v. hat l am talking about Most ol th\' accident\ ERMA BoMBECK that happen v.1th children border on the b11.irre fhc' nc,er do an.,thing 1n d 1.vn\ en Ilona I "'a' I alwau had the It.id v..1th the penm ~ho'-ed.up his nose the arm wedged in the sweeper bag lhe hp caught an a mousetrap Thtng~ thJt l., c~ nnc told me 3<hC"ars from nov. I'd laugh at and I'm sull wailing I v.a<; onl} the }ea~ into ch1ld- ra1sang when I stopped asking ... H OY.. n the "-Orld could c,omethang like this happen"" .\fter av.h1lc I full\ ac- ct•rted 1he stran~l' and pre parC"d . myself to defend 1t whtk riding to l'he emergenC') room "Ho~ did )Our \on split bis head open''" "He did a swan dive into two feet of Y..ater · ") ou can·1 do that· "Right .. I u-.ed to ..... atch ours.es at the desk who would ti: to Jam "Got panlleg caught in the mixer" onto 1nsuran~ fonns or. "Cut tongue while bidtng Foct 4.pache soldier set from cercaJ box an his mouth to annol brother .. and wonder what some o the other insurance claims read lake I'd surcl} love to have seen tbar faces when a woman reponcd recent· I) her buttock~ were lodged in an emergency exit when she was in the bus restroom and the bus swerved. forcm~ her into the window. (an t )OU hear them ask.tog at the hospital. "'Was th as your assigned seat"'' Olympics 'escape' offered by 'Azure Seas' cruise ship f {tr fl('Oflil' \\hu \\JO! Ill \\;tl~h lh~ < •hmp1l' a' 1tw,·rl' hJPl'<.'nan~ 'ti d11n t v.ant to ,l,l\ 1n thl' ~·11\ or '11:\\ lhl'm on thl'1r l111ml' tl'il'' 1\111n \l'l\ lhl · \1ure \L'J\ .. nu1,l· 'hip oiler' .in Red tape tripping up liveaboards '[\\PORI Kl -fhl·Pohuc' of l 1\ 1ng \board.'" ..i 'fll'l IJI n•ron \\ rtllen b\ [)Jn 'ipurr and rubll\hl'd 1n ( ru1\ing \\ orlJ maga11rw\ .\ugu-.t issue tells hov. coastal n1mmun1111.''· mostl) lrom Flonda 10( ahtom1a are v.rappang hoat'> in offiual red tape This 1s an rl'spons.e 10 a proltfrra 11on of cruising and h H'alxlard boat' dunng the pac;t 10 ~car" \\ aterfront communaucs kehng the pressure arc fighting back v.1th rec,tnct1\l' ordananct•s lkaufon. '.J < • lorcxam- ple rcqu1rec; hoats to reg1\ter v.1th lht• police depanmcnt v.hcn anchon·ll more 1han 48 hours .\t \nna \tan:.1 Island and Holmes Eka1.h n a II\ 1 ~g ahoard an anchored hoat tor more than "'~ hour'> ·~ proh1h1ted In <\ausahto a SI O<l tint· 1' k\led for am·honng. n10H' than ~~ hour' \\ 1thout a permit ~t 111 \ alk~ rt·qu1rl'' \4fllll'O pcrm1<>\11m nfthr < 11\ < 11u11- l 11ioanchor11ut m11H' th.in ~~ h""'' \tu1.h it thl' t11"l1.'rn h' l;ind tlV. ner. cenll'f\ tlll rxillut t•n ,1han.1h ll li.•'t'k•s. I.irk 111 ta\,ltlon ind 'll'l \\hll has 1ur-.1d1rt1l'n -thr teder;tl ~tate or hxal ~ll\l'rnmen" RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY, lllC. F• 1lit llnt 01 Yu l ilt 192l KAaBm a VO COSTUUA S4I 115' Jllernall\ r 10 ( lh rnp11. tro"d' ·« )ur ;o \JI.I• ~ton crua-.e ~hip ,., rt•Jlh .in l'\l3pt: an 11~1c· ~It.I .\le:\. ( uml' \Ill' prl·'1lknt of sale~ and markl'llng · • .ind 11 mall lift: at ~a mun.: t'nJC•\able \\t:.,e mstallc.-d a ,pen;il dl't.'p-d1c,h ;in tt•nna on 1he '>hip 1ha1 l'n..ihk' u' ll' p1clt. up h"e tranc;m1\'1on'> lrnm .all local-arl'a T\. \lJllOO\ Tha' nt\'311' 1ha1 pt.·uple v.ho "'ant ll• \\Jtlh lhl· <lhmp1cs \Cl fed that the' \\l1uld lt kl' i,, get av.a~ from the hugx lnmJ, 1ha1 v.ill be an the c1t1e., dunng Jul\ ;rnd \uguo;t can do \n t°I) taking om· 111 thl' 1hrt•e--ir tour-night ,rua'-1.'' 11n the .\1ure ~as · In JdJ1t111n tu the .i.ntenna th\' '>hip h..t'iJ nlv. ,1Jeo \\'-ll'm 1n lhl· m<l\ll' theater that'' mu, h lt lt.c: the lt.tnJ u~·d l'n all th\· JUmtio ll't' 1 herl· 1' al-.o .i huge nev. ml"•lt" ~recn a' v.dl 't' rather than v.atlhing n1~rnp1, l'H'nt\ on a smaJ I T \. scrl"en. pas..engers can t nJO' It mulh more b} viewing them nn the giant mo\ 1e'-type screen. r or people ~ho want 10 take their children and v.onder af there are a.Jl) speual acll\ 111cs planned for lhcm. the ansv.er ,., .. ,es·· The cruise hoes hac; added another passenger benefit b~ ha"mtt a C hildren\ Hostess .. oo board ·Her Job "111 be not onl) to help loolt. after the \.Ounger passengers. but also to plan a wide \ anet) of spcctal act1\l ll~ for them." said Cume. Included arc "iUCh things as gamei. treasure hunts. magJr shows. and other 'aned ('\ ent.s The .. .\.zure Seas ... home-ported m l o'> l.ngele<; '0 weelt.s a ~ear. speciaJ- 11t'., 1n thrt't' and fou r-nag.ht cruises to \1et.t(0 Fllr more infonnallon call West· em ( rutse L1 nes at t2 I 3) 548--8411. NOW ACCEPTING Ol YMPIC RESERVATIONS At the tap of Orange County not far from Long Beach. 5cal Beach 1s d1stingu1 shed by ats pier which d1v1des the beach an half. The quiet residential community 1s a perfect scning for a picturesque evening stroll. ~ell lighted al hight. At Sunset Beach. a httle farther south, v1s1tors can nde twtsting. turning bike paths and witness anglers trying their luck. Both ~al and Sunset beaches are surfer's turf: pros and amateun alike pther when the waves run high. lnlandcrs and others cu nous about surfing may want to visit Huntington State Beach. The expansive beach covers 28 square miles and 1s well· known for ats champ1onsh1p surfing competitions. The broad stretch of sand acts as a staae for sun worshippers who have their pick of numerous picnic spots, food stands, bike paths and volleyball nets. Only a mile from the Newport Pier. the Balboa Island Ferry shuttles three cars and a dozen passengers at a lime 10 picturesque Balboa Island. About 5.000 residents live on the im- maculate islet. JUSt a mile in c1rcum- fercnce. Specialty stores and bouti- ques dot a half-dozen blocks and with Dutch doors halved at waist level. the effect 1s s1m1lar to a New England seaside reson. San D11.~go car<> 'our tnp \Outh Th1<, dc~n-b\ ·lhl·--.ea has been nl"hh landscaped "1th rnral tn:ec; and poansc1t1a~. offering' 1s1IOI"'\ gn:enef! and sccneq ngh1 ou1 of a tropical cit mat(' -plant' 'inc<. and ground CO\Cnngs of sh0t.l1ng pmk purpk and gold blossom\ f,en ~an D1ego·s freeways don·l m11.·rfrrc v.1th the 1------------------::-' p1cturc~ue scencn thq are often hidden an canH1n<> and bankt'J w11h succulents. c;ea <la1.,1t'' and blooming ice plants AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE Ttre wuthem end of nearby Bolsa Chica. a six-milr beach, boasts steep cliff: between the road and the beach and 1~ best explored by ambauous h1kero, A co mb1nat1on bikepath/waUtway serves the entire lcnith of the beach where clamming. divana and fish1n1 arc popular pas-- tames. Ounl\l the haah udes at night from now until the end t>f Auaust vmtors can Join the arunion runs. Tbe. llule fish mu t ~captured by hand (1llepl any other way) u they ra~ on shore to spawn. Fnouf.h of the fi b are sucttuful 1n their quest to safely perpetuate the ~pc;ltt but Mlmc may end up an a be.achfront fi h fr> Dntctl) oppoSlll' the ~ch 1s the 1200 ICrt Bois.a Chica EcOIOJlcal ReKrvc. a uni9ue man.h and excel- lent bird·w tch1n tcmlor\ Much of the land 1c. 1m~ate and an'n\ ic, You don't need to ndc the ferry to aet there: the Balboa bndie camcs vehicular traffic onto the island b" way of Manne Avenue. · On the mainland. ap1n heading south you'U anive at Corona Del Mar and the Corona Del Mar State Beach. a family getaway and &rand location for kite flying. On an}' wind>-day you'll sec an 1mprcu1ve amy of colorful kttcs overhead. A JCtty lead!! to an offshore view of the town and 11 lovely homes -which nnge 1n design from Japan~ pqodas to tiny cottqcs. Oo farther south and you'll reach Laauna Beach, Wlth 1\S bookstores. boutiques. an p.Uma and peciahy bops. The five mile Iona tdch showc:asd tunbethers, jogen. stroll· ans f.&Jnahcs and gwWI trummin muAaan Lquna wu ~for the 10 n's two fresh water taaoon At the nonhcrn edge of town a statue lt'JClS all who arri\.-e. It was erected in memory of [iltr Lart0n. who 1n the 11\C I 960's stood. e«entnc and rull·beardcd. on lhc same 1pot. capt bou"' 1 da). seven day a ~ttk, wav1na a friendly artttina Wlth oumrctcht'd anm. A new town 1tr('~1er rroortC'JI\ now \tand .. on C ilrr Voted .. the on:, area 1n the U.S. with perfect "cather" b> meteoroloaists. S:in Oaego's average temperature 1s 70 degrees The cit} economy 1s actuall) geared to clean air wtth industry centered around aerospace. electronics. h1ah 1ech- noloa)' and medical rt'scarch Thett'~ plent) to Stt and do an San Diego. an intemauonall) renown~ zoo with mo~ than 4,000 animals 1n naturalistic habitat: the San D1eao Wild namal Park. 1800 aCTt'i of "'ldhftsanctuary. and Sea World, 100 land~pcd actt of marint anrac· tions from us .. old town" 10 111 maan1fic:cnt roa ·time with miles and miles of beach and bay shore. San 01eao 1u ~111 pan of \ht Southern Cahfomaa scent. If you'd hkc add111on I 1ntor· m'tion about tra .. rl opportun1t1t) in C'altfom1a write to the ~t.att Offil'C ot Tounsm. 11 ~I · l · '°itrttt \u1tt 1 0~. cramtnto. ( .\ ~S I" 1:.m lost-a check for S l to l'<l' er posllf.t and you'll rt\:el\c a n'IMful pac~aac llf information a~lllt th<' CioM<'n S1aw LASER BEAM FOOT SURGERY T~ t~tt'St adv~e~nt in Laser technology now being u~ed ror the corrt>ct1on o f root d1sordtr\ tn t~ doctor s office Laser~ c .ln ttft><t1vtly tr tat SKIN GROWTHS / WARTS INGROWN TOE NAILS THICK FUNGUS N AILS PAINFUL SCARS AdvantJ~s or tas~r <.ur~ry • less pain ltu 'earring " Si'll't S t 1mt And C'Olt C...Mma~I)~ P:AMflY fOOT SPECIALISTS I S-00 i".Oal'I\ l\vf' ~I~ 203 101~·1><'>1 ... ~., "" '546·1241 ~Price ( ,, •• S 1.00) Shop 11rly for ll11t 11lectio1 om thin g S pecial lt'mlnritf" r.~,,, ., .'';41 I I 7rh. < ~'• \ltM • tH5-S':JI 'Ar •1...-t•h•• '" futt,.. 1 .. 11ooP •-• I ......... 11 ... 111 • IM Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, July 29, 198~ No 'sure hits' for fall TV season By JERRY BUCK Iii T...,..... Wrttw LOS ANGELES -None of the new network sho""s stands an "excel· lent" chance of becomma a bit 1n the upcomma fall season, accordma to a lead1n1 Ne"' York adven1S1n1 com- pany Four shows, two each on ABC and C'BS. have a "good" chance of becoming hits, baSld on the annual f;eason anal)s1s b} Dancer Fittaentld Sample It's hardly )urpnsmg that the new shows face a naorous shakedown. since ABC's "Hotel" was the only new fall sho\\ to make 1t into the Top I 0 for last ~ason CBS' "Scarecrow & Mr) Krna" and "Af\erMASH" were the onf\. other fall shows to make 11 into th~ Top 20 Most senes fail .,. The three networks are introducing 22 ne" shows 1n the fall, and half of thoSt are aiven little cbartcc ofluccess by OFS. It S&)'I rune shows arc. lonphots and two art suR' flllures. "This could be the llahtcst thrce- network race tn yean." wd the report, edited by Phil Burrell. CBS 1s expected to squeak to a very narrow victory based on its reaular proaram· min&- Burrell said he found a sense of optimism at the networks because the ratinas have stabilized for the fint time in four years. They are also buoyed by record hig.h household uuae levels. Herc are the shows Jlven a "aood" chance of becomina hits. -ABC's "Paper Dolls.'' a senal centered on the world of fashion and modeling. DFS secs Its strongest asset in executive producer Leonard Gold- berg, "who worked miracles with a similarly airy 'Charlie's Anaels' near- ly a decade ago. In his hands 'Paper Oolb' m&iht well emerse as m1lhon dollar mannequins alona ABC's run- way to fame." -ABC's "finder of Lost Loves:· in which Tony Franciosa plays a worldly man who help1 people find old love iD4ere ts. It combines love and mystery and offers the same kind of potential for anthological stones as "The Love Boat" -also incidentally i>roduocd by Aaron Spelhn& and OouaJas Cramer -NBC's "The Bill Cosby Show," which marks the comedian's return to TV after an absence of 13 years. He plays a New York doctor who has to use hts sen~ of humor to retain h1~ san1t) around his children. -NBC's "Hunter," which stars Fred Dryer as a maven ck cop ( 1s there any ot!vr kind on TV?) It's from Stephen J Cannell. who rnolded "The A-Team'' and "Riptide'" into hits. Burrell fives a "aood-fa1r" chance to CBS' • Murder, She Wrote," in which An&ela Lan,bury pla)'1 an A.ptha \hnstae-type who also solve a\ well as crutts mysteries. The producers and creators arc Richard Ltv1nson and Wilham Link. Not a fa~t car or 11 flyina fist in the whole show. Now. that's ~methm& to celebrate. The two shows iJVCn the least chance of success are NBC's "Punky Brewster" and CBS' "Dreams." DFS calls "Ortams," a comed) about a strughng rock 'n' rolJ band. "exclusively k1dv1d." It says. "If this 1'i the stuff that 'Dreams' are made of n1g.htmarcs art sure to follow." "Punky Brewster" centers on the rclauonsh1p between a feisty 7-ycar· old girl and a cranky old photoara· pher The analysis says it will prob- abl) appeal more to "old folks who think 11 s cute." Middlemass Veteran British actor makeslf.S.t mpact as headmaster in 'To Serve Them· series Indeed. It was the chanc:e to pla} Quince (1n "A Midsummer Night'\ Dream") a~ one of four pans in repertory that attracted M1ddlemas!> 10 the Royal Shakespeare Com pan}. the tll ustrious British compan} that has exported such productions as "Nicholas Nic kleb} .. and "All's Well That Ends Well" 10 Broadway. Other notable perf orme~ wHh whom he ha!I appeared include Peter O'Took in "Waiting For Godot," Sir John Mills 1n "Great Expectations," and Constance Cummings an "Mrs. Warren's Profession .. By MATT WOLF AP Wltepfloto AHoc:leled 1'1ee1 Wiiier Like mother ... Sophia Loren and ber 11 year-old •on, Edoardo, wtll •rpear tof,ether lo an upcomin~ Italian movie, · 'Qualcoaa d Biondo ' ("Something Blonde ').They are ahown filming ln Rome. ~ 1 R ..\ff ORD-Lr PON-A VON England -Despite his claim that "I hale m) late." actor Frank M1ddlc- mass has an animated kind l) ex- pression that audiences have been t>nJO)mg on film. stage. and telc" ISIOn tor almost 40 )Cars 'Breakin' ' sound track s oars M1ddlemass is best known 1n .\menca for bnnging his 1mmed1ately likeable presence to the role of the Re' Algy Hemes, the headmaster in the Public Broadcasting Service's acclaimed 13-part serial "To Serve Them All M) Days." LOS ANGELES (A.Pl -l\;obod~ eitpected "Breakm"' to he a h11 mo' 1c A.nd nobody. including Pol) Gram's Russ Rega n. expelled thL· soundtrack to be a hit album But the movie, \\h1ch rn~t $I .., m1ll1on has taken 1n $34 million so far. The album. \\htch katurc~ the \\Ork of such uni<'""""' :i<. HC\I Streak"'\\' C hm<theGlo\t~)la,lor. Fire Fo,, Re-F-le\ and Ollie and Jern. has sold I 2 million and ·~ currenti\ '\'o 8 on tht• Billboard pop c.hart · ·v. e nl'' er e\pec. ted this.' said Regan ··1t hapf)t'.ned 'o fast on such a huge scale It°'> like some \\eird miracle · Current!} in rebroadcast through· out the l 'mted States. 1he 1980 adaptauon of the R.F Dclderfield no' el about English public school life betv.een the wars has J01ned the ranks of ··t psta1rs. Downstairs" and "Bndcshead Rev1S1ted" as a Bnt1~h I TODA Y'S SUNDA y PUZZLE I ACROSS 73 Out of 147 Army 0H1cer abbr 38 Use an ax 102 Harvard's 7 4 Military reviews 148 Hawa11an greeting 39 Braz1han armao1110 adversary 1 Scotch caps 76 Unit of weight 153 Aviat0< 4 1 Chemical ending 104 B1bhca1 name 5 Reaches 8Cf OS6 78 Church dignitary 154 Church seat 42 Petty dispute 106 Fragment 10 Decisive 8 1 Noah s boat 156 Golf score 43 Angelic 107 Persian poet 15 Shoe bottom 82 Darling 157 Distant headdress 108 Prima donna 19 Commonplace 84 Wine fruits 158 Sub1ect matter 44 Desertllke 110 Dog's sound 20 Captured 88 Ventilated 159 Make amends 45 Fruit seed 112 Youngsters 2 1 Unaccompanied 89 Rescue 160 Wear away 46 Relative pronoun 113 Horseback game 22 Elude 91 Stamping tools 162 Pine Tree State 48 Station 24 Mountain crest 93 Genuflected 164 Occurrence 50 Definite article 114 Roman road 25 Anglo-Saxon com 94 Lively frollcs 165 Fruit drinks 51 Ceylon hill dweller 115 Headland 26 Skill 96 Cheek 166 Eats in style 52 Smooth 117 Danger ColO< 28 Wooden pm 98 Everything 167 Threaded bolt 53 Relax 119 Metal fastener 29 Send payment 99 Railroad bridge 168 Dispatch 55 Hum111ates 121 Mouse catchers 30 Detested 101 Salve< 56 Heroic story 122 Raced 31 Approve 103 'Hash marks DOWN 57 Slender grass 124 Narrates 32 Gllde on ice 105 Ceremony 60 Duckllke bird 126 Pack away 34 Continent abbr 106 Seed vessel 1 Book palm 61 Songbird 127 Flees 35 Dutch news agency 109 Dagger wound 2 D1llseed 63 Marionette maker 128 l egal claim 36 Wander Idly 111 Fathers 3 Companion 66 Sorters 129 Argues 38 Mild. as weather 112 Pot covers 4 Heavy hammers 67 Family members 131 Music note 68 Total 40 Cut oH 113 Brooch 5 Tolerated 69 Heckles 133 Tempests 42 F0<med 116 Afghan prince 6 Recreation area 71 Sells 134 As tar as 4'6 The one here 118 ArdOf 7 New Zealand vine 73 SWIM 136 Trtcked 4 7 Break soddenly 120 While 8 Helm pos1t1on 74 Covers with 138 Moslem 11lle 49 Communication 121 Cavern 9 Reptiles asphalt 139 Scatter 54 French city 122 Aepettt1on 10 Fleshiest 75 Goes by boat 140 Brazlllan river 55 Injection 123 Aante< 11 Indian mulberry 77 Parsonage 141 Vedic cosmic order 56 Rot0< housing 125 Expunged 12 Summit 78 Dance step 142 Electric force 58 Push 128 Put on cargo 13 Once Scot 79 Tear 143 Not any 59 Dismounted 129 Small valleys 14 Lawful 80 Miscalculate 145 Perslan elf 60 London fellow 130 Swaps 15 Mexican blankets 83 Concerning 147 Highway divider 61 French arttele 132 Outfits 16 Kiln 85 Favorite animal 149 Valentine w0<d 62 Employs 133 Conveoes 17 Armor plate 86 Building addition 64 Greek resistance 134 Choir voices 18 Prepare copy 87 Female sa1n1 abbr 150 Unlock group 135 Conducted 19 Cry ot dlagust 90 Stlve< symbOl 151 Female red deer 65 Bushy clump 137 Finds 23 Greek letter 92 Try hard 152 Pretend 66 Capricorn 139 Weep loudly 27 Zodiac sign 95 Satisfy fully 155 Triumphed 67 Heathen 140 Bullfight site 32 Long narrow cul 97 Blbllcal llO<l 157 Evergreen tree 70 Group of players 144 Elevator direction 33 City m S1c11y 98 Imitates 161 -protundls 72 Picnic pest 146 Child s cart 37 TV COmmefC18l 100 Go by bus 163 Current. abbr H• ANSWIRS IN CLA ISfrllD period piece that Americans have come to love. Its star enjoyed n as we ll. "The shov. was a very happy eApenence," said the 65-year-old actor. who was in in Stratford-upon- Avon re hearsing a scnes of roles at the home theater of the Royal Shakespeare Company ''Herrics was a JO)' to play," M1ddlemass said. The pan is based on Dclderfield's actual headmaster at his Devonshire alma mater. the West Buckland school. "I keep getting invited to old boys' dinners and meeting people who knew him," M1ddlemass satd. "He was a channang character" In his 1972 best-seller, Dclderficld descnbes Hemes as an "aging, amiable clown." a descnpuon which Mtddl~mass incorporated into hts performance. "They did m} hair up in three spikes -one up in front and two out at the sides. so I looked rather lake a clown," he recalled. "I love clownin~. 1f -as with anything -the part 1s good." M1ddlemass' career has b~ no means been restncted to a scnes of benevolent comic assists. Since he began his career in I Q49 after a nine-year stint an the arm). "'11ddlemass has worked with astonishing frequenc). shuttling be- l\\Ct'n stage. film. and tele" 1~1on 1n a "'1dc range of pans. ·-rm vef) lucky," he said ''I'm a 'er) bus) fellow. and w11h this pudding face I get offered everything from Quinces to aging derehcts.'' "They offered me a range of parts I couldn't refuse," said the actor. who 1s debuting with the company rather late in his career In add1t1on to Quince. M1ddlemass has been cast as f'nar Laurence an "Romeo and Juliet," Holofernes in .. Love's Labor Lost," and as Polon1us in "Hamlet" opposite Ro~er Recs -the star of "Nicholas N1c kleby.'' "I felt I was taking a gamble and wondered whether f'd fi1 mto the compan). but It's been hke being with family," said M1ddlemass, whose contractual commitment to the com- pany IS for 60 14'eeks His 1mmers1on in Shakespeare was an added enticement. "He 1s the most su mulaung pla)'- wnght to perform," Middlemass said "He has an impenshable magic for actors -for audiences, too." M1ddlemass 1s particularly eager to "have another go" at Polonius, whom he Last played with the Bnstol Old Vic opposite Richard Pasco as the Danish pnnce Thal production went on a trans-conunental .\mencan tour in 1969. Admming that he associate~ himself mo re w11h "the older. estah- hshed playwnght~ ... Middlemass ex- pressed a love for Sha\\ and pla~ed Boss Mangan in the 1983 revival ol "Heartbreak House" that starred Rex Hamson. Roscmaf) Harns. and Diana Rigg. Plarng Sir Tob) Belch to V1V1en Leigh s Viola 1n "Twelfth Nigh t" seV"rral decades ago was, M1ddlemass remembers. "an absolutely 1m- pemhablc memof)." "I adored her," he said. M1ddlemass also has v1v1d memones of a 1971 telev1s1on film called "Madame Sin." which starred Bette Davis. "The film was actually a d1scred1t, but there was the thnll of workrng with Miss Davis," he said, adding that, "Most of my work was left on the culling-room floor." "That's the glory of the theater," he said with a chuckle ... , know that what I'm doing 1s what the audience 1s seeing " i\lthough his TV work of late encompasses the adaptation of Shirley Conran's novel "Lace" and the part of Brezhnev an Tom Stop- pard's ··Squaring the Circle," Middle- mass realizes that Hemes remains his most widely known pan to date. "I got wonderful letters from the United States on us first showrng," he said, .. and Just the other day, an i\mencan couple came to the stage door here to tell me how much the) enJO~ed ll. .. M1ddlemass acknowledges that he has ··a face people recognize." but adm11s that fans frcquentl> cannot put a name to the face. ''They think I'm Michael Hordern or Leo Mc Kem ... he chuckled. "l JU St hope that people think Leo Mc Kern 1s me." BREA El TORO FOUNTAIN VALLEY O"ANOE City Center 63"2553 WESTMINSTER Edwaras Cinema Nest 891 ·3935 tlllA I.A IMAOA uA -Ml illllwn I Mann Brea Plua Edward& Saddleback Fam11y Four 529·5339 581·5880 963·1307 ~ 11)•t•• •COITUttaA ·--1 .. .,..•.,..c;.-.., .__ COSTA MUA Eawaros Bristo' 540· 7 444 IRVI NE Eowaros Woodbridge Cinema 551 0655 I HO'""" ACC(,T(O '0 111 THIS [HQAO(M(HT I 't' .,.. "·--...no fl -• -N.Oc;::, u .. .,..,__. _..._ ·-·~ !l•ltl( "'""".....,.. - • NEWPORT BEACH • 10 MM 6 rlACl 00'.IY Sftl(O "llllWM DO & Tll l'ON Of ooc.-· <POt 12 10 24S HO 1 JG 1000 11 liW I IU(~ Sfll(O II( lUI SIWIGKTU 1'91 1 U l IS I IS llO 1)0 10.11 DCUIM mAIDIJl1 WIN. I( 1911 --(Pt) lO )0 600 I U iO lO • SO. COAST PLAZA • J-OWN CCNTlR 10 r., ... ,,, Ii. US! llWIGlllta 1~1 " M!• U SO 111 11 0 I 0 Ht • COSTA MESA • COWARDS .,.., .. 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"'CllD" Ill HO UOI I \It an Wf Sf P<>ro u r "" .,._,,,.~ n."9 t IU IOJO .,,....,,, 'WQll.QI , .. ll (II \IO 4401 1141 I I' 'JO CIN(MA CIR ...... ' ...... ClllMA CIR ...... ,,, 41'1 s '"com ....... ........ 417·1711 II( ..... ('°"' SIOI• c"l 11~ l •I 1 1 ~ II ! I\ ~ J' l!V 1 l $11'1{11 S'ClMllG S ..... "'' l:lt II\ \)0 14\ ltOO U~ I• JOO ,.. 'fW\f Ulr (I) llO l O 600 1 1~ 10 JO I •t j l\I C IJ\IO IS .. m ~uo UMI JM SAOOI £BACK ...... ,,.) .. J \ '4\ I IC 0 r .. UMU• m ~HO • MISSI~ Vtf JO • VICIO TWIN \0 '•• I I ,., r""''~' m mo Vl£10 l~N '" 1., It 1 ,., .. """"' uomo OUOll• lllOOlll •11 IOlllla ~) 1 It 41\ 6 I\ Ill 101' flCICWl CICIM 11'°'' "'81 I 0 ) 0 l 0 I 4\ t 0 vitiO MllL .... ,...iiii 1N1 10••·'• 11\J)O\•, "-..... 100 1011 OHllO ll Mu• VI( IO MAll TIC LUI llW•O fP'll I 0 • •• • I II\ J 00 nc t •• ""' UO a IO IC IC 4'~ 1120 UW• , • Vl(IO Mm DOii• '""o 10 •·· • ...._an ·"'' ~ ~ •· ... CClllCllll ---., '"" tH HS HS,llllli ~O 104 lt O UM If•• P1stcx "'QI , ... ....... uon ,,., u 1G l so .,,..._ I •'IOf)C 010 ~o llU ., \II I I or IRlSTOt • ~• r IPll • ••• 11, 11 Jt uu 1\ ....... -..n.u nrm ~'O ,... 1,. ... It I\ &lltS 101 Clllaa ""' ....... 11'1 ,., uo ........ 11\tlt \CQ ... ' J I \ m 5 Orange Cooal DAILY PllOTISUrtO y, IUJy 29, 11N4 CBS, NBC bid to woo fans from ABC soaps I New serial, specials being offered ABC. thou&J:l, iJ tiptiQI for Lts afternoon aff&in Ori&inally, A Sporu .., .. to ha\lc 107 b:oWt bf OJympic covt1111t. can.oclina all tie nc1work'1 soep OJ)erlt fort~ ~ee But ABC• daytime provammttt fcanna dd'cctions. won ti.ck lO hou~ to lure viewers turned off by 0 -lym--pt_c_s --- By Jl'RED ROTHENBERG .,,...,....f'IW NEW YORK -Their relauonsh1p 1hows s1ans of strain. and he's away on a two-week tnp You've lust.ed after her for year) She'\ confused and vulnerablt ls now the 11me to make your move~ You btt ll 1s. WA) pr()IJ'ammeri at NBC and CBS ~II'\ fair 1n 10 .. e and raunas wars. so NBC and CBS will test the fa1thfulnes~ of ABC's soap-- opera fans when that network IOC1 to hm1ted scnal broadcasts the next two weeks because of tts ellteM1ve Sum- mer Olymp1n co .. erage PlaJ"tf'rlCbt Renee Surratt confront8 her drama critic hu•band, Tom Tltu•. with the renew he wrote on her play aa their •on, Tim Tltua, looka on In a acene from .. Crtdc't Choice," opening Friday at the Irvine Community Theater. While ABC 1s show1na runn1nJ- pole-vauh1n1 and other Olympic events. NBC and CBS will have loving bed-hopping and other sud\} ac11v111es ··\\e don't "'ant to )Quander this chance." !>aid Bnan Frons. SBC's \ICe pre'11dent for da)t1me "It's a unique opponunit} and we're grab- bing 1t ·· Mesa, Jrvine theaters open new comedies this weekend Taking a Lue from a t~p1cal ca1·s· awa)-the-m1ee-wdl-pla) map~ scenano. ~8( will introduce the serial ··Santa Barbara" Monda} take other shows to exotic locales and stir up 1ts stor)hnes so 1he)''ll bt steamier than the smog O\Cr Los Anaeles Two comedies-both deahn~ with women who wnte themselves into a sticky situation -compnsc this week's newcomers on Orange Coast stages. One 1s a premiere for Orange County audiences. while the other has been unseen locally for 14 years. The brand new one 1s ··The Sup-- porung Cast," opening Thursday at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhhouse The revival of a long-absent play 1s ··cnuc's Choice" by the lrvtne Com- munity Theater, bowing in Fnday. Both plays will run for four weekends. Stan Wlasick is d1rect1ng George Furth's "Supporting Cast" in Costa Mesa. Wlth Corinne Williams in the central role of an authoress who strains fri endships with her charac- terizations. Others 1n the show are Helene Bnggs, Vicki Shoulders. Kelly Sands and Ted Knorr. ... Performances after opening week- end will be 11ven Fridays and Satur- days at 8:30 through Aug. 25 m the playhouse, 661 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa. CaJI 650-5269 for mformatton and reservations. In Irvine. Art Winslow directs ··cnt1c's Choice," Ira Levin ·s pointed comedy about a New York drama cnuc forced by his conscience 10 review a play wntten by his wife - truthfully. Renee Surratt portrays the playwnght. while the drama cnuc and his son ate played by a real drama cntic and his real son -the Daily Pilot's Tom Titus and Tim Titus. Completing the cast are Marcia Bertholf. Ed Reder. Olive Hams and Mariie Schwanz. Curtam ume 1s 8 p.m. Fndays and Saturdays through Aua. 25 with 2 p.m. matinees Aua. 5 and I 9 in the Tunic Rock Communi- ty Park audttonum. on Sunnyh1ll Road otTTurtlc Rock Dn..-e 1n Irvine Reservations and information are available at 857-5496. A half-dozen other shows come to the end of their respccu ve lines this weekend, including: -"Tbe Sound of Ma11c" at Ora nae Coast College in Costa Mesa ( 432-5880), aivina fi nal perlormances Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 with matinees Saturday at 2 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. "-Oliver" for the Saddleback Company Theater at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo (831-4656). running Tuesday through Saturday at 8 p.m. with a closing maunee Sunday at 3 p.m. -''Taitt of Fannie Keenan, Better Known as Dora Rand" at the Laauna Moulton Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach (494-0743). on stage Thursda~ through Saturday at 8 p.m -"Damts at Sea" for the South Coas1 Musical Theater at the t;01 .. er- s11y High School theater Campus at Cu1 .. er 1n irv1ne ( 71St>-4J~4). running Fnday and Saturda} at 8. Sunda~ at 2:30 -"Trudi and tbe Mln1trel" b} the 'La Cage' sets record NEW YORK (AP) -It will bu} a lot of feathers. The combined grosses for the New York and West Coast companies of "La Caae aux foltes:· the saucy musical smash set in a French Riviera nightclub, reached nearlr SI million for the week ending July 5. The New York production. which begins its second year Aug. 21 grossed $482.662. sett mg a new house record at the Palace Theater for a regular week. said Shirley Hen. spokeswoman for the sho" And a second compan), currently playing the Golden Gate Theater m San Francisco. took 1n $483.600 for the same week. The tounng ed1t1on moves to Los Angeles' Pantages Theater 1n Septem- ber, where, according to producer Allan Carr. the musical already has an advance sale of more than S4 m1lhon Don't Miss The Party! "Chaotic, shameless and very funny." A. El>tft Clt<IQO Sun T!"IH NOW SHOWINQI AJWO 639-8770 COSTA~ 751-4184 ORANGE 634 3911 Stadium Or·ln Edwards Town Center UA City Center ~---si..... .......... ,.,,c... "' "" "" .... c.u. BREA 990·4021 GARDEft GROVE 530·4401 ORANGE 637·0340 UA Movies 4 Edwards Westbrook AMC Or1nee Mall ...... ...., AIOr .. ,_, ___ t.e .. .-.. , .... 11111 .. l"'C• WES'BMSTER • Pac1f1c H1way 39 Dr·ln 891 3693 He's been rt11sed by wolves. Captured by apes Hunted by a boy·eatlng tiger And adopted by a bumbling bear named Baloo Who· d have thought the jungle could be so much fun! Walt Disney ,.....,. NO\NPlA~NG ~--~~- ~AHllM ...... n l44t COITA MllA fd-.C-c""'" 97' 4141 co•'" MllA lflVINI 1.AOUNA 111UI UA ~ (Owllft ~· f~ ~ MO O&tc ~~1 ~ l~ "'"~Mil i 1fl8 rOUNUIH VAL LIY LA M!JU.DA ~ANOI dWWlll F"""' n Vllltf ;flO Mlt*ily I.NC t> A~~ ~ In ISOO \?3 tt.tt r.)I 01~( WHTMINITlfl UA Cll\tfT\I 993 ~ Fountain Valley Communst) Theater at Golden West College's Patio Theater 1n Huntington Beach (847-1108), winding up Fnda> throu&h Sunday at 8 p.m . -"tartuffe' at the Gem Theater 12852 Mam St.. Garden Gro\ e (636-7213). playing WednesJa~ throuih Saturda) at 8. Sunda) at 7 30. Elsewhere along the abundant local theater scene, these shows continue their engagements: -"Weat Side Story" at the Hunt- ington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach (832-1405), Fndays and Satur- days at 8:30 through Aug. 25 w11h Sunday and Thursday performances Aug. 5-16. -"Snoopy" at the Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St Westminster (995-41 13), Fnda)sand Saturdays at 8:30 through Aug. I I -"Tbe Beat Little Whorehouse In Tnaa" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. 3503 S. Harbor Bl\d Santa Ana (979-5511 ), nsghtl) except ~onda)s at varying curtain times through i\ug. 19 -"Lavender Follies" al Scbas- ttan's West Dinner Pla)house. 140 .\ .. e Pico. San Clemente (492-99501 "-ednesda)S through Saturda)s at 8 Sunda}S at I and 7. through Sept. 4 -"Fiddler on tbe Roof" at the Grand Dinner Theater. i Freedman Way. Anaheim (772-7710). n1~tl~ eAcept Mondays at varying limes through Aug. I 9. -"tbe Musk Man" at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater. 690 El Camino Real. Tustin (838-1540). nightly e>.- cept Mondays at varying times through Aug. 19. -"Aaytblng Goes" aboard 1he Pilgnm II in Dana Point Harbor (751-1344}, Thursdays and Fndays at 9. Saturdays and Sundays at 7 and 9. throuitt Sept. 9. "Mr. Robbi' Vacation" b:r the i\na- ModJeska Players at the Anaheim Cultural Ans Center. 931 N Harbor Bl vd., Anaheim (772-8'08>. Fnda}S and Saturdays at 8 pm through Aug 18 \1eanwh1le CBS. da)t1me's top-- rated network. will showcase Jer- maine Jack~n 1n a ··c1ndereUa Concert•• on ··As the World Tums·· .\ug I and:! Ph~lhs Diller w11l pla) the Fa11; Godmother in 1he fantaS\ sequence \\hlch ""ill also ha .. e a concurrent contest for' 1e"'ers ··1t's detin1tel) an opponunit~ to keep our viewers loyal while enticing new audiences." said Laurence Caso. CBS' director of daytime program- Company's 'Yankees' on stage at SCR Employees ol Odet1cs Inc a rnmpany "hose product' range from space tape recorders to walking robots ""Ill be center stage ne'tt weekend as stars of the musical corned' ··Damn 'r ankees·· at South ( oast Repertor) Curtain 11me 1s 8 pm for the Frida) and Saturda~ performances at the ~CR 1hea1er 655 Tov.n Center DrH e ( osta \ksa and tu.~et) are pnced at S2 each The' v.111 be a' atlablc on a tir,1-come 1lrsMen ed bam b) Lalltng Ke11h Brush at .,50-2111 or L1nJa Krumme a1 .,.,2-1000 T1rkets v.111 be a'ailable at the theater box offi<.:e on the e"enmgs of performance onl) "Damn Yankees:· the third Odeucs productton. is compnsed totall~ of Ode11cs emplo~ees "ho have Clt pressed a des1 re to act. s1 ng. dance or work behind the !>Cenes The baseball spoof 1s directed b} V1rgin1a Deland 1he com pan) 's communst~ relattonr, coordinator Call 642-5678 Pul a few w ords lo work for ou The Insanity continues ... COSTA MESA UA Cinemas 540-0594 CYPRESS Cypress 828-1660 FOUNTAIN VAUEY Family Four 963·1307 ~ II~ (;) NOT THE OfflCIAL MOVIE Of THE , ... OLYMPICS GARDEN GROVE Edwards Westbrook 530-4401 ORANGE AMC Orange Mall 537.0340 ORANGE ANAHEIM Pac1!1c s Anaheim Drive In 879 9650 UA City Cinema 6JA 3911 .. ~ ........ ....... --....,.._. .. ....,_ NOW SHOWING ....... rd' allhY-OI CHO .. A 111 ti ....... . ,.,, 1111 \41 .. .. FOUNTAIN VAUEY Pacific s fountain Valley 0Me In 962 2481 nuna for the Eu1 Coast. AJrcad> lhl$ month, CBS hu been trumpet1n4 a ne,. daytime slo .. n: •· fhe Loving Touch." while thtrd· rated NB< ha$ been b1lhna usclf u the network ··""here your love story never ends." Summer u\Cd to be a cooltna-off JX'riod for soap-opera pus1on The network.s didn't wan1 to *Htc their best scx-3nd-scandal itone' when \ 1cv.ers were at the beach Bui that attttudt has chanaed ~use ol intense compet1t1on for the lucrau"'e da .. ume dollar and the fact that serials no~ get an add1t1onal audttntt' of colleae students home for tht' summer ··Santa Barbara·· wh1<.:h will com· pete d1rccth against .\BC-stop.rated "General Hosp1ta1:· 1s taking aim at that soap's ~ouna. female aud1cme .. We think there s a 'ulnerabtht~ there... \31J Frons · ~1ost of our characters are under 31l and "e 1h1nk our acuon-adHnture themes \\di appeal to ~uung women·· L"nhle pnme time \\htch hu reruns all summer. )Oaps are produced for 52 \\Cels. and man) of them actualh build audience\ in June. Jul) and o\ugust The summer assault on .\BC ·s potbo1lerscomes as .\BC 's leadership 1n women -ad,ert1s1n1's fa"onte demographic -1s being eroded b~ -..:ac and CBS in da' ume Dunng the \.fa). 1984 s~eeps penod .\BC led 1n women aged 18-49 but had dropped 2~ percent from the )Car before to a 5 0 rating CBS·s share of that demographic group increased 8 percent to a 4 I raung while 1':BCs increased ::!3 percent to a 3 2 rating "Bcty,·ccn all the ruonina & j ump- 1n1 & le.apin&. don't min tht love. tbc roounce and the pus100," sa~ • current ABC s>romotion, procl&imii,a that" All My Chtldrtn, •• ''Ont Life CO LI\ e·· and ··General Hospual" will have dail) 40-minut.e episodel I.be ne~t tlA.O week.s. Althou&h that sull mean• shonened provams in st.ran_Je umc penods. 1t'~ better than the 'Jtu.a&ion wtth ABC\ other 50aps, "Eda:c of :-.=1ght." ··Lo\lna" and "Ryan's Hope·· The~ will disappear enUrd}. and the concern at ABC Ii &tlal "1ewen, "'ill become hooked on o travails and romances. The importance of woo1n1 dlcr- noon audiences 1s that, while prime lime gets the publicity. "the rcaJ keepina money 1s 1n daytime," a.d ~BC Chairman Grant Tinker "A has been going to the bank with 1t~ daytime returns That'~ where the bis bucks are · So ~BCs "Scarcft for Tomorrow•· will be loolun1 for love 1n Halo, h$ ··0avs of Our Lives" will be at tbt ~ orid's f 11r in New Orleans add ··s.n ta Barbara " which Frons calls 'the most 1mponant show cominaon "'BC this )'CU, .. wtll be treated royelly wtth a S30 million bud&et. 1ncludJn& 1he construction of a S 12 milhon studio 1n Burbank ~ean""h1Je on C BS. ··A.s the World Tums" wdl have a drawm1 to co1netde wnh Jackson's ··Ctnderella Concert •• Cuo said one viewer will win a date with Pnncc Charmini. .\s long as he's not an Olympic athlete. CBS WtU be happy "IT'S A 8LOCX8lJSTFJl. A LOU.APALOOZA, A Cl.A$1C." ................. -· . ... . ...... ·~·T- .. \I II, W: .. "llflt }lXJI " ·~• l..,.,,. .,_ •_;.,IA•" ...,, : t,: 'l' )JI< " J •W ~ ll"'\!f-l!WJ' ,.... • .-~·""i .. \AU", 1'.i"(iJ! r•• -1;1t:\)'t ~• •-• .,.. --.. --__ ... -... ·- _,....,.. .... ·---. -·-· .. ,, ...... -................. -. .. ., ... ~ NOW PLAYING --. HOW PLAYING COITAMUA Ec .. 1•cs S•s•c )AC , 44l FOUllTAlll VAll£Y '1-I <;i,. ~ •J.n" ')'I~\.• -•• 5J9! .. ~­.... 1'41 ... .,., ·-............ tJllU• ._.,. .... --....... ........... 11.tb ,.. ..... ~ ......... *PACIFIC WALK-IN THEATRtS * ......... "'' fl OOL I• ltlll tl >O H~ •. 14\ la MIRADA (!l 1DAM 00 UC! Ill IOIPI I Of --t~I " ~».P•Sllf! •Je •ff.:~ ~ l(l(llQ :, :.. ... • ' ' .. ............ 'Ill lll'lll l&ll .. ,lln W tC I~~ J • <) I --------... .... 1101 ........ ._, -.• ~ ••• 6 q \H f~l 1U!latll Ptll r (I'S) lit 'l< ·~ ••O 14~ lO!IC ~, .... i "9'l.f ... (I) Ill DDU~ STUlO '~ lOC UC ICC IOlC ...., ...... , !IC Ja ~-1• tOO lite *PACIFIC DRIVE IN THE ATRES• * CINE Fl SOUND' At lhnt 1ymboll ptel sound duect to your AM tar * r1d10 If no r1d10 with 1cceuorv pos1 t1on bun1 your own AM ponelll1 AU OPEN 7 l ~ St or t DusJI Ch11d,ef'Und.t 1l ALWAYS FREE f ountoin Valley I J:M:I#'ZIJl .. !!..~'."r .!:~\.~) ••SU'1RSWA,.MH TS~lVER'f~AT &'oUN • • 4 "1 " Q••il• ""'''* )~ * I ROM 'AU •• l"M 1,.. l11lm..,.11"" 7141 U• tl"t ..... jNI ... .. -I "' .. " .. "' "IA ,._'" ' MISSION .~ . ·· ._ .. ••mu• _.,...,. ... WARNER . Ill~ll I: u. :."':""1 FJ. s; ------------------------------------~~---~-~~~- 88 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 29, 1964 Nabors coaxed back to showblz 8> ROBERT MACY A~,._.,.._ LAS VEGAS -Jim Nabors ha!> ended a five-year hiatus cau~ b) bnght-hg.ht burnout. But 1t took !>ome fancy tafktng to &et him to trade the tractor on his Maui rant·h for a tu ~edo and microphone. "I was scared; I didn't want tornme ~k," Nabors said recent!\ of a telephone call he received from Dtd• Lane. entertamment director of thl' Las Vegas Hilton "I said 'No' at lirc.t because I didn't lno"' "'hat to l'\pt'Ct." Captain Kangaroo jumpy about forced retirement By NORMAN BLACK A1111IJ11f,.,_....., WASHINGTON -Bob Kecshan, beuer k.nown to children and adults alike u Captain K.anaaroo, says there's no sense gemna mad. It's true that after 30 years, the Captain as going 10 leave his home on CBS at the end of 1984. h's also true that Keeshan pfaces some of the blame for that on the Reagan adman- 1stratton and the Federal Com- mumcauons Comm1ss1on. But instead of getung mad. Keeshan has decided to pursue has equivalent of gelling even -find "Captain Kangaroo" a new home. With the fervor of an evangelist. Kecshan has begun exploring the mtncac1es of getting a program on the Public Broadcasting Service. lfhe can raise enough m o ney from corporate underwri1ers over the next three or four months -about S 1.5 million - and also mterest enough public TV stauons across the country. Keeshan says "Captam Kangaroo" could began appeanng on PBS earl) next }ear. BobKeeahan Fowler has concluded "they don't have to' serve children; that we can all rely on pubhc broadcasting," Keeshan says. Under the circumstances, tl would be "counter-producuvc to blame C BS," he explains. .Netwo~k . e~: ecutives were JUSt "doma their JOb by bowina to the reality of adven1sma and ratings pressure. "There's just no futu~ there any- more," he continues. "There's no room for meeting the needs of a small audience on the weekdays on com - m ercial TV. And even if every child in the country under the BfC of 10 watched my show. that's still not a very interesting audience to advenisers." What should worry people. Keeshan cencludes, 1s not the fact that "Captain Kangaroo" is leaving CBS but rather "how our children are being nunured by television." What he got was n1ghtl) !>tand1ng 0va11ons from capacity crowd~ as the tl:atured attraction at the giant hotel's "\1oultn Rouge" show and a four- month pact to star in Hilton )ho"' 111 Keno and La) Vegas ~abors parlaH•d his l\labma drJ'-"I and di) wit into count!) bumpl1n Gomer Pyle in the 1960s. then "'-'nt on to host htl> own TV vanet)' sho"' and mghtclub act, surpns1ng au- diences with a powerful. profesl>1onal \tngtng \'OICC. AP Wl~o Jim Na bors b ack under the bright llghta In Laa Vegas. Keeshan doesn't ha' e any commtt- ments yet, but he thmks he'!> got a good chance at success. commercial tele' 1s1on an general F1\e year.; ago . he says. when the Fl ( was cxplonng the extent of ch 1ldren·s programming on com- mercial TV. "the local affiliate~ were terrified.'' But the current FCC. under the leadership of Republican Mark S. "I'll be happy 1f I can find a home for the Captain on PBS." Kecshan concludes. "And I thtnk it will be accepted tbere with some enthusiasm. But when the most popular show on commercial TV is 'The A-Team' ... well, that ought to male some of us think." .\fter 250 TV shows. JO-plu!. record albums and hundreds of appearance~ across the country. Nabors retreated to Hawa111n 1978 for retirement at h1) home on D1amondhead and to raise macadam1a nuts on his 500-acrl' Maui ranch. He's spent tht> past ~"eral years dnvmg a tractor and pruning and shaping .!0.000 fickle macadam1a trees. l:Acept for an Ol C3'>10nal 'IX'l 1.11 pt>rformann~ "Jabur<. drup1x·d ou1 nl the bus1ncs\ until he ren·t' L'd J L.111 from Bun Rl'\ nold) Rl'\ n11ld' ,1 fnend ~tnce the i"o had mc t11n thl '>~:1 of "Gunsmoke·· tn the I%()) J'>ll·d Nabors to pla\ a cameo rok 1n ht .. new film. 'The Ae'>t L 11tk Whorehouse m fe~as." The cameo grew mtoa fca1ured roll' a nd Nabor\ ended up narrating thl' popular lilm He pla}ed camt>o rule'> tn two more Re\ nolds film). '\troker ..\ce" and ··(annonball II .. but shunned the stage until Lane ., rnll earher this spring Hilton executives tai l ed "labor\ mto performmg at their Hawa11 propenics an 1978 and 1979 but he fou nd himself working two ~how~ a night, six mghts a week. I 0 month!> a year-and bcmg treated for his lim- ever ulcer. He admits to ha' ing trl·p1da11ons before o pemng night 10 m id-J une .. I became completel) burned out." 'Jabors said. 'Td had tt "1th thl' bnghl lights." "II was kinda ltke the f w11tght Zone for me all ofus standing then: 1n costumes. the girls 1n spangk<,. no iops." he grinned "l looked around and told the ltd'> Tm used to hl:1ng on the back of a tractor and then tu lx Unfortunately, they're both on our side. DUDLEY MOORE *BEST* "lDDii'MliRPHt DEFENSE R ei. Now Playing ·~· .... I --F:"~ -- IRE.A COSTA MESA MISSION VIEJO WESTMINSTER WESTMINSTER Mano Brea Ptara 5295339 f 0WllC!5 l OW" {.ePI,, 751 418-4 l Clwaros ./•e10 '" r 830 6990 fot. JH.1 r j.-Pd, ,1, H W~1·]9 1/t\l 89' .J9.l') Dr•ve Jr IRVINE ORANGE 13~ lb'I) COSlA MESA Eowaros C•nt!Tla 546-3102 E1,,.arcs U". ••s 1, 854 881 ~OO""e 634 255 .. ORANGE 'all u"" J· •• ..,.. Sl«>WING! MWOI 639 8770 STADIUM Dll IN U ltllA HCAll SI AllUol lll£A 990-4021 UA MOVlCS 4 IMP{ RIAL If#('( A I OIWfGl FWY COSJA llESA 979-.4141 COWARDS CMMA CENTCR IWl80R Bl VO AT ADAMS THE UNOFFICIAL SUMMER GAMES MOVIE! GtEMLiNS ·~ IPGI . ---o -~ .... , ..... -.... --- n •~ 5815880 i.MGE 634 2553 EOWAAOS SAOOUBACK CMOOM£ CL TORO RO Al ROCAFIH O CHAPMAN & S A f'HY fOIJflut VALL.ff 839 1500 SAlfTA W 540 74'4 EDWARDS FOUNT~ VALLEY lOWAROS BRISTOL 8R()()IOUIS1 AT [CH,[ R BRISTCX AT i.w;.ARTHUR ·-5510655 WESTWCSTD 891 391< EDWARDS WOOOBRIOGE lDWAROS CINCMA WlST 8AlllWa Pl\ WY lASl Of CLl V( R WlSTMftSTlR Al GOIOlN Wl~T LA KAMA (213) 691-0633 WDTWCSTUI 891 3693 AMC r ASHION SQUARC PACIFIC HIWAY 39 DI! IN llA/() ' Wt: ltW 8lAC~ !'.l. 'rv Sil ()I G C rwr 111 lli-., lll\I l llllllllll p lllll ll' PRINCE PURPLE RAIN A CAVALLO RUFFALO and FARGNOLI Produci1on APOLLONi'A KO TERO· MORRIS DAV· OLGA KAR LATOS and CLARENCf Wll l IAMS Ill Onqtnal Songs Composed an<l Produced by PRINCE Wntten by ALBERT MAGNOLI and WILLIAM BUNN Produce<' by ROBERT CAVALLO JOSEPH RUFFALO and STfVFN FARGNOLI Directed by ALBERT MAGNOLI a :;:.;;.~. 1D1-..-r ··--· -·-----;"o BREA 990 4021 UA Movies 4 ... , ..... , At ,..~ ••• AJWDI 8 79 9850 Px1hc Anahtlm Or In ,.,.111 1- ~OSTA lllU 631 .!'>OJ £ dwuds Harbor Twin ...... ,_ ~OSJA fll'.SA ~6 7711 ldwards South Coast Plau .... M~ .. ""-......... U TC.O ~81 ~880 Edwards Sadaleblck (1 T .. Al Ille•- ... 8!>4 8811 Edwards UnM•r\fty C-Dr "''°", ... VO -OtANGl 6J4 255 4 Cmedome 0....-&\l '"' WCSTllNSTD 891 3691 P11e1hc H1way 39 Of In ....... ,.()I '',., LMi11M lllACH 497 171 1 •w£STllNSTD 89~ '>H3 (dwards South Coast UA Westminster Twin l.AGUNA c-i ..... M .,..,._ CMJl9I ... Oii ( ....... • SENTED IN DOLBY STEREO droppt>d tnll> the midst of this It'!. kinda v..e1rd .... Nabor'> 54, ~1d the o ne pro- lec;-.1onal \en tu re that ha) escaped him t!. a !>hot at Broadwa) "and I'd ltkc to do that before I gel too old " He\ fin1~hmg the summer wtth c.>ngagemcnts in Spokane. Wash .. Bei,,1:rly, Mas~. Dallas, Warren. Oh1u. and Flmt. Mich .. before begm- n1ng a two-month run with a show at the Reno Hilton in September He returns to the Las Vegas Halton tn Apnl for l'-"O months but has no plans to return to the breakneck cross- countl) tounng that prompted his retirement He. also hopes to sand- wich 1n a new comed y film. Nabors. who sangs country or the dass1c~ wtth equal ease. admits the success he'<, enJO>ed wa~ beyond his \\ 1ldest dreams grov.. mg up as a bo) 1n 'i) lacauga . .\la He earned a busaness degree at the l 'nl\ersll} of Alabama "hllc s1ngtn1t at fratern1t) panaes. .. I kinda backed anto the business 'o 1fthey kicked me out I'd be pointed in the nght direction." he laughed. tr) ang to talk abo"e the din of dancers rehearsang on the stage above his Hilton dn:<,s1ng room In 14ti2. Nabor<. -was appt>anng at the Horn. a popular Los Angeles laum h1ng pad for cntenainmcnt hopeluh. when ht> was <,polled b) \nd\ C 1nllith. y.. hose tele' 1s1on show \\aS 3 htt 'TJ \Ing ltt..:c th1<; ··ht> ..aid tn J nch hantonc 'llll.l' "and talk hke th1c.:· 'h1ttang to ht!. patented (1omn t"ang. ·It made no \Cn<,c to an~bod) EH·n \nd' l<>mmc.>ntl'd: ·1 don't kno" "hat \OU do. hut ~ou do ti ver. wdl ··· c 1ntlith lound a spot for Nabors as tilling '>talion allendant (/omcr P~le. \\ho goth" u "n <icnes 1v..o H~ars lata J'> a l ' ~ \.1anne THE PORT THEATRE 673-6260 Mon Nit~ All Seal a '7 00 SWEDISH FILM (R} "Whe n I s urrendered my regular weekday time period on C BS back in 1981 and then went to the weekends. J was walling to II)' that as a com- promise." Keeshan said 1n a recent telephone tn terv1ew ... Bu l 1 !' s become quite clear to me that I have not been able to reach the audience for whom the show is produced and an tended~ ''And those young chaldren are coming along in greater numbers today 1han at any other point tn t'1(• past decade," he added. "I feel some commitment to ti) to lind some wa> to reach them." The 57-year-old Keeshan was 101er- v1ewed after announcang he would not try to renew his contract wtth CBS, the network that turned "Cap- 1ain Kangaroo" into a mornmg fixture for generations of kids long before the development of such public TV programs as .. Sesame Street.·· Keeshan 's current contract for "Captam Kangaroo" expires Dec. 31 . He's already agreed to host -as Bob Keeshan -at least one season of a new Saturday afternoon program for CBS called "Story Break." and also hopes to do a prime-lime special for the network But the Captam has given up on commercial television. Keeshan adds. ''I fl 1ho ught there was any future at CBS. that the pendulum would swmg and a time penod on weekdays would be i1ven bac\.. to the entena1nment d1' 1s1on. I would hang tn there." Keeshan said ... But I see absolute!} no poss1b1l1t} of that happening.·· Jn reaht} he says. "Captaan Kangaroo" ceased to exist when the "CBS Mornang News .. -frustrated b} its third-place ranking behtnd .c\BCs .. Good Morning America" and NBC's .. Today" -appropnated the Captain's time slot and pushed him to 7 a.m . on Saturdays and Sundays "That's 6 a.m. Central." says Keeshan. "It's a good game now: 'Find the Captain.' The stations dispose of 11 as they want." 1f Keeshan refuses to c n11c1zc CBS and 1ts affihates directly, he shows no such reticence when the topic shafts to STADIUm ~ ill 1110, Ktltllt Nu• S1tf1um Ci...ctl & C ...... , THIE s CORSICAN aROTHIEltS (PG) Up The Creek (R l NllP\..£ llAIN (It) AT 12:00 2 004:00 6:00 1 :00 .. 10:00 8111 M urr•y Dan Aykroycs GHOST8USTIEltS (PGJ Showa •t 12 :25 2:40 4 :55 7 :2 5 9:50/70 MM Walt Ol1ney'1 NINGLE aoe>K (QJ ll'tu1 Tron (PG) Child Prlcea a£ST DEFENSE (ll) A l 12 15 2.15 4 .15 6 1!> I 15 & 10·15 THIE MU"'E'n TAKE I MANHATTAN (G) Show1at 12 002·00 4 00 6 00 I 00 10:00 GlttEllilUNS {PG) Shows at 12:30 3 :00 5 :30 I 00 &. lO:lO N O PHHI NIEVElt ENDING STORY (Pa) 1 t :30 1 40 l .50 6 :00 I I 0 &. 10:20 aACHP• Olt ~AltTY , .. , PIUI Co-Feature Porky'1 II (A) QltDllUNS (PG) NeverEnCSln9 Stor y (PG) No Paue1 ltEVEJtGE Of' TH« NIEltDS (It, ll'tu1 You n9 D octon n Lon(A) aEST 0€FDIR'. , .. , Plus Co·Hlt Uncommon Valor(A) ORIVC INS Ch•ldrtn Undtr 11 I RH llnltu Noltd/Ootn I 00 W~lltvs J 30 WHktnd\ .. l 0 A CLASSIC. QtnTE EXTRAORDINARY- PROBABLY LIKE NOTHING YOUVE SEEN SINCE 'THE WIZARD OF oz·:· WNH( Radio IN\' I ThE NEVER ENDING STORY l'1,.Ulmt1 .. Dilll .... 1•1blft l1o11UH•• I nil II DIMIHll lllBll .. hDlllll•••1 Ill 1-~ .. m111111 "~-ral!I• ~-·•IC1Uffa1 .. 1 II! I I l111llllD!ill 1t1r101lllCil"~ll ,_,,.,,,.~*'"'" ""'""".;i -----.......... .., '•• •r~ --o lfW£M 639 8770 Stadium Of In kit.., St• COSTA MESA 979 4141 Edwards C1nem1 Ctnter ........... 1 ..... -• "" • .,. • """ ... • -\It .... ::..;:;.____ ----·---·.. ' ..... -- -.-aM-8811 Edwards Untttrsity c:.... 111 At,. 1-ua llSSIOI VO> 830 6991 Edwards Vteto Twin hl'vMciw... 9\.A HUaA (213) 691-0633 -C.Mel 634 2553 AN(. r 1shton Square SYUf'Y City Center ...... Ml ...... ~CUITU. VAU.EY 9631307 IJ mADA S23 1611 ewfTA W 5'~7444 (dwards Bnstol ............. r am1ly rour SRO Gateway 171'1 ....... u ,., At.., .... MSTllNSl"fJ • UA Wntm1nster Natl 893 0546 ~ o. ,., .... 11~ • ftRlllNTID IN DOL8Y ITIRIO Lady of the Big House Amy Steel •tan u a rookie prlaon au&rd at the all-male San Quentin Prison in the TV movie .. l\'omen of San Quentin" tonight at 9 on NBC , Channel 4. "RICHLY ATMOSPHERIC ... " -Sheila lknM.m, L.A. Times "A VERY GREAT FILM." -Judith Crut. WOR-TV "A MARVELOUS MO VIE ... " -Dino Uilli, KNBC C hanntl -4 Ntw• WlNNEJl OP EIGHT OP AUSTRALIA'S M.\l()R FUM AW ARD4i 1 rwludln. U ST Plf,, llf 11•\T OltlftTOtl and 111 \T \C Tiii" EXCLUSIVE ENGAGD£NT Sat./Sun. 1 :30, 3:45, 6:00, 8: 15 10:20 edwards LIDO CINEMA NIWl'OI T I OUll•AID 673 8350 Af f 1A l100 • NIW,O IT llAC:H "TH~ CHEERS FOR 'NERDS' I" J<1c • /\Mtt £-N5 USA IO:J.h "I laughed my head off. One of the funniest films of the year:' .k>Hr~v lYoO'>. Snvd• Prf'V1~~ • Their time has comel AMiii 6398770 ST ADUi1 Oii ,_ Mflll.A ~ SlAOl.M ... '904011 • UA MOVlS 4 fllflllW IWf A I oaNIQ rWT .. , ... 821.(070 ~NA flA!nt DR·IH I Mn N WfST Of llllOO ...... ._ " ....... ..,,. SftOll5I COSTA IEA S40 ~94 UA SOU1M COOT IMI W Sl.WlOlllfl n TrAIO sa1 saao EOWA111>S wn!BAt.lt Cl fOIO At IUUl\D .... ~ ..... f OWAROS tM'[llSlfY ~ DI ACllOSS fbl 00 . OU. '374340 AMCoaNa: M l 'US flt IO Of IJICClJI owg 6343911 UA cm cunu " M cm~ eoot• WESnMSTO 893 0~46 UA Westminster Mall SM 0Mto I wy Al ~ h'I Orange Cout CAIL. Y PILOT /Sunday, Juty 29, 198-4 B'7 ... COMPLETE NYSE, AMEX COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS, 88, 9 • • Coffman to manage Communispond Inc. New homes need warranties -· Boyd J. ~offman has been chosen vke president and manaaer of West Coast ~per,at1ons for New York-based CommWll1poad, lac. The West Coast operau~n 1s located in Newport Beach. Communispond 1s a manaaement consul~tna firm that spec1ahzes 1~ business communicallon for top-level executives via intensive workshops an a vanet) of skills. Coffman . who JOmcd Communispond in 1981 , will continue to serve Fortune SOO companies in executive spea)una development. along w11h directing staff on new chent development and supervising marketing efforts • • • \"!Wiam E. ~recbtel h~s ~n named treasurer for We1tern Digital Corp. of lrvrne, assuming respons1b1hty for domestic and international finance. cash BRECHTEL PETERSON VALUNBURGH management. shareholder relations and foreign currency transactions. B~htel was formerly dtrcctor-treasury for Air CalUoraJ.a of Newport Beach. Western Digial designs and supplies storage and commun1cat1ons controllers for office automauon and microcomputer industnes. • • • Irvine resident Melina Van Vallleabar11t bas been appointed director of accounting for Rockwell lnteraattoaal Corp'• defense electronics operauons. Van Valkenburgh, a certified pubhc accountant, has been with the Rockwell operation since 1980. Before that, whe worked for DeloUte, Ha1kla1 & Sell• in Costa Mesa. • • • Newport Beach resident Rohen A. Petenoa bas been named sales manager of the Anaheim office of Coldwell Banker CommerciaJ Real E1&ate Services. He bas been with Coldwell s10cc 1977, spcctahzing 10 the sales and leasing of retail properties throughout Orange: County. Peterson now assists Geor1e Spraita1, vice president and re1ident manager. in administenng the Anaheim offlce's 46-member staff. ••• Tbe Cox Ir Barcb Advertil1.D1 Co. of Newport Beach has been selected to handle advertising and public relations for C. ltob Dl&Jtal Prodacta, Inc., a subsidiary of C. ltob & Co., Lt.cl., of Tokyo, Japan. CBA personnel assigned to the account include president Jolua. C. Co1, Jr., account executive Nancy Ma1D1, crcattve director BW Graefen and public rclauons account manager Ned Madden. C. Itoh markets pnnters, disk: drives and software. ••• U1 Fry has been named marketing director for ne Girl'• Gym of Laguna Beach. She will be responsible for managing the marketing communications and sales and for promoting special events. Fry was formerly with Nelman- Marcat of Fashion Island. The Girl's Gym is a fitness center for women. • • • Fountain Valley resident Mlcbael Wblte has been promoted to the post of investment officer for Job.a Barnham and Co. Real Estate Fl.Dance Dlvl1loo'1 Newpon Beach office. White, who JOtned Burnham in 1983. was formerl} manager of paralegal services for Tbe Irvine Co. ••• Tec1tor of Huntington Beach has appointed Robert Whlcegtver eastern region sales manager. As such. he will be responsible for three Tecstor offices. located in Boston. Washington and Fort Lauderdale. Tecstor manufactures and supplies fixed disk drives. • • • DeDJl.11 E. Rlcbard1 has Joined Lusardi Con1tracttoo Co. as a senior supenntcndent. responsible for phase one of the 140.000-square-foot City Centre office proJeCt under construction on a site at Ctty Centre Dnve and the Garden Grove Freeway in Orange. Richards brings 19 years of expenence in the construction industry to his new post. Most recently. he was superintendent for Wtulam1 & Burrow, Inc. of Tustin. The San Diego-based Lusardi Construction Co. has offi ces in Newport Beach. -... Sbaroa Joan has been promoted to director of plannmg and research for Irvine-based Mlcroventare, which develops software packages for the real estate and financial service trades. Jones was formerly manager of product research. In her n~w post, she_ will responsible for all aspects of«search in the areas of marketing and client needs, and for scheduling clements of Microventure's research and development programs. The new house of a Florid.a couple was bu1h W1thout foounas -the concrete base that rests under the piers supponina the foundation. In add1t1on, the builder didn't use enough piers. and the houi;c bepn to sink within a short penod and split apart. To fix this disaster. the house had to be moved off the foundation Then the old foundation was bulldozed and a new one laid -and onl) after all that was the house put back wherc 11 belonged. Meanwhile. the family had to be housed elsewhere. Total bill: $37.000 and several months of d1slocat1on. More than six out of C\ er. I 0 bu)crs of new homes reported to the Federal Trade Commission in a 1980 survey that the) had to pay an avera$C of SI .400 for repairs that builders did not fix. Of those surveyed, 22 percent reported repairs cosllng from S 70 I to $2.000. while 8 percent rcponcd repairs costing more than S2.0CX> Right now. the ave rage cost of repair for a m".)or structuraJ defect in a new house tops S9,SOO. All of this mere!) suggest!> the significance of a warranty for a new house. The need is very real. the situauon far from satisfactory. You wouldn't consider bu)1ng a new car or stereo Wlthout a warrant\ In fact. the assurances a warrant) provides easily ma) make the dif- ference between buying one brand mstcad of another. Yet. traditionall). new houses have not come with warranty tags at- tached. That outdated custom has changed -but many of you. new home buyers. arc not aware that such warranties are available. Several warrant) programs for new homes have developed in the past decade. The pioneer is the Home Owners Warranty Provam. which introduced the concept 10 I 974 The HOW pr~am operates 10 49 states and the District of Columbia (the exception 1s Alaska). Other programs ClllSt and some major builders ofTer their own I 0-)car programs. Man} builders ofTcr onc- ycar warranues Several states also have warrant\ programs. Mar, land. V1rgin1a and Connccucut ha\e implied warranucs urtder the law for nel4 home bu\ ers - which means protecuon for ~o·u e'en 1f the builder doesn't tell \Ou about 1t New Jcrse) and Minnesota require that home builders offer a I 0-~ ear program Warranties don't prondc a cure-all -part1cularl} ag.a1nst the t>pe ol horror stOI) the Flonda couple e\- pcncnced. But the} do offer 1mpon- ant consumer protection The HOW program. for instance. which 1s the nauon 's largest. covers more than 1.2 million new homes. or about one 1n every four houses built To date. the program has paid out more than SI 00 m1llton in sausfac- tton of more than 30.000 claims Over 18,000 of these claims re-, suited from major structural defects And it should be no surpn~ to \OU that of the 18.000. more than 80 Orange County Mortgage Chart Lender Contact Pacific Coast S& L Fixed-Rate Any loan officer Frist Interstate Any loan officer Homestead S&L Any loan officer Lender Contect Adjustable Sears Bank Any loan officer Rate Santa Paula S&L Any loan officer Hemet Fed. S&L Any loan officer Lender Conh•ct Adjustable Century City S&L Any loan officer Mortgage Long Beech S&L Anlt loan officer Loan Paci le Federal S&L Any loen officer RetH quoted ere for 1lngl• family, owner- occupied hom... bought with a 20•1. down payment. Each example Include• thrH of the top lenders, a1 Mlected by Prime Rating Inc. All lender• have been ranked by Interest rate, polnt1, term• end t .... If a lender requlrn PMI, (private mortgege ln1urence,) Ith•• been calculated Into the lntereat rate or point• thown. All lender• were updated end verified u of April 24, 1984. FIXED ehowt the traditional long-term flxed- rete mortgage. AML (AdJuat•bl• Mortgage L09n) cerrlea a varlable lnter .. t rate, ad)u1ted every f9W month• or yeare u Indicated In the cha.rt. The peym911t edJu1tment term tor an AML wtll be different than the rate •dJuttment t«m, t~fore ceualng ne;atlvt amortization (unp1td lnt.,..t 11 •dded to the prlncJpaJ.) ARM altO centel • verlabte lntereat rate, but the rate adJuate fNfl('f Int. Amon. Mexlmum Rat• Pt1. Yre. Loen 13.750 2.75 150 14.125 2.50 250 14.000 3.50 350 Int. Amort. Int. Mexlmum ..... Pt•. Yre. AdJ • Cap Loan 11.25 1.50 250 6 mo 50 \1.250 2.00 250 6mo. 50 11.75 2.50 250 12mo 40 Int. Amort. Int. M11lmum ..... Pta. Yre. AdJ. Cep Loan 10.50 2.25 250 3 yrs. 5 10.75 20 400 12 mos 4 5 10 875 30 350 12 mos 5 few years as Indicated, and the payment adjuatment term ta always the san-:e as the rate adju1tment term. This loan does not negatively amortize. Both ad}uatable toane may or may not have a cap on th• maximum percentage tncreaH In lnterett rate over the term of the loan. NOTE: Information on mortgage lending 1n Orange County 11 provided by Prime Rating Inc. of Sauullto. Rat .. for thla partial lilt are derived from Prim• Rating'• databue of more than 350 lendera that are active In the mortgage market and lend In Orange County. Lenders turveyed control approxlmatety 90% of aource money available fOf' r .. t •tete loan• In the etate. More Information may be obtained by calling Prime Rating, toll·frM at 800-832-9999 Thie Dally Piiot accept• no raponelblllty for the PrlrM Ft.ting report a. ln•ex•pen•slve* •{tn tk spen' alv) not high In price; reasonable; classlfled advertising Diiiy Piiat Clawfled Advertlalng ~2-5'78 percent relate to foundauons You. as a home buyer. should quiz your builder about what warrant) covcraic. if any, come\ wtth your house. The HOW program offers two- pronged protect1on that covers I 0 years. Before they can ofTer It, however. builders are screened and HOW rC\1cws their background\ Builders agree to adhere to ccna1n standard!I Herc's hov. the actual coverage works. The warrant\ cove~ the first lWO)car\. In the first )ear. the builder warranls the hou~ against defects 1n workmanship and matcnals and aaa1nst m-.,or stroctu1'1 defectl ln the second )c&r, the bwkkr continues to warrant ap.tnlt maJOT structural defects and apinst defects in p1p1ni and duct work of major sys~s. such as plumbma. clectriC1ty and hcatina. If your buiklff can't or won't live up to h1shtr warranty. HOW i.a_kes over the cost of re~rs and hires another contractor to make them In the third through 10th )'c&"'. the builder pro\1de-s insurance against maJOr structural defects (over a $250 deducttble) HO\\ strcsscs that most claims for SnVll Pono structural defects occur 1n the fifth year of coverqe. WARNINu TO YOl' Be surt your bou!.t' has a wamnt)' tag. Then. check to malc.c surt It is the be~t warranty you can get Smith reports improved earnings Sm11h lntcrnauonal Inc reported 1mpro' ed re' enucs and results of opera lions for the '>t'cond quarter and first half. For the second quancr ended June 30, the Newport Beach-based busi- ness had revenues of S 180 m1lhon and net income of $625.000. or 3 cents per share This compares wnh revenues of S 163 3 m1lhon and a net loss of S6 I m11l1on. or 27 cents per share in the comparable penod of 1983 For the six months ended June 30. revenues ofS3S2.:! m1lhon generated net income of $3 9 m1lhon. or 17 cents per share. In the first six months of 1983 revenues were $345. 7 m1lhon with a net loss of S9 m1lhon or 40 cents per share Improved dnlhng actn 1ty led to a 25 percent 10crease an domesuc revenues from the I 983 second Quarter. lntcmauonal revenues de- chned 6 percent from the year-a&o penod Commenting on the re!.ult~ Jerry W Neely, chairman and chief ex- ecutive officer noted that. "Operaung results have improved considerably. with g.ams in both sales and earnings over )ear-<-arher levels. The~ ~ have made is taraely due lO 1ntemaJ efficiencies and p-caln mar- ket peneuauon. with some help from improved domesuc dnlltna act1v1ty, .. Profits arc stiU below what we consider satisfactory levels howevu. • 10 pan bccaus.e discountin& in many of our products and services con- tinues to ~nal!u results." Results for both the 5CCOnd quarte'" and first half of 1984 wett impacted by a chaflt of 5 cents per 5ha~ incurred in connection v.1th a proposed recap1tahzat1on that wu abandoned due to pendmg hupuon wit]i Gcarban lndustncs. ORANGE COAST STOCKS Here are the stock market acdvltiea of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday. July 27. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. I t ;------------·--··-·-·;····--;i.1;··11i;--··------------;---·;---------.-------------~-. 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' : ,, .. • • • ".;().,.;a ., .. it.:.~~-;,.,,:.,~.~ .. , _,,..._ ... ,..:i_~.'l•·~•_.J..,...l1t:-t..' ,. .. ~·...: ~· ~~..._.•" ...... :.Mt• r _, __ };J D1il1,jlll\~-.... _ .am• Mesan captured in slaying us Biggest •coke• seizure inHB --· our a can e seen MAXIMIZE YOUR MARKET COVERAGE (and advertising dollars) with the Beachcomber's 46,500 undupllcated clrculatlon In Huntington Beach, the lrvlne Mirror's 25,000 undupllcated clrculatlon In Irvine and the Dally Piiot's 37,277 ABC audited clrculatlon In Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, lrvlne and Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach and Fountain Valley. Clll 64Z-43Z1 FOR DETllLS . --- --.-;;;....;;.......;...---::.------------- J ,, ....... . a DlilJPilll SUNDAY, JULY 29, 198-4 "[i Angela 1•11 out of flrat; Dodger• nip Clnclnn•tl. C2. A ra.usi~g beginning for Games Olympics open ----in spectacular, HollyWood style LOS ANGELES lAP) -The 1984 Summer Olympics opened Saturday with a flag-waving Amencan happen· mg, Hollywood style. A. brcatht.ak.ing specucle, the cer· emonies began Wlth Genhwm Copeland and Reapn -President Reagan He delivered the fonnal welcome -though he did not dehvcr 1l exactly as the Olympic Charter states it - from the Los Angeles Memonal Coliseum to a happy, cheering crowd of90.000 and a world-wuie tclcvmo n audience. It ended when Gina Hemphill. grandaughter of Jesse Owens. who won four gold medals 10 the 1936 Bcrhn Olympics. earned the torch into the stadium and handed It off to Rafcr Johnson, gold mnedat wtnncr in the 1960 Rome decathlon. OQ9 Cll'Cltn& the five Olympic nnis oo tM arch below. Compcuuo n begans today. with ll sporu and nine gold medals. The Soviet Union and most ofits Easter'ri- bloc allies are boyoorun1 the Gamci but still more nations -1..0 -aod athletes -7.800 -are competlaa than ever before in Olympic history,. Greece. the birthplace of c.be ancient and modem Garnes. led I.be march of athletes, while the bolt United St.ates entered at the end of tM boe to thunderous ovau on from the crowd. More than 1,000 helium balloona eoa.r Into the eky above the Loe Angelee Memorial Collaeam Saturday during the opening ceremoniee of the Olympic Gamee. welcomlni the partlclpattna nation•. Johnson jogged up the steps to the peristyle at the east end of the Coliseum where the torch burned for the 1932 games. At 7:34 p.m .. the torch atop the Coliseum burst mto flame after first Hours earlier, Reagan, m a ... Wm- One-for-the Gipper.. speech, cballen&ed the U.S. team to give its best. to honor tts country, to compete to the fullesL The athletes replied with chcen. (Pleue Me ROU811'G/C4) Spontaneous happiness Opening Ceremonies: It was a spectacle second to none LOSANGELES-Acyn1c-ora reporter from Tass-must still be trying to think of a lead for his or her story for today's editions, bccauK one of total success unfolded Satur· day that will last forever at the Coliseum before 90.000 bedazzled onlookers and a wo rld audience via television. No one-word. one-sentence or one- paragraph can sum this one up, but maybe Ed Burke's reaction when told he-was going to lead the l\merican contingent as flag bearer puts it in proper perspective. Said the 44-ycar-old three-time Olympian. a former teacher at Or- ange Coast College ( 1965-71 in Politi- cal Science),just five hours before the first drum roll: "I am close to tears now. I hope I won't cry all the way around the track." Anyone who saw it, whether here at the Coliseum or through television. had to experience it -from those first drum rolls -the colors. the sounds, the music and pageantry. the emotion, the good will. the antici- pation, the electricity and an in- tangible fcclingoflOO percent agree- ment on something with everyone. A continuing parade of pride by the performers that seemed to be totally summed up with the Rhapsody in Blue performance of84 pianists. And that was with just one hour gone in the festivities as the XX Ill rd ROGER CARLSON ....... -~-;;.;;.,,;::.,,=..._....,..::;;;;::;;:;::~ Olympiad was be mg opened -the athletes had not even am ved yet. It began for me w1 th a press bus nde from the Convention Center 1n midtown. and after 45 minutes. the school bus mched mto the Coliseum area, where parking spots were $01ng beggingad1acent to Murray's Ticket Agency across the street from the Coliseum. because the impact of what appeared to be hundreds ofbusscs had cut off access. Parking spaces within one half mile were going for $20. but there weren't many takers. most prefemng to simply walk further. There were some small groups of radical protestors ma kt ng one state- men tor another. a nd a couple were ar,uing with each other. but tt was mmorat the most. Within yards of the Coliseum a foreign d1gn1tary was escorted 1n by motorcycles, and moments later. a gray sedan was whistled through the area. with one manJumpmgout with a large red "ammo' can and another with a silver suitcase, and they were hustled through the area and into the arena, signs o(President Ronald Reagan's presence. Inside, I survived a mass of humanity being processed through the tunnel checkpoint. scanning each 1nd1vidual as 1n airport tenninals. because I was abk to enter the press tunnel. Clock"'ork 1s one of the best one- word descnpuons of the next three hours. there was\ 1nually no lull. no watting penod fortekva1on that sports fans have come to expect in the United States. The only obvious snafus were when one balloon got loose too earl y. and ""hen President Reagan muffed his It ne It was supposed to be'' I declare open the 01}' mp1c Games of Los A.ngelescelebratmg the 1went) ·th1rd Ol}'mp1ad of the modem era.·· Nobody really seemed to care that it was muffed, however. there was Just too much spontaneous happmess. The faces of the perfonners. es~ pec1ally. were a story wtthtn them- selves-pride of doing it right was so evident. Greece was first in that lme of 140 nations and in the back row were two athletes wa ving American flags. That was Just the begrnnmg. The crowd tavontescame- Australia. Brazil. Canada, West Ger- many. Great Britain. Italy, Japan. Mexico. New Zealand and Sweden. but theemotton of sport came forth wnh the am val of the Peoples Republic of China, then the roanng welcome to Ro mania and Yugoslavia. All are Communist-but the Soviet Union's boycott did not affect the1rdccis1on to compete and lhe l\.merican-<lom1nated crowd reacted (Plea.e .ee C~RLSON /G)wl) Rater Johneon, winner of the &old medal In the 1960 decathlon, lJChta tile Olympic A#WLQ$ lo torch dariDC tbe ~In& ceremonlee of the 23rd OlJ1Dplad Lo. Aneelee. Johnson, Owens' granddaughter.share honor 1960 decathlon champion lights torch to officially open 1984 Olympic Games LOS ANGELES (AP) -Rater Johnson. Amen ca's 1960 Ol}mp1c decathlon champion. ht the torch s1gn1fymg the opening of the 1984 Los Angeles Games Saturday. endmg a 9,200-mile relay carrying the flame across the United States and solving a months-long mystery as to who would have the honor But even the answer to the question had a twist. There were gasps m the 90.000-seat arena as G ina Hemphill. grand- daughter of 1932 0 1}' mp1c champion runner Jesse Owens. earned the flame into the Coliseum and made a c1rcu1t of its running track before handing the torch to Johnson. On Ma} 8. Hemphill and 8111 Thorpe Jr .. grandson of Amenca's 1912 decalhlon and pentathlon champion stnpped of his medals in a dispute o'er eltg1b1ht). ran the first leg of the beacon's cross-countn odysse\ The torch had been 1gn1ted b} sate.lhte ind1re-ctl) from Ol)mp1a. Greece. the small hilltop '1llage that "-ecps the Oh mp1c flame Johnson. 4Q. from H1ll'lboro. Texas. also ""on the s1her medal in the d~athlon in the 1956 Melbourne .\ustraha. Games He was among the b}standers who hrlped disarm a\· sassm Sirhan 1rhan after he fatalh shot 5en Bobb) Kenned~ in I ~tit\ Mean"'htle. the opening cer- emonies dre"' chet"rs from a Col- 1seum audience of 88.000 'It was worth whatever \OU had to pa\ for 11. "'hate,cr traffo.:.-you had to go through."" said <ialh Willett of Phillipsburg. ~ J . after the thrtt- hour feSll\lttes ofliualh opening the X \I II Oh mp1ad "I thought 1t wa~ temfic:· said Jim Mon ant of Lafa~ ette. La ··1t ¥>'3'> \Cf\ Holh"'ood. \Cf\ spectacular in no' au H and flash\ It was soml·- thtntt \OU would e'-P«' 10 see m an old \1(1 \1 musical rather than the Baumann potential hero for Canadians SwimmerhopingtO"beCOffie role model or coun!rymen with s!rong shOWing - LOS ANGELES (AP) -Alex Baumann. who goes into tht O lym- pics acknowledged as the best all- around swimmer in the world. be- lieves Canadian swimmma needs a hero in order to become a powerful force in 10tcmat1onal compct1t1on. .. ,fl do well. at wdl encourqe other athletes 10 ao into sw1mm1na." said Baumann, 20. of Sudbury. Ontano "We had CJfht swamm1f\I mtdals 1n MontrHI (in 1976. the la\t t1mt Canada au endtd a Summer Olym- pics). and we hope to do bene-r this ume." None of tho I 97fl medal~ u aold. contmuma a patttm that's held \IOt't 191 2. when ~rec Hodgson won the 400 and 1.SOO-meter fttC$tyle for the only JOld Cuada has ever captured 1ns'Wlmmtna. But wtth a double world record- holdcr 1n Baumann in the 200 and 400 tnd1v1dual medley and 200 bttastatroke world record-holder V 1c- tor Davis. It would be a m~or surpriSt 1f tht 72-ytar lo\11'\& treak cont1nues. "Victor and I art opttted to win .. &uman S&)S •• ure. 1 fttl the pm.sure of that I can't C11Cape 1t But all )'Ou can do is }Our b6t. .. Spc<'(I ,kater C.netan Boucher he'· l"lmt a ~tar athlete-10 Canada 1n Februaf) b) ""mnmg one gold me-dal and one s1hcr in nra1e\O. Yu1oslav1a. Does Baumann want 10 becomr another Gattan Boucher? "I don'l want to be the Gartan Boucher of swimmma. I want to be the Ale,. Baumann of swimming.·· ht said The ~hm (6-2. 171 pounds) Baumann has done plent) to ~t himsclfapart from other athletes He wea"i a diamond eamna and. hltt scvtral othrr Canadian ,w1mmen. hu attn\ red maple le,af tatooet'd on ht\ chc\\ · I JU,, wante-d to t'C different <tnd p1ertt m\ car:· he \aid. ··and m\ e\ J1r1fncnd P'"t mt a diamond ·· But what most ~h Baumann a(\an I\ h1\ \UC'C'C '1n thC' fX'OI It ~tanC'd t"Ao \t'a~ a~ 1n 1h<' Commonwealth Game<i 1n ~ustraha. when he \:el a world recotd of l:02 25 in tht' 200 1nd1,1dual mC'dley. He hu thr best time in tht' world 10 the cve-nt this \car . .:! 0~.60. and 1s fu ored O\Cr Ricardo Pnido of Braz1l. G10\anni Franceschi of ltah and Stt\'C Lund- quist of Jonesboro. Ga. But his stronaest performance to date c~me Ju~ 17 at the Canadtan Ol\mp1c tnaJs. when he shattered tht 4001nd1' 1duaJ medley world mar\; b) more than two seconds H1' clock.ti'\& of 4 17 53 bettett'd the ~tandarJ of 4 t 9 61 ~t earher this )~•r b' JeM-PctCT Berndt of East ~an\ ~hK"h 1~ bo)«>ltlf\& the Oh mp1C'\ h also far outd1stan~ thc bnts of former v.orld n:rord-holden Prado and J~~ va,\lllof of M l.lm1 and the top fin1,ht'r m the-\ T S tnat-. (Pleue ... 8AUMA!'ffl/C2) Ol}mp1cs. but 1 thin"-that speaks to the e'c1tement and grandeur of the c' ent ·· .\nd the ct~mon\ fared well tn companson to thoSe of the put. according to o n<' group of spectators "It was great."• said 1'.enho Kanna. a Los Angeles tra' el agent who accompanted three non-English spea"-mg Japanese tounst'I to tht' ceremonies. "These ~pie were at l\1 ontreal and Mosco" and this was much. much better [\Cf)thini was perf('('t when the last runner came in. 1t was so dramaltl ·· Bicyclists race today The fi"'t Olympic aold medal will~ awarded today in Massaon V1e10 when the men's and women's bicycle races att nan throu•h tht City's streets The women's race will slan at 9 30 am. Wllb the men to follow at l pm. ~womcn'srace .. illbe run over appro~1mately SO miles (fivt umca around lbc 9.SS.mile tounc) and will end around QOOD with the \ictory ccrcnrony m folio._, ~ mtn will race l2 la (approumaidy 120 mites). Spcctaton will be l.Uowed wa t.hc recc fret of dWJt &om \"&lll119C pol.DU lf'OOod ~ &rlldt cuqn fair the mn-finia ti O'Neill Drivt! mar Mm1•fll Patkq ' CZ Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Sunday, July 29, 1984 SPORTS BREAK -- Navratilova gives ~eposition a6out caDlera incident from AP d11palm1 NEW YORK -Five-time E1 Wimbledon wanner Martma Navratilova tj1&s satisfied a coun or<ter to answer qucsttons about an incident 1n wruch she allegedly JJ11bbed a photographer's camera and ex~sed tts film. Durina a three-hour depos1uon. Cali fom1a lawyer Marvin Mitchelson asked Navratilova about her confrontation with free-lance photographer An Seitz after her upset loss in the 1982 U.S. Open. "Martina was an as good fonn 1n coun as she was on coun," said her lawyer. Michael Rosen Seuz. 42, of F.ort Laudcrdak. Aa .. filed a S2 m1lhon lawsuit on Aug. 25, I Q83. 1n state Supreme Coun in Queens. But an a countersu1t filed soon thereafter, Navratilova alleged that Seitz walled a full year to serve her wnh legal papers -until thee' e of the 1983 Open. "It was an attempt to ruffie her" said Rosen. "Of cou~. 1t didn't happen, becau~ she won the Open." Rosen said Miss Navratilo' a was at a pubhc banquet honoring Open part1c1pants when the papers were delivered. The suit also claims that Sellz had repeatedly harassed the tennis star The countcrsu1t seeks S4 m1ll1on 1n puniuve damages, allegJng abuse of process. mahc1ous pros- ecution, assault and battery Earlier th as month. J ust1ce Arthur Lonsche1n ordered the 27-year-old NaHatilova to gJVe a sworn 5tatement to M1tchelson. the lawyer who added "palimony" to the Amencan vocabulaf') (i)t.ote of tile clay Lloyd claims title in Australia SYDNEY Australia -Chns Evert ~ Llo>d suvived a sluggish start and went on to beat defending champion Pam Shnvcr. 7-5. 6-2. m the final of the women's Australian Indoor Tennis Championship Saturday night. Lloyd earned S75.000. "'h1le Shn"er collected $40,000. Lloyd. who won the title tn 1981. was hard pressed to wm the first set but then had little trouble in the ~cond set against a weary Shnvcr. Shriver broke Lloyd earl> and led the first set l-0 but the former Wimbledon champion quack.I> broke back to even the score at 3-alJ. Final relay Gina Hemphill, the &rand-daughter of JeHe Owena, paHea the Olympic torch to Red Sox benlflt from mlecue A thro'Nina error by Detrou third • baseman HowaN Jobaao1 allowed two Boston runs 10 sco~ in the e1abth 1nnina as the Red Sox defeated the Tiacn, 3-2, Saturday niaht with sparklina late-inning relief pitching by Man Clear. Bob StuJey, 7-6, who took over from Job H~ary Job1oa in the sixth inning, pined the victory Wlth help in the esahth from Clear, who patched out of jam with runners on second and third and nobody out. Clear went on to pick up his thlrd save ... Elsewhere an the American League Saturday, Larry Parrl1b hit a two-run homer and Pew O'Brlea added a solo shot as Texas edged Toronco, S-4, to extend the Blue Jays' losmg streak to six. Mlke Muon, 7-9, allowed only three singles in 4111 innio~ after taking over in the fifth .. ·. Don Mattin1ly tied the score Wlth a fourth-inning homer and doubled home the WJnning run in Clear the sixth to lead the New York Yankees to a 3-2 victory over Chicago that sent the White Sox to their sixth straight setback ... Tom Waddell relieved Bert Blyleven to squelch a Balt1more rally in the sixth mning, preserving a (>.3 victory for Cle vcland over the Orioles. Bl ylevcn, 10-4, had allowed onl> thr~ hits, including a solo homer by Rieb Dauer, before the Onoles scored twice and chased him 1n the sixth ... Don Sutton pitched a fi ve-hitter over seven innings and Ben 01Uvte homered to li ft the Milwaukee Brewers to a 3-2 '1ctory over Kansas City. Sutton, 10..8. "'alked two and struck out 1wo . . Dave Henderson'• kadofThome run in the fifth annang broke upa scoreless tic and Mark Lan11toa and Ed Vaode Berg combined on a seven-htttcr to pace Seattle to a 2-1 victory over Oakland. O'Meara one back of Jacobsen Pe&er Jacob1en got ofTto a QU1ck start l!I with five birdies on the front nine Saturday and then managed to hold on to a one- stroke lead over Laguna Niguel's Mark O'Meara after three rounds of the Greater Hanford Open at Cromwell, Conn. Jacobsen, who entered the round ued for the lead with Mlke Nlcoletle, shot an S- under-par 63 Saturday for a 54-holc total of 199, 14- under par. At one point during the round, he had a three-stroke lead over O'Mcara. But O'Mcara, Jacobsen's playing partner, recovered from a third-hole bogc} to shoot six birdies o n the final nine holes. His 63 gave him a three-day total of 200. O'Mcara. sinking a six-foot birdie putt, tied Jacobsen at 12-under on the 15th hole. But Jacobsen birdied 16 while O'Meara shot par and the two matched strokes -both sinkin~ long putts for b1rd1cs on the 18th ... Meanwhile, m the LPGA event m Toronto, Be&1y King, who shot a bhstenng 5-under-par 6 7, stonned from seven shots off the pace to pass a faltenng Juli lnk1&er and take a one- shot lead after the third round. King, who earlier this year collected the first two tournament victones of her eight-year career, was at 5-under-par 211 at the 6.131- yard, par-72 St. George's Golf and Country Club course. Rater Jobnaon, the 1960 decathlon win· ner, wbo lit the Olympic name. Krickstein, Tulasne earn Photographer easy victories in tourney reprimanded 'WA~HINGTO~ ('\Pl -Aaron k.m kstc1n and Th1erT) Tulasnc earned berths in the semifinal round ot a men's tennis tournament b) rcgistenng con,incing v1ctones Sat- urda} night lc..nck\tc1n of Grosse Pointe, 'Vhch. ad .. anccd h\. "lrtuc of his 7-6. 6-1 .. 1ctor; over ·t •ruguay's D1e10 Pere1. and Tulasnc. of France, beat Stanford l nt' er\11" ·\ Dan Goldie. 5. 1 . 6-2 6-2 The two v.1nner\ v.111 face each other toda} The other ~m1fi nal match will pit second-seed Andres l1ome1 the sixth-ranked player 1n the world against C1u1llcrmo Vilas. a threr-llmt' toumamt'nt champion here f<.uadon C1omc1 oHrcame 4-' deficm m each ~t t'n route to a 7·6, 6-4 tnumph over Mel Purcell. Aracn- una·~ Vilas. after losing his serve in the opening game of the match. rattled ofT 15 stra11tht points and defeated Peru's Pablo Arraya. 6-1 7-6 BAUMANN. • • From Cl Jeff Ko totl ot Upland. The 400 1nd1 v1dual medic> com- btnes stamina with the ability to swim well in all four swimming strokes - backstroke. butterfly, breaststroke and freestyle Many and1 v1dual medley SWlm· men are h1ahly ranked in one or two 1nd1v1dual event$ and try to sta> an contention an the others. "f don'tcons1dcr my butterly weak. but J take 1t easier on that lea than most of the other swimmers 1n order to ~ve 5trt'n&th to the end •· \aid Baumann. whose bc\t world rank1na an any 1nd1v1dual stroke was 25th in the 200 freestyle last yt"ar "But I'm sure I'll hav~ to rome from ~hind 1n both of m)' 1nd1v1dual medlev rl(e'i " LOS ANGELES (AP) -Olympic officials revoked the credentials of an Associated Press photographer Satur- day for takan& a picture of the drcs$ rehearsal for the opening cercmonie!> at the Los Angeles Memonal Col· a scum Hal Buell. assistant general man- ager of The AP in charge of photos. said officials indicated the situation would be reviewed after the cer- emonies and that the photoaraphcr, Doug P1zac. may be allowed to resume coveraac of the Games The picture moved on the A.P's worldw1dr photo network on Fnday "I think It was an overreaction to a relauvel)' manor thing." said Buell "It's a picture of the Los Anaelcs Cohscum. the Olympic torch and nnp, with the city of Los Anacles behind It "It's 1 sunset picture You ~ about f1vt out-of.focus people 1n- "ohed 1n the dress rehearul If we wanted to take a picture of the dreCi'I rehear'\al we would have aotten dance~ and banners and all the rt'<1t 1n It II Eigh t-run inning llfta Cuba Leon Durbam sin&Jed home the a<>-• ahead run and Roa Cty, Ryne Sudbe"1 and Henry Cotto each drove tn a pair as the Chicago Cubs broke a tic With eiaht runs rn the eighth innana Saturday to beat New York, 11 ·4, and shatter the Mets' scven-pme Wlnn1na streak. The victory pulltd Chic.aao within 3'12 pmes of the Na tional League Ea!1t·lead1R1 Meb, who had won six of their seven strawu by one run . . In other NL pmcs Saturday. 111')'11 Smldl shackled Ph1ladtlph1a on four hits and Gary Carter knocked an the ao-ahead run With a third- innina double as Montreal de- feated the Philhes. 4-1 With the score 1-1. the Expos took the lead for good in the third innsna on Carter's one-out double and added a run in the eighth on Derrel Tboma1' RBI double and one more in the ninth on an RBI single br. Ttm Wallach ... Dale Murpby 1 two-run homer in the first inning sparked Atlanta to a 4-3 victory over San Francisco as Rick Mahler and Donnie Moore combined on a seven-hitter ... Aady Vaa Slyke belted a two-run homer dunng a four-run St. Louis seventh annmg and Daaoy Cox pitched eight strong innings as the Cardinals defeated Pmsburgh. 3-1 ... Joe Nlekro conunued has career mastery over San Diego with a five-hitter and Terry Puhl homered to give Houston a 3-1 victory over the Padres in the first game of a tw1-night doubleheader. Eric Sbow and Rieb Go11a1e combined on a four-hmcr and Brace Bocby scored the only run of the game on a passed ball as the Pad~ won the second game, 1-0. Plunkett sharp in scrimmage SANTA ROSA -Quarterback Jim [!] Plunkett led the first offensive unit to two •II• touchdowns to highlight a training camp scrimmage by the world champion Los Angeles Raiders Saturday. Plunkett passed to wide receiver ClifT Branch for one score, while running back Kenny Kfog scored the other. Top draft pick Sean Jones, given an unusual chance to work with the first defensive unit, played well according to Coach Tom Flores. Jones played right end, in place of veteran Lyle Alzado. who did not participate because of family problems. Other young players who stood out included linebacker Stanley Adams and running backs Joe McCall and Chester Wallas. Longshot scores at Del Mar DEL MAR -Longshot Read) For ~ Luck and hcavil)-favored Salt Spnng captured their respects ve dn ISlons of Saturday's Osunitas Stakes at Del Mar Ready For Luck, a 24-1 longshot ridden b> Eddie Delahoussaye, won the first division by a neck over Conunental Girl. nddcn b} Laffit Pinca}. Agitated Miss. nddcn b} Juho Garcia was third another length back. Allen will return aay• hla aon TEMPE. Aru. -Head coach Gcorae EE A11en of the AnLona Wran&Jera will hkdy •II• return to the post next season, accordma to his son. Bruce, the USFL team's aeneral manafer " 'm pretty &urc he's oommg back," Bruce Allen ~1d "He would have told me" 1f he was not. The elder Allen 1!. on vacauon and has told rcponers that he will not make up his mind until next month as to whether he will coach here another season. But Bruce Allen said the one time he spoke with his father since the season ended, Georae Allen told him to proceed with business towards next year. "Bas1ca1ly, l think tt's a case that he loves to coach, and he has fun doing 1t," the younger Allen said. "Plus hc'i. still damn good at It " Spanos to acquire Charge rs? SAN DIEGO -A manonty owner of m the San Diego Chargers will exercise his •II• option to purchase Gene Klein's 56 percent interest m the National Football League club, the San Diego Union reported Saturday. The Union quoted unidentified NFL sources as ~ying that Alex Spanos. a Stockton builder, would acquire con trolling antcrest an the team Spanos could not be reached for comment. Klein earlier this month gave his msnonty partners the opponunity to match an offer for the 56 percent interest made by Dallas developer Carl W. Summers Jr .. who met with Klein and NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle last week Angels 'Bush '-whacked Twins leapfrog into first. thanks to grand s lam. 6-1 Hush said he was thnlled to hit his lirst grand slam oft Jam Slaton. 3-5 "I couldn·l have picked a better umc." the TWJns' designated hitter said. "But 1 had to keep my wits about me. I saw Kent (Hrbek) Jumping up and down at first and I didn't want to mess thm's up b> over running hi m." MINNEAPOLIS ( .\PJ -.\fter Minnesota's Fran~ Viola tossed a three-hitter and Rand) Bush hll a grand slam home run to beat the .\ngel!>, 6-1. Saturdav night. the Twins found themselves in a strange place -iirst place Bu!>h said McNamara s decision to intentionally walk Hrbek to load the bases for Bush made the grand slam sweeter "If I had to face a 3~0 hitter (Hrbek) or a .230 hitter (Bush). I "-Ould ha'e done the same thing," Bush said. ··1 sure wasn't looking for a home run. but 1t was nice to make the walk backfire." "It's a real nice feeling because the Twins haven't been there for awhile." said Viola. I 1-9. who allowed onl> one hat in the first seven innings. The victor) put the Twins a half-game ahead of the Angels in the Amencan League West and 31/i in front of defending West champion Chicago The Twins haven't been 1n first place this late an the season since 1977. Viola. who allowed a run and two hits an the eighth before finishing his seventh complete pmc, said. "I had goose bumps. but l wasn't totall} satisfied" because he walked five batters. "I hke the way these guys go about their work." Manager Billy Gardner said. "They don't talk pennant. they take them one game at a time.' "When Bush hll a the grand slam st sure made my JOb a lot easier." V 1ola said. When Bush blew the game open with his grand slam an the fifth. he ignored teammates' advice to tip his hat to the Viola allowed only three singles overall, giviRi up the Angels' only run on an RBI base hit by Daryl Sconiers in the eighth. The left-hander struck out five and walked five. 34,681 pa1d fans. a.. ··A lot ofbsggcr and betterfhangs are going to happen, .. Bush's 366-foot shot to right field scored Kirby Puckett. Mickey Hatcher and Kent Hrbek. Bush aJso had two singles. Bush said. "I'll wait (to do curtain calls) until September." Angel Ma nager John McNamara, whose club has lost the first two games of a three-game set to the Twins. said. "you can expect some changes tomorrow ·· Minnesota went ahead 1-0 an the fourth. With two outs, Tim Teufel and Tom Brunansky drew back-t<>-back walks. Gary Gaett1 then doubled score Teufel. Welch Rose Bowl gets muffles ·some sprucing up Reds' 1-0 PAS.A.DENA (A P) -Pasadena's noticeable change has been wrought famed Rose Bowl -no stranger to with hundreds of Olympic banners an big C\ cnts -has been spifTed up with shades of green. orange and pink. a little paint and a lot of new~grass to alongside the flaas of the 16 nations help 11 look its best for the Olympic represented in the soccer competi- soccer competition. beginning today. tion. Al thecenterofthectt} 'sefTorts has New paint has been applied to been the Rose Bowl pla} ang field. tunnel entrances, ticket booths. damaged b> the Superbowl of restrooms and pennancnt concession Motocross 1n June The enttre field stands. Jacobs said. was stripped. regraded and planted The Los Angeles Olympic Organiz- w1th new sod that now 1s four inchc!. in$ Committee had sou,ht a new thick in some places. said Dave paint JOb for the entire fac1lity. but 1t Jacobs. Pasadena's director of com-was turned down because 1t would munll) and recreation sen-aces. cost too much to mamtam the patnt "The president of FIFA (Feder-JOb. auon Internationale de Football As-.. We made sure everything that was soc1at1on) was here on Sunday, and done was compatible wtth our rcaular out of 100. he graded the field at 98, matntenanc~ program," Jacobs cx- sccond only to Wembley (the London plained. stadium)." Jacobs said. Also receiving a fresh coat of "We've made a maJor cfTon at asphalt was the blacktop surroundma sprucing up the Bowl for this world the Bowl, which conceals the sewer event," Jacobs noted. and underaround utility linC$ in· Outside the stadium. the most stalled recently. Hall captures USYRU race By ALMON LOCIUBEV ~ .... ......,..,,.., Southern Cahfom1a sailors dom1 natcd th e Arca G (California) finals an the three Unned States Yacht Racina Union youth champ1onsh1ps which concluded Saturday at Bahia C'onn- th1an Yacht nub Wanner of the Arca G final for the Sear1 Cup. che three handtd com- petiton. wasKcvin Hall of Anacapa Yacht Club H1 crew ~re John Lally and C raaa Thompson The Sea,-, compcutaon w11 in Santana-20 ,loop Runner-up wa\ Rod Grnhom. Raltx>a \ aC'ht Club with crewmen Orrnt Mrl~1lk and ( hm fl.1lpatr1ck Third was Hen')' StaufTs. Richmond Yacht Club Wlth crewmen Doug Robbin~ and Tom Barnhill. John Sturman, Cahfom1a Yacht Club, w11h crewman John Hjonh was the wanner in the double-handed Bemis competttion sailed an Luer t1 sloops Second was tbc team of Paul Nonn1·Kc1th Lupton. Hunt1naton Harbour Yacbl Club, and thtrd Ttat Morpn Lart0n, Santa Crut Yacht Club, with crewman Brett Shelton . Winner m lhc in&le·handcd mythc eompcth1 on was Jeff Petcn, San DI o Yacht C'lub. 1«e>nd wa1 Jam 0111, Alamuo Bay Yacht Club. and third w11 Ran Hackworth, San f,..nc1 o Yacht Club 'The _mythc ~ne\ >NH ' tied in La1en wnh radial np Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Jutv 29, 1984 GaIDes profit seen Ueberroth maintains public wilfbe 300 million ahead From AP dl1patcaies LOS ANGELES-Peter V L'ebcrroth insam that the ~ublJc will clear a $300 m1lhon profit from the Olympics Games. The head of the Los '\ngcles Olympic Orpn121ng C omm1ttee d1sm1sses as .. absurd" and "plain fal~" a newspaper report that tupaycn would be stuck with $88 I m1ll1on an federal costs. S3.6 million an st.ate all~uon~ and $2.8 m1lhon an county expenses which otlic1als say will not be re1mbu~d. The LAOOC paid S300 million 1n federal wes and more than SI 00 m1lhon an state taxe~ which amount. for 1he tax.payer to."real hard-dollar income." Leberroth told reporters "'This 1s not cost to the taitpa:,,er This 1s profit." he said. He maintained that the federal government would cam $220 million from the Ol}mp1cs and ~tale go'>em- ment $80 m1ll1on. In a Januar) handbool.. the Li.\OOC !>aid the Los Angeles Games. which begin Saturda). would ~held "at no cost to local. state and federal taxpayers:· and Uebcrroth indicated that sull stands The U S Postal Sen ice. he noted aJread ~ has made S88 m1ll1on off spe-caal Ol)mpac stamps - Ueberroth r egr ets Li bya'• pullout LOS ANGELES -Lebcrroth said Saturday that the commmee regrets Lab}a·s dcc1s1on to pull out of the Summer Games Race track welcomea a prlnee88 . ., .~ .. .. LO ANGELES -Bntam's Pnncess Anne min&lcd • Wlth the crowd Saturday at Santa Anna race trad. wfierc ~ horses underwent a 11ctcnnary checkup to detcmune their • fitness for the thrtt~) equcstnan compct11Jon at the ... Olym pic Games. ·.:; Her father Pnncr Pbjlip. directed the proceedanas tn : .. has capacll) as president of the lntemat1onal Equestnan ~· Federation. the govemina body of the spon •"' About 200 people attended the examtnauon session. ; ... which was open to the publac. None of the 48 horses faifcd •! the test. • .. The Bnush team 1s favored to win the grudmg three-! da) compeut1on. which begins toda> It 1s an equest.nan-• st:,, le decathlon. with the compcut1on including a 20-rotle • endurance and cross-coUJJtJ) Jump phase. · ··once again. innocent athletes arc the v1ct1ms. as they , always are when nations boycott the Olym pic Games:· he ·~ ~· Hammer thrower Ed Burke, who carried the U.S. OU in Saturday'• opent.nc cer- emonlea of the Olympic Gamea, IJlvee the thumb9 ap •ten. Burke, 44, once taUCht political Klence at ~fre Coaat Collete. Be'• competing ln hia d Olympiad. said an a statement. Nothing can atop theae •otymplaU' •• On Fnda), Lab)a became the 18th nauon to wtthdrav. :: from the Los Angeles Ol:,,mp1cs. The Libyan an-LOS ANGELES -The first scheduled event of a• nounccment. d1stnbutcd by the official JANA news NahtJist Olympics was a bta not.hang. ·· :": Burke: 'Emotional thing' agency. did not gi ve a reason. Only half a team showed up for the Freeway Relay But at followed a dcc1s1on by the US. State Race. which organizer Ehsha Jones conceded .as -too •• Department not to allow in10 the countl) 1hree Libyans complicated for a lot of people " The event called for•• seeking accred1tat1on as JOumahsts for the Games seven-Oar team' to negouate a 40-ma lc cou~ by sipbomoa: .. Sources wathan the lnternauonal Olympic Commmce gas from one vehicle to the next on freeway oft-ramps. ,• said U.S. officials advised them that at least two of the Jones sa1d he was heartened that 15 cars. some•: U.S. flag-carrier credITShis fa m ily- f or 'highest h on or' 1968 Games -and he said, "The I %IS Games He'd gone anlo them thl· Libyans v.ere on a secret hst of known antemauonal decorated with black nbbons and bumper suckers rcad.ioa:c most overwhelming thing an the world leader an the c'ent. Burke was terronsts compiled b} the anu-terronst forces of Western "'Nthwsm -Don't Whine." paraded through downtown.: Olympics as parading an the caJlcd for fouls on his first fi-.e governments Los Angeles m open mg ccttmomes Fnday. ~.., stadium." attempts by an official he charges was W ldbtllf f f t ... : He disclosed that once. while unfamiliar with the rules e&& ter a an 0 gymnaa driving his car home ... I had a vision LOS ANGELES-Burly U.S. weagbiliftcr Ken Clark Foul-up cllahearteD• Autrallan -~! of walking an the parade, but honcstl), .. My last throw (which was ruled was eager to amve in the Olympic v1Ha$e so he could meet .• I didn't see myself leading the legal) wa!. not $ood enough (lo wan a a more damanuuve athlete he had admired on TV LOS ANGELES-Australia's Rick Mitchell says bis LOS ANGELES (AP) -For ham- mer thrower Ed Burke. carrying the American flag for the U.S. Olympic team in Sa turday's opening cer- emon aes of the 1984 Games was .. the h1eJlec;1 honor. a ver) emouonal thing." parade." medal).'' he said .. My bag goal here was to be able to sec Mary Lou "heart's not an the Olympics at the moment" betausc a:• In 1962, when Burke was the .. , had an ego collapse alter that. It Retton.'' said the 220-pound Clark. "'I've been am pressed team foul-up kept lum out of the men's 400-metcr dasb. ,. leadmg collegiate thrower an the was taken awa\ from me so w11h her for a long tame I finally spotted her in the village Ao Achilles' tendon injury this season bad made•• nation whale at San Jose State capncaousl~ ti wasn·1 fun a"' more .. and 1 came up to her. MatchcU's partJC1pat100 iffy. So Austrahan offietal~ did not: University, at was his wife, Sh1rle), "She was really kind of shy until I said I'd seen her on fonnally name hLm to the 400-metcr team. Ullo.king the) .. • who was an tears-not from emotion It became fun again in 1 980~ when TV a couple of umes. Then she got really excited and we had until two davs before the compeutson to do so. The 44-year-old Burke. a former Amencan record-holder an 1he ham- mer throw who reured for 12 :,,ears after a disheartening performance in the 1968 Olympics. said be1n~ chosen as the flag-bearer "1s a cred11 to m) but because B4rke accidentally hit the Burke resumed throwing talked for a while. She's a nice person." But the deadline was July 23. ·:•:4 car in which she was sitting Wlth an 1---;:=============-=======:.=:~===================================='--"~-; wife and m:,, famil)." Burke revealed he'd learned of his selccuon by accident It happened Fnday. shortly after the track and field team am ved in Los A.ngeles from 11s training camp al Santa Barbara .. A girl from 1hc handball team asked me, 'Arc \OU that old hammer thrower the) chose to carry 1he flag''' .. Bu rke recalled. .. Thal must be me." he replied with asmale. This 1s Burke''! third Olympics - he also part1c1pa1ed an the 1964 and errant hammer throw, shattenng the Wlndshield and peppenng her face with glass. "I thought I had killed her." Burke said. "It was very tragic" Plasuc surger~ helped heal 'ih1rlc) ·s face. but Burke decided to 4u1t the sport. He didn't remain out of 1t for long .. She got me back onto the field.'' said Burke. "She"s been m-. mirror and my coach since then:· · Whene,er Burke competes. he looks to his wife for guidance. 1n the stands or along the sidelines. She also was instrumental an in- Ouencing Burke to return to hammer throwi ng a second time. after he'd decided to drop the sport when he placed a d1sappo1nt1ng 12th in the 'Buyers' market' for Olympic fans Plenty of tick ets still available for lafe s h oppers- LO~ A.NGELES ( .\P) -People who waited until the last minute to purchase 01) mp1c tickets found a buyers' market thi s weekend as travel agencies. individuals and the Los Angeles Olympic Organ121ng Com- mittee put hundreds of thousands of uckets for sale. F1 l"'it Tours. a Panorama City ticket and travel agency. announced a .. 2- for-I" sale Satu rday and Sunday at 1he <;an1a Monica C-1' 1c Aud11onum. with 3.000 tickets discounted 50 percent. Tickets for baseball. basketball. bo'ang. equestrian events. fencing. hockey, soecer and volleyball were being sold on consignment. mostl} for agencies representing fo reign na- tional Olympic committees unable to dispose of them. First Tours Presi- dent Ken Mastrnndea said. The LAOOC s.a1d it stall had "several hundred thousand" tickets available at face value at shopping centers 1n downtown Los Angeles. Newport Beach, Oxnard. Pasadena. Sherman Oaks. Torrance and West Covina. Events still available included baseball. basketball. boxin&, can~­ ang. field hockey. rowing. shoouna. soccer. track and field, water polo. weightlifting, wrestling and the start of the marathon. At a week-long Olympic ucket swap meet in Inglewood. A.J. Yue of Torrance was trying to sell two season passes to men's and women's gym- nastics at about one-third the $6.000 he paid. One buyer. Jackie Teichmann of Huntington Beach, had bought 186 tickets for her and her friends from people like Yue -all at face value. .. By now. I've got enough so I'll have only three days rest between opening and closing.," she said. "And if they're offered. I guess I'd take them for those days. too .. Olympic officials earlier said "pracucall}' ev eryone who ordered a ticket" will have 11 when the events take place. That news was received skeptically by some buyers who had ordered tickets b:,, mail b11t had not received them But Fnda) at the Los Angeles Olympic Organmng Comm11tce·s ucket distnbut1on center m West Los Angeles. people who had ordered but never received uckets were finall' able to pack them up. · "I didn't know what to believe anymore." said Max Kalter of New York. as he wa11ed an lane before getting has uckets. "They'd been so evasive, given me such a runaround .. The center has processed about 4,000 mult1plc-t1ckct orders in recent days. with about 6.000orders remain- ing. Romanians welcomed with standing ovation LO ANGELES (AP) -The Romanian team. the onl} Waruw Pact deleptaon to defy the Soviet led boycott of the Summer Olympics. received a standing ovation Saturday at the openma ctremonacs for the Los Anactcs Games. A roar ~tcd the Romanians as they cmeraed 1n 1dc the Los Anad~ Memonal C'ohscum. and a ripple of cheers followed them a' they c1n:led the track and JOtn('(i the other athletes at the ~ntcr of the ficlo Roman1n has 132 athletes entered an the Games They art considered threats for 1old medals an a number of events. anclud1na gymnasttci. track and field. we1Jhtlif\1n1 and row1ni A standina ovauon al~ wu aivcn anothtt Eastern European nation. Yu1oslav1a. which ho tcd this >ear"s Wanter Games an ~l'l.Jevo Thc Games were widely acclaimed u amona the most 'uCC'tssful. colorful and non-pohtacal an rc<:ent Olympic h1stof') B KON THE IEAIJER™ FOR THE RIGHT LO ATTHE RIGHT RATE WIDER CHOICE Bank of Amcm:a h<l" more t~'TX'" of homl' loan' t11 chcxN: tTom th;m cvl'r hdorc ~l whether vnu ·rl' huVlng or rchnancm).?., It.., ca~y to hnd :t home lo.m th:tt \ 1ust right for vnu If vou w;mt our lowest mmal r3tL~ look mtn our ad1uswblc rate In.an\ Aml tf you want the bcncht.., of a low mmal rate plu!-t the pmtcc.:uon of knowmg 1u~t how much tll<H rate could change. our capped admst.:iblc r;Hc loans could he 1u~t wh.it vou're looking for NOW. INTEREST CAP PLUS PAYMENT CAP With our Tll'WC:'-t ad1u..,t:tblc r;ttc Cuc;tom Homt· Lo<rn vou ~c:t all the protcctton of .m mterc"t ~ rntc c.1p pluc; n p:lvmtnt chan~c cap. So vou know 1u-.t hnw much your r.nc and p:1\111cnt coulJ ( l111 00.'"'t<\l lo11r1 '' il"Hm.-... lr •>n<" 11m. nnh ;111 \l<.Ctni;11111" .uid t1"1111 h\ 111.111 thh"l l-olITTUwn ,a .... umpoon l1:"C' mav he .h.tr~I < ln '"l"""!ur·111 ... 1lr" lu1m mav "'" l'I' •"um.thh 111 "'" .1nJ l 111• m.n h< re-we dun~l' \\'h.H' more. 1t ~ :l'-'um.1hk. Wh1ch coulJ m;1ke 1t ra ... 1l'r for vnu. when tt tnmc" unw to '-(.' 11 \'nu 1 hom.: FASTER •\PPRt )\',\L\ \Vl· h.wc Home Loan l enter.., t hrnu~hnut l .1ltfnm1.1 -('.U.:h fullv "t<tffl'd \\Ith "fX'C1.1l1"t ' who L.ln <.,pcC<l up VO\lf ){);111 ,1pprov.1l pro<:C<.,\tn1't tune And that mrnn..c:. we can cl~ vour loan b"-tcr th.m w~'Vl l'YCr done bcfoIT. For the Home Lo.1n Center nc.uc't vou c..ill 18CXll 22"'-., "''*' wcckda~ from4:fXL1 m to9JW:1p.m . <;.iturd:t~unnl 'lffip.m NOV\' I~ TI~E TlME Wnh a WH.kr chn1cc lower m1t1:il rates and fa~ter ;1pprovab. now t5 the umc to come mto .1nv hr.mch of C.11itnn11a's kaJm~ BAM kndt 1 .md .1,k :ibout the ~ht ON THE ... lo.1n :u the nght rate LEADER m Bank of America - ,, . ' . . ' . > • .~, . . .· ~ ·:. ... <?4 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, July 29, 198'4 OLYM PIC GAMES ------ Dignitaries, VIPs are waiting to be seen The burning question for personalities ls what to wea! while attending Games LOS ANGELES (AP) -They've laraely abandoned ermine wraps and lace aowns 1n favor of fashionable sponswear, but celebnue~ -hll.e the alhletcs-stdl amve eve!) tour \cars from around the world to be ~~n at the Olympics. And why not? A.lmo!lt half ol the world, an esttmated ~ 5 b11lwn I \ viewers, will be watching tht.'!>C Sum- mer Games. Gone to his h ead .. \\ere &01ng to ha'e a lot ot per)onal1t1c~." promised Joel R ubemlcin a 'ice: president for the Lo' Angde!I Ol~mp1c Organmng t omm1ttee dealing with membc~ of the so~:alled Ohmp1c famil}' - oflinals of the 'anou) countne!> attending -a!> "ell as VIPs. .\lung '\\tth the Holl)wood mo .. 1e star). d huc,1 of foreign d1gn1tanes from Prinn·.,., .\one to the Sultan of Britain'• Ricky Burrell wean his patriotic aplrlt u he proudly dlaplaya the Union Jack on the aide of bJa head . Today's schedule in Oly mpic Games Basketball lat the Forum, loglewoodJ 9 am -(men) ltal:r \S Eg)pt 11 a.m.-<men) L'ruguar) 's France 2 JO pm -(men) Yugo.,la\ 1.i \ .-. West (1ermany 4 JOp.m -(men>l n11cd"-tatcs,., China 8 p.m -(men) .\us1raha \ s Bra11l 10 pm -Spain \.S ( anada Boxlog lat LA Sports ArenaJ I I a.m -2 p.m. -Prehm' 6-<J 30 pm -Preli mi. Equestrian (at Arcadia> Ii a m -6 p. m -Dres'><l&l' Cycling lat Mission Viejo1 9 ''>·"-oon -~ok 1nd1\ldUdl road LAOOChalts homeowner From AP dl1patcbes The Los .i\ngelc!> OI) mp" <>r- ~n1zang < ommattcl' and a d('· velopmen1 group obtained " coun order 10 \top a horn('· owner's plan 10 grade prop(' rt) he own<; adJaC('nl to one of Ii'<' Modern Pentathlon rnmpct111on ~llC<; Orange Count) \upenor <nun Judge Franc15.co Rnc,cno ordered Phil hp Brodell not to grade the 101 near Coto de Caza until after thl' eH·nt 1s completed -\ug 2 The L.\00( and the ( l)lU de Caza dn eloper.-. tiled a reque\I fora restrammgurdcr F-nda\i, and at "a!> prompt!\ Jppro,t:d h' Bnscno The complaint '1<11d grading on a lot adJa(.ent h) the pentathlon'-; cross-countn cour<;c would ha\.(~ "impaired" · competatwn and "d1mm1shed.. s~ctator cn10~ ment. r;ice for women 1-6 p m -t 401<. tndl\ idual road race: for men 9.JIJ-11 pulsones Gymnastks fa t llCLA~ '0 a m -Men's com- ~-4 pm -Men's compulsones 6 30-8 30 pm -Men's com- pulsone~ Field Hockey (at Monterey) I 45 pm -(men) Australia vs Malaysia 3 p.m -(men) West Germany vs. Spa an 4: 15-(menJ India v~. United States Modern Pentathlon lat Cota de Cua) 4-11 am -Riding ~op m -Riding Shooting lat Prado Dam, Chino Hlllsl '1 a m -4 p m -Free pistol. sport pistol and cla:r-target trap Soccer (at Rose Bowl) 'pm -ltah \<; Egypt ( .\lso 7-9 pm local times at Haf"\ard l n1,ers1t). L'S Na\.al ..\(adem\. and \tanford l lni .. er'\lt\i) . wlmmlng lat llSCI 8 30-11 llJ am Heats an women·., 100 free'>t)le. men's 100 breast~troke. women's 400 ind1v1dual m('dlc} men'\ 200 fr('estylc. 4 15-6 pm -Finals Volleyball l llt Long Beach Arena) lll.1m -lmcn)1'.or('a ''Tunisia :\:oon-1mrn1 < h1na \\ Japan A lfJ p m -I men) ·\rgentina 's n11cd ';tatc' X I() pm -lml·n1 < Jn.ida \.S Ital~ Weightlifting lat Loyola-Marymouot> 2-4 pm -Flywt'ights 6-4 pm -Flyweights Malaysia "ex.pected for the~ Olym pies, Rubenstein said. The top Amencan d1a,n1t.ary, Prest· dent Reagan, wall be dehvcnn& a 17- word address at openina cercmon1es. And while Olympic athletes wom- ed about last-minute tra10101, some of the burning questions amona the VIPs at cod.tail parties were how to lind the rarest of Olympic pins and what to wear on the sideline) of opening ceremonies. "h at blad. tac?" asked Amcncan actress Cicely Tyson, one of dozens of cinema stars expected to glitter at the Olympic opener. "I don't know what I'm suppo~ to wear" Los Anseles.-arca clottuna salons, however, advised casual chic, notin& th11t 1t wouldn't do to "over-dress" for the Los An.scles Coliseum. The advice was a longJump from the last LA Games in 1932, when fur wraps and pricey cocktail gowns were de rigueur among the v1s1t1ng lumananes. First Ladl Nanq Reagan, other members o the Reagan entourage such as Secretal) of State George P. Shulu, and many U.S. government officials were expected at the opening ceremonies. But. Rubenstein noted, ·•a lot ofthem are '-oina to have to bu) their Own tickets • Pnnce Albert of Monaco was one of the first foreign notables to amve at the Olympics, stoppina at the UCLA Olympic viUage to enjoy a few games of tennis and a sut?sequent shower 1n one of the dormitones. Hts uncle. John Kelly, brother of the late Pnncess Grace of Monaco and an ex- rower, came to arcet what he called 'the finest US team ever produced " The Bntash team was leted b) Pnncess Anne. These Olympics will be nostalgic for !>weden's Km& K..ul <1ustav anl Queen S_i lvaa. avid whn& and swam mina affic1anados. who met at th 1972 Munich Gamei. when Sylv1, was an Olympic ho!ite$5. Notables from the United Statec ~potted around the Ol~mpics in eluded roving multim1lhona1re 1n dustnahst Armand Hammer, on th• LAOOC's execuuve board, Los An gcles Mayor Tom Bradley. actor Jacl NacholM>n, ltahan-Amencan movu producer Dino De Laurentus anc body-builder-turned-actor Arnolc Schwarzenegger. Balloons Olympic Games calendar up· f then July Augus lights out Opening Ceremony 28 29 30 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l 0 1 1 l Archery Athletics Basketball Boxing Canoeing Cycling Equestrian Sports Fencing Football Gymnastics Handball Hockey Judo Modern Pentathlon Rowing Shooting Swimming Diving Synchronized Water Polo Volleyball Weightlifting Wrestling Yachting Closing Ceremony Baseball Tennis ROUSING OPENING FOR OLYMPICS ... F rom Cl From begJnnang to end, the crowd at the ceremonies was sp1nted and happy Men. women and children clapped and sang. The~ waved flags. And some cned Producer David Wolper had prom- ised a 20..goosebump occasion, and he delivered. Outside the Cohsium. police re- ported liJhter traffic than expected - and no 1nc1dents. The weather was perfect though hot, with 90-<legrce temperatures and few signs of smog. Church bells peeled at the start of the ceremonies. Then a "rocketman" with a Jet backpack landed m the center of the field. the grass pamted green for the event. Skywntrng planes drew the five mterlockmg Olympic nngs into a clear. blue sky. A marching band played, a frontier town was built and the band finished 1ts act 1n an outline of the United States. It was an opulent production with a ca-;t of thousands and a world-wide audience Ye1 the po11nant moments were man) The Romanians the onl) Eastern bloc nation to defy the Soviet boycott, "ere greeted with a standing ovau on Tht' Chinese, part1c1patang an the Summer Olympics for the first tamt' •unce I QS2. were cheered warmly. So were the Yugoslavs, hosts for the 1984 Wanter Olympics. There wert' the athletes from El alvador. a count!) torn by rcvol- uuon marching lor Olympic pnde. Some of the biggest cheers of the crowd were reserved for nauons reflecting the broad ethnic mix of Los Angeles -the Chinese. the Mex- icans, the Koreans and the Japanese. Afncan athletes paraded an flowing robes. And the New Zealand team included Neroli Faarhall, an archer who is a paraplegic and will shoot from her wheelchair. The loudest, longest cheers were for the U.S. team, decked 10 red. white andblue uniforms. Flag bearer Ed Burke, a three-time Olympian in the hammer throw. grasped the flagstaff with one hand. Everywhere there were flags. The Stars and Stnpes. Flags of the other countries. Scores of flags with the Olympic rings. Even the Coliseum became a giant flag of every part1c1- pating nation, as a stadium card stunt turned a sea of shirtsleeves into an international wall of color. Then. finally. the flame amved. It had cnss-crossed the country in a 9,000-mile. 82-day Journey '\nd 1t entered the Coliseum to end the longest-running qllestaon of the Los Angeles Games -who would carry at an to the stadium and light the torch? The answer was Owens' grand- dau&hter -and Johnson The opening ceremonies were the biagest show this part of the world has ever seen and was made possible by commcncal enterpnse, which wall reap the Los Angeles Olympic Com- m11tee malhons of dollars rn profit It included 120 trumpeters. 750 marching band members. 270 Jit- terbuggers. 153 flower girls, 12 pigeons releasers for 2.500 pigeons. the largest video board in the world, I. 700 ethnic paraders. a 1,000-mem- ber choir, 84 piano players and 1,065 balloons. One of those balloons provided one of the few h11ches of the day. It landed on an electrical line, causing a brief power failure to a portion of the cat) Reaching back to his movie career. Reagan. addressing the U.S. team. paraphrased a line from "Knute Rockne-All Amencan" in which he played Notre Dame football star George Gipp, who died before a kc~ game. "So when you're out there. set your sights high . then go fot it." Reagan urged. "Do 11 for yourself, for your famahes. for your country. And 1f I may be a bl! presumptous. do 11 for the G1pper. God bless you." he sa.td. "No matter what pohtacal per- suasion. no rnatter what race or religion, no matter if poor. middle class or affiuent ... when you are out there competing. you are our team." The athletes wall not compete alone. he said The Games having begun, it's now ume for the Olympic events to bea.in. II II fl g fa a fl m FJ FJ El ·B ·B g m ~ m CARLSON ... 1 From Cl , wt th unabashed JOY that these coun- tnes were here. ~ There were the colorful -Bahra . Benin. Bhutan, Chad, Gambia. Jn . Lesotho . , And there was the one-man outfi( of Cameroon, the off-the-wall groua while m "fonnatton" on the field (t~c Italians), the disciplined Japanese, the zany Brazilians and finally the ' happy and loosey-goosey Americans. a waveofblue tinged by red and ' white, with Burke beanng the flag and Edwin Moses nght behind. Chantsof"U.S A .. U .S A .. US.A," the bnef speeches by Peter Ueberroth of the LAOO<.', lOC Prcsaent Juan Antonio Samaranch and President Reagan From Uebberoth "These athlete~ repre~nt the best the world has to offer. From Samaranch: "Our thoughts to those athletes unable to JO in us." And, one Item not rehearsed -a spontaneous applause that started slowly, then continued to build mto a tnbutcJor Ueberroth, the man who has resided where the buck stops and who has endured to make th as OpeningCeremon1esa tremendou~ success. F1nally, theamval oftheOlympat flag. the pigeons, and the best kept secret ma long t1me-Rafer Johnson taking the torch from Gina Hemphill. the grand daughter of the late Jesse Owens, and proccedina up the steps Then the rings in flame and finall y the torch lit, again, as an 1932. Baseball bids to become permanent part of Games All that was left tor me was my fir1t exposure with mtemat1onal compet1· taon. HavinJ fin ashed 62nd in a field of 61. thus fint in hnc for the neitt bat e I was S7th an the next field of6 I to · LOS ANG ELF'> C l\P) -"tuccess an the Olympic demonstratwn baseball tournament <itartang Tuesday could re~ult 1n ~uccessofthc Un11ed State\' aim 10 have the spon added to the rt'jular program for luturC' 01\ m- p1ad~ "I than~ 1hl' tournament "Ill 1n · fluencc tht' whok world," \aid Rod Oedcau.>t. tht hod coac:h of the l \i tt'am of all·!itar rnlleiiate pla}er\ many dclaymg th~ir profC''i'ilOnal 'areers to take pan "I think ti 11 1s .i an1 .. 11c and tinancaal succ<'n at Dodaer Citad1um. \outh Korea will \a) If th<"' 1Jn Jn 11 Wt' can do I! ··· South k.mt':l " \( hrtlull'd 111 ho'I the I Q88 \umm<"r Olympics and Dc.-deaux ~1d, .. fhe) have a 3-year- old. 50.000-\eat baseball 'it.adium and wr could fill it ovt"r there. That could bn ng 1 n the rest of the Ohm pie world·· South KotC'a. Japan and Ch1ne'lt' Tapt"i •re l'\JX"<.'ted 10 ha"e somt' of tht' \trongrr team\ in thr toumaml'nt Otht'f"\ plnina arr the Dominican R<"puhlic. Ital\ "J 1rnrngua and Can dda \1a1or l l':!Kue ha\t'hall ha\ t.oopcr- <itl'd "Ith the I n11rd ~tate\ Ba~hall I ('derat1on an th<' attempt to field th<' hl·~ I H' pr~ \.C n 1.111 H '><111ad J\ II 20 m<' m h\•" of t hr '\<Wad are collcg1a ns .ind I: "('f<' ti"t round draO cho1<r\ of maJOr leaaue club'i this year But thert was an agreement that the dubs would not take them from the Olympic \quad until after the Games. Some have s11ncd but received no mone) and thus remain eha.ible tJ S playeN believe that ba~ball 'ihould be an official Olympic spon Mark McGwtre, the 6-S. 220 pound fil'1t baseman from the Un1vcr11ty of Southern Cahfom1a. said, "It should defimlcly hf' an Olympic sport And the No I \l)Ort in Korea " ba~ball and that., where the '88 Ol)'mpacs are brtn& held lfth(' fins hert lrt' a~ aood a'l they havr bttn on our tour I definitely thank it wall be an official \pon .. Dt-deaux, whose club played a 32- pme cross-<:ountry schedule rn prep- aration for the Games, also pointed out, "Our aame apinst the Dom1n1- can Republic will probably be viewed on telev1s1on by 211> bllion people. That many never have Sttn a baseball pme." Two games arc ~hedulcd each of eaa}lt consecutive da)'s P11cher John Hoover from Fresno tale beheve'l the United States will ha' c a~ strona an amatt'ur team as pos51ble "I played on the team for the Pan- i\ mcnC'an uame) I.st year and 1h1~ -.quad 1<1 much brttcr" the 11aht· h;ind('r oh~r"ed "This 1'-the mo'1 unbelievable amateur patching staff you're ever &oang to see, I thmk. fhcn you go to the hitters and oll the way throu&h the lineup. you've aot the best colleg1ate hatters you're ever aoina to see .. Hoover. who was 18·J at Fresno ~late th•~ year, was a tlrst round drat\ pick of tht 8ftl11morc Onoles. A couple ple111nt surpnsc& for Dedeaux have bttn p1tcher Bobby Watt, a freshman at Oklahoma this 'lpnn& who 1n 22 1nninas on the tour has a 0 81 earned-run overoae. and Will Clark. a ~phomort from Mm1r.- $1pp1 State who has hit .400 wtth IO double and 11 homr ruM qualify for a berth on the bus returning to the press center. OK. now that t know the rules I the Games begin. · Prealdent ilvea •tamp of approv 1 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Prt11 Rcapn p ve Saturday·, open11'.\1 emonaes of the Los An1ele1 Olym has official stamp of approv1I one-sentence compliment, prod David Wolper '81d. "tie said. 'Wh~don't you take 'lhow on the road "Wolper ~1d. • Orange Co DAILY PILOT /fkmcl • JwY 29. 1984 Cl Ueberroth earning skinflint reputation The future commtsstorier of baseba ll may d rive t h e game into the pOOrhouse- • lnd1anapolJ) Colb playcn. want- ed 101he Robtn 11"51>: a binhda> present but lhcydidn t know how to wrap a liquor no~. themselves. Nobody came m on the noon . balloon from Saskatoon and as~d me. but ... •If Peter Ueberroth runs baseball 1n the 1kmflint way he has operated the Lo1An1elesOlympicCommittcc he mi&bt move the commissioner's ' office from Park Avenue to Skjd Row •With the b1lhons of dollars being brought into the Southland economy by the Olympics, we can all look forward to lower taxes. •Rams' very veieran defensive end Jack Younablood on traimna camp No. 14: ''The evll of training campcanonlygeuobadandafter 14 years ll has reached that point. •The Olympic Games a~ no leH a spectacle wnhout the Russians but that doe n'tmean thecompc11t1on 1s diluted. •Sparky Anderson may havede- bvcred the understatement of the year when he said the Detroit Tigers have balance. •StevcOarveycarried the Olym- pic torch ... Regaic Jackson did not because be would not haveaottcn it past the bank, and Steve Sax did not because he would have thrown it away. •Howard Cosell says the Raiders are "super an 1he front office" . how's that for tclhn& n like it will never be' •1. for one, have learned all I care 10 le.now about Zola Budd. •The Angels' milbona1re offensive .anit, toa man. should be ashamed of •A couple of LAOOC sccunty men were fired for smokmg pot while scarchmg forexplosa\les ... If there was a bomb on the veh1cle, 1t was a good thing tho~ guys didn't find it. •Add intnauing couples .. Joan and Maclc.ey Rivers. •Seattle Manners management says the people of the Paet fie North- BULLETIN BOARD Intematlonal Sen1or Olymp ic• Entry forms are now available for the 15th lntcmauonal Senior Ol)mp1C\ track and field meet to be held ~pt 8-9 al Orange Coast College. The tWo-da) mcc1. t't)-\pon\ored b~ the college and the ( o~ta Me\3 ( hamt>er ol Commerce. runs from 8 a m to 4 30 p m. each dalvents include the high Jump Jd'ehn shot put, pole vault hammer thro" discus long jump. tnple jump hurdles rela .. and stecple-ch.a~ Entry fee 1sS 10 per person pere .. eni and SJ fur each addmonal e\ent Medals will be awarded to the first three places 1n each event. each age grou" and each se>. Medals are gold, silver and bron1e on nbbons. Entry deadline 1s Aug 23 Phone enmes will not be accepted and there will be no refunds ApphcatJons can be obtained through Orange Coast College b> wn11ng to Dr Wallace Kleck. Oran'c Coast College. President's Office. 2701 Fairview Dnve. P 0 Bo:it 5005. ( oua Me~ Ca 92626 For more 1nfonna11on. phone 432-5126. Pacfflc Soutbwe.t Open The Pacific Southwest Tennis Open will be held Sept 8-16 at the ne"' Los Angeles Tennis Center at UCL>\ Among those scheduled to rnmpete are Eliot Tcltschcr and ) ann1d. Noah. 1he 'le\enth-rankcd pla)'cr in the world Tickets will be available beginning Aug. 13 at T1cketron outlets and Ticket Master locauons as well as the UCLA bo:it office Advance ticket sales may be obtained b\ phoning (213) 462-2312 Ba•ketball tryout camp The Conunental Basketbalf A.ssoc1a11on. Amenca's only AAA pro basketball league. "Ill hold a tryout camp in the Los Angeles area soon. The CBA provides the NBA w11h a training ground for players. coaches and referees. Interested free a'ents are eligible for the tryouts. For more informa11on. phone ( 30 I I 774-4874. Off-Road auto •bow A Volkswagon, Porsche Off-Road show 1s set for Saturda)'. Aug 11 at 1hc Orange Count) Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa Hours are 6-10 p.m General adm1ss1on 1s SS Children, 12 aod under. will be admitted free. Also planned 1s a b1lun1 contest at 7.30 pm The wmncr will receive a five-da)' tnp for two to Maullan, Mexico. More informatJon on the sho" 1s available b) phoning 495-3672. Slow-pltcb •oftball tourney The S«ond annual Bud L1&ht Slo" P1wh ){)ft ball tournament ...,111 be held Sept I 5-16 in ~ant.a Fe Spnngs Teams from throughout Southern Cahfom1a arc current!) being registered for the 1wo-da) double eltmina11on tournament D1v1s1ons in- clude men'sC and D.coedCand Dand women\ Band C. Proceeds from the toume> will go to the (11~ of Hope Medical Center in Duane For more informauon. phone 521-5802 Youth ba•ketball camp Regmrauon for the South Coast .\II-Star basketball camp will be held Monday mom1nga1 8:45 a.m. at Tusun High, site of the camp The dates of the camp will be from Monda\ through Fnda) from 9 a m to 5 p.m. each da). Spa~ 1s available for bo)s and girls. ages 8 through 14 NBA pla)crs Norm 1'1xon and KJkJ Van- dcwq.hc arc scheduled as guest speakers dunng the camp. Each camper wall receive a pair of basketball shoes. a free basketball and camp jcr~)' Fee for the camp 1s S 145 each For more informa11on, phone 6 75-9405 either today or Monday. La.ten' 1984-86 Kbedule Oct. 27 -at San Antonio On 28 -at Dallas Oct 30 -Golden State No' I -at Seattle No' :! -\an .\nton10 Nov 4-Ponland "lo' ti -Den,cr.No' !l- at Golden State:. No'. 9 -a1 Ponland: No' 11 -New Jene). Nov 16 -l\.anr,as Ct1). No' I IS -Milwaukee. "lo' 20 -Phoenix . No'. 2 I -at Phoen1\. :-.o, 24 -at Clippers. No' 25 - Seattle: No' 28 -at lltah No' JO -Kansa<. l it\ ~ 2-Chicago De,; 4 -Cle' eland t:X" .S -at l'-e" kr~~ Dec ., -at Philadelphia. Dec 8 -at V. ash1ngton Dec I 2 -Golden State t:Xc 13 -at Seattle Dec 16 -Washington Dec 18 -at .\tlanUI. Ch 19 -at Houston Dec. 21 -Phoenix Dec 26 -Seattle. Dec 2!! -at t:Xn \-er· Dec 29 -C hppers Jan. 4 -Ponland Jan 6-San .\nton10. Jan II -Denver: Jan 10 -l 'tah . Jan 11 at Dallas. Jan 13 -at Detro11. Jan 15 -Milwaukee: Jan 16 -at Boston. Jan 18 -Dallas. Jan. 19 -at Golden State. Jan 22 -('hppers. Jan 25 -Ph1ladelph1a: Jan 26 -at Utah Jan. 29 -at Ponland. Jan 30 -Houston Feb. 1 -Ne"' ) ork Feb 2 -at Clippers Feb. 3 -Indiana. Feb 5 -at Houston. Feb 12 -Clippers Feb. 15 --\tlant.a. Feb. I"' - Boston. Feb 19 -at Chicago. Feb 21 -at Kansas Cll). Feb 22 -at Indiana. Feb 24 -at New York. Feb 26 -Hou~ton. Feb. 28 -at Phoenll1. March 2 -at Dallas March 6 -Goldc.-n State; March 9 -Cleveland. March 12 -Utah . March 13-Utah at Las Vegas. March 15-San Antonio. March 16 -at Cl1ppe~. March 19- at Phoenix. March 22 -at Houston. March ~4 -Detroit. March 26 -at Ponland. March ~7 -at Seattle. March 29 -Dallas. "vfarch 31 - Phoenix Apnl 2 -at Den,er· A.pnl 3 -at ~n Antomo. A.pnl S -lo..Ansas C1t). A.pnl 7 - Ponland. Apnl Q -t:Xn .. er .\pnl 11 -.u Golden State. A.pnl I:! -~aule .\pnl 14 -at Scaule , Buo Tucu:1 •ThercasooStu ahaodoanot look out of place doi na basketball intcrVic\\lllS that he 1s nandio&on bu. sandwich. youn,J11rt. omaqumldcdau Ru bo4tj'~ytt~Jnti!'ll• ,..,th 11 fort ~•o )'CaB ••• Be>)' otorse 1oo&.sandmovesbu1 KiQP\ dehscmu. •It is the Olympic Games which touched oft' all those penits in lo$ Aoadct . not thcatrivaloft.heS.n Dieao Clipper$. •lt inlm05t timeto playa IOllJfor the Dodsers ... the fuMral march. •Qutck ..• Name ooe retail ptaoc of busi in Soulbnn Cahfomaa lhat "not scllin& Olympic cape. SPORTS CO LUMNIST west do not understand baseball but they contradict that by sayinaaway from the games •Ol)'tnpic team handbaU will be hdd at Cal Staie Fullerton and there are police sharpshooter1 on the roof oftbe Rams' ttaJnanacamplockcr room. •Asporugcn1usaucuywbocan c•plain thuoorinsofOlympk ftooe,. ma. • ~Hollywood Pa.rt mcc1inJ may have been down m numbcn for thesummermeetinajustCODCludtd, but the track &Ot rid or more mctthandde than t.hc la.rsest sh~ p1naeen1erin fnalewood. •Nowt.bat Mike McGee oft.he •The LA Express sa)'sdefens1ve coordinator Ray Malavas1 resigned and he says he was fired The significant thmg 1s figunngout the difference U ruvers1t) of Cincinnati is the new atblcucdirectorat use. will the department be loaded with bumphns from Ohio? •The 187'12 hounofOl)mp1c ielevision scheduled by the ABC network rrusy be just about enouaJt. •It 1s not d1flicuJ1 to bcheve the Seattle runntoa back Zachary Db.on (31) breab through the Tampa Bay defenme for • ~ ............ a four-yard touchdown run ID the INICOlld quarter of Ball of Fame Game Saturday. McKay on Bucs: 'Disgusting' Seah awk s pin emba rrassing 38-0 setback on Tampa Bay C. ..\NTO!'i. Oh1o(AP1-(. oach John Mc~' had one \\Ord for has Tampa Ba) Buccaneers· pertonnan~ ~lurda\. .. Dlsgusling ·· The Buccaneers pte.l..cd up \\here the;. left off last year h) dropping a 38-0 dec1s1on 10 the Seattle Seahawks in the tirc;t Nallonal Football League exh1b1l1on game of 1984 Dave Kneg htt Byron Walker w11h a 16-yard louchdo"' n pass and Seallk Seahawks. last year's surpnse team of the NFL turned four Tampa Ba) tumo ... ers 1nlo quick touchdowns to run up tht' largest '1cto~ margin in the ht!>ll>r;. oflhe Hall of Fame game ''I'm cenainl) d1sappinted in losing. "-obo<h who"s ever pla)ed thts game wants to lose. regardless of the '>ltua11on." McKay said Sea111e·s '1ctol") in the t\ p1calh slopp) game before 2:!.250 fans at Fawcett tad1um and improved the ..\mcncan Football C'onference·s record tn the 14-year-old <\Ft-NFC" senes to 6-7-1 . ··we had opponun1t1es from our 40 and closer on 1n." Kneg said. ··we had to go onl)' 60 :rards or less for touchdowns.·· "This doesn't mean a whole 101." said Seattle Coach Chuck Knox. "\\.e're not as good as we looked and the) 're cenamly not as bad as the) looked. A.fter all. everybod~ pla>ed. We had 69 gu}s tn dunng the first lhrcc quaners. Kneg.. expected to stan at quanerback for Seattle this season after taking the Scahawks to the AFC cham- p1onsh1p game m 1983 completed five of six passes for 76 yards m the first quaner. including a 24-yarder 10 Charlie Young that set up the slant-in touchdown pass to Walker. The drive followed No I draft pack Terry Taylor's 1ntercept1on of a Jack Thompson pass near midfield Jam Zorn. who lost his Job to Kneg last year. then took the Scahawks to a palT of second~uartcr touchdowns. one on Zachar) Dnon's 5-)ard run after John Hams returned an intercepuon 43 )ards to 1he Tampa Ba)' 15 and the other on Enc Lane"s 1-... ard run Nonn Johnson booted a 33-yard field goal to Wldcn ~attic's lead to 31-0 mtdw.a, through the thud penod. and Sherman Cocroft poun~d on a fumble b)' Tampa Ba) 's Gene Branton at the Bucs' 24 10 set up a I -yard TD run by rookie Bnan Gutierrcz to make It 38-0 early in the fourth penod. 'Overlooked' foursome inducted in football hall Part-time ~ role facing Roseagaim CANTON. Ohio (AP) -Charle) Taylor. Mike McConnack. Willie Brown and Amie Weinmeaster. de- scnbed as "people from the trenches·· occasionally overlooked dunng their careers, were inducted Saturday into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. During the ceremony. the four received a congratulatory phone call from President Reagan. who was" flyana to Los Angeles for the opening of the Olympics. "I know all the Redskins rooters back home att proud of you." Reagan told Taylor, who was Washington's No. I draft pack. in 1964. and he called the other inductees "the if'Clllest." butter football pla)ers lhan )OU usuall) hear about." Brown spoke as the pre!lenter for McCormack. an offensive tackle whom Brown coached an Cleveland. McCormack had a double interest in Saturday's events. Bes1d<'s entering the Hall. he later watched the Scattk Seahawks -whom he serves as president -take on the Tampa Ba) Buccaneers in the Nauonal Football League's first pre~ason game of th<' )Car. credit for his success "I feel fortunate to h3H' pla\C:d with "hat I consider to be l\\O outstanding fullbacks." \1c( ormad.. said. Ta}lor. a rere1,er. caught Ml} passes dunng has 13 )ears in the NFL "I'm sort of in awe about walking through those doors behind me:· the 42-year-old Ta) lor said on the front steps of the Hall after being pre!.Cnted b) long-lime fnend Tom Skinner "That as the top ·· W1llte Bro\\n, a defens1H' bacl.. 1nduttce~ cho~n 1n has tirst 'ear ol d1g1bihl\ Hrcrn.n ~_\ wa~ pre11ented for 1nduc11on b' Raiders owner o\I Da' 1s. "'ho praised has formidable: ach1e,e- mcnt!I. including q rnrecr intt'r· 1.ep11on'> and at least onC' inteneptton in I ti consecutn e ~ac;ono;. both leagu" reC"ords ··tt., amazing that when I "as deahntt wuh him on 1.ontral't~ th1!> m•,cr 1.ame up ·· 1.1u1ppcd Bro...,n now an ass1\tant \Oa1.·h w.11h the Raider\ Hew as ~kl tl'd to the Hall of Fame folio" mg a re' 1<'w b' a special old11me,-.; comm111ec \\ <'tnmcmcr fl I no" a Teamsters L'n1on ollic1al \\as p~ntcd h~ Washmgton Lt (,o, John Cherbe-rg. who coached him at the l niver5Jt\ of Washmgton "To be n-c°'n1zed at this stage ol m' hfe -\OU 1.annot behe\e how much 'iv.TC'tt'T 11 '' .. Wnnmt'1strr said Their induction increased the 1 ,number of players in the Hall to 12 3. Paul Brown. the former Oeveland Browns coach, called the four "people ftom the trenches." and said: "This p-oup 1s a little more bread-and- McConnack. 54. began his pro career with the Ne'W York Yanks 1n 1951. then was in the Army when he was included 1n a 15-player trade engrnee~d by Brown at Cleveland an 1953. The 6-4, 250-pound McCormack became one of the key blockers for Browns fullbacks Marion Motley and Jam Brown. and he IJVCS them much JOtned the cxn .. er Broncos in 196' 3~ a free agent after being cut b)' Houston, and b} 1964 he was an all· Amencan Football League performer at comerback Traded to the Oal..tand Raiders m 196 7. h~ turned an 12 mor<' superb seasom before reunng 1n 1978. \\ emme1ster a dclen'>IH' lineman. pla)ed \\1th the New \ ork Yankees in the 1\11-.\mencan Football C'on- fer<'nce for t\\O years and was all-NFL dunng has four )cars wtth the Ne"' York Giants. endin11n 1953 Ounntt hi' phone call Reagan was introduced to the aud1enct> h) "1 Fl Commissioner Petr Ro1elle The president's rtmar~s were broadcac;t o'er a publt' address syc;icm 'Tm som I can't be there in person.·· Rearn sal.!.J"'Thank \OU '<'l') much won't horn an an\ longer·· Algazi wins · tennis title ' . ' ' CLEVELAND Jessa ca Alpzi1• ~ product of Corona ~el Mar t1•"1 culT'entJy attendtn& UCLA. teamed with Univermy ofTcxu frahman Diane Dopson to wtn the National Amateur Hardcoun Double• Cham pion1hips bete Saturday. It wu the first national title for each player. The pair won the cham- pionship without Jos1ns a set the entire tournament. It waa the f\rst time the two had bttn paired tn compcm1on He was the onl) one of the four Baseball old-tlmers: 'A sense of security' INDlANAPOLIS (AP) -Baseball's old- timcrs' summer all-star ~ncs "ofTen a sense of sccunty in a world thal°s a httle bit Jittery now,'' says Hall of fame P'tcher Bob Feller. Feller was the second of su Amcncan Lcaaue pitchen Friday niaht as the Nat1onah outSluqed the Americans. I l-12. as the ~ne stqed tts windup m the new Hoosier Dome. Hank Aaron. major lcaauc baseball's all- ti me home run k1na, belted one homer and dro"t tn four runs for the winners. Aaron and Wtllie Mays had RBl htts 10 the S«Ond inn1n1 otT Feller. who called the popu· lanty of the Orand Old Ltaauc a tnbute to thc spon'' t1mclt'nntt'i .. It makes them (the fano "'membtr day' when ttungs w~re more ~ample:· ~td Feller "Ba~ball was the onl) pme an town thC'n and you could relate to the pcMnahuc The two teams mcluded nine Hall of Fa men and many of the 'pon· other veat pla)'ers trom the past JO )ears Tht two ~uads t'Omb1ned for 41 base hits. 1nclud1na two home runs •P•~'t b) Ton) Oh'• and La"' Oobv for the ,\mcncan LtafuC. and homer\ b) 4-aron and MaH tor the Nauonal\ "Thest a&m<':'t •rr a lot of fun . \\ e Stl to 'i('(' evcn.-bod), tra,cl and 'i('(' our fnend\ ·· said Feller • h'' bttn a 'UCC't\\ tn mo\l of the call<'' "Wh) the~pmr\art" \O popular. at\ lake tht ~naon tn golf. The~ build UJ'l a folio" 1ni Bascl)all a& pen of our cullure " Othen pl•Y•nJ for the Nauonal Lcquc 1 ncluded Don Kc •nacr a.nd Billy W1lbam~ each 'A 1th thrtt doubles; Ernie Ban Smoke\ Bu~ Rand) Hundley, Monte Irvin. Don Newoombc. Milt Papp& 1. Enos lauabttt. Bobb~ Thomson and Mal'\· Thro~ Other American Ltaauc p\a)-crs 1ncludC'd Jo~ Cardenal. Minnie Mtnoao. Brooks Rob-'"'°"· Earl Batte) Mooec kowron. Bobb} R1chard~n Jimm~ Plenall Don t.arwn \\>hit~ Ford. Bill) Ptel'l"C Hoyt Wilhelm and E.arh \\ ~ nn Hall off amt'1' Joe OtMauio WI\ the lint N'<' coach for the -'mencan<.. Mort than t&.000 fans .,atch<'d th( game - Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 29, 19M FoR THf REcoRo ~ . . .. " MA.JOit LIAGU• STANDINGS ~.....,. WHT OIV!WN MlnnttOll ......,. C"lcMO lt•nsa• Cllv 0.kl•l'IO ,..,, .. TelUI~ W L SI 4' SI SO 41 SJ • S4 .. S4 " S4 Q 60 I AST DIVISIOH OelrOil foronio lelllmore lo•lon New Von. Mllwluk" Ctntlend .. 31 S1 4A S4 46 SJ 47 4 Sl 41 S4 0 S4 S.turdltY'• ~ MIMellOll 6. ,.,_. I N-York l , Chleeoo. 1 8o•ton l, Oetroll 7 Cltvet.end 4 Ballimote :1 T •.Hl s. T O<onto 4 MllwlullM l Kan\11 C r.,. } s .. 111a 1. 0 111.1et1e1 1 Ttdlv't Qeme• ,.ct, 510 sos .,~ •71 462 4'2 •11 Vl ) . 4 ~ ' f I 17 I) ' 1~ • '° 7l H .,,..., 1W11t 11 11 •t Min"'""'• (Bulchtr I •> TeaH <Derwin •·~I el Toronto ·~•·.O II •> Bollon C8ovel S·11 11 O.t•ool Wol<O• 10 •> Cleveland tComer 1 •1 o• Bari.rno•t t&odctlcker 11·11 Kan"' Cll" IWlil\ I I et M11wev .. ,.e (HH• 4·7) New Yor._ r&ntrorn Z 01 11 (n,ce9<r (11!1.11\ntiter 7 1l Otklel'ICI 1McC.11v , 1 a• ........ lMoo<• 4 ,, Meftdltv't Gem11 .,,..., et 0.klenel, tn) KAIMlt Cltv er T0<onto Int TtlUIJ e l a.111more fnl MltwtwltM al New Yoo n) Bollon et ChiallO. tn1 s..111a et Minnftota. In• N•lleNll LMtut WIEST DIVISION W L "" oi.o 40 o Al\Mta SJ !iO ~ SI~ Hou•lon 49 SS Clt1Clnne t1 4J 60 $en Fr1ncitco .0 60 .._ YOl'k Chieffo PhlleOelonle Monlr .. 1 ~I LOUI\ Pltt$but01'1 EA.ST DfVIMOH St JI S7 '3 ~ '6 !iO so 49 ~ 4A S9 kturdaV'\ Scertt ~I 1 Concot1nat1 0 ChlCll90 11 N-York 4 St LO\Jll S Pllhburgh t Alle1111 4. !>e11 Franc .. co l Montr .. 1 4, Phlleoell>hie I H0<;\ton l 0, San 014190 1·1 TtdlY'\ <;- Pct Sii S 1S 490 41 I 411 .00 ~ 510 S40 500 40 411 co• 1'') 10 17 11'' 19 6 I 10 • 17 .. Clnc1nn1t1 !>oto 11 3 • "' o.d9er1 fHerUllaer 6 0 Chlcaoo 1Trou1 9·S ano SenellrM>n S 71 el .li•w Yor._ ITlf'rell I 1 and Berenv• 1· HW. 2 MonlrHl IC.u~<CkMHI 6 1 et Phuao .. onia IKOOV'\ln 11 71 St LOul\ 1M01ton S J "' P1ll\Ourgt, IC1ndel1r1a 9 61 Hou"on •LaCon S 11 ar ~n O•eoo fLoller 1 91 Atlanta IP•r.:1 9 •• er ~an Franci\<O ICelvttf'f 0 OJ Mende¥'' co.,,,., Oedeer1 a• Sen D•t90 rot Pt\1i.04tlph11 91 (IHClgO n Montreal •' p.11,ouron n New Yofk &I !>1 Loul\ n Atlen1a at Hou\lon ~ AMERICAN LEAGUE Twlni 6, A"9tll 1 CALIFOlllHIA MINNESOTA Pet11s ct !.conor\ It. MCB•on rl OtCno )ti Ow~no or Btnoour I Gritn 71> Boone < XhOlrlel u Totll\ ao r II bl •OOO Pur"t'''1 ) 0 1 I H••rt••• ,, J o o O e:"o' ' O O O ,.,t.f'• a •0, h °' I I 0 • , 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 b JV> rl' • J 4 4 0 0 0 • ;t• 7t. I 0 0 I I I 0 b•fln\•, 1t J 0 I 0 7 o o o r,.~11 Jo l o 1 I ) 0 0 0 J 'nf>r·f:I \\ 4 0 0 0 1t 1 3 I Tolal\ lO 6 10 S Sc«• ov •-Caldornll 000 000 o 10-1 Mlnntlo!• 000 140 1011-' Gamt W1nn1no ABI Ga''" ''' E-OtC•ncH OP < •l•lornra LOB-< al•lorn.e < M1MtV>lll I 78 <.011 )B-Get" Hetcn~' ><R B· '' I S.-Eng•t 1P H A EA 1111 SO Calt+omla Staton L l S 6 9 b 6 6 0 f(eulmen 1 O o O i Mlfwwlot• v101e w 11 9 S•a•or O•'"PleO to 1 ba1'"'' ,. '"• /Ir WP-Voo•• Slalon I 11q A )4 1>11 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodeen I, Red\ 0 ClHCIHHA Tl LOS ANGELES lll<lul <I O.•••· 20 Ceo.no to Perker rt Wallo.er 11 Powtr ~ Owcr in• p tr rcn<• )0 Fo1ev \\ C.utelen r Hume1> APe'"' 10 T91al\ ab r h bl 10 r II DI ' 0 1 0 Af\04>V U 3 I 1 0 ' 0 0 0 AtTlllJl"g ,, , 0 0 0 • O O O MtOnoo rt 1 O O O 7 O 0 0 S•1.1t>O\ lb 4 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 Met '"'I I l 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 A Reni<J\ t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l erw:I,. cf } 0 I 0 ) 0 0 0 Sc>OU oe< J 0 I 0 l 0 0 0 Bailor 71> 'J 0 1 0 1 O 0 0 Rtver11 JD J 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 Wtl< n o 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1' 0 l 0 Tetlh Scwt 17\1 ,_,,,.,.. 2J I 1 Clnelnnell 000 000 000 0 Lot Aneelt\ 000 0010 O• I Gemt Wrnnong RBI Menneu 171 E -0.\lf'• OP ( lnnnnah LOB -(inc onnet lo\ Anoetet 7B-8• CV A n()f>r\O" A•v,.ra S-A,.,.,f'1un9 \F-M.,\t811 IP H RIA BB SO Cln<IMI II Humt l 1 II t, ~ I 0 I 0 Pow"' I 0 0 0 Owr-~'""t-0 0 0 0 Lot A""'8\ N~'C"'"" I 9 7 0 0 I T 11\ A 4\ 100 MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS Amerl~n LH9Ut ITht...,tfl FrldlV'' G•mt11 BA l T•!>4(, 1l0 •0 ba•\ IY•nht•CI '••w fr11• "' Mell•nolv Na,. Yoo ))I Hr1)411o M1nn•lOle 1?6 r •mon Detroit 11• R•o•en B•ll•moro )fl llUN!> f v8n\ BO\IOtr 19 1t11nOtr\on Oa•tenel 14 Bu•ll!r (lf'vf'lan() •9 MoHb• foronto 61 R·ol.t•n 8alhmorp rM RBI I' n,ima~ Oa•lano 11 Murr•• eammwt IO lt>ct 9o\lon 79 Oa v•t S.ettte 11 Arm" 8o"on IZ HITS Garcia futf>r\tn IH ~1pi.en 8etr1mort 17~ M1t11ng1., Ne.., .,,,,. 17) E•••er Botton 119 G•ntn4'• Molwau._ .. 111 OO•J&L ES Perr''" ff',., 1t C.err1a TQ<'onto 76 Cowen\ S.e ui. 1S Lt mon Oelroll 7S M1t11nv1v New V01~ 1S T"PlfS Mc>Ml>v Toronto 11 Cothn\ Toronto II Uotnew. Toronto • Owen Steffie I C.lb\on Oetro•I 4 Law Cn•UllO 6 R1~..-8elflmor• • HOMF •uNS K111om1n O.•••nO 1t 4•mH 80\IO'I ?7 K 111.. (hlCaOQ )) Tr\Ol'nton Cte••••nel 72 Murrev. lettr more. 71 P11rri•h Oetroll, 11. Muronv Oa111ane1 11 STOLEN &ASES H.encM-rton. Oaki.tlcl 47 ,...,.., .,....... •1 l#eroe. To<omo JI 11.illef. C,..,eieno >O Coll•ll\ Toronto 76 PITCHIHC. ff MCl\IC>"'I I •et. Toronto I t 2 J OS. ""°"" A""81\, 7 J. 1 H1 Petrv Detroit, 14 4, l M Ro11M• ()et roll I 2 ) oe \lilt>, forO<llO 11 • , )f STAll<EOUH W"', Allelh. 1•1 !'IQWh , .. ~. 112, ~1..0 TO<"t>nlo 11i l e,,cntl>'I S.etlle, 11 I, Niekro N•w VOf• 109 \AVE'S Qurwnoer•v ~ ""~' C tv 11 F •ttOe<\, Mlfwt•l~M. 1l ( •uC11ll Oe• tenet ,, 1 ... rn1noe1 0.trMI 10 C>evl\ Mo,,... '°'' " N•'*'91 LMtu• tl'llr .... '"-"¥"' ~I 8A TT INC. 12l0 el l>eh I ""'""" ~" OllOO. *· \enobtto Cho90 uo. Dernier (hkloo m Cru1, HOUllOfl )ll Wttnit\9IOll At11r11t ) U •uHi ~g. Chl<l9Q, 10 Wift•n• Serl Olt90 .. o ~""* Pft1~·• ,, 0.rt..,., (h!C-... Mllf!lflV Alie,,11 6~ ... ,.,,.,. Montr••t ,,, khmldl ,.,......,... ... De vi. C no< •Vo, 61 HerNtMll, N-. Yon 60 HIU' Gwynn. ~,, Dlt90. I ... ~ •• CNUl90, lU krnue!. PN!ede<llflla 1)0, Cr111 ~IOI\, 121. Wvnne. Ptll~tfl. 120 oouaL.as Hu1>0er•, Attente. n. ,..,,,. n . Montrut, ?l Semu.t, 1•111ledelPlll•. 13, Certer, MollltMI, tt, klldlMrt, ChlcallO. n f"IPLES 1endbe<9 ChitffO. I~ ~ Pfl<i.deloll•a, 14, Cru1, Houtlon. I (;wvM, ~n Dle9o I ltev11olcb HoullOll, 7, McG", St Louil, f HOME RUNS Mu<onv. Allent1, 2?, Schmto1, Pn1i.o.<Pfl•• 21. c.,,., Montrtet 20 MenlML ~. 111 Strewo.rrv, New Yon. 1' STO\.EN IASE5 !>em~. ~11.0.lofl .. , 4', WIHil'll, S.n DiffO. d, lt.Oui, Ctnclt1• 11e11. J~. O.-t11ef. Chtc100. 34, lt1ll\ft, Mol'llrH I, :)3 PITCHING (t O.Cltiontl ~OKO. Ne"' 'l'ot~ I 7 11,), ~to, C1nc1nna11. 11•1, l .O, \1004ero ChlCeoo. 1·1. 7 4J. o.runo, New York, 10 ) )24, LH Monlt••'· ... ~ l 61 STltlKEOOTS GOGOefl fffw York, 1'1 VMeft.111911. o.cie.n, 1511 lhen. HouttOll. 119, $oto. c1nc1n11at1, 114, Carlton PnlleOel· Phil. Ill SAVES '51111... SI LoYlt 14 HOii.l\O PtlHede!Pf\le, 72. Sm1lh, CIVUlllO. ti ~· oaco New v011<, n . C.O•ttM Sen O·eoo II Otympk recorch AaCH£RY Men ' Double F fT A -Derr •I• Pe" I Untt.o Statlhl 1976 1 S11 001nh Women·i DovOlt Ft TA -Luann lhon IUl'llltil ~1111\J 1971> 1 499 CYCLING I 000 meter trme trial -Lotan rnom' IEHI Germenvl 1990 l 019SS •.000 me11r lnellvlelual PU(\Ull RoOtrt 0111 8unOI ($w1t1er1ane11 19'0 • 34 92 4 000 mtlttf' Ila"' °"""'' -USSR IHO 4 14 ... SHOOTING Small bore rifle (l PO•I -Vlklo VlaMlv (USSR ) 19'0, 1.17l POinl\ Smell ~• rttte loronel -Ho Jun LI tKorH) 1972 Kart·Heinr Smlft.1 ... IW*SI Gtf'mlRY) 1976 KarOlv Varv• (Hungervl tnel H .. rfrltel Hetfort tEHt Germtny) 19'0 S9f FrH Pl\IOI -A,....lel\df Melt111ev IU55Rl 1980. Sil ~•P<CI llre olllOl G.,mal'lv) 1974 ~7 Norl>lfl Klear t E .,, Runn1nv geme -ThomH Pten ... IEH1 c;.,.manvl enel Igor SokOIOv <USSR I 19'0 Sit Treo -AnfflO S<.elront (ltely) 1971, 199 SkHt Evl>fl'lv Petrov IUSSRI Romeno G1ra9n1m1 (llefv) end IConreO wirnnoer Wfll Garmanvl 1'•1 Jotef Panac... !Crecno.ioveale) ano Erie ~wrnkel\ tHollel'ICll 1916, L\ICieno Groven· ne111 111e1v 1 1'IO 191 SWIMMING Men (Event\ In mettn I 100 ''" -Jam .. Montoomerv IU s 1 1916, ., 99 200 lrM\IVle I USSR I 19'0 1 4' II 400 ''" -V1.01mir Salnrkov USSR! 19t0 HI JI ISOO lrff -V11orm1r Sernokov !USSR t t9IO. 14 se 11 .00 frt!f' rtlev ) 76 ., IOO ""' retav 1132i United Stetes 1971. "" tOO oru•• -Jonn Hencken cu SI 1976 I 03 I 100 DrPl\I -Oev1C1 W1t._1t IUnrteel ~ ongOOm1 lt76 1 IS 1l 100 llv -Marlo. '>0111 IU SI 1971 ~ 11 700 lly Moc het• Bruner c U '> 1976 I S91J 100 O.C• SH9 ;>oo bat• I S9 19 700 m.Olev Jonn Net>ar us JOhn Net>er 1 u S J Gunnar s ... .oen1 1972 1 01 11 197• 1976 400 meolev Ale<l\lnel• Sl(l()(tn•o JSSR I 19'0 • n 19 400 mael~v reta• l ., n w- 100 '""' -8.,!Mlre Kre u\P IE.ut Germanv1 1980 ~ 19 100 lrH -Barbara lo' rau\P IE n r Garmenvl 1980 t SI 13 400 tr" -'""' Ortr\ IE.st Germenvl 1980, 409 76 IOO lrH -M1cllellll Fores IA1.1\lr&l•al '"° • ,. 90 .00 lrff reth Ent G.,.manv 19'0. )4171 100 °''"' -Utt C.t•efl•Qlr IEH I G.,menv1 1990 11011 100 breHI -Line I' echu\hlte IUS!>R I 1990. , ,, ~ 100 ttv -Kotr>tl•• Encltr •Ent Ger manvJ 1916 10013 200 ttv -Int\ Ge1n1tr En• C.t<me nv) t9tOZI044 100 !Mic• -Rica Re1n\icl\ !Eu• C:.er ma nv> 1980 I 0016 200 IMICk -Rice Rern\lch 1Eut Gpr mel\vl 19'0 1 11 71 100 mtdltv Shene GoulO Au•''• • r•n , n C11 400 meillev P•"• Schne·o•r 1fo\1 C.•rma nv1 19'0 'l4 79 400 meoltv rerav E•'' Germ•"• 1980 • 06 41 TitACK AHO l'IELD MMI (IE vents WI m.i.n I 100 Jrm Hine\ IU SI 1968 9 Y~ 200 Tommi• Sm1111 tU SI 191>8 tUl 400 Let Evan\ •U'>I 1968 016 toO -Alberto Ju1nl0<tno ICuDI 19'16 I 0 SO l!rOO -IC1PChOQe II' ••no "•nvel ''61 I 14 91 SOOO 8rene1an f Olltr t Unitt<l tt1ng oom1 1976 1)10)4 10000 -L eu~ """"' I' '"'•~a 1911 71 ll lS MaratF\Of' Na•df'rmer c ... t' et•n\• 1 1 f u t Germenv1 1916. 1 ~SS 'JOI< ..,.,I Mev••l•O O..rr.1l1t•1<> lt91y lMO I 2l 3" SOI< w•lk Hert..,og C:.e uel,., E "'' G•rma nv 1 1990 l 49 ?4 110 "urOIH Qoo Mo•Ovrn U _ 1911 11• £ ""' n MOU'\ llJ \ \ Say Cheese! Sunder Nix of Chicago •naps a .iroup portrait of of ht. U.S. teammate. [n the unreatrtcted area of the USC Olympic Village Saturday. The track and field eventa partlclpanta for the U.8. •teaed a photo 11eMlon tbat enabled e•en l our- l•ta to take photoe of lndl'ridaal ath- lete.. J000 \IMl>IK,,.~ Anoera Gara.rue I Sweden) 1974 I <JI 02 400 relav -United Stele. 196' enel 1•12 Je 19 1600 re11v Uniteo ~'"" t961 1 S6 14 HJ -Getel WH\ig IEl\I Germenvl 1990 7 30 me•••• PV -WlaOv\law Ko11i.rewou PC>lenel) 19'0 s ,. LJ -800 BHr'l\On IU S) 196'. 9 90 T J -ViO.tor Sanevev IUSSRJ 196', 11 )9 SP -Vt1e11mir ""elv.-. IUS$RI 191() 11 JS OT -Mite Wilkin\ US I 1976 6' 1t HT -Yu<1v S.Ovlf." IUSSRI 19'0 at 90 JT -Mt~lo• Nerrnttn IHungarvJ 197• 9t SI 0.c:etnlOn -Bruct Jen,..r IU S 1 191• I 6 )I 001nl\ w--100 -Ann419ret R•cnter IWt•t Ger manvJ 1976 1101 200 -Baroe1 WoCkel IE ot Gf'rmenv J 19tO. n03 400 -Marl•• 1t0<n f.•" Gtrma•w1 1tt0. ". too -Na<>erele Qlozert ni.o USSRI 191() 1SJ 43 1SOO -Tarvana 1Ce1en•rna IUSSR1 1911) 3 S6 S4 3000 -Not Mare•non 100 "urCllH P•tvoou\iv hflO NOi or•viou\lv htlO Vere i<omo\\Ova !USSR) 19'0 11 S4 400 nurO~\ -No• prevrou•• .. l'>elel 400 rtlev -Ees1 Gtrmanv 1990 41 60 1600 rtln EH• Gtrmenv 1976 ) 19 2J HJ -~era ~~o 1111vt 1990 t 97 ""•'•'' / . L J -T a•vene ~ o•oe~ove tUSS~> 19'0 '06 SP Ilona SluP••n•• f. HI Germanv 1 1990 n 41 OT -Evthr Jen• 1E1\f C.ermanvr 1980 69 96 JT -Mliria c Olon C 111>1 I ltlO 6' 40 Hto•a•nior -No• pr'""°"''" lltlO WEIGHTLIFTING ~2 • 9 ~ an11••• O•monoro•• 0USSR1 Hu Bon11 Cno• 0'01ee1 Hen G\'on9 St • oreaJ ano 8•1• Olat> , H11no1rv) 19'0 7•S 0 •v IOla l #f•V"'I ~ •g Oen·t l N"r"/ 'Cul>e t 1980 71S 0 oO ~g -Voktor Maun fUSSRJ 1980 790 0 61 S •g -v .. n11.o Ru .. .,, «Bulgariai 19'0 )415 JS •9 -A\t" z,a•t• 8J•gar.e 19'0 }60 0 91 s • 11 1'90. •OO O 90 •g )11S Oev1C1 R10trl IUSSR I 1976 100 •g Or• ZartmDI !CtKl10\IO •a•·• 1980 l9S O 110 11.9 -LMnoo Tarenani.o IUSSRI 1990 •n s 110 l>IU\ •11 Va\lllV Alei•v•v I USSR, 1976 anel Sutten Rachmanov IUSSlll 1980 uoo Mtln'' toUrNm«11 CefWI~ ~t~IS"'4tt• Anore\ C.omtJ I Et Jeelor t Cltf Mf'I Purttll tU !> J. 7·6. 6 •. Guillermo Vllu I Argentl•4') def P11010 Arr an 1Peru1. 6 1 f 4 Aaron f( r1c k\lt 1n I U ~ I Cit• 01.00 p.,.., fUr11QU8V 1 6 I> I Tllotrrv TulHnf' (F'ranctl oet Oen C.o•Clop IUSJ S·1 6 i • i Women'i tourn•m.nt (al Svclnev. AU\!Ullel s~' """' C"•' Evert L O•CI US oet Perr \P,r ••r IU ':;, I S ~ 7 ILIOvll ...,,,,, l 7S 000 \nr vtr W•n\ UO 000 I Los Mamltos SATUltDAY'S alSULTS t 7 71t1 ef '1 • "'9flt 4111811erMr'M ~I '"'ST aACIE. lSO vare11 Be Surt Tonv IE Gerc111 It 00 110 S 00 Nellve (M !CrH'""I • 10 310 El Bar Rero 18arell HO Al\O raceo Jtllen Man. Ha Oer BOOfl 8oot1t Mvrt' Pot Of Goto Jo Ann' Prioe Smoto.lno J~\ The Wn To Go Tomt 1117 '1 EXACTA i.·11 oara S9'.l .0 SECOND lllACE 3SO vero• Jemn Jen !Mllthelll n 90 10 20 610 McStrlo.< IPllllentonl 6 60 4 10 HC>lel T,,. GC>l<I IEOwerO•I UO AIM! •eceo Revel Tu. 1(1otv• MacOeclf. E~n D1\n HrOO.n Cnarga Fe t>olOu• F01tunt Moaev So1. Go HOime\ Jtt Tlmt 19 6() THlttO •ACE 170 varel\ Euv Au 1P11i.enton1 Z060 920 SOO Tl>t R•nv Leacs.r t H Gerc111 610 410 xrem nQ Joe 1Pe u11ne1 l 60 Al•o receel Arthot Ann Cnrck• GreelHf. Chicago E•oreu CeuH tm F••r. Retelletor Tomt "6 OS FOURTH RACE )SO verel\ ~9 Laurt •H•rmon lS IO 1>70 400 Ourelron , 8erel l 60 3 70 J1mm1n 1Dt10mo11 7 .0 Al\O receo Nanlellero\ Ster. Gal•wr\11 Follow T1.1. Priu Winelv Lulu PlehlrllO. Her Turn r,me 1106 U EXACTA II SI Pl •O "OOIO FIFTH aACI 350 verO\ ProtHore ICreeger J 1 l 60 • 20 JuenH Lamo ICarCIOta t 7 60 Shell Oetlgnt IMllchell) l eo 210 SIO Al\O rateil lnel•an Sar Conn .. G" Ptunoen Gal Tlmt 1101 Wllet An EHe U EXACTA ll SJ ollel M l 10 SIXTH RACE. lSO varel• BC R K tngl'lllr (Hero • 20 J eo l 00 OcHn• Of Fun I TreHure) '20 S 10 RHt 8ol0 tFrvon> S 40 Al\O receel ln"v' El\v Jtl Wlrl Lint. G•ev Ano Eu v T<1 N Pen Im Nevada A1ure Jonn CaMI\ Hemoen' Olet Time 17 78 SEVENTH RACE. 400 verel' Silent Meg IF r11C1a• > 9 00 6 .0 3 40 T1meto\lr .... !TrtH U't ) IS.0 460 Jewel Twi\ter (Lecktvl 4 00 AIM! rec.cl Brieflv Twelve AnO Even La Plunoar, St Beret11 Time 10 24 U l!XACTA (J·6) Pliel 117190 EIGHTH RACI 400 varO\ Re!Mlga ln <Frvoevl 1160 7 IO 4 40 ICellv• Coffer ICreeMr I 11 40 I .0 Sllirlav 8 Gevle ITrtuurtl I 40 AIMl receo BenOolenlv 0 .. 1 In Cuh, Puemontu Bu11nv WlnOv Ouh Hem.,.l\Y Girl, lnellgo ttl11slon Cteuv N1•1v• Tlmt 1911 SJ IXACTA 8 61 oelel l 110t0 U ,.ICK SIX (6·1 l 6 l I > PllO l4.~ 00 ""'" ,,. winnl119 trc;kats (five hor~\I Carrvovtr OOOl 171,MM 7S NINTH •ACI. JSO varO\ Loro Lark !Cruger I S 60 CHll Fot MlleOV tMvlnl Mr Moonterk IH GarCle l HO 110 1•.0 SIO l .O lnue. Al•o rac.o (;o On Joan. Game Mount Htrltega. Crlm•on Nu9oet Tim• 11 n U IXACTA 13 61 011e1 l lSJ90 TIHTH aACI lSO verel• ~, .. , II AM CPautl,..) 140 • 40 ) 00 Btlt Mv oaoov ILacktv) l 40 7 IO F O•Y\ PrO•v I Luftll) •IO At•o raceo All\ttr Man. Reduced Coov Miio O•n<'" Bu9, Ch•ce 81ne1 Jemlt'I Ptootr Snow H•rt S••lh Dream Tome 17 " n IXACTA 1 41 oa10 S1t 40 Allene1ence 9 1" Del Mar SATVllDAV'S RISULn (49'1 .. 4J•deV "*°WIMMM """""91 ,,.ST aACI. 1 1116 mltet Preorlnl (LIPllem) 2160 10.20 6 00 S111>1ll1t0 I O.hounevel 4 40 J 60 Swl"1'' WlllO <Fernenoe11 l.40 Al.a reclel 'Scule PlteM, Tr" R-. Neuiron. NOien, N-Terrllorv. TV Ac· tlon. 8 ol0 CroH. Time 1 41 4/S HCOMO aACI. 4 lut'1on9\ Ml•ltr GtMAro tOllvar*S I f 40 HO 4 00 &old PleoClt ILotovaJ 1$10 1 40 Carrino (Pinc.vi 3 00 Al'° receo. Purlolt1, Artificer, Yukon'• Ster, Oltllt1Ctlvelv Oon. Sllvert CIO Chemp. Mlnveth, lri•h Cu t. T.OOv'• Love. Teitel Time 1 10 l lS S2 DAILY DOUell (10·1) P•IO "n 60 THllD aACI. ,.,, lurlon9• on tur1 Tar9NW (ShOemlkarl 1900 '40 UO Pelrlcle Jeme• (Mita I 12 20 S 60 Fluke (Otlehousaav1l UO AllO raced Fle'111"9 S.o.r Karvn't Lerk PtOtta ~. Orct.ntra Bright Oronen Time. 1JI U IXACTA 12·11 oalel "83 00 fOURTH aACI. 6 lurtonQl Nitro (OtlehOun•v•> S 10 l 40 ee,1 L.Ncter tMcCe rronl 3 60 Sllckelle l~kerl AllO receo Ptanoo. NOl'Olc Sotlil. Lark. SI.Ill• Thirteen. NlcllOJel Time 110 1/S "lfTH RACE. 1 1116 mltel on 11.1rl 3.00 210 3 .0 TH RHCIV for Luck IDIMvl sooo ISOO 600 Con1tne<1te1 Girt (P1nc1v1 l IO 1 IO AQll•led Mlu CC.er Cle ) 6 90 1\1'° raceo Mv Natlvt Prrncau Lve>nerel ' Prrnc"'· Memamie, Cor'81elle Rein On Mv Pareoe Time. 1 4~ U IEXACTA Cl ·S) oelel U.1 SO SIXTH RACI. 1 1 16 m1le1 "'"al~ Know\ ILOIOvtl 1' 00 s 40 3 00 8ronre Merit.ti (McCarronl l 40 1 60 EerllH I IDeiehouawvel l 70 AtM> receo Uollfllnv. Soclel wnlrl Time 14S J/S SIVIEHTH aACE. 6 lurlonll• ~utltlOlH !McC.,ron) S IO 3 80 1 IO Known Fot s1vte CC.arc111 1100 6 10 Or ... lltv CPlnc•vl 260 Alto reced Andrew •n Me, S.Culer, Llllflf Wlh, Bunker, Clentc S.Crtterv. ~no And S.e Time 1 Of J tS U EXACTA (1·91 oelO '3SIOO n ...CK SIX 12·2+1·1·71 oelel '14,409 IO with •I• wiMlrtg tlciitt1 lflve nortet) C1rrvov., ooot "'6.4Sf '4. llGHTH •ACI. 1 1116 mllel on t11rf !>Ill 5orln9 (~kif') 4 60 loo 2 40 Hol PrlncH• <McCerronl l 40 2 60 co1 .. e !Metal 310 "''° receo Kev 10 tt>e Mlnatret. Total Women, Dac.,11n1, Double Ster. Sellv Che le. Time 1 4A 4/S HIHTH aACI. 1 1 16 mlitt Plf'rv C.tlln tMcCarron) 110 3IO 300 1 40 •60 sao The B1Qtl KICI, et Ste. Selllno Bunnell (Lorov•I C111umet CP.oro11l Al'° reuo Sll1'191ngtv. H111mo10, Llbanon. Rvt Well Time I '3 '1S U l!XACTA (4 710110111600 At1enoenc• n rn D"9 ... ""''"' OAVEY'S LOCKl!a !Ntw"Owt ... dll 111 •llllle" 4 IMlrr.cU01, 144 oonllo. 11 vtllowtall. S roo 11th, 111 cellco be"· lt \and !MIU S10 mtCklf'el. 6 \1-lhttel. t \CUll>•n. 1 bltck ... !MIU HIW,.OaT LANDING t Hew~I aMdll -71 anvltf'• 70 1>on110. JI ben, 1 vt110wlell. 1 thetl>\hted, ISS me 11erel. ". WOMEN'S VAULTING ---------, OAHA WHAa" ->06 anQltrt 264 ben '14 l>On•IO IO Ve+ioWflll ) rock 11"1. 14 meca ... et • Z4 ,_,"9•0 1 Ku10lt1, 1 lr•QOtrl1\I\ I ieOPerO \llert.. I \klPllC& I WHAT TO WATCH FOR Al vaults are do,,e from a running start wttr a takeoff f ron :.,e SP"•rgbOaro I I Hands must touct'I the horse A good vautt will be ve"f nig.., o'' t.,e ia"ldS II Up ar\d conr"g vaulls 1'lCIJde n u1 t1p e ~wists ard fl ps o " ,,, 1C'5e Tiiis w..ei•s treu1 p&ants LOS AHOILES -80V<1utt (el\Von (rMk Pvre mlO Le"~ SAH 81aHAaDfNO L~ ~llvtf'wOOO IClaH -Ktfn ltlver !Borell Power "Oust to Oemo<rel Dam , KRl PowtrllOuM 'O Ll._I 1'8bttlll TUL.Aal -IFelh~ Oem to Kllll Powlfh0u"9, JOMtOndela eriooe to Fefr· ..... Demi Tule Ill...., llOUth In of me111 torkl MADI•• -~n Joecwl11 ltlv" (mlOdle 10<111 Sol<Nr Lake Sllfll-lher L.Me AL,..NI -elut ~ .. (Ul)Hf) IH'fO -le"-' Cr .... , alt l"IM Crttll. lll1hocl Cr• (tow.,. mlcldle, ~Ill end ""'"• 111. co-... c,..., o.odlle "'"· lndeMtlCMOQt C:r-., LIM StOrlM, lont l'IM Cr ..... PIM ere.. •Odl C'"" L.Me, ~ Lall•. s~ Cr•. r.-..... Cr ..... T~ Creek, TlltMt C,..._ MONO -er'°""'t 111....WVolt. auck tYf Cr ..... COl'lvlcl Cr•, Convict l..elle. Dtecltnel'I Cr•. Elllr\r Lek•, ~ .. Lelle, Olen C:r .... 0\111 Lelle. Oflfll l.Atlt Ortt11 C:r•. Hlltoft C,._, JUM lAU. L" Vlnlnt C,.., LM Vlnlflt c;,..a (IOUlll lofll). Llltlt Wlllltf L.Me, Lllllt We!Mf ltlv•. LUl'ldV l.Alkt, MlllWl'iCt L .... Mem· moth ,,...., Marv Liiie. McO.-er..-. Mill c;,...., Owen• •1vtr (ltroofl Crot.itlt ..... Wlftft~. ""'""' 0--. ... In.oft Ctttll, •Odl C,_ <flWtclllM C.,,_ 11 Tom'•·...._., Tom'a ~ ~ ,. ltocll C,.... LAio.ti, lllWI C,_, h•••U• ,, .. , ........ ~·· ~ en.. ~Ill (,..., ~ LAM1 .. 11#~ Cr.-. T1"e UJM, T""'*'9 Leal, Tw\11 ~ .,.....,.. ,...., .... ....,,, Twin ~ ~"'' W111111 Cr• <....-IN ....,,, V!Nlnlt LMll ,.....,. ...ct ..... , Wtl/Ulf • ..., (Cflrlt l'•t C«Nt• .,..,,.J .. ~ .. ,__.,, .......... , ~ ~ ,. SOMr• 111#11. O..• H•rttenl Ot*I l•t ~--· Ceftll,) P9t1r JKOOtll'I •7·tf·6>-I" Merk O' ,.,.., • 70-'7 .r-200 lfll l(r1t1erl 10·61·.,._202 °'°'" ll.lfn• 111 u n-61-206 totlllv ClemHll .. 11·•7-207 Mw'k Lve 70-.. 61-201 .>tff Mllehell 70-'9 61-207 Mllll Nl(ollllt ... 6'-n-20I Mlk• •t1c1 ,, . .,.70-209 Clll Chi RodritUll 70· .. '9-209 ltav FllYO n -10 '1-'109 G•rv ~g 10 n ·•7-'10f LlllG8 TM aroecll 47·70-n -'109 ten CrtMlll• 6S·n -n -210 Donnie MemMOl\d 70-14-U-2 10 L.,rv Helson 73· 70·'7-710 urrv a1n111r .,.n . ...-210 C\11'1" Stttnot 6'·7l·6~-llt Deni• we1'°" 4'-n-...-210 Woo<N .,.ckburn 71·n ·6t-211 llH C•"" 13·70 6t-211 Jev ,..,.. 6'·12·70-111 Merk Hev1t1 6f 11·71-211 Corey P1vl11 71·10 70-211 Clerlft« Ro~ 6t 11 71-711 Crt lil Sttelllf 70·71·7<>-211 lob EH IWOOO 11·7' 41-212 JoM Fouont 67·74·11-212 Jim Gelluhtr 71·77·4,_212 H®'l'I (;reen 10· 71 ·71-212 Joe lnmen 10 1• 6t-21Z Lerrv Ml1e 69·1• 6,_217 Garv Plever t.9-14 6t-111 Rlcha ro ZOlt.ef 10 7•·6t-211 8reo Fuon 70·70·73-713 Ptl McGow111 72·71 6,_213 Griff Mooelv 67-72 1..-113 Biii s.noer '4-74·73-113 SGott SI""''°" 13·11·61 113 Jotv Sindelar 71·70 n-213 Mick Sotl 70-11 12-713 JoMAOlmt 10-17·71-114 Jim Booto• 61·74·71-214 Merk Broou 11·73· 10-214 Jon ClleffH 61· 7 S 71-2 14 Lent1ltCltmenl1 70·74·7<>-214 Franll C~ 70 11·7)-214 Garv McC010 69·n ·7>-214 LM ltlnktr 61 16·71-214 Get1eku•" 61·73·7l-11• Lerrv Zl191tr 11·71·11-214 Andv hen 6f·13·76-71S L" Oanlellen 12·73·70-71S DeMV EdWerda 73·11·11-21S Keith Ftrou• 69· 16· 1<>-11 S Tom Jenkin• 11-n -n-21s llooer MeltDla 10-JS 70-21S 800 Sheer., 71-14 70-21S Don &IM 11-14·11-21' ltOd Curl 74·11·71-21' Jim H, .. , n -n 11-216 JocrleMuOO 11-n 1r-114 Tllomea Grav 73·71·7)-117 Mike Pkk n-n-n-111 RtllOV W1tklt1\ 74·71·72-711 Clllp 84ldl 74· 71-7)-211 Grev KrutHr n ·1l·76-211 Relclll l.Alndrum n -n ·76-711 Howro Twtllv 67·77·76-211 he-ChunQ Ctten 1)·72·76-21' •oa Nucl(Oltt 70-7S·7+-21t Merk Pf•ll 13·12·16-11' Greo Power' 69·76·76-11' Vk10< lleoaltCIO 70·7S·76-71' Tomnw Valentine 70· 74·7S-119 Curt Bvrum 12·73·7S-2'10 Fuuv Zoetltr 71·13 1s-no Frenll Fuhr., 11·13·1,_m S.ltV Klnv Vicki F ... oon Jull 11\tuter OoMeWhlle JoAnt1e Carner Avolio Okamoto Je t\ Sleol\4tnMHI Kith\' While Btth Daniel Pallv ShM111n Sherri Turner Nencv Looe1 Doi Gefmein s.nv Lime ICatl'IV WhllwO<ll\ 0 1wt1Cot Petti Rl110 Pei Breoiev Amv AlcOll Valatie $kll'lnef' Chri• JOfll'IMHI 0 11nne Dllltv Joen Jove• At1t1e·Merle P1lll 0.00reh Petrilli Holli\ SIKV JO AM Walhem S11tlt &et nlnG Jane elelocit Matti Fl9veru·Oo1t1 Patlv Htvlt\ CelhY Marino Allee Mllltr &edlvPnnon leU<lt •lnk1r 8er11 lunlr.~"v OMCIM LHfl.ltf Pet Mev.,, Vicki Alv1rt1 Caroll CllerbOlll'llef Jane GeoCIH ClndV HI• R1>1le ,,_, Kelhv Bair.tr Judv Clerk Det>blt Mel•ltf'lln Cethtrlne Pan•on Penny Putr V le.kl Sln\llelOll 71·73·67-211 71·71·6,_712 69·61· JS-712 72·71·6,_211 70·71·6,_713 69·72·1l-Zl 4 70·73·71-71• n -n-11-11s 70·14·6,_ns 72·70-7l-71S 72·11·1'2-71S 7'·73·6t-21S 7l·71·71-21S 13· 70-7)-2" 72· 14· 7<>-216 73·73·70-216 12·74·7<>-216 61·7•·7S-217 14·73·7<>-717 14·10·11-217 16·61·76-711 11·11·10-111 13 n 14-21' 10-n-12-21• 17·74-n-219 61·77·74-71' 16-11·11-11' 13 7S· 72-2'10 1l·74·1>-2'10 1S·10-1S-no 1S· 1l· 1J-2'10 14·10· 1t-2'10 1•·72·76-2'10 1S·13·12-2'10 n -1•-1-no 1S·1S 11-111 13·7S·n-n1 72·13·16--1'21 11-11-14-m 19-10-n--m 7HHt-m 7S·71·7S-m 11-1'·11-m 75-71·17-113 1S·14 76-223 '6·11-16--223 76·nJS-m 76·n-1s-m 13-n-n-m Nl'Lex~ SATUttDAY'S seottl& H .. ef '•'"' Geme (et~. OMt) Stellte 31, Ttmoe a.v O ,,..,,, o.me New York Gltnh et New Enoteno S..M'dilY'I 0.- RINM al Sen Dleoo "'_. 11 Sen F,.11chco SI Lou1t •I Chlcego Atlenle 11 MJMe'°'' Pn/l~Clflla et Ottroll Holnlon 11 Temoe eav lnellanaooll• a t Mia mi New Orle1n\ el Kt l\Mt Cltv Plllll>Vr9h at CltvelenCI Clnclnl'll ll •• N-Voo J•I• Grttn Bev 11 De net Wethlnvton •• Denv1r 8uffel0 al Stellle 1tt4 Rama acMdUle Nl·llASOH Sat .Aug 4 -If $en DllCIO 16 e> m I MOt1 AUii 13 -C .... eltf\O IP!Ome Pl'Tl l Set AUii II -Gr_, lav 11\omt C>"') Thura . Auo 23 -Sen Dleoo (hOrne. 1 pm) LIAGUI HAIOH Mon , Ste>I 3 -Ot .. l lllOmt. 6 pm I WI\ S.-t f -Clev ... nd (home. 1 o tn I Sun s.ot 14 -11 Plll~th 110 • m ) Wl'I . Seol 23 -11 Cl11elnne!I (10 a.m J Sun • S.-t. JO -New Yoo Gl111h CllOmt. 1 Pm.I Sul'I, Oct 1 -At .. n!e !home, I om I ""' • Oc1 14 -11 N-OrlMn• 110 a m.t Mon , Oc:I 12 -ti Al .. me (6 p ITI l Suft , Oct 11 -s.n Frenct.c1 1"°"'9 1 Pml Sufi .. Nov 4 -a1 St Loul• C 10 • m ) lun , Nov 11 -Chlca90 (home, I p ,,., ) '4111., Nov It -If Of<-a1v CMll w~ ... 10 a.ml SUft • Nov t5 -el T ll'hPI .. ¥ ( 10 e tn I Wl'I., OK t -New on..11, tllOmt, 1 tHYI) Sun , OK t -HOUtlon (home, I p tn ) ""'·· OK. 1' -et Jen Fr1ncltco 16 11 m) Al time\ ~T I Summerfield homes opening in Costa Mesa The grand opening of Stan-ceramic tile counter tops. m1cro- dard-Pacif lc Corp. 's Sum-wave and self-cleaning ovens, merfleld Costa Mesa community separate cooktops and 11 -cycle is being celebrated this weekend dishwashers with the introduction of three Outside the new homes are model homes at the South Coast fenced rear yards and gas Plaza area site. barbecue outlets. Accord i n g to Ste v e The sales office and new Sum- Scarborough, vice president of merfield model homes are open the d~elopment firm. the single-daily from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m and family project has been moore information may be obtained by than half sold during pre-grand phoning 95 7 -1282. opening weeks. To reach the Costa Mesa slte, Q 4 I The limlted collection of 50 take the San Diego Freeway to executive residences presented Fairview Street and drive north to at the Summerfield community Sunflower Avenue. Turn right on makes up the only new develop-Sunflower. then right again on ment of detached homes to be Smalley to Summerfield. Summerfield Coeta Mesa home community openlnC th.la weekend with a llmlt of 50 esecutiTe realdencee offerect; available in the last five years in -;:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=====================================================================================================:;, this metro-area locale. Prices range from $194,000 to $225,000 for the Summerfield homes. which include three two- story floor plans and a selection of traditlonal exteriors. The various architectural elevations are detailed with natu- ral cedar siding, textured stucco, mission clay or shaketile roofs. Buyers may choose from plans that offer from 2.190 to 2,560 square feet . with three bedrooms and den or four bedrooms and 21/2 or three full baths. Skylights. vaulted ceilings and an abundance of windows and sliding glass doors are featured. Other amenities Include formal living and dining rooms. family rooms. breakfast nooks and pri-J vate master bedrooms witR mir- rored wardrobe doors and dress- ing room/bath areas. Kitctiens offer oak cabinets. oak-trimmed luminous ceilings, Rancho San Cle1r1ente under way The Rancho San Clemente master-planned community. by WSLA Development Corp. of Costa Mesa. Includes vlrtually every type of resldentlal product. Rancho San Clemente will be the ocean hills setting for an eventual 2,931 dwellings of all housing types. Included are cot- tage type. single-family detached homes, condominiums, attached housing, ocean-view single-fam- ily detached residences. and apartments. In Phase I of the master- planned community, currently being graded. 109 acres out of 396 will comprise the residential property. Prices for homes at Rancho San Clemente are expected to range from $80,000 to $250,000 for luxury., ocean-view resi- dences. More than half of the develop- ment Is to remain open space. and construction Is expected to take approxlmatety seven years to complete. In addition to the residential developments. plans call for a 299-acre business park and eight acres of commercial f acllltles. The 299-acre business park Is designed for clean manuf ac- turlng, warehousing. research and development, offices. and business support services such as commercial ventures, travel agent•. restaurants and financial lnatltutlona. It Is designed to be compatible with the residential communities within the maater- planned project The land plan for Rancho San Clemente was a Joint effort by the architectural and planning firms of Corbln/YamafuJI & Partners. Inc., from lrvtne, and Tierra Planning end Design of San Juan Captatrano Landaeape architect Is the firm of Cloaaon and Closson of Or- ange and engineering wet ac- complished by Paomaa and As- aoclates of Co ta M . For more Information, call 979-4'555. .. -_ .. --~ - Introducing Bayridge. A new con1n1unity of condo111iniun1 home so unbeatable, 68 were reserved in only two day. during an unadvertised 'sneak preview' weekend . '" " Con1e make your selection today, while choice of plan and location i still good From $145,000 to $190,000 \ \ JJ. i \Jll'' nfh<.t' hnu1' · ___ ___,. Ill 00 am tn 6 00 pm daily (714) 75Y·X5~8 .. Airport West complex cited Airport West Business Park, a Costa Mesa complex offering office condonmlnlum ownership, earned a 1984 Gold Nugget Merit Award for builder Pulliam Properties. Inc. at the annual Pacific Coast Builders Con- ference .. Airport West has received special recognition from the pri- vate sectors as well,'' said C Norman Pulham. president of Pulham Properties and the man- aging partner of Airport West Business Park 'Our flexible financing program has allowed numerous small-to-medium sized businesses to own. and custom design their individual office space.·· According to Pulliam. Singles choose double masters at Ocean Breeze Dual master suites -a con- cept that tor years waa popular with older couples with steeping problems -has become ex- tremely popular with younger singles who find that two can live much more cheaply than one when they share ownership In a condominium. Ocean Breeze VIiias, the new townhome community In Costa Mesa. Is out to prove that point: every one of Its 34 townhomes has a dual master suite. "With the high cost of every- thing these days, a dual master suite makes a tremendous amount of good sense." states Farouk Kubba, president of Di- versified Projects Development, Inc .. the builder. "It's just a lot easier for two people wJth separ- ate incomes to put together a down payment and to qualify for a loan. Plan C la quite similar, but the llvlng room Is In front, opening onto the patio. At the back, the kitchen leads to the rear balcony. "Two singles looking at these homes will find that the two plans offer a choice In master suite arrangements," Kubba ex- plained. "In Plan C, the suites are virtually Identical with the only significant differences being that the front suite has a shower and an outside planter shetf white the rear suite has a bathtub and no planter. "In Plan A, the front suite is about the same size as In Plan C The rear suite is smaller. but It has more closet space and a very Important extra -an outside balcony tor those who really enjoy the outdoors.'' purchasers select their office shell and then supervise the build-outs to accommodate their specific requirements Spacious interior of Caaa La Paz condominium in Laguna Hille development. "And once they move In. their monthly payments are half what they would be if they bought a home alone. Those payments also will be a lot less than rent on an apartment -especially when you consider such financial ad- vantages of home ownership as income tax deductions and poss- ible appreciation." Prices at Ocean Breeze Villas begin at $108,000. Down pay- ments may be as low as nothing for veterans and five percent down for non-vets. Adjustable rate mortgages are offered with a first-year Interest rate buydown. In some cases, the builder Is able to pay all closing costs. The shells range In size from 2,000 to 6,000 square feet and are available with 12112 percent five-year loans, amortized over 30 years. Price beckons home buyers at Casa La Paz development At 290 Victoria Street. the sales office (650-5327) Is open dally except Friday. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Walker & Lee is the exclusive sales agent. Pulham urges potential buyers to meet with him to arrange a personalized purchase program "Our flexible financing encom- passes pla~ with low down payments or real estate trade- ins ... he said. "Why continue leasing. when you can atfordably own an office and realize substantial tax ben- e1its?" For a personal appointment and tour of the business com- plex. call 751-2752. The Airport West sales office is located at 245 Fischer Avenue. Suite C-2 1n Costa Mesa Prices start at $76.900 for homes at Casa La Paz in Laguna Hills. According to Wilham Ford. vice president of marketing for S & S Construction Co .. ''Many first time buyers visiting our com- munity are pleased to discover that they can afford to purchase a one or two-bedroom con- dominium 1n a prestigious south Orange County neighborhood ·' Casa la Paz ts part of Country Village, a master-planned de- velopment that includes a 5112- acre park with two tennis courts. a baseball field and picnic areeas. The community of Casa La Paz itself offers a swimming pool. spa and a private clubhouse. Amenities Included in three contemporary floor plans are ceramic tile entries. decorator- coordinated draperies, carpet- ing._ separate dining rooms and living rooms highlighted by slid- ing glass doors leading to patios and balconies. Kitchens feature dishwashers. custom hardwood cabinets. ceramic tile counter tops, lumi- nous ceilings and pantries. Also included in the purchase price are air conditioning. wash - er /dryer combination units and Beacon Hill Pointe re111ains popular in Laguna Niguel Ocean prox1m1ty views in this very desirable locale ' s1ngle-loaded streets. soph1st1-The Beacon Hill Pointe homes cated architecture and com-begin with the 1,848-square-foot petit1ve pricing combine to keep Plan One, with three bedrooms. Beacon Hill Pointe by the J M two full baths. and living and Peters Co . a popular place with family rooms separated by a new-home buyers fireplace that servces both. "We first introduced a neigh-The Plan One master bedroom borhood of 46 homes here,'' said 1s one of two Beacon Hill Pointe Tom Hover, vice president of masters with a beamed, vaulted marketing for the homebuilding ceiling. The kitchen. nook and firm "Public reaction to 1t was so formal dining rooms are found at positive that we added a second the opposite end of the home ottering of almost the same size. The Plan Two has four and 1t 1s now selling exceptionally bedrooms and 2'h baths, with a well " family room, living room and Located in the planned Laguna attached three-car garage Niguel community of Beaeon Hill. Largest of the Beacon Hill the Peters company homes are Pointe homes is the 2,760- situated high in the hills 1ust a square-foot Plan Three. with four mile or so from the Pac1f1c bedrooms. or three bedrooms shoreline They can be reached and a den, and three full baths along Club House Drive off Both the family room and the Crown Valley Parkway master bedroom have fl replaces. "The homes have the advan-and a walk-in wet bar is at the tage of the temperate. coastal perimeter of the large family breezes." Hover noted. "1ust one room. more benefit of acquiring a home __ K_1t_chens 1n the se_r_1e_s_fea_t_u_re_ LAKE ARROWHEAD Ski.Sail. PrtlL' f{nlt1tL'll l >n Rcm .unin~ L.1ke..,hun: H l>J11l"'· I Ii I l I' llt 1 I I• I ""'t'. II I rl1 I II I I • 11 I r I 1 1 •I• 111111 rl Ill'\\ I 1~ • l11t 11 • l"fl" rl1.11 \\ 11111111 ftt\l' \11 ,1,l 1 l 11 11 ••11Ii•111, •It !I t1111 \1111·111 l ••1111· 111 1111• \ " I .• H I\ ( I 1 il1 I I : 111. I ~ \( , . ~ I 11, I 1 11!' \ ii l.1 J.:I I\ I\ I, Ir•" 11 I 1 • •111 •r• 1 •II I 11 rl• I· , .. 1, ., ,,1,•,I r1d11 Ill'\! 1 I 111111111111• h ,., t•·1l1111·1l 111,,. rl11 \" 11d11 1 I I ltlr1 n I 1,IL.'.1 11 11 1111 '' 1111111111t!111111• 11i.I 11 \rr 1.!11 .hl \di 11.;1 • ' 1\\ \ 11 Ii l1dl I 1~. I fl\ d1·1.!1·· "I.iii -I lflh \ 11 •Ill• 11i.l11 11111 l111l1""'''''(1'll' \\Ir. -:.l'l'l'~1 ' Ill I llJ1I\ \\ lit I -~ 11111.! iM \~i h2'1( 11!111..:. 1111111 1 •I'' •rh, Prrll'' :"o\\ 'l.irt:'li l ilJ,\)l)l\ • 11 f a .. '' Jt. '' f a I .. convertible hoodless cooktop a bullt-m microwave oven and self- cleaning oven combination . hand-set ceramic tile counter tops and splashboards. and hand-finished oak cabinets. among others. The h omes also have thermostatically controlled cen- tral au cond1t1oning, ceramic tile or wood parquet entries, custom hand-troweled ceiling treat- ments, and rear yard wrought iron fencing on most lots. Model homes at Beacon Hill Pointe are open daily from 10 a m until 6 p m , and information may be obtained by calling 946-3750 To reach Beacon Hill Pointe, take the Crown Valley Parkway exit from the Santa Ana Freeway and drive toward the coast. Turn left onto Club House Drive. right onto Niguel Road.then left onto Beacon Hill. Turn right at Sentry Hill, and the models will be on the left. Walker, Lee volume up for 5 months The total dollar volume for resale and new-home sales for Walker & Lee Real Estate during the first five months of 1984 amounted to $522 million. rep- resenting a 29 percent increase in home sales over the same time period last year. reported Bob Und. senior vice president for the company The firm 1s one of the largest full-service real estate companies in Southern Cali- fornia The single largest increase was 1n the area of new-home sales, where the number of trans- actions was up by 45percent . while resale transactions were up 10 percent During the last year. the aver- age price of a new home sold by Walker & Lee rose 1.6 percent, from $95,300 to $96,800, and in resales the average home went for $105,600, up 4.2 percent from the $101.300 price in 1983 "The biggest surprise was how well resales have held up in spite of rising Interest rates." said Lind "In my opinion. It was primarily due to the Increased acceptance of the adjustable- rate mortgage loan. end the side avallablllty of such loans These new services augment Walker & Lee's existing network of reaale offices. a commercial brokerage division. and the sates of new home subdivisions. along with a reaearch and consulting department and escrow. In· surance. 1tnd m o rtqage subsldlerlos cultured onyx bathroom pullman tops. Dana Point Harbor and the beaches of Laguna are just a short drive from Casa La Paz. Model homes and the sales office are open 10 a.m. until dusk. For further Information, call 831-5012 To reach this master-planned community, visitors take the Santa Ana Freeway to the La Paz exit and proceed south to Oso Parkway. Turn left. then right on Aliso Niguel to the new con- dominium site. Two floor plans are available at Ocean Breeze VIiias. Both fea- ture private front patios. rear balconies, living rooms with fire- places. dining areas, and a down- stairs powder room. Plan A has a formal entry hall with stairway and a front kitchen with sliding glass doors to the patio. The dining area adjoins the kitchen and the living room spans the rear of the home. opening onto a large balcony. Upstairs are the two master suites, wash- er-dryer space. and a linen closet. To reach Ocean Breeze Villas from the freeway, take the Costa Mesa Freeway south to Its terminus, continue oceanward on Newport Boulevard to Victoria (first block past Fairview Road). turn right. and go one long block. From the beach, one can take Newport Boulevard north and turn west on Victoria. Alternate approaches are via Harbor Boulevard, turning east on Vic- toria and going 1/4 mile. Bird'• eye view of interior of Orangethorpe Village home in Fullerton. Month's rent moves you in ''The cost of one month· s rent can move you In" at Orange- thorpe Village In Fullerton -and there are no closing costs. Qualified buyers earning at least $36,000 a year can bring their rent receipt -and that's all the money they'll have to pay to own an Orangethorpe Village town home With prices ranging from $79.990 to $114,990. Orange- thorpe Village also offers a var- iety of financing programs. in- cluding 5 percnet down end 9. 75 percent with no closing costs. A 30-year fixed government bond finance program is also available to qualified and first-time buyers. Located on Orangethorpe Boulevard between Magnolia and Brookhurst, Orangethorpe Village features one-and two- stort English-style townhomes. Slate-toned wood siding with white trim and mullioned win- dows and patio doors highlight the exteriors. Buyers can choose from three floor plans offering one. two or three bedrooms, and 1112 to 2112 baths. Each home has a wood-burn- ing fireplace with brick hearth and mantel. a dining area, private balcony or patio, as well as brass hardware throughout. Addition- ally, each home has an Individual, assigned garage that Is attached In some plans. Other amenities include kitchens with custom-designed cabinets, ceramic tile counter tops, and bullt-ln appliances, including a contlnous cleaning double-oven range with hood, automatic dishwasher and dis- poser. Lush landscaping and flowers are featured throughout the com- munity. In_ addition, Orange- thorpe Village residents can take advantage of a sundeck area complete with heated swimming pool and spa. Sales complex hours are from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally. To reach the community. take the Santa Ana or Riverside Freeway to the Magnolia exit. Go north to Orangethorpe Boulevard and make a right. Orangethorpe Village Is at 2400 W. Orangethorpe Blvd. In Full- erton. For more Information. call 525-7545. Land cleared for Harbor Pointe development in Corona del Mar Plana for Harbor Pointe, a limited edition of 20 homes to be built by the Fieldstone Co. In Corona del Mar, have been announced by the lrvlne Co., developer of the view bluff over- looklng Newport Center and Newport Bay. The gate-guarded community of Harbor Pointe 11 loc ted In the triangle for med by MacArthur Boulevard end San Miguel Drive In Harbor View Hilla. dlrectfy Adjacent to Rodqera Gardens nursery Sales are expected to begin In early 1985. Three 1lngle-f amlly detached floor plan• will be ottered, one a slngl•atory and two two-1tory model1, according to Jan Wllaon, marketing manager for the Irvine Co. '1 community development division. Homu will range In 8'ze from two bedroom• with 2'1t bath• to tour bedroom• with three bathe. Prlcet for the 2.200 to 3,400· aquar•foot home• hav not yet • been determined. Wiison said, but they are expected co range from approximately $350,000 to $550,000. An Interest llat for Harbor Pointe 11 being gathered at the Irvine Co. '1 Homeflndlng Center.located at the Int r- aectlon of Culv r drive and Bar- ranca Parkway In Irvine. The Homeflndlng Centet 11open dally from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The telephone number 11551·1600. f t OAll. Y PILOT/Sunclay, Jury 29. l fM Buyer beware when taking a property 'as is' BJ SIMON SYKES The owner of eight rental units signed an agreement to sell the units "as ls." But the agreement also stated: "Seller represents that said property and Its sale conforms with all applicable ordinances. laws. zoning, deed restrictions, and other regulations. and agrees to hold broker and buyer harmless on account of any such warranty " Not so. The trlal court decided that because the ordinance war- ranty was not additionally ex- pressed In the grant deed, It was not valid. On appeal, the court took a different view. It held that the escrow Instructions were legally merged Into the grant deed The buyer won his case. but there are lessons to be learned from his experience "As Is" Is not as clear cut as 1t may seem. "As is" is usually not as It IS! Escrow closed The grant deed was recorded on the usual print- ed form. supplied by many title companies. Escrow added the typed words· "the improvements located on the property which Is the subject of this deed are sold, transferred and conveyed as ts." Escrow instructions should lay out specifically what is agreed between buyer and seller No catch phrases and no am- biguities. Paceaetter Home.' White Oak model attracting fint-time home buyera lo El Toro . Major problems then arose for the buyer. The property turned out to be zoned R-1. whlle R-4 was required for rentals. Surprise! The units were built without a valid building permit. The grant deed can then be written on a standard form without any additional wording or interfering uncertainties. The agreement will be clear. and understood by all. Special financing available at White Oak in El Toro hills The buyer had relied on the sellers' warranty concerning zon- ing. He sued the sellers for breach of warranty. An open and shut case? (Simon Sykes Is editor of flrat tuuday, s journal for the real estate Industry, P. O Box 20068. Riverside, CA 92516. Tel: 686-8005) Many first-time home buyers are taking advantage of Paceset- ter Homes' special financing at White Oak, a townhome com- munity in the foothills above El Toro The package includes 103,. percent (ARM) financing with Just 5 percent down Also available - to buyers meeting certain qualifi- cations -is 10' a percent Cali- fornia Housing Finance Agency 30-year fixed rate financing. In add1t1on . buyers receive a $1 .000 design center allowance and closing costs and loan fees paid by the builder Prices for the townhomes begin at $91.995 Buyers have a choice of floor plans Wall to wall carpeting is stan- dard. as are Corinthian marble pullman tops and cast rron tubs with ceramic tile surrounds in the bath. insulated party walls be- tween units large patios or balconies. and inside laundry areas. Evergreen prOject opening in Viejo The Mission Viejo Co. has opened its first 33 homes at its Evergreen neighborhood In Mission Viejo. larger accommodations, and older adults who no longer want the responslblllty of a large house, according to the de- veloper. More homes offered at Valencia in Viejo All White Oak homes have kitchens wt th built-in range oven, dishwasher. disposer, ceramic tile counter tops and luminous ceiling light fixtures. The buildings feature view terraces. multi-paneled doors and lantern-type hghtinQ The single-family detached homes community offers New England architectural styling and long-term, below market financ- ing with an initial qualifying interest rate of 8' • percent. The annual percentage rate is 11. 14. The loan program extends for 10 years. starting at 8'1• percent. then rises one point each year to a ceiling of 11 7/a percent The balance of the loan is due 1~f. ull at the end of the 10-year loan. Evergreen prices range rom $139,000 to $155,900. U ing a $143,000 home and a 5 percent down payment of $7,200, the first trust deed would be $135,800 and first-year principal and Interest monthly payments would be $1,080. Monthly payments would then Increase annually. reaching a maximum of $1,384 for years four through 10 of the loan. Evergreen's four floor plans. which offer up to three bedrooms and 2'h baths in both one-and two-story designs. have proven to be popular among young couples purchasing their first home. growing families seeking The New England architectural theme combines multi-paned windows. white picket fences. wood-siding, white wood trim. cupolas and weather vanes, with multi-hued exteriors that range from teal blue and colonial yellow to rust brown and slate grey Inside. the New England theme continues with greenhouse win- dows In country-style kitchens and wood-burning fireplaces with log storage bins. Evergreen homes feature carpeting throughout all living areas. vinyl flooring in kitchens. baths and entries and decorator selected lighting fixtures Kitchens have ceramic tile counter tops, stained wood cabi- nets, ice-maker lines and lumi- nous ceilings. And, In some plans, window seats have been included in the front living rooms. To visit Evergreen and tour the decorated models, take the San Diego Freeway to Alicia Parkway east to Marquerite Parkway, then left to Cordova Road. Turn left at Cordova to Los Alisos. turn right and follow the signs. An additional 36 homes recent- ly went on sate at Mission Viejo's Valencia neighborhood. where first-time buyers will find homes starting as low as $77,000. The one and two-bedroom h1lls1de condominiums are in- tended as a first step for young home shoppers, who not only can have the satisfaction of home ownership. but the active. rec- reation-filled lifestyle of Mission VieJO as well As new home buyers. Valencia residents can sail. fish or swim the 124-acre lake through their automatic membership in the Lake M1ss1on Vle10 Association and utilize the private. north shore Play a del Norte beach for swimming and sunning. Volun- tary membership in any of four recreation centers offers home owners access to tennis. vol- leyball and racquetball courts, swimming pools, spas and gym facilities In addition. the new Market on the Lake complex offers lakeside dining and shop- ping, while the Casta del Sol golf course features executive length greens and 1s open to the public. Valencia's homes themselves atisfaction ... As we celebrate the Grand Opening at SeaClitr on the Greens, we can sit back and reflect on the path we've taken to achieve this perfection. Years of planning, the finest architects, the most accomplished craftsmen. We cou ld have done it more quickly, less expensively; but then, we wo uldn't have created a masterpiece. The gates are open, come see for yourself. Then get ready to share the satisfaction of a job well done. S EA@ FF @iRE ENS The Ult/mat~ Residmc'es m Hu1111nx1m1 /kol.:h l....ocalcd JUil Ot'f hlock from the ~a. whctt Golden \~b1 '°\1rcc1 n\Cet' Palm Avenue. Sale\ offi~ open l.lruly rrnm 10 00 3 m to fdlO Jl m For Information phone (714) 9M-7'l7 feature private master bedrooms with walk-in or wall-length ward- robes. separate baths and dress- ing areas. Kitchens have pass- through counters to the dining area. depending on plan. and patio decks for outside dining. To v1s1t the Valencia model complex and sales office. take the San Diego Freeway to Alicia Parkway east to Jeronimo Road Turn lett ·at Jeronimo to Los Ahsos Blvd . turn right to Valle10 and proceed to Del Rey Turn right at Del Rey and follow the signs to the neighborhood. open dally from 10 a m to 6 p m at 26161-A Del Rey The low density land plan features plenty of an open area and recreational facilities that include a pool and spa The receational center. building ex- teriors and grounds are main- tamed through a homeowners association of which all resi- dents are members To reach the homes take the Santa Ana or San Diego freeway to the Lake Forest Drive exit Drive east on Lake Forest to Trabuco Road The sales office is open daily from 10 30 a m to 6 p m For more information call 859-4431 Thi~ S.iturJ.t~ .1t !II ,1m. th\.· rin.11 :Jn urnh 11rt n 11 >r .... d1.:s ,\I \\ mJ\\.irJ l'nh' -;1h'--.11.l 111 'dh:duk' 1 hl· lrL'llll'llJnu:-. saks rl'Spt>n~'--rn1\1.'!'I \\ mJw.ird l 11\'t" 1:-. ;1 wmnL•r. so Jon't m1s.s ~our 11pportuntl\'1 121,.,.%1 30-Year Fixed Financin1C 13.42 Annual Percentage Rate • I >l'''~!lh d 'l'l \ 1.dh F 111 Th· 1:--1 .. : 1)11 .md 1 h \. 1 • 1 \.\ :?. Ht Jr r "1111 (11nJum11uum' • l<t mnt'-l 11nt111lkd :X·t u11l\ l nln l..1!1 • r. Ill l'd 1 i.1111, ,\ 1 >1.·t" \1\ .. 1, • Fullv-Lqu11'l''-·J h1h h\.·11~ \\Ith t.I· \rpl1.1nu·, • l>n111.1t111·"'t'h-dl..'d I 1\1\111.' ,\ \pp11111trm11h • \d1,1t1.·nt 111 P.11h t~ l<n I\ .1th •11 l l'11lt l • Bio~ k' trom '-hopJ'lll~ "\ S1. r. lu' lnt111 rt1.tl11111 ~·l·nk1 "rl·n J;11h 111 .11n t11 h pm \l11nJ,I\, l pm tn h pm -1 1. 1\.)4•)_•)'"' .. )- ' 4o ... -''-' '71;:n 1 J\'101 :\\'l' .. lluruan).lt ••ll B1 ,1d1 G) . fl. \\'I LLI. \:\1 I ~I" r If ,,._.,,J',,J;/ "-w r'I L~ Comc>entt ~ '/(,J ... ,f ' .. , t /'"" J i \_,.,,, /A11J tl/ ... lfl'~'tt/ lf \I Vol O'l/lll frl<lft(/J/IJ 1\11/"l'h•lf• •ti ' •"111/11• 1''11 11 °m.-,111'1•"' , .. ,.,.,,,..,, f,\'\ ,m.tr.11,, '"'"" • 111'1 rr , 1,1t• nt rv.1M JTfi "' • Belcourt Terrace • open1n Newport · Model homes In the new Tet. • raoe Cotlectlon at Belcourt ln Newport Beach are open and drawing attenuon from Southern Callf ornJa buyers. · J The Terrace Cot'8ctlon Is • llmlted edition of 58 homes, ~ ranging In stze ftiQm 2,254 to: 3,351 square feet, and offering ~ up to four bedrooms and 3;,t t>atha. tn one and two-story noor plans. ··Response has been ao positive at the Terrace CoOectlon that we moved forward the ~ °Ond release of homes for saftl, ' said Tom Hover. vice president of marketing for J.M. Peters Co .. developer-builder of the guard- gated, perimeter-walled. nelg~ borhood. ' "With the models only open fM a few days, we've already sold 1~ of the first 28 homes offered." The three-bedroom. 21.il bath Plan A includes a living room off the foyer. with a soaring celling, an array of skylights separathig llvlng and dining rooms, and a display of French windows com- plementing the fireplace. A sculpted archway leads the way Into the master bedroom,. which has a master bathroom with a choice of tub or separate shower and a twin basin "8.nfty. as do all Terrace master baths. The 2,676-square-foot Plan 6o with three bedrooms and 3•h baths. also features two upstairs bedrooms with docrbte doors-, both with prrvate baths and walk- in closets. Plan C provides 3,010 square feet, including three bedrooms' and 2'h baths. The largest home 1s Plan D. with four bedrooms and 3.,,_ baths. The living room Is at one end of the home, while a famHy room is located at the opposite end, both of them with fireplaces. Pnces begin at $405.000. Terrace Collection modets n · open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p:m. For information. call 720-1018. To reach Belcourt, take tDI Jamboree off-ramp from the San Diego Freeway and drive tow~ the coast Turn left oritO MacArthur Boulevard and drive to the top of the hill. tum right onto Ford Road, then make the first available right off Ford to Belcourt 66 Units old in 9 Weeks \ • 04 Orang1 Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 20, 108-4 r Classified The Ultimate Experience Experience the excitement of finding just what you 're looking for-in classified. It's the ultimate! Daily Pilat phone 642-5678 people read class1f1ed Ml.IC NOTIC£ ITATIMINT Of' W'TTMDRAWAL "'ON PAA'TNIMtW Of'PATINQ UNM" 'ICtmOUt IUtlHl .. NAMI I The lollowlng petton 11&1 wtttldrawn u • 98f*ll Part· Ml from IN pertnerahlO op- lfltlllQ under lhe llOlftloUe butlneet neme ot M Y.JAY UAACM CONSVl. TAHTt It 2S622 f l Toro Ad., lurte m . EJ Tcwo. CA t2130 Th• llotltlOUI bulfMM name ttetement f0t the pert. Nl'tnlp wee flied on Jan 12, 1N2 In the Coul'ty of Or· ange "L! NO. '180187 Full Name and Addreee ot the Perton Withdrawing JH nn• R Holt. 2424 1 Verde, El TOfO. CA 92830 SIOned .Jeanne A Hott Publllhed Orang• Cout Dally Piiot July 29, Augu1t 6, 12, 18 1814 Su-74 Ml.JC NOTICE flCTITIOUI 8UllNlll HA.Mi IT ATIMINT The following peBonl are doing bu11n ... ae LUGGAGE DIS · ~RIBUTOR'S CENTER. 1272 111~r1 Dr . Huntington Baaoh, C•lit 92847 J1001en·1 Inc, a Calll0<nl1 (1orporat1on. 7272 Mera Of • '1unllngton BHc;n, Call! 02847 Thll bu1ine11 ,, COil· <1uc1ed by • corpor111on Oenn11 W Certer General Menagtr Thll llallmenl WH filed with th• County Clerk or Or· ano• County on July 17 11184 r:allOMI Publleha<I Orange Cout Delly Piiot July 22, 29. Augu1t S 12, 1984 SU·88 P\llLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUI 8UllNlll NAMI ITATIMINT The tollowlng pertOnt are doing bl.11lnea ae. HERSHEY LEASING . 5322 Stonehedge, Yorba Ltn<la. Calif 92888 Rick K. Young, 5322 Stonenedge, Yorba Linda, Call! 9211811 Kent F. Boom. 1501 KM4 Dr . Corona del Mar, Callf 92825 Keith J Bambrick. 390 S Brldgevi.w Anaheim Hlllt, Cellf 92807 Thia bu11n111 11 con· ducted by a gene<al part. ne<lhlp Rk:k K Young nua 11atemen1 wa• !Heel with the County Clerll of Or· ang• County on July 17. 1984 P:2'0M1 Publlthed Orange Cou1 Dally Piiot July 22, 29, Auguat S, 12, 1984 SU~3 P\llLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8UllNHI NAME IT A TIMINT The tollowtng per.on 11 d.o1no bus1neu u FINE LINE DRAPERY SER· VICE 5-04 S Stele College Blvd Anehelm, CA 928~ f'lllllC NOTICE NSllC NOTICE IJt011'nOU8 IU .... H ,tcTtTIOUI IU81NIU 'tO'nTtOUI IUllNUa NA• ITAft_,,, NAMll ITAft•NT MUil eTATIMSNT The lolloo.rwlng pe~•.,.. The lotlowlr'tel per.one.,. T"8 following petlOfl II dOl/\O bUllNlt U . dOlng bUliMte M : doing bu&IMll U : INT I"' NA T I 0 NA L IT 0 NI I N A I' I'!"' A.T l T. LIOUIOATORS, PO"'Tl'OLIO MANAGE· PAOPUITIU, :tat1 Cerl'llel H01 W. MecAntwr, Sante MINT, )701 l lrel\, let flloof, A-..nw, ll'Vlne. CA. 12114 Ane, CA t2704 N9wport hectl. CA 12MO Mic:tlN18tone, H12 lryn Mar·JH nnt Fel'dltr, 0.11 \. Rak. 4""40 Ale· mat Dr., VIiie Park, CA 2•13·0 I P'a1M4r#, Sani. bem1 81,. Pelm Oeeen, CA t2M1 Ana, CA 92704 HMO Leon M ~. 3M 1 Thi• bualMM •• con· Tiii• bu11n... 11 con· Cermel AY9t1Ue, Irvine, CA ducted by en lndMdual duel ad by: e n unln· 92714 Mat.Jeanne 'Ind!« oorporetecf ueoctallon MloflHI Slone Thi• 1111emen1 WM llled other than a perlnetthlp Thia 1tatemen1 wu llled with the County C1«11 or Or· Diie L Atk with the County Ctenc of Or· ~ County on June 21, Thie llltMlent w .. flied enge COunty on June 27. 1984 With the COunty Clerk of Or· 1N'4 'MlilM enge County on June 21 ,,... Puo11111ed Orange Coell IH4 WIAlem atuoe Yoe• & Aa· Dally Piiot July I. t!. 22. 29, ,.., '"'-'" t914 Publlened ()fange Coeat 117 Nwttl Metft 81., It•. 111 Dally Piiot July I, t&, 22. 29. t.nt. AN, CA. '2101 tH• M7 .. 1• ~-'' Publtlhed Orange Coal Dally PHot July 8, 1!1, 22. 29 19 ... P\B.JC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE "CTITIOUI IUllNIH NAMI ITAft•NT 1---------Tlle lollowlng pe<tonl ere flC:TmOUI IUltNHI doing buelnMI ... NAMI ITATIMINT 8 l H CHARTERS. 2127 The lollowfng pereon la W Co .. t Hlghwey. Newp0f1 doing butlneN u · Beech. CA 92e83 LACOMBE, 2201 Peelflc Philip Stephen Howell Ave. •2A, Cotta M .... CA 2220 E Chapman •58, Full· 92827 1rton, CA 92831 Ellubeth L acomb • Chrlttlal\ I( Bement 125C MONe, 2201 Peclflc Ave Amller1t •~5 LA CA •2A, Cott• Mua. CA 90025 921127 Thll bualne" 11 con· Thia bullnH1 11 con· ducted by a general part· duC1ed by an individual ner1h1p EllUbeth Lacombe MOMS Philip s Howell Thi• ltlltment w.. filed Sv-5!1 P\B.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI IUllNlll NA.Ml ITATIMINT The fOllowtng pettone are doing bu1lneu u TAl-PAC·INC, 1UO Bey1ld• Drive, Newport Beacih, Celll 02825 Brent Giiman. C1lllOfnl1, 395 Weymouth. L1ouna hach, Calif. Thi• bu11n .. 1 II con· ducted by a corpor1t1on 8ren1 Giiman, Prfffdent Thl1 11aternent waa filed wnn the County Clerk of Or· •no• County on July 24, 1984 '111tt1 Publi1he<1 Orang• Cou1 Dally Piiot July 211 Augull 5 12. 19 1984 su.e9 Thll ltatement wu tlleo with the County Cl«I< ol Or· with the County Clerk ol Qr. •no• County on July 10 anga County on June 28 1984 1984 r:nom MLIC NOTICE 'Male Publl1he<1 Or1no• Coul 1--------- Publl1hed Oranoa Coeet Datly Piiot July 15, 22, 29 "CTITIOUI IUllNlll Dally Piiot July 8, 16. 22. 29 August 5, 111114 NAMI ITATIMINT 1984 Su~ TM tollowfno per1one 1te Su-5-0 •---------dOlng ~•lneN u . DlllDLIC Mnf1CE ENGINE SUPPL y ANO l"UD nu E X C H A N G E 3 0 4 2 P\B.IC NOTIC£ '1CTITIOUI 8UllNCH NAMI ITAft ... NT TM following per90!\t art flC:TITIOYI 8UllNHI doing bullneat H NA.MS ITATIMINT D ATA ARTS, 2900 TM lollowtng per.one ere Madl1on Ave A· 11. Full· doing bu1lneae ae erton, CA 921131 HILLVIEW PARTNERS Cerol Sue HNI, 2900 LIMITED. 1171 Klngtlon Madleon Ave. A·11, Full- Court, Co1ta Meaa. CA erton, CA 92831 92e28 Tt.11 bu1tne11 11 con- Jacq uelln e Andera on duC1ed by· an lrldlvlduel HOWH. 11 n Ktngeton Carols H ... Couri. COii• Meaa, CA Thi• tlatement WU llled 928211 with the County Ctenc of Or· Karen Labar. 131111 angeCountyonJuty2,1984 Dewey, Loe Angelee. CA ,,...... EnterprlH Coate Meaa Calif Rtmpau Compeny Inc., Calllornla. 24392 Berbadoa. Dene Point Calif Thia bu1fna11 It con· dvcte<I by a c;orpora11on MIChHI A Mc01nlel, Pr .. ldenl Thia atatement wa1 filed with th• County Clerk ol Or· enge County on July 24, 1984 P:2S1• Pvbllthe<I Orange eo .. t Dally Piiot July 29. AUQYlt 5. 12, 19 1984 SU·71 ~ Published Orange Cou t Thia butlneu 11 con· Deity Piiot July 15, 22. 211 1--------- ducted by a llmlted panner-Augutt 5 1984 P\B.IC NOTICE lhlp SuSE 1--------- Jac;quetlna HOWM "CTITIOUI IUllNIH Thi• 11a1ement wu filed m-ic l«>T CE NAMI tTAUMINT with the County Clark of Or-__ ... _VD'-___ I___ The followtng peraon I• anga County on June 28, flCTITIOUI 8UllNEll doing bu1ln•1 •• 19a4 NAMI ITAUMINT PRIME INTEREST CHAR· ,2At:Ma The following l)efSOn 11 TEAS, 122 Promontory AnderNft a Kennedy doing buelnau u : Drive Ea1t. Newpon Baac:h, 22174 II T«o llOld 0 c BUILDERS. 112411 C•Jlf 112eeo l!I TOfo, CA. t2UO Siiier Founlaln Valley Wiiiiam T Mc;ltwaln, 122 7M·6'71 92708 p 0 Box 2000 ,.30 Promontory Drive EHi. Publl1ne<1 Orange eo .. 1 COM CA 92823 Newport Beach JCatll Delly Piiot July 8 15 22. 29, MalCOlm p Burna. 212! 928e0 1984 Sunnowe< Senla Ana CA Thie buelnau 11 con-Su-51 92704 ducted by an lnd!Vldual Wllll•m T McllwaJn Thia bu11n•t1 11 con· ThlS 1tetement wu llled ducte<I by en ln<llYldual wll'1 1,,. County Cl«k of Or· Malcolm P Burn• Thia 11atemen1 wH tllec: ange County on July 24· 1984 MllC NOTICE '1CnTIOUI IU ... U NMll ITATDllSNT The tollowlng person la doing txdlneee u : OlVINI VISUAi.i, 2120 Monrovia AYe . CO.ta Mele. Cellt 92121 Gaty Al.n 0.VIM. 2120 Monr~e A\'9 • CQ.1a M .. Cellf t2t27 Thi• butlnM• 11 con· ducted by. an lndlYlduel Oery 0.VIM Thll llatemen\ WU llled with the County Clertc of Or· fer. County on July 24, 19 4 9'M1• Publl"'9<1 Or~ Cout Dally Piiot July 29. ~uovtt 5. t2, 19, 19114 IU.T3 Mt.IC NOTIC£ ,ICTITIOUI IUIM .. NAM91TATSMIJIT TM lollO'#tng peraon la doing bualneea u : CMEAAE PUBLIC Al!l.A· TIONS·OOVl!ANMINT AL AOENCY, 1 Sundenoe, Mew· port BMch, Calif 92"3 Cheryl AM Welch. \ Sun· dance. Newport IHOh C1lll 92"3 Tiii• bu11ne11 11 oon· ducted by an Individual Chetyl A Weteh Tnle 1tatemet1t wae llled wllh th• County Ct.rk Of Or· ange County on July 24. 19114 '111•7 Publlltled Orange Coaal Dally Piiot July 28 AUQUll 6 12. 19. 1984 SU·12 P\B.IC NOTICE ITA TIMINT 0' ABAHOONMINT Of' Ull Of' lllCTITtOUI IUllNIH NAMI The loll~ pet1on1 have aband the u• 01 the Flctltloua 8u1lne11 Name· WEST COAST IN· DUSTRIAL, 518 Sturg41on Of • CQ.te M .... CA 92927 Th• Fletltlou• Sulln ... Name ret«red to above """ !tied II\ Orange County on 8-1·83 FlLE NO F217803 Gregory Scott Felix. 598 Sturgeon Or .. ea.ta M .... CA. 02827 Gregory Stephen Rou, llOO sn .. ta Lane, Colle M ... ,CA 92828 Thia butfnMa WU OOl'I· ducted by. general l)er1Mf· ltllp Gregory Felix Thie etatement W11 flied with the County Cleft( of Or· ~ County on July 10, Publlahed Oranr. Coul Dally Piiot July 1 , 22, 29, AUQUll 6, 1984 Su-67 P\B.IC NOTICE NOTICI Of' T"UITll'I IA.LI T.I . No. 41114-0f IMf'OffT ANT NOTICI TO ftttMIRTY OWW.ft: Peul Alexander Werner,---------with the County Clerk of Or· F25121t •nx: County on July 10 Published Orenga Coul YOU ARI IN OD'AULT UNOI" A 0110 Of' TitUIT OATIO June 1t, 1tl0, Ulf- LHI YOU TAKI ACTION TO PftOTICT YOUft PllOP· ERTY, IT MAY H IOLD AT A PUBLIC IAU. If YOU HEID AN l>CPUNA TtON Of THI MATURI Of' THI 935 N Frederic StrHI. FICTITIOUI IUllNEll 19 4 P'25015' Dally Pilot July 29 AUQUll 5. Burbenk CA 915-05 NAMI ITATl!MINT Publlahe<I Or1nge Coast 12· 19 1984 Thia bu11neu 11 con· The following person ta SU-70 PllOCllOINQ AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD CON· TACT A L.AWYl9'. ducted by an lndlvlduel doing buatneaa II Peul Atexanoer Werner 3 2 5 3440 Irvine Ave Dally Piiot July 15 22 29 Thia statement wu filed Newi>Ort 8..ch, CA. 92660 August 5 1984 1--------- Su-5{ P\a.IC NOTICE with the County Clerk of Or Au at In Monroe. 45 72 ~~X: County on June 28 ~~~:':rw1ck Ctr trvtn• CA --Ml--IC_NO_T-IC_E __ NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the rHI property situated In the County of Or· ange. Slit• of California, known u 2377·91 S El Camino RMI. Sin Clemente. Callfornla and detc;rlbed u loUowt l':MNM Thia bu11neu 111 con- Norrlt a Aeaootet .. , Inc. ducted by an indlYlduel FICTITIOUI BUllNEll l'ICTmoua 8UllHl!ll NAME ITATIMENT The JOllOWlng person 11 <101ng bu11ne11 u 4570 Cempua Orlve, l111te I Auaun Monroe NAME ITATl!MlNT Newport .. edl. CA. t1'IO Thia 1tatement wu filed The followlng person 11 R HANLEY CONSTRUC· TION CO . 2479 Elden St ir5, Co11a Meu. Calif 92627 Publllhed Orange Cout with th• County Cle<k of Or-<lolng ~•lnen u · ?::~ Piiot July 8, 1s. 22. 29, ~~X: County on June 28, SE~~~c"E~~~'ti~~r.J~~ LOii 198, 199, 200, and 201 In Trect 938 u per map thereof. recorded In book No 29 et pegee 22 10 25 Inclusive of Mllelellaneou• Mapt, Recofdl of Orange County Su·S3 P:~ OPPORTUNITIES FOP Publl1hed Orange Cout NURSES. MANAGEMENl ----------!Dally Piiot July 8, 15, 22 29, DEVELOPMENT CONSULT· Robert Harris Hanley, 2429 Elden St #5, Coale M .. 1. Cellf 1121127 P\llLIC NOTICE 1984 ANTS, 18811 Huntlngtor Su-49 StrMI, Ste 200, Huntlnglor FICTITIOUS 8UllNHI Beach. Calll 92~ NAME STATEMENT A nn L Krueger . 17 Thia bu1lne11 11 con- ducted by an Individual Robert Hanley Thia 1tatamen1 wu llltd with the County Clerk ol Or· •noe Coul'ty on July 24. 19a4 and wlll be told at pub41C auction on the front atepe at the Costa MM& City Mall, 77 Fair Dffve. Coeta M .... Calf· fornia. on Auguet a. 1984, at 10;00 a.m • to the lllQheet bidder tor CUh '" lewfvl <:Yr· rency of the United Stll•. The followlng person 11 Moren•. Irvine. Calif 92715 <101ng 0011nea1 u Tnt1 buelneN I• con· BUD HILEMAN YACHT MLIC NOTICE ducted by an lndlvldual MAINTENANCE 1010 W AnnL Krueg« ,2S110a Publlahed Orange Cow Delly Piiot July 29. Auguet 5, M1cAnhur Blvd 11146. FICTITIOUI IUllHlll Thie tlaternent Wal tlleo Santa Ane, Calif 92707 NAMI ITATl!MINT with the County Cl«k ot Or· LaOru Hiieman, 1010 w TM followtng person• are •no• County on July 17 MecArthur Blvd 11 146, dOlng bu1lnee1 u : 1984 SU·75 The tale will be mede 12, 19, 1984 Sente Ana, Calif 92707 B A I A N H E A 0 P'2IOM< Michelle Hllemen, 10 10 W P A 0 P E AT I ES , 2 8 7 2 Publl1hed Or1nge Coul MLIC NOTICE without covenant or wer· renty regar<llng tllle, poe- MHlon, or enC1.1mbrenoee. MacArthur Blvd 111 46, Monterey Ava., Coate M .... Dally Piiot July 22. 29 Santa Ana. Calif 92707 CA 926211 Augu1t 5, 12, 19114 "CTITIOUI BUllNIH to satltfy the obllgatton ... cured by and unc:i.r the Tnla buslnHa It con· Merrill E. S-neon, 2872 Su-87 NAMI! IT ATIMINT Power of Sale conferred In Tiie followlng pereon1 are the Deed of Trvet executed ducte<I by an 1ndlvldu11 Monterey Ave . Cost• M .... LaDru Hileman CA 92828 doing bualn ... u by c.c;ii Berlle and Thelma Th11 at1tement wH filed Margie S Swenson, 2872 MLIC NOTICE (1) SIMAAN AUTO SUPP· Barile, Huebend and Wife u ,ICTITIOUI BUllNlll Ly 121 HANNA NAJEM 131 Joint Tet\Vlte u TruetOf, to with the County Clerk of Or· Monterey Ave • Colla M ... 1nge County on July 24 CA 92828 NAMI ITATIMIENT K.A1$SER AFIF 3201 Herbor Ameriean Home MOf'tgege 1984 Th11 bu11neu 11 con· Blvd Co1ta Meaa CA Truet "'--"' .,_......_ ,. __ ..,..,_ Th• tollowtng person 11 ,,2 .. 2.. ..,_. ...., ...... ....,.,,...... F2512" ducted by a o-ral part· doing bl.lelneea u • " " 111on, a C.Hfornla Co<por· TERRY WOOD CON· Hanna George Nalem, allon, u Truet•. for the Publlahe<I O•eno• Coast nerahlp Deily PtlOI July 26 AUQUll 4 Merrill E 5-nson STRUCTION CO , 433 1 19023 Horii St , Artffla, CA benefit and H curlty of PIOl\Mf, lrv1n•. C•llf 92714 9o7o1 Amerk:an Home Mortgage 11 18 1984 Thll 1tatement wu filed Terry L Wood, 4331 Pion· Slmun Auto Supply, Corpor1tlon, a Callfornle SA-12 1 with tne County Clerk ol Or· anga County on June 28. Mr, Irvine, C•llf 92714 15804 L•k•wood Blvd , Corp0ratlon, u Beneficiary, Thi• buelne11 It con· Bellflower. CA. aoe23 dated June 19, 1980. end r-::::::============::--i1984 / ' "2A8Slf dueled by· an lndlvldual l(etuer Allf. 16804 recorded on June 30, 1980 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemeta ry • Mortuary Ch1pe1 • Crematory 3500 Pacific View Ortva Newport Beach 6"4·2700 McCORMICK MORTUARY 1795 Laguna Canyon Ao ad Laguna Beach. Ca 92651 494.9415 HARBOR LAWN· MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Cost• Mau 540-5554 Pll!l'tCf IROTHIRI HlL IROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Bro edwey Costa Meae 842-0150 IAL TZ llRQUtOH IMtTH l TUTHILL WllTCLl,F CHAPIL 4'37 E 17th St Cotti MSM 548-0371 Publl1ned Oreno• Cout Dally Pilot July 8, 15. 22, 29, 1984 Ttrry Wood Lakewood Blvd .. Bellflower, In Book 13850, Page \027, Thia 1111emen1 wH lllec CA 90823 H ln1trument ~umber with the County Clerk of Or· Tiii• bualneu 11 con· 31851 ol Official Record a ot ang• County on July 17 ducted by • general pan· the County of Orange, State 1994 nera'11p ol Callfornla F2IOl7• Hanna Najem Notice ol Default and Published Orange Cou• Thll ataternenl .., .. flied Etectlon to Sell the d• Dally Piiot July 22 211 with the County Clerk of Or· actlbed rN I property ul\def -_._.M __ l_IC_NO...;..T_IC-.E;;...._ Augull 5. 12 1984 1~ Coun1y °" July 24• the Deed of TfUtt WU r• SU·8! 111 4 .,211._. corded •• lnetrument flCTITIOUI BUllNIH .. -Number 83-459481. on Qe. NAMI ITATIMINT Publllhed Orenga CoH t tober 18, 1983, ol Offlc:lal Tiie lollowlng pertone ere Pl&.IC NOTICE Dally Pilot July 29, Augull 5. Aec:orde of the County of Or· doing ooalnff1 H ---------12, 19 1984 Su-78 ange, Stale of Cellfornl1, LEIGH K JOHNSON AS· "CTITIOUI IUllNlll The tale will be conducted SOCIATES, 24972 Cryetal NAMI ITATIMaNT by AMERICAN HOME Circle, El Toro, ~A 92830 The lolloWlng peraone art P\B.IC NOTICE MORTGAGE TRUST DEED l algn I< Johneon. 2487~ doing bualneet ea SERVICE CORPORATION, Cryllal Circle. El Toro. CA LAGUNA TECHNOLOGY P:ICTITIOUI IUllHIH A CALIFORNIA COAPOR· 92830 2~1 Bu1lneta Cerllet Drive NA.Ml ITATIMINT ATION. whoM add,.... 11 Donald J Mun<lo. 1130 Sia 207 lrvtne. Celli 9271! The followfng l*'IOfl 11 Me Beker Street, Suite 293. North Pacific Cou1 HIQh Ben1amln W Albert <lolng bullneu u Cotta Meu. CallfOrl'lt wey Lagune Beech CA 33551 Corel Reach, Dane INSTANT OPTICS. 9088 9282e. Phone Numbtr Thll bu11ne11 11 con-POlnl Callf 821129 Oeffodll, Fountain Valley. 714·541-1802 ATTENTION dueled by a general part· Joni S Mii•, 280 Cegne) Call! 92708 ANE CAHILL ne<thlp Lane •204, Newport 8eaot\ Dall P.ttOc* o.oon.10, Principal and tn1., .. 1 dve Leigh K Johnson Calll 92H3 9019 OaffodH. Fountain VII· 1295.004 30 Thll 11atemerit wa1 flied Thi• bueln•H II con· ley. Cellf 92701 Coats, Expen-. enc Ad· wllh the County Clerk of Or· ducte<I by an unln Thie bu•I" .. ' 11 oon· VMOM •no• Coullty on June 21. corporeted u1oc;11tlOF1 ducted by en lndlvtduel due (1ppro~tmattly) 1914 other than a .,eannerahlp Oen p 0.0onato S•S.912-'6 ,....., Benjamin Albef1 Tiiie 1t11emel't w .. filed TOTAL. 1340,917.0S Publllhe<I Or1nge Coaet Tlllt llllemtM\t wu flltd With the County Clerk of Or· OATEO: July 12, 196' Dally Pll&t July 8. 1&, 22. 29. with tl'le Counl Cterlil Of Or· ange County on July 24, AMERICAN HOMf MOAT· 1984 •no• County on July 17. 1984 GAOE TAUIT OHO Hfil. Sv-62 1914 n11• VIC! Ml.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI 8U .... U NA .. ITATaMINT TM lollowtng ~ II dOlng bVlll'MI II P\lblllhec:t Orange"= Pvbl\IMd °':it Cout CORPOAATION, A Cell· Dally Piiot J~ ..... .,,. Dally Piiot July 2t, uguet I , fornl1 Corporetton .. ... 12 19. 1914 l y. Dennie • lctlfnuClc•' Augu1t I. t2. 1 IU·11 Reoroen!Ullor\ Truet• sv~ . &TA fl 0, CAU,~IA) --------COUNTY°' OMNGI) h Nil.IC NOTICE rtalC NOTICE 0n Mr 12, , ..... before l'MmTIOUI •u ... H me, tM 11ncs.rtl9MC1, , l'tCnnout IUUtlll Nolwy Pvblto In Md tot utd NAiii ITATWMmlf rt!~': It County and lt1te, S*• The totlQWlng peraon It d~ t>valneel ... eonally ~ Dennll It dol~l>\lt.IMA ... AAUL·I CUSTOM UP· lc:t!T ... ~.!· .. ~~ AtD IOlllN 'A8AICS &TIA 7 1 1 ·--'"' ...,,_...,.., """""" WILLIAM 0 . OIFF'ENlY ANO A9'0CIA TU. 3700 C.meu• Or It• 1oe. Hew· POf1 9Mch CA 92MO t----------~ Wllllem Qlflfd G.rfeney 11'4 Alll O Av• . Co111 '4 .. CA t2127 2IO l t7ttl II,. CQ.ta M--. HOL Y, 11 W 1 111 t .. MOf'ta. Trutt Dl9d a.,. Cellf ea121 eoe~,~~" vi~i=z,,., Ytoe1 C«POfe •tton. • Celt· ~ L ScihoOnowr 110 I llder St. knta Ana. Otnle Of'potltlon, ~· '''AST IESULT" SllVICE DIRECTORY ~·or H<•"ul1 '-IN\ lft' ('Cl II Tn11 bv11,,.., 11 con· dut:ted by an IMMdull WllUtrr1Q ~ Ttua 11at*'*11 wet flied twlth ..... County Clet1I ot Or· foe County on June aa. ......, Publletled Or-1nge COM! 20I A'"'1 Pt Coete M..-Cellf 82706 IOMlly llnown to me (Of ceni near Thi• 1:>u11n"' 11 con· pr0'4d to""°" !tie-...°' T1111 t>utl,,.., 11 con dUC'ted by .,, lndMdual aetltfec1cwy ~) lo bt duc1ed Dy an lnCIMCMI RAUi Orozco the '*'°" ~ '*N II ~!Me L lc:tloonOWr Thi• ltatemerll WU fli.d IUblcnbtd to .... wtt9*I ln- T'flie statement ... nit w1tn the County Clettl of Or· ~:,~ With the Coutlty C*1l Of 0 enoe Coutlty CHI .My 2', WITNIU-. lllf'ld MCI Of· r.I: County on JUiy 1 1"" flc1el..., ... , ,_ ,_,.. Ari• ltooum Ceflltl PvbltlMd 0'1lfloe Co Publl"*I ~ Cout PuDlllMd Of.,1p Coaat ..._------------------~l 642-56 71 tat. n2 Delly Piiot JulY I 11 22, 2t . 1904 lu A1 Dally ~IOt July 22, Oa!IY PMOI July It llQUlt a, 0.!IY Piiot .Nf~ 1&, 21 2t AUOUll I , 12, t96A 12, \9 llM SU n 1tl4 ' • Sl ~2 • • -----------=-=-=:::::=::=====--mmm--------------------------------------._. ...................... 111111!111_.._... ... THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS Telephone Service: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-5:30 P .M. Business Counter: !\1onday-Friday 8:00 A.~1.-5:30 P .~I. DEADLl~ES Pl BUCATIO' IH· .. \DU\E \1 onda~ ~at. I I ::W a .rn . Tut•..,da' \1 011 I '1(1 :.1 p.111 . \\ t•rlnt>&cia' l'ut"-. l :w p 111 rhur&cfa, "t•d i.:w p Ill Frida' rt1ur-. I :w p.111 '-laturdn' Frichl\ :u10 p 111 ~uncfa, ~ r1. :UIO 11.111 CA ,CELLAT IO' & CORRECTIO'\S: <.aru·t>llation~ and 1·orrt·c·tio1i-. ma' ht' madt' on ~amt' dt•adl11w-. "' abc" t:. Please a k for a c·a 111·t'lla tion number ~hen eant·ellinl' 'our ad. ERRORS: Cherk )Our ad dai l~ and report errors immediateh. The DA ILY PILOT assumes li abilit~ for the first int·orre<"t insertion onh. CLASS IFI ED 642-5678 ltaltl Ttrhlt---ltan1Te1 bit s Gtatrll 1002 Gn111l lOOJ UlllSU 101 Yl1 U4t Std o,, S/S 11·1 Marvelous 6 Br bayfront 78' on bay, pool, spa. 100' boat space. Xlnt Fin. $4,850,000. Charming Spanish 3 Br 2 Ba on 45' lot, lrg deck, courtyard. pier & slip. $1, 100,000. Beautiful 3 Br, 2 Ba, playroom, fireplace, beam ceilings. Xlnt financing. $420,000. IAYSIH lllYI UYFllOIT OOllO Jetty & Bay view, newly decorated Mai Kai, 2 Br, 2 Ba. 40' patio. Now $645,000. PllllSIU IOIE OOWHllT Ocean & Jetty views, marine room, 4 Br, 3 Ba, 3700 sq. ft., car parking. $1,285,000. IAYlllE PUOE UYFIOIT Spectacular baylront dplx. 2 Br, 2 Ba up, 2 Br, 2 Ba down. 2 boat spaces. $1,250,000. UllU IUOll lllLLSllE Panoramic ocean & city view, 5 Br 3 Ba. spacious entertaining home. $1,100,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR , l 1 1.,, f ,.j. [),,,, N Ii 6/'l f,lv l Hunt & Associates REAL ESTATE Sm11eu Ov~e eata"ila That's the view from this magnifi- cent manor high on a hill in pres- tigious Harbor Ridge! This luxur- ious 5 Bd, 7 Ba reflects the ul- timate in quality thru-out. Boasts of a library, step down farruly rm w/f-place, gourmet kitchen & in- credible Master suite w/sauna, f- place, walk-in "closet-room" and VIEW. 40' pool & spa. Owners may consider trade. Offered at $1,9M,000. Jeri Hunt. I Trafll1tr 0,11 111. 1 ·I 819 C!aNI'"' Sop"4ticat"111 with a European flavor! Truly a unique and classic 3 Bd townhome! Fonnal -marble -foyer -totally upgraded thru-out. Private single level end-unit in lush garden set- ting. 24 hr. guarded gate. Assume hi-loan. S hown by Appt. Only. $550,000. Jeri Hunt. 141-4111 2111 ... '-"''' 1111• ll4. •.,.rt 0..ttr '!:~~~, SCC\l~lA-~t..tr~· :::: ----1 ..... 4 ... C\Af ~ POUAM 0 '"""0"119 .... 6 tc•O"'ba.d -d• b.low to "'°"' 6 tfmpte WOfd\ '''"' .. ,..fl of eoc.h 1n 1h lj,,. of MlilO'et I SWHYIM I I I' I r I RUGHEH I I I' I t I TEKELT I' I I I r l CLUHAH I I I I I' I' I ,,~:,:r::::~::i: .:: ~L--..__.....__.....__.~ her to wnt• 1nt1Nd. ••oepl of ~ 1 8 0 A T I OOUfM, If It W9f9 eomethlnQ H dire WMn • cell did come I I r I r • '"'ouoti. ..... ~Utellly "'<!. L-~-~-__ .....__. ........... ~. 'Relall dad II I - - l s u E g A y I • c---. .... <~•Oi9 ~ I I In [ I 1 -:..~'1.!::. -:..-r .::!' l •\.. • __... ..... OPEN TODAY 1~s 10 Kaiulll Ct., H ................................... Sll0,000 3 Bdrm. bath Cnd. Walk to beach 2 tennis courts , comm pool & spa 32 lu LN eo.rt. I. Crnt .................... $170,HI Plan 2 Condo, new drapes. carpets & paint Near pool & tennis courts Some view of ocean 1336 Galaxy, DoYlr Sllores ..................... $115,000 4 Bdrms. 4 bath plus powder room. Indoor pool w/retractable roof. FEE LANO (1-4:30) Olde Corona del Mar. 211 Marguent.e Ave (at Ocean Blvd) lit Ooor 2000 sq ft rondo 2+fanuly, st.ept ID Big Corona Beach No expenae spa.red m co1U1truc1.1on Fee land' Secunty & rul rnamt.en· ~ + all the amenlues you'll read about. sell · ex.ehange or consider lease ID purchaae ID quall· fied buyer. Low int. fixed 10 yr loan available (Call for pnvate showing weekdays) Open ~unday l-5 pm Owneri.A..j(ent 675-4760 ' ~RATES HI-PRICE WW lll,IOJ 8ll.OW MARKET V AWE Mrs Verde $119,500 3 1ttm. I ~. l:JOl. New ra:i & kzl:herl wuh t:xah ~ br. raerl pa> a'l'.i rreny earas O:Je 1> s:h:xii, ~ ITllJ.l" riqp g S500Bom . CHARllll IEWPORT IUOH HOIE 6 Br, 2 s;• ba, dining room, Breakfast nook with used brick BBQ. Skylight beamed ceilings & Fireplace in lJVing room. Lots of wood, lovely patio areas, extra bonus room & much more .. OPEN SAT l -5 2121 Sltrr1 V11t1, •••11•rt 111011 I • I 1110,000 111111 TrtHtt1, llt1lttr -142-21H IOYEll SllOllEI llEDIOED TO 1110,000 IPH l&T/111 1-1 at 1•41111111 lrtn Spacious 4 Bdnn & den. 2 1 2 baths Two 2 car garages. Large lot watt-. room for pool or RV parking. •11111 ll1ltlflt1, llt1fftr Ul-H4l fill IOUI YllW 1141,000 You must tee this' Huge ~ncl~ sun de('k off hvmg room with fore~r view Excellent Capistrano ~ach lo· cauon 3 Bdrm. 2 bath. 2 car attacheda garase THE REAL ESTATERS . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sund y, July 29, l • 642-5678 • .................... 1u-...lal--.• __ ,B•an1 u • ln111 111 bit 1 ..... 111 lllt ...... •• lalt ..._ • ldt 1 Gn1111 ieo1 ~a.-.-•. -•. ---..;;.;;;;.;;.,__100~11= ...... -=::.,,..:.::.-==--1-iii-1eur11 11t1 1eur11 am 11wa1 11 • wr111N•Of not M.utS ,,...ote1.1o1.111t ,_ ~ &Oii .... Jiii .IAllllU •ID .... .... UITl All U ZoMCI for hor... etc HW l.llTm II Big S Bdrm 3 bath With JUST REDUCEOI Ulllt on COLD•~eu BAN~C!RO UYlllllEI Sll0,000 Finest quality construction owner· builder remodeled home m Dutch CAloniaJ style Upstairs family room, fabulous country kitchen, paneled library. two fireplaces plus full security system. TWO IEW COIDO'S IPU 11111 UT./111. 11-4 1111 lr1111 '"·· Otst1 .... NEW, CUSTOM! 2BR, 2 1/lBA Dble garages, fireplace, wet bar. private patios. SEE TODA Y1 Price $159,000 and $157,000. llLL HAVEi • llULTlll (l1•) 141-1111 DESERT RETREAT For sale or trade Fully furnished 2Br, 2Ba, den & pool size yard Located m "THE SPRINGS " Considered to be the finest CAuntry Club m the desert See to believe. Full price -$249,000 -excellent fmancmg. Owner/agt Weekends/Evenings 95 7 -8300 llLIOA OOUIFllOIT Spacious 5 bdrm, 3 1 • ba Pvt area, no boardwalk traffic Elevator. 2 frplc. 4250 sq. ft Under appraisal at $795,000. OWC at $30K down. 10% int Leasehold land. IU-Hll OPEi TOIAYU Ill OUYll IHSIOI open 1-5 by appt only Priced to selJ today' $1 .795,000 Call PlTllOI nlUI at ll0-ll02 for ~ate entrance and details COSTA IEU I IR-$121,IOO A lot ot home tor your money. Neat & clean RV access. alley entry Clos to schools. church, shopping Call for Information and showtng. f iqf{)l-1 Ml-Ull Chait! link fence, boJC Dramatic plan 4 wflh IC*-::*mf9 2.:.'Y ~ ~ Che f9Uwly wtth ~ 1tall1 etc. 11 fNtt trMI. Ing 2 story ceWng .,,1ry -H:.., 1.-na & ~ • toM 2t>r dill. rm houM OPEN llland lllt~ btUkf..1 .old tut. It 1 \19C&tft M'ld b~ )'It'd. Thll .,,, .. HOUSE. 20311 Cypr999, area and psik, Prtvlte In great,_.~ ::':..:: tll'IC'ttY9 3 8dnn l"°"'9 II s A ~hit 6"4S.2847 COfn« locatlOn Int••-~ N 0 gl'IF a ...._ the'*'*" ..ming ortCIUlo: · ........ a. "" u ... -deo-6ac:. Dlnlna room end 1ng i.veta and 3 total _. below comS)etabies; kitchen ~ ~ *llVE IT AWAY* 11.0IUTPWA bedroom• Community $178,000 Don't wait. let'Y'8Cie with you1 piWate PoOI and lenntt Pnp.c! to 751-3191 epe NOW t.215 000 Mll, with an uaumable IUNESS FORCEs 8AL£. loi'PI 1299 000 831~1400 C::: SELECT OPEN SUNDAY 1·1 3BA 2BA, 2 car gar , nu ceramic Ille, nu kite & ba llOOr. hi vaulted ceilings MOdel like cond S~.900 Lou 559·9•00 r.gt - "'-ATIRIRO~l ..... PROPERTIES 189MASTERSCI~ H\)Mt ., IJK. -··1,. ••Ho• U2·1111 REAL ESTATE , .... 131-1400 Have local 3 8d 2ba 2 car j PETE BARRE l Rf.ALTY garage. with &el< equl1'f -------1 plus c:alh lor CM Of N& 1%HWI IWO htT.I. Dix 2 B'csrm 2'1\ 81 towMome highly up· graded Owner mutt NC· r1flc1 to u ll Call 759-9491 for 1ntorm111on LIM ISLI 1100.000 eu11om s bedrc>om home 3 baths Family room 3 ci r g1r1ge StrMt·IO- atreet on center walk (71•1 87"3·7783 LllUU IUCH Ocean vtew. 3 bl.ks to beach Near new 2 br, 2 1~ ba, $255,000 Fmancmg $220.000, 10 114% by owner 2 11111 ROii MAJESTIC YICTORrll CUSSIC Overlookmg Newport Bav and the Pacific 3 levels. sumptuous Bdrms, formal dmmg. study. 5 Ba fam1Jy. and living rooms Best of everything. mahogany wood & leaded stamed glass Drastic reduction to $719,000 or $625.000 L.H. Owner says to brmg all offers! Opn Sat/Sun 1-5 Agt. 646-7276 RARE 200' PRIME ISLAND POINT HOME 416 bdrm, big dock(s). play lawn & swim beach. Walk to ocean fun 7 car parking. Low owner fin . $750,000 (land Incl.). Open Sat./Sun 1-5 Owner (9-5) 650-0202 BUY DIRCT & SAVE UY L.llllL Tift-El 1141,000 .. 111,000 Large custom tn-level horn~ Pride of quality throughout 2 den. 2 1 • ba frplc 2 car gar Open h<,use 12 b Sat & Sun or by appt 2141 flt111 AH. Cl. 141-ISH lrt .. ar l . Ft11tel1 • ll11lttr UnlftlU A gT&Clous remindt!r Beautiful. high!~ upgraded 2 Bdrm. 2 1 ~ ba rondo located m a complex of Sparuah m· spirt-d archit.ecture & deugn A stroll to the ~ach m Newport Assume SlJ~.000 1n Pnc"f'd S 174.~00 Don't m lhas! THE REAL ESTATERS 141-1 111 •Ingle lamlly Prefer COM Call for d9talll Curt A Herberta II 831· 1268 ------- 10 FED II WITEI IWIEI W1U 1111-11U1 11,1-. ao1 mn• nu IPEI 11111llT/IR11·1 El llFRl-llllD lll-MlO ---~' FlllL SACRIFICE 2 I r, 1'1• h ~ •II• tr .. SO Pfau Sl,100 hit• .. , .... ., .. trHfl Lovely unit m excellent shape. but I must sell NOW Has carport with storage. security gate, solar heated pool & JacuZZl, exercise room and llG,HO IH· 1121, '' ••1 tr lll-HIO cm1iu e11t1u 1111uaas oenau 3 bdrm. 2 bath, hvmg. dining. laundry room. perfect CdM starter home for small farruly. or single. private beach access. $225,000 (you own land). IJ lttfYatttl h•tr llO-1 114 OHi UllAY 1·1 IOI ltlftr4 14., NI° Let U1 Help Yo• Sell Your Property! The Ody Pitot offers you thb euct size ad on OU1 ''Plch.re P11e" weellench fOf just 125 per day Of 2 days fOf '45 Submit a pteh.re. Of we'I photo1uph it for you at ~ mnnal char1e. THE REAL ESTATE RS 08 Orengo Coalt DAILY PILOT/Sundav, July 29, 198'4 It OAIYOI YEIUILLll A ~an• Towhomt· ln one of Ncwporta moat prt.'atigious gat.e- guardt"d rornrnuruues. A beautj- ful rorncr urut with magn1f1cen1 views Paddle tenrus court, love- ly ground!"t, c.-omplete secunty system All in excellent con- dition Lucy ROSt' $750,000 JUMllE OIHI Highly MJught aft.er Plan J. 2 BR & den or 3 BR all on single levf'l Perfect s unny comer upgr .1dl'<i A /C, romm pools. tennis & secur- ity Ma.xint> Propp $335,000 JEWEL IF TIIE WEST There are few rompansons I I acres offenng tot.al p.anun.utrn: views of Newport Harbor islands & entry to sea 5BR. oBA & c:.wff fac1ht1es The premier vww of all Newport & ulbmate in µnvate secuntv Tom Alhson $7,000.000 °FOREYH YIEW" En}Oy superb v1stc1 u f go1 geous rnuntrys1de from this dt>La<.:ht>d Turtle Rock Home• &>aut1fully decorated in neutral tones. featurmg woodplank floonng. gourmet kitchen and spacious master suite M1c:k1 Coopt•r $264.000 IAYFllOIT o• WEST llY A charming redecoratt.'Ci home -3 BR s uites -sun fillc.'(f terrat-e on the bay Slip for large yacht. Off street parking for extra cars -A great investment property Owner w1U fmance &rbct.ra Aune $975,000 IEW LIST1H 11 ILllFFS Large 3 BR, 2 story home Sunken farruly rm with fire- place Huge hvmg rm & dining · area Spacious urut Cooperauve seUers Including land Beverly Morphy $245.000 PHOWllC ocu•1 llHT LIHT VIEW 4 bedrooms. 31 z baths. family room home with master bc'Ciroom retreat & huge walk m doset. Secluded tropical spa with water fall Entry includes a meandenng path crossmg Koi pond Ed Escano/Maurt.><'n White $875,000 °CASA IWCl" llUIOR RIISE CREST Beautifully upgraded :s hr. :~ bd home 1n one of Newport s most prest1g10us SPCunty gated mm- mun1t1es Assumabll· ht TD Maurl·t·n Wh tll· Ed E~tJn<1 $4 25 000 MAHOR Rtl&E • MODEL PERFECT Rdre "Lucerne · with panorm.1w ocean, bay light vwws :i BR. a BA. fam rm. 3 fireplace'!>. mastt•r BR with retreat Lots of planta uon shutters. moldings uak built-ms and marble Maureen White & F.d Escano $795.000 IMMEllATE '8SSESSIOI Two master su1 t.es En.JOY t he unobstructed views of Newport H arbor, Catalina. & N1te Lites from this 3 bedroom. 3 bath, family room, 3 car garage home Neutral toned del'or Ed Escano/Maurl"en White $695.000 price rt.'Ciunwn ILUFFS YtEW &·auuful "Delores" t•nd unit with 11uL">tandm~ panoran11l bdck h<1y .ind rutt.· light \. lt'V.<. :s BR 2 . baths Oec.'Oratt.'Ci in m·u tral l'olor'> Lush grE."t'n l:X'lt Clu:.e to community pool, schools ;.ind shopµ1ng Indu<lmg land Dcmn<t Cods h ;1JI $:Hi5.000 ti& CHYOI EJTR&ORDUIAllY FAllL Y MOIE With .i blc•nd of 11.ul1t111nal .ind c ontt•mporarv this fi hr . 7 h.1 horn< 1' 1rulv an uh•al farllll\ h<>mt h '.1\Ur<' ,j fJhUIOU'\ .'(olf tUUN .incl l.1k1 · \;l('\lv !ndud .... the f111f'st 111 quetltlv <1mstrul t1u11 thruoul Ov.ncr '' v 1•1\ mot1\,1t1><f .ind will co11s1dl'f tr;1d1 ., r>wlll v Bt bb $I H!l~ 11011 DECORATOR SHARP Presi ·nltn~ ,1 lov,.lv 1·nd unit D1JUn modi I ts>v. nhomt• in Turtlf' Rock This :! hc-<lroun1 unit with convenwnl <.ippointrnt-nls 1~ in a pr 1v:-1tt• loc:·.1t10n only !>lf•Jr.. .twav from th•· r·omm11n11 v park ('.1lhh.in/Ward $16fi.~OO 111 OAMYH FAIRWAY LOCATIH hc-.lrnorn.'>. 4 hllths f. m1ly room h11l1ard room plus a 2 bt'<:iroom guPst suite> A pnvau- pool t•nhan<.'t"S this pr •stJfiW prop f'rty OwnPr '" vt•rv motivated Dannv Bibb S l 295.000 MHVELOH IUFlllT N1•.tr N<•wport llt-ubor Yacht Cl~b ~(~1.1rming rc•mud«>lf'd hon~. Lat~·· hnck tt•rran• on bay. :~ ~p<f('IO\JS bet .... , :i h;llh~ pl<'f <1ncf ~lrp Call BarbarH Aurw $97~ 1)01) 644-6200 i:•::.:•:.::•::;; .. ;.;:;•...;l~tr...__la;;;;l_e __ ... 1te.-•-..1t1--.I-.•-.• -.kl-..• __ ;;;B.••:;.;;1t-.1.....,l•-....lal......,•~~ ltun l!r Ille Geaeral l002 C.a1r1l l002 lal.MI blH• IOOI Cetta .... ...... ,., Ill• I ........ , lat. ... , ..... lal• ...... ••1 Wt 11u &; .. -... ttu •ner• 1111• toet •!!I'!' ...,. 111t •net .... ~ 1111 ~~--iiiiiiiii9 ICWHllT .. Niil urnm HPlll EXCEPTIONAL• Flitt llmt "El . SLIP. YllW ottered th11 IPll<:IOY• 4 S~tcular mountain and bdrm. 3 bath family homt water view trom thta 1111911. ffflur .. en uptttJra hvln~ maintained BA 'I" FRONT room with • "forev•r DUPLEX Sandy t>ee<;h gloitout view ot tht ptor tor 2 laroe yechta ha1bor, l•tty Coron• del Great tamlly arct• tn • Mar and L.•ovna Baach' quiet location Cati for d• Downatalra la • tamll\> ,.111 on this 1err1hc prop· room w/MI bar & patlc eity Ow"-' wlll cerry the on I~ Nnd Amenltlfl note and Ut on thll FEE g&10te 1n thla S1,t50.000 land $999000 831 1400 home Call &31 ·1400 • \A.All toKO~l flt)MI.., l•t. HlAL LS1All 131-1400 101 I. UYflHT 21111 n IULI 11W U11111 ·-. J UTI * * UYllllU* 1t WDTUf OPEN SUNDAY 12--4 DUPLEX· 381 OaMI St Coun1ry l.Mng onty 2 mt~ ..... , •• •UI 11111 L.,ge ueumabta IOtln per-Ss>«l~l•r 4 Bdrm 2 8-8fMk .....,, w/'30 000 10 ~ 2 br cottage on A aped 1 piece walk 10 f.ci for young •xec 3 '"' hOrM. 1 Bdrm lPt. apl1al ctn. Prloe S 183.000 OWC G A2 lot w/lanrutlc llgttl. bflghl. .ri,1,.,.,. end a a pr I Y •I• able Srt, lg llY rm 1ta1rcaN entry tak .. you 81 12% INT Potentlal to build RV ec;. unit w/fMW P 1· crpll & ~~o ~d parka rtoht w/flreplae• Drive b~ to 3rd .. .,.,, M11r Bdrm & oaae tool Onty S130 000 v'9w 0 greenb91t Super ated 1218 o.von LAM & call llvlng arM w1e-..pan11.-. HOUSE· ••7 ••.,,no11a 7••1•"1 • tamlly unit with 1 br, 1 ba wilhln thl• t>M4111tut o• H11m1 '" vt.w 631·1286 "u ""-... .,.... "" downst.tlrt 759 1501 •r•• Prof..al°'1ally dee-' view of bay & city llghta 2000 aq tt 3 Bt 2 be Of•ted •Br. 3Ba horn. 2n<l lev9111 ramify rmt 3 hUO-bonua rm, aep lilt French window• and Bdrm• Oll•t•d at rm freah kit w/,.,._ ap-dOOf'lthrougl\OUtapento S 1.SOO.OOO pffan. Mull ... 20% dn luth private gard9N and H &11n1YIT uaum low Int loan & uMd btlcll patio. Truly• __ W_H_Y_NO~T,,...L""'IVE:-=-- Chermlng Cape Cod 0 W C ti 7 3 -180 0 dr .. m houtt Liited at ON NEWPORT BAY? home. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba with 1 WM.E DOUD CO.INC. le95,000. Auumable low New 3 Bdrm 2'~ Ba cu. Bdrm apl + O"*t room 1n1ere1t financing For tom w/dock "425,000. S3'75,000 ••mm•.,.. IPll •1111·1 • I01 UM llll . turthef d•t•ll• call 3311 Flnley (nr Lido Vla~ Ol IWIHI GORGEOUS 4 Bdr 2~ Bl EASTSIDE CUTE 2 BR on Spaclout 2 Br 2~ ba bay REAL ESTATE Opn Dally 1·5. 873--37t'f Owner wanta otter on thl• In quiet cul-de-NC:. Din-lg lot 2•9 MllQnoll• nr • · ESTABLISHMENT ta 6 _ 1 2 unit property 2 Bdrm 2 Ing rm, famlly rm + Santa Ana Av.. S 125,000 ~na Co~do,:.th ~~v·~~ 544-9411 .. 8• tront hOUM + 1 Bdrm poolalzed manicured PoU s 15,000 down ' gd d~en FULL SECUR-* * HflllHI• * R2.0oo 164C aown rn IEWHITIUCM snt,ooo 1 Ba cotl-oe. S3e5,000 yard Near golfcourte t a r m a 8 7 3 -1 8 0 0 ITY BLOG S&CfUIOlt at -will carry Nie» 28' hM POOL IHI H OIUL Only $255,m ASSUME WM E.OOUD CO. INC s535 000 Call Patrick HUil IHll w/d9tecMd ow on oom- 3 Bd 2 be ttreplece N .. t & Gr .. t location n.ar N 10.15% tlntnclng Call R9PotajMtlon• Duplex & Ten~• 790-8702 A special place, walk to merclally toned lot.~ bfk clean. aparkllng pool Bayfront to build on or PATRICK TEN 0 RE Home S 128•000_ t45.000 go r g a o u a pr Iv• t e oN Main In SA Oto anN beautiful yard. large R 2 keep 81 ret1tal unlta. 780-8702 Low down. agt 546-7739 beachea and parka right conttructed In front. 1mmacu111a 3 Bdrm home m grea1 neighborhood New appllances. root paint and much more Call on this one before its gone lot S t49,500 $285,000 within thlabeautlful gated Newly orptd & pslnted ' ·YllE AYEHI @l lora vance ..... l11clt 1040 area. P<oft .. lonally dee-778-9150 n orated 48r, 38• home. --Loi 90• 178 with O~'" 3 Bd I lfW Umll ~ """ If 4Br 38•, 2800 SF-lg lo1. o U00-78'on bay, lg d°'·k. French w1ndo~111 and 2 bB hOme, $199,000 rea or dn $ 1901( OWC 1 ml to 6Br, pool. 11-6 Dally 1C.1 doors lhroughout op«l to Near So Cout Plaza. Ex· RIJ M0Car1U1 Rltr 673-4062 SS.000 Cun geta a t>eeull-bc:h Bier CoOp 963-6882 Via Udo Soud 873-7873 lush private garden• and oeptlonal 4 Br home In Traditiona I Re alt~ itl-1121 _ _ ful und., ptloed Condo S..utlful 4 Bdrm 2 bath &a•aalJ( STUl used bric« patlOt Truly a family area Room IOf RV lalM. Auum S 108,000 et ...,. dream houM Liited el Poof 812• yard Come --------• p i l lOOl 12• .• 91, fixed Hlghly up-hou" close to beech Gorgeoua 4 Bdr 2'11 B• $695.000. Aasumable low s.er 759. t501 UTILE llll llYFROIT ta aaa I graded Call for detalls priced right 988" 1954 3000' POOL HOME wlth Interest financing For Older 2 story 5 Bdrm ret1· PREITillllS PEI. PT. Oya 833-3644 (Janel) lmae 4 backbay view Can't be-turther datella call oence 1n a rantasllc VIEW On the b4Mteh tor under Eves 648-8625 lleve It-only $226,000 REAL EST AT~ •ocaoon tnat takes ad-$500,000 Unique prop-Wilm STOL Ulll . Ell HIT ~~ci~~~~~fo~TRICK EST~}'~~1~ENT H:4 t -7:i70 IEWPIRT IEST IUY vantage ot water and arty offers ap«tecular 2 Bdr 2 Ba condo near Open beams throughout, - 3 Bdrm 2 balh with ocean I night hgnts A wonderful 111ews & unuaual privacy. S C Plau. w/pool & llreptac;e, large kltci\9n breezes and view Great opportunity to own 8 This charming Cape Cod carport must taerlflce at with .. ung area. formal llWHIT OIEIT corner •oca11on so cloSt home on Quiet Llllle 3 bdrm home 11 open IOf $69,000 Try $5000 dwn. dining area. walk In Largest model avellable to 1ne beach This non ISl<tnel and Clo some re-mspectlon by lPPt to $800/mo 3 Bdr only cloMt. sepera1e laundry __;:...:..::;..c======-and much desired end .;T.-a,.at.,1•;;.. _____ ....., c.onoo nas communit~ decorating to lit your qua 1111 • d bu "I e' 1 $77,SOO. Won't lut call and storage area ott hUQe IACI IAY unit 4 Bdrma, 2'11 batha, Oii( Ill• Pool an ... tennis an"' 8 style Reouc eel to 770-0493or673-4852 PATRIC K TENORE 1 d di I u u $850 ooo deck Pool. tenn •· 2 aty. 3200 sq/11. 4 Bdrm• !amity room an n no lmmaoulatefamllyhomeln very ta11orable price OI . Corlildel Mar rm 760-8702 privacy Just block• to 3 ba Pool/spa. hi calla, 3 room. nice kitchen greet •r•• of Tuatln, ~~~ ~~~~:e;>po~~a~:a~~t -" \I I Ht HI '" 1 ahopa Assume llnanclng ear gar Comer 114 acre w/bullttns end eating bOl'dera lrvlne: 3 Bdr 2 751-3191 1111"'11.., hu OPEl••T/Sll1·1 w i th amall d o wn S360K.Wllltradelor area.bullt ln wetbar A1-Be. ape, muat NII now ~ Rl:AL EST ATE -$94,500 Income 642-1368. teched double garage $135,000 Opn Set/Sun C:. SELECT r 831-1400 OH CUISIC 142·1200 community poof and ten-1-5 14441 Deerlleld Aot .... PROPERTIES I HIROT LIOATill vEASTSIDE-A11umabl• ,_.,. _____ ··-~~~~11.=1!:!~~~ ___ 64&-__ 12_1_e_. _,.....,,.....,. t40o+ SQ n IEWPORT IUCM HOME 147' bay frontage w /pnvat.e dock for 70' boat -4 bedrooms + converuble study. 4 12 baths. formal dining room and step-down living room -Separ- ate masater wmg w/slltmg room, fire- place & twin walk-in closets -Of- fered with land for $1 ,700.000. As· sumable financing Call TODDY SMITH or DON DeTHOMAS. UDO IAYFRHT DUPLEX Two ht•auuful apw,; Each wnh 3 bdrm.'>. 'l. baths & f1rt>place Lower u.nit has fom1al dining m i Sandy beach Liv<' in onl' or convert to single family ho me $869,500 Call CATHRYN TENNILLE. BlYSHORE'S FUIEST Ln'>tuditd "'ph1 ... t1tctt1on Abs1Jlutt· 1 x4u1..,1t1 · d1 •tall111g vuullf·d n •tl 1ug' -.kyhghw,;. re- t't'S..'>(·d ltghL'>. v. httl' Will>ht.·d oak flour~. plantJtlllfl '>hUtlt'I''>. In· u t •dtblt kttd11 11 Fn•nt:h doors f'c>atures ffi~ll'I '-Ulte, formal dtn- 1ng guest room and c:entral t·ounyard A.-.sumP fmancmg ln- dudes land CALL DEii 1111 REDUCED TO S3l&,OOO FEE 0,11 Su1d1y 1-6 2512 CrtstYi1w OPEN TODAY 1-5 Clean cool & roomy Mona co w/sky~tes. bay w11dows, deck$, etc $141 000 201~ Pert Bristol HVH NB $Thousands lu than nrhhrs, 3 BR , 3 Ba pool. ~cht . airy, clean I l4 Harbor Island Or NB Cute & cootempomy l Bfl. de11, skyichts & clan S/08 OOl 2921 4th St Old CdM 4 BR pltn family room. Ice pool, ~iew. one owner $?70 0001 H lbOJ Blarkthorn r BluH NB Terrific twnhme, new! 3 BR. 3 Ba. 2 fplc 's, patios, decks S 199 900 1463 Ir vinf' Ave Baek Bay. CM lre lot. pool, ~pa, 3 BR 3 Ba. airy and eq,ty $360 000 4'10 I Wriyn1> Rd Cameo Hind. CdM Incredible view, a rasper fr ~r. M>ld. 3 Bit OWf. S92~.000 3335 Ocean Blvd . CdM Chamlnr clasuc 2 BR den & 45' lot just steps to bimh SJ8 4 ooo 309 Mai •ROid Old CdM Rt4Hd tt S•t,000 VA S97K. at l l'iWo.38d abillty. S 18,000 •1ltllt Bt•ll l 5 Bdrms. 3 b.'ha. i"""lud-den.2 ba.frplc. S 159,500 1.a2-1200 ' '"' ..... own/bkr 548-5018 • 8x35 w/Cabanna In NB. All master suite and large ---------Adlt Pk. Sorry no I*•· Nr family . room and off. HIT llY • Hoag Hoap. Walk to bc:tt street parking for up to 7 II OISTI IEU .. _,,_..,. '""' .-.., Ownr wlll help nnc on cars. Only 4 doon from Green Brook Camelo!. Re-••y••g( OIYI OAC. For Info 873--5511 the entrance to Main duced $20.000 Open RSJ Vlllu (Carmeno) by -et . .. .... llul 14 ~ Beach NOW on the mar-HOUM Sun 1 t-6 3363 OWtW lbr + loft d.,-. Bayside llvlng et It a t>est ~t new x UW ket at only $469,000 Wisteria St. Coate Mesa end unit s155.000 OP91l 2 Bdrms. 2 be VIEW • .. -------• triruout eatMdral oeltlngl au.1211 540-4724 Ownr house Sun 1-5 786-1081 boat allp. Pvt oommunlt) 1• bay wndw Adult pk w/poof and apa Submit $27,900 BEST BUY nr SC Plau TllnEllOI TWllSE on terms. Bring an ottet IEWPOllT HEllHTS Cnul~~·7N8Blp2kxo40. recbalmwn.pooldw. • ', · . • • 2 br w. be Condo. Lo~ly 3br 2•,;,t>a 1750 aq. It . and we'll work with youl ""' tract. Sacrificed to aell pool, jae. tennla, 10~'."/, Ask for Sue Exley Darling 2 Bdrm. 2 ba dee-$22.900. NOWll $70,950 By ownr flKed rate. USYm. tor 30 $349,500 FEE orator's cottage Fea-WARD MOBILE HOMES CUllEL IHf 556-1626 or 775·2580 yra. s 188,000. 478-1929 tures latticed patio & 991--4900 or 845-1808 OPE. S •• I'' 1 I IEST lftS 10'9 11 huge yard Auume ttnan. •-•--•-a .. YIU • Brand new 2 & 3 Bdr con-WWIT q /llYIH OcnVu Tri-Ma comunt) $165,000 By owner ---_,.. ... On the water Condo dos, 1 ml to beach TWI IHI/ 1 oe1 II poof/tennis near beach 1 .. 1 71.al 1.a2 •tll Mobllthome on NewpOn Jetty/bay & ocean view S 10.000 bonus 642-9568 ,. • Spacious. lrptc, dbl~ar "' • "' "' -. Beach Bactl Bay Front. I Low price $389,500 111 ,IOO FIU PllOE bllns gd terma Npt Crest OOUIFIOIT TllPLU others. 300 E Cout Hwy 2525 Ocean Blvd G-4 0.12 II l LOT A neat clean C unit In an 2·3 Br. den End unite 4 Br 2 ba 88 ul'lll.873_7873 673-1331Mon-Fri 9-'pm (Unit G on the 4th floor) A new llatlng thla week exc.tlent Inside location $159,500 to $199. Double-wide 2Br 1Ba Boat sllps 11v11ll1ble Excel Income p1operty Vacant and avallable. lo lf'a, 1141 er lml $l6,900 After 5:30 cell 140-1211 with Income 01 $18,240 Call tor details. A steal for the right buyer. 775-l875 r L ~ per year Spacloua 3 1'4-1211 R3 zoning. Bett otter -------- ( h'/U/.t.J/ // =~~~· ~ b~!::' ;u~d~ elm ILIFFS 1121,000 ~;~~!3~~2~c.pted. FABULOUS OCEAN ;7.l -~ T Y Ing Eatabllshed rental I 1 • • Owner wlll help finance VIEW, Laguna Beech _R_E_A area on• SOx100 h lot ~ 2331 Vista Huerta 2BR lnllTSOAPECll S35,000 lull prlc•I Flrepl1ce, bullt-ln1. 1b The p ,..... Mart Spacloua 5 Brm home Own«/Agent. 951-0838 DUPLEXES l0<ced 111 heal S 189,000, WtlllllHI TW•IM a 640~~9·Y wl oak ll00<s. famlly rm, JUST LISTED ON OR-call 631-1400 Taatefully a ppointed --Oen. RV acceas, lro yard, llUILUF POI CHIO' 2 & 1 BDRM XLNT Warmington unit. 2 Bdr 2 Charming Back Bay Home close 10 achoola May A beaullful 24 x 60 tt 2BR LOCATION $249,500 WAll HI HONl Ba w/patlo Features Secluded area nr Mesa consider lease option. 2 Bath hlohly upgraded VIEW OF PARK ANO ttoMI., Inc. wailcoverlngs, window Drt11e Estates $148.000 Prln. only Assume home Large IMng -din· OCEAN ON BEGONIA 3 REAL ESTATE treatments. stovelrelrlg, 20451 Bayview 494-7748 S200.000 Otana Cappel Ing & kltch9n are• wilh & 2 BDRM ASSUME a1·1400 A / C O 1 fer e d at EASTBLUFF CONDO 631· 12666 lamlly room off aoct<>Md FINANCING PRIME !•--------$ l 3 4 900 Sevi l la lBr 2,,.,Ba w/2'it car oar porch Alao air cond. ~~~~5~?0:1~"' DORAN, IHllULE wn111 Properties 631-5155 $195.000 Owner I Aot Call Agl 5'0-5937 Full ocean vu Jasmine Crk 2 br & den Own/agt wlll llnsnce (619)728-5 151 I -•••• leaclt l 041 760-84 1 l Rent w/optlon to buy 1 br Don't mlu thll Im· -_ w/eabana. OP«l hou .. maculate 3 BR charmer 3.1 &CIE LOT USTILIFF TOWIHOME llT •.a.al OOO Fri-Sun 7 TO Lido Pant Best loc.tlon, xlnt cond Lovely setting 3 Bdrms. 2 IOUIFI .-• or. N.8 Sp. • 1 Cabrlllo Only S134,000 Call Pat OOWYl/ht11t1r~. lull baths Sl59.000 or Home/Duplex 5109 Sea- Nt•1+l•11t+l10t•1 * HIUCH S• 1,000 * Cobb 675-2013 Agt SUl,OOO/M1b Offer 1se/opt Agt 760-6097 shore ownr/agt 545·2647 SU JIU OAPllTIAll 252 l Fa1rw1y Dr OWNER WILL TRADE BAYCREST OCUI YllW CllM--IW TIE lllSIH Spotless 3630 sf duplex OWC 1St·12%-longtarm 3br /3ba· 5br/3ba· 1 vac 509 Acacia-walk to beach 399K 20% dn-Appralsed 440K own/bkr 645-7048 SUNO~Y 1-5 C1ll llok IJtrS, lb 4Br 2'>Ba on beautllul St Large 1BR w/sunny patlO 5-Star Partl Double~ FAM MEDICA L UR-110-1212 hJtl•t HI assum loan Only Prof decor & upggraeled Walk to anopa, pool & GENCY Req $9600 price $289.500 Bkr 760-8862 Just mlnutea from the clubhouH S46,000 slash! See thla 3Br 2Ba Lake Ftrnt 1055 beach 1n VIiia Balboa 759-1501 w/huge wOOcl panel den, ;;;;;;~;;iiiiiiiiii;;m IUHOll IHE HTATH Priced below market tor mautve 11p. blt1n bOOk IEOEIYE llW Umll quick sale s120.ooo by case MESA VERDE * * ** Spectacular ocean & night owner. Work 833-1oe6. lllYllE TEIUOE S 127,900 Dave. Agl A llW lllOI lk,)hts view Exquisite two eves/wknda 842-7498 S2•t,IOO FH 546-5880 when the ncrow closes on plus den plus llbrary with 3br or 2br & den riome In Fllll this fantastic 4 Bdrm, or 3 lovely patio areas & PIUOE REllOTill great Corona del Mar lo-and den 3 ba Meister sparkling spa Juat put on 0 N VIEW SEA VIEW ·'-_...,.;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-...-...,- ca11on Famlly neigh-Sgl!ev~4 Bdrm ,,,,.Ba on home1nTheFOl'est Lake the marketS550,000 HOME PRIME LO- borhOOd biking distance 73 x78 cul-de-sac tot privlledoe• Call tOday CATION AT TOP OF 10 bay' and b H Ch Convenient location to thl1 otter won't lut long Ul&=Jl.I.., HILL OWNER WILL 476· 1266 or 644·0357 schoota, transportation & ~ WWin---•Mllill DEAL shopping Owner la real 'fi i O ...... Jo-Ann Doran Broker IRYl.E TEll"ACE estate agt and motivated s r . lit 0111 Only $109,950. Make If Oru4W ..... ~ ~ 1001 hHlt IHll offer Glen Hellwarth ea Y l§!Z. Pllll_TE __ _ OPEi 1·1 IUILY 659-9400 I :..1<:10 Isle 2 Br 2 Ba Re- Beautllul Bay View 786-1172 HVH-Monlco-3Bda du:;ed to $275.000 Agt Airy 4 Bdrm & den, 3 bath, Owner will finance 1977 650-2493 custom home $400,000 Port Cardltt 644-6926_ ll_E_M_O_l -EL_E_l_O_•_••i-El-L/H -land $109, 140 .._ Carel T1ta• lealter FSBO prln<:. only. Lux. 3880 Mlchelaon Drive JIST LISTEI COUNTRY FRENCH SBr lll· 1112/lt0·1211 condo. 3 Bd 3 ba pool, Irvine A real country charmer In 3'-'t ba, pool, tac, play- tlYllE nH&OE 3 Bedroom wllh pool S 189,400 auumable loan $289.500 FEE OPH SllllY 1 tt I ltOI S11t111ll1 Terr. CllEHllE R.E. TH-1111 tennla, apa. Gd uaum Newport, this Immaculate house, lrplc; Everything loana S 1158K 0P9f'l Hse ifWPrt ltaclt I H9 home has 1t all 3 Bdrm 2 for the lamlly and well Sun 1·5, 363 Bayview -1,L ILi IFF ••it Ba, 2 lrplcs, lrg lamlly rm Io c 11 t e d A sk In g Terrace CM 642·5261 .,., -w/wOOcl flooring. Indoor $387 500 Own/Bkr Totally remodeled hOUM • BBO. French doors that 645-6266 IOIH Ul/IR lllTS unit Frustrated lnv&stor open up to a pool that 11 l&UIYIWIEI OPEN SAT /SUN 12-5 20181 SPRUCE Excellent 3Bdr 2Ba home, aaya give It away aurrouneled by a troptcal on E side Only $139,999 $183.000 Bkr 760-8662 setting Incl soler ALSO 2 sharp un1ta next 1-bk Ir the bch Npt Sh0<aa heating+ too many other door Only S 149,999 or 3 Bd 2ba,lrplc.'apa.Owner amenities to list Priced 3 BR 2b•. 2 lrplcs buy both for $280.0001 Sl 15 000 650_..823 111 only $2l5,000 10 aell lge lam rm wet bar. dining 2 •• + •• EST ' iw Great Investment Call _. -----last Opn Sal/Sun 1-6 rm, outlld• patio 114 r' Patrick 760-8702 •••fflllT* 1907 o...,. Ln 759.9491 acre S 149,500, Brol<ers Prime Loe chrmng 2 BOA -.,..,.,. OK 557-1837 Cottage, lrplc·t>eam cell-PIH/IL.IP near new wxw crpt-shut-Newtr 48' 4Ba & spa ters on wndw1 2BDR apt Bank Repo-lmmed poss w/balc over looking pvt 1111,100 patlO Assm hi loan bal at lmmac •Br M ... Del Mai Agl eves/wtcnds 873-9114 low Int rate Aaklng Quiet SI. Upgraded tnru $269.000 Call Now l out & new Int. $139.500 *IAY FlllT OOllO 840-2001 ask for Pat 01 941 Serra Way 545-5•08 2br 2ba pool, boat allp Robin rltr MESA DEL MAR w111~,:1~8°:3t;on HLY 111,000 IOWI 2 Nice homeallot $201< SPARKLER llllS HU. YllW SUY11W/NIT HY&L 4 Bdrm custom r"ldenc» OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 Master suite with fire-2111 Yacht Wanderer place & aludy, l0<mel din-4 Bdrm, 3 beth, lam rm. 2 Ing 1m. family rm with frplc Close to pool & professional bar, 3 car · lennla Guarded gate garage Large deck with comm Prof landacaped Inviting spa Aaklng Ocean & night tight~. $625,000. Submi1 tradaa A STEAL at $3~9.00011 or le•M option Aak for Call olc 476-1973 Ann Petera. home 552--0482 gross income/year S235 000 64S-2256 Exceptionally clean 4Br 2Ba home In choice area New paint In & out Beautltully deoOfated New lence and profes- sionally 1and11Caped •llmHS SW* 142·1200 IPYIUIS YllW lllE Exclualve Harbor Ridge NEW ON MARKET POOL OPEN WED/THURS "'"' 12-4 PM Tne Channel Reef. CDM's only high rise Lovely 2 Brdm 2 ba condo on the water with priva te manna pool •P• $399 500 2525 Ocean F3 Agt 759·9100 HllOEI Tl 1211,000 OPEN HOUSE SUN 7129 11Y11E n1uo1 Spacious 2 Br/2b• GrN1 beck yard F .. lend F&C SEA PROPERTIES. L TO 1573-2810 C11t1 itu It * 1111 liwi * Pool. 3 BR, 2ea. owe s t05K at t2 sv, 30 yra. Hutoh Agt 549. 799 1 1114 IUllPIOI LAUREMONT MODEL ANO SPA LOWEST Gated community. 4Br PRICED VIEW HOME AT 3Ba. lamlly room, dining $429,500 OWNER'S room, proleulonally dee-ANXIOUS Posalbt. quk:k eacrow & pouesslon S 134 .500 OPEN HOUSE 11-6 Sal/Sun JUiy 28·29 844 Sonora Rd In Costa M ... Can ahOW anytime bycalllng orated e>c.an and City 1 •-h •L-llghta view Community ••·-• ru .., ' park pool, ape and ten--------• 111..ol 11 llWNITllU IULn IU-2111 nla Call tor addr ... and we Will make arrenge- menta for you to drlw by or escort you through thl1 beau11tu1 home Price re- duced to $495,000 Sub- mit offtfa. thl1 muat be IOld M ... Verde 3 Bd 2 ba REAL ESTATE FI R.IQ patio. boat ESTABLISHMENT It 0 r a 0 t S 1 5 5 , 0 0 0 544-94 11 ownl agt 1-87~2&80 *IWllll lllll* IEU Wtlll 10U1 Y11W Outatandlng 3 Br. 2ba, l rg 48', 3S., FR, OR totally upgraded home. Sacrifice . Im"*' PoH Huge aeperat• fam rm, 1'11,000 etrlum & apa AMYme • '97 .000 In loena at 12 5% Agt ewa/wtinda u73-9114 F P 0nty S 187 ,500 Cell Anne McC a111 nd 831 12Ml75 l-4330 •IEWPllT IUOl*t llllUIY&ILI •LUIH REH* H v Homea Carmel mdl Quiet gated community. 230K Oarrett Paah l arge 3Br, 2'AB•. lamlty Propertlfl 861-11787 room, dining room, 2 fir• --------- pieces Laroe view tot Ill.Ill Lii MPLD and 3 car gar~ L11ted Welk to attope, bMCtt. Bal at $2~.000 Submit all pier, ftrry/,...11 38r/2ba otters Call &a. 218 Bal 81 873-™3 REAL ESTATE ESTABLISHM!NT WESTCLIFF 1259.000 3Br 5 .... n .. 11 28-, pool, ape S200,000 ..... _. aNOm 1at 12'11%.t~ LIDO --5-B-r.-8-'A ba~ tam-down OWC 2nd 1m, den. rec rm, 7 Y' new, 831-49$4 4 ear gar. 973.ne7 Ull llU WISTOUff llm S 10,000 DOWN Betu11Mly 0900f'ated 3 3 8' 2 Ba, lrg playroom. Bdrm home In lm- lurn onty $400,000 BIN mececultt• condition Grundy Rltr 875-e181 Spaolou1 family room Ilic~ P1erertz l l 75 LIC&Tllll LIOATilll UITEllSIU Own• an-..loua and Wiiiing 10 Hll thla prime OGeantld• beacilfront 3 Bdrm, 1 ·~ be home r1ght on tM water fOf 10% down and will CMry the balance at 12-~ for s years. Call fut WallHtlO..lltn (111)121-1111 Ctaaerclal •11r 1tz HlllTI 1250 All 2 Bd 1 be untt1 leu than l yr old Low Income are 7 tlx groaa. Auuma $615.000 A.I T.O Alklng $798,000. Traditional Realty 6.1 1-7370 IUlllN. Great redu<:9d foracl09Ure w/labuloua lrontao• on Newport Blvd. 3 real- dences & one com merclal property w/oceen view. A l $685,000 en unb911eV8ble lnvetttn90t 75~1501 CM ofc t>kto·room to build 1000 aq tt S325K. 779 W 19th St 851-8928 Bkr Comm9rclal Lot nr 19th & Pomona, Costa M ... 125-..83' I 100,000 Prln• cipala only Call (911) 62~19 Newpor1 8-yfront P'Wne Offloe bldg I 1,I00,000 8111 Grundy Attr 17M111 laceme rt! llllllWTl:ml It's That EJrtra Mite th•1 maus the ditferenoe DO IT RIGHT 2 BR dl"n net¥ decor. lirflt , crd cate aru CALL OAVE WHtTE •llWLllTilll* SEASHORE OR DUPLEX Two 2BA Unit• lowfy Nwpt Hta temoc:MI °'*'Sat/Sun 547 Tuttln •t lllth, 2 Bdrm 8'48·0801 open• onto •ncloaed pool llU yard Two fire- pl~. Mt bar. high ca• thedrat oetllno• f. V9fY attraollv• new 11111no. Coate Meat triplex. otdef but sharp, no dtr.rr.ct maintenance Thf99 1 8t unlit, O'M* Wiii help finance Offered at S 1U ,900 Sevtlle Proper't ... 63 t ·5155 $33~ OOo 1 Rut> f ounlainbll'au 81~ Cvn NB -~-~~'. Duplex. 2 BR. pool, 1pa, nr beach. 40' lot fjiJ_ rl'f 4 S l /9 ooo j 14 Goldenrod Old CdM [ =:t;=i . ij;FJI IMTI NUT P1.W 40' lot. ntct yard. 2 BR. dtn. r.ma• view. bi• ward 4 1111 TIWlllll '11111 llN ITUL • 1 I I I 10l,OOO 5 to 1~ down. wllh $~7' ooo 210 lark~pur. Old CdM NflW ~x th• market. 12&Wlxedk>M 28t,2b• tp11c10111 end unit lltt a end unO N.... Qrpet I ~lfJIJ I H~Al TORS' fi75 6000 ; /114 If .ut I ld~I H1qhwav Corona dl'I M1r •• comm PoOI & ~ Va bngnt I hlghly upgracs.d C91'1t Olene 131• '* Olan• Cappel &31· 12M $0 to Sand & S.• Suptr Buy_St97,000 l /H ••• HEWPOAT CREST •BA 38A COMo,,..., tennl• court• & PoOI ONLYS119,7~ MM lit (/AAl/Jl'll A E A#t TY '"" 500 UIT lllTl 1111 3 nN P 0 0. unltt. Im· mtculalt 3·2·2 124,3'0 OSI owner-. mollvated $247,000 e untt• P 0 0 tO 'Yf'I <*I, S3 l4K ataumeble. '1dd owe 2-l '• Pkn •·2'• "450K PrlnQpelt only 8hertt 131 '* R&'M~ tt•• 11 IJ. ht'DfL llOI u 11 llUAIU W'IU. TUii S.. our A3 ed undet toet U ,300,000-M.A.I. eqolty , .... 1111 aa.. on 314 untt1. ~ ooe1 I r11111111 ....,, oondot unc:i.r conelruc-Pll 1&1.1 llon e. hrd Cty. Oen bt Newpott Ctnttr 14,712 8F rtf'lled U eptt. HM 5 ~ Alfpor1 ArM t7 2tO SF tlnanctno. Wiii coneldtr T .a .... ft '..Ill Ill home In N.I .· T.O ·~ "•• lw Ranch land. Prlnclpll1 lll·Hll onty &53-1110 UlllUTlll Cl ...... 1111 Trt'"9X1T1l'01 W. Balboa WXAT@b blifMdiib lfvd, Npt lot\, ONLY ESTAT! ON WAT!A Agl 9210,000 (you own t~ "3·5321 Any pnc.. lat'ld). ttU20 lnCOl'M.1:":":"~=-----~......,.,-:--:--0 a 11 PAT A IC K WANT: Aetldentlal In• T!NOAE/Agt 7904702 come PrQperty. LAQuna Beach to Dena Point. Litt~ lalt ltH Bkr, 417-174-4 PUITllllll LIT ltatlli llUlllllllU 1....,,..........., ___ _ IYIWlll BtUt1fual1, .. lllTllU Have purohaHd other Cima itl air llD property. No reaeonable cameo 8horH ocHn offet r.tuNd 1218,500. 'MW, 3 Br+den. 3 Ba+ Prim• tar;e 101 ~73 Pool. UHO/mo. Agt ilt1atata, Dtltrt e1s..n81 ltHrt 1410 CHta Ina 1114 WOOCiey dlo Gar "l" Cux. trl.i;:;:t, 2208 eq H. Freme. '51 ,500. FrM 11200/mo, Pool/Jacuzz:I. Catalog. COYntry Realty, mo to mo. 21311514~ Box 18-40, Big BMr City. CA 9214. (H4) 585-2575 1:11111 llflrallltt4 091 ,1 c..... 11111 az01 , '' 1529 8Ulc 26drm hme not far 11rrtz to wavea w/yrd .. kid/pet WI 1U 111111 1500 detaua 539.9190 By owner. decoratora Bffl Alty '" home. completely rt - m~ed. Have to be aeen to appreciate. on golf OOUf'M. $187,500. (819)753-7838/74'4.0102 2 Br w/gar & yard, E.1ld1 C.M HSO/mo 1 Br, CdM, $800/mo. •••••rlWl•t•r ....... Lrg Big BMr hM mn ridge iaalll IW. n., 3 1tory-3br+ gmrm(PoOI •-tabla) 2 frpl-lrg aun dk· PllP IUUlllllT Nll/lrda for Inc prpty l14/lll-11ll 714·545-8918ownr ht······· ...... '"r''T 1190 P1ala1al1 slR JCAN"'l!CXRb wXSR *"'""'* On Stuart 11. 57 ac .. 3900 Gorgeou1 38r 2Ba. All M low bank wate!' front, am.nltl•. 2 ltory. Yrly lovely home w/lg dootit IN 12100/mo. 875-4912 and f1oat1. SubdlVlded Agt. Avall Augu.t 1 ror four more t1omea and C9naa ••I 11u llft would t>a fantutlc oom-i.1~.,.. ....... .....,~.....,~ pany 111cat1on 1pot. 3 Bd 2 ba 2 car gar, new Selmon, crab1, ciam1-klt,xlnt cond, nr ocean. front ot tlouae. Thia prop. $1100/mo 720-381'4 11 the J~ of the San 3br 1ba bch cottage.frpl· Juana. Home ind dock patio-country decor. 820 ara In Reid Harbor ... , .. , 1 I 2 Ac a c 11 s 1 1 0 0 ancorage In th• San 6"5·&002 Sherry Juana. 3 1/2 ml tm Jat air -------~ atrlp at Roche Harbor, Harbor view Hiiia home,~ S.J.11. C1n ba bought ac w/)aeeuzi, 4br 2ear w/llttle cllh. S1, 180,000 gar avbl 9/5 S 1950 call 213/748-5'433 or e.45-'4310 720-0838 eves 377--0870 OLD CdM 2Br 2Ba. So of WASH. Oreaa llland, San Bayatde S900. 2Br 1Ba Juan1, 48 1crM, w1ter-rear unit S750 Lynna or tront. BMutltul view, can Barbara. Agt1 815-eooo. ba eubdlvlded. Lota of &«-1211, '44-5"03 traa1. All tor only Upper $800'• 2br ped ep111 t299,000. Fin• axclullve lvl 2br 2b1 seoo·1 3/2br watartront home, Sun trple gar $875 ~br 2ba Lakff, central Wattling-pvt pool $1100 S39-e1to ton, dock. beautltul view, Beal Alty fee + twtmmlng pcol; only =---==---"-""'.AA'<lr. S145.000. 133 Acre• c.lta Mftl 2224 prime hHvy lnduatrlal 2 Bd m 1Ba ,.., yd no property on large airport. r · • " · $3,500,000. Lea Perr pets. S&50/mo. + MC. A a a I E 1 t a I e dep. 548-3994 509-745-"871. 2Br 2Sa condo. Oen. gar. r pool, upstairs S 1050 l1ac•11, 1ra1 sierra Mgmt 641-1324 lrtHI 1975 3BOA 2BA Yard-frpl· l1 .. tter'1 R111'9en grdnr-new appl-no peta 11 &IYlllYI 111 +MC $850 497-8287 WALNUTS· 20 Acr .. MIL • Bumper Cropl Price tn-OJl>l0n£NT eludes. Tractor & Or· H 1 w ..., chard equipment • 20 X J';/. w":'n..., 60' Drive thru-garage • & nearly 1800' 3 year new hom•I + much morel. .. Write/call Art Glovlnettl ~ C-21 Gridley Realty, 1589 Hwy 99E, Gridley. CA 95948 . (ill; 848-3851 Bua, (918) 8.48-5391 AM. AMl'ALS AnUqun ..,P!'"~~P'fllll .. ..., Apphan<..,. INDEX REAL ESTATE ....,~,·· ANn.1m Hilla S.lb<>a W.nd S.lboa P•n1nou~ Ca!*lf&nO 0.a<h Coton• dtol Mar C....M"" Dana Pooni El Toro F'°"nuo1n Vallf' Hunll"l\Otl Bt• h Hunt HarboUr lrvuw i...,unaa..rn Lacuna Hiila Lacuna N11U<rl La.It•,._, M!lllOn Vt.p N•wpor1 8Hch San ci.nvn ... s.n Juan Capoal.l'ano S.11uo Ana Sul BNch South Lacuna s.,,._, 8"ch 1\>oun W•llnlnlUOt J40bli. Komo. MrMft Apennwnuo Btech Prop.ny s.... .... Propty c.mwln}' l..ola C-l~y Conclomln1uma Oupl••8 u ..... k-IC t. Movfod i,_.,,. Proprn y lnd\ottnal Propl)' l,,ouo for Sa» liloalle HOflW Parluo Mounwn. o..n O....~'Co Ol.tt ol County °"'of suo .. &/W"-' ,..,.,,. ='~ l_&~ ll WanWd RENTALS ~ P'lil'NINol ,._ Unlunl»hed K-"4m11Md or Uni~ Condo"'"' Ool'Oo Uni Town'--,,.,., Town~Unf Dllplu .. n.m Ou~"Unf """11nW1111 rumllM<I Ape.r\mfnll Uni Apia P'IW'\ fll Uni "°°"'9 "-"' llMl'd Kowlll. Mowll o..-1"-sumnwrRM.11111 v-11M it.nuolll 'a.t\ .. t. 10 lhan '''"""" w 111Mld o..,....10t A.nt Ofll<'tr ""nl&la .__ll.at11Alt Co!Nnl ~\Ala l/W ... I "-tll.alt ~~"' .. Aun MIN Bid( Ma.,nal> C.-rM ... [.qltlpi'l'WI I CD1T1pu1•n ,.,. .. 10 Yoo f'umm ... n Gara~ Salfoo H..,.... hukl Goud• Jf'w~ln M.._P\int r\ Mi.:-.tlaf'lllP(l\.ll. M•• Wan~ M.,...-al lnotru,,....n1& Off...., r um11ur• " f.qU>ptllf'nl PW'IOO & O.c•,.. Sporunc eooo. T\' !l.dio SIA',.... HOMES FOR SALE 1 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 2921 4th St. old CdM, CdM 675-6000 $208,000 Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM • 15 Coventry, Harbor Ridge 759-1501 $349,000 Sunday 1-5 709 Santana, COM 673-2810 $235,000 Sun 11-4 547 Tustin Ave,( Newport Heights) N.B. 646-0801 $214,000. Sat/Sun by appt 2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN * 14a.d Dolphin Terr .. Irv. Terr 673-4400 $699,500 Sun 2-5 vNo. 18 Atoll. Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-4868 $305,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2201 E. 22nd St, Newport Beach 675-6700 $295,000 Sunday 1-4 230 Larkspur (old COM)COM 675-6000 $325.000 Sun 1-5 2025 Port Brlsto~HV Homes)NB 675-6000 $242,000 Sun 1-5 3 Aue Fountalnbleau(Blg Cyn)NB 675-6000 $335,000 Sun 1-5 3 BEOMOOM 20451 Bayview Ave (Back Bay) 494-7748 $148,000qs Sun 1·5 * ••• 363 Bayview Terrace(Back Bay)NB 642-5261 $168,000 Sun 1-5 * • 1130 Berkshire, Newport Beach 631-4994 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1207 Blue Gum Lane. Westclltf Grv. NB 673-4400 $444,500 Sunday 1-5 702 Larkspur Ave, Corona del Mar 673-4400 $379.950 Sunday 1-5 2521 Fairway Dr. Costa Mesa 675-2013 $134,000 Sunday 1-5 •368 Genoa Lane. Eastalde Costa Mesa 631-1400 $118,000 Sun 1-5 *134 Harbor Island Dr(B Bay)NB 675-6000 $525,000 Sun 1-5 403 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $239,500 2463 Irvine Ave.(Back Bay)CM Sunday 1-5 675-8000 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 3335 Ocean Blvd. COM 675-6000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 403-409 Poppy old CdM 675-6000 $219,000 Sun 1-5 1977 Port Cardiff HVH 644-6926 Sat/Sun 1-4 •905 Powell Court, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $135,000 Sun. 11-5 2 Aue Fountalnbleau(Blg Cyn)NB 675-6000 $450,000 Sun 1-5 * 1406 Santanella. Irvine Terrace, CdM 759-1877 $289,500 Fee Sunday 1-5 214 Via tthlca{ Lido) NB 675-8161 $420.000 789 W. 18th St, Costa Mesa Sat/Sun 1-5 759·9100 $115.500 Sat/Sun 11-5 1t ""4501 Weyne Rd( Cameo Hlnda)COM 875-8000 $350,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 3 aR ptue FAM RM or DEN • 1110 Rldgecrett Or (M . Hinda) C.M. 64•~200 S1•9.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1733 Port Barmouth, HVH. Npt Beach · 759-1530 $289,000 Sund1y 12·8 219 & 2191,.,. E. Bayfront. Batboa 11. 546-5606 $875,000 Sun 12-4 .... , Balboa Co.,.. (BaJ. Co.,..) Npt Bch 76()-.8333 1775,000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 7 ~7~E~~.= Sat. 1-5 * w 111 "G" StrMt (Bal. Pen) N.8. no-<MOS ~.000. Sat/Sun by ap.pt. 1322 K ... Or (H.V.Hlll1) Npt Bch 644-&200 $349,000 Sun 2-5 1800 Leeward Ln, Baycrest, Newport Bch 642-5200 $449,000 Sunday 1-5 • 189 Masters Circle, Nr Santa Ana. C.C 642-5200 $215,000 Sunday 1-5 1528 Orange Ave,(Corn. Palmer)Coata Mesa 673-H!OO $215,000 Sunday 11-4 3262 Oregon. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $159.900 Sun 1-4 18b0 Port Kimberly. Newport Beach 546-2313 $219,900 Sun. 1-5 16411 Sierra, Fountain Valley 963-6767 $131 ,000 Sunday 1-5 9181 Ellsworth, Huntington Beach 963-6767 $137.500 Sunday 1-5 3058 Van Buren, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $ 123,900 Sat. 2-5, Sun. 1-5 4 BEDROOM 2333 Cornell. Costa Mesa 546-2313 134.900 Sun. 1-4 * * 1024 E. Balboa Blvd .. Pennlnsula 631-1400 $1,050.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1833 Galatea Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 673-4400 $695.000 Sat 1-5/Sun 2-6 * 1336 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores)N.B 673-7300 $985,000. Sat/Sun 1-4 *223 Poinsettia (Old CdM)CdM 675-6000 $695.000 1111111 Sat/Sun 1-5 941 Serra Way (Mesa Del Mar) C.M. 545-5408 $146,500 Sat /Sun 10-5 844 Sonora Road , Costa Mesa 548-2733 $134.5001/Sun 11-4 4 BR plu1 FAM AM or DEN * 14 Torrey Pines (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch 644-6200 $950,000 Sun 1:30-5 * 1700 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, N.B 759-1 501 $600.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •34 Morro Bay, Spyglass 759-1501 Sun 1:30 to 5:30 • 1776 Pitcairn (Mesa Verde) C.M 751-3191 $219,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 3416 Summerset (Wimbledon) Costa Mesa 645-0303 $254.500 Sun 1-5 * * 63 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) Npt Bch 644-6200 $975.000 Sat 1-5. Sun 1-6 **601 Bayside Dr .. Promotory Bay 631 -1 400 $1 ,200.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 S Bethany (Trtlrk) Irvine 552-2000 $210.000 Sun 1-5 •2601 Blackthorn (Eastbluff))NB 675-6000 $270,0001/h Sun 1-5 1005 Bonnie Doone Terr, Irvine Terr, CdM 759-1552 $400.000 l/H Sat/Sun 1-5 * •2104 E. Oceanfront, Pennlnsula 631-1400 $1,150.000 Sunl-5 144 1 Galaxy Or. Dover ShOres. Npt Beach 548;~647 $310.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2821 Harbor View Dr H V.Hills 644-9060 $649,500 Sunday 1-5 343 Hazel (Olde CdM) CdM 644-6200 $529.500 3126 Linda Way. Santa Ana 673-6900 $165.000 46 Mission Bay (Spygls) Npt Bch Sun 1-5 Sun 1-S 760-8333 $599.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1935 Port Carney (H V.H.) Npt Bch 759-9100 Sat/Sun 1-5 1820 Port Charles (Hrbr Vu) Npt Bch 644-6200 $269,000 Sun 1-5 26 Royal St. George (SQ Cyn) Npt Bch 64.a-6200 $995,000 Sun 1-5 16327 Shadbush. Founleln Valley 963-6767 $159,900 Sit 1·5/Sun 12 4 1830 T ahltl. Co1t1 M"a 546-2313 $208,000 4911 Tlmaracl( (Univ Pk) Irv 552·2000 S239,000 •2409 Tultln Ave, Cotta Meu Sun 1-4 Sun 2-5 873-«00 $269.000 Sunday 1-5 3383 Wl1t.,1a St, Cott• M ... ~o-..cn.a s 160.000 Sumsay 11~ 2015 Yacht M*hlef (Selvu) Npl 9ch 780-8333 $419,000 Sun 1·& 1909 Yacht Puritll\, NIWC)Ot1 Bu~ 644-0903 $429,000 Sun 1·5 SMDROOM • 5 Rue Fontaine (Ba Cyn) NRt 8ch e.~200 1986.ocro Sun 1-6 3009 Garfl91d. Cott• Mesa 5'&-2313 &129,500 Sun. 1-5 5 BR ptue FAM RM cw Dl!N •• 14 Genew (Htbf Rdg) Npt 8ch 760-8333 12,000,000 S.t1SIR1 1-~ • 14 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) Npt Bch 760-8333 11 ,895,000 Sat/&n i-5 •• 1508 Ruth L..n. WMtcllH, NB. ~6-0917 $389,600 Sunday 1-5 * * 239 Via Lido Soud (Lido) Npt Bch 759-9100 $1,550,000 Set/Sun t-5 •• 6 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge 640-4888 $1 ,950.000 Sunday 1-5 2215 Alta Vista (E.bluff) 644-6200 $289.500 Sat 1-4. Sun 1-5 1600 Sea Bell Cir (Spygla) CdM 644-6200 $850.000 Sun 1-5 * 20691 Aquatic Ln., Hunt. Bch 546-2313 $188,950 Sun 1-4 1084 Corona Lane.Mesa del Mar.CM 631-7370 $169,000 Sun 1·5 1600 Dorothy Lane, Wettellff 673-8900 $325,000 Sun 1-5 2601 Island View (H. View Hiiis) N.B. 644-9060 $365,000 &Jn 1-5:30 220 Jasmine, COM 644-7211 $469,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3113 Monroe Way, Mesa No CM 641-1754 $142,000 Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM * 5 Goleta Pt Or (Spygta) Npt Sch 644-6200 $835,000 Sat/Sun 2....,. e BR plu• FAM RM Of DEN * * * • 107 Milford (C. Shrt) CdM 644-6200 $1.599,000 Sa1/Sun ,....,. 103 Via Udo Soud (Lido) Npt Bch 759-9100 $3,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ***""'101 Via Lido Soud (Udo),NB 675-6161 $4,850,000 Oally11-~ 7 BEDROOM 351 Via Udo Soud (Udo) Npt Bch 759-9100 $1 ,475,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOS FOR SALE 1 BR plue FAM RM or DEN = 7 Morena, lrvlne 786-1081 $155.000 2 BEDROOM Sun 1-5 * * * v 2525 Ocean Blvd G-4 (CdM) 640-6259 $389,500 Sun 1-5 * 32 tmaloa Ct., Newport Beach 673-7300 $170,000 Sun 1-5 789 W 18th St l·A, Costa Mesa 759-9100 $111 ,900 Sat/Sun 11-5 2 BR plue FAM AM or DEN * * * 2525 Ocean Bl F3, CdM 759-910 $399.500 Sun 12-4 221 Nata Nobleza (Bluffs) Npt Sch 759-9100 $350,000 Sun 1-5 1656 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa 541-6613 $159,000 Sat/Sun 12~ 3BEDROOM * 10 Kamalll Ct, Newpo<1 8e8d'l 673-7300 $180.000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plue FAM AM Of DEN 20 18 1 Spruce. Santa Ana Height• 557-1837 $149,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 400 Vista Flora (Btuffl) Npt Bch 759.9100 $195.000 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 28R • 13 v1e10. Rancho San Joaq . Irvine 759-1501 Sunday 1-5 * 7 Palos. Rancho San JoaQ, Irvine 759-0501 Sunday 1-5 MOBILE HOMES DUPLEXES 1 a 1 * v 31 4 Goldenrod (old COM)COM 675-6000 $329.000 Sun 1-5 2 BA plua 1 BR 427-•27''1 Orchid. CdM 644-6200 $249,500 A!NTAll 2 BR HOUlll Sun 1-4 * * 6410 W OCMn Front W Npt 8cf\ 759-9100 $2500/yr IM Sat/Sun 1-5 SBA APTI •Spe ... ool '* • Waterff"on' * * • Waterfnln' & Pool ..,. 01119 edd,.... Ill vu-o CJ&'• ·- -----·--~--------~--~----------------------------................................. --~ De On.!:'Qe Cou1 DAILY PflOTISunday, Jtdy 29, 1984 c. ... 1 C.amtt llect caJ •• l!!! 1 .... Cluaiat N11tary ng ... • Sr111••1y1, 81dewalkl. EC.EC CONTRACTOA ~try l> ntng ™• CLfANl)K) 11 what I do """"•cz;-,-om._il_ld(_:S•t•one---Pm_•_I•.•----"••~••• -' ~' .. "•''Pim...,c•"""""'i,ilP --··JXvctE mt stRVttt $2 17 Per day Anurl8'lng·S..k;ottlng Patio.. 8pe Pecb ~·d est ~ WQfi( Q\191 10 YR QP. tll ptl-Incl be811 Student e Btodl-Conctete·SluCCO • Ind e S&S 531...-199 Ron 566-0034 #378347St~197-711: mobli. hm Mn1or d• exp. LIM. $4m~ p,_... Aef'I Fr• •t 5'9-9492 hat'a ALL you pay tOf .. s.m Cut Frea E.ltlmlt• Ort Pr counuRC9M-4293 PTL ---•m 11&111111 Pllmll. Expert Service & Repair Trees rr1m-A«n0¥9·H.ui. lnlle,111 lr .... t LocaJref 31 Y,. exp. 16 yra In.,.. l"Q...CIMn up1 979.7595 tOyruxp. bonded, Ink#. LIC ••00036 "4-8919 11467730(714)838-e911 PALM TREE TRIMMING 3 ''*· 30 days ••tJ " 11 Anld'llcomm'l/lndult'I Compecllle Rat• f0< all H=~ 1~ .. Y JODI •I 1 llYlll In 11\9 UNSUITS Tiil 111 o...er Mom w/Mtfy dlllclnooa •«eo3e 9"-3189 typee of comm. conat I. eallmate eee-2849 *'· * DAILY =k~~,t Hs;~~:g;~ :Yd. ~.e:bi;i:~r 6 .~, ,~,... ~=· !:f~ 1~0 yr• trouncLEANING o~~~~~~.e::~~~ce "Oii OILL" 1111 ff AIU e,11p'd. re11aD1e. moat PAINTER N!EOS WORl<I S.Vloel A to Z We'lll Got palms 752·2366 lntlE•t celllng1. ralln cab. the Pe<eon tor every Jobi (28) yre exp . work guat. 848-7310 Tattdat PILOT ~% oH a11 a11ca wtKathl tiinf!lfMr --,..... t.. Concrete Orl11eW1Y9, al~ e;rO:~~~ :~~ 1~' Uc T. 111,428 730-13~3 Merle, FISET CUTZ. NB. eRIFio#RXefoR suffW. ne walk, llUCO. brlclc, home .,,--~---.......,-----ITAIVlll OOLUIE Oavta Painting 964-3837 lttaat ltrvict PVt tuto?ing reeding i QUALITY PAINTING, FAIR ---.-."""'""'"'---1 re•dl"Q readlneea. lied PRICES Free e1t1mat81. Ae§Obe Servtc;e & Job teacher. Maat9' In EO SERVICE 300 w PCH 548-2:»5& lf!Q ~ ......... 1n FpaAIEnE? ~=•-=!~~' r~elr, tr .... 1. 758-1229 P~O:~' ~=~~ lllllm llYlll 00. Ital •aial. Don't ~t II offt F0t Exl*'t ~ 15 YB ellp N11 Kathy 847-7657 Or~Co Orlolnal Call John 831 205() s .. 1ch Contultatlon 10 $30 hr 759-8275 __ _ _ yr1 In Irvine 752 0322 TV St--'ct nmECTORY S.nict oonsultallon 650-2273 Oen. malnt ei.c:ttcal. Studll'll M0\191'1. Tnaured ""' Cl•••lat ltm et Cu•nlt1• ptumb. Craig $36-4119 QUALITY HouMCIMontng Ltc T124-438 &41-84~7 pfua 1n.1RVINE MIAROR Zlmmermart Boal Main· -.----·-------Ill thot()'Jgh. reliable. local NEW Wareh<x.IM Storage RC'1 PalnllnQ & Repair "' EXTERIOR SPECIALISTS IMli•1 TV SERVICES ,, .. •t + lie 953-4293 PTL ;;;.;,;,;;.;.;;&_ ... ____ • ..--1 good T\l't f"' -·""' and tl\9 HUNTINGTON tenence trom TOP TO Of '"-~nt. "HI GAU" IMt ff 1111 refa Pal 497-3254 BOTTOM 633· 6591 .,,~'.!.!.,..11 •• , c1a'1 T-..-1retnoll9d Clean· ~A to Z We'Ye Got STllYlll mlEITS BEACHCOMBER every .._..,.., .. ....,.,.... 7L T p Rellable, honest, reaaon w~~ay11 Ca~iatf Nakia No)Obtoobtgoramlll" up,ntrWlntnt "1-3478 ha eraonfon..-.ryJobl abte exp IOcal couple llYlllCOllPW Quality ooflng Sr citizen ...., .. • "' -• Top Ouallty Work· dlac Raia Lie •348877 Pete e.m-7pm 54$-80!57 Int/ext Res/Comm. Rell K Fynke 6-45-0193 --1 I rain uc Ken 838-5405 Tni•LJ'" c1 no extra charoel Lt w latt11H0-11 l 1 CIMO Upe•Tr• TrlmmlnQ &4&·7310 Ample refa. 673-7227 Callforn11·s OrlQlnal CALL TOOAYll New cabinets refacing. Yard Malnt •Haull"Q Repairs, Painting. Drywall, Student Movers REPAIR Speclallsl-S200 & .;;T~yp61tliinQ .. iiW_or_J•p"'"ro·<i-.... ,"!'lng- p1~riaf less Free est 30yr1 exp All bualnesa. school & per- &II FOi LOii European kite tormlCI Coatracttu MIKE 8~-3283 etc. Fr .. 11tlmate• IT&llYlll AOnlllH Lie: CAL T 138898 1n1ured Your Oaltv Piiot countertops 549-5747 Gfaerl) Gary 8-45-5277 PTL HOUSE/OFFCCLEANING ••(714)841 -6101 • • * ~NGINGIREMOVAL * 770-2125 anytime Wert sonal project• 851-1041 12 yrs uperrence REPAIR Speclall11-s200 & ~IWln 1101 S __ _._ DI .., J h _.._ _______ COMPLETE GARDENING Cut ua In.,,..,, cleaning VIV-rectory Beckel ntnH· 0 nson 1st clXss CONST Malnl·Clnup•-Trees-Sod SERVIREPAIRS for your rolell ·--648·7310 ·-· .. ·-'-• .. la.,.1._..S"'t!"llrv.i_c_ .. __ !"' MIKE 851 -1800 leaa Free HI 30yra 8ltP 770 2725 anyllm• Walt Typing. Word Processing ' Repr~n1a1111e Fine Furniture. 6K311,ch63en9a7. Remodeling & New ConSI 111·4411 home/bus Reas no job ·u .... In.-. ci\JX's CHHA's '42·4121td,301 Yachl~ -for Comm & Aelld Llc'd. to sml-lree est 850-4304 Very thorOIJOh. Gd rel• FARTHING INTERIORS Feat friendly MrVlce We HANOING/STRIPPING 1 P-U & deliver 675-5712 --------• CABINETS & CARPEN· insured ~boncjed Com-LANDSCAPE & CLEAN-Dependable & exper'd ~~~84lor home care TAY Small 1oba repairs pat111va 1'11tea 751-36&2 UP 5 Yra eitper trM eat 81all~ 548-8096 or 552·9522 VIS A MC 673-1512 IV Sttr•t• , · t' I Expert wa11cover1ng I n-lllY STOUH Wall Par rl•t ltet! esumates 645-2003 Dave 750.9077 --"""'io~dii4!M"'.,p~j•o•e•s"'i-- AcctHtia1 IHlm ·RICE CAST. LANDSCAPE SERVICE SMALL MOVING JOBS Htaat .. tJ• Senicea l lD ,., stallauon Reas Consult· R v Storage Spaces •11111 • WE GALS sAoUlb * RICHARD SINOA1S ant Asatgnmt 581·8590 De Anza Bayside VIiiage wHANG TOGETHER• ACCOUNTING SVCS-low C t RemodellRepllra comm! Tree trim. Lawn Malnt etc MIKE 646-1391 HMhold Sec"'·m111~·1s arra ry and resid Uc d. bonded ., ""' rates for sm bus11nd1v All Phases ot Remodeling ins For est 552-9142 tree dt Juan 548-9448 HAUL·MOVE-AEMOVE bkkplng.errand1.organi Newport Custom Painting 300 E Coaat Hwy N B 639-0730 ANYTIME 16 yrs ot happy customers Parr l eaonl 673-1331 Mon-Frt 9-4pm Wiadow Cleuiat 0.11 Un Gaar 978-8885 p S--T Co zatton 638-9155-brochure F,.nces Patios ainung "·-La aa• hr\Jba/Tr• rim mpt Furniture, Trash, Tr ... W itita1/ltlao4tlilf Re«1s pnce 641 1990 ~• gardenlnQ competitive 963-5415 NORM Lie 280644 675-0383 _.._ .... p-•••"'_ .. _ , • WALL APE"R REMOVAL wA1Te wiZXRo BEST FOR LESS Patio CtHn prtcea Chuck 642-2873 BUUdlRemod Spec kit c a .... litti•.J oump1ng-Hau11ng-Mo11tng l"lv•x•c•xwn""o"'N"'"A"'o.,1M"'E"'!crx!"!A .. £P P U /Oellvery. Be11 Aatea We Take C&1e Of Your RAINBOW PAINTING & prep only Also do Srrialrltu WINOOW WASHING 65~u6aJ~~ ~E~~ f.~1~l88 painung 638"6970 Sprlnkler1 1n11ah8d and QUALITY" 63 t-2026 Pa1101> Olicl<s Fences Decks. P11lo overt bath, ofc. rm add, patio 12yr exp Dave 646-2990 Oua111y work affordable cov/dcks. bay wndw Lie prlOH ref's 754-1820 «8486 Steve 547-8076 E~pert Carpentry Service • Repiltr RemoC1·Add1t1ons Dot G1Haia1 'lb!"ll"ta,.·s~•-•!"'• _____ 1ooors-etc 548-4980 -Oeaay OOO•t Sl0-St5 ! ~~~':n';;' tun~:~u:oie Ceatat Coaerett <GT~,:~~1 ~~He~Ll sale prtcet 673-9235 Orivewavs. p111os pa1hs, 546-28-48 etc No 1ob 100 small Arb I Cr11 .. iea Reas Mickey 536-0553 Bfochure1. Ftlers, lo001 Concrete drlV9Way slde- Ad1, etc Conception to wallo:s stucco & brick Hm Completion • 631-8092 repair Free eat 758· 1229 Eltctrical P&llllll EUmto Quality work. tr• eat 425513 988-7401 Tree Trim Clean-Up1 Yard Main & Haullng Leo 557 -4508 Free est 24hr 631•1063 Pets. Plants, Paper. Mall LT HAUL.ING -MOVING etc Howard 548-3416 Garage & Yard Clnup1 Ba .. e.. Jon 645-8192 LtJ•I 1tmct1 AMER~N HANDYMAN --Mirror d00<s-carpentry lt•H CltaaiH w~ ••'" EYICTillll for appt In yoor hOma ptumt>-patnt~taa1-lenc• ROBIN'S Cl NINO Call (818)785-1156 xi 953 etc YE.$ JESUS IS LORD SERVICE: a ttloroughly ---- Lie •J0.405 &47-2387 clean house 540-0857 LI i -...... Biii llll Retired HouMhold A Dependable Japanese ----------Handyman alto Hte haul-Lady wlll clean your FICU UHISllE Ing reaonet>Mt 751·9039 houM. 549-9697 aft 4pm 8181919-4139 CUSTOM P11n11no int/ext 1.P.l.,•.,.1 ... te,.r .. J.R .. •.t,.•1 .. · '---AepalreJ Fair Rates Ya-rd u 1:•ttalaCt Call Cal 642-6789 ,. .. Ex1er1or wood treatment Eb's PLA~TERING Free est Stan 549-5068 Neat Patches & Textures EXTERIOR TOP QUALITY lnl/Ext tree 891 645-8258 .J ... r~-1: ... e--, .... ; .. :.-:-p .. ""'ho ... r""'e"'"ir•Re_p_a_lr work for your S Free es1 Pl Li & lnatallallon 1 & 2 llne Refs Oale &46-5637 ••• Ill -phones est over phone Hse Palnt1ng:-int1ex1 2• lu H • HO·HlS 8 yrs exp 642-9220 Quatlty at lowesl rates SERVING N B C M Free est Oave 642-4583 CdM Irv H B F V Tile INT /EXT 20 Years Ex'iier Average Room $29 1 Materials. &42.0442 Drains clea-;-;rom S 15 Counters, rloora, showers. Repair faucets, d1sp, etc. patios RV TILE Uc'd AnY11me M&M 642-9033 599-8150 Free Mt Mike1a Yard Malnt Tree trim. clean up Heullng Low prices 675-3930 USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVI C E DIRECTO RY ln1t1 U1faf1lil .. e4 Ho111t1 1Jafarai1b4 IH1n Uafua1tW 1 .. 111 Uataraia~M Arartatat1, Val. AJ1rtaeat1, Ual. rartatat1, Uaf. Aertatat1, Uaf. Arartatat1, Oaf. lt1t11s to Cttt1 ••u 2224 Costa Mt 11 2224 lniat 2244 • ..,.,, INc.. UH Geaeral 2702 Cnta Jina 2724 Cnt1 Mt11 2724 Baat. ltac.. 27ft ltwfOrt luck 2769 S .. irt 2101 --2 Br 2ba garden apt-POOi 3+ lam rm. '"'·Ba nu 10 WAmll 2 Br 2 Ba condo. OnlV Tiff, HVH 58f 3Ba Open House Yes we have yr1y rentals 2Br l"·B• $550 111 & rut MESA PINES 2650 Harla Clean spacious 2Br 1Ba, jacS322 Nancy 540-98e8 crpts. cov patio 2381 BeauUlul 3 Bd 2.., be xlnt cond, $850/mo Sunday 12-4 $1650 nowt 1,2,3&4 bdrm1 Call • security No pets Call BEAUTIFUL Bach $475 lrplc, gar. w/d Xlnt loc 832-3631 dVI avbl 7128 Rulgen S850 533-2874 house Goll course ,view Avall Aug 10th Property A11ell Sept PP 759·8"9 Seaalde Realty 875-3702 CHUCK or LIZ 646-7171 LIKE NEW 1 BO $575 $850 Lse 675-4912 Agt ---I new c:pt1 n-floors also lor sale at $125.000 H V H~ ,.. ___ _. mdl, 3 OR 646-5743 PRVT patto. pool. spa -S CdM 4 blka to bCtl tBr 4Br 3Ba 1ri·level includet dble gar w opener. encl Joyce Watua 631 -1268. ..,..,,_ ~...... l1IM. blaa• 2706 TOP area. quiet. no pets EA TBLUFF spaclou1 1 avail. Shr 3Br 2'"'B• Pref pool and landscape ser-yard all blllns w sys, Remax Bdrm nu q>t• & drapes. 2Br 2Ba, gar. no pets 1•1.2••7 Bdrm. pool pleasant n/9Xr fem $370 760-8043 vice Near SC P1aza ~·ds 011 s950 mo incl washer/dryer & 2Bdrm 1Bath front houae 1912 Wallaoe #4 • ,.,. • ~ "" '• area No pets S825/mo $1500 Oave546-5880 Mesa Drive 3Br 2"~Ba WOODBRIDGE refrlg S1350prmo Agt Yc1y $825/mo 494-4524 SS:S5 831_3671 NewoondoZbdrm.2'1t ba, \' 644-4767 COM Beacii aide of PCH ~br trpl-blt In B-BQ-••e•• TSL 1••al!EIEIT PARK VIEW PAT I 0 673-7761 Available now pool & spa, micro, OIW ' •• ~ Elegant IBR garden gYest $333 .,.., utl-prof 25+ n/a- .. "" ~0 .,.,.,. HOME FaclnQ park & ad---2 Br w/gar, carpetS. 1 1 2 1 • • •. avall lmmed 875-1798 Verde S 1250 Newport 1•2· 1101 Jacent to lam pool factty H V Hom. Carmel mdl, 3 2 Br 1 ba yearly bayfront drtlpe1, bullt-lns, fenced rp c. care ect gar. nr ~.. ' hse Oulel & private. -CdM GAEA f AOOM Morlzon Realty 642-7404 786-9780 or 857-4056 Br, nu cpt1 & paint, Incl upper duplex Vlewl yard w/pallo Waler pd Nwpt. $950 631-9122 patio S400mo 646-6333 Bath. use Kit. Oen. LR Brand new 2 & 3 Bd con-Under $700 gets lh15 Mod l1v1n 2bdrm 2ba washer/dryer & retrlg. Oulel. fireplace. just re-636~ 120 Call t-5PM 619 POOL, llreplace~ pvt patio L•do Sound 2BA apt. $475 640~4255 dos-choice ot carpets 3bdrm wtmom·s kttch & Sl350 pr mo No pels modeled, new paint. Sanra Ana'J' S605 X-LG 2BR S635 elegantly lurnl1hed. __ $9251\JP 642-9558 ctad's gar kids yrd al dwshr lrple dbl gar ICy Agt 673-7761. 760-1397 carpel. wallpaper. appll .. 2437 Orange 'C' S605 Eastslde no pets 557-28-41 1132 H1alltt1 never been used Mini CdM shr 2br. S400 Incl ulll 539 6190 Bes! Rily lee pool won't last $895 etc No gar-oe 873-5429 view $2000 mo Call & gertge non-1mkr 539-6190 Beat Riiy '" Lido lele eontampo w/2 1ty PRIME eastslde 2Br. din 112·•110 r ' . IOlarlum ' tvg rm CHARMING private 2br. a IHI &PT Mar I a Ber c 0" I' z 673-3&4• IUlllEWCOllOS 0 ••• II rm. encl gar. crpts. drps ·--------oo Turtle Rocle View dramatic clereatory wndw1. lg retrlg, stove. trpl. ~50 Good W side locatlon. 3 Br S565/mo 549-2330 759.9 t Christian fem non smkr 1 i loft. 2 Bd 2 •den. MC bldg rental ott1ce open ' Mon-Sat 1-5 PM 810 Baker St 241·1275 Va lier 2234 Peters 2 84 den, 2·~ ba. patio. dll'I. 1pa. formal yrly 306'~ COi'al (213) 1 'r Ba, paucn. OIW. bit------New bachelor apt Klleh Lrg 1 Bdrm near airport, share Lg clean 3BR 2BA Enterllln in styt"h 4br 3br w/d frig $15~ 873-4299 din $2400/mo 875--416& 2 7 7-2120 or I 7 14) ins Kids OK 2-sty Avail Pvt I Br frplc. pool patio w/retrig ut11 1ncld no mature edits n·amk 112 bl0ck from Bch w/d h5e S850 nas -t bar & LIJHI ltac.. 2241 l~T •-•fl 675-89« now S695 mo 650-7275 ~ar No pets 399 w Bay pel5 Close 10 bch S450 Avallable now 661-6815 $325 NB 631-4142 g111 & more pe1 ok _ • .,.,.. _ _.. s475/mo 2 Bd lbaCIOM 1 s545 650·6357 pis sec 962 4660 ----F CONDO Deluxe unit 3 irg 539.6190 Best Alty 1_ Hiiitop/Ocean Vu 2BR • ••••;• •••• lmll YWLY llOW G -Near Beach yrly lbdr EastS1de CM turn hM em ~ ..__ ~ 1 Bdrm •675/mo to shops buses. & STUNNIN Large 1Bdrm W•lk to beach 1bdrm / S525 ti f 21 35 $300' tll1 For bdrms. 2 't ba 2 car gar--2ba laue no peta 28r 28a Beach House • d I $•65 " · w gar tnc u -re req -"u ff t B la 2240 s 3 Bd S 11001 schools gar en apt. poo .. stove & relrig SSOOtmo 646 5800 Info cell 631 1549 age,$900/mo 642-3209 DD; tic 1140/mo 240-7013 Wsalk 10 sand~ .. stioresd 4 Bd~~S 13501:;:~ 2272 Maple 710W 18th St 536•4637 • _ • futside 2 bdrm 1 ba 1 Bd Condo nr beach $625 Hilltop/Ocean vu 2BR ome ooean ... ew an TSL llUIEIEIT OCEAN VIEW Clean and Female roommate wanted ger Lge yrd. W1r & grdnr t<;t & last pets ok 2ba. tease. no peta owner wlll consider e Agt 675-3331 VILU CORIOYA Walk to beach bachelor spacious 1200 sq 11. 1Br, S280 + 12 utll furn CM pd S825 mo a46.2389 544 53431558-3001 s 11401mo 24o-70t3 lease option. S\Jbmll Call 1•2· 1103 Spacious E-alde Apts Stove & relrig All utlls 1 1ot1. I Ba Access to close 10 bch 546-0404 REAL ESTATE l1IM1 All ullllhes Pd LQe IBdrm Encl gar. patio dshwshr paio $425/mo 536-4637 pool & spa Bike to t>ch -;;--d EASTSIOE 2Br 1Ba gar I Bdrm 'matl beach $675 Broadway 51 nou'H· S400 w 1u111 650-5042 I 83& 96290· 960-5714 Ea"s•de bachelor pad 2 Br "'oar $595 carpet crpld decor full k•t S350 '"' .. d (a•d 6,)6 4120 pays renl & btl !> , '-PM27100~1aware Niguel ShorM 2Bdr den 2ba homil Ocean view S95011ease 499-3638 Ntirt ltack 2269 B AM 3Bba POOL S2500 PER MO 539-6190 Besl Riiy lee drm 2ba not tar IC. Hutch 549-7991 Lovely JSR Townn~se tieo.1c.n lrt w updated kit Conven1en1 1oca11on ~ •d5 pets oi( $625 3 Bdrm 2 ba, llv-rm plua lam-rm spa, steps to ESTABLISHMENT P1aja1al• 2707 ... & stove Most u111s free lr~Dt 2-744 $600 incl utlls 646-2556 emate roommate wante 544_9411 • Avall 8115 .... oo. no pets No pels .,, for 2Br hse $250/mo ~-----,-b-lk_t_o,..bch---. L-v·r·m-.""0 ... d-rm-2011-A Charle St I BR I Person $51 5 oAANGETREE CONDOS Penlhouse VERSAILLES 646-6&68Leavemeuage Nipt Crest 2Br den 2'"' ba & Ba P-" entr·-~· no 960-3726 or 646-8277 1 BR 2 p S"'•O I Br Im--" "'";or\Y ••so • .,, ......... eraons ~ Lg t bd · loft 1 be ale """" ..,...... .., FEMALE to share ~gg: =1~~~;_9~!; kllc:hen Call 673-5414 Beautiful small complex 2323 Elde 8 n Ave C M tennis courts sauna 1ac 548-02661f213l687•3292 3Bdrm 2Ba Apt Ocean breeies In 1425 t>each pad nell'Oet appts crptd dec0< uUla free 539-6190 Best Alty lee '* wDeluxe 2Br lBa New now renting 1 & 2 54 -7854 weight room. •Int view of Spacious 1Br tBa Vu ot Newpor1 Beach 650-884 I crpt. drps & paint Frplc bedrooms $500 waterfalls & s1reams NB Hrbr trplc gar w /d B gar. no pets $850 yrly lse $650/mo Fireplace all Wl OFFER l CllOICE S600tmo 551-4001 S 1150 Lse 675-4912 Lg lurn1shed hse nr eek bu11t-1ns Want a se1ec11on 01 great Bay M1crowa111.wsh/dyr 760-1713 OR 857-1 776 366 Avocado uvmg? we can otfer any-Laaaaa Beaeb 2741 Studio 112 block to the S360 Must see 650~ 14 Corna ••I •u 2722 Tll IHllEIHT thing from 8 small apt 10 New 1 Br 1 blk main beach. Y;7a~~~9~jd '315 Lovely mobile perk In 2br lba c dm i600 3bdba H2 U 12 a 4 Bd house II tooklng m beach p~ deck $600 Newport Beech •hare Pool encl gar $850/mo 53<i·6 t90 Best Ally tee • sec dep 675-9588 ocean $I t 75 631-0454 PE NIN-Neptune SI 3Br. 3br 2 IJ<1 lrg yrct-2 car gar- •IUFFC .... * S 1000/mo FERGUSON & HAHN RE 8-42· I 183 $1200 -~ redec-Walk • CM. NB. or HB U'llnk of us 650-6089 E 645-2700 O View 3 br. 2 ba. ldry, OW, rent $250/mo 673.0687 Mesa Verde 1se11se opt 5 wshr mcl $650 + ctep Br. lam-rm. play rm. 3 ba q63 7600 ask for Ralph wet-bar. spe. 3 car gar ON SANO Gated ocean S 1500 mo Agt 644-8896 view Pdl•o and pool 4br 2'~ba assoc pool. frpl, -----2 gars, 250/lae 549-0709 SEEKING BARGAINS '""~'7 Eaatslde 1 bdrm. small but hrat for thet choice of -d k bch A II 10 beech 720-9793 / t 1 d ideal living Studio. charming. ocean ec · gar· nr va Male rmmte n'9eded 811 to cozy w na ura woo • TSL MANAGEMENT views utlls included 8115 yrtyS1200 8-42-2423 shr 2Br 2Ba tpl 'oot. IO WlfTIH Beautiful 3 Bd 2 ba house large backyard 2 car gar wld hkp, hOI tub, alarm 1ys I blr. from Newport Harbor Hlgti 444 Lenwood TIL llllllEIHT 1'2· 110J Rentable 2bdrm hml> w/newer bltns lncd yrd 4 kid ger/shop $550 I 539 6 190 Best R11y fee lJNIOUE 1 Br furn1unfur $900/mo Rene 968-3014 EHTIUFF TIWllOMI For Leue Greenbett view 3 Bdrm1 S 1200/mo Agt 760~7 Also lea.ae opt Patr of flat berg11ns 1br $300 s wfutlls tree ocean c OSI! harbor 2br Elegantly deal gned w dw!>hr & gar S550 a1 3-4bdrm 2ba aptn M 539 t. 190 Best Alty fee wllrplc dbl gar kid/pet _ S975 539--6190 Beat tee PRETTY 3 BR HOUSE nr -Edinger and Sprngdle Hts duplex 3 Bd. 2 + 12 $650 894 496, ba, lrplc. bltln1. d~ gar, VACANT Beach Apt-1Br I Ba $.4 75 VACANT I Br encl patio $950/mo +aec 646-04911875-3432 !Ba 2 car gar $525 Keith Wanl Ad Help? 962 44 7 I Or 968--9653 642-567 8 SYDNEY 0MARR Off PHC 2bdrm upper 3 Bd 2 ba. 2 car gar. new S600's bltn1 provlded kid lo:lt. xlnt cond, nr oce.n ok pref«red area S 11001mo 720-3814 tlll-lltot Beauutul 2 BR. 2ba. fam Split level 3·4bdrm 3ba rm. totally redecorated lrplc dlhwaher & only 1nc1g Washef & dryer $850 rent to buy $1300/mo. 760-1558 s41 5 851-9526 642-1603 S500 494 2212 Yes we have yrty rentals 1ac etc $337 • ,,.. ut Easlllde 1Br $.475/mo NBREALTY675-1642 II tB L 2769 now•12.3&4bdrmsCall Walklo0CC754-1340 Some urns pd Available Daaa Ptiat -2126 "2" HC• Seaside Really 675-3702 FemaleShr beaut hae m now Call Larry 546-5882 Saa ca...... 2-776 NB 111ew pool. clean g EASTS OE Spacious charming 1br. I brlghl cheery 2Br 1(.9, clo~ 10 bch _•ad'( S600 645-6557 2Br 1•,<, ba. f1p. porch. near Marina $425 ....., 539-6 190 Beet Alty tee 2nd 11 r s 65o1m 0 496-9482 noon to 8pm Sundeck view of pier. M-F 25·55 yra. emply'd PATIO APTS w/ln walkl"Q 640--0997 -encl gar $650 225 La 2Br 2Ba apt NB $325 • '"' SPACIOUS twnhme, 3 BA. of the bCtl 1 g 2Br $675. Rant. lt1c.. 2740 IN NEWPORT BEACH Paloma Call collect ullls Alt 4pm 631-3048 den, 2'h bath Wrap-$875 & $950 644-2611 Eaatstde Condo 2 br, 2 bt, 1Bdrm w/pr•vate balcony A great place to llve on the 637-7918 M/F $325& last S 150 dep around patio $16~ per -------pool, trptc. dbl gar, patio. Freshly painted and Upper Bay Private mo. Agt 875-eooo Vu Bay lge dlx 2 bdrm frpl. Ideal for couple Avt 8/15, cleaned 1 encl gar s475 clubhouses & health S1nta Aa1 2710 2Bd 1ba,frplc:,encl i•r gar. patio. no pets Avl 2044 Tustin Ave. $700 Dee 840.5504 spas 8 tennis courts. 7 2eR 2BX Near s Coast 642-183~645-2265 ruce Waterfront large w/docil 9/ 1 $925. mo. 640-9408 Reta req. 673-406 111 mag _ pools, close to bualnesa, Plaza 505 w Sunflower MIF 10 shr 2br 2'"1ba (Npt 3 yra leue. $2500/mo PP Co • ,.724 $650/mo 2 Bd 2ba ept OC Airport Fashion ave 5650 mo no pets. Beach). non-smlu S400 650-56491602-763-4683 ltl HI 11 E-slde luitury In a pine lor· Incl gar. yard patio New-Island convenient shops 646•1307 mo ~ • .., ulll 646·83SS tbr tt>a new carpet/stove est Lg 2bd,frldg.d/w.enc: port Beach Really 675· on sight WUTOUFF lrg bale. child OK S450 p1110 bt>q.gu • water 1642 dys 960-4614 eves CLEAN 2br 2ba 1100 sq MIF lo shr beaut back bay 415-0 1 n Suaan pd-prefer adutta-no pets-tt closed gar close 10 condo Poo111ennls/jac tlm MIITT carport-$590/mo Rich S9504 Br l'~ba townhOme Singles' & 2 Bdrm Apan-s c Plaza available S330tall 645-5123 • 81' very country very tBr Grdn Ap1 wl pallo & 631-6741 w/rec rm W/d hkkp ments & Townnouses $600 786-7443 Mlrmm1 wented to ahr w/ cNrmlng. 111e<y extra. eoc1 gar Beam cell wlk-E-SIOE N-lce--tr_g_3_B_r 2Ba carport Priv pk w/chlld from $680 (Ask about oerdenef.pool aerv1oe In-in clOset Nu crtp, drp1 ,750 play area pool b-ball furnished apts complete looa1 2900 prof fem 2 b1 2ba In cluo.d No .-..11. y .. rly $495 529-22701641 -3078 garage and yard Close to all wtlh TV llnens & u1enalls. CdM $.450 mo · ut1l1 •----S2000 """s73.75•• ------642-4834 675-7396 98S8 B h d must be rented for short Furn CM home 1255/mo avail 8118 720-1729 -.... 2 Bd 2 b Co d 1550 1 us ar Call Chris alt 4pm -a n o sq Large 2Br 1·~ ba with TSL lllal!EMEIT lerm or longer) On Jam-M 4 B •••• &--..no ft. 2 car gar, new carpel, ,.,. boroe AcJ at San Joaquin 645-2435 -smkr shr hae nr ,... toa .1775 540 859 Garage Near Falrvlitw & 1•2 1103 -OCC & SC Plza S275 inc b td i500'a renta 26r 261 sec gate. • 1 Baker S550/mo. lat/last _. ----Hiiis Rd LAGUNA BEACH Sunny Yt11. 546-6277 955-0809 •••••••••••••• poot hme w/chafs galley 2bdr 1'"1ba Twn hae-pll1 & dep 675·3070 Iv mag 144-1100 master BR/BA, furn. - nr So co Pita 539-6190 patio-gar-no pet1 $625 + linens S3001mo 499-5550 Non-smkr fem wanted To M onda\-Jul~ :rn .\rllE:O. i\1,itth _l-·\pr1I l'I) I .1t t' ligurt.''> .irt• l'mpha\ited and ~ 1111 l .11 ·"'" ~l'l h1 •ll\1' Ill 111 tkl f ll( II\ on hl•alth dll't OUtrttlOO and p11\\1hl n \I. q1rh11 • 111111" < hnl. dJtt•hook lor mt.•dital-dcntal .1pp111 Id I 1 till U\ I 1hra \t11rpt11 l'lt'f\110\ ligurl' rromtnl'Otl\ T~l HI.., \p11I ~11.\l :l~ ..:01 ~l'lll'l nwl·ting l'<>Oll'rn'i creatl\e pr1 'll'I l I •Ill.tr Tll'l'll lnr < h.1ng1· 111 I lltlllfll' T ()CU\ 00 m)-\ICl"'I, illu"' '" .111d m1,11•1n.it1• 111 '1111 11lw11lk1nl ,, \ L n Jttr,1t 11' c agn:l'm<.'nt lk \1111 11r111\ .tr1 k.111, 1111tltrH'd .ind dl·frm·d (,f-;MJ~l !\1." 'I l1111c 111) l'ratlll:ll 111,11t1·"Jom1nate 1nclud1ng 'itll'1\ ;1nd \L't u111. \,t, 111 •111 monl'\ lu\r luture plan,, ah1ht) to l 11111.11 t P•'r,11n' • .tp.1hl1 .,f p1t1\ 1d1nl! nt't.l'\\an lundc, 'ou'll have m11r1 11'\pnn\lh 111' ,111d i1,o .1dt11t1nn,d ( hJOll'\ to 1nl rc:iw muimc ( A:"oi< ER l1111l' ~I !uh .'.'I \\ hJI wcm\ lOlllU\t.•d or lo\l " ·•Lt11.llh J\,11l,1hl\ .111d '""\'Ill h1 .11 11gh1 fll.11L· ,11 rt~I lime You·11 '>ULH'l'd in d1.1m.1111 l,1,1J11111 '"u II .1111.H 1 ,11tt.·nt1on ol man'i and po\'othh ti!\• 111nt1,1 \Ill'' I 1hr.1 n,1f1\1'' pla' paramount mks l.EO tJ 11h '\ \ug ~.' 1 I 111ph.1w. on moon """' \tart~. 1nJcpc:l1l.l1·111 l' .1h1lrl\ "' 1111p11n• \l\lt 111 \our u"n l;i,htnn Mcml*r of o ppm1tt• '>L'\ p11"1hh .111111hi:r I co pla)\ 'i1gn1fit.inl role and help' Oofl'il morJIC \qu,tr 1.tt1 I\ ,11\1110 pil llHl'. f)(HOI\ )OU 10 nsht dtrCCllOO VJRGO ( .\ug '' \rpt '1 I < H h-high -Judgment 1ntut11on and 11n11ng art• on target lk lt1nl1d1·n1 .1krt takr 101t1a11n· an,1 relu'>c to pla} <ot'<ond fiddk f amrl\ nwmhn "on vour 'ltdc. will pro"t" tl .tnd "loom ""ill he: l h.1wd .1w.n < .1111 rr nJll\t> ligun:'o f)rnmmcnth l.IRRA f \q!I ,,,hi~~) '"u'llhJ\l·rcn\untocckbrate'What twJ ht.'l'n J dc<:r. darll. '>t.'t rl·t 1\ rr,C'alcd and \.ou benefit as. result f cx us alr,o nn popul.mh po<i<i1hl) rr:nrl. pur1 ha~ o f wcanng apparel "'h1ch improve., bcxh 1r11agc \a8tlliHl:ln plci~' key role SCORPIO 10t t 1 V.Jov 21) C 1ood lunar upccl t11ghhgh11 fnt'nd'ihtp fulfillment of dt''ltrc. \UCCC'l'i throui.h bus1m.•<1s or career manc1ner Y ou .ire· t\pahlc no"' of"hu1ld1n& vour empt re" What had been lo\t "'"'ht.· rcto"ncd <Ind >ou'll Ix 'itrongcr a\ rcr,ult SAGlTT ARIUS I 1'10" n Dc·t' 11 l \upcnor takC'S note ol your 'JX'C'ial ah1lttll'' \Ott 1 ould rtt<t'I' (' t''ct11na as,1gnml'nt which ihcludc\ wn11 ntit ;ir11J Ira' cl \t'('COt on a\p1ra11onr.. amh1t1on'I, ah1ht) 10 mtcrC\l fX'opk in high (llan·<o Virgo pin>" 1mponant role CAPRICORN Ok• :.~ l,10 Ill) Ch,1ngt" of rt''1denct" ma) bt nttt.•".tr' .u1d u111IJ ht.· tt•mporary. f tKU\ on philowph) rchJJon. IQtnluJI 'ah1r' .ommuntlJtmn v.11h tho\C' a1 a dmann: Taurus. t1hi:1 \, orp111 na1n n f)l.1\ c,11entlil<1n1 role\ ~urpri't" paC'kagc "on the "'' AQl ARll !\<Jan zo I ch IKI l>d11H· '''rm\ he opcn·mrndcd ,..1th11111 hc·mtt y11ll1hk I >o \lllllC dl'lt'l II\ c work. !cam mort al>oul U \t'I\ of 11th1•r, \<•mront• fX'thJfl\ dkjt.lll\ t'i attempting to h1dt C<'1•u1 ,., .._11nv. ti p111trc 1\('II1n t l11H hnJndrefu\C lohc 1n11m1di.tt"d f'JS<'ES f I rh 11>-MHrl h Ill ' 1c 1 ,1.," m.'l1 n1;w1 l11v. pm ti Ir rt·J.111<' ol,kr 1r1d1' 1d11al 111·<.'lh 'fX'< t,11 wr\ Ill' from \OU Pia\ w"1ltnR g:1m<' ~on't 1umpJI l1r\t 11tfrr \ 111nlr:tl I 1\ lw1np dn1wn upJnd l<'ltn\ v.111 llt f;"111.1hk rf \IHI \tond t:tll fm pnnuflll'' C .trnn>rn I\ 1n\11htd ' d 548 7510 Lge 1 bdrm on Victoria, nr _ shr furn Irvine Condo a.at Alty f" ep • Nwp1 Ave/ Harbor Supet Room $250 mo first. last & $300/mo lncludlng utll Ttn .. taltl 2 Bedroom 2 Bath S650 cond $.445 851-9526 SSOOtmo I Bd 1ba apt. sec Avall 811 Coate 552-8223 atter 4pm Ualuab~M 2525 ~~·s~t + security Loe dlxe 3 bdrm, 2 be. across from beach Good Mesa Gd toe 581-8559 n/s neat fml-own room In Xtra big 2br. 2ba. ----lprlc dbl gar. lga patio toca~1~~6~u•~:i:,a Hottl1)!1ttb 2904 CdMhouse $320+•,.,ytt $625/mo ci••-ar .. EZ 2BR 1 112BA Frplc-dllh E-slde $1025 mo/grdnr TSL llll"EIEIT suu•110Trl 675-3861 attr 5 Mery ~, washer-gar-no pets S565 Vacant, Agl. 979-33~ • n '" terms 543-2498 I• 543•5478 1'2· 110• Wkly rentals now avail Prof fem to shr 3Br 2B• Lu>tury Condo walk to So • C T B k B c•• .. ,.rtatall Faraiik•• -S 140/wk & up otor v. newer ac ay ap1 ..,, " 2tjr ltia 1981 Maple Ave Cst Ptaza. frplc:, elegant S550/mo 1 Bd ept Encl phones in room S225 • ''> ullla HM Frig, no pets $.475 for 2 french drs. A/C, In-home gar crose to beach. nice 2274 Newpor-1 Blvd C M 646-41391548-1969 MIO ...... II~•• 26H Lge 2 BR furn apt, avalt Sept 15. garage. no pet1 675-3342 Sierrra Mgmt 641· 1324 ~~~;''Y~Vlt. B~vl 2 c~~ qu1ei,~~,~~nrov1a 646-7445 Prof lem(25-40) •hr CdM 2BR 1ba 5 yrs old NICf wltennls cla, poots. JllC. Tll MHHEMHT S.m•tr 2br 2ba. UOO • utlla 111. kttch. beach close Huge sauna. beaut dee club New Reatala 2906 last & dep 875-8134 OR bkyd S570 546-5605 hse, much more 5835 1'2· 1103 Work-Sally 851-9900 2br Iba crpt drpe1 stove mo 1ncds most ulll'a s1 View Av•ll Aug 1 O-luJC 2Br CBddM ~_!r SS560060 ~ 'c'r,331 PllOIOITIRY ntrT Prlv patio adlt1 pref-no Albans, days 638-0405 condo ••usl 1-to an '"' A t t M """ ... -592 1586 or 97 1-2•40 Penthouse to ahare MIF petl $550 979-4410 eves 731-7528 par men $ l V f H bo ., Winter· Baiboa Island 2 Br prl!IC:ll fl iew o ar r 2bd 2ba fylly furn11had 1 ba furn avall Sept to Raat. luck 2740 Raat. lt1ck 2740 In Xlnt •manilies Securled Newport Bch 3 Bd 2 ba frplc, pool ape 1enn11 June $&50 mo 873--0892 11~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.ti;;;;;:;;;:~iii;iii;ii; parking Call ValMle newly decor furn on bch elc $525/mo 673-3887 1 Laguna Hiiis 12131215.0211 s1001w11213-e2s.5311 or (818) 795-4848 Prvt-lf'ttrance/l>tth Mleto WllTH lmlLI 2 Bdrm S 1100/mo 'l Bdrm S 1000/mo 3 Bdrm S900/rno Agl 875-3331 cu.a •• -...., 212% t id 16: rntni Cltc&n Np~ erate entrenc. rec; 19dll- tiea 5 min walk to beech $350/wtc My 29..s.pt 1 !5. $450/mo s.p1 or1 Tar ... t73-tM11&4t-2MadY9 But. c~ i!XcR AoOsE 3& 2L . o.n S 1 100/mo Ptrtlally furnltMd ~ponelble party ooty 53e-4'91 mi; 1Mc~-2iit 14 PlrttY en w/ger ~ NrDey t bch 1 peBOn. "° S*• 120 112 36th St 450-8722 Vili:A BAL'iiO'A 18R I of· 1!09/~ Etegantly furn Pv1 ..curlty t)11.m Avail tor rent S 1200f mo 7~t9Jo Ann S.1t• LltH• 2tH 2 BR OOMnfront. p\11 t>ch. pool, NCurtty St 500 mo Min 3 mo• Avl 9/15 &31 ·8250, 542· t802 K e nney bunkport? Isn't he the guy who kicked the wmnmg field goal in the '74 SuperbowP f)._) r ./1 ._ II you rt not s.rt wllO I or ~I) lltnntybunkp0rl wn don t ~ bid -You rt not tlo"' Ktnnty!Mln~oort " ont ot 14 d1,t1nc h•tlr ct.Htrtnl ~rlmtnl ltoorplans '' Suwind V,.'lf 111 Hunt1naton Buch Suw1nd v.11 .. , 1' • rt\1111 ot 1ot1ny perso111~1«1 prolti$!0ftal p11nnina lhf kmd of 1Utntt0n ,ou Otstf•t A pttlt(t bltnd ot n11111t and ~·•nc -11nu.d 1n • lo1nl With bM>bl1nc broo~s •nd Qulfl pond' coottd by 1111ura1 ocun brttztt Add lo th•I t1nn1s co11rh sw1m1111f11 PoOlt 1 soa and 1 con•&n1enl loutton 11u1 slloc>Ptna 100 tmptoymtnt 1nd you '' cot • plkt anyont would proudly call homt !I"" KtMfYIMl°'pol't) Onfl and two btd1oom one ind two lllth l!Plftmtnts and I owntiomn Seownld V.llogitv · ,,. I S ~~ ~ liuntlll(IOll V"'-'9 l111t Hilllttftl10ft Btkll CA (114) 893 5198 from lllt S.n Ottio f rNwtY dnvt fl011ll on Buch 10 Mer lddfll. tllal 'llllJI Oft Md tddtft to $*"'<1 Viii r Ill "!\tltnp mqlllt • Open Ottly I 0 AM 14 O.nl • • · i:klr r • • !Y' Jiil • CPr lr()I Air (-(Jr I Jl!fl 1(>1nQ • v\lt)(J(Jt1urrnr'g Firor •IOC" o~ • l 1lt• f r lt1PS • Pr 11fllA r'OtlO'> • NIOCoor,oc1iors • I •tru SlorOQe • PoOI r.rncl ')(')o ~ LatCottna1 Apartment1 Leasing Office Open10 to6 \(M11111" '111qh:' onr b lwn twchnom Jpl\ BEST VALUE IN NEWPORT! ruRNIC\HrD (11 lJNHJRNl\Hf 0 H[Al TH < l lJR\ Tf NNl'I .,WIMMIN<, plu' muth morr '!101~ nn JWI\ Mot!t'I\ n1wn d~tlv o lo h {Mwood Ap.t'1mt>nU Newport Bndl So I nrt lnthSt1ttl t.tl {)n\.111 641 51 tl Nrwport Buch No ~~1111 1n1 A~tnUI' 1.11 I tilli I &4'; 1104 Newport on the BMch Ing Next to greenbelt HB 3 Br, 2ba fully furn. S250/mo 842-4946 sundeck. full ocean view Aug 12 thru Aug 18 $900. Refined Prol lady wt1h81 857-9166or786-t172 to share harmonlout -PENINSU' .. _5 BR, home en11lronmant In ..,, CdM araa 720-0980 LIOO ISLE-4 BR Aug S4000Agt87M181 Rental 10 •hara. tamale pref $250 Incl utn Jim 11110 lllTILI 016-42 3154 E/9'&.1004 ' & 3 Bdrma. '300-S 1000 Amie wenteci PenlntUla wldy on & Off tl\9 beach ho 26 f't from Prtme week• atlll avail. me. Bay N tmkr. CIMn Bay mooring Call todty fOr beat ..i.e.. avall $400/mo. eT3--4.t48 uon NB REALTY 875 1642 Roommate, pref ltu0en1 V.c.t •• 2Br, 18• near 17th Sl C M S295 &46·6608 ....... 2t07 cdU 2dr 26a apectMiUtar Will Liii Fii Yll1 vtew 01 Npt Hrbr-htd llllllllnl poo1 prtv 1undct1-0a123 HllllnJ ILn · thru 10/0t 675-2713 GAIN COMFOATAIL' Laguna flneet 111.1/llept to bCf\ I br 1295 2 Bf '52S. 3 br seoo eitwtc 499-4124 LAKE HAVASU · 3 ldrm. 2 t>a Mobile Home, '395 p/wtlnd 760 3QI OCEANFAONTNewpon cl8" A. c1 .. n. quiM H50· St250 67& 4UI Rm Av•lllMl-Olymp • nr b9 h S2501WK fml ~Iv 714 873-1530 R!N'T & TH NICE FUL· ING OF f'INOINO A NCW l'RIENOI •OC 1 largeet eigencyl '* Moet pror-..ona1 and compttte~~I •We~ Ill CIU• In OCI •Ct'larecter and tm· plcyment r•f ~ In full 09 .. • te ldaltrlal Lnt I read 1M ltlf Wut• llM ltll Wu... H• lt11 Waat.. 11• ltJ...... II• leJ ..... _Jt•r:•-l;a.;;;;,;;;,;;.~~~1::::&..::;::,:;:;-_..l;,;;;lM;;,;;; I &fl lHI ltatlll ZtJO LOST grey Cocht'-'. tuf· ......... I p CL.ER1CAU.-. ale rec OfCOM TE WTUUORI RMI "*81 ....,.. •• Photo UITHI UH 2880 sf' if608/montfi ti. ... Ulen. VIC t •50~. day p~P~ fling Afl(Jly ........ CotOr/dtalgn PIT to ' Nndl-1..-d 0.W.lOf '°' lo bpw ""!~ R4rfln9d, Kllve Sr 1.oy 317& Birch, N•wport Hta, $4$-0$49 Mu I know mtrlM I IU9 Pr1r1t 234 FliacMr start Will tratn ns-6447 ~ ec:ftOOI~ &OM\ Oranot Co.-HO 8EU.S1 ~_.., ~D '41-2•24 ava.11 to ltl•eyoYt home 9-Gt\ AQt ~l·5032 fenaaab 2 frtlft wi.r ..,.._. ,_. CM 540-8'73 OE.UVE.RY WAREHOUSE ~ Mon Wiii "'*' "*'P P.aple ---..,...-..,,""="--...,~~=-= En.IOY "-itllful lood, ••• CM 3IOO IQ ft \l"tn otfic. t1 liable nna, Appty Wkdy9 Ctenc:el PEASOH.wong,gdOrfV• ¥: w~.dir...; '°' ~~ ~ PM~ T ~~" efCiM, ,,,. 9111, gOOd & PAf'lllng, 45/IQ ft EICHTl/llllE btf • 9"1, .,..~ ·11&h 8t. .... """ Ing recotel. tJCpet In 10-6.' Mio PIT .,,.,,,.... =.:.nr·bt..n .. 12pfe lrWW 7Gl-74 .. converullon Rellable, Wetlley N Taytc>t Co Outc:atl ONL y 83&-9199 CM ___ went vMety in ~ jot)? turnltur• dellWIY Full to«>. ~ or 174-3085 12•1 helpful 151-1821 '""4110 I /I WLm TI'llt P<*tlon oftwt en time ... 50 plhf. Cell PRE.SSPEASOH A.8 Oidl l •• •·11 W•.• ... ••-F~a•~ Tpro.~ ...... H.. f n time New Yorti air cn>P«tunlty to ltlltn the Befty Dtwn 9-1 1em, '42 ll.a'91 n.&m .. IL • & Otk tOrM _,,., MIPM a. -Am CM 3800 eq ft with offlGet .... ... ..,..,.,.. ..... u inner w0f1clngt of a bu9y 20&3 PIT FIT ttalnl c.11 Jule Bedl Cllfftce M0-45() appty In ~ 0oMn & parl\lng, 46/eq ft Eac.0<11 {213) M6-19M lre1gh1 compeny l'IH Cfaft'll offlee of a N.rlonal '46-32l2 ,,... 1TI01 9aec:ft ~ ..-n MP'° WAITD I UIATIU 3 Bedroom Horne fOf Ex· ecutlve Femlly ot 3 Lo- cation thould be within a tO Mlle redlu• of Cotta M ... P..-.onal and Banll w"i.y N Teytor co luntant ~~"t! H': tneurance Company en-~.: ·~~Al!n-FOOO IEAVU ATTEHO. =".t.. =~~ 17 A. HurltJnerCon &w:f\ $200,00Q YR IU~l 11 o,,.rtu.ltln tlll offlot for an ~A Analyst :::: ~~bing"": ernoic.t.ExC*1e11oeOJln-AHT '*1 .,,. l'lout'I "'50"•1...-pN)ne A9cepUOflt.tl~tt&ry· IND/COMM· 1000 ---.ql1 -.a.••& llWI WhO enjOye CS.talla I ver1ety 01 cotr on-•emlfliP 144 0032 N.I evall ~ & nigh .._,.. ,,.,.,,..,, ..........,, to Interior ~ W ... or· ...... ,.__ -.. _.. wlottlce In Costa M... ...... challenge. :J i. 11 ~ ~ -...~ dutlte C.al aanlZed. mcoell• pflone -..,__. ·-·- r.,.,.,,cee upon '*'"*' Cell (714) 642-4321 and 213,.35 8371 BUSINESSOPPORT Mutt htve good writ• ::0-.u.~8!t: ~ hlflll•1trd ....... Wortd, 982·1374 Mil tor fOf llPPl. ~ or I tfl*1G llllllt 0ynerNQ .._ 1 ,_ff"' Choice tocetlon. Good ten/Y«bal commuc:atton ..... "' • ~ ~ e.ctl Monty ~ •trnoepl'lere COM .. ._,,_ 11 Aaa1uc1atat1 3 IMM Call Beac:ntlme Re· •kllla, meth aptitude, ~ .. ~· == GrOl4> pradioe. • day S11001mo 176-4451 PllTltm- INVt detallt with LI .. Gray. To 11260 monthly. SCRAM.La s etty. f or Info. Ole tome c:oltectlon •xper. l co-work••.,. all pttt of __. + anemat• S.1ur· .. ...._ •..t;:, •Hnlmt•l l •-ni•H* Opport11n1tte1 evall la 073-051 l or 875--9 tea 10 key to touc:tl CAT thll opponunhy If qud-tW(stAM ont-{. N>A ewf. wanted pert/tlnle • .....,.. ~ R.S IP wtth lhe l.09 AMQfl,.,. • I·--to exper. hfilpt\il . ,._,,i ~-"· Joen.. C.tl 14G-1122 Cal St.,._ '4M7IO M ' ~OI00"9 •-2 THE HIU PAATHE H • TIMES Crcuauon 0.. Gu1ttt fer ANSWERS ta~ tt _. We offet OOod eompeny ,_. ...... own v"' uee ... _,_ed Ce.II IMC, ~ 9-dl "-' pel1l'NM ~ 04/I ctocw to ft V1sa&fother National ti.neflttlndxlnlwonclng llllPllllllP Dental front office 11111 :!___.._..9..;..'::-73 · 1mmect111teOl*\lnganln-.. ...-,......._ ..... F f ' ...... ,_. Part/ti~ ••per pref eaa •• ......,_, ,......,.. _.. • & 1.----. ,_._ ....,.... . .._,..._ Whimsy · Hunger Bank Credit cardl are c:ondltlot\a. or urtner ( 1•l ~-...... • 1 ..... • •-199"· ·--r ................ program Oua1antMd •••• 2112 2 dXRXdE8. 170 Mdl Located 7th/Ollve, Hunt a..c:tl. 476-2685 Jo~ l<ettle-Lau~h • avall Sevino-acctt & Inf O Ce 11 Ju 11 e . ~OE M/F IMne """'~11 Needed lrntrted to ... HAT·1. INS Ml(TO FIRM llONSt wl•celent phone hou'ty ...... oom- Obtlln • OUUMy f ... r~'d. Afto SS$S Avl (71')Ht..02t8 8am-&9m 000 GROOME" exo In ell Aowera In AeM.u.enta.. reQUIH• full time per'IOtl ll<U. Mte tyiMng & verioua mi991on. ~ 4pm '° AN EMERGENCY $SSS (24 hra) 9e2..f773 Cl..ERICAL bfeecs..Fullttmewtttlown CdBt-.n4-epm87S.2335 for mailng & inYMt«y gener•I . Office H-tprn. Training la E -t I d e C M- Atter lreq~I collect calla Or write to Eclecllc, Uf9 OarrMn Wa.tetl ""IT equlp-bu1y thop-.. 11 GOVERNMENT JOBS contr~ Dally oel.,,.,._ perlielllOe Contaet Cattly pro"'°9d Poienti.1 to from our daughter, we 19128 Magnolle Ste Newport 8ftch, CdM CUllU M4-S5!50fromlto5 S 8559 $50563.I ltl\'Of\led Own cat nee eit7&-M42 eemS300 '*-perwaell asked hef to write In· 203B He 92646 ., ... , Earn "450-MOO ..:,.; u....:-y'041f :_ Wiii 1'11111 proper can-Reciac>~t for an'"'*"""'· c:d: Sale.ctean.alngle on pvt alley S7!5/mo 873-3600 llHd,e•ceptofcOurM,11 mo Mull h~ car wfth a _.. ·-".. dld•t• Cont.ct SYNn 8eadl law fjfm 957-23e1 D1 1'°4 II were tomethlng dire ••rttl'-"' lnaurance TM ~l•t• 111 I / ~ ~Jol05l fSIT.eooc> &1 Gordan, 7~t ~Immediate open. SALES-HAR()WAA:E SEACLIFf MBLE HME PK Garage for car or ttorage 25• t2 t1 Pr\vate en· When a call did come T .D I 4021 ~ 531-4 2 tt d'M't Opening Del Mar.,.., l0t tor a recieptlonttt through the qul~ty said. ' ~UTOIVEHICLE tu1t-tlfM csom.tlcs.. ~ U..al n. All. aW#.,. 11111 ~ t attic. awwanca Flt P/1 IMll-no 8un Of '"Retei1 d•d 11"1 AN l.H SAmER MAINTENANCE (The 19U-85 ulary out E.Jie>«l•nC*S Of\ty Some uper rtq. Summer •Fron1offa eJ1.:.1en1 typing legelex: ..,.. ... Steve H.W trance $90/mo 648-255e Olfict lntai1Ztl4 SMALL OFFICE gr0und level approx 000 1q ft EMERGENCY le "'-I R-u1ra e11.p"d Individual to IChed~'!_.!'U) Tnot ~ Laundty Ironing general month9 ~ Ai>P!Y In Ma1ure P4l'90tl FIT· tnc:I r.-ience ... efef,"ed Com-~t ~~~29,.~er. rttllt -· "· ...., 1 ..__.. f Co ann0u........ ~ ,... .. 1 • 1 ' clot,,._ ,.._..,.., 1131 8ectl Bay wtcndt 0u1... metllng ....-... --.._ "'19•• -..... w Sptrllual Payctu~Aci-S~alli.ingln 1t1&2nd maint•n•-•0 CatS ters. reports from rough "®MCMnng. o;-· Dunes retervattona heavy 1>91at1..,. Mlaty ...... .._ ... --------- Visor & Card Reader* TO"• Since 1949 We.ah, wax &. ~·• dra"• notes or mac:nine care & ht• coofllng Call Newport . must k4I ~-eltll Marian Morga11 S.... Put present & lulure Robt Sattler NH/CM melnlenence required tran"1nptlon Aula11Mt· Barbara. Mon-<Frl 2 .... pm Host ... The Splndnfter = publlC 213-fS21-9800 lllllll IALD Avail 8/1 Lido Ille tr .. Free standing Ask for Steve, 973-13~3 675-2495 or 631-8964 RE Broker Bd Real1or1 Full-time 549-2988 up worklhc>ps and tern· EOE (I 19)753-0339 ~ant .:cepOng ap-•Night audit0t l lotPTtlltlT Need energeeic per90n to UNIQUE SOCIAL CLUB 6•2·2171 5•5-0611 l1IMa lstalll ...... 1nan for small 10 latge DRIVER Midi ha .... amall pllc:a11on• ~In peraon •Gate Tender Gd pnone akllla & typing grow with •tal>fltMcl with photo & monthly Now Hiring fS7~afoo groups Will act .. t>Kk· economy cer Call afternoons 2·5 de_lly •S.CUrlty Guaro Excel PoSltlon tor recenl compeny Min 1 yr,.._. Part1e1 551-8320 WANTED People needing up reoeptionl1t. Must be 9fS4..0379 3333 w Pacific COUI Located on JembOtM. .... I Of l'IUIMrf exper full time PY1 TO $SS S 10.000 up Nei1lble and able to per. Hwy, ~ 8eectl tween Pacific Coat ~ high actlOOI gr-..ue • ata,.ng aalaty HOO· 1rv1ne Sl'IOpplng Cet1ter OI· SPIRITUAL READINGS.,-:. No credit ~. no penally Banking form 1 variety of taat<s DRIVERS-cross country. & the Newporter Inn for woman re-entering s l200. mo. Paid holldeya lice spece. 500-800 IQ ft Advice In All Matlers & Denison Auoc: 873-7311 UYlllS llmultaneouaty. FuH ben· Calif lie req MacGregor Hot• 1131 Bade Bay Dr .. N.B t>u11nes1 world SalatY 1 vac:att0nl Hoeptal in. Agent 786-0600 Counsellng 1815 So El 5100 COl-trlll et111 package lnciudlng Vachta. t631 Pi.c.ntla. ltllT &lllTll 8 ~ 30 no phone calb $1000 range (negot )Call IUrance ev .. 1 In~ ---Camino Real. San Clem. Belt Wut.. .._ dependent health. COV· Coat• Mesa f()( reaon hotel full time. . . Caroline Byco M~2251 by awt. onJy Tue.fr! EXEOITIYI Simi Llc'd 492-7296 10 WANTED lltw &ooeHh) erage. EDUCATION Exper. pret Pick up llP" lanen Y114 Ptnt• RECEPTIONtsf tor RMI 646-7441 Irvine. phone antw re· MUSICIAN In Addition to your ablllty SllSllIITEI pllc at 1555 South Coast Help with stocking full Estet• Ottioe part time LLOYDS NURSERY cept . conf rm. u111 pd. Lost I Ftaa4 3004 to work well with Iha pub-Pnlttett Is 1Hatt4 Hwy, lag Bct1 Admln. time weekdays Int•'· general o1'flce dutln AM - secreteryserv 250-0277 SM0BuffCocker1panlel Musician wanted to ar· llC.weaeet<newaceount• 11arlrht.lllt4 otc.EOE Yl9Wtbyeppt <>NyTuet-f0tP91e 751-3t511 IALU~ ... Interior dealOn firm has of-pup & accessorlft has range my populet song1 eJtperleoce. good eom-All 01 1"-PQ911lont hied H0uMtleeper. live-In, IOI' Fri S.6-7.._.1 N"d 2 retlr ... H ill papers $150 548-08 .. 9 219 11th Street mun1c:et1on and llght •11118 Otsta.... below are for Substltut• tather & 8 yr old bOy LLOYDS NURSERY people wUh lcnowl· flee avble lido Village-Huntington Beach typing akllls. Prevlou1 OaU (11•) ...... 4121 who wor1I on en otH:atl. B"ut Balboa home. edge bldg meterlatt, Ideal tor draf1 peraon-n1s public contact ••· er Ill • ._ u needed ball• Mon-Fri, non.-amkr. must Ottloe n.tp S.t <>Ny R4t-RECEnlOllST plumbing & OfdnO. ~ $300 mo 633-8586 fOtJND ADS per~ 11 con~• -•• drive Rm & board+ cept 10 key heavy In pwlOf'I. ~ AlrT.e 2 LARGE OFFICES ACCOllT d •I In 11 a p I u • ferlaten.ltlH ..... T..tlef ulary 575-3793, ptlOMt Renea646-168A weare tn needofareoep-Hardware. Mee H.wt:IOr wl wlndow view NHr CLERl 11 Responalbllltle8 Include ........... aln4 5~920 Offioe ~ wanted pan-tk>nttt to be retponalbte Blvd C M o c Airport, Irvine ARE FREE opening panbooka, IUMI lllm Preer• HOU.-eeper 1~ tnU91 time for ln9Urance Otttce lat answering 1"9 ,..._ SALES s.1ery Pllll Zero•. secretarlal & 11111· 1112 ,., .. ,... money mark eta, and IEPT. If ElllATlll SAM_,.,_ hew loc:al r9ft apanl9h AexJble IV'I & Mlary open pncw,.. maini.intng the BOVTIOUE • phone ana Mrv ava.11 c aH·. Jumbo CO'• Affirm. Action Emptyr M/F ...... _, ipUklng Ok ~707 bated on Hpetlel'ICe telephone aystem. updat-Outgoing 6 --~ $.450 u/mo 752-0980 Process 1nvolcet and war-Wont with Intermediate Meture person perf«r9d Ing OUt 1nternal teleOf'IOM ..._ per-eon nMOed tor uw .,,.Ol ILlll Orange Coonty Airport area. cornef o1 Retllll & Brtatot Xlnl vlttbillly Only 2 ault.. le" 1200 sq ft &. t950 eq 11 Wiii t>ulld to toll Competitive rents Broiler Co-op 142-Hll rants. Input det• Into Peri· TI.. CLERK-TYPIST tor ex-and high IChool lludent• lllM llLll can Karan at W-9!5 70 dwectory u well u gr-1-our women • dee9• EDP system. Must nave OllTMI ciutlve Art Gallery In In Santa Ana Both SIO,llf + ORDER DEPT Ing YISltOf'I and other r• boutique Ml.-b9 ,...- knowled99 ol accounting IUPllSDTA11YI Laguna Must be :~' Teectwa and Aldet must Newport Beec:ft firm 9'1· 7 Men&. Women to WOf1'1 In lated derlcal <M... spon11ble & relleb ... Found brownish kitten, freckled lace Beach & Newlend H B free IC good home 959· 1221 and clerlcel method• typlSt Call 497-4491 be. able to communlc:a1• _ _.....""' _ _.__ ~_.. H .-. Order Dept .... o e•· p,_ apply In perwon '° and be ltlllled 10 operete (Teller) . Ask ~Joanne. bal end manYal .,_ ..... .,, -• ..,, ,_ ,... Tt'f P4i'"IOtl we Nlect must LEX 2fSO ~ A ca1cu1ator, data 1npu1 t41f-/W_., uttng...., posseu good t~ perieltce neceawy We be dependebte and ha.,,. A IA. .,.., FOUND Bull Terrier Vic. minal and 1ypewr11e< In ._ OLEll TYPIS'T system• (tlgnlng and communleaUon ltllltt end Will train S860 mo a pl.u&n1 telephone Lagune 8eactl Do you enjoy woritlng With Peraon. expetlenoe<I In '1lnOtr apetllng) can u• a 8 figure In-Mr Osborn 662-5844 voic:. end menner The -&"RM people and have OOoCI In-..-a1 office procedurea come we wor1I from -Mon d • y '"---R & H INVESTMENTS 111-1111 PllTllllSEIFO.llfTI WATERFRONT In LIDO MARINA VILLAGE Batcony Elevator. pri- vate entrence. Fully cpt'd Furniture opllonal Call 675-6624 C1aatrci1l- ltat1l1 2911 CM/SA area 545-4156 FOUND In Tua~ Camino Real/Lag Rd, all black poodle l•b mix Taken 10 0 C Animal Sheller 6H· 7219 or 644-7005 lor more Inf FOUND Male golden R ... lrlever elderly, numeroua ca11 and kl1ten1 avall- able. 125 Mesa Drive Costa Mesa CM/NB Hth & Newport Found Pet Bird Descrlb41 Newer 1000-2200 IQ 11. Mesa Verde 5•6-7308 ample pkg. ale, 675-6900 keep 1ry1ng ---,....,-=-WIU IUOI Found White dog with I 0 tine Coast Hwy locauon Newport Beach Animal near downtown 3850 SQ Shelter 644 3656 11. app S 1 30/aq ft Rulonomics Corp 675-6700 LOST 12 week old sand)' color tiger strip kitten vJC 4tnt8egon1a CdM night ot the Olympte run Tine 673-3658 or 675-0•5? PRIME-RETAIL SPACE 700 IQ It • $700 NNN CM t>Otder NB Call Jack1e(213)290-3112 LOST Blk Shettle Answe<s 10 JENNY Last Shop/Storel Ottlee space seen 17th & Monrovia 300 &. 600 sq ft Res REWARD 220-1928 C Mne C-2 ~8-72_•9 Lost Dog/male, S 100 RE- • CdM di• 9Uite1 AC, ampl WARD Lookt llke Benjie prkg, lrom $225. 2855 E. w/short legs. '"Boomer·· Cout Hwy 67S-6900 Vic So CdM 49•-068 .. Office 11 located 1n South Coast Plau ., .. and • full benefit pact<age It of- fered. Final llllng date. 5;00 PM, August 15, 198• Call for lntormeuon to (714) 966-4025 or te6-4026 IUllECMm IEPT. IF OH&Tlll Affirm ActlOn Emptyr M/F ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Newport Beach Real Es- t ate lnvettment Co seeks motivated clen( for heavy acc:ounts payable desk. computerlZed en- 111ronment a .. ~9-2988 Aerobic ExerciM lnstruc S 12 50/hr will train Work own area 772-5847 Answenng Service Tele· phone Qi>eratora varlOua sn1ft.s 362 3rd St -Ste C Laguna Beach APPT SETTERS 5pm-9pm S 100 a week Guaranteed • comm Good phone volee Wiii train. No Mlllng Call anyllme. 751-3006 WIOENt.:D. DRAPED ~H OULOER- AN f.XCITING, Nt:W PROPORTION NO"' PRINTED PATTERN A534 SIZES 8-20 T Ht i.ou\ ( °'""~ llll \ I Ill \tl'll '>IHH.ll llt "' ti\ ... ) '""' •hf (uhoon 10 .. frnn1 .. 11h J"p d••I' ilr•P•llS hum• I<>" atmholr A ~~owtr panel " 11mply \flmtd 11> lhf bt><h nf 1hc drt\\ and 111llcrN 1n1e1 IM thOlli<ICr> 1kh1w lhf lotlt I\ \Uflt"lt. \lt11Jt1 alld 1111•11\ nallCf•nt °""lll(t l1tnc lt) 1n1r1prt1cd l'11nttJ l'a11trn .., , ,,. 1n •ar1111" labno mdudtn• ••lln 1111c ... , .. ,1Jff\(\1nll 11ll <tt!M' 1\11M1ho>t 11r1tc1n• 1tt <>IM'n lo Hiii 1nd11d111e 1hu. ,.,,.,1•"Pf1nd •Muc la1llr Prrn1fd l'1Hcrn 11.H•" •>11l1hlt 111 \t"'lf"' C,11r• R. 10 1 l 14. Ill IM. :Cl ~ r•""" tu1 ,.,Jaao DAIL y PILOT Plo>t ~llO "00 lvr u II f>11tt1n ''' Mudrr '°4••1 P 0 8.1\ 19 C>IJ ( hrl u C\1111un .. r.. \ 01 l "" \ 111111 tAdJ lflC IOf ud1 ,..11rrn lnr l'<>'l .. r artd llar••ll•nt I l'flnl rl11nl• YOUR HAMl , ADDRUI Z" 5TY\.I HUMHR, SIU """ A111t 11 .. 1 , iw-1 drh.c.J '"Umfn ~nd no" '°' .... , ""("' IY•• Pllt01'tl"'l...,. I f)f C,ft,N( It Pl\ Tl t ltN {.I\ T Al CK, "wr ""' '"mRtt ,1\1 1«11on "' 01111nah rlu• jlk1u1c-. r>I tht dt.,,ntn ~ anJ ~ .. ~ Jt\ll•nr •pU!l\•tll, •Mm1\(1 ''"" .S11 dinner drf'W\. ml)ff ~· • 10t ll<l'll\J\ <. ouroi-; ""ant r•1tr111 ''"' •h'""" ~nJ s: ,.,. """~ \'i """ 11\ DOI I' a (I Ill HI .. ()"I f';l,llAOI ,,,.,, .. aJ•'<IMt, 1111 ... .n11, .ioll• lrum "11r1 •N t tr .. ,,,,., .\II "'"-, "' 11 ' s: 'ti 1 \1 -11 Ql I< 1.: \IA< Hl"ll Ql II t' °"''" dolltrtn• \t1,1111w •M'4'1tllf \UtOUI• 1\,11 .. I \lrf P<lllflM ftw \Ull>'!I" dort\ll•UI\ 1J ~I ''' .\00.., ftl 0 ( II( Ql II l\ 111<1.,dn ~'""' ~t """"""" I•" I• '*'''°"' 4,.11n• .. uh ra1\C'd r1•kl• '"\f" 11.11 N··• • S! 10 1.0~W(A1 [It f .l\\lllON' 1 "-"" lo• lll&fT "'"' 1 U h • 1M llllnl ,.,,i. n11ttrlnt 1Mht1. t11lkh t11 ht tnot, '""ht-' \' 'O 119 QlJI( IC "I' ( !\\\ 1 lAl.,\l l l\ h•• J<'"ln• IU rmllh• Jr r••"' 1111clllnt "'"-•II ,.,11111 ,,,,.," •1•n•rrn o\lrtt•!wh ""'"'" "''" \: \41 1)1 fN\:flOf't J>AT< ttV.Oll .. 0111 I\ ha, JttC"\ll•'"' h t I• n"'ut 41'""' 10 mllf •tthoul 1 lranw t"'-'~ on.tu.Sh'""" d1rr.1 .. .., \' ''' leM.• H4 l 1c.i..-.u .Mr -• fot ,.,.,.,, ••4 lla•411 .. NHf w .. t-Watd) for • Jlrornlnent 0.11on•r ,.,,.,_ ., 14ffln• IC1artr1. lerperaonal ltllllt'> ~edfOl'offlcatyppOrt ........ ,,,,.., fSam.1pmat 1pm-&pmlnPT: Earn $1200/mo fS hour• are s.11 to t>ue1111t1t1 Who In Santa Ana. Must type Sl 11,., lites a plMAnt emllronrnent hrl/w1t. Tina, (10-Noonl ~u1~ Friday from need whllt 'fOAJ-. or -:.:. ~::= ~~o 50 WPM and enjoy buay • No uperlence ,.... Tue.-frl 7.0-2053 l'Z LUI Filas depoaltt, wlthdrawala telephones. Out ... In· Transtatetheepoken word ery Call George Pat1-ttmepermanen1 FOi' lm"*21ate conalOer· Guaranteed w•o• or and loan payment• light elude reception. flllng, Into the languege ol llignt And«ton at 17~50 _.... atlon tend reaume or oomm a52-9125 anytime copying, malling ..... et e normal con~ appty tn per-.on 10 Per· ---.....,------typing 11 neceuary and literature and overflow tlonel re1e o( 120 + wordt 1111 .. 1111111 llBIRllll aonnel NCt«en.i prevlou• teller ... typing. Call Mr. David. permlnuta)u.lng~'Slnlnq Ouallty p.aple needed to ms1wau•• lllEDIATE peri.nc. 11 • plus. 973-0850 Ex.eel Engllltl Of ~ co-ordinate wall decor• Xlnt opportunity In • POIDEROSA It you are customer orleo-Collector/drtver,.,.,.,. drlv· Engllah Wiii alto r9\IWM m hornet and offlcel PIT pleasant working en· HOIEI OPEllllS ... I..,. ...a... .... ~-11· w~ Interpret from 1lgn & FIT. wttl tr.in. 8-48-9n4 vtron-t Our ,.._,,_,.. ""'· .,.......... ..... Ing record, good oa ml, ,..... ...... ·--....... • PIT -F /T 54 7-0585 language to the ._..en JIM SL EMONS IMPORTS 8eeoh otfloe IS tootling 2082 Bu.in.. Cenlef Or evailabAe now with tap &LEIDlLE FEDERAL 100 •• .,.,. ... , Ir 11.,.rt lell, Oa IJHO <T H)IU-1100 ~quaJ Opportunity Employer Companion llv&-tn; CM Free rent In exc:hange f()( llt• help. p,., rNle stu.- dentl~lng lndlvdual Mrs. Andersc>n 873-0e457 ConstructlOn FRAMING ESTIMATOR Need prof lumber ui«e ott & field framing ablltty f0< ILIEPlllT large commercial bulld- UCl911 IPI ~~is329~osta Mesa Blueprint fl,m In Irvine needl lull lime machine COUNTER HELP Ory operator Mon-Fri 8-5 Cleaners. pt-time aftns. Exper person required to Newport Beach. Exper handle inventory. 0<de<· prei 752-9658 1ng. & printing Sharon, -OHSSt• lllll (71•1 261-5120 s.-.42_15 12 p/hr Ill lllYEH Part time Apphc:allOn Wiii School bus drlvere, oertlf be accepted lhru Friday req S 1143-S 1393/mo Auoust 3 F/T varleble hrs Coaat Community College Oltt. 1370 Adami, C M 432-5007 deadtlne •·JO pm 8117 eoe M/FIH OUlllllS Exper . daye OCC temp ,P I T Joyce •32·5896 eoe M/F/H Cle<ic:el Fill CLEllS CITY Of COST A MESA PERSONNEL DEPT 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 7S..·5350 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/f/H CllTlllD IEIYIOI lll1'US Reponslble Individual wanted lat Hostess pos-Work 6 month• Two open-itt0n. at private ,et ter· 1ng1 lor lnlUfance Com· mlnel win train Apply In pany In Newport Entry .-rson. 19461 Airport level need positive wor1I ,......... alll1ud• H .. vy nurT*lc _w_•Y_S_ou_t_h_. _s_A __ _ llllng, togging and record keeping Pteuanl WO<k environment, hours 8 30 .... 30pm Call Deb. 752·9109 To P'aoe your meauge before the reeding put*, Phone lllllll BINlllY lllYIOll Daily Piiot Clauifled, ~2·5e78 Clerk~ CIRCLE K·MARKETS 1J ~ ~ NOW HIRING ~'-~ V CASHIERS I CLERIS ~ Interviews daily from 11 :00 r:-l • ta m • 12 noon at 1390 c; ~ ~ Nor1h Pacific Coast Hwy . " Laguna Beach (on PCH & V1e10) all 71 4 494 9233 tor mort into WO<d In one or mofe alon a 1., Mercedes Benz tor Industrious reepon-&lite 1.a firms In Or1ng9 County language sr-teme, U ge needt ACCTG sibte lndivlduell to do 7 5 Many cha1'9nglft9 op- _,.., .. tutor student• In ~ exper · 10 key by lnterettlng telephone Irvine. CA 92 1 pcnunltiea .,. ~ academic subjects at e touch .Aleo ACCOUNT$ wor1' on bet\aJf of N.a.-~ Opponuntty due to contpeny ~ NCOndatY le'l9I RECEIVABLE. ex per t!ONI Companlea Good Employ9r M/F c.-snort*"' poectlona onty Appty at 1001 Quail se>eatung YOtCe a must ----are al90 ~ All Oallfw ............ lie' ............ (lH)lll tlH er111-4121 St NB~ 11AM M-F ~s-r,~ c:all Hugh IEODTil•IT ~~~anal.:~ JIM SLEMONS IMPORT a Wtekencn,(9·5)10mel1Qht qutte W• ...,,, 10 ,,.., IUlllOllm Hn .• EllUTlll Merc:edee Benz Ag«'ICY I typing Irv RMI Estate from youl Call Deb needs 3 lot attendants PARl -TIME. Vaned hour• olc 552-2008 752-9109 Full time AwtY at 1001 to •nciude •arty A M •'Ill Quall SI NB 9-11AM M-f week.ends MVS1 na .... ~ •-- Affirm Actk>n Emptyr MI F • pcnC:a.ble vehicte (small llOEPTmm I TmlUIY amlD m PllOl IP(UJll truck 11an. a talion A J p Anoe nH 1n EDUCATION IMM EDIATE LONG TERM wagonl to ass;st ntW$-1mmed opening tor re-RCllTllY ASSIGNMENTS MUST paper dealef In Irvine cep11on1s1 secretary wanted Or'f wof1d ~ t-iAVE EXPER ON UN-area Mutt be dee>en-tront oNice appear~ munt t.iented. gen·1 of· IVAC 2000 OR SIMILAR dable Contact Greg 1n1t111gen1 friendly with I tioe MeretatY Must nave mHS M 0 D E L P L E A S E Hyde Monday thru Frldey ldnt phones and typtng Heel Phone eno word Are you working on 1 APPLY bet-' 9·30 and 10 30 sktlls Varied office processing ltlllls Total Earn S6 39 per nour degree 1n Education. or VICTOR am 642~ 1 reeponalblllhes ContaC1 c: om pens a 11 on 1 o are you a greduate In TEMPORARY SERVICES Helen 240-1381 S30.000 P1eue r~ 1n Education? If to, the Of· ~ 1 Biren "105. conl1dence to the Pr ... ange County Dept of Newpori Beach 556-3520 ._.._ UOPT/llm dent. eotuns ASIOClatea Ed tlon l11eet<I"" lndl P&Sll IP-•N• Full time general offlOe 567 San Nlcolu Dr. uc:a .. ., • WZ SI • O.C Label Co has oe>en· dutl• llte tying. nung IOI' Newport Bellctl 92660 Ylduals to tutor student• we are !<><*Ing fOf an ex-1ng tor ~ton wttn ex· FHh1on 111end firm In group homes loc:a~ perlenced sa1e1pet1on perielioe ol Put• Up & Salary based on ••s>er in vanoui areas of • lor our FASHION ISLAND Camera operation FOi' Contact Phll Ramming ange County. STORE Full & pert-time Interview (71•1751-9500 lat appt 720-9816 YOu wlM tutOI' jr '" high people Salary plus com-_ .. __ , atudentl In me th, m Is s Ion NI c e a 1 -1--__,..-=-::-:--:::-=::-:----RECPT !TYPIST for CPA ,_,...,.,. & 1 job ...__ P B X. OPERA TORS firm In N 8 Call Connie reading and writing fOf mosphere x nt ......,r 2-3 hours per day, 2·5 eflll Please call * llYllllUllJITI* 631-0961 days Mcti ...-Mom-640-78l0 llltl R1111aur-e-n1-.w-a11re11 & Ing, afternoon and ...,... •tr••• llOIOllY HOil_, apply 1n perSOt"t ning hours are avallabkt --Immediate openings fOf at DI Prego s 2267 Fetr· Are you lnter•ted In Eatab C1Yil Prec:tlca et· P B X ~pervtsOt & Op-VtflW Rd C M sharing your mind end tomey •n NB/CM arM erator to ~ graY9yard knowtectoe? Fat more In-leettl exprd legal MC· sMt We are 1001ung IOI' lormatk>n and • COC>Y of retary (min 2 yrs expet I lnd1Yidu.tt-"<> !\eve min our job announcement. Salery commanturat• 1 year p B x ••P..- contaC1 w/exper 642· 1«8 pood 1elephone vOtOe c11•1 966-4025 LltMI OLDI OI' 966-4026 FIT Experlenoa ~- hard ~Ing & people onented to t<>'f1 our team Good 11811 pay fS75--6864 • Exoallenl OQoortunny ORANGE COUNTY .,_ 11 ...... Envt onmen• DEPT Of EOUCA TION Mald1 wanted Seaclltf • ·~ ~ r Benefits Affirm Action Emptyr M/F Motel Leguna BHch pany •94 ·9717 AWIY In Peftorl No pnone Eatbllthed salea company MAIL CLERK ca.II• plM.ae Monday July anULCLDIS Part time_.,.. ci«ka needed tor el'ternoons evening & weekends Wiii Ir ain Ai>PfY 1n P«'90l'1 PIER 1 2710 Harbor Blvd, C M W..UGUllF/T Apply 1n l*"90n 9· t 2 Coet1 M.. Stationers 270 E 17th St C M Sect ytAOmtn Ult YST Inc So County Youth Shetter Lag Bch 40 hrl wtt college <Miited. S12501mo Xlnt typing. communte.atlOflS. l org P;11ts for CrlSll Int..., SVCS 494-4311 so. SletnllY Matur~ mdMdual to won for Mortgage Co In FaSl'loon ISlend. Err0t tr• typing d •C taphone word-proce111ng re - QUlfed Shorthend <»- sir able A bl lt1y Io wor1l with ottle Of no direction Must b4t organtr.d o.ta11 onented and .c:curate Call Dianna 640-9350 t>twn 9am·12Noon tor appt seetc• energetic rellabte A 2 people to mati(tt pr.. TAii Tiii .Ill 30. lo ThU1"9day ugutt tlgtou. nationally known • ..,..,, m 9am-noon product• Perm. pt-time mall 11uttera 18000 Von ic:erman. trvioe • Guar S7/hr +comm fOI' FtE Investment firm Equal Opportunity Daily Pilot • 4 &. more hf shift• In Nawpor19Nch Empfo)'9r M/FIH • Med & HM!tll benellt1 Congenial atrTIOlf)Mre • EJ1P pm'd. but will train Min work exp« nee PllllUOY IPT. IWI Call Ed 556-1000 Dependable & relleble Full time Mon thru FM. 10 ExetclM Speed and manual to 7pm Typing r~ Experl«lced outgoing In-dexterity• must• Aexlble Friendly ne1gnbornood tlructor tor men• & nours Non amolt.s Call st~ ~~-2 I 1 t womens top renked Biii ~-.. •~a....a ~-0940 -rJJ -Mah weeght t'9lning gym In Sc: p1cfures Eern 0C PIMM call SYper-MARKETING DEPT extra ChrtStmas mon.y bOd ... Gym at S.5-fS t 10 Asatstant M*1aget trlln· Musi be entnu11uttc & " aspiring P«90n 10 u-enioy chlldran Xlnl )Ob Hew 90fM1hlnQ 'fOAJ ...,,, 1 slst m8negtr 1n Santa tor hou...,.lel !t·l•ecilef lo Mil'? Cla.MtAad edl do Ana oNte•. no ex per or t •a c n • r s a 1 d • t PART TIME \ 1 u I n r ft o u I t• \ \ a ti 3 b It· '\r~ porl tl.•oc·h an•a. thrf>f• hour-. JH'r da~. Earn appru'. St.00 pc·r month. <.aU I I :00 to HH' 1•\l. It well I Call NOW · 1 necasary 111nt income 5euona1 ~1 , to Nov '42-5e71 Call Andy &62-5843 t5 S3& per day PO train• L...-~~ ....... --------:----;~--------:...-------.. •09 beg<ntAug 6 .\C(>fy 1n • peoon 9. 1 llm July Cl RCL.LA TION DEPT ti-12 -43~ I EOE District Managers If you IH\f<>>' worl11n9 with yov09 boy• & 91rl\ ol\d d.lk tob' or~ not fer yov con\1de1 o corff1 11"1 tll• ''-wlpop4"r t•<cvlo hon f .. ld n,,, •l O urtoqv~ pou11on w1fh doily challenge\ & t•wo1d\ Our open1091 a1e 1mm.d1ote Applo<ono mvit ho,,.. o Y()l"I \tot1onwa90n or ITV<k w. offtf Of\ ••c•ll.,,t \OIO"f ""'"' 0 bon.,i\ pion and gol ollowonu We ho... Oii .. cetl.nt b.netrt pion thof tn<lvdn holf)! toltzcmon 1n•uronc• lt!Mral -.ocotton and holodoy\ CO"dodotn l'IW'' hQ,... o di!",.. 'O be tucc~tful ond be will-.i Po •Of'\ hofd If you ""'"" you h-ftle ~liff(atton• pt.ow GP9~ Ill pen.of\ to the D1ily Pillt Monday thf\I Fr day 9 1 1 am 01 '1 4 ....,. 330 w. 81y Costa MeH, CA 92626 ) 30-3 111 B ta1ac1t. t POf1rai1 wono 325 No Mull er . A n an1 1m 779·4~54 ORANGE COAST D Ail Y PILOT ... Ii .... ' • (714) 548-7058 ~ ~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~------- • DlO Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 29, 198-4 ltlt ...... HIO 1 WtatM SlOO DOAUTIU llUllHIHtNYOUR OWlf HOM. 11 HALS IOU TIUCI IDITAJ.S tolt Aati4 , AatM4 laJ!rt.. A1tt1, .. tatlt AA~~l\.TR C n NTA S Cl111ln to49 •••• tlfl -----,-lf-1' &4fu., IHllTUY Permanm.,..1 pa1Mlme. l!itperleno•d, tyOlng eclwpm, Ill• thorihand. ~ ee.cf'I • Shared office c:oncept Non- 1 rn o k er. Call Teri Wetn&/THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE 644-4492 ., ••• ,, Yllll 111 Our uJee peopi. wee blue !UN o.! the JOI> & can mall• 12500 + per W.-comm. Poaltlon now open due to penon. Ml e<.tvancement. o,,. Of the latgelt growtng Pow. Co In the world L..01 PtOVidecl. draw t commtulon 75 t-3008 . rt": ;. .,, J ___ _,r,l:.Jf"'\ U K ,,;E l '68 MUlltg COtWt. tmmao 'i! Ui Duda luxury !9'9ii~!-P' ... P""'~~PI ' 4°' $ 20 v UP ted1>ne. *8500. (114) tedan--.0 aun roof-cult '64 !U>MADO HM ( 1 >~ PIC""' 69'2·&.e2t (811) 337-1003 whM!Nlnt eond $7.600 1v mag a.2-1aee cioa!.':9"" ~m'I I ! ~ .... TRUCK A1tn laptrt" ~78 PP y1 .. l .... ~ • I PER ow lifa a.11 tiff ier~n Ina S qu1t AlL·SAVfAS LEASING \ ,AIR 714·MS.2050 ~ '16 Xi9$1i s;;;a:; con: 1W 168om;:;, eon 1n1out 11100 1..e390 _ <1141432-•911 ~l;~ I fi:·"' . t-:' 'ii ..;.<. ·1 47 l ! ,, ~ GA•AGC ULI ADI HOW '• ~ j, ' IRllY&lf Mongeoe &anlclng t11m need• 1.c:retery with 1horthend cepablllty Newport BMch bUed of flee Salary com- menaurate Call Pam at 873-31201675-41& 1 for appointment --------------~ lf«tl~. Prlat!M cond dlllon•A11ume Leete Ext 4030 ah 5 M0-3525 •t1ttllui .. , t•tt .... •-n 711 ... 12,1100 .atual mllH, 88). 7593 '&5 vw euo CeJ.lootl. 6K N•BfRS Jmll!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!~ .. --~---.-• • I, eua "' Choe bfOM\/tan IM.ttl '70 280SE convert , ml on comptete rebuild. I\ TIUPllU UUI ,. __ 1 • •11,. ... C t • UlY ong prloe boxing a/s SABOT/Gd oona Com· Inter. 17500, 073-1181 1ter.o, AIC, SHl,750. 12350 oeo 64-t2111 CADILLAC C:\.AHl,.ID If CttTI lll&llOW Part·tlrN 751-8882 ..,.. I Ill ""' II a HI Synch awm 1/8 556-0.23 N9dla & Call '46-0291 .....,...------I ti fC b by a M n.. 1 --plett w/Nll, lheet• & Adi 7 ·ao Rabbit G 38.000 ml. Tet.phone WOfk n quee en 1 m•· otorola rvlPt 1· car Ping Pong Tai*, folding, o.rs $350/obo 158-0184 179 FOX Exmt oon-172 280 SEL 4.& 81vrtgr.-y a/c, new tlrea, excel LARGEST SELECTION 10 SALES =r.i:=;:,,:~~~~-=01~! ~ ;:,o"t;t· muaueUIS75 873-3511 ll!flat lcalf. TOH dltlon 79,000 mllea ~~~Sggo87~~1_:1G own, cond 13800.631·2244 ofl~~·dm=kii;-oo";:!:r Lar~ corporation !l•_. PIT Muc;h more 226 Cabr Ito 18mm proltQtor. tool•. Rowing Machine-good XvoJU\~Rtif w/f J; S2750 552-•UM7 ·e11 vw Conv.tt. Ba.I• Bua. CalllOl'nlal S.. UI todayl SECRETARY phone work. Good work BIG ~ALE Sat & Sun, tum, et«: typewrite<, •l•reo & cond S50 642-2700 Suiukl & acce11orl81 '81 Audi 4000 2 dr, ·79 280E 4 dr Mdan H600 lnve1tecf, aell 1,.0-1HO lngcondlllon1 c tothtng, 1m111 IP· lot1more6316453 SACI Lge G11 KILN 675-3503 whl/cml,amlfmcu,a/c, w/1nrf,gd cond Loaded $2850.(71 4)~610 'I UYHTlllH pllanees mite, 418 El 't'ard11lehMhtdandother Never uMd wtll detlver Up Dtc•s 7022 :!!'200t c~70:211m12macutal• 1 '2·000.0S06-44-&749 '7t 8ug low mttee good 2800Hatl>«BlVd Part· n .. ltlJtf OOllll TAITS Modena !Clay & lrVine) Items CHEAP I Sal/Sun 1-800-33-4-0864, ext 803 -.... • • '8-4 500 sec. (no mllMQe). c 0 n d. s 2 2 0 0 0 b 0 COSTA M!SA $8 00 Brass ht41dboard d.sk 9-4 402 Broadway Sota .. ___.110_,.t .......... Sllp1avalf. Lli&Oate 51' or l•W l enthfaclte gray/blk Tthr &42-433018-47-3047 HA Textron. an Industry ~ with • dlvesttied llne of high·tectmotogy product•. la Melling an experienced part·tlm• Relief Sectetary to pitch In IOf absent employees and during peak work periods .,_, ·-_..., le11. Month-to-month '48,950 640-2778 -~-carpeting. China. m&fble BHt. lt1ck 6140 NCR CUii Aegllteor S200 S1, p/ft 673-13115 .,. 3 OS air, auto. a dr, '71 Superb .. ue. Smg • counter sink. much more CLOTHES-CLOTHES 67J..9519 675-7181 leather MUST SEEi .tllUll lllTHS., 1.. c.rt. rblt eng, new pnt· Mist Kelly 730-7003 Sun 11-6 3058 Madtaon Canoe. elec1romca toots SPA/JACUZZI Never lailMu I 1 S33115 846-6533 mOflfl·lfU lnt-ciutd'l ... xhaua1 Xtnt TRAVEL AGENT . FtT min HUGE SALE 20 yr1 or books toys Early Bird• used. xlnt cond '400. 113 Cu1tom Pan-Am NII· 78 3201 nrl 1 7 I< 11 pr<>Yd to ennounoe that cond S2,200 780-8511 2 yrs exp Apollo trained 1r .. 1ures 2175 Orange OK S111Sun 4952 Pierce 548·6927 ask 10< Mike board. Xlnt cond $600 stereo ~900 •~901 e:S JOI IEYIOLU '71 SUPER BEETLE Must Pleasant otllce Call Ave, corn of Tulip l n New Kl"" Bedlrame S'5 Starltnet Camper fOf T~ OBO Call Aid< 548 3740 495-0499, daya 838: 1155 h•t now been •P""'"'ted Sell SllOO 850-8~ 552-3052 IMne Ask for Aquar & bldg sup. hsehld ... S Ii I I 12 .,...... ---Ausra Twin Bed, S35 Dtn Tbt & htbd Nu Quasar VH eye ti .84 3259 Brand new-must a1oorlocal1uthorlzed '7l VW Bua. Camper, refr, SIS 9am Furn·honda 90 6 chrs. S 100. CouchS 100. BO 6-8pm 631-5631 Dave 5 •Pd Schwinn tandem seil/aum 119 pymnts-Mero.dea·Beoz 11v, am/Im CB, exit mec:h TRAVEL AGENT targe p:yr ptano-loto equip-Schwinn Girls Bike $16, 5 leek Oriental grandfather s2oo 11 nu 549-a283 114 10 ad ed . mus 1 1 e e reprtMntatlve COfld $2150, 968-4223 Succeului applicant will possess solid typing ol 60 wpm and we prefer 1nd1- vldu1ls who have knowl- edge of shortnand and word processing ex· Peflence You will have the opportunity to learn ttle use of SEO word pro· cessor well established corp danish lrptc-mlsc-365 Dwr Chest St5 t0161 clock $750 5 gal flih 759-0601/496-9593 pm 710-1111 111·1•31 '72 vw WeltphaH" agency seeks pleeSYre Monte Vtsta 642-0328 Theseus Dr 962-5927 tank·lllte<·ltghl S75 Stro '80 PUCH Mini bike $300, Call for 1pectat Camper 52450 pp 2o 10 agt 3 Yrs exp Sabre ---speakers $250 650-5108 girl• 3spd Schwinn, gd ~. Jllll .Jllln Incentive plans Paloma. CM 842·34 lO ~:~~~~oun~el~r~;av;:i AnliHCtl 6011 hraitart 6025 Treck & cond $50, 673-4003 ~ W ~ mbz late 83 '75 Super ~aunrf & tape C R k Soltd Oall table wl 4 ch1tr1 Tickets Fdielayd PAI~ ~ CINELLI Men's bike )(Int Sala-Servie.L .. ·'"" •oo St 1 ow~. arp, S2""'" mouvated ontact 1 k1 Frtg1d1ire 111. s s. cop-.-..,..., d 15 -~ $775 ....... ' '""' ~ 850 1111 pertone $275 650-7452 Immaculate mu11 sell offer over laoe value of con · _...., ******* Midnight blue/beige OBO Clint 675-2080 now' $300 646-7022 $60 ea Can Sat/Sun 6'13·8488 OGELLEIT tmlTllY leather·1how rm cond· daya a..5-2271 after 7 VIDEO RETAIL SALES GE Refrigerator 17 cu tt Trad·I Sola Loveseat & 2pm to 10pm 644-1291 Jlltttr libs 1016 Pll-IWlfl IMW's cull aheeptkin·chrome -~-V·deo T v stereo sales S 100 673·49831675-0 105 attoyi-cuitom llereo-abs '76 CONV new toPIP&lnt exp nee tor d high end L.t'lair cust earthtone Two $200 closing Otypmk: MOPED Honda Paso, '82. brak .. ·lmtd sllp rear x-cond am/Im cu $5700 Spend approximately 40 hours a month tn our friendly professional at- mosphere, and turn your office skills Into extra cash For constderatton. please send your resume 1 eppllcatton to Video Store wtexctuS1ve Laay Kenore heavy duty $600 968 7410 tickets section 8, row 15 gd cond 1260 640-4706 78 3204 auto alo(578VCX) end·•uro ilght•· l4kt 898-68a..t &41-2295 alt 8 ilne1 Well-groomed & Washer & ges Dryer x:nt Walnut din table seats 9, SAOO each 642-34.43 Ill I / 79 3201:~~/t4~0X:) gold trunk emblem1-CA '7JRABBIT am/Im, 1unr1. weli·mannered Cali tor cond S400 t>oth 11 1x48x95 not adjust Utlllty traitor metal box OttHJC U 1tr(1JWB133) •P ~. legal with smog cert. good cond .. 11800. P.P details Scott 63 1-7867 552·040S 100 Lb chrome legs .<lnl 60x76 2 wheels ez hand· Scotttn 1011 8032015spslr(1BEN79e) $9.000 ml. My wifes 631·2359 VOTER REGISTRATION Maytag Washer gd cond cond $400 548 4143 ling $475 646-2652 .74 Honda, 250 Elalnore, 8132015spdatr(000l99) car/moving to Eurc>-PP. --- WORKERS. $5-15 hr $125. Kenmore Dryer. $300obo.646-17116 8t3201autoslr(10AG964) Ca I I Monda Y s '80 Rabbit 2 dr, 4 1pd. Poss Pd 3 ttmes wkly No xlnt cond S95 760-6097 Washer /Oryer(s11cked) N11ical last. 1224 8132015•....,. 1/r(1d,..225) 714-..4117-60811 clean, orto own. 40,000K '<Int cond $300, King az ONDA 00 1~ I h ...,v •-ml $3300 714 780-0301 exper nee Several open-Relrlg 18 cl frsi-tr Phtlco beds l50. 536·6190 aft 5 lbanet elec guitar w/hard-H 1 ' .. wt ex· 81320i 5spd sir( 1cyd683) llWll Ylll · Ill TEITROI mgs lor appt 971-0227 xint 5200 646•6443 att 5 case & elec tuner Rlsson tras, in storage, 2800 ml 81320151pd 'S'(1do03601 '80 Rabbit L DleMI 2 dOOf, DBL WA TERBED S 160 50 amp $300 642-3443 S350. call 675-8995 82 3201589d air( 1DZF145) MDOIMl1 4 speed, xlnt, $3500. pp 2485 McCabe Way Irvine. CA 92714 Wanted lor SALES pos-Relrigerator·small xlnt wt access 675-0636 --Vupa Motor Scooter 82 7331 A/T ToP purc:hue price In a..0-9623 illon Highly motivated tn-cond $75 642-2700 Water bed kl"", heater, no Office .Faraihrt/ 5350 OBO ~-8451 Ld'cl( tEVJ484) ar .. 1 Sell« uslstant Where equal opportunity has real meaning lor ALL men and women Principals Only IEllY. ITA. am11. Pan or lull time. eves. wknds & graveyards Neat appear & hand· writing only need apply 2590 Newpon Blvd C M IHY. Ill. IECWUC full time, neat appear Apply In pe<son 2590 Newport Blvd, C.M d1111duais tn teresled tn . .• I t t 6226 83 3201Sspd1/r (010243) plan avaJtable Call Biii earning SS0,000 plus per Sears Stove while. 4 lrm $250 760-0488 pms I a a ••tor & .. n 020 83 3201 51pd i/r(1lmv99'1) McCoy year Must be well burner $70 548 7169 J ---52 · dressed & have a C 60~ twtlr1 14 ·78w1Nt:IE8XdoclssX 8332<>l51?d'S'(385905) lHH.,hrohM pleasant phone voice ••_.t•ten 11 H OIAMONOS Beaut whlte Take over pymt1 Call 83 528E Sspd l ' d 1956« 1) .llM IUllU Our company offers APP[EUecomput81'12iK. 101 ct $950, t.17 ct 754·1873or548-1721 83528EStpd(1hve68S) llNITS New 12 Ft Inlaid Oak con-profll sharing Contact 2 drives, amber monitor. S 1500 Miriam 667·2956 ference table with 6 Trade 3-ity mountain hm pu crevler togo l001 Quall Street Jane at lnternaltonai in· ZI 8 0 card . CP I M . -Engagem~t Set-Uk s350 m tchl h 1 t d nr Arownead tor motor Newport e..ch vestments of America Okldata printer. all ""' 1 ng up 0 sere (l14)1•1 3171 a••.t•OO 556-lOOO cables & manuals s 1985 Orig $1000 650-2447 chairs, S 1800, New Oak hme or camper 6.42-9049 • -•• • - -Computer table, $150. T 'I 208 w 111. Santa Ana WUTllH STillPPH interlock exper w/tools Full or p1t1me 631-1886 662-3661 llliaotilHHll till 631-4836 111 en, CLOSEDSUNOAYS "WARllllSI" TRS 80-2 disk. drtve. works 2 Cioslng tkll S32sea.4 Pa'aaos Or 181 Traftl IOH great-$ 125 ol>o 642-2700 Fld & Irk all day pau 8/4 '67 PrOWief travel tralter-_LA_R_G_E-SE_L_E_C_T_IO_N_O_F_ Prtvately Mlllng your car $1508 5 6 5522 can be haz.ardous to your ·ECE"1011ST/Tni•t FrH to,.. 6022 a 4 • aleeps lour s 1000 NEW & USED BMW'S! WMlthl HOUM of imports " 2 OLYMPIC BOXING 650•4489 LOii IUOI llW otter1 hlghett value tor Weekends only 1ct11c 2 PIPPIES T T eves View Memortat Park • tckets -ues Aug 7 ----Traller-Houee Boat, live VOLUME SALES your pampered • ISCllW llCllnUY 644-2700 tor Pat Male 546-6092 $50ea Call 650-1397 Bush and Lane upright aboard, In dock S-4000 SERVICE & LEASING Mercedet Btkl ht Kitten 2 -0--c carved legs beautttui w1nt 645-2898 3870 N Cherry Ave. &-L ftr P1ttr/l1i * Wooosuop WORKER w I Y mp I c Io 51 n g lln'1sh $650 ~97 6315 P n 3 Id S .. • LONG BEACH DIAL 2131714 MERCE ES Immediate opening in STAIN GLASS PERSON 5';'8o:5o19 tkts·20th row· 500ea ..a8to • -11,i81 9010 I f " .. -v b 5•2 5194 L Co I I ht n -• (No Cherry exlt-405) HOUSE OF IMPORTS, Inc ~~=c.:ic~d!~11fi~~ Need lull time exper 0 0 '" • ~:~~. xln~~~d ~~ed HONDA -TOYOTA • l71•) Hl-1710 M 1 ... mull. Wiii train. Varied Satarynegottal>te Dean or fr11lltt111 2 OLYMPIC SOCCER by former piano teacher DATSUN Trade-tn1 Wetcome "' responsibilities Good Joyce 548·9326 838-2373 tckts 818 524•8157 eves 1950 080 536-1753 ALL MAKES .. S 199 Down, OPEN SEVEN DAYS '72 MOB beaut. with AIC benefits Salary open JoJ.t WaatH / Male COCKER SPANIEL * OL YMPtC TICKETS * Upro~ht oak piano $175 Closed end comm'l lease 0/0 much more S2800 261 "222 T $95 G Fl ; No First Of Lut No 0. OBO 53• 11~1 J,.,.y -v Dtaeatic 5107 butt colored 5 yrs old WO ym na I OB 55 7-6529 nnafl No Llcet!se Fee DatHa 9117 .,. .. .,... Xint pedigree 857 5719 Womens Rythm 8111 . -------... --p t tlSS SHIPPlllS RECEIYllS CLER IS A1de·Comp1n1on live-in 7pm eve UCLA S500 tor Sprtia~ G.Ms '230 Delivers any leue 74 DATSUN 280zx -•-••."-------lor eldMiy taaay Ac· To goo<I home all while the pr mets reser prkng -ALL-SAVERS LEASING air cond Stereo Cass cvpressure-massage female kitten w/amber Av1 prkng permit 1c only SUAFB ARO, Custom (714)432-1977 (492WFL) '79 504 Diesel, 43,000 mi. therapy excellent refer· eyes tnc;I shots 644-7005 lor women/Gymn Wed Aloha Tri wlchannet1 ' A Se • / S671S8 1 owner Sunr1. air, 4 dr, ences (2 13) 762-3431 NB 250·9010 irvlne 811 5 30pm 675-6256 lreight. bag & leash •tt mm BILL M...XEY TOYOTA am/Im, xtnt cond $4100 -F • 6025 1mmac s225 241·8688 Parts 9015 19202se.ch 962-0829 780-0919 We are a large distributor Cata 5505 uaatut 4 Olympic Wrestling Tennis Ract<ets like new Ford trans 1 drlvelln• xlnt Ptncke 9157 local-.. in Santa Ana who PERSlANS 10 weeks with •MOVING•• tickets 7130 S 15 ea $25· 70 PrulCe, Pro, Ken· cond $150, tun stie shell 80 DATSUN 210SL Is s';;'eklng 2 Ship· papers. silver & blue eyed •NEWPORT HOME* 960-4463 nex Black Ace 540• t 459 SAO 962•5533 Automatic. Baby Blue. Air * '809t1 SC Targa Wht ping/Receiving Clerks 10 whites. M/F $200 up. House lull of furniture, Admiral BIW port TV 51 5 __ Cond. (212714) wltan llhr Mlnl, 47M, be Involved In various 1>eaut11u1 857 -4875 appis misc 760·934 7 WHITE sewing mach s2s' Power loata 7012 A•IOI Waat.. 9020 $2988 $25,000, PIP 786-9719 warehouse functions D SSIO 4 pc . hvtng rm set. bough1 Wht 4 pstr twn bed $45. 14ft Runabout some I Glll TOIAY I 19~~i ~~;Y T~J2~J:29 '60 356B Xlnt cond·nw such as picking, packing Ofl tor $1200 will sell $600 8 outdoor gas BBQ S60 linkage S 125 646-6684 lor vehicle 551•8285 pnt-chrm·rubr .etc,MuSI sh1pp1ng and receiving Cocker Spaniel 7mo·s. mos old Sony cir TV 1920 doll hse English 25, h F--1 Th d • 7 9 2 8 OZ 2 -.. 2 sell/otter 551·8772 computer goo<ls Bull wlpapers must wiremote cn1r1 $350 $700 obo 640-2314 1,d G 0,~u a un er IHD CASI OllCU GLClioaded Pert cond 65 SC C"'·na vlnt or'~ sacr S200 644-4842 l>tr a ... ,. encl head $6700 661·8124 Aft 6pm .......... " 'V Candidates should have I com pl Akai stereo Beautiful swatches tor VHF shower 38 mph Sett your car Instant Cuh cond Lo ml Must selll previous warenouse eJt-Gldn Ret Ma 1 yr· Very bought St lOO sen S 700 your chents 2x2 1n 30 sk1/cru1se. full canvas tor your car Any malle or 71 240Z very good cond , See to apprec 675-0993 pertence Wllh an al>ihty 10 loving trained pprs Nds Please call aft 5 & as~ for colors ea season P11ced survey~ $17 .500 sell model Paid lor or not ate metalk: blue. $2850 .67 912 5 spd, red, alloys, 1111 a minimum 01 50 lbs xerc1se 642-2824 S 100 L•l 642 1865 tor tne prol t The Color S 16 500 Creative flnan Get our price lust OBO pp 646-2331 goo<I cond , $6500 OBO Come in and apply at 7 cooch. 5 pc dinette set Company 759-0779 559-4665 966-1777 Bill MAAEY TOYOTA 72 DATSUN-510-runs 6 " LHASA APSO AKC RED l9202 Beach Blvd (714) 61-v335 6 wks Fem $300, Male S60 ea 548-4051 CLASSIC BALL V 4 player 25-41' power boat• Cali Huntington Beach goo<I. need• body work, •70 91 H b-ik-/b-lk_bita_u-ty-.-5 S275 955-0809 AnlQs desk, dresser mlr-pin ball, 4 mllilon BC. xtnt tor low charter club rates 962..0829 S850 OBO 49-4-0647 spd, 66•000 orig ml. 5 al- Poodle Pups. Teacup Toy, ror $50-$200 tbl/4chrs cond s5oo 953·5454 673·1974 or sa..-7222 '80 DATSUN 200SX loys. Plrelll1, Biaupunkt, Min $200 up 546-2848 $500 ALSO hv rm, bdrm Compl Bdrm Furn $350. 33 tt-Dlttm11 & Donaldson WE IUY Air Cond, Stereo. Casa.et-lresh motor. 2nd owner. MICRO D Human Resources Dep1 W-DP .. WBYPAY OVIB IAO!OBY S!IOKIB? We're De&Un' on Rabbit&. GTl 8, Jetta's, Sclroocoe. Quantums fl Vans AT OR B8LOW STICK.ERi Also 11.9~ 100~ FINANCING AVAILABLE on approved cradit. See us today . . . BRISroL AT EDINGER IN SAN'l'A AN A Hl-0110 17406 Mt. Cllltwood Cr Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Incl corner bed group Lots ol household Items sportflsher. twin dl ... I, CLUI COS te (01250.4) flawless In/out, $9500. Rhodesian Rldgebacll Other misc 786-2325 10c 10 s35. 642•9 133 excelllent cond S2S.500 A•D TRUCIS $3988 631•5324 'FA.Mlt.Y SINCE 'f\3 tem 10 mo s S 100 EquatOpportunity 673-0300549-4915 Obi Bed 2 Recliners Complete twin beds like 673•83100R&62•3584 19~~i~~cf'1~J;'.J:29 :-;;-914, xlnt cond Mech '78VWSCIROCCO Employ« M/F P•ta 5535 table sol a speakers. new $100 26' girls 40 It Gulfstream CrulMr sound 18500 ot>o-See to Btaupunkt Stereo " morel 494. 7298 bicycle S25 786· 7443 Irv F1berglasslde4HI Need I '75 OATS ON B210 appreciate 472-9357 Cusette, Air Cond • SOLAR IN R BLUE & Gold Macaw w/frg E-STATE SALE On ..... paint & new lnterlOf low mllea. (280MVR) .7 ... 1 ~ R.-.. mint con· (436VGH) Must have me elect dbl cage gd wtkids/pets Dining Room set Fr Prov """ Sacnhce s29,900 $ t688 .. • .. "" $3688 plumbing. r ting exper very lame 541-6421 oval table. 6 chairs but· brass hdbrd mahog (619)226·2193 BILL M...XEY TOYOTA ditlon, stereo 13600 obo BILLMAAEYTOYOTA Must be w ing to work --let china cabinet lovely dresser & nltetable. brass 19202 Beach 962-0829 955·31551213·689-.4160 19202 Beach 962..0829 1onghrs days a week Btue/GoldMcCawwl cage s 1000 960·3384 sofa tat>le sofa t>ed, 42~ Cat '78 twin d1i, :"f99ttSE TARGA. Good m Cali any-tame $650 548-7827 -China/misc ttems $20 to radar,2 VHF, al p, 7'-\ KW '80 200SX Red, hlb. Loaded Immaculate. me 751 3008 Gas stove S 150. On Wave-apprx $350, 780-1995 gen. freezer & much sunrt. 1te<eo, xlnt cond. YELLOW NAPE w/cage 1 less water bed w/drawers --more Must 19111 pp WI llY s540010bo a..6-9752 18,580 orig. ml $23,900. *_.&l!f IEClnlllY• yr old, $550 646-8309 $200. Super sgl waterbed FOR SALE. Baby Ducks $5 8 8 98 9 40 d USED CARS & TRUCKS . W/978-3700 R/750-8963 atar S100allxlnt650·2765 and8-tracklapes$2ea l • l· 1 ys COMEIN ORCALLFOR '78DATSUN210GX Newport Beach Archltec-hli•HI ---gG10 · 645•2355 213·472·2177 eves S t ereo, Air Cond tural llrm seeking well or-'!Ir""!'!" .. -~-'!"'"!---,. Good furniture give away '80 25" wa•1 ft & lie FREE &PPUtlll (553WZP) g an11ed 1n d lvtdu11 Collectlon of fine wood, prices 548-2170 Jacua l-8' incl everything ... era tra r Cormler-Oelillo 12188 t dart k f s Low hrs $18.500 Call wt excellent typing & g ass an wor rom 950 650-4489 760·84 11 ClmlLn BILL M...XEY TOYOTA spelling sk1tls Dtc· the vessel M V APOLLO 1 IUY FIRllTlllE •2 "'•C taphone experience a •S avbte to Qualified ES 9 7 New Steam Carpet Ctning CLASSIC 39· ALCO Good lo 11 Bc;n H BLVD 19202 Beach 962-0828 must Cail Cllhy at THE buyers APOLLO was the L 5 ·Sl33 mach·S200 546-9490 restorablef live a bord HUNTINGTON BEACH 82 DATSUN M...XIMA HILL PARTNERSHIP llagship ol the Church of Match gold velour chairs. OLYMPICS 816 bskbl (21 Twn desiel & prime NB 1•7-tOllJ l•t-J331 Sn RI, Power lockl and INC Scientology and pers Nu reasna1>le 673-'1853 SlSOea qtrtnitrntrow mooring $9.500 OBO WEWH"Jtl• Sleer. W ire Whl1 for more 1ntormat1on yacnt ot Ron Hubbard Moving Sate Sola bed 819 Trk/lld (2) S 150 ea Eves 979-6389 CWlil'll "a'!r I 1ESP531) 575.a..42 tntr ol ott din rm and end tables coflee tl>i all day 4th row 548-6920 CtasslCMah 18. Bayboat -$9788 state rm has been remvd French Prov Bdrm set Olympic BUS TICKETS to Top cond $10.500 cuh. See Ronald Dace BILL M...XEYTOYOTA Im vessel Con inc11 bvtd Call 640-1494 Coli•ium. 813. 811• 8110 19202 Beech 962..0829 STUDEllTS glass doors, wdn inlaid 0 terms. trade, car, R.E., ? mural, mirrors. brau flt· OAK DESK Top cond Make otter 644·4033 640-6350 St.tve '82 280ZX 2+2. auto, lo ml 1111 lolEIU'S SOUTH COUNTY YOLISWAIE• "WEWILLllT IE llDElllDLI" Volume Sales, Service 'll OllPE 4'¥1 LI ~tEUUIOI (333XOO) $6995 *** '11 ELIOUIO OPE Full l)OW'9l'. low mli. (1CGX360) $13,995 *** '12 ELIOUIO OPE Factory two-tone paJn1, stereo cauette tape player( 1EOM447) $14,995 .. .. '14 IEYILLE Convertible top. Unoer 5000 mile• (807309) $22,995 *** '14 IElll tit VILLE Full vtnyt pacscs.d top, Cadillac wl,.. wheel cover1, tull power, LOAOE0(1KCJ541) $17,995 Cknrtltt 313 ·56 c~ a ar sta wgn· nds : S-400 548-3670 '65 Corvelr Coru Turbo charged Run1 well. $2.900 875·3680 '68 Chev Mallbu 307 Great eng Need• brake work $300, 546-3547 '79 Camero loP lhape 42 .000 ml 14 800 642-3104 attr 3pm '82 BERLINEn A $9100 Air. crulM, pwr windows, doors & eeata Nu tlree 553· 1 141 Evea/Wknds '"OllYml MUST SELL IMMED blklred leather, loedeO PLEASE CALL Molly 963~11802 or Vince 567 -3035 84 RED CORVETTE Auto, tan Int, mint cond. loaded 6.000 ml Ownr must Mii $25,000 OBO 997-7781 I CONNELL CHEVROLET 'K,.. ll.1rl••t 111, d I I "' I \ \11· ~ ' ~4~1200 DM~t 1311 ·816Lf. black, U.600 ml xtnt cond $4300 673-7780 '81 COLT. black, 44,000 ml, xlnt cond S4000 673-7760 ti ·77 Ford T ·Bird towntander. leather, nice (838SEV) $2988 BILL M...XEY TOYOTA ·m"F'~a--nua1;;o. ";;;; eng. Irani, tires, paint. immac:. $2900 780-0439 '69 L TO Wagon Xlnt cond, regular gu, 390 engine 964-7394 ·73 Plnto-4 CYL·Biue- Good transportation car $600 557-32911 In YOlll tings and mahogany. En-S 125101r atso tegal s1 Ille OLYMPIC OPENING Partnership dlHolutlon w/T·top. Loaded, 2-tone SIMMER JOIS IOW!I 1 '' e c 0 11 8 PP r 5 d cabinet 575 962·4974 2 available for ceremonies Classic mahogany Bay beauty$ 13•250963"1380 And Leulng ·74 Pinto Station Wagon 18711 Beach Blvd good cond mu1t Mil Huntington BMch $1200 960-4a..8 We have openings tor $7?0.000 Matt proof ol Old unlQue handcrafted 675-6161 boat 840-4022 1m~l;llllgjl Bt .. I 9 boys & girts t>etween line rspnsblty/reason tor Spanish benches 5 $225 I 11 Z b Shi OLYMPICS 817 boxing (2) ·75 CVC Wa~on Xlnt 12-16 years old working in eres 0 anzi ar P· C h 0 I 546 1833 un.. J Dri 30 evenings & Salurdays ping 488 Hill St B Laguna pr as n Y · $25 ea 818 Soccer (4) SEALED BIO as Is wtier• w•H Ya tr1n1 $800, 6 5-7729 Earn money lnp!o a Beach Ca 9265 1 Queen t>ed Spring Atr $25 ea 548-6920 1s 1983-38tt Profit~ CF ·79 LDV 4X4 PICKUP .81 HONDA ACCORD C s 185 642·5461 0 s , F 4291HF See vesael II Ftbergtass ... ell. Ster..,.. Good (l 14) 142•2000 '77 l TO 11 Brougham Ae- cond Call mornings 11 .81 VW CONVERTIBLE cond eng, top & paint 650-6058 Answ recorder 11 11 .....__._ Nu ti r • 1 S 1 8 5 O ___ ___ am m casa a oy .. ,._.. 968-2038 bonuses all AlJlilDCtl 6011 lymp1c w1m g rat/ Id ""' .. ., Auto Trani. Lo MllH. Mr Roun1ree 3-Rattan couch chair a EQu1strain Cost 10•1, Crystaliner Corp 1626 (1U08289 $harp (tDMH065) Ul-7051 2$3;~ l~sl~ frtrfr:ezer bkshtvs end tbt w1g11-OBO 848 2379 ~=~~is~o~~~P~e1a BtLLMA~2:~oYOTA $5888 ltlJI ltJct 9161 only 26K ml HOOO -646-0930 or 879 2640 ·79 Granada. to ml. xtnt '89 Sliver OVtf Carrlbean ___ • Mon Fri 10am-3pm elec $3~~ e~or b'Jte~ couch-ismp·dinette 'et Olympic fo. Track & Field Sealed bid opening 2PM 19202 Beach 962-0829 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA -----cond, nu paJnt & tires. Blue Must be seen, xlnt '82 btk Jetta 4-dr. 5-spd, clean, A IC S2000 Avacado green & approx 55o-3o99 642 1616 Ea AM 8 sea11 S20 & S35 August 7, at office ol So 19202 Beach 962-0829 cond 121,llOO 968-1856 AIC. AM/FM cna, alloya, 962-..4335 4 yrs old all 3 tn pert REFRIGERATOR SSO 613pm 6 seats $40 & $60 Coast Marine Surveyors. TrHks 035 '81 HONDA ACCORD cond 4807 Cortland Dr. Waterb&d $50 Dinette 8t 4pm 4 seats $60 5732 E Second St . Long •63 SCOUT 4x4 4 dr Auto Trans. Sliver CdM (C ameoH1ghtands) set S40 OBO 847·4680 8t5pm7seatSS40&$60 Beach. 90803 Bid mu1t 4 cycl runs great Sl500 (1ADV629) 74 SILVER-SHADOW blk cloth Int. 28K ml. --:.~77=-=Fo"'"'R'""O,..T-BIRD Beautlfulcond.MUSTSEE 573~875"713-1---Town. Landau. teether, $32,000 OBO WE CARE nice (838SEV) SIPPUMEIT YOUR llCOMl I I ired or sitting around with nothing to do? Do you 760-0405 8/6pm 6 seat• $60 & S75 be accompanied with 54s..5734 $8788 Sotabed Queen size. Sears 819 All Day 4 seats S80 money order or cashier Btll MMEY TOYOTA Tom 642-1603 $2988 '711''1 SILVER SHADOW 11 ltW I ltttJ BILLMAAEYTOYOlA ttke to mingle? 11 so give I llY Afl'LIAICES us a 11ngle at 1714) LES 957-6133 540·030 t for an e•c1t1ng job as a telephone sales l<f>flmore Washer white person with the LOS AN Perteet working order GE LES TIMES Hour• S 100 645 2-464 4pm-9pm Hourly wage plus commission Lo A I w a y s a s a I e 1 n cetlon 1375 Sunflower claullted·read the ads Ave Co1t1 Mesa every day 642-5678 ltke nu earthtones $350 8110pm 4 seats $75 check. made payabi. to '78 DATSUN KING CAB 19202 Beach 962..0829 P P AM st548-9545 646-05581Eve 548·9983 Talbot Bird Inc in the P U Xlnt cond . S 1800 Magnificent mldnlte blve 19202 Beach 962-0829 SOFA goo<I cond & "<Int OL \'MPIC VOLLEYBALL amount of 10-/o of bid MUST SALE 549-1908 '78 CVCC Balance ol bid due. 10 •2 GMC 015 PIC.,, UP Hatchback, runs xlnt, &. camel camel tabr1c roof. 40K mt • P P, $50,000 Buttneu hourt buy S 100 SS 7 ·5659 mens teml 5 & ttnats Sota & Love seatfearth 5 8 / 3 4 m • t ch• s tone pt11d like 'l8W $300 640·8111 Eves 644-2573 d E 0 .r " S 1100/obo 673-9423 ays nvetope must 4-spd trans. Take over (71 4)83 1·4790 545-3110 evenings state sealed bid Owner payment• a..2-3030 reeerve1 right to refuse Uiy Pkg ~13 4 all day T IF • any or all b1d1 '82 ISUZU DIESEL, 22K ml 4 prk & ride ttx P11adena --------• $5000 Call 754-1873 OR to Expo $230 557-4829 I 548-1721 Boats, ail 7014 ----1 040 241CoLUU8iX. 7 5 Honda Vaa1 3 salis· VHF ·ff er ·kt mtr 1-'""1""80-vw"""'v"'X""R"'X""dl'l!ol'IN-- teac hatches. S 100 mo Low Mltea, 7 pas1. 1tereo N B d o c k S 7 5 O o cass, (ee684) 494·2806 16988 '32 w .. 11a11 wl aux, 9 aalll, elec1ronlQ '45.000 PP BILL MMEY TOYOTA 19202 ee.cf'I 962-0829 556-9513 '70 Chfty St119 Van, rblt 4-1 _tt_F __ r_MpOfl Ill•""« ~tr $2500 '72 OMC Van Ketch Flbergl ... /dieMI • I~ Sl50 750-e2t 1 Gr .. 1 accommod1tlon1 '73 FORD 1 TON VAN & grNt cru•91ng R• 2 tone blue, auto, Jdnl dvoed for quick .. ,. cond, cu•lom Interior, S 105,000 (819)226-2193 70K ml '3760 987-7781 '71 , • .., ~uat ... conc:t, Aat ...,, wl't:te onr yellow. Clattla 1041 w/xtrH Greg 8i 1 15415 lf"l'll'"l'l!Pll'IPWl'!!l'9~--,.."' aft« 7PM 146 W008f S0tn itlli 1•· ... ~....._ C Llk onCWCtlaaic .~ext u nv.,.. at e MW. nld/belge Int, mutl ... raoe ready $1700/ot>O 1$000 090 541M213 842-9551 80 C -----'17 • '"'"'11o, .,..,, atailna 22. nxecs k.... .,.,,., Int. Doth topt, Mty Monda, N8 lltp 3 Mita rHlated, mutt Hlfl 17500PP1162·61N 117.9$0 080. $6~5 ·ao Citalln• 30 per1n«· JAQ 3• 8Al0H com lhfi) *"811 LO CIW pymt, • N9 Up, atomic 4, 111t'tl plettlJ 'ealored, nu ttterlng PP 9&2-8808 IMthef & wd, ftte ltnO red, chf'ome WW, ?!19. ownr, ta lo mj SIC $~ L« LIDO 67t-7t71 '82 Prelude Sliver Pric.d --tor quick Ml• $71195 81 Sliver Sptrll Perl. mi£1111ri6iWieliWijlMiil 673·21791675-5377 cond . 18K mt. Mutt Seel 855·4348 ()( a.44-3228 'II Hiil ACOOll la•u• 11 7 Re po Aa1ume ---------LHH . s 199 down. 176 908XRU GF Cpe _,.. ____ ..,......,., ALL-SAVERS LEASING StereoC ... (040YLV) (714) 432· 11177 $23&a '14-UPllLlll 1t~~!YT~2~29 S 1Htdown CloMd End Commer~L .... ALL-SAVERS LEASING (7 t4) 432-1917 ';w· l ~aYOTX coAOLLX SAl5Uftbadt Air Cond, AM/FM (1ECS8041 S-4788 Sill MAXEV YOVO~A 19202 8"ctl 962-0829 :'f 1 Corolla, run1 & look• .ictnt Ct75, 875-7na '1& COfolfl 5 lpd, imiim. .,, ' gr HI buyl HOO ~790 12 TOY OT A TERCEL Stick, AM/FM, CIMn, New Tlt'M, ( 1DM034M) "* BILL MADY TOYOTA 19202 8"ctl "2..()129 '82 rtRCt L/8 Aff, 1000 mi. lilr9 MW Mtt& (1V<PS ''I 627·t09' Tum 10 1ooay·1 Claaaln.G ·eo CdV O'Ei.o All OI>· I Cll I I! e be I I buy I . llOf'll 0..Uflf\11 ln/OU1 IU.alFI 192501~ ofr 5'41..t 119 llADIUM ltCHlflAC We're New We're Dealing 714-315-1 919 s.&H.S-U-1 .... . W.S...•",,,.... ..