HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-28 - Orange Coast PilotFORECAST: HIGH85 LOW70 l:llST fllllDI -- TUESDAY AUGUST 28, 1984 ORANGE COUNTY L A LIF1JANIA 25 CENTS . . Reagan's '84 kickoff in Valley Mile Square Par~ will be the site of re-election campaign on Labor Day- By PHIL SNEIDERMAN CMIMO.-, ..... Sblfl President Ronald Reagan will kick off his national re-election campaign · an Orange County on Labor Day, returning to Male Square Park an Coast Laguna councll to spend $20,000 on study of Il- legal city dump./ A3 Supermarket clerks ap- prove new contract./ A3 California A plane that might have been overloaded slams into tractor-traller rig near San Bernardino./ AS Nation Shuttle crew hopes three's the charm for Wednesday blastoff./ A4 Democratic, Republican candidates stump the na- tion for votes./ AS World Hijacking of Iranian jet makes it six in a month for sky pirates./ AS Fountain Valley. the site of two previous GOP presidential campaign rallies. Jn October 1976. former President Gerald Ford drew thousands to Mile Square during his unsuccessful cam- 2 flee blazing Coast home Dover Shoresfire doeSSf00 ,000 -- worth of damage By KAREN E. KLEIN Of ..,. Dellr ..... llelf --- A spectacular blaze broke out at a Newport Beach home Monday after- noon. causing $I 00.000 worth of damage and sending two residents fleeing for safety just as part of the roof caved an, Newport Beach Fire Department officials said. There were no injuries reported. The 2:21 p.m. fire began in attic area of the house on 1627 Dorothy Lane. said Russ Check. fire depart· ment spokesman. The cause of lb~ blaze was stall under mvest1gat1on, he said. patgn agam\t Jimmy Eaner. ln October 1980. Reagan, as a popular former governor of Cali· fornia. also conducted a major ralf~ al Mile Square Park. The followma month, he defeated Carter to become the 40th president of the United State~. The 1976 and 1980 rallies were held m the city's Mile Square recreation area off Brookhunt Street. But Or- ange County upcrv1sor Bruce Ncstandc, chairman of Reagan's Labor Day rail). said next week's ~ven! will be held in Mile Square's intenor park area. closer to E'uclid Street. The are-a 1s under county Jurisdiction. Ncstande said the ctty recreation area was vie~ed as less desirable for security reasons. The president earlier announced he v.ould launch his fall campaign m Oranae County. Iona a Rcag:sn stronghold. But orpnizers. CCQrdina to Ncstande, d idn't u.ro in on I.he Fountain Valle~ location until after the Republican National Convention that concluded in Dallas last wed.:. Anaheim Stadium and the In. inc Meadows Amphjtheattt had also been under con idtration. The stadium, ho\\~ver, as already rt"SCn ed Back bay to stay open in everiing New.port Council sees no reason to close route --- By KAREN E. KLEIN °' .. .,.., ......... ' A resolution cathng for the mghtl)". closure ofa portion ofBackba)' Drive m Newp0rt Beach .was voted down Monda> n~t b> the Newport Beach City Counol. The cit)'s three-member traffic affairs commission had recommend- ed closing the winding. one-way route from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise night!~. But the council, v.ith no d19CUSSlon and a d1sscnt1ng vote b\' Coun- cilwoman Jackie Heather. "voted to' disallo" lhe r~lution. effecuvely vottng against closing the road at ni&hL Ma~or E~el~n Han said toda~ she .,..,,...,._._,-........._ did not Stt sufficient evidence to A freighter Is staying afloat off the Baja coast in the middle of hurricane- force winds./ A4 Two renters at the Dover Shores home. 1dent1fied as Ted Greeley and his son. Guy. discovered the blaze when they smelled something bum- (Pleue eee NEWPORT/ A2J Newport Beach fireft,(hter train• hoee on Dover Shores house ffre. (Pleue .ee BACK.BAY/ A2) Mlnd&Body Familiar. surroundings of home care or hospices often ease suffering for elderly or terminal pa- tlents./81 Which of the 12 most frequent excuses to post- pone a medical checkup have you used lately? /81 Sports Some big stars have graduated but there Is still plenty of optimism in the football camps at Coronadel Mar and Hunt- ington Beach high schools./C1 The Dallas Cowboys fi- nally come to terms with veteran Randy White./C2 Former Costa Mesa High standout Ken Bardsley wlll play collegiate basketball In his home town this season./C2 Entertainment Elton John wows them at Irvine Meadows./83- Business State's largest bank won't join Safeway's automated teller pro- gram./84 INDEX Boating Bridge Bulletin Board Business Callfornla News Classified Comic• Crouword Death NotlCes Features Horoscope Ann Landers Mutual Funds National News Opinion Paparaul Police Log Public Notices Sportt Stock Marketa Television Thtat9rl weather World News . .. 01 ~ A3 B4-5 A4 04-6 C6 06 cs 82 05 82 85 A4 A6 B1 A3 C4·5 Cl~ 86 83 83 A2 A4 Veto anticipated for restrictions· on airport suits By JEFF ADLER Of the 0911) l'llol Staff Local opponents of lcgJslat1on that would limit the nght of homeowners to repeatedly sue government over airport noise arc hoping Gov. George Deukmej1an will once agam veto the measure. as he did a year ago. mg Group. said her organization and ats 14 statcwtdc affiliates arc hopcf ul the goHrnor will reJCCt the measure when it reaches his desk, probabl) later this week. On a 30-3 vote. the Senate ap- proved legislataon that would bar homeowners from suangaarpon oper- ators an small claims coun for damages more than once unless JCt noise at an a1rpon significantly increases thereafter Calling a bill that cleared the state Senate Monday "odious." Barbara L1chman. e'ecutive director of the l'ic"pon Beach-based A1rpon Work-(Pleue eee VETO/A2) Barbara Liebman Saddle back enrollment dips only 2. 5 percent opening day Enrollment fee apparently not stopping students fr~m signing up at two campuses Fall classes began Monday at Saddleback College's two campusc!I with an opening day enrollment of 20.00 I students. JUSt 2. 5 percent below the figure for the start of the fall 1983 semester The commun1t) col- lege has campuses m lrvme and Mission V'leJO Saddfcback's enrollment dip was less than that reported b) other community colleges m Orange Coun- ty. For example. Orange Coast Col- lege in Costa Mesa reported a 21 percent opcnana day enrollment drop last ~eek. Wilham Schreiber. assistant 10 Saddlcback Chancell or Larr) Stevens. said college officials \\-ere pleased wath the turnout. He said 1hc college ma) meet fast ) ear's enrol- lment b) the time the final fall figures are recorded Fall reg1strat1on at Saddlchad. continueo; through ~pt. 7. Through Sept. 15. s1udents t-an mrott wnh the pcrm1ss1on of the instructor Commun1t) college official\ haH· been concerned about fall enrollment because 1h1o; 1s the first 1eml tu1t1on has been charged The fee 1s S5 per unit for students taking fewer 1han SI\ units. The charge for si' or mo~ unm IS 8 $50 Schreiber said the new fees dad not cause an)' maJOr problems an addle· back's fall registration proccs-. "People came prepared to pa):· he said. "They seemed to know about ll. •. ( ollege officials are also concerned becau~ under current state leg1s- lat1on. future funding of communtt) colleges will be based on this year's a'erage datl) attendance at the cam- pu~s This figure 1s based on the number of students "'ho attend and the number of classes m which the) l.'nroll. hre1ber \aid Saddlebacl omc1alc; arc ome"'hat concerned b\ earl) md1cat1ons that studento; are taking fe"'er classes than last )ear. a tttnd that could ad,ersely afTC'Ct funding. But he noted that communtl\ college enrollment this fall 1s d own throughout the state. He ~ud the ne"' tuition and the 1mpro1.1.•d tconoml( picture could he responsible tor thl' enrollment-drop Mesa water district seeks $9._5 million for two local wells Inaddition to recent Water rate hike. district will penalize delinquent clients_--= By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. o.-, ..... -... Mesa Consolidated \\ater D1stnct officials arc prepanng to issue $9.5 million m fow-mtercst. tax-exempt notes to finance the construction of two local water wells Karl Kemp. d1stnct general man- ager. said he 1s also n.'Commendmg 1hat the board of directors increase the pcnalt) fees for such things as restonns SCI"'\ ace to clients who ha' e had their "ater turned off for non- payment Kenip said the actions would be pan of an cffon to upgrade ~'""ice and offset e'pcnses in the dtStnct. v.hich pro,1des water to some 86,000 customers m Coc;ta MC!>& and New- port Beach at John \\ia~ne .\Jrport and 1n some unincorporated areas of Oranac Count) Board members last "eek nottfied the federal dastnct securities com- m1ss1oner of their mtenuon to issue the 5-ycar promissol') notes. which would be repaid through water sales. The nouficat1on allo~s the distnct to self the short-tenn certificates after 1-l da\S without state or federal appro,·al. Fundmi from the notes \\Ould be (Please eee MESA/ A2) Badham seeks early campaign disclosure Repubtlcan Rep. Robert Badham has propoaed that he and h Democratic opponent Carol Ann Bradford agree to diacJoee In advance the content of all campaign materiaJa during the balance Of 1heir election-campaign ln the-Orange Co~ 40th Congr8U10ili1 District. "As you know, there has been 'growing conc::.n In recent years over the tone and content of political campaigns. MUCh to their credit. the public wants en end to deceptlv. and negative campaigns and would rather see contests baaed on isauee. •• saJd the Newport ~~· congressman tn a lettw to Bradford released Monday. The thr..term Incumbent asked the Oemoc::tat to agree to dlscioH the text of en newspaper advertiaementa. campa~n maJ'8ri and radio or tetev lon adverttsements at tea.st 48 hours In advance. (Pleue ... 8ADBAll/A2l Spectre-of killing hangs heavy on Alcala '.s foes Painful memories of Robin Samsoe's murder --' will be brou ht to Uf e again in OC courtroom From the day he was ordered to die • in the gas chamber for the 1ruc~me murder of · I 2·ytar·~ld Robin Chnstane Samsoe. it seemed that Rodn James Alcala \toOuld come c" to haunt Oran ounty. Nov. he has. A death row 1mmate at San Quentin. lea la won a tt\Ct I of hi' murder conviction la\t 1 hursday when tatc upttmc oun JU tt ruled that the 39·)ear·old man didn't act a fair tnal bee: utc jurors were told he wa a conv1~ted child mol t r. au of the ruhn the \>.Ont I r of county pro utors. poh ~. and thefi mtl) nd fncndsof the'' 1n child tltt comm• true. II art con· dcmned to reliving the labors of a tnal and painful mcmone of the crime . Alcala. a UCLA graduate "'ho ha\ pent much of hi adult life behind bars. wi II be tncd for a second tt me for the murder of the blUC--t")cd. hone)· han't'd, Huntinaton ch girl v.ho disappcarC'd on a c,ummer afternoon fl,t ~can o am~. a ~Hnth -.rader at Ow}c:r Middle · hool at the 11me. '"'on h r way to ball t eta '· r1dana a burrov.'t\1 I 0-()('CJ ba~c anJ can') 1ng a blue !lag contaanma her <bnC'm clothcc, he ne,er anhc.-d. ttcr d ompt1wJ bod~ "'" found tv.o "'«k later an the bruc,h, 'Ctuhlan1h oht" r S1l'1 n.· M~dr.t ' .\ forest ranger later v.ould sv.car that she sav. Alcala draaam& the a1rl through the hrubs. kala's trial v.'s a tv.i'>ttng, tu mm& affair that threatenC'd to unra't'l at time'> TwtC't" the Supreme C oun thrt'atcncd to o'enum the d('(t ion on 1 c,uc raa~d b) lcala' court· npro1nted law\Cr. The fint occu1on conn-mC'd a h Huntmaton 8" h poll<" mad"· of a loclcr \I la had tn aulc. Wa h Police purponNI) found a pairorcam 1n thclod..crthat later v.crc 1dent1hC'd a prohabl) hclon ana to )ounaSam . In the ond in tn.1 • a pair of 1iulhou l\ll\:hC ch3ngrd thr1r ~torte\ at\cr t~ht~ ana. that \l\"ala ronfc'I.~ to k1dn pi:11n msoe The' '.\:ltd th<-ton wttt fa~m3tC'd m hope\ thl'H ''"n 1~111 ~ntcnn·' ' STEVE MAR BU RETROSPECTIVE \\OUld be rcdu1.."C'd. But 1t wu anoth"'r 1 \Uc that lin II\ 1..on' 1n :td the \tatt"~ h1 h oun 10 \ltp 1n It 1n'<'lhed \kall\'~ troubled "''' C>unn the IQ 0 murder tn:al 1urol"I " rt told b' a 2().vc r-c.,ld " )man that ~lci1l:1 h~1 att. l.ie'J ht'r "hl'O 'hf ". ' .. th\·n k•I\ h1..•r hi<~~ ' -· ay. Augult 28, 1884 MESA WATER WELLS ..• From Al u~ to dnll and equip two "ell~ It would also be used to con truct pipelines. Kemp said the prOJc<'t \\Ould pa) for ttselfw1th1n 20 ~etfi in sav1nas from u ma local water instead of water p1ptd from Nonhem C~ fomia and the Colorado River. Water from the fht' wells no"' openued b> the distnct costs $75 per acr~foot compartd to S229 per acre· foot for imported wltt"r. Kemp s.t1d repayment ol tht' notes was included in the rat~ increases appro\'ed in Jul). ri1 ma avcraa residential fees from S24.48 rvcl} two months to S33. 72. The incrca~ takes t'ffect Oct. I He added that a total ot S::! I million wonh of future work projects to tap local water sources are 1n the dtstnct's master plan Boird directors art expc<tcd to formally 1'lsue the notes on Sep\. q, when the) v.111 al'° cond~ct a publ_tc be nn on a propo~ ancruse m penalty fees . The dmrict now charae$ S6 for mumed chc<~s and SIS to restore 'ierv1ce that hu bttn d1$Conttnued. Kemp is suaaestina an estimated SI 0 let for bad checb and a maiumum of $30 for rcstonng water service. Actual hgures have not yet been calculated Kemp said Mesa Con· sohdued 1i. on the low end of lhc sea.le 1n a surve) of fines charged b> nine water district!"> in the region. Mesa Consolidated customers are g.iven 49 days to pa) their water bills. The term includes a second letter and a final warning noucc placed on the knob of their front doors. Ktmp u1d about 90 pertcnt of the u rs pa)' th~ first bill, w1th rou'111)' S percent payina after the itcond nouce. He uplaincd that p&)ml cus· tomers wert foouna the exptnse for the "door-hanaers and shut-offs " Thus. the h1aher fin~ would help shift the financial burden to the delinquent cu tomers. "l'"e aot at least one out of c"ery thl'ff production days where em· plo)ees are tied up prepar1na to shut service off." ~1d Kemp • Directors will also bt a'kcd to ra1~ the deposit for fU'St·Umt res1dcoual users, who now pay$ t S Deposits are kept b~ the distnct and used as partial reimbursement for non-payment. Kemp sa1d the mcreast. which ha' not yet ~n calculated. would better reflect the average res1dent1al bill. VETO ON AIRPORT LAW SOUGHT .•• From Al A shghtl) different ver)ton ot the bill already bas passed rhe Assembl~. and Assembly concurnnce ~uh the ~nate's version of the b11l 1s t'\pected before 1t is sent on to the governor Last year, Deukmej1an \'etocd a s1m1lar measure thal would have placed an outnght ban on small claims sum over a1rpon noise. l1chman said the governor spec1fi· cally stated m h1s veto message that he believes homeowners should be cntttled to file such suns at least once a year Commenting on the chances that the bill again w11l be vetoed, she said, ··1f. 1n fact. he believed what he ~1d last )ear. there is no other course of acuon. This bill leaves m the most odious rcstnct1on, the smgle suit provision." L1chman said her organizauon, its affiliates and 'anous homeowners groups around the state alrcad)' are gearing up to campaign m favor of a veto. "The governor has a month to work on the bill. and we have a month to work on 1t." she explained. ··we plan to use cogent legal reasonina and political pressure. which we seem to have plenty of." Liebman also said the vanous groups opposma the measure had offered a reasonable compromise amendment that would have banned the filing of small claims suits for two )Cars after a judgment was entered. The amendment ~as voted down 29-7 Oran$e County government and other airport operators around the REAGAN KICKOFF IN FV .•. From Al Nestande said gate\ ~i11 open at 8 30 a .m. Monda}. w11h the program beg.inning at 9:45 a.m. Entertainers. celebnties. athletes and Republican candidates from Orange ( ount~ will all take part m the e' cnt, 1he supervisor said Reagan's speech, about 45 minutes long. will beg1 n at I 0 15 a m £he president IS scheduled tO arrt\ e Sunda) night at the Manne ( orps .\tr tauon at El Toro. He v.111 sta~ o'ern1ght at the Irvine \.1amott hotel and w 111 tra' el to the park '1a motorcade. accordmg to 'it:stan~k .\fter his speech Monda) mom1ng.. Reagan will return bnefly to the hotel. then leave from El Toro at about 12.30 p.m. for a Nonhem California campaign stop. Despite the short noucc, Nestande said he 1s confident a well-organized rally can be assembled. "\.\e''e got se'en da}S to go." he said "\.\-e're going to gnnd as hard as we can" Orange County was a WlSe choice for rhe Reagan's campaign kickoff. said the supen1sor ~ho. dunng Rea11.3n's second tenn as governor BADHAM CAMPAIGN ••• From Al "ln th ta way, the sort o1 laat-mtnute dlaputes whtch have occurred In some polltlcal campaign& would be avoided, u we each would have an opportunity to rebut any unf alr accusations," Bad ham said In the letter. Br4dford, r~ed at her Costa Men campaJgn headquarters, saldsbe was lncllnad to favor aueh ane;,reement with her opponent. But before formally agreeing, Bradford aald ah• wanttidto dlacuae It with her campaJgn atatf. "It sounds like a good ldeai I have no obJectfont on the surface.'' the Democrat said. She added she had not yet received a copy of Badham's letter detalllng the proposal. state sought the bill to hmu the nuisance suits after local home· owners bepn filing scads of small claims actions seeking the $1,5()().. ma>.imum award for noise-related damages. The count) has received more than 160 claims for noise-related damages from residents living near John Wayne Airport. County o~ls csti· mate that such suits could c the county as much as S2.8 million ach year. Residents of the lnaJewood area near Los Angc1es lntemationaJ Air· port, the San Francisco area and the North Hollywood ne1ahborhoods bordenng Burbank A1rport also have used the nu1sance-swt tactic to make known their conunuing opposition to airport-related noise (197-0-74), sened as special assistant for intergovernmental affairs. '· "He's always done well here-he's loved here," said Nestande, the co- chairman of the count) 's Rcagan- Bush re-election committee "Orange County has always strong· ly supported Reagan. I think this is a h1&h honor To be the site of the kickoff of his nauonal re-elet"t1on campaign. his last campaign, 1s a singular honor." Security for lhe president's v1s11 will be supervised by the Sttret Service. working with the Orange Count) Shentrs Depanment. the Fountain Valle> Pohce Dcpanment and the California Highway Patrol. Fountain Valley Police Chief Marvin Forun said cit) officers will be 1n charge of traffic control and sccunty on the streets surrounding the park. He said sheriffs deputies will work on the park grounds. CHP officers will escon Reagan's motor· cade to and from the park. Republican officials dechned to make crowd esumates for 1he Labor Da> event. but Fonin said he's been told to expect up to 40.000 people The pohce chief said that aside from traffic 1ams and crowd con1rol prob· lems, there were no serious incidents at the 1976 and 1980 campaign rallies in Fountain Valle~ SPECTRE OF ALCALA RETRIAL ... From Al The autumn after ~amsoe ~as killed, the girl's young classmates planted a pine tree on the campus in her honor The' said 1he sapling \\OUld help them remember their friend as the~ watched 11 grow tall and \trong. Most of the studenls are 1n high 'chool now and some ma} find the memones all too '1\ld \\.hen and 1f the\ are asked to tes11f, against o\lcala The star wttness 1n the rnse against .\lcala was forest ranger Dana Crap- pa. Her test1mon' was considered the most damaging 10 the: defense and came under rigorous attad. b) .\lcala's attorne)' Crappa claimed she saw a man resembling Alcala pushing a blondr- ha1red girl into the brush alongside Santa Anita C an)On Road \he '><ltd It was the same da' "iamsoe d10,ap· ·peared. Out of cunos1t~. ( rappa !Mild she returned to the scene of the s1ght1ng li\e da)S later and found Samsoe's lOrpse She said she was '>O emo· t1onanv o"erwrought howc\ er 1hat she did not repon the s1gh11ng for seven month'>. e'en though la~mt'n came across the bod~ JUSt da)S after she did. In explaining her dela), then· prosecutor Richard Farnell ~1d Just Call 642-6086 Dally Piiot Oellvery la QuarantMd Crappa was gripped b} nightmares because she felt 11 was possible she could have saved Samsoe's life had she acted more qu1ckl) The defense, though had a field da) with the )Oung forest ranger The) accused her of concocung the stol) and then later said authont1es had brainw.ashed her. Then there were the earrings found 1n a Seattle storage locker rented b) .\lcala Samsoe's mother. Mananne Frazier 1dent1fied the Jewelry as match mg a set of earrings her daugh· ter sometimes borrowed from her Howe\Cr, Frazier said she couldn't be posttl\e. Several girls including Samsoc's best friend. picked out Alcala as the man the\ had seen in the beach area the da~ -the I 2·)t'ar-old \an1shed. The) said the man the) saw was snapping pictures of s1rls and asked one 10 gel "loaded" Y.tth him v. hen Alcala was arnsted. officrr tound nearl) I 000 photographs of women and girls -both naked and dressed -in a room of his parent's \1ontere> Parle home where he lived One of the pictures was of a Sunset Beach girl ~ho later tesufied the photo was snapped thr da) Samsoe was last seen The-~itrangest ol the 1es11mon) came from two Orange Count) Jail 1mmates \\.ho said .\lcala told them he kidnapped Samsoe and slapped her until she passed out The snitches said Alcala claimed. howe,er, that he ne\er stabbed the girl. Later. the 1mmates reversed thC'm selves and said the\ invented the confession to shorten their Jail sen1ence "I think the c' 1dence 1s strong. bur tt will be difficult because most of the wttnesses have scattered," said for· mer prosecutor Farnell now 1n pn,ate practice in Newport Beach l h1et Depul) D1stnct Attorne\ James Ennght said he will block the poss1b1ht> of o\lcala being freed by filing new. murder charges against htm w1th1n the next two months The Supreme Coun reversal does not take effect for 60 days. "I still predict he'll get out." said Sgt Ron Jenkins. who led the hunt for .\lcala "Kno~1ng the Supreme Court. I'm not surprised by an\ of this" Farnell ~•d he.: predicted the day Alcala was con' 1c1ed that 1he Su- preme Coun ~ould intercede He called It (the pred1c11on coming 1rue) a "hollow victor) " "The Supreme Coun JU'it doesn't like 1he dca1h D('nalt\ .. he added \.\hat do }OU llkt about tht Dally Pilot" What don't you llkt" Call the number at Ifft and )our mHHlt wlll be recordtd, transcrlbtd and dellvertd to the appropriate editor. Tht same 24·hour answtrlng service may be u1td to record letten to tbt editor on an)' topic Contributors to our Lttters column must locludt thtlr name and ttlephont numbu for verification. No circulation calls. pltast Ttll us what's on your mind. RANGE COAST Daily Pilat Clrculatlon 71'1842-4333 Cl•Hlflff 8dvertlelng 71'1142-5971 All other department• 142""'21 MAIN OFFICE 1Jl) "••I ftay (,. 11 ~tn CA ~·• tOO•HI 8Q• ·~ C<,411 ....... C• U61f H. L. Schwutz Ill Publisher Clrculatlon Telephonea ... I RoHmary Churchmen (' trOllPr Stephen F. Cerezo Pro1uct1on Mc:inager Donald L. Wtllt•m• C1rcu1at10" Manager I • C>•"09 Coet1 o. , ,, .. • •"Cf' °""°""'a,,.. I~°" f> -"p,jDl>V1"1 Dy ft« ()ta"'O"' Coa I Put>ol"'"9 O"'Pil , '"'•.,MN •'•~· ""a ~,)l>CU1 '"' • F•oeay /Ii, •"'.ill' •fO'O"• t<l 1'0'1 1 ""~••a S.•.,,atv• •"" ot,_..9'f,.,.pr""1i)t ~lJI•" ttl:lJO lt 1 ea. I"' f>O e . ·~Coro·· ... ~ .. C• ce "6 VOL. n , NO. 241 Forecast calls for hot ·weather Coaatal Tl dee TOOAY 111>3.'" 11 22 t m 610pm II 17 pm WIDNalOAY F"nt IO* 9 40 1 m 0 0 Cuptt Flf9t l\lgh 11 st t m 6 8 CllerlMtOll.8 C SeGoncl IOw II ot pm O I Cherltlton.W 'II Sun NII 1001y ti 7 24 pm, rt ... CMllOllt.N C Wtdnttdly 11 I 24 a m t llO Mii '(laln ClltytnM at 1 23 p m Cl\fc990 Ill-Nit 1o01y a1 9 02 p m r-ClftConntlJ WtdneM!ly 11 I 40 a m tncl Nit tga1n Clelftf&nel 11 9 35 p m COlllmOlt S C Coh1mo..1.011 Conco<O,NH 010u·FI WO<lll Temperatures g::; Otl Moonet HI Le OettOll 11 eo 1>1.11u111 90 67 15 71 u 114 84 17 12 N 90 M ., .. 13 115 u 15 15 116 ea 47 101 10 15 ea 11 eo " ea .... 92 114 CJttal Fllilt (Jr-IDOrO.N C Manford HMN HO<IOivlu HOUtl<M' 1no 1111P011t JKl<aOn Mt Jtekeonvllit J<IM&U Ktl\Mt C.ly LH 'lltglt Lttt,.Aoc\ Lot!!r" LOU11.n LubtlOClc 91 113 15 •• 91 90 M t2 115 51 101 .. 94 .. t7 13 Mtmplllt .. ,. lllitf!\1 ...... -'11 .. ., M•OlllO-OdHH 17 .. Ml! ....... .. to 1.1~a1Ptlll II ,, ~YIM to JD N...,Or...,_ •• to Nl'#YOfk •• NorfOlll,'11& u 17 NQtlll ll'l•llt .. ... Oii OIM City ~ 12 OtM"-100 10 ONtlOO IT 70 ~· u .. '"-'• IOI " 11>111~11 ~ .. POftl .Mt " 15 POl'lla/IO °' 71 .. ''""~ ., ., *Oii ., .. .. _..euy .. 13 " IO IO .. IKrtlMlllO t2 •• It Lou•t H 11 St P•t .. T lll'l\IN •• .. Sall Lake Coty ,, u len MIOlllO .. 11 63 Set1 OitOO 12 71 114 SM r:r11nG1eco .. 67 Sar1 Juen.P fll 90 •t 62 St Ill Mati. 70 IO 51 " 61 75 • S11ni. 711 lllrt'teporl .. 71 17 ., .. s o..ix ,,.,., 12 45 72 s~ 71 I\ 115 s~ .. 101 117 44 T • 11 71 70 Tuceon 71 Tllltl H .. WuNngton " 70 711 100 .. 70 WIOl\lla WlllL......,rt . , .. .. WNtNnOlon.Oe .. 70 74 It && ll Puo 14 114 1Evan1vlllt 69 40 Fa.,llankl tO 57 r'1190 93 72 87 71 49 33 100 82 eo •3 SuRF REPORT .. 7l Fltgtllll IO 73 GrlNI llW»dt ... 70 LOCATIC* .. COMDITION !air l11f ,,,, 100 11 .. 63 tt ~~ Extended ----------HunhnglO<I lllHefl R1Y1< Jelly,~ 40111 81tM1, Ntwpor1 22nd lllMI, Nll'#l)0(1 lalf rw tp ltlt " 53 12 59 83 15 95 11 It It 12 115 NIQlll llt\O mornlllQ IO* Clol;dt ,,.., 8alb0e Wtdgt Ille GOMI 011'\ttwtM Ill< H!Qflt rang1n9 Ugutlt ltac:ll f!Gfft Ille l"od to 11ppet ?OI 11 Ille San Cltmel\11 bMCflel to mid 90• w111,_ 1n1ano Wster ttfl'\P II v.lleyl. L-mottly In tne IOI Swell C111'9G1IO<I toutll BACKBA Y DRIVE OPEN •.. traffic engineer. Several residents livmg above the road tesufied at a council meeting in July and asked that the road be closed to automobile traffic. The residents also complained that crime bad increased since the road was opened and the) theorized that buraJars use the road as a getaway route after breaking into homes in the Eastbluff area. From Al warrant closing a pubhc road tha1 leads to a park and a wlldli fe preserve. ... we all have impacts on d1tlerent streets for different reasons." she said. "I didn't see any reason to close a city street and the only road that goes around that bay." The traffic commission had cued com plaints from Eastbluff residents and a traffic accident tnalys1s as the basis for closing the road. A history of traffic accident was compiled before the road was re· opened 10 cars earlier this year after being clo~ since 1982 due to storm damage. That analysis revealed that more than two-thirds of-all reported accidents happened at mght on the two sharp curves located between San Joaquin Hills Road and Eastbluff Dnvt'. according to a memo written by Richard Edmonston, the city's But the police department said 1t does not consider the closure of the road an important factor to home secunty in the area. accordina to Edmonston's memo. NEWPORT BLAZE ... Closing the road at night also would have meant the installauon of sccur· 1t} gates and· assignment of traffic officers to the road when it was being closed. From Al ing crnd saw smoke seeping through the ce1hng, Check said. "The\ wen1 out'i1de and were "1n1.1all\ htt b> a blast of heat from the roof,'' Cheek said. The fire had been burning for several minutes before the} discovered 11. he added ..\fter rhe Greelqs escaped the blaze. the ceilings of th e home began ~ ca"e in. damaging furnnure and other Hems 1ns1de the house Check said 1t took 24 firefighte~ about 20 minutes to control the tire. which was contained to the attic and roof The atuc suffered .. e>.tensl\ e damage." he said The council also voted Monday to refer the question of restnping the bicycle trail on the road and reducing the speed limit from 25 mph to 15 mph back to the city ~tafT for cons1derat1on at the next council meeung. WE'u.MAKE WFA'IBERIZING YOUR HOME A Rf.WARDING ' . EXPERIENCE. battle ag-ainst high energy eosts on two fronts: cash rebates and annual energy savings. (Fbr example, a hot water- saVlng shower head can save as much as $58 ayeru:) There are several different ways to weather- i7..e your home. And, dependmg on which combination of them you do, your cash rebates can add up to as much as $456. So call the Southern Califo111ia Gas Company and find out more about our Hon1e Weatherization cash rebates or 80UnieRN CALIFORNIA low-interest ~ financing. It can A be a rewarding 0 expenence. gas 1-800-:J52412A. COMPANY ' s I OC business owners to meet n '"''llattonal ti.inner mettin1 tor members.. \J)OU<;C$, bu.,ane s a ~1ates and guests ot the Orange County Chapter of the National A sociat1on of Women Bus1ne,s Owners will be hrld Thursday. Sept 1 l from 5:30 p.m. to 9 30 p.m. tn the Monaco Room of the Airportcr Inn Hotel. 18700 MacArthur Dlvd .. Irvine. Supermarket - clerks OK new contract I-or more informa11on. call 641 -1127. Blood drlve In We•tmlaster LOS ANG El ts (A. P) -~uprmulrket detb. ~ ollng for the: second t1 me on a proposed con traC'l. appro' cd 11 b) 11 nearly2-I m l'.£,ln,a,enanathelhrcatof tnkcat l,334 Southern C hfom1a tore from n lu1 0 spo to the Meucan bord.tr. 1:hc City of We l'!'in ter. in cooperauon with the mcncun Red Cr~ 1s. ponsnriD& a blood dnve. on Thu~ay, September 13, 1984, from 12:15 to S p.m .. in the Community Services Bu1ldana 8200 Westoonster Blvd .. Westminsler, California, The dt-rks had ~jet"ted tbc me package three ICC'la. ago, but noa by tile t~o-thmh marsan nc-:ec:kd to call a tnlLc. Th t I Ol)C'nttcd byAJbetUon.tAlpba 8cta; Bo~s li!ilbnt l. ~~ 1uJalr~P1o.nccr.B.alplU. Safoaaar.~-~fl mil SToOa King, Statn Br05. nd#/on If you. would care to donate blood. plea~ call the Ctty of Westminster at 898-3311 , e~tens1on 203. to make an appointment. Heart-disease class scheduled frank lien of the federal Mediation and Co · • Hon ~rv1cua1d fonda) that wnh JS.SS3 ball u , the vote was 23.~7 to acttpt thecontraCl and IO.S23•orejta 1t. Thett "-Ct'C 1.773 invalid ballots. Under the pact, lht> 65,000 elms ~11J receive ) A three-week class. designed for anyone interested m learning about heart disease. will be held at St. Joseph Hospital. 1100 W. Stewart Dnvc. Orange. beginning Sept 13 from 7 to 8 30 p.m. nusn of 7.3 per~nt, or up to 8S cents an hour. o~u thrtt Yt2'1. Under the old contraC'1 wages ranged from S4 an hour to S 11.70 an hour. with an l\Ctagie of about S7.70. Ofliciab of the United Food and ComnierciaJ • Workers ordered the special mail ballot af\cf the PIC1 ,-. • tum~down by a Sl .7 percent margin. Entitled "U ndcr..tandmg Your Heart."' the class fee ts S 12 per family and pre-registration 1s required . For a free brochure. call :n 1-8040. Oflic1als of the Food Emplo)en Council and some • union leade~ uagested that 1be ongin.al voting was fla~ bcauiie the markets made an upgraded offer midway throul)l the balloting. Thal meant some union memben had 10 vote a second time. Blood pressure lecture set At the month!)' "Modern Topics in Medicine" lecture. sponsored by St. Joseph Hospital of Orange, the ''Prevention and Treatment of High Blood Pressure" will be discussed by Lynn Cooper. M.D .. on Thursday. Sept. 13. from 7:30 to 9 p.m. an CHOC Auditorium. Free blood pressure screenings wall be available before the lecture from 6:30 to 7:.m p.m. Phone reservations arc required due to limited seaung. Call 771-8041 and leave name. address and phone number. Termlnal-lllness workshops set Jane Dubois. chaplain at St Joseph Hospital ·of Orange. wall d1Scuso, "A World Turned Upside Down. Terminal Illness an the Family" at the Community Health Workshop at noon on Thursda>. Sept. IJ. Leaders of two of the SC\Cn union locals. bowc~cr. had urged that the pact be reJcctcd. contending it wu ~oo meager. Other union leaden either urged aoceptan« or made no recommendation. Car emission inspections centers close · From the Associated Press .. The sencs of free workshops are held the second and founh Thursday of each month, from noon to I p.m. an the OB Classroom. first floor. Nonheast building of the hospital No reg1strat1on 1s needed and those desirini a free flier can place their name on the mailing list by calling 771-8040. Olympian reception A firm that once had a monopol) on vehicle em1~1on inspections 1n Southern California bas closed .. its smog cneck centers because a new program divided its :: customer.. among thousands of ncwl> Licensed com- petitors. How to meet someone speclal Oran~c Coast College wall offer a seminar on how to meet the right people on Friday, Sept. 14.Jrom 7 to JO p.m. an Room 113 of the Counseling and Admissions Building. Olympic gold metallat Mike O'Brien, right, a araduate of Newport Chrtatian High Scliool, la greeted by achool admlnlatrator Willard May at a reception ln O'Brien'• honor aboard the achool'• boat. the Con- queror. O'Brien, a 1983 Newport Chrtatlan grad, won hla medal in the 1500 meten free •tyle awlmmlng. The nme test centers "'ere shut after business hours Fnday and 85 employees JlVCD scvCTancc pay and one or two days' notice. said Wilham Cannon, program rnanaier for Hamilton Test Systems California lnc. of Santa Ana. "Obvious!}· if ll were malung a profit. we'd still be open, or possibly would have looked at it a h1tle bn longer."' Cannon said. 1 Fee for the class entitled "How to Meet Someone Special" is SI 0. Reg1strat1on 1s being conducted m the Community Sen-ices Office 10 the Student Center Building. For more information. call 432-5880. Tall Club schedules dance The Tall Club of Orange County is having a dance on Fnday. Sept 14, from 9 p.m to I a.m. at the Fountain Valle\. Commun1tv Center, 10200 Slater Ave fhe club 1') tor men 6-2 and O'-er. and women 5-IU and over Shorter person~ ma)' attend as guests Laguna t.o spend $20,000 to study illegal city dump From 1979 to last May. Hamilton held a state- approved mooopol> for vehicle inspections in the South Coast Air Basin,. wh1cb includes 1b.c. cououcs of Los Angeles. Orange. Riverside and San Bernardino. The tests were required for can regt5tered for the first ume 1n the state or sold there. In May. bo'W'Cver. California began a n~ mspccuon program. rcqujnog sm<>& checks for all ~chicles evef} two }ea~ as a requirement for registration renewal. For more mformataon. call 542-1211 Financlal advlce offered Survey is first step in county-ordered cleanup of 50-year-old canyon landfill In Jul\ the ell\ ''a~ notified that thc- "atcr quaht~ agenq considered an 1mmed1ate cleanup order. hut de- cided to postpone the order as long a!> the cit) makes positi"c steps to clean up the dump. A.llo""ed v.ere t""o t)'~ of smog stations: those that onl~ performed the test (which included Hamilton"s) and those also licensed to make smog devi~ ~pairs. The number of can inspected al Hannlton $laUons dropped SO percent from the 7.000 a day recorded before the Slate's new program bepn May 20. C~nnon sa.td. T\\.o seminars offenng ad"1cc on financial planning will be pre!lented at Orange Coast College on Saturda~. Sept 15 "MakmgScnscofTrusb. W1llsand Probate .. will be held from I 0 a m. to noon m Fane Arts Hall 116. Fee ·~ $10. "Freedom From Financial Stress -·eest Invest- ments for the l 980's," will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon jJl Science Lecture 2 Fee is SI 0. Registration for these programs 1s underwcry in th~ college's Student Center Building. For more information. call 432-5880. By DA VlD BISHOP DllllJ l'Uol c:otr.._..,.I L ndcr order~ lrom 1:uunl\ and 'itate watl'r and v.a'lte management agencies, l aguna Beach Cit)' Counnl m('mbcrs have authomcd a $20.00U stud} of an illegal dump 1n Laguna Camon The dump. used b" the Cit\ 1or more than 50 \Cars. v.a~ d1sco\ercd ~' cral month~ ago b\ the Orange • ( ount~ oltd "'aste Enforcement .\genq and the C ahforn1a Regional Water Quall!) ( ontrol Board an \an Diego. The first ')lcp was taken last Tuesda~ "hen the 1.'.ll) hired Wood- v.ard-C"l}de Consultants to anahze the dump<;1te and prepare a plan that. according to the board's dtrcct1' e. '"ould adequate!) protect ground and surface water quaht)'.~ The Bureau of Automotive Rcpairs reported 2.562 l 1~nsed smog check Stal ions in me South Coast All' Basm as of this v.eclt. with apphcauons for 596 more pcndaog Cannon said dn"ers chose to have thc1r cars checked and sen·iced at ont-location rather than ha' mg them inspected at a Hamilton center then taking the veh1cie elsev.here and pa)mg for another mspcctJOn and then repairs. Cannon said The centers which were closed are m Azusa. Carson. Teen-agers outing announced Teen-agers. 13-18 m 7th-12th grades. are invited on an excursion to Glen Iv)' Hot Springs on Saturday. Sept IS. from IOa.m. to 7 pm. Kayak trip earns $2,400 Count} solid waste management otlic1als have also recommended that a s1mrlar •aud) be conducted. 1ndud- 1ng test bonngs to determine "deptf'I quant1t}' and maleup" of Lhe 1rash The combined repons arc due Oct I Rosemead. Sant.a Fe Spnngs. West Los .\ngeles and Van Nu)s m Los Angeles Count) Garden Grovt" and Laguna Halls 1n Orangt" Count) and San Bernard.mo m San Bernardino Count\. Conducted by the C°Jt)' oflrvmc Communll} Services Department. Youth and Fam1l)' Sen aces Secuon. North- wood Teen Outreach. the tour wall cost S 15 per person. Oanfef M. Hodes made about $90 a mile this weekend and the entire trip was for charity. A seven-hour kayak trip from Catalina Island to Newport Harbor netted $2,400 In pledges for the Orange County Trauma Society. C 1t\ Mun1c1pal Services Director T cm Brandt said 1he Laguna Can ~on -.11c v.a~ pun.hascd b' Laguna Beach in I 92Q -\II the 1.:m '<.refuse v.as Lllen there amJ burned until the I Q5lk "hen a tra .. h tire 1gn1ted a bru!>htire .\fter that lire trash burning "a .. stopped. Hamilton " 111 contrnuc to male and~ ice smog test anal~ zer., "h1ch 11 '>ells to other smog chcd stauons For more 1nforma11on and registration. call 552-4352 on Monda). Wednesday or Fnda)' after 3 p.m. and ask for Teen Outreach. " Hodes, a 29-year-old ·corona del Mar attorney and sports enthusiast, accomplished the 27-mlle crossing Saturday as a rund· raiser for the non-proflt trauma society. I CALENDAR Tuesday. Aug. 28 Hodes, who thought of the funct.ralslng Idea. was dlsappofnted with his time and wished he could have made the crossJng faster, according to Shirley Gower, the executive director of the trauma society. But Gower said Hodes had no problems aJong the way and succeeded In adding much·needed funds to the society's budget. Brandt said the ell' continued to dump din. asphalt. l·oncrete. and grass cltppmgs on the s11e unul earh this \t"ar v.hcn II \loa\ fi~t no11fit:d ol thl' ,·1olat1on. Phillips installed Exchange Club chief '\,t-11 Ph1lhps became prt"S1dent of the Saddleb:ld: \all('.' E\change Club at a recent dinner m~ung m l aguna Niguel attended ti' 80 dub members and their [!UC'-tS _ ~ ;-~ ' • 7 30 p.m .. Newport-Mesa Board of E'°ducation Harper Community Center. 425 East 18th St., Costa Mesa. • 9·30 a.m .. Orange County Board of Supervisors, Hall of Adm101strat1on. I 0 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. • 1·30 pm .. Orange Cooaty Planning Commission. The trauma society was founded fn 1981 and since then has launched several prevention campaigns malnty aimed at auto accidents. -\pparcnth no one 1hought Ill ohtaan a permit for the dumps11l' \\hen permits OClame mandatol"\ m the m1d-IQ70s. said Brandt v.ho d1dn'1 "nrk for the cit~ v.hen pcrm1h became Mandard "I d1dn'1 kno'' "C' nl'l'ded one .. Ph1ll1ps. thl' o"'ncr ol 1gnal \ 1s1on. Inc. of Laguna Hills. v.acr, 00ic1all) rn .. talled in the post b" \fa\ Hallada\. a San D1ego.morne~ and prcsrdent~lect of the Cahforn1a- '"' ada D1stm·t E \Change Clubs Hall of Administration. 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. The society rents chlld car seats, has a program dealing with drowning safeguards and Is launching a drinking/driving prevention campaign. [ Poucr Loe _ Firefighters put out blaze at Coyote Canyon landfill Orange County firefighters were summoned to extinguish a half-acre grass fire 1hat broke out Monday m a portion of the county's Coyote Ca- nyon landfill near Irvine. The fircfiahters used five engines. a Coata Meaa A S 1.700 video ca!>scttc recorder was reported stolen Monday betwcC'n u~o a.m. and 12:30 p.m from American D1vcrs1fied Cup1tal Corp .. 'I 84 Pullman St. The manager of th e com pan> told pohcc a lot of people go in and out of the bulld1n1 all day No SU PICIOU'\ pcMn W('~ noticed • • • An unidentified man ndana a btC)Cle rcpontdly pedaled awa) Monday with a pu~ ~longjna to a SO-)'elr-<>ld Costa Mc woman outside Albcrtson'cr, aroccry market, 270J Harbor Blvd. nn -\lhn Smith totcf police she h d plactd her punt iatop a canful of ar<X"tn while he opened the door to her car. The man appartntlY whisked hy and snalchcd 1hc purse: containina S40 in c:a'\h and mi dlancou! c~d1t card The pun.c·snatchcr wa described Cauca\ian. 18· I 9 )car~ old. ndina a bl1ck. htach-<"nu~t hi~)dc. ••• tclr' 1'inn. ~trreo. m1crowaH" bulldozer and hand crews to put nut 1he blaze near Coyote l'an)on Road. south of Bonita Can)on Dn"e A county fire department c;pok('s- man sa1d the grass lire which wac; reported at 2:55 p.m . "-3'i ext- oven and video casscue rcrnrder worth a total ofS 1.370. v.crc reported stolen Monday from a homt." an 1h~· 3300 block of Ulrt.;spur t~et The house was p.lso ftlMaekcd Junng thf: burilary ~tw~n 7 a.m. and ':4S p.m Entry was apparent!~ through an open bedroom ""indov.:. • • • An industrial sewing machine worth $700 \\'11~ n-portcd 'itolcn Monday from the Jad; ('olc Co.• 763 Pl ccnlla ve. The compao) ov.;nrr told police t.he mach1nt>"u pp.u-rnt· I> stolrn while 111 the tmplo)ce' wcrl' out to lunch. f hc door' to the bu,ine had been ten open while Y.:Or~e~ v.;ere awa). lmne \ man told p.olacl: 1onda)· that h\· left hr black 1984 ( he' rotr1 Bla1c1 111 rHktna lot un the 14 00 hhxk ol kffrty Road afier he met woman a1 o r~stour.tnt and dec1Jt'd to n tu ingu1~hcd "•thin JO minute'> No 1n1unc<, ~ere rcport<:d 1n the ant.'1drnt. and the fire damagl.'d no c,tructun·<,. lire 00ic1;ils ~1d. The cause of the blaze " under an\est1gat1on Palm SpnngH\.llh h('r Wh('n thl man returned. ht!> SI 6.000 'eh1de v.,I\ gonl'. • •• E-nm 10 a home in the -''00 hlod of Ro,hun. Dnve "'"' g:imcd try· o,mn,h1ng a v.indov. Monda~. Los~ .. 1n lhl' l'C''\ult1ng burttlal'). cstamatt'd at mo~ than Sl.500. included tv.o handgun\, a ntk and ~ome Jl'"'l'll"\ • • • l ool~ wc..•ft' ~tolen from the p.lllO nf an apartment 1n the :ll\00 hlod of P.uk\ 1cv. l.aoc :afler 1he th1et ap- p.1rcntl) \C'illed a fent'C.', a \H1man rcportc<1 \fond~\ Th<' Im.. v.a' e!l\11natr'1 at boul S.' 0 • • • \ T mot C"omlla p.Hled at a horn(' on thr 14' 00 bl ud. ol R. n .. rn \tr«t \\ti\ burglari1rd O\tr '"' p:l\l V.t"C'k a r~1dent f\'portcJ ~1onJ1' I he llw. 1ndudC'J 11 dio \\Urlh ~00 • • • \ v.oman n-ponrd Monda\ that t"u l<Xk\ worth about .$ '')() wtrt <1toll·n Imm the trunk l'I hl'r ,-ar "1th10 thC' ~l\I thrtl' Jlt\' • • • \ 111-\car-old om trom 1he 1.,5111 h101.k ot Jordan \\l'OUC fl'pOn('d \.1onda' that \Omcnnc '>lOk h" .,.hn 10-,pced tnndc from th~ front ponh ol hi~· apanmcnl The.: lo'' "a' n11ma1cd at SI ~(I Newport Beac h \ 1:ac,h °''' lOntJlll ng Jh\llll s 'n "a" \tukn from the \trateg~ 'cl\\ork (. nrp 4t>OO ( ampuc; Dn'c \'arlter th1 c; "'cd Thie, re;, t.;1 ckcd in thl' fnm1 d\l\lr to gain l.'ntn \\1 the hu.,.nc'' • • • .\ 1h1el m.i~ ha'e pnrd c..11x·n onl· 111 lour "a<.lung mac..·hmc' 1n the..· \ 1lla "-c" ~>rt ap.irtmenh. 140 I "urc: nor \\l' o'er the \\Ct'kend and stokn aht,ut SI 0 v.orth of uuarter.. • • • The Ne"'pon \ 1\lon Center. l"' Rt .. t'r'ldt .\\.(' wac, hwkl·n into 11\N the 'H'ckend and th1CH'' <1tok SI "O \\Orth of pc'll~ C3\h Pc)hl l' '-11\f II appc.'.11"("d the \U .. JX'll U'>C'd .Ill'\ IO th\' burgla~ and km:" "hen:-th'' h1dd<'n JX th l<l\h wa\ loc:atcd . • • • :\ Jl< kct "''~h. ''llul·d at S200. v.a' \tok n Imm a rt'\Hkn1..c 1n thl" 4. 00 bkic~ ot S<-a\hort' nm (' t'arhC'r th1\ month There wa' "'' ton't'd cntn :at thr rr ... dc1we \\hrl:h thr '1.i11n .. har\·d ""h :a roomm11te Lafuna Beach \n antique. lcadl"\I f)3\\ "an,tov. v.a\ rt'P1-lrted bw'-cn 1n t'th t 400hh,lC l ot ~nlA l ru1 S"'ttt \lonlfil, m1,rn- 1ng • • • \ n a tt\' m l'ltC'J mhhc'f'\ \\a.. n'· pmtt'\I 3t a hu~1n, '' 1n the t '00 bloc~ ur "outh ( t\J<,I I 11 hv.':l\ It I m 1 he f,change < luh re; a SCI"\ ice organ11at10n pnmanl; c.kd1c\att"d to the pre,ent1on of child abu~ \1onda' 1 ht 'U'IX'l I lh''-(n~d ,1, it tilatl.: mak tn h1' ~"'· alkt1.•dl~ thrt•atc~nl•d the '11.·11m "1th a hilh dun ' 1 ll"" v.a' rl'fl\ml·d and tht' pOhlC hJ\l' n11 'U'Pl-'l"h Huntington Beach Thl ~ni.ncr '' .i J1c."4.:I 1ra.cor trud. H'fl('rtl·<l that \CIOlCllnl.' ,1nprcJ hi\ 'chide l,f 3ht,u1 $-l.000 in p;irt' "ht:n 11 .,,3, p.ukcd m a d11 Ir Id 111 thl· I ~LX>O till1d ol l iNhard '-ltr\·ct • • • Burglar.. 'trul'l l"'l' t.Jr' 10 thl' l dangl'r \\l'llUl" fl.lrk.1ng hit :11 < Hllll· ~ n \\ e\t ( lllkgl' The\ \lllk .1 fll..IC l <.t< n."(l <.('I fr1lm l'Ol' l31 :ind a \IC'l"C'' 'l.'t and i "oman·, puN ,,1h1l·d at ~llo4 lrnm lhl' ,l.l\lOd C'ar • • • .\ \lid1ng 1.tla'' doM "a" pned Opt.'n and ~200 in JC\\d~ tak.cn ln1m a l'\'\ldencl.' rn thl' 101.)() Mock ol \tast Drl\C • • • Th1c-'e' brol e .i r;ladine. bathroom "rndov. and stoic a <u\-f.l3Ck of ~r and l\\.O can' ol ~fou ntain Or"' frnm a re.,.dcnce an the "'(X)() hllX'I.: ol Ha' enroct Orn e. • • • Otlill.'I"\ 10\ C'<;t1gaung thctt' 1rom t"l' aull,mt,b1le an the ll\000 hk1d. ,,, fka, h EklulC'\ ard. found anotha '1d1m -a r;1her Q:!4 Por.che v.ho..c lii-lllO r.idw had been stolen • • • T"l' '\~l.th\xrhandguns 'alut'd JI S :"100 "ut '>tolen tTom a 1 Q7Q ( ht'\· rtllct ~1t1nte <. arlo m the parking lot at _.,., ~ f drn~cr A "'"e. · Lawyers for jailed financier ask to reduce $5 million bail l.3\\' ~" tor 1:ukd llnttn\IO 1 [)3, rd T>om1m·ll1 h:ne :a'l.~-d tor • nolht'f h('. nns to lt'n'ltdcr rC'Ju\'1n l)01n1ndh', ' m1ll1on h31l lln fi ,c mmmal l ha ' an\1n Imm the banl..rupll' ol hi' nlllOC\•1 Jrn" ti rm l S Dl\trtd Jud r \\ 1lham ~ nn ht wul oH•r..tt a hcanng 1n San [)1 o on thl' m1mon \\ C'<int"sd ' l 11\t wed.. l s M 1\trate R er ~kKtt Jcn1C'\I a motion "' n'\hlH" ()om1nC'l h'., htmd h1 the 600.000 or 71 .{ \nu~ h' t mil\ and tncnd\ of 1Mm1nclh I ~lmanc:llr . 43. "to 10 on tn 1 Oct ~ on c,;h:t c' ol Nnkruptc) fraud. cnmmal contempt anJ ~uf\ Hl• h '~n Jltltd 1nt.'t" pnl .. 8. much ot the t1mt on a no-hail "" 11 4tnt<'mrt chargt 1 hat c1tat1C\n ~-., hfted lut v.cck v.hcn Dom1nclh dmJt1rd und{'r oath that he had hcd about the t'\l,tence of mort a'sth from hi\ hanlruf'\ J. lliv1d Co 'cKtt ~•d Dom1nclh'1 t'3rher 111 I 111 ht lrom CahfC\m11 t<' thr C nbhC"an 1~1 nd of MonS('fTlt mad him a bad n,.k for a ttJuccd bond c' C'n thoul)l l>ora1ndll'spa,. l'(>rt h:n s1nC't" been ~11cJ b' IC-dual omcual At Crip le~ vessel survi s night off coa~ of Baja LONG BEACH CAP)-A crippled freiahter takina on watt"r throuih a hole in ta bow survn ed a night on humcane-lashed seas 900 males )OUthwcst of San Die&o but It wa) not known af 1he \CUcl would be able to make tt to port. the L S. Coa'lt Guard \aid earl) today Then: \\as no 1mmed1ate decision on whether to removt' the n crew member~ from the 350-foot freighter, the Blue Falcon. which radioed late Monda} that tt 1t was sinking, Lt. ,_..__....,,.bra Harbaugh said 1n long Beach ~arl)' toda> 'The ship is riding vcl") "ell at 1hc moment." she said at b.JO am "The winds ha'e dropped from 65 knots J own to 40 knots and water 1s not t•nming O\er the main deck The weather on the scene 1s chopp) but good weather tor aircraft. The winds are tlyable and the) (the aircraft crew) won't lose site of the \essel. ·we have aircraft that" Ill remain on the scene conunuou!il} until they're out of danger. ~ ''The captain of the ship wan>rstt> fran11c and he wanted to abandon ship," she said. .. The Coast Guard has instructed them not to abandon ship unless absolutely mandatory and they're in no immediate danger at this point," she said. The crew would be harder to locate 1f they got 1010 lifeboats. she ).3 " heu chances ot ~I.Jr\ "·al arc great~· 1ncrtased by ~ta>ing ~nh the ship,' she added. Th oast Guard had contacted the U.S. E ro.s~> in Mexico and asked them t request as~1stam·e from the Mcxica Nav). but the.re was no 1mm . r ly c which rtachcd the \essel a a 01aht from Sacrame o. dropped hrce water pumps near thC' sh.1p at S "m. but at wasn't known If the crew h1td re· trieved them . Harbaug~d ··The> 're doing '1su co tact wlilb'I the ship." shesa1d. "W have a problem because the\ e crC'w) don't speak English. f don't know what language the> speak. but there's a langua$C prohlem." She said the pumps can mo"c :!SO gallons of"'ater a minute. · lt wasn't known af the freighter's o"n pumps were "ork1ng. The aircraft "as equipped with communication gear. radios. life rafts and food supplies. but there was no 1mmed1ate dec1s1on to ut1hze at. she said. The ship was 190 miles southwest of the tin} Mexican island of Isla Clarion and about 570 miles south· west of Cabo San Lucas on the sou them ttp of BaJa California. on the trailing edge of Humcane Lowell. Tennis elegance . "'~o Tennie •tan Martina Navratilova, left, and Chrla Evert Lloyd, droP. their uaual aportfng attire for eventna dreue8 at Women • Tennla Aaaoclatlon awarda banquet in New York. Navratilova wa• awarded 1984 Player of the Year. Three times a charm for shuttle? Combined cargoes on Discovery to in c lude three satell ites. solar sail. drugTactory t .\.PE CA.~AVERAL Fla.(APl- fhe countdo"'n was on schedule and the "'eather looked promising toda) for the twice-delayed maiden launch of the newest Amencan space shuttle on Its s1x·da) vo:.-age D1scovel) 's hhofT with a crew of '" and a record cargo load, wai. '>4.:heduled for 5.35 a m PDT Wednesda) On board D1scuven 1s a 20-ton rM) load -three commun1ca11ons \atellttes a 102-foot high solar sail • rnd a miniature drug-malong factor) A.fter two success1H' launch at- tempts we. e scrubbed b~ malfunc- uom 1n June '\i .\SA combined tht' rargoes of t\\oo 01!>1.0\ c~ flight!> tu get the program back on schedule I hat added t"'o satellites and l 0 tons of cargo Shuttle Commander Henf) W. Hartsfield and pilot Michael Coats practiced emergenc> landings on the Kenned) Space Center runwa) this morning in a Gulfstream Jet outfitted to handle like the shuttle. The others. m1ss1on specialists Judy Resnik. Steve Hawle) and Richard Mullane and payload specialist Charles Walker. spent time rev1e"1ng the m1ss10n·s comple't flight plan . Walker 1s an emplo)ee ol th<.> McDonnell Douglas Co. going along on the m1s.,1on to opcratc the machin- e11 ht designed to manufacture pure pharmaceuticals 1n space. The com- pany refuses to say what drug he is making on the flight . Late on Monda). launch pad crews loaded liquid ox)gen and h)drogen aboard the shuttle to produce the sh1p·s electrical power in f11gh1. then allowed 450 pounds of the super-cold gases to boil awa~ to lighten the load because of the extra heavy cargo. The shuttle design does not permit panial loading. so the b01l-offlx'com- es necessan . Paa ca·"-; paid c;pcnal attenuon Monda\ 10 shuttle's three main cn~mes· to avoid a repeat of the co ntam1nat1on that caused tw.o po\t· ponement!> ol the sh1p·s first flight 1n June .\ computrr failure st0ppcd the first at1emp1 nine minute!> before sched- uled launlh fhene\tda).thesccond tn ''a!> hahn1 fuur seconds short of CUING CONTUT liftoff wh<.>n computers detected something wroni an a fuel .. alve and ordered the engines -one of them already finng -shut down. ".\It hough not yet proven. the most plausible theol'} now und<.>r consider- ation 1n' oh es the poss1b1ht) of m1croscop1c silt accumulat10ns," said an announcement b\. the Nauonal A<.>ronauucs and Space .\dm1n1s- tra11on American • incomes upby35% By The Associated Press .\mcncans· pc1 rnplla income rust' 35. l percent lrom 1979 to 1983 and. after adjusting for int1a11on. outpaced rising prices b) 3 7 percent. the Commerce Department report!> Mean"'h1le l 1 \ bustness pro- duct1' 11' climbed at an annual rate of 4. 7 percent in the second quarter. ns1ng faster than \\Ork<.>rs' pa}. the Labor Department said Monda) The gain an per capna mcome was led b) 011-nch Alaska and several § ]\iew England states where new high-§ technology plants boosted pay S checks. the Commerce Department § said. § Alaska's gain was 48.4 percent. § g1v1ng residents of that state a per ~ capita income of$ l 7 194 in 1983. the ~ highest in the count!) Winners! One winner n each clge group will be chosen Each winner will receive 4 tickets to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Balley Circus for September 8th NAME ADDRESS PHONE AGE GROUP !J 3-5 yrs C 6-8 yrs 0 9-11 yrs c 1 All entrtea must be completed by a child In age groups lltted 2 Send entrtea to Coloring Contest, P 0 Box 1560, Costa Mesa CA 92828 3 All entries must be received by Sept 4th ' No employee• or relatives of lh• Oe1ly Piiot or Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Balley may enter DON'T MISS TBE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTBI ~ Wed. SEPI'. 5 thru Tue. IEPr. l 1 Anaheim Convendon Center Tha. IEPI'. 13 thna Sun. IEPr. 23 Lot Angelu Spottl Arena 'l I II ~ fl. rl I W}ommg, M1ch1gan and other states hit hard by the 1981-82 re- cession had the smallest gains. Per capita income nat1onall> rose to $11.685 in 193, a 51 percent increase O\er 1982 and a 35. l percent iump from the $8,651 per capita earoin~s of 1979 During the same period. prices rose 31.4 percent. the department said. leaving the gain in tnf1a11on-adJusted income at 3 7 percent. This compared v.ith an 18 3 per- ce nt mf1at1on-adJusted increase in the pre\'tOus four-)car penod From 1975 to J 979 per capita income rose b> 48. I percent \\hlk rmces Wl'nt up 29 8 percent The Reagan admin1strat1on ccl- 1.'brated the prodtH.'t1v1t) rrport as ··a !>napshot" of national economic effi- c1eon. The quanerl~ increase. was thr eighth straight. the longest string in more than a decade tht.> Lahor Department !>UH.I. S. African boycotters in clashes JOI! \NNE:S Bl RC, "iouth .\fr1ca (AP) -Police "1th baton~ and rubber trunc hcuns reportedly t•hargcd SC\cr11l hundred placard- waving election hO\cottt•rs th1'i morn- ing. as ~uth l\fnca's \.,1an'> voted for I the lirst time to elect their own 'it•grcg.atcd c hamtx-r of Parhnmcn1. I wo dai.hc'> tx·tv.ccn police and election boycottc~\ wcrt reported by w11nc,,e, but polt(e did not rc'lipond 10 rcque\ts for wmmcnt on the report\. Police did ,:l) 1hat even ~ople were .trrc\lcd 1n Durban, a port rah 1hM 1~ homr to man) A'>1an\, for uqi1n 'otn\ to 'ita) nwa) from thl' poll\ Ro)cott organ11er~ hoped a low turnout at the r>Oll' ""ould d1"~d1t the clect1on1 and South .~fr1ca's new constitution. which &1vc<1 '>tans and people or mr~cd race ~,rtptcd chamber1 ol Parliament but con· unut!I to ~kn)' an> pc1l1tu:al nah1s to the nation"• black msJont) ' NATION --------= - MS victim mugged in D.C. at end of 600-ntile walk 8)' tbt AllO('llltd Pre11 WASHINGTO!"ll Thomas T)rrell. a multiple ~leros1s victim who walked 600 miles to dramatize the need for mol't' research into the cnppllnJ disease. was muaaed and his crutch broken JUst yards from his aoal-:-the U.S. Capitol. "It was very defeatina.'' id Tyrrell. 3S, of Alao!lac. M1~h., who nevenhele s trudaed around Capitol Hill on Monday lob6y1na for lus cause. "It was madde>n1ng to travel over 600 miles throuah the country, throuah am•!! towns and through b1& towns and then 10 act here and ~ave that.h12ppen. 1 yrrell. a psychotherapist whoat affi1C1ion wuh the chronic nerve di.seaae was diagnosed just e1&ht month~ ago. aid he was stand10J o.n the the west lawn looking up at the dome when two men he mistook for JO&&ers approached, knocked him down nncJ htt him 1n the swmach h~ Hi. They demanded money and Tyrrell uood up and hcnded them the SSS he had. lhen ont' of the men kicked him 1n the groin while the other broke h1$ crutch. he said. U.S. prison population slowl ng WASH ING TON -Although the populatton 1n statt' and federal pnsons reached a record 454.136 dut"lng the first halfof 1984. the arowth rate seems 10 be: '>lowing, says a Justice Depanment official. The growth rate for the first half of the year was 3.9 percent. compared to 4.2 percent for the first half of.the preceding year. the Justice Department said Monday ... Alt~ouJ!t this 1s a record number of inmates. the growth rate seems to be slowing. said Steven R. Schlesinger. director of the department's Bureau of Justice Statistics. Thls ls one tough garage CLEVELAND -It may have been condemned. but an eight-story parking garage prO\ed sturdy enough today to w1thstand a third attempt to reducr at to rubble with 1o:xplos1ves. Officials finally had to resort to using a crane equipped wtth an old-fashioned wrecking ball and chain. and the garage was leveled a few hours later. said Lt. John Murray. a fire department spokesman. Murray said the third attempt to bl~st the building at at?<>ut 3 a.m. today failed. When the eight-story garage was buah in 1956. It was remforced to correct a 2()..degree list. Golfers outfoxed at Ironwood IRONWOOD. Mich. -Golfers at the Eagle Bluff Golf Club must watch out for a new hazard -four playful foxes with a yearning to play with golf balls. a club official said 'They steal the balls off the course and carry them near some grass" said course manager Gary Pelkola, who discovered the foxes' dens near the first and 13th holes .. Then they tr} to bury the balls like a dog would ... Not all the golfers cursed the thefts. At least one critter apparently picked up a ball last week and moved 11 30) ards closer to the hole. Guardlan Angels asked to leave ROSTON -rwo )'ears after their warm welcome to the streets of Boston, the Guardian Aniels have given in. say city officials, to residents who want the self-appointed cnme-watchers out of their neighborhoods before more street ,·1olence erupts. But the group's national director says there's no agree~ent and the Guardian Angels will be back 1n the contested neighborhoods tonight. Four Angels in Boston promised two Cit) councilors Monday night that they would halt patrols in the neighborhoods around the Mattapan-Dorchester hne, where at least two of them were beaten up last week by neighborhood youths. said Philltp Martin. a spokesman for Mayor Raymond Flynn. I CALIFORNIA l ~ -~ - Lawn waterer tunis off faucet RICHMOND -The retired Richmond school teacher ordered to quit \\atcnng her la"'n and neighborhood. around the clock, has turned off her fau4.:cts . her neighbors repon. The) said Monday their propenies have finally begun 10 dr. out Earlier this month Allee R1ch1e she was found in contempt of a Contra Costa (ount~ Superior Court order and placed on probation for inunda11ng her lawn. sidewalk and em 1rom. after a Judge had limited her soggy habit. R1ch1c 1s scheduled to appear 111 rnurt Sept. 21 for a heanng on a court- order<.>d medical e' aluat1on Gravity boots warnlng retracted LO' .\:"\GELES -People "'ho tr> to relieve back. knee or hip pain by hanging upside down rn gravtty mvcrs100 boots can do so without nskmg a stroke 1fthe) keep moving \\-h1le the}'re hanging. a new stud) sa)s However grav1t} boots still shouldn't be used by people with uncontrolled high blood pressure or glaucoma. a cond1t1on that can cause blindness because of increased pressurt of the fluid within the eye. Robert M. Goldman, the principal author of the study. said Mondav.Researchers last year warned that ~ome pcopfe wno use gravit}' boots coufd suffer strokes. "BasicaTiy, we're retracting our m11ial fears of stroke." Goldman said. Cltlzen catches second bank suspect SAN FRANCISCO -For the second ume in less than a year. private c1t1zen Tony Patch has captured a bank robbery suspect and recovered the loot, authorities said. The latest capture involved a high-speed chase that left four people sh$htly hurt and four cars smashed. Patch. a 30-year-old legal process server, said he spotted the robbery suspect Monday after hearing a police scanner description of a car used by someone who allegedly robbed a First Interstate Bank branch. He pursued the suspect and held him at bay for police. On Aug. 30, Patch persuaded a thief to surrender by threatening him with Mace. which Patch is licensed to carry. The man had made off w11h $1,296 in cash and checks from a Bank of Amenca branch. Alr and water would be a must SACRAMENTO-Service stauons could be fined up to $50 per day for failing to provide compressed air and water to customers under a biJI sent to Gov George Deukmej1an'sdesk Monday by the state Assembly The final vote on ABI 107 by Assemblyman Louis Papan. D-Millbrae. was 41-31. The bill onganally would have required the air and water to be free, but the bill was amended to allow stations to charge for their use Insanity defense in murder, rape TORRANCE -The wn of President Reagan's tax attornc> pleaded innoc:cnt and innocent by reason of msanity Monday to charges he raped and murd<.>rcd his mother at the family's luxunous home. Superior Court Judae George R. Perkov1ch accepted the pleas and ordered Michael Miller. 21. held without bail pending a pretrial hearing Sept. 25. Marguerite Miller. 52, was bludgeoned to death March 24, 1983, at the home in Rancho Palos Verdes Estates she shared with Roy Miller. private counsel to the president. Michael Miller was arrested the following day for investtgat1on of murder. On March 28. followina lab tests. he also was charged with rap('. :I WORLD ,, lsraelljets attack base TEL A VIV, Israel -Israeli ajr force planes today attacked a guerrilla base 1n Lebanon's Bckaa Valle)'. the military command announced. The command said the ba~ was at Majd al Anjar. on the eastern side of the valley, where l5raeh nnd S}rtan troops have been facing each other since Israel's 1982 1ovas1on of Lebanon. The m1htary statement said the pilots reported hitting their targets. but made no mention of casualties. Sandlnl•ta• •hoot down plane M'\NAGU<\. NICARAGU<\ -The leftist Sandinista aove-rnmcnt says 1u troop~ !thot down a lJ.S.-built-C-47 transpon plane forry1na suppHes to rebel~ tn the northern part of the country. lo Guatemala City, Foreign Minister Fernando \ndnidc said Monday that the Contadora peace talks art at an impasse because of "fairl)' pronounced difference of opinion" amona rcprescnt~ti"cs mecuna 10 Panama. Nit'aragua's Oe(ensc Ministry Yid Sandinista troops shot down the U .. -butlt cario pla.nc Monda)' between the towns of El Porttllo and Palo Grande in J1notep province, about 7S miles nonh of Manaaua. U.S. ca•IJ bought N. Ireland gun OU Al JN. Jrclnnd-lnsh Forctfn M1nmcr Peter Barry said he had ··tittle doubt" the 1un u cd to hoot 1 pon-umc police officer 1n Non.hem Ireland on und&) was bou&ht with money from the United States. "This is the ttality that ahould be brou&ht home to the Jri h·A men can1." l1c said MondA)'. The officer. whose name ~as not rtlea ed. wu "very scnou I) tll" at Btlfl\l't Royal Victona Ho pttal, a hospital pol.:e man u1d. He wu ·hous he drovcalonc an 1~ol11td country ro d rn Count) T)rone with h" wire and t~"'rck-old child. He ~a a member of the Ulster ~fc~sc Rc11mcnt. Northern Ireland's mo1tl~ Prptc~t3nt au"ltar) l)9lict for« - I CAMPAIGN '84 b---~---= -~---==---=---~ ~ Demo, GOP hopefuls woo U.S. electorate Vtce President Bush takes on Mondale; while Mondale tackles black leaders By lb• Ataodated Pren R~ pn's tnp to Chacaao on f nday. With Vice Pre ident George Bush ~id camp 1~ funds wtll be utitd poundina ·away at him 11 wea5' on 1n. t~ 1f 1~ Ftd ral Election Com· d 1i .Dcmocm WAltet Lu~-m1111on 1ns111.s.. e enx.. . L ~.,_AT camp'iian topi, Bu,t; <!edaiid dale was setuna out today t~ collect that Mondale's opposJtion to the Bl the endof?Cment of former 1odeptn· bomber and the MX mi lie would dent candidate John 8. Anderson. P t him an ·•a relat'vel'-' weak" Mondale planned to meet the u • . 1 , former Republican conarcssman at posmon 1n ~> attempt to re~ch an the Univcnity of Illinois. the site of arms reduct.Ion aareement with the frenzied Anderson rallies 1n 1980, So.~•ets. fi and then push on to talks with the Mr. Mondale is so hot or an Rev. Jesse Jackson and other black aarttment n~t now lha.~ he will do leaders who complain their dvice is almost anyth1n1 to ~t It, Bush 1d. aoina unheeded. The charaes, similar to ones Bush cool 10 1on le an 1984 Denioaa pnmanrs Wh le rallyina 10 Gary Hon. O.Co!o. Bts dts Jackson. b ack lcadm K1 10 atttnd the meeuna an MinnCM>ta th Mondale tncluded Andrew Y o.unc Of .Atla.nLL W.ilsoc Goode of Philadtlph1a and Richard m ngton ofBtnmngham. Ala. J cbon has compliined t1tal ht deserves a greater '·01c.e 1n 1cmdak's campe gn counal, nd Vouna cnll· c11cd the candidate's natl' in harsh term• t a recent mttttn1 or bad: JOU mah IS for ignoring IS ach ltt •. JackM>n told reporters Monday an Wa h1ngton he s -anllOU:) to support the ticket ... You &otta be kidding Perauadlni a cat to eat ten 't alway• an eaay taak, u moet pet owttera kno~. Thie blue crane Perelan, in Poulebo, Wub. add• new meantna to the term 'finicky feline.' Mondale's runnina male. and Reagan have been launch1n1 al Geraldine Ferraro, meanv.hile. was Mon~e since .fnda). came an a opcninf a threc-<iay foray into the telev1s1on antcf' 1ew, at a news con· andustnal nonheast and South. ference and while tourrna a Loni And the Whue House. under fire Island plant of the Grumman Acro- for b1lltna the taxpa)ers for President s~cSoe Corp. 1 h Id ~- ··1 ~ould ho~ that all of the rema1m~ 1mpcdunenu would be rcmo'rd at the meeung. Jack.ton said. But he said he was still sec tn conc~s10M on 1ssuei and appoir:u- menl• to Lhe cams:aet&n staff. Reremna 10 1 recent Mondale remark that he dOC'S not need a "broker" to get \.Otes. Jackson said· "He's right. He d~ not need a broker. But he does n~ supporters. He needs enthusiastic sup:poner;s.." me peope say we sou ~ -----------------------------------------------------• c1'nceling our new weapons s)stems HijackedTran jet farced down in Iraq Latest drama makes ft six tn one month for sky pirates ---- By Tbe Alsoclated Press H•Jackers scaled control of an Iranian jetliner carrying more than 30 barrels on sunken ship intact OSTEND. Belgium (AP) - Belgium said today that French navy divers checked the steel containers holding the 225-lon rad1oaclive cargo of lhe Mont Louis hours after the French freighter sank Saturda)'. and found lhem inlact. H1gh-rank1ng lklg1an and French government officials arranged lo urve} the North Sea "'reek site toda) and sahagers said It could lake several weeks lo retne\C the cargo from the ship." h1ch 1s I) mg an 46 feet of water John Hu\ kbroeck. an En' iron- mcnt .Man1s0tl') spokesman said the 4.21 O.ton \1ont Louis carried 30 containers of uranium hexafluoride. a material llSed as a gas in the uranium refinement process but shipped as crystals. Earher. officials here said there were 28 containers Huylcbroeck said the French notified lklJJan officials of the con- tents of the Mont Louis on Saturday. after the wp colhdcd wi th a large. Holland-lo-England car ferry and sank 12 males off the lklgian coast. But il was not known until today that French navy divers checked the ship that same night. lklg1um said toda) no trace of rad1oacuve contamanauon had )'Cl been found and lhat fi"e Belgian na') divers would check for an\' cracks an the lhe hull and cargo of the ship 200 people today and flew lO traq. where the official Iraqi news agency said the sky pirates freed their captives. It was the sixlh huack1ng an a month. Iran. in repons earned b., Its official news media. demanded the safe relum of the aircraft and ils passengers. and charged that two Iraqi warplanes intercepted lhe Jet- ltncr after It was hijacked and forced 1t lO land 1n Iraq. !rag, which has been at war w1tholran for four years. made no comment on the Iranian charge. A1rpon control tower officials in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. said the unidentified hijackers seized con- trol of the plane dunna a domesuc fl1~t over Iran. The Dubai officials said the Iran Air Airbus flew to Iraq afler being denied permission to land in Kuwa1t. The official Iraq 1 News Agenc). 1 n a repon monnored 10 C} prus. said all the passengers had been set free. but made no mention of the hijackers The agency did not sa) where the plane landed bul said the passenger'i were flown to Baghdad. the Iraqi capital, on Iraqi planes. "The passengers were gJVen the free choice of whelher to return to Tehran. lo stay in Iraq or to be flown lo an} otherdirecuon." the Iraqi agenc) said an a repon monuored 10 C) prus. It said the passenJers "were given full care by the lraq1 authonl1es ... Iran's official news agenc). the Islamic Republtc News Agcnq. said the plane landed at Shatreh air base 1n southern Iraq. some :?50 males south of Baahdad . The h1Jackang loda)' was the sixth h1Jack10~ 1n the last month. Follow- ing is a hsl of previous h1Jack10gs. •Jul) :!9: A Venezuelan OC-9 flying from Caracas to Curacao wtth 81 peopJe aboard was h1Jacked b)' a Ha1uan and a Dominican who de- manded a mult1-m1llton dollar ran· ~om. After a 36-hour island-hopping ordeal Vene1uclan commandos as- saulted the aircraft. fatally shol lhe lwo h1Jackcrs and rescued the passen- gers and crew •Jul) 3!: An ~1r France 137 fl)1ng lO Pans lrom West German} was h1Jacked with 64 people aboard. The ietltner hopscotched across Europe and the Middle East to Tehran. Iran There. three men who had demanded the release of Iranians held prisoner 1n France freed their hostaaes Augusl 2 after bloWln& up the plane's cockpll •August 6: Police overpowered a West German h11acker four hours after he seized a DC-8 carao Jel bound for Al~na and forced 11 to return to Marse1llc. France. •Auausl 7: An Iran Air ;\1rbus can;ang Moslem p1lgnms on a flight lO Saudi Arabia was h1Jackcd b) two lcen-agcrs opposed to the go"ern· ment of Ayatollah Ruhollah K.ho- mem1. The plane. which had 305 people aboard, landed in Bahrain. Cairo and Rome before the h1Jackers surrendered. •Au1ust 24: Seven Sikh h1Jackcrs seized an Air India 737 wnh 93 people aboard dunna a domesuc fl1ghl from New Delhi to Snnagar The plane made stops an Lahore and Karachi. Pakistan before fly10g on to Dubai on lhe Persian Gulf, where the h1Jackers surrendered and asked for passaae to the United Sta1es 'Overloaded' airplane hits truck, killing 5 passengers Driver of rig escapes serious injury when small P~per hits trailer broadside ·There 1!> no wa\ oftclhng what the pilot was tr)1ng lO do." lrgang said ··we thuU.. he was ll) mg to rea,am alutude If he wanted lO land. there YUC'\IPA. (AP) - A small plane crashed into a tractor-trailer ng an a residential neighborhood Monda~ and burst into flames . .k1lhng all liH~ people aboard the aircraft. 1nclud1ng a child. aulhont1es said. The former owner of the aircraft said 11 \\as o'erloaded "llh pas!>en- gers The land•~ gear of the single· were plenl} of wcdc street's were he could ha'e tried 11" • engine Piper herokee 140 clipped a Bob Lamben. whose lractor was rock and smashed broadside into the pulling lwo trailers. disconnected the rcg.butthedn,erescapedw1thmmor ng and pulled awa) m has cab from m1uncs. said Capl. Sle\.e Dale of the lhe burning wreckage. Dale said. C'ahforn1a Depanmem of Forest!) Lambcn. 35 of Fontana. was Two women. lwo men and a bo~ lreated for shod. Dale said \\Crl' aboard the plane. said San Thereare noa1rpons in the' 1c1nil) Bernardino Count\ coroner Bnan of lhe crash. and the ong1n and \1cCorm1ck Their idcnm1es "'ere destanauon of the t11gh1 were not not 1mmed1ateh known Earlter re-known pons mcorrectl} said lhrce children !\o one on the ground was mJured. were aboard the plane lrgang said. to achieve succ~ssful arms reduc· Hons." Bush said. without mention· 1na any names, at Grumman. where he inspected the company's new X-29 expcnmental warplane Anderson JOI more than 7 percent of the vote Wllh has 1980 independent race for the Whne House. Jn several states. h.1s lot.al exceeded the maflin· by wb1ch Reagan defeated Jnflm} Caner. Democrats bcheve he dre'lli more suppon from Carter than from Reagan. Elecuon returns show. however. that Reagan v.ould have been elected without Anderson on the ballot. The wh1te-ha1red lawmaker's 1980 campaiin was largcl} pitched to )e ung, affluent professionals -the sO<alled .. Yuppies" who were often Mondale flew into 0311as on Mon- day for a fund-raising dinner at the Anatole Hotel. whc~ Reagan and Bush sta)ed for the Republican National Convention. He told the g.atherina there "i more intense rehgJous belief and practice in Ameri- ca th.an in an) soc•et) on earth, I beht'e." "That's because m America. our faith is personal and honorable and uncorrupted b} political influence," he ~id without mentioning a Reagan speech to a DaJlas pra)er breakfasl Thun.d.a) at Yrhich the president said that "rchpon a.nd poliucs arc necess· anh related ... Study shows juries consider arrest as factor in decisions TORONTO (AP ),-The facl that a got 8.0, Bregman said. eutral defendant has been arrested leads evidence earned a rat10g in the iuncs to lean toward guilt) verd1cls. middle oflbc scale S I. bul e)ewitness tcst1mon) and linger-If cthe students bad aHragcd the pnnlS Outwe1&h the influence of an e\ ldencc, the rallf\I when both e}e- arrest. researchers sa). ~uncsses and fingespnnts pointed to That may be because Jurors add up guilt should ha"e been between 7.6 the evidence. rather lhan ass1gnin1 a and 8.0. but tt actuaJI\ Y.'3.S 8.6. he weight to each nem and reachina a said · verdict on the basis of an a\.era1c. S1m1larl), wnen both kinds of said Norman Breiman. an ex-e\. 1dence s.upponed the defense. t~ penmcntal ps)c holoJiSl al score ol 2.9 sugge~ts the students South\:aslem Lou1slana · nl\ ersn' ' added the e' 1dence. because a\.erq- Thercforc. prOSCCUlOrS need not ang V.OU!d ha\e put It at about 3.6. he hold back ~eak evidence for fear ol ..aid d1luung the stronger e' 1dence. Bn<gman said some susp1c1on of Bregman said Fnda' at the annual the defendant remained e'en whm convenuan of the: Amen.can Ps)c.ho-both-. .linfil of e\.1d~~ wggcstt'd lo1.1cal Association. innocence becau~ s1mpl) putung "If it's add1t1ve. ~ou wan I to 8J' t.• ~omeone on tnal sugests .. this gu) everything you can.· he said must be gu1h) ofsomethtnJ. ·· Bregman and social ps)cholog1s1 rr=============;- PALM READING TAROT CARD READER AND ADVISOR MADAME MARIA HunlerA. Mc.\lhsterasked 36college students to read the summancs of nme tnals and guess the Junes· dec1s1ons using a ..cale m "h1ch 1.J represented a certaanl~ of gu1h and I meant a certa1nt) of innocence Evidence m the cases -which weren'l real -fa\.ored the defen~. l'.'o· o ...... 1e vou he pos p~esel'I' the prosecution or neuher Fmgerpnnt e\. tdencc pointing to on:J 'u!ure Ol'ld g ve vou 00• ce on guilt earned an a'crage 7.9 raung. io~e morr oge .::mo bus "ess Pitcher guzzlers double beerintake \\ hile e)ewnncss tesumon) of guilt "~h God. that's O\.erloaded," e).· Dillon contacled at his home 1n claimed the former owner of the Las Animas. Colo. s:ud the maxi---------------1 plane. Ed Dillon. after he was told lhe mum combined weaghl of the passen· craft "'as can;mg four adults and.a gers should not exceed 644 lbs. 10 the child four-seat airplane "l' p here an Colo- TORONTO (AP) -Banning pitcher• In bare could make a dent In the drunken driving problem t>ecaute a drinker con- sumes more than twice as much beer If tt comes In a pitcher than In a glue or bottle, a researcher says. E. Scott Geller, a psychology profeuor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UnlveraJty In Blacksburg. studied drinking In three bare near campus. He aid his atudy at so found people drfnk more In groups, auggeatlng that groupa of dt1nkera 1hould pick one mem- ber to 1tay-sot>«-pemapgwtth eome economic incentives from the bar owner. In an Interview Monday before hie retearch rnulta were pres- ented at the annual convention of the American Payehofoglcal A• toelaUon In Toronto. Oeller aald hit recommendation• were baled on obMrvatlon of more than 300 drlnker1 In three bars latttPrlng. ObMMtrl found that on aver- age, bar patron• drank 35 ounces of beer per person when It came In a pitcher, but onty 15 ounca from a bOttle and 12 ouncee from a glaM. Th• 120 men oblerWd drink- ing from a pltther drank an ''*'• of about 40 ounoee apiece, white 443 women drank about 28 ouncee. Both MJCH drank eboUt tM .. me amount ' frem a gl ... or bottle. ''People don11 want u much beer .. the)' aet In that pltOher, '' 1 0"'9r MJd, 18ut tMy flgur. lt'I CMePer •nd feet coms*t«t to I ''clMn th41 pla1e,'' MMld. ••it we banned pltehera of beer we would have a lgnlflcant lmpfci on dr1nklng,'' G II r said. The lie!) crash occurred an a new rado it couldn'l fl, \\llh four aduhs.'· res1denual ne1~hborhood 1n th1scom· h d B .. _ I I Th. .tudy atao found that 0 f Lo • 1 e o;a1 . .. ut ma) vc at sea e' e 1l RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY, llC. F• The Rm Of Yu lje 1922 HAt10R avo .. COSTA~ -541-11!16 650-7231 870 W 19th ST. READINGS $3 00 WITH THIS AD "' mun1l~ 7 m1 cs cast o s .-..nge es could doll .. groupt drank more per person where workers were building streets. Dillon said he sold the plane abOut L-------------.....i.;=========j~===' and stayed longer In bars than San Bernardino Counly Shenffs four }Cars ago 10 the Piper .\ir Center eolftary drinkers. Couples and Deputy Gene lrgang said The closest m Lonit Beach larger groups averaged 27 to 33 occupied home was 200 feet from the ln\.Csttgators from the Federal ounces per pettOn, without elg-cra~h. he said .\\lat1on Adman1s1rauon office an nlflcant difference according to Witnesses told police the plane had R1vers1de and the Nauonal Transpor· group alze. Solitary dr.nkers av-been dipping and ns1ng as its engrn~ tauon Safct}' Ooard an Los .\ngcles et'aged 17 OUncet. ri<,p~u~l~te~re!d!,!sa!1!d!l!rg!a!n~g!. ~~~~~~w!e!r!e !en~ro!u~l~e ~tO!t!h~eiisiice!n!e~~~~ That auggeete groups ehould be a focus of program• to prevent drunken driving, Geller N.lct Sweden has found succeaa with encouraging one person In the group to agree beforehand not to drink and to drive the others home. he eald. The grou strategy coulot>e Car Or Brtetca1e encouraged by a bar owner, who Cellula Telephones , could grant parking privlleget to r participating groups, or even All backed by factory-trained teohnlcian• give a discount to tf>e drlnkera Sales • SBrv1ce • Leasing • Inst&ll&tJon and perhap• make aome money C •TE'D •ATIO•AL oft their lncreued consumption, ELL ULAB. I.ill AB .ill Getler Mid. ..,. The ProfessJon&l's In·C&r Telephone Company! . .a The ttudy •llO found that men llilia 16801 Rookt1elc1 Blvd Irvtne, CA 92718 • <714> 770·33&3 _.., drtnk more beer than women, h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with •~·~of 35 ounces versu• 25 ounces, and that men drink It falter: an ounce a minute on av.,age. and hatt that for women. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• • Fedwal flgUre9 •tlmat• that about h.af of.,, highway f atallti.1 lnvoNe alcohol. laat year abOut 22.aoo Pe6Plil died In aceklwlt• lnvoMog 1~. the National HlghWay Trame htet.Y Admlnl1- tr8tion uya. AJthOUgh people younger than 2i mue up 1only 10 percent or NcenMd d,.._.. 9nd drive onty 9 percent of total mllel drlYen, th•~j make up more than 21 Pfl«*'t of the drinking drtv.1 In fatal er..._, lhe ~emment •YI· And of the 870,000 peopl lnJUred MCh year In ace den ta Involving elcohol, a I att 130 000 are~unger than 21, th governm nt )'B. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BEAS ICE SKATING AT ICECAPADES L~am to Ice kau ltt ka11na L '11 en lccC1pedn Chai" arr• Kif 1mprO\ctmnl pc ram lhal comb.nn fun, fillln\ nd the 1hnll of pnform1n1 '°' r1m1h and fnend ~····-···········i ~ '/l<JLL ()J 15.000FF : b , ......... "--· . . ..... (..... . ,.._t...,... ..... _, ~ f •cittM. •••••••••••••••• ~ ••• '"•"'• c ..... , 170J Har r a1-d 979-8880 Co1ta 111,Ca HH~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , .................................................................... .... $238 a + n.x ,,., mo. ,,.., 994 ~. Loack'O wtr11 T·t»r. Alr·cond rlottinQ ea tM * naow and ny Ofhet ru 50 mo doStlO rta CO I $15141. dotl>'f'I P8>'" ment sr3;2 72 casri 01 rra ts r 023~6'1) An ra iut:J}«.r 10 pr Of ui. • # I . • • A # ... 0.. ....... ......, lw:tl . 714 .133.1300 • Our free media sometimes go too far in zeal Well. the) 'rt· at at ag•11n. Thl: tc~ .. 1s1on rcpom:r.i Howling hccau'>l' tele\ 1~on wa'> dcnal·d an opponun•I) to .. co .. er'' the Cirl'nada n:St'Ul' oper- ation. What did lhn artualh ""anl '. That's pretl)-'>lmpk. The~ v.Jntc-<l w ll:r -at go"ernmcn1 l'\pense - about 600 tcle .. 1s1on lameramcn soond techn1c1ans. lOmmcntators and lighting techn1c1ans .\ml the~ d'tdn't want JUSt one group of pool J>'rsonnel. they wanted one for t'\Cf) telev1s1on station that wanted to U51gn the personnel So far as the .. print mc..-daa" I'> concerned. a couple of pool reporters ltlld pool photographers could ha .. e done the JOb nacel)'. There are man' nev.'>men. 1nclud- ll>8 me. who get prelt} sack of the Whinang of tek' l'>IOn pcr'>onnel One of th~ as Jam T~'iOn of the .\ccuraq. an Media report. Here are some Qlcerpts from a recent let1er from him: ''How dad \OU feel v.hen Dan Rather. John ( hancellor and other spokesmen for Big Media denounced the L nited State'> (10Hrnment for nol ha .. ang ln\.lled ·1he1r minions atong on the Grena~a rescue oper- ation'> "M> guess as that \OU "'ere and1g- nant -not at the go .. emment. but at tho~ an the media who were furious because they had been denied an opportunity to do 1he1r thing. "What was 11 that made them so mad? Whal wa<i 11 that the:,. wanted to do? "John Chancellor. the former N 8( oews reader who no\.\. delivers com- mentan on thl· NBC Naghtl~ News. let the cat out of the bag 1n a tali.. he ga\t~ last "Jo .. embcr a1 l\ev. ) ork l'nl\crs1L\ Herc 1s the report ol has 1all. a~ published an The "-c..'\.\ ) ori.. Tame'> He ~tcJ rn banning rhc Pfl'\' rhc Rl·agan ~dmin1 .. 1rat111n ·~ dub1ou~ JC- romplt~hml·nt "a~ "to A.t•cp the Je:Hhs oil rdt'' mon ·· dt·Crl'iJStng their 't$ual 1mpac1 upon rhc .\meri- can pubhl ancJ reducing the deaths ro ~1at1rnn In ,effecr. he "as arguing that .\mencans haH'J nghr 10 \Ce lhl' hvrro~ of "ar. n-gardft>ss ol ho" 11 afleus tht•m JncJ that II "a5 )U~I such horrors rather rhan tc/t•\ 1s1on ·s re- portmg of them. that ultimate/~ turned tht• nation against the Vil'i- nam war. ''One pool reporter. 1ust one ... he said. "would have prescned lh1s honorable 4mcrt'can trad1t1on. ·• "Jn other words. (Tyson continue'>) what Chancellor and his friends an the media wanted was a chance to do an Grenada what the)' had done 1n Vietnam -splash blood across the TV screens of millions of Amencan "'10mes to show the horrors of war ~nderm1ning public suppon for the :iitscue operation ,. :-•• •• WALTER BURROUGHS "Fortunately, there wasn't that much blood spilled in Grenada. Eighteen Amencans died. and we don't consider them as Just statts11cs We look upon them for what they arc -heroic young Americans who gave their lives unselfishly in the service of their country. "I vef) much doubt that the} would ha .. e wanted their deaths to have been exploited by the media lo tarnish the m1ss1on and detract from 1ts success." ·· .\nd at was a success' Hundreds of }OUng American Students who feared for their safet} "'ere rescued and brought home A number of them actuall) kissed the ground "'hen the) lttnded at Charleston. S.( .. One said he had been a do .. e all h10, hie. but he never wanted to hear anyone say anythang bad about the U S. m1htarv. When. a le"' weeks later, the students were'"' 1ted to the While House b} President Reagan. a cynical reporter asked one who wa!> wavmg a small Amencan flag al someone in the While House had given ham the flag and told him to wave 11. He said. ·1 don't need an}one to tell m'e to wave the Amencan flag.· .. It was not onl} the .\mencan students who were grateful .. A CBS poll taken on Grenada '>howed that QI percent of the Grena- dian people were delighted that our troops had come That CBS poll. "h1ch v.as reported on 1ele' 1s1on onl} at l l :)0 p.m on a Frida) night. found that 85 pcn.:enl of the people felt that their h\es or the h'es of 1hc1r lam11\ members were an danger before ou·r troops landed . .\nd so 11 was not onl} the .\mencan students who were rescued Eighty-five percent ot the Grenadian., told CBS that the rea<.on the .\mencans came an "'as to free thl' people of Grenada from the ( ubans' .. What 1s 11 wuh our media? \\. h) do they so• frequenth appear to be k.nockinf-America and hdpang our enemies> "One amwer to 1ha1 as our free.· press -and we thank (Jod that 11 ,., free -as vulnerable 10 penetration and manipulation by tho'><.' '~hose goal 1s to destro} freedom." Now when this Searchlight appears all those bleeding hearts who like 10 call themselHs "prole.,.,1onal JOumahsts" will be after m\ -.calp Oka}. children. Here 111s Walter Burroughs is tbe Pilot's foundiJJg publisber. ;f>rop. A legacy lives on ···n county's bureaucracy ·: o the Ed11or !• It appear-; that the lclebrated defeat :()f Prop <\ on June 5 (road tax -aieasure) "' not quail' J lading mcm- "'.Qf) l lnequl\cxall\ 1t left some sting ~ar\ (brain t1<,o,ue) on the 'Orange ( ount} supen 1\or'i and thl' Orange Count~ l ransrorta11on ( om . ....n1ss1on Long hdorl' the..· reah\lll 1s1onan ol Prop .\ the Road lanner<, < omnt1ttc..•c..· \.\a<i an the roce~., ul conuk. tlOg other method'> of financing nc..·" lrcev.a}., ..,uhSl'- ' quenth the) C~nad plannfr\) c..·ame up with another ingcn1ou' ~heme enti- tled .. road fol· plan" -m purpose pnmanl~ to prO\ 1Jl' lundc; for the construcuon of the \an Joaquin Hills Fr~way to benefit and ~n.e The lrvane Co's mult1m1ll1on dollar de- ve lopment on thl· Irvine Coast The plan would impose a develop- mentor road fee on nc"' housmg and commerctal/mdu'itnal pro1~cts based on the amount ut \raffic maJOr developmenb would generat<'. In tum the devclopt·ro, will pass the costs of new roado; on to th<· consu!l'ler/or future homebuyer Unfortunately new highway construction will not m111gatc the traffic mess or solve the air pollution an Orange ( ounl}' It onl) aggra .. aies the problem The supervisors' perpetual '>Upport toward major developers as trul} amazing. The fact that no federal funds are guaranteed at this point in lime. and no state fund\ arc cannarked for new projects. lhl' super-. 1sors art' pol1t1call~ <lc- iemuocd 10 go <th\·ad with lhe pion against resident" oppos111on Question· Whal will that mean an terms of future rno;ts to the en l'r- burdened ta,pa,er for ma1n1enanu~ costs and demand for addlllonal lanes due to increased traffic conges11on' .\ word of caution to the 11 cat1c .. IO\olved in adopting the ludacrou\ road fee plan -.. look before \.OU leap... Developers ~land 10 profit sub!>tant1ally, whale the maJont} o,uf- frr\ ID.\ I \\. ll l I .\MS < Mon.1 lll'I M.u Whose side are they on? 1 o the Ed11111 Waltt'r Mondak 11nd C 1C'rald1nc Ferraro art' trotting around thc-~oun­ lt'\ \tnllnJ that II \.\Ollld lilkc lhe United c;iatc\ 1hree or more H':tr\ 10 prepare tor .i u1n\en1wnal ""a' Our ent•m1t'' do not need '>PIC'l1 \II the) need 1!. more Mon<luk\ und I C'rrarm' Who-.c '>Ide arc the) on' F IHI> H PFlfFH R ~1''' f)cln fkilch ORANGE COAST DailyPilai J(JIAN'O ..... , CM'<>' '"' '""' "' a10 ,..,., e .. , s• .otl• ~ "d!lr9a r.oi'J~" I(> &lJo 1~') CUit ~l!M f A 1 Je H. L. Schwartz Ill Pt,Oltf,tlm Frank Zlnl v.11 .... 0'f'!G r 1 Tom Tall 1':1', f II& Craig Shaff SJ'O'li E IOI' 1 L.M. Bovo "M thanol, thepreferr dfueJofracln cardrlv rsforov r30y ars b c u.., of/t ultra-hi hocta11e. of/1 r. farmo~eenvlron1nental, political. economtcandp rforinanceadvnntage.. than unleaded ga olln ·verdld. wllh a/mo t none of the di advantages.·· _W\UTE Col.LAJ2 --cnlMINAL! RICHARD COREN columnt.t THOMAS ELIAS Methyl alcohol isn't 'fuelish' Pu s h fo r m etha n ol power ed cars can 't come too quickly Just 14 years ago. Cahfom1ans dec1si\.cly voted down a ballot 1n- 1t1at1\e that would have banned all lead an gasoline Toda). the federal Environmental Protection Agenc} sa~s u will do just that -and nationally -within the next two \tars "I felt hke I "'as l'rying an the "-lldemess and no one was listening," recalls lawyer Roger Jon Diamond. the author of that failed 1970 an- 1t1at1ve "Bui I guess I was just a httl{' too earl}." In a s1m1lar pos1L1on today are the acuvists and government bureaucrats pushing methanol, or methyl alcohol. Methanol, the preferred fuel of racing car dnvcrs for over 30 years because of lls ultra-high octane. ofTers far more environmental, poliucal. econ- omic and performance advantaecs than unleaded gasoline ever did. with almost none of the disadvantages. One plus: Conversion 10 methanol eliminates 70 percent of automotive and diesel emissions . Easil) produced from coal. natural gas and even old corncobs. methanol could make this nation energ) inde- pendent for "al least 800 ) ears." sa}s Roger Staiger counsel to a con- gressional comm1llee on energ) and commerce But there's not }Cl a mass" t push to this eas:,.-to-produce fuel. ---~ -·------=-----~ So far. onh about 1.000 cars are running on methanol an this state. usuall} the pioneer an clean-air measures. Half are owned by the stale itself and most of the rest b) the Bank of >.menca. Teddy Roozvelt: Speling champ But within a year. more than three doien methanol-fueled city buses should be on the road. cutting out the fumes and smoke now belched from the rear of diesel-powered buses. ..\s man} a LIS. president. Tedd) Roose .. elt repeated() overesumated has power. In 1906. he decreed that government publicauons use short spellings of countless common words: det for debt, donk} for donke}.gost for ghost. Soon. Thi!>, he 1hought, would improve lhc language greatl) The pubhc wouldn't buy n .\nother time. he banned Chnstmao, trl'e'> to sa' e the forests. The pubhc v.ouldn'1 bu) that one. either .\ hor<,e's hoof is tts toenail. Q. \\hl'n did thl' wra\t\.\.atch get popular'> .\. During World War I Soldiers who'd ne\ er before e'en heard of wristwatches bought them on sight Pocket watches turned into the t1me- p1eces of old fogies Wnstwatches suddenh became'' mbolic of' aralll\ and last acuon of \t)ung men · Ji, there a book'>torc an )our count~" ~all that's not so nonsensical. Dunn11. the 1930s when )Ou r grand- dad was a lad. t\.\-O-thards ot the counties na11onw1de had no book- store"> If }Our o,upcrmarlo.ct rnnforms to the national a"crage. It devotes 240 la near feet of shelf space to pet food Son drink'> onl} get 22 l fel•t Cand\ 186 feet .\nd soup. a mere I 05 feet Can cars and trucks be far behind'> No, says Kenneth Smith. manager of the California Energy Com- m1ss1on·s synthetic fuels program. which staned under eit-Gov Jell) Brown. but has gamed momentum in the current admm1strauon. L.M. Boyd co/umaist. a "This 1s a whole lot like unleaded syDdic•ted gasoline." Smith says. "h ""'II need a push from government." The push 1s needed. he sa) s. It's high time for taxpayers . =:~.'.!'·~~0~r.~.~~"~"~~ "(1encral Motors. for one. says methanol as the best fuel to replace to curta · 1 ~ d I spend. ng gasoline." Smith said. "But GM 1 J.. e era 1 ~~;~e ~~~?on~~~u~i~!r/~~rryu~~~ fuel. And the oil companies won't Nation al petition p rotesting spend ing may derail t h e government gravy t rain \\-ASH I NC1 TOI\ -Here'<; dra- matal ne"" for 13\fl<t\l'r'>. "'ho arc being told 1hc' must ante up s11ll more monc\ 10 bnng down the fedl·ral deficit fnough fat can be -.quee1ed out of the hudgct enough e\tra,agancc eliminated from gov- ernment enough cash \a' ed from going down thl' drain that a la" 1nlrca<,c <ihouldn't hl' neces..an This v.ord comc'i from Peter-Grace ""ho o;hould I.nm' He heads the C1racc ( omm1\s1on. which srcnt 18 months scru1an1Z1ng the go .. crn- ment's books and found 2.478 "a"' that the federal bureaucrac} skins laxpa)'e~ He has sho"'n me C\.1dcncc that a tait increase won't be needed 11 C ungress w11l <;1mply cut out the waste and fraud his comm1ss1on has un- co .. ercd Grace can point out the waste 10 \ongrcso,. he can explain ho\\ tu 11gh1cn financial lOntrols. he can 'lflCl..'lf\ e'actl} what must be mt tu \\IJ>C out the deficit. In fact. he ha'> alread~ provided Congrt\\ \.\-Ith an arr3\ of opponunHies lO fl"en tht' con\cqucnces of 'lpcnd1 ng-run-w ild Yrt 1t won't be cas' to det11I ~hc g1ncrnmcnt gravy train. which ha Ileen on a onc-\\a\ track for most ol thl\ century. If\ an C>.press run b~ polll•l •an\ "'ho g.1in applau!>t' tod. ~ for ufTerina new benC'fito, nnd d1~ P· pear inlo the woodwork tnmorm"' whrn the '°'' ha' blown lhl' j')uhht debt 'k h1ih 1 h('~ frcc-,pcndana. poh11cos 3re not anchnrd to 1mpo~ auc;tem} no\\ lwhtrh ran ht' blamed nn 1hcml 1n order 10 forntall t'8lam111c' later (wh1d1 t'Un he blame on thcar suc- CC\\Or\J tlut al the) \\on't h"ittn to thc al,11m'111 cconom1.-.1<;. the, "'111 hi.ten to lhl' protl'\h of lhc..• 'oters "0(1rJc..1. Jnd I ha'c..'l·omeupw1tha plan "l lhani.. '' doahle -Joable at thl·re arc..• l'nough ta\paH•ro, v.ho v.111 an'e"it a hlllc effort to '>3\C lhem- <it.'he!, 1hou\amh ol dolla,.... doable 1f thrn: are enough pract1l-m~ -\ml'n- c:an'> "'hll will act nov. to halt the go' ernmcnt'' 11nru,h1ng plunge toward linanl'aal chan'> Hue·, the plan Step One \\ l' '"'Ill' all \menc..ans to <iagn a national pc1111on protesting go .. ernment m1\'ipcndang. Juc;1 '>lgn the following \tateml'nt and ma1t 1110 C1111cn'> \g:11n\t \\a\te P 0 BoA I 000. Bcn rranklan 'ltat1on. Washing- ton D (' 10044 · <\c; lhl' true owners of the U.S. govcrnnwnt we protest the appalling waste of our money by those we enu ust \u spend 1l. We demand action. n<>I d1'\C'U\\1on . to stop the ncC.,'>l\t.' .ind unnC\'C'i\:tf) squander ang of gO\crnment fund\ for looh"ih prOJl'Cl'i. wa'ilcful program' c1nd 1nd- fk1cn1 OP1-'ra11on' We ""ant lOrrcr- 11\'C mca,urc!. tal>.cn against tho'iC an C 'ongrc'i\ and the fcde1al burcauC'rnc11 v. ho 1rrc .. pon\1bl> au\honn· :ind mis- c.pend our la. dollar\." Th1'.\ 1s a 'i1mple ta\pa~cr•: drclar- 1lllon that \\e want Jtn end 10 the m1'itail;t'\, nC'gltacnce and la\1t1c' that ha'c run 110 rhc co l of go\C'rnmrnt lmo\t tx Hmd cul ulatmn nr rnm- prrhc..•n<.1on. f he pcl1t1on will not Ix· U'>l'<l tor fl"'n&'Uln J>Ul'JK>SC\. 11111l1rrnla1cd b) a hip n1san ro ltuun that range .. lrom th con rvall\ e lorml·r T rtet\Uf\; Scc rtlal") Willa.am Simon to th~ hbcr1I C\.·pre\1dl•n11nl rnnJ1d:uc CJco l. Mc(Hl'crn We ""~ 11 ku I th:u \011 1gn 'our name tn thl\ prnll'\I. Hut v.~ also "urgl' JACK ANDERSON ) ou 10 collect the signatures of }our t~s-arrd nc1ghbor5 Tht? pe1111on rnust ha\C m1ll1ons of signatures 1f ll .., to ha' C' an;. impact on Washington. Tnis .... we bcl1t'H' an ach1cveable goal. (lndudc addrl'!IS<' for venfi- ca11on > Step Two \\e will delt,cr the pcuuon 10 the next pre.,1dcn1 and the newcongrcss1onal lcadcM tn Janual) I think I can guarantee that 11 protest. s1gnl"d by m1lltons of Ammcan ... will get the attention of our elected leaders. For they understand that the people are still the sovereign of this country and hold the ull1matc power I have no doubt that the}' will act qu1ckl> to slash 1overnmen1 waste. Step Three· We tnvtte you to help us keep watch on wa,te Join C lltLcns Ag,11nst Waste. n non-profit. non- pan1'-Dn. gra -roots oraan1z1t1on. which will conduct a ~arch-and­ dc troy campaign a 1n t a.ovcm- menl m1~pcndjn1. 01herw1,r. congrcs\mcn 1n· varinbl}I "11l g1"c hp.sci"\ ice pec:chc apin 1 waste but well maneu\'er 10 continue their pel. "astcful pro- gramo;. nd the bureaucrat • "'ho buJg1.·tsarc CUI. WI II halt vilal ~f'\i ICC but continue their t\trav n • The Pentagon brn ha' ca propens1t), ror e\itmplc. to \:Ut rn1ht1 mu le ra\hcr than ctumula1t'd fat "'hen economic~ ere forC'Cd on th<!!m. l he pn("~ l,f ftll ml when y t etrrn:i I \ iga la nc-e • Jacll Aadtr on /J • • 'Ddk1IH rolumo/Jt . produce it until someone 1s building a lot of methanol cars." The c;olut1on very likely will he similar to the events that soon will make leaded gasoline 1mposs1ble to buy: The federal government will require automakers and service sta- tions 10 phase the new fuel an gradualh With unleaded &•i~hne. the ·government began b} forcma all gas stauons pumping more than 100.000gallons-amonth10 stock th~ ne"" fuel. Soon everyone had 1t But the conversion to methanol most likely won't ever be as total as the coming ehm10at1on of lead. For one thing. convening a gasohnc- po~ercd car to methanol cost at least S 1.500. with diesel conversions a bit cheaper. Even with the SS percent tax crcdtt Cahfom1a now allows for uch conve~1ons. it's still an eitpens1ve propos1t1on. So the methanol 11dvocate rec- ommend free chotce. "You should~ able to make a choice of fuel when you buv mc~r. as you do now1>ctwccn gu-;ohnc and diesel," ~ys Sta\,cr. .. bcn with a full-fledged producuon clTon. 1t would be almost impo able to hl\C more than 2S pcrcen1 of all caD on the road 1n the )Car 2000 methanol-powc~. But it will brina back the muscle Can of the '60s and early '70s bccnu~ it's such a high· f)('rformanet fuel. wtth <Xtanc at about 110." • 1hc nt" fuel ~111 come. In fad, ll wuuld ha\C come 70 yean a40 1f a 11ganuc new 011 field ~cren t dt\.- CO\tred 10 Texas Just as automobiles made their debut The up hot: ·"pee' methanol cars to be common in a few )cars but without man) of the pa.1n that mJl.1n1cd the 1ntroduct1on o~, unk drd ,oftnc. Tbom•• Ellu 11 1 nu fonlc• bllH roJ1111uJ111 00 •Utt,, II • ....... _ _.._ --------__ ..__.,__ ______ _ ·11111,~111 TUESDAY AUGUST 28 1934 ANNLANDERllll TV Ll8TING8 113 BUSINESS 14-1 e care: Independenc~ and TLC Who's got reason to hoot? An owl ln on plna and needles u It undergoes acupuncture at the Wild Bird C&reCenter ln Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The bird, which ~ not been helped In lta Ion of equilibrium by other methoda of care, bu been receiving the plere14C treatment regularly. Familiar surroundings can often ease suffering for elderly, terminal patients By SUSAN MONAHAN Daly ...... C..111111 ldeftl Home health care isn't a new concept; for years it was the rule rather than t he exception. Now 1t seems to be enjoying a renaissance as more people decide they want to hve - and sometimes d ie -in their own homes. "The elderly especially want to remain in familiar surrounding.s ... You get an enttrely different person when they're in their own env1ron- ment...if they have a good support system at home." said Kathryn A. L aw r ence. R N .. M .S .. owner/administrator of Town & Country Home Nursing Services in Garden G rove. The support is not only emotional. Director of professional services ,,..._, Carole M . Perl), R.N .. explained that some medical procedures that ""ere once the preroptive of docto~ can now be adm inistered b) the patient and family. "I taught one 7~year-old patient how to run an J.V. (intravenous tube)," she said. "And that's a \Cr) technical procedure, but people can learn it." Most gr their patients are elderly. said Perry. The great majority have suffered heart attacks or strokes. with lung disease the next most common ailment. The hospice program ho""· ever. has more of the )oungcr patients: most of them have some form of cancer. "But we also have people with orthopedic problems. diabetics. pcd1- atnc patients," she added. Pauent are retcrttd b) their doc· tor . and although a nurse 1o1.11l evaluate the pat1cnfs cond1t1on ... "c work under ph)sic1ans' orders," ~id La"rence. But the emphasis 1s on allowing the patient. and the patient's fam1l). to take as much respons1b1ht) for the care as possible. "When I first v.ent into nunmg. \\C always dad things. for the pauent and to the p3llen·t:• recalled Lav.rencc. "Now v.e instruct them. \\e teach them to be independent." To qualify for home health care. a person must require medical atten- tion and -1f Medicare pa)S the bill -be house-bound. But Perry 3nd La""rence sa\ that most patients require only· ··mtermiuent skilled services." the nu~ acts as a .. coach" and pro .. ides care on an as--needed basis. Once the p3tient's cond1t1on is stabilized. the famtl) and poss1bl) a health aide will take O\er. ··The 1dc's pnm~ rcsppns1b1httt is ~rsonal care ... said Pefl'). •• fheY-fl do light meal prcparauon. laundf). grooming. The)"can also 1ake care of superlic1al wounds and help the patient folio" the therap1,t's in<;truc- tions." · Besidei.reg1 tcred nurses. a1deund ph) sical thera p1 t . the staff 1 ndude .speech and occupational therapists. social "'orker5 and about 40 volun- teers. There is no physiCJan on taff. but tY. o doctors and a pharrnacologm arc on the board of ad' isor . There is a nurse on dut) 24 hours and both non~mergcn9 and emerg- ent)' medical transoon •<;available. The pat.u .. , 11aness 1s not the onh consideration. sa\s Lawrcn~. ··w~ t>clie"e m treatini the ""hole pauent and the fam1i..:· Perry says ihat while ~he h3s seen patients imprO\e aramat1cally at home. some peopk will have to accept a permanent d1sabil1t~. "They need someone to help them v.ork through this," she explained. al services a very ,.,tal pan of health ca~.·· For hospt e patient the emph ii "on the quaht) of h fe rather ilhaff' the q uantat) of hfe;· said Peny. All ho pice patient have a d1 gnosed h expectancy ot six monthi or I .. Hospice care is palhauve earl onl~ ... said Pel!). ''These people haV!- accepted the ph1losoph) that thq arc going to die and llle) don•t nt chemotherap • radiauon or othq: heroic measures." , Symptom control. on the other hand, 's an important part of ho~p1ce care. -There"11 no su:h thin as bccomina addicted to pain cdi-- cation when )ou're term1nall) 111:· • said Pen) firm!) ... It's amazing ho" man~ people don't understand palf\c management.'' The volunteers. who 10 through 33 hour training program. are impo ant members of the support nct"ork. (Pleue eee B OME/821 Overdue for e xamination? which one is youi-excuse~ Every year thousands of Amencans suffer from serious diseases and heallll problems that should have been caught and treated dunng their early staies. Unfortunately, however. the v1c11ms did not have spec1ahzed health check-ups as recommended b) health authonues. The frequem result -unnecessaf) pain and disablement. Following are the 12 most frequently used excuses I. "I was too busy to find umc for an examination." ~."I figure you only hve once. so why worry about it~ 3. "I don't hltc doctors. They scare me." ... 4. "My father ti .. ·ed to be 91: my mother lived to 87. I come from strong stock." - 5 "I keep telling my husband. but be doesn't listen. .. 6. "I read a tttt.------------so I can pretty well diagno~ my own problems." 7. "I don't like to think about illness -CuY it gets me depressed." R 8· "I had a physJ· OTHEIBERC BOTH PARTNERS LOSE OPTIONS cal ex.am lllrce )'.l·eai~iiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllliii ago." 9. "I had an appointment scheduled, but something more important came up." I 0. "We moved. and n's hard to get started with a new Edttors Nolt.>. This IS the 1hird or fj\ e 1ns1allmen1s dealing w11h the· cla- t1on and d1sappoin1- menr ofex1ra-mar1tal affairs. LINDA At.w1 Leslie says she feels angry and be- trayed. Her husband. Jake has lust admitted to having had an affair with a colleague at work. Although the relationship is seemingly over. Leshe says she wants nothing more to do with her "cheating husband." Apparently paralyzed by her sen~ of rejection and wounded pride. she has taken steps to trade hi m in through the legal system. She says she'd rather be alo ne than try to rene$otiate with Jake. She refuses to speak with him and he-r <;tie-nee i" cin"mg him crazy. Ollie Hill and Gloria Bradeeon were de· Uabtcd with decor during Rita-Carlton totar. Although u 1s Jake who offic1all )' broke their contract of marital fidelity. ll may m fact. be Leslie who 1s more d1ssausficd with their marriage. Leslie has been Jake's wife for 16 )Cars. She mamed at age 22. she says. "for better or worse .. Theirs has been a traditional marriage. Jake took respons1b1ht) for the fa mily income; Leslie's primary rcsponsibilit) centered on the home. Even now Leshe will attest to the successes m thl'lr marriage. Together. she and Jake ha\e two bcau11ful children. a lovel) home. nice friends. and an adequate \e\ life. She says that for tl\e past se' eral )ears. she has rclf hkl' 3 "spoiled brat" because she }earned for something more than she was getting. Even from the beginning. she S3)S. her relat1onsh1p with Jake has required herto be child-like. She had cnJO)Cd that role once upon a time. When she finally got restless enough. and took a fev. bab~ steps toward self-liberation. Jake became threatened o.117 Net PMtee ., .... .-UllM Harry Boon and Mary Jef- fries, left, arrl•e at the Rit&- C&rlton benefit opentna- whereJerrl Dwan wu greet- ing Henry and Pat Blkbul and Bill and Larrle Par ka. Rather than encouraging her efforts to become a financial help-mate. he reacted b~ nd1cuhng her in front of their fnends. Leslie responded 10 Jake'\ discomfort b~ returning to ~hool rather than taking a Job and Ja'-c \\as rehe' cd b~ her compromise 1t somehow seemed more acceptable to him to have h1& wife in school. Shont~ after Lt-she began schoo( Jake bccamt' tn\olved with his "other \\Oman:· Leslie'\ refusal to consider the poss1b1ht~ that sick marnages and v.ounded fee~ rnn and do-ht"aL may be 'e~ re'eahng. It could Ix that she·s JU'it \\anted out aJI along. and didn't ha'e th~ courage to act Dr 4.lg:w I!> a psycholog1s1 and marnagecounselor m ( orona de/ Mar Send all ques11ons 10 Linda 4.'ffl.'· Ph D c1o Dail_\ P1/01. P 0 Bo\ I 560. Costa Mesa 9-626 doctor·· • 11 "Doctors cost money. and wc·rc tryina to save:· I:!. "I figure rd go only 1f the disorder ~t worse.·· • If )OU have not had vanous spcaalizcd health eummations in the past su months, probably you ha e used one or more of the above excuses. A survey taken by the Amcricu Chiropractic Association. showed that many people know they need speciahzcd health check-ups on a regular basis. They know the importance of taking care of their eyes. teeth. heart. lungs. spine and other weiJht·bearini structures Yet.. the)' m_ak.lhc..common mistake of puttrng otT health matters so long as a health problem is not apparent. And. unfortunately. some even do so after the need for attention is obvious. All the while they Justify lhc1ractions with one or more of the I 2 basic excuses. Many fail to realize that the saymg "an ounce of pre"enuon 1s worth a pound of cure" 1s more applicable to (Pleue .ee EXCUSa/B2) Ritz-Carlton shows off grandeur By VIDA DEAN o.117 Net • .,.. .... If the fi rst glance of the Ruz-Carlton with m rambJ.tng-MeditcrraMarwt)'l a rchitec.tureand l\\-O- m ilc backdrop ofthe Pac1ficOccandocsnot 1mprc s, seeing the mten o r ofthe luxury hotel at Laguna Niguel would do at Classic Italian marble. Waterford Cl) tal chandeliers and rarr tape try rup ... In thisgrandcurSaturdaye\c nang450mcmtxr andgu· t ofthc 100-mcmberDe 1gn1na Womcn (suppongroupofLaauna Stach hoot of \rt) """'I'\' welcomed auhc hotel' lim nefit party. ( lt S«m a 1t cvcf)b6d) in OranaeCount~ want to stt the hotel. II ofthcopcninabencfit arc ~Id o utand ha\cwaitm Ii ts.) Abcam1n1Chairma nJ rrlDwu,whoh dh\N throuah vcrul Po~tponcment of the afTair(ho1cl con~truction v. behind schrdulc and rill i~n 't romptcred). greeted gucsr alona "'ith her hu nd J OW Pre idcnt Mary Lff Bttk and hu band Wiil am andthc BUl Hall (ht' R n I m n r). Coc~ta1I andd·ltcaou ho~d'ocu"rr forp rt)· 1oc d to m atch the \pknd rot th "\'nu (rem m'*rthat word?) ~ere 1\N10 th· l 1hral'\ ind T hcloun ", \lso some of the gue rs toured the hotel. l<><.l'-mg o .. era fc~ of the 393room oohmaand aahingoH·rthC' elegant appointments(including marble bathroom\) a\ the) con-.1dcred d:ue to take advantage of the t" o-mght :ta\ lhat camc~11h1hc benefit ticttt Cl would ha ~ bttn thnlkd "ithJU tone night. but t"o. tht~ '' man:clou ."rcmarkcdoneguc t.) Lool1ngout o\crthc pool area "hcrcdmncrw-a' ..er"ed and ob rv1na the arch1tccturc, another fu('\t com nwntcd. "You could be 1n 1onte rlo. ("o,ta dcl Solora hc1k' pala e(nounathctall~lmtn't: )11tn't thisgo ous?" OWBarbaraBowl" thcrt(wllhAle )J11 dut\ inthetablca 1gnmcntdcpartmcnt On ·pt hc;ll chair her own ckgantatla1r ... South ( o.a' Rcpcnol') The-au" ·~oat Pam Gold tcln("lth hu band m)" 're plcn· dent in "h1tc nd ha\10 fun tal~maaoout her pt. l ti • hoot rower benefit 3nd rt-e nH'hc.x latc-ta\tln tnp (allinthchncofdut forhcrn lc.-C'ald\hornl tl'I u in m uth una l Lem nd Bill Paro, c hum<' in month tn sv. 1t1crtand. I\' t31 1n,g about th h not c h3mp1un • ~t IObcnefit lor"hC'Cl"ha1rtl'1rn1' :it thC' Rm·< :uithn . . . . . . . 1112 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuuefay, Augu11 28, 1984 0•111 "91 l'tloto ~r Howw9 l.lpln Pam Goldatein, Marilyn Hanaen and Karen Kuahner chat during social hour. ;::====w====e===ha==v==e==KJ==Od=a==_ k=='s======:;-i] oPE~ER •.. From Bl J new lowest-priced ~~sc camera U\e KOOACOLOR VR D•sc film for bl'•utof..il color p:C1ures KODAK ~SC 3100 Camera New high-styling w th handy features for easy p1dure taking Automatic built h flash Motorized film advance P1dure taking is as easy as pushing a button Ask to see the KODAK Disc 3100 Camera today Full Three-Year Warranty• •""'Wt i"' f '' r JOJt ....., .,._ "'' y\1'""• •, S a tinder's Ha11 mark ARC rlFTS 'JTATIQr>-,fP' 644-201 4 ')ept..:? I at the ne" Hilton 10 .\nahe1m ). Rose and Norm Smedegaard, Ron Norton, JoAnne and Gene Mix "' 1th Barbara and Kent Freundt, Paul and Henry Bikhazi, Kathy and Richard Hurwitz and Jackie and Jim Rodgers. .. ~ t' \\ 111 probabl) reali1e about $50,000 from th1'> part' " said mem- tx·r Joleen Parham a'> Nellie Reevei. '>Ucce<,slulh hid $5.000 for a I 0-d<l\ \.1e\lc:an RI\ it•ra cruise donated b' \11mar I Ret'' C\ "' a 'll!>ter of Muriel Reynolds, ont• ul tht" lounder'> ot DV. in l<J7 'il .\<, "e ''a11ed tor uur car<, to comt· up at the do~l· of the part) Emma Jane Rile} (\\llh Tom i. commented. .. E,ef\ course the dinner "as n.·alh good .~ <The ·n~all) good' includt•d mou'>'>l' ol trout\\ 1th !.mokcd salmon. aeam ol an.choke <:.oup. 'cal \\Ith kmon and orange ~uce ..alad \\1th ra~pha~ 'int.•gar and "alnut oil dre'>'>ing. and tharlutte of frc'>h pear "1th chrn.:ulate sauce. l There "err le'>" Ila"'> (m' ccJtlle \\JS '>ened luke"'arm) 1n the R111- ( arhon's debut as Orange Count)\ bnghte'>I nr" a11rac11on. and 11 1<, ob' 1ous this place "111 become the \landard ol excellence b\ "h1ch all el'>e \\Ill b.: measured · Emotional support gr.oups can h e lp t urn a life around l>E\R ,\NN LA 'DER : I ha'e bet'n rt'adin& ~our column for )ears. wondt'nna wh> an)one \\Ould «~ help from a ncw~papcr. Now I know. I am m1 crablc: and frightened and h1ne no one to talk 10. I am 23 )Cari. old and the only thing l am !>Ure of 1s that I am not sure of an) thing. l have many problems but l don't want to bore you to death. so I will describe only a few I. I am unable to cope wtth reality. 2. l have two beauuful kids I want no part of l I have a past I can't hide ncr mauer ho'>" hard I ti'\ 4.1 have a famil) that swears I have been crnL) since birth. 5 I find life so painful that I need alcohol or drugs to keep going. I can't talk tom) friends because I haH' <,pent a lifeume trying to fool people into behe\'lng I am strons and c:an handle an} thing. I can·t afford a '>hnnk I don't belong in church 'iu1ude 1s beginning to look prett) good as the wa\ out. Vt here can a per!>on I 1ke me get help 1n ( h1cago'l -M\ PROBLEM IS "1 E DEAR YOl.J: Two places come to mind. I hope you will act on both ANN I.ANDERS 1u11estloo1 immedlately. The first 11 Alcob0Uc1 Anonymous. Notbln1 1ood ta 1oln1 to bappen 11Dtil )'Ou 1et oH tht.aauce and pill• or wbatever lt 11 you are taldn1 to aneatbetlle yourself a1aln1t tbe pain of llvin1. A.A. 11 in the pbone book and It 11 free. You wlll be made to feel welcome and comfortable the minute you arrive. Everyone there bas been tn the same leaky boat. Recovery Inc. should be your second move. It, too, ls lo the phone book -and free. There you wlll find tbe emotlooaJ support you need to keep going. Some of the folks at Recovery also bave been told by tbelr families tbat they have been crazy since birth. You wlll meet people at Recovery who also have pasta Ibey c111't bide and ldda Ibey w111t DO part of. But tbey are learnln1 It la not tbe J)aat tbat matters,• but the future. You wlll discover, too, after you bavt pulled yourself to1etbtr, that you can love your cblldren -and youratlf. Your Ille will take ~n new meanln1 and purpose. Yoa will wondtr bow In tbe world you could b~ve tbou1bt of turnln1 out tbe U1bt. Write aaaln and tell me you took my advice. I'll be watcblll& tbo mall every da). Good lack ud God bleta. • • • DEAR ANN: "Chattanooaa Chore Girl" sounds shghtly derailed. Maybe her boss is a Jerk but she must be an idiot For JS )ears I worked with women N:\'er once did l ask a woman to do a J>l:rsonal chore for me. Another thing I never did was make a move on a female employee. As a young, eliJible bachelor I would have had consider- able success. but I followed the advice of m)' uneducated gr~ndfather, who used to sa) in somewhat less than elegant language. "Don't mess where you eat." -CHARLOTTE, N.C DEAR N.C.: Your 1randfatber may have been uneducated, but be was awfully smart. And 10 were you, to have listened. Her marriage outlives gifts Rcpnnit•d b} Requt'sc l he other da\ on a talk sho"" "hen I mentioned being married for J:? Har\ the audience gave me a stand- 1ng cl\ at1on It "as the kind of tumultuous applau\e usuall) resen ed for an 85- foot red\\Ood. Kathanne Hepburn or _a battleship returning to port ~ lt"ass"eet ltreallv\\a\ Butatm' age I don't need appr(p. al I need a booster sho'>"cr Bo). for awhile I had 11 all going ~hat with the loot from t\\-0 kitchen 'lho,,ers. three miscellaneous. one bathroom. om· personal. and m) mother calling in all the IOL's . I figured I was set for life I had a toaster for each finger. blankets for three beds. enough dishes to thro'~ a '>late dinner and enough gadgt.'t'> to pla' .. ~lump Julia Child." D1shto"cls~ It ""a' three \Cars hcfore I '>topped treating them ~ · disposables. Around the third )car I ch ipped my egg separator and bent m) cake tester, but the storehou<,c groaned under the necessities of life The year the children started domg dishes. I lost the s1>. sets of glasses. three sets of dishes. sil ver setting for 16. and a coffee pot that drowned when the electrical plug was submerged in water. The year the children "ent to camp. I lost four complett.' '>el\ of towels. l\\O complete sets ot 'lhCt.'t!>. t'>"O pillows and a Jewelfd ock "'1th Thanks for giving your appliances the afternoon off. ··I kno~\' ~·hat you 're thinking. Where do 1 get my energy? The same place you do. Southern California Edison. I just use il w isely. "It \ hot. "o I'm giving my appliance~ the afternoon off. I use them before noon and after 6 p.m. Because if I don't, Edison h~L-; to huild co tly new power plants. I don'L want thern to do that. I'd rather hc..:lp th<.:111 save money. so I'll have 1nore to ~pend on skydiving. ·'So \\·hy don't you join me. Give your appliance" th<: afternoon off. Tonight we'll go\\ lid and turn on the dishwdbher. · · sCE Southern California Edison two people m 1t dancing to "Thl' Anniversal"\ Waltz" The )ear the children ga-.e a carni \al in the back )ard. I lost a card table and four chairs. a large punch bowl with 16 cups. a colander and three pots (worn as hats in a parade) plus a popcorn popper. h1bach1 and all the Wlckets from the croquet set. When the children "'ent off to college. I lost our tele-. 1s1on set. 9 >. I~ rug. five lamps. car. se"'mg machine, t)pe\\nter bathroom heater and chess set When the children "'ent to their o'>"n apartments. I lost whatever wa'> left Yo~see before )OU the broken remains of a sto!) book wedding a woman '>"ho uses old shorts to di"\ dishes . . who uses corn holders to tack notes on the bulletin board . who steals plastic spoons from fast· food stores. Go afiead." someone Surpnse me: "1th a booster sho"er I'm fret.• Saturda) night. HOME ... From B l ~1d Lawrence ''\.1ost of the lime. the\ ·re JUSI 1herc to listen." C\pla1ned Perr} A good listener can be 10\aluable dunng the patient's illness because . .. there's no mone~ a'a1lable to g1\C the famtl) respite -and the patient\ ha\e to pa) for their drugs them- .,ehes:· she said. "The biggest problems facing the hospice patients are financial." agreed Lawrence. Nonetheless. they .,ay 1ha1 home health care 1s less expensive than hospitalization. At $62 a 'is11. "11's a lot cheaper to have nursing care at home than in a hospital" said La"· rence. And Workman's C'ompensa· 11on. Medicare and pn,ate insurance companies "'111 usual!) co,er home health care. Still. Pcm and Lawrtnce adm11 that home ·health care isn't for e\e!)one. A cn11call) 111 patient ma) need hospital mon1tonng and some- one with the "support s~stem" the) behe\e 1s so essent1al ma) ha\C' to go to a hospital or nursing home. the) S3) But the) also sa~ that the person who needs 24-hour care ma\ be able to hire an attendant to supplement the intermittent skills services. ·'This way you've ~ot someone caring only for you. in your own environment.'' said Perry . .. .\nd 11's not that much more expensive to hire an attendant than to pa} for a nurnng home." added Lawrence. Aside from these prac11cal con· s1derat1ons. "You'll get TLC at home that )OU won't get in a hospital." said Pef"T) ( .\ 'olunteer program begms Sept 11 For more information cal 891-0441.) EXCUSES ••• From Bl health than to an) other element an their lives. PreHnt1"c health care 1s one of the keys to a long and productive llfe. Most health prob· lcms. 1f caught early enough. can be resolved. It'~ easy \O put one's health needs last -until pain or disablement '>hows up. Then it becomes Just about the most important thing 10 one' life I hat's why doctors ot ch1ropract1' recommend pinal e'.\aminations on a reaular baStS. Likewise. as a conscien· t1ou member of the health team. the doctor of chiropractic rt('Ornmend periodic check.ups of other crtttcal point of the bod) b> qualttied 'pccialim. The point to remember 1!1 - e'cusc'> do nothing to improve or a i.urc ood health. The best thma )OU c n do i ha\lc a hcart-to·hean talk v.1th ) ourself. and decide that 11 take: a .,,nccrc pc~onal cffon to maintain )our health. Dr. Cary Rotht'nbcf$. • lluntinaton lkarh C'htrt>prac-tor, 1 ho'it of "8 , k / 1/A." • hC'llth talk -;ho'~ " 7 p.m TucsdJ\ on '':tbk\Htrm c 111n11cl 10 • I J Nelson answers call for television series By JERRY BUCK UTeit~Wrll• LO ANGEL~S -l hret' miles h1ah over the Rio Grande Valle) 1n Teus the pilot uddenl) raised his hands and actor Craia T. Nelson found h1m~lf in command ofa T·l8 su~rsc>nic jet. 'I wem. up wuh a 23-ye11 -old nll)or. an instructor," s~ud Nelson. who admitted he was "fl'al nervous" about flyina. "It was ju t beautiful. We aot up to !8,000 feet and J'm in the back ~eat and I !lee tus hands rome up. He's sayina, 'lf$ yours.· I flew it for a while and we did omc acrobatic~. It was ircat." The tall, lanky actor will be getting a lot of air time in the next few months He stan 1n the ABC summer scncs "Call To Glot')" as Col. Ra)nor Sarnac, a hotshot pilot who's com- mandant of the test pilot school at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif .. in the early 1960s "f 1maa1nc the emphasis IS JOIO& 10 be on the characters." said Nelson. "but a lot of those planes from the 1960s arc still around so I think there'll be as much Oyina as possible. Tfae producers want 11. the Air Force wants at." 1am10." F.ven if'Tall To Glory•· catche on in the ratings 1t'1 unlikely AB will be able to act at b ct on the 1r an> time soon. t\cr he lin1 hes lilmina the initial order of 13 hows he has a commitment for .. Poltcrae1 t II" plus another movie. In recent yeari. he·\ been in uch film~ 11 "Pohcrieist," " ilkwood."' ··"11 the Right Move ,""And Justice for All." ''/The Formula." "Star Crazy." "Pnvate Benjamin," "The Osterman Weekend'' and "The K11l- 1 ng fields." Nelson began his carter as a comedy wntt:r and stand-up comic. He ... rote and appeared on "The Tim Conway Show" and he and ht wnung panncrs. Barry Levinson and Rudr Deluca. wrote an Alan Kina special. Then, seeking a s1mplerhfest>lc. he moved his familv to a 40-acrc plot near Mount Shasta in Nonhem Cahfomaa and built a loa cabin. He worked as a Janitor. logger. farmer carpenter and schoolteacher. He also laved on welfare and food stamos. "I was an actor caught in a world of comedy," hesaad. "I couldn't get a Job as a serious actor. I'd JUSt done a 'Mary Tyler Moore Show· and said the hell w1th 1\. .. Or Pop star Elton Joh 'Breaking Hearts' at Irvine Meadows m > und n bl} need a rat f~ r Sh # • R D After 14 )can of ti-out prr-Yet Wit bod s dcfintld) ~ formanm m uthnn ltfom con\t)cd undayauhr Rocket 8num ~rock upcrsuirEitonJoh~ of Rock Otbittd lhrou a full t~ 11 still ~ckin them an hour program plus t IO cnco Bringina h11 current national tour s..li clcd b)' hi1 usual b>--pcr~eraet to Oran Count) II t ~-ed:end the namboyant approach lo old aocf 1nl ever--flamboyant 1 cr-sottgw~ter-b ts hke1 from ··~ocod1le Rod:" Bf' pianist played 10 full-house. the earl)' 70_$ 10 ••LiJ' Fri to entbuSlaSuc cto.,.d.i both turd y the new album. and Sunday C\:entna,s at II"\ me Wovm in bctli\.'ttn lhe fUU· MeadoWI Amphitheatre. piano-poundana rockers were Balled as ''The Elton John B~ kina group of hits represenuna the a H.cans Tour," (named after his latest. nate side of John·s \'ocal and alrcad)'10ld album rtlcased arher strumental anann-: the soft, scnsit~ th.is )tar), lht &our t1llt took on new ballads. ran11ng from lhc early ( 19 mcan1na for &he eot.en.11ner's U.S. ··Your o2f" on to lattt h1u ~n die f.ans, hov..e\tt. u John announced I d • 1 that this would be h1 la t American !'c)a~ ~r.~ an mu51ca "''ctn u tour (as rtportcd b) The uoc1ated Press. durinaJohn's fiBt U.S shov. m These. 111d man) othen amon1. 1 the current tour. Au&. 17 in Tempe, bc$t lltlleB, arc the result or John'• Ariz.) successful collaboration ~'1th lynca Nelson had made five movies an a row before accept ma the role in "Call To Glory," his first series since "Chicago Story" and "Private Ben- "When 'Call To Glory' came along." Nelson said. "I thouaht here was a chance to make a career swatch and play a hero again." Elton John putll bl• heart Into bla muaic Meado1H concerta. In a fast-paced, hiahl) prolific Bcmie Taup1n, and the in&cr c:ttch~ c.arttr that has aoduded more than a ted laupin 1n introducina aonas froro decade of hn sinales (includina the both the current album nd ··Too current ··Sad Sonas (Sa) So Much)'•) Low for Zero." last )'Ut's album from 2S multi-platinum albums, and These works mark a reunion for th many personal appearance around t\\O partners who natted out to~ the globe includin& the Soviet Union in 1970 and then ~orkcd apatt fdr and China -the nonstop superstar &\\hile after the 1976 album .. Blue • -1.'00- U OD NlWS 8 LITTLE HOUSE OH THE PMRE -~OIO CD IATTLESTAA GALACTICA fZl) • 181fE.18 REPORT mocwu CISNlW8 @)AICNEWS Q m DICK VAH DYKE ~~ * * * A Mtdtummer Ntghl t Sex Comedy· ( 1982) Woody Allen, M•a Farrow 0 MOVIE * * "Mr Mom ' (1983) MIChltl KN· Ion. Ten Garr 'S)MOVIE * * "T11" Of The Pink P111thtr" ( 19821 Peltr Stlllft, David Niven -t:30- • MACNEii.. i L..eiAEA NlW8HOUR Iii tUWITl£S THROUGH THE ARTS ())NEWS 9 TAXI m DICK YAM DYKE C MOYIE t * * The LISI Unoe:orn ' ( 1982) Animated VOtCet of Mia Farrow Alan Atkin -7:00- UCISNEWS ONICNEWS 8 rM A BIO GR t+OW GAICNEWSQ 0 llOllC WOMAN (!)QI NEW8 Q) THAEE'I COMPANY G) WHEEL Of fOATUN! '1i) MOTOAWEEJ< CJ) P.M. MAGAZINE 0 ENTEA'TAINMENT TONIGHT . FACO AHO Pt.AW MOVIE • "Parldltt · (19821 Wiiiie Aamtt, Ptloebt Cates -7:30- f) 2 ON THE TOWN O QIFAMllYmJO l rT'8ALMNG mONLA TOO CloeE FOA COMFORT CD 9 P£0Pt.F8 COUAT 9 WLD, WILD WORlD Of A*IAl.8 '1i)NOVA (I) TIC TAC DOUGH O') THATGIRl 8J HBO COM1HO ATTRACTIONS 0 BA8BAU -1."00- f) CJ) AFTtAMASH D Q! THE A-TEAM "UOYI£ t * * 'Bltndfolg (1966) Rock Hud· son. Cllodla Cardinale G 0 FOUL.oPS. BLEEPS & 8WNOE1'S 0 JOl<EA'S WILD TWIUGH'T ZONE EHTERT AINMENT TONIGHT Cl) MOVIE • • • 'Whaltvtf Happened To Baby Jane? ( 1962) Bette Oavts. Joan Crawford 9Nl:NA m 12 O'CLOCK HIGH ~1 MOVIE • • "Belstmaster" ( 1982) Marc Singer, Tanya Robt<ls .M i MOVIE "The Blood Of 01htta ( t984) Jodte Foster, M!Chlel Ontkeen S FAERIE TALE THEATRE -a:ao-8 CJ) DOMESTIC LIFE G ®l THAEE'S COMPANY 0 TIC TAC DOUGH (!)CANNON CD ,.w. MAGAZJHE '1i> SURVIVAL -t:00- 0 <C MOVIE • • 1 "The Gentleman Bandit ( 19811 Ralph Waite Julie Blvasso D G!AIP11DE 0 9 MOVIE • *'" ·Coma (1978) GeneYttve Bujold, Michael Douglas ONEWS CD WILSON'S REWARD fJi) THE GOSPEL AHO GUAT'BW.A II) ALFAED HITCHOOa< PfllESEHTS .J)MOVIE **''Mr Mom" (1 9831 Mlchtel Kea· ton. T trl Garr Z MOVIE • * •;, "Love Child ' ( 1982) Amy Mld191n Buu Bnd0t5 -1:30- (!)MOVIE * * * FOi Whom The Bell Tolls I 19431 lngrld Berg.' man. Guy Coooer '1i> MOTOAWES< -10:00- D ~ AEMINGTOH STEELE 8Q)CDHEW8 0 AETURH Of THE SAINT tm TO IE A PAIEST '1i> VIETNAM; A TE1.EVISIOH HISTORY m BOXlftG C AS8AUl TED NUTS 0 MOVIE • • • ., "Young Doctors In love ' ( 1982) Mdlael Mcl<un. Sean Young -10-.30-CD INDEPEHOEHT NEWS C THE EVEll. Y BAOTHERS -11:00- 1) 0 D CJ) 0 a m NEWS 8 SATURDAY NIGHT 0 AOWAM & MARTIN'S LAUGH-IN Q) TH£ JEff'ERSONS CD 90UO GOLD HIT1 fii) THE 0000 NEIOHBOAS C)MOVIE * "The Btast Within" (1982) Ronny Cox. Bibi Belch. ' ti) NOT NECESSARILY POUTlCS '1) BAOTHERS: UlAROS AIN'T ~ * * * Concetl F« Bangladesh" (19721 -11:30- 1) CJ) u..a. Ofl£H mcH1S HIOtfUGHT8 O IB TOMGHT D QJl Mr. NEWS NIOHT\.WE OMOVIE * • • Roberta ( 1935) Irene Dunne Fred Atta.rt CD AACHIE BUNl<Bf8 PLACE Cl> STETS Of 8AH[RANCISCO fD LA'TtNIGHT AMERICA m 100Cl.UB H MISSING P£RSONS: FOUR TRUE 8TOAl£8 S BIZAAAEQ -12:00- 1) (I) MOVIE * * ' C.H 0 M P S ( 1979) Wesley Eure. Vlltrit 8ef11nt111 0 TWIUOKT ZOHE G £Yt ON HOU.YWOOO Cf) INOEPENOENT NEWS CD THICKE Of THE NIGHT @)MOVIE * *'1 "Mtn Of Tht Dragon' (197•) Jared Martin. Kalle S1ylo( 0 MOVIE ••• ,, Fast Ttmes At Rldgemonl High ( 19821 Sean Penn Jef'ln1fer J$~~t * • Tht Siar Ch1mt>e< 11983) MIChaet Douglas Hll HOlbroolo. -12'30- U Q! LATE HIGHT wrTH DAVID LETTEAMAH g ALRED HITOHC()()( PR£SaCT1 fJ THREE THREE 0 AOWAH & MARTIN'S LAUOtMH Cl) UM, AMEJICAH STYLE fD GREAT ZOOS Of THE WON.O B THE WHO TOUR 1912: THE ANAL SHOW -12:40- C MOVIE * • • "Mondo Cane 119631 Narrat- ed by Stefano S1beld1 -1:00- "MOV1£ * * * ''Sands Of The Kallhar1 ( 1965) Stuart Whitman. S11nley Bektr. G IE8T Of LA. TODAY (!) MOVI£ * *'°" "The Man In The Net' (19591 Alln Ladd, C4ro!yn Jones. «I) MOVIE * •·~ "Aun For Tile Sun· (1956) Atchard Widmark Jane Greer %!MOVIE .. .. 'POlky s n· The Ne.1tl Day (1983) Dan Monlh111, Wyau Knight -1:30- 0 HEAL TH FIELO G HOUYWOOO ClOSEUP G) ALL .. THE FAMILY "'1#AH & MARTIH'S LAUGH-fH -tf»- f) CIS NEWS NtGKTWATCH GCD IB NEWS 0 MOVIE * * , Eating Raoul' (1982) PIUI Blrttl Mary WOfon<>ll $MOVIE • t 1990 Thi Bronx WatnOft" ( 1983) Vic Morrow, Fred Williamson -2:05- H HBO COMING ATTRACTIONS -2:30- G) MOVIE * * * "The Satan Bug . (1965) :'~ar1s, Aicharo Blsenart * * "All My Darling Daugnltrs" (1972) Robert Young. Raymond M .. ~MOVIE • • Honey (19821 Cito Goklam1lh . Fernando Rey -2:40- H MOVIE * * * A Ml(!summet Night s St.1t Comedy ( 1982) Woody All«! M•I Farrow 'Gotcha' starts filming in October Moves." Currcntlv "en· appropriate amO!IJ the·John(faupin ona.i is .. Klss t Bnde," which John offered m hai most winn.ina style. (Last Valenuae) Day. John mamcd recordina e ncer Renate Btauel in Australia.) Gotcha," a Michael LC\') Enterpnses production directed by Jeff Kanew for Universal Pictures. will begin filming 1n earl) October. The film will be shot on locauons an Pans. West Berlin and Los .o\ngelcs. 1t was announced by Frank Pnce. chairman of MC A's motion picture on a stof) b) Gordon and t'aul Hensler. Hensler will produce the comedy-ad\enture-thnller. ""llh Jn view of his im~dina retire.- Peter MacGregor-Scott as super-ment from the road. John reall> saiO "ISlng producer and U\} as "· 11 all as he chose "Good..t>)e Yellow ecuuve producer. Brick Road" fort.he final en.core. Th Ka new rccentl> directed the com-time, it appean that ht meaJU it. ed) hit. ''The Re,enge of the '\erds .. r.::=====-==========~ group . Anthon) Edwards and Lmda F1orent1no have been signed to star an the saccnplay by Dan Gordon. based 10 which Ed""ards also stal'Ttd Fiorentino stars 1n "V1s1onqu~t." which 1s scheduled for rcle~ earl} next year. Maazel won't conduct in Austria VIENNA. Austna (AP) -Con· ductor Lorin Maazel. who quit as director of the Vienna State Opera in a c:liipute with the government. says he won't be waving his baton again an .A.ustna for at least I 0 years . Opera an June after demand1na that his four-year contract be tenn1nated at the end of Auaust -two )Cars early. txsp1te his bad feelings toward the $Ovcrnment. Maazel prai5ed his fans tn Vienna. Jn an interview Wednesda) on Austrian Telev151on. Maa.ul said mtcTfercncc by officials had made 1t impossible for him to work in Vienna. He last conducted at the State .. , will nev'r forget the sound of m) Chnsuan name at the last per- formance -Lorin. Lorin." he said. "That Wlll rem11n in the hean." 9'o9 Lowe OXPO•DaLUllS (1'9-UI At I 10 l :IS l :IS 1 :10 Ii t ill •aDDAWN~U) Showa It 12·30 3:00 5:30 1 .00 .. 10 30 PU•PL& •AIN ,., AT 12:•1 3,oa l :U 7:4a .. 10101 LUXURY rHfATtlS Cllllt llastw••• TIGHT•ON (IU Sllowt II U :3S 'lia1 s 10 7tl0 a. 10:11 a 111 Murray D•n Ayllroycs G~CNJ Sl'tow1 at 12:21 2:40 4 :1S 7:211:50/70 MM INIMAlllA J099D • Tiie T ....... 0-.. CJll8) S flOWI It 12100 1130 S:OO 7:30 a. 10:00 IN 70 MM 13 i r,ti£1l U ;I 2) &~.V2i ~:.,. .. ti" ) 514••-A (flO) I G9'DIUNS (N) At I 1S S:lO Ii t H S llow1 11 12,30 ~1111 Co-l'H IUfl S1m'1 J :OO 5 ::10 1,00 Son (ll'G) 3 30 a, 7 45 Ii lO:lO DRIVE-INS m~ STADIUm a ut 1111.l(f!tllt "rr htf'"' •CV.-• OP' T .. ...... (IQPtu• ..... ,. •• (ll) THll WOllAM t• a.D CN-•JJ 1"1111 aut Delenn (ll) SHSE&A(N) ~IUI Tfla U lt Sta rfltlltar (fllQ) G•DIU•CN> ~IUI T II• Nawarlln4llln1 Story (llO) KAltA TS llJD (l'Ca) ~lut co-Hit CIOllt 6 Ditter (~Q) aACH1U..0• PA•TY (It) ~tu1 Co-Hll Qrend-vlaw U.S.A l"l ORI\/( INS Clltl*"' u. ... 12 FRU U11._ Natt4 o-IOI Yfk4ev1 1 lO W•h9'1 s .. ·oRFAMSCAPE' IS 11IE NICES'I' SURPRISE OP 11fE SUMMER. .. ___ ,,_ Enter a wa1d ~ IPG-13)~ yQJf wildest imagination where anvthina can happen ... I •-c.-.eo-• ... .--..,-..-c-•--c-... u~- 9tCA UA M:l• es• 9*'021 ltl1U , ... 8ut111 Park l)o In 811 .. 070 UN rAtk UA Mowia 8 9514993 COSTA EA [clw1rcls Harbor r ... n 631 3~0: COSTA lt6A UA Sollttl Co1st S.G-0594 n TC*> E._,d& WW.Id !181~ ·-[Ourds Vtoodbr 551"°655 llS$Qt YU> Edw1rOs Ill ~StOll V e,o ..,. 495-6220 (llMll( UA City Center 634 391 l OMlli[ AK. Or1nce Ma 637-0340 WESTWCSTIJ OA WtStmimter T •1n 895·~333 O IPG·13J • NEWPORT BUCH • • COSTA MCSA • • H TORO • --NO\N PlAYJNO-- lNARtiM IRVINE Pactnc·s Anaheim Edwards Woodbridge Ori~·ln 879-9850 SS 1-0655 DEA MISSION VEIJO UA Movtes Edward's Viejo Twin 990-4022 830 6990 COSTA MESA *CRANCE Edwards Mesa C1nedome 646-5025 634 2553 COSTA MESA WESTMtNSitR Edwards Town Edwards Cinema Center 751 4184 West 891 3935 WESTMINSTER * PAESENTCO IN Paclnc s Ht Way 39 ~ OO~sn: Ortve·ln 891 3693 -------'I •TAUT, T!N8! AND nRRIFICt• .. -----·· •• M.IM Bru Pl&za 529 5339 IWIA PAllk UA Mow I • 9$2 4993 LA IWIA SllO C1ttwa1 ~ ~lS 1611 lllSSQ VI.JO Edwards V'IJO hr1111306991 •.alt llACff Ef•atda Htw-.i '4.4 07 SAWTA (d•1•cl1 .,,,,°' 540 7C44 •s '° n $quart Edwt1ts Cmtma (113) 691-0lll W I n1 393~ WDTIMSTD HI m CUil US 1'ilOOO lllfllCIP(" (I) ,00 110 100 lltlUSM I llCACUI Ill '°"" ttUS l()H s ''"8 Tl( WOlCAllO (I) I IS HS OCl.USIVf llitGAClMflll • Allll10 COlllTIY• (N) ltloft '""'' 6JO uo 10~ • SO. COAST PLAZA • TOWM CCN1£11 •IOI (PC an U '••""'• llSO Ht In _._ 1.s1101010 m m• mo 1, iqi lOWN C(NHR MllAIOO INfUr INl U !IO lU,J!iltl) Ii .... !NI 1~1 •Ill JOO 11!0 lJO tJ\ TOWN CiNTCR 011• at.0 1rs1 -tt r ., ...,,. l:,. t t'\ 1 ' n ....... 7~1 •l.. s "' ·1 JOO lOWN CENTfR s1.-to I "" Ultnllr'I• IOO~CO!OC " ._, LAST nWDlttl CNl l~l •II• O~ •~ lfla JOI 100 IBS SOUIH COASI PIM.I tall 111 t 4\ 00 'IS •• 10. s:~ \wii*lt•f 111 ~6 171\ JOO SOUlH COAST '11DIUlDS INI ~' t )& JU UD t 15 1020 ..,,. ., .. -JllE-Tll l'DN Ol IDOCll' INl II IS ue Sot 7 al llOD ,,, .. ,.. • IRVINI • WCllllOO IAIClM (K. IJ) 60 10 40 Cl.OM I DAGCD (PS) I 4S 00l8l srllllO llfD DA• C~lll it• '""'' 6 00 t 7C 10 JO 0 W e IOV SllRtO •-oe• llW\t I:. DOCW" IPS1 11o r 1 100 •10 IUftll 1¥[ IWNTIM '~ 10 )()(Cl lASI SIWlQllTO lrl:t "' r,,., a ~ 0011• Sll~O Tl( llOIMll •mr1Nm 1$4,. • WESTMINSTER • CKMA wt:ST • DOlll s1uu· ,..,,_.,,, U oc..-INl .... 1oc Jn~ too 1oa &ti JU~ SHO II l 81 CNMI MST Clftl (ASTWOOD ... -.. •ll8ftlCK" It) ~ 11• IJC H\ "SIA 10•~ HI ltJ~ II \e llJOO ClltMA WES •Tlf ..,. • ... _,,, G 4" IJ) U'JC. 11\ "'" • 00 HO Ha t lO U SO f4 Ito EDWARDS .... w' ··->'6 )102 HAllBOR TWIN •.. ""' COllT SltlllO 0 DAW., (K.IJI llS UO OOl.ITS!lll{O 'IWAllSCM'r !PS Ill 6ll JSOI .,... '"""~II 11~ 1011. HUBOA TWIN Ill .... .. . • .,. '"'Ill ~~ rn l~OI M£SA CIMCMA C -.. ~' I SAOOLC8ACK "ClCYI '....-IN> II '•" $HCI 1118 4 IS 120 I ' h ltl 'IUCUIO(I UllZr t"l ~&I SllO J oc l 10 6 IS 10 IS SAOOl(BACk IW!aOf Tl( IDllr <II ; S 1 t IG 0 SHO !ti JOO .... .. ~· ~110 s•oouB•n .....::1 '?IM.lhlll (II • l ~ t l'\ 'l\ HS 0 S~ II~ T J()Q SAOOL(8A(I\ • MISSION VIUO • Yll() 1 !ftl \0 ~--•• '• ""~· &JO 6990 VICI() T~PC ' ... . . '• ,..., ... uo mo wtJO ••ml t f •• '• ...•. .. ft( WOlilAM '" ID' (rG.13) U •" I •~ • t "'It • IU ... 1409 lo 11'•1 .. !\lo l• ..._,, ... &• Ao.wcrt,.t ('6 13) t ' f I" I" lrG Ill IC' IO DAWJr {PG-13) ti Xlll• S!l.lllC .lX lOO ''l.: &00 IDJ "MP\.£ RAii ' (a) In.II STUil :I ,QCI Ht UQ U .O «~ . StlW.. (PQ) • ;o •JC .o•~ "CONAN Ttl D£STllOYD" (PC) .l 3:1 ·~ • ·~ "M LAST STAanlitfTU" (PQ) Bl US ti~ · STAii TIO • M SWCH fCll SPQC«• {PC) ...... l(!•~P~A~C~IF~IC£jo~R~IV~E[-~1N[!jTH~E~A~T]Ries~·~·)~.··.~l.O •.~ ... ORANGE ~ ••SUPER I "0'il ; AM •• JN I"' taltttlMh"" I It •. l.M 41\1 Fountain Volle y 714) 111·!'81 SD 1 ... I I·"'"-'" S * 'liltDUCS" (PG) * ... "M EEJDaC sroar CP'ltl laHABRA ~ .. IH l rt INl 1"'1:",. Inf' t rrtr .. COMPLETE NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS, 88. rest well confirms major gas discovery ARCO wants China to develop huge petrochemic~l plant to make fertilizer LOS .\NuELE~ ( \P) -.\1l.tn11'- K1chfidd Co. ~Id II ill uraing (. hma lo hut Id \\hat "-OU Id tx· one of the ""orld·s laraest petr0<:hem1l'UI planh to produce femhzcr u'>intt a hugl' natural gas d1~·0H'r\ 1n thl' ~uuth C tuna Sea \RCO 1s \\.Orlo..mg undt•r an agrl'C· ment "Ith Chma to l'\Plurl' and de .. elop the ga'> field . .\hhough the 011 rnmpan) h.ts 1101 re .. ealed us ~take 1n lhl' J)IUJl'l'l. \R( 0 s.pokesman ~111:kl') Parr ar- lno" kdged Thur..da) th.11 lw, l'Om· pan} stand\ 10 share from the int.om'-' from an) futun.• deH·lupmenl. ( hina tht' world's largest nation with more than I billion people. last \Car P•Hd .ibout S 1.4 btlhon for its imponl'd tenilizers. said a re earcher "1tb the National Council for l ' < hina Trade in Washington. 0.( Earher this month. .\RCO an- noum:ed that test wells confirmed the ne" gas field. 65 m1ks south"cst ol Haman Island oil the southern coast of China. "as ··a 'C'~ s1gn1lican1 lind.. that could produce >e' era I hundred m1ll1on cubic ll~t ol natural gas each day. The Lo -\ngeles company also wanh China 10 ust.· some of the natural gas 10 fuel a proposed power plant. 10 be located on Haman lsland. Parr ~1d. ··we arc discussing a numtxr of poss1b1h11es -LPG (hquid P'!t· roleum gas). methanol and a fenilill'r plant ... Parr s:uct ... But "e are pushing the fcrt1liter concept. and the> (the Chinese) are not a~mst 11·· The pe1rochcm1cal project could Big banks reject Safeway tellers WS ANGELES ( .\P) -C ah- fom1a's five largest bani..!> ha\e re- fused to JOtn afewa) Store lnl 's ne\.\ automated teller program because the) have 10vested a lot of mone) in~talhng and promoting their O\\n a111omated teller machines. jJank of America. Well!> fargo. (.rocker. ecunty Pacific and Firs1 Interstate ha .. e declined so far 10 JOIO about 150 other fi nancial 1n!it1tut1ons linked b) computl'r \\1th the ma- chines. spokespeopk '>aid The Oakland-based \U(X"rmarll't chain has the machine!> Ill mo'>l ol 11' 225 stores in Southern Californta and has 55 machtne!i in Northern ( ali· fom1a. The chain began 1n.,talling the machines la'>I 'ear tu l'nahll' l'U'>· tomers to do most of lhl•tr hanl-;1ng chores -exn:pt de!)<h1t monl'' - IUllll R ...... l ltl CD llTH Tit lllTill'S llllEST S&l. r "hill" \hopping. ··~e lx·lu.•,ed J more propnetar} approach 1'> more appropriate than 101n1ng "'th them:· said Fred Enlo"'· \l'n1or \ICC president of retail product de,elopment fo1 Rank of .\mencn 1n I m \ngclr., ··ThJt doe">n t preclude other op- 11on'> do" n thl' road. but ""c hear the <1\l·1agt numhcr nl transaction!> on thl \ak"'a' machines 1s quite lo" ... he !>aid ( roc:kl"r National Bank '>pol>.es\\omnn Jana Rcesl' said Croclcr ha~ not part1c1pated in the program because the bank has au10- ma11r teller machtnl'S close to Safc- \\-a} !ilOrC'> Sale"a' '>pokC'>\NOman Debra Lambert said lhl' teller program "'ill not be hurt b) the holdout'> lllr \'PU hi .,~,1~ \\'Ith PIW llf~llr rroft.•-,-,tonnl lnn·-,tmcnt OHKl'r-, l l )..., T \ \ 1 I " \ <, \RDf "\ l1Rl l\"f Ill' TI,C.JO:-.. 1\1 ,\Cll l \(,L"~..\ Hll l " ~. ' I 1 r I' I ORA~GE -t I I h, ,.i ' I l.\I .\L Bl \C.11 '1 1'1 II H .:h I I -: .... ,,. I L'Sl '' I !I I ... .. ·~ ]. .. ~ t 90 DAY TERM It.,\ f '!Ill 1, 4 lt•21' cost ··~veral b1lltons ot dollars" and would be one of th e la~est such fac11tues in the world, Parr s~ud. However. Parr pointed out Uull.Jl9 dcc1s1ons have been made. Officials of China and ARCO arc .. meeting fatrl> rcgularl> .. to decide "hat to do w11h the ~s. he said ··if everything fell into place. such a plant could be in operauon b} 1989 he said .\RCO. the nauon·s se .. enth-larg- cst 011 company "'ith $25. I b1lllon in sa les last year. has a petrochemical d1v1s1on 10\ohed in producing plastics. but ll has no ten11t1er operations. Parr said. In other developments, ARC 0 executive Paul Ravcs1es denied Thursda} that an a~ccment for drilling rights off China supulates that ARCO buy low-priced Chane~ gasoline for export to the United States. A&eulw.been..11DJX>n1n.1 l.9~­to 20.000 barrels a da) o( ~hmese gasoline to the West Coast -the equivalent of an enure ocean-going tanker of~s a week With a growing petroleum indus· tf). but few autos. China has not had a large domesuc market for gasoline Local refiners blamed ARCO's Chinese 1mpons for exacerbating a glut of gasoline 1n Cahfom1a 1h1sJul) and earl} August. .. There 1s no connecuon v.hat soever bct"'een our Sout h China Sea drilling rights and the tmponauon of C hmesc gasoline," said Ra' es1es. .. They are completel> separate ar- rangements ... Line of credit OK'd for Diceon D1ceon Electronics Inc. ol lnine Fnda) announced 11 has arranged for a SIO million revohmg line of credit with Union Bank of Los Angele'>. This revoh mg line will remain m effect for approximately tv.o years at which time any outstanding balances can be converted into a fhe-ycarterm agreement. Interest pa} able \\-Ill be at the ban k·s pnme rate Peter Jonas. execut1H~ \.ICC' pres•· dent, said that the hne ofcred1t will be made available 10 meet workmg capital needs and for possible acqu1s1- 11ons. He further said that at this time. D1ceon has O\er S 12 m1lhon 10 cash and equivalents with long-term debt oflcss than S2 m1lhon. D1ceon El~tronics 1s one of the country's largest manufacturers of both complex and high technolog) mult1la)er c1rcu1t boards. Customers include original equipment manufac- t u rf! rs of computer tele- communiLat1ons and 1ns1rumen1a- uon systems. Irvine firm is new agent for marketing cellular telephones PacTcl Mobile .\cccs!> a Paulil Telesis Group compan} that bu1ll and operates the first cellular mobile telephone system 1n Southern (:ih- fom1a. has signed an agent 10 marlo..ct Mobili nx cellular mobile telephone service in San Bernardino and RI\ er- s1de cou nues Cellular C ommu01ca11on\ ( orp ol lrv10e. Cahf. "'as named PacTcl''i authorized agent for San Bernardino and R1vers1dc counues on Aug. 20. however. 11 began m agcnc) rela- tionship with Pac Tel in April when it was selected to market cellular mobllc telephone service 10 Orange County. Operating from 10951 South Mou nt Vernon Ave. 1n Collon. Cali f.. under president Michael Nasco. Cellular Commun1cat1ons will provide San Bernardino and R1ver- s1de customers wnh a s10gle pomt for equipment sales. 1 nstalla11on. ~nice and access to PacTers .. ast cellular network Roben F ampson of R1vcrs1dc 1s the general manager ol Cell ular Communications· Inland Empire lo- cation. which will open Sept. I A resident of San Bernardino and R1vers1dc s10ce 1968. Sampson de- veloped his 10terest 10 cellular tech- nology while employed 1n national telephone sales for Motorola. "PacTel cellular commun1cat1ons 1s brand new to this area and it's a much needed service:· he said. PacTel inaugurated us Southern California sys tem June 12 and has ac11 .. a1cd more than 7.000 telephone numbers 1n 1t!i first two months 1n business. The Southern C ahforn1a system co .. ers 4,500 square miles across Los Angeles, Orange. R1 .. er- s1de and San Bernardino counties. · Robcn•A Steuemagel. .. ice pres1· dent marke11ng at Pac Tel. said people "ho II\ e 10 San Bernardino and Rl\ers1de counties are prime can- didates for cellular mobile com- muni cauons. ··A.bout 90 percent of the popu- lation in tho~ t\\O counties uses the car to get back and forth to work and many of those people spend between half an hour 10 an hour commuting," Steuernagel said. "These highly mobile people '!_Ced to puc more product1 ve hours mfo their work day using cellular mobile telephones.·· he said. ( cllular tcl.'.hnology. de .. eloped b)' Bell Laboratories. makes more effi- cient use of the hm11ed radio frequen· cy spectrum than earlier mobile telephone systems. It is based on a senes oflow-powered 1ransce1 .. ers. or cell sites. arranged 10 a network of cells. connected to a central. com- puterized sv.1tch10g office. .\s the caller mo .. es from one area of the ci tt to another. the computer .. hands off" the call to the transce1 .. er p1ck10g up the stronger signal The new system greatly increases the number of mobile telephone cus- tomers who can be served and eliminates the problem of frequent busy signals. In addition 10 Cellular Com- mun1ca11ons which serves Orange. San Bernardino and R1vcrs1dc coun- ties. PacTel has four authorized agents 1n the greater Los Angeles area· Advanced Cellular Phone Co. and Ce lluphonc. Los Angeles; ( cllular Mobile Phone Co .. Van Nuys. and Dynatel Communications Corp .. Pasadena. George A Sons SMOG CHECK 32 l't.AHl-" B•llHJa G~t> & Ri<-h.,.d Pf'rlm 2 LOCATIO S • • • 3 PHO~ES. 845-7054 842·0480 548·1442 one lZ.50% 11.83% IZ.15% IZ.0&% Currtnt Ritt Great American First Saving Bank Currt'nt Yield• Currl'nt R.al• • Curf'f'nt Y~· - •r 0,., ,,, 'ttt-td \.fv~n 1, h.t"f"d l•t """mum ff I""'' OI t CJJt ""'' "~n ,.fh "~' annu.1t '".fd tl.llW'd tin ft-" urn-nl f.1tr"'h~'"" ,,..,Ull t•t• 1hil1ufftlf\t t411ttt l\MJ~ •<Hh.11' II~'"""'•• "'4• mumt>Atntt ~Ill 111 ,., "'!:'""" '" ••t"'1'""'""' •"' '""' ,,.,, .. tl•lr-"''"11'"" 'Jht1puo• lonvtullt• "'ra "'""""'""'""'"'Wmt•"'''' pr!Yflv lllhi>"''•' ~t '"'PY"'£!•~"°"" H untinfton leach fountain Vall•1 lalboa .-.nint.ula lalbOa liJand H..,on leach Woodbttda• Lacuna INch Monarch a., Laavna Nl&uel San Juan C.., trano C1Plltrano le.Kh San CletMn" ... Made in U.S.A. Fair aims at Japan's export market rr )OU lntereit<"d 1n ('\pon&ng a 1 product to Japan hut don't know whert': to stan? Th<" Japan fat<"mal T radc: Or· gani1anon <JETRO) 1' otlC-nna ._mencan cxporte~ who would lake to know how to exhibit their produ1.:h in Japan a oportunity to meet wnh potential Japanese buyers On March l 1·14, 198S,JETROw1ll be ponsorinaa 'ale$•Oriented 1mpon fair for U.$ prodUCl5 entitled the "Made in USA Fair," which will be held in Naaoya, Japan's 80,000: square.foot lnternattonal Exh1b1uon Hall display area. With a total of300 booth\ available free of charae. some of the "featured product catcgone!I" that arc re(- ommended for the Japanese marlo.ct arc medical eQuipment and supplies. computer-a 1 ted de~1&n and m nu· fac1urin1. biotechnoloa>. tck- communicauon , nnal) ucal inst1u- ments. sponing aood~. rtcreational equi pment and health foods . Each panicipant will be required to pay a secuntydcpostt ofSSOOand thu. depostl will be refunded in full after panac1pauna in the "Made in USA Fair." The panicipants will be liven the opponunityto duplay tt\eit produc" and meet Japanese potential buyer from.Japan 'ttead ins and speciahzed trading companies, wholesalers, de- partment stores and others who are lookinJ for new and unique products 10 sell m the Japanese markel. Buyers, from all over Japan, will be Stnt to Nagoya where they will meet. discuss and negotiate business con- tracts at one central location. This ~es the c~h1b1tor ume nd money, and 8J"e) the Amencan e potter valuable e~posurc to the Jap: nesc marktt in a four-da) penod The "Made In USA fair" 1$ bcina 'J>On o~ b) JETRO in cooperation with the Ministry of f ntcmationaJ Ttadt and Industry. The Nagoya lmpon Fair Foundatton and the U •. Department of Commerce. Since 'IP,ace 1s hm1tcd, booth appli· cation' will be accepted on a first come, first serve basas with No". 20 bemg designated as the official appli- cation deadline. For further information and booth reg1strauon applications. please con· tact Sh1a Tashiro. rcg1onal fair coordi- nator at Japan Trade Center SSS S. Flower St. 24th floor. Los Angeles. Cahf 9007 t. or phone 213-626-5700. trade only event. Webb ConstructiQn quietly moves headquarters to Irvine Del E. Webb ( on!.trUl'l1on ~en ices ( o the firm that built man'.> of the buildings that first altered the skyline of post-World War II Los Angeles. recently. and w1thou1 fanfare has moved tts West Coast D1\.1s1on offices to Irvine after 42 years an Los ~ngeles The construction compan> tha't \\as staned m I 928 b) ca~nter Del E Webb. w1th one cement mixer. I 0 11 UPs AND DowNs whet>lhamm'). 10 ~hovel!> and 10 picks. built tnc Bcverl> Hilton Hotel and the add1t1on to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel: tht' Los Angeles Count) Museum of Art and the Norton Simon Museum at Pasadena: the 30-stol) One Wilshire Butldina downtown. the Union Bank Bu1ldtn& in Bever!\ Hills and 1hc former T1shman Building on Century Bl"d (no..... part of Equitable ~1rpon Center>. Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital's Clinical Sciences Lab, Cedars-Sinai's Community Mental Health Center. the addition to Glen- dale Memonal Hospital. and Bel- mont H1ah School on West 2nd St. near down to.,., n to name a few. No stranger to Orange County. Webb's West Coast D1v1s1on also built tht' Angel!.' Baseball Stadium. ~nahe1m Convention Center and its add1ttons and Anaheim Civic Center NEW YORK (AP) Tne following llsl 10 snow5 lht Over·tht·Counler 11 slOCk\ and warranls thal have gone up 1 12 the most and down the most bined on 3 oercent of change for Monday 14 tl~ llj ) UD 11 ' Uo 11 II Env!>vs Ungmn USC8P Rou s II • 13 3 • 5 lH 13.3 13.0 12.1 No securities trading below $2 or 1000 JS 6 snares are Included UP 111 9 UP 10.9 10 Up 10.7 11 Mier Onvx ~!<: ·~ Jl. lH 118 11.S Labor of Love Few of the nation•• millloll9 of con•tractlon a ft.Dtace point of the •tatae that wu wt worken can claim u ezcttt.q&. and unique,. a 8ttD by their counterputa 100 ycan a.co. Job•• the.e men who are resto~ the Statue The re8toratlon project l.8 .cheduled to be of Liberty. WlelcUng their power toola high completed by the .tatue•• lOOth birthday ln aboye New York Harbo:r, the craftsmen baYe 1988. Costa Mesan·s test Pet Diaries Net and Percentage changes are the 17 difference between lhe orevlous closing 18 old Price and Mondav·s tasl btd price 19 Hagan un Seo I Cb TSR Mylan s FAFCO AdvMSv Pancret Hytek Hosos un iPSCO hemex lkonx n5un MutOll PanWst lntgOv Name 1 P~SL 2 U ot un 3 M ZIQU 4 AdvTet 5 VVQUSI S 6 7 AnecoR g Magel Pl ~ ~1.~~.1r ... UPS Last 2 2 2 15-16 4 • S11 2~ 2 l ~~ Cng + '') f 9 1~ ). 7.11 -\9 +S-16 + '• t 111 Pct. Up H·~ UP . UP . UP 21.4 Up 17 S Up 16.7 Up 14.3 UP 13.6 UP 12 S 20 H 24 2S Name I Clrcon 2 ConcD s 3 Compep A • Phrmd tl~ 10 ~ a 8~ lh l~ 8~ 1U ll Up 9.6 20 Pel. i 14.3 l~.7 1 6 I 6 H ~~ 2S Am Rest ColuGen Hurco AlrCal D11taOt FineA un lnlrctSv Panatch GtnesB CmPRs RgcvE s Dwight OmnRsh PnnMlll Tranlnd 53 .. 6 2 4 2 2 30lt. 311 6'• 41. 2'• 2 • 4 • l 1.1 ~I Newman and Penn) Blan. mg bab} albums -or. a~ they arc "Thefrc not 'books' and not reali) ; :·: partners m the Costa Mesa-ba~d cats. available an t'NO separate photo albums." c.xplatned Blair. "'itt 111 pubhshan& finn of Inky Dinky. Inc. edJtions: .. It's A Dog's Life:· and ··M) president of Ink) Oink). Inc. "The 111 plan to offer a new product designed C'at-alog." ~t Dtanes are a combination of the 18 ~ to fill a vacant ntchc in the ltves of pet Lakt-hab\ books. the d1ancs allov. two We've des1gned them so that pet 1g.1 lovers and their antmals. The) have mdulgent pet owners the oppon:mn) owners can personalize them and 1o·~ puhhshed and are current!} market-to chan the ltves of their a01mals record thcu animals' indi\'idual h1s.-lo:s called. "Pet Dianes" -for dogs and from pla) ful pupp) or knten to full-tori~ ... she satd. io.sl...:lllliiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~· l OVER THE COUNTER -· ~----- I • 7 ... M(,~ fi l23 Ill ~oG I• 9 J ~ii' I •'• 6 ~RI l'-lh• ';tt.' Of\ •• • 16 l M!~~p lO. JO'• Ma. n01 2•'-141• M<;'f.rm II II • Mc~trl J1 • ~'• McO..•v 2 1 : '• MedE! s JJ I ) " ~'K'Z I•• ,.._Mid~ \ J J' ~ M1l.ipr I~ I'• ~~~t~ S. • S. ' MonvC 27 t 21 • MoortP I 9 1 Morrin 34 • J6'-. MotClt> 16 16'• M..-lltf t • I l· 1• ~1rrgC 2• • • ~ Otta t t · 16 trwkS 22 • n1~ NY Alrl 26 11' • alCl<OG, 2•l• 2S1 • ,.,, .. tt,,. 1 • '''l '• 4' Nlkt ~ • Ji; NCar ' 29'. 29'~ ti:~ I • 1"-NouH 31. )9 ~ .. ,,... t7·l1 9·16 'IM , 31 • n . .oe. 2~.: ., . .~1~0 •• IJ l7 PCA toi 19 • 1 P1Q1t8 2 , "" PcvtR 9 • • P•u P! )•16 • PttrMt 0 •7 PenaEn 1 ' 1"-Ptnttr ' .-._ •"'-P-E• lj'• 34 Petri•~ ' I 11 ... Ptt·Do" I ... 17 '• PoOf'HI • 13· 16 Pou 1 lt 37 Po ... e 1 ll • l• Pr1GM 1A > 1••• PrHStv 32 1 7 '" Pr<19rP JS • S1, Pl>SvNC ff ff • Pur18n • '• OvakrC ' Aagtn 1 'I'! ,,,.: ~~ I t > 1 ' Roads ' • , 4 Rob'Mtv I >I'll 0~$t 1 '• 2 • ti.r ''I 4 f'C:O ~, • ~1 ; :~~~r , r10H '11 ooett tilt nior I .... I , vcMer ,i 1 '• vmu t .:!'11 .;)>, rirM~ 4 .. 4 J wmul 32 32', oloen• •I ... •I'• Ct!\1111 l"' 3'• "'EISv 7S ... 7S•· "''" The Great American R E! Great loans. Great rates. And a great $100 cash rebate if you act now! GREAT LOANS. It' -,ummertime. And the hvm' 1s easier than e\er with a loan tram Great Amentan Loan-.. tor can, boats, R\''s, mobile homes even a1rplanec;. Loan-.. tor installing pools. ~pas, or patios. Home improvement loans, equity loans ... most any loan ~ou need for Great American summertime living. ~ :·············· GREAT RATES. Phone todav: Th; Coupon Enttfleri 8 ••••• to di-..cover our 10\,\ rate-.. and • E'clrer lo d attordable tPrm'-1 Choo-..t> a • tompet1t1H~ tl\ed-rate loan. 8 Or our ne\\ Controlled 8 \an able Rat e "h1Ch : combine-.. the best or • a ~:~h :1'.~~ and -anablP E , " CASH RE BAT fr E • "~ ~~:,u~;,~,,· '°' '• ~ "' •....,. • • I 11' .. ,, )\MI "1< \I • • •It .. d I lllfl "" "' • I ,_ • • • Phone today! • 8 Get details and fn--4~ • .• 8 VUd~ \ r.u~: • Cut out thi valuatile J Orange County 644-: coupon for your 5100 8 (Call Collect) l6J4 • ca h rebate! • '••• • 8 ••••••••• • ·······= Great American G:r . a 1n Bank --llNDU Firsc n Oit u ~,,n ' •la •uru , .. ,,., '• ~n t<~m f "'t '" "Jt' • !Ut~.,i ·• im;:• hf'! 'a •rta' R.anl. 01 '<>Uth r.a.ldt"n6 . I\""~ S.\t .. • V\f•ah n~·. "lflOll'l\I l OU"1' ' \ nie .. 0 \N SS.S Billion en A-, '' • MOf't" th.in UO offil~ thr •• .. On the , • TUESDAY'S CLOSING P.RICE Dow JoNES AvERAGE . WHA T NYSE Orn NEW YORI( (AP) Auo. 21 NYSE LEADERS UPs AND DowN s NEW YORK {A'P) -The follOwlno II• ShOWi the New York Stodt Exc:MnCH 'tocks end warrenls that h4v• gone ui the ITl0$1 11nd dOwn the most based OI' i>e<cent of ch4noe revardleu of volum4 for Tuesdn. ~o ~urltles tradlno below 52 are Incl· • ed. Net and oercentaoe change, are lht d erenct betWMn the previous dosln' Price and Tuesdav'• 2 P.m pra. UPS Nome US! Cho Pct 1 Publlck Ind 4 t ~ UP ll.! 2 Berkey Pho s~ 'h HP 9.; 3 Rrnmada Inn 7~ ~ uP 9. · 4 R ~nd 8 ~ + 3.4 UP 9,»f 6 HR Ind n 6V. ...... UP S F n pAm 6Ye I v.i Uo t 7 Tloer Int 6~ i,, Up . • ~ RepublicCp 371"1 2~ Up .1 1 JIMIU CP 9¥8 + ~ Up 6. 1: ear 1s:i,.. + 1 UP 6. !eker Ind 7\41 •12 UP 71 12 lntf~arv S 76of 32 l 2 Up 6. 3 NSPw 8.IOP# J2.l.,. 411• Up 6 14 DukeP PIK fl:\lo 3J.. UP I iJ Hov1e1n11 3 Ye 1~ UP . CnPw 2 SOPr I 'f'I ~ Up . Mar~Q41 2~ 'ii UP . 1 MewOtfsh n 2~ •,;, P 18 lhlandGp 19'1• + 1 HP . n Geerhlnd 15''2 t l'4 Up Ka~bSvc 13 '-Up . Mooll Home 2~ • UP S Oo"'ld'°" "" t " UD J PerkrDrlll 8 + ~ Up 4. Wstn Union 19' • ~ Up 4.. DOWNS Name t Conlll adl pl 2 Mattel wt 3 Pan Am 4 lnllHarv pfD J Diver$ Ind Mat\•' 2.SOQf Equ mrk Co 8 Adami Drg 9 HomeDec>ot 10 Anacomp 11 Mattel Inc 12 PubSvc NH 13 lrun!JIFln n 1 4 ancTexas S source 6 ~J!:hrtCo pf 17 TeKHlntl 18 UnPark Mn l9 LehVallnd 20 NewprkFh 21 RtKnord H lnllHarv Joi trvng8k-adl Pf 4 Intl Harv 2S lntlHarv wt Last ChO Pct. 26~ -.. ,.. 13 7 9 -~ 89 4~ --7S 26 -2 71 ~ -~ 1.0 23"1 -2 '·t 15~ = 1 1 ' 1':1 16 -I .9 1~~ = ~ l:~ 4''"' -''• .6 61/J -"' .s 4--14 .• 2•;. -..... • 2~ -·-. J2\ = ~ : .,., -... 4 'n = ~ 2: VJ -l'h rt..= 2~ ~ -11. 4 WHAT AMEX Orn NEW vorfK (API AUG. 21 I AMEX LEADERS Due to late transmission today's listing will not ap- pear In the Dally Piiot. NASDAQ SUMMARY GoLo QuorE s METALS QuorEs - - ---- - --- That's an apt de cription of both business and business people along the Orange Coast. To keep track of where companies are going and which people are h lping tbem get th re.just watch 'Credit Line'-=---every day in the llusiness section of your n w Daily Pilat Two~ul•r l•ft·h•nd,r• h8ve a lock on U.S. Open. C2. TUESDAY AUGUST 28 ·1984 "'••bedder for NFL veterw ••teem• pare their roetera. C2. - Ha~field, '83 sophs Sea Kings' weapons . . I ~ I .. t t ' , " f • , f I' I . ,. ' . ._ .. _.,. -... Corona del Mar o.tly ...... pMloe ltJ NclMlrd I( .... Key players gone.- but CdM figures- to be in the race - By ROGER CAR~ON Of tlle °"" Net ... No one's predicting a red-hot start at Corona del Mar High where the Sea Kinas find them~lves picking up the pieces after heavy graduation losses, but when the stakes include the Sea View League ch~mp1onsh1p and CIF Central Conference playoff berths, insiders will tell you not to count out CdM. Coach Dave Holland's crew swept to the school's best ever showing an 198) (although his 1971 team won the Irvine League championship and finished 7-3). and although there are but five players who return with startmg experience. there are two key thmgs to consider l. Quarterback Bobb}' Hatfield, without a doubt the most exciting signal caller in Corona del Mar's history. returns. 2. Holland will tell you: "We're as green as grass, especially on defense," the fact remains the 1983 sophomore team was one of the strongest an the school's history. Nevertheless there are some thmgs the Sea Kings will have to get along without -such as two-year fullback- hnebacker Jeff Brown and receiver Don Pryor. Head Ca.ch: Dave Hollud Staff: . Dick Freeman (defenr;ivc coordinator) Jim North (line and secondary) Jerry Jelnick (receivers and pa ang game) Lague; Sea View. Nickname: Sea Kings ColoB: Blue and Silver. Offense: Pro, plit backs: ~fense~ Rc:tdin .SO. 1983 record: League 5-2; Overall: 8-3. Thurs . Sept. 6 Huntington Beach (at Nev.p0n) Fri .. ~pt 14 at n Oemcntc Thurs . ~pt . 20 Capo Valley (at cwpon) Fn .. Sept 28 Laguna Beach• (at 'c\\pon) Thurs .. Oct. 4 Wooclbndi;t* (at In: inc High) Fn .. Oct. 12 Costa Mesa• (at OCC) Fri .• Oct. IQ Universit) ... (at Newport) ~ri .. Oct. 26 Estancia• (at OCC) 'tri .. Nov. 2 Saddleback• (at 'ewpon) Fri .. Nov. 9 at cwpon Harbor'* •Denotes league pme. All Game~ at 7:30. Top _prospects Player Pos. Bobby Hatfield QB Tod Bcarbowcr CB-QB Jim Friedl FS-QB Robert Tomichek RB Dave Fisk ILB-RB Scan Turner SS-RB Chns Warner CB-RB Bnan Davison WR Steve Satchell SS-WR Ht. ~ 5-8 6-1 5-11 5-10 6-1 5-J I. ~ 6-1 Wt. Commmt 175 Sr .• All-League ~turner 155 Jr .• up from sophomores 175 Jr .. Valencia transfer 205 Sr .. returning starter 180 Sr .. '83 letterman 180 Jr .. up from sophomores 175 Jr , up from sophomores 175 Sr .• retummg starter 175 Sr .• '83 lettcrman Quarterback Bobby Hatfield ftgurea to gen- erate a lot of excitement for the Sea King•. "You don't replace a Jeff Brown," (Please .ee RATFIELD/C2) Robert Tomichek, a retarn.lna narter, adda ezperlence to the Corona del liar backfield. (Pleue eee BATPIELD/C2) Huntington Beach Head Coach. George Pascoe Staff: Howard Isom (defensive coordinator) Kurt Clemens (offensive hne) Dave Kurrie (wide receivers) Ro) Brummett (quarterbacks) Mike Dodd (outside linebackers) Andy Verdone (defensive line) Alex Henderson (inside linebackers) League: Sunset 1'11ckname~ Oiler.. Colors: Orange and Blad, Oeoqfe Pucoe Offense: Delaware wrnged-T. Dc:-fense: 50. 1983 record: League 3-1-1 · Overall: 7-3-1. 1984 schedule Thurs .• Sept 6 Corona del Mar (at Ne" pon) Fn .. Sept. 14 at Damien Fn .. Sept. 21 at Newport Harbor Fn .. Sept. 28 Long Beach Wilson Sat., Oct. 6 Mater Dc1 (al OCC') Fn . Oct. 12 Manna• Fn . Oct. 19 at Westmin!>tcr• Thurs .. Oct 25 Edison• (at OCC ) Fn .. Nov . 2 Ocean View• Fn., Nov. 9 Fountain Valle-r* *Denotes league game All games at 7:30. Top prospects P layer Pos. Ht. Wt. Comment Joe Napoli Ed Lidyoff QB 5-1 I 180 Jr .. up from sophomores QB 6-3 190 Sr .. '83 letterman (Please aee HUNTINGTON/C4) Angels stumble Ba ltimore takes advantage, applies 7-6 lesson inlO By RICHARD DUNN 0 .. 1)' HM Corr11taonct.ftl Somebod> should tell the Angels it's tough winning a d1v1s1on title when you can't do the little things After Monday's $ame the)' should've known 1t without being 1old os they not only missed another opportumt) to gam on Minnesota wtth their 7-6 lo s to Balttmore in I 0 innings, but the) lost It with pla)'s worked on m spnng traming. Late August 1s a bit late to begin rehearsinJ sacrifice bunts for the stretch dnvc. but what they proved at Anaheim Stadium m front of H .440 fans -perhaps they'll need to start And quickly. because they're sink- ing fast -Kansas Citv's takina the upper hand IO the AL w 'est IO terrns of streaking at the nght time -although its just in second place, three games off the pace -and the Angels are simply making themselves a mem- Or) It's tough enough to catch one team ··Each one of(our games) 1s getting tougher... said Manager John McNamara. ··we've played some tough ball games the last few weeks." The Angels' first m1shapoccured in the eighth mruoi-although later the evidence proved harmless. They ~eren't as ausp1c1ous an the ninth. however. The game had been lied at 6 an the eighth after Bobby Gnch brought Bob Boone home with a sconng fl} ball to center, but that was after Boone's 1nab1llty to move Gary Pettis over from first Pettis had opened the inning with o walk. and Boone's sacnfke attempt was in the air -effonle ly catchable for fi~t baseman Eddie Murra), who (Pleue aee ANGELS/C4 ) Hunting!_on Beach havingfun again T h omps on isgon e, ~~~l1~~~§§i5§i! but t h e newcom er s ~: a re a n xious fo r '84 By ROGER C~N Of the Dellr Not ·- You don't reall) ever replace football stars such as Danny Thomp- son, thet\lrO-tlmeSunscl Leaiuc Back of tbc Year and tw1~ an A.ll-Clf Division I chottt, but a\ Huntington Beach High the Oilers are still nding the crest of the past two years· success anq Coach peorge Pascoe 1s banklng on 1t. "Football 1s fun again at Hunt- mgton Beach." says the Stt<>nd-year coach, who took the Oilers to a share of the Sunset League championship after assuming the role JUSt days before the season began. -There's a lot of excitement being generated b> this football team ... continues Pascoe. "Our sophomore team was 8-2 and we have a slug of newcomers who are f01ng to play." Huntington Beach s roster includes JUSt one returning offensive and t~o returning defensive staners, but there are a lot of positives in the Oilers· camp -beginning with a coachmg staff that numbers eight mcludmg Pascoe. and 4LL OF THEM are on- campus teachers. a remarkable flip- flop. ~ ........................ Paul Bryant, a mentor wing back, po8e8 a dangeroua threat for Huntington Beach. "l attnbute that to (pnnc1pal) Ann Chleb1ck1." sa)s Pascoe "They're great teachers and great coaches. (Pl eue aee BUNTINGTON/C4 ) Fullback Scott Elliott moves from tile 90pbomore team to the Y&.ntty thla 8eUOD. Rams' choice: It's Lansford Barefooted kicker holds onto h is job; Nelson is waived By CURT SEEDEN Of u. Deity ~ .. .,. Mike Lansford's bare loot has 'von o ut over the more con\enuonal kicking shoe belonging 10 Chuck Nelson The Rams on Monda\ wa1'ed Nelson. thus end in~ one of the team's most bizarre nvalnes. Lansford. a third-year !>tar out of Washington. has spent the past two years battling for his JOb agams1 Nelson. a second -.ear star out of Washington Nelson. the Rams' No 4 draft pick a year ago, had the JOb tn his rookie season onl) because Lanstord was IOJUred But It was not an 1mpress1'c debut in the NFL for 1',fclson y, ho hit 5 ol 11 field goals and H of 37 extra points through the first 12 games Lansford. meanY.h1le. was slo\\ recuperating from off-season knee urger) He returned toact~ap1nst Buffalo in the 13th week oft he season and promptl)' connected on field goals of 3 7 and 49 yards Lansford's' biggest kick ol I Q83 came 1n the final game of the o;cason "hen he hit a 4l-\arder ~Ith t\>.O \Ceondc; remammg· to beat !'.cw Orleans and propel the Ramc; mto the NFL playoff~. In the process. he made thines'that much tougher for Nelson Lansford and ~elson \\Crt" team- mates and good fnend while at Washington. Their dressina cubicles at Anaheim Stadium are next to each other But up unttl the past few wecl..s. there had been nothing more than an uneas\ alliance betwcen the t\>.o kickers lnothermo'e Monda\. thl· Rams traded defens1,c bac'k (Jeorge Radacho.,..sk~ to the Indianapolis Colts 1n e'\change for an und1<>eloscd draft choice. Radachowskv. who attended Bo'>- ton College. was th1.: Ramc;· snenth- round draft choice The Rams al!>O announctd that the\ ha\C placed running b.tck John K.amana and comerback Roclenck F1c;hcr on their tnJun'd re!>Cn e hst and waned linebackers Da"d Lc"1" Ed Brad' and \.11l..e McDonald. ,:omerbac°ls Ma~llu<, Green and Da\ld Croud1p, dekns1'C' lineman 5hawn Miller. and \\lde l"C'CC1\C'r Michael Harix-r. Raiders send Hill to Giants No doubt, Mets have Good 'en in Dwight Gooden NEW YORK (AP) -AJI through his rookie season. Dwight Gooden has an 1 ted that he doc n 'l go for stnkeouts. JU t out But a couple of ten~ moment forttd him to change his thinkina. Gooden. escaping four potential ralhe with hi overpowering fa tball, t04' d a five-hUtcr Mon- day n1aht, striking out 12 bane~ to chalk up hi 11th multi-,lnkrout pmc of.the )car, a\ the N~ York Met defeated the Los ngclc' ~t S·I.. The ~onJ-pl ce fet moved within five gam~ of the d1\1'>1on · I chng Ch1caao Cubs. who w re idle. Ra1S1ng his major-league Mnkcout to 21'4, 31 h) of the rookie record set b> Herb Score in 19SS. Gooden. 13-8. \\On h1 fourth straight stan and ~•lk~ only one in completing hi fourth game m 26 outings. Gooden fanned every starter an the Dod er lineup e11cept oppo ina pitcher Fernando Valenzuela. I G-1 S. and catcher Mi kc io ia. who homered for the lone Los Angele run in the st\cnth. "The~ were times in this pmc "'hel't' I n:atl) nC'("d d to get the b.111 by the hitter ,"said the f 9 )Car-old hurler who has allov.ed only thrtt camcJ run' m h" la\t ,,. 1nnina., Goodcn, \\hO lowered his ERA to 2.91 estabhshed a rcrord for the , most stnkeouts 1n a a'°n b~ a t~n-a J fi~t-)ear pitcher. break- ina Gary Nolan' total of 206 for C1nc1on1tt at 18 in 1967. ln the second. with runnC'rs on first and second 10 a ~orelC' s tic, Gooden pumped up and ~truck out German Ri~e~ on three pttche He follov.td in the third after Vakntuela doubled to open the inning. by strilona out D ~c l\nde~on -in on th~ p1tchc -and then ott1na Ken Land· ~au' into a 0\1 out and Pedro Guerrero into a · mundout In th~ lounh. al\rr he "alkrd t leadoff batter Mikt Marshall, Gooden struck out Greg Brock on thrtt p1tche\. &ot Scio 11 to th out to center. and then truck out tevc ~' on three p1tcM . Gooden' ~ t ptrfOrm3n~ oc- ('Urttd in the si>.th inning ~hen he trandcd Landttau't at third after a leadoff tnple b~ fomna t"'-O focbk poJ?UPS and sandwiching a .. tnkC"OUt. ln the eighth. he made cnou1h Jrtat pikhe to tnkC' out the 1dt 1n ordcr, the 11 lh lime M-·~ ~r­ lormeJ the fl t thi ' r. The middle ncr. l.andttau'\, Jrcv. a ''° count before watching thrtt 'tn~c .. 11p nghl h\ ( \ ' I • ...-~~~~---~~~--~~----·~·~~~----------....---.... ~~~ ... --..................... ml!!lll .. 191!1 ...................... ..... It's the Mc Enroe-Connors s how U.S. Open tennis championships now private preserve for brash lefthanders EW YORK (AP) -l'\\O bruh .. left·hande~ John M~Enr~ and Ji mm~ Connors. have made the. U ., Open tennis champion hips their own pnvate pre rve. who art" UPJU~t ate\\ mile from the ilte. the top St'Cd Conno~ 1s )(~Jed No· hchtnd C"7cchoslo' alia\ han Lend I. In the \\Omen's ~II'\ lcs. 'o. I ~d Manina Na' r:uilo'a v.ill ht-~d;in her Stitth const('Utl'e Gr.ind lam title. Between them. McEnr~ and Con- nor1 ha'c won every men's s1n&I('~ title since America's pttm1er tennis event moved from the clubby con- fines of the West Side Tennis Club to the hard courts ot the Nauonal Tennis Center in Flu\h1n1 Meado\\, C onnol'\ \\ill ~ 101ng for his m.th Open title. a rttord surpa~<scd onl> b\ Bill Tilden. Richard Scars and 81fl Larned. each of whom won seven title~. Connors holds one record that ma) never be broken -he has \\On The $2 55 million Open ~ins its t\\o-week run toda> with McEnroe. Thonipson files $20 1nillion suit against Studio 54 From AP dl1patcbe1 N.EW YORK. -Oa\ld Thompson of m the Seattle SuperSonics filed a S20 million lawsuit Monday against the O"-ners of the Studio S4 discotheque, charging its employees ma> have ended his career by assaulting him. The 6-4 guard charged that as a result of a beauna he suffered inside the Manhattan club last March I 0. his "career as a professional basketball player has been laced 1n severe ·co ard\. and ma\' not be continued." He ·said the b<:ating caused him to miss most of the 1983-84 Na· t1onal Basketball .\ssoc1a11on ~a son '\o comment could be ob- tained from Cobham Entcrpnses. Inc O\\ner of the club. in calls to Studio 5~ or us pubhc1t~ agent Thl" suit at lJ S D1stnct Court in Manhattan assen'i 1hat Thompson \\as ~alkmg up a flight of stairs at 5 a.m when he ompeon was attacked b) an cmplo~ee. 1dcn11fied m the su1 1 as defendan1 \1an1n Sanuago of Staten Island. Thompson. who h \ «.'~ in Engle"'ood. Colo . fell down the stairs. where other employees grabbed him. dragged him. and thre" him onto the street. the suit charges. Thompson said he suffered a permanent knee tnJUry. as well as inJunes 10 his head and teeth Thompson. 30. was an All-American player at North Carolina State. leading the team to the NC AA title m 1974. He was named an NBA all-star four times. and once scored 73 points in a game. Last season. he played 19 of the team ·s 82 games. a' eragmg I:! 6 point\ pcrpme Quote of the day '81 Con•11, manager ot the Cteveland fndl.,,., after hts club fetl to 0-11 against the New ~ork Yri ... thla MU<>n before wlnnJng the lat garnet of Uw eeaaon wla: "I believe ln Jlnxu and 6n Oave Wlnflefd, Don Baylor and Don Mattl~ly. Eepectally In the last three." Hurricanes to hit Orlando? ORLA~DO Fla -Formal meetings CE are scheduled this week on the possibility •II• ofbnngmg a United States Football League team to Orlando with former Miami Humcanescoach Howard Schenllenbergerat the helm . The team in question 1s the Washington franchise that was destined for M1am1 under Schncllcoberecr - until the plan was abandoned last week. "If the team can be acquired at the right price and with Howard as the coach. I think we would have a great chance of success m Orlando," said Don Diznc\. a hospital corporation executive and minorit) owne'r of the USFL Tampa Ba> Bandtts. D1zney . who has a thoroughbred farm JO Ocala. was to have been a general partner with M1am1 m11l1ona1re Sherv.ood Weiser JO the plan to move the Washington Federals to M1am1. When USFL officials voted to swnch from summer 10 fall scheduling in 1986. Weiser and Schnellenberger pulled back. saying the> didn't want to compete directly with the Miami Dolphins of the ~auonal Football League or the Un1vers1t) ofM1am1. "If \OU can dream a bit. down the road we could have a successful franchise.' D1zney told the Orlando &ntmel. E ight hits in r ow for Mulllnlk• Ra.nee Mulllolkt !>Ct a Toronto record a for consecull'e hits and ErnJe Whitt and Willie Alken• homered as the Blue Jays continued their master) O\er the Minne· ·~ sota Twins wuh a 5-2'1ctof) Monda) night. Mulliniks collected three hits in his first three at-bats. giving him e1&ht ·straight hllS over four games. before bein& replaced b) a pinch-hitter in the seventh 1nnin1-With the count 3-1 on Mulliniks. the left-handed hitter was taken out of the game when the Twins brought in Pete Fllaoo, a left-handed pitcher. Pinch-hitter Dane lorg grounded out. Mullin iks' performance gave him 9 hits in 10 at-bats in the stries . . . In Other Amencan League games, Pat Sheridan and Darryl Motley sJugged doubles in a wild seventh inning that camcd Kansas City to a 7-4 victory over the skidding Chicago White Sox. Former Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College star Dan Qul1eoberry came on for has 35th save Cle\ eland's Bert Blyleveo pitched a four-hiller and Joe Carter wallcJped two home runs to help the Indians snap a four-game losing streak wnh a 7-1 \ICtOI') O\er Milwaukee Bre\\ers. Blyleven. \\ho has won five straight games to improve his record to 15·5, walked three and struck out three m completing his se,enth game of the season ... Bobby Meaclaam hn a l\\O-Out. two-run homer off Oakland's Bill Caudlll 1n the e1gh1h inning to gi\e the New York Yankees a wild 8-7 \ 1ctof) over slumping Oakland. }he A ·s. \\ho lost their ninth straight game. had gone ahead 7-6 with a ~even-run rally in the seventh. Dave Klogmao drove 1n four of the runs wtth his 32nd home run and a three-run double Dave Rlgbenl, who blew a chance to earn his 23rd save when Kingman doubled. stayed m to get the \ 1ctory. raising his record to 4-4 Phillies edge closer to Cubs Ivan DeJe1u1' two-run double high-a lighted a four-run fourth inning, keying the Philadelphia Phillies to a 9-1 rout of the San Diego Padres Monda} night. Winner Jerry Koo1mao, 14-10. pitched seven innings and gave up six hm before rel1c,crs Bill Campbell and Tug McGraw finished up The only run off Koosman came in the seventh on Alan Wlggtn1 ' RBI double The '1ctof) was the eighth in 11 games for the third-place Phillies. who trail the l\;a11onal League East-leading Chicago Cubs by 51 ~games . ln another ~at1onal League game. Bob Brenly douoled home the go-ahead run with one out tn the I I th inning and San Francisco went on to a 5-4 victory over Montreal After Montreal relic\Cr Jeff Reardon, 5· 7 reured the first batter in the 11th, Jeff Leonard drew a walk and stole second Bn 'll} follo"'ed by blooping a double JUSt 1ns1de the nght field foul line for a 4-3 San Francisco lead. Twins appeal Speier trade \111NNEAPOLIS -The Minnesota • Twins filed an appeal Monday with Comm1ss1oner Bowie Kuhn·s office. argu- ing that shortstop Chns Speier was damag- ed goods when they received him from St. Louis m a trade last week. Speier played one inning of a rained-out game m \.11lwaukee last Tucsda} and aggravat1:d a problem with his left heel. He "as put on the 15-day disabled hst. Twins executive \ICC president Howard Fox said the Cardinals knew about Spe1er's in1ury before the trade and Minnesota "ants Kuhn to nix the deal. Speier was 1raded for cash and a minor leaguer to be named later The Cardinals refused 10 call off the trade and said the) informed Minnesota of Spe1er's foot problem before the trade was completed. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS FEATURING THE OLYMPIC RALEIGH BICYCLES Tf1E BIKES THAT ARE GOLD MEDAL WINNERS· IN THEMSELVES nan • .. at111 "' 1111 WAllD Aft. fHIYIJIYWlt u.w ................... . ( 405 F ~ Magnolla 4 I ~ r---\~i~iir ___ _ I lnciudel 'nlW t"-~ tu-. 1M ld)atlng of both ftont Md ,_, .......,. lnO brMa ~=~~~~.!.61~~-J • Schwinn Fr1m1 Pump Reg. 4.99 IOW '215 ..... • W 1t1r Bottles From 88° • Lock ind C1bl1 Fro111 '&" . • Bikini Shorts From '1711 • Bikini Shoes 10% OFF HUNTINGTON VALLEY SCHWINN (71•) l•l· 1221 or &•1-0377 1hr u.s Open on all th~ surfa t.'S on whu:h u ha'I been contnmJ: arus. ('la\ and hard court · ~•nee bo1h arc in the top half of the I.Ira"· 1f Cun non. and McEnroe mcc1. ll will bt in tht' ~m1final'I on ~pt. 8 ln July, McEnrOt", ~ho has \\On three U S. Optn crc.w. ns, demoh.,hed Con- nOI'$ ().1 . 6· I. b·:? in the most lop'l1ded Wimbledon final in -'6 )car~ the French Open 1n June'and \lrlO his til')t Grand Slam c\Cnt, hH nc\:Cr captured the crown on th how roun at Louis Arm trona 'iad1um. But he has re ched tile last t"o finals. Connors al o was v1ctonou' in 1974, 1976 and 1978 -the latter the first )tar the U.S Open was stll~ at Flu!>htn& Meado\\. lf the top thr« falter. there are ~evcral other pla)crs who have the tools and credentials to capture the The last time the two met ai Flu~hina Meadow was 1980. when MC'Enroe solved Connors dimna a lifih·set tiebreaker in their four-hou1 semifinal McEnroe then went on to defeat Sweden's BJorn Bora for his c,econd of three consecutive titles crown. .., Mats Wtlandcr of Sweden. winner Lendl. who came from two set~ down to stun McEnroe 1n the final ot f the 1982 rrench Open and 1983 Australian O~n. took the ti lie at the .\ TP C'hamp1on~h1ps Sunday, a tour· namcnt that ·~ played on the ame t}Pt' surface as the U.S Open. Coetzee-Holmea fight Nov. 16 ATLANTA -The long-a""aned m heavyweight fight between lntemauonal Boxin& Frdera11on champion Larr~ Holmes and World Boxin~ .\!>soc1auon champion Gerrie Coet1ee will be !\io\ 16 at the Mack . Athletic Center in La\ Vega~. a tele\ 1s1on network reported Monda)'. Although no firm dollar figure was released the bout. to be promoted by Don King and Steve W}nn. will reponedly be worth S5 m1lhon to Holmes and $3 million to Coetzee. Cable Ne"s Network reparted Monda)' The meetmg of Coetzee, a H Untington Beach resident. and Holmes has been scheduled before but problems always arose to stall the confrontation The original date of the fight was June 8 m Las Vegas. but that fell through. On June 18. Holmes announced that he and King. wnh whom he has had public battles oetsee O\er 1he promouon of his lights. had signed an agreement for a fight with Coetzee 1n either ~ptember or October Holmes. who 1s undefeated. rehnqu1shed his World Boxing Counc1l t1tle last December rather than take pan in a King-promoted defense against Greg Page for $2 25 m1ll1on. C oetzee could be smpped of his WBA title 1f he fights Holmes."\\hq ha s not pet1t1oned thr \\ B.\ tor a Top 10 ranking · Dodgers r eactivate Russell "lE\\. YORK -fhe Los Angele~ a Dodgers have react1,a1ed !>hortstop Bill Russell from the I S-da) disabled list. the Nauonal Leagu<.' team announced Mon- day The ac11va11on of Russell . who wa'> suffering from a lower bad, problem bnngs the Dodger roster do"' n to the 25-man limit Russell is batung 2Q2 m 64 games in I %4\\1th no home runs and 16 runs balled 1 n. · Pell•s r esignation of ficial (1 ~J'\E5\ ILLE Fla - The Uni\ er· s sit) of Florida accepted the. res1gna11 on o. I 411 t head football coach Charle' Pell Monda' but incoming )Chool President ~1arshall Cnser said the Southeastern Conference ms11tu11on trnta11,ely plans 10 honor Pell'!> request tornmplete the 1984 season. Pell. whose program has been under f'..C AA 1n,es11gat1on for the past 20 months. submitted his hand·wntten res1gna11on Sunda\ and informed his players ofhts dec1s1on later that night ( nser told a news conference Monda' that the 4 3. }'ear-old coach would retain his JOb at least until the NCAA releases the results of us probe. "The exact effective date will be determmed b) the universit:r,-Criser said. · . He said the NCAA 1s still conducting the mvesugation and declined to speculate on when 1t m1~t reach a conclusion. In the meantime. he said university officials will keep abreast of de,elopments and take whatever action they deem neces'>al) "at the appropriate time." rl'elevialon, radio HLSVlllON 10 p.m. -90XIMG -ChanneA 56. RADtO 4!30 p.m. -IAuaALL -Dodgen at New :Yotk U.:. KABC (790). 7:30 p.m. -8AKIALL -Battlmore at .~ll!tf. KMPC (710). Randy White ends ho·ldout Carmichael, other vets sliced aSi'JFL teams trim up rosters From AP dl1patcbe1 Randy White, the Dallas Cowboys' all-pro defensive tackle and Wesley Walker. the New York Jets' star wide receiver. both ended training camp holdouts Monday as National Football League teams pared their rosters to 49 in preparation for Sunday's reaular-season openers. White. the bigest name amona a larac crop of NFL holdouts this summer. signed a new contract that was expected to make him the highest paid lineman in pro football. He had been asking for an average ofS 1.3 million per year o'er four years. far in e;(cess of the more than S700,000 per year paid Mark Gastineau of the Jets, whose contract White's agent. Howard Slusher. had held up as an cum pie. The return of Walker, who had been seeking to renegotiate his contract, paved the way for the release by the Jets of 34-year-old Harold Carrmchacl. whom the Jets had s1ancd as as wtde receiver insurance. Carmichael, who pla)'cd ~nh the Philadelphia Eagles for 13 seasons before being released tast winter. holds the NFL record of 127 straight games w1th at least one pass reception Numerous veterans were released in add1t1on to Carmichael. The New York Giants cut two players who started last \ear. guard J T. Turner and wide receiver John Mistler. They also placed veteran qwirterback Tom Owen on IOJUrcd reserve, and cut veteran defensive backs Mike Dennis and Pete Shaw along with Bill Neill, a one-lime Staner at nose tackle who has missed most of the last three seasons wi th inJunes. Chicago cut veteran punter Ra y Stachowicz, among 11 pla)ers tnmmed from the Bears· roster, and gave his job 10 Dave F1nzer. acquired for a draft choice from San D1eao. The Atlanta Falcons cut three players who s1.ancd at least part time last :year -defensive end Jeff Y cates, a 13· ~car 'etcran. running back Bo Robinson, a six-year 'eteran. and Sl'(·)car defensive tackle Mike Zele. The Ne"' Orleans Saints asked waivers on punter Russell Erxleben. their top draft choice in 1980 Another veteran kicker to go was Greg Cater. the Buffalo Bills' punter and ~1th him from Buffalo went running back Roland Hooks. stanmg his ninth season with the Bills. The Detroit Lions released 12 players, includ10J Ulysses Noms. a part-lime staner at light end last season and announced the} would take the unusual step of keeping four quanerbacks -starter Gary Danielson, Enc Hipple, Mike Machurek and rookie John Witkowski. Louisville Summit wins DEL MAR -Lou1sv11le Summit, a 7-1 choice. took command in the upper stretch and sped to a track record and a 2-length victory Monday 1n the $21.000 feature over seven furlongs at Del Mar Ridden by Laffit Pinca) and carrying 117 paunds. Louts' 1lle Summit covered the distance 1n 1.21 3-5. holding 4-5 favomc Tough Emo} at ba) 1n the stretch dnvc: Lou.1n1lle Summit. trained b} Tommy Doyle, broke the pre' 1ous record of 1.22 4-5 set Aug. 10 by lnqu1sit1on Tough En'o). assigned 122 pounds and ndden bv Chris Mccarron. had won four straight races. while Louis' 11le Summit had won twice in a dozen starts this year Tough Emo) took second b> three and a half lengths O\'Cr Somcthmgwonderful. which earned 117 pounds and Sand} Hawlc). HATFIELD LEADS SEA KINGS. • • From C l s s Holland. "But we think we have four good running backs and when the dust settles two are going to pla:y a lot. (Robert) Tomichek has the inside track. He ran a 4.8 (40) in the spnng and he's hea\ler and stronger Tomichek a\eragedJUSt under four yards percarf) as a Junior. ca IT} mg 22 11mes. His best 'ame was a 107-:yard effon on 17 carries 1n a I:!-1 w1p over Es1anc1a The core ol the Sea Kings· game howe,er. 1s at quanerback where Hatfield was running wild 1n through seven pmes in 1983. compleung 64 of I 12 passes for 964} ards and 6 TD!>. "'"h JU St 6 1nte1cept1ons He was lost for the balance of the season. however. with a shoulder IOJUf) 1n the following pme (a five- intcrcepuon d1~aster against Untver- ~lt}' ). "Hatfield makes a bad pla)' look aood.'' says Holland "He's not going to sprint out or run options. but he finds a way to run.· Hatfield's forte seems 10 be when the defensive pressure is at its peak. wuh his scramblm& and ab1hty 10 pick up receivers on the run The harder the rush the better his efTec- t1venes!I "We're aoin& to If) to move the pockrt around a little, like Washina- ton docs for Joe Theismann.'' adds Hott1nd. ·• ometimes he hH the coach pulllna ht\ h11r out, but coaches like that to happen sometimes. too." Holland's maJor conctrn lies ~1thin the earl~ aoina when the Sea K1n1\ ma) \till be foehna their wa} "To lX' hone\ I," he s.ys. "l (the kids can han1 on and team throuah the touah soma we'tt 1om1 to be a aood football ttam. If 1he) don't 4et d1scouraaed we can be rcall> aood. ' Mo .. t of Holland'\ concentration ha been '41lh the defon~ "here the 1ntrriul'Of the lint>. m~1dc linebacker' and much of thr !.l'condan mu'tt b<-rt·c~tahlt\hed · t Kevin Cavanaugh WR Mike McCallum WR Kc' 1n McLaughlin WR Matt Du Bow OLB·l E Tom Kordick TE Enc Nordquist TE Wes Metcalf OT Jeff Muller DT·OT Chris K1lpatnck DT·OT Tim Chnsuanscn DT·OT .\nd) Coleman JLB-OG Ste' e Chabrc I LB-OG TJ Hill OLB-OG Bob Roundtree OG Dan Stefano DT·C Tom McNeil NG-C Wes Metcall OT Wade Kerlc\ OT Pat McGrath OLB Chns Greco OLB Larry Brader\ I LB Gu> Putnins CB Jeff Hutchinson CB John Schisler FS 5-11 165 5-11 160 5-11 165 6-0 200 6-1 185 6-1 180 6-5 260 6-1 220 6-0 190 6·3 205 6-0 175 6-0 195 5-10 170 5-10 170 6-1 195 5.10 175 6-5 160 5-LO 175 5· 11 165 6-1 180 5-10 190 6-2 180 5-10 175 6-2 175 Sr., '83 let~'nnan Jr. up from sophs, 4. 7 40 Jr .. up from sophomores Jr . up from sophomores Sr .. did not pfay 1n '83 Jr .. up from sophomores Sr .. '83 letterman Sr .. '83 lettcnnan .Ir up from sophomom, Jr . up from sophomores Sr .. retumma starter Jr .. up from sophomores Sr . '83 lettennan Sr .. '83 letterman Jr. up from sophomores Sr .. '83 letterman Sr . mostly on offense Sr .. did not play m '83 Sr .. '83 letterman Jr .. place-kicker Jr .. up from sophomores Sr .. '83 letterman Sr .. did not etay tn '83 Sr .. retumtl\l Jlarter Bardsley SCC-bound Southern California College basketball coach Bill Reynolds has filled a void lefl b~ sharp.shootina auard Andre Smith \\hO &rdauated last St"ISOn. Ken Sardi~>·· a 6-4 off-auard who was a first-team All-Cf F star while at C:osta Me~a H11h. has announced h~ Wiii attend SCC thi~ 5Ca50n. Barc.lslcy \l1ll has two yea" of rnlle11ate e1ta1b1lity rcmainina. Rt')'holds al'iO announced that former Cypress Collc1t star Mike Bruce. a 6-8 center. "'Ill also join the V1n1uard1 Bru<-t pla)td Ja~t ;.cuon .nt the lJnl\tr it) of .\laitka at Fairbank,. .ind ha~ onr )tarot clia1b1ht) rt'ma1n· mg Dallas Green brings the Cubs out of their den W"'lO--r----'"":"""--_.:;.--~~~:--=-------' He as turned Chi g i t t d bul we hall to pout 1t.:•• to the Ph1lhc:i. l ' praf11\ and pulled .. We had lot ot unN!ppy &U) .. Ca 0 n 0 a COn en Cr When the re uh \\eren't there the off a deal that finally put the Cubs on id Green ~ho then cngmecred th wl Ith a few simple work habits and pride lir!.t t\\O )C'Dr"i and Grttn was opcnl) track. He acquired outfieldeno Gar) deal which made CVC:f)iibdy h PPYi _ cnt1c11t'J, 11 wa~ ";a ~tb ck in e&o nd Matthews and peed tcr Bob Ol!m1cr sohdiliod thc p1tch1n Ullf no pride. I ~as gelling the kclinll fa\t for reliever Rill C»mpbell. tum d the Cutn into KnOU con· CHIC AC10 (AP) -Dalla Green has built the Chicago Cubs mto :. pennant contender sccmin&ly ovcr-ni~t with the help of his (riends in p.hlladclphia and a few inspirational tap . So Green. who had led the Philadcl· ph1a Phillies to tht 1980 World Scnc championship. began making changes throughout the organiLat1on. He adopted slopn~ o;uch a'> "Building A New Trnd1t1on" and used adjc<·- ta ves such as "winners" and "gamers." that not too man) people in C hic.:a o The key to the deal? "'I tm Stod· tenders thought l wa~ a good baseball man dard." s~ud Grrcn. Green wapped Hall, outfielder Joe "That was tough togulpdo"n," he Onginall). the trade "ould ha'e Caner and pitcher Don :hulze to said ... J \\BS re pected in Philadel· mvohed 8111 Buckner. "ho aslc:d tor Cit, eland for p1tchcr5 Rack Sutch e. ph1a, I had the rcspet:t of m) peers. the added in~ntiv~ ~htch fon;ed the Gcorae Frazier and catcher Ron media and management. I didn't Phillies to back off. Hasse). "The only wa:r to mov~ things around was to have everybody quit accepting losing," said Green, who was hirrd a$ general m11nager of the Cubs prior to the 1982 season have the feel here that the fans and t~ "When \\t' acquired Stoddard. that ''Hall opened the door for med ta were acccpting me'as a baseb311 set everything up," said Green. "Atler MorcJand:· said Green. "We felt that "I wanted to do 1t right awa). I was upset with '82 and '8l" said Green. whose Cubs now lead the National l...eaJue East. "Reahsllcall:r I didn't .:nv1sion such success. But "hen I came here. I didn't have a timetable .. man." / that it had a domino effect." had to happen and there was the Green \\Cnt about rebu1ldihf the Buckner, unhappy becau~ Leon power potential of Moreland" team from the Hr) stan. making a Durham had been brought in from Dad inJuries to pitchen; Scott sen cs ot dcals \\Ith the Phil hes m the outfield to take O\ er fint base, "'8s Sanderson and Dick RuthvC'ft force ''There were hangups that affected work habits and pnde. The organiza- tion was devoid of work habats. direction, goals and pnde and that was go10g to take some time to change.« acquinnf R)ne Sandberg. Larr) dealt to Boston for pitcher Dennis the big trades? Bo"a Kenh Moreland and a few Eckerslty. "We didn't feel comfonable Green admm that "maybe "'e came on too o;trong and popped off too much about what the Ph1ll1e' did. others -who an.· no lon~er with the But Buckner hadn't been the onh· without p1tch1og and "WC were aoing club. Some people JOk1ngly la0eled unhappy Cub Moreland was d1~ after pitchinJ." sa1d Green. "We had the Cubs the ''Phillies West." satisfied at being platooned with Mel the ammunition. We felt Buclcner l ndauntcd. Green -went ri1tht back Hall. who was equally dissatisfied. would bnn1t a qualit\' pitcher. R~oaal tennl• worbbop Al'ter a tWO-}ear run an San Francisco. the United States Tenms Assoc1auon's Western RCiJonal Workshop will return 10 the Los An&eles area Ten ms coach Nick Bolletllen heads the ro!.tcr ol exptns who will be malung presentations al the Lona Beach Convenuon Center Sept 14-1 b Bolletuen's protcgcs include J1mm~ Anu. C'arhn' Bassett and Aaron Knd.stean Joanang Bollettien for this workshop 1i> UC' ln1ne tems coach Greg Patton among other anstructo~ More 1nformat1on on the workshop is avail able by wnung to: UST A Western Regional Workshop. 729 Alexander Road. Pnnceton N.J . 08540. or phone (609) 452-2580. Blllfl•bl..ag aemlaan One-da:r seminars on b1lllish and ballfohang will be offered an se\eral Southern Cahfornaa c1ues an September, 1ncludang Newpon Beach Thl' lim seminar will be held Sept 19 at the Los .\ngeles Count) Museum of Natural H1stol'). Marine Hall. 900 fapo~111on Bl\d Lo<, .\ngele\ The Newpon Beach ~manar 1\ ~t for Scp1 20 at the Balboa Ba) Club. maan ballroom 1221 Pacific (oa~t Haghwa) from 6-9 pm Other!>Cmanars will be held an Chnard and San Diego ~manar .1dm1~s1on I\ S25 lnformauon 1s a' aalabk h) phoning 261..fll60 Slow pitch 110ftball tourney The second annual Bud Light Slow Pilch softball tournament will be held Sep1. 15-16 1n Santa Fe Spnngs. Teams from throughout Southern Cahfom1a are currentl) being registered for the two-da). double elam1na11on tournament Dl\ls1ons in- clude men's C and D coed ( and D and women·, Band C Proceeds from the toume' will go 10 the<''' of Hope Medical Cen1cr an Duarte For more anforma11on. phone 521-5h02 Three-man basketball league. ~pphcataon'I arc now being accepted for the Fountain Valle} Recreation Depanment's fall three-man basketball league<;. 1 cam rosters and fees can be ~ubm111ed to the recreation depanment at 10::!00 Slater Ave. through Sept. 28 at 4 p.m. Fee is S60 ptr team and must be subm111ed an ther form of a sponsor\ ched .. mone} order or c:ash1er\ check. madl' pa:-ablc 10 1he C'll) of Fountain Valle\ Leagues will be d1,1ded into .\. B and NYOTH (all pla)ers o\cr JO with no height n:stnc11on'>) Games will be pla)cd on l uesda} and Thursda' nights For more information. phone 963-!iJll. C\h~n\10n 237 Free boa tlng cJaue• 1 he Balboa Power Squadron a unn of 1he L nitcd \talc\ Power Squadrom and the L \ ( oast Guard o\uJ1.1haI) ha' c scheduled free hoa11ng clas..c\ stanang in Scptember Thl' Balboa Power \quadron dass will suirt ~1onda' Sept I Oat the -...ewpon Harbor 'l acht ( luh llih and Ba' Strl'C'IS Balboa. a1 1 pm and run 1 l wed.!> . fall da'l\C.'\ ot1ercd b' F-lotalla I :i-04 ot the ( G \ wall get undl·r "a\ 1 uewa' Sept I I at Ed1\on High 'Xhool ~1.ioo \.1agnoha .\H Huntington Be.Kh and at T u\tan High ~·htl(il 11 71 l .1guna Road Tu,11n \II das\l'\ an· lree ltl the puhlac Madison bicycle raclnJl Thl· Oh mp1l \. elodroml' on The <ampu\ of Cal \fall' Dominguez Hall~ I\ thl' \Ill' for lhe ( hn\11.in Dior ( ahforn1a ( oa\1 Classic -fi,e Sunda'~ of \.1adason' handt raung Race\ an· \l hedulcd for 4 pm on 'X'pt 2 9 lo. 2l and \0 Mad1\on racang ascompmcd of I :!and 151~0- man rrla) 1ag 1eams .\her racing at top speed from one to three lap~ onn· l~chst m a team nchangc~ places w11h hi\ panncr who has bttn nding the track an re!>tful lap' 'BKh race CO\Cf\ about 10 mah:' and la\I\ appro\lmatl'I' 20 manutl'\ T1li-.l'I\ wall be on sale two ht•ur\ befort' the race\ at the \rlodroml' bo' ollin· and arc pmed at S4 r he l)ep1 30 11cl-.ets arcs 5 Park mg IS ln:l' F-or more 10forma11on phone I 21l)516-4000 Sigel can make golf history He begins bid to win third amateur title EDMOND. Okla ( ..\P) -Bobb~ Jones never dtd 1t. and neither did Jack Nicklaus -but Ja) Sigel has a chance to be the lim golfer to win three consecut1,·e ll.S. Amateur champ1onsh1p~. "To win one ..\mateur wa!> ama1- ma. and lOWIO two was 10cred1b.l.e. To wm three that's unthmkablc. said Sigel. of BeN'} n. Pa . who shot 1- under-par at Oak Tree Golf Club dunng a recent v1s1t The M4th l S .\matcur Cham· p1onsh1p begms toda\. at Oal.. T rl'1..' an Edmond No golfer has -non thrct· consecuti ve title\ -not Jone'>. "ho won five m the seven yearc; lx'g1nnmg 1n 1924. and not N 1cklaus. "ho "on 1n 1959and 1961 Wtnntng at Oali. Tree thl\ t1m1..· ol )ear "-111 be an endurance tec;t 1 h1..· 7.015-\ard. par-71 course gatn\ 11\ Scottish fla, or from thl· "at1..·r. thl.' trees and the eln auon chang1..· It gains its Oklahoma tla,or from tht• searing af\ernoon. which the l\a- t1onal Weather Ser' ice pred1ll<. "111 top I 00 deJ!,rces. and from thl· murderous \\Ind "h's been Hf'\. ~ttll for lhl· pa't three weeks." ~1d Kenn) Hull. assistant golf proks\lonal <Jt Oak KOre&n calls out for Olympic unity SEOUL, South Ko,_ (AP) Ca11- lng for the Otymplc movement to rid tt..,f of potlttcel lnftuence. the prMldent of tn. S.OUI OfYmptC Orgtmlzlng _Commit• Tueeday urged athfet• ~·to take part ln the 1988 Summer Oamee In South Korea. "At no time In Olympic history, after the unhappy exp«Jence of •tM MOICOW and Loe AngelM Olymplca, hu the need for Int•· natlonat cooperation In pr~ the purity of the Olympic mov.- ment been more urgent thtm tOday," Roh TM-WOO Mid. "Th• Olympic Ideals thOUld .,. pursued no matt• to what trying t .. t• they .,. tub)etted." In a apeech and quest on·and- ,,.n.m:war MUlon at the Seoul Cor· reapond nt•' Club. Roh ,..ferreo to the Western boycott of the Moa- CCNI Otymplce and the Soviet-led boycOtt of the recently-conciuded Loe Angetea Games. "I would Ilk• to ltf'MI that to h tp the Olymp4c movement get rid of pofftlcaJ 1nfluence and lnfute it with new vitality 11 the duty of Olympie apotta-lovlng S*>Pte of the WOtld. • • he Mkt. "We wfft ... to It that all qualtfled Olympic athletea of th world wm .,. able to get tog her In our gamea, ~ for the tlrat t me In 12 yean ehw:. the Montr I gamM. •11 would at o like to mak• It cl r tl«t that we llne.t ly requ t government leadera;' spona of- flcl3la 9nd atht.t• of the countri th whld\ we hav no d lomatre retationa to come to Seoul un- h t tingly tor t Games " 1 H'C But C\cn \\llhout -nind hl' said he "ould Ix• \urpn~ed to sec man~ ,ub-par round.., lln the course -nherc the tournaml·nt n.·rnrd 1c; I-under-par 61'. Tlw <.,tarting lkld of 282 toda) indudl'\ \Ur\ 1' llf'• from among the ,,604 ho~ful, "ho entered !>ct·ttonal qualtf\lng .tt W \ties around the l'UUntf'\ t•arlil·r thl\ month ~1gcl tx·caml' 1hc eighth m:rn to" in \Ul'l'l'\\I \ l' \ m.lll'Ur t ttkc, in I \)b' at ~orth \hem· ( ountn (!uh in (1kn ''c". Ill lk al<,o \\On thl' 14~2 thamp1on.,h1p at The <.. ountn t luh at Hrool..ltnt• \1a\\ { 'hn' < ulc prcc;1den1 ot the duh and tha1rman of the tournament. 1..alkd \1gd. an 10<,urancc 1.."\1..'rnt1,~· "a pur1..· .1mat1..·ur. an .1ma1eur.., amateur·· ~1gel al'o \\J\ t'\cmpt h) 'trtul' tit be10g ltm am.llt'Ur in the I ~84 l \ Open. 198' m1d-.\mateur champ10~ and a pla\ Intl member of tht: I ')IL l ~Ci..\ \\.orld .\mateur and I%'\ \\alkcr (up tt•ams Former prnle<isional football quar- terhatk John Brod) and Nathaniel \rosb". lion of the late cntertamt•r Bing Crosh) and I Q8 I U .S Amateur t hamp1on also al\' m the tourn('} The L ~ .\mateur also pro' 1de a showcase for the talents of top collegiate pla\Cr\ and offers a P«'" 1cw of some of tho~ -who will hc\.·omc tam1har names on the protC s1onal tour Coll' '31d. ··we've got n chRncc to haH a local hm male aood. • C ok said. noting ~·~eral tat(' rollc 1an~ \Ut\I' eJ ~'('­ t1onal qualil)1na Pla\e"' will compete 1n .\b hole\ ol \trokc pla\ toda\ and \\'cdnc~1a) to determine· the (,4 pla)c~ who ad· , ance to mat<'h pl3\ fal'h Hlntc\tant -will pla) one round :it Oal Ttt"~ <toll < luh and om· round at the par· 70 0;1l T rt'C CCluntf\ ( luh ;i, ro'' thl' \Ire(\ T"o wunth ofm:uch pla\ ~111 he' 1..1>nduct~ at the dub on ThursJa, and l nda\, \\Ith tht• 'l('m11in:al rn~nJ 11n \aturJa, anti the 't...holl" hnal 11111nd on \undn' ,. Miami'• Darryl Oliver carries the ball for short gain aa Auburn'• Jim Bone (51) tries to tackle durln& Monday nlCbt'a annaal " Klcko!f Clwic. Miami won it. 20-18. ]># Miami pulls off shocker ~ Hurricane hits No .I Auburn in the form of 20-18 def eat M 1am1 l<lf\ ed out its latt'Sl shocker on K~r·s sconng • pa!>ses of 17 and eight )'ards to flanker Stan le) Shakespeare 1n the fir;t 20 mmutes. founh-quaner field goals of 45 and .25 \.ard!> b' Co't and a rebuilt but fie~ defense that held • Bo Jack<.,on .\ubum·s .\II-..\mencan halfback to 96 :rarcls on .20came\ E.\~l Rl THERFORD. 'J (.\Pl -Bernie )\,osar pas!>ed for '29 ~ards and l\\O liN-half 1uu1..·hdo"ns and fre5hman (1reg Co\ k1ckt"d d pair of field goals mduding the game-winning 25-~ardt'r ''Ith 6:08 remaining. as defendtng national champion M1am1 '\tunned '\io !- ranked .\uburn .20-18 ~onda' ntFht in the St"cond annual l\.1cl..off Clas .. 1c \.franv. h1le \11am1 got 140 \ards on 2 I rushes from • • sophomore .\lonzo Highsmith and st) m1ed ..\ubum's la.st threat ma see-sa" founh quarter when defensl\ e end Juho ..., Cones n.·co' ered a fumbled p1tchou1 b) the losers· Brent Fullwood at the .\ubum 41) "-Ith 2 57 left to pla)' The game ended '~1th \11am1 on the ..\ubum .2-)ard hne. whett Kos.ir "ho completed .21 ot 38 passes. Jet the doc\.. run The '1c1on m the fif"it rnllege football game ol the season made a v.mner of J1mm\ Johnson m h1~ debut as \11an11's head coach and stretched the Humcanes' "-tnmng streak to 12 game' longest m the natton out. .,. ..\ubum scored m onl~ touchdown on a 31-yard pass .' from Pat Washington to" 1dr recc1~ er C1a)'10n Beauford m " , the 5e1.:ond penod. J' Quarterback Bernie Kosar of Miami eludea tackle by Auburn'• Tim Powell ·~-....... durln& flnt quarter acdon. Kou.r paued for more than 300 ya.rda on the nleht. Soviets crush Cuba in basketball, 123-90 M< l~< < l\\ c .\Pl \n 1da'- Romas \abo01' cored :!4 ptltntc. to lead the 'Kl\ 1ct Union to a I.::! ,,QO thra\h1n of ( ub3 Monda) night 10 a prehm1naf' N\kctball gam1..· l'On-\1dc~ a pn·, 1l'" of the p<l\\lhk linal 1n the 13\l c'ent ol thc f ncnJ,h1p 't<4 1amc' lhr < uh.In\, "ho tr:ukd h' ~s point\ at halftime: ot th(' griluJ'I · \' game. Jlla\cd a helter ~'\:ond hall putt ins up 4. Jl'llnt' tu the: So' 1ct\0 ,, t'l->01 g.a\t' th "l<'l\ n fhr pc mt lrad tn the t'~n "8 m1nuh:' ..-. 1th t"o JUnlf\ ~hot\ anJ fr tl1f'('" "'-•tore ( uba ,, on·J \d"'-lnic. t· t·ountC'd for nmr \t'' 1ct h3\li.t't'> lrurn the floor and '" po10tc. Imm tht' foul line High \(llrer tor ( llha ":\' \llon~i f dl\ Mo ale-; "1th 11'. toll,lv.C'd h' lrrl\cno Latcne lnt@-1\ 3nd I homai. Hcm.·ra Man1nf."\ With I 4i romt' ap1«r Thl' tn 1C'\\ had "' pla~t'f\ m Jouhlc ti ure,, tout tx•tnrt halll1mc ktort fonda' night'" c-ontC'\t. thC' t'uhan nauonol t\'am " ~ g1' en th(' ~~.tchann: of b( una the IQ ~ "Ortd champh'n '1rt' a-. both t~n!' h d rtthm1, r\ nc' rttord" of tour v.1n ap1n\t no lo 56. Only C1ccho lovakta. wh1ch h!-at • Poland 87 7S. remained undcfc3tC'd , 1n the pn-hmmaric . alona "ith thC' • • \ICU 1'10 pm~ arc scht-dul('d toda}. • ~m1fin.at WC'Jnesda) W111 pu th( ~' 1cl Union ga1nM Pol.Ind and • ( 1e<ho'>lo,ak1a again t ( ubl. with the final' Thu~' wnppma up (C1ml)('t1\lon in th~· I m:nd hip ·34 < .amc • • In other ba .. lcthall t1on fond4>- f1nland O\l'rpoweft'd l olomb1a I))'!. 0. Rut na "i>ll O\"Cf Hun f) Q-."' I and na do" ncJ 1.. rOCX'O • q."'o MAJOR L• AGUI STANDINGS ArMrlcan Leeevt Mill •ltOle 1<1ntas Cttv """" ClllC:tOO 0111.i.nd TtllH Oerrolt l'Ol'Ol'IO &attlmort N...,. Vork loa1on Cleveland MllWt.UllH s.11111 WIST OIVISIO .. W L .. 62 65 65 ., •7 61 " 60 12 57 73 IAST DIVISION U •S 74 s. 71 Sf 70 60 .. 62 st 74 SS 1• 57 14 ~a. m 500 •ts 473 OS QI 01 .l s • 'J t 11 JH, 1•1 i u, 171•1 21 l 31 n1 Mendav•1 sc-• Bellfrnore 7, A,,_, 6 10 111n1n11• CleYt•tnd 7. MllweukH I Kan•H Cltv 1, Cl'tlc•go 4 Toronto S Ml"""o11 1 New York t. Otlll•no 1 Only g•mei 1cl'tedule<I TOd•V'l Gamet &elllmort (McGrtilor IS· 111 al Anetlt (Sitton S·6) (n) Cl'tlc;ago !Nal•on Z·Sl ar Toronto IAlu ander 12•$), (n) Cltvtltnd (H .. lort I· 13) et Mllweulo.tt (Mc;Clurt •·Sl. lnl loston (Hu"t 11·81 ar M1nne.011 (Viola l•·ll), (II) TtxH (Darwin 7-91 a• lo;ansu Cllv tGure 12·9J, (nl Ntw YOf'k (Fon11001 b-81 ar Oa1o.1and <Conroy 1-3). (n) Dtlroll (Ber~guer 1·8 • !>eat11e <Moore S· 131. (nl WtcMHdaV'I Game' B11lllmore al Al'Mh Chicago al TOf'onto. <nl Cleveland al MllwaukH, (I'll Boston Al MfnnHOI•. (n) Tun et Kansas Cfly, (nl Dttroll el S.etlt., (n) Ntw York at Oalo.land, tnl Na"ONI LNCJUe WEST DIVISION W L San O•eoo 76 S.C HOullOn 67 65 All1nl1 6S 6S Dedttrs 63 .. Clncinnetl S4 76 Sen Fr1ncl•co S? 17 C!'ll<:aoo New Yor~ Phlladetohlt Montreat St. Louts PllhOUrgh EAST DIVISION 76 53 11 sa 10 sa 6' 65 6' 6S S6 74 Mondlv'1 Score• New York S. DDCl9ars I PC!. 585 soa 500 481 4IS 4()) 589 5SO 547 496 496 431 Gtl 10 II 13 , 22 23 , 5 5 l 12 12 20 l San Francisco s. Montrea1 4, 11 nn1ngs Pbll1delpllle 9, San Diego l Only oames sctitdultd TodtV's Game' Doeleen (Honevcu11 10·71 al New Vo•~ (Terrett •· 10), (n) Clncinnall (Pestort 3-7 ano McGatt111an 3·5) er Chicago <Eckarsltv 7-7 ano ~utllven J-9), 2 Sen Francisco <Robinson 6· 13) II Mon lrtal (Smllll 9·10). <nl San DltOO (Hawkins 7·6) •' ?hll1dt1on111 (Rawlev 6·3), (n) St. Louis !AnCluiar 17-1 ll a1 Atlanta. (Camp 6-6), (n) ?lllsburgll (Tudor 1·8) 111 Hou11on (N1ekro 13·9) (n) WadntldaV'I Gtmts Oedewt at Ntw Vort< (nl C1nc:1nnall et Chicago San Franc(1co at Monrree San Oltilo er ?hlledtlohle St Louis 111 Allen11 PlllsOurgll ar Hou1ton AMERICAN LEAGUE Orioles 7. Angels 6 &AL TIMORE CALIFORNIA 8umorv cf SMlbv rt RIPktn u EMurrv lo Low"'tn 11 MKYno or Slng11n oh Grou 30 TCruz 30 Nolan on RnfrCI D' Dauer 2b Dempsy c Totals ab r II bl • 3 2 l s 0 0 0 4 2 2 2 s 1 2 l s 0 2 0 0 I 0 0 s 0 0 0 '0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 I 4 0 l 0 Wllfono 20 Benloz r>ll OMlller ID N1rror. 10 Gncll ID Lvnn cf OtCncs lD Downing rl ReJltS" Oil MC Bron rt ?tll•S ci B00'1t c Scnoflld u Scon1rs on ?tcclolo u 40 113 1 Totals Score llV IMltlQs ab ( ll 111 3 1 I 0 I 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 ; 0 0 1 , , 0 0 4 1 1 3 s 1 2 0 ' 0 0 0 J l I 1 1 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 3 0 , 0 , 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 ,, • 11 ' &attirnor• 102 000 300 1-7 Ctlltomla JOO 002 010 0-6 Game WI-R&l -Deuer tl/ E-EMurrav. LS..ncnez OP-Balllmore I, Calltornle I LOB-B1111mort I Cal tornle 11 2&-8umorv, EMurray Oautr 2 Downing, HR-Bumorv Ill. RIPken <20J. EMurrev !24), DeCinces (I]) SB-Wllton11 (3) SF-Grich Dauer IP H R ER BIS SO Btlflmort GDav11 s 3 3 J TMartnez 2 2 1 1 SSrewarr W .~ 2 3 1 ) C1Jlfoml1 Romanick 6 '1 ) 1 LSancnez L 8·6 • 4 • ? T-3 17 A-?3,'40 NATIONAL LEAGUE M•ti S, D~rs 1 LOS ANGEl..S HEW YORK Ancesn u Ler>Clr• ct Guerrer rt Marsili 11 Brock lb Sclosc1a c Su2b Rivera JD Amlung Pl' L&ndSIY 30 va1enz1a o Tot111 ab r II bl ao r II bl 4 a 0 0 BackMn u 3 0 0 0 • O 1 O Oouend n 0 o O o 4 0 0 0 MWllsn d 3 0 0 0 3 o 0 o H•nndz 1 D l 1 0 o • 0 1 0 Fo1rer II J , 1 0 4 I l 1 S!rwDrv rl 1 I 0 0 3 0 I O Brook 1 JD 4 1 3 2 2 O O O Cllpmn 2b • I 1 1 I 0 0 0 F 11lgtrld c 2 0 0 0 O O O 0 Goocien P 3 O O O J 0 1 0 32 I S 1 Tot•ll Score l>V lnnlng1 21 s 6 • LOS Al\99411 000 000 100-t ...... Yoo 000 JOI OIA-s Garre W•M•~CI R81 -Broo"'s 11 E-Sc1osc a OP-Los A"oe1115 1 LOB- L05 Al\gt·es S Ntw Vor~ S 2B-Vaienr..ie 11 Cnapmen JB-Lanoreau• HR-Sc osc1a l•l Broo~\ 131 SB MW 1son (40 C~aP...,a" 7 IP H R ER BB SO Los Arnitlu Va enw1 L lO S New York C.ooden W l) S 9 ~ T-236 A-)J 76S M•lor IHCJUt l11ders AMERICAN LEAGUE 11 8A TT NG 1320 a 1 bars) Mat11ngly New Yori< 3!>4 W•nl1eld New Yori\, JSI Hrbek M1nnno1a 320. EMurrev Belll more 315, Barrett Boston 314 Trammtll. Detroit 31' RUNS OwE •a"1 Bosron. 102, Winfield New Yor;. 89 Rr1t,,dt•,on Oakland. 16. Buller C1tv!•and 84 R1p1t.en, Baltimore 13 RBI K•ngma~ 0 11kla no 107, ltlc:a, Bos· ron, 100 Armu Boslon, 99, EMurrav Batllmore 99 ADev1i. Seet11t, 94 HITS Malllngly Ntw York 161; RIPktn Ba11lmore ISi Winfield New York IS7 G1rc:11. Toronto 156 Fr•nco Crtvtlano ISS DOUBLES LAP~rrist> TtxH 35. Mel llng1v New Yor, 33 eeeu Toes lO DwEvan' Bostor> 30, Gucle Toro11ro )0 TRIPLES Colllnl, Toronro. ll. Moseov Toronto 13 KGI01on. Otlro11 9 UPtllew Toronto, 9 Owen. Stelllt, I HOME RUNS Armes l9011on, 35, Klnp m•n, O•~lano. 32 LNParrltll Oerrolt 7' l'llOrnton. Clevtl•nO ZI Brun1n1k v Mlnn«tolt, 27 Muronv OtklaNI, 27 STOLEN BASES RHenderson. Oall.lt,,d •f. Co11111,, roronro. '4 ~•1t11, A119t!&, 4St Dutlt", C1ev111nd, 3f Goer cl a, Toronto, Jt l"ITCHING (11 CS.Cislonll Liii Toronlo 13•3 l.'3 ltvttvtn, Cltvtland, IS·S 3 OI, Stieb, Toronto, 13•5. 2 u AlfU~dt" Tor onto, 12•5, JJI STIUKEOUTS w'". Antt11. 1St1 La11g11on. S..toe, 1U, $1 tb Toronto Id Houvll, Tota. 1371 N tllro. Ne ... Yori< 1?9 SAVE$ Qul1tnbtrrv K•nHt "'" J4 CaudlU. Otkf1nd. 27. Mtr"tndtz Ottro·• 76, ltDnls, Mlnii"olt, 15. Fingtr\ Mil wault.ft 12 NATIONAL LIAl)UE 9ATTING <3~ ti Olll) GwyM Sen DltDO. 356, Sandbero. Clll"llO 321 Crut Hou.ion )It, Put>I, Houston 319 Br1n1v San Francls<O, JU ,.UNS S•lldlltrt. Cll•c1110 O• Wigg ns San DIHO. H . bmut , Pl'lll1de111n1a IS ltt•nH . Monlrtat, 14 Cr11r ._.,,,,,111n tl M1tllltwi, C~IClllO ll ltll GCtrltt, Moimtai, '4; nm1a11 Pnlladtiotlia, 17, JOtvi,, C111~90. 11; Ctv, Clllcato, 1t, Mtrnenelet, New Yorii., '' Lt0111rO Sen Frtnc:llC:O, 1t HI TS Gwynn, S.n Oleoo, llO knc!Mrg, c111ca90, 1•1. ~amutl, Phtttdt•Pllla, 1$9, C•ul, Houtfon. 157, lttlriu Mo11trtal, 1!0· Wvnllt l"lltat>urgll, 150 DOUILl!S• Raines, Monlr .. I, 31, Stmu... Phn1c:t11p1111. 30, h11oo.ro. Clll• caoo. 2t; M11bn.rc:t, Alla111a, 27; Ourl'lem. Clllc•oo. 26. Handrick StL01.11s, 16 TRIPLES 5lindl>trg Cl'llcago, "· S•mutl, Pllll•dttPlllt, lS, Cr11&. HOU•IOll, 12. Doran, Ho1.1•ton1 11, c.-tvnold• Mous· ton. 9, Gwvnn. San Ollt90. t; MtGH, SILOUll, 9 MOME ~Uld Murol!v, Alla111a. 1t. Scllmldt, Pnllade1olllo, 26 GCerler Mon· lftal, 2•. Ct\I, ClllCtto, f2, LtOl\llld, Sen Frenc:l•co. 20, MltiNI, ~. 201 NII· tits, San Dlt00, 20 STOLEN BASES Samual, F'tlllaotlol'tl1, S9. lt,tlnel, MotllrHI. S7. Wlo111n,, Sen Dleoo SS. Rtdu• Clnclrnell, 44, MWllson, New York, 40 PITCHING (11 OtCl•lon•) Surcllllt Chi• ceoo. 1?· I, 2 91, Horton, ~ILOUI•, t 3, > •9, Tr01J1. Cl!lcaoo. 12·S 336 Oarllng, New Yorio, I l·S, 3.76. STRIKEOUTS Goodtn New York, 11', v111n111eta, DOOMrs. 191; lhan. Hou•ton. 171, Solo Cincinnati '"· Cerllon, Plllladel· Ollie, 139 SA VE S Sulltr, St Louis 3S, Holltno ?111ladt1Pllla 27 Orolto New York. 2> LtSmltn Ct11cego, ?6 Gouaot Sen Dleoo 15 An!MI aver•~' U TTING Al R H HR Rial Pct, Beniouti C11rtw OtCtnctt Miller Lvnn Wiifong Downing Brown Nerron Sc: on I en Grich 263 43 90 I lS 342 27t 3A I• J 18 l01 4S6 67 110 17 13 21• 11 1 3 0 0 213 '°' 66 110 1 s 53 169 ,., 28 10 ' 25 2117 426 49 113 11 73 165 n 1 14 32 6 1 e 764 125 • 32 3 13 256 117 12 30 ~ 12 256 ?61 40 64 13 '1 ?40 R.t Jackson ?elll5 ?lc:c:lolo Boone Sc:hofftlo Totals 414 SI 96 19 62 132 369 s1 es 2 ,, ?30 115 IS 2• 1 9 209 364 30 12 3 2S 19' 316 32 61 J 16 1t3 4304 SS4 1104 117 512 .256 PITCHINO IP M Bl SO W·l ERA Aul 23.\IJ 21 12 16 2·1 I 52 Forsell 16',, 14 3 10 1-1 2 20 Corbin 67 66 24 36 3· I 2 •2 Sanclltz 701-'l 67 31 46 1·6 2 11 Zalln lSS''J 152 39 45 10·9 3.13 Will 194\.l 190 73 159 11-10 3 S6 Rom1n1c11. 196 203 57 13 10· )I 38 I Klion Q 43 14 Sl 3·3 UO Jonn 161 203 S2 42 7-12 4 SS Kaufman SW> S7 16 3' 1·2 41? Sier on 117~ 148 41 44 S·6 S 20 C1.1rlls 16&'l 12 1 9 O·O 5 40 LaCorte 2~'> 30 12 13 1 ·? 615 Swan 5 8 0 1 0·110.80 0111•" 11 16 9 s 0· 1 9 00 Totll$ 1167 1240 37' Stl '3·67 US Saves· Sancnei I I Cor111t1 4 Aue 4 K1son 2 Kaufman 1 NFL pre-seuon (f'INll) NATIONAL CONFERENCE W111 W L T Pct. PF PA Ntw 0rfHn\ ) 1 0 1SO 105 1• Rams 2 2 0 500 94 so San Francisco 2 2 0 500 6S 13 Allanra l ) 0 2SO 91 113 Ctnlral Tamoe 8av ) 2 0 600 86 133 Detrolr 2 2 0 500 n 89 Green Bav 2 2 0 soo 92 as • ClllCego 1 J 0 2SO 75 .. Minnesota 1 3 0 250 s.c 91 Eut Da11as 3 l () 150 96 ,. NY G1an1s 3 1 0 750 10• 69 Sr Louis 3 I 0 .1SO 71 31 Pn11aoe10111a 2 2 0 500 92 66 Washing tor 2 2 0 500 n 74 AMERICAN CONFERENCE WM! !>eattlt 4 l 0 100 97 41 Denver ) 1 0 150 89 49 Sa" Otego 7 2 0 soo 79 96 II.anus C1•v I l 0 ?SO 68 97 Relcltra I ) 0 2SO 68 82 Ctntrll Clnclnnall 3 l 0 7SO 9• 59 ?•ltsburQl'I 3 I 0 JSO 10 51 cre..alano 1 J 0 ?SO 57 92 Hou11on I 3 0 lSO 96 109 Eau Marr• 3 I 0 lSO 95 37 New Englend 2 2 0 500 100 105 Buffalo 1 3 0 250 •S 1S lndlenaooH1 I 3 0 2SO 46 109 NY Jets 1 3 0 2SO REOULAR SEASON Sunde v•s Games LA R1kllf'1 ar Houslon A 11anra 11 New Orleans Kansas Cllv al Plllsburgh Miami er Washington New E nollnd 111 Bufftto ?hlladtlPhla at NY Giant' SI Louil el Green Bav San Diego at Mlnnt'lote San Frenclsco al D11ro11 T11M1>a 8av 111 Chtcaoo C·ncinnar at Denver NY Jets 111 lndleneool" Moncltv's Gtmt" Dallas al Rems. In> C t11elend at Seallle COLLEGE AP Top 20 66 91 Tne Too Twenrv reams In lhe pr1Ueason 1994 Auoc1ared Preu college too1oe11 0011. w,tf1 f,r\f·olace voles In oerentheses, 1983 records lolel Points ·1:1ued on 20-19-11 17· 16· IS· U · 13·12· I I· 10·9 ·8·7·6·S·4·l·2·1 e nd rankings In the llntt 1"3 DOii RKDf'd PIS Pv' 1 Auburn 1301 11· 1·0 1,057 3 2 Nebrnl\a <SJ 12· I ·0 922 2 3 Pllrsouroll 121 8·3· I 890 18 4 C1erNon <111 9·1·1 S17 11 S UCLA (5) 7·4· I S16 17 6 Toes 11·1·0 134 s 1 Olllo Start 9·3·0 661 9 8 Notre Oeme I 1 7· S·O 639 9 AlaDama Ill 8·4·0 632 IS 10 Miami Fta !l 11·1·0 602 l 11 ?tnn Stare 8· 4-1 589 12 IOWll (I) 9·3·0 581 U 13 Amona !>• 121 o·4·1 S7S 14 M•cl'l1gan 111 9·3·0 •SJ 8 IS So MelllOdl't 10·2·0 419 12 l6 0~1anom11 8·4·0 374 11 Florloa 9-2-1 29S 18 wun1n111011 8·•·0 ?IS 19 Boston College 9+0 114 19 20 Ftorlde Slate 7·S·O 119 011iers rect lvlno volts in oroer ot 001n11 Oklanom1 Stale 111 Texas A&M 110, Missouri 103, 1111no11 90, .Brigham Young 1l Soulhtrl' Calllornla 58. Norlll CeroHne S.C LSU 52 Georgie 41, Weil Vlrgln11 l• Tenneuee 3J Wisconllll 27 NHlllnoton Stale II . .Air Foret 15. Ark11n· lei 11, MIU•UIPOI 2. Svracuse 2. Tulst 2 Vorptnla Ttc:n 2, Ariton• 1 Housron 1. Ktnluc~ v 1. Sranforo 1 Seml&>rO footbatl Hl·OI Sl!RT LEAGUE Cot1ttl OM'*' <at Mayfair Hltlll Sd lod) Otantll Countv U, Cerritos I Oranot Counlv Marlnen 1' I• 0 1-H Ctrr·IOl 0 0 6 7-I Orenge Counlv 1cor1no Carmtcll1111 62 oau trom Sllaro <Watll.tr 1<lck> Cerm1cnae4 6S PaU from Sl'taro (Walker •·c"-1 NewtOl'l, S run (kick lalltd) Jans, 30 Pan from Sharo Uan1 Pin to Prui!I), Wetterson, :10 otH f~m H1rm tWe~ k•Ck) Not oame Onrerto (at Cl'lalf•v H111n1 Seturdav 7 II f'l'I C oll191 foottNIN TELh 'ISIOH SCHIDULI S ABC a•d CBS 11nl1tl111 t11ev1,1011 lClled ., o •or co•ltilt foolbtll lllls fell lat1 •·mts POTi ~·~ Bo11on Co1t1g1 11 A1ao.ma 6 o rr ~BC StPI IS -WHhlngton 11 M1cn1g1n • ~I'!" tBS 01<ttllome 11 Plll•burgn, '130 r>m ABC Sf'OI n -NtllfHkt ,, UCLA or IOWI al Ohio Srete 12 30 om • CH S1111 7' -Ullnol• •' 1ow1. t 1 m CIS NOlrt Oeme ti MlttOul'I 12 30 II m ABC Oct 13 -1111no11 at Oll•o Stt lt e nd Wuhlnoton et Stanford. llmet to be en· "ounced s~11 n111onallv. Cl\ Ocl 70 -M1cntva" al towa t e.m C9S UCLA ti Ca•itor1111 12 30 P f'll , C8S CXt H -1111'101\ ti Mlch111tn Ot OlllO SYitt a t W1$COnlln, 9 a.m .• and UCLA t i Artiorie Slatt. 3 Pm .. SPiii nallOntllV, CIS Nov 3 -Mlclllttll ti l"urdut or WlsCOl'lln ti Iowa 9 a .m , •no USC al s1a11t0td. l pm .. wm n111011tt1v, ces. Nov 10 -W11Tt1no1on 11 USC , 12 JO o.m.. CBS. Nov 11 -Mlcl'llD•n ., 01110 Sltlt ' tin. Cl$. SOUl!ltl'n C1!1lornlt 11 UCLA 1230 Pm .. CIS No11 23 -lo"on Collf"8 11 Miami, Fla 11'30 Im , CBS Nov 24 -To Gt 1nnouncec1 12JO om C:IS Otc I -Arm~ Vl Ntvv al PtilladtlPhlt, • em cas COMMUNITY COLL&Ga GOl!Mn West <lttclftc·• com.r~c•> Stot IS -Ortnclt Co"t Seo• 22 -e1 S1n11 An• Seor 29 -Tait (II OCC>" 1 lO om Oct 6 -al ?u1e1ena• Ocr 13 -eve Oct 29 -Mt San Anronto· <•t OCC> Oct 'l7 -at l.ong 8aacll cc· Nov 3 -Ctrrllos• (al OCCl Nov 10 -at Fullerton• Nov 11 -El Camino• (al OCCl I 30 om. Nov 24 -et Baktr\flt•o• I 30 om Nore • 1nelicatu Pacll1c•9 Conterenct gam• All vames el 130 o.m unltu no110 Orenoa Cout (MlHIOn Conftrencal Se or 1 S -Goldtn Wt SI·· Seor 21 -Fullel'"ton $eor 19 -Saddltbac" • Ocl 6 -Bye Ocl 13 -al RlvtrSIO.', 1.30 om Oct 10 -San Diego MtSI •. l 30 o m Oct 21 -11 Soulhwtstern• Nov 3 -San Ole110• 1 30 om No~ 10 -111 Pelomar•. I JO o.m Nov 17 -Clrrul• Nov n -at S11n111 "'"'· 11 am Nore • indlCalts Minion Cont1renct oame " Indicates Goro1n Weil IS l!ome ream All gemes e l 7 30 pm unreu noled S.ddleback (Mhslen Conference) Stol 15 -11 E Camino Sept 12 -Ml San Antonio Sept 19 -at Orenge CoHt" Ocl 6 -Rlvtnldt• Oct. 13 -II San OltOO MeH• Ocl 20 -Southwestern• Oct 27 -e l Sen Oleoo•, 1 30 o.m Nov 3 -Palomar• Nov 10 -II Citrus• Nov 17 -Santa Ana• Nov 24 -Bvt Nole • lndlcatu M1u1on Conlertnce 111mt AH' gamu el 7 30 om unless 0111erw111 noled 0 11 Mar MONDAY'S RE SUL TS <lOttl of O·cltY tttorouSltlb!'ed mMtlnol FIRST RACE. 6 turlonos Truxton's Oouore (McCn) 5 40 3 80 1 80 WC S!'ltc:kv \Pedroza> 10 40 6 20 One Eved Romeo (Slblllt) 4 40 Also rac:1d Oomlnanr Roni, Tvo1c11 ?ro Excluslvt Kid Arts Luckv Sor1, Golaen Minstrel Hlg!'ltv Rumoreo, COOi C1valler Snedv Al. Time· 110 115 SECOND RACE. b furlongs woorv Nan (Llonam) 31 ?O 13 SO 8 60 April Tllundtr <Lozoval U 40 7 40 Outrv Kid (Slblllt l 1 00 Also raced Crelllve Pursuit, Hearl Aolow. Tackv Bui True. Serbian Prlnceu Genlle Hold Wt'lat In ne WorlCI Mlwako On T!>t Real Roll Dream Freet Tmell315 U DAILY DOUBLE 19·6> 0110 113160 THIRD R AC E. 6 furiongs Atotora (Garctel J3 40 10 40 1 20 Loro Ere11en1 <FoxJ 6 20 4 ?O Don San Marcos •Oergao1llo1 1260 Allo raced Dtl Safar Mother's KnlOM Warrior·, Pride. L•velv Woodland Run To Pltase. Wlsn Eariv. E1od1an Propert1us Tll'T'e 1 l1 1 S SS EXACTA 11·3t 01110 S3HOO FOURTH RACE. 6 1_.r•ol'lO'I I m Sint1ng !Toro> 15.60 8 00 > 60 Seruon !Men > 900 520 Woodland's Orttm CL1menc:et S.00 Also raced Ann« Cu11lne, Eeott's Eoen Miami Jov She's A Tomoov. DevHtatino Miu My Fooulous Ont, Maad Fullv~ Poenrv Prooer Hooge ?ooge T m« 1 12 FIFTH RACE. 6 furlongs Le.gue HIUer (Plncavl 3 40 Nostalo1e ' Siar <Orteoe 1 Ro" Perr ano111 I (Sib• lie> 260 HO 3 20 280 480 Also raced Theloero Oe1 APC ... I'~ Rllu. Sl)l(lal Ooiter ' Driver Monico. Wll09!en Time 112 S5 E XACTA 18·7, oa10 121.00 SIXTH RACE. 6 lurlono' Proudtlt Doon tP1ncevl 7 •O 4 00 3 60 Cartoao ( Snoem111ter l S 80 4 60 ?ro Bowler (Lozove) 3 20 Also raced For1vtl'le Bov. Fo'' Account t<lvsrron Perltc Travel, Gummo Prince Time l 10 4 S SEVENTH RACE . 1 1 lurlono1 on 1urt How Ya Doon (Hawrev 4 80 3 40 160 Love PrerenH (Meza ) 4 40 l 20 Jell (Shoemalcerl 3 40 Also ractd M1111e'' Nina Delaware Deli11hl. Wnar Magic M1 AllteO C11111orn1e Jubilee Time 130 SS EXACTA 1•-81 Dll•d ssa 00 EIGHTH RACE. 1 lur1ongs Louisville Summll (?ncv) 16 20 4 40 Tough Envov \Mccarron 2 60 Sometnln11wondtrlu1 (Hawltv) Also raced Culling Wind, NoDle Muell Fine Gold Time 121 3•S S5 EXACTA t3·Sl oald S101 SO. U PICK SIX (6 11·3 ... 6·4) ss.121.ao wlrn 10 winning rlckers "<>rsesl. Carrvovtr POOi ISl.278 07 NINTH RACE. I I• 16 mllH Just Arrived <McCarron> 8 40 l 20 Nor~I !Meza) 3 ?O Air Poc:~e1 (Domingue I) 3 00 110 260 Furv oald (five 280 280 4 '.10 AllO ractd Hoclli. MuOhed1. Yellow Marm11eoe, Rverson. Time. 1:•2 2 S IS EXACT A (S· 1 l Pa•d SSJ.SO. Attendani:e 13,991 0 .. p s.. fl&IU"9 DAVEY'S LOCKER <NtwPOrt SHCh) -JJJ englen 295 oonllo, ?l veuowrau. 10 roc1< lisn 14 calico ban. 6 seno Den. 320 meclttrtl NEWPORT I.ANDINO (Newport Buell) -S9 a ngrers 11S oonllo, 18 bass. 3 sllHPStlHd, 310 mec1<ere1 DANA WHARF -111 an11l1rs 196 Dus, 119 bonllo . ..V'faliowrall 416 mackerel. S sllHPlllHd 9 iculPln, 1 Olut oercll, 1 mltc:ettaneou1 This WH tc's trout P11nh LOS ANCiELES -Bououe1 Canvon C•H~ SAN BRRNARDIHO -Bto Bear Leite Green Ve111v Lake, Greoorv La11e, Santa Ane River. Sanft Ant River (JOutn lort.) KIRN -Kern Rlvtr <Borell Power· llOust 10-0trnocrll Dtm, KRl Powerl'lOuH to L.all.e tw~•> TULAlltE -Kern Rlvtr (l'airvltw Otm to KR3 Powtr!'loust, Jo""'ondalt 8 rldg1 10 FtlrvTew -0.mt, Tt.111 ltlvtr (IOulll lorl< of mt ln fOfkl MAO•ltA -Sa,, JotClu•n River tmlddtt fork), Sltrkwtatlltr Ltkt INYO -Buer Cl"Hll. Big Pin• Crttk, B111'10D CrHk (lower mlddlt, towtll tl\CI lllltkt ti), lndaPlndtnce Crnk. Lone ,.lne CrMk !tock CrMk Ltkt, South Ukt, hboose C:ruk Tlnemttle Crffl<, Tulltt Crffk MOHO -8 rld11toor1 lt1ttrvo1•, Bu<k• eve Crttl( Conv•Cl Crall\ C1111v1c1 Like o .. e1man Ctttll., Etttry Ltkt Gtorot l.tkt GIHI CrNk, Gull L•ka Cirtnl Ltkt Grttn CrHk, Ju111 Ltkt I.ff Vining CrHk LH Vining Crttk (toutt'I lork) Lltllt Wilk tr "'"". Lundy Ltkt, Mtmlt Lt kt Mammoln Crltll M1rv L1kt, McCiH CrMll, M•U Cr"k Ow~t Rlvtr <&tnlOll Croulno tllel Ilg s11r111ta), lltot>•nto,, CrMI\. iltock Crffk IP1r1dlM CamD to tom's jtject Tom't ll1ac1 votrretm 10 .-oo CrH L1~e) 1'1.tl!'I CrHk, Saddlebag Crtflo, '"•IClltblO Ltlot, 5Pltrwln Crttli. S11v,. Ltllt, Sw1u99r Creek TIOOt Lili• Monclav's tran11ct1ons IAHIALL HttleMI Ltteut ATL.ANTA BlllAVES-CtllfO uo P'lul Ruttllt. l"fltldtr, trom Rlchl'nond 01 ll'lt lnttrn111ont1 L"'""' DOOGfHl!>-ltttcllvtltd I II R-.uaH tllOrlltOCI llMILAOELPHIA PMILLIE$-AMO\lf1Ct011'ttl lo Diil, ctlC:ll· tr. WIN bt Olll ol aC1IOll fur Ille rttt ot Ille •tnon Purcll"ad 1111 tontrect OI s11vt Flrtovld, pllcl'ttr, from Port11nC1 o! tilt Paclf(c Coa.1 I. HllUI l'f• will rtPQl'I StDI I flOOTIAl.L H1tl1MI floetbll• LMtva RAMS--Plltld JoM Kamtna, running oeck, 1nd RoOtrlc:k Fl•lltr, dtltn•lvt btc ... o,, 1111 lnlured ''"'"' 11•1 Waived Clluck Nelson. lllcll.tr Oav10 Lewis. ECI Bredv and Mike Mc:Oontld llnaotcktn Marcallu1 GrHn •no David CrouCllP, dtlenslvt t>act.s, ~lltwn Miiier, dtltntlvt llntmtn, and Michael Harper wldt rtc:tlvtr RAIOERS-WllVtd Sieve Svlvtsttr ot· fenslv1 linemen, Otvld Humm, over reroack Cllttltr w1111,, 1unn1no back, Oon HtHl1beck 119111 end. Gardner Wlllfaml defen,lvt beck Waddell Smllll wlot re ctlver and Fn1nk Wilson dtlanstve tno.Placed Miieti Wiiiis, dtfen,lve ll111men, MIO Rlckv Wlliltm• oelen1111e oac:I\ on 111e 'nlureo rtltrv• 11sr ATLANTA FALCONS-Waived Jell YHle$ dthtti.lvt end, Bo Robinson and Tim Tvrrtll. running O•Ck\, Mike ltie dtftn,1va rack It, end Dave Levtn•Ck, rmeoacker ?leceo Ben Young tlglll end, eno E•rl Jonet, cortieroack on the lnrured reserve 1111 BUFFALO Bil.LS· Walvto Rotand ~iooks. running oecll Greg Carer ounter JOI Attlbv. ilneOecktr. Darrv1 Caldwell, lacklt, Mark Jackson defensive oeck Mike Kenntov ano Ltn Wel1trscneld, u lt· llH, ~PIV Lumpkin ano Mark Merrill, 11neoeclttr1 ano Jotv sm1111 al'o Cralo While, wloe recalvtrs CHICAGO BEARS-?leced Ravmond Morris. tlntbac:ktr. anCI Tim Norman. punier, on lht lnlured rtlerYt 1111 Waived Rav Srachowlcz. ounrer Mark Casale ouarterback. David Simmon$, tlneoacker John Jenala, lteklt, Ktvln ?olltr. satetv D11v1 Moritz and Chris Tlllev, wldt rt· c1lver5, and Gene Rowe11 and Marcus J1ck1on d1fen1lv1 tackles CINCINNA Tl 8ENGAL.S-Walveo Crav ?tckerlno, wide receiver Brien Pittma n ltnebaclter, Blake Moore and Jim Hannula otten1ive linemen, Rodnev Telt running Deel< Andv GIOltr. 110111 end, and Em1nue1 Weever oef1n1lvt linema n ?laced Garv Wiiiiams, wide receiver arid Brvan Hicks deien\lve Dack, on the ln1ureo re11rve 1111 CLEVELAND BROWNS-WalvtCI Rocl\v Belk, wide rec:elver, Earl Bucio.· 1ngham, Cltfenslve 1no. Dale Carvtr 11111oacktr. Michael Gembrell cenrer · guero, 01no Hall, l\ICk returner and running oecto., Perrv Harrln111on runnrng oen T,,omas f1ook1n1 and RoDerl Silo.ore, tac"'''' Jamtt Merrill,, no" 1ackle. and Oerrvr Smllrt corneroacl\ Pieced Codv R•l•en lecl<le on Ille in1urtd reserve !Isl DALLAS COWBOYS-Annour1cto tt'lar •nev na.,e come 10 rerms w11n Randv WMt deten'llvt 1ac1t.1e Traded Anoero King, llneoecker 10 Ille De1ro11 Lions tor an undlsctoseo drefl choice Welvtd Mike Welltrs eno Jimmie Turner llneoaclcers Rev Brown. Oavlo Ponder ano Br van Caldwtll otfenslve erds Mlii.e Cllaoman center Mitch Krenk, 110'11 end, Eric Moran •acklt, i nd Darrel• Smith, wtdt receiver -OENVER BRONCOS-?•aced Wilbur Mvers, oelen"ve beet.. on 111e 1n1ureo r11erve list W11ved Roger Jac:1<1on. oe- fensive oack MaoMao Niko and Sllawn H0Hln11swort11, guards Mar,harne Graves 1ac1o.1e. Rav Are•anoer wioe receiver Jtsse Mvlts, running bac11. Gr119 Kra111n dtfen1ivt eno Weedv Harris ano Tommv Thurson. 1lneD1e1t.trs. end R1cn S1akowsk1 nose rackle DETROIT LIONS-Waived Ulvnes Nor· rls tlgl'll eno Angelo 11.•no Ron z101kowsk1, Ed Hu11P)ts and J•mm1e Carter llneo1ckers Maurict Harvtv ar10 James Thalllon oelens1ve oack1 Eoote Lff t no RlcPI Hollln1 W•dt <tce1ver1. Gten Srrtno ctnler Mike Sa•on ounler Wllllem Dallon running oack and ?~11 Darns aeftn\1ve tackle HOUSllON OILERS-WalYeO Mike Re· 1r1fero1. 11ft1v llllOIANAPOLIS COL TS-Announced Ille r8'1gnallon ot tlob wa111rs ouonc retallons dlrtclor Named Boo Eller oubllc relallons dlrtclor Acauired Georoe Radacllowskv oeienslve Dack. from '"' Rams tor en undl'ICl01ed draft Pleil Waived Mark Reed ouarlerback, Brian Begltv kicker Tonv CnlckllO and Lonnie Kennet nose tackles Ml1<e Gunter. running oac:ll Tom Morrll and Ker1dell Wllllams defensive oac:kl 3enn Musgreve rac"''· Golden Tiiie. w1oe re<;elver and Jeff Too11e llneoacker. ?laced "Q1.1lnlon Ballaro 110H 11c1o.1e ano Vicror Oall\, wloe receiver on rne •niured reserve !Isl KANSAS CITY CHIEFS-Wolved L1.1cious Smllh 1no Don Jones. corn1roack1, Dino Manglero, nose 111ckl1. Larrv Ricks and Leonard Wiiiiams, runnino O•cks, Dtan Prarer. dtfenllve eno, Jemts Walker. inside linebacker, Ron Wene1, llgl'll end and Al Wenoll1<ow1kl, llnebecker ?laced Mark 1..ano. ll"eoacl<er. and 011rv1 PoHv 1unnlno bacll on Ille lnlured reserve list MIAMI OOL.?HINS-W111ved Dean Mev QUlrterback. Rowleno Ta rum Senoers Shiver a nd Mike Welngrad, llneoackers Be1naro Carvalho and Jim Bovie, offensive 11n1men, JoM Criesttv, llghl eno. Fernanza Bur11eu, wide receiver. Bud Brown, saltfv Todd Campbell, defensive linemen end Al Del Grec:o. 1<1cker Placed Duan Hen"' wide receiver, Ron Landrv. lullOack, a no Roosevelt Straughter, delansi11e back, on t!'lt 1n1ured restrve list NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS-Acoulred Rodntv Mcswain. dtltnslve back. from tne Atla"'a Farc:ons for an undisclosed draft cllloce WalvtCI Owlghl Wtittttr and Andv Ekern, offenl ive linemen. Brook' Wllttam1 1lgn1 end. Tim Golden and Eo Revnoros llneoackefl, Lulher Henson, nose tackle Mike Ktrrigen Querier beck. George Peoples, lulloeck and Pre11on Devis, Paul Domoroskl, Mike rnoram ano Ken Holland defensive oaclt\ Placed Beau Coa\h, run nlno beet., end Derwin WllUams, wloe r«Ct lver on lhe Injured reserve 1111 NEW ORL.EANS SAINTS-WalYtCI Ruuell Erxieben. ounrer BoODy Fowltr !lghl tnCI. Jim Pietrzak, ou1rd, Rob Nairne and Chris Martin. llneo.clters and Cliff Auslin runnlno back Placeo James Haynes end Ktnny Bordelon. 1tnet>ac1<erJ, Larrv Hara\'. llgllt eno Miu Otllocono wide receivtr Gerv Lewis nose 1ac1o.1t on the lniured reHrve list NEW YORK Gl/\NTS-AcQulrtd Kt'1 Hill de1tn1lve Dack, from !ht Los An11e1t& Raiden for an undisclOsed draft cnotce Welved J T Turntr, ouaro. JoM Mistler. wide receiver Pelt Shaw and Mlt<e Dennis, defensive Oack,, JoM Teulolo, lackle, Cllarlts Cook eno Bill Neill, no11 tacklts, At Sttlnftld, defensive 1ecklt and Cn11 Win· ttrs, runnlno back PlactCI Tom Owen Quarllrba cli. end Clinl H•rrts Hletv. °" tr•e 1ntur9d reserve 1151 NEW YORK JE TS-AnnounceCI tl'tat wesrav Walker wide recelvtr reoorled 10 camp Welvlld Jonn Aulrv del1nsl111 end, Pr111on Brown, Nici< Bruckner, and Harold Carmlcllatl, wldt rtc:tlvers. Tom Coombs, tlgTtt 1nd, Jim Ellooolul, linebacker, Glen lnve"o, ouarteroack, and Joe Pell19rlnl defenslvt tackle. ?lactd Mike Auousrvnl1k running back, and George FIOvd, defensive l>llck, on 1111 lnlured rtstrvt U•t PHILADELPHIA EAGLES-W11ved M .. Rul\toer 1>unltr, Glen VOi.int, wloa rtc:elvtr, Dtnnla OtVeugM, deftnsivt back, Jim Frllncne, tackle Boo Hollv. ouarlerb1ck, Cat Murrav. r11nnino back, Guy Peters, Oeltn1lv1 tnO 1no Mlkt Rtfclltnb1ch, llntbtelllr Praced Lton E11ans, deffflslve eno Tom Jt111kv. 11eklt, and John Rot>trt1on 11utrd·tacl\H1, on tn1 lnlurtd reserve llSI SAN DIEGO CHARGFR~-Pltctd Jim Hewn. offtnsrve llneman. and Zach Bernes, otltnalv t end, on tht lnlurlld reser11t lltl Wtlvtd Abdul S.1t1m, Fred ltot>1n1011 1110 Ron Kif'kPatrlck dtltnslvt ends. Vlnca 01bv t llO lrltn Ktltey, llnt~Cktrt. TOdO Jenkln1 and ltd Rome, wld1 rteelvtra, DMYI lowlt<. runnlno llatk, and Ronnie O'lard, d.ttlltlvt OICk. SAN F,_ANCl$CO 49ERS-Wt1Vt0 JoM Macauttv c1n1er PltctO Alttll Fttmlnt. wldl re«lvtr. end Vtugnn w 11111ms, salt· tv OI' 1111 lllillftd 'Hlf'vt 1111 Pt1cte1 Jelro Panarandt, runn1no back on tllt minor 11Jurtd rtltfvt Hsi TAMPA IAY IUCCANll.-$-Wt lwtd BIN Ct~. Pl-tc:.eklelltr. Norrt1 Tl!Omu O.ltflslvt Dtc;ll, Al ltltntrc:tton, lintt>IC•tf. Tlltd Jtmlton, wide reoivlf', t<arl MorHn, Hasa611 ArMttcrr. •no Ired WM• Cit· tentr111 1 ""'*' ltltetOCMllt lr1111011. wiClt '~""". ltoOtn l'l!OmPtOl'I, 1111at1aci.1r Oon ~weffOrd lllO lttck MtllOfv. ollan,.v" 1t11tmtn. Oii t~• ln1urtd rtw111 "'' W/.SHINGTON ltEDSKINS-Walvtd J1'111mt ••'"'"'"'· 110111 •lid Hearns cidvances in tournament reaches semis INGLEWOOO (AP) -Henry Hearns of LancU1tt knocked down Jamea Wllllam1, of Por11811d, Maine, In the third round on the way to a. unanlmet1a 10-round deoltlon In t he Stroh'• Crulserwetght Champion hip tour- ney at the Forum on Monday night. Ref et• Larry Aoudllla gave Wllllama the etghH:ount although Wiiiiama appetired to have been thumbed In the 8Yit by Heern•. The vtetory by Hearne, now 17..,., lifts htm Into the a.emlftnal1 of the tourflament and drops WUflama• record to 23-23. Hearns weighed In a1 188, five more pounds than Wiiiiama for tl'le elimination bout. In another crulserwelght bout, Grover Robinson of Fremont knocked out Carroll Hackett of Loa Angeles with a left hook at 1~45 of the third round. Robinson, now 24-10, welghed tour pounds leas than Hackett, 9-3, who weighed In at 1~'/•, but hurt Haet<ett ..verat limn ear1y In the match to gain hie 181h tcnockout In 24 vtctorlea. In • featured thc•round preUm nary, 1-2 hea.~ght ex· con~ lhomae Payne wu knock- ed out 51 tecond1lnlohll1lght with ~yAeeteofL01Ang ..... R .... 110 floored the 34-year-old ~ayne with a left hook 20 eeconde Into the bout. The match wu the HOOnd ror the 271-pound Payne. a fonMr Atlan1a Hewie• profe11lonal basketball player who was r: ... le'ased rectntty from prlton after eervlng a term for rape. He it now 1·1, while RMM, 224¥., 111 now 2 .. 0. In another fMture, wetterwelght Biily Smith of Boston won a technlcaf knOCkoct over prevk>U1ty unbeaten rival Rudy Hernandez: of L.oe Angeles when Hernandez fall- ed to anawer the bell for the nlntl'l round. Smith, now 1~. battered Hernandez, 1&-1, from the opening bell In avenging an ear11er Ion to Hernandez, who was alloWed to fight by the Smith camp although he weJgheo In at 148\/•, nearty two pounde over the limlt and three pounds more than Smith. HUNTINGTON BEACH ... From Cl The~ 'vc go1 a lot of' knowledge and I 1.:an get some answers when I need them•· ..\s for prov1d1ng the ansv.ers to gaping holes l.efl b) graduauon. 1t begins with quarterback Joe Napoli and fullback Scott Elliott. a pair of 180-pound Juniors up from a hight} respected sophomore team. .. Scott ha~ some big shoes to fill." admits Pascoe "We won b) a good margin 1n a lot ofourgamcs. howc"er. and a lot of our lo.ids had "aluable playing penence. h 's our feeling that if we pla) good defense early the offense will mature and eod up \Cr) good." Pascoe prom1se!i some "ncv. wnnkles" v.1thin the Oilers' Delaware wmged-T offC'nse after his coaching staff took a deep look at NC'vada· Reno's game. and with former head coach Ro) Brummett returning to the slaff, the passing game figures lo become a bigger factor. The 54-man plus squad 1s loadeod Scott Pro' orsc QB 6-t Scott Elliott FB 5-11 Ste\~ Hulett FB 5-10 ·ToO\ Hernandez HB 5-7 Hessam ~lahda' 1 HB 5-5 John Kelh HB 5-8 Eddie Ytn·g HB 5-6 Paul Bryant WB 5-11 \11kc Van Dncl WB 5-10 Scott ~cl!.on WB 5.9 Bna9, ~11lLhcll FS-SE 6-0 Kenny PurdUl' SE 6-1 Rusr.Morgan SE 5-IO Enc Taylor SE 5-9 Da\'1d Baker SE 5-7 .\ndv Cho ~E 5-5 T1m.Weurfel QT 6-1 John Tille} QT 6· l Kell~ Roone~ QT 5· 11 Franco Pagnancl11 QG 5-11 Tim Rcttberg QG 5-10 Mike Taylor c 5-10 Darren Jame~ c 6-1 John Loftis c 5-IU Matt Kreclic ILB-SG 6-1 Frank Jiang SG 5-8 Mike Woodard SG 6-1 Tom Vera Su 6-0 Todd Ke1thahn ST ()-1 Steve Alaman ST 6-3 Robert Gaw !LB-TE 6-2 Paul Garver TE 6-0 Mike Rodnquc1 DT 6-2 Nick Kall SS 6-2 Eric Chavez OLB 6-0 Chris Ross CB 5-10 Damn Tomas1ck CB 5-10 Jim Elmore OT 6-2 Rand) Hatch ILB 5-11 Eugene Tsuda OLB 6-0 Scon Goodman CB 5.11 5con Moberh DT 6-3 Eddie Johnson OLB 5-11 Chris Sage NG 6-0 Jim Bledsoe FS 6-3 Rob farnc} OLB 6·1 Cole} \1cCkndon OLB 5-10 Dan Lliwton OT 6-1 Robert no11 NCr 6-4 A NGELS LOSE FrCf°mCl was charging. But Murray. with a heads-up play. w1sel) let the ball drop 1n front of him 1n an attempt to nail Petlts at second. who was holding on ti r~t. But the hall took a trick}' hop ond headed toward the line. and by the time Murray had picked 1t up and tossed to second baseman Rich Dauer covering first, both runners had met at the bag. "It cau~ coofu ion because the ball almost went foul." Murray explained. "But 1t worked out well for us beca11~ w~ got Pctm. otT(thc bases) -that was the key" "JI was a vcf) got>d play by Murray," McNamoru said. First b3$t umpire Dave Phillips ruled Petti\ out, awardana Boone. a much slower runner. first It didn't prove too costly. however, as ptnch- hiner'~ Daryl Sconiers and Jerry "larron 'imglcd to load the ba es befort Grich's sacnlice O}. "He. (Murra)) and Dauer ha'e worked very hard on phl)'S like that. Dauer. a~ you cnn !.Ce, th1nkin,all the ttme. taaaed Pettis out fi,.,t.' addrd Baltimore Manager Joe .\ltobt'llt. "Now. ha.d Dauer ta cd PN11s and .'tteppcJ on the bag be-tore (Boone aoi there .. atcl)'}, 1t would''e bctn a douhl<' fllav." with newcomers -in fact there are eight who did not play in '83, including two with first team poten- tial (6-2, 210-pound tight end and inside linebacker Robert Gaw and strong safety Nick Katz (6-2, 190). Another bonus is two-way starter Brian Mitchell, a 6-0, 185-pound transfer from Edison, who is at split end and free safety. "The class that just graduated was so good 1t scared a lot of juniors away," says Pascoe. "But they're all back and the sophomore team was so good, that if we keep up and play well early we'll come around and be a very good football team." Pascoe 1s high on his defensive prospects, with overall team speed one of the Oilers' big assets. "We're going to make things happen with our (defensive) aggressiveness," he says. As do most coaches in the Sunset League. Pascoe gives Fountain Valley the early edge. but as for the re- mainder. he sa)s. "it's going to be a dogfight." 175 Jr . up from sophomores 181 Jr .. up from sophomores 175 Jr .. up from sophs, ilb 170 Jr .. up from sophomores 160 St .. '83 letterman 173 Sr. did not play in '83 160 Jr .. up from sophomores 175 Sr .. returning starter, ss 165 Jr .. up from sophs, fs 165 Jr .. did not play in '83 185 Sr .. Edison transfer 180 Jr .. up from sophs. db 160 Sr .. did not play in '83 167 Jr. up from sophomores 160 Sr_.didJlot play in '83 140 Jr .. did not play in '83 190 Sr., '83 letterman, ilb 205 Jr .. up from sophs. dt 170 Sr., '83 letterman 187 Jr., up from sophs. ilb 175 Jr .• up from sophs. 1lb 190 Sr .. '83 letterman, ilb 185 Jr., up from sophomores 180 Jr .. up from sophomores 185 Sr., 2-way starter at olb 190 Jr .. up from sophs. lb 205 Sr .. '83 letterman, olb 180 Jr .. up from sophs. dt 195 Sr .. '83 letterman. dt 230 Jr .. up from sophs, dt 210 Sr .. did not play 1n '83 190 Jr.. ufi from sophs. olb 215 r., qb as Jr at 180 190 Sr .. did not play tn '83 190 Sr .• '83 starter 170 <;r., two-way starter 155 Sr . '83 letterman 235 Sr .. two.way starter 205 Jr .. up from sophs. te 190 "ir .. did not play in '83 180 Jr .. up from sophomores .220 Jr . up from sophs. qt 175 Jr • up from sophs 190 Sr., '83 letterman 170 Sr .. '83 letterman 195 Sr .. Edison transfer IYO Jr . up from sophs. fb 180 Jr .. up from sophs, st 240 Sr .. did not play in '83 • • • But. oh. that dreadful nin th - when the Angels could·vc won 1t. Or in this case. should"vc won it. For the second straight inning. Oriole reli ever Sammy Stewan walked the leadotTbatter. this time 1t was Fred Lynn. Doug DtCinces tned to get the bunt down, but G.ftcr the first two pitches he was faced with a 0-2 count. He fhed to center for the first out before Brian OowninJJ launched a sinale to left field, bringrna Lynn all the way to third with some heads up base runmna. * ANOIL NOTIS -Wllll • nol'M run I nd • dOublt MOlldav (nol 10 m«illon 111,... ltl l), l ddle Murrey hu M "'"" I~ 10 tlra lollt, In wl'ltcn l\t 11 .. 1111 )Sl < 13·'7) 011r1na 11111 •o•n WlnnlnO t>llclltf ,.,nmv St!twart U·tl "-' tllOwtd 1\111 lour ttl'MO run• In lllt lt•t 1! lnnlfl91 Of 11\'0fll.. ''l'vt PO~ lllfM d•vs In • row end I wH a llllle 9HMCI (alter MonOtv's 6\lllltO).'' llt H id. "I luat llacl 10 to tlelftl alllf ttltm. I e1111tt !ltd IO llllCl'I II on Illa O\.llsldt Of wtlCll II oo over 1111 ttnce" l •lllmort llH now won'nlnt of Ill '"' 10 111mea. lnc1w11119 five •trtlt l'll Convtnaly, 11\t Atlffll havt Iot t 10 of ll'ltlr "" l7 • • Jlilll ..,...., wl'IOW llxlt'I lnnlnt plndl•l'llt a111011 sc:or.o Miit In-. Is Mw l'lltllrt ~5' 111·241 111aln11 tlle 0r1o1 .. tlllt vt1r , • 11'1111 0....... llU M• ntl Ill If ot 1111 1u1 20, comD111no • .. <26,Ul tvtttlll Cl\lrlne tlltl Ullfl • ltootllt at11 RtmtMcll, lllt YIClll'fl ol tOl.lfll'-tt lltarlt>f .. 111. 1, I 2 wllll • 2 It E.ltA In ~,, "'' w111n ,,., ••• , llDmt Ttte Club flll 01v1n lllm lwO r11n1 Of '"' In .. vtn of flit lat! 10 \tart• 11 !l<KM • , "1111nore·1 Sc.tt McGr..w <U•lll lllO Ille Atlffll' Jilft SI.ti«! IJ·tl If• ton11111! s 1t1tc:T11"t 1M'OO.b10 MUCM>TICE • .. Cl PA ANNA PAVZLEK, born S.pt. 1, 1901. ·pullld away AUl\lll 2e, 1984. Sbt lived in c.c.t.a Mt.. fomwrly of Aliquippa, PA Swvtwd by two aw. Pe* P. If .....wt. of AllqulJ>pa, PA, GecQe W. Paw of Cinar\, Ca; and iwo dauihlll!n. Mn Tbomu (Ann) Puakarich, of All· q\&ippa, PA; and Mn. WWII £. (Dorothy) Salvad of Coata Mela, with wham she mlde her home, allo nine ll•ndchJldr•n, als ireat-grandchildttn. She W• preceed..t ln deeth by her bus. b&nd. Petet Pavel* Ln 1982. be d.aUC)lm Ek:loa and t:il1ci' Macy (Bacik) Vl11blt1, 1979. Friend.a and ttlauws will be ,.... ceived at Pac:lfic VieW Mortuary Tuaday Au&\lll ta. leat mm 12.Noon 1.o 7PM. s.r- Y'ica will be Wednilf.. day l l:SOAM at h- ci.ftc View Olapel ID· iehnent followlns .e:.rvtca · at Padfk View .Park. Padfk V1.ew J4ortua.ry • DI· rectcn. 644-2700 MLTZeDQDON AlrTH a TVTHU..L WE&TCL., CHUEL 427 E. 17th St. - CottaM-.. &4&.9371 McCOMACK lllOllTUARY 17iS i.aguo: Canyon L~n• Beach, Ca 1265, 494~1r. HA"80ll LAWM- llT. OUYE ~·~tsy Crematory 1625 Gl91« All'e Costa Meaa 5-40-555-4 l't£11te« 81tOTHER9 BEUMOADWAY MORTUAltY 1 10 Broadway CoetaM ... ~2-9150 I r ' • y, AuguS1 28. 1984 by Gus Arriola GARFIELD by Jim Davis ,, . It I t. • THE FAMILY CIRCUS 'Go ahead and touch it, P J ... it's all right, honey .... You con pick it up, Jeffv ... you're allowed! Go on, touch something .... " BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) ---- . . -v:~ "Some people think they own the beach!" by Brad Anderson DE~. IS THE :tlE~ACE 'Just when I thought he was almost human. he starts doing that. .. WEEDS l IT'S A REVIEW OF YOUR LATE5r NOVEL Hank Ketcham -. , ·- ' ( ~ I ' ) It •Oo'T'A THINK ~RUFF \\OULU !.CO< EaJ0 Wftl-1 A CRE\\CUT All OVER ~ ' by Ferd & Tom Johnson GEE~Hc DIDN'T FUSS OR FIGHT OR YELL. Wf WERE IRYIN7 TO [~~IM '(()OR l.t..IRITIN6 HAS SEEN COMPARED TO FAUUC:NER AND HEMIN6WAV . ~~ ., (-·t h J • I by Charles M. Schulz by Tom K. Ryan BRIDGE 'Z·TO·l IS COOO ODO Nt!1lha ·ulnt'rllbl ~oulh I.IHI WEST ORIH • 10 9 ~AU 0 Q71 •AK7U £A 'f • K 6" ~KlG 94 +8532 'I? Q3 0 95 +CU K SOUTH Q J 1082 • IO ·U • AQJT J 92 0 AK63 • !13 'r.ht' hadding· South Weal North Ea•t I 0 Pan 2 + Pa .. 2 NT Pa... 3 NT PaH Pa.. Pa .. Opt>ntnl( ll·iad· ~I~ of l'lay1n!f tht• pl'rn·nl::ige~ dOt'sn't llt'n·~'latal) guaritntcl' ~ ou wall m•kl' vour l'Onlracl. Howt>ver , don't 1gnor~ I hl• pt-rct>nlages unless you have a good n•ai.011 for doing so SHOE 't ~'< \OfE. f<E.PU9tACAN, ~T WITM A WOMAN ~NING . , FOR VICE. ~IDCNT BRABBLE CHARLES GOREN outh' ·had a d1fficuh r bid ht-caut.t! or Norah"• lWC>-UVt'rone r~pons He d\'dc.ll'tl nnt to 1hov. h11 pad 1 bt-cau r that would u1 1e21l n unb1l1nl'c.-d hind Evtn t hou1h hit heart 1\oppt'r left om@lhln1 to be desirtd, two no trump was the more deacr1pti\ll• rebid West It'd fourth bc111t of hi1 longl'lll and !llrongt'Jt 11uit. derlarer playtd low frnm dummy, and thf rontrart was lost thert' and thfn, t:iul woo lhe quren and rtlurned tht> threr to We,t' JO and th., act' . Whl'n the spade-finesse failed, West Louk ht) hl'art tric-ks for down one. If lhf' spade rine l' )UrCt't'dS, 1lrc-larer ha'I nine sure trirks. H \ht' heart., are 4 :4, thl' dc>fenders ran nl'vl'r ict-t more than four lrickl- thret-ht'art and tht-king of pades. Thut, the only d1<slr1bution th11t declarer h,, tu worry about " where West holds fivt• ht•arls and I he kang or padl'"· .. !'/I\ ~NA SP~IT MY \OT£ . 1 KN~ T~AT, oocro" 'f~E.RE.'? ~RE.MON 'fO 11\\.J( 10 Mf, LIK~ A C.\.Ul .. D t "OR BETTER OR FOR WORSE I 'VE~ &-'iOKING SINCE I WA$ A KID, E.L I MOW Cf\N I Gl'JE IT UP N0uJ ';: 15 IT lHRI BRO? WHRT DID YoUR DOC.TOR SAY? FU~Kl' ft'l~KERBEAN DR. S:tlOCK HOSE IS ROSE ) •• W~; ~'5 A5 OUAUFIED Ab / AN't>()t.lE. a.5E . I u JI J~ Gee, l "f' t..-OOKS A l...0..,-L.-1Ke A Hose: 6ASKf!"f' FOR AN eGPResso MACHINe! ooes IT, R~U. 't'? TO ee HONe~.:..I'M GeTTING~RT OP SL.EEP"f I .. from lht' rtul 11r • vu. de-darer kno that Et l hu only 011t' hurl htghl"r than th six. (s 1t the: 10, •!Ut'tn or k1nf1 If It '' tht' IO. de-tlart'r mutt play low from the hie. H tl la a h11htr honor, declarer can block thv uit by riaing with th• act' at trick one. Aren't the t"' C"asea tc1ual. niakinc it 11. pure gue which rard dl"dtrer ahould play from the h<lard at lhti rint trirk'! • Not at all. Ttwre 19 only one ca~t' w h•re W C'ft could .hold Clve ht'arta ht'adt'd by t ht-K Q •nd £ut hH lh• 10. But Eut eould havt' elth.r lhe king doubleton or the queen doubl•ton. and West fivt' lo the otht'r honors Therefore. Eut la twice a likely to have a doubleton lfUt't'll or king than the doubleton 10. The act' of heart.s at trick one is l'll'lrlv tht' right pfav. For iaformatloa about Cbarlea Goren'• oew oewalatter lw brlda• play "·write Gorea Brldae Let&.r. 1909 ClHamJuoa Ave .• Claaaal•· • too, N.J . 08077. by Jeff MacNelly by Kevin Fagan __ ____. 1JN by Tom Battuk by George Lemont by Pat Brady • • • ... 0,-.,,"8Coalt DAILY PILOTITund•Y. Augwt 28. 1984 No slowing yet in summer's boating events By ALMON LOCKABEV With su1n111cr v. 1nd1ng down and Labor Day approaching. onc- m1ght think there "ould bt· a decline 111 boating and )ach1ing act1v1t ) along the Oran~e CoaSf. That might hold true 1n the East and in certain areas of 1.hc M1d- "'est. bu.1 not 1n Southern Cali- IO rn1a wht.·rt" some of the most 1mportan1 events arc ~chcduled 1n Se'ptember and t•ven into the (all months of 01..·1obcr a nd NO\'Cm- ber. Highlight of tht· labor Da\ "-"t"ekend \Vlll tx· the annual Sai1 t~lemcnH." Island race. from Dana Point around San Clemente Island to Sam l)1cgo. "'hich will draw some of the hottest ocean raci ng boats 1n the area. The race 1s co-sponsored by Dana Point Yacht Club and SrlverGatc Yacht ('lub of San Diego. \Vr1glc) and McNu.~I trophu.·~. This year·~ race will be sailed on Sunday. 01her ~p1cmber h1ghl1ghti.: Sept. 8·9. Orange Count): Vo)· age~ ''acht Club -Jane &·hock Memorial (Wo1nen·s Ocean Rae· ing Scr1C"s No. 4). Sa1urday: Allen Campbell Troph\ (Luders-16) . Saturday: Humphre) Bogart Series No . 7 IP HR F) .. Sunda\. Lido Isle Yacht Club-W 1!11an1 Morris Tea111 Rarl·. Saturday. Sunday. Los .\ngelCs-Long Beac h: Seal Ht.'ach 'racht Club -J>oinl ft'rm1n Night race (all 1.:la~\l'~). Satu1da). Cabr11\o Beach "t'ach1 Club -Loni J>o1n1 and Return (Cabri llo Scr11:s. No. 4-51. Satur· day. Sunda\. San1a MOnica Ba ): California Yach! C lub -Squirrel Banlr; race (H arris Series No. I) .Saturda). Sept. 15-16. Orange Count): ... • • ' \ Also o n the Labor Dav week- end. Newpart Harbor YaCht Ckib will conduct the Bald"·1n Cup race for ocean racing \achts starting Friday and continuing through Sunda). Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club - Podolak Memorial Regatta. Fri- day. Saturday. Sunday. Balboo Yacht Club -Metca lf Fleet Champ1onsh1p. Saturday Sun- da). South Shore Yacht Club - Hi -Point Series No. 6-7. Sunda\. Newport Ocean Sailing Assoc1:i- 1ion -('abrillo Beach Argosy. Saturday. Sunday. 0..., "91 ....... ~ Twrl IC- CarO}yn Misca vieh a nd Corkye Akanael watch as Don Magee refuel• boat at new Newport Landing fuel dock. Labor Day regattas '' 111 be s prinkled thro ughout the Southern California Yachting As- sOCiation calendar fron1 San Die~o to Marina dt•I Re'. Mos1 tr3d1tional is Alan11tos Ba·\ Yacht C lub's Labor Day Regatta·. Satur- day and Sunda). wh ich 1s ex- pected to draw more than 100 s:iilLng }aChts Of aJI SIZ('S and descrip1ions. One of the most popular Labor ·Dev events will be at f-l ov.•land's 4rlding. Catalina Island. wherc- los .i.\ngc-lcs Yach1 Club tra- ditionall y conducts races for the Newport Landing shaping up Santa Monica Ba~; King Harbor 'i'acht Club -Lido-14 D1s1r1c1 Championship. Satur- da). Sunda~. When it's completed , n ew la ndmark will feature restaura n t. fu el d ock Sep!. 22-23, Orange County; NC\\port Harbor boat ov.•ners B~lboa )'acht C'lub -On-design and , 1'\1t1ng 'arh1sn1<.·n ra n look Regatta.Saturda).Sunda). Bahia fo ry,ard tO:.i rll·v. landn1ark 1n the Cor1nthran Yacht Club harbor b' the first 0°f thc vcar. Angeln1an Series No. 7-8 · . (P HRf). Saturda\, Sunda,. .\lrl'ad' underc<.Hl~lrurt 1 on on Capistrano Ba y )'a"cht Club ..:... the ba~ fr°onl v.est of the Balboa Ocean Racing Series No. 6-7. !~land FL·rr) is the Newport Saturday. Sunda). Newport Landing. a development by long· HArbor Yacht Club -Scht)rk 11n1c Ne'' port Beach rcs1 den1 cuisine and seafood which will be operated by Byron Kough who has bcC n affiliated wi th some of the top restaurants in the Harbor a rea. Kough said plans call for space for boaters to tie up for n1eals. and he expects to run a "boat lin1ousinc'' service which will pick u'p diners by reservation and bring them 10 the landing by water. ln addition to the fuel dock and restaurant. there will be a small marina with slip rentals for boat o wners. and sport fishing boats. according to Nelson,. · The entire dock .area is being renovated and the existing build- ings will be torn down to make way for the new restaurant and other faci li ties When completed, 1he block- long area will be an attractive village type operation similar to Lido Village Marina. according to Nelson. All of the principles in the new ve n1ure arc life-long residents of the Newport-Balboa area. In ad~ dition to Howard. the principles include Nelson. Kough and Jack Petterson who will o perate the fuel dock. "--' Series ( Lchman-12). Sunda\. Mnrk Ho,,·ard. that "'•II rt'placc Sept 28-30. Orange C0un1y: the forn1er .\rt's Land1ng. popular Lido Isle Yacht Club -Plu!i. J() sport fishing dock. NAVY TOPS CUSHIONS TRUCK & CAA COVERS TRAVEL & UTILITY BAGS INDUSTRIAL COVERS Regatta (Sabot. Laser). Sat u rda \. .\ nrv. mar1 ne fuel dock. f ('J t u r- Sunda~. Bahia Cor1nth1an Yar ilt 1ng all of tht• lalt'\I 1n 'IL'r' ice Cl ub -Star ln \itational. Satur-c.:qu1pmcn1. is alrt·ad~ 1ri opcr- da). Sunda). Dana Point Yacht a11on at the landing and is the first Cl ub -Oceanside. i.\rgos~ Texaco Starport 1n tht· West. (PHRF). Saturday. Sunda~. according to Ken Nelson. prOJCC'I lh============;-1 mnanagcr for the nc'' dcvelop- Marlin-tourney slated to help Cancer Society An ROOMS MARINE UPHOLSTERY DODGERS WEATHER CURTAINS AWNINGS SAIL COVERS WINCH COVERS BI MINI TOPS BOAJ COVERS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL AWNINGS f?G rnr .SfCOND 1"14TI'. GE NERA L MARINE MAINTENANCE • W oshClowns • W ooa l<'et1ri·sr·,nq • Haul Ou!S - • Doc~ Wor· ) n1cnt. Long range plans call fo r a new rcs1auran1 featuring c·a1iforn1a _ Adventures 'l~. A -~ t Sea A complete personalized charter service Angle rs o n more than 100 vessels e xpect ed t o compe te In San Diego The firs! annual American in several categories yet to be Cancer Society Marlin Benefit determined. Tournament. sponsored by Pa-"We've already had subscrii>: cifica by Kipper Yachts. will take lions from about 30 boats." said place Sep1. 28 and 29 in San Wanda Ki pper. president of Pa- Diego. cifica. "We ,hope to be able to The tournament was instigated by Kipper in memory of her husband . Stewart, a viclim of the disease. "Anyone who has been directly or indirectly affected by cancer will understand m) feeling tha1 we can't continue to let this happen to others... explained Kipper. She hopes that 1he funds raised through the tournament will be designated for research at University ofSouthern California or University of California. Irvine. Approximately I 00 boats arc make a con~r1 bution of$50.0C>9 to expected to compete in the two--the Amencan--Cencer Soe1e1y day. non-profit event. Anglers ~hrough this ~?mpetiti.ve but ~n­ from Sou1hern California will be 1oyablcevent. Accord 1ngtoK1p- competing to catch the lar$eSt fish per, this represents approximate- 642-0671 for the top prize of approximately ly 50 percent of gross proceeds 2700 w CO $30.000. believed to be the largest based on 100 boats ... The more Entry fee for the 1ournament is S l,OOO perboat. An in11ial deposit ofSJOO is required at the time of registration. with the balance payable by Sept. I . Entry infor- mation and reservations are available by contacting the Pa- cifica offices a1 2751 West Coast H ighway in Newpart Beach or the Pacifica Plant at 928 West 17th St. in Costa Mesa. or call 674-5770. Entry forms may also be obtained from the Hatteras office in the lido Village or the Crow's Nest o n Balboa Peninsula. both in Newport Beach. slJITE ; 0 s 2 r HWY. first prize purse 1n a West Coast boats. we_ ha~e, the gr~ater our fishing event. Additional cash contnbut1on, she exp~a1 ned . 1119 WHITTIER, COSTA llESA ' (114 ) 631 -2931 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~E~W~P~O§R~T~B§E§A§C~H~,~C~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_IP~r~iz:.e~s:w'.'.i~ll~be~a:w~a~rd~e~d:._1~o~w:i~n~n~e~rs:._1 _A shc_>tgun st.art outside the San .• Diego Jetty will start the event. Boats may field up to a four-man team. with no restrictions on boat size. Weigh-ins will be at the San Diego Marlin Club on the 29th . The awards banquet will be held at the Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel East. NEWPO RT LAND ING FUEL SERVICE A~N O LN CES THE OPENING OF IT'S TEXACO STARPORT CO!\'IPLETE MA HI NE SE RVICE INCLUD ING • (_,a!o;o &. IJiesel • Oi l & Fi lter Chang.s • The \los t L·p-10 -date ~:f1ui1)n11·nt • Beer It·(' -Soft Dri11k"i • fishing Tackle • Other 13oatin~ :\rccsso ri es 1101 HS: (1 \.\I . 111 <1 1•. \I . \\ 1·1·k1la , .. .> \.\I . 10 7 1•.\1 . \\1·1·kt·111l:- NE SO:J E. Edgrwater (:~e"! Balbou Frrry ) I • NI"' 675-0 574 , AMERICAN COMPANY COMPLETE YACHT MAINTENANCE AT ONE FULL SERVICE LOCATION ' • DIESEL GAS • OUTDRIVE SERVICE • FIBERGLASS AND VARNISH • RACOR FUEL SYSTEMS • ELECTRICAL. DIAGNOSTICS & REPAIR • ELECTRONIC SALES & SERVICE I • HAUL OUTS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 675-7295 227 20th St .. Newport Beach On The Bay featuring Go urmet Dinnen Sunday Jazz Brunch Prese nti ng "a little \Ve t of Broadway" a run filled Broadway reYiew whil st 11 ea aboard the Cormorant Newport Beach -.. ~ (714) 675-1481 ' • .. The suppon of private com- panies such as Paci fi ca is crucial to the continuation of cancer research." said a spokesperson from the American Cancer So- Pacifica by Kipper Yachts is based in Costa Mesa and produces sportfishers. yacht fishermen and motor yachts in sizes ranging from 36 to 77 feet. cicty. COCKTAIL CRU ISES Aboa rd the LIVE ENTERTAINMENT -DANCING p e r p e rson Fri., Aug. 31 PA VILION QUEEN Sat., Sept. 1 .................................................. 7 P.M. & 9 P.M. Mon., Sep!. 3 ..................................................... .7 P.M. Only 400 Main St., Balboa 17 14l 673-5245 'l,FeJ!OMANTIC VENETIAN GONDOLAS •COMPLETE CORPORATE CH•RTER PLANNINO •LUXURY YACHTS AVAILABLE • EXCITING SPORT FISHING P•CK•GF.S • ATfo~RINO SERVICES irYln·e Coast Charters I 675-4704 l.o<'attd 1n Udo ~tarina v111.1, I • I - Lan L ti u the Ren Roe Islar 28-~ u clud race u lsth on I -F b 1 The The ~I CY Lidt Bea• c val: new boa• • • .. , Lancen will be moortna at lethmua Co•e on Catalina. Lancer Yachts plans race to the Isthmus on Catalina Lancer Yachts has scheduled the 2nd annual Lancer Rendezvous and Race to Ship Rock. Isthmus Cove. Catalina Island for the weekend of Sept 28-30. Lancer ow"ers e' erywhere. in- cluding thosvwho do not wish to race, arc invited to part1c1pate. Lancers will be moonng at the Isthmus after they finish the race on Fnday, or after cruising to the island at theirconven1cnceduring the weekend. Act1vit1es such as volleyball, horseshoes. Island Safari Tours. swimming and snorkeling will be available for all hands. On Saturda) evening Lancer Yachts is arrangrng for a beach part) with beer, soft dnnks. a no- host bar and a choice of a catered steak dinner -or bnng your own food. Race awards and other Fall's In-The-Water boat shows scheduled The Fall Southern California ln- Thc-Water Boat Shows. produced by Duncan Mcintosh Co .. Inc .. Newport Beach, will be held at Lido Manna Village in f'ewport Beach as follows: Cahforn1a Wooden Boat Festi- val: Sept I 4-I 6. An exh1b1uon of new. ant1oue and classic wooden boats. Southern California Used Boat Show: Sept. 20-23. Licensed Cali - fornia yacht brokers will feature more than 200 of their finest used power and sailboats. Lido Power and Sailboat Shov. Sept. 26-30. Featuring 200 nev. power and sailboats m the West's largest m-the-water fall boat snov... fest1vit1es ae planned for the evening. 5tartini Imes for the Lancers that participate in the race on Fnda). the 28th have been estab- lished at Newport Beach. Ma11na de! Re). K.rng Harbor. Los ._n. geles Harbor. Long Beach and Dana Pomt. Skippers will start from the harbors of their choice at times specified in the racing instruc- tions. The starting lines are ad- JUStcd for yacht type. preva11tng wind conditions, etc. This procedure. known as a reverse start, makes the first yacht of each type to cross the finish line at the Isthmus a winner. The first three )achts to finish take overall honors. A.ll Lancer owners are urged to JOin in the fun . Call Lancer Yachts at 751-7220: 800 A LANCER in Cahforn1a . or 800 4 YACHTS nat1onw1de for an entn. card and racing and cruising instructions Owners must be registered to So you want to charter a boat Have you thought of chartering your own boat for an intimate da> crui~. !l cocktail party, business mecuna. convention or even a wedding and reception'? This may seem as eas> as piclCinJ up the p?\one. buras many a disappointed customer can tell you, there is much more involved than this. Doing your homework and asking the right questions before you charter a boat will make the difference in havina a fun, relaxing cruise and a nerve wracking disappointment. Finding the right charter com- pany for you is the first step. A personal referral. the Chamber of Commerce or local advenising are the best sources. Call two or three chaners and ask what ser- vices they have available. Making sure you feel comfortable with ~our charter representative 1s important. Next. set up appoint- ments to select a boat and meet your charter representative. Find out how long the company has been in business and if they can supply references. The following questions are very 1mponant to the success of )Our charter. •What sen.ices do you have available and can )OU handle the full charter package? •Does the charter sen ice pa)' for insurance or do you? •Is your sk1pper and boat U.S. Coast Guard certified? •What 1s the number of people that are allowed on board~ This number vanes from harbor to ocean. •Where 1s the boarding lo- cation? Is It close to the dock and are there parking fees? •Does the boat earl) the nght licenses for bay or ocean? To insure the dates you want for )Our charter make sure you reserve the boat and put a deposit dov..n 4-6 months in advance. Check into cancellat1on policies and whether a damage and secur- ity deposit 1s required which is refundable .\bove all. find out exact I\ "hat 'our charter in- ·cludes -;o ~ou have no surprises. ., .. Anc~ent voyagera The Nonreatan 2 Saa• SlMJu, a replica of a Vlklnt d~ eea·trader that ed I ,000' yean aio. a.rrl•ea ID Sallfaz harbor to compete flnt le& of U011.Dd-the-worl4 YO'[:ft Etcht man crew left Norway June 17 and espect to On in •um.mer of 1988. Inflatable keel fitted~ on new Rover R.2.8() Avon inflatable announces the unveiling of its new Rover R2.80 with inflatable keel. The R2.80 also has a ne1.a. improved "easy access" method of car retention that allows oa~ to be pos1t1\iel) stowed out of the v..a) and yet enables them to be unsh1pped rapid!) The R2.80 is hght enough to be launched or retneved O\ er the rail single handed!\. and small enough. v. hen deh;ued. to stov. in a car trunk or boat locker. _ Forward davit-liftina points arc standard and U bolts can be fitted to the transom. - For more information on tht A' on Rover R2 .80. please co,n- tact the A.' on dealer nearest yotl. or wnte to Avon West. l 8Sl \1cGaw 1'. venue. Irvine. CA 9 2; 14. 2 50-0880 or Avon East. 151 M \Stic A. vc n uc. Medford. \1.\ 02 i 55 (617) 391-5660. ,, . . ~ Look for our new Boating section to appear the last Tuesday of each month. This section is a fabulous opport unity to reach water enthusiasts along the Orange Coast. For advertising and editorial information call Karen Erstad 642-4321 ext. 256 Daily Pilat \ • • 642-5678 --------------a ..... fr Salt , ...... fer~·· HHHI fer lalt Btu ltr lalt ltatala ltaHI u .. .,...... A,artanh hraJ1k .. l ....... Oaf. 1;;;;,;,;=--------·------•-• 1069 c1111 Ina 1m ,._ ..... TllE'DAIL Y PIL T Cl. S.._ H'IED OFFICE HOl RS _Gu......,11_&1 ____ 1_00_2 Ot11r1l 1002 CtrtH •·• •ar 1022 •• .,.,. .... IHlff r.n11... lRl·LVL blc HM 48t ...... 111... ZIOI ...... .... • .... ~ACRE 1111 f&lll I·-·" I a 3Ba With pool. Nr 8C Plza = a kuc• 2 Br. prorl We8tfield fd1UTllHTII $245,000. 20311 Cypress, UO........, ULIOIPllllSI.. era l1500/mo~5-7506 adultt pr•f. No P•t•. IPAITllUTI Tt'lt>phone !Sen it·t•: Beautlful privet• 1unny SA Height• 545-2847 KDIDT LIUTIOI IEIT IUYI Dua Puat $075 avall 918 to 7111/86 eeautlfvl garauptt. \J onduy-rricla, patio with 1''941 IWlm --Re41oe~ h $411,000 ONLY a1e& ooo fOf thlt Ul.llA llUll 11111 875-1435 No pet1. 8:00 \.':\t.-5:30 P.~l. ~N'B9r,ri~eapa~inpant•1at1dt h!aX-nied JISWNllT 5::;::·:u~~h!n'::',~:! Bnc~ac~!p!AJE8t;. BAvJPloNLT~~-~~~~~!7~5ba_towt., ...... , •-,_ ~~~'!'~ 842.::8 •w Speoiou9 llght and airy 1t· famlly room~ and off· · ... -"""''"' ........... arm ..., ..... ta111na w w lton '31..otOO Bu ... ine'' <..:.:o=u:..:.n:.:t:..!.e:..!r..:.:~-------' car~ed A ttrrlflG val~ moaol\ota enhancea.UU -•tr.oe.t Packing'°' "o to l ~ =: = ;:~ BAY:~~=1~mo 53M190 a.t ~ f.!!._ • 24_1_·_1 ______ _ \lo 1ula\ Frida.' -wt-,,OOCt cuatom oontemporery 4 ears On!y 4 do<>r9 from home -tMn a IUl'T\met EXCEUENTLOCATION reullla 18•. new carpet•. 28drm2Ba *805 (71•) 673 4400 b.cSroom. 3 bath home the entranc. to Main rental. R2 lot OffWI future y ~ W4 drapet, paint. '800/mo. 3Bdrm 2Ba 1730 H:OO \.\1.·:l::iO P.\I. B•autlfutty decoreted Beecn NO~ .. ~~mar-radevelopmeot Call ANO .... ~ a YNflyU0 .. 243 398W.Wll.onl31-6583 with faml!y roo, formal ket 11 only ... 6., today! 846-7171 1 DOOR TO BA YFRONT Buy wit ren' the 4br :Sba Ocean Front.Shelp 2ar WEST-S1DE 3 Br 1~ a. UE.\OLl:\ES :,:n1Rr~ ~':; M.lm144-1211 , l!i~.t~ g:=:=,~peta 1aa.nopei..oar.w1ntw Apt pt110,dlhwtt1t,Kld1 l'l HI It \TIO'\ I H·. \DI I'\ t-m1y c onatder trade orUnfUfnlahed 8-t Alty•• $775 mo 873-768& OKI no pet1Av.ii8a9t 1 PrlOed II $550,000 Call \. • YMtly •tra to-3 bdrm. 2 se95 mo 8'0-7275 531-1400 f()( details ~ "'\II Ht Ho" Ut. IMc 2 ba, atepl to bch. Pan-WOOOLANE VILLAGE \I 11111l il\ "·" I I · \fl .1 111 I 111•,tf,I\ \11111 I ~II p 111. \\ l'C I 11 t•,tl .I \ I """ I .Sii I' Ill 1'1111r ... ,f;I\ \\ 1·11. I 'Sil p .111. l't11l,I\ I 11111 .. 1 .w p .111 ..... 11 11rcl." I ri1I." ~ fl() I' 11 1 "u111la\ hi. ~:00 p Ill. f \ :\CEl.1.ATIO'\ ~'( <:OR R ECTIO'\~: ( .111n•lla 11t111' .11111 1·ort1·1·tio11 ... Ill.I\ ht• 111.1111· 1111 .... 11111· clt·.11111111· ... t ... 1h11\ •. Pl1·,1 ... 1· ..... ~ f111 .1 1·,1111 c·ll.i11011 11 urnlH'r '' h1•11 1·&111n·ll111 :,! 'our .id ERROR~: ( l11•t ~ 'our .111 d .111' .11111 rq1t1rl 1·rror ... t11111lt'd1at1·h . I he· I• \II' Pll <n a .. -.11111 .... l1.1htltt ' 1111 11 ... fir ... 1 lllt orr1·11 i11 ... 1·rt1011 11111' Cl. \~SIFIED h l2-.~h 78 DIMES -A LINE WANT ADS IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO PRIVATE PARTIES Sell your items for $50 or less m our f!Jmous DIMES-A-LINES plJb- 1/shed each Saturday m the Daily Pilot. DIMES-A -LINE ads must be pre-paid so mail or brtng them into the Dally Pilot office, Be sure to Include your phone number or ad- dress m your ad, have a price on each item & no abbreviations Sorry, no commercial ads. garage sales, produce. plants or animals are acceptable DEADLINE: 3 p.m. Thursday Coata M••• Office 330 Weat Bay StrMt Co.ta Meaa, Ca. 92929 YOUR AD IN THIS SECTION IS REACHING 108, 777 HOUSEHOLDS 261 ,064 READERS COMPARE* OUR CLASSIFIED RA TES DaHy 108 777 25c P:•ot I n (.1rcut1f10n 1•t' t~ •'1 1 Santa Ana 49,000 63c Re1ister r. rrulahOll U<' ., __ JnO Newport 52,000 50c Ensi1n ation P'' 111011\arid The 80,000 49c Pennysaver r.11r111•1t0ri 11" tMu~od Rates Based On 3 Lines -7 Times • B1Hd On Competing Circurat1on in Piiot Markel 1, Ocu. YIEW wa uaw11 .. O~I .... ft<. earoain 2& 26a w ab1 OfllNcYU of OQWI" bty 2er 1'A~:r"· dtpe. bll. IA \I I HI HO" By ownr t blk Nwpt Pier, REAL ESTAT E ger frptc lcldt ~ com-from aundeck, 11025. carport +$500 dep IU >"11.., In< CAMEO HIGHLANDS 3 28R hM, '*<>W ~ 11S-4IOO plete kit upper SISOO'e mo. 913 W. Balboe BIYcf, No pelt 54<M484 REAL ESTATE BR, lge f1m rm, lge IMng vllue $182,000 Low dwn 53M190 Beet Rlty... 875-52().4 UI ._._, 831-1400 rm HP dining rm. Prln onty 848-7958 eveie a..--L r-. 1--------$.429,000 Agt 998-7843 •-•L--Har•'• a pair Of ibdrm'• La1u1 -StUdlO apt wlfuh ~itClh i ....... both heve gereo-l t1oth bath a.coo All utlla pd l -nac1• •• LI HORE CLIFfl LIT PllOI ......... Z107 undal '500/mo dNlll •SIOHT/SOUNOOFSEA e61-3863 AftePM "'" _,. OOW LIT -ua. h -II 53M190 a.t Rlty ,_ 1BR, ttpl, oar. No pet•. ISLE ••JF•on •n• IM,.,.., 2 Bdrm. 1 ea winter, Oct 1"'une 28. 49 .. 5184 B t L -" Lot stze 60'x 300' Plana BALBOA PENINSULA PT. OOMnfront. Wat\r/Oryr, nUal ' 1;;uiiiii0ii.,. iiiiiiiiiiiOii•-....,;iiioiiiiii A:;:ice 0~~~~n"'~n !~~ avallebla Phone Steve Juat atepa to t>eautltul 01hwehr,frplc, 1950. 3 Bdrm 2 ba. ..,. Xie lft!ir! ltac• NeW 3 6d 2 C 2 •tY OHllPLD Great eouth of hwy lo- cation. Lge and spacious unit• with C>Cffn view from rear unit. Only $299,500 Bay 55' frontage with .... iii(iii7iii14iii)iii9iii73.-.13iii7i3iiiiiim •and & ooean. Cute two 675-7914 997-3970 MC eytlam. Comm poo1' §~ Fum On eaJ. W/Qlt, 2 frpfcM, no pet• story 2 Bdrm & needs · 1 • ..... ,,. • w·1 • al S t wld hkkp. UUI pd, clOM large deck for entertain· TLC but the price 11 right Ocean Front Duplex 3 Br tennla. t175. 40..-.... u. Penln. nter rant ep to bch. 11100 +NO. Ing. 5 Bdrm1, many ex-llllLE LmL at 1235,000. Orlv, by & comp fvm 2 lrg patloe 4 Br 2 'Aba, fam rm, din 15 to 8/16/85. $050, 982 .. 800 oaptlonal leatur" tall· llfflOIT OlllO look. 1727.e. Ooean Blvd. nut Balboa pier. 2 blkl nn, newly decorated on ,...7:.,:60-=.:80~86:.or::....:84;.:.:.~.;.:..::.,.....IM.;:!i;;;;i;;-Ai~iffi-;;i,;;:i;;'" ored to luxury living. Pier MEL FUCHS to bly & all lhop1. $975 quiet cuf..c».uc It Jae Bay OoNn & Sunaetl New Bach apt. Kit W/fr'9, and atlp f()( lefQI boat. Fer Salt b .... , /kt PlYIUDl IW.n mo-9 mo9 404B E. Ooean covered patio. s12&o inci bNutlfulty furnllhed by utll Inc. No pell, ctoae to l "'-'It. I. f I f "tt S Realtors, 675.eOO<> Joan Lewis 6-44--6200 SINGLE L~EL 2BR 2Da Front 87S.5e61 pm gatdeMf water auoc profeHlonal dHlgnar. bch. 1450 +aec 9e2-<4800 Bayfront condo • ex-111-1120 "' ~· " ' It) N *1"""' •73-08...., d tenslvety remodeled can Oceanfront winter ren1al. \luet .. tenn o • """'· mo. u .., N9W Loft apt. No pets, w/ be expanded. Wiii 'con· 2BR, gar, patio. Utllt pd. pet1. ae-.340Avall9/21 S..chfront 2Br. Winter hklcp, gar, utu lnct. CloM llUll-Nll-lfll stdet trade tor PMI of IOWHllT$441,000 Avalt9/16S700675-1832 Turtle Rock Ridge Peters renta1$800/mo548--9M2 to b9ech 982....aeo M ... Verda'• finest tree equity Of owner wlll help 51ooSealhoraOreuyac. ,._ •-• • ZIU C.BeMltlfuJ 2 Bd +den. or(213)545-1384 IUWlll ~Macnab-Irvine 11owtng noor ptan with 4 finance with 20% down. °"' OWnrl-ot 5-45-2847 ... rna u U View 11500 873-4299 N B Ht• 2BR lerge Bdrm 3 bath and 3 carliiiiiiiii Prestigious locatlon tmrnac 2 er 1 L , ftPi. Wanted to ..... /option 2 kitchen quiet n9w ruga. YIWIE garage Secluded maeter M-onlfloent vtew . Udo to SUPER SHARP custom Walk to ~ S975 Bd +den or larger $525/mo. 845'...4718 New 1 & 2 Bdrm IWcury ~lte hu eeparate 1tudy Jetty. CaU 640-6198 or twnhome 2Br 2ba, den, Ten mo 1M 840-90&8 Needed 1011 '°°'*' apt1 In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm with balcony 0Yef1ooklng 760-8069 evM ~~~ ~ed~2C~ I~ ltu•. ZHt Turtlerock, ~nlv twn Ila leant• 'f 2 Bdrm and Townhomei ~ st~"'!~.;,~ w1t•1 By owner Open aqu.,.. °' Sen Jo.quln 2 Bdrm apt, walk to m + pools. tennl1. water-C..ta Mna I Sun 1-5 'at 34 s..'111and 2 1 • nice patio. 3 c:ar areu. Min 8 mo pre & town. $525. mo. falls, pond1. Gu paid $225,000. 751-3191 (Ford & Jamboree) will pricg. Winter only MOO. tarred 1 yr. 752-7177 492 .. 202 Of' 733-8138 From San Oleoo Frwy $SELECT 1 .... 662 1873 214 36th 87~912 Bier dn..,. North on 8.-ch to ~Rrw:s WEITOUFF J nrrs UITlflE -2BR LUX CONDO Mlc:to-Lat••• ..... Af!!b1nt1, UaJ. McFed<*\ and Wast on r-n~ ~ 1211,000 ULIOA Lii llPLD II & . dllhee Tim 16ath rn on ,,;; McF•dden to s..wtnd PIJOlmlCT111 SHl,IOO GreatpnceanddeelrNbla Walktolhopa.~.Bal. =·poo1'*'S:,a.nrbeac:h bHch. Yard/parlc'g. lafMaPta1ualaZ117 VIUage (714)89s.51t8 Like-new and lovely 4 BA area Pride of ownentilp pt., ferry/rnt1. 38'/2ba S97S mo. S25-7405 $500 mo, 111/laat + $200 OCEANFRONT 2 BO lba But. luMar IHI Col~ 1!_~1~_1'!,..,1 .. of rn~~· ...::~~rt~~ ;;::;: complex. A11um1ble ea. 218 Bat Bl 67S.29-'3 Lid 1 • ._ B 2,.u.. 2 dapoett 75e-1800. yrly, g1r. unfurn/furn 2BR 1b th ....,. ..,.... '"'" ....,.. " financing Sell or ex-o -4 r ,..,,a ~ 4lt O $975 850-2493 a • gar1ge. Pacific Coast Hwy lrge wood floors copper change can tor details WllTOUFF Wm frplc,lg patio $1800/mo DI llillJ u.S $550/mo. Laundry fadl. living room with brick plumbing. new roo1.1111ge 54g.23 ;3 Outatandlng horn. from yrty Ag1875-6181parel You won't bMt PenthOUM 3 bdrm, 2 ba. t ml to bch, Iv m1g llreplace. dining arM, 3 yard and walk 10 school, the brick bordered an-2br w/wshr/dyry fnod kid panoramic ocean & bay r-: 7 8drms. prtvete patio. 2· library and perk. tr1nce to lovely Interior ltllff f •ran.ff pet S&OO't detalla at view, yearly $1700 mo. o;;"";;.;,.;;a.,1._ ___ ..-,...., cer garage. A•klng '"·IOIO with view of flowers and S.at• Lapa! 2111 539.a190 a.t Alty fee 913 W Balboa Blvd, 3 Bdrm 2tt Ba f wnhM, $255, 00. Call Binnie I•-------beauUful yards lrom all 2 Br ooean"'1r0nt pvt bdi 675-5204 prime loc In Univ Prlc Dixon rooms. 3BR + ram rm. • pool & aec~rlty. 0~ WJUI l~tl J YNriy. extre lge 3 bdrm, 2 patio pool & Jae W/O gar c;e: 1s9-9100 Are you planning• move? delight to Ma. Treuure Island, $1200. 2 ftidroom TLth. POOi. ba, 1tep1 to bch, pan· $1200 mo 557-2900 Ctaullied eda wtll Point lllLIEl'I OLllE llT OPEN SA TU ADAY 1-5 rant Of' IMM. 642· 1802 J a cu z z I , Tenn I 1 • oramlc ocean & bay vu I t lfack CECQGl fl•''' _l \'..Pl\'\I' you In lhe right dlrectton 171,IOO 1200SUSSEX LN. 831-7838 557-3381 from 1Undeclt $975 mo, --."'l!_..iiiirioi.iiiiiiiii.-.......;iiiii.im to find the home you In Costa Mela 1 Bdrm Ruth LIUrle Rttr 846-4380 lenet llfar•blte4 913 w. Balboa Btvd, need 642-56711 condos now aetltng below Melrilt Bean 1 Geatral 2202 1..,.rt leack Z 675-5204 copl~~ o~yt~g~:~ ... ~~ Hft••••u ·--2 8' bayfnt. catm mobile E-lllff •N =c.-,-.-............ -=1"""MA:-::--1---c""'7=2 PARK NEWPORT lPHTllENTS · .,... ar -•-home$1000/mo 4Br38aPrtv.PattoComm LIDO ISLE 101 Via Lillo Stull tached 2 car garage&. Ex· tmmac 1 BR, Costa Mee& 2 Br apt E.alde CM $825 pool~u paint Nr Sch _. Bdrm, 3 car garage, 2 IN NEWPORT BEACH Opn Daily 12·5 cetlent financing • av1ll· w/t>eaut. garden Walk to 2 Bd w/Bay vlew yrty Kida OK 51395 87,.2422 fptca, IP•· I 1600 Darrell A gr•t place to 11..,. on the Man Plnu-. n Br ll.I\ I ront 78 •>fl hd~ pnol. able. VA/FHA. Don I mlas bus/shops Onty $8500. 1700/mo Palh Prop 851-8767 Upper Bay Prlv1t1 out on thl1 great 642·7096 or 759-9100 •--f I Wl•ttr 1'"1 blk off sand 2Br 1Ba. P•TtO •PTS w/tn -'kl~ clubhouses & heilth -.p.1 11111 b11,1t .,,,..,u X lnt Fm $4 HSO OUU oplVV'tuni...t 648-7171 -• frplc •11 remodeled " " .... ' ,...... ' .. , Beaut brand new 14x.U " of the bch 1 & 28r $87 • 1pu, 8 tennis courta, 7 Loaded w/upgred• In INfab S775imo 760'8882 S875 & $950 644-2611 P<>Ola Cloee to buainaas Chdn..:n~ Spcml!->h .i Br.! Rd on 4.5' ]01. lrg d<>e.'k, <"OU:'l\.ard pu·r & -;hp .$1.11111.llOU THE REAL ESTATERS adutt partt CM S27.900 .IAOlll IULn •BLUFF CONDO• • oc Airport, FHhlon 991-4090/845-1808 PllP IUIAIE:mEIT 4 Br. 3 be. pvt patio, pool, Temporary rental -'·8 mo 1 Island. convenient lhopt "M brick frplc, lge g1r Joe 2 bdrm, 1 ba. UP· on sight Beauuful i Br > & pla,.nx1m ltn•µl<1u· I Lo ep.oe rent · 1150/mo. 114/ 111 s1250 tae 549.0700 stalre, $825 mo 1st & ' · ' · · . · ra..,.111 I 1 lllT Nr beach 2Br very nicety last. 559-9265 beam l'<•ll mgs X lnt fina ncing $-tlU,000 _.,. at t I & completely l\Jrnllhld. 3Br 2'.tBa condo frplc, gar Singles 1 & 2 Bdrm Apart· I 11•,000 120 000 Ag1 ~ PARK LIDO YEARLY pool $1150 1300 Clay Ct1tl Mtu 2724 ment1 & TowohoutH IA Tllll H IVE IA YfllH T COIDO Be. u 11 I u I e •• cut Iv. . lmmacutll• 3 b.cSroom, 831· 7181/aSo-OS<M 1 ea. rafrlg, range l own. from $720 (Aek aboUt Jc It\. & &" v u ·" rlf'V• h dt•nJrJh.'<I ~l ai townhome Ceramic Illa ITHE llMl 2'n ba twnhm. 2 car gar. Cpl/dpt• s430 +$300 furnished 1p11, compi.te · entry leeda to plush A Beautlful 24' X 51' 1977 $900/mo. 531-1400 4 Bdrm on Canal, frenc:h MC 842-6502 eves. with TV. llnen1 & uten1111. K ;11 :! Br . .! S.1 ~o· p.11 10 N11v. $h4 ) llClll carpeted spacious IMng Medlaon Home with 2 PENINSULA VIEW: doora, i.o<>I & tennl1, musl be ranted for snort room . w/dramatlc BRE,2 BA ·LargeLMng 4 b.cSroom, 2 b1th horn. $1500. 631·3537 or 1 Bdrm apt, deci<, fresh tennOflong«).OnJam· rHllHU NOME OClH FROIT I E xnting CK·1·an & .frtt y Vil'"-" -t Br .i & :noo sq ft <.:ar parking $1 28'1,1100 IAYSIDf PLACE 1.&YfROIT S~ Wt ular bav fro n t dplx :! B r .!. & up 2 Br 2 & down :! ho<lt '>JMlt'S $1 :.!50 ()(}(l vaulted cettlng 3 large & Dining Area Open with view of bay. Ar• 850-7932 paint, c:afJ)Of1. bOfee Rd. at San Joaquin bedrooms, 21~ bath1. Kitchen & Famlly Room plac. and morel Yearly 4 Br 4 ~ view, pool, 646-7514 -Hiiia Rd. Wrep •round patio over-Alt appll1nees -Forcecf lease. S 1800 rmt. spa $1800 month to Lge 1 rm euper clean 144-1100 looks private rear yard. Air Heating & Air Con-WATElllllT llMll month. 875-&000 carpell, drapee & fresh Call to see 546-2313 dltlonlng $34,500 Young 111-1..a lll•ltOO .. ___ .. 1 d d 2b paint. $445, near New--------• Adult• Welcome A.gt ........,, n Ml crpt r port Blvd. 951-9528 540·5937 lalha ldaa• 220i 3 hMI to •and garage 2Br apt & gar. 1750/yrty. __ bHm celltngt upper 1Br 1Ba. 1922 Wallace. 113 1/2 20th St. No peU C.a•trclal YEARL y $900/MO. CUTE $700'1639-8190 Gar. no pet, upatra S480 ~· req. (213)433-0502 •ra M .;;:::;::=;:::::====;:z. p urty 1250 2 BDRM and GARAGE. ee.1 Alty f• Slerre Mgmt 841-1324 LHUH u C HILLSIDE BHt. ltac• 1040 rt!:_ 87!>-3063 . Newport Hgt1. 28' 1ea, THE REAL ESTATERS P & -B 3 °--2000 l /f UIUlll •-•L--e..ut. expanded Harbor 2 Bdrm. 2 ba • IPaf'kllng frplc:, gar, w/d. 1715 Cliff anoram1c o<:ean city v1<•v.. :> r oa 4 IR All POOL 9e'9N Vu Hom.. 4bd, Palermo c!Mn. crpt., drpa & treah Or. $750 675-4912 Agt :spaciou s. x lnt fmancm~ nu"" $995.000. Southport Home near +hue a htH fltw Ptaiaiala 2207 $1700 mo. 87S.6589 paint Near New'jort iliiiSiiiia iiiiiiiiiiiiii 10 000 aq n on lot on Blvd. '545. 851·952 Edison High $164,900 cOut HwytnNorth/north Yearly rental 3br 2ba t/281lto9each:2BR2ba. <,paltOu~ \tnqle onr Bkr 963-.8377 L uni C-1 Perteet for equip! kitchen gar1ge -ate car get+ plcg'g, new 2 bdrma, front untt. All .Loci To .Uc" r:iaur~t.llquOf ltOfeOf hu w/d kids ok ~·1 vnyl/cpt1drp1/pelnt. utllltl .. paid. '875/mo. ~two bedroom 41Pb BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR car 1gency $595 000 639--6190 Belt Rl1y f• Wlln c:toeet1, N9W O/W, 131·2918 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~l sr:~~~~·~~b~ Owoerflnan 640-50.78 . cereu ••• 11u zm ~~~ :=,~" +~1~ I~~~·':,pa~~ petl -;; huge balcony. 1oma llherwH41 I Ot. Lg 2er hiL . s;;t ocean dep. Avt 9/8, 845-1771 $550/mo 1aa-8130 1.11 k "y \HI· U• •• N 1:1 67~ f>I C>I BEST VALUE IN NEWPORT! l et Us Help V 011 Sell Your Property! The Daily Pilot offers you this exact ,jze ad on our "Picture Page" weekends for 1usl ~25 per day or 2 days for 145 Submit a picture, or we'll photograph 11101 you al a mm1mal charge ' I I ! ' I I I I CUM·lfTI &.1wtrs 11 CtaulfiutlH I004 .. "· N••• •••rlt •4•••••11t r fiN U.m1rlf'd Ad ACTION II A DAILY "LOT AO·Y'H.Ot ... ,.uJt 20~:;1~ ~~1m 2210 q 1n 1111.1111 ~2~ ~-:r..:i:OO 01un. 2000 aq ,, ep111 i.v.i 2Br. 2 ba. anc1 garage. -------Recentlyremodelad home Lr, Or, kit, 4 Bd l1undry facllltl ea lmae 1044 offices, lhowroom & ttor Lovely CdM duplex, lrg 3 3Ba. comer lot, lge patio, $650/mo, 631--8213 IQI on 10,000 •If tot C2 Br 2 Ba. unit $1250/mo. greenbelt, pool avall 9/1 --------ruRNISHEO or UN FURNISH£ D SIPER zoned 90% flnen Poll-Call 673-7761 tH s1aoo 780-0157/ *OIUL Nim* HOME Ible S295,000 751-1103 Brand new 1 Bd & 1 Bd lor entenlllnl"" with tit ••1 ••01r4ll1 ""' C!lt!lln• 4 IL .. FI ---+Ion Condos Starting at Hl Al r H ... ••• 7721 1Br condo . SC Plz.a area. __.,. $850 rent to buy Call B TF marvelous 1cou1tlc1. -· Rafrlg w/d new carpet Large 4Br 3Ba. ANoc. Ruaty 631 _ 1268 ll U .., NNI.., ~f~~4;°u1~g~~n~~..lan~ H llrTI $675/mo. 786.3956 pool S~3~ly IH. $450 1Br. patio, refrlg. no ~:I,~~~ .. ~\~~'~ bedroom, 2'..Y ba Plan D Lesa thao 1 yr old located 2BR 1ba, lge encl. yard, no . pet1. 731 Apt 0, W. 18th M d In Turtle Rock Ridge. In Sen Barnerdlno. A.. pet1. $565/mo, water & Custom 2400 SQ fl 4 Bd St. Call 673-7787 no pt-t' 0 l'1' $3 15,000 sume $615,000 10 4% girdener pd 2188.B 3ba on Canal. Spa In M O(ll'n d.11ly q rn 11 .C:::. 1oan Aaktng $795,000. Cherie 646~827 BR 2 frptoae, new carpet, lllln I AIRY ~OOd ~ ~ ...... ~ 1 ' dbl gar. No Pet1. $1550 2Br 2ba, pvt belc, bltlns. aiso r Traditional 3Br 2BI hM w/nlce fncd· 237Canal675-7450 g1r,jac.Jogtobeach.No ti e a lty In yd In xlnt nghbrhd Eleg~ one budjet 2br peta $750 631--6107 .. p.rtment• ,. Realty S975 An11a 759-0780 Height home rncct d " ,. 6:11 .1:110 Brand new 2 & 3 Bd COO· kid• pell saof.. ~:d~!'c..1B~5X"; Newport Beac.h So 7 86-11 72 I doa-chotee of cerpat1 539.&190 Beat Alty fee 1at, iut & NC. $225 J 700 lhlh ~tret>I 66 x 300 f1 tot Acacl1 AY9 5925'/up 642"9558 Finer fncd 3br houM cloae 2 par1on1, no P•t•. (dt Oow rl /.-·~WllM'f..J,.. 3880 Michelson Drive Irvine Senti Ana Hta Pou of-Oelulll E-Slde 38r 2Ba to waves gar frplc patio 850-1798 64 2 . 5113 flee alt1 $350,000 firm frpl-dbl gar-tg patto $995 all blll1 pd $750 539-8190 Eastaide bech apt for Newport Beadl No 752-258" 979-3350 Iv m1g a.1 Rlty fee 1 par90n Alt uttla Ct .. oa laiaaa 1 7S Affordable 4br houM In· FIB HIT pd 1395/mo No dog1 HHu Irvine A11, nu• I A.... cludasdenfrplc:kld1pet1 ltve In my Harbor View l)leua. 7eo.a882 (di lbthl LtfH I ltac~ '" CONDO trf·level 2 bdrm, 3 Ok S725 avail 911 Condo & !flake the pay. EASTSIDE Pvt Bachelor 645-tt04 OOUI FlllT LIT yrs ord. ornanltlM. xlnt •111-1110* ment1 f()( 3 yrs & I'll give all utll pd. lmmed. oc~ -====~:"::'! DOLlllYE AIU loc. Muit Mii 842-4662 Eastald• rental abode you 1 /2 ownerehlp. cupency $350 11111aa1 + ilWPllT llUll IPLI 1o frontage on ocein lacta t Prtt 1 SO beam oelllng1 bills paid ,.76-1234 Iv mw for OR $125 dep. 851-0424 Beetltlful 3 8d 2be. Fri*:, lront w/bldg pt1n1 by 4 .. -~a crpts & dr.pee $4t6 nat Harbor Ridge 2Br Jae & BEAUTIFUL 1 Bdrm SS8S gar' blt·ln1, 078 Chris Abel Ph Stave •n.s.u. 539-6190 Beet Alty fee aauna guerd ~te ......, PRVT ,..tlo pool .,... 833-3133/eveil 770-a824 4 to chOOM froml Good • • _.... ....-• • ..,.. "'f7 t 4) 973.1373 WMl·llde Col1I Maea E/elda 2br, 1ba. -!I knotty $2000 Anita 75 780 TOP., .. , quiet. no pets SPACIOUS~ 18r 1Ba. locatlon All 3 BR. 1~ BA, pine lnskM, utll I paid. lrg Condo 2br, 2ba, 2 car MESA PINES 2650 Harte with view. VII.la Balboa l nport leack lOH P1tt01, dllhwuherl & 2 u 75. 548•7729 agt gar. w/opaner, bay vtaw, Ml•l"l Ml75 LM 875-4912 Bkr 111,000NWI ~~0a7er1Se~er~~1 w~~~r E;~g:~!~t~: g~=-~e5~' St1petb upper 1Br w/elec l .. nlt 7 LIN ISLE FULL y AENTEOll 9.38 • shared pool, no pet1, range, frlo. enc gar, no ciOM to m . m . 3 Bdrm 2 t>.11~ playroom, G r o 11. Fu ti Pr I c • $725 mo 2453 Orange Ocean view ••~utlve peta $425/mo, 842-5064 view, 2br, 1'~b•, encl. !urn Only ~10.000 $320.000 ea. Only 15'/o 957-87117 -0t r: ~~· ~~~.,! Bdr, Large 1 Bdrm, 1 & 2 Ba e&c,•· 225 La P1loma. Biii Grund AMttor down. uam 12% 30 yr. ' • "• rm, pool Ind ,.... F . S37-7918 Y loan. Polltlv• caat\ now 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. xtra lge S 2 e 0 0 I m o . A g t • 14241 'l4a-033e rom 1•1.--------.~-. 675.&161 By owner 8415_8848 yard, Ilk• new, kld1 & 873·7781 mo ,.., ....... ._ ___ _._ 121 W ICWFlllT ll llne _Ill ¥:~~ ~~ Perle. Sptcloul new 2Br 1Ba. Oeluu Condo 2 br 2~ be, 1 m;:n; condO, ifPIO. 38r on 48' of OOMn front .. .., ""'' • Stepe to beach. Wl'lt• fplc, micro, AC, lrnmao, rdWd deck, wld, POOi. $550.000 87&45e2 ~t Wm Newport, OX• Qroaa KIDS OKI NEAR 8C PLZA only tl150 1015 w. ,,50 mo. 843-2289 IP9. ale 1325 •ft•. call No negative, 30% dn 2Br Condo S.A., ..cunty Balboa 175-4912 8kr ~ deOol'lted bacheklr 720-9205 Atk fOf Rob Pool, aow hMt. 14 encl gat• pools. etc M 2S fREI HIT gar'• 3-R2 lot1. ecrOM AvlM now 754-1202 wntaJfP '42 mo Carpet/dr.,_, 27rt. ,,...._for 1 pereon Liva tn my Harbor View from beacJ1 64().5078 ... 8rtght lmf'rleOIMta oou~ no pet1. 84~1893 only. OU... no nolM. Condo & make the pay-t -=: NEW 2 80 18A, ft'plC try ~ private. U · Pvt 18' trptc Poot. pat.I Drive by 3ee Hlitllllon ment• ror 3 Y"I & l'N gM. .,.,, In I 1 Bltlnt.gar 721 A Center. ecutlw 4 id POOi hOme.. gw NO P9li SH )N S:Y Pane In ttreet. In tM you 112 o-~ can Laro..i Lot tor ro;;;t t11 +aeo 1760 497-1287 Avt1ll e11o Oatdener & St isss 850-aST beQ. 1350 mo."*' Olll GR 9.5 479-123-4 pra In Nwpt 8ch· pv1 Sprawllng Mttllde ~ pool IVC lnel, 12000 MM41S community I tH.000 2ba oaraoa & ~ leue, 173-7544 8~~~ ~Br~ H.B nr G w c 1r9 ea.c.. Owrlfl 841-e673 crptt thN-out MIO mo ata Au 710 '·18th St · type home w/ tart a UN ISL! "-t I nM 190 11e11 Arty ,_ bircts. '*"· PfWf non·llMr 11111 vttl t tatt iO co FG mod 3S&m WI 1fn1 A..... WO Ind utn en.ou2 8-:l'ltwknd home 1ha1 Prt~ lHO WIT PIT Pl fDt 2ba pool MM no ti Want • MlectJon of greet NIOe tum lhed room ,,.., • hu the potential for U-onl&f new great· Help Stamp.out rental 1750/mo klda/pell ok 1Mng7 We cen on. any-8o Cout Plan. mod•rrWutlon or dls· away retrMt 1000 mlltil er'C::. r~ =~ 139-tt90 S.I Rlty M thing from a lmall apt to 1271mo.8M-17U manti. and build to tult away from ::-J'hlng. On ~ rental tnfo ftom i .., a• 8d hOUlll If look" In Plfk Newpott Townh<!We :::s.~ mak• orfer !,~nt:rih •by"~~ company "'~! ..... car.a. Vafval.... UH W~t ~! °[h~r ~,:,_ '; wtth Pft'lat. b•tti s.so UN RW.n S 185,000 wrtt• IM tnfo "-' 8Y """•",,. JtMibdi coOE &dMI llVlng. Avail t 11 7to-tu7 PO eox 3282, \AGUM SU.~4" -2 , epllt ~. fyplc. T8L MA'NAOEMENT Room Ind kltehen 111-7100 Hiiia, Ca 92854·!282 Have .omathtng lo Nil'? w/d,2catgar."°°'&epe 842·1803 legel, neat but & 1f10p.. Agta -icome Clltalf..O adJ do It ..Cl. 950. 666-t.200 NB AU.\. TV 875-18"2 pint center. M2·5180 . r ~mtllla1 btt1 $2.17 per day That't ALL you pay for s Unw. 30 daya In the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY plY1 tM IAVINE MIRROR *"°tMHVHmlGTOH IE!ACHCOMBEA ev.ry WedMldaya1 no tx1r• chef get CALL TODAYll AllfHLlll Your Delly Piiot ~Dlrtctory A41p<Mentatlve M2..U21 nt. IOI ..... Upltalra Bech studio, ba, pvt entry, eundeck, utll lndd, beet loc In H B. 1 ml to ocean. S300 mo + dep. 982 .. 183 l1at1ll tt lbrt UM Otllet lnta11 Ult Lest I ,.... 3Mf lt!f: Wu... 1111 1111 Wut.. 5100 ltlf Wu... SIM ltlt Wutti SIM a.lt Wa... 1111 SJ• Male profwlonal 28..sa to DEllTIYI unu ;seovm PERSON* CARPENTRY 11g"'· pldcup cLERK TYPIST ''""' PIT •PPM BTIL P9IT.. a ,, .,. , 11 • thr lge Height• home. N· Recept, conference rm, Fr.eny Auto 28242 Avwy & ~. mwt haW poettlon iwaa. Xlnt phone lmmedlal9 oo-*'O '°'Of· ensgelic; csw or1ented Rl•dlil ......_ ~ emkr 842-3442 Diana sec eent. Utlla pd. Nwpt f OlJND ADS Pertcway, Mlaslon vi.Jo own ln.ldt. M2·t787 Miiia, 50 wpm~ gmntnc1 indMduj to ... tront omoe .-..nt IO ,_. per-.on w/Od __, • M/F to enr 28r twnhM In Blvd Call MaurHn 2 wonderlul kids need Hra 8-12 PM M-F. alst In euatom. Mr· WOf11 lrl ~ qulilty dM-Wotd procenlng & CM S300 + $200 dep. 84~2111 ARE FREE child c.re. M-F . 2-epm. u.-neg. Cal e.tl'l 964-e744 vtce/ .... d90t. In ~ tw pr9Ctlcle, 4 ----btkpng '*"""· ~ Warm CdM home IJll Call BUI 54a-e372 NEWPORT BAYFRONT Must haW own car & r.t· for dJnlng room. Mature RDJllL amoklnQ offtca. ~ate NII beneftta, ~ cpen. ~ ~m. fem non-emk. Rm PVT, OFC. 200 9Cl ft Cal: erenoee. 873.-2790 per.on with °'*·J:.,· Bu9Y N9wPOf1 BMch typing, filing ~ 48).9311 • " .,. 85 + utll. 759-91~ M:n!i~8$2~+ ~ w/Marln11 fCCW. $400, ~~I=· !~s -S:: ::d.ranc: ~":n. °"':n =·~ ~o: 2911:. lllTALl•lllHITll 20 !'25 .J per~ Mia Bttlfll!tttb zt04 utlla Pet~ 646-8882 Can Ma-1501 142·1111 lllLT lmll CoHt Hwf' Laguna typist. Dutlea WIA Include aeny Aw. (Off Fe1MM). Front office. ~u~a *" Ft1dlw. ~ llk.e *"'-IUUlllllTll Prof fem n/1mkr ahr 2 Bd Newport c.nter BMel't. •SM-1151 computer entry, llght Santa Ana. CL 92704:. 8eec:t'I EJcps. • 4i.t ... WOftl mrM1 ~ ": Wk~ ret'lt... now avall. apt on 38th NB $350 m1--111T11 11m lYllUILI typing, ftllng, Mc. Salary commen1urat• ~ ~~1;:.7= tnlin. 964-2511 - •1 8/wtt & Color TV 842 7483 Aft 7PM ... ,. Found· Di.. Brindle Pup lltM nt·W•tltem Experrlela ~ w/Uf>«, ~· "'" ,.,. #"• • up. ' • Full eve, tree ret'lt w/IMM. . ._ ....... · In L.agune BMch. Must be •10-. pd deli.. c-u Mr. Durbin 553.-l133 OEHT'"'L TREATMENT .... _.!.!"9• ... ~a~ phonee In room. Ooeantront NB hM.4 Bd IS44-8800/873-1700 eve 846-5884 JW Airport,,.,... over 18 yeara Old, haW • "" ,, -· ~ -.... •9111*,,,_ ... _.., __ 2274 Newport Blvd.C.M. 2ba,frplo,W/D.1 rmmte OC Alrprt .,._ ofc ape FOUND CAile Male Long dependable car. Wiii 1815 N.F'*1Ch at #2038 deraJ CletDll wy-COONXNATOA.. mlllUre. Fut-uN lllton--Frl >QM 848-7445 M/F$350 548-2033 830 llf lo""' of p"'•kltvt. heired pup. blk/Whlte. treln. Expetlence hetpf\.tl. SA542-721110-<4 IUll-..,. n==on .. moker,. w/~tal ~ Cell -·~· .,., •. . •• -.,., W .. I •~ CM ,.,.,.7,.•2 Ea "'""500 •• tlr"N,.!_1..,. Tempor~lp, buay k uper.,potoo .......... ,.,. ..... ue. V111tl1a On Buch. Need prof. rmte Janltrl, utll Incl. 11.10 a/f, '' n ... *' .,.._ ...., m ...,.,.. -f::r I~. ctetk:al --rw phonee 66 wpm = lplofNdlc;..... _, ... ~"'" ~ .... leatala 2t07 to lhr 2Br/2ba apt. Bal mo to mo OK. 5&7-7010 Found: Large Blac:lc male ~&~~II 842 -4 33 c~~~ FITOruPglTatovrar•;~..P..! m~ v=~::.-·J"U: anGid eer*~ -~ _.. .......... ~O::Z:.: lllt1TIJ.O)IOl• w ;,• 5 •WINTER RENTAL* Penln. S300. 875-t388 I la ... --•-n11-cat. Lge head,Mcil,fMt. OUlll ...... ....... ...... 45 WPM Good ood ph....... ·-M-• --·.r· ...... ·-•• tu atua Vic Ha.rbol' View .,.. --• hou,.. 844-75715 Z: · pey end front offtce l!PllW'· Fot eophlstleated ,... &p'd lmMor p..,,1 ,...._" ~'~~~~~.h':'t11 Incl Pb~::~g~'1u~:l•Ev~~ STORE LEASE: 1250iaqtt. 840-2821 l&ILf PILIT R=EXNORDINC. = 8t:'10::-Stit!:! ~·.b~l~t~tlv:r::~1~0:~ & ~ 0..-0 -.. 831-24M;875-5471 831-8643 Pr.ter 30+ Prime Newpon Bl, CM lo-Found· Long hair gray & CLERK TYPIST· accurate, Npt Bch s.48-5533 2_. 148 3816 • ' 844-te11 trans'* 476-7022 • leatala tt Pv1 1 lg 48r NB h cation. H80/mo, 875 wht cat. Very attec-2 dya/wtt S5 p/hr..poa.-Equal ~ ' hotel • -. llaart 2tOI Incl~. utlll, w/d, k::; 7788 Of 54t-<>881 ¥:~~,1~" N=-g~ ASSEMBLERS Ible FIT NB. Ma-9353 Employer M/F/ ...... aw. H•ITll W• t.va the~ .:i::. prlvllegea. Fem prof or C..atrclal home 84~84'0 App I y 1 am 0 n I y . ASSEMBLERS C.N.A.1 OI -:: aldee, dUnO job o.,eutnga • :--8*f~2. ~:\ffi ~~~~~~7~~t& ... tall Hll Found Male Aust ahep ~:=,~~-;:~831 :'!/~II Gr~~~~ •PITf/l .. 1275 + utll• M~8515 ·CdMdluuh• Xe.amp! mix, blind w/akln cond, . . We have openings in our 847-3515 out ~ioed onty. ...,.,. CdM GREAT RM & BA leatab Wut.. not l)(tlg, from $225 2855 E Female Br/wht mix ATTENDANT uv.tti. l.&lndty, lronlnO. gmer.i1 ITTlllllTI , ,_ 0 , KIT/LIVRM .... c ,._ ... u..... •1 .. .......,. Cocker, Male Brin-Dtaabtecl teecher. Lg CM EMPQRAR _... •• w•~ ~""' dothee ._. • •• ~~Rm~RTy;:IYorwtn: ~· .... , v .,..v..,., dle/dane mix. Female St heme. PIT. ~2357 .... ,_ ••--car;&ilt9 ~Cell •-.S(l9-lll) '4~_1_5 __ +_•_,....._M0_,._2,..55...,...,,,...,. ter unfum Anllt, wids ow ta•aatrial Bernard Br/Wt, Mal• AnE1T1• IT1m1T•" ELP PQQ 'i;c7t'~lr'T.".c~:: an... ~n ~ * .. ,., 1Tl1WI Fem 25-35 non-.mkr 2 Bd with dlMl>led eon 1000 leatals 2920 lrtal'I S.tter Red, Male eu l'lotelln Lagune Bch Stop EOE (819)753-0339 '1lllllT (&a.Ill} 2ba fully furn, d9'uxe NB mo. 2 bdrm. or 3 bdrm, 1000 eq fi oG i ware-Bk/wl'lt Spanlel mix. In ltatlell Wtrltn by 1555 South Coa1 -,,.._ * PIT-.... apt vi.. seoo 873.-7248 xlnt car• 850-5108 .. _~ Xlnt loc. 1310 N~ BMch Animal wanted part/time $6hr + $4 52/H _,_ ...,,_ ·--,...,.,.. sn.tt• 644-3658 Call st 84~sno • r. Hwy. Lag. Bch . Ad...... opportuntty '°' edY1uic:. , ....... FEMALE Roomat• wanted lu11n 111 Logan G 846-7512 4IY9. ofc. for app EOE tMtn\. M11at " "*' * •n•• ••• ~a=•t:o:i,:: ~~~Int 2112 8030 ~Ft Industrial~ F~~.~g~~x ~~~ A~!~m::'~tt~l~~1 s: ~Js~ ~= ~~o ~~1= ~.... f/I lllCllPO . = ~~ ..:·: WllTll/lliltllll beech. Bal. Penn. $400 + Prlvete entry for !~,eoe =-·d ~t!,, Blvd Terrie, rab• tag 5473 Corry. Allan Magnon are growing rap.dly and hao,;e long and NB Reel &1ate ln~llt'-In-peer., must iwve CWT9nt *PIT-IOWlll utl 848-5545 Terry or auto Of' bOth . ..., mo 1 -S 800 M'-3858 POflt* '4M300 short term temporaf)' as'>1gn~ts Co., reeponllbl -OMV printout Apply at: 848-255e ~N~~1~152 ~mogt . FOUND Vlctorle Bch .,.. n .. n v<>IT'TER __...._.. '-2 available on an on·goms bas.~ for light elude preparation of F"""""1 s-. 2706-lnlllll'T \' M/F.m enare 3 bdrm apt, 1 blk bd\ $275 11t , .. , & 1130 dep. M&-8200 Single car ger.~.enot I L HIS yng Fml malumute Of 7oid;tri 1 d;;:;:;;; & hand .membl) and pac~1ng on our Day I:::.:.~ ~ll'bof Blvd. CoSta * Wf WIB . w/etec. Nr telJlround•. •he. ntaaa huakl•. to cl elm call occaalo~al morn a & '\hih 11atenoe 1n preperatlon Of w.,.. lootllng for exper, Fem to enr NB 1 h .. to Nnd. 3Br 3Ba yrty 3 car gar $433/mo. 845-0054 $85/mo, 751•3 1 IYPUI <487..f733 8-5 48W270 efternoona. Dover Quahlit'd apphcants must be dependable flnanclal atetement1 EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR l'lerdworklng, people . OfHct leatala Hl4 Specee available llCrOll ..,../wttnda Shor•.,..._ M&-8141 and reliable, ao,;a1lable tor oH•rt•mt> prof•· Hands-on experience S 12 50 l'lr wlll train oriented lndMduala. to • &1.-T ••g from oceen. 1538-8318 Found: Vlo UCI female au--•• c1ent in English and work 8 hours stAn· W/COfn9UtWI pt.,..red. ~2 Join our twn rwn -'002 g'*" manx, red COiiar , .. , .. 5Ae d N t I Send to PO BOX E I d It Fenrl.QCMHome'80mo Two150iaqftprofof~ Aaanactauta.. ·-• 557..f212 FIT&PIT,upd,ultpay. ing 0 orma elCJ>enence ne<.essary ""t> 8708-125, Nwpt Bch xperenc• wa reH •Ym + mlnlmel ualat. for DI• w/wndw view. 2381 Cam-SPtRITOXC READINGS Mat edutta, own trans. will train Proof of ehg1bihty to wort. 1n the 92658-HOI wanted • ..,. c .. ~~ Karen .......... - abled tMChef. 8415-2357 pua Or 1211 lrvtne. Cof· Advice In All Mattera & Found· Young fem. Tor-Babyaltten Around The US required c1fter hire .,._........, __ .. ,, -•u. F to lhr 2 Bd 1 be In COM ner Campus & VOfl Kl'lar-CounMllng 18115 So El tolM Shell cat. Friendly. Clock, 15311 Seine, APPUCA TIONS ACCEPTED: • I I man, Incl Recept, Anl Cemlno AMI San C19m Vic· Hunt. Harbour area lrvlne, 551-5111 8~~50;::. ~ ut 1. evc. Conf Rm & Coffee. Uc'd. 492-72" · 887-0313 dya UlflmDI llDO MONDAY thru FRIDAY $400/ .. 752•2484 LOST DOG fem blk/gray BE AVAILABLE TO ST ART Lg furn rm/ba, Npt apt, nk»I I'm quiet reep, gd ~,mature. If you are too. call 831-0377 $375. · DIT11 .. IT,I... *Z1t~.,C~~~ KMlhond. Lame rlgl'lt F6~~= 2 pvt ofea &lrg Sctry/Rcpt Put, preMnt & Mu,.. r.., leg 842-0140 420 &2nd St NB Ms-374e SEPTEMBER 4 S700/mo Bkr Ms-8266 87~2485 Of 831-.8tM Loet: Sm fem golden ret. 7 UlllllllDI p IT To rHctr our fac1l1ty, take 1-S to L~ke Foreu ~:'~~~~f~ein wltl'I ~ c:tlent• to ei<1t tum inland on La.ke Forest left at work In profHalonal ~11iands and ngtu •t Marcont to Lost Yellow cockatlel bfrd, vie Bal Pen .,.._ Ana to R4M9 873-2258 Newpon Beech salon 9 HolMd · lniM We •~ an equal Paid vecatlon and med. oppof't\llllty ~ SYDNEY 01111 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Ina. avell. 842..f184 BEAUTY • IUlllllllT • UlllTAIT Rlcl'lard ou.1'9'1• Selon Shrank· Delve 200 Newport Center Or NB Berth • Accent Wednesday, Au1u1t u HEADACHE llllP11llllT ARIES (March 2 1-Apnl 19): Money-making op~nunity 1s My t>oea '* atweya heppy Full-time. Muat be tul'llon present. Someone 1n "powerful" posiuon senously considers you for ~:!~.~t>uta l'lel~:.C,.w~ :;:;1•;:ple~ndRlc~~:J lucrative assignment. Maintain balance, be d1plo mattc. show that you money and 1 get 1n. Oellett• Salon, 200 New· are capable of handling responsib1lit~. Marital status 1s also HEACACHE. port Center Dr. NWpt Bch h1ghhghted PtrHW BIZOUS Cate/Gallery. We TAURUS (April 20-Ma) 20) .\void self-deception. See people as s.nlrt1 Hlt are looking tore young they are not merel> as you wish the)' might be. Focus on property, real enthu1IHtlc waiters/ estate, s~cunt} and em plo)ment. You'll get ~elp from one who shares *llllOIL IPA* ~~ ~ ~ your ideals. who senousl) wants to return a aavor. 3-5pm, Tueeo-Wed·Thu,.. GEMINI (Ma) :?I-June 20) Be read) for change. travel. vanet) II llWPllT IUOI 222~ Main St H B. and physical attracuon to one who does haH ~our best interests at Muuge and Ao-Boet 1 taller hean Older tndmdual lends benefit of expcnence, could poss1bl) c:upr.-ure. °J:1 7 daya NEWP~AT YACHT EX· provide necessary funding. (apncom pla)S ke> role. =~ :!!. ~ CHANGE 11 lnt«vtew'.ng CANCER (June 21-J ul) 22) Long-standing transacuon can be Front.Ge Mat 15th 61: .Jouo.~Power completed. Individual who had be('n youradversaf') tan now become South 2 block• Boat 1n1ta11er Call )'Our all)' Make some concessions witho ut sacnficing t>nnc1pals You (714) 548-7208 87~1800 arc aoina 1n nght d1rtttton and rewa!ds could be plentiful • ll&T IMW LEO (July 23-Aua 22): Circumstances tum m your favor-you 11 laala"' Ou. tilt H~. rettrw. a1u· have chance to m~t 1ntertsttng. producuve. creative ind1v1duals.-m dents. FIT PIT temp help: Shon tnp could be on agenda Stress independence. onainahty. c~':~~ALAUN=~T =':;· !':.~d t•:::· willingness to "wager" on your own capab1httes. Aquanan 1s ·~picture. Hlgl'I groaa. Mt. ~-Apply In per90n. M·F ~ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22): What had been a mere promise could ay Owner 5'15-26'7 ·tween 2:00 + uo pm become 8 reality -m o ney 1s involved and so 1s your sccunty Take llTTll TUI Y'llll mso Monrovte St• C-2 initlattve talk about your needs. make clear . that your o wn CM For lntormellon call contribut~ons cannot ~ underestimated. Hunch will pay d1v1dends "TA~O~l!A" ~-:S 2: ,:, ~ -follow 1t! , ~ Pr.....-tly employed. hap---------LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct 22) Doors open. you 11 have more 1un. plly marrltd men & BOOK KEEPER wentecl pressures arc relieved and you'll receive sin~crc comJ?hmcnt from one women trom a11 walk• of ~m .,~,!,~el deelQ: you admire. Emphas1s o n pcrsonahty, chansma. ab1l!tY to put points 11r. needed. "of: t\a"8 Nq 714-14&-1~ across m d ynamic, meaningful manner._ Ca_nccr nauve fiaurcs ~it'~=A",~ _: • prominently ~ tend Boot<t<EEPEA, Ouellfted SCORPio (Oct 23-No' .:?I >"You'll finish a s1anmcnt. r~m~nce :: :rormauon iol°"~ ~ '!',.Hk•::::,,~d will nounsh and pressure~ will be relieved. Atlother Scorpio IS In "TalklnO Mall Ord«" la '•'" pey picture. will help you. and your confiden~ wtll be fejtOftd You'll be 1*• no ott\er. W• now 900KK£EPEA "C-PIT n".·1....-t to panici"-"te in media event aimed at promouna chanty or hev• ~~!'• maklno 'IC -~ nded '° ..ut l ~ ~ . -l-4000-MOOO p/mo. net w/mwt.,._ IMnUel PfOC> political campatfn. ~ fi b prom doing tht.. W• mgmt bl!•. ~ AGITfAR. lJ (NO\.. ll·Occ. ~l ): Goods.ncv.is nvm 1 ar UO}S tuPP'Y 811 m.t...., Y°" ~"'"'all llnendell. spirit, Yo u are more o pt1misuc no" )OU rtahze that JOU did make auppry fo11oW•1o1p. Call ~ ~· conut bu'line or career decitton Romantic rclauonuup aro" Turner lnterpr..._ (119) tecf. ~IO wPm; wtio stronaer. tould be of a permanent nature V1!'10 pbys si&niticant role. ~ e.ict 119 ~.:_ ~ CAPRICORN (Ott. 22-Jan. 19): ~mcst1c adju?!mcnt takes place, Wltlllal "'plu 1 it :.Jc:,~ prove ~ncficlll. tnda\1dual who can pull stnnp loo~s up0n )'O~t ~tltt 4111 .._ * Tl4-t144 cffotl with f1,0 r. Yo~·11rttC1\.e11n of an ob;ect or lu~uryttcm. !pent At~ p;; G;: °' •••HI neaJ«t pl nt or pct. Libra fiaurts in scenano. JV ptrw ne.c1ec1. 2sa untt """ AQUARIU (Jan. 20.feb 18): Tn'el p_lans arc ncbulou Thert condopJt,rMO)'•or9CIOtd -:S::;m': c:t 1 ,,: are obltpuons. npcn\t'S that require attenuon. Put throuab c:all that meip 1tt pft.-eon.t tannt. '76-2= will aid 1n clanfyina obJcct1~es ~r1ntual \aJu~<'ome into (ocus, nic 1oan STMOed 7R.Q"2 ofdirccuon 1 restored and )OU 1 no lonaer feel alon .... ........,.. p E (feb.19-March20) Diad~pformformauon.knowthat T ·.'t ' 4111 ~•oe-llnQ8.'9n- "ou , .... close to tnk1nJ pa) dirt. meonc ~ho v.tthheld 1nformatton ume :or" !Im~""" ' '" d d ~ ~· tli rd t ~ Wt PtrY c.ali'I fot "'°"• P81 El'\)oy y04ll mp to t nu..,. tontnlc. $ttk~ ~our 11 an 10f'll venc . 'ou can • o o 1,.; ao-Call Nt'W'OO 00 yourM!f. · Cell OaorQ• Jtnerou , don"t hold grud .rs. ttah1e )OU are a v.1nner anJ othel"\ know ~141 141-1122 751.2401 J.1 . ' I I CALSONIC INC . Clerks CIRCLE K-MARKETS J ~ ~ ~ NOW HIRING ~'-~ \ ; CASll1ERS I CLERKS 'Interviews dally from 11 00 t.a m -12 noon at 1390 ~North Pac1f1c Coast Hwy '" Laguna Beach Ion PC H & V1e10) a '. 41 494 973J •or more rto .. FIBERGLASS OFflCE ~In penon (no phoM IRVINE MARRIOT HOTEL MANAGER calla p!MM) Tue.dey . See our ad under l'lotel Musi be k~llJMb'e In Aug\13! 28th ttlN nu. . COUNTER Per1on, moteslng, ~ gun. d9yAua30tamtonoon. Bindery, Dellvery, for Jay...ipe, etc GrMt ~ 19000 Von Kerm.n IMne • •tab. print ltl09 In SA portunlty In Hawaii --iiiiiiiEDU--Muat t1aye neat l!PllW'· (714)13().0011 •n+HIPll ance & CA. FlORAL DESIGNER Fu time, da)'I Xlnt ben- llceNe.. Exper F/PT 1M all .tits 4000 Hllena Wtq,: .. -. of -......£. , ... port~ llllPU-11 I ---;.""..., ::;.,.4 ....... -~ INTERJOR DESIGN Flair: .......,......_ --.. ---.. ---.---fOf Color? Coorc11net• Start lmmed Xlnt aaJ n,...., ,__ comm.rc1a11r .. ldentlal0 Newport eorn.tic ~ 4 deyt a WMk, eome dftv-well decor. P/t, Flt. Wll • cy, Mlaa Aoeel, &42..e142 Ing requited Ms.4083 train.~ ..... n4 llUYDY fal./Tlm PIT Jepaoeee coupte cMlre ~ Full-time tor local d• PUT /Tm... ltY9oln ~ 11. caa . ltveriea. Exc9'Wll dr1vlnO Opportunm.. avellabt. dehy « ft9a Tl\-3814 .. ~ts~a:~~ ~:;~hea~c!1:~a~ , • ....,. 883-1200 Pw'aonnel 0.. partment In our dOOf to lntetlot & ElCt*1or ...,.. partment dOOf ~ ..i.. able. P9rmanent tun time a t d poettton. Muat haw ooot DELIVERY PERSON. FIT program ueran M drMng recont. 751-f7M PIT lnqui,. at 2tl E t7tt\ l'IOurly w909 ptua com-________ -..._,. St C.M 84wec>-4 mlaaton Hourt ~ to UQOOR CLERK 8pm Train i ng la FfT, exper PNC Ooocl DELIVERY penon PIT provided Potential to ttatt pey 17~ neet, deipendable, M/F. eem S300 plus per .... ----------The ~ Man 21ee E. For an Interview. cal: Utlgatlon Secre1ary for PCH NB 840-I012 857-2381 ext. 1204 medium ~ !MM 111.-fltm engeged In ,,.,..., Dellvwy ~ 9Yef'llno-, Gen.al omc. pt8CtlOlt nut to oc Nr- 6-11 pm B J• Ptrnne SHIPPING CLERK-muat port, Nlllth, '"' dental Mein II Bal 17~754IO type 35 wpm ... train on ~ ..asy b...s lllTIL comoui• ~9-3~2 on uper1ence. Good oe· Great Lall• Ortho Lab will a.t GREEN curi ~~I~::;:...: .,...., pwt-tll•• pereon tor tor wwrn ..,...,t1 l:onUtCtl=i81'1-a:J.3S'U I 1 b o r at o r y w o r k ~tl'I a Quelfted Ad l's..51"2 c.. 6'2-S.71 Liv• In HOUHk••P•' needed. 8aRloe le Hf't 4cwn to lam 115-4275 District Managers II you •01oo,; wor\.11'9 w 1ttl vou"9 bov' & girli ond 0.1lr. tob' ort not tor vou co1n1der o car"' If\ !tit nf'w\poptr circulo hon held Th" '' o unique p0\11ton w11h dotly chollt n(les & n:word\ Ovr opening\ Ort •mmed1ole o\ppltco11'1 muil ho"• o ¥On, 11ot1onw09an or lruck We offer Qfl .. ctll..-it \OIOry with o bonu\ pion on go\ anoworxt Wt ho... Of\ .. <ell•<1t btMf1t plc.<1 !hot •"(lvdtl hO\P• toli1otoon tn\uronc• hbt rol wocot!On 011d holiday' Cond dot mu\! 'iOvf o citl•t• fO ~ \VCCtu4vi and b. WJlllr>g 10 oWOrk hord If you ff\d\l YoU hc.tt !tie q110l1ltecrtl<>ftl pit~ ply m ~''°" •o the Dlily Pilat Mondo\; ~ f ndor q 11 oin or 7 ' pm 330 W. Bay Costa Men . CA 92626 - ... for ..... MWlffipof-1,, a.ct\ motel. FIT °' PIT 14W030 . Marin• M9Crtanlc. ex· ~· Appty 7-tam 1"117~*31 \ \ • \ Melt WutM 5100 ltlt WtatM _ AatH, l•"rt" A1111, •J!! IUIPHllllT ' tout ' Re~ I p, Pl , Tinted g1w. l>llt ••rc .. 11 lta1 1141 \'tlhlr!fta 11'13 llllUL.,,. THI S-.5 monltOf, CPIM, ~·t· wllrlr, CO'ltr, FOfd v I ... lt. Tlra, )(tr• Nb 300 D...t door..,,, ·10 vw fM1biet;, dean, a Med~ ron-~ &=mannw Call ~n:;~~~: lrlQ 1y1ttm, dot rN\rtx: wtvet drr~ lfans, trim C.., t (ISM) 5 qil dleMI, 124,900 1Pi1 lllto NM or•el 0 ..... 1 ,. 4 7"'4471 1 290 printer, modMI, )oylUot!, tab&, bar, t1tf*) 13900 110~11 Sew$~ OVetAICahOW· 11200 Ml-2211 ""'' ..., R.F. mod 10t, bo• of or on.. Local on 2582 1oom ,... ...... CM/&MM .,.. '°' Roul~™>n/Atternoon1 TUDEITS dllCI. chloc.eddy, $1,IH Newpor' Blvd. C .M. OAANQ COAST Wheel "'"·central IOdl. u n &T..,.. n r appt 66-0353 AmblllOUI P•rton oe2..:seo1 ~S-1681 OI &46-7055 JEEPAENAU~T bla&IJ>Unkt ""90 oseoo 001111011 ___ __,,...-_.,,.,,_ --,...,,..,,.-..-----2524 H11bor &IYd, CM IS31 ·S330 • llODTIWT =.::.a:=.: n ,... z.,ox 8 + Dl•blo 630 20' DORY • Cuatom mad• (714) &49·80t) - Hlgt\y pt0faee4otl.a With CMIHB ,.. ~: • Ma•wn J)flnt• + tonw.. Mu t w/&4 Johntof', '° hp, TIP ••• Piii WI a. •s --------pl .. Hnt P•r•onellty debit '* • must. ~ W• Nr\ll9 opentng• for Mii eo 4112·2145 0 8 . Bait t~nk, Fat~. 4 W.HI Drlm HJI FOf Pal'nS*fed ...,,. Well-<groomed for lefV' pay + bonul end mll boy& & glrte betw.en frH ti YH 1022 ~lsseJ':.':1~:, Y '71 F 2!0 4x4 w/ t;ll Metced• a.n1 vw =•t• omoee. lit• • C.031~15 fOf In· 12·1tl )'Mrl old wor1t.1no smg .. )(empt s tyr Mt• lllllllTI OUI rwqwed. ~ tervlew. eveinlngt a Saturd•Y9 3 Bunnm 'c;J'ood h~. Cfietecter •Y t. wlodl + a1r .. 11 400 Top M~ PrlCM Paid .,.. M0-8950 Earn money, tripe a Vwlety color• Of Dubl'• Tond•. '20' D-646'4851/4 ...... 233 ev Call Pet• or Rey .,_I Hm PHl ll bonu ... Catt M&-0113 crulalng tun , aolld ::a • llODTII IST Good drMng recotd a Mr. Aounu.. 4 CUTE long haired 111nena m•hoganf. Grey Merine Tracb to39 1101 " llNRTI Entry leVel, ~le r• mu•t SellfY, VKltlon, 141-lOU DEBPERATEL y nt•d motor<anoPI 875-&e20 ·1671 , a t k F258 •111 IEROEDES e • p t I o n I • t , f or alc:k 1 .. ve, lnauienee Mon •• rrl. 10.m-3pm hOme. &45-7430 _ ... ta, Jail y lt ~4 t:, Art~c ,.Una gd: 213or114837·2333 bulldtr/devtloper tn benellta. RAYNI! WATER Moreble kitten• blue & 22' ce"teilne 17A load-"' SOK Ml S2200. H0·128a P•s• .. "t 1157 Newport Beech. Good SYSTEMS, 17835-M yellow eyed Had "'°'' I iJ d ... .... --.. . 81laty I• • eontullttlon PHOTO I.AB COUNTER typing, eommunl"11on ' Skypark Circle, INIM Sllf llOP 850-2160 Am MOVINGllll t)( t eon • muat ........ ,... ..,, .... , ... toiii18 ... w""'/,-u·n1·00-f. .. 1Mt""""'h'9, net h lrout or color d• s.i.. pert time, outgoing organwatlonll tttltlt. Call S.lel •PP'Y •t 2308 W, '8500 obo. 528...&o27 ' .ir fblt eng, gd cond. n worth 135-$55 + 81'1 pet90nallty ,.q. 1 lfour Peggy 752·73&3 ULn Oceanfront N.B. 1o-e. Cut• orphaned~ (8) 26• South Coat SellbOet, Cl111lt1 tOH orlalnaJ owner. s 1a,500. BRIB'rot. AT !Ol'NG!R ax10 •t ~· ~t t''"t If Photo, 8"t--242• Mitt• UYll Wim Teacher Hit and ex-:J~2~r'9· • old. ~II con<t, many extru. ·87 Ratortd AX8R M~ro. CeJT751-74at • CN SA?rrA AHA _ :;~:3 Cd: •nny PJ.antlG&P8 co. lnlJut lllPOllTll ITITDll tended daycere 1.-c"-r • $14,000. 114-311-5896 origin•• 12750/bo, ,80, 1 CARREAACOUPE m nt. P1ant exp req. With 2 dally W• are looklng for an ao-Monteesorl Harbor M... f'REE KITTENS 1 bl c:k & t 18' Hobie Cat like new &4~61, 730-2003 Gorgeoue •l•t• blue HI. 0110 0 llllES Ill S Own tranap. 751·221' ~· 111 Imm::~ ~rWIVe men or woman SchOOI CM &40.-3803 siamw. 1 T•b:Ji· 1 f:rey rtce r91ldY, ·$1700/obO A•I" laptrt.. w/drk blue 1eettw, el; · tAMJl.Y 8JNC11 '53" 1-3:30pm 3pm-11:SOpm Prefer HIHpereon• ••• opening on • So. OI' direct ..... In the fut TUOIO _whit• 21M 2/F w 25 &42-9558 I toyl, monlwey 1tereo, ·ee BUG. reblt eno 3:30-7·30pm Ooochttoftt· w/~ for Hiii-Ca f MWlper* s.nd grOWlng drinking weter 4 Pre-school. Huntington To gd hm only. Loving CAL 25 1/3 P6r1ntr New IJIW 9lll enrl, r. D9YI MM800 S1000. 7&4.0&45 Ing conditions. Small merk 1tort. Contact reeume end cllPI to: BoJC aott water lnduatry Beech 536-l«t malt blk cet. Excel eng ltlnt d N j all Evee &42·72&1 Convel...:ent H II I 780-92n lf203. CJO Delly Pilot. 110/hr plul comm Call • w/kld1 142·8127 lft 5.30 ean'~3=' p p. '74 2002. Blue/enrf, ruM '&48\1 CARRERA COUPE '70 V.W. BUG. Orig own« 01p • • PO Bo 1seo Coet (114)250-1811 TUOIUI grHt nd• pelnt eJCcon<1$2300 301 Vtst• new t>.c . F11rground1 PU I""' -·-.; c .. x,.2 ...... E o E e Kind• .......... __ .. _.___._ FuaJtart l:k.lng Junlot 14 new CUI--13200/obo &4&-t573 , Red/black, •U xtru Dye BajL C.M. ~M51t ~c:elli-5 ~9-3061 --·~-..,...., ,.. ""'u · · · SALIS _.,_,.,,.._,, ..... , ••r• ' &4M800EveM2-7251 ---------to co-tMCh. Pet11tun time. try. se hr. CM1tlen Mlnlt-2 overstuff enra Mrthtone tom •t aatl1, Splnnelt•. •n BMW 320 1 4 t9d 80 '70 vw BUS 100 ml on rbt1 Omtl/llUYOT 7'66-7494 Want.:~: Tn-hOme try Coste M ... M2-i1181 w/Fr. Prov i.gs, & match slip Bal Ille. cover. tr1r. lhafp (109T0e) '4ff5' New '85 Cabftolet Red/Blk mtr, clean Int, 11450, PRINTER: E.xper. on AB G!2,lll!,f~A~0 em cloHrs We provide llUPIOll Piii llLJ tempt $275 all, 973·7853 $SOOSE~ ~20-8408 ~r 521·~ ' BHull~~1~7 .8115 D/53MI083 E/417-3712 Full time High ac:hool gredu•t• with good drlv· fng ~ Apply In per-'°" to Mr. Fuent... of AOBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST & ASSOCIATES, 1.ao1 Quall St., Newport Beach,Ca.92663 Dick 380. multi 1250, 1 & complex Apt +utll +? quallhed lead• plua too Need epply 1' Cust. Sofe, beige & It LA · Full rigged '78 320l Alt oPll tale 2 color, 111ger preu Exf* r-'1 aome malnt wk comm. Ee1n whet you're The beech ls c.lllng -Sun·1 ruat. S 100 873-tf05 w/trolley. With Extru. or tr•d• ctn vw Rbt1.i.1ta el(pef dealrable, eetab. needed Prefer couple worth I Call Carl •t out Wort. •vet only Eam C Hi NA CABINET 12900 Clll 875-4648 $8800 pp 873-3808 S. A Arm. 558-8373 TSL MANAGEMENT 751-3008 tull-llme pay $200-$800 $100979-3317 LASER. Xlnt cond. Mul1 ---------• PlllCLllEUNU 642·HI03 SWSCLEll WHkly751~ Hank ClrTVl150,MstrBr$400, M11$8750B0837-5&44 ~~R Tired of earning tea thar REST AUAANT Counter Balboa laland Pharmacy Sofa & lovaeat $275, oak Sabot-new cond, whit• SllM s k»-leul your'e worth? Com-help In Sandwich Shop. nda exper mature sales Telephone Salee dining Mt, cof/en<I tbl1, hull-S750. OBO 786-8818 **~*'*** ng Plllflt-YALm mlllon Sa.I" looklng loi 955-1247 or 1171-1739 cterk full time 673-1650 HUllRY1 dbl bed S125, 77•~081 loati, llGEUOTIOllTllY Fem-Male. FT /PT Wort. •t Individual who n"df Reltu11ant -Mr Elwood LOOklng for • way out of Dining .. ,. hutch-butf9t· ·= & SL1 70llJ. PllE·IWIEI ID'I ~ou~~,c~~ ~~":.et~ ~~~..t, +.Call Tom •t Llll'S llTClll IWI OLll/IEOn the 40 hr work week With table/8 chra $400 • u ., o.c Top Valet Co. Angel haa the lollowtng open-Fut growing consumer the potenttal to earn 549-9030 19 'Ii terflre +tr1r. 351 783201autoe/Cl(518VCX) vai.u .. Ii IOC>klng for the PSYCHOLOGY Inga· e1ectro.nlc1 company $400-$800 p/week. Ork cherry dining rm tbte ~~°BJ;:/;>..~J2~: 79 320141pd alr(440XUB) Vtl" I belt. Good pey & room Behevolr 1peel1ll1t to WAITRESS/WAITER Maki bright hatdwot1dng * Trainee Guerantee w/4 chra & buffet like 80 3201 Sap l/r(1JWB133) 171 Vol\IO 2456( Statl&i lor advancement. Mutt WO<kWlthdeWl<>pmental-wtth car for wicker b&lket lndlvlduel to work part-Salary new 1499 833•2255 1970 18' Century Re· 8032015epa/r(18EN798) . aood cond t>ene11tlneppear.,have ty dl1abled In group lunch Hrvlc• 9-1pm lime In..,_ dept. and *HlgheltCommlulona sorter, ski or bay bOet, 81320t5tpd1/1'(000199) Wegon,*e .. new good driving record, able home. Experience with Mon-Fri for approx part-time on front office * Medlcll Beneflll DR Mt, 8 etu'I: Walnut & w/trlr, cover, Ford v-8, 813201A/Tt/r(iDAGll&4) tires 14 &40-IM33 10 work d•Y9 & wkndt. Behavk>< Modlflcetlon re-$150-175 Wldy 1 w t I c h b o a r d . * Eatty AM hourt e-12 anlq whl $150 75 ... 1985 velvet drive 1ren1, trim 8132015apatr(1dge225) Aalll Dt•ntlc Women encouraged to q~lred8~~ ~ OFFICE CLERK Relpontlbllltlee wlll In· 11 both bright end I llY "lllfTllE orteb10,ff~,L~~tlon~. 2900582. 881133202011 ~~S~(l1dcyd~~~) l1HaJt flst ' . apply For appt call •f ti. UTT N Pereon-Frlday, 8-4 Mon-elude Ofder d..X, lltlng, energetic, call Craig at ... ....... .,.,.. ....., 7.. 12GTL t 8 3 7. o 4 8 1 b t w n FOUNDATION Fri. Muat be wllllng to awllchbOerd. cuatomer 631 -5633 before Noon. LES 957-8133 Newport Blvd C.M. 82320151pl/!'(10 14 I '~ cteen w go4;o l alc• 1307 1~am-4pm CLWIM IEIYICI work In buay olc w/buay MrV\ce, running errandl TELEPHONE SALES Med DR Mt-oak Inlay tbl MS-76e1or649-7055 82 7331 A/T l 'd(1EVJ4&4) 759-9347 1682 eOICkRiVERil heavy cl .. ~J work phonel, good wltlgUr•. end tyiMng. Good com-ca.an pd dty Charity f nd 42 • 68 In expends to • • ~ 7011 83320t 5ipllr(Ol0243l I L--LOADED11~30M81) PAIT. TIIE PEI.. male/lam. T r120-30 able to deal wlpeople, gd munlcellon lklltl a must 81 S ;. Mil u 10-4 tn 8 hi beck dee uphl an.at I! 83 320! Sep l/r(1fmv997) a.u• 1117 111 HI 4 day week, 9am-4pm, no Hr/wk $5 Hr 557-1598 driving record Salary Muat type 45-55 WPM, ~''1236 OE Edi . no :~p Chrl-(2 w/arm1) $750 KOhJW gflnFJkW, good 83 320l 5ep ·s: (385905) 177 Sub:ru 2x2 Wagon G( 24 mo/24,600 ml WV Sat or Sun $475 p/hr open retlat>le trenaportatlon . now 497-800587S-1558evet con<IS1400&70hpMetc 83528E 5spld(9SM411 I 11tereo $1950 act b/""""l&le Call btwn 9_111m UOSYlll&DI FOODSERVICEWORKER required, non-1moker TIUPllUESIUOml __ Outboard 2 yr1 old 83528E59pd(1h"9881) • r 648-&413 oontr -au ~"'" 846-9408 Wrapping, I ........ -11 5:am-1:30 pm Mon-Fr1 need only apply. For for home OWMrl St•t• Nal 4 pc living rm .. , 64S-7973Leavemesaage ~~R maAAft .... 1 ""' _ .. ___ & , _ _. FOODSERVICE WORKER appt call Madeltne, BMutlfulolktrlm.Only 1 T ,.ta 91*1 , ~ .. , p.,.~ llOm4I .,..~... Fuft/part time. ..OfllVERY PERSON 540-5686 Farm tnaurance PIT, Wk old. Earth tonea. paid New Evlnrude 35 HP I ., LEASING typing ta M.. SAV-ON DRUGS, PIT 9·30am·130pm Mon· evening hot.Ira, •19<> In-$795 NII $385 97..a519 * $1890. * (114)111·1111 '7<4 &ilCa GT S spd, USED CAA Newport 8Mch. Cell Ken, Fn' · SALES MANAGER Xlnt cludea mornlnga on Sat. AllllOfl Marine 645-6015 208w 111 S teA brown, $1500 belt offer SAi ES T Tl E ,_... &42 221 1 (9 5 I p a y I b • n e f 11 1 E 0 E Gaurant .. hourly wage + On Anne Wlngbad( Chair -· ' an na Renee 873-2082 PAR • M , Var-.. hours • em-pm FOOD SERVl~E WORKER 751_.933 Solar Salel comm. Adult_ a or meture 1125 MCretary (em delk) IUP. I Deeb 702J CLOSED SUNDAYS 18401 BMCh Hunt&h to Include early AM. u-mn•-PIT 2;30pm-8.30pm Mon· yng persc>nl 553-1115 s75 Glut lamp 135 end _ '83 SUPRA. low ml, red & 847-1707 weekend•. Must have d• '""-.. , Thurs ind ltam-2 30pm ULUPlRSll tablel 525 .. Stereo s75 32 t Sllp ,1297/mo. Sid• blk, mint cond. Ht-Tech =c-.=.,11:------r::i=x lpenrucdk•b. lev1vehn.lcteata(amtlollnl si-•,...... Sunday Exper. Apply In peraon TOPLESS MODELS 64a-5548 att 4 PM tie to 24 $200. Swalel ~~ t~~~~:.gF remote alarm, xtru $12K ... •u..,.""1.,c ____ ...., f"UI •• •• All appll<:ant1 muat be Tue-Sat •t Fragment• s 100/day, Pd Diiiy AnchOrage 548-1501 I obo 875-6678 770-8935 ·81 elbORXbo Bl AR· wagon) to Ullat news-la COSTA IESA neat cteen and del*'I-2445 E Cb 1 H CdM No exp nee 828-2583 Queen 11 waterbed com-. Liii IUOI ... RITZ. loeded moonroot paper dealtr In lrvlne dabht. Muat be able to as wy, plate w/hdbrd/8 drower1 Huntlri= Harbor 45 VOLUME SALES '84 VAN l TD. EDITION wire whla lo~ )(Int cond area. Mult be depen· DUTIES INCLUDE. read 4 ai>Mk Engtllh. SALES/STOCK PIT TOW Tll CI lllYUI $150, Standard offloe " doer ed .. ~~077!~lboat SERVICE& LEASING LOADED -5 SPD $14 500 '540-9439 lftef' dable. Contect Greg GrMtlng customera Apply btwn 10am-f2pm Exp. pref. Chlldren1 store. Exper. w/PD'a, good drlv d .. k w/1WVI chr & d"k Pf• err _,,-3870 N Cherry Ave Cell 875-7850 5 ' Hyde Mondey thru Friday phone/cash register or 2-4pm. Lori'• Kitchen Petitt Marcile In Coata Ing record, JClnt pey and lamp 1100 780-1955 SUPS &VAIL LONG BEACH Vt'_" IW=I ta 9173 -·-------between 9:30 and 10:30 StantngwegeS4.00perhr 3077 South Harb<>< Blvd. Meu, 642-4717 benellts. Apply: (No.Cherryntt-405) IA _ '82 Sedan de VIiie. Every 1.m. on!X· 642-4321 (Harbor & C1rrl•g•I 132 lndu1trl1I Way. c M. Slngle bed, brau hdbrd Up to 31 ' mo/mo. lllt) IH-1110 'A Bug 1 aome work, ootlon & enrf & IMther. -------··1 SIPO om 111-ltto Senta Ana. 979--0747 Ul.11/ITICI, /T mist/Fiii Cl .A. ' 25· aof• s75iobo, both 673• 1395 'f racte-ln1 Welcome run• good. $1000 llrm. $ 10,990 OBO 786-5988 Exp pref. Chlldren11tore. II Ira good cond. 960•2855 SLIP WANTED lmmed. for OPEN SEVEN DAYS 241-7(163 Aher 2:30 PM 084 & 085 CAOILI.ACS Newspaper KIDS -EARN GREAT TRIPS AND PRIZES! AGES 11-14 HR" \W TO f15.00 P£1l WEEK .,,, no• 11a•t t ~ o~n·nt\ to' youna uctr ~a•t!!• to ~urt ru<1er~ to1 rtie Ou~ C.ont Dally P110t Our c rPW\ still at J 30 p m and wor~ unttt 8 30 p m wtt~dars On Saturday wt wor\ 1 ltw mo1 P nours You will urn many t11os 1na pntt\ dlonc with taill•l!f JOW own mont'f tllrrt 1~ no d'h•t11n& or coll«llOn 1n•olvtd If yo~ a•t 1nttrtsttd pltast c.ill Mr [.1 I MU COO£ (714) 548-7058 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I ur.-e~ god 5 Zodiac qign 10 Eteoc u!'ll~ 14 Rlvf'r Clift 15 Relative 16 Swarthy 17 Ante 19 Cahforn•a rnsort 20 Desist' 2 I Tl'Jl!St' fr 22 f•m• of day 23 Fur'111ure 15 A~phatt \kin 26 Clam~ \hell JO L~ckluster J1 V"llSE' 34 Pprrume ba~ 36 Mot~• ot-pr;irl J8 l"'tlli<:P '19 SePietn9 ll'le omp(IU•bt• tC' 5191'\ "4 3 Ou•Ck 10 ~ ~ 44 Coated ,..,,.,It 45 wllf'r 417 Alt!'r 1'"13 49 Slate sutt !>() P1gp,on 51 Forb1dd1ng 53 Ad mf!d111m 55 (·!ff ot so09 56 1 arry 61 f ;oc1ted 62 OP fOb 64 llounder 65 • ,l!!t a1on9 66 'nock ou1 s-and crafts 68 ·~a1c11s a home 69 /agul' amount DOWN 1 5nakes "I Disturbance Nevada c11y 4 Fltghl untl • Catalogued f Bani. abbr D•shonest dealers ' Garden IOOIS • frtgntens I I God Heb 1 1 T oucndown 12 Mally canoe var • ~ Cnttal slang 8 Unburden • 4 Burn ltghtly 5 Onla"o rove• 6 Unsaid ' People pr•f •8 Marking a c1a1"' 19 True air speed PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED abbr 5 1 B•llow J 1 Ne~I to b 52 Approv.al 32 Communot PS 53 Cl'le-aw 33 tem1rs 54 ~r1 pnncl' 35 Maturi! 55 Reach aero<;\ 3~ Clas'I d1,i1nclion 57 No1 as mucti 40 Capture ">8 lnne• prpf 41 Mr Frankhn 59 A1ttr1tf 46 Tl\ru~IS 60 UI( ,, • ., 48 Legions 63 SpecohPd f ---.~~~..L...---~-~------- Pttlte Marche In Coat• P/llme. Accuracy• muat SOFA 8' looH plllow lalander 30· sail boat. Sl9Gdown Mesa, 642-4717 3 on.half daye per wk w/loveMlt good queltty NOT llveabOerd '70 VW Ven w/lold out Ck>Md End Com 'I Start •I S4.50 Set own aacr11ic. S 150 64S-5243 (213) 486-1203 daye Data•• 9117 bdllcebox Smog cert, gd L..;. m lull~~·~! ~r237 hrs 931-8«5 Sol• beeut brocede. like C714> 875-5081 eves ·71 2<40Z s2W. New Urea, cond Sl800 796-36« All-SAVERS LEASING blwn 9am-4pm Mon-Fri SECT /nPIST new $125 OBO 850-2733 Wanted 53' slip, loceted In shock1, strut.a, •t•eo. 4 '72 Squarebaci<, 4 IPd. (71•)432-1977 W I I -DI 1 Mt Nwpt Harbor or Lnnn apd, PP 720-0735 o~owner. gd cond, •ro11nuY Must be accurate 50-60 • nu n ~ -· .• s 1 OBO 527 5289 .., $125 ••2 • • .., Beach area. 673-7895 '75 2..,. Z ... to, •'c. anrf· -AM Work-Out 8:30 10 wpm, eplltude lor llgurn .... """' °" --"" exp wtth phones & gen· WANTED slip lor 24· Sall-new pnt.Cleanl $3500 '72 VW BUG, yellow. good NABERS CADILLAC noon Nevef a dull m<>-eral office 8AM-3PM C.111• l1lt1 bOet In NB area Wiii rent Mike •32-1967 &40-0019 cond, nu palnl, runs gd. mentln buay tmllllr~-$950/$1000 mo. Nor or trade for use ot bOat $2000 Lisa 673-2082 ly NB Ales olflee AM s smoker pref 640•1813 53,. •367 "''"' """" '76 610 Wegon, ndl work, for now maybe lull-time ll!J!rt ltac~ '1H H ~ • W ....-.v-v.,..l $700 OBO 873-4893 '74 VW Conv, red/blk top. liter Lots of phonea & VIDEO TECHNICIAN Fentutlc Mle Hammond ••Its I i.kit I OH .7e 8" St-'"e .,__, Tr"•'". lmmac cond, gareged LARGEST SELECTION of lat• model, low mlteege Cadlllec. In Southern CalltomleJ See ua todeyt numbers 631-8480 Entry level. etectronlc1 -3 v -...., """ Mu1t teel 67S-3380 background So County M Organ, oak dlnene. Moped-'78 Honde Ex-Xlnt oond .. all eervlce r• son/SALES ASSIST Service Center Phone cust maple hdbd, decor-pre11 850 Ml $300 cords $2950 &45-4964 must hive solid NCtet.wl* Al Smith 12·5pm ator chairs. 973-9539 5•5-3933 '76 B210 Run1/lll1 grMI. lkllls Agreulve, person-(714)855-2048 lli1ctl1Hffal 2 ••ttrcyclea/ AIC. new paint & ur ... able. entoy contact with VOTER REGISTRATION bXdlc tSlXND memt;;f-ScNttn 1011 s1495iobo, 548-0-473 people Xltn opportunity for a secretary who wanta WORKERS $8-15 HOUR ship for aale. Call George ·80 Huttty 25010R 1980 ·77 200SX Burg w/1trlpea 10 grow Call Jeff poss Pd 3 tlmee wkly. No 831-3050 D-648_.8571499-4233 5 Spd, JClnl cond AM/FM Canavello 644-4242 exper nee Severalopen· MINKJACKEThlghquallty cuaS2800988-4107 Tues-Fri IAgs, for awt. 971~227 lura, ·~ length. Med!Um '8l Suzu*'-~250 str 1 8210, am/fm tape SECllnUY W&ITIESSU tlie-never worn. Coat bike, xlnt cond 75 mpg deck, new tadlela, lo ml, Full time departmental HDSTISSIS 12500 Sacrlftct s995 '750 ~5-0490 lh•rp $1800, 4117-8188 75t-1103 or 760-0157 '83 Honda 200 XL ..-•80 31oGX, nu tire•. role In John Wayne Air· Part time, lnclud wknda """'· port area Engineering Must over 18 yr old, eppty Mull Sell -G11 Water cond .. $800. 673-3381 am/Im. 1 ownr. $2995 llrm Self-motivated. with In person btwn 2·30-4PM Heater $85 •32-1449 HONDA 450 w/helmet. H-673-0377/W-851-0840 pleasant peraonallty M-F,M• Barkers 212 E Quality clothes, must sac. xlnt cond. $400 75t-3030 -- sought Good typing. 17th St. C.M. Priced to Mii s 50-$50 • 8 JI. ielephone 1klll1. EJC-W It I d s•·e 10 """' •020· tltr tall • le---d a reas exper enc• " """"""'' ; r~ per ,......, on• wor pro-oocktalls for Dana Trader Sell 22 ClaSI A 78 Titan. ._.,...~I cesSOf helpful Apply In R 1 • t 493-2603 Tennla mmbrlhp.Ftn Val tow ml, deluxe 113,900 ~====~~~ person With resume to 11 aur n rec Club l350 990-8325 759-1 104 or 644-8722 ;;; complete application WarehouH & Counter lllic Wutt4 T ail Contact M r Tom help fOI' Electrlcll whot. • I tn Fuent11. ol ROBERT sale distributor Catt for WANTED· 4 Rama MUOn Tsan\ IOM ~~1~0~~!"~~8FR~~ ~ Interview 646-7777 ticket• 2J8~~~8 Hats) Tent G1r. ._,. 8. •tow • .,.-_..,..----....,...,~ Ou all St , Newport waretiouae & Shipping • Ice box S1000 667-3939 Bn•a i12S Beach Ca 92683 help for clothing manu-Otlact Fuaitu t/ A r --• 10 -.. .... ._ ___ ...., ... tacturlf' Full & part-time ~ HH all ..-llaf 'U 11111 OmD SEClnUT Seasonal lhru November ~·••I 9 "°9 HONDA TOVOTA S135/mo.$475down. Mortgage Co In Funton 241-8105 10 group of uMd DATSUN CIOMdEndCommerclal lsl1nd hll Immediate WELDER walnut furn i ture ALL MAKES. .. $199 Down, L .... opening for or-ganlzed MacGregor YICttla, 1831 -891-0803 Closed end comm'l leue. All-SAVERS LEASING aecretary who can work Placentia, Costa Meaa 2 Walnut deak• 30x60 In No Flrtt °'Last. No De-(71 4)432-t977 with ttttl• or no direction J L. W .. / with swtvet chelra + 2 posit, No lloenM FM. •77 CMc gd con<I ltlcl< Dictaphone 4 word pro-l•I HI lldt ch1lr1 COii S550 Oellver1 any leue 26 MPG 11850 • OBO oaslng required. short· Do•tatic 5107 sacrlflot 1275 751-1103 ALL-SAVERS LEASING s.cs-9112• af1 S . hand desirable. Call s::;: f L!i 11 _, or 780-0157 (714)<432-1977 · Dawn at ~0-9350 be-• ......, em ~r• v .... n '78 Accord lX Muat Miii iween 9-12 for Appl position. to be comp•· Beaut Exec detka, cred-~ ~ Wiii whale.Off to med ach. nlon, drive, mrkt,cook, enz.as, aide chra, file cabl-2832 Bo v1 ta(c••1 Secretary PIT poss FIT for sec 1ve1. 499-52•8 nets & mlac olc equlpmt. 8 1 "" gnrl Contractor & Cabl-1\:-SSlO Must Mii-BO 492-2t45 '79 Accord LX, 2 dr 5 apd net shop 1 Otrl office, ~· loeded. Lk nu. Rea gas. bkkpng, typing an1 HOLIOAV BOARDING Remington Rand •l•c LEASING, SALES Muat aeel PP 833-~883 phones. filing, Job cost-SPECIAL $5-$8 per day ~pewrlter, S550 Port & DAILY RENTAL tng, conat exp preferred Sherrys Kennel 546-2~8 mlth Coron•. •l•c Domestic-Foreign-Exotic: ,.J,;;;;1.,1•..,1;;;;1;.... _____ , Non-emkr . ~S-9711 w/C&M, •100 Both llke 111 ~~.. ·ta XKE 12 cyunaet, AR Poodle Pupa. Teacup, Toy, new 548-2971 ·~ orig ml, atOl'ed for 9 yr1, S.Cret1ry/Real Estate Min. $250 up 546-2648 Pilat1/ JHI 2 NEWPORT BEACH hrcf te>p/aon top, wire SECRETARY Ptta SS S eXtbWTN ~RGA-SONic Aat11 Waat Z< ':,;!:. 8~~~tnd. Mlk• Med tame COCKATOO WalnutS200 759-1985 S 0&11 THAY I odu~;:!,:t~:• ~·Jo~~~ TS 1000 ·EDy 9<52713211!~5 7533 Plano wetnut con1ote, lor vehtcle. 551-8285 laraau Gllia tl 2 Mesa has an openl lor amra. v • "" good cond tuned 1750 ... UllUll UIA a aec:ret1ry with eic:;:lent P11ro1, tame Yellow-Nepa 548-7272 •HI 0&11 lllOI! 1 owner 850-1398•tt &pm office sknta and typln Tattcs. stngs, wllrg c.ge Seti your cer. tnstent C&lh "*'° of 80·65 wpm Sac $475 673-3800 l~rtlat c.N1 for your cer. Arry mellt or •11ct411 ltaa 149 Ouallfl•d candlde1ei TWEElY BIRDS Young 2Xtilate PCkt pool tbi. ~:':;r :,-::. ~~t~ not I.I LmlY IOU lhould hive l<>fM real Cock11lel1 & Perak .. ta W/UI $650 54s-7215 Bill MAXEY TOYOTA Mint cond $22K 533-4242 e111te bedcgroun<I with 548-0 85 TV • •. u 9202 .... . good oral and written 1 ' iuut, 1 Beech .... d '72 280SEL 4.5, good communlcetlonlkllls _Ex-hli\HI I 10 ltrff U32 Hun~~~ cond, e/c, p/1, orig ce1i.n1 aalary ind ben· Pot g;iy alove drce 1865 16" TOIJllba color l'W(l()t._ owner S8000 975-9143 •flt• S.00 retume to S850 850-1193 stwo TV 3 moa old WANT 115,000 2 dr car. '81300D low ml, 1 owner, llPEllllL S I L w/Toahlbe VCA. $20,000 property abaolutely mint. Mey 855 Anton Street. Bldg 3 A11liaacn l l uaed 1675. 720-0295 Ip. 675-3022 finance 831·51ae Cotta Ma., CA 92828 Brend new tlMvy duty BMutlful 25" RCA Color WE llY New 300 TD 1tatlon Attn: K9\lln MoCann whnt Whlrlpoot Electric TV $148 3yr wmty. Open wegon. 5 oyl dleHI. An Equal Opportunity Dryer 493-8148 Sun TV Johna &48-1188 CLUI 0111 $25,900. Savt 111,000 Employer MIF/H Dryer Sears hvy dty ei.e ToP of Una Hltlld'll VHS .Jll TllO I OV« •howrm Prloe A.IC, -199 OBO 556-71174 atereo vldeeo recorder. etloy ~. enrl, roof llOlnUY For 8.,.. F""ldllr• 175 00 see 1575, eo.. itereo rec'k, central lock. Typing and Clel1cel attlll1. H3=37"3 • •v rc;vr 100 wta. per .chennel, b I• up u n kt • t • r • o, Many fringe benema. wllnut & chrome cabfnet 0824<4 83l-8330 greet workln~-1 llY &ffUAllOll $395. 875-2287 New 300 TD Wegon =:• J~:m. et LES 857..a133 Ptwtr IMll ='~.~;s;::,~ 497""'"5 MAYTAG eleetttc d~, 121 di par w/31 HP WINY a•nut ov.mauttd'75842-3 20 Evin. auper cond s25es. usEDCAAS& TRUCKS TOI 011 lfFlll we ate ioo.1ng fOt • quatf.. M~eg wutter I. Fr~ere 75~5432 or ISO-a30 COM! IN OR CALL FOA I 1001HI 1111 fled,·~· Ml QlOOmtd dryer. $50 .. 7$9-i3 t1 ft BOSTON WHALER FID llPIWl&L e 1J 1111...12111 MCretery who enjoy• N..., Wth/ctvr 1250 Mt, '82. gtMt ~ & IOtded eonni.-o.Uto Sedan. OOOd cona (5263A) worklnt with people. SIS lrlg 117~ e73-J800 w/1tr 7 tU OllftalT • ll Jiii .. IHM ~~~ t~ :;ur= O'K..r I Merritt St«MI dbl t 8 It Thunderbird 18211 BEACH Bl.VD Sedan, 8pot .... (Ol 15A) the blilty to QOOrdlnete own $250 842-2550 (OMC) 190/HP. Bo1t HUNTINGTON BEACH • It lllL .. 1411 tc:Mdut.. l people. Full ~flgeretor~dr}S225, tleuledtnu betr. ~ 'M , Hl ..... l tMl-1111 Seden,VeryCIMn((D31) t I m • • M o n • F r I • W 6 I t4!5te. :~~~5.-09:, off OYW WI WAIT JM • 111111 • ..aMll 9 AM·4·30PM '73·2211 Dthwthr 11 • 646-SMI ISll lllJ Coupe, &:on:(ioi1A) CofOfl• del Mer R9ftlo 20'h ur, 2dr loP 26' WtRctatt Novi >U.. twin ~ ,_!eld Olci • HllL.l'Jlll ...._ OWi Irv, IIcel eond Avo 350 Chevlee. m.eny •· portyCoupaf01IOI .,.,..-..-.-.,. .. tru. fall °"9tlott, SS Conecltntlou1 Ind Iv. '225/obo, -1-1 .a7 propt. SH,OOO obo. '91 lllllll ::~~~~~r~·'· ;~~ RaE1F .. R1 •• e,.AA.T!J!. get eiond '73-2505 aner 6 PM. ••ll Hr/wt!: S4 50 p /hr to "• u""" 1"'• 30' 8"t•y SJ>f1 Sdn Muat 1001 Qud ti ' latt OC. Altp0(1 area WUhttgMdryer$17Slor ~lllce, brlatol c:ond U~•laHBeltleflllll 250-0•10 bo1h ~Ml030 $40.000 pp 752-0t98 •• Ill • • A ,., °""' sntllT __ , ltACH 714-833-1300 Ill • '78 Bug conv Wtlblu,AM- FM stereo 85K ml. JClnt cond SMOO obo 788-43.a<> &40-1110 2800 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA '79 BEETLE CONV, triple Wht, JClnt cond, .a<>K ml, ;:-k-tn-t:-ltt~---r.ir.1=3 BO. Orig ownr 879-6991 ·70 lmpaJa RUnt Xintl 1750 '79 Scrtoco. met red. 5 646-2231 apd, blkpt 3001, 55K ml, -.1 .... 2-M-0-nz.e--S-py_d_er_4_1pd_ ale, fog llmps1'AIS-~..s-• p/1, anrt, amlfm, exit '82 Rabbit. A/C, 5 apd, cond. $2500 obo. Oyt 28,000 ml, pert. cond. 760-1000, eV9I ~9 15400. 831-7975 ·79 Caprtoe wtigon 70K ml MIKE McKENNA'S SOUTH COUNTY MOTORS ® 111• RAlllT OOIYERTllLE Wolfsburg Edition 41lmoCEL., $230 H IU per mo TOPS 13.520 ~ CAP $15 499 1'500 CAP reduc11on R•llSldual $5600 28 ® 1114 SCIROCCD S1000 CUI IWI 4emnCC l S2Je •II•~ mo TOPS 12 019 10 CAP 112 000 Re"°u•t $5188 08 ® 111• YllACOl IL llOmoC£L .. ua DI . t•• I* IT'O TOP S1• 620 80 CAP 114.095 S:>OOO CAP r.Cuetion RM•Chnlt t'\'8"41 to 111• llPILSE •• moc l e '117• IAC ~mo l0PS110•0H CAll'l1t 600 ~ CAP rec1uction t1u111 sun 7fl • t871tB chBlvd Hun11ng1on Be eh (7H) 142-2000 loadedl Xlnt con<t-new Pnt $4800 obo 984-5400 1982 CAPRICE AIC, PIS, P/B, FM Redlo (307821) •1111 24 mo/24,000 ml MN contrect-sub/prlor ..i. mJf&NG USED CAA SAi ES 18"01 e..ch Hunt Bch &47-1707 Must Mii '16 CM¥ette, 4 ap<J, runa gd. S 1100/obo. 538-4141 COMM ELL CHEVROLET ~ 11.trhor Iii' d t ., ~T \ \t ~ .:-. \ 546-1200 '77 T!Slrd Lande fully loaded, 83K ml, $2""'1.J040-41MKI Liaeela 1012 cOTtm sEBXN Tiit. Air Cond, CrulM (3037f8) ..... 24 mot~.i.Ooo ml..,., cntret. tub/prior .. i. We're N w We're 0 hng 7l 4-315·1919 ~·'-"' ..... ~ •ft ,.9f'l!Mt FORECAST: HIGH 85 LOW70 caum 1011111 TUE SDAY. AUGUST 28, 1984 OR ANGE COUN TY CALIFOR N IA 25 CENTS Reagan's '84 kickoff in Valley .. ....Mile Square Park-wi-l-l-e the site _ pa.ia,n.ag,a.inst JimmY-Catic:r,,- ln Oc1obcr 1980, Reagan, as a popular former governor of Cah- fom1a. also,onducted a major rally at Mile Squart Park. The following month. he defeated Caner to b«ome the 40th president of the United States. n&e -County o-pt'r'l'ilo BnTCC"WOuld Ulu.ncfrlits campaign in Neslande. chairman of Reagan's Orange County. Jong a Reagan Labor Day rally. said next wcck·s stronghold. But organizers, according cvcnl will be held in Mile Square's to·Nestandc. didn't zero in on the interior park arta. closer to Euclid Fountain Valley locauon until after Street. The area is under county the Republican National Convention of re-election campaign on Labor Day By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Ot .. 0.-,. Ne4 •tan President Ronald Reagan will kick off hi s national re-election campaign in Orange County on Labor Day, returning to Mile Square Park 1n Coast Laguna council to spend $20,000 on study of Il- legal city dump./ A3 Supermarket clerks ap- prove new contract./ A3 California A plane that might have been overloaded slams into tractor-trailer rig r,iear San Bernardino./ AS :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:.:·:·:· Nation Shuttle crew hopes three's the charm for Wednesday blastoff./ A4 Democratic, Republican candidates stump the na- tion for votes./ A5 -!·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Wor ld Hijacking of Iranian jet makes it six in a month for sky pirates./ A5 A freighter is staying afloat off the Baja coast in the middle of hurricane- force winds./ A4 :;:::::;;.;:;::::::.:::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Mind&Body Familiar surroundings of home care or hospices otten.ease.sufferinglor _ elderly or terminal pa- tients./8 1 Which of the 12 most frequent excuses to post- pone a medical checkup have you used lately?/8 1 :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Sports Some big stars have graduated but there Is still plenty of optimism in the football camps at Corona del Mar and Hunt- ington Beach high schools./C1 The Dallas Cowboys fi- nally come to terms with veteran Randy White./C2 Former Costa Mesa High standout Ken Bardsley will play collegiate basketball in his home town this season./C2 Ent e rtainm ent Elton John wows them at Irvine Meadows./8 3 :•:-:·:-»:-X·X-!·:·:.;•:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:-;.;.;.;.;.;. Business State's largest bank won't join Safeway's automated teller pro- gram./84 INDE X Boating Bridge !~tin Board Business C.lllornla News C~ssltled Com lea Cro11word Death Not ices Features Horoscope Ann Landers Mutual Funds N•llOnal News Opinion Paparazzi Polk:<I Log Publlc Notices Sport• Stoc:k Markets TlfeVlslon Thelitert WMther World Newt 01 C6 .A3- B4-5 A4 04-6 C6 06 cs B2 05 82 85 •• A6 81 A3 C4-5 Cl-' 86 83 83 A2 •• Fountain Valley. the site of two previous GOP presidential campaign rallies. In October 1976, former Pres1dcn1 Gerald Ford drew thousands 10 Mile Square during his unsuccessful cam- 2 flee • blazing Coast home Dover Shores fire does$100.ooo worth of .damage By KAREN E. KLEIN A spectacular blaze broke out at a Newport Beach home Monday aficr- noon. ca using SI00.000 worth of damage and sending two residents fleeing for safely JUSl as pan of the roof caved tn. Newpon Beach Fire Depanruen1 officials said. There were no injuries rcponed. The 2:21 p.m. fire began in attic area of the house on 1627 Dorothy Lane. said Russ Cheek, fire depan- mcnt spokesman. The cause of the bla1e was still under inves1igation. he ,.,d. The 1976and 1980 rallies were held in the city's Mile Square recreation area off Brookhurst Street. But Or- jurisdiction. that concluded in Dallas last week. NC$tande said the city recrtation A11aheim Stadium and the 1rvinc area was viewed as less desirable for Meadows Amphitheatre had also security reasons. been under consideration. The The president earlier announced he stadium. however. is already rescn:cd T"o renters at the Dover Shores home. iden1ificd as Ted G reeley and his son. Guy. discovered the blaze when they smelled something burn- (Pleaae •ee NEWPORT /A2) Newport Beach Rreflabter train1 hose on Dover Shore. bou1e ffre. (Pleue -REAGAlf/A2J Recall backers inHB get nod Residents must et 14,146sl natures to force election By ROBERT BARii.ER °' ............... Residents seeking to oust thrct Huntingion Beach Union ·Hilb School board membcn in • batde. ov.er the fuina ofMarim Hilb School Principal PauJ Beraer have received official clearanl% to proceed with gathering signatures on recall papen. Bu t leaders say thC)> Pian 10 bold off action •nd give trustees a chance to chanac their minds when they con- sider the matter of e.er.cr·s forced retirement again next Tuesday. Recall papers. complttt ~ith re- plies by the largc"ted trio -Ron Marcus. Steve Smith and Brian LaU: -were approYcd Monday by the Orange County Regist,..r of V otCTS. (Pleue oee RB RECALL/A2) Veto anticipated for restrictions 011 ai-rpo-rt-sui-ts Pattinson .skips November race ----~-Local opponents note governor has vetoed similar law By JEFF ADLER Of IN 0...,. No4 .,.., . Local opponents of leg1slat1on that would limit the right ofhon1eowners to repeatedly sue government over airport noise are hoping Gov. George Dcukmejian will once again veto the measure, as he did a year ago. when it reaches his desk. probably later this week. On a 30-3 vote. the Senale ap- proved legislation that would bar homeowners from suing airport oper- ators in small claims court for damages more than once unless Jet noise a1 an airport s1gn1ficantl~ increases 1hereaftcr. A slightly d11Teren1 \Crsion of the bill already has passed the i\sscmbly. and Assembly concurrence with the Senale's version of the bill is expected before 111s sent on to 1he governor. Barbara Llchmao llY.llllllfil!illAl!KER Dftlloe~ ...... ..., =-- When Huntington Beach \Oters file to 1he polls No\. 6 to ele<:t thrt"t members 10 the Cil) Council. lhe name of incumbent Ron Pattinson figures to be conspicuous b~ 1ls absence from the ballot. Patunson. who 1s closing out his ninth vear on the Council. had bet'n expecti:-d 1n some quaners to challenge a 1wo-1erm council hm1t . Pattinson. a former CJI) policeman. reasoned that the t"'O-term hmn didn'1 apply to him because he was 1n 1he middle of his second 1erm when voters approved the Cl!) charter meawr-e-1n-J~. ~lM.t-wo prc\·ious terms shouldn ·1 count against him. he said. But Pa111nson said today the 1wo- term hmit had nothing to do with his dec1s1on to bow out. "I'm 11red afterbe1ngon the council nearl} nine years and being a police- man for 14 years. That's 23 years 1n the system. "I ""'an110 spend 11mt> .,..,th my new famil\ (Pattinson rcmamcd two years· ago). It's ume tci sit back ~1 onday nights 1counc1I mcc1ing nights) at home. (Pleue .ee PATTINSON/A2) Calling a bill that cleared the state Senate Monda) "odious," Barbara Liebman. executive director of the Newport Beach-based Airport Work- ing Group. said her organ1zauon and its t 4 statewide affiliates are hopeful the governor will reiect !he measure Last year. Dcukmejian vetoed a s1m1\ar measure that would ha\e placed an outngh1 ban on small claims suits over airpon noise. Ltchman said the governor spec1fi- catl} sta1ed 1n his veto message tha1 (Please see VETO/ A2) Saddle back enrollment dips only 2.5 percent op e n ing day Badham seeks early campaign disclosure Republican Rep. Robert Badham has proposed 1hat he and his Democratic opponent Carot Ann Bradford agree to disclose In advance the content of all campaign materials during the balance ot their electk>n campaign In the Orange Coast's 40th Congressional District. . ..AS you l<now. ~henrtlas-been growing"concefn.Jn recent-year~ over 1he tone and content of political campaigns. Much tq their credit. the public wants an end 10 deceptive and negative campaigns and would rather see contests baaed on Issues,'' said the Newport Beach congressman In a tatter to Bradford released Monday. The thr-term Incumbent asl<ed the Democrat to agree to dlsctose the text of all newspaper advertisements, campaign mailers and radio or teleVtalon advertisements at leas1 48 hours In advance. (P1--BADllAll/A2) Enrollment fee apparently not stopping students from signing up at two campuses Fall classes began Monda~ al Saddlcback Colle-ge's two campuses .... ·nh an ol)t'ning da) enrollment of 20.001 students. JUSt 2.5 percent bclo"' the figure for 1hr start oft hr fall 1983 scmes1er. The rommunLI~ col- lege has ram puses 1n Ir' 1ne and Mission Viejo. Saddleback's enrollment dip ""'as less than tlia1 rcponcdCt~ other ron1 mun1ty colleges 1n Oran[tc c·oun- ty. For exan1ple. Orangt• l 'oa"t Col· lege 1n (~osta ~1esa reported a ~I percent opcn1ngda) rnrollmrnl drop last ""'ct'k. Wil.liam Schreiber. ass1s1an1 to Saddleback Chancrllor Larr\ Stc\·ens.. said collqe officials .... erC pleased" Ith the turnout Hr s:ud 1he l·ollegc ma) mct·t last .~ra(~ enrol- lmen t b) !he time the final fall l1"urc~ arc rC'COrdC1.'.l. Fall rcg1stra11on at Saddlebacl. continues through Scp1 7. Through "it-pl. 15, students can enroll v.11h ttH' permission of the instructor Commun1t~ college ofT1c1als ha't' hrtnCOilCt"mcd about fatt?nl'ollml'nt because this is the first 1erm 1un1on has been charg1."d . The fC't.· 1s $) per unit for students taking fr.,..'cr than s1' units. The charge for-.1\. or mon: unit~ L'\3 S50. Schrt1tK-r ~id the new ft"("S d1Q no1 l·ause an\ major problems 1n Saddlt·· back's fall rqlstra11on procns. "People came prepared to pay," he !.a1d "'They seemed to know about 11:· College officials are also conce~ tx-causc under current state kg.is- la11on. future funding of rommunlt} l·ollcgcs Wlll be based on this year's a\erage daily attendance at the cam- puses. This figure is based on the number of students ..-.·ho attend and 1he number of classes 1n which they .enroll. Schreiber said Saddleback officials are ~n1c .... ha1 concerned b\ early 1nOlcaflons fha1 students an:~talc1na fe ..... l'f classes than last year. a trend that C"ould advencly afTec1 fund1~ Bui he noted tha1 community C"oll~c enrollmen1 this fall 1s down throughout thr state. He said the new 1u1t1on and the improved economic picture could be rcspons1blt for the enrollment drop. Spectre of killing hangs heavy on A~cala ' s foes P i f I i f R bi S • d A forest rangc:r later v.'Quld s .... car an u memor eso 0 n _ amsoe s mur e r that she saw .kala draggmg lh< ''" will be brought to life a ain in OC courtroom •hro1~:~,!~J:1~~. twi,.mg. turnong From tbeday he was ordertd to die 1n the ps chamber for lht lf\IC50mc: murdtr of 12 .. year-old Robin Christine SamSOt. it seemed that Rodney James Alcala would come back \O haun1 Or.ngt Count)'. · Now ht hu. A dca1h row immatc at San Qutn1in, Alcala won a re"'tn;al of hi murder convict1on last Thursday when tate Supttmc oun justices ruled that the: 39-)'car-<>ld m•n didn'1 gtt a fair trial autt juron were told hc v.·as a convlcttd child molts1tt. Because of the ruhna. the won! fears of tounl)' prot«utors. police:, and 1hc tamily and friends of the slain ('hild """ rom1na true .\II arc ron- I I .. dcn1ned to reliving the: Llbonofa 1nal affiur that 1hreatencd to unra\.'tl at and painful mcmorin of tbt mmt. times. Twice 1he Suprtmc C'oun Ak1la. a UCLA graduatt who has threa1cncd to ovenu.m the dtt1s1on ~nt much of his adult hfc behind on issues ra1S<'d b) Alcala's rourt· bars. wi ll be tried fora Sttond time for appointed lawyer. the fJlUrdcr of 1ht blue.eyed. hont)· The tint occasion ronccmN. a haired. Hunllngton Bc•ch &1rl -.ho . setir('h Hunun11on Beach pohtt disappeared on a summl".r afternoon made ofa locker Alcala h•d in X.ttlc.. fivt ycars 110. Wa h. Pohcc purponedly found a SamSOt. a ~v<'nth gr.der a1 Dwyer pairof eam!\151n 1he locker th•l later M1ddlt Sc-hoot at the ume. was on her v.-erc Klcnt1fied a problbl} bt'long1na WI.) 10 ballet clas,. riding a borrowed to youn& Samsoc. \(}.speed bike and arry1ng a blue h.'& In tht §('('Qnd 1ns1na(.'C. a pair of containing her dancing clo1hes 1a1lhousr snitches changed their ht nc,er am'n! \tOntt af\er tcs11f)11\1 1hat 1'k:ala ~lcr d«o1uoosed bod\ .,., .• ., found ronfc-sst'd to k1dnappina SamSOt' t.,.,,o wctk'I later 1n ·1he bru!>h' The) 'lald the stor1n wctt fAbfl('atled \Cruhland'> aOO\C ~1errr \111dr11 1n ho~·, 1hc1r \'\'n 1a1\ \Cn1cncn J STEVE MARBLE RETROSPE CTIVE .,..-ou\d he rrductd Rul 1t ..... , another l~Ue that On•ll\ l'On\1nC't"d tht' '1111c·\ high roun to !llrp 1n 11 1n\\,l\C'd \lcala's troubled pa>t Ounng thC' llJSO n1ur(i("r 1n•I, 1uron. V.'C1"C' 10\d h' a ~().\.t'ar~ld woman tha1 i\lcaln had 1.11u1c'-cd hn' ""h<'n \h(" ""l'' \ 1h1·n lch her hlood\ • and unconscious in a hOuse 1n Holl)\\'OOd. ..\lcala .,...a, scntenced to state pnson for 1hc offense and .... _ released 1n 1974 Then a I Q-~ar-old 11r1 also '°"· 1urors 1h1t Alcallt abd~td ht-r i 1974 ..... hc-n she""'' 13. She 1cs1ifted. tha1 the nirl)·hau'C\f m•n drove her to tht beach. rorrctd he1' to uno~ m•ti)uana nd ihcn k1 5td btt pass1on111cl' Ju 1 out of pnson at Lht \Amt.. kala·., parole .,...,,, revoked He "'"1$ freed 1,p1n 1n \Q 77 .\hhough Oranar County Supmor oun JudF Ptuhr Schwab rvlcd that the: 1esumon\ shoUld bt allowed b«-.u~of1t!.;1m1lanl" 1olheSamtot ca~. the uprcnw Cotin f'C\~ lhe d<'n'l1nn la t Yrttlri:. [Pl....,°" PECTR&.- ·-- PATTINSON SKIPS ELECTION ••• Fro Al "'But 1'11 rt"antl)?C n and 11 I miss tt, I'll run &a•n tn t~o \CU ,'' he dee! ~d. P tun on, ~I. wu nHl}or for two tcrm1. Two other incumbents -Mll}Or Jack Krlly and counc1lwomnn and former ma~or Ruth Finlc} -both declared their 1ntcnttons to sccl office apin when filina clo'icd earlier this month. Founecn other candidate~ al o have filed election paper\ rht>-. include: Dr. Peter G~n the prci1dent of the Amigos De Bolsa Chica en' 1ronmcntal orpnizat1on and a ~1cncc profes or at Golden West Coll~c: Ja) Stout. a financial auditor and little leaaue b:aseball 00k1al: John Erskine. a businessman and attorney and a member of the C'1ty·~ plannina C'ommiss1on: Tom Mays. a buStncss manaacment analyst. Floyd Belsito. an attorney and former Huntiniton Beach city adm1nismnor. Dennis Miller. a plan- NEWPORT BLAZE ..• From Al ma and saw smoke seeping through the ceiling. Check said "They went outside and "-ere \'lrtuaJly hit by a blast of heat from the roof.:• Cheek said. The fire had been burning for several minutes before they discovered u. he added After the Gree le) s escaped the blaze, the cc1hn1) ol the home bcpn to ca"e an. darnaama furniture and other atems inside the house Check said 11 took 24 firefighters about 20 minutes to control the fire . which ~as contained to the attic and roof The amc suffered "extensive damage," he said ner-cng1nccr. Othe1'5 include: El11nc Craft. a comm1:1nity volunteer; Rand> Durdl. an cnainccr-contractor: Frank Mtsr· Jlhana1r. a bustnessman who also as a city plannina commisswner. John Valentino. ll quality assu.ancc rtp- restnttave, John Horne. information system• analyst; Georae Hanna. an mdustrtial manufacturer; LaVonne Lawlor. a cashter. bookkeeper and notary and Allen Randal Cowan. a chemical enainccr Estimates ot the total damaae arc still sketchy. Check said. but he s~ud total loss should not exceed SI 00,000. Both the Ncwpon Beach Fare Dcpanment and Orange Count) Fire res Ponded to the blaze which fed off a wooden shake roof X,~EO ON AIRPORT LAW SOUGHT ... he believes homeowners should be cnutled to file such suits at least once a year Commenting on the chances that the bill again will be vetoed, she said, "If. in fact, he believed what he said last year, there is no other course of action. This bill leaves 1n the most odious restncuon. the single sun provision." L1chman said her organization. its affihates and "anous homeo""ners groups around the state atread~ are geanng up to campaign an fa, or of a veto. "The go' ernor has a month to ""ork on the bill and '-"C ha' e a month to \\Ork on u." she explained "" e plan to use cogent legal reasoning and political pressure. which we seem to have plenty of." Lachman also said the vanous groups opposing the measure had offered a reasonable compromise amchdmcnt that would have banned the filing of small claims suits for two years after a judament was entered. The amendment was voted down 29-7 Oran'e Count> government and other a1rpon operators around the state sought the bill to hmll the nuisance sutts after local home- owners bepn filing scads of small claims acuons seeking the S t.SOQ.. REAGAN KICKOFF IN FV ..• From Al 1\e'itandc <,a1d gate\ \\Ill open at 8·30 am Monda~ '-"llh the program beginning at 9:45 a m. Entertainers. celebnues. athlete\ and Republican candidates from Orange ( ount~ -... ill all take pan in the t'\ ent. the supervisor !.aid. Rcagan'1, speech. abuut ~.5 rntnut<.'\ long, \\tit begin at 10• I 5 am I he pre-\1dent ., !>Chcduled toam'e Sunda~ night at the \1anne Corps Air Sta 11on at El Toro He "111 sta' o'em1ght at the Jr-. ane Mamou hotel and \\ 111 tra' el to the park \ 1a motorcade. aC'cordmg to '\es1.ande. After his speech Monday morning. Reagan will return bncfh to the hotel. then leave from El Toro at about 12:30 p.m. for a Northern California campaign stop. Despite the short notice. Ncstande said he 1s confident a well-organized rally can be assembled. "We've got sc"en days to go." he said. "We're go1 ng to gnnd as hard as -...e can." Orange County was a w1se choice for the Reagan's campaign kickoff. said the supervisor who. duttng ReaJtan's second term as governor BADHAMCAMPAIGN ••• From Al ''In thte way, the sort of tut-minute dtaputee which have OCQJrrtld In some political campaigns would be avoided, aa we each would have an opportunity to rebut any unfair accuaatlona.'' Badham eaJd In the letter. Bradford, reached at her Costa Mesa campafQn headquart.,... said she was Inclined to favor such an agreement wfth her opponent. But before formally agreeing, Bradford said ehe wanted to dlacu .. It with her ~rr:!Palgn staff. "It sounds flke a good Idea; I have no objectfone on the surface," the Democrat said. She added she had not yet received a copy of Badham's letter detaJllng the proposal. maximum award tor noise-related damages. The county has received more than 160 claims for noise-related damages from residents living near John Wayne Airport. County officials esti- mate that such suits could cost the county as much as $2.8 milhon each yea r. Residents of the lng.lewood area near Los Angeles lntemataonal Air- Port. the San Francisco area and the Nonh Holfywood neighborhoods bordcnng Burbank Airport also have used the nuisance-suit tactic to make known their conunuing oppos1t1on to a1rpon-related noise. (I 97°0-74), served as special assistant for intergovernmental affairs. "He's always done well here -he's loved here." said Ncstande, the co- chairman of the county's Reagan- Bush re-election comminee. · "Orange County has always strona- ly suppQrted Reagan. I think this is a high honor. To be the site of the lockoff of his national re-election campaign, his last campaign, as a Stnjular honor ... Secunt) for the president's '•sat will be supervised by the Secret Service, working wath the Orange Count) Shcnff s Dcpanment the Fountain Valle} Police Department and the Cahfom1a H1ghwa> Patrol Fountain Valle} Police Chief MarY1n Fortin said cit} officers wall be m charge of traffic control and sccunt) on the streets surroundina the park. He said shenfl's deputies will work on the park grounds. CHP officers will escort Reagan's motor- cade to and from the park. Republican officials declined to make crowd estimates for the Labor Day event, but Fortin said he's been told to e"pect up to 40,000 people. The police chief said that aside from traffic jams and crowd control prob- lems, there were no serious incidents at the 1976 and 1980 campaign rallies m Fountain Valley SPECTRE OF ALCALA RETRIAL .•• F rom Al Th1: autumn altt"r \amsoe -...as il.1llcd. the girl') )Oung classmates rflanted a pine tree on the campus in her honor fhe~ '>aid the sapling \\Ould hl'lp them remember their lnend a' thl'\ \\atched 11 gro" tall and 'trong Mo.-.1 ol thl' .-.tudent" are 1n high \lhool no\\ and '>Offil' ma\ find the memom•, all too "l'ld "lien and 1f the~ afl' :l'>kl·d tn tc<,t1f~ against \lea la The '>tar \\1tnt''>'> 1n th e l'BSt' against .\lcala "a' lore'>I ranger Dana Crap- pa Her tC'illmnm 1.,a,\.'om1dered the mo~t damaging tc1 the defense and ~ame under ngorou' attacl.. O\ \lcalil 'a!lurne\ C'rappa da1nied ..,he 'hl\\ J man 1t'<tembltng Alcala pu'>h1ng a hlonde- ha1red girl into the hru'>h alongside 'ianta An11.1 (an\ on Road \he 'ia1d 1t "a" lhl' 'anw d.1) Sam ... o{ disap- peared <>ul ot cuno\lt\ c rappa ..aid she rt.'turncd tn thl· ,u·ne ol the ~1ght1ng llH' da\\ later and l<,und \am-;cx"<> 11rp'>c \ht: .,a 1d \he \\ J s <,u emo· 11onall~ OH'l'\'rough1 hov.c\er that 'he dad not report the \1gh11ng for lit'\en month'i C'.'\en though lawmen 1me a~rn'' lh( hod' JU\t da~' alter '>hl' did In e\pl.11ning her dela) then- pro<,ecutnr Richard Farnell said WE'RE LISTENING ~--=----=--~ Just Call 642-6086 Dally Piiot Dell very 11 Oueranteed Crappa \\as gnpped b) ntghtmares because she felt 11 was possible she could have sa,cd Samsoe's hfe had she acted more quack!) The defense. though. had a field da) with the )Oung forest ranger The) accused her of concocting the stor) and then later said authonucs had brainwashed her Then there were the eamngs found in a Seattle storage locker rented b> .\lcala. Samsoe's mother. Mananne Frazier. 1dcnllficd the jewelry as matching a set of eamngs her daugh- ter sometime~ borrowed from her. Ho\\ever. Frazier said she couldn't be pOSltl\e Se .. eral girls. including Samsoc's best friend. picked out .\lea la as the man tht"\ had seen an the beach area the da\ · !he 12-vear-old vanished The) said the man the} saw was c,nappang pictures of $Iris and asked one 10 get "loaded" w11h ham "hen .\lea la ~as arrested. officer found nearl~ 1.000 photographs of "'omen and girts -both naked and dressed -an a room of his parent's \.1ontere' Park homt" ""here he la"cd One of the pictures was of a Sunset Beach girl ""ho later testified the photo wa\ snapped the da> Samsoc "as last seen The ~trangest of the 1es11mon-. 1.ame from two Orange ( ount\ Jail ammates who said Alcala told them he kidnapped Samsoc and slapped her until she passed out. The snitches ~aid Alcala claimed, however. that he never stabbed the girl. Later. the 1mmates re,erscd them· selves and said they 1n,ented the confession to shonen their jail sentence. "I thmk the evidence 1s strong. but 1t will be difficult because most of the witnesses ha ve scattered," said for- mer prosecutor Farnell. now an private pracuce 1n Newpon Beach Chief Deputy D1stnct Attorney James Enriaht said he will block the poss1b1llty of Alcala bcmg freed by filing new murder charges against him within the next two months. The Supreme Court reversal docs not take effect for 60 da)s. 'I sull predict he'll get out .. said Sgt Ron Jenkins who led the hunt for .\lcala "Knov. ang the Supreme Coun. I'm not surpmed b~ any of this." Farnell said he predicted the da' Alcala was con' 1cted that the Su'- prcmc Court would intercede He called 11 (the pred1cuon comma true) a "hollow \ 1ctor)." "The Supreme Coun JUSt doesn't Ill e thr death penal!\ .. he added. What do yo u like about the Dally Piiot? What don't yo u like'! Call the number at left and your me11a1e will be recorded, tranacrlbt d and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an1werln1 service may be used to record lelten to the tditor on any topic Contrtbuton to our Lt ttert column must Include tbtlr name and telephone number for verification No circulation cal11, plea1e. T~ll 01 what'• on your mind. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Clrcutatfon 714/"'2--4333 CIHalfled edYMtlalng 714/M2·5e71 All other department• 142""4321 MAIN OFFICE H. L. Schw.,tz Ill Pubhstier ClrculaUon Tetephon•• ...... RoHm•ry Churchmen ">"' •Jller Stephen F. C erHo Prodl1C tier M:inager Don1ld L. Wllllem1 C1rcul8tton Manager VOL. n , NO. 2A1 Forecast calls for hot weather Coaatal Tlde1 TOOAY I 02 • m 1\22."' t IOpm 1111om WIONatoAY Flrel lOw • •0 11" -0 6 $4 0 11 .. 00 c-to 57 OrMl't a Ill WlnQlllt .. 14 M!#ftl:.. .. 11 Midtflcl 17 .. MllwlllAIM u 10 Moi.-s1'...i ,, ,, NM/IVlle to 10 ...... on.-. .. 70 HtwYOft. II .. Norlolk.VI u tl NOl'lh Platte " ... OlllllhOml Coy !OJ 11 Omah• 100 70 on.ndo ,, 10 Phlladellll\141 II .. P!!Mnl• 106 11 Ptl1all\lrl." 11:.t .. ,Oflilll ,Mt 11 .. ,on111N1.0t 71 14 PYO..,.._ 11 u ·-="<4~ u .. " u "'"° .. IO AICitlmOnCI IO .. Slull!ltl\10 12 ... 81 I.Olio• .. 17 11 ~•Tampe .. .. 8111 Liiie Cir, 11 12 511\AMOlllO " ,. 13 Sen Otego 12 11 ... 8anF,_ .. 67 8111 JIHlll.P A to 11 ,,.I~ 11st1m S II Chtrle91on S C 15 71 Or-ll>OrO N C u ._ IOw eotpm O I Cl\anlllOll W v 15 .. HlftlC!fO u 62 $1 li.M.,• 70 eo 57 71 ktlllt .. ., == .. 71 81111 •tt lodt/. ti 7 2' p m. t-Qlanotte N C 14 17 Helena et Wldnetelly 11 I 4 t m and Mii IQllll C~ 12 5t HOllOIU4u 11 1e 68 t7 ., 72 SPGll-12 ,. 1172'pr11 Cll~ llO .. HOllllOll to MDOll Mii 100:.f ti t 02 p m , n'" Cw;ln~ll 87 .. llld'llftlpolll .. 13 6$ JIClllOll.MI 112 65 ·~·-7t ., Topel\t 101 17 W.O....O•t II I t "' and Mii IQl•ll c ...... 111\d II 8 35 pm COlumb••.S C 13 15 JIC~IOftVllJI u COiolmblia o" .. as Ju~ 5t •4 11 71 Coneotd.H H 92 ., K.,, ... c1t1 101 70 T-Tllltt t1 " Temperatures 011taa.f1 WOt111 101 eo LaaVeou 1111 76 WQ/ltnglOll .. 70 71 70 W1et1111 100 .. .. WINI_..,,. 11 .. 74 Wil~,OI ,, 70 08ylon 95 .. l•tll• llOCll 94 o.n-17 IO Loe ~ ae OlaMOI,_ " ee Lou1tv11 17 HI Lo 0.l•Oh .. .. Lutll>Oell as AIOMy I I eo Duluth n 84 Al~uetq• .. ., 65 El Paao ., 72 Amat lo I• 64 Evantv~le 87 ,, Ar!GfloflOI lit 40 Flltbanka , . ,, • .,,...,tllt eo 57 '"00 100 82 AllMll ., 71 "ao•1111 80 43 SURF REPORT Alfll'lllc 041~ 80 73 Orancl Rlolda ., 10 Aut llll LOC:ATICHI 100 77 8111111'\0re .. 13 Extended Hurillngton IHClt 1•11= " 72 River J11cy. Newport llrm ham 13 71 '°'" lueet, N9wpOf1 • 22nd 8ttMI, Nlwo«I ll~k ee 63 IOIM 12 611 NIOlll and mornl:'Pi IOw c!O<ld• l'IMf lell>Ot WtOQI loe\Oll 13 as 1111 C:Ol&1 OllllfWIM l•I H,ha rangong Ll9Uftl a.ch 8tOWlltVllll 15 71 ITOl"I tllt mlCI 10 uppet Ot II Int 8111 Clt!Mlllt l<illllO 11 .. bMCllel IO mlCI llOI warrMt 11111/ld Wat., lemP 61 luttlllQIOll,VI 12 as ~ lOwl moally In 1111 eo. 8Wlll 011ec1oon eou111 : CONTINUED STORIES k - HB RECALL BACKERS GET NOD ... From Al Recall propQnents -calhn& them- selves Citizens for the Advancement of RespQnsible Education (CARE) - will have until Jan. 11 to collect I 4, 146 signatures to bring about an election to decide if the three should be removed from office. Mary Campbell, a co-director of the recall drive along with her husband, Leonard, claim that Marcus, Smith and Lake have exhibi- ted "a gross abuse of public trust of parents and voters" by removing the Popular Berger. Campbell also said that a dects1on last June to promote the wife of board president Ron Marcus to the position of coordinator of alternative educa- tion without advenasang the Position to outsiders 1s a factor 1n the recall. The emplo~ee. Shiela Marcus. was gl\ en a pa~ raise and put 1n charge of dc\elop1ng spec1all)-funded pro- grams Her husband who had a "vested 1hterest" accord1 ng to Cambpell, abstained School administrators pre" 1ousl:r said that Mrs. Marcus, a trustee in the city's Ocean View School D1stnct, was gi ven the promotion because she already had been performing duties of her new posiuon "in an admirable fashion." The issue of Mrs. Marcus' promo- tion, coupled with her husband's posnion," has been submitted to the Orange County Grand Jury and the attorney general for investigation, according to recall backer Susie Newman. Recall backers 1n1t1all)' served no- tices of their intent1ons to recall four trustees. but board member Landa Moulton announced last "-CCk that she had chaoged her mind and no longer stood b} her earlier vote to mo .. c Berger from Manna Moulton said Monda) she had been on the boara onl)' a month when she agreed last January to go alona wtth former Supt. Jake Abbott's recommendation to remove Beracr. "I began to have real doubts that I was ri$ht and the people were wrong," she said. Moulton claimed that fear of recall didn't prompt her decision. "It's not the recall. I don't think it's going anywhere. I'm a great believer 1n representative government." A controversy has simmered smcc Berger announced to facultr mem- bers on tbe last day of schoo that he had been given a list of options by Abbott and his best choice was early retirement. Abbott, whom August took over as supenntcndcnt of the Mt. Daablo School Distnct m Contra Costa Count), claimed that the 59-year-old Berger had difficult) in confronting tough school problems. WE'LL WEATHERIZING YOUR HOME A Rf.WARDING EXPERIENCE. . wa~mJ{ a ·~ battle against high energy costs on two fronts: cash rebates and annual , A, energy savings. ( Fbr example, a hot water- saVIng shower head can save as much as $58ayear.) There are several different ways to weather- ize your home. And, depending on which combination of them you do, yow, cash rebates can add up to as much as $456. So call the Southern California Gas Company and find out more about mrr Home Weatherization rash rebates or BOUTHEAN CAU~IA low-interest [JJ financing. It can ! be a re~varding U expen ence. gas 1-800~'3.52412A. COM~Y FORECAST: f IRIT I 011111 - TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, nlts4 ORANGECOUNTY . CALIFORNIA :•,Cf NT'-. Coast Laguna council to spend $20,000 on study of Il- legal city dump./ A3 Supermarket clerks ap- prove new contract./ A3 California A plane that might have been overloaded slams into tractor-trailer rig · near San Bernardino./ AS Nation Shuttle crew hopes three's the charm for Wednesday blastoff./ A4 Democratic, Republican candidates stump the na- tion for votes./ AS t:•:•:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: World Hijacking of Iranian jet makes it six in a month for sky pirates./ AS A freighter Is staying afloat off the Baja coast in the middle of hurricane- forcewlnds./ A4 !;:::::·:·:::.:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Mind&Body Familiar surroundings of home care or hospices often ease suffering for etdedy or terminaJ pa- tients./81 Which of the 12 most frequent excuses to post- pone a medical checkup have you used lately? /81 :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Sports Some big stars have graduated but there is still plenty of optimism in the football camps at Coronadel Mar and Hu·nt- ington Beach high schools./C1 The Dallas Cowboys fi- nally come to terms with veteran Randy Whlte./C2 Former Costa Mesa High standout Ken Bardsley will play collegiate basketball In his home town this season./C2 ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· Entertainment Elton John wows them at Irvine Meadows./83 Business State's largest bank won't join Safeway's automated teller pro- gram./84 INDEX Boating Bridge Bulletin Board Buslness C&Jlfornla News Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Feat urea Horoscope Ann Landers Mutual Funds National News Opinion Paparaul Police Log Public Notice!I Sports Stock Markets Tetevlllon Theater• Weather World New• 01 C6 A3 64-5 A4 04-6 C6 06 cs B2 05 B2 BS A4 A6 B1 A3 C4-5 C1-4 BS B3 83 A2 A4 ---------- an co e IC 2 flee blazing Coast home Dover Shores fire does $100,000 worth of damage By KAREN E . KLEIN Of tM Dellf l'llol It.ft A spectacular blaze broke out at a Newpon Beach home Monday after- noon, causing S 100,000 wonh of damage and sendmg two residents fleeing for safety just as pan of the roof caved in, Newpon ~ch Fire Depanment officials said. There were no injuries reponed. The 2:2 1 p.m. fire began in attic area of the house on 1627 Dorothy Lane. said Russ Cheek. fire depan- ment spokesman The cause of the blaze was still under tn'l-CSt1ga11on . he said. .. .e ID e a1 --- Mile square Park site of big rally on Labor Day By PHIL SNEIDER.MAN Of .. Ollllr ......... President Ronald Reagan will tick. ofThls national rc-eleClion campai&n in Oran County on Labor Day .. returning to Mile Square Park m Fountain Valley. lhe 'te of two previous GOP pres1deritial campaign rallies In October 1976, former President Gerald Ford drew thousands to Mile Square dunng his unsucxcssful cam- paign apinst Jimmy Carter. In October 1980. Rcapn. as a popular former go~emor of c.ati- fomia. also conducted a maJOT rally at Mile Square Park.. The following monlh, he defeated Caner to become the 40th president of ·the Uniicd States. The 1976 and 1980 rallies were held in the city's Mile Square ~tion area off Brookhunt StrccL But Or- ange County SuJ)Cf'VtSOr Bruce Nest.ande, cbamnan of R~'s Labor Day rally, said next Wttk's event will be beJd 10 Mile Square's intenor park area, closer to Euchd StrccL The area is under county 1unsd1ction Nestandc said the cnv recreation area was viewed as kss desirable for security reasons Two renters at the Do\er Shores home, 1dent1fied as Ted G reeley and his son, Guy. discovered the blaze when they smelled something burn- (Pleaae see NEWPORT/ A2) Newport Beach firefighter train• hoae on Dover Shore. house Kre. The prcsidentearlierannounccd be would launch hls fall carnpaisn in Orange County, long a Reapn stronghold. But organizers. according to Ncst.ande. dldn 't zero in on lhc (Pleaee eee REAOA1'/ A2) Ve~o anticipated for restrictions on airport suits Local opponents nCrtegovernor has vetoed similar law By JEFF ADLER Of IN Oellf l'llot ltd Local opponents ofleg1!>lat1on that would limu the nght of homco\\oncrs to repeated!} sue government o'er a1rpon noise are hoping Go' GCQrge Deukmej1an will once again \eto the measure. as he did a year ago. Calling a bill that cleared the state Senate Monday "odious," Barbara Lichman, eitecu11ve director of the Newpon Beach-based Airport \\-ork- mg Group. said her organization and its 14 statewide affiliates arc hopeful the governor will rc1ect the measure when 1t reaches his desk probabl~ later this "'eek On a 30-' 'ote. the ~nate ap- pro, ed lcg1~lat1on that ''ould bar homeo~ners from su1nga1rpon oper- ators an '\mall claims coun tor damage~ more than once unk~!i jct noise at an a1rpon '>lgntlicantl) increases thereafter .\ <;ltghtl) different 'er'>ion of thl' bill al read~ has passed the .\s<;embl). and Asscmbh concurrence ~Ith the Senate's \er<>1on of the b1ll 1s e'pected before 1t 1s sent on to the go' ernor Last year. DeukmeJ1an \etoed a !.1m1lar mca.-,urc that would ha\I~ placed an outright ban on 'mall claims SUit\ O\l"r airport no1Sl' L1chman <;a1d the governor '>JX'Ctli- call~ ~lated in has 'eto mes'>agc that (Please aee VETO/A2) Badham seeks early campaign disclosure Republican Rep. Robert Badham has proposed that he and his Democratic opponent Carol Ann Bradford agree to disclose In advance the content of all campaign materlaJs during the balance of their election campaign In the Orange Coast's 40th Congress onal District. .. As you know, there has been growing concern rn recent years over ttfetone and content otpotltical campatgns. Much to1hetreredlt, the publlc wants an end to deceptive and negative campaigns and would rather aee contests bated on Issues," said the Newport Beach congressman In a letter to Bradford releued Monday. The thra.term Incumbent asked the Democrat to agree to dlscloH the text of all newspaper advertisements, campaign maJlers and rac:tlo or talevtsion advertisements at least 48 hours In advance. (Pleue eee BADBAM/ A2J Recall backers get OK to begin drive Barbara Liebman By ROBERT BARK.ER Of._ o.e,,.... aun es1dents seeking to oust three Hunungto n Beach Union Htgh School board members in a battle over the finng of Manna High School Pnnc1paJ Paul Berger ha"e rece1,ed official clearan~ to proceed w1th pthenng s1anatures on recall papers. But leaders sa) the~ plan to hold off action and give trustees a chance to change their minds when the) con- sider the matter of Berger's forced retirement again next Tu~\ Rr-call papers. complete v.1th re· phcs b\ the targeted tno -Ron l\.iarcus. IC\C Smith and Bnan Lake -v.ere appro'ed Monda) b) the Orange Count) Reg1strar of Voters offictals Recall proponents -calhn& them- selves C.uzcns for the Ad.,.anccment of Responsible Education (CARE)- Wlll have unul Jan. 11 to collect 14.1 4 6 signatures to bring about an election to decide 1f the thrtt should be rcmo.,.ed from offitt Mal') Campbell, a co-<11rcctor of the recall dnve along with her husband, Leonard, claim that Marcus Smith and l.U;e have exh1bt- ted "a gross abuse of publtc trust of parents and 'oters .. by rcmovmg the (Pleue eee BB RECALL/ A2) Mesa water district seeks $9.5 million to drill wells Funds from 5-year notes would be repaid through water sales to Coast communities By TONY SAAVEDRA \-1e'i<J ( onsohdJted \\ ater l>1~1m t offic1alc; arc prepanng to l'i'>Ul' SI) " million 1n low·interc~t ta\-<.'\l'mpt note\ to finance the con!ltruc 11on t,f t\.\o ltXal "ater ''ells. J...arl Kemp. d1stnc1 general man· ager 'iald hl· 1s also rc~ommcndtng that board d1n:-ctors mcrea.,e thl· perrahy rec'I f(.,r sum thing.. J'> re tonns 'iCn ice 10 d1cnt<; "ho 'c- had their v..atcr turned on tor nnn· pa,ment k.emp ..aid the ac11on'i "'ould Ix· r an of an cffon to upgrade o,cn ll'l' and off'iCt c\pcn<;.es in thl' d1'tr1l l. v.h11.h pro' 1dt'\ ~ater to '>Omc !\I'\ I()() c u'10mcr<. 1n C. oo;ta \ks.a and 'e" · J"X'n Beach. at John \\a' ne .\1rpon and in wme unincorporated arl·as ot Orange ( ount~ Roard member'\ last \\-Cd no11tied tht• federal d1c;tnct 'ie<."Unllc'I com- n11'1~1oner of their intcntwn to issue lhl' )-\ t•ar prom1sson note'> "h1ch \\OUld he repaid through "atcr sales The not1fica11on alto"' the d1stnct 1 '<>ell thl' 'ihort-term cert1ti1.at~ after q da.,.o; "11hout state or fcderaf Jppro,al Funding from the note(, ~ould he u~d to drill and equip t""o "ells h \\Ould al'lo he used to con'ltruct p1pehne'i l\.emp said the project "ould pa' tor 1tself"11h1n ~n ~car. an .,., '"ll" from using local v.at<'r tn tead of water piped from Northern Cali- fornia and lhe Colorado River. Water from the five wells now operated b) the district co ts $75 pcT acre-foot compared to S229 per actt-- foot for imported water J...emp said a total of $21 milhon \\Orth of future work projects are in the d1stnct's master plan to tap local water sources. Board directors. are expected to lormall) 1ssUt" the notes on SepL 13. v. hen the\ ~111 also conduct a pubhc hcanng on a propostd increase in penalt' fees The d1stnct now 'cir&J'1~ $6 for returned checks and SIS to restore sen 1ce that has been discontinued. Kemp 1s suggesting an estimated S 10 fee for bad checks and a maximum of $30 for re tonng water servtcc. -''tual figures ha\C not )Ct been (Pleue eee WATER/ A2) Spectre of killing hangs heavy on Alcala' s foes , Painful memories of R-0bin Samsoe · s murder will be brought to life again in OC courtroom from the da> he was ordered to dtc in the ga chamber for the aruc~me murder of a I 2·)car-old Huntinaton Beach girl. 11 Sttmtd that Rodney James Alcala would come back to haunt hi\ toe' in Orange Counl) Now he ha,, A death row 1mmatc at San Quentin, Akilla won a revcf'\,1t of his murder con' iction ta t Thursda\: when talc Supreme Coun ju lu.:e\ ruled that the 39·)CU--old man d1dn'1 set a fair tnal because Juron were 1nld he I COO\ICtcd child mol ICf Btc1iuse of the ruhng. the wor\t fear\ of count) pro uto1'. pohcC'. and the tam ii) and fric:nth of the \lam child are comin11 Im!" \II ar<' l nn demncd to rch\1ng the lahc.lr\ofa t11al and painful memonc\ of the a1ml' \lcal:s. a UCL.\ gr~du31c "'ho ha' pent much of fo\ ;adult ht,• behind bar.." 111 he tnro tor:a o,ccond ume tor the murd,·r of Robin < hn,un,· \am\OC', a blu,··e)C'd&1rl "1th honc'- colorC'd hair "ho d1s.1ppcarl"d un a \untmer nt\cmoun thr ~ca"' ago, \am'°'"· a '''H'nth ttrndcr ·" °"'C"r ~11ddte &~ool at the tam,-, '-'1'' on her "a' to hallct ht''" r 1d10g 11 ~mo"t'd Io.,~ J hike anJ l m ma a Nut' hag l onta1n1na her danC"mg \ l1uhc' 'he n''' er got thC'f'c tier ,f(', nmpt1~J bl)(h "'a' tounJ tM' v.C'('~' lat<'r 1n th1' hru'h' ,,·1 \thlam" nh(i\l· Sit'r«' \t11llrn \ fore\t r.anger later "ou IJ "" ca1 that he ~" .\kala Jrauan~ thl' g11 I throuJh the \hr uh' .\lcala'' tn31 "3S a t~1c.tinJ. turning aOa1r that thrratene-d to unra' cl at 11mC'' 1 "ICC the-. uprt-me ( nun thrt'alcnc-d to o' cr1utn the dC'\. 1\1un on 1c,c,uc'I ra1\Cd h) \I la ' ('1\un· nppomted lav.)l"r. The fil'\t t1mc 11 ,on\"t'rncJ a st'af'\h Hununaton tk h poh\c m l1t' on a loder .\kala had in auk. \\a\h Polit'C purportt"dl~ lound a pan of camna\ an the locker that latC'r "''fl' 1dc-nt1ficJ a\ proh~hl\ bdon an to \OUOI $.lmsoc Th ~cond time wa "h n a pa11 ol 1.ulhou~ nuchc 'hang\"d their .. ton<'~ :sltc-r 1 t1f\1n that \k la ,,,nf<'\'<'d k1dnapp1n m~le 1 hC'' ''"'' the c,torn•, \\ere tabn tt"<l in hn~· .. lhl'H ''" n 11111 -.C1't('O('t'\ \\OUltf STEVE MARBLE RETROS PE CTI~[ Ix• mi U~'\.·d Rut 11 wa\ another 1"uc that finalh l't'n' in,t"\1 the \late'' h1 h <'ourt to 'li'.'Jl in It 1n,oh('d I la'' tmuNed (la\t Dunng the IQ murder 1nal, 1um~ v.('ft tolJ b' a .. 0-, r olJ "oman that \I la h d att kt>J her ~hen ''"' Y.:l\ 1 lh n I I\ he 1 l\looJ and uncon.soous m a home LD H olh\\ood. .\kala "a ~ntenC'C'd to state pmon for the offen~ .ind v.;as relea~J 1n I Q14 Then a I 9-)c.u-old &irl al told 1urors that lcala abduct~ her 10 I Q74 ~hen \he wa .. 1.l bt-te ufi('(f that thC' curh-tu1rtd man dro\e her to the b<' h. forced hCf \O mokt man)uana and then h~ pa 1on:uch Ju t out of pmon it the \Jm \l ala wa" \Cnt badr. to pn n fOf \ 1ol1t1ng parole. He ""1l' frttd 1n tn l Q7'7 .\lthou h Oran ( ount} upcn<W Coun Ju Ph11tp h• b ru~ that thi'.' tt' tmon' "hnuM alto .. ~ u ot1t~\1m1I nt\loLMSam th' Supft'mc.' Coun ~"cnt'd tht (Pleue . • .. ,, • , REAGAN KICKOFF IN FV ••• From Al Fountain Valle\ 10(.'auon unul arter 1hc Repubhcan Nauonal c·on' cn11on that concluded 10 Dalla!i> lu!)t v.·e,.-k. Anaheim tadium and the: Irvine Meadows A n1ph~hea1rr had also been under cods1dcra11on. The stadium, however. 1salrcad) rcsc-r. ed fC>r Labor Day v.·11h the Ram ~ schcd· ulcd 10 play the Dallas Cov.'bo)'S. Nestandesa1d Irvine Meadows 1s in a less acttss1ble area than Mtle Square Park. v.h1ch 1s in a central. 1nore dt'nscl)' populated sa·uon or 1he ~ount ) Tht successful pre' 1ou~ ralltes at ~11le Square al!)O v.cre a faClOr 1n the dc.as1on. the super\ 1ror \ltld . Nl'stande said gates v.·11l open al S·JOa.m. Monda}. v.1th the program bcg1nn1ng at Q:45 a.m. En1eruuners. crlebnt1es. athletes and Republican ~·and1datcs from Oransc Count) will all takt ~rt 1n the evc-nt. thc-~upcr' 1sor Stud. Reagan's speech, about 45 nunute~ Ion&. will begin at 10: 15 a.m. The president is scheduled lOllITt\C Sunda) night at the Manne Corps Air Station at E.I Toro. He will Sta)' O\ ern1gh1 a_t \he Irvine Marriott hotel and will travel to the park vut motorcade. according to Nestande. <\fter his sJ)«'Ch Monda) morning. Reagan"" ill return bnefl~ to the ho1e\, then lea\-e from El Toro at about 12:30 p.m. for a Northern Cal1fom1a campaign stop. Despue the short notice, Nestande said he 1s confident a we\1-organizC'd rall} can be assembled. "'We've got St''>en da~s to go," he NEWPORT llLAZE •.. From Al 1ng and sa"" smoke scrp1ng through the ceiling. ChcC"k s:i.1d .. The) ""en1 outside and \\t"fl' v1 nuall' h11 b) a blast ofhe:i.t fron1 thl' roof," Cheek said. The fire had been burning for St'\ eral minutes before they discovered it. he added. After the Greele)S escaped the blaze. the ce1\tngs of the home bC'gan to ca ve 1n, damaging furniture and ot h~ items 1ns1de the house l heelr: said 11 1oolr: 24 lirelighters abciut :!O minutes 10 t•on1rol the fire. "h1ch was contained to th~ at11c and roof The attic suffered "extensi'e damaie." he said. Estimates of the total damage are ~1111 sketchv, Cheek said. but he said 101al loss should not ell.ceed S 100.000. Both the Newport Beach Fire Department and Orange County Fire responded to the blaze, which fed off a "ooden shake roof. said, "We'rt &01n1 lo Jllnd as hard IS we r:ri n " The super\'1sor said Or11nge Coun- ty was a wik choice for 1he Reaaan's campaign kickoff. "He's al ..... ·ays done well here-he's lo'ed here," said Nestande. the ro- cha1rman of the county's Reagan- Bush re-election comn~1tt~. "Orange County has always strong- ly supported Reagan. I think thts 1s a high honor. To be the s11e of the kickoff of his national re-election campaign, his last campaign, 1s a sinaular hono,," Securuy for the pres1denl's v1s1t will be supervised b) the Secret Service, working with the Oranae Count} Sheriffs Department, the Fountain Vallev Police Department and the Cahforil1a Highway Patrol . Foun1a1n Valley Police Chief Marvin Fortin said Cit) ollicers will be 1n charge of traffic con1rol and secu nty on the streets surrounding the park. He said shenfT's depu1ics will work on the park grounds. CHP officers will escort Reagan's motor- cade to and from the park. Republican officials declined 10 make crowd estimates for lhe Labor Da} event. but Fortin said he's been told to ell.pet! up to 40,000 people. The pohce chief sa id 1ha1 aside from traffic jams and crowd control prob- lems, there were no serious incidents at the 1976 and I 980campaign rallies 1n Fountain Valley . VETO ON AIRPORT LAW SOUGHT ... From Al he belie-. es homeo"" ners should bt· cn111led 10 file such suits at le3St oncl" a year. Commenting on the chanct•s Iha\ the bill aga1n will be \Ctocd, she said. ··1r_ tn fatt. he tlt'he,ed .... hat hl· said laSt \ear. then· is no other cour~t' of .ict1cin . This bd! lca-.t~s 1n 1he n1us1 odious reslnl t1on the s1ngll' su11 pro\ isiun LiC"hman said her organ11.ation. 11s aftihates and 'a nous homeo"" ners groups around 1he state alread) are geanng up 10 campaign 1n fa,or of a \CIO. ""The governor has a month 10 \\Orlr: on 1he bill. and ""t' have a month 10 v.orlo. on n." she e~pla1ned. '"\Ve plan to u~ C'O&l'nt legal reason1ng and poli ucal pressure ..... h1ch .... e seem 10 ha'e plcnt~ of" Lichman also said Lht• 'anous groups opposing the measure had u!Tered a reasonable tomprom1sc aml"ndment that would have banned the filing of small claims suits for two ~cars after a Judgment was entered. The amendment was voted down :!9-7. Oran$f C"oui;it~ government and 6ther airpon operators around the slate sough1 the bill to limi t the nuisance suit s after local hon1e- owners be$an filing scads of small claims actions seeking the SJ .500- maximum a""ard for noise-related damages. The count} has rece1\ ed more than J 60 claims for noise-related damages from residents livi ng near John '-''a) ne .o\irpon. County officials esti- mate that such suits could cost 1he count) as much as S2 .8 million each }ear. Residen ts of the Inglewood area near Los Angeles International A.ir- pon. the San Francisco area and the \:orth H oll~ wood neighborhoods bordenng Burbank Airport also have used the nuisance-sui1 1actic to make known !heir continuing opposition to airport-related noise. WATER .. ~ From Al calculated. Kemp said Mesa Con- solidated is on the low end of the scale in a surve)' of fi nes charged by nine water districts in the region . Mesa Consolidated customers are given 49 days 10 pay their water bi lls. The term includes a second letter and a final warning notice placed on the knob of their front doors. Kemp sa id about 90 percent of the users pay the fi rst bill, with roughly 5 percent paying after the seC'ond notice. He explained that paying cus - tome~ ""'ere footing the ell.pensc for the "door-hangers and shut·offs ." Forecast calls for hot weather Coastal Tht ,oreutt8p.m.EDT,WedneSOly,AJ.Jgvst Tides Fin! IDW Fifi! l!IQ~ S1tondlo.., ....... .,. TOOAY ! 03-m 11 ........ 5 ,Op m 11 11pm WIOtdlDA'I' ·" .. " .. f"lr.iiQ,. 5 •t11m 00 C.- ForlllliQI' 1 I 59 Im 5 9 Cfi111'1rllon SC $«ond IOw I oe pm 0 B Ctl.0..1on WV 5';tt NII 1od•~ 11 7 21 Pm •-C~1t!Dlt1.lll C Wldf!H(ll~ 11 I 2• • m ano NH 11Qaon CM\'IAM 11 7 23 p m Cnie..oo M<><>" Mii lodl) II 9 02 pm rl ... Cinclnn•1' WIO-y II 9 •0. m • ...., NII ~n ~"° •I 9 3! pm C01umb11 S C C01umt>Y1.0n Concord Ill H 0Wllt-f1 Wor1~ 0•)1on ""'-0.. Moone1 Temperatures ..... AlbuqUl'QVI -~ .......... _ .. A\111'!11 A\IMllC Cl!~ Ht Lo 0.l'Dit a 1 ao Dl.rkri~ 91 15 EIPuo 9"I &4 EvM- $1 40 F.irblnl.1 IO ~7 '•oo IM 11 Fl190H•" .. " a& 11 .. .. '' 17 12 51 .... " .. 13 15 13 I~ .. .. 11 17 10! 10 .. .. " .. .... 16 II " .. 93 72 87 11 IO IO GfNIFllll Gr..,.bOro.N C HWllO<cl ,_, Honolulu Houlton ~-· JIC~-Ml J.c:k_ ... ,, .. -l(..,tu CI!~ lU VlljlU LI111e Roc:k lOIAn~ LOUIJV!I Lubboek "~'"" Bllllmor• IO 73 Grind RtOldf 100 77 .. " 100 112 .. ., I• 70 ----------LOCATIOfll ...... 9lrmtng111m -rt ,_ -~ erown •• ~11 .. ,, .. Burllngton,VI .. " ~ ;~ Extended Hun111191on Biiich ~ Jelty, i'tlwpor'1 IOtl! Sir-. lllewp0r1 22nc1S1t-.~ H " " .. " " lill 79 .... " .. llllglll -morn.no IOWo CIDud1 ....,. B11b01 WtOQI IM-DI-rau H111r. •llnO'llQ Lag..oNI a...... rrom 11111 mill to -70. 1r1 11>11 San C-• _.._ to mid IKlt WWIMI lll!&nd Wllw ·~ ae vllllys Lowa ,,_tlV 1n 11'>1 ISOI S......, cll•ticiloll. aou1n CONTINUED STORIES .. " " .. .. " .. " " " .. " .. .. " " " " .. .. "' " " " .. " .. " " .. " " -· ·--Midinel-00.- Mllw""'" M.,..,,. .... MMll~+lt ,._ ...... ,,..,.York _,_ ""°"" l'l•ll• 0-.~c.1, ...... .. _ ---" Pm= Por .Ml ........... ~--,_.. ~en~ ~ ........ S1C11......,10 SI Lou,. SI P11 .. T .,..p, s.11 L .. 1 c;ny 511'1 "-"!-... _ $81'1 "'lnC!ltO s ... J.,..,P" S1 811 MMll Sllonll 51\tl~I s...... 1119 --··-,_, ,_ ,_ W""*'91on Wlo;h"1 Wlllj•-8.,,.. Wllmlnglon.O. .... ,_, ,., ,_, ' ·~ ,_, ,_, .. " .. " " .. .. " .. " " " .. " " .. " " " .. ... n "' " " " " .. "' " " .. " .. " .. " " " .. H " .. .. .. .. " .. .. " .. .. " " H " " " .. " .. .. " " .. " .. " " " " " " " '" " " " " .. .. " "' .. .. .. .. " OIRICTIOH • •• ••• '"' '"' '"' '"' '"' HB RECALL BACKERS GET NOD •.. From Al popular Berger. • Campbell also said 1ha1 a Ciec1sion last June 10 promote the wife of board president Ron Marcus to the position of coordinator of alternative educa- uon w11hou1 ad\'ert1s1ng the position to outsiders 1s a factor 1n the recall. The employ~. Shiela Marcus. was given a pa y nnse and put 1n charge of developing speciall y-funded pro- grams. Her husband. "'ho had a "vested interest" according 10 Cambpell. abstained. School adm1n1strators previously said that Mrs. f\1arcus, a trus1ee 1n 1he c1t\''s Ocean View School Distnct, ""'aS given the promotion because she alread) had been perform1ngdutiesof her ne\\ posn1on "1n an adm1rable fashion." The issue of Mrs. MaFcu~· promo- llon. coupled \\'1lh her husband's position," ha~ been subm111ed to the Orange Coun1y Grand Jury and 1hr a11orne) general for 1nvest1g.:i.11on. according to recall backer Su~1t' Newman. Recall backers 1n1t1all) s.cr' ed no- 11ces of their 1nten11ons to recall four trustees, bu1 board member Linda Moulton announced last week tha1 she had changed her mind and no longer stood b) her earher votc to move Berger from Manna. Moulton said Monda} she had been on !he board only a month when she agreed la st Janua~ 10 go along with former Supt. Jake .\bbot!'s recommendation to rcnlO\l" Berger "I began 10 ha'e real doubts that I was ns.h1 and lhc people were wtong,'' she said. Moulton claimed that fear of rec.all d1dn"t prompt her decision. "It's not the recall. I don't think Jl's going.-"' anywhere. I'm a great believer 1n rcprese n1a11 ve government.'" A con1roversy has simmered since Berger announced to facull'' mem- bers on the last da\ of schoof that he had been given a ·list of options by Abbon and hi s best choice "as earl y re11rement .\bbott. \\1ho 1n .o\ugust took over as supcnntcnden1 of the Mt Diablo School Di~tnct 1n Contra Costa Count), clai med that the 59-)car-old Berger had d1nicully in confronting tough school problems. Thus. the higher fines would help ,-------------------------------------------- shift 1he fina ncial burden to the BADHAM CAMPAIGN ••• From Al ''In this way, the sort of tast~mlnutedisputes whleh have occurred In some political campaigns would be avoided, as we each Would have an opportunity to rebut any unfair accusations," Badham said In the letter. delinquent customers. ''I've gOl at least one out of e\'ef) three production days where em- ployees are tied up prepanng 10 shut service off,"' said Kemp. Bradford, reached at her Costa Mesa camp~gn headquarters, said she was Inclined to favor such an agreement With her opponent. But befOte formalfy agreeing, Bradford oald •~wanted to dllcu ... lt- Directors will also be asked to raise th.e deposit for first-ti me res1denual users. who now pay SI 5. Deposits are kept by thedistnct and used as partial rcimbu~ment for non-pa) mcnt. Kemp >ai d the mcreasc. which ha! noTyet been calculated, \\'Ould better reflect the average monthly bill. That average rate was recently raised. begi nni ng Oct. I. from $24 monthl} 10 S33 per month. wtth-hercampalgn-l!afl.--~ ''It sounds like a good idea; I have no objections on the surface,·· the Democrat said. She added she had not yet received a copy of Badham's letter detalllng the proposal. SPECTRE OF ALCALA RETRIAL ... From Al deci~1ci n last \\Cfk Thr .:iutumn after ..,anl\(lt" 1\;1s k1lll·d 1he g1r1·, ~nung cla~..,matc.., plantt:d a 1reC' on 1h e campus in her hon()r .\ pin.: fht·~ Qid the s<1pl1ng \.\.Ould hl·lp them r1..·m1..·n1tx·r thl~1r fnend <.1' the' v. dtl hed 1t gruv.. hig and 'trong \.1o\l of 1he 'tuden1s .irl· 1n high ,1..·hool nov. .inJ \onll' 1n::i, !ind 1he mcn1onc\ all ton \!\Id .... tit·n .inU if tht:~ arc J\kl·J tn te\t1f\ <1ga1n~t \lcala Thl' ... 1.ar v.ilnc'' 1n lhl' l <l\l' .iga1nst .\lcala \\<I~ a 1ort''>t rangl·r nan1ed l)ana ( rappn f lcr ll'\lln1nn\ wa' l·on~1dercJ the mo\! dan1.11t1ng tl1 th1· dclen\c and l llml· undl-r ngnrt1us .1ttack b\ Alcilla·._ :i.nornl'\ { rappa t l.i1n1l·tl 'hl' 'J" a nt:in 11·sen1hling .\l,ala pu,hini,! .1 hlnnde- hairl'd girl into 1hc hru'h ,1long'>1dl· "ian1:1 .\n1ta < :1n\c1n Ru;ul "ihc ~:ud it "J'> !he ~an1 t· J,1, "-r.1 n1 -.,"'· di\ilP- pcart·J l)ul 11! l-ui11,..,1 11 1 r;ippd \Jld \he fl'1U rrll'd 1n lhl· ''l nt n l lhl' ..i~hung !11c du'' la!l'i .tnd fpuntl '-ian1soc', ,c 1rp~e 0 "iht• \,11d \hl· \13\ '0 enlll- llnnal11· n· • .-~r.,-rnuJ?,ll! ht11~C\l'T lh.it \he 1.hd nut n·n11n the "1gh11ng for "l"'en mon!h.., ,·,1n 1h11uf!.h le1v.n1en l.1Tlll' dt ro~' 1h l· h11d1 1u't J.1,., ;du·r \hl' dill In c\pla1n1111:'. hl·r dt'l:i~. then- Just Call 642-6086 Dally Piiot Dellvery I• Ouerente.d ~,.,' ~·· "111 ••• ~ prosecutor Richard Farnell sa1d lrappa ""as gnpped b) nightmares because she felt 11 was possible ~he could have sav(•d Sam!>O("'s life had sht' acted more qu1clo.I~ The defense. though. had a fil·ld da~ ""ilh 1he )Oung forest ra nger The} accused he1 of concocung the stor. and 1hen later !.a.1d authontll'S had 0bra1n .... ashed her. Then tht're were the earrings found in a ~anle storage locker ren1ed b~ Alcala. Samsoc"s mo1hcr. Marianne Fra11er 1den 11fied 1he Je""l'lry a~ matchi ng a sci of earrings her daugh- ter '>omrt1mes borrov.·ed from her. t-l owe\ er, Frazier !>a1d ~he couldn"t be poSllL\C ~\eral g1rls. including Samsoe's he~l friend. p1l·l..ed out .\lcala a~ 1he man the} had ~Cl'n 1n the beach area the da' 1he 12-\ear-old 'an1shed. I he\ said the nian the\ 'a" wes \napping piclUrl"\ of girl\. and a~kcd une to get '"loaded'" ""l\h h1n1 \\hen .\lcala .... a., arrested. o fficer to und near I~ ! .OOU photographs of v.01n<'n and girl~ -hoth naked and dressed -1n a roon1 of b.is parent"s \fonlerr} Parlo. hon1e where he li ved. (lne of the p1l'lurc' \\as ofa Sunset fkach girl ""ho later tesufied the pholo ""a~ \napped thl' da) SamM>e v.a\ la\1 't't'n I he \trange51 nl !hl' tes11n1ony came from two Orange Count) Jail immates who said Alcala told them he kidnappt:d Samsoc and slapped hrr until she passed out The snitches said Alcala claimed. howe\'er. that he never stabbed the girl Later, the 1mmates re,er!.ed thcm- sel\'cS and said the} 1n,entcd tht• conression to short~n-: their Jail \en1ence. "I think the('\ 1dcnec 1s st rong. but 11 will bed1fficuh because mos1 of thr .,.,1\nesscs have scauered." said for- mer prosecutor Farnell, now in private practice 1n Newpon Beach . ("h1ef Dcput) Di s1nct &.uorne ) James Ennght said he will block th e poss1btht) of o\lcala being frerd b~ lihng ncv.' murder charges against him w11h1n the next t""O months. The Supre1ne Coun revrrsal does not tak e c!Tect for 60 da~s. ··1 s11ll Predict he'll gt! out," said ~gt. Ron Jen kins. v. ho led 1he hunl for .\lca la "Kn ov.1ng the Supren1c Court, l"m no1 surpnscd b' an) of this."" · Farnell ~1d he pred1cted the da\ .\Jcala \\aS convicted that the Su·- preme e ourt would intercede He called 11 (1he pred1ct1on coming true) a "hollow victor. " ""The Supreme C oun 1ust doesn't like the dca1h pcnalt}.·· he added \\'hat do )OU hke abou1 the Da il y Pilol? Wha t don't you llkt-? Call the numher a t left and yo ur message will be recorded, lran:rcrlbed and dell vrred 10 tht' approprialr editor. The same 24-hour aaswering service may be used 10 record letters lo the r ditor on any lopic. Contributors to our Le tters column must Include their na me and telephone nulhbccJor \'trifit"ltio11 . Ne etreulallon tilli, plfoase. Tell us wh at's on your mind. 1PANGE COASl Daily Piloi Clrcul•llon 714/1142-4333 c1 ... u~ ad•ert111no 714/142-5871 All otMr departm1nl1 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE 1)1) ~.., Bay~\ Col11 ........ !;A '-'~ .ooor-8<u '°'M Co~••~ C .. ~?f;111 ), '°'' - . ,.. ., ' ,., .,., H. L. Schw•r11 Ill P11b11sher "'•'<i~• ·<1111 ·•·'Ill .-. .,.11 "''~~·"G c~,..,.. ... , " ..... " ... ., ...... ,... '°'' .. "'•1!11' ......,. .. _ _. •. \ ~-·...--•1 ~ . .,~,,q, ... ....., "'""'"" '"* • 1 .. ......... ' ·•·-Q"• -·~ . ~·· IQ A "' ,. t>9_ ..... Clrcul1tlon T•l•phon•t Rosem•ry Churchm•n (~nnl rolle1 -I Steph•n F. C•r•10 P r1ld11C l•Orl M.1tl,IQPf Don•ld L. Wllll•m• C•r cu1ar 1on Manage1 VOL. n , NO. 241 I WE'LL -WfA'l'HERIZING YOUR HOME A Rf.WARDING EXPERIENCE. battle against high energy costs on Lwo fronts : cash rebates 1111d annual energy savings. (For , • ~ .. ~ ,,. example.a hot wat.e r- saving shower head ca11 &1ve as much as $58 a yeru:) Thei-e are sevenil diffe1-enl ways to weather- ize yam· home. T And , depending-on which combination of them you do, yom· cash rebates can arid 11p to as much as $456. I :e ,,. •• .;; .., I So ca ll the Southern California Gas Company and find out mo1-e about om· Home Wealherization cas h rebates or SOUTHERN "' CALIFORNIA low -intei-est fJJ financing. ll can be a 1-e'."'arrl ing expenence. S l-SQ0,'352-4124. O°"""'Nr I