HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-16 - Orange Coast Pilott .... -Serving Newport Beac~. Co1t1 Met1, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna ...Ch, Fount.NI Vllley • South 0r..-C...., ) C ALlfORNIA rL,[ C..O A'f 1\1-'Hll 1t> 14~~·. ~ •• r ·esa. 's-hortcut' will be plugged li·ncil bows to Mesa Verde residents. ill halt heavy traffic in neighborhood east from llunllnJton Beach T he deto ur begins w11h a nght turn off Adams to Albatros~ Drive. south 10 Swan Dnve and -then out 10 Placentia. 1no unds of d1~grt•cmcnt over how to solvC' the problem without moving the traffic to other areas o f the neighborhood But tf Monda:r 's public hearing began wi th a d egree of trcp1da11on. 11 ended With 3 0ood Of ChCCf'> and applause as council member'> ac· cepted the residents' compromise. matter wha1 the outcome 1s 1o mg lo be. we're no t &oing to have evcrybod}' happy." Hertzog had made a s1 m1lar wam· 1ng March 4 when the council tabled a rt'com mendalion by 1he C n y T rame C"om m1ss1on to close a portion of A.lbatross Drive. That propo~I. ""h1ch C'ould have pushed 1raffic onto other pans of Lhc neighborhood. spurred protes~ from residents h"1ng along those slrttt~ Ho""t'\Cr. the crowd packina tht ( ounc1I ( ·hambt-n Monday was unit- ed llch1nd another plan to close Swan Dme at Placentia A\lenue. They ar k nov. ledgt'd the closu.rc would lea\l' tht'm "''h onl) one entran« to the tract and they could no lonatr dme ~irecll} to Plattnlla. o...,.,.... ..... ~ _.won ha-.e to find another shom:ut. Urged b~ rcMde nts of the Mesa Verde South tract. the C11y Council voted unani mous!~ Monda:r to close Swan Dnve. the last leg 1n a rush-hour shoncut used b' motonst.s heading An c\u matcd 2.000 tnps a day are made by motomts s1destepp1ng the intersectio n. clogged "during the morning rush hour. Their effons to save a few minu tes have resulted 1n years of emotional complaints and housands of moto rists paradmg ugh a Costa Mesa neighborhood avoid the snarled interscc11on at ams and Placen tia aven ues will Coast Could stored wine have saved San Francisco from firestorm f ollowlng 1906earthquake?/A3 Shirley Chisholm urges women to unite for suc- cess In speech delivered at UC Irvine./ A3 California David Stockman tells Los Angeles to just for get about plans for Metro Rail./A4 Border Patrol agents ar- rest 149 aliens found "stuffed llke sardines" Inside a San Diego drop- housEJ.,/ AS Nation FBI says arrest of neo- Nazis should serve as a warning to "hate groups.·· I A4 Fifth heart patient said doing much better after second surgery to repair leaking sutures./ AS World Japanese stock market plummets due to con- cerns about Imports./ AS Shuttlenauts attach "fly swatter" device In effort to save satellite./ A4 Sports "Marvelous" Marvin Hagler KOs Thomas "Hit Man" Hearns In the third round./81 Todd Hart is working hard toward recovery from a broken neck. and he's trying to help others. too./81 Fountain Valley High has lost a quarterback -Eric Zeno Is transferring to La Quinta Hlgh./81 Ozzie Smith becomes the highest-paid baseball player./82 Entertainment "A Roomful of Roses" has a warm and winning quality at the Huntington Beach Playhouse./ A7 Bualne•• Disney Productions de- clares a 30-cent per share dividend during first-ever shareholders meeting outside of the United States./83 INDEX Bridge Bulletin Board Business Classtffed - Comics Crossword Death Notices Horoscope Ann Landers Opinion Play Review Police Log Public Notices ~ort1 Stock Markets Televlaton Theaters Weather A8 A3 . 84 ~6-8 A8 88 83 8 7 A7 A6 A7 A3 83.6 81-3 85 A8 A7 A2 Signed, sealed, delivered Ma)or Norma Hcr11og opened the hearing v.1th a v.arnmg that ··'\o The Coeta Mesa main po9t office wae a buey place Monday a• laet-mlnute taxpayer• such u the woman ehown •tufflng her tax return into a mall box f onned a line of can to get their tax forma file" before the office cloeed at 6 p.m . Some office• along the Orange Coast allowed depoelts untfl the mldnlght tax deadline. Ides of April survi~ors who~p it up in tax patty Third annual bash at Costa Mesa ba llroom celebrates another taxing time be hind us By JOYCE SCHERER·BODL9VICH 0.+ly Piiot COfTHpondenl Hoo;tcd b' radio \la11on. K W I/, t hl· third annual ta\ part ~ \\ac; mtcndl·d for those dcd1latt•J \OUI~ v. ho diltgl'ntl' \truggkJ 1hrough the hurdcn~1ml' til'tk or u1mplct1ng de- tailcd ta\ return\ .111J mailing 1hrn1 h c I o r l' \.1 11 n d ·" · ., m 1 d n 1 g h t lx·v..1tl·h1ng ho111 mt· and .... knl ti I .,.. uu Id IH>\I 1 he l"\ 1.·n1 11 \\,I\ \11 \Ultn\llll t,1huut )00 ,tttl'ntknJ 1h;i1 "-\I. I/ hcl\ 1.ont1nUl·J 1he nan' 1.·.1th \l'Jr ·· I he hl11nd1.· M .1r111w1 \\ho likd h1·1 r1.·1urn 1n I t·hru.11' ha\ .ilr1.·aJ, ft"- l'l'IH"d hi:1 rl'lund -.inti \J)\.'lll II ·\nd v..hat <lid \IJr11nt·1 Ju v.11h her prt"\l'nt from l m k 'iJm"' .. I pJ1d h1th ·· \h1.· ~1d .,..,,h J IJU>!h ··n onn·1 (PleHe see TAXPAYERS/ A2) But after c111ng ~veral ci1.periences (Pleue eec TaACT/A2) Head .. on crash kills HB cyclist; driver arrested. By PHIL SNEJDERMAN Of .... 0.-, "°' •a.If A 29-year-old Huntington lkarh man was fatally inJurcd Monda~ night when his motorcycle was 'itrul k head-on b} a car that police 'Wad crossed the ce~1cr hnes while !>J)l'cd· ing. The car's dnver was held on manslaughter charges. The motorC)Chst. Hcnl) C1amhoa v.as rushed 10 the trauma lentc:r .11 Fountain Valle) Communit) Hosp1· tal w11h massive head mJunes polKe said. He v..as pronounced dead at 12· I 5 a.m. toda}. Thedmcroftheauto. Robert Price Dixon. 19. also ofHun11ngton Beach. was treated at Pacifica Commun1t) Hospital for head and arm 1n1urie'i. then was booked mto Hun11ng1on Beach CH) Jail. Sgt. JefT Cope said D1 \on I\ ocmg held o n susp1c1on of \Ch1cular man· slaugh ter. driving at an un'>afr 'ip!.'Cd and c rossing the double )ellov. center It nes. C -<>Pl-..aid the acc1den1 occurred at to 44 p m. on Coldwater Lane south uf Roma Dnve. He said Dixon was tra\ elmg w uth on Coldwa1er 1hro ugh th(' res1dcn11al tract m a 1978 Pl' mouth Hon ton when the 'eh1cle .,kiddl'd out of control. crossed the center Imes and entttcd the non h- hound lanes. Tht· traffit sergeant said In· ~t·,t1gator'> behe\ e thc Pl)mOulh was tra,cllng at more than SS miles per hour on a street v.hcrc the posted llm11" l' rmlcs per hour. < oix· .... ml C..amboa was nd1ng his t 91S I Yamaha m otorqcle nonh on ( oldv.atcr when 11 collided head-on with the c1uto He said Gamboa was throv.n JS feet. The motorC)chst was not '-'e'Jrtng a helmet. polt<.:e said. (,amboa wac.. trcaled at the scene b) paramedics beforl' being taken to the trauma n·nter. T v.o passengers 1n the Dixon car 1,1,ert' m·atcd at Pacifica Hosp11a l lor mmor 1n1uncs Backers of subsidized housing at S. Laguna site told to put on heat By LISA MAHONEY Of the Delly l"l6ol llMI If 'outh Orangl' Count' rc<itdl·nt' .,..ant \Uh\1d11t·d housing tor thl·tr \l'OIOf ut11en\. thC\ v.111 h:ne IC> lc:t the count~ Board of Su pen 1c;or'i and the Laguna ~ach school board knm.\ -pronto. a housing consuhant c;a\\ ""Wt' ha' e un1d 1he la\! da\ of '°leptc mtx·r to hreak ground or wc.lo\e $.tX mllllon 1n 202 (federal) funding and$ IU million in rl·ntal ass1!.tancl'.". Kecd Flor.. comullant for St Man·., C hurch of Laguna Beach and Na· 11tmal (hurch R1.·\ldcnn ·s of Ohio. told about 35 peonk at Laguna Beach ( 11\ Hall on Monda' Flo r. has been "~'r .. 1ng lor more than t"n 'ear\ to get a proposed 71- u n 11 In"' -1 ncome hous1 ng project for the l'11krh undl·r "'a' .it tht• former .\lm1 ~:honl '>Ill' 1n ·s outh Laguna 1'1ov. llml·" running out fhe kdcral Department of Hous· 1ng .t ntl l rha n De' elopmcnt ha' )t'l a'>ldl· $I l\ mllhon to purchase and tlnelop the \Ill' But that mone~ v.111 he \J"l(:nt d\t'V. h1.·n 1f the church group' \.innol doM' cscro" on the propt'rt\ and t't:gin constru<!llon h' \cot ltl. f lon -.aid (Plea.e..ee ~ISO/ A2) While Man clouc; Man 1n Hagler and Thomas ''Hit Man"' llearn\ wl·rc slugging 11 out Monda) night for the m1ddkwe1ght champ1onc;h1p at Caesar; Palace. a "1ctor) pan> v..ac; alrrad} in high gear c;ome '\()() milcc; awa> from the glamor and glitter of Lac; Vegas The celebration a t the 'Wcc;11n 'iouth Coast Pla1a Hotcl in ( o\ta Me\3. v.as h1llcd as tht• '"l..argl''it Ta\ Part):· The cnthus1a~11c part}'gc>t·r<i who tilkd thl' Pla1a Ballroom werr lelcbraung tht' end of th1' drt'alkd ..\pnl 15 ta' dcadllnt· lo.\.\> I/.\ \1 .1nn11unlt·r Patt\ Manint'/ \\ho \J\\ hl·r radio hour"• .irl· mul'h llk1 J h,1n ka' v.1thout the pa' ha" hm1l·J the l'\ l'OI tiir the pa'>t thn"l' \l'ar' ·Roh Bn.1111 \\ho " \\nt1n·., lormn m.1rk1·11ng J1rn tor crl·atl·d 1h1· 1Jl'J 111 J t.I\ part' Jhout I \Car' Jltll .. \h1· \,lid . ~k 1!111 I 0 ltlUl.'h v.1th Newport restaurant owners fight proposed noise curbs Motorist wounded in angry traffi_c dispute By STEVE MARBLE Ot the Oflllf Piiot ltefl .\ traffic d1sput1• lx•t\\t'1'fl l\\O moton\IS that startrd with an hJrm· lc'i!> t'>.chnngC' of v.nrd'> rl•portrdl\ ended late Mondn\ in Hun11nttton At·ach v.11h one dmer '>hot lht• \l'Cond mt and brul\t'd and both thl'l• l.tr\ n1.·.1rh lknwll'h1.·d I h1.· '""' d11\ er' ,1,11 ll"d tiw.h11ng .11 .1hout 11 rm "hl'n 11111.· .1pr.ircnth 1. ut otl thr 111h1·1 .11 llll" 1n1cr ... n ·11nn 111 ( 1t>ldl'n \\ 1."'' '°)trt•i:t .in<l £ <ltnttl'r \\l'nUl". '°)gt Hill Pt•tt'r<,on \.lid. l\•t1'f\Clll ,,11J thl' tn1. l<ll"fll l'\t.1l.111·d (PleHe see MOTORIST/ A2) By ROBE RT llYNI>MA:". Of the Oeltr Piiot l t•ll ~l'\\l)Ort t\t'Jlil ll'\l,IUIJlll ll\\Ol°f' art• tight in~ a rrortl\l"ll 111 \ ortl1nJ)ll.:t" that OM\ lnrn· \llllll' nl thcm 111 h11111 thl"H \\t'l'kd;I\ htlllr\ hl'l ,lll\l" 11111111\l" 1.ompl,11111\ I ht• n·,1.1u1.11nu' h,1, , ..... kl·d 1h1· 1 II\ to .tlfm\ lhl'lll 111 p11I" r thrm· \l"h t'' r,11hc1 th.111\\11k m·" l,1'" th.11 rn,I\ Jlh 1.'l\l'h .1lk11 llw11 hu"11c'"'' Hut l 1t\ ot1tt 1.tl' .tit" \\t"1~hin~ Ihm~: .irgu nwn'' .1g.11 n '' 1 hl 1. 11111 pl.1111 l\ from r1."\llkn1' Ii\"'~ nl·.11 '1111w r1.·,1.iuranl\ R1.·\ldn11' < 11r11na Jcl M ar -hJ\ 1. l111nrl.11n1·d ul hcmg av.a .. n11·d 1n lhr 1.-.uh mMning hour\ h' rr<.tJuranl pJlr11m ( 11 mplatnt\ al<>o <.tl'nl tr11rn 1lw r1·,1.1uran1 emphn1.'1.'' th, 111'l'" 1'' \\ho \11rt1t'llm1·., .1_r1· 11<11'\ \\ h1 11 thn k,I\ l' ( II\ ( llU lll 11111.111 Aili \11n· "h.• lt'pr1'\l'nl\ tht• ( Pl\lll,1 ,jl"f \1 .11 .IT\ .1 h." h1·arJ 't'' era I 111 t ho\l", 11mpl.11 nt' ·· \ ti:v. 1.)I thl· rt·,t.wr.inl\ h.1\, h.1'1 prnhkm' v.11h t"\lt'"" 1' n111\1 \~n '.ltd ··in \Offit' art'J'-11 'n1• rr11t>h-m But in otht•r,. thl' hom1.'\ h.ll k 11r r1tih: .1ga1n'>l th1.• r1·<.tJurant and thn tw.11 ll .. r 111L ~"' I 1.1lk1.·d 111 v.nrk' 1111 th1 p.,,, ( ltliu• .ind hJ' tu gt•t ur 1.•arh Ill 1h1. m11rn1ng I k -...ud hl' \lilrll'J \II"< r1n~ Ill lh1• hathlU~ 110 ll'rtatn 111~111, \\ h1 n th· kill'" tt"d ht.· nnl'' I h1 1. ll\ 1•1d111am:e a\ 1n111.1lh pr• 'l'"'l"d '' 11uld rcquir1.· rl''-tauranl\ 1'1.11 .111 ''1""11 11nt1I I ~ ll\ am on "ulld.11 lhl••ll!!h rhur\d;J\ n1~ht\ "' ·•1'1"·11 ht·f,H1' thl· Lil\ Planning 1 .. 1111111""'" 1111Jr<"'1cv. ofthr11 u~· J)( 111111\ '·"' < 11' \ ttnrnl'' R oht.·n 1\111•,hJm Au• lh.11 r ri1pn-..il \.\Ill he l hangl·d Bui nl1Jm 'J" lx•t au~ II v.ould not (Please see RESTAUR.ANT/A2) They're Laguna's united artists . ~haring space. rent keeps craftsmen solve nt in the face of tncreastng financial problems fcv.(.'fr~ dr\l~ner Ernl'sllne Raah ( 1n·cn ha'> maint:11ned a 'lhop on South (. oasl Highwa}' in Laguna fk11d1 for 14 'l'ars. \ lld t'' l'I) \car hul o ne. the rl·nt hn gonl' up (.,rt•t•n '" Oll nl'wcomcr 10 marl11t - 1ng hl•rnen11' l' wares. Thl' Work\hop h.1\ Iona pm' 1dcd a lh Ii hood both for (1recn and up until four \('Of\ aau. h"•r late hu,hand .\lien Rut rt•nt llghl. and o tlwr hills haH' till rl·am1gf\ l'Jlcn 1n10 the profi1s from her Jl'V..l'lf) \lie'> C.1rl'Cn ~·d ~1111 1hl' nnll'l' of llulland kno~., \hl' is one o t the hcnrh l 11\. ·s lud.1C'1 arll\I\ .. Then· ,1ll' \Cl) Irv. :in1\l\l~ft "'ho 1.10 afford to ha\C their o""n shop on 1hc h1ghw,n ·· ( 1rn n <,,'11J rht• l'\OOU~ ol th1l~· v.tu,l fal'l' th< \11 ( olnn\ 11' n.inH· ~"1.11mL' 111 \Ul h l·onu:rn !Ill ti\ 11lltnhl' th.11 1h''' h.1' l' plt1l l'd r,·,tr11. t11m' 1111 Ill'" h11•\ln~ Jo~w·n -flM h\•1tt1n to entertain 1dert<1 ·l<~r l-.al~1ng ut1~1' Ill Laguna Heal h Thai· .. not ho~ 11 u'ed ln he F-mm the 11ml' Cirl'l'n and hrr hu<ihand opened their llr\I Jcv.cll) \lMl' nL·.11 ()1nmond '\trt'l'I. ~he ha' v..atl lwd ret:ul efTo11\ h\ otha artu.t.,J,;hh .mil flu\\ And at no llnll' ha'I Shl' ..een \UI h a lrca11\lc drain a' then.· '>C'ems t11 ht· 1oda> ll1ah rl·nt.,arl' pu,.h1ngarn .. 1.,n11111t thl' hca-.11\ 1rull1r ._cJ 1oum1 art',\\ and the\ drt' hcing rcpln1.'cJ h\ Nl\'fll''I, roo .. 1r \hOP\ ice crt>nm j'l3rlol'\ h1km1 bou11,1un 3nd T·\h111 \tOrl'~. C1rccn o~nrd \u\h huc;1nt'~~HJll't to btad\a<11.·" ,1nd \\<tndow shnp~·t' "ho '1roll 1hl' \lrttt\ hclona ace cr~am cone'> .1nd httlllJ into nvcr<111l'd tnokll'\ \nd 11 thl'\ ho.IH' .l fc'v. doll,\f\ IO \f)('nU lhl'\ .irt· nH1tr h~d~ It) "lllurgl' on an 1'\l'· l .lH h1ng 1 \h1rt nr R,I\ H.m, "1nsl.l\~'' lhan ll1'l' ol ,1 ~ind .1r1 1 ~ ~ (runt h "n t ~ ( •ft'l'll 11111 ol h11,11)1·" hu1111' 1ak111tt .t hilt' uut 11111 \11,h1.· h.1, l1•mt ur v.11h .1 't•lf-hdp tlk.1 th.11 \\ 111 tx·n1.·t11 .1 h.indlul 111 othn .ir1"1' ·''"di I 11 \llOlhill llH' l11tth ""t 111 PfX't,1t ing Ill Pl ll l"\ I ap.un.1 ( 1r('l'n h.1, d1·u1kd to 'harl· hn 'hop -;ind h1.•1 1l\t•rtw.1d ul\t<. \\1th 111111 n1hc1 .Ht t\l\ I .tl h v.11111,1, Jn t•qu.11 .. h.m·111 thl' l'\fX'n-.t"\ Ill ndl.lnp.L· lot dt,pl.l\ 'P•Hl' \nd l'.ldl "tll 'Jlt'lld lllW dJ\ J \\l'l .. \\.lllhlfl& lhl· \hlll' I h11\1. "ho 1.11..1· < 11l·1.·n uJl 11n h1·r 11l11·r '"11 lll'I J n11.1· hiithv.J\ h11..111nn \\1thClut 1t etl\t1n~ l\ tonunr · C1n•l·n "ill tt1•1 .1 hr,-.11., nn thr lt"nl .ind J h11'.llh1•r lrtim \Jk\ dutll''> I ''II ll'll1lV. .lrll'I' Jlfl'.ld\ h,I\ l' 1,1k1·n 1h1· 11·v.l'ln d1•\lpnL'I up 11n h1.·r ,,\,,,,. ,h.1nng JllJn lo.;}\ \l t,l .. L' a llf:1Jlhl1 artl\( Jnd knn1k1 C h:trk\ ''ho hand p.11nl\ '1ll l loth1nt1 v.111'')(1n101n C 1h'1·n .1t 1111 \uuthC 11,1,1 H11&h"·" f lll C hilfk' N 11 " ,1 ir.11lll1·n 1.•np11rtunit' "I thin._ 11"' •Ulrl.1t 11k.1 .1ll ,11e1und It \\l' .,..,•r1·n·1 11T .1 f"'""' 111 ,h,1r1. ~"'' I •M1111dn-"~h~d(lth" LISA MAHONEY PERSPECTIVE :i1 thl' pn•,cnt ttml· Opt•n1np J 'h11p Ill\ \OUf ,.,..,. n I' ,1 f,1irl\ ht(l L'\pt'n'-(· th1•,1• dJ\\ ·· \h1.· ,,ml C hark., ha' "''''" "holr..all "' h1·1 ... 11, , l111hintt v.1th ''Hnl· \U\ll''' Hut 'hr hJ' not n·a1 hl·d ,1 ix11n1 "hen• \hl' 1. .1n ~ 't'll ,ufl11 Kilt h' hc-r 1 ri•:u1nn'\ .tlom !'lhl hnfll"\ ,h.1rin~ 111,fll,l\ \Jl.11.·1 .,.. ,11 pul h1·r in toUl h '"'h "'hJl \ "'tnml"r' v.:mt "htl1. t1I th1 "'m1· 11nll [1.t\ 1n~ hL·r tht hwdnm to 1 rt'.lh' fll1"\l'' .111 hl·r ov. n lu,11111li1 tlL'Jll\t'h "hat I J lt~l' 111do" 11hu11t -.omd'lo1h \J\lnJ tu ml·. "t" II 1.1k1· .1 tl011•n, hut Jn 11 1n \' llt1\\ . that llJ)IX';\I\ Ill nw ( h.\rlr\ '·''"' fPl .. MeeeARTI T&/~} ., Mesa approves ap•rtments OD rattview-Hospital lafid. 'Ren t-free s tate property deal draws criticism for traffic Increase. dratn on city· s taxpayers • By TONY SAAVEDRA did not adequately deal wtth the "' •• 0t•Dell7Not...,. i"crcase int raflic the project would bnng. The Cost.a M'C58 City Council has Wheeler also was doubtful the approved a plan to build SSO low-rent projec1 would fulfil~ t~c state's goal <?f apanments at a sllltc mental hospital, attracting and retaining more hosp1- despite complnint9 that thehousing tal workers by offering low-rent project ~ould be a drain on local housing. tupayert.. Resident John Feeney also com- The council voted 4-1 Monday to · plained that local taxpayers would allow 406 apartme nt!> to tx.· added to have to foot the bill for the increased the 144 rentals now under l'Onstruc-demands on public services. Feene) tion on a 54-acre sue nl Fairview eitplaincd that property taxes arc not Developmental CommunHy off levied on stale~wned land. Harbor Boulevard. "I almost look on (the prOJCCt) as an Councilman Da vid Wheeler op-example of the outmoded social posed the $22 m1ll1on complex. engineenng that hasn't worked an ,saying th:ll environmental reports other communities." he s~ud. To prevent the potential strain on city finances. council members said suMtitute fee would be levied on the j)roject to replace lost taxes. The ~n light for the f a1rview apartmel\ts came after eiaht years of plannina and discussion. The Slate is offering the land -rent free -in a trade-off w11h Fairview Management, a corporation formed by Outler Housi ng Corp. oflrvinc and private investors. . One. two. and three-bedroom unit . built on the northeast corner of the hospital grounds, will be first · availabtno hospital employees. Un- rented units will be offered 10 other Costa Mesa workers. meeting income req uirements for affordable housing. as well as hospital patients and handicapped people. Soviets· shuil blame for slay ing W-\SHINGTON (.\P) -House Spcakt·r Thomas P O'Neill Jr. sa}s Soviet leader Mikh ail S. Gorbachev ms1sts that the Soviet~ bear no blame for the killing of U.S. Army MaJ. Arthur Nicholson becau~ he was .. at the wrong place." But tht.· Massachuse tts Democrat told an airport news conference late Monday upon ha!. return from a visit to the Soviet Union that Gorbachev .acknowledged lhe sla~·mg was .. re- grettable.·· O'Neill said thl· \UbJect of the Soviet shooting of Nicholson last month in East Germany came up during a fo ur-hour session last week between Gorbachev and four vis1t1ng U.S. congressmen. He cited it as an example of Gorbachev's toughness. which he said was mixed w11h ··a sense of Charm." ..\ resolution expressing con- gressional outrage with the Nicholson shooting had been scheduled -for • action on the House floor today. but was pulled from the calendar today by House leaders. Leadership aides said 1t seemed 1nappopriate to hold the debate on the first day back for the 14-member bi~rtisan group of U.S. lawmakers. 0 Neill said the original liming had been coincidental. Gorbachev was .. articulate, energetic and tough." O'Neill told a news conference at nearby Andrews Air Force Base, Md. · 0'~11" an~ House Minority Leader Robert' Michel, R-lll.. said the y hoped lO meet-w+th President Reagan later this week to brief him on their week-tong visit. ALISO SUBSIDIZED HOUSING SITE .•. From Al "h's funding:· Flor) told the group of lafit'I)' elderly c1111cns and church representatives ... It's as sample as that." he said Federal fundmg will pay for reno- vation of two school buildings. but the church groups' financing falls short when it comes to the S2. 7 m1lh on pUTchasc pncc. The church groups have raised most of the funds necessary to bu} the 6.8-acrc site from the Laguna Beach Unified School Dmrict, but they've come • up $500.000 short. That's where public sentiment ca1n help. Fl ory believes. The one possible source of ad- ditional funds. Orange County, must be convinced that area residents want the project before they wall fork over an estimated $360.000 to s~.000. Anh a plan to approach the school board to ask It to reduce the purchase pnC<' will also take the public's help. Flory says. The church groups are hoping to gamer$ I 00.000 to S 150.000 in block ll,Tant funds from the county. But 1t will be up to people tn South Laguna itself whether the project gets another $260.000. John Stevens. aide to Fifth D1stnct Supervisor Thomas Raley, said the mont'y would come from ~ one-t11:ne accumulation of community service fees. The fees.. which are no longer assessed. total $380,000 and must be spent to purchase park land in South Laguna. '·What we want to hear from South Laguna civic groups and residents of the area. is that they support use oJ two-thirds of that (fund ) for acqu1si- t1on of a park on that site. We have one meal to serve, and we want to be sure it's one the'y want to ea1:· Stevens said. Even if the count} grants the money. Flory said. the churches will have to ask the school board for a break in the purchase pnce. ..I don't know what are chances are.·· he said. Many South Laguna residents ~re unhappy with the school board·s dec1s1on to sell the school property. Some hoped the school would one day be reopened while others wanted it to remain as leased property. Classrooms are used to house a day- care center and artists' studios. Board members themselves had miii;ed emotions about the sale. Some fe lt the co unty had purposely rezoned the land to ~ve the church groups an advantage m negotiations. Had it remained in a commercial zone. school offi cials believed the property would be worth more than S4 million. Flory believes the church groups proposal represents the last chance for south Orange County to get low- income housing for its seniors. The Reagan Adm inistration wants l\) curtail fu nding for such proJC'Cf.t- because of the long-term costs as- sociated Wlth rental assistance. Flor)· sa id. "If we don·1 get support -and immediate support -th is LS the last opportunity fo r Laguna Beach to do truly low-income rental(s)," he said. RESTAURANT NOISE CURBS OPPOSED •.• From Al be fair to require every rest~urant owner to appear regardless of whether there have been noise complaint\, T he proposed ordinance 1s not intended to be apphed to all res- taurants and would not affect a business that 1s not causing noise problems. Agee says . .. This would simpl) give the C•t'.)'..a couple of tools lega ll} to be able to take care of 1hc restaurant owner- operators v. ho don •t pohce them- selves." he said But "'lcwport Reach re!ltaurant owners ">a) they would prefer lo monitor themsclvc<, without the Cll}·s IO\Ohcmcnt The} arc forming thl· \Jcwpon Beach Restaurant \s<,oc1at1on 10 unite the estimated 280 restaurants 1n the Cll\. says Doug ( a"anaugh. . \ owner of Ruby's resta urant on the Balboa Pier: .. We want to get everyone together to come up with ways we can take care of the problem ourselves rather than sec the ci ty write new laws." Cavanaugh says ... It comes down to si mply respecting the nghts of sur- rounding residents and cooperating with them." With help from fellow restaura- teurs including Hov1k Abramian. owner of the Studio Cafe. Cavanaugh ~ys a restaurant assoc1at1on would encourage restaurant owners to ad- vise their cmplo)'ees leave work qu1etl}. In add1t1on. notices in the res- taurants themselves would inform patrons that res1den1s live nearby and would appreciate not being awak- encd .. Restaurants arc probably the larg- est industry in Newport Beach and we want to ensure that we CJ}>erate responsibly and in cooperation with the community:· he said: A proposal to be considered Thurs- day by the Planning Commission will likel y be one that would all ow the city to call a particular restaurant in for a ·hearing should significant complaints require such a review. Burnham says. Burnham also will su~est the comm1ss1on appoint a heanng officer to re view many of the cases before the) come before a full public meeting. The Planning Commission 1s not expected to take action on the proposal until its May 9 meeting, to be followed by a City Council review. TRACT 'SHORTCUT' TO BE BLOCKED ••. From Al of car\ running mt·r rx·t,, <,ma~hing. into parkL·d \l'htdc-1. c:rash1ng into trees and plo"'rn~ into ~ard~. rc"- dents said tlw~ "'ould lom1kc c:on\.e· n1enc:c .. Bnng ou1 4uallt} 1>f life back." resu.knt I knnl\ ~turph\ pkadcd barm·ades would be dc\1gncd to allow access to emergency vehicles. City Engineer Bruce Mattern ">aid break- awa} poles or high c:urb1ng could be used 1ntcrsect1on at ~dams and Placentia avenues. in an attempt to unclog the main thoroughfares. The mountal111t could ~t tome lhowe<1 Wednesday .. an upper leYel loW pr~ ~•tem approach .. Southern California and cool• off tM Inland arH1, th• National w .. 1tier8efvloe 1ald Conlldetable ctoudlneu wlll contlnUJ W~esday In coutal arM1 wtlll• tM moun1a1n1 and d ... rtftlave panly cloudy lklft. Beach \eqiperatur91 wlll be from ~810 ?le after low1 tonl0h1 In the 601. Along th• Orange Coul ther• will be conllderabl• cloudlnut through Wednesday with ~me clearing In the att«noon and evening houra. Local early morning drlzzlo near lM foothllla. Cooler days lri Inland area1 Hight Wednesday 68 to 78. l.owt t~lght In the 501. l(enM•Clly ea ,5 Tempe Laa Vegaa 93 03 ' ••CU>~ ,llOHTS Llni. Rock 1l ~ Mlgh. lowlOt ~"'Oll•een<11no at 5 •"' Louta•IU. 87 51 w11rn _ ColO~ M~ 81> •9 OccluOeO ._ St11oo11111y ..... Albl/IY 11 52 IMatril Beacn 18 10 ShOw••• R..,, Flumu SllOw Albuque<Que •1 •• MHwM" M S1 Na-w .. .,... $9<Wt NOA-US 0.01 o4 C-ct ArnarHIO 82 s 1 Mpte,.$1 PllUI 12 ., Anef>Of• •S 32 NUIWlli. 70 ~ Atlellll 71 47 NewOrlNn• 82 83 ,. 5e AllentiC Clly SS M '""'"on. 56 ~ Calif. Temps SenGalll ... se 52 ....,.,. eo ti NOttOl~.v. 61 61 Sat> JO.W 73 SS laltimot• M 55 Sant* A111 lotrntngllam 6' 47 Ol<lahOrnaC11y ao SI Hogll low IOt ;l•i1:10urun0•no•I s • m Omaha 711 S2 ._.,ca 6' 37 0r1anoo ,. SI Bahut-90 Sl Surf report 80IM H 50 ""~· 61 SI Ev•eU SS •II llollon 7' •• P-1 118 71 FraW>O 87 S• """"'° 78 S1 Pnl~ , , 51 \.ancu1 .. 711 0 LOCAflOfl llll 9"AN CaaDet 78 311 PO<tl Me 86 ,, Lo•A~ 1• $1 Huntln(llO<• ~n 1.2 .... O\allMlon S C 89 eo PQfllancl Or 6a 50 Oai>I~ Sii S2 R,.., Jelly Ne•llO< I 1·2 poor Cl\atlHIOfl, W V 77 se Prov~ u se P.a es 64 "°11> S1t .. I N.-pn<I •·2 "°°' c;n.,10411 N C SS S6 =11y 69 SI Reel lllull 11 SI 22nd S11 .. 1 N9Wl><>fl 1 2 poor ~ 75 37 81 •3 Aedwood C1ty 87 52 eaiDOot weaoe 1 pOOI ClllcaOO es 50 ~ 1• SI Sacr-10 e6 d l aQVn• ee.<r> 0 pOOI Clnclnnau 68-se Rlcnrnond 68 se s-• as S• 1 2 pOOI Cleveiar>O ,, ~ 5.,.(...,,..enlft S'l LOl.llS SI 49 San!Mgo 87 81 Walt< 18'1111 60 Cotumbua Oii 74 58 SI P'1e-T-pa ao 61 Sen fr 9"C:•te0 81 s~ Swtttl O•tfllCti><"n toYtn Conc:otd.N H 11 52 Salt Lale• C11y as 6' SM111 8ar1>e<a 82 S• Dell-Fl Wot1h .. 5• San Antonio 88 se S1oe1<1on 73 46 Oa)'lon 73 SS S...Jua!I PR 88 12 High, tow IO< 2• l>Ovf• otndl"ij al Sp m Tides °"'-81 '3 SMllle 62 47 ea111ow eo 611 0.. Mo<nea 71 " Sllfe•eport 8• S4 8eauml>l\I •• •II Oe1ro<I 11 50 Sp04<a11e 117 .. Big Bear n 32 TOOAV Oulutfl 70 30 SyracuM 10 •s e11n09 ao u !;ec.ona .,,.., 1 23pm 00 £tPuo 811 •B Tc>pella 12 42 Blvthe 100 Second n19n • 7 U Pf'll 4 "& Fal•banlc1 •5 19 Toeaon 93 81 Ca1ah"• 511 58 F•rgo 87 l8 Tulaa 1• •8 Lon9 Beac11 71 68 WEONUDAV FlaQttan 73 37 W aatWnglOll 68 ~·.~~!>'J:f .,.r 72 56 flftttow , ...... • o e Oratld Raplel1 n ~· Wiclllta 78 8• 5• Firai n•on 7 39 am 46 o r .. 1 F•ia 58 ,. WIM<e,..Berr• tl2 53 Montefay !18 52 Secooa IO"'. 1 •7 pm 03 Har1l0<d 811 65 Ml Wllaon 87 S2 Sa<0<>0 ""J" 802 0 m 50 ,.....,,. 5e 37 Neec!IM 100 85 Honolulu 83 811 Extend ed Newpotl Baach 85 5e Svn ..... IWIY •• 6 25 p m ,,_ liOu•lon 17 H 0n1 .. 10 83 so WecJ"4ti<l•y •' ~ Xl a m· 1na Ml• -oain llldl9napoil• u 53 Palm S!>rt"llt 101 81 118 26 om Jacllaon,Ma 71 49 Variaole CIOu<ll-HIQll• lrom Ille p--78 53 "40"'1 Ht• IO<I•> 11 3 28 pm ·-J..._,le 114 82 mid 60a 10 mid 70a Lows "' 11\e upper R1-11de 84 .. WecJMtOlr 11 4 22 Im 1111<1 Mil 410ffl "'-47 29 40e .,,., 501 s.,. a..-d•no 88 ., et•2•pm Car crash victim, 14,-dies A 14-year-old Huntington Beach bo> died early today from head and int<'mal injuries he suffered 1n an Easter weekend car crash that also killed his mother, a coroner's deputy reponed. Kenneth Kennelly had been at- tached to life support systems at Fountain Valley Community l-tosp1· tal since the April 6 collision in the q1ter!>Cct1on of Adams A venue and Magnolia Street 1n Huntington Beach. according to officials. The teen-age boy's father. Donald. 1!nd his 12-year-old sister al!.o were hurt in the five-car accident. The Kennelly family was returning from church when Donald Kennelly apparen tl y pulled into th e inter- section against a n·d light. accordrng to police reports. The fam1h car was broadsided b\ a pickup truck dnH'n b) Tad ~1Chael Palka. 23. PaU,J \.\.<I\ later arrci.tcd on suspicion of drunkt·n dm 1ng and driving nn a suspended lin·n~'. The impact from tht· coll1s1on pushed the Kl'nncll~ vl.'h1d1.· into two other cart,. The accident '' \ltll hc1ng an- ves11gated b) the D1\tm t i'\llorncy'!> office. which ma) lik formal chargt.•s TAXPAYERS CELEBRATE 'SURVIVAL' ... From Al everyone' -· No. Pau1. not cver}one. Judi W1tt1ck of Costa Mesa \\ho ')howed up at the tax part) at the Westin said she 1-; umfg her refund for a fun-filled 16-<la'} tnp to Pueno Rico. l\nd Patti Rosol. a K WIZ adminis- trator. said cheerfully. ··1 alread) ~pent my refund on a new ward-. robe ... thcn spent m} husband's re- fund on a VCR." lo munch on hol dogs and french post offi('c belorc I~ p.m .. bread pizza sold at lhl' bargain pnce-f s I -Howe\ er. 11 v.as ta' consultants ° Co~ta Mc!><! tax attornC\ Charle\ ~un1s and Donna (la~ brook of Gia mpolo shared ht!> idea· for next Full~rton '"ho 'ummc.d up the e\C-)ears ba!>h fl'mg ~true mt'an1ng (lad 1n blul· l · .. Wesun should pro.,.1d1 ·booth sh1rtr, cmbla10ned \.I.Ith "'h1te letters v.1th neon light~ where pco file tl!al read. I SLIR \ IVED T l\X an automatic ta>. extension saXd · fi~ASON. the < la)'brU(1l.s had com· grinning. "Stamps should .~ plctcd l-2_>)<a~ rctttrAA ac.. of 5 pm. available for purchase .. a · :~M1er,.·:~o00ay. ~ As celebrants strolled around the ball room. some to dance and other" completi on of the fo rm, a Westin' ' .. Now... ..aid Donn.1 · < urt 1'>. employee can gather Up the CX· fla~hmg a rcllc\'l'd \mlk 'lh1· fun · ten..,.ons and make a fast dash to the hcgin ... " Just Call 642-6086 Wllal do you like about tbe Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number at left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and dell\lered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-bour answering service may be used to record letters to the editor on any topic. Contributors to our '-'etters colu mn must in clude their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. Dally Piiot Dellvery It GuarentHd '" ... .. ' , t t ~ I•, ... ' • t ,,, l f ~ t f i I 'f f ~·~ t • • ... ,. ,,. ,. ... t t 'h, I .... I j,•, t I. I It ' " Circulation TelephonH " ., A n 1 !)RANGE COAST Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill ~·111\h• , ,p, Frank Zlnl I ,-1,111il(J111q [ <N •t I Rosemary Churchman r,n11 I rt 1ilPr Robert l. Cantrell r•q 1<)1J( I lf1r I r.11.ir1-iq1, Karen Wittmer MiirkPllnq Director Howard Mullenary i\<!vPrt1s1nq D1reclor Donald L. Wllllam1 Circulation Manager Circulation 714/642-4333 ClaHffled advertltlng 7141642-5678 All other department• 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE t lU 11.r Aa., ,, 1 t •,t~, ,. ..-a ; t )t~w fi • ~ • ~ a \ • t •J· 1 A '4 • .. ,.,.. ~l· •4P•{l'l'\lt 1 o11' rt ' J c", ,, ..,,, \1CJf..,.,,, ,, '"'" .. 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VOL. 78, NO. 106 ~!though pullll. lirL' and traffic official<, v.l·rc "'ar} thal clo~mg Swan Dn\c \.l.Ould hamper rc..cue opcr- at1om. u1unul ml·mbcr\ \aid the The rnunnl also asked that a ~1gn be installed telling motonr,t~ not to block the Junction of Adams Avenue and ~lbatross Dme A.dd111onall). the Cit) .... ill consider widening the Mattern said state law requires the pla nned closure to be ex¥11ined for potential cnvironmenuw impacts before the street can be ba caded. A consultant will bt retain to help d cc i de I h c extent of the en v iron men -lr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-f-4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOll-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._iii0iiiiii tal study. he said. MOT ORIST SHOT DURING DISPUTE •.• From Al v.hcn one ol thr driver\ got out of his 'chicle and <.rna\hrd the window!> of the other tar T hnJn vcr of thr second car respondl·d h} pulling out a 38- callber handgun and shooting the first man in the 'ltumach. Pr terson ~id. Michael Julian ~ltwoski. 31. of Huntington &alh was booked on suspu:ion of aggravated assaulted after hc1ng treated at the Fountain Valle) < ommn11~ Ho-;p1tal trauma center for a gun\h111 w(lund. He 1s 1n stable cond1 t1on Ton) Vakarcel. ~O. Huntington Beach. w:i' tn·ated Jt l'aufka Com· munity Ho4'flltal for rnl\ and bruises and later booked into 1hc lll ) Jail on susp1c1on of attempted murder. Has bail was set al $250,000 The fracas started with insu lts but became more and moru c>.treme as the two dnvers chased each other around the ci ty. stopping at vanous points to &nJu re each other. accord ing to Sgt. Ed McErlain McErlain s~ud SJ1 wo!>k1 apparently leaped from his car and smashed most of thr windows of Valcarcel'~ vehu:k at \he intersection of Ellis AvCllluc and M:.11ri Str«'t. Valcarcel allegeCily pulled out a handgun and 'lhot Shwo~k1 once m the stomach. McErlain reported. Both dnvcrs then took up the chase again. Police said the inJured Sliwoski then started ramming Valcarcers vehicle in the 19000 block of Dela- ware Street. Police, ~ummoned by cunous on- lookers, said the two men were engaged in a fi stfight when polic~ officers arri ved. The warringdnvers were treated by paramedics and then taken to dif- ferent hospitals. 1'he damaged cars were towed away ARTISTS COMBINE TO SURVIVE ..• From Al < 1rN·n will lt•ar ou1 a "nrk,hop 1n the rl'ar ofht•r <.tort· Jnrl kn<><'k down a wall 10 makt· .,,lace.· for thl' other art1'>l'> 'ihl· "ill ntl·n~ ro'-C carpet1na and put up rn11n m1rr1>rcd wall' m thl' l(()(}-c,(1uart··f11<1t \pace < 1n·("n plan<. to h.nc a d10('ren1 ~lll''I ilrlUl dl\pl.u tht•ir work l'\ Cr} month and.,..,, 'lw look\ forward 111 the e'<cllement of working with other creat1v" people C harlc\. 100. S«~ the expo!>ure to other art1Sl'i as a plus to the space 'hanng arrangement. "It's ~t1mu· ID11na for the artists•· to !ltt whit olht'r\ arc doing in lht' creative realm . \ht \ltld < 1r('('n would It~<" to attr3l t fl • sculptor or potter to the 'ihop. but she UY' $he's Ol)C"n to anyone who would hkc to JOIO the cooperative. Interested l\fll$ts should demon- strate an abahty to market their work. Grt'en said And they mu11 "undcr- tand that you do~'t JU5t open up for bus1ne ' on \oas1 Hia)lway and expec·t the locaHon 10 do your worl< for you."' ~he \8iU IRK V<>IJ ~I~ C.uat 01~ Rin~ Rrt'<l11 4l.~XHX> Pur~h~)?.'5<.)>00 ' • -1 \ "5 Carrots for ---the Price of 2. " D1.1monJ.c ~'turl<" nJ\l<t1n fine l<'\\cllr' Md the worlJ ' mmt prt:..\ll~IU\ w•t~hL~ offered Jl pme. rnu11nel\' up to l)'lb off rct,111 200 Newport ( cntcir Dmc Newport Ruch ( A <7 14 I M4 X l2 ~ \l,>nJ.a, hid1v 10 7 \.uurJ•\ 10 6 l °' .ucJ 1n DNW" Plau hctwttn ~uldohl'\\ .ll'ltl thr l .fll'd I-.irth rN.turitnt\ • • • • • , Youth Ezp0 set at Mesa fairgrounds · More than 2.000 younfStCrs nre expected to conve!lc on 1hc Orange C'ounty Fa1r&rounds in ( ·osta Mesa this • weekend for the Youth Expo '85 Adrn1ss1on and parking are free for the expo, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The first duy will begin with livestock judging, includina compct1lJon in rabbit. swine and beef show. manship. Dos and horse show~ will also be ~ponsorcd' by the 4-H Club. Additionally, high school students will compete in a "Vocational Olympics," with events including architectural drawmg. masonry and ouldoor furnilure making. Sunday the ac1iv111e11 will rnntmuc with a fashion show, rabbit and guinea pig exhib11s, horse events and a talent show. Topping the weekend will be an award ceremony at 4 p.m. Sunday For additional information. call the Youth Expo office at 751 -3247. Real eatate e%chaaglng aired Pnnciples of Real Estate ExchaJ\ging." a one-day C'oasthnc C'ommuntt)' ( ollege work shop designed to bring licensees current wtth changes. will be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mesa Verde Learning Center in l..:.~~a:~51il:ili.S.:..d.:~~~~~ Costa Mesa. lnslTuctor Nancy Cassube wtll discuss tax deferred exchanies. exchange structores. escrow formats and clauses tn exchange agreements. T he fee 1s S30 and fun her details arc available at 241-6186. Stop-smoking seBBlons slated Working up a aweat Members of the Callf ornia Conaervatlon Corpe landK&pe the bluff• adjacent to La• BrlN• rfftaurant 1n Laauna Beach. The -..-' group volunteered to do the work for the city. Material• coet $5,000. but Corpe members donate their labor. entshul ·uc1, caJls for female Unity By JOHN SZABO ...., .... e. •• 1 1 Unit) •~ the key \0 ~U{'• ccss •n lhc women's move· men&. Shirley Chi holm told an audience at U( lrvine last weekend. Chisholm 1, pa~t senior woman Democrat in the ·House of Representatives and the only black Amt'n · can to sll on the Houk Rules Committee he said that the concept of SIS· tcrhood 1n the women's movement is not powerlul unless all sisters of different racial. ethnic and cultural backgrounds are w1ll1ng to unite. Shirley Cbl•bolm A smoking cessation program for the community will be offered this month. beginning T hursday with a free introductory meeting, at Fountain Valley Communit}' Hospital. The session is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the hosptial. on Euclid Street at Warner Avenue. Call 966-8 175 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for further information. Bandit sought after shootout Chisholm. who recen cd neuonal -.nccion 1n 1972 as the first woman to makr a scnous bid for the pres1- dcnc}. served as the key- note speaker of a three-da} women's leadership con- ference held on the campus and sponM>red h~ the t I(· Student Lobb\ In her spc~l'h entitled '"U nity 1 hrough 01ve~1ly. A Cros!t-( ultural Pcr- spcc1.1ve on Fem1n1sm." Chisholm str(''\'>1.'d the nt>ed foC:unny among women of different backgrounds ethn ic or ncaal back- ar~un<V - T he predo m ioa nttr· female audjenoe of 300 responded with applause when Chisholm said, .. It is ndl enough to accomoliih cv~hing ltiat men have accomplished. and in fact some of these accompli.tl· menu are not achjcvc· men ts f cm in is ts should even emulate." Notre Dame Club dinner set The Notre Dame ( luh of Orange Count}' will hold ti\ 62nd Notre Dame Night Fnday at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. The Re". Da\td T)'son. "ice president for student affairs. will be the featured speaker. Tickets arc $20 1n ad"ance or S25 at the door. and funher informauon ma} be obtained b) calling Robcn Williams at 832-2682 (home) or 56 7-4505 (office) Baclr pain lecture In HB A free lecture and workshop on back problems will be conducted Wednesda} from 7 to 8:30 p.m. by Dr. C'af) Rothenberg 1n Room 88 of the Huntington Beach Cit) Hall Scaung 1s limited for this session on spinal. back and neck problems. Call 536-2541 for insure a reservation. Jews' liberation celebrated The Roman Catholic and Jewish commun1t1es of Orange County will join 1n a memonal service rnm- mcmorating the 40th ann1-.crsal") of the liberauon of European Jews from Nall German) 's conccntrauon camps Wcdncday at the Mary w<>OO Center. 2811 E. Villa Real Dnvc. Orange - The 7 p.m event 1s I rec and open to the public. Meanwhile, Huntington offi cer r ests after shot to bulletproof vest By ROBERT BARKER 0t 111e o ... , ""°' lleft While a Hun11ngt on Beach poltu: ~rgeant remained utf dut) w 1th tnJunes that m1gh1 haH' lxrn fatal ..a~ l. for h 1s hulletproof vest. fellow oOicers pres~d a ..carch for a .,h1>1gun-" 1cld1ng man wanted after a du""nlo"-n rohht·T) and \hootout aturda) night. .\uthont1c<; declined 10 tip their hand e\lcpl 1t1 'a~ the \l'Url h 1s focusing in Southern< aliforn1a. The) also S<i) the) don't kno" for sure '-"hom the) are lool.1ng for But Capt Don Jeni.in' said toda~ thJt otlicers .. got a bit of a hint" from .. omething aw 1tnesHiH·rhcard at the robber) at the Thing<; tor Your Head \hop at 41 0 Pacific Coast H1ghwa). Police. meanwhile. have 1lknt1fit'd a 1at1ooed Gas station robbed .\man brand1'\h1nga 45- callbcr automat1t handgun escaped with S25tJ Monda~ from a '>Cll-<,l'rv1ce gasoline station tn (.'oo,ta Me.,a. police reponed. l he rohbN in111alh • :14'k-_c-d mr ('a~hter for a pad. ol cigarettes ahout 6:30 p.rn. at tht: Thrifty gas \latton. 2050 Harhor Bh d. rhc bandit thcn <.uddenl) pulled ,tile· gun from h1'> "a1s1hand. demand1 ng monq gunman 'who tired a .45 cahhc:r sem1-automauc gun into Sgt. Ed Deuer s bullctpoof ve.,t and then was killed when Deuel returned fire and \truck the bandit in the head. The 1dcn1tt}' of the 21-:rear-Old gunman hasn't been released bccau~ his ne'<t of kin ha,en't been notified. Jenkins said [)euel. '-"ho had been making a routine bar ch~k two doon cmwn am,cd on the scene almost 1mmediatedly after an emplo)cc JI the paraphemaha shop tnpped a silent alarm dunng the robbcl) The slain man was the first 10 ~alk out of the shop Deuel ordered him 10 kncd on the sidewalk but the gunman ~h1p~d out the gun that apparent!) had been wrapped 1n a coat and fired d1rcctl> into Deuel's chest. Deuel. 33. a ~-.en-year 'eteran of the force. "as knocked hack b)' the forle of the bullet but reco-..ered and empued h" gun at the 21-\ear-old gunman In the meantime. the <.ccond suspect had eome out of the '\tore and Deuel also ordered htm to kneel. Apparently the .. cwn<l man tired his shotgun at Deuel and escaped dunng the barrage ofhulkt'>. Police sa id Deuel reloaded h1sgun hut apparently was prevented from finng at the fleeing gunman. bel1ev1ng o nlooktrs wen: in lhe ltne of lire. The fug111 .. c gunman is dcscnbcd as being 10 his earl) 30~. about 5 feet I ll 1nche'> tall and we1gh1ng about I 85 pound'i. lk had a thick. dark mustalhe and long. brown hair Hl•\ "anted tor hum1u1.k, attempted hom1 nde and ruhben Pl)ltlC <,a1l1 the' rcnl\ered pip<"> lighters and cash '' 11h a 1otal 'aluc 0($200 taken in the robbc~ "Racial and ethnic preJu- d1ccs suit "'Pour strc~n~th. sull d1ven our attention. and still impede the use of our creat " l' energ1t's and our resourle!I" Bla'k and other "omen ha\ e felt isolated lrom tht: move- ment ·· ( h1shulm ex- plained II 1s not enough to read book~ .ind JUSt mouth the 1.u1rds ·s1.,- 1erhoo<l 1s powerlul · "'it'>te rhood 1s no t po"erful unless all sisters feel the~ can engage and panic1 patl' 1n thc de\elop- ment of1h1s po""erful rudi- ment ot change for the lives of all women. "'ho should be sister\ under the eyes of God .. Chisholm mentio ned that there •<>. 1n some femin- ist circles a la c!. of respec't tor tho~ who are different· .. a coldness. an 3loofness. and a failure to an·ept those "'ho are not of lhe '\3me Chisholm mcnu o nt'd that Geraldine Ferraro's candidacy for vice prn1- dent oftht' Unned Stales~ the first u me a woman wa.s nominated for that offt« -would have been more successful 1f women bad b«n more united and. specifically. 1f women m areas in the South were u liberated as their countcr- pans in the West. However, she did admit that 1t would have bttn difficult for anyone to dc:-- feat Reagan. ··Noone could have beat Ronald Wilson Reagan. He has a unique kind of mesmenz1ng and h) pno11c effect on people in this count~ " Church plans western roundup The first annual western roundup for S1 Paurs Greek Onhodox Church wtll be h<"ld Saturda} at lht> <.~ta Mc<\a Community Center. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm w11h cocl.ta1ls. a silent auction and a bul'let dinner. 10 be followed b) a square dance Ticke ts arc S 35 per person and ad"anre reservat1osn must be made to the church otlice. 261-6::!70. Western dres~ 1s optional. Defe~ral of HB building fees upheld ~· - Council d ecla res n o wrongdoing in $3 5 million development 'deal' Drama program set for senjors An eight-week creative drama program for older adults will begin Friday with a workshop from IO a.m. Ill noon at the Irvine Senior ('('nter. 3 Sandburg Wa>. Irvine. By ROBERT BARKE R Of IM Dally Piiot ltaft f-lora Quinlan, an author and independent consult- ant. will 1nstruc1 the course. which ramcs a $20 reg1stra11on fee . Call Michele Bah a1 669-3889 for funht'r information. .\ ... pcc1al tl un11ngton B1.·ad1 ( 11~ l ounetl cumm1ttel' hold~ that there was no .. ha\ll \\I ong·doing" in thl' deferral ofbuild1ng fee'> for dl'' elofll.'r I ran t.. Mola un a $J5 million rl'dl'"C'lo nmen1 pru1ct1 CALENDAR Ruth f-1nle \ one ol thr1.'l' < II\ < uUlll ti llll'mhcrs romprmng a <ipccial thr<.'1.'-ml·rnhn wmmtlll'l' formed to look into the contro' ('r'>'. '.i1d thJt ··1. 'en uimcrn and protcu1on of the 1.11~ sct:ml·d 111 ht· wq·r1.·J ·· Tuesday, April 16 'ihe \Jld ho"c\ er 1n J rl'Porl prn1·nll'd '.lnnJa~ night th.it '>hl' OOl'\n·1 u1nd11nl .. tnordin.ll1'·· dd.1~~ and the fa1lUrl' ol JJm1n"trall1r' 111 t..c1.·r dn 11.·d ntl1ual' appn'ied ol dc,cl11pml·nt\ • 7.30 p.m .. Irvine Unified School District Board or Education. D1'itnct Adm1n1str3t1o n Cenler. 5050 Barran- ca Parkwa). • 8 p.m . Fountain Valley City Council. Cit) Counnl Chambers. I 0200 Slater A' c (II) ( uunt 11 "1l'lllll<.'r' \llltrl~ ,I\ rnlndnpml'nl a~enc} d1rcl tors -tJq lu111. \ 1111.·d 111 defer ah.1111 S-40.(l()() 1n building pcrm11 In' ii lq~Jlh r<i,<.1_bk • 8 p.m .. Huntington Beach City (elementary> School District Board of Education, District Headqua rters, 20451 Cralmer Lane. ' (II\ ~ttornc' CiJ1 l llut111n hdd 1h31 lhl' ol11nal'> had 10 ons"' a nc" ord1nanu· m.1t..irll' th1.· ddcrrnl 'ahd Bu i Poucc Loe Four from County nabbed in N ewportcocaine busts Four Orange ( ount) residents were arrested Monda)' in n Newport Beach parking lot where they alleged- ly sold undercover drug agents about Sl 1.000 wonh of high-grade coca1 nc. The arrest~ culminated o thrce- month 1n\es11gat1on by the Drug Enforcement ~dm1nistrat1on. the state Bureau of Narcotics and police from Newport Beach and Garden Coeta Me.a Ari.on 1s ~uspccted 1n a trash lire behind a re 1dcnce at I 042 18th St . around I :30 a.m. Monday. The smnll fire apparently was staned amid trosh. leaves. nnd cardboard in a gully. There w('rt no damage, rc- poncd from the ~mall bh11c. l'11t- ingu14;hed Quid.I) hy fif\'fi"htl.'f\ . , . A portable tdc"1'11on ~t wonh SI .SO was rc:poncd 1tulen from a locked car at Or1nac CoHt C'olkac. 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road, 1ome11mt' be· twten S p m and 6 10 p m Mondn)' • • • Four ,)'l'ht>el\ and tu·c<,. wonh $320. wtf\' reported 1tOlen o0 II mobile stoniae unil ltt Coa,thnc: ROP. 1001 Pre 1d10 5Quare. 'IOmc11mc between 4:30 om Thur~a> anll IO a.m Fnday • • • A sirrco. valued 111 S4 ~o. wno; rcponcd stolen from a 'ar par~cd at the Stitt' farm ln'>urnnn· offi C'c. J H \ Hyland <\vc l nt f} wa\ h\ for(1na -opnt :t door IO<'k w11tt11 ~ftYC'I' Grove. according 10 poltle repons. Arrested on susp1c1on of drugs <1alc<1 were N1b1I G. Moure}. 24. Santa A.na . Hanna G. Moure). H . Santa .\na. Edward D. Chapin. 2 1. Garden Gro"c. and William f Habib. 24. Garden Grove All four arc being held in lieu of $25,000 bail at the Ncwpon City Jiii. ln'tne Jewell), furs Bnd a video cassette recorder were tnkcn 1n a Palos ~trcct burglary. ••• Someone stoic an Epson computer printer from Tai Computer Stort'. 5321 University L>nvc:. McrnJa}. then rcpQncdl) l"allcd to ~} 1t could be found in a Heritage Pla1a dump- ster Police art look1na fora heav) ·Wt bearded man who wa pn ,,hi\ dm ing a silver Volkwaacn • • • Police arrested 1 22-ycar-old man on ~U'if)l('IOn or buf'l)OI')' Stt'lrCn J Ramirc1 wa~ liken into custo<h uu1'i1de an Alhcl "<'nuc rc-stdenn· t1flcr h<' wos all<'aedl> observed ao•na 1ns1dc • • • MK ProduC't\ on rmitrona "' enue rtponcd lhc thef\ of a backflo" prevcnuon dc"•<'C tivcr the "-ttkcnd • • • l>:lv1d ·\ R \\an, 22 Wl'l IUTnled at Rarrarwa Par,wa .. and Harvard \\- enuc on a "''"f1011' c hDlftC' .\rr..11gn1111.·111 " ll'nt.1t1,1•h 'rl tw \\ednt'.WJ\ 1n I IJrhnr \luntl 1pal ( ourt in '-l'"' port lk.tl h Police said the lour "l·rc .lrrc<,tcd at about ., 'Op nt 1n .1 parking lot Ol'ar the intcr\l'UIOn ol HJlboa Boule' ard and Und l\trel't .\ttcnl'> < l,umet.l thl'\ purchased hall a lo..tlogrJm ol u>eatnl' from the woman and the three men Runttnaton Beach Entering lh mutth .1 rear ~•mhl\\. 'lomconc hurglanH·d a hnnH' '.ton· day on thl' ~ l 6l>O hlod 111 Brnokhur\t ~troct. Thl' hl'>'>. eo,ttmall'd .11 ,, m inimum 111 \l.'l'iO, 1ndudt'd .1 handaun, 1"11 nlk' , 1oth1np. .ind JCWClr) • • • .\ rl'"dl"n l ot th e' !!\~l hkll. ~ nf -\dam\ -\' cnm· rt·pt10l'd Mond.t\ that someonr \tole ha\ 'l11'er .ind hlnck I 9H:! ' Jnrnti::r motorl '1 k wont) about S \ \On • • • 1 v..o mrn and :i. "oman \tuk 14 ch1ld t"C"n's \htrl' from the ~.d, Man 166 7:! Bcat'h tll\d \1und'4) The ltl\<. V.3\ C\t1m11ed tit SI 112 -., .... ~nttrina throuah a rear kilt hrn ~inc.Jo~ \Oml·onc bu'llon1cd .1 home Monda\ on thi.' ~000 blod. uf Stallion -T hr hl'I\ 1ndutkd S '~l 1n l:l'h und ;a' tdt•o rt"ronkr ""nr11'1 \400 • • • f mu mall JUHntk\ wen.-IU1'l'\ll'd ~\ ,\1 lhl' 1 J!Jt'I "l<'f''l•. Vlttt: lOunul olliual'> "l·r1.· nl·,cr inlorml·d of Hutton·s finding until n·1.cn11\ JOb at kl'Cping ulfa 1als abreast of de"elopments. \nunHTHIU\ \11url'l''> d1<,do~d 1ha1 \1ola·!> 1 4-~tor. ollilc building and ulhl'r -.1ructurcs at Bea1.·h Boulc\ard .rnd V. Jrnl·r .\' l'nUl' \\ere tJking sh<1pc "'11hout bt:nl'tit ul kl'' or hutlding f)\'rmll' ..\ltl'r f t{lk~ Pfl"K'Oted the rca>on thelUunltl \Uted Ill appnl\e an ordinanu· that allo~s ther cit~ to dekr bu tiding kl'' and permll\ tor rcde' elupment projects \ll1ng '~11hou1 lhl' benefit ol thl' ord1nanu.· that I lu1ton \atd ~a., fl'tiuircd. ctl) adm1n1'>1rator~ had 1..kfi:m·J 1hc Ice'> a' an 1ndu1.cm1.·n1 to g1.·t thl' prlltC1.'t <,(,trll'd Otliual' dl.'li.•rrcd the lcl'\ in rt'turn tor Mnla'c. J[!ll'COH'nl to hutld J proJell put1.·n11:.1l l\ more lucratt' e 10 the 1.'tl' than ong1nall~ planned h' \\J\ of ta\ 1ntremrnt fun d mg Mola ,11.,o .1grl'l'd to finanll' Jhout $I .., m1lhon 111 off-street 1mprm cmenh School bus fee hike on agenda in Irv}ne l I min '<ttd ~l11nJa, night Jll inc.pt.-ct1on'> ot the proJl'll hJ\l' tJlo..l·n pla\l' and 1ha11ha1.· 1i. no 4ue">t1on thJt Dtrl·(tnr o l l>c,d11p111ent \en Ile'> Jim Palin had kgal Juthnnl' to <tllo" u•n\lruu1on tn \Ian la<;t 'ear ~ hnol hoa rd ml·mtx·r., tun1gh1\\111 consider " hethl"r to rJ t\C 'lhool hu' ll-l·c. ne\t \l'ar for ~oungsters 1n the ln1nl' t n1fied \lh1111l D1<.tmt Thi.' board meets at 7 'Cl pm '"thl' [)1,lnl t \Jm1n1\trJt1on (enter. 5050 Barranla Parl."3' D1'>lmt aJm1nl'tr,1111r<1 h.1\l' proposed that thl" annuJI ll·1.· he rat,ld lrom ~ 100 tu S I~) The S ICX> fee has hel·n in l'ITn1 ""\l ·J11 l Rut J1.,tmt 00ic1als sa' the fee 1n1.rl'J\I.' ., m·nkJ h• r,11\1.· an .iJJ1tiunal $50.00U to off~1 pan"' ,1 hudgl't .t.·1i. • Jilli\ 1p.Jtt'J lor tht' comtng \Ch0<il ~l'JI ·· Thl' kl' dl'll rr .1: \\J'I a cle.u d lrl'l.'t1on of the lllUnul ·· '>hl' \Jd .. ...,Ul h .i dl'lerral can be handlcd legalh T hl' proJCll rnl't\l'd and rcu'l\C., proper ~ru11n} F 1nl1.'\ al\1i \;Hd kl' ha\C been "atved f11r 1ithl'f reJn dopmcnt prllll'll'> not hu11t tn \1tola "ihc ..a1J hO\\l'\Cr. that an "audit trail" should tx· l'\t.1hl1,hcd Ill 1l1llcl\\ uimplKatcd de' clopments Jnd thJt ( 11\ \dm1n1,trJtnr C hark<. Thomp~un <,hould Jo :i hettl'r \n.lllt -1 : • l'll'nllnt.ir' 1ntamed1ate and high \I. hn11l 'tuJ1.·nh 11 Ir' 11w nJl th1.· t'lu\ lo c.chool. J1<;t n1.1 .. rfo 1.11, ,,11d Hu' fl·''"'.' \an tx· purlha(,{'d on a quancrh 'lnll''t1.r ir .mnu.tl hJ''' l>l\l.l)Unl'-are a\ailahk 111 1.1miltl'\ 1.1llu111"11h1n ll'rt.11n 1nromt· gu1deltnc<; -\dam\ \ \ r . ;tltn thl·y alleged I} tncd to \lt'::t I Im., "ort h SMI • • • l n1e11ntz through an open garagl' door 'onw111w 4'tok .1 \Ct of golf duh<, Imm .1 h11111l' on the 1170<> bloc~ ut < .Hha\ l lw lo<.' "'J\ c\ltmatl'd .11 ~·>" • • • \ fl'\11knt ol thl' MllO bhl\.~ ot V. Jrnl'r \ \l'llUl' reporll'J '.hinda' 1hat \omeonl' 'tole all tour tire' Jnd n m' from hl'r hlacl. 11.J 4 Datsun \00/\ wn'l'rttl'lle and left th<' car rt'\llng 1l0 mil l. larton'> The los' ""' l'\llmakd .11 ~I llOO • • • \ re~1dl·n1 ot the I <iCXl(I hll)( I. nl I ar~ fC'tu rm·d home Monda' and lound th•ll o;omconc had cntcr~d the rc\1dencr and \lvlcn golt club v.ontl S41 0 • • • OH·r 1ht' \\Ct'kcnd. 'lomrone. po,• .. 1hl ) JlQ\\C'i\lnJ a pa<;'\ ke\, entered thl' Jonathan 1 l;m <1hop 49S W:irncr \\e . and '1111lc nhout S7t'10 in ~·a!lh • • • •\ rc'i1dcnt of the 1 11~00 hlud ot C amtmdae f\:'por1l•J Monda~ that 'lomcnne 'ltok' hi\ IQ7Q u-ram-i.ol- orcd PontlJl ( 1ran -Vrl\ "'onh Jn e!.t1matcd at SS 1100 Newport Beach ~omronr .,hn1 11u1 the "1ndov. ut ot \.oll.,v.aafn Mth n RA 1un The 1.u1 "ll' p.ukc<t o n th<' 400 hit)(\. of ~award OanMfC t'Ul'lt' to S I ~II • • ~ 'lurthoard and :1 v.('t\\ltl ~rH' rerxml-d from • T1,\t1tl ( urolla rxukcd on tht IOU ~It~ k uf R C\tr\'t't l hl' lo\'11.lmt• It> $4S0 .. • . \om(' l'A'h B t('lt\ t'ittln VI a htr\clC' • nnv :rnJ t'Nll 1a..:\.('I\ V.('I'(' 'tokn trum a rt'\1dcnrc 1111 tlw .muo hlod. nf RI\ l'f I ht' In" ~ nw 10 s 1..:isu Fountain Valley ·\ hanlo..ing oll1l1.'1 J,,,,, .1 "'\ tr11m .1 'u~·rmarl.et Jldrlo..1 ng J,,, .It 11,:•11 lfarhm Uhd k,1\ 111).' lw pu1,1· ht·h1nJ 1n ;1 'h11pp111~· • ·"' \~ '"n '"l fl'turn1.·<l l ll n11nU\l'' l.1t.·1 'hr rur,1. ulntJtntn@. S Ill tn \,,,h .11111 .1h<1ul h• \\llrth of m1,\dl.1m'\'U' 111·111, "'·'' gonl· \ \\ 1tnr" 1<11.t 1h1.· fl\' ncr thJ' c.he '>J"' .1 \\11111Jn k.1, 111~ 1lw .1H'J \'Ith tht' J')Ur\l . . . Burglar., <.toll-J I trl·'111111 I ' '\'.II hallen 'alul'<l at St>' lu•m .1 l'Jf'llJ f ord Ton no in th, I 1>101 hll•d. ,,, Harhor Boule' .uJ . . . \om cum· 1. au'1. d ·' "'iut _ '• 1 d.11i1;.il-!1 h' dc'\tru\lng an cn~1 n1. •Pil 111 .1 \.olk'"a&en :lUl\)IJ'lllh1k 11l lhr 111100 hlo~k of( amcha • • • 1 hie\ e\ 'ima\hCJ ,1 k1h hl·n \.\ 1nJ•1" and took St "'i tn the I "l()fl(l t'tl1x l 01 \1clkrm11t • • • Burglar<, \ffi,1\h1.•d a tx·Jr ourll "Ill dov. 10 tht· 11000 hl1x ~ 11f '\,1111h1<1n1· JnJ \loll· .1 \\(Ill td1.•\ 1,11111 "·1 • • • - \\ l'ldtnt( l'qu rpmcnt 'alucd JI . I '\Oil \.\1'fl· 'tc)len from a 197<• I he1 r11lt·1 pll t..up parked at a park Jt I"''"' I ud1d \1 L aguna Beach l\11111 fl''P< 1nJ ed In H'pt)M\ of a rllJll 1ndnl·n1h l'\llU<;ing. hlm'ICll '\f,11hlJ1. 11n <'pre"" l>n'c Thi· '•'fl\• t "'.i' dl•,rnbcd as a man 1n h" : ,, ''anding. 'I led 11 inch~ tall wtth .1 nhJ 1u11· hu1IJ lie ~a1o wcanngonh .1 "h1tl 11i"el v.h1ch v.as "rapped on hi' hl .1d ••• I ·''"'" .1ping cqu1pmc:-nt \ alued at ~ \\ ,1, \lulen on <1ak trcc1 \l1•nd,I\ nwrnmg th(' '1rt1m told ll< ti h • .... l'oll1l arn·~ll'd \llan R. Ra tetJt -1~. on \U\pll 11)0 Of lc"°'d Conduct In a puhll1. pince R.1'tcdt wa, &m."'lt~ al .1tl\iut 4 I~ nm on Chff Dn-.c • • • \11diael John 1\1l(. arth} . .:'4. ""J' Jrre'ill'd Monda e' cnm~ on <>ui.p1 1. IPO ,if dn \ IOi under the mt1uenCC' Of Jkohul Mc( anh~ "as stopped alon the ~1)0 hlo<. lo.. 111 Ca1on lrttt Smoke alarm credited with saving two in HB hrd1~htl·" "'''d a ,m.11.l· al;arm pr11h.1tih \J\1.•11 .1 llun11 n ton t'c.-.1.h "om an c1nJ h\·r 'on "arh h'tda' v. hen a lirl' "4.'nt "'m11~i· p!l ur1n11 thr<'u1th thl'H homt' "h1k lht'\ \ll'pl HuntinJton lkad1 f •l"t' DcJlln rnrnt \J)Cl~l.,..,.,,,man Rtl'\111 (). \ 1\ '°"iti a fault\ rt'fnJtrator llf'f'•rt"nth ,1.mcd the tin· at atx1ut ~ \I).> m 1n .1 ""~k· l.tm1h hou'-( .11 I "4 ' I \ht\nf l ·' nC' I );n I\ "'11J thl' ~mokt' tn~rrt"li .1 dt't('( tM mounted in 1 hall~.,, 11ut\lde the h\"(iroomi a~.1~cn1n~ John P\·ter~on I K The tn·n-.igt 1 ~,1._c up hti. mother. Joan Petc.-r'ltin and talll'<l th<' tire ckp;anmt-nt Thr m1>1hrr anll "°" v.ho were tht' onh onr ' 1n th<" hou\e \hen Ot't! • T h1.· \ll\Cl~c drtc1. tnr ('mhahh ~'rd tlmr "' c' -p;i\ 1\ ~•J ' • , I .. .· • • • 111ry~r1 space NASA puts hopes on Innovative 'fly swatter• to make an $80 million satellite operation al CAPECANAVl:.RAL. I la.(AP)- . Working with gn.·at ~~c..'d. two "pacc- walkcrs floated an lo D1M·ovcry\ open cargo bay today and attached to tht• shuttle's robot arm crude "fly· ~waucr" tools designed 10 \a vc an S80 m1lhon commun1calllln'I ..atrlhte. ··Job well done." Ml\\ton Control commtnded them. The unrehearsed ..... or&.. b) ~stronauts David ungg'> and JefTre) Hollman was the first 'itep ma has11I} arranged. but wcll-thought.ou.t plan to tr) 10 rescue the Syncom ~1cll1u.:. Earl) Wcdnesda). Die.co, er) 's l re" will close the .io-m1k gap \\-1th the satellite. move in and tr) 10 Snag a four-inch lever on the ~•de ol the huge rotating payload with holes cut 1n the plaStl(' flap-like ends of the tools. which look hkc large fl}swatters. The lever 1s an on-off c.w11ch for electncal power. and .... a~ \upposed to ha\>e tnppcd <.>utward automatically when the asw-onaut\ deployed Syn-1 com on Saturday. Without power, the satellite 1<; useless. Working in cumbasome $2.1 million space sum. (inggs and Hif- fman had trouble at fir,1 a~ their tools. straps and other gear kl·pt floa ting away at the end of tether' After about 40 minutes they were well-adjusted to the1routs1de CO\ 1ronmcn1 and w11han 90 minutes the) had lOmpletcd strapping thl' tool'> to the arm. M1ss1on Control had e\11mated the tasl.. would take more than l'-'O hours. The) e'en took 11me to cnJO) the breathtaking panoramic 'll'" of '>Un. sk}. Eanh and \tare. thJt '>Urroundl·d them. ''Not a bad '1c'' t•h"" Hoffman remarked "It look\ J1fkrl•nt whl'n you don't ha\C a \\1ndo"' frame around 11." The tools \.\ere crafted out of pieces ofplasuc. a window shade. tubing and other items i.cavenged from Dis- covery's cabin. T heir <Jhapcs prompt- ed Hoffman to duh the crew "the S\.\at Team:· The rescue eAcrc1!le ha~ ntl·ndcd the mission from five lo seven days. with landing now se t for Frida} at the Kennedy Space Center It g"ei. ~en . Jake Garn of Utah. who 1i, fl~ 1ng as a congressional obsen er. e\ tra 11 me to see ho" the National .\crnnaut1c'i and Space Adm1nistra11on rci.ponds to difficult situations The 1nnova11'c thinking that de- veloped the "fl)S\\attcr" has helped astronauts conven bad s1tua11om 1010 good on man~ m1s\1 ons. "We \\Ill onu~ again ha\l' dl·mon- c.1ra1ed the fle x1h1hty ol the manned s)stcm. whether we succeed or not in this." -;aid flight director Randy Stone. ··we arc going to give it our best effon. Ob' iou~ly. there art many poss1b1h1ies that this ii. not the problem. but this 1s the only thing we can do an;, thing about. An action like this does ha'c a lo\\>er probability of suo:-l'ss than we normall)' go into an eAerc1se "'11h " "Our 1ngt>nut1) people ha\C been '-'Orking O\ erume." M1ss1on Con- t rot'~ Bob Springer told the ai,tronaut~ Monda) as he \Cnt them 1nstruc11un'> on ho\\ to make . the tools. Hoffman and Cinggs were selected fur the i.pai:e\\alk because they had 1ra1nl·d 1n l·ase an cmergenC) sent them 1n10 the cargo bay lo stow or umtO\' the robot arm and open or cloi.c a '>atcllttt' ~un shield, which were considered the most likely contingen- f:ie" :. . The' an· not the first to take unrehearsed space strolls. Astronauts aboard the Sk~lab space station went outside sc' cral times to fix things. and So\ 1c1 co.,monauls have made tnps outside The astronaut'> "'ere instructed to cut three rectangular holes out of two plastic t·o, cr'I of their flight files to create ladder-lil..c flcA1ble flaps. O ne version "'as a11at·hcd to a cont made of rolled pla'>llC. another was affixed to the aluminum nbbingofa window shade. A thin "'ire "as looped over the top of th e .. econd de\ ice. to be u\cd if the plastic doesn't do the Job. The plan 1s to allO\\ the plastic 10 shde along the s1dl' of th e slowl> spinning satell11c and hoix· that lhl' protruding le,er "ill catch 1n one of the rungs. Astronaut Margaret Rhea Seddon will control the arm from inside the cabin. The astronauts '>Cenll'd 10 relish 1he1r new assignment. The) held up 1hc1r handiwork before a TV camera. and M1ss1on Control dedan·d 11 "-;uper." .. I tell > ou thi s has heen some 01gh1." said Karol Bobko. com- mander. "First. we had toys 1n 'i pacc and no" w(' spent all ~ftcrnoon doing arts and crafts. You gu)S got e'Cr)· thing for us.'' Bobko was refernng to an experi- ment in which the astronauts demon- <;tratl'd ho"' to\S used b" children react to the "eightlcssncs; of $J>a(;.t. and Spnnger replied, "Yeah. wt• ad' ance 10 "atercolors tomorro"-. '-O get read) ... _Reagan migl}t lli,sil concentration camp BONN. \\e<,t German' (A 1'1 -He said 1h1: t0mprom1se. to '"" PrC'\1dent Rt·agan'<; plan' to la' a cnunsm frum the United Stalt''> wreath at a German mil1taf\ lCm· 1<.racl and somt· West (ierman\. "'a' etcf) will probabl> not he t'an<clcd. ~uggestcd Saturda} h} Jcru..akm but a tnp to a former Na11 rnmentra-Ma ~or Tedd) Kolkk. "ho "a' 1n lion camp ma} be added to the\ Munich 111ncrar) ofhl\ state' 1\11 ne\t month. "Kolll·k 'aid he find\ 11 completch the go"ernmcnt \poJ..e\man ..aid n,11ural that ~O \l'ars aftn the war onl' ()pokc\man Peter H<>t.'n1~ch told a \\ould \l\ll'l..hc~d.'' Bocn1'>lh ..aid ne"'' conference• ~ondJ\ that lhl· "Hl· add~at hr \\Ould haH· \\e<;t ( rcrmJn grl\ernmrnt "'ould thought 11tx-11er1fa \ 1'>1t 10 a tamp Lo fa \tir a plan tu hJH' f.t t•Jg.rn ""' J honorthl'\ltllm.,ofla'><1'>mhJ<.lbecn memorial to 'ittin" 111 thl· °""'" J\ planned from the start · \\Cll a' honoring thr C11·rmJn Y.Jr Ht•agan·, \1\11 to \\t''>l (1crman' dead \la\ 1-h lor a '>l''l'n-nat10n l't0nom1t \Unlmll l'OIOl ldl'' \\ith the ~0th RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY, INC. lor lh~ ~-~• • Y .,, " .1nn1H'r\af\ ol till' rnd ol \.\ orld \\ ar 11 1 n Lu rtJpC Thl· rrl'Sldl'lll ha'> tx'en cr111c11cd h\ < 1aman and .\mencan Jc"'"· and hradl\ tor planning to la ) a wreath in lht· B1thurg militaf) cemetery while 1972 HARBOR BLVU COSfA M(\A ~41! J J'1t1 lnrgo1nga '1\lt loa formerconccntra- 11on cam . HUTTERS CUSTOM Designed~ Finished Installed u_...,..o Neo-Nazl David Tate posed with gu~ in Ma rc h 1983. Neo-Nazi charges • seen as ~arn1ng to 'hate groups' SEATTLE (r\P)-C hargc'> again<,t 23 reputed members of a nco-Na11 group, including a fugiti ve possibl) linked to the killing of a M1'isoun \talc trooix·r shortl} after the 1nd1c1- ml·n1s. arc a warning 10 those tcmptc<l to JOIO "hate groups.'' an FBI official '>aid. Thl' indictments d1sclost•d Mon- da) t"harge reputed members of The Order \\1th the slaymg of a JC"-l'>h radio per<,onaht). thl' killing o f a group member. armored-car holdup~ that nclled mort• than S4 milhon and ~'cral firehombin~. officials said. ~1xtcen of those indicted arc in ·custo<h and 'the. nine-month in· "e!>llgal1on has effectl\cl~ neutral- 1/l'd tht· group. hut "..our pcrcq>11on 1\ that there ma\ be a 101 of . S\ m- path1Lers ... said Bill Baker. the FRI"• a!>~1stan1 d1rn.1ur. The \l'\Cnt~ of ft'dcral rhargc!> <Jiould ..cr\>C a'> a warning to l'\· trcmist' ...... 110 crnss be}ond rhetoric into :Kt1un." Baker 'aid Munda} ''.\ \\':.Srning I\ hasll in thl\ indKtmt·nt .. 1ha1 the\ \hould he cart'ful not 10 ht.'lllnll' im oh l'd in lhl' fnngt• ol hall' ~roup\. hl'CilU'>C the\ rnn be..-drawn 1nw till' ll'ntcr .. Thn\l' 1n CU\tO<h ha' l' been ar- rc .. 1ed on ',1nou\ charges in 13 'ilatc'i after f homa~ Allen ."1.art1ncL. 29. of Philatklph1a plcadl·d guilt) to using rnuntl·rtc11 monq and was per- \ua<led to hccome an informant. acrnrding 10 coun papers 1.)1\ of those charged are still being \ought and another is ncgo11a11ng hi s \urrendl·r through h1i, a11ome~. 'ia1d l \. Attornc} Gene Anderson. In R 1d~cdak. Mo .. a man stoppl'd b) the H1gh .... ay Patrol for a random traffic inspection Monda} orx-m·d tin:. killtngone trooper and wounding another bcfor(' nec1ng. .\uthOnll('\ \a1d he ma} ha ve hcen one ol those 1nd1ctcd here. When pulled over. lhl' gunman gav1: th<' name o f Mall Samut'I\, an aha\ that ha~ been used h\ D41\ 1d ( . Talc. 2~. of Athol. Idaho. who "'a' accu\ed along "1th fi vl' other!> of 1..ilhng a member or fhe Order \\hU disappeared. !laid Max Geiman. a <.puke<,man tor the FBI 111 Kan\a~ ( ii\. .\rra1gnmnll\ \\l'rt• to l">Cgin rhur!.· da' and could takl' l\\O \I.ee k\, <,a1d D:n 1d 1-. 'Wilwn. thl' a\\l\tant 11.S. atlOrnl·~ "'ho d1rl'l lcd thl' grand JUr~. pro bl· Lie test may hurt Dotson·? , ........ '1 CHICAGO (AP) -The at- torney for Gary Dotson, who has spent six years In prison on a now-recanted rape charge, says he's worried eff6rts to free Dotson may be hurt by the announcement that a lie detector test supports Cathleen Crowell Webb's new story. Webb says the polygraph test shows she was "telling the truth" When she recanted her 1979 testimony that sent Dotson to prison. Webb end her attorney announced the test results Mon- day In Menomonee Falls, Wis .. at a news conference attended by about 75 reporters. Dotson's lawyer, Warren Lupel, said he feared Gov. James R. Thompson might regard Webb 's p o lygraph an- nouncement as undue pressure and be more resistant to granting clemency. Meanwhile, Dotson supporters said t hey have collected thOusands of signatures on peti- tions asking the governor to free him. Thompeon, however, said Monday night "they are wasting their time." He said he would weigh the law and the facts before making his decision. Sex-race decision derided C >\PE TOWN. South Africa (AP) -Opponent of wh 11c mmority rule derided the government's plan to rq>eal law~ prohibiting sc~ and mar- nagc bttwc('n white~ and people of other racec,, \a)mg the n&ht 10 \>OIC IS thl' kc} "'uc fo r the hlack maJortt} 31 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters fhr rrpcnl would rcmovt· two pillar<• of the apDrthc1d ~ystem that aim\ tn prcc.t'rvc white roc1al punty. In \.\ia h1n110n . ~Ullt' Oept'lrtm('nt \p<1l~·11rrn1n Bernard Kalh \a1d. "El· Ion' \ulh ~th" appear lO be a "tcp m thr d1r('ct1on of a more.' JU\I \oc1ct)'. atrhouah v.c rcahte that much more n~·rd\ to be done " FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714).548-6841 or548-1717 Rut ()r Nthato Mollann com- niun1t) lt'adrr in ()o"'t lo thc popu- lou., hlatk tov.n'>htp out.,.dc Johan- nc,huri.1~1d "l he'i<' av.o Inv.\ d<'· n1ed Ol:tf hum11n1l\ h) \U&&e'lttng that HEIRWOOD MANUFACTORY 19n P~acentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92627 \('' "11h.titnd' wo' dcml·anmg h111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~hc~·~~l.;i~:';o~rrnf n1 1part1r11ldr1n1err'1 I th \ fnC':m'i NATIOh Inmates.surrender, free warden, 21 other hostages By tbt Associated Preu ODENVILl E. Ala._ J\uthontin rn.'d11cJ ;i 'hl1w ol tu~cc h} slate la". officers and National Guard!.men for tht• w m·nder of inmate~ who hC'I~ the warden and 'I other people ho1;1agc tor about I 0 hour' .11 u .. 1a11· pnson ore than 200 p;1sone~. malmj a w1dl·-ranging hM ol d1:mandi. .. l>CILCd th e classification office at St. C'lcur (ount) ( urrec11onal f-ac1ltl) Monda~ morning using cl ubs knives and guns for the allal'k that 1nJurcd :,e'en pmon cm~loyee<, and at least five inmates. fhe upns1ng ended about l_ll twuri.,ta~er wit~ thl· reka&e of all the captt ve'i. Pmon Comm1!>~1oncr J-red Smith relu!tcd to ac<'cpt a list of30demands. mo~t ~cck1nggrca1er pcr!>onal lihcrt) behind prison wall!>, except for allowing a filmed .. 1att·men1 b\ thret· 1dx·l rnmatt''> · t .Reagan pushes for Nicaragua a id WASHINGl ON -Pre'>ldent Rl·agan 1s plun~ing into his light \\1th. Congress for Sl4 1f11lhon in aid for rd>eb opposi ng the ~ovcrnmcnt of Nicaragua. accusing 11 of being a brutal J~d ahu~" e 101alitanan reg1m~ that threatens the entire ht·m1spherc As pan ol li1'i \\Cl'k-long dm e 10 push h1~ aid plan through Cap11ol Hill, Reagan "a~ 10 meet wda_> with the Republican congrtssional leadership and other mcmbl.·r., of C ongresi. • He also wa<, schcduJed 10 seek support from a group ufrellg1ou., lcader'> part-of the smng of lobbying sessions leading up tom''' wcl·k·, 'otc in ( ongrt's~ Housing construction on rise WASHINGTON -Hour,1ng rnnwuc11on climbed 16 :! percent last month. the biggest increa'>f 1n almur,1 1v.o \cars. as a surge 1n apanment buiJaingr<'versed a big drop in ron,1ruc11on in Februar}. the go,ernmen1 reported today. The Commert·e lkpartml·nt "31d th~t construcuon of ne" homes climbed 10 a seasonall> adJu\led annual rate ot I ~~~ milhon units in March af\cr an 11 8 percent decl inl' 1n rnn~1rue11on at"1t v11 y 1n Februar). Natlonwlde AIDS vaccine urged ATLANTA-AIDS.may '>lnke as many Amenran~ in tht next year a~ 11 has in the six years since 1978. anti the' acl'lna11on ol e\cryone 1n the United States probably will be needed tu t\alt th e d1.,ea~·~ spread, a government cxpen sa)S. Researchers arc sull far from devl'lup1ng such a 'accme. however. according to report~ presented at an tntl·rn ational conference on acquired immune defic1cnc) syndrome. The conference was sponsored b) the federal Centers for Disease Control." h1ch I\ ba.,ed her!.'. Goetz takes out ad for money NEW YOR K -Bernhard (ioe11. "hose mounting legal kcs S!emm1ng from his shooting of four teens on a Manha11an subwa) co ultl exceed SI 00.000. plans to run ads m maJOr new<;papcr\ to ra1~c funds. according 10 a published repon. Joseph Kclncr. one ofGoc11\ la"~as. '31d the cost ofasscmbhng h1i. client's case against four count'i of a111.·mp1ed murder and other charges will surpass SI 00.000. Goe11 had rl'CCI\ ed hundrl'd!> of uni,Ohrncd con1nbu11ons followingh1ssurrenderto New Hampsh1rt' authonue\ for the Dec 22 shooting. and those funds arc 1n a ~pec1al defense fund CALIFORNIA Stockman blasts LA Metro Rall LOS ANGELES -Budget Director Oa\ 1d A. Stockman rn11c11ed tht' Lo\ Angeles Metro Rail project. tclhng a Senate .,ubcommiuee to forget the plan because it would cost"$ 180 million a mile. 1f you can imagine that staggenng number." Stockman. who met with the Senate banking subcommillec for housing and commun1t) dt·velopment programs on Monday to try and sell the Reagan admm1stra11on·s comprom1'>c budget package. '>aid the pro)eCl would be "foolish for us, as fed eral taxpayers who are bankrupt. to get_ into." The Metro Rall systdn. an 18 6-mile line t0nnl'<·t1ng downto"'n Los Angele! w11h the San Fernando Valle). ha., a price tag of approA1matl·I~ s:u b1lhon . The project \\as to gel 62 percent nf 1t<, con'>lruction funding from the federal goH·rnmcnl. Man remalns atop bridge LOS.\ "IGELES -.\ police PS) cholog1st toda~ rnntinul·d Ill talk 10 a man ''ho spent the night on a ra1hng ol the 1ncell.l Thoma-; Bridge."' h1ch spans a t·hannel in Los ~ngl•les HaEbor. a.u1bont1cu.a1d Tht' man "as reponed on the ra1hng of the span bet .... ecn San Pedro and 1 erminal t-,land around 4 p.m Monda). said Fire Department spokc<>man C.1reg .\ce,edo. The man '>'a\ perched on a three-foot-high railing at the center of the span. 185 feet above the water. said Sgt. Donald SJublom of the California Tollbndgc .\dmtnl'>trat1on Berkeley protest termed Illegal BERKELEY -r\nt1-apanhe1d pro1c ... 1cr.. rnmping out on the steps of the University of ( ahfornia''i Sproul Hall. b1nhplace of the free <\pcech Movement oft he 1960s. have been warned the ~1Hn 1s illegal and offi cials "will tal..e action." About 200studcnt\, many in sleeping bags. wen· on thntcpsearl} toda~ despite the warning from LJ(' Chancellor Mi chael He) man. The un1 vers1t} will "take action to opt."n Lht• door-. of Sproul Hall. takl' down tht' signs and t."nd the camping out." Hq man <,aid in a '>latcrncnt t'>'>Ued Monday, the sixth day of the pro1r .. 1 San Francisco lawsuit city ~.\N FRANCISCO -So man ~ people file IJ"-~Ull'> 1n \an r ranc1~rn - more than 1n an) American ut~ II\ 'il/e -that "ii )ou th ro" a rtx.k )Ou h<nl' a good chance of h1111ng an allOrnl') ... atTording to a publishctl report. "The cit) would be bankrupt I 00 time<,<>' er 1f "e had to pa} these prau-r\." <;a1d n t\ claims adjuster Bernard She" "II'' 'iCar} to fa t"e tho<,c number,:" .\bout 6.00il claims a year arc filed aga1n\t thc<1t) and l'\l'n though 10 perlTnl of tho~ su1h arc considered fm olou'>. 1hnu11'i co\t thl' nt) J bout $1 ()mil hon a) car the ~an Franc1S('.o E\amincr rcix>rll'd Monda} I Lifeguards would car ry batons \.AN DIEGO -Beach hfeguard'I would carr) baton\. lht• Harbor Patrol would bc..· replaced by police officers. and pohct po~ts '>'Ou Id he '>Ct up al maJor lifeguard stations under changes propo'icd by the cit y manager In add11ion . thl' proposal'> would give lifeguards greater authortl) to mnke am·<.ts and cventuall) place ranger<, at city park'i and rc,erHm'> fhl' n·wmml'nda11on' art' aimed al fight mg 1nncas1ng crime <II San D1c_go rc·nea11on arl'3' and wert• developed after a three-month 5tudy by a 1asl. forn· of polirl' fire and park offi cials. WORLD Prince•s' dad was a Nazi LONDON -Pnncc.''i'I Michael of Kent. raised to bcl11.•,e that her father wa'tan ant1 -NaL1 hero. ha!. learned that he wa.,a maJor in the notonou\ SS corps that ran Nan German}'<; concen1ra11on camp-;. Buckingham Palact' ...aid 1n a u:rsc statement Monday night that th<' report fir'll rl'vcalcd b~ th(' Dail) Mirror on Monda} was a total <,urpri'iC to the: 40-H·ar-old wife of Queen Eh1atx-1h II'\ first cousin. Black re•l•~er stoned by crowd JOHANNESBURG. South Alma -<\ black teacher who hccamr a <,ymbol of resistance to wh1te-m10on1~ rule was '\toned when he tried to 'ltop a crowd of blacks from allackm&&policc Hh1dc. pohCl' said loda). fhe incident occurred Monday tn a hlack 1<rwnsh1p 1n the eastern Cape Pro" 1nce out~idc Cradock. as '!Orne student<i ended a 14-monah ~hool boycott calkd when Mauhcw Goniwc was di'>nm'ied It wa'> Cion1we. 3R. who tned to persuade youth'I to stop s1on1nga police patrol. policl' said. Bui the uowd turned on him and police said he was rcponcd ho\r11al11cd. although not ~nnusl) hurt. · Cbri•tlna Onassl• tlp• cop M RB ELLA. pain -( hm11na Ona\s..,, lhl' Greek c,h1p p1 ng he1rc\\, paid a $1 2 fine for a parking v1nla11on 1n th1'i southern bc..·ach rcson toda} and tried to tip the pohl'cman who t1lkCll-d her car. pohct' 'l31d lh(' mun1c1pal Juard ttckrtcd the Grc:ck hem'"' ft>f' parking her car on a curh ncnr a Marhella Jewelry store. !>lid 3 pc1li('(' 'p<ile\man. ~peaking on cond111on he l"l'ma1n anonymoui.. Onas"'" pt11d the fin e and aJctcJ a S6 "gratuit)." pol1tt' stud The traffic policeman. according to th<' p<)hH'. thankcd her hut rrfu~d the tip. S3)tnl he wa\ "'mpl) doing h" clul\ " Afghan• aurround Soviet troop• NL\.\. DE-LI 11. India -\o\ 1('1 fut , C:\ luum hcd one uf their b1"t~1 ((round and air oOcn\1 \C\ 1n ·\l1than1\t, n 1n mon: than a )Cat la t "'t'ek. but anti· Mar"'' rebel\ \Um111nckd ah em 1n a 11allc) and in01rtc<l hea\' t"a~ualt1c' \.\\•\IC'rn d1plom:m rt•poi tt d toda) l "<> \cH 1t>l hl'lu:optcn \\t'rc: rrportrd 5hoi tlo\!.1'11n lht• fi((ht1ng 1n lht Ma \dan Valk\ 1n \\..udak prm1nu· 111\t ~R mile\ 'outh"'l''' ofafw rnp11al Kahul -- Orange Coast OAIL Y PILOT/Tuesday. April T6. 1945 A.a. . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Artifi~ial-heart patient better'8{ter seee>rtcl -· LOlJISVll LE. "->· (AP) -Dul· tor\ wau:hina for \1gns of 10fect1on or wor'j(ntn' kidney dama1e in th<' late t art1fic1al hC'art rcc1pu:nt said 1oday that Jack < Burcham was much improved lollowingemergenty i.urgcry to \UIOCh a leak. that OOLed blood wi th eHry beat of his nev. pump Dr. Allnn M I anc;ing also an- nounced at A hnelin& that Burcham had lo11t more than 42 pints of blood -four llme!I h1!1 normal bo<l} volume -sin\e ~c received thl· artificial hean. • I'm 1che' <'d to tt'll you thinas are much bcuer now lhan lhcy 'tlrerc a1 any lime last evC'nma." Lansing u1d t6day, one da) aner 8urch1m wa<1 taken back into the operatina room to redo the \lltcht:s conncct1n1 h1\ art1fic1al hean to a maJor blood \('\SCI. "We fed VCr) much rdieved aboul his cond111on ... LaVunne "Jin>." Burcham. the pa11ent's wife of 42 years. talked to rcp0rter .. 1oday forthe fi rst time si nce arriving in Louisville and said she and the rest of the family were "very 149 aliens found inside drophouse ~.\N DIH 10 I \Pl -.\ t"'<>-uon. bedroom house crammed v.. 1th illegal "The) \\ere a hlllc woozy. but aliens v..a111ng for smuggler!> to dn vt' they'll be all ngh1:· W1lhams ~1d them to Los ..\ngcles was raided 1n • He said ~ome of the ahens reported v. hat officia1Ha1d v.ac. thcdargec;1 such pa)~g-$300 to $400 t>ach to go to Los arrest in 1he Stall' and rx1,.,1lil> 1he · A.ngclcs. _ . -· ~ , countr). Their tran'iportat1on wa!> dela)ed tJ .S Border Patrol Agentc; entered apparcr1tl~ because of pressure by thankful" that the ~cond surger) on her 62-yc;ar-old huband v.ai. success- fu l "lkfore yesterday·~o~rauon I wu quite scared -ap1n After 1t wa\ u" er. I think we were all \Cr) relieved." he sn1d Lansing. medical spolce$man for the Jarv1k· 7 hC'an implant team ut Humana Hospital Audubon. said there were no signs of infec ti on. He ah o said he -did not ~t have the resuhsoftestson Burcham's kidneys, but "so far. things look OK." He said Burcham was being given morehine for pain. purticularly for the 'aggra vating cond111on" t'aU!>Cd by the resp1ra1or tube down his throat. However: La nsing !Mild, Bu rcham's color 1s the best n has been since the implant surgery. The amount of blood that had to tx· transfused into Burcham "as about the same as the amount required 1n a h\ er 1ramplant opt.'•otllun, .... ud un-r ing Doc1or\ who implanted th<' Jarvtk· 7 ~an in RurC'hism on 'und1~ \aid lhC) WC:T\' (.'Oncerned aboul possible 1nlc' 11on t·au'it'd b) the po I· opera11on bleeding and cbmagr to Burcham'\ jlrt'ad\' weak.entd lodncys. He wa\ in t:nt1cal but .,uablc cond1t1on Monda) r11ght Burcham·s vital \li'n\ were normal · and chest X·ra)'i taken aftt'r the follow-up surgery on Monda) con- firmed tha1 the hleed1ng in the lclt side ofh1s chest had \topped. accord· 1ng tu hosp11al offic1.il\ · Lan'i1ng 'lald ca..rhcr the bleeding from stitches at Jhe rear of Burcham·., aorta ma) prompt a proledural change: 1n future hean Jmplanh "'Ith the use of rc1nfon.cd !>Uture'i bccom· 1ng routine ··necau~ th1\ h.i\ hap- pened now in two p;1t1enl') and 11'!> I 't:n distressing." F'ollow-up \Urgtr) to \top intt'rruJI bleeding alto '*•s required tor \\ 1!- liam ~hroeder and Murray Ha)don. the.-pre\ lOUsaruficutl hcitn reap• nls at '\udubon. although Ha)don ~ ">Ur· ger) ""3' not related to ~uturt'') In the second Op(rat1on on Burcham. th<' world'') fiflh and oldest m: 1p1cnt of a ptrrttanl"flt a.111fi r1I .heart. Ur •• William C. De ncs • rcsuu-hcd the \ynthcUC' fabric ''cu tr'· anchorma thl" pump to Burcham' 80"3, the bod)·\ main artt'l') ,.;: .\1 thc rt'ar of thC' aorta. ··c"cry Huie needle hole \howC'd a un> bule le:tk through 1t," Un">1n1 ~id. ' Orange C~unty's ea'y listening radio station- KDCM tD!l.t the small '>ou1heast ~an Diego house Border Patrol agents at checkpoints at 2 sq. . commercial bldg. Home· Monda) afternoon where they fo und San Clemente and Temecula. Wil· C-2 owner-contractor will modify to suit. 494·5203 FM 146 aliens "Jammed in there hke ~h~am~S~!>~a~1d~=================~~~=~~=~=~=~~~~=~=~~~~~~=~~~--=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'=====~=~~~~~~ !>ard1nec;." deput} Border Patrol ch11:f-; Mi ke W1lhams '>aid. "The plal'C wa'> 1 n dl'plorahlc condi 11on." he \aid. "It wreakt:d of urine. there wa\ vomit on 1hl-floor. stair food all over I'm \Urpn<1ed nobody was dead." While agents arrnted the nwn. women and chlldrl'n there. a 'an drove up w11h more ahl'n' A total of 179 people were arrl''>ted John Belluardo. 'poh·'.>man lor lhc lmm1grat1on and Naiurall1at1on Ser- \>'1ce's v,.estern regional oflke 1n Lo!. .\ngeles . ..aid 11 1\ bd1c'l'tl lo tK· 1he larges1 "drophou .. c" arrl''>l In 1hn1ate and po'i!11bl) the rnunll") Drophou'>e'i jfl' U'>l'd b) '>muggier\ 10 hide ahl·nc, av.a1t1ng tran,J)(lrtat1on to their dcc.t1na11on~ "The\C numb<.·r, arl· \1gn1lit:an1." Bclluardo ~1tl "It\ not unusual tu arre!>I 50. 60. or up to 100 al a time. but when ~ou &l'I 1n10 thl· tnplc figure'>. )ou·n· 1alk111g li1g " W1l11am' \a1i.J lhl· I 41l p(.'(1pk 1n\lde 1 ma) hav1.· been 111 there \1nn· Satur- da). The drophnu\e "'a' d"covcred when a ne1ghhor callt.'d police atkr seeing a man hcmg carri1.·d from a car 1 1runk into the hoU\l'. Some of the ahl'n' in 1he 'an that arrncd during 1hc raid "'l·n· tben toa hosp11al suffering lrom deh,drat1on The) Y.crl' then transported to a detcnuon faulll\ 1n ~an 't\1dro to JOln the othl·rc; fcir l''entual dl.'porta· Japan's market declines TOKYO (AP) -Tokyo's stock market suffered Its biggest single-day decline In history today. with the Nikkel Dow Jones Index dropping 345.45 points. Several brokers blamed the slide In part on jitters stemming from Japan's economic frictions with the United States and Com- mon Market. They said a 150-polnt decline In the first hour of trading Intensified general market jitters, and that selling snowballed. Today' a slide broke a mark set on Sept. 28. 1981, when the market dropped 302.84 points. Before the average start.Ml edging up toward the last half- hour of trading. the Nikkel Dow Jones average had plunged 405.80 points. It finally settled at 12.207.28 at the bell. Rumors of a selloff here by European Investors were not verified, but one analyst who I asked not be Identified said even rumors could upset the market. l Arms ·talks· i in Geneva longest yet C1E"'IE:VA. ~"'1t1l·rland (!\Pl - U S and So' 1e1 nego11a1or\ met toda' for a IQtal of fi,c hour'> 1n ~parate 'ICS\IOn'i nn ,pace-bawd and defen"' c weapon\ and in1crml·d1alc· range nuclear forces. a ll S \poke\· man said. The space and dcfcn~ weapon~ sc~s1on wa\ 1he longc\t lu dAte. T he meeting laMed thrt.•e hour'I und 40 m1nutl'S :rnd "'a~ hl·ld .ll tlw l l.S nrm'l control offirc~. l 1 \. 'fX>ke"nan Peter J. An t1lO \aid fhc mcdmm-rnngl' \l'4>~1on. thl· li"t of 1wo ~hl'dulcd tor this Wt'<.'k lasted une hou1 and 20 minute\ and wa!> held al lhl' l l S. ml\~wn to the United Nation... Detail' of both m~t1ngs '-'l'rc kept ~'C'rtt 1n line wi th a confidcn11aht)' nledge oam:d 10 h' both ~ldl'\ The C\lra mn·11ng on medium range fnru"\ mil) haH hccn an attempt to \peed up the \uperpov..C'r arm\ talk\ bt·forc the.·> recec;, on \pril 23 fur five v..rek\ Annther ~'""n wa\ ~hC'dull'd lor ThuNfa} thl' normal mccuna da) f hc ncaot1atin1 aroup on Iona range nuclear forlc~ .... u \thtlh1lcd to meet Wrdnc'lda} :it lhu \o, ll'I __ m11s1on. •\ntll'O \U1d . --•'' CAUFORNIA"'S LENDING LEADER HA5 TAlfEN HOME EQUITY WAN RATES · IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. NOW WITH 11-fE SECURJTY OP A RATE CAP. ~~~~~~~~ lt takes a genuine leader to come up with a hom e equity loan this affordable. The point is. you probably haven't seen low rates like these in a while. And now, Bank of Amenca offers the safety of an optiona l 5% rate ca p on variable rate loons-to help keep your rate low. Whether you're plt.mning home improve- ments, special investments, busmess oppor- tumues-whatcvcr-just follow the arrow to Bank of America. Secure the loan wuh your home o r other residential propeny (4 umts or less). Your rate Will depend on the amount you borrow and whether you ~PY the: pmpen y 19.25% onday, M ;,M~ 17.5% \M~12.5% 12.0% 10.5°/o I ' f " CALL l-M0-652·llll, Ext. 220. )(i .1pplv now Call uur mil free numhcr Morn.by · Thur..Jav. lo\ a m H p.m .. or Fn<lav' H a m · S p m. for complete <lcta1b and an apphc:nmn Or tf you prdcr, Jrop hy anv hranch of Bank nf Amcrn:a anJ ask ahrn1t 11u1 ( 111 fl'IH r .Ill'' 'li btH t lt1 d1.1 n.:• I 111H!\lh \,111.ol•lt H &It ~ idlt>ll( I ·•I'\ 10.25% 10.58% 13.50% 1ntl'r~1 r.u r 14.10% ..... l - nc.''' 1111Hl .111• 11 l.1bk 111111w l'qt11t\ J, ~m \nd hnJ nul '' tn \\l rl' 1.. .1lttnrn1.1, knJ111~ k.1JL1 I I I I I I I I "S20QCA5H ftUJE' lrt'I ,1 L.1 ... h n·h.lll' 1111 ,., ,lH \ .ir1.1bll r.1tc h1111w e4t11!\' lc\.111 !\rm~ 1111' lllllJ'llll I into .Jn\ hr.llll h .11hl .I l'l'h 1 nn l.11r 1 I tlun \\.1, q r~,, I You 11 )o!l't \ nlH l ,t,h I rd,atc ,,·hrn \'1111 ~\'t I \'PUT ln.rn funJ.., I L __ '._ ___ _ I I • _J (fl Bank of America l"hn fA,, I'\ N'\ilff"J no •n ft!Wtw"f uu.ur..-.t ... , Unl ' '"".,,h \f'Ut•hlf" ''"" "'"'" wtth:11Wt l •r' with ... N'\Ut4 , t•t ..... "-' ,, 1 ht •nn •JI ,.. flTntAlp ' ..... Wll1'11 t .._ "' ..... ti ,. ,....,..,,"''' f"' ,rnen••.r Utt" ,.,,., prr-n.,.nl"" "''"•M • h•n .. •"•! '!'f lrr•n 1 rh.IM.k Tl\1• t ur tti ~W'\.I 11fl •n '*'""'' .-.. , \•I"'' \" •• ._, "'""'' '., ... "/t•h 1 ' ~, '"''""'...,.' .,,.,,. rtw-•nr: 114 rrrrrn • • • lot M • \Ill • \ • \A Iii ... ~ • -., "' f'11 • •ti ............. t'Jllll ....,.hlC' •• ,,,,.,"."''" ~~~-----·----. \ -..... r 1 I .. ~ CoU• ~ILY PILOT/Tu.day, Aprlf 19, 1185 Dotson should not have been returned to jail The trouble wit.h blind justice is that it's blind: somettmes it can't tell the difference between the victim and the culprit. The case of Gary Dotson is a classic example. Dotson is the Illinois man who served six years in prison fo r a rape he apparently didn't commit. The victim, staggering under the weight of a heavy conscience. told the world two weeks ago lhat she lied. Slfe'd never been raped, not by Dotson or· anyone else. she said. She concocted the story because she thought she was pregnant and, at the tender age of 16, feared her parents' disapproval. Dotson so nearly matched the description of her imaginary assailant, she felt compelled to identify him, she said. Her soulful confession won Dotson hi s release, temporarily. But at a hearing last week. a judge decided he didn't have enough evidence to ovenurn the conviction. He sent Dotson back to prison. Now, Illinois is a long way away and perhaps some of the d etails have been lost in the translation from legalese to newspaperese, but the essence of this story seems clear: The law has confused the victim and the culprit and doesn't want to admit the error. The woman who says she fabricated the rape story has since taken a lie detector test and passed. If lie detectors work. Gary Dotson is innocent. But such evidence is not admissable in coun, so Dotson remains behind bars. Based on what has been made public. Dotson has been v1ctimi1cd twice: first, when he was wrongly accused and convicted and, second, when the judge discounted the new evidence. He gave the woman's story little credence, he said. because the body of case law in Illino1s suggests one should cast a jaundiced eye upon recantation testimony. However. there is another legal principle at stake here more basic to the administration of Justice in a democratic society. It is the principle that holds it 1s ~tter for I 00 guilty people to ~<? f~ee thai:i for_ one innocent person to suffer tile degradations of 1mpnson- ment. It is still QOssible, of course. that the tale of Gary . Do;s9n is a work in progress. In the end, we may find there wa s an ulteri or motive for the recantation. But, for ·now, Dotso n should not be in jail. Thejud~e should have continued him on bail un.\il he had com~ling reason to believe that the woman ii lying. Lady Justice sacrificed her sight so all people might be Judged equally, not so "SJ\e couldn't recognize the mistakes that tum the victim into the convict. Grieving faniily grateful for support f rain friends Io thl' Editor On I nJa~. Marlh 22 at apprm- 1matl'1) 11 ''Jp m .John( hns11an;md Enk Ph1ll1 ps. the bl'lmed <,on' ot John ;.ind V1ol.i and lo' 1ng "''l'r -\nna "atann.i v.al' tal-.l'n from thl\ earth tn a gan'>h Jnc.1 11H11m - preht•n\lblc :lllld<:nl Tht· detail\ .ind intnlJlll'' 11 lhl'lr Jl'Jth\ h'aunt ml' I ,h.111 lwnn v.ondl'r and nnn 1-.nov. ''h" Of one thing I .tn1 tl'rl.11n I hrough thl·1r g11c~nl'\<. through lhl·1 r t..1nd- rn·'' th rough I ht· tr l1n e Jn '"er· \\hdm1ng outru\h of ''"'P<1lh\ and \Uppon ha' l ngulltd our fJm1h II 1\ d\ though lhl \\'f~ f)OV.\'f lhJl f)lllkd our ho"' tx•l11\I. thr '"rl.tl<: nl the \.\att·r lo lh1•11 tk.1th' "'Jlfl<irl\ our tam11\ dun n!:! Iii\ I do ""' prl'll'Od to undl'f\t.HH.l lhl'tr lk.11h I 1 rt.11nl\ do not a1u'f)I 11 I v.l\h 1111 h1 h.111 111 111. f,111111' 10 l'\flfl \\ 11111 11111pkll· I": 1flllldl 111 ;ill lho\l' \\h11 1111t1n111 ,,, ltuo\ .ind \tllflJtHld LI\ \\JllJ ,f ( hll\ll,lfl ,tnd hurnJlll' Ilk 'llJIP"' 1 '' ''' m \, thl' t ,,11, • 1111• I 11 y.,11d J\ the .. , .l~.tkr~and;.,_~f14~r('~n.hnf 11, lhl·rl· v.a' --~~iU'lt'frt nl>! ll•1t,1t111n: 1111• 111 )11\l' on "'hrth "-l'' 11• ,~if th1.,,. llr\t tru11al d~v' ' L.M. Bovo -- The lear~ and the gnefol our fa mil~ \\ere matrhed11mc and time agarn h\ friends. acquaintance!> and lo\ nl ones We thank )OU ~c thank tho-.c prcc1ou\ .. uld Indian (iu1des'' who pro\ 1dc.·u tood and warmth and lo' l' We thank those neighbor" v.ho pro~rded IO\e. care and qu1ctne\\. We thank thO'>l' who l ned and \at those long hour~ wrth us We thank )'O U. famil> lrom lo\ \ngclc!., Sweden. London. and ~·at­ tic. who gathered and_ kept us aflottt We thank Barbara Mudge v. ho "'a' v.arting for us a~ v.e landed 1n Long lkach. We thank Buh ( orneli.,on v..ho never left our C11dl' lhrough l'on' of t11ne. I am not ~ure that I am read> to 1hank (1od I am \Ure thdl I am profound!~ mo\'ed by lhl' tare. the alTt·ctton anti the lo'e !lhov.n U'> dunng th1'> mo~t tragic time 1n 11ur ll\e\ ThanJ.. \OU than!. \OU. thank \011 all' · JOll N PH II l I P'°I 'v IOL \ PHii I I I'\ ·\ N N ·\ K .\ l A.R I N ·\ PH ll l IP\ 4 words unmatched a s most-published <) \\It.it'' rht ""''' 'ldl ' p1111tn l \entt llll 111 tht I nrll\h l.tnl!ll.t!'~' I •\ntl Y.h11 (1n11111.i1n l 1t'1 \ "C ln\t' l 11\l 1 h1'111rt ''"~ "''°' · I h.it·, u'uall' ~1 ' «11 lhl d "1111l 111111 liul tnntriln 111 v.1dl 'l'rt'.1d lwi11•f thr or111.111atm "'"' 11111 1111 Philadl'lpl11;i l,1v. H'r I '''h ua P11,tn 1 h• 111.tn v.1111 Ill\ t•nte<I honl. m.111 hn < lri I ft 111, C r mull' 1n I X1ll1 mm rd tht '>tnkl' har lr11m lhl' 1n\ldc tn till' •1111\lth n l 1PAtJ1,r I IJ/\b l Daily Pilat "' r I ... ,,. ··~ l tl..t~A A I -J.: • l - ' th(' matchbook and tho~ "ho t.lll' \3\ 11 "ao; he "ho lir'it <.a m<' ufl wllh the "C ·1m~· rn"rr .. line I hrt•c m1lllun mite-. ... :: 1ha1'c, hov. murh ( lo.,l'r thl' 'iun '"to eanh 10 m1d- w1ntl·r lanuan I. than 10 m1d- "1mnwr lune ,. L M. Boyd Is • 1yndlcattd columaJJt. H. L Schweru Ill Frenk Zlnl • 4 t t 1' ; I 't Tom Tell Crelg Stt-ff ' • t ft , ;...,.;;;~-=...,.,,.,,_,;;;,,~~~~_.......;.·~· letorl ally. thnb«ndmetivert~ .. :ttrathsve~4-h best ... ailtldotes to poverty. squalor and disease.·· , ·- ''Anybody for a European freeze? Medical students should pay off loans by working Institutions using ~----this method find it works out well I was never a reporter for 1he Associa1ed Press. but I suspect that thei r correspondents arc not maten- ally different from repon ers for newspapers. radio and television. Like them. I suspect. the <\ P people work hard to get page one a11en11on on subscribcd -nc~spapers. • No doubt. th~y ~ave learned from eApenence that a touc.ti of scandal makes news cdrtdh Nrt• likely to gr'-e "big play .. to stones with lhat scandalous touch. WALTER Bu11oucHs whether 11 1s likely to be repaid." I happen to have some more direct information about student loans 111 general than apparently did the Associated Press. There's no reason to single out doctors and dentists as the defaulters on student loans. One of m} close friends. a former vice chancellor of a uni vcrs1t\ under whose superv1s1on student loan prob- lems were assigned. informs me 1ha1 a A case 1n point occurred on April I. low percentage of all student loans are Newspapers that day carried a story repaid. Probably thal's true. but the proclaiming dereliction by medical answer ts not to '><'I up a g1an1 students. And it wasn't an Apnl fool. collection agenq or tighter super- Hcrc·s one headline from one .v1s1on. newspaper· "Loan!> to meorcalTu--The answer. rt seems to me. IS to go dents w1dcl) abused auditors say." at lhc lending-to-students busrness on .. a completely different barn .. Th.e lead reads Washington£?<.. -lJ nlike a former twice-a-week New- Mcd1cal and dental student s elrg1blc port Beach publisher. Ben Reddick. 1 for up to $80.000 rn government-ha' e the highest regard for doctors backed loans ha"e used the program and den tists. (You remember Ben'.' 10 pa) for new car\, divorce lawyers He used to refuse to refer 10 a and e\en a tnp to Europe whrlc physician as "doctor." No doubt soaring default rate~ threaten the from his standpoint there was good progra,m wtth b~.nJ..ruplcy. auditors reason for his rationale.) said ~cd nesday. I "ia> I ha\e a high regard for f urther the stof) says· "The doctors. So I do especial!) for famih internal audit by the Inspector Gen-practice ph )'srcrans. · eral of the Health and Human And I don't at all obJect to slow 1.il'r' 1cec; Department said that unlike payment on student loans b) gradu- mo\l loan programs. the medical ates from some oft he schools listed rn program has treated the loans a'> the Associated Press repon For virtuall~ an absolu1e right of students. example. Loma Linda Un1 vcr\ity - v.1th little regard for where the mone) the college of Medical Evangcl1\ts. I'> gorng. whether 11 1s needed or I ha\e traveled to several t·o nt1- nents and remo te island groups. I have ye1 to find one where there 1s not at least a clinic and frequent!~ a hospital ope.rated by Lom<i Ltnda graduates. In so me places they are "0} 1ng doctor~ ... Another way of handling student loans is done by the Church of Jesus Chmt of Latter Day Saints. Their medical school recpgn1zes that there are ce rta10-oi.rcas where doctors arc badl} needed and, whatever the source of thl'rr funds, rn order to borrow from them each student has to agree to take a remote assignment. I have firsthand knowledge because of some wan1me e'<pencnc·c and ob- ser' at1on of ~omc of these d0<·tors at work. Of cour~. although the> arc en- couraged 10 bcrnme very good gen- eral prac1111oners. with fl" offer that when the} complete 1ht 1r fi ve }Cars the\ will be entitled to subsidized ~raduate trarnrng to become sper1al - 1sts. many of these doctors go into communities and like the people so much the} 're JUSl happ) 10 sta) there and forget the specialist training. Inasmuch as this Associated Preso; c;tol) rs based on the delrnquenues of medical student<.. 1t occurs to me that some line educational mind 1n gov- ernment or in medical schools could sa) to aspinng }Oungsters: ··Yes. we will gladl)' underwnte your stud} for four years and your residency for two. provided that )'OU will accept a fivc- }ear assignment at some location which bad I) needs a doctor. After 1ha1 we wrll underwri te additional study for yo u to become a specialist." Well. I suppose. I'm Just a crai) old dreamer, but maybe rt'<> worth a lrttk effort. What do you say'' Walter Burrougb1 is tbe Daily Pilot's loundiag publisher. Manufacturer off the hook at Onofre, but public isn't Consumers paid $56 millio·n in repairs for plant•s defective steam generators ~ \\ h1k ton.-.u m<:r and media atten- t11111 1s nov. properl) centered on the fin,1nlcs ol the seemingly jinxed l>1;1hlo ( JO\on nuc:lear power plant 'onw large questions also arc being ,1,1-.t·d .iho111 repair brlls at another Jtomit pl<tnt i;everal hu ndred rnrlcs 10 lhl" \OUth. I hl' dl\pUll' at the San Onofre nuclear generating \lat1on isn't a"i large a' the one at D1ablo. where ,1hout ~ h1ll1nn rn construction CO'll'i ;1n· al 'rake 1~- But 1h1· ,..,,~~an Onofre 1<; l'qu.ill\ 1mporlam 7'~o cono;umcr'i l>on ,1 u11l11~ ha\l' ~he nght to kt pov.er plant manufacturer<; ofT the hook tor rl'pii1r l0'-1' which will othcrwl\e ha' l' to tx· paid by con-<;Uml·r,·1 Th<1t's '-'hat apparc:ntl> happened al 1.ian Onofrl·. v.herc manufacturing d<:klts rn <;team Rencrator\ caused a \h111down of the pla.nt'<i lln1t I for 14 month' 1n 1 IJMO-M l ( ono,umer~ ha ve paid S~tt mil lion tn repA1t t·o..,t"i c;intc then. 11wn· than threl'-fourth!i of the ncarl > S? I m1ll111n 11\up hill Hut no1.11 nttorne\" for the \late Puhlrt I t1 l111e' C omnH,\ron r«·· ommcnd that thl' ~outhern Calr- fornra r <l1\on < 11 ;ind \an Diego Gu & f-lt.'<tm refund the mone) g1v1n1 1.:u\lomcf'I J ra11· rcdu~ 11110 hcl'Bu~c F.d1\on\ "1mprudt•n1 nu .. ·· rrc"tnted rt from forung thr manula~ turer to pa) for rcpasr'i fd1<;<m ""'°' XO J"K'f(t'nt of S:1n Onofre. with th~· rnt of tht· '>lation\ output aorna 10 \lX1&f:. When \team titncrator tu~s wm damaged \O hadl)' that llnrt I had to ~ \hut down 1n I ~RO tx-causc of manufat 1urrn3 dt"kl I\ Fdl\on madr no mn1ur dfmt to ~t'I tht p:trf'I bu rider. Wc'itlnghou..c. to toot the 0111 for the repair or the CO'>l ol rl'placc- mrnt clcctm:rt y. .\nd when the u11l111es comm1ss1on later prodded Edison to~e West- inghou~e for the money.-a federal Judge quickly threw the case out bccau~ Edison's statements in the surt conflicted with o;tatements 11s officials had made earlier under oath. Under prodding ' from the PUC Edison 1<; now tf)1ng to rev1"c the SUit. ~'; But Ed1!.on 1n 1978 agreed I" an out-of-court \ettlcment of another law-.u1t to release Westinghouse from all claim!> lhat it m1$ht ha ve been neghgcnl 1n the design. assembly. manufacture or supply or o;leam generators for San Onofre. In retu rn for lhat sweeping rclea~. Edison received a pan valued at S4 3.500 That settlement. according to PUC. lawycrc;, was a "shockrng. and losing. gamble." But 11 wao; not a gamble ol E.d1\on·~ own mone). for the u11hty figured 11 could always dun the cu~tomen; to pay for 1t5 mistake. 1f1hc !>Cttlement turnro o ut to be a mistake "The gamble was tembly 1mpf'\J den I." \UUJ PUC' lawyer Rohen ( ( agt·n "No regulated u1ilit y has the right to throw awa). for a gain of $43.500. potcn11al future ratcpaytr chum.., which could reach many mrllron\ of dollan Edison had all the facts 1t needed to d~rdc 1ha1 the rclca~ proposed by Wcstinahou c was the poorest mk 1mag1natllc .. But btcautt ofthot release and the earlier su.tcmcnts of top Ed1wn c'ccu11vc\ about tht men ts of Wc~t 1nJhou\C product~. rl's clear the rnmr>any has ht1le hope of collect1n1 the rrpa1r cor,141 from Wcsllnihousc ) THOMAS EuAs So the question here 1s the same as at Diablo Canyon: Should utrht} customer"i have to pay for utili ty com pan)' mistakes. and 1fso. how much. Thl' PUC '>taff. whose JOb 1s to represent consumer interests. says no. But the fi ve coinm1ss1oncrs have yet to decide any !.uch case. lfthC) uphold the old princrpk that companies arc allowed to assess consumers for all lcgrumate ex- pens06. bul not those caused by their own imprudence (read that as stup1d- 1ty ). clectnc cus1omers all over Cali· fornra could sec rate r~uct1ons soon. But iflhe commission decides that the companies can't atTord to pay the huge bills to which their m1litakcs have opened them, the companies may escape with little more than a slap on the wn~t. nom11 1!1111 ,, , S.ot• ftfoalr•· NIH coll'lmol•I 00 IUt~ , .. ,,H. Comments welcomed JACK AJ(DBRSON colusn.U.t JACK AIDEISON Garn: Right choice for stars. Offers a balance of idealism. fiscal responsibility WASHI NGTON -History's first spacl' pa,i,cnger. ~n. Jake G~rn. ~­ l ltah. v.111 launch the age ot man" rou11m· lummutrng through the gal- a,,1es. He will be followed into space h\ a new gcncra11on of tra' elers who v.111 ,o~agt' to the uu1er rca<:he~ofthe ;.olar 'i\''ilem. build laboratones on the mot>rl and begin the ~ttlement of ~ars fhe\l' great e\pccta11ons arc not_ c,c1encc-fict1on yarns They are part ot the planning of space scren11sts for the uecade' ahead -a\ feas1hlc now a<t the ,.\pollo pro1ec1 and the spact• shullk v.hl'n the~ 1.11cre JUSt sketches on a draY..rng board I krl· arl' a kv. pro1e1.:ts that arc alret.id\ 1n the plannrng '\tage: • r ulurt: astronJuto; Jrl' '>l"heduled to esiabhc,h laboratone'> on the moon. With satdilll' l'Ol1H11UOlllCS lO h,>U\l' \l.leOtlSt\ •The) '' 111 ··terralorm .. the en- vironment ot Mar~. mdting 1b per- mafrost into life-sustaining water and tntroduung plant life that v.rll, 1n turn. beget breathable ox)gen. In time. domht islands of humanity will appear on Man: surface. · •If essentral 1ndustnal act I\ 1111:., on earth become dangerous to our fragile b10<,phere. the~ wtll be trans- krrl·d to .-.pat·e ''here thl·~ will be harmless. •Snenuw. ma' bt· ahlc tu a ... scmble 111 \pan· '>Olar-powered satl'I· Illes thal can capture thl· sun's energ) and tran<om1t 11 to canh. Garn 1s th e nght man. mt•a nwh1lc to represent the public a~ the fir~l space tourist. He not onl) l'i an elected rcpre!'>Cntatl\c ot the pc·ople. "''th \pcc1fic rcspons1b1ht} for O\crsec1ng "ipace e"penditurcs: he ha'> a roman- 11c·s enthusiasm and a proneer'r, optrml\m about the challenge of the .,tars. Yet he 1s a Ii seal con\en all\ c. a no-non!lensc. can-do Sl·nator wh o doesn·1 belte'c 1n ~uandenng the tax payers' mont~. Federal fund111g for l·cks11al prn- 1ec1s rs co,etcd for things on canh - subs1d1c\ for the poor. handouts to the rich. appropnallon<; for pork- barrel pro1ec1s There 1~ an un- doubted appeal to the claim that "'e can't afford to chase monnbeamc; 1n space v.h1 le Wl' ha"c unmet need"i do"n bclov.. But 11 1s an argumt·nt that re,tc; on bad arnhmct1c and hllnkercd '1'>1on. The long·tl'fm hudgl'I for e\tcnd- rng man's reach into rntin1t) and expandi ng his knowlcdg1.• I 0.000-fold amounts to one-half of I percent of our gros'> natrunal product The federal go"ernment throv.., away live times more monc~. acrnrding to the Grace Comm1s-.10n. on v.-aste. fraud and tneffic:1enn H1stoncall~. It hac; betn discoveries -whl·ther tht· opening up of new eonttnenl\ or of nev. '1\ta<i of knowl- edge -that ha' e hem the best ant1do1cs to PO\\'rl). <.qualor and disease. The \oo)agt of Columbus. for example. made fXl'"hk the most surcessful ant1·po\ert) program 1n h1stol). the great migration of dest1· lute pcoplc'I to the ne" '-'«>rid The 'l'lcrtson of <1arn for 1h1\ hrstonc r,pacc m1<.s1on has hcen crit1n1ed by the pres~ f hc ~cnator dc.x:~n·1 mind "I v..ould rather ny 1n sp~ ... hc told uc;. "than serve in the Senan.:· Footnole: Tht• National -\ero· naut1cc; and Space Adm1n1str:\llon will issue a special . historic patch to commemorate the Garn l11ght The ~nator has a'ikcd that all prcx.ccds from thl· -.ale of the pat~h ($5) be donated to the Young A'>tronaut C<'>uncll. IOIS 15th Str<'l't, N.W .. 'iu1te 905. Wa'lhtngton. () C' . 2000.S KEEPI NG THF l ID ON· Pen· tagon poohbahs have put on a bravc show of t>utragc at the recent ex- pOsurt'i of fraud and waste 1n some ol the nation·, biggest dcfen'IC contract\. But behind the homba\t 1herc''i a quret. efTcct1vc cOon afoot to keep the publl1. Imm tindrng out too mut·h about Pentagon procurc.•ment The tell-talc 'iign~ arc 1n the l)cfen..c Department\ latest "1 nfot· mat1on, opcratron'I and rcpons" an- nual ca1aloa. Actually, 1t''I not what's in the cataloa that'\ revt'alrng. but what'\ been left uut A <;enc'I of rcporti; and manuals on Pcntaaon procun·mcnt 1i. no lon&er a"ailahle through lhc dcpanment mona the mmtn& •( ontrnCHtwards and procure- ment reports list1n1 c.ktatl' of c.on- tracts a1ven to b11 anti 'Im II com- pan1c~ on 1 'tatc-hy-'1ate basis. These uied to be 1uuro on 11 monthly or quartorly schedule I: IJl.dtt'IOll I• e .,.In trd column.111 ~ • ---· • 4 --.,...... -=-=-- Orange Coast DAILY PILOTITunday. Aprll 1e. 1985 A7 I INTERMI SS ION 'Roses' in bloom 'Peens·neetlf cts • • j ., .... alJout sex early . as Huntington DEAR ANN LANDERS You often pnnt lcttcn from people who speak on bcbal fof cenain aroupu!Klh as .. ,be other woman." I red st" time someone peke on behalf of teen· •F"· There are somethings th~t n«d to be wd 8Y a member of my 1enerat1on ABOUT my generation. domestic drama •• lMDDS Of 1hc 1hrec plays with "Rose-," in .the title f~using on dome tic up- heaval. Edith Sommer'~ "A Roomful of Roses" is the one that's not wriuen by a Puliller Pn1c winner Theatergoers could be forgiven for confu1>1ng this scldom-produl't.·d drama with frank Gilroy\ "The SubJt'Ct Was Ro~s" or William Inge's "A Loss of Ro~s." While Sommer doesn't draw emotional blood as deftl) as Inge or G1lro\, she does manage to touch some tender nef"\es Now at the llun11ng1on Beach Pia) house 1n 11s lirs1 Orange Counl) appearance. "J\ Roomful of RoSt-s" reflects a b11 of soap opera heritage. along with some rough edges 1n director fack <;ecord\ production Ye1 1here al\o arc some lender. involvin~ moments. nt cCI) dep1t'll'd. which gave the -,how a warm and w1nn1ng qua lit) The "ro-;es" nf the t11lc are to welcome the 15·) ear-old daughter of a woman who ha'>n't seen her child since she lef\ the girl's father for another man ye ars ago. When the young lad): arrives for a 1wo-wrl'k visit. she appear'> cold' and snobb1i.h. but that facade crumble., by inlcr· m1ss1on and the ~cond acl 1) dl'\'Oted to healing old ..cars and pre'l'nllng nt-w ones from forming. Joanne Underwood. 1n the cen1ral role of the troubled mother. gl\es a nchl) natural performance through- out most of the <ihOW! but is le.,s effecuve 1n her more emo11o nall) demanding moment<. .\s 1he daugh- ter. Wendi tk Barros stnkcs some splendid dramat1 sparks in a difficult assignment. her trans1t1onal Stl'ncs are beauufull) accomplished Director \ecord. ~ho 1hrust himself into thl· role of thl' '>econd husband late 1n rehearsals. 1s a '>tud}' 1n calmness and und('r'Jtanding. per- haps a little too much so in contrast to Al Underwood\ latc-arnving first husband, who 1s dt'pKtcd as cold . abrupt and humorll''>!I Sharon Walker lends wml· welcome cumK fresh air as 1he flc1ghbor and friend. while Phvllic, Sfcord 1<i amiable as the famil y m"a1d Young pcrltHml·rs arc gl\ en 'ome line opp6rtun111cc; 1n the Hun11ngton Beach show . ..\mong them arl' Jen- nilh Normand. appealing a' De THE HEAT IS O~! 1 131::\ll:l~l:f I 1-tll.I-'~ R -. ~ ~W •,''\ • ft --·· ...... _ .. _ .. __ NOW PLAYING •W A ,,., ~ • f ,~ "· ' V'< ,,l'l •COSU Mtt.< •• .,.,.(! .y ,.. ·"·""' ' •IL IOllO r~.,,., . -e M. m---· •OIWIGI .,. " •I• WI I A I ( ll'lllllCI ..... ; \it ,.,, )' "* It y 4 ."MORE BIG LAUGHS THAN ANY FILM THIS YEAR." U llH HWNlll IHCI EDWAAOS SAOOHBAC• I DWAADS l ClO ~1mo mmo , ..... lDWMOS IW«ASUY I~ Ull ..... , Cll[)(lli( 634 ml WUT•lllTH • 191 m~ IDWAROS Cll'IMI WlSI A MAGICAL FUN-RUED ADVENTURE UNUKE ANY YOU HAVE MR SEEN. .... -·· UtUl' _.,... .. , ... • "Ill .. ,. ...., •• st ~ell.Mii M6 Jlt1 ..., .... llMWSDlM COlSI PU/A ~1111 ... IDllllDS~ Ul•U t\J MAU YO"rlWO mHll ~•u tDlllWIS $OCAl l &Cl#M .. I UIAll '""11 ........ fOll*S --"'° tMtl mm• ....... tlC10I ,,. Ml ...... r.ctlC OHCJ ......... ,, Toi Tnus Barros' tomboyish half sister; James Kell). Quttr believable as a young man pursuing the VISl tor at first under orders and later by choice; and K1mi,erlie \\,an, engaging as Kelly's .,..,tcr. "ho keeps thr s1bl1ng n valry bubbling. Wendt de Barroe·(left) and Joanne Underwood •tu ln "A Roomful of ROHa .. at the Huntin&ton Beach Playhouse. 'Doonesbury' ideas gathered at home? I'm not a teenager goina nowhere. I am a 16-ydf!\'ftd hi&h school junior I'm OOl a tramp. but I'm not a vngm either. My boyfnend and l have been aoing together fol' a year and a tullf and sleeping together for four months. We are careful and u~ b1nh control. M} parents found out v.e v.ere into ~' and proh1b11cd us from seeing each other. That v.as not a sman move. No wa) can they keep us apart Tht-)' should have u.lked 10 me about lie). at an earl} age instead of acting like 11 was an embarrassing subject M) ad' 1ct-• to all parents l'i 10 bc open with their chtldrt>n about e' CIY· thing from the minute tht' k1d i. learn to talk. Sooner or later. most lids are going 10 be tempted to eltpenment w11h drugs and sell.. Parents should be aware of 1t Talking about thcst \UbjeCtS IS not giving them per- m1<is1on . Kids need all the 1nfor- matton they can get The} should be lold what the nsh are If the~ get straight talk without screaming and well as to the shoppin.a rnall. I rece1.,,cd loads of complimenu Then I got the good word from my know·Jt·all nea&hbor who sa.id J shouldn't wear rubber in public bcauSt 11 as a sexual come-on a.nd people will tt11nk I am a hooker who specaahLes 1n kink) sex. Shc.Jald bn- authont) for this ·great piece of ws~om was )'Our column. 1 told her she was full of bea.ftS and 1ha1 rubbcr has been used (orrainp:r since Noah's .:\rk Nevertheless, hc1 comments upset me a lot. l haven•t '31d am thing to m ) husband but I ha\t' a,·01ded ~earing my ram outfit and he 1s ~ure to notice 1t eventually. 'What 1s th1<i nonsense about hook· er\ v.t-anng rubbcr 1n pubhc? Did you sa} that., -Perple'\ed In Ph1l.adcl· ph1a · "'A Roomful of Roses" is a bit ofa lightweight a<i social dramas go. but m charac1crs arc well depicted if not always highly credible. The show continues through May 18 with Fnda> and Saturday performances at 8:30 and Sunda) matinees at 2:30 Apnl 28 and May 5 1n the playhouse. Main Streel at Yorktown Avenue tn the Scacliff Village shopping center. Call 832-1405 for ticket information. CALLBOARD -Director Kent John!>on has announced aud111ons for "No Hard Feelings," the next pro- duction at the Hunungton Beach Pla}hou-.ev .. tryouts for a cast of five ml·n 'and three women of vaned ages "111 be held Sunday from I to 4 p.m. and Monda) from 7 10 I 0 p.m. at the pla)house. Main at Yorktown in Hun11ngton Beach .... the show opens \.ta) 31 for '>IX weekends .. NEW YORK (AP) -Garry the next frame. he cavaherl> noted he )elling the) will be in a pos11100 to Trudeau does not air his wife's dirty was about to take a 1hrce-day busmns make better decisions. linen in public. tnp I hope the next generauon 1~ beuer DEAR PERPLEXED: I said no 1ueli tblng. R•bber rala gear 11 wora by tbe most 1tyli1b dre11ers. Yo•r "friend'' la probably green witlt eovy. Let ber meu -1.,lrtted eommenh roll rlglllt off yoar ralacoat. • • • Trudeau ts the creator of the "Garry is a perfect father. and I'm 1ntormedJhan·we were. I can'1 bche'e sauncal "Doonesbury" comic strap: the perfect mother." Paule) said how dumb I was -and luch. 100 01:.A.R ANN LANDERS: Please ~tt le a bct. I say the person who has won the highest numbcr of Oscars is Katharine Hepburn. My fncnd says 11·s Marlon Brande,>. -J.P. of Mpls. his wife 1s Jane Paule}'. anchor on .. And we ha\ e perfect kids. the) Thank hea vens I sent for your b0okle1 NBC's "Toda)·• sho~ would never keep us up at night." "Sell. and the Teenager .. h kept me In one "Doonesbuf)" last month. .\ctuall). inslead of being dl" out of the ma1ern1t) "ard -(1rall'.'· the bubble over JOurnahst Rick lul in M1am1 Redfern noted that Joanie "was up moralized. Pauley said the last llJ DEAR TEEN: Here's yoar letter DEAR J.P.: VOii botJa lose. Walt Olaney woo U Oscars, more dialt uyoee else. Bepban us woa fou ud Bru4lo woa two, u did f'T~ Marelll. Spe9«r Tracy ud Gary Cooper. last night w11h Jeffrey and had to call da) 'i had been "the most e\· Thanks for laaving wrluen It. For 1n sick at work." In the ne'<t panel. traordanaf) of m) career .. "Toda\.. tbo1e wbo wut tlte booklet, please ha'i been No I for two consecut1\ e Joanie was said to be "exhausted and "eel..s. the first time that has hap-send S% ud a long, 1elf-addrHud, dcmoralued." pcnc:d in nearl) four )Cars stamped envelope (31 eHts po1tage1 Readings for the corned> "Lo and Behold" will be held Ma~ ti at 7 p.m a1 the \\estm1ns1er ( ommun1t}' Theater. 7272 Maple St.. West- minster ... director Nelson Gilmore will be seekin~ fi ve men and thret' v.omen 1n vaned age ranges for the John Patrick "ghost 'ilOI)" which About the same 11mc. Paule\. the .\nd last v.eek. "Toda) .. broadcac,t to Ann Landers, Box l lHS, Cbica10, mother of 1-)car-old t"ins: "as fi\e shows from Rome. ~here: Pope IJI. &0611. J/. b--. missing from "Toda} ... suffering John Paul II celebrated a pm ale DEAR -\'.\IN L~! ... tDER \,1 \ hus-"ee~your CfdKIUI from what co-anchor Bryant Gumbel Mass wiih N BC ~tafli"r' b d ·ti " · "" ~ .r1Ad called "a 1cmpcraiure." Could Joanie .. " an ga'e me a rubber rain out 11 1or /IJ "1""c;.... re.,i . be J ? Paule). ~ho 1c; not J Roman m' b1rthda' - a coat. boots and a ~ . ,,J /A .. ~~~;. said Paule). "It was unerh Catholic. said at the t1ml· "\\ l' rain hat I reall\' needed some decent 1 l'iu'tt'f '$ qa~ c.te nl/')tf coincidental. IOtall)' unrelated. ·1 repr,c<iented man). man) ta1th'> and r'dln gear and ·was tembl) pleased. n~ Ill upen<. June 28 for fi ve weekcnds ... call 495-41 13 for more 1oformat1on .. . don't know ~here Garr) gets lhO'>C were universally moHd h' the e,. w e·,e had plent) ofwt-t wea1her and ~e"' ,;,/ l?,t..f insights. 'Doonesbury' has never pcncnce." I "ore the outfit to several parties as 1r1 'If r1'fl/ Rogers Cablcsystems in Hunt- ington Beach 1<; looking for women from 35 to 40. boys from 9 to I I and men from 17 to 22 for roles 1n commun1t} cablev1s1on pro- duct1ons ... those interested should \end a picture and resume to Bruce lgc. 6532 Peggy Circle. Huntington Beach 92647 .... been pan1culary au10~o~ph1cal. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ think he careful!) avoids 1ha1." Pauley added. "Bryant was being deli cate. I had an intestinal thing that was going around." "Doonesbuf) 's'' wry message that day was thal Redfern's concern for Joanie's ch1ldra1s1ng burdens was more mental than anything else. In ~ 134 USJ I ltOI ~ ORAICf I 111 1h11n SHOWS AT (R) t .4S K1n9 01Y1d llASK (l'Cr-1 J) I THE ··~Kl'AST CLU• 7.10 ~ 9:l0 (P0 ·1l)11 7 JO m!3 r1U•:•r11tl6J u• mJ~ll~:-1:-f!x ) LADY HAWK.IE IPG-1 J) SHOWS AT 12:40 l ·OO S 1 S 7 JS ~ t SS POLICE ACADPllY II (PG-IJ) AT t :lO 3:21 S ·20 7 20 ~ 9 l S WtTil«SS (R) snows Al _ I oo J · 1 o S 20 7 JO• t 4S "".,..., ""ll) J J() 1 10 PUCU II Tll IU U (I'S) I 10 ~ 'ol1 0 10 CAT$ EYE fPCMJ) SHOWS AT 12 00 2 00 4 00 & 00 I 00 I 0 00 LOST IN AMERICA 1") S HOWS AT I 4S J S s 0 7 so~' so e6L_ Y HfU.S COP )-SHOWS AT I :ti s s·u 1 ·SO lO OS ,...,., 111 1)111 , .. , v 10•.-1•11•' j ·~ ~· WlSIOll q.fll Ctl "i 1> •C •' W.Sll IP'S Ill I/ JO I \l \ 10 1 4\ ,0 LoMIRADA ~ lllTIUS ct l •1 , 10 \ J' a , 10 r~ •wn•ru1 Sllllllli MM 1 l'C Ill ' j \ Ul1 Of IPl'i Ill ~ :n11 ltllO '" 4 4., 't'" I I '.' IU tM l•OO l• .,.,,. .. ""-" l• -.. ••••• , litt\.l'Cftfll\ a•O.fll IN.ll) J .c: I I' TISIOll QIU I fl) 1 ~ no 10 ,, llftf l&UCCP ll t l:JOtlO~\IO l lOI 00 •nM Of 111 OI Cl'Sl II lliillll OOllT SlllllO no·~ H < e1s 10"' DRIVE ·INS ;~~~~ STADIUfn 0 il' 1110 ~ ,,,n. '1•• $•••·~"' CATS IE'YE (PO-I J) Ptua Co-H it CUJO (R) PORK Y'S REVtENSE (R) Plus Co·H it l"rroo 111e l llll V IRI Gl9'LS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUfl (PGOI Plus Body Rock (PG) TMEWARIUOll • THE 5011CE.llESS (9') Plu\ Outh St~lk•r (A) VISION QUIEST (II) Phil Co-Hol The 8rukhst Club IRl KVEltL Y HIU.S C~ (II) ~Ul Top Sec ret (PG) t•IS!'tl ff'{, 111 .... ~ l lff . ~ . .. \ Mfll(U 1t1 ~ •18· ·1111 • Wiii!• ' ~ A()!ll> •l'l•"I flt lll.lllli ftlDS !l ' .... ~"· '•~ • ""''•" ........ "'" -' .-o' ••us car • ' I *PACIFIC DRIVE -IN THEATRES• * CINE·FI SOlJNO• At thew symbols p111 soun~ dutcl 10 your AM t1r * 11d10. If no 11•0 with tcceuory posihon. br1n1 your own AM porublt. OPOI ~Al HI•*''• sr .. rs 1 oe ,. ci...ldr..,UncWt 12 A LWAYS FREE f.1: &1; I j fti 311 ::!.!~' .~·~ l.!:~r.") • • SU'llSWA,liwlHTS* tVHY SAT &SUH• • f R0fjl /Afjl 1., IP~ I'" 1 .. 1,,, ""•' "" II C II~ UU * BUENA PARK laHABRA ..• ;;... 114 '" l tul -• ... '""'"' l9'-"''" P\.14 arm. M um9 • l&!M ""' MISSION - ., AU IEATI 12.M AT HW&HI Mii& (IAM.Y) • WlllHW (TWS a WU) • •r•m (1WI a WU). •nam (WU I ....S) fMT&11 nun cwu a,_.)· L.91 (WU •Y)-wanu• (1ID 1 ....a> edwards NEWPOR T 644·0760 ~EWPOAT ([~·ER BETWEE~ ,AltlBGAH & 1,1.l(ARTMUll . ......., ........ --•ITNTtM ........ ,PCI -· Pna Ill IUI ........... 111 -""'" 1:1L ... edwards LIDO 673-8350 ~[ WP'jRT BL vG AT v 100 L 1()<; AlJlllT-• ...... , ''lllt • llU 1Ul1 UM I 11, l:ft t:M ...... , .. edwards TOWN CENTER 751 ·4184 8AISTOL &A~TO~ ACAOS':iH~Oltl S COASTPLAlA ' . '' ,, ' . ' ... 0 MOVIES lnrm:I ..... lO ••T.-MU,ITUlt ... ,_. n.•w·1rc1 ................. "CAT'S Elf" IPC· 131 .... n.... lite •• ,.. (104,lllft~ '"9l.f 1111 Of cam'' IPCI ............. edwards SOUTH COAST PLAZA 546·2711 BRtSTOl & SUllFLOWEI'. COSTA ltlESA ' ' . . . 0 11Ml1Wt MUI STOH "LAIYllJWlf' , ...... 1"-111 ....,... ·-·wn•SS"l•I I'll .... edwarcJs BRISTOL 540· 7444 BRtS TOl AT ltlAC ARTHUR SA~T A AllA "Nl.IC( .C.MY f: .. .._UTQ.a"fll Tllftl 111....-rflll" 9-fn 8'11 "SUM ~ .. f PC-131 .......... , .... ,. IJ __ , .. •rJe. l "DHPfUTflY UllS JUST WAin su•• suu• 1rs.111 T~NUf FU•" IPSI ... , .... ,,.. ... ... "'"" 1 ,, • ,, eawards CINEMA 546·3102 HAR80il 80ULEVAA0 AT ADAMS COS f UIESA ..... , lfl .. . .. maw ..... -. "lADYMAWlf" IN· 111 ... T~"" I ll t )0 edwaros HARBOR TWIN 631 ·3501 HARBOR BOULE ~ARO • 7 WILSO~ COST l YES> "NUCI acMOIT f: r•• 1ST Hl•-.:IT' ""· ,,, ...... '"111 m,.. •• , "CAT'S fff'"lflS-131 -'""" , ..... eowaras CINHt1A CENTER 979.4' 41 MAR80A80VL[~AROAT ADAMS llol(SA •EADE CTR COSTAUESA "T•••wa.w· ..,. .. , "T•-~" -" ... i.-cpt.U1 ...... ,_ "TW IR1m fEJI"' fll .... "-', ..... TIUCll" "IHPfllTflY .,,,,,...,, n1--·· ........ I lllCfllSS 1111 --"(PC 131 ---~--"~"~··~1·~~~ ..... -------~"-"---.... ___ .. ____ __ edwards MESA 646·5025 NEWPORT BOUL E .. ARO A •• 9 .... ~. cos TA -.csa "HIT: RClf r Of YMt Liit lfCt•" 1"1 , ... 11 0 t'\11 m vrm• ,,,, H I edwards CINEMA WEST 89t .3935 f s •v111s. ER '. GO• DlllWES. wts•1r1111s T[R "'11 IUD 11•1 ''MAll"IPl·111 _,...,,,11 tH '111Pf11IDY SfflnlC lllAI' r~ tJI ... fh.r , .. t \ '",..'*" C&J I £ff r~ Ill .. t11oon t .& .... edwaras ~UNT 1NGTON 848-0388 ~' l " O C o All,' '' '"'"' (,. ~ M ~· ·~<-' , .... e1 ,, .. ........ ._ ... tllllW?WI ........ ,,.1 t'9 '"' • l - "" -u C.S Ml WAii lO Uft fW'' IPCI t M t H ,.,. eowaras UNIVER S·T'f 854·881 1 • Al,IP _ ~ '.i>< o\ l S' ',-, ~ ~ A~~,~. '"' _ Y .... -'?IUCI I ''lflftUTfl, . .• ,... ~ Ram JI mA" !" IPC-111 1UU1 ft..111 __ ... __ ... __ _._ -~· .. Tl 12••---''"".;...;.;.,, ... ;...;;.;. __ "Lal. . ...... UUICA" Ill . ..._..s ....... ,.,. 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TV LISTINGS fVENN) -ld!O-• a e o NEWS e 80IOU IUDOIES 1 HART TO HART THAEE'8 CO.WNn eSTARTIB • IU81HQ8 AEPOAT e> MITE COURSE (J)C88NlWS a!NICNEWS e HOT SEAT HOruNE ®MOVIE . * * "A Ritt Breed" (1982) Gtotge l<ennedy. Forrest Tucker <S)MOYIE * * * "Racing With The Moon" ( 1984) Sean Penn. Elftabelh McGo- vern. -1:30- GNICNEWS · 1 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ~·/LEHAEA NEW9HOUR • IWIC!TING Cll NEWS 9 BAANEY ta.LEA Cit Wtel. OF FORTUNE '9VIDEOZOO -7:00- 8 CIS NEWS I S 100.000 NAME THAT TUNE PflVATE 8ENJAaM GAICNEWSQ "DA.LI.AS (!)NEWS e THE'S COVPNn I WHEE. OF FORTUNE MATTER OF TASli (I) P.M. MAGAZINE 0 EHTEATAIMHT TONIGHT ~~AAOY * * * "The Dresw" ( 1983) Albert [%)~ Courltnly * * * "The F.ntn Idol" ( 1949) Ralph Rictlardton, Bobby Henrey 12 OH THE rJ:- Cll FMll. Y FEUD THATIWCAEDa.E mONL.A.' WKAP .. CINCINNATI ~A/V( Wl.D, Wl.D WOAlD OF NIMAL8 8> THIS OlD HOUSE Cll SAN DIEGO AT LAAOE ttl PlOPl.FS COURT • AAaNO FROM SANTA AMT A NOT NECESSAAll Y 8HIGlETS -7:50- • BEST OF VIOEOLOO -l:00- 8 (J)SPACE Q CllA-TEAM .MOYIE • • • "Madigan ( 1968) Richard Widmarll. Henry Fonda 8 (])) THAEFS A CAOWO G JOKER'S WILD (!) WKRP IN CINCIHHA Tl e ENTERT AIHMENT TONIGHT DRABBLE GARFIELD MOON MULLINS LAP Do~ ... eMOYIE t • • ''t A Tr1oosand CIO'ftrns (19651 Jason Robards Barry Got· don 8D HCVA GD ROITUNE 6D MOTIVATlONAl. DOQ IMEHTAAY (C)MOVE * • • • "WulherlllCJ Heights ( 1939) Laurence 011v1e1 Mefie Oberon CHJMOVIE t * '" "Ma~iog Tile Grade I 1984) Md Nel50n. Dana OIS8fl SJ HEARTBREAK HOUSE -1:30- • (II) FOUL..uPS. BLEEPS & 8UJNOEAS II TIC TAC. DOUGH (!) LOVE BOAT m P.M. MAGAZIN! C)BOLDOHES -8:00-... Cit AIPT1QE I L WHO'S THE BOSS? MSW <WFFIH •FAOHTLH Ii> NOYA (Q)MOVIE * • ·~ "Vldeodrome' ( 1983) James Woods. Deborall Harry ro YOYE ***'""Local Hero ' (1983) Petet Rlegert. Bur1 l.ancastet -t'.30- • ®l HAIL TO THE CHIEF (!)MOYIE • • * Tile Secret OI Santa V1no- ria ( 19691 AnthOny OulM Anna Magnam ln Pl.EASE DON'T LET ME DIE -10:00-0 3 REMIHGTOH STEELE emeNEWS D al MACGAUDEA & LOUD I LOUORAHT A GENERATION APART CD THE LMNG Pl.MET: A PORTRAIT OF THE EARTH maoXJHG (C)MOYIE • • "Big Bad Mama" ( 1974) Angoe Olcilinson. W1U1am Sl'latnt!f t HJ MAXMJM SECURITY • (S}MOVIE • • "~e's Murder · ( 1984) Debta Winge<. Mark Keytoun -10:30-., INDEPEHOEHT NEWS Et ' THE LAUNOROMA T (())MOYIE • • "Jeremy· I 19731 Robby Benson Glynnis 0 COMOf -11:00- tl a a ()) ®J a HEWS 8 TAXI Cl BURNS AHO Al.LEH • JEFfEASONS 8) BAANEY MU.LEA fill MONTY PYTHON'S Fl YING aACIJS '1) Mlu.EA'S COURT t21MOVJE * *'. Smithereens ( 19821 l~f.. POl..UAi \.()(X:,f.. 16 1-l~\/ING Ii? ANl'olO~L. ~\)t-lO- l2M€>1N& ~t~f..I IN Cps~ I <qeT MARRIED, LORD R How Do You )<f:EP FROM <iETTIN~ DISHPAN ~ANDS? JUDGE PARKER .. ------...... --~ -------- • by Tom Batluk DOONESBURY Trudeau I • .,...,. ,., I \-...... "' THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "I'll dance with your bottom half." DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ketcham ~ '~ER FOLKS IJ.fIJTO NNJC. HER ~~fT. Au. lHE GOOD NAMES WEP& TAt<~N . • by Kevin Fagan by Jim Davis by Harold Le Doux SHOE ~.IT, , ~~· AH, 10/J6 )QM:; A641NI m€ STOK't. 8€H!NfJ lfU !HIS Cll!' Be 5</r+1MEfJ VP IN (I) 5AY. llOW '8(}(/( A Pflfe' ( 1 / 50flf<Y .. 1 (N,Y ft.AY SMl'16l€6<JNNl€5 WlrH MACHO PRO Wf<E5TUR.5 " VAKN 1HAT 5VD1lt1 fEft?lllf/£ · /llANIPVlffflON /! 100 5€NT€NC€5 (/(fef<€1? IN A !?€CENT CONV!fl..5MtON: TUMBLEWEEDS BRIDGE -------- East-West vulnerable. North deals. WEST • 92 <;? Q965 0 J860 •n NORTH + AKQ8 IV K 8 0 1072 •A 1087 EAST • 164 <;?AJ032 0 Q!§ •QJ95 SOUTH • J 1053 c;, JH 0 AK9 • K64 The bidding: North Eut South Weit J. PHt 1 • Paa 2 + Pa11 2 NT Pa11 4 + p.,. Pa11 Pa11 Opening lead: Three of •. Look a.round for an txlra chance. More often than not, to combine more than one line costa nothing. Conaider this example. North It on the borderline for a jump to three spades. Becau e or hi• concentration of 1trenA"th in apadea, his hand cont.aina a lot of IOHn. 10 he elected lo take the con rvatlvt path and rtlH to only two spades. South w11 not aure that his partner had four~rd-a~ttppOrt, so h~ o~ by Tom K. Ryan ~A"( SOMe;H1N61b CHS-ER ME-OP. y I~ FACT, THIS 1D'i IS ~ ~WT'IOHAR\' •.. A f I ! • i by Pat Brady 1WAT OHLY IHTELUGEH'r, COHaRllP PAR£HtS CAN~ IT! IT COSTS NOTHING made the most descriptive rebid and North knew exactly where he wanted to play. To the first triU. declarer played the seven of clubs 1\-om dummy and captured Ea1t'1 nine with the king. Declarer drew three round• of trumps ending In hand, and It aeem· OMAR ~~ SHARIFF llm' ~ ed that the contract would hln1e on either a 3-3 club 1pllt or finding the ace of heart.a with West. Aa you can see, neither of t hete chances were to mat.eriaJlze, but South found yet another arr<>w in hi1 quiver. He led a low club and lnffrted the table'• eisht, lo.Ing to Ea1t'1 jaclc. Back came • diamond. Declarer won In hand with the kJnr and took the prt.eaut.lon of ca.shins the ice or diamond• before test.Ing the clubt. suits. so when he won the rourth club he had to lead a heart up to the king. Declarer thus lost only one heart. Whal if East still had a diamond lo return after being thrown in with the club? Declarer would ruff and lead a.heart.~nd the contract would CHARLES GOREN still be made if West had the ace or lhal suit. Declarer's foresight In cashing the second diamond simply increased his poasibilities of making the contracl at absolutely no COit to himself. When West 1bowed out on the next f..._9f ......_.tlea abo.t CMriM lead, declarer ro-. with the ace and GiiiJ'•~ Hwtletter fer ~· returMd a club, alutnnr hla lo.ins ,..,_., t.-O..a lrWp Leu.t, diamond ftom hand. Aa ll happened, JM ~-a. .. An., Cle••a.. Eat-had-been stripped of alt tkk--. N.J eM77.----- I --- ___ .., lllt Tt:lmlAY. APRlt::~1985 I :J=:t=:I ============================;============================= Brlteln'a Smith wine lloeton .M•r•thon ·ltl•ln. 112. OZ;Jle Smith ............ MW .... , .... , • ..,.__ ............. ~. Getting to the H( e )art of it ' ' '. # T heToddHartStory: e'smaktngthe most of it ... and quite a bit more You'll sec nevery day-whether you're listening to the radio, watching television or reading the newspaper -the plight of someone's tough moments and the hopes and am bi- t ion to make 1t better. What you don't hear. or sec. or read. is that same topic three weeks. three months or three years later. Today's story doesn't carry over on a day-to-day basis. but reality does. It's been 21h years since Todd Hart. a young Long Beach State defensive back went down in a heap on the Rose Bowl turf and his story has been well- documented on the courage 111akes to climb a mountain after becoming a quadriplagic from a broken neck. His progress has been remarkable, to the ex tent that he 11ow drives himself to school and to therapy for treatments in a specially equipped van. one which gives a quadriplegic the ability to steer with one hand and accelerate and break wtth another. But Todd's REA/ progress goes beyond the physical aspect. What has the one-time Serv1te High School star really climbing mountains has been his continuing dnve to help others who have been physically crushed· in athletic acci- dents. It's the locomotive that keeps the day-in and day-out loneliness a(ld drudgery in perspective. And regard· les~ of attention. tt isJonely, and it is Roe ER CllLSOI PREP SPORTS drudgery. Next up in that program 1s a 'pec1al golf tournament at El Niguel Couotl") Club. designed to funnel funds to deserving athletes. "Todd received so much press that fans of a lot of other injured peoplL have contacted him:· S3)'i hie, dad. Wyatt Hart. a resident of San Juan Capistrano. "For instance. JU!>l rcccntl) a ll' wlr9Pflolo Thomae Heam• le carried from the ring Monday night ae Marvin Hagler celebrates ln baclt,(round. The fight ended at 2 :01 of the thtra round. Hearns made fS:tal mistake He decided to s lug it out with Hagler .. but not for long •Related st or}. BJ L AS VEGAS (.\P)-The ph)'i1cal pain of Marvelou\ Mar-.1n Haglcr''i punches lingered. but Thomas Heam!> fell the pain of loi;ing,even worse "It huns." a dejected rt earns said after a third-round knockout Monday night shattered his dream of a third world title. It took Hearns about 45 m1nutc'i to compose himself enough after the bout before speaking. and the angu1<,h was still there -on h1'> face and in the tone of his mu tcd '01cc. "I had to show I dcscr' cd o;ome respect.'' he o;a1d of h1o; dcns1on to sl ug 11 out with the onrushing Hagler. "He came runmng 1n and I had to protect m)sclf" It turned out to be a fatal mistake a., Hagler shook olT SC\Cral hard right hands. then came back with som1.· thundering shots to the head and bod) to "car Hearns down and finall) 'itop him eight minutes and om· second into the scheduled I ~-round fight. The loss. onh the second of h" career. came 10 the same Caesar-. Palace parking lot where he Y.a'> knocked out in September I 9~~ h) ugar Ra~ Leonard. Hearn\ caml· ·back from that bout to win the I 54- pound title he s11ll holds and 'O\H'd he'd be back again. ' ''I'm not putting my head down:· he 'ia1d. ··1 feel I'm a winner and I shall return. I did it once before and I'll do 11 again." Whether that's aga1n'it Hagin n·· ma1nc; to be seen. hut Hearns <,aid he'd Ii i..e another chance "It doesn't stop here lf1t happened once. let's do 1t again." he said "\\c ga'c the people what the) de,cncd ''hat the} pa id for" Rut a rematch would IX' hard- presscd to li ve up to the nono;tor action that began when Hagler rushl'd out and 1hr1.·w a wild right and ended with referee Richard Steele waving Hearns out alll·r hl' '>truggkd ro h1!> feet at the rnunt ot mm· "I h<l\cn't l.l'l'O \h..it mulh action 1n three roumh l'H'r .. '31d the \Cteran rekre1.· "I t..nl''' I h.•tl him in the third round Jttl·r hl ''1.·nt had. c;Jo"' (to his 1.orncr) ..11!1.•r the 'econd round.'' Hagler 'k.lltl ··1 c1rnrn~ 1001.. some good ho<h '>h•1t' l'lut I lrh him tmng altn lhl' fir,t 11H10d .. Hclgk1 J 1Jn·t tm· dc,p111.· a firo;t round th.II m.1, ran k among ho\ing'\ IX'R Y.1th hnth lighter' trading. and connl'l't1nia "1th thl·1r tx·)t punches. "When I came o~I told m) 1ra1m.·r. . 'I fed gnod 1on1gh\.'" Hagler -..1lcl "I knt'" "hat that nwant -'><>md·l<Hh ha<. w fall " · f-m llagl1.•r till' light "a' thl' uilm1nat111n uf h1<. dream ot earning tug nrnnl'\ cur to $10 million. depending on 1h1.' l lo~·d l ircu11 ticket <.alc<.l. and g.a1n1ng the recogn111on he hac, fell ha<; al\\:t\Hlutkd him 1'ilh' h1.•'ll need .rnoth1.·r goal and 11.lglcr \\J\tcd no tlnH' 'il'lllng 1t "I'm <.till Jftl'r ({ Jrlo<.1 \1onzon., record (ol I .t \ml'e\sful m1ddk"l'tgh1 111lc dl'fen~<.).'' he ~Id "That'<, nc\I for me" Eric Zeno to play at La Quinta He'll play QB for his fa th e r ; Lance s tays at FV By ROGER CARLSON , Of IM Oall7 ...... 11.tf Fountain Va lle) High Quancrbad. Eric Zeno. a 6-4. 2()().pound Junior who completed 50. 7 percent of his passts ( 71 of 140 for 977 yard'i and 8 touchdowns) before lo'ltng hts stan- '"l)Ob. will be pas~ing the ball for La Quinta High nc,Mt'nson Zeno's fa ther Joe. 1'i thl' head coach at La Quinta Lance Zeno. Em"• hmther. o 6·4. 24.S-pound All-< I I-D1"1<.1on I and Sunser League Lineman of the '<'IH wall remain 01 I ounlatn Vaill'' for h1\ \Cntor year Joe 7cno !>&\'he will he 'l\\tllhing hts current qu.ir1crh1u:\.. Hart L!'-«ktcnwald. to running hack to ~c room for Lm .. Rc.du:n~uld and the Aztecs went 9-2 in I Q84. "Fountain Valley was a fine .ex- perience for Eric." says hi s dad. "but they had to make a decision and felt he could help at tight end. That's understandable. If the situation was reversed at my school I'd proh3bly have to do the same thing. But our goal 1s for Eric to be a profes'l1onnl qualt't'roock and to leave quarter'bac\.. for a year would be a very difficult 1rans111on .. Thr 7enos will be required to ch:inge residence (Lance ha'I the optlCln of remaining at f ountain Valle)) and Joe Zeno admm tt'\ a financial hurdcn "It·~· going to co'lt U\ quite a btt ot monc). but 1t'<1 m} )Oungcst son and our ln'lt opportun1t). ··we haven't 'Norled tt out vct but "r'll at least have a contract tor mo\ ing this summer in order for [m to be with us 1n ~pnng pract1tc He'll fin1c;h out hic; volle' hall ~ason at J nun lain Vnllc)." · 7rno \\'8\ replaced h\ fohn r~·.1n :\I (PlMH 1ee ZEN0/82) Ede Zeno yo ungster from Mex ico contacted him and asked him 1f he would cut a tape for htm and send 11 to him. Todd did better than that. he Ocw dowrt to see him. "You know. it's not an eas) situation.'' continues Han. "My wife, Sue. and I went with them and we spent a week there." The basics of any v1s1t to a quadnpleg1c ts one thing. the one-on- one from one qualdnpleg1c 10 another 1s quite another. . "They'd go ofT. by themselves. "here the) could talk the language.'' 'ia)S Hart. Todd Hart. who turns 22 on July 8. 1s hopeful of going one-on-one with another )oung tcr soon -a )'Oung man named John Wi ssel of Cinc1n- na11. who broke his neck playing football last season. He's at the Shnners Hospital 1n Chicago now. but the Hans hope to get him out to the golf tournament May 6 where most of the proceeds are ticketed toward Wissel and others like him. Ar[long the cclcbnt1es who'll be golfing, according to Hart. arc former heavyweight Jerry Quart"). former- Ram Rick Saul, Ram linebacker Carl Ekern. C1ncinnat1 Bengal Turk Sc hoftert .(another Scrvne product) and possibly Kenn) Anderson of the Bengals. Also on hand will be Case\ Tibbs. a nine-lime all-around "orid cham- pion in rodeo. along "-Ith golf pro Jack Ewing Eighteen hole of golt. cocktails. dinner and an auction arc among the day's intineral"). but the real highlight 1s the basic purpose -to help an athlete who descn-es a hand The cost of the event. "'h1ch begins at 11 :30 a.m .. 1s S 1.000 per foursome with tee prize.s. dinner for two and celebnty 1n that quartet included For the dinner and auction onlv 11'~ a $50 tab. For more information contact Dec Dec St. Clair at 835-2323. ,.,.....,._ Todd Hart'• road to recovery from a broken neck le being made easier with bl• involvement ln helping othere. Volleyball: Zahn: Nothing for Ed~son, ~v · something pays off V1kes win Edison Hlgh'a volleyball team remained ahead of the pack In the Sunset League Monday night with a sweep over Westminster to highlight action. Here's a look at how things went: Edlaon 3, WHtmlneter 0: The Chargers tuned up for Wednes- day's showdown with Fountain Valley with a sweep of the Lions (15-10, ts-5. 16-14) at West- minster. · Edison. atop the Sunset League at 8-0, received some guality performances from setterCEddle Rapp, a junior who recorded 10 kllls, and Tom Prow. a senior who registered 23 assists. Also with outstanding play for the Chargers was senior outside hitter Chris Carpenter. who drove In a team-high 18 kllls. and senior middle blocker Grayson OuBose. whose eight solo blocks topped all others. Martna 3, Huntington Be.ch 1: The Vikings. who had lost four straight entering the game, ended their longest such streak since 1979 with a convincing 15-11, 15-2. 12-15. 16-14 win over the Oilers. lifting their Sunset mark to <4-5. Marina, however. needed a last- minute comeback In the fourth and dectllve game to win It as the visiting Oilers held leads of 12-4 and 14-10 before the Vikings. behind the fine serving of Rob Rosenblatt. won. Fountain Velley 3, Oceen Vlew 2: The Barons. fighting for the third and final playoff spot. were down 2-0 to the Seahawks before win- ning 15-4, 15-13. 15-5 at Ocean View. Craig Stead and Tim John- son helped FV pull off the come- back by combining for nine btoeks In the decisive game Cop Bowl set Friday at OCC The se' enth annual Orange Count~ (op Bo" I 1'> on tar Fnda' night at Orange Coast Collegr (7·'0l. p1tt1ng the police dcpart- ment<;of(mta Me\3. Huntington Beach ~nd In inc against a grnup lrom (iarden Gro"e. Buena Park and fullenon ff1untain allc ) ll1gh foothall coach M1\..l• Mlln1.~r and h" staff will handk the ( osta Mc'><I· .Huntington lkal'h-lr-.ine tt·am and Pal·1fil'a High'-; 8111 Cra,en coache<. the oppos1t1on The gam<' ra1'ied °'er SI 00 000 in I Q84 acrording to a Co'ita '-'lc..a Pohcc Ocpanment spoll·'lman Bum 'tl'llm °"' td Rothenhcrg ~ill ht an .illendanct and the pme·s honoraf) captain 1n ab<icntt 11 Laura Rradhul"\ nt Huntmaton Rcat h the 'oung \..1dnap '1ct1m R:im chccrleaden and pla'n' (Nol:in ( rnm~ell. Carl H ern and RCUtt' [)oc;41) are ~ht'\tukd to t'C on tht' 'l1dt'ltnc!t " His off-speed pitches tantalize Twins. 5-0; Narron . Jones homer \11:-.::--..E-\POLI\ 1-\PI -.\t fir'>t C1eolT Zahn'c; off-speed p11C'hes look like no1p1ng spe1. 1al But "'hen that base~ll gl'h tu thl' plate. h1~ changcup 1s som.:thing l'l'>l' "Geoffs plan 1s to thro" \UU nothing ''hen ~ou're loot..1ng tor something and something "hen ~ou'rc luol..ing for nothing.'' .\ngds :vtanager <.1ene Mauch said \lo nda' after his left-hander blanl.1.·d \f1nnc- sota. 5-0 to spoil the T""''. homl' or>1:na ... It tooi..., like nothing till 'ou'rr . a~are of 11 and lhl'n 11'<, soml·th1ng .. .. ~fr U'>(.'d about 60 l'hangeup., .. '>Bid ~11nm.·sota"' 1-..L·nt Hrbc.·k "ho lil.1.• thl· rl''t ofh1 c, tl·am 1\ struggling Jt thr plate ··He 'hll\\1.'d me a lot ol different stull ·· The ~ .,ear-old lJhn 1-0 "ho allo"cd .,1,-h1t\and \trul i.. nut tour in p1tch1ng h1'!i 20th caren 'hutout o.atd he took ad,antage of thi: l..ict that the T"1ns are one of the ,,1ung1.•\t lt'am-. 1n haschall "I 1u'1 k.rpt thl·m 1111 halann· .. hl' \aid ":\fo1.t 'uun~ h..illrl..i'l'r' an: fo'>thall hitter~·· Th1.· same could 11.: '-lid .1bl1u1 thl' -\ngcls' P.'.l ppert J11nl'' Jnd km ;\iarron -each tagged 1 "'n' \lancr \1 11.c Smithson for J "'lo h•'Oll' run To~llt'• tame None 9Chedu'9d. WEDNUDAM GA.IE An11ll (Staton 0-0) at Minne. sot• (Butcher 0-0). Time: 5:30 p.m. TV: None. Radio: KMPC (710). "I didn't lla'e an~thing tonight.'' ..aid m1th,on I· I. "ho surrendered a maJor-lt'..igue-lcading 35 homers last :-car ·1 had no break.1ng ball. So I thre"' la'>thal11. tu Jones and Narron nght do"n the tubt· \ ou can't g1"e a lastball hitter thoc,e l..inds of pitches." [)c<;p1u· the homers. howe' er. T"1n\ \1anager Bill~ Gardnt"r thought (,,m1th,on pitched well l'nough h) "in "II \A.Chad any olTe nse at all .. Th1.· Im' d1..appuinted a crowd of 'd II.XI and "a' th1.· T"-tnS fifth 1n a fll\\ altl'r thi:\ opened the season with t"n 'll tone~ at .\nahe1m tad1um. (1ardncr ..aid Hrhe\.. ·, problc.>ms were J i..c, "V. e g1't n11 otlcn~ going." he said V.l· g.rl tht• h1g gu' hitting and ~e·11 tx· ..ill right .. Hrtxk f1n11.hed -.ccond in the \m1.·ri,an I eaguc·., :vtost Valuable Pla,cr \"Jrd \Ot1ng last )Car and \1gned J lulratl\e l'Ontract in the ofT- )ea.,,rn Rut he 1s 2-for-~5 in this \OUO(LC{l[l1pa1gn -an .080 average Duncan and Diaz? They lead Dodgers I0\-\,(1[1~\ \1'1 th1· . p..1\t thl' lo' \n~H'il' 1>1xljll f' h,I\ l' 11.:en i.. no" n tor ,,11iJ \l..irll n~ Pll• h 1 nf and a po"nful .. t.1r11ng linl·ur But the gu" lnming ,,11 thl t-..·nlh ha,1.· tx1.·n grahh1n1,11hl·ir ,h.ir,· •t thl' 'Pnthght lall·h R11nl.1e ,e,·onl1 h.1'1.'m.10 \l.iri.1011 Dunran "ho "J' 1...ilkd up lr11n thl minor lcagu''' 11nh tx·1...1U'I. .1 t11urk oftront-llnrr' \\l'r,· 1n1un·d .ind l11ntz rrltl'\l'I ( arl''' D1..11 \'l'fl' 1 hl' 'tao..111 \tond..1\ ' ' \ '..1111•n.1I 1 1·.1~.\tl' ha.;chali '11.111n 1ncr the 111111,ton -\ \tro<, Dunl.tn "a' 111,r1h·d 111111 llH hneup in 1h,· t·11,t 1nn1n1,1 \1. hl'O 'l.'uind ha<-cman \h '' ,. \,I\ r1·in1un·d h1' r 111-ht leg Ht' l'' l'ntu..ilh p11n 1dnl th1.• tz..inw ,(1nntntt bl1m "1th h1' tir't h1~·k.11Wl' homl' run Th1•n 1'1.11 "·I' tht l\l'ntuJll' \\lnntr r111.hln).:, thrt'I.' ~1Hl'l1.'"> In ninti' I >1.11 tool.. thl· mnund "ht•n \tarh•r ( )r,·I I kr,h1'1.'r kit tht• ga ml' tx·,au'I.' 111,11f1nt'"1n hi\ lo"t'r hal i.. :ittt·r t11ur 1nn•n>!' "\\ l' h,1\ ,. 1 11111d1 'trnntil'r tx·m h t h.1n ~ 1ml f'\'1 1pk h.1 \ l' g1' l'n U'> l rL•d 11 t.11 ...i1d I )1a1 "h1• ra1\C'd h1' r,·, 111d • 111 ~ 1 t h' ".111c11n11. thn-t• hit' anti qnl.1nt?1111t thrt't ",ind ~C' 't"\'m tn tll d111ng 1•111 hnt \\111k 1n thl la h inn1njl' •. rh.il JI lca't "~'the"·'' II "l'nl \hintl<H \ltrr l>unlan hlfll.. '"l'I li1r \.i\ "h11 ",), 1ntur~<l "hill ~1111n11. in the bntlum ut th,· lir~ 1nninll h,· \\;ilf.;cd Tonight'• game Houston (Knepper 0-0) et Dodger• (Brennan 0-0) Time. 7·30. TV None. Radio KABC (790) .ind <.u1rC'd ~in unl·arned run on Ped ro ( rUl'rrnn·-. -..H ntin· tl\ II•'" n l r 1 h, \ <.t W '> '4.·on·J J run 1•tl lfrr'h"..r in thl' '4.'lCIOd "h1.·n J"-.c c ru; "ngkJ .1 nJ \L t1n·d ''" \1 a rt.. R.11 k' '" n(!k t h1•n wok a '·I k•ad in th,• 1h1rd 11n krn \fum rhrl'' ·, l"-1l- 111n 111 pll I '" \nl(rl'·' pulkd 111 "1th in a run 111 thl' h1ur1h "hl'O \11i..,• \1ar.,hall \IO~kd .ind n,·ntualh 'lOH'J .1111,thl'I um·.trnnl 1 un on a flJ<.'><'d h:ill Thl' l~xlticr\ th1.·n t1l•d thl' 'u1n 1n thl' '"th "l11·n \l.ir.,hall "all.,•J .ind ""r1.'ll 11n \1d Rrl·.1m' .._.., riltlt' th I hrn n11n,an Jd,kd th,· g.im l· "1nn,•1 till "''t'r .h~ '-1cl ro 111-~111n .1 lu ll lttllnt .1nd I 1"1 \nF,rlC'> ~enl nn 111 "1\rt' :ln 10\U1.1nl'e run in thC' Ct[lht h "'' 1d1n,·1 Rill 1>.1 .... 1c, < 1urrrC'n• ~aU .. 1."tl ~nd ~ol't"d on a \u1c1dc· "iQUt't '' bunt "' Rill Ru'i'l<'ll for th, run ··1 d1dn·t do \C'r\ mud'\ to hdf) u' tonight ,,11,1 "'1el..1 0, "ho ,\l'o grounded into Jn inn1n,-\·ndin1 J()uhle Jib' 1n thl' '('(On~nma ~--------------~-----.. ~~----~- ___ _.. _____ _ ·~-------,. Or8nge Coal OAILV PILOT/Tu.day, Aprll 18. 1985 He stopped for a few seconds~ _ then beat Boston Marathon field lhi. lHT'tt' of:! hour\, 14 m1nules. 5 second' was. the slowes.t \\ 1nn1na docking 10 the race 1Jl eight )t:ars. But tt wa a hulf mar&1n of\'1t'IOf) O\'erGa11 Tuttle, the '\7-~t'ar- old runner-up from Vent urn. who ran 2· 19: 11. . BO TON l P) -Ont moment. (1coff Sm 1th was running comfortnbl)· at a pace th~t would bnng him the \\Orld marathon rt.·cord The next moment, he was ~trugghng to wal~ and fighting for survival. Fa~ing lllllc compeuuon, he attac~cd the Bost.on Marathon rnur..,c \\ith a vcngcant-c Mon~). blas11 ng 1hrou~h thl' tif\I thn•c m1ks at a four-minute, 36-sccond- rx-r-m1lc pace. Just pa~l the .:!O-m1lc mark, though. his hamstrinKs attacked him., For mo t of the.-race. It \CC'mt'd Smith might break tc.'\t Jone,· world rcC'ord of 2·08.05. M"l la~t tall "' Chu.ago. "He.· was running a '>Ub-2:07 pate I K males. into the.· ran·:· s::ud Joe ( 'atalano. the.· runnt·r•; liaison for 1lw Boston l\lhlct1c Assoc1a11on. which orgamt es the race Mark Helgeson of C1nnnnal1 walt third 10 2.:! I I 5 followed b) Lou Supino of Colorado Spnng~. Colo .. in 2:21 :29 and Bobb> Do) le of Brn.ton rn 2:2 1.31. .\certain triumph had turned. m that instant. into an unct·rta1n fate .. Lisa Larsen Wc.idenbach·. of Marblehead. Mass .. who ti1mhcll fourth in the LI S. Olympic Trials last year . c.·aptured the womt>n's competition a~ expected. "It was a mutter of. wsll I finish." said the defending l'hamp1on. "Both legs cramped up and I couldn't move tht•m fo rward. I had 10 stop." Hl' stood for a few ~conds. pa1nfull> began Jogging and graduallv increased his speed. "There was.n't real pressure on me today," said We1dcnba('h, whOSl' time of 2:34:06 was nearl} thrt•c.• minutes off her personal best and the slowest winning tum· 1n fiH· )Cars. "It was the harde~t marathon I've ever run " "I said ··1 can't let this happen, I've got lo kt•cp mu' 1ng ... said the determined former tirefightt'r lrom . . \ I 1,erpool. England. One-lactor con1nbu11ng 10 the slow 11me-s was the weather. The race was run on a sunn) allernoon w11h tc.·mperature-s approaching 70 dt>grees. He ~cpl moving, worked the cramps out and. despite pa1od1c recurrences of the lightening in his thighs that hrought gnmaces to bis face, destroyed the mediocre field b) more than fi ve minutes in the 89th runnjng of the race Catalano. who also ser,cs as We1dcnbach's coach. "called me at I 0 (a.m.) and said 10 me 11's terrible out there. JUSI go out to '"In. lorget about running a ~~ time. It would take a httk too muc.·h encrg~ to push 1t. she said. SPORTS BREAK $2 111illion-plus for Ozzie SDlith 111akes hi111 NQ. 1 Speler's sacrifice lifts Cubs Pinch-h11terCbrls Speier's sacrifice fl y • 1n the eighth 1nn1ng gave the Chicago Cubs a .:!-I 'KIO') over Philadelphia in National League action Monday. The Cubs ha ve Ozzie Smith 6n Monday became what his ST . .LOUI -All-Star shortstop • agent claimed was baseball's hjghest-paid player by agreeing to a four-year contra,ct . \\On three in a row and fi,e of their last six games ... In other National League games. Nick Esasky stroked ('incinnati's first home run of the season. a two-run shot 1n th~ fourt h inning. and Dave Van Gorder knocked 10 thret.• runs as the Reds held off Atlanta Braves 9-8. The Reds. who had scored only six runs in l't. four straight losses after an open- ~ ing day victory. pounce-d on extension through 1989 with the St. Louis Cardinals. "In terms of dollars and cents, 1t makes him the highest-paid player." said Ed Gottlieb. the infielder's agent."( think the highest contractsare<Mike) Schmidt and (George) Foster at $2 mllhoo. Ozzie's contract for the fo ur-year extension 1s in excess ofS2 million." Negotiations witb Sm 1th had begun in earnest last month. and at one time it appeared hkel} he \\Ould be traded. ·Tm happ~ and hopeful!} the organization is happy. It's a great da) ." said Smith. "At one time. 11 didn't look good. I haH great memories here ... __ Gottlieb said the final nq~o- 11atini point was a provision permitting Smith 10 buy a d1s- Smith tribulorship from Anheuser- Busch C'os. Inc .. owner of the Cardinals. He will work for the brewery beginning with the next off-season. Gottl ieb said the P.rovision was worked out late last week. with fi nal details ironed out Monday morning. He said his client's contract was guaranteed. meaning . the club will pay Smith even if he 1s incapacitated b} ln1ury. Braves starter Pascual Peret. 0-1 . for five runs 10 the first inning. Dale Morphy contmued his torrid stan for the Braves. wi th a two- run double and an RBI doublr 1n Ii ve at-bats. He 1s I 1-for-23 this season w11h four home runs and 23 RBI . Bill Almon singled home t .... o Pittsburgh runs in the fourth inning and the Pirates Marpby ended the pre' 1ousl) unbeaten Ne" York Mets' five-game winning streak. 4-1. behind rookie starter Mike Bielecki and ney, I~ con' erted rc.'11e"er J ohn Candelaria .. Onie Smitb, who signed a lour-\ ear COntral'( extension worth more than $2 m1lhon per ~cason earlier rn the da)'. belted his eighth l·arcer home run to help the St. Louis Cardinals win their home opener with a 6-1 triumph over the Montreal Expos . . Carmelo Martinet , removed from the disablCli list earlier in the dav. slammed two home- runs. including a gra.nd slam, as the defending I:Jat1 onal League champion an Diego Padres won their home opener. 8-3. over the San Francisco Giants. A crowd of 54.490. the largl'St ever for a Padres· regular-season gJmc. 'law Eric Sbow, 2-0. hm11 San Francisco to one run on three h11i. over seven innings. It was Show's second v1ctol) of the ~ear over the Giants. Quote of the day Gallagher wins golf tourney Rocky 9rid0M, a coach for the San Francisco Giants, on shortstop Jose GonzaJez, who this spring changed his name to Uribe Gonzalez and then decided he wanted to be known at Jose Uribe: It ~ TTIE Rl'RG. Miss. -Jim Gal-n lagher Jr of Palm Beach Gardens. Fla .. captured the 1985 Magnolia Golf Classic Monda' with a sudden-death pla}off "1c1of) ·o.,er Paul .\zinger of La Place. ~· Gallagher birdied the first hole ol the playoff to take the title. "Jose truty was the player to be named later." ZENO ••• From Bl the stan ol the founh quaner against Edison (the c;cvcnth game) and Peart rallied the Bnrons to \.1ctory, eventu- al!\ completing 35 of 50 passes for 453 )ards and 3 TD~ 1n the final J- plu'I gamr'i Leno threw JUSt twice in that span. completing one. "i.\n\t1mc we lose a kid we're not real happ~ ... !Ml}S Fountain Valle} ( oach Mike Milner. "But he wants to be a quartcrbat k and his father fell 11 "as 10 h1!> best interest .. lt.\.\ac; the ho) s' dec1S1on to begin at Fountain Valle\ 1n their own district. auording to ·their dad. and it's l.a ncc'c; dens1on to <1ta' at Fountain \ alle' "I neH·r ti.·ll ...,e had to pla} one I Fm l lor the other I Lance I to <ita} :· <..i\\ M1lnl·r "Our program 1s such that th e most de!>en 1 ng "ho comes up \.\Ith the big pla}s and \.\1th sou~d lundamentals 1<, going to pla}. '-'e re not hurting at quancrback." In addition to Pean (6-0. 185). the Baron<1 ha'l' Jim Bloomer (6-0. 175) and Roh Brigg' (o-tJ, 1751 at quar- terhac J.. lot· /l'no '"\"his son mu!lt l'Urn the 'pot .11 4uart1:rbnck. but in the same hrt'a1h adm11' Rcc ktenwald wa!. play- ing out of po\1t1on ac; a Junior. ··we rnt1H'd hi m to quancrback. What he \\.1ntcd "a" tu hf a running back." ,J,'>/t•no McEnroe tops Lendl I "'C rl I \.\ 0 0 1> I .\ Pl -'\n rankc.·d John '\1lf ntoe 'ltrugglt·J to dctc.11 th1rd-r.11,J..ed han Lt•ndl 6-4. .,_(\and X-h 1n the tiebreaker Monda\. night 1n the opening matchL'' o t tht• C:han1pion..,h1p f l·nn1\ C hallL·ngl' '\~!> ·\.imn K Ill k'\1 1.·111 Jekall'd llll' ;-.Jn<,la\e fl.4. 6-1 10 thl' lir\t m.lll h ol the night \1d nroe \t't a IJ't pnt t' to hreak I ('ndl. who tried 111 '>CrH' nnd "nllc) 111 the fir~t gaml' ol the opening '"''I Md-nroe forced l cnJI 10 t omm1t numerou~ error-.. 1nd uding the gn me- t.•nd1ng y,1de forehand McFnroe then fough t bat k from hrcak point. hitting .l drop 'hot to hold hi\ ~r"t' and takt• a ~-0 lend Li·ndl follov.ed b) hn ld•nF <ier\C The matches. ofltnl·tl ttw \t'\~'n e .. ent round-rohin te nl\I\ 1.~:nt'\ .ll tht• Forum LEASE O R BUY fLI PRICIS AUTO & TRUCK llOKllS 491-1445 ' FoR THE RECORD ~ I I ., . MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS A~lcan LHgue WEST DIVISION w L Pct Ge Sea me 6 I 8S7 cP>ic:aQO ) 7 600 A""4' 3 4 •79 Oakla'ld 3 4 •79 M onnei.o•a 2 s 116 ' Kan \iH (.tv I ' 100 ' Texas 0 s 000 s EAST DIVISION Oe•ro•• s 0 I 000 8a1r1more 800 M ilwaukee ' 1 800 805ton 4 1 661 I Toronto ) j soo 2 I New York 1 ) •OO J C1eve1eno 0 s 000 s Mondav's Scon' Aneel' S M1nne,01a 0 Cnlcago 6 80,lon S 1t nn1t"IQ!ll Oakland 1 SH llll' ' Onlv games \Chl'dVl"tl TO<laV'' Gam•s 8all1more (Mart npz 0 01 at (itVl'land (Ruhle O· 11 Teos tMason 0 11 .i• T11•01110 1Lea1 O OJ Cr>1ca90 !Lollar 0 I 1 di New Vor•. (W1>irson O· 11 Mllwavkee t8urr.s I 0 al De•rool (Tf'r rell O·OJ n .eo\lon IC•emf'ns I 0 di ll.a11•d• C Iv I Jao ,on 0 01 n Seell•e tMorga n I 0 e• Oaklaod IYo.Jng O II n Onlv Qamt s 'C~l'dull'd W.clne,dav'' Games An994' a • Monneso•a 8a1t1more ar C1eve•and M11weukee at Of tro.1 Texas al Toronto Sea•t e a t Oa• ·ond 80\lon •' Ka nsu C1•v n Onlv oames 5cnedu I'd National Lt1eu• WEST DIVISION W L Atlanta Dod9en San D•l'QO San Fran<•>< n Hou, ton Clnflnn.tl 1 J ) ) 4 ' EAST DIVISION New vork S 1 Cn•cago S 1 Plltsburgn J l Monlrtal 1 4 SI Lou11. 7 ' Phil•dl'IOllre I S Mondav'' Scor.s Oodetf\ S Hovi.Ion 3 Clltc:e110 2. Pn111dt1onla I C1ne>nna11 9 Alla nte 8 P111,ouron • New Vor~ I St Louis " MonlrH I I S11n l)~o 9 San Franciuo J T..S.v'' G•fl'le'5 f'CI 661 571 soo soo 41'1 lll 833 833 soo JJJ 333 161 ca I I 1 1 J ) Hou1•on 1 K "flli>e• 0 01 •' Ooc!Mn tWelcn O·O n Pn11a~1ot-1a Kootm an 0 0 111 Crucaoo I Ecken~v 0 1 New York Oar no 0 01 "' Prt11ci<1rg1> COeLeo!' O 1 ., Cif'Connat ~to I 11 at At!41nta •Ca mo 0 I) n S.n Fra nc KO ILaPoont 0 01 at ~•" DHtOO 1Hawk•n\ 1·01 n On1v Of fne5 ''"'°"~ W9d11Kdalf'I Oam.\ lo40l;,lpn f l ~\ II PT111.0•loh'• er Chl<allO C1nc1n-1at1 •• A1r.an1a " llltw Vor' •• P1tts01.11011 n MQflrru l al St LOVI\ n On1v Ila,,_.\ SCllHUllHI AMERICAN LEAGUE Anoets S, Twins O CALIFORNIA MINNESOTA Pe•tls cf Carew to Downing If ReJ k1n rl OMlller rt Or<:nc:s ll> RJone' dh MC8 rno1> Gric:n 11> Narron c Gett>er 2b 8enloz oh W1lfon11 on Scnof,l<I n Total5 ab r II bl ab r n DI 4 o O O Pucket! ct • O I O 4 I I 0 Heit her fl • 0 I 0 S 0 1 0 Hrbek lb 4 0 I 0 4 O I 1 Smallv dh ' O I 0 I O 0 0 Srnn,kv rf 2 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 Gae II l 3D 4 0 0 0 4 2 2 1 Ga11ne u 4 0 I 0 1000 Teulel '.lO 4000 l I I O Laud ner c 3 0 I 0 7 l I I 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 s t 3 Total' J3 0' 0 Score bv 1nntr11" ~llfomla 010 100 110-S MinMHll 000 000 000-0 Game W1nnmg RSI -RJonu I 11 L08 -Cahforn1a 10 Mtnnesola 8 28- Hr!Mk Hatc:tier Carew HR-RJone1 I IJ. Narron I I I 58-RJC'\e \ I IP H q ER 8 8 SO c.tlf«nl• Zan.I' w 1·0 6 O o Minnesota Sm1tnson L I I 7 q 5 S J 1 Fll\On l·l 0 0 0 0 0 Lnanoer 1·3 O o o I O K1aw1ller I 1-J 0 0 0 I I Sm••Mon 01lched to lwo oatter s '" '"e "'""'" H8P-DeC1nces lbv Sm1t11son1 WP- Sm111'1,on. Lnander 7 T-147 A-Sl.190 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dod9ers S, Astros l HOUSTON LOS ANGE LES ab r I\ bi ab r II bl T11onu S 0 I 0 Sait 20 0 0 0 0 Pun! rt ' I 0 0 Dunca n 2D l 1 I I Walling Jo S 0 I 0 Lenorx cl i ooo Cruz If 3 2 I 0 Ot1vpr If J 0 0 0 Muonrv ct 4 0 I 1 Howello 0 0 0 0 SO•lmn lb 2 0 1 0 Guerrt r lb 2 I 0 1 CaMll lo 2 0 0 0 Marsnal rl J 1 1 0 8•1iev C 4 0 7 I Sc:1osc1a c 7 0 1 0 Ooran 70 J 0 I 0 Bream ID 1 0 0 I Daw'ev o 0 0 0 0 BRuue•u 4 0 1 I N eo.roo 3 0 I 0 Hfr \t\1sr o I 0 0 0 Ce nou'I o 0 0 0 0 Wn.tlloon 1 0 0 0 Pnkovl\ 71> 0 0 0 0 CD•.u o 0 0 0 0 Jol'lnstn 01> I 0 0 0 Mldndott I 0 0 0 Tot•I' lS ] ' ] Totals 27 s 1 • Scon bv lminos Houslofl 012 000 000-l L.o' A.,...., 100 101 1111 -s G•m• W1nn1ng RBI -Ounc:al'l 111 E--Ollver DP-Hou\lon I Lo' Angele' I L08 -Hou,ton 9 LO' Angetes 1 18- Mumohrtv HR-Ounc:an (1) S8-Dunc:a n 121 S-Sc:1osc la SF-Guerrero S rt>am IP H R E R e a so HOU51~ Nllkro L.O 1 6 I ) s ' Calhoun 7 ) 0 0 Dawrev I 2 I LH AnNle• Het,hlH r ' a C0111 w 2 0 3 0 Howen S 2 1 0 0 WP-N1ekro P8-8a1lt v A 76 !>41 Men's tevrnament C•IFervm, IMMWeed) I' Int lt.uN SIMiie\ 7 • J 0 0 0 l 2 0 J a 0 0 0 I 3 T-2 d Aaron "'"''''•'" IU S l def lht Nntas. IROl'l'aM•l l ' ' 6 I JOM MCEt1r oe (Us) dot Iv•" L•ndl ((ltCNWOV•kllll • 4 1 ' 11 61 Geoff Smith (left) and Llf& Larsen W~lden­ bach croH finish line to win men • and women'• dlvialon• in Boeton Monday. Cruz's hit sparks White Soz Tulane to drop all sporta? Julio Cruz h11 a t'Wo-run ~1nglc with • two out 1n the 11th inning. g1\ ing the Chicago White Sox a 6-5 'ictof) over the Boston Kcd Sox Monda} 1n Bo!>lon's _ annual Patriots' Da} game. Onie Guillen l~d ofl Chicago's rallv with a walk. and Greg Walker singled. The runners riwvcd up on a grounder to first base. and Cruz then lined a single to left off Bob Stanley to break a 4-4 tie ... El'iewherc in the American League Tuesda'y. the Oakland A's came from behind on consecutive home runs by Mike Heath and 1he red-hot Mike Davis 1n the fourth inning and went on to beat Seattle .• 7-4. handing the Mariners their first loss of the season to seven gamt:s. NEW ORLEANS -The Tulane m Uni\ ersity Senate voted· 42-5 Monday to rat1f\ President Eamon Kell)'\ recommen- dation to abolish the school's basketball . . program. which has been hit by. ch~rges 1nvolv1ng point-shaving. drugs·and NCAA viol~t1ons. . The senate also voted to establish a bluc-nbbon panel 10 study Tulane's continued participation in mtercollegiate athletics. The fin al step in the process to end the basketball program will be a vote by the school's Board of Directors on Thursday. and Kelly said he expects the board to endorse his recommendation. Kerbo honored by Paciflc-10 Monday's action by the senate came hours after bas~etball stars David Dominique and John "Hot Rod" Williams pleaded innocent to charges of bribery and conspiracy. WALN T CREEK -te,eKerho.a m produetofM1ss1on VicJO High 5chool. won Player of the Week honors in Pacifit·-10 track and field Monda}. The CLA hurdler had \\inning umes of 13. 70 in the high hurdles and 5 I 23 1n the 1n1er!lled1ate hurdles Washington 'ilate''t Tnrl' Gustalsson. who set a conference rec.·ord in the hammer w11h a toss of .:!.47-8, was also noted. Also pleading innocent on Monday were Roland Ruiz. 48. who has a gambling conv1c11on on his record. and Craig Bourgeois. 21. allcgcdl} the couner for money used to buy pla)'ers 1n what prosecutors describe as one of two separate but simultaneous fixes. Reaves sparks Tampa Bay In baseball. .\n1ona State outfielder Todd Brown and Washington pitcher C1ar) Blouin were accorded similar honor!>. John Reaves passed for 292 yards and Eil one touchdown. and Gary Anderson ran I (II• yard 10 score h1~ 14th TD of the µason '-\Sll'' Br<rn n had nine hits including three homers and dro' c 1n eight runs 10 a three-game sweep of Southern Cal Blouin pitched two complete game~. both victon es. and allow<.·d a total of three runs. Monday night to lead .the Tampa Ray Bandits to a 33-17 United States Football League v1ctol) over the Denver Gold. Greg Boone and Ricky Williams also ran for touchdowns as the 6-2 Bandits won for the fi fth time in their last si>. games to keep pace with Eastern Conference co-leader Birmingham. T he loss snapped Denver's three-game winning streak. but the 5-3 Gold remains atop the Western Conference-- standings along with Houston . Trojans sign tennis standout world. ha~ signed a letter of intent lo attend • LOS A~GELES -Luk e Jensen. the ~ No.::!-ranked JUn1or tennio; pla)er in the the Uni\ crsll\ of Southern California. the sC'hool annouim:d Monda}. Jensen. from East (rrand Rapids. Mich .. 1<1 the highest-ranked American· rn the International Tennis Federa11on·s "Oriti Junior rankings. behind onl) .\ustralla's Michael KratLman .. Television, radio TELEVIStON 10 p.m. -BOXING: From the Otymptc Auditorium. Channel 56 . Jensen. 18. 1s ranked No. I 1n the \\Orld in JUmor double<> .... 1th Patric~ McEnroe. the }Ounger brother ot John Mr Enroc 1he \\Orld's No. I professional playl·r RADtO 7:30 p.m. -•••••ALL: Houston at Dodgers., KABC(790). Boston Marathon MEN I G Sm1lh, Srllain 1 Tu111e Ventura 3 Helge5ton. C1nc:inna11 ' Suolno. Cold Sorllfgs ColO S Dovie . Seekonk Men 6 M1mura , J1oan 7 Hewu Keene N H 8 Oltlon Wel~lev MIU 1 U OS 119 11 2 21 IS 121 09 711 ll 121 JS 7 7l 3S 2 2l OS 9 Flelcner MelbOurne Seacn 10 8 1atr Arden. N C Fra 124 29 12S 13 WOMEN we1oenba cn Maro•enPad Hunllngton. Hou,1on Ounn Durha m N H • 8 u1terl1eld 8ermuoa S V Smtih Auu1n. To 6 Nor11>roo Durham N H 1 MooOv Porllano Me Mass ) l • 06 142 IS 1 •111 2 43 47 2 46 Jl 1 46 •l I Hvnes, Norrn A1>1nolon. Man 9 Bulman Columtl11 , Mo 10 D1lllnoer e1acl<5buro Ila Hletl ichool vohvball SUNSET LEAGUE 2 46 51 1 48 S7 1so16 1 so~ Merine oef Huntlnglon Staci>. 15· t I IS·1. 17· IS 16· 14 Edison def Wes•m•n,lt'r 0 IS· 10 IS·S 16 " Founteon Vallt v def Ocean View S IS 11 IS IS·4 IS 13. IS S OAANGE COUNTY RANKING~ I Woodbr•dllt 2 Da na Hills 3 11 e Ed•,on Laouna Bt'ecn S Estancra 6 Corona dtl Ml.r 1 La Ou•n•1 8 Founre,n 1111 .. v t San Ctemanre 10 Nowoorr HorbOr USftl. WBST•RN CON,UIENCI W L "( Pct. P , PA OetMtr S l 0 '62S 171 146 Houslon S 3 0 615 24S 181 Oakltnd ' 3 l S6l 197 190 Arl101111 4 4 0 S00 16 I US Porll•nd 3 S 0 37S I It 176 San AnlonlO 3 S 0 375 111 161 LA •• .,.. .. s 2 • o ao 14 111 8 AST•RH CONF8 1t8 NC8 8 irm1non•m 6 2 0 1$0 ltS ISO Tame>e 8•v 6 1 0 1SO 2),) 170 New Jor Mv S J 0 '25 206 111 Meml>tlls 4 ' 0 SOO I Sl 161 e1111more ) 1 oe tl6 10t Jacl\SOIWlllO 3 0 J7S 190 '7S C>f1a noo 7 6 o 2SO I" 2 II MeftMY'\ k- hmoa ltv » o.tlvet 17 ,,....,.,~.mo Now Jon•v 11 Memclfll1 SaNNIV'' Glim.\ L.A Ill-• "' o.tlver JKIUOl'IYl•le al 0..tanOo 14Md1V's Oanws 1tov1ton et M frOlla Portland at lell•mot't Tamoa llo 11 a 1rm1nf1f\em ~V'•O­ !>an Antonio •• Oeklano NBA PllVoffs FIRST ROUNO 1eeit·of-FIY0) Wodneldav'' G•ma w"''"'"gton ol Pn11aoelohla Thursdav't Games Phoeni• at L•kors 1 30 om San Anlon10 al Denver Po r11ano at Dana, Ctevetano at 80,1011 New Jer~v al DPtro1r FrldliV'' G•ma' C1>.cago a t Milwaukee Uran at Hex"'°" S.twdaV'' Gam.t Pnoe11i-111 Lekan 12 30 om San Amonro a l Dl!f'vtr Portland at Dalla\ C1eve1ano a 1 80\lon Sunoav'' Games U111h al Hou"on C1>lca110 al Miiwaukee wa,h1nglon 111 Pnllade1oh11 New Jersev at De1rol1 Tuesu v, AprM 23 Lakort at Phoenl• Denver 111 San Anlonio Oallas a1 Por11and Boston al Cleveland woc:1nescsav. Aprff 14 Hou,1on al Ulan Miiwaukee at Chlc:eoo Phl1aoelphla a1 Wun1no1on Oelrol1 er New JerHv Tltur\u v, APfl 1S llf neuuarv I Ltkon al Phoenix Dallu al Porllend 8os1on a• Clove111no Fr!Av, Aprl 16 IH neceu a rYI Denver al San A11ton10 Houston al Ula ,,_ M ilwaukee al C1>1caQO Pn11110etottfa at Wnhfngton Detroit al New Jersey S.turu v, Aorll v (If MCOUllfV) Pnoen1,o. al Lalren Por11a nd ar Oallu Sundllv, Aorl 11 (H necesurv) Utall a t Housron San Anlonlo '' Denver Crevel•nd al 80,ton Ch•caoo al MllwaukH Wnhlnglon 11 PF\lladelo1>1a New JerHv a1 Ot1ro11 Mondav'1 transacKons 8AH aAL.L. A~nLeaeut BOS TON q e D SOX-Pl•ce<I llruco "'''on ollther. on ''" 7t·oav disabled 11•1 a nd ac11va1eo Al N1ooor 011cr1er N•"-ILffllH ST LOUIS CARDINALS-S1g"l'C) Ou~ Sm1111. \h0r•s100. to • lour voar conlrKI ••••"''°" SAN OIEGO PAOltES-Walved Marro Ram1r1r lnl•t l<Mr Act•v•led Ca rmel() N'ar11,,.1 oulf -'Oer 8Ast<8T9 ALL NA!lel\tl .......... Aatl!Ciaflell WASHINGTON 8UL.LET~Acllvaled Jal! Ruland c.,,l•f and Frtnt.. Jonnwn t11a ro '00TaALL. \hlftff States ,...._.. L.eaeue ARIZONA OUTLAWS-Tr•decl P•ul tlllM t Mftfll!Yt ••<.kit to t~ ~·n Anlon10 Gun,lln-\ tor Al Hitt wide r~v•• Ojai lures area elite in tennis OJ \I -The 1985 Ojai Valle> tennl\ tournament gets under way •\pril ::!4 y, 1th the cream of Southern ( allforn1a prep tennis IO\ olved. It includes seven singles stars and doubll'~ teams from eight area schools in a format designed to use most of the '"eel before 11 all clears up on .\pnl ::!9 "1th the college and com- mun11~ college finals. Corona del Mar H1gh's Mike Briggs 1s. -;c,·ded fourth in singles. AAEA ENTitlES Cor-Clel Mir-Mike 8r190s 01ngtesl, M1kt Jar11c1n and Brent Bernt (~sl Edh--Ptr Sornebu'" tsmolH J. TOdd Ho1m5 Steve Arnolt (doubles) EUancla-Cnri5 Ha"'""' ano C.J llince ldouble5) Fout1t 11n V•l•v-Tua n Nguven Md Conw•v Ho (dOUble51 Huf'iflnvtof'I 8eaclt-<:nris Ganz (singles) L•euna ll•ac:tt-Ear1 Wallace ano Todo 8 ruml1eld (doublei) Marln•-Pat Hu51ed (tlnoln) Mater Oe+-Srfan ScanlOn ('inoies), Anov Wiiiiams end Srvan Libbv (double5) Newoort H•rbor-Price Kerfoot (sfnolnl. Oct1n lllew-Pa1 Pot111er and Chang Yu ldOuDle\I Unlver,lfV-Georoe Pau1,on ( 5fng1es>. Paul Corkerv and John Plnc:1>es (ooub•n l OW..r '"-' .,,... .. , Blair Green (8tvetlv Hin\), Oen Soer <C•llDnu) Mark. OIGu1ulio !Canvoln) Granl Hein ICao•,•rano VallevJ, Curtis Ounn ICt1am1nade) 9 ,11 Brown (Claremonll. En k Koda !Coronal Craig Brown (Crtsol), Matt Leventhal tCu•ver C1lvl John Anderson (D•na Hin\), V1ce111e Pena !Don Lugo), Caasev MlirlhllU CEI Ooradl)I Je<r v Frantz (El Moden1), D•vld Bock IGte ndoral Erneslo Garra (lnolol. AShlk P•tel IKalellaJ. HarOIO GOOdman (La Cana<111), Mltlt Peitz (La Quinta). Juan Garcia IL• Sef'na) Cnrt"ooher Cocm. !LO' Alamllost, s1011e Juno (Lo' Ano,I John 8 FrMmen (Lovot•>. Jolln Tormev CMlll1k.en), Paul Xl'IOlll (Mlra Cosl1) Pete F1tzp11rick. IMlrtieilt); G•rv Ptarne IM1u 1011 llre10> Tim Vubll !Muir >. Neat 8orrvman INordhOH), Enrklue Guaiardo (Patm Sorlng5) E ric Grace IPatos Verdes); Nici! Malehan fRtdlano'I Men Simpson (Rio Mffa); Kenrw 0"9 <ROiiing Hills), E1tN J1met !RublOloua) Rv•n L.ee <San Marino), DOU9 °''°" !San Marco'> Tim Trlgt1elro (S•nt• 81rbtra), F r•nk Rooo !S1n1a Monie:•> Forres! Hun• (Soull1 Torr1nc:t1, Kevin Mtsuda tTorrenc:tl. John Maoe' (VtnluraJ. Sltvtn C.olllleb IWtl>CI), Edu8fdo T Pereorlno tWesttrnl. Ktnnv O.voro (Wtsllek.tl Ex-Mater Dei star on U.S. rugby team .. Kt'vm H1gg1ns. a graduate ofM~tcr Oc1 H 1gh and Tustin resident. has been \elected to play for the Unucd State' Eagles -the nauonal Ol)'m- p1c-lcvcl rugh> team -for~ six-game 1nternat1onal ma1ch in faf)4n . H 1ggw .. I'> an All o\mcn~n outs1dt' <'enter for Cal POI) San l.u1s Obispo. The C:aglc' are currcnll> on a mo nth long tour of Jaf)3n. Hig1n~ w3~ thl· onl) {'<llleg1atc plnyer ~lectcd to 1hc 1eam and hai. pre' 1ously played 111 the mtcrnnt1onal level in Ne~ Zealand hut \Un'lmer wu.h .. 4hc~K' ( oa'l ( iri11lc\ -.-....-.... -___ ... --... ~ • 1191 ...ctmdUt ....... ~eTAnmNT TM folOwlnt .-.one ere ~.,,.:.,.,. dOlnO ...._ _ Aile LaAIBACIC Hflf COHSUl. TINO. 1511 NOUoe II fltt90Y C11Wf111\at Orange Cout DAIL v PILOT/Tueild1y, Aprll 16. 1NS DolC)ftln TemtOI. Cofone cNI WUTPIH AIA LlfilU. INC. Mw. CA 9*5 of toeo Alllon DtM LOe Att-Oav&ct I . llay, tttt _.., Cllllfomta .00.s.,,.. ...... CeWetM 9004f in. otNJ-=--•fM1taai.-....._ ~ toot5 .,.. ~nTarrec..CoronecNI tende '° .,.., ... 10 end ..,_ to ".,,..., 10 .,,.s Qlllred tot ~TMJC. ** to V.-. to lf'd ...,__..a~~ ...,, OA t2U& tnubedl !Tom THI! CON-•••bed! from THI CON-1'lON OI ,AN!CWAY """° 'IMIUct<I fl'om THI ~ narlronttMpet•lll .... Mr:. ~n::~~ NECTICUT NAT IONAL. NICTICVT NATIONAL Pl.AHTINO N!W TMU OH NECTICVT NATIONAL :::.. ~.: :-r,: Oe'Ytdl:; BANK, Al OWNl!A IANK, Al 0WN!9' VAAIOUSIT..e'r8,..Wba 8AHK. Al OWNl!ll 9-iOMI flW ~ 91 . "1 TllVSTU m Main.,, ... TAUSTH, 771Main111-. ,..,...tiy .. ~oleo.ta TM.taffE. m Main b..c 111 HMIMOn"' .c ;.:-... ~ .. ·=:"~°' ": Haruord'. con11ec11c11 i Heriford. Connecuc11t .._ .. thaOflloeof lhe. Cly Hertford, Connec11c11t ......, CA taaJ • wige County M di 2t 0811$, Attention' Bond end Ol116, Anet111on 8ond and 0-.. 77 '"' ~. c:o.. oe11a. An .. tton Bond end if.~'~ DIMU1"9Nll_IM ..... 1915 on ., · Trut1• Admln1etreUon, per. T"*• Admlnil1re11on, pet· ...... ~ unit Iha Trwt1M Admlnlt1retlon. pet· tt&ttlMf'lt.#oftlleS*t~ eonat P'OC*1Y dMCrlbecl .. eonat prC)9ettY deectlbed • hOUt' of IJOO J).m • Apjl 24. IONI propttty ~ N ~ w.e,,; Fm70I fonowt One 8737~7 llr· folloW: One 8737-341 lllr• IMS, al wNd! t!IM tMiY wll fOllows One 1737-347 lllr• we on Publlehed °';:'r. CoMt craft (N3301) 1ncludln craft (N3301), 1~9. Mcipaned~9'1dread etan (N3301). Including. ~ Of 0r-. ~ Piloc Ap(ll 2, · 18, 23, without llmltatlon. ,.00 without llml1e1lon, two aloud In U\e Co11ncll without llmltetlon, two ·Fuit .. .;!!.!,'~,.... ol CFMSf-3 engl,,_ lnetelled CFMSf-3 ang1,_ lnltlllled C h a m b e t a 8 e a I e d CFMSf-3 lflglnN lnatalltad tf'141 .Per90n WltMtawlfla' T·524 th1r90n and all buyer• th•r•on end all buyer· iwOOOMla "*' bNI the tttte th•r90n end all b11y•r· Wwret1 ~ Jeck90fl. 22f1 1----------turnl•M<I equip~! end turnllMd equlptn.nt and Of the wont 9'ld tr. neme of turnilhld equipment and 10 Cell Or Coeti ....._ P\lll.IC NOTtC[ other pert• Of wnete11er OIMr liat1• ol wn.tever .,,. blddef but liq otMr dlt-. other part• of wf'l•t•'Wf CA m'lr .. .,.,......,0 Thomae .. Hitman .. Heam.-lta't1ft the-ti'ta1 after being knocked out by Marveloua Marvin Hacler In the third round of Monday night•• fi&ht. 1----~~.;.;,;;~;..;:..--netvre lncotPOflltd Of In· nature lncorPOfe1tcl Of In· t~ IN!llll. Any bid nalure lnoofporattcl Of In-9i......,.. W.,rtn C Jaea· '11C1lT10Ul llUIMll 1talltcl tl'*lln or atte.c:htcl 1tallld tNltln °' 1ttact\ed reoetlled lifter the acMcluted stalled tl'*ttn 0t 1n~ ""-· · ..... ITATIMEWT IMrllO Tl\lt tranaac:tlon wlll thereto. Thlt lran..ctlon ..... Cloalr\e time for the ,~ thereto Thlt lrlnNC!klfl wlli eon Pul:l4ilhacl or-. CoMI TM following peraone .,1 .,. consumtnattd on Apt'll .,. coneummattd on Apttl of bide lflall .,. returned to ti. coneummlttcl on AP<•I Oefly Ptlot Apt'll t t4 23 30 doing bulln... ... 24. 1985 at tne orncee of 24, 1985 at IM offloM of the bidder unoptMCS. It lhall 23, 1985 •I thl otflcea of 1985 , • • • ' BLUE BUNNY PHOTO, B'91d. Abbott & Mofgen, 8'-.cl, Abbott & Morgen, ti. tft:-8'* ~blllty of Br.ed. Abbott & Morgen. T ..... 204e Wal~•&. Coeta 153 EMI 53rct StNet, ...... 153 E.111 5~rd Str• ....... tMbictderto.-tnatlllllbld 153 Eat 53td Street,..,._ ~. Calttda 92621 York, New York 10022 YOfk, N-Yorll 10022 It recatwd In P<oPW lime Y0tll. N-York 10022 ~ I ch e 1 I An 1 hon y Pr°'*1)' loceltcl It JOHN PrOC*'tY localed at JOHN A Ml of Soeciel PrOYlalone ~operty IOeattd II JOHN PtaJC NOJM:( Scarpino,~ Wellact •B. WAYNE AIR PORT ON WAYNE AIRPORT ON end addltloN to General WA YNE AIRPORT ON 1--;..::;:::=.;....:.;=-o..;;;;;.....- Cotll Meu. Celllornla MICArthuf BM! , In the city MacArthur ~ .. In 1t\t city PtcMeloM 10 the Standard MKArthur 9llld In the c:ity .. tJll Qm 92427 ol 1""'"' county ot Orange of lrvlnl, county of Orwige, ~tlOnl may .,. ob-of lrvlne. county of Orange CfTACIOM •DIC'M Janice Porter SQrplno 11111 of Cl.llfa<nla ' t1e11 of ClllfOfni. -tlllntcl at tM omce of thl 1111• of CallfOfnia e... -.. ,,_ 2048 Wll~ •B. COi~ Macdonetd. Haleltcl & Macdo~ald, Hellltcl & Cit¥~. n Fair DrM. Macdoneld Halettcl & NOTICE TO DEflNOAHl: ....... CallfOfnla 92627 LiybourM. A11orney1-at· Leybourn•. AllorMyl-11· Costa M.... C1lltorn1a. Layoournt AllorMyS·ll· (!<VIII>• AculedOlW,,... Thia bUllMH 11 con-lew. I Pat1'*9NO lndudlng LAw. I Plr1ner""P lnc:ludlng upon nol'INfunda~ P.-Y· law I Pllrtnetll\IP ~ a. ...,... • tc• 11 d dueled by a QeMfal part· Proltulonel Cotpor1tlon1, ProtMtlonal CotporetloM, "'4Wlt of ~00 An lddllonll Profesa.ot\11 CO<potauon1. JOAN e. ~ -..... Mf'tnlp 1200 Wllltlltt ~ard 1200 Wllehltt BoullYatd ~ge oft 1.50 wll .,_ ~ 1200 Wl11'11r1 BoullYMd, tllll. _. DCJSl 1 ........ 1. Michael A Scar""fto Lo• AngtlH, Callfornli lol Ange111 Cellfornla If l'landlld by mail Sp«:ifl. l~ng•i.1 Calllornl• • • -..., • """' 7 •'---__. _.._ II IS I Thi• 11a1emen1 wu filed 900 17 ..,., 1 · ca ........ ,_.., v ... ., con K1 -YOU AN: BEtHO SUl.D with the County C1et11 of Of. WHTlllN Alft L ... I. WllTUlN Allll L ... I . ctocumenta 1Y alao bl ~NY Alfll U.•. BY· PLAINTlff: ~ UO LE lnQ9 County on M1<ch 27, INC ., lllONALD D. INC., lllONAlD D. ex~att Otflotof'lhe INC::IJI W'.Jt"ALD 0 . ESTA OEMANDAHOO) 1985 MAJIAICO, V1oe "11ld1nt, MAAAICO, Vtc9 'mld111e. City the City of ~PICO, 'lfOt ~t. FARMERS & MEaCHNO'I P"27M11 ~lftd~· M9fft._encll"t"-• Col peolficallona liWntel\811C..,ftdlnet-· BANK Of LONG~ a Published Orange Coast Int Ing wt• not .,. unlela the Ing Celifornla 89M"'9 ~ Daily Pilot April 2. 9, 18, 23, April 12, 1985 April 12. 1985 tddltlon~S1 et\arge 11 April t2 1985 "'°" 1985 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) STATE OF CALIFORNIA) lnckldtd wrt •Y"*lt STATE OF CALIFORNIA) You 1\-30 ~ T ·528 ) u IM. Each bid be macs. on ) It days elter !Na ~ II co OF LOS ANGELES ) co OF LOS ANGELES ) the Pr IO<m, .,,..,. co OF LOS ANGELES ) ~ on you to Ille • ..,,. __ 1M_1D_•tC_NO_T-IC_£__ on this 12th day ot Aprll, On thl1 12th dey of Aptll, P·l through P-1e prOVldtd On'"'' 12th d•y ot AptU, wrlnenreponeeeotlleoourt. rUUL 1985, ti.fore rn., l*'M>flally 1985. before rn., i>«sonlllly In Ille contrec:I documents. 1985 bttorff me, per· A letter Of ~cell ... -,-IC-m_;...IOU;....;..l_~ ... ;... 1 ..;;.IHl.;;_l_l_,•ppeared Ronald o 1ppeared Roneld O. and llhlll bl e.c:compen1td IOf'lllly appeared Ronald 0. not prot.c:t ~ y<Nt ~ NAMI ITA°iiMIHT Marasco. per90nell'y kn~ Maraco. per.anally known by a cettll'lecl Of' Cdller'1 Maretco. personally kl'IOWfl wrmen ~ mu91 be In to me (or proved 10 me on to me (or prollld to me on chec:tl °' • bid t>Ond tor not to me tor proved to me on proper legal f0tm If }Ol .-it The f9llowlng persons •r• the ball• of Hll•fector) the basis of sallafec:tory .... than 10% of thl amount INI bas•a 01 11111t1C1ory thl ooun to .._, yo,;t ~ dolnJI... business ar evidence) 10 .,. thl peraor evidence) to be lhl perton of the bid. macs. &MY•~ to ev.Oence1 10 be thl pereon 11 Y°" 6o not Ne 'fOUI s COUNTRY PSYCHO-who executed lhl within In. who ••teuled the within In. thl City of Costa Meta No who IXICUlld Ille within In-r9IPOflM on time.~ mey LOGICAL GROUP. 27800 llFUIMl'll u Vice PrMlder'lt 11rumen1 ... Vloe Preslder'll, propoHI •h•ll ti. con-1tru"*1I IS Vice Praeldlnt. IOM 1M1 oaM. 9nd yoAlf Medical Center Aoed. Suite Malntenance and EnglnMf· intlf'lanee and ~-!Ndered unleu accompanied Maintenance end Engineer· wagM. money 91\Ct~ 320, Mi111ion Viejo, CA Ing or on l*lllf ot 1111 c:or· or on behalf ot the cor· by IUCh c:uhar'• cMc:ll.. tng °' on blllalt ot tM cor· may.,. t•• ...n.nout ~ It On 1 t 3 d 92691 POf•llOn tM!'tin named anc etlon lheftin named and cast\. Of bidder'• bofld por11oon 11\eret.n named and -n.no from the coun Y Wen ~o Un S Dentel A SCf'llele. MD . ecll.nowlldgtd 10 rM lhai eel( ge0 to me tf\al No bid shall ti. con.idlfl<I ecllnOWledgecl 10 me ttla1 There .,. other legal,.. Ph 0 A Prof~onat Cor· the COJ""'•llon IXICUltd It lhl COIPOflllon extculed It unltU It I• made on. blanll. tile COf DOtlllOll ••acutld 11 _...._., y .... m-...,,. , porallon (Calilemla), 24431 eon:--Doll. Notary Publle Donn Dou, Nolll')' Pvbllc form fumllltlld by thl City°' Dorin Dou N<Xlt) Pvbllc ~ ~-·;. att~ f1Gt1t b • Stonehlll ~ Dana Poml. In and loc uld Slete In and'°' aald Stell Costa Meta end It~ In n enc IC>f .said State ~ lfyouelonotknown.n U t J t Wias a, g~ea t IJ1·g11 t·C~~l~62~u!~H~'1i -con-(Nol1tla!Seal) (NOletialSeal) BCCOrdlnc e •tlh the INOter11l$Mli attomey,you"'ff1eellatl•· Publllhld Orange Coat Pub119hed Orenge Coast pro\Mlonl (){ Ille Propoaet Pubh"*l Ofange Coul tonwy ,....,.. ..,.W. Ot a ducted by 8 COfPOfBllOll Ollly Piiot .\pril 18 1985 Delly Pllol April 16 1985 requirement•. Diiiy Pilot AprM 115 1985 ....... lid office (Mlted "' !fie Daniel A Schtele, M 0 ' T-54!: T-S66 .Each bidd•r muat be T-564 ~book). President McenMd aa required by tew o.pues oe que le ...,_ mammas. Th1S statement wu filed IMIDtlC W\TICE Thi City Councll of ~ PU8llC NOTICE treguenestaQltadon llddel By ED SCHUYLER JR. LAS VEGAS (AP)-.\t the end of the lirst round. referee Richard Steele walked 10 a neutral corner and exhaled like a man caught 1n a buzz sa" The tougher ul th" '"" this 11m". "a' with the County Cterk 01 Or· rUIK. ""' City of Coste..._. r-"W usttd 11en1 un plazO oe ao " "' " 3 ange County on March 27. P\BJC NOTICE the right to 11ject any or Ill Man e louo; ~1Jn in Hagler. who looked like ht" 1985 '~!~~:A~=· bids. ~~:'Of ~~~~ had been h11 tn a beer bottle 1n a barroom ~ FICTITIOUl llUIMll lhe followi"" pen10t1a .,. Th• Contrector snail DEA'" Of e1Ctlt• 1 maQuina en .... bra\\ I. . Publlslled Orange Coast NAMI ITATIMIHT Cloong bull,,.;; u comply wllh the pro.,,11ona EUZAMTM fOOOll cone The veteran referee had JUSt emerged from the cauldron that was the first round of the Marvelous Marvin H agler-Thomas Hearns Th r h ..... h ddl f h Daily Pilot Maren 2, 9 18, 23, Thi following per90n1 11• TAES JOLIE DESIGNS of Section 1770 10 1790 tn· ANO Of~ Una earta 0 una llamllda c e t' '>IOlJU 1n l c mt e 0 I e nng. t985 doing buliMP u 244,. Bowdoin Pl eo.ii ciuSlv., of the Celllorn•• I TO ADMMl9Tl.lll 11Woniea no te otrecera blood on hi'> fot'l~. • mtddlewc1ghl Cham-T-528 Tl-4E HOME BEAUTIFIER. Miia CA 92626 . labor CocH. thl p<evanortg EITATI NO. A-127711 protec:ck>n; eu r~ .... pio~sh1p bdh o' three boxing go1.(•rning 8502 W•YI Clrci.. Hunt· Ter~ie LM JOtlnson 2444 rate. and eca.le ot wege1 .,_I To all heir•. ~rlel. tllOnta • maqulna 1ltnl que bodies draped on '" gli~tening lorso. P\llUC NOTICE lngton Beech, Callfornta Bowdoin Pl Costa 'Mesa. tebl1shed by tne City ot credllors end contingent cumpllr con 111 for· J I H 926'48 CA 92828 · Coate Mesi wt11ch ere hlild creditors. and pereons who m • 11 d 1 d e 1 1 • g a 1 • t fight Monday night. : Make that: FIGHT. ust moments car 1er. aglcr had kno('ked FICTITIOUS BUllNEIS Chrl• Louka. 8502 Wave Thomas Fredrick Ent· with tne City Cieri.: 01 said may oe other'WIM 1nter•11<1 apropitdes s1 uated qu1er11 H earns do\.\ n. Hearn~ <,trugglcd up. but Steele NAME ITATEMINT Circle. Huntington Beech, inger 706 B Joenne St Clty: and 1'1111 tonen Pel'l•I· 1n the Wiii andtor est•te ot qu. la cortt 99CUCha ., It was e1iht minutes and one second ot the kind of action fight fans dream up. decided Hearn\ had h<ld e nough and stopped The following persons ere California 92848 Costi Mase CA 92626 " tits pretet1btd lhertn tor ELIZABETH FODOR alee caao. 11 at 2:01 of the 1h1rd round. doing business as: Thie buelneH 1' i::on· Thll bus1ne11 ls con· nonoompllanc:e of '"' aatd BESS FODOR SI uM<l no PrMet'lta su A shon ttmc before. Steele had summoned Aci'u ....... Y./tgs W&iS~1V~~~~ duC'h~• rc~~~ndMdual ~~:' by 8 QeMfBI part· co:::. ... tt. '"INNEY. City by" ro~~~ "vu ~~i.: :s:-c!:o~~·= It was eight minutes and one second of the kind of action critics of the hardest game point to a!. brutality. Dr. Donald Romeo 10 the ring lo C\am1ne l'UtS CENTER. On• Big Canyon Thi• atal"'*1t WU filed Terr':. Johnson Clertl of .... City of Co.ta IRIS E HAMMOND in lhl qultar IU ta11no, 1U dlnero y abO\'candbdo" Hagkr'..,righte~c. Drive, Newpor1 Beach. CA wlththeCountyCl«kolOr· This statement wes llled ..... Superior Court of Orange otraaoosasdesupr09ledad 92660 ange County on March 27, wllh the County Cl«k of Or· Pvt>ltahed Orenge Cout County r1qu11llng that 11n ""'° IOlc:ic>MI POf perte But there was pride and courage in the ring. too. o n this warm desert n1gh1. Hagler. "'ho had I ought 111..e a man Wayne Alan WesUtng, 830 1985 enge County on Maren 27. oa11y Piiot APl11 10. 16 t985 ROBERT F FODOR a 1~s de 1a cott• possessed. go11he green hght toron11nuc Thal La Mirada St . Lagun• F27'243I 1985 WT-723 E HAMMOND be 11>P01nted E~lsten otros ,..qu•eltos .\nd on lh1s night. Hagler and H earno; would ha' e c hased a lot of street t0ughs home to their turned out 10 be a red light for Hearn\ eeecn. CA 9265t Publlstled °''T. Coatl nnm u Ptl'aon•t r1C>J-tat!YI 1ega1es Pueo. que .,.._, · ducted by en lndlllidual 1985 T 525 Diiiy Pilot April 2. 9. 1e. 23. ....,,IC W\TIC[ the o.c.o.nt tmrnecllll«'l'*'lte. Si no con-.. Great .. "'II al"a\'i ht· the \\Ord assoctated This business 11 con· Dally Ptlot /\pril 2. · l6, 23, Publlsned Orange Coast Ito admtn11ter tM 11111e of QUllta llamar a Vl'I ~ "1th th1'> light .\nd li'kl· all great light!\. there Wayne Wnlllng • l985 rUDL nu A '-ting on thl p11n1on oce • un abogeelo. pu909 w1ll a"a~'i be QUCSllOO\ a<,l..cd. cspec1all) This statement WU hied T-~2 FlCTITIOUI •UllNEI• Wiii be htld on MAY 8 1985 Hamar. vn ~de r-*· que\tions of the lo,er w11h the County c1ec11 ot Or· NAME tTATEMENT at 9 30 AM 111 DIPt No 311 enc11 de at>Ogl<SOS o a una Meditation: .\s lo \\h~ hecngagl·d 1n 1ha1 ltr\l·mund "ar ~County on Marct'I 27· P\llllC NOTICE Pt&.IC NOTICE The tollowlng persons "'l ~:~~~;c~~r,~west ~'.:;~~=!,=(veall instead of Ir) 1ng 10 bo\. Hl'arnc., la lied the F2'73Q1 FlCTITIOUI au....... dOIO~L~:~cH t 1 E • IF YOU OBJECT 10 lhe The name and eddren of .. H11 \fan •. said· .. , had 11.l. II \\a) thl·re II PubllSned Orange Coast NAME ITATUHNT FICTITIOUS 9UllNEU c granting Of ltoe pl11t1on you the coun IS IEI nom~• y Does it h e lp athletes? Dally P1lol Aprtl 2, 9, 16, 23. The lollowlng penorll •r• NAiii ITA T'URMT c:elstone Circle ll'\llf"te CA I Sl'lould Ittner ap()e9r " 1ne dtrllCCIOO de .. cone .. , MU· presented Itself Hagler l..t:pt running 1n. I had 1945 doing t>ullnelt u · Tile totlow1nQ persons are 92714 l'-''"'11 and""' 'fOUf ot>-NtCIPAL COURT OF THE to pro tell m~ \di ,. had Ill o;hO\t I dcser-.cd T-53-' UNITED AG EXPORT dOtng business.. GIMla Cooper, ., 1 Ee· ,.ctlOl'IS orftll •nllen Ol:>)IC· LONG BEACH JUDICIAL some respect .. c 0 M p A N y . 1 5 7 0 Gll'TS GADGETS ANO c.4stone CtrCMI INlne CA lion• wttn ,,,. coun oefOfe DISTRICT 4 t5 Wesl Ocean 0 d .._ R L Brookhollow Or , Suite GOODIES, 13 l5 W w.,,.., 92714 tl"le ne1rong Your et>PHr· Boulevard Long Beech ne to 1<,agrl'l' "a~.~ugar a~ eonard. the P\llllC NOTICE • 103, Senta Ana. CA 92705 Ave .. Santa An•. CA 92704 Thts t>usiness 1s con· ance mey be in person or t>y I Cehfom,. 90802 onl~ otht•r man to ~al H earn<,. <,topping him D & B Admlnlllreltw s.,. Luanle S Webt>, 2521 w dueled by an in<lMdual your attorney Thi neme address an<I 1n the 14th round for the undisputed FINC!!!l0U1T8 .. BTIUMl~HTll vice, Inc . a C.llfornla cor· Sunflower. •A-3 Santa Ana, ~~Mia Cooper 1F YOU ARE A CAEDtlOA I te+epnone numt>er of ptein· I h I c 11.. '"" .. ~ .. .. PQ(atlon. t570 BroollhOOOW CA 92704 os statement was lolild or • con11ogen1 creo11or of ttlf s anOfney or p1ain11tt By GEORGE TAMAS '~e ll'r\\l'lg I Ill c .,l'PI. u. I .,a I The following persons ere Or Suite •103 Senti Ana This bu11neu 11 con· wtll"I the County Clerk ot Or· t"9 ceceased you must 1114r wlll"lbut any attorrwiy 11 H .. Ht> d)hould trn' l' bO\l'd." Ll'Onard said. d~n~:~~~~~ETAAtAL CA·92705 · · duc11<1 bys'" individual ~~rs County on March 20. ,you• c111m witl"I the cC>Yrt or ' l Aw o F n c Es o F I • e dt n 't conll' back to real it}. After he SERVICES 2938 o·•mt Tiii• bu1lnH1 I• con· L~le Webb present 11 10 tile PlfSOnll I LEONARD p SAUM 9100 (an mcd1tat1on. or super k k d 1 ( R i...~ ) D h h h h · "' er ducted bv a corporation Thia statement wu filed F<tT1I07 repretenteuve appointed by Wlltnorf! Blvd Suite 509 cont·cnlralton. n oc c ou 011~rto uran. c t oug t c Street, Santa Ana. California Caroty~ L Ptterson. Con· with th• CC>Ynty Clerk ol Or-Pubhshed OranQe Coast tne court wuhin '°"' monll"la Beverly Hiiia Cellrorni• improve sports pcrformann:'' was the old Thomas Hearns. He thoughl he 92705 Ironer 1ng1 C<>vnty on March 27 Daily P1101 Marci'\ 26. April 2 trom me date ot 11,~1 15• 90212 12t31273..o51 OMlp Piiot Coufff>O"dent Al'tording 10 Kurt K rueger.\\ ho conduc ted could l..nock out an\ hod\." Kim Artn Upson. 11 16 This steterMnt wat tiled 1985 9 · 16 1985 suance o11e11erusprov1ded Dateo MAV 21 1911'4 a workshop on tht: subject at Orange Coast Hearns did land enough good shots to end a c w Balboa Boulevard, with th• County Clerk of Or· n n 433 l 5 "' in Sectooo 700 ol Irle I Jemee H ..... .,. Cleftl, C II d d I f d fi h II h ~ Balboa. California 92861 enge County on March 27 Publl511e<l Orange Coast Probllt Code or Callforn11 ay: R. Brendon. DeputJ o cge atur a). proper me 1ta11on tech · ot o goo 1g ts. e~rx·caa } 1n I e 11rst round. This business 11 con· 1985 · Delly Pilot April 2. 9 16, 23, The ume tor 1111ng cta1ms w111 Publ1Slled orange Cout niques can lead to .. thl'Ulllmatc performance" "htch was a round for the a~es. ducted by an Individual F212412 t985 not e•pore prior to lour 10111) P11otApt1IQ 16.23.30, in !.ports. .\ compu1eranal~<,1SlOmllrmt:d the intcn'it· ~~': AS1~=1 wu llled Publlahed Orange Coa11 T-533 P\llllC NOTICE montl"ls trom the cate of tl"le t985 Comb1n1ng the 1cchn1qul·~ of the great I~ o f the fight with lhe County Clerk of Or· ~:1~ Piiot Aprll 2• 9· 18· 23· PUBlJC NOTICE FICmlOUI 8UatHEH ~~"J ~o~~E~:iNE ,,,. T· 545 swami. Muktananda. and thl' n ·cn grcall'r Haglcrlandl•d QC'lout uf 1''3 punche!> thro\\O ange Counly on March 27. 8 T 530 I NAME ITATIMENT 111e 11eo1b)111e coun 11 you Yog1. Berra. he ad' ocates a huhs11c approach for 55 percent Hearn" lOnnclll'd on 94of1 66 1985 • K·n1• The 1 o11ow•ng oersons ar• jer• • person 1nter111.o '" 10 <;ports. This approach. "h1ch he calls. for 5 ~ percent F27Ua FICTITIOUS BUSIMfll doing bu$oness 15 tne estate you may ~I I T Pubhshed Orange Coast NAMEITAnMEHT I REAL ESTATE PAO· uoont,,eewtcVtoror acmu·•·L "Pracucal ports P!>> cholog} ... consists of ti' l' he h1ggco;1 pu m hl'' "ere a threc-pu nl h Oa11y P1101 Aprtl 2 9 16 23. P\llllC NOTICE The tollowmg persons ar• IOUCTIONS '405 w Bey 1stre1°" or uP<>" tne at· csscn11al clements· comb1n:111on Hagler landl·d m·ar the end oft he t985 doing bullneu u BUILD-Ave N-port BNcn CA 10,,,., tor '~ eaacutor or •C onl·en1ra11on -a tc<:hniqul' ""hll'h second round . and a right hand Hagkrcra'ihrd T-~t FtemlOUt llUllNfll RITE OtSTAIBUTORS 2950 92663 11dm·n°sv11or •nd r11e .,,,, cnablcs•the mind to instant!.\ focus at "•II. 10 the head that -.ent H earn<, reelino and '>l't NAMe STATIMIHT Airway Ave . Ste ~o-9 ConstanceJ ""'0° 1405 tn 11 court w•t~ proot 0 1 -· o I Thi lollowlng per-aona .,, Costa Mesa Cal 92626 W Bay Ave Newport v>ee • wttllPll request Siii e\'en under c\lrl'mc l·ompellll\l' cond111ons. ham up for lhl' l..nod,do" n dOlng t>ulln111 u M 0 Janes Compan Beach CA 92663 1ng 1na1 Y°" destre spec1a1 •Energ} s11mula11ng e~crc1 cs -a SCI of . 1eclc "as luc l..\ rl·.1lh lw got paid 101 a P\llllC NOTICE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH I 2950 A A Sy Tnoi ousoness ·S con "ot ce .• 'Poot' lthng or an on .1 1-d btrd'\-C\C \IC" .,.,.TITIOUI BUl ..... 11 ~~~JE~.~11' ~ ~~~ ~:9. Coa1~""":es:e C~~ cucCted by an onCl•v:du11 ventorv '"c 1opra1sement o; warm-up anu coo 0" n cxerc1srs to prepare . ..-..... """" .,....,, ...., • '"" ........ .,... .. 92826 onstance J Ari go t'state assets or 01 1~ pe1o competitors for peak performance. "I'' l' lx't'n a rcfrn·t• tor I' 'l'.lr' Jnd I NAME STATIMt:NT Beach CA 92483 This busmen 11 con-Tl'11s s111emen1 .,..., toled t•ons <>' eccout'ls '1'19!1ttoned •Mental rehearsal -'1sualt1a11on tech-ha\ e~ ·1. seen that mul h al1111n in thrl'l' mumh co;~~~!=~ rsrsons are D•Vld R Eng11rom, Ph O ducted b a corpor 10 wttl"l tr>e County C>t''"-ot Or· ,,, StoCt•N' •200 enc '200 5 ot niqucs ""h1ch enable athletes to practice and e'er. Steele said lHE PAINTING HOUSE 1701 Newport Hiiia Df w Mo ~aoes co'n:P~"" lange Count., 0 " .,.arc" 20 '";a c111 1 orn 1 • Probate Code Newport Beec:h, CA 92860 1 t985 Pet11reon lollon a perfect a chOSl'n !.port "nhout use offac1h1ies It "as a great fight 13033 Br1stol Suite P Cosl• Th11 bu11ne11 11 con· Inc By Michael Janes F271I04 .C.nM CHorfe o ~ 1 or equipment. Mesa CA 92626 ducted bY' ert Individual President Publlst>eo Orange Coest 111 An~neys f0t ;.tltion.t' I • Nu I r1 t io n a h 1gh l'Om pie'\: IMDLIC NOTICE Gregory J Sk1onsby 534 Ta7ysBeer Abdel-Hall~, I O•vld R Engstrom. Ph 0 1ihh:~ 'h''~ .... 61 w:s ,"~ 1oa11y P1101 Marc:n 26 At>rol 2 1l70 N .... Btvd .. Sult~ ruu San Bernardino Newpor1 5 t 1 lrtdera. Montclair, This stal"'*11 wu llled w e oun Y er 0 r-9. 1t> 198!l 116, Fullerton CA~ carboh)'dratc. lo"' protl'ln d1e1 designed to ,__...;....;;..;;....;;~~;.,;,.;,;;.;:;.. __ Beach. CA 92663 CA 91763 w11h the County Clerk of Or· ~nge County on March 22 • S16 PvbtosPooeo Ora 1 c01,1 I improve endurance and 'ltr(·ngth. FICTITIOUIBUllNISI Alan M Scolamlerl 2111 i This busmess 15 COrt·l•ng• County on March 27 , 985 0 111, pot Apr11 ';g ,~ n 1 •Tap I h NAME ITATIMIENT w Balboa Bl "A" Newport dueled by· an mcovldual 1985 F272071 l<ltl') princ iples of Siddha and H at ha Yoga to lira"' olng busln•es as This' buemess 19 con· This statement was filed Published Orenge Coast Dally Piiot April 2 9 26 23 IC Tl E ping inner energy -app y1ng I c The following persons are Beach CA 92663 I Tayseer Abdel-Halim F21'U51 Publlsl"led Orange Coast PU8l HO C TW °'bC on internal 'l<>urccs of limitless l'ncrgy. LANCE GO AO ON ducted by a limited partner-with the County Cterll of Or-Dally Piiot Aprll 2. 9, 16, 23, 1985 T.522 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS "Meditation tend!. to be \icwed \\ilh ARCHITECTURAL PHO· Sl"llp angeCountyonAprll5, t985 1985 ..... ..:STATEMENT k h W ·· K 'd Th TOGRAPHY, 2005 W Alan M Scolam•-·1 F273251 T-527 fne folloW1nO -rso"• '•!! s ept1c1sm in t c C!>I. rueger sa1 . •• e Balbo• Bl d N , "" P bl h d o c 1 "" " II • ewpor lhll statement was hleo u •S e range OH P\llllC NOTICE doing business as Eastern Alex: l'OUntries. h owever. arc appl) ing Beach. CA 92663 will\ 11"1• County Clerlo. 01 Or· Dally P1101 Apr119 16 23. 30. I BUENA PARIO. COM Select \ e a rpect• o l t th I I Lance Kennedy Gordon. c • 1985 0 ,.,p 1 , , 1 w1 grca succcss. n ange ounty on Aprt~~~~ 1_551 Pta.IC NOTICE F1Cmt0u1 auasNHI MUNITY H " rA. P .. AR parltl'ular. the So\ ICI Linton and the Ea<il 13181 HICkory Branch Rd ,.-,,_ NAME ITATIWNT MACY 68!>0 unco•r "' G "rman<; ar•' \"""' l•iu Oii 'ISUaltzati'on TuTt~1"· CA 9 1 2680 P~l>llshed Orange Coast FICTITIOUS aUltNlll Tiie followlfl9 persons are enue Buena P11•1o. CA " " "" •., • "s bus ness '' con· Dally P1101Aprll 9. 16. 23 30 NAM! ITATIMINT ld0tng buslneu as ~20·' 197 technique\.. ucted by 111 lndivldual 1985 PU8llC NOTICE Thi lollowtng perSOf'ls '"I BRYAN CO 5957 Eng•· Comprenens •e P"ar Krueger ment1t1ned D\\ ight Stone'I. the Lance Kennedy Gordon T .555 dol~ bu11ness as BLACI<. neer Onve Huntington macy Se"'c" '"C ~ ""'" Id I h h Tiits statement WU llled FICTITIOUS aUllNfll LAB l SUN u ••BAELL• Beecn. CA 92649 rorn•a corPO<at•or P 0 Boa wor -<.'ass 1g JUm(X'r. as l>n~· .\merican th the County Cleric ot Or 1---------fif•Mf STATEMENT .... " • " 512 Ang911te Or . COfone ()et Kiiiy Dunegan 1t17 C 39'6 San Bemar0•"0 CA who c an actual!} he obscncd U<\tng lhl\ angeCountyonAprll5, 1985 P\llllC NOTICE The fotlOWtng persons •r• Mii. CA 92625 Oelewere Hunltngton 92'13 1'17 Sv c .. nt e• technique nnH8 dOtng business as LINEAR Petltol Ent1rpr1-Inc Beach CA 92649 Street RedleriC~ CA 9;'J'J "If ~OU ""alt'h htm on a close-up on Pvblislled OrlflOI Coast fl~~l:AauTl~S MEASUREMENT SYS· (S1111ollncorPOflltOn Ceh· Janell Brown 21102 Tnis busine•s s ccn OailyPt101Aptil9 18.23 30, -.."' TEMS t2«1 George SI fomtal Greenboro Hun11ng1on ducte<lth accro<>•111•0" telc' 1s1on. )OU can ~cc him ·rehearsino· C\ l'r\o. 1985 Thi tollowfnn person• ere .o,;den Grove CA 92640 .,_ c 92 E G .,. ... ' Thia business 11 con· ...,ech A 646 dw1rc ,.,,~C""'•r part ofh1~Jump 1n has mind. He counts carh T-549 dOl~ein ... 11 Nu-Wave 1yne Albe-rt Terry lduct.O by l' ThtS business 11 con· Presldent PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TU.tENT ·~;a. 111aw1ng t\tlf50n$ are H ~ ':)y,«;1r,~ IS SO ... COAST STEEL Sf P\ l ( (4f;' l•vonf) Av(' e -H111 ..,.t'n '" ou,:· G1fl~• 0 Gross 111 1'63 •v "fl -'•I' "B 1 Costa 11.4('·'9 .. 0(6;· qc~ • J Gflt>•~· •1:1• .. Jmt>o" O• "'uni Bf.sen c~ ,, «if•.:. "'n1s t'uS·"•SS $ ... on OuCl.C :-, CQ t'l'l"""1 G•fin n 0 (i·o~"> • .,,, ,.,.,.....,.", ..... s flllO DEAT H Noi1c£s GRAY l\I ADISON COR - NELL GRAY passed away Apnl 15, 1985 m Corona del Mar Cahf Born June I 1931 m Pasadena. Ca Survived by wife Hildegard, daughters. Rebecca Lofholm, Cynthia &hger; and Catherine Grav. three grandch1ldrens. mother. Mrs C.Onan Grav. brother. Garv W ·Gray. a sister. Glenda C.' Salas Mr Gra~ was a graduate uf the l.iniversJt\ of ~•lllhem Cahforn1a ~ hoot of Pharmacv Fu1wraJ servtces "·111 ht hl•ld Thursda' \µral 18. 1985 at 11.\!\l m P~1ftc \'h·~ :-.1ur1uc1.r' C hapc-1 In tt·rmt·nt Panf1c \'1e\\ !\kmnnal Park. Ne"' pun &•d1.h C1 Pa , tftl \It'\\ ~lortuan D1rt'('tu~ 644 2700 ' step. He secs his take-oil He \'Dtche'i hm1c;('/J I----------!~lheltnt,r~!11110g3f~Grove. t2441 Geofg• St Ga1den B H McGratl"ly p,..,. ducted t>y • 991'1"•' pen. Tl"los s111em•"' """' 1 ..., ooUlgOYef" the bai:.. And h. c ren.•ats this until hl' PUBllC NOTICE John Franll Edwards. Grove CA 92640 dlfll Par•IOI En1erpr1-nerSh•P with t~ CNnt, C "'' 1 O• _., <>...,...-~ This business is con· Inc · Kiiiy Dunegan ange Count~ <'" ...,.111(',. 10 is satisfied that he's round the perfect JUllll).. FICTfTIOUI M.llfNHI ~~~In~~~. ~~"3Av• ducted by. en 'lndlvtdual I Th•• 1111-11 WU fllecl Thts 1stattmenl was filed I 1985 Krueger also rclnlcd numerous personal NAMI ITATIMINT Thia bualneH 11 con· W•yne A Terry wHh the County Clerk 01 Or· wUh thl County Cler'll ot Or F21111:t experiences to support his cla1 ms. Thi lollOWlng '*''°"' are ducted by en lndlvldual r:•• sgitlll'\etlt;~ ,"~ enge Counly on April 5 1985 ange County on Merell 20, Pubtolhed Oi-angt-C.011s1 w '" ,,, .. C\"<,nl~ Cler-ot Or lF\Qll 1. ''°"' t)n Aprtl ~ 1985 nl'USt , PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BAOAO)NAY MORTUARY F. h h h ' h d ..... doing bUtlMaa u Jonn F Edwards wtl ll"ll ounry 0 ·I l"1'n241 1985 Oe·ly P1101 Meier 26 A.pro•: .\CO t oug Hi approac secmc to U\' COUNSELING CENTER Thi• 1111_.,I .... flied ·~County on Merch 27 Pvblltned Orange Coatl F271I03 9 16 198~ aimed at the world-class a thlete and pro-OF NEWPORT. 260 Marl~ with the County Cter1c or Or· 19 nnaa Oatly P1101April9 18. 23 30. Publl1"'9d Orange Coast 1 fes!l1onalcoach.1hcauchcnccwasmadcupofa A111 •6513. NB . CA anj• County on March 25. P bll heel 0 c 1985 o.11yPt101Marcn28 Apnt2. 'd f .. •. n th 92&61·5513 19 "' u s range oest T-64 t 9 18 1985 w1 e range o average spo s en us1as1s: • G " oa11y P1101Aprtl9 . 16 23. 30, · ~ _.10 h k d fli k d b ~ ,.,ndrew Alar, 9025 .,..n1... ' " ac crs. u ers. wee en tcnn1 u11s, a high wu•"lr• Bl d •309 e ~ ..... -1985 .,, · 11 • ev .... , Publlsn.d Or•""• Coast T·559 school wrestler. and one candid lady who said. Htna. CA 90022 ... , _______ __.:;...1----------• be 1.1 Marv J Tyler. 414• o,9•8llyPllotApr119, 18.23 30 ... _IC W\TlC[ P\&IC W\fll't "I \C never en 811 r to win 311y1h1ng in m) , v 15 rU1K. nu nu iw. ll r.e." ShOrecr .. t Ln . c d M CA T-"'57 ic-· 11 ~2825 " FtCTITIOUI M.llMll F "• wvvl auSMtS "You don't have to bl.· a pro or an Olymp1t· This but1nees 11 con· P\8.IC NOTIC[ NAMI ITATIMUfl MAMa ITATIMIHT i athlete 10 hcnefit from th1c, program ... Krueger ducted by a llmlled P•rtn.<· Pla.IC NOTIC[ r:tennoul M.l .... H lhl folloWlng perton• ,,.. Thi t~ng ~ .,., • .1 I • ood lhip ....... ar•n..-UT doing but1nete •• dOing bultMtSI u "'"1:>11st'of'<l Orange Coast (°18 \o P 1, I A.pr II 16 23 30 •08~ sa1u .. It'• a g WI\) 10 1ncrcnc;c }<>Ur Mary Tyler flCTITtoU9 IU...... n';."t()lk)WjnQ ~; ... VIDEO FANTASY 20~ s ON DISPLAY 2325 • P11 confidence. reduct' sire s and inJU!). and ™• 1111llMl'l1 wu "*' NAMll STAT'lflllNT dOing butlnMt., Euc:11e1 •F An-'*m CA 1111 Legvne H1111 CA 1ncrca!K'. )uvr enJ<>)mt'nl.of t.h.\'.~J?O.rtf~~ll WllhttMtkf>untyC1er1eofOr· TMtotloWlngPlf90Nlll'• RA LPH BROwN 112802 ScottBr1tnM1Qraw ~401 let 111 ll-1• YM choose .. .. CcM\ty on Aprll 5 1985 <laing bualneU as ENTEAPAISES. 721 fmer· 8redtey L Mlt"'-8 2970 t Norw Ave Coste 1\.49$1 CA v ... ~ fl1Ul1 .J MICHAELS S IN· aid Bay L~a 8eecf'I CA Que.IC,.._, •147 Lll!Ql,IJ\a 92427 H l'i tall. thin DpJXlrllO\."t and SOOlhtng Published Orange Cout STALLATIONS. •5 Balboe t26St Hills CA t2'J3 Bruce Dentel Mor''' peaking manner 'iCemrd to C'\Udc his oa11y Piiot Aptll t 14 23. 30. • "'e. CA 92M3 · R•IC>tl D Brown 121 Em· Kat~ 1< 'owt.f ioeM 211 ... 0g1e 5' Coeta MIN $ell V 011r Pr.,trty! m" "0'" 's h·· c"'nllnu-·• ,..,.,.h ""'rll(l"-"nt 1taS Mteh ... l'ranctt JIN •5 •ltd Rau l-...:. ~ Lempaon, Oercttn Oro .... CA 92627 I ~ ..... °' '" " ":u . ...... .,.., -T·5!t4 8albo1 Cov••. N•wpor1 CA 92;;{ -..-·· ......,., CA 92e40 Tl\11 bu11n111 is con· apixarc<l 10 he cnpgcd '" o ptf'\On3l 8Mch. Callf t2M3 Thie butineu " con Tl'lla t>u .. ,.... ie con· Ol.tctee by • Q9Mf• c-1· Call l'tllli.,_.J ' meditation 1----------Thll bu11,,.11 11 con uc:ted by en lllOMctual ttd b't a generw '*'1· '*~ V, , ... Would that ~01\h golfer hc.'(,'()01(' the nnt ·~-"-~-• ... u .. c .. NO ...... T_IC .... £..__ ltd by an lndlWNai Ralptl 0 Brown seon Maor-I 642-5678 •-M*e JeN Thll 11Mernetlt Wll filed 8fadley L Matbtu T'hot 1111--'I ..., .. !111C1 Ben Hopn. I I a oaa ma!llCr call uw a mantra FICT1110UI llU..... Ttlt• ... ~, .... ftled '"IM County~°' Of· Thi• llalwnenl ... ftted wtttl lhe County CIWll OI Or toaua1n. h1ghl"r~uue rnn that \\CC'k~·nd John MAMI ITATnllMT th IM County Clef'I ot Or· CountyonAott5 IM$,~,,,. County Cieri!; Of°' ange County on Me-di 20 I for ,. nf ormatlon Mc Enroe lk,elop 11 "tantra .. ll11 thr \amr Tnet~ngpetton•~· CountyonAprtt5 t915 ri1*1 i-..,,..Coun1Yon~&.1M$ t9H ... doing t>u11nna.. nnns PubllSMCS °' eo.. ""11117 m1111 purpose CIG CO MME~CI A L Pubi.1"4td O.anot Cout p M9' 1 Pul>hlhtd OrltllOe Cout Pvt>11•'*1 Ofllngtt COU1 & surpr·1s1·ngly fht' ml'\'<.ll'~' :11.1 11rd111tt. In I\ urt lo..1 u1.· ('1 " ruNOtNO 3 11 N ~t ally JSllOt Aprn 9 ft 2:1 JO tM~ ''°' Aprtt t 18 23 30 o.11y P1k11 Aortl II 18 23 30 t°"''Y Pltot ~arch 2t ~-~ ~ ""IH ~n lot lo,11\.'r\ Ilk ~JUU!HI 'Oill l\ 81 , St• 540 Newport 198~ l-S.7 198~ 9 16 lte5 , ...,., ,_.ow cost• hct11.•r than none e..cn. C" 11m-T $~ 11c:==.=::==::....-~.:::.=.;:.:.,;===-iil ·-----·. ,. PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL P•RK l PrnPt('• ~ • ~~\ rfH ~ 't \ t 1H1f • I t•tT ,t\ 1 \' \•, ~ "' '' \i "\"' (')1 ... • I McCORMICK MOfHVARY .. H4A90R·LAWN MT OLIVf '1'\i • c. f ,,...,_, ... , ( trT .... I "• " • ~,, ...... A~·· •'t 1 Mm,,.. ~ l,t,,C,4 0 •,' ..J- 1,,,'l,·_s 1./ •• Orange Coart DAIL V PILOT /T"4ttdayl April 'M. 19&5 ,Disney Erogu~f1Qil decJ~ares 30 cent per ~s are dividend Boa rd meeting h eld th Japan cel eb~ates second ann iversa ry of Tokyo Di s n eyland I he board of W~h l>1!.ne) Pro- duC'llOn) conducted m rcgulnr meet ing Monda} at l ol..yo U1!.nc) lund m J..ipan. The board dt·d a1t d :i Quartcrh ca h d1\1dcnd of 30 t'cnts a ~hare. Jlayablc. July 5 to 'iharcholdcr& of record J une S. It wns the [)1~ncy bourd'o; first mcctmgout'iidc tht•cont int•ntal Unat- t•d 'lilies. The mt.>ettngcuinc:1dt:d with the ..ccond :i nn1 vcrsary of the opening of fok)o Di'incyland. The theme part.. t!> owned and operated by c >m:ntal Land C'o. of Japan under a hrcm.c and royulty agreement with Wah D1~ney Productions. Dunn& this vmt. Disney officers 111t lud1ng Michael Eisner. chai rman ,ind ch1cfr,.ecut1 ve officer. a nd Frank \\ t•ll\ r·,.~•c1rnt and chief operatiOJ officer, will address Japanese 1n- vc~tor S«Unl) anal) ~t and bro~crs abou1 the C'Oml>an) 's prev1ou!.I) n· nouneed plan to list 11s common stock on the Tok)o Stock Eitch11ngc. The cl>mpaoy'~ applica110n for hi.ting on the Tokyo exchange 1s being sposorcd. b) Nomura ccurit1cs Co Ltd .. u Japanese brokerage firm. Nomura 1s in the pron·s' of c~rnblishi ng a trading market for the rompany's stock 1n Japan by purchus· mg Disney stock on behalf of Japanese investors in transactions pnmanly on the New York Stock fach311$C. The listing of D1sm·) c;tock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange 1s ~ubJc<.·t 10 approval b) the cx<.·hangc and Japam-sc regulator; authontu.·s S.Ct OTC 8~voor • Dut1ron NEW YOa K (A~I I l · .. I S· 16 OvnKn NASOAO _.. ...... 8rwTom 1 • 2~ E•!Van ~..,1n9 hltlM't b14f1 8utteh 47 41~ EconLb and 1twHI ....,.. bv 8u<ftoS I • t • EclCmo m•rlrel rne .. n Hof 4 CNL F;n l 11' E1P .. o.m Price' de Ml CPT S > ~ Elo.r8 OllCl~cM retaf mer1111• CalM•c I • I'• Elec:81o m•rlrclowR or ctmrn· CelWir \ lt 39 EleNuct ""on IOI' MefldaY. CaROnG 71"° 71'o Emcor SIOClr Bid ... CeRr eo 1 • 1l., EmpAlr . AE t , 25' 1 16 ) CeoSwl 16~• 17'. ,noCnv AFAPrl 37 ) )91 , ~ ... " 17l• 'J nfwl"I AVM !"' 10•, t ntcor ll., 1 Q_!9t > 91 t lU\ 1 '' 1 ~ rnov !~~g':v 1 a\ 20V: 11rms ' 1 ~ ~·,, ~~"' AdaCl.D 6' • 61' llml.ee 17 ) I '') F r AO ~, J , ,i' > "-'UI > 2S'" 2 > .. 1=1 ~P Ad~W 1 ,.,, :1~0 V; '• F1NF1". !d~~~\ 6 : 6~ llUt 1 S' • ~lurocD ..,?ia,n If • "" I~~~ 8 ~ , 4;'; F~1~ 1o11co1n ••, ~ llow~o t,. •:it. FornrO !~tn'' u.; 1 I! olrllt l1lol 171) l=rnkCP •C.r 1 Jl > '• omClr 11 ) 1' > ~rnt>.Et •M·: 19-312 )7 l""s"' q'• ij'. r MSG ANllns »'• l4 mwTI • '1:f"e' AOvav ll 16 '• nPap ' "' ~111 ""'g"' 6.., 6'• ord" • • 1 A t !~~"~ ~1,, ', ~·~ ~:~~ r.>: r.1 ~o...1~,cs APC>..C l' • 11141 t,tllFtO 1 ... '" nlllli'' AplOMI " ' 'f '" BA 17 11 1 -I "' n 1 , tum .... 6 r eco A· ~'LI • ) ,__ s ... s, I il ~rol\Sc A• lft, . )S • ..ID,, , ••• 7S r evAd IMO >, o HAOkl "•"1t• ~ ' !i '. etCen 1~'• ~.,. vrociv. 8800 • twev 4 , Ha~ • :o~ ,,, : 1a(r,. l 1 1 H• t gg!z.f..,m g ~ , "Ms.. J, , '' HatttN vlooo 9 • 10 Hr 1 an•tG • uO h' s ~ 16 HnhA ' B~~:r D ' , lrGn • • ~Vrl R 00', io•, 21 ~I ovlOB • il. Hecl'IU8 B·•d"" • 8 • 1 OrietCn 1t • 29lot Hen,dF 9.r1rnr S '• 6 , Dun• D 27 '• 19 HOiien 642-5678 J>ut a f<'u' 1c11 rds 111 n•ork for you lTl I he Daily Pilat FDA OKs marketing for new diagnostic tests I H\bntcch lnc announ<.t:d Monda' that ·It ha'\ recc1"ed f-l).\ appro' al 10 mart..ct oc1.1. d 1agno\t1c tc<,t\ for rnnn~r dragnO'il\ ;ind nwn11unng .md rapid prt•gna nt~ tt'\t1ng. 1 ht· nr"' <.J.nCl'r J 1J.gno\tt<:. 1.\NDI 1\.1 l-( F.\ lmmunomctnc .\\'><!}. 1!> the '>crnnd H)hntcch prod- ut:t using mono<.lon;i l ant1bod1..-~ 1n the cn mpan ~ ·'> patcntc(r I m· munomt•lnC' rmct·~' "'htch has he~n approH'd h~ the I r> \ to detect anlf nwa,urt· < I \ 111 hloo<.J '>Crum '>pen- rTil'"' { f \ ll'\l\ .trl' Wilk !\ Ultl!/l'c.J b\ f)h\\1(1:1m 1n tht• mon1tonng and progno"' 111 r1.111cnt' with colorectal. hrca,1 .ind lun~ cant·cr f h1'i new lC'>I Jdfrr\ Imm thl' prn 1nu\I~ J.ppro' cd r \ :\ f)[ \1 1< ( F \.Ill thll l II Utlllll'\ a u ilon mt•tm l hange to detec t C'E-\ rJthl•rthan a rad1oact1H· 1<;otopt· thu' d1m1na11 ng the need lor d1\p<1\al ot r.1d 111.1l11 \l' n\J tt•na I\ .rnd the u<,(· ut '\fWl)\I\(' g.1mOIJ lOllnll'f\ 111 .1dd1t111n I \ '-l>l \.1 I C l \ '' the onh tl'\l ,I\ J.rl.1hlc Ila tu ring '>rngk flll\lll\l rrnnt tahhralllln \\htch re- ""'' 1n "J.!n1f11 ;1111 ro\I 'J' mg' to the l.1hor.11111' T \'-I >I \if.I(<>'-If< C 1 ~rum. a rapid pn'gnann h·~t u<;cs monu- donal .1n11h11d11·' 111 d1·1n t low k' cl' ol 11< ( • <• prol\'ln a'\IK'tated "'1th pn·gnam ~ 1n hlomf \crum '>pen men\ I h1' p1odul1"1he 'lTond H)'bntt•c h pr11d1a1 111 u1tl 11 e 1h 1· Im - m u n 11 t '' 11 l 1· 11 1 r a I r 11 n 1 n r m a t l\'-1>1 \f H<I'\ JI((, \erum pr11\ Ilk\ '1·1' \l'O\lllH'. .1u ura11.: hospitals. chn1 cal laboratoncs and ph)s1c1ans offices. H~bn tech. a San Diego-based btotechnolog) company. 1s the re- cognized leader 1n the development, , producti on and markcung of diagnosti c and therapeutic products using monoclonal antibodies. UPs AND DowNs -- UPS AHO DOWHS NEW YORK (AP) -The lollowlno llsl show s Irle Ove r • Irle • Co u n!e r stocks and warranls lhal have oone up j the most and down ine most based on Percenr of crlanoe for Monday. 1 No securllle s lrading below S1 or 1000 shares are 1nC1uded. Nel and i>ercenta oe cha noes a re lhe difference belween lhe Pr\!ViOU) closlno bid price and lodav's lasr bid Price Name 1 PVC 7 Hemtec 3 AlnleQr 4 8 10TcC S HllhGP 6 AmNet WI 7 OcuUro , 8 AutPro 9 Maone1 10 OcuUr un I 1 York Rs 12 C11niTh 13 lnslCP s 14 lnlHld 16 5 Ort>1I (yl>O un 17 GlaxH 118 MOIBlo 9 M ulOll 20 TrnrB wr 71 NtwnLo 22 SlarTc 23 Brenco 24 Ntwl un 25 AS01ar 26 K1e1nr 1 UPS HS6 +}~Th UPPcl2,.9 2'9 + ~ UP 1 .8 241'1 + 31a UP 1 5 J'a +9·16 UP I 0 8'• + I • UP 16.7 3 t 3' UP 1' 3 2 " + • UP 13.3 '1 • t • UP 12 5 9 1 + 1 UP tl.t 2 > + • UP 11 1 7 ~ + ,.. UP 11 I 4 + ~ UP 103 8 + l • UP 10 3 8 ' t '• UP 9 1 7 A + ~ UP 9.6 13 • t I e UP 9 3 14'• t 1 , UP 93 2 S·16 +3 16 UP 8 8 3 & t • UP 17 8 t ~ UP .. S 3 • + • UP 3 6' 1 t ' UP 8 3 s T 11) UP I' S + Ill UP 1 3~ t • UP 0 6l· ! I UP 8.0 DOWNS l•'\U lh 1A.1 lh•1111 1n,trumen1a11un in 1 Nam e Owoco pl Moncor 01p1E1c Reid Ash Mill1cm Thm w un Zen tee SubAtrl A&M l"o Hvlek un Enroro Hv•ek ChrlFdl AsPenR .Rauch SvstTc UrwTr s CardP un QveslM SPrllnl Camt>BS ChrvE Da l as Pd lntrTei EnvrT s Lav. _c~~. g:ic'S6 9 lt\1• 11111111!1 \ thl'fl'h~ ofknn'g a re-~ pl,11t·11wn1 fnr 11l\ln1m1·n t-h;l' .. cd tt•,tc, 4 "hlth v.li1li-\t'0\111\1', ,lfl' l'\JX'n\l\l' ~ <tnd 1.1t..l· 1f1 m1n11tt'' 111 t\\o hours to 7 a·porl n 'ult' ~ l'h\\111.1n \ nt't•d J \l'll\111\l' lC\I 10 rt•,ul1 I•• tkl1·rn11nl ii .1 v.om.111 1' 11 12 fHt'!'ll,tnl f'rlClf 1• .tdrllllll\lfJlllln of 13 it•rt.11 11 drut1' 1at..1n~ \ ra'' 11r doing I; '1ir1111,1l pr111.nlun' '11 J \ lo m1111-16 111/1 lhl 1witt•nt1.1I for darnJi?l' toll l..tl l~ dn t•lnpnll'nl 19 r h<·,1· rw" rro<1111.:1" ,,,,n J grn1.1. 1ng ~V hnl' 1.1.h1d1 1nd11dn 111 I \;...l)f\,1 2n3 lmmunom{lflt' '''"''.ind 'tn,tru-2, mt•nt\ \\h flh lhhnh'lh llhll~l'I\ In 25 , 2 I -'• I 23 1 2 I ) I 16 7 5 -1 !(fl 16.7 2 '• '611 1~ ... !~l ~ I :: ~ !ii 2 3 16 -5-16 §!! 12 s 91 ,. Ott 11 6 ) 11 Ott 111 4 ', Off 11 I 2 •Otf lll ~ ; ~! !(!! l8 ~ J • " '6f1 1g3 ~: ~ I lot II • -I • 10 0 2 • 189 8 l~l: -I ; 8 Orange County's ' I • ' '" > , \' ~/ 1t easy listening radio station ... _ KDCM 1aa~1 ~~-,~~M SfiFIED ---------- lntrcxlucing The 6~-Money . t Certificate.Account that takes you out to the ballgame. '''"''~t Get free tickets to a major league hom~amewhen you open a certifiCate accoont;::-' .... - Base hall -.ca:-.on i-, here AnJ hL'n:·~ a weat wny co :-.<.'l' rh t· Angels. Dodger" or P;id res in :1Clion. Just oren ;i certific:lll' accounr of 65 dnys Pr lunJ.!tr Thi!-. unique 65-d.1y :ll'u llint offl'r" high money marh ·t ln f('fl '">t, -.ho rr·tL'W 'l liq ui<lity, and rt'.., L':l"Y to or t·n U -.1ng .1 -.ource other than ·"' l'-..:t ... lll1J.! r.1n fi<. S11\'tngs Bt1nk ;1ccnunt. '>tmrly Lk·ptNt .It le<l:-.t $5,000 fo r 65 d.1y.., or longer. Oren :-1n :"IC"rnunr. and you 'II hl· ;tJ b.1,•L'd to choose two aJ uh t1<.h 'h lnirn a ..,t•lt'r· rton of home~..tnH.''> over thL· rcnod lune 1hm11µh Sertemhc r. 1985 Along w1rh t'a<.h game. you'll he 11n·11t.·d 10 n reception ho..,red hy the 65 Ro..,c-. Srorts Cluh and u-. pl;i yer rer rc'l{·nt .1t1vt·-.. \(lu'll :-ilso rcrcrw .i '>f'lt'nal rc.•:fm ).!ift ;11 tlw ren·pttn n. \.\e'll make a $25 donation to Cystic Fibrosis. ~ The 65 -d ~v term. 1;1kt•n from iht• '65 Ro-.c11 .~pcm.., Cluh" I" our way ot ..,upportm~ the.· df11ri... tn hei r f md ;1 c. lm· (nr CF N<1mcd f11r rill' \\,J\ m \\hll h .1 you ng child firsc pronounccJ hie; disca ~e - 65 rose" -thi-, cluh i~ cn mpo<.t.·J nf con- cerned hall player" like Angel ~ 65 Ro'>t"' Sports C hairman Bohhy Grich . ,rnJ concerned citizcn~likc you "°fii help 1h 1.., worthwhile ca use. Pncific Snvtngs Bnnk wi ll make a $2 5 donacion CVL'ry timl' ;1 qualifying nccoum is opened Enter the Pacific S~ Bank/Cystic Fibrosis VIP Sweepstakes. What's more , eve ryone ha:-. ;in orpnr- cuniry to cnccr our Pacific ;ivin g-, ftrnk/ Cy ti c Fihro:-.i-, Vf P Swccp-,lah·-.. T he Grand Pri:::e '" ,1 VIP wct·kend trtr to Nt·\\ York fo r two to 'ot.'t' a Y:mkL'l''> l.ttc-... <.·:-1..,. in homcgame and Bro.1dway ... hnw Wrnner" will also he part of n dmrwr hn"tL·d hv Don Baylor. N:tt1ontll S porh C li ar rm.in for Cystic Fihrn~1 -. Three fi r"c-pri:e winnt•r-, w11l t·n1n\' n VIP evening wich the Dodgt•r-.. Angt·I-, or Pad res. The evening will im lucl(· trnnsp0rrnt ion. sr ecial \t.'ilh .ind d innv t ,u the sta dium. Thcn.'s no nhl iga ruin l'IHry form at rh e Paci fic rwarc~c you. f-i ll O lli ,lfl a\'in g.., B.mk For up,co-thc,minutt· money tn<1rkl't cemfi catc ra re-, :rnd n1orl' inform.1l1on call 1-HOO-P.t\CIFIC 1 l-Hl\1-722,4 H 21. or mail in the cou pon hcl ow So pl<iy hnll with u ... Oix·n .1 nS-d.1" M ont·y Market Cert1fir,1tc Acco u nt ,11 Pacific Savlll J.!'> Bfl nk --......._ AnJ catch your / "- renm tn ncttonv , . r-"-'es Im in1c1l•\1t"J tn a 6S.day / ~-font')' Marie.et Ccrt1he te Account. nelw l aU me ~nd me "'°"' ._. .. ~~~ I Namr - f Add re \ \ '-..... PACIFIC S\VINGS BANK • I l I "f \ \1f "\ I II , I I 'I I \ ,,, b..~._~.4.11 1 tu !< -FSL .. On the , • Orange Colst OAJL Y PILOT /Tuaday. ~If US, 1Na NB • --=--l:ili IR.JSJ.t11111JJlt&t1~~ TUESDAY'S CLOSING PllCES Dow JoNF ) AH ~ACf s ----=----- WHAT NYSE DID ---- NEW YO'lK (AP) AM. W l • NYSE LE ADERS 1 UPs AND DowN s NEW VO~K (APJ -The fOllOwlftO II" 'now' tl'le New York St~ Ex.cnanoe ,rocks •lld warrant, that have oone uo !tie "'°'' ano doWn IM mott ~Md on P9'c.ezll of chanoe r egMl1leu_ of votvme for TuHd•v No 'e(urltle\ lradl"9 below S2 ere Inc;!· ·1,1ded. Net end i>ercentaue cha~ ere the dlfference befwffn the or.,,lou' clo•I09 once and todav's bis"'' orlce Name LH I Cno Pel 1 lntormGen 2•' ' l 2~ Uo 'i 9 2 v ellev Ind 2'• • U1> ! 3 WillmsEI •ii. ~ Uo . • AmAoro 2 'I • Uo S Antnonvlro 121'1 '• Uo ! 6 CBS 11! 61-UP 7 AcmeEleet l. , UP vlEvansPd • + • UP ~ C~ve1>ek I • + '• U1> l l Oeklndust '• + e UP 9 11 UnitOrill •, + • I.Jo 9 B ~~;:~~~ ~t ~ ~ 1 ~ 8UP1>P ~·1 14 AoPldDera • l 1 , S lS Euell!Bus n '• + l Uo S 16 ~srVaSks • ..-1 • Uo S 7 Oaraonl • 1 + '11 UP • 18 v1ChartCo '· + a Uo • 8 19 f"yroE"Ov • + '-UP 4 I ~ Timeplex I + ~. Uo 4 & BrockHll 21~ + • UP 4 ! lnllRect s 14 ., .,. ~ Uo c AGS Cotr 12lti + , Uo 4 GnCin of s J1 • .,. 1 • Uo • s M notA''' J • 1 • uo c Name l WheelP11 So 1 ButtttG\ ot .) Comdisco .c Put>lock Ina S UnStkvd} n 6 Butte\ Gu 1 ~enouer 8 I onnEn11v ' 9 anoerOll 10 Tacom80111 11 Tueslnll 12 Kvocera 13 ClaoirCo 14 CohnA1k s l S Bff'kev Ptio 16 Sonv Coro 11 Am SLF•a 18 H1tach1 19 Cnrf\llane 20 ~edaers ?1 Reaman lno n LearPetrl 23 Sundstrano 24 Winr>ersCo 1S CromotKn ' DOWNS Les I (Ilg 1 -I'· ~·. -l • Ii' -1 . lto -• ... -~ 3~ -• S"'e -"" 16 '~ - l • Jl. -3'• -2. -• Cl • -1 • 1 -.... '°'• -1 s. -• it:! = J; ~ '~ 11 . -i); = ~ 17~ -I , 43 J -p. ,al: = J: WHAT AMEX Oto NEW VORt< IAPl Aor 16 Advancea Declined Uncnanoed To1a11uve' Nfw nign, New IOW' Toaar WI 32• 289 114 • 16 6 AMEX LEADERS NEW YORK (APJ -Sale\, TuHCSav oriet and nel cnanoe of trte 10 mos• active A.mu icon S•oc.k E •Ch&l"IQe 1nue\ 1rad1n11 nahonetlv a• more than s 1 BAT Ind su,.'100 Wa LaDB y 900 Gul~an g S 600 , ... -. '~ 111·~ j IMtrSys• 226.000 DomePrr 152 300 D••me<I 1.c 1 SOO Crysta tO• Ill 200 TIE Comm 112 800 Ecl'l<>Bav 11 171 700 T uasA1rC P '19 700 14 1 11 lo 1 ... 1 6 12 .. 11 • NASDAQ SUMMARY NEW VOR"' CAP -Most Kl ve over ·~ c ounter \IOC'-' \UOC>heo by NASO ~me Vatunw Bid A\ked c.,.. GluH 749 'JO() l.C>• 14 '• ~ 1 • MCI IAl 700 II'" 9 Sul"IC\• 429 400 I ~ I l 16 0 8eer •11 200 s~ sit 32 ~ 1,..11vTu1 )19,100 16'• 16 '• Cen•tm 314 000 9'' 10 • Er•cT• 192~100 31'• 32 • T anaem 71> 400 '°'• 10 '• A.po1eC 161 100 21 • 21 '-p onH• 266 S00 JOl,, l 1 GoLo QuoTES ~'"" "Hw~ ~ ptte• t,.,..•Oey .. _.,... """""'4 '"•no i 11 • "' '" '· • l....,_ "'"*''~"'"' , .. ,.~ i .1.k ~, ntt $ ,..,t• ~, ,.C',,, ''"~ S Sl ~ •• r:tt 'l,.. ,,.,..,""1 t, ••"'Q '.lJ' 40 .... $0 •. , l-•••••tlt'C """0•\1 ,})0(l(J "' !U ' ......., • ......._ °"'''U "'IJ•"''~I$,\{ S() "' (.....,...., ... , •• ,"""'•'''le' "1 ,., J ). l ......... d •--"<•.._ '"'"" "••• CN<'te1 • •• • H " ,, .. . tiY C-o Q<•11 Ol.'<>I ,.,.,.,th Y -S.,'9 JQ •r • \ '(, METALS QuoTEs -·· ·~ ." \. .-nt• v--~~"" ,._,., ..,,,...... "'- ..... , r.""'• lll "' That'sanaptdescriptionofboth busine a nd busines people along the Ora nge Coas t. T o keep track of wher com pant sare going and which p ople ar h e lping them get there.just watch ·er dtt Line· -ever day in the Business section of your new Daily Pilaf ' -' OrMOt COUt DAILY PILOTITutrlClay, Aprtl 16, 1985 \ MlJt flJJIC( ~or· T .. TMASUAY o..• ... COUlfT'f OEPAJlllTMIMT 0, INTlAHAL MVQM! ~ CCMIM lliE TRIAIU..V AO~ CITY 0# lltvM *>T1CI 0# 11..VIOI M~C..... IH~l.AEVENUE 1 Hottcellhereby~thel NO~ ~~.:.. llOnCl°'MM.ID ~AM. $1tRVICI !,." March 1&, 105, 72100fthll0MtCodeot 8IDe ANDMNhhCM • IAU CA..,. NOl1CS °' MALID IS.4.000 oo u • cvffeney "-State of Cellfofnla the NOTtc1 11 HlfllHY TO AG••11r• . ~ T HE 0 II~\'' PILOT Undlr Ult MhCWlty In ~ AHA AA1A llD UU WM MIHd from I 1MO ~ , Udo Vllll & OIVEH thil.I M1610 bkia.. HTAll llQ. Amt11 lnMrtW Ae•••OoOe eeo--aoll.t~GHT M UNI« u. S'l\Oflty 111 COUL Co.nllUAW. ..lt.llt ~.IM..2aGOAtloll ~ To Mbakl. ~ GLA Ucn 1331, the property o. ~1 CHARLES Ol ll'lternal ~ Cod4t aec;.. IOYl2(Ml 199:t. !*keel In • vwiue, tf'Me, CA wlll NII II of I"-City ot !NIM. cell-creottMa 11ne1 conunoent • • IFIED OF f l .E If( H R ~ ICflbtd ~ 1\81 been MQ• WAYNI! W"IG~l JR lion &:)31. IM Pf°'*'Y oe-pul>lkl IOt IOC•ttd at Mlln euctlon. at 2200 Alton fomla IOt ~nlehlnel .. .-nt. Cf*lttor1, and peftonl wno •d tor nonpayment 01 c... Ho oues71 ICflbedt>etowhaabMnMit· ,SlrHt ano McArthur ~.!Nlne.CAet 10•m labOr Nr¥'°'9, mat~al•. meybtot'*"MM lntere.ted Internal r~ \U .. ou. '"WNIONI ad lor nonpeyment of Boulev.,d. Slt'lll Ana. Call• the Uth day of April, tooll, ~I. ~ In ttle .ut ftftd/O( ettate ot: "°'" Wllllem A &. Vaietle M NO'neal Yw heq ..._. ll'lttfnal r.-...nue IUM OU. lomla IOt lllOletlon of 21 USC tH5. Ille IOllOWlng de-tran:f::t•tlon, 1111111 ... end VIMll. I . WILSON ~ .. ~~~ :::=; n.00W1.., c'9clde = ~~:.,:ci,, 1.c '~~~ = 1::~0:,~ ~=~i~;. w1l11en ::!ua~1~h:!f~1':: by A~~.":"~"''i:: T t•ll-p la 0 flt' . t'f' i I t'. \lo 11dtt ~ -Fridu~ aee1ec1 bid .. ptovlded by Mtttt•:..-f:'d ~ lrut\. Chetlel r Jta 1.uc111e 1ec1 Stet• Olttrlct Coult In John llo!11>r.\. 's1terr1: p1ovlded 1n 1n. oontract ~ COl#t of ~ lntwMI ~ COCS. tee-epond ltNn ao fteecl S.Ck Trutt ... Tilt PfOl*tY order to~ tM • EfrOOti. !rto; Ollllder• o o c u m • n t a , I o r Count~ requeeuno thet I.ion ISS5 lltd related regu• the..-...... win be .Old •I S>Obllc Hie labia CHM for tllla .. llVre £1\tlfprl ... ;Emauluon, Wll• Yele/Noftllwood TrtfflO $IQ-!It .... ,, Wlleorl be at>- i.tlOne, Deta 8161 win be If wl • ul\der Haled bid .. mutt Ille with tn. Aelkfent llam' Gllet Rollfe Glenn nit tog•ther with •P· po,lnttd u s-aonel rep-Ooentd: Wtdneldey. May 8, ~1:' 1111lh1~or-= t1~~~ provlOed by lflltfnal Rev-•Agent In Charge, Or~ !n· Dorothy, ·Hiii, "obert; purtenenc .. thereto, In rn«llatlvetoldmlnltt•tfle H:oo ·\ \1.-:>::m P \I. ·eu ... i111·~"' C:uunlc·r \l oncln~·Fricla ~ 1tl5; Time 81d1 wrn be ., enue Co<I• ltQllon 8335 end jforcement Admlnlatretlon. Mechert, Sul (Volle); 1trtct eocordtn~ *'lh tn. Miiie of the decMldent. H:OO \.\1 .'):00 P .\1. Opened: 1 t:OO Lm., Pt!Mle ol ~::;11~.t~~t do llO rellled r1111u1at1on1. Del• P 0 . Boli 12009. Santa Ana, McGrogy, AM, MoNHI, epeclllcetlona on Ille et the Tll• petition raqu1111 811•: 24000 Avll• Rd.. your Bid• wlll be Op11n1d : c ..i11orn111 11:1712, • elllm Mlcn..r· Morgen Jarnet' otflceoftheOlr.ctorof P11b-autnorny to tdmlnletet the .... HI.IC \ l'IU\ Uguntl Nlguet, CA. 9<1877. ~'ri:d~?lng. It any, Wedntndly, May 8, 1986. and COii bond Of 12.500.00 Sturm.' 011teri Prlbue: lie WOfk• ••t•tl ~nder IM lnclaipln. I· 11 ~th floor. Tlti. offered: Only n me. Time Bid• Wiii be OOlfled or 10 t*otnt of IN· •P. AWk, Rooert· UrNtY Rob· OAT~ OF OPE NINO BIOS: dent Admlnlltrttlon Of !!-. \I 11111 l.1 \ the right. tltle and lnterwt 01 mi!:= ~~t~bh~:,~~.!r; 11:30 a.m , Place ol Sile: prelMd value of the prop-ert: Wrlghi, Te~au ; Bid• will be received attn. lat• Act. ·111 .. ..,11,t , \11111 Wllllem A .• Vw"" M"""--" u ..... 24000 Avll• Ad.. Llguna erty, whlChever la ,..., but Muhammed. T""'"'llL otflce OI Ille City C ....... k Of,... A heating on the -11""-• In end to the pr~ :m; d.Cldlr contra Ud tin 111• Niguel, CA 92877, 4th lloor not leel than 1250.00, with Said Hie 'ii-for the City of lrvtne ~•led ·~ will be '*<1 on MAY 'f."111aa \\ i·drw-1 l.1' ott.,td for .. 1.. It r.. =:: •=~ ~~Udcii' .. Title offwed. Only the right, 1ppro~•d 1urety on or purpote of utltlty1no lien 01 17200 Jamboree Roed, et t ·30 A.M. In Dept. Ho. 3 al cauetted, tn. lnttfnal ~-l .. la tnformecton ai. title end lnter .. t ol Ch1r1e1 bo1MeAprll22. 1955 Oln.t-the underalgned for un· lrvtne, California, 92713. 700ClvloCtnttrOrlveW•t, Th11r~d,I\ «Kie Service w111turnlll\1~ alQue que F & Luollte Seek. AK.A wlM. the prol*'IY wltl be oollecled ,.r1tll f ... a trena-unlll 10:00 1 m on Aprll 24, 81nt1 A~. CA 9210<1 t."rtil.t \ tormatlon ll>Out po.Ible SIU led ci.... IOllCi harlH F Sack Trull, dllpoMd of eccordlng lo portlllon c:hargea In IM IH5 at which lime end IF YOU OBJl!CT to the enoumbtenc.a. wt11cn may 1 tit II hat'" F 9fld Lucille Seek law tnterMtecl Perl* may amount of 13 1,05 1 70 place bid• will be publicly grentlng ol Ille petition, you be UMf\11 In determining Ille =~n'!: '::!:'~ ru1t-In and to tilt ptop-Ill• pe1111ona IM remlltlon of togettier wllh co1t1 of open ad 11\ Co u n c 11 should either llPPMf et lhe vllt.le Of the lnt••t being lnmedlatament• ~ 1 will be offwtd tor Nie If mitigation 01 forlallur• with edV8ftlllng and expen991 of Chamber•. Bids anall be hearing and ital• yout ob. told o.tc<lptlon of prop-· •••equated. the Internal~-th• RHldent Agent In Nie submi tted In ... 11d jec:1lonaorfllewtltMftob.teo- ..;,it 11r.l.1 \ "1111d .I\ I I 1111 I 11 I 11 I I> L \I >I . I '\ 1-. l: JIJ I'·"" 1.:W 11 111. I· .{ti 11,111 I :JtJ ,. Ill l '.HI 11 Ill ~ t H) j1 111 ~ 1111 I' 111 911y: Perce! 1 t..ot 24 o1 Tract ~ 'U., r~·~~-0 s.Mce ·w111 l\lrn11t1 In-Charge purauan1 10 111 use t Dated 111115th day ol APrll, erw.i<>c>e1 marked on the Ilona With the coun before 7323 ... 11\own on a map · •Y -vv .. a, ormetlon aboul pouibl• I 15 I 8 . 2 I C F R I 1995 out 1 I d•, "BI d 1 I o r the hearing. Your IPPM'· ~dad 1n Bo<* 277. Page pued• -reglatrada • tlem· breo<:ef. wl'llctl m•y t3 t8 7 1·13115 8 1 and 28 ous PAL.LAD VIie/Northwood Traffic Sig· 1 anoe may be In per.on or by 17 of Mlac:alaneoua Maps, pol· TO THE Rl:SPONOENT UMfUI In determlnlng 1ne CFR 9 1·9 7. wilhOul filing • Publlshed Orange Coaa• nil CIP 510-87 .. your attorney Otenge County, CA p.,Cll The petitioner hn flied i Aiu. ol the Int.,.. belno ~la1m and C:Oll bond belly Piiot Aprll 11. 18. IQ95 LOCATION OF THE IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR C. \ 'C:El.I. \T IO' "1< C.OHHEC'TIO'\': 2: Non.-dutlva ICl9Ur1• petition concerning your . Oeeotlptlon ol prop-• T .!;4( WORK TM work to be pet· Of • contingent Cf9dlt« of nant _.,,.,,,, fM ~ marriage 11 ou tell 10 flle ty. Lot 48 of Tract 3500 11 Fr-le l . lrtet•. ""'· formed hereunder 111oca1.o the deceued, ~ 1n1111 Ille or 1111r•H over pr vat• rNC>On" wifhfn 30 dayt 0~ IU, ~4:f=4~n01B: ~~!!~J.';~r tn the City of Irvine, County your clalm with the coun or lmrntlG 3 8d 2 0. Oolli9ge Perl( .,.. MO¥Mn cond $134,600 850..oll 11 --- lr.S..0.Htftu• 38R. 2~. f1tnlty rmm. tlr• piece. 1trtum. 111g• ylfd $139.500' ltJ WartHt l11Htr .. a.1111 TllHOIBll SAVE 116,000 below eppralHd price. S1v1 $6000 below eppralled prtoe. S88.000 net and S 120.000 net. 775~«0 1mae 1044 llOIUllLI 12400 down, ull•r provides FHA nnenclng, tow fixed lntet•I rete. 2BA 1ownhouae with Qet· age. Onty 163.500. Call Peg oemeron 559.9400 WM~" I •I :~ •t • • atreeb u MC lonh In th<>M the date lhet tl'lil summons -..-1-••apt r-ord-.. Date ••ar-" ..... 1985 ol Orange at the lntwMC11on pruent It to the pereoneJ certain Declaratlon of Cov.-11 served de-... -wu "" ..... '" Mt.IC NOTICl ol Vala Ave and Northwood. repr-tetlve eppoll\ttd by nent1. condltlona and re· on you, your n Orenoa County Call-PubllaNCI Orafttll Co.tit DESCRIPTION OF WORK. the court within tovr montha ltrlctlons, rec0tded April 6, faun may be entered end the ornla, toge1her w'11t1 all 09'11 l'llot April 2. t. 11, LEQAL HOTICa The work to be performed from the dete of first 11- .11111·11.1111111 ... 1111 1 11tt11•1 l11111 .. 111 .1\ Ill' II let« It• 1111 .. ,1111•' rl1•,1dl1111• .. ,, .. ,rl111 \ I' p I 1• 11.,1 • .t, I,. I 111 1 I I , 1111 1•Il.111 t If I 1;•;.;•;;,;!f!••'•'·"~·'!Ci!i·~-l_,Ol_t 111111 ti It' r \\ I 1t' II I , 1111 4·11111 :.,! \ 11 I II , Id saao,100 1971 In ......... 95""" p court may entw • judgment ildlng• and lml>!'OVlfnenll 1119 ... II I I .. _ ...... II f le t ......... """" "'" llQ9 containing 11\)unctlv• or ocettd ihereoo AueNort NIWPORT-MllA .,.,e nc 11.,.. but not""' m· aueneeo t ersupro~ ....... 902 and Pege t33; Aprll 8. othat orders concerning ., ..... "'"·m"--1•1 •• 3 .. ..()3 T•523 1 OHIFllD ICHOOl lied to tn11ellallon of traffic In Secllon 700 of the 1971 In 800ll t5tt, p8Q8 di 1 1 1 opwt .., ..... AV """ .. " " Dtll'IUCT llon•I end highway Mfety Probate Coda of CaJlfomla. I 'IJ 1, 1, 307; and Aprll 22. t97 t, In v •on °. pr y, epou ol. 490, pg 525 Sing~ Molle. lnYlttncl •kl• Holl ting. traffic llgns end The time lor ntlng clalma wlll •• ' ' () 'S: 8ootl 9814, pege 6l4 of 11141 tuppon. child custody. child amity realdence. Commonly NOTICE IS HEREBY 1frlptng, median modi· not •liPlre prior to lour Official Rec:ord1 ol Ora,.,.. iupport. attorney 1881' nown H 755 Olympic GIVEN tllllr the Boatd of flcatlons ind Tr" Aemovll. months from the dete of lhe C lu•t' I. ' n 11 r 11 ii d .11 h •11111 11' 11111 I . ..,-costs, •nd •ucttl other relief 0111 Meaa CA 92826. nuni IC NOTICE County. Commonly known ai may be grented by 11141 • · rU1n. Education ol the Newport· COMPLETION OF WORK· l'INrlngnotloeebove. t•rror' 11111111 .. l i'.i ti·I', I hi· I > \II) aa 28 Royal St. George, llua •ddrea. Property may Meea Unlfled School Olatrlct All work la to be completed YOU MAY EXAMIHE lhe ' Newpon 8Noll CA 92800. A court. The itamisl'lment Of Inspected 11: Sllul Ad· K 17111 of Orange County Wiii r• within sixty 80 calenbdar Ille kePfl>Y"'ttle court. II you p I I ( n a .. , 111111'' I j" I 1 ii j I \ for t 111' I 1 r .. I cu1tom 5 bedroom. 4 bath, wages, ttkrng of money or resa, ExttHlor on~ Sub· NOTICI °' celve 1ealed r.• up to 2:00 day• from the date apec:llled are • penon lnter81ted In •'"""' f ., propetty or other court lie•--01 Blda·. 11 bid• •....r1 ....... T••Ne••• , .. •uvv equare oot 1tuoco ,. authorized OCMdl ''"' ... ' ,__ ~ .... " PM on the , t dly ol May In the Notice to Proceed. Ina Hiiie, ~ may Mrva 1tory home. Ille roof and 11-atao '""It Pl ngs mey ust be submitted on Form ANO LllAtllACK 1985, et the ortlce of aatd' 1'WARD OF CONTRACT: upon th• executor or ectmln- t8Cltled 3 cer ~arega Prop-FEB 17 t984 222, SHl•d Bid tor Nottcel1hereby~lventhat Schoot District located a'1'T""-Ow,,., reHrve1 th• l1tretor, or upon the at- erty may be napec:tacl 11 L" A. Br.,,ch. c~11. l y: ~~h~t:t ~:z~~~~: :~~~l~i,~~.\Sos'~~-2985-B Bear Street. Coste right. alter opening bid•. to tomey lor the e11ec:utor 0t Situ• Addr ... , Elltwtor only Henne E. loedck, ~ _.,_81__, ~ for Form• Cellf ,..,.., .. ,. Meaa, CA at which time Mid t rajecf any or •II bide, to admlnlltrator. llfld Illa wttl'I &ibmTISlon of Blda· All bide Clertl • ""' ""' .,.....,... geiff, ornla """'"" II\-bids wm be publicly oper1tld •waive 1ny fnlormellty In • the court with proof of -~ lnMI fer Ille I••'" fll ltlt mu1t be tubmltted on Form Ure and Shupe Anorneya 2222 and lnformallon about tand1 to tren1lw to etfd end read for: bid. to me)l1 award• In the vloa, a written requnt Ital · ~----..--..=-..---1 :::.:::.;.:..::.:::..~-.,...~~ 2222. ~Hlad Bid for tor Petlllorw 333 Cjvlc 1he property. Submit bid• to ~~~~~u~omN!~~OcNo:L CONTINUOUS FORMS jlnttH"1 Of IM Owner and to Ing th•t you dealre epecllll Ctat11l 1002 ltatral lMl Pvrctl&M ol Sau.cl Prop-Centw Drive West. Sent• =or~~,,;.~, ~11 .. _ BANK. A S 0 W NE R All bide are to be In eo-rejecl ell olhlf bid•. nolkle of the filing of en In· erty Contact the otllca In· Ane CA 9070 t """ '" ""' cordance with Condltlon1, PROPOSAL GUARANTEE ventory and apprelaement of dlceled below lo< Forms • opened_ Peyment term•. TRUSTEE, 777 Mein Str .. t. 1nstructlon1. and Specif!. ANO BONDS Each bid lhlll .. tlte llMll or of the pell-•IAlll llPIS UI* 2222 and Information •bout PubllSl'led Oreny: Coaal Bids must be accompenltld Hartford, Connecticut celloneMiicharenowon. Illa be accompenled by a t1on1oraccountamentlontld ·~·-·-·· the property Submit bid• 10 Dilly Piiot Aprll Q. 6· 23· 30• by the rut! amount of tn. bid 08115. Attention: Bond end In the office ot 11141 Purcnu-cartlfltld Of eu111er·1 check In Section 1200and 1200.5 of _,..._ the peraon named below t985 If It totals 1200 or...._ II the Truet .. Admlnltlratlon. per-Ing Dlr~or ol Hid School or by • corporate aur.iy the Cellfornl• Problte Code. Sherp bd condo. S9C before the time bid• will be T ·5'• loteJ bid Is more than 1200. eona.I Pl'c>peftY dacrlbed u DlstrlC1, 21185-B Bear Streat bond on tn. form turnllhect ....,. Ooee.I, AHoffteJ et g1te nr SC Plaza pool ape opened Payment terms 1 __________ aubmlt 20 percent of the followe: One 8737-347 elr· Cotta Mesa CA 92828 • by tne Owner u guatantM Lew IOI ch1 l'wtiwe1 +carpOf't . S1erlflee et Bid• mua1 be ac;c0019anled P\&IC NOTICE amount bid or 1200. wtllell· creft (N3301). lnctudlng. Bid pack. and nm-that bid<* will. II an awerd au.-1000, Oranee. CA 169,900 3 bd only by the fun amount of Ille bid ever Is greeter On ec:cep. without llmllatton. two pies may be picked up 11 the 11 made to him In ac-tJe11 $79,999. Aum 10'A% 1111 If It totlla 1200 or 18$1 If the Notic. of a. of tanoe of the h~haet bid. the CFM&&-3 :f"" lnltelled Purchasing/Store• Office cordenca wfth the twm1 of PubNlhed Orenge Cout T.D. Won't lull WOOda- 1111·111 n·l'I i f"'t•rl i11 11 1111 h . Cl.ASSI Fl EU f>·i2-.~h 71~ •• Lowes• priced 48R view In SEAVIEW Agt. 769-1997 with 3Br 28a+separate guest 1ac1111y . 3 ear oar. $265,000. 646-5754 Alll•E 12'h% FIUlt Like new 3 bdrm, ~'A btlh, 2000 sq N house, 1 block to beach. Lrg private patio wlapa t 20 x 20 eundeck. A beauty! Only $324 ,900 . 11sum• $250,000 11 12'h% OWC!try tow downl Cell Patrick Tenore 631-1288 UJll Beautiful Hrbr Vu Home 28r •den or 38r Lg assum 1st T.D. Xlnt buy at $229,000 Ownr 759-0605 or 675--0655 total bid 11 more than $200, ""' l'ropetty at balance due. I eny. wlN be 11her1~~ •0 1 •II buyer-2985-8 Bear Str .. t, Costa t1l1 bid, promptly MCure Dally Piiot April 9, to. 18, Ide Vlll1ge 2511 W. submit 20 petClenl of the "1vete s..i. required In lull Form 01 P•y· urn....... equ pment end Mna. CA '92828, from Mrs. Workmen'• CompenHtlon 1116$ Sun t Io we r P II r I ck emount bid or 1200 wn1cn-No A 12 t357 ment· All PAymtnll muat be oeth14H8 P1•rt• of !!!'•t•v,•r B•~erlee Barker. Buytr lnturenoe and llabltlty In· TW-543 Tenore, Agent 631-1266 snow. .. IPYIWS Added Bdrm cen be MIS· BLUFFS BY OWNER let tulte or In-law quit· 3Br•den. 2'n8• Condo ever 11 grMter On ec:cep. 1 S c by cash. certified ctleotc, " ur ncorporato .... or n-Phone. (714) 558-3237 sure.nee, e11ac:ute • c:ontrec:t lance of tile hlghelt bid, the n Ille UP9fl0r our1 ol cuhler'e or treuurar'1 •tailed ttl«eln or ltleched A Parlormanoe Bond mey In 11'1• required IOfm and ----------1 bele.noe due. If eny. wm be the State 01 Celllornta, for clleck or by a United Stain lhereto Thi• tren1ac:t10n wt" be requif'ed atltle dlecretton tumllh Mtlslaciory bonds PUBLIC NOTICE t9qutrtld '" lull F0tm al Pay-the County Of Orange poslal benk axorHI or be eoneummated 6n April of the Otstrtct for tne lalthful perl0tmanc:a ----------1 menl: Alt payment• mu1t be In the Matier ol the Eet•t• telegraph ,,;oney order 26. 11185 at the offloes of No Bidder ·may withdrew of the contrect end for the CORRECTED by cun, certified check, ~!_~IS JEAN PEARY. Melle Chee!( O! money or~ BrNd, Abbott & Mor~an, hi• Bid lor a period of forty-peyment of claim• of ma-LEOAL NOTICE CHhler'a or tret1urer'1 Notloel1r-•byn1venthet ~r,!bl~~v~!!'e rnterneJ Rev-153 Eell 53rd Street, -five (45) day1 alter Ille date ttflalmen end teorera there-ORDINANCE NO. 2751 11--•1 Check or by• United States he d .1A j -·-""" """ York. New York 10022. Ml for the opening thereof. under. Seid check or bid-(Code Amendment 86-31 -- terl. 4 Bdrmlaweeplng XLNT FINANCING views. awnere want to S 179.000 Ownr 64()...6931 Mill $563,500. UNl()Uf Ii( M:'i Ae1ltor11, 875-8000 IYOWIH Seavlew 4 BR 2'Aba A/C, Spa, $349,000. Exe•I. financing. 640-1141 poetel, benk, expre11, or 1 un lf-vned w 11 M4I at Nature of Tiiie The right Property located •t JOHN The Board of Edueetlon of der'1 bond 1hell be In In CoHtal Zone Sulfl1t lllAIFIHT t•l•or•Ph money ordet. Prlvete Hie, 10 the hlghelt t111eendlnt3erntoltn.te11: WAYNE AIRPORT ON the Nawpon·Mell Unified 1mountnotlet1th1ntenpO) "ANOAOINANCEOFTHE IALllA UITILIFF Meke cheek or money ord4H and beet bidder, subject to payer (nemed on the front of MeeArthur BlvCI .. In IM city SohOQI O~trtct~~ the percent of the •mount of the CITY OF HUNTINGTON 5 Bd 3Ba. fam rm, 2 trplet. peyeble to the 11\temal Rev-confirmation of said Su· this form) In and to the prop-ol Irvine, county ol Orange, right to reject any or all Bldl bid. The Falthlul Per· BEACH AMENDING THE 40 Non wide eandy beach. 3 car gar. $315.000 Incl enue Service. ~~ord Cou~, ~n ~r ~~:; tne erty 11 Offered tor Hie sub-state of Calllornle. end not necesaarlly IC0991 formanoe· Bond •h•H be not HUNTINGTON BEACH OR· Well located ne1r land. 2218 ARALIA ST Natura of Tiiie: The right, •Yo pr ' • al ject to ·any prior "llld Macdonald, Het1led & the lowest Bid and to alv1 .... than one hundred (100) DINANCE CODE BY RE· N.H.Y.C Remodeled 4 Illa 1 3er th• office ~f The Houalng outitandlng morlgaos, en-L1ybourne. Attorneys-et-1 .. ' w 1 he PE A L IN O SECTIONS Bdrm home with gourmet Ow!'ler/Bkr 644-1S38 t •nd nt ett of Iha tell· Market. 52 .. t Lincoln Ave .. cumbr•AA•s or 01 .... i•-s Law'l!I Pllr11l4Hahlp lnctudl •ny nlormahty or Irregular!-percent 0 1 total •mount 969 ll ~ THROUGH 969 9 8 kitchen, formal dining HVH MONTEGO •er. 2Ba. peyer (namect on the lroor ol s 0 C6 c CA"''"'"'" ·~ • '"" ...,., • ng ty In any Bid received ofthe bid price named In the · · ., thl• f0tm) In and 10 the pro~>-u e • ypress. ~ In favor of third pan1es ProfesslonDI Corporat1on1. NfWl'O"T ·MllA · UNI· contract. The Labor end M•· BY AMENDING SECTIONS room, 3 cer garage end FR By Owner $264,900 er1y Is olfwed for ltle aut>-Tele. 714-527·30e<> Attn: ega1nstthe taxpayer tl'lal are 1200 Wllahlre Boulevard, fflD ICHOOl DtlTRtCT of terl•l• Bond lh•ll be not .... 969 9 o ANO ADDING pnvate enclosed patio. T lject to any prior valld Oarlle Wuicelc County ol 111partor lo the lien of the Loe Angeles. Calllornl• Or-Coun ... Cllltfomla. than one hundred (100) pet· THERETO NEW SECTIONS Bank ow04td toreloeure. Tll ILlfn Assume 1111 .0 . Bkrs <N Orange. Stele of CeHlornla, United Stain All property 11 90017 -.. -.,, t 969.9 '· 969 9 6, 969.9 5 I Red d t ti Id t 1221000 welcome 760-1505 11\andlng mongeea, en-all right. tltle Al\d lnteresl of offered lor sale wtlere 11 Ind WEITERN AIR llNll, Carolyn a . ltockar. C41t!I o IM 10111 amount of THROUGH 969 9 5.5 ANO uee ~ qu I e 3 BR u-alra' __ _. 1 BR 1--E-1111,IOO cumbrancea, or other liens Hid deoeaM<I II the time ot as Is end wltl'loul recourte I NC R 0 NA L D D Pwchalng DltectOt the bid prlee named In IM 9 6 9 9 6 T H R 0 U G H NOW JUST 725,000 .,.... .,,.. -- • In ''"°' ot third part... death and ell the right. title ,...ain•t the Unit_.. Stat~ MAMico Vice l'r .. ldent Dated April 12. 1985 contract Only bond• IMUed 9611 9 29 ALL RELATING (7 l ... ) 673 ,,. .AIV'\ down11atra with Mplrate Steps to beech. Lo lo dn 11Q91n1t IM taxpayer lhlt ire Ind interest •hat the estete ...,, ~ ""' •• • • Publllhed Or1nge Coast by companlet wtlk:h are TO THE CO S .. ~ b th OOd __ _. .... 1 .......... t IUpetlor to the llen of the Notuarantyorwarranty,ex· MafnteMneaanclEntlnNf· OellyPllotAprtt t6. 23, 1985 rated "A" or ".A•" In 111al ... ~ TAL ZONE, • . w .. ,., .,..am assumes non.,..,_..co . Unllecl Stat" All property II ol said deceased h11 K· p<eu or Implied Is m1da u Int T.iSet "Beat Rallog Guida" will be ~FPIX c:elllnglthroughout Hk,Jl'I· taoe-lncme 11nlt Can oftetecl tor tale "here •• and Quired by operation of l•w Of to tne validity of the tltla Apn• n . 1985 ec:oepted Fellure to IUbmlt I tCopy on lite In the City ly m1lntllned by orlglnal Mosen Bkr 760·2643 .. 11 and without rec:ourM ~~~~~00::;: ~~'::d~ quallty quantity, -lght: STATE OF CALIFOANIAI IC099t•ble bondl will be Clerks 0111ce) owner• and reoenlly dee· LIH ISLE ... I eg.alnat Ille Ul'l41ed States ated 11 11141 time 01 de th ,1ze Of condition ol any of ) sa c~M for re)ectlor\ ol bid IYNOP811 orated Ovenooklng love-No guwanty Ot warranty.••· 1 d · a the property or 111 nmen CO OF LOS ANGELES ) PREVAILING RATES Of Ordinance No 2751 lygreenbelllnd prte.d to DAl•El·Uft SlnlM pr-or Implied, la made .. " an '0 811 the ceflltn real tor any use or purP<>M No On 11'1•• 12th da~ of AP!'ll, Ml.IC NOTICE WAGES In eocordence wtt.h amends, adds and repeals bHt the competition 5eparete upa11lr1 hobby to the 1o1elldlty or the utte. property situated In the City c111m w1tt be conatdered tor l985, before ma. pettonaHy the prov1tlon1 ol Section secltons of the Huntington Land Included. room or Artist's 1tudlo quellty. qual\tlty weight. of Buena Park Counry of ifl.llowance or ad1ustmen1 or appeared Ronetd 0 K t1Sl1 1773 of the Calllornl1 llbor Beech Ordinance Cocte re-•••HfO S 6 SIZe, or condition of any of Orange. State of Calllorn1a, for rescission ol rn. ule Mara9CO, peraon111y known NOTICE°' Code the generel prevllll 1•1t1ng 10 the Coastel Zone ~~~~~~~~~~ _.. 299,000 Agt 73-5558 the property, or It• ntneu =~:~r. described as fol· ~ased on failure ol ll'le prop to me (or proved to me on INTENDfD TRANIFER ret91 of per diem wagea ~ Sulllx Thi• ordinance bttngs -i~~~~~~~~~ USILm STU&. for any UM 0t purpoH No Lot <15 of Tract 3298. Book erty to c;onlorm with any ex· the bHt1 ol sa111factory AND LEAIDACK hotldey end overtime work In 1 the 111Q0911ed modll1cat1ons lllllml THI IAY S OCEA cl.itn will be con~ for 118 Pege 6 end 7 lnclusl e pressed 01 tmpllecl 1ep· evidence) 10 be the person Notice la hereby given that the toc.lltY, In which the work adopted by the Calllorn1e Ou l et 3Bdrm 2¥• Be s:~~=cud:{y LIGHfs •llOw•nct or edjullment or I Ml " . reeen1111on who executed the within In· WESTERN AIR LINES. INC. II to be perlormed flea been Coeatal Comm1as1on to Condo .. brlght, open end WllTOUfF ,.... HIE lor reaclHlon of in. aale tcellaneoua Ma~•· R• Redempllo" RIQhta The strument as Vice Prnldent, of 6060 Avton Drive, Loe An-obtained from th• Director allow certlllcetlons of the spacious. Large patio for with huge temlly room, wet View Entertainers 4 bdr .Cued on lallura ol the prop-I~~: o~'c.~':,~~: ounty. IQhts ol ie<lemptlon, H Maintenance end Englnelf· getes, Callfornla 90046 In-of the Deparlment of lndu•· C1ty'1 Locel Coastal Pro-summer 880'1 end br, patio yard 3 Bdrma. home wl pVI Sflll, yard t erty to conform with any ell· 1 pecllied In Internal Re1o1· Ing or on behalf of the cor-tends to transfer lo and trlll Relltlona, • copy of 11grem located on eul·de·MC. N • w 0 n m 1 r k e t bonus rec rm.......,. Priced • pr8lled or Implied rep-more commony known nueCodesectlon6337 are poratlon therein nemed and leaseback lrom THE CON· whlchleonllle tntheotflceof ADOPTED by the City Attached 2-Clf garage 1189,500. 631•1400 slaahed to $329,9001 All· reMOtetlon e~ 6182 Belle. Buena Perk, uoted e.s follows. ec~l\Owledgecl to me that NEC TIC UT NATIONAL the City Clerk of tn. City of Councn 01 the Clly of tiunl· end priced at only sume $250,000, try LOW Redemption Rights The Terms 01 sele cash In law-Sec 6337 Redemption ol !he corporation executed It. B" N K . AS 0 W N E R Irvine and will be mllde •viii· lngton BeaGh 11 an regular S 124 900 751•3191 IALllA llWI down I Won't lull Cell rlgl'lll or redemption. ae ul money 01 the United ropeny DOM Doss, Notary Public TRUSTEE. 777 Main Str"'· able to any lnterelted party meeting held Monday . • 2 Bdrm Cott1ge. XLNT u Patrick Tenore 631-1286 1pecllled in Internal Re1o1-Illes on confirmation of (a)Belo1e Sale Any par-lnandloruldStala Hertford, Connecticut upon request Tha contrac-Marcll4.1985.bythefollow· C::.SELECT 2ndhomeorrent1lprop-. ~~~ enue Code section 6337, are le whose property hee (Notarial Saal) 06115, At1ent1on. Bond end tor and any subcontreetor Ing roll call vote· .... PROPERTIES artr on R-2 lot. Reduced .~·~ • i. quot.cl u follows · or1g~sh and bal· 1ev1e<1 upon ihall hive Pubtitl'led Orange Coast Trustee Admlnlatratlon, per-under him lhall pay not i... AYES: Councilmen. Kelly to $244,500. ''"-••• Sec 6337 Redemption ol :;:::i ~Y Mortga~~ ~~';,~ he right to pay the amount Dally Piiot Aprll 18, 1985 IOOal pr°J:ty delCrlbect H than IM specified prevelll~ Mandie. Balley. Finley, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CALl 673-6900 Property on the property 90 ue. 1oge1ht1 with the el· T-563 follows· ne B737-347 elr· retn of wegee 10 all work· Green. Thomas II• Pl.ft-I (•)Before Sale Any per-d T9" pt( cent of amount l8S of the proceeding, II craft (N330t). Including. men employNd In the ex· HOii: Counc:ttmen None ,.._. -"Ml HI HO" WATERFRONT CONDO '°" wtloae property has bid to be deposited with bid. ny. to the Secret1ry II •nr without limitation, two ec:ullon of the contract Alll!NT: Coul\cilmen 12H,IOO tto'l11 ' Inc. CHANNEL REEF bMn levledupoo 1h1llh1ve B1dsorofferstobelnwrll· lmeprrortolheHlethereo CFM56-3 engines Installed LABOR REGULATIONS· MecAlllster EASTSIDE: 2 .. p1r1le ~ R[ALESIATE Security 2 Br 2 Ba up. the rtgnt 10 pey the 1mount ng and wlll be recetved 81 nd upot'l IUCl'I payment the POOLIC NOTICE thereon and •11 buyer· The oontrector lhall oompt) CITY OF HUNTINGTON cuatom homee on one lot. r--131-1400 graded unit Pvt marina. due, together with Iha ••· he aroreHld oWce at eny ecrellry shall rettore llJCh furnished equipment and with ell the requirement• of a EACH • At I c I a M Outatandlng que.llty and pool owner 673-5223 pen-ol the proceeding '' ime alter the first publl· operty to him. end all flCTfTIOU8 BUllNl!81 other parts of wt1etev1r Section 1777 6 together with W9ntworth, Cll1 Clerk condition. Perfect for •••••••••• any. to the S.C:retery at any etton hereof and before urlher pr~1ng1 In con-NAME ITATIMENT nature Incorporated or In-ell other eppilcable require-Amended Publ1cat1on ot owner occup11'1cy. 1111.... Saa Cltatatt 1071/J. time prior 10 Iha sela rhereol ate 01 saie tton with the levy on lllCl'I The following P4WIOO!I are stalled therein or attached menti of the Cellfornle March t4 t985 _. v and upon auch payment the O . openy shall ceaae from dotng buStnets as thereto This tranMCtlon wlll Labor Code Publlshed Orange Coas• Amenities galore. 2 Ptaia1•la 1007 *WALK TO BEACH * Secretlry 11'1111 rMtore IU<!h ated lhtS IOUl day 01 he time of such payment (b) A.B EDUIPMENT LEAS· be oonsummated on Aprll DRAWINGS ANO SPECI· Delly Pilot Apt II l6. lll85 private gereges. Come... 3Br 1' .ea lmmac con"' P!'Operty 10 him. enct au prll 1985 Redemption ot Real Estate ING 212t Yactrt Redlent, 22. l985 •I the offlcel of FICATIONS A lull Mt of Th-8 l5 theMI 546-2313 UYnllT WITI PIER S u further p1oceee11ng1 1n con· ti• Lund, Attorney •t lier Sele I t) Per1QO The Newport Beech CA 92660 Breed. Abbott & Morga'l. drawl::ff• and apeclllcetlonl •••11• -111111 a tJ2K. Owner 492-6696 nectlon.wlth the 1evv on such •. PenthovM Suite lOOO, er• of any real prol)efly 0 e n n 11 A• QI n a Id 153 EHi 53rd Streat, New 11 av able tor ln...._..lon ,:-----------• '"5 "" ., City Parkwey WMt, Or· y k N y k 10022 ,..._... Only • yr• old Beau1 3 •-t Aa lOIO property ll'lall c.a1e from nga CA Attorney 1 Id as provided in section McCracken 2121 Yacht or · ew or without charge at the otflol I fltllllC NOTICE Bdr 2~ · H8 I I the lime ol auch paymenl tt>I ud Wit or 335 t~r heirs elecutor•. R1d11nt Newpor1 Beach, CA Properly located 11 JOHN of tne Olractor of PUbllc rm, in b1, formal din· 3 Bd Aedemp11on ol A .. l E1111e ue'!' ma Ward, Ex-&ddmln11tri11ors or My 92660 WAYNE AIR POAT ON workl of the City of lrvlne. flCTITIOUI 9UllNlll Ing rm Top location & rm, tam-rm. Imme<; Alter Sate (ti Period The Audrey Wiima Wetd, Ell· person l'leving any 1nrere11 Atta McCracken, 2 t21 MecArll'lllr Blvd . In tne city complete set• ol Mid drew-NAMl ITATEMINT Ull llUH large dock. Aasumable Upgraded, spa, near So owners of eny real oroperty !Kutor ot t"• ••t•I• of •Md therein. or a lien thereon or Yacht Rad1ent, Newport of lrvlne. county of Orange, lngi. spec:lllcatlool end bid The lotlowtng peraon1 are UYFlllT lnl mak" Ihle an easy Cst Plaza $ 154,500 sold u provided 1n Nellon ~I • ny person in their t>el'lall !Beach CA 92860 atate of Celllornte documents m•y b• doing bllline11 u : Spacloue family home on t1ke Oller. Priced right at Owner. Prlnc's only 6335, their heirs, exeoutor1 Publish~ Oiange Coas1 11'1111 be permitted to red98rn 1 Thie bu11ne11 11 con-Macdonald, Hallted & pOrchHed from the Oepatl· COMPUTER MICRO SER-S 1,200,000. Cell for more 557 -3344 or addm1n111rator1, or any Daily Piiot Aprll 16 17 23 the property sold or any ducted by husbend end wife Llybourne, Attorney•·•!· merit of PUbllC work1, City VICES, 653 Promontory sandy beech W/ldJ~nt tnformttlon ind showing. ,.-tal-,,-=lt-1-C~L ---108,. perton having any 1nternt t985 · · parllculer tract 01 such prop. Dermis R McCracken Law. a Pennershlp Including of Irvine. 17200 Jambor .. Drive E11t, N-pori Beech. greenbelt. Seven Bdrm • , therein. or 11 lien thereon. or Tw.567 erly 111 any time w11h1n 120 I Th11 1tetement wet flied Prolesalollll Corpore11ona. Road Irvine Celllornla CA 92660 resldenoe with tepatlle 3 BR 2ba Condo wfdeck any person 1n their behatt. days eltet lhe tale thereor with the County Clerk of Or· 1200 Wllihlre Boulevard, 927 IJ A non-ie1und1ble lee Sandra Louise Kennocty, maid• quarters, may be nu paint. cptd. pool/jac; shell be permitted to redeem (2) P11ce Such property or lenge County on March 22. Los Angeles, 'f'Calllornll of 120.00 wlll be charged for 1553 Promontory Drive Eaat. UMd as a 5 Bdrm home $695/gas pd. 631 -5968 the property sold or eny PUBLIC NOTICE ttact ol propertv shell be 11986 90017 eactl HI ol documantl Newport Beech. CA 92860 with 2 bdrm ln·law or In· partlculer 1rac1 of such prop· per mitred to b~ !e<letimed F712«l7 WEI TERN Al" LINES, Or1wlnga, 1peclllcatlons and Thia business II con-come unit. 11t T.D. I• fully Noiile a.... 1 TOO arty at any llme within 120 FICTITIOUS BUBINESS upon payment to the 1 Publltl'led Orange Coa11 INC· I "ON AL D. D · bid document• wlll be man· ducted by en lndlvldual assumable. S 1,250,000. 12xg2 w/a"pando. up- day1 alter the aele thereof MAME STATEMENT purc:11oser orin ceae he cen· Dally Piiot March 26. Aprll 2. MARA CO, Vic. ''"!dent, ed, upon receipt ol reQUffll Sandra L Kennedy Call MARIA BERCOVITZ " (2) Price Suctr property or The lollowtng persons are not be lound in the county rn 9. 16 t985 MalntenanceendEnglnNf· no 111er than 10 calender This 1tatemen1 wH filed graded Must see to ap-rract 01 ptoperry 1hall be dotng business 15 wt11ch 111e properly to be re· T -617 1"11 11 12 1985 deys prior to the date aet for with the County Clefk of Or· prec. 5 * perk 963-0332 permitted to be redeemed Bl y THE JOJO BA 4 deemed 15 slluatect. then lo I ST f{E OF CALIFORNIA) opening bids, tor an ad· enge County on Maren 111, lrtal •el lat l 022 Ulll' -lffll-1 upon payment 10 the ASPARAGUS A CALI lhe Secretary lor lhfl use of dlllonaf charge of S5 oo. 1985 • purcl'laaer.orlncaaehe cen· FORNrA LIMITED PART the purc.l'laM1r his heirs 01 )ss SECURITY FOR COM· Ft717a. flAllllYlfWlflll Beautiful Golden W111 notbeloundlnthecountyln NEASHIP ~4161 Vista assigns 111eamt1un1pe1dby f't&IC NOTICE CO OF LOS ANGELES I PLETION OF WORK· The Publlalle<S Orange CoNt Vecent 3Br/pool. 1900111 24x60 wllge lam rm wtlfcli the property 10 be re-o Onde Lagune Niguel sucn 1,.1u•ch&\ttr 1nd Interest On this !2th day of April. contract documenta c•n for Delly Piiot March 26. April 2, •Hff•I Ill •k open kitchen 2BRl 2ba deemed 11 slluated, I hen 10 Cllhlornia 92877 111ereon a1 tr1e rete or ;>O per fl<:'ITIOUI aut ... 11 1985, before me, parsonelly monthly progrn• peymenti , 111, 1985 1335,000 8 r 963-8377 mstr bdrm very specious Ille Secretary. for the UM! of John R Grillln 2, 161 C!lf11 per annum rner.1 of NAMe ITATIMl!NT appear ad Ro nald O baMd upon the engl,_., T·507 Frtttlt Ollfft IPYI• a•• Very attractive yard & the purchaser hi• hetrt or Vista D Onda LagunatJur11or E"c.umbrance~ Sec TM loflowlng pereona ore Marasco. personally kl\Own estimate ol IM perC4ltltage ----------latk 11..-•st S.IU 5 Bdrm 5 bl ~fem rm porch are1? Young anlgns the amount p11d by Niguel Cahlorn1a 92677 61391cl ElrK! ol Junt0t En-dOI~ blltlnaN ff• to me (or proved lo me on of work completed The City PUBl.IC NOTICE p Ice tashe<I 1280 0001 5 """""' adult• welcome Agt IUCtlpurch•-•ndlnterMt tt11s business i, con-·cumbrences A cer11liceteof A INDUSTRIES. 1407 the basis of sallalactory willretelnlen (IO)peroentof l-----....;......;~--~ '1b tll 7100 ft & bonu1 rm klbmlt, re-5<&0-5937 tlltteol\ at the rate or 20 per ducted by a lim1IPd oartnet· !Sale of perS-On11 prape<ty Llktlide Ln Huntington evtdenca) to be the paraon uch progr111 peymenl u 'ICTITIOUI IUllNIEll rm. a I . aq • dueec:I to $~9.000.sub· cent pet annum Ellecl or 11'11p 10•1o1en or a deed 10 IHI prop. B@actl, CA !1215-48 who executed the within in· MCurlty for compie1ton of NAMI ITATIMINT wine cellar' gourmet mlt price & term1 10 faMe Pft~ty 1350 .Nnlor EncumbranGeS Sec Jotln R Grolt1n Ganerel erty e•ecute<I pursuant to P1111 H Meinert, 1407 srrument as VIC• Prnldent. the bllance of the work At TM following kitchen, peno<emk; view, Mlulon Bey LI VtHa 6339(cl Effect ol Ju"'°' En· Pllrtner -· e&won 6338 '"&II dltcharge LakMlde Ln . Hunt1ng1on Maintenance and Engineer-the requeet and ••penM of doing bull Plf900• ere private g1te. 4/5 ec:re .. Burne, Rltr 780-1488 2 HOUSES oat• U ... cumbt•~ A cart1llcate 01 This ~•~remenr was lllect 'such propetty llom eu tten1 Beach. CA 1128'8 Ing or on behalf of the cor-tne aucceutul bidder tn. P Bu ,,... u Yellow mucf'I more. Sec:rlflce It 1.,...-__,'""""______ Groas S 19.200 $172 500 ltle of personal proP91ty w11h th" C.OUntv Clerk ot Or encumbrances eno tllle1 Tl'lll bu1lnH1 11 con· poretoon tl'lefetn named and City wlll pay the amou~t '° w• slneu Directory, 52 $~5.000 To ... cell ta Itta t5Y. On Owner Don given or• dNd to reel prop 1ng11 Counly on April 5 t985 over wh1cn the 11en of the ducted by an lndlVldual acknowledged to me lhll re111ne<1 upon compllenoe 92~ngwood, lrvlne. CA PATllOI TIHIE Qoguen 497-8287 erty executed purauant lo F2'732t0 1uno1ad 51t!l1ts wit11 tMpect ~~I ~t•~= wu flled 11141 o:'t°O:.~N~~~u~t;:'b:k with Ille requlremenll ol Gerlld Richard Walker. 52 111-1211 38R 28•. io 1.!"' r:. ~ 6 u-ntte c M All 2Br. IOw Mellon 8338 shall dl.ctrarge F ' • d • r I e k A to which the 1e1o1y was made with the County Clerk ot Or· In and tor said Stet• Ql ~:0.,2"~1' ..... ~ovl~•tlonot 9W2eepl7 ngwood, Irvine, CA lrptc1, apa, cllermlno down Pymt Und~ mar lllCl'I property from Ill llal\s lct\umecher, ltd., a Pr0.: hid priority ano. County on Mwtn 20, (Notarial S&alt ... .,.., ,,. ,.. '"'u" I 1<1 patio ger()en, OWC 2nd, $34 enoumbrances. and tlllet feeelon., Lew corporation CI. Nwlaonl"HeftU• Of• 1985' Pvbll1hed Orange Cout the contrlcl .. document• Thia bu11nen 11 con• 1125,500 640..e<>e9 It.et et 20K Prlncipets ovet wh1'h the uen 01 lhe 4200 Campui Drlwe, .._.: flee,, 24000 A•ll• !ltd., Ft71ICll Deity Piiot Apro 16 t985 pertaining t~ Subltltutlon !ducted by· an Individual 1~~~~~~~~~~~r:~~E!~6Ja..J.,,.on~ly~p~l~•.ue~ .. 7 60;;:_·.:8:86:2=-, United Stat .. with r11pec1 pori hach CA nMO let""• N~ ..... CA ntn Put>llal'led Orange Coast T _58, of Securltlel Oweld R. Welker to wtllctl the levy wae meda Publill'led Orange Coast 4th Floof, ( 14) M)-4020 Dally PllOI March 28. APl'll 2 PROJECT AOMIN18· fhl1 atetement wes ftltld Call 642 -5678 had priority Daily p1101 Aprii g t& 73 30 Publlsl'led Orange co .. 1 0 16 1985 • · TRA TION All qUMllonerel•· 1wtth Ille County Clerk ot o,. --Jim ..._. Put a few words H.M. Heelt\/"effftU. Of. l9B!i · D•llV Pilot Ap111 ti\ 11185 • · T _513 live to this projec:I prior to ange County on April 5. 1984 -·-rm\ to w ork for ou fleer, 24000 Avila "d., T . 553 1 T ·5.39 Ml.IC NOTICE opening bid• ahlll bl mnM 1114,111 Lefuna .......... CA n.n directed to M saoe D•vl• Publlll'ltd Orange Oout 8Hutltul Cotti M•H JllAT N IU C.fl!Q 0 X\'\.. .( f) c ~c. WOii 4th ,loor, (114) W....t020 DllDLIC Ml\flCE P\B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUl IUtlNEft (714) 660-3655 • 'Dally P'llot AprTft f8. 23 30 home. Well cseoor•ttld m11u ~ l"Gt.1 ~l -~ ~ \:). Ulll Puollshed Ot•ng• CoHt ruu 1w PUBLIC NOTICE NAMl ITATIMIWT BY ORl!>ER of the City 1986 · ' ' · AemOdeled kitchen. Up-14"•' ~.CLAY• •OUAN --- Delly Piiot April 16, t985 FICTITIOUS BUll .. £18 I flCTITtOUl IU...... The lollowlng '*'°"' .,. Council Of the City Of Irvine. T-558 g:ad•d thrOu"hOul. 3 ...... •a•o• ....... •' ... T '\38 .. flCTITIOU8 8UllHEll NAMI 8TATUlllNT dolno blllinen 11 DATED' Mlteh 19, tH& • '""' ",,.,hie~ .. ~. 1• t• ----------NAME8TATHIENT NAMl!ITATIMl!NT Thelotlowlngpereonsera CAPCO .. INTERESTS, CITY ()ti IRVINI, IY: roome, 2 betht. Im• •-•Q'I•·-•~, .. o ... ,.,., "'8&.IC NOTICE The IOllQwlng penons IJre Tile IOlto .... 1ng l*lonl are doing b\lllMll •• 240 Newport Ctntw Ori~. hfbera , .... u . ~·' "81.IC NOTICE maQ.1111•. eves patio, well dO•"l,l l>Ut•nest H liOtng bUl1""8 "' WINCHELL'S TO YOU Ste. 205, Newport B.acn, Cffy Cleft! Ian~. Ml-2'313 • flCTfTIOUI 9UllfdlH I 0 PROPERTY MAN TIAE CITY Ill~ t48wi>Oft I. 30:t0 N~ Blvd . CA 92880 Publlaneo Or•noa co .. t "CTITIOUI IUIMll ~~ I NAMI ITATIMtNT AOFMFNT CO JD REAl Blvd COlllJ Mau CA Newport 8eeoh CA t?ee3 Rtct\erd A CallttQll1111, 45 0.lly Pltot Aptll I , lt. ttt5 NAMI ITATl•NT '!~"-' ·~ Tl'le IO!lowlng C>ertotls are ESTATf INVET MENTS J 0 92$'1 ' Howard F'.rentz 324 Royal St Geofge, Newport T..Ut T1la totlowtng peflOnl ere lb dOinQ ou11n ..... VI04HJ TAPE & LABEL co 3520-8 '••n• WhtllOC h ten LUQOOll, ~' Beech. a..cn CA 9:1660 dQlng l>ullOMa .. (a) The d'-b -Tepe Prot.ctlOn Sat1o1I~ Cadillac. ltva Suite B 1P1r1rv-Cr Co"• Meu CA 92ee3 Kenneth J Fr!M>ie 5'01 fltllllC NOTIC[ Gutlarman, (b) fhe Out• --=m!I• a t7G8 Orlole Orlvll C~te Co~ Mn1J C,. 92626 CA 92827 Suaan e.try 80~ Vl1 \.ldo Bent Trill Ortve Olllal. TX tlf!Mn. a101 Platte OrM. • ... llmlfll ...... CA 928?8 Jt)~l1 w De<.erlo 202•1 N1ncy 0 WhitllJCll 18n South Newport a..ctl. CA 75248 WON=:g::. fTY Coat• M .... C•lllor,,11 BMutlful n9C\ltlW home JUlle Lynn C11rl10<1 I 198 Bll .. llf•c Ot••ll (,011• MllU P.rkYleW Ct Coat a M... 9M3 Geot~ T Cox, At 1, Bo• NotOC. I• hereby~ tf\11 tae2e with QOl'Q90UI 'ftew of Oriole °''~ Cos111 Mua CA 92676 CA 92&27 I Tl'lll bu11n... II con 14~H. •no. TX 75075 the uncter"""'led wt! not De c-~~!~· FtaleyH an•,•. a·uk Bly 3 hug• CA tae28 rt111 tiu11nen •• c;ol\· Tn1a bus1neu 1a e~ duci.d t>y a Olf*ll P8fl· Th11 ou1lne» 11 con ,_ ............ ~-iny ,......11 ,., .... ~;::-,;, i..eeuna Illa. c.i ..-,...-, wtth 2 ,., .. Thie bv11ne11 11 1;on I ducted tiy 11n l<ld•Vldual dueled by nu1band 111\(1....,fe nert111p due1ecl try· • gmnetel OAl1· ._..... ... .,.."" ....., "" ..,.,_ ~ ...... ...., .. dueled by an 1nd1v1du11 Jo~11 DeClrlt) Nlltley 0 Whltloc;ll Howerd FranlJ net""P N•blnttet cor'l1r1Ci.d by eny· Tiiie bullMH la con· pt--. ..t bet. aecurlty I I I 11 s u r1 P u t I I I I' I' Y A C C U p A v 0 p I 1---.-1 ~,. ~, ....--41 : 11,t_. ff h ~VA :J HI ~, fttt cor~ 11•..., '"'""' ,, .. ,.,. '°"' '"j ,... --~ t 'fl: ... "'' Jutte Canton Tt111 11111""*11 wl' filed Th11 a1a1emen1 wu nled Thie 1t1tement wu lllad Rietlltd A Celtaghan one other ttlan mpelf, on or Oucttd by. en lnO~ get• I much more Thie 1111_,t wu nltld wtth 11'8 C<>unty 0.'11 of°' •tn the County Clef1r of Or wtth tlle County Cler1I of Or· Thi• t1atlfMnt wu flied lttlf thll d•t• Hetena ''*' Owner wlll '*O lln9nOI wttll the County Clerll ot Or ·~ Count~ on Matc;l'I 20 County on Merell 27 enoe County on M~ 20. th IM County Cieri! Of Or 0.l.O thll 2M d~ Of TNt ltetement .,.. lllild AsltlnQ pttce "40,000 engeCOuntyonAO<ll$ IHS Ill!. I 5 1115 County on MwCh 20 Aoni81,:J.!!,6 ••Mu•L T• .. l tnthtlleCountyCtlrllotfOr• p R R 0 T 0 I ~,--1,.__.r ..--I 1.--1 0 1 f • •• ,.trm2 ,11111, "1Ml7 m11M 1 5 ......... • ... IC. c... 1 anoa County 0n r.tttdl 21 Pul>ltahed Or11n9t Coeel l>unrtah ... l Otano• CON t Put>I~ Or•nge eo.11 Publllhtd Orange Coeat Fl'7110t OL!". 1701 1Tlfllt . 1202. 19U ... • Delly Pllol AP'il 9 tfl n 30 Oaily l'llWll Mt1tc.n 16 Aptll' Oetly P11n1 APfll ~ i. 18 ?'.) Dell~ Piiot Marett ,9 Apr• 2 PuONlhect 0rlf'ga Coelt Coate ....... CA tH:t7 . I "71171 t08~ 11 '" tlltl., 1H~ 9 t8 tOU Dally PllOt Mlretl 2t -'Drll '· Publllheo Orange Cog 1 Publlll'ltd Orll\Qll Coatt I·$~ 11 r s.20 r 616 t ie t1185 D:."X Piiot APfll t , 10. 11. i Dlll'Y P11ot "Pfll a. t. 18. n r.51~ 1 ·---j ttlA -"TW ,., ' r. TradJtlonal Realty 6.11-7370 -- 1uc•11, Far•• I.E. lxc•••I• 1100 ln1t1 Uafual1 .. 1 ..... Uafval.W lnw DafuailW Aert•ntt, Uaf. ltutatat1, Uaf. 1Arruatatt, Uaf. Atutatatt. Oaf. Office lntab 2914 Crnt1 1575 Free&dearlaouneBeach lalka Ctlta .... 2224 ll!J!rt Lac• 1219 Cetta•~--·~ C t • 21,u lr,grt .. IC, Hit tal k Ct11t ••trt NEWPORT BEACH lottradeforlncomeprop-Pniaiala 2207 -.,.. ti I t11 ., 2715 Contemporary c1au1c I 02 Ac•E RAICH erty. Agt 963-5321 Mesa Verde 38r 28a 1eoo U'" --IEITu • SHARP Eaatslde 1 story 1 1~50 28r 284 USO. Bldg nr Hoag Hospital • n • Ideal for beach loving fam-SF 2·car gar $950 Betty -••n& -E-slde 2Br 1 Cl'llld ok. No Bd G refrlg stove dshwstir 1 Br condo, $675 mo All 1200 s/f only $1 s/I 11,111. FIU PllOI ltatala lly w/2~ kids. tmmac. 2 645-9161Of'644-2270 OSTA MESA WEST SIOE. Orwe by dogs 2563-8 Elden $595 s~· ~t~~·99~rage fncl No pets.' Call btwn amenities. Dey 476-3012 Avalr511S Mgr675 6700 1111 h p It sty, 4 bdrm w/central 710 Joann. 2 Bed. S6~0/lllO + $400 dep 675-9291 ·ca • 9-• dally 5"~55 Usa, or eves 786-3956 • WI 'IJ8t playrm. 2 blkt from both Nwpt Hgts area. Newly PlNIHSUlA f'l*T· Upsidt down * 2BR dplx ard ger Sharp larger 1 BR. , . -Otfloe spc fOf' rent. 8'>Pf'Ox Sll.PlllllTI Btun Fvais•.. Ooean&Bay. Yoowtttlall renovated 2Br 1Be 51>1n1s1111otne.3doorsto Wfdet Good area ~ Sa5-A cptstdrps, OIW, gar, no 301 C1mu1 :I 12x12. PflOne9 m, ,ust In Jove with this upalde w/cov'd patio·& new-encl 4 Btd .. tnplece SISOO/t!l(>y11y l3e!'ne d 559.5001 pets $500. eatt 631-5553 3 Br 1'h ba. encl gar, avail rmdld. S32.51mo 1 0< 2 Near beach and boat ------down house. s1500/mo. ger$800/molncl water& Wlterfrtltlt•etllt ' now 646-52731536-0270 rmsavall Agt673-7761 ~::~~· M~:,':,1°f R~~~ l"'Jlrl ltack Zllt Yrty Jae. 675--0375 grdnr 557-9953 or Ill· l• lll·HoG •2Br 1B• nr SC Ptza, S.A. SI. Cl&IT lml UU IM•I Pnme ofc space in Costa - c • 1 •--2222 15-4-7•7• . Patio, carport, pool, apa IN NEWPORT BEACH Mesa 1200 Sit at 7od frontage. New survey by •W&nlRllT* trtaa t ..u $680 No pets 722-8011 ltw 0t1•11 214ra A great plaoe to live on the Lag Beach newer house. s/tt WHAT A BARGAIN' Ucented engineer. Iron Beautiful grounds. All new CANYON CREST CONDO Tasteful 3-4br 2 bath *3Br 2Be nr SC p•--. S.A. Jla -'r Hl,,.1&1-lill U 8 P 1 Room. bath. gar., privl-Leaser..,., 631 _8280 pine. Oetalled survey 1Bdrmsulte.LgLR.wet-3BR 2'hba.Neutraldecor. gourmet kltch garage """ ,.. .,... ' pper ay. rlva 11 legesS395•dep497-18381 ___ ""'_ map. Giant oaks and bar. full bath. Equlpt F r 11sh 1 y Pa 1n 1 e d shop $730 nr So Co Ptz Ullllm IEIT&LS Patio, carpon, pcol, apa. flrt,.Htl, llKlltS, clubhouses & health -Pr-offlUlonal otf.ce nr OC hickory In a grauy, perll-kltch. Pvt sundeck, utlls $1350/mo on lse. Avali 539-6190 Best Alty tee NEWPORT CREST: 2 bed. $795 No pets 722-8011 ,HI I., .... tt spas, 8 tennis couns 1 NICE FURNISHED ROOM Airpof'I Approx 180 slf like setting. Much wild pd. PP $1100. 642-1802 now. Agent. 675-7786 Utlls free In charmln' end unit. fireplace. Westside CM 3 Bd H~ Ba. I ......... .,. _ _:.pt pools, close 10 business, near SC Ptaza Female includes answering svc game. Deer. wlld turkey. $1200/mo twnhte style apt. Newly 1 ..... __ , az1, OC Afrport. Fashion $275/mo. 556-1737 conference rm & coffee fox, reccon. Year around Yearly OCEANFRONT shr Rent/option 3bdrm 2ba bungalow w/appls S375 Wlttrfrtlt lt•ts llt. remodeled bit-Ins, ow Frt• lllO. 241-0IOS Island. convenient shops I 1 I .. t I 2904 $450/mo Call 476-1066 nsh1ng. Wiiderness area. 28R 1 ba apt with plush decor chef's kit 539-6190 Best Alty fee -1•1 1•-11• llOO Incl, patios, kids ok. $725 S aci 2 BR 5 BA on sight t t 1 _ t t I ----- Ideal location. Good high "seldom home" tenant. kid/pet $1200'1 detallS' • • • -•· &45-66461650-7275 fwn~! dupl~x 1· New L&llU IUOI • CdM dlx suites AC amp• ground. Picture postcard $450/mo. Agt 645-3683 539-6190 Bes1 Alty fee Daaa Ptt•L 2221 Beautiful Garden Apts, crpt. drps, paint. patio Singles 1 & 2 Bdrm Apar1-11111111 ~~ '~:; r,~6~55 E beauty. Invest In Amari-. SPJIUSS * 1 Blk to Beach, new 1 HBR V 3b I I d BBQ No pets. $695/mo. Curt ~nts & Townhooaes Wkly rentals $135 & up -ca. This transaction can lltlltl llftrtlslll~ Bdrm condo. streerna & u r, enc ge Y • patios, garages, · Herberts 11631_1266 \A~k about furnished CQ!or TY free coffee VIA LIDO arc office or be handled completely by Gtaeral 2202 4Br. po6J, 180 deg view ol weter1alls, pools. JacuzzJ, alarm sys, no pets, $HOO pool. utlls pd. NO pets. apts, complete with TV, heated ~ & steps 10 store space $420/mo mall. Write Trustee, Gen-bay & ocean $2800/mo tennis + security. $650. Incl grdnr/wtr 644-8907 1Bdrm S565 •STUNNING Lg 1 & 2Br linens & utenSils. maybe ocean. Kltcn's avail La~ Realty 675-4562 eral Acceptance Co .. Box Steps to sand 2bdrm 6-44-19681863-1400 Andy 661•8124 . Hrbr Highlands 3Br 2Ba, 301 Avocado 642-9850 2Ba Garden Apt. POOi rented tor short te<m or 985 N. Coast Hwy Watertront of cs elegantly 3 12, Eldon, M issouri. beact1 pad In prime area attched ger, encl yrd no CONDO 2Br 2Ba, den 0~ $525 & $625. 710 W 18th IOn""'r) On Jamboree L .,. ___ .. 49 • 5294 65026orcall: $600 others t o 0 Ct1t1•na 2214 Baat.ltac• 224 natsS12001mos.t6-2389 streams & falls. Cp·;;, Ad";, San Joaquin Hiiis aguna.__..., .. -furn stir sctryi recept 90 B RI 1 .. -etc or seperate offices "-'ltlt •1~ •t2-ll4S 539-61 est ty ee 2 8d & office. Westside. no 2BR 2BA Condo, patio, nu Lvly 2Br 2ba+den. Quiet. drps. frpl. micro, 2 car me81iB..AU Rd IUUll llTEL up to 800 sll 6't6-5065 v.t • ,.... IEITAU s i ngles. no pe.ts. paint.pool.greens.Hunt n-lntr. walk to bch. garw/opener.poof&spa IU-1100 Wkly rentals now avail ---llptl 114-H2-ll22 '&"•U IW.n SS25/mo refs. Call Landmark Adult Comm. s975 Pool/Jae, gar, $950 No pets 549-2447 TIWllllEI S126twk & up 2274 New-WATfllFlllT OFflCl • -answer ad 11 208 $750 mo. 5•9-3583 6._s-3862. 2131"57_..,56 po<1 Blvd.CM 646-7445 Newpor1 Beach bayfront loo PIOP IUlllElllT 642-•300 24 hrs. 3 Br 2 ba. Condo OllTl IEIA Ct14ts Ftr ltlt 1 year Jse. Small 1Br apt SEA 1-Sll-LOllE ott1ce at a reasonable I.I. Exc•1a1t 1 114/111-l lll 2Bdrm 1Ba lg becicyard. 16871 Canyon Ln $975. Nwpt Hgts c;yte 2Br 1Ba, flllllY Y1LL&IE Frplc, vaulled oelllng. dbl '> blk lo..bch $425-utlls proce Prest1g1ous lo- • --------Avell now 2168 Charle mo. (8 t8) "444-6350 g;~51~0 ~~~-66~ pets New Apanment complex. garage, pool & spa. 673-6323 after 5:30 13026 W Coast Hwy New-cat•on on Coast HWlil Ap-1 )Ma $595 mo. 546-5417 S · Ready for oc;cupancy In 1Bdrm $7'40 _ c>0<18each. kltehens TV proit 1000 SQ N SllD also IOWflllT 01111 1 • Enchanting old town 3br tatk Ctlll flltlrt May. 2Bdrms $530/mo & 2Bdrm 2';Ba $885 •ILEIAIT* ' S 125-wk SQI. no deooslt ava ii able v. o ll•ce 2BR 2ba. Balboa Penln-Pta1111l1 2201 500Eastsldeh<>merental crptddecorklds okS725 2215 3Bdrms s6051mo. Gas 2Bdrrn2'11Ba•Den $895 3 Br 1n Big Canyon Is ••t -714 645-7100 sula. Great view Sub--3 BO 4 8X 4 level unit on w/gar details 539-6190 others avail 539-6190 range. garbage disposal, 666 W 181h 6•5-2739 Spacious-fairway view I • 1 1 MO FREE parking. Owner will trade the sand. 3 flreplaoes & Best Rlty lee Beat Rlty fee WElllE dshwshr, relrlg & carport WI lfFEI A CHICE lull security. 2 car gar-leatall 2906 1 XlNT LOC-UTIL INCL lor larger home with fantastic view all levels. eights bargalna 2br 2ba House. rentals! Bach 1a drm, 1Ba Condo For Information call Want 8 selection 01 great wtauto door, newly re-CdM bch t ''t br 2 ba. like FROM 95( & $150 UP ocean.view In N.B area Wall to wall carpeting lncd gar S600's or 5 rm w/bltnt S•25 utfls pd/2br wtpcol. spa. tennis, dish-TIPl llMT Cl. living? We can offer any-lurbrshed, POOi &· Jae new $3000 mo 675-383• CALL • 141968-8193 LIMllEALn through-out. 2 car gar-$750 w/~r k/p ok tncd~ar $550 539-6190 washer&lrplc$595 (l1.A'-AM.Otl0 h f II ti plus much more' or213/928·1844 I $2500/ o SELECT PROPERTIES .. ,._ I ing rom a sma ap o $2195 mo No pets -C . • } 111-llOO =~~ayacan · m 539-6190 at ~lty lee Beat lty fee Between 9am-5pm Mon-a 4Bd hse If looking In Please can &44-0509 leatab lo •••·~~· 1133 E. BALBOA HUGE Twnhse e tide 3Br Large 4 Bdrm home 751-3191 day throogh Friday CM.NB.or HB think ol us -SL 29081 leatali 2911 2'11 b Att 2 W -22 I llrst tor that choice of Brand new lux. 2br 2ba •lrt SELL Idle Items with a lllSll IUln yrd. 8ren/po:.' gS,·1~~ w/pcol avail 511 S 1250· 11t•aa1ltr Deluxe 3br 2ba, frplc, al-Ideal Jiving condos. lull Vu, He. gate. l -*'"'lc"'a .. 11.,.fo_rn_1_a_R_oo_m_m_a·1e-s FIEE STUllll ILIC. oauy Pilot CIUallled Ad. 121-2110 Agt. Don 5•6-2313 JACOBS REALTY Victorian classic 2 br tach 2 car gar, $850/mo TSL MGMT 642-1603 gar. trpl pool-spa, Over 200 homes Save 6000 sit! corner 01 N--===~====~~~==~===~========~:~~~6~7~~~6~17~3-~n wfflbra~ ~~ d-~~. 4~Ha~~n ~~~97 ~REALTY 67~1&42 S 1~5 .IS1•~854-8090 tr~&m~~~5-7711 l ~n B~ & 1~h & --------------laat. larHar 2242 children ok. $825. utll EASTSIDE lBdrm sparkl--------Cosla Mesa Reta11 or Clo ... ln 3b. r 2ba ~ , .. _ lncld. 640-3848 Ing clean Small but cory. WOHWI YILUIE Ltve on water w'20' boet I* MIF Quiet n-smkr shr 2 •~laurant Agt 675-6700 .. "'" 1 & 2 Bdrm apts. pool, spa, slip lncld. charming I Bd apt Pool spa nice mini blinds gar $800 AJ1rt•tat1 F•r•il•.. lots of natural wood lndry rm. paUo. balcony quaint 1 br no pets refs area $3401mo 241-1642 la•••trial won't last long 539-6190 s..75 No pets 851-9526 No pets $585 to $695 reQ Utu pd Older pref -l I 2920 HOROSCOPE SYDNEY OMARA BestRltyfee ltwttrt ltack 2669 EASTSIDE 1Br 2-stry. TSLMANAGEMENT $1050 mo 650-8145 F~b~11p:0 h::11 ~:i· tlltl I ~at 2244 vttC<BALBOA Furn (); Oshwshr. encl pallo 754-0081 or &4~-1603_ Lovely 2Br 2Ba ,1 blk beh avail 5 1 673.1443 224-752 sQ It Ind/Storage $525/mo 548-0&48 • -_ 65¢ sq rt 120 E 23rd St f 2ba, wood floors. luxe Condo. 2 Bd. den. 2 Daaa Ptaat 2726 Yrly. patio. dbl garage Fem rmte shr E's•de 2 Br C M Drive by 832-4 16 • ba, skylltes. frplc, E-slde 2 bdrm 1 ba. frplc, Duple• N o pets c•• I p I Id frplc, micro, dbl garage, h /d TV $1800 $625 Hbr C~ 1BR Iba condo. S875rmo 650-1706 Evn I ..,, ap re emp Y per-I $900/mo. &44-2227 ws r yr, . patio. gar, no pets. pool/spa, sec , bik to ----son 20-25 yrs $257 50. Aa1ta1eeaeat1 3002 ••••lll•••••••••I 650-51761631-7161 317CabrllloSt.631-'4036 bch S600 /mo 661_0223 Roomv 1 Bd 1 Blk 10 t>en 531.2211or 548-8484 1 Wedne"day, Apra'J 17 · ~~.~~~!~i~~~,3:~ AJ1rt•tat1, U1f. E'side dlx 2BA ,.,., ba (2 13) 373-1338 · W N1ewp1 ort Has tl•plc Corona 0111 Mar Share my A~~~~IT1~"'~1~E~~:~~S & ,. -• Twnhse Yard. lndry 2548 gar a D•Hns. mus see G E ARIES (Marl h 21-..\pnl 19): Breakthrough occurs: roadblocks are 854•2600 or 854-~46 2702 $695 642 2520 2Br 2Ba,view garage $6101 house reai ioc "es Covnsettnc l8 l5 So E Gtatral Orange. , -Cl H oo N t m2o11 Da111d I 675-3456. 641-4001 dys Camino Reat Sa" Clen- rcm ovcd, green hghl flashc~ for progress. You'll get funding. you·u Luxury 3.Br 3.BA 2"91CY *GRAND oPtNlNG t ;-:-Extra Nice" lrg 1Br $7~~~0 :;5-~ 17~ pe s 11 •ir•Ln Lult NB home pvt rm1oa ~•Ca '492· ~296 have appro.,,al of loved one. Y our outstanding quali ties surge to Townhome nr UCI. Lg 2 / 1 N 1 $495 111U1. " " ·1 I be· h' car ger St175/mo lse IUllOlllPTI w poo opes i'LU XURY 18r apt! Ill 1t•2 iovelyyd$150 wl.S450 iore1ronl -you I t>e popu ar. ma). nc . 497-2•93 or 852-1822 15200 Grand Ave 6•6-3618 alt 3:30 wt ocean view $650/mo -_· ,. rno av1 4 ,4 545.0911 Lest i Fna4 3004 TAURUS ( '\pnl 20:Ma) 201: Stud) Anes mes~~e for ~aluable 2 I Lake Elsinore FIREPLACE. pool, patio No peta 661 -3653 VERSAJLLES 1 Bd xlnt Male stir CM Mme Pvt Found s mo female hint Displaycourageofcon\Kl10ns.p1onee~mgspmt.Youllge110 W.u1ltlc• 24 •l .2.3BR,fromS395 X-LG 1&2Br Apts.E----'quletlocaoonFull secur BR1><1 r1ouse P"" S•BEAIAN HUSK~ vie. heart of matters and learn a ~ccrcl concerning romance. H1ghhghl OV:1;o(t( In 2br hooae+ •Lake view, Waterscaplng Side $550 Up 557-284, a •••. hack 2740 lty bldg Ava•I no.... $375 ultl inCI S.&8-4630 '1arbor Bl 19th St c M independence. crcali\ ity. ah1ht) to imprint style. .. .... 1300 aq. ft. ahop In Lag. •Gas stoves Huge 2Br 2' .... Ba Dplx wllh s6S61mo 2 Bd &'PIS encl $775 Imo &44-7215 Ag! Male to Sh• 2Br 2ba CdM 8"6 7459 GEMIN I (Ma~· 21-Junc 20): Ll·arn by teaching -reahzc your own Sch. 11500. 499-2286 •Carpeting & drapes xtras $875 Huge yd. dbl gar.Indy rrn. ydsrpal•os, VERSAILLES 2br 2ba end apt ... same Walk 10 --------• strengl~, cap~b1ht1t'.'~. Spotlight on friends. hopes, .~omance. p<>wers o f La1aaa lltatl 2252 !6~:.' T~a gar 673-6336/6't2-9666 close to beach nr ma1or condo N-carpel5 and oeacn SJ50. 12 utll •st persuasion. (1ocKI nt'w<; romcs trorn hus1ness or career. You 11 reunite Sl'l0re1-PVt irea: 3br 3ba. OPEN HOUSE-DAIL y 10-6 -llSTllT 11 shop~;.19 Delaware dra~ S825imo 642-12~2 & 1as1 6'40-6858 with loved one. · -· angl sty VIiia. Walk to INLAND ~MPIRE $650/mo 2Br 2Ba lower (Mngr-2417 Whttesandsl VERSAILLES M F st1r 3Br 2 •Ba brand CANCER (Jun\· :! I-Jul} 22). Focus ori abilny to diversify. to beach & new Ritz Carlton . PRQPERTY MGMT Unit. yiCI. frplc. carport, IPT IUCI aULn LA~GE-S'TUOIO $600 new Conao cam ~. expand businc.:\\, rarccr ar t!\ tt1cs. Long-distance communication Hotel. $1650, 673-8696 7 141678·••2• 1ndry rm · Days 67s.1642 AGT 63 t-4960 t p gar & more 642-3874 rclatcs tospecialso('Jalc\l•nt,pt•rhapstnvolving travel. Y ou'll be more I Wt hlMa JaJ11• 2195 Maple Evea960-•614 WESTCLIFF 2Bdrm 2B11 NB oa~wooc "Pt mate '1 b d TSL MANAGEMENT ~~• t 1 deco aware of clothing :.ind O ~ 1ma~c . . w comm Po<>I/ 1 Bdrm. no garage or pets 642.1603 Close to ocean. 1Brqu1e1 ..,.,.,.. pa 10 ,_ Y •· t>r ; tlil pref 20-40 s lib LEO (Jul} 23-~ug. 22): Crood 1.unar aspec t h1ghhg.hts travel. tennis Sl050 avall nowt $650 t mo . y early . complex, lndry carport ateo Adlts prel Stand e•a•S350 646-0194 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142-Hll education, puhhsh1ng. Your pos111on is strong, you c~n dictate your JACOBS REALTY 673-8293 lllTllT ii No pets $525 536-0'90 credit chec~ 645'8152 . Prof lflm&l4' wa"1s to stir own terms. vou can dance to your own tune. Know 11. refuse to be 675-6173 lalka $695/mo Lo'</91y 2 Bd 2 Ba NEW LUXURY CONDOS speicia1 nse decorator --------• tnllm1datcd.'Scorpw n~ll\ C' IS ~n Y?l!r S!dc" ~ *lll ILIFFI* Ptala1al1 2707 ~~:..All Bit-Ins. frplc. 1 & 2 Bedrooms 'lpch •Ou' "nQI• '"• tur'I COM frplc in Br Found huge Siberian VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. L): (rain 1nd1catcd 1f you play rc:>le o f •8drm(3Br&Den)2-Story 8..,. ... _.,.., yrty , ... tal. Utlls TSL MGNT 642_1603 Hantlngton HarbOr area 6a two bl'd'""'' ''* 5500 · 'uMs &40-4252 1 M Hus~v vie Wilson & "pnvatc invcsllgator" Pinances arc .involved , including h.1dden Townh<>me. lovely patio. ..,,..,..,, ...... Eves/Wknds 6't2-6221 Pool, tennis. racquetball \Room tor rl!"t NB 1 blk Rep1,1>11c C M '°'54 5.."', m one) resources of potc~trnl close associate. partner. Romance 1s also lre.tl paint vacant & ~~itx!3~~~~:.;5.~~2 e llSTllT ti ~,.t!~tmo trom t><:h & blly S350 mo 1 or 5"8·9739 featured m ajor wish fulfilled. available $1250/mo. 548-8478 E 441 3200 D Found white M ponalttt LIBRA (Sept. 2J-Oct. 2.:n; Focus on legal affairs. j ustice. spcct~I Agt 640-5560 trtaa ••I •ar 'l S~!~hr: ~7:..~n~t~p~ ci~EL~~: T 1 ROOM MA TE mat n-smk ~~~o~:i;;~ ";; 80~1~: papers. rights and permtss1ons. M ore attention 1s neoded for public 3 8d 2 ·~Ba townhouae on 2 Bd MW paint, carpet, lndry rm New luxury aptt loeattd 1,, l stir Jt>r E C M nome S400 rel~t1ons._Domcs.11c ad1us1menl occurs. could include actual change of gmbel1t In Blunt. Comm mlrror9d doors. patio TSL MGNT 642-1603 prestigious Seabr1oge I Dog 0~ Shir~" 642 '207 rtsidcn"c o r manrnl ~tatus. pool 1•oomo.8'()..5315 $S50l mo Agt 573-5354 EvesfWknds642~221 master plan CO(nmunlty 1URNl\HfO 111 IC&rtttl ltr SCORPI O (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ). lnd1v1dual who makes many 38drm 2h . CrOM street 28r 18a Ouptex, yrty S800 Laroe 1 & 28,, pool, lndry 1 ml to bcf'I. 24 hr man-llNHJRNl'\Hf 0 ltat 1912 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS promi~s may ac1uall~ tx; tinancially cmharr~s~d. Know .it. st~ss ~~6~~~.now :7s!~~~i7~~1aJ~2 ~~rw room From $459 188' ~ttd~;~% c:~:~~~ ll singlti Eastslde Coata greater dcgr,·e of st•l f:-r.clrnncc. Keep rc~olut1ons concerning dtel. yr · Monrovia 5•8--033& door reoquett>all. sauna. HI Al TH Mua Storage only untore -Yucx:11 nutnuon. general health. Y ou'll learn the secret! 38t 2i.t8a 2-ttry Condo. Large 1 & 2Br. pooi, ind,Y pools. spes. recreation di H.., 11 N"il'-$90 mo 63 t-6063 ..,11p~~j,.~~P<>r SAGITTARIUS (Nov .. 22-Dcc .. 2 I): This can be a power play .day! ~75!':',2~~:r11r~S:C~ room From S..59 188" building Unturn11h1d ""' 1~M1N<. 1.1, l Offlct ltatals fll 4 Witt-,0 husband 11 com focus on money. production. achievement, prestige and 1ntcns1ticd Monrovle 548--0336 bachel<>rs 1 & 2 Bdrm + mud• m11,., ,, •\ I ,SU 4SJ i 26i sq n 81 pi.1.,., console "I lltced 11 love relationship. Sp<'culation 1' pan o f sccnan o. you c hoose correctly 8Md\ ,:· 3M 2ba+ Large 2 bdrm dOWNtalrs. 1011 apt se59-s 1439 .,,, pi>!• "'1n,t. •, s 1 lo/aq " 1617 Wl'~t ~11.-r Wl"len yO\J reed th.- and COUid be a "big Winner." rllo dplll. Annual carpela. drapes 2246 964).2418 Cll.Wfl 11,111\ q It• •1 1 cliff. NB AQI 541 5032 p-'pfq II brea"IUl CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19): Spotlight on security, propcn). 1150• call 573-4•52 _can~ SS(l() 832-1786 •tmae 2744 ~ d 1 -- willinJness to l:lrcak from "lo~ing tradition." It no longer ts necessary to Oceen1r BETTE~~u~:_v h SHARP Eaat~ Baeti t0< 28" CONOO an amenlt'9 ~ IEllCW. llm Pes11u.la 3012 c.·arTV. bu.rden not you r own 1n tit~t place. Anes tnd1v1dual could serve ns ~1,,_ ~,,.. ........ ~, t person a..m oemnos. VV GarMn 11'r'19 1 story l&eh * £•-•1 •-. · / --....,., .,. .....,., •u elC Sm.ii pet OK Nie• pe11o. S650tmo ty w.i1 located C<ttt1n• -•n .cn'fnK 1nsp1rat1on. w/gw kid/pee Ok ALL UTJlS PAID• teo--3521 ~putmfnh d91 Mar <» p C.H "" er;-1120 . ~QUARIUS (Jan. 20.Fcb. I ~!: Get ready for fresh start. ~!-'Im~ *llf.t1M* 1,:; 1 ~P~ ~ ·~ s.75,mo. 780~8862 NorthwOOd StUdlO Avalt N~wport Rud' So MQ entr Mg# t'P5:g100 'I flu"Q mai.-111ea 0r relative 1s sincere but rould he misinformed. Focus on snap dec1s1ons. Jemt>orM 3bf aba =· moYe tn 645-0261 ___ M •th S.SO/mo lO'Mtf MOO.n G~ 01tic.. su ll•O"' 111• wants l••' quick reports, short trip~ Romance hccome!I "serious" as you get 10 w/~ p4Ut dbl pt LQe 3 8d 2 Ba.~~;:::· .:;r;; tanni.. poo1 no 1 700 1 "1~ '''"' ~ ~ioor to oem~ 018 lfl· ul\.tal ,.,c111n9 Wf\~k Ja~ heart of matters. _ flat "'° ot_. av.it call 2 80 28a ~ .,..., "' quiet IOC Nr ,..,.! peta Ho..6483 tv m.Q 1'11 p,,,,.,. ca1l0f'la ~ 10 5 s~ C11 953 7Clt2 l "1h-. Mt'WoollOll PI SCES ( h·h. I Q-M art·h 20): Follow through on "1ntuttivt flash." the •'*1• 53M190 e..i ahOPI 1 fwy 1'orOM fr<im 8llt'y fwy ~.50w.t11 .. ,, --642 Sii ' F~·~ 0.CC>f•tfl('l & Ptr•t••' • . •1 . Rlty t.. QOlt COUtM. Lndl'y rm Hkkp, oar., .... -~UI ~ 2HI 8 ....... 20 You'llgctwhat you o('Cd.)OU lllocatclo~111rt1cle.you lgctln\'CStmcnl setaimo. 111,•lelhr fiJ . ~ N~wport uch '-!o ~ed .,..,.79 s . 3014 tip THAT can he tramfmml'd into ~hd pm. Cancer. Capricorn :.c~~.~. 2S 1~':'J11~ te&Mtea TILllllMMIT ':, ~~~~~~· .... 1'1111r .... n.-.\\l"U• New 8100. oc Mpo,,•nic!I pc~ons fiiure promtncnllv Bbl"" 818/331..et4& Y1&. •1t••11 &U·1to3 = MC .. ~.;? def> \di 1 l'lltt .. ,... CorMJ ot FW<SMI & I f'Ofl WOMAN ONl v If A IUL 17 IS VO R BIRTllOAV you 3~ 11 natural leader, BLUFP:SCondo3br 2'M>e Ml-1111 UN V!2Bcltll\ 2'11ef1I& 105 c.dwWay • eeas 64t; 1104 ~i:·~,~0028!'~~~ l~!',~n~~~ ':.~~:i Y1~ capablcofmcet1nadcadltnes. you work C'ttremclywcll undcrprcim~~. xlnt conct 11'00/mo. • taorm G•dtn Apt. G.,, PRIVATE prt balec)ny tq5 UtO lnc:fd StudlO rtr room 6 •lore~,,... pn1" nr.11 Your••'' You arc intense. rum3nl1r, pus1ona1to and seldom do any~htng 14--4M·75t3 ew/Wknda d«t(, petlo, ~. 0 1• QUIET POOl ap&, ~ peil't bMCtl"" egl prOf adult ... Cltant• m• R & H PROPERTY MGM1 I ST£WART 6 ASSOC hOlf"-llY f or \OU. II IS hot or col II or nothing. Cancer. C"apncnm , ..... ~"'410hlttdayt 2 peopi. te60 No peft. TOP ARIA 2t&O Harle 49•·7•n or •M-2490 ocilAFMoN'f Spe.ciOU: a.&2 8·13 l MfCC l 1r -~16S~ g~ pcnons pla). 1mpoman1 r tn your life. You arc du( lO makt' BOAT SUP 3h w lay &42.()-481 S..t-24U M!SA PINES STUDIO PvU qvlet MllG-28r 28•. oat•~ an1ry. Hlawi>or1 8ch Db hi,... ~' 6'0 M !I-' remarlcah lc cmo11onal 111 finannal comeb;.Kk . You went tl'lrouah 48f ~'*" wt 2"9wt taA 18A i.un<try faetllly an.,., 2 1.-. ~ttt~ ni"'*'t vteiW weter & gu ~ C¥ MJb·prlilg Many Oft l(MICe •Cl< ,.., o c ""' 11~ car11 '°' Old8' °' d•• "crucible" IB!ll H'M. C'5J>( I) during September. Scptemhcr of th!\ bar & JI•' 11300 l4t5 W l lld• c M dlll'lwatl'ler. 08'•· no l)Ct_~~oocs. CoY8 .,.. amenltlH Mitt l>f•f l)q(1 !\;tty turn Sf'!I 111 abl«i 111 you1 l'IM\8 e ,,, --..... ........ ~=wtver. ~ill he po'.A.>Nftrt, 1tmng, pmducm•c foryou-' 53Mt90 a.et "1fj ...-. ~27 afl9r ~ • call 645-!5571 JmlmOl>on •97-6787 S10$;t"O IWI• •914019 s1 ~0 .h1<h 416 3120 1 Of oav ne" c179.Uii~--~-~ I -- . ·' IOW HIRllG 11111111 ASSllTllT IAIAIERS Interviews Wednesday 9-11 A.M. at 2588 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa (on Newpo;+ Blvd. at Del Mar) Call (714) 537-4840 for more info EOE ~ COllSELllS Pan time carrier couneel· ors wanted. Help boyl and glrla solicit naw subscriptions on their pape< routes. Must enjoy WOf'klng with 10-13 yr olds. Early evening hou,. W()f1t days/ fle•lbla Iva. Commlsalon only Call Bruce Emsley 642-..321 axt. 206 IUHEOIAST IAILYPILIT KIDS-EARN GREAT TRIPS AND PRIZES! AGES 11-14 EARN lW TO $75.00 PER WEEK Wt no• 11ne 15 Ol*l•ncs lor JOUnt ucer iiums to steure rudefs IOI Tht (lfl"I' Coul ()My Pilot Our tr"'5 star1 al 3 30 o m and "°'' until 8 30 p m ftt\41JS On Saturday. we ll'Or\ a 1rw more hours You will urn many trips Ind PfllH alon& wrttl talllt"I ,our own ft'IOntJ thtfe is no deltrtttnt or collecll0f1 involved H you are 1n1rresttd. oleast clll Mr Earl (714) 548-7058 Pan time help needed for the one or more of the following duties. Typing, · 50 wpm, llllng/ xeroxing, ~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ telephone answering for busy office ( 10 Incoming TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE llnaa). Please call S. Oleknelt, 8:30am • 4·30pm. to schedule In- terview appt. P.1.1.0. 27« E. Coast Hwy ...._ _______________________ __, Corona del Mar 640-2950 ACROSS t Cupotas 6 Abrahams mate t 1 BO<ly part 14 Fragrance t 5 Greek letter t6 Large 01ra 17 81g-11me opera to• 19 Gas prpt 20 Layout 2 t Lucid 22 More P•Po~t-ll 24 Crock 26 Length U" t' 21 Was a 10:1rtv ~o Haras~1 32 Ou1c1<ty 33 Commano' 14 Statute J 7 Capn to1M 38 Acts 39 Hawa11ar rr1.1• 1 40 Piano part 4 t Pla1nt1fls 47 Stations 43 u~ra1ne "'''' 45 Tome ot a.h 46 Compos•• 48 Keep oll 4q Pleoe 50 Ab.,rdono.11 2 3 14 17 4 52 Awry 56 DHsert 57 Eternal 60 Vetch 6t Angered 62 German statP 63 Matter law 64 Strongbou~s 65 Chem•cat compounrt DOWN 'I No t Att1t'~·1 t ., •• t ~ .... ~,..., .,,..,.,, P'tP,11 ; "{J ~ ~lf"Y\J~ ~ P~ .. , 10 HOIW JI' 1 , 1 unqu1d•''' 1._ Mnc.1Pt• v 1t 1 I ( iHl'f ~fl ,, ' , f •Oii')''"'' ,><l F ''V' 11) f I'"" 'I ( 1,, ~ • t r1 1,q, it. 1 t1P•f~t 1f [J' .,. t or '~ L 'Nf'I, 1 1 f•(f PP\ •' r .. ,.,,". .# n .. ~~n h•n ·•t P.,,1,t ,, fl'''(•'I' •16 le"'~ LO•Cl1a1 d 7 Mottler-of-pearl 48 Pleats' 'Ji) ~fttVH.+! 1 I (,j1nad1o1n nat•vl' '>) Enence 4 Noun pnaong '> ~ Ge<man r.ypr '>8 Bv 12 13 fMOmifWAd ACTION CaJI A DAILY PtLO' AO.'ISOI ...... ,. Aaateurant ua-r1911-- 1mmact optnlng, flax. Iva Outgoing pWIOM!lty • mutt Sttrt M p/hr. Alto F/T d-V poaltlon avllll. Start M .5().5 pl hr Al)C)ly dally .... Jean. Me 6 CO'S PrzZA. l7th & "Ttm'ln. C M Sorry, no commMCl.i •d•. g•raoe ,.,.,, prodUCJta, pl•nt1 or antm•I• •re """'l't•t>M. ·'' I• I • d ~ t '' .. I• ••'~ ,., II "' 714 -833-1300 CHICK IVDIJON l'()lllCHI. -• AUDI CHEV1tOl.£T Hltflat Q..111v 16.1 6 S.rvkt Wl Will NOT Bl UHDE RSOl 0 Bill YATES VW-PORSCHE 8 3 7 · 48 0 0 4 q J · 4) I I •NEWPORTER II* 64 1 079~ f • .,, ~4 8 8813 ora o arratz C1ean lhwp. Itta yenow, ong C1Wrlef. new tl<aa. loaded. $3900 67~7231 NABERS CADILLAC LARGEST SELECTION of late model, low mllaega Cadlllaca In Orange County! Saa ut tocf•Y1 IC0-1180 TH\MG9 TODO ' ORANGE COUNTY ·oas e I e ' e river e 1ncras Coast Could stored wine have saved San Francisco from firestorm following 1906 earthqu,al<e? I A3 . ' Shirley Chisholm urges women to unite for suc- cess lh speech delivered at UC Irvine./ A3 California David Stockman tells Los . .Angeles to just forget about plans for Metro Rail./A4 Nation FBI says arrest of neo- Nazis should serve as a warning to "hate groups." I A4 Fifth heart patient said doing much better after second surgery to repair leaking'sutures./ AS World Japanese stock market plummets due to con- cerns about Imports./ AS Shuttlenauts attach "fly swatter" device In effort to save satellite./ A4 Sports ''Marvelous" Marvin Hagler KOs Thomas ''Hit . Man" Hearns in the third round./81 Todd Hart is working hard toward recovery from a broken neck, and he's trying to help others. too./81 Fountain Valley High has lost a quarterback -Eric Zeno is transferring to La Quinta High./81 Ozzie Smith becomes the highest-paid baseball player./82 1, Entertainment "A Roomful of Roses" has a warm and winning quality at the Huntington Beach Playhouse./ A7 Business .Qlsney Productions de- clares a 30-cent per share dividend during first-ever shareholders meeting outside of the United States./83 INDEX Bridge Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Horoscope Ann Landers Opinion Play Review Police Log Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather • A8 A3 84 86-8 A8 88 83 87 A7 A6 A7 A3 83, &: 81-3 85 A8 A7 A2 Signed, ·sealed, delivered The Costa Mesa maln po9t office waa a buy place Monday a• lut-mlnute taxpayer• •uch •• the woman •hown stuffin& her tax return lnto a mallboz formed a line of can to get their tax fonna filed before the offlc'e cl0taed at 6 p.m. Some officea along the Orange Cout allowed deposit.a until the midnight tax deadline. Ides of April survivors Police c.laiming motorist was speeding when collision occurred on center line By PH~ SNEIDERMAN Ofllle~ .......... A '"29-year-old Hunungton Beal h man was fat.alJy injured Monda~ night when his motorcycle wa~ struclo:,- head-on by a car that police said crossed the center lines while speed· ing. The car's driver was held on manslaughter charges. The motorcyclist, Hen!) Gamboa. was rushed to the trauma center al Fountaip VaJleyCommun1ty Ho~p1- tal with massive head IOJUnes. polil'l· \jlO Ht' wa~ pronounced dead at I 2 I' a m tada~. I hl' dnverofthe auto, Roben Pri~ D1 rnn. 19. al!>O ofHunungton Beach. "'a' tn~atcd at Pacifica Community llo'>pllal for head and arm tn)uries. then 1AoftS booked mto HunllllitOn lkalh ( ll'r Jail. 'igt Jdl Cope said Dixon is being hdd un su~1c1on of vehicular man· \laugllter. drlving at an unsafe speed (Pleue eee HEAD-OJll/A2) Motorist shot during angry ·traffic dispute By STEVE MARBLE 0t Ille Delly Piiot Ii.If A traflic dispute bet"'l'l'n t\\o motonsts that started "'1th an hJrm· less exchange of words reportl·dh ended late Monda} tn Huntington Beach w11h one dn\t:r '>hot thl· second cut and bruised and Nllh thl·1r cars nearh demolished The 1""0 dn .. crs stanl·d lighting. JI about 11 p.m "'hen ont· Jppan:ntl' cut ofTthe other at the 1ntcr){'t.t10n ot Golden West Street Jnd f-Jin!lL'r ..\venue. Sgt. Bill Pett·r~un \aid Peterson said the 1nctdl•nt c~alatt•d ""hen unc of the dnvers got out of his \chicle and smashed out the window!> of the other car. The dnver of the c;l'tund (ar responded by pulling out a 'X·uilthcr handgun and shooting the tirc;t man in the st0mach. Peterson .,..,J \1 1'-h.1d Julian Sli-wosl1 3 I. of Huntington Beach "'as booked on 'U'>Plt.1nn ,,1 aggra' ated assaulted altt·r ht·1ng treated at the Fountain \ alln < ummnit~ Hospital trauma ,,·nta ll•r J gun<,hot wound He 1s in 'tJhlt' tond1tion (Pleue see MOTOR1ST/A2) whoop it up in tax party Mesa will block tract 'shortcut' Third annual bash at Costa Mesa ballroom celebrates another taxt~g time behind us By JOYCE SCHERER-BODLOVICll Delly ll'llot C«rM90ndeftt While Marvelous Man in Hagler and Thomas "Hit Man" Hearn!> ''efl· slugging it out Monda) night for thl' m1ddlewe1gh1 champ1on<>h1p at Caesars Palace. a '1ctof) pan} "'a' alread} in high gear o;ome 300 mile' awa} from the glamor and gltttl'r ol Las Vegas The celebration. at the \.\c.,11n South C'oast PlaLa llotcl in C 11,tn Mc~. was billed a<, the "Largcc;t 1 a' Pan}." The enthus1as11c pan~ gocr'> who filled the Plaza Ballroom were celebrating the cnd of the drcadnf ..\pnl 15 ta\ deadhnl'. Hosted byrad10 stauon. K WIZ. the third annual ta\ pan) "'as intended for those dedicated souls who d1ligl·ntl) 'ltruggkd through the hurdensome ta'ik of completing de- t:.i1kd tax returns and malling them hl'lllre M o nd:i~ 's m1dn1ght ht·"'1tlhing hour !... ~ ll-.\M announl.'er Patt\ \l,1rtine1. "'ho 'a'' ha radio hours ,m muth likt· a hjn~cr''> \\llhout the PJ' ha' hmted the t'' t'nt for the past thrl'l' 'l':lt.'> 'Koh Hnant. ''ho I'> ~e .. 11n's 1111 llll'r mar~t'llng Jircnor. Crt'ated tlw tdl'<I ofa ta' part~ about 311 ~ear" .1>1-0." -.he ~11d "He 1w1 1n touch with Boy injured in Easter traffic collision dies A 14-ycar-old lluntington Hcach bo} died early toda> from head and internal 1njuncs he suffered 1n ;in Easter weekend car cra'lh that .11\o killed his mother. a l'oroncr''i deput' reponcd. Kenneth Kenndh had bc<.'n at- tached to life !.UPPort S}Stemc; at Fountain Valle' ( ommunit\ Ho'ip1- tal \lnl'C thl' ..\prtl o rnll1 s1on 1n the 1n1er'>ect1on of ..\dams ..\q:nue and Magnolia ()trt•ct 1n Huntington Beach. acrnr<l1ng w otliuals rhe lt'Cn-age ho)'<, father. Donald. Jnd h1'i I ~-\far-old si<ilcr also were hurt in the ti, e-car acndent. Thr Kennell\ famth "a'i returning (Please see TEEN/A2) me and as~ed 1f I 1Aoc>uld host the l'\enl. It ~a\ \O sucn~ssful (about 500 :.ittcnde<.'s) that K WIZ ha!> ron11nued tht• pany eal'h year .. The blonde Mart1nc1 . "'ho filed her return 1n Ft•hruary. ha~ alr<.'ad) rc- Cl'l'ed her refund -and <.pt'nt 11 .\nd "'hat did Mart1nc1 c.Jo \\Ith ht•r present from Uncle Sam" "I paid bills." she said "'''ha lau11.h ··ooe'>n·t (Pleue •«TAXPAYERS/ A2) By TONY SAAVEDRA ----··-·-· '111l•d un.in1m1•u'>h !\1ondai-to clQse 0t111eDe1tyP11o111.tt •w • .in ()nH 1hclaSflegin arush-hour l l _. .. -.. l.3' J Thou-.and~ ol motlln\I'> par.id in~ 'h<>nl ut U'l'd ti' nlOtonsts heading through a<. osta Mc~ nt'tghhllt hnild l'.l\t lr<•rn llunungtoi'ilJCach. to a'o1d the snarkd 1nll'r\t'l1111n .11 lhl'dl'l1lurht•ginr,"'11hanghttum .\dam<\ and PlacentiJ a\l·nut'' ,, ill 11tl \dJm~ 111 .\lhatross Dn,e. south soonha,etotindanother.,horttul 1•1 \\l.,Jn nn,e and then out to l 'rged h} rc4'1dl'nl\ nl thr \k,.1 l'l.1u·n11.1 \'adc South tralt thl.' < 11' < 11un,1I (Please.eeTRACT/A2) Second bandit being sought after Huntington shootout By ROBERT BARKER 01 lhe Delly !'lol Stall Wh1k a Hunting.Jon Real h pol1u: r,ergl•ant remained 1)1T du1' \\Ith in1unes th:it might haH' l:wrn tat.ii o,a-.f for h1'l bulletproof \e4't , kllm' officer~ prc~scd a sc.·arl'h for a r,h111 - gun-w1eld1ng man "'antcd .1tkr ,t do" ntown robbcl) and 'hoot nut Saturda\ night .\uthorit1e~ dcl'l1ned to ttp 1h,·11 hand <'".·cpt to sa~ thl· ~·an h I' focusing in l)outh<.'rn California The\ also \a\ the' don't ~nlm Im 'lure "'·hom the·) arr. looling tor Rut Caot Don Jcnlinc; said toda' that 11tlin•r<. ··got a hit ''' .1 h1111·· 1r11m <.nmcth1ng a '-'tint:"'" trh,.,1rd .11 thl' rohhen a. ihc Thing' t111 '1111! I k.1t! 4'h11p Jt 41 11 Pan fir ( 11,1" It '!!h" ,1, Polin·. 1Tit',tn\•h1k h.t,1 1dl'l1'1lh·d .1 tJtllltit·J gunm.111 "11 .. t111•d .1 ~" taliber ~m1-autom:ittt ~un 1111 .. '-fl ld Deud\ hullr1pool.'1'1.111d 1h,1, ,,3~ ktlkJ \\ht•n L)l:ud l\'l1 rt1ul •1r1 Jnd ,trlllk th,· hand11 1n th, 111.td The 1den111\ ol th' • 1 l'.11 ,1ld !lunm:rn ha"n'thel'n n·k.1w<I f"\\·,.111,, hi' lll'\I 111 ~IO h,l\ l'n I ht'l ll 1111 II\ d knlin' ... 111.J lkurl \I.ho h.1d ht·,·n 111.1 1>llh! .1 rllUlinl' hJr the\~ t\\11 d•'"I' d11\\ '1 arr1\ eJ ,ln the -.tl'llt' .1lm"'' 1n1t1wd .111·dh .1lil'r Jll t'mploi-CT at the p.n.1ptwrn.1l1.1 'h<1p tnpred a 5ilcnt .11.ir m dunn~ thl.' robhen t hl· ,1,11n man \\3\ the ftr<.t to wall .i,11 .. 11h 'h"r l'h·ud ordt•rcd him HI ~111·1J"n1lw '"k"al~ but the gunman ''h1ppt•d 11111 th,· gun that apparenth h.1d lwt•n "r.1rrx·d tn a coat and tired d rn ti\ 1nt11 lkut•l'Hhest. fXucl . .\3. .1'1'1111·\l'Jr \t•tcr,1n ofthc force. wa!I I."'" h·d h,J\ k h' thr force of th(' l,11lkt 1'111 1 ''' ""'rl'd and emptied his , 1in 11 1lw .2 l-\t'.tf-l'ld gunman 11 1Jw 1Til'Jnt1ml.'. the ~ond 'l''" • t h.1d u1ml' out of th<.' store and I 1 ·"'" mJal·d him to kneel (Please see SECOND/A3) They're Laguna's united artists Sharing space. rent keeps craftsmen solvent In the faceoftncreastngftnanctal problems kwelf) de\1gner Emc~tine Roab Circen has maintained a shop on South Coast Highway in Laguna Beach for 14 \cars. And c-.ery )car but one. the rent has gone up Green 1s no ncwcom<.'r to market- ing her crcatt\ e wares. The Workshop has long pro' 1ded a hvl1hood both for Green and. up until four }ear. 11ao. her late husband lkn But rent. hght, and other bill\ have inrrcas1n~) eaten into the prolits from her Je"'clry le Green s:ud S11ll. lh<.' native of Holland know\ <1he n one of the beach cit} 's luckier Jfll\l'l. ·· Thrrc arc H'f"Y few an1\t'l lt'n who cnn aflord to h3v·c their own '!hop on thC' h1ghwa) " ( 1rt'l·n \aid The cAodu<1 of thn~· who @JH th1· ·\rt ( olon' II\ nnmc.· I"~'' bcrnmr ol \Ut'h rnn(C'rfl 1oc1t\ ollil 101, that thr\ ho• c l'lllctd tt"ttnt•t ion-. nn mow hu<11n<.'\W'I do1Aontnli'n and hq1un to entertain 1dras for keeping an1sts in Laguna Beach. That's not how 11 used to tx-. From the time Green nnd her husband opened their first Jewelry 'ilC>re near Diamond Street. she has wa tched retail effort' b> other nn1sts ebb and flow. And at no time has she Sttn such o crea tive drain as there 'ittms to be today. I l1gh rcnturt' J>U<i h1ngnrt1sts out of the heavily trafficked tounst area" ond they are bc1na replaced h\ bakenc\, eoo~1e 'iho~. 1tt cream parlor\, b1km1 bout1que<1 and T-'ih1rt 'ltom. Green obscncd 'iuch bu'ime cater to bcachgocf\ and window \hoppc" who Slroll tht' 'it~et\ h kin& 1« cream cones and h11tn1t into mcrs1ztd cookie\ .\nd. 1f the' h~n <'a tcw dollars to pend. thl'' •ffl' mt)r\' hktl) tn \Jllurge on an C'tC- lAI\ h1ng T 1,h1n or Ra) Ban\ -<tUnJb\\t'\ than onMlt•:i•kmd an fhc n•ntil I l runl h 1c,n 't JlU'lht na Gre<.'n out of business but 1t 1\ 1a~1ng .1 bite out of11. So she hascomt• up "-Ith a <ielf-hclp idea that will ht'm•fit .1 handful of other anist'I a" "di To comoot the high l'OSt of operat- ing 1n price) Laguna. l 1rcen ha' decided to share her 'lhop -anJ her o ·frhead costs -with lour nthcr 3rtl'il\. Each wtll pa~ an <'qual 'hart• nt th<' npc:n~" in e\lhange lot dt'>pla' space And each will spt>nd one da' .1 ""<'l'k wah·hina the store r hose.-who ta~e Cf l'l'<.'n ur nn her oiler"' 111 get "a nice high" a' kKat111n "1thout 11 ros11n1 a fonunt' " < •rt't'n '"ll get a break on .the r('nt and J breather trom Yle'I du11c.'" T"o fellov. an.sis alrt'3d' ha' t' taken the Jtwtll) de 1gncr up nn her 'P3l-C shanng plan 1'.a} M1akc. a graphic 4.lnl\t .tn<l knn1fer Charle'i. who hJnd paint' l>tlk doth ma.. "'111 won JOln < in't'n "' 1111 ~uth C. oa'lt H1ahwa' t-or Charle'>. 1Q 11 I\ a (lOldt'n opponunit' "I 1h1nk It"• a gr<'1t 1t.lca ill around If"'~ "'crcn·1 1n a Jl()sillon In c;httn· ( .. <pcn-.e' I v.ouldn·1 be.• ahk to do th" LISA MAHONEY PERSPECTIVE at the pn:<.ent time Ofl\•ntnti ,1 'hop nn 'our riw n " •l fa1rh httt ,., po. ""'' thl'\l' dJ\\. \hl' \JIJ ( harle<. hn' ht·l·n '' hllk<.;thn11 h,•r <,ilk dothlll8 "tth 'nml· 'uttl'" Hut she hu not realhed a po.11nt "'hen· 'h<' tan~ ~lf-\Unillt'nl h' hrr lr<.':illl'n' ,\Ion<' \he hufl\'' \h,mn~ d1<.pl.I\ \p:ll'<' will put hl'f tn tuu' h "1th"' h::it l U\tomer"' 1Aoan1 wh 1k ;ti lhl \.ln)(' 11me ll" mg her the frerdmn It'' rt':lll' _ f\ll't't.'' ,1 II her O\\ n · 1 u't tn do lrl'"'" 1 I\ w hJI I 11 hL.\· tu Jo w 1thou1.,omd'tl\h """"tt ln illl' '"c'll t~kc a dMt:n hut J11 11 in \'t llo"' · that appt•al' 111 m' " \ h.irlt·\ ,,,IJ'" (Please tee ARtTST8/ A2l .. ' .. • oviets 'bear no blame' iii Army major's slaying House speaker O'Neill returns from Moscow. says Gor~achev mixes toughne~s and charm WASHlNGTON (AP) -Hou\C Speaker Thomas P O'Neill Jr. sayi1 Soviet leader Mikhail • GorbachC'v in jsts that the Soviets bear no blame for the killing or U.S. Army Maj. Arthur N1l:hofson because hf was "111 the wrona place ... But the Massach'usctts Democrat told an 'llirport news conference late Monday upon his return from a v1'11 to the Sovtet Union that Uorbachl'\- acknowledacd the slaying was ··re- grettable." O'Neill said the !>UbJrct of the Soviet shooting of N1chol!>on last <fTIOnth in East Germany came up dunn& a four-hour se~s1on last week between Gorbachev and four \-l'i1t1ng U.S. concrcssmen. He cited 1t as an example ol Gorbachev'$ toughneu. which he said was mixrd w11h "a '>t'n~· of charm." A resolution cxprc'is1ng lOn- gressional outrage with the Nicholson shooung had ~n scheduled for acuon on the HouK Ooor today. but was pulled from thecah:ndanoday by Hou c leaders. Leadership a1dc$ ~aid 1t seemed inappopriatc to hold the debate on the first da> back fpr the 14-mefhber h1par11\an group of U.S. lawmakers. O'Neill said thr oria1nal um1ng had been co1nudenu1I · c;orbachn wa\ ··ar11culate. energetic and 1ough." O'Neill told a news ronfrrence at nC'arby Andrews Air Force Base. Md O'Nt·ill and Hou\c M1nont) Leader Ruben Michel. R-fll .. ~id the) hoped to meet with President Reagan laterth1s week to bricfh1m on their week-rung v1~11 The) also said the full ddcgat1on wou ld ~ubm 1t a report on the trip On ttic ~o' 1c1~la}1ng of Nil holson. O'Nc1ll ~1d "We ha vc 'cry firm '1cw., The)' havt' very firm '1ew<, - d1ame1rically oppos1tr My feeling 1s there·~ beeri a co" er-up" on the part <>f the So' 1e1 Union ..uorbachev was ver accu"na our man or c wrona place -and takm$ no blame whatSO\tr. althouah sa)'1ng 11 was rcsreuablc," O'Neill said. Nicholson. a specialist in So' 1r1 1ntelh1cncc. was shot by u Soviet sentry on March 24 while takina photographs of a oviet facflny in East Oermany Thr State Department confirmed Monday that Gen (1lcnn Ot1!>, c.;om- mandcr of U.S force~ 11\ West Germany, and the Soviet com- mander 1n East (1ermany met la'it Fnday to d1scu~s the lulling and way~ to pre\ cnt s1m1 lar incidents in the future. The lJn1ted States ma1nta1ni. Nicholson was engaged 1n no wrong· doing at the time he was shot, while the Soviet~ have Ulsasted that the officer had entered a restncted area. Michel. who also auended the meeting with the new Soviet chief. told thr airport news conference: "The point was made that we cannot ignore Afghanistan. the shooung down of Korean Air Lines 007 or the shooting of MaJor Nicholson." State taX collections climb tohighestlevelin 12 years WASHINGTON (AP) -Ta' rnl- leet1ons by state $Ovemmen1s took their bigcstJump in a do1en years in 1984, the Census Bureau reponed Tuesday. Income and sales taxes led the way as state tax collections )Umped 14.8 percent to $196.8 billion in fiscal 1984, the bureau said in 1 ts study of state government taxes. It was the biggest Jump since a 16 percent state tax increase 1n 1972. State tax-income had increased only 5.4 percent in 1983. "There have been a lot of state taxe!> increased, especially income and sales taxes." rn the past year. said Donna A. Hirsch of the bureau's governments di v1s1on. These hikes· followed a penod of years 1n which states were concentra11ng on ra1S1ng fees and other charges inctead of taus. she noted. Ms. Hinch drchned to speculate on what prompted the sharp hikes 1n state taxes last year other than to note that the &overnments obv1ousl) needed increased rcvenuei1. A more detailed "itudy of state finances will be issued later th1\ summer. she said. Thal may provide some answers. 'iuch as whether reduc- t1ons 1n federal programs have re- sulted 1n statc\ being' forced to increase their \pending and thus to raise more taxes. Showing the 'harpc<;t gain 1n the 19K4 figure<; was 1nd1v1dual income taxes. up I ~.4 percent to S58.9 billion. Thal was the second largest source of income for the state\. The No I \Ourct: was general sales and grov. rt'ce1pts taxes. which brought in $62 6 billlon. an increase of 16.6 percent from the year before. Other ma1or '>Our<·es of re venue for the states were corporate income taxes. S 15.5 billion. up 17 9 pcrct'nt; motor fuel sale-. taxes, S 12.4 billion. up 14.!S·perccnt. i.everance taxes, $7.2 billion. down 2 I percent. motor vehicle hce n\Cs. $6.4 bllhon. up 9.8 percent. and publi< ut1h11ei1 sales. S5 9 billion .• up 4 0 percent. Severence taxe' arc: asse<;sed on the removal of mineral\. oil and coal or other natural rcsourc~s Nearly half of all \late taA re venue was collected b~ JUSt eight states. They are <.ahlornia. S25 f> hilhon, New York.SI 8.8 h1ll1on, Tcxa\, $9.8 b1ll1on; Penn'lylvan1a. S9.6 b1ll1on . llhno1s. SM. 7 hi Ilion; M lt'h1gan. Sll.6 billion; O hio, S!S.O billion. and Aonda, $7.3 billion. Tax revenues decreased tn Alaska. due largely to reductions 1n 011 and gas industry taxes. Eight states had increases of 20 pc:rcent or more in their tax collec- tions. They were Nonh Dakota. New Hampshire:. Indiana, Utah. Anzona. Colorado. Connecucut and M1ch- 1gan. Typc:s of taxe~ collected vaned considerably from stale to state All SO states tax motor fuel. motor licenses. tobacco. insurance premiums and alcoholic beverages. There arc corporate net income taxes in 46 states, whale 45 levy sales taxes. 44 have 1nd1v1dual income taxes, 43 have property laxes. 41 obtain rrvenue from public ut1h11c\ and 32 have sevcrence taxes. • In add1t1on. gcn-ern mcnt functions -.ary from state to state. meaning that in somr case\ slate governments collect ta.lies and perform sen Kes that are done b)' local or d1stnc1 government'> tn other c,ta1es. Na11onally. the ~talcs collected Jn a'erage ofS8l552 per resident 1n taxes. ranging from a high of nearly $4.000 an Ala'lka to only $433 in New Hampshire last year. TRACT 'SHORTCUT' TO BE BLOCKED .•. From Al An estimated 2.000 1nps a day arc made by motorists s1destepp1ng the 1nterscct1on. dogged during the morning rush hour. Their effort\ to save a few minutt•s havt resulted 1n years of emotional rnmpla1ntc, and mound~ ol disagreement t1H:r how w solve the problem without moving the traffit probelm to other area\ of the ne1ghhorhood. But ii "1onda> \ puhlil hearing began w11h a degree ol trep1dall(1n. 11 ended with a Oood ol l heer\ and applau~ <1~ rnunnl mcmhcf\ al- ccpted tht rcc,1den1~· tomproml\c Mayor Norma Hcrt1og opened thr hearing with a warning that. "No matter what the outcome t'> going to be , we're not going lo ha"c t'' t•rylxK.1 ~ happy" Hen1og had made a \lmllar warn· mg Marl h 4 when the rnunul tdhled a recommenda11on b) thl' < ''' I raffic ( omm1ss1un lo dose a portion of AlbatroS\ Dnve That proposal which could have pushed traffic onto other part<, of the neighborhood. '>purred protest~ from rc\ldent~ living along tho'ie \trcet' Howc-.cr 1h1: crowd packing the ( ounc1I ( hambcr\ Monda> was unit· l'd behind another plan to doc,c Swan Drive al Placcn11a \\enuc They acknowledged the do\un· would lcd't' them w11h onl) one entrance to the tract and the)' could no longer dri"e d1r1:UI) 111 Plalenlld Hut after n t1ng ~vcral expn1cncc'> ul tare, running o'er J>l'l'i. \ma\h1ng into parked H·h1de\, t·rac,hing into 1ree'> and plowing into yard\, resi- dent\ said lhe\ "'ould for\ake con-.e- r11cncc .. Hnng our qualm 111 Ille hack," rn1drn1 l>cnn1\ Murph> pleaded \!though polltl' fire and traffic oflinal!> were wary that closing 'iwan Dnve would hamper rescue op<-r· at1on\. lOunl'll members said the bamcades would be designed to allow accc!>c, to emergency vehicles. City Engineer Bruct Mattern said break· awa) poles or high curbing could be used. The rnunnl also a'iked that a sign be 1n\talicd telling motorists not to block the junction of Adams Avenue and t\lbatrO\'> Dn\e Add1t1onall). the cit) will consider widening the 1nter\Cct1on a1 >\dam'> and Placentia a\l:nuc., 1n an attempt to unclog thl' ma in 1 hurough fare'> Mattern ..aid s1a1e law requires the planned dmure to be examined for potential 1:nv1ronmental impact, before the wee1 <.an be barricaded A con~ultant will Ix: retained to help decide the e"tl'nt nl the t•nv ironmen- tal stud) hl· \aid MOTORIST SHOT DURING DISPUTE ... From Al J on~ Vt1ltiirct'I )fJ ll11n1tngl11n Beath wa\ 1r1:;i1cd .11 f'a( tllca < ''"' muntt} H11\p1t.1I tor u11' and hrul\e'\ and later hooked 1n10 tht' l ll \ 1a1l 11n \u<,pic 111n 111 .1tt1·mp1ed n11mkr 111\ bail v.;1\ \t'l .st \}'ilJ IJ()(1 lo'igl L<l "111 rl.1111 \thick 1n the• I'll)(){) hl11ck uf l>cla- 1Aarc "itrt't'l Poh11· \11nrnH1nl'd h\ cur111u' 11n- lo11kl'f\ \,Jl(I lhl' IW,·I men Wl'rt• 1:ngagC'd 1n J ll\tliKhl whl·n pol1tl' ofliter'> <Hrl\l'<I I ht wamntt.dri .. cr' 1At·re 1rea1cd b) Cloudy and cool weather due Tht mountalna coold ~ •omt ehowere Wednnday aa an upper level low preaaore 1yatem approacnee Southern CallfOfnla and cool• off the inland ereN, the National w .. ther Serv~ 1 Id Conlld«•ble ctoudlMH Wiii conllnut Wednesday In cou11111eu Wtitle lhe mountalna and d...nt hav• partly ctovdy 1klu 8uc.h 1emi>e1aturu wtU be from 48 to 76 alter tows L~nlght In t.,.-601 Alo~ the Ora~• Coaal there will be conllderabi. cloudlne11 through Wednesday with eome c1ear1no In th• etternoon and evening houri Local earty morning drlule neor th• lootnlll• Cool•r day1 tn Inland areas HlghJ Wednesday 68 to 78. Lowe tonight In the 50s • Temps Ken ... C..ly 118 •!> lM \19Q<d 9J •3 ~Ill .. Aoc• 71 •,o Mogh 1<,w IQt 14 l\Q<rr• tltt(lsr'll •I 't A fn Luuoa.ille 67 !>I ~· ·~ •II Altl•nr 7 I ~l ... , ..... .....,,, 78 70 . , •• SllOw••• Al~-Mttw ... ~ .. It SI Al'l.,lllO •2 $1 M!*·StPeut 72 41 .__WM .... ~· H()AA US OeOI OI C-~ AMIW><-ot 4S 31 HMl\v~le 10 ~3 Al .... I• 11 •7 Hew o. .. .,.. u 63 Allen!~ C•IY SS 6' Hew Y1><k K !>() C•llf. Tempe SanGtt>tlel 71 st Allall" to ., NOtf~ V• •• $1 ,.,, JOM .. u l•nrmo•• 56 u Otos.nomt Cur llO 51 9.,.11 A1>t 13 H IH'mtngl'\am'" &4 •7 Ol!1•'1• 79 51 Hogll low fOf 2• hours tt"d'"O ei 5 • m •• .,,, •• c. 1>4 .)1 ()tl6J'OO ,. .... 8al<.,thtW liO 61' Surf report 80<• 14 '>0 Phtla<ltll>ht• &• .... fu•"'• se •9 8':MllOtl " •8 Pl\oent• 98 , t rr .... o ., !>• a.ittato 76 bl Pttst~I\ II 5l l •nc•tl., 10 •9 LOCATK* llD IHAN c-,. 311 ' Porll Mt1 1IG •• LO. AllgeHtt 74 57 H<HlllllOIC>n IHch 12 ltir G11., ... 10" S G 89 eo P«lllllCI Of 61 ~ O&lilllld !>9 52 "'-Jelly ...._. •·2 poor Cllt<IMtonWV 77 59 Pr-c• 88 st Pat0Rot>lett 85 ~ 40lh ltret1 ,.,_port I 2 poor CfttrlOllt H C 85 55 ==~''' et SI AeCI 81vtt 17 51 21"4 81twe1 H9WP0<1 1·2 g::;· 75 )7 -05 !>() ., 43 ~Ctty 87 52 llelbOIWIOQll I -· Reno ,. SI s--10 Ml 48 Leoun•BMch 0 -c.ncw.1>111 Ml se RIGM>ol'<I 68 ~ ,.... 85 ~ ~ ,. ~ StnC.-•• I °J f)OOf llllOUo• ... 49 Sen Ooego 67 81 wa1 .. 1emp 80 Cotumou• 0!1 1• ~ SI P.ie-1 llhit>• IO 87 SWI FtlnCltCO 61 .. ~ s-cl<tecltOn '°"'" Conc;otO HM 71 52 5111 u.si. "'' 85 84 Stnle 8-11>.,1 62 ., .. 01111 .. fl WOrlh ·~ 54 s.,, Antonto 88 ~ StoelmWI 73 . ., 0.1)0" 73 55 SWI Juan P A ea ,, 1-llQll IOw l0t 2• r>ouu tn01no •• 5 P m Tl des o.n ... II 43 S..ttle 82 ., B•tttow 80 511 0.1 MO<tl .. 71 44 Shltvtporl &4 54 8t611mor11 •• 411 Oelroo 71 ~ Spo>t,,. 61 •• 811J .,.., n )2 TOOAY Oulolh 70 30 Syrawee 10 46 &al\Op ao 4 I S.C.ono !Ow I 131Jm Oil EIP .. o 119 49 IC>Ptllt 72 42 81ytn. 100 84 $11(:0'10•"0" 7 4411"" •• "•llbtnk• 45 10 Tucton 93 81 <.;atahna •,9 .,., F .. go 67 36 Tu"• 74 •II l<tno 8MGl1 II 58 WI0...8DAY Fllgtllf1 73 lT Wtll\lllQIC>n Ml 59 Mery.V111t 1' 5!> f lfll l<i# I 44•M () 8 GrWl<I Rt9C>t0a 72 .. WICNI• 18 u MonfOVlt 64 S<I ft<t~I\ 7 39em 4 8 GrHI,_ SI 34 Wtll<_B.,11 61 '>l ""°"'""" !>8 52 ~ tow 147 pm 03 Htt11orcl 69 55 Ml Wil9on ,,u 52 s.eono "'Vh 802pm so -.. ~ ;17 ~ TOO 85 H~ 83 et Extended Newoor1 Bt«.n 6!> 5e Sun Nit tocle/o •I 6 25 pm ,_ HOutlon 17 85 Ont•no 83 50 W.on.cley •I S • m Wld Mil ~ ~· 68 53 p""" 5'>ttn0• 101 61 •t 6 ?Ip m JKl!tor\Mt 71 •• Vllltlblt CiOuO.._t HIQI•• h om .,,. P .. .o ... a 78 S3 Moor! Mia IOCJay al J 28 p m ·-J---•• 82 ....ci llOtl lo ""cl 70a I O•I ''' ,,.., ""* R1-alclt 84 46 W.O....O•y at 4 22 a m Wld Mia "G""' ~ 47 2t 40$ Wld SOI Stfl lle<NrOHIO ae •1 al 4 24 pm . .l'EEN DIES OF INJURIES ... From Al from church when Donald Kennell} apparenrly pulled into the 1nter- ..cc11on against a red light. according to police reports. The fam1I) car was broad'i1ded b) a pickup truck <lrncn b> Tad Michael Palka. 23. Palka wa'l later arrested on ~usp1c1on of drunken driving and dm-ing on a su'ipended license. The unpact lrom tht> rnlh~1on pu'>hcd the Kc.·nndl> "chide into two otheruiri, 1 ht acc1dt'nl 1'1 '11111 being tn- vcs11gated and the D1-;tnc~Attornry·, oilice. wh1c.h ma~ file formal charges. HEAD-ON CRASH KILLS CYCLIST ... From Al .ind tr<>'i'>ing the douhk )l'll11v. ll'ntcr hne\ C opt.· 'k!ld the accident occurred at 10 44 p.m o n Coldwater Lane <>outh of Roma Dn'c He \:lid Dl\on l'.a\ tra..,eling '>Outh on (old water through the rn1dcntial trarl 1n a 1978 Pl ymouth I lon1on when the 'chicle <.kidded out uf rnntrol cro\~cd th1: ll'nll·r line' Jnd 1·n1ered the north- hound Ian<'' · Thl' traffit \l'rgl•ant '>aid in- "~11ga1ors believe lhl' Pl)' mouth was tra .. ellng al rnort• than 5.S mlleo; per hour on a \trect "here thl' posted hm11 1s 35 mile'> per hour. < ope 'aid ( rarnh<ia wa'i ndtng hi\ I 9k I Yamaha motortytll' no rth on C oldwatcr when 11 collided head-on "1th the auto He said Gamboa was thrown 35 rcct The motorcychsl was not wearing a helmet. police said. Gamboa wall treated at the scene by paramedic, before he1ng taken to the trauma t·cntcr I wo pa\..engt'r' in the Dixon car were treated al f>anfica Husp1tal for minor 111JUrtt\ . SECOND BANDIT IN SHOOTOUT SOUGHT ... From Al t\pparl·ntl}' the \C.'rnnd man fired his 'hotgun at Deuel and C'>Capcd during the harrage of bu lie I'> Pol1t.c 'ia1d Deuel reloaded h1'i gun hut apparently was prevented from firing at the fleeing gunman, bcllev1ng .. Just Call 642-6086 Dally Piiot Delivery la GuarantMd •I•' 1 l ~l I I ', ...... ' ·r11· ~ .. , ~ .,. ... onlookl·r\ werC' in th e hne of fire rh1: rug1ll\l'. KUnman IS de'iCrtbed a\ being 1n h1\ earl) 30\, about 5 feet 10 mc:hc!. tall and \.\oC1ghingabout 185 pound., fk had a th1l·k. dark mus- He·, wantl'd for hom1c1dc. at- tl·mpted hon11{1de and robbery. Police said they rewvered pipes. lighters and cash with a total value of tache and long. hrown hair. " $200 taken in 1hc robbery. " Whal do you lllct> about tbe Oaily Pilot? Whal don 't you like? Call tbe number at left and your meSHfe will be ruorded, trans('ribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. · The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record letters to tbe editor on any topic. Contributors to o•r Letters column must include tbelr name and telephone number for verification. No clrr olatlon calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. 'JrlANGf COAS I Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill r 111 tr. Clrculatlon 714/M2...t333 CIHtlfled advertlalng 714/M2-5e71 All otMr department• M2-4321 MAIN OFFICE ,, . . . I 1 *• l .-• Frank Zlnl _r,1.J< .J!llfl(j f Jijf I Karen Wittmer 111.H~ Plrriq 01rPCl(Jr !...,h t !fWt·'tf fl'"'" t• •~t •i'1'1.1<•11 N o,. .. ,, I""• C~' ' •1V" ,t f'•1 •r'-f.1' "' ..,., ~"" " .. J 1,. '\ t l'\I tq• ( l""t 41 I H11f "'"'~ '1h' '"''" 1 '' 1.t~ IMJOI C.11f.-.1 111 t rt I , ,,,,,.., '" ·•, rTlf '1'"''Y ,,., "'•f Iii-I 'IJ ,,.,,.,,,, • ., . I • Cfr culatlon TelephonH A• t M) 41ll ., • 4 .. MOO Rosemary Churchman ( <1t1fr<1ll1>r Robert L. Cantrell ~ r 1 'I ir I , • rJ1.ir1.i1:•. Howard Mullenery f\r•v .. rl1<.1r1q D11PC.l<Jr Donald L. Wllllama (Ir( tllilllflfl IJlt11 t<jM '•,. t ,, ,,,,_.,. ( r.1u1 I 1¥Hf f1~1.1J t1¥10 #ftt~.h r. ( •~-r1t11r.,,J tr~ f~"~ I ""'-' "' (l'l1h'1-Ml' If• .. ,,.,.,. t •1t"t~ f t-Jll\t hlt)lt•t.tw•,g Jf• f 11 ; ft tt'f'! fllj t lft1' II'~' ;tl+t'\I f'IJ U~,tu'Jlf' lt1UJUQ' I• 1:A, A '\•'V'f> 1•~1• ''"' 11•9•1 .. ~ '"''*~rt4t0 >•tu,t.M.,, ,, 1 •, ' •·~,, • 1 h-. f'',... •1 ,,, r,.., v ,.'ti r·••·~r ',., 1 to Wtt'\• ''-1" • • · ~··• I • h . , • '•' fJ r , ,,,. ·• r " " • -./t,,·t VOL. 781 NO. 108 fhe lrJl·l' \tannJ "'ll h 111\ul1' hut became mnri· .incl morl 1·,1rrme ,,, the two dr1H'I\ < ha\nl t'Jt h othn around ltw 1 11 \ \lopping JI \anou\ point\ lo 1r111m t·as h 111h1·r .uu ird1ng Md:.rla1n \iHJ \liv.m~ 1 apparl'nlly kapcd lrom h" t.sr and \0\3\ht•d out mmt of thC' "''nllo""' 111 Valcartel'' \l'hldt· JI thr 1nll'f"<.'lt111n 111 I Ill\ \'-t·nuc· .ind "1 .1111 \1rtl'I Vakar<cl <1lkgcdl) pulh·d out J h<indgun Jnd 'hot \lt1Au'>k1 onl t' 1n lhe 't11m<11.h. '°1l I rlatn r1:p.1rtnJ H11th<lr1,ef\tht'n look up thl'lh•l'>C ag.i1n f>ohtt \aid thr 1n1ull.'<l 'illwo\k1 then \larll'd rJmm1n11 Valuir((•I'\ para med it' J nd l hrn ta kc n to d 1 f-liiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-;;;;m;iiiiilliiiiill;;;;iilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiil krcnt ho.,p1tJh 1 he da111ti11-nl till\ wcrt' towed awa~ TAXPAYERS CELEBRATE 'SURVIVAL• ... From Al everyone'r· No. Patti. n111 • "'enonr Judi W1uick ul I 11,1.1 '-k"1 wh11 showed up at th1· tJ\ pan .11 lhl· Westin said \he I\ u\lng her 1dund fur a fun-filled 16-da) trip t11 l'utrln Rico And Paltl Ro•ml a KW I/ adm1n1' irator. ~1d checrfoll) 'I .ilrra<h spent my refund on a nn~ 1Aarcl robe then '>f)<'nl m) hu,h.1nll ' rt• fund on a V( R " As cclchrant\ ~crolll·tl ,11 1111nd th<· hallroom \Oml 111 ddntt• Jncl other'> 10 mun'h on hot dog' JnJ lrl'nlh hrrad p111a \old JI lhl' hJrl'-Jtn pmc of\ I < 11'it.1 "1r..a la.!1 at1ornn < hJrh:'\ < 11.1mrolo \hJr<'d hi\ 1<ka Im next H':H \ ha\h 'We\llO \hould provide a booth w 1th neon lights where people ca n file· an automatlC tu cxten~ton." hr iktld jlrtnn1ng. "~tamp' 'hould nc made ,, \ .1 d.ihk for pure ha\C and. aftrr 111mpkt1on of the form. a Wc:\ltn rmploH'C' 1 :111 ~11her up th<· ex lt'll\HHI\ and m<1kc· ,1 la\t da\h 10 thr pm1 oHit't' ht-lure 12 p m .. I loweVl'r II W3\ 13\ con\ull'-lnt!> < urt1\ and J>onn.1 < layhnx>k of f-ul lcrton who \Ummcd up the evr- n1n(t0\ trm· meaning < lad 1n blue l - \h1rt\ cmblamnrd with white IC'ttcn lhat read I \I 'R VIVf..{) TAX \l A\ON. lhc C l.Hhrnok\ had com- plctrd ll'i ta' r~·1111 n' ti\ of 5 p.m Monda~ "Now." \dlll Donna ( urtl~. na .. hin' d rcl1rv1·d \rntlc. "lhe fun bt:'-1t1n\ . -~~TISTS COMBINE TO SURVIVE ... Prom Al urecn will tear out a workc.h1Jp 1n thr rear of her \to~ end knock do"'"•' wall to make \pact> for the otlln en1sts She will c•tend rose c.rpct1n11 and put up morr mirrored walls 1n 1 hr 800..quart foot ,pact Green plans to h4lvr :i d1fTcrc111 1ue•t ani't d1\play their wor ~ month and '><JV\ \he look' forward to ~__,, __ ...._ _____ . th1· n c 11nne·nt of working with other , re· .111 u· rw<1nk < h.irll"\ 11111 \C.'t'\ lhr ei:po'iure to other Jrtf'\t\ a\ a plu\ 111 the \pacr \haring arran11rmt"nt 'It'\ c;t1mu - l.H1np for 1hr an"" to vt· wh.11 olhl·r-. .irr '1111n111n lh<' 1 rrJlt\-r rralrtl \ht• \.lld C •r1•1 n 1.1.nuld like 111 .111r.i1 t .t ~ulplor or pota·r to the ~hop. nut she \Uy\ \he'\ open to nnynnr who would hke to JOm thr e <><>f)(·r:.111vt' lntcre\ted .1n1c.t\ 'thould dtmon- \tratc an ah1l11v to market their work ( 1rrcn \aul \nd tht')' must .. under \l:lnd that you don·1 JU\t open up for hu\lnr\\ on < naltt H1ghwa)' an\! ~~pect ~location to dn \oorwt'Jf1( for v1111 •• c.hr \au! IMK ( rold) lfi ( mt 01,,nunJ f{in~ Rcu1I 41 <n1 C(l Purch r t? ~lCl m "5 Carrots for the Pria of 2." MOBOCO Fu1! j!l«'llry f t c ;em~ D1~. jl,C'm~IOOC\, lU,11111'1 fine JCwcllry ood 1hc world'' mo~r prc~ttjl,ltlll\ witches offend at prices rwttncly up 10 7'>'1b off rr1a1I lCX) Nrwpurt C..rntcr Drivr. Nnvf10fl Bc.teh, lA <71 4) 64-4 RU' M<n.IJY hld.-y 10 7 ~.uurJ~ 10 6 I .owed tn Dn11'1' Pin.a hrtwtn' Muldoon~ A.I the ( 1truJ f •rth mt.1ur.inl\ _._ - ' -