HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-14 - Orange Coast Pilot..,. TOllOftftOW: '• RAIN POMCA81'80MAI * - FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1986 --Mesa losing i~surance coverage· . ~ Two of five Uabtlity carrier~ cancel $14M in coverage; domino ef f~ct feared By TONY SAA VEDl\A °' ............. Facing millions of doll.a.rs in law- suits. the city of e osta Mesa was notified this week that it is beina dropped by two of its five liability insurance carriers. City finance officials are concerned Halley anapahot Tbe mpacecraft Giotto beamed back plctaree of Balley•a Comet. A5 Coast A Huntington Beach man Is sufng Toyota over Its TV commercial after his Injury In a pickup. I A3 California Mismanagement of state toxic waste cleanup pro- jects Is aJleged./ AS World A grand jury Is look Ing Into the posslblllty Marcos received the bulk of an $80-mllllon kick- back from a U.S. com- pany./ AS INDEX B8 A3 B6 Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classified C6-8 B9 C4 Datebook Comics Death Notices Entertainment Horoscope Opinion Paparazzi Pollce Log Publlc Notices Sports Television Weather B8 B10 Date book A3 C3-5 B1-5 Date book A2 that the action miaht triaer a do~ effect amona die oilier earners, leaving Costa Mesa stripPed of any protection apinst expensive liability claims and suits. . "This is one of those times when a guy like me S1arts considerina retire- ment:• Robert Oman, city finance director, said Thursday ... lf the city Four bid forHB revamp contract ' $50 million project envisions homes in downtown area By ROBERT BAR.UR Of .. ~ ........ Four companies submitted proposals Thursday night that they hope will land them up to a SSO million redevelopment contract in downtown Huntington Beach. The redevelopment proposals for two blocks between Main and 6th streets and Pacific Coast Highway and Walnut A venue all included extensive residential units designed to keep people downtown around the clock. City officials want to avoid having the area cater to tourists only. The redevelopment area is across Main Street ud north of wbc1'c the Huntington Pacifica Group is plan- ning to build a Jro.room, hi&h-rise hotel. Company officials recently announced that the Parqon Hotel Development Corp. of Pbocnixhas made a commitment to build the hotel. Dcvelopmeiit proposals submitted Thursday night to the city Redevelop- ment Agency included those by: •The Main Street-Pacifica Prop- erty Owners. The group, accordina to city redevelopment official Mike ' Adams, is a coalition of Huntington Pacifica company and downtown business owners and merchants. The group submitted a proposal that would remodel and improve current buildin_JS but generally leave them in place. The group is offering to build 50,000 square feet of commercial buildin~ and 275 aprtments. •Pacific Savinp Bank Realty Corp. of Costa Mesa. Its proposal is to build 41,000 square feet of retail and commercial buildings and 2 I 6 con- dominiums. (Pleue eee DOW!fTOWN/ A2) Executives find NewWavestyles are fit to be tried Movers a nd shakers admit runway jitters but strut fdr charity Gus Owen 1s a general contractor, president of a successful develop- ment finn in the construction-crazy SaddJeback Valley. Owen doesn't look like the kind of guy who would spend a lot of time in front of 1 mirror, read GQ mqazine or bang out in sushi bars. Mention Ralph Lauren and Owen . ROBERT HYNDMAN THE LIGH TER SID[ mi~t ask what team he plars for. • I admit it, I'm not into al that I'm about as conservative as you can set." he says. "I am Mr. Repubfican Otanac County all the way." So imaame what bis family and construcu on buddiet would have thou&ht if they had seen Owen strolfina down the runway Tbunday at the lrvine Hilton ballroom in an oh-so--chk bluy black j afket, matchina lacks and an untlicked shirt. To complete the took, he clutched a leather pu~ in his hand while• huae gold earring dangled from bis left earlobe. Is it any surprise then that the head of LaJuna Hills-based Owen Properties was voted by the ~cl of judges as "The Man Most Likely to Adopt the Latest in New Wave Fashions"? Penuading men like Gus Owen to be models for a day miaht be a difficult task. But when it's tbe sistcn of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart who arc doina the ask.ins. the men can't say no. .. It really lS for a &ood cause, so I didn't mind at all," Owen said ... MY. kids can't believe iL ht fact, I don t know if they'll let me back in the house." The event was the sixth annual Gentlemen's Haberdashery Fashion Extravapnza held this year at the Irvine Hilton and Towers in front of 400 people. The fashion show i1 hosted by Oranae c:t Supervisor Tom Riley with pr s .benefltina the Catholic charity which, iQ tum. offers educational. social lftd re- liajous PfOIJ'&ms for children. Riley helps recruit the modcl~-~-s wife Emma Jane recruits the ~UOFS­ the Fashion Island stores provide the men '1 clot.hina and the audiences provide the &ood-natUftd ribbla&. Rancho Mitaion Viejo Co. Pttti- dent Tony Moiso, this year's muter of ceremonies, called the show not only a tribute to the sittm' df'ons, but .. to thOte who had the COUfllC to walk down that runway and ember· rus themldvcs." Peter Ochs of the F'teldatone Co. said it ta~cs a lot of sutt to play the part ofa mate model wh1lcaU eyes are aJued to your every tep. •can't eet insurance, it wouJd have tO pay courtjudaments. If we don't.have~ the mone" we'd have to start sellina off~ like the police station. .. Planet lnaµrance Co.. the city's aeneral liabilities canier, will not rcDC'W Coita Mesa's $4.S million policy w]len it expires July I. Nor will Fireman's Fund renew its S 10 milliod in ooverage. The two are part of an insurance packqe provid1na Costa Mesa with $37 million in liability coverage this fiscal Ypr. for a total premium of $660,000. Planet Insurance provides the ~n­ eral cov~, while the other camcn insure specified activities, suc:b as the city's police h,elicoptcr patrol. Oman likened the Planet policy to the foundation for Cotta Mesa's liability coveraac. Without it, the entire pack.qc is likely to crumble, be said. Endanaercd. accordina to Oman, arc: a St 0 million poli9 by Granite State Insurance; $5 million worth of covcraac bv Industrial Indemnity; .Surprise/ UCI 'zots 'Bruins A aame to remember Troy Carmon and Joe 8acbaDan (23) celebrate after UC 1ntne•• ADte.ten apMt defma~ cllampion UCLA. 80-74, In the ftnt roancl of tile Nft buketball Toamammat at Paalq Paftllon Wedn•day ~t. Wltb tbe win, tJCI adft.Deee to tlae MCODd roand of"tbe toarDUDeDt where tile ADte.ten will meet Brtpam Toa.DI tJDinnlty at Pro•o, lJtalL See Sporta, Paee B 1. fm delaJ.la. and a S7.S million policy by Aaricul- tural Excess and Surplus. Planet has been the city's primary canier for three years. It 11 delcribcd by Oman as .. just about tbc only pme in town'' when it comes to tcneral liability coveraae. the t.ckbone of the city's insurance plan. . With little hope of findina another carriet, Costa Mesa bas become another victim of the surse of"deep pocket" lawsuits that have made municipalities and busincsaes lepers in the insurance game. .. Deep pockets .. is the n"*ume tOt the prlctlCe of oamiQf le'\'a'll deb daots in a suit, but ~ die ODe . with the most money. Under CU. fomia law, a'Wel.lth.ier dim .... cm be forced to pay the lioo '• lbare of me . juclament -reprdJcsa of tbe depee o/rAulL . Many Oranae County cilies. e.-oeciall beach . . haw faced :piralina :a=:~na do- ductiblcs or cancellations u in- surance comoan.ies move awav &om (Pleue ........ ,A.2) Grisly evidence in HB woman's • . slaying unfolds Bank vice president accused in murder of prostitute. 19 From McCla&dy News Sentce SAN RAFAEL -They couldn't look -not the family of the a~parcnt murder victim, prostitute Cynthia Engstrom; not the wife ofEnpvom's accused killer. banker Art Byrd. As photograph after photop"apb of the nude body of the former Hunt- i1141on Beach woman was offered in CVJdence in Marin County Superior Court Thursday, the ~pie most conccmed with the trial s impact and outcome either turned thctr beads away or tilted their chins downward orcriod. Bill and Linda Engstrom and their two surviving children, a boy in his tcensandanolderdauaJiter,sat in the front row of Judge Bcvcrly Savitt's courtroom. just· behind the pros.- ccutor'stablc. The Enptroms will not sive information to the media-not even the names and aaes of their children. They .live in Hu.n~!l Beach, where Cynthia attended biJh school and cashiered at a servtOC station before coming to San Fran- ci1eo three weeks before berdcath last June 17. A few seats down, just behind the defense table, sat N~ Byrd. being consoled by a woman mend. Art and Nancy Byrd have two young da~­ ters. Nancy Byrd will say nothioa about her Wnily or about the case. Marin Deputy District Attorney Kathryn Mitchell used witness Rich- ard Todt, a sheriff's detective, to introduce 41 color photographs of Cynthia Snptrom's body. Atl Byrd. 40. has pleaded not guilty to the ~of first degree murder but will admit the lcillina and dumping of the body when be testifies late next week. The death oocurrcd while be and the 19-ycar-old Enptrom, whom be bad paid S500. WCl'C .banns -9Cmll (Pleue eee OlllSLT I A2) . , Mounting debts end Peace March BARSTOW (AP) -Saddled by debt, the sponsoring organization of the Great Peace Ma~h folded today with the marchers stuck in the Mojave Dcscn only 120 miles into the planned 3.235-mile, cross-coun- try trek. "We do not have enough money and as of an hour ago PRO-l>eace wiU fold at the end of the day today, under exactly what legal circumstan~ I don't know." said Torie Osborn . director of communications at the group's Los Angeles office. The Great Peace March was once envisioned as a line of S,000 demon- Straton striding from Los AnJe)cs to Wasbiniton D.C. io 81/J months. In the nation's capital, organizers said the man;b would end in a giant rally. Senaina failure, some marchers bad made tentative plans to incorporate themselves as an organization and possibly continue the man;b as planned to Washington, D.C., in hopes of inspiring tbe world to seek global nuclear disannamcnt. "The financial burden is too great," she said. ··w e put out a c.a1l for a SI00.000 in the last 24 hours and we received far shon of that. about (Pleue eee <m&AT / A2) FV foundation awards first health care grants ............... '-..... Oaa Owen .......... lloet Likely to Adopt Latmt In New Waft rulllcma. •• "I can speak in front of $()()~pie without any oroblcm at all, Ochs uid. "But walkina down that runway is tomethina cl1e aJtoeetbcr." But 30 n'liou tes lattt, Ocha was alidin.t .,.cef\lUy down the carpeted st111e wea.nna 1 nonchalant au &tld a sharp IJ'IY suit from the P.O S.H. · (Pl ...... IRR/A.2) \ ' The first of $38.4 million in health care grants has been awarded to the Cal S.._Je Long Beach Foundation by the FHP Foundation in Fountain Valley. The two grants, totaling S 140,089. arc the first of several gjf\s to be distributed by the foundation over the next I 0 years to finance health care education. research and delivery programs directed at solvtng major health care problems, according to FHP acting director William J. Baral. The corporation's seven dirccton are scheduled to consider final plans Tuesday to donate an additional $3 million to Cal St.ate Lof14 Beach, UC Irvine, and the Uruvers1ty of Utah, Baral Sil.Id. The schools ~re selected for their involvement in health care issues. The thr~ universities would re- ceive SI million each if the plans are approved, but a final vote has not yet bttn scheduled on the grants, Baral said. Further negotiations with the schools must take place before the vote can be conducted. according to FHP Chairman Dr. Robcn Gum· biner. "It will probably take somt ume before such grants can be defined and approved by our board and the respective boards of the uruvers1uts. ·· Gumbincr said. The donations wcrt prompted b) a state law that ~u1rcs FHP, estab- lished in November 1985, to pay tht market pric:c-setat$38.4 m1ll1on- for Family Health Plan . .1 Inc .. and gi ve it to a chant.able toundat1on. Fam ily Health Plan Is a Fountain VaJky-based health maintenance or- ganization that recently cha~ fro m non-profit to a profit-making status. FHP·s seven directors include Gumbiner. st.ate Sen. Paul Carpenter, 0-Cypress, FHP Vice President Bill Pnct. Long Beach develo per Harry Ntwman. former Utah Gov. Scott Matheson. Cal State Long Beach President Stephen Hom and Long Beach Cm Manager John Deaver. The plans includt the endowment of chairs at tht uni vers1ttcs to overstt the research 1010 health care services. Endowed chaJrs are posts held by professors and rcsearcben highly ed in tht1r fields of study. • endowed cbau at UCl 1s t ted to be held by somcont in the . (Pleue eee O.RAPC'TS/ A2) AUID PlIOI Laguna schools join ,·: · co-opliabilityfund Turn to Peg• C1 tor the belt •utomoblle buys BJ LAURA MEll °' ............ Tbe Laau.na Buch Board of Educa· tion ..,.ecd to JOtn a state orp.ruzed insuran~ coo~r1t1vt Thursda) maht. savlng the da stnct thousands of dollats 1.n excess hab1ht' msuran("t for 1986--87. · The dtstnct currently pays SS I .090 for S t S million cov~ throu&h its brokCT Fred S. James Co. Acrordrnt to Oyde Lovelady, d1 tnct business man.acer. the boa.rd could expect to pay at)cast that amount for next year's renewal. By J01runa tht OOOp(Bll\.C, Schools uce L1ab1ht)' Fund ( fl Fl. the d1stnct ma} savt about $6,000. The . co-op 1s compnscd of pubhc schools throuahout the state that ha~ banded t<>atther to fund their own hab1ht in uB ncc Throuah t\S brolceT the d1stnct PIY' $23.130 ror SI million conf111C. For an add1t1onal $9 m1lhon covetqlC, or a tO\&I of SI 0 milhon t1.1bility 1n. ~uranet. ELF will cbarae $1.000. said Lovelady At a ume when many cittes, IChool d1stnru and even pnvatc busl.DCSICS art forced to •o without lD.SUt'&Dtt l;l«aU!JIC Of llS hip COit. the ~t· 1"~ will ~Ip bnna do•n lbc coa of {P1--.. 8CllOOL/A2) -, I --=-==-------~---~~----------------------------------........ At w Orange Coat OAILY PILOT/ Frlday. Marchi•. 1986 UCI's Beckman Institute gets $1 million in dOnations It's·calm before another storm P*1JY doudy wtether tod9)' WM~ the luH before a iww ttorm tajclng aim tt SOutMm c..foma. 11CCOrdlng to the Nattonaf WMth« Sertvce. By PHIL SNEIOERMAN OI ............ . More than SI m1lhon has been donated to help complete the Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Oinic under construction at UC Irvine. Openina C(:t'Cmomes at the $7 million institute arc expected to take place this spring. UCI officials announced this wttk that the Harry 'and Grace Steele Foundation of Newpon Beach has donated $600,000 to the center. In additJon. American Hospital Supply Corp., Johnson & Johnson, SmithKJine Beckman, Monsanto Co. and Cooper LaserSonics Inc. have contnbuted money to be recognized .ll'I C'Omflrl'IC' ft''l("arch affiliatt's of the , . laser institute. The affiliates pr~m wu set up to eocouraae private industry to help develop lasers for biomedical re- search and clinical \J'Clltmcnt Each affiliate makes an injtial $100,000 contributJon, then donates $25,000 annually to maintain the member- ship. The corporations then will have access to developments m the field of b1omed1cal lasers. The affiliates also will be permitted to send their employees 10 the institute for train- ing. UCI officials say the Beckman Laser Institute is one of the first centers in the world 'in which lasers will play a primary role in research and medical trcatm~nt. Physicians and other researchers w11J explore the use of lasers in t.reatina cancer. heart disease. eye disorders aod otner ailments. The institute is bemg constructed adjacent to the UCf College of Medicine. The project was launched with donations totaling $2.S million from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. Arnold Beckman is founder of FuUerton-based Beckman Instruments. The foundation's gjft requited a matchmg amount be raised from -Other sources. The laser institute is being built under an unusual afftliation Wlth the UnJversity of CaJifomia. The center will be a non-profit corporation with its own board of directors. TM lat•t ttorm wu expected to blow Uh~ tonight and wty Saturday and aweep eouttywwd e«oee the region. beettng tMI, Chill wtnd, and tnOW on the mountaln1ope • Along the Orange eo.,at th«• Wiii be ~ng ofoudlneu tonight with a QOOd ohanot of rain north portion• by latt nlOht. Rain. windy ana coo4er Saturday. Hight Saturdey 52 to 82. Lowt tonlQht 45 to 63. l=rom Point Cono9ptlon to the Mexlcali Bo<der -Inner watM: Wind• d9or..alng to llQtlt variable tonlQht bec:Omlng aouth 16 to 30 knot• Saturday. Weet twtll 2 to 4 feet. lncreulng otoud• tonlOht with rain llkely by Saturday. U.S •. Temps Ralph Wllliamsfacesdriink tap Surf Report aa. 8MAN 1-3 .. 1-3 "* By SUSAN HOWLE'M' Ralph Williams. known for his television commercials as general manager of Wilson Ford an Hunt- mgton Beach. was arrested for alleged drunken dnving in Newport Beach early today. Williams. 57. was taken into custody on susp1c1on of driving under 1he inOuence of alcohol after his 1986 Mercury was stopped by police for allegedl y making an illegal right tum on the Balbo~ Peninsula. ~ewport Beach police spokesman Howard Eisenberg said. WiUiams, who listed a Dallas, Texas. address, was arrested shortly after midnight at 22nd Street 'and West Ocean Front fo llowing a field sobriety test given by Newport Beach police officers. Eisenberg said. .. He was very cooperative,'' Eisenberg said. Williams is the general manager of U.S. announces more mcineuvers off Libya WASHINGTON (A P) -The United States has notified c~v1 avia-tion authontaes that at will co uct a third aircraft earner exerc in as many months off the coast f Libya this weekend The exerc1~. however. Wlll be a limited one. because only one aircraft carrier 1s currently under way m the Mediterranean Sea. Pentagon sources added. The Defense Depanment and NaV). followmg their normal prac- uce, refused to discuss details of the upcoming exercise beyond confirm- ing that a notice of intent to conduct flight operations withi n the Tnpoh fl1ght<ontrol region had been filed Thursday. Despite the spcc1ficauon of a 7 a.m. start today, one Pentagon source said flights by Navy fighters near the Libyan coastline had not begun by m1d-<iay. The carrier Coral Sea bas com- pleted a port call in Naples. Italy. W11son t-ora, I ~255 Beach Blvd., "but he is pnmarily involved in advertising." according to Rock Armstrong, business manager for the dealership. Williams regularly ap- pears in television advertising spots promoting Wilson Ford. · Williams .we released on $2,500 bail this morning, according to jail officials. Williams, who referred aJI calls to Newport Beach attorney James Walswonh, had no comment on the arTCSt. Trial set in acid attack A man accused of throwing acid in the face of a 4-year"'°ld girl has been ordered to stand trial on assault charges. After a two-day preliminary hear- ing, Orange County Municipal Court Judge David Bach Jr. ruled there was enough evidence to try Mark Edward Hand. 26, of Wh1tt1er on two counts of awavated assault with a caustic chemical and wuh committing a felony whale free on bail. The victim. Rachel Ogawa. has regained her eyesight. 1-3 ,.,, 1·2 pool' 24 POCI' i.2 pool' 1·2 "* Tl dee TODAY 4 ... pm II IOpM. U nMDAY t ·07a.m 12.10""" 455pm 11 Mp.m 10 ... Ot u 2.0 ... Sun -todey al t 00 pm .. ,._ s.turoey •I t ·04 • m. Md Mt• agalr\ et •·01 p.m.. Moon -IOC)ey 81 1~ 10 P.11'1 , ,._ a.turdlly ... 41 a.m.. and -_... 11:09 p.m Police agree to stop posing as reporters By the Atsoclated Pre11 Anaheim police say they will stop using phony press badges in under- cover opc:rations. but insist the fake credenuals were used only to estab- !1sh an occu~atJon for officers round- ing up prostitutes. The decision was announced Wednesday, two days after Jack Perkins. a television commentator for KNBC-TV in Burbank objected on the air to an Anaheim offi cer who used a pass identifyi ng him as a reporter for the station. Tom Capra, news director for the NBC-owned and operated station , said he feared the ploy r.QUJd under- mine the trust between reponers and news sources. , "I don't like it much and I think it's very bad form for any pohce agency to impersonate anyone even remotely connected with the news," Capra I said. Anaheim Lt. John Flanagan, who heads the department's v1c.e squad. said the concerns were unfounded because the officer was not pretend- ing to be a reporter to pther information, only to give him an interesting occupation. GREAT PEACE MARCH FIZZLES ... Flanagan said the NBC pass was used about 12 umes for prosututJoo arrests and was the onl y media credential used by the department. From Al S 75.000 too shon" Spokesman John Hagelberg said Da"ad M1xner. who created the People Reaching Out for Peace or- gamzat1on. wa'> heading to the desert to an form the marchers of what was happening. "f think they are prepared for what has happened to us, .. he said. adding SCHOOL ... From Al insurance whale protecllng the dl'ilnll an the event ot large lawsutts. Love. lad)' said. If the board wants additional insurance to bnng its total coverage to S 15 malhon. Lovelad )' said It could expect to pay about S 15,000 extra that he was con vanced that the march would continue an some form. Today was the fourth day the hundreds of marchers had been camped near Barstow 100 miles northeast of Lo!> .\ngeles. due to lack of funds and cold. rainy weather tha1 has caused mild cases o f hypothermia Neither Osborn nor Hagelberg could provide an estimate of the debl. but both said that donations had decreased dramatically when marchers left their home com-m un1t1es. where they had been raising funds. and amved JO Los Angeles to begin the march Before the march began, PRO- Pcacc was rece1vins about $22,000 a da)'. Ms Osborn said. But by Feb. 28. the day before the trek started, incoming donations fell to $5.000 a day Ms. Osborn said PRO-Peace would assist any marchers who wanted to re turn home. ·we arc going to do our absolute best to make sure that people who choose to go home get a safe passage," she said. "We WJJI take absolutely as much responsibility as we can." The number of marchers has been contested since the weekend. Ms. Osborn said today th.at 950 people were still with the march as of early today. California Highway Patrol Capt. Duane Clements put the number of PRO-Peace campers at 511 on Thurs- day. The march started with 1.200 part1c1pants, accordmg to PRO- Peace. GRISLY EVIDENCE PRESENTED COURT ••• From Al Byrd house in Novato. The young prostitute, whom Byrd first met on a San Francisco street comer. a~ parently had her wrists and ankles bound by adhesive. tape before ste~ pang into the tub with the $72,000-a- ycar bank vice president. She died of either strangulation or GRANTS ••• From Al school's Graduate School of Manage- ment. At Cal State Long Beach. the endowed chair will be held by a representative from the School of Apl?lied Arts and Sciences. and the University of Utah endowed chair drowning, according to the coroner's report. Bruise marks on the body were evident in the series of photographs offered by prosecutor Mitchell. Some bruises will be attnbutcd to Byrd's dragging of the body down two flights of stairs to his garage, where he put the young woman in the back scat of his new blue BMW before driving some 20 miles to West Marin to drop the body in the driveway of a ranch. The first photos discussed by detective Todt, who took them, were long-range shots. But as Todt's photos started zeroing in on the young woman's face, as he began discussing the injunes he saw, bill and Linda Engstrom and their two children looked away. Nancy Uyrd d1 ppcd her head. The 12 jurors and two alternates stared intently at the evidence. Then, as closeups were trailed by e~treme closeups, the Engstrom daughter began to cry. Linda Engstrom led both the young woman and son out of the courtroom. Nancy Byrd, mcanwh1le. stayed in her seat, keeping het head down, looking at neither the Engstroms nor the photos. This may not be the only counroom 1n whkh Art Byrd is confronted by the Engstrom fami ly. San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli has filed a wrongful death suit aS?inst the banker on behalf of the family. MEN MOST LIKELY TO BE OUTFITTED •.. has not yet been determined. The $140,089 in Long Beach State Foundation grants wiU include "a psycho-social enhancement program for the frail elderly in skilled nursing DOWNTOWN REV AMP ••• From Al store If the ogl ing wa-.n ·t enough 10 embarrass the models the) also had to contend with the irreverent com- ments of Paul Salata, who claim~ to ran only those people he really hkc!>. If that'<, the ra.,e. alat.a had a lot of lncnd\ among the 50 models. Whrn Orange < ·uunt) Supcrv1.,or Bruce 'lcstande. who rcccntl} withdrew from the race for lteutenant governor. strolled out wearing a Ralph Lauren warmup suit. 'ialaLa 1.ouldn 't rc\1\t Cl\kang the audience to "find out what he's running for th1\ week .. "Jc~tande rolled "'llh lhe punch and started trotting along the runwa}' Earlier. when Rancho M IS'ilOn V1qo·s Richard O'Neill kicked the fashion show off with his wcll- <:oordanated outfit featunng a silk sport coat. Salata reminded everyone that. desptte appearances, O'Neill 'itlll looked lake he was walking through an alfalfa field Other model<> included former Ol:rmp11. Lhampaon Rafcr Johnson. Patmt.. and Ethan Wa yne. Judge (ah an \chm1dt and Irvine Co. Presi- dent Tom Nielsen. who Salata sug- gr-;1ed wa'> JO need of a charisma transplant The models didn't go unrewarded. however A panel of Judges -all women -voted for "the men most lakel} to .... an sax ca tegories. Whale Cius Owen wa!> an easy pack From Al fortheNewWavecatcgory,thcothers facilities" and funding of training •The MacDonaJd Group of Los were equally deserving in their re-videos on recreation therapy, be said. Angeles. Compal>OQ3' officials propose spccuve categones "Wh'I d ta d' f ed. t b Id 165 r t f Raf er Johnson was voted most 1 e our un ers n mg 0 m · 1• 0 ui · square iec o cal care has expanded to recognize the commercial retail buildings that may likely to discuss busi ness while run-importance of positive patient at-include a theater, health club and nang a I OK. utudes and the need for pleasant restaurants. It presented a second story buildings or less. The Redevelopment Agency, made up of the seven City Council mem- bers, ordered additional financial studies before choosing a company for the project, valued at between $30 million and $50 million. Tom Nielsen was selected most social interaction. health care pro-option to include 132 con- hkely to gi ve his wife an unlimited g.af\ fessionals have little research on dominiums. certificate to Fa~haon Island. Ben which to base new treatments," •IDM Development Corp. of A major factor appears to depend Hams was packed as the one most Gumbiner said. "These two grants Long Beach. Its proposal caJls for on how much the companies will pay likely to serve his wife breakfast in will provide models and training 35,000 square feet of retail-com-to acquire the property. Offers ranged bed. tools that can be widely disseminated mercial; 8,500 feet of office space and from $21 per square foot to $61 per The dapper Tom Tierney was to make a lasting improvement in 223 apartments. square foot, which is said to be the selected the man most likely to wear a health care services." All four proposals envision six-going rate for downtown propeny. pc rf ectl y four-1 n ·hand t 1ed and d 1 m-·-;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;::;::;:::;::::::::::::;:::;:::;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;:::;:::;;;::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;=:=:;. pied n~kt1e. h And the alfalfa-field stomper himself, Richard O'Neill was voted the model most likely to forget which black-tie affair he was attending. SHUTTERS S·PECIALL Y . ~ MESA LOSING INSURANCE COVERAGE ••• PRICED From A l these so-called "h1gh-m k" clients Costa Mesa's dilemma comec; an the wake of I 07 hab1ht) .cla1m\ -at least 80 seekmg SI million apiece - for homes cracking 1n the north \1de of town because of land movement The city has denied mo~t of the claims, settm& the staee for the homeowners to file lawsuits The S80 m1lhon 10 damages the cat) faces as nearly twice the city'!. S47 million budget. "This could not have happened to u\ al a worse time " Oman <.aid. MAIN OFFICE ~ < h• • P4, • '.4~ A "'' , .. ,~ r • ' c;i .... ..,.Ot A41 IJl71 _... \ •'7• • VOL. 79, NO 13 adding, ''I'm not JU'il blowing \moke .. Because 111 -.ot~·r-approved tax reform the cal\ can '1\ave 1ts own $37 m1llton "1n'iuran1.c" fund by raising ta11;es Even 1f 11 could amass such a reserve < osta \i1esa as neanng the ~nd1ng hm1t also passed by Cali- fornia voter\ Oman explained that uninsured cn1es ordered b> courts to pay hi&h dam(!gc~ could go bankrupt or be forced to d1'i1nrnrpora te and disband thi>1r ril \ rn11n1 "' WrRE Lis TE NING ----- Unhkc the mult1mllhon dollar award charged to Newport Beach for a d1vingacc1dent, Costa Mesa has not been hit with any large judgments, Oman said. "St11l It really as a very stark situation. and the only li&ht at the end of the tunnel is a train,"he said. Caty Manager Allan Roeder said Cost.a Mesa may explore patching together more smaller policies or forming a cooperative with other mun1cipaht1es. D•ltJ Piiot Oellwery 11 QuarantMd I Just call 642-6086 1,1 JI O.y·f •.0.t 11 ~ l)L. "01 "" ... l'O"' -Oy ~ )0 0 "' '41• O.l<lt• 1 p ... •llel yOoll '°°' •ill M ~ ' ._, "'° .....,.. ii ""' 00 not ·-'°"' C°"'f tiy 1 I m Cl OtflJll , 0 • "' -'°"' t;"Oy . ......, Ctrculatlon Tele'phonou ....... l'lr•nvt Couri1v ...... .. ... . . I Capture the outdoors and create comfort with these custom moveable shutters In .the colors, sizes and styles you want I I I . Air base reunion planned in Mesa The Santa Ana Army Air Base Wins of the Costa Mesa Historical SOcicly will hold Its 11th arrnuaJ reunion for all Tonner military and civilian personn,el of the bate ~tu~y at Oranae Coast Coll* m Costa Mesa, wb1ch 11 located on the site of the former World Warn base. • Base memorabilia Jiven or loaned by SAAAB members will be on display. Retired Air Force M_,or Nonnan French is coordinatina the event SclJolanhlpaucUt1oa• at UCI . Scholarsbitl auditions for music students plan- ning lo attend UC Irvine in the fall will be held Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Concert Hall at UCI. . Students will be judaed relauve to musicians at their cu1Tent academic Tevel and not against each other: Call the music department at 8S6-661S for appointments. Sub teachers• .embJar •et Techniques and materials especially designed for use by elementary school subsutute tcachcn will be presented at a six-hour seminar sponsoi'ed by the Orange County Department of Education Saturday at its fac1hty, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Reservation begins at 8: I 5 a.m. and there is a $35 charge for the session. Reservations and additional information may be obtained by calling 966-4383. DreNlng cour•e at college Saddlcback CoUeac's Community Services Department will offer a course on "Dressing Beautifully" Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Saddlcback College in Mission Viejo. Susan Corbett, owner of a Newport Beach image consulting service, will conduct the program, scheduled for Room BC· 13. The cost is $2S and further information is available at 582-4646. Book Nie set in Valley Tbe Friends of the Fountain Valley Library will hold a mini-book sale Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the parking lot of the library, 17565 Los Alamos. The sale wlll feature hard cover and paperback books and miscellaneous reading material. Call 962-5824 for further information. Zonta plans casino nlglJt A casino and raffle night wlll be staged Saturday beginning at 7 p.m. at the Zonta O ub of Newport Harbor clubhouse, at I 5th Street and Irvine Boulevard, Newport Beach. Bingo and other casino type games will be played with proceeds earmarked for community service projects. Admission is SI 0 and further information may be obtained by calling Elaine England at 646-2626. Wridng conference slated Saddlcback College will host the spring con- ference of the California Association of Facuhy in Technical and Professional Writing Saturday from 8:30 a.m.to 1:30p.m. Professors Robert Cosgrove and Joan Bower of the college's Liberal Arts Division will be co- chairmen of the event. Denise Bu1TowsofConpex in Dallas will be the keynote speaker. Call 582-4788 for more information. Movie wrltlng course set A one~ay workshop in writing for motion pictures and telev1sion will be presented Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room A210 of Irvine Valley College. Screen and TV wnter Irving Cooper will be the instructor. Tbe fee is $48 and registration information may be obtained by calling the college's community services offi ce at 559-3333. Car Rally at Marina High Manna High Sc hool's Aquatics Booster Club will sponsor a fund-raising car rally Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m .. in the school parking lot. Any qualified dnver is welcome and the cost 1s SI 0 per car. Tickets may be purchased Saturday morning pnor to the rally. Math, sclence conference Junior high and high school $iris arc invited to attend a UC Irvine conference designed to introduce you ng women to careers in math and science Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the UCI campus. Professional women from various math and science fields will speak about their careers. The registration fee is $7 per person, which includes lunch. Add1t1onal informallon as available at 856-4697. Pancake breakfast in HB The Scaview Little League will bold a fund- ra1sing pancake breakfast Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon at the LeBard School Little League clubhouse. The donation is $2 per pe rson and the public is invited. Learnlng program slated Concepts of learning and teaching will be covered in a Saddlcback College program, "Leam- ing to Learn," to be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room BC-9 of the Mission Viejo college. The workshop for educators ~nd students will cover recent research about the brain. The fee is $35 and further information is available at 582-4646. Ea•ter breakfa•t planned Women of the Crystal Cathedral will hold their annual Easter Inspirational Breakfast Sunday at 8:30 a.m. at the cathedral. 1214 ~Lewis St .. Garden Grove. Si114er-actress Jan Daley will emcee the event, which will include a special dance pruentation. Call 97 t -4080 for details and reservation information. CALENDAR Friday, March 14 Monday. March 17 • 7:30 p.m., i.a..-Beedl O.W.tow. Speetfk Plu Committee, Council Chambers, SOS Forest Ave. • 7:30 p.m .. l"IH l'lauee C..mlul .. , Cit)' Council Chambers. 17200 Jambortt Blvd Orange Coat DAILY PILOTIThuflday, Mlfllh 13, 19N * Aa Crash :victim sues Toyota over TV ad 81 ITSVE MA.aaLB .,. .. ..., ........ Toyota Motor Co. bu until Tuesday 10 tum over a televllion commercial to a Huntinston Beach attorney wbo ia auin& the automaker for S 100 million on behalf of a man teriously iltjured when a pickup truck roUcd over. The &elevitloo commercial abo,..1 people ridina in the back {?f a Toyota pickup truck, attorney Larry Curral\ said. Curran's client, Myron Sipp pf Hunt- inaton Beach, was injured almost five years ago while riding with scvln others in 1hc back ora Toyota-truck that went out of control and rolled over in Northern California. One of I.be J)AUCQ1Ct1 was tilled in the April 14, 1981 accident and Sipe, then 18, sU11'tttd bad iojwiea and wu 1n a coma for three weeks, accordina to Cumn. Kc said his client bas underaone three brain suraeries. The attorney said the commcrciat, alon1 with four othm be has collcctod~seem1 to advocate that ridina in the back of a tNCk is .. neat and run. •• .. I, may be aood for Toy~ ~t marafn but it•s-not .iood ft>r people, said Cu.rrtn &hhc television commercial. Marshall Pearlman. a Costa Mesa at&orney rcpmentina Toyota, md bis client has never advocated ridina in the back of a sport pickup truck and bas no control over television commercials that show otherwite. He said the commercial• in question, incluchn& ooe which features St. Louis Cardinali Buct.11 M&nap Whitey Herzoa. were done by independent car c:leakrih1 ps. Pearlman aareed Wedneaday when Su- perior C.ourt J~ aaude Owens in S.n&a Ana onkrod him 10 band over l~ comntemal. The laws\lil. ftlod in 1982, allcses that the Toyota truck model involved in the accident has a bi&b center of &r1vity and• narrow wheel buc. mllina tt a likely candidate for a rolH>ver accident. Jury selection for the tnal could begin late next week. ipp was one of eight people who cbmbed into the beck of the 1980 T~ pickup '°' a lat.c.-n.iaht ride to die beKlt OW' the Humbola1 State Uni"'11it) campus 10 Humboldt County. T-o 01ber pcoJ>ae rode 10 the cab. Curran said Sipp and the olben rid= the back were tb.rowo oato the reed the truck lwervcd out or cootrOI ud ni8ed once. . Sipp WU tttaied •t a bolpltal i:a Eurltl and later f\own by belitooett to lbe Founta.il'I Valley Rcponal Hoepjtal. trauma center. ·' Oman said Sipp atill bu motor=r. lems on bis left side. bU di concentratina and is often unabk to rcca I events. Pearlman said the accident wu the fault of the driver, nol the J)lckup ttuck. Pay call& ,rate cut, but tolls • going up Callers will now pay in advance for their first three minutes Irvine High cheerleadlng champs Theee lntne ~ School cheerl•den beat oat 93 mchoola to wfn flnt fr1::: In a etate competi-tion. They are (top row, left): llarllce Pa tam, Sheri Starkey, Tereea Andre'W9, Lori Smolln and Jennifer llKhow; middle row: lllchelle De Calr. Jennifer Sherman, Sheri Biermann, Laura John- eon and Gina 11.anlcano; bottom row: Erin Baneon, JOMtte Y~. Denl.8e Plum.mer and Julie Zorn. 1118elnC from the picture are Rachelle Fry and llellta 8erilar. Four people injured in five-car pileup on rain-slick roadway By PAUL ARCHIPLEY or-.o.., .... ...., Five can collided on Westminster A venue in Seal Beach, injurinJ four people, as ljght-to-moderatc rain tngered numerous accidents throughout the Or· ange Coast Thursday. The We,tminstcr Avenue pileup OC· cul'Tcd at about 5:50 p.m. when Frank Tarr of Seal Beach was driving westbound about three-quarters of a mile east of Seal Beach Boulevard. Tarr's 1983 Buick drifted across the 12· foot-wide center djvidcr and sideswiped a 1967 Ford pickup truck being driven eastbound by David Lee of Garden Grove, Seal Beach Sgt. Larry Sides said. Three other eastbound vehicles then ran into the pileup. Orange County fLrefighters spent I 0 Poucr Loe minutes prying open Tarr's vehicle where he and passenger Sylva Roberts of Seal Beach were trapped, Sides said. Tarr, 75, was taken by Life Flight helicopter to Long Beach Memorial Hos- pital where he was reported in serious condition. Police said Tarr's injunes would ha vc been even worse ifhc hadn't been weanng a scat belt. Robcn s, 75. was not weanng her belt, and she was trapped under the dash, Sides said. She was taken to Fountain VaJlcy R~onal Hospital with internal and head inJuries where she was listed in serious condition. Also injured 1n the pileup were Joan Murphy, 32, of Huntington Beach. who was taken to Los Alamitos Hospital wtth neck and back injuries. and David Tracy. 25. of Huntington Beach, who was taken to Fountain VaUcy wt th a compound fracture Two workers injured inf all from scaffold By PAUL ARCBIPLEY OftMDlillp ........ Two construction workers were in.Jured, one critically, Thursday when the scaffold· 1ng they were standing on collapsed at a Costa Mesa construction site. Paul Hams, a foreman, and Rod Simon. a laborer, were slanding on a wooden platform suspended on bars in an elevator shaft at the Red Lion Inn construction site at 3050 Bristol Ave., said Costa Mesa Administrative Fire Chief Jim Ritchey. Th men fell 30 feet to the floor below. Harris reportedly landed face-down. while Simon landed on his back, Ritchey said. They were rushed to Fountain Valley Trauma Center by Costa Mesa fire para- medics. Ha.ntiJICton Beach A resident in the 4000 block of Dtablo reported that a thief broke into her home this wcekandstolcS30.000 in jewelry and a $SO handgun. • • • Someone reportedly stoic as $700 car stereo from a white 1977 Vollcswqen Rabbit parked in the Golden West College lot Thursday. • • • A th1ef reportedly stole a S l SO car stereo and the T ·tops from a silver 1979 Buick Reaal parked in the carport of ~ AJ>l!'- ment in the 16700 block of V1twp01nt Hams. 43, who was admitted m cnttcal co ndition, was listed in serious cond1t1on today with chest and abdomen in~unes. Simon. 21, was listed as senous but stable with back injuries. fractures and facial lacerations. Addresses of the two workers were unavailable. Investigator Rohen Yount of Cal- OSHA, the stale agency that mvesttgates occupational safety and hazards, visi ted the scene of the accident Thursday after- noon, but declined to comment pending complctjon of the investigation. A spokesman for Peck Fager Corp. of Cypress, the construction company for which the two worked, said they also had investigators on the scene. He declined to comment further. but said work on the project was continufoa. thief reportedly stoic a $650 car stereo from a gray 1985 Jaguar XJ-6 parked in a lot at l 7752 Beach Blvd. Thursday. • • • A second floor shd1ng wandow was the point of entry for a thief who reportedly stoic a $900 vidcocassctte'Tecorder. a $400 watch and a $60 radio from a home in the 1900 block of Delaware lt'tet Thursday • • • Tools valued at $1,300 were rtPoned stolen from a 196 Chevrolet pickup tn.ick parked in front of a home tn the l 1900 block of Seacrest Tuesday n1a.ht • • • Someone rtportcd!)_ stoic a S 1,000 ofb1s nght leg. Lee and Traci Lynn Feavor, 20. of Cerritos were not injured. A California Highway Patrol dispatcher said officers reported no maJor accidents on Orange Counry freewa ys. but l'llln- slickened roads triggered scores of minor collisaons. Watcrd1stnctsalsoare unable to capture all of the water falhn& on the region. The Irvine Ranch Water District 1s releasing water at its Sand Canyon Reser- voir because. "When it rams. nobody imgates." sajd public relations manager Joyce Wegner. The Orange County Water Dlstnct as captunng about half the water floW)ng down the Santa Ana River. spokesman Gordon Elser said. "Prado Dam as rclcasinit more than we can contain." Elscrsa1d • • • The owner of Shear Personalities hair salon reported that someone broke into the Warner I\ venue store Wednesda) night and stoic $25 from the cash register. Irvine After smashing one of the wmdows. a thief reponedly stoic the car 'ltereo from a Porsche parked an the carpon of an apartment in the l<X) block. of Esplanade Thursday. • • • A stereo system and spons equipment. valued at $405. were reponed stolen from a 1979 Ford Pinto parked 1n a lot a1 ::!10::! Business Center Dnve Thu~av . . . . A I 0-specd bicycle was rcPoned stolen from an front of a home in the 100 bl<xk. of Promenade Thursda\ • • • A car stereo was reponed stolen from a vehicle parked at the mter\CCuon nf Armstrong and Gillette avenue" Thursda' Newport Beach Je"'elry valued at S 1,630 \\as rcponed stolen from a home an the I 00 block of v 1a Dijon Monday, Tuesday or Wednewy • • • computer, a TV set v1dcOC1!>'><'lle m:order. a stereo. a telephone. an answenna machan'e and camera cqu1pmcnt were reported · 'ltolcn Thursday from a home an the 200 block of Wth • treet The stolen 11ems were 'alued at $4 7 15 poltlC' s~ud • • • An $800 car ~ltrto was reported \tokn from a white 1984 Toyota C amr; parkctl in lot at 4545 MacAnhur Bhd I hu™1a' • • • S600 car ~terco was reponed stolen from a red 19 4 BMW 4.lp1n 32) par'-c\I in front of 1 home an the 500 hk~" of &ywood Wednesda\ n1~ht By PAUL ARCBIPLEY Of .. Dellr ........ A pay phone toll call will cost less be&innina Saturday, but Uten will have to fotk over more to make the call. Currently, Pacific Bell bills caners in advance for the tint minute of a toll caJJ. After that minute, the line momentarily goes dead while charges are computed. When the caller hangs up, an operator calls the booth ~uesting more money for lhe addjtional time. Under the new system, callers will be charged in advance for three minuteS. the average tune ofa phone call, the company said. Tbe Hne no longer wdl click off after the first minute. "TbJS proved especially annoying to people calling answerint-machines who would lose a portion of their conversa- tion," said Dave Carroll, Pacific Bell area vice president. In cases when a call lasts longer than three mmutcs,, the old system will be initialed. Wlth the phone momentarily going dead. Formerly, a-0nc minute. 10-mile, day- time call would cost 40 c~nts, Carroll said. The two-minute charge would be 10 cents more. Saturday. a caller will iruually pay 45 cents for up to t.hrce mfoutes. thus savtnga nkkel -if he uses the full three minutes. Carrol said the new system will help eliminate losses from those wbo talk more than a minute and walJc away without paying. ..Most of our customers are honest. But sometimes they'll leave a pbonc call Wlthout reahzing they owe more money," he S8Jd. Although lhc new rate structure affects only Pacific Bell phone booths, spokesman Michael Runzler satd he was unaware of any privately owned pa) phones 1n Orange County However, a number of firms like Denny's Restaurants arc rcponedly plan- ning to install their own pay phones soon. The) wtll cstabltsh their own rates, Runzler said • • • A $3.000 gold watch was reponed stolen Thursday from a 1cwelry store at 2612 East Coast Highway Coeta Mesa Two videocassette recorders valued at S 1.564 were among the items recently rcponed stolen from a home 10 the 200 block of 16th Str~t. The tot.al loss was S 1,614. poh~ said • • • Officials at Lloyd's Nursery reponcd that someone stoic $453 tn cash and checks from lhl" '>afc of the 2038 Newport Blvd establishment Tucsda)' night • • • .\ videocassette recorder. clothes, per- fume. and Jewelf). valued at $1 .724.95 "ere reponed <itolen from a home 1n the ~000 bloc" of Maple St~t Tuesday by a thief v.ho entered through a reu shdmg glas' door Laguna Beach .\ TV set a sten-o and a v1dcocasseuc recorder "ert rcponed )tOlen Thursday on H 1gh Dm e the v1ct1 m told pohoe. The lo 'I was c umatcd at S9S4 I ••• Police .srre'itcd Chn ttan Walter P'urtr .B. on su,p1c1on ot felon y W1fe-beattng Pu~r "a\ arttsted at I 35 a.m. Thursda) on South< oa!>t lhghwa\. and wa'I held in lieu ofS<. 000 h.111 • • • Toole. "nnh an estimated S350 v.crt' 'itOIC'n trom the garage 1)f a k.yhne OnH' residence the 'ic11m ~1d Thunda) <\d· d1t1onal polt~c rt'f)Or\\ ~ere rtquest('d an thl' .irea • • • '\!t'('<l laM\W• pt<'\"e oi JCWclr; werr \tolcn trom an Oak trttt home, the v1ct1m told ~lohcc Wednesday 1 he loss wa c<;11ma ted at S 1.500 Thunday. • • • Two videocassette rccorden, a TV set enaaacmcnt nna from a home inn the 7800 block of Beachpomt Thursday • • • Sex crime suspect admits 26 counts and $4,900 in jcwelcY ~reported stolen from a home m the~ block of Malloy Thursday. The thief smashed a tar aJus door to p in entry, oohcc said. ' .. Someone reportedly stole a $300 car stereo from a white 1986 Volkswaecn Golf parked in the Sbas Dnla tore lot 11 lhe comer of Beacb Jk,U)evard and Uttea tlUI Tbunday. • • • AA« 1ma~hin1 one o( the windowi. a An unlocked aaraac wa the point of entry for a thief who reponedly stole an $800 camera and a $200 pair of tnnocuian. from a home 1n the 800 block of Ooeanhall Thursday. r...ta1a ValJef An S844 w tef'tO system was ~ncd stolen from a )'dlow 1970 Volle n Bu p: rked 1n lhc 17700 block of\8a) trttt last wtckcnd. 1 By llle Assoctaid Pttst Fonner auonaJ Guard!>man R,)ht-r1 " Ott)" McC:um pleaded au1h\ 1n Oranae County upcnor C oun Thuf'da) to all but three coun" he factd stemmina from a SCnC$ of stx cnmcs 1n :t tw0 tten boyi o"er a 16-month pennd Los lamuo pohce S,1. 8111 Bamu said tcC'llm 40, qrttd lo plead u1lty to 26 counts af\cr he .,._ lold be would bt ~ntcnl('d tt1 JU't two ~rs in '1ate pnsoo 1u a rt ult ~ntencina 111 ~hcdwed May 2. ~frCa1mi1 entered h1 pica as JUf) \ele~· uon wa<; about to bq)n for ha tna1 on 1he ~Q rnunt'I lnmal charaes nst McC••~ 1 12! >tar 'ettran of the ~honal Guard an'VOI\ ~ IS lttn bo bul that decttucd to two after has pteli""•'• ~ .. ...., hcann ' I It .. r M Or.no-Coe9I OAJL Y PILOT I Friday. Mwcti 14, 1118 FOR HER £Jr1ra 40"MJ off: Afready reduced blouses in Plaza SP<>rtS'NNt an0 Sponswear eo·s Reg 9 99 to 39 99 5.91 tO 23.ft Save 33%; On our ow n sill! blouses by C C Counenav V I P Sport.swear • • Reg 48 00 to 58 00 l'l .A to 31..21 Save 25%: On all m s.ses and 1unt0r denim Reg 14 99 to 44 00 11.11 to 33.00 S.ve 25%: On all regular price sleeveles.s shell sweaters tn Spartsw ear BO's Spong color~ Reg 36 00 to 38 00 19.50 to 28.50 S.ve 25%; On selected pants from Countf:•parts Casablanca AJC10m and Cito Spans .. 1ear 80's Reg 34 00 ro 48 00 25.50 to 31.00 Extra 25% off: Alread)' reduced pr1tes on selected ponrs sir rts JaClf P,tS and tops '" Sport.sM:ar 80., 443 Reg 19 99 to 39 99 14.99 to 29.99 Eirtra ~ off: Already re~fot;ed sweaters r I P Sportswear • • Sportswear 80 s Plaza Sportsw ear te .tcept Summf:rl1eld r.arrj qant and J 1Jr 1ors R~q 14 49 39 99 8.19 to 23.99 Save 25%: Or F~n r I roght Mansor and F '/'J M llrJrlf <c.no p '.<Jt'or r afT'oe sp11ng s11earer'> Foe.us Sr1rJr'"'''°d' Reg 34 00 and 38 <XJ 25.50 to 28.50 Save 25%: (y r.J J ' C rJ' !:: "f:" Y'Pdrates r..olle(.t1or -;0' . .JS Spor1s11 .. (jr Ri::g 32 99 t(J ~ 99 24.74 to 17.49 Save 25%: Or ;. 1;,i'T)rJ•J> ,.,.. a~er s IN II partt r FrJ'..l.IS $µrJ•l>ll':i:I' P."~ 44 00 33.00 Exua 25% off: t.11 i:I rr-:Cld ( rP.Qur,NI µr1r.es on (.f;r·\P,mpr.Jr(l ry 'A''-':' llf•df r For IJ~ SrJOflSNf:dr P .. g 1'3 4'j tr.J '34 00 14.82 to 89.99 Save 25%: Gr •E:g1Jldr r;riri-1"01E:I dritj P•JS5 i:.r;rJrrj ',:,•i:s Plaza Sportswi::ar Ri::g 28 <fJ 10 74 r~ 21.00 to 55.50 Save 25%: Or "I A IE:f:r playWf.:d' f rJ r m1ssec Pod/a SrJfJrt'>wear Reg 15 (fJ t(J 42 00 11.25 to 31.50 Save 25%: (jr •Fo)iJlf.!11 S<:p(lratf:S frrJfr" P.d/a Srh rlS./1<:<ir T 'Jr11r.s Summ t r;tt·ers Reg 20 r.x; 10 4J) <X1 15.00 to 30.00 Save 25%: Or .,11 r .. ,~ ''"' r1r11 ... r enE:•h T f'JO S-Nf:atf.rc, P1,,,,, S ni.al'-rS Rf-g 28 00 trJ 3fJ r.x; 21 .00 to 22.50 Save 25%: Or all '"<J o11;;ir r;r ce i:repf' di:; r h "".: blfJOJSf:S r p <1 /d SrJrJrfS ./'-.1ear Af:g '7 r.1.J trJ 30 r;J 12.75 to 22.50 Extta 25% off: t.1 d '"..f'l { 11'-dlJU:<J r1r1(.E:'i 'Jn p d i d '..'J'.Jrrj1r "";< ..,. rj ... r1<Hi'll<:S Reg 1 4 49 u, 4'J 'fj 10.88 to 37.49 Save 34%: (.p ,, __ r. !l.!1, ..i.i· "° ..Q.r "'.,_ ~ S<J1 rJs M c,sr-:s '> 1<: R<:q 98 ff) ''J 14l; ff , 64.68 to 92.40 Save 25%: Or a ,,, .. n d f l':J r:.otton rjr .. sv:• for Pf:fttE:C, Pr-:• , .. D•f::S~'> Reg 48 ~J t rJ 68 00 36.00 to 51.00 Save 25%: Oro all N ()v<;r1 rJrr:sses 1r Plaza Orf::SS<;S R,..q 3"., f.fJ •r, FJJ ff.J 27.00 to 45.00 Save 25%: Or ., rjr .. ss .. s tJ I (fJ .J( fa /(Jr '~ t ,1; h (rJ'" rjr1-s<, rr nffi:r Ori-')')t !) Pt:rj 59 o/:J tr, 1ry. rf J 45.00 to 78.00 Save 25%: (y ., r•' • .,. •Jrt·' Sf" r, / f'Jur fdJIJ• '"' t,, 11 f•,'• rJ<. qri:r Pr;.r1 49 99 tr % f)(J 37.49 to 72.00 Save 34%: Q r " '•'!I 1.1,,rtiro af•'l A Yir;rn rJ r1·ssr::s R1•9 l 'j '1'1 ''J f)8 (:lj 13.19 to 44.88 E•tra 25% o ff: t. ":n'l / , .. ,J•J' F-'l CJ' <.P'-r-'r J•I • ,I·', lr,r t,r ,. ' .,.,, .. •J' ,, r11:t1t<;~ Af.:<J • J 'J'-J .,, 89 '1'J 14.99 to 67.49 Save 25%: (y ~ ''" I r.dr 1ij') ;jf'rj $;,h(lr '_,l-' f,, , .. ( I J' ''''!,1(),. ~F·l t~S Rt:q ~ I r •J 41 'h 25.50 and 30.75 Save 25".t,· rJ' '"' • 11 ,• r,r,rrj r1i1 f '·~ ..,, • 1-'r.• "•":. ~. • ~fJ (./) Ir, ~ ' 26.99 to 59.99 Save 25''/., '.J' r--..,.,, •. ,1 11 •-(hl(f!'>ll:r t ,t ',. ;11 '•,.I 'i'J"!, •J "'-~ f,,,. <, /":~ ... ~ "" t..G '/.• ••• /,• .. , • r.,.,, ·~,,'I ·r, l f.1 'I J 27.00 to 57.00 E•tra 25'1-, off· /. "::'~I '"'l J "'! ~,, , ,. r,f • •-", ''.1'J'4' ., •• _ ·~,,. ,,,, ,, ~,,, • ' t.'j • •:, '11 14.62 to 52.49 Save ~S''/., r)' :. , •;.. :.•,".. P,r, ,, , , . ' , ,~, ,,,, ',, .. ~ ., I.I. .,,.,~,, /, .. . ·~r, 'I 1' J 22 50 and 24.00 Save 25'·~.· ;r ., ·' ·,• ·• r,.1• ", ,,r 1 ,, ,.. ~ ~' ':,• C-.;,r' ,,, r~ t ,., ••'frt fl"t,.,J ''J'1 , ~~ 'h 14.99 t o 28.50 Save 25'1'., 'r ,,, "' ,,, .. ~··, , ,, " '/ ., 13.50 Save 25'"· r ,. • ,. , '"• ' I fl/I ' ,-1 , ·~r, I .,, 4!; I 27.00 t o 30.00 Save 25'~, 'Jr ,, ,· : , ,,., •,..J• !J, J ;.i~ I ·· i,i, 'h 21 00 to 48.75 E•tra 25''/. ott· /. •• "I, ,, , , • F .r , • 1r r, (JfH ff f fJ f•f ' f;' \ ~ ' !"t•\~,,I• .tr 1: h'.1.11·' "'Jr~',. ,., '·:~· J• t/, t ,., R1·r1 II t. • · ' '• '1'1 3 37 t o 82.49 E•tra 40'1· ott / "'•I'!, ., rJ ,.,, r I I < ,,, rl I , I ' f't•!1 '>'I 'J'J lf1 1:;';1 '{j 35.99 to 119.99 Extra 25% ott· t. lrP.TJr1.,. ''~'l11• •·rJ fJrtU•S 'J' n ,,.. '.i • /1 1• -1 ' '! .Jll 111•.111 •!r tr 1-11 ,., .. ,,._ r_, ·1' /l'J r•'"i r{1 'fJ ,,, ~ <y:j• 52.49 t o 74.99 Save 50'~ to 60'~. (J' I I j ,, 'r,.n •I' 'I ft1' 1t1 I• f ,. •' 1•1··~ ·~7c 1J 1r, 13 tjjJ (JO 187.00 to 5200.00 Save 25% r,, .11 ""I . ri• ,,, , , "'" ,1,,,.,.,, . .., lr,r wom1•r k1·•i '1 II ., ONE DAY SUPER SALE IDMORROW ONLY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. « FOR HER &tra _.,.. off: A lready reduced fashion ,eweJry for women Reg 4 99 to 49 99 2.41 to 14.• Save 25%: On all regular price eamngs "' eluding M onet' and Trrfan • Reg 7 50 to 50 00 5.13 to 71.50 S.ve 20%: On all regular pnce Hanes• hosiery Reg 1 95 to 6 95 1.M to 5.51 S.ve ~On an WQmen 's slippers and casual socks Reg 3.2S-24 00 2.44 to 11.00 Sav• 25%: On au bras and foundauons R8Q 6 00 to 27 .00 4.50 to 20..25 Save 25%.: On all panttes slips, camisoles. teddies. tanks, more W omen s Daywear Reg 2. 75 to 40 00 2.08 to 30.00 Save 25%: On all sleepwear. robes and loungewear including designer Reg 12 00 to 120 00 t .00 to 90.00 Teke 50% off: Alreadv reduced prices on warm winter robes. loungewear, sleepwear and thermals Tic~eted pnce 3 99 to 49 99 1.99 to 24.tt Save 25%: On all regular prtce Nina, Liz Claiborne and Bandohno shoes Reg 36 00 ro 74 00 27.00 to 55.50 S.ve 25%: On all regular price LifeStnde Naturah zer and Joyce shoes Reg 30 00 to 51 00 22.50 to 38.25 Save 25%: On all regular price 1un1or shoes from Mia, Esprit, Un1sa, Candies, more Reg 24 00 to 49 00 11.00 to 31.75 T8"e 50% off: Already reduced prices of Nomen's and 1un1or shoes Ticketed price 9 99 to 4~ 00 4.99 to 22.49 Save 80'%: On all 14K gold earrings, and ~IP.cted colored stone or diamond ear · rings Fine Je.....,elry Reg 32 00 to 3995 00 12.80 to 1598.00 • '(J , d ' ~ .. , .. ,,, (.i;r.•t• Brt:o Ctn• J'I/ C ''f Of'• '-"" Ev.,,, '1 'I" ~Cl!.'"'' /a of!f GOl!Nlaw. Hi:,••r,• :.. .,,., ,... ,, • r ~1tr ... r Esl!d'.r Lagvr•if H •\ La Jt:.1-·d '/.•,• ''-"'' »~Npr,,, Bf'1.tr.r Nonhr-Oge P1a111 f,,_J.,,.,,,,,,,,.,,, , '.I'> t.nqe~ Santa AnttA Santa Moni<:a ':),,,., ........ Oct•\ Th0v$ilnd Oah TO()anga Plaza FOR HIM Save 25%: On all walkshorts for men and 1oung men Reg 14 00 to 26 00 10.50 to 19.50 Save 25%: On all Nee~endwear for men Reg 24 00 50 00 17.99 to 37.50 Save 25%: On 1-n 1 Shifts from tw o •;;m0us df:s1gners Mer s Sportsw ear Reg 27 50 10 32 50 20.82 to 24.38 Save 25%: O" all Haggar E.xpandomat c __ and Mag1c...Suetc.h belt loc.op ra lacki. Rfi_..~g~- 27 00 lo 29 00 20.25 to 21 .75 Save 25%: On all polyest1:r cotton r,IC;1cks M en's Sportswear Reg 24 00 to 36 00 18.00 to 25.00 Save 25%: On all short sleeve shirts by Arra N Centura. Oleg Casstn1 and Fran~ MF-n !> Spr;rtsNear Reg 9 99 to 25 00 7.49 to 18.75 Save ZS%: On dll men s regular-price •,pring outerwear Men's Sportswear Reg 45 00 to 52 50 33.75 to 39.33 Save 30%: On oll mr::n s su ts and berter sp<.Jrtc.oat<:., blazers, ra1n w ear and dress slar.~s M en s Clothing • • • Ong 55 00 to 375 rx1 38.50 to 212.50 Save 25%: On all f tted dress sh1rts and all f,Jfl r..ut de!>1gner dress shirts Men's Dress St 1rts Reg 16 99 to 33 50 12.74 to 25.13 Save 25%: On all pure silk neckwear Reg 14 50 to 18 50 10.88 to 13.87 Save 25%: On all mF.:n·s hosiery and <,li;(;p Nf::a' Men's Furn1sh1ngs Reg 3 00 .,, 60 00 2.25 to 45.00 Save 25%: Ori oll regular pru:e dress and r a!>ual shoes by Freeman Men's Shoes Rr:g 48 00 to 82 00 .38.00 to 81 .50 Save 20%: On all rE:gutar price men's ac. 1 1F: stioF-s Men !> ShoP.s Reg 30 00 to 1rJ r.t; 24.00 to se.oo Take SO°~ off: AlrF·a cJ .,. rer:luted pr1ces on " •·r <:. st f1"S RJ>g '3 99 lrJ F/j 99 4.99 to 34.99 Save 25%: On all wovi:n i1nd knit tops • yr.ept C.:imp1J<:. LP T1gre1 Young Men 's f.'w~ 9 99 tr.J 38 ()() 7.49 to 21.50 Save 25%: On all regular price casual rMn~s Y'otJng MF.:n's Orig 24 00 to 36 00 18.00 to 27.00 E•tra 30% off: A lready reduced prices on r1ur fdmous matr ~r r..ollect 1ons 1n Young ~111':r1's Reg 21 99 to 62 99 15.39 to 44.09 • • • , , ,., ,.. ""'" , Ar..t~·rn B~verlv Ct:nrer Bred ,,, ~· ,,J ("' • ,., r_ 1, Cerr•lr;!> 0 1>1 AmCJ Ev,,.,, 1 •J• f u~t ,,, /dli'!y ~,,. Hill\ Gl11r111a11: Ho•'•J" fol "''' t• •"f" •itrir B".Jf t" Laq 1na l d Jr1lla N1>wp<;r1 • ,,, .. , .. 1·~~ r;r.,r q« Pd\d<Jl'r•d Pd"'Jrdrna Cory Pidt J f,,,,, .,,,., L ,., t.rr~""'" Santa Ar,,., Sanra Mon" is ')t ""' d • 0'1~\ Hr,'~''"' Oalt~ Tr,panga .inr.I W !:!sl I ''"'' d FOR KIDS E•tr• 30% off: A lready reduced woven and knit tops 1n Boys' 8 to 20 1nclud1ng Le T1gre Reg 6 99 to 12 99 4.n to 8.09 E•tra 25% off: All already reduced casual pifnts by famous makers 1n Boys' 8 to 20 T 1c~eted price 9 99 to 13 99 7.49 to 10.49 FOR HOME llrve 11%.: SOOd 180 ttiread conon/ polyester percale sheet set.a from Cannon Dept. 2. Twin to king. rf perfect 30.00 to 75.00 14.11 to 1t.• Save 50%: All d1scont1nued comforters and bed$Preads. Dept. 10. Twin to k1og, wete 49.99 to 169 99 24.• to 14• S.V. 50%: Famous maker embellished towels 1n assorted styies on cotton/ polyester vetoor Dept. 23. Tip JQ batti, orig: 8.00 to 16.00 3M to 8.19 Save 50%: 2 pc shower curtain 'rag rug sets. Dept. 265 Ong 50 00 24." I .II mny elze: Concord pillows, plumped with Trevira' polyester fiberl1ll, white on white conon polyester cover Dept 266 Std to king. oug. 20.00 to 28.00 . I.II any a1z.e 14..99 any me: Dreamscapes European white goose down white gocise feather pillows Dept 266 Std. to king, oog. 36 00 to 46 00 14.99 any size 14.91 My me: Tranqu1hty contour mat tress pads Dept 264 Twm to ktng, ong 30 00 to 60 00 14.99 any aae S.Ye 50%: Our informal sohd color tablecloths Dept 113 Orig 16 00 to 54 00 7..19 to 28.99 Save 43%: Woven vinyl and Deco Fan sohd color placemats by Joan Green Dept. 113 Ong 3 50 1.99 S.Ye 33% to 50%: Our Country Squares 9 pc tablecloth sets by Bardwil includes tablecloth, 4 napkins and 4 napkin rings, DP,pt 113 Orig 35 00 to 49 00 22.99 Save 50%: All Lee Rowen hangers Dept. 4 Ong 3 25 to 10 75 1.16 to 5.37 Save 50%: All closet ensembles from K C Products and Richards Plastics Dept 4 Orig 10 00 to 40 00 5.00 to 19.99 Save 50%: A ll patio covers from Richard Plastics Dept. 4 Orig 4 99 to 19 99 2.49 to 9.99 Save 50%: D1scont1nued Cabana beach towels. Dept 23 Or1g 20 00 6.99 Save 50%: 01scont1nued Cabana chairs and umbrellas Dept 23 Orig 30 00 to 40 00 Save 50%: Selected sheets from Liz Claiborne. Katia. Perry Ellis and other famous makers Dept 2 Twin to king 9.99 Ong. 9 00 to 45 00 3.99 to 8.99 Save 50%: Our entire collection of flannel sheets including Martex. Our European Collectton and laura Ashley from Bur l1ngrnn Dept 2 lw1n o ing-- Save 50%: Children's glow·1n·the·dark comforters 1n two styles Tw in size only Dept 10 Was 49 99 24.99 Save 30%: A ll L•tton microw ave co1>rware sets and open stocl< Dept 143 Orig 9 99 to 37 99 6.99 to 26.59 Save 50%: Durand Seabreeze serveware Dept 208 Orig 12 00 to 30 00 6.00 to 15.00 Save 20%: Reed and Barton 75 pc flat -Nare sets Choose Andr"'a Brtgadoon or Toulouse Dept 39 Orig 49 99 39.99 Save 20%: Sango 20 pc donner Na re sets 1n pin!-or tJlue r.lass1r: patterns Dept 39 Orig 24 99 19.99 Save 20% to 25%: Stanley Roberts cutlery sets Dept 194 7 pc Rogers set O"g 40 00 29.99 13 pc. RogE!rs set Orig 50 00 39.99 Save 50%: Regal 7 pc polished aluminum Reflec tions cooh et with non·st1ck Silverstone· interiors Dept 143 Orig 59 99 29.9f Save 30%: Metro steamers stockpots. c.ookers and bowl sets Dept 143 Orig. 6 99 to 39 99 • 4.89 to 27.99 Sav~ 50%: Braun 8 cup and 12 cup c:oHeematrers Depr 262 8 c.up Orig 45 00 19.99 12 c.up Orig 60 00 29.99 Save 40.00: World Famous dual ac,t1on b1lre vv1th rowing bor and pow er pump Dept 207 Orig 89 99 49.99 Save 50%: Old Country Roses dinnerware '>erv1c:e for 4 from Royal Albert Open ">toctr ~1eces also available at 20 °11 off Dept 11 Ortg 316 00 149.99 Save 33%: Our entire brass collect1011 Dept 70 Reg 80 00 to 150 00 5.80 to 105.00 Save 16%: J G Durand crystal stemware m 4 patterns Dept 36 Reg 5 99 4.99 ea. Save 25%: A T Cross and Sheaffer pens Dept 15 Reg 4 98 to 75 00 3.74 to 51.25 Save 25%:All Lou1 M ichel frames Dept 15 Save 50%: A ll Robinson Reminders photo albums. Dept 15 Reg 3.99 to 24 .99 .. 1.99 to 12.49 Save 50%: 45·pc dinnerware sets from Norttake in ~elected patterns Dept 203. Ortg. 485 00 to 585 00 1•.99 Save 50%: Selected 20 pc, dinnerware sets from Mikasa Dept 408 Ong 110 00 to 179 80 49.99 Ewtra 30% off: A ll already reduced fleece 5 pc completer set dCt1vewear for s11f.'s 8 to 20 Boys' Active Ortg 95.00 to 165.00 29.99 ·I • FOR HOME Save 1012.00: Contemporary 111 lamer sofa imported from Italy. Dept. 38 Q,ig 1600.00. aale 699.00 . , 4a.OO Save 300.00: Trnd1t1onal leather plus recliner from Catnapper Bustleback, roll· over arms. Dept. 210. Blus or saddle. Orig 799.00. sale 499 00, 441.00 Save 500.00: Contemporary brass and glass entertainment center from Italy Dept 165' Orig 999 00, sale ~.00, 511.00 Save 500.00: On our 2 pc. full .convertible sofa with Spinal Guard mattress Covering 1s textured with 3 accent pillows. Dept 233 Ortg 1299 00. sale '999 00, 711.00 Save 221.00: Leather tuhp style chair from Italy Dem 276 Orig 399 00, sale 199 00, ·1a.oo Save 101.00: Solid oak Chow tables Dept 273 Orig. 199.00. 1 day price 18.00 Save 311.00: Trans1t1onal flair arm sofa in Herculon velvet of Academy Grey wtth ac- e.ant pillows Dept 38 Ortg. 799 00, sale 499.00 319.00 Save 311.00: 2·pc wedge sectional w ith accent pillows Depr 38 Orig 1299 00, sale 999 00. 941.00 S.ve 181.00: Contemporary lounge chair w11h tufted back nylon velvet covering Dept 276 Ong 299 00. sale 199 00, 148.00 Save 121.00: Trad1t1onal velvet swivel rockers Dept 276 Ortg 299 00. sale 199.00, 148.00 Save 221 .00: 'Dover" rocker recliner by Barcalounger in Herculon olefin Side handle operation Dept. 210 Ong . 499.00. sale 349 .00, 278.00 Save 400.00: Atherton low profile, pop up recliner by Barcalounger Covering 1s rotton·polyester p1ndot 1n beige or blue. D"Pt 210. Ong 799.00. sale 499 00. 399.00 Save 111.00: Eames style l eather chair and ottoman Dept 165 Ong 299 00, 111.00 Save an additional 25% off the already reduced pnce on our case glass pharmacy floor lamps. Reg . 125.00, sale 79 99, 59.99 Save an additional ~ off: The already reduced pr1ce of our ent1re St1ffel lamp collection. Dept 71 . Ong 150.00 to 500 00, sale 99 99 to 379 00, • 89.99 to 341.10 Save an additional 10% off: The already reduced price of our ent1re collection of crystal lamps Dept 71 Reg 50.00 to 375 00, sale 29 99 to 299 00. 21.99 to 269.10 Save an additional 10% off: The already reduced pr1ce of our textured ceramic lamps 1n two styles and colors Dept 71 Reg. 75.00, sale 49 99, 44.99 Save an additional 20% off: The already reduced prices of our entire traditional m11 ror assortment Dept. 31 Reg 150 00 to 350.00, sale 99.99 to 199.00. . 79.99 to 159.20 Save an additional 20$ off: The already reduced pr1ces of all clock m1rrors 1n stock Dept. 31 . Reg. 150 00 to 300 .00, sale 79.99 to 179 00 83.99 to 143.20 Save 20% off: The ticketed price of our entire clock assortment from Seiko Dept 31 Reg . 29.99 to 199 00, 23.99 to 169.20 Save 50%: On a selection of Simmons and King Koil mattresses including Beautyrest and PostureQs>nd Every mat· tress is on sale in every size and firmness Dept. 69 Twin, ea pc orig 129.95 to 299.95, 69.00 to 129.00 Full ea pc ortg 199 99 to 399.95. 99.00 to 199.00 Oueen set. orig 599 95 to 949.95, 291.00 to 449.96 King set. ong 699 95 to 1199.95, 341.00 to 599.00 Save 351 .00; "Plymouth" white iron and brass daybed from Berkshire includes hnk spring Pop·up not included Dept 69. Orig. 750 00 399.00 Save 37% to 50%: "Footpnnf.free" carpeting. Selection includes berber, cut n·loop and saxony in A ntron • nylon and wool. Dept 32. Orig. 36 00 to 50.00. 1 day price 17.99 to 29.11 Ml· yd. ln•talled S.ve en eddftfon91 10% off the Ml• prices: Kebir and M arquis area rugs. Dept 45. Orig 80.00 to 300.00. salo 39.99 to 199.00, . . .36.11 to 171.00 S.ve 33% to &0%: M ajal pure wool Orien tal design area rugs. Kirman, Bokhara or Chinese patterns Dept. 45. Orrg. 100 00 to 600.00 41.00 to •.oo wear Aeq 9 99 to 19 99 t." to 13.99 Save 25%: Crystal barware by la Rochere ve 30%: All our exclusive Voyager Save 25%: On all Billy the Kid and Bibo in sets of 6 Dept 36 Reg 25.00 11.76 luggage. Dept. 331211 8 75 to 18.75 Dldywear in Boys· 4 to 7 Reg 6 99 to Save 25%: M ikasa Theresa crystal Orig. 18.99 to 99 99 13.21to18.11 Save 25%: (), "" "='1°• ,,, ,,, 1 •· lf!<1rt1111 18 00 6.24 to 13.50 tableware. Dept. 412 Reg 11 .99 8.99 Save 30%: All Basho brightly colored 25 (t) . lltt ndbaqs ;1nrt rliiT• tir••, 0 1·•,,,l""' "''' n Save 26%: A ll s1lverplated tea sets sport bags Dept 211 r hJtJP.dl R1>q 11) 'fJ 111 %'1J11 .99 to 72.00 Save 25%: On all Health Tex West Coast Dept. 591166 Orig 50 00 to 100 00 35.00 to 70.00 Save 25%. On d 1 ''''I ' ..f' r'"' r hJtc, <tn<I Kids Reg 4 99 to 28 00 3.74 to 21.00 Reg 59 99 to 199.00 44.99 to 149.00 S.ve 30%: All American Tounster and glovf!'i Rr:q 8 0() ,,, 'J<J O<J 8.00 to 17.50 Save 25%: On dresses for girls 4 to 14 S.ve 50%; Imported stainless 40 pc ser° Crown luggQge. Dept 331211 Save 25%: On all •'' .1h •·tJtl 1., qCJc1d1' Aeq 14 00 to 44 00 10.50 to 33.00 vices for 8 Dept 591166 Reg 99 99 41.H Orig 17 99 to 139 99 12.59 to 17.11 Rr•g 6 00 tr, 92 00 4.50 to 89.00 Save 26%: On all <1resses and b(fvs' dress Save 50%: Sango 65 pc dinnerware sets S.v• 30%: Atlantic Gaucho and Cricket Save 25%;.0n all r• l11lr1r r•1 '1• wormm s upci for newborns, 1npnts and toddlers 1n assorted patterns. Dept. 11 collections. Dept. 211 hPlt!> Roq 7 00 to ~'• <XJ • 5.25 to 41.21 R~g 15 00 to 4() 00 11.21 to 30.00 Orig 250 00 .II.• Ong 24.99 to 81 99 17.4t to 57.39 SELECTION WILL VARY. QUANTITI£8 LIMITED TO STOCK ON HANO. INTERMEDIATE MAllH<OOWNi MAY HAYI MEN TAICIN. NO f'HONIE. MAIL: OR SPICIAL ORDIM. THE BROADWAY IS SOUTHlllN CAL llOllNIA • • ( Grandjuries prObe charges of looting ~Marcos, cronies WASHINGTON (AP) -Two federal pod Juries arc euminina whether former leaders of the Phili~ pines aovemment illeplly pocketed m1ll(ons of dollars., includina whether deposed President Ferdinand Marcos indlrectly rec.c.ived tens of millions of dollars from the Westinghouse Elec- tric Corp. Thursday a federal law enforce- ment source confirmed that a grand 1ury in Pittsburgh is investirting whether Marcos got most o $80 million that may have been paid tQ. one of his clo~ associates by West- agents was shared with Phmppioes officiaJs, includina Ver. • In the Pittsbul'lh investiptiOJl, Westinghouse has cferued any wrona· doing. reiterating comments it made a decade ago wtlen an earlier probe was closed for lack of evidence. In the first investigation, company officiaJs told the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchlnfe Commissfon that Westin'1>ouse paid a si.ndard business commission to Herminio T. Disini. .inghoose. · ihat probe involves the company's successful attempt to win a $6b0 million contract to bujld the first nuclear reactor in the Phihppines. Disini at the time wias a busi- nessman and Marcos associate. 't\'est· mghoust wanted his heJp in obtainfog the contract OffieiaJs in the Justice Department and the SEC were pursuina allega- tions that \he Marcos government got a substantial fee to give the contract to Westinghouse instead of General ElcctncCo. ,,,,,~ Balley'• comet u Men from lturopean ...-cecraft. Meanwhile, Gen. Fabian C. Ver, fonner chief of the Philippines armed forces. was served with a subpoena in an investigation by a federal grand JUry in Alexandria, Va., of possible kickbacks anvolvinJ more than $100 million 1n U.S. military aid. Last Friday, the New York Times quoted unjdentified Filipino lawyers, 6ankers and government officials as saying that $80 million went to Disini and that the bulk of that later was turned over to Marcos. Europe '·s space pro be gets closeup picture of comet Robert Sims, the Pentagon's chief spokesman. said the subpoena was served on Ver at Hickam Air Forc.e Base in Hawaji, where Marcos and his family and associates have hved since fleeing their homeland. The Virginia probe involves con- tracts awarded to American com- panies thBt retained Filjpaoo agents close to the Marcos government to perform a vanc;ty of services. The grand Jury 1s trying to determine whether any of the money paid to the Marcos signed a letter of intent in 1974 that Westinghouse would bwld the power plant .. The $600 million pnce tag has since ballooned to $2. I b1lhon and construction continues. "We have acknowledged that we paid commissions to two firms for assistance an obtaining and im- plementing the contract," West- inghouse spokesman Robert Hen- derson said in a statement Thursday. DARMSTADT, West Germany (AP) -The European spacecraft Giotto beamed back the closest pictures ever taken of Halley's.comet today, showing a "velvet black" peanut-shaped nucleus surrounded by dust and gas. · The probe's camera was knocked out of service just seconds before it passed within 335 miles of the comet. but other instruments began trans- mitting data again 25 minutes after the fly-by in what scientists termed an unexpected bonus. We prefer to use our discretion m descnbing fashion as elegant But 1t certainly is the word tor both of these related collections In the St John trad1ton. every design 1s meltculous yet uncomplicated knit with pamstakmg aer01l and excellent craftsmanship But don't simply take our word come see for yourself' The showing will be m Designer Dresses and star Calllom1a perfect 1acket dressing hke the black/white wool/rayon knits here Cap- sleeved dress with double-breasted Jacket. 4 12 from SI John Knits S492 Robinson's Designer Dresses 85 Newport Robnson'S .. "The siJilal was lost due to heavy impact of dust. But we consider the mission a complete success," said European Space Agency director gen- eral Reimar Lust. At a news briefing today to provide the first analysis of data, scientists said the pictures indicated the core of the comet is 'black. "The surface has to be absolutely black. I wouJd say velvet black.·· sajd Horst KeUer, a dcsjgner of the spacecraft's camera. "It's as dark as the darkest objects in the solar system known to man." Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OT/Ft1dey, Mwch 14, 1Ne * Aa U .N. chief accueea Iraq of chemical war again•t Iran-· ., ... Aleedat.i p,... UNITED NATIONS-The United Nationt ICCrNty~ Mid t~ I~ hu uted chemical weapou in itt war with Iran. Ke ~y oondem -.. ute of the chemicals. Secmary..oenerai Ja~ Perez de Cuellar bllld • lta&e:ment on a report by four expert.I on cbemical warfare wtao vili1ed hatB &om Feb. 26 to March 3 and conduded"On man1 ~Iraqi forcee Ila~ utcd cbemkaJ weapon• apjnst Iranian forces ... The experU laid tbe cbemicar :-:rn used most wu mustard ps. but that on occasion a nerve paaleo ~~ " . NJ~ accaw four of CIA •P7'zl6 . MANAGUA, Ni<:arapa-The •late eecurity police chiefbauccuaed two' fonner and two current U.S .. Embuay officialt of spYi~ fort~ CIA. Tbe U.S. Embassy refuled to respond to t.bc accuaations. It said thfoulh itt ~ oftloe: "As a matter of poljcy we do not comment on alleptioos of 1n1e!li~ activities.'' Ni~uan St.ate Security Chief Lenin Cerna identified the four aJleacd 1pies as Beruamin Wickham, a native of Ohio and t.beembuly's former first secretary. who left Ni~ in Aupst; Stephen David MurehilOn •. o( Oklahoma, currently the finr-secretary; Bradley Cecil Johnson. of Orcao.n.. chief of the commercial leClion, and Bonnie Sue Bennett. of Aorida, a third· secre~d vice consul until she left Nicarqua Dec. 20. Hablb wind• ap Latin America tour GUATEMALA CITY-U.S. special envoy Philip Habib isconchadi~a three-nation tour of Central America which be said was a.eared toward aeekina ~cc ra~er than promotina aid to Nicaraauan rebels. Habib met Thunday with Pres1dents Jose Az.cona lloyo ofHondwu and Vinicio Cerezo A.Rvalo of Guatemala, and was expected to meet with c.osta Rican President-dec:t Oecar Arias in Guatemala before rcturnina to Wuhiniton later today. HiJ itinerary djd not include a stop in Nicaraa\14. · Ecuador decJara •tllte of emergency QUITO, &uador -The president imposed a nationwide state of emergen~y early today after the fired air force chief called on &uadorans to rally around an air bue be bas seized and threatened a mus march on the government palace. Air force Gen. Frank Varps. dismissed for illlubordina· tion by President Leon Febres Cordero two week:J ago, took over the MarilCal Sucre air bue in Quito Tbunday, claimina the government bad broken an agreement that bad led to bis SWTCnder at the Manta air bue Tuesday. Varps had been in military custody at.the Quito bue. but was freed by other ofticen. .. .. SHOP FlllDAY 1~9, SATURDAY 1()..6, SUNDAY 11-6. Robinson's Anaheim Plaza • Los Cerrttos Mall • Mission Viejo Mall • Newport Fashion Island • \Vestm.ln.S1er Mall ; Death penalty decisions determine Deukmejian 's support for justices LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. Gcorae Deukmejian says he is likely to ~pose retention of state Sueremc Counju.stices Cqtz Reynoso and Joseph R. Grodin, but migtu chanae his mind if they begin ~:!lirmina death sentences. Oeukmejian opposes the confirmation ofChidf Justice Rose Bird, who has consistently voted to block executions, and the controversy over Bird has become an early issue in the Republian govcmor·s re-election campaiJn. . Report criticizes financial waste in toxic cleanup LAKE MIRAG .E contract m October. WATERFR ONT DESERT HOMES ABSOLUTE AUCTION NO · MINIMUM· BIDS NO · R ESERVE Originally priced from $276,500 to $359,500. You could save thousand~ ot dollars on a new home at Ldk•· Mirage, one of lhe mosl exciting new developments 1n the Palm Sprrngs area. Located 1n pres- t1g1ous Rancho Mirage, Lake Mirage features 57 spacious lakeside homes. including 5 beautifully decorated models on fee simple land, a soec1acular clubhouse with gyrnnas1um. 4 racquetball courts and 10 charn- BY p1onsh1p tennis courts. All tn a beaullfully landscaped and maintained guard gated com- murnty wrth 25 acres of open lakes. Lake Mirage 1s an 80 acre master planned community comprised of over 200 lakeside • ln1ers1a1e 10 to Los A tes residences. ottering the perfect primary residence or second ~ home The whole family will en1oy .,, Country Club Dove • lake Mirage the unspoiled desert atmosphere ~ 1n lhese 2 3 bedroom. 2-3 bath ~.~t-Miy ........ 1"'""11-1o"""Pa..---tm"""Sp-...-ng-s-- homes ottering approximately Ranc.w l'.J 1ar:i"' 2.304 IL 3.038 square feet of living Dividend Development wace Whether sa11tng on the Lake Mirage is offered through lakes. sunning or swimming 1n OIVldend Developmenl Cor- one of the private QQ.Qls,.iel_ax..,.1,_..ng,.._-'po.......,r_at~100 • .aJeading developer 1n the Clubhouse. working out of fine homes 1n Northern 1n the gym, playing racquetball or Cahforn1a. Southern California tennis of' 'ht' champ1onsh1p and Phoernx,Anzona. Currently, courts you'll find Lake Mirage 01v1dend has over 100 pro1ects offers the I nest de~rt l1fesry1e 1n various phases of develop- On Sunday April 13 al 1 00 ment.Thetr understanding of PM 01v1dend will host the most families' needs.coupled with their soectacu,ar auct1or1 Southern reputation for quality. has made ~al1forrna has ever seen. when tnem one of the most suceess- each iuxunous Lake Mirage rest ful builders in the V'Jest. , SACRAMENTO (AP) -A new report says the Deukmejian adminis- tration mismanaged toxic waste cleanup projects, allowing some con- tractors to collect for work they did not do and for equipment they djd not buy.' Much of the report. issued Thurs- day by State Auditor General Thomas Hayes, concerns state con- tracts with an Indiana finn, Canonic Engineers Inc. The company was hired to work at one of the state's most dangerous toxic waste sites, the McColl dump near Fullerton. The auditors found that Canonjc collected about$ I million l~st year in a fiv~-month period, during which it did not work at the site. A court order had forced the state to suspend work on the project in May, but the state paid the company about $1 million ln "delay and standby costs" before finally canceling its The auditor general concluded that the "state has paid for .. questionablc costs, has made .excessive paymepts and has jeo~rdizcd federal fundiDJ bccau5e the Department of Health Services has not adequately procured and managed the state's contracts for toltics.related services." Gov. George Ocuk.mcjian, who requested the investigation by the auditor general's office, acknowl- edged rn Los Angeles that the rcpor1 "found problems with the way con- tracts were administered." Deukjmcjian later issued a state- ment 'addine that the examination "found no indication of illegal or unethical activity." He said the recommendations in the report "will help improve the abmty of the division to more e ff cc ti v e I y carry out its responsib1lit1cs." Funnel cloud, new storms whip soaked N. California By the Auoelated Prest SAN FRANCISCO -Northern California reStdents alternately caught ghmpses of blue slc.ies. dark storm and funnel clouds as they geared up for the weekend, which is forecast to blast them with still more rainy, cold weather. The National Weather Service reported that another, larger winter storm will hit the region where a powerful string of showers and storms, stretching from Red Bluff to Santa Cruz , struck on Thursday at speeds from 15 to 20 mph. Meanwhile Gov. George Deukmejian added Mono, San Benito and Shasta counties the List of36 counties in states of emergency because of the punishing Special Auction Ananclng. storms that ha ve poured over much of California for weeks. Below market rate f1nanc1ng Oll price drop forces Chevron layoffs will be available. Ask our sales SAN FRANCISCO-Chevron Corp. announced it was planning to cut as representatrve for details. many as 9.100 JObs and to reduce sharplr.1ts exploration fot new oil and gas due Visit Lake Mirage. to the decline in 011 prices. Chevron s 61 ,000 employees worldwide were Pre-auction property mspect1on notifi ed by letter on Thursday that company managers were drawing up plans t f 10 AM t 16 PM d ty. to cut the work force by 10 to 15 percent. About one-third of Chevron's ours rom 1 at · cmployeesworkin California,includingabout 15,000intheSanFrancisco Bay Please come and inspect the area. Salaries also were frozen "pcndinJ, a reassessment of our competitive homes and models and discuss . position in the current business climate. ·according to the letter. the special financing.The sales CY A wards used as 'TW.A strl.teb,••-1.e,•s, office is located at 72727 Country ~ .... aa ~ · Club Onve, Rancho Mirage, SACRAMENTO -The chainnan of the Assembly labor committee says CA 92270 @ d:t he wants to stop Trans World Airlines from using California Youth Authority Sale conducted by: wards as strike breakers. But the chief deputy director of the CY A, Craig Brown. says the CY A contracted with TWA to 1rain and employ wards at the Nattonw1de Auction Company Ventura School to work as "backup" rescrvauon agents, and "we're onJy doing Auctioneer Melvin A Giller what we're contractuaUy obligated to do." Assemblyman Dick Floyd, D- For a free auction brochure Hawthorne. says 'fWA 1s using reservation agents 10 replace striking flight calllTOLL FREE. wrthin California, anendanls, and usmg the CY A wards to replace the reservation agents. (800}-2...sJ..4554Gl:.~-J4th*>-<hr.19-+-,tlll~•ta•nra-•announced for an ti-drug concert SUNDAY APRIL· l 3I!:! l:.OOEM • 1986 §ill!253·4554 LOS ANGELES -An I I-hour concert 10 publicize the dangers of drug abuse will be held at the Los Angeles Coliseum and feature more than 40 pop and rock acts. including Jam~s Brown, Mr. Mister. and Aretha Franklin, organizers said. But "The Concert That Coun1s" April 26 will not have the backing of first lady Nancy Reagan . Her office had requested some of the proposed acts she found objection~ be cut from the show, and Global M~dia. the show's promoters, refused. Also slated for the concert arc John Denver, Viocc Nctl of Motley Crue, Jon Bon Jovi, Toto. Omgo Boingo, An1motion, Dennis De Young. Power Statton. The BangJes, Marillion, The Fixx, Berlin, X, Quiel Riot, David Foster. The Gap Band and Black 'N' Blue. Inter-agency feudlng ends at border D I V I D-E N D SAN YSIDRO -One week after inter-agency feudinf was blamed for border traffic jams, officials from U.S. Customs and the mmigration and Naturalization Service say the problem has passed and they're worlc.ing together well, "Hey. we're married," INS Western Regional Commissioner Harold Ezell said Thursday at a news conference at the San Ysjdro Port of Entry. For 10 da ys, beginning March 3, the U.S.-Mexico border crossing was the scene of massive 1raffic backups as car-by-car searches were conduc1ed of 1 vehicles entcnng the United States. Nf'V./)()rf (C'ntf'f (a,hum "land 1, ()~f DA'r () LY >1cJp. waif.. Srile will hc>gin at lln'clock Saturday, March l'i Find 50°k. to 75% pncP rc•ductiun' on wlcctl•d MPn' App,up/ Wmnpn\ App,u<•I /c•we/ry, Men'> Womt•n' ,ind ChilrlrPn s Shot>~. 5pmt ing Cnod' Tqv,, Cdt'.> and Much. Much M<>H'' Join u<. at our 'Pt'C1c1/ St Patnck\ Day Par t y all day Saturday Ce/ehrc1tP early and 5hop Newport (f'nter Fa<ihl()n Island.> Annual (t>ntNwidf' Clearance Salf' (<Jnw early for rhe be-.r ,('/pc llC)n N('1m,m M .UCU\ Rnh1mon \ Th•· Broadway Bull<KI.\ Wrhh1re Buffum' Jnd lryin~ Ranch fdrm1'" M,ul.1•1 Over 115 finp HOrP\ in .ill /11•1 nff P,JC1f1c Coa~t H1Rh~~dt; hPtYt f'i>n '1.1.ir Arthw dnd /amhfm>1• HJ\rJ, 111 "''"'11°'' flPJrh 0 -------NEWPORT CENTER FASHION I LAND 15arrested instate for coupon fraud LOS ANGELES (AP) -Most of the 15 Southern Californians nasned m arrest warrants for a multi-state grocery coupon redemption racket have been arraigned, and the local ring's center was based in San Bernardino. officials said. Thirteen Southern California mar- ket owners and managers were ar- raigned m federal coun late Wedn~ da y before U.S. Magistrate Venetta Ta.ssopul os in Los Angeles, and bail was set at $10.000 for 12 and $25,000 for one man. Two other men, mark.et owners in San Bernardino who were not ident- ified, contacted authorities through their attorneys Thursday and made arranfemcots to SUJTCndcr, U.S. Post.a Inspector Ralph Cook said from his Pasadena office. Flonda Postal inspector Edward Macie.in said a Miami-based rina and retajl grocers in Tampa. Aa.; Jack- sonv1llc, Fla.; Charlotte, N.C.; Cali- fornia and New York defrauded • product manufacturers of an esti- mated S 186 million by clippina product coupons and sendma them in to claim the consumer discounts and grocers' handlina fees. In California, the ring was based in San Bernardino. Postal Inspector Gary Jones said. The South em Californians amstcd and released after posting bond Wednesday were Forrest L Perry, Cucamonga; Benny Joe ,Cadates, Fontana; Eddy Cato@'. San Bernardin<>; John H. Wilson. San Bernardino: am Halif.!11 San Bernardino, Mohammad Mitayen, Riversidej Abcdcl R. EsmaiJ, Fon- tana: Monammad Abdclkalim, Sun City; Mohammad H. Awad, Fontana; Sabri Salah Arabdclalwi hometown unknown; Marwam M. Aweis, Rialto; Fi.zan H. Abdelutt. Bannin,; Levi Muon, San Bematdino. Po w lnspecton said they bid su pects In at least three other states, but proocdural problems in IOtne states had delayed arrests. I - OrengeCout DAU •• ~Y PILOT/Friday, M8'Ch 1 ... 1Ne * A7 • fi,Co~er The U111 . ~~'\)'\: 91/e, . ElJHOPEAN ~~.. ,, . AUTO SHOW Friday-Satui:day-Sunday March 14th, 15th, & 16~h· Classy, Sassy, 'n' Sporty Eur~peans • i , I Porsche 911 Carerra Targa. Open-air The BMW 535i. A sedan born to Volkswagen Cabriolet. A performer that promises driving pleasure-with comfort. high performance. you the sun, the moon and the stars. : Don't wait until last minute to buy your Easter Gifts 3441 Via Lido Newport Beach 675-2425 Spring Fling Join UaForTheae Special Event• • Friday March 21 Sterling Silver Show Silver Sun Traders Hrs. 9·6pm ~ Saturday March 22 2S'I• off any Accessory in Stock 9·5:30 • Sundar March 23 251/t off any S~imsuit in Stock Hr~ 11·4pm Biclwtl'a Bicltifie 673-4510 3467 Via lido Washington Cleaners Optica l Fashion Center A Kline Kreations- WE WINE YOU, WE DINE YOU, D~ESS YOU U P, Chocolatie r le Midi Restaurant Security Paciflc --Barik Marbles Beauty Salon Via Odo Drugs Edwards lido lheatre Video Zone Bidwell's Boutique D.K. McDonald's Hughes Market The Corner Table Charlie's l ocker Friends & Company ·AND TAKE YOU TO A SHOW. AMPLE FREE PARKING . .. lllsisl Oii ,our tyt&!Us pracnpllOll tt leClllY betonp to yo41 I OPT I CA FASHION CENTER NEWP.ORT Enormous Selection of Regular Eyewear and Sunoasses • """'.,, ,,._ lot,_~ • Sofltllltc IJlltllf • Wt '" color trl/IMd • CffllJW Ind UtlfW opbcJ•ns lflth p«SM/ued 11ttt1tJon • fffWfM lll#llc/I d bl buullflll. ~1"1 ' 1flofdMlll 3417 Via Lido 673-1883 WE HAVE THE HITS WHEN YOU WANT THEM* SllV8P8Clo JUST = " ARRIVED ....------. .. *GUAIANTllD BlmHI ....__ _ ___, VIDEO ZONE 8:/r;r. llf rea( .;£~ . -. } The Word is out .. .t that the Appeal of Chef Wal~rs Veal is 1rres1stJble, unbeatable and extraordinanly remarkable So. don't be left out' Come to Le M1d1 and JOln lhe Club of the Real C'Ot'\Nl~urs' 675-4904 3421 Via Lido. Newport Beach ·, Throughout the year, Via Lido Plaza, in cooperation with the Newport Harbor Girls' Club, will . be celebrating the 50th An- niversary of the creation of Newport Harbor. The first special event will be an Auto Show on March 14th, 15th and 16th featuring -the-finest-in European--Mot&f-€af5-. The latest models by Porsche, BMW, and Audi will be on display from Janaco Porsche- Audi and Janaco BMW as well as several other dealerships. To help prospective buyers, Security Pa- cific Bank will have a booth set up to help with any questions on financing. Proceeds from the event benefit the New- port Harbor Girls' Qub and promote healthy teenage activity in the community. The Merchants of Via Lido Plaza and Newport Harbor Girls' Oub invite you to come by this weekend and stroll through the classy, sassy 'n' sporty European cars as you shop and dine in the unhurried and relaxed atmosphere that only Via Lido Plaza can offer. D. K. MacDonalds Fashion That says Everything 675-3907 3439 Via Lido New port Beach 3445 Via Lido • PH 6i5-0150 :::re Easter Baskets Custom De 1gn Your Own Rul'!lel Stov~r C'an~v tufftd Animals 6\ Dakan Por~lm Bunni~" & Duck!I Ore Up \our "l~w .... pnn~ Outfit Handhap by GANSO Nor Annie J~welrv by Napier )te•• f uh1on C<>1mell~ bv 1Jltrma. Ardens, Borghese ~rmaina Monleil .. • •' ~ •' :· .. ~ . .. 4 -. . .. .· New tax overhaul would alter cuts r NY leader Manes commits suicide WASHINGTON (AP) -A tax- ovcrhauJ plan introduocd by the Senate Finance Committee chairman would provide a smaller Wt cut for individuals than recommended by President Reagan. but a biager share of the relief would ~'<? to people making less than $75,000 a year. The income-tu reductions prom- ised in the plan, outlined Thursday by <;:baimwt Bob Packwood, R-Ore., would be watered down by other pans of the bill raisina federal taxes on alcoholic beverages, tobacoo and motor fuel. Wholesale p~icesin whopping decline WASHINGTON (AP)-Collaps- ing world oil prices helped push down wholesale pnces in February by 1.6 percent, the largest monthly decl!ne since the government bettan keeping trac~ of the figures in 194,, the Labor Depanment reported today. The drop in the Producer Price Index followed a 0. 7 percent decline in January, after it bad climbed sharply 10 the last three months of 1985. The decline was largely due to plummeting prices for gasoline and other petroleum products. However, food prices also showed sharp declin- es. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said, "This decline in prices at the wholesale level will send ,a strong message to ~e overall CC?n- omy: consumer pnces a re coming down, and the fears of inflation have all but abated." Gasoline pnces fell I 1.1 percent, after a 5. 7 percent decline in Janaury Home heaung 011 dropped 26.2 percent, after fallinJ 10.8 percent in January. These declines were al!to the largest recorded in the department's 39-year history of keeping track of producer prices. No defense in aliens' Silll iggling TUCSON (AP) -In a surpnsc move. the defense in the ahen- smugghng conspiracy trial · of 11 sanctuary movement defendants opened and rested their case today without questioning the one witness called. After U.S. Jmrn1grat1on Service Agent James Rayburn was called to the w11ness stand with the JUry present. each defense lawyer stood and rested the case for his client U.S. D1stnct Judge Earl H. Carroll expressed surprise with the develop- ment and asked defense and pros- ecution attorneys to meet Tuesday with him 1n Phoenix to discuss JUry 1nstruct1o ns The prosecution concluded 11s case last week. and the past three days were devoted to legal arguments and d1'im1ssal of 12 counts against eight of the 11 defendants. Shultz, Soviet leader set talk on relations WA.SH I NGTO~ !AP) -In the ' lir'il high-level meeting 'imce the C1encva summit. Secretary of State (Jeorge P \hullL will meet in Stock- h<1lm Saturda\ with N1kola1 I R>1hko-.. the ·Soviet premier. to d1\CU'>S proc;pec:ts for improved rela- lwn'> between the superpowers. an informed soune said today ~hul11 and Ryzhkov wall be 1n the \wed1sh capital to attend the funeral of Prime M1h1stcr Olof Palme. who wa<, as'>ass1nated Feb. 28 President Reagan and M1kha1I S C1orbache'. the Soviet leader, reached an understanding at their ··firc\1dc \ummn" last November 1n (1cneva to hold meetings 1h1s year in Washington and next year 1n Mos- lOW But the two sides have heen unable to agree on a date Meanwhile Shult1 and Eduard A. Shevardnadze. the Soviet foreign m1~1!>ter, have not met since Novem- ber 'despite an agreement that they confer more frequently than 1n the past. Shulu as fl ying to Stockholm tonight and plans to spend less than a day there. GOP congresamen begin Nicaragua trip WASHINGTON (AP) -Nine Republican congressmen. including Cahforn1a's Rep Bob Doman. left today on a hastily arranged tnp to NJCaraaua in the tateS"t ~urpm1ng development of the battle over Presi- dent Reagan's request for U ~ mili- tary aid to the Nicaraguan rebels Two Democratic C onarr'l'lmcn. Reps. Nack Ma vr o ula'I o f Massachusttes and Marilyn Lloyd flf Tennessee, left Thursday night on a similar mission. As the aroup departed at 7:45 a.m. from Andrews Afr force Base outside ofWashinaton, Rep. Bob Walker, R- Pa . called the trip "a lcam1na expcnencc. I've never been to Nacarqua, never had a chance to talk to the N1caraf.Uln ie.dcrsh1p. It can't hurt to leam • The individual cuts could be lessened apin by another provision taking away the deduction allowed corporations for the excise taxes and import tariffs they pay. "If you believe businesses arc not going to eat all those taxes," Pack- wood said, the hiper taAes would mean higher c.onsumer prices. But he questioned whether all the 14x would bee on to consumers. ising consumer excise taxes and de yins corporations a deduction for the excises and tariffs they pay would produce about $75 billioq pver the next five years. Tbe bill, on which tbc commattcc cut in the biU that Reapn proposed will beain work next week. would last May and a 9.1 percent reduction reduce tax rates for most individuals an the measure that passed the Hou1e. and corporations, boost the personal But while the president's plan exempuon to $2,000 for all but the would have aivcn a 13.6 percent wealthiest people and sianificantly • average cut to those With incomes raise the standard deduction. above $200,000 a year, Packwood's It would also severely restrict the bill would give them a 5. 9 percent deduction for consumer and invest-reduction. The House voted a 6 ment interest, limit1he deductfon for perccn~t cut for that Jrou'p. some state and local taxes, and repeal People earning between $30,000 the special deduction aJlowcd two-and $40,000 would receive an avcraac earner couples. 9.l percent reduction under either the As a result, individual mcome HouseorSenateplanswhilcReqao's taxes would drop by an average of 8.4 bill would have given them 6.3 percent, compared with a 9.8 percent percent. , , LE HOME CENTERS HEM, FIR STUDS 2 x 4 IN. x 8 FT. FIBERGLASS ROLLED ROOFING COVERS 100 SO. FT. 8. 938UNDLE \. V4000 s1u1to'I ~s1£P 6 f1. ·oe.R . \.AD .. VARIABLE SPEED REVERSING 3/8 IN. DRILL Serve Liherty. Save On Black & Decker. und utih\V ladder Af'I all a10 Sturdy 3 TUBE 25 FT. SPRINKLER SOAKER SU,Ell BINI l---- NEW YORK (AP) -Donald Manes, wbo survived a suicide at- tempt then resisnod u Queens borou&h president When be wu linkeO to the city'a Jarsst corruption 1Ca.Ddal in 15 yean, ended his life with a knife wound to the hean. , Manes, .S2, died lbutlday ni&bt. little more than an hour after an ambulance was ~led to his borne, where he was found lying on tbe kitchen floor with a stab wouod to the chest. said Police Commiaaioner &n- jamin Ward. ASSORTED He had been the hisbest elected official of the boroucb of Queen1. PLANTS CENISTA 1 ?l ~ • g:~ ~ . VIGOROUS BOUCAINVILLEA YfHIR UOIU FOLDINC BANANA CHAISE LOUNCE 5.88 1.96 ONE CAL. SWITCH /OUTLET WALL PLATES (Olll CNOlel EA. • 1 4 TIER FRAMED 16 X 20 IN. UTILITY CART PHOTO COLLACE FRAME Vtnyl coated wire storage Mobile Great tor office or nome 12.88 7.32 • The Biggest Name in sav_ings-. . . OLE'S. Con~enienf Home Centers in . Soutfiern California. HURRY IN WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. SORRY, NO RAINC~ECKS. ( .. FRIDAY, MARCH 1<4, 1eei OutapOien aolfer Mee 0'Gr8dy could be tlnecl tl2,llD. II& Duke, Q1orgl8 Tech IUrvlve ---•n NCAA....,.. •••••• - . The Fat Man sin~s for UCI!. Anteaters s~!f:er UCLA In first roun C:NIT, BO-74 ·By JOIEPB DVDBVOIR ........ Oee J ' I LOS ANGELES -To hear Troy Camaon tell it. "The pme ain't over until the Fat MaD...,.. .. Well. the Fat Man, Wayne~ and the rest of -the UC,lrvine balketbaU team were 1iJ11ina in the rain Tbunday niabt and will probably beo aiDa:iDa all the way to Provo U'tah T\lelday 10 meet llYU in the ICCOOd round of the NIT by V11tue of the f.attat win in UCJ history. After the Anteaten put them.elves on the map in a bia way with their 80-74 win over UCLA in Pauley Pavilion, C.O.Cb Bill Mulliun called the victory .. the bigtst since r ve been at UCt. The two wins over UNL V were nice, but thiJ ii the bigest win for our propam and our conference." It could bi& enoueh 10 put Mu.lliaao in the froot- ·runoina spot for the recently-vacated use head coechina job, if be wants it The Thunday o.isht crowd of7,089 saw the Anteaters stave off a late Bruin cbane and bold UCLA forward Regje Milkr to b.il second-Towest point total of the year, 16 points. Clemon and E.Qeel.ltad put the clams-down on Miller and1'bbooy R~ and Tod Murphy did the rest. .. Johnny islU1t a bia-timc player," said the 6-81 240- pound Engelstad, u be put another wect,e of pizza 10 his mouth ... He was theonewbopve it to us when we needed it." Rogers poured in a pm&-hiah 29 poin~ but more importantly, steadied a Dounderioa UCJ ship when it appeared the Anteaters were JOioa belly up. After UO piled up a 65-Sl le.d with 7:2S left, the Bruins &bowed w~b it bas been IO hard throuabout the years to win in Pa . UCLA rolled off a 17-3 run to tie it at 68-68 with 3:00 le . .. That's when the Ice Man cometh," said E.otelstad. Rogen cooled the Bruins off with two quick 6uckeu, the first a 15-foot jumper and the other a follow shot off Scott Brooks' miss, for a 72-68 advantqe and UCJ WU in control again. Murphy backed up Rogers by scoring a touch 20 poiou from the inside and pulled down a aam«>-hi&h 17 rebounds. UC lntne'a Tod llmpby ('3). Troy CUmon (M) and Rick Ciaccio take time oat to trade ......... ,......., ............... bl&b-ftft9 In tile wmWaC momenta of Ttia.nclay'a 80-74 IQT wlJ! a.er UCLA. "When they tied it up," said Roeen. .. I thouabt that was the time to be more agreuive than an)' other time in lhe game. I was disapp0ioted when they tied because we {Pl-..e ... UCl/BS) Orange Coast picks Workman Edison Coa"'""' ,,..elect""",.1 Tucker stepped down in January after pid.ina . \.a~ . GU lliCPirates to a 129-102-S record. lnc;Judmg the at Anaheim Stadium and_ba_ve averaacd9.000 each season the pest six years. ..,....to_s_u_c_c_e_e_d~D,.....1-c-=k__..,,,,,T,,.....u-c"""'k_e_r __ f9~.':d 1r,~. natiooat championship yean of S~x of his pla~ were consensus prep All- Amencana -k.eiwin Bell, Frank Seurer Rick Di.Bema.rdo, Dave Geroux. Mark Boyer and Andy Sinclair. Coast football. however bu f.aUen on batd times the past seven ycan wilb a reoord of 17-Sl-2. By ROGER CARLSON °' ... .., ......... Bill Workman, wt\osc Edison High football teams have woo or shared three major Clf championships in the past ~en years, was named Oranae Coast College's football coach today. Worlun!Jl144, one oflhe best-known coaches in Southern Uiifomia, bas impressive~otialt. A product of Whittier College, bis teams have woo seven Sun.set League champiooshiJ>S in the past 10 years. Edison bas a record of 76-19-4 the last ei&ht years and his teams have been in the playoffs eight of the last oioe years. Overall he is 109-33-S. Not once did he have a losina year. One of Worlcman•s recent innontiom was voluntary testioa for drug usqe by his players, an idea which was warmly received by the school and community. He succeeds Dick Tucker, who quit recently afteT 24 years at the OCC helm. Work.man's teams have traditionally operated from an I-formation with the emphasis on balance. His quarterbacks have year-in and year-out beep accorded all-league honors. The recommendation of Workman is being forwarded to the college•s board of trustees for formal approval. Workman was the winner from a 14-entry field, which was trimmed to three io the final stageS. The other two finalists wer-e Rancho Santiago Colle&e assist.ant Ben Rapp and Long Beach State assist.ant Ken Visser. He was the head coach in the 1981 Shrine Game at Pasadena. where 13 of his players have played over the years. He·a also coached the South tn the Orange County All.SW game. In bis 13 years as head coach at Edison. he bad 12 all-league quarterbacks. His most recent was Mike Angelovic, and his appointment is expected to result io a wave of transfers to Coast His high school teams received more notorie- ty than any dozen community colleges and the atten-dance io many instances, matched it. The Chargers played before in excess of 30.000 A resident of fountain Valley, he and bis wife Sheri, have two dauahlers., Jana and Julie. 8U1 WOl'kman White in line for Edison job Dave White an assistant at Edison High for the put four seven years, is the odds-<>n favorite to succeed Bill Workman u the Chargers' fourth football coach. It will take some time before Edison Hiah can officially an- nounce iu new football coach since regulaations recuaire that the job opening be ma~blic and applications be mide available. But White, the defensive coordi- nator the past four seasons at Edison, is considered to have the -'inside track. White quarterbacked the na- tional championship Oranae Coast College team of 1975, wu a former Athlete of the Year at Edison and played his college football at Orqoo St.ate. Oa•e White Reggie: Autry's wile SaJGI sb.ou14 retlre From AP 4..,.tdel Sluger Regie Jackson, who has complained that be is not wanted by the An&tls, says that retirement bas been sugested to him by wife of Gene Autry, the owner ohhe Aqels. "Jackie Autry said to me in November that f should retire, .. said Ja.ckton. "I said to her, 'If that's the way you feel, then you should move me elsewhere.• "She went on to say a lot more, but I don't want to talk about ii yet. I don't want to talk about it yet. J don't want to knock the AutryS. 1 don't want to create a bad atmosphere. "h'1 intente enouah now. And with me 1t•1 ah~•Y1 limmmna. to I ba\'e to be careful. I still bave a sweet spo1 for Ckne Autry and I rcspec1 (maoater) .(ienc Mauch." A necl1 General Manaeer Mike Pon Kid that be could sy~thize with bow JICUon feels. "1 can see that if I put myself in Regie's shoes be may bave felt that we were convmna a cenain unwrit· ten messqe," 'Pon said. "But apin, out of respect for Regie. we were just tryina to be candid and up front with him. We wanted him to know that we planned to use him u a DH thl1 year and that if he wasn't apceable to that, then maybe we could do tomethina for him. "At far as sayina we don•t want you or you're not in our plans. no way did I say that. Port said that Jack.son will not be traded unless aomeone makes an inc:ftdlble offer, the Antell e•pcct Jack.Ion to be mak:iftl contribuuona to the An,els' pennant drives. ''Unleaa and untJI tomeone comes with an oflerwecan•t reft.lte&. Rca>e fa in our plant u the DK," t"Ort said Monarchs: Crenshaw next Mater Del stops Fresno Edison, 81-7 4; moves to regional finals BJ ROGER CARLSON OflllCD.-, ........ His team had just woo its 30th straight this season. 59th straiaht over two years, and the chants of"We want Crenshaw. We want Crenshaw," by the Mater Dci High basketbatlfal\s late in the game were probably still ringina in his cars. But Gary McKnight didn•t gjve the impression ofan unbeaten coach, or of one who wanted any part of Crensbaw's Couprs and their reputation for the press. Despite an 81-7 4 decision over Fresno Edison in the St.ate Southern Regional semifinals at Cal State Fullerton Thursday niaht, despite a 31-point production by 6-9 Stuart Thomas and despite a superior floor game by guard Tom Peabody, McKnight appeared to have other thing$ on his mind. Specifically, it was the fresh thoughts of an Edison press which turned a 77-62 Mater Dci lead with less than three minutes to go into a nip-and-tuck 77-74 lead with S2 seconds remaining that had McKnight mad, concerned and thinkina. "We didn't protect the ball well," he said. Asked if just maybe his Monarchs were listenioa to what the fans were chantina. McKnight replied: .. Maybe. It looked like it the way we pla)'ed." The Tiaen of Fresno Edison didn't really employ their defensive quickness until it was too late and McKni.ght admitted be was surprised they waited u long IS they did. He forsees oo such luck against Crenshaw's 23-2 powerhouse, which uses its speed and quickness as its leadioa weapons. · .. I hope it's not a runnina pme," wd McKn ight. "They press the '¥hole pme, that's their style." The ~ooarcbs will put t&ir .S9...,ame winnu'lmuk on the line Saturday ni&ht at Los Anaeles Sporu Arena 1n an 8 o'clock. contest to determine the state's southern entry m next week's finals at Oakland. The Tilers put tasetbcr an eyo-popp1~ offense, with Charles Ross (29) and three others chckina in double f 11Urcs.. but Mater Dci was m control from the outlet., jumpina to leads of I >8 and 26-16 before settlina for a 38-34 halftime ldvantaae. Tbomu 1eorcd IS of his 31 pomu in the third quaner and Mater Oci was up by a M:C.lllinaJy comfonab&e 6.S-SO m&llJD early 1n the founb period. ma.aotainina lbe l S-poiot lead until just u~ three miou&es to p> before the Tiaert put 10me flaws into the Monarchs' victory. Aaide from tumoven -18 10 the 1&11 threequancra. uoppoecd to Edi10n's five forthccntirepme-it was a pmdf! which Mater Dc1 displayed remarbblt abtlity to maintain tht quiek tempo of E4150n with John Mounce (16), LeRon Ell is (13) and Peabody ( 12) also io double figures. Mouoce's two free throws with 37 seconds left. two Edison misses and two more free throws by Mounce with seven seconds rem~ blocked the TiJers• hopes of a miracle finish. Thedccis100 snapped an l 3-gamc wmomg sttealc for Edison (23-6). Peabody, a 6-S seniorsuard stole the ball three umes for runaway scores, thefina1with4:S 1 leftadunkingeffon to make it 7 l-S8 to the dismay of the Tigers. And, he was more than equal to the task of playing the point apinst the Tigcn' defense. .. He played well most of the ume," conceded McKni&bt. Thomas., wbo was held to I 0 points on two field goals and su free throws in the first half scored at will in the second half. hitting 7 of8 from the field and following up his only miss with a buck.et. .. They were in foul trouble and we just tned to pound away inside.•• said Thomas. "Their press really buged us,·· he conunued Reminded that Crenshaw·s press is considered tven better, the 6-9 senior said, "We'll sec.·• Edison personnel wu seldom fouled. simply bccau~ the Tigers shot from the hip before anyone out of Mater Dei·s zone could set near them. .. They shot unbelievably," said McKnt&ht of Edison's 52.3 percent ability, almost entirely from Iona range. "But that's the "Y they e,lay. "This is still antichmat1c, • continued McKn1gbt, alludinJ to two straiaht 29-0 campaians entcnng the st.ate playoffs. "I hope this acts our auys rcadJ for Saturday mgbt It was good for us to tct a Sood test. Lakers post seventh straight win, 105-92 lNOLEWOOD (AP) -E.arvin "Maaic" Johnson KOred 27 points and haoded out 14 assist as the Los AnJtleS Laken won their seventh straJJbt pmt Tbunday ntabt. downu" the Sea rue SupcrSonrcs, 1 O'-Q2, in a fiaht- mamd National Basketb&ll Aaociatioo pmc. Early m the fourth quana, Maurice Lucas of lht Lakers fell on top, of Tom Clambers under the Laker butet and a ecume ensued.. Lucas landed at least one IOlid punch to ~mbers· bead bd~ the cwo wctt teparated. Both ""'-t't e,,eaed from the contest The Lakcn, who led 49-40 at baJf\unc. o~ a 68-53 lead on a slam dunk by pard 8Yron Soon With S:39 ten 1n the quancr. The Lllen o~ned a 76-S7 letd bcfott quarter's md and Seattle never aot within nine po1ncs K.armn AbduJ..Jabbar ICOrod 20 points and J~ Wonh)' added 17 points for Los Anaeles Mulligan wrapaup Reggie UC Irvine coach has final.say wf th recruit (Miller) that got away BJ CHRIS MONA.BAN ........ Cc;; s 9 LOS ANGELES -It may have been one of the few times be wu able to smile all night, but wbeo UCl.A forward Regie Miller walked put UC Irvine Coach Bill Mullipn. be said. "You finally got me toniabt. coach." The statement came after the Anteaters upset the Bruins, 80-74, in the first round of the N1T Tour- nament at Pauley Pavilion and was made to more than the fact t,bat ua had held Miller to just 16 points, u Mulligan pointed out. "I was the first one io your door Reggie," said the smilina Mulli&an. A moment later Miller contlrmed Mulligan bad indeed been the tint one to visit Miller when be came out of Riverside Poly High School. Miller also said that Mulli4an hadn't come at him any harder dunng recruiting than any of the other coaches. Maybe that's wby Mullipn turned three guys loose on Miller in order to hound him on the offensive end. In the end. Mul.lipo did indeed "get him." Despite that. Miller made no excuses . "lrvioe played aagrcssive defense. They had a man oo me every place 1 went," he said. "They kept switchins off. They did a good job with (Troy) Carmon, (Wayne) Englestad and that big guy (Rick Ciaccio)." The 16 points Miller scored was lled for bis second lowest scoring outJ?U~ of the year. Arizona also held him to 16, while St. John's allowed him only nine. "The officials let us play. I've been screaming at the P~IO officials all year to let us play. Tona&ht we pta>id the kind of aame I llked; 1t was phys1cal. Give UCI ettdtt -thW, came 10 het'F! and took the ball to us. • said Miller. * The Anteaters did take n to defending NIT champion Brwn • handing them only thetr 27th loss tn 337 games at Pauley, sptnning 21 years. They did 1t with a complete effort all lhe way throuah. The Brwns found thcmselvC$ down 39-31 at baJftune. with Miller icmna only Cl&ht poi11ts. The onb' thi n.a that ke{)l them in the pmc in the first 20 minutes was Junior auard Mon tel Hatcher. ttalCherpictcd up a arca1 deal of the slack. tcorina 13 po1n1s before 1ntennisaioo. Hatcher IC'd all UCLA ICOT'CT1 With 24. "I read com1"f in that they were gou~ to trY to Stop Rciaae. Stop RcgJe. • to wm, to I had tq try to make up the lack." Aid Ha1Cbcr, who ·~ t)pointaeer eameOua~. ''It WIS JUSt h kc Oftl'OO (lbc fioaJ pme of the year v,beft be kid tbe 8rut* with 22 points ln a toea to the Duch)•• I It was Ha u who, like tbt t:'Qm1ng or spru)i; awoke t.be lleepina (Pleue .. lllLL&a/83) 11 -· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ Frlday, Mitch 14, 1988 5 tied for Congression•I Cup ' UC Irvine ties N ew Mex i co, 7-7 BJ llMON LOCLUEY ...,,... ...... _...,, Tho race between Davis and Bcasbcl was ironic 10 that Beuhel lost &Jibhalyard riaifta before thcstan of the 1CC.1ond race, which wa dctar.cd for nearly an hour and finally abandoned because 1t could no1 be completed before dark. The UC Irvine baseball t$01 played 1b first pme an e1&ht days, but settled nothanaapinst the University of New Mellico. playina to a 1. 7 ttc at UCI Thursday 1.0NO BEACH -Rod Davis of Ne~pon Harbor Yacht Oub survived two prote~ts 1n the first day of ractl\i 1n tbeConareuional Cup but lost his 2-0 record in h1 first mat.eh Thursday. Dav11 was beaten by Cohn Beashel of Perth, Ausvalia. who could be Davis's nval m the 1987 America's Cup. Davu blew the start, g1V1ng Beashel an e1&ht second advantaac which he incrused to 34 seconds at the end of the first lap, but Davis paned 18 \CCOnds on the second lap to lose by 16 seconds. As a result oftbe abandonment. five boats arc locked 1n a tic for first place and five lll"e tied for second. The aamc. which wa played in continual ram. was finally calJed after nine innings. Re ults ofTbunday's third sencs: HerOld CudmOft (ltovel Cort. 'fecht CIVOI o.t JoM GOOCM1t IHunllnofOft HerbOf YCI. ·U Oave Otllemtwl41911 (Frostbl .. YC. New VOt'll) def Dave ~rv ISoutll Port Conn 1. '23 • It was alto a bad day for Dave Perry of Southport, Conn •• who also wound up the first day Wlth a 2-0 record.· He Jost htS first much Thursday to Dave DctJcnba.ugh of Ne• York by 23 seconds over a stormy course. For the first time in 22 ycan It rained on Long Beach Yldst Oub's Conp-e 1onal Cup parade. COiin hta.llel (ltoval f"trtll VC, Au.tralfa) oef ~od O•vla IN-llOft H•tllOt VCJ, :1 .. Cllfla Oldl'°'1 (ltovel ....,,.. Z..itnct V.att SQuaclrOft) def St"" Flam (Lono hacll YCI. $t Flevlo SUia (YKtll Ctuo II.it-I def Pwrv MCLaU9Nln (Roval Nove Scotia VC, Cal\4lda), 13' Slandlll9t •"" llv" racn The Anteaters broke on top with three 1n the first but New Mexico countered with a run in tbe second and five 1n the third to take a 6-3 lead. UCJ talhcda run an the founh, but the Lobos added a run in the fifth . In the lass of the sixth, UCJ pined the tic when Tom Bafoe, who went 3 for 4, tripled m 'a pair of runs and came home on Gene Roum1mpcr's sacrifice fly: ' 2·1 r.eoro~ OavJJ, Perrv. O~. Cudm«t anO o.motuoh 1·1 ,_-os· 9"11111, Scell, Go11«1911, 1'1em, ~ NOW AT YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC PREMIER DEALER ••• For a Hmitecl time, General Electric has reclucecl prices to clealers on selected Maior Appliances so they may pass the savings on to you!* 30" SELF-CLEANING OVEN GAS RANGE llow ••• GE is also cooking with GAS! Model JGBP24G EH 30'' GAS -RANGE wwlth Self-Cleanl.ng Oven ~Black glass oven door and backsplash. Automatic pilotless ignition. Clock, minute timer and automatic oven timer. Waist-high broiler with porcelain enamel finished bro iler pan and ra9k. NOW AT BIG SAVINGS! I ELECTRONIC POTSCRUBBER DISHWASHER Model GS028000 1 I performance monitoring programs 10 year lull warranty on PermaTuf" rut> and door lmer 1ask for details) Tempera· ture Sensor Sys1em Delayed start option BIG SAVINGS! REFRESHMENT CENTER REFRIGERATOR Model TF .X24FG Built 1n compartment door for instant access to mner shelf 23 S cu tr 11de-1>y- s1de relrigerator wtth 8 57 cu ti freezer 4 ad1ustable glass shelves Textured doors Sealed Moist 'N Fresh htgh· hum1d1ty pans BIG SAVINGS! EXTRA LARGE CA PAC ITV SPOTSCRUBBER ·WASHER Model WWA8600G 3-way weaher -eictre large capac11y tor regular loeds, SPOTSCAUBBER cycle tor small 101da of tough 1t11ns end M1n1 Wuh• sy1tem tor deltcatea 5 pro- grammed fabric aelec11ons Variable water levels BIG SAVINGS! .,rice, delivery, ln1taHation a nd color charge• optional witft clealera. Al modeft may not be available ot oll dealen. PHIL & JIMS All locations COSTA MESA DAVIS BROWN COMPANY 411 E. 17th Street HUNTINGTON BEACH HOME SERVICE COMPA NY 17242 Beach Boulevard .. LA HABRA HOWARD'S 901 E. Imperial Way LAGU~EACH J & H Appliance, Inc. · 888 Glenneyre LAGUNA HILLS SADDLE BACK APPLIANCES 22692 Granite Way LAKEWOOD DON & TOM'S 4234 Woodruff SAN CLEMENTE DEWEY TV & HOME APPLIANCE 218 Delmar SANTA ANA JESSEE APPLIANCE 101 3 S. Main Street STANTON BILL & DAVE'S APPLIANCE 10687 Beach Boulevard Beman drops bomb on O'G.rady: Fine, severe suspension From AP dl1patcll1e1 ORLANDO, Aa -PGA TourCommass1oner Deane Beman aaid Thursday he bas made a preliminary decision to levy a m-.jor fiot against Mac O'Grady and to suspend the controvers1a.I touring pro The fine and uspension, along '>'!th.two other disciplt nary actions which are pendin& coufd cost O'Grady as much as S 12,000 and I 2 weeks of being barred from play. Jt is. potentially, the most severe pcnall)' Beman has imposed an 12 years as commissioner of the pro gotr tour Tbe action came after O'Grady was eittreme· ly critical of Beman and the way he adminstcn the tour. In several newspaper articles. O'Grady was quoted as saying: "Deane Beman 1s a thief with a capital T." "Beman intimidates and toilet trams PGA Tour J?layers in front of the Amerie;0n pubhc with his childish t1cky·tack fi nes," O'Grady also said. "Our problem is we happen to have a commjssioner who runs tbc PGA Tour as if it is 8em.aD has totalitarian, authoritarian system. It's his dictatorship and his regime, with arbitrary rules," was another complamt he made. In a letter deli'vcred to O'Orady at the Bay Hill Oasstc, Beman said: ''While I will await your response to the current notice ofa major d1sciphnary offense before maJcing a finaJ decision. my preliminary decision would be to impose a ma1or fine ($5,000-$ 10,000) and a suspension from tournament play of three to six events and tp pla~ you on probation for one year. "Iffunheroffenscsoccurduring the peodency of these disciplinary actions, you will be subject to progressively greater fines and suspensions." Asked ifhe planned to meet with Beman, O'Grady said, "If I sec him , it will be in court." The player has 30 days m which to respond O'Grady said he would respond, at some future date, through his attorney. "I wish I could say something. but things have gotten out of hand," O'Grady said after completing first round play. Last week, after being handed the first of the two notifications of proposed 1ntermed.Jate penalties, O'Grady was quoted as saying: .. I'll bum in hell. I swear I will, bef6re I pay the fine." Quote of the day . Backy Wate", a college basketball analyst for NBC, on Villanova Coach Rollie Massimano's vertical leap during an emot1ooal moment as h1<> team beat Georget own in double ovenime: "He's not going to set any high Jump ~ords. He might have been able to get on top ofa unday New Vork Times." Skeleton crew leads Rockets te; win Pia) mg Without Starting point guard Jobn Lucas and m center Akeem Olajowon. Houston rehed on RaJpb Sa mpson's 32 points and 17 rebounds an a 126.118 National Basketball Assoc1at1on victory Thursday night over Portland Lucas did not dress after skipping a team practice on Tuesday ... In oth er NBA games, forward Larry Bird massed j ust two ShOtsand finished With 3J po1ntSIO lcad1ng8oStOn tOa 135·119 VlctOry over San Antonio ... OrlaJldo Woolrtdge came off the bench t.O-$COre I I consccuti ve founh-quaner points to lead Chicago to a 11 2· I 02 victory over Denver. Chicago held AJex Enlllsb, the NBA's lcadmg scorer. to only 18 points. including JUSt two in the final quancr. He sat out the final I 0 minutes. Falk dismissed as Northwestern coach EVANSTON. Ill. -The contract of Nonhwestern m University head basketball coach Rich Falk, whose team came an last place in the Big Ten conference this season. will not be renewed. officials announced today. Doug Single, the university's director of athletics and recreation, also said after meeung with Falk that the contracts of Falk's staff also would not be renewed. . But. the university announced, Falk has been given an opportunity to remain at Northwestern as a member of the athletic department's administrative staff beginning Sept. I. "Obviously, this has been a very difficult dcc1s1on. gJven my close personal fn endsh1p with Rich and because he has the strongest of value~ m antcrcollcgJate athlcttcs today," Single said in a statement. Falk's team had an 8-20 season record and a 2-16 conference record this season · Arrington, Hamlin share tourney lead Tour rookie Kristi Arrington and LPGA veteran !I Shelley Hamlin each shot l·under-par 71 Thursday to sha~ the lead as ram later halted firsHound play in the Glendale Classic. About one-half of the 144 golfers 1n the event were unable to finish their rounds because a constant dnzzle ended the day's play early an the afternoon. Those who didn't finish the first I 8 holes at Oakmont Country Ctub, including defending champion Jan Stepbenson, will beg.in play today where they left off. then play 18 more holes. Stephenson was one undcfi>ar through eight holes when play was stopped. She thus will be scheduled to play 28 holes today. Arrington. a former Un1vers1ty of New Mexico golfer. and Hamlin, who's won JUSt once since JOtnmg the tour an 1972. were among the first ~olfers to tee off. They escaped most of the rain. which didn't begin until both were headed into the final two holes ... In the PGA Bay Hill Classic tn Orlando, Fla • Bob Tway battled severe, gusty winds for a 5·under-par 66 and established a two-shot lead afler the first round. Tway was the only man in the field able to get around Arnold Palmer '• wmdswept Bay Hill Club course without a bogey. Tom Kite, a former winner of this event. solved the pulling problems that kn ocked hi m out ofa playoff spot last week 1n Miami and had a 68. He was tied.for 'ICcond with Ray Floyd, Dan Pohl and Ou Foramu. Flyers regain lead with win over Caps Bob Froese recorded hi s fifth shutout of the National Hockey League season as Philadelphia beat Washington, 2-0. Thursday night to snap the Capitals' e1J)lt-game wmning streak and move back into firs t place tn the Patnck Division. The victory gave the Flyers a one·point lead over the Caps, 92·9 I, 1n their battle for the top spot in the Patrick .. Elsewhere in the NHL. New York right wina Mike Boasy deflected home a shot from the right point by Keo Morrow with 27 seconds ten to ,ajve the Islanders a 3·2 victory over Hartford. The Wha.lers had tied the the aame With 3•20 to play as Whaler forward ltevla Dlaea Wl'istcd a 2S- footer past goalie Kelly ff"dey before Bossy's S2 nd gave the Islanders the victory ... Keltla Crowder and Geoff Co11rtnall scored for Boston in the fint four minutes and the Brutn~ held on behind the goaltendmg of Pit Rl14t11 for a 3-2 victory over Montreal. The Bruins' second victory 1n two mghu moved them into third place in the Adams Division, one point ahead of1dle Buffalo .. Rick Valve scored two goals and assisted on two others as Toronto te0rcd four times in the second period en route to a 7-4 victory over New Jersey . . Ria.ht wing Brt1D IAwtoe scored Wlth 57 seconds left, climaxan' a th1rcf.pcnod rally that gave Minnesota a J-2 tnumph over t. Lom~. Televlalon, radio TELEVISION I 0 p m. -BOXJNO. Channel 56. 11 .30 p.m. -CO LLEGE BASKETBALL: Auburn vs. Amon·a in first round NCAA playoff pme (delayed), Channel 2. 3 a.m. -COLLEGE BAS~ALL: Western Kentucky vs. ~ebrasb m fl rst round NC' AA playoff' pme (delayed). C"'hannel RAD JO 7:30 p.m. -PRO B~ETBALL: Seattle at C'hppen, KMPC (710). 4;:,; - .. -,. .. . . ' UCI STUNS UCLA ••• ham Bl had worked '° bard ror lhat lead. But UCLA bu aJways been tou~. 1 never thouabt it would be easy." . Notliinawueasy(orMiller wbobitbutSoft31bots. If .•t weren't (or Bruin Jua.rct Monte! Hatcher UCLA mi&b l .,_ ve been left out m the cold. Hatcher led hia team with 24 pointa hittina l t of 17 from the fleld. .. The bell was aoina in the buket dwin& ow cor;neback." saj~. MiUer, who c:ame in av~ 26.2 po1ots per p~e. For about a two or three minute IU'tleb we "'.ete pt~ym1really hard. But those two plays were the turruna poun. The Roten buket and the aieal." . That was \.be steal Brooks made followina UCLA·, inbounds pass after Roaera' a<>-1head bukeL . "I have ~ admit I was nervous when they lied it. .. ~d guard Mac Hess, who redisoovered his sbootina eye 10 th~ fi(St half and finished with I 0 poinu oo S of 7 shooting. "lfut like 1 say, we pla)' better in the big placa. We were really on one of our hi&bs," be said. And that's the way Mullipo felt. "We're fiyina riaht now," he said. "Our fans were great tonight. We must have bad at least 3,000 oftbem out there." . Mulligan. wbq has been quoted as sayina he'd be intemtcd in talking .with USC about their coacruna vaca~cy. said with a wide grin, .. rm not think:ina about that riaht now ... . Cenainly, before, durina and after, it was UCLA which occupied the coach's thoughts. "He told us at b.alft:ime to forget about the Vegas wins," said Rogers. "He said if we beat UCLA. that'll be the biagest win we could have." That's the way Cannon and Enaelstad played it., too. Each of the Anteater forwards used up four fouls in containing Miller. "We were pretty physical with him," said En~lstad. "He doesn't liked to be bumped around and that s what we did. l tru nk he got frustrated after a while, and most guys don't play well when they'~ frustrated." Carmon added: "lt seemed Jjke a long night. I didn't thank it would end What did Miller aet? 40? It sure seemed like 1t chasina rum around out there. Mlt ......... ..., ............. "But I Stt the Fat Man eatinJ. so it must be over." When Murphy finally made 1t tO the locker room. he picked up an empty pizza carto n and yelled, .. What happened'> Did I miss the party?" Fo~ Murphy and the Anteaters, the party might just be starting. Johnny Roten of UCI towen nu Brain defenden Pooh 1Uchard80D (24), lloatel Bateher (12) and lleale llWer to pall down reboand Tbanday. Duke, Georgia Tech struggle MILLER .•• From B l But both survive scares to advance to second round From AP dilpakbea Top-ranked Duke and No. 6 Geor- gia Tech bad surpris~· n battles Thu~ day before both stru ed to victory in the opening roun of the NCAA basketball tournament. Herc's a look at what happened in opening-round play: Eut Reglonal Dake 85, M111l11lppl Valley S&a&e 7B: Duke. .needed 27 points from Johnny Dawki ns, including 20 in the second half, to rally past M1ss15s1ppi ValJcy State. against West Virginia, 22-11. DePaaJ 7%, Vlrgbala 18: The ba.J- anced Blue Demons' attack was led by Lemone Lampley with l S points and three teammates with 12 each. It was IO years ago on the same date in Greensboro wt DePaul downed Virginia. 69.60, in a first-round NCAA tournament contest. Soat.beut Regional Dayton. Ohio. sophomore center Tim Perry scored six points in overtime. to lead Temple, 25-5, past Jacksonv11lc, 21-10. MJd11u Stale 7%, Wa1~gtoa 71: Guard Scott Skiles scored 31 points, including a pair of free throws with two seconds remairung, to lead Mich- igan State from a JO.point halftime deficit to a victory over Washinaton. bear(s) and nearly led UCLA to a tremendo us comeback in the final eight minutes. With 7:25 left. the JJruins found themselves down 65-51 · Hatcher hit a 20-foot rambow from the left side and started the Bruws on a 17-3 run over the next 4:38 to net them a tie. But. as Bruin bead coach Walt Hazzard put it. "maybe the mountain was too big to climb." and the Bruins 1Ve.t Regional had their hopes for a second NIT M ... , s t"' B I s banner dashed by Johnny Rogcn and emp .. 1 &ate •• a I &ate 13: Nortai CaroU.. U , Utd 7Z: Brad Mike Brooks over the next 52 The I 2th-ranked Tigers overcame a Daugherty scored 27 points while seconds. cold-shooting first half to roll to Kenny• Smith scored 16 and Steve Rogers scored on a l 6-foot jumper victory tn Baton Rou~, la. behind Hale bad 14 as No. 8 North Carolina and followed 0~ a Brooks steal and the inside game of William Bedford advanced with a win over Utah. and his powerful front-line team-layup to put U 1 back up 72~ and mates Alabama-Blrmtapam M , MJ1-seal the game for all intents and · 1oerl H : The Blazers squcczcd into purposes. tsU H , Panl11e 17 {% otJ:Anfhonythe-ntt~-rou.nd-w~ssouri-played-·iw~own;-we J\a said Wilson scored 11 poinu in the second fo r a tac W!th stx seconds left. b ut we had to ~.uck 1t up and g~~ them the overtime period to lead the Tigen to Jerome Mincy knocked the l?81J next time, sa.1d Hatcher. But when • the victory. down~u~ as auard Jeff Strong tned they scored that basket and then got The Tigers went into the second to pass 10s1dc. the sreal, that turned the momentum OT tied 73-73 8 41 a• T El p J . back to them and got us down. It was · ra ey •· e~ aao 15: tm a morale thing. We definitely have ro Les scored 22 points and Hersey k b · Hawkins added 21 as No. 14 Bradley, wor 0~ t e mental aspect in the off- .. Leyola surges past Cal, 80-7& M cKenzie ~ets 30 as Lions claim NIT victory over Bears Abo ICOri.os io double filunl fir • _ w~ were Eric Ltc:kDef' wida LJ • podb aDd Som.men with 1 Q. P\"MlAPft ... ~ Guard forftll McKenzie ICOred 30 points lO lead Loyola Marvmount to an 8().. 7S ~ over California in a Natioaal lnvttation Tournamen1 first.round pmc Tbunday ni&ht in Berkeley. McKtozk .and fellow r.uard Keith Smith led a decisive 8-0 auree for Loyola late in the pme. McK.euie started it with a jumper that tied the coo&esi at ~3 with seven minutes to play. Smith followed with two outside iwnp ahots, aod McKenzie hh a 16-footer that made it 6U3. California 1tqed a laJt MDCI with seven poinll in the last 1:04 of play. But McKenzie and Smith dashed the Golden Bcarl' hopes u Smith hit a pair of free throws witb 23 .econds left, and McKenzie tcored a free throw with 14 seconds to play that pve the Lions their final 8().. 75 triumph. Kevin Johnson tied rus career hi&h with 25 points for the Bears. who bowed in their first appearance in post-season play in a6 years. . California of the Pacific.JO bad a 19-9 record in the reaular basketball season. Loyola of me West Coast Atbletk Conference was 18-10. Loyola's second-round opponent will be Wyoming, which defeated Texas A&M in another first-round NlT game. In other NlT opening-round ac- tion: ClemlOll tt, MW4.le Teaeuee State 11: Forward Horace Grant scored 33 points to lead host Clemson to the victory over Mjddle Tennessee State. Grant made 11 of 14 shots from the floor and 11 of 12 from the free-throw llne in the most productive pme of his career. He abo bad 14 rebounds. Wyomlq 7t, Tela.I A.AM 1t: ID Laramie, f:enrus Dembo and Les Bolden scored 23 points each to lead the Cowboys past Tens A&M. The Cowboys, who moved to a 22-10 record. ran oft' a 10-0 scoring spurt midway in the second half. During the spree, Dembo flipped in a layup and canned a IS-footer to give Wyomina a 63-53 lead at 5: 16. The Allies. 20..12.z.. uled two baskcu each by JU&1d uon Marbury and forward Wmston Crite to pull within 67-63 at th~ · mar . ut ex.as A&.M was forced to foul and the CoWboys sank 11 free throws in the closing mwutes to seal the victory. Marbury, who led the Southwest Conference in scori.114 this teU01l, paced Texas A&M with 22 points. Crite chipped in 13 points and grabbed rune rebounds. ,._ •• Ntw ..... ii.,, ~uerq~ forward Ra O.vil allDe up with a crucill rtmM fd)ound widl S4 teecNadl" a.od t.bim bit I peir of he W0wt dall tcaated Tcut' victory over New Mexico. Tau; m.lkiq its fina ~. in tbc NJT since it woo the IOW; ,,-. rwneat in 1980, it oow 19-1 l. N.w Mexico flnilbod t.be ICMOO at 11·1', BYU t'I, DR1 U: T 001 Ooei . -20 ................ ~ critical &cc tbtows with il left to break a 6U3 lie and Seed to the win. • SMU, led by Kevin Lewit' 27 pointa., had a chance al overtime when Scott Johnson mited a lbot with five teConds left and Lewia rebounded. But Lewis' narnaround jumper mjqcd and the rebound wu pulled down by BYU's Jdf Chaunu., who was foufec:t and unk two &cc t.browl. 0.-.. ...._U,LuaarlS: Ricky Wilson rut a cbpcration SO-foot sbcll with two lea>Dds left to lift Gccqe Mason to the win. FIM14a II, S..tllera IJll ... ~ 71: Ronnie Montgomery acomt poinu u Aorida overcame an early 13-point decficit to record its 6.nt- cver victory in post«aon play. Vernon Maxwell ICOred 20 points and Joe Lawrence added 14, ind~ ins I 0 in the second half when Florida· led by as DWIY as I 5 points. Kam, • Siler led the l0tct1 with 16 points. 0....,.. t5, UT-0.ttanp ll: DoaaJd Hartry ICOJ"Cd 22 j)Ol?ll flO &ead four Georsia playen tD double ~ fi&urea as the Bulldop rolled.. M.,..ne '71, DnU H: David Boone scored 26 points to lead Marqiactte to the win. L-k'eea Tedi 17, ~ Aft. MM ti: Robert Godbolt ICOred 18 points aiQI Willie Bland added IS to PKe Louisiana Tech to \.be win. All-America to Appleberry "I knew we would present Duke with some defensive problems," Mis.- siss1pp1 Valley Coach Wayene Stnbhng sa1d. "You (the media) thought we were j ust a little team that got here by luck. I said before there were 63 underdogs (in the 64-team tournament). but I think yo u were tryin2 to put me under the undcr-d .Y. Georpa Teca. 18, Maritt SS: Mark Price scored 20 points as Georgia Tech. 26-6, used a 12-0 spurt over a four-minute span in the second half to pull away from Mari.st. 19-12. Marist. making its fint NCAA tournament appearance, took a 40-37 lead over Georgia Tech early in the second half before the regionaJ's top- sceded team made its run. 32-2, ran away from 20th-ranked season. Te~EJPaso,27-6,atOgden.Utah. 1-;:~'91=;::::;::::::;::;===========;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;~::::==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:::=:::::=:::::=::::::::::,-;;;:;:- Lotll1v1lle ts, Dresel 73: Senior LLD"D !Ii forward Billy Thompson scored a ~c Blue Devils. 33-3, were down by seven points on two occas1ons.z the last ume at 44-3 7 at the start OJ the second half of the p me at G reen- sboro. N.C. M1ss1ss1 pp1 Valley was behind 69-6 7 before Duke finally pulled away wi th an e1ght-po1nt run m which Dawkins scored six. Oldaboma 80, Northeastern 74: David Johnson scored 24 points and Darryl Kennedy added 2 l as No. 15 Oklahoma ralhed from a first-half deficit and then fought off North- eastern The Sooners overcame a 35-point performance by Reggie Lewis, includ- ing 25 in t he second half. to riUse their record to 26-8. Old Domlalon 7%, West Virginia 14: Kenny Gattison's game-high 27 points helped Old Dominion, 23-7. into the second round against Duke on Saturday. Consecutive baskets by Frank Smith and Keith Thomas vc Old Dominion the lepd for ~ VUluova 71, V~ Tecll 1%: Defending national champion Vil·. lanova, 23-13, got 20 points from Harold Jensen and held off a late surge by Virginia Tech, 22-9. for its victory. Mldw•t Regional Geor1etowa 78, Tua• Tecai 14: G uard Michael Jackson bit a Jump shot and two free throws in the..final minute as No. 13 Georgetown rallied from a seven-point second-half defi- cit to defeat Texas Tech. Kauai 71, Norta. Carollaa A•T 41: The second-ranked Jayhawks, 32-3, had four players m double figu~. led by Danny Manning with IS, and were never threatened in coastina past North Carolina A&T, 19-8. Temple 11, JaclJODvllle iO (ot): At COLE ·HAAN 1 game-high 24 points and grabbed I 0 reb ounds as seventh-ranke~ ~~~di~jf ~~~u~x:t~~-~2. the A Very Special Shoe Department # 119'Fashion Island • Newport Beach • 759-1622 • Bullock. Willshire Win~ 6 per pony pak R11.llo 6:eEi=f llOW lie IZILUS Excellent Shade Plant Sun and Shade Varieties 1 gal R•&• '3.11 llOW '2.49 Reg .441 llOW •3•• 2 cu.ft A l't(n orvan1< comoost c.romuten ~ tn. flneu Olit'lttnQ m11 .VitllitOlf for tru~ \llruO\ •o~r\ ltftO ~ Qno~ .JOP o•.anr\ "THAT'S SlllL 1111 ~i.111111 Lloyd recommends ''That's It" to control snails. Euy to 8PPl'f through ahak• top IOf' ttfectlw contrOI of ~· end "'•··-i:D..-"'*"' 1 "-111. 'UI •W '2,11 " ... _ .......... . llPITIEIS 4" size R11. '1.11 llOW &lo These daisies bloom all spring & summer 1 gal. R11. '2.11 IOW '1.11 IEUDll llRI 0.Corl ll\tt Ind lltfOl'lllltt ba(~ tS ldfil tor pQY(fOUnd CO¥tl. patll•IY'S and n • rowtr llllllch 2 cu. It: ... ,. '4" IDW '2" ~Aist Sped ~ eo4?e11d17901IS ooy doztJl Ot ~ p lllCt e Qt 1 dou· 7~££U - • Nurwy • FlOf'itt • L.andleaC>lno HOURS: Mon·Frl 7 to 6 Sat 8:30 to 8, Sun 8:30 to 5 • Melntenanc. • P .. t ControA LLOYD I 2028 Newport 8M1 (•t co . sneo.taMeM CA ..._JMI lltC . { ~ > . "" W•ST111Uf COH,.lllNC• ~~ w l. Illa. v·l.Mlft so 14 1se Portlalld 33 )5 All PtlOefllx 2, )t -S..lllt 14 42 ,,.. ~ " •2 ,.. ~Slal• tt 46 )24 MldlHit OMU.. Housfon 41 2S ~1 o.n ... ., 3f 27 5'1 Ot>llH 34 31 .U3 Utall 32 34 4S ~11 Aftlonlo 31 :w 46) S.Cr amanlo JO :w 4S5 IASTllRN COH,IRI~ Allalllk ~ ll·BOSIOll S2 13 IOO 11·Pllllaci.11>hl1 12 24 6:M WHhlrlO!Oll " 33 ,m Ntw J•n•v 33 35 41S Ntw VOfk 20 ... .)Q) c.ntr• DMWll a·MllweukM 45 ,, .. , x·Alle11ta 41 2S 621 O.lroll ,, 11 S9l Ci.valtno 2S ~ 315 ChlceQo ,. 4) .351 lndl•~ 22 4S :m ir-<llncnaci Plavolt l)aflh 01 ,. n...., 26 26 ff , 61'1 t 101'1 11 lOY» '° 20li'I 37\.'i 4 6 "'" 21 ~ 23i,, v-<llncha4 dl\'IJ!oll lltla anci Plavolt berth Thuncl9Y'• sc-. L.Man IOS. S..llle 92 Cl'tlc:allO 112, Denver I~ HOUSIOll 12,, P«llaf\d Ill Boslon 135, San Antonio I It T ....... s~ SlcTa,,,.,,10 at ~ Clavaltnd 11 Pl'llleo.lor\11 o.n ... ., at W1Jhfno1on Boston at Aflenfa Ntw Yortl al O.lrolt Pwlland al Dalla• Indiana 11 Miiwaukee San Antonio a1 Utlll't L..llllen 105, Sonics t2 SIEATTLI ltll -Cllamb«s S· 13 2·2 12, MCDani.I 10-n •·• 21. Slkma S-• I I 11 He<IClal'.an 4· 11 2·2 10, Youno 2·' 1·7 S. McCormlO 1·2 1·2 3, Pfletcn 4·t 3·4 II, Vratlfl 2·3 O·O 4, G.JOhnson H 0-0 2. Sol)afs 1·2 O•O 2, &rkkowskl O·O 0-2 0, WOOd 1·4 2·2 4, To1111. 3'·11 20-25 92 l.AKEltS !lOSI -Remt>ls 2·4 O·O 4, Worthy 7·11 3·4 17, Al>dul·Je1>1>1r 10-16 0-0 20. E. Johnion 12·2S 3·3 27. Scoll 5·9 1·2 11, C0009r 3·7 2·2 9, GrMn 2·2 2·2 6, Lucn 1·4 1·2 3, McGM 3-S 2·2 I Totels 4S·l3 14· 17 IOS k4ln "" Quartws S..llla 23 17 23 1'-92 Lakeo 20 19 J2 2.-1os Thrff·POlnl 1><>1l-<00P4r Foultd 01.11-Nont lht>ounds-Sulllt 41 (McOanfel, Slkme 7), Lekers SO (Remt>ls Al>dul·Jebl>ar ti Anlsls-Stelll4r 2• (Youno 7), Lektn 30 <E Johnson 13) To111 touts-Stellta 20, L•ken 2• J tchnl· ca1s-<:11emll4tn 2 (t ieclldl, Luces 2 le!Ktld) "llend41nct 11,SOS. COLLEaE UC lrvlne IO, UCLA 74 !NrT) UC lrvtM (IO) ROQlrs E111Nlsled Murorw Brook' 8uche nan Cermon HHS Clecc•o .... ft·• pf "' 11·21 7· 10 ) tt 0·1 7-3 • 2 6·14 1·12 I 20 0-2 S·6 1 s 2·6 1·3 3 s 3·1 3·• 4 9 S·7 0 0 I 10 0-1 0-0 I 0 To1a1s 27·60 26·)1 11 80 Miiier Jeck son Heiev Helcher R•clleroson Gelnu UCLA 1741 .... S· 13 l·I 3·5 'l-17 3· IS l ·S ft ·I pt IV 6·6 ' 16 0-0 l 7 J·3 s 9 2·3 3 24 1-2 2 1 0-0 2 2 ~-o ~ t Bullar 0-0 0-0 I O Rocllelln l-7 0-0 S 6 F>11mer 0-1 0-0 1 0 To1111 11-n 12·" 19 74 Halftlme UC lrvlne. 39·31 Ret>ouno' UC Irvine 41 (Murphy 17). UCLA 3' (Helav 11>. Aulsts. UC lrvlne 10 (Htu S); UCLA 14 !Rlc:hlrdson S) Turn· overs UC Irvine 1, UCLA I Alttndenct 1 Ol9 NIT l"ltUT ROUND Tlwndlly'1 ScWH UC Irvine to, UCLA 74 F•cmde 81, S Mlu in 1opi 11 Georgie 95 Tenn. ·C11111anoooe \1 Clemion 99, Middle Tennenff SI II MarQuellt 79 Oreke 59 George Meson 6i. Lamer 6J Tues 69 New Me.lco 66 Loulslene Tech 67 N Arlzone 61 Wvomlng 79, Ttxu A&M 70 Lovo11 Mervmoun1 80 Call!O<nla 7S 8YU 61 SMU '3 MarQuelle 79 Drake 59 C1em10'1 99 MIOOle Tennes~ St II T lflltlM' I (;arne On•o St 14· 141 11 Ol't10 U (21 1 SECOND AOUNO MeltdeY's «;1~ rcu a1 Fiorica Clemson at Cieorg11 George Mason at Prov1<1ence MerQuellt at Soutnwut Missouri Srerio McNtMe Srert ar LOUIS11n• Ttel1 Lovola ·Mervt'!'\Ount er Wvomlng Texas On10 Sre••·Olllo Un v.,sllv win..., TU<KdaY's l;eme uc ••v'"' et evu OUARTEltFllCALS Mar<l't 20 Ind 11 S1•11s P&lrlllO\ ano limes TBA SEMIFINAU Mardi 24 ta t New Ytrt> CHAMll'IONSHIP Mardi 24 NCAA TOURNAMENT West R"'onal FlltST ROUND ThurMJeY's ~' (It 09den. U'tlh) Ala B1rm1'1ghem 60/Mtn ourl 6.4 Nortt> Carollne 84 Ulen. n Braoiev 13 Texe\ El Paso 6S Lou•svllte 93 Orertl 13 TldtY's c;- r11 L-BNdl) SI JOM I 130 0 •I Monll '1& SI 14 161 "ut>urn '19· IO> vs Ar1100. <13-81 M41•vland Ill 13) "' PePOtrdlne 12S •1 NE Louill•n• (20 •> "' N1tv1oa L•' veou Ill·•! Sl!COND ROUND Satllrdly (II 09deft, t.lt•ll) "'• 8lrml,.g111m l?S· 10) vs NoflP'I (aro llna <21 S 8ft0't\' I)' ·21 "' LOuihlllt 171 11 Sllnday (II L-S..OIJ St JOlln ' Mo11r111e St ·•M""' "' AuOIJlll·Arlrone winner Mervland·PtootrOlnt ~,,., vs N' vede·LH Veoiu·NE Loulsr•n• winner l!aat R..ioMI 'l!llST •OUND ThvrM9'f's ~ (If Gt .. 1 ...... , N.C.) CNllt ts. MlssJulPOI Vallev St 1' Old Dominion n, Wtsl VifOlnle 64 0.Paul n Virginia 68 Otllt l\Oml to. Nortl'tfftl..-11 74 TedlY'• Qames (If SW.CVM) St Josaon'' (25 SI "' Rl,11mo110 11) 61 llldl1ru1 1'1 71 vs Cle\'llend SI 121 11 Nevv 127·•1 "' Tui.e (T.l•el Svre<use (2S·S) \'I lrown 11• 10 SICOND •OUND Sl1Wd9Y let Gr....,., N.C.I Ou-• IJl·J> "' Old Dominion oi I OaPaut 117 12) vs OlllllllOma <26 I SUNl!tv (at Syracvtel s1 Joseon'a•Ri<flmond winner "' 1n dlana ·Clt1•11tn<1 St, •inner Nnv· Tulsa winner v" SvrtcuMt·8rown wln"tr S..y (It MIN IJM'I) NOl'lh C1rollna Sl.·lowt wflll'af vs Noire Oame·Ark ·Ullle Rock wl,,,. IOWI SI ·Ml.llnl, ()fllo wlnnet VS Mien• loan·AktOll Wll\Mf NAIA TOUl"Mment (at ~' Cltv, M9.l TtlundlY's ~ 47 COii ol ChlrlfflOll, s.c .. 57, T•VIOr, Inc . Cent. WHhlng1on "· Flnc1141v, Olllo, '2 Southweitern, Tuas to. W•btlar, Fie 76 Huron, SO 90, Qulncv, Ill 11 " Bir ·Soutllarn, Ala 76, Ketr'-Y St., NII> Orurv. Mo SJ, WHlmont, Ct llt 52 Oe vld LIPSC:oml> 62, Minn. ·Duluth 5' W1vlend 81Pll1t n, COii. Of lde ho U TldtY't hc*ICI •-.ct O- SI. Tnomas A<1ul11H , N.Y . lS·C, vs Atlantic Cnrlsllan, N.C .. 2S·9 Cumt>trlena. Kv . 3?·2, "' C111ri.ston, SC., 2S·I Soutl'tw111ern, Tuts, lt·ll, "' WI•· Ee u Clt lrt 24·' Huron, s 0 • 11·2, YI SE Olllt noma, 21·3 81r ·Sourllal'n. Ale . 21·3, \'I C1t11 W•sl't· 111111on, 26· s Orurv, Mo . 2S·9. vs Cl'terlaslon, w Ve . 29·4 Oevld LIPsc:omt>, Tenn, 31 '· vs Em· parle St . Kin .. 31·4 Wevlend Baollll, To .. 21-S, vs Ark • MontlcellO, 23·9 CommunffV c ..... men STATE CHAMl"IONSH~S (It H«wallr) TtlwMMY's ~ Sacr1men10 CC 91, Pe~a CC 19 S.nie B1rbare CC 62, Conrre Co111 46 LA SoulllwHI 17, Skvllne 76 (ot) Cllv COiiege ol San Francisco S3. LA HerbOr Sl T Wlltflt' 1 S4lmlflnll1 6:30 -Sacramen10 CC (24·7) vs LA Soutllwesr 129·4) 1:30 -S.1111 Ber1>1re CC (21· 10) v' Cltv ColleOe of San Fr11\Clsc.o (30•2) SatvrdlY's l"NI 7 30 -s.cre,,,.,,lo CC·LA SoulhWHI winner vs Sanft Barbare CC-Cltv Coltaoa ot San Fral\Clsc:o winner Communttv , ..... women STATE CHAMl"tONSHI~ Ill C11-1tn9) Thuf'ICNY's k-Fu11arron 91, Kings Rl\'er Colleoe 19 R1verslOe CC U, Bulle S7 COiiege ot San M411eo 56, L,t. Tracie Ttch 37 Cerritos 79, San JO.Quin Oetll 41 T.-t's S«nlllNits 6 -Fu11er1on 111·1> vs Cerritos <2S· f) I -Riverside CC (31·0) YI Collelll Of Sen Meleo 124·t > S.lurdly's Flntl 130 -Fuller1on·Cerri101 winner vs Riverside CC·Colleoe of San M4lllO winner HIGH SCHOOL ~lW ~ 11, FrffM ECiHn 74 Sfate S41u1Mm Rltllenll ~ rat Ce! srate ,.Ulel1Wll Fr.vio IEclson 174) MllllH Oe1 U ll .. ,,pf.., .. ,,pf.., Sims 6 0 S 12 Mounce ' I O It Barnell S 3 l 13 PeebOClv 6 O 3 12 McCltll•n s O 4 10 Tnomas 9 IJ o 31 Ron 13 3 3 29 Enis 6 1 l 13 lrff•lld I 0 3 1 Remt>eri 2 l O S T Smith 3 0 S 6 Owver I O 2 2 S Smllh 0 0 I 0 Quigley O O O O TllOmas 0 0 I 0 Pellon I 0 I 2 S1me>son I 0 0 2 Tolels 34 6 2S 1• To1e1s lO 23 9 11 Score bv OU1r1IH'I Frtsno EOtM>n 14 20 16 2._74 Miter Del 21 17 2S 1 ..... 1 Stlte INVOffs BOYS DIVISION I ( s.uw.m ltltMMlt) TllundtY'• sc-Crenshaw n. Powey 73 Malt< Del II, FrHno Edison 74 Sat\lrdly' I c;.me ( 7:l0) Crensllaw (23·21 vs Metef Dal (30-01 11 LA Soorii Arltla BOYS DIVISION 11 S.lvrdlY's Game (4:JO p.m,) Hecltnda HtlghlS Wiison (29·3) vs El Camino (26·3) •• LA SPOrls Arene 80YS DIVISION Ill S.tllrdlY'• «;ame < 1 o.m.I Wlltlnev 123·5) vs Crosvoeds 121·7) •I L.4 .5POrl' Artnt l;tllU DIVISION I ThuncNv'I k- Po.nt Lome 4', l(t nnedv IGr1nad1 Hiits) 3' LvnwOOd 61, Oalano 41 Sat11rdlv'1 Gama (6:1S o.m.l Pooni Lom• (ff·ll v' Lvnwooa 121·4) et L.I> SPOrts .t,r•ne l;IRLS DIVISION II Salurd41v's «;ame !2:45 IUT\.) Cl11no (30 I) VS Sen•• Ciera 115·4) at LA SPO•ls Arene l;lltLS DIVISION Ill SatllrdeY's «;ame lll:IS •.m.I WOOdlei..e 07·1) vs· Yucta Vatlav 12S·2) et LA Sc>orls Arena NHL CAMPHLL CONFIEltENCE SmvtM DIYIUen w l. T !"ts GI" GA • EOf"IOM?~ 49 IS 6 '°' :Ml 773 , Catoe,. l• n I 76 ,,. 26S Wirt"~ n ,, 6 so 250 m KIMs 20 41 7 47 2'1 335 Venco.,•~· •• Jt II 47 230 179 Homs OMIMift • C111cego 3' 27 • 76 )07 ?ff • ·S• LOU l 33 21 • ,. 2n 25' x M1nntso•~ l1 21 9 n 213 ,., toro1110 22 40 • so 776 ,,. D•rro11 IS ,, • u 230 350 WAL.ES C:ONP' .. INCI '•trlclr OWi~ P!llleOelOllll ... ,. ' t? 217 m Wll\lllngton q 20 s t l 261 ns NY 1s.1nclen :u 2S 10 76 276 2tt P Ust>urgl' )I l l 1 .. ?74 254 NV Ren~·· 31 l7 4 .. 231 m New J1t•stv n '3 J '7 Ut 31t Ao.ma Olvhlell Mon1rea1 ,, 11 6 '° ~ 240 Ouet>te 3' ,. s 11 211 2S2 80\IOrl 3l 1' 1 73 714 m B11ffe10 .u 31 • n 2U ,,. Hertford n lS 2 u m 267 ~-cunc~ l>levoff btflh V-<'.1111(~ dlVIS~ ttlla TllvndlV's k- 80\IOll 3 Monlrtal J Ne .. V()(lt l\lendt<I J. Hertford 7 Torat110 1 Naw Jlf\tv 4 Phlltoelotlll 7 W1S1111191on 0 Minnesota J $t Louis 7 ,.._..so- Ct lO&r\' 11 QuebtC O.rroH et !:dmot11on \ Men's golf results .. YH•OHa.lc Mllle 5'iillv111 l?·»-n Tomw11son )t-U-7S ,.,~ ..... , AMyNonh M·J1-n 1 lllllt°"" 3'·37-15 Jaclk """*' 3'·U-1J llM ltrNl5on 3'·'7-tS loOlwn ))-~ •on Sll'9dl 17·36---T.1 lotl«rf ci.~11 ,..,....75 Torn IC.lie ,..,....... Pflll llletltnat •·U-711 Id Flori 3,.,,_,. °"'"'°"' »·U.-.. Hel SUttoft »·»-11 JevHMt 40·»-7' ~,onman ~ Mlkt Nlcoltfte U•»-n David Fr041 >S-.•l-76 lttv "'°"° :M~ l..O'I Mlt*.lt l7·»-73 Jim o.tltOf\tt •·»-76 R-Mal111141 »-,..._.., Mee O'Orecrv lt·Jrn Wllllt Wood ·--76 etn~w »-~ loOlvmen U-37-73 Kerl IClmoa• •·»-7' SCOll Sll'lll>tOll J7·»-6• 0 1,.v Kocll '6·n-n T on'll'llV Meka llme 3'·37-7' cor,.,. ~'"'" 35.,,...... ltuH ~oellfan '3N7-~• awry Jffell .. •-»-76 MarllWi-35-35-10 Cllerlet Coody U·»-• CJllll leek .,._,. GrwNonnen 34·3'-70 Garv Halltlafo 3t·U-7• TOllv Siiis •·»-7• Wnne Levi 37·»--70 Marti o· ,.,...,, >7·37-7• F rtd COWies 1'·40-7' CurtlsSlrenoe U·U-10 Andv han )9·>5'-7• OtMY EdWtrCI\ ,..,,_,. Mike Hulbert 3'·32--70 loO !:tstWood 3'"35-74 J1YOeblne >t•M-77 Cllef'fln lowils 3'-J.t--10 ,..vneSttwwl 3'-35-7' lllddv Garctnar ,..,._n ~lum• U-36-71 John Adema ·-~74 Larry Nelson »·«>-n S.nov LYie 34·37-71 DaYld •ummetts M·»-74 Jav OvertOll Jt-»-n Paul AIJneer 35·3'-71 Devis L.o"• 111 J5-J9-7' oa ... lc!Oorln 37·41-71 8r.i1u_. 34·37-71 Don Pooley 37·37-74 Arnold i:-.1mw ..... ,. Ja.v Slnoeter 34·37-71 o ....... ,, 3'-35-7• LouOr111am 34·0-7' Bruce l.lel&k• 35·3'-71 WevneGredV J7·37-74 Jiff Slumen .,.,,_,. AndYDlfferd 35·36--71 Kallll Ftrous 31·»-74 L. TllOmPson 40-M-1' KlkllO Arel 35-37-72 L•rrvMlre .. 3t-3S-7• WOQ4v 8i.cttburn •2·)1-7t O.A. Wtlbrlt\v •-~n Tom Purt1ar >4·.0-7' o.Mts Trlxler •2•37-7t JodleM41dd 35·37-72 ICennv Knox tO-St-7• 08"1dMa1t >1·41-7t Nick ~Ice 37·3S-n Me'11Lve S5·3'-74 LIMie Cltmellls 40-3'-7' hr'nlllrd Lanoer 3MS-n Tim Sltnl>M)n »-l6-74 8rlenMoeo t0-3'-79 Scott Moc:ll 3s-37-72 Nldt Flido »-l6-74 ltobln l(flber-ll·•t-te l fll t<rtl'llf'I 3MS-72 TOllV CWdt 37·17-7' .&ra<IFUOll 37·o-to Fuuv Zoeller Jt-u-n L•rrv ltlnktr l9-l6-7S Allder• Font>rend 37-o-to Lance Ten &roack 3'·36-72 8111 Gi.uon 36·3'-7S o.n1s Wetaon 40-41-tl Ronnlalleck 3'·:i.t-n Ma'11 McCumber 37-l~75 Orua Jollnson 42·40-t? Kan 8rown 3S·lt-73 Oonnle H•mmonct 31-37-75 Tom Oooean 41·41-t'/ &obMurllflv 37·36--73 D•"• Elcllelberoer 39·l6-7S Dtvld Grahe m 4'/·'1--tl Plllllp Perkin 37·36--73 La nnv Wadltlns 3'·3'-7S P1uf W1v 4S·39-t4 8obbv W10kln1 3'·3'--73 Ken GrMn J7·3t-7S Oe \'ld PIOOlff 4S·4C>-tS Women's golf r~sults ~OIUk Sue Erll 3e·lt-7' Sl'tlriav Furlong 3'·•l-7t SMiiey Hemlln 37·St-71 Kt lhv '"°'tlewall 3'-40-76 Barbra Ml1rehle 31·41-19 t<rlsll Arrl119ton 3'-lS-71 ElalM Crosby 3'·3'-n M 8. Zlmmermen 39·40-79 CelhyMofse 37-JS-72 Terry-Jo Mvers .0-31-n Vicki Feroon '1·31-79 Jen.a Gadcles 3MS-72 Pennv Hammel 39·»-n 8tlh0anltl 40·39-79 Shlf rl T umer 36·36-72 H11ll't4lr Farr 31-39-n Pa llv Slleeh4I n 41·39-40 Laurie Rlnaer 3'·36--72 Clndv Rtrk k 40-31-n &evlf'tev De vis 41·3'-tO DtaCIM L.esltlf' 35·»-n Sandra 5'>u1lch M>-37-n Jene Cre~er '1·39-eO t<ethy WllllwOfll't )7·36-73 SUsle Berdoy 3'-»-77 Jtf'llvn Brlll .O-.o--90 Penny F'ulz 31-36-73 Nina FOU\t Je·3'-n Joen Joyce 4.3·37-IO Lise Young 3'·3t-7<1 Amv 8tn1 39-Jt-n Sl'tctrrl Sltlnheuer 3'·41-IO Lindi Hunt 3'-3S-7• NencvL~tter 38·39-77 Oll>oreh Skin,,... ... Je nel An<Mrson l7·lt-75 Alica Rll1m1n 35-42-77 Lenor. Muteok• 40-40-t() Oll>Ole Melstlflln 37·3t-7S Atsulto Hlk1111 40-"17-n Dat>ble Hell 31·4~ Alli~ Flnnev Je-37-75 Mlult McGIOf'ge 38·39-n Cerollne Gowen 38·4.l-tl JoAnne Cerner lt-37-75 Olenne O•ll•Y 39-Jt-77 Joen Oeii.. 41·4<>-t) Donne CI POlll 39-36-75 Batsv &1rr-e11 37·41-11 Lvnn AOems 42·3'-tl Kim Shipman 36-.0--76 Mllzl Em 39·3'-71 Lvnn Slronev 39·4.J.-'2 Oete EOffllng Jl·Jt-76 Lori West 39·3'-71 C.J C1tllson 44·39-tJ Vel Slllnner 37·39-7' ClndvMlcltev 39·3'-7' J t<lmball•Slmon 41·42-tJ S19Plllnle F 1rwlg ll·Jt-76 8etsv King 40-lt-71 Jane LOCk 4.3-41 ..... M Floueru·Oolll 39-37-7' Kathy Hitt 39-39-7' 0 H Cllencellor '1-~ B«kv Pttrson ll·Jt-76 Gall LM Hlrale 39·39--11 1Judy Greco 43·41 ..... Celhv JOllnston 37·3'-76 Cathy Rtvnolds 39·.0--19 l(elhv Alltrn 41 '3--tS Nolt Ttle rtsl of Iha fleld did not finish 1nd wlll comolet• Iha flrs1 round tooev ro nl11t wlnnlno !lckell (five norses> Car Los Alamffol THuttSDAV'S RESOl. TS lllffl .. S5·nltflt "'"'"' ~) FlttST RACE. One mllt P1C1 Revenna Frost (Ple<ca) 7 40 S 60 3.80 Slleoetv SPlrll ti:-.rker) 1' 00 S ~ Little Jo Jo (GrundYI 2 to Tlma: 2'09. n EXACTA (9·21 oald S9S.60. SECOND •ACE. One mlle lrot Not>le Arnella IAOO.rson) 1.40 UO 4.20 ryover POOi. 5'7,511.96. Sl ll'ICK NINI (t·l-2-6·4·7-6-3·SI 11eld S134.IO 10 37 winning tkkets Cll\'t norsH 1 Cerrvover POOi· U1',74.3.07. Alllf\Clanct 14,349 Hltti SC-.. tradl NON·l.IAl;UE BOYS "" t I . . . " •XHlamoM US81ALL A""9I 10, A'a l Cit "'-'Ill I AllOtll I04 100 100-10 " 0 O.iu.nd 000 OlO 000-1 t I wi11, Fonct1 m. S1t10t1 m 1n<1 ~. 8oone (I), Y~. ~ (41, Let-(7), Onllveroa tel tlld Tei11tton, O'lrten 16), Sttfnbecll (7), w-Wl111 H L-Youne, 0-l Hlt-Grf(;h Ill Dedllrt 10, R.aneen ' lilt Ywt ltedl, ..... , Taus >01 001 IG:r f IJ Oodoll'I 002 206 OOll-10 10 3 Guunen, Corr .. (4), Ro1*"41 (61, Wiii (I ) tn4 SitUOhl, Werner (6), Vt1M1utll, Powtll (S), Howell (7), Hleclenf\ltf Cf) •n<I SCloacle w-f>owalf, 1-0 L-flottmt O 1 HRs-t.ot AnclaiH, Ancitraon (II, li"Velll (1), El(1'lllttlefl &ta,._ AMUICAN l.IAGUI w l. Ntw York 4 I ClllGaOO S 2 MllwevkM S 'l Otfroll 6 3 Seallle 3 l Tues 3 3 .,...,. 3 4 Boston 3 4 Kansas Cltv 2 3 Toron10 'I 3 Cleveland 2 4 Mlnneio•e 1 ' Oekland , s 8elllmof't I 4 NATIONAL LlAl;UE ~. IOO 714 71• U 7 500 500 •2t 42' .400 .400 333 lJJ 2t6 200 Sen Frel\CISC:O 7 0 I 000 Alllnl• S ~ 4 Clnclnnall 4 New Yor~ 4 SI.Louis l San Diego 3 Pt!lladtlPhl• 2 Cl'tkHO 2 Houslon 2 Monlrul 1 PlllSl>urOll 1 ThuncNY'S k-AM9h 10, 0.kland l ~10,Tuu9 Cll\Clnnall t, HOUSIOll • Allen11 6, 8111lmor1 • D•trolt t, Bo\ton I 110 lnnlncnl Toronto 3, Plllsburgll I t<enses Cllv 7, PtllladetC>llle S SI Loult 17, Mlnneso•• t MllwaukH 9, S.n Oleoo 2 Stellla •. Cltvlllnd 3 I 133 2 667 2 6'7 , 667 l 500 ' •29 4 .333 s .194 s 2" 4 200 ' 200 Sen Fr1ndsco 16, Cl'tbgo Cuen I New Vorll Vtn1t1t1 14, MonlrHI l Chicago Wllllt Sox 3, New Yori.. Meis 2 T .. Y'sG- Ane.11 VS S.ellla ., Tempe Cl,,clnnell '" ~ al Vero Beech Montrtel v1. Allente el w111 P11m &each Oatroll vl New York Yenktfl 11 Fori l.euderdalt Boslon •L Ptllladalohla 11 Craarwater t<enses Cltv YI Plllst>urgh et Br~lon SI Louis vs Chlcego Wlllle Sox 11 Sereiote ToronlO vs Mlnnesola •I Orland<> Texes vs Houslon 11 Klsslm"- Sen Diego vs. Cleveland el Tucson Oekleno v, Mllweukee 11 Cllandler Cnlcaoo Cubs v1 San Francisco •I Scoll\dele 81111rnore vs Nf'w Vork Y1nkMi 111 Forl L•ucleroalt, n SafllfdlY's c;ames A""9b vs Cleveland II Tucson Oe6ew'I vs Houston a l t<lsslrntT!ff New York Mell "" Clncln~ll at Temoa MlnottOI• VI Boslon •• Winier Hl \'tn Oelrolt vs SI Louis el St. Palarsburg Toronlo vs Plllsburgl't at Bredtnlon PhlleOalllflla Yl Clllcego Whllt Sox et lnlrlgulng Ster (H\'men) 7.to 4 40 SU1>1rnel (Lt\'ln) 1 20 Time 2'06 2/S Feunt.ln VlleV 70, Mltw Del 25 10<>-I. Arev (FV), 11 4; 2. Mege (FV), 11 s. J Mleka•ll•n (Fv). 11.9, 200-1 Arty (FV). 23 5; 2. Mkkeell1n (FV), 23 e, 3 Mage (FV), 245 ~ !FVl.'53.7;" 7 MC.lCTni.v (Fv ), su. 3 Brent !MO), 5' l. Serasole , Balllmore <u > vs t<.enses Cllv 11 Forl " Myers TtxH vs Monlretl II Wtsl P1lm.8; n • "' 8a11lmor1 el Miami tt UlACTlll (t-11 oetd W 60 THIRD RACE. One mlle Peca LH ll Cllrl1llne (l>Homar) 610 3 to 2.60 TI"i' (Slfflh) S 20 'l.10 Le\'el Oevll (lacllevl 2 IO Time 2:03 )/ S '3 EXACTA (5·11 Paid MUO l"OUttTH lltACI. One mile trot. Ladv L 18eker) 11.00 S.80 4.00 Moon Cloud (Grundv) 6.00 3 60 Mlsltr Ci IMISketl) S.IO Time 209 Fl"H RACE. One mlle PICI. RowdV Bv1 8v1 (Croollan) 9.40 3.60 J.20 K rtmlln I Oes.omer) 2 60 1 to Cu l Ou! (Grundy) • 40 Time 2-0. 31 S $l EXACTA 16·)) e>elo S11 IO. SIXTH RACI. One mlla P&ce. Jtece" Sublect (MlskeQI 21 .40 I 20 4 00 Mlssv Bulle• (Anoersonl 7 to J.to Hevlin Snow (Sl't4lrrtnl 3 00 Time-2:04 3/S $l EXACTA !1-61 oald l'l2320 SEVENTH RACI. One mlle oece Amvllst Ambler (Actirmn> 6.60 3 60 3 00 •&est Of Arnie (Andersonl S 60 3 80 TtQullero (Valllndl1111heml 2 60 Tl,,,. 2'06 1/S. U EXACTA (6•9) Pelo $66_60. EIGHTH "ACE. One mlla Pi ct. Rovel Ftlla (Beker) 29.10 10.60 • 20 lntermlulon (Todd 111 600 ''° Looking Good ISl'terren) J 60 Time 2:04 l /S. '3 IXACTA (3-1) oalo 1591.JO. NIHTM RACE. One milt oece Heav..,,ty 8rMzt (Lonool 1.60 '-IO 3.20 Oflong Wev Home (Hymen) S.00 3 00 Tel'tlllen Wind !Piere•> 3 40 Time. 2:05 12 ll'ICK SIX (2-1-6+3·9> pale S7,330to 10 one winning llcket (five llO(sesl Ctr· rvo"er POOi: s 13,IJS.67 TENTH RACE. One milt trot SUperlor Jet (Ptrl\.erl 12.60 '·'° S 60 Pt11v (Vtllendlnotlem) 6.00 410 HHllllf It (Beker) 4 70 Time· 2:04 215 l2 EXACTA (1·41 P411d lSl 60 El.IVINTH RACE. One mlla Peee. Llltle 8lgl'Orn ISla\'I) 11.IO 9.40 S.60 Ven Tud« (Lackey) 6.00 4.60 Lord All>t (Anderson) l 60 Tlmt 2:0S 31 S s2 IXACTA (4·21 oeld lS9 00 A lllf\Clana 2 ,204. s.m. Anlt1I THIMSOAY'S RUUl. n u"" .. "·•v """IUttllloec1 rnMtlllt> '91tST RACI . 6 1vnong,, Luc:kv Room (Slllltn\) 31.40 12 to 100 Pickwick LAndl119 (M4l11) 1090 6.40 Sotr Around (SOiis) l 40 Time: l:ll 3/S, S1 IXACTA (9·41 Peld 1311.60 SICOMD ••CE. ' furlOnos Lord Prevue (Cu 11non) SS40 2140 1020 Mont-To C141f'll ISte\'•ns) 4 60 l 20 Time To Jlo (Slblllel 'eo Tlma I 17 315 TN•D aACI, 6 furlonOi Dence Hen Hun v <S1v1111 12 60 s 20 • 00 Pollvs Lit Rasc:al (0...l'tOUnav•l 7 40 S.00 Oek Port1I IH•wlt\') 4.20 Tl~ 1;12 ll S Sf DAILY OOUe La (Ml oeld SltS,00 .. OUltTH a ACI. I 1116 mlln. Don.lly (MarQue1) 11 60 1.40 4.IO Pl""""" (o.lel'tounav•> UO 3 60 AOllle's lN ltldot (Lllltlenll 3 20 nm. 119 '"'"" RAC•. One mlle E~la (Harnend81) •to Jell (8141«1 811<11 OI Ludl (Ortt01> Time. l:AO ,/S IS aXACTA (4-21 Dlld 16100 SIXTH lltACI. 6 f\inonol 4.20 l 20 300 140 4.eo Grw Verltlv (Sltvtnt l S.60 • 00 l 60 PuOllcllv Doll (KMMll IS.to f 70 H(Ofl HtrbOr f PwdrO\I ) $ 70 Time Ill llS SIVaNT'H lltACI. 1 Milt P\Ksa 139,000 lea $1Hltir (Oll\'trft) t.40 100 ~I Manoei Ltt (Sofll) 4 70 out ltll!CSa lhau (Htwln) out (No tllOw waoerlnOJ Time· l:.Jt IS aXA~A ( .. J) Nici Al.SO llOHTH llACI. 1111 m"" on turf ~tit loMomtN (Pl/Qy) IUO UO 6 20 a ·Cr..._<~ron> 2eo uo •·Wiii ~ 1si-n.11er1 790 320 ~ Time' IJS l lS u •XACTA U·ll M id t llOJO NtJlfTH •Ac•. 1 lm m• Mt A roriune <0r1 ... 1 '1.20 Frl\'Olli"""° (Plftatyl lllllllln IKHtllf) Time l:AI t.eo 660 4.00 2 '° ,. .. IS IXACTA Ct-71 •Id tltO.JG. •> .-.C.-IOI ("" .. l+J.-S> Mid t7.• • IOC>-1 Bond (FV), 2:04 I; 2 Mcl<lnlev (FV). 2'0S s. 3 Hunn (FV), 2'.09. 1,600-1 LIMon (FV), 4:31 I, 2. Mvers (MO), U4 3, 3. L1vt11 (MO), 4 41.0 . llOHH-1 Lem (FVI. IS 9, 2 Lvncn IMO), 16.1, 3 Manh•ll IFV), 164 lOOIH-1 Lvnch (MDI. 42 I, 2 MICktallel' (FV), 42.4, 3 Me"l'tlll IFv>. 4'1 440 rlfev-1 Founleln Vellev, 4S 9 LJ-1 Conr1<1 (MDI. 20-11, 2 Polls IFVI, 11·2, 3 Grant (MO), 17·9 T J-1 ConreCI IMDI, 43·7, 2 Wrlol'tl (FV), 31·4, 3 Polls !FV) 37·11h SP-I Wll>Sttr (FV), 46·2'h , 2 Plum« IMO). 43·0, 3 Vornnotl (FV), 31·0, c;1•L.s MlllH Dal .,, l"eufttllln v ... v 3S 10<>-I Fell• IMO), 13.3; 2. Eeolason (MO), 13.45, 3. MOfl(IO (MO), 13.S 200-1. Ba.kt (FV), 269, 2. Fifi• IMO), 27 4, 3. Munroe (MDI. 2U. 400-1 Twomev IMO), 1'()1, 2 Corc:oren (FV), 1:02, 3 Munroe IMO), 11)1 80(>-I Yost IMO), 2·3', 1 Heoen IMO), 2'37, 3 Worltmt n (FV), 2'39 Mii-i Miier Del, S·2'. 2 H•g•n IMO) 5-4.C, 3 Miiis (FV), S·'9 l ·ml'-1 MlllS IFVI, 11:59, 'I Pe1rl111 IFV), 12:07, 3, Cooltv (FV), 13:01 IOOLH-1 Buchenon (FV), 16..2, 2 Gi.n (MO), 17.3, 3 Eegfeson (MO), 17.S. lOOLH-1 Buchanon (Fii'). SOD, 2 Gltn (MO), S12, 3 Mock (FV), S3 9 400 relev-1 Meter Dal, 512 l.J-1 Twomev !MDI 16·7, 2. M.oreno IMO), IS-9, 3 Sleekt (FV), IS-1 TJ-1 Twomey IMO), 3'·1"4, 2 Bu· Cflenon IFVI, 33·3'.io; 3, Slatkt (FV), 3'2·1 SP-I. E1gleson (MDI. 31-111/•, 2 Meuller IMO), 30-7; 3. Dennis (MO), 19 0 • • ~ stll C•ldltlenl SOVTHIRN CAl.ll"OttNIA Giid MIM: PICktd POwci.r. 6·12 Inch be$41, 3 11th Mt, lleldvl Pack Id oowoer, 24 lncl'tes, 3 lifts. MMlmllrl Hltfl: Ptc:kld oowder, 11 1e lncl'tet, 6 1111~ 5*1 SUftnw: ~Ing lor wtellend --Sunwnft: PtCltlO POWdar, 11·3' lnclles. 6 Miis. Ma•ttA-NEVADA RANGI Jww ,.,...,._Ill: No new on • 7·14 fl be141. Powoar end Packed POW<*'. Four cl'telrs. Mlmmelh: Tr•c• of new on e 16 fl. best Pacllld POwdar and POWdar. Ont llOft40l1, Is Cl't•lrs, fQU( •urf•CI lltts. Mefl'• twmlrMltt let Mllfl. IWY> Secllld._...,... In n Lindi (C1tcfl0\lovaxl1I def Marlto Oslole (YUOOt141vla), 6·1, 7-S, Anclat'• Jlffvd (Swldenl def Emlllo $11'1¢1\tt <SC>aln>. 6·2, 6·4, Ja.klm Nvs•rom !SWlden> dtf P .. lf SIOtll ICz~lo· v•kll), 6·4, 6 1, Strvlo C1141fs tS111ln) dtf, lltuiMll SlmPWI (Ntw Ztallnct), •·2, l•6, 1•6 Wernen'a '91.tmament (It Daiei) ,...,. R_.."'""" Cl'trfs E •tH'I 1..IOv<I (US ) dtf 141111111 &UllOI IV' I 6 I, 6 4; Kt lhv •1n.tldl (US ) Otf Clau<IJt Kohcle-KllKl't (Wttl Oer• /T\lllYJ. 0-6, 7·6. 6·2, ltOOlll WNte (U.1.J d4lt. Ci1twi.11 '-C>ttlnl (AroentlM I, 6·2, 6-1, Stto111nle lttht IU $I def Pem Sllflvtr ru s 1. 1·6. 6·4 • """~­NCHM.14GUI ~V'-11112,LIMtrMtnt (at .. kiMn hi\, ' ...... , I W~t (OV), .. 2 JotlllJOll (l.M) 1 JnlrltY (0V), ,,, ' Ovenlltf (0V), Arnotd !I.Ml, •1, 6 ....,,_ IOV), °'*1t tOVI '1 .. N•w Yorll Yanl\.tft 1t Unlversltv of Florlda San Diego (n l n Chlceoo Cut>s lu l et Mesa S411111a vs. MllwelJkee al Chandler San Frenclsco vs Oekltnd at F>hoenl• Sen Diego (u ) vs Cl!lceoo Cub\ lssl er Vencouver, n C ..... baMlbel NOH·CON,EREHCE UC ltWle 7, Maw MHke 1 New Mtalco OIS 010 000-1 1 1 UC lrvlne 300 103 000-7 I I Spari..s. Yonlter (6), Elmer (91 end • Cat>rlllO. Brink, 1<1111 (4), Llnlon 161 end Kline 28-ftoumlmpar IUCll. Rus14111 INMI 3B-8elne (UCI) Hltti Kllocll baHNI NON•LIEAGUE Gallr 4, Hew"" Hartler I Gahr 000 Oil ~ 9 I Newoorl Htrt>or 000 010 0-1 3 2 Vern"• •nd TOfr•s. Mal'lonrt end Tor· Ill W-Vlfntla L-Mlhollev, 1-3 Htlfl sdlMt SW!mmlM HA VllW l.IEA«;UI BOYS Estallda n , w~ '2 200 mae11ev rtlev-1 E111ncl1, 1:'6.63 200 lr-1. Jonu (El. l·SUI; 2. Hundel>v IWI, l.52.31; l. Emll (El. 2:01.96. 200 lndo-1 Sulllt (Wl. 2:15.3.4; 2. Covin IE>, 2 11.S2, l WtKler (E). 2:19.09. SO fr-I W111f1n IWI, 22.74, 2 It Devore (El. 23 6S, 3 Ellll>rldll (El, 23.'4 100 llv-1 Jon11 !El, S5.0I, 2. ElleOredlt (El, 1-00N,) Wtslfell (WI, 1:01.ss 100 fr-I J O.vort (El. Sl.7, 2. R. Oevort (El, S3 l4; l Pendll'lNlsl (WI, 5'.7. soo fr-I Hun<lebv (WI, 4:SO.n , 2 Cook (El. S·40.95. 3. Emil (E), S:.45-36. 100 t>eck-1 J. Oa\'ore <El, 1:00.41, 2 Sullle (W). l:OJ.16; 3. Tt lftr (WI, 1:07.40. 100 t>rtt&l-1 Coven (El, 1!07.S; 2 Sprague (W), 1'09 21; 3 Woler (El, l:Ot 9S 400 frtt rtlev-1 E111ncle, 3>4112 ~LS w" Ill l'1cllll t1' • •IWJI 61 200 mec:llav rtll'l'-l. WOOdl>rldM, 209 01 200 fr--1 Wooot>rldol. 2·14.S. 2. SchOlts (E), 2:19 2; l. Mllltf IEI. 2:27.2. 100 lnd0-1. H1rlUl19 IE>, 2:33.1, 2. WOOdbrlCllle, 2'3S.6, 3. Woodbrldol, 2:46 2. SO fr-1 5'holet IE), U-5, t WOOd· bridge, 294, J WOOdbrldot, 30 0. 100 "v-1 Hertuno <El. 1:01.4; 2 WOOd· bridge, 1'10 4, l Wooelbl'ICllle, 1:13.2 100 Ir-I Woodbrldot, 1:03 4, 7 81ktf !El, 1:07 4, 3 Woodbtl4oe, 1'01 5 SOO fr-I WoodC>rldot, 6-06 4; l WOOd· br'4oe, '~ S, 3 8ur0fts IE>. 1';34.7. 100 bedl-1 Miiiar (El, 1.IU, 2. Mottltt IE >. l:lS.I . 3. WOOCIWldol, 1:1• 6. 100 brlHl-1. WOOdl>rldol, 1:'2.2; 2. &udaV (E l. 1239; 3 WOOdbr'ldot, 1:2U. 400 frff rt11v-l Woodbfldoe, 4!2U. • 11141..-ra ~ .. AHIALL A"*"-......,. TeXAS "ANGe•J-Ctv• Al l.t<:llOwla, DllcMr l'tla unconditional rt· ..... TOttON1"0 I LUE JAYS-AMOune!ld lllet ~ottp !Heven ~ Cam- 1111 .. no and Padro MA.lno1, oulfleldan, '"° Gr" Mvars, (411~. 1'141"' °"" ...,, IO'"' c:lub'• minor tttoue 1ra1n1ne eamo SI~ C.ur Ctoeno, oulfltldtr·nrtl btsemen, to • mlnor·IU~ contract couaoa FLOlllOA STAfl-Hamed P'tl K..,_ '*"' l'tMd men'• 'belUIMI CMCfl. IU.IHOls-ltHH..,,... Mtll McC.,.fftty, 1ufst1111 too!Oel CMO\, lo en edmfnl•· tr• nvt fllklllon NOlltTH C AlltOLINA ·Wll.M• INOTOH-Al'WIOUnced Ille r~t!Ofl of Mt4 Gltlton, Ned bltltt!MI coectl. PITTSIUltGtt-luuendecl ltlln Otvlt , runnlnO ~. fl'orn MWlne floolMll "Kflet fbt 1•"'"9 to '""t KNol rtQUlrernenn SOUT'H&llN INOIAHA amid M1r11 11411 l'lteO ,.,... Dllk4lftlel cOMfl ~ ·~•K1or j .. • • ... # ..... • • • • .. Georgia presiaent resigns Davison believes be was victim of political pressure A THENS, Ga. (AP) -Fred C. Davison tt igl\ed Thur'$day u pres~ dent of the University of GeorJia, saying he was a victim of polit1Cal pressure rather than an academic scandal over the treatment of ath- letes. Davison president of Georgia since: 1967, said in a leuer to University System Chancellor Dean Propst that he decided to step down after being insulted by the Board ·of Regents' decision on Wednesday to delay his annuaJ reappointment. The resignation is effective July I. He announced bis decision at a private meeting Thursday morning with Georgia's 13 deans and six vice presidents. Following the JO-minute meeting. Dav1son. 56, left his office th.rough a back door. The vice presidents and deans issued a statement urging Propst and the regents to re~ect Davison's resig- nation and asking Davison to re- consider his d~ision. Davison's resignation came one month and one day after a federal c.ourtJUI)' in Atlanta awarded former Georgia mstructor Jan Kemp $2.57 million 10 damages in her suit against two university officials. Kemp charged in her suit that she was fired for speaking out against preferential treatment of student athletes in Georgia's remedial Developmental Studies Program. Kemp. now an instructor at Southern Tech in Cobb County. called Davison's resignation "the best birthday present I've ever had." She celebrated her 37th birthday Thurs-. day. "I hope they'll putsomeone in who will rule with mtcgrity, who will restore the constitutional ngllts of faculty. and who will put ao end lo the explo1tat1on of athletes," she wd. Vince Dooley, Georgia's football coach and athletic director. said he was "shocked and saddened" by Davison's resignation. But he said he had no plans to resign himself. Davison, whose tenure as president has been peppered with controversy. came under increasing criticism after the verdict in the Kemp case. On Wednesday, the regents reap- pointed all the sitting presidents of the state's public colleges and univer- sities except Davison. The reappoint· '4.--Wh~alr:eady bad been ~-­ layed a month, usually arc a routine matter. The regents said Davison's con- tract was put on hold until an audit of the Developmental Studies Program was completed. In his letter, Davison called the action "a personal and professional insult and a questiomng of my integrity which J wiU not tolerate." He said the investigation of re- medial programs was to include all institutions in the University System but he was singled out by the regents before the probe had been completed. Services set f or Spa ulding Memorial services ·ror Richard H. Spaulding, a fonner Newport Harbor High football coach in the late ')Qs, were scheduled for today at 4 <idock at Rose Drive Friends Cb<irch in Yorba Linda, located at Bastanchury and Rose Drive. Mr. Spauldin& died of cancer on Monday a t the age of76 and leaves his wife. Thelma. two daujllters;Joycc Halvorsen of Placent.Ui and Gail Decble of Cardiff of the Sea, and five grandsons. A graduate of Whittier CoUcge 10 1934, his 1939 and 1940 Harbor football teams went 5-3 and 4-3-1 , then he virtuaJJy switched jobs with Fullerton High's Wendell Pickens. He continued at Fullerton Hi&h as footbaJJ coach until I 9S2 when be moved into the adminstrative field. eventually retiring from Buena Park High as the school's principal. Ac was a member or the CTF Southern Section Executive Commit- tee for eight years during the '60s. Harbor slates alumnl game Newpon Harbor Hiab's baseball team~ providing the wcatheT plays ball, will hold an alumni pme Saturday, with Jeff Piukowski and J~bn Altobelli dircctina the alumni with an 11 a.m. start on the Sailors' campus. Amona t.hc Sailors' alumm ex- pected to compete, in addition to Piaskowslci and Altobelli, are Oark Smith, Jerry Piaskowski. Steve Sauerbrcy, Bobby Nenles Jeff Nelson, Marie Chiarenza. Kcvtn Sea· befl, Peder White, Joe Haldcmt1n • Brad Smilb. Ron and Rolfe Schwalbe, Frank Roa and KcV'ln Beck. Tennis match · moved t o UCI UC Irvine will mefl I.be University of Miama, fl.a. men'• t.cttniJ team Sunday in a non-a>nftrenoe match at UCl. rather lhan at the Newport Beach Tco.naa Club u previoldJy tchcduled. Tbe 25\h-ranllcd Ante&&ttl wdl ~~l~nsttbe 19th· I I BASEBALL Will Stillwell ~ replace Reds' Concepcion? McRaes, father Hal and son Brian , lead Royals to 7 -5 victory From AP .. 1pakM9 Will the Dave Concepcion-Kurt Stillwell battle turn out to be another case ofW.ally Pipp and Lou Gehrig? It wu more than 60 years aao that Pipp, the New York Yankees' tint baseman, missed a game with a headache. Gehri& took over and didn't sit down until he had played an astonish.in• 2, 130 consecutive pmcs. Conocpciqn, Cincinnati's 37-ycar- old sbonstop, missed Thursday's ~pped by Ben Qalivie's two-run single. Braves I , Ortolea •-Paul Zuvella, Billy Sample and pitcher Rick Mahler ~roye in ~ns in a three-run second 1!1-ru.ng ~h~le Mahler and four re- lievers bM.Jted Baltimoi;e to six hits Zuvella's single. Mahler's squeeze bunt and Sample's double accounted for the second-innina runs. Bl1e Jay1 S, Pirates '1 -Jesse Barfield homered and doubled for Toronto and Dave Stieb, making his second appearance of the spring. pitched four scoreless in~gs. He allowed four hits, walked one and struck out two. Boldin& . . O.J. 8lmP900 (left), cracllee lala daaOter Syd.Dey Brooke 8lmP90D, who wu l>oro Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIFl'klay, Mardt 14, ttee * fin daya after J_.lca Grace Namatb (rlCJlt) held by her father Joe Namatb. Beach Cities track records in jeopardy exhibition pme with stomach prob-Tt1en t, Red Soi 8 -Larry lcms and the 2~ycar-old Stillwell, Hcmdon's bases.-loaded single in the who may win the Job anyway, made 10th inningdrovcin the winning run. The 21st Beach Cities Track and Fi.cld ,. the most of his last-minute 01,>-Kirk Gibson and Nelson Simmons 1 · Wilson, Corona del Mar's Tod Bearbowerand Jim Scrv1te's Wilsoll has already posted a 1S6 portunity. He bad four hits, made homered for the Tigen, who tied the nvitational, sponsored by the Exchange Oub of Robbins, Newport Harbor's Carter Brown and cffory 10 the · pole vault and Carter k:ads a somrede dazzth l!ng. fieldinJ "plays and pme with three runs in the eighth ~~~~ :~[~s set for Saturday at 11 a.m., Mission Viejo's Mark Lindrud. co~ttngerit of five S~plus shot putten ftfD\ sco e wmruna run in the bottom inning. Todd Benzinger homered for Tb Eduon. of the ninth innina as the Reds nipped Boston. Among the l S teams entered are Corona del . c mile appears to be a bi& event and the Houston Astros 9-8. Mar, Costa Mesa, Estancia, Fountain Valley, 10cludcs Olson1 a state en~ry as a junior Brown Among the team favorites arc Scrvie. '.'I get sick ~d he gets four bits," Gluts H, Caba 8 -Rookie WiU Edison, Marina, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Ocean Lindrud. Robbins and Knight, among others. ' Mistion Viejo, Estancia, Corona del Mar lllct wd Conccpcao!!z a 16-year veteran Oark celebrated his 22nd binhday View, Mission Viejo, Westminster, Capistrano Most arc doubling in either the mite or 880, Irvine. according to Tweit. who has been sunering from a rib cage with three hits, including a two-run Valley, El Toro, Scrvite and host Newport Harbor. and it's Robbins, a sophomore, who could break The meet beginsat 11 with the 330 intenncili· injury. "He needs that. He needs the homer, as San Francisco remained "I think team-wise It may be the most into the top spot because be is entered in JUst the ate finals and all lield events, follo~ by-~., work." the. ~nly undefCftcd team in SJ?ring •competitive we've bad in some time," said mile. according to Tweit, the 100, then the hi&b hurdles beats and fi~ Concepcion docsn 't. "I played l SS training. Oark connected off rehever Newport Harbor track and field coach Eric Tweit. followed by 220 beats, and finals in the 2--mile. games last year and my average is George Frazier and Jeff Leonard Dom,astatcentryin thelongjumpasajunior 1 880 100 440 · 220 148," be said. "Some day I have to go, added a three-run homer as the 7-0 Amonl the standout individuals entered arc and a multiple th~t .in the jumps and hurdles. re ay, • · · mtle. and mile relay. but not.th.is year. It's not my time. He qiants rocked Chicago pitchers for 19 Estaocia's ric Dom and Jake Knight, Edison's could break the high Jump and long jump meet Competing will be boys varsiaty, j~r mi~t be ready this year, but it's not _h..;_1.;;;ts..;_. ___________ KaJ_ea_P_h_Ca_n_c_r_.1_rv_i_ne_'s_J_im_o_1so_n..:_. Sc_TVJ_·t_e_'s_S_te_ve __ reco_r_d....:.s._wi_·th_Bc_ar_bo_w_e.,_r_b:.:.:1s~c:.:.:h.=.::ie:.:_f.:_:chalJ=ce.=..:n~g:cr~. __ _.:.:va:rsi:·::ty:_:an:::.::d_::fro~sh:·so~'p:h:..... _· ______ __.:~ my lime to retire." I Stillwell socs along with that. "I want to act 1t (the shortstop job) one of these days ... when they feel rm ready," he said. "I feel more ready all the time.'' In other games RoyaJ1 7, ~ea S -Kansas City designated hitter Hal McRae played 1 his first pme with bis son, Bnan in the lineup. The Royals got a ~d slam homer from Steve Balboni and won on Joe Citari's two-out, two-run sinale in the seventh inning. IJ°rian McRae, an I 8--year-old sec- ond baseman wbo was the Royals' top draft pick last June, had a hit in three at-bats, stoic a base and scored a run. Hal McRae, batting third behind his son, went hitless but walked twice. Dennis Leonard made bis first start for the Royals since May 28 1983. YI . . Leonard gave up one run on two bits in three innings. w.lte Soi 3, Met• i -Harold Baines doubled borne a first-inning run against Dwight Gooden as Chi- cago coded the Mets' three-game 1 winning streak. The run was enough to pin the setback on Gooden, w6o was 4-0 last spring and 24-4 during the regular season when he won the • National League's Cy Young Award. The White Sox added runs in the fo!Jnh and sixth innings off Randy Niemann. • Yukea 14, Expos 3 -Gary Roenicke drove in three runs. two with the Yankees' first spring homer, and rookie Derwin McNealy bad two bits in a seven-run eighth inning. Rocnicke, acquired from Balti- more in an off-season trade, drove 10 a run with a first-inning grounder and later scored on Henry Cotto 's two-run triple. He homered in the third off ,. loser Dan Scbatzeder to give the Yankees a 5-2 lead. Canllul1 17, Twtal t -Vic Rodriguc-z, a non-roster player. drove in five runs for St. Louis with two '. 1 hom ers and a si~e. Rodriguez, a second baseman, bit a solo homer io I. the second inning and a three-run ' shot in the 5evcnth. Brewers t , Padres Z -Ernest Riles drove in three runs and Jim Adduci hit a solo home run to lead Mil- waukee. After the Padres scored two nins off Ted Higuera in the third 1 inning. the Brewers took the lead with five runs in the bottom of the third - ... ------------ ·- Oakland may continue fight for Raiders OAKLAND (AP) -The city council, faced with a possible $4 million bill from Los Angeles 11 Raiders' attorneys, should continue i' the fisht to brina the footblJI team back to Oakland, says the lawyer reprcaentina Oakland 1n the six·year- .r old caae. , ' "Our case is very mueb better than almost all other cases that come before the coll!'," said attorney 1 David Self in askina the council to JI , take the case to the U.S. Supreme ., Court. u Tbecouncil me1 on Thunday ni&Jlt ·• to consider the next step in the case ,11 after the state Supreme Co~n·s rejec- .u lion wt month of~ city 1 claim to 1 tbe Raiders. Oakland wants the Raiders brl>u&ht back to Oakland • under the state's eminent doroAin law, whkb allows cities to take poueuion of private properties for tbe oubUc aood. The cou ncil took public testimonl but did not vote on whether to appea . ' Self said if the c:ity acceptl the S\ate rr coun's rulina. Oak.land would be J rapon1ible for the Raiden' coun r costs and attorneys' fees. ( The fees were "e-xoessive and un.reuonable," SeJf said. Iii lftbe city decided not to punuc lhe ·• cue. Self said be would appeal the amount beina charted. • © L<x>king fi>r rea~ons to play the new instant g.lme frorn the Ca.lit(m1i,t I ~nnerv? How doc. $100,000 'iound? It all could be your~. Just uncon.T three 100,000 prin: '"1n1ount~ and you win . Big. RcaJly hig. Bigger th .111 .u1 ~· inst.int prize in CaJitCm1ia Lonery historv. Even if you don't win the big one you still could in - crc'"1se your we.ilth . l nl'on:r three nutching pri1c .imount~ .ind l.l.lim instant pri 1..cs of 500, 100, 5,or 2. If you're lucky enough to find three "ENfR y~· '~1nhol' you could lx: on your \\'JY to llic Big pin . rin'"tlist~ who spin the Grand Prize wheel .ire guar'-mtc:cd \\'\nnmg $ 10,000. ·111crc ._tl\o arc pri1c:~ of 50,00<l,. 100,000, o r 1J)()(),000. And then there's The Rig Spin's ~'T'"UKkst prize of.Ul. the Growing Grand Pri1..c. One spin c4.\n'1cd son1 ~one 6,315,000. nd son1conc else walked ,1\\'av \\1th a win - • • j) nmg ~pin of $5,2 l 0,000. The(. ;n )\\ m~ Gr.md Pn1c i~ Jh\ ,w, .1 minimum of 3,000,000. It gro"' l''I\ ~65.000 "1th cad1 tituli~t\ 'pin unril tht·t r ,, .l .. \\ mncr. Then 1t rcn1111' t P "~.000,000 '"1nd lx:gin' grow in~ .11,!.1in. '-~ '-"' ( )f coltr\l.' t'\ en t11nc.: ~ ou pl'"" the l ;r.md l 1.tmc tht' 'lt'h<x >I~ o t C.tliton1iJ win, tno. ~t ort· th.m unc third o t .1ll l .o ncn ,,tk·' gol'\ directh ro pu hh( cd tKJtu m. l··or mort' mfr>nnarion, 111 ~ortht·n 1 ( ·.11tttm 11.1 c11T l 916 ) 323-4143or l415) 557-9550 ~ Ill ~ourhn11 l.th t< m u .1: t818 ) 459-4416 or t 619 ) 238-3304.( Pu,h -huttnn phonr ' on!\.) )111111l11'1" IX1111'IJ\ <h1r.11l1-...klu1I \\ltlnll1~ "' l"tt.1 th.111 I m'> I'""''"' "l tmlh"n "' m1>f\' Jfl' p.uJ 111l'\JU.ll111,1.11lrl~1it' '"' r ~II '' .. , < l<J~(l < .11it .. 1111.1 \1.111 '""' r. ·California Lottery Our schools \\-ID too. __ ... _________ ... ______________________ --.:·---------------~_.!..-------------- . . . . . . . ' ·= Same old miStakes haunting • By JOHN CUNNIFfo. ~ ..... ~ NEW YORK -In the economic pme, you can watch the players makma the same old errors again and again. Not everyone Sttms to rccognw~ the miscues. because not everyone as pr°'rammed with a sense or history ~side~. you can get away wtth financial mistakes for a whale. Why. you might even make money from them. In fact . you can deny they arc errors, and you might have a point, because history doesn 't repeat 1tsclfin t~3<"1lv the ~me wav Rut the ..ame I . . - , • Coating under control behavior 1n the old days. history shows, did lead to monumental problems. There is. for eumple. th<' lt'nder practice of giving 30.ycar. fiited-raJe loans again. · You may recall the disaster that came with that practice, because 1t occurred Wlth1n the past decade. Lenders -some of the biggest and best-known -co mmuted their funds to fixed-rate loans. Me11nwh1lc. their own borrowing costs rose, leaving them in the abs.urd position of paying more·to borrow than they earned on · lending. It -..as great for borrowers; tt was n11nnu'i for lend('" 4 ~ , ~ A ~ ~ .. 4 " .. • • ... ..... , ,,,. .. • ~ c ., ' , ~ .. Hundreds of them disappeared from the economic ~cne because of ' that error, and those that survived almost p11rted the clouds with a uniform wail "Never again," they shouted. It was the beginning of vanable rate mortgages. llntal last year you m1ghr have bt'cn considered a wag to ask for a fixed- rate loan But t1me<1 have changed. and with mcredtblc suddenness. Today. as much as 70 perct'nt or all new mortgage loans are at fixed rates. It doesn't take a long memory to recall another lesson soon forgotten. This one occurs in real est.atei and 11 is known :i~ overhu1ldtng. It occurs in JUSt about every complete up-down Technician Marge Harri• prepare. ceramic boards for a metal coating operation at Honeywell Space and Strategic Dlmlon ln Clearwater. Fla. The boards are loaded on circular platea and placed into th.la Tacuum chamber wbere they receive a minor-like coatln& of nickel. chromium and gold. They are uaed for mlcrochJpe ln micro-miniature electronic devtcea for pidance ayatema for aircraft, aateWtea and the apace abuttJe. -(1} llllij:I tJ,1z:tJ---------------- NEW VORK (AP) -Tne followlng llsl ,now' lhe Over • Ille Counler slocils and warranls tnal nave oone UP .Int mosl and down tt1e most beH<I on oeretnl of change tor Thursday No securities trading below s2 or 1000 shares are Included_ Ntl and oercentaoe chanoes art the d1ff~tnce between lhe previous closlno NYSE UPS & DOWNS NEW YORK (AP) -The fottowlno lfsl shows IM New York Stock EKchanoe stocks end warrants lhat have oone up the most and down tne most based on percent of chanoe reoardleu of volume for Tnursdav No securfllu tradlno below S2 are lnci--uded Net and percentaoe chanoes are the difference t>efwffn tile orevlous closing P' ce and Thur,da.,·s 2 Pm 0 r I C I! Name l WstCoNA pf 2 Pvbllck Ind 3 SavlnCo • l earPetrl 5 Varc.o 1ol 6 Am Motors 1 MauamGo 8 Aiiis Cnalm 9 SeaCo 10 AmPres1d s 11 LTV l ZSPf 12 McOermtnt 3 l TV Corp 14 vlManv111e lS Elsclnl 16 US Home 11 FreeptMcM 18 SuaveShoe 19 Ala~aA" 20 Cnubl> s n McOrmtnl NI 22 ClelresStr s 23 He~yHar 24 BM Ind 2S US ooac. UP S L ast Cnp Pei Jl, + I._,. Up 26 S J • + l UP 18 2 3'"' + 1 UP 14 8 7 ) + ~ Up 13 2 131-. + I , UP 12 1 4J... + , Up 118 17' A + P<o UP 1'.4 ~~: t ::: ~~ H l H + L., ~~ l~·f 18'h + l'"> UP 8 9'\11 + l,i. 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BvHU Mm•Ovs llmous1ntf) Slollonwogons Vons W\ Oc'ft>r ro Door Service 4>ff'tnff> r ~1-ono ll'.)u1' I ·H 00-j.l4· l 3 0 0 Advertiaing Art Services Dt•H f\w•• r ..q'cJofUAI 0.1ion "' L-••1Jn• r nrpntr01• J 0 Pnc~no•• • TY'JJ:•••ttll'lo t -'l1lwl9 hondl•d .... A~• .,,,. ,.,.1 GIUlPIOCS NEWPORT (11 4) 720-9191 1\0 "·--c.... 0. ,._ ....... r.• .... price and I Tnursoav·s 111$1 or 01d p I 1 ' s 9 ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 l' lt ~~ ~ 24 r c e UPS NaZ1f LISI Ch~ Per. AllSea.t 21n uo Ii ToroVll •ltt l'il Uo ~encTaK r1fA 3 Vo Uo SM~slems l~ 'h UP 8CO WI 1~ Uo 2 ·3 Herllfn wt lh lM UP ~anc ex cv pf lh 1 UP ~.2 rnlrSv~ ~ .,.., UP .2 Cardlgrum 71,, 1' Uo u·· Ntnwd ol vn s:v. 1 Up .I lntri>tlarmLab S•;t '" Up .6 SalelMuJ w l l"'" ,,.. Up ~8·~ Gemcre r I :VO 2 UP WslnAl~nbee 3 II) Up ~:6 Herllf:: nt 7~ l'I• UP ,,.. Up 19.4 max ech 1 • ¥. UP aard °-film T un ~ atwdeLeoat 4 "-Uo 11.a I ·i !'"IMlll I '/• i I'• Uo 17. ll~ICP 41/• ~ Up 17.2 I ollo WI 7\'t :w, Up 16.7 onverslonlnd •~ 11-16 Uo 16.4 meripra pf r'• :W. Up 1p FIAm llh 11. 1'19 UP 1 .8 20 • Jo"' ,. l• • ei... I'• S>!t S '> 1 • 1 S· l7 '1 ... '1 , 1 • '" l)l!, " • 2 I 1 12 I )A 19 ~ ""' 21 11 ' 11\oi 111. 2t'" 19 • 1) , I)"' '" 9 , •• 1S • 49•;, so 6"• 17 ,. i.·~ I • 8 • "" "' 20 I 201• 27 30 S"i s1 .. " ' .... 11 • 11 '4 40. ~ 17 ' " • ,... . .. ...... 17 ' 11• .. •.• J ., , 10'· , ••• 12 • 1 • ~ > I ) I I' 0 I 10 ... SI • SI ' RUFFELL 'S UPHOLSTERY INC . SHOCKED! ... ... . . - 1.-tuam llSIUICl ,';' -·· ~~· 19~7 l 'i . u1-n40 .. ,Otd ~81'td New1*1 IMdl, C• .. 2) I 1 4 s ' t 10 11 a 1• IS 16 17 lt ~ 24 2S Desic..o 4.V. ~ ""1 DOWNS Ne me Lalt. Chll Kavoro -''• aueslecll onrchA"'I s ArablanShletd Mtehtron Am Land CtrlLesr lnt~bt w l ~al vs s1Coml8c.o Am81omatrt R 2 un ~oldnKnlgl!I le~usRsc · TS Inc s O~wsonGeoPnv Al acell wl Aull Inc ~enetlclb l)onAGrm ABS Ind OIPrllCom s M neralEno Quaru s SclenComP If T'I 11t ~: ~f'. ?~ • Q6 '• IO'• )I"' , .. . 1' I~ , .... .. I oi8 11' II I\ IS • )4 • }" l11 \) \) .. , ' , .... . ... . . ..... 17 " ' • .. ...... 12" 1) 'll · :IO• I 11 16 11. 36 )4 ' ~.," i~1I ~ ~>'~ . .. ~ . '• I ,~ ,, ~~ ~' ~ n, "' '• . • I • l' :: l9'; 5 -.. , 6 -p ... 312-1'4 91 .. p , 6 1 7 , I • 3 'I) 3 ., si.. ... ~ ; 1,. ., -I• 714 -'\9 51,, ->4 4''8 -~ 4 -•) 2 -1. 2 • 2 -•11 ~f 1 -2 -3 •'. ., 3 • ~ 4lll '2 Up ·~.J Pct. 8:1 ff·~ ~ 1ri Off 14 ~ 8!i 14. 143 14 3 Off t3 5 ~ 1~ i h· Off ~ 12 0 I 11 4 II 1 II I 11 I II I 1ge I 7 10 ~ Off 10 Off 10) il .• r: I; 1 .. " ' """ 41 • 4 l • 42 ·~ • 11 I I ]] j • 1 I , .... S1 S1 • lj .... l)'o " ", 12 12 • ~t. ~A; "{ l • ! ' ,..,, "~~ .. ,. ,. .. H 17'• 47 • • n • 17·· H'• t • )) 1... I JS... •;, 16 I 26 l4 u.u, )9, 40 • 'P ·~ !L411 ! 701 26 ' 2 10 • 10 • ' 9 '' '~ ~·· . . 2~"" H•• ,~,"l .. .> Ill .s . n: ti.: " 1 -32 1)' 1 • :l I :5 > )4 • 3~ ~"" i"' • I h~ i~~ 'f. 1(~ A : ~i p,.: . ... loo '• I· 1 I ~ '/. ~· , .. , %~ ••• 1• I ~' ., , 41 \;, tl~ ,t~ . , ..... • • 16 •• J2li. 12'• I ' I IS I• 11 11 • lA"" , ••• !O'· $1 • ,, .. [illPierce Brothers Bell tH Oddwcly Mortuary 642-9150 the s~ ·ores interio rs . . Le"'".""-., ...... A«-'et 642-2255 2640 A.-" 5t., New,.,. lhcKh ---.....--~-_, cycle of the economy. There is a better explana ta on fort he overbuilding practice. That is, 1t takes rather precise t1mioi to plan an office structure and bring It on stream. and very often the builder has little control over that urning. It takes guts too, because yo u might have to begin construction dunng a recession or at a time when money is expensive. It 1s a gamble taken in bad tame$ to be ready for the good times to follow. In cycle after cycle. however. the beginning of good tames spurs activi- ty Utecomets get excited and at- tempt to get their structures com- pleted in ti me to get in on the fun. But the fun is ~one in a glut of brand new, empt} buildings. It's happened again. Vacancy rates 1n many cities arc at an all-time high. In some areas there is a glut of hotels, office butldin~s and apartment houses. prcscnttng their owners with an ultimatum: lower prices or lose your buildmg. It happens in stocks too. You expect errors to be made an playing the stock markel game. which per- iodically becomes the rage. Often. rage and pnce attain their greatest 1ntcns1 ty at the same time. and then both cool simultaneously. This error would be costl y enough. but as Albert Sindlinger suggests, at 1s compounded by sttll another. It is the error of believing you are really as wealthy as the stock market says you are. Stocks ~omctimes fall. And. says Stndltnger. whose firm pioneered consumer behavioral research . the fall can be especially nasty because of another recumng error -that of borrowing 10 speculate. Based on daily telephone inter- views. Stndltnger finds that about 6 mtllton 1nd1v1duals under age 45 have become !ltockholders in the past few years. and that many of them have been speculating on borrowed funds. When the market as up, such stockholder~ feel good, and that feeling can be translated into big spending and even more debt. But when stocks fall. the era or good feeh ng disappears and the in vest or 1s dragged back 10 Earth. Noth mg new about this. Jt happen!I all the time. CREDIT LINE Col<lwell Banker Sellers hOnored Cora Baldlkostl has been named senior sales associate for Coldwell Bauer Rt1Jdeatial Real Estate Strvtce1 and awarded membership in the President's Oub -the top 5 percent of the company's sales professionals. Baldikoski was recently appointed manager of the Coldwell Buker Costa Mesa office. ~rt Run, top sales associate at the East Huntington Beach office, who star.ls his second year in the President's Club, was been with Coldwell since t 983. In 1985, he ranked among the top five in listings taken and top 10 in closed dollars earned for north Orange County. He also qualified fo r the Circle of Honor ListiOJS Oub. Costa Mesa resident Dlue Bnm1arc1Dtr, senior sales a5$0C1ate at the Costa Mesa office. has been elected to the President's Club for a third year. She also earned the November 1985 award for outstandmg performance. which requires six transactions dunng the month and one outgoing nat1onwtde referral. · • • • Mary EIJea L)'1lcll1 ~as joined the Newport Beach office of Cbris&opber Well ai Co., be., a financial planning and secunues firm. The Irvine resident is a financiaJ planner and registered general securities representative. l ynch previously worked with Rooaoo Financial Services as a casewriter. • • • Rlck Talcott has rejoined the Newport Beach office of Coor.rt & Lybrand, an accounting and consulting firm after two ycal'!I with the national office in New York. Talcott, a manager with the general .audit practice, speciaJizes in accounting and SEC-related matters. • • • Costa Mcsan Check Lebo has joined Jansen A11oda1e1 loe. of Santa Ana as a copywriter for the advertising. public relauons and market research finn. He previously worked for Tycer-Falu-BeIJack in PaJo Alto. • • • Certified pubhc acco•ntant Ronald R. McCaUam has been named chief fi nancial offic.cr of Newport Beach-based Hopklo1 Development Co. He formerly worked fo r Keuetla Leveotbal ud Co. • • • Keat Sapo, Mar1aret Cook and Diane Joslyn have joined Tuaatello ai Co.'1 Newport Beach office as project managers Sug1no and Cook will conduct real estate valuation and market research studies while Joslyn will direct sales and markt'tmg for the firm'<; Newport Beach and Phoenix, Ariz .. offices. ................................................ llllmj .......... ..._ ...................................... ____ ~~~-~- • I .. °"' " .... &..-_ · -1r -• Bt1l 241 .~ • WHnT NYSE Dio AMEX L£AD£RS NYSE L r~DfR~ Dow JoNE S A ~ER~ri Es NASDAQ SUMMARY t.rvz. G ·9 from a.r>glorrl , 1 .1L<. ;xJ~1bly !ha. pi i frz..::' pd<'2t., e , Oo!!!IC 1n 2VCLI"'j mon~ worctrot:R. sof'L. n:in rapa 114.nt. oil COUOI'\ ~ha \I with l~h wrzight ~r t.ou hrnf'9 ,,qntc:d I k· 1Ll.t.U ,ff~ orrl ~.lhri '!T'Vst JX>~lar w1r~brczokar ~~1. • rnvy "1.0 eril 01 1 h ton -.. . . . . . . . . • • . • • • .. . . . • . • ' - ----. - 88 Orange Coal1 DAILY PILOT/ Friday, Mitch 14, 1988 /ADVICE/GA • Sat111day, Ma.rel! 15 ARIES (March 2 1 ·A rml 19)" You'll have rare opportunity 10 be nd of unn~ssary upcnsc:s. Key as 10 define terms, to streamhne tcc:hn1quci., lo look behind scenes for answers. What had been Jost can now be located. TAUR US (ApriJ 20-May 20): This can be your powcr-q_lay day. Lunar. numerical cycles highlight 1n1tiativc, t1min&,judeinent, financial reward and romance. Y tlu 'II be asked 10,mect deadline. to accept challenge. You'll emerge v1ctoriou~. , f GEMINI (Ma~ 2J.June 20)' You'll make eitcellent use of "secret information " You II bend of burden.-------------- all stops will be out. )Ou11 reach wider audience and lOuld be "01rting with fa me." Ane~. Libra n1111vci. w11J play s s1gnifican1 role~ YONEY CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasis on feelings. 1ntu1t1on. specu-0MARR la11on. rom:ince. new start&. chance to vand1 cale·v1cws. Be direct. get to heart of•••••••••••••• matter~. make 11. cleac you no longer intend to pla) second fiddle. Leo figures prominently. LEO (Jul> 23·A u~. 22) Former "teacher" 1s back on scene. Your sense of d1ret11on, purpose will be restored. Spot!tghl on family re!-'n1on, prestt~e. achievement. career and unique celebration Cancer, Capncorn. Aquarius figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpi. 22): Res1nct1ons are lifted, empha\ts on self· nprc'>s1on, an. music and travel You might be asked to provide special entertainment. f-ocus on chanty. politics. literature. 1ntellcc1 ual curiosity. LIBRA (Sept. 23-<>ct. 22): You are now on more solid emotional- financ1al ground. Know 11, proceed accordingly. Someone behind scenes as cheering and will not lei you down. Check details. read between lanes, be aware of~mall pnnt. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21) Focus on excitement, d1scovcr). variety, special rela11onsh1p. You'll be concerned with individual who seems antcnl on creating controver~) Ride with tide don't fall an to trap. Sag1ttanan plays role • SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dcc 21): ( hanges occur an home. more demands are made by depcndenh r ocus also on emplo)ment. health, special purthac,e which could ldX hudget. You get what ~ou want through diplomacy CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19). Secret 1s discovered. and this wall a( tuall) work to your ad .. antagc What had been hidden will be revealed. Stress -.ecunt~ \afcty. pro tee t1on of reputation f-amtl) member proves loyal P1~c' play'> role AQUA RI S I Jan 20-1 c:b ltS>: Empham on respons1b1h1y, business au1v111es. contact<. .with ar1d1 v1dual-; who help you overcome obstacles Accent on 1ntcn'itfied rela11on~h1p. added prcS'>urc. deadline. Lhance t() ht l finam.tdl .rack pol PISCESO t•h 19-'Vlarth 201 Kc) IS IO keep plan\ ne;(1blc. Clo'\C rela11 ve ma) hJH' other 1dc·a., Be charming. recepti ve. bul adhere to pnnc1plc\. Yo u'll m .. t•t\C "notice .. wh ich free\ )OU from obhga11on. Anes. Libra pla y role'I IF MARCH 15 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you'll make maJor domestic adJUC.tmcnt !h t<. :rear -could mean actual change of residence or marital sta tu\ You ha"e unu'>ual \OICC. could be ut11!1ed an leaching, singing. drama Y11u .!pprl·caalc luxun,. an mu\IC and ha'e a "sv.eet tooth ." Taurus. Libra Scorpio pla~ important roles 1n \Our ltfe 'ou are charming. attracti ve. d1plomal1l, antl member\ "f opposite ~' find )Ou 1ntngu1ng. You'll c:omplel<: proJct t an Ma rLh :-.iovemher will prove outstanding for you 1n 1986. Older brides show more enthusiasm The older lhl' "-tfc " .... hen c.he get' mamc:'d . the more cnthus1asnc she 1s about the affecti on she gets a~ a result .. So declared a wc1al sc1en11s1 named Dr Robert Blood. ··t n- compla1mng acceptance" charac- 1cr11e<, most wi ves who've mamcd more than 10 \'Cars:· said he Rut .. en1hu-;1ast1c" usualh describe\ tho~ "'ho malT) or remarry late I "t'n animal 1hat look' somewhat hl<e.itamcl-t"'"}-humped bactnan one-humped dmmedar) llama. alpaca g11anaui .ind v1tuna -de· '><.·c:ndt·tl from the original l111lc camel 11 -..,nrth \mcmJ long gone T.hat the l\fll' yot to \<10th ·\mcnc.:a hcfore 11 )(Ill 10 \\aa anti •\frte ,1 1\ known V. h.11'1101 knov.n '' h111A. I n tit• \ arg1n h li.tnd d ""u ldke '"'11l·th1n.'! from .,11md)o1h l'l'>I.· and 'di 11 that., \leal1njl. I f11w1 'rr 1f \OU tJl-.t v1111t thing "''U need .rnd U\{ II ,11urv·ll th<1t'\ n111 \l1-.1l111y hut • rr•1~111~ .... lc:Jlin~ I\ 1111.tllcptahll pr•111~·ir •• 1\ a« tf'llJhll· 'J lo..ri. l>t'.1th \,alll\ llll dlll'\l pl.1 I''" II,. l rllll ol '°II.Ill'\' \ \ln••>\I h111 11111 q111t•· \ 11am1 Ir" pl.11 1r. '"11rt. .... 1·,1 \11111n,1 •11t·11t\ 11,,, ll\llll• 11•111 " ti ,, ,, ·.11 1.111 t.111 •·' I JI 111thL\ I h• '"1 ir11·r 1111 otr1 lli• 11·" \our pc·;v I ,1l1t, d1.111~1'\ ,1\ 1111 •'ll•"- ,ld1 • \1, \.J\\ .t \I 11kr I •11 1111111.111 h··J1.1 I 11 r t.1 l,,.,.,..111 •111~· prtd1~tnl rtl,\I llol 11,1)1\l'• n \l.111,tVit'•lotf Vlllll' PEOPLE L.M. Bovo day would find a moth w11h a 12-inch proboscis Bunk' cncd the experts of the da} ~ure enough. '\uch a moth wa\ dt'><.overed 40 years later. How dtd Darwin know? It would take such a ·mo1h. he reasoned. to fertilize a certain orchid knov.n as the Chn\tma'i Star. bccau'c of 1ha1 Oowcr'<; foot-long bloom \pur. Battle commander. long have backed up their attack troop~ wtth .bugles, fifes and drumc, But H un· ganan fighter\ of o ld went into their fra~\ accompanied b\ (1yps) v1ohn\ Am t0ld the na11vc llawa11an ,., particular!~ averc,e -for rchgJOU\ reac,o n'i that date wa} back -10 being paned on the head or touched about the fac.e ThJt wa1t·r\. lowland <;pot 11\ a <,v.amp ti it's got 'ihrub\ and trees a maf'i,h II 11'\ onl} got gra'\s. I >ur word "hutchcr"· come<. from tlll' r rt·nc.h "hou{'lcr" who wa\ a kllov. who killed goatc, I. M Boyd ls a 1yadlcaud columalst. Audience bolsters an actor's energy A fncnd o( mine, lorscly unac- quainted with the entertainment busanes~. expressed pu11leanent and a hltlc disgust at the insatiable need for applause that most performers dis· play ··so they get a poor audience once tf\ a while." he shrugged. "It') not u b~ deal. At their salaries. thcr, can afford to bomb o nce in a while. • His comment reminded me of a remark: once made 10 an interview with Maunce Chevalier, the popul ar French performer. "I acquire m.Y energ) from my aud1encc ... Chevalier explained. It 1s a large part of ttic nature of actors that they draw their energy from their audiences, more than from their own internal dynamism. A responsive audience brings out the best in a performer. while an 1nd1f· fcrent or apathetic one drains them of their essential vitality The pcrfonnang arts arc unlike the crea11ve arts 1n this important re- spect A painter. a wnter, a composer. uses solitude. an actor or comedian or mus1c1an ··bounces off" public response. There 1s almost an clcctncal current that 1s turned on or ofT by a h ve audience. The main reason that most actors and actresses prefer the stage to the screen has less to do with "art" as such (though they may pretend 11 does) 1han with the fact that screen acting 1s done an little bus and chunks without an audience. and so the performer get!I no "high" to carry him or her alonR from scene 10 scene. SIDNEY HARRIS Some of the most talented actors. hke Alce Gu1ness, have openly ex- pressed the feeling that they hardly exist as an independent personality when they are alone: 1t h only when they arc involved in a role and interacting with an audience that they assume a real identity. I suspect that one of the <:h1ef mottves luring people into this hne of work is a sense of emptiness in themselves, a kind of vacuum that can be sa11sfactonly filled only b> makmi contact with a different appreciative public every night. No- body else 1s '>0 much at loose ends a~ an actor when he 1s not working at 1h1!. chemical proces<;. Far more than most of us, rhe performer ha'i a dreadful need to be hked and admired; 1h1s 1s the "energy" that Chevalier acquired and 1hat v1v1fies everyone who goes o n the s1age. J U$1 as a plain woman becomes more bcau11ful when !lhc 1s loved. so an actor becomes more appealing when he eitclte'i applause for his imper<;ona11on. Sldaey Harris Is a syadlcated col11maJ1t. Unwed teen mOther should seek support DEAR ANN LANDERS I am a 19- year-old mother of an infant son. The father of my child. "Tam," was m} high school sweetheart We met at age 15 and lost our virgrn1ty to each other Like so many stupid teenagers we u~d no birth control, believing 11 couldn't happen to us Al age 17. I became pregnant. I was 'itun ned and heartsick when Tim said he dadn 't believe he was the father and wanted nothing more to do with me My parents went lo ..cc Tam's ~rents. There was a tcmblc row_ -They sa1<i I wa~ tryi ng lo trap their '>On .and announced they were standing behind him My folks i.tood up to all their abuse and said the) were standing behind me. We decided not to fil e a paternity su11 The "X's" arc n ch and powerful an tht !I c1l} and we figured m1dtl le· class working people hke U'> wouldn't stand a chance A few weeks ago a fnend at work told me I was a fool to tolerate \UCh treatment since lhere ts now a hlood test that is 99 percent ac<.uratc. It 1\ accepted an almost every state <an you tell me more about 11'' -V ERY ANONYMOUS IN DIXIE • Ot:AR o rXIE: Tbt test la called Tbe Human wukocyte Antigen Blood Teat. It w11 origJoally developed to matcb organ donors wltb those wbo needed traa1plaot1. It la 99.t s percent accurate to determlDIDg pateroJty. I urge you to pre11 charges even If your state doet not recoplle tbla teat. A competent, blgll-powered lawyer can Jean oa tbe state leglslature aod generate enougll support to get It tbroa1h. Ma. maguille reported oo a similar case recently and tbe woman won It. Good lack to you. • • • Of.AR ANN LA'IDER!> I couldn't believe 11 when I re.ad your approval of a two-hour ho'ipital v1<>1I b) relatrvcs and close friend'i and one hour for acquaintance!> Hospitals arc riot Aunt E:mma's parlor. The pa11en11s there lo recover. not to dish the dirt 1 he strain of making small talk can he terminal in the doses you endor'I(: especially ANN LAllDERS v.hen compounded by a number of "ts1tor<, Unlci.s the patient 1s a spou~ or a parent who needs a helping hand or emotional ~uppon from someone "Cl') close. 10 minutes 1s JUSt aboul nght. An ything longer might se nd him or her back to intensive care. - BEEN THERF:. IN CHICAGO. DEAR ClllC: My braloa mHt !lave been AWOL wbeo I OK 'd tbat loony advice. My stock answer for vlsltlog tbe sick la, stay away ualeu apeclfl· cally lavlltd. People go to boapltals because they are sick, ool because &bey are lonesome. I'll take I% lashes wltb a knotted btdsbeet. • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS. Plca<,e help women ltkl• me who are tou available. too g1 v1ng and too accom· modattng. I JU<,I wre<:kcd a relat1onsh1p that had a lot of p<itcn11al because I made 1he same damned fool mistake I ~ufTocated the guy to death wi th too much attention and too much caring. As always, I lost control of the relattonsh1p along w11h my ..e lf. respect. Help me. Ann. 1 don't want to mah the same mistake time after time Please tell me how to cure this d1~a'lc before I gel 11 again. -VULNER· ABLE IN lJ TAH. DEAR VULNERABLE: I tblll you are being too bard oa yourself. Parl of tbe problem, 11 I 1ee It, la yoar aeleclloo of meo. Get couaaeUng ud filld out wily yoa pick me11 wbo are onabJe to appreciate a loving, cartu1. attentive woman. You might aJao work at bulldlDg self-eateem and learn bow to wait for a mu to lavlab affection on you, for a cbuge. C& W stars aid doomed kids' dreams \, \ ...,H v 11 I f Mtl Tilll~. C burlie Oao1e1,, Lou1" 1(,raodpo 1 Jone' .ind \l,1h.im.1., Rand} Owtn11 "-('rt .rn111ny rhr l 11untr" mu<.1l l'ntertd1n1·1, who traded thl•tr 1n .. 1 rum1·nt\ f11r apron\ w flll\t' mont ~ for ,1n organ11at1<>0 thar help' fulfill tht• drl';ltll\ of chaldrt•n w1rh ltk thn•atcn1ny dt\· ea\t'\ · It went gn'JI ,,mJ Gtorgt Scbolttf'r, "'h'' hd~d 1>rgan11r the third ,innuJI fund·ra1\rng luntheo11 f11r r >ream \.1.tkrr<, v. (" don'1 hlh<' hnal fig1111·' hut 11 '.it lea\t l 42 (J()(J" \<hn1t1cr \auJ The lunthcon lra111rcHelcbnt> w:rners. wh u dondtl' th(•tr 11)1\ 10 DrcamM.i kcr'> r hl· g1oup founded 1n I l/X2 honored \anger y_lvla for her in\0J .. 1·men1 1n ''' efTons Tall order LEXIN<, r <>:"< K. -< ,, • ., MartM Llyae C0Ulo1, hun~ry after a Iona. lunchle\\ da) ahoard a Nat1onaf Gu~rd heltlopter tour- 1n1., torn1do·damiaed com- mun11ics. tent out for p111a Jnd Domino's delivered The ordCT -thrrc larae p111a' wtth evcryth1n1 hold 1hc anchovies. -wa~ radioed from MelTWu the helicopter to the Blucara'l'I Field control tO\lolCr and called an to the local Domino·~ P111a franch1~ "We really didn't believe 11 at fiT'\t ," said Domino'\ dehv~rer lJan Cruc, .. un11l we saw ilhe heltcoptcr AO over the uo"' " True to its ~lopn, Domino·, delivered. "Leu 1han 20 nunutes," Crue hoaJted Homeleea cheered NEW YORK -Folk \lnien PtUT, PHI and Mary, who .. celebrate their 25th year as a tn o w11h a serie~ of Broadway con- certs next week, tQOk their songs to a shelter fo r homeless men and its residents. The sinat" went to the Bellevue Hospital Men's Shelter whcrt an elderly man, who s:ud has name was George "Tex" Vogel, took Mary Travers· guitar and began playing and. 'langang folk ~ngs Traver\ l1'ltc:ncd for a moment and then J01ned in w1th w me harmony Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey, the other members of the tno. Joined them and mndc 11 B QU3rtCt In hononna Lan1mann. the pre'l1den1 called "Sh~h... the n1ne·hour film on the Holocau&1, a monumental "t~timony of a u cnficc'' and a "ph1lo'°ph1cal panorama of man " Author cited PARI~ -Pre adent Fraaeoll Mltcerr111d hin conferred the llllc of< ommander of the Lcaior\' of Honor upon the Baron PWUppe M llt~W and named Cla9* Loam.~ author of .. Sboah," Chevalier 1n the lqion. ' K EEP IN TOUCH B'1lh vulnt>rnble Nori h deal'I NORTH ' WEST •J8 'K J 10 7 AK JO 7 +972 EAT • fJ • Q 32 A86 2 . Q 96 2 +8 ~ 9~4 JRl\4 ~J +A Q .f 10 SOUTH •AK 10971>4 Q :l Vold + K 6•:l Thr btddin~ North Ra11t I Pas" I NT Pa H Pus Pu8 South 1 • ... 0 1wnin.I( lc•ad: Ei.l(hl <1f • W.-st Pas11 Pa111 Tt11-. I!> an 11.l(f' of 1·omr11u1111·a· I 1<1n -and 1 ht• lu< k uf 11 11 a~h· -.pt•1•d L0ornp11 t1•r., rush lll(''l"a)(<·~ from one• part of lh<· wurlrl to an 01 hf'r 1n wrnnch . V<'l d11l<lr1•11 and parf'tH'i, hu ... band-. anti wt Vl''" o ftt•n find they an• 11nabl1> 111 mm mltnH':Hc Anti at 1 lw tlrrd.I(•· tuhh• kN'Plll~ 111wn ltnl''> pf 1·om11111n1< .. 11011 1·an lw tlw k1·~'1 c1 ,, -.111 1 , .... .,f11l ch•f1·n~1· So11 llt wa-;t{·cl no l1n11• 111 J.t<'ll tn)( lo I h1• b1•-;1 <·ontrart Wlwn ht" part n1•r '>howf'd a mm1m11rn 111w11111.I( hid w11h no partll'ular sp:ul1• fit , S1111th .l(av .. 11p all thouf(ht<o uf <;lam mid WI t 11•<1 for t ht> -.padt• )(amr• W1•'olt l•·tl t ht• ei.l(ht of dub ..... 11111 a t lt1111~htl1·-.-. ~:a-.t wrnalrl h1111d d1• I la1 f 'I ht<, t'llrltra<·t HI I 111·k ""'' 111· would n"'' with th1· a1 ·1• 111 < luh-. and rPturn lht> <1u11 10 lft"l"la'h•r"·• ktnl( Aft<·r drawing 1w11 round~ uf trump.-,, dt>C'larn w1111ld lt•ad a low twart, inll'ndanl( to play th1• lf'n from dummy Whtin 11 turn'°I 11111 lhal W(•<.t ha'! t hl' a<·•· of heart~ 111ul ,., 0111 of d11b-.. lhl' df"frnd"r" can l(t'l no morr than I ht•1r J w11 a<'t''> and o:·~ ;.~·-~:··! . ':.· ('N. f •• I ..,., • ~ "' I -;. JI I J £ " I 11 ! I' I I· { j r { £1 I CHARLES Go REN OMAR SHARIFF a 1r11m11 trsr'k ~:a,t -.t11111ld 1t'<tli!.1' tl1;tt h1-. p;1rt 1wr must ha\ 1• at lra'>t 1 "'"!lull' If ht• had It .. 111l(l1•1111l, S1111lh wu'Old hun· fivP dull-. l1t':te1Nl l>y ttw ktnl(. and lw w1111ld t Nta1111, hav1• bad thl'm at h1-. -.1·1·on d 111rn A111l 11n· lrs~ We<it wa~ l1•adlnl( tli•· top nf a l1 v1· <·ard 'olllll. <11•da11•1 n111 ltl not h;I\ 1• a -.1n1tlt•111n t luh ThPn· fon" Ea.«t ,111111 Id tu1 vp playC'tl lht· t<•n of 1'111h-. to th1• f1r'>t lrll'k. and dt•t larn I\ ht•lph•"' a" 111111-t a., 1111' rlt-fvnd1·r" rto not 1•rr T iu• h1°'>l ~math c·an du 1 .. win th<' kl111( and tr~· to -.n1·ak an 1•n1rv to rl11111my with a h1·arr Wl'sl <'an"dt• f<•:11 thr t•ontrar thy n-.lnl( wi th thr a<'i' of ht•ari.. 1rnd n·turnanl(" clvb. .tllow1nl( t lw <lt•frndf'r'i to 1·olte<'I 1wo1 l11b t r11 k" to go w11 h tht• ace of lwart-. anti t lw trump r rwk to n >mr Havf' you bf't'n running Into doublf' troublf'? Let Charles Gorf'n hPlp you find your way through l ht> mazt-or OOUB~ES for pt-naltle8 and for takt>"'1t. t'or a co11y or hi" "OOUBLE.!S" bookl.-t, 1Jend 11.85 to "Goren·Double8," ca r e or I hls nf"ws paper, P.O. Box 4•26 Orla n· d o, Fla. 32802·4426. Make chet'ks pay a bl.-t o "Nf'wspapt>rbook•." I 0 I T 1'I I I "'°"' >CM•• -'9"' .• -11 Y"" 1--...., --.., ,,.......,,.,.., -,,......... . we19W wllen fOV QOl llllH..0 . • . . • . ....., ,,.. t'IH"n lelh1•e< r,,..,.,,. ...-------... Qu<~ly llOdeo TM -··--~+--r--.---.r--r.-T-11 0 ~r ... ·• • ' ' • o ~ •"'1 ..... __.,__,_..__..__...._ ...... , ~:.~ ~ l ~~ ~~ ~:o~~? ~ ~· TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Breathe~ heavily 6 Only 10 Relative!. 14 Dispense 15 Pantomime 16 Connive 17 Charter 18 Do gardf'n•ng 19 Rio 20 W1despreao 22 Meal d1:r.ll 23 Flabbergast 24 Earhes1 26 Bae!\ 29 Atop J 1 Invite 32 Transposed 34 Track evenls 38 Dairy item 39 Angler s need 41 Sword 42 Ohio city 45 0 1 river banks 48 Female ruff 49 Garage even1 50 Cessation 51 Alms seekers 55 Roman god 57 Woody 511 Business pro 63 Advance 64 Otreclly 65 Musical Count 66 Imposing 67 Peer 68 A1 .. er to the Rhone 69 Bone-dry 70 Fits ou1 7 1 Brainy game DOWN 1 Storm 2 Author Haley 3 Lath 4 Atlltudes 5 Loud speaker 6 Fast runner 7 Norse king 8 Lochs 9 Rubt>ernec!\ 10 Garden tool 11 Fruit t 2 Thank ·YOU 13 Originate 21 Oaystara 22 Be defeated 25 Crewman 26 Agitate 27 Make over 28 Ellipse 30 Fetors 33 Appearance • • - -_! -• -• -. . PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 35 Cap- !lead to foot 36 Bring forth young 17 Forward 40 Jewels 43 College VIP •4 Above poet 46 Blueprint 47 Needing oxygen .. 51 Bundle& 52 Ab~ond 53 Egg white 54 Cuban llUe 56 Oe1t1uci 59 Crocus root 60 'R~I" 6 t KnlgMI 62 Letters 64 Cotton Sjate abbr THE J'AlllLY CIRCUS by Bii Keane "You've drown a nice birthday cord, Billy , but I think Mommy will like it better if you didn't pvt her age on it." MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson "Open season on yuppies today, eh?" PEANUTS .J '" ?,0~ '{..\.' - ( ( GARFIELD TUMBLEWEEDS weeps, 'tt)(J MINO-~ACK M'{ ~O~-A­ WAV ~~~1ANf7 l\.L-61~ 'fb.JAJOEJ. DRABBLE R08EISROSE ._. .. BIO GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) "I'm taking the dog out for a little walk. We'll write." --------Vear Contributor, We are returning your manuscript It does not suit our present needs. 1. GM(i "~\JE. ~~ \Jf.A~~ IN M-4 ~r~ t C:00..0 G£T 11'o(TO ~RIOU5 T~OJ0l.f. I~ by Charles M. Schulz 11 M THE ONLY WRITER WHO 6ET5 A REJECTION SUP ~APPED AROUND A ROCK !,_ by Jim Davis by Tom K. Ryan by Kevin Fagan T"4E Polf.CAT AAt4 !if.C.lf ICAU.~ 5'TME~ · ··r~ 6"~t MOT ~M~00'< Wf.A~l.b. by Pat Brady Orange Coeet DAILY PrLOT/Frldey, Merc:h 14, 1Ne - BLOOM COUNTY f'IC . .RtAU.Y ff U H A ffE~ Of CAKe "j -~ l(U IT A flf,C. M.OON HOLLINS FINAL E'XAM ... I :i caor A B~iHALIZEJ? ... FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE I WONT. I WILL NOf l WILL ~PEEL THOSE CARROfS. SHOE JUDGE PARKER FUNKY WINKERBEAN !'L.l HAVE: 10 A~rr. R>~K4 ... I MAV£ t-011CE.D ~ 'THI~ AB001 U5A l.JtTa<; ! DOONESBURY Ml( ()(JYAL/ER, IX) >W 'THM )QA'~ u - TIM£P ~MZ!j I ~/Ji/TEPw >aR FINAL~" : \ , . - by Berke Breathed by Ferd & Tom Jot\naon by Lynn Johnston by Jeff MacNalty by Harold Le Ooux RIGHT AFTER YOU LE>W!:. I'M~ A DOCTOR OVER HERE lO LOOK AFTER cw:u.eNE . ANO lOMOAROW, WHEN l P'HONE Y0V, YOU eETTEA e E F"REF'A~O TO MAKE A SETTU:.MENT FOR THE RAIN YOV CAJ,,JSEO THAT.--...-.. l.1 <;tRL' ~..P'' ~~\ by Tom Batluk by Gary Trudeau (J,+f I ()(N'T Q.(l(, I'O K.ATHE.R !CT« i ~T !N T>tl Mlmf; H/;Jl.f. r " 810 Onnge Coelt DAILY PILOT/ Friday, March 14, 1988 Readers have their own ideas on jail location An iqdignant county ~oard ofSu~~~rs rejec~ed a suggestion by ~e ~nd Jury that a Jail s~te .selection committee rank its ultimate recommendauons to take political considerations out of the final decision. The supervisors said they are capable of ranking the sites on their own. That should have been evident to anyone who has been observing them f~r a ~hile. They have quite expertly ranked every potenual site -last. Tuesday, the supervisors called.on C<?unty plann~rs and environmental experts to compile a hst of potential sites for a new jail by March 18. (Two ~ys later, She~ff Brad Gates is to appear before a federal Judge to explain why .the county has been unable to. relieve. crowded conditions at the Santa Ana lockup m the eight years since it was ordered to do so.} : Also Tuesday, we published an editorial asking our readers to help their elected officials compile a li~t of sites. Although we suspect some of these suggestions may not have been offered in the· spirit of comp!ete honesty and civic concern, here are. s~me of the typical responses. and a few of the more ongmal: •A gentleman from Fountain Valley suggested that a blue ribbon panel select a single site that the supervisors would be bound to accept. "If they can't agree, maybe they should spend. a day or two in jail themselves," he wrote. • Another gentleman declared the only logical place for the new jail is adjacent to the old jail m Santa Ana, where it would be con venient to the courts. A Costa Mesa woman seemed to concur. "It should be located as close to the courthouse as possible," she said, adding," A nice, beautiful high-rise jail would do well there and be an ideal place to incarcerate people." And a Huntington Beach woman had a similar idea for a different reason ... There's already a jail in Santa Ana," she sajd, "so why mess up another city?" • A man who might have had his tongue in his cheek when he called our We're Listening line nominated Newport Beach. "I believe (the jail) should be sectioned off. Parts of it should be on Linda Island, Newport Beach, other parts in the coast off.Newport Beach where the inmates could also have surfing .privileges_ Also. I-believe tllere should be tennis courts ~ and there should be a Jot of divin~ classes. Maybe even put one on Lido Isle. That's my view." If the supervisors make the unlikely decision to bUild on Lido, this guy may commit a crime just to get reservations. • A woman suggested Caspers Regional Park ''on the way up to the Ortega Highway." • And a man who seemed to be more coocemed with another issue made the following suggestion: ..... apply the John Wayne Airyort solution to t~e .ora.nsc County Jail problem. That 1s, expand the ex1stmg Jatl. Remember. Orange County is expanding the airport terminal by 12 times the current size. On the other hand, if they expand the jail j ust twice the curre nt size. then they could handle the projected prisoner demands." • In a similar vem. a man left this succmct order: "Put it in Santa Ana Heights.'' ., • A slightl y confused woman recommended San Clemente Island "where target practice and N ixon is." • A Costa Mesa man drew on his military background for this idea: "During World War II, all of us soldiers were trained and li ved in barracks on the desert. If us soldiers endured not-so-hard of a hardship living there, why couldn't barracks of a decent nature be built and when crowded conditions became a reality. JUSt build another barracks. Of course, all would be fe nced in from our population. They would be cheaper and easier to maintain. Such conditions that us in the service endured, why not have the same for our unlawful people? I know others would consider this proposal too simple. Perhaps something simple would work." •A nd a Huntmgton Beach man took a completely different approach, questioning the need for a jail at all. "My suggestion would be that we put violent offenders into the military for whatever their sentence term may be and provide them with the same opportunities and benefits that a regular conscript would have. They could very possibly come out disciplined, educated, go on to college with th& same types o f programs that are o ffered to people that enlist these days. "(am no t an fa vor of the Army and I'm not a big fan of convicts either, but it is a possible solution." Finally, an irreverant wae begged the question with a question: .. If they put the Jail in Newport, will that satisfy he affordable housing requirement there?" she asked. While the supervisors arc weighing this worthy guidance from their constituents, there is still time to contribute to the collective wisdom. The We're , Listening line 1s open at 642-6086 to record your message. Opinions expressed in this space are those of the Dally Piiot Other views expressed on this page are those. of their authors and artists RNder comment 11 invlled The Daily.Pilot PO Box 1S60. Costa Mesa. 92626 Phone 642-6088 -oRANGE' COAST Daily Pilat ' KMMWh1-PubltV!e< ,,..,. Dftl (d<IO< Toni Tait M11n11g11io (O•t°' DOft,..., Cory (1)110< T-Ci.Nirl NewlEo.toi Cr ... IMft Sporrt f:dllnt llMMMlllJ Cflwc:Nfterl Contr ~l..CMlnil Prl)(jv(;tl()tl Marl•~ T9'1YK ....... (11r.11t111oon M•negc• ..... d.,..._,, Marlrlt11nQ l'>lf.CIOf et.~~Of 2 • ·'A series of voting law changes has created the potential for fraud and some who believe Jt already exists. '· h\R.~ COt#C. MERE: ! WArtT Yoo' • Deadwood on voter rolls raises POten tial for fraud Absenteeballots could be turned in by non-residents SACRA MENTO -The concept of Amencan-style rcpresentat1vl' democracy 1s simple. on election da). c111zens of the required age are free 10 cast their ballots for whomever they like and the candidate who receives the most votes is the winner S1mphC1t) aside, Amencan h1stor) 1~ replete with voting fraud that affected that history !rs now con- ceded by most h1stonans. for exam- ple. that then-Mayor Richard Daley's man1pulat1on of voting results from Chicago 1n I Q60 placed Illinois rn the John Kennedy column and dented Richard Nixon the presidency. And for generations, bTac s were dented vo11ng nghts in the Deep South by use of the poll tax, ludicrous literacy tests and other d1s- cnminatory devices. We Cahfom1ans have been a bit smug about the punt} of our elec- tions. But a senes of voting law changes has created th e potential for fraud and some who believe 1t already CXIStS. We have made 11 easier to register to vote, using postcards and other s1mpledev1ccs, we have made it more difficult to knock registered voters off lhe rolls. even 1f the\ have moved awa) from their o'nginal voung addresses o r died, and.we have made 11 easier to vote by absentee ballot. The state's voter rolls are clogged v.1th what election officiaJs call "deadwood .. -people who no longer live at their registered addresses but continue to be counted as potential voters. Those ghost names on the rolls year DAN WALTERS Sacramento thick stacks of docu- ments they sa y buttrcsss their case. An thony Miller, the chief deputy secretary of stale, says that the allegations have persuaded him lo launch an rn vestigat1on into Plumas County's voting practices. That investigation. reprdless of what 1l detennines, will not be completed prior to the March 18 elecuon on Ross. although ifthl'rc arc after yea r are an open invitation for irregulariues detennined later. there some unscrupulous political operat-arc complicated procedures available ivcs to vote them by absentee ballot. for setting aside election results. 11·., unlikely that such a scheme At this point. no one has proven could be developed to affect statewtde anything is askew in Plumas County. elections. But it's entirely possible but Miller concedes that the com- that non-residents could be voted via b1nataon of deadwood-clogged voting absentee in sufficient numbers to rolls and easy absentee voting is one affect local elecuons -which bnngs that could be exploited to manipulate us to a controversy now raging m election results. Northeastern California's sparsely "The potential 1s there lo be populated Plu,was County. e>.ploited in the situation where a For more than a decade. there's handful of votes can make a dif- bee.n-a political battle ragm8-0~Hm&-fere~Jler says. "We-a~ goin county supervisor's scat in Plumas to look at ... the allegations." County, now held by Leonard Ross. Miller sees Plumas C:ounty as a Every four years, his critics try to oust microcosm of a potenttal~roblem Ross and between elections, they that is growing worse throu out the have lned lo recall him. He faces a state-voter registration ro ls that no new recall vote on March 18. The longer accurately reflect the local man who runs against Ross, inc1den-electorate. tally 1s his former brother-10-law, Miller and his boss, Secretary of B.J. Pearson. who lost lo Ross by just State March Fon~ Eu, have been 156 votes m 1984. pressing the Legislature to allow The anti-Ross camp is complain mg pen~1c purging of deadwood from not only about his performance as the voter rolls. But Democratic supervisor but allege that the series of leaders of the stale Legislature have elections has been materially affected been unwilling to do that, fearing that by votes cast on behalf of people no purged rolls would show the party to longer hvrng in the district. have fallen below 50 percent of the The cntics ha ve gone through the registered voters in California. lists of registered voters· naml'-by-As each election comes and goes, name -about 2, I 00 in all -and the rolls become ever more loaded allege that dozens of absentee ballots wsth ghosts, and the potcntiaJ for are being cast by or for persons who manipulauon of local electio~s - have moved not only out of the such as its alleged to be occumng in superv1sorial distnct but out of the Plumas County becomes ever county and even out of the state. greater. The anti·Ross activists have de· Daa Walters ls • •yodJcat~ livered to state election officials in columnist. -17li1iil:tdt.UI ~ iitj;ii!•i;t.ilfo.) ... _____________ _ Revelations about plastic pistol Stir up controversy Austrian-madeweap-onsaredifficult for airport security measures to detect -~· WASHINGTON -We stirred up a tempest of alarm. denial and malicious innuendo when we re- poned recently that Libyan dictator Moa mmar Khadafy. the terrorists' fnend. was dickering lo bu y a quanti- ty of A ustnan-madc, semi-plastic pistols that are difficult or 1mposs1ble for airport secunty mea-;ures to detect. ,- The p1s1ol 1s the'Gtock 17, invented by an Austnan. Gaston Glock, and manufactured at a plant outside Vienna. Our mtelhgence sources told us Khadafy was tryi ng to buy 1'00 to 300 of the handguns. We also reported that a Pentagon S«Unty expert had succeeded twice tn c.arrying a dismantled Glock I 7 through the human and mechanical weapons detectors at Washington's Nallonal Airport. After our January report. Glock and the Austnan governmen t beg.an 1~c;uing refut<i.tion 10 press releases and telegrams lo ma1or publications Their concern wu presumably he1Jhtcned by the fact that Gk>ck 1s atte mpting to market the p1~tol in the United S~te One Pentagon spokesman had the nerve to tell a 1oumaltst that hl' doubted the existence of the "Pen- tagon sttunty expert" we said had tested the Glock I 7 against airport security. For the record· The man who conducted the unofficial test 1s the Pcniaaon·~ top expert on counter- terronsm, Noel Koch, the pnncipal deputy assistant defense secretary. Glock told anyone who would hsten thJtt tc u under the supcrvi ion ' of unnamed "official security spec1al- 1sls" showed clearly that "both scan- ners and detectors can identify the Glock 17," which has a mass that 1s 83 percent steel and only I 7 percent plastic. The pornt. of course, is that the metal parts. which are detectable, don't look like Jun parts. while the plastic parts, which do look like a gun, escape detection. Koch proved this twice with a dismantled Glock 17. In fact. Rep. Mario Biqg1. 0-N.Y .• settled the matter beyond any nitpick- ing. One of his aides hand-carried ~he most rccognjzable pan of a Glock 17 -its plastic. pistol-shaped frame - through a Capitol Hill metal detector without having it spotted. The rest of the pistol's parts, mostly metal, were in his briefcase and went through the scanner without being identified. Meanwhile, both the Federal A v1a- t1on Adm1nsstratton and the Bure.u of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms suddenly decided the problem of plastic handguns deserved attention. The 11v1at1on agency has since learned of a u s.-made, all-plastic pistol, which 1s not yet on the market but which would be undetectable by a metal·scaoning dev1cc. 81aaai has introduced a bill, H.R. 4223, tbal would requit'C' rCdtral secunty testing of all non-metal fircanns, whether imported or made 1n Uie United tatcs If a wupon failed to be detected by standard scann1n1 equipment, it would be outlawed, "-'1th a few minor uccp- tions. How 'Crf OUS IS the problem Of I aun that can beat tht 11rpon tttunty JACK ANDERSON r~j and DALE VAN ATTA machines? Some FAA figures should make clear that 11's deadly serious. Since mandato ry screening procedures went into effect at U.S. airports in 1973. more than 33,000 fircanns have been detected and almo t 14,000 related arrests have been made. Officials estimate that at least 113 h11ackings have been prevented. Footnote: Glock told us he bas never sold his pistols lo Libya, and has no ongoing negotiations to do so. But other sources · told us that, without Olock's knowledge. Khai was trying 10 buy the .1uns thro intermediaries 10 Austna lt would interesting to know if the salesmen have told KJlad1fy about Olock's claim that the pistol is easily dete<> table by airpon security scanners. UNDER THE OOME:Theadmin- 1 tral1on's fore1gn-pohcy salesmen, urgently scounne Capitol Hill for supporters of their $100 million aid plan for the Nicaraguan contras, ran 10to an unexpectedly vehement r~ponsc from Sen. Edward Zorinsk'y, 0-Neh., whose someumcs con· 5ervative views had ajven them hope. Zorin ky Hstcned politely to Uie White House pitch. then sa1d: "Gentlemen. you cannot rent an army. You cannot buy lo~&lty. You C41nnot purchast friend ' End of sales talk. Jad .t.4~,., .. u4 DeH Vu Atta art 1~"4 efllelMHU. .. DA!f W ALTSIU cotamaa.i IN PLR SPF c J IVI --- MARTIN BROWER Car pool lanes.do unclog traffic OC freeways and drivers need to h ave fl exibility We were driving along the Costa Mesa Freeway with three other people and the traffic was bumper to bumper. Someone asked why I was not using the new car pool lane. I never thought of it. I moved into the lane-and zipped along at 55 mph. The car pool lane ·works! The Orange County Transpor- tation Commission's tests show that with the addition of the new car pool lane. everyone moves faster along the Costa Mesa Freeway. The new lane encourages car pools, thereby taking some cars off the road, and takes from the existing lanes those cars with two or more people. The result is that the non<ar pool lanes also move faster. Everyone wins -the car pool commuters and the non<ar pool commutet'1. But the non-car pool commuten feel they are being cheated. They drooled when they saw an additional lane being added to the Costa Mesa Freeway, only to feel spumed when it was announced that the new lane is ~l~mm~teB only. The question is -would the new Jane be more effective if it were opened to all, thereby creating more capacity for everyone on the always. clogged freeway, or is the new lane more effective serving only car poolers? The Orange County Trans- portat.ion Commission believes the latter 1s true. Now. l am nol nonnally a car pool er. J detest car pools, preferring to drive to work and home after work anytime I please. But I understand that with certain types of jobs - aerospace and electronics, for exam- ple -more riltid hours arc oossible. Aerospace workers have different deadlines than many of us. They must have their projects finished by June 17 -1998. But until that time, if the car pool is ready to leave at 5:01 p.m., the worker can be ready. The solo car drivers claim the Orange County Transportation Com- mission is using purposely mislead- ing data to prove its point that the car pool lane works. We would seriously doubt that. The commission is trying to do its best to move traffic more effectively throughout the county. And the c.ar pool lane is provina to be effective. Perhaps the next question is: lfthe added car pool lane is so effective, should a lane be taken away from other freeways in Orange County and allocated to car ix>ols? At 'this we- would have to balk. Taking away a lane which we already bave1 on already crowded freeways, and 11ving it over to a special use, seems WTOnf But adding a lane and designating 1t for a special use seems to be proper. The non-car poolers also claim that the car pool lane is unsafe. Cars are rushing along at SS mph or more adjacent to cars crawling alona at JS or less. But the risk there is less than the risk imposed by a hipway without a median strip, when cars in the fast lanes goi.na in two oppasina directions pus one another while each is doina SS or better. We have to rely on the other driver and we have to drive defensively. And lo aid in safety, plans are in the works to install pylons to assUft tb11 lane changing occurs only where pennittcd. Do pylons work? In Chicaao. for eumple, pylons arc used to separate traffic mov1n1 in two directions, with more city·bouod lanes in the morning and more outward-bound lanet in the late afternoon. While the median wall~ In our present freeways do 001 permit 1ucb flexibility, we would bopc tbatdcsi&n of future freeways. such as the transponation corridors, would be more tleuble, without sacrificing safety. Ora~ County's traffic requires flexibihty in dcsian of freeftya. flexibility in operation of ftecwaya. and -hardest of all -flexibility on ltlc pan <>f the dnvina public. Ma11tll Brower pebUMetl _.....,.. lettel' ''Manta Brow~t'• Orup C...tya.,.rt." f • I I . :Lancers dashing ag~in along California roads More than a century ago, dashing.Mexican cavalrymen called Lancers rode along Call- f ornla' s El Camino Real. Today, another stylish Lancer Is cbarglng on to the state's highways. It's the 1986 Dodge Lancer Pacifica performance sedan, a Callf ornla exclusive that matches the speclallzed lines of European AMG styling with the handllng and dependability demanded by the contemporary car buyer. The all~whlte car Is named after Chrysler Pacifica, the company's advanced styling studio In Carlsbad where It was designed. ··A car targeted specifically for the Calif ornla market competes with some of the world's most sophisticated automobiles,'' said John Pinko, design speclaJlst. ·'And It compet• for the attention of some of the moat knowtedgeable car buyers In the world. ''To design a car for California means there can't be any cllches. No tacked on air scoops. No racing stripes. "Californians require a certain sophistication In cars. They ap- 'Preclate elegant, fluid llnes.'' Pinko believes he and his col- leagues will ultlmatety work on more California-only vehicles. He notes that there are more customized European Imports In Southern California than In any other part of the couhtry. Prices for these monocolor Eurosedans are usually In tbe $50,000 range. "Lanc,r Pacifica Is priced under $15,000 and can eaally hold Its own against the more expensive Im- port~ In both appearance and handling," he said. Also conttlbutlng to the car's development were Chrysler Cali- fornia, the statewide sales and marketing organization, and Group S/V, Chrysler's special vehicle management group In Detroit. ''In deciding Just what kid of car we wanted, we chose to develop a driver's car." said Jon Rundets, body program manager for the 500 llmlted editions to be sold at Dodge Groomed for callfornla, Lancer Pactflca bu all-white ftnlah and wlnd-eheattnc aerotreatment. CRX'S FOR • 4x4's ,\ ~enof~e LallcerPadflca'•aerodpa•lcetyU.,ued the force of air to lmpnwe ~11111111 halMIHn& aa4 traction. dealers. "The turbo-dwged 2.2- llter engine la more than sufficient, so we decided to tune the car' a suspension to match Its engine.'' The matchup.lnciudes atfffer front and rear coll springs, which allow the car's roU center to be lowered. A solid rear away bar also has been added, m~nlmlzlng boulevard ride and body roll, while aiding handling. As a result, Rundeta and Group S/V have Increased the car's lateral tracking force, Its ability to hold the road In tight cornering, from .82G to.84G. "It's a wor1d-claaa adhesion fig- ure, In the same ballpark wtth such cars as Porsche9«, BMW3181, -. Mercedes 190E and Audi 409<)," Aundels sald. Complimenting the Paclflca's tuned suspension are a set of 135 mph-rated Goodyear 205/60VA ''Gatorback" unldlre llonal tires, which feature the same tread design used on Corvette, Mustang SVO and Dodge Daytona C/S. Part of Paclflca's AMG styling Includes a complete set of aero- dynamic body extensions and spoilers, adding to the car' a con- temporary look. "The aero treatment really Im- proves Pacmca's handling by lessen Ing the tendency of the car to be lifted by air at hlgtrspeed," Rundels explained. While Its job by reducing air flow under the front of the car, the back hatch apotter helps reduce rear llft by 50 percent. "We believe that California buyers wttl recognize the refine- ments that this car represents,'' said Patrick Smorra, general sates manager f ot Chrysler Callfornta. "It's fully equipped; the only option Is a thre&-speed automatic trana- axle." Standard features Include: • 146-hp turbocharged 2.2-tlter engine •Analog Instrument cluster wltt!, 125-mph speedometer •Soft black leather front bucket and rear bench seats •Air conditioning •Automatic crulte controt and tilt steering column •Ave-speed manual transaxle •Power seats, windows and door locks •Rear wtndow defroster •Ultimate sound system wtth Dolby cassette player and graphic equalizer . •Marchal fog lamps A unique all-white acrylic enamet finish stresses the car' a steek aerodynamic components. The paint treatment Is highlighted wtth black motdlnga and a special "Pactflca" name badge on the rear hatch. Specialists at Chrysler's NuCarPrep f aclllty In Santa Fe Sprlngawm berelPQAl&*tort final conversion, preparation and shlpment of the car. 4 Doors ------ 540-0713 HOTLINE 540-0713 HOTLINE 2860 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .. I • • . • ' • • '88 ISUZU IMPULSE #90'i621 s '881- sem OR LEASE FOR ~~·(*~ PER MONTH 48 mo Lease- Resldual $3360.40 $630.14 down 211 BEACH BLVD. BUENA PARK (714) 521-3110 (213) 921-8881 . a. magnon subaru S.LAS~ES •PRICES!• 01 ILL 1986 MODELS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD • SUBARU 2480 Harbor Blvd. · Costa Mesa • Newport Beach (71 4) 549-4300 C2 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ Friday, Maten 14, 198f3 Car & Driver's ex-publisher going upscale BJ EDWARD MIU.Eft ,.,~ ..... DETROIT -David E. Davia said he knew It was time to leave his beloved Car and Driver maga- zine when ·he and his small staff showed up at a get-acquainted session arranged by the new owners. ''There were 400 people at the meeting and we were all sup- posed to get to know each other. I said, 'Geez, I don't know about this.'" Davis said. Many of his new bosses from CBS Inc. meant well, he said, but their ln'11ncts clashed with his lald-back Irreverence, a sty1e that was reflected In Car and Driver for the 15 years Davis was Its publisher. "We soon started to hear about the bureaucratic require- ments of CBS -the number of reports that would have to be flied, the number of memos that would have to be dealt with. They weren't kidding. We had to dea1 -with about 24 memos a week," he said. Tossing memos to the wind, Davis. a 55-year-old Motor City Institution, shook up the auto- motive publishing world by quit- ting Car and Driver. This month, he unveils Automobile, which belongs to Rupert Murdoch's publishing empire. . Davis described his new target audience as more upscale than Car and Driver's. His readers will be "people who love great cars and can afford them," as he put It. . Davis has placed special emphasis on photography and graphles with a bold writing style not unlike Car and Driver's. His high profile In the domestic and foreign auto lndustrle~ earned Automobile 85 pages of advertising for the 153-page premier Issue. About 50,000 people bought subscriptions sight unseen, he said. Automobile, llke Car and Driv- er. Is based In Ann Arbor. because Davis lives there. CBS last summer paid Zlff- Dand E . Da'ria charges In December but others are pending. said Peter Olaman- dls, president of CBS' magazine division . Davis was still publisher of Car and Driver when the legal action was filed against his good friend Ziff. "I would have quit In any case, but the lawsuit set It off," he said. He drafted a telegram of resig- nation on the flight out from the get-acquainted meeting, which was held In Amelia Island, Fla. Jobless. he later got a call from Murdoch's people proposing a new magazJne . Olamandls, asked about Davis' comments. said, "I wish him tuck." "We sincerely regret that David left, but somehow the magazine (Car and Driver) has survived and prospered," Dlamandls said. "I think It will take two years to tell If he will develop a sucoessful magazine." ~_..,.,,....;...~:::~;;::::..:;:::::=:::::::::::..:====----.:..;;;;;;;;;;;~=~~~~~~=::::;:;====~==~~vis Publishing Co. $362:5 million for Car and Driver. Popu- Davis. born In Kentucky and raised around Detroit, decided to trade racing for a pen when, In 1955, he "scraped off the left side" of his face by rolling his MG at 90 mph on a track In Sacra- mento, . Calif. It took plastic surgery and 1s-rmm1Mof rest tor - him to recover. .. THE LIGHTEST LOAD THIS LONG BED WILL EVER CARRY! t 1 ccin buy a new 1986 Isuzu Long Hi JP UP ~pend a week rn Hawa11 r 1.J '->t ill scive money' How? Thi s week - ,. ! Bauer lsulu will sell you a NEW .. J':lf LrJng Bed PUP for only $5899 DD. P r tH'. license doc fees and an y dealer installed options) and send you to Hawa11 for a s un-filled week * Naturally, there are some restr1ct1ons our Isuzu Sales Repre sentatives have complete details. LOOK AT ALL THESE FEATURES: • 7 11?' LONG BED • Black Step Bumper • 5 Speed Stick w /00 • 2 Stainless Steel M irrors • 19 1 Gal Fuel Tank • Heavy Duty Suspension • Am-Fm Stereo • 10 to choose from -----''-'==-=~~=-=-~~ PLUS 8 6 °10 a.p.r. (QAGJ FINANCI NG ~ * E1gl1t. 1 1, ,.,, • r ,,, hot.r.I at.Lt · , 1 ,. j ' " 1 /v , n11,., two round ~ • 1 .... , ,11 for the pr r I I ll pubt1shod. ' • ' 11 P " 1 ,, ret&tr1ctedl t:.t"e PROFESSIONAL APPROACH 2925 Harbor Boulevard • Costa Mesa. CA • 71 4 -979-2500 • • 10s aa s 9 lar Photography and 10 other consumer magazines. Murdoch bought William Zlff's remaining trade magazlnes for $350 mllllon. David E. Davis Isn't related to Davis of Ziff-Davis. CBS later sued Ziff-Davis for $40 mllllon, clalmtng the maga- zine publisher had Inflated the value of the magazines. A New York state judge threw out some "I'm aiming at a narrower and more discreet slice of the market than Car and Drtver was,'' Davis said of Automobile. "We are not gonna compete with those guys .for numbers. What we would like to deliver Is a very high-quality audience, prob- ably a bit smaller" than the clrcutatloA of 928,000 at Car and Driver at the time he quit. Agency probing GM engine fires WASHINGTON (AP) -The government has opened preliminary Investigations Into the potential for engine fires In an estimated 800,000 1984-and 1985-model cars from General Motors Corp. The two new studies cover roughly 135,000 1984 Pontiac Fieros and about 650 ,000 1985 J- eers. including the Chevrolet Cavalier, Pontiac 2000, Olds- mobile Flrenza, Buick Skyhawk and Cadillac Cimarron. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration confirmed Wednesday It had begun the so- called "preliminary evaluations" after the private Center for Auto Safety released a copy of NHTSA's February defect In- vestigation report, which listed new Investigative actions by the agency. The center provided estimates on the numbers of vehlcies Involved. The center said there have been reports of at least eight engine fires In 198~ Fleros, and at teaat five In 1985 J--cara. A "preUmlnary evaluation" Is the first part of NHTSA's three-step defect Investigation pr09ess, and Is opened to gather data about a possible defect and determine If further action Is needed. The NHTSA report also listed the opening of preliminary evalu- ations of 350,000 1980-82 Toyota Motor Corp. Tercels for loss of steering control due to control arm corrosion, and 250,000 1985-86 Ford Motor Co. Escort and Mercury Lynx ve- hicles whose manual trans-L missions may jump out of gear. The report also showed that NHTSA had upgraded to an "engineering analysis" Its evalu- ation of GM A.cars whose front wheels may fall off when a ball joint stud falls. Tt:te analysis covers 200,000 1982 models of the Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera and the Buick Century. An "engineering analysis" Is the second step In NHTSA's defect Investigation process, and Is conducted to determine whether a defect 11 safety-,._ lated, and, If so, to encourage an earty recall. Phillips Buick gives cars to Saddleback Automotive technot~ stu- dents at Saddleback College In Mission Viejo wlll be able to train on two 198S Bulcks donated by a South Orange County car dealer. David J. Phillipa Buick of Laguna Hiiia recently ga"9 the collegea 1985 Bulek Etectra Park Avenue valued at $18,500, a 1985 Buick Skyhawk T-Type worth S 11, 100 and their factory aervloe manual•. Ron BeU, a Saddleb~ auto- motlvea profeuor, said the new care will allow the college to train student• on the lat•t com- putertzed technotogy. Including a a n n • • fuel Injection and front-wheel drive. Bell said he asked the Buick Dlvlllon of General Motors to donate • car to the cotlege, ano the company arranged the gift of two cars through the local deal- erlhlp. The cart do not have Identification numb9rt and can- not legaUy be driven off-campus, the Instruct°' said. The Mlllk>n Vt.to 1ehool on.a automotive cl ..... for atudenta who plan to work aa rMChanlca and fM amateur auto enthualuta who want to learn how to care for their own whlclet. Solutions to your car problems from the Automobile Club or Southern Califomia Compiled by Neil Oark and Eleanor Yavarone Q: Whtn I boughl my VW camper van In June of 'BJ. tht selltr alrtody hod a Smo1 Cerrificatt for 11¥. so/ didn ·1 up«t any probltnu when tht rt,,,.,.'Ol 1Wtlct Cll11W last ~wk rtquirmg a Smog Chttk I lOOk '"' van to m>' own mttMIUC. and lw SilYf thal so many pittts art mustng or modi/ltd 1hat tht van sltould11 '1 havt ptUHd '"'fest 1nspttlt0n.' I won '1 /w abk 10 rt· rtgistu tht \'fh1clt un1il all 1ht mm/111 pans a" rtplactd. wh() pays for tht rtpa1n? • • -J.C. A: 'tou can probably hold the seller o(the vehicle finan- dally responsible for the repain. because the state law requires the seller to maintain the vehicle in a way that justment-the messaae probably w~n't direcud IPCCi6· would allow it to complete a valid Smoa Check. What we cally at you. BUT AS lT HAPPENS. the 1.8-lit.er rou.r have here, thouah. is more than a case of ianoranoe or cylind?r enainc in your Corolla DOES reqw~ periodic dishonesty on the part of the seller; the Smoa Check sta-valve adJustmenu, and your mechanic should know it. tion that issued the original Certificate of Compliance Ask him if your car bas been receiviH routine valve ad· should have known that the vehicle was tami>ered with, Justment-maybe he's been doina them all alona .. part or which means that either the station inspector i' incompe-the vehicle's major tune-ups. Ube hasn't, you may need to tent, or has lrnowin&)y certified a non-compliant vehicle. find a morc,knowledpbk mecbaoic, &nd)OU should~­ Either way he should be reported to the 1$,ureau of Auto-come more familiar with the. '!laintenance requirtm~ motive Repair. So you. have a case against the seller, while of your ~r by referrina to your Owner"s Manual. the State of California may have a case against the Smog Q: I haw ftQl1ced in some «an Mhen 1v11 p11/I qwclcfr on tht Check mechanic who issued the tint Smog Check Ccrtifi-~<'Cit btlt. ti lodes 11p and m Olhers. ti sttmJ nothing Mill caug catc. Contact the nearest Bureau of Automotive Repair the bt>/a to lock Are the latter 1·eh1cles Jen rafe? -8.A.E. field office, and ask to review the situation with a A: No. Scat belts use different types of lockina retrac· supervisor. tors. The first type you mentioned has small, weiahted and Q: I've JUSt rece1vtd a mat/tr from a local mechanic offtr-hinged metal "arms" on the spool which. when the spool Ing me a /rte valve at:/justmem. I've got a 1975 To>'Ola Co-is spun quickly (as when you pull it). centrifupl force rolla. and I've IU'Ytr heard my rtgular mechanic talk about causes the hipged lm)S to fty out and grab fixed notches ad1us1mg tts valvts Do my car's vafres rtally rwed ad1us1mg. near the spef,1, lock in& tbc belt. The second type you men-Sharlng the wealth . or is this just an advertising g1mm1cJc? -J .Q. tioned has a rocker type arc that. when the vehicte dec~1~- Fol'tl Motor ·co. -.tee ..-pr•ldent Petef '0earbom En&lne Pt.iit Wecbleed.ay mom-A: The mailer is exactly that-an "adveoising gjm-rates. the arm swinss forward into notches in the spool. PaJillo, left, pre.enta profit-a~ lnC· The typfcal worker r~Yed a check mick," sent to a number of people in hopes that some of causina It to lock. This type of mechanism is in far m0tt •c•b•ec .. ka ... to .. •w•o•r•k .. e•ra .. o .. n .. tb .. e .. l•ln•e ... a .. F•o•r•d•'•• .... •.o.rtb ... $-.1,_2 __ 00_. __________ JJL_ __ --:-----------~th~c~m~w~i~ll~h~a~ve~a~fo~u~r~-c~li~n~de~r~c~a~r~th~a~t~n~eed~. ~s~a~v~al~v~e~a~d~-~w~id~es~p~r~e~ad~u~se~t~od~a~·~b~u~t~bo~th~t~pes~a~r~e~e~ffi~ect~iv~e~-~!!!r!!!f! GM laying off 11,700 workers DETROIT (AP) -General Motors Corp. said Monday It will lay off 11, 700 autoworkers temporarily because of slow sales of several car tines. despite customer Incentives such as 9.9 percent Interest rate financing. The move was not unexpected, slnoe GM for several months has been building cars In much greater quantities than dealers can sell them. Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. said they have no current plans to lay off workers to adjust Inventories. Most of the GM layoffs are for two weeks. The company notified the workers but didn't make a formal publlc announcement. "It's very expensive to stop and start and stop and start with layoffs, so they'll hope they don't have to repeat It" when the workers return, said Harvey Heinbach, automotive Industry analyst at Merrill Lynch In New York. GM may be choosing between incentives and layoffs, Heinbach said . "It could mean they would rather cut production than spur sales," he said. P\llLIC NOTICE PlB.IC NOTICE P\llLIC NOTICE MOT1Ca cw 8ALI 19N at t-.30 A.M. In Dept. cw MANDOtml> No. 3 at 700 CMc Center monu. from the det• of the hMt1n9 notiOe abo¥9. PeMONA&. HiOHHI y Dnw Weat, Senta ANI, CA Moue. " hereby glYen 92702. YOU MAY EXAMINE the ,... kept by the court. "you are a pereon lnter•tad In the Mtate. you "'8Y MrW upon the executor or admln- lltrator. or upon the at· tomey for the executor or admlnlltrator, and n1e with the court with proof ol ..,. Ylce, a written r~ 11at- 1ng that you deelre epectal notloa of the flllng of an ln- \Wltory and appr-.rnent of M tate uaett or of the peti- tions Of' adcounte mentioned In Section 1200 and l200.5 of the Clilltornle Probete Code that pur.u1nt to Clltfornla . IF YOU OBJECT to the Buelneat and ProfMllonll gr111tlng of the petition, you C o d e N u m b e r 1 d ehould either appeer at the 21700-21718 the under-~Ing Ind ltatt 'tOUf ob- tlgr*' w111 ..a the per90MI Jectlona or flle written obi«> property belonging to: tlon• with the court ti.fore Chrletln1 Treedw1y, 8111 the hearing. YOU< appell· Coffey, Denny Bemoll. Ch.U Ille:. "'8Y be In l*'90n Of' by ~~H~ MIOZOOI'. ~~&,°':re A CREDITOR Most lot• contain houae-« • contingent credit« of hold/peraonal Item• lnclud· the dec:MMd, you must flle Ing but not reatrlctad to. your clalm with the court or Bads, dt....,.. table and pr...,,t It to the per90MI chelra, c:ouche&. dllhel, -. rec><...,,tatl'Ye IPC)Olntad by .,,., plat• eultcuea. deak, the court within I~ month9 11ereo. eome antlquea. from the date of nm i. ........ & o.wlft, At· tofMJ tor......_..,, P.O. ... •1, wtttttler, CA ... Publi.tied Orange Cout Delly Piiot Match 7, 8, 14, 1988 FSa-914 Sale will bl conducted by euanoe ol lettera u provided A M ~ R I c A N M I N I In Section 700 of th• STORAGE. 25801 Victor!• Prob1t1 Code of Cltlfomla. Blvd .• C11P611reno 8eectl ea. Thi time IOI' n11ng clelma wtll Where H id good• are not expire prior to lour tlOl'ed. ·-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;;;;;;1. Time 10 ,AM on Wad. c 3-19--M. Goel• wtll be totd at ~Ion. to the hlgheat W-eter. for cuh Goode mint be removed from premltea L on day of 1111. Siie Is cenc.llld In the eYent of Mtllement ~ landlord and obligated A part lea. Mlckey.Laweon, Mgr. Publlsh«I Orange coast ?::X Piiot March 14, 17, s FM-937 rta.IC NOTICE '1CTlTlOU9 .,... •• NAm ITAT'lmNT The lollowfng ptrtont .,. doing bullneae u : POSH ENTERPRISES, 1432111Apt8, Costa Meaa, CA 92827 George Weyg1nd, 143 211t, Apt B. Costa Me... CA 92827 Thie bu1ln•H It con- ~ by: an lndMdual GEORGE WEYGANO Thll 1tatement WU ftlad with the County CMJtt of Or· = County on Merch 5, '111117 P\lbltlhad Orwige Cout Delly Piiot Merch 14, 21. 28. Apr114. 1N8 F-923 Ml.JC *>TICE I{ 2l1IO N()11Ctl (W I DllA'TM CW J>ON9 IUZMITM AU.mt. MA DONI I . ALUM, MA DONIAU.IN AND M N iii IOfll TOMIMlllTU llTA111 NO. A-~1 To Ill helfa. benefloWlea. cradltora encl contingent Ctadltort. end per90nl wN> "'8Y be ottler'#tM ln-.atad In the wlll end/Of .wt• of" DONS l!LIZAIETH ALL.EN, AKA DORIS £. ALLEN, AKA DORIS ALLEN A P91ltton hM bean flled by MITH V£AE 8"1LLITO In the ~ Court of Or· ~~'=~"= eppotnted .. perlONll rtp- r.-ntatM to admlnll4• the ...... OI ttle cleeedeM, The .,.uuon requ .. t1 autl'IOttty to administer the ...... under the Indepen- dent AdmlnletretJon of &- t-* Aclt· A heettno on the S*"IOn will be '*<f' on MA~H H , s I F It E D 6 4 2 - 6 l 8 a. magnon pontiac % • ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE FINANCING ON APPROVED CREDIT AVAILABLE ON ALL • FIEROS • SUNBIRDS • FIREBIRDS • GRAND PRIX • BONNEVILLES • PARISIENNE • GRAND AM 'S * • 6000'5* WE SELL EXCITEIEllT! a.magnon P NTIAC • 1era ••m.•Y 2480 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa • Newport Beach (714) 549-4300 ... I Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/ Frtday, March 14, 1988 ... " .,.,, ot ~,... ~ 1ooe anc1 1ot0 1n ...,_ .... ot ~ w s.. w ~ L time ot • ir-.. put11cecion •... -rcnnoue • 1· 111 NOneeOP aibOW II to bee MOTICIOP "I "· Un119 t011, 101• 9ICl lklnto .... Tileundlrllalied Wll.L IEL.L AT PUIUC Of the Nottoe Of a. le MOTIC80fUU MMmaTAW • ,,.,.,...IA&JI ._ CONG A , OOITA ,,...,...IA&JI t01t In~ "C": Un119 C*Md _.., Nottoe ofO. AUCTIOHTOTHIHIOffUT 1 131011. Of,.,.._, The~~.,. T.L• 1111 MnA. CAl.JflOflNIATtM27. T,f . No. 40ll 101•. 1020 Ind 1022 In ..-encl llec:tlOtl to ... to llOOU. 'o" CASH Tiie ~.~ARA PDIOMAl.AOOOUh dol119 ~ -The 9IOTICS The lltldellilOMd . "*-HOTICe bulldlng "0": Un1ta 1001, i. f'900tded In the oounty a1119ettlfMOf_.ln BONITA COMMON1n AS· Nottce•~tMt ~ COmcMlnY. 22114 YOU AN! IN DOAUlT dl.:IWmuny!Wlllltytonny YOU AM IN ~AULT 1003 Md 1006 In bUldlna w1We the 1'911 Pf'OC*1)' la money pt the Unltild 80C"'TION. Uttct9f ••Jct -*encl_.., to ti Toro ~luftit 120, ll LNOiA A DUD°" ~uaT. ~ ot the lll'9llC UNOl!A A OHO O'"T'"'8T, "I "; ~ 1007, 100I Mel loclated. .. .... out9'de front ent19Ct CC&AS her«ofcn ueout«t tlon , ... ot the ~ Ton>. CA PAn.D JONe t , 1M),, UN-~end~ OOMtnOf\ DATIOMCDl8lftt, tMO. 1011 In ~ .. , .. : Un1ta OMe: '*'-Y It, 1Me to the buMc11no tocM«t et Md dellYW«I to the under· CM1 CocM 1M Pf°'*1Y Pa ul J a m.. lrocktl, UU YOU TN<I ACTIOH dlllanatlon. If fl/ff'/, lflO'MI UNLf.18 YOU TN<I AC-101~. 1011 Ind 1017 In UftWA'f MCMtTOA• ~VON l<A,.._.AN OAON l6al* I wrm.n o.cteflltlon lttttct below belle\l9d to i. 23372 CO.O, MIM6cM'I V\ejo, tTOPAOTECTYOURPAOP-Mrtln TION TO PAOT!CT YOUR bullding"G".•thOWnllPO'I CowoaATION, ...... IUILDINO NIWPO .. T ofOefllUll end OelMnd fOt' abandoned by DeYld A. Cellf,Hetz PTY,IT MAYll!SOlDAT 8eldte1ewt11i.madt,tM PAOPUITY, IT MAY ll the condominium plln,.. ~ -.............. H ACH, CALIFORNIA ell hlt.tnd•wttttenNotlceof Booth/SOUthlW Ptaltlcl, Thie bvlln ... 11 ~ ,.. PUBLIC SALE. I, YOU without GO'llnM~Wlt• SOLO AT A PU8UC SALi. OOf'dtct In llOOIC 12208, , ......... C•ll• • .,. rtghl, tltlt end Inc«• con-OeflUlt encl lJeatlOn to hi!. lno . wtio.e 1911 tdctrW... To .. Mlrl. .,.~. due1«1 by. en lnctMdwl ,.EEO AN EXPL..ANA TION r1t1ty. UPftll Of"'-:-· ,.. IF YOU NUD AN E)(pL,A.. 1617 ot Oflldll '900fctl Of ...... .,. bl. .,.. " ~to, end now..., by It, The und«tlgned ceuMd 10326 Loe AllmltOI 8MI •• ortctl1ot9 end oontino-nt Pll,ll J. 8roctttl ~ THE NATURE OF THE ~dlnO title. pa mu.on. or NATION OF THI NA.TUM Oranoe County, Cellfomla. , .. ca. K..... Uf\Oer Mid OlCL..ARATIOH Mid Notlol °' o.teuft Md LOI AJamltOI, Oellfornl• cr«lltore. end~ WhO T .. ltlMmlnl ... Ned PROCEEDING AGAINST enc:umbrlnOle, to pey the OF THE PROCEEDING PA"<:EL 2' Uf\tt 1000 In Pub!Wled Orwige Coett 0, COVENANTS. CON• Diction to hit to i. ,.. 907~ i. IOld It publlc fY1tY i. ot'*'4Wlle 1n..,...41d with 1M County Ctefll Of Or· \'OU, YOU SHOULD CON-r....W~ Pf~ eum of AGAINST YOU. YOU bulldlng A, M llhOwn upon Olllv PUot Merctl 1•, 21, 28, OITIONS ~NO AUT .. IC· OOtdtct In the county"'*-euetton et South COMt Auo-In the wtll lrtd/or 1et1te of: enge County on FetiNery 8, TACT A 1.AWY!R. the nol I) MClUftd by Mid SHOULD CONTACT A I.AW• 1M oonctornlnlum plen r• tHa TIONS In the Pfot*tY elt~ ther ... property II IOcettct. tton. 2202 8. Main It.. Senta 1.AWAENCE ("HST OA· 1914 On APRIL •. tNe. at 9:115 Oeld of ruel, wtttl lnterwt YEA. fwred to lboYe. F~ 11«1 In Mid County lrtd OAT£0: Mltdl S, 1Ne Ana, Cellfornle ~707 Oft L..ANOO. SA .. Al(A I.AW· ...... ,..M WESTERN COH· lhereon.uj)fOVldedlnMlct 0nA.pttt11,191&,al9.15 The 1treet addf .. and Si.Mct.cilbidN:LO'tof O"llNWALD 1 11 11 Metdl 29, 1914, 11 8100 AENCEE.OAl.ANOO.IA. Publllhtd Ol'tn09 Coalt VEYANCIHO COAP M duly nott(a). tctvenoll. If fl/ff'/, AM , OATl!WAY MOAT· otMr ~ Ole6gnltlon. rtaJC lll)TICE Tr9Ct 7407 City of !Mne, M...cK. • T ...... ._ O'Clloetc P.M. A p«ltlOn Ml be9l'I tied O.lly PllOt llebNery 21, llppolnted TrUltM uncMr uncllf lhl lann• Of Mid Deed GAGE CORPORATION, • If My, ol lhe ,.., pr°'*1y COl.tnty of 6r.,.. .St•• of 'IOft KanMft, ..... -· DESCRIPTION OF P~P· by Aoblt1 A.·Orlando In "" Maren 7, 14, 21, ttte and l>'lflUanl to OMd of ol Trust ...... c:two-and Cllltornla. Oofporatlon u ducrltl•d l b OYI I• K... Clllfornla U lhawr'I on m.p .............. c • .....,,.. E R T y : 0 I f I 0 • 8uper1or Court of Ortn09 F·tOO Truet recorded June 1e. axpen-. ol tl\t TNll .. encl duly appolnttd Trullff purpo11«1 to bt' 1000 NlllC)' NOTtee Of' thweof, rlCO«Stct In Boe* .... ~,....1, ., 'Furniture/Suppl... X.,ox County reQUMtlnO ltlet Aob- 1913, 11 1n11. No of the trum CtMled by Mid uncllf and put9U1nllO Deed Lene, Coeta M9a, Cell-T'MMT'lrt tAU 283, Pagea 3tr3I lnc:IUllY9 • ..,.... 21130 Copier Carpentry wt A. Ot1endo be IC)p0int41d .... .,. MftTM"r 13-26M33 OI ()tftClel Re-OMd Of Truet. of Tru.t recorded Oeoamblt fornl• 92127 ......... Ml~• Mepe, Re-Pvblllhed Ortn09 Cout Toole/~ .. penonel ,.......11t1Yt _ __.r ______ nu ..... ·•--~--- con'9 In tha Offloe ot tht The total emount ot tt1e 17, 1HO, M lnll No. 25549, The U1ldet9IOlied Tru•I.. OMIMWLDI • corctl of Mid Ol'tn09 Coun-= PilOt March 7. 14, 21, Dated tNa 12'h day of to edmlnltttr the •Illa of '1CTTT'IOU9 MWtl County Aao«oer of 0r8tlgl unpald balanOI of the ~ In t>OOll 138771 ~ 908, of dlaclalmuny lfablll1y for any l.ot .. Tr9ot 7401 ty 19 March, 1Ne. tl\t ~t. NAm n 4,....,., County, St.It ol CallfC>fnll. g1tlon MCUled by the prop-Offlclal Aacoroa In 11\t office lnoort9C'tnaM ol the llrett YOU ARE IN DEFAULT TM lll'Mt lctdl'ttl and F-908 TAUIMAN, tllllPION, Thi petition reque111 Tlle~it ~ .,_ Executed by OEOROE E. tf1Y to be aold end r.-oo-of the County. Aao«der of lddrte1 and olhtr common UNDER THE DECL.Aft.· Other common dll6gn.atton, YOUWQ 6 IULDTOR, ~tl\Oflty to ~ the doilng ~ a.: lttd't MCCARTY AND LINDA bit llmeted C09t9 ~enee County, Stat• °' detiQnelton. H llf'I, .,_ ATIOH OF OOVENANTS. If eny, of the ,.., Pf°'*1Y .. _"" W\TICE CMIO "·ZINDA .... ,. under tl\t lndte*t-Cl I St. Cl I GAIL MCCARTY, HUSBAND 1 .:~~it 1he C1tllornl1. Ex~uted by herlln. CONDITIONS AND AE· ducrlbed ab ova 11 r._..,,"" Publlatltct Orane-Cout dent Admlnlttretton OI Ea-I tt earn H n ng. ANO WIFE Will SELL AT =of the lnltlal publlcltlon CHRIS C. ARGER 1nd s.ld .... wlll be m.ot, but STRICTIONS, AS ANNEXED purpor1tct 10 bt: 6952 Slert1 K ano Dally Piiot Maren 1•, 21, t1t11 Act. 10151 Kc:~~ Hunttnoton PUBLIC AUCTION TO ol the Notloe ol Salt .. VOUL..A 8. ARGER WILL without oovtnltll Of WI/• TO THE SUBJECT PROP· Sien• Road, Irvine. Call-'1CTfTIOUI 9UIMl l 1oee A ~on the p«ltlon eer.:phen ChrlttOPl'ter HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 1155553.a SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION rM=l xptWOflmplled.r• ERTY. UNLESS YOU TAKE tornla NA• ITATl..wf F-947 wtn i. on MARCH 21. G u ~ad-CASH (payible it time of ' . . TO HIGHEST 8180ER FOA gat Ut ... pc11111IQ11, Of ACTION TO PROTECT Tl'te underal9ned die· 1Ne at 9: A.M. In Oet:>t. rrt. Mtnt Nie In tewful money ot 11'te The bentfldlryunder Mid CASH OR CASHIER'S anaim , to pay 1M YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY delma wry llablllty IO< any Tha tollowlng penone ar1 l'tllJC M)JtC( No. 3 at 700 Civic Center dr: bUllnMI 11 c Unltid Stataa) 1t THE OMdofTrualharecoforleic· CHECK(~ et tltnl of remelnlng pr1nclpel aum ol BE SOLO AT A PUBUC lncor~ ot the atrett doing bu11MU u : EXCEL Or1Yt W•t Senta Ana. CA 1 Oil· FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE ICUttd and dtlMr9d to tl'te .... In lewtul money ol tfll the no111 llCUr9d by Mid SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EX· lddrw and other common SEMINARS, 24012 Cl lNI dt NOTICI '92702. d1~ ~ ~ OLD ORANGE COUNTY undtnlgfled 1 written 0.0-United Stet•)'ll the front Oeld olTruat. with lnttfelt PLANATION OF THE ~talQt)ellon, If wry, ahown la Pl1t.a, Suitt 440, Laguna INVIT1N08'DI I IF YOU OBJ~CT to thl t_...,, ! ....... , COURTHOUSE. LOCATED llratton of Oefautt and 0.. tntrlllOt to the~ Ortn09 therlOtl, M provided In Mid NATURE" 0 F THE herein.. Hlllt, CA 92853 ' NOTICE IS HE A EBY Qt'entlng of the petition, you Tiiie 'C:"C: Of 't' OH $A1'TA ANA BLVD ... mandfC>fS.-.andawrtn«I ~Courthoute.loc:ated not ... edvl/ICM, If any, PRO~EDING AGAINST SaldMllwtltbemadt,but Multiple A I I Ser GIVEN lhtt Ha le d~ either appeer at the wtttit~ty on M ell ... BETWEEN SYCAMORE ST Notloe of DtflUlt and E>ac-on Sarill Ana Boulevlltd. be-under the ltrml oheld OMd YOU, YOU SHOULD CON-wlthOut COll9nent Of wat· Grc u omot ve • propotlll t 1\.1 lstllng .. '-'Ing end ltltl yow ob-= ., ' & BROADWAY. SANTA tlon to Sell Theunder91gntd tween Sycamore Street end °' Tnm, .... CherO-and TACT A LAWYER. tlnty,IXl)fWlorlmplled,,.. Vlcta tr!:p'2:01~a1~.: llbof m:t.,rl!a ~utpment jtcttonaor ntewtttten Obi«> ANA, CALIFORNIA all right, cauMd Mid Notlol of 0.. &oedway. Senti Ana. c~ IXpenMI of thl TNlllt and On Mardi 27, 1988, at glfdlng tltNI. poeaetllon, or :rPf"· Pt i s I uo lt1n•Pon•tlon • and IUCh tlonl wttl't the oourt btfor• PubHlhed Ortn09 "= tit" and lnt«•t conveyed fault and Eltcilon 10 Sell 10 tomll all ng111. 1111• and or tr-.. truat• craet«I by Mid .'9:00 A.M. the.law olflc:M of encumbranoee, to pay the Llgu • HI: •cA ~2~ • other tacltlt ... 11 may._,.. thl l'tterlng. YOUI eppeet-PllOt M Ch 6. 12 111 10 and now l'teld by It under bt recol'd"'-In the county lnt.,..t conveyed to end OMd of Truat G R E E N W A l O • n d remaining Pflncll)ll eum of na a. qulr«t fOt' TRAFFIC SIOMAL "'°' mey i. In pet1on or by ~tee It • • · Mid Datd ol TNlt In thl wl'tert Iha ,_, Pfoper1y .. now l'teld by " ~ ukl Thi total amount of thl RESNICK. a duly appoint«! the"'" MCUftd by llld real Thi• bvalneN I• ~-INSTALLLATION ON WEST yow attorney. . proper1y altUlted In Mid located. Oeld of Trust In ttle l)foparty unpeld bllenoe of lhe ot>ll-agent for the SIERRA Pfoper1y, wttl't lntarett tiler• ducttld by: 1 eotporitlon 1 9 TH ST A EE T A N 0 IF YOU AAE A CREDITOR -------F-804-- County and St111 ~lbed DATE: February 21, 1Ne tltulted In uld County and g1tlon MOUred by lhl prop-BONITA COMMUNITY AS. on, u PfOvlcled In uld Multlple Automotive Ser· ANAHEIM AVENUE MODI· or a contingent crtctltor ol l'tll.IC M)JIC[ u · . Stitt detctlbed u : atty to i. told and reuon· SOCIA TION under 1nd CC&Rt. advlllCll, If 1ny, vloll Group Bob Sliver FICATIONS ON ADAMS AV· the cleoMNd, you mull Ille _ __...-............. _-.... __ LOT 104 OF TRAc:r.11112 IHQWllTE9'NCOMWYANC-PARCEL 1: An undMded able •tlmetad coeta. Ill· punuent to lhe 0£Cl.AR-under thl term• of Mid Prtlldtnt ' ' ENUE ANO ALBATROSS your claim with the court or '1CTIT10UI ...... .. IN THE CITY OF COSTA 40SO~LIHI~ ~ 1121 lrltlteat In and to Lot 1 penltl and adv9notl II the ATION OF COVENANTS. CC&RI. ,..., c:twoee. end Tl'tla ltatamtnt WU tlled DRIVE/SHANTA.A DRIVE. pr9Mnt It to the penonel NAiil ITAT'llmWT .MESA, AS PER MAP RE· ,OURTH F\.00.-, LGe ..;. ol Traci No. tail. I per map time of ttle lnlttal pubtlcltlOn CONDITIONS AND RE-exptn1e1 of the Truatat Ind witl't thl County Cltnc of Or-ANO PLACENTIA AVENUE r....,,11t1w 1PP01nl«I by Thi IOllowlng pertOnl 11 CORDED IN 80 01( 53. GEi.it CALIFC>MelA (t1I) recorded In booll .00. PaQll of ttle Notlol Of Salt la STRICTIONS (hereln1fter ottl\t truata created by Mid ange County on February AND ESTANCIA HIGH the court within lcur montltl doing bullneaau · P,..,.,r.: PAGE 49 O F M IS·....-e,Atwtc.,. •lland50o1 Mlaoellaneoua $1111,393.3'. "CC&Rl")recorcledln&ook CC&Rt. 25 19116 SCHOOL SOUTH EN · from the data of nret IA-PIVlngComplny·P.....,1111 CELl.ANEOUS MAPS, IN • mapa. In '"' office Of thl TM btnlflclery under Mid 9082. Pagtl set-347. In-The total amount ol thl . ,..., TRANCE will be received by auence ol letttre u PfoYlded Pal ti Com • tt•a THE OFFICE OF THE Aaalttlftl Vloe PYn ldinl County recorder of uld OMd of True! htre\of0f9 t lC· Clullve. Otndal Aecorda of unpaid balance of lhe obll· lhaCltyOfCotti MIM•tthei In Section 11>0 of Iha C~on c:o::~ CA COUNTY RECORDER OF Publllhed Orange Cout c;Ounty. ICUttct Ind ~ to the Orange County,~ •• gltlon aecut«I by lhe prop-Publilhed Orange Cout OfflOt of the City Citr1t n I Problt• CocM of Ce!ltomlL 92e2e . • SAID ORANGE COUNTY Dally Pilot Mardi ?'. 1•. 21, EXCEPTING tl'tartlrom undelllgned I written O.C... 11 ~«I to the aubjtet atty to bt IOld and rauon-Dally Piiot Mardi 7, t•. 21. Fair Drive, Coate Meet. C.,1-The tlm. tor flllng clalma wlll Mlchatl Gregory Wllklna Thi tlrett IOdreu and 191111 Unit• 1000, 1002 and 1oo.t larallon of Default and 0.. Pfoper1y veatlno In lhe name •bta altlmattct Cotti, ex· 28, 198& fOfnl• untll ll'lt l'tovr of 1 l :OO not expire prior to tour 11411 Charltlton St Cott · other common deltgnatlon. F·915 In Bulldtng "A": unl1• 1008. mend for Salt, and • written of George W. Oratmhllkla pen ... and ldv1ncee 11 thl F-913 a.m .. Ai>o1 1. 191111. at wtllch montt'8 from Ir-.. d•ll of the Mell. Ctl. 929211 ·• • --------------------· --Um. tl'tey wll4 be optt'8d hMrlng notice •t>ove Thia bualn... I• con· TRUCK SPECIALS NEW 1986 NEW 1986 NEW 1986 I RANGER f 150 f 250 #47514 #82752 #82749 USED SPECIALS SSOO DOWN* ·~STAX&UC '73 CUTLASS #8962 '77.~MO. '78 LTD #9ZD 994.~MO. '78 CAPRICE WAG #9002 994.~MO. '83 MUST. GL ~9181 $147.~MO. • '83 CAPRI R/S ~m3 s111.~MO. '83 COUGAR #8304 s189.:!MO. '84 T-BIRD #rl81 s199.~MO. '84 MUST. GT ~wn1 '215.~MO. 79 CORVETTE #9159 LIKE NEW '85 CLUB WAGON #8322 SPECIAL ES PRICE 1999 24 payments 77.48 626.28 DOWN APR 2 1 5 7 PRICE 2999 36 payments 94 90 688.94 DOWN APR 2 1.20 PRIC E 2999 36 payments 94.40 722.94 DOWN APR 21.20 PRICE 5299 48 payments 147.96 923.94 DOWN APR 20 75 PRl~E 6299 48 payments 177 8 5 10.a.94 DOWN APR 19.97 PRICE6999 48 payments 189.541 1069.94 DOWN APR 17.20 PRICE 7999 80 p1ymentt 199.99 98694 DOWN APA 19.91 PRICE 8599 80 payment• 215 97 1217 94 DOWN APR 20 3 1 •5.000 ORIGINAL MILES Auto. PS, Air, Dull Air 17 .000 MILES veNceu IUbfeot to P'tot ..... Moee toOd 41 tn . ...., ~ 6211 B EACH BLVD. BUENA PARK (714) 521-3110 (213) 921-8881 ,, publlc:ty and ratd aloud In YOU MAY EXAMINE the ducted by. en Individual the Couricll Cflambtrl. Seal-Ille kept by the court. If you Mtc:l'taal0G. Watkin• ed P<<>POlll• lhtll bear the •rt 1 pereon lnttr11t9d In Ttlll ltllttMnt wu ftled Ut11 of the work and the tl'lt lllllt, you miy ..,.,,. willl thl COunty C6trk of Or· name 01 thl bidder but no upon tl'lt tlllcutor °' admln-ange COl.tnty on Febtu#y Olhar dlltlngulthlng rnMill. ltttltOf, or UC>Qn lht at· 19 191111 Any bid reotlYtd aner 111e tomey for the executC>f or • '101422 ICheduled dotlnO Um. '°' admlnllttator, and "" With Publtlhed Orange Cout the receipt of bide lhll.I be tl'lt court with proof of -· Dally Pllol February 28 returned to the bidder un-vice, • wrt"an reque1ut1t· Matcl't 7 14 21 1Ne . optt'8d. II lhall be the IOle Ing thll you dellrl lf)eclal ' • ' F·to2 retp0nalblltty of tl'te bidder notlcl of the Mno of an In----------to ... 11111 hll bid 11 recetved wnlory and appra!Mmtnt of fltllJC MJTICE In PfOptr time. lltatl uaet• Of of thl petl------------ A ... of plant and apeclll-Ilona Of accountt mtnlk>Md FICTTTIOUI 9UIMll cation• may bt obtained at In See11on 1200and1200.5 of MAm tTATDllWT' thl OfflOt of the City Engl-the Caltfomla Probct• Code. The following pertOnl .,. netr 77 Ftlr Drive Cott• .._. "-..,,.tlM. At· doing bu.,...._ ... Mt1i, Calllornla.' upon tomey 9of , ........... -ALL IMPORT CARS SER· nc>nf"efundlbta payment of CttJ l'artl•IJ ..... lulte VIC£, 1909 Pomon•. 18, $5 00 An addl11ontl c:Mrga 100 0 • 0 '•"I•• C A Cotta Miii. CA 92827 of $2.00 must be locluded If .... _, G1brlel M1tlo Droem. l'tandled by m111 Plana. Publllhed Orange Cout 23511 NorH. /1 B. Colla apeclllcatlon• and oth., o.lly Piiot MIFCh 13, 14, 20. M ... CA 928?7 contract documanta m1y 1tall ThF 7411 Thi• bu1lne11 la con- 11ao be examined 11 tl'lt Of. ducted by an lndMdutl ttc. of the City Cler1t of the GABRIEL DROEM City of Cotta Meu l'tll.JC NOTtCE Thia 1111eman1 wu nled Eacll bid thtll be made on w1111 tl'te County Clertl of Of. Ille Proposal form. lhMI• '1CTIT10UI IUllNi.11 ange County on Marctl 4. P·l through P-8 l>(Ovlded In NAMI ITATIMUfT 1986 Ille contr1et documanta, TM fonowtng paraont 111 ,_ and "'811 be accompanied doing bualnMI a : Flynn Publllhed Orange Cout by I C«tlflad Of ceahler"I CratlM Productl Co .. 365 7 Dilly Piiot MeJch 1 •. 21, 211. cl'ltdl Of 1 bid bolfd fOf nol Blf6h .$1., SUltt 117. New-April 4, 191111 14111 tllan 10% of thl 111\0Unl port Blach, CA 92ee0 · F-4130 of tl'te bid, made 1>4y11>1e 10 Jarom• Robert Flynn, tl'lt City ol Cotta M_. No 31157 Blrctl Apt. 117. New-l'tllJC NOTICE pro poHI 1h1ll bl con· port Beech, CA t2ll80 ----------- sl<Ured unleel ICCOmPl/llad Thi• t>t.111n... 11 con-'1CTTTIOUI .,... .. by klCtl CMhltr'a c:tllck, ducted by.I llmltad Pll'IMr• MMaUA~ c.uh, °' bl0Cler'1 bond, lhlp The follOwtng peraona art No bid lhlll be eot191dered Jerome R. Flynn doing butlneu 11: unltsl It II m4tdt on t blank Thia 1t.11amen1 wu filed JIMMIE 0£ FORE DANCE torm lumllhad by the City of with ttie Coul'lty Citr1t of Or· CENTER, 3723 Slrctl SttWI Coate M ... Ind 11 made In anga COunty on F.t>ruary Newport Baech. CA 92llllO accordanca wltl't tl'ta 11, 191111 Gloria F0tr11t O.For1. provlllon1 ol the Propoeal 'IOOl71 1442 Walnut, TU1tln, CA requ1lramant1. Publllhed 0r8tlgl Cout 9281() Tl't1 contractor •hall Dally Piiot Febrully 211. Thia bullneta 11 con· comply with the Pfovllk>nl Maren 7, 14, 21. 1tee dUc1ad by-an lndMdUll ot Section 1770 to 1780.1 In-F-8H GLORIA FORREST OE Clullvt, of the Cellfornl• FORE l abor Code: the prevaJllng l'tll.JC NOTICE Thia 1111ament wu flied rate •nd aclllt of •19" w-wttl't the County Citr1t of Ol'· tablllhed by thl City of fl'ICTITIOUI .,...., ange COl.tnty on Metdl '· Cotta M.a (avalllble at thl NAiil ITA TIMUfT 111811 office of the City Citr11), and The lollowtng perwont .,. ,.... 111111 forfe it penalllH doing bval'*8 u : Rk:I< Publlalled Orange Coul praecrtbed therein fOf non· Ktlltr and A91oditll, 3081 Dally Piiot Mll'cl't t4. 21. 28. compllanca of the Code. Klondike Ave., Colta Meal. AprM 4, 191111 The City Council of the CA 92e27 F·934 City of Cotti Meet,....,.,,.. Rictlard G. 1(....,, 111M tl'lt rlgllt 10 ratect all bide. u 1bovt H..llN P. ~. City Thia bu1lne11 11 con· Clerk ol tl'lt City of Cotta dU<:t«I by· an lndMdull Meal Richard G K..-Publl9ned by the Orange Thia atatament wee flied Cout Daffy Pllot Mlreh 14, with the County Cler1t of Of. 20, 191111 anga County on F•brullY Ffh.~ 11, 1111111 '1CTTTIOUl ..... tl NAMI aTAT'llmWT The lollowlng ptraonl .,, doing bu9lnw u: COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CLUB, 171172 Baron Clrde. ,_ t3. Hvnllng10fl BMctl, CA Pvbllthed Ol'tn09 Cout 921147 Dally Piiot February 211, Lawr1nc1 Al1n Fiich. M11Cl't 7, 14, 21, 19811 17972 Baron Circle, 113. F-&tll Huntington 8t1ch, CA '1CTIT10UI ...... 1121147 NAMI 8TATllllJIT MUC lll)TICE Thia bualn ... 11 con· Tha tOllowlng ptrlOnt wa dU<:ted by: en lndMdual doing l>Ullntea u : "PACK-'1Cnnout llUIMll L..AWA£NCE AL.AN FITCH CELL C 0 MM UN IC A · NAiii ITATl..wT Thia atatarnant WU ftled TIONS". 3975 Blrel't St .. Unl1 Thi I~ paraont are wtth the COUnty Citr1t of Or· G, Newport Baech, c a11. d~ bualnw ea: enee County on M1rct1 4, fomla 92121 1988 M Atul Mir, t 1751 lndt-8 LANSCAPE CON· ,_ pendance St , Alv1r1ldt, STRUCTORS. 1 lOOO Penn Publllhad Orange Cout C1llfornl1 ~=· Gilden Grove, CA Dally Pltot MIFcl't t4, 21, 28, Thie bu11n... 11 Con· Allen JI.Ma So. 11000 Apfll 4, ltllll ducted by: en Individual o.......-8 ,,, __ ... _ G C F·929 M A.Ital Mir ,-.,,,, I.,~--· f'()V9, A Tl'tll ltatament WU flied 9~ b I with ll\t COl.tnty Cltt'k of ~ u1 n111 11 con- anga County on Ftt>ruety ducttct by. an Individual 13 191111 AUEN JARVIS SO ' ,_ Thlt 1111arnant WU llled Publllhtd Orange Cou1 with 1M County Cltr1I of ()r. Dilly Piiot F1bru1ry 2e. : County on M:~-'~ Marett 7, 14, 21, 1H8 ,.... F·to1x Publlthed 0!'8'\gl Cou1 rtalC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI ~II NAllllTA~ The tollowlng ptrlOnt are doing buelnttl M: A.MERICAL BUILDING IN· SPECTOAS, 1401 Klnga Roed, Newport BMctl, CA 92M3 Robtfl J . Ctc*a. 1401 Kl119e Road, N9WPOft Baech. CAll2"3 Tl'tl• bUllMH II con· dU<:ted by: .,.. lndMduel AOe!AT J CfCl<A Tiiie ltetltnent WU flltct with thl County Citr1t ot Or· ~ County on Mercn &, '-741 PublllMcl Or811g1 Cou1 Dally PHol M1rctl 14, 21, 21, APl'll •, 19&11 P'-922 Ml.IC M>TICt: ,IC'm10Utl .,... .. lllAm ITATUmn' The tollowlng ptrlOl\I .... dOlnO butlnlu ... TAANSPAR!NT DREAMS 0LA88 STUDIO. 10392 Sl'tllOm OrlYt, ~ 8each, CA tmf Marti Allen Stint. 10392 SNl!Om DrM. Hunttnoton a..cn, CA 921149 Tlllt bvelneee la con- dUettct b'y' WI rndMd\MI MA.AK ITINI fhll ltt1tment ... llltct with , .... County 0..... of Or· = County on March •. ,.... Publllhed Orenoe c... O.lly l>Qot Mercfl i•. 21, 2t, Apti 4. ''" f"-131 Deity Piiot Marett 14, 21. 21. AprQ •• 19&11 F-9315 M l.IC M>TICE '1CTIT10Ue MMMN MMm ITAT'llmWT The foltowlnQ ptr90tll .,. doing buelf\Mt •: !~ARO A CONN l A8- 80CIA TES, 4M "'9t1 Roma. Newport 9Mctl, CA HMO Edw1td A. Conn, •M VIiia Rome, ~ e.ect\, CA 92llllO Thlt bullMM I• con- ctuc1tct by: en lndMduel eOWAAO A. COHN Th.. atatament wee flltct with the County°*" Of Of· = County on Merotl 4, ,_ Publi.nect Orlllga Cout o.lly Piiot Mitch 14, 21, 211, Nw'fl •• 1Mt F·t27 MlJC M>TICE DEATH NOTI CES MC l.INNEY AILEEN MC KIN- NEY, died March 12, 1986 in Newport Beach. Beloved wife of John E. Mc Kin· ney. Survived by 10n, John G. Mc Kinney of Loa Angeles; daughter, Fr1nce1 Wiley of Loe angeles; slater, Gladys Mc Col· lwn of Kemville, CA 4 grandchildren and 3 grt?•t grandchildren. Prtv1t.e ~ for famHy w1th Inter- ment In Hermo11 Memorl1l Garden. C.olton, CA. ln lieu of flowera family preferred don1t.ions to lhe AJ\N Borrego Found1tlon. 1306 South Oto V&ata. San Clemente, CA 92672 Under OM! dlrtctlon of Pierce Broa. Bell Broridway Mortuary. &42-91~ .. MlJC M>TICE Ml.IC MmCl betMllf ol t'*' HWJl Nim, 1 minor ,_ llled NB H OOWIT 8 - petltiOn In INI __,tor en 0040.,.:.,~•. fW OM.I -.:.. 8YMOf• OP 1'MI M-::r .. ~:-"'----=~ :=m...::-.:.-:.. ~w,.:.r:....~ ,.... ..._.. u.c.c. Tuan Huy Hw Ntnfl t cation Of LONA Ml..... OMlof'I • u.. .. 9llboodl CO..AllY -*MCMll ......... , Cellit) ..... HIM"'*' 0 GAOelNofOfACMfm ol NllM lor a-. ol ...._. 80ULIVA•D. con A Nob .. ,...._ tMn tN1 IT II HfMrt' Ofl!IXMn • ._ 1saflcM NO. A 112141 mtA, CA -:.=::o•=:;.::=: :::.:=----=::: ~~:i:: ~~";::: 1;:1ncW0eoamwa1 . .. abOut to be Ndt o1 tt..i "'°'9 1Ha OOW1 In °"*1· LONA (~;:r~ hM UN (leo. IOl4) Totel admlttM ''"'' Olfteln dell w1tt1 .,.., Ind ment No. a 11t 100 CMc --... _ 1n ....... lkle ~ ,_ Ma.407.711; TOClll ~ wV'9*-'-""*-known c.nt.r ~ W• 1Mta ,_I.....,_, ,,_ 00Utt tied • l*ltlon In INI oourt 61.3U.020: C11>ttei pllld- 11SAM'8 ITALIANDti.llnd Ana. Callbnia. on 'Apnl 7 tor 111 Otder liloWtnO ._ lor an Otder ~ paU. up /Ou1 r 1nty CIPI· 1oc111d 11 1107-1901 1•. at t:16 o'Clodl A.M.: tlonlr :.i, ~ ~ tlonar 10 dllr'9I lilllher tallltatutory D1 po111 Herb« 81\td •• a.y o1 eo... Ind then Ind .,._ lhow ~·· 1 JUI.II c-· ~ trom u.. "-...,_ 1.210.000: Una111on1d MeM. County of ~ ceuae, " any "11¥ hew wtiy ,.,.,_ o ....-........ to lrlndY Wind. f\lndt 1,12t,ete: aurpeu. 11 StlM of CelHornll 12ta7. ' Mid .,.eltlon lot ~ ~ .. ~~y· ,,___.,. IT 18 HEAEaY OM>lMO r1g1rd1 pollcyl'lolder• Name of Tt"'*or Md namuhould notbeor~ "~ ~ tNtllpweonaim.u udln 3,07t,ete: tncome lot 1M LIOIMle. IOClll MC4.irlt IT 18 FUATHEA or-.d ~ .. l*'ION ..,.., .... d In .. ~ alorwald llPPW yw 44.o•uoe: ~ number and bullflell ';/.. tl'llt 11 oopy Of_. order '° ~ttar af~ appear ~ tNI coun In o.pan. m1n11 for th• yur drell lfC MASCIALE CQA. ehow *1M be publleMd In ._.... thll 00Utt In °"*1• m«lt No. $ at 700 CMo 44,IOO, lM PORATION • ~ cor-the Oranoe COMt Delly Piiot "*" No. 3 I t 700 CMo c.nttt OrtY9 W• Santi We heRby cwtlfy that .. Pof•tlon, 824 MacKentJe • ~ of generai ACent•,..2!fW W.C, Sentf AM. Cellfornle. Ol'I April 14, lbOY9 ltemt are In ac-l'tecll Cott• Mela Call-CWCUlatlon Pllblllhed In Ihle ,,., ._..om11. on March , .... at 1:16 o'oloctc A.M .. COfdenoe with the Annual fcmlCl 12t27. ' county at iaut once 1 .-31. 1He, at 8<16 o'c:iocll and tl'llrl and 1'*8 .now 8tat.ernent for t~ year • N1m1, 100111 MCurlly for lour con11cut1w _., A.M., and tMft ~.''*' ceuaa, "any. tl'ley ~. wtly lflded December 31, 19'5, l'UITll>lr and bullfMlll ed~ prior to the dey Of Nld "-· lhow ceute, " any '''WJ MW Mid petition ft>r cnenoe of made 10 the lnlurance Com- dr.. of Intended Tr.,,._ lno. • Wl'ly M id petition fOf rwne lhould not be or~. mlleloner, punuent to law. --lnCJludlna • oodl Delld FEI a5 19M -cMnge of name "'°'*I not IT JJ FUATHlA ordered Fredericll C; K ....... l.Jntt· .,,: • JOHN 0.CftlAIOO: Hlftrr T ... ..,.. "'·· bl,ranTld. tl'llt I oopy of Ihle order to ed Stat• MINQlt 20061 8horewood Olrcle .ludfe If t"9 l ttPM'-IS FUATHEA order9d etlO'# CMlll be ~ In Pubtlthed Orange Cou1 Huntington 11ac11, CA C_,, ltllt • copy of tl'l6I order to IMOnt,loleo.t Oelly Piiot, Dally Piiot Maren 1}, 13, 14, 92&48 8 8 13t1-30-2t25· Publlahed Or111g1 Coelt etlO'# <*Ill be publllllld In • MWIPIC*. of 91f*11 17, 11 19M LINA oecHIAICO, 2005i Delly Pllol Maren 7, 14, 21, ttle()rangeCoMt OellyPllot, clrculltlon, ~In thla W-335 Shorewood Clrde, Hunt-21. 1He • MWIPIC* of QIM'll county at 1111t onoe • _.. --------~on IMctl, CA 12&41 F-911 t:lrcutatlon, publlal'led In Ihle fol lour conaacuU.... .... , •-.,. W\TM"r S •......... _....... countyatteeatonoe •--~olhldeyofNkll'lew-,.._ nv1-. . ~ ......... tor lour ~ weal!• -.....;...~-...;.-..;..;..;.;;.. __ , Total contldlratlon to be rtBJC M)TIC( pttortotMdeyofNldl'lw· ldFU2t 1tee AC"'10U8llUIMIH paid tor tM proPert)' • Ing. HlflrJ T .....,_ _,, NAm 8TA,....., ecrtMd. In general, .-.. •GATtW 0.CUMTION bcrld FEB 20 • 19M .,._. If ·,.._ ltt~ The~ Pll"IOM .,. 1IGPC In lrade, fb1t~r-, THE COST A MESA HeftrJ T. flio.te, .Ir., C... doing bu11ne1e -Fron- IQU!pment and ~ w4ll Pl.ANNING DIVISIOH HA .llldte .. ti.. 1 .. ,., .. , Publllhed Or111g1 C011t !Runner Computer SIMoal, ~~'<:,~II the It PREPARED A NEGATIVE C... Delly Piiot Mitch 7. 14, 21, Nl1 WIOlf'I Cll'cle, Hunt- • · DECLARATION ADDRESS-Publllhld Orange COMt 21 1He lng1on Beactl, CA 92647 1 per1onel Check ING POSS IBLE EN-Diiiy Piiot February 21 • F-110 CyntNa J. Qoutler, M8t $3,000 00: 2 demend notll VIRONMENTAI. IMPACTS MlfCll 7, 14, 21, 19M ' Wagere Clrcll, Huntington to bl reptaold In CMll FOR THE FOLLOWING F-192 rtaJC M)JIC( a.en. CA 92147 through eecrow totelllng PROJECT. H1r11n o. H1verb1ck. $17,000.00; 1 lnltalment DEVELOPMENT REVIEW K..... 18131 Collln1 St. #24, not•. Securlty~I, DR..a&-12 FOR SKIP JOHN-MlJC M)TlC( IJtCTmOUI .,._.. Tenana. CA 11354 Ind UCC-1 llat• s 0 N (TA c 0 BELL) MAim 8TAft.,,, Tl'll• bUllnetl I• oon-rnent In favor ... tar AUTHORIZED AGENT FoR Ac:TmOUe ._._.. Thi following penone ltl due11d by. co-plltner9 $80,000.00. WAL.TEA BOICE, FOA A DE· NAm ITATUmlfT dolna bullnell •: BRIGHT, Cynthie J. Cloutier Klndofllc•nMIObe .. VELOPMENT REVIEW TO Tlletollo'#lngpereonew. RIPPEN8. TAVAN ANO Thlt "''"""''WU ftled lerrld Ind number we: On-CONSTRUCT A 2 500 dotng bullnell 11: Wlltam TAVAN. 2too Briltol, Sun• with the County Cler1! of Of. Sall Beer' Ind Wine UCINI SQUARE FOOT DRIVE· Corpof1te lmagea, 3750 8. P-205, Colt• MIN, CA lllOI County on February No. 41-03441:i. THAU RESTAURANT WITH Suun,SenteAna,Callfomla 921211 11, 19M · Thi Nie and trlr\lflf wlH INDOOR ANO OUTDOOR 92704 Martin C. Rlooenl, 2too ~ be con.unvnatld I t 10:00 SEATING LOCATED AT Southern Calllomla Con-Brlltol. Suite P."205. Coet1 Publllhld Or111g1 Cout A.M. on or after the 211f dty 141 EAST 17TH STREET tract Ofllcl Group (A Call-Mela, CA 92121 Deity Piiot Fet>Nary 21 of Aprtl, 1He. at the MCfOW COSTA MESA, IN A c2 fornla corporation~ 3750 S. Bitty JIM Tavan, u an Maret! 7. 14, 21, 1986 ' depl rtment of St1rcre1t ZONE. ENVIRONMENT AL Sulan, Sant• Ana. Cellfomla lndlvldull and .. Trutt• F..ff9 Etctow Co., Inc., at 15435 OE T E R M I NAT I O N . 112704 under the Wll of Eal1 V. Jeftr-V. Su"• 133, lrvlnl, NEGATIVE DECLARATION . Tllla bueln ... 11 con· Tavan, 2too Bril1ol. Suite D -------- California 92720. FOR FURTHER INFOR-ducted by. I corporation 206, Coate Mela. CA 92121 •-ir Mn11C( All other bulH'8ll namee MATION, PLEASE CALL Southern Cellfornll Con-K.itll and 8Mnor ~· ""~"" and lddl111 11 uaed by the THE Pl.ANNING DEPART-tract Ofllcl Group, Robert u Co-TNlt .. ofttle t IJtCTmOU89UIM18 T,.,,...,or wltl'lln the peel MENl AT (714) 754-5245. Ma~. Praaldln1 Flll'llly Trutl. Drewer v. n-MAim 8TATDmNT thrM yw'I eo Ill 11 II Publlttled by I.tie Or Thie ttatement w11 ftlld dep1od111c1, CA 93621 known 10 thl Trlnlfwel er.: Cout Delly Piiot Merct1"ft. with the~~ cf Or-lhlt bullMM 11 con-dJ:: = ~ .,. Semi. 1981 ~He ty FebNlty ducild by. 1 general pert· C E N T E R P 0 I N T E ~ :-:. ~~ F-946 . . ,_1 ~In C Rippef'9 PSYCHOLOGICAL SER- flf of Iha bullneal and ttll •-.,. Publltllld Or111g1 COMt Tl'lll etaiernent _.. ntld VICES, 19772 MICArtllur llolt1M .. to be paid •ft• lhe l'"-.n. M)TIC[ Deity PllOt February 21., with thl County o.11 of Or-BIYd .. Suite 208, IMnl. CA Department of Alcollollc f'IC1TT10UI .,..... March 7, 14. 21, 1Htl .,. County on Febrvlty 92~ 0 H. MFCC Bevwage Control 11111 ~ NAm ITATDmWT F-495113. 19H 32 .. ~tar-= Hunt'. PfO"ld the P'C>POMd Irene-The followlng pereona IN ~ lnaton e.cn. CA ~II fer. doing butlnlll 11: Ml.IC M)TIC( Publllhld Or111g1 COMt Nancy M Horttmann Da11d: Mitch 7, 1981 w£LLS SUPPLY CO .. 131 Dally Piiot FebNery 21. 28. Pll D 30 Sa.Ilda Clrcte' MAICtALI CORPOR· E Alton, Sanle Ana, CA Ac:TmOUe ._._.. March 7, 14, 19H ~ Bead'I CA 921e3 ' ATION, •r: Vlno111t 12707 NAm 8TAftlmNT F-e71 Clllr• Morr19on Nellon M11Dl•I•, ,.,.....,t. TreM-Jim L Wll... 11092-B The fol,loWlng pereone are rtaJC M)TIC( MFCC, 2111 Mir-DrlYe: ""°' Linde Lani, Garden Grove, doing buttna.i 11: 911ix., CA 92te 1 .lolWt 0.C:"lrloo, Line CA 92840 SAN ASSOCIATES, 9304 IJtCTTTlOUI .,._.. Oewn Clartl1 Palclllkofl, DeCMrtoo, T,........ ctwtlfophlr Bluc:o. 832 Honey.uckle Aw •• Fountain ..... 8TA,...,.,. MFCC. 15e Blywood DrlYe, Publllihld Or111g1 Cou1 SI_, OrM, 8'11. CA 92821 Valley, CA 92708 The lollowtng pereone are Newport Bled\ CA 92880 Dally Piiot Maren 1', 1981 Thll bu1ln1.. 11 con-Senlotd G. Robbln1, 9304 dolno bulinlll 11: Quelllldl Tiii• 1>ui1nei1 11 con- ______ ,_-9_31_1 ductld by: • generll pa.rt-HontylUdlte Ave., Fountain Rooflno, 328 N. Newport ducted by. rent a11anno 1t- • nerlhlp Valley, CA 92708 BIVd .. Suite 1112, CA 92113 rengemen1 rtalC M)TIC( JIM I.. WELLS Oertldlne M. Robbin•. Stephen MtchMI Alber-Dawn Clarke Partchlkotf NOft COURT Thia ltllement wu ftled 9304 Honeyeuckll Ave., lton, 222'h 34111 St., New-Thie 1tatement wu ftled l~ALW-• with the County Clerk of Or-Fountlln Valley. CA 92708 port a..on. CA 921e3 with thl County Cleft! of Or-~ enoe County on Flbroaty This bulln111 11 con-Tiii• bu1ln111 11 con-111g1 County on Februwy COUWTY ~ .,.._ 27, 198e ducted by: l'lulband llndwlfl ducted by. an lndlvldual 21 1984S In thl Mitt• of thl Appll-nlt17• SANf'ORO 0 . R0881NS SI..,_; M AlberUon ' P101t10 cetlon of ..L.01\N 1HI Hldtl1 I NIUl8fld, At· Thi. etatement wu ftlld Tiiie ttat.Mtit wu lllld Qltuo n , Du nn I PHUONG NINJt OH BEHALF IOfMJI .. U., Central with the County Clerk of Or-with IM County o.11 of Or-Crutottef, UWJMI, IOO OF TUAN HUY HUU NINH, A ............. a.1 II .,. County on FlbNaty .,. County on FebNery ....,.,. Ceft* °""' ... o. i MINOR for Change of Name TOfO M, ... -Lo..-. 28, 19M t 1, 19811 ... a.a. N9Wpor1 ..... No. A 132074 .... CA ..a, .,._nil ,__ ,_ CA .... (TW) ,-... ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Publllhld Or111g1 Cou1 Publltllecl Orange Cout Publlthld Or COMt Publllhed Or111g1 Cout FOR CHANGE OF NAME Delly PllOt Mitch 14. 21, 21. Diiiy Piiot Mitch 14, 21. 21. Deily PllOt F=aty 21. Dally Piiot Metctl 14, 21. 21, (Sec. eoM) AP'if 4. 19M Aptll 4, 1Clla Marct1 7 14 21 1988 A.pfll 4. 19811 LOln TN PlluonO Ninh on F-92511 F-921 ' ' ' F-197 Owl fus ltJ(J/lcJJe CW'itR A e COMMOllW~LTH YOLlllWAGlll SlllCI 1953 Lik?.e USED CAR SPECIALS '82 AMC IAGLI '76DATIUN 84MYMOUTH .•• , ... •••'LTD' WGll 2801 COLT MUITAllG '6953 '4453 .'4253 '5953 l..oeded Excellent cOnc:t1t1on Like New Must See #727867 #293527 . 15009~ •10~91 '80VW '78 DATIUll '71 vw '11 IPLIT •ABBIT 210 BUG WlllDOWBUG '3253 '1953 '2953 CLASSIC Excellent Condltloo Great Economy Su~Clean R"tored, Excellent C~d #828984 ... ,70948 #752899 #290n2 AM catl tut>tact ~Niel + Tu, Lie. I doc !.-Sale 1 3-17 ·M 1442 South Bristol, Santa Ana (Intersection of Brlatol and Edinger) •.(7 14) 546-0220 LEASING Ttt: CONNELL LEASE WAY Avalllllll• 1111cb m 1, CIVll .... ,CI ..... (llCllllli Z-21), 4 cyl Clllll llln, ••Ill c ... ,c • .,1c1, c.ntll,C•ll vaa,1-1omaz.s, El Clllllll, l l 4 ..... llPlvl 1/1 1 114 -~· !ft it~ ;If ;flflfc(:f VOLKSWAGEN/ISUZU *\+"'o~; ~;:.~ + 198 6 CAB RIOL ET 1988 ISUZU TROOPER II U22890 #009185 5 Spd, Air, Met. Paint Dig Stereo Cassette, Fir. Mats Factory Sticker '13,300" So. County Sale Price •11,112• SAYE '1,511" Factory Sticker So. County Sale Price SAYE •11,a1r '11,llt- •123 .. Or Lease For $220.50 /60 mo. Or Lease For $199.87/60 mo. NO DOWN TOP 13,450 NO DOWN TOP 12,464 •••••• '11010 ...... ....Tiii 1111 CllYITTI •YITTI lllD A• nlel 11 ::l' come H .. Rid wl .. 1"9 tavt Low Tiiie cet l'ltlt ~Incl S L*• ,_ S tpel, lie, lftOOft 5 llPd. •Ir cond 1Unrt. cult 9Yef'yt~ng 1-1009 CUi i m1111 & Mope A true apd, ate. pwr WftOWI CNIM, roof. cuetcm wtlll, wn/trfl '#his & only 13.000 m1 whit, lie a mot• dlWnond arn/fm ltlr9C> _,_, lt.-.0 CMI & "'°"' •1LHVI04 •1CSX464 #4"65 1C)eC181.tlls & more 11MFl.310 103311 '14,999 •12,,111 •1 1,111 •11,111 '.11 ,111 'llYWHI 'llYWl&Alt 'I I PllTlll ~ 'U•••• '11 •na OHY'T OllV'T TUll UI .... 12llPI Onfy 13 000 ~ '5 llC)d • .., ---~··000'19lllel 4 llC)d "':l toeo.o I wfllt • cwtoe 5 llPd """"' ...,_, ~ .,., c ... CUllOl'll .... cond """'" .,., .. c-. Flilty toeded Ind Mope, CUllt on't .... at Ihle cwtoe OU8tomwN9 . •et22PW CU9fomWNll wNa I IOw,,,... 1 1HOYete •181'1161 •28V1020 •1FVZt1t •t,11 -~1111 --•1,111-. '1,111 ' - ~ a C8 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ Frtday, March,,, 108'8 IT'S lllJlt TO IBEVE LR WAS OllCE SO HEAIY 111111 FOU9 IY DIUll IOllE'"' IY Looml 11 TllE DAIY CALL 642·...::~~~~~IF~C~AL;LICNG~FCR=OM:.:N~O~RTH~OR=A=NG~E=;;~~~~===~~~Pl=O:r.T'~S C::l1'~AS~Sfl~l=D:r.S~. ~~ ii IF CALLING FflOM SOUTH ORANG! CLAMIF1£D INDEX '41·5671 C..U ... llar llU ht ti C.Uty C..t1 •eu 1114 l=rt ... ~ lllt Cetta.... 2114 lut...... ... l..,.rt ltac.. IMt leatah It Iha ,ft()ll NOlllM OMW CQ, ,_,_ BEXOT. 2 ORIT 6UPLEX '"""' 1115 Rare Beck Bay ac:tMge "' ... n IT •Hn _,. **LG 21; 2L. wac to SPACIOUS 3BOAM 2BA 172 5 '~~~:~to~~=: UI.... 3br houM dbl f' many GATED VILLA~E COM-i Lg Studio f\.llf kltchen ger bdl. l>atlo. G11t $775 No 11/W#. flMet t>MC:t\. 011'· M/F ltlr 2Bt 2 atty a 10 many amenltlee to U.t. Lat chance tor rural 11v-extra• HOO Ide/pet MUN ITV. 28drm, 2 \4Ba. utll• Ind·~. F .. ' ' pet• 780.1713/851-1179 tge. Yrty S 1250. Avail Condo, patio, l)f"Mt le GrNI lnveat opportunl· Ing, Fallbrool( leYel 1 14 53M191 Agent COit 1800 eq. ft. of PUREl flLDllf Ill-... SBA 2ba ci.ari. frplc, now VIiia Ren tale .J350 i S300. 8ett CtASSIFlfD 00-ICE ~R$ T~~M·F I 00 AM·5 30 PM S11urOey I 00 AM· I I 30 AM eu.i-Count., M·' 9i!O AM·ltOO ""' CHICIC YOUfl AO ty, lav0table flnanclnp WI ac:. cloM to town. Rath« have an 6-alde ad-LUXURY Garage. SPA In t . uw-enc ger avt now 876-4912 or 75'4-t792 2ao..ea1 tOf845-26H I ~ '"''-T ~v avail. $475,000. Laura water & elec, quiet and dr ... S rm hm w/gat mid matter eultd. Dlnlng1 •MESA VERDE d'lwc 2Br $8261~. a..2..c:iea1 VILLA Balboa, newer 2BR Nd rm1a to ehar• COi U>IOtWI• ""o""""""' ,...... 81'1-72.8-8026. 539"-«1191 Agt coat place, mk:rowave oven, t&50 No pet• CM0-2•95 38A 2be· c!Mn, nu cpt · s12001mo a1a1•47-2589 apt., n..-nkr, tem '* ;;-.0,,: ~ce::'.::~·::-.:;oe":' 760•91481e ?5&-0 12910 • • c I u d • d . ca 11 S800'• ror datalle room, woodbumlng nr .. , 1Ba, garage. del'lw.hr 2 b1, all al'(lanltlee. "'" • ...., '°"' •o • , .. o o.c• SI If UYllll IPll private patlO. ELEOANT paint, lrpl, yard. end gat $350/mo. ,.80-8730 ..,. .~.,'OLIHE~••D••"' !;:' .. ~.....-~=.~ ":,'•.J~' two 28drm Unite, Only lnt11J TAKE NOTICE LIVING only 15 mlnut•I •PAWIU .,.... Avl now $825 a..2-0ee1 Watenront Apt. Fum. 2BR NEW CONDO-SHARE -· "' • ..,,., ... o .......... « ... ,,,. .. ~ .•• S324K. Principal• only ltatrll 1112 Reeleconomy$500'e2brl 10So.CoPtaa.jueteutSpac1oue clean quiet lllmlll/IU 2ba. s12001mo yrly wlth 2 malM,O'#nrOOtl ~-:;,.-~. :";, :: :: ::; ~~-c':'O: ;..:• ~o~~·,'= PASH PROPS 720-9•22 Oat eteal9 abode klde ok of Nepwon BIVd & aouthl lmmac: 28r H~Ba 2 e1ry 833-9191 Of 536-9524 $400/mot 1et4 laat ont ..... _. .. 1• .... ••''"' '"' '"' m• 0' "'' ... ~. NEWPORT BEACH other• avail of Sen Diego freeway. Garden Apt. Pvt oatlo Mlle to t>Nd\, encl gar. _ __,. ••• •• 1• ~;:,;.. ~.' :: :z (;:::;;·~.~:.,~~= .~~..;;~ !:;',<;;, CMta .... 11 1 BLOCK TO BEACH *111·11M* 2473 ORA'NGE AVE I POOi, c1rpcrt, lndrf fac'. lrplc, blttne, S700. YH lllllYI IT avau lmn-.. ,.....,_., "· ""°"' M• ... •f# ,,..,, ,,, .. ,...,,, 28R 1BA house, fnCd yd, 2 Budget keepw 3br und« 631-5439 By appt only. I !>.lo pete $725/mo. 268 E. Aft 5:30 980-4914 GATED VILLAGE COM· Npt Bch, to w 3br 2t Bright up1talra 2BR aJ rOO 1811'1 C 11 83 t 1211e MUNITY. 28drm, 2 'hBa. hOUM. n·tmkr, 1 blk t I ~ :.":. :~;.,:-.:"' ~ ,:;;.. ,'° Pentrldo-Cove unit. over-ear C~i~~ ~';fym«J ~Mr~= ~ ~:n· 3/bd, 21b•. WESTCLIFF, un • MIT IUll,..., 1900 IQ. tt. Of PURE b .. c" S3 3 9 I m ~: ... -;.~ ·: • ~~~:~::~ loo!(• pool, upgrad... ~ueees 1•a•n NOT A LIST AGENCY large yard, flreplaoa, new •FREE CABLE TV. Lg 1Br I BMullful & Park lltle FOR LUXURY Garege. SPA In tet/lut+eec. 975-6«127 o.·onc• •• ~.-"" • ,.,,. ,0~ Must Sell Under martcet -~ c;arpet, frldPs $1375, 6 2Br Grdn AptJ. POOl l THE DISCRIMINATING maeter a .. lt•• Dining .......,.,,..---.,...-......,--::--at S11•.500. 831-2989 ,.., .. .._.a.a•lflT •""'"S82S 710W 8 ESS ... ' NPT tt.a't>Mch 2'"' ~:,·~!. :~:.:·· ·••w•o• •· , ~ _ 1 laat. ltack Zlfl 646-3100 or 7 2·1"3. .,,.,.,. · 1 th , 0,.:~oiwo ~~~ room. woodburnlng tire-ava1f':i~ S600. ·,lt;lal ....__.__.......... 1BYOWNm-3BAS127,500 l14/llM1 I bo;:;:tlhlnk twG s72836r IHI~ Ctast MttH 2er 1ea upetr•. 5711 Utllltlea FrM pl11Ce, microwave oven. ctep. 7•&-•5111646-2" Encl/upgraded cornet lot i Incl frptc den bike to •111 Joann Max 2 people. No l LA QUINTA HERMOSA private patio. ELEGANT ' Wiii Carry 645-7782 IOWllll llW .. l ocean newer kit call • peta $535 Agt 550-1015 LIVINO only 15 mlnut .. N/emkr M/F lhr ocn -. _._. -------------Open Seturday & Sunday 53g...e191 .Awt lee 2BR 281, .... rrwt. 1780. 16211 Parkllde Ln. HB to So. Co. Plau..Jueuut 2Br 18a Apt, prkng, w/1 n•.... MUST SELLl 3BR 2BA I 10.,..PM. 3Br 28a, apple, .-.. p 1 I ---· Slll NI lllTI Ml-1441 ol Ne9wOrt Blvd & eouth $350+'h ute •M-2158 ....._._ ... ._ ____ .._ ______ .. Tri-level, Brittany WOOd• lncd yard w/grdnr, pool, (mat 2144 ~~S-7t~~·orrT~l-~~~-2Bdrm 1Ba EHtslde.1 ol San Otego frMWay. condo, •le, lrplc, dtw, 2 car gau1ge $875. Aak Oulet area. No petsj Neer beh 1 +1 new Mcc>r, 2473 ORANGE AVE Nwpt Bch, Baywood -2B ' pool. tennis. By owner., for Artene(ll19)724_30.a 2BR2BAden.endunltgm so.CoutCondo2br 2ba, 831.6155 . pool,onlyS500.F.. 831•5439 Byapptonly 2BA. Avail l mmec $138.500 840-5192. L ... IS PllPHTIH belt condo, plantation carport pool Jae MISS TIUIDT Ill-.... · $420/mo. 780-852• I HW I om Ulm shutters, tr. doors S1250 (213) ae0-sst3 . '635/mo 2BR 2BA, frplc, SUWlll YILLAIE •itc. lntalJ Nwpt lg Mduded hmi L..-•••••.. Older cluslc 3br hta Juet mo., no pets. 760-1092 end gar, all bttne, near F·-. min .,... 25 . .,..75 "'lliilllli _____ • 4 bdrm. 2 bath fixer. High bk Id .. II VERY CLEAN 3BR 1 I~ shopping oenter ..... -..-- bl tt •~o 000 d t • to ooean m ... pr 2 BR Condo. $825/mo hm. In pV1, gated comm. 810 Cent~ t & 28t luxury APt• In 1• .... , •tH one fltth utl 845-6287 on a u · -• n.1 move-In S800 Info View, lge Kol pond, ... Plana. Poole. tennis, • I Mll•lll a r--:-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--, $132,000 602-«~ 1411 I 539-6191 Agrcost po o 11 a p a /ten n I 1 Obi gar· Cvrd patlO, Cen· TSL lllT 142· 1101 waterfall•. pondsl GH for •1R•m--. f3•V1-bCh-."'"k""lt-PrlV..-.•p•vt•1 Prof fem, 25-35 lhr 2E = I 552 2000 traJ A/C. Only 70 yd• to 1 & .. -·ti aid 75 1 Nw upper. crtyrd, lndr) = 'lmat 1CK4 •-IL--· tlshl~ lekel No pets. cootc ng .... ng P · entr + 111. eat. pt .. - -$105 A ~s--anu From San Diego Frwy, Bch 1131-6711 or Ba.lbOI Pen. S380/mc lllYUSmPAll PtaiaHll 2107 **llEITALS** 7141•32_g;;2 mo gt ~ u .n north on Beach to 673-3119 875-3715Glnutt8pm ...._ ______ ... ,. _____ .. _ 3BR 2'~ba, dining rm. Almoet oceanfront pV1 26r CALL US REGARDING McFadden, west on ---------p f le 25 35 eh extra lge bonus rm. spacloue decor t gar IRVINE RENTALS Aprta1at1 Al&ITllllTI MdFadden. 15555 Hunt-2 .~: ~m or un~ ~n: ~~eame "3BR NB oondc ' OPEN Sat/Sun 4731 ,795 lree utlts 539•6190 lnlll O.ut llt .... fl -lmmaoulate large Garden ington VIiiage Ln. ne w/pV1 at Exel toe nr bell $32 Royce Rd $17 1 ,900 Best Alty lee 111-llOO a.1M1 Apta Beautltully land· 111·1111 PV1 ent S350. S.6-2348 pool/Jae 760-68 l8 786--0579 seeped grounds, pool & Coate M.... Furnlehed .._ ... ._..__. ........ .,._llllill .. lilliillilil_.. WOWll Ca,iatuat luck 18r Condo on atrHm. ltlau 21H spa, patio/~. No pete. lniat 4 room. $300/mo, llght Prof te, must be cteer s9.900 dn + $2, too cioa-2111 patio. pool, tennis. Jae. ATTRACTrYE, SUNNY 18drm $825-$840 NOW WsitJd cootclng. 548-5883 resp. non-amkr, to att 3B 2B 0 I f d/ $65585•-1141/673-5003 Apt avail 3-lS thru g.15, 151E.21st St. 5•8·2•08 3BR duplex In COM. N Ing coste. Mo pmt• ol r a p x rplc w ------Furn. room for Men only. peta. $400/mo t utile , $783 at 911W1 fixed Int stove. dbi ga;.age: SHARP 3 BR 2'n ba yrlyoreummer673-34s9. 18drm M20 *UIVUI OlllT* $300/mo. Mstr bdrm. pV1 dep 720-9.08 eves 2BA twnhm, gar $99,900 wa1erttrash pd Xlnt view townhome. Attached 2 111~11 Ptalat•la 131 E. 18th 6411-U16 Brand new apartment• ba, parking area. kitchen Prof/F wanted. To ehr 2b 1-==-Pegtagt 559.9400 & area S900 Timely paid car. central air. pool/epa. 2'07 Ideally located In Irvine. privileges, weekly maid C M hou $382 5C .. _.., _____ .,.. ______ ... ~ I t It ~ lOH lst, lut .. ssoo dep No $1090 Imo. Avl 411. No 1&11& 11&1 &rTS service. 897-0075 .·,n·ut~722:;28 · Ital lttatt Fer Salt General 1002 t!J!' IC pets (213)698-7176 smkrs/pets 833-8551 *WALITllUll* 1Br & 2Br, frig, range, 1&28edroomlloorplan1. HB AM . Male over 35, --------------------1 &ot,tlt1alCll1r• C • l M 2122 dys, 730-9218ev/wknd 1 +1 + utlls, pallO, Hurry laundry,pool,carport.No Pool& Spa non-smoke /drink. ReeponelbleFemaletolh IH1t1/CH•t1 UHlll VIEW .. IEI l lttt Val1t II 11 Ortll 1 11 WOODBRIDGE. 3Br 1'nbe S5751 Fee pets. s5so & s9SOtmo S275tmo. 9«13-2258 28r 28a Promontor --------Sunny. light an~ most lnvlt· Remodeled " bdrm, 3 bath * 01101 TIEil* condo, close to pool, ten-TtUIEIT Ill-.... 931 W 19th St. 548-0492 Walking dlatanoe to Point N/1mkr, no pet• "-.1 1ng home, priced to sell poot home with warm 3Br w/gar + utlla Incl $850 nla $900/mo assoc lee * Shoppt""' Laguna Bell-Furn utll pd, Ca.II Dave 875-6497 ..,-.....,•tr...., .. ._ ___ .;l;.;00;.;;.;2 now Nothing nu t>een 1 country kitchen and 2Br 2Ba aqueaky $925 paid, avl 4/13. 857-6058 CtrtH ••I .. r 2122 We!il:fiekl * TheatrM• proflbue. n·amkr, .O+' -----~-- *IHT lllFFI llY* I overloot<lng to make thi11 spacious famlly room. 1Br 18a cute & co-ry $625 L It L. ••4• f BEDROOM $750 *Restaurants pool, S300. • 9 .4--0 451 · Responelble yng fe Meki Larger3Br2'n8aEnd Unit. expanded. redecorated Lrg master bdrm with OTHERS AVAILBLE· Fee !:!pll IC• aa • 2 BORM/1 BATH $825 &l&ITllEITS *Parka/Tennis Couna Mature active lady wtll thr fermtenrocean, tleuen 2 huge patios, llke new home perleot A beat buy master bath & jacuzzi TtUIEIT lli·IHO ~n view 38r 2L . 231 Franklin Rtty 640-7000 like brand new! All utllltlee Lel1t1r• World luxury Apt range. Kelly •93--5038 Int. very allarpl High Bal-at $369.000 tub Skylights & etalned Wave St $1395/mo. Se I e ct e d Un I ts w/same. $350. 770-6458 RMMTE lhr 3 BR Condo aft~-•a• .. m loan. Prl__,.. TRUDY STUBBLEFIELD •SPfl• a••* F I I ""-"'SIS taR 1BA, deck, gar apace. P•ld Pool. gar. no pets. w/CatlledraJ CeUl""I ,....., .,._.. ..._, glus Only $289 000 _.. pc, new w w, .,.._., No pets. $650, let + ctep 28drm 1Ba M95 . .., MESA VERDE·MHter pool, Jae. C.M. $375/mc right at $229,500 Feet TODDY SMITH Call N Fogerty'tagt Beat ocean view, pool, n~ 12_.pm 818/284-5265 675-5501 Of 6'«·4064 301 Avocado 642·9850 NOW TAKING bdr, prv patio ent & ba '° '~ utlt. 722-7842 IMtllp I Ot. 675-60001673--8571 or crpt & paint. 2 stry NflW FOR RENT Architect· RESERVATIONS FOR n·smkr, S325/mo-S200 Rmte shr 2BR 2ba condo 759-9100 140-lllO AlnllEI OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 Bedford $3850. 554-3241 Designed wood/glaaa. 1 BR apt 1 year old. O/W, OW II Ill AV OCCUPANCY sec ~9-3612 Iota ol extras. Nr OCC ,-_,t •\,,' ·I • ",•, \'\• t.•, • 1748 BONAIRE WAY, NB 3BR 2ba cottage In Olde 3/bd, 2/ba. hme w/ocn & blt1n1 No pets. no emkrs ALL UTILTIES PAID IU.•142 MSTR Br/ba. kitchen. M25+dep ~2714 *IEW OllTlll* CdM Tile, hardwood coastline vu ol Laguna $750/mo 6«-7183 Compare before you rent. $375 ·~ 11 IAYFIOIT HOllES Kl GS RD 5B 41AB floors. dbl gar. 703 Iris B ch · S 11O0 · ca II 12 room suite ba pvt ent Newly d9COf'ated custom L11u1 ltack 2141 ~19f8f~S..5-&833 ut ' l....UTI Ft•IS IAlllAllS N -r a. $1550/mo 675-9797 Claudla,Day.,.97.,..811 Deck Micro' frig' No pet; design features pool. -Ov9f1ool(lng Newport Bay Eve-494·68•4 $550.1 11' 1 . d bbQ, covr'd garage. sur-Coey fBA apt. Furn. Quiet Quiet haven. Npt. Bell. em •Dally computer updatea Bank Aepoa. Foreclosures $795,000 968-1021 3Br 2Ba patio deck gar· -nc ut s. •1 + ep. rounded with plush land· older prof. non smkr. Nr rm tor buay mat M/exec •MOl'e leeds, futer letv. I All areas Great financing. age w$hr/drtr No' Pets INflW lg 1br condo, steps to I 676-5501 Of ~064 seeping. No pet• bch $550. N Lag •94·2003 Ute K prlv. no smk, pvt ba, •All client• screened ••y•1111111s Luxury & Custom Homes •NORTH BAY-S.A. HGTS $12So/ 714.'lt 0 hid bch pool & ep• So Lag .,.., " ... --• Agent 854-2460 . 5Br or 4Br •~ Oen 3Ba. Open S~1012_4 £...Lllr~525 erN $650+ ut. 768_..529 1 *llW lllU* 18drm & 2Bdrm Furnlelled lt!f!rt ltick t garage $350. 844-0369 •1.,,. o to.,, Lool(ers Exclusive gate guarded --pool Ownr wlll coned fin --__ .,..,...,-_ Lg !Br 1Ba. lull kitchen, 365 WEST WILSON rmr.'i R C S C Plz 1:io Beactl 8lv B community. Large slngle SIPlll LIOATill $239.000 Agt. 756-8698 4BR 2'hBA 11se com. poo1, LI HI Billa ZlSO bltlns, ut111 lnc1 S695. Fee 142-1111 __ 1{ac~i:f~·ae:111r· ~: ~1~ n::n.'::~r. 535-0,,! 1 1j1.)a..1•581~· H story hOme with room tol Lge 3 Bd 2ba condo. l/p, 11100 llEl....,.11 tennis Vu, DR FR. $2200 I . TtLHEIT 111·1110 Deluxe 2Br 2Ba w/gar. Nu Baywood, $780/mo. Inc utlle. Joe 549·1~2 -.. add on 88 tt on the Ba dbl gar patio nr shop• & -" mo Bkr/own 640·4 152 3B~ 2ba condo. Xlnt area, ---------6 • '"' $1 ,380,000 Estate Sale y transp S 125.000 Ruth 2420 VISTA lllllZl JASMINE CREEK 28R "1f1W. nflW cpt/palnt & Bachelor Apt Lg petlo. Paint & carpet. •4 Ham· 6«-5555. Rm In Newport Bell houM ......... ll11tatiM Laurie, Rltr 646-4380 vacant 4 bdrm 'G' ptan. nr drps Pool encl gar mirrored cioset doors Uton Ave 1675 ~75-9797 280i\M & 28A $700/mo. Full house prlvlL FOf the Roomma1e your'e WIY IUCM I IN. ----pool Move in condition 2BA, den, ocean view $875/mo. 842-0661 avall lmmed $450 Incl u1 Eastalde 1BR duplex, lrg RetrlQ. dahwshr, stove 642-8537 leave meuage lool(lng For-s.tec1ec:I b) I • s2oa,ooo . Open Sun $1950/mo 6«-1667 873-8889 or 673-8890 yard. $450/mo + dep, Incl. No Peta 545-4855 workln!1 •Ingle male. BR In your need• & meuured Huge Bayfront tot with Ptatllala 1007 BROKER 6-40-6259 JASMINE CRK. 3BR, lge l~rt leack 2169 Charming 2Br 1Ba, lrplc, gu/wtr pd. 722·834 I * l lllllll lllO* pV1 E tide Costa M... corripatlblllty. 291-5777 partially remodeled 3 BAEATHTAKING Catalina ILIFFS If IWIEll family rm, view, wd tlrs. 5BA'.m1n A city Ughts vu sun rm, svn deck. 3 btke EASTSIDE 2Br. yard. gar· Relrl•\ dlsnwuher & stove home. S80 wtcly 642-1293 ... t-'· Wu... 17u Bdrmhome.Aoomtoex-suneets from ooeanlront • top cond, lovely petlo PhUe lllHarborVuHms tobch$900mo67~9115 a Kida/Pete okl • 911 Mt pand Private pier and 2 story Balboa Pen Pt Full Bay view 3Br 2'hBa. $2300/mo 760-1634 $1975/ A. 640-566-4 sB:51mo. 1787 West-Incl NO PETS 545-4855 ····••I••···· 1 Mat F na. Rm. pvt 6th In noat. $1,395,000 ownef' home away lrom board-Assumable lat g 9~% N Ex h blk mo gt Lg 39R 2BA, aundeck minster. llA. 720-9422 1BR/Oen. 1 bath Nicely IJllll •.a-North uouna home, Ille may help finance walk • 4br 4ba. olflce. $207.500 Call 760-1108 :'n 4:r ~~a 1 S3s6g $700 2br 2ba bike/ocean wlYlf!W, tndry, 2 car gar EAST SIDE Luw In • Pine fSu1r8nOO. p/emrkol.ng1a' ,'"ad'!:.!°°', no ---Ill. prhlla, xlnt refl •9•·7~8 l elevator . skylltea, par---ILIFFI mo or lseopt 675.5393 gar·hkups-dshwshr must $1375/mo 675-6599 ~ ....... -·- lllUT YALIE quet floors, 1000-+ sqtt, J Br 2Ba COMPAREI see 539-6191 Agt lee 2BR 1BA, relrlgerator. Forest, lg• 1/br. d/w, lrlg. pete. Lv msg 673-0367 Wkly rentals. Low rates G1n1u fer Ital Spacious • Bdrm home lam/par1y rm. 21/p, 2 car COMPARE' S189 000 Oceanside PCH yrly 5 rm BLUFFS/Spacious 3 new q>ts close to beach gas/wtr pd, 2 patloa, $135 & Up/Wkly. Color 2740 beautllully maintained gar -.driveway, 1ong term fee The P ,_,..,, M rt basics Incl $850 ok bedrooms 2.,., bath on $900/mo. 675-6599 S580/mo. adults, no pete, 2 & 3 Bdrm unfum. yrly.I TV. maid MMoe, tree s;cu 161 30 HU BCh with all new kitchen. den. tandlee.se $695,000 By 640·90 19 ro.,_ .. , • . 539-619 1 Agt cost nr-nbelt 'vacant S 1400 yr leue, 646--0664 summer. wlnt«. Cannery coffee, healed Po04 & re ~ nt Own LA 0 •....., Spllt level2Brw/den,over-Ren1a11, 1nc. 675-4806 step• to ocean. Kltcl'l's gar. $100/mo. Deya wood shop and pool size er county tra "'1---Ct1tl fllttl 2124 NANCY IMBERNINO RE looking llvtng room & !Ire-E·alde 1 & 2Br, crpte, drps. avall. 985 N. Coaet H'""', 846-9501, eves 646-4152 patio Private pier and j cons1<1ered 675-3850 HVH-$242,500 Must see 1•• 11•1 · · 1 1 h ca pet Avl now. No pets. $550-2BA/1'~ba, 1pacloue & -, lloat Just $750 000 --to apprec. Highly up· Deluxe 2BR 2BA. sngl level ,.,.. • ~oi:;!tikeps~!age. :,,3 1~ $850 t dep 850-5 t43 nice, vary pvt. 1/2 blk Laguna Beech. 49-4-5294 ltrlll ti • 1 Ctrtal •el Mar l 022 I graded 3br 2ba Carmel condo, ale, frplc, w/d Dover Sh rs lovely 4Br • bch u111 pd G••/lndry SULll llm .. walk-In closeta 1'~ E'SIDE 2BR tba dn 1 · '"' I · IY st•••1E •a•IH ISWI Ill, 1963 Por1 Weybrld""' hkup Mstr BR. llv rm 2'~Ba lg lam rm. n~ $950/mo 980 58 ~ • ...,. _,. Ho1••n11 NIL •-I ... ~ Baths. patio, deck, 2 car car g••, patio $750. 2052 · • .... Wkly ren\alS now avail Elegant 3 Bdrm home tn W-/ OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 w/poot & stream vleW. kllch. lorm dining $2200 enc l osed gara9 e Gard'"'en Lane ,,.,._3081 645-1771 S.03 River Av $l29.50 wtc & up. 2274 S~AA•~PB~~vVlallll•ble prestigious locaUon Prl 101( ICUI VIEW Owner/Agt 759·1870 I $900/mo, yrly 998-0082 , 722-6"28 or 646-0100 .,....,.. ......, ,._ .. ,........ ~ C wtatorage & laundry rm. Nw.pt Blvd, CM 648·7«5 300 E. Coast H • N .. tty room pier and float with targe bright IMng • 2 · ' · ay on Y ....,.,,r c. 11 ' -SU I Sii LOHE 67" 1331 Mon.-F . " .. pm vate swimming pool. lam-Excellent value In OM I LIVI ., Tll IUOM 26r Duplex garage w/d HARBOR VIEW p I ..._,__. I 5 blk LARGE •harp 1 bedroom ••• ,I s1um* -:'J. $1 495.00o room & pool side deck LIDO Penlnsula 2BR 1ba, hkups 178B Placentia. ,2 t den or 3BR. corner . to beach. Open House new paint. new drapes. ., .,,._ with Catalina & sunsel m obile home Fully S635No pets5"5-7963 location lncludesgdnr& Sunl_. 435Goldenrod. newllOOftlle,abeolutely NON-SMOKERSONLY 3026W.PaclflcCoutHwyStorage apeoe to rent. (7 t 4) ... 7.,. • •"" views 2 bdrm. 2 bath 1,., turnlslled 2 car carport 2BR. gar, lnGd yard • trg comm pool Avail 411186 675-8346 or 960-8331 Immaculate, dllhwalher, EASTBLUFF. Stunning, lg Newport Beach. Retrlg TV Costa M .... Also tome v ~ "' p •"5 ooo S 1500/mo Call Lois enclosed lockable gar· 1Br 1Ba Apt. TwnhM nr $125 ..... 1 ..._,_,,._, otfloe • .......,. Ch tee S321.000 N Fogarty/egt V1 beactl ..., • or lse storage yd. $650/mo. Tiny house. Oceanelde of age. park like ground•. pin. Frplc, pa11o. pool. l 1 -+ .. I,. SO • no .....,... ... t. John •74:-0"'~18~-~ 675-6000 or 673-6571 ~~~.:'~t t,o;);,g Call I 20151= Wallace. 545·503~ __ 573•7544 _ Hwy, ault employed •nol $580. No Pets. 5•8-«1279 Lvly environment. No 18 1 1 ti Ht *Executive. ocean & night HUGE downstairs ocean S525. utll pd. •97 -52•9 llVI II llW pete. 1785 6"0-0~9 2724 C.aatrclal llHI CH 'lllOl IEWNllT ISUll view. 4Br 2'hba. RV. rec view 3 Bdrm, 2 ba with "--1 • •H• I ll lalt/lnt OUPLEX·2Br lbaeach :.aa.•Qftle..ah-"' room $1385.631·1153 fireplace $1200/mo .,.. a Ill --,$625/mo. E/elde 2BR *CmlUZf* *Prtf,P,tff ..... * So-ot-PCH $26".900 WtIW • .. -Avall now 506 E Ocean· SHARP Garden Apt tBR. 1BA. patio. pool, lndry 2Br 2Ba. gOOd area, bltlne, 30 52l Carnation By owner Custom 2 story, xlnt. •SHARP Westside 2Br front, Balboa Pef'llnsula atove/refrlg, no pets room Close to all Other• avail $750. Fee 0 : ho:;;;~1~'!~~~ l .. laMt/Offict lt1t 673-024 1 or 673-154 1 I decor 180 deg Bay view 1Ba Duplex Tile lloors, Call Denise $520/mo. 5"8-1377 TSL MG1M4T9 E. B8J .. 2· 1803 TILEIEIT 111-UIO vate pool/spa. $400 un-Z'llt --------• _ __ 3 Bdrm. spa, etc. crpts, drps. w/d hkup, at85t-1164 llOOIFF ~ furn, $425 fum. Utll In· 2 AOJOININGSPACES G Own/Agt $459,000 garage $600 t sec. Must 3Bdrm 28a new crpt Ct1tet1l 1002 eneraJ 1002 650-6443' or 951-2777 stand credit v _ No pets LIDO IS 3BR 2BA !urn. MOVE IN COST PAii IETTIM W/VIEW garaoe & frPlc. Steps to eluded. 551_....543 580 ef N . 3017 and 3019 -----------770-5829 beaut Avall to 7115 Lge Collage Type. 2BR 28drm 2Ba. vautt,cS cetl-beach. Yeany $1100/mo. *QUIET & SPACIOUS* Harbor Blvd, CM nr IPT ICI TIWlllllSE --$1650/mo Agl Rod, 1BA. pvt patio, w/d hkup, Inge. prvt patlO/IJak:ony. VIII• Rentals 675-•912 2BR 1BA, balcony, oar.. Bal<« St. Asking $700. SACRIFICE SILE LIDO ISLE 75' Bayfr ont Lot with Dock to accommodate up to 90' yacht. Bu ild an estate or subdivide. ••• Sealed Offers Accepted Through MARC H 21 1986 M inimum btd $1 650 000 ($22.000 per front footl I 3BR 2'~ba, lrg m1tr aulte, 134' Trailer Fully furn 1BR. 673-4400/d 673-8821/e no pets M751mo jac. blllna. No peta OIW, lndry rm. no peta, Rent 1 or both. Mor (919) lrplc, greenblt loc. excel ba, kit, LIA. Ulll pd lido Isle 4BR 3BA. ram rm. TSL MGMT s.42. 1803 855-0685 or 831-6107pm Cllffhaven 2BR 1BA, patio. $600/mo. 6•&-2832 726-9685 (71•) 95C>-3389 value $124,990, no agtel $375/mo • dep 831 -6158 din rm, 2 patios. redec. Ideal tor retired persona. *3000 13 • ., .,~5 & ~53 es. 0377 /d 631-8654/ ---1 -nu IEIT FIREPLACE-POOL-PATIO No peta. ~6-5306 2 airy Laguna Niguel T/H • ..... ~ ~ -n 3/bd. 2/ba. trl-levet, Brit-new applls & carpeting. -•• X-Lg 1Br 1585 & 2Br $&85. pooll epa. Clean reap n-Sq. Ft. 1817 WESTCLIFF, NWP CREST 2BR 2'nbe, tany Woods Condo. ate. $2000/mo 8"6-6"37 lBR at S535tmo 2BR Eastalde 557-2841 EASTBLUFF Deluxe Apt. smkr $400/mo 249-1075 Nwpl Bch 541-5032 Ag1 den. by owner Meke ofr frplc, d/w, pool, tef'lnl1, --$595/mo. An built lne, 2Br 2'~Ba. completely ------------------859.9374, 951_5990 $1200/mo. 640-5192 lido 11 Twnhse 3Br 2'nBa. lndry rm, nr beh & lhopa. Prvt 1Br, frplc, pool, patio, renovated. Obi gar S400+dep Newport, f/p, 427 Sq. Ft.~ Space II I lrplc, dbl gar. Walk to 735·7•1 w . 18th St. gar. No pets. ~99 w Bay w/opener. Pool & rec BBQ-cable-near water. below market prloe. Xlnt PllfSTlllOll 01111 EASTSIDE • 2BR 1'~BA Vig. Yrly $1350 673·08U TSL MGMT 642-1803 St. SS95 650-8357 area. No pets $975 t eec 642-9622 or S.5-5175 Freeway aoceae, ea.ta EXEC 2BR d W 1 car garage, patio. N Cond H d 67., ~ .. , .. .,,.3229 M ... near South Cout +-en etbar, $800/mo 780-8364 ewer o near oag 1Bdrm Apt w/baleony, REDEC 2BR, gar, fence ep. ..-vvvo .....,. Mstr Br, roman tubt In 5 Plaza.(714)646-2982 solarium. patio, dbl attch --Hoap 2BA 2'nba on quiet pool No pets $495/mo. patio. yd, no pets. 2 people NR Beach & Udo Shops tevel Condo In H.B $450. ___ ....._,,......,,,.,...........,,..-- gar $169.900 528-e060 E1a.stslde 31BR 1B$A9•50tndry, cul de sac POOi/spa. 646-3818 $a50. 388 W. BAY ST. 3/BR 2 b1h deck d/wutl 1.Vlaat neg. 536-57•8 Al BAYFRONT BLDG rplc, sng gar. Imo Avall 411. $1000/mo, att E/SIDE 2BR 1'nBa $675. GarageUkenew$l195 EXECUTIVE SUITES PllfYlTE TREE ... IE Drive by 2589 Orange 5pm call 675-7358 E-ald• 18r wllots of net 271 Cabrlllo. 722-0812 514 Cfubhouse 730•7721 FEMALE BUSINESS LADY $1,35' & UP 642.,..64•. Bluffs Condo G Plan. 4BA and call Sheryl 673-31 f7 wood. Fresh as • breeze WANTED-To share large ---------3ba close to pool, tennta IEWNllT OIHT $495 No pet• 990-2970 Sharp 2BR, H~ba. wuh· OCEAN VIEW. 2br 2'Aba. 2/bd condo, pool, g.erg, NEWPORT BCH Ofc, aprx & track S265 000 • NO UITSlll LIOATlll Spacioue 3Br 2'nBa. new 2Bdrm lBa "Cott '', pV1 dryer hkup, patio. gar. no f/p, 2 car gar., $950. n·emkr, neat & reei><>n· M3 IQ tt,ahWf. Nr P.C.H DOWN to qualified buyer 3 _,_ 2 .., trplc, O~· lncd crpt, w/d, refrlg. Im· yard, eprlng fr= M50 peta $850, ~6-9950 850-8889 or 646-5800 Sible, w/gentleman, & Poat office 646-29•7 OPEN SUNDAY 2114 yrd.Hurry $850 ee maculate $1350 le11e. NOPETS990-2970 SPAC2BR1~BA,dw,W/d Sharp duplex·3BR 2BA $400/mo, •95-3173. WIALWU. Vista Laredo TELEHIT lll·lllO VIiia Rentals 675-4912 hkup, patio. No pete. $1250. 818·356-7556 dye Laguna Niguel. NEWPORT CENTER Agents Jennifer Shaw Joann Akerman c9a3i3i_35~~ t SP a r II ng E'SIDE separate hM. 2 BR Nwpt Hghtl 3BR 2BA, gar, lB~ upstrs w/garege. Aef9 $650. 300• Fiiimore. 213"-&81·83-47 evee Fem./non smkr 23·28 to Full terVlce prtva1e offloee. 759-9064 .. ape off mstr bdrm. Quiet. req'd. No pets M 95tmo. 5"3-5478, 651-03311 shr 3br 2 ... N.B. houM 1""'"250-aqn ~ ... 675 7698 tba. Cptsldrp•. etove, 352 Victoria 845-9191 .,. ...,.. RT _., -fl, E. llOTill encl gar. W/O, ~ StOOO/mo 8't0-445A Avall Aprll lit. SUPER CLEAN I BR, IP&lllll APT $300/mo pMll. &46-M57 180 NEWPOR CNTR DR or 644-9060 COLDWELL IAllKER 644-9080 21e1 111.1 .. ~1111111111 Rta4,1.1. COROllA DEL MAR 1349,500 light, bright. airy premium dupJex. 3-. BB. 2. BA; 2 M . 1 BA; guest with bath. Prime corner locatJon across from park. t N Nl Wl-'OR TC C N TC H 644 9060 By Order Of $750, no pets 675 Nwpt Hgt• 38drm. • 18 St. 2 Bedroom 1 Bath cpt1/drapee, O/W, gar-1 mite to beach. a..2·2357 Fem norMmkr, 2BR 1BA (l 1•)1 ...... 11 U S Government Agency LO• lBr 2B• 2 etory Andrew• S995. HouM carport. larQ. yard. No arge, no pet• 1550. apt In Irv. S325/mo + 'n CdM dlx SultH. A/C, FRIDAY, MARCH 21 Condo Yard, garage. also !or ule. 642-9886 pet• $8751Month. 2e2s 645-5577 l!!J!rt ltuk 2111 utile. Virginia dya ample pkg, utllt& J.anltor. 2406 West Ocean Front. $1100 VIiia Rental• PRIME WESTCLIFF Lo-Elden,Apt#F.MM519 •UNIQUECOMPLEX* ! ase.5540.evee 7sa.-8097 28S5ECttHwyll75-6900 ~os~~/!'rig~'1~!.f:'·r';;~ 875-4912 cation 2/bcl, 2/ba condo, 2er lBa. Clean 2Br tea. 1BORM w/Y, dbl gar M40 F/M·3br houae 198-A Exc:tu9M Corp Perl( In dence loceted on the LOWY...... ~mo. 760-H<IO. _ gerege, w/d hkupa $850 28R 18a w/fr~ t 775 Magnolia, CM $375 utlla lrvt,,_ Bflnd MW Offloe Strend 2·blk• from Nwpt Brand ntw 3br 2Y.t>a f/p, Under SIOOO posalble 4br VIiia Rental• 875-·•912 ~g1~T~t1o. ~~47 pd. 548-3to21a..2~7 BldQ In pr•ttolout Offtce Pier. lnepae11on, Fri, Mar rnc yd, dbl gar, pet ok, pk high-tech decor gar & 12Br lBa upstatra 1525. ROOMATE: CdM. Shr P~. 2000•7500 Sq. A . 14 1 00pm-3:00pm & 1 COior 11095 842·9&88 much more rM«Ye ltl 712 Shalimar, Apt C. Max Utllltlee peld, $400. 3BR. Prof n-amoker. Av111May15th. Com« ot hour prior to IUC11on. MESAVE .. OE -4BR. lo---I 53u 191 Agt tM 2 -----'-. ~5-4l5e AvNoall~.411:.!~~!'P, t •°" 1Z Mlldt leesn $390/mo 87&-e599 Murphy & Corporate For l\Jr1her Information & ., • ...---,..._..... ....... -~ 51.-.. , to --Park. Bldg llgntge avall. llluatreted Brochure Con· ly, newly dee, epecloua., VIiia Balboa 2Br 28a, fam· 1 2 BR I BA Townhome ,,. • ..,_ M 36-45, •BR, 2BA hM, Handtome ellowanc. for tact Lawson & LaWIOfl No pet• s 1295 751-3898 I~ rm,' 1100 VIiia Rental• Carport, pV1 patio. pantry WI lfnl l.... on 6 month,...... C.M Pool, ep•. nr s.c. 1enant lmprmta Contact Auctioneers, Inc PENTRIDGE COVE 675-4912 OR 754-1792 rm, lndry fee:. S725/mo Want a aeleetlon of grNtl Pit. n/1mk, 50' TV, W/D Ter ... at 545-3115 Real Eetat• Brokef• v.,-y exctuetve. very lharp, -I 596 Joann St. eso-3973 living? we can off« anf • M onth-to-month S325+ utll/mald 960-9311 -- (8 l8) 577-7114 br~ht and light 2BA 2BA, SPARKLINGB 2 bdrm, 2wlba or 549-0433 thing from a em.II apt o also available Mal• n/emkr ehr 2Br F~~onERtylocach.t~bhot.tlal Im~ tr dbl er w/d No home at eyrfdge, th • • bdrm houM If lo<*· I Balboa P In CIOM .... ,. ...-' ••~lit tan et•' 11,gimo Can gated entry, 2 c:at ~eel 2BA Ouple11. Great area 1ng 1n CM. NB. or H8 • Furmshed/ en to proved-wlll lmprOYe to Ftr lalt 11 IO ~ n n e M c C a e 11 n d gar. LM now for s 1300 New carpet-paint-ctr~ think Of u• nrat for that unfurnished beh $400/mo 87&-5809 tult Approx 2-200 altt ;mmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-93,_,2ee Ownr/btcr 854-4868 g.,.. yd $710 559-5001 chotce ol Ideal llYlng. M.iii'r." M/F ehr large 973..ee<>e TSl. MGMT 642-1803 • Fttness centers. Eaetblulf NB twnha•. _F'U_L_L_S_E_R_ViCE OFFICES v~ln -~~!,D •• •tz•' ~L>. C.1t1 Mna 2124 Cttt1 .... 2114 WEST SIOE·Lg t tbdj tennis. swimming avatl lmmed. 720-1444 Avall. furn View. h~hly u""raded wna .'1~ Ouple11, prv t>O yd, an Model• optn dailv 9 6 Mature prof M/F non-tmkr MacArthur Blvd, alrpOf't ..... . .... .. wo-o-DuA• YILLAGI utll pd, $5351--. 781 • ,. • allr pr .. 1"""' home In ., .. 1151·1342 llv ng. dining, kitchen .-. '"" Sorry no pets ... arN w/klng elH muter __ .... ~any ••••tMlllTS Joann St, appt only. · w .. tefltta<• 64t-78&3 GROUND -tlr,_o_to-,Jtml--LOn- l>drm ana bath. ~-...... ,_..,...... ---t 4433Wil\...3873-Nt!Wj)Ort S.actl N~ 'MA1'URE RELOOSl. un Nwp1 "81 Apnc 900 •If opn UllU a.LS "·--p-i-t .... 880 Irvine Avenue to lflr In COM. 7 bite• to beama, tkytlt•, pafk.'g A b 00 E Iii Dl•I Ccml'l t11rur cN1 tirdtn~hlupl\ ~..,, 'omlort•i;,tmnc --... --fat l&thl bah, 75M978 11125/mot73-ee0e Hutllul LO N =:.... ~lost to lttt.1rs & ~ Cua\! Ptiz1 wh111 only m•"utn lo Ult ST''""' APT w1hi kit" I WEST, llt:t Interior ...... C •• ..,, P£1S "'[•~• .,....... ""' ... 11t.M. MAlll M/, 2•+ (u~-V•""-"'"• NEWPORT 8CH ..... ..._. e-..-..... d.... lit.Kii ,14ti tw ... aClt "" " .....,. ... utH pd, '450tmo, _.,..,..,.. " ....._.. ..,.,......, vv .... • home 20x ft 2 bdrm, , ·-·" _....,.., "' • -N 8 h s rm• ote. pvt ba. eht prHtlgloue office In latge kitchen/dining and gat, pool & epa. No pett. NILS • UH • U,_,..... Ml-3W an 8pm. ewport eac 0 wlfem owner. oar, WID, Wetterl_y Place Bldg ltvlng area. corner lot. , Bdrm S760 ._,_. \ ......... ,,. na Im 1700 15th SllHI c:•ble. '400, ..,.,y ltabllt 1500 Ouefl St ,.ully Smalt "Pet OK. young , eM W 18th t Mllell ....... ti um·'-2 .. ~ 28a, d-(It Oovtrl only 860• 1 tSI lumlthed Ind. ~ adult•~. 6'5-2739 964-4183 -· --· ... Rift) ,.__._. 2 -......... .__ • I ll.... .. ... l l ll 75/mo 3342t cn.ttam --:i MiF non-~"" 2BA ..,._,, ..,....,. .... _ -AGT 540-StG? PLUSH NOOS W/talle Ul,11.Ul ltT WATO •&.. Wey. Ap1 D . C all ~ N8lownnome,ger199 1 ~r.:2aa'" mo ,, .. LIDO 1Bt, anglwlde Stepe etr..,,,.. Oar w/OfJIN 2.0-1891 or 811 ·3208 blk 10 oceen. 87)..24•9 10 bay. poOI e mo ffM w/d ht!UP, MW deGor AYI Ml ,....... ----NEWPORT BEACH ~ .. , apece rentl Owe 1221<, now 2bf 2ba &950/mo, y•• ........... IT -~-1 M l tllJ Whetever....,. .. dreal'f\Ot ·A rv>rt ,-..n N8,J>f~M/F29+.IOPtntn Space 2900-ft make o"• 700 l.ldo I 1bf t750 1tt mo ._ $500 ---•-• Home s•liome you " ~ ,m_;1 "5 pt 2br 2ba '426 Inc: utU 2850 A~ St .... • P_~_~.4~ __ r.s ~MN~7 ~~~~==~~========~~="~~~~~~G~~~~~-.L~===~~~~~~~v~a~~1~nm~11~ • ~ '· I, '· -• D D -I, '1 I .. I, -r . Traditional Realt y $2.40 per day Th•I'• ALL you pey for 3 llnes. 30 day minimum In the SERVICE DIRECTORY FIND through classified SUZUKI SAMURAI CORMIER SOZUKI 414 4PASSE•ll II STOCK _llWI YOUR COMPLETE DEALER PARTS • SERVICE • SAt ES ca o.-.ng. Coeat OAILV PILOT/ Friday. March t4, 1~8 lalll ..... tie IJM _..;;.Ml.::::.;:;;;.;;.IC.;.;;;.;:.:=:.. __ ........,.--..==--i -...:.MIJC=~=----::=:::Ml::::"C~llJ-:ll::ICE:-::t;;;;;;a:Ml;:=IC'All>";;f'ICE=~·----MUC--..----.lfJJU ...... .___1 _ __.."8.IC..........,-.flJ~m--IL1 U WllYAU.IMD •••GM FT. Of' MTNUNIWIC! NOnCllOfl lneof• OP TMI ..,._ °""*'•llOelo A ---.of • ..,. gard• pollcyhold•r • (CITACIOMWW.) ~UMXIH 1 ,.,..,....IALI ~ eTAW .... of ,.,_.. ll'MOfl• OP TMI ,,. 5..IV.Wi lrloolM '°'"" I .I.ELI u91o CA.Rt• TMJCKa NOTIC1 To OUIHOAHT To 11T°"v IU>08. OH A ..., No 1114 cAM -IWIC8 ·co. ~ 01 •,....'°,....prop-..w. naw MW'&. ~ ,uoe.m. ~ • COMEINO..CALLlro.. (Av19oaAcluMldo)IU8AH~ 40-ACM lOf N'TWUN YOU AM it. OfFAUl.T f'AMY, IMt CAMllUI et"1 __,... """*" to -••MCI OOMPAM'f, 111en11 for 1111 yu • 111 dfij .. AA'lfDll. tOY08TUN, lndMd11Ally A N T 0 N I L V 0 • , tJHOeA A Of.to Of' TMJST DllUH IRVIMI, CAL ~ 1'31 lftel ~ ~ COWM, '°9T QP. '1, H4.14t .... DklUO lndhelltngdonl .......... SUNn.OW!R AVI. AND OATE.O 2121116 UNLUI iOiiUmt1 Mfl pr~tt-...... ..,. w-. ~ ---oenlfythet\tll .... ~ -lentaneL!quOt,endDOU I SAl(IOKA Oft. AND w. YOU TAK! ACTION TO Yw ....._ D11 'liar tneunbr.,..., end tlttee ~tl1U t1bOV9 IWna we In "° Pw Mo.+ Tu u••• • 112UeEACHkVO ~ ~--== SUU> ~O:FJi~'~Nr·AN~ ==~~,T£~1A~o~:stLio:T '\: ............ =.cs~.::':.= ,.:-EndedDac•owSI, ~=t~r ~N ~ NoOtmoMf,:-" HUHTINGTOHMACH •YPLAIHTlff:(AUd.le•a Clu.AltY U8U IN II TOM A PliBUC SALi. tF YOU 917.117..ecT .... M•11 IO-"'dl tM liliwy -med9 Total admitted .... ,, anded Daoember SI , 1Ma ~l ~ e.,... Ill• ... 7 ... ltl• 1111 ~18TAAU8 Dll-8TOAY I LOGS. ON A ~ NEED AN EXPLANATIOH '7,1MA'lll ........... ~· S1t .o406,4JS:Totllllelllltlee INOetotM!neuttnOeCoftt .::..u:-~-llllalkift Oii ,...,.,. c ........................... -I TRIBUTING COMPANY, ACRE LOTJ...~_QCAT!D so. Of THE NAT\JR! ~THI ... " a ...... ,.w. rms.+ee ,2,11'11,108; 8peclal MplU9 mMllloliw,purwttow. .... ..ruaav .,. """"' -~ . .,._ wo. LTD , a c.iit~ S*11'*· OflS~\.uw~R AVL, .. PROCEEDINQ8 AGAINIT .. ,, .... ,. •• , ca,1-c.a. ........ ..._Ofo hind• O; Capital paid• KENTON M. WHl'TUll. •• ct ., ip~epc 241.00odcond.newtne lfllP T w 11 N A NT 0 N YOU YOU SHOULD CON-telllt•t•t•rr o., .................. .::, up/Que ranty Ca Pl· PrHlct•nt, A081AT D & Pf-.ned ~· In I brkl t1000. ff7--M31 y.., ..... • CAUNDNt IOUl.EVARD AND MAIN TACT A t.AWY!A. ....,_ .,._ ........ U.W ....... CA tel/Statutory Depotlt NUN[8, hcnlaty Pwr Mo. + Tax Modt.. CH!VY IMPALA •78 • df DAYI aftlllf .... a••"*• ITIU:ET. On -413/N at 10:00 A.M. alMI .. ..,..... ..,.... (1f4)......... t,ll00,000; Oroee peid·ln Publllf* ~ Cou. No~ clown .. ------· • ...... aJo p/a wn/frn 1o4K .... _,,.. "' ,.. .... a •. FOR THe ~ITV COUN· SHEAED INC ... IM duly I .IN.Ml: u .... ~-Publllltled ~ CoMt and contrltH.lled tutplu• Deity"°' Maten 1}, 13. 14 OfCIP Nd. n -~ ""• • ....tb.cauMatt-·T_t .,.._.," ... ,,, .... et CILOfTHECITYOfCOSTA appoint.o T"* .. llfld., ._.. ,..,._, 1.-.-i D91VPl6olw.rcfl t .. , 1 ... 27_51000; ~ fUnd9 17, lt, 19" -nm& terenoe _,.,.' ~ """-.. ._, ... ...,, 'MESA. AN AMEHOMl!NT and purNll1I lo Deed of ...,.... -~ ,... ,... , 4.wUA~ ~ -,. w~ -purcr....your &MW. reo, 1-owner. St50, • .....,.,._. ..... TOTHl!OOSTA MESA MU. Truet Aecordedon 7/2tll5 •rllrMin 11,~~ .,._ •11191 WIMI ~..... J 714-552-4738. _...,..... ,_.,.. .,..._ NtetftAL CODE TO MODIFY .. Ocioum.nt no. •278072 .;.. fer ah , .. , rta.IC NOTICE "8..IC NODCE PlB.lC M>llCE Siii ~···SM c~o!!!~~/t~hln~~~ :t:::.'r..:;t,= ~H~"=IM~A&~H~ ~<>:::::,~~~= ~=-~-ORDINANCE NO ... , :,• ~+ ~ (J14')111 1111 7ooo ml, un~ warr = ~ .. ._ ,_ ~~~s8 ~~~~NAJMli: ~.~· c:: :: ._-:._ ..._ -:'1111 ':: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEW-°' cap. red 209W ...... _. 112•500 firm. 751 2200 • 1W • ,.. • ,...., DETERMINATION: EX· SCHMIOT. an unmarrl«t oaf*"111 Wtllh h MMlml PORT BEACH ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR VESTING TEN-'11 llUU JllU ClOIB>IUHQ,\YS ---,.,,, __ --,_..,EMPT. man,WILLSl!LL.ATPUBLIC l......._t.., .... ,.., $0 S "111.10 ,.... .... -. -. WI .,.w 7, REZONE PETITION AUCTtONTOTH!HIGHEST alMled DHsn._ 11.. '-TATIVE MAPS FOR RESIDENTIAL Sl)BOIVI I N • 'll U Ulll ...... ...., and ....... R·e&-05, L.OT LINE AD-8100ER FOR CASH. (pey-IMde .. 1M IMw- Per Mo .• Tu BMW '71 3204, MK ml, Auto. p/wnd, air. teeth. Oft> ...., M ......... JUSTMENT LL-M-03 ANO Ible et time of .-111 lewf\il CHI "11 t "· ............ .. The City~· of the City or Newport Beec:h doea Of'daln .. follows· No money down anrf. lmmec:, t 1000 b1aU Lio 0921' JO, lfk#3179 ...._ ...... "-Ille DEVELOPMENT REVIEW money of the United 8tat•I .... HCTIONI; Or~· red $7599 obO 6"4&-10-41 •• ...... OR·H ·OI FOR HARRY •t CNipman AYe. entrance ll•••d T. •a111tl111· . 'II ... -• Ul r-..,. ..._....,,.. L.INOL.AN. AUTHORIZED to CMc Cont• Bulldlng 300 ,, .. ldonti ....... 11 , 19.1-4.0 10 Citation AuthOf'lty. -BMW '81 3201, 1 ownr, .......... Yeu.., ..... AGENT FOR 8AR8ARA L E. Ch'fH"A" Ave .. 0r9ng.. ~ ...... , 19.14.011 PurpoM and lnter'll. 1201.11 39,800 ml, lier. air, 9nr1 ..... • ........, rWlt LINOLAN ANO DOROTHY CA all r1gl'll, tltll and 1ntere11 t mrt 19. 14.012 Conalat9"CY Pw MO +Tu $10,500 obO 720-036-4 ..., ........... MMrn M. HOYLE FOR A DE· con~ to and now hold P\lbllthed Onnoe Oout 19. 14.0 1• APPttcatlOO No .....-, .. ~n • ....,_,,,_..,_._ VELOPMENT REVIEW FOR by II under Mid Deed of O.Jty PllOt Mardi 1~. t4. t7, 19. 14.020 Allng end Procnslng o;;.' r:4. B~~ txi8:'~. ·~· C::: :e='..t=. <=:: l~!Rr~e~f~o~ ~\J~ !::' 1~n ~ sc= ~ ta. 19. 1tae Th 1•1 19.14.021F .... ... TIYITA Oil.JU" S3000/o • 961-ae1 ......... Mell). . TO BE COMBINED WITH AN lomla, deecriblnQ t~ land ~=: ~:.·030°22 VEx•plttlngatl~ •.vwovai of v-t'-Tentat"'-•• .;,, . • 213 .;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~;;;:;;;;;===;;:: ~ ..... -ADJACENT L.OT THAT HAS 11-eln' "8JC NOTIC( ""~ ... "'V rnr m- .,...... .... ~ ..... 7 EXISTING APARTMENTS The Horthwoe11f1y 50,... 19.14.031 o.v.lopment lncon811tent wtth Zoning. Per Mo. t Tu ...., ........... llft ..... ANO A REZONE FROM R2 Of the Soulhw.terty 185.07 NCmCe 19. 14.032 Appllcatlon• lnconslatent wllh Current Policies No money down de• DIAi CALINDANOI TO R-4, LOCATED AT 2038 1.-t of Lot 7 Block C or INVmNG..,. Seo11on 1: Or c:ap reel. JAGUAR '85 Sover91on. pare ~rHHler llH ANO 20-48 MAPLE AVENUE, Tract No. 377: In the Clfy of TM County Sanitation Chapter 19. 14 of the Newport Beach Munlelpal Code la hereby added to '11111&111 n anthreclte gray w/gr•r. ---------NlllUUte _.. • -C 0 ST A M ES A. EN. Cotta M .... County of Or· Dmrlctt of Ore: of Or· read U follOWI: .1.l leather Int, 3,000 m . ---.... ..... v I R 0 N M e NT A LG 0 E. ange. Stat• of Callfome ... ange County. omla, wtll GINERAL PROVISK>N• EPA/DOT oerta. Euro-UM a.ta • -....._ TERMINATION: NE ATIVE per map recorded In Bc>c* r9CIMt Meled bldt untH 11.1'-010 Cltatton AuthorttJ P« Mo + Tu pun whMll. heedl~ht ~·.:::!: i: ...... • ~ D~CLA~ i1~,: r c p LAN :i1,!!!• M.1,! ~· tt!4 ~: ~1~~\.A~= ~':·r: Thia Ordinance 11 enacted pursuant to theaulhorlty granted by Chapter 4.5 N°o~=-r:Wn 1w1.,.1pe90rs .... •Kn.r6f •7,/ .. "!:'l' 1P• ...,.. • ......-. doM ..e SP.ff-01 FOR THE CITY flee olthl eoun,Y Recorder colY9d at the Olttrtct1' Ad-(commencing wtth Sect.Ion ~98.1) of Olvi.lon 2 of Tlt'9 7 of the Government I -........... ..., .. , 0 111 ,.. fer· COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ol fMj County mlNltratlw ofllcel by IM Cod• of the State of California (hereinafter referred to aa the Vealing 'llTtflTIP 1414 MAZDA 626 '83, o4 dr. •elldodH l •t•I•• COSTA MESA FOR A Thi street .addrou Ind date and tltno hlrolnaboY9 Tentative Map Slatute), end may be cited u the VeeUng Tentative Map 11'4.ll auto. misty bl metallic. .....,, ....... ~..,. SPECIFIC PLAN TO ADOPT Othlf common ctooiONtlon Mt forth, •I which time they Ordinance. ... le o.te _... eu SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT If any of the rae.I pr<>t>«tY wltl bl publlcly oponecl and __ .. Per Mo.+Tax a/c,cc,pa.amffmcast, ceoo. STA N DARDS FOR d••c'r tb ed tbove 1, exomlnedtttheofflceoflhe 11.14.011Purpo119 ..... lntent. Or cap reel, excellent, S6950tobo. ., _..., N ,,,...,._.. .. PROPERTIES LOCATED AT purPQf1ed to bl: 1ee F1owor Olttrictl.· 1~ El"-AY. II It the purpose ot thla Ordinance to eatabllsh procedurea necesaary for wt~~ 8.-46-6-425. • flll 11ll 1·1M ,.161 ..u a ......... ,..._ 211. 219, 221 ANO 221 112 Street Coot• Meaa. CA anue. Fountain Valley. Call-the Implementation oflhe Vesting Tentative Map SteMe. and to supplement '".PIE au MBZ •73 o450SL 2nd Uc: IN6583-4 ,.,., ...... , t. ........ AVOCADO STREET IN A C2 12e21' forrlla, '°'the followtng: the provlslona of the Subdivision Map Act and the Subdivision Ordinance. 0 e II 8 fblk Int ...... .,..., .. ..e.to. ... ....,.. ANO R2 ZONES EN · Thi undlir'llOnlcl TruttM LABORATORY SER· Except .. otherwise aet fOrt.h In the provlalol'\9 of this Ordinance. the PAJI fll Ill Ow~n r' fa v r ._ t I _. r otrn 001at de tW VI R 0 NM ENT AL 0 E • dltclalmt a-tlablHty for any VICES CONTRACT FOR provisions of the Subdlvlalon Ordlna""e -o.all anpty to ... _ Veatlng Tentetl""" All leaNS subject at a 60 Carl f.orlnolalllhee7!"3~ n popll•d *' •""'° ... TERMINATION: NEGATIVE IMCOf'rec:tnea of the ttreet ANALYSES OF INOUS-""' .,, -urv '"' mo term C.E.L with re-.,. ~ doMlpor,.,.•tooona. DECLARATION. addr .. and other eommon TRIAL WASTEWATER. Map Ordinance. aldu•I• Flg uru al MBZ '76 450SL, loaded. .,...._ --.......... 9. PA-&e.33 ANO R-8e-Oo4 cleolgnlllon " any lhowrl SPECIFICATION NO. 8.005 To accomplish this purpose, the regulations OUlllned In this Ordinance ate F M s -F l.B Au1o leaM exit. S21K Evaf wknd ........ ,__ .. .-.ct FOR RAY E. OLSON OR hlreln . . Bid• ~t bl IUbmltted determined to be necessety for the preeervatlon Of the public health. safety center d4tlrvery 0 .A c 673-0058, dya 6-42•1890 ....,. lleMar • -~ PAUL J TURIGLIATIO, said..._ w111 bl made oot on the form tupplled by the end general welfare, end for the promotion of orderly growth and devetop- 111111.11 Lull.I u Bz '78 •50SEL. ••"~. lflt111ll......_to.llN~ AUTHORll.EO AGENT FOR without covenant °' wer-011111ct1 In llCOOfdaoco wtth ment. ..., .. ..,,,.., ooe a -••t-*• ,_. INTERINSURANCE EX-ranty.u.pr ... Of tmplled,,... all provttlont of the speclfl.. 11.14.012 ConeletencJ. ' •• II "'• M••t 62K ml mint Must Mil FMI '14 ....,_ a .... aenWo • ,..._ CHANGE OF THE AUTO-na.dl~ 11 ntlon or cations No lend shell be subdlvld--" and d~ no •r•· ·ant to a ._.Ing tentetl--.,... ..... S 16,000. obo •7" ""'90 ................ ..... 11 • M 0 BIL E CL U B 0 F -' ' 0 -•nc:at•-..,.. .. , ....... , ...., ,,. • ..,,.,.,_,. ..... ...,. ,._,., • .., u v-~ ---• 111 u • • encum · to PIY the ...,...... ....... """"..,....,. map for any pur.pose which la lnconllstent with the General Plan end any LEASE HOT LllE T 1111 -oAcM11 da .,-. ..... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA remaining ~ tum of and 1Ur1hlr Information may MBZ '83 380SEL, an -, ..... dkwotefto teJ.. FOR A REZONE FROM MP, the not .. MCUred by said blobtalnlclatthlaboveao. applicable apeclflc plan or not pef'mltted by the zoning ordinance or other (l 1•) 114 2100 equipment Incl phone PIS. Plwnd. Tit, Crulae, '°'*'O). 1 N o u S T R 1 A L A N D Deed 01 Trua1 with lnler•t dr .... tolephone 962·2411. applicable provlllona of the Municipal Code. (21•) 110--0211 mint co~nd 55&·5127 • 0-cauette. V-8 c.. Mo.1w:I PRELIMINARY DEVELOP· thlfoon .. priMoed In Mid .... J .......... ...,,. 11.14.013 Oeftnttlone.. • (Uc " 2BFZ76o4l Thi name and addr .. of MENT PLAN TO ALLOW notae ~ 11 any ._. olf Dtrenan. C-(a) A "vesting tentative map" shall mean a tentative map for a reaklentlal 13861 H bOr Blvd G G (Slk # 3720) the ooun it. (El nombro Y TWO 18-STORY OFflCE under.the tonne oi the oeed tt lalL'ta•o11 Dtotrtol9 subdlvlsk>n. U defined In the Newport Beach Subdlvlalon Ordinance. that ar · · · 1 PHI g~ C~U~TY~N~~ ~~rt~::fG A~fRuSJ~j::~ ~!;:,,U:. :;',;.~::,: = 0,~':1~~~ 1~t shall have printed conaplcuoally on It• face the words "Vesting Tentative ;··~ ~ PAL COURT, Central Ju-AND TO INCREASE THE of the trutta creatad by Mid F·938 Map" at the time It Is filed In acc;ordance with Section 19.1-4.020 and la ~ j ~I dlc:ltl Oltlrlci, 700 Civic PREVIOUSLY PROPOSED Deed of Trust. to wit· thereefter procesaed In accordance with the provlalons hereof. I I Center Offle WM!, Santa BUILDING AREA FROM $58,51o.ao. P\B.IC NOTICE (b) All other deflnltlona set forth In the Newport 9eactr Subdivision :-; ... . J *•• •11 *'* Ana. Callfomla 92701. 743.000 SQUARE FEET TO The benefldary under Mid Ordinance ere eppllcable. L A I t Ont ReelfPal. Xlnt cond .. Hf'· The name, addreea. and 1,165,000 SQUARE, FEET Oeed olTrusth«etoloreex· DEPARTMENT OF 11.14.014 Appllcetton. Os nge es Y vice record•. low mlles, 1 telephone number of plain-FOR, 29 5·ACRE SITE. ecu1ae1 and dellV'lfed to the THE TREASURY (a) This Ordinance shall apply only to residential develOpments. Whenever tltl'a tltomey, Of plalntlff LOCl\TEO AT 3333 FAIR-undorllQnlcl • wrlt1on Dec· INTERNAL REVENUE • provision of the Subdlvlllon Map Act, as Implemented end supplemented A horiz d Cl yr werr Lease or txiy PllTUI 'll wllhOUt an onomay. It: (El v 1 E w Ro AD EN · taratlon or Default and Do-SERVICE by the N.......,..,. ·Beactr Subdivision Ordinance, requires the filing ot a Ut e enet (024305) I nombfe, 11 dwecclon y o1 nv-v I RON M EN TA L OE -mend for Sato Ind 1 wrftlen NOTICI Of "'9lJC ""-""" ' 121 ttl TIUS Al mero da tolalong dol TERMINATION: EJR Notice 01 Default and Elle· AUCTION eALI tentative-map or tentative parcel map for a residential development.• vealing Dealer e 300~~~~'! fr'omtock to (Lie 680VZU) 1bogedo Oii demandante, o FOR FURTHER INFOR· tlon to Sell Thi llndertlgnlcl Under the Mlthorlty In tentative map may lnateed be flied, In accordance with the provisions hereof. WEWSEILL lllESlll lllELS OF FllE EllllPW 01111 IPlGllUZllL II IEICEIES IEIZ 517-4040 ASK FOR JIM, JR. "'"""'""" (Stk It 40351 j del dem•ndanto que no MATION ON THE ABOVE cauMd .. id Notice 01 De-Internal ~ Codi MC· (b) If a subdivider does not seek the rights conferred by the VeaUng Jll WlllS Uffl Ilene• abogado, H ) APPLICATIONS, TELE· ftult and Election to Sell to tlon 6331, the Pl'~~ Tentative Map Statute, the flllng of a vesting tentative map shall not be a WALKER & KENDRICK, PHONE 764-5245 OA CA\.l bl rec0tded In the county terlbldboloWhMboentolz-prerequlalste to any approval for any propoMd subdlvtalon. permll for ..... TS Gar; WRlght e.ci .. 4000 AT THE OFFICE Of THE where the real property 11 •d tor nonpeyment 01 construction, or work preperatory to construcilon. 1001 Quall St , N.B MacArthur BouleYard, Suite PLANNING DEPARTMENT. toe.tad. Internal revenue tuae due PROCEDURES THI ODORE ROBINS 833-9300 450, ~ Beach, Ca.11-ROOM 200, 11 FAIR DRIVE. DATE: 3112/Be from JaNph A. Caouette. 11.14..G20 Fm-end Proceeei-rornls 92860. Telephone COSTA MESA. CALI· ... MD INC., ae M6d Thi property wlll bl told II • ._ " .. FORD CHICK IVEllSON PORSCHE AUDI -tHt,VR<>t:a- Hlghctt Qu.alltv CW.In fl S.rvlo CHICK IVEllSON 445 E C~11 Hwv N•wporr 84.ech 673-0900 1060 HARBOI 8lVD COSTA MISA 641 0010 Number (7t4) 752·2522 FORNIA T,,,.... 11y: INTUWTATE publle t.ue'llon u provided A vesting tentative map shall ti. filed In the same form and have the same o~ TE: (Fecha) OCT 30 PUBLISHED OR ANGE TIWaT . otio ll"YICI by Internal Revenue Codi contents. accompanying data and reports and shall be processed In lhe same t985 COAST DAIL y PILOT INC ...... HeMI Ill....,...· Mellon 6335 and related manner es M t forth In the Newport Beach Subdivision Ordinance for a FOAD '66 Mustang Conv, ~ •· KWlhlC, Cllttl. MARCH 1-4, 1He F·9o48 ~I becutM 11712 regulatlonl. D•te of Sale: tentative map except u hereinafter provided: 289 auto, nu top/tires, Ir Mwla "-Jea, ~ E. 17ttl It., •1oi. Wael Aprt1.15. 1986• Tlme of Sato: (a) Al the time a vesting tentative map Is flied It lhell have printed fully restored. 17900 Publllhed Orange Coul P\BJC NOTIC£ ......, Tuellft CA ...., 10:00 A.M • Pt-of Sato: conaplcuously on Its fac:;e lhe words "Vesting Tentative Map." 6-45-3066 or 650-se83 o.tty Pt1ot Marett 14. 21. 28, (714) .,....· 1872 Pleeentla Av... Coot• April 4, 1986 f70llZ Publlttled Ofange eo.ai Meta. CA 92627. Tltll of-(b)At the time a vesting tentative map Is flied a subdivider shell alao 1ue.e!Y.. QBD '§ll Galaxle__,.-+ ~ -Tn11t11 •• -Diii)' Pllot-,;Qfch fr.tr.a . ~. he fottowtng lntormatton:--looks gooct, reliable, runs Mo. M-1904S-C NOTICE Of 1986 and lntlfOlt of J~h A. (1) Siie plans showing the size and location of all proposed buildings. xtnl $850 Firm 551-o4-494 111,..,. II' MnflM TIWITEE'I IALE F i-42 Ceouetle In and to the prop. driveways. parl(lng, landscapfng and walls, and other pertinent Information In r.-.n. nu w; YOU ARE IN DEFAULT lf1Y wlll bl on.ad for lale.11 sufflcfent detall to determine the height and aquare footage of each struc1ure FORD '70 Country Squire. UNDER A DEED OF TRUST Pl&.IC NOTIC£ requested. the Internal RIY· and lta conformance wltfl exlatlnn r"""ulatlons or channa. In r"""ulatlons wtrloll runt gd 8tnogged stereo PU8UC ~ WIU DATED 10111183 UNLESS -Service wlll lvmlth In· ... -... -..... brtts S500obO 5-40-2262 N .. LD IY ntE COITA YOU TAKE ACTION TO K 217't1 formation aboul poulbte have been requested by lhe subdlv1der. MHA PLANNING COlll·I PROTECT YOUR PROP· FICTITIOUI 9UIMll encumbf'tocea. wtllCh may (2) Information on the uses to wtrlch each atl'U<iture Wiii be put. ••If<* AT THE CtTY ERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT NAMI ITAT'l•NT bl utaful In determining Iha (3) Plana. specification• and reports for all public faclhtles, Including tx.11 HALL. n FAI" O"IVl,,A PUBLIC SALE tF YOU The lollowlng panont at• value of the lntereot being not limited to fire access. on-and off·slte sewer. waler. drainage. roads and COITA Ml lA. CAL.l·1NEEO AN EXPLANATION doing bu1ln111 81: 1 told. ~lion of prop. other public: Improvements. meeting the approval of the Publlc Worh r:-.:O:'arc>~~ ~~~~~~~~~REAg~I~~~ ~~~F~~;';=•~/~~u~~ ~~tl;i~n:,S::~':. Department. ~~~~~~~~~ THE"rA"l" ON MON-1 YOU. YOU SHOULD CON· lnaurance Servlcea. 412 lmately 34 feet. CF II (<4) Detailed grading plans showing ell existing end proposed c:ontoura and = PORSCHE '61 Aoadatr DAY, MAllCH M, 1M. M · T~CT A LAWYER. Go4dentod Avenue, Coron• 1033EG. Whit• Hull, Blue elevatlons. meeting the approval Of th• Grading Engineer. conven well ma1n1 Must QAM>INO THE FOi.LOW-On 031211ee at 9· 15 A M del Mtr, CA 92825 Trim One Lot Ml9celleneous (5) Any addhlonel plans. repor1a or atudles required by the City wttlch are sell $9000/0bO 6-45-2561 litQ A'"-ICATIONI. CICG CORPORATION .. Wade Leonard Frlldrlcht, Boat Suppllae Property may In the opinion of the Planning Olrec:1or neoesaary to process lhe subdivision •rw 'II •fEP PORSCHE '65 356C CJ>49. IF ANY OF THE FOLLOW· tl\o duty appointed Truttee -412 Goldenrod· Avenue. be lntpeeted at: From ax-of land and development thereon. ur • j Wht/red inl 1 owner 1110.0AAPl•ll"li I NG ACTION S ARE undefandpurtuanltoOeed Corona de1 Mer.CA92625 terloronlytt: 1872Ptecentle 11.14.021 F .... ClllUH since 1966 · No rual , Lota of power equipment. ~~:'t~~tfHri~ ~~~ire ~~,Ji~'83t.uR==• ::;_ ~!:, ~u:'~.,eon· ~·7 ~1~~:t Upon flllng a vesting tentetlYe map, the subdMder shall pay lhe fees It comes with bucket body running cond Low mites. (IHJC357l LIMITED TO ONLY THOSE 83-462358 Of Oftlclal R• Wade L Frlldrlc:ht 9:00 AM Apf1I 15 le&e required by the Municipal Code for the flllng and processing of a vesting seats. radtal tires good $9.500 525-6«9 ~595 Jonnson & Son ISSUESSOMEONERAISES cordltnthlolflceolthli. Thi• statement wet med P~t .lormt: F"' pay~ tentallvemap,uestabllahedbyResolutlonoftheCltyCouncll. (Ser.119736) (Stk•26741 I PORSCHE .70 91-4 el·i Linc. Mere. 5"40·5630. I AT THE PUBLIC HEARING C<Xder ol ORANGE County, wllh the County Clefk ol Or· ment r~lred on acc4IP-11.14.022 Exptretton. 11111 low/tan Int 1 owner Y no 1 .. 1 Yll 'I• DESCRIBED IN THIS NO-C11ttornl1. uecuted by· ange C<>unty on February tanoe of h ri.t bid. Form of The approval or conditional approval of a veetlng tentative map shell ORANGE COAST rust. body & run~tng -TICE OR IN WRITTEN COR· MICHAEL G CROW. AN 25. t986 Paymen1: II paymonll mutt e1tplre at the end of l he same time pef'lod. and shall be subject to the Mme Jeepf Aenautt cond, very good $-4,000 In betutllul charcoal RESPONDENCE DE · UNMARRIED MAN WILL F-..0 bl by cath. certified ehoc!'· extenllons, eatablllhed by the SubdMalon Ordinance for lhe expiration of 2524 Hart>or Cotta Mesa 525_6-4-49 Loaded w/tuxury equip-LIVERED TO THE PLAN· SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Publltned Of1nge Coat e11hler'1 or trouurer • the approval or c:ondltlonal approval of a tentallve map UI IOU I menl (IJCK309) $13.995., NINO COMMISSION AT. OR TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Dally Ptlot Maren 7, 14, 21. check Of by a United Stotae DEVELOPMl!NT fUQHTI · -1POASCHE •79 9t1SC Johnson & Son Linc. PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC FORCASH.(paytbllatllme 28.1988 pootal, bank. •JCPf-. Of 111 .. ---v ...... ·-el-'V ...... T ._, ..... _ --c blk 75K 1$15""" Me<c 5'0-5630 HEARING. oltaleln lawf\Jtmoneyolthe F·9t2 telegreph money ord•r. • --...... on~O\I -..... en ... , •• _. TOYOTA 4•• ·a 1 p u 52K I pe, . m ·"""· -------I PLANNING ACTION United StalH) AT THE Make died! Of money order (a) The &ppfOval or condltlonal approval of a vetting tentative map ah all orig mi clean In/out runs 6-46-7653 or 75~3074 llaCllY PA ·86·38 FOR oo N FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE Pl&.IC NOTICE p1yable 10 Iha Internal Rev· confer a vested right to proceed wtth development In substantial c:ompllance ;:~)obo~u6~901 46 9 e e PtOtreRsS.CbHlaEup.7u9nk9121e5(nuspdpn. 5t,, 'll llUIOI I FRANKLIN FOR A VARI· C00LDURTOHROAUNSGEE LCOCO~NTETYD enue Servlce1 r' ""' with the ordinances. pollc:les and standards described In Government Code I I ANCE FROM PARKING • ... FICTITIOUI INllNEll •Nature 0 Ille: Thi '"'ht. Section 6647-4 2 T L 9035 k MINT$19K8398720 Auto,cruae.ar,atereo AISLE WIDTH IN CON· O N S ANTA ANA ~ITAT'l..wl fltleandlntor•tolthetu· ,,·~:~Ion..... G c rac.a p 0 • Llcllo455WOT.stk#o4165 JUNCTIONWITHTHECON-BOULEVARD BETWEEN TheloOowtngper'llOnttrl peyw (namedonlhetrontol However. ~· "'"7 .. ·2 of the ovemment ode Is repeated, the 75 DATSUN p u PORSCHE '83 9«. sltvef STRUCTION OF A e 640 SYCAMORE STREET AND dOI bull,_ u lhll fdrm) In tnd to the prop. approval or condltlonal approval of a Veatlng Tentative Map ah•ll confer a t9K IOW mt s 1500 t>lueflan. exit $1-4.500 SQUARE FOOT IND.US· BROADWAY. SANTA ANA, B'lvERAGE MACHINE Iffy .. offered for .... II.lb-vested right to proceed wtth development In subatantlel compliance with ttle pp l7 l4) 846 8817 obO Eves 213-860-6022 TR 1 A L Bu 1LD1 NG , CA all rlOht.tllll and Interest REPAIR. 281 E. 18th, #140, ~t to 1ny prior valld ordinances, pollclea, and atendards In effect at the tlr:ne the vesting tentative OA TSUN 72 w1'11'1ell new tir e' sm og cerr S 1250/0bC 545·092 I FORD 79 F250 orig ownr 70 mt 8x9 t1e1 bed $3500 Fran!( 645 1691 T0¥0T A 80 P1ck-Up 55,000 m1 111 cond $3 000 646·7966 Aati,111, Clanin 9045 WE LEASE ALL llllES llllELS larhrl111Jan 13861 Harbor Blvd, G G 554-2800 SUBARU 83 GL Stwgn. 5 'Pd ale. CIC. am/Im. cass outstanding, call Jose 760·8026 IHCllY •14me111 Stk • -4 17-4 IHll Lo c ATE o AT 2 o t o4 convey$(! 10 and now hold COttl Meta. CA 92627 outttandlng mortgagee. en-map la approved or conditionally approved. PLACENTIA AVENUE. by It under uld Deed ol Oeborlh E. Kennlcly. 281 c:umbrancioo, or olhlf llont (b) Notwtthatandlng M.tbdlvtalon (a). a permit, approval. extenalon, or COST A MESA. IN AN MG Trull In the property tltu-E. 18th. "140, Cott• tHM. In laYOr of third partlll entltl«nent may be made condltlonal or denied If any of the following are ~OENf E ~~:R~~~~~T~L ic!r~a~ =rt~t~ r~ C't~2~1ddlcomb, 281 E. :=, "'::,t~t'::' ~ determined: PREVIOUS NEGATIVE DEC. therein . 18th, # 140, Cotti M .... CA United Stal•. All property,, ( 1) A failure to do so would place the reCldenta of a subdivision or lhe LARA TION (OR-85--47). THE SOUTHEASTERL y 92827 ottered for .... where II and Immediate c:ommunlty, or both. In a condition dangerous to their heaJth or 2 PLANNING ACTION 50 FEET OF THE NORTH· Thi• bu1ln111 II eon· .. It and wfthou1 recourta aafety, or both. p A . 8 6. 4 3 F 0 R R 0 N WESTERL y 100 FEET OF duc:lad by: co-ptrtners agtln•t Iha Unf\ed SlatlO. (2) The condition or denial Is required. In order to comply with al ate Of WALKER. AUTHORIZED LOT 5 OF TRACT NO 183, o.t>orlh E. Kennedy Noouaranty Of wttTanty, IX• federal law. AG ENT FOR CHAR LES HARB 0 R 0 R c HAR 0 Thlt statement WU filed pr ... Of Implied ... mad•.. (C) The right• referred to herein shall expire If a final map Is not approved THOMAS FOR CON· TRACT NO. I, AS SHOWN with th• County Ctorl( ol Or· 10 the validity ot Iha tltll, prior lo the expiration of the vetting tentative map 88 provided In Secilon OITIONAL USE PERMITS ON A MAP RECORDED IN ange County on Maren 4, quality. quantity, wel9llt, 19 14 022 If the final m•n Is •nnroVed these r'Ahta attall laat for the following FOR OUTDOOR WORK BOOK 12 PAGE 3& OF MIS-19&8 11?1, or condition of any of · · ' -_,.. · "' ANO FOR AUTO DETAIL.ING CELLANEOUS MAPS. RE· ,._ the pr~. Of ltl fttn.a pe<loda of time: WITHIN AN EXISTING IN· CORDS OF SAID COUNTY Publlshed Orange Cout tor any UN Of purpoee No ( 1) An Initial time pef'lod of one year. 68 MBZ 25-0s Ong parnt & upholstery, good corid $2400 pp 38 ·9467 DUSTRIAL BUILDING, The street ec:klr ... tnd Daily PllOt March 1-4, 21. 28, c:lalm wtlt bl conllktored tor Where aevetal final mapa are recorded on various phuea of a protect !t!~~~~~~~~ LOCATED AT 2972·A CEN· other common ~nation, Aprll 4, 1988 a11ow1tnc1 or ld)uatment or covered by• alngle veatlng tentative map, lhla lnlllal time period lhall begin TURY PLACE. COSTA It tny, of Iha ,..., property F·932 for roacltllon of the .... for each phue when the ffnal map for that ph ... 1. recorded. A1tos la,.rtt4 tiOO • SK Ml ON AEBUIL t ·69 BUG 87 tags just smaoeo looks & runs great totsa new pans. must sell thta weekend, $1850/obO 641 1777 f.l.VI TOrJ!,t,'~ID Mercedes Benz SIMPL y THE BEST lllHIATI om Sates Service . Leafing I Top MerOlcl .. Prices Paid EUROPEAN DELIVERY CALL PETER or RAY ~[@~~~~~~ 1540 JAMBOREE AD Hiil if llHITS BUICK '73 Appofk>, NEWPORT BEACH ,.1, IHOUll eng. ,,.._ tlr•. ale. rune AdllK*lt to Fashion fll&nd 2 l3 or 7 t4 637•2333 gd S900 obO 75,·1-4711 OJ>4tn 1 Days• Week 640·6"4« 1 TOYOTA '80 Ceil<:a GT CAD.'63 COUP4' de Vttte. --' Ll1bck 5 pd / _, Exe.I cond 557·9698 att HPWTt ElllPUI louver~ Of 1 ~r ~'a:'c. 5c>m Mon thru Fri DELIVERY DEPARTMENT clean S-42';2 557 .375f9' CAD '76 Se\lllle. gorgeous, McLAREN'S BMW Tovor A COROLLA '75, s new paint. to m1. toaded. I tpeed ai m stereo, xii $-4175 (71-4)897-$97S MESA. IN AN MG ZONE ducrlb•d • bOVI I• bttNd on falllK•of tho prop. (2) The lnhlel time l*'lod ... forth In (c)(1) ahall be eutomatlcelty extended ENVIRONMENTAL OE· PUrporled to bl: tJe ANO lftyloconformwtthanyox-f TERMINATION NEGATIVE 136 112 EAST 21ST Plll.JC M>TICE prllllcl or lmplled rep-by any time uled or prooeulng a complete a.ppllcetlon for . grading permll DECLARATION. STREET, COSTA MESA. CA Ftennou• .u•-•• reHntallon. Reelemptlon or for dnlgn or architectural review, If auch proceulng exoeeda 30 days, 3 PLANNING ACTION 92627 --Rlglltt; Thi right• or ,. from the d•t• a complete eppltcallon ,. filed and provided that the complete PA · 86·"44 FOR TOM The undorllQnlcl Truatae ..,... ITAnMINT domptlon ... epecH'9cl In application la ftled at lealt 30 daya prlo<to expiration of the Initial time period. MURPH Y. AUTHORIZED dllCfalmt ll'fYllabltlty IOf any The= ::IOll9 .,. Internal Ro\llnue Codi MO-(3) A aubdMdef may apply for a on&-)'Mr extenalon et any time before 1he AGENT FOR M ANO M lnconectn.-of the street ~TA TUNE ,3& 1802 tlon 6337, aro quot«' M fol. Initial time l*'lod Mt forth In (c)(1) expires. An exten1ton may be:J:ant9d by T 0 0 L I N Q ' I N • edclreta and other common • ' io.t: Soc:. 6331. Redernp-the Cl~ Council d ti b t""""' Pl I Com I CORPORATEO FOR A CON-dealgnallon. II any, shown Grand Avenue, Stntt Ana, llon Of Proporty. (a) a.fore upon recomm.n a on y ,.. ann ng m . OITIONAL USE PERMIT herlln. CA Sala. Any per90n wtlOM <•) I the aubdlvtder aubmlta a complete applle•tlon for a building permit FOR OUTDOOR WORK FOR Said .... wlll bl mao.. bu1 Rober1 p. Etrl, 2344 property hae been ~ dur1ng the period• Of time ap«ffled In IUbdMMonl ( 1). (3). the Mohl• referred AN AUTO RESTOAA TION wlthOUt COMV9nanl Of Wit'· ~~~a Ct. Coot• M .... CA upon lhall NrV9 ttle tight to to herein 8h•ll c:ontlnue until the explr•tlon of that permit. or any extenllon of BUSINESS, LOCATED AT ranty. expr ... or Implied, r• pay Ill• amount due, thet pef'mlt. 925 WEST 18TH STREET. gardlng tltle, po11M tlon. or d~"!!, bbu:r~ualcon-together wtlll the oocpenw 11.14.081 0.Hlapment lftoot•tent ..... Zoning. COSTA MESA, IN AN MG encumbranooa. IO .,.y Iha R!BeAT p EARL Of the proooedlng, If"""· to WhentYer • IUbd~ fMee ' ¥eetlng ltntatlve map for • aubdlvteton ~Otf E ~"j'\~~~~~T~~ ~a>~ :"'.,: Thie aa.tomoni ... 111ec1 ~ ~ ~ t:: WhOM 'lnttnct.d development la lnconetstent With the zoning regutettona In NEGA flVE DECLARATION . o:.c, ~ruot, wttll Int..... wltll tM C<lunty Cter11 ot Of-upon Mlll ~ tM 'a.o. •l•tenc. •t thtt time. that tncoMllttney 11'18R ~ noted on the m ap. The CltY 4. DRAFT EIR. AND thereon ... prcMded In Mid = CouMy on March -4, retery tf'lelt rwtore IUCll may deny euch veetlng tentettv. mep or approve It conditioned on the PA..ff.o45FOR CURCl·ENG-notl(I). eclvenooo, II any. , ,_ propar1y to him. Ind .. IUbdlvlder, or hll or her authortz9d egtf'lt, obtaining the neceeaary chengee In LANO ~PANY, IN CARE undot IM t~ of Iha Deed COMt further procaedlnoa rn con-zoning regulatlonl to ellmlnat• the lneOMlatency. If the lneon*ency la OF TRANSPACIFIC DE· of Trv.t. ,..., c:Nroet and ~~~87: 21 28 naction with .,,. tooly on llUCll temov.d, the eppf'Oved or condhlonelly-approved veittlng tentative map lhelJ VELOPMENT COMPANY ~of the Truet .. Ind Aprll 4 tiee . • • property stl4lll1 OMM "om con,., the ¥eet9d right to proceed With the developrMnt In tubltantlal ~~~~:Ei~ur~~Rio ~ ~::: t~t Tc;::~::.= • f"-t 2'4 =~~-~~~ O<>mpliane. With the ctlange !nd the map U epproved. CREASE MAXIMUM AL• l 127.13UI Attor SM (1) Penod. Tha 11.14.0l:I App•111ton• lnooM .. t•nt""" CWNnt hie .... M·F tltt 9. S.S Ull e 62e S EllClld St Fullerton. CA 7t 4~6300 i1:M9t-870 t LOWABL£ DENSITY OF The~ under Nld P\llLIC NOTICE ownora of """ ,.., propeny Notwfthetendtng any provlaton of thla Ordlnanoe •• pr~y owner or hi• NABERS THE SOUTH COAIT OeedofTNWlhlr91oforUX· told .. provided In MCtlOn orh«deelgnMmey..-8PRf0Yel9orpermlt1 fordeveloprMntwnlchdepart I VW 7JWhlleRabbttNew METRO C!NTER O~-ecu1adenddollwred toltll ...CTTTIOUl...-11 1335,!Mlt hln.•eoutora, trom the Otdlnanoee, P<>fk:lee. ~ 1tandard1 deecrlbed In Sectlof\9 cond.$1500 962~5-47 eno. bralc" & battery c•otLLAC VELOPMEN'T ,ROM 1.3 UI~ a written Doc-..... eTAThmMT or ldmlolotr8t"'9, Ot any 19. 14.030(•) and 19.1 ... 031. and the City may grent theM approval• or laeue Snrt 12000. 759·8.-466 " MILi.iON TO 2.0 MILLION lert tlon Of Oefeult and 0.. Thi IOl!owlng per.one.,. per.on ~ ""' lnw.t lheee Pf(mltl to the ~tet\t that the departuree ere euthOnud und4tf -_ SO FT , TO tNCRfAS! mand for 8 .... Ind I wrlnt(I d°"'O bu11nooo w thlfoln, or a tfon l:MNOn, or ... -..lceble taw iiiiiiiiiiiii ______ VW '85~aGLI lie, anrf, 1.AROEST'SEL.ECTION MAXIMUM BUILDI NG Nonce of Def.ult and EllO-PACIF~ PLANT REN-t1Pf poi'1CM In \Mlt bet*t. ~I: . NEW a USED BMW' St lo mllM ~Int 493.0393 Cadlllacl In Orange STORIES ANO fO INCLUDE aiOMd cau..CS Mid Notloe Of Ori.... Huntington IMCl't, CA the Pf'OC*1Y told, Of any Thi Meyor lhall llgn at'ld the City Clerk lhett etteet to Ole peaaage of Ihle LARGE SELECTION OF I allOyt am/lmcus.6tc>d, ofl'1emodel.lowrnl1Mge HEIGHTS FROM 12 TO 20 tlon to Soll. TM UnOor· TALS, ~A31 Mar1na Scy lflallbepennltt9dlor9deem County! Seo VI today! SUPPORT RETAIL.. A£8.. o.taun and (llctlon to w Ht-41 pei1JcWlr trect of oucll prop-Otdln•OQe. The Cit y Cterlc lhafl cau .. the .. ,,,. to ti. publtahed once In the ~ llAll IR vw Rabbi! 111eo--idr, 1~0-1100 TAURANT AND ""H!ALTH to blrecoro.d In thloounty JatMt Walller, 18131 or'Y., any time Within 120 oflk)fel ~ wttl'lk'I ftfteen (1&) deya after It• 9dopllon. fhe ~lneooe VOUJM£ SALU IMfeo, olr t200o-Don ~ CLUB FACILmES OH A .... the ,.., property la Mattne Bey DrM. Huflt· deyl .,.., tM .... INNOI. ahaM become .tt.c:tl\09 thirty (30) dtyt rrom ltt adoption. SERVICE & LEASING 834-7132dy/~ ?800 HafbOr Blvd o46 a ACRE SITE. LOCATED IOC*eel. Tru.toe la I CIOO tnaton e..ctl. CA~· (2) Prtca. Sud\ property Of Thie Ordlnence wae lntrodUotd •t . regular mMtlng of ttM City Councfl of 317o N Cherry Ave LONG vw RABBIT ·79:" NM grt COSTA MESA s 0 u f H 0, A H T 0 H Corporation. lllta bualMN I• con. tract of property lflall be the Ctty of ~ a.oh httd on the 24th ctay of F6btu~ t9H and (No Cti«~~~~5, too1c1gd,18K ml. all rec. CADILLAC 70 std.ii ~~~'ci:~1~r,~vA nu=-:,,::°','= ouctaCIJ!('.('$ = e:::'':.;c:n:, ~ ed~ed on the 10th• of .-dh •• 19", ~the fotlowtno vote, to-wtt:' t71•)1J .. IJM :!=bo. 5-48-t~ Of DeVllle. xlnt cond. 1 POC ZOHE. ENVl..c>NMEH-mg .... 11 1101 latfd Av• Thia ec.t.nont wee Mad purdlaMf,orlnc...hec.an-A'1ES. COUNCIL.ME.MIERS AoM. C.0.. art, H .. ther, MIM•, Plummer, Ti 1 ownr,Sl&OO 675-77-41 TAL OETEAMINATION:!JA enue. Aoeeda. CalttOtft .. wfttltMCountyQ.rtlofOt· not befOllndln ttle ooumyln St,.,_ r.O.lno WKom9 vW SUPEA BEETLE '73 -I DRAFT RI A ANO 1 1338 819-3-424408 atioe Counl'f on Fcwu.y wflll:tt the property &o be,. NOES. COU~LMEMIERS - OPEH SEVEN DAYS lmmacutlla oond $2850 CADlu.AC ·a1 9*'an s.v-PA ...... '0A URBAN AS-OAT! flH 11. t... It,,... cteerned .. """9ted, tNfl to ABSENT COUNCIL~EMBEAS - N8-71M ' lne dlMel. Cherry i;ond, Sl8T. INC .. AVTHORI CICO C°"""ATIO.. nt1m Vie 9ecr'et.ary. tot ttle uee of 8MW'7•S.V 8Qelb09 .... bouGl't ~ttler. wlll i.t AQINT '0" "0Y K Al~ AMl*M> C. ....... T.,.., •t ..... tM purdllllOt '* MWa, OI ,...., ...... ..,. IO)S. entf lll'fll t1'1 et.t.o , "'--~ai t ~o ~low wholetalel 8Al<IOKA. INC /SAklOt<A IAUCSDO. AUTNWllm -A.-.. ,,_ ~ ...._ tN emount pelCI bJ ' t-JQn1 oond .... 200 ••Ill -.wuC 300 7&9-t046 or 780-5090 FA"MS, INO '0" A 9'GllA'rwm CA-IUCfl ~Md~ ATTllTl ....... L ....-. c-Ca.ti -au~73XPODO --' PMUMAHAAY OIV. PLAH "'.,...,...,,Ole 0r-.. ~ Oranoe COMC ~•tttleret"a0f20por· 'r-ww-t "'7 .. obO. 650-23&4, 845-4053 '-' !Sklon. • 4 dr, air, CH V 11 CAMARO TO ALLOW 1 IOO DWn.l· C<*t DallY Pilot ~ Delly"'°' Mardi 14, 21. ti, wrt' per ennum. frtec1 Of 11 you1,. looiu~ IOf a car.-r:=o ~ .~• 71 7 <>wner2.., LICK~LN'a":' S-47 ~ ING UNITS IN :4 TO I STORY 21, Merell t, ,4. 1111 ~ 4, 1... Junkw ~ Publllhed 0tengt COllSI Olffy Pllo4 Merdl U , 19 8 ct~ hal 119W1 IOI Y0111 • _.,.. • " L. _._ 1-BLOOS A.HO IM.000 90 ,..,, F..aab a3lt 9'9Ge of JunlOt ~ fll-9"10 ._ _,_ ~~~--~~~--~ • . . 25~ FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1986 Income ·tax cut· proposed New reform package would cut average tax by 8. 4 % ' is endorsed by president W ASHJl'lGTON (AP) -~nate Finance Committee Chairman Bob Packwood on Thursday introduced -with President Reagan's support - a bill that would produce the most- s weeping changes tn the federal tax system in more than 30 years, Coast Irvine extends softb'I~ time at Harvard Pad( over the objections of n~gh­ borlng residents./ A3 Callfoinla A Inadvertent hijacking In progress alert was the cause of much alarm.I Al Nation A House delegation, in- cluding Rep. Bob Dornan of Orange County, Is mjik- lng a surprise visit to Central America./ AS A grand jury Is look Ing Into the posslblllty Marcos received the bulk of an $80-mllllon kick- back from a U.S. com- pany./ AS World In Sweden, police have arrested a suspect In the assas nat on of Prime Minister Palme./ Al Sports Top-ranked Duke survives scare from Mis- sissippi Valley State In first round of NCAA Tour- nament.181 PGA head notifies Mac O'Grady of Impending fine and suspenslon./82 INDEX BB A3 86 Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classlfled CS.8 B9 C4 Datebook Comics Death ~otlces Entertainment Horoscope Opinion Paparazzi Police Log Public Notices Sports Televlslon Weather 88 B10 Datebook A3 C3-5 81 -5 Date book A2 reducina individual inl:ome taxes by an ~ve~e-8.4 percent. The legjslallon would raise con- sumer taxes on alcohol, tobacco and gasoline and shift to corporations a tax burden of between S 110 billion and S 185 billion over the next five 5cars _pileup ;on slick street Four people f njured; more rain expected after brief respite By PAUL ARCHIPLEY Of .. Oll9J,... .... Five cars collided on Westminster A venue in Seal Beach, injuring four people, as light to moderate rain triggered numerous fender benders t.broughout the Orange Coast Thu~ day. The Westminster Avenue pileup occurred at about 5:50 p.m. when Frank Tarr of Seal Beach was driving westbound about threc.quaners of a mile cast of Seal Beach Boulevard. Tarr's 1983 Buick drifted across the 12-foot-widc center divider and side- swiped a 1967 Ford pickup being driven eastbound by David lee of Garden Grove, said Seal Beach police Sgt I arry Sides Three other eastbound vehicles then collided into the pileup. Orange County Fire Department personnel SP-Cnt 10 minutes usina the· "jaws of life" to pry open Tan's vehicle where be and passenaer Sylva Roberts of Seal Beach were trapped, Sides said. Tarr, 75, was taken by Ufe Flight helicopter to Long Beach Memorial Hospital where be was reported in serious condition. Police said Tarr's injuries would have been even worse if he hadn't been wearing a seat belL Roberts, 75, was not wearing her belt, and sbe was trapped under the dash, Sides said. She was taken to Fountain Valley Hospital with internal and bead injuries where she was listed in serious condition. Also injured in the pileup were Joan Murphy, 32, of Huntington Beach, who was taken to Los Alamitos Hospital with neck and back injuries, and David Tracy, 25, of HuntinJton Beach, who was taken to Founta.tn Valley Hoseital with a compound fracture of his rif!tt leg. Sides said Tracy hit Tarr s vehicle head-on, and was saved from worse injuries because be was wearing a seatbelt. Not injured were Lee and Traci Lynn Feavor. 20, of Cerritos. A California Highway Patrol dis- patcher said officers reported no major accidents on Orange County (Pleue Me CARS/ A2) Scaffolding caves in; workers fafl 30 feet By PAUL ARCHIPLEY ot .. o..r ......... Two construction workers were injured. one critically, Thursday when the scaffolding they were stand· ing on collapsed at a Costa Mesa construction site. Paul Harris, a foreman. and Rod Simon, a worker, were standing on a 2-by-6 wooden platform suspended on bars in an elevator shaft at the future hotel site at 3050 Bristol Ave., said Costa Mesa Administrative Fire Chief Jim Ritchey. The platfonn, 30 feet aboye the around, collapsed and sent the pair pluiWna to the noor below. Harris reportedly landed fac.e- down, while Simon landed on his back,· Ritchey said. They were rushed to Fountain Valley Trauma Center by Costa Mesa fire paramedics. Harris, 43, was listed in critical condition Thursday evening with chest and abdomen injuries. Simon1 21, was listed as serious but stable wtth beck inj\lries, fractures and facial lacerations. Addresses of the two work.en were unavailable. Investigator Robert Yount of CAI, OSHA, the state aaency that in- (Pleue ... 9CMPOLDDfO/A2) years. How the excise tax incrutet could promise only that ••it is not any wo\lld affect the total tax picture of more compfu:ated than the present individuals and businesses 1.s a matter tax code... · of speculation. "The president is on board. He Packwood, unveilina the new plan supporta this bill. I am ~ted,'' at a dews conference, said it would • Packwood said. The committee wiU make the tax system more f&ir,tnlaf'C start wort on the leaislation next that ri~ individuals aftd profitable ~k; Packwood said be hopes the bill comparues pay a share of tax. and will be completed by May l and ready increase inc.entives for investment in for Reqan to sian by Au,. t S. job-creatin& activities. As for aimpli-Most chanacS would take effect fication, the Creson Republican next Jan. l. UCI b.11mbles Bmias1n NIT. The bill includes t.bc provisions that Rcqan bas said are eueotial to any "tax reform." lt would cut tax rates si&nificantly for i.Ddividuals and corporations, rai1e the ataDdard (io. duction. boolt the pmonal exemp- tion to $2,000 for almOst all tax- payers, restrict deduct.iona for some state and local taxes and interest. and increase investment and uvina in- centives. It also woUld retain the tax· free status of most employee frinee benefits. The bill -like the one propotOd by Reap.n and the version puled by tbe Home last December -woWd he more than 6 million low-income people from tbe income • Ult altoaether. Accord.in& to staff' estimates. P.a- wood's bill would cut income tua for those in the Sl0,00Q..1A>-S20,000 income class by 23 percent. compued (Pleue ... DfCOllS/ A2) Grisly evidence inHBwoman's slayirig unfolds Bank vice president cused in murder of 19-year-old hOQker From die McCla~y Newt Sen1ee SAN RAFAEL -They couldn't look -not the family of the a~nt murder victim, prostitute Cynthia Engstrom; not the wife ofEnptrom's accused killer. banker Art Byrd. As photograph after photograph of the nude body of the former Hunt- in'1on Beach woman was offered in evtdencc in Marin County Superior Court Thur'sday, the people most concerned with the trial's im~ and outcome either turned their beads away or tilted their chins downward or cried. cisco three weeks before her death lut June 11. A few seats down, just behind the defense table, sat Nancy Byrd, bein& consoled by a woman friend. Art anc1 Nancy Byrd have two YOUD& da ... ters. Nancy Bmi will uy notbina about her fami(y'or about the cue. Marin Deputy District Attorney Kathryn Mitchell used witness Rich- ard Todt, a sheriff's detective, to introduce 41 color photopapbs of Cynthia Ena.strom's body. Art Byrd, 40, bas pleaded not guilty to the c~ of fint dqrtie murder but will admit the killing and dumpina oft.be body when be testifies late next ~k. Bill and Linda Engstrom and their two surviving children, a boy in his teens and an older daughter, sat in the ..;a.----~'--'-'-~~-~fro ......... n~t-ro-w........,of~~ The death occurred while be and the 19-year-old Engstrom, whom be bad paid $500, were havina 1aual intercourse in the bathroom of the Byrd house in Novato. The YOUD& prostitute, whom Byrd first met on a San Francisco street comer, ap- parently had her wrists and ankles bound by adhcsjve tape before ~Pl""'"=na=--m=ome tub witlithC sn. year bank vice president. -'"" ,, Reacbtn• Retlle UCLA'a ..... •U-(Sl=•••f•areb.....S.,,_ UC Jnlae•i"lra,-. ... , la tb9t Mii oldie NIT Toamullllll& .. J ..... ~ at .....,. Pa.mo. Tla9l'8l1q .... ••"""at far llft .. UCI ... ._Tod ll'mJllll7. TIMI• ...... _.. ... 111'8a1'RC-elaaaploD anr..; eo.7•. Wltla .. Wlll.·VCllvlwww......,..totlae wDDdftllmdala. .. .,... ••• wMaaltwlllaeetBYU at Pion, UtU.. P• ,_h W -Ula, Bl. courtroom, just behind the pros- ecutor's table. The Engstroms will not give information to Uie media -not even the names and qes of their children. They live in Hun~on Beach, where Cynthia attended high school and cashienid at a service station before coming to San Fran- She died of either suanauJation or drowning, aooording to the coroner's ~~ marks on the body were evident in the ICries of pbo&opapbs offered by prosecutor Mi&cbdl. Some . (Pleue-01lJ81.1' /A2) Crash victim suing Toyota for pickup ad By STEVE MARBLE ot .. o..r,... ..... ,. Toyota Motor Co. bas unul Tues- day to turn over a telcvtsion com- mercial to a Hunti ngton Beach at- torney who is suing the automaker for SI 00 million on behalf of a man seriously tnJured wbcn a pickup truck rolled over. The tclcvtsion commercial shows people riding m the back of a Toyota pickup truck, said attorney Larry Curran. Curran's client. Myron Sipp of Hunting1on Beach, was mJured almost five years ago while riding with seven others in the back of a Toyota truck that went out of control and rolled over April 14. 1981 . in Northern California. One of the passengers was lcilled and Stpp. then 18. suffered head 1njuncs and was tn a coma for three weeks, according to Curran. He said his client bas undergone three brain surgeries. The anorney said the commercial. along with four others he has col- lected. seems to advocate that riding in the back of a truck: is .. neat and fun." "It may be good for Toyot.a's' profi1 margin but it's not good for people," said Curran or the television com- mercial. Marshall Pearlman, a Costa Mesa attorney representing Toyota., said tus client bas never advocated riding in the back of a sport pickup truck and (Pleue eee CRASH/ A.2) AlflD PJ/01' Costa Mesa latest lawsuit victim: . \ Tum to P-C1 for the · beet •utomoblle buJ• Insurance carrier drops coverage Facio& millions of dollars m law- suits.l the city of Costa Mesa was notitacd this week that 1t is being dropped by two of its five liability insurance canien. City finance officials were con- c.emed Thursday that the action would begin a domino effect among· the other carriers, leaving Costa Mesa stripped of any protection apinst potentially debilitating liability cl&Jms and suits. • "This is one of those times when a guy like me starts considering ret•~ ment," said Robert Oman, c1ty finance director. "If the city can·t get insurance. it would have to pay (potential) court jud&mcnts. tr we doo'l have the money. we'd have to start selling off assets, like the police station." Planet Insurance Co., the CJty°s general liabtlities earner. will not renew Costa Mesa's $4.5 million policy when 1t e11:p1res July I. Nor will Fireman's Fund rcncwitsS lO million in coverage. The two arc part of an insura.nct pac~c provid1na Cost.a Mesa with $37 m1lhoo in liability covcraae this fiscal year. for a total premium of $660.000. Planet 1 nsurancc prov1des the gen- eral coverage. wtule tbc other carriers urc s~fied activities. such as the c1ty hce helicopter patrol. Oma likened the Planet policy to the fou uon for Costa Mesa's hability covcraac Without it, the entire pack.age would be hlcely to CT'Umble, he said Endanicrcd, accord.in& to Oman, arc: a $10 m1lhon poliq by Granite State Insurance: SS milhon worth of covc,....e by Industrial lndemruty; and a S7.S m1lhon pohcy by Alneul- tural Excess and Surplus. Planet has been the city's pnmary earner for thrtt years. It 1s described by Oman as "Just about the only pme (Pleue eee taa.A/ A2) . County movers and shakers strut their stuff for charity ROBERT HYfl>MAN Pay phone billing . method changing BJ PAUL Al\CBIPLEY .... ..., ......... Under the ne~ system. ca1kn will be chaflC'd in advance for three m1nu1es. about the avcrqe time oh phone call, the rompal'ly S1Jd.. Unit ely male models show off atest f ashtons or gentlemen at Irvine Ht ton Gus Owen is a acncral contractor, pre ident of a •U<X:eSJful develop- ment firm in the oonstn>ction<1"U)' SaddJct.ck v atley. Owen doesn't look hke the kind of IUY wbo would spend 1 lot oftimt ln front of a mirror, read GQ mapzine or bane out in sushi hers. In tcad, he probably thinks P1ctTC ,. Card.an is a brand of mineral water. Mention the name Ralph Lauren. and Owen miaht uk what team be plays for. .. ladm1t lt, rm DOI into all thal I'm aboutuconservativeasyoucan~ .. he says ··1 am Mt. Republican Orana.c County all the way:~ So imaaine what his fAtruly and t \ construction buddies would have tboUlht if tbcy bad ICtt'I Owen suolfina down the fubioa"'9bow Nil· way Thunday at the Irvine Hthon t»llroom, an.ired in u otHo-cllic ~ biacktucC,ket.. matdlifta s&acb and in Ull' . abin.. To complete t.be look. a bu,e told wrlq dltQlled &om bis left e9rtobe. ls it any IW'prile IMn that the Mid or LaJun.a Hallt·baaed Owen Propetttet was voted by the ~ncl of Jud&cs as .. The Man Most Ukcly to Adopt the Lates1 in New Wave Fashions-r Persuad.ina men like Ous Owen to be models for a da_y would be an understandably dtfficult wk.. But when it's \be sisten of lhc Society Devoted 10 \be Sacred Heart •ho are doina the askina. the men can't say no. "lt really is for a &ood caute, so I didn't muM1at111:· Owen sa1d .. My (Pleue ... COUKTY I A2J Bquuuna Saturda). 1 pay phone toll call wtll cost less. But users will have to fol'k over more to make the ca.II . It's not u compltc.atcd u it sound rrcnlly PlofJC Bell btlls callcn 1n advance for the first minute or l toll call After that minute, the hnt momcnW\l)' toes dead wh1le chaf'lt$ are computed. When lhe caller hanas up, an opcfttor ca.Us the bQoth requesuna mort mont') for the add1t1onal ume. The hnc no lonacr will cbck off after the fint mmute. ''This proved cspcaally annoJi-1 to people calhna answm.oa m••Cll'-•• who would 10tt a portion of dlleir" con\'Cllltlon," said o.~ Carroll. Pao fie Bel I area V10C praadcat. In rare catCS when a call lasta ~ than three minutes. the old ~ Wlll be 1runated, with tbo plioee (Pl ...... PAt/Ml Or9nQ9 C0Mt DAILY PILOT I Fttday, March 14, 1988 COUNTY MOVERS AND SHAKERS STRUT ••• Pram Al lads can't believe it In (ICl, 1 don't bow if they'll let me bid m the boute ... Tbe event wu the 6th annual Gentlemen's H.abetdasbery Fashion ~tnvap.nia held this year at the Irvine Hilton and Towen in front of 400 people. The fUhion &bow ia hosted by Oraaae County Supervisor Tom Riley with proceeds beoefittina the sistm of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Hean who, in tum, offer educational, social and reli&ious pro- grams ror childRn. Riley helps recruit the models, his wife Emma JatJe recruits the jud&es, the Fashion Island stores provide the men's clothina and the audiences provide the aood-natured ribbina. Rancho Mission Viejo Co. Presi· dent Tony Moiao; this year's master of ceremonies, called lbe show not only a tribute to the sisten' efforts, but "to those who bad the courqe to walk down that runway and embar- rass themselves.'' Peter Ochs of the Fieldstone Co. said it takes a lot of guts to play the part of a maJe model while aJI eyes are glued to your every step. "I can speak in front ofSOO people without any problem at aJJ," Ochs said. "But walking down that runway is something else altogether." But 30 minutes later, Ochs was gliding gracefully down the carpeted stage wearinga nonchalant air and a sharp gray suit from the P.O.S.H. store. If the mere idea of showing off snappy fashions wasn't enough to embarrass the models. they aJso had to contend with the 1rre,erent com- ments of Paul Salata. who cla1ms to razz only those people be really likes. Jfthan the case, Salata had a lot of f nends among the 50 models. When Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande, who recently withdrew from the race for state lieutenant governor, strolled out wearing a RaJph Lauren warm up suit. . Salata couldn't resist asking the audience to .. find out what he 's running for this week." Nestande rolled with the punch and started trotting along the runway. Earlier, when Rancho M1ss1on Viejo's Richard O'Neill lucked the fashion show off with his well- coordtnated outfit featunng a silk sport coat, Salata rcmtnded everyone that, despite appearances. O'Neill still looked like he was walktng through an alfalfa field. Other models included former Olympic champion Rafer Johnson, Patrick and Ethan Wayne. Judge Calvtn Schmidt and Irvine Co. Presi- dent Tom Nielsen, who Salata sug- gested was an need of a chansma ............. ~'-,.,.. Irvine Co. Praldent Tom NlelRn la one of the mo4ela at the Gentlemen'• Baberdubery Fublon &ztra•acana. transplant. The models didn't go unrewarded. however. A panel of Judges -all women -voted for "the men most likel y to .. " tn six categories. While Gus Owen was an easy pick for the New Wave category, the others were as equally deserving an their respective categories. Rafer Johnson was voted most likel y to discuss business whale run- ning a IOK. Tom Niel n was selected most likely to give has wife an unJimited Jlft certificate to Fashion Island. Ben Harris was picked as the one most likely to serve has wife breakfast in bed. The dapper Tom Tierney was selected the man most likely to wear a perfectly four-in-hand tied and dim- pled necktie. And the alfalfa-field stomper himself, Richard O'Neill, was voted the model most likely to forget which black-tie afTau he was attending. INCOME TAX CUT P From Al with 223B percent urukr the House bill and 16.3 percent under Reagan 's plan. At the $30.~to-$40.000 level. the cuts would average 9.3 percent 1n the House and Senate bills and 6.3 percent under Reagan's. Those with tncomes over $200,000 would get a 5.9 percent cul under Packwood, 6 percent under the House bill and 13.6 percent under Reagan's bill. But the consumer tax increases tncluded an Packwood's bill could reduce the size of the tncome tax reductions for many individuals, as could the provision denying busi- nesses a deduction for excise taxes and tanffs they pay; compames likely would raise pnces to offset the loss of that deduction. The bill would raise the tax on wane sn lhat the aJco he content ot wine and beer woul be taxed equally. Every year. fede I taxes on alcoholic beverages, tobacco and motor fuel would be raised as the prices of those products go up. Overall, according to staff mem- bers. the bill would cut individual income taJtes by S 184 billion over the next five years; raise excise taxes by S 13 b1lhon. and raise corporate income taxes S 11 0 billion plus an additional $62 b1ll1on because of the loss of the deduction for excise taxes and tariffs. The measure would reuse the per- sonal income tax exemption. now S 1.080 for 1986, to $2.000 fo r all except those who make more than SI 00,000 a year The standard deduc- t1ons would be raised significantly. although a figure has not been set. The 14 tndlVldual tax brackets ( 15 for single people) would be squeezed into three; the present rates ranging from I I percent to 50 percent would be cut to 15 percent. 25 percent and 35 percent. Packwood would continue to allow all itemizers a full deduction for state and local real property taxes; all but the wealthiest could continue wnt1ng off all state and local income taxes; deductions for sales and personal property taxes would end. The measure would limit the deduction for consumer and invest- ment mterest to S2.000 a year($ 1.000 for a single person) plus the interest on mortgages on two home!.. PAY PHONE BILLING CHANGING ••. From Al ... momentanly gotng dead. The rub 1s an the beginning when the caller has to pay. Formerlf. a one minute. I 0-male daytime caJ would cost 40 cents. Carroll said. The two- manute charge would be 10 cents more. with a nickel tacked on after three minutes for a total of 55 cents Beginning Saturday. a caller Wlll m1t1ally pay 45 cents for up 10 three minutes. thus savi ng a d1me-1fthey use the full three minutes Carrol said the new system will help ehmtnate customer complaints about the short time the lane goes dead a~er the first mmute. At the same time. the company will eliminate losses from those who talk more than a minute and walk away without paying. "Most ofour customers are honest But sometimes the} 'II leave a phone call without real mng they owe more money," he said Although the new rate structure affects onJy Pacific Bell phone booths. spokesman Michael Runzler said he wa s unaware of any privately owned pay phones 10 Orange County. Howe ver. a number of firms like Denny's Restaurants are reportedly planning to tnstall their own pay ph ones soon. They will establish their own rates, Runzler said. CRASH VICTIM SUING TOYOTA .•• From Al has no co ntrol over telev1s1on com- mercials that show otherwise He said the commercials an ques- tion. including one which features St Louis Cardinals Manager Whitey Herzog. were done by independent car dealerships. Pearlman agreed Wednesday when Supenor Court Judge Oaude Owens an Santa Ana ordered him to hand over the commerci al. The lawsuit, filed 10 1982, alleges that the Toyota truck model involved an the accident has a high center of gravity and a narrow wheel base. making It a hlcely candidate for a roll - over accident Jury selection for the tnal could open late next week Sipp was one of eight people who climbed into the back of the 1980 Toyota pickup for a late-night ride to the beach near the Humboldt State Un1vers1ty campus an Northern Cali- fornia. Two other people rode in the cab SCAFFOLDING COLLAPSES Curran said 1pp and the others ndtng in the back were thrown onto th e roadway when the truck swerved out of control and rolled once. Sipp was treated at a hospital 10 Eureka and later Oown by helicopter to the Fountain Valley Regional Hospital trauma center. From Al vestigates occupauonaJ safety and hazards, v1s1ted the scene of the accident Thursday afternoon Yount declined to comment on his fi ndtnJ.S ~ndmg completion of the 1nvcst1gat1on. A spokesman for Peele Fager Corp. of Cypress. the construction com- ~~~~E Daily Pilat MAtN OFFICE ))() Wft• "•r ~· rot•• YKI ~ Me• •Cid• .. • II • •SllO r<"'~ "'~ , A "", pany for wh1cit the two worked, said they also had 10 vest1gators on the ..cene He d~hned 10 comment funher, but \aid work on the prOJcct was contin uing. fhc prOJCCt as a twin tower hotel complex called the Red Lion Inn. Curran said 1pp still has motor problems on ht, left side, hu dtfficuJ- ty concentratm& and as often unable to recall events. Pearlman said the accident was the fault of the dnver, not the pickup truck. D•llY Piiot ~ ... ,., la Ou•r•nteed 0. ... 1.oto. 9•2 '4178 ~· • ...,,,,,.., ~., .,,, Justcall 642-6086 "'or>Oey r • ..,., " rtJV >O not ...... '°"' ~ ~ ~ 10 P,,, cell oel<JO• 7 11 ,,, COclr''Jf'' •Ml c>1•<Qe "' P,,~"'il G < • , ' ,...,.... t•or ... ""'''•'""'' .01v11 ""•''' •O·• '~ ,.,.,,,. -.... , I» -~"" *"'"9u' >e• • t.• .-oi-l"~1e...-.. Sf<:O"O " ~'119" C•'.I 4' '°4•a M- •IJPS ••• '°°' S..t>w•1"•0' "• ta·• .. ' ,. Oy ..... '' 00 .......... f VOL 11. NO. 11 What do you lake about the Dail y Pilot" Wh11 don't you like" Call the number above and your messaae 'N111 be recorded, transcnbcd ind dt- hvercd to the appropnate editor The ~me 24-hour 1nswcnn1 serv1~ may be used to record lette" to the cd1tor on any topic. Contnbutors to our Letters column must include their name and telephone number for venficatJon Tells ui what's on your mind I I """""""'""'" Dt ,,..._.., 111'~1 I ,..,.,.,., If ,~j .,., not ... 9"\o.. '°"' ' "' 7 • ,.., c.. Dotoo• •o a.-.-. ,.,.,. 'NT o.-eo Ctrcutetlon Telephc>Mt Rain to stop, but not for long -~~~WI~-=== atorm rollt In on Satutdly. the~ Weethet 8eMce Mid. ~· tOday w111 r.,,ge In the low to m6d eo..1.owa ton6ght wttl drop to the low to mid 50e. On S.turdey. 1 70 petOent chenOe of rein ta forec:Mt, wtttl temperatur9 tMghl renglng In the upper SO. to low IOI. In the mountlllne, anow le llk-'Y 8eturdey ~ 4,600 r.et. Hight tOCS.V wtlbe In tM ~:on S.turdey In tM mtd 30a to mid 40t. ..Jo-.. AJong tM Inner crout• waten, aoutheffl WlflVt wttt blOW to to 20 knoll with a 2· to 3--foot wind dlop lhlfttno to the w.at. u ~s. Tempe 11 M M )4 1-4 JI .... '74 ... 40 M 'TO 44 &a 40 M 32 .. . •L' r*~ ~ [r"oHrs· .t S-i ""J ?/ 'f'J~ WMllll -. l ulfl....,. ...tM.•Wfl't • n,..., t "•fftr •._t,u w (A,,tuOe\J ,,.-~ ',ttitlA->OM~ .... :: :7 to II 91 4S at ,. 74 41 47 ao .. S3 12 43 93 .. .. 70 47 a& n .,. u at n .. S5 SI 61 II ,. " 45 " .. 43 57 40 •• 40 47 aa 44 lit r..-.ti. •• _. ~--ft-t -·•, t«•A4 '' &~• f Cvt1•1_. .. ., Tides TODAY Ar111 IOw 5. 11 a_m Flr1ll NQll I 1 19 Lift ._..,low 4: ... p"' ,_,, 1110f1 11 10 p m eA'NM)A'I Arl4 low 9117 a_m Ar111 lllafl 12 IO p m s-'6 IOw 4:116 p m 8eoond NQll 1 I.JI p.m 0.1 u t.5 49 O.t so 1.0 49 Sun ,.._ todey It e-oo • m ""' --IQelfl tt e·oo p.m. a.r-..... todey el ,. , , Lnl ""' ... IOMI IM 10-10 PJ'll MESA LOSES INSURANCE COVERAGE ••• From Al in town" when at comes to general liability coverage, the backbone of the city's insurance plan. With little hope of findina another carrier. Costa Mesa has become another victim of the surge of "deep pocket" lawsuits that have made municipalities and major businesses lepers in the insurance game. "Deep pockets" is the nickname for the pracuce of naming several defen- dants in a suit, but targeting the one with the most money. Under Cali· forn1a law. a weaJtnier defendant can be forced to pay the lion's share of the Judgment -regardless of the degree of fault. Many Orange County cities. es.- pecially beach communities, have faced spiraling premium s, rising de- ductibles or cancellations as in- surance companies move away from these so-called "hi~-risk" chents. Costa Mesa's dilemma comes an the wake of 107 liability claims-at least 80 seeking SI million apiece - for homes cracking in the north side of town because of land movement. The city has denied most of the claims, setting the staie for the homeowners to file lawsuits. Because of voter-approved ta.A reform, the citr, can't save up its own $37 million 'insurance" fund by raising taxes. Even if it could amass such a reserve, Costa Mesa is nearing the spending limit also passed by California voters. "This could not have happened to us at a worx time," Oman said. adding, "I'm not -just blowing smoke." He explained that uninsured cities ordered by courts to pay high damag· es 'could go bankrupt or be forced to dismcorporate and disband their city councils. Costa Mesa faces at least $80 million in requested damages for the cracking homes -nearly twice the city's $47 million budget for the fiscal year ending in July. Unlike the multimillion dollar award cha"ed to Newpon Beach for a divin' accident, Costa Mesa has not been hit with any large judgments, Oman said. "Still it really is a very stark situation, and the only light at the end of the tunnel is a train," he said. City Manager Allan Roeder said Costa Mesa may explore patching togcthCT more smaller policies or forming a cooperative with other municipalities. CARS PILE UP; FOUR INJURED ••• From Al freeways, but rain-slickened roads triggered scores of minor collisions. A National Weather Service fore- caster said only traces of rain had fallen on the Orange Coast by 4 p.m. when 24-hour measurements are recorded. Forecasters sa1d the latest Pacific storm would be moving out today, making room for two more storms that should reach the southland beginning Saturday. Bnef respites between the storms will allow little opportunity for the region to dry out. Water distncts also are unable to c.apture all of the water falling on the region. The Irvine Ranch Water District is releasing water at its Sand Canyon Reservoir because, "When it rams, nobody irrigates," said public rela- tions manager Joyce Wegner. The Orange County Water District is capturing about half the ter flowing down the Santa Ana said spokesman Gordon Elser. "Prado Dam is releasing more than we can contain," Elser said. "We're somewhat saturated at this potnt. "We can capture about 400 cubic feet per second when all our facilities arc in place, and we're probably gettjng double that." He said the Army Corps of Engi· neers, which operates Prado Dam n beast of the Orange County rder. releases enough water to sure they'll have room in case of m ·or storms and runoff. " _ 've been prettx luc.ky com- "'..,..~o Nonhern Cahfomta," Elser said. "We've been on the edge of most of these storms.'' GRISLY EVIDENCE PRESENTED COURT ••• From Al bruises Will be attributed to e~·s dragging of the body down two fliahts of stairs to his garaie, where be put the youna woman in the back 1eat of bis new blue BMW before driving some 20 miles to West Marin to drop the body in the driveway ofa ranch. The first photos discussed by detective Todt, who took themtwere long-range shots. But as odt's photos started zeroing in on the young woman's face, as he began discussing the injuries he saw, Bill and Linda' Engstrom and their two children lboked away. Nancy Byrd dipped her head. The 12 jurors and two aJtemates stared intently at the evidence. Then, as closeups were trailed by extreme closeups, the Engstrom daughter bepn to cry. Linda Engstrom led both the youna woman and son out of the courtroom. Nancy Byrd, meanwhile, stayed in her seat, keeping her bead down, looking at neither the Engstroms nor the photos. This may not be the only courtroom 1n which Art Byrd is confronted by the Engstrom (a mily. San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli has filed a wrongful death suit aeinst the banker on behalf of the family. SHUTTERS SPE.CIALL Y I PRICED t Capture the outdoors and create comfort with these custom moveable shutters In the colors, sizes and styles you wantl • --;I ..... -· • -~---· .......... ~__... ...... -. . . • ·::i • MARCH 14, 1986 D\ILY PILOf ENTERfAINMENT GUIDE \{L2/N0.10 I 'Pajama Tops' a flimsy farce r, .... • 11 ·~·) ·~ H .. r:1 r1~1.1r ~ .. P'~:·.t.,. .. ~ -m ::ttt:. a ··~I'! 1J ·: h · .. 1 _ \ •r.1 u1mtd•C1 -f' >g..t; Btil1 V. mni U .\fu•/1 •.41.4 ,. ··~!!\ • "~ ll{1\K'. ~ 1.,.<) u .c 1 • .1 "bU ~ .. - J•~' /'':Ill ~ll:,.tt1r.1r, f'.tJem4 J 'JP'\~ I\ <JI <J( tr.C: afY.>\C, <>Cl}. • u , i • tK.r ..uJ:r 'I!: , ',.,,. f!<.1.,,. ~J -4r.r. fi l Gegftt\ f.A cfiectn~\ 1:. 1 .r• •;' 1.. ( Jf , fl\ .. rit •l' pt<.ldu<..'UfJn U C &JI lb.at ~in t • It• '·1<"" • < 1 r•;1: • ·fA J ,. oert •;.d~ ( ... uc.n 'Jr.rC.< pr'.1. idtd a ••1 t• !•J' f'4·'h• • '-"N.1'T: J...,r.c V.allnr.vm l<.ldt\t)ea~ btf e"' .1 .. r t• fr•,m ,.,,. .,t,,rt::1v:M.1<1r>td 1H.ld\ The pf.a /\ prcm1\ie ma,.~ 1tM1~u r 1. bJ• tht-rt" \ n'Jl m uu \.-b\Usnv: 1-)(hmd the ~ JJ1 : \~<.• 'narm I\ .,t>r,ut tt.,. 1,rJI: atlt41(.ll'>r• rt~ H ur ung.11x. Toi Trrus Jj..-•r..t1 '>f•'"' Pf.AV!'~ bot UH\ a\pet.1 1\ prt:v.r1l m ~bundana WCJuld th4ll lT11\ "'eft c-t11JUlh V.1 <>ffY"I tt.c: r..rmlfl • •oct'\ !Jr lOC v r pt ,,, the ix-rfor mc•\0 t-nr:ri c11t t>u t uMuc.c.n\ful a1- r.crr pt'> VJ c.:1 r1.•Jm ·r:M thc:l'T' Tnc \h'' 4 pr1~("\'Jie:\ 1r, fit'> and \tan\ •••••••••••• r c.i:r reall;. rea<.hing the anu< f11 n1, 1,n ... tudi \u<.h mat.crnsl di:-pi:nd\ ft• \111r 1 \ d 1 ;o 11 '' <..er tcf\ 1111 -. J rench bu\t~wn.tn cWI 111u'. l11 '1fi\t.Hnm4l lT r I\ pa\\lfJO fr,r a 'o<JluplUIJU\ 1'.1Urti bd~ t• '''''Y. r110, "''' 11 'a fN\JOI \\ 1np 1 he: e.,,er·a< .. <hmmodat1ni WJfc 1j1• ri• ~ V1 HI .111 u. ~IU\l(W\'. pr1r.r;;<.1·· l•J ,,_,.I( htJrTIC rn \tead - on" \ii• 11•1. •pt\ I nlJ r '"' A.rr ,.r ,_ar fo,.nd .,,,h,, mu\ be p-.s\~ off ~' 1t,• 1>11•Jl•l t,. IUJ\lft"\<; tlU'-O<s rid lt1t-n tht real hu~nd a "'" m•H1 11 Jf' ,, 1j •11 ;sr, 1r.•.rJ1·1 t11r ;sn1 'JJ\ v, retire: ,,n a high n()\t of 111,,,,,,, 1. "' 1,, \ultr, ma1t1 .i.t11, vr Jl41tr\ hi:-r\!l"H in111 the a<.tton \11 f~fl· ,, \11. <1 eri~• 1•. It• •>•;\Ir, \man .Nfth a hum1Jrlt'\\ ~n~ •1l 11"I"'~ ... 111J• \t1<H'1n ff <sl• -""h'1\t~d1nt<J her mleonfour 11;,1\ r.11•11 • 1Hp1t• ··ff1•11,,.4\ tht "'ar: •lfc: Launr \<Jndaga\ 1t,1 1rr11r; \flh 1\ " 'p111 ., pr1>hab1:. th,. tx,.,, r,f the US\l a\ \he ""''' h 111 r ,,,f, .... ct <1 ''"·' "''d , 1w1r tht· rt:\t '''the \ho ·,. w mch<Jv.- f;,1 ~. J; • t1411J r .,.,,,. .,,,,,,..\ pr•m11v· a\ rlu \mt-nc.a n thru\t 1nto the ''"' Ji')J111.t 11 • •1·.h•' (th•iuK}• t.1 • lin~\.d1Jggedl ) w hn phon~ I ,. r1< f, 4' ( ,.,,1111 pr1 ''>urt '1tuat11m\J ""hilt Jim Xan1hak1\ (low~ •1ulrJy111u\l1 ,j\ \/mdCll! <..Jt<tlriu .. tiu\hand r raq <.1odfrcry\clder1) d1 111 11 •• 1\ d ·"''"11t1' 1mtrci\t l'' 1tw t<:ntral \hcnanigan\ and Karta Ali1<H11'> 11 rnh 11 f1·11 t11n~ ph y\1<.<11 pre\Cnu:, if ltltle clw: a~ the maid I tic: 1 1111 111virn11· ,,(the pl<JI rr:a' he\ 1h 1.enllh 1n the final \Gene ,,.}ll n 'ahlfl" 1 har.,t tt'r m u\l dedu<:.e whu.:h <Jf the three ladies \howd t11\ hc·d th1· n1gt11 t)l·f1m: fa\ 1f thc<JC dec:1dc:dl y drfTcrent <1Ltft\·~ u11Jfd he rm\Uihn fCJr one another in the dark,. Another uriw1dt.J1 ci utl111f\ in 1cn t111fl '' tht placins of \1lva and Hale 1n 'IC p.tra11· lx drr111m\ tll11ulif1 1he1t mcamagc I\ Ototen.ibly bhn ful. l'0Jlm 1a f 11p '> u 1111111uc'I f-nd.ays etnd Saturdays at 8:3<J 1hrc1u11J1 April ~at thr pla>h'JU\C, in Hunungton Beach'1 ~acl1ff' V 1l1Jtt 11n M.1111 \trc~t at Y 11r~town A venue (all 832-1405 for 11< ~rl 111f11rm.itH1n C:ALLBOARJJ A <.a\t1ng 1 all for at tof\ l<J perform an 111du\t11al <1nd cdutational fi lm' and commcrctal~ will be held \;iturcf.1 y at I p ni at the Produu:r~Acton ( 1>nsort1um, 729 W. I "111 \1 \u1tc IH in <''~ta Me...a all IYJ>t'" and na11onalt11 cs, 18 ycdf '> 11f av and '"'"' arc being M)ughl .. call 646-0515 for more 111f11r 111a1111n /111/1/l\/1r1 KJircn A W11lmcr I '1"11' I rank Z1 n1 I J:1(rhool< f t/1111r 1>11111: L1nduy Ai r l>1mwr \tcvcn Houati f lfw/111111" Munuat·r I crry Kandlc l'mduc 1wn M1nu1rr· Rohen I. C antrell I 1.111 h1111._ " puhll\l1nl n 1·1) I r 1d11.,. hy the Oransr C 0111 Publhhlna Co - I' I I K/11 "'"' 1111 W U.1)' \1 I '"IJI MN I A 1i2f>l6 Telephone (714j M ' 4 '11 Mc1ul11 hintnt\\ h01u" arr ti 1 m 10 S pm . Moftda)' 1hrouJh I rtl.l.1r Un1lhnr fltt ulr nd.ir ol f'H'llh 11r m1 and truer• 11 S p.m Mondi)' I hr rn11rt 111n1rnh nl l>utr huok 11rt 1 n11yr1ahtrd hy thr Oranv Coa)t 1•uh1,.111n•' II "" ""'"'Ill" ll'le'IVl'd 2 Oelly Piiot OatebO<lk / Friday. Merch 1'4, 1986 - ENTS L.A. JAZZ CHOIR AND MARK DAVIDSON SET TO PLAY ...................•••••...••.....•..•••.. 13 By RANDY JAY MA TIN Keeping the melody rolling with one hand. pianist Mark Davidson wa s bnmming with insight and anecdotes about the sh ow he is both promoting and pla~og in Sunday at the Regi stry Hotel wath th e L.A. Jazz Choir. Davidson was windfog up the last set of the evemng at his regular Monda) and Tuesday night gig at Gino's in Newport. Davidson, wbo has been playing in Orange County since the mid '50s, began hi s musical career in church and at one point toured as Oral Robert's orgamst. GLORIOUS EASTER SHOW NOW RUNNING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EJ By JERRY RICE It ts neanng the end of a long dress rehearsal. but tb,e directors are sttll concerned about some la.st-min ute details. Co- dlfector Conwell W·ortbington II 1s advising the actors portraying the 12 dLSC1 ples not to lea ve their hands folded at the table fo r the Last Supper. "It looked like you're ... all having ice cream," he said. demonstrating for the actors what they should not do. "Try to be doing different things. and be careful not to have the bands on the table pose.·· CUISINE FANTASY AN EPICUREAN sue- CESS .•.•••••••...................••....••.•.......•...••••• 10 By CAROL HUMPHREYS l_t was an even~ni of epicurean delig~ts. For $35 ~ch, 500 guests amved for a "Cu1sme Fantasy" benefiHag the Orange County Philharmonic Society. "Because this is our third year for this fundraiser, we're getting very organized. Our event chairman. CoUecn Evers, did most of the work in setting the restaurants. We have 17 participating," said Irvi ne Ph1lharmon ic Chainnan Mitzi Tonai. Co-hosting the diner's delight with Irvine was the las Canciones Committee from Placentia. CUT Ci\I T1-E TOWN GREAT FOOD AND HUGS AT GOLDEN DRAGON ................................................. 14 By FIFI CHAO The restaurant is usually crowded, but lh ose waiting are seated quite quickly. A happy sort of precision team seems to always manage the dining rooms with a great deal of clan. Most of the customers appear to be part of a huge, close-knit family as they hug Mrs. W~ on the way in and out of the restauran. t and shake hands with staff member they meet when walking to and from the table. This scenario is happening at the Golden Dragon Chinese Restaurant in Costa Mesa. . TOPBILLIRG ••••••••••••••••••• ~·························4 RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK ••••••.••.••••••• 16 REST AURAKT DIRECTORY ••••••••••••.••••••• 19 wi::NE A1'D SPIR.ITS................................. 16 ~ .. 0 • By RO&fRT HYNDMAN 0 The Orange Coast College Jazz Festivol turn.s 18 this year. And on all accounts, festival organizers con feel proud of having raised o precocious adolescent into a promising teen-ager who is now a respected adult. The owkword adolescence and the growing pains ore now behind; at 18, the OCC Jazz Festival is anything but minor. And this year's event -to run from Thursday, Morch 20 to Sunday, Morch 23 - may prove to be one of the best ever. In its venerable history, the OCC fest ival hos presented such jazz heavyweights as Duke Ellington, 0 • d with the jazz festival for the past eight years, says the event's reputation continues to grow, and allows OCC to continually attract top talent. And rhis year may f eoture one of rhe best line- ups ever. "Advance ticket sales have exceeded our expectations,'' Norsworthy said. "I think it has 9 lot to do with the diversity of entertainment we' re offering this year and our eorly planning." The festival begins Thursday, March 20 with the 8 p.m. performance by the OCC Big Bond, led by Dr. Charles Rutherford and featuring guest artists Pepper Adams, Nick Brignolo, Art Davis, Corl • Burnett and Claude Williamson . Count Basie, Woody Hermon, Buddy Rich, Maynord Ferguson and others. But as might be expected, the festival started small and grew. The event's Adorns is considered the jazz world's foremost baritone sax performer while Burnett Soon ofter joining the college's music faculty in 19 6 7, Dr . Charles Rutherford -"Doc" Rutherford to his friends -went to work establishing OCC' s reputation os reputation continues to grow, anc;I allows OCC to continually attract top talent. and Williamson also have extensive jazz credentials. Tickets ore $ 10 for the show in the Robert B. M oore Theatre. home for one of the top jozz deportments on ony college campus in the country. But that wasn't enough. Rutherford wonted '• performers to show his students ond the local community what jazz hod to offer. And he felt the best way to attract top jazz musicians was through on onnuol jazz festival. That first year, 1969, the one-day festival feotured 26 visiting bonds. By 1972, 85 bonds were participating. Since then, however, the number has been limited to allow for more clinics, guest artists and concerts. Another change hos been the co-sponsorship of the Coast Jazz Society, a support group that stepped in to help raise money for the festival ofter state funds were cut in the late 1970s. Fred Norsworthy, who hos helped Rutherford The OCC Jazz Trombone Choir featuring Bill Watrous kicks off Ftiday' s entertainment with o ·fnte concert at 5 p.m. in the Fine Arts Recital Holl. At 8 p.m. in the Moore Theatre, vocalist Bobby McFerrin delivers his unique o coppello performance. Following M cferrin, Indian violinist L Subramoniom will perform with his fusion bond, Around the World, featuring lorry Coryell, Bod Shonk, Mike Mossey, Ron Wagner and Jerry Watts. Tickets for the evening ore $ 15. The show marks OCC debuts for M cf errio, Subramaniom ond Coryell. Please see JAZZ pg. 13 <> 0 o • 0 • • Cover model Tim Guesman Art direction by Steven Hough Photography by David Muronoka Trumpet provided by Coast Music o • MAR on violin, and Adrienne Biggs on cello. 17900 Jamboree Blvd., Irvine. 863-3111 . THE SYMPHONIC BAND of Golden West College prese nts a S M T W T F S .. Bon Voyage" concert. their fin al 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Friday THE UC JRVIN E WI ND ENSEMBLE performs with Peter Fournier. conductor. Selections in- clude .. Chorale and l\lleluia" b> Hanson. "Dcd1cat1on Ovenure .. b> Gianina ... ymphonac M1hta1re" b) Catel. "Sea Songs·· by Vaughan W1lhams. and "Riders for the Flag .. b~ John Philip Sousa. 8 p.m .. UCTs Fane Ans V1llagt' Theatre. SS. $4 and S3 adm1ss1on. 856-6616. THE FULLERTON CHAMBER PLAYERS perform Thurs.-Sat. from 7 -10 p.m for dinner guests at the Irvine Hilton and Towers' Morcll's restaurant. The chamber tno foaturcs Kathleen Murphy and Brian Beshore public performance before leaving for Europe where they will perform I 0 concens an maJor cities. Tom Hernandez directs. 8 p.m .. GWC's theater. I 5744 Golden West St.. Huntington Beach. $3 and $2 ad- m1ss1on. 895-8378. EDMUND WILLIAMS leads the Cal State Fullenon Uni versity Or- chestra. Singers and Choir an an all- Russaan program of wo rks by Tchaikovsky and Borodin. 8 p.m.,, ('SPs Little Theatre. Fullenon. $3 and $1 admission. 773-3371. THE JUNIOR ORCHESTRA of the Orange County Youth Symphony, made up of boys and girls ranging from the fifth to the ninth grade. perform a concen at 7 p.m. at Leasure World. Laguna Hills. 870-1774. Saturday THE UC IRVINE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, with conductor Bernard Galmore. performs a pro- gram which includes Gershwin's Piano Conccno and Haydn's Sym- phony No. 104. 8 p.m .. UCTs Fine Ans V11lagc Theatre. $5. $4 and $3 admission. 856-66 16. THE LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, wnh music director Andre Pttvtn conducting has fi nal appearance an Orange County this season. as fea - tured at 8 p m. Pianist Chnsuna Oniz. making her Orange County Where do your~ children play? If you've created a special play area, share it with the Daily Pilot readers & WIN! Find contest details in today's classified section. debut, 1s the featured soloist. The program includes the Haydn Sym- phony No. 92; Burleske for Piano and Orchestra by Richard Strauss: and Symphony No. I by D1m11n Shostakovich. Presented by the Or- ange County Philharmonic Society. Santa Ana High School Auditoriu m. 520 W. Wal nut St.. Santa Ana. 642-8232. AN EVENING WITH P.D.Q. BACH ft'aturcs the Orange Coast Chorale and Singers with works performed 1nclud1ng "The Seasonings," "The l1ebeshdcr Waltzes." "An of the Ground Rour)d," and "Erotica Van- ations." Orange Coast College's Rob- en 8. Moore Theatre. 2701 Fa1rv1ew Rd .. Costa Mesa. $6 advance. S7 at the door. 432-5527. THE SYMPHONIC BAND ol Gold- en West College. sec Frida> listing PJANO SOLOIST SILVIA ROEDERER appears 1n.roncro aL8 p.m. She performs sonatas from Mozan. Beethoven and Chopin. Irvine Valley College Forum. 5500 Irvine Center Or .. Irvine. SJ and S2 admission. 559-3233 THE FULLERTON CHAMBER PU YERS, sec Fnday hs11ng. THE IRVINE SYMPHONY OR- CHESTRA presents Mozart's comic opera, "The Impresario.'' at its con- cen at 8 p.m. Other works perform ed are Rossini's "Overture to Tancredi." Vivaldi's "Conccno an C major" for two Outcs, and "Seasons" by Irvine compo~ John Gt'rhold. South Coast Community Church Aud1tonum, 5120 Bonita Canyon Dr .. Irvine. 261-023 I. Sunday A TOWN AND GOWN BENEFIT Concert as presented w11h Metro- politan Opera basso Giorgio Tow and th e UC Irvine music faculty. Works by Gershwin. Schubert. Brah ms and Liszt arc presented, and a wane and cheese reception follows the performance. 3 p.m., UCl's Fine Arts Concen Hall. Proettds support UCI ING Andre Previn directing The Ora.nee County Pllllharmonlc Society will preeent the Loe Anfelee Pb.UharmonJc Oft:be8tra wttla Andre Pre'rin, mu.ale director, condactlDC ln bi.a final appearance in Oru&e Coaaty tbla MUOD on Satanlay, llarcll 15, at 8 p.m. at the Santa Ana IU&b School Aadltorta.m, 530 W. Walnut St. Call 642-8332 for more lnformadon. music scholarships. S 12 admission. 856-6616. THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY SYMPHONY, with music director Donn Laurence Mills. performs at 4 p.m. an a concen to salute San Juan Capistrano's Fiesta Week and the first Heritage Festival, which com- memorates the 25th anniversary of the city's incorporation. V1oh n1st AOl(llT MOO•C ~HUflU I~ PM 110 GfN(llAl John Sambuco is featured an Bruch·~ Violin C-oncerto in G Minor. and other soloists include clannetist Ga11 Matsuura and his wife, Outist Man Palchak. Capistrano Valley High School Gymnasium. 26301 Via Escolar, Mission Viejo. SS admission 493-7682. AN ORGAN RECITAL is per· formed by organist Michael A Burkhardt The program include\ "Tno Sonata an C" by J.S. Bach "Chorale In E" by C. Franck: "Tc Dcum" by J. LaniJais: and "Im- provisation" by Burkhardt. Pres- ented by Chnst College Irvine at 7:30 p.m .. St. John's Lutheran Church. 154 S. Schaffer St .. Orange. A free w1ll offering is asked for music scholar· ship fund. 854-8002. Taeeday t i • • "'-•••••• llOllEllT MOORE THO Tll( I O'I PY IU AUEllVEO THE ORANGE COUNTY YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, with conductor John Koshak and guest conductor and narrator David War· ble, are pl'C$Cnted along with the Ballet Repertory Theatre in a Youth Concert at 9:4S and 11 a.m. Works b> Shostakovich. Kraft, Handel. Beethoven, StTavinslcy and Resp1gh1 are performed. David Warble is guest conductor and namtor. Presented b> the Orange County Philharmonic Society. Melodyland. Anaheim 642-8232. L•fY C.,,.. • .... ~ ..... • .................................... AOlfllf MOO!IE THOTIU l 00 ""' SI AUIAVfO AONAT ltOOftf THUTllf I 00 PM ltt AHUIVfO FINl AllTS HAll Ill '00 PM I tO GCHEA"l FINE ARTS H"ll Ill I 00 PM UO GfNEAAl PRESENTED BY COAST JAZZ SOCIETY 0 TICKET INfOIUllATION (7141432·5527 ~~-:::::':*:t::.":.'==~~~~1:'~.::-....:.-~:::::::::(==. ..,.°' .... Wedneeday THE WRIFFENPOOFS OF JtH arc featured in concert at 8 l>.m. Their repertoire includes tradinonal and collqt sonas, swina era and jaa numbers, popular music, and onainal compositions. The Balboa Bay Club. 1221 W.CoastHwy .. Newport Beach SI O and SS admission. 67S-66S7 Thanday THE ARUONA CHAMBE R CBODl, a premiere choral ensemble in the Southwest, perfonns "A Rjvcder le Stelle" by lnquar Lidbolm; ~Friede auf Erden" by Arnold Schoenberg; and works by Karl Graun, Roger Petrich, Johannes Brahms, Guiseppe Verdi. William Mathiaos, Cesar Gcofray and Franz Biebl. 8 p.m .. Golden West College's mainstagc theater, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. $5 and $4 admission. 895-8378. • THE FUU.ERTON CHAMBER PLAYERS. Stt Friday listing. CQINIHY Monday mE NITl'Y GRITrY DIRT BAND perfonns in two conccns at 7 and I 0 p.m. at the Crazy Horse Saloon. 1580 Brookhollow, Santa Ana. 549-1512. .1qzz Friday JAZZ DANCERS INC. performs .. Turkish Bath" by Don Ellis, a tribute to the late jazz cltbrcographer Jack Cole, which mixes jazz with middle eastern style and aura, along with other works. 8 p.m .. Rancho Santiago College. Santa Ana campus, Phillips Hall Theater, 17th at Brislol. Santa Ana. $7 and S6 admission. 667-3000. JAZZ PIANIST LES CZIMBER, who previously played piano with vocahst Al Jarrcau's tno, perfonns popular music 1n the Irvine Hilton and Towers Lobby Lounge Tues.-Sat. Q p.m.· l a.m. 17900 Jambortt Blvd .. Irvine. 86J..3 I l I. CAFE LIDO presents Judi Lee. piano and vocals. Mon.·Fn. from 5-8 p.m.; t~e Lido Jazz All Stars Sun. from 3.30-8 p.m. and Thurs.·Sat. from 9 p.m.·1:30 a.m.: .. Freeway ... fcatunng Max Bennett. Sun. from 9 p.m.·l a.m.; the Marti Bros. Sextet Mon. from 9 p.m.· l :30 a.m., "Inter· 'ieetlon," wtth Wayne Wayne. Tues from 9 p.m.· I :30 a.m.: and the New York Jazz Connection Wed. from 9 p.m.·1:30 a.m. 2900 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. 675-2968. Saturday JAZZ PIANlST LES CZJMBER. sec Friday listing. CAFE LJDO, sec Friday listing. JAZZ DANCERS INC., sec Fnday listing. ~~-------- A JAZZ CONCERT presents the Mark Davidson Trio and the LA. Jazz Choir at 3 and 7 p.m. The Registry Hotel. 18800 MacArthur Blvd., frvine. 642-8542. CAFE LIDO, sec Friday listing. llODda_l' . TRACY WELLS, His Vibes, Big Swing Band. Vocalist Bcdci Morgan, and Richard Cruz Dixieland Group playfordancingfrom 7:30-l 1:30p.m. Alpine Inn at Alpine Village. Tor- rance Blvd. exit to Harbor Frwy. Frtt admission. CAFE UDO, sec Friday listing. "WISHFUL T~G," a band which bas stirred up much commo- tion with the release of their debut album, present a fusion sound and llghtness of playing together which 15 making them the new super fusi~ gro up of the 1980s. 8 p.m .. Night Moves, 5902 Warner Ave .. Hunt· 1ngton Beach. SS admission. 786-7644. -Tueeclay JAZZ PlANIST LES CZJMBER, sec Friday listing. CAFE UDO, sec Fnday lisung. w~~Y SWING VOCALIST BRUCE LEONARD, formerly with the Charlie Spivak Orchestra, performs each Wed. at the El Conejo Res- taurant, 1750 W. Lincoln. Anaheim. 991-0540. CAFE UDO, sec Friday listing. JAZZ PIANIST LES CZIMBER. Stt Friday listing. Tbanclay ORANGE COAST COLLEGE'S Jazz Festival begins today with OCC's Big Band and soloists Pepper Adams. Curus Fuller. Oaude Wil- liamson, An Davis and Cati Burnett. OCC'slfine Arts Recital Hall, 2701 Fairview Rd .. Costa Mesa. SIO ad· m1ss1on. 432-5880. JAZZ PIANIST LES CZJMBER, sec Friday listing. CAFE UDO, sec Fnday listing. Friday HATORI appears Wcd.-Fri. from 8 p.m.· 12:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Newport Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. 833-0570. FRAN MARTIN performs easy listening, contemporary music on the SAVE SAVE Dllintqrop' s SAVE For the first time in Southern California Save 25~-35~ ·on: • Waterford • Louis Vultton • Baccarat • Rolex • Lallque • Fine Perfumes WHERE: Irvine Hilton, Jamboree Rd. WHEN: Sunday, March 16. 12:3().5:00 p.m. For More Information: 646-9859 -4 piano. Dancing avai~ble. Tues.:Fri. 7:J0.10:30 p.m., Holiday Inn, Bnstol Ave., Costa Mesa. THE BOP prcscnt.t dancina music by emcee Joel Steven Fri.-Sat; .. The Authentics," a live Ws dance band. Sun. at 8 ~.m.; "Rocle 'N Roll Heaven," a hve show tribute to the lqends featurina Bob Gully, Mon. at 8 p.m.; .. Rocle Around the Oock:, .. a history of f'ock and roll featuring Jason Chase, Tues. at 8 p.m.; and Crazy Contests, includjna Lip Sync, Limbo, and Basketball Shoot. Thurs. 18774 Brookhurst, fountain Valley. 963-2366. Saturday . THE HOP, see Friday listing. Sanday THE HOP, see Friday listjng. Monday THE ~OP, sec Friday listing.. Taeeday SNEAlt PREVIEW performs hve each Tuesday from 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Newport Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. 833-0S70. THE BOP, sec Friday listiog. FRAN MARTIN. see Friday lisuni. Wedneeda)' llATOIU, sec Friday listing. FR.AN MARTIN, sec Friday li ti og. Tlnanday llATOIU, sec Friday listing. FRAN MARTIN, see Friday Ii ting. THE BOP, see Friday listing.. SING' ES Frldai_ CLASSIC FRIENDS, for ages 45 and over, meets for Happy Hour from 5· 7 p.m. at the Huntington Beach Inn Restaurant, 2112 Pacific Coast Hwy., Huntington Beach. 544-9259. THE It I.ARA T CLUB and Carticrs. for singles, meets for Happy Hour at 6 p.m. et Francois' Res- taurant, I 8151 Beach Blvd., Hunt- ington Beach. SS admission. 641 -3987. FOCUS n , a poup of sin&les llC$ 2~29. meet at 7:30 p.m. at die SoUth Coast Community Oaurch, Sl20 Bonita Canyon Dr., Irvine. IS4-7600. WHEEL OP l"IUBNDIBIP, for sin&les ovcr 4S, meets at the Snuloer in Westminster at 5:30 p.m. for a T.G.1.F. 991 -7918. 8atarday WHEEL OF l'tUENDSlllP, for sinales over 4S. pt.hen for bowlina at 6:30 p.m. at the Brunswick R~ reation Center in Anaheim. 828-2244. Sanday ____ _ FOCUS st, a group of sin&)cs ages 30-39, meet at 11.30 a.m. attfic South Coast Community Church, 5120 Bonita Canyon Dr., ltvine. 854-7600. WHEEL OF FRIENDSHIP, for singles over 45. meets for a potluck picnic at I p.m. at Modjesb Park. Nutwood and Ball. in Anabiem. 991 -7918. Taeeclay THE NEWPORT IRVINE CHAPTER of Parents W1t.hout Pan- • • • •••• • • ,~· . ~~·~t~: ~~ ....... . For the past 10 years George Cole has been a MIS$IOl"I V'iejo masonry contractor. That rs his second profession, the first being a 20 year stint in lhe grocery business in Wl8000Sin. Monday through Fr1day, Geofge Cole spends his days creating artful struc· lures With s1one, bnc:k and moftar. Weetcends find George lrwolved In his ttlifd profession. selling hand-oaifiCed dec- oratt... ducks and other cok>rlul farm anim• at the Or· ange County Fairgrounds Swap Meet Geotge and Phyllis Co6e were bom and raiMd near MilwilUt(ee, WISCOOSin. That's also where George spent his first 10 years in the grocery business. Then in 1957, they pulled up, pecked up, and out to Califomla they came. Geofue bee.me a masonry contractOf 10 years later, "one of the bnt" ht :1:' MeanwNte. Phyfh Cole ~loped and cultivated her Inter"' in art and hand.made colleotables. She 90td a few things. "here and ~. Then five years ago, I deaded to take mt hand-palneed dud!s and a few other farm animals to the-C>r#lge County Fairgrounds Swap Meet." Phyllis • ••••••••••••••• said "George said hed help me~ oo weekends, and we·ve been there Since n·s really a family effort. I do the buying and finlshlng wortl dunng the week With the help of my daugNer. then Geofge does the selling al the swap meet Our 16'-yearold grandson Bobby 1s hls main helper We make wooden rocking horses. catOU$81 horses. decoy styte dud!s. chdens. geese. ltltee-fee4 h9gh wooly tedOy bears, two and a ha"·feel hegtl sheep. and a lot of smaller things tun things '°' the home " The Orange County Fairgrounds·SWap Meet IS proud to have George and Phyllis Cole as part of OUt vendor family You can Visit them •velY Saturday at speoe C-178 and Sunday at apace C-183. lt'aall there ••• ~~··· under the Sunl ~~------~.:r,~~~-~,..._.....,~••~ ........................... 9'!"" ...... -.~~=-----------_., .... ..,.uz_..~•~P:..-..., ......... za; .. l!l .. 1111221!11"'4~ .1 ... :MA,. .. ~lii...,11::.l\DJ\l• .. i CONTINUED ners presents their Nt"wcomers' Onent.at1on each Tuesday from M-9 15 p.m .. follov.ed by coff~ and co n"ersauon C'all 549-1 135 for funher information. WedneM&y WHEEL OF FRIENDSHIP, for singles over 45. meets for dmner and dancing at 6.30 p.m at Camelot 1n anta Ana. 991-79 18. THE SWING CLUB SINGLES DANCE 1s presented with ftee basic swing lessons. mixers. contests. socials. and panics. Tonight's special feature 1s .. Tt"d Heath.'. 8-1 1 p.m .. El Cone10 Restaurant. 1750 W. Lincoln, .\nahe1 m. S2 admission. 991-0540. Th~y "HOW TO MEET PEOPLE IN ORA NGE COUNTY." This lecture 1s presented by McGraw-Hill author '\Ian Gamer for singles. He discusses where to go m Orange County to meet the kind of people you want to get to. know. and offers ideas on how to mee1 them. 7-10 p.m .. Orange Coast Col- it&e·!> 4ic1ence l.tt1ure I. £701 Fair- ~ 1ew Rd.. Costa Mesa. S 15 ad- mm1on. 432-5880. SEIVllNARS Friday "QUEBEC . . . THE FRENCH CONNECTION." This film presen- tation I~ offered by officials o f the ()ucbcc government and gi ves the toun<.t an 1ns1der'~ '1ev. of Quebcl .., 1•) p.m Golden West College'\ I tnl' \m 22. 15744 C1olden West St .. ~I unt ington Beach S' adm 1ss1o n XI) 1-\ll9 I Sl 'N BEAR'Sv.ork<.hop, ··The Patli of Pov.er .. bcgrns tonight at 7.30 pm. and continues Sat from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. and Sun. from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Hcahx Center. 23732 Bincher. El Toro. 859-7940. TONI GRANT, well-known chn1cal psychologist, gives a talk on .. Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal." 8 p.m .. Rancho Santiago College Gym. 17th al Bristol. Santa Ana. S !J? advance. S 15 at the door. 871-8000, ext 252. Saturday A WRITING CONFERENCE hononng wo men in publishing 1s offered from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Subjects discussed include .. A Glossary of Do's and Don'ts for Novelists." "Mass Market Paper- backs vs. Hard Cover," "Screen writ- ing: A Balancing Act Between Com- promise and Integrity," .. The New York Market Swnch:· "A Poetry Symposium:· and "How to Publish and Wnte Biographies." Chapman College's Guggenheim Gallery. 330 N. Glasscll. Orange. S20 fee includes buffet lunch. 997-6750 &Maday CHARLOTTE RUBENSTEIN. a workingan1st. lecturer. educator and nationally known authority on women's an. is presented by the JcWlsh Community Center of South Orange County. She speaks on "Con- tnbut1ons of Jewish An1sts to Ameri- ca." 7:30 p.m . 298 Broadway. Laguna Beach. Members free. non- members S 1.50. Refreshments are served. 497-2070. THE REVEREND ANATOLY SOKOLOV, director of the A.II Union Counc il of E"angelical Chns- 11ans/Bapt1st of the Soviet n1on and leader of a Bap11s1 Church in a suburb of Moscow speaks at 11 a.m at the First ('h11\t1an Church. 1130 E. \\alnut l\ve., Orange. A cultural IOW SMOWlll! ... szt.W! -m.AP'\.AZA _,_IS2-4tt3 UA...SI .-Tl mA W -2711 OIWMIOS SCIUlM COAST P'\.AZA 11 Tm Sll·t5M CDWMDS n rmo MIMt• .._ Ml-t770 CDWMDS CMITtl COlm. .,_Ul·Om D>WMO WOOl8IDCiC LJ--"4-2.0 ,ACR LA ._ I -Qt.2'SSJ ~ n11m1 n t.05&7 ~ WlLMl coma • Dally Piiot OatebOok/ Friday, March 14, 1986 c'change with him and other Sov1e1 citizens 1s held 1mmed1atel) follov.-- ing. 771-2901 Taeeday "STRESS MANAGEMENT THROUGH MEDITATION." This weekly pubhc service program 1s presented to the community free of charge. Noon each Tues. through Apr. 6. Saddleback College's Lib. I 0 I. 28000 Marguentc Pkwy .. M1ss1on V1eJO. 582-4571. "ALF ON ALF." Painter Manha Alf presents a lecture with shdes of her anwork at 1·30 p m. Saddleback College's McK.mney Theatre. 28000 Marguente Pk wy .• Mission VteJO. 582-4747. WedneM.ay DIANE WAltoSKJ , poet and wnter 1n residence at Michigan State Un1 - vers11y, gives a poetry reading at 7:30 p.m. Chapman College's Waltmar Theatre, 333 N. Glassell. Orange. Free admission. 997-6750. DR. CL.A Y'OON GARRISON, UC' Irvine professor of drama. presents a review of the history f Amencan Musical Theater. with pcrfonnances by rama students. at the UC1 Town and Gown general meetmg. 10:30 a.m .. UCl's Fine Ans Village C'oncen Hall. 586-662 1. "I ESSONS .LEA.RNED BY ENGJ. NEERS AS ENTREPRENEURS." J Fernando Niebla, CEO and ma1onty stockholder of INFOTEC Develop- ment, Inc .. speaks at the Enterpnsc Hour in the Grisel Dming Room. Chapman College campus. 333 N. Glasscll. Orange. Free admission and lunch can be purchased in the cafetena. 997-6849. ARTIST NING YEH gives a dem- onstration of Chinese Brush painting at the Anaheim An Assoc1a11on's general meeting. 7:30-10 p.m .. Anahe1m Cultural An s Center, 931 N Harbor Bl vd . Anaheim 5.H-3460. Thunclay A SPRING EQUINOX CER· EMONY 1s led bv haman and Medicine Man G regg Grqory. 7:30 p.m .. Heah,_ Center, 23732 B1ncher Dr . El Toro $5. $4 members. 859-7940 DANCE Friday JOINT EFFORT, a s1x-p1ece dance band. presents society band sounds featuring music from 1he 30's to the so·s. Their program presents original music as well ascontemporaI) hus.by Jazz greats. Mon.-Sat.. 9 p.m.-1.30 a.m. The Ruz-Carlton's The Cl ub. 33533 Shoreline Dr .• Laguna Niguel. 240-2000. JAZZ DANCERS INC., see Fnday's Jazz hst1ng. TH E AMERICAN I NTER- NATIONAL DANCE CO. presents a swing class at 8 p.m e.ach Fnday followed by a dance social fro m 9-10:30 p.m .. a jitterbug class each Monday at 8 p.m .. and a ballroom and Laun class each Wednesday at 8 p.m. $20 for seven lessons. 650-3048 Saturday JOINT EFFORT, see Fnday list- ing. 80B KEANE, HIS CLARINET AND OJ\CHFJITRA perform for y.our dancing pleasure from 2-6 p.m. at Osko's C'lub Manna. 190 Manna Dr Seapon Village. Long Beach S.1 cover charge includes free appetizer buffet (213) 493-6444. JAZZ DANCERS INC., sec h1da> ·~ Jau listing Sunday 808 KEANE, HIS CLARINET AND ORCHESTRA perform for your dancing pleasure from 4·3()..8 30 pm at Osko's Club Manna. 190 Manna Dr . Seaport Village. Long Ekach. S' co"er charge includes free appc111cr hufTct. (2 lJ) 493-6444 Monday TRACY WELLS. '>('C' \llondu' \ Jau l1s11ng. "'WLDCATir HAD ME CHEERING FAOll THE• •w•• Oc*ll • · ~. ll"tdllli11ag. ,--. 8'b .. and fUI °' moilla ...... touchdown." _,, •••0.....--- "Hawn remains a preeminently delicious comedienne. 'Wlldcats' Is a laugh.getter.'' -... ~-o •• ..,"M"" "Wiii you laugh a lot? You bet! It's fun!" "Goldie Is always a treat to watch." W"BC IV l!Mw ""'~I Jo.Is~ -:?'-, GOLDIE HAWN I I ,.. 1"1 . J I "You can't help cheering for Coach Goldie.' "Goldie Hawn scores a httl 'Wlldcat1' 11 entertaining I' £_._......,, rll"-O"' L_,.,dM"'"' .... ,,..,mltlllll,.. &mil ITQI Ill m•• IUllt' IMlSUI Slmmll ,_...._.,.lOO kllr•WISll.llllllSIOl•- ,_._,.TIASUll Mlll!DM Im ....,., Dll lllll R .......... -=-~-=-:.--·:-.. ··:-:..· $ . IOW llOWllll ..... 179-1150 IL Tm Sll·SNe u .... (213) '91·0633 PACf'IC IMOI Dl·ll EDW.-S SMlllUIACI -FASMOll SQUM( -,.. m...tttJ •-t1U1Y us.nee w u1.0340 UA ..,_, t .__ fCMnMI OUCf -OU. llW..l -.YA ma 979-4141 -551.-S W 634-ZW EDWMDS CIDA cono f:OWMDS --SY\f'f cm CDITB UITI AM· EDWUDS •TOL Soe0-7444 MARTIN 6 TONl'S Swing Dante Club meets each Monday at the Hot Spot. 7492 Edinger Ave .. Huntington Beach. 7 p.m. features Beginning West Coast Swing, 8 p.m. offers Intermediate Swing, and 9 p.m brings social dancini wuh a SIOO swing dance contest. S4 class le'iwn includes cover charge of S3 8~7442. JOINT EFFORT. Set" Fnday hs1- 1ng. TaeM&y THE SOUTH COAST BALLET Co. presents "La~beslicdcr Waltzer." onginaUy choreographed by George Balanchine and rcchoreop-aphcd by James Jones. visiting lecturer in dance. artjstic director. Gu~t soloist is Jillana, former New York City Ballet principal dancer and now v1s111ng lecturer in dance. Accompa- nymg the performance is the Capistrano Valley Symphony and thr Orange County Master Chorale Other works betng perfonncd arc "Sflnflowcr" b y Anthony Tudor and Jones' "Olympic Fanfare" danced to John Williams' 1984 Olympic theme. Also. exccrplS from the Easter ponion of Haydn's Messiah arc sung by the Master Chorale. 8 p.m .. UC Irvine's Fine Ans V 1Uagc Theattt. S 12.50 and SI 0 admission. 856-6616. JOINT EFFORT,, sec. f nda)' lisL:. 1ng. WEEKLY SENIOR DANCES are presented by the Cost.a Mesa Seniors from 8-1 1 p.m. Featured is live band music and a large. wooden dance floor Costa Mesa Women·s Club. 6 10 W. 18th St.. Costa Mesa. S.! donation. WedneM&y JOlNT EFFORT, Stt Frida) ll\I 1ng. THESOUTHCOAST BALLETC o see Tuesday hst1ng Tha.nday JOINT EFFORT, ~ Fnday h~t rng • FILMS - P'rtday "NOSF E RATU." Werner Hermg. director (We t Germany 1978) fh" film 1s a remake of F.W Murnau\ vampire masterpiece. Prcscntt.-d a' pan of UC Irvine's Film Soc1ct} winter quaner senes. 7 p.m .. UCT~ Social Science Hall. S3. S2.50 and S~ at the door. "QUEBEC . . . THE FRENCH CONNECTION." Sec Fnday's Sem- inar hst1ng. Friday "ALONE TOGETHER" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 s: 1 Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana (979-55 11 ), nightly except Mondays at varying curuun times throuah Ma.reh 30. "AS YOU LntE It" at South Coast Repenory. 655 Town Center Dnve. Costa Mesa (957-4033), Tuesdays through Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 2:30 and 8, Sundays at 2:30 and 7:30 until March 30. "COME BAClt TO THE 5 AND DIME, JIMMY OEAN, JIMMY DEAN" in the Playboll Theater at Golden West Colleae in Hununaton Beach (89$·8378), Thursdays throu&b Saturdays et 8 p.m.. unday 11 3 p.m. until March 23. "COME BLOW YOUR HORN" at 1he San Clemente Commumty Theater, 202 Ave. C.brillo. San Clemente (492-0465). Thursdays tbrou&h Saturdays at 8 p.m unul Mard i 22 "I 00, J DO" at the Grand Dinner Theater. See Friday listins. .._.:_.A~~•-..Fliiiiiiiill\DAJ• .. I DNT INUED .. IN THE BOOM BOOM ROOM" at UC Irvine. Sec Friday listing. "DAN" ,.,#the Laauna Moulton Playhouse. See Friday listing. "THE DAY THEY SHOT JORN LENNON" at Orange Coast College's Drama Lab Theater. Costa Mesa (432-5527), final pcrfonnances to- night and Saturday at 8 p.m .. Sunday at 2 p.m. · "mE DR~ER" at the Gem Theater, 12852 Main St., Garden Grove (636-7213). Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sunday performances March 16 at 7:30. March 23 at 3 p.m. ''FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" by the Regional Repcnory Theater at the Forum Theater. 41 75 Fairmont Blvd.. Yorba Linda (996-4195). Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m .• Sundays at 2 p.m. until March 23. "GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE" at the Westminster Community Theater. 7272 Maple St .. Westminstcr(99S-4113). Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through April 12 with a matinee at 2 p.m. April 6. "GUYS AND DOLLS" at the Buena Park Civic Theater. Buena Park High School. Magnolia and Academy, Buena Park (821-10 I 0), closing pcr- times throulh April 27. "PAJAMA TOPS" at the Hunt- ington Beach Playhouse. Main Strut at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach (832-1405 ), Fridays and Satur- daX,S at 8:3j) throulh April 5. THE SHADOWBOX" by I.he Stop. Gap theater company at the Forum Theater on the festival of Arts grounds. Laguna Beach (722-7727). tonigbl. Saturday and March 20-22 at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2:30 p.m. "UNSUITABLE FOR ADULTS" on the Second Stage of South Coast Rcpcnory. 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa (957-4033), Tuesdays through Fridays at 8:30. Saturdays at 3 and 8:30. Sundays at 3 aod 8 p.m. until April 6. "THE VELVETEEN RABBIT" b} the Fountain Valley Community Theater at Golden West College's Forum II 10 . Hunungton Beach (895-8378M:Fridays at 7:30. Satur- days and/Sundays at 2:30 through March 23. .. THE UNG AND I" at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater. Sec Friday listing. "PAJAMA TOPS" at the Hunt· in.gton Beach Playhouse. See Friday listing. . ''THE SHADOW BOX" at I.he Forum Theater, Laguna Beach. See Friday listing. . "UNSUITABLE FOR ADULTS" on the Scc.ond Staie of South Coast Rcpcnory. See Friday listing. "THE VELVETEEN llABBIT" by the Fountain Valley Community Theater at Golden West College. Sec Friday listing.. Sunday "ALONE TOGETHER" at the Harlequin Dinner Theater. Sec Fn· day listing. "AS YOU LIKE IT" at South Coast Repertory. Sec Friday listing. ''COME BACK TO THE 5 AND DIME, JIMMY DEAN, JIMMY DEAN" at Golden West College. Sec Friday listing. "THE DR~ER" at the Gem Saturday Theater. See Fridat:~ing. ''FIDDLER ON ROOF" at the "ALONE TOGETHER" at the Forum Theater; Yorba Linda. Sec Harlequtn D1nnc-r Playhou.se. Sec Fridaytrsting. Friday "GLORY OF EASTER" continues with special effects including the largest theatrical indoor stonn and a simulated car1bQuake . .1.. A host of animals, as well as two flyina anscls. arc also in the production. Runs Tucs.-;Sun. throulh Apr. 7 with showum~ et 6:3b and 8:30 p.m. Crystal Catbcdral.l 12141 l,.ewis St .. Garden Grove. ) 18 and S 14 ad- mission. 54-GLORY. "DIE FLEDERMAUS," the comic operetta by Johann Strauss. is per- formed by the Chapman Opera Workshop and actors from drama classes, along with Chapman Col· legc's Chamber Orchestra. Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band and the Jan Combo. Barry Silverman c.onducts. Fri.-Sal. at 8 p.m .. and Suo. at 4 p.m. CC's WaJtmar Theatre, 333 N. Glassetr, Orange. $6 and $3 ad- mission. 997-6812. THE HOME RESTORATION and Remodeling Show continues with ·a "whars·new'' supermarket of home improvement nnd decorating ideas. Tonight from 4-10 p.m .. Sat. 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Anaheim Stadium. Gate 10. $3.75 aod $2 admission. (213) 463-0743. -LMWNA-POE1'8 mee-t eaeh$ri.-at 8 p.m. for scheduled and open readmas 11 the Laauna Beach Public Library. Tonpt feanuu Steve A. Gl'iffin, Michael Mollett, Douah Knott, and Mike Brunet. 494-9SSOOT 494-8375. MJCllAEL JORDAN, acdaimed contempc>rary pianist, appean in the Irvine Marriott Kot~rs Skyliaht Lounge. Mon .• fri. noon·2 p.m. and S-9 p.m. 18000 Von Karman Ave .. Irvine. SSJ.-O lOO. ROBERT OUQUESNEL enter- tains on the piuo with a wide variety of musical selections TUC$ • ..S.t. from S-9 p.m. Irvine Hilton and Towers' Lobby Lounge. 17900 J"mbottt Blvd .. Irvine. 86J..31 I I. · .. SPRINGTIME 80l1MQUE" is honed by Design Impression&. Ltd .. an interior dcsi.gn firm. Handcrafted gif\ items are available for sale. Today from 10 a.m.-8 p.m .. Sat.-Suo. from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 2940F E. La Palma A vc .. East AnahcLm. 63(). 7990. CONFREY PHILLIPS features renditions of Cole Poner, ~rsbwin and contemporary favorites Tues.· Sat. from 8:30 p.m. Also. the Bra- zilian songstress. Nilsa.joins him on Wed. and Thurs. evenings. Clup Copa. 633 Anton Blvd .. Costa M 662-2672. "THE DESERT SONG" is pres- ented by the· Whittier-La Mirada Light Opera Association. Gary Davis dir~cts this romantic talc of adven- ture, and Jan Ritschcl is musical dncctor.r-Thur.s.&t....8-p.m...SU.n..2:30 p.m. La Mirada Civic Theatre. $1 2 -formanees--tonight;Htd-Satu-rday at 8- p.m. "HELLO, DOLLY" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. 140 Ave. Pico. San Clemente (492-9950). Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m .. Sundays at I and 7 p.m. until April 6. Friday listing. "HELLO, DOLLY" at Sebastian's "AS YOU LIKE IT" at South Coast West Dinner Playhouse. Sec Fnday ~------------------------- Repertory. Sec Friday listing. listing. "THE HOUSE AT POOH COR- NER" in the Studio Theater of Saddleback College. Mission VicJo (582-4{)56). Fndays al 7 p.m., Satur- days and Sundays at 3 p.m. through March 23. "I DO, I DO" at the Grand Dinnt'r Theater. I Hotel Way. Anaheim (772-7710). nightly exc.ept Mondays at varying curtain times through Apnl6. "IN THE BOOM BOOM ROOM" at UC lrvinc·s Fine Arts Lillie Theater (856-6616). tonigh and Saturday only at 8 p.m. -.........__ "KEAN" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach (494-0743). final performances tonight and Satur- day at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2:30 p.m. "THE KING AND I" at the Curtain Call Dinnt'r Theater. 690 El (amino Real. Tustin (838-1540), nightly ex- cept Mondays at varyin& cunain ti Ill.JI lRIJI .. The Film Everybody's Talking About. ";j,' ·~, .... ..,,,.,,... --- •--NOWPLAVJNG - .... ,• ' , I 4 '•'TI I ,,,' rj t.f J • • '' lt:r "COME BACK TO THE 5 AND "THE HOUSE AT POOH COR- DIME, JIMMY DEAN, JIMMY NER" at Saddleback College. See DEAN" at Golden West College. Sec Friday listing. Friday listing. "I DO, I DO'' al the Grand Dinner "COME BLOW YOUR HORN" at Theater. Sec Friday listing. the San Clemente Community "KEAN" at the Laguna Moulton Theater. See Friday listing. Playhouse. Sec Friday listing. "THE DAY THEY SHOT JOHN "THE KING AND J" at the Curtain LENNON" at Orange Coast College. Call Dinner Theater. Sec Friday Sec Friday listing. listing. "THE DR~ER" at the Gem "THE SHADOW BOX" at the Th.catt'r. See Friday listing. Forum Theater, Laguna Beach. Se~ "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" at the Friday listing.. . Forum Theater. Yorba Linda See "UNSUITABLE FOR ADULTS" Friday listing. on the Second St.age of South Coast "GEORGE WASHING'.fON Repenory. Set-Friday listing. SLEPT ff.ERE" at \}le Wes~mins_tcr "THE VEitVETEEN RABBIT" by Community Theater. Sec Fn~hst· the Fountain Valley Community ing. -..... Theater at Golden Wtllt College. See "GUYS AND DOLLS" at ~e Bu~na Fnday listing. Park Civic Theater. See Fnday list- ing. "HELLO, DOLLY" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. See Friday listing. "THE HOUSE AT POOH COR· NER" at Saddleback College. See Fnday lisung. Tue.day "ALONE TOGETHER" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Sec Friday listing. "AS YOU LIKE IT" at South Coast Repertory. See Friday listjng. Ci1ACADEMY AWARD ~ NOMINATIONS BEST FOREIGN FILM BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY "YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS 'THE OFFICIAL STORY'-CERTAJNLY THE BEST FOREICN FILM Of THE YEAR." ''"'~"''"" "BY I-AR THE YEAR'S RESTMOVlE." i.,. u .. ,.1'tr.,..ctt,.•n \••l'f••IW' \w'lilt~~ "AN ASTONISHING FILM." ...,ttl\ tt ... · , •. , \' ~ .4 I "A F'll.M OF SURPASSING SUBTLETY AND INSIGHT ... ELEGANTI Y PERSUASIVE ANO HAUNTING." rrhe Official St011' t f\t \H"<\ ...a,.,... •~tti,\.Hl,..\t,'li\tl .\.IWMflt.-"4•t•t,JNl 41 UW1111• .,_ llt"i<\ AU~'11111tfl \t ,,,;,111 ,..,.. t 'i/H Of+ llft•l.o\t ~ft~ ''-"'t .... ~llt9'.-rrt~/0 Fal 1111 I.SI ... [ .................... J.l1-..,,_.._ ........ - edw ards LIDO CINEMA Mt••• I ' I C>vd••IC 673 8350 •' ' • , •Oi.._""' NIW,..J lt l l•C.,_ UT/IR 11tM 2141.wo 1111, l1SO flwy lei..,'(! lh1•v l.111~ht'CI Hwv lwd All 111 1h~· n.inl<· ol l11t·ncf,h1p MARYlYI FR MOORf CHRl<;TIN£ LAHll ';AM WATFR <;TON HD DAN\ON An M fM [n1t•riw1°"" l'r11du< lion MARY TYi 11< MC X )Kl C HKl\ llNE l Al Ill V\M WAH RS TON Tr 11 DAN"i< >N "JU~ l B£ TWHN F Kii ND'·t,, •• , ......... , •••• .. ~···" f>AH<K "-WllllAM"> """'"""'"" EA~I KLUC,li P•n• •· .. ,. .. .., ,,., IORI >AN ( KONE NWf 1 H " 1-..~ ... 11 .. EOWARD TH T~ .-1Al LAN BUKN\ ,.,...,., ... ,, ....... 11 .. All AN BURN\ ~ • .. • -•• •• -.. ....... fl' 1'.9!.A.N PO·IJ ,.,_,~,..j ,., •"·· ""' • . ...,.,, .... • ........,... ·••• t..---................. --" ,_,,_~·--~ ...... .__ • TOMORROW NIGHT AT THESE SB.ECT THEATRES • _,.152-49'3 ............... -U..ltll UA lllMJ I u.m.....,Cll uacm conn ..,._ •• )101 -JD4.DU ltlllll ltl•N 7 OlltaaCID& ~.usrn a.a-u•conu a .,..511.ts00 -m.uee u--.MGa OIWMDS 0. TillO ----l ~l.Ama' Dally Pilot Oatebook/ Friday. March 14, 1a86 7 BRITAIN are 1he focus of a ~lately entcSUms each Sat. night dunn Wed.naday Homes Private An Collccuons Tour spnna months. Also, an exh1b ,1_.:~A111·~'1,1._ ... 11;._.11\DAl ... 1 C 0 N T I N U e · D SCRABBLE 1s played on the first Apr. 1-15. Sponsored by he Newport mo~ than 20 ani{acts and r. and third Wednesdays of each month liarbor An Museum. price ofS2300 &raPbs auociated with the 1 at 7 p.m. a1 the N~n Beach J)tt person includes 13 naa.hts hotel PrHident Abraham Lmcoln bas Tennis Oub. 2601 EastblufT Dnvc. accommodation~. nine full dinne~. been Clltended for one year. Newport Beach. Call 979'-7321 for breakfast daily. thrtt m:cpuons and includes corrcs~ndcoce .,1ha1 1nformat1on. three cocktail parties. a complete never bet-11 published 1n ats enta and S I 0 ad m 1ss1on. 994-6310. THE AMERICAN INDIAN and \\ t'\lern l(chc Show presents authcn- t•t works crafted by Indian artisans and includes a wide vanc1y of uflmng~ from Jewelry to dolls to rugs. \n .\mcncan Indian dance as prts· l·ntrd an full color authentic Indian LO\lumc ·a1. al 2 and 6 pm. and Sun .it 2 pm Open Fn. from 2-8 pm .. Sat IO a.m.·IS p.m .. Sun. IOa.m.·5 p.m. S4 and SI admission Pasadena Center, l()O E. Green St . Pasadena. (2 1 3) 770-4446. SAFARI SAM'S presents 17 l'\gm1n The Stallc\, and Th<" riu rrs 41 1 Oli ve SI. Huntington Beach 536-602 S CO MPd SE R INGRAM MARSHALL and photographer J101 lkngi.1un prest"nl a 1.1.nrld premiere of their collaborat1 .. e mu lu-mcd1a pt·r- formanu· piece l hey employ music. hlad, and white photographs. and rnlor slide\ 10 eumane the pnson al Ak atra1 1ts geographical locauon and us rela11onsh1p to 1he surround- ing mctropohtan area 8 p.m . Ncw- pon Harbor An Museum. 850 San Clemente Dr . Newpon Beach $5 511 "'H .\ M members~~ 7 50 general ad- m1'>'>10n. Sl 50 students 759-11 22 LEE FERRELL. w11h Laura Vada .ind Hal Rathfl, ''-held o'er 1n- ddlnatel\ al ( lub 17, 16 70 Newpon Bhd Co\ta Mc~ 64~-5448 Saturday CONFREY PHILLIPS, '>CC Fnda) 11\ling THE HOME RESTORATION and kl.'llllKkhng Show. !>Ci.' rnda} hs11ng SAFARI SAM'S features Holy Sa.,. 11.:r' of C raga Dada. lJ ntold Fable\, OpaqUl' W1ndo1.1. and Map ofFrancc 411 011\t: St llun11ng1on Beach ~ lfl-6()~ ~ TH£ AMERICAN INDIAN and V. t\lern Rehc Show sec Fnda} ll\11 ng "DIE FLEDERMAUS," see Fnday lt\11ng ROBERT. DUQUESNEL, sec Fri-dal hs1 1ng. EE FERRELL, see Fnday hsung ''GLORY Of' EASTER," sec Friday ""•ng. "SPRINGTIME BOUTIQUE," ~ r nday ll\tlng. and features a men's and women's CONFREY PHILLIPS. see Fnday s1ght~1ngprogram. deluxe transpor-as well as the last lener Lincoln div1s1on Emcee is Nancy Walker. listing. 1auon. and full escon and hoSl service to his wife, just 12 da_ys bcfor current Miss Southern c.ahfomia. ROBERT DUQUESNEL. stt Fn· throughout. 1-800-457-9515. e11ccut1on. Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m."6 There as no charge 10 enter the da) h 1ing. "FUN, SUN AND THE COMET" 1~ Sat. 9 a.m..•midnigbt. Sun. 9 a. contest. I p.m .• Ora~ Mall. 2209 N. "GLORY OF EASTER.'' stt Fnday 1he ulle of a 2Q..day tour of New Pm. 999-4S6S. Tustin, Orange. 974-8370. hsung. Zealand for outdoor lovers and ltNO'l'T'S BERAY FARM, THE HOME RESTORATION and SAFARI SAM'S presents The amateur astronomers mtcrc<.tcd in Beach Blvd .• Buena Parle. The Remodeling Show, sec Friday liSling. Nunns. The Daggers. and Astro Girls s1udy1ng Halley's Come1 Held Mar. features 16S rides, shows and at "SPRlNGTIME BOUTIQUE," sec 411 Ohvc St . Huntington Beach. "·Apr. 19. highlights include mC'et· lions in four themed areas inclu Fnday listing. . 536-6025. angs and parties with local astronomy the Old West Ghost Town, F SAFARI SAM'S features Soc1ol MICHAEL JORDAN. '.).CC' Fnda) du~ in Auckland. Rotorua. Well-Village. lhc Roaring '20s and ( 01s1ortion and guest. 4 11 Ohve St., hs11ng.. 1ngton, Queenstown and Dunedin. Snoopy. Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 Huntington ~ch. 536-6025. S2,687pcrperson.doublc occupancy. Sat. 10 a.m.-10 p.m., Sun. 10 a THE AMERICAN INDIAN and Thureday includes round·tnp airfare, first class p.m. 220.5200. Western Rchc Show, sec Fnda} ANTIQUES EXPO AND SALE is hotels. a home-stay. ~pec1al MARINELAND, 6610 Palos hsung. presented by Dorothy Emerson and astronomy-related mceun~ and lee-des Or. So .• Rancho Palos Ve Don Nolan ThJS event features the tu res. ground transpona11on. trans-Guided tours arc featurtd on Mo Monday collecuons of 116 leading dealers in ft:~. porterage. dail) s1ghtscerng and and Tuesday each -.uk dunng SCRABBLE 1s played each Mon· antiques from near and far. Today-more. 960.2300. winter months. After learning da) at I p.m. at 1hc uisurc World Mar.22from l-10p.m .. Mar.23from A CELEBRITY BENEFIT GOLF of the history o( the 31-ycar clubhouse 2 on Mouhon Parkway an noon-6 p.m. Orange: County Fair-TOURNAMENT 1<; held by Oh"c oceananum, the tOIH'S depan Uiguna _Hills. Call 837-7223 for grounds Commerce Bldg .. 88 Fair Crest Treatment Centers. In c .. a non-two-hour stroll through lhe informauon Dr .. Costa Mesa. $3 and $2 ad-profit organazauon that a.smts Stops include "Baja Reef." MICHAEL JORDAN, see Friday mission 751 -3247. abused and neglected boys and girts. whaks Oney and Corky. pchc h~lang. SCRABBLE is played each Thurs-at the Santa Ana Country Club S 175 penguins. walrus', dolpttms. and EMERSON DANCE THEATRE da} at 6:30 p.m. at Home Federal cntr. fee per person entallcs each hons. Guests arc introduced to hold~ a wine and cheese tasting party Savings on Main Street al Yorktown pla}cr to 18 hoks of golf, a pulling of the most lovable animalsalon to suppon professional ballet m Avenue. Huntington Beach. C'all contc,1, free gifts. auc11on. refresh· way. and tour guides answer Q Orange County. Emerson dancers as 960-2729 for information. ment\ on the course. pri1e~. and a lions of virtually every nature. 1.1.cll as other Amencan Ballet Theatre ROBERT DUQUESNEL, sec f n . superb dinner. CO'it of dinner and adults. S3 .childrm ages .3-11~ ctlcbr111cs will be ~nt. 7-9:30 <tay listmt, aucuon only 1!> S25 Tournament co· park is fully open Wcd.-Sun. fro p 01 . Foxfire Restaurant. Anaheim THE 'RISE AND SHINERS," chairman as Jc:IT Kemp of lhc Los a m.·5 p.m. (213) 377-1571. Hill\ SI S donation with spectacular Toastmasters Oub No. 5341 , meets Angeles Rams. 547-0361 MOVIELAND WAX MUSE door pn1c\ offered. 993-9922. from 6:30-7:45 a.m. each Thursday 77 11 Beach Blvd .. Buena Park. El CELEBRATION SOUTH! presents The> focus on personal and pro-Ongotnc E•enta as the newest fcaturtd replica am 11.1.0 SDCakcrs and a d1stingu1shed fess1onal growth through public BALBOA PAVILION. 400 Main the already laborate collcct1 on panel who look into the design crystal speaking. Rosalyn n's ~cstaur-Jnt. \1.. Balboa. < atalana Passenger Ser· movie and television memora ball, new ~howrooms. new collec-• {rothard and Edinger. Huntington vice pro~1dc!> da1I ) 5erv1ce to including hfe-hke replicas of 11on~. fre'ih 1deai.. demonstrations Beach 962-8365. ( atahna 6 73-5245. than 200 renowned stars. D:uly and workshops. Begins at 9 a.m .. and MICHAEL JORDAN, sec Fnda)' BRIGGS CUNNINGHAM AUTO· a.m.-8 p.m. with Fri.-Sa1. open un (ioodC'ompany performsfordancing listing. MOTIVEMUSEUM,250 E. BakerSt . p.m' 522-1155. from 6-10 p.m after 1hc day of "GLORYOFEASTER,"seeFnda" (ostaMesa.An tiqurcarsmca 1912-OLD WORLD VILLAGE, 7 husancss. Dcsign\cnterSouth.23811 hs1ing. ' present are on display 9 a.m -5 pm. Center Ave .. Huntington Be Al is<> CreC'k Rd .. Laguna Niguel. CONFREY PHlLLIPS, sec Fnda}' Wed.-Sun. 546-7660. S~c1alty shops art located in 64 3·2929 lasung. CATAWNA CRUISES, Catalana village that futures the charm SAf' ARI SAM 'S, 'CC Sunday lasting. SAFARI SAM'S presents ~uildcd Landing. Long Beach. Whale wntch· quaint European v1lla~s with ~ and Swamp Zombies. 411 Olive St.. ing 1s available through this weekend. bled streets. lantern lights. and Tue.day Hun11ngton Beach. 536-6025. The three-hour cruise fea1u~s 700-murals of European scenes paa passenger. tnrlc-deckcd vesseli. on extenor walls by European ani SAFARI SAM'S fea tures Henry 527-7111. 894-0747. Rollins. poetry; and Endgame. a play A..._ IA."-* :S:: DISNEYLAND, 131 3 Hartx>r QUEEN MARV, Long Be b) Samuel Bccken. 41 I Olive St.. WVll='\L1': Blvd., Anaheim. The new '"Circus Harbor at the end of the Long Be Huntington Beach. 'S.36-6025. "HOW TO RAISE YOUR ELF· Fantasy" event. a Park-wide carcui. Frttway. Exh1b1t.s include spc "GLORY OF EASTER," sec Fnday celebration. continues da1l'-show-effect sound and light shows in ESTEEM." This intensive, con-/ E · R d Wh th hsung. casing professional clown~. ngine oom an ec ousc CONFREY PHILLIPS, sec Friday ducted by Dr. Nathaniel Branden and daredevils and live animal acts. enacting a near<0llision at sea. hst1ng. Devers Branden. is sponsored by Th "Circus on Parade" as presented at 2 an elltensive Worid War II dis Bioccntric Institute. Mar. 21-23. Par-8 d 8 Pm Sat S d 3 depicting the "Queen'$'' active ro SCRABBLE 1s played each Tues-ticipants learn how self-concept af-n · · ·• un.. an p.m. o ' da~ at 6.·30 p.m. al Home F-.. eral Tues.-Fri. The new "Country Bear a troopshj'! .. Daily I a.m -v P , ~ fcctsyouai work and m relationships. (213) 43S. SI 1 Sunday Savings. on Calle de la Plata at Pasco how to nurture the self-esteem of Vacation Hoedown" allraction fea-· de ·valenc1a, Laguna Hills. Call others. what having good self-esteem turcs continuous showings daily. The Q U E E N • S W ff A "GLORY OF EASTER," see Friday 5S6-2378 for information. 1 k d fi 1 rk d h Magic K.inadom continues 10 eel-SPORTFISIUNG, Berth 5S. Pon hs11nf oo s an ee s ' e. an many ot er ebratc its ~h anniversary wnh lhe Long Beach. Whale watching cru1 "D E FLEDERMAUS," sec Friday ROBERT DUQUESNEL, see Fn-topics. $30() fee for weekend. Los "Git\ Giver Extraordinaire Ma-depan twice daily through Apr. I Angeles Hilton, 930 Wilshire Blvd. 10 d l .. ~-c h~11ng. day listing. 2 3162J.S90) chine," includin1 a new Pontiac a.m. an p.m., lo stt hrcx; g A NOVICE BODY BUILDING MICHA EL JORDAN, see Fnday ( I ) · Firebird every ay. "Videopolis," a giantsastheyJoumeyontheirann ( on1es1 as held by 1hc coastal counties hs11ng. TREASURE HOUSES OF dancing nightspot for young adults. I S.OOOmale migratiQn from Alask ~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~:"!iiiliiilililiiiiii:l:===~~~=:=:==:==.~~====.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Mexico. SS and $6.SO admiss1 . l uxu•Y rHIAr•n group rates available. (213) 432·8 $2 .• ltt 2 M•I• w .. kO•r• * ~INl:·P:I OONll-He fought his first battle SAN JUAN CAPISTRA s WALK·INS* "~:'.~:.~1"'J"~:.•t',.:~,~-;~ SPEAKUSA1HaAc1< onlheS<-.oltishHighlandsln15Jfl. MISSION , 31882 C ama QJ1\ii);ij3i'1ff!1iij;J4 fi>:~Wl/.:9:9;J HfJ will fight hlNRmutes1 b.'itth· ~!~ti~:n~~Ot'a~l. ~!r.r~t~. m m1111111!!f ''" s,,.,,... on the streets of New York C.:il" in 1986. I "Id" h • f h G HOuse: t•• ••LDCATS c•t S ' o dest bu1 ana. t e nuns o t e sHOw sAf SHOWsAf K.Me.WSOl'T... Hisnameh1Connor Mac.l.eod. Stone Church. soldiers barrac ~JS7U&tlS )·4o 7 soa.iooo cnY nn ... 1119IHIC ~ ·r.1 ..... d Moon ""1"1 t•I He I Immortal. ~aut11u ~'"ens. an two muse rooms with artifacts from Na1 Ac.tdemY Nominee! .., ...... .,., ltOllAllCE ~tJI SHOWS AT $ 20' 30 & '40 CROM "OAOS (It) SHOWS AT 1•20,:10 t >)O 7·40 & t )0 91/Z~Clt) ~HOWS Ar s 40 e·oo & 10·20 CIUMO HO CN-t. SHOWS AT i :00 l :.tO ' 4 0 1 oo & 1 o· .to --------...--------AcMern,. Hornl"" OCJW911 ""° OUT IN T .. COLD• NII~ C ..VW.•LY .. ...._.(It) NICTTY 1• ""'Mad Mu, .. yOftd SHOWS AT i110 J ·H .... K .... ,., fl'IUftd.,dorne C~·U) I Jt 7 JO 6 10100 I OOl·tOt 1o7 >O~tAO ll~NOl• .... ll OUT a. AP•ICA .. . SHOWS AT tJ,•t )rU 7:006 t•rll /lOMM ll~N~il COU)lt f'Utll'\Jl .. , s"ows AT 1ros 410$ l 10I 6 10 01 ... lllWllll ·-·•·S. ._UlllUMQ IMA ltMl21 mtl m& Ml--2111 ---m.iMO llA lllJWIJ 4 .,_to COAST PWA --O lWI -,. tsz.mJ •••• .. 141 .. 110 -m.._ •.ma -CMIBc:uml --~ -.. 121 ... 70 -..... -&M-Ull PacR ... ,.... --I IK ~-·· mta-u1.•1 u-•• -ue.•11 --._,.Tm PACK LA .. ' IM cm cono •wu1n11 -1n1a• • ua tElWBlll ML nJ.tSte American and eat1y Spanish cull Daily 7:30a.m.-S p.m. 493-1424. SEA WORLD, 1720 S. Sho Road, Mission Bay. San Diego. lions cllplorc a " pooky K Castle" in tbc seal and otter sh Also offe~ is "Dolphin Discove the ARCO Penguin Encounter. a million cllhibit that houses penguin$, and killer whale Sha Daily 9 a.m.-8 p.m. (619) 226-390 ~IX FLAGS MAOIC MOUNT Al Magic Mountain Pa.tit-way lit o Interstates. Valencia. More than l n<tn U\owsandanractions1ncludi an I SOOS stS'le crafts viltqc and Roanna Rapids whhe water adv ture a.re offered. Call for hours. (81 991-0884. a Dally Piiot Oatebook/ Friday, March 14. 1986 - w It's a glorious Easter show By JERRY RJCE .,..,,...c.,11r t11 It is nearing lht end of a long dress rehearsal. but the directors arc s11ll concerned about some last-minute details Co·<hrcctor Conwell Worthington 1l 1sad v1s1ng the actors pQruaying the 12 d1sc1plcs not to leave their hands folded at the table for 1he Last Supper. "It looked hke ~ou're ... all having 1ct cream," he said. demonstrating for the actors what the1 should no1 do. "Try 10 be doing different thang.s, and be careful not lo have the hands on the table pose." Cons1denng the scope of "The Glory of Easter" presentation which opened last week al the Crystal Cathedral 1n Garden Grove, a detail ~uch as that might get lost. A.f1cr all, this third annual re- enactment of the last days of Chnst o nearth features a volunteer cast of 400 and an assortment ofhve animals 1nclud1ng peacocks. goats, donkeys, ho~. a tiger and two jaguars. It TV takes place on a JOO.foot wide. two- story high set. 1he largest ever built for an indoor production. To give the show added impact, a number of special effects arc used throughout tht 80..minute prescn· talion. including fire, pyrotCC'hnics. .. 1bratmg sounds and h&htning flashes tl\at give off the equivalent of 40.000 Oash cubes. St.apng such an event can be a l~sucal nightmare. evrn when things arc going well. "It's nothing hke a regular pro- duction," said Wonhangton. "It's like goin~ to Anaheim Stadium for a play. That s why we need 1wo sc1s of eyes directing it." In a production w11h 1he scope of "The Glory of Easter,"' 1l may be easy to overwhelm and distract the au- dience with everything that 1s going on.·· The label coined by the or- ganizers. "environmental epic theatre." 1s not given without good rcASOn. "There 1s a grand and threatening • AACHi FAOM SANT A AHrf A rp NEWS -7:45-ID WASHINGTO.. WEE< 1H AEVIEWO -•-'00-• CJ) MAGIC Of DA VIO COPf'ERfJE.LD IL""'10E t t F'Of'lllng Mad 11976) Leon Isaac I(~ tnqtel'lar1 I ~.000 PYRAMID i =IN CINCINNATI e MOYIE •••• , Ro5ematy s Baby 119681 Mia F1110<W JofWI Cassavetes • WASHN}TO.. W££J( IN :=THELOPD GOONNAREED (C)MOYIE ••••, Hombre· (t96n PautNew· m>NEWS opening to establtsb lhe play," said WonhiQJton. "We bombard lhe senses ofthe audience by bringing out the animals right from the start. That way. they get used to them being there and are not distracted." "It takes a lot of planning and work to present a show hke 'The Glory of Easter: It st.ans with cast and crew selCClions (Roben Reed, of TV's "The Brady Bunch" was chosen for the role of King Herod), and ooo- . eludes with a manthon session of setting up the stage and lighting and five weeks of rehearsals." Worthington. who has been the production manager for over 25 Broadway prcsentatjons, and co- dircaor Robcn Coleman !\ave the backgrou'od lo ha,ndle the event Coleman l\as staic manaaed and assisted in the production oi "Supr" at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Worthington and Coleman have also- co-dircctcd the Crystal Cathedral's other production event. .. The Glory of Christmas." (%)MOYIE • • ··T11e Son; Remlrls The s.nt" (1978) -1~ MOYIE t t "Confessions Of A Window Clune(' (1974) Rot>in Asllwltll. Alt- tllony Booth. -12: 10- l~ TY TOWEM U •I+ "Tile Kllltng Fields" ( 1984) Sam Waterston. Htlng S Ngot. -t2:30- I 8 FNMY NIGHT VIDEOS COMEDY llAfAK laPBll8fT NEWS MERYCRmN LCM. AMEflCM STYLE aoewae MOYIE t • • t The Empire Strik• Bldt" ( 1980) Mark ~. HlfflSOll Ford. MOYIE * t'~ "Fi<tstll'ler" (1984) ~ Keith, Drew ElarrymClft. man. Fre<111c Marell Gil FAMILYOHE WAY GAME }()MOVIE (!.) INOEP£JIU'HT NEWS -12:85- • BE.ST Of THREE THf& 0 -12:45-t t •, · Tul1 Turf t 19841 James -11:00- SpaOer Kim RICl1ards 8 D 8 e aJ 8 NEWS r:ti CARSON'S COMEDY CLASSICS e CAASOttS COMEDY CLASSICS ( ST AHO BY ME: A PORTRAIT Of • g llClAMf .JWAH l.EMtON e 8AANEY •LEA -1:1$-Ci> TO llUHNOUNCED 69 WALL STET WEE< Cl) MS DAY -8:30-8i) DAU.AS HOlM 8 9 MR. BELVEIERE m NIGHT GAU.ERV JOKEJt'S WILD MOYIE ~ ~. M.D * "Nlghlltlt ( 1983) Bridgette I P M MAGAZINE Monet LOiii Sanders wN_• TAEET WEE< ST ART Of SOMETfflNG BIG DONhA l&O -11:05- H()N(YM()OHERS e AH EVEHINO WITH BARBARA -t:CIO-COOK •1=~ I :,!PT STROKESO .MOYIE t t t Bend Of Tilt RIYer (19521 JllllllS si..111. AnllUr t<enl'edy I~ FEJ)S STRAIGHT \JP t • t "Smouy And Tile Bandl1" ( 1977) 8uf1 Reynolds, Sally Field I PAAISE TIE LOAD FAn9 KNOWS BEST MOYIE U •.; "The FlllTMngO Kid' (1984) Matt Dillon. Richard Cfenna STAATIE< r JOt4N LEHN0H IH NEW YOAk CrT'Y (%)MOYIE t t t • .. Alnldtul' ( 19&4) F Mur· 'Wf Allfllllln. Tom Hulce -t.OS-•<WAT~ -t.a0- HE'8 M MAYOR MOYIE • t •; "Springlll'l'lt In TM ROClcltl" • FAWLTY TOMAS -1:00- • WHArS HOT!WHAT'S NOT7 (!)MOYIE t * ,,. "I LO'lt A Mystery' 11973) ldl IL~~ S)ff llENWAAD PAUL AYAH KUNOFV -1:30- l lHDEPEHOENT NEWS COMEDY TONIGHT OAvtAOEVER JUNE CAIN MIU.ER -1:36- • MELIA MOORE'S COUECTION or LOYE SONOS -1:40- 8MOYIE ••• "Duffy" ( 1988) JtmeS Coburn. James Maon 1r U t "W C: Fllldl And w.·· (1976) Rod Sltiolt. Vlllne Ptrme. l~SONGS 0 \\ "Midas rvi (1989) Richwd CrlMI. Ft9C1 AstlW9 e SAT\JfD\Y ALM Cf) U.S.,_, "9'0RT _,._ e NEWS -2:11- CZ)MOYIE tt'•; "A.Mn Purplt" p973) Gfwnt Blundell, 0eoioe Wllllty J-.._..a lule IDUI la tM Cijiltal Cadleclral'• tlalnS aJUlaaJ ·a1ory oth..aer.· Although they have put in long hours preparing for the show's ope~ ing, the directors are not the only ones. Richard Wilson. who Portrays Thaddeus. one of the 12 disciples. goes directly from work at Huabes in Fullerton to the Crystal Cathedral for makeup in lime for the 6:30 pcr- fonnanoc. ••••••• • •••••• • • • 8 A AG AINMATtHEE5Y"' ~· ·1..., ~~1'A • .-~._.1. '-•,A .-.~. • • :. • "-i .• ~ " µV A"t ~ e .. ' ' \ • • I. • LAKEWOOD ,.,,,, ....,_ .... , .... ··~ -. ...... ..._.. THI COt.Oll PUltPLI ,..111· =l'llliliSu ~~..:" 1 .. JIUSlll•ll- LAKEWO (r ntf"' \.ovtt<i .,...,....., .... llSAJC* OUN9 ...,.,..1,. 1-a.•s .......... . .,...,....., MOUT...WM9 PltlTTY ........ ,..,,. U1a11»--•M IWI ..___., ...... ··~-,... ~ .... I TMICOUMlf'UllPll,..111 ......... , .. , .. )lit _, ......... la.JS ....... Cl-IOll9~ HIOHUHDllt "' ... -..... .,1- CROSS IOAOS l'I IMS MS ...S .... e.U IMS DOWN AHO OUT IN llVRL Y HM.U t11 I• JIU M• 7119 1- ..... .,.._ J~rl ...... W&T ,_.,._ ._... _, ...... ,.. ... 1 ............... 1. u.flty,..,... frx 111 --Dill A l'CMKI 111 _ ... lhU Oeflty ~ tllON iAOll ,..,,, ..... QUtCULYll 1"1 111• .... ·- ~, .. ...,..,... --HANNAH AHO Hll ltlT1ltS .,..,ll .. 1i:1ri-: ... OfllQ O,..s 5al·S1111 1:11 "9 flllll>H l:H rM Slit• $1¥tl 11 7:H N Clltllhll llll*f 12 llw'Y' fflt -'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.. ~11==:==1,=s=1=+=t:'li::;~;.J11111;;:1 111.,llt !!BIJ.eM 1 llW! fpy IJl•llll .. ,.'\ ........ W 91 J\M" illt\"1 i.J,..O:Cl C~ ANAHEIM BUENA PARK --, ORANGE MIGttUNOll Ill {'Ml.,.._.,, a 1!z •...... IMMY .... "°'II .......... eutteMOl,..111 i...-PIACll .. loHAS.RA .... , :u..ll r..~ WTMA U lll9nTf ..... ,.Ill '*"WMftmt. nm•NDW• ... ., .... _. """ ........... 11 ntAT WAI TMIN, THIS IS NOW 411 ~"* ... TMI CM&I• ....... Dally Pilot Datebookl Friday. March 1~. 1988 t • 4 a 2 a a OCPhilharmonicSocietydines toandfor music By CAROL HUMPHREYS o.-r-c.·...--·• It was an evening of epicurean delights For S35 each, 500 guests amved for a "Cuisine Fantasy" benelittng the Orange County Philharmonic Society. "Because this is our third year for this fundra1ser. we're getting very organized. Our event chairman. Col· leen Evers, did most of the work 10 getting the restaurants. We have 17 part1c1pat1ng." said Irvine Ph1lharmon11.: Chairman Mitzi Tonal. Co-hosting the diner's delight with Irvine was the Las Canc1ones Com· m1ttee from Place ntia. Canc1ones ( ha1rman Joan Waterwortb added. .. M1t11 and I met only four times all ~car The whole evening was reall) planned over the telephone. Of course. we have a great committee." South Coast Plau•s Jewel Court was particularly elegant and bursting with linen covered tables topped w11h bouquets of spring flowers (provided by Pantry Food and Drug of Yorba Linda). The reserved seating was circled by buffet tables offering spec1alt1es from a vanety of Orange County restaurants. Winding their way between tables and paprer-mache carousel horses (donated by Out of the Woods) and armed wuh fork and plate. hungf) panygoers began the three-hour goucmet adventure. They selected from appeuzers of antipasto. l"heesc. and cold cuts from Alfredo 's; smoked salmon mousse. lone wrapped in cabbage with lobster sauce from Moreil's: ceviche. flambe can with sauteed mussels from Pirets. hot shrimp and seafood from Re· ubens; and gazpacho from Salmagun- di. Hold on. there's more ... en1recs of ravioli and fe11ucin1 were offered by Alfredo's (a popular table): ginBer chicken wok from Back Bay Rowing Club; Poulet saute tarragon from Chantedair; blue corn blinis and nachos. green ch1h goa( cheese t.anlets. and squaw toast halves from Copa de Oro. cheese pot, vegetables and quesad1llas from Fony Carrots and Victoria's Bake Shop: Kccma lamb and vegetable CUIT), chicken M~lr and Indian nee from Gandhi Indian Cu1s1ne; Tortchni Bolognese from Magic Pan: BBQ chicken fa,Jitas from Meyerhofs: chicken fned n~. wontons. and egg rolls from Newport Mandann And now for dessen ... chocolate dipped s trawberries from Chantcclair; muffins and coolucs from Victona's Bake Shop; Cafe D1ablo from Fra ncois: ice cream bon boos from Haagen Dau and assoned French pastries from Hotel Meridien. The food . wine and sparkling water was all donated. Proceeds from the evening help fund OCPS music ennchment pro- grams for OC school children and entertainment included 12-year-old professional drummer, Josll Freest, 14-year-old harp1s1 AU cl a Mew. and vocalist Kara McOermou, first year rec1p1ent of the high school scholar· ship given by the Los CanC1ones Committee. The California Sound provided music for dancing (or eating). Satiated .uests included oc~ executive dtrcctor Erl~ Vollmer with wife Patricia, prez Eva Scluttlder with Fred, women's com- mittee chair Jue Grier and St.an. Sbroe and Job Ba"ey, event co- chair Liz Mew, Mun Egu, Mary Sabatasso, Slterri and Bert Law- rc11ee, JMy and AUea 'l'Mmpsoa, Kit and Steplaea Totai, Nora and Cbrley Heeter, Joyce Rca1me, Carme11 and Bob W•r, Claarleae and Ed Com- pton, Jo Elle. M•cc and S.e and Alu Arcady. Paparuu l• edited by DaJJy Pilot Style editor Vida Oeu . Scott and Colleen E•en. .,..,,...,.,.__,"* .... ..., Joan Waterworth wttb llitsl and Yutaki Tonai. ' Dwight and Sharon Booker with Ed and Charlene Compton . LI.a llew (center) wttb Sharon Buh and John Baney. Prejudice deftly handled in 'Smooth Talk'. By GEORGE WlLLIAMS ~ ..... - "Smooth Talk" packs a powerful wallop. Not since "To Ktll a Mock- ingbird" have I seen a movie about a sensitive subJCCt so discreetly and tastefully m9Jdcd -and w11h ~uch chmacuc clout. ··To KtU a Mockingbird" ( 1962) is based on Harper ue's famous first novel about children in the South coming 10 terms with racial pre1ud1c:c. "Smooth Talk" is based on the Joyce Carol Oates short story "Where Arc You Going. Where Ha ve You Been?," about a high school girl crossing over the raw boundary of adulthood. It rs set 1n Petaluma. The central character of "Smooth Talk" is 15-ycar-old Connie Wyatt, hroughl to life w11h a def\, provoca· tivc: performance by Laura Dem, the daughter of Bruce Dem and Diane Ladd, the latter the Oscar-nominee from "Alice Doesn't Live Herc Any- more." Connie 1s 1tch1ng to get out o( adolescence during the summer before her sophomO(t year. She ~s on the faces of adu"' a mysterious It Dally Piiot Datebook/ Friday, March 14, 1986 knowledge she JUSt can't wart to acquire. Not sex -well, not just sex -but a kind of dangerous excitement that's beyond the shopping mall and the triplex movie house where she and her friends hang out. She hears it in the songs blasting from the haniburgcr stand across the highway, the place with the neon-lit sign that says "Frank's" but miaht just as well blare: .. Ma king Out." ft's taboo territory. But she enJoys sneak- ing over, acoompanjedby a girlfriend. Her sister has tried to wam her about the boys over there. But as she con~csses to her sister: "The boys arc so nice to you ... I never knew 1t was going to be so nice. Didn't you ever have a boy hold you close and sina to you? ... Oh. don't you know how that feels? Just 10 be held that way?" Her mother {Mary Kay Place) seems 10 know what Connie is going through. "J look into your eyes," her mother says, "but all I see are trashy dreams." But none of the wamfop from her mother or sister or anyone el5e prepares Conn ie for Arnold Friend (Treat Williams). who introduces himself as A. Friend. He's not evil but close to it. He's a menace, a manipu· lator way out of Connie's league of manipulation. He's cocky, self-as-- sured, his voice never revealing even a hint that he won't get what be wants. The words of A. Friend contain ic)'. threats, laid out just as casually as 1f he were rttilin& Jove poems. So when he invites Connie to take a drive with him there just doesn't seem to be any choice. Dem bas srcat genes, of course, bu1 you're not pn:p&ttl(I for the maturity ofher actina. • Jean Aldrich con&ratulate. Norma Bertzoe and Jo Calnea. Gwenda Wat.on &reeta Barrtet ll&rrle, Dr. Gra7ce Roeeeler and da8'bter Jeanne Dertnaer. • Gent Bennetm, Jackie Ra.e and J oan IninC Brandt. Bonoreee 8leter Corrt.ne Lamor.a.z. YWCA honorees excellent in field ByCAROL RUMPRREYS Dally Pllot CorrespelMleat The YWCA ofSouth Oranac County practices what they preach. Their purpose st.ates ... "the Association draws together into responsible membersh1r women and girls of diverscexperienccs and faiths, that their lives may bt o~n to new understanding and deeper relationships and that together they may join in the struggle for peace and justice. freedom and dignity for all people. .. And it wasa truly dignified crowd that gathered for the YWCA Women in Excellence awards dinner at Westin'sSouth Coast Plaza Hotel. "This is an annual event." said YWCA executive director MUJ DMcla1. "We arc proud to recognize the achievements of eight Orange County women who arc outstanding in their fields. The honoreesarc selected by a special panel appointedbyourboardofdircctors." • Board members Jeu AJdridl, Gweada Wattoa and Jackie Ross were responsible for planning the burgundy and lace themed evening that began with a reception for the 2SO invited guests. Education award honoree Grayee Rees1ler amved with her family. "We'll fill upa whole table," commented Dr. Roessler. "But what is really intercstinaabout thisaward is that one of my first jobs was working for the YWCA in 1939.Dr.NonnuWatHawtllbemyprcscnter. In 1962helured me as profcssorofnursinJ.at Orange Coast College and 1s my mentor. counselor friend and supporter. • The presenters all bad personal significance to the award winners and followingdinnerthey shared the impressive accomplishments of each of the honorees. Shdcs highlighted the life and work of each recipient and congnuuJations., a plaque, applause, and appreciation were extended to. . Betty Loe LamoreaH, winner of the Law award. which was presented b)' Daalel E. Grltei, mayorofSanta Ana. J udgc Lamoreaux sits as pres1ding1udge of the Juvenile Coun which handles aJljuvcniledclinquency matters and oonducts Traffic Coun for minors. Her advice for the evening. "Keep )'Our kid~ out of Juvenile Hall." The Medicine award, presented by Dr. Plt1Wp DISala, professor and chairman of Obstetrics and Gyncc-0logy at UCI. was accepted by Dr. Genl A. Beuett1. Dr. Bennetts is director oft he Hemotology-Oncology depanment at CHOC. A humorous Rev. M1sr. Job F. s.m ... , Diooesc of Orange, presented the Religion award toSisterC.rrlM Bayley,a member of the Roman Catholic Religious Order oft he Sisters ofSt. Joseph of Orange. Sister Bayley 1s the Director of the Center for Bioethics and Vice President of St. Joseph Health System in Orange. In the field of government. Cost.a Mesa mayor Norma Beruoc accepted her award from Irvine Mayor O.vW Baker. At the age of 16, Henzog was the first female to receive a membership to the YMCA in Canada. Tem Nlelsa. president of the Irvine Co., and Orange County Su pen 1sor Tom Riley presented the Business and Community Service award to dual winner Barrie& A. Barria, chamnan of the board oft he Ridgewood Development Company. She iscurrcntJyorganlZlng Cahfom1a·s first statewidewomen'slcadershifconferencc in fitness and health and 1s committed to building a hote for homeless women at the YWCA. JoCai9el received the Media award from Merrit J.U ... , president of United Way. She is thed1rcctorof commun1ty rclauonsat KOCE· TV Attorney E.GaeCrala presented the Fine Ans Award to Jou lrviag Bruclt, painter. scuJ\)tor. art teacher and consultant. During the evening the Y staff provided a film h1ghhghtan.g programs and services. They arc YWCA Kids. Inc. (child care SCrvlCCS). YWCA Encore program (suppon services for women who have had mastectomy surgery). Women'sScrviccCenter(forsinatcwomen without homes). Women's Exchange (programs and workshops for women of all ages), Employmcn t Prolram for Mature Women (counselingandJOb placement for women ages J0.6S),Junior Leadership Training Program (forboysand girlsagc 10-12). and the Teen Program (for young women 12-18 years). Paparual 11 edited by Delly P l .. t Style e41tor Via Deaa. Dally Pilot Oateboot</ Friday, Metch 14, 1986 11 • 1 ·, • • Q 0 L .. FINE ARTS -~-No glamour, but a greatconcert By CHRISTOPHER PALMER So often in this age . g1mm1cks 1n particular. expensive '"name" \Olo1\ts -arc used to <lra"' an audience. The effect of th1., <,hon-sighted Mratcgy 1s to attrall the sort of audience whi ch 1., anraucd b> gimmicks. To ·.,u.,tain the attention of one'<; g1m mic:k-m1nded audience, one perpetuates what quickly becom- e'> an expensive -and, all too ohcn. destrucuvc -c.:ycle. 4'omeone finall y tned the logical altcrnauvc' A concert with out a glamorou\ solo1s1. and of "'orks not com- mon!) heard. and 11 worked. bcau11full). Take notice. or- <.hestras ol Orange ( ounty. ~trug· ghng for funding. C\cn as '>0 much of that lundang I'> !>Quandered 1m·c.:cs~nl) .,) on ~amour. ~aturda> c'emng. the Mozart ( amerata ( hambcr OrcM-str pla~cd a rnncert of chamber mu'>IC v.ork'> hy well-known opera compmcr\ at th e Laguna Beach High ~hool Aud11onum Con- spicuously ahc;cnt from the pro- gram ..... ere harriers to' letting a very hcau 11ful performance <;peak for 1t\el f It did so. and the expem·nn· Vva\ refreshing and grat1f}1ng Thi' or( hc<itra ha\ a very d1s- tinct1vc \Ound It 1\ a very lush. well-vo1tt:<l rnnlrollcd texture In finl· an-mu\IC many voice'> (o r inc,trumrnt'I) con\ptrc to --R AuaaaLL ATHl.llTIC .... o .. taW•A,. create .. textures." or masses of sound. If we free1e such a te xture at any given moment. this "musi- cal snap'ihoC implies what preceded that moment musicall y. and leads us to what fo llows. Thi s as so because a musical texture consists of voices which the car naturally follows from one mo- ment to the next. The difficulty for an orchestra. and 1n particular for its co nduc- tor. is creation of a sensible relationship between the voace'i that comprise a texture. II is a difficult task to be consistently wcll-vo1ced throughout a per- formance. This performance of- fered great clarity and balance between in terwoven and alter- naung musical lanes. The concert opened with two classical wor\s· the MoLart D1 .. ert1mento an Bb. and the Rossan a Third Sonata. The or- ches1 ra aifCied confident. enthusiastic readings of both works. It is unusual to hear works from this era played so boldl y. It 1s eq ually rare that music of this era 1<> brought to life with such cnthusia'im. The first half closed wath a work that received u s West-Coast prem iere in a concert by th is same orchestra several years ago, the Puccini "J Cnsantcmi." This compomion lends itself well to the Mo:tart Camcrata. Their <>oun<l 1'> so consistent that small .. anat1ons 1n tempo orexpres'iaon produce great effect. This allows for great subtlety in inter- pretation. Whale Puccini as not often accused of being subtle. Mr Porat's thorough grasp of the score. and his musicians' capacity for subtle expression. showed us a side of Puccini we don't often hear. Afi er intermission, we were treated to another Mozart work, albeit a more mature compo- sition. the Erne KJeine Nacht Musik. Th1swasanother unusual- ly bold interpretation of a classi- cal work. · While qualities of sound can be well Judged in almost any hall, it is very difficult to jud~e quantity of sound without in timate knowl- edge of the hat rs acoustics. Sitting in the second row at La~una Beach High School's Auditonum, however, 1t was difficult to detect any extremes ofloud or soft from ttu~ orchestra The lack was particularly no- ticeable in this Mozart work. There were definite gradations of dynamics. and beautiful crescendos. but ex tremes -es- pecially of softness. which one wo uld expect in this work -were not heard. With time, perhaps this fine orchestra can adapt their dynamic range to suit what ap- pears to be their home concert hall. The concert concluded with Borodin's Adagio from the Quartet an D. This performance You Con Do It All 1n Russell Sweats -nir.e brilliant cr.Aors lo chOOse from 8~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT BEACH • ( 714) 644 -5070 I S Delly Piiot Oetebook/ 'Friday, March 14, 1986 CHRIS PALMER was unusual m that the work is typically heard played by a String Quartet. Nonetheless, this render- ing by the full string orchestra was extremely effective. Two aspects of this performance come to mind: first. the extent to which sections of the orchestra played as one instrument; and secondly, the overall sense of ensemble - of the relationship between the pans of the orchestra. Mr. Porat added a beautiful touch ... the final interplay be· tween first violin and cell o were played as solos, over accompani-ment by the full string orchestra. ...,,....,._..,.._...,... This simple touch, alons wi th Boy and dog ethereal solo playrng by o~Gurl!!_Hte~ ... CP1o•bJ(94from--gi.,-11p.,.e .. 1 1e"""l'f.-) .. ~,..,d" .. Concertmaster Brian Denbrow LeAla ........ _ ft ... " and Principal Cellist David featmed ln dae PoantalD Val- Spehz, made for one of those great ley Comma.nlty Theater pro- moments in the life of a con-ducdon of ••'flae VelTeteen ce~~~r~as a very shon concert, ~~:~~· T.,'!,~ ~C:.i~~~! providing less than an hour's Porum D. Catl 898·8378 for worth of music. It was an ex-dcket lnformadoa. quisite hour. nonetheless, but one .------------- which left one hungry for some- th ing more. An interesting strategy! The next Mozart Cam- erata Concert is on Apnl 191 8 p.m. at the Lasuna Beach High School Auditonum. tn•ex•pen•atve • ·11n tk apen' llYI not l11gh 1n pr1ce. r111on1blt, t1115llied ..., .... 1dven111ng r-. Classified Advertising 6'42-587A ......... 1 ..-ut-1110 ITMUI•• IMlllM021 UA~4 a twNl·MIO ~smJIACll -----1 -IM-Jtll ._ .,,..,. • tM cm cuma ...,. -.,... -· 116 •••• ..._ •TOl PACR-Y )I ..... m1 I 16 ftl·Jt~ mw-. CllllA WUT a -o a .PCP 2 2 PREVIEW JAZZATOCC ••• LA Jazz Choir to perform with Mark Davidson FromPa.CeS The Woody Herman Orchestra Accordina to Nonwonhy. lhe p&r-m~ lhan any other musk:aJ 1tylc stans Saturday's concens with a 3 ticlJ?ltion of student ;an Jr~ps is a that otren lhc mott unique lilttn1n1 p.m. performance in the M00te deliberate attempt by fctttval or· expenenc.e. Theatre. Tickets are $8. At 8 p.m .• lhe pniurs to c.atch the interest of young "It's amazinf 10 hear mu.sic11ns all Count Basic Orchestra makes its people an JU?. with their own ind1vidual sounds and Orange County debut with Thad .. There is a ~vere lack of youna styles complemcntina each other '° Jones leading the aroup, Tickets arc fans in the jazz world.'' Norsworthy well," be uys ... It rcquu·es 1nteo11ve SI 0. 111<1. '"The bigcst problem is that hstenina and a deep appreciauon for Sunday's conttns bqin wilh tbe 2 thctt'• nowhett to &O to hear JIZZ if mu IC, You l"t'ally nave lO Ill down p.m. performances by (1are Fischer. you're youna. The bulk of J&n. of and absorb it." th RANDY JAY MATIN Oolly-C.I II 0 s Sa.Isa Picantc and 2 Pfw 2. Tickets for 001ux. as played in niahtclubs. not Oespit.e the ef'f'orts oi\cn needed to fi ve octave range." Lhe show 1n the Fine Aru Recital Hall festivals. and the clubs don't let the apprcc41te jazz. Nonwonhy firmly U VICV will COntnbutC IWO onginaJ arc$ 10. yOUl\ltT people in," bdievcs it bas a IOt lO Of'fer young works: 'For Frcdcnck and Ball,' a Al 8 p.m. Sunday, a aroup com-Durina the '40s and 'SOs, youn1 listeners unaccustomed to such las h.l-cpina the melody rollina wuh tribute to Chopin and the late pianist posed of Pepper Adams, Nick people were auracted to tbe compleit bors. ""l' hand, pianist Mark Davidson Rill Evans and 'Don's Sono · Brignola, Jack Sheldon, Oaudc WiJ-amnacmentsa.nd unique styles of the · h I .. ,1, hr1mm1no with insi•ht and .. . . 8 . k ' Popularrockmus1C11nsare e ping ~ • ... Eskchn explains: 'Don's Song' as a liamson. An Davis and Carl Burnett 1azzart1Sts. ut 1n rcc.ent years. roe 11 t b i trod · 1 their a·""iences to ,1nn dotcs about the show he is both tnbutc to Don Elhs. a bcauuful ballad will perfonn. Lateran the evening., the kina and the focus is no lonaer on ou Y n ucan uu. 1'111mu11ng and playing in Sunday at 10 7/4 meter. Another one of our band W111 be Joined by Bud Shank as Parker. Gillespie and Monk.. but on top jazz musicians. Stina's lut reoord tht' lfrgistry Hotel with the L.A. Jau pcrsonaht1~ 15 sw1ntt. We will be Shony Rnocn conducts the mu-Prince, Sprinasteen and Madonna. and t0ur featured • biahly touted 1 h•iir r; -.. 11 f h • y pl . • ..... .A bend of youna jav artists. Elvis I ).J' 1d•l'o.n was wiodina up 1hc lasl " ... d • ... ..__ ""' ..... '""-"''~ •.. .,.... " domtt 'JencfrcBouncc. 'Tuxedo Junes s1cians tbrou"h a co cc11on o is · oun~ e /:!st arcn t ex...,.-u Cos•'"'llo .. _., ........ -.. t .. ·m-pl¥'h r .., uon. and nn y Goodman's 'Sing, ongmal compositions. Tickets for the to JIU a on t ve use cu.a11cc to Chet Baker on carbCf albums. c I of lhc even1na at bis rcsutar mg. Sing.... show 1n the Fine Arts Recital HaJI arc understand evcrythin& that's IOIO& Rollin& Stones have IOU~ With \l1111tlJ) and Tuesday niaht 111 at For the second half Da vidson has S20. on.fl says Norsv.onhy, who manaaes Sonny Rollins and Ernie Watts. And <''""\in Newport. ··ntt•n n•w lyncs 1o 'Night in (For more A-tails on the festival the Jan section at a lat)C Costa Mesa s .. _._ rt.-rl"e Watu r• l>,H,idson. who has been playina in Tum~1a,' He has also rc-amn"-4 'As and for lick~ 1nformauon. call rtcord store. tooa Ulwnmer "' .. 1 "s flrJngr County since the mid 'SOs, &'-"" •·Now I have oolha'n,·~·nst rock c:ently finnccd an all-star jazz con-T1me Goes By' for interplay between 432·S880.) • cert in London which wu videotaped '":g.rn his musical career in church his piano and the m,le and female In con.iunct1on with the festival. or pop or punk or an ina elK." for wor1dwidc distribution . . ind al one point toured as Oral voices. OCC will host a competition among Norsworthy says, .. As far as I'm l<nhc n 's organist. In the late '60s he Tickets for bolh performances may JaU groups from' 22 schools including concemed, thCt"Careonly two kind!. of "Of c:ounc we're interested in 111,·g;in play1na with the comedy team be purchased at lmetta's 11ckc1 agency Edison. Corona. dcl Mar and Ncwpon music -~and bad." reachina a young audience and draw- "' \k1lc'i and Hendenon. Then in or by phoning 548-2081. Harbor high schools But it 1s jazz. Nonworthy gys, 1n1 them into.iazz," NQ..rswQfib)' ~Y~ l'lhol he bepn to pCOJDQ1( bas own ~~~~~~~~~=====~~;;~~~~======;r...;.:.:.....::_..::...s2.;;~==-==:......::::.::.;:::.:......::.:;~:.:.:.:~~===:::.:.....::::=::;....;:.:.... 'h""' wnh bassist John Patt1tucc1. I 1,1d Baker and stnng quartet. That p1111p released an album of Beatles 1 l\lt f 111low1ns the success of last 111.1111h·., 'k1lc1 and Henderson show. I '·1\1d\on hu asscmbled yet another •f h1\ musical whims. Sunday's li11"\(at 3and 7 p.m.)will feature the 1 •fJmm) award nominated LA. Jazz ' lto11 conducted by Gerald Eskehn. I Ill' l ho1r will be backed by p1an1st \11 fl ho Lev1ev. bassist ,Andy \1111pkin .. and the snaziy J1mm1c \1111t h on drums. Then the choir will 1 wrn 10 back Davidson at the piano I ong With S1mpkinsand Smith I ,h·hn, a vocall.st and former 1111·mbcr of the Lakeland, Flonda 1mphony, is an 1nsUUCtor at Pierce < 11llcgc. wherr he formed lhc Pierce < 111lcgc Choir. \.i1d Eskclin in an 1nterv1cw last \lol'Ck, "I had started to do jazz and 1)11p arranacments with them. It just g111 10 the point where the better \lngc rs were not lcavina. mak1na it 1mposs1ble for the new freshmen to \lo in a SPot. So we formed the L.A. Jazz l h111r to take on a lot of the 1 ommercial WOfk that wa.s com1na 11ur way" I he LA. Jazz Choir wbo bu Just rclt-a\Cd .. From All Sides" on the l'.iusa label, wu nomuwted for a < 1rammy (or its first release "L11tcn" 1wo yean-ao. "The nomination," said Elkelin. '1 ncrca.ed our credibility with people who did not know us. As 1 result we arc play1na fewerdateS but our askina rmcc has IAto incn:ued." The choir, which ~II be cclcbrauna 11, fifth anniversary llttr in March. rcce1vn tourina arants from the < .ihfomia Council for the Per- form1na Arts. "This year;• add& Eskehn. "we 'NCfC awarded a rebeanaJ pnt. That win a real break for us. Up until now the singers were not compensated for rehearsal time. It has really paid off. When we lint started it would take qu1le I While lO am a new book of arrangemenu. For Sunday's show we are lcamtna chant that Mar1c de· h vcrcd only last week." Eskchn wu at a lou to p<>1nt out any one ainarr u the outs11nd1na voice but rematkcd that low be ~ingcr Don Marttn atn,kcs notes below m1ddk .. C. and the choir's top 'oprano Cindt Marun has t0nes above hip ··c. Snys Eikelin, .. Thas alvcs the whole l'n'Cmblc somethina VCltCr than I " ... Creates edget surprise and romance." . A-(;HAA()COFll.JSS TIMI; MM:.IU'll'llC "The story's ending has lrreslattbte noblllty." JAMl ~ASLIN NEW t'ORI< TIMES •• * * *. The film deflnltely warms the heart." l<ATHlEEN CA,RROl.l N[W f()AI( DAIL<' NEWS .. The acting Is superb. You can't help but llke PRETTY IN PINK a lot." JOE! ..,.(CIEi WABC TV "A hip fairy tale.9' JACI' C~ USA T()OAY ••**** % •.. Uncornpromlslngty honest ... A ftlm about some real concerns ... acceptance ... h1endshlp ... belonging ... " .10>1N CXlACORAN KABC TV .. ***. PRETTY IN PINK Is heart-warming ... " AOOE:A EBERT. CHICAOO SUN TIMES ..... Vivacious, spunky, vulnerable .•. " JOSEPH GEi.MiS. N£WS0A V • • ... Surprising poignancy m'Kt tender humor .. ·'' IMA M.tlVI .,,. Pl.Ila !W9 ~lJCJ MllA'AM UA~ 'N ffll eCO.fAlllUA (0 .. ¥0 "°""' Cot~ fllou• ~1111 P£TCASTAQ<, SAN FAANCeOO~f Deity Pilot Oetebook/ Friday. March 1•. 1986 11 -·------=--------:.___;.. __ ___:~--------=----;;..__----~ a ---~ . - Wangs'aim to please at theirGoldenDragon The restaurant is usually crowded, but those waiting are seated quite qu1ckl) A happy son of precision team seems to always manage the dining rooms with a great deal ofelan. Most of the customers appear to be part of a huge, close-knit family as the)' hug Mrs. Wang on the way in and out of the restaurant and shake hands with each staff member they meet INhcn walking to and from the table This scenano is happening at the Golden Dragon Chinese Restaurnnt an Costa Me!WI. The onginal restaurant opened 1n 197 5 in what 1\ now the parking lot for the new, modern building. The famil y ,., of Chinese heritage. but the)' emigrated many yeari. ago to Korea where Mr. Wang became a noted chef In 197 1 the famil y landed in Los .\ ngeks thanks to a reMaurant 1n need of a clas\lcall)' trained Chinese cook Dunng that time. they purcha\Cd the propen~ on which their 0'4n rcc,taurant now ~II<> on Harbor Boulevard. r ht· fir'>t page of the menu ,., a w~koming '>latcmcnt from the fom- tl) It \ay\ in e\'><.'ncc that your w1o;h 1~ their c1immand The rest of the menu 1s one of hc<>t tomp1kd. easiest to comprchl·nd do<U mcnt'> cvc-r cn- countcn·d Ch1 ne\e mcnuc, trad1t1onallv '"'on- s1st of hundred'> of dishes broken down into various catc~ones that are· long and l·umhcrw me m their same- ness Thi\ ml'nu reveal-; two full page'> centered hv t1Nr1 elongated half page\ printed 11111\tlv in hlack with red ll\t1ng5 1ntersper..ed deno11ng the spicy. hot d1\hc'> fro m a coupk o1 province\ \omc charming graph1('\ add tu tht· t')l' appeal. Several traditional appetizers and soups are listed. but some starters certainly deserve to be highlighted. The egg rolls are the big, plump kind and arc sliced in half on the diagonal making them an attractive d1spla) and easy to eat. They are loaded with the tastiest bits of pork. shrimp and vegetables. The Golden Dragon version of shnmp toast is a great beginner. The shnmp 1s made into a fine paste infused with egg white and lovely \Ca'ionings. The chef 1s so generous in p1hng the flavorful mixture between two triangles of bread that the in tenor goodness oozes out the sides. The whole thing ts quickly deep fned in almost smoking oil leaving rt nearly grease-frtt fhe potsllckcr-; arc not the ex- 1rcmel) plump vanet)'. but the filling inside thc-1 noodle dough 1s a nchly fla vored rn1llturc of pork and green \ cge1able The~ are served with ginger stnps afloat 10 vinegar The ginger p1ecc'i were rather large instead of the prekrred and proper stnng- tlun shreds. Tastew1sc.. I have no m m plaint~ Soups are the chock-full-of-10gre- d1cnts kind. Sizzling rice 50Up was a bouquet of vegetables. meat, seafood and cnsp bits of the namesake cnspl) browned rice. Hot .and sour soup is equally heany and a nicely balanced vemon with bits of pork, bamboo shoot. wood ear (a fungus resembling dned mushroomsJ. beancakc. and the surpmc of a few large shnmp. Won ton. egg flower soup. vei.etablc with bean curd arc other poss1b1lit1es. On an attrac11vcly napped table 01herw1se properly <;et the ceramic \poc1n '" m1s'iing. replaced by the .::STUNNING;;. .. '.'FUNNY::. .. '.'ROMANTIC::. llANNAH AND I f~]l Sl~TERS '""""\I.Lt·:\ \llC .11\t-;I.( \l\t-: "" f'"\HUO\\ C \tm1t·: .. 1s11t·:H U \IUS \H \ llEU~ll E\ I.I J>\ U \OI. \ \ '1 \l tu·:E\ o~ I.I.I\\\ u \\tEI . sn·:tt\ ''" \O\ ~-. l>O\\ UI \ \\ ... \\lt<:'\I JO ~mr ~FSH .Off. ·~r>AA f"llJ<'J (;J,,0'6PA1 MA. loO RQ1K,.r.>Mf~,11 DH .PQ ~Uf-OCM-­.._....,. .... ..,........_..._ ..... ,. ... ,,..11 IM-.S4 -.YA-1$1·41M ..., •• cono &'9511·"'9 IJJWMDS n JOIO MIMIN llMl 141.0no -UH>40 IDINMJS CHMffl ~ • OIMlll llMU U -523·1111 -IM-3'11 'M:flC un.wu· •an cmo ~--....,0750 l'TAITlll91""61 E.-s .-..r mw.l Wl.LACl COf1tJ -..,. • DIWMDS CJ> ""'UMtto 14 Dally Piiot Oa1ebo0k/ Frfday, March 14, 1986 western spoon. and chopsticks for the remainder of the meal are the paper- encascd. pull apart, throw-away type. I preftr the more formal chopsticks. but American customers, for some unknown reason. think they a~ always allowed to steal decent rhopst1cks in restaurants necen1- ta11ng use of the mfenor variety. One doesn't steal the fork. from every table setting. so please stop stealing the chopsticks! Mandann hot nbs are not found on every menu. If you like spicy food, do not miss ordering them Small beef nbHre first marinated, then stir-fried to be topped with a pungent, darkly nch sweet and sour sauce punctuated with the heat of ch11t peppers. It is an outstanding dish 1n values of visual appeal. aroma. taste and texture. Flower beef takes a slightly dif- ferent approach. A large. thin flower pancake rs deep fried into a wrinkly- edged basket to hold a bed of 'ihrcdded cabbage topped wnh a garlicky shced bee( Though an attractive pre\Cntallon, Lhc beef tS too weU done making 11 rather dry in comparison to many other t-.eef d1she'i on the menu. ~zechuan chicken was a two-gJass- ot-water dish due to 1ts chili pepper pannersh1p with ~ucculent veg- etables. It is a veal repre<>t'nta11on of what authentic Szechuan Chinese food should be. Another chicken dish rated equally high acclaim on our 'itnngcnt cnuque ltst becau~ of 1ts lightness and seasonal appeal. Black and white mushroom chicken is on the regular menu; however, ours came with the addition of fresh asparagus spears due to thetr present a va1lability. The really good chefs will Fm7:•,t:• SAT/Ill 1:15, 3:20 S::fS, 7:l0l t :lO edwards BRISTOL CINEMA •• !\ • • .. ~· •""'' 540-7444 \ •""'" ...... marinate meats and poultry before stir-frying in order to infuse taste and enhance tenderness. It was immod1· ately appa~nt that this wonderful chicken had benefited from marina- tion in wine. soy sauce and egg whtte before hitting the wok. All of the poultry dishes listed on the menu benefit from the same pre- cooking process as do most of the beef dishes. Seafood. with the e~ception of shnmp. docs not benefit from such upfront seasoning. In the S('afood category. a lot oft ht shrimp 1s mannatcd in wine before stir-frying with cashews, vegetables of vour choice. or hot sauces as cx- plarned beneath each offering. Wine 1s one of the most compatible flavors wllh shnmp and it renders a mom. flavorful morsel when quickly strr- fned. Sweet a.nd sour fish comes prc- sltced before being crisply fril'd then served with a very iood sauce. For scallop lovers. one d1s11ngu1shed ver- sion 1s called golden sc.allops. no doubt due to the quickly deep fned cnsp-on-the-outs1de-mo1st·on-the- ins1de medallions 1n a light sauce that rs a secret of the chef From several versions of fned nee and noodles. we almost aJways order Peking fned nee which is loaded wllh shrimp. meats. bits of vegetables and pieces of egg. Of course. noodles a la chow mein-style can be had with beef. vegetable. chicken, pork. shrimp and a combination of almost everything called house chu mein. The kitchen 1s always willing to accommodate a particular request not menuoned on the menu, provid- ing that 111gred1ents are already on hand and th.at the dish docs not ~ ~ ~ ~ flCKrT~ ~r~] & DINNER RtSCRVAT'°"S CALL (714) 549-1512 11.lmlltl I Rf LW•Y OYU RO lm • SNfTA ,_ II.II.I FIFI CHAO .. require some fantastic ptt-prep time. 'Thisgood-naturedanitude isa thread that binds this family together. And. for everyone who has ever said that all the food tastes the same. you've definitely been m the wrong res- taurant. Each of chef Wang's prep- arauons has its own character Your waiter is likely 10 be John. the younger son who 1s a computer ~pec1ahst by day. server by night or middle son. Harry. who doubles a~ a civil engineer. The eldest son. Wil- ham, serves as business manager of the restaurant. A happy-natured daughter. aptly named Penny. at- tends a fashion design school and al~ occasionally JOtns the fam1I ) along with a beautiful dauS}lter-m-Jaw. The family staff rs backed up hy almost a dozen kuchen crew and several service personnel with equal- ly nice p(rsonal1ues. Mother, Kc). t>bviously loves life and people She darts from table to table. stopping b) each one four or five times dunng a meal to check if everything 1s alright. She Sttms possessed of boundless energy as she picks up a dtny plate or two here and there. delivers a dish that was ready before the waiter arrived in the kitchen to pick 11 up. Maybe the only thing that might move faster than Key 1n taking care of (Plea.e eee CHAO'S/Pace 17) OMETHING TODO? VISIT ART ALLERIES! 11 \C -\OE\1Y A\\ARO '\()\I I'\ .\TIO\S HI 'I l'I< I I JH \\ \I ii \1'. ,,, \!l~I Ii'-, • I 11 : ; \ L. 111 ' II 141 : ,\'I' H ·' '· I•'. I It r 4 •l 111.t!IC' Playing the game: wine -food combos By JERRY MEAD \1.\R.\THON DINING -Grca1 empham has bttn placed in recent ,ear'> on matchinuust the n&ht wine .,. tth JUSt the right food. ft is an admirable quest, and when lh<>K tood·.,_,lne mamaacs made in heaven are tound all the efTon is justified. \\. h1le this wine-food matchinr game 1s relauvely new for some, I've hcen playing it for more years than 1 ... ant to talk about ·wine and food being hobbies before they became my profrrnon. heavy cream. Bnewas melted into 1he hqu1d both for flavor and even creamier texture and each bow1 cont.aJned its own plump. fresh oys- ter, and a hmt of cayenne for added zest. I opted for two more Champagnes. each quite different in style from the other.GeorgcsVesclles 1981 Blancde Noirs -Brut Zero ($30) is a very limited production wine newly im- ported 10 this country. It 1s produced entirely from Pi not Noir grown m the Bouzy rqion. whjch provides the WINE & SPIRITS v. hale I pract1tt thlS an of wme-""id matching nearly every ume I s11 d'1"' n to <!at. there 1s one ume each 't'ar that I really work at 1t. A trJd111on 'itarttd 13 years ago when I ,1111 had amateur status. secs me ~·~mlma1e the wmes to su11 a nine uiur~ menu for an annual wine and t11od \()Cte1y holidar dinner. The ,,unt• re\taurant has bttn used for •'Jt h of the 13 dinnen. The Hobbit. u. Im h I'> near Disneyland in Sou them < .11ttorn1a < hd Michael Ph1hpp1 comes up ,,11h the menu and then I have the t.1,i.. ot trying to match wines with ,11 h 11u r-.c Small ponions of two to : 1n dilkrent wanes are showcaSt'd " 11 ''Jlh d1~h. w11h a total of 17 ' n ' ,1·n t'd with the nane cou~ loll I h.ul ordt'rcd a favonte Cham- ' 1~ n ko'>C for apcnuf and to 1 •trn pan) a vancty of appct11ers. h ,. he1ng Ocutz 1981 ($30). The "' Jfc\(ller erred and ship~ JQ75 ,. 'Jd \\e didn't send 11 back' i.. 1111.i ma ture flavors with stall •h .ind ~pntely carbonation would l\l' m.iJc th1, wine wonderful with I . I Jht1u1 dnyth1ng.. It, an fact. went ' •II "1th a vanety of hors d'ocuvrcs 11.1\llf\ 1 tw lir'it 'i1t-down course was soup. •nil \Oup 1s always difficult 10 match q•h wane But this was no ordinary '' 11p O) ~ter and Bric Soup was madc 111.m lhackcn stock./lus the hqucur tr1°m 1he oysters. an the addition of best Plnot Notr in all of Champagne. It 1s also unusuaJ for being totally dry Having the full bod) of a Panot No1r ba~ wine and the au~tcnty of total dryness. I really laked 11 best with the soup Its youthful flavors also held up well to the spicy note pro\ 1ded b) the cayenne. The other C.hampagne, Veuve- 01quo1 1979 Lt-Grande Damc (about S50) as Chcquot's top-of-the- lme. 1ts .. cuvee prestige." Th1i. 1'i Champagne pnced lake. and intended to compete ""1\h, such wines as Dom Pengnon. Rocderer Crystal and others of that ilk. It didn't work quite so well with the soup bccau~ of m dehcaC) and finesse and lacy-fine carbonation. Taken alone. however there was no compe1111on This '' trul) great Champagne and rece1\Cd ~me of the highest praise of any ..,..1 ne sen ed from the as'lembled dant'rs I Ncitt came Pasta Pesto. 1.\-hu.:h featured homemade pa\ta 1n three flavorc. and colors. tomato lemon and spinach The sauce was a tra- d1t1onal blend of oh' e 011 g.arh c tresh basil and pme nut\ Both wines selected wen~ perfet I ma1chcs. and .,_,h1le made from 'i1m1- lar blends of grapes. had unique fla, ors and styles Concannon 1984 La Grav1erc is a blend of approx1ma1el) 60 percent Sauvignon Blanc and 40 percent Scm1llon. which 1s fairly typical of (Pleue eee MEAD/J>aee 17) ... .... t: CM'TTlll.. ... ... .... ::: ..,._ 'WllW"tll , .......... ..._ ... ....... ,.. ... ..... edwaras BFi1src. 540· 7444 BA~·:.. .•• .,. ag• .. "' ~.a a.·aa."" edwaras 11UNTINGiON 848-0388 8(A(K90\J,fV&AO &"VA·1'6f .. S ~, .. "IH(,' J~ll!A(" , ...... ._ ... --• ..... 2-an; ... •nsr ltlt. .. (N-IJ) edward• CHAP TER Cfl~TRI WUlll• & 11 If• _..,.. 841 -ono ~llllr,' V. fl lrH -a.Lii ...... "'. . .._ ... IHllYtml.1"'1111 ... ..... 111 ............. .......... ... ._ -.w,. "llf .. ·-'WI" . ._ .. ~ Ill ... 111 , ... ,1) ......... ,.... , ....... , ...... edwards FOUNT Al~~ A, .Ev 839·1500 .J 1AfJ\iK"4 . QS • t • E :ir~(,f g ' . ' .... ' ...... [' . ._., .. CITT' Cll • '" teit1 • ._ EHftml" • ... ·-Al ... !Clwaras C·NE'1tlA WES. 1s·11111s·1• •· c.c.~""'ts· __ ,. ..... "'. -ftml.1"'111 ............. lo ........ .,_ ---.._ ...... 111 '· lt ..... 891 ·3935 *1~"1111 "~'lA .. ,,.... ... .. ''llCIY ,, ..... .......... -···· cnT'(l) ... lue .,. .... ,.. .. 1111 '11 .J edwarl'jS )~ •• H .. A5' ~.A!./. 5462711 ~... ' ... 'lfll --' .a tat'..li f f • """'o I ' f.• t .-·,· •• ....... ·•-Tm ----..,. .. .....,..,.. l-. .. eawaras .i"41vEFlS ·, 854-8611 l Y P ':. _," ,,, S' .1J •'" & .,. ' • • _, WI , __ ... ...-m I .......... , .. I .. "fll". .. "TllEHfml''llt ....... --" ..... "'. _, tmU"' "' ... ....... •'1111111---.... _ .._ .. ,.. ........... --.... , ... ...-•-•""• ' 11-.-~11) eawaras 11G'..1DB~ :r~E ss1 0655 •1.:0.• .:.•. • • __ ..... ..... .._..rr• .. ··----.......... ....... ...... ... 1111, ... ..... q ............. ....... ,.. .,. .. .....,.. .... ,.., .. •• edwarOs 5A:JDLEB.l:• 581 5880 E~·s~c"""•.:.a·;;._, ••L-: ~ ..,_ ...~ ..... . , ... .. a.LllllUn ''lmlf" ti) ............. ·~·­aTT'c111121 . ._ lllH rsl" ......... ,1) edwards EL TORO t , I' >H1 -~ ~ :. ' ' I'• "t "t A~ ll ~-111& .,,..,._, ''TIE Cll9 PWU" J ... l.ll (~IJl "'WUCm''• .. ............ ..... __ ,. ·--·-· ._,, tmU"' • ...... -... 561 ·9500~ -a.Lii . .._ ... mmr,..111 ........... -··· Ulll-...,.,,_ •ct•I UN" ., .. ''fll'' 1111 Ill , .. ,. .... ........... 1 ... ........... ~ edwards °""EJO rw 1~ 830-6990 SAN O<lC.C '*'':.a 0 l1 • ·~g \""' "'\),•.(,,(,, .... IU.8 .,._, .. .,....,.111 .......... edwards '-'ISStO~ H.O MA.. 495·6220 \ 0 ~· ·:: .•Uw!lf tA.,.~E • Sf. "A£(' .. 8 -..: ..... < •WA• _ _, _...,.__ :._ -·-... !I .. --. edward1 Vlll AGE CfN TfR BQ' 0Sb7 llJC.1 l&n I l<U II If WUI llt>I ,., -.&mlllT .._... ... , .... , ... -.-"'" ..... ........... 11 .._ __ ..... ..... ... ....... .-.,._ ·--... ... ... .... ... Dally Pltot Oatebook/ Friday, March 1 ... 1986 IS ~'"··· ~. ~1 « .... a IT ON THE TO\IVN ~~~··-~ STARRING KEN BERRY OF T.V.'s F TROOP PETIICOAT JUNCTION MAYBERRY RFD MAMMA'S FAMILY OCEAN ABALONE Still the Finest in Orange County RESERVATIONS • 675-5777 By CHRIS CRAWFORD o.-, .... c. ..... ' Larry Bushnell, General Manager of Costa Mesa's Holiday Inn. began hi s hospitality services career with the airlines. ··1 was in the in-flight serviced1v1s1on. involved with in-flight kitchens and that sort of thing. for both Continental and Braniff Airlines for many years," he said. "I started that right out of college." In 1974. he decided that he would like to try ownership of hi s own restaurant ... When I left Braniff about eleven years ago. I opened a little restaurant that served French continental cuisine. and 1t was very succcssf ul, ·· he said. In 1984, after selling La Brochette. Bushnell acce pted the position as Director of Food and Beverage Operations at the local Holiday Inn. a move which put the long-lime Newport Beach resident's work much closer to hi s home. Recently Bushnell was promoted to General Manager of the entire facility. which consists of 153 rooms. plus the main dining room. hanquet rooms. meeting rooms. and lounge. The hotel's plans for expansion. which beun about a year and a half ago. will add 90 more guest rooms and an expansion of the restaurant, bar, and banquet facilities. A new three-story parkjng garage was completed last year. Because of the Inn's proximity to John Wayne Airport. "We get a lot of traveling families that come into the area on their vacations. and also a lot of businessmen fl ying into the South Coast Metro area for business meetings," said Bushnell. "As a result, the hotel is fairl y full all the ume, and the company feels that it 1s time for expansion and improvement. it's a good time to do it, and we ha ve our customers ri$ht there ready to come back and do more business with us." The Inn's mam dining room 1s the Bnstol Bar and Grille. "It is open from 6 a.m. to I 0 p.m., seven days a week. 365 days a year ... Bushnell said. One of the highlights of the dining room is its lavish buffet. offered Monday through Friday for breakfast. lunch, and dinner, and on Sunday as a champagne brunch buffet. The breakfast buffet. offered 6 a.m. to 10 a.m .. for S3.95. includes fruits and Juices. hot and cold cereals. bacon. eggs, biscuits and gra vy, pastnes. and muffins. From 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m .. the lunch buffet ($4.95) offers a salad bar. soups, at least three main entree selections. plus vegetables. and dessert. -------------------------1 "The luncheon buffet i~ favored by a lot of ---business people," said Bushnell." Many of them will C lhe RTER INN..,. come in. have lunch, and have a meeting while If (j they're here.'' The dinner buffet. 4 p.m. to closing ($5.95). •••HOTEL~ again features the salad bar and homemade soups. Featured in the t!Je'W:~neari Whole "Mini" Salmon s14.2s Fi/et Mignon Maitre D'Hote/ s11.2s Breast of Chicken Chasseur s13.so Petite Fi/et s15.2s Banquet Facilities 18700 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine • AcroH from John Wayne Airport 833-2770 1• o.11y ~10t Oetef>ook/ Friday, March 1•. 1986 r ~eciv.---~--oF T~ewEEK CHICKEN LINGUINJ I cblckea breaat 4 Bn111el1 1proot1 4 we4gn of broccoli Cocktail ) OF THE WEEK PUFFINS' SMOOTHIE l Clip apple J•lce Larry Buahnell plus meat. poultry. and fresh fish selecuons in addition to vegetables, potatoes. and dessert. The Cham~gnc Sunday Brunch. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ($7.95) will be "very fancy and elegan t" for Easter Sunday. said Bushnell. and will include "colored eggs for the kids, and a real spread of food. We'll have Easter ham and all the trad111onal Easter food items. There will be turkey, carved roast beef. soups. breads. pastries. and many. many salads. plus our desserts that are prepared nght here on the premises." Reservations for the Easter brunch are '';tbsolutely esse.,t1al," he said, .. because we'll be full. That 's one of the biggest days in our restaurant business." Oversecin~a ll food preparation is Jimmy Tran. who recently 101ned the Inn as head chef ... He received his training in Canada. under French chefs." said Bushnell. En tertainment 1s currently provided b> Frances Manin at the piano bar, Monday through Fnday, 7:30 to closing. Happy Ho ur in the lounge feaiurcc; com- plementary hot and cold hors d'oeuvrcs. 4 to 6.JO p.m. through the week . .. We talk to our patrons constantly 10 make sure that our pricing structure is affordable. and that the food is good." said Bushnell. "That'o; reall y the combination that we're trying to stnke " 8 pieces of saow peas 1 tablespoon batter l tablespoon soy aaace 1 tablespoon wine t tablespooH wllipplag cream • OUDCH cooked llagalDt Cook diced chicken and vegetables an butter on low flame. When chicken and vegetables arc cooked. add soy sauce, wme, cream. and linguini. Serve w11h chicken and vegetables on top oflingu in1. Serves one. Cocktail of the Week/Puffins 1 rlpebuua t wllele 1trawt»eme1 • wllele Nyanberrle1 Blend all in blender at medium speed. Fills two glasses. These recipes were submitted by Puffins Res. taurant. Corona del Mar CHAO'S ••• FromPa&el4 MEAD ON WINE ••• e'er.one would be a cat in• room full French wines from the Graves region. du Bordela1s, another grape of the ofrnd.1ngchairs. The gravelly Livermore Valley soil Graves region. Tbericbersoilandtbe Th" modem new structure is where this w1t1e originated gives the added varietal component give this tenipcred by lots of Chinese ~esa_gn~ wine similar. Ornty, steely austenty, wine an underlying fruitiness and lha1rs. elongated ociagonaJ mscts in and winemaker Sergio Traverso charm that give n a totally different l'l'om Pace 15 1hc i:e1h ng, painted teal ireen ap.rnst added just the ng.ht amount of oak perception and appeal. tempered wi.th fish stock and dressed up with biu of ~ bcllpcpper and another touch of cayenne. A lot of people expected white wine, but I fooled them. berry-cherry flavors we've come to expect from Lytton Sprilll:'• and wbiae moutbfillina. the t.anmns arc round and velvety. With a heartier dish. it would have really shined. Its vinous opposite was The Chris- tian Brothen 1982 Napa Zinfandel (about SS) which is a liabter, claret style ofZio with plenty of flavor a.nd berry-spice, but much less body, a hackground of beige walls. an airy. nuance. Not ychedulcd for mleasc Ca1un stuffed chicken was a booed open har and a centrally located until this spnng, I predict 11 will be breast stuffed with a homemade ant\lll rendition of the venerable well received by the public. cornbread mixture seasoned with a gong It 1saconccpt1A&I i.nterJ?retation Lyeth 1983 Blanc ($10) 1s also a shrimp shell reduction with onions, in ra~ed wood, a pgantJc stand blend ofSauvignoo Blanc and Semi-bcllpeppers and white and cayenne holding the golden "gong" as a lion, with just a touch of Muscadelle pepper. The sauce ~as a Bordetaise uillural reminder. r,:::;;::;;:;:;;::;::===========;;;;;:;;;;;:=:;;;;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;w-r------;-------------======= I unch 1s served every day. and "hill' many of the same Items noted Jhl•'• lan be ordered, several lunch- ~ n ,pcc1als and combination plates (PleueeeelOtADfPa&e 18) Lytton Sprinp 1981 Private Re- SCTVe Zinfandcl (about S 12) is a red wine I ca n recommend enthusiasticaUy,. but it was almost too much for thjs djsh, which wasn't as spicy as it sounds. The wine has those ripe, rich and very intense Jr• .ldded I hi.' re's no one thing tlultdraws you h.ll ~ tn the Golden Dragon. It is the ,•ntm· pleasing packqe of good food. 11ul\t.ind1ng service, attractive sur- roundings and Joyous customers that MJ~l., \OU feel happier when you ka'r than when you went in. And 1ha1 hug from Mrs. Wang can get to \ 11\l < 10LDEN DRAGON, 2023 I t.irhor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 642-7162. ..---E-x-p-ao_d_e_d--.. "Bob Burns: Still Early bird Meou Great ... " 5-7 pm igbtly lkverly Bu•ll Smith Daily Piloc • 'ow Pr"Hf"nlitJK • lncludmll Ro<md of Bfff. Vil t>( L•mb. Hun. E~• &~t. ~le11~. Quicht-. Bdgian U am~ Poarht-d o;;,1mon -...ia.11. l.Jitt~. tresh Bt~adi. °'-ert.1 and Much Mon " • 1 3 •• ('8'" thiUrH ) ~nNl Suod•> 10 am-2:30 pm 37 Fashion Island ~"wport Beach 644-2030 \ IJ ndan n/Szcchuanfood. Lunch and r ;::==============:=:=::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:::;l1 .t1nnl·r daily. Dinner a la carte entrces lr11m $~ q5 10 $22 (for Peking duck) 1 •mhinatton dinners from $7.50 I , I l{\\.lo..ta1I ~r. Reservatio ns sug- )11'\ll'U Now Serving COUNTRY STYLE SUNDAY $199 BRUNCH Includes Beverage Well 0flnk or Beer 9:00 Al to 1:00 Pl 645-8091 1712 Pl.centla Co•t• Meu Ill ST. PITllOl'S llY CELEllATill!! Food, Fun & Frollcklng All Day Long 428 E. 17th SI Cotte Mete 7 t4-650-1750 S1t•OW.·Urt~ 1 A.M. • 2 A.M. Dlllly &lndey 8 A.M. to t2 MldrH(}llt elo~ :rtl\! Northern Italian Continental Cuisine Now Featuring A Special Lighter. Late-Night Dining Menu (new Item• monthly) Entertainment Tuca.-Sun .. Cocktail• with complimentary hon d'e>«uvrH from 4:30 Dinner from 5:30 3520 Ea.at Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar 675-1922 SO Years of Fine Italian Dining En1oy our cuisine from Central and Northern Italy Every meal is served with old world charm, a generous view of Newport Bay. valet parking and complimentary boat slips. Piano bar and full menu until I a m Make plans now to dine with us this eve('ling. Call 17141 642-7880 for reservations or information about our bay view banquet facilities. 3131 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach so OFENGLISHC • Glorious food, beauci- fully presented in wann surroundings modeled after one of England'· oldest inns. A cl as.sic American menu. An award-winning wine list ~W~;> FIVE ffiQWNS OaJly Pilot O.tet>Qol(/ Friday, March 14, 1~86 17 I • t M IT ON THE TOWN GINO'S ON THE BILL St. P•trld:'1 Day at Ghio'• Don·t mass the pany at Gano·~ on the Hill this St. Patrick·s Day' Fest1v111es will include hvc music, hats, T ·shins. and lots of fun for all. In addition to their regular menu, Gino·!. will be serving aJI of the trad1t1onal favontes such u Corned Bed and Cabba&e. Corned Beef SandWlches, lnsh Stew, and more' Whcthcr you'll be Joining them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or cocktails. there will be big doin's happening all day long at Gino'son the H11l, locatcd at 428 E. 17th Street. Cost.a Mesa. Phone 6 5~ 17 50 !1%1 l\Q'llTI\ '" MJON)l111 H1.1ntwig1r,,.. Sftacll 'lh8 W..O SHERATON NEWPORT BEACH HOTEL Doutlo• for Heart AalOcllltkNI The Sheraton Newpon Beach Hotel rec~ntly presented a check for $325 to the Orange County ChApter of the Amencan Hean Association. The money was collected from dooauoos received from those who aucnded .. Ao Affair for the Heart," a pre-Valenuoe·s Day Party, held •t t.he Sheraton Newport Beach Hot.el on Thursday, February 13. "We~ very plcued tosuppon the outstandmg. programs and valuable research efTons of the Amencan Heart Assoc1at1on," stated Charlie WE PROMISE YOU GOOD CHINESE FOOD LUt.::HES ()NN£AS. TAOPICAl C.OCl"T AILS Bl\NOV£T FACILITIES GA TERINQ FOOO TO GO OPEN 1 DAYS SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON FOOD TO GO 11• Be11cr• RM1 1"7 1210 N<,,ar Knott l Anahe>m 99!>-9920 ~~HlliilDE-A WAi=vy~~ RESTAURANT l/~st PRlrCE Any Lunch or Dinner Entree from our regular menu with this ad thru 3/31 /86 . on Good fQr Entire Party. Please Present With Order A New Comedy by Lawrence Rom.n Directed by Richard Vath 18 a...y Pteot 091~/ Friday, Marci\ 14, 1988 * We'vc all heard of the ··bus1- nessMAN's lunch, but t.he southland Bob Burns Restaurants rcpon a growtog number of reservations arc being taken for women executives. who prd"er the clqant and private aunospberc that makes Bob Bums a perfect setting for those important occasions when work and dining must be mixed in just tbenaht setting. lo a recent article in the National Restaurant News, it was reported that '"in J98S, the percentage of women working hjt 50.4 percent. It wu the first time in history that the figure topped the halfway mart.. .. E"Hzabet.h Bums, President of Bob Bums Restaurants, recently com- mented that she felt more business deals were consummated at the restaurants than in the nearby office buildings. ~ Corned Beef & Cabbage -r" lncludee 1oup or salad and potato -r-=:~ S.rved All 0.y •I_·/~_ -!. ~ 801 E. Balltoa cwr;~~~suu 673-7726 17502 Beach Blvd. et Slater Huntington Beach (714) 142·5505 , ................................... a.. .................. ,, ................. t .. t•t......,.nw, .. ""' ~ ....... .._. • s.11yt frlll 10.2. LICIW 1t Ill P• Strttt; rtMrYallll c.i M _,. lty ~ 175-9093. .,, , O UT ON THE TOWN .. .____~~ AMERICAN Tll f BA R~ HI r lhl' prime of your hfe choosing ir .11 rht-nteMive 25 item menu "I• •r' ,eafood, BBQ. Mexican dis 111 • 111 l1Jding salad bar. and more \\ i--1t·rr1 charm and country am IJ«rnd: Break.fut M·F 6:30·11:00, I Hitt ~1 f' I 1·00·2:30, Dinner 7 r •h· lrHl'TI 6:00 p.m. Happy hour \I t I ''' 7 p.m. Satellite dish L1vf' •It'' • nmtont and dancing. Sun 11nf1<11.(ne Buffet Brunch 10-2.30 H .. 11<1·•"' fat1hhes 1-4982 Redhill. J ''I I ";l(l.0115. I IH OHl<:I NAL B A RN I \H\H.H . TEA KHOUSE I • Ht' thl' oriitmal 1-·~muu• 1 1 .r 11111-and a half po11nd • '' "' •tl'ak~ and featurtr)K r ·il•nic Proudl) ..en'llll( f11r I •111< h Mon.-Fr1 11 l Din • I 11\ ~tun Fri from 0J p.m ' ' 111 ·I rnrn I p m 211<11 Harbor • 1.1 '\lt>"ll IH:! ~777 HI\'\ re, \N'S .. ,, t'<l "'1th 11 ,,di' .. r 11111 •• 11<1r.-.. 11nu.1ue apptolllt'r• •• il1111d nms,11n1 .. and '"irKt-r• Me~t<'Hrl cf1.,he~. 11 • \< 1tml( hrunrh mt-nu 1 md clmnl'r ltom 11 am 1 I"· Hrunch !J .I.on weekend• I t, 11 v.1th •pt'ctalt\ drmk• II I •ir I 7 v.ttkd"'" In Cu~ta \I. • "' 111 h ( oa~t Plus parkinit lot '•• I 11th Aven11to 241 J9:-\X In 1 11111•t1·r f)4;, We'llm1n.,lrr \I 1 I '11 1.1.U l>11nrm11 tvenml(' m \\ · l11111i-t1•r ltt<'at1011 BOB Ul' R~. I ,,.r1 '' t hi-wnrcf In dt'11cribe th•" I • d1n11111 e-.tuhl111hment ~" tnl! • ·', ... rt 1 .. r 18 }tar~. i.pec1ahi1n11 m \ • " r'!''ed beef, the finellt \ 1111 "' ,.,., Ali.c.1 futurinit fresh f1!>h, • d .11111 t h1<'ken. The linen t'overt-d ' il·I•· 1-ar1dle11 and frtosh 011wer' •old t • lhf' rleitance. with boot..h11 and I 11:1t l.Jt k chair'< for pri\'8<'\ ~ l1o """''K lsnltorn!> and cla'IMcal 1 11•11 '11µt ure the charming and ' 1r111 .1tm11.,phere. 0 1"n for lunch. "'"""' 11nd lheir ~pltond1ff!roUJ1 Sun d" ltrim1 h Exlens1vt' wine lt~t ·17 I 1·h111n l•l11nd. 644 20:\0 BRISTOL BAR & GRILL . At Holiday Inn T raditionally en 1111 Amtoncan favorite place to eat and priced for (amity dining. Every· t hmg from juicy et.tad• and chops Vt ~pec1al chicken dl1het and fret1h ~eafood. Boun~u• 11al11d bar Sumpluoua daily luncheon buttet. Open dally for dininl( and cucktail3. :wu Hriatol St., Coate Meu 557-:lQOO. 1)11.t.MAN'S I he ll11lman femilv i11 fnm ous for Ihm tmditional warm hoepil.llhl V unrl line food. fo'incat prime rib in H11lhl"' and fresh Oah daily. Com 111Nr dinner ~~ci1h1 d11lly Friend!\' '"nu to .rnd I.I tun, dehl(ht ful ut m1"pht-rP 01)£'11 d111h tor l11nrh And cl1nnn Hrumh 1.\111 .md Sun ~ti E H.1111< •ii I -I --1f THF. H IDE-AWA Y f'irl'rl "' e1tt1111( 11111 st piste., with m• f!rl\llt \ '' ~t'Uflh n11 more' The Hidt- ""' tt\ 11r"' 1111'... prl\'ol< \ v.nh it.' lt<••lh· .ind IJ<Ht1t111rh. J>t'rft'<'t for l11t•ll1t ., hJO• ht-o•n• and rumanllt 11111111..: 1\ll nrv. I\ dto• 11ratl'd otlennl( .s ro IL1~1111: 1trno•pher!' The -,pee1al· w·.. irt· ,,.,,,. l(J ,ind .,teaks At l11rd.1l1lt' d1111111: Im I he whole fam Ii\ \ 1r11't' 11! fl,1Ji\ .. µel"tBI"' Hume ni.t•h· .1111p• uml •lllJ<I'' Heer & wine '''""'t .,J,,. ·, .. :I E<liniter at Sprmg 11.Jlt 111 \lnr111. 'hupµ1n11 \'1ll111(t' llun1111.•t .. n Bo·,11 h '!Ill h."11'~ ,JOLLY ROGF:H l .r,•1<1 \meru ;.1n l••l(I rnd 111 the~' prio ,., I he .J,,JI\ H .. l(er ha' alv.a\'., i. .. , 11 111 .. 11.11 ,, • ~··Ki l11m11\ ,·al11e ri .. t .J ir n: I h1 ml'n11 IPature, Itri 1l..l.1•I 111111 ~. 1nrl cltnnn v.nh a I 1r,.:1 ' 1rld\ .. 1 d1•hf'• lo 1 hot1-.e 1r .. 111 1'11101 n:~ tft,hf'• i:riddle , 11.o·.. hur ,.:1 r._ •.rnrlv. 1rhe-.. •11lad' 111 '1•111plt 11· rl111111·r• 11! o,t'11foocf -11·.11..•. 1 h"·k1·11 .11111 dd11111u' de,. ••'rl• 1'M1111\ "'' nMI for 1:1 yf'11ri. 11. II h 1111· I rlt'lllJ lit-'l •t'f\ l<'t' !n t1JV. n 11 ~ • .., 1 ·,.,,.1 1111. \ l.111tuna Reach. 1•11 11 1· CALFORNIAN PASTEL'S The newest event in dining 10 the ~t'wporl area. Featuring e special bltnd of culinary cru ttons from California and the rest of thf' world. Surh tantaliz1nl( itema as: marinated shrimp and acallops in a ginger vinaigrette salad. Mouth- wattoring past.A like angel hair with tafc><Mi and fr~h tomato. Piz.zu baked in an authentic Italian wood burning oven. the only one in New- port And a var1tty of GrilJedes 11pec1sltiea. Dinner terved daily (closed Monday) snd Happy Hour. Re11ervations recommended. 1520 W Co11!t Highway. Newport Beach. (714) !')48 716i MOSAC'O'S Ex1lfr1ence fonta'ltlr Caltrornia n1rnvt>llt' nt>11t1on~ 11ccenlrd with a Fre1wh llmr, whilf' d11111tl( ln an eltoi.:0111 wottrfront 11ettina ovN louktnlC Ntwport Uoy. EnJOY • vut stoll'ct1on or entree for brunch, lunch. 1tnd dinnN m addition to the ll)"'ter bar or 11ftemct0n Lf'P on the Ba', mak10j( Monaro'a a very ~f>c.'t'1el trrnt. Mona<'o'R u1 located &l r°"~ from Nrwport lmporllt in the T1,kt1i Honk Bldit at :l:J!i!I W. Coaat ltwv. Ntwport Rea<'h Phone in vour ri•,1•rvatiun<1 nt 1714 I fl.46-522.S. ITAUAN CARMELO'S Thia ult.re-amart haven of escep- llonal Italian and Continental cuiaine ia one or the more rewarding pleCH to dine. Fresh put.a and special "light" aauces 1.re carefully prepared by three of the finest Ital· ian chefs. P iano bar entertainment. complement.a the fun etm011phere. Patio dining available for the 1un lovers. Open Tuea.-Sun. from 5:30 p.m for dinner . Sun. Brunch 11:00-2:30. 3520 E. Cout Hwy. Cor· one del Mar. 675-1922. MARCELLO'S This award winner offera an ei:- tenaive iunu specializing in paataa, veal, cioppino and their famous handmade pizza. 'Eetabliahed 1ince 1973, this family owned restaurant hu captured the hearta or Italian food loven. Lunch Mon.-Fri .. Din- ner 7 nigbi.a a week. 17502 Beach &l Slater, H untington Beach . 8-42-5505. VILLA NOVA A henut1ful hay v1ev.• creates the r11m1.1nlll ettiog that has made the \ 11l;s :-.ova a "spec11l kind of place" fur "' t'r flft~ years .. uperh cuisine t rorn Central and Northern Italy .. t·r\'t-d in Old World churn. Ex- t«n•i\'e wine li!.t. Oinnn nightly. l'iunu har. Full rnenu till 1:00 a.m. II.I I We.,l C'oa:..t Hwy , Newport Bl'lllh ti.\:!-7X~l CHU\EBF LI' RESTAURANT II \OU lllVf' r hinese food, you're-l!Ure lo enjoy dtning here. as Lt's prom· '"'" truly authentic-Chinese food l'hl' menu offers a wtdt' variety of e\11111 di he". from a la carte to rnmhinatlons. Breathtalun1t decor tn a s.upremely beautiful at· moi.ptwre. Tropical d rinks to quench your thirst. Open seven days a week fur lunch and dinner. 8961 Adams, Huntintttnn Buch. 9+;:! 91 t!l ;114 N Beach Blvd., ,\nohto1m 827·1210. T H E L OTUS Enter tht Orient and uperience the excellence of Mandarin and S1echwan Cuisines. Authentic Chi· ne~ dishes especlally prepared by ma~ter chef Liu. The Lotus can offer rulinary masterpieces to your ltkmg. The lovely dining area is dominated with picturet of tht' Lotus nower· the 1ymbol of purity in Chinese culture. Enjoy fine Chi· lll'llt' dining as welJ 811 wine, spirits and h08pitality 11t the Lotus. l,ocatcd in Harbor Center et 2300 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Meg. Call ~:l :1:t11 MANDARIN GOURMET A truly specis l place to dine. the Mt1ndarin Gourmet hM been a gold award winner and owner. Michael C'hinntc was vot.ed Restaurateur or the Veer. pecializing in Peking. Sh11ngh1i, St.echwon t1nd Hunan <'Ul8in • they offer 10 anay of deli- rac10 ancludintc Ptlung Duck, dumplinit • whole rtsb and mo~ 11urnptioua dishe . l-~lf1ant at mo11ph•re. impeccable !>eTVire and uten11ive wine li!l.t. 1500 Adams. C"1M1ta Meu. MO l9:l7 CONTll\ENTAL M EDITERRANEAN ROOM · Airporte r Inn C'onl(en1al and ~luded from the husy airport surroundtrlg\ Tht: Mediterranean Room offers superh rontlnental cuisine for lunch. din- ner and Sunday brunch. Top enter l1.t.inmenl nightly in lhe Cabaret Lounl(e. The Captain's Table is 11pen for dining 24 hours. Perfect for watching California unsets I'! the Flight Deck Lounge. The Atrporter Inn t~ located at 1 700 MacArthur Blvd. m Irvine. S:l:l-:l770 MARCEL'S \'oila~ Marcel' Deli11htfully refresh- 1n1< menu featuring fresh seafood and Lou1 iana Cajun itpecials. Courmet oyster I u . Elegant vet ra,ual atmosphere. Live entertain ment and dancing featunng (){''.., r111e-.l entertairunenL UanCJnol under the stars! Lunch from 11 a.m. Dinner nightly from 5 p.m. 0)'1!ter hnr till 1:00 a.m. 1ao F.. 17th St., < o~ta Mesa. 646-8855 PUFFIN'S An adventure m natural eat 1ng Fre,h quality ingredient;. prtopared 1n a "1mple yet elel(ant wav Award "'inning recipes. Ga rden settinl( in a Europe1fh Cafe 1;tyle atmu~phere. ra~ual breakfast and lunch. f'orm11I dminic for dinner. Sun Thur.. j' om 10 p.m .. Fri & Sat ttll 11 pm. :IO."llJ F.: \oa~t Hv." . Coronn del Mar 6-Hl l.1i"l RIVIERA He lox to graciuu" .,er, •<·e in an eleicant. intimate otmoi1phere Ex- pertly prepared continental dishes by Chef Richard Berl(ner, since 19i0 This aw8.td winning res- taurant alsu offe" an e1ten i\'e Wtnt' 11.,t. 1.tnd ~xcels in tablt'~idto prtop arat1on.-, and flambes Open for Lum·h 11:3().;\ p.m .. Dinner from 5 p.m. Excellent banquet fac1litiet< Cltit;e'd Sun. and h11lid11ys. :\:\:l:l S. Rr111tol. Costa Mesa !')40.:11140 FRENCH LE BIARRITZ Experienct' exqu1!11te Frem·h prov- inrial cusine while dining 111 thi" 11\limate Frenc:h chateau. Special t 11"., 111clude rack of lamh. veal ~arsala and a beoullful ~lectwn of frtosh fish. Homemade award wm· ning de. ~rts. Enj11\ un brunch with unlimited champBjt?lf', an elaborate buffet. a hot entree and dessert all :«>rved in a t'07V, relax ed atmosphere. Full h&r with d11ml'-'-llC and importt'<l w1nf' 'elec tum" Lunch, Mon 1-·ri , Dinner even n11thh. Sund&\ hrunch 414 N. Ntowport Blvd , Ntwport ReaC'h ~'i f,j'()() CAFE FLEURJ Tnke a 11eat 111 <'nfl' Fleun for hrrak fa.at . lunch or dinner EnJOV an n · ~Ul~ile env1runmenl annuenctd by 8 f rench touch. Hnt jlm Monday through Friday from 6:00 till 9:00 11.m 11nd an outAtandm1 wht\e· 1tlove brunch make th1 Cafe the J)IACf' lo mff\. ~ 7 days • wee\l. 6:00 •.m. IO::lO p.m. Moderat~ly prl~. •600 MacArthur Rlvd .. Nt!wporl RuC'h. 476-2001 LE CHARDONNAY Thto finei.t in cla!>-.'ic French and nouvelle t•uisint in plush i.um1und 1nl(l> Ex1·ite \our l>l'n~ with Su- premf' hf Duck wnh 1>0ached Cali- l1;rn1J 1-'1~ or Lobster Cas.1>erole tn a lhard1mna\ wine auce with rhanlerellh Ei:teru;i\ f' elttllon or w Int'., from a lemperature·<'t•n · tr11lled cellar Lunch Mon .. f'n. 11::\0 2::JO. Dinner Mon .. at. from 6::io Sun. brunch 11 -2:30 In Regu- tn Hutel, 18800 MacArthur Bl"d .. ln1ne 7!12 ~777. LE MIDI Se"eral things makt' thtJ award~111 runit hideaway truly special: Walter, their Swii.i. chef. trained in some of the be<lt houses; Palace ·l Moru~. Plt1re Gsiaad. Baur au Lac. Zurich. Authf'nt1 c cuisine l'rovencale-sell!IOnal gourmet fes' 11,·11111 a Sunda) brunch ao unique 11 · .. like 1te-pp~drin timr ttrll era when ucellence of food v.•a" matched bv generous h08p1tality. a h11sp1t.ality rarely found these da\'., .Jwn Marica and Walter m their Frenrh country homf' Lunch, din nn and Sunday brunrh Banquf't famltue C-lostd Mondavs. :1421 \ 111 . l.1cl11, :-.iev.p11rt &>1.tt'h. 675 4~ NAGJ A RESTAU RANT Thi' fin!' ltttle .Japanese re11taurant .,l)t'c1altu-. m sw1hi. tempura. and terarnk1 Thf' .,u<.h1 har 1~ prepared .,.,. I heir famous .Japenl''>I' Chet lrul) a feelinll of heing m .Japan c:rl'al for -.oc1ahzin1t .. 11'1hl ha,.. arf' 11 lot of fun. Dminit rtM}m 111~11 &\'atlahlt-Open Tue thru Sun l11r lum·h and dinner :l840 1-: Coa'lt Hw\' C-11mna clel Mar. 67:1 :111.n IVEXCAN Ml CASA Their food is like a trip lo Mexico! Hospitality 1toes h11nd in hand with their mot lo, "Mi CM& e 'u Ca.se." or my houi;e 1s your house F..st.ab hi.hed since 1972. it's no secret friends en1oy d111111g herf' Open daily from 11 a.m. for Lun<'h. Otn ner and Cu<'ktail" Entertainment Wed S11t. nights in the Burro Hoom. 29'i l': 17th St. Co~tll Me"n 64a 76W FORTY CARROTS "Oeltciou' fn,h1on rnod," p«-r Hrnn · ~ireratrom 01§C'OV•r that rMI 11ood fMl1n, ut e11t1ng gteat w tin, meat. Prtl>lfffl dnrlv, mtlur11l 11nd h••lth ... Ori11111al tt'Ctl>f' f l'ffh )u1~e-. ~ueeztod dail · A !ln'llt pliie40 for Dann r 1 da> from 11 a.m und1; C'h1tmpagnt' Brunch ~lwttn Bull ot·k" ttnd I Marnm Sn C'oe11t l?laz.t lowt'r lt\t'I ~56-9700 Deity PtlOt o.t9bookt Friday. March 14, 1~ t•· ,, ... -,. 'I•, .. ~/'. II ... . SEAFOOD STEAKS ANTHONY'S PIER 2 Th• S<1uthl'rn C'al1f RH.tlltHAnl Writer~ vntl'cl th11, onl' thf' wino"' 111 thf' lw'll valuP rel\l.aurent.11 Tlwtr ~enf•1od IJ' the talk of tht town with lfl 1'1 frt> h f1~h rl111lv C'R!-. 'I"'" \'101ttn 1 li11m~ tht>y hn11 .. lht' 11+''1 haplJ\ h11ur m IJrangl' C'1111nt\ 'At"nll hall 111l11r1P u111nt fur 111 .. w1'11[ht c•inM 1ou~ Open ntJ(hlh for dinn~r 1.,,. atf'd 11n lhl' hf.11ut1ful "-" wport H.11 \ nt Hn ~ HavlltdP I >r 1;411 r.i .n C <\Ff'. 1.llH> "' '"'"' '"'"''' '·'''""· \1f I If'• Id// p•1I f-~1qt1\ ''1111r1ro·1 fr"1tl y. I) ~ 1tHffJt 1 it/I 11 -UI lflltrJt tit 11111 '" 1111"" phn• J 1111111 • ern heef ('on111atently 1ood 11ervice. 11pen fur Lunch. Dinner, Sun Champ11.l(nl' Brunch and Harlx1r Cruit1e!l. f;nt.ertainment nightly end Sun 8fternnon1. F.nJ<1Y lhe lounlC'' fond 1tallty superb clam f'howclPr' 1010 1..afo'eyette. 675-5777 CRAZY HORSE STEAKHOUSE C'o11ntry d1n1n1e with d&11-'I' Authen tit wt tern decor reiitauranl and 1111.Joon, featu11ng prime rib, fre!lh 11eafood11. and their famou'I pan 11aut.eed 11teak1. Lunch· Mnn f' ri 11-:1 Dinner Mon Sat 5 pm. ld1 n nt>r rnerv11t1on'I KU•rantf'edl ()anr 1n1e and live m11111C' in the "8l<i<1n Dvf'r Rd F.11t/Newport fwy Santa Ana 17 14) M9 1512 THE REX OP NEWPORT Located on the oceanfront acrou fmm the Newport Beach pier, The Rea 111 t he Orange C<Jftllt '• m114!1t udu11ve 11eafood restau rant Well known for frHh H1wa11an gourmet fi1h 1elert1on1 and 1pec1aJmng in ·11~111 h 1 I'" '" m1tl11111tr "11" ' 11weet C'hannel laland abalone, ten '• "'"' "' 1111d1tl\ •1 I 111 "'111 1·•11 der veal and prtme meet. The • "" t I ·• "' lf.1111•\ 1''11 t .. 11' ·-·--w11rm 11mb1antt nf he J)9.dded \I .. ,, ~ '' \tnpl• P11'k"11! "11"' ho•1th"· l(oth1c painting• and the '""P••rl 111 ti '-''"fl"r' u ..... h well ~t<lf'ked w1nf' rackll lf'nd w • -·. ''"·" Ru '11 r1inv1vtel atmoephere. T he THE CA~NERY f<u of Ntwix1rt 111 the r h111ce of Th" h111torir wat~rfmnl landmark J11cal11 11~ wtll All 11111lon Rec1p1tnl ir \.pwpt1rt ~ < annt>ry Village ft>8 11( thl' prM1llgtc1u11 Travel Holiday lur .... lrf'11h lfJca l '!eafr1<i<l and F'.&8l aw11rd C aaual/•lt((&nt attire Lunch, dinner CaJI 675 2566 for re<1ervetirm11 Velet perking TALE OF T HE WHALE Experience a atep back into Lime to a place whert you can dme et your own leu1ure Enjo" the romance or old Newport with ~ !)Anoremic bay view. E1cite your Mn.tee with their &el\lltional H&food and tradilioN1l revoritiet. Brealcfut 7 a m., Mon .. Pri .. LWich I I .4 Mon.-Fri .. Dinner 4· 11 Mon.-Set. S:it.. and Sun. Brunch 7-4, Oyster 811 Fri .. Sat & Sun Banquet fecilitiea up t.o 500 400 Main St .. BaJboa. 673 46:l3 SA I L LOFT Located ebove the .folly Roger in IA1une, th111 CO'tY reetaurant fee· turn fine freah aeefood with ocean view din inf(. Enjoy the oyat.er bar 1n a warm etmoephere and decor of naullce l motif. The .ea/ood menu features 1wordfi1h, ahrimp, hahhut. 11eellops and many other 11elect1ona The oy11ter bar offer11 oy11t.er thoot.era, clema. crab & ~hr1mp Mckta1I and al11<1 hot d1•he11 The -511t~ l,,oft, a rnt.auran1 th1rt 111 ded1 cated to the tradition of comredery 400 S Ct18>1t Hwv . l.a~una Buf'h 494 :l:lf>H T H E WAREHOUSE Newport.'11 mCM1t mnovat1vt> wit.er front du11n1e eape11ence. Chef C h.arlea Kalqaan features fresh tea food and international cuittnf' Highly acclaimed. award winning Sun Rtunch. al80 featuring patio dining. lncredihle oyster bar, es· qui1ite embience, exceptional hvf' entertainment. Banquet.II and cat.er ing aveilable Lido Villaie. Newp<1rt Beach. 673-4700. Ol\E CF A KNCI GI NO'S ON TH E HILL Almoet a Coeui Mesa landmark where friend& and memorie'I mee morning, noon. and ni1eht Gino'11 11n't an Italian Restaurant. but a rutaurant being run by a !local) Italian. Even though they serve many Italian item11, they alllO offer a large variety o r other item11 on their menu Known for "Hone11t food and friendly service," Gino's feature11 a varied menu with emph&1111 on quality and reuonalbt pncea. The lounge opens at 7 AM for the more aeriOUI, coclcuul hour wtttrt mne&ttng notion • at 4:30 PM lllld Pieno Bar Wedne&day thru Sat· u rday beginning at 8:30 PM. Watch for Gino'• lat.e!lt addition. S unday C hampagne Brunch coming llQOn Located at 428 E. 17th Street. C08ta Me11a. Call 650-1750 for reser vation11, directiorui o r whatever GRAND DIN NER THBATD lmpreaeive dinini and profeeeional productiona ate aure t.o pl-.. each time you viajL The eamaordin&ry buttet offen rout be.ron o( beet, 11ued ham with a fruit aauce, Geor- (ie chick.en with PMChee and 11.&u and the Mahi Mahi ii terved in a peuant Mute. Tri-color fettucdni and cream ii e real favorite. Enjoy dinner end a play t.ooight! Grand Dinner Theater located within the Grand Hot.el in Anaheim et 1 Hot.el Wey Call 772-77 10. HA R LEQU I N DINNER T HEATER Every customer can be e1pect.ed Lo be treated like 1 celebrity. The theat.er orfel"I ecrumptiout meaJ1 with top productiona in an elegant atmoaphere. The 1umptuOU1 buffet indudea rout baron of *'· chicken and fi1h daahes, put.al, aalada. vegeublee, and 1inful des serta. The Sat. end S un. brunch inctuaea a variety or egg d110ei:The Celebrity Terrace ii available for privete dining The individually decorated private t>.lcony room11 overlook the 4M>-11eat honeaboe ahaped main room. The Karlequin 11 locet.ed et 3S03 S. Herbor in Sanu Ana. Call 979-7MO. G UIDE TO ORANGE COLQST R• E: 11'1 I RANTS ~ $' .~ ~ ·~~ ·~ ~;/ ~ ~ -e ~ ~ .y ·$ ~ ~ § ~ ~'!?~ ~ I i1 ~.~ ~ '$ ·S ~ ~ ~~ ~ Rf'~laurant ~ ~ -....; .$ ~ \..) ~ ~ ~ ~'tt .:_~~ AIRPORTER I NN ' <.:onunmu.I Ill 50-118 95 t-4 75-11~ 1650-.10 50 from $3.00 4-7 • • • 10 700 • 111700 M• Aflh1.1r Bl lrv1,,,. llU 277fl THE BARN AITl"'rteAn t418l !Wtull T..-ttn 1~9 01 U lrom M 95 from $395 $11115 from •2.75 4 30-7 • * * u&: BRISTOL BAR A GRILL-Holiday Inn Amt'riatn '4195 11295 S3 95 J7 00 $8.115 11) I fln•ll•I ,..,_.., M"" SS7 'IOOO S2 00-$5 00 4-7 • • up Ill 400 THE C ANNERY 5'-&food $11 95 11911~ .. 7~'8 95 '6 50-'8 50 IOllJ IAf"•Y"IV' N"wpt>n S.-at'h 87!> )777 4 630 * • up to • 75 CRAZYHORSESTEAKHOUSE S~ak.a S995-l 16115 S3 95-19115 ~ 5 7 up to Hobda'fl • • • 1\1111 k<•1•kht1ll11w S..ni.t Al\11 )411 1~12 Sl'•food 200 DILLMAN'S Atnf'riean 17 95 S21 (15 13 11~18 95 $3.25-M 95 • 16--45 • 11111 f: fielhr .. &lbrA 1171 772Jl LE BIARRITZ rt"f'nch $5 50-19115 114 11~ 4.7 * • 2(}. 75 414 N """"P'"" Al"'I ,_...,.,~. n ~ <1 h M', 1111~1 LE MIDI frum $1! ~ B1>rr & J4l I VI• I .O'trt Nwwpofl flrlll It tt?'1 •~14 Frmch from $550 from $1 2~ \\'1111 10-llO 1.1'8 cn1,_. $700 $12(.IO S2 75 15 5() up to 11!1111 Atl.tm• llut1ltnl(ll'" f!,...,h lf'I/ lfl •, 150 MANUARIN GOl'RMl-:T <'hi..-. from l lOOO from M 50 18 50 • up to I~""*'-· V.u. M"" '4fl Ill)' 80 MARCELLO'S fi..~r Ai ' Italian from M 65 from 13 25 Up IO 17~ llrwh 8111d, liununru"' ,....,,h Ml '1'111~ \\ '"" 86 Ml CASA Mf'xk.vi 1 la ca.IV • la CIMA' * • 2M IE l?fh St , ac.a .._ IW• 1~211 &combo &combo . REUB.EN'S or NEWPORT See.food from $1111:1 from'42' from'8115 &-7 • * I.IP to * ~l &. C--H"'1 ~ 8-'h » PA8T&L'8 Cootl~t.al ~ 'IO~llt.00 Open1na Soon &·7 IO»W 0-.Hwy ~._...Ma.71117 . TB.1 WAREBOU8.E SM food from '8115 '4115-f7115 •12115 4 ., * • lo--to() MM V• ~......,_,a-ti 1'7M70ll H o.t1y Piiot ~/ Fridey. March 1f , 1988