HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-20 - Orange Coast Pilot' I ' * THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1986 House refuse.s Contra aid plea WASHINGTON (AP) -The Democratic-controlled House today defeated President Reapn's request for SI 00 milJion in military aid to Nicaraguan rebels. The vote was 222-210. But the vote does not mean that Reagan's efforts to ~n renewed U.S. military aid to the Contra rebels are dead. Amy arre.ted Amy Carter, daacJater of former Preeldent Jim- my Carter, wu arreated darini an and-aput- held cfemon•tradon. A4 Coaat Local students have been appointed to U.S. mllltary academies and achieved honors at college cam- puses./81 California Eyes were gouged out of alleged victim of Night Stalker, court told./ M Sports It's no contest as Orange Coast baseball team clubs rival Golden West •. 22-5./81 INDEX Advice and Games Boating To woo votes away from Reagan, the House Democratic leaders prom- ised a new round of votes April IS on a range of alternatives. Key Democrat• have acknowl- edged privately that· Congress Is almost certain to approve so_ me form of aid for the rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist govern- ment. Def ore the vote, Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. a vocal critic of the Contras, declared that sending them anti..aircraft weapons would be "an escalation of o'Ur involvement .. that he predicted would lead to sending U.S. troops after this fall's con· gressJooal cleetions. On Wednesday, Reagan said that if Congress approved his aid pack.age, he would spend money in the first 90 days only for defensive anti-aircraft weapons, trainin.~ and logistics. As the often-bitter debate resumed today, Rep. Michael Barnes, 0-Md., Touriata return to Capistrano Toarlata at llUeton San Jaan Captatrano aue at the •ky Wedneeclay In eearch of the fa.moa• Capl•trano •wallow• that annaally mtcrate from Araendna back to their •ummer chairman of the House ForC1"1 chairman, endoned Reapn'1 ro- AJTain subcommittee on Laun.,,. quest, sayina a diplomatic tettJement America, said, "The Conaress should requires "a· two-track" approach loud and clear say today there is a combinJna nesotiatiom and military better alternative to war in Central pressure and .. to do that military America... aasistance it absolutely enentiaJ." But Reo. William S. Brqomfield, Rep. Andrew Jacobs, 0.1.nd .. op.- R·Micb., the ran.kin& Republican on posed the aid, arauina: "If this the House Foreign Affairs Commit-country ever aoes to war apin, let it tee, said Reagan's new proposal bebccausewehaveto.notbccauseV..C represented "a carrot and sti~k ap-have a chaJ\ce to." proach" that would force Nicara,ua's Rep. Jim Leath, R-lowa, aaid the Sandinista government to negotiate.. aid puu the United States on course Rep. Dante Fascell, D-f1a., the for deeper military involvement, House Foreian Affairs Committ~ addina, "Prudence dictates re- ,... T ... home in Muth Ora.nae County. The wlnfed onee Mell here at the ruin• of the Great Stone Ch arch aren't neceeearlly the •wt.ft •wallow•. Story on A2 IU'lint. •• A11uins apin.1t •n ~pril vote, Speake. uid Reqan "firmly believes that further delay •.. wiU have the most seriou.1 coMCquenoc for our national ICCU.rity, for the boot of a democratic outcome in N~ and f'or peace in Cent.rat America. Jn the Senak meanwhile. ll~ publican lcadel' Bob Dolt II.id that chamber may delay its vote on.the aid • untj( after the Euler recesa, which begins at the close of business Marth 27. Originally, the Seriate had been scheduled to vote next week. Irvine looks at its future Council pays heed to rowth Issues durin budget discussions By PHIL SNEJDERMAN °' ... ...., ......... Irvine officials met Wednesday to decide what they want to accomplish in the coming budget year. •Should Irvine set a deadline on negotiations over three new Orange County freeways? •Should the city talce stronaer steps to prevent civilian ni&hts at the nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station? •Should the city besin plannina to extend its boundaries to the ocean? •Has the city prepared for earth- quakes and other natural disutc1S? These were among the questions addressed as Irvine City Council members met with advisory com· mission members and city depart- ment beads. City staff members are · ~ring a budget for the year that DNuly I, and they asked council members to identify the most import- ant issues. The city's population is expected to grow from about 87,000 this.year to more than 200.000 residents by the year 2010. Councllwoman Barbara Wiener sajd a high priority shouJd be assigned to ensuring that Irvine efficiently Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics C1 BS A3 CS-6 B6-8 C2 B8 Kids get up early for comet watch · delivers services to a population that large. Arguments about the paoe of south county development have sur- rounded plans to construct the San Joaquin HilJs, Eastern and Foothill freeways throu&h or near Irvine. The city has joined other cities and the county in two agencies that will oversee financing and designing the freeways. Death Notices Entertainment Opinion Paparazzi Police Log Public Notices Sports Television Weather Get Phyelcel C3-4 AS BS A3 B8-10 81-4 C4 A2 In tod•r'• Dallr Piiot By ROBERT BARKER Of .. ~ .......... School started early today for more than 300 seventh and eighth g,raders at Spring View School in Huntington Beach -pitch-dark early. Some rode in cars dri ven by sleepy moms and dads. Others waJked or rode their bicycles. They arrived at 4:30 a.m. to catch a glimp~ of Halley's comet. With scie nce teacher Jerry Donohue pointing the way to the early birds, those youngsters helped others to draw a bead on the hazy looking little cotton ball in the southeastern skies. Every yo ungster was able to make a sighting, Donohue said. One of the onlookers. eighth grader Wheeler and foes get stomping mad at council meeting By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. ~ ......... An unknown critic of Dave Wheel- er Costa Mesa's maverick city coun- cilman, has come up with a new dance -"the Wheeler Stom{>." It's done on top of his portrait. While Wheeler was putting his foot down apinst a controversial sky- scraper project Monday night. some- one was diging a heel into the councilman's liktness. It appears that the color portrait of' the freshman COWltilma.n was pulled from the wall in the City Hall lobby, thrown face down on the marble-like Ooor and smashed by foot. No witnesses have.been found, but city officials pieced together the scenario from sli vers of evidence - like footprints on the back of the picture frame. Wheeler. 30, had made more than a few people hopping mad with his stin11ng swipes at developer C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, which was sc~k­ ini permission to build the tallest office tower in Orange County. The proposed 32-story high -nsc became the focal point in the incrcai.- ingly heated debate over Costa Mcsa'1irowth. Portraits of past and present coun· cit members throughout the city's 33· year history adorn the lobby. A bald iipot now appcaf'l in the section Chris Boyd, had several friends spend the night at his parents' house to help celebrate the occasion. Boyd said he's been excited for a couple of weeks. A friend, ChnsSclly. sajd the comet ··was pretty much worth 1t. J'll remember 1t the rest of my life." But Da vid Schultz wasn't as im- pressed. "I don't think ll was worth aeuing up for,·· he said. ··11 was just a Councilman De.•e Wbeeler teM:rved tor the current C'uy Council A janitor found the manlf)ed portrait on a bed of ,hattercd glass (Pl•M 'WHltELER/ A2) She's living proof of hitching danger Shot and bludgeoned at I • S. Lagunan has recovered, written book on ordeal One December afternoon in 1979, Michele Ferri was hitchhikina her way home from achool,/' ust u she had done every day for the a5t year. But this day was different. Ferri. a beautiful brunette with Iona. Oow1nf hair, qu1ckJy aot a ride, but only hal -way home. The man who picked her up looked "normal," she rtcalls. But as their 1oumcy continued. he became more and more silent -almost f natu. en1na. ~he recently recalled. "He wa. very1cecold and very ria,ld." she said. And 1uddenly, for no apparent reason, he repeatedly shot at her. lodaina five bu lieu in her skull. When I IUf'IC of eneray allowed her 10 continue strualina for the wheel, he tried to control h~ by bcatina her head with a hammer. "I remember think.int, 'My God I'm I .S and I'm aoina to die. I was afraid l would never aet to be 16." she *lid. But f'err1 was able to wrc•tle the hammer away from him when hr pulled to a side road and pushed her from the car. "I knew then God wa'I llVlng me stren~th." id Fem. She spoke calml y, with the detachment of someone who has told the same s1ory many limes. Af\er beina dumped on the road. she was able to memorite the l1ccn~ plate befort a.crcamina for help. sht said, Nearby construction worker.1 tncd to take her to the ho p1tal, but were unable to convince Fem, who in11isted on aoin.a to her mother's boUtl9_UC -all the While aiv1na th<' men d1rect1ons Today, aOer two brain 'ura.cnt' to remove thrtt bullet • Frm 1s mental ly and phy'11cally 100 percent fit Two bullets rcm1un in her skull One bullet bt'h1nd her temple wa' never re- moved to avoid ~amna htr face . another on top of her head ti\ now covcttd by bone and ~r 11ssue "We didn't find out about the bullets unul we aot to the ho p1tal," recalled Fem. 1tt1na comfon.a bly in her South Lquna Bcoch home She d.Jdn't remember the 'lhoot-•nas, and hrr family thouaht her battered head \Wis from the beauna.•. Docton at llCl Medic I CrntM' were amazed she survived with \0 many fragmenL\ of bullt't~ • ttrrtd about her brain. Fem said Charle~ C rucnthu wM Mn\11cttd fittle brown speck." Science teacher Donohue sajd most of the youngsters were impressed more with the fact that they saw the comet rather than with the comet Itself. "It's kind of like a World Series µme." he said, "you can say you saw It. (Pleue .ee COMET I A2) But Councilman Ray C.atalano suggested the city put a one-year de.adline on its talks wt th other agency (Pleue eee IRVlllfE/A2) Marines agree to road extension By USA M.AHONEY Oflheo.llr .......... After 20 years of ncgouauons with the m1lit~ry. it appears that lrvtne Boulevard finally will be extended through Manne Corps Air Station. El Toro, to provide a .safer hnk between Lake Forest and Tustin. Agreements call1n' for a two-phase extension of Irvine Boulevard · through the air station have been signed by the U.S. Dcpanment of the Navy, according to Murray Storm, director of the Orange County En- vironmental Manaacment Agency. A formal signing ~remony be- tween county 'lupcrv1wrs and El Toro's commander 1s tentatively set for March 24. he said The four-lane extension wtll re- place Trabuco Road. a winding. two- lane road which skins the nonhea~t l.Auu IEIK PEOP Lf IN IHL N t~S and ~rvl'd 11x ycan or a 12-year sentence in San Quentin Pnson for the attack on Fem. h wu G uenther's fint offense. W1th a doctort1\<' in ittycholoay and soc1oloay. he wortC'd u a juvenile counselor with th e ~ounty Probation Oc-pa11ment. T u~tln attome) Ride Boehm, who rtprcKntcd Fem 1n a ptnonal 1n1uf) (Pl--... RlTCKRDmfO/ A2) side of the base. "h 's almost been ant1cltmactJc." said Storm. who has seen the long-· 'iOUght agreement detoured over the years. "I sull won't believe it until they sign it," he said. Orange County o fficials have been nt'got1at1ng with the military over extending Irvine Boulevard smoe the m1d-1960s. Changes in the local command and differing views among thOst' respon- \lhle for moving the project through the federal government's approval process have more than once ~ turned county planne" to the draw- ing board, Storm said. Bccau,c Irvine Boulcvard-T rabuoo Road 1~ an important north-south ltemat1 ve to the Santa Ana Freeway, Orange County has long wanted to (P1eue eee llARINU/ A2) Caltrans to study crouwalk perils 8y SU AN HOWl.E'IT Of_....,,......,. Follow1na picas from rcMdent!lt and cuy officials, the ~Ulte Department of Tn1nsponat1on has ~ to study croHwalk danaen on a stretch of East Coast Hl.lhway 1n orona del Mu. Calt,..n• d1Stnct traffic cn11nttr Chuck Boyer said he hai bttn worlun1 wit.h Newport Beach officials and c1ttzcns' if'Oups reprdina pcd- esi.nan har.anfs on a I V1-m11e strcich of the htahW•)'· He 111d the study will bcaln 1mme.di1tcly Newport Bach City Councilman Bill A&tc. who ha kcd for m01' ("'--• caoeaw AL&/ A2) • Ja.e Smith uea a teleacope to n ew Balley'• comet today wb.Ue othen rely on biDOC1l.l.an. From left are Lyn.n Rul.&, Holly Rawkl.na, Jobn Berner, Brian Ziegenbein, Chad Pattenoii, Don Markham, Mike Ha.morl &Ad Mike lilJ.Jjaha.DClr. COMET GETS SCHOOL KIDS UP EARLY ... From Al "The kids became a part of tra· dttion toda ). Julius C~r $<1W 11. Shakespeare \aW It and wrote about It." Pnnc1pal Mani> n Koeller said that the: Halley's comet theme: was earned out 1n etas~ 1hroughout theda) The: pupils wrote: essa)s about what they think lhe world will be like: when the: comet returns in the )ear 2061 They also put mementoes of coda) into a lime capsule: to be opened when the comet returns. They also did math pro1c:ca 1nvolv1ng the comet and watched a video tape This morning's exercise. she: said, provides the: yo ungsters with a ttme frame: -"It puts thetr life in perspecuve." Tbc school day ended at 11 :30 a.m. Teachers worked Late: Wednesda~ night cook.ing pancakes and the) returned early this morning. Others provided transpon.at1on for hand1· capped students. Denny's Restaurants provided 50 pounds of pancake batter and the: youngsters paid SI . 50 each to dc:fra) costs. Science teacher Donohue said the comet will be v1i.1blc: Fnday and Saturday at about 4:30 a.m. after tbe moon g~s down. If"> lov. in the \ky and about halfwa~ between the two end stars of Capncom and the: two bottom '>tars of Sagittanus. he said. The: moon will blot out the comet unul around Apnl I, when ll again will be v1s1blc: for a short time E1ghth grade: pupil Victor Montiel said the: comet v.as "prell) cool. It was kind of brown with a ltttlc: tatl. I found 1110 about two mmutc:s. I ··1 plan to ~e It when 11 comes around again ... That v.111 be in the )ear 2061 and Victor will be 88 years old. HITCHHIKING NIGHTMARE RECOUNTED ... From A l lav.sutt, said. "The v.ord amaJ:ing doesn't do tt )USllcc. From the umc v. hen she: was 1n1urc:d unul the: time of ltt1gat1on. c:vc:rythtng was bizarre" Boehm said Guenther was an hetr to the Union 011 fortune through a grandfather who left holdmj.\ 10 the company entrusted to him. Guenther filed for bankruptc} two days before the end of hts tnal BankruptC) proc~dtngs last cibout tv.o )Can. ~1d Boehm But hour<> before the: ca5e was lo be decided, (1ucnther's mother died. making the ca\C 1n .... altd and Guenther wealth) once agam. Fem settled out of court 1n a per'>Onal inJUI) suit but would not specif} the amount of the ..ettle· menL Though Guenther wrote several letters of apolog) to Fem dunr~ his time 1n pnson. she said his 1n1ent1on wa'i to kill her "He definttely wanted me dead In his confession he said he wanted to rape me when f was dead," she \aid Al 23 nearl} eight }ear'> after the attack. Fem has finished a manu- sc.npt on the 1ra$edy. shunnmg other~ v.ho asked for nght\ to the story Her agent ha~ \ubmltled the manu'>Cript. lilied "Bang. Bang. I'm not Dead:· to several publisher'> and Fern hopes 11 w1 II be accepted for publication v.1th1n the next two month'>. It has taken }ear\ to '>Ort out the anger. guilt and fru\trat1on she '>did but v.nung the manu')Cnpt helped relca\C the pent-up em<>llons "ll v.a\ therap) for mL· "'1a)bt: in a wa~ I v.a\ ltl' 1ng 1t one good last U) J fell kind ul llean<,(:d · '>he o,a1d ""low l ""ant to be a v.ntcr · \he \31d T cm wa\ I S when lht: J\\auh t()<1k plate and <tbout 21 when the night man:\ lin;ilh '>tOpped Dlllll' l'tlo4 ...... 0 .,., Lee .. .,,.. Michele Ferri with lnf&At IOD. Ruuell. .. Unttl I met Robert ll was not even tun 10 go to sleep at night." ...aid Fem of her hu'tband. The: couple recently g.a"c birth to a son. Russell. born a month before the manuscnpt was ~ompkte The traged) had both good and bad influences on her life, Fem admits. "M) ltfe was kind of roucn at the 11mc l .... asgomg through a lot of stuff I was depressed usmg drugs .\fter that f got a nev. lcu.c on hfc: It was precious and I .... as lucky:· she said Her hair was gone because of the surgenes. "I couldn't look at m}selfin the mirror," she: said ·· 1t was tough, It was tough at home My mom didn't want to keep me in the house like a recluse but she knew I was resentful of the fact that I wasn't a oormal teen-ager ... she said The boo"-deals . not onl) .... 1th Fern's emotion\ but also with Guenther"s life. informatton she gathered through her auome} from his ps ych1atnc report\. "He had a v<:I) pamful rclattonsh1p with his mother but later went through two marriages to women JUSt ltke her. He kept banging his head against the wall f wrote about his life. I have a lot of empath y for him. f have definitely forgiven htm "M>life1sgreat I ha-.<:norcasonto be: angry,'' she said Fem doesn't knov.-)'Cl whether her book will be a suc.ccss or even 1f ti v.-111 be published But she's alread) look- ing toward her next pro1ect a film about her struggle "While I wa~ v.nting the book I thought about what I would ltke to read and would <;tep back and be a reader. My agent loves 11. so that's what I have to gob)' ... she o;a1d. She's also using her expcnence as a warning to teen-agers· She recentl> spoke toa group of st udents at Laguna Beach H1Wi School about the dangers of httchh1k1ng. "My hfe now 1s vel) incredible. I have no complaints I have always been very spmtual and close to God. There 1s not a day that $OCS by that I don't thank him for bcmg alive and OK." she said 'WHEELER STOMP' RUINS PORTRAIT ... From Al aboul 11 I~ pm JU\t a 1c .... fl-,.t dV.a)' from tht: ""all where II hun~ wtth pit tu rt·' of "vfcs~or "-11rmJ I frn111g <tnJ Lount ti member\ f>qnn Hall l\rlcnc "iLhafer anJ \·1c1n I lornbuc;klc · Publtt t<:\t1mon)' had JU'>t t)c11 un 1Jn the \ky\<.raper alter mughh tlAf<J hour<, of prec,cntcnrn11on' 1n v.h1l h dc\ieloixr'> were gnlkd h)' .1 '4.lr1;a\tlt Wheeler Aller kc.ming that ht· ti.id bccn stomped 1n clfig} \I.. ht·cler re· sponded ·· 1 d1dn·t ""ant m\ p1ctun· there anyway 1 he)' did me J fa \.or However the p1cturt \ db'>Cn(.e from the lobb) wall will onl~ be temporary. The picture wa\ \alvagcd touched up hy a ( 1ty Hall w11tkcr wnh 1ndchble black ink and '>COi t1J a framer, said Oty ( lc:rk f.1h:en Ph1n· ncy. She estimated the new frame would cost about SS8. Meanwhile. Wheeler\ political en cmics aod opponent!> dcnount.c:d and disavowed the acti on .. , don't ltkc 11." ')31d < ounc1lman Hall. ;i pr<rgrowth advoc<Jtc "Th1\ del'>alc ,., p1t11ng lnend\ against fncnd\ It'\ becomtng very dangerous dnd the commun1t) l!I gellmg l)(Jla Tl tt:d " The picture-stomping incident w.a.,n 't the only Wheeler-related scan· dal ming from the emotional hearing CJ\ier the: "One ~ut h Coast Place" ~~)~raper the first phase of a proposed 98-acre bu'.>mes~ center "v1a)or Hertzog claimed Wheeler re'lponded with a vulganty when she trted to break up a heated cxchan~e bct'-"een Wheeler and f lall on the (.CJUnC1l da1i, l\ftcr bc1og told that he v.-a<, out of order Wh<'cler mutlcrL-d a two-word l.'Jtplcttvc 1nv<Jlv1nK the \Cli act . Her1./()g charged "lfc ..aid·.-you' under his breath. but 11 was picked up by the m1tr<>-phc,nc: "c;he \aid < 1tv ( lerlc Phinney could nttt locate the obc,ccnuy on the tapc- rccordcd -.cct1on of the council mctt· 1ng Wheeler \aid he d1dn'1 remember ~~1ng the X-rated phra~ but it wau poss1b1ltty "Therc'vc heen many times f wanted to tell her that." he ~1d, adding. "of course. to be taken figuratively, not hterall).'' Moriarty wanted for councilman's trial By tbe A11oclated Preu LOS ANGELES-Prosecutors say they want to delay fonner Orange County fireworks tycoon W. Patnck Monarty's federal pnsoo term so he :.an test1f) more easily 1n the trial of Long Beach ( uy Councilman James Wilson . A four-week delay unul April 21 1s being !>Ought hy Chief Assistant U .. A.Homey Richard Drooyan. Without a postponement of Mond~y·s report· 1ngdate.1t would be necessary to get a ;oun order each lime Monarty wa-, needed to aid pro~utors in pretnal oreparatton or to testify IRVINE COUNCIL WEIGHS PRIORITIES ... From Al members. If. by that time lrv1nL· cannot persuade the other member.. to build the: freeway according to'" WlShes. the city should revu.·w 1tc, panic1patton 1n the <1genc1ec, Catalano sugested. Mayor David Baker ~'11d tht" free ways. local strcctsa.nd a new 1r:un hu-, station should all be addres~d 1n ti citywide around transponat1on pl1.1n durins the comina year. The mayor aJso e•prcued concern\ about air traffic Baker 1d he behev~ a proposal wlll be made wathin two ycan for dvihan flta,hts 11 lht nearby El Toro bl.le u a way to l"C"hoc bust.ho& John Wayne Airport In inc official .. ""h<> arc c.onu:rncd about potential no1\(, tr.lffic and pollution problem\, have 101ncd the Manne~ in rcsm1ng propc>\ab for U\ilhan 01&Jlh at fl Toro Balter "'d the city should con11nuc look1n1 into annc~at1on of the bajC propcny and othe1 \tcp\ that cuuld help \top q~(.1'1crcial u~ of the Manne run· way\ The: mayor also u1d more auenuon \hould be directed towarrl 1nncu11on of unincorpratcd county arcu adJI· tent to the city In particular. Baker p<)lntcd to the ooe.tnfront IC'ttqr bctv.c:en Newport k hand Laauna tkach \8y1nacou1al <.II) \t.atuHould bnn' I rv1nc addtt1onal bcnc:fil!I. in the com1n1 decade\ ( ounc1lman Larry >.jran uraed the cny 10 continue efToru to have emergency •upphcs and communtc.a· 11ons equipment in pla« for use dunng a natural d1~ster Aaran said ~·d he ~anti Jrvtnc to become "the molt canhquake-prep1red city m Califom11 •• Other ht&,h pnont1c~ mentioned by council mcmlxn for the comina year included do~lopmc:nl of Cll)' parb and r•pan"on of chHd<ar~ prc>- aram' I Sunny skies for spring' s de but ri<ll l'llQll , .. ,,~ Seco<>Cl higll Second IOW . 8IZll IMAN 1·2 ""'°' I poor I -I poor 2 poor 1,2 poor 1·2 - TOOAT '''&."' 12 2t."' 7.21 Pftl 11 &epm ,.., .. ., $$:!em 17 51 plll 7 36p"' ., 0.0 a.a ,. A smattering of swallows Jpholds San Juan tradition By tbt Auociated Press As m1ss1on bells rang and blfd watchers scanned the: ~ktes. a handful of swallows made thetr fabled return to M1ss1on San Juan Capistrano. cnd1n~a 6.000-mile flight from South J\menca As 1n previous years, about 4,000 people lcept a vigil inside: the mm1on ptes Wednesday, waiting for bellr· 1nger Paul Arb1so to s1gn1fy the swallows' official return by wunding lhe m1ss1on's bells. But for the: first time 1n 38 years as the m1ss1on's official spotter, Arb1so ...aid he didn't spot a swallow Sul I. the bells rang. "I got to nng them anyway. because the> told me: to," Arbiso said. Arb1so said he: knew swallows were: in the area because he had seen "scouts" amvc: in the da)s before: the btrd~· trad111onal return on March 19 -~aint Joseph's Day -from their v.intc:r home in Goya. Argentina. He: annbutcd their low turnout to the high turnout of human visitors, who have Oocked to the m1ss1on each March 19 since the swallows· return was populanzed in composer Leon Rene:·., I 939 hit song. "When the Swallows Come Back To Capistrano." .. Before, there used to be: lots of swaJJows. Now, therc·s too many people ... that chased them (the swallows) away," he said. Dick Landy, director of the mission's visitor center, said he told Arbiso to ring the bells after seeing a half dozen swallows fl ying about the m1ss1on grounds at 8:33 a.m. He: said Arbiso missed the in111al s1ghttng because he was being inter- viewed by a tclev1s1on news crew. Rose Michalec. a veteran swallow watcher from nearby San Oementc, said she wa.s disappointed by the low bird turnout after seeing nocks of the birds in sporadic visits to the mission over the past 25 years. "You sec. there's so much build- ing." she: said, blaming the dispersal of the: swaJlow flock on increased development. The day didn't go by without a s1ghtmg. however. "There's one. There's one. See him flying around:· she said momenti. later. pointing skyward to a swallow circling above the rums of an old adobe: and stone church. The btrd turnout ma) have: been lo'>'. but that didn't d1m101sh Maxync Willms' faith 1n the: legend of the swallows "I've hl'ard 11 all these: vears, and there·s no reason for me to ih1nk they don't come back on this day,'' said Willms. whocamedown from Down- ey to watch 1hc spectacle. "There's no harm 1n 11 (bclte v1ng), and it's a beautiful place to -;pend the day." Linda and Andrew Klein of San Diego brought their son. Toby. to the: m1ss1on, as well as a video camera to record the event. "We got about 20 (swallows) on tape," Linda Klein said "We: have proof. If we didn't see the swallowi., we were '01ng to tape pigeons from a distance:. · Accounb of the '>Wallows' return date back to thl' mission's founding in 1776 b) Father Jun1pero Serra. Father Paul Marttn, pastor of the m1SS1on. said the real significance of the day 1s the observa nce of Saint Joseph's Day But the S'-"allows' return 1s a happy coincidence "It's not anything mtraculous," he: said of the bird\' return. "It's a God· given tnsllnct MARINES AGREE TO ROAD EXTENSION •.. From Al realign and extend the Irvine: Boulevard portton to provide dnvers with a safer alternative to the: 90- degree turns on Trabuco. The agreement calls for the county to construct two lanes dunng phase one then widen the road to four lanes after 11 has met other obltgauons outlined 10 the document. The cost of the first phase of construction 1s esttmatcd at $2 million. < ount) officials will provide the: Mannes with S 1.4 m1llton to help replace aging barracks that must be demolished to make way for the road extension. After the 64 structures have been replaced. the county can move ahead with the second phase of the: ex· tension. said Art Wood, chief of road program management for the county. Wood said the: county 1s more than ready to begin work on the extension. Bids will be advertised for as soon as the asrccments are signed nut week, he said . Storm said the county must obtain congres!l1onal approval for the ex- tension because 11 will be on federal property. The: ba1Tacks may then be: removed and construction can get under ~ay The extension should be completed 1n three to four yea~. he said CROSSWALK PERILS STUDY SET ... From At traffic signals to ease tne problem. said he has been writing to CaJtrans officials for two years to try to work out a solutton. Until now, Callrans has i.atd there ts nothing lhey could do about the problem, he said. Caltrans said more signals or overhead ltghts at crosswalks may provide pedcstnans with a false sense of security. Boyer said Callrans has even looked into reports Lhat say many of the crosswalks should be om111ed to reduce traffic accidents. "A case could be made/or that," Paris bomb blast kills 1 MAIN OfflCE Boyer said, "But poht1ca1Jy, f don·t think 1t would fly." Agee said he is frustrated about the situation because of the city's unique mvolvemenl in the state highway ISSUe. City crews painted the: crosswalks on East Coast Hi&bway with bolder stripes because Caltrans. which is responsible for the maintenance of the: state road, was slow in malting the: improvements. Because oflhc paint· ing~project the city may be liable for traffic mishaps, A.gee said. A liability claim has been filed by a PARIS (AP) -A bomb uploded in a crowded shoppina arcade on the Champs Elysees in central Paris today, and fire officllls said one person died and 29 were injured. A preliminary rc~rt from the Fire Department wd nine or the injured were in very serious condition. pc:destnan injured 1n an East U>ast Highway crosswalk. The city received the claim after an elderly woman was struck by a car in the crosswalk al Larkspur Lane Dec 11 . Agee said city officials and aroups It.kc C1t1zcns for Safe Crosswalks are concerned about the safety issue, and 1t ts time for ~me action from Cahrani.. City officials ~1d two pedestrians have been killed on East Coast Hi~way since: 1983, but neither aCCldent occurred at a crosswalk. . The blast nppcd throu&h the shop- pina arcade minutes 11\cr a new premier. Jacques Chirac, the con· scrvat1 ve mayor of Pans, was official· ly dc:si,nated by Socialist President Francois Mitterrand. Police sources said a second bomb was found and detonated harmlessly. 0_1111 Pltot .o.e .. 9'1 I• Ouarenteed I)(/ ,. .. , S.r <.1 Cc6•1 U.. Cl> "'' 11+.-, ~ ~11 o,trw CA t'616 ._,_ '4)·$e'• --& .o.•or• e.ii '"' Justcall 642-6086 "'!lt'Cltr ~·Idly " '°" 00 "'ll•lle .. yo.;;~11y ~ lO D ,,. te 11910'1 1 C> m -,_ (00,, ... be ,.qo• ·~el <>•"9' eo." PvtMl''"O ~,, ~ ,.,. .... tt t ...,.,,._,.,..,. f<St(lf.. .... .... OI .0.....,._ ,,,_ t ............ , ot rfOrQOw( 9cJ ~ ~I ~ " • 'U0,•91'ICI- VOL 11, NO. 1't What do )'Ou like about the: Daily Pilot? Wh11 don•t you like? Call lhe number above and your meslqC will be recorded. transcribed and de- livered to the appropriate editor. The 11me 2.4-hour answerlna serv1~ may be used to record letten to the editor on any topic. Cqntributon lo our Lett.en column mus.t include their name and telephone number for venficauon Tells us what's on your mind .. ., \e•u<<Hr •"4 ""'°"' " '°" ct<) Ml ·-'r<llll ~' Dy I I '" Ull ot'Ote 10 .... .,.., rot>' c.os.., ... "'O.O...•eo Clrcotetton Telephoftee • ..... ....... .. Sci-fl fans gear for big weeltend lntcrplactJc pleasures aw&Jt science fiction and comic book fans this weekend at the Creation Co~vention at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. wh1cb will be offered from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Appearina an person will be actress Sarah Oou&Jas ("Superman II'). special effects des11ner John Dykstra ("Stu Wa~"), director Tobe Hooper ("Po~tcraeist") and Robin Curtis ("Star Trek JJI"), A~cuons. co tum~ contc ts, tnvia competition. shdo ahows an.d sci-fl music presentations also will be offered. Tickets arc on sale at all Ticketron outlets. Llbrary friends convenlng The Friends of the Fountain Vallcyltbrary will ~old their reaular mccuna fnday at 9:30 a.m. at the hbrary, 17565 Los Alamos. in Fountain.Valley. Manan We terhold will conduct a shde p~ntation on "A Tour of Europe" and the pubhc is invited. Calr 962-1742 for ... formnuon Lion• •et benefit lunch The Huntington Beach Host Lions C'lub will aponsor a luncheon benefit Saturday at Wong's Chinese restaurant. 8052 Adams Ave. All proceeds will go to the organization's programs for blind and deaf children. For more information. call Larry KJrkcrislagcr at 964-7871 . ltlethodlsts plan falr The Community United Methodist Church invites artisans and the pubhc to participate 1n the Spring Artesian Fair Saturday. The event wall be held at 6662 Hell Ave .. Huntington Beach. For mo11: information. call 84 • 1630 or 842-8460 Ul1~ house at Klddle Kamp The Gan Israel K1dd1e Kamp of Irvine will host an open house Fnday. beginning at 9 a.m .. at lhe ChAbad of Irvine Jewish Center. 4872 Roy~ Road. A slide show of the yo ungsters' act1v1t1cs last summer will be presented. Call camp director Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum at 786-5000 for rurtber 1nfor· mat1on. Free health screenlngs set The Mcd1~enter Medical C'hn1c will offer free heahh screenings at a health fair from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 8912 W. Katella Ave .. Anahe11]l ... No appointmen111 arc necessary. Call 772-0721 for additional information. Comedy shows ln Mesa The Kompany I 0 I 1mprov1sational comedy troupe will present two shows over the weekend at the Costa Mesa C1v1c Playhou\C, 661 Hamilton St .. Costa Mesa. Performance'> will be given Saturday at 8 pm. and Sunday at 7 p.m (all the boll offi1:c at 650.5269 for ticket anformauon PBO meeting ln Newport The Orange Coastal Rec1proc1ty Bureau of PEO Wlll meet Fnday mominJ at the Glendale Fc<kraJ Savinp and Loan building. I 00 Newport Center Ori ve. Newport Beach. Refreshment'> will be ~rved at 9:30 a.m. with the business meeting scheduled for 10. Chapter presidents and rcprcscnt:rnves arc 1nv1Led to attend. Pancalce breakfast ln Irvine The Sunnse Exchange Club of Irvine will hold its second annual pancake brc.akfast and rummaic saJe Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon at Heritage Park an Irvine. Proceeds from the fund-ra1!>1n~ event will benefit the clul;>'s child abuse prevention center for Orange County. Tickets arc S3 and will be ava ilable at the door. Those donating rummage should call Gene Pardee at 552-4008. Thursday, March 20 • 4 p.m.. La1uaa Beacl1 Human Affairs Committee. Community Center, 384 Leg.ion St • 6:30 p.m .. Laguu Buell Board of Adjatt- ma&. Council Chambers. 505 Forest Ave. • 7:30 p.m . La1ua Beach Cable Televl1lo11 Committee. Community Center. 384 Legion St. • 7:30 p.m .. lrvlae Plaulag Comml11lo11, City Council Chambers. 17200 Jamboree Blvd. PoucE Loe Ofange Coast DAILY PILOTIThurldey, Mweh 20, 1He *Al Bankrupt developer facing tria- Founfaf nValley man charged with grand theft of mor a e paym~nts. wrtttng bad check . bribery By STEVE MARBLE Ofllle .... ,... ..... A bankrupt developer wh o once special· ized in buildina luxury homes in south Orange County must stand tnal on felony charaes of embezzlin1 mortaa&c payments fl'om homeowners and brib1na a bank officer. Gerald Goeden. a Fountain Valley resident and former pre idcnt of Irvine· based Goeden Co.. as charaed with 16 felony counts of arand theft, wntana bad checks and bribery. Gcodcn. facing a maximum eight.year Wind-whipped whimsy pnson 5Cntenct, was ordered Monday to return March 27 for 1trra1anment in Supenor Court 1n Santa l\na The 4S.yeu -old former dcvdopcr ha~ pleaded innocent 10 ull charae~. The criminal charge stem from Goeden·s residential developments an Laauna Niguel, San Juan Cap1w1no and Oranac. accord1ni to l.)cputy D1stnc1 Attorn<'v Kol Mac1no Homeowners 1n Crown Royalc, tht" development pro1cc:1 an Laauna N1aucl. clai med they mailed mortpge checks to Goeden, but that hl'I tirm ntver forwarded the money to the proper banks ' .. . .. • -... . ,. ·--" --. --~· . ..,..-... .,,,, ·~. -. . -·~···~-~ ,. -~~ .. r . . . .. A warm breese la all th1a wind•arflng eallboarder needed for a little fun ln the Jlf ewport Channel between Lido l•le and the Balboa Penln•ula. The weatherman promlae. more •ucb opportunitle• •• •prinC arrl•ea on the Oranae Coa•t. Oocden wu subfidmna homcow~"' u part of a markttina plan. accorJma to tht Chlr)tS. More tha_n 1 do1en u( the homeowners have n.Jcd sun a.aain t Goeden. some allcaina they lost their home bccaute of the developer's financ'll deahnp. Res1dtnll of Crown Royale took &Jm at the developer an 1983 by forminJ picket hnc out 1de the Goeden sales office and carryina protest iantna rudang "We Got the Royale 'haft." . Goeden aUcJC<Sly ~ mongaac pay. ment' to play the commod1det. market. He lo11t about SJ m1lllon speculatina on the futures market. accord1na to the 1ccusa- 11ons Goeden aJso IS !tU5pected or Wrllll\I about $440.000 worth of b d checks to a commod1t1es broker. Funhcr. he 1s accu~d of bnb1na a bank OfTi~ b) telhDl lbe oftica I luxury bOme at a dalCOunl. Mo$1 of the bomedMaih by the Goeden Co r.old in the $300,000 to $400.000 ranae 1 he Fountain Valley ma.n alsowaut the center of contro~f'n)' n Corona del Mar where bn firm purchalCd an apanmctu comp~u 1n 1982 and increased mm by up to JOO percent w1t.h a prom1te of luitury improvements to the unjis, accordina to ttpons. Tenant,, 'IOme who wcrt' ev1cte<l. d11med the ·•1uxury touches" were never made. The Goeden Co filed for bankruptcy the next r.~r. · Goeden and his wife, Betty Jo O<>tdcn. were arrested Apnl t 9. 1985,. followina a lcn1tby anvcsua,auon by the Oranac C'oun- 1y Sheriffs Department Cnmanal characs have 1nce ~ dro~ ped aaa1n t Mrs. llocden. State community colle es report avoi s big issue By PAUL ARCHIPLEY °' tN Delly ..... '""' When a higher educ11t1on comm1ss1on released a report this week conuunina recommendations for improving the com- munity 1.:ullcgc sy!ilcm. 1t dodged the question of governance that has Iona split college administrators and stale legis- lator'>. However. another maJor question - mone) -wns recommended to the tune of S70 m1lhon hy the \omm1ss1on on the Review of the Ma'ltcr Plan for Higher Education. The t·omm1ss1on propo'ICd that the bulk of the fu nd'> go toward a mandatol) program of 'itudcnt a'i'iC'i'lment. couni,cl· 1ng and placement on the 106 community college campuses. Local community college leaders gener- ally praised the report. but tempered their enthusiasm with the reminder that the real action takes place when legislators de- lthcrate the 68 rccommcnd111ions in Sacra- mento beginning April 2. ··1 here were no areal surprises," said Chancellor David Brownell of the Co3~t C'omm un11 y College 01str1 ct. He said local rcpre~ntativcs have been lollowing the comm1ss1on and making recommendati ons throughout its dehbcra- 11ons Brownell ...i1d lhc panel backed awa) lrom the question of governance and recommended 1t be addressed separately Orange ( oast College President Donald Bronsard ~1d. "The one trul y hot 1">Sue is this issue of governance. "The state argues that the money come\ from them. 'iO they 'ihould have more 'la)' 1n how 1f'i spent,' he said ... The counter- argument 1s that the local community college gives a tailored response to the educatio nal needs of Lhat d1stnc1" Bron~rd said of the three s1.a1c higher c.·ducat1on systems. commun1t )' c.ollegcs are "b'v tar the most dlic1en1. Wr have the most O:tudent\, a m1'<ed mission. and ~c handle It with ti fraction or the rcwurlC~ g1vL·n to the un1versllic~ "We make dollaM cry out 1n pain " Coa'ithne College Prcs1drnt W11l1am Vega \ard the recommendations ··w11l takr J lot of money to implement," but the rcpo11 failed to adequately addrc s the question of financing Vep and other local administrators contacted by the 0..1ly Pilot supported the recommended funding for coun~hng and placement of ,tudents. "One oft he mo t e1Tec11ve wa ys to bs1st students 1s a matnculauon program to aSSC)s and place," Vcgn said. But administrators said the recommen· dat1ons to 1ncrCA)( student transfers to four·)CU colleaes and implement more ngorous ac.adem1c standards 1houldn't come at the expense of students who enroll 1n vocational tra1n1ng. non-academic course . and other cla'>~ that don't ncces'Wnly lead to h1&hcr degrees. "Most of us take the pos111on that commun1t) college., 'lhould be open 10 all." Brownell said. "The gut 1 sue is should we have entry standards that would d1scnfranch1sc thousands of students'!" Other rccommendat1on'I included: •Extending facu lty probation before granting tenure from two years to four or <.1x years. •Basana state funding on total full·t1me enrollment rather than averagt d.llily attendanct' . •I ncrea!'>ang facult >control over cour~ otTcred. academic 11tandard\. and h1nng and retention of teacher.. Heliport dedication Saturday in HB Hunt1ngtc1n Rcalh C'llv officials will ded1catt' .1 police dcpartmt'nt heliport Saturda) The proanim. open to 1hc public. ,, scheduled from I 0 a m. to I 2 noon at the s11eofthc n<'v. heliport. 184111 Clothard "it. It', located h(>h1nd the Joint Powers Training (enter :and the (iothard trttt Fire "llat1on nea1 ( wthard ttnd Talbert A.venue The two llunungton Beach Quiet Knight hehcoptcr"i will be displayed &'i well a~ hchcootef"t from other agencies. LB to appeal rulings against mini-park By LAURA MERK OttMO.-, ......... The Laguna Beach C 1ty C ooncll will appeal two court rulings handed down 1h1\ week that removed roadblocks to a proposed housing development 1n Laguna Hills. The rulings by upcrior ( oun Judge Judith Ryan declared the c11~ unJus11fied an its proposal 10 build a m1n1-park that would block access 10 the pro1ect and threw out a law'lu11 the c11y had filed against the county over 1tc, approval of the prOJCCl. fhe cuun caor,c \ll'mmnl trom tht• council'!> rcfu\al 10 grant th e ( armil ~andhng group ,,111l1l1ng pt:rm1t\ and necco;sary al'ces\ to '\lta I aguna Roulrvard from a propmed I llK-un11 hou\lng ck ve lopment. The counul told thl' dl''<'lopml•nt compan)' 11 mu\I '>(·<1k dn~n 11\ pro1t·ct 10 70 units bccau~ Park .\vt·nul' n1uld not handle the add1t10nal trnllit Carma-Sandling rdu .... ·d tn rl'llut l' lht• proJcCI propo\ed fur 4 71liu 1n .• 111d l(OI thl' needed prrm11\ I rum 1lw 1 ount) 1n,1cad 1 hl' propt·rt} I\ 1n un1nlnqx1ra1t•d area IU\I out\1dt' Laguna Bl'<H'h. It wa\ thrn th.11 thr l 11y appro"t'd thl· man1-park at 1ht" end of l\ha l..igunJ tioukq1rd Rut Judge K'tan rult'd Monda' lhJt thl· ut ~ did not Jdcquatt'I} no11h the C JrmJ \andling C1roup ahoul hearing' 11 held to amend the General Plan to allo~ for lhl' park .\II Jdjau.·nt proJX'r1' nv.n{'t't Jrl· tn tx notified undl'r the la~ R)'an ruled the ( 11."nl·ral PIJn ln\:thd .ind -..11d the n l'v mu'it hold tht• hearing' .tga1n Thl' JUd(te ,11'><1 thrt•w out a lnw,u11 the '11' had tikd aiµi1n\l lhl' lount\ I hat \Ult l l;11ml'd 1hc l·ount\ did nut l°lln\lder thl' Cll\ '<, lr.1tltt J0.11\\1\ ~hen UlUnl' of)ICIUh, .lppruH·d tht· dc:.,.clopmt"nt l\ltl'f thr rulinf !\1onda) < Mma-Sand- hng likd a federa l.iw<ou1l t harimg the ut) "'11h t I' ii nght' 'mli.ltmn' \nord1ng to< it) Manager t-..cn f-rank. lht wunl'il \.Oted to .ippcal hoth d«'.1smns. ,1nd 10 f('in\t,11r the puhhl' hl'annJ.\ for the m1n1 park T hn uunc ii .llso authon1ed the 111' a11umc, 111 .1t1 rp1 m:11cnal' file-<.! b) ( ,1rmJ '3ndhng 1n thC rrdt•ral laW'iUll IOI l'ad1 1ounul mfmh(>r and lO have tht c1l'v .111ornt'\ ckknd tht" roum ii mcmh\·r<, 1nd1' 1dualh· Key witness in death plot case against ex-cops dies ror\ on a I !171> ( ad1llal I I l>orndu bclongan& to a rc\ldt'n I ol th1: IO I 00 hlock ot Ckar Rl'l'rC nurt. thl' owner reported Wednl''da) I ht• d<1ma1tc wa' e\llmutt'd <11 \400 • • • f-ntcnng through an opi.•n llll(1r \Oml·nnl' <.tole a '1l11:1 > rt'l ortkr ~rdnc'l<hl)' morning lrom a homc on 1hc 16100 block of Kn'>t'wood \ fam1I}' member "'J' n.•portt•dl\ a\ICC'p an\ldc at the time I he In" ~.1, lrom ,, bcd100111 rn thr 'IOIKJ hlcl\" ''' f<l'nll • • • .\ I unl < c11Jr1l'r \alut"d at S' \Oo "-3' \toll·n Imm J 1r,1drntl' 111 1htlt I 1'1000 hl111. It.. 111 \ 1r~ooint . . ' ·\ jl.11 I ,1lh'j1.t•tlh tflnl Ill ,,r.11 , lnth1n~ \\orlh \Q~ lrnm \frn 'n ' Jcp.1nmen1 \torr 11f( 11 \dam' \ q· Thr do1h1nll "'a' rl'l u"rr<'d h\ \lorl· emplm,cn porw<l \11\0 an .ipplia11tc' lrom a hon11· un I funltmt l>r" r A d1\h- "-:l\ht•r rtlllfOWll\l' 11\1·0 .inti 1tnrage dPm n(le'nt·r ~c-re rC'l'ClrWtl m1'\lng • • • \ v.h11t· l\IKI li\.1\\ wa' rt·poned \tokn lrnm .1 Int 1n lront of \tnum < oun 111 l--.l\h1t1n l\18nd T hr uv.ner 111IJ pc1hl" 1h.u thl' t~r "a" p..irkl"d tn 1h1· 'ulc1 1n front 111 1hr 'hopping 'cntl'I \!. hl'n 11 "'a' \lolcn LOS ANGELES (AP) -A nude dancer, who testified aaaanst two former police officers charged with plotti".'I. to kill her and collect a SI00,000 insurance policy, has died of pneumonia followina a two-year battle with cancer. Joan Lo&uerc10. 41 , wa5 10 have been a key witne s in the trial of Robert A. Von Villas and Richard ti. Ford, two cit-Los Anaclcs officers charged with the contract slay1na of a businessman and w11h consp1nng 10 kill Loguerc10. CoetaMeea Fifteen windows to the apartment complex bcana constructed by Arnel Development Co. at IOOO South Coaat [)rive were shattered by steel balls apparently fired fro m a 1linphot. The damaac. OClumnf between .. : IS pm. Saturday and I a.m. Monday. was esumuted at $7,$00. • • • Un~nown nema were tolcn from a praae an the 1000 block of Valencia Avenue between noon Monday and R a.m. Tuclday. The wooden ha p was pned frc.im the aaraac door • • • Vadeo a.nd stereo c"u1pmcnt • worth S l,567. wu reponcd n olcn from an apanmen1 at 20 2 Walla{e t., between 7:45 a.m and 8AS pm Tuesday Fntry WI' made through an unloc~ed ~hd1n1 window She died March 11 at UCLA Medic.al Center. authon11es said Wednesday. Ford and Von V11las were arrested 1n July 1983 as police broke up what they said was a plot to abduct and kdl Loguercio to collect SIOO,OOOon a hfe insurance pohcy that listed Von V1l111s u beneficiary. "I'd certainly prefer she'd be ahvc and testify. but I don·t know that 1t'sa ~•back," said Deputy District At· tomey Robert O'Neill. the prosecutor l"tne Two men were arTC'lted Wedncs• day even1 na for suspicion of Klhng cocaine when undercover pohce of- ficers purchaxd one e1ahth oun~ of the drua from them on the 2SOO block of Main Street. • • • 'k>mconc broke into • home on Bnsa \\.cdnesday mom1n1 and took a S 1.300d1amond nna from the Jewel ry box • •• A blur Columbia mountain cru1~r h1cycle was reponcd stolen Wcdncs. dtty from the 60 block of Cipar. rowhawk. • • • Someone •matched the wallet from a purse Wcdne!lday on the 4h00 hlocli: of Walnut Avenue • • • 'ltcrco. tool'I and .. nm "· i vol ued al aN>ut $4(XI, were \lolcn an the Supenor \nun tn:il thJt " expected to began later th" )l'lH "Hopefully. we 'll be ahlc-10 n·atl her previous tcc;t1mony into tht· record," O'Neill ~1d Loguercio had tf' 11 fiet.l t w1< e .11 preliminary hcanng for Von Villa\ and Ford. She al~ hnd te\t1fied before the arand jury before the former officcn· 1nd1ctment on a charac of kalllna bu<.1nc~'"'an Thomas J. Weed, whose hody ha' never been found from an unloc ked car Wcdnt•Mfa; • • • Someone cut through tht' '11,.,1 convet'lible on a car 1>3rl.,•d on the 4400 block ofCharevillc C ire. le Mon day even1na and 1ovk a \lt>rt:o .u1d 01&,ht Jacket Fountain Valley A rc~uden t of the 17 400 blol'k of M 1 C111Tord reported Wednc~I) that wmeone ,mashed a wando~ to buraJame hlS black 1985 N1 n fhc lo1\ancludedcloth1na wonhS I SO and 'ltcTro equipment wonh $900 • • • resident of the 17800 blodt of Ash rrporttd Wednesday that hi\ blur 1969 Ford Falcon Station waaon wu 'ltolen ruhcr 1n the ""«'" The Ion wa\ e'lt1mntcd at \400 • • • '>omeonc broke two clectnc mar· l'\llmJted JI SMlO ., • • • \ fl"\ul<'nt of th<' 11411() hlu1. ~ nl Tanager rrponed Wrdne~a)' that hi\ blue I Q7 I Volkw11a1:n ~dan had been c.wlcn The lo'l'i wa'i C'illm<1tcd at suoo • • • •\ rc"dcn1 of tht' I I KOO hit~ k of \ml·th)\I told J)<>li(C that \OO)l'Ol)t' nHrrt:d h1<. oJl( n "Ma~c.· and <.tolt-hi'I I K \~'l'd Ru" hll ) t It-. ""ort h \ 7"10 I n II\ pl.11 {'. the.· 1h1d kit .I 111 'ljl('l'd ~orld h1lytk. wunh S l~ thl' fl'\I \le ll I \fl 1<1 Huntlneton Beach \ woman who "ii' '1'1t1nll h<'r hu\hand 01 r tifko< ommunll\ fin\ Pl 1:1 I '-~lld \Omt'onc \I I !'IJ'('tl In IO I ht' room lln\Ct.'n ,ind \Ink twr pur'c lon1;11n1niS110 • • • \ v.nman rrported th.11 ht·1 pur\C'. cont1unin1 S 'O tf.l\h unJ 1 re1h1 '<irth """' \tolcn lrom a dr\k dr.1~l'• 1n .i danuoom al l 1bcrh c hr1'111n ~hool 7 01 Wamrr \\C • • • Thrt't' hullcl\ v.ell' l11 rd 1hr11uah lhr ~Ill\ ol "' dot: tm ' nllill· 1n the 4000 hlock ol \\ 1tner \ H nur • • • < lothc' v.onh 11hou1 \''II "'l'H' '''llrn trnni u launclr' room 1n 11n apunml'nt lnmpln :it XllK I llnllumt • • • Snmconr '1olr atltwt \4tlCI 1n cmn' • • • \111tH•11111· 11-...·d ,1 \\ rt•v.clri vrr In I"' npt·n ,, .... 1n1lov. In J I 'l°'X \. nl k '"'"lll'n K.1hh11 ~1 .1 hu"ncv~ ,,, '1 4~ -\tJll"• .ind \tole .1 \ICren vt1l11cd JI S 100 • • • Burgl3"' forced their wn) into a lot kl·J gJril&l' 1n thr 1400 hl<ld . ol ( Jlnl'\.tl .. nd \IOI(' an l'll't Int (CUllJr 'JIUl'd lit S~<X> • • • I nt11Hkl\ 11lippc·1I 1n111 ·' r\"\11kn1 r 1n thl' I ~00 hind of '\l.1hama wh1lt lh<' oc1 up.mt' ~ere ,11·c!')1n~ .lntl \toh- r~wclr. \ alut•d 111 S ~o • • • Som~·unr ~loll' all rouf 1 lff\ '''HI v.hcel' from a red I 97S Po"hr hom lhr ~()Oil hh)(k of Oor do Th<' le)\\ ...... , Jllll ·ll \2 200 • • • \hcml S \ 000 an an lmpcnal Rank h.111 ~a' \tult'n Imm a I 1~H..S ~ 0111 Rton1..11 1n J p.irkana \J)Qtr 1n th<' 'I 0011 hh'll. k of Ru\hard ••• T hlt''l'' \lole \ldto rc1u1prt11•n1 \ aloNJ 011 SI l4 S frnm 'trMv. lt.11 1'111J 10071 .\dam\ \\e • •• Somconl" \tolr a m 11 rnw,1 \I' 'a l11r1I .11 \I ''i lrnm .-n Al'ltimcnt on lht· 70110 hlct1. k nf < ummodort < tn k Newport Beach \ rr\11lrn11al hur1l11 t11nll a r1• • • • \hc1u1 \~~O 1n ,1n v.ork. 'uJco lll'i\l"llt"' tlnd other 11em" v.crt n:· ported \lolen from • home on Muir H<"ath < irdc fhe pra&<' door ol the 11'\ldenn· WU\ rePortedl¥ fott'Cd open • • • \ hur&Jnr who l"ntl•rt•d lhrouah .in unloc. ~rJ \1JC' door look 3 p;.m ofS~CXI 'k" from 11 hnm(' 1n lht• ~!Kl hint k of I UI 1.1 • • • I ht' \ ll llffi\ 111 ,, 01.1\ llfll(' hufJIUry an ( oronn del M r reporwd ta SI 2QO Im~ f'ohlr \aid the burxl:ir 111lf1M't"nt "'r•l"d npcn. ~ttrn c1on1 antl m"d(' ul "'1th 11rm' 1ndmhnfl a '1'1cn ul\ tic rt1 ntdC'• VI\\ 111101 1 lt11 nrr and '1hrrw1111' • • • I v.o "nl11u• Im rrnt" '1gnf. v.t"fl' reported \IOIC'n from an oflirc hu1ld ins an thr 4UOO hind nf Mac rthur Bouk\.lfd r he uv.ner \lld the "''" "-<'re v.orth a 1n1al nf S \fX) • • • \ burit.ar tlO Balbol l\Jand took • l1'~1nrJ S l.~00 1n aood\ from 1 h11 u'l' nn \ha lone .\ vrnur. the "'' n1 r told jl()IKe 'hr wtnt to \ 1\11 a nc1ahhtlr and Id\ her hnme unlockC'd W hc•r1 ~he returned, a '1dru cawtte rc1 mtlc1 1 J'hnnt and her tcl<'vmnn t1'n11•ll' rontrC'll de"IU' v.rtt mt '' U.S. plays war games unhindered off Libya WASHINGTON (AP) -U.S. warplanes, Oyina over the MC<S11cr- ranean Sea neat Libya, reported no close encountcfl with Libyan aircraft on the first day of opcralaons involv- ina three American a1rcraf\ camel'\, Pentaaon sources said. 1n lhe operataons Wednesday. bul "I here were no unusual incidents," meanina no c~osc encounters with l..Jbyan or Soviet forces. The officials declined to say how many planes took pan. or how near the U.S. ships and planes were to Libya. ber 1984 that the United Siatcs had three flattops in the Meditemncan. The Saratoaa amvcd there last Auaust, and was expected to depart in mid·April, and the Coral Sea arrived in October. acc-0rdin1 to Pentaaon sources. who spoke on condition they not be identified. Recovered rocket debris probed for clues to disaster The third carrier, the USS Amcnca. steamed into the Meditemneao Wednesday iu the head of a I ().s hip task force to take part 1n what the Pentagon descn~~ as "routine e>.- erc1ses." The U.S. opcraoon 1s being wa1 ch- ed by a larger lhan usual Soviet fleet of 29 ships, and by Soviet tcchn1e1ans manmn' a battery ofSAM-5 surface- to-air mmiles at Sin near th~ Libyan coast, administration 1;ourc~s said. Pentagon officials said an un- disclosed number of U.S planes fkw President Reapn and Secretary of State George Shultz. who have ac- cused Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy of supporting terronst at- tacks against Amencans, said the operation was not intended as .a warning. The arrival of the America and the accompanying destroyers. cruisers and support craft brought the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean to 45 ships. of which 35 arc C<>inbat vessels, a Pentagon spokesman said. h was the first time i.incc Novem- The four-week overlap between the amval of the Amenca and the depanure of the Saratoga is three weeks longer than normal. the sources said1 but Na~ spokesmen declined to disclose details of planned or current operations. The Soviets yesterday sent two ~hips into the Mediterranean, 00oit- ing their fleeJ to 29, of which eight were combatants and th., largest of which was a cruiser. one sour~ said. Reagan lashes panel's budget By tbe Associated Press Wlnter goes out wlth a bang . WASHINGTON -·1 he W~1te llousna1d today the A tornado packing winds up to 160mph 1ossedcarson 'Extremist' allies hit by Stevenson CHICAGO (AP) -Democratic gubernatorial nominee Adlai E. Stevenson blasted two supporters of u It ra-con se r va ti ve Lyndon LaRouche nominated to run with him, and vowed never to share a ticket with "bizarre and dangerous extremists." CA PE CANAVERAL (AP) - Rook.et experts are eumining a 4- by-S-foot chunk of Challcnacr booster debris that could be the "smokinaaun" in the 1nvc1niption of the shuttle explosion. They staned checking the 500- pound section even before it was unloaded from the salvage shi~ Stena Workhorse, whach brouaht at into pon Wednesday along with two larser pieces of one oft he huttlc's solid-fuel boosters plucked from the ocean floor. The unloadina began tod•>'.· The experts first want to learn 1f the smaller piece is from the lef\ or right boo11tcr. If it is from the riaht side. it could contain the seam believed to have tnaaercd the accident that killed seven astronauts 73 seconds af\cr liftoff Jan. 28. Investigators believe the failure ofa scam that joined the riabt booster's bottom two seaments led to the explosion. Convcss1onal sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that at a public hearing set "for Fnday lhe presidential commission investigat- ing the accident would release a computer-enhanced film linked to the shuttle launch t1meltne that seems to confLrm a J01nt failure as the cause of the cxplo ion. Theone on the cause include that cold weather reduced the resiliency of rubber-like 0-nnas designed to acaJ 1he Joint, that the rings we~ damqcd dunng handJin& or that they were defective. Launch photogni~hs show smoke 1puning from the JOIOt ll'CI oo Ii Roff and flame flastuna from the same spot SS seconds later. IS seconds before the blowd'1>. lfthc 4-by-S-foot p1c-cc contains the suspect JOint , chat Joint wall be examined for signs that tire bumcd through and other damaJC. . Because of high winds, the Stena Workhorse, which rctneved the pieces, could not unload them Wednesday. That wa-i expected to be done today. Morton Thiokol, which makes the rockets. 1s testing the JOtnts' dcs1an with small-i.cak models of boo ter paru. Member~ of an tr\depcndent panel of rocket cllpcrts amved at Morton Th1okol's Wasatch D1v1s1on plant in Brigham City, Utah, on Wednesd.ty to begin cvaluut1ng the tests on 0-rina design. fiscal 1987 budget pas!>cd by the Senate Budget (omm1ttce a Georgia highway and trapped a family in th,e rubble of "runs contrary to the best interest'> of 1he American their house, while two feet of snow and blizzard conditions people" because 11 trims S25 billion from President forced schools to close in pans of Michigan Wednesday Reagan's military c;pendtng plan and boosl'i ta>.cs by more the las1 full da~ of winter. Thunderstorms, spawned whe~ than S 18 b1lhon. Senate MaJortty Leader Bob Dole. R-cold air from Canada collided with warm Gulf of Mexico Kan . said he may dcla) full ~nate action until after the air, extended from the M1ss1ssipp1 delta to the southern Easter recess. a move that would give the president more Appalachians. Fifteen people were 1nJured and 100 homes time to lobby. "I think we need to make ccn.a1n where the damaged when the twister htt the suburbs northwest of Republicans arc on the budget before we JUSt lo'>~ 11 out Atlanta. and the National Weather Service estimated here." he said. Asked b) re pone rs wha1 he though I of the damage at SI 0 million to $20 m1lhon. The twister tore the spending pla.~, Dole ~1d. "I 1hink 11 k.:cps the process roofs off bu1ld10$S in an industrial area Wednesday Stevenson. a former U.S. senator makmg a second bid for the gov- ernor's mansion, said Wednesday he may form a third party to keep his dreams alive 1f Mark Fairchild and Jamee Han aren't removed from the Democrauc Party ticket. "These candidates arc not remotclr, guahfied, nor are they Democrat'>,· Stevenson said. "The)' arc adherents to an extremist political philosophy bent on violence and steeped in bigotry. They may meet the legal requirements. but they clearly don't meet the standards of basic c1v1ltty and decency we Democrats require of our candidates:· Anti-depression drug may be effective in weight loss ahve, barely. morning before skipping to a subd1vis1on. Amy Carter arrested at slt-ln PROVIDENCE. KI -Founcen wllege s1udent!>, mcluding Brown n1 vcr\ll) frc<.hman Am) Caner. were arrested Wcdnc~a> in .rn Jnt1-apanh~1d protest at an I BM office Police arrested lhe '>tudenl\ aboul 30 minute'I afler the> began a sit-in protesting ln1crnat1onal Business Machines Corp 's dealing!> in rauall:. ">Cgregatcd South Afnca The prole!>ter<> had ')a1d the)' would stay in the bu1ld1ng either until they were arrc-;1cd or until the rnmpan} \top'> dc11ng businc~!I in ~outh .\fnc:a "In a non- violent manner. we will remain 1n 1h1\ uflicc unul IBM withdraw\ 11'> approximately $I 00 m1ll1on worth of 1tupport for an apartheid econom> " thl· 18-ycar-Gld daughter of former Prc~1dcnt ( aner \did tn a tape recording rdca\('.d by the ac:t1v1\t\ Reagan vows acld raln battle 'WASHINGTON -Canadian Pnme M1n1stcr Bnan Mulrone) has gotten President Reagan to do !>Omethtng that years of effort by U.S. en v1ron mental groups could not achieve: a promise to act against acid rain. h's only a promise. but it's a big one; $5 b1lhon over five years from U.S government and industry to mstall "clean coal" technology into the nation'<> power plants. "I fully endorse" the r~pon of two special envoys that rec- ommended the program in January, Reagan said in a meettng with Mulroney Wednesday The meeting was to sign a five-year renewal of the long-standing U.S.- (anad1an NORAD air-defense agreement. Fairchild, 28, defeated state ~n George Sangme1s1er, Stevenson·., choice for lieutenant governor. by nearly 22,000 vote'i in Tuesday's primary. according to unofficial re - turns. Asked at a new!> confcn:ncc Wednesday 1f he could work wtth mains1ream Democrat!>, he 'ktld ... I don't see 11 as any problem on rn) behalf. and I horc 11·, not on their\" BOSTON (AP) -If an ant1- depress1on drug called Prozac ltves up to the promise <>f early test results, It cd\J ld be every chubby person's dream -a pill that melts away pounds without dieting. The pharmaceuttcal finn Eh Lilly & Co. Inc. disclosed sketchy but enticing details of the med1c10c tn Its annual report. released Feb. 26. And the newi. drove up lhe company·~ ~lock Wednesday The med1c1ne 1s no1 yet available for routine use. Lilly has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve it as a treatmen1 for depre'>s1on . The company says Prozac's potential use 1n obesity is al'iO being 'ltud1cd but 11 hasn't requc5tcd permission to sell 1t for this problem. However, one stock analyst noted that even 1f Prozac proves effective against fat, 1t may sttll be hampered by troubhng side effects, including nausea and nervousness. Pro1.ac, known genencally a.s Ouox- etine, 1s a "serotonin uptake 1n- h1b1 tor .. Serotonm 1s a neu- rotransmitter. a chemical that the bram uses to send signals between nerve cells. The drug seems to work br block ing the brain's reabsorption of this chemical The company dtd not specify how this effect might promote weight loss. Of \llllT/fRI AM) Deputy supplies gruesome detail Legisla~or at hearing in Night Stalker case asks ?rive on 1111 teracy \ Nicole 11 mid -.tac·k ht-t>l 11.rr1plim(·nt" I h1'i tailored Mpt:<:tut.or b<1ne with navy 1.alf \I ~ ~~~SHOES !J~ Fa"h"'n Island • Newport Beach • 759-9551 ( >rwn I hur .. anrl Fri Lil ~ 1.10 pm; Sun Ii r, Zestilink is back just in time for Easter! S3.99 lb. While supplies Ja-.t ! * No\v Availahlt· * ('()FFEE l~E ,.\NS \\' ho I e a n d (; r o u n d HICKORY FARMS .M SOUTH COAST PLAZA C ..... Cut WESTCLIFF PLAZA '42-0!72 LOS ANGELES (AP)-A deputy shenfl. descnb1ng a murder o;ccne ofgoth1 c horror. testified that the body of alleged Night Stalker v1ct1m Maxine Lau.ara wa\ mutilated and "the eyes were missing " Richard Ramirez, who heard the grue\ome te\ll· mony at his prchminary heanng on 14 murder charges, h!ltened calmly .and at one point leaned over. 'im1lcd and chaltcd with hie; attorney. The defense team, which contends Ramirc1 1!> 1nnoccn1. ehc1tcd tc!>t1mo ny from another deputy that a relative \peculated the murder\ of Mrs. Zau.ara and her husband. Vincent, m~t be a Mafia gangland slaying mot1va1ed by narcotics dealin~. However. the Judge ordered the remark stricken from the coun record \everal speuators left the courtroom dunng Deputy Ru r,\Cll tJloth's graphic descnpt1on of the bloody murder '><:enc 1n Wh1t11er on March 29. 1985. A\kcd to dec;cnbe wounds suffered by Mr'>. /..anara. 44. Uloth rc'iponded hesitantly· "There wa\ her eyes." he said. "l here wa\ a lot of blood and d1i.figurement. and the coroner examined that area and the eye'I were mis!i1ng .. There were what appeared to be little indentatio ns. rrumerou~ \Cratch mark\ around thoc;c eyes." IJloth who examined the hody with the coroner's inve~ltgator, ~td the woman alw had Ileen \hot and repeatedly stabbed in her bed. V1m:cnt Zanara. 64, a p1u.a parlor owner, wai. shot in the head on a couch in the den, Uloth said The deputy also noted that Mrs. Zan.ara was weanng no Jewelry and had bruises on her wnsts. The home had been ransacked and fresh footprints were found 1n a garden under Mrs. Zazzara's bedroom window, he said. Moments before Uloth testified, Deputy Paul Archambault Jr. said Zazzara's son, Peter, eA prcssed susp1c1ons when his parents' bod1c~ were lnund that the>: had been killed by the Mafia. "He related to me at that time his father wa411nvolvcd in Mafia operations and 1hat the murder might have come from narcotics salcc; ht!I father was involved 1n," Arc:hambaull tesllfied. Mun1c1pal Judge Jamc'i Nel~n. who must decide 1f there l'I -iuffic1ent evidence for a tnal. ordered the comment !ilncken from the coun record after the prosecution objected that 1t was hearsay The quesuons followed a defense pattern 1n which attomcy<1 ~ck to 'ihow that others were responsible for the N1gkll Stalker cri me'! with which Ramirez 1s charged. This IRA works so it gets a bonus: ;~,;1Hh H:lll' + Annual) 1C'lcl I Im ftN I.! m11nth\ I Orwn ~11ur hartMorktnj( lfouM·hohl Hank IRA lwfort• \1arrh \I, 1986 to c·arn a 1·~. h<1nu' for tlw f1N 12 month' 11f tht· 18 month tt•rm HCRIO \\1th a' ltttlt· ol'I S 100 or 1f you Mart with SlOOO or mo rt· wu II t·n10} mtm·'I ch<'CklnR t<1tallv f n·<· 11( m'1nthl} \ff\' Kt' chaf'J(l'\ Bm1u'> I RA hnldel"I can aJ\11 J(N ,1w11f1un1 d1\C11unt\ on in111al pn1Ct'\\10R ft•t•' \\f'tt·n opt·nm)( .1 \t·cun·d or un~n·d rt'\ oh rnJ( hot· of rMlll \\llh llou'-t'hold Hank••• Comt· 111111 llou'IC:hold Rank .md '>la rt )OUr IR\ t•arnlnJt tod.i) Or c<tll our toll f m • l11form.t1HIOUllt' XO() t .~ 8.4..\K. ..\.IW«Wt \'.\ \orih t~l11l 1 ·111 ·• 1 "1111 '1..\TMl\mA 114111 Iii .ich ~hd 1"111 IJH ll'll 'IAl'l)IT lfN" dlll \I.a \r1tiur Rlld '·111 MH IHlo" MIS.~ .. '"'° l 11111 \l.ffJ\Kfllr l'lrk•I\ II hhunq ., I) \M(• lllllMI ""~"~"'·(.A~ ... ~-., •N \;ou \n' r ~·NI ltd 1·111 •l'!K l(lM!. rM(.fi~ l\'J(l '""" W#ftftl\I. \I"' "'"""'•··11·111 'l'H I \IMI H1 VTT~'lf If.A< M lllltfl' 111 .11.h 111\11 llll" l\111 "I t1 •lj,1 lti!'I FSiJc '" 1.1ninw-d1;i1t·h Rttnu\ IR\ 111frrtO<b \brth \I 11~1 °0 \wld .tPf!l11 111 flN ll mtmt.h\ htldr11d1n.il b n111nth\ I\ M 111'\ ~ •••on olflPMt'fl 1 ll'lbl All atwrvt rllt'\ \Uhlf'{l lt1 Ch:in ~tlh11•1I (lflllf l'IOlki SU"'Unllal prMll) for t'lll1 •lth1lrl\ltl k1ll SA( RAMENTO (AP) -Say1n& that 4.8 m1lhon ad uh Caltforntans are funcllonally illiterate, the state Sen- ate's leader proposed lcgaslallon Wednesday to expand libr'.tty·bascd reading program\. Senate PreSident Pro Tern David Roberti, 0-Los Angeles, said he was "shocked (by the) extent and magni- wde" of the state 1ll1teracy problem. He unveiled a Senate study thJlt concludes that 4.'8 million California adults arc functionally 1lhtcrate, meamna lhey cannot rc"8d, wnte or comprehend well enough to easily function 1n ~1ety. Functional 1lltteracy 1s usual de- fined as reading or wnt1ng below the eighth grade level. ac,cordtng to the study Laaaen College ruea bankruptcy petition ACRAMENTO(AP)-Las~n Community College of Susanville, draged into debt by a trouble- plaaued coaencrat1on plant, has filed for Chapter 9 protection in Federal Bankruptcy Court. C'oun sources said at the fihna Wednesday that 1t may he the tint community college in the nauon to do so. The college say~ 1t needs the erotecuon while ll rcarranacs IU finances. h "expecting a S 1.2 malhon deficit 10 1t'I current $6 m1lhon budget. But there wa'I &ood news Wednes- day from the state Senate: the Educa- tion Committee approved a bill that would provide up to S 1.2 million in state toans for Lassen and up to $3.2 million for the Pcralia Community Collcac District in the Bay area. La.uen Colleac President V1f'linia Holten. tn Sacramento for the Sinate commntee hcanna. said the coun filina will keep the campus in bufi· ness. Hooker runntna for lieutenant aovernor LOS ANOELES (AP) -Norma Jean Almodovar, who became a prosutute af\er I 0 years as a ci v1han traffic officer. 1aid she will run for lieutenant aovcrnor and her cam- P8•f" will focus on aetuna rid oflaws aaainst v1ct1mlcss crimes -ptOlll· tution, 11mblin&. private drua use a.nd adult movies. Almodovar1 34, who aid Wedn«- day she will campaian as a Libertarian e.tndidate1 also 111d her t1cc will feature nuoe po1ten and rock videos. "It could be 11id lb.at I've been p~vcnted from cnJlaina 1n bonnt proatnut1on '° I'm cnaaaina 10 !cal proautuuon -pohtics I coo»der pohttel prosutuuon... AJnte>dovar said Workers step iri where experts have struck out Those handling contract negotiations between the city of Fountain Valley and its J>!llice officers association have stumbled upon a novel idea to break a stalemate growing more bitte r by the day. · They're going to ask the workers affected by the contract what they think. It's a revolutionary concept in the era of public employee· unionism, where wmning isn't necessarily measured 10 compromising for the common good. The workers, in this case Fountain Valley police officers, will be asked to step in where their representa- tives have failed repeatedly. Since November, police officers in the west Orange County city of55,000 people have been working without a contract. Meanwhile, city and union officials have been waltzin~ around the bargaining table arguing the merits of the city's offer, which appears to be about 1.5 percent lower than the union's request. As mo rale of the membership has plummented and the rift between employer and employee has widened, the so-called experts on each side have mustered all their skills a nd resorted to nasty mudslinging. Tuesday's council meeting was marked by a running verbal battle between Mayor Fred Voss and Steven Silver of the police officers association. The heated exchange culminated in Voss threatening to throw Silver out of the council chambers while a divided crowd chanted angrily. It was confrontational power politics at its worst. Maybe the game players involved figured they were manipulating the situation to gain an upper hand. But the episode d id darn little to calm an understandably restless workforce or an equally .anxious citizenry. Workers need to know they are needed and appreciated just as citizens need to know they count on their police fo rce. A picketing police force isn't ~uaranteed to gi ve a citizen a good night's sleep, even in the relatively safe en vi rons of Fountain Valley. And peace of mind isn't created during a prolonged battle in which both sides have dug in and sharpened thei r spears. Let's have the experts who are trying so desperately to win step aside and let the workers who have so much more to lose decide what's best for them. Opinion• ••preued In thlt IP~ are thoM ot the Delly Piiot Other vi.wa expr..sed on thla page ere thoM of their euthOfl and artlata. A .. der comment ta Invited. The Dally Piiot, PO Box 1560, Costa M ... , 92826. Phone ~2-6086. Coast district reversed trend to course cutting To the Editor The Opinion page aniclc, ( o~-( oas1 have succeeded in pulling the munity Colleec System Cast Adnfl. financial s11uat1on back into the black on March 3 usefully calls atten11on lo w1tti only minimal reduction of the continuing problem of financing \Crvicc to our community. the 106 community colleges an (ah· I am fully an agreement with the fomia . Sacramento reponer's op1n1on that The focus of the an1cle. however. there arc senous problems in the was 1he financial d1s1sress of a '\tatc's method of financan& com- panicular distm.l 400 miles from munity colleses. But a really ncws- Orange County It told the story of worthy story is the success of our own one district wh1c..h wa'I faced with local college district in providing high dec lin ing enrollment and diffi cult quality education to over 125,000 decisions for the correction of 11s c111zcnsof1hisarca at a fraction of the problems. cost to the taxpayer1of01her un1ver· It would be usctul to let your s11y systems and at m1n1mal cost to readers know of another story, that of the student. The be!i.t bargain in o ur own Coa•n Community College ( ahfom1a today 1s the JOb tra1n1ng. Dastncl. Faced with similar financial academic education and community problem s two year\ ago. the Board of <ierv1ces of our efficient, locally gov- Trustees acted decisively 10 hall the erned commun11y colleges. trend toward reduced course offer-CONRAD NORQUIST angs. Through good management the Vice president Coast District and 1t'I collcge<i: Bo~rd ofTruiitcc'I Coasthne. Golden We'll and Orange ( o3'>1 ( ommun1ty C ollegc Dastnct Or•• Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurld-V, M111d\ 20, 1... Al ·'The principal beneflclarle of 1981 's loophole bonana uaed their tu sa vlngs In nearly every way except the way they had prom teed. •• BETTER NOT MESS \JITH MlM ..• HE'S JUST COM£ F~H THt ~ HliHI Corporate tax cuts haven't elicited promised benefits By DAVID WILHELM J. Peter C1race. the head of W.R Grace and Co .. has made quite a name for h1msclf1n recent yearsas the self-appointed leader of a national crusade against government wa~e. But 1here 1s one form of govern- ment waste about which Mr. G racc- and many other corporate leaders - arc strangely silent. That's the waste associated with corporate tax loophole<i. Back in 1981 , b1g-bus1ncss lob- byists promised us that. 1f corporate taxes were c ut, an investment boom would result that would reinvigorate our basic industnes. boost worker productivity, improve our com· petit1vc pos1t1on in internauonal markets and. mo~t important, lead to mort jobs. President Reapn and the Congress listened to the lobbyists, and changed 1hc lax laws 10 provide huge new and expanded corporate tu "1ncent1ves." These corporale tax Jlveaways were so generous that. sin~ 1hen, 1hc annual cosl of all corporate loophole\ tnpled -to S 120 b1lhon this year. After four years of experience. the tune has come to ask the big questions. Have the loophole'i worked? Have the companies that arc the biggest winner.. under ourcurrenl tu code -companies that pay lillk or no tax -used their new cash 1n the way5 their lobby1s1s promised? At Cit1un<> for Tax Justice. we JU\t completed a survey of profits. taxe'), employment, and investment for 259 of the nation's largest and most profi1ablc corporations between 1981 and 1984. We found that the pnnc1pal beneficiaries of 1981 '\ loophole bonanza used their Ulll savings in nearly every way except lhe way lhey had promised. W.R. Grace & ( o .. which paid federal income tues amount1n~ lo a mere 0 .2 percent of11s$803 million 1n profits between 1981 and 1984. cu I investment by 43 percent, and re- duced employment by 12 prccnt Boc1na. which actually received a net refund of S28S million on more 1han $2 billion 1n profits dunng thl' same four years. slashed investment by 38 percent and cut employment by 18 percent And Dow \hrm1cal, which got .i refund of S 180 mil hon on S972 m1ll1on of profih between 1981 and 1984, reduced 1nves1men1 by 34 percent and curtailed its workforce by 18 percent. All in all , o ur survey included 44 companae\ that paid absolutely no federal income tax over this four year period. Taken t0&ether, these no-tax companies cut both investment and workers. by 4 percent and 6 pc<:ent, re'ipcct1vcly. Where, then, did the lax-shelter money ~o? Well. we know how at least one maJor corporate tax avoider put ats tax savanas to work. General Electnc. which paid zero laJt on more than $9 b1lhon 1n profits dunna these four years, recently purcha.sc:d RCA by foikang over $6 balhon an cash. As Bu!i.ine~~ Weck obscrve4 an reporting on 1h1s deal: "This son of tu act1v1ty clearly undermines business· case for special lax treatment.·· Besides merger acuvity of this sort. our 44 no-tu companies were boost- ing d1v1dcnds by 22 percent and 1ncrcas1ng the pay of their chief cxccuuve officer\ by 54 percent. Docs thal make you mad? You have a nght to get angry whenever your tax dollars get squandered 1n such a fashion. But JUSt imagine how those companies feel that can't pmc the 1ax system 1n the same way the no- 1ax companies can. Take for instance, VF Corp .. the maker of Lee Jean!!, which paid a tax rate of 44. 7 percent the highest an our !>urvey. Yet VF increased both invest· menl and JOb\. Whirlpool. not far behind with a 42.4 tax rate. did the same. In fact. 43 companies in our survey paid 33 percent or more of their profits 1n federal income taxes be- tween 1~81 and 1984. Taken together. these high -tax companies boosted investment hy 21 percent and added 4 percent to tht'ar work· force'I' I low could tha~ be? Why would h1gh-taJ1. companies boost their. capa· tal spending. whale no-tax companies cut theirs? Perhap!I, while the ncrtax com- panies were figuring out how to cut their taxc\, 1he high tax companies were minding tho "tore. figunng out how 10 make better products One th1np.. al lea" ,., clear after four years of sk) rockc11ng loopholes. Amenca's basic Jndustries -the supposed 1.ar1e1 of 1he "'incentive" explosion -arc sttll an pretty bad shape. Ironically. the corporate loopholes themselves may be part of the problem facing our steel. auto. cap~t.al goods, and heavy ma.nufactunn& companae'i. With corporate loopholes now cost1n&S1 20 b1lhon a year, they account for well over half the federal budget deficit. fhe big increase an federal borrowing has helped dnvc up real interest rate~. boost the exchange rate on the dollar to record levels, and caused the loss of markets both here and abroad Wnh shrinking market:r> and shnnkang profits, mos1 of these companies have cut back on their spending for new factones and new machines. despite the plethora of 1ncentive"I supposedly at their di!!~ posal Surely results like 1hesc should casl a lonashadowon 1hecred1b1htyof1he loophole lobby And. indeed. even the Reagan adm1n1stra11on has ~en the failure or the loopholc-ba~d economic strategy. The president has proposed -and 1he House has passed - a lax reform ball that would reverse cour'i(' The ball closes corporate loopholes. and a1 the \ame umc cuts taxes for mo~t 1nd1v1duals. The loophole lobbyists WI II not aavc up easily. thou~h They arc making a IHt stand before the U.S. Senate. arguan&. Wlth remarkable chu11pa, that repeal of their special tax breaks would endanger Amenca's "1ntcr- nat1onal compe1111vcness" and s110e .. 1ncen11ves for investment .. Instead of tax reform. the loophole lobbyists propose altcrna11ves lake a nattonal sales tax. an 011 amport fee. or a partial rollback of the state and local tax deduction -all designed to r~t.lll n their loopholes and all of whKh would raise taxes on low-and m1ddlc- 1ncome families It's time, howcvt'r, to face up 10 the evidence. The loophole\ don't work Tax fairness and e<.:onom1c common sense would both be advanced by returning the corporate lax ovo1dcr'I back to the tax roll\. David Wllll11elm 11 uttatlve dlr«· tor of Cltbu1 for Taa Jaatlce. DAVID.U.Bafll CltiMuf•Tu ~...._ WILLIAM F. Bue KLEY Senator wages battle of illogic Politics deal$ an hyperbole. but it i.s one than& to expect hyperbole, another to become so cynical about ats exercise as to decline even to notice 1t. which br•nas us to Sen. Bob Packwood, R-Ore. I have here a "Dear Friend" moncy·ra1sm1 letter from the scna· tor. the fin.t haJf of which as devoted 10 denounc101 a kook-aot>-Semjtic outfit called Aryan Nations, which apparently threatened to ktll Sen. Packwood an retahat1on for has sup- pon of Israel. If Aryan Notions 1s go1na to kiU every lq1slator who suppons Israel, we·~ goana to have tbe ateatelt massacre in the h 1story oflqislaturu. But before you know 1t. the senator commits a !attic eltsaon. All of a sudden he 1s talkmg about anti· abonaon aroups, some of which have rated him as a pnnc1pal taraet an the forthcomana elections Herc is the connective uuuc between the Jew· hate" snd the anti·abortion folks, as e1.ccutcd by Sen. Bob. whose letter ps out under the banner. "Dear Bob. You Do Not tand Alone." ..... somewhere. ~me lud who has never known a Jew (where are such luds kept? In the Smithsonian?) and doesn't undentand the Holocaust. sits an the dark of the na&ht and listens to this filth. "And 10 that kid, their messa&e may make sense Kids lake th.at don't get messages JUSl from the Aryan Nations or other radical aroups. They also hear from those who use these grou~· tnct1cs. .. t"or example, ~uSt I \uppon the n&ht of a woman to make a choice about whether or not she wants to have an abortion. wme extreme n~t-w1n1 groups have labeled me Senator Death• and targeted me for pohttcal destnicuon ... r n their hterature they describe me -and all pro-choice people -as having 'the blood of millions of innocent human laves on your hands ' .. And 11 trouble'! me that the same kad who hslcn<i 10 the mc\ugc of the Aryan Nations wall listen to this message as well . They all !>how a totala1anan inabahty to hear both sades of an issue ·• They arc "an· tolerant" and ''1ntolcrablc .. Now Sen Packwood as here saying 1hat 11 as antolcrahlc talk, not 10 be d1stingu1shcd from that of gc:noc1dc- for-Jcw5 talk. to !HIY that abortion rcsulu 1n the death of ann~nt people If one believes tha1 a fetus 1 enutlcd 10 the protection of the law, which po<iatton was the near-un1n1· mo us pos1t1on of the c;tatc lciislatutt\ up unul 1973, how elst" docs one rta~n. then. that abortion results an the death of annoocnti.? Sen. Packwood. like ~ many others who favor the n&ht o f abortion. is htm~lf n11rantly auihy of what he chargcc; lhc opposataon with beana guilty of faahnJ to under· 'itand the argument, of the anti· abon1on1~ts ti one hold\ that an unborn chtld ha~ naht apan from thO!IC of the child\ mother. tht'n there as no po~s1blc conc;luiuon other than that the abonion of that child is o bloody v1olat1on of human nghts. Eatery did not incre~se prt-ces -1~41il!Udi1i:MitJ;i;Jllij1i;i1lil:l 1I Highly c1v1h1cd people believe that the mother ought to have that n&Jlt But the opposing pos1t1on has 101 to ndopl th<' 'Yll0&1\t1c 1mpcrat1ve: You c1an'1 oppo't ahon1on without con· cludana wha1 thr anu-ubort1on people concluJc Jul\I ,., you cannot believe 1n hum11n nahts without concludina that an-.one who believe 1n, or countenance\, the 'lauJhtcr of Jews " to put at gently, "" 1ncon,1'ltCnt behe,er an human nghtt To the Editor· NO i ......... A .... , ., ...... ).H•..:Pllnl~U Our freedom to compla1· n the menus becau~ lhe old menus The White Ho u!IC Re'ltaurant, 340 'limply wore oul South Cout Ha&Jlway, l..a&una Beach. WARREN F1N LEY =nt1yrcpnn1cd•i.mcn..andom uaunaa..ch nOW carries high .PriC ~ tag TODAY IN HISTORY By th Aatoelaled Prell Today as Thursday, March 20J the 79th day of 1986 There art 286day, let' an the year. This 1• lhe first day 0 1 spnna Today's htJhlaaht 1n ha~tory On March 20. I 852, Hamct Beecher Stowe\ 1nnuen11al novel about slavery. "Uncle Tom's Caban," wa\ puhh111hed. On th ts d:itc· roday's b1nhdoy~ Producer-director-comedian Carl Remer. comedian Ray (iould1na and actor Jack Kru<Jehcn ar~ 64. Former Nixon White Hou~ aide John F.hrlachman 1~ 61 C01ldrcn'11 TV ho'lt Fred Roaers as 58 Acto r Hal l 1nden 1s SS Actor Ted Bessel! 1s SO Sanger Jerry Recd ,, 49. The pnmc m1n1~ter of ( anodo. Brian Mulroney. a. 4 7 Hockey hall-of.fa mer Bobhy Orr as .l8 Thought for 1oday· .. Spring 1s sooner recognized by planh than hy men." -Chinese proverb ORA NOE COAST Daily Pilat ,, ... Zlftf (ClttOI TeMTllt Man.tg1t19 f OllOI Deft,.., Coy (0410! r .... c.....,. ....... (di!Ot Cttllt ..... lc>or t £~IOI R aa m,..,CIM....._ Controllt _._.LC ...... P1oc1Uc;lt0n l.Q~ T9rtJIC .... C11cu4ellon~ ......., .... ..,. u11k_.tn0 Ow.etor ~:Of. W ASHtNCiTON -A d1'lturb1ng threat to free $pccch has developed 10 Americ.t. Those who abuse the pubht 1ru t have learned to u5t the lcr..11 syi.tem to stanc cnt1c11m and hara'' their cnt1c Everyday Amencans can no lonacr exercise their con1t1tut1onal nght~ to •peak their mind• or petiuo n their government without nsluna econ o m1c dcva tauon They may h3vc IO pay throu&h the nose for the pnvalcac of free 'lpttCh, the co<1t of dcfcnd1na themselves apanst lawsuats can he ha ah C'ena1nly. lawsuits art being filed by powerful interests that American\ u\Cd to feel fr~c to complain aboul Th" as the conclu•1on. a• yet un published. ofa lln1vcrs1ty of ~n"cr Law hoot proJttt on 1n11m1dat1on lav.\Ull' "Rc.111 e't.a1e devcl(Jl)Cn. em ploycrs, landlords. p<>lluten, pohCT benevolent HIOCllt10n1, even &OV· ernmcnt aarnc1cs 1ncrt>u1n&Jy arc fihnacival damaar a t1on to puni,h or prt'vcnt oppos111on." Profc,,or C1eorac Pnna the pro1cct 1.hrt'Ctor. told U'I ''' anvc\taptavc reponcr\, wt• urc all too familiar wath the ust of hbrl \UllS to 1num1datc tho~ who c~pOS( ""rongdoang But now ordinary cH11en'I arc fac1na tht \Omt' int1m1da- tmn While f 1rst Amrndment prott'C· 1mM keep tht\C dcfcnd:int' frnm lo\1n& their lD~' 1ht l"~rx·n-.c ot (lcfend1na thcm'\Clvc' 1.·11n he 1111nnu' In fall of near!) 100 ra'IC' Prina·, group ha' <1tud1ed not onr ha\ re'iultcd in monc)' 1uJ1mrnt lor 1he phun110 , ltere arc \Omc of the l a'tt'\ Pnn& ha\ '1tud1ed -ond thn arc t h1llin1& indcc.'d • Mr mbrrs ol a C o loradu rural rlt'rtncal anocaauon pt't111ont'd tht' hoard of dam:toM for a re<:all clcdinn The hoard tabled thr ttquC\t, and the mcmhcl"\ aikcd a 't tr mun to order 1hc rttall clt'\t1on f he board uf thrcc.·tol'\ \urd the pc1111on1na mcmbfn fnr SI 2 m1ll1on for hbel and "lhUW Of prOCC'I\ .. f\cr two )'CU\ of I &11 dt1rml\h1n1 and C\ptn~ the { olo . du l\upt'C'mt Court rultcl la"t month 1hat tht mcmbtn wt'rC of wurv. prot~tt''I b the r 11'\t \mcn,lment Jac1 AIDEISOI and JOSE PH SPEAR r. •Kenneth Wooden, an txpt'rt on children\ n1h1'< told a ~natc sur. lommattec of abu\C\ an a fcdcrtll) finAf\l.td chtld<an.• center 1n W1~on •1n The ov.ner 'IUcd Wooden for hbc'I The ca\C drtg&~I on for four trftr~ cndanJ onl)' when the plainuO daC'd and h1\ famil y dl"Cadcd not to pur,uc 11 • Rt\ldtnl\ of a rcwrt to""n 101 t ether and tncd w11hou1 \U~H''' 1n ,1op condom1n1um ~omplc" ncarb follow101 appropnat<' kpl procedure• Tht drvclopcr 'lucd thtm anywn. cla1man1 the)' had delayed has proJC'Ct with thttr "wanton. ,punous. amundlc'I fnvolou•" •• t1on' The charac• we~ thmwn out ol court ant'f tv.o \iCll'\' httpt1on J•ri AJNkl'll .. •"" J..,,. SpHr .,.. •J'94k••f'4 ~•m•l.11J ~n Packwood IS enp&cd In the d1"1rcputable cxcm!IC of polemical sle1aht of hllnd by suueiitmg that the kind of peof?lt who oppose abortion arc the ~me kand of people who bche\C an &CnOC1dC It would ttem lO me that whether abon1on 1s naht or wronJ. thO'loC who op~ 1t on the around' that a h1oloa1cal entity minus nnr day old " mo!'(' nrarly altkr to •n rn111y plu\ onc day old aa much more hkcly to rtSJX'l\ 1hc universal nght 10 hvr oi all pt'oplc, lrTC'lf)("Cttvc n1 race or crC"Cd than tho~ who have trained thcmstl\'t'\ to hchl'vc that 1nfan1tndt' "a term nnh at"Phcahll' to tho\C who c't1n1u1\h on<'-<11} old h(c he-fort' which 1n)th1n1 lhl' motht'r w1\hc\ 1\ A.OK The hon1un ''\ur to on<" sadc. what hurt\" th<' hruac mauhna of lhr c1v1ltl\ of dcmrw.ratll d1'-Count Op- po~ a~n1on and \1nalc out -thr dtmOI. ract1< ~•)' thoi.< whu d1 a~'' pohtac I cnrm1c\ T'h11 1\ OK to do 1f you dt'8&fl'C with )'Our ~natllr on C'lonomat: pohnc\, naht·lO-'-'t>r\., 11d to thr contnu whattvcr. bul al at'<t 1ho111on. you ·~ lhl' kind ol auy who '"ten• \'unnu\I)' pi111ently erdt'ntl\', toahtr· rant J"'1-~tllcn 14'llll•m trw~~ Ir • 1 Nk'INfl ,..l•m•I•• M * Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/ Thur9day, Mareh 20, 1988 . . Aquino may take absolute power MANILA (AP) -The draft of .i new, intenm P~hpp1ne con utuuon would abolish the National Assemhly and vest all lawmaking powers 1n President Corazon Aquino 1n a democratic revolu11onary gov<:rn mcnt, ll was disclosed toda) A Cabinet offi ual p vc the A-, sooated Press and other reporll'f\ copies of the draft consmuuon tod..i:r The offic1aJ, who dealt with re poners on cond111on of anonymity. s~ud Aquino want\ to ··wften '>Orne prov1s1ons" of the <Jralt so .. he doe\ not have to call hl'r go"emment "revolut1onan. .. ._~ , f , I r~ ~ I\. :;{~· '~~ > ( - r---~1 L- ~ _. # •' I he olhc11l -,a1d quano planned to announce the new cons111utton Mon- day He did not 'IY wh y he wai. releasing the draft today. The dr.lf\ says, "This government l'i revolut1onaJ) an ong.in and nature, democratic in c1o~nc:e and transitory 1n character " It would give Aquino the law- making powers of the Nauonal As- ~mbly and would prohibit any coun from ques11on1ng her authority or the validll> of any law she decrees. The draft const1tu11on would pro" 1de for a lOmm1ss1on that would "'nte a new permanent constuuuon I 11 that would ~ pu1 to a popular vote. The Ph1hppme News A&enc:y quoted Solicitor General Scdfrey Ordonez as saying Aquino had con- sulted with him on the draft constitu- uon and that her final proclamauon would not uSt' the word "revoluuon· ary." wtuch 1s contained an the draft. Aquino's official spoke man had said earlier that the president would announce Monday Of Tuesday whether she would proclaim a rcvof- ut1onary government. from a c1v1llan.m1htary rcbclllon. inoc then, ahe h.as been considerina declaration of a "revolutionary gov- ernment" to enable her government to remove some of the bureaucracy and government ins111utionsse1 up by Marcos dunng his 20..year rule. The current Na11onal Assembly 1s controlled by the former president's polt1cial pany. • Aquino took office Feb. 25. the day President Ferdinand E. Marco!> fled the prcs1dent1al palace under ptti.5ure The draft consti1uuon says civilian authority "shall at all times be supreme over the military" and includes a "bill of ng.hts" from the 1973 cons1uu11on currently in effect. CoruonAq~o SAVE ~700 ::::~; $699 88 '1111 ... l· . .i rh \11 11-r11-.111 lwd11111111 j..., ... killf1rlh n.illi·d Ill ... .,1,,i 111111· .111 d p1111 · \c·r wn .... l"i111 ... )wd i11 .1 l111r111 ... lwd rl.rrk 111111· .r1T1·11t1·d '' 1111 ;111 1·11il111 ........ 1•rl n111t il .111d l1r.r ...... pl.1t1 ·d li :1rd,,,,,.,., Tl1i-. li:111d ... 111111· ..... t·I i1ll'l11rl1 ·-. f1W' dr1· ........ c·r. lt111d1 1111 rnir. lull 'I""''" 1·41 11111111hall lw.idl 111.ird ;111.J l1111ll 111;m I. 11id11 ..... 1;111d . Fr\,. d r ;l\\l'f '111 ·~1 n ·!.!. I llUH I ""'' """ i111>.rn:. <)11.1111 it i1· ... .ir1· l11111l1 ·d .111d .. 11ld 111 .... ,.1 ... 1111h . I j r\ ./ J r ' ,/'I { \ TAKE WITH PRICE :) TOUGH (.UARANTfES II I 1 t rn 1 ~I ~ • l•,••.,..t ,.,,. >. 11 in Pv••r rt 1v fi.r I•••.~ "-'' h lll rt:fun<1 lhP d1ffr>rf"nc.1• Wr> will Q•v~ you 1 ltv" yf'ar hm1tf'd warranty 1 1 "" 1 '1 1 irv ,,,,,,.,I'> m wr ·~manst111) .incl c c.n<,lruc.ft on D1•t.t1I~ w.11lable 1n our stores ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 WAYS TO CHARGE Jur c nvN1'"' I Wtt ~1·<; Hmmlvinq Ch,uq1 AmflrtCan f cpriu;s Carel M,1"orCar<1 or V1..a ANAHCIM , r .. / ' I M.11n 111' l•tir "' 11 811 I fl'>'>O VAN NUYS 5.m Dll'CJO rrwy anrJ Sf'PUlvf•d.i Blv<1 t)f'IWi'fln Aurhank ,md Victory Phone 81A TSO 21'44 wrST COVINA I' flrrr11• ''" flNV orf!V•tl ,.,,, Ptr.nr IHA "11~ 1'171 COSTA MESA S1n01l'Qt1rrwy.1rlfJHi1rt>Or8t11cl PhrinP 714 '140 8242 Qr" n Mr rt(I ty lt111, fr.rt 11 II I r 1lo1rct,.1v 10 ~ SunrJ IV 12 h \ Panama pushed to accept Marcos WASHINGTON (AP) -The United States is negotiating w1th the aovemment of Panama a~1:1t ~he possib1ht) that deposed Ph1hpp11~c president Ferdinand Marcos will move to the Central Amencan na- uon, possibly this weekend, accord- ing to govemment sources. The sources, speaking only on condition of anon_ymity. said Wednesday that the U.S. effort to find a new home for Marcos had centered on Panama after he was rejected by several other nauons. including Singapore, Spain, and Indonesia. Marcos is now in Hawau. Panama told the State Department Wednesday that Marcos would ~ allowed to enter the country, one source said. Another source said "the neg<>- uauons (with Panama) are at a very scns1t1vc stage·· and had been going on for several days. A third source said the effort to find a new home for Marcos had been 1n111ated at Marcos' request. That s.ou rce said Panama 1s currently the chief possibility and that, if a deal is struck, Marcos could leave Saturday or Sunday. OPEC talks still lacking agreement GENEVA (AP) -OPEC' leaders. cager to reverse the collapse of world oil prices, entered a fifth day of tense dehberat1ons today w1th no clear sign of movement toward agreement on a common strategy. The 13 oil ministers. already having agreed they must cul their 011 production to prop up pnces. re- portedly were at odds over how deep the cuts should be and how they could be shared by the member nations. The cartel was aiming at-a preliminary agreement that could~ presented Fnday to representatives of five non-OPEC 011 productng coun- tnes. whose help OPEC 1s seclung ma broad pnce-support scheme, offic1als said. After a two-hour morning session ended, Iranian Oil Mi nister Gholamreza Ag.hazadeh told re- porters more u me was needed to reach agreement. He said the aim was to "restore the previous level ofpnces," implying he wanted pnccs at nearly $30 per barrel -the level prevailing last December before prices crashed to about S 15. French president names rival to post of premier PARIS (AP) -Socialist President Francois Mmerrand named con- serva11ve leader Jacques Chirac to be France's new premier today, the first ume in 28 years the presidency and the prem1crsh1p have been held by opposing pames. Chirac. 53, knows the problems he will face. He ts returning to the premiership I 0 years after resigning the post because of conflicts over power and policy with an ally, centnst president Valery G1scard d'Estaing. Chirac's appointment was an- nounced fo rmally by Jean-Louis Bianco. the president's chief of staff. from the steps of the president's Elysec Palace office. Bianco also announced the formal res1gnat1on of the Socialist Cabinet headed by Laurent Fabius. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. Wheft Yow Dollt Cn•n Marti 1922 HM80ll aw., COSTA •SA-W-1156 the shores interiors INVENTORY SALE on Lompt • fl'lcturet • Tol»Mt • Acc-i.. 642-2255 2640 Avon St., Newport leach ~~-....__.- AMERICAN AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION & LIMOUSINE SERVICE, INC. Buses 1Mlnlt:>ua/ Llmouatnea Stotionwogon1/Von1/ rN s Door 10 Door Service Pt!Yoto Chorto11 and Toura 1-800-524-1 300 Aclvertiaing Art Service• • BnKh"1 .. /C.,ol09U• Oewl"' • i...-1c • ..,.. ... 1 o "otl••••• • T.,.e .. tt!At c ... ,.,....._. ... nd.l•d ""4 .. ...., ,.., GRAPRICI NZWPORT (714) 720-9191 UO N•~c...1 .. 0. "-a...t.C'Amte ' Holdridge leads OV to victory Pitcher David Holdridge went the d11tance in aHowinJ only four hits to lead Ocean View High to a 4-2 victory over &Sison in a Sunset Leque baseball pme at Mile Square Park Wednesday night. Holdridge, who struck o ut ei&ht, also provided the Seahawks with their winning edge. In the first innina. the Junior right-hander smashed a home run to center field. chasing home Mike Abascal and Blame DeBrouwcr to give Ocean View a 3-0 lead. Edison scored one run in the fifth and' added another in the sixth as it dropped to ~2 iti Sunset action. The Seahawks added their final run in the sixth as Mike fyhne doubled home Eric Christopberson. Fyhrie was 2 for 3 at the plate, while Abascal turned in a 2 for 4 per- formance. The win puts Ocean View at 4-1-1 overall and 1-0-1 in leaauc by vinue of its tic with Fountain Valley last Friday niaht. Ocean ~iew hosts Marina Friday at 3: I 5 while Edison and Huntington Beach play at 7 at Mile Square Park. In an Angelus League matchup: Mater Del U, Bl1llop Amat t : The Monarchs evened their league record at 1-1 byrallyingforsixrunsinthetop of the seventh to overturn a 9-6 defiC1t and dump the Lancers. Tony Copeland sjngled an a pair of runs to cut the deficit to 9-8, then Rieb Huntington scored the tyi ng run on a passed ball. Jim Zaccary's bascs- loaded walk gave the Monarchs the lead and John Dwon.ak doubled in the last two runs to account for the final margm. - · Jim Matthews and Jim Old also had -two RBI in a game foh featured .!2 hits, I I by ca side. Mater Dci v1s1ts Bishop Montgomery Saturday at noon. Ken P'oneh THURSOA Y, MARCH 20, 1986 ...,.,.. end9 tour-rw .....,., with vaUeybell win over FY. a -·OCC women oeptuN. 31th atrelght du8I mMt awtm Ylctorr. Ill. .,.., ........ i.,~ ......... Bucsblast GWC,._22-5 Coast's win streak at 6 ; Rustlers lose ourt game in row BJ CB8IS MONA.II.AN o.-. .... c.. ' ••.• Although his team has won six games in a row, the lasr five in the tough South. Coast Conference. and his offense seems to be catchmg up with bis pitching, Orange Coast College baseball Coach Mike Mayne says all is not rosy. H is comments came on the heels of a 22-5 pounding ofSCC rival Golden West Wednesday afternoon that dropped the Rustlcn to 2-S in the conference. They have lost four in a row. Mayne expressed his most preva- lent concern by glancing over toward the Rustler dusout and the deJected pl.ayers within 1L "We'll be there," said Mayne. "It's j ust as tough to keep a streak hkc we have aJive, as it is to break out of one like they have. "It's easy for us now because we're winning. h 's fun to practice and it's fun to play. But we'll be down there sometime. Then we'll see how we can handle it." The win puts the Pirates (5-0, 13-4) ono-balf game ahead o( Rancho Santiago and Cerritos (each at 5-1 ). but Mayne's concern is that his team may be peakmg too early and may not be able to tum it on in the final days when the games become so crucial. Soatb Cout Coalenmee Orenoe co~ .. , ltendlo S.nri.oo CerrttO& SaddleOeclo CVl>f"MS FUler'IOll Ml SM AnlOlllO GOIOen WHI COINllOtl ....... .,.. sc.r. W L Ge s 0 j 1 ..., s 1 ..., ' ' ~ ' , 2¥'» 2 4 ,..., 2 • l~ 2 5 4 0 • 5'h Or~ Coe.I 22, Golder! Wal S CVPrt11 12, SeddleOec* 6 ltllftdlo s.n1i.eo 10; Cerrll0& 1 Ml 5-11 4n!Olllo I. Camoton 1 T .. Y'I 0-(t:JI) Ml S.n 411tonlo et Ore11119 C-t Golden Wnt et ~ Rencrio Sel\11990 el FutlrtOtl Compton et CV&lfeH season progressed. We don't have the talent to play any better. I know we can't pitch any better." Certainly the Pirates can not play or pitch much better than they did agaanst the Rustlers and certainly the Rustlers cannot play or pitch much worse than they have the past five games. The Pirates started fast and, as has been the case an recent games, it was Newport Harbor High product Joey James who started the ball rolling - or in this case Oymg. James, who hu a borne run and drove in eight runs Tuesday at Compton, crushed a 2-1 offering from Rustler starter Larry Salaets ( 1-2) at least 430 feet to center to give the Pirates a 3-0 lead. On.Die Cout'• Brett Webber •llde9 over the tag of Golden We9t •hortatop Dave Solorzano wblle 8tea1Jnc eecond bue in third lnnln• of Wednaday'• •ame. "We arc hot right now, but it's still early. It's riot important to be bot nght now," he said. "This is not the way we have played in the past. We always improved gradually as the The blast was the only rut for the freshman left fielder, but he still managed to drive in four runs and score three m ore. Through 17 games this year, James has now bas su home runs and 33 RBI. With as many as 21 pines left. (Pleue eee OCC/82) Forsch fit, but is there room for him? Veteran pitcher finds crowd in Angel bullpe n From AP cU1patcH1 MESA, Ariz. -When n~t-handcr Ken Forsch checked unexpectedly mto the Angels' spring training camp, he faced a big question. At the advanced baseball age of 39. could. be revive a career interrupted two years ago by arm mjunes? Three pam-free weeks have apparently provided that answer. But forsch's impressive work bas raised a bigger question. Where docs he fit into the Angels' already overcrowded pitching picture? Forsch. who came to camp seeing little realistic chance of cracking Gene Mauch·s staff. isn't too womed about that. "Picking up my career is most important," he said. ''l fl made 1t here. it could be a sho n cut to sustaining my career. But there arc other teams who are watching." The implication is Forsch would expect to be picked up by another team seekmg p1tchang help. However. Mauch may not let the veteran get away. "As long as I've known Ken Forsch, he's never been a No. 8 pitcher," said Mauch, and1catinJ. room would be made in his starting rotation 1f Forsch merits it. With Don Sutton. John Candelaria, Mike Witt. Ron Romanick and Kirk McCaskill form1na an incumbent starting fi vc. Forsch remains skeptical about bis chances. But not about the condition of his arm . "This is the first time in two years r~ve worn this uniform without pain," Forsch said. "I feel real stronf. I never bad any doubts at all about mr elbow .. Forsch s elbow surgery for the removal of bone chips last June sidetracked his comeback from the dislocated shoulder he suffered an his second stan oftbc 1984 season. Endless hours of therapy often d1scouraied him, once to the point of contcmplatmg retirement. Forsch persevered and on the eve of spnng training the Angels offered him a o ne- year contract. though it 1s only pan1ally guaranteed. Forsch senses only one serious barrier to gct\Vlg an opponunity to add to his total of 114 wins. His bLstory for unspectacular spnngs. 'Tm always brutal in the spring," he said. "So if they're looking for results, I'm going to have a tough time. "~ut uthey want to sec stuff ahd a few good pitches, rve got a chance. I JUSt feel good about how my arm feels." Forsch had a strong o uting Tuesday agamst San Francisco, giving up JUSt one run on five hits. He has allowed-four runs and 11 tu rs in his first nine innings. "He's been just great." said Mauch. "But it's too early to pick the team. I'm just looking for the pieces. wc·11 put them together later:· Cub9 bold off Angel•, 6-6 . The Chicago Cubs rallied for five runs in the sixth inning and held on to defeat the Angels. 6-5, Wednesday in a C~ctus League game. Wanning pitcher Wam:n Brusstar was knocked out of the game an the seventh ann1ng after forcing in a run with a ~loaded walk to Ruppcn Jones. Reliever Lee Smith gave up a sacnficc fly to Wally Joyner before strilcing out Doug DcCinces to end the innm,g to earn a save. The Cubs roughed up five Angel pitchers for I 3 hits as they improved their spring record to 4-10. Shortstop Sbawon Dunston drove m two runs with singles 10 the fifth and suth an rungs. Dodgen hmmer Hoa.ton VERO BEACH -Mariano Duncan had five hits. including three tnplcs, and Steve Sax added four hits to carry the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 13-9 victory oveT the Hou.ston Astros. Duncan went 5 for 6, scored three times and drove in a pair of runs as the Dodgers broke a tbrec-pmc losing streak. Sax went 4 for 6. includmg a double. while sconng three runs and dnvmg 1n two more. Louisville streak on line But that doesn't mean anything to Denny Crum- •On TV tonight. Channel 2. HOUSTON (AP) -Louisville Coach Denny Crum wants it under- stood that regular season winning streaks do not win national cham- pionships. "When we won the championship (in 1980), we wcren 't better than the other teams, we just played better on that night," said Crum, whose No. 7 Cardinals will take a 13-gamc win- ning streak into tonight's NCAA West Refional basketball semifinal game agamst North Carolina. "Anything can happen at this level," C rum said. Eighth-ranked North Carolina won its first 21 "1mes this season but lost five of their last 10 regular season games. The Louisville-North Carolina game starts at 6: I 0 p.m . PST (Chan- nel 2). Nevada-Las Vegas, the only survivor from the western states, will face Auburn in the other semifinal game staning at 5:37 p.m. The winners will meet Saturday for a berth in the NCAA Final Four an Dallas March 29-3 1. Louisville, 28-7, stru~ed early an the season before surgmg into the playoffs. It was a planned move, Crum said. "I thank we have an obligation to our fans and to the team to be our best at the end o f the year," Crum said. "You don't learn anythana unless you play against the very best." The Tar Heels were ranked No. I in the nation with a 21-0 record when injuries slowed the team. But lcadina scorer Brad Daugherty saad North CarohM, 28-S. artn't womed about unbeaten records. "A run hkc that doesn't matter when it acts to the nitty-gritty," Daugheny said. "Now it's who re- bound 1he best and ~ho 11 thc most intense It's who docs the httlc thin&-' naht." '1'he 6-1 1 Daughcny leads the Tar Heels with a 20.2 sconng average and 8.8 rebounds per it-ime. The Card ma ls will try to counteract Daughtery with outstanding freshmen Purvis Ellison who is averaging 12.9 points and 7.9 re- bounds. ··rve never had a freshmen that was more consistent," Crum said. "He's given us a new dimensio n." Auburn. 21-10, upset St. John's, the West's No. I seeded team. to reach tonight's matchup against No. 11 Nevada-Las Vegas. 33-4. "Last year we were the Candcrella team playing o n emotion," Auburn senior forward Chuck Person said. "This year we arc playing on all five cyhnders. We're. not sneaking up on anybody and we're not letting any- body sneak up on us." Auburn Coach Sonny Sm 1th prom- ised a running game. "We don't take into consideration what they do best." Smith said. "We play better at the quick tempo. We get an the '!¥T'Ong lanes and make some bad pas.ses but we play better runnang. so we'll run." Nevada-Las Vegas is known as the Runnin' Rebels and Coach Jerry Tarkanian hopes his team lives up to its name but he's concerned. "The teams that have beaten us have beaten us running." Tarkan1an said. Containing Person will be a big pan of the Rebels' game plan, he said. "We won·t have any ~mm1ck defenses for him," Tarkanian said. "But we will be aware when he has the ball." Lights, cameras ... Lyle Alzado retires BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -[)c.. fcnsi vc end Lyle Alzado, who became known as .. The lntimidator" during hh1 15 National Football League seasons, anno\lnced his retirement Wednesday. "I'm not the player I once was and I'd as soon go out now. before l try to do tbangs that I can't do anymore," said Alzado, who turns 37 on April 3. "I sec players like Howie (Long) dominate thepme ... I don't want to be second best and I am now." The 6-3. 260-pouod Al2ado was Wlth the Los Anaclcs Raiders for the past four years, collccttng a Super Bowl championship ring with the club in 1983. He suffered a severed Achallcs tendon that sidelined him late la t season. Altado. however. said at a new conference at a ~verly Hills hotel that the inJury was not a factor in has dcci11on to retire. He said that. bccau~ of his age. he thought the tame was n&ht to end his football carcttr. An All-Pro selection at Denver an 1977 and 1978. Al1oado also had outstanding sea,ons with the Raadert. In 1984. he l<>1&cd 63 tackle and was an on cir.ht sack He started 40 of 41 games for the Raiders before beang sidelined by the tendon injury. Drafted by Denver out of Yankton (South Dakota} College in 1971. be was a key member of the Broncos' ·•oranae Crush'' defense that helped take them to the Super Bowl 1n 1977. Af\cr sc,vcn seasons in Denver. he was traded to the Cleveland Browns. then was swapped to the Raiders in 1982. "Although he was with us for a ~on time, Lyle Alz.ado has to 'o do wn as one of the greatest players 1n our orpnization." said Al Dav a~. the Raiders' manaainf acneral partner "We'll miss his toughness. you can't replace that." • Alzado, who already has appeared an numerous television shows and commcmals, now will concentrate on his show bu 1ncss career. Hc·s scheduled to appear 1n an upcomang telcv1s1o n moV1c and is signed for mort TV commercial . "I am not a good actor yet, 1 have a lot of th1nas to team," he said "But I ha ve a lot of ~pie on my s1dc." Aludo SI.Id he doesn't feel has tradmon of "touahne " w11l leave the Ra1dert with ham, commentma. "HOW1e's already picked 1t up and • took off Wlth 1t " Laker Kurt Rambl• trle. to come between Clipper fonra.rd Cedrlc Mazwell and the l#Lmaptele buketball ln flnt quarter action Wedne.- day .U,ht at tbe Sporta Arena. No excuses for Lakers this time LO ANGELES (AP) -The last time the Lo Angeles C11ppcn beat the Los Angele' Lakers there wa something ho llow about the victory The Lakers had a couple of m"or C'tcusc~ after the Jan. 24 lo -Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Kun Ramba\ Wert' OU\ With IDJUnC5 There ~rt no excuses th1s time. though. "The Lakcrs have always tcrronied us," ~•d Cooch [)(In Chancy aner the C11ppcrs' 11 .S· 1 14 N BA Vl('tOry over the Lalccrs Wednesday ntaht at the port~ rena "We uJCd to walk o nto the floor and hake. I'll take th1 one -..1th my chest out They were a 'trong as they could pombly ~tonight They weren't m ppted tonight " Center Benoit lkllJam1n sro~ 28 points ond re rvc Fn1nkhn Edward and Rory White combined for .? l point\ in the founh qoancr to lf'lld the <11p~"' Nd, from a I 4-po1n1 dcfkn "We JU~t don·t hke prospcnt}:· said Laker ( oach Pat Rile). "We give nway lead~ hle they're noth1na ·· On Tucsda) niaht the Laker\ had a 20..poant lc<td over Ponland at the orum and fell ~hand an the third quancr ~fort go1na on to wm 1t ad James 'Woith 'We'"cgot1ostosHal1n 1t tothc wire and put team away earl) ... With the C11p~rs traahng 94-80 after tbn.-e pcnods. Edwards o~ e1aht cono;ccut1ve point from long range dunn4 a t ~·2 run at the ~tan of the founh quaner, pulling the C1ippen withan Qb--Q2 Wlth •2 kl\ He later lini ~ a Ml run W'llh a ~().footer to cut the lead to I -10 ... 8cn1am1n tied the game 110.110 with a frtt thrt>v. with I 40 to pla~ The game wa tied tW1CC mort 1n the ne~t m anute ~fore Rcn,amtn w11' fouled by arttm ;\hdul-JahNr an<1 hit the 'Wlnmn frtt throw wath lO sttond" kft l • 91 * Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ Thurlday, March 20, 1N8 occ ... ........ 1 Jame. is on pace to break Geno Roumimpcr's school RBI record of 68 and may have a chance al the home run mark. which Roumimpcr holds I t 14. Both marks were set l&$t year. "J1mes is a le,imate b.itter. He's I toup out and he doc n't beat himself." wd Mayne. "He has ce~ tainly started faster than Gene dad. Gene stn.aa.led early and camt' on late. Jamesnas maintained thjs kmd of play throughout." The really big swingers for OCC Wednesday were shortstop Brett Webber and des1anatcd hitter Dave Staton. Webber was 3 for 6 with four runi. scored and drove home four more with a triple and a two-run single Staton also stroked three hits, while scoring three runs and dri ving in fi ve. He pushed over has first run wath a bases-loaded walk and smashed a arand slam in the Pirates' SIX-run fifth. Nearly lost in the shower of runs was the performance of Pirate starter Sam August (5-0). The freshman from Fountain Valley High threw a strong seven innings, allowing just three runs (one earned) and stnking out nine. For the season August has allowed Just two earned runs an 4() innings. an ERA of0.45. "He is very talented. but I am surprised that he 1s doing th1i. well this early," said Ma yne, who implied that August will be hard pressed 10 keep this pace up. ''He has pitched well, bur he is young and not superhuman. Bu t he's giving it has best shot." The 22-run output is the second largest of the year (behind Tuesday'!> 33 run show against Compton) and served to further magnify the Rus- tlers' patching problems. Over tts last fi ve games. the G WC staff ha\ allowed 58 earned runs. 78 in all. fifures that have Coach Fred Hoo' er a 1ttlc uptight. 0.., .... ..._.., o.td ......... • Gibson's shoulder sore, but not his bat Tiger outfielder drives In five with two tape-meas-ure HRs 9'rom AP dhpatclae1 Kirk Gibson's shoulder may be huning. but there's nothfoa wrona with his bat. Gibson, making his first appearance since receiving an irtje<:tion over the weekend for his sore left shoulder. served as Detroit's designated hitter and drove in five ruM with a pair of tape-mca ure homers Wednesday as the Tiiers outlasted the Oncinnui Reds 11·I0 in an ·exhibition game. "What I was happy with was that l was real sharp mentally, and that started wjtb the morning (intra-squad) game and carried over into the (exhitiition) game," said Gibson, who hit a solo shot off Ball Gullickson in the first inning and> a tremendous two-run smash off Ron Robinson in the fift h that hit high on the right-field light tower. ··1 wasn't swinging at balls I shouldn't have, I was getting bunts down and I was getting guys over. That ground ball (in the third inning with runners at second and third and no outs) not only got a run in , but it got the guy to third and be scored." Nelson Simmons and Mike Laga also homered for the Tigers, who needed Chet Lemon's ninth-inning single for the winning run. In other games: Rugera 7, Royals 3 -Non-roster designated hitter John Steams homered and singled twice and Tom Paciorek had three sjngles. Stearns, who spent last season with Denver of the American Association, homered off Dennis Leonard in the third inning and rapped an RBI single to snap a 3-3 tie in the six th. Leonard, in his longest of three spring stints. surrendered six hits and three runs in four innangs. Kansas City scored its runs in the fifth, ending a string of 22 scoreless innings. "He was walkina on a thin ware," 5a1d Manager Bobby Valentine, who plans a roster cut Saturday. "John came here with will and desire, but I have to Ste how rusty his tools are. Today, they were pretty much in tune." Wklte S.x 11 Br1ve1 O -Tom Seaver allowed two hits in five innani.s 1n his second con~cutive strong outing and combined with Tony Bri;u.olara, Bill Long and Gene Nelson on a three·hiuer. "lt looked as if he could have gone nine innings, .. said Manaaer Tony LaRussa. "He was throwing easy and the ball Jumped out of has hand." The only Nn scored on Daryl Boo;ton's seventh- inning single off Gene Garber. ladJaa1 U, Brewers Z -Cleveland erupted for 11 runs in the eighth inning 10 break open a 2-2 game. BrQOk Jacoby's double off Bob McClure drove an the lead run and Carmen Castillo added a three-run tnple. Jacoby was 4,.for-5 with three RBis, giving him a team-leading 13 RRls this spring. The Indians also got strong pitchina. espcciall.Y from starter Tom Cand1ot11, wh o hurled fi ve shutout innings and struck out five. Brewers t, IHJu1 I -In a game between split Milwaukee and Ocveland squads at a different site, Joey Meyer's three-run homer highlighted an eight-run ninth inning for the Brewers. Milwaukee scored all eight runs off Jim Kem, who lasted only one-third of an inning. Ed Williams and Jay Bell homered for Cleveland. Meta 7, Red Sox 4 -Danny Heep's two-run si ngle 1n a six-run seventh inning broke a 2-2 tie. Heep delivered off Calvin Schiraldi, who was dealt from the Mets to the Red Sox during the off-season. Darryl Strawberry added a two-run single in the Mets' bag inning. · Plslllles 5, Expos 1 -Juan Samuel had two hlls, including a tie-breaking sin~e an the th ird inning, and Shane Rawley worked fi ve innangs. allowing three hits and one run. "Heck no, I've never seen anything hke 11 and I don't ever want to sec at again," he said. "When things lake this happen, they are catching. One thing j ust compounds another." There are hlah-fi'f'e. all around after OCC'• Dave Staton pound• fifth-Inning grand alam agalnat Golden West. "Obviously. I needed this day," said Steams, a former star catcher for the Mets who has been plagued with arm problems for fou r years. "I showed a little bit of the tools 1 once had -bustle, ageressi veness. a little speed and power. It was nice because it's getting late." Pirates lZ, Twlu 5 -Pmsburgh hnd I ~ hits, including seven in a six-run fourth inning, tnggered by Jam Momson's leadoff homer. Before the inning was over, the Pirates added a double and fi ve singles off John Butcher and Ramon Romero. Steve Kemp nad a home run. two singles and three RBis in the game. Butcher was rocked for seven runs on nine hi ts, including a home run by Mike Diaz in the second inning. Hi s spnng ERA as 13.49. ,I SPORTS BREAK Alaba111a schools discover there's life after football From AP dispatches What's th as? Coach Ra} Perk1m talking about cutung an .\labama football practice short to watch a basketball game' 'W hat'"i this? Coach Pat D)c ol Auburn. which produced the 1 'llSS Hcasman T roph\ wanner an football, S.3)'10g bac.kctball IS JUSl as important'.! Arc things that tops~-tun y an Alaham.J, whcrc lor cars there were three mai n LOlkge ~porto; \Cason\, football an the fall. foo1ball re- cru itang in th e v.inter, and foot- ball practice in the 'ipnng'> The}' setm 10 be that wa'; nght now. with both .\uhum and ATabama among the 16 team'> left in the NC AA hai.kl·tball tour- nament In fact . the Southeastern Conference. known pnmanl} asa foo tball lcagut". aho hai. uw1s1- ana State a1l4 Kcnturky among Perllhl• the Swee t I b. 'T ve watched more basketball an the lac;t three months than I had 1n the last IO \Cars." Perkin\. Alabama's athleuc director as well a'i football coach. said. "I love to watch 1t .. He attended the <;Ee tournament an Lexington Ky , watched Alabama ddeat Xavier ol Ohio and llhnoas an the NCA.A'~ openang rounds a1 Charlollc NC.. and plans to be 1n Atlanta 1onagh1 \\hen Alabama meets Kentuck~ an the ~outhcas1 Regional sem11inalc;. Quote of the day Mike Luplca, New York D11aly Nrws columnist. descnbmg eccentric World Bo\ing Assoc1a11on lightweight champion L I\ 1ngstonc Bramble· "E\ery gu} he fight~ ha' the homc-planet advantage ... UCLA to open season on TV Nf.V. 'I ORK -Defending na uonal [i] cha mp11in Oklahoma wall open m 1986 c II • scai.on on COicpt. 6 against Rose Rowl king UCLA J~ part ol a da)'-night <.'ollege footbcill duubkhcadt'r ABC -TV Jnnounced Wednc'>- da}' The nl'l\\ork also ~ad at will tekv1..c I ou Hoitt'\ debut a!I !'.oirc Dame coach on ~pt I 3 when thl' Fighting lmh entertain M1ch1gan The l C l.A-Oklanoma contest in Norman. Okla ong1nall) waHcheduled for ~pt. 13 ln\tead. at \\Ill be pla~ed .i week earlier wllh ABC-TV's national tt'lcrn!tl begin ning at noon. and the kickoff at 12 30. Oklahoma. I I· I. captured the 1985 national champ1on!lh1p by defea ting Penn State, 25-10. 10 tht' Orange Bowl. UCLA. 1)-2-1, finished seventh in the A!>!IOC1ated Presi. rankings following a 45-28 rout ol Shue fired as Bullets coach LANDOVER. Md. -Gene Shue was fi red Wednesda} as coach of the NBA'!> Washington Bullets and replaced by Kev in Lo ughery. "After a great deal of t0nMderat1on and a lot of agonizing over the s1tuauon, I feel at as an the best interest of the tl-am to make a coaching change at this time." Bullets President Abe Pollan \aid in a statement. Shue replaced Dack Motta as head coach an I CJIW-!< I. and com paled a 231-248 win-loss record. He had pre' 1ousl} led the Balla more Bullets from 1966 through 1973 This )Car the Bulls arc an fou n h place in the \tlnn11c 1)1' l'il<ln v.11h a 32-37 record They've been hit h) a senc\ ol anJunes to key players including Jeff Ruland and Fran k John\on Loughery. 46. has 13 years of NBA coaching c'penence. most recently wnh the Chicago Bullsdunng the 1983-1984 and I 984-I 9HS seasons. Under his d1rec11on the Bulls com paled a 38-44 record and made a playoff appearance Players unveil drug plan V.AS HI NGTON -The Nataonal [i] I ootball League Pla}eri. Assoc1at1on c II• 'W t'dnesda} unveiled a new "get tough" drug abuse pre' entaon program that calls lor random tcsung of first-time drug offenders and permanent suspension for three-tame violators. "This as the first ti me the player" have vo ted on a get-tough policy for repeated drug users 1n th t' NFL." NFLPA Execu ti ve Director Gene Upshaw c;a1d. "The penalt ies need to be tough. T hat's the way you control the drug problem in the NFL." Bui NFL Comm1ss1oner Pete Rozelle released a statement an New York '><lying "I do not foci that the proposal'> which were announced today will solve the problem." Rain postpones PGA tourney NEW ORLEANS -Heavy overnight n rains Oooded portion!> of the Lakewood ( ou nt ry Club course today and forced a one-day postponement of first-round play in the USF&G Golf Tournament. The round wa'l rescheduled for Friday. Another \inglc round will be played Saturday, with a double round of 36 holes sc heduled to complete the tournamt'nt Sunday About three inches of ram fell dunng the night. The rain had !>lopped by tee-off time, but oflic1als held up pla> for about two hours whale they attempted to get the COIJN.' tn \hape Becker stunned in Belgium Robertson dunks Spurs to win All-Star guard Alvi.D Roberl100 leaped m ovt'r two Atlanta defenders for a slam dunk with three seconds left, lifting San Antonio to a 115-112 victory Wednesday night, snapping the Spurs' six-game NBA losing streak . , . Elsewhere in the NBA, Jallaa Ervlllg scored a season- high 29 points and made a key steal and slam dunk in the final minute as Philadelphia defeated Chicago. 118-112 ... Walter Davia scored 18 of his 26 points in the fourth quarter as Phoenix ralhed to beat Sacramen- to. I 08-104 ... NBA scoring leader Alex EagJ11JI had 35 points and sparked a Denver surge that turned back Detroit's final rally as the Nuggets beat the Pistons. 114-98. and clinched a playoff berth ... Robert Pariah scored a season-high 28 points and grabbed 17 rebounds as Boston set a franchise record of 22 consecu11 ve home v1ctones by crushing Indiana. 127-108. Francis leads Whalers to win Ron Francis recorded a goal and two ~ assists Wednesday night in has first game 1n ' two months to tifl Hartford to a 5-2 National Hockey League victory over St. Lou as . . Elsewhere an the NHL. Brian Mallen scored three tames as Winnipeg rallied to beat Montreal. 6-4 .. . Dale Hanter scored two goals and Mlcbel Goulet contributed three assists to lead Quebec to a 5-2 victory over Toronto ... Norm Schmidt and Terry Rusllowslll scored two goals each to lead Pittsburgh to a 7-3 rout of New Jersey ... Seo&& Bjug1c.ad scored three goals and goaltender Don Beaupre earned his 14th straight victory as Minnesota nipped Calgary. 6-5 ... Mikael Ander11on scored his first NHL goal and set up the eventual winner by Pill! Hoaaley an a three-goal Buffalo third pcnod which produced a 4-3 victory for the Sabres over ~trugghng Vancouver. Thomas takes skating lead G ENEY A, Switzerland -American Ill Debi Thomas catapulted into the lead an the women's competition at the World Figure Skating Championships Wednes- day with a short program that sparkled as brightly as her sequined dress. The defending champion. East Germany's Katerina Witt, dropped to founh place. Thomas' footwork and artful spans and Jumps provided a crowd-pleasing contrast to the pulsating disco beat of .. Relu" that accompanied her two- minutc routine. Television, radio TELEVISION BR l l\~ELS. BelgJum -Little-known ~ 6 Km. -COLLEGE BASKETBALL. Au~lrahan Broderick Dyke stunned West Louasva le vs. North Carolina in NCAA Regional West semifinal, Channel 2. · (,erman ten nis giant Bo ris Becker. 6-3, 6-3, 10 p.m. _BOWLING: Channel 56. V.cdne'iday to reach the second round of 11 :30 p.m. _ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: lhl· Belgian Indoor Champ1on~h1 ps. Kentucky vs. Alabama an NCAA Regional In other first-round actaon. top-seeded Swede Mats Southeast semifinal (delayed). Channel 2. Blue Jays 9, Cardlul1 I -Toronto clouted five home runs, two by George Bell. Jesse Barfield, ChrT Johnson and Cecil Fielder also homered, with Fielder's solo shot in the bottom of the ninth accounting for the wanning run. Jack Clark homered for St. Louis. Padres 4, Martnera % -San Diego's thret'-run rally 1n the top of the ninth included a two-run homer b,y Mark Parent. Seattle reliever Edwin Nunez, makins his first appearance in 10 days following a groan IOJUry, was roughed up for fi ve hits in the inning. incl uding sangles by Kurt Bevacqua, Mario Ramire? and John Kruk afkr Parent's homer gave the Padres a 3-2 lead. Yankee• 7, Orioles 3 -Henry Cotto collected three h11 s. Ken Griffey drove in three runs and Yankee first baseman Don Mattingly, recovered from a bruised thumb, made h1s first spring appearance and went 2-for-3. The Yankees reached Storm Davis fo r four runs an the first inning. The Orioles had only five hits, including solo home runs by Ken Gerhart and Kelly Paris. VOLLEYBALL Vikings top Barons For the first tame since 1982. Manna H1gh's boy~ volleyball team defeated Fountain Valley, working fou r games to tum the trick Wednesday night. Meanwhile. in other Sunset Leagut: matches, Huntington Beach downed Westminster and La Quinta swept past Ocean Vi ew. A capsule look: Marina 3, Fou.ntalll Valley I: The Vikings moved into a tie for first place in the Sunse t w11h idle Edison foll_owi ng a I 5-4, I S-1 3. I 5-17, I 5-13 dec1s1on over the v1S1ting Barons. "We played all 11 gu ys and they all contnbuted," said Manna Coach Tim Reed , who also singled out JUnaor middle hitter Ben Lefrancois (I 0 blocks, 13 kills) and senior se11er Bill Craft (8 blocks, 10 1 assists). Hantlagton Beach 3, We11mln11er 0: The Oilers won their first match of the season with a 15-10. I 5-9. I 5-ll thumping of the Lions. Setter Dean Cunningham and outside hitter Kevin Brazzel (10 kills) keyed Huntington Beach'!i victory. La Qalnc.a 3, Ocean View 0: The Aztecs built up speed as.they went along to the I 5-6. I 5-7. I 5-9 victory at Ocean Ytt'W. Make Whitcomb had 11 kills and Ryan Nakasone had a strong game in the back row as La Quinta improved to 1-1. Ocean View received a 16-kill effort from }()( Graham 1n falling to 1-2. In a community.college match: Golden We11 3, Westmont 0: The Rustlers posted a 16-14, I 5-7, I 5-J I win as freshmen Gary Van Sickle and Todd Bates sparkled. Van Sickle had 16 kills and six blocks while Bates had nine kills and four blocks. Laguna, Uni win in tennis Walander beat compatnot Jonas Sveni.so n, 6-4. 6-4, kA and fellow-Swede Joaka m Nystrom reached the 6 DIO Laguna .Beach High moved into ~ tie for second place quancrfi nals by edging Jeremy Bates of Great Bntain, p.m. -PRO BOCltEY: KJngs at Boston in the Sea View league tennis standings by knocking off ti-I J-6. 7-5. (delayed). KLAC (S70). Newport Harbor, 12-6, Wednesday afternoon. FRIDA Y'S RADIO Th · Dyke. ranked 109th 1n the world, needed only 80 IO:)O a.m. _ BASEBALL: Dodgers vs e Art1sts are 2-1 and tied with Newport and minute-; to sweep the reagnina Wimbledon champion Atlanta, from West Palm Beach Fla. KABC University, which beat Woodbndge, 13-5. Wednesday. .and clai m has most spectacular victory yet. _ ( 790). · • Laau.na was overpowering in douhlc . with the No. 2 "I was surpnsed by the number of errors a player team ofT1m Brandt and John Kimball posting a sweep In la ke Becker could make." Dyke said after the match. all. the Artists lost just one set in that depanment. · llll••••••••••••••••••••••••l!ll••••••••••••••••llll~~~~~~~~·llll•••••••_J In Univers•!y's win. the Trojans won all nine points , an doubles. and Carsten Hoffman swept in ingJes. lt>wa an the Rose Bowl. FV wins, 1-0, in 13 innings Patti Taylor'\ base hat to nght field an the bottom of the 13th in ning 'ICored Shelly Mardon as f"ounta1 n Valley H1_gti's girl~ softball team outlasted Sunny Halls. 1-0. Wednc\- day 1n the fi r!.t game of a doublehedcr Lancer patcht'r Ruby Flo~ held the Barons hatlC!>S th rough 12 innings, but p ve up two an the unlucky 13th ao; Fount.am Valley im proved to 7--0 In ~vcn outangs. the Barons have not had a ru n scored against them Taylor. a senior right-hander, patched the win. In the second p.mc:. the Barons and Lancc:rs went mne ~oreless ann1na.-. before the game was called due to darkness. Golden Weal I, Ml. AC 0 -L1M Brady handcuffed v1s1un1 Mt San Antonio on th ree sa naJ«. stnk1na oul two and wallu nJt thrtt COAST AREA BRIE FS UC! players, grads make U.S. National water polo team I Five current and former UC Irvine water and Pu1.:110 Raco The tournament is a prelude Bell as 1-0 on the season after hurling a 6-0 win scheduled for Apnl 12 on and around the UC' polo players will be on the lJ.~ Natio nal Team to the World \lub C'hamp1onsh1p1 in Australia over Redlands. Irvine campus. that plays an< uba th1i. month 1n preparataon for 1n 1987 Tschetter. who attended Golden West via There arc 11 d1vm ons for the run which thC' World ( hamp1on!th1p\ in <ipaan this * * * Santaaao Ha&)\. hod a .980 fielding averaie at takes participants throuah a course bcj1nnina $ummer catcher and fiMt base. She was selected to the on the UCI campus and extending into the The UC I playcn on the ream arc 1985 Three Oran~c Coast area 'Oft ball playcr5 all-conference team at Golden West. surroundjng area. Th as year's race will feature NC' A.A All·Amencans Jeff Cam~U and Maril will be \u1t1na up 1n Chapman Colleie uniforms Last week. Chapman swept a the pan1cipat1on of three of Amenca's prtmier M•liel. 1983 grad Mike Evu1 and 1982 alums Friday when the Panthers open play an the Cal doubleheader from San D1cao State and swept distance runnen, Steve Seott, ft•tll W)'IOd.J Ptter C.mpbell • nd Jobn Varp1. Tht' . tate Northndae Tournament. Cal talc Bakersfield. and Tom Wy~kl. team wall 6t le ted b> world powers t uba, Dort1 ffartJau, a t.funa Beach Haab Cost for the run as SI O 1ncludin1 T-shin 1f Hungary and Italy product~ Pam BelJ, an Ocean View &rad. and * * * the re~s1ration is received by March 31 or sh T he first Amcncan C tu b ( hamp1onsh1ps Lort Tselletter, a transfer from Ooldcn West D H thercat\.cr. Entnes arc available at all Rusty 11 be h Id Ott C d A I 17 20 C IJ be ( b 1ave ffa, a Uni versity Hi'1' arad. ts a n-· w1 e tn awa. ana a. pn • . o cae. are mem rs o t e tum. first-year basc6all player at Wubinaton Uni· ·~hcan restaurants, Sponcch and at Crawford Ni ne current and former UCI playcn wall play Hart1 .. n. a freshman fielder. led the Cl Fin versity in t. Louis. Hall on lhe UCI campus. for the Ncwpon Water Polo Foundation, .... Th Be 1 1 1 The reaistrallon table w11J be open at 6:30 reptt!ient1na the by wanning the U. . n.ans sc:ored at Lquna. and rec.e1ved •JI-league t ars 011 1 ettermen to araduauon, a.m. for packet p1clc-un wtth the Sk slated to Outdoor Championships honors three yurs an a row. Her bltttnaaveraac aiv1na Huqy an opportunity to crack the beajn 1t ?:4S. The I Ok rs schcd\J.led to .._;n 11 Tht' players include Jim ltnse, Gary wa 320 \tarting lineup 8:30 .._., flperoa, Geor1e Newlud, Peter Campbell, Sophomore Bell patched 18 pmes as a * * * Forfurthermformation, plea.sccontact lhe vu..-•, Evu1, Mike Doll•• and Malatl freshman and posted a 1.38 ERA. he was UC'I Athlelle F'oundauon at 8S6-SSSO or Joanana the tJ .S will bt < .anada Cuba. Me:uco Oawlc ~ 1n the field with no errors 1n 28 chances The w~enth annual Ao1ca1er nan is 8S4-03~. -A - Orange Cout DAILV PtLOT~, MltCh 20. 1• 1r • -____ ... 1~ s ~ IMMl~C ~--- OCC women-extend winning streak to 39 Golden est men capture Sou th Coast in the 200 indivtd~ medley and soo I 01;lo ~~ ::;! SI.I. t. ,..,.,..,. 11~·~r:~~1i!r~.1. 2. OeYftOf lt.e). ~=:-be~~<:]; J,~ l fru as the TrOJlns knocked off (Ml. SJ.•. l Hen-(HI), SU. r.u, 3 Whl1lfMll (Li l, n' .. ,,__, Hwefl VIA>. M.'7· t ..... VIAJ. Showdown from Sues to Stay Unbeaten defendina Sea View champ CdM IOO tr.-1. Alen (M), • &ii/ 2 .... (M), IOO f!Y-1 w .. ltlll IWI, , ... l. H~• tUS. 3 ...,... (Hel, ... , • ' tlU , l IClnt IHI>. 5:ll1. (Lil, 1~11. » Pl'endw,.tl (W), 1-G).. Dlvlfte-1 ......... (Ml, lfU,1 1 a.ore (MJ, -100 Mdr.-1. J~ (Ml. I G) •• 2 11nc1i.. 100 tr-1 ... , .. ILi ), su. 1 'Mllllt!WI IM IS; a Gln l IHI), ID.AS. .ln the community colleae sw1m- m1na showdowns between Golden West and Oranac Coast Wednesday, OC("s women's team ran their win· ning Streak to 39 straiaht dual meet victories, while the Golden West men breezed past the Pirates. Here's a look at what took place: Ooldeo West 17. Oru1e Coa1t 31: The Rustlers were easy winners in a battle of unbe1ucns to take the ansjde track to the South Coast Conference dual meet cf\ampionsh1p, although Saddlcbaclc Colleae 'itill looms ahead for both. The unbeaten Rustlers swept to their fourth stra1gh t conference de- c1s1on behind the double-winning efforts of Mark Wicks, who took the 500 and 1,000 freestyles 1n 4:50. 77' and 9:56.62, bec;tmg nval Rick Had- dad 1n the 500 in what should be the first of several confrontations before the state finals arc concluded. Orange Coast dropped to 4-1 ( 3-1 an conference). Also sparkling for the Rustlers was Randi Folker. whose tJmes of2:00.35 in the 200 individual medley and 2:01.69 in the 200 backstroke were state qualifying efforts. Among the others with state qualifying efforts were Wicks in the 500 free, Tony Ame in the 200 fly (2:00.23) and JetTEss1g in the 200 free (I :46.60). an addition to both relay teams. In the women's meet Oru1e Coast ts, Golden Wen 3S: OCC's women's team swept to its 39th straight dual meet, believed to be the longest current winning streak in any sport for community colleges in the state this year. "We're JUSt cruising home now," said Orange Coast Coach Don ·Watson wnh 1he solid victory over Golden West considered to be the only leg1umate potenual stumbling block on their way to the South Coast Conference utle. "For all practtcal purposes." con- tinued Watson, .. that was the cham- pionship meet.'' Watson was delighted with has team's performances on a day in which I 5 athletes swam state quahfy- inJ, times. 'That's just unbelievable at this time of the year." the ()('(' coach pointed out Cheri Carpenter, ac; u~ual. stood out with v1C1ones 1n the 200 free (2:00 62) and 100 1nd1v1dual medley ( 1:03.99). Paula Perry was a double winner in the spnnts, going 26.17 and 56.07 and Jenny North. a sophomore. spun umes of 29.88 and I :07.04 in the back.strokes. Golden West. despite.-losing 1hc team dec1S1on, also had its share of standouts. including Sally Schulu and Brandi Kelso. Schultz was a st.ate qualifier in the 500 free and won the 200 mdlVldual medley, and Kelso was a double winner, taking the so· and 100 breaststrokes. Both teams compete in the Cuesta lnvitauonal in an Luis Obispo this weekend. On the high school level· Corona del Mar 11%, lJutveralty U : Strong swims by Eric Ford (2 1.4) and Enc Vinje in the 50 freestyle helped the Sea Kings overpower the Trojans at Un1vers1ty in a Sea View League meet. Woodbridge t 1, l.aguaa Beaclt IS Chad Hundeby clocked winning tames of I :5 1.4 and 4:5 LS in the distance freestyles. and Brent West- fall tumed a 22. 7 and I :00.28 1n the 50 free and I 00 Oy (back-to-back) to pa~ the Wamors 10 the Sea View win at Laguna Beach. E1tucla 109, Saddlebacll 40: The Eagles' W1llte Swanson swam the 500 free for the first time and clocked 5:35.5 for first place, and Jonus Anderson new NBCC golf pro Jerry Anderson. rc.'Cently named Sou them California PG A's Golf Pro- fessional of the Year, has been selected Director of Golf at Ncwpon Beach Country Club His appointment, announced by the club's president, Thomas De- emer. comes after esutbltshang a reputation at Chevy (ha~ Country Club 1n Gkndalc. "Anderso n wall become an integral figure 1n our rebutldtn& of the golf course as well," said Deemer "We have now completed our new master plan for the golf course which wac; presented by noted arch1l«ts. Ted · Robinson and Robert Bucc1." Anderson announced 1mmed1ate plans to rt'build and restock the pro hop with a wtde vancty of mt'rchan- dise. The Newport lkach Country Club (former~y Irvine Coast Country Club) chan.sed owncf)h1p last year 1s now a subs1d1ary• of lnt<'rnational Ba y Clubs. Inc. of Newport Rc~1<·h, which al~o owns and operate the Ralhon Bay Club. Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club and Pon of the hlands Rcson. Fla Amateur baseball tryouta scheduled Tryouu will be held Saturday mom1n1 at 10 at Tustin H1ah for the Oran1e County Amateur Baseball ssoc:iat1on The lra1uc " for boys 16 and older and will beam on May 11 and run throuah Auaust wtth o toum mt'nt held at th<' end of the 'iCason Ptaycn 1nt<'t'f\led an compcuna art asked to bnnJ a S 101n,u111n,·c fC'C For mort 1nformat1on. phone Hill Branum at S40-4596 Loadbcrae doubled to lead Es1anc1a 11 t Saddle back. M8'lu lOt, Huthl1toa Beacb 4t: Swimming well for the V1luniS was Scott Jacobson. who won \he 100 back in I :03.94, a nd Paul Allen. who won the SOOfrec (4:58.39)and the 100 breast (I :09. 9) in the Sunset League meet. Edl1oa 116, WeatmlD1ier H : The Chargers used a barra,ae of Juniors to drown Westminster tn their Sunset opener, with Tim Hodge posting personal best 1n the lOO Oy (59.3)and 200 individual medley (2: I S.2). Foa.atahl Valley 103, Oceu View 31: Senior John Nossaman led the way forthe Barons, taking the 200 free an 2:03. 75. ahd seniors Mnch Bra) and Brent Peters followed up with w und cfTorts in the Sun'iCt opener Jn girls' competmon: Edl1on lU, We1tmhl1ter 47: Whale the Chargers were busy racking up the pomts. the Lions' Lisa Hadfield was swimming to CIF quahfy1 ng tames in two events. Hadfield's 24.96 in the 50 free and 4:59.53 in the 500 free qualified her for the CIF swimofTs in her first Sunset varsity meet. Marina 109, HllDtlogtoa Beaclt U : Knsty Boehm tumed in sharp per- formances in the distance freestyles, going 2:02.41 to win the 200 and 5:29.37 in a second place cfTon in the 500. Fo11Dtalo Valley 116, ~eaa View %3: Sophomore Sharon Wenzel doubled 10 the sprints, going 28.2 and 1:03.01, while senior Tammy Hills executed a double in the distance freestyles. taking the 200 1n 2 17 78 and the 500 an 6: 13.16. Ua.lverslty 93, Ceroaa del Mar 13: Debbie C'onabec doubled tn the 200 free and 100 breaststroke. lngnd Carlson turned in a 26.2 to win the 50 free and Lauren Ro ce finished first C""1ftWlllfY C.-... men IMI, hOU, a. Duke (Hel, 1:0U (LI), W.t, ) T..._, (W), SU lOO llY-1 Stuwr (M), 1-.M1 t. ... 00, IOVTM COAST CO.Wl•IMCI H llrM0-1. ,.... (M), 1'0t o. t wornea. !00 tr..-1 H\lllOIOY IW), ' l . .t. 2 H4lden , ..... lJ l(ltemyre (HI>. 1:1tA 0...... w..t 61, ~ C..M )t IMI, I.OU, S. Kevf"'*' ~HI), 1;15.7 (W), S:JO.•. > Relllv (W), Ji4.s. 10011'-1 HUflll (M), !111.fll, l ........_ (M), * medltv , ... _I. 001c1M1 w .. 1, 3:4 .13 .00 lrM f911v-t. MetlN, U7 t 100 lleQl-1. Slit* (WI. l!OI.~ 2 ltow11 l.OU1, a RV911 (HI), 1at7. 1,000 Ir-I. Wlctl• IGWC), f:jU)J 2. • ..... 111, ......... , M u.1,001. l'OM., ,.,,~·' (W).Ll .o. soo traa-1 L.ulMOll {Ml. s~ ... t. lolllm Aflllmero IGWCI, 10:01.12, l Haddad IOCCI. too mtOllY , ... _,, ldfMNI, lM21 Cir ... ._ _.,. 1..... 110.s1 J. (M), S09~1. l ~-(HI). ~n. 10.0l.74. too "-I. Z.llldlr II), 1:5.1.t, 2. WetlM (W). llltroetrlclo (W), t:IU; l Devtson ILi), l.1u. 100 De0.-1 .. ll'WrNlllW (HI>. 1•s•( t, 200 fr-I. l!nlt COWCI. NUO, 2. Stewart t:SU1 ). TllOfTIH II), I.ff.I. * frtl ,...._, La..-IMc:tl, )j,J.7 ~.,.-(Ml. l'ISA: l seiw."°"" tM>. ):1 .. n (0CC), 1;47.06; ). loelll (GWC l, h47.M. 200 llldo-1. Hodel un, 2.15.2, 2. cau11v (El. • ...... ..,, 'ttS .. Qt .. 100 ~.1-1. lhlll Oil), l:IUO; 2 .......... 50 Ir-I. Ablhl,. IOCCl. 2UI; 2 Dev 2:1' 4, l. <>tie (W), t'.26.7 200 madllV reiev-1. lht111ei., U • I IM), 1·20'1; J HelldlfMll (M , 1:22.41 IOWC), net, J. lueklev (GW(I. n .tt. 50 ff-I COl'llfl (I), U,7$, t. w .. 1.,. IW), 200 ff..-1: SWentot1 (I), Ho.t7, f C.Hfl .00 lr'le relev-1. MM-. Hl.J7 200 llldo-1 "°*" (GWC ) uius. Anlton lUS., AbretTltOfl (I!), t&.S (I ). 2~. J. lolloul (SI, nooo SIA "'8W Llt.eUS IGWC), ?-G) 7'; 3 YOWlll COCCI, 2J0e 7J, 100 flv-1. Hodel (I ). SU, 2 C.r~ let, toO ll\60-1, It OIVOf9 (El, 1'1'.12, 2 l!mll ~ n. c.,._ .. Mii Q OM"-1. l1Jdlron (OCCI. '4 1$ POlfll•; ? l:OU, I MutM!m811 (I), 1-0.t l&I. 2:25..JI.) &11...,. ($), JJS.•l 200 medllV ,. .. v-1. ~. ~1, 2 Sltlev COCCI. ISSO. no llllrd 100 fr-I. YIM (E). S2 7, t C°'*1 IE). $0 1r ..... 1. LoHll« .. U!J. JS.I, 2 COOll (El. CMOl\8 dtl ,,,.,, t-0.,, Ul\l......itv. 2'tJ 100 tlv-1. Arnt IGWC), 2<00.23; 2. Kenaehkv SS 17;) ~ (W), SS..67. ~; J Sllll (E l. 21'2 200 fft1-l C0t\90M (U), tol; t ll'ldl (U), (GWCI. l"11U4, 1 c11ra.i111ttn (OCC>. 2:1U4 jOO "-' Tllome1 IEI. s·1u. l Uv.flef• 100 "-'· J. Dl'llor• (El, l!O'J 22,, Elltebll• ~-ot. J ~ (CdM), 1'1• 100 ff'-1 AbUll,. IOCCI. 4'.221 2. Dev IW), 5:16.0; J Cevlllll' IE>, 5:2160 IS), 1'<11.2, J Hibll IEI. llOl.l. to0 ll'ldo-1 ltoY'CI (U), 1;1S; 1 letl'I (CctM), (GWC), 4t.~ l ludllev (GWC)1 S0.01. 100 beck-1. Zender Il l. 1112.7, I lllGdeN 100 tr-1. COOll IEI, U .. '4, 2 HIOll IE), 2 %), J si.. ... (C4/o\I, Ul 200 bedl-1 Folklf' (GWC), 2.0lM, 2 IWI, liOU, ) Gi.c-Ill, !:OU. W.AM, l Wellllr IE), 1'01.l. SO tr-1 CwllOll IU), IU; 2. Noo11M S1....,eft (OCCI, t~.72. 3 • ..,, (GWC), 2"°4.41 100 breHt-1 Ceultv IE), llOl 7, 2 500 tr-1 SwMIOll (If), USS, 2 Emil (El. ICdMI, 11.2, 3 0-tlefta IC4N\l, t7A. • 500 Ir-I Wicka (GWC), ·~n. t HedcMMI Abf'erntoll IE), 1.1U, l Uveher• !WI, 112 7 SSl.16, l. ldoYI (S), 5'SU3 100 llV-1 Ml.,._," IU), U17, 2.. IOCC), • 50 tt. 3 Eaaoo (GWCl.-·•:if.U. '°° ffll f'lle v-1. l;dltoll, ) •S.01. 100 ~-I Wfttw IE>. 1•~. 2 Trfllte MC'Cormk'Jl (Ul, 1•. 3. Sealy (CdM), 1:11. 200 brMsl-1 Youno (0CC), 1:1U1;, AlllMlfl p_... V*'t lt:a. ~ View at ($), 111 74, ) Oevlet (El, 1'10.36 100 fr-1 9oci. fU). 57.1, t. P9dl IU), •.A; IGWCl, 2 IUO. 3 Miranda tOCdl. J-le.. 200 medllv r..,_1 Oc:M11 View, 1 SO• 100 br'9tt-1 l..oldblfa I El, 1-ot 6 1 Et-> MIW (COM), Hl1.0 "°° ,, .. rtlll-1 GOIOlfl Watl. J-17 '° 200 fr-1 NOH8mell 111111. 1-0) 7S. 2 w-llOrK"' !El. 1'(19,06, J J Dnore 11!1 I n I 500 lr-1 ·-CUI. SM. t. Ml'tlrlWfll IFV), 21ll t, J OcMn Vllw. 2.ltM 400 lr11 rlMv-1 Ealende. l.21.64 IUl, S·'9, > Welelufl (CdM), 6;0S CemmuNty c.-... ...... SOUTH GOAST CONP•ll•NC• Or .... C.11 tS, ca..... West JS 100 "*31ev reler-1. Or•nee Coest, 1:57..14. 100 lndo-1 Sdlvlta COCCI. 2:2U3; 2. Vet1 H-1 (OCCI. 2:19 53; l. Welot\tmen <OCC), 2.ll 19 SO Ir-I Perrv !OCCI, 26.17; 2. HelllCOek IOCCI, 2US, 3 S.nbcwnt IGWCl, 27.24. 100 l>eek-1 Nonll IOCCl, l~.IM; , looelv (OCCI, 11014, l Aller (OCCI. 1.10.94. 100 brH\t-1 l(efto (OWCI. l:IUO, 2 FIM:ller IOCC). 1. IS.74, 3 8oellm (GWC), l:lt.11 200 tr-I Cer-ler COCCI. 2:00.'2; 2 lltoooev IOCCI. 2:0S.03; 3. Bogin (GWC), 2:0S.n SO ttv-1. "11llleoc.ll IOCCI, 11.'9; 2. Tek:llmen \OCCI, 29.03, 3. SWHMY IGWCI. 29.26 Olvtnrl. YOUll9 (OCCl, llUS oolnt•, 2 Levine IOCCI, 10S3S, 3 no llllrd. 100 Ir-I Perrv (OCC), 57.07, 2 ltlel J9'io.IOft IOCCl, &ooln (GWCl. SUO. 100 fir-I Tetct,,nen (OCC), 1:03.0I; 2 ScnuJl1 IGWCI. 1'03 S2, 3 Hellleodo (OCC l. l:OHI SO becil-1 N0<tll IOCCI. 29.11, 2. Vefl Hemert IOCCI. 31.71; l. CllePOlll (OCCI. 32.17 100 lflde>-1 Cer04Hlter COCCI. 1:03.'9, 2 l(ttto (GWCI, 1'<19.14, 3 MoOl'e (GWCJ, 1119.91 soo Ir-I ROOMY (OCC). saut. 2. Scllulfl IGWCI. S'?• •S, 3 Oonoven (GWC), S'.AU.S SO brMtl-1 K .. to (GWC), )4 11; 2 FIKll« COCCI Jj SJ. l 8oenm IGWC), lUI. 100 trM r11e-1 Orenee Coe11, l:AS09 " .... KMlt M'n SUNHT L•AGU• MatW 11'2. " ........ e.dl .. 200 lndo-l Peten IFVI. n ut. 2 LH IOV). H• ...... tlrtl 100 Mell-I IOda (U), 1;07; 2 ~ (U), Mf.10, 8 Srnllll IFV I, 2:2U2. SUNS.T L•ACW. I 10, ) laNler\AI IC4N\l, 1:13. SO Ir-I Judd IF\/), 23.01, 2 Inv (FVl, • .._ 114, WMIPlllrttt 47 100 llrMll-1 ~ IUl. 1:11; 2.. G4IDtl 2&.64, l. ....._ (Fl/), 2s.4S. 200 fTlldllv rellv-1 EdllOll, ffi ot ICdMI, I IS, l. s.m (GdM), 1'16. Divine-I. Ct04dr (Fl/), ueu. 2 OtMn 2001r..-1. ·--(El. J-ISOI. 2 Mullteen 400 "" r•-1 Unl~ty. •:GU. 2. Cof'-view. !JI n, S ~ (Fl/), l?UJ (El. 2 1619, 3 Srnllfl (El, "21 AO dll Mar, • IS, 3. Corone dll Mar, ett 100 fly-I Wllllet'M (F\/l. 1:0119, 2 OOffn 200 llldo-1 CeMllv IEl. 2:4060, 2 llVltlM W11•1"1111 M. '-"-9 ..._ JJ View, 1:02.0S; 3. Noneman IF\/), 1-0. 12 IWI, 2:4UO, 3. LlbovlU (!), ? '6.67. 100 rnadllv r14ev-I. ~. !:ti.$ 100 lr-1 lrev (FVI. Sol.SO. 2 Jone1 IFVI, so tr..-1 Hedtle4cl (W), 2• "· 2 SlefllOft (El. 200 tr-I. A~UP (WI. 2'12..6; 1. ~ (W), S7M. 3. OCIMn View, SUS. 2t 31 3. Rllfl'I IEI, 21.0I. ?,lt a, 3 LeouN a..cfl, 2:22.S. 500 lr-1. Wong IFVl. S•47.14, ? PoeQcSe 100 llY'-1 MulllMn (El, 11060, 2 R11ttlno 100 llldo-1 SM11v IW), t:ll.1; 2. Ser (WI, (FV), 6:05.•I. l. Kernot.-v IFV), 6.12.54 tW), 2:1'.l?, l. o.c.11 (El. I 1Ul ?:37 t, J. Pooler (W), 2.46.0. 100 beck-I. LM (OV), 1.0l.61, 2. McKMn 100 fr-1. MerkK119W (£), S9.», 2 w,_.., 50 tr-l. L.a..-IMctt, 21.1, 2. Su6'-(WI, (FV), 1:09.06; l. Smltll (FV), l:Ot.1t. (£), l:CM.33, l. CHllty (E), 1:04..39 2U, l. L.atUlle Beacll, 2t.2. 100 Dl'Hlt-1. Pallf'l (FV), l:Ot '7, 2 JIJOO 500 ,,_,, Hedfleld (W), •:St S3. 2 Zle9erl 100 11v-I erown IW), 1:10.0; 2 Sar (W), (FV), 1:10.26; 3. OcMt1 View, 1:1' 4' IE), S:1U9, 3. EMn IE), 6:11.'17 l'IU. l C..rttOll (W), 1:20.0. "°° ,, .. , ... _,, Foufll•lfl Velllv. l'Sl .542. 100 l>edt-1. Oec:ll 1£1. 1'13.14, 2 Lll>Mll 100 lr-1 Sllellv (W), 1;027; 2. SuaMr IW), l•A Vl•W L••ou• IEl. 1.14.U , l ltalll'f IE>. 1:16.41 1-os.1. 3 L.aoune .. Kii. 1iOU G-.. Mer I It, UIWanlt¥ t4 100 brlut-1 Z'"9rl (EI. 117 <>. 2 An soo Ir-I AIM.IP (W), i:t:U; 2 Lovllov (WI. 200 l"MOllV rtlllv-1. Corone clll ,,,.,, 1:39.7, orewn (E), 1:77 7; J. Cro•an (W), nt 11 107 6, 3 Le!M\8 hedl, 7~.6. 2 Unlltlf'alty, I~; l. Corone Oel Mer, 1:.SIJ 11'"""'9111v....,116, O<:iMft View» 100 bedl-1 POOier (W), 1:16.0, 2. t..-- 200 tr-l FOl'd (CdM), l:SI 2; 2, Hochede4 100 medllv rtlll-1 Founleln \/ellev. l'OI ;n IM<:ll, 1 It 1, l lbltl'\USM!I IWI. 1:21.0. ICdM), 1;56.0; 3. He.d ICdMI, 1:512 200 tr-1. HIN IFVI. 2 17.1'1. 2 MMJar't 100 llfM•t-1 Slntr; (W), MU; 2 . ......._ 200 llldo-1 Oltoll ICdMI. 2·10,6. 2 Wr19111 IFV), 2'.ll.1S, 3 Herwero IFV). 2.4' iM 8e.Kll, 1.21.3, l L.aoune heal, 1;tS.t CUI, 2:17.4, 3. WffMr ICdMI, 2:17 6. 200 lndo-1. lentlev (FV), 2'!21.16. 2 lllttlf' .00 lr11 r14ev-I WCIOOOl'id99, d ,• so ,,_I FOl'CI (CdM). 21.4, 2. Vlnle ICdM). (FV), 2:31.9'; l. O•r-(FV), uua . • .... 112. SI 9 '* tt n.J, l. ltOflrer (CdM), 234. so fr-1. WlllHI (FV). tuo. 2. Wllllem-200 "'"""' , ... _I Ealenda 1;14.51. 100 fl-I T'*""°" (CdM), SS t, 2. lFV), 21.n.) McLeuoNln (FV), 1' 14 100 fr-I lf"adv (El 22'.4i, t. Slllllo ($1 McCollou9ll (U), I~ 0, 3 GrlO'Ofl (U). 1'02 4. 100 fl't-1 Oar-tFVI. I-Gt.Sol, 2 &entlev US.34, l Currie IE I, 2:U'.a. ' 100 lr-1. Lilllfl• (CdM), S0.2, ? H•mmonct IFV). I 12.54; 3 0cMfl vi-. 1:2t 11 100 lndo-1 lf'vflll (5), t IL IS, 2. Her!Ulle (E), ICdMI. 51.6. l Vanmff (U), SoltO 100 lr-1 WlllHI IFV I, l'Cr>.01, , UO.JI ) IMellM (El Hll.U 500 Ir-I Ouncs.1 ICdMI. S:06 7, 1 Eel· McLeuoNll'I IF\/l, 1'06A3. l Merwerd IFVI, 50 fr-I ~· (E) 26.A 2 Rowel (E) mundl (CdM), S·l60, l Moroen (CdM), S'23S I IU6 2901, l ....., (E), 31-06 . , . 100 beck-I. Slllv (CdM), SU, 2 McColouoll 500 IF-I HAI IFVI, 6 13 1', 2 Wr10ht (FVI 100 "-' Cet1I"-IS) l!tt04 2 Genelofll (U), 1:02 S, 3 Ctow .. (CdM), I~ 1 6:26 70, 3. Glloatrldl (FV), 7.32 5' IEI. l.2UI, 3 ICCICll IEl. i:2t.6 • 100 llflHl-1 Marumo40 (CdM), 1-0..t, 2. 100 oeek-1 Wynne (FV), '1U3, 2 Wll· 100 ,,_, Herluno (Ef 1:0309 2 ... 100 medltv , ... _I. Me<\ne, H2.4 200 Ir-I McFetrldOI (Ml, 2-c>I 4; 2 IMI. 2'05 7. 3 Sci.ca CHIU, 2'00 Zubf'tn (CdM), 1116 0; l WrlOlll (U), I• S tlam_, (FV), 1 17 71, l OcMn View. 1.26 SS IE), I Ol.06, 3 lebCI (SI. 111i 01 . ' Proa .00 free rele-1 C0<one 411 ,,.r, 3:23.4, ? 100 brHtl-1 B. ~own IFV), 1 11 ... 2 500 "'-1 Millet IEI. 6:30.IM, 2. 5ctlo6M (El, Unlver•llv, )::M, l C0<one 411 ,,.,_r, >:JSO llllllf' IFVl. 1.219S. 3 Mederv CFVI. 1"26.lt HUe. l 5'\loo (SI, 71119 100 lndo-I ScftuOPlll !Ml. 2 11 4, 2 !HB), ?~12, 3 Rev (Ml. nl.6 , l(fng W11•~ ti, L...-laldl U .00 lrM relav-1 Fountain \/lllev, •:IU4 100 lledl-1. lnllftl (!>), 1:0710, t. Miiar (El. 200 "*"-v ,..._, Woodbrldoe. 1:501. IMriM 109, Hut:" •••• a.di SI I "02, l ,.,,,.,,..., (El. u u . SO fr-I Henttn (HB), 23.I,? Brow" IMl. 20 , 3 J8COOl8tl (M), 20 . 100 flv-1 Binet.ti (M ), l'CI0.6; 2. Proa IMI. 200 ,,_,, Hunoaov (WI. 1:51.•. ? H•nll• 200 medlev ,...._I ,,..,in., t-G4U 100 bf'M••-1 ludev (E). 1:26.01; 2. BradY ILi ), 1:57.S; l. J-. ILi ), 2113 0 200 tr-1 1oeM1 IM), ?.0241, 2 S.llClatroni IE>. 1.31.39, l ""''° <El, I~ 100 lndo-1 Suttle (W), 2·111. 2 Tetllr (WI. (Ml, 2:15.IS, l lloner (HB), 2'23'7 '°° ,, .. ,.._1 Eatencle. 'II>• E ............ LEN GE -----, ( , . RISE TO THE CALL OF THAT PATRIOTIC SPIRIT SO SYMBOLIC OF AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENT Rise to the challenge of returning the America's Cup ho me. The Ir vine Company, first to rise to this challenge, ha made·a major contribution toward this effort. loin The Irvine Co mpany and join the team now. The America's Cup, symbolic of international yachting supremacy, rested o n American shores for 132 years. In 1983 , America lost the C up to Australia. In 1987, we will have what it takes to bring the Cup home . of the best skipper and the mo~r -..ucce-;sful de igners, engineers, cienttst . racing ad\'isor and hu me ·~ men to achieve the goal of the Eagle . w re~mre America' pnde, reclaim the A merica' Cup and bring tr to outhern Cali- fornia. The Eagle Ch allenge ha b "C.n named as one of the top three contenders fo r the Cur bv Australia' defending We have the Eagle. The Eagle is the yacht of revolutionary design which ha · been built to win b ack the 1987 Ameri ca's Cup from Au tralia. It will be launched in Newpo rt Beach o n April 6th, 1986. The Eagle Challe nge. the Southern California organiza· tion formed co support this effort, h a combined the talent kipper, John Bertrand Round-the-crock de igmng. te sting and tra mmg are all underway. Befo re the Eagle ·ets sail . additio nal funds must be rai ed to maximize the effort You can make the difference Join the team' hare in the pride ot hnngmg the Amenca's Cup ho me' Ri to the Eagle Challenge roJay Call Jfl rV Thl'1m~on . Pre ident, at (7 14 ) 557-2262 .., . ..,CHALLENGE . j 114 * Orange COP\ DAILY PILOT I Thurtday, March 20, 1986 Horse racing • summaries Los AiemlM• WIDNISDA V'S ltlSUL n ( I lltl .. SS·llltllt MltNt• mMllMI P•ST ltACI. One mli. Pe« Soctel KIM ILKllevl HO Me141slk Ll"'11 !Todd Ill Marll II lhen ISIHlhl Time. 2 01 2/S HO 2 10 1'10 l IO 260 AIM> ren Felr Pll•nlorn, Or•on••h, Form.I Counl, Mv Monn, Celh\I' Bl.,.,, C•rei,u O•ncet. Scretched· Hot W11oople, Prompr 0.liverv 0 UtACTA (2·9) 1>eld 124 00 SICOND ltACI. One milt ffOI Mr Conltnl I Kuebler) S IO Geno• 8eubl4t ICrewtordl Miiford Merrooev IWtrllam'> Time 2.Ql 4/S 320 460 •OO HO 7 00 AIM> ren E1teter SellY, Torrlo Be•u. Fr•nn ' Clou9!\eflY, Sreg Bowl, Hldoen Cn10 Scr•lcheO Sruffv Srer '2 IX.ACTA (S·9) Pe•d UJ IO THlltD RACE. Ont m ilt N Ct Siie!< (GrurldV) S 60 6Ttie E r1Cllen\tr !Mu.lier) At>ci.lrou IAndenoM Time 2 00 2 S J 60 360 900 soo 0 0 Also ,.,, Gooc:t Aumoruv Pagan Lao Tree" Tel.k, Mokorere Leo Terrv Buller • No lCralCllH $l IX.ACTA 14 11 oa •d S97'0 l"C>UttTH ltACft. Ont mile o.c:t ~vllv .Rllvrnm ISlffrll1 S 00 Sulled To A TM 1va11enomon•ml Cnermed Qverk BonlllOI Time 201 360 HO soo 310 u o Also ren Ore noerl< Bridl>ll Reoeugn Luci..v Bunns Dune Ladv Awav F rom Home Ando Mey Scralclled Anle Nanc v FIFTH RACE. One mote ffOI Bull IOesomeri Thaddow IKl"I Ma11na Mevnem t Porker I Time 201 J S 640 S60 340 ISllO 420 7 IO Al'o ran Hunters t<ert Rowdv Snaron C.ullv Girt, J iffy Stephi Prlncelv Heir, Star Hill C. No SCflllCnH 13 EXACT.& !3 41 oa1d \IOI 10 SIXTH RACE. One more oace Oranoerk Donne !Maier I 6 20 Soeeo 0 Cneroer (Pari..er I Cnatterlllg ILongo) Time I SI • S 3 20 J10 J60 3 60 980 Also ren C.ee Gee Jede Luc~• Cho LOO• Cei>en Rose Sllulfle N OH i MIU Stv Basr..tr No Kratcnu ll EXACT.& 12 4 01110 s.oao SEVENTH AACE O<>e milt oece Ju""' I Parker) 19 20 Tabula te Heoover Aco..erm11n P H Ptl11n1om 1MacOoug1111 Time 2 01 1t1J •OO 160 '40 470 AIM> ran Bu"OUI Lolloooos L1n110 Buller Dominion Star Cnristo C.aon A Cn1me ScralcheO 1moreu1ve Sleo Su~r TrOOOl"r Jeff' BrHie '3 EXACT A 6·• oa.o Sll8 20 EIGHTH RACE One m11e o•ce '"'"m•u •on CLoooo 6 70 Sor Kennv OtHnt" I Temoo Slue C"oo 11<ue1>1er To~ I SI l 5 u O •IO 9tlJ S70 600 Also ran Jn on Hanover Rovo r e 111 Loo•.- ono Good, Creooowon A1t more No scr111c11u '3 EXACT.& <1 S oeod SSI 80 NINTH RACE. One molp pace 8redt>urv Br4!1 lMa 1ero 6 60 Good N Slv (Ku1tl>ler1 Wllr1out A Trace .t.u1>1n1 Tome 1 S' 4 S J OO H O •OO 400 2 60 It.ISO ran Pure C111u w 110 And Crazv C.uv Sum<> Berv Jane Andv\ Skte•ttr Son Oi M1 Merzo Sc:retcneo Commanoer E 110 Hello Charger l3 EXACTA 14 ), 001d SS-490 12 PICtt SIX 6 ) 7 6 7 11 Pl •O UO.SIO 40 10 •wo w1nnono •oc~etS '" llorst\ S1 Poe• S • conso1a110" 0010 s114 00 10 8b w1nn1ng Hcktl\ !love l'IOr\t\I TENTH RACE On@ rr•·t Pll<P Fri 011 R11cl'loe1 4 •O Konn em Jlnoerson ')fr.• no Go IVat ond ng•em r ..,, 2 oo l 20 7 80 S •O 3 40 760 .t, so ron Hao1eu Hun• L•noa n T """"" e Prtt•v So1r-·1 Laov Nat1v" • ·1~ Fourtv,.cono Slrffl Qeen Qt Rnv•n,,.. Scratctlf(l Co torn111 S·u •er ll1111ot1n11 Fros• S1 EXACT A • S·91 Pa•g S II 20 Enter Now And Be Eligi~le to Win $ 20000 IL•V.NTH ••ca. One 11111• Pee. Or Wllll•m IKueblet) 3 60 2 40 2 ~ ... '(Off Pet• ( l.OtlOO) 1 .a 2 60 Hlotl S~ (Shott) 3 00 Time l:S9 3 Also Went: Oyn•mlte Girl, C•VI Plus. Andva we .. 14, 5olo F11g111. c Im Soc:lel, F erennelt SG••lcheO. Liiiie Bit Lou, SGl\ell'ldlslle41 n IXACTA 14·3) oalO $9.60 Alltnchlnc:e: J,307 Mutu.I Hendle: "54,03S S.ntli Antta WEDNISDAY'S RHUL TS ('4ltl et tf·dllY IMrOUthOnd mfftl119) l'lltST RACI. 6 lurtonos Gren Pierre (Pincev> Hovering Pr11Mnc:e <Soils> K C.lbren !McCarron> Time· 1.10 2/S. IS90 900 460 1 20 JIO 3 40 Also ran Clever Coln J R Jonn'Oll MIOhtv Trio. lntrtold Gummo Ble1emlH No scrarchff n EX.ACTA ,, • ., Pe ld $69 70 SECOND RACE. I I 16 m oles Plneoum IOtlel'IOuuevtl i 00 no 110 420 ) 00 160 C.onclolfeo IV111tn1uellll Fe" Fling IMcCerrOllJ Time I 46 3/S . Al\O ran Se• /Vtd Sew Mr Seu N CIAU SPff<I Seeker Packl'1 Prihce Scretcheo Tommy Jonn A1101e' Loi R•dge THltlD RACE . 6 , lurlol>os C.ood Slv1e !McCarronl Amee:• J IOele nounavel So10mll10 !Pec:troza1 Time l 17 415 11 IO 6 90 310 690 u o uo Also re n Metlua Noel Foti. 1 Vlctorv Grffn Coleen, TreOllion Of Hooe Pride Qi Wonov No scretches S2 DAIL y DOUBLE I' ·I I o••d s« 60 FOURTH RACE. I I 16 mtlts Cut Him Free I Black I 1 20 l 40 7 60 e ronre Tudor !Stevens) 7 60 2 20 8111'1 Fanteh' IHewlevl 3 20 Time 1:4S 2 S Also ran· E~orlc Arbllor. Frenlled Nallve, Ben HecM. Ouke'1 Wlsn, 8urne11e No sc:retctie1 Fll'TH RACE. 7 fur1ong1 Dream Pollcv !Oel11houu11ve1 Velveteen (McCerron) Curious Princ:Hs (P1nuv 1 Time· 1.24 4 S 1240 sao l 60 620 400 310 Aliso ran v anltla Fur Dence Aor Foret Bat>v, Dance Hall Huuv C.1amorous Am~r Time Cali.cl Ser atcneo M•stonouette IS EXACT A !8·4) 0111d \ IS3 SO SIXTH RACE. 6 lurtong, Saro GOiden (Marouezl Oa r1Cer·s Regards ITorol E S P Queen Stevens T.me l 11 soo 3 20 190 J OO 260 320 .t.IM> ra n EHta ove P.re tt> On Mar e Natasna Unavo1d11~ No \Cratcnts SEVENTH RACE I ...,, l'1 Honor Medal IP1nc11v1 Rover Of Kings <Stevens Ro11a Recourse cSo o!ol Tome 1 48 2 S 690 )60 1 40 300 760 ~00 A•1oo ran Palti"Oioo For1101 rne R1n11 M15Cn•ef•nm1c>d TraO.edv No 1cr11lches JS EXACT.41 IS·7l Pll•d U 900 EIGHTH RACE. 1 • miles tcv Groom IOel11nouss11ve 1m~nous So1rll lOt1v11res1 Bug11rl11n IMcCe rronl Time I •9 2/S 1 70 380 300 460 )60 ) 60 Also ren Da nce Oorecror So,;tnern Halo HP'' A Se ros. Sum Ac11on NO "ratCl'IH. NINTH RACE. l • m11es R1gn1 On Red !Higuera Hat11mo10 cor1eg111 Certeon l reat 1L1onam• lime l •9 • S Purse s 11 000 6 60 J70 2 80 U O 400 SW AISO ran Cold Nose Sovereoon E 1cnanoe Beckloo 8 v Tne Rover C11ttrs Sc:rarcne<I F r.v~1u1mo Voroauler SS EXACT.& 17 II PiS•d 568 00 $2 PICK SIX 1·9·1 S J·7• Oll·d s9 00060 to II ... nnono toc~e•s s•• Plorses s2 P0c• S·• con1000 · • 1r oaoo 57•1 00 10 631 wonn "II •1c~tls 1t.ve ,..o,.ies ~ l PICtt NINE •·I o• 2·8·7 8 7 S l 11 01110 S7 172 20 IO fovt w Mong l<C~el\ seven nor~esl C an ;ove• ooo. l67 171 •7 Artenoenu 20 93' of Home Deeor1ti19 Supplies f ro111 CATEGORIES Best use of water in house or garden-do ,iou hove ceramic mermaids in your spa? O r ':lo you hove a ko1 pond 1n your garden or fountains 1n your foyer 2 Enter your display !Oday. Best children's play area-Hos your child's chic? M om & Dad, this sandbo.x.. gone rategory IS for you tO show US how Creat ive v'OU hove become to amuse yo ur child . Best use of art in decorating-Arr 10~ es many forms, bu l we'll be the 1udge o f lhot Enler your best use o f art 1n decoratin g today Best overall kitchen-ls your kit chen country? Or is 11 on 801s" gourmet type This r oti:-qor y is wide o pen or space saving ' ii •rot s vour type. CONTEST RULES / LIVING SPACES ENTRY FORM fNTRANT'S NAMl1 AO DH SS: DAY PHONI NUMIH: lVINING PHONI NUMIHi CATIGOIY: SINO INTIUIS TO LIVING SPACE CONTEST c/ o DAil Y PILOT/ HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT 330 W. BAY ST . COST A MESA, CA 92626 -(_ > • NIA WE5Tl•N CON .. aREHC• "l<lfk OMl!eft w I. l"et. v Lelt.n S7 17 154 Potll•nd l• 37 4'9 P110tn1a ?1 •l 397 ~ 26 ~ 311 S..11111 lS '3 361 Oolden Stott 2• 46 343 Mi4WHt DMslen A Houston 43 26 623 ~·Denver 42 ?9 600 Dallas 37 31 ~ Utan J5 JS soo San Antonio 37 39 4SI S•cramento JI ,. 4Q USTlltN CONFERENCE Allantk DMskln 11 80,1on S6 13 112 11 Pnlleoe•oh11 4S 25 643 Ntw Jenev lS 36 49) WH'11noton 32 37 464 New York 21 49 JOO C4fltf el Dilllsloll •·Mllw•ul<ff 47 n .681 •·Allonte 43 11 "' a·Otrro•• '° lO 571 C111ve14nd 2S « l62 1no1an• 1S .. 1S1 C111ce110 2• 46 . 343 ~-clinched ota volt ~rin Ga 19 24\ J 26 J 261 i 2t ' J I'"> s1,1 . ) I? 12 , II 7 n 2• 35•., . ., 1 ., n 13 23 ' Y-ClinCl>eO dlv·s•on lllil' ano ot•volf Derlll WednesdlV'S S<_, cn-n !IS Lalt.n 114 Bosron 127, lndoane 108 Plllleoe1onla 111 C111caoo 112 Si n Jlntonoo llS At11n111 117 Denver 114, Oelrol! 99 Pl'IOtr1ix 108. S11cr11men10 104 Toni4lllt'1 Games New York 11 Cleveland Houlton at Milwaukee Oallu at Ulen Golden Stele 111 Se.me Clippers 115, L.111ws 114 LAttl!!RS (I 10 -Ramt>is 4· S O· I 8 Worthv 7·13 2·2 16, Abdul·Jat>bar 16·27 7·7 34, Scort 9·21 3·J 22, E Jol'lnson 7·16 4·4 18 Cooper 3·1 1· l 9 Green I ·2 1·4 ), Luc111 o s O·O o McGee ?·• O·O 4 Sorloos O·O O·O O Torels •9·96 13· 17 11• CLIPPERS ( llSI -Maxwell S· 7 I 4 11 N1mP,,IU\ •·9 0 08 8en1a min 10·1S 7-10 11 M JOMSOn 7·1S 6·1 20. Nixon 7·17 7·2 16 Eowaros 9· l• 2·3 20 Cage 1·3 0·0 1. Whtie c S 3 S 11 To1111l 47·8S 21·31 115 Score l>V Ql.lar111n Laken 38 29 21 21>-l l• Clooo.rs 33 21 2S JS-11~ Three 00"'' ooais--Coooe< 2 Scon Fouled ou•-None Rebounds-Lakers 47 ( LuC:ll1 1 Cl o~rs S7 t8en111mon l• Au.sis Lll~trs 34 E Jonnson 111 Cho· o.rs 16 N •on 131 To•a louls-Lakeri 27 C11ooers 19 lecnn1ca11-La .. ers 1lfeoa1 dt •tnsf' C• o~" 1111901 defense A11endenc-l7 173 HCAA TOURNAMENT West Reeional SEMIFINALS TOftfgt1t's Gtmei l•t Houston! Auo .. rr1 71 101 vs Nevada Las Veoes 31 ,, Nor•n Coro1or•a 1?8·St vs Louo svme , 78 11 cC11amooons1>10 oam l! '' Soturdev) East R99iOMI SEMIFINALS Frldev'' Games (et East Run..rtord, H.J.) Ou~I' •l• 2) vs OePa ul 118· 121 Nau 1 79 41 v\ Cleveland SI 129 3> C1Mrno1onsn1P oame 1\ Sundav1 SoutMHt ReGlonal SEMIFINALS Tono9'1t's Geme' (II Allenft) KeMuc_., 31·31 vs Al111>ama 2• 8• LSU 2•· 11 vs Georg111 Teen 121 61 IC"a..,o•or'"'P game 1 Sa•u<Oa'f MldWest ReeiOMI SEMIFINALS Fr14aV'• G•mtl l•t K1"ws ClfVJ ~ an1e\ )} ll vs Moch1011n St 123· 7 Nor1~ Caro1.n11 S• 20-17 •S •owe S• (12· 101 W0"~'' IC,.11m1>•o"'"'D geme s Sundav The Fln1I Four (et D•lts) SEMIFINALS Seturdllv, Merch 29 Eas• cn.,mooon vs M1owes1 cnamo1or> Sou•ne1111 cr111m PIOI' vs West cr1amo10' CHAMPIONSHIP Mon<Sllv. Merctl 31 5f"m' '1:11 N1nn~r' NIT QUAltlERFINALS Toni9flr's Gem" SW Mouo,;r S1111e 174 ll at F1or1oe 18 ,,, LC1u1\1nn11 Tt'Cf\ t 18· lJ 1 a• Prov,oe"CI' 11 I) C•em so" 19 141 111 Wvom"''" 12 11 Frtc11y'' Geme evu 18 13, at On10 S•aie l~ le i ~ • • ., . CommunitV coeeoe softblll SOUTH COAST CONFERENCE Fuler10n S, Onn91 Coast o F ..,11erron 100 030 l>-S 1 0 Orange Coast 000 000 <>-0 1 0 C.o"latez l "d Cnura1>. McC.0!'111111 and Smvtne W--Gonie1t1 L-McC.on1ga1 O·l 7B-G0Ma•e1 F' G91dtn West '· Mt. S.n Antonio 0 M l San .t.n1on10 000 000 <>-0 J 2 Golden Wes• 010 107 Y-9 11 I Hust1ng <'Ind Mecles er1dv and Runell 78-Mackev IGWC I HIQ!tl school softblll NON·LEAGUE FIRST GAME Fountain Valev I, Sunnnv Hils O ~.1MY Hill\ 000 000 000 000 <>-0 6 1 Four1t111n Vallev 000 000 000 000 1-1 1 2 R Flores and Sleonle Teytor a nd A vort1 W-T11v1or 3·0 L-R Flores I 2 78-Stttomen ISi SECOND GAME Founte1" Velev O, Sunnv Hils o (9 ~I ~ . . . " liXHl•tTION •AH•AlL. CUbs 6, Antlib S (etMHa, Arta.. .&noels 000 100 on-s ' 0 Ctllce~ IN) 000 015 OOx-. 13 1 SUiton, Wlllls (5), Flnle't' (6). O.Smllll (61. Corbett (I) •"d 0 Miiier; S.ncltrton, 8ruu1er (6), • •.Smlll\ m end J.011111, L•k• (I) W· .Jruuter 11 ·0> L-Flntty (0·1) Sev-Le Smith Ill Dodeers ll, A•troa ' (•t v..-o ... di. '""· Hou"on 101 Oil I 110-9 10 Doeloers lOil 301 2lK-13 17 o Av•n, HHlllcoc:k 151, Calnoun t•> Oawllly !71. Looe1 Ill end Beiley, WtlCh, C Diez (6), Nledenl'*' (7), Powe41 (9), B Cu tillo (ti Ind Trevino W-Wetcll ( 1·0) L-Rven 11>-ll Sa11.-<11!11to l l) WCDN&SDAV'S SCOAES New Yor~ Mtll 7 8oalon • Ptl1ledtlot1la S Mon•real I Cnlc.eoo WP!llt So11 I Atlanle o 0.Jroll 11. Clr1c:lnnall 10 Ttt.as 1 Kansas Cll'r l Plllsburori 11, MlnntM>r• 5 Toronto 9, SI Loula I Citnl•nd 13 hi), Mllweu~H ln l 2 M1lweuk" (U ) 9, Clevttand ln l 6 Sen Oleo<> 4, Stettlt 2 Ntw Yori< Ven~"' 1. &elllmMt l TOdev'a Gemei Aneeta VS 0 11klllnd al Plloenill Plllladetonla vs 09detn "' Vero Be•t n At111n11 vs Clr1Clnnell at Temoa Detroit vs Boslon t i Wlnrer Heven St Loul' v\ Ntw Vork Mets el St Perersburg New York Vankfft vs Monlreal at Wes• Pelm BHCh Mlnnesoto In ) va Chlugo White So4 ln l 111 Seresot11 P lttsburon ·v1 Kansas Cltv at Fort Mver\ Cn1caoo Whlle Sox lu ) vi Toronto a t Dunedin M1nneao111 In > v~ Housion 111 1<.1n1m me• Sen Diego vs Sen Francisco 111 Scol !\dale Seattle "' Milwaukee at Chandler Cleveland vs Chlceoo Cuos •I Mua Texes va Bammort •I Miami, n Convnunttv cole9e blMbll SOUTH COAST CON .. ERENCE Ort"91 Cout :n. GMden Wfll s Ora nge Coasl 322 062 lSl-22 14 Golden West 001 007 007-s 9 3 Augu\I Mellemsoo l&I ano E111son ~ruse 19l Salaell Douty 17J Brvant CS> Uh1>11rr. 11) Hunt 18) and Sniriev W-Auou" S·O L-SalHIS 1·2 1B--Gll>OS tOCCI Staton IOCCI Lu1a n IOCCI Rain IC.WC 38-Webt>er <OCCl Peters IOCCt 2 HR-James IOCCI StlllOI' IOCC I South COis t Confer.nee Ora nge Coa at Rancho Sanlotoo Cerrnos St dOfe1>11c k Cvoren Fullerton Ml San Antonio C.otden WHI Comoton W L GB s 0 S I S l I 1 7 1 ' ) ) 2 ' 7 4 3 ' 7 • l 1 7 s • 0 6 s ' Wtdnt~v·s SCOffl Orenoe Cont 1' Golden west S Cvoreu 17 Saddlet>ack 6 Renc no Santlaoo 10. Cerr11os 1 Mt San Antonio 9, Comoton 1 Todtv's G1me1 12:30) Mt San Antonio a l Orent;ie Coa\t Gotden We\! 111 Saddlet>eck Renc:ho Sa nroego et Fullerton Comoton 111 Cvoreu SOUTHLAND POLL Pot. Sdlool RtcorO """' r Co11eoe 01 C11n11on\ I 1 100 2 Cerr·tos l l·S 76 l Cvoren 16 • 1• 4 Ranc:llO Santoego 11 l 6S S LA Harbor 11 4 62 6. Or•,_ Cant 1).4 SI 1 Allan Hencoc:~ 1 2 29 9 C tr J S I 1 11 o LA Vellev 10· S 14 ll1e l E Camino 9 1 14 O•,.er\ rtce1von11 volt\ San 0·'90 MeH 1 LA Cotv 6 Gilldtn West, •1 Cotleo~ ot '"' Qpsert S Wt\t LA 3 Long Btacl'I C iv. J Sa nta 8art>era 7 Seddltbaek 1 Sen Bernerdono Vaoev 1, Toll I HIQ!tl K hool blHOlll ANGELUS LEAGUE Mefltf' Del 11, 111'1\9'1 Amet t Mater Ot i 401 010 6--17 11 1 81snoo Amer 107 JOJ ~ · 9 I I l Watson McCartnv 1 SI and Kellv Gorm &n. Phlilios Ill Accune !11 and S111az11r W-McCe rlllv 3 l L-Gormon 2B-Owor11111 !MDI Auslln IMOl Ktllv BA I Torres IB.t.J Sllncnez IBA I SUNSET LEAGUE OcHn View 4, Edison 1 Oceen View JOO 001 I>-• 8 I Edison 000 011 l>-2 4 l Holdrooge end De Brouwer. Tunstall ono Jor,n,on w HOtdrldoe )·0 L-Tun~t•ll 2B-i't>eSCel IOV) Fvllrot IOVI Aversa IE> HR-Holdrldoe (0 \11 Suns.t Le1gue stlndinos We\! minster Founto1n Vellev Ocean View Hunt1ng1on Beacn Ea1w n W LT GB 2 0 ()- I I I 0 0 W9dn9sdeV's Sctre Ocean View • Edlw n 1 Fndev'• G1mei 0 I J 0 I , l 0 I 1 0 2 1 0 ' H1.11111no•Ofl 8eecn vs Edison 01 M••t SIJuare Paro. 11 p m Founra1n Va nev al Wt\tm1nster J IS o m1 Marone 111 Ocean View 13 lS om 1 D"P '" ""'IM OAVliV'S LOCKER (NewtMWt BMdl) -112 enoiers 1 1>11rreclld1, I halibut IS7 c1111co t>eu, 16 H nd ban , 47 mackerel, ?S scutotn. JOO t>lue o.rc'1, I i>ercn NEWPORT LANDING -1' 1nglers 6 rockll sl'I, • c.a1lco bau 3 sculoln. 38 mackerel DANA WHARF -11 •nghtrs 17 !>eh 1 roc1t. "'"· 77 s1>eeos'1e11d. I sculoln, 8 blue oerch I trlgoerfl1n Communttv C-.. vele~I SOUTH COAST CON .. •R•NCE GOiden Well de! Westmonl 1' 14 IS•7, lS· 11 HIGH SCHOOL. SUnMt L .. .ue LNWI WL Merine 2 0 Edl•on 7 O Founla!n V•ll•v 2 l L.a Qvl"lt I I Oc:eari View I 7 Huntlnotoo BHCn I 7 Weatmlnster O j Wednt1Clav'a kotTI Ovwa• W L • 1 4 I 4 I 1 1 l 1 I S 0 6 Marina def F ounla ln Vallev l) • IS ''· IS· 17. IS· 13 Huntington Beecn def Westm•naltr. IS-10, IS·9, IS·I L• Ou1n11 aet Ocean View, IS o lS 1 IS·9 I" r1de V's Gemes l 6:4S I EdlM>n •I Hunllngton 8eec11 Ocean View at Marine Westminster ef L• Quln11 SM V .. w LMtue Lfftue W L Newoor1 Herbor 4 0 Leouna Beecn 'I I Wooc:tbrldQe 1 I Coron• del Mer 7 1 E slenc:le 2 1 Unl11erslly o l CoSle Mesa 0 3 Tenltrtit's Gemes l':4S) Cos•• Mew 111 Corona del Mar Eatancle at Hunllnolon Buch Leoune a r Ntwoort HerbOr Unlversllv ar Woodbrlooe Beltlaln Indoor (at llrvneh, lleltlum) Fl"t Round SINlll\ Over al WL 7 0 3 l J 2 4 3 7 s 0 3 2 4 8r0dt r lck Qyke (Au,lrella) def Soros Btcller (Wesr Germany) 6·3, 6 3 Mata Wllancler (Swe<ltnl aef Jonas Svenn on ISwe<lenl 6·4. 6·4, Joell.Im Nvstrom (Sweeten) del Jeremv Sates IBrll•lnl 6 l, )·6, 7·S, Anders Jerrvd (Swecten> def Marian Va1d11 IC1tc11<>s10vek11l J·6 6·0 6·3 l(evln Curren IU S I def Tomas Smid CC1ec11<>s10v11•u111 1·6 6 3 Guy Forgtl 1Frar1Ct ) def Henrol< Sundstrom (Sweden> 6 I 6·0 • MMt'I tourMrnent (at l"ort Mvtn , Fie.I Fl"t RMHMt Slntlts lven Lendl def JoM Sedro 6 4 1 S. Jommv Connon oef ~ike LHcll 3·6 6 0 6· I SKoncl Aound Slntiles Jolle n l(rllk Clef Buel Scllul!z, 6·3 l 6 6·) Tim Mavolle dei J111mt Y1ao11 6 4 6· l , Greo Holmes del Ken Ftecn 6 l o 1 Women's tournament (at New VortrJ First Round SlnQll'\ Helene Sul.ova (Czec11oslov11k111) del r<.etnv Rinaldi IU S ), 6·7. 6·3. 1·6, Chrl~ Evert Uovd def Barbara Poller, 6·2, 6 • Pam Snrlver IU S ) del Carlino Baue11 !Caned•> 6·3, 6·0 H 19'1 school SEA VIEW LEAGUE Unlvtnltv 13, Weocltlf'ICIM S SlntM!s HoHmaM lU) ~I P att 6 4 del lvtv 6·3, oel Steinhardt 6·2 E rmert IUI IOs• 1·6 6·7 3·6 Plr!Clles lUI tosl 6 1 won 7·6 IOSI S·1 DCM1tllt• Corkerv-L11001n 1UI oel Ahwe•as Cneno 6·2 oef Entwostte Cnauno 6·4 oe• Enoozo·84!f'kerm11n 1 .. 1 F1niev K11tr U won. 6·3 6·3 6·2 Bon11n·Lt fU> won 6 0 6·3 6·• L•evne llffd\ 12, Ntw-1 Hattier• Slntlles Hugnes ILBI Oef Ban"' 7 " dt'I Ra1>1>111 6·0 de! Miller 6 3. rco11eno11 •LBI 1011 2·6 3·6 won. 1·S Rushing IL8 1 I0\1 0·6 0·6 •·6 OOllblH M11oers·Emor1ngnam <L.8 1 def Merlin· Hardin 6·3 oel Greeiev· T Hardin 6·7 oef 811ker·Werm1ngton 6·0 Brandl Kom bell ILBI won. 6·3, 6·1 6·0. Conoon SPatn !LB> won 7·6 IOSI, 2·6, won 6·1 NON-LEAGUE Meter Del lS, St. John Bosco l s~ Jenkins (MDI def Gelger. 6·2. del T,.moleton. 6· l. det C1u1i110. 6·0. Reda •MO) won. 7·S, 6·?, 6 0, Cl'l11mberl111n IMO> won 6·• 6·0, 6·0 Doubles P1111e·K Curren IMO> del 8rarellon Patr•a rca 6·4 oel Gatura Sonoul 6·0. del Cnoora-Leman11 6 7 TllOme JohnM>r 1MO> to\I. 3·6 wo" 6 lo 6 2, Scneefgen Wong IMO> tosi 1·6 3·6 won 6·3 Hkilh Khool 90ff NON·LEAGUE Edhon 106, Mlllken 110 (et El DoralM GC, t llOles) l Eoson IM) lS 2 Manson (M ) J9. 3 (11111 Clifton IE J and R1vedtnev1a IE ) tlO s Soe~cer !E l 41 6 Weters !E l 42 BolC'"9 lit S~tonl MIOOLEWEIGHTS -Frtd Hutcntnos (Stockton) 1(0'd Tonv Cerda (Pomona) 0·3S. 1111 round ol l7·rcx.on<1 slate Cham olon,hlo flglll !Hutchings s now 30·3 3. Cerda Is 11·6· 31 Hkilh tcb..e lrMlr NOH•LIAGUa Veleftcle 71, MllrlN n BOYS lot>-1 Jennlno' (Ml, lot. 2 Stalford (M), 110 3 Mau .... (V), 11.1. 100-1 Jennlno• (M), tu. 2. St•nord (M), 21.1 3 Gonlell• (V), ?3-2. 400-1. LldglcOlle IV), SU; 2. ltekMrt IM), Sl.9, 3 Jennlgns (MO), S..O. 800-l Klllerl (VI. 2'0U; 2. LUOO (V), 1.0S 9, l Emmel IV), 2;06.4. 1.60!>-l Towle CVI, •:306, 2 Luoo (V), 066, 3 Seugln (V). 4:43.1 3,700-1 Lugo (V), Ul.9; 2 Towle (V), 9 SU, 3 Emmell (V), 1008.7 l!OHH-1 Price (V), ISi , 2. K1HIC'll IMJ, IS,9, 3 Mueller (Ml. lU 300H-I Muelltr (M), 43.J; 2. Relch«I IMI ••• 6, 3 Gonzeltl (VJ, 44.9 1.600 rtlev-1 Vele<ICle, l'JB. HJ-l Price (V), •••• 2 MelOM {M), 6 2 l ~Ina (M ), S·I LJ-1 Murplly lVI, 21·41•'>, 1 MelOM M l 70-t .,, l k.1111Cll CM I, 21>-l T .J-1 MurPllY (V) «·S, 2 ZarlO (V), •7 II 3 Kalll<ll lMl 41 l PV-1 McHU9n (M ), 11•6, 2 Polzin (Ml. 11·0 OT-1 Paulttn (V). ISl·S ,,, 2 Wlnrer1 !VI. 147·& > 3 Haulf (V), 126·9 SP-1 Pau1en IV) 48·4, 2 i>w•er (M), 47·) l Wlnte'S IVI 45·1 GlaLS Velenclt 6t, MarlN SI 100--1 lllemkt CM), 12 7, 2 LePort (VJ, 13 3 3 l(l"lnoer (Ml. 13 • 200--1 Rl1n IMI. 27 S. 7 Rot>ertson (M J. n 1, 3 N1tuwlandt (V), "t 400-1 LHll\O IM). l OS 4, 2. Stewerl (VI I OS8, l Wilson (VI, 1'06 2 eoo-1 Wilson !VI. 2:3'6, 2 Kennev (VJ, 2 353. 3 Cl'llovera IV), 2:369 1.60!>-I Slreun (V), Si9 6; 2 Kenney IV) H H , l MCNabl> (Ml. S:56,l. 3 7ot>--l. Slr11un (V), 13'02.•; 2. Avelos (Vlo !l 17.6, 3 Y11mad11 (Ml. 13:37.9. IOOLH-1 t<lu lnger !Ml, 17.0; 2. Re- ynolds IV). 17 3, 3 Zimmerman (VI, 19.9. lOOLH-1 Rlill (M ), so I, 2 Paulaon (V), SI 6 3 Leekso (M), S19 400 rt lev-1 Marine S2 7 1,600 rele v-1 V11le"cla. • 19 6 HJ-I Coleman (M), S·4, 1 CoHI (Ml. c 10 l V111enc111, •·• LJ-1 COieman (M l, 16·2, 2 Greoanl< \M l IS·9, 3 Nleuwlandt CV), IS·71n T J-1 Gregenlc (M) 34·2, 2. Corone 1 V 33·9 l N1euw111ne11 (V). 32· 10. SP-1 Kut>ota (VI 29·1,,, 2 Paul.sen !VI 29·6 3 Tlnnesen IV) 21·0 OT-I F4rlCIW IV>. 108·8. 2 Peul~ IVI aa 1 J Kut>ole IV), t 7·2 NHL CAMPBELL CONFERENCE v Edmonton ,.ceioerv Wlnnll>ltQ KlnQl Vancouver " Cnocego • M1nnu o111 •·SI LOUI\ Toronto Ot lrO•I SmvtM Dlvf\lon W L T Pts GF GA SI IS 6 IOI 386 27& 3S 29 8 78 310 280 74 4l 6 s. 1"4 m 22 •7 7 Sl 157 347 19 40 12 " 238 299 NOrTls Olvl1kln J S 28 8 3• 29 9 33 31 e 13 C2 6 IS SO 6 71 316 71 297 ,. m S2 290 36 237 WALES CONFERENCE Patrlclt DMlleft ~ Pn11edt •on1e C6 71 • 96 297 719 c wun1ngton •S 21 S 95 2n 137 NY l!ol•nders JS 26 10 ao 216 2SS P.11st1uro~ 32 32 a 72 216 264 NY Rengers l3 l3 S 71 2'S 241 New Jersev 11 46 l •7 16' lJ3 AIMml Dlvlsi.n Oue~ .a 21 s as JOJ ?64 Montrtol 37 lO 6 ao l09 2Sf lluttelo 3' l2 o 74 2n 166 Boaton 33 29 a 7• 27S ?S6 Hertford 3S 35 1 72 294 ?n " cllr1Clled otavoff tierlh Y Cllrlc:ned dlVISlon fllle WedntsdlV's kens Ouet>ec: S, Toronto 2 Plllst>urgh 1. New Jersey J Hartford S SI Louis 1 w1nnloeo 6, Montreel 4 MIMtsOlll 6. Calgary s ButtalO 4, Var1Couver 3 T enltfll' s Ge mt'S Kine\ er Bosron New York 11111nders al T oron10 Pillsburon a l PnlladelolH• St Louis at Oelroft WtdMsdlV'' transactions BASEBALL A~nLNtue BOSTON REO SOX-Alsllect waivers on Ed Jurek Infielder. IOr Ille ouroow of 111v1no 111m his uncondll!Dn•I rt1e11ae CHICAGO WHITE SOX-Senl Boobv Tlllgoen eno Tonv Menencs.1. o11a.ers. to rneor minor league c:amo for reeulonmenl Oollone<I At Jones 1>ilcllff. 10 Buff•IO of Ille •merlc:en Anoc:lalion NEW YORK YANKEES-Sent O•rren Reed Ja v Bunner, Oave Stegman, Derwin MCNHIY ourfletoen. Ketty Feulk, Rick Balet>on, Clev Cnr1sllanltn, Eric Dtf'sln, pitcners Bot> Geren, ca lcl\er, and 1<'4111 Smllh Mlouel Sos• 11no CerlOs Marliner. 1nlletders, to tneir minor 1n11ue c:amo for rtanlonmtnt TORONTO BLUE JAYS-Sent Lou Tnornton, oulllelder. lo •heir minor leegue camo lor ruulgnment. BASKETBALL N1 llonal B•slletbell A uecle!Mfl MILWAUKEE BUCKS-Signed Derrick Rowland, gu11rd·forwerd, 10 e two·veer contract WASHINGTON BULLETS-Fired Gen• Snut . coac,, Named Kevin Louo~v COllCl'I FOOTBALL Nt"-1 l"eetbel LMW9 RAIOERS-Announced Ille rtlirerntnl of LVlt AliadO. d1fen•h•• tl'ld COLLE GI MISSISSIPPI STATE-Named Rl<Nlrd WlllJ1ms l>a'ktlt>ell COllCh Ranked teams enter UCI tennis tourney rhe UC Irvine men's tcnni~ team hosts the 16-tcam UCI McDonald's- Mamott Clas ic this weekend. featur- ing several ranked team~ and players from across the nation Th't tournament will be pread over four days and played at fi"c different sites. including U\I. New· port Marriott, Park Newpon. Mesa Verde and Ridacline In Friday's first-round ac11on. de- fendin& champion Maryland meets Illinois and Ari1ona State faces New Me,;ico at 9 a.m. at lK I Al noon. Utah meets Chapman at R1dgehnc , Duke faces Fresno Suuc at the Newport Mamou, W1chna Ci)tAte plays Houston at Park Ncwpon and Harvard meet~ Aru.ona at Mesa Verde In 1.30 matches on the UC'l cou ns, the An tea ten take o n Indiana and AtkA.n~s-Lmle Rock meet Northwcncm. The tournament has champ1on~h1p and consolauon brackets, with the final slattd for Monday at I 10 on the UCI cou.ns. Nauonally-rankcd teams m tour· nament are Maryland (No. 17), Harvard (No. 23) and UCI (No. 2S). Chapman is the nation's No. I team 1n NC AA Division II. Arizona, Anzona State. Wichita State, Utah, Arkansas-Little Rock and Duke all received votes for the nation's top 25. Twelve nationally-ranked sin&lcs pla_ycr~ are in the tournament. Du~c'$ Jeff Hcr,h is No. 19, Utah's Andy Olyphant 1s 24th, UCI's Bruce Man Son Hang 1s 27th. Harvard's Larry Scon and 8111 Stanley are 30th and 4Slh. nzona's fan Aler is 60th1 Harvard's Peter Palandjian 1s 7 lst, Houston's Jeff Rolquina and Gerald Manenell arc 72nd and 78th, An· lOna State's Andy Roedi&er is 9Sth, New Mexico's Jack Griffin 1s 99th, as 1s Anders Man.son of Arbnsas.-Llttle Rocle Seven double\ teams a.re also mnkcd, including UC1's Man Son Hina and Da.rrtn Yatc: 11 No. 41. Coach Grea Panon' UC Irvine squad 1 8·3 on the 5a n -------------------------'--~-------- ... Or1nge Cout DAILY PllOT/Thurllday, Met'Cllft 20, ~-• It's 'magic·' Eagle is ready to fly 'Boat lovers' show comes to Anaheim By ALMON LOCKA.BEV 0.., ............. ,..., As if by "Magsc," Newport Harbor Yacht Club's 12-meter Eagle 1s about ready to fl y. Af\er three years 9flogJStjcaJ planning and m1lhom spent on research - most of It via the 12-metcr Magic -Eagle will be unveiled here an Newport Beach Apnl Sat the Mariners Mile Shipyard on Coast H1ghwa}. :rhe April S showing will be primarily for the press, with skipper Rod Davis, designer Johan Valentijn, and syndicate president Gary Thomson available for interviews. The big show will be on Sunday. April 6 when public christening ceremonies will be held at the Mariners Mile Shipyard, followed by a parade of over·250 boats accompanying Eagle down the bay on her first sail. The Eagle Challenge is one of six Amenca's Cup challengers from the U.S. The 12-mete.r Eagle is the creation of noted naval architect Johan ValenllJn. who has designed several other 12-meters for America's Cup competition. The new yacht reportedly features a new winged keel discovered b)' 1 dcS1J0 team led by Valent1Jn. The boat at. the culmination of more than SI mi1!1on. in state-of-the-art computer technoloay and some 7,000 man-hou" dunng Its three months of construction in Newport R.1. Following her launch and christening April 6. Eagle wall commence a thm· months testing and tra101ng provam off the coast of Southern Cahfomta before being shipped to '\ustraha 1n August. In October the challenger scncs starts ofT Fremantle. Australia. to detemune which of about J 6challenging yachts from throughout the world will become the official challenger for the Amcnca's Cup begjnn1 ng Jan. 31 , t 987. The Australians won the Cup in a best four of seven series at Newport. R.I an 1983. breaking a J J2.year old strangle-hold the New York Yacht Club held for sa1hng's most hallowed prize. Key officials of the Eagle Challenge are slupper Rod Davis. designer VaJenUJn, syndicate president Gary Thomson, Gerry Driscoll. director of operations: William P. Ficker, chief advisor. and Peter Ueberroth, honorary chairman. The 18th annual Anaheim Boat Show -dubbed "the boat lovers boat show" -will get under way April 9 at the Anaheim Convenhon Center and continue through Apnl 13. This year's show will feature a larie display of inOai.able boats and accessones. according to Corrine Sidney. pubhcist. "These versatile boats are becoming more and more popular wH h Southern Califol']\ians. who enjoy the active lifestyle but have busy scbedules which don't aive them much ume for boat upkeep," sajd Sidney. "The quahty inflatable 1s the best all-round.answer to enjoyi01 the ocean, "rivers and. lakes of the west," said Diana Mcintosh of Port-A· Marine lnflatables of Costa Mesa, one of the exhibitors in the show. Congressional Cup brings surprises "The 11\0atable's safety, versatility and port.ability. along w11h Jts non-existent upkeep cosi and long hfe. htts led many famtlics to ch<So~ a quality faberglass·botton inflatable as their primary family bo4t." she added. Brands of inflatables at the Anaheim show will include the newly- desi~ned Novuranias as well as new models from Achilles. Avon and Zodiac. The Silljnger inflatable, imported from France. will make Jts debut at the Anaheim show. The big interest m this year's Congressional Cup out of Long Beach Yacht Club was tbe sax Amenca's Cup contenders who would be going head-to-head over the 5 1/2 mile windward-leeward course in four days of racing. There wert indeed some supnses. The big winner, of course. "as Harold Cudmore of Cork. Ireland. representing England's bid for the America's Cup. It was the genial Irishman's seventh try for the Convess1onal Cup and he didn't win It until the last leg of the final race against Dave Dellen- baugh. New York. Dellenbau.$!1. who was a real dark horse. was sailing his first Congressional Cup campaign. Dellenbaugh is not involved ID the America's Cup challenge How did Cudmore fare wnh the other Cup hopefuls? Ironically. onl y three of has seven wins c.ame against Cup contenders. He beat Italy's Flav10 Scala. Canada's Terry McLaughlin, and New Zealand's Cbns Dickson. His losses came at the hands of Rod Davis. Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Eagle Challenge and Australia's Colin Beashel. Mclaughlin. He was beaten by Dickson. Terry Mclaughlin, 3-6. Did not beat any of the Cup contenders. Has lo~ses were to Davis. Scala, Cudmore. difference 1n sailing a stod. Catallna-38 over a S-mife wandward- leeward course compared to a h1gh- tech 12 meter over a 23-milc Olym- pic-type cou r-;e Davis. w1th a final score of 5-4. beat Cup contenders Chris Dickson. New Zealand: Cudmore, Great Britain, Terry Mclaughlin: Canada, and Scala. Italy. He was beaten by Bcashel of Australia. Dickson. with a 6-3 record for third place overall. beat Cup contenders Bcashel. Scala, Mclaughlin. and lost to Cudmore and Davis Rod Davi• of Newport Harbor'• Eagle Ch&Uenae (Boat D) hook• up with Colln Beaehel, from Auetralla, in the Congrealonal Cup. They may meet again for the America'• Cupln 1987. Bcishel. Royal Perth Yacht Club's pride andJ6y, was ued with Davis on wins and losses but beat Davis in their match. Other Cup contenders he beat were C udmo re. cala and BOATING BRIEFS Dickson and Bcashel. Flav10 Scala was the ta al.ender with onl) one win and eight losses. His onh win was over Terry Mclaughlin. What does it all mean? Not much. realt). Remember that there 1s a bag LBYCRaceWeekset for June 19-22 By ALMON LOCKABEY l)ellJ Nol hettnt Wrttet Long Beach Yacht Club's Race Week, June 19-22. will be the first event in this summer's IOR Grand Prix Tour, which includes the Clipper Cup 1n Hawa11 and San Francisco's Big Boat Senes. Race Weck has grown to be the most popular event for IOR (Inter- national Offshore Rule ) yachts 1n Southern California. Regatta chair- man Randy Morris said the host Long PAPARAZZ I Beach Yacht Club e:ilpects the largest turnout in the ha story of the event. "Racing off Long Beach provides competitors the best weather con- d1t1ons on the coast." said Morris. "Warm weather and 8-18 knots of wind are vanually guaranteed ·· To provide better competition. the fleet will be spill into six classes. providing for small rating groups and close racing. .\sin the Congressional Cup, video cameras will cover the fo ur days of Olympac-t}pc course racing so that Sophisticates ' show: fashion for charity By VIDA DEAN "I didn't .know what to wear -winter or -;pnng," said president Mary Sabat.Hao, who was well turned oul in a white suit and large black hat at the Sophisticates' fashion show at the Irvine Mamou. Tm wanter. because it's so cold outside." replied Gloria Carras, weannga black dress with leather trim. Although the well-dressed crowd of the 250 there were trying to bndge the seasons. they are now well informed about what's available for warmer weather ahead. Noddle Weltner coordinated a show of I. Magn1n fashions featuring creations by Oscar de la Ren ta, Norm~ Ka mah. Geoff re} Beene. Albe~ N1pon. Carole Lm le, Valentino, Chanel, G1venchy and others -everything from swimwear to formal wear. ''Sexy and feminine 1s 1n for spring," said the Magnin special event coordinator. For all of the "Dallas" fans there was a special treat ... Travtlla showed some of the fashions he has created for the cast. "I hke feminine ladies and here what I do for Dallas. Sue Ellen wore this to Bobby's funeral.. this she -.ore the hospital ... this on the street when she was drunk ... "explained the deisgner who also does the fashions for "Knotts Landi ng." Travilla added that he docs 34 changes per week for the cast. Followmg the how. The Sophisticate honored TravlUa for his fashion (and 1n appreciation fo r helping raise funds for AT C) by presenting hi s Wlth the group's special Sophi award. a golden coat hanger. "I loved the fashions," said Darleen Muelarlr, chairman of the fund- ra1sin& luncheon. "I hked the food and everything. I really had a good tame.'' she sa1d afterwards. (The only thing that seemed to dampen the spirits. of the uhuberant chairman wa'\ -she didn't gel to ha ve her picture made with the dOB 1n the 5how). ''I should have ... my husband 1'1 a \t'tcnnanan." "I'm very proud oftheSoph1st1catesand the work they do." ~id Jim Dalt, president of the ATSC board ... AT C 1s a Juvenile d1vcr510n ~rv1ce and we arc ID our second dctade of service. (In past years. Dale has pan1c1pa~ in the Gentlemen's Haberdashery sho~.that was being held the ~me day.) "I told the sisters that I still love them. but 11 s mo~ fun to be~~': with the pretty wof!!en than just watch an& men cha nae clothe , he JOked I m happy to be here. Xavier was also happy to b( there · he won " mp to Cabo n Lucas (or a spot of his dreams) when the!nzes were 1W3rded "I think I'll ch an e Cabo to hveher Puerto Vallana," !>41 the non t. wh o had underwrmcn a mtJOr pan of the decorations. Every table was centered wuh n different 'lpnna arnnaemcnt. (Guess who had the prettiest table loaded with orchids?) The last rcpon we had on the ,how was that Darlue CovbaJ10• was still scratchina. .she won SSOO wonh of lottery t1cket'I .. and a \CT'atcher Among the fashion v1cwen were Martlya Nitltee ('lhc and husband Tom are new arandparcnts of :i tattle girl, daughter or the Peter Nlelaea1>. Resty Hoo4 (Ju t back from India). Catlterlee 1"yen, Muy Aon Wells, Glaa,y Smallwood ADll Paa1e. Tool Arml1tHd, Saaae Barlow, Mary Del L11t11, Nora enter, 81;t Ta1vtn1. Pa.y11t1 Ratllff, BH•Y Pero, Jacly ~arry and Heidi and Jeane RaymCMld (weanna some of the gorgcou~ porcel:.u n Jewelry they make 1 n Huntanaton Beach > Weatherw1sc. however. the Con- gress1onal Cuppers expenenced a little of the cond1uons they can expect "down under." The weatherman provided a couple of days of winds over 20 knots with square seas spectators and crews can review the acuon at the clubhouse after each race. The 1985 Race Week winners were CraZ} Ho~. Class A. Shockwave. Class B: Electra, Class C. Clockwork. Class D: Impact. Class E. and Wall Street Duck. Class F. Moms said )achts lake Checkmate. Tomahawk. Victory. Camouflage. Persephone. Reliance. Its OK and Marloo are e'pccted to make this }Car's Race Week an event lo re- member. OeltJ,... ,.......,o...w ........... Darl ene Drummond , Darleen llancl&rk. Jane lllDekoff. Cathy Low- den (Ra.Ddi8'). ALMON loCUBEY Will the Congressional Cup results have any effect on the fund-raising for the America's Cup? Probabl) not. In a press bnefing after the final race Cudmore doubted that his"'" would influence fund ra1s1ng for Britain's Cup effort. Two skippers wh o felt that the Congressional Cup would be of no benefit to their Amenca·s Cup cam- paign were Dennis Conner. of San Diego's Sail Amenca Challenge. and John Kolius who as the skipper for New York Yacht Club's Amenca II effort. Conner is busy workin$ his crews and testing sails 1n Hawau and declined an inv1tat1on to the Con- gressional Cup. Kohus at first accepted Lo ng Beach Yacht Club's 1nv1tation. but then reneged m favor of remaining an Fremantle to test the three 12-meters at has d1spo\al. The Amenca's Cup not withstand- ing, th1!> year's Congressional Cup turned out to be one of the most competauve an several years desp11e some 'flukey' weather. It also marked the first time the coveted cup and a crimson blaz.er for each of the wanning crew was won b) a foreign compeutor. It has only been won three times b) teams east of the San Diego Freeway Inflatables can be deflated and eas1ly folded up and secured tn compact, lightwe1&ht bap tbat are easily stored in a garage or closet shelf. They are popular with yachtsmen (who use them as sh0ttboats.) scuba divers. campers and fishermen. The Anaheim show offers a large assortment of the latest water sports equipment aod a wide variety of smaU powerboats. Hours at the show are 3 p.m. to IOp.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Fnday: l 1 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Adm1s$1on 1s $4.50 for adults, S2 forctuldrcn 6 though I 5, and cbildrtn under 6 f rce. For further information call 999·8900. I CALENDAR h Bogart series Saturday Vo}'agcrs Yacht Club and South Shore Yacht Club wtll combine this weekend to stage the first two races of VYC's Humphrty Bogart Senes for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachts. and SSYC's High Point Series for PHRF. The Bog.an Series honors the late actor. who for many years was one o(the most enthus1asuc yacht racers an his yacht Santana an the locaJ area. The troph> for the overall sen es wt nner was one retired b) Bogart who later dedicated at to VYC. Balboa Yacht Club will be host Saturday and Sunday for the annual Harry Wood regatta for Lido-14s. The trophy was dedicated by Wood. a Long Beach sailor who was the class champion for many years. Dana Point Yacht Club will provide more PHRF acuon Saturday m the Hen!") Harding Regatta. In other Southern California Yacbung Association areas: Loa AaJeles -Loo1 Beach Los Angeles Yacht Club-Santa Barbara Island race (IOR, MHS, PHRF. Whitne} Senes. L.A. Times Series No. 4), starts Saturday; Eagle Rock Race (MORC. Lmle Whjtne) Scnes No. 4), Saturday. Sut.a Moalca Bay Opening Days at Manna del Rey yacht clubs. Saturday. Sunday. Su Dle10 Coronado Yacht Club -Spring Regatta (MORC, PHRF. One-design). '>aturda). Sl.lllday. San Diego Yacht Club-One-<1es1gn Regatta (Star. EtchcllS>-22.J-24. PC). The Ponds site of Speed Week The Ponds -near Palm Spn ng" - has been selt-cted as the '\lie for Hobie Cat and the Alpha Speed Week compet1t1on Apnl 17-20 The Palm Spnngs area has a wealth of accomodauons and campsite fa. c1ht1es near the race ~lie. said George Clayton. Alpha product manager for Hobie Cat, d1stnbu1or for the popular Alpha sailboards. Those reg1stenng after the March 28 deadline will pay a S 100 entry fee at The Ponds on April 16 between 3 and 5 p m .. plus the S 100 equipment deposit (6 19) 758-9100 "We're pretty exctted about the events:· said Clayton. "We think they arc going to present a challenge to e-.el) bod~. Sance all sailors art going to be using the same equipment, no one will have an advantage." Tho~ regastenng before March 28 "Ill be charged a S75 entl) fee plu-; a $I 00 refundable damage depo!tat on equipment supplied by Hobie<. at The fees include a registration packet. hat. T-sh1n. the l.'clcome pan~ on Wednesda}' evening. the awards banquet on Sunda} evening. trophies and pnzes. Entr) forms ma}' be obtained at .\lphadcalenh1ps ord1rectl) from the .\lpha Class "ssoc1at1on. P 0 Box I 008. Oceanside. 92054. orb) calling Events include slalom races using the Alpha IOOSL board. drag racing on the Alpha l IOG. and speed tnals usange1therthe IOOSlortbc I IOG. i\ll events are open to thr~ div1S1ons. men. women and masters (over 351. \ Kappa Delta: still helping kids By CAROL HUMPHREY Oelly ""°4 COfTu p ,,,....,, The mes!>agl' wa<, loud and dt'ar 11 .. houldn 1 hurt to be a child. Members and fncndsofthc Kappa Dt'lta -\lumnac .\ssocaauon gathered from 1hroughout Orange ( ount' 10 celebrate St. Patnd. 's Da) and ra1-;e fund" to aid an the prevention of child abu~ The 250attcndane the ham rock la~h1on luncheon a1 the Hotel Meridaen enjoyed no-host t·oclo.ta al) wh1k b1dd1ng on a variet}' of silent auctton 1IC'm\ Chairman Sharon Moore said, "'Wt' get b1ggere,cr. )ear(3rd) Today"'c'veplanned lmhdancersand m-. good fncnd Kitty Oliver from ( orona dcl Mar" 1111-K· sho" 1ng fash1ons(from A 'Maree and Cla!>s .\ct l hairst} lcs and make-ovt'rs Thrl!'c Ka ppa Delta alum groups are involved today. Ne"'pon Harhor. Orangl" Count}.andLongBeach .. .\midst floral tn mmcd hat!> and ~h.rnmx lo. hall non dccora11ons. guests h tencd to c"'pon Reach detccll\" Lavoene Campbtll ~!l(ak on ht•r n :pe nencr "11h ll)cal ch1ldabuscc~s. "Abuse 1s happenangevct)v.hcrc .. ~,en 111 nu,IH.m dollar waterfront homes. Children abused bcconw abusing adults. It IS. \ ICIOUSC)de that nt't'.'d to he On:b.lu for ClndJ Gata and Su.ale Gru from Xa.ta. hrokcn ... saK1 the detecu' e "The founder of the National C'ommmee for the PreHnt1on of Child Abuse was a Kappa ~lta. She got u" an' olved wnh abused children Toda) we are hononng outstanding workers from local domesttc violence agencies." sa1daJum pre2 Barbara Joka11.1tes . Carolyn Aday introduced the four rcc1p1ents honored b~ the KDs. They we rt Mary Wood of Human Opuons. Harlene Goodridl ofl ntcrval House. Jedll111 NaalHd of Safet) Net and Ju Freocla (nol present) of the \\omen's Trans111onal Living Center. These fac1ht1es plus(an}on A.cresand Lydia House will receive the proceeds from thr afternoon fu nd-raiser. Th1sc' cnt was one of man} being held nauonwide b' thousands of alumnae and collegiate members of"-3PP3 Delta. an 7-} car-old non-profit organization" 1th 0' er I 00 collegiate chapters and 440 alumnae assocaat1on"'. La<it \l'ar KD raised $5Q,000for the prevention oteh1ld ahu'iC, their goal this }'Car as S 7 5.000 OrangcCounuans enJ0~1ng the da) included Skaron Paisley. LU Leslie, Vlraillla Ctarlstlaa1oe. Skirlt)' Gl rardla, Avl\11 Goelmu. Harriet Wtdtmtyu, esu Wrl1bt. Cindy McCaadltH, Ja .. lt.a Myllr&atD, U C:)' Clayton and Bobbiu Wllllaml . Paparanl 11 ~ltt>d by Daily Pilot tylt> eclJtor Vida Otan. Gayle Knott, AonTa Goelman, llla.rJ 0.rTer &D.d Lynn Tbele. 88 Orange Coat DAJLY PILOT/ Thuf'9day. M~ 20, 1986 CALL 642-5878 IF CAWNG FROM NORTH ORANGE IF CALLING FROM SOUTH ORANGI! IT'S Ult TO IBIYE LIE WAS OllCI SO DIEAIY lllTl I FOUllD MY DRUll IOllE JIST IY loonll 11 Tiii taY PIOT'S CUSSflDS. Intra) 1112 c..ta ..,. 1124 Cenu ... .., llU lut • ..,. 2141 AJartantl Cetta -.U 2t2f Latu• ..... 2141 mu. a.tall c~=~=~ 641-St'JI l&mllTLmlllTll& BYOWNeR!SINi127.800 ...... BEAUT. furn. oondo, ml M75 -2 Bdrm 2 a.. 2 ma wlger•g•. ocean ..... 1711 "' O. MO-taO Mu••. SACRl~lce--thl•I Enot/upgr9ded comer IOI •38r wlget-+ utllt Incl S850 to bMOh. 2br 2be, 1'9fr!g., ltMral 2111 P•tlO, lncty, no pe11, bike view, walk to town, CLAS$.,IEO OFFICE HOVRS '~~ .... ~ & 00 AM·S 30 PM Setutcl•y. 00 AM·' 1 :JO AM S..-Count• .... F I 00 AM 500 P ... mu&.91Aft ...... ....... ~ [ _.. ... ..... IMf I ~ ........ 4tt't amount no4 De-0 Wtl~r'1 JO OtJit\ U tf<t~f.0 w 1M Of \Ubte<t •O out ~ 1om1-.0 ,o, l1enC1 '"•'"' c.omouteo et l )~ ot tn.e \lt'\0.10 t)t,Jenrct °"' ""°"'"' ell cooec•ion C:O\I' I n.cl l 'W r•e11onaM •t IMl'I•_,~ f .. \ I '#Ml Prime 4 bdrm + Wiii Carry 84$-7782 I 2Br 2Ba 8(11.iMky S925 renge, niloro, dllPOMI. ANAHEIM SBR '1'1Cba. ail to beh, 549~2750 •f1 5 pm beaCl'I. S67a. 499•5022· mm. m ~· lclt priv, pvt I houae w/180" view ON IE/SIDE qui.t cukl•MC, 1Br 18• cute & ~ M25 :~SI aec.~17~ over, newpelnt, WfYIP9C 1 eer APT E/tld• 2 br 1 btl $310. FURN. am b.00. nr :"~~ ~5311119~; ~~ Bayside Drive w/4S' boat Charming 28r $13'4,900. OTHERS ~V~ILBLE· Fee mo. encld ger, coin l•undry klchette fur No pet-beh 1 rap empld edl1 no 873-3119 - llllp. PRICE SLASHED By Owner. ~494 ITILDllT Ill-.... m•• .. $895 984-1442, after smlcr. p~ •• older peBOfl pets, u11 pd. 494-4200 S600K from appr11 .. 1. 1 5pm 9e2·88e8 seoo 548-8389 .... L 2 room eutte. be, pvt ent. Low down OK. This II lrriat 1044 •SPYGLASS Hill• 2/bd, 2/be condo, Unlwr· . . ~rt • Oeci<. Micro, fl10. No PllC• GENUINE. Don't m1u 111 i tBR CONDO. mately 8Br •·~ea. new paint & alty Puk, grt loe, la H Pulanl a 280RM I 2BX 1760/mo. SS50 Inc utl,., 111 + def>. For addr ... & Into call looklng ror new owner! erpt S3000/mo 644-1481 1950/mo, 844-1294. 2M7 ~ll!ld RetriQ, dshwttlr, atove 875--5501 or &U 4084 p AT RI c I( TEN 0 RE $71,500. Mia• 54S-1208 3BR 2ba cottaoe In Olde 2BR 28A '*'·end unit grn PATIO sXLEI S•t S:22. Incl No Peta 545-4855 Fum lor gltt In bMUt N8 831·12ee •---L I CdM Tiie, hardwood belt tondo, plant•tlon 1<Mpm, 2 temll\et, nice APUTlllm ... hm w/heppy temtty. Pvt I ·~~\·· ~rt -• noora. dbl gar. 703 Irle. thun.,1. fr. doors S1250 thlno-, 3 t2 Coronado St Like brand new1 Att utllltlea * 1 IUI.. * b• Kit lndry & pool pt1v ~ •. 21JF MOBILE HOME. S 1550/mo. 675--9797 mo., no pe1a. 780-1092 Balboe. rein date Sun. ' paid. Pool, gar. no P11t1 ~~;..'g~'£.r~t.~'5s9 5375. A.ta. 7to-2'90 ~!..._:: Nee<ltoM11124x40,adult cozv boh cottaoe So of! • 28drm 1Ba $695 perk. Cell Mike 545-1201 Hwy 2Br/lple herc:twd "" c~~~m~tol~ NU • r 301 Avocado . 842·9850 1BR/Oen 1 beth. Nicely MESA VERD~oom, MMllY• **Ill-....** I $975/mo 833-7062 IRVINEAENT•LS ;; 18r 18a Duplex. Easttlde lBr lBa. Old & lurn, pa~klng, lndry, pool qu:-' =~smell ~r: r-.. -,..-------.,..----, " Aelrlg, g•rage, wet!r/dryr S 1800/mo, 111 & MC, no en r. . -· llWPllT IDOi MLY 1111 IOO JASMINE CAK 3BA 2'~ba • lnlH O.ast ltlltin 5675/mo. S-44-7220 charming $525/mo. Call pets. lv msg 673,.0387 No oooldl'fg, amoklng or Comfort. eon.venlenee. EXCELLENT vAruE Lrg Ille & bf!Qht. Sec g11e, I lll l• Larry ~ 546-5880 I peta, pref./M $27!5/mo elegance and LOCATION master bdrm. dining.rm + tennlt, pool $ 1900/mo. • 3BA 2BA w/flreplece, EAST SIDE Lux In 8 Pine 1 1BR/loh-den, 1be. Reedy $200 MC. dep. 957· 1191 •r•'YOUrl In our new llst-frplc Newport •I .,, af· Laraine 644--8907 Dix 2 mttr bd 2·~ ba 1800 tundeck, lndry, 2 car gar, Forest lge 1/br d/w frig to move In (lurn compl), NB 5395 3BR 28A cNptex ~~~~:.~ll~sdare lord.able price! Cell Lovely 3BR condo w/lam st. llp, pool, aaune. ten-s~i;~,mo ~f~~rpa . gaa/wtr pd, 2 pet101: ;:1c~~ry· ~=~~;,.! pS11~ 2 blk.• to bdl, g«, w/d: ~·3 .. bd ....... 3 b ech PATRICK TEN 0 A E rm New paint Comm nls crt. S 1325. Scott H. · S580/mo, •dulta, no pe1s, m~ 111 & MC ~pet• dthwr, mlcfo. 5'4&-5211 ~~ s.1ier'":;.11 tr.:. 631·1286 l e~n l s , pooi, jae. 55a-15171o 492-02i 5tE Charmlflt 2& IBe, trplc, yrieu..546-08&4. Lea~em1g87J°-0367 ROOM IN NB HOUSE 104' units or commercial \: $ 1 6 0 0 I mo Ka t h Y Immaculate condo In univ tun rm, aun deck. 3 blks E'SIDE 2BA 1 be sgl car Female pretered rent Pier & allp avelleble. . , : Granieri agt 675..SOOO Town Center, 2BA 2~BA. to beh $900 mo 875-9115 gar, patio $750, 2052 12 & 3 Bdrm unfurn "f:Y· negotiable, S48-1M5. TRUDY STUBBLEAELO . • I Prestigious Spyglass Hiii $1 100/mo. Agt 675-6000 CIMn pteaunt 2BR 1 ba Garden Lane 645-3081 ~':;:.:. • 1~~':;~ MY I I l • ... b 4/5B~. lrg yd, canyon vu. ,RANCHO SAN JAOOUIN wit h yard. No pets. E'SIOE 2BA 1ba freshly 1.;;;,;t;.;t.-tiiil~-~o!li!!!!'!"!!'~-- *a&Jnllftl• S2800/mo. Agt 760-9640 I Executive Condos, 2/bd, S600tmo. 875.,.886 pelnted No' peta •SAYE 1110* Ul•IUll Nwpt Hts big R·2 lot.1Totelly equipped 31bd rm den, wet-bar. fairway, LRG 2BR tbe, eomeooean $600/mo. Ortve by 269-B 1 + 1, New decor + 11111 • ~209K ~/". eeh ~doff~., 2/ba, frplc all appls. 21 w/vlflW, 2 car ger, quiet, vu. Ldry, O/W, deck, frplc E. 16th Pl. Then call car.port $525. Fee Wkly rentals. Low rat• c:"r!tA ~·84;_9666 ra. garage, sundeck. $1375, Sl350/mo, 830-7708· $1000/mo. 675--4980 644-0452 TILEIEIT lll-1110 $135 & Up/Wkly. Color ••OllflOE •uE ~ must see. 539-6191, SPACIOUS 2Br 2Ba, 2 car .. ta.... 2'24 LOFT APT _ BACHELOR TV, maid MrVICe. tree .. .... ILlfFI agt cost. garage, trplc, vaulted cell-Frplc pello beam cell •IAY I IHml* coffee, heeled pool & IH YI& UM Siii 13Br 2Ba. COM PA REI' lngs, pool & JllCUZZI. 11H llF S57S/mo, 'includes r&-atepa to ()()Mn. Kltctl'• LIDO ISLE COMPARE! s 169.000 Cnta •na 2124 Unlverllty Townhouse. MOVE IN COST fr'9et'••or. 645--6404 NON-SMOKERS ONLY avail. 985 N. Cout Hwy. 75'BAYFRONT LOT with lee. The Property Men tBd 1 frig net $1025/mo. 733-1669 Lge Cottage Type 2BR EASTBLUFF. Stunning, lg Laguna Beech, 494-5294 D?clt to accomod11e up 640-9019 ga::e ~~·~:,., & ~u LlfHI hick Zif 1BA. pvt patio, w/d hkup, •tYE ll llW 1Br 1Ba Apt TwnhM nr IH&UI 911'11. to 90'yacht. Bolld an -. 1 pd N t 548-6680 1 _ gar. No pets $675/mo. S825/mo E/slde 2BA pin Frplc, patio, pool tate or subdivide. Sealed HlllTS OUlllEll 0 pe 9 3/BO, 2/BA, N. Laguna TSL MGMT 642-160) 1BA, patio, pool, lndry Lvly environment. No Wkly rent.is now avail. of rs accepted thru Large 2 bdrm hOUM with 12Br Duplex, gerage, wld Charmer, frplc, walklng room CloM to all I pets. $775. 640-03"9 $129.50 wk & up. 2274 MARCH 21. '1986. Mini-fireplace. 2 car garaoe. hkups. 21788 Plecentta. dlttance to beach, 1 ~Fifi IEIT 149 E. Bay Nwpt Blvd, CM &48-7445 mum bid s 1,650,000 hardwood lloort and , $635 No pets 5"5-7983 $1800/mo, 875--5061. 1525/mo 1BA 1BA, all TSL MGMT 842-1603 ••llT llEH• SU I Ill Lllll ($22,000 per front fl) loads ol charm. Cell for *CllOLE ...... S bullt Ins, lndry rm, nr New 2BR 2,~BA 2 sty lrpl 2 + 2 wff411 fin aar, CALL AGENTS viewing appointment ,... DELUXE CONDO 2/bd, beach & thops. • • • ' llll' f 3028 W. Peol11e Cout Hwy Jenntter Shew 759•9064 Asking S219,000. 1 + 1 + patio. Utlls Incl. 2 2'Mba, turn & unlum. 735-741 w 16th St gar & +back yd. 8-~~fi'ta. "tiH, lily • H Newpon BMeh. FWrlO TV 759-9100 -------. . .. ' . Joann Akwman 675_7898 Mlle to beach $450. Fee lrplt, amenities. Views, TSL MGMT 642-1603 S800 sec. 54 TILEIEIT lll·HIO S 125+ wtc egl, no depoelt. Gtatral 1002 OA644-9060 Traditio nal TELHEIT lll-lllO ~~~~· ~~~~~Es~~: 11Bdr.•-Ptex.LowerEast· PllllfTT111W/Y1EW •IWIUCI* Vuatiea ltatah ______ ,_________ R ealty •IAIE Fiii* TAL 497-5488 Agt side, no pell, $525/mo, 2Bdrm 28•. veulted cell-Studio utlla Incl 4-15 Only nu I tal E1t1t1 Fer Salt HH1t1/C•.... ._..,,,.___ 3 t 2 +Garage Fncd yrd. LEASE SPEC~A~ULAR lst •MC. 494-5195· CM. ~~· ~~n~~tlo~~·kl::ri $300!.Fee LARGE eid BEAR c X81R FllEIT s~u .1:110 Hurry $650. Fee Whitewater VlflW. wlllk to I Bdrm Apt . w/balcony, 855--0865 or 831~107pm .TllflEIT 111-lllO POOi table ()(){or TV 2 Gt1tr1l 1002 VIEW! 1 TILElflT lll-1110 vlllege, 3/bd, 2/be. Ip. pool N~~~1~95tmo. FIREPLACE-POOL-PATIO NEWPORT MARINA APTS tlreplacet. • Sleepa '14. •H ST IUFFS "'* jProfesatonelly decorated 2 Lm lT TIE WCI •SHARP Westside 281' I ~~4<:.!:i-.9~ 9751m0 • x-Lg 1Br S515 & 2Br $685 •Bay \/few · 2Br 2Ba t 545-6916 Larger3Br2•,saEndUn11 I Bdrm condo with ocean, ----LIDO Peninsula 2BA 1be. lBa Duple• Tile lloora. · --;eR EASTBLUFF Eaatllde 557-2841 Den 1600 Sq Ft leatih te llHI 1n1 Very sharp• High Bal-, Full security bulldlng lumllhed. 2 car carpon garege $600 +sec Must view, gar. $1200/mo. w /vlew . No pet• R · •gar. enoe lrplc, encl garaoe Prvt .,.,. 2 huge pa11os. like new Bay and city lllghta View I moblle home Fully crpts, drps, w/d hkup, QUAINT 4BA 2BA, ocean Nr shopping center EDEC 2BA f 1 Wshr/dryr hkup1, micro, -•• ance assum loan Priced Party size sundeck . I Pvt beach. $35,000 or IN stand credit .... t-10 pet•. ~12 or 643-2541 le95/mo 840-1364 pa~~~:e:Ai~ beactl, boel allpevallable ·2·e·R-2'"'~·eA-·conao--.. N·.•e. right at $229,500 Fee! I Fabulous community rec· SCRAILETS $875/mo. For Info Cell 770·5629. L llll Zl•I E-alde lBr w/lota 01 nal E/$SIOE. 2BA · 'hB .,11,:15 S2195/mo. Sorry, no pool, )ec., aaune $350+ 1 d S219 500 Choice locetlon $600 w · r_,, u a Ufeeze 271 Cabrlllo 722--0612 · 11.lti.ll. C.. reatlon tacllltlet. Pool I Debbie at 579-7600 I •1•H I " ood F __ ._ ... 1 a .., · pets. 760-0919 Btwn 8-5 dep y, utll Lenee 140-1110 unllEI I an spa. . I All YlllUILLH·IY .... 2/br, wile saver kit enci 3B 2ba condo. Xlnt ., .. , $495 NO pets 990-2970 . • * 1BA VERSAILLES• 955-1281/W 642-5299/H 673 .... ,..,. • view, new cpttpalnt & .. .. Sherp 2BR, 1 ~ba, wash-Sec pool/rec lee $725 •LllTllllEEIH* (71•) ._,yv HOROSCOPES 1Br Condo. Gd view Sec , gar, lease optlonal de-_prpa Pool encl gar 28drm 1Be Cottage ,pvt dryerhkup patio gar no 2 3°387 5900 687 3292 3BR tBA Weet CM hie. Current Inventory Is selling I bldg. pool, walk to bch tall•. 539-6191, agt cost. ss75/mo 842--0661 yard, spring tresh $650 peta 5850 ·546-9950 ' 1 1 I • I -$275 -t 'h utlta. OFF FAST' One ol Or-OE IOW Xlnt terms $92,500 Choice location, S600. , NO PETS 990-2970 , I 3Bdrm. 2Ba, new crpt, Non-smkr. 831-0503 ange County s TOP LOCATEI 2131687-32921317-5900 2/br, wife saver kit. encl !~t hack ZIH 1Br upetra w/g.arage. Refs llUP I OLW garage & lrplc. Steps to 3BR 2BA hae to lhr In PRODUCERS needs a C I Ltt gar, lease optlonaJ d&-w9ii'Ciitt 28R 2be. retrg req'd. No pets 1495/mo Elllde tBR 1BA wtnew beach YMrly St lOOl mo E/llde CM $400/mo + few more good ns11ngs 01 TIE 'c' try 1 1225 tails. 539-6191, agt coat S800 mo to mo. Cell 352 Victoria 84S-8t61 crptt. dthwr In sml com-VIiia Rentals 675--4912 shr ot utlla. 548-3977 To sell your home Qulckly FUii rpt• Lge 3Br 2Ba 2 story Sonja, Agt 552-2010 Avell April 1st 3~~~a'!~~~ 648-9794 I Clltfhaven 2BR 1BA, patlO CdM fem 23-35 n/amkr or for a FREE Market 4 Ad}Oinlng Harbor Vfew Condo Yard gtrage 4Br. fem rm. view, pool, 2 Bedroom, 1 Beth, · Ideal for retired perl()(tt Shr 2Br Oplx w/tMN. Analysts, call PATRICK ADVICE Cemetery lots, MCtlon S 1100 VIiia Rentals tennla, xlt loc. $2100/mo. carport Large yard. No Spac 2BA 2be, l/p, ~er, No pets. 548-5306 $300/mo 675--7091 • TENO.iiRE 63~).~12h66·;s· I FREI Ill RlLt•Titl Nonh Memorial Garden 675--4912 780-8782 or 975--9889 peta S875/Month. 2625 acroa from park Ids I EASTBLUFF Delu•e Apt CD bd " • GAMES $2500 all. 646-8357 Elden Apt •F 646-6519 ok. $700/mo. 964-2087 2B 2'hB ..._ , · M matr rm w/pvt ~ r 01 YOUR properties NO -llllllY Cllll'S '5BR. mtn & city lights w , ' · r 8 • com,, .... te Y bath carport gar w/d 1!1,J obllgallon by TOP PAI!£ 10.t ti Coa1ty Brand new 3br 2'hba f/p, I Phase Ill Harbor Vu Hma. 2Br 1Ba. Clean 281' 1Ba, IHOllll renovated Obi gar SsoO +. ullla 6JS-5;22 · _.....:.._ __ . 1 , PRODUCER Call a Prorr!J 1525 1nc yd,dbtgar,1>41tok.pk S1975tmo.Agt640-5664 g•rage. w/d hkupa S650 $895/mo. 3BR 2BA ::.0r:;:· t=~75&+~ F,23_25 n-amk Eelde CM IAlllAllS PA TRl£~.121:NORE I ! UlllHIGO 1co1orS1095. 722-6247 Appreciate quallty, 3/br, VlllaAentaJ1875-49t2 ~~;;~=~·ya~~cl gar, dep 675~1830-3229 3br2ba$280/mo11Vlaat Bank Repoa Foreclosures ~~~ I I Last chance for rural llv· j MESA VERDE, 3Br 2Ba, yrly, exec touches, et 2BR 2BA, turn. 2 car gar-763 W 19th St L ·2 I I le --1 dep &48-1934 aft I , Laura All areas. Great financing., ~ ,._ • I .. _ 10221 1 Ing, Fallbr1ook level 1 14 I dbl garage1•1~~cl5.5y7ar2d3.82 ~":~ e:. gc:i~!~!:· yT,d =~=· S:~~~3~:Ck. TSL MGMT 642-1603 ¥1~~'m10~a, n'g ,Pg:.[~: Fem n-smkr.3BR 2ba hee Luxury & Costom Homes. • "91181 t _, vw ac, c ose to town, gardener S .,,., • . ' ' . 673-2825/ 553-0450 I nr So Coaat Plue. Agent 854-2460 ::' . water & elec, quiet and IM V Exec hm 4BR 3b• 539-8191. agt fee. 2Br 2Ba, lndry rm, $685 j SUPER CLEAN 1 BR I $340+ 13 utll. 850-1465 ·-· ....... --.-.-.. ._I secluded call lam rm ;edwdspa gdn; BLUFFS/Spacious 3 mo.2120Pomone.Wa1er carpets/dr•pea, dahwr, NABeectt&UdoShops G.D '"'rl ) 1002!"-itr•l 1002 61g..728-8026 incl s 14oo1mo 54~9950 bedrooms. 2'~ bath on & gas paid. 848-0355 gararge, no pets. $550 3/BA 2 bth dectt d/wUh Fam n/amkr lg 38r 2Be "' -• I•~ p 510 greenbelt Vacant S 1400 645--5577 Garege Like new$ 1195 CdM Oplx, U35 + dep. antrt flf l IW S 0 PWA NANCY IMBERNINO A.E: 2 BR, 2 BA Townhome I *UNIQUE COMPLEX* 514 ClubhOUM 730-7721 l 720-18&6 Olene or Lori COLDWC!LL BANl(eRO BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY MARCH 21st, 10-2 JO 1 H AH CAl&l sut ,000 Water front ltving w /dock & hoist for 16 ft boat Close to island shops • ideal for two family or rent out upper floor 4 bdrms 3 baths 221 HRHT 1311,000 Outstanding home wlv1ew o f No Bay Front Large master bdrm suite. ltJrn1shed steps to bay one o f a kind E•cellen1 ren1a1 income 2 bdrms. 2 baths 121 &IEUYST $431,000 Lots of charm -101s of wood 3 bdrm, 2 batti front house Newer 1 bdrm apt. w ilrplr garage laundry plus in-law Quaners I & 11 ll&LOlf PUOE U2i,OOO Nice single family home o n Little Island love!( pal•o & very quiet 3 bdrms, 2 b811'1S -•Ra9 ,.._.n Carport, pvt patio, pantry , ww;.s;" 1 .,..~" 2/bd, 11ba, condo. 144-1111 rm lndry lac s895/mo 1BORM wl ~dbl gar $640 Sharp duplex-3BR 2BA Fem rmmt to lhr 2bf 2be __ .., ...... ,_.. Exel INOIAN WELLS, carpon,pool.spa, ID Sh I el. B 596 Joann SI. 650~3673 2BA 1Baw/lrplc.garS775 $1250.818-356-7558dya NBcondo,pool,Jec:,walk ; Dorado VIiias 3BR 3be $725/mo, 662-1700 2o,~eBr ..,..r~ ov Y 4 r or 549--0433 QUIET, petlo, pool, ape, 213-681-8347 evea to beach $400 +IA .-:. CllllU IEL lllll lux condo Great lo--a, .,, am rm, new NO PETS 549-2447 W/957-8400 Hl84S-e724 ••1,000 I cation Beautlfully up· PENTAIOGE COVE kllch, form dlolng $2200 2BA Ophc. Great aree. New SPACIOUS 3BDRM 2BA --------- 1 S-raded wl ools s 81 & Very exclusive, very sharp, 1 722-6428 or 646--0100 crpt-pelnt-drps gar yd WE IFHll l GlllCE lvlew. Near beach. Gar-IRV M/F non smkr, pvt Cape Cod perfection jull ~ts of tennfs. U,;fur~. Re-bright and light 2BR 2BA, EIBLUFF BACK BAY $870-$695. 55g'.5001 Want a Mlec11on of great age. Yrly $1250 Avall br/ba, pool, ape, tennla steps 10 beach! 3 BR duced Owner anxious I frplc, dbl gar, w/d. No F 11 1 1 2 :ib llvlng? we can offer any-now VIiia Rentals $420/mo. 552-6401 totally remodeled In '83, I 522. 0 000 6191568..()778 pets S l 100/mo. Call I 3ub v f1W1 · mmac 2atyf ..,_r 2 Br upper. New pelntlcpta thing lrom 9 small apt to 1 675-4912 or 754-1792 LG 21bd 2/be, OCC 11 gourmet kitchen, trench · · Anne M c C a s I and a rg rec. rm, r.,,,.., & drapes, ger Nr S Cst a 4 bdrm house If look-------• nr · • doors. hardwood floors II.£ Excllaait H 631-1266 sundecks new carpets&. Plza S700, 640-6181 Ing In CM NB or HB SPlCIOISlPT =~7~~ts63...~'mo, 144-IOIO 6.500 sq Ft custom, view • ·~~ ~~· \.J ~~ 291~a:~ag~~ •E-alde 1g tBr tBa w/gar think of us' flrlt' for that 1 mlle to beach 642-2357 1 · esid I ~·r ,-759-0689 Aetpon peraon only cholceolldeellMng ~ i /I i /11.t.1•p ... MASTER SUITE ell r ~ n gorgeous TSL MGMT 642-1603 H tll H ••n • amenities Promontory 45' R·2 lot w/2bf house 2 Palm Springs For Sale or i . e:• HARBOR VIEW S5~0/ mo Cred I I .,.. --S E PS T 0 BE AC H Point 67:i..4209 blks lo bch choice II old will consider trade for 2 • den or 3BA comer req d. No pets 831-2242 WEST SIDE lerge 1 Bdrm 2BA/ t ·~ba, very pvt , . Cd. M lots of rm lo bulld I Nf/Wport Beach home. ...... ... a nu locatlon lncludeS gdnr & •MESA VERDE d'lux 2& Duplex, prv back yd, utll Garage. Waah /Dryr Mature M room w/pvt S27SK ownr 675-3175 {619)320..9567 ~ u _.. comm pOoi. Avllll 411166 I Ba, garage, dahwshr pd, $535/mo, 781 Joann $950/mo. 645-1771meg, entr. nr OCC, quiet non l.E Waatt4 1625 $1500/mo Call Loli S650 No pets 640-2495 St. 650-3873, 650-3673 960·5844 smkr S375. 556-0e37 HIE PLll llCOIE IDuP· LEX P 1 1 TIWll•H 87l-7544 •FREE CABLE TV Lg l Br DHa Pet.t 26 YEll ... LLEI MATURE RELIABLE Adult One block to beach, bey & r n on Y· C.14ff Fer lelf -· . ... to anr In COM 7 bike to shops. 40' lot. 2Bdrm. • Capistrano Bch l rg cash Frplc, vaulted oelllnns, dbl HUGE downstairs ocean &SS 25B~.,Ordn7 Apts. Pool Sfubio APT. W/ruil kite & I 2BR 2BA, trplc, din rm. bch 75g.6978• Oen. 2 Bath home, large I dn, prln only. 995-4616 • view 3 Bdrm, 2 ba with 2 • ..,25 IO W 18th ba, utll pd, $450/mo. Amenities S965 867 • 72!52 ' · 1Bdrmplusgueslroom&jLocalcouple wouldllketo te'r'!ool &spa.No~~ flreplace. $1600/mo. 2Br tB• upatra. 571 661-3653eh8pm. l v1LLABalboa,newer2BR MIF tor 3/bd, 1/be, on bath $375 000 Re-b 3 4 bd h I 668 W 18 h Aval! now 506 E. Ocean· Joann Max 2 people No I 2b II I I Penlsula , B•y frt, altor/Owner, 'by appoint I cu~ or 64;~2f;'e n . ~4163 front, Balboa Peninsula. pets W5 Agt 550-1015 1100 FIH IEIT s1:001 a 8:8%~~-~:a~ $353/mo, yrfy, •vall 4-10, rnent 673-849<4 area. 645-2739 Call OenlM Upstairs 2Br 2Ba. den mo 722-9424. ---------ltatlls IPLUSH CONDOS w/lella at851-1184 22~~. ~;:ouel~. ~~ S7751mo.33421Chettam Waterfront Apt Furn.2BR ""'M,..,,/F=-"'"ror-3=-=br-ep_t_rm_het_ llEllCHPRICE streams Gar w/opnr ... 1-• Way , Apt 0 . Call 2b•. $1200/mo yrly pvt bth pool .. tto on DUPLEX·2Br 1ba each B /C • w/d hkup. n-decor Avl ••-ru• poaal, garage $650 No 240-t891 or 861-3208 633-9161or536-9524 atreet prtcg $~+$200 So-ol-PCH $264,900 HHI .. " now 2br 2ba S950/mo, 3SBAt800con/modo .• 72vtew0-19'50trplc. pet•. Carof 845--5974 or I t ... L 0 '" 11r•tr•y1 n dep. ref. req. 722-1788/E 521 Carnation By owner tbr S750 1st mo • $500 Betty 645-9181 1'""u_,.. __ C111• __ ...,..., ~" 673-0241or673-1541 Gtatral 2102 sec. 54g..2447 Lido tum 2Br, den, 2,~ba. Sill Pll WTI UAde 2er 28 •. CIOM to GATED VILLAGE COM-M /F -Muat be neet, non. NEWPORT BEACH L CT HITlU pool/apa/lennlt. $2400 2Bdrm 1 B• Eaatalde. bch. Patio. Ger $750 No MUNITY. 28drm. 2 'I.Ba smkr. Penln ept. Quiet Ctstl Nell 1024 1 BLOCK TO BEACH M~~t !.. this uniquely Ray 261~25'4 675--0475 Quiet arH. No pets peta 960-42631780-1713 ~~UR~ G~;S:. ;p~~~ area. $375/mo. 873-8484 *.l!W W,...IH• 2BR 1BA house, lncd yd, 2 styled l/br, pool home, L.lll llU • 831-6155 3/Bd, 2/Ba. doulbe car master aultei Olnlnn NB MOBILE HOME--AVAIL 5 " •• car pkng, avail lmmed $ gar.,... houae S875/mo · • Aprll 1, $380/mo + 1/2 2Br 2Ba Condo lat Trust $850/mo yearly 555 notlar to ocean. 3BA 2BA, newly dee. $635/mo 2BA 28A, frplc, 96&-..,,,_ • · • room, woodburnlng fire-utll 83 t-569<4 Deed approx 8.8751/t "•U ' n llt-l 1IO $ 1 5 o 0 I mo , yr I y . encl gar, •II bltna, near 1712· place, microwave oven, ' · Fixed Owner will P•Y a-RUL Greatvalue,$7003/bdm, 675--6161 agent I thopplngcenter 3BA 2b• clean, lrplc, private P•tlo. ELEGANT NB,prot M/F2e+,lg~ buyer cloalng costs I PRIP lllll&ll•EIT 2/ba, rock frplc, updeted ..... ,--810 Cente< upper, enc gar, avl now LIVING only 15 mlnU1ea P1 2br 2be $42!5 Inc utll. STEAL at $123,500 I lH/lll-1111 kltch,f/yd,dblgar.•t s~--""·• 31:1. 2~ea-.' ....... Tll•IT u2-1toa $800/mo,842-0&et toSo.Co.Plaze.Jutla&st Bob873--0727aft8:30pm 640-61201675-4912 Bkr 539-6190Beat Alty, fee. ,,...._.. Uf ,. ,...,_ ol Nepwort Blvd & aouth Nd t t INre COM Fncd Ill lag bctl 2/bf hse crpt, w/d, refrlg. Im-3BA 2be, clun, nu cpt ol S.n Diego freeway rm • o It you re IOOl<ln9 •or . jOb eppls. llhkups, kldSlpell, touch ol class, charm meculate $1350 lease mealiBAU paint, frpl, yard, enci gar 2473 ORANGE AVE ept., n.nkr, fem perf, c1asa1f1e<1 has n-• lor you $650 hurry 539-8 l9 l 3/bdr, 2/ba, gourmet kit, VIiia Rental• 675-4912 Avl now $800 842-0661 631-5'39 By eppt only. $350/mo. 780·1730 r--------...i.-----------------egt coal lrplc/garg, $815, 4-1 N SMKR ttepe to bof1 t move. 539-6191 , agtlee. Nwpt Hght• cn•rmlng 2BA APllT9Em •IT IUOI ,.., Saa Cltatatt 71 · · · 0 IT'S AS EASY A$ PIE TO ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY PILOT'S CLA88JFIED PAGES PAIVATf PARfY RATE (NO Cencellat1on1 J 11~ 5 t•mr minimum S 60 per line E1a1molC' J llnPS 5 dR'("i $9 QO • rntt<;ttt1r,..., ~nly ttPP'Y ro 1tnm~ advtitt1S«J !or a Pf/Ce of S tOOO 00 or I(!~ P1>ce rrivsr oe 1nc1vcoa ,,. '"' • P11r1 d~ not apply to Com,,,.,,,,,,, ttccovnts or Ro1tl Esrare • NO CANCELL A t16NS OR CHANGES one• 1n. ""' n.s run Cvtomttr 1s r"1QOf1<; ~ tor m~ full emount FOR MORE DETAJLS CALL 142-5871 Daily Pilat lal llM ...... lH 18A, Jee. P•tlo. tot• ot lmmecul•t• 1aroe Garden Beautiful & P•rtc llke FOR •hr 5 bdr hOUH, wood. $1200. 494-7131 Aptt. &Mutlfully lend. THE DISCRIMINATING 2BA Iba, qui.t roomy 650-32311646-3118. 2BR 2BA, den, new e11rpet, IHt. ltacll 2140 •----...,.---~-0 SS wNlew. Lndry/ger, no pai nt, v ery cl ean _______ .....,-. Nwpt Hgt• ~ner 28r, aceped groundt, pool & PA FE IONAL pet1S600/mo 493-2710 Prof fem 25-35 •hr S 500 675 578 ape, .oetlo/deek. No pett. One & Two Bedroom • w/ume. 3BA NB condo. I 1 /mo/ -2 3Br 2Ba, lam rm w/retrlg, Mw decor, 1 • frplc, 18drm°'-$e25-S640 Utllltlet Frae Looking tor a friend? Find Exel loc nr bch '325 Unfurn 3BA 2BA, formel crpts, drps, gar Sl095. $900/mo. 64S-l 048 151 E. 211t St. 548-2408 LA QUINTA HERMOSA lltleraofcrltteralnclaselflad pool/)ae 7eo.M18 din rm, close to South I Ca11Pete,Bkr751-3191 \/lll•B•lboa28r2Ba,tem-------18211:.erkl ~!:,Ln,HB 1...,.rtllltk .a.9 Prof/F went9d.Toehr2 ... Bay,anglger $1400/mo AI S420 almoataboal1 Bch llyrm,$1100\/llleAentela 1Bdrm '620 -·.-::.=.!: ... C.M.twnhouM."'2.sO. Agent 675--4000 pad off PCH bltlnt, crpta, 87S-o4912 OR 754-1792 131E.18th 84&-e816 + t,t U1H. 7224121 •-•L....-chlld ttne, cell 53M191, a/bd 21 ... W'"'•TCLIFF •••••~ PLUSH NEW APTSI Mlle _._ agt COii. • ..,., ~ • -to bdl, 9P9(0X 830·2352 Sht Lagune Nlgult condo Ptaia1•la 2107 BE'"C .... HOUSE-21 ~ lar09ywd,flr~,MW ALLUTILTIES ID aq f1., lg geregee, ell I 2Br/fe$M2e n·emttr reep " n .. carpet, frldg, 1 1325, Compare before you rent emedlt,.., 8-'f..9501, fem 50)+dep, 0y Off oceef\ front 2/bf, entry Knoxvllle, 3/bd, 2/ba. hot 848-3100 or 544--8014. PMwlV dec:ofeted cuttom 380-3el0,., 4"-402t Sk~o~. ~;'9.~~gr ,t~~...._1m3o.~lgn~ Yll .... nn d••lgn tMtur" pool, IUWlllYILLAIE •onu .. .-1 ..... SPACIOUS 2/bd, V "'--In -v•........ bbq, covr'd gerege, aur-1 6 28' k.lxury Aptt In 14 .... egt coat unit, 980·6096. RoNlle. GATED VILLAGE COM· rounded wl1h plulh land-Plant. Poolt, tennlt , Stft up to $l50 NB, 13SO, Ntt for Trey, let Ut llelp Y11 St11 Y .. Prlf•rtrl Cal Clu1111M, 64t-S671 for Information & surprisingly low cost. MUNITY. 28drm, 2 YtBa. .... .. ..ing No """ti wet--'•11• pondal Gu for on 6 mo.....i.. lt l SH. 850-1183/wtl·634-2700. 1800 aq, ft. ot PURE 1~ & 2Bdtm FUrnlthed .,, ' nm LUXURY. Geraige. SPA In 365 WEST WILSON =ni.~ ~': f:.!:: ; Month to month The matter lultH. Dining Ml 1111 north on BHCh to also available ........ 11•11111 room, woodbumlno fire-• McFadden, wHt on For the A~ your'• place. mlcfO'#ave oven, Deluxe 2& 2Ba w/ger. Nu .. dF d...__ 15'"'" .. H t • Furnished/ IOOklng For~ by er.lvete patio. ELEGANT Paint & ~t. 448 Ham· .... 1 ..,..,, """ un • your needt & meMUf'ed "I...,. ,...... t• 1 tngton Vlllege Ln. unfurnished ...-.. .......,, .,. .. , " m nui. ttton Ave 75 875-9797. Ill-I ltl compatl.,...,,. 211·5777 to So Co. Ptua. Just Met • Fitness centers. Went M/F prof, 30'a, tow ~ ~ ~:.:::. C..ta .... 1124 C..t1 •111 2124 tennis, swimming hnl In NB .,..., '4/1. Mice 2473 OAANO! AVE M d D 83'4-2tee, E M4-8"3 831-5439 By -s>Pt only. WOODLAND YILLAGI 0 sis open d••IV. 9 g Sorry. no ptts Ht• •'1'11" APARTMlllTI Newpor1 Batch No • 880 hvtne Avenue 28 R 287 ,.,.._... Comt & ttljll~ our rardtn 'tyit apts Ouitt, comfort•blt hv1111 flt lSthl "· -"""' •· n 55• tlOse to lreew•ys & So Cout Plue Willie OnlJ m1n1111$ to the P::~1~~~· or';g1.~fS:· 1>uc11 Ct11CH ••ei:r,• HO ms Pt.£AS£ MS-'104 _. Newport Beach So Huge 2BR 28A, 1 cat gar, -' U • LA-.Y ..... 1700 15th Streat upper condo. Pvt OOf'M'\. •A U •t• lat Dover I seff/mo, St00 MC. A9ft. a.." ._,. 281-&555 Of' 957-oeet I I• Ill• ~ ;m~ I T--a... 1111111•• 'Ytt..•'Jll ~ ... .. UI, mAY 6 _,•An. .a.. ll8ltfflt4 Ml•••• I Apartrrw.tflls 642• 567 n& llW•F II 711 IMI Ml-•• A&IH.~~~t"'' ,. Or11nge Coat DAU.Y PtlOT ~ • ....,_ ao, 1... 87 I.I. W./a.t h•' • I fta•aal la 111111 Mii .._.,.._ Mii CltdAI/-Mii T•W1ll/""'9 W. H ll W. Hll !''=i";lliiiilu~i:~~~!...--= 4•"U71••11 "!ft.f<.:::.W.: •a HI.Pl-11110111/-... LMlf---iiUi _ 121 Ill.I. h±•/-... ht"9 own e-. 72:2-ttH. 1-2 ~ ... no ~· " • PfT. Houn .. ,. MCt<INO Applllc:etot/ 8"0£ OUT,.. .. Dlpett· A ... good IMn & .oman 8eMoe ............. a <r!Bl~ ... ~ ... -D.,.U;p 1 M1Us••ll .. HOUIEK!EPER/Uw In. ~a;:•t9q ~Pf ~ ~j~ .. :~= r~ nwwt Mgr "'· Pr911 r.n. wdililct Earn seoo. per .,. ...... AMll'M""" *4if:1\':IEJQ· ~ ,_.,_* c;::::.;~~ ........ Mn . . 9rOldcMl~'42·7222 :.Gd~~~.:::.~ . ~~:= 1441 "'· Nws>t lch 641~ ~ ietten. Same deY ..,w! ~~:.... --1 OK. H. °"1~ p~on .. t)CllnO~._I!: N!!Df':c~~~SUAL Nl1I ~Pal• ~ ,.._ om! 173-4 tea°'•~• -• • --t& IAYFAONT 8U>O evell. RESUM! WORKS ••'"'-· mo '"' • . ..,. " -, ot.... SMALL ONE GIN. ~C. 5 deY' • -. Incl. Set. ... For W...,_ Gee .... EXECUTIV! SUITES 711-lMt boeld. &31-41'1 l'I IMO cW1eal dut .... Pteewlt 722 ... t. WMI tr*n ~ ..-llTllll ULD n• tlon. f"-~It M aua'&UP642~. PITIME DAV CARE'°' 4 = ... ~ .. Cell -n·-'~i::v~..:...._11eo !xcltlne"9WPfocMC.~ So. Coelt ~; LaaMne H PORT BCH Otc I -mo. Old In my Newport -· v, ..._..... eomm..... + ~ llmT • W 8d'l t.1()Mt. .W:, IOE &43eqfUhwr NfP~ -tlr.... IHI ~~.t31-7Mo MWUI... PattorFUll-UIMFOtlfMI 111,_.,..,1 'or lntervfew. u ll fnefgedCA..i.llnt Men-EXPf.RCONITNJCTiON ' Poet oftlic. M-2941 F 8 u N 6 • y 0 a.A (j Good wtttt numOera. wll ~.. COtp. Some ~ of quelty wot1l 417...e.27 Niii. kw Don Jr. ege.-Trelnee needed for ~ SIAMES! Kitty Newp<w1 ,......._ tlH I tr*n M~ Yedlt-. loen kttowtedfe & word Min. e · . M1 F..c Food ,.... Cerpentry & &p Ctib1rwc l\iiliiii:=:JlllJ: CdM ds: ~"-:'-::c. BMdl,c:eM948°89". PMf.SCAoot I 1631°PteoenM.CM. rs~:;~11\-~helpful M2~222~· T~ Wt.Mt beowr 18 Melcerat-2'41. I~ :=-ec:·Hwyu~ DEAAOOO.ThentcyoufOr '!:t.~:. ........ SECRETARYAECP •••t1••11u lllTPMTnm• ;~=.~~ COOK·M•l•UorHunt· E>cdue!W Corp Pwtc l.n theaa'-r.tUfnofLUCKY. Ilea, near Ada,,;, & Phon... flllng, eome FIT, PIT, must ~ eo-NMd Gd drv'g record & .,.... aon, co .. ta CH iie, =.n leec:fl ''!'· LU w.-113 lnttne ~ new ()Mc. The Ro~ F u.. 8 rook h u r 1 t , H B . typing. Slatting r•t• 15 cur•t• typing akllla, vend CA. lie. lnet .. l ..,. Attetitlon Homemeker1, 11045 Wtr'* All9 It bo "°' req d. AP' .._ ~ "'*ID. 8ldQ In pre9t1Qiou9 ()Mc. em .. ,.. "4_.223. pet flour 957-8353 HM917. vkle et.c;tronlc g9111ge high 1Ctioo4 Mnlorl, colo Eudld In Fountlln v.. Cell Patti NcM7N '''· >Ont ool'd a 1cR1 Peri.. 200C>-7SOO Sq. Ft. lUlml I ........ SECRETAAV/RECP door open«. een.tta. =~~.Z:ertt~ Chefa, Bermeld1., Ill id .. I• 64M1Ullft '1M\ ~V:Pt~Sthc=~ fNM\ ADS For Huntington Beech T'(!').1Tng. cbfftlng, ~°'*· N:atZ"'trt '='"fnd= f;:O.t;~~~, llNn need• 8 people who :..*.:::.,·~~. ~ 1 Da__~iean;r~_co:. fWrto: ~ .. • el• eldl i!fi1 Petti ~., .,, UU1111 Pr..sdlool e ECE Unite . oat a ....... · ' ate lntw•ted In !Miking "°'*' t bik from _.,r pm. -:r•i 1325. rw ,,.. -·v. Htinci.om. ~, . Expwleno ~ed CAii 845-9640 for buey phonee, gd or-M e GA 8 u c Ks I w. :'., Beed\ Broedwey 8:~. 815-330e Port d/W • 12$. 5*-1172 MMnt lmprmt1. Cont_: ARE fRE£ Patti 9804788 PRIVATE P. o .• o c Air· ~a~:;*I)-~~ end TffUITTD/ Pfomole t~.,.... tlne9t awl Grill, 2518toedwey mJIRY /ITm Wet/IW & Dryer a1.a -. T .... •lMa-3115 Cal: , ~ pon.,.. p/t , Mon-Fri, M,. ~•640-S111 PUTIWlllllT ~~~..: LaoBdl ... 17-3072 FfT MuMbe 11+ Ab6e to Stov• 1125. O/w1hr n.x.tb!ehrt, 76&-8808 ' . .,_, llft150tbe. ~ S100.l 48 5148 -.&. ..... M•••btra llM . . um ,...,lll•IT lmmedllt• opening for ~ voice. Houre· ~F FOOO SEfMR 250 Ogte st.' C.M 1* 911 "·Garden suit•. 142-1111 AkkP-XlHd ioov C$ef'lc TYPISt Muet be ec:-smaM AMI Estat• o.. •llP"· typeaett•. Muat s.30pm.10 9~· Set· 2 vrw AM Oln4ng Qp ....._. ~Or. 497·5132 lnaurance blltlng ••P cunt•. meture, com· ~t fln'n In !Nine la hava have mark-up urdey 9 OOern to 1:00pm. COCKTAIL SERVER EASY Aeeem~ WOf1ll .......__... • paelon•t•. Say 22~/hr •xPer paitle-up bee'I· Stitt It ... 00 s-hour. seoo per 100 (ks pey-, ..., ,_,_ •wt•T W ~eferred ~t wot1t· 'I wtt, perm~. 846-1631. Meklflil • reeponalbl• ground helpful. Xlnt ~ Commltalon1 & bonueel. 1Y'911$1 ment. No E.JcP.1no ...... LES 117-tt33 FUii ~ autldlng FOUND Oennan Shepard, ng con ltlona, Lerry Full-Um• peraon t o ' eflta lnolvdlng medleal & Private «Seek and phone, Detall1 eend Mlt-ed--------- Comer of Weetcllff &lrVtne YCty Hell l Saybrook. ~3~:~~~.ai:2n1 •r . !F...,/T Tll•!.!!.llm1 ~=-~~~ dental lneurence, con-cHual attire. Home H~~ dreaaed 1tamped *211PlllMllT• 588 Sq F1. VIEW SUITE Slia0·77M • · • ~ 011-ak Ill, Eatate word prooaMlft9 genlll atm~. eon,. WOf'kera welcome, For In-~: ELAN VITAL lllJllL-. WIU Aedecot1te FOUND M/edult ne1..1t. lht MANAGER 2~~r'~t~'.:Uite and 'ahorthend de-tectAHw,M2""'3.21axt, ~M:llMaryGrent: LIFEGUARD ·903,3"411Ent91priaeAd, 10ll13o4f.H\1 171. 141-1111 ha1rgrycet1wtit onchMt, 30'7, ·cdM. Mon.-Frl. alrMt>te, but not nece.-291 M·F or :..T.~~-sf~~4 Ft.~. FL 33412· 1~,~';eto::-'115 OCEAN VlEWS f\.ill aervtoe Vic Golden LMltem Dana 1 . 1 :~ or call 873-1900 ary . .,,.._ Mnd rteume •tml llUT 5·30pm M·F .... IMO· 14Jite, Newport Centw. Pt. ee1-0e20 ~~6:~0::~~ full for epptm. Aak tor Nancy to ~~t;r-111.YPl.ff CtdllOdayatWttomC>ffowll llLIUllY.. Ex;perleoced. Need Celtf. 8-ut. -ltng ........ ~:~~ter Or Fg,:Dtrl~~~;:'= Muat enJoy working with IJ•lll•nP/TM :'1~. ~t• 200. 1~: 330 W.BayStreet C:='.!Spml d"';~~o~ .~=~~~ . ' . hlld E irl 20 hr, AM1,triendly ofe. CA 92715 or Call eo.ta M .... C..92627 OFFICE SPACE For Toy Poodle. apricot. c ren xper ence Hvy tYS>1ng phofle9 gd (71•)752·1491 MJ..a21 ~If ILlll HOSTESS FIT HOUSEClEANERS HIOEABEO & TIOfa, ._. Rent,140 eq. ft,. w/prv Fem1le B•njl Dog, helpful. oppty. S5-S7 IV. dei> on Wort! RX dept, trtendty Mon-Frt, deys. Appty In Good Houtl, Good Pay ooftbl,1351-.2end.._ doOf elc Cell MeN Op. ~~wn I b~k .b Fem 1 1 e We ott.r an uoellent t>en-exper Mike 850-2570 SllUL lllllTllY neighborhood atore. Peraon 3-5pm 212 E c:er required, 975-0579. $251-. 644-2472. Uc8I S.a-in4, CM. Fer::!1!' Pltb~1\~·~~~~~ eflt program, paid va-11.inJl.IT/U Needed fOf i.rve pree-In Sit rf;"~{~· Mon-Fn 17th St, eo.te ;..... . m, PUITIMf • 0-61 ~ w/5 cnw.r.. ........... olate. Male btk Cat w/10, ~~°:".:'!:d8J!i~~ Entry level, tron1 otnc.~ tlgloue 25 yr old Co. *t11111L11f UUI* ' WAITRESSES ANO Co.IMkareep. '*'90fl tor =,:;:a on a::· E. 17th St. Cotta M... ~r .. rt •t. Maled ShepNard, aurence. S1lery plu1 pearan<:e. lit• typing, =e~ ~~t Fine atore, aeek.lng , ... able Pllltm IALIS llP HOSTESSES • Late ...,._ OC toUte. FfT f'IT, econ. 1325 Sot&. ~tonee 9d 800-1200 eq ft $110 per " an. yng og. f1W-lie et bu t ti.evy phonee will treln . • a.alee peraon PIT Mon F o r N • w p o r t nlng1, greveyard. Apply depend cat t9q'd, WIN conc1' 1100 875-1113 eq ft groee. A~aJI immec:t. port An I ma I Shelter m age r m rNmen · $750 mo. to atart. · heavy phonea. Mutt be thru Wed 9-&'. Some Sat. Beach/Fa1hlon l•l•nd et The Grinder, 1400 Pa-treln. ~ •. 756-0790 · ·. Ce.II for appt to ... 844-385«1 Applicant muat apply In Mr. Stuart. •SS-1103 ~:,~ t!::.:· Lite typing 549-3400 Graphic Arte Studio. elfle Cout Hwy, NB LLOYD'S NURSERY RATTAN Oirllna s.t i300. 8: 3 0 . 5: 3 0 . c r •I g FOUND Mlud Shep pereon •t Dally Piiot, 330 Send resume to: PO Box Plenty of IMda 720-9191 Gntral 193t o..6gnerneeded t/1 non.t Klno bed $200 .... °"· 831-1286 Puppy, fem, approll 4 Weat Bay St., Coata 1 aun11111. 2840, Newport. Beech, ·-1-PROF RETAIL SALES Pe»-eicp. 850-2515, c. M. 541-7524 Of 648-7541 moa. Adams Sehl, M... Mesa, Ce. Apply 9-t l .-rllPll CA 92863 Atten· TerL -•--ltlon 1vallabte In l>Mutl1ul l .fTER REMODELED H..ct to Verde 549-2001 a.m. or 2_. p.m. (Ck'c:ul• Mul1 type 50 wpm and ' -&111111 DHITm shop In Atr1um Court. F.I. " --Sell 21 In Z*""' TV, In WM*R FOUND Ring Nedt Dove tlOn De9t.). mul1 haYe eutomollYe Needed for Avtomottw & Approx 25/hrt wk, poten-SCHOOL 13.50 IV. e.;p. not nee. couc::fl. * ~ tbl. w/blk r1ng tame Vcty 8 IHI..,. •MUii bookkHpl ng beck· Wiii-iii RMI Eatate Clwftled tlal tog.row Into flt, Aat Apply In per90n. AJatar i.mp, picture, a.at°'*· C-;m-... --,-.. -1&1--'n;---~-St & BelbOe 67>·~9 Nationwide Co BIG $S$ ground. Exoeffent fringe HmTll•IT A<Mlrtlalng 89* at a Mgr~. Call 720-1223. Inn. 1441 Giiier, C.M. uk for M ergrlte. ' ·. ' •· . · benefit• lndudl119 retln~ Every other weekend repldly eicpandlog local JOBS 642· 1359. 7 FOUND 1ml male Ing hair to rlgtlt perlOn. 250-0912 ' ment plan. 8 houra a day, receptionist needed. Very newspaper Aggreatve I I E..&-A •-1 MAIL TOOAY-RETAIL liiiiiiiiiiiiiJffil -.-...... ,-, ... -.n-·m----.-. dog, nr Seaside Vig, HB. Timi UIY Mondey-Frlday. Salary busy reel estate omce. 2 Mlf-dllClplined lndMd~ II ••••I .. II [IDN Wrap/padt/1hlp/cop1... WW II• 111.111 FREE &TA~DIHOY.. call to Identify. 989-9640 Enthulutlc Aut Mgt need oommeneurat• With ex· ~ltlona evellabte. S.t & uels may eem excellent Eatabfllhed amell Com-LM ~~t=en:~ tll ... Lr Show Room & Offlc:es LOST Dog wt\t lhaggy for tennla and ectlve weer perlence. PleaH cell Sun 9-5 and S.t & Sun Income (talery + com-!Mrelal Brokerage firm In Ul\llrV Ford et s.n Mb* Dr Own OM of e kind, dlecon-c:,_ ot Weetcllft & Irvine male. "SHAKEV" 12 yrs, boutique. Great beneflta, 540·9100 fOf 8PPolnt· 10-2. Phone experience a mlaalon), benefits, and COfona del Mar with ex· ~I 11·5pm, 644-MAIL M tlnued, ~y & floor Sign apece •YI on Weatcllff 25 Iba. YCty Newlend & quallfled appllcatnta with ment. uk fOf Kathleen muttl Muat be r•ll•ble, edvancement opportunl· ceptlonal reputation 733-8828, Phll Cour1ney. Hmple merehandlH . .._.101 Adame, HS REWARD. realted experience llUlllllltUll re1pon1lbl• and well ~S~P9'8:ed:'pt~ :f1~~~at~~ PRIZES Thuraday & Frld•Y. C•ll 960-1083 pleue call Robin 2600 HARBOR BLVD groomed. Salary com-... Send reeume to· agent. Call Mike lauea. llllm Tlllml March 20tl\ l 21at COM 2STORES 121000 S 54>1...... COSTAMESA menserate wllh U· p "'-"na . REALONOMICSCORP 1D~ Md Counter Helo. Ice 10am-3 pm. 3019 nnn Alklng ai48 9oo LO T 11me11 fem Golden perlencia. Cell Jean or . ..,..., (7 )87~ 00 I U ~ Cream & Glfta. 8efboe Enterprlea, eo.a. ....._ F~klln Alty 640-7o0o · Ret ·sage· no tega, flea llMJcal/Dtatal SI SECRETARY FIT Joen 631-1286 •I• llAIT I 14 7 W...r:t:tM g57.a320 Cerotyn (Btwn 8rlstol l Aedhll, -liiniiiM8iuUil·-collar. Nwpt Hot• erea. 1111'11. ·--m Accurate typtng tor W.P., UILY Pl.IT Sales-Hardware off Bak•). aWPlll •H-831.,.793 or 85<>-2092 -• 1 •It dlctaphone akllla. P 0 Box 1u,. Full time countw sales 1n 111.Y ~ :::.:..-.--,,..-----,m l-: -Chatt.Ide RDA_...._....,,.... apelllng and good ~ all .,_ s • "'' v-.. __ ,._ ......-....•!AAAlla· ... u I RETAIL 2,900 eq ft. LOST White M /Lhaaa for N B ofb ;;.:-.;,-:;::; J ..__ •" 1 ••ao ~ta ...... CA. 92626 ret store ,.... teYe WllW·· - , •m-...,..._,,.. -----2850 AVON ST. AP90 dog Ille: Lido IM . . ...... -·· w num .... s,...., --. I Wright Hardware If you ere lociklng ~extra c:ated femele to WOf1( • ENCYCLOPEOil mr M1-41n7 873-7no nocotlar N.B .. 673-3721° Exoelbeneflta.831""'236· 126Aocn.t•.CM ependlng mon.y. or Ilk• ... "°"" ..... Must nlca 'M ... unopei..S, ' DENTAL ASSISTANT I •1 ,., A llYDTWUUI Salel pereon to WOt1l In to go ptacea lltte Magic hawegoodvo6oe.~t grMtbookaS250,W)'C>-PUl1111111 LIUTlll p ul JOO Must Ill~• to work & enjOy II y I M • • • • • • •• REP fOr direct Mall Mar· Flower Shop, p1eue cell Mountain, Knotta Berry pay, pteew'tt oondltk>na. lopedta $53, 731-4580. Retell/Offtce apeoe, 1ee1 lfM 1 2 lime oft. Work every UI. • ketlng. Plenty of QUellfled Allela or Diena between Farm, or win PrtzM and Send r9PfYs to: Ad 200• MOVING SALEI Furn. @ 12.00 eq, ft. On comer &V&cea? Reed htlip Wi1h other week. Expetlenoed e lead• In Soutl\em o.c. 10•2pm, 833•1888• Awarda, Cell ua now1 we Delly Piiot. PO Box 1630, China. Muoi· Art. Hie of MecArtt'M.lr l Cout your credit? C & C only. 64M801. • e I High comm 72()..919 1 heve ....,.., openl1191 In ca.ta Meee. CA 92e.2e. Naica.. M5-3'74t. Hlghw•y . Prime spot In Enterprl ... 848-8978 _.. I. Pm TllE IFFIOE CLEll • 1 . SALES-RETAIL C.M., H..a. or F.V -111m•-LMldm.nt loeatlon. 2411 •~ I Experienced, dependable Evea Mon-Thur >9pm, 6-42-4333 · ,._, ... •-N.B TENNIS CLVB FULL E. Cout Hlgh'#ay, Suite ......... Front/back, •xper helpful. e e Mies person needed for Sun 12·5pm, $4.50/hr. Lloyd Pest Control neede FAMILY MEMBERSHIP #200, Corone Del Mar. PIUllTlllT Collegepref'd.NWptBch. • Very busy circulation office needs • rfttall clothing store. Cal Cell Mr. Tom 644-a880. ATTENDANT For Unocal rou1e,ectWcen,wetrllln, 1150/080 722-6480 (71')875-4900 •••• ... _ 846-5073 • part time help answering heavy • Teque, 252 Foreat Ave. Nettle Crlek Feati I•. Senttc• Stetlon lafand must ~good driving I · -__.. Laguna ee.cti aalel FT & PT Apply record, cell Mr. T*Y'Or em REDWOOD 2d' dDJnO, l.Uaatrtal fl Areyoutrou~doneed Cltrical/OfHct S400 1 • phone traffic. W e have nice CUS· • . . TELEMARKETING . Pert· 1476 SE 8rl1tol at only979-«>21. 8'-20' long. Mii direct. help .... mel wiHhelp .. • tomers! Applicants must be n eat,• Wh--"""'··reint ...... mar-time Peraon 10 Tei.-RedhlH CM s.40-5&78 4kftpp JlmM2·1403 251811~ alf. N OC Air-you. s25 Rudlng ~ p'1oa UAT IHW • ····-,~ "" mental Com mertal &In· ' RESPONSIBLE WOMAN · · por1. Sml ofc wlwarehM. with thla ed 538-9 t82, FIT temp help ovet 18 yrs. • responsible. and have a pleasant ketto t>uy, 10meOM·s prot>-du11r1a1 Property. Foun-B t for ofc ~ & ....._ 3-4 C.-~ Ull S125e&S792.832 ... 190 1421E.Chapman,Org. Cnhleraltlcht1.p.ntlng l . tel~phone personality. Some tight : ~~~marhltoaell·•n talnVaJley(714)531-1680 oa p~~P~NrAl UXeMOSR XL (LIU w . COSTA MESA: 16th St. TW I f11T••y llUI atten., ore etc. Call Susie • office w ork also. H ou rs are approx 2110) cornput.lf 1 Mb 7000-15,0001/t. 4000s/t -at 675-4880 Of apply In I • Mon-Fri. 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Start· • 1 Operator SEWING MACHINE memorydta&..1 ...:..l~ ~~~ ale ofc on 40,000 sq ft <111)171-!MO person at 3432 Via ing salary is $lOO per week Apply e MOTOR.ROUTE OPERATORS -,_u-• ,_""' IOt. OrMt 1oc. edJ. NB. \2.00 + tofl" eny. Oporto • 105, Newpon I • · • Commerdel exp & EnQllah '26001090. 642·562t. Bkr. IM0-7000 Bch btwn 3·5:30. • in person, M on -Thurs, 2:00 to 4:00 Operate our 32• oompeny tpMklng, 831 -2931, CM ... tit• 1111 FIND la"7!eat eooKKEEPER FOR •PM. Ask for Eileen. • Available in Irvine area. veaeitort>aycrui... TEL£MRKTOTOBus. M TWoHDWftA PHARMACY 40/hrt wit, • • $300 t $600 N II t Experleliced Pwlona QlW Can 3011 $6.50/hr, LeQuna Hiiia, ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT • O . O CO 8C -Smell c:ren ~Jon end ~Sue BUNNIES •'sc;.:le. t hrough classified Non Royel F~ .... Mr. Oreyfua 7M-37~· : 330 w. BAY ST . COSTA MESA, CA 92626 : Ing. 3-4 hours a day. Mon. =:,:~ ~ AREHOUSE HELP .:tt=~· .... :=',C:r~h .. 9~11me 0e1~111g1eon1riecamera • AHEOUAlOPPOATuH•TYEMPl.OYER • thru 5 Frlday aftern 1 oon. scat 1 • 1 ~went1a1. =~=·~ : cRIWsRXiCPEJ •e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ee •• & Un . morn ng. a Knowledge of Coaal MAlft>le lmpOrt. Mi.c be ~ f8Wn & Mbee. Ii. Cu"8.~ Electrical L1 .. 1caJia1 Paiatia1 ---=---'CM&ll>entry srn I PUllU ILEOTllC I Llncart ,_P_A_IN_T ... ER.N_E_E_O_S_W_O_R_KI $2.40 per day Repalr-RemOd'I-~~~ Ouallty work, fr" .. t. landseaplft9. Sprlnklera 1 lnl/Ext, celllngs, refln cab. C>c>c>rt-4tc. #425513 968-7401 1 SOd. Clean-ups. 20 yrs In (261 yrs eJtP .. work guar That'• ALL you pay fOf BUILD OR REPAIR IRESIO/COMM'L/IND 28 area. Tony 845-5124 1 Devis Palnt1119 9&4-3837 3 ltnea, 301nd.:mlnlmum Walla, ata!B, door1, locks, yrs. Oo my own work Lie. Complete C1een-1Jp gen·1 TEACHERS PAID SERVICE ~~~':,~ C:,1~~~~· 1 #2780.C 1 Al 846-a 126 maint. tree tr1mln0. fr" CONTRACTOR la badt. DON'S ELECTRIC eat. Mauro. 962-9973 Free estlmetes. 646-4519 ~dlnr.-bey ~ 1498-9671 Service calla, ISHIKAWA LANDSCAPE UNIQUE PAINT DIRECTORY eddltio:m~~a~tt/awc! dryer outlet• etc. bonded. Sod. Clean-up• Malnt. 1 10 yrs In the Harbor Area. #4774'8 ·Paul 541-8860 ELECTRICIAN Sprlnklerl, etc. 850-4147 Free est. 854·2732 CALL TODAY11 .,,_ ca .. __ , ... , Lie 1233108. sma1111arg• TIEES Pagri•t ••• fll Liii llJ\per't rpenlw. ,_., • )obs & repalrt. 548-5203 _.Nll!"!!i!l-~P"!!'l9W' ... ,.,... ... Comm'I, Small/large )obsl Topped/removed. Clean· 1 F THING INTERIORS Your 531-3225 John 77S-8082 NEW/REPAIR. Quellty. No up, new lewna. 751-3•76 HANGING/STRIPPING Service Directory -------,----jobs to small, reasonable. VISA-MC 673-1512 ~ . 1 Ooorl-Repalr·Alteratlona Free est lic'd 631·23.C5 Clea.n Ups•Tr" Topping ...,.tat ve Ceblnet1-Panel-Locic ..... tc ·• . $hap1ng·Removtng-Haul. IANOVS WALLCOVERING 142-4121 11t. IOI 35 yra exp. Je(ry 642-0 .. 567 '. nd•L . MIKE 650-3283. I lnstallatlon & Removal --------Cupta FENCE ~air. NeW 1 Oki. Gardenl119. Full Service Int. Pelntlng. 5"a-4013 ....---:--=-.-:=---~ Wood. c:hain llnk, patlO'a. Mow~ up&-tree "1111 U IJTI" ~Jeiliatt ~ =·~ =. tree eat. Greg. 988-0t 18 work. 966-2716/E Iv msg. DEPENDABLE QUALITY ~ kllll Ilea eggs 845-5133 f ir..... 1i .IM~ Workmanship. &42..e813 ::=.~~~ 11_ ,._ FiRewoob i7U6'1Z CO:a 8R1cKW6riR. smai1 j061. lwa gall shd hang together .... eat/-acrttt Wlntw Spec:lel. QuaJ. ml•. Newpon Costa M... Hang/atrlp. Advice to the REBLOWN OR PAINTED Ori -pat.... ""th• Oellv .. Jim, 638-8561 lrvtne Ref a 67>3175 • crazy. 839-0730 Alto Int/Ext Painting vewa,., """• ,.... • · · 642-4333, ask for Kirk. Guard regulatlona and able to <>perel• for1lllft, 842·53&5 ewe/Wt(,.,. safety procedurn r• must llft 50 Iba min. gd --------quired FREHCH LOP RA881TS ORANGE COAST · I benef. ~in. for EASTER.• wtta old To apply. pteaae .... j loqulre 548-34171. S20 ... Cell ~ Dlily PifDt Cal~~aL=:lon 11a,i.,.n.t Wu ... SS3S ~ pu~~ a:&; 330 W . Bay St. Company 731-4lt30or1~11 Costa Mesa, CA 1131 Beyalde Drive NURSE'S XSSISTXNt 12 Poodle Pups: Teeeups. Corona def Mar. CA hr P'V duty at home. Toy, Min. S250 up 1114> 844-9730 I 682""'311. 546-2848 '••••••••••••~•••••••• .. •-. 11.-1uus ,..,...,... a.&.-~ .. &.... .. _. FIT p<>eltlon open for hotel Ambitious, oonedentloua ... _ • ----• DELIVERY DRIVER : gift lhop. Mutt be , ... aiq>.M9kl119emptoyment Mii • • sponslble and have neet wl CO#f>. or pv1 lndMduel ,. ......... .--'!""'WPiip.iiioiii. e e appearance. Ex.perience WflO dlHNee tM belt Lowrey 0rven L·22 Ae9te : Daily Pilot motor route • helptu1. 633-tseo Pi....ce11G1n..938-1010 :'= £M~ : a vai I ab le in H u n ting ton : i-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-I S650. 644- • Harbor area. 1-2 hours • r-~-...;--::,--...,..,..,r::c • • • per afternoon. • : Call 642-4333; Monday -: : Friday 10-5 P.M. Ask for : • Art. • • • • • • Orange Coast • : Dally Piiot : : 330 W. Bay Drive : : Costa Meaa, CA : -························· c.m... lllt XPXRTUeH+ mE Ell'lrttllng goea. Mer 22123 8 to 5 pm. Hart>or Green Apta. 3-f', Cost• ...... lut...... 141 -II lt•ULI Ucl288597 631-9295 etc. No Job 100 9mall. aaaaltll Blocic, Brick & Concrete. Plu ttr/Drrwall Reaa. Mlctiey, 536-0553 Jibs dON SHOP 1t20% Very competitive & Uc. lnt.G. patch plastering. I ________ ..... ______ .,. AJtllaMt W n over coat. For appt. (714) 499-622• custom texturing. quality SAT 3122, 10 to 4pm. FOi- tow the signs to the elubhouH at 18800 Florida St. new 5 Points. Furniture, lot• of lampe m49C dOttllng end houa. hold. CNlrs., COUCMI. etc. s.ruort r.-.ng fUnda tor t>tg aereen TV. -fualtut t your &4eGUNS Of 831--0658 Speclellst: blodl. fence&-work. Problems-No Prob-XJPLIXRcf SERVICE EJalde I .. cement, plant.,., r•tucco iem.1 •326864 554-7831 R9frtg' .. wtllherw. drytn, a Jll!! repairs. etc 2•hr 54~729 ,.,.._ D/W • AIC. An BeSlc R'OiM'lmprOYe. I re-STUCCO MASONRY· TILE PJ ... iat Community Appllenee. plllra. Uc:. Ina d, tree eat. No Job t all All typea , ___ .... ___ _ 78" Ast• Circle, B.Plt. Sr. Cltlzen Diie. C.S.M.S o am · .. .,, 2345 24 llf 0 • tll-1llO 240-0717or522·2323 Co.642.,.221 848-1597 Free•t.Uc. ""'1• •AJ1plumbing&heetlng• ~t FENCES-GATES Tree trim llniat DRAINS CLEAR From $15 ~ Xt;I A;p;h & CLEANING MY WAY Dump runa. C.M./N.B. •A· 1 ....... FIUC9!1. Disposal, HMter, "-'rlllClno • Aoofl119 & THAU SCHOOLI aree. Jim Whyte, 842-7206 CLEAN & EXPERT M 1-0907 P&R 722·90ee Waterproofing• 631--4199 Reta. 548-8&57. •OEN. HOME REPAIRS. Over 25 yeeraexperlence Oralna cleared Of r.palred Aaohett-nipei -fJrlll Iota Houeecleanlng l4 yra exp. Paint. Drywall. C~try Lie. T • 118,428 730-1353 All plumbing rec:uat,... Low -s>t. oomptu:hMvy "°'*· rellebte, raaa. fr" •t. own elc. Gary 845·527 PTL ••ABC MOVING•• rat ... reta. PDQ 831-3167 Joe 64M2et 7em-9prn trena. Pina M S.tlee Della **HANDYMAN•* Quick & CarefvJ T1380•8 -- HOUSECLEANING. Ex· Large or 9mall I do It am LO RATES 552-0410 ·~•tat .. perlenoe. own tranap., Pat 531·5579 or IYe meg. nanm l&LHI FOliSERVICE PROP· --llT• v.ry retlebte. 831-5091 ERTY MGMT.. 3% S-r PrOf qyeMy, .,.,.,.._ & HOUSEKEEPER • llWUfl..,..M, AMEAILAN0997-0IA1 :=:t ~ REASONABLE RATES LT LINO . DOVIRd St~M~~ed "" for_.....,. Soon 494-3357 631·5741 Ganige & Ye.rd f.t:' UC. T 124-438. 641-8427 ...,. ......... ____ _ ............. s c NC s Jon 192 NEW Wwehe>UM S1oraoe ..... left.... ~~~~ ~;,n: ~~ HAULING e CLEAN-UP &tiliog XA I (ogo. we do It elll 457.0742 Yard. getage, truh, mlec. •Yll·IAI 850-2758 Olene 831-896' rs::· :'.:t::~ et g_ eta Lawn *~5--0~r ;r1ma. ~~~= lta .. tliat/M•lti•• PORf:.720-9191 sEWIMl AlTERATiONS Haull,,, Moving. Cleen-Paiatia1 --xaa1n .. &ll0n-rn Typing, Word. RPrUSHcc1J0111ng, ~=~~~~r• up~I ~.L~~-· FINE PliNTIRd By Rkh! F'[: ~':: ~~~~~ ~tlnQ 'BS erdSlnor 18ynothappy · OUR SPECIALITY. ttaeten c:ua1omen lie 28064'. Tilt GRAPHICS NEWPORT. ii wils&U SONS ..... Tu Thank-Youl 913-4114 EXPERT tu;n;.ReUable. 720-9191 Rm. Add. Remodel Kite FRANK UOUdbXR RAINBOW PAINTING rWOMbte-AemodeM>•th - L... Bath. Tiie '357417 Ina.. 30 yr-.. Aa Tax Conauttent Ouail"' ta PokY klft:Mn Cell 722 9783 --30 yra exp. Mt-t740 Sr. Ctt. Rat• 646-7121 ........... ;~ J;F; Uc *8 · · Greet ttme to Nflnence. v ...... -. ·~~~~~~-CALL HOW. 642......., A.A.A. PAINTING lnt/Ex1 '"" LOTUS 1·2-3. PAYRO\.L, I hiWlat I ........ LOWEST poeal~ LET THE SUNSHINE IN Ptckup & da!MrY. too. RTC comm;r&J o;y;;n t;;JTAAJCJ:nUP comPi 10 Step SerVIC9 -.3235 r~(=-~ Gene, t1Q.0651 ~ In Comm'I gardening Comoetlt"'9 DAN SALVER PAINTNO -=--· ,.....,..,..,,.....,,....--::"'.'"___, Tel 'A' Comp 1..eoo lnoom-and Reald'I. Free •I. prlcel. Chuck 842-2173 Uc '425924 P&rtl Window Cteentng Ing Nit' I Electrontc 5-41-8923 #38392• Tm....... Call Anytime 964·2017 We el90 ·~ mlnl•bllnd1 Mel1'91 Otnter. Save Lawn-T.....aM.ib lnet_.I 01.ASGOW PAINTIN<r Hewpon erM 720•9101 .... HellW mlM enofher T,_ Trim and AeMovet Int/En. 30 yfl a.pet .. =t Windon Oii. No eQUlpt purc::flMe Lawn Mein a Ro1otllll.ng ref'a M 2·5214 ~ Repelf' ;:" :::'s':~ l= Spr!Mi.r !net .. ~ H~EOWM!flt !XP!ATS ~ ar "3-.... M • Q • I M 0 . c • I I F,.. Eltlmetee lnt/&t AccW. = You dorft need I QVfl to 1·100·H4-00 t 7 A"er K C TREE SERVICE Llcl281597 631•1 5 "drtw fut · wt.en you vdoe lnldnlc:tlon ~ • • TOt). Trim Aemo¥1li AINTIHO lnl!El« repelrl. piece en ed in t,... Oaity M4llll)oa #9002 on TOUCh All TextulW' Aoc:ou.tlC.. Ouekty ~ F,... Est c:.b ~.~Ing lilllOf Went Aclst C.• now Ton.~ ~Mt 1<M1 122-titM tel-tieS or 531 eeoe 25yr 1oea1 ,.,. tn.6"• / ... ,.sue $ $ SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Crew Supervisors are now needed to work In a pro. fesslonal management pos .. ltlon. We now have openings for mature adults to supervise newspaper sales crews. Responslbllltles wlll Include hiring, training, and motivating teens In obtaining new cus- tomers for one of the area's leading newspapers. For an excellent opportunity and earnings of $500·700 per wk , Call TC Ask for Aon 642-4333 It '" .,. ......... , .. 1114 ... , te , .......... , WEWMTYOU! .......... .......,, .•..• .... ,..~h ............ . ...................... ., ... ... .,, ............... . Cell~ A .. ,., T.e. (7 t4) 641 -4111 Lawn Mower 12· elum t>oet, Shp. Tabte, c:hen. pool teble & ecoeea. aota & ~t. meg rat*. TV atllnd. beNtMW. Edtaon phonograph & mlac Fri/Sat 9-?. 9&82 Suri· creat. lniat IH4 FAllUt a..epm .. ,_. FILARE, Northwood. FVANITUM. .,_icee. baby heme,, bed llMna, ~ dlatle9 & more. SAT/SUN ~ ELEC- TAONIC gernea. ~ eemplea, kldl ciothea. l'IOu.notd ttem& MORE 33E~tua. In The T errece ......... al 7111 coU~tMciXC ilahlng boet ... IOng b)' 12' ... Futty equ4pped. a OOnd Hu~epaceb5 81 t O.trolt engine 13t--$570 m 1 ·ea ~. lit c:ond, I 1500/obo, w/lltev.91 new eno. 1&1.e1ec> j -Orenge Coat DAILY PILOT/ Thurtday, March 20, 1988 WI ..... 111t Aatll ........ ti• Aa ... laprW 1111 MUC llOm IW.JC ll>TIC( MlC MmCl W ll>TICE ~ ll>TIC[ Ml.JC 9'JT1CE Ml.IC 1!?!!C! ... Ir ioliAd. I Ml~·J ••. vw·aJ9tteou.a10=. ....,_. You w • DIHULT PCT1oou1.u11•• *"'°9• MOT1C1• MOTa• ..onca J .,....,, CIO'fllf, 2 tip. gig ._ ~. MVfm CW. , llWUC NUMll UNDml A -a.,..,., ..... llfAW ~=:Al=.. PUmJ0 tmM•tl TllUllfB"l IAU lffii .... 1 I oond.taoOO,M&-3009 ' lomlee.Mlnt '~ me9CMUIM OATmMC IJ_!,-. TM~per90nltn COD9UWauWt CCMDTIOIMLUM YOU AM 1H DUAUlT NOTICI 18 HUU'f I IJIO.... ........ YOU ,,.. AC· Oolfta .,_,_. -IJIO.... .....,. IJIO....,, UNDER A oao OP TAVIT ()Iv IN '".. I •• I. d II'... SIMPLY THI BEST I et A119..UTM llCMtTO MOftlCT YOUR NOl'TH8TAA PA ~T· UT&UTllW (Publlo He1Mo 10 Con-OATU> &/Ill • UNLl!H i:::--fOt fllmWIN .it flnnni.h~med• TAAOA, 8alee ·$eMot ·t.eMlna $119~.l.--Oood Cond, DIQ.AM,,. .. , ....... n • ., • NE.AS, LTD., 110 N9wpott ~....UTICM lllder ~of eon. YOU TAKI ACTION TO ,1'119--.~· 11'1'1. l'lt.9IU1 hi.Ill, EUROPEAN OELIVEA'f Mf..'1UW. NOTICE 1e HIAllY IOlD AT I. ......C IA&Jl. ~-Ottw. SuM 11•7, NOTIOI! IS Hll'llY dttional u .. P•mlt No. PAOTECT YOUI' PAOP• 1ra11fPO'fatlon and •uOll H lf.talllng wench••· 15'0 JAM90AEI RO. vw IUS ·aa with 12M ml OIV!N tnat the Huntlrlg«on • YOU -AN DP\.A-~~·CA t2MO OIVIN that IM Huntlnoton U.21 • Mulcil\lnt Opet. '"TY, IT MAY .. SOLO AT otNr. fdt• .. m-r~.,.. Mnter cockpit , .. k NEWPORT BEACH ,.,,ti. 11500 8..ch PtlMlngCOl'nmlaliOn NATIOle -nm lllAW HunW p~ NI, I.Id,. ~City Councl wll hOld &Ilene) A P\Jll.IC SALL IF YOU QUftd '°' TRAnlC ~ oockplt bench'• ... Ad=tlo FUhloft IUnd :51-1133 Of 4;1; mo I ... ~....!..pubjlo hMllno In OP TH• 1119'0CHDQtQ A CelHomle Umlted '911-•&NblohMrtnglntheOoun-NOTICI 18 Hl"HY NUD AN l!XPUHATION INSTAULATION ON WDTD __....... y .......... .......:... 7 o.ye a Week • the............, 0Nrn0er at Iha A•At•IT YOU YOU n•rthlp, 110 Newport Oii ~ et IM Hunt· OMN lhet 1M Huntington Of< THa HATUM Of TH£ 1tTH 8TA!!T ,AH =Onk:..,._11:·.: ~ vw AABlrT ·eo. 51K ml, Huntington IMch CMe INOULD CO .. TACT A c.nw OrlYa. Sutt. 11'7, """'°" hedl CMo Cant«, ll..cf'IPlennlnQCcwntnllllol1 PAOCUOINOS AGAINST ANAHEIM AV!.NUE. tf>Dt-• enrt 1-ownt am/fm c;aae c.ntw, 2000 Main Sv.t, UWTU.. N9wpott 9-lh, CA t2MO 2000 Mein l tr'Mt, Hunt· will hold a putlllo '*'1nQ In YOU YOU IHOULO CON-FICATlONS ON ADAMS AV· mlee. New 1721<, Mull llPllATI llllfUI 1300o ITS.-2t2& ' HunUngton BMch, Call· MOTICa 0. Mph !. Phelan. Jr., 110 q 1on a.di. Ctilltofnla, on the Counoff CNmb.-et the TACT A LAWYlA. !NU! ANO ALIATN)88 ~· i~~ .. WkVdye °' DELIVERY DEPARTMENT ' ' tomle. on IM de .. Ind I t the T'RU9TWI IA&.S NewPOrt c.n1« ~ Sul1-Ille dat. and at Ille ttma In-Huntington l•ac.h Clvlo On .. /3/M al 10:00 A.M. OAIVE/SHANT AA Df'IVIE, ,.,2 • ._., ""'"''· ~fv tlme lndleal.0 below to,.. NO. f'IC.... 11 .. 1. H9wpof1 • CA dloat.ObalOwlorecelw and c.t\I•, 2000 Mein Street. SKO·FID MOATOAOI ANO PLAC&NTIA AVll"U CATALINA 27' Mel lDfN'S BMW SOUTH COUNTY ~andoonald9rlheetat• ., '1•2MO oon-.r the 1tat«nent1 of Huntington hech, Cell-COAPOAATION,u!NdUly ANO ISTANCIA "'OH '78 lnOOwd Tr.O a grMt LM VOLK WAGEN menta of .. pet90fl.I wtlO OnAOtt 10, 1 ...... 10:00 Hunter Energy Corpor-all per90nl Who WWI to.,. fornla.onthecs.t .. nchllhe appolnt.0 True,.. ~ ICHOOL SOUTH IN· oond ()ntoj s 14 OOO M·F till 9, 8-S tltl 8 wWI to b9 heard r*tlw to A.M • Peolftc Sentlnel Cof. ation. • ~ ~ ~ ~ to tM llPSll-time lndk.at.o below to ,. end ~I to Deed of TMNCf. '<111111 b9 rtlOIMd by .,..1 • ; 110 ....... ;..1 · 826 s Euclid St A the apollca:Hon ~ por•tlon, • Cellfornle oor-.uon. 910 Newoof1 c.tlt• aatlon daacttbecl balOw. oelYund oonetder the -. ... Tl'Ull, Aeoordild on St 19114 the CltY ol Coeta MtM" tile ... .... .... FuOerton,CA ISUZl' below. l)OflSIOn .• dufy eppoln1.0 Orlw, Sult• 1147, N9wpott DATE: Monday, ~· 7, mente of all per90nl wtlo •Doournentno.14·'12190 Otnoa of Ille cn~.;:t'..1._n H081E 18 w/tr1r, OWf* 11....eeoesoo OATEfTIME: T&HledlY . Trwt .. undetenclpurtuent 8e.ach,CAll2MO ''" lilrlltltObel\eard,.iettw to OfOfllclelAeoordllntheof-Fllll'Drtw.Coei-wtl-mu•U•ll,xlntcond.xtr• 69 .,e701 Aprlll,1He-7:00PM 10 the o.cS Of TNet ,.._ Thia bu1lneM I• oon· TIME:7:30P.M. the ..,.,llcetlon cs.crtbed floeoflheA9cofdw of0r· fO<nla,vntllth9llOilrot1 1:00 clMn ice reedy 11800 213~ 1 APPLICATION NUMBER: corded Decembet t5, 11113 due1.0 by: a llmlted pwtner-I 0 E N T IF IC AT I 0 N below. 1ng1 County, c.llfOl'nla •JI· a.m., APrll 1. 1988, at wfMCh 080.' ~red, 722-t740/E LAROE SELECTION OF f.o !' • Ch• n 0 e No 111 In' tr II m • n t No. etllp NUMBER: Code Amen~· DATE/TIME: TUMdey • eouted by: CHOflOE A. tlm9 Illa)' wtll b9 :::d""°1 -1Neg1tlwi Deotaratlon 85-Ml133 of Offtclel ,._ ~ E. Phelen, Jr.,~ ment No. M..:J Af)ftl I, 111M • 7:00 PM MOLINA ANO MARTA publlcly and r.-d n Sanhlne 30/30 "Snafu" NEW a USED 8MW'SI •7 corde. ~by Ctlealar .,., Pattnenhlp LOCATION: Clty-wtcte APPLICATION NUMBER: MOLINA HUSBANO ANO theCounoUChemb9n• ..... Grend Prix, load.O·tull LM WOI... APPLICANT• R009t 0 L. TOl9on, ~ unMatrled Tillt ftl t.,,.....I ... llled ·PROPOSAL. To eetablllh CondltlOnal U.. ~ No. WIFE wiLL SELL AT PUB-.0 Of'OPC*ll• lh9ll .,._ the llQ9 ~ 752 0217 . Slet• men ... tNlltor, In the offloe with the County C"'1! Of Or· prcwltloN lo r9gUlal• the 85-21 LIC AUCTION TO . T~E tltl9 of the WOtlt .,,. IN r • .,,. -VOLUME SALES LOCATION: 1111 New· of 1119 County Recorder of ltlQI County on p~ 7, ~· of MtelMt• dhltl APPLICANT: Cott•r'• HIGHEST llOOEA FOR natM of the bidder ""' no U,./Dlf I tlll_ft SERVICE & LEASING man Avenue (g•narally OrlnQI County, Stet• of 19811 antenn•. Tr .. Srt11ce CASH (payel>'e at time of other dlttlngutlhlno fT'lllll1nl. JOJJ 3870 N. Ch«ry Ave LONO located Met Of C-on on Callfornll, WILL SELL AT ,_ E N VI R 0 NM E N T A l LOCATION: W•t tide of Nie i.; lawful moMy of the Any bid r.c.twd att• the ~~"""~·~~r.'!'!r:" BEACH tt\9 north llld9 Of NewrNltl PUBLIC AUCTION TO Yet .. , lloKM, P'f I STATUS: Heoatlve Declar• Edwerdl StrMI, 1t>9rox-Unlt.O Slel•) •t Ch.,,.,, KMdultd cl09lnG lllM lor to . lloW re , (No Cherry ax11..0$) A¥9nUCI} . HIGHEST 8 1D0£R FOR Jew.. A...,_,. .. Law, atlon No. 9~13 l llHllnO lmetely 330 fMt IOUlll ot Ave. entrance to Civic the ~t of bide lfllll be 150/mo Call 1173·27•7 (11•)1•• llH ~ONE: R5 (Office Pro-CASH(~at lhetlmeof • ...,_ ...,. ltreet, lhl et!Wonmental en.it Of EJllaAvanua. c.nt« Building, soo E retumed to Illa~ un- Of S75--01"9 Tt~ln:vi~ IMllol'Mll DlltliCC) ..,. In lawfUI ~of Ille "*' tlM. 1eMe AM. CA Code Amen<ll'nenl No. M-3 ZONE: RA-0 (~ta.I CMpmen Ave .. Orange. CA opeMd.11 INll be tn.~ OPEN SEVEN DAYS REQUEST: To oNnOe lhl Unlt.O StatM) at: outllld9 ll7t1 wtll Mio be oonaldered. AQ<lcultural, oomblned with all right title and lnt...et ~blllty of tM ~ a• II.JP m1f1 toning trom R5 (Office Pro-the reer oourtyard entrance Publlehed ~ CoMt ON FILE: A copy of the Oil Production) oon~ 10 and now Nici to -that hit bid le r~ Call951-0110w/lnlo. feNlonalDletrtct)toR3(M• of Contlnental L.anll Tiiie O.lly Piiot F•bl'\lary 27, propoeecl ~emend"*"! AEQUEST: To oonalder by tt undef Mid Deed ol lnptop«til'M. .. ·...:r~-v -..... . .--. dlu(ll Hton Oenlllty Realden-Compe11y, 1015 North Main . Maren II, 13, 20, IHe, le on Ille In th9 Oapartment revocation of Condltlonal TNlt 1n the property lltu• A NI ol pl•n• and~,... tlal Dlltrlct) Str .. t. Senti Ana, Can-: Tfl..684x of ~t Servtoae. UM Pannll No. 115-21 fOI' YI-at.O In Mid County. Call-cellona lnaY. b9 obt•tned at E N v I R 0 N M E N TA L foml•, Ill right, 1111• and All INTEAESTED PER· ol•tlor1' Of condltlonl of ap. fomle delcrlblng the land the Office ol the City fnOI· STATUS: Negative Dader· Int.,.... conyeyecS to and . fl) SOHS are lnvtt9d to attend prOYlll. ,,,_..n. naet. 77 Fek Drtve, C09ta ationONll6-7E now Nici by 11 under Mid rtB.IC TICE Mid l'teattno and ...,,_. OH ALE: A copy Of lhe A Condomlnum com· M•H. Callfornle, _.pon FIL : A copy of tM Deed of Trust In the pr0$)«1y '1CTrnOU9 ....... oplnlona or eubmlt ~ propoeed conditional UM prtaed of: nonr.tund•bM pa~t of propoaed ~OM c:tlange and deec:rlbed u : NAiii ITA~ for Of aoainat the IPClbtion permit le on Ille In the 0... . PAACEL 1: An undJY!ded $5.00 An llddltlonal ~ negative deelention Is on PARCEL 1: The tollowlng u outllned aboYe. All 9P911-partmenl of OeYelQPrMl'lt tll.llM% lntw•t In to~ 1 of S2.00 mutt b9 lnctud9<ftt flle In the Department of 0... Unit #'4, In 1he City of dol bullMM ~are c.tlontl, aKhlblte. and CS.-Ser'Vlc99, 2000 Main Street, of Tract No. 1631, u lhown handled by mall. Plant. velopfnent Setvloaa. 2000 Irvine. County of Orange, A'WCHITECTUAAL HARD-ICffplione of thll propoMI Huntington S.•ch. Call· on a map rec:ord9d In Book apect11c1t1on1 and oth•r Main StrM t, Huntington Stat• of CalHomla, u lhOwn WARE & DOOA 315 Cof· ••on Illa *"h the Otfloe of fomla e~. for tMPtetion 350, Paget •7 and 48, ol contrKt dOCuJMnlt may Beech. Celtfomla ~. for and defined In !Mt cetteltt onado St 9a1t>o9, CA 82tll t the City C.-, 2000 MM\ by the pubic. ~ Maps, In the at.o be ellatnin.d II tQt Of· lntpeetion by the ~. condominium pt., record9d ct1ar1ai L Holllnd 315 Street, Huntington e..cn. AU INTERESTED PEA· Office of the COUnty ,. floe of the C~~ bT 1119 ALL INTERESTED PER-October 29. 1980 In Book Coronado : BalbOa CA Cellfomla. IOf ~Ion by SOHS .,. lnvtt.0 to attend cordeq of 0tltlQI County. City of coeta SONS .,. lnvlt9d to attend 13811, Page • 13 ol Otnclal 82tll I • • the publlc. Nld hMtlng and .::: Callfomla. t..ctl bid lhall .,. m.,. on tlld hear1ng and ~ Aecordt, In the offloe of the Thlt butln•tt It con• HUNTINQ'rON alACH opinion• Of IUbmlt EXCEPT THEREFROM: IM Propoaal form, ~ opinions or 1Ubmlt 9llldence County Recorder of Mid ducted by: an lndlvfdual CITY COUNCa., !Ir: Mota for Of eoalnlt the apptlcation Vnl11 1 to II lnclullve, u P-I through P·8 PfOY!iMd )n AHO TRYING HARDER lor or eoal1111 the apptlcation County. CHARLES LEE HOLLAND M. W~ ~ c--. u outlTned above. II there lhown on IM Condominium tM contract docurl)tnt•. To B[ - -1 .. outlfned abc>Ye. If there PARCEL 2: Thi• •tatement WU filed ~ (114) .,. any 11.irthet qUMtlonl Plan tor Mid lract. record9d and lhall be aooomotni.d are any f\lrtller queltlonl An undMded 1.900% free-with the County Ci.rt! Of Or· Dated Mwctt 7. 1He ptaue call Mlc:Ntel SttltlQI, In Book 11299, Pagea 1492 by a c«tlfled or ~l«'t S '"LE& piMM c:a!I Evelyn Nlc:hka, tionat lntereet 11 tenant• In eou ty Fet>ru Publlahed Orange CoMt Auoclat• Planner et thrOUOh 1500 lnclulfW and cMclt or• bid bOnd IQ{ not ' " Aul111nt Plenner a t commonlnandtolhecom· ~Hen on ary OallyPlt01 Marcl'l20,tMe 538-5271 ,...rec:ordedki8ook 11307. •thant~ofthemmount • SERVICE 538-5271 mon .,... being Lot 2 of • ~• Th-n2 ...... w. hllft, .... Pagea eoo ltlrOUQh aoa. 1n-of 111e bid. mede ~to • PARTS ...... W. '-Mn, .... Trec:t No. 1oe15, u per map Publl,ried Orange Cout ,.._,, ....... --.h ciuttve, In 1119 olllce of the th9 City of eo.1• MaA. No (1~111 , LEASING :!!'!J_ ~--leedl r9eorded In Book 452, Oally Piiot February 27 •-ic 11nTICE ~ ContmlHlor1 County Recorder of aalCI propotel th•ll b• con· ZOfW.,.. ..,_AN · ·Pu·bti~eontmlaelon P:C 1• and 15 of Ml ... M cl'lll 13 20 1gee • .. -. nu Publlthed Orange Cout County. lkleredun1 ... ~l>enled Cult!fl 1014 ~iuNC>Ava lAPG£ST INVfNTOPY o!~~lol M °di91: 1~t eel aMOUI Maps, record• Of .,. ' • • Th.f79 NOTtCI Of' Dally Piiot Marcl'l 20, 111811 EXCEPT THEREFROM all by IUCt1 cuhl9t'• c:h«:k. 19. §ic S2000l bst off ON IHl W[SI COA~T *' • Th-17• Orange County, California "*.IC HmAWQ Th-1711 oil, ou. mlnerala and oth« cuh, Of bldder'I bOnd £V[ unnc1 • .. t~her with .it lmptOV9-ZOMI CH.AMm hydrocwt>on• .. r....-ved In No bid allall be conllidtt.0 Kensklll Clean. 21871 BMW '7• Bav. Bge/bge, aJ.. RY~• COLOR mentl tnareon, ucept Nit.IC NOTICE NO• Nit.IC fl)TIC( lnltNmentl of record. untaet It II mede on• blenk Newland/SC> 13 5~208 loys, snr1, am/Im stereo CALL TODA y 81-.IC Mnf1C( therefrom condominium ~ Ull PARCEL 2. Unl1 3. • form lumlthed by the City of h.,I b lck cl 111 1 XI 1 ond $3950 r~ nu unit• 1 to 56. lnctultYI, flCTfT'IOUI M.llMll ......, NO. •t NOncl cw 111own on Mid Condomlnlm Coeta MeM 111cf 11 "'~ In 6~~ ~ p ·u' new ~860s1 :t::. 6~23~. O:.s-4053 FICTTTIOUI ....... located thereon. NAllm ITAlW-.cT NOTICE 18 HEREBY ACTION DAlW Plan. accordanc• wllh Ill• sell for s~· Xlnt cond'I HA.• ITAlWmNT The ltree1 llddreu and The followlng ptt'l()nl .,. GIVEN that the Huntington COAITAL O.VIL~ The "'"' addr ... and provltlon• of the Propoeal 556-84•8 tv · · BMW '81 3201, 1 ownr, TM lollowlng !*ton• .,.. other common dealgnation, doing bullneu u : 8e.ach Plannlog CommlMlon NMllT NO ..... other common dealon.tlon. r,ualremente _____ m_so___ 39.800 mt, ster. alt. snrf dot bullneat u: If any, of the rMI propef1y (A) BS BABY SAFE (B) will hold • public hearing In ADDfTIOM TO A If eny, ol the rMI propef1y h• contractor •h•ll • t ,,_Jn/ $10.500 obo 720--03$4 K~ITH STODDARD ducrlbe d above le BABY SAFE. 33202 Mtorla. the CouneM Chamber at the UtQl.I fAl&Y ducrl bad above 11 comply with the prOljjelon1 t tr.,. E TE S S 00 purported to be: 10 OW1a Poll'ft. CA ~29 H B Cl 1 -~ purported to be: 24111 of Seetion 1770 to t1$0, ln-•-~ttll IOll DATSUN '8 1 280ZX GL N RPAI E · 1 1 W. SunltreM'I #44 1N1n9 CaH-Ma rla Lyn Ku llck untlnoton each vc IRVl.NE AVENUE •C Glullw I the C.lltornla ,._. d 1 d d A IM Deantic ·9300 Stevena #152. Santa Ana. · · 33202 c.nter, 2000 Main s1rMt Nottoalthet.t>yotvanthat • • o 1980 Honda 756 5sp Hop. oa • · 1 • 1CA92707 fornla. Abram9on, Aftorla. Huntington S.ach Call~ IM Huntington 8eectl Dlr9C-COSTA MESA. CA 112e21 Labor Cod•: IM pr9'#alllng $1595 M E1t tras $6900 PP 7 t•-522-6557 * •eDicR '18 Regal Kt.th Stocld.,d 1001 w The underalgoecl Tru11 .. oana Point. CA 92029 tornl• on thed1tu1~ atthe IOf of DeY'aiopment SeMcea The underllQned Trutt• rat• a/Id ecate ol no-• 6'0~~19 I HONDA '84 ACCORD UC Coupe Ud Equipment. Stevena, # 152. Santa Ana: dltolatm1111y llablllty fOf eny Thi• b~e1ne11 11 con-time l~dlcated below to , .. wtll t•k• action on Coutal dllc:lalrnt any 1rablMty for any ttblllhed by the City of ----..,,.,..-==,...-,.....,., Xlnt cond rig 0 nr 30K you name It It's oot ltfl 1 CA 92707 lnco<rectneat 01 tne llr .. t ducted by. an lndlvldual oe1ve and conllder tt\9 mt• Development Permit No. Jncorr9Ctneat of the etr .. t Cotta Mesa (avallabla •t Ille 1980 Honda GL500. shaf1 I I ml 4 'boor ~ta silver I 65 000 ml A~lually where Thi• bu11nat1 I• con· addr ... and other common MARIA L. K. ABRAMSON merttl of an pet90fll wtlO 116-5 It the Oapat1ment of lddr .. and other common omc:. ol the City c~ Ind drive. mechcallleally per· = s11n 63 i-9208 ca~ you ll~d a car like this I ducted by an lndlvldual ~nation. " any, ttlOwn wit~~~·=:"~ of~ wllh to .,. heard r ... 11119 to Oevalopm•nt Se r11lcH , deelQMtlon. If any, llhOwn •h•ll forfeit. penaltle• feet must sell! Great deal al $2875? NWptr 11 Mtrs Kalth StOOdard n. the appllcatlon d9ecrlbecl Huntlnoton S.ach Civic hereln. preec:rlbed therein '°' non· at s8oo 841-0425 K·GHIA 70 New balanced 6'2-0795 Eves 5'8~11823 This stltelMtlt wu ftltd w1=.-:=1m:-: ~9~nty on February below. Cent•, 2000 Mein Street, *"~'~~made.but ~~~~~the A t Lt i 901 O MlcneHns Ploneef st er CAD '76 Atwd Brm D'Eteg ange County on Maret\ 13 ranty, axpreea or lmplled,.. ,,_ April t 111M • 1·00 PM fornla. on the date and It the ranty. •KPf9110< lmplled, r• City of Costa M_. reMr'Y'M 1600 eng ~ brks, 5 1 with the Counly Clent ot Or· · OATE/TIME: T&Hleday -Huntlnoton S.ec:h, Call· ...,..__,. or WW· "'"F • • 11 •I S3000 964-00•7 1 tmag 24K cond pow blu.111111 nu 19611 ' gardl~tltte, poae .. lon, °' Pubtllhed Orange Coeel APPLICATION NUMBER: time Indicated below. Aff gerdtng tltle. poaMMlon. Of the right to reject all ~· WELUlllLL l&IEIAll lllELS II 300E $299 .98 Pe< Mo • Tax 50 Lea1e Peyments Cap Coat $32,280 Cap Red $8,802 Residual $18, 168 Total Peymenl• ol $19,078.80 OAC CEL 18110E $199.98 Per Mo •Tax 60 Lea• Payments Cap Coll $23.660 Cap Red $7,257 Resldual S 13,599 80 Total Payments of $12.718 80 OAC CEL 657-4040 or eau'art 7pm II !Mich's s2:200 650-6130 ,...,. :11":-1,,,.,~~"!.,P:Ym'': ~~~ :11~~ :o•b;~:ery 27· Zone Change No. 118-2/Con· peflonl wtlOI .... ~ 10~coml-~t.~!."!..':rm ": c~:,Ht~ ~ty of c~'! _ Published Orange Coast . .., .-· · • dltlonal UM Permit No. M-2 mant are n ....... to IUbm t -·-~"' ,,.. MAZDA 626 '83. • dr. CAD ·79 Sedan de VIiie. 1 Delly Piiot Maret\ 20. '2'7. the not• aecured by Mid ~ In conjunction with Tent1ttve their comment1, orally°' In the not• MCUt.0 by Mid M ... auto . misty bl rnetalllc. I ownr. great cond, tully April 3, 10. 198e Deed of Trust, with lntereat Tract 11955 writing. l>riO< to ltllt d•t• Deed of Trutt, with lntereat Publlthed by the Orange ale. cc. P5 amtfm cau, loaded MOO<>. 5'8-7652 Tn-760 thereon ... provided In Mid Nit.IC !«)TIC( APPLICANT L .. and O.tt Monday. Marcl'I 31, thereon ... provided In Mid Cout Dally Piiot Mlfc:ll 14 II $6950/ b --notes, lldvancet. II any, Yol nd• Co111n1/Serge 19841 not... advancae, II any, 20~ exce ent 0 0 · CAD 8 I Eldo Blafltz, naYy under the terma ol Mid Deed FtCTfT'IOUI ....... a n · 2·00 p M und« the tenna of the Deed Ffh.~ 846-642_5 _ __ blue wttan tealh Int, orig mtn•tc MnflCE of Tru11. 1 ... cl'largea end N~ ITATEMENT S~~ATION South of A~i1cat10~ ·Number: of Tru11. '-· Chargea and ----+------ MAZ DA '8 I RX7 red gd ownr. 10 ml, exit. fully 1 rum. nu expen1M ot the'"''' .. and The following perton• ara Happy Ort\19 WMt of 8Mctl Coutal Development P•· •Kperl ... of the TNllM and C NOTICE cond ale amlfm $5900 equip $10,300 720-9095 of the tru1t1 created by Mid doing bolln991 u : Boulevvd · mlt No. 116-5 of tM trutt• crMled by Mid 1957·2565or759·5484 Fl;~:.~=· Offd ol Truit, for the OLYMPIC PARTNERS, ZONE:A4-SA(HlohDen• Appllcenl:Oan Mundy Deed of Trull, to wit: flCTmOUllU..._.I -----. ---NABERS T amount re Honably "ti· LTD .• 610 Newport C..ter ty Rea6dentlal-$anlor) and Oat• o f Appllcetlon: $12•.29&.711. NAllm ITA,.._llT MAZDA RX7 80 5 spd he IOllOwing penoni ara m•ted IO be: $183.505 20 DrM Suite lt•7 Newpol'1 (Q)R2 PO(Qualtfted Medium MarGtt 14 19841 The~undetMld The followlng l*90N are sunrt. a.le. stereo, to m1 CADILLAC ~~~~!.u~~~:t•~ Th• Beneftelary, under e..ch,CA92eeo ' D•n .. elty AHldentl•I· Locet~: 11oe1 Bolero DeedofTruetller91ofor .. x· dol~bullneaau. red SSOOO/obo 854-18« Fronl p 0 Box 428• :!.°:: .~~~anohero!: HuntwP.,,......O, Ltd., A Ptenned Ortalopment) Lene ec:uted encl~:' too!: CL~B~1c3~~ ~~vA91gE~:. MBZ '71280SECPE LARGESTSELECTION BalbOa CA92&61 , llver to the n<*'"""'ned a Cllltomle Limited Pattner· REQUEST: Change of Pr()90NI The appllcanl ~n~o!r.u11 end 0... Orl\19, Suite 300, Newpott c oi H B le u -lhlp II 10 Newport C..I« zone from (Q)R2-PO to R2· propoaM to lldd 118 I 1q. tee! ., an Immaculate eond (0253 I) of late mOdpl, low mlleao• ar r ry. aame u written Deciaratlon ol 0... 0rtv9 Sult• 11•7 Newpoft SA (Medium Oentlty RMI-to.,, •Kitting reeldenee. The mand for s.te. and a wrttten Beach. Ca 92680 I S 13,995 Earle Ike Imports Cedllla~ In Orange •bOsve fault end Demend lor Sale, Beach CA 112eeo ' dentl.i-santor) encl 10 allow projec:1 11 locat.O In the Notice of Default and E1ec:-Employee SeMce Pro- (714)-660-909• County I See vi loday• hlrley H. WhltehHd, and • written Notlol of 0.-AalPtl e. Phelan. Jr .. 810 Ge Nnlor citizen• con-Coutll Zone. t1on lo Sell. The Undertlgned vrarn, Inc., • Callfort¥ COf· -540 9100 3461 Santi Clatt Cr . Coat• fault and Election to Sell Newport C..I Ortw Sult domlnlu unit with 9IP9CI On Ala: A copy ol the cauMd Uld Notloa ol 0... poretlon, 389 Sen Mtguel MERCEDES-BENZ 300SD • Mesa CA 92626 The und.,llgned cau..0 11•7 ~ e..c:fi c: 1 lpecl~ 1 1 r P'090t' i.' on flle with IM fault encl Election to Sell 10 Sult• 300, N9WP0'1 a..cti. 1ap1S bl. lthr snr1 27K m1. 2600 Harbor Blvd Thts bu11n111 11 con· Mid Notice of o.tault and g2960 · ore N v 1 R~ ~ E N TA l Oapettment of Ortalopment b9 recotdild In the county CA 928119 w-863-10 0h·640·2898 COSTA MESA ~:1:i' by •general pall· Elac1ion to Sell to be r• Hunter Eneroy Cofi><>r· STATUS: Negative Oeolaf· Servtoea. Where the rMI pr~ I• Tiii• bualn•u 11 con· -:;-. ---P corded In the county wtlete atlon. , CalllOfnla oorpor. etion No. 68-~. All Interested pereon1 era toe.led. ducted by. a corporauon WI Ill lll llAIH Carol H Brlery the real property 11 IOC9t.O. atlon 1110 Newpor1 C..tw ON FILE. A copy of the Invited to IUbmlt their com-DATE: 3/7/M Marvin 8. K*'*ut· Al· USED C AS & T C S This s~emen6 wu fl~ Oat•: Ma~•. 111116 err..' Suite I 1'7 Newpol'1 propoeed applleatlonl ar• mentt orally or In Wfftlng to IKO-PID llOATQAQI tOfney it Law A RU K with ''Coe, nty l«k of • Sate wtll be conducted by: Beech CA e:zeeo · on Illa In the Oapettment ol the Director of OrtelQPrMl'lt COflPORATION. " N'49 Thlt 1t1ternent w• flled COME IN OR CALL FOR ~~9 nty on February Contlnenlal I.and Title Corn-Tllli' builneH 11 con· Devli~t S.W:.. 2000 ~.City of Huntington T,_..., !Ir: INTIRITAlW with the Counly Ci.rt! of Or-f HE lPPl&JUl 0 86 pany, 1015 North Main ducted by a Mmlted partner· Main StrMt, Hun1lng1on Beectl. Clllfornl&. 928'& A TINIT OllD l~AVICI, lnOI County on f*'*Y DeLILLO . F100ll7 Streat. S.nta Ana. Callfornla lhlp 8eec:tl Calttornl& t2&48. for aeven day public comment IMC~ ..-e, Na6aft ll lftllttl, I 1, 19M OIEYRILO Pubt•shed Orange Coast 92101 (71•) 835-5575 Aalptl E Phelan Jr Oen· lnepectlon by the pubtlc. period wtn .,. apportioned ~ IDOVIM, 17712 ,_,., •llll 'U300I* 18211 BEACHBLVD 'Dally Piiot February 27, 'ACIFIC llNTINIL wllPartMnhlp • . ALL INTERESTED PER· prior to the action by IM I . 17WI It., I MS, WMt llleMMl.llapetualM- RedtPal Xlnt cond . M r· Merch 6· 13· 20· 19811 C~TION. Al IAID Thia 111te1Mt1t -111.0 SONS .,. lnvlt.O to attend Director of Development ...... Tua""· CA tattO _....._ • ._, ..... VIC• records. low miles, , , HUNTINGTON BEACH I Th-677 TRUITIE, ar: Jemie L. with the County Cleric of Or· Mid hearing and axpr ... Servlcea. (71(),...... Drt.e. '111• IGO, New"'1 yr warr Lease or buy 147·1011; l•t-JU 1 Apodaca, IHI IHlll ange County on FetiNary 7 opinion• or twbmlt evldenoe Publllhed Orange Cout Publlahed Orange Cout BMch, Celltomle neeo, (024305) c.....,., Citation '80 V6 l epuhede aoutewenl, LM 19811 . for or ~Mt IM awllclillon Dally PllOt Marett 20. 111M Dally PllOt March 13. 20. 27, ........,., • II .. ~., l'tB.JC NOTICE ~. c ...... IOMI ,_ .. outJiMd ebove If tiler• Th 783 1118e Publllhed Orange <:OU1 .21,1 Clean. a le, 10 m1. one (211) ---Yet"' lklKM, '" 6 .,. any further qUMtiona Th 734 Dally Piiot March e. 13. 20. 8 3000's In stock to owne< $3500, 6'•·59•5 flCmtOUl IUIMl l Publlthed Orange eo..1 ~ An__,. et law pi...~ SuMn Pleroa Aa.-.. _"' MnTJC( 27. 19118 cttoose from NAMf ITAlW•NT Dally Piiot MarOh 13, 20, 27, • Nontt Mel" 1,,_,; todet• Planner 11 53e-521 1 r~ "" Tn-6119 A.t •• Wl.t-..1. 9020 Jllll SUlllOIS CHRYSLER 5th Ave. '65, I Trie iooowtng P«ton• are 111116 Th 740 l4llte 1000, ...,.. Ana, CA ....._ w. ,.,"'· ~ NOTICI.... Nit.IC fl)TJCE mtn1 •c NOTICE -IMPORTS ~~~~n ::11a~n1~~r10~:, oolng bu1tneu u : pt&JC fl>TICE t2701 ,.._,, Hunttngton a..ctl "'9UC ~ ~nnout .,._.. r~ WANT co buy car. $2ooo 1001 Quall SI NB $12 500 firm 751·2200 NEWPORT MOBI LE Publlahed Orange Cout ~ c..Mllulln COOi ~ MAm ITAlWlllUfT flCTmOUl IUIMll Ask For Jim. Jr pr range wlll pay cash 300 MARINE 3.,,.,. Ak-.. ..,.....,..,1 -•1MU Dally Piiot February 27, Publltihecs Orange Coast NO •2 TO..-f ... .........,. ....,_,, •· N.u. ITAlW..,,- Call Jerry 722· 18A8 833·! COAVETIE 1979. new T Newport'ee:d:. c~9'2e&ve. "'NAiirnA'TD.wr March II. 13. 20. 111M Dally Piiot Marett 20, 111M ltTI COVIMGa "°';; b:,;;;,; ;;~·· ... The lollowlng P«eonl .,. 4-WI. r· D i -/J PANTERA 7• GTS N-Top, A· 1 condlllon MlcnHI L Miiier. 3900 The loliowtng per90n9 art Th.f83x Th-774 NOTIC E IS HEREBY BRODERICK'S LAND-doing bullnest u . 9030 New inter new every-beat offer 636-0554 CA92663 I FARA, WACKER & P\lll.1Cfl>J1C( ~ BeecttCltyCouncnwtllhold Apt 1•, eo.la M .... CA 2215PortCar1111e,Newpor1 "•" r f t H JI motor paint tiras & rims 1 45.000 mlles. $8.000 or Rive< ,.,ve Newport s.aon, doing bu91neat .. : •-ic NOTICE GIVEN that the Huntington SCAPINO. 311 W. Wlllon, IN~TANT GAROfNS, '!'!.7l"!!g~f!Po-rd"!"'!!F'!'356_."!"1-10-n~4 -w'"!d thing Top cond S22,500 CORVETTE , 82 C • Thl1 busln .. 1 11 con. DOWNING, 5117 San Nlcolu ftCTITIOUI ....... a public hearlng In lhe Coun-92627 Beech, CA 92ee<l ooo 528·8179 Fl 1 1 ii r01•~ ducted by; an lndllllduat Drive. Newpor1 Beech. CA '1CT1TIOUI .,..... HAim ITA.,.._NT ell Chamber at the Hunt· SCOtt Thomu Brodetlclt. Vlctorl• Jean ThomH . ;~~·~go P~!o~~g82nlt e ~~ r :l'fg ~~~ rup Y ,~ ~ ~ Th~,~~~~t M~~E:led 112~ G F.,r, 3425 C.tallna ~~=.,. The toaowtng ~ .,. ~on::" s~r':i. c:'~:i~ ~.~.!.~e2:fj 14' ~Cl~~· Newpon 5' 7-7393 E11es 64S-.3• 1 with the counrw c-..L ol "· Dr ,._ ... ,...... -"' """""• doing butlneaa u : doing butlneea a: Patomut a.u.ton e..dl, Ctlllfornla, on Thi• bu1lneu 11 con· Thi• butln•u It con· 1£W 'llJEEP CMHOIU •noe County.'on """F~~ I l\o'b'::t "A~ •o;;lng, DANIEL CATERINO Pr~lonl. 2300 F..,.,,.._ ih:'csate Ind at the time In-dUC1.0 by. en Individual ducted by an Individual CHICK WI WAIT YHI 10, 1986 11588 Wake Clrcta. CypreN, ENTERPRISES. 415 Ogl9 Rdp, ~ ~ c~ 9~~; dlcated below to rec.Iva and scori T. BRODERICK VICTORIA J THOMAS IVE .. lllJ~N OlW 1111 GUI ~'CA 90630 Clrci.. Colla M .... CA 2~ r FllN!ew Rd uCotii conllder the 1taternent1 of Thl9 1taternent wu filed Thl1 1t1temen1 w,. fllad II comes Wlt l't bucket seats and radtal llres. order youri tOOay """ See Veno doe S•ntoe Publl1tted Ortnge Cout Thll bu11na11 11 con· 92627 " •II pertont wtlo with to b9 with tM County Clerk of Or· with the County Cleric of Or· PORSCHE Delly Piiot March 6. 13. 20. ducted by· a llmlted par1Mf· Daniel Alfred Caterino, ~· C~ 9~9211 1 con h9ard ral•tlve to the appll-enge County on F.oruary anga County on Febnrlf)' e. ..... •u oi 7 19811 ahlp , 415 Ogle Clrcle. Cotta duct.!, by:u• ":tvtJuai · cation deecrlbecl below. 24, 11186 19811 1 " TtHllM Enc G. Fan MeM, CA m27 ·.,, DATE. Monday, April 7. nD1712 ,__ CHEVllOLET Thll ltatemenl WU ftled Thia bu1lnea1 II con· Petrtdl Owen Murphy 11189 Publletled Orange ~ PIJblllhed Orange Coal ORANGE COAST Jeep/Renault 2524 Harbor Costa Mesa H11hn1 Qvattty with the Coun1y Clerk ol Or-dUC1.0 by: an Individual wtttl~heft~~=otft~ TIME 7:30 P M Dally PMot MllCtl 8. 13, 20. Dally PllOt Marcti 8. 13, 20, ... , .. It S.r¥IU D11D11c MnTIC·E ~ County on M.,ctl 12. Dental C.terlno ., o" I D EN T I F I c A T I 0 N 27, 19M 27. 1118& Ul·IOU CHIC'K r~ nu 19811 Thll 1tatement WM fllad = County on Mardi 1 • NUMBER. Cod• Amend· Th-1195 f'h..1199 FICmlOUI IUltHEll naaf7 with tM County Clar1I of Or· 19 ,_, ment No. 68-2 Tr•clrl -H lS· IVE•SON HAME ITAlWMEfT Put>Uthed Orange Cout anX: County on Marett 13, P bll.n.d Or Coast LOCATION: Clly·wlde 168 Chev 1 ton tow truck «SE Coett Hwy The following pertona are Dally Pltot Marcti 20• 27· 111 ,__, o.i~ Piiot Mw~ 20. 2'7. 1 P~:1L:~ 9!."~~ - Holmes 500 on back Hewport lkecll 1 doing butt,_ u · April 3' lO. 1t&e Th-764 Publlthed Orenge eo.t April 3. 10. tHe "Ill• COll9taQe" and,..., to DEATH NO TICES $4500 548-2881 or 673 .,.. SURF AND SANO HOTEL, Dally PllOt Mateh 20, 27, Th-71!8 Artlele 970 Deflnltlon1 • 6•2· 1357 • TOWERS RESTAURANT. "8.IC !«)TIC( APfll 3, 10, 111M Hunting: S..ch Ordl· WBJTE FRUEHAN - -BO A Ao WA LK RES · Th-763 Pt8JC NOTICE nanoe · EILEEN A WHITE, EDWARD OO"'R El Camino '68 1 owner, ---TAUAANT , 1555 South FICTfT'IOUIM.llMll ENVI RO NMEN TAL . a ,., AD 250hp, 8 cyt , reblt motor PORSCHE '73 911 Targa. CoHt Highway. Laguna NA.• ITAlW•NT fltB.IC !«)TICE '1Cnnout llU ... U STATUS: Catagorlcally ex· long Ume resident. of F RUEHAN. ~v1!d S 1600 Can 540-9205 t>lk lt>tk, xii cond. $9,000. Beech. CA 112e51 The followtng pereon1 ara NAm ITAT'OmWT 9m9t from the prO\llllont ot Newport B each, husband of Dorothy FORD 79 F250 orig°"""' 548-0382 --. J. C RMor11.1nc .. a Call-dot~ bualneatM,: flCTfT'IOUllUIMll The lollO'MnQ l*tona .,. tlleCallfomla Enwonrnental pa!8ed away March Fruehan. Loving 70 ml 8x9 Mat bed PORSCHE 7f.9 12E. SK ml OLDS 76 Cutlan 2 dr hd· ~~ e::!~~t~th~~ ... ;s!_P·~~~LLOOF= ~=.,. g::, ~Co~~ec~ ~tyF~ A copy of Ille 18, 1986, In Costa father of Marwaret _S3_soo_ Franlt_64_5-169 t ~~ re:1112e~ or;~~ ~;:4 ~~ir~:.8'6'e~~;;:',8;f:pm Jolie. CA02037 Blvd, Sult• 256. Cost• Meta, doing buelneM u : 1 tl40 coi.y AIYer cir .. r.'opoeed code amendment M esa after a lengthy WhJtney, Paul and Va 1 -an0 Tiii• buein .. • 11 con· CA 92427 TtrCH NI FAB, 2050 Fountain VIJllW./, CA 92708 •on Illa In the Oepertment lllne11. She was Joel Fruehan. Mr a ~ 631· 7838 673-2837 OLDS '77 Cutlass Sup Cpe ducted by 1 corporation South CoMt Brok••· Inc., Hart>or Blvd, Coste M_., Robert WMllem CIHoctllo, ol OeYlioPl'natlt s.Moea. ___.....ed In d th b CHM ·67 Van, l'fu tires. PORSCHE .79 911sc Exit m~h cond, nh J.WlcknlfeP91erlOl'l,Vk:e a Calllornla corporation. CA92827 3071 FernhMth Ln .. Cotta ALL INTERES TED PEA-P•~~ ea Y Fruehan also trans, red, 350 V8, runs Cpe, blk, lSK ml s15.450 palnl S1575. 780-0157 Prnldent 1835 D N9WPOf1 Blvd. Sult• 0 Geor119 Flteh, 7798oott M .... CA 92$29 SONS are lnvtt.O to attend her belov~ husband, survived by 8 pd- greal $550 548-9890 1146_7653 or 759•3074 OLDS 77o.tte 88. • Dr. Tlllt 11atatMnl wet nt.o 251, Cotta Mw. CA 92927 Pleo•. Co111 Meae, CA Thlt buain.11 la oon· Mid hMt1ng encl.:::: Roeooe H. In 1977. c hildren and one -with the County Clettl of Or· Thi• bullnea1 I• con-92927 cluct.O by: an lndlvldual oe>lnlont Of IUbn'llt She la aurvived by '""'•t grA_ .. __ v· DODGE 79 VAN·360 HP Reneult fuano 82 Turbo alt. p/1, p/b, auto, plw ange "-~ty on ••--12 ducted ...,. 1 ---etion Robert J. Romeoly, 1742 Robert WW1e1n Ce11ocNO fOf or....-...., the IOOllCation ..--.. ..._.n. 11· V8. 1ownr. ptuttl cust Int. snroofliUih lntr PrlOed 1 $2000 OBO 552-41185 itea """'' ,.._..,, • o.wt'v aonz...... Jf .. N9wman All9., Huntington Thie lttteman1 ,... flied • ou1i:;d ... bo\/9. All~ her loving daUQ.hter, ltatJon from 4 P M to w/eofebd. re1. dreuer, under $3000 Excel OLDSMOBILE 198 1 Cut ,,_ Preeldenl Beectl, CA 112CM7 with 1M County C*1I of Ot· catlone, Mhlbltt , encl ct. Carmelita Moffat of 9 PM. ThUJ'ld4y, at elOMt. iclt cond, MUii shape &cleanno.1212 1 suprem.Brm.2dr,481( PubllthedOrangeeo.l Thlletetement wea lllad ihll IX.tt lnee• la con-:Countyon Maroh13,IOtlptloneoflhll =-:: N e wport Beach . Pacific v.1~w Seel S5200, 6'6-88&2 I WE ~Ra•E I ml, allpwr, cle, tllt, nu tra, ~!~ .. P•tot0 ~~h 20, 21· ~t~~~tyonClarkF~·~ due1~.0 by: • ganar11 Pelt· 1 ,__ :: ~ttyflleC: ~ ~ G r a nddaug h t eu. M ortuary. 3600 p.. DODGE '83 Ven Con· maN S5250.87S..5519 "P"'"'°' 1 •1'""" _..,. """"'"' --F ' C h rl1•l n e Ann .. d"-n...iv .. , N~ Tll·752 t3, 10N O. 09 fltdl, "<>bert J . Publlthed Orange COMt It,_., Hunttnoton leach, • "' .LU: un ..: vttrefon Lo ml, loaded lLL 111111 _______ _._ _____ ..:..::;:~ ,.,.,. AOfNtcly OtlllY PllOt Meten 20, 27. C4NlfOl'fM, tor lnepactlon Dy Kelley of Berkley Such. Funeral . •s{2·.~.· .... o~u20'1s ... 1 lllELI Clllli~-.J Publltlled Or1ng1 eo-Ttii. lttltM*lt wee fllacl April 3. io, ttee Iha public CA,; c.&rolyn Pren~ vices 3 P .M . Friday at .vv .,... • ,... Dally Ptlot ~ 27, with the County Cleric Of Or· Th-714 HUtlTINOTON llACH Mou-• of ~--Fr..... K I rh Sa• Maren 11. 1a. 20, 111M anoe County on Februaty cm cOUNCa., !Ir: Mall ...... ~· -· arbor Trinity 'BIP-A.aCtlt•H1, &A.a!I 13811 11t-1ar:0, 8~J1a a IS the answer tO your buying ThoelO 21, tON .,._"' Wlnl>r M. ........... Cftr ~ deco and Constance \lat Chur c h 1730 Ill Cl m ' ' d II' d ,__ ~ """''~ "'-rt14)-..... Eileen Moffat of San Baker Stn.-et, CZ.O.ta 1623 Do do• v. Ton &&4-2100 an se tn g nee s. .. .. .,. Mnfu'r Publllhed Or~ Coeel '1CTmOUI ...... Dated Mwctt 7• iMI J uan Capistrano. Mesa. Pacific VI w Stak•becl Trv<lk Info 6 ..--.n. "" ""' =~~.,di 1 '20' 27' ~,._.., Oel~~:cn~ 1~ Grave.Ide service. Mor1uary, [)(n!ctQn Pix avell at ~70•9 !-• • • • • ••••••• •••••••• •··~ ACTmOUI 9UIMU f1'-711 .... ,__..."' pet90n.111t• Th-773 will be held Frtday, e..toneroverse.ooo : DELIVERY DRIVER I ~~=.,. MUC ll)TIC( ~~~m1 Mac March 21, 2 P..M. at l--- 644 --- 27 - 00 -- M Ptymoutn 4 dr St e e dOlno buel.,.. ee: 9oorp1on MfM ~. 81• 1 to. ,....._ Pacific Vlew Mt'.'11\· waoon A• 11. orig ownr. • D I Pll t t t • Tralle rt. 3tt0 WHterly rtennoul .-u pcJft heoll, CA t2t90 orial Park. Newport GO 11r .. 1cteen. Apprx e 81 Y 0 mo Or (OU 8 e Ptac., Sutt• 240, Newpott MAM1 ITAT'llmWT Royal J. Cathcart, 7 NAm llfA~ Beach. vt.ltatlon wtU T 1M ml, '850 ~797 • available in Huntington • leech, CA t2t90 Ttli9 folOWlrl9 pertona.,.. VW<M. IMne, CA 92715 The fOllOW"'9 ~ ... • • Anton von Wlftlch, 12 dolna ~ •: Dan D• Miiia, 25 doing ~ ae: fll & R be held for f.rnlly and llU a._.., • Harbor area. 1-2 hours : Cypteal T,.. Lane. 1rv1ne. NrTWOMs UNL1wno. Herm1t110a L.ane. Newport •• ~ ..... MOG CerdlMI frtencta on Thunclay, a.a.lllUT UI : per afternoon. • c= ven Nlakn. 22 ~0ow..!i. g::n:o· ~ :,reo ~ '"· ~ ';rin:"' Vf/ffelt, C1111-trom 4 P.M. to 9 P.M lllllTllD 1n1 • c 11642 4333 • ~ T,.. L.tn9. ltvlna, M H JoeCamo.Jr.110\t 2015Vfitac.udal.N9wpott Victor a.or;e ~ Friday 9 A .M . to 1 •llllll Mftll" • 8 -; Monday -• CA t211e Ailt>yAvanua.leieio.lal8fld. laraofl. CA t2t80 Jr, nos terdln•r AY9. P .M-at Padflc View Engine: 1038 CCM • 21'tp Me<c.das 8en1 • Friday 10-5 P.M. Ask for • Thlt tx.11lnee1 I• con-CA t 2912 Tiil• bualn..a I• con· FouMMI v-.y, CA 92708 Mortuary. Family -22m-h~h j •11•un WI • Ari • ~tied by. • general ,,.,.,. Tiii• buelneet I• con· dUGttld by. • oenera1 ,,.,,. Tiii• t>ullneee la oon-i u qeet M emorial .,. • .,, -• • ,.... dUCl.0 by: lft lndMdUel Ml1INP dUCMd Dy. .,.. lndMduel Prlvatety Formelty TopMerO.O.Prtc:ei.e.atd e e A.winWMllcf't M.N JOeCAW.J A AOYALJ CATHCART VlctorQ ~.If Contrlbutlont be l .. ~!'4cueeuuLAmTe I CALL PETl!ROf RAY • Oran~• Coaat • rt11a "'*'*'' wee lllad Thia ....,_t .. fled me .c.tern1nt .. ,... T• ... *'*" .. .... me0e to the s J.,,.. ........ -· W ••m • • w1tt1 IN County Qanc o1 Ot· wttti t11e County Clertc ot Or· wftfl t11e County an of Ot· w11t1 u.c-ry Clet1n)( Or-Church Memorial Price upon r •quaet '"'!~.. • Dal y Piiot • enoe County on Facwuery enoe ~ on ,_,,ary lnOI County on hOl\lert 9llOI COUMV on Mardi t3, ""·-.A, 32r.A VI.a~ ·-A- 113 g21-2138 A•k tor -.... • • "· ttM 1a, 1M1 1•. 1oee tllN ,. \UJU '"' ..... .....,. Mer11nne _ 2~~837·2333 : 330 W. ley Drive : Publlehed er-. ,.,CO: Publlehed Otlill09 ": Put:>lllned 0ranoe"C Publlthed Otano-": ~r"P~Vl~ Ct1AYSLER'88, •dr 1u11ury TOYOTA ·13 Ce.Ilea GTS • Cotta Meea CA • Dally Piiot Febru.,., 27, Ody Piiot Merdl I . ta, 20. Delly Piiot Match I, 13, 20, o.11.Y Pltot Mnll 20, 21, M-•LA..v, no-- JI ,AC9'1C V9W ,._.:M.,MI( c.m. .. , ....... , 3~~ "'M~­~1100 CIUllC OflO Ith 12200, lmmtc:.. ~ toeded, red, • ' • Man:l'I a ia 20 1M1 27 1MI 27. 1MI Aprt 3, 10. ttM ""'~-1 ~-· 63 1-11100tss1 a 1~ 231< m1 saeoo 130.esee • •• • • • ••• ••• ••• •• ••• • • • ••• • · • TM72 • Th-700 ~, ni.rea s+t-2700 L.:~=====~ I PICllllOU9••11•.. f11Cm--•·1111M M1"'1DU9•,n• Mhl .... atpp1 MIW• I 1111 U..ITA~ umn•~ MAmna~ .....-.na1'L...IY umnA..-T TIW~,_.,..,. ThefOIOWll,.,....,. The ....... ...,...,. The__..,._..,. ,.._.,......,.,...,. dOtlll ...._. _ doll'8 ~-ckMna .......... ~ ~ •: ,... ..-.-....-. I.• AlAMtTOS DENTAL AOVIC>TM.I~ COL•V JA.NfTOfUAL Dmlto air..p, llt1I ..... &.A MIMDA MALTY. CIM.IW,41Hl<.eWa.,10t, 8!fMCH. H4 I. 11th NAYICl.ftt,.,..,,Cot ........ .._..,,...._CA aa46......,, IMI ...... LN~ CA 90720 8treet, .,.._ tOe, COiia OM dlll ..... CA taat '"'° -· .._..,, .._, CA ~ 0 Mnt, US Mio Mw, CA '2127 OrM C. ~ 111 Jti.•i-.YMMIO..O .. ta111 ........ ~ IMah, CA HMoy e. W"9hf, 1W ,.,.,..,, Cofone ct.ii MW, 241~ .,_ LMe, ~ V.. MIN IOlloielder, _._ Pon Tiflln, Newport leedl, CA tttH ...... CA •n m c.nw, ~ J Mt. Colla ·-butlMea It con-CA ttte0 1"" ~ It CM-TN. ~ le oon-~CA tae:r7 M* by: Ill ~ TNll bU91nMI i. con-cM:ted by: .n lndMdll9I .,..., by. an lrldt tdllll Thlt '*"""-le con- ,. 0Afll'f PAINS cNcted by. an~ ~VK> NC>fm4NOGI! ~ ~ 0..0 ~ by. an lndM•lll nli 9Wt91Mnt ... llled NANCY l. WNOHT Thlt ttat9ment ._Ned Thlt teet1FN11t w Mid W.A. ldw 1llle' _,,._County Clel'll of Or· Thie llatemem wee Ned ~ tN County Clwtl of Or· wtttl ttle COUMy CWk Cllf Or· Thlt ..... '*" ... tied ariat"~IY on fleONtrl &. with the County CWk of Or· antt County on '*'*Y -. County on ~ 13, wttn .. ~an of Or· ~ llnft County on Fetwuwy a . 1MI 1"' ""* County on ~ 12, ,_. 11, 11M ~1 ,_ 1 ... P•Wied Orange CoeM W Putllllflad OranQI OOlll flublltf'9d Or.,.. OOlll W Olllft Ptlot F9bruary 27, PuOlltMcl Or1nge Cottt ~ "°' M#cll 1l, to. 27. Delly "°' Mercfl 20, 27, ~ Or11nft 00111 ~ •. u. 20. 1aee Delly Piiot Mercn e. 1a. 20. Aptt a. ,... Aiwfl a. 10, 1tM o..y "°' MetU1 20. 21. I.. Th-.ee& 27, 19M Tho-721 Tt.-7U APf'll 3, 10, , ... "'"8JC M>TICE ~ NI.JC *>TICE ....C llmCE Th-751 ~ ..,...... "8..IC NOTICE nc'"'°"' ....... ncnnoue ........ "8lJC fl>11C( _..ITAW '1CnT90UIWM umlTAW MAmftAW MTmOU9•"ta•M Tlllt followlng pet90na llt um 8TAW The fOlowlng peraont.... The~ peraont.,. um ITAW ..... butlMM M: The folloW!no l*90n9 .,.. doing ~ •: ~ buelMM •: MQo The fOlowlno pertOnt -DNIO 8 INTEAPAISES. dolnQ buelneM ta: Toe Dt!LIV!AV Sl!AVICE. Comptny, 30100 Town dcMr1a ~ -~IOl'Y A\19, La Hebra, P(AFECTLY CLl:AN, 19741 OcMMI ... Cltcle, C..Df .. ~ 1Mt2t77 L.#!IOUfll(;eCO 361tA ~ *31 2028 ScMtt C1oe1a, Coela Huntlntton IHOh, CA ,.,_ L19et, 1271 0Mn-· ., °'"8ld F, 91*11. 2080 Meta,CAt212' 92641 ~ L.teuna 9-dl, Celt. ~eo:=·~n:=· ~vtnut. La Habra, CA T._... M. Men.ti, 2021 POQ CarP9t C.., 19741 92151 ~ O. le '-'a. 131 tOS:ll Souttt Capelle. Coelt Meta, OoMnalr• Clrcle, H11nt-... ~ ~. -~ .... con· PromCWltOfY Or. w., N9wpot1 TIW but1"9ff It con~ CA 92926 lnQton Beectl, CA t.2148 ,.__, v,. •• .. ...._ IMdl, CA t2te0 --by. en lndMdua! Thlt butln... It con· Tttle bu9IMM 11 con-""-UllMl' Thia bU91neea I• con.-.p()HALD 8. STAUf' ducted try. en lndMdutl duC1ed by. 11'1 lndMdull Thlt llat.ment ... tied duded by: .n lndMdual Thia 11atement ... llled THEMSA MARZETT Wllttln F. lryan wfttl ttle County c:-ti Cllf Or· NOAOEAr DE LA PAAAA ~County Cleftt of ()r. Thie 9181.nant -Iliad Thtt tlatement .. fled lnQl9 County Ofl ~ 11, Thlt ttat9ment ... tied ~:COUncy on February e, wt1h the County CWti of Or· with ttte County an °' Or· 1tee wfth the County an °' er-1Nt ange c'ounty on FebNaly anoe Councy on Mardi S, ,_1 llnft County on Febfuaty ~· ' ~ 20 19H 19M Publlthed Orllnft Cottt 21 19M f>W>llltled Orange CoMt ' ,,_,_ ,_,,. Delly Plot Mwctl 20, 27, ' ,_.,. Qal~ Piiot FebruttY 27, Publlthed Orenge CoaM Publllhed Orllnft COMt APft 3, 10, 19M Pub!Wled OranQI Cottt ....,., e. 13, 20. 1tee Delly PKot March 13. 20. 21. Delly"°' M4ltcll 13, 20. 21. Th-no Delly"°' Marcfl 13, 20. 21. •• Th-el7 Apt11 3, 1• Apfil 3. 1He PmUC NOTICE Ac>rt a.'* • ~4"8..IC M>TICE ni..125 n.-129 Th-TH 15---.. Mt.JC NOTICE PUlJC fl)T1C[ ACnnoue .,..... ·-.,. lllftTJCE --umn,TBWIT ,._....., AW fl'tCTmOUe ....... fltCTmOU9 ....... ~ 'olowlnO ~= PllCTmOUe MIH•M folorwlflg penons.... um ITAW MAm ITATamlff ........ .,, ~ -um ITATW Oo1i ~ aa: .i.Mt Ttte fo11ow1ng penone .,, Thi fo1owtng ~ 81'1 20'a, 1170 Ntwpor1 IMI., The lolowlng l)tf'ION 111 Boe ~etplng s.Mo9. 19751 doing~ -Amertc8n dOlng ~ta: eo.t• ~ t2t27 doing bUllnlat •• ArtlJZ. ln-8U• .,d St., Huntlnoton Software Oynamlca, 3184 ROSES T.L.C. FOR THE ~ lnG., Cellfoml9 COf· tanlng 8-vlcM . 2614 8 ... ~.,CA 92848 Vlllowflone Dflw, Coeta ELDERL 'f. 2539 Witt· potlltlon, 1 Tamer., IMnt, PQPlar, Santa 'Ana, CA Jo in Lucille Maton, 19751 Mita, CA 92e28 mln1ter Avenue, Cotta CA 12714 92704 Bui 1(1' St., Hunt ecn. CA StlPMn G. Tll'llN. 3184 ...... CA92127 Thlt bUllMM .. con-~ E. NIAJZ., 314 s. 9~T Ylllowttone, Coel• ...... ROH An!Mrton, 2539 ducWd by: "' ~ Poplar St.. Sarria Ana, CA ia butl"9U I• con-c.atom1e ma Wtatmlntt• Avenue, eo.ta All Rebbanl, .... -. 92704 dOc: • d by. en lndMclual Plttf s. Sandhu, 550 ...... CA 92t27 1lllt ttat9mlnt ... !led Thia butlMM It con-~ n L. Maaon Pautlllno, Colt• Miu, Call-Thi• t»utlneet la con· with the County CWk of Of. ducted by. an Individual • 1tttemen1 -. fllld tomta 926245 ducted try. en ~ lnOI County on March 12, George ·e. Ataa. wit l"9 County ~ of Of. Thlt bullnat It con-ROSA ANDERSON 19M Thlt tta19m1nt WM Ned ..-iot'tounty on Fet>ruaty 7, ouctld bY-Thie ttatement ... 11ec1 Publlttlad ,.._ ~ wttn lhl County an of 0r-11M-StlPMn G. TWWll wtth ttle County Clettl of Or-~-.,,.. enge County on Februaty -~.. ,_ Thie tt1tWMn1 ... tMtd anve County on F*'*Y Delly Plot March 20, 27. , 1 '* 1"\111118'1ed Orenge Coaet wtltl lhl County CWk of Or· 28, 1Ne Apr'll 3, 10, 19M ' ,_,. Dal~, Piiot FlbruttY 27, ange County on F*'*Y ,_..., Th-n1 Publlthld Orange COMt "411?/' 8, 13, 20, 1988 10, 1988 P\.lbllthld Orenge eo.t 111-.,. lllftTll'r Dally Pilot Flt>NWy 27, ~-----TM_r_e ,..., Delly Piiot Miich 13, 20, 27, ,._ ""'PK Mlldl e, 13, 20. 1911 ''Ill-.,. lllftTlC( Publlthed Orange eo.t Apr'll 3, 19M ACfrT90UI ...... Jb.f74 ..--"" Dally Pltot Flt>NWy 27, Tlt-720 .... -ITATl--ntT -P'lt-TmOUl---.,...--.-1-M11cn e. 13, 20. 1eae ~;:,.:.,.. Ml.JC *>TICE ITATDmfT lll-873 P\B.JC M)TICE doing bu111nw ta:~ rm. PICTmOUI .,_ .. ~ ~. arw PlBJC M)TJC[ fl'tCTTnOUe ....... WI Solutlona; 8) DnctOfY um ITAT'llmNT ""·---. NAm ITATW Publlatlefs. 11955 Artnell The~ Ptf'ION are MEDICAL SEA· ACTmOUe ....... The 1o1owtng pereone 111 Ad., Santa Ana 92705 doing bu11r18ta 111: \II~, 328 N. Newport um ITAW OOtng bu11r18ta ta: Glen Ct'unn, Jr.. 11855 MON AMIE IRl~L AND =~Sult• 480, Newport Thi foflowtng ptrlOflt.,. HUNTINGTON WEST Artnlil Rd .. Sant• Ana, CA FORMAL. 2300 Hart>or Btvd, . CA 92183 . dOlng bu11neea M : AU T 0 8 0 0 V, 149 0 1 92705 142, Colt1 Mita. CA t2t2e Ntrld1 Moy. #8 Wiid EARTHQUAKE AEAOI· Ch11tnut Str11t, WHI· Thlt butl,,_. It con· Verna L Hulon, 23501 Via 800t1 Court, Newport NESS INCORPORATED. mlnttgar, CA t2et3 ~ ~.!'_ lndMdual ~· Mi.Ion Vllto. CA CA t2M3 1&3n Santa Belinda, Foun-.J«ry Uoyd Peery. 214 ~· ..,.._. ; • ...-, butll'llM II con· taln Vri!fcy. CA 92708 341h St.. Newport 81ec:f1. CA Thlt statement WM !led Thia bullneu It con- by. an lndlvldual Jerome J Gulllano 183n t2f5e3 with the County oe.rti of Of. ~ by. an lndMdutl F>ttrlcla Moy Senta Beilnda. Fountain v• Thia butlneet It con· lnOI County on F*'*Y VEANA L HUSON Tl\11 tte1~ WU tiled t.y, CA 92701 dueled by. en lndMdual 19. 19M Thie ttetMllnt Wta flled with 'he County Clertl of Or· Thlt bu1lneu It con-.J«ry Pe.y nt'M11 ~ lhl County Cltf1t of Of. ange County on Mardi 12, ducted by.• c:orpormtton Thia t1atement ... !led PutllllMd OrMgl eo.t ~ County on Febn.lar)' 1988 Jerome J. Guiliano, p,.._ wtth lhl County CWk of Or· Delly Piiot March 20, 27.128, 1988 ~ dent ange County on Merdl 12. Apr1I 3. 10. 19M naM1J Publtthed Orange COMt Thie tltlamertl ... Ned 19M Th-7118 Publlthed Orange eo.t Dtlty Piiot March 20, 27, with the County C1er1i of Or-,_1s 111_.,. lllftTIC( iDelty Piiot Mardi 13, 20, 27, AP"!. 3, 10, 11188 enge County on Marett 4, Publlthld Orenge eo.t ,._ "" ~I 3, 19M ______ Th-_7_53 19M Dally Piiot Mlldl 20, 27, '9CTITIOU8 ..... M Th-715 ___ .,. lllftnt'c PW Aprll 3, 10, lNe um ITATW 111-11' wtTll'r •• TUUU\I ""I~ Pubbhed Orenge C0Mt Th-751 The foflowtng pereone -__ ,. ____ ....., __ ,......_PK __ f.r#llllOUll 9'MMIM ,Dally Piiot Mareh 13, 20, 27. 111_.,. MftTJC( dOlng bulllnw ea: fltCflnout ........ ..._ 8TA~ April 3, 19M f"UUU\I"" COUNTRY GAROEN, 131 um ITATW The followlng l)lftont ,,. Th-714 fl'tennou8 .,.... Via Undlnl, fMWpOt1 e.c:n. The lolowlng peraona .,. dolni butll'IMa u : rtllJC fl)TIC( MAim ITATPmNT CA t2te3 doing~ ta: Ffli\NCESCA'S, 1873 .. ,.. The fo11owtng pereone -Pat r I c I t Ka a r n t TRADE SHOW ATTAAC- lf'Vlne A\'9. Cot1a Mw. CA ACTIT10U8 ai11•M dOlng bl.llllnW M ; ~~ ~ ~· ~~3:?. .. f!..._ Cimino. 92827 ..... ITA~ N(WPOAT ·MESA EX· ·-....-. -.... "" .... _ .,._.. -""'H-V Patti Bartling, 263 E. 22nd Tiii foflowtng pereone.,. ECUTIVE SUITES, 278 ~ Thlt butlneet It con-Ken F. S1nd1, 4101 Street, Cottt MIM. CA doing bYllnlat ea: tofla St, Coa1a ~ CA ducted by. In~ Redllnl Of, LM.woocf, CA nur ' EARTHQUAKE AEADI· 92621 PATAtCIA K. HITCHCOCK Thie tlUelneM .. con- Tllfi butlMM It oon-NESS INCORPORATED, Ke11Gr908S......_ 314-C Thlt ~ ... !led ducted by. M indMduml dllc:ted by: tn lndMdllll 18377 Senta 8ellnda. Faun-~Ave., Coron& cs.I wlttl ttle County ci.tl ol Or-l<EN SANOS PATTI BARTLING t.in V*'f, CA 92708 Mii, CA 92125 llnft County on Merdl 5, TNt ltatlmlnt ... Med Tilla llatemlnt W8t !led Jtn:lma J. Gullarlo. 19317 Martin JoM St..-, 314-1MI wtth 1ha County Cltf1t of Or· with lhe County oe.rti of Or· Stint• Ballnde, Fountain v• C Mafvutrtt• Ave., Cofone Publlatled °' '1C ~3 1 .. ~ on F*'*Y ange County on Febfuaty i.y, CA 92708 dll M1t. CA 92925 ange • ._ ,_, 11. Me Thlt butlnen It con-Tblt bualneu It con-Delly Piiot Mlldl 13. 20. 27. Putllthed er-. eo.t ... ,............... . ~ ducted by. • c:orporltlon ducted by: tll'9bend Md .... Aprll 3. ,... Tlt-724 Delly Piiot Mardi I. 13, 20, ...__. ~ ...,_, Jerome J. Gullano, PNfl.. K .. Gr908 Sia.ti 27, 19M ~ Mtreh . 13. 20. ~ ttatement ... flled wtth~-~~of~ rtll.IC M)TIC[ 111_.,. Ml\'fll'tTh-701 • Th-893 with the County Cieri! of Or· ange County on February ftCTITIOUe .,.... ,._ ""•PK tP'tB.IC M)TIC[ 11101 County on M11Ch 4. 28. 19H um ITAW fltCmtOUe .,_ .. --------198e ,___ Thi followtnO pereont arw um ITA~ r:iCTmout ........ ,_ P\.lblllhed Orange eo.t dolno ~ M: Katie'• The followtng penona -MAm ITAft•MT P\.lblllhed Orenge Cout Delly Piiot Maren 13, 20, 27, Interior Plents, 2424 .... IOolng bl.llllnW •· The following penone .,, Dally Piiot M11ch 13. 20. 27. Apnl 3. 19M . port Blvd. # 128, Cott• [ THE KPM El'lfEAPAISES. doing bull,_ u : A?rh 3• 1988 Th-T22 Mita. CA 92627 230 E. 17th Street, Suite Afl) ·LIGHTS AS · Th-714 Karen A. Paul, 2424 ....,,_ 211 Colla Miu, CA 92627 SOOtATES, 2815 Vitia Wty, 111_.,. Ml\T1C( rt8.tC M)TIC[ port Blvd. #128, Cotta Kiyo.hi Murakami, 845 N1wDof1 Beac:h. ~ 92183 n~u" nu .,_.. MIM. CA 92627 Paulartno A..,._, #E23e, LID'll·Ad Aatodtt•. Inc.. fl'tCTTnOUe ..,..... ~AW . Tt'llt bualMtt It con· eo.t• Meta. CA t2t2e •Clillfomla corporellon MAm ITAW The folowlng l*90ftt .,., ducted by. an lndMduel Thlt bullneat It con· TMt butlneta It con· Tlie followtnQ .,. doing butlnltt a · Katan A. Paul ducted by: .,, lndMdual ducted by.• COfl>O'•llon dol bu91neu ~ DACO 15572 Granam St Thlt ~~b.:' of~ KIVOSHI MURAKAMI _ ... 1 P1ratlden1 1 n'--' C~ASTAL Office CON-Huntlng0ton B1tch. CA :;_i~ .. ~ Mardi 10• ...._~t1Counet~~ ... lllad0r • -1 t "'*' -_, CEPTS 11130 Blftflowef 92&49 19M ' ""'"' .,,. •1 ,._,."' • wl11U'11 County o.tt ot Or· ~...... FCM!tflin VI/Wt. CA Jamat J. COlllna. 12541 1 ,__ ange County on March 3, =County on M11ch 12. 92708 Softwln<I. Sunnymeac,t, CA P\.lbllttled Orange eo.t 119M ,_ • ,.,_ Audy Perez, 11130 92388 Dally Piiot Man:tl 20, 27, Publlthed Orenol eo.t Publlttled Or Cout Blllnower Ave., Fountain Alchetd L. D+qua, 2439 E. AprM 3 10 '* Delly Piiot Marett 1~. 20, 27, Dally Pllol M: 'lO 27 Vtlt.y, CA 92708 Quincy, Orange, CA 92ee7 ' ' Th-TIMI April 3, 19M Apfe-3 10 19H • · Hof'lencla T ...... 4700 Or· Mldlell Olque, 2439 E. 111_.,. lllftTM'C Ttt-723 • • Th-T5& ange St .. P1c:o Rlvwa, CA Quincy. Orange, CA t2M7 ....._ nui-. 111-.,. MftTll't to&eO Thi• bullneea It con-1--------,._ ""'-. rta.IC M)TlC( Thlt butln .. 1 It con· ducted by. • gen«ll pert· fllCTmOUe .,,.... 1-fltC--"TmOUa.-..--.-..,...---.. - --------dueled by: a general part. nerthlp MAm ITA,_Wf ........ ITAT'IMmff FlCTTTIOUI ........ lltflhlp Jarnet J. Colllnt The fo11owtng P1f9Gnt .,. -llAlll ITATlmWT AUDY PEREZ Thlt 11tlement wta flled doing~ ea: The folowtno pertont Ill Thi,.............., pereona 111 Thlt llal-11 wu nlld with !hi County Cleftt of Or· COURTYARD COFFEE & dOlna bYtlnlta ta: ~ u: wtttt the County o.tt of Of. enge County on Februaty TEA CO.. 1135 N9Wpor1 PELICAN PAINTING, 308 ~A M p B E L L Inge County on Flt>NWy 11. 19H IMS .• Ste. A-112, Coat•= ~~~Huntington ENnRPAISES 1828 W. 21, 1988 ,_,., Miu, CA 92627 G . Dal Snyd« 308 Blltio. Newport 8eact1 CA no1S7'I Publlthed Orange C0Mt Garth M. Newberry. 408 l'9gOtY • 92H3 • • P\.lbllttled Orange Cout Dally PllOt FlbruttY 27, Eaat Octainfron1, Unit 8, Ct9t1 A~ Huntington Don Richard Campbell Delly Piiot Man:fl 1S. 20, 27, M11dl 8, 13, 20. 19M Balboa, CA tae1 Blectl, CA ti It 183 w eettx». ~ Apr113, 1988 Th-.ee1 Thlt bullneet It con-... ~ ~ ~~ .... con- n-...... ~& ......... Th-726 ducted by. an lndlvtdull ....,..,_,VJ an ...... ~ _..., ..-Fl~ rtaJC M)TJC( Garth M. Newbel ry Gr9gOfY Dal Snyder T~ ~ 1 u filed PlBJC M)TlCE Thlt tt•tWMnt .,.. flled Thlt ttatement WM llled ~• eou':" ~ 0, Of. fl'tCTmOUe ..,..... with the County ClefiC ot Of. with the County ~ of Or· County on M11ch 12 AC11110UI ...... MAm ITATDmMT ange County on Marett 12, lnOI County on February ' NAmlTA~ Tl'llfoloWlng~.,. 1tee 1t, 19H Thi fOlloWlng peraona arw dOlng bUllr*a a : Amaltng ,_., ,_,, .l:'bfftnecs ,..... doing~ -ar.. Aeoofda 1"451 Quall P\.lbllhed Orange COMt PublltMd Orange CoMt ~ Pllo4 ~: 20 ea: A 2 I M u T H p R 0 . St.. ~ ·BMctl. CA Delly Plot MllllUI 20, 27, Delly Plot Mardi 13, 'lO. 27. Apff'3, lO. 1tee ' ' OUCTIONS, t Calllornlt 92HO Apfil 3. 10, 1* ,....747 April 3, 19H Th-Z2t Tl't·758 Limited Pllrtntflhlp, 1 UM Jamee 0. Sweney, 4091------------1 ______ ..,_.....,. __ _ --------1 Klngtton Str .. t, Cotta 8olaro Wey, Newport BMctl. "8.JC fl)TIC[ Mt.JC fl)TJC( P\8JC M)T1C£ Miu. CA~ CA t2M3 Jay c Baumg•rdner, Jam11 Wlllemt, 2409 ACTTTIOUe WM '9Cnnou8 ..,... .. FJCnnout .,_.. 1164 Klngtlon Street, Coata Sunflowaf. Colla Mita, CA MAim ITAW MAm ITATW UMI ITATnmMT Meta. CA 9213 9~ The fo1oW1ng pereont .,, The folowtng 1*10nt &re The follo'#lng pereont arw Tttl1 bu1l""9 It con-Thi• butlnetl It con· doing ~ • dOlna bUllneel sa: ~bUllMtt •: duct.ed by: • Mmltecl Pll'fntt· ducted by: • geneirtl Pll'f· KAOWN TIRE & SUPPL V HtlH'S WOOO WEAKS, EV FINDERS. 1M7 lhlp Mf'ltlip CO.. 1$152A AH Hiii, 122-A 2411 S1Nat. Newpor1 T A'*"'8. Coata Mw. .#It C e.umo-clo• Jemet D. 8'illleneY Tuerin. CA 12t10 IMdl, CA nteS CA 1 Thlt eamtement .. ~ Thtt llet.nent ._ Med Jem.. Thom•• l<lno. LMTY •Aonllkl Hein. 122~ .., Jenkin&. tM7 TUl11n with tM County a.rt! of or. """ttle County an of Or• 1S1NA "eel Hll, TUMtl\. CA 24ltl atr.t. Newport lead!, Avenue. COit• MIN. CA .. County on Mtrd'I 7. llnft County on F9bNtrY l2tlO CA t2M3 928V 19H 21. tMI _ TN& bualnen 19 con-Thlt bUtlneaa le con· Ttile butlneat 11 con• ,_ r-cM:t..s by. en lndMdWI ducted by: en lndMdUal (tucted by an lndMduat Publlatled Orenot C0Mt Pu«l4taMd Orlf'IOI coesc7 .JAMES T, KIHO LARRY HEJN Jed Jentclne Deify Piiot Mtrd'I 20. 27, o.lly Plot Matdl 20r 2 • TNt etatement ... t11C1 Thlt .....,,,.,,1 .. fled lhlt 1ttttment WM !led Apr113. 10, 19M Aprll 3. to, 1MI with ttie County a.. of Or• with lhl County an of Or· wit~ the County C1eriC of Or· . Th-74' Tho-715 lf'IOI County on F*'*'Y antt County on Fetiru.y ;ii County on Mardi 12. NlJC fl)flC( 28, 19M ,_.12 21. 1Me ,_, I ,_ AC'T11'10U9 ....... PWlJC Jl)TIC[ Putllthed Orange Ooa.t NllllMd Orenol OOlll P\lblllhld Orange COMt .... -ITA~ ...c:nnoue ._.. Delly Plot Mtrd'I 1l, 20, 27. D9lly Pltot Maroh 1~. 20, 27. Delly Piiot Mtrdl 20. 27. -1'..-rr Ap13, 19M ~ 3. 19M Apttl 3 10 1tee Tha 1oloWtnG ~ .,.. MAm IT A Tb=Z 11 · Tlt71! • • Th-75e doing~-. The~ per'tOnt.,. ______ ... ____ .. ______ __..... ........... EAST MEETS WHT. 233 doing ~ • PmlJC fl)TICE P\aJC M)TICE P\llJC fl)TICE Protpect Ave. Newport (Af "*"Amertca Flntndtl ~.CA 92te3 Ptaflnlfto ANOcla1 .. (I) fllCTmOUe arH•M Mnnou8 MllU•M ACTmOUe ._.. Sara E. z.ttta. 233 P,.,.. PI 1nAm1 r I c 1 CC) MAm ftAJ-fT Mm ITAW 91Mm ITA~ peel A.e. Newpor1 Beecfl. ~ ANncilal In-The,.,..,...,.,._..,. The._...,. !*'ION .. • fGloWlnlt perwona .,. CA t2M3 sursnc. ~. 1501 cioeno. ~ • dOlna bUllneel ... butll*l llt: M.nt L e.nntngton. 221 W9'ldft Dflw. P.O. IOI! OOtON °"'-t1110 vt-COAST MM.L SUPPLIES. A EPSTEIN MAR· 9th St, Huntington Beadl. 17H, IWwPOt1 IMdl. • CA 1Mt Ord9. ,ountllln V,,_,, 1.U N. ._.. Orsnge. CA 2675 !Mne. Me CA 9*1 12968-tnf OA tt70I '2M7 C0ttt M .. a. CA Cindy A WrlQflt, 233 &etul0.Kurd,802Profl'I-""9\W9em~ 11110 Oonetd f Mc~. I Pr~1 Ave. Newport OfllOfY OrM Welt, Newport ~ ar-. '°"*"' V9-NU "9ppiww• Or . Hum- ,_., ~ 21711 IMN. leectl, CA t2M3 8Mdl. CA llMO lier. CA ta70I 1n1tOn '-di. CA 12148 8utM 2•A 1 Cotta M1M, CA Thie ~ le con· TNe buelMM le con-'TNa .,.,,._. ta oon-lNa ......_. It ~ MM7 ' t duCted by: ~,_. duOted W. 8" lndMdllll ducMd by. an ~ cM:ted by: en IMMIMll ~-ni ,.._ EQet# ... !'. ~ lMm 0. Kurd YUN CHUNG Oontld '· ~ m. ltet.nent ... flled'1 Thlt ............... Med '""' .... , .... " .. Ned Thlt ..... ntnt .... Ned Thlt ............ ...., ...,._ County a.tc of Or· """ .,. eouncy a.tt °' Or· """ "'* County ci.ti of 0r-.-ttie OouMy ce.ti at Or· .-u. OouMy an o1 Or· = County on Mttcfl 13. 1 =~on ~ 1, = County on Metdl 13. = OouMy on Mardi 4, = County on Mer'dl 11. .... . ,_ ,_ ,_,. ~ Or9ng19 COMt Pu.,.... ~ a.... ~ ar.,.. 0.... ~ Or-.. 0.... ~ or.,. COMt D11fY .-.oc Mtrdl tO, t7. 1 °""Y flllOt '~ 17, Diiiy ,,_Mardi IO, 27. ~flllOt~ft.I0,11. ~Not M9rol\ 20.. 17, Aid 3 to 1111 Merdl a. 1s. ao. 1.. APfl s. 10. 1111 Apl l. 1111 . _, Apt a. 10. 1 ... • 1 Th-711 I 1!!:47' --_ Th-f~ ~ Th-r •• Th-710 ()nnoe Coa1 OAtl Y PILOT IT'huraday, Maid\ 20, 1... * • Congressman announces servlce academy nomlnees Con~man Robert E. Bad.ham, R-Ncwport Beacb, bas announocd names or students nominated to the three United States Service Academies. Students from local school districts include: Estancia High School -Manbcw Harmon, U.S. Air Force. Naval and Militacy Academies. Costa Mesa Hiah School - Michael Call, U.S. Air Force Academy. . Newport Harbor High -Scon Craia, U.S. Air Force Academy and Bradford Johnson, U.S. Air Force Academy. Corona del Mar High -Thomas Spratt, U.S. Air Force Ac.ademy. University High School -Mat- thew Lamphier and Martin Schlacter, U.S. Air force and Naval Academies; Niv Khaviair, U.S. Air f orce and Military Academies: and Kevin McCullough, U .S. Air Force Academy. Woodbridge High School - Thomas Cheng, U.S. Military Academy. Laguna Beach Hi~ School - Patrick "Duff' Daruels, U.S. Air Force, Naval and Mil itary Academies. Laauna Hills High School - Michael Anaya, U.S. Air Force Academy. The nominees were chosen from a group of 60 applicants who com- pleted extensive screening consisting of personal interviews with Con- gressman Badham's U.S. Service Academy Review Board. Members of the Academy Review Board were David Fey, Patricia Griffin, John Hanns, Laird Hayes. JacJde Heather, Merlin Henry, Scot1 Jackson, Nonnan Loats, Bill Man- ning, Bill Schreiber and Jack Scon. Lafayette College Peter W. Chang of Costa Mesa has been named to the first semester Dean's List at Lafayette College in Easton, Pa. Chang is among students who achieved at least a 3.45 semester grade point average out of a possible 4.0. Founded in 1826. Lafayette College offers undergraduate education in the arts, sciences, engineering and com- puter science. CSUI" •tadent. lJonored Twenty-three local students are included among former Orange Coast College students named to the.Dean's List at Cal State Fullerton for the fall semester, 1985. To qualify for the list, students must achieve a 3.5 (8-plus) or better grade point average for 12 or more units. Eleven of the former OCC students saiJed through· the fall semester with straight·A (4.0) aver- ages. Honorees include: CORONA DEL MAR -Stephen M. Lasor. COST A MESA -Virginia R. Chubbuck. Kathryn L. Franklin. Kimberly J. Michelena. Diana K. Mickler, Denise Millar, Jayne Mill- stein. Jeffrey S. Moore, Kevin R. Prior, Jeffrey L. Smith. FOUNTAIN VALLEY -Barbara A. Haddad. Nancy C. Mellinger. James L. Seifert, Pauline Tang. HUNTINGTON BEACH -Step- hen T. Billiter, Douglas C. Cluff, Jeanne L Davis, Noel J. Guzman. Hoan Lam, Marilyn A. Walter. IRVINE -Leslie M. Earnest. Timothy M. Exley. NEwPORT BEACH -Brenda E. Bora. Cal State IJonon U.t LocaJ students achieving places on the Dean's Honor List for the fall semester at Cal State Fullerton in- clude: BALBOA -Michael A. Eubanks. CORONA DEL MAR -Stephen M. Lasor. COSTA MESA -Jeffrey S. Moore. Vu1rnia R. Chubbuck, Kathleen M. Cuthbert. Allan L. Dollison, Mary E. Fisher, Kathryn L Franklin. Tim 0 . Good. William A. Otecn. Dav1d R. Oteene. Kimberly J. Michelena, Diana K. Mickler. Denise Millar. Jayne Millstein, Katbl~n J. Mollica, Gigi C. Nordquist, Pamela M. Owen, Madhvi N. Parekh, Kevin R. PriorbAnn M. Rademaker. Jeffrey L Smit . David R. S~inbaus and Huna T. Tana. FOUNT ATN VALLEY -Dcrusc K. Bailey1 Melissa E. Brashear, Aoh T. Bui. Eileen C. Geary, Barbara A. Haddad, Gcvin S. Hamson, Steve D. Kawamura. Juile A. Kenefick, K..a.reo L. Keysef'i Anne T. LaSalle, Lon A. Beat at busing Doq Barnett of BanttnctoD Beach bu been named Karch Coach Operator of the lloa1h by tbe Oraace Coa.Dty T1'Ul8lt I>latrlet. Bunett. who worb oat of OCTD'• Aaabelm di.talon, bu been a baa drl•e:r atnce December 1981. ID ~tdn& b.lm, tbe OCTD of Dliecton cited Ida oat.tan4.1DC attend- ance, o•erall work and drl•-tnc record. Lewis, Lynn A. Lewis. Gordon S. Mac lean, Jodi D. Marcus, Christopher C. Marino, Nancy C. Mellinger, Angela Miu, Ehzabcth A. Moss. Ricky T . Nozak.i, ~n R. Payne, Susan S. Reese, Paul D. SaJituro, Erik J. Schuman, Katherine E. Schuman, James L Seifert. PauLine Tang. Mary K. Waiss and Dung Y.L Yuan. HUNTINGTON BEACH Katherine M. Anaradian, Robert 8. Banse. Brent D. Bieshaar, Stephen T. Billiter, Scott M. Brinson, Douglas C. Ouff, Jeanne L Davis, Steven R. Degree. Carley J. Dcobler. Jeffrey A. Drahos. Debbie A. Emnch. Steven E. Frutos. Susan D. Galleher, Daniel R . Garten, Sandra L. Green. Erin C. Greer. Gail L. Guthrie, Noel J. Guzman, Paula 8 . Hines. Roben M. Hopkins, Randee L. Kowalsk.i, Hoa.n Lam, Tin T. Le, Jean M. Widmllfl, Russell W. Mangum, Lua V. Nguyen. Patricia L Nowling. Sara A. Olio, Mark C. Parker, Bhavin C. Patel, Renee M. Patitucci, Kyle D. Pennctt... Tonya S. Pimm, Francis P. Rapprich. Elaine S. Rose, Michael T. Smith, Vala Sumitra, MariJyn A. Walter. Blayne C. Waltrip and Karen E . Whetham . IRVINE -Nancy J. Sandgren. John J. Baxter, Kai H. Brams. Teresita E. Castelo, Robert S.Y. Chang. CoU~n C. O"Ne11l. Alfred l. Cody. Mary E.B. Glaub1tt.. Ga~ E. Goldhammer, Linda J. Hebb, Lilliam M. Hilles. Carol A. Hubbard, Jill M. Kiggens, Elizabeth A. Lalonde. Patrick J. Lcnow. John R. Linthurst, Beverley L. Newburgh. William T Nicklas. Justm C.G. Jones. Pamela L. Paduano. Michele Pavonarius, Karina Pomerantsev, Wendy A. Stone. Tara P. Vela. Susanne C. Voip, Laura J. Weise, Thomas P. Weissert, Darlene S. Williams and Scott A. Winh. LAGUNA BEACH -Nancy L De Jongh, Annemarie Moore. Patnc1a C. Murphy and Grover J. NQgawa. LAGUNA NIGUEL -Zoe L Atkinson. David L. Crawford, Mika L. Foster. Dorothy M. Gronfeldt. Bonnie L. Hutchiop. Robtn J. Rob- erts and Erin M. Scordalakes. COST A MESA -Rebecr.a A Barmore. Susan E. Conway, NEWPORT BEACH -Wal\a' E. Kaminski.. Brenda E. Bora. C)'Ddi L Chapman. Linda J. C1art. AnQC Cochran, Sydney F. Foreman, Christine M. MalfO, K.e:itb T. tadJ. 1naer and Neta L Weobefa. Local• •t VCSB Scvtntee-n Oranae Coast stu<knls have been selecteCS for tbe Dean's Honor List at UC Sant.a Barbera. The honor is bestowed on studtots who have adfieved the qualifyiq sradc point averaae of 3.75 Cequivaknt to an A·minus) p'ldc po10taverage in the CoU.o/1.cttrrs and Science, or }.SO in the CoJkte o( Engineerio.g. • Kathennc M. Isaak. Monica L Mani~ and Vikki L. Shef. FOUNTAIN VALLEY -Andrew P. Brassard. Geoff M. Price, and St.an M. Wendzel. HUNTINGTON BEACH Karen M. Decaro. Scon S. Ferer. Bren C. Hoover and Elizabeth M. Richards. LAGUNA BEACH -Mano A Disandro and Drew T. Noll. NEWPORT BEACH -Jonathan P. Acone and Jennifer A. McDonald. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Kenneth B. Juhan. Two honored at UCLA Jennifer Yuan of f ountain Valley • and Chib-Chung Sun of lrvme arc among undergraduate students named to the Dean's Honor List m the UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Science for the Fall 1986 quarter. C.det. IJonored Cadets Steven Holladay and Fred- erick Hicks, both of Fountain Valley, were recently honored for their achievements at Kemper Military School and College, Boonville, Mo. Holladay, a high school junior and second year cadet. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. AJlen. He was named to the AthJetic Honor Society for the first semester. Holladay holds the rank of Cadet Private First Class and is ass1gned to Charlie Co. He aJso serves as the school photographer. C~det Hicks, son of Mrs. Lillian Mosher. is enrolled as a high school sophomore and second year cadet member of Charlie Co. He was inducted into the Athletic Honor Society for the first semester. Hicks serves as a Cadet Sergeant since his promotion in December. l 98S. lttflddlefJary honoree Kathenne E. Carson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Bru~ Carson of Laguna Beach. bas been named to the Dean's LlSt for the fall tenn at Mtddkbury College. M1ddlebuf). Vennont. 810 UN M9 ACCmT AMO ~ In INa ...... "' '*'inO Ind ..... rour ob-MOT1Ca. Ct ...... by lM abOW NOTICC. jlct ,. ~I to NOncl"" Tal~='o (llgfll In MmALTM •YllOP9ll M ~et ... tllM °' ..... =:-:°' •~ ooteo-.,...,_.MU ~ dMd of tNllt and "'*"° MUMeca 0-. 1<-> 15301 ""*'IC MSAW8 ldultflll·Comtlln•d wlll'I n9 ...uAL HAW .. r1ght, title Ind In.,.,,.. """' the court MI01"9 ...... ... •nm.t.d ooeu, .,,._, "9CIAL.... from lM prcMllON of eel-e~ Utl • WM WO MCIF 111' !*<!by"· .. Trut*, In that ttw hW'lno. Your ~· UU1ttt·t!WUI '" d • d v." 0 .. I• PCw.rf NO .. , fOfnla fnwonmentel ~ "...,.NO..... Civic Olttrle\) The tOllOWlno It. -M NO~ reetproper1yaltuet.lnMld encemeybtlnS*'tO"OftlV T.a.-.1Mi111J a1M.ht.OI. NOTtCl ti .H!REBV Act. (To Ptrmlt en~ Rl!OUESl: To ~1!'!.!: Oo4nO ~ IW: Alllllled WTUM. .... IMIUIWtCe County and 8111•. deeorlbtd YOVf ··~· UWf cw D It .. ~ diet at tn. GIV£N lhet "'-Hunttneton OH ,Ill!: A ~ °' the °'Ml EJOtttno Dey O.• Op. 46 .quatt toot ~~i~ Potynww eo. .. ~ .. ~~ COWMY M ~ • lolloWI. I "YOU AAE A CRl!DITOA Urnt OI Mle tfle oS**IO bid 8MQtl Pl9nnlno ~· prOC)OMd condltJonel we tretlOO From Sl.11 to T~ 14 ~ .._, Vlllegt ty. -·-~-..... ftHIA Utt IUIUCIT Lot 18 In 9lodl t1 of""-' or • OOMlngeol cndltor of H AME8 FINANCIAL may be ... tw .,. tOCll ... hOtd . putlllC '*"1nO In permit le on lie In the 0.. CNldrtnb ~ 9210I :=t'nv~· $~".. •:., N,;o~ :=,, =:,·::ui~ '::, ': =·~:,_~ ~::: ~~--.eHMl!e. ~ ·~ ~~n= °==' ~.!:: ;:..=. ~ ~-r:;:~ 01~~J'tt! .~ H~e,:~ s/A~:fsrP\KIAJ1ono N ;,1e1t~ ¥-,~ no~O::~n~i0%v"{eicft='~ Total admitted HHtt In Go<* 4, Pao-94, P'tMnt II to the pweonet followlng deaatbed deed of opening bid may be ob-c.tll« 2000 Mtln Strett Huntington a.ach, Ctll· e.echPlannlngCommlMlon 11(•) -· t .... · V1 , .. ,emend<> Aoed. oun • U 4 t :J 1 H 114 Tot•I MltOtllaneout Mec>t. ln the ~tatllle ~by tNtt WILL SELL AT PUBLIC tllMd b)' c11111ng tN fo110w-Huntington a..oh. Cell; tomle t2$48, tor lnepectlon wlll hold 1 publlc '-1llQ In Celllornle !nvlronmental C.llfornAa 01382: I ll•bllltl... 2,'2ss.4H ,HO: I offloe ol lhe eoun1y ~ the CC)Uf1 wtthM !Out montN AUCTION TO THE HIOHE8T Ing ~ numbere on fornla. on thedlttand ., tM tly the ~tlllc the Council Ctllrnber ., the O\lallty Act. tl'lla project .. lornl• eotpor.uort Capltll paid UC> NoM. Oto.a eot<Mr Of ..., County from the dlie Of .... .... , .. D 0 E" F 0 A c A s H the day before tne ... (714) tltnt ~led t*oW lo ,. ALL INTERESTED PER-Huntington e.ech CMo c.t900f\0lllY O.-nj)t. Thlt bUtlMN .. con- paid In end conlrlbUt9d The 1tr•t eddr... or au6nce of i.tt.,. M prO\ltded ANO/OR THE CASHIERS 31~~7or(213) ta7....e6 Cllw and oonaie* tlie atat• 80HS er. llMted to anend Centtr, 2000 Mein Strwt, ON "L!: A ~the dVcMd by • e«porMIOn turplui None, Speclel otr-common dMIQnatlon In 8.ctlon 100 of the OR CEATIFIEO CHECKS Deted: Mwd'I 4, ltee "*1tt of Ill ~ wflO Mid hMrJno Ind upr .. Huntington haeh, Cell-prOC)OMd apecllll per-W•tt1n lndutlrtel Teoti-euf11lut Fund• 157. 719,824: of tht , .. 1 PfOC)erty htreln-Probet• Code of c.tlfornla. I SPECIFIED IN CIVIL COOE HIRMll PINANC:IM. with to be htard , ... ,Ive IO oplnloN Of IUbmll ~ lorn!• on the dllU!ld •11119 mlt It on flle In the • notooy. ltlc .. MlchMI Holter, UneulQned f\lndi (aurplu•I 1b 0 v • du c r 1 b • d ta Ttie time for filing olalrnt w111 I SECTION 2924h (payable et C:Of'~ATION, .. uW the eppllcltton dMClrlbtd ror or eoalnat the eppllcallOn time lncttceted btlow to r• ment of Devtlopmlnt k · vie.PrMldent None; Otln (lo.I from op-purported to t>e· 935 Allao not expire prtor to four t the time ol Nie In lewtul ,,....._ er T .o. NRvtc:I below • OU11rn.d at>ove. If ti.. ~end contldtr the ttet• vtoet. 2000 Mein Street. Thie etetement wN flied ettllont t,011,5417, incr .... Avenu•. N-Poft Beech, montha from the dltt of tlie "'°""'Of Iha United Stat .. ) COWANY, ....... ., U11419 DATE/TIME· TUMday • ere any tunhtl' ~Iona mtnlt of .. peteont wf10 Huntington 8ffcl'I. Cell· wltl'l 1119 County Clerk of Or· (Oect .... I In Cepltal end I Cellfomla. l'!Mrlng notice aboW. el right, title Ind lntetM1 ......._ Ae1llt8ftt .......,, Apt11 t, 1eee. T:OO PM pleat c;aa Robert Frenl!lln, with to be fie«d relatl¥9 to fofnla 92848. l0t tntpectlon anoe County on Mard\ 4, Surplut during t985 The unoertlgned htteby YOU MAY EXAMINE the conveyed to end now !*<! _, '-'ti Lewtt ........ APPLICATION NUMBER: Aulltent Planner at the eppllcatlon dMcflbed by lhe public. 19&8 1129 088)· lnturance In dlacillmt all llablllty tor enyl llte kepi by the COUl1 If you tly It ullder Mid o.cf of Of_.,., CA -(1M) SpeclllSlQnPerrnltNo N-t 531-&271· btloW ALL INTERESTED PER·, ,_. f: 01 c e . ' Nat I 0 n w 1 de Incorrect,_, In ~ llrM1 .,. t per-eon lnter•ted In Truat In the prOf*ty l'ltl'eln-..... ,.., APPLICANT: Comm9rcie1 JeMM W. ftelln, lee· D~tE/TIME: TUfldey • SONS .,, IMlted to attend Publlahed 0renoe C0Ut t5.8tt,09e,14t. Ac:cldtrt\&leddrNI or other oommon,tllt estat•. you may Ml'Y9 etterdMcflbtd: PubOIMd Orange Cout LIQhtlngSetvloa ,...,, HYnetfttton a.ch AP'•t. t98e-7.00PM INld Miring end IXl>f ... Oalty Piiot MetCl'I 20, 27. H e a 11 h Prem I um a detlgnatlon upon the exeoulor 0t edmln-TRUSTOR: MARGARET Ollly PllOt March 13, 20, 27 lOCATION: 8412 Adams ~-CemmlHIDn APPLICATION NUMBER: oplnlona or aubmlt evidence ~rll 3. 10. 1Ht 118.814.334• insuranc. in Seki 1a1t w111 be maoe latrator. or upon the at-A MEN KUS ttaa Strett (aoutnweet OOfMr of · P\i~ 0r-. Cout Condltionll UM ~mlt No. tor or agelntt tlie JP911C•llon a,.714 Force t.s2 t, t53,029. Acct· wlthOut-msnty, .. .,,_or t0tnty tor the tllacvtor or 8 E N E f I C I A R Y I fl'l 73! Adema Street end Megnollt Deily Piiot Mwcn 20. ttee ee-e u outlined abo\'9. If ti-e --------- dent end l\elltlh premtuml . lmplled, regarding lltte. poe-edmlnlstretor, tnd Ille wllh MERCURY SAVINGS AND Avenue) Tll-n7 APPLICANT· Uncl• LM .,. any further queatlon• P\ll.fC fl)TIC( Direct Celllomla Busi,_ MSllon, or eneumbl"enoM. the coun with proof of -· LOAN ASSOCIA flON. flt8.IC fl>lfCE ZONE· c2 _ Community Dunham . pleeM call Mich ... Strenge, Page 18,439,225 10 Nlltly the prlnclpel be!· Vlee, I written requeat lllt· RIOOfded November 21, . BualntU Dlatrtc:t P\B.IC N0ltc£ LOCATION. 14342 Ne-Auoolale Planner II FICTITIOUa IU ..... We tiereby certify lhat the ance of the Noll or other Ing tl'let you detlre apeolll 1 t984 u Instr. No. 84-<t90095 I K m11 REQUEST: To !*mil a veda OrlVe (MW tilt north· 538-5271 NAMI tTAT1Mltn' above Item• ere In ec-obllgallon MCUred by Mid I notloe ol tM llUng of en In-l ol Olflelll Aeoorda In the of. flCTITIOUa llU ... la ten foot high, 42.5 equere 'tennoua llU .... 11 watt lnterMC"tlon of Bolaa JelMI w. ...,'"· ._.. The following !*'ION ere cordanc. With the Annual Oeed or Trust, with lntarMI ventory end IC)pl'alMment of llce of the Record« ol Or· N.AMI ITATIMINT I~ lreMtendlng •lion. NAMI ITATl•NT Avenue and Sprlngd•I• ret.,-y, Hufttlfltton 9Mctl doing bullnMt It Sttternenl lor the y .. r and Othet IUmt U p<O'llded .. late UMll or of the J*i. enge County; TM followlng pettont ltt EN VI R 0 NM ENT Al The lolloWlnQ petaona are StrMI) ,.._Ing Commlte6ofl JOHN SULLIVAN, aD05 ended oec.tnbet 3 t. 1985 therein, plus edyancea, " 1 Ilona or ecc:ounta mentioned Mid d-' ot trull de-doing bualn"' u . AM STA TVS: Pureuant 10 Cl ... doing tlutlneu u . ZONE· R 1 • Low Oenllty I Publltned Or~ Cout W Balboa Blvd, Sult• 312. made to tilt lnaurence eom. l•ny under the ttrmt tllereof In Section l200 and 1200 5 ol 1etlbee the followlng Donut• PM S.,andwlchea.11111) Section 15311 of the N & S LTP. 18021.J Sky· Rffldenllel Delly Piiot March 20, 1988 NewpOrt e..cn. CA 92913 mltaloner pl the Stall 01 and' 1nter .. 1 on such Id-theC.llfomla Prob.t• Code I Lot 51 ol Tract 94~. In 1327 Eut AretStrMI. Senti Celllornle Envlron'mental perk Clrcle, lrvlne, CA 92714 REQUEST· To permit the Th-780 Hulon Sulllvat1, 19558 Sell California, pursuant 10 llw vencH. and plus rHa. I Wllllem R. -.me.-, At-the City of Irvine, u per map Ana. C.llfornla 92701 Quallty Act. tnle project 19 lldlko Nagy, 818 Venezia expeMl<>n of.11/l exlallng day I Felipe Street, Fountain Ve!- L•t• John Rowell Jr 1ena1g91anoexpen-of the torner tef "etltleftet, IOI r•corded In Book 411. ~kenlCo .• lnc .• •Caa-'cet~exemot Ave. Venice. Ct 90291 care operetlon ll'om abc 10 l'tB.JC NOTICE 1ey. CA 97708 Prealdent. Jamee Fr.d.ICk TruitM and ol the truats C:lty hrtl••J WMt, aueM Pagea 33 of 3e lnclualve ot forn11 corporation, 2452: ON ALE: A 009'1 ·of 1119 Thia bualneaa It con-tw.t'tt c.l\lldrtrt • Thie busln•aa 11 con. Sutor, Secretary crMted by Mid Oeed of 1000, O r e n I e , C: A Mltc*laneoua Mept. r• E.ut Nur.ood Avenue, Apt. prOC)OMd Speclll Sign Pw-ducted by an Individual ENVIRONMENTAL 11 T AT I M I N T 0 , l dvcl9d by: an lndMduel Publllhed Orange Coe.st Trust The total amourit of ...... _, 1cordt In the otfloe of the 0 29, Fullenon. Callfornlllmttlaonllleln tl'le[)epert-ILOIKONAOY STATUS·Tnepropoeec;tp<o-,WITHO"AWAL f"OM JULON SULLIVAN Deity PllOI Marcil l8. l9, 20. said obllgatlon. lncludlng Publlahed Orange Coast I County IWcorder ol Mid 92831 ' rnertl of ~I Ser-Thia 111tement WN llted ject It e.11em t purauenl to 'ARTNE .. IHlft Oftl .. AT· Tl'll1 etatement WM flled 21 22 1986 reuonebly t11tlmat9d f-Dally Piiot Mareh 13, 14. 20. County Thi• bueln•H la con-Ylc:.e 2000·-~~-Str•t wlll't the County Clerk of Or-Class t(e) ~Ion 15301 INO UNDER FICTITIOUS with the County Clerk of Or- ' • T-093 chatgM and expenMS Of th9 1988 ThF 746 YOU ARE IN DEFAUl T ducted by: e COf'potltlon Hunt. ington Beech Cell~ •nee County on February rrorn the provllion• of Call-.u ... 11 NAME enoe County on F•uary publlcailon ot lhlt Not~ 11 Pl8JC NOTICE A TEO 10/29/94 UNLESS Kamran Meehkanl. Cl'llel Ell· by 1119 public' nooll2 Act withdrawn u •general pert· fll01272 TruatM al !he tll'M of lnltlal ~NDER A OEEO OF TRUST MHhkenl Co , Inc. lomta 9264a for ina'.p.ctton 13, 1988 lornla Envlronrnentel Qulllty Tiie followlng pet.on hU 18 1988 flt&.IC NOTICE $92. 19 1 88 ' YOU TAKE ACTION TO ec:uttve Otfloer ALL INTERESTED PER-Publlshed Orange Coast ON FILE: A copy or the '*from the par1nflflh P <»-Publllhed Or~ COUt 1 Dated Marel'I 11. 1988 I NOTICE Of' PROTECT YOUR PROP· Thia atatement wu filed SONS .,, Invited to attend Delly Pltot March 6, 13. 20, propoeed oondltlonal uM erattng under the tlctltloua Dally Pilot Mtroh 6. 13, 20, YOU ARE IN DE,AULT Ol!LTA PAC:.,IC MORT-PU•UC .. ANNO ERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT wltl'l the County Clefk of Or· .. Id hearing end txpr-27, 1988 ~mlt II on fl .. In the 0. business neme ol SIRCO It 27, 1988 UNOI" A DIED Of' T"UIT GAGE C~°"ATIOH, 1 CONOfT9°"AL UaE A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU ange County on February opinions Of 14lbmlt evidence Th-697 perlrnertl of Development 18019·0 Skyperk Cir . T...-0 OATID APM. 25, 11a. UN· 1c111tonwa COfPO'•llon .. NMllfT NO. •12 NEED AN EXPLANATION 20. 1988 lor or egalnat the ap911catlon Services 2000 Mein Street lrvlnl. CA 92714 liH YOU TUE ACTION TrintM, •r. MAL HTATI NOTICE IS HEREBY OF THE NATURE OF THE ..., .... outlined "ebov9 If there Pl8.JC NOTICE Huntlngion Beach c.11: The ActltlOUI ButlnelS PtalC N()TlC(. TO flftOTICT YO\M '"OP· SEC:Uftmfl ll"VICE. 1 GIVEN that the Huntington PROCEEDING AGAINST PubllsMd Orange Coat further · Ion f 92&48 f 1 ~Ion I Name referred to tt>ove was E"TY, IT MAY M IOU> AT c.itomle COtpOfllloft lta Beech Planning Commluk>n YOU, YOU SHOULD CON-Delly Pltot Merctl 13, 20, 27, ::... "1.u Robtl1 ~Hn' N011CI Of' b°'~:! public' or n filed In Orange County on FICTTTIOUl llU .... A "*-IC IALE • ., YOU Agent. •r. D. J . ...,....;, ,.. wlll hold a publlC heiring In TACT A LAWYER l Aprfl 3, 1986 A .. l1tant Pl•nner •• PUllUC HIANNO YALl INTERESTED PER· Dec 24. 1985 Fm120. NAME ITATIMUft' NIED AN EXPLANATION !'re•ldHt 1FOO North the Council Chamber at the 8 Fulton, lrv1ne. CA 92714 Tl't 1'45 638-5271 RllOl.UT10N NO. 1309 SONS ara Invited to attend Full Neme end Addrea ol The loltowlng ptraonl •• Of' T .. NI\ TIMI Of' THI I lroedwey Sllfte 100 lent• Huntington Beech Civic "(II a etreet addr... or , ,,_ w ,111" lee A,,Of'DAM..I HOU9'NG said hearing end express the Pereon Withdrawing: do4ng bualneu u : PROCHOINQ AOAINIT IAne, CA moe. T ....... 1« Center. 2000 Mein Street. common designation of Pl8l.IC NOTICC rec.,., ~ ... ·~ ~Ill oplntoniorsubmltevldenee Jamee Oevld Given•. 2245 SPECIALTIES-WEST. VOU, VOU IHOULD COM-(71.t)MS-4110 Huntington BHch. Call-propertyluhownabove,no ~·c.. I I NOTICE IS HEREBY I al lltneappllcatlon N Hlghland Ave Fr.sno.11300 Adami •27C, Coe1a TACT A LAWYE... Published Orange Coast lornla, on the date ano et the warranty 11 given as to Its flCTTTIOUI llUSIMlll · P\,'bitihed~=n Coul GIVEN tl'lat lilt Hunttnoton :; :,: above If there CA 93'127 . M .... CA 92$28 NOTICE Of' 1 Diiiy PllOt Marell 13 20 27 111me Indicated below to r• oomplet.-0< oonec1-NAME 8TA n•NT o.ii.. PllOt M ch 20 19ee 8Mch Planning Cornmlnlon rurthe4' queatlon• I Jemes David Given• JOMPfl L.. Flelda, 1300 TltUITEFI SALi! 1986 • ' • celve and consider the stat&-ne11)... The beneficiary The following peraon1 are 'T er 'Th-7TS I will hold • publlC hearing In ·~:.!n~ell Robert Franklln, Published Orange Cout Mems lf27C. Coate Meae. T.S. NO. 4580'1 Th 733 mentl ol all peraons wtto junder said Deed of Trust, by doing buslnesa as ·,tl'le Council Cheml>ef at the ~aaistanl Plennar at Dally Piiot March 20. 27. CA 92826 NOTICE IS HEREBY wtshtobe'-tdretetlveto reasonofabreacnordefault MARC L ANGSTON P\8.ICNOTICE Huntington Beach Civic S36-S271 Aprll3 10 1986 Dianne C Aelda, 1300 GIVEN, that on Wednesday.' Pta.IC NOTICE I the 8')p41callon dncrlbed In the obllgallona aec:ured ENTERPRISES, 2875 Irvine Center. 2000 Mein Street. J w ,.,1n lee· · ' Th 767 jAdami •27C. Coat• Meal. Aprll 2. 1986. at 11 00 below thereby, heretofore ax-Ave . Suite 2-AI. Costa NOTICE Of' Huntington Beech, Cell--• '9Mctl CA 92828 o'clock am or said day. 1n K ~ DATE/TIME: Tut$day -1 .ailed and deliv.t9d to the M .... CA 92627 "*-IC Hl.ANNO lornla, on tl'le dtt• and II tilt =· ~~=-PlalC NOTICE Thi• busln•11 11 con- l!MI room set Ulde ror con-NOTICE Of I Aprll 1, 1996 • 1.00 PM uncleralgned e WT"ltten Dec-Marc Alllll Langston, 563 1 COHOITIOMAL UaE lime Indicated below to r• :i;: dueled by: huabend end wile ducting Trust"'' Sales, DEATH Of APPLICATION NUMBER: l1tratlon ol Oefeult and De-Congreu St Cotta Meta NRWT NO..... celveandcon11derthe1tet• Publl Orenge Coast l lYN0'911 Of THE AN-Joaepll L Aeldl within the olfloea of REAL LAW..ENCEERNIT Condltlonel UM Permit No l m•nd for Sale, and written CA92&27 ·· ' (To Permit an f.llpantlon menta of •II P8f•on• wtto DellyPllotMarCh 20·i~~78 ,NUAL ITATEMENT OFI This 1t1tement wu tiled ESTATE SECURITIES SER· OALANOO, SR .. AKA 88-12 notloeof br..ch and of elec-Thll buslnet1 11 con-ol en E.lllitlng Oay Care Op-wtlh lo be l'lellrd relellve to ITIWAM'TITll! OUARAN-W11h the County Clerk of Or- VICE. located at 1800 North LAWRENCE E. A P P l I C A N T !Ion to caUM the under· dueled by an lndlvlduel eratlon From Six to Twelve the tppllcatlon Mllcrlbed flt&.IC fl>lfCE TY COMPANY, Oel'tMton,l ange County on Mardi 12. Broed"'•Y SIJrte 100 1n Ille ORLANDO. If'. Meadowland lid algned lo Mil Mid property Marc Langston Children) below TIC • "-ti Oftkw. 22llO 1988 CltyotSent1Ana.Coun1y ot ANDOFAMENOED LOCA TION 18171 to 11t11ty said obllgttlons, Thll llaternent wu flied ! NOTICE IS HEREBY DATE/TIME. Tueaday • NOTICEOf' w .. 1Looplouth,Houeton, ,_... Orange. State of C.ltfornla, PETmOH TO Sprlngd ... Street end thereafter the under· with the County Clerk of Or· GIVEN thet tilt Huntington Aprll 1. 1998 • 1 00 PM PU•UC HEMING TX nO'Q PubllSIMld Orange Cout DEL TA PACIFIC MORT· ADftrttNllTE" ZONE R3 SRO signed cauled .. 1<1 notic. of 1 ange County on Mlltch 13. Beach Plannlog Cornmllllon I APPLICATION NUMBER: Sfl£C1Ai llON Y-Ended o.otmbef Delly Piiot March 20, 27. ()AGE CORPORATION a ESTATE NO. A-132200 REQUEST To peqnlt tl'le breec:h end ol electlon to be 1988 IWlll hold a publlc heiring In Reeolullon 1308 • Attordable ,.,....,. NO. •2 J1, 1115 Aprll 3, 10, 198$ Celll0tnle corporatton as To all herrs. beneficiaries. con11rvctlon or • 114 unit recorded November 28, • noMtl the Councll Chamber at the Houtlng Polleles (A,..._. to Totet tdmltltd ""'• TI.-757 duly appointed Trustee cred11ors and contingent ..-itor'• 8')artmentcompleJt 1985u ln11r No 85-~77232 Publllhed Orange Cout Huntington BHCh Civic APPLICANT City of Hunt· ftenftlt an ts tl2,JIS7.-e; TeUI ,...... ... under and purl4J1nl 10 the i::redllO•S and person• woo EN v I R 0 N M EN T A L of Otflclal Recofdl in Ille OH Dally Piiot Merell 20, 21, Center. 2000 Main Street, lnglon Beach I Square Foot algn 42ACll.tn; Capftt!i pekt-up P\8.IC NOTIC[ Powet of sale conterrect 1n may oe otll8f'N1se rnterestect l STATUS Enwonmental Im-floe of the Recorder ol Or· April 3. 10. 1986 Huntington Beach, Cell· REQUEST To adopt poll· Havlno 14 ...,_ n.tS0,000; Ofo. itMd In that c.rltrn Deed ot Trust 1r the wm and/or 91111' of pact Report 85-2 usesMd 1 enge County, T~782 rornle, on the dell end at the Clel regarding alfordtble ldentmcatlon and oontrlbuted ewpfue .0-FtCmlOUI .uatNE18 executed by JAMES PETER LAWRENCE ERNST OR· the envlronmental Impact ol Seid aale wlll be mede. but I time Indicated below to r• hou1lng In the City of Hunt· p..,.._ : l peclal aurplua Jund• NAME ITATl•NT BARRETT ano MARTHA M LANDO. SR AKA LAW· Ille proposed project wlthOUt covenant or war-f'ta.IC N0T1C£ celveandconaldertheatat• lngtonBeach NOTICE IS HEREBY 501..tO'; Uneaetgntd f\lndl Therollowlngl*tc>Mllrt BARRETT l'tusl>end 1no RENCEE ORLANDO SR ON FILE: A copy ol the1ra11ty.e1preuorlmplled.r&-"*111 ol all peraon1 who ON FILE A copy OI the GIVEN that the HuntfnOton (a11rpl111) 1S,4t7.J17: dOlngbutlneUas wife rec:a<ded April 29 A pelrtron nu l>eerl llled propoaed site plan ii on tile gardlng Ulle ~.or FICTITIOUI 9U8*EIS with to be heerd relatlYt to,Pt<>POMd hOUtlng pollcies BeechPlennlngCommlulon lu~ M r..-de '""" FERARRA IMPORTS, t983. 1n the off•oe 01 tl'le by Rol>e(t A Orttnoo In 1ne 10 the Department of De-encumbrances, 10 pay the NAME ITATIMENT tne eppllcatlon delcflbed 1treonlltelntheo.partmen1 W111 hold a publlc hMrlng 1n l lc~1 1t,Ml,m; tn-!2425 Vlate Nobleu, N9w- Counry Recorder or said Super10< Court ol Orange lteloprnent ~. 2000 I remaining principal eum of The lotlowtng pertona are below ot Development Servloes, the Council Chamber at the co"'• for th• y • • r port Beacll. CA 92660 County. u Recorder s tn-County requesting that Rob--Main Street, Huntington the note(s) aecured by Nld doing bosloeu u : DATE/TIME: Tue1day • 1 2000 Main Street. Hunt· Huntington Beach Civic 11&,120 ... 11; ~t• Chartu Frenklln Com- strument No 83-1799•'7. l>y er1 A Orlando be appointed 1 Beach, Celltornla 92648. ror deed of Trust, with 1n1eree1 I TIDEWATER FINANCE, IAprll 1. 1986 . 1.00 PM lngton Beach, Calllornle Center. 2000 Main Street, lof tM y.-107~ 1took 111, 2425 \ll1ta reuon or a bteacll or default as personal representative lnapeCllon by the public u in atld note provided, .0.19971 Wlndso1 Avenue. APPLICATION NUMBER: 92848. for l11apeC110n by the Huntington BHch, Cell· We ~ centf)t that Nobleu. Newport e.ach. In payment or performtnt41 to aom1n1ster the estate of ALL INTERESTED PER-vances II any, under the 'Westminster, CA 92883 C<>ndi!lonal UM Permit No publlC rornlt on the date end at the the~ "-8 ere In ec-CA 92660 ot the ol>lrgettons s.cured the Oacedent SONS .,, Invited to attend terms or said Deed or 1n;11, Ruueu Alllaon 9871 96-8 ALL INTERESTED PER-time l~dlcated below tot• cordance wttti 1M Annual Vincent Parga, 1702 Un. thereby 1nclud1ng lllat T 111 pe1111on 1equ111a said hearing and axpr ... f-. chargee. and expen ... Wlnd1or Avenue, We1t· APPLICANT Shawn La· SONS ere 1nvrted to attend c;e1ve and conllder the stat• 1 ltat..,..,,t for Ifie r•er coin Ave. Santa Ana. CA 1><each or default NOltGe ol author•ty to admtnistar 1he opinions Of aubmlt evidence : of the Tn;stee and of the I minster, CA 92693 Pointe said !Mlarlog and express men II ol ell peraons wtto eftded ~ J1, 1115, 92702 which w11 recorded Oecem-es1a1e under the lnOepen· tor or ageln11 the appt1Ca11on 11ru1ts creeled by said Deed Thia bualnesa 11 con-LOCATION· 5572 Neveda opinions or submit evidence Wish to be heard relative to mllde to the tnauranc• Thia bu11nen 11 OOf\· ber 10 1985. as Recorder's denr Adm1n1siratron or Es-as outllned above II there ot Trull lduC1ed by an Individual Drive (nur the nOflhweet In· for Of egelnat the applleatlon the apptlcallon deacrlbed Commt.elonef of tM lt•t• ducted by· co-par11*• Instrument No 85-A95696 1ates Act are any further questions J Said tale will be held on· RUSSELL ALLISON teraectlon of Bot18 Avenue es outlfned above II there below I of Celtfomle punuanl to CHUCK F. COMSTOCK Will SELL AT PUBLIC A Merono on Ille peltltOn pfeaM calt Gayle O'Brien. Friday. Aprtl 4, ttee," 1•30 This statement WU fifed end SP<lnOdele Street) .,. any funhet questions DATE/TIME. Tuesday -.... This statement .... flied AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST will oe netd on MARCH 28. Ass•stent Planner II pm lnthelObtlytothebulld-with theCountyClerllofOr· ZONE J11 - Low Oenalty pteaseca•PamPosten,"5-Ap<ll 1 1986 ·700PM .,..,, M. Hug'-. Vice WlthtlltCountyClertt .. Or- BIDDER FOR CASH tswlul 1986 al 9 30 AM tn Dept 536-527t ,Ing located at 601 South ange County on February RnlOenilal 1111ant Plantllf al 53&-5271 APPLICATION NUMBER. PrMldent; Jule A. Cllften, 11101 County on Fet>rvwy money 011~ United Stales NO 3 81 700 CIVIC Center Jemee w. Petln, lee· Lewll Street, Orange. Call· 13. 1988 REQUEST: To permit the ,_ w. Palin, lee-Special Sign Permit No. 86-2 AHt. lec:ret.,-y· Tr....,., 1 •3. 1988 or a cashier s ClleCll drawn Drive West, Santa Ana. CA tretart. Huntington a..cti I rornl• 92868 f300IM lexpenslon or en exletlng dty retllfJ, Huntington "-" APPLICANT: Greg Call I_, no.a on a state or neoonal bank. 92702 1 Pfenning Com1111ea6on At the 1tme of the lnltlel Published Oranr Coast care Of*atlon from llx to Plannfng CommlMlon L o c AT 1 o N · 179 2 2 Publlahed Orange Coast Publlthed Oranoe CoM1 e state or teOeral crechl IF vou OBJECT to the Put>lllhect Oranoe Coe.st publlcatton of thl• notloe. Deity Pltot M1trctl • 13, 20, twelve Cl'llk:lren. Publlthed Orange Coast Gothe.rd Street ( ... t aide or Dally P1tot March 17. ta. 19. Dally Pilot Marcile. 13. 20, union, 0< •stare or redefal gr1n1109 al tile petition you 1 0.lty P11o1 March 20, 19&6 'the 10111 amoun1 of the un-27, 1996 . EN v 1 Ro NM E N T AL Deily Piiot Mitch 20 1986 Gothard StrMI awro•· 20, 21 1988 127, t9M savings and loan auoe1atton snould ~t,_ eooear at the Th-782 paid balance of the Obit-I T~702 , STATUS. The propoaed pro-Th-781 j lmately 30 reet' north ofJ M-014 · Th-892 0 CHICK IVERSON Chevrolet • Porsche • Audi 445 E. Coast ltwy., •••••rt l11ch 173-0100 Highest Quality Sales & Service 5ADDLEBACK$ Sales • Leasing • Service Parts f oNLY MINUTES AWAY I IRVINE AUTO CENTER 1-800-831-3377 714-380-1200 "SPECIALIZING IN MERCEDES BENZ" And all Other fine European Automobile• L A. s only outhoriied O'n•t dealer All MAKES AND MODELS 714-557-4040 0 CREVIER BMW SALES • SERVICE • LEASING "Where Professional Attitude Prevails" 1,,.clellzlng In Europ.an Delivery. Eacellent S.lec:tlon of New end cer•fully prepered Uaed BMW'• always 1n stocl< 835-3171 208 W. 1st St., Santa Ana Corner of Broadwa>' & 1st 9t Clo5ed Sundays GSTERLING SALES -SERVICE -LUSlllC -,HTS Overseas Delivery Spe<:lellsts OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK BMW -ROLLS ROYCE 1540 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach 840-·D"l'I~ G) JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 1301 Quall St. -lffw C•r Location 1001 Quall St. -R••al• Olvl•lon © World's LargHt Selection of fT\ Mercedes Benr \CJ 833-9300 S..lts · lwi•C · hrts · Stmct · ~SM, 41._ ''"'-0 S< >uth ('.,c)unty--®--[jj]._ VOLKSWAGEN/ISUZU CALIF'S 1 & LARGEST VOLKSWAGEN DEALER NEED WE S AY MORE? Parts Open M -Sat 8 • 5 30 Sat 9 -4 p ,,, Service m -Fn 7 30 • 6 p m t8711 8EACH8LVO HUNTINGTON BEACH 714/ 842-2000 0 NABERS CADILLAC ~ ... 2100 HIRIOR ILVD., COSTA MESI (714) 140-9100 (213) 517-1288 • Best Pnces • Convement Location •Great Location •Super Service • Courteous & Knowledgeable Sales People • PACIFIC OCEAN o COMMONWEAL TH VOLKSWAGEN &n 'FAMILY STORE SINCE ·53· a ~ Sales -Service -Leasing ~ Ml-0110 0 THEODORE ROBINS FORD U.S.A. 's # 1 Thunderbird Retail Dealer Modern Sales, Service. Parts. Body. Paint & Tire Dcpts Compelll1ve Rates On Lease & Daily Rentals 2010 ll1rlter lltll., C11t1 1111 142-0010., 140-1211 0 HOUSE OF IMPORTS • Eaae of Ownership terms • Lease convenience-12-72 mo • Select from 100+ new and pre-owned • Delivery In Europe option dlal MercedH 714/213 637-2333 S•nt• Ana (5) FrHway a Beach In Buena Park .-.... , 'W r"*,-£ ·~ ~ ct) BOB LONGPRE Orange County s Oldest & L.tlrgest Pontl•c O.alenhlp M k .. cti 81Yd & tnl' G.trden Grove ''-•w1y 1114 ••2-.. 11 fJt4J 616-2100 We pet1orm •II Pontlo1c w•m•nty work. reg.ardless of wtier• )OU orlgln.1lly put'tNtsed )'OU" car. ONll llOlllDAY llV'DHllifa UlfTIL .... P.•. I Boe L ONGPRI I . . .._., 81vd. a G.wden GrOV9 ~· WettA•h ... r. cae ....... JAGUAR ISUZU the PROFESSIONAL APPROACH 0 71 4 -979-2500 2925 Harbor Boulevard • Costa Mesa. CA e 0 a. rllCICJlCXl PONTIAC TRANS AM • FIR[BIRO • 5000 Sl l • PARISl[NNF • 80tfNl Vlll l • GRANO PRU( • SUNBIRO CONVr RTIBL f • T 1000 • GRANO AM We Sell hclttlHlt a. rllCICJlCXl PONTIAC .FIERO 2410 Hatbor lhd. Coita Mesa Newport Bt1ch 714/549·4300 a rllCICJlCXl SUBARU SLASHES • PRICES! e LIQUIDATING 1985 MODELS UNO£R ANY CIRCUMSTANCES W£ Will NOT 8( UNO£RSOl01 • SUBARU 2480 Harbor llvd. Cost1 Mesa Newport Beach 714/549-4300 G ORANGE COAST JEEP /IEIAULT Ii 1 11 Th Wist For ll1w Je1p Sllfs For I Y11rs oan~e • SALES -ut<MA~1!,vo t : ~i~~:~~ s(i:.t'023 • ACCESSORIES DEPt • UNIVERSITY OLDIMOBILI HONDA 2880 Harbor Blvd. Coat• M-$40-0713 I I I ~ Fr1da1, Marc~ !t ARIES(Marcb 21-April 19): You mi&htseem ofTcoursc, but actually you are headin& 1n right direction. know it, refuse to be discouraged. Focus on children, cbangc, variety, creatJvity, physical attraction. Scorpio, Taurus figure prominently. · TAURUS (April .20-May 20): Define tenns. seek changes, examine property values, remove safety hazards from home. Special communica1ion related to travel, variety, romance. You'll pin through written word. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Spotlight on shon trips and family relationships, especially brothers and ------------- sisters. You'll receive unusual gift, scenano will also htghh~t maJor domes1ic adjustment. A ' ~ret ad-SYDNEY mirer" will be discovered. CANCER (June 21 -Juty 22): Look be)'Ond the immodtate, realiu that ·o imtial delay docs not mean defeat. MARR Financial prospects arc bri&ht, you'll ••••••••ill•••• obtain funding, you'll also Toe.ate lost article. It is not unlikely that you could receive a,bonos. • LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Moon in your sign highJights personality, charisma, timing. correct judgmenr. This can be your power play day. Focus on romance, intensified relationship, challenge. responsibility. financial reward. Capricorn plays role. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept._ 22): Many answers are foun~ behind sce~es. ~ey ts to lift restrictions, to regain confidence, to keep rcsoluuons concerning diet. nutrition, general health. Important wk can oow be completed. LIBRA (Sept. 23--0ct. 22):' You're going to be a winner. Emphasis on outstanding performance, friends, hopes. wishes, romance, speculation, fresh start. You 'II get to heart of matters, relationship grows strong and vigor makes comeback. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 I): Trust intuition. Focus on busjness, career, standing in community, major assignment which will prove your wo~h. Family reunion is part of scenario and so is intensified love relationship. Aquarian plays role. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21 ): Good lunar aspect coincide~ with travel, pbjlosophy, spiritual values. higher education. Emphasis on communication, publishing. ab1ltty to dtsscmioatc pertinent data. Another Saglltanan figures prominentfy. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be aware of legal tWlsts. turns. Be positive concerning ngh~s and permissions. Check source mat~nal f~r tax. license requirements. Dispute could evolve around possible inhentance. Scorpio plays role. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll get necessary papers so that path toward progress is cleared. Spotlight on cooperative effon s. legal affairs. partnerships, marriage. Chance of policy proves beneficial. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Emphasis on taxes, employment, basic services, communication with those who rely on~your judgment. Family member discusses possible move. perhaps change of residence. Gift is on the way -Taurus plays role. . . . . IF MARCH UIS YOUR BIRTHDAY you arc dynamic. treattve. an1sttc, very much aware of body image. You are vers&J.i!e. have l!nusua_l sense ~f humor, can be daring, possess antellectual curMs1ty and p1onecnng sptnt. Gemini, Sagittarius play important roles in your life. You arc willing to keep plans flexible, but you refuse to abandon basic principles. You'll travel this year, you'll be more popular, you'll also be conscious of your weight. May will prove outstanding for you in 1986. Halting train suicides? It's done with mirrors A notable number of su1c1dal people used to Jump ofT subway platforms in front of trains 1n Japan. Last year the train authorities ltned the underground station walls with mirrors so the potential jumper could sec himself at the crisis moment -a look before the leap. Nobody has jumped since. Q . Did you really mean to say Los Angeles has more Koreans than Seoul? A. No. sir. started out as Los Angeles has more Koreans from Seoul, etc .. but a few words got lost m the technology. Not everybody reahtcs that Vir- ginia goes 95 miles farther west than West Virginia Four umes as many unmamcd couples live together now as did 16 years ago. Q. How muc h d9;l)S the average visitor drop at the tables in aT\ Atlantic City casino? A $60. FBI reports indicate there's more violent cnme o n the College Park campus of the University o l Maryland than on any of the other top 300 campuses in the nation. Did I tell you the pizza parlors nationwide now outnumber the ham- burger stands? PEOPLE L.M. Bovo To that lengthening list of cities purposefully planned as state capt· tals, please add Austin and In- dianapolis. That stutterers generally tend to be more intelligent than others has long been understood. Now the re- searchers say they know how much smarter -14 IQ poiflts higher than average. Lot of people o n islands of the South Pacific's Micronesia have survived for the last 40 years on what money they could get by gathering the scrap metal left there during World War II. Next to copra. in fact, such scrap metal is the temtory's most valuable export Q. Is Switzerland as big as Indiana? A. Not even half as big Four weeks after concepuon. the heart starts its tmy thumplly-thump. L.M. Boyd I• a 1yadlca1ed col11aur.l•t. -· Little things add up to distraction Wntiog is pure discipline. That's a fact . Those of us do it for a living are able to retreat into o ur own silent world of words and play mental roulette with them. Nothing gets through to us. We arc unaffected by doorbells. sinJing birds, blood.curdl- ing screams. weather, la~ter, chtl· dren whining. "I'm telling! •pulsating w~shers. cnuhing glass, persistent telephones and slammed doors. Distractjons are a luxury. Concen- tration is our life. In more than 20 years of writing, there are only two things that will seduce me from my thoughts and compel me to lose my focus. One of them is the tirst chip out of my nail polish. It's a small distraction at first. NothinJ. more than a smaJI part of my natl showing. J type a little ... pick a little ... type a little ... pick a little. Then J put another nail under the polish and begin to work o ff a big piece. When it happens, there is euphoria. The typewriter is turned off and I go at it Wlth the vengeance of a shirt maker on piece work. l promjsc myself that when I get that entire nail clean, I will get back to work. Th.is will not happen. I'm on a roll and I know 1t. I also know I Wlll not stop untiJ the entfre five nails are picked clean of old pohsh. Valuable minutes go by as I use every resource I have to get that polish off. I use my teeth to work on the stubborn spots; a letter oecner to get near the cuticle. To walk into the bathroom and get polish remover is a sign of weakness. Unless you challenge yourself, . how can you expect anyone to have respect for you? When the polish jg gone from an entire hand, the typeWTiter 1s switched on and once again you try to cloister youself with your thoughts. But the well-manicured hand twists and displays itself like a seductive hypnotist. You will not be able to concentrate until every nail is un- dressed. You tum off the typewnter and begin to serape and seratch. Arc you ready forlunch?Of coursc. you're not ready for lunch. Do you want to talk to your agent? Agent who? Two coats of polish, plus a base and an overcoat, plus a quick-dry sotution will take anywhere from an hour to three hours to P,ick off, depending on motivation, skill and pressure. I suppose there arc a lot of people out there reading this who arc saying why don't you just leave nail polish off in the first place? Then your creativity and discipline would not be in jeopardy. I've thought of that, but 1t wouldn't matter. You sec, there's thtS other distraction. I've got this peice ofha1r, right there at the nape of my neck, that ts driving me crazy. From the moment I touch it. it seems to grow and grow. Sometimes, I have to tum off the typewriter and stand in front of the mirror and sec if it matches the other side. Does it look uneven to you? I'm going to get the scissors and ... Fiancee'sromantic problem illustrated DEAR ANN LANDERS: lam 21 years old a nd have been datmg a fellow who is 23. We plan to marry when I get o ut of college next year: Last night he made a suggesti on that JUSt about knocked me oul. He had seen a porno movie at a stag party and became very turned on by an actress with tattooed breasts. She had a rose on one and a lily on the other. He wants me to have this done as a gift for his binhday in April. I know nothing about tattoomg. ts it pajnfuJ? Can it be removed? Is this request as kjnky as I think it is? Please reply in the paper. r have three sisters who arc letter-Openers and a father who would probably kick "John" into the next county if he knew about this. Thanks for your help. -READER IN GARY. rND. DEAR READER: Tattooing in that area woaJd be painfal and extremely dlfflcalt to remove. Yoar friend 1111 oatmeal wbere Ills brains belong. If yoa agree to tills, yoa are crazler titan be ls. If yoa want to give John extra jolllet, cat oat some pictares from a seed caiato1u and bay a jar of Hbrary paste. • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: May I say a word to "M~de the Scene," the woman who said 1t was not sman to be smarter than one's ··significant other"? In spite of the re-aders who 1ns1sted she was wrong. m y expenen~ was the same as hers. When I became a Life's Master in bridge and beat my husband by two points on a Mensa exam, it sounded the death knell on a 12-year mamagc. Two months later, my husband be$an an afTa1rw1th a girl 20 years hisJumor. (Her IQ was the sum of her measure- ments.) I was raised to believe 1t does not matter whether you wm or lose. it's how you play the game. t now know this docs not apply to the games men play with women. -H.R. (SMALL A111 lMDEIS TOWN rN MICHIGAN). DEAR H.R.: I agree, 1"1t tills ls not tbt same H saying men don't like smart womea. Most mea do, IHlt dley don't Hile to lose to a womu ill a oae- oa-oae sltudoa. It creates bottllfty aad t11r111 tbem off. • • • DEAR ANN LANDER : A few days ago I purchased some material and patterns. Halfway home I rc- aliz.ed the clerk had made a mistake and undercharged me. I turned the car around. went back to the store and paid an additional S 12. I mentioned this incident 10 my mother, who repeated it to m y father They made a big deal out of it and said they were very proud of me. I d1dn 't feel as 1f I had done anything out of the ordinary. As I Stt 11. my parents simply raised my brothers and me to do the nght thing. It was expected of us. Dishonesty in our family was not acceptable. When I have children I will pass on the legacy. -G RATE- FUL IN NEW BRUNSWICK. N.J. DEAR NEW B.: Valaes are leaned at home. Yoa cooldn't ctve yoar cbildrea a finer gift. Thanks for sharing U1 apUftlng experience. • • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 14 years old and m} legs look hke an ape's. My mother won't let me shave them because she says the hair will grow back thicker than ever Is this truc?-J UNGLEGIRL IN ATLAN- TA. DEAR GIRL: No, it's not true. I bope Mom reconsiders. Hairy legs can be a major embarra11menl to a young glrl -and an older one as well. Debra Winger, Timothy Hutton wed 0 By tbe A11oclated Pre11 BIG SUR -Actress Debra Wta1er and Oscar-wmning actor Tlmotby 81ttoa have been mar- ried in a private ceremony, her publicist says. The couple wcrt married here Sunday in a service attended by family members. It 1s the lint marriage for both Hutton. 26, and Winger, 29, who had been linked romantically with Nebraska Gov. Bob Kerrey. The actress. who starred in "Tcnns ofEndcannent," r«cntlX completed film mg "Lcpl Eagles · w1th Ro bert Redford. Hutton. winner of a best supponing actor Oscarfor"Ord1nary People." also ~tarred tn "The Falcon and I.he nowman." "Taps" and "Ice- man " Sweetmualc WASHINGTON -M1ll1lav Ro11tro.1rovlcll admtts the more than 5600.000 he received to conduct the National 'ymphony Orchestra last year make him one o f classical music's top.paid pcrfonners. Debra Wb1aer "I am not the h'ihest paid conductor, and I am not the h1a,hest pe1d soloist m the world. thou.ah J may be one of them," the Sovtet·bom mu 1c11n s.atd. Ttmotby Button In addition to the S606.2SO Rostroprov1ch received u the orchestra'!\ muJtc director he re~rtedly rccencd up to S2 4 m11J1on lut vear for cello O(r formances not connected w1th h1r, dut1t:S at the National Symphony Alger winnera NEW YORK - Former J.\1r Force test pilot ~•ck Yeaaer, Detroit Tigers' owner nomas Mous'u and golfer. OJ OJ Ro4rtpe1 arc among mne win ners of 1986 HoratJo lger >\wards. The awards arc gi ven annuall\ to "outstandina tnd1v1dualc; who have overcome humble baclc- JtOunds and. through their o~n 1n1tiat1ve and effort have aclueved ianificant c;ucccss in ; their respective fic ld'i. ·· the Ho rauo Alger Soc1et} ~1d The other winnc" we~ Harold 81nH of New York. chairman of the Burson-Marstelkr pubhc rt- lat1ons finn: Wllllam F. Farley of C'hicaao. cha1nnan of 1-arle) In Ju'ltrics: R.alpe. B. Rogen of Dallas. ch11nnan of Texas lndu~· tries.. O. Wayat RolUat of t1anta. chairman ofRolhns lnc: . WUUam A. S,0.1' of Mtnneapoh~ retired chairman of Pillsbury. and Patrtek Tay .. r of "lcw Orkan\, cba1nnan of Taylor Entf'I)' Co THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1988 ""11 A WINO AND A PU YER Roth vulntrable. West dtals NORTH •3 ~ J 1098 J l(QJ104 •AJ2 WEST •AKJ42 78 EAST •Qtl <:7 ,2 A 32 •K Q6 .J 986& • t() 8 6 8 SOUTH • 10 8 7 6 ~AKQ85 )7 +97• The bidding: West Nortb Eaat SouUt 1 • Dble Pu• S - Pue 4 I Pue Pus Pus Opemng lead· King of + Defense ts the most difficult facet o f bridge. Let's take you through a hand to show you how an expert defende r considers the possibilities. - Not.e South's jump response to his partner's takeout double. It is invitational, not forcing. It doesn't even promise a rive-card suit, since South is, in effect, supportmg the heart suit that North announced with his takeout double of one spade. Its range 1s about 10-12 points. There is no reason for West to make any lead other than the nor- mal king of spades. Whe-n that holds the-trick, it ls time to assess the defense's chances. The obvious three tricks are the spade already won, t he ace of dia- monds and a club. Where is the set· ting trick to come from? Clearly , there 1s no chance of a CHU LES GOREii 01u SHAii FF trump trick. Even if East does have an honor, It will be picked up with a finesse. Also. West can see that his tsade has no second trick ln ei- ther spades or diamonds, and that dummy's diamond suit will pro- vide declarer with sev~ral dis- cards. Therefore, the only possible chance for another trick is in clubs. And for that to happen, East must hold the ten or clubs and declarer the niM, and the suit must be at· tacked at once At trick two, West must shift to his low club! Now, lt t's look ·at declarer's problem WPSt ts twice u likely to hold eithe r the K-10 or Q-10 of clubs rathe-r than specifically the K-Q. The percentage play to pre- vent the loss or two club tricks, therefore, is to play low from dummy, In the hope that you will fetch an hono r froa.1 East. As the cards lie, East's ten will win the trick. He need onJy return a club to msure that the defenders get the four tricks that art" their due. ':!~' S@\'.lc4}µ-"t,c!rs• .... ..... -----H1te4 loy Cl.AY a. POUAM 0 horror>~ ...,.,. of th. looir tcrombled _.d, be- low 10 for"' fooir llmc>t. ...,..di \ c u A y c I . ' I t I I . t r __ N _O_M .... U__,0...--1\ :_~ Whtie rrave11ng one -""* my . I 15 t I _ :::~:=~~.:: -,,--R-E_M_B_U_N-~, ~;:ta_ur_an! ... Try Ovr ChoWder L---, -,-,-,-, .......... 0 ~;:::::: ~ ~!.~ ci=: L-..L.-"-. ---'--"-· --~ .,.,.. ........ *'°"' .. No ' b.luw ft Pl•NT NUM8ftf0 tfflft S r ~ IN IH(Sf SOUAtfS • U'JSC:t AAO&l( 1£TTftS TO I C.fl AN~W(t rrrrr1'1 I I I I I I I TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE AC AO SS 1 Skin 5 Sells f0< 10 Place of business 14 Repute 15 Musical work 16 Aria 17 Muscovite 18 Superfluity of WOfdS 20 Heat source 22 Born 23 Plant 24 Ash 26 . rve been _1·· 27 Not single 30 Is sucoessful 34 Versifiers JS Festive 36 Hwy 37 Masking - 38 Eclogue 40 Down pref 41 Made of sufl 42 Llhth s mate 43 Servant 45 Adm11er 4 7 Overshoes 48 -bOdlk lnS 49 Artfully 50 Keg par1 53 Watenno place 54 Bloopers 58 Hindrance 61 Statue 62 Hideout 63 Bonehead 64 Celebration 65 Aces 66 Fur source 67 Ettoniess DOWN 1 Canines 2 Reword 3 Screwy 4 Move over 5 Jo1nt1y pref 6 Unsealed 7 Jewish feast 8 Undoubted 9 -Marino 10 Kiosks 11 Ferret out 12 Al all 13 Squint 19 Moon goddess 2 1 Discharge 25 Moreover 26 House area 27 Theme 28 Turkish city 29 Mature 30 Associate 3 1 SpeecMy 32 Absolute 33 Splils 35 YMCA room 39 US patriot~ soc 40 Urban e••Stence 42 Assisted 44 Alll1cts 46 En119lops 47 Ouloll loott 49 Depleted 50 Missile pit 51 Govt agt 52 baked 1n 53 Taint 55 Concept 56 Conta1n9f's 57 Loom reed 59 Ar11fic1al language 60 Three t1 ma pref J C2 Orange C<>ut DAILY PILOT I Thursday. Marcil 20, 1986 by Bii Keane "But the guy on the ra dio said spring begins today." MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson L - "t think he wants you to call dial-a-prayer!" PEANUTS GARFIELD I GOTTA KICK &OMf.TMI NG . nus DIET 15 M AKING NI( &RUM PY TUMBLEWEEDS DRABBLE YOU PUT T BETWEEN '(OUR SECOND FtNbER AND 'f'OUR T~LIM8 wr-11 THE T1P OF '(OUR FOREFINGER UNDERNEATH ~v BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Spring has sprung!" DENNIS THE MENACE t; by Hank Ketcham ~ =-~. -;--"'-, ' t . ' ., ( r. /. ~. . -\ . . " ~ \~.\.-~ ' -I ._ --· ti l CN/\E !JOME EARL'( 'CAUSE MR WtLSON WANT$ TO Ll$TEN TO HIMSELF lHINI< I : CAN THINt... OF AN EASIER WAY by Charles M. Schulz KICK IT!!! rr ----~ ·~ ---s· -, r . ~-'--·· --_ .. ,,,..,.," by Jim Davis by Tom K. Ryan l'LL NEVE~ 170 AN AME'LISH WllH '10U ,AGt\lr\l! 'S' ~~J,v((i."· \: WON°T "{ €.VEN COtlf... L CANT 1\1£ MAOf. M-1 ROSE IS ROSE NIW)'.l'U. MR M ms~ unu. 1 ~M151PEP ~G£. IN~IOf. roe< 50M£ PtZZ.\1 OE.C.1510N ~NO NOW I MLJ'.J1 ~TIC.( TO 1Tl J " by Pat Brady ' BLOOM COUNTY [M IN II 6A 17 WXJfJ I A 8AP. IJf,lY, 5TINKY ~ANO f VON r MIK.JI CAR€. FOR If 1 /'-~ ~ I ~ .... "'<fJ ·~ -• , \ ·\;} f •( , .... .,ti\, ... ~ l.f\t. .. I( . ... ; -~· ,.~.t ~ I AW~6Kf t:Mi.tll<)J5 G€r 10 Ir I CHaR ~ Vf 1 Kt6HT N(JW I Of,£/{ ~ /JP OR, ~ IKLP Me, l'U TAI<£ \ I' ~ f~IENPSHI I -,.,. 61.5€~! ....,.- . . ( FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE WH'{ DID I SPtl./ 'THAI PWFUL THI~ To le;D AND IRE.NE.? LVHV?1 BECAUSE 'IOJ'RE AN INSENSITTl/E Ct.DD! SHOE JUDGE PARKER by Berke Breathed 8/(, tt'IWTll by Ferd & Tom Johnson by Lynn Johnston I HATE AGoNI~~ THe.ONL'/ ~ \AJHC> OJER IHINGS "'~s.~V.tt_E {/ AFTt:f'. MIDN~·· ~ tp..1'1"'1 IV by Jeff MacNally THE U~IMATE HUMILIAT ION .,_ OCCURRED TONIGHT WHEN YOul PICKED UP THE "'l'OUNG WAIT· RESS WHO SERVED YOU by Harold Le Doux r THATS RJ(;HT BUT O()N"T l::RY TO EXPLAIN• I -; FUNKY WINKERBEAN HOUJ MUCH DID 4tX.J ~ 1l41S WE.EK ~ ' DINNER AT THE CLUB. ANO WENT TO HER APARTMENT• W~ AC1UAl..L'1' I OIDN'I p~~,,C£ ltT AU.. ! by Tom Batluk DOONESBURY by Gary Trudeau A SlAVC? I THE 8055 ff£IJS ()(JV7 tJN06l.· ME THIS ~I/SH ~ '4HAT5 CAIJBJ "1H£ lf)f1· I KllPIN6 'tW 81E'5 QKJMBCR. F!{()M JlJ!iT IT NWT/?AL!l£S • ltAVJN(S? ~.....,. ~11411.l . f I. I IJ/D • t • tf)6t. s.4Y, WHICH Slot Of THE RaA() (X) 7Hf3-Y OR/Vl ON HE.K£7 --/.---- -- 'i:. ·' 1 'Fiddler' carries on tradition in a splendid show By KATHLEEN COMMINGS Dlllf ..... Cefl 1 IJ I •1t "You mi&hJ say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck," says Tevye in the opening scene of "Fiddler on the Roof," and Tevye's sentiment. thankfully, is taken to heart by this exceptional Regional Repertory Theater production. It maintains all the amiable warmth and humor we cpme to expect 'with what is probably the most PoPUlar musical ever wm- ten. It is curious that a story of poor 'Jewish peasants in a pokey Russian village during the Pofoms couid so capture the hearts o audiences aJl over the world; it couldn't of course. if that were all it was. Tevye (Gary Gordon) carries the show and acts most of the laughs. but the focus and thrust of the story 1s immediate and universal. Tevye is every man (or woman) who is forced to make painful transitions in tbetr Jives, to adjust to conditions be yond their control. lt speaks to parents who know that one day, quite suddenly, their loving children will care for a stranger more than they do for them. One look at the "Fiddler" (Loren Brown) on the roofofTevye's humble cottage in the opening scene, sets the lyrical tone for the show, inviting imagination and a certain poetical mood. This is what makes "Fiddler" scllmaJtz-proof. Gordon has. j ust the right emo- tionaJ and physical dimensions for Tevye: he has a cozy virility, wi th all 'Gu~gHo' takes over t op of heap HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Here are the top eight films at the box office this past weekend, with d1stnbutor, weekend gross, number of screens, total gross, number of weeks in release and estimated producuon costs. Figures unavailable are in- dicated by na. I. "Gung Ho," Paramount, $7.~ million, 1, 150 screens, S 7 .2 million, one week, na. 2. "Pretty in Pink." Paramount, $4.2 million. I. 117 screens. S 18 million, three weeks. na. 3. "The Color Purple," Warner Bros., S3 million. I, I 07 screens. $7 3.6 million, 13 weeks, S 15 million. 4. "Down and Out in Beverly Hills," Touchstone, $2.8 m1lhon, 1,078 screens, $43.4 million, seven weeks, $14 million to $16 m1lhon. 5. "Hannah and-Her Sisters," Orion. $2. 7 million. 696 screens, S 17.2 million, six weeks. $8 million. 6. "House." New World. $2.2 million, 1,340screens,S14.6 million. three weeks, na. 7. "Crossroads." Columbia, $2. I million, 982 screens. S2. I million. one week, na. 8. "Wildcat!>,'' Warner Bros. SI . 7 million, 1,007 screens, S20. 9 million, four weeks, na. edges rounded, soft and touchable. Gordon handles the pulse-stirring opener, "Tradition," with confident charm, and his "If l Were a Rich Man" convinces us that Tevye is in very good bands. Gordon doesn't disappoint on any score. An excep- uonal pe.rf ormance. Shirley Romano's end-of-her-rope air is the perfect counterweight to the dreamy dairyman. Together they make beautiful music, especiaJly in "Do You Love Mc?" Tevye's three eldest daughters, Ti,citel (Moni Kertz), Hodel (Carrie Jachnuk) and Jolene Kaye Stipp as Chava are. well cast, and most delightful in the "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" number, and Jachnuk strikes a rich, confident note in her "Far From the Home 1 Love." Heather Redfern, and Karen Nowicki, the two youngest girls are very much at home on the stage and in their parts, adding greatly to the rich mult1-generational texture of the show. Col. Jimmy H.irt. ao equally important presence as the old rabbi, is the other end of the age spectruJll. Barbara Pierce is Yente, the ir- repressible matchmaker. Clark Galbreath Is the "radical" student, Perchik, and Motel the tailor is played by Alan Wage. Both young men beauttfull y define their charac- ters with SpQntaneous, and charming- ly awkward renderings of their love- besotted songs. There are some wonderful numbers most of us are well familiar with. My favorite is the bogus dream number. ·'The Tailor Motel Kamzoil" which is a show-stopping SHARE IT WITH SoMEONE You L<JvE ~Y.SHEp's CLASSIC 00-... 1· ....... 11 ... .-., hlmcd 1n Tcchnir.1m.1• ·-'"·--·-,..,.,,,.._ .. _ .. STARTS TOMORROW * COITA "'£SA l41*•Gt c,._ Cflll" 97• •141 lllVINE OflANOf OltANGE !<IWllflli WOOd!"'°9f AMC 0..,. Mall SI~~""°''~'" ~~1 06'>~ Ml~ ~tt a1•0 I UINA l'AAI( e C09fA MCIA ~ACUNA HACH * OflANOt *WlSIMINITf"- UA flloVlll '°" "l\ """"' !.<)A<t 1a .... o~ §ooit~C<Q\I C.ty (ff\11'! lOw .. dl C.·-· Wt" 1162 f983 PIMI \A~ 17tt 491 !Ill I• UI ~3 eq1 )9~ ~~.:~;:,rep... r~u .. ";~::~:!~1~ ~::~~ Vlfi~. I ....... ~ .. , .. --- O!'tt't ~1121 tQ;o ~ 1W1 .. 1\l.'990 I onk IM ti\\' KODAK C 0 1 OR WA 1 C lf'• "~lccpinJ,t fk,aut\" ~"'l.'crM.ikn .11 rM1111.1rm11ng ~~ .. 11.·m r>c.1 lc:" Walth the Acadtmr Awards Marcfl 24 on ABC ----•~· DISMUlond.----• Gary Gordon •• TeYYe. small masterpiece here. And the Russian bonle dancers m "To Life" arc vibrant and dashing. Four-time Drama-Logue award- winncr Gary Davis is the director, Joe Alfusco musical conductor. Jan Ritschel musical director. and Susie Cable choreographs for the show. Jerome Robbins' original staging is used, and a 15-piecc orchestra hidden in the wings 1s unobtrusively sup- portive to the voices, never drown ing them out ft all falls pleasantly into the human-scale feel ing of this de- lightful production whi ch the whole family will enjoy. "Fiddler" runs only through Sun- day, playing Thursday through Satur- day at 8 p.m., with a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. at the Forum Theater, 41 75 Fainnont Boulevard in Yorba Linda. It's well wonh the drive. For infor- mation about tickets call 996-41 95. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, March 20, 1'88 ~ REVIE w ----~~~- All's forgiven, except the kid By BOB WISEHART be Moore's youoaer s1steT -as a show's prcviou producer, a tWltchy, MeCIMeflr..._._... career woman who, to her mfinite crumbltng shell of a man is "an surprise, becomes producer of a e«entnc old bat who owns the show, March is television's laboratory, a daytime soap opera on the same day owns me and owns everythina ttme and place to expenment and a. · d H h a.. d d h' · f tinker with new shows that hitch a s.ue gets mame . er new usu.an aroun me, except t is picture o my 'd " 'aJ h .1 f (Terence Knox) has a surly, wife ... who left me.'' n c 1or a tn run on t e coamu so ouupolcen teenage daughter Tonj~t·s premiere may be t()O established hits (Shawnee Sm1·1h) firom a p"ev1ous r. ta t Th t' •I a s Th I ·1 · 1 • · • 1ranuc or some s es. . a s .. w :y e ongest coatta1 s in te ev1s1on marriage. a risk for a show that faocs the belong to .. The Cosby Show," so Armstrong's co-workers on the formidable ta.sk of introducing PoPUlar that anything following it show include a dingbat writer (Carol cllaracters, establishinJ their id'cnt· Thursday night is seen by millions Kane) who tends to faint at moments ities and coming up with the la\J&hs more viewers than it would be on any of crisis,, and Valene Landsburg viewers expect, all in less than 30 other night. ("Fame") as a cynical secretary. Then minutes. "All ls Forgiven" premieres to-h • h b I I · night on NBC in the spot usually held t e~ st e unseen ut a ways ooming And that kid has got to go. Rur.ht Mrs. Fontaine. who, moans the now would be nice by .. Night Court" and it's worth ...----------------------· ------following just about anywhere. Af\~r one more Thursday night it•IJ move to Saturday at 9:30 p.m., temPorarily replacing "227" in another cushy slot following "The Golden Girls." Created by the "Cheers" brain trust of Glen Charles, Les Charles and James Burrows. "All h Forgiven" is frantic, funny 'and has a terrific cast. The only problem is the presence of that horrifying monster. The TV Kid. You know the type: A too-precocious little wiseacre who seems to have memorized the collected works of Don Rickles and makes you want to reach out and touch the pint-sized stinker with your fist. Some of television's finest com- edies were shows that Poked fun at television itself. a field that's certainly ripe for parody. On "The Dick Van Oyke Show," Van Dyke, Morey Amsterdam and Rose Marie played comedy writers for Alan Brady (Carl Reiner), a monumental blowhard ofa vari ety-show host. Later, Ted Knight's Ted Baxter character on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" was the archetype of every pompous. egomaniacal TV news anchorman 1n Amenca. "All Is Forgiven" prowls si milar turf. The senes stars Bess Armstrong - in attitude. 1f not looks, she could 4 TUCI( DCUT mJlO IGlY-.0 "mTTYlll'tll" ':IS. 1:1~. IO:IS {Koll) l«JOOT AUOI "WIWt l MEI SISTEIS" (PC..13) S!4S, l:OO, 10:10 llCllAC1 KUTC»I "CHC MO" (PC·13) MS. 9:30 Ulrff llMCCMO '!CIOSSIOAIS" (I) 7:00, t.00 m110U( "ton l tUT II IEYtlt.Y llU$" (I) 6:lS. 1:30. IO:JO "FIX" (I) l;OO "IOCIY IY" (PC) ':IS, 10:95 • TWll ..., S18IO ........ IO(a,y -.U" (I) Ht, l:IS, 10:15 II ~·-.... 4 TUCl OCUY SRO "T• ctlOI """1" 1:l0, tO:IS (N-ll) • TUCl ocuY mxo "IHCllMKr' (I) 6:1S, I~. 10:30 i ruca DOl.BY SIUICO llCIWl UArOll "CHC .... (H-13) 1-00, us 'KDCM 11 ACMIOIY AWMD IOG . c TUCK OClJT ST(Jl[O llCIWl lEATC»I "ClllC H " (PC· 13) 7:30, t.4S "UICITS Of TIE CITY" 1:30, t0:30 (I} "TIIE HlTA JOICE" (I) l:IS """ UA"""""' llOG7 cMMHM UA"'°""' ~ .. , •QlllAllQa JOINS THE ''EAGLE CHALLENGE" IN THEI R EFFORTS TO BRING THE AMERICA'S CUP TO NEWPORT BEACH HEAR "EAGLE UPDATES" FRIDA 'r'.S AT 9:30 AM & 3:30 PM ON KDCM tD!l.t FMSIERED Your Official Eagle Station STARTS TOMORROW COl'IUUA llMM r......"' OIWM •WUTlllllllTtll UA I w_...c"" ...... lJA rA .... , ...... ,,..( •"'" ~GI* ~,, \\ """' ... ' l'I ll '°"° •U-..oa • rtAWTOll -,,,.....~. """' ,..,..,.,~ ......... MMll• ~,.,., >11 ·~1 ,,II'. .,,,,.,_, ... • OllMICt .. .... #llt~C-tl '"""' •w Ot...qt ... 831 m.t<I ,,..~ *''~· ,., "~;:°""' .. ·~·..!;:!:t' , .. ..._ .c-_,,, .. ,.". ................ , "Tl£ COlOI PUIPLr' {PC·13) 7:00, It.GO 4 ruca OCUY STOllO lllUT .... ALO "mTTY II Piil" 6:1S. l:IS, lO:tS '(K.13) 4 ruea DOl.BT STtllO "lllCltl.MHI" (I) MO. 9\45 edwarda BRISTOL 540-7444 11119101 AT MACAllTHUA SANTA ANA "WllJCATS" (I) 1:30 "MOUSE" (I) 6:40, tO:lO "JN( TllP TO IOUITIFUl" (PC) 1:.JO, 9:.JO llCll(Y ROllllE "9111 WlHS" (I) 6·00 .• 15. 10:.JO • ruca OCUT sTtJCo 11 ACAllOIT AlltMO IOG. "OUT OF AfltCA" (Pc) 7:00. tO:OO edwarda CINEMA CENTER 979-4141 HAAIOll l l VD A ADAMS ME&A Vf"D( C(NT(P COSTA MEl!A "WllJCATS" (I) 1:30 "QUIClSllvtl'' (PC) '30, 10-.lS NICI IO.lt ''tOWI I OUT II IEYtllY llU$" (I) to. 1:00. 10 10 lllaWl l£ATOll "CUIC 110" (PC·ll) 115.~JO 2 •CMJOIY •WMD IOG MSCMIO "lllltlY'S IOIWIC£" l:OO, a·u, 10.1s (PC-Ill MIS~l-.rl "llC* '•Er (I) '""-1•15, 101S 4 IUCll OClJT STtJCO ...... CllO 1 • I "CltSSltUS" (I) , ........ .,., atUJI ........... SISTtlS" (PC·ll) uo aoo 1uo "Hist" (I) 6!lS. 10:15 "IACI TO JI( FUTUlt" US (H) "WllJCAn" (I) l:ll "QUtCUllvtl" (PC) 6·.JO. 10:20 ll ACAOOl'Y AWMDS llOMS "OUT Of AfllCA" (PC) 6:31, t:lO CllllSTmD lMeEJT ''lllCll.MtH" (I) HS. a:eo, IO·IS P•IWI ·~ ''IWJl" (I) 7:30. 10:00 "f/l" (I) J.ta. I:» "TIE HUA FOICE" (I) 6:0S. lt.15 a ••a -.~ "CIOSSIOAIS" (I) 1:00. t'to &It 4 TUC11 OClJT SltlO llCMM:l WTOll "CUK H" (PC-13) S.4S, 1:00, 10-IS • TIAClt O(UT smco "ton I OUT II ~YtllY llU$" (I) !!:!! UMI 1·15, 10 IS .IMl.'S UMO sau' rno ILll ··••mrs IOUK£" MS, tlO fPG·ll) 4 fl.al OCUY ST(Jl[O ''f/I" Ill 100 us 11 ACAIQrf AWMD IDM& TIOllS 4 TIACll IXU't STtllO • "Tl( COLOI PlllPU" 7:30. IO:IS (K.IJ) SAl\Y FUD ·IMIS WfO "lllPIY'S lltWICC" uo ti$. 10 30 ,~.13) 4 lbCI OCUY S1UO RMIMIMCOIO "CltsSltAIS'' (I) ""'I •• ltlO II~·-... ... , . ., "Ml tf AfltCA" (PC) It ... ,t.Jt, 6 ~· t JO 4 TIM* SIOlO "mTTYllPtn" (H·l•l) u n. Ne. •• '.o a., 4 !lac.I Sl8l0 ..i •atOll ''CM Jr (N -ll) 1 ..,,•.n• 4 IUCll OClJT S11JCO llO.LY lllGWMO "Ptm'f II Piil" !r.30. 7.30. 9'.JO (N-tl) 11 ACAllOIT •WMD IOG "TIE COLOI PUIPU" (PC-13) 6:4S, t'4S 4 TlACl OCUl STOCO RAllM IMtCllO ''cmsatAIS" (I) ':30 l:lO. I 0:20 1111.l.lMt o n "lt04ISE" (I) , .... 900 "llCl(ff ~£' "tin IUU" (I) 6·90 t.IS, tO:IS WOODY AUO "IAIUll I III SISTHS" (PC-13) S;4S. 1:00, l O:te "UICITS If Tl( COT' US, lt.lS (I) "TIE HUA FOICl" (I) ue "li.JA TUlf" (I) 1.30 .. Fil" (I) edwards SADDlEBACK 581 -5880 H TOllOAO AT AOCKrlHD fl TORO llCUY lOIMl "9Yt WlHS'' (I) 130 t4S i'lllCltTS OF TllE Cfff" I 20 (I) ''HE DELTA FOICE" (I) HO. 10-00 wtllMt un "IOUSC" (I) 6 00. l'OO 10 00 CHRISTOPIO lMtaal "MICll..UIEI" (I) 7 00 9·1S llCIC u n "tOft I OUT II IEYEIU llW" (I) 6 U. I JO 10 lO "IUCATS" Cl) l •OS "QUfCUllftl" (PC) ·~ 11'05 edw.,d1 MISSION VIEJO MALL i~ J t1,, .'1' '0'W"T~l lllOW .. WAll.I" IMltl.CCMO "CIOSSIOUS" (I) IHQ. 280 4 .. UG 100. tUO ...... IOOTll IEYUU llllS" (I) 10 00 "~ •• 10.JO • mca DCllT smco "PIEm II PllK' 100 100 Ste , .... ,.. (PG lJ) II AtAOOn --"OllT OF UltCA .. (PC) , .... • . C4 Otange Coat OAILV PILOT/ Thurtdav. March 20. 1986 PR1Mf T IMf S uAPS TV Lis TINGS ' No saving Grace on 'Dallas' EWNHl -uo-COUEGE IA8KllMU NEWS IW•A•S•H NEW\. YWED GAMl M>R8 OI NAT\Jflf AUW.OOUMIET PIOfU'I COUAT .lf:OPAltf( I ~ ON .. llOMTMf f'MmMLON> MCHAl.F8NAVY MOYll ~Alff LHU.mlA ...,. QAL1..ERY MOVll "I Went To a.. Bid'' (No Ditti ~ UfQTYUS 01 THI! NCH AHO FAMOUS 81 LYNDA HJRSCB COi.BYS: Jeff •ot• 10 Juon acknowl· ed&ina that J&50o is his father and 1h11t he wanlS to be mamed 1n has house. Everyone rclieved when Jason finds linle Blake playina 1n the house -not kidnap~ u aU had feared. Monica teams that Nell was nol responsible for U)'lll& to hare Dwayne from recordfo& label. Neil 11JU$ lo return 1f Monica will take im~mptu tnp to San Francisco. Con· nic s private eye catches Zach and Sable's fairly innocent n:ndnvous on tape re- corder. M 11n ma.ktt a suspiciously fnend· ly toast to the about-to-be mamed Fallon and Jeff. As Fallon and Jeff spend night tO&ether. Miles gets hold of one of lier prmcnts and secretly vows that she'll always be his. • • • DALLAS: J R tells police that Anicllque was plotting to kJ.11 Jack, causin& lbe accidental bow-and .. rrow death of her musician. AngcJ1que goes to Grace say111g that she knows Grace divul&ed her plot to Jack and J.R., and wams Grace will now pay the dearest penalty The flext day, Jack and J.R. find Graoc dead. J.R. once again goes to police. puuing the fin,er for the murder on Aogehque. Back 10 Dallas, Jenna suddenly realizes that Bobby told her 11 was Pam that he loved and not her Pam surpnsc~ J.R when she offers to sell all of the 011 shares Bobby lef\ 10 Chnstopht'r. Angelique continues to plot against J.R and Jack. • • • DYNASTY: Cares~ unaware that Alexis has bought the company 1hat was to publish her book. Dex tells Amanda he doesn't love her. Amanda goes 10 Ale:m saying she wants to rcnt'w the rela11onsh1p with her mother. Alexis tells Amanda to sto:f wh1n1~ that $be made her choice •n now she • no dauahter of bus. Du tells Aluis be'' plann1na lO leave Denver, tnat be loves her and wants her, and that any time she wants to renew their rclataooship all she has to do is call. Akxis bejlns to soften but then tells Dex she has no inttttst 1n him. Ben. dcc:idina to sue Blake for SJ 2S m1lhon 1n the cootcstina of their father's will. subpoenas Dominique, AJu1s 1-nd Blake Claudia returns home, but tells Adam $he no lonaer bas a n,,Y deme to live with rum. While Blake is visitin& has mother's lf'IVe Ben amves and bcains to taunt him. An an&TY Blake accuSC'S bcn of k1lhna their mother. • • • FALCON CREST: Jordan, as Monica, tells Teri that when Richard's $27 m1lhon balloon paymen1 colla~ all of Ten's money will be gone. Tw goes to Richard and says that Jordan gave her this infonnauon, and 1fR1chard uses up all her wealth she will 1nfonn everyone that Richard's racetrack 1s crooked. M&111e uneasy about any contact from the obviously unbalanced Jeff. Enc is pleased when Mell"-& invttcs him to a candlelight dinner, but leaves in disgust when he realizes Melissa not interested 1n tum as a person but as a buyer for the winery. Before the power-<>f-attorney can be changed. Peter manages to take $30 m1lhon of Angela's money and put 1t in Sui vros' company. Angela rt'tums, vowing to get her wealth back. • • • HILL STREET BLUES: Jesus Maninez 1s fearful that he will be unable lo pracucc law 1f he 1s wrongly convicted for the murder of an auomt'y. and even 1f he·s cleared of that charge. tampcnna with · evidence could also destroy his carttr. Lucy's female panner tu ms into a hab1l11y with her constant complaints about sexual uourty Nelly's" OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER rhl1\. lowd lht·\. l.aught'<I I ht•\. ltl '<I 1\ll 111lht·11.trll<' 11l tm·nd-..l11p HOA P&ll 952-4993 ~ MOVIS I DIST& 9IU 546·3102 CDWMDS CllMA (L Tiii Sl1·9SOO CDW MtlS El T OllO ~1onday thru Friday 11 AM to 9 PM . REDHILL. COSTA ME A • 957-195 1 STARTS FRIDAY! IH1Cll 15'·111 I EDWMOS lllWJSITY U ltUIA 994·2'°° PACIFIC LA •ADA ITUTN • EDWMOS VI.LAG£ aJmJ "1·0567 llAlll 6l7·0l40 AMC ORANG£ MALL llAlll 6J4.)911 UA CITY coon •••••• • •••••• • * BARGAIN MATINEES MONDAY THRU FRIOAY 1ST 3 PERFORMANCES * * SATURDAY 1st 2 PERFORMANCES * * EXCEPT .. OllOAYS & S TARAfO • •, ffAIUAf" tit haraumMt charaes. Bunti aocs on date with recent polke academy srtduatc who once tailed him scum On the date. Bunt.t see a fellow cop murdered and ralizcs a police pal of bis as mpons1ble. Howa.rd 's relation1b1p with Prunell1 ends when she( manies a Samoan native in a triba Ct"rcmony. • • ~OTS LANOINO: Ben u~t when be realizes Val visited G•ry at the hospital. When Cathy tells Ben she's lcavina town. their &oodbye kiss is more than Just • friend!)' one. After fiodin& several mari· juana JOIDU an Ohv1a's car, Abby 1osasts OllVla 10 10 Mack and Karen to clear Michael of possession of manJuana charaes. Olivia 1s pu t on probation and placed 1n drug program. She socms lo be doina welJ, but when Oary misses 1mpon-ant pany he planned 10 attend with her, Olivia returns to usin& the 1Jlcpl substance. Karen con~med about slt11nge illness that continues to crop up at Lotus P,oint. Oary. fallin& in love with J ill, tells Abby be wants a divorce. Kvcn returns to Mac1t·s ~. • • • ST. ELSEWHERE: Medical student Novano tells Westphal she doesn't love him, but then sug csts she attend the" Doctor of the Year award ceremony with him. Ehrlich JS monitied when his gynecological patient turns out to be Ellen Craig Af\er exam. Ehrhch tells Mark C'raag that Ellen·s problem as psy· chosomauc. Whtie uilking to Ellen. Mark admits that he's not been an attentive husband and as sorry for any pain he may have caused. As part ofWestphal's ~rv1cc program Jack Momson docs dut)' at a prison hospital. One of the inmates at the hospital 1s a man who killed a youth responsible for 1he bombing death of his wife when she was an innocent bystander in a bank. When the inmate asks Jack for wme "sol\ u~." Jack says he's sorry he can't help him. Later. when the man's "ftance" 1s part of a pnson riot. he takes Jack and his assistant hostage. MATT HOUSTON OMATUT AMIAICAH HEAO THf&'1 COWNtf Dff'AlNT STROKU IUSIQS Rf.PORT MlQWICAL UHM.ASE AICNEWSQ NICNEWS DWIGHT THOMPSON HOT SEAT I HOTUHE MOYI£ * t t 1'\ "Hombfe" 11967) Paul Ntw· men, Frtdr1<: March TIE DOORS: DANCE OH ARE -1:30- l!f OSfFOA~T AADY L/ l.EHAER I =()GRAPHIC VISION -~ONES -7:00- 1 ltJJ ENTERTAJNMENTTOHtOHT TAXI AICNEWSQ LOY! CONNECTION THREFS COMPANY Qt WHEEL Of FORTUNE I BUSMSS REPORT PRAISE THE LORD MOVIE * * * "Bye Bye Btrd1e· ( 1963) Dtek Van Dyke. Janel L1H9h (l)MOVIE • • * 1~ 'SUS9fC!on (19'1 I Cary Gr1111. Joan Fontaine INOEPEHOEHT NEWS STANO BY ME: A PORTRAIT Of JUUAH LENNON -7:30- 1 PRICE IS RIGHT WHA rs HAPPENINGll G EYEONLA: 8 S 1,000,000 CHANCE Of A LmlME <Pl HEWS RACING FROM SANTA Nfff A MOW • • 'Stroml>OIC f t9~) lngtkl Berg· men, M111a Vitale -•:00- 1 MM»fUM. P.L COSIYSHOW MOW * *"' "lrve Conttsaiont' P9111 Rob911 Ot Niro, Rol>el1 OuvaQ 8 0 RIPLEY'S BEUEV! IT Oft NOT1 I ~000 PYRAMID MOVIE • • * "Winchester ·73· (1950) James Stewart, S~ley Wlnte<a I MAKING Of A CONTINENT MYSTERY! PRAISE THE L~ 8EAGEANT BILKO MOVIE * t "RoadhOuse 66" (1984) W~lem Deloe. Judot RemhOld CARSON'S COMEDY CL-48SICS MOVIE * * "Porily s Revenge" ( t985) Dan Monahan, Wyau Kn1gh1 -1:30- 0 a! FAMILY TIES G JOKER'S WllO (!) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. e PM MAGAZINE '9 SEAGEAHT BILl<O ( HONEYMOONERS -t:OO- &MOVIE • *'" ·The Jayne Mansfield Story" ( 1980) Loni Anderson, Arnold Schwarzenegger O QtCHE£RS 8 ®)THE COLBYS G NEWS e MOVIE t * "P11rne Cut f t972) Lee Martin. Gene Hackman fl) MYSTERY! • * '" ''Thi Kw ate Kid'' l 1984) ~ Macchio. Nortyual "Pat" Morit• MOVIE * * "A Ntgl\1matt On Elm Stt•f' ( 19Ml JC>M Suon. Rollte 81111ety STAATAEK MOVIE •U * "Amadtut" (1"4) F Mur· rey Abtallatn. Tom Hulet _...,_ ~ ~ ~ FOAQIV£N •• "Meteot" ( 1979) SMtl Connery, Natalie Wood ()) ElYIS PAE.Sl!Y: ALOHA FROM HAWAII -8:35- (1) rrs SttOWTIME -10:00- l ~TAUT IUJE8 20120 THE8AINT TENKO CN't'TOl JOUAHA.L IEMNO THE9CEHES IOWUNG MOVIE . • • ·~ "Frances" I 1982) Jutte• Lange. Kim Stanley I') COMB>Y 8AWC HONEYMOONERS: THE LOST EPl800ES -10:15-m RELIGIOUS PAOORAMMINO -t0:30- I OAO'SAIW'f JOHH WIM8E.R IHOE.PEHOENT NEWS -11:00- 1••• 0a!HEWS CAASON'8 COMEDY ~LASSICS 8llARAE .... . BAAHEY MILLEA • AMEftCAH INOIAH ARTISTS 8USM.sS REPOflT THISOAY (()MOYIE ... "Mtdnlgllt bptm" (1971) Btad 0.tvtS, JoM Hun ~OflQHT I ~~~ ~~ *'~ "Va1tn11no" p951} EIMnor PW· lk•.== OU.. tACMD LANO COWVTtR CMAOHICLfS PMl8E ntl! LOAD NIGHT GAU.!RY WHOOP! OOl.DllRO DIRECT FROM IAOAOWAY -t2l00- I CD COMEDY IMA.K 8AMOUR AEJIOflT 8NfAK PAEVIEW8 ENTt.RT AINMENT TONIGHT 100 CUJI CPJ EMEAOENCY . (%)MOVIE . **''\"Alvin Purple" (1973) Graeme Blundell. George Wh•ley -12:25- (C)MOVIE * * t Pauline Al Tile 8elcf'I 'I t983) Amand• Langlel, Arlellt Oomblsle. -12-.30- 0 Qt LA TE HIGHT WITH DAVID l.ETTE1'MAH e RATPATAOl (!) INOEPENOENT HEWS I MERVONmN LOY£. AMEJICAH STYLE llU8IBS (JI MANAOfMENT 0 MORE AfAL P£OPt.! e Pt\AJSE THE LOAD MOVIE * t *'It 'The K"11ng Fields" (1984) Sam Waterston. Hling S Ngor MOVIE Comedies king as NBC rules again By FRED ROTHENBERG .,,.....,...... ....... NEW YORK -(omed1es. includ· mg three repeat episodes. notched the first five slots m last week's Top I 0. N BC had four of those sitcoms and gamed an easy victory 1n the A.C. Nielsen Co. ratings. Figures released Tuesday showed that NBC won with an average pnme- t1me rating of 17.4 to CBS' 15. 7 and ABC's 14.2. After 25 weeks of the 30· week season. NBC has averaged a 17.8 rating to CBS' 16 9 a.nd ABC's 15.0. One ratings po1n1 equals 859,000 homes with television . A first-run episode of NBC's .. The Cosb) Show" was the most-watched program. earning a 34.8 ratmg. Next came a repeat of NBC' "Family Ties." with a 31.0. an original episode of NBC's ··cheers.'' with a 23.5. a rerun of N BC's ··The Golden Girls," with a 22.8. and a repeat of ABC's "Who's the Boss?." which had a 22. 7 rating. The rest of the Top 10 included ABC's "D)na'il¥" m sixth. CBS' "60 Minutes" and ABC's sitcom "Grow- ing Pa ms." which tied forse' enth. the COMMERCE BLDG • ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 88 FAIR DRIVE • COS rA MESA . CALIFO RNIA ThunKlay thru Saturday. l • lO p.m. • S unday, Noon • 6 p.m MARCH 20, 21 , 22 & 23, 1986 fe.lur1n11 I hi' i;ollec..t 1on!> ol 116 seltt led dealers from Ol'Ar •nd far 1n Oran)ll' l.ounlv', rf'nCJWned -eml·•nnual ~huwinA uf i1nh11u"" I 11m11t111• • llt•t 11r11llv1• At 1 l'"~on,., • ( 111111lf\ A1111•r1t .111.1 • l'.11111 111~' llm1111• ... ( 1111 ~'. jt'\Wlt\ • 0 11111 ... A1ht>rl 1 .. lfll(. f> •• , ••• , { 11111•1 11hl1·'. rn\' 1>011, • I 1i:1ir1111•, • ( ut c.1."' • Angl.1" • 'ilhl'I • ( .11111.1 • lJn••1tl.il 1.1 l'1m 1•1.111" • 11 un' • 1.1dl' • 1\11" • Cr.1ph11 ' • \\0111l111t\\,11• • l'o lh•r. t .r tll'ml \.11111"'"" "I 1111 \\ 1111 lhl' Ii•'" I 11111 11111111" I S.: -•II• I. """'"' I 11111 '" II,;! f.. p\ 1·rr , .. 1111 .. ,, h I l1ildw11 "'"''I I.!,,,. ~, •• ''"""'I! lUXURY THUTIUS $2. 75 I ot 2 M111. Weelfdayo * WALK· INS * H t Mat. Only Sot., Sun , a. Holld•t I UnlHI N Ol•d -CINE·Fl GONlt- S PEAKERS ARIE BACK STADIUm tJ first pan o f CBS' minascnes "If To morrow Comes" and NBC's "M1am1 Vice.'' Among the next 10 programs were CBS' .. Dallas," which tied for 14th with NBC's new comedy, .. Valene.'' and the second part of NBC's mint· senes. "Dress Gray," which ranked 19 th. The two mm1scnes last week performed well. in pan, because they didn't face major competition as had other multi-pan productions Lhts season. For example. the first episode of "If Tomorrow Comes" had a higher rating than both "Sans" and "Peter the Great," which went head to head last month. "When you don't force viewers to make a choice. everybody benefits m the long run... said Michael Eisenberg. CBS' research director. He said he expected the networks to more effectively avoid each other's maJor productions m the future. NBC Entertainment President Brandon Tanikoff said recently that he wanted to program a minisenes every month next season, rather than stack them up in the sweeps months of February, May and November Last week. NBC won Monday. Thursday and Saturday. nights the network began with successful com- edy blocks. As has been the case wnh "The Cosby Show" repeats. reruns o f "The Golden Girls" on Saturday also are performing as well as the onl'>Jnal episodes. "We've found that the num~rs m sitcoms don't come down very much in repeats," said George Hooper, NBC's vice president for audience research. Eisenberg noted that CBS' weak· performing movies and ABCs low- rated sen es on Saturday paved the way for "The Golden Girls.. to become the inaJor new bit of the season ... We didn't help ourselves," Eisenberg said. Every show competing against NBC's top-rated Saturday night fin· ashed in the bottom 20 shows last week On CBS, "A1rwo1r · was 51st and C BS' movie, "Any Which Way You Can," was 54th out of 69 shows. On ABC. the revamped "Redd Foxx Show" was 61 st, Di ff rent Strokes," 63rd and "Benson" and "Fortune Dane" tied for 65th. Last week's final five included, in descending order, "Benson" and ··Fortune Dane," ABC's "He's the Mayor," ABC's "Ripley's Believe It or Not" and ABC's ''The Fall Guy." In other prime-time ratings de- velopm ents. NBC's "Amazing Stones" moved to 7 p.m. EST last Sunday but d1d not perform any ~tter than "Punky Brewster" nor- mal!) does, finishing in 64lh place. CBS "People's Choice Awards" ranked 24th with a 17.4 rattng. which wa~ its lowest performance ever. The prev1ou\ tow was an 18.0 raung in 1982. In the even10$ news competition, the ··ces Evenin(l News" finished first with a 13.1 rating. T he "NBC Ntghtl) New'i" averaged a 12.4. ABC's "World News Toniaht" had a 12.0. DOllT 1nuo MOl.l Y llNOWAl.D ,Rl'TTY IN ,INK f!IG-Ut 121)41 1:AO 4tSO LA MIRADA DOI.IT tnuo MICMAll l(UTOH GATEWAY \IU ) ~13 161 llf "~ ~ .i V...., Vtow f> s U1041H 1 ot IHOW HOUKCltl SHOWS Af 6 •45 .. 1:45 WILDCATS lit) SHOWS Af ' 50 .. 9 :00 KN9GHTS 0 .. THIE Cn'Y (ltl Ptu1 Black Moon A hont (R) • CLU[3HOU~E PiCtlJR.ES f·A,~111' .... ,\t-. Here are the pnme-time television raungs as compiled by the A.C. Nielsen Co. for the week of March I 0-16. Top 20 listings include the week's ranking. with season-to-date ranking in parentheses, rating for the week. and total homes. An "X" in parentheses denotes one-tame-only presentation. .,,, t:OS 11 cOJ OOUT lnUO MKHAll HATOH GUNG HOl 111G-u 1 I~'''°,,,. h U 1"10 ~nmao.......,1 .. - 11 AICAllUIT ~'l'IOMJ * Jnvu. ""1.MWI THI COLO• ,UR,U 1~u1 1j1p '1!-t/11°',, HIClt ~ I Mi&:ll DOWN AND OUT IN llVIRL Y HILLS llll 11''1 ):II S,.&S t11S 10:4J -l1)16U tUI f t'!"!lJLO•t Am• NAGIO CAOl Ill 1 llll lt» 4,40 lft'jb'l<IO GUNG HOl 111G-u 1 I 00 ):~ S140 1·00 10120 DOllY IT1110 MOl.l T •1HOWAU> ,.ITTY IN '9NK C~Ul IJ >O ,.U 4,40 • 0 I SO 10.U ~IHlttlMOW 11 ACADtMT NOMl-TIONS STnlH um11ao•s THI COLOR ,u.,u ,~I)) • 1.004•10110 ICl:U IAT O*T I 01 U IO·U fVVlfW .... CHlllT~HH &.AMaHT HIGHLANDH t•I I 00 l-1S s,so I U 10:40 CROSS IOADS 111 I> 0 l 0 4 u. 0 1:0 10., DOWN ANO OUT IN llVHL Y HILLS tll 1 00 l 1 U S1:IO 11>0 ICl:OS DOUT mlllO •I I ACMllMT NOMINATIONI ~ OUT Of AIRICA !N I h JO 4'il , ... 1"40 DOUT IT1110 1 ACAOIMT HCIMfNAnCIHI Ul.l Y PllLDIMMU caMHll MUl'"''I IOMANCI ,,..,,, 11"0 MS ltSO .... IO:U Dolby SteNO f/X Ill ........ DUTA fORCI ttl 2M .... ll1U Dolby SteNO IRON IAGLI ~Ul ·~....., QUICK SIL VH "01 .. ao. 10o4s l.AllOAIN I 11 IMOW ON!. Y OOUT JTlllO HANNAH AND HH SISTIU 1,._111 * ltJOMJ .... loll l•U • ~y OIM·IN unAIN NIGHT EVERY THURllDAV t14•1:L~!iWB!t!ltr1·11• 801 011•Ct Opens Sat Sun 6 00 ,M Moft Fn & JO ,,. Snow Sr1r11 al 7 00 PM Clllllltt ft U!14tr U Alw1y1 frtt ANAHEIM 111•1m •U01Lrou "61••1 f .. 1 .... HOUll Ill DILTA fORCI 111 NINJA TURF Ill THI CHALLINGC tll WllDCATI Ill P/'A (ti *•l:U:@• (11•! U4 1>11 s A "? • ca.,....~ M1CMM IOAfOH OUHG H0t ,,.,II TUIMNO 'lACU Ill HIOHUHOH INIMY MINI 1,..UJ BUENA PARK IUIU I IOl8 l •• .. 1• W o• llootl ~ DA'l'ON OUHG HOt 1,._111 flAOtHG ,LACH Ill MOUT--M,9 'RITTY IN 'IMC 1,._U) THAT WAI THIN, THIS II NOW Ill NICIC .0. TllNn'I MIOl61 DOWN AHO OUT IN llVIRL Y Hill.I 11'1 KNIGHTS °' ntl CrTY 1111 THI SUH THING ~Ill ti.ACK MOON .... HG 1111 HIOH&.AHOI• INIMY MINI 1 ... Ul loHABRA .. ~~. u.i:1 . ~·--Ad ,UTYY IN '9HK (,._111 THAT WAI THIN, TMll II NOW 111 NltuA TURP I~ THI CHAUIHOl 111 MOUH 11t NAOtO CACM A cadem_l' Nom1nH! llUltPMY'5 ltOllAMCIE (f'G-U) 6 40 &. I .SS 9 1(2 W££KS (It) SHOWS AT 6:30 .. 1'40 CltOSS ROADS C"J l'lu1 Co-Future Tne Karate Kid IPG·ll) CEnTUAY ClnEDOmE tJ 634 2SSJ Ch1pm111 A S.nll Ant f wv DOWN ANO OUT IN .VEltL Y HtLL.S (It) Plu1 Sptaall (PG) CM>SS ltOADS (It) SHOWS AT 1 :20 3 :30 5:30 7:4 0 .. 9 ;50 DOM1 AIU> OUT IN ~ltLY .. LU (It) SHOWS AT 1: 10 3:2S 5 :35 7 :50 .. 10:00 1 1 AClllMmy Nomlovl6onl OUT Of' A .. lttCA PIQ) SHOWS AT 1 10 4:20 .. 7:30 GUNGHOCPCH~ SHOWS AT 1 00 3 20 S.4 0 a 'OO &. I 0 20 f"RETTYIN """'.,...ul I 003·105:2o7 l0 9·40 I 1 AC8dlmy N~ COL.Ott PURPLE (It) SHOWS AT 1:40 3 :4 0 .. 7·40 Ac1demy Nominee THE COU>lt PUltf'LL Cit Plul Mad M111. Beyond Tllunoeroome (PG· 13) laACKTOTH« FUT'\M& (N) Plu1 The fOked C ite {RI RUN_FOR COVER! .-ut.ano STMllllDl.fl 1MA 5zt.Wt llWlllEPWA _,..t52-4ttl . ..,., ' ..,._u1.JS01 .......... ll TmMl·NIO EDW.S SADDUIACI The Of1q1nol cos I ,., coming 111 sovf• thCtr '><. hool ond 1t \ opt>n ')('()Son on o nyone who y<>l s w1lh1n range' ITllTI RlllY 111111 21 MIMI• ... 141.ono OIWMDS CtManl Cl.RI• .. 154-.. 11 OIW..S UMOSl1l L& _. (Zl=.OCU MIC fASMOll L&-523-llll PACl'IC UmtAY 1.&1111 ... 4t1-J 711 OIWMOS SO. COAST LAClllM .,., .... ._ .... ' .. -·-~-... ...,....__ eum1M-ml CEIClll lll'IUllW-74'4 MMDS•TOl 11mllltl..f517 ~ Vll.MI cono Mil ·····•> PACflC ltWAT n Ga.fl '-!I ClU81tOUSl PKTUllS' ·--.. -1 __ ._ __ .._ .. _._ ...... _ .. ..,.. ...... ,ITllTI .... , .u ... -sTllTI .. ,._, ., .... ~ (lU) .. , .. ll ,_Hll ._ ... \IA..,..,. £DllWI ..... .., 9"-4ttJ -..JM.wt •Mlflm& ·--~ •aaMm.U CDmlllMl•l "7-tMt .. ,.. ·--s.-OACI •cmconu Ml·-IJ'.•11 ·~MUT •tMT&• ..... ,Oliff. ~-TOl Wllll.,._151t -.1 ... ... . ..,.,. ..... .._ ~111Ml ,.,...., cona•1•1 I 111 "Tf'ltt Co1Dy Snow," NBC, 30 rellno. 29 9 mllllon nomu 2 121 "Fcmlly Tl•\.' NBC, 31 0, 266 mllllon ~ l IS) "C'-"·" NBC, n s. 20 2 mllllon llOmft 4 Ill "Tne G~n Glr1\,'' NBC. 22.I, lt.6 rnlHloo ~'· S 1121 "Wno'' fl'le Bou?", ABC. 12.1, 19.5 mlHlon nome1 4 (4) "Ov,,."v " ABC, ?2 4, 19 4 mllllon no,.,., 1 (41 60 Mlnu1t1 " CBS. 21 5, lt.l minion nomet. 1 (20) "Growing P•lnl, ABC. 7l S, lt.3 mllloll llOmel. t IX I "If Tomouow COf\W\.'' Ptrl I, 2U, 11 1 mllllon llOmft 10 (t ) "Mi.ml Vlc.e," N8C. 11 2, IU mllllon llOme\ It ( 10) "Hlollwev IO HHven.'' NBC, ?I 1, It I mlUlon nomet 12. (II) "NIQhl Courl," NBC, 20.1, 119 mlttlon llOm•• I) 12•> "Moonllghllno:· ABC. 20 5. 17 . mllllon ~~ 14 lll l ' V1'*'t4 ' NBC, lt9, t7 t mllllon ~ 14. 161 "Delle&," CBS, 19.t , 17 I mllllon l'IOmft. 14. 1151 "You Agelll?" NBC, It.I, 110 mllllon hOmel. 17 (11) "227," NBC. 19.1, tH m!Mloll i'lomet 17 t221 "Hotel,'' ABC, It'· IU mlMlon homes lt (121 "Dreu Gfev:· Pt rt 2. "NBC Moftdey Nlotll Mo¥le" 19.0, 1' l ml"kln i'lomet 20. ( 14) "K•I• &. All1'.'' ces. 111, ISS mlllloll hOmel •• • 1!o ~A PARAMOONl ltlURf --------.---NOW PLAYING CR£DIT LIN[ Mora now leads m arketing group PalQela Mor1, direct marketina consultant. has been elected president of the Direct Manetlaa A1socladoD of Oruae Couty, a r«:ently formed chapter of the Natloul Dlrec& Marlketlaa A11octatJoa. Mora, a Is.year veteran of the d inct marketina industry. was recently named Volunteer of the Year by the OTua• Coeaty l\epebllcu Party. • • • Jeffref J . Bltettl has rejoined Nen1 DeveJ.,mea& Corp.'1 central div1s1on in Irvine as a marketing representative. Bitetti had been involved with Nexus from June 1984 to May 1985. In his new post. he will coordinate marketing efTons for Nexus' ~ntral Orange County projects. He had been a marketinJ specialist/western reaion for Eq.Jtable LJfe A11uruce of America 1n San Francisco. where he speciahzed in pension investments. • • • DoroUay Wel111erber has joined Kerr & Altoelates Public Relatloa1 6 Advert11l11, Inc. as traffic manager of the Huntington Beach agency, She has been in the field for five years, most recently as media director with Hubbert Adverti1la1 in Costa Mesa. • • • Fred BeaJamla has retired from his duties as head of sales and marketing of Clarl1Ue Electric Corp.'1 electrical power conversion and motion picture theater equipment products divisions after 26 years with the Los Angeles firm. He will oontinue as consultant and Southern California sales representative for DC Power Supplies and Battery Chargers under the banner of his own com pany. Frebee lnteraatloul, lac., ot Mission Viejo. 0'9nge C0ett DAIL V pt LOT /Thurlday, Mwoh 20. 1111 C8 COMPLETE NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS, C2 But can you prove your deduction? If you find yourself Krambhng after receipts and scarch1na your checkbook for tall-deductible items as · you prepare your 1985 tax retum . you probably wish you had done a better job of rcoord-keeping. It may be too late to avoid the confusion this tJme, but it's not too early to plan to make your life easier next tax season. An im l()Ortant aspect of record- keepina LS to make sure your documentation is as complete u possible. Tbe IRS, for eumple, docs not think a canceled check is sufficient evidence of a contribution to an IRA or Keogh plan. The IRS wants to see additional <tocumentatioh -such.as a statement. Keep aJI your bills, receipts, statements and whatever else can support your claims. The re<:ord-kecpmg system you choose will depend on your habits. If you're disorganized, keep it simple. At the very least, file aJI your receipts in one place -an alphabetized accordian folder available for under S 12 1s idea] for easy retrieval. Such a folder can be divided into categories of deductions allowed by the IRS. Those who fall into the ''hopelessly disorganized" category may want to consider getting outside help. If you have a home computer, tax software is available to do anything from addinJ your cxpenJCS to pt"oducma a completed return. However you document your expenses, remember: The more you do now, the less you will have to do next tax season. Store photocopies of your tax returns and all supportma dOC\.I· ments, such as W-2 forms, fofat lcut three years. This matches the IRS's statute oflimitations for an audit and it is also the number of years to consider for incom,e averaafog. which might be appropnate if you have a large increase in inc.ome one year. Once you establish a record-keep- ing system, file Jlll receipts for business-related expenses, such as travel and enJertatnment,, and jot down whar they were for before you forget. A small pocket diary is a good place to make note of deductible items. Following arc a few ilems to include in your list of deductibles, though the list couJd change if the president's tax reform plan passes. Be sure to check wilh yo"'r tax adviser before you make any financial de- cisions based solely on their tax consequences. •C1aaritable CoatrlbatJoa1 -All contributions of cash or property to charitie~ are deductible. So arc ex- penses incurred in volunteer work, Moy RUDIE mcludina actual transpe>nation costs of 12 cents per mile if you use your own car. •Me4.leal ud DeetaJ Expeaan - In addition to medjca\ bills not reimbursed by insurance. related expenses -transportation to and from the doctor and salary deduc- uons for medical insurance -arc also deductible. Remember, though. only the amount that exceeds S percent of your adjusted poss in- coome is eligible for deductions. •beome, Real Estate ud Per· IOllll Property Tun -Keep copies of all tax bills -not just the canceled checks. •8ale1 Tuet -To be safe, keep a record of the saJes tax paid on big- tjcket items, such as a car, boat. truck. home or furniture. • Job-relate4 EX'PftlH -You can deduc1 a range of work expcrues: unifonns and clothes useful only in your emplo)'ment. subtcnpti~• ·IO business pubUeatlon1 and bu:s.nns use ofa home compvler. . However, keep accurat.e rceordt of home computer use for the IRS. Aho deductible are dues to profCMioaal usociations, some education ex- penses, costs oflooldna for a job and exl)CnlCs of a Job-related move. Che.ck • tax guide or JRS pubU· cation to find other deductions you may be entitled to. Your records should aJso include financial documents you miaht not need this year, but will be oecaary for futu'"' income 14x calculationt.. Home improvcmcnu -t \lCh u new plumbing or paving a driveway -mi&ht oot y1eld cumnt dcd~ lions. but can increase the value of your home. Records of improve- ments allow you to increase the tax "basis" of your home, which can reduce your capital pins tu in I.be event that you sell. Without pro~r records, the lRS can treat the difference between the purchase price and the selling price as a capital gain and iporc the entire cost of your improvements. Mary J. Red.le 11 vice ,,.aWeat • maaa1er of cou•mer aecter m&ftsd.. lat tenicet for Men'lU LY9d. Pierce. Feuu 6 Smida lac. -c11111111:1 tJitW:tt------------------ KlouV pq~ Llncoln y Alfacell wt CONUlSYll DOWNS ult ,.,. ~ -JI/• -~ YI -'h 8: ~ H: 8: 8: 8: UP UP ~i Pct. I 1U r-.. 7 -1~ ~,Int wt =~ -v. ~II wlrn Yt-~ ll Al' C=1 '"" --Yt E ,d -I~ 1-v. = ~ tr= : ~-Yt ~1=i~ ,&, t=·~ ff '--\I') -1~ -'-=~ iu~~n -Yt The Small Town in the Middle of the Big City Location counts. That's w/1( University b¥8f in The Marl<etplace st Um· ll8rSity Town C.enter wdl be the smart business Bddress in Orange County. Strat9gicBf/y located in Irvine's AJrport· Metro-UC/ Tnangle, 9CIOSS the street from UC /rvlf)(J. the 10-Stoly UntverSJty ~ IS /.~ the only first-class office I. buHdlng In the master.planned UnMttslty b¥n Canter. cnnoe County'$ newest "small town." Mmvtes from three heoways, University 10w8r w1h off9r a pnme Irvine locst10n without the congesoon ol the central bu!H?eS! 8198. !JWJ''~·m111 . !J '1 ~. il ~ . a pari<-li#<e setting, vavs. free parldng and the sur- rounding Marlcetplace. an already-Open retail. restaurant and entenamment center Open Summer 1986 A development ol DIN1son & F-erguson Leasmg OfrK:e tn The Marl<etplace 4249 Campus Dr . Sune 152 Irvine. Ca/tfomla 92n6 n41954.2441 E xcluSNe Leasing >iQent: ""'· Thom & Co. 10m Aclclam, Bob Sfrltwagon '--------------Pit E~-.. dDoinQ &*"'*s --------------' 1(1 0-.ngoP Coumy 4. 4. t t~ ff Li a as ' ' 2 SC Tlllllll Y'S CLlllll PlllCEI Div. ~I S*t LHI Cllt +~ Daily Pilai 642-4321 WHAT AMEX Om Due to transmission problems in New York, today's listing will not appear in the Daily Piiot. AMEX LEADERS Due to transmission problems In New York, today's listing wlll not appear in the Dally Pilot. CoLo QuoTES METALS QuorEs NEW YON( (AP) -8C)OI llOnlerToue met• pnc.e r......,..,. A""'*-· S9 &S C*lta I* poun<I, HY eom.y 1C>01 montll clOMCI weo c...-. 1m.13'"' 1*'111. poun<I, us dMllNlloM c...,_ · 117 40 centa pet pouM, NY Com*• 9'>0t month c:loMd Wed Leed· 18-1tC«1t1apounc:t ZlllC • 35 «*Ill • pound, oallwr4IO T1wl • S3 9294 tMM• W .. CIOtflPO'll• ~per IO l ......., • $5 130 I* -HeftCly. H.,....,, ....,_·SS 719 per troY -· HY C-IC>OI month c-Wecl --_, • $235 004280 00 I* 71 lb flulo, New Ve>ni ,..._ • $40& 00.."41 I 00 0-41c "*cllent troy ou.-,.. y WHAT NYSE Om NYSE LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -S.IH, 4 PJTI Thur1d1v price and net change Of the lS most active New YMk Stock Exe:hanott I ssues , tradi ng natlonallv al more lhan Sl Name ~dnPac s omw ~dis ~van&d Y~ut'1ern Co UllvEll wt Gen Motors ~merT&T ~u':svf Ind LlllvEI s Km~rl ITT orp Fed ICPfHS Humane Dow JoNES AvERAGES NASDAQ SUMMARY NEW YORK IAPI -Most eetlve over· ·11,•·counter stocks SUPC>llld bY NASO. La1t or ~T~ l~" ·~3,lo Aqld !~ MtntoPn s ,7 , '.\ vlen $ li4 l'h Jaguar 1\~4411 7 I· 2 + 1·32 G•t •H , ··mu, ~~ 16 MCI I, , 1 ~ x~k : i~ ::1~ S.ftcd ' ' 114 + 1 ),4 LdlT & s , I ~ + Va t,,hQ. butt.on do..vn shirt our f\ncz.stc.111-a:t.ton oxford cloth eh1rt, modci f01 us~ Cx1rdoo c£ N:z'J/Orlcz.ons !•ngl¢·TY2J2dl,gd ~1lortrl 1S111h "fll•t yoM conSiruct.100 2'r u\t.lmota. nt oo:i OJmfhrL m whit.a bluz.a.cni,pmk ~llcw . · n¢Wf!O't b¢.Oeh l+li fb~IQ{) ~lord, "llV~'1 1.1ro ., W!let'MX)d V1\tcgcz.. 1001 ~ • .-..d Ulvr:i 21 YiOi ~7 pooodiim ~!>~th lokaow ,81~1 v "~ mm hruih l0t.o9. ~t..wdtr1 lOwf> t •ardrr; :1•nr1 !o ~ , I THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1986 U.S. jets may cross into disputed gulf; Reagan calls mission routine exercise WASHING TON (Al>) -A third tl.S. carrier entered the Mediter- ranean Sea on Wednesday for what President Reagan called "routine exercises" that may involve flights over the so-called "line of death" marking off the djsputed Gulf of Royal beau Sa.rah P'er1119Gn, a com- moner, la officially en- &a&ed to Prince Andrew of tnitand. A8. I Coast Fountain Valley police of- ficers wtll vote on a con- tract proposal In an at- tempt to break a dead- lock with the city./ A3 Nation Marcos may leave U.S. for Panama./ A4 Sports It's no contest as Orange Coast baseball team clubs rival Golden West, 22-5./81 Sidra, claimed by Libya. Watchina them closely will be an enlarged Soviet fleet And admini~ tration sources said a battery of SAM-5 surface-to-air missiles, sta- tioned since early this year at Sin near the Libyan coast, arc manned by Russian technicians. Pentagon officials said an un- disclosed number of planes took part in the operations Wednesday, but "there were no unusual incidents," meaning no close encounters with Libyan or Soviet forces. The officials declined to say bow close the Ameri- can ships or planes were to Libya. Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz. although they have bitterly criticized Ubyan leader Moammar Khadafy for alleaedly supponin& terrorist attacks q,ainst Americans. said that the ·operation was not meant u a warnina. "Thete are routine exercises that the fleet is ready to do. The schedule is going on u usual,·· Reapn told reponen at a 119te dinner Tuesday niabt for Canadian Prime: Minister Brian Mulroney. "We've done these exercises eve?. year," Reagan said. "You just cant 25~ have the Navy JUSt s1tt1na there doma nothina." Shu.ltz, .inteniewed oo the "CBS Mornina News,·· declined to forecu1 KhadafY's reaction. callina the Lib- yan leader "very un~ictable." The carrier u~ America ed into the Mediterranean at the-= of a 10-ship Wk foroe Wednesday morning. boostina the number of U.S. naval veuels there to 45, of which 3S were combat ships, a .. O.., .......... .,,MIMN ...... Pentaaon spokesman said. It was the fint time since Novem- ber I 984 that the United Swes bad three carrien in the Mediterranean. The Satatop arrived there last Auaust. and wu expected to dtp&rt in fou.r weeks, and the C«aJ Sea arrived in October, accordina to Pentason 10uroet who spoke on condition they not be further identified. The four-week overlap between the , ......... TBJaD/A2) Builder to stand trial for bribery Accused of bilking home buyers out of mort epayments By STEVE MARBLE Of .. O.., ........ A bankrupt developer who once spccialtzcd in building luxury homes in south Orange County must stand trial on felony charges of embez:z.lina monpac pa~ents from home- owners and bribina a bank officeT. Gerald Goeden, a Fountain Valley resident and fonna president of Irvine-based Goeden Co., is chaJ)ICd with 16 felony counts of v.and theft. writing bad checks and bribery. Geoden, facing a maximum eight-year prison sentence, was or- dered Monday to return March 27 for arraignment in SupcrioT Coun in Santa Ana.. The 45-year-old fonna developer ha!_pleaded innocent to aJJ ctwaes. The criminal cba.rJes stem ltom · Gocden's residential developments in Laguna Nisuel, San Juan Cal1istnno and oransie. according to Ocj>uty District Anomey Kaz Macino. Ken Forsch hoping to latch on with Angels' pitching etaff ./81 INDEX Toartata at 111.Mlon San Jaan CapUtrano 'ue at tbe aky bome in .oath <>ranee Coanty. Tbe winCed one. eeea bere at Wedne.day In .-rdl of the famou Caplatrano awallcnra the ratna of the Great Stone Cba.rcb aren't neceeearlly tbe that annaally mlfrate from Aqeotlna back to their n.mmer llwlft awallowa. Homeowners 10 Crown Royale. the development project in l...quna Niguel, claimed_ they mailed mon- gagc checks to Goeden, but that bis firm never forwarded the money to the proper banks. Advice and Games Boating Bulletin Board Business Classlfled cs 85 A3 C1-2 86-8 C6 88 Swallows return, but few in number Goeden was subsidizi114 home- owners as pan of a markeuna plan, acoordina to the charges. Comics Death Notices Entertainment Opinion Paparazzi Pollce log Publlc Notices Sports Tetevlslon Weather C3-4 A5 85 A3 Thousands of tourists flock to Mission San Juan Capistrano for annual event fic1al" 8:33 a.m. a~al at the mission. ending a 6.000-mile flight from t.beir winter home in Goya, Argentina. Get Phptc.I 88-10 81-4 C4 A2 In today'• Dally Piiot By U1e A11oclated Pre11 Thousands of tourists turned out Wednesday for the fabled return of swallows to Mission San Juan Capistrano, but only a handful of Community colleges want funds, not strings By PAUL ARCBIPLEY Of .. 0.., ......... When a higher education com- mission released a report this week containing recommendations for im- provinJ the community college sys~ tem, 1t dodaed the que5tion of governance that bas Iona split collcae administraton and state legislators. However, another major ques~ion -money -was recommend~ to the tune of $70 million by the Commission on the Review of the Master Plan for Hiaher Education. The commission propoted •hat the bulk of the funds 10 toward a mandatory proaram of student auessment. counselina and placc- (Pleue ... COLLBOS8/A2) swallows showed up -and the mission's official spotter massed the birds aJtogether. Four ancient m1ss1on bells were rung to signify the swallows' "of- But bellringer Paul Arbiso, 9 l . said that for the first t ime in bis 38 years as the mission·s official spotter. he didn"t sec a swallow. Asked why he rang the bells, Arb1so saJd ... I got to ring them anyway, Attorney predicts. judge won't like jail explanation By LISA MAHONEY Of ... O.., ......... American Civil Liberties Union attorney Dick Herman predicted Wednesday that a federal judge will have httle patience Wlth Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates' explanation for repeatedly cxcecdmJ a coun-ordered inmate cap at the Main Jail in Santa Ana dunng February. The sheriff is expected to go into his contempt of coun hearing today and ask U.S. District Coun Judge William Gray to waive the next inmate reduction measure, scheduled to go into effect ApriJ 1. "I needed a good laugh," Herman said. "That fac1hty is rated for I, 171 (beds). The Judge 1s not going to waive that 1,400 cap.·· If Gates does make the request, Herman predicted "he's going to see a judge rise four feet above his cbatr." Gray found Oates and the county Board of Supcrv1sors in contempt last March forfldling to easecrowdinaat the Jail as ordered 1n 1978'. He dfrected the county to take steps to reduce the inmate population at the Majn Jail to 1.500 by Jan. IS and to 1,400 by l\pnl I (Pleue eee JUDQE/ A2) Author tell~ her own ~tory: LAuu IEIK Hitching rides can be deadly Lagunan was shot twice In head while hitchhiking home from_ school at age 15 One Dcttmbcr af\emoon in 1979, 'Ae-me~ho p1ckedbet up looked Michele Ferri was h1tchbiklna her "normal," be recalls. But as their way home from school.Just H she had ,oumcy continued. he became more done every day for the last year. and more silent -almost friaht- But lh1s day wa different en1n,._ abe rettntly reca.lled., "He wu Fem, a bcaulJfUI brunette with very ice cold 11\d very na>d.' she said. Iona. floWlnf hatr, qu1ekJy got a nde, nd suddenly, for no apperent but only hal -way home ~ru'°n. he repeatedly shot at her, _______ , lodain& five bullet11n her skuJJ. When a surie of eneray allowed her to continue st.ru11hna for the whttl, he tncd to control her by beatma her head with a hammer. ··1 remember thtnluna. 'My God l'm 1 S and I'm aoin1 to die.' l wa afraid I would never act to be 16." he said. But Fem was able to wrestle the hammer away from him ""hco ht' pulled to a 1de road and pu hed bt'r from the car "l knew then God was P £0Pl l IN THE NEW S 11vina me Sll"CnJlh ... said Fem She sp(>ke calmly. with the detachment of t0meonc who has told the YIM story many times. After be1na dumped on the road. he was abk to memonze the hccnx plate before ~am1na for hdp, he Mid. Nearby eon.,truct1on workc" tncd to tale t\(r to the ho pit.al, bul (Pl .... eee...-rrc8llDllNO/ A2) because they told me to." Arb1so said he was certain swallows were in the vic101ty because he had seen "scouts" amve in the days before the bird's traditional return on March 19 ~Saint Joseph's Day. Dick Landy, director of the mission's v1s1tor center, said he told Arbiso to nng the bells after Landy (Pleue .ee SW ALLOWS/ f.,2) More than a dozen of the home• owners have filed suit apmst Goeden, some alleging they lost their homes because of the developer's financial dealings. Residents of Crown Royale tOOk a1m at the developer in 1983 by forming picket lines outside the Goeden sales office and carryina protest signing reading ··we Got the (Pleue eee DEVELOPltR/ A2) Newport police get high marks, but use off orce questioned By SUSAN HOWLETI' ud ROBERT HYNDMAN An tndepcndent review of the Newport Beach Police Dcpanmcnt iudged the agency "above average overaJJ." but noted some problems. including the number of excess1vc- force complaints ··compared Wlth other c1t1cs of its size, Newpon Beach 1s fortunate to have what can only be descnbcd as a good pohcc department," s&1d the 700-paae repon rt:lcucd Wedncsd•y~ by City Manager Robcn Wynn The de;:>anment's weaknesses. the rc1>0n said. "ttlatcd pnmanly to internal opcrauons." Although the review was gcneralh complimentary, the audit team cited problems with exccss1vc-foroc com- plaints by people wbo have been arrested. .. To the elllcnt that allegations of excessive use of force -whether founded or unfounded -att the result of unnettSSarily aagrcss1vc patrol tactics. the~ tacti<:s should be rcVlsed." the repon said. .. The reduction of excessive-force complamts and clanns should be a high pnonty obJ~l1ve for the depan- ment." Pohce official$ interviewed by the audit team denied any ute of CA· ~1 ve forcr by officcn.. and s&1d lh<:y had taken steps to deter such behav- ior (Pleue .ee l'fSWPORT I A2) Laguna to continue housing plan battle By LAlJl\A MER& °' ..... ,... ..... The ~na Beach Cit) Council Wlll ap two court ruh~ hand~ down l 1s week that remo~ roed- blocu to a proposed hous1na de· vdop.rncnt 1n Lquu Hlltf. The rulinas b)' Supenor Coun Judae Judith Ryan declared tho C1'y Un.JUStlficd 10 It proposal to build a mini-park that would block•~ to the proj«t and th~ out a lawsuit the city had fikd tn t tbc count)' over 1u appro~al Clf the proJCCt • The coon case stemmed ffOm the council's refusal to srant the Cann•· Sandlina sroup bu1ldlna permits and nece~sary access to A.It.a l.quna Boulevard from a proposed 108-unu hou~n1 development The counc:tl told tbc development company 1t must scale dov.rn its prOJtet to 70 units because Park .\venue could not handle the ad~ d1t1onal ttaffi Canna· ndhn1 re(Uttd to reduce tht PfOJCC\., propoeed fof ... m..cn (l'leue ... l.AOURA/ A.21 M Or~ Coat DAILY PILOT/ Thunday, Ma!ch W, 19!8 HITCHHIKING DANGERS RECOUNTED ••• From Al WeR unable to convince Fem. who ! insuted on aoins to her mother's boutique -aJI the while pv1na the men dtrCCtions. Today, after two brain suraenes to remove thrtt bullets. Ferri is mental- ly a nd physically 100 percent fit. Two bullets remain in her skull. O ne bullet behind her temple was never re- moved to avoid scarrina her face; ano ther on top of her head is no w covered by bone and scar tissue. "We didn't find out about the: buJlets until we got to the hospital," recalted FerTi, sitting comfortably in her South Laguna Beach home. She did n't remember the shoot· inas. and her family thou&ht her battered head was from the beaungs. Doctors at UCI Medical Center were amazed she survived with so many fraaments of buJlets scattered about her brain, Ferri said. Charles Guenther was convicted and served six years of a 12-year sentence in San Quentin Prison for the attack on Ferri. It was Guenther's first offense. With a doctorate in psych'ology and sociology.. he worked · as a juvenile counselor with the rnunty Probation Department. Tustin attorney Rick Boehm , who represented Ferri in a personal injury lawsuit, said, "The word a mazing doe!tn't do it justice. From the time "'hen she was injured until the time of ll1tgation, everything was bizarre." 0.-, ......... ., .... ...,... Boehm said G unther was an heir to the Union Oil fonune through a grandfather who left holdi ngs in the company entrusted to h1m. Guenther filed for bankruptcy two days before Michele Ferri holda ber .on at her Lafuna Beach home. the end of his trial. Bankruptcy proceedings last about l\loO 'rears. said Boehm But hours bt'forc the case was to be decided. Guenther's mother died. making the case invalid and the Guenther wealthy o nce again. Fem settled out of court 10 a personal tnJury suit, but would not specify the amount of the settlement. Though Guenther wrote several letters of apology to Fem dunng his time 1n pnson. she said his intention was to kill her. ·'He definite!) wanted me j:lcad. In his confession he said he war{tt:d to raP.C me when I was dead ... she said ' \t 23. nearly eight )Cars after the attack. Fem has finished a manu- script on the traiedy, shunning others who asked for nghts to the story. Her agent has submitted the manuscnpt. titled "Bang. Bang. r m not Dead," to 'le,cral publishers and Fem hopes 11 will be accepted for publication v.1thtn the ne't two month~ ll ltas taken years to sort out the anger. guilt and frustration. she said. but "nllng the manuscnpt helped rclca~ the pent-up emouons "h was therapy for me. Maybe in a wa)' I was g1' mg 1t o ne good. last Cl) I felt kind of cleansed." she wd. "Now I want to be a wnter," she said. - Fem was IS when the assault took place and about 21 when the night- mares finally stopped. "Until I met Robert 1t was not even fun to go to sleep at night," said Ferri of her husband. The couple recently gave binh to a son. Russell, born a month after the manuscript was complete. The tragedy had both good and bad influences on her hfe, Fem admits. "My life was kind of reucn at the time. J was going through a lot of stuff. I was depressed. using drugs. After that I got a new lease on hfe. It was precious and I was lucky," she said. Her hair was go ne because of the surgenes. "I couldn't look at myself 1 n the mirror." she said. '"It was tough, it was tough at home M} mom didn't want to keep me in the house hkc a recluse but !!he knew I v.as resentful oflhc fact that I wasn't a normal teen-ager," she said The book deals not onl~ with Ferri's emotions but also with Guenther's hfe. 1nformat1on she gathered through her attorney from tm psychiatric reports. "He had a very painful rclationsbJp with his mother but later ~ot through two marriages to women just like her. He ke pt banging his head against the wall. I wrote about his life. I have a lot of empathy forbim. f have definitely forgiven him. "My life is great. I have no reason to be angry," she said. Ferri doesn't know yet whether her book will be a success or even if it will be published. But she's already look· ing toward her next project: a film about her struggle. "While I was wnting the book I thought about what I would like to read and would step back and be a reader. M y agent loves 1t, so that's what I have to ~o by," she said. She's also using her expenence as a warning to teen-agers: She recently spoke to a voup of students at Laguna Beach Hi~ School about the dangers ofh1tchh1king. "My hfe now is very mcred1ble I have no complaints. I have always been very spintual and close to God. There 1s not a day that goes by that I don't thank him for being ahvc and O K." she said. ~T HIRD U.S. CARRIER NEARS LIBYA ... From Al arm,al of the Amenca and the dcpanurc of the Saratoga 1c; three "eckc; lunger than usual. the sou1ccs saH.I. but Navy spokesmen declined to d1sdoc;c details of planned or current operations The so.,1ets )'esterda> sent '""o c;h1ps into the Mediterranean. boost· mg their fleet 10 29. of v.h1ch g were lomhatants and the largest of which ''J~ a cruiser. one !>C>urcc ..aid. 'iomc ol those !>hips are at Tnpol1. the L1h}an capital. a frequent pon tor '°I w1ct .. es~els. the source said. Pentagon -;pokesmcn 'i81d that Na' y operations may include air flights over the Gulf ofS1dra, which 1~ claimed by Libya Much of the gulf. however, hes beyond the 12-mile temtonal hmll re'ipected by the l'nited States. In 1981. dunng a U.S na,al operation. two Amencan fighters shot down two Libyan Jets that reponedly attacked them. No close approaches were reponcd Wednes- da~ or dunng the most recent prev1ouc; Amencan exercise an the area. Fn day and Saturda> "The Libyans ha .. e been in a high state of readiness all this year," said one adm1n1'>trat1on official. ··1t goes up and down." The offic1aJ. who spoke o n cond111on he not be funher 1dent1fied. said that the Soviets accelerated 1nstallat1on an L1bva of S.\M-5 missiles. the longest ·anti· a1rcrafl rocket 1n their arsenal. with a range of I 50 m lies. About 2.000 Soviet tethnic1ans arr believed to be in Libya, some of them at the SAM-5 site, 'laid the official. The Na V) ha" \taged operations ofT the L1b)'a coa\t four times this year. and 18 times !>tn<.:e earl> 1981 . COLLEGES WANT MONEY, NOT STRINGS ... From Al mcnt on the 106 commun1t\ tollcge 1mpuc;c<, I mal commun1t) college leader. i!Cncrall\ praised the rcpon. but tl'mpcred their enthus1a<;m w11h the rt•n11ndcr that the real action takes pl •. Ll' \\hen legislators deliberate the t ~ rel•>mmendat1ons 1n Sacramento hr11.1nn1ng .\pnl 1 I hL·rc "'-Cre no great c;urpn~' · \aid ( hdntellor David Brownell of the < <Ja'it < ommunlt' ( ollege D1c;- 1m t f k \a1d local repre~ntat1ves have tx·cn tollowing the comm1'1'11on and making recommendations through· out 1t<; deliberations fjrownell noted tht• panel hac kcd a"a) from the question of gov- ernante and recommended 1t be addrem~d separate!). Orange Coast College President Donald Bronsard said, "The one lrul)' hot issue 1c; th1c; issue of governantc "The state argues that the mone) ~·omec; from them. so they should have more say 1n ho"" 11\ 1;pent," he said. "The counter-argument 15 that the local community college gives a tailored response to the educational needs of that d1stnct " Bronsard said of the three state higher education S)'items. com mt.mi - l~ colleges are "b\ far the most effioent We have the most students, a mixed m1ss1on , and we handle 11 ""1th a fraction of the resources given to the un1"ers111es "\\-l· make dollars cry out m pam " (oa'ithne College President Wil- ham Vega said the recommendauons "will take a lot of mone> to imple- ment." hut the report failed to adequate!} address the quec;t1on of financing Vega and other local admin1c;- trators contacted b) the Pilot sup- ported the recommended funding for counseling and placement of stu- dents. "One of the mo'it efTcc ll "e ways to arnst students '' a matnculauon program to a\c;ec;s and place:· Vega said. But administrators said the rec- ommendations to increase student transfers to four-year colleges and implement more ngorous academic standards shouldn't come at the expense of studt:nts who enroll in 'ocat1onal tra1n1ng, non-academic courses. and other classes that don·l necessanly lead to higher degrees .. Most of us take tne positton that community colleges should be open to a11:· Brownell said. "The gut issue 1s should we have entry standards that would d1senfranch1se thousands of students?" Other recommendatio ns included: •E,tend1ng faculty probation before gran11ng tenure from two years to four or six yeal"i. • Bumg nate funding on total full- 11me enrollment rather than average da1l> attendance. •Increasing faculty control over courses ofTered, academic standards. and hinng and retention of teachers. LAGUNA TO APPEAL.RULINGS •.. Fro m Al lot. and aot the needed permit~ fr1>m propeny owne~ art' to be notified the county 1 n~tead. The propeny 1~ 1n under the law unincorporated area JU'it ou1~1de Ryan ruled the (,cneral Plan in- l.aguna Beach. vahd and said the c11v must hold the It was then that the cit) approved hcanngs again the mini.park at the end of Alta The JUdge also threw out a Jawc;utt l agunn Boulevard the city had filed aga1nc;t the county But J udge Ryan rul<'d Monda~ that That ~u1t claimed the county did not the city did not ade(luately notify the consider the city'' traffic analysis Carma-andhng Group about hear· when count~ otl1nal\ approved the 1np 11 held to amend the General Plan development tq allow for the park All ad1acent Afler the rul1na Monday. Carma- ' ~ndhng tiled a federal lawsuit charg-lnJ the City With CIVIi nghts viol· at1ons. According to City Manager Ken Frank. the council voted to appeal both decisions. and to reinstate the public hcan ngs for the mini-park. The council also authorized the city attorney to accept matenals filed by Carma-Sandling in the: federal law-~u1l for each council member and to have the CH)' attorney defend the council member\ md1v1dually DEVELOPER TO ST AND TRIAL ... rrom A l Roya le Shaft." Goeden allc1cdly u~d mon~ge payments to play the commod1tie market. He lost about $3 mil lion J9eCUlatina on the future' marlcet. accordina to the ac:cusat10M Goeden aJto 1s suspected of wntmg about $440,000 worth of bad checks to a commodaties broker Further. he tJ accu.ICd of bnbing a h:anlc off i«r by sellina the officer a lu11ury home at a d1'1Count Mo~t of the homes built by the Goeden Co sold 1n the U00,000 to $400.000 ran~e. The Fountain Valley men also was at theccnterofcontroven y 1n Corona dcl Mar where his finn purcbastd an apartment compleit 1n 1982 and increased rents by up to 300 percent with a promise of luxury improve- ment~ to the unils. accordmg to rcpon~ ( Tcna ntc;, some who were evicted. claimed the "luxury to uche1" were never made The Goeden Co. filed for bankruptcy t.hc next year. Goeden and h11 Wlfe. Betty Jo Goeden. were arTC ted Apnl 19, 19 S. folloW!n& a len.1thY 1nvesuaat1on by the Oranac County Sheriffs ~pan­ ment ( nm1n"I charJeS have •1ncc been dmpped apin'1 M"' Goeden , SunShine to usher in sp ng TM ftrat day of IPftnQ wMI be eunny lllld wwm "'* ~ Orange Coat, tM NetlonerWMther ~Mid. Hight today and Friday wtH range from 72 at the bWtlM to 78 lntand. Low. tonight wlll range from 4e to 5e. wtth tome fog and IOw cloud• at tt\9 t>MchM tonight and eerty Fl'lday. OthetWtM both dayt will be ci.ar. Light and vanabi. wind• ~ tM '"'* ooutal wattra wtll btoome w.et lf'd touthweet 7 to 15 knot• thl• afternoon, ov.r a weeterty awell of 1 to 2 feet. On tt\9 outer wat.,. wind• Wiii bfow Mil and touthMlt tO to t5 knot• today, then eouthweet 10 to 20 knot• tonight over combined .... of 3 to 7 fMt. l~eulng low cloud• are due tonight. U.S. Temps .. &.. NMlty 7'0 43 ........... )I 29 IM Ml*-81 Pe.ii 2t 20 SN>w•ra z:wi:ciue r. 27 ........... 82 ... --S--• NOA> u S Oec>I OI ~c • ~ 37 tt .... OllMne .. eo Atllnte ... 52 ..... YOl'll 70 ... ... "'°'111 Plett• H 2e Atlent~ Olly J4 Autlln 86 <II OkllllOma ~ 52 34 Calif. Tempe hlllm«• 7& 50 OfNfle SS 21 lllnftlnOll-... eo ~ 17 .. lo-. 51 ,. ~ 72 ... =IOwellWOUQllSP m. Wedn.69/t TW.O. v.-, ... II eo.ion · eo 40 Phoenix 75 .. w9lllld 75 .,__... 72 ... ==r'0r M ... aw.tow 71 42 eutlillo " a2 ... 43 ~ .. is Surf Report c..., 38 23 Pr~ eo ,. IWI09 .. 27 ~ons.c 72 16 =City .. ., =.. ,. $2 CMnlelon. w V 73 64 3<I 21 17 60 l.OCAT10N ecD °"" ~ 3<I ,. 12 27 Eura• .. 46 Z-9-1 2...S w ClllCIOO 40 2t Alcllw-.cl 73 Ill ,_ 71 42 an. Mofllce 2-3 Wl 'f/ ~11 SI 41 "' LolAa ... • ~ .. )1 ~ .... w w ~ 58 H St ,...._Tempe '5 10 Lano~ n 43 ... Oleeo ~ 2-3 w ~s.c. 74 11 .... Ull•Clty 4t ~ ~ 1t 52 °"'** lot , . Contlr"'9d '*"' c:-. .,.,.,Oll 12 42 Sen AllloMI 17 49 .. 40 C-d.NH. M 31 Sen Juen,P.R. 12 71 ......,... .. 47 fie! a-.flWorth M 42 9Mttle 11 .. Mt. Wlaoll 57 ,. ~on M )I 8lwevepo!t 86 .. ...... 13 ... Tldea o.n-37 23 llelc*-54 31' ()MIMcl ,. ... o.~ 2t 27 tyr-~ .. .. Onterto~ 1$ <It DelrOll 55 at T~a .. $3 p-71 H TOOA't EIPmo )4 341 T-.. 37 ~ 71 42 '"'• 4·48Lm 44 Felrtlanllt St 00 TlllN '3 ,, "9d...,,, J 71 41 Flr91 low 12:21 Lin 00 F'llfVO • 17 12 Wllllllngton 7<1 &a Aedwood Clly 75 ... tecond hlgtl 7.29 p.m 3.1 ""8etafl ... 11 WlcMe 51 32 '--'° .. 42 9-ldlow 11:51p.m u cat.IF ... 64 34 ....,_ 73 f3 l'WIDAY an.iatloro.H.C. 17 17 .......... 71 ... '"'• 5'53 Lift. ". ltlmOr'd M 40 Eztended t.\Oleeo 70 50 Flrellow 12 57 pm -43 Hl6IN ... 37 ltflfr....-o 71 52 tecond1¥ 7·3'pm 31 Hof'°"*' a1 • .... n ... .__ ... •• F•, IMA ~ and low Clbllll ........ 71 4t 9'#1 ,._ IOdey at 5,57 a m MCI Mitt -..... IO 40 Clurtllg .... ,.. .,,,, ilrty _,... ..... en. .. .. .... _..... .. .. l'lelut'llllOllOIN-. ~----......... n " =•tl'O<lpm . ,,._ • u .. to 12 end lnlead--• to .... "-......... .. 61 ,._1ocleymt 12:3t am.MCIMtt ~City .. 13 <111066, -. 8'odrton 70 ., 1911f\et 2-41 Lm NEWPORT POLICE GET HIGH MAR.KS .•. From Al But the repon noted that com· plaints were filed agamsl 32 police employees in a 30-monlh period and said the dcpanmen t nevertheless still .. has a reputatio n for maintaining a strict enforcement policy and for being at times unnecessarily heavy- handed." National League of Cities spokes-- man Thompson S. Crockett, who conducted the fie ld work for the audit, said the recommendations made by the firm regarding excess ivc- force complajnts were aimed at d1recung attention away from the 1 mage of Newport Beach police as overly aggressive. The repon stated that whether unfounded or not, the complaints and claims of excessive are contributing to "an undesirable image for the dcpanment." Crockett said the audit team's recommendations direct the depart- ment to "reduce exposure" by poss- ibly softening its enforcement poli· c1es He said each claim of excessive force encourages more claims, and a low profile may be the answer. The audn team recom mended that once a new police chief is selected, he should person.ally review lhe depart- ment's enforcement policy. Wynn said city officials will not comment on the validity of the audit until a new chief has been selected to replace Charles Gross, who stepped down in January. The field of can- didates has been narrowed to six people with a final selection expected 10 April. But Wynn, speaking at a Wednet- day news conference, said the claims all~ng excessive use of force by pohcc officers was a sian of the times among local cities. "I think this is the aae for people to resent authority and brina lawsuits." he said. "It is a characteristic of the times, not an attribute of the Police Department for the most part." Wynn said that in ~t decades, city officials would consader it a problem if they were sued more than once a month. But it is now common for cities like Newpon Beach to receive up to SO liability claims a month. The audit of the Police Department was requested last summer when problems with juvenile vandalism, noise, litter and crowds plagued the BaJboa Peninsula and there were questions about the deployment of officers, Wynn said. But tl)e audit was prompted by other factors a s well, according to City Council members who called the study "a good managing tool" for the city. Every city.department in Newpon Beach -eJlcept the Fire Department _..: has been studied by an indepen- dent audit team. The latest repon. which cost the city about $60,000, was the first review of the Police Dcpanment in city history and is the m ost eittensive study of any city agency. The audit was conducted by the National League of Cities Police Consulting Service, a Washington, D.C.-based private firm. The audit team taJked with local residents, observed police operations and interviewed city and police officials. Wynn said the report was delivered to him late last week. The City Council will discuss the study's findings at its 2 p.m. public study session April 14. "This should be something that should be discussed right out in the open, good, bad or indifferent," Wynn said. JUDGE MAY NOT LIKE EXPLANATION ••. Fro m A l According to a court-appointed Jail monitor. the county went over the 1,5()().inmate cap five limes since the limn went into effect. Gray ordered a second contempt hcanng forGates upon learning of the first three overages, which a report by Jail monitor Lawrence Grossman said occurred on Feb. 18, 23 and 24. The jail went over the cap apin on Feb. 25 and March I, according to a subsequent report from Grossman. On learning of the apparent v1ol- at1ons. Herman phoned Gray to urge that he set a contempt hcanng, only to learn that the judge was already preparing an order for Gates to appear. "I don't know what he has in mind al all. rm JU St a spectator, .. Herman said Wednesday. "I am going to point out (that) the response of the county that 'gee. this is all a mistake. Gee. we were good boys.' is no nsense." he \a1d In documents filed wi th the court Fnday, county attorneys representing Gates argued that he should not be found in contempt because he d id not willfully disobe:f G ray's order. "The defendant has made every reasonable effort to comply with this court's order," said Deputy County Counsel Ed Duran. Jail Commander Wyatt Han ad· m1ts that inmate totals exceeded the coun cap for bn ef periods on five occasions, but he says most of the overages took place'aftcr long holiday weekends when the courts could not process prisoners. " ... any excecdina of this capacity wa, not only inadvencnt but, in some cases, impossible to a void or to predict," he said. Inmate transfen or releases were quickl y implemented to TC¥1uce totals, he said. Han also took issue with the time at ~~:s~E Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE llO .,,. .. , e.., s1 eo-.,. t.1tu C• ,,,.. •OO!nt 9o• •!le() Cal•• -""' 91129 which the jail monitor's counts were taken. Hart said Grossman had agreed to consider the midnight count as official but used 4 a.m. security counts in reporting the overages. But Herman contends that the Main Jail population could easily be brought below 1,000 if the Sheriffs Depanment were to make greater use of various inmate reduct ion measures that are available. He scoffed at comments by Gates that he has done all he can to pare inmate numbers short of turning felons back out into the community. "Therearceightor l Omethodsthat could be used ... to a greater extent than they do," Herman said. There arc probably no more than 300 dangerous felons incarcerated at the Majn Jail today, he said. Inmate numbers remain high be- cause Gates has made "very sefective use" of inmate reduction procedures like issuing citations instead of book- ing misdemeanor suspects brought to the jail, Herman maintained. Such a strategy. is not used often cnouJl:l "to make a serious impact," he said. As for the sheriff's argument that all prisoners that are held must be kept behind ban because they pose a potential danger to the community, Herman said, "You don't have to hide in your house and lock your doors in fear that the an evil, non· support father is roamina the streets." In a recent press conference, Gates said . the idea that several hundred more inmates could be relefSed from the Main Jail is a myth. UgiA& March 7 to illustrate his point. Gates said all but 2 I 2 out of 1,438 inmates in the jail were being held in connection with felony crimes. Of the 212 inmates beina held on misdemeanors, he said 13 had violent backgrounds, SS had medical problems which prevented their transfer to a branch Jail and five were deemed escape risks. The rest were not suitable for release for other reasons, he said. Society has called for stricter penal· tics for drunken driving, non-pay· ment of child support and other crimes in recent years, creating con- gestion in the couns. jails and prisons throughout the nation. Herman said he believes aJterna- ti ve sentencing rather than jail time is more appropriate for many of the ~pie now channeled throu&h the ~ails, but that that is a matter for Judaes, not sheriffs, to decide. Thursday, Gates is eltpectcd to tell Judge Gray that more jails ~ the answer to Orange County's o ver- crowding problem. He said he will point to the selection of a new jail site by supervisors Tuesday as proof that the county is trying to solve the crowding problem. But Herman says a new jail is no answer at all .. Before you build new jails. you have lo act rid of people you don't really have to keep tn J81l. The surface hasn't even been scratched." SWALLOWS ••• f'romAl saw a half dozen swallows fl yma about the m.iJsioo srounds. 'lie said Arbiso missed the in1t1al stJhtioa becaux he was beina inter- vtcwcd by a television news crew moments before soundina the bells. Accounts of the swallows' return date back to the mission's foundin& m 1776 by Father Junipero Serra, the Spanish friar who brought Cbri~ tianity to Indians in California. D•HJ Pflot Deelftry I• Quer.nteed ......,,.,. .-is.11 ~ & -t<l?-4321 Jas tcall 642-6086 Y~rrno.y " ,0.. 00 not ,,.... yo.a -Dy ! )() o m C.atl oelort 1 o "' (;«-,•11"• 1913 O<•"Ot Coat! Pull"l'"'IO ~"Y NO -t!n< _. 11utlrali0rlt tcl>IOf\41 matt .. 01 aCMlrlM ~' • .,..., may c.. ,_..~ "''"""' '"',.. ~ ........... Ol &oe>r<Qllt ow- S...: ""1 , ... "°''• oe.a ar C.0.11 1.1.. C..• '"'"'* tUP!> I U 8001 S..btctiltq. O'f r•tt ... ~l!l "'O"'•"°Y Dt "'t J7 00 l'!Of'il"• VOL 11. NO. 11 What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number above and your mcuqe will be recorded, transcribed and de· livered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-bour answerinl' 1erv1ce ma)' be uted LO record letten to the editor on any topic. Cootribut.on LO our Lctte:rs column must include t.Mlr name and tdepbooe number for verification. Tells us wl\at'1 on your m od. 1no y04lf '°"" .... .,. ~ k1111oay •no ""'°9y 11 YOll 00 -..e-Y<M '09Y 1'V , • "' u~ l>tlcw• !0 e m •"<I ~ CoPy •• .,. .,.,...,tel Cltculetton Tllephonee ~ Ch"QaC-,y ,.,_ ....... UQul'<e,.... ...... • Physical fitness regimen a new way of life Experts offer tips on how to pick a suitable health spa By CHAIS CRAWFORD o.1y .... c., •• , ••••• If you're thinking of Joining a health club, you'll discover that the kinds of facilities available In the Orange Coast area are almost limitless. As the fitness movement has continued to grow and flourish locally (as well as nationwide), so have the number of local clubs, ranging from small spas or specialty houses to large. full- service facilities providing a var- iety of programs and amenities. So how do you, as a prospec- tive member. go about choosing the club that's right for you? Local health club owners offer these tips: "People who work In a club or, for that matter, own a club. should be quallfled from an academic standpoint," says Leon Skeie, "and by that I mean cot~ degrees In exercise ph)'Slotogy or physical education. Or, they should at least be working towards such degrees. I think people deserve that kind of help, and that's the number one thing they should look for."· Skeie, director of sports medi- cine at Orange Coast College and owner of the Leon Skele Health Club for Women, further believes that a club should not be "wall to wall bodies. There should be some kind of limit on the mem- bership so that the club Is not ov~rcrowded. "There should be a lot of personal attention for each pro- gram and each person. Every- body Is different; therefore, they should be treated lndlvldually and not Just put on ditto number one and number two as far as workouts are concerned.'' Another consideration. says Skele, should be "the cleanliness of a club. I think most people today are concetned about that; It's Important that everything Is maintained consistently and very clean." Dave Harding, associate ex· eouUve director of the Costa Mesa-Newport YMCA, atao cites t"8 expertlae of the atatt as a prime consideration. "Are there criteria for that person to be on the floor leading you? Is there knowledge behind Fans say following a pragram makes them feel better BJ CHRIS CRAWFORD .,.., ,... c.. , ....... ,, Every morning at 6, Dover Shores resident Carla Foster promptly rises and begins her daily workout. "I swim, or run, and then I go to the gym and do weights." she says. Foster. 33, has been wbrking out regularly for about the last 15 years. "I have t6 do It," she says. "Otherwise, I Just don't feel good about myself.'' Suzanne Dornan, a Newport Beach dental hygienist, agrees. ·'I just can't imagine llfe without it,'' she says. "I've always been involved In one sport or another." Dornan, also 33, works out at a health club six days a week. for two hours a day. Her regimen Includes a half-hour warmup on an exercise bike, followed by one and half hours of weight training. She also runs two to three times E week. "I llke running," she explains, "because I don't know of any- thing etse where, In auch a short period of time, you can really burn calories. I love weight train- ing for the difference you can what they are doing? I think those are questions people should ask," he says. Versatlllty Is also Important In a faclllty, he believes. "Are there different levels of Intensity for all programs? la there the ftexJblllty and avallablMlty for you, as an lndMdual, to find a spot that'• gofng to give you the htgheet return on your fltnees aocce11?" Peop.. Should al.o evaluate the club'• atmosphere, MY1 Harding. "la It a comfortable atmosphere? Ooel It promote health end fttneas, or does It 2 -GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 actually see In your body; you car really shape yourself." For Dornan, reg"'ar workouts are also "an outlet, to retleve tension" from her sedentary occupation where she sits aJI day working on patients. • • • "Physical fitness In Southern California Is blgget than candy,·· observes Ray Cuddy, owner- manager of The Sporting House, Newport Beach. "In the '60s and '7bs, It was very fashionable to go to the bars after work, have drinks, and meet people there. But In the '80s. and I'm certain It wlll be even more true In the '90s. It's fashionable to go to the health clubs, work out, and there you can witness people under different circumstances that are certainly more comfortable than your local bars are.'· Why the change?" Aware- ness," says Cuddy. "People are realizing that they need to dis- sipate their stress In some man- ner, and the way to do It Is through aerobics, weight train- ing, running, jogging, or what- ever form of workout they prefer." Also. he adds, people have become aware that setting aside time for physical fitness Is ''preventive medicine.'' In describing his own lifestyle and fitness, Cuddy, "40, says, "I like to eat the worst food In the world, and I know I am able to do that, but I have to work out two or promote eoclallzalton? People want different things. Some peop .. want to go fOt' the IOdal atmoephere, and some )ult went to go fOt' a good workout." Olde Davte, owner of The Glrtl Gym (Newport and Laguna) and partner /manager of Rancho Sen Joaquin Ath ... lc Club, blll~ that the number one criterion ii the ctub'• locetlon. "lt'I lndleputable.'' he 99Y1, "that If J*)Pte haw to tr .. 9"9r a certain period of ttme Ot' a certain distance, they 1uat won't go. And my opinion la that that'• ~--------------- three times a week. For my age and height, I should weigh be- tween 145 and 155 pounds. I stay at 147to 148pounds." For his personal fltneaa regi- men. Cuddy says, "Becaute I'm extremety busy, I havewotkout programs that take me a hatf- hour -no longer than that, because I don't have a lot of time. So I can do my program and stay as flt as I choose to.'· Dick Dav1s, owner of the Girls' Gym and partner In Rancho San Joaquin Athletic Club, has a goal of trying to get a workout three to four times a week. "I'm 55,'' says Davis, "but I stlll llke to compete. So I play rac- quetball for that reason. Other- wise, I try to do whatever I can to keep from getting bored. I'll play one thing for awhlle, and then I'll do something elae. ·· Health club owner and Orange Coast College staff member Leon Skeie, 44, favors a fitness regimen for hlmaelf that ls a combination of aerobics and cardiovascular exerclM, ·'be- cauM It doesn't do any good to have a CadHlac body If you haves Volkswagen engine," he says. He jogs or blcyeles ttve or six tlmn a week, and alto weight trains three times a week. "Once you get Into a state of fitness, It really beCOmee a way 01 life for you," he believes. "And I eJCerclae. not so that I wtll necess· (Pleue Me PBYIHCAL/Pl9) M>out 15 minutes." Davis' second crlter1on, he Mya, la the club'• atablllty. "I WOUid be very careful about the ownership poeftlon, the way memberahlpa •• 90ld, and wMther or not the club la going to be open two weeks from now.·· Mong wtth a dub'• atablllty Md tM knowledge of tta staff, Ray Cuddy, owner/men.ger of Newport 8Mdt Sporttng HouM, em~ the Import.nee of tal(lng ~h time to evaluate a club. (Pl-..e-TIN/P4) Y 9u're never too young or old for YMCA's fitness programs By STEVEN STARK Dlllr""'Cwc $1 • I In health-conscious Sout~n California, fitness Isn't just for the young or middle-aged. At the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa YMCA, fitness programs run contlnuousty for senior citizens and children. ages 3 months and up. Immersed In 84-degree water, senior citizens are led through calisthenics and exercises In the relative security of a poof 4 feet deep. "Water Is a great environment for seniors who otherwise wouldn't be able to work out," said David Harding, YMCA as- sociate executive director. "People with hip Injuries can do wonderfutty In water." For safety and health reasons. Harding said, all participants are required to give complete health histories. Also, he said, seniors are monitored for pulse rate fluctuations throughout the workout. All senior workouts follow the classic warmup, work- out and cool down cycle, he said. At the other end of the pool and the other end of the life cycle, 3 to 5-year-old "TadJ?°'8S" learn to float and generally "drown proof' themselves. "Our long-range goal is through consistent exposure to the water, to make the children better swimmers,'' Harding said. "We don'1 guarantee drown proofing," Harding said, "but kids exposed to the water at an early age learn to swim faster." A father of two children, Harding credits earty exposure as the key to his two children's rapid pro- gress In aquatic surroundings. Y swim classes are held for Infants as young as 3 months. "Water Babies," 3 years and younger, are accompanied by their parents, Harding said. Bonding of the parent and child adds to the experience, and the parent becomes comfortable with his child In water, Harding said. In addition, the parent Is taught bask: safety, rescue and CPA as part of the child's course. "A staff goal Is to keep classes fun," Harding said. "If something Is fun, children learn better. This Is true of adults too." Harding said participants de- velop confidence and self- esteem when exposed to fitness at an earty age. For Costa Mesan Lynne Smith, . her son's fall Into a neighbor's Jacuzzi convinced her that her aon should learn to swim. "He's a regular waterbug,'' Smith said of 3-year-otd Jamie. "I can swim -barely, but I hope to get him to swim well," she said. Back on dry land (actualty foam-covered floor and waJls), 12-month to 2-year-olds "Possums" were busy exploring their body limitations . while challenging their muscular sense and motor skills. "One neat by-product of this program is that the moms get to talk with other moms as a kind of clearing ground for Ideas on child-rearing," Harding said. Mothers are also taught not to (Pleue Me YllCA/P UfJ .............. Tak.ln& a &roaP of adlllta throaCJa tJaelr paca ln pool airotilca at the Newport Beacla-co.ta Ilea YllCA la lnat:nactor PePA Doqe (at left). Below. Judy Gonsala teac1aee a poap of .. Tadpole. .. to float. ~ teclUalqae9 on llow to .. drcnna-proof.. tbem11el•a are (left to rtpt) D&D.lel Kub.Der. Clui8toplaer llecldock. Jamie SmltJa and Robert Welner. South Coast Plaza FILA For Fitness The new 1986 line has arrived. Many new styles. materials. and colors to entice the sports enthusiast. FILA CAROUSEL COURT. LOWER LEVEL SOUTH COAST PLAZA 7 14 540-3452 GET PHYSICAUAn Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday. March 20, 1986 -3 - Directory of health clubs a handy guide Ave.. Huntington Beach (963-0864). By CHAIS CRAWFORD o..,,,....e..n.,."'..,.' IMPERIAL HEAL TH SPA: The following is a partial listing 18030 Mag~lia St.. Fountain of local area health clubs and Valley (962-1388). fitness centers: INTERNATIONAL HEAL TH ANATOMY ASYLUM, RICH-SPA: 4301 Birch St., Newport ARD I SIMMONS: 18030 Beach (756-9929). Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley IRVINE CLUB HOUSE, THE: (964-8880). 17850 Sky Park Circle, Irvine FAMILY FITNESS CENTERS: (261-7500). 1600 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa JACK LA LANNE'S EUR0- (557-4401). PEAN HEALTH SPAS: 555 W. GIRLS' GYM, THE: 2902 W 19th St., Costa Mesa (650-3600). Coast Highway, Newport Beach KALMAN SZKALAK'S SUPER (646-8828) and 3251 Laguna FLEX FITNESS CENTER: 22600 Canyon Road, Laguna Beach Lambert St., Suite 204, El Toro (497-5464). (770-2271). HOLIDAY HEALTH SPA KING 'S RACQUETBALL CLUBS: 2300 Harbor Blvd., CLUB: 14731 Goldenwest St., Costa Mesa (549-3368); 17091 Westminster (898-9841 ). Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach LAGUNA NIGUEL .RACQUET (848-1919). CLUB: 23500 Clubhouse Drive, -HUNTINGTON BEACH ATH-Laguna Niguel (496-4665). L_E_T_1c_c_L_U_B_:_9_87_2_H_a_m_1_11_on _ ___:L=EON SKEIE HEAL TH CLUB FOR WOMEN: 2036 Quall St., Newport Beach (852-8655). LOS CABALLEROS RAC- QUET AND SPORTS CLUB: 17272 Newhope Ave .. Fountain VaJley (546-8560). NAUTILUS-AEROBICS PLUS: 19732 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine (752-7984). NEWPORT BEACH ATH- LETIC CLUB: 1367 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach (644-8910). NEWPORT BEACH SPORT- ING HOUSE, THE: 3601 Jam- boree Road, Newport Beach (752-0565). NEWPORT EXECUTIVE SPA: 4521 Martlngale Way, Newport Beach (955-3 191 ). NEWPORT-MESA ATHLETIC CLUB: 254 Victoria St., Costa Mesa (631-2001). ORANGE COUNTY A TH- LETIC CLUB: 12932 Newport Ave .. Tustin (544-9511). WE REPAIR ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT l\;c. p•r'< f' ul .11n11•111 1· ~u1pmem 1\ more 1mponanr u tl'l "/\ w tj()(jy A1hh·111 clflNl!y .H .-1ny ·"JP .-,111•1IH•r 1)11 tt11• prc1f1·\~11t1'1.~l1Jf rr1 rt>.111rn1.•I '''111'1 J Ill<, l'rl(HllK)ll) ',lfl'\\ (11) y'Olll hOc1y ,fr1 'rl fll 1r1• It l,lf I ti I .tr I J,tkt• ' I 111 <, IA/W Ir 1<.111111<• .11 r r)l1111,11n V.tllPy Reg1on;il '11 •'.f •11.11 1\ whl'rt• 11•1 rr•,1f 11 1n.1I c lJll1·q1.ue prr •11•\ •,11111. ti .mil C )lyr11p11 ,1I/111 •tt•\ c Pin(' tnr /110,1trn1·111 11 \p<1rl\ wl.Ht•rl 111111111•0, \fMR 1 r rorr• ! hl'Iµ Y'"' ..v1tl1 lrr".1ln11•11t lr•r •• •t'.l t• rq 1t1111111• 1 r If 11ri1nq 111 I 111w I , 11"'~"1I11 JlllY•H•d II IWTll/I' yQlll 11 v~· ,, 1·•·1trr11~0111· W••.11~'"'''1\I ,,.,_,,Jl•·O .1111l1•tt'>'. "' 11,11n1nq 1 IW1H l .H lltl'Vcl[Jff' (j• ti• \ IMf<" r11rrc lur. Al,111 M <..trr1.i1.: M t 1 ",, 1,, '""' cr•rtrltP<f orlt10 pt ·1111 •.i irr won ,ind onf' nl 1111• t fltHllry'. lr,1<11nq srXJrl\ nwc1rctnf' ·P'" 1.111'.I\ Our equ1pm1m1 I\ tt1C' 111 H" r mo\t 1110<1Prn .iv,11lc1ble '" Arwl {)yrMnut \I'll'< I rnntc tPst1nq \rW·nt Hynr.~qyr11 ll101<1ni·11r\ R,ir1<11· .low 1m,11c1n Vlfll•<J ,,rl.lly'.t\ ..i lull 1 om ph•1111''1I <JI Otymp1r Wf'1<jlU\. l.t\Pt 111•1,1py. t'vt•11,1 ~µrunq wood rl.trx<• !lour 1Jt•\11111N110\JH1111 '11011\ fmm 1hr /1Jltt.111J \111001 nl {),111<1• 1n Nf'w Yllff. ( .111 "'now l<ir rnor1· 111lorm.1t1<111 m .1 lri·P t111J1 l111"' Wt· Crtll llt'lp yo u k1't'JI yo111 ,t[l1ff'lll l"<!tllfltrlt'fl[ Hlq<11><J ll'f).llf Call (714) 662 -0114 I rMI~ ,, .l 1)1v1\I•" ol r l'j•Jn1.11n V..illcy Rt'<lllJfl.111 fO\J)l(,tl 11100 f. UC h'1 Allt'nllt> ro11nt,1rn V<!ltry. CA 92 708 4 -GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 RACQUETBALL WORLD AND AEROBIC HEAL TH CENTER: 10155 Talbert Ave., Fountain Valley (962-1374). RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN ATHLETIC CLUB: 3652 Michelson Drive, Irvi ne (786-4447). SCAR (SPORTS CONDITION- ING ANO REHABILITATION) CLINIC: 871 S. Tustin Ave .. Orange (633-7227). SHAPE-UP CENTER: 462 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa (631 -3623). SPORTSHAPE: 18218 E. McOrumott, Suite F, Irvine (660-1888. . SUPERBOOIES: 119 E. 18th St.. Costa Mesa (645-6110). UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB: 1701 Quall St., Newport Beach (752-7903). WEST COAST GYM: 5027 W. Edinger Ave., Santa Ana (839-5268). WORLD CLASS PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER: 4970 Irvine Blvd .• lrvlne (544-6804). YMCA, NEV(PORT-MESA: 2300 University Drive. Newport Beach (642-9990). TIPS FOR HEALTH CLUBS ... FromPage2 "You need to spend some time at It," he advises. "You need to say, 'hey, give me a guest pass - let me use your club one time and see how It works. I've heard you say all those wonderful things. now prove It to me. Let me see how I feel, how I'm treated, and whether or not I am. in fact, going to get all those things you say you're going to give me'." Cuddy, who has worked tn small clubs as well as larger ones like the Sporting House, con- cludes: "most of us have darn few dollars to spend on ourselves, so we should pick and choose very carefully.'· The Orange County ottioe of the Better Business Bureau of- fers these additional tips: -Personally visit the club you're interested In, at a time that you would normally be attending if you joined. While there, check the club's cleanliness, condition of equipment, and any signs of overcrowding. Ask about the qualifications of the statt. Ask other members of the club what their experiences have been. -Consider the contract carefully. Take 1t home to read it. don't be pressured into signing it on the spot. What are your options if you decide to cancel the contract later? Is a refund or partial refund oosslble? -Contact the Bet1er Business Bureau for a reliability report on the facility that you decide to join. What You Don't Saa May Blind You Ultraviolet light (UV) Is divided Into 3 segments designated as A. B and C. UVA & UVB RAYS ARE DAMAGING TO YOUR EYES! YOU IEEI PROTECTIOll " ,.., .... _. ,,., 1. "-...... 11 ,.. ..,.,.., ................. Jf ,.. ....... ,..., ..,.. .... .ff ,.. .,. tlillJec •Hit......_ •'TWAIT llTll Ill 1&1111.1 US IOI •1-flll llt ... TIUJll •FREE• IY 411 TIUTUEIT '20 value ~~ .CONrl~!~ 1101 East hast llwJ. C.re11 411 lar 840 9080 (Next d00< to S. Crown's ~aurant) • wt TEACH A SPtCIAl T£CHN!QtK fOft SlRETctMG, StWftG ANO TOHlfC THE 800Y • OAAMATIC PHYSICAL R£SUl.JS • RESfWES UGS • lftOYCS POStutte •~REAS£$ flEXIStJTY •ADOS A BCAUTlfll NEW LOOK cum Uw1 w PlllTl ---TUii _,, 2632 Slltl All lftllt, Costa leu-64'·7&44 ..., .... .,.._.,, .............. Tb.la aeroblea ciu. at Golden Weet Colltee la loiaC a mile a mlaate. Thanks to celebrity status, aerobics classes pack' e1n in BJ JOYCE SCHERER BOOLOVICH 111111r .... c... J 0 It Is hard to imagine that titles such as "Rovers Revenge," "Kiiier Stretch" and "Buttock Lift" could Inspire millions of men and women to enter the fitness craze. But "Jane Fonda's Work- out Book," where these terms were coined, did just that In 1981 when It made the best-seller list. Fonda's book sold for $17.95. She preached an exercise pro- gram that included aerobics, resistance and stretching. The popularity of the book was fol- lowed by Fonda's video that portrayed the actress leading a .small class through the workout. Soon. other celebrities Jumped on the exercise video wagon; Richard Simmons, Debbie Re- ynolds, Raquel Welch and Bubba Smith were also going for the "burn." The term burn crops up often in the exercise realm, but what does It mean? Fonda writes In her book, "The burn is a unique sensation that you get when you have used a muscle very strenuously. You feel the bum and find that you have difficulty contracilng the muscle for a moment. It Is a slgn that you are exercising that particular muscle vlgorously and effectively working hard and deep." Aerobics ciasses, where the "burn" can be experienced, seemingly began to appear on every corner. Yet, aerobics Is not new. Serious athletes have been involved In the cardiovascular conditioning for years. In 1968, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, a respected Texas physician. put endurance training on sound scientific foot- ing in his book, "Aerobics." Cooper, who runs the Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas. has amassed mounds of data on the Importance of a sound cardiovascular workout. The term aerobic, as defined by Webster, "pertains to or -Is caused by the presence of ox- ygen." When applied to an aero- bic workout. It simply means a rhythmic, sustained exercise that promotes cardiovascular fitness and endurance that sends In- creased amounts of blood to the heart which makes the heart work harder. The exerciser's goal should be to eventually strengthen the heart muscles so It will pump more oxygen-carrying blood through the vascular system with fewer beats. The ultimate result: stronger heart and lungs and Increased oxygen available fo1 the production of energy. Lou Ann Terheggen-Selsky, aerobic Instructor at Golden West College, agrees that celebrities snared the public's interest In the fitness sport. "Certainly, people like Jane !Pleue eee ASROBIC8/Pl5) ................. _.... ....... .. Yoa're ne.er too old for aerobic. ... •ye ea.ana Claao, a-tt.nctoa Beach, wbo &oa tllroaila t.be paeee. Lee warmen are put of the atilre fol' many e:nrdeen. MEET THI NEW DOCTOR 1ti tOWNI Hi, I'm Dr. Karl Swope, D.C. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Did you know that becom.in9 certified a.s a chiropractor requires a minimum of six years of hiqhly speciallied colleqe tra.i.ninq? Today's Doctor of Chiropractic must complete 4,485 hows of classroom instruction and pus a rigid chiropractic boa.rd examination befor~ earninq a licenee. In most states, continuinq educational seminars must be completed for annual license renewal. In addition, I have completed oounes in work lite injuri.. and nutrition. In 1985 I wu honored to be named Vice President of the Clinic Interns Action Aaociation. To further my conti.nuinq education, I haH received special trainiqn since colleqe in Physiotherepy from Dr. Richard Ackerman and Orthopedics from Dr. Rory Pierce. I have also visited a number of chiropractic clinics to .tudy their methods and procedures in San Di990, Hacienda Hei9hta, El Toro and Costa Mesa, California. Additionally, I devote three days every month attending a nationwide seminar in San f rancisco or Los Angeles, to stay current on the latest chriopractic advances. Thia is the kind of trainin9 and professionalism I offer you. If you have hesitated visitinq a chiropractor, per- haps you didn't know that chiropractors qo to such great lengths to continue their education and provide you with the latest techniques and the most qualified service. So, you see, what you don't know, can't help you. Call me today and let me help you. Did you know that the symptoms most commonly treated by chiropractor s are: Back Pain Headaches Neck Pain Arthritis Stiffness Bursi tis Numbness Hip Pain Painful Join t s Shoulder Pain Arm/Leq Pain Cold Hands/Feet To introduce you to the healing world of chiropractic, please accept my speci al ofJer: FREE SPINAL EXAMINATION FREE THIS MONTH ONLY FREE This examination normally costs $35.00 or more It will include an orlhopedic test, a neuroloqical test, a blood preaure test, a spinal aliqnment check, an examination fol' restricted or exceas motion in the spine, a muscle strenQthneas test, and a private consultation to discuss the results. (714) 432-1135 Dr. Karl Swope Swope Chiropractic Office 2850 Mesa Verde Dr. E., Suite S Costa ¥eaa, CA 92626 Hoon 10.:l and 3-7 Mon-Fri Fo1 Accidents or Personal Injury GET PHYSICAU An Advtnising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, Marctl 20, 1986 -5 , Enthusiasts putting best foot forward for health Relaxation while conditioning cited - as benefits of walking, running. biking ning becomes addictive. despite the occasional pain of over- exertion. "Once I started, I couldn't quit, even when I sometimes felt I wanted to," Michelle Bryan, 14, said. A Costa Mesa High School freshman who runs cross coun- try, Bryan started running this past summer after her best friend and teammate, Lydia King, got her started. By STEVEN ST ARK Otllly~C••-•n• In the beginning, man crawled. Then, one day far back in the millenlum, he stood upright and walked. The refinements con- tinued and man found he could get around even faster by run- ning. Machines were devised and men have been to the moon. But in physical fitness-con- scious Orange County, any mode of travel is secondary nature. at best. to the hordes of walkers, bikers and runners who take to the roads. trails and beaches in pursuit of the perfect body, the perfect state of mind through fitness. Unlike many sports, Individ- uals interested In conditioning and fitness can easily enjoy running, walking or biking with the minimum of expense and in solitude. For Kamel Moghrabl, 27, walk- ing is the perfect way to keep his weight down, while affording him time to think out the day's demands. "Walking is great," said Moghrabi of Costa Mesa. "The results of a strenuous walk are Immediate -I feel better after working up a good sweat, I keep my weight down and I get to review the day's plans." A waiter by profession, Moghrabl credits long walks with relaxir:ig him after especially de- manding shifts at work. Despite long hours on his feet. he credits walking with giving his body the physical exertion he needs for fithess and the time to settle his mind in the process. A little more strenuous physi- cal pursuit, long-distance run- ning requires a definite period of conditioning. Like the solitude of the long-distance walker. run- "Really, when I started I couldn't even run one lap without stopping and I thought, 'This isn't any fun at all.· But It just builds up and I couldn't stop running if I wanted to," Bryan said. Both Bryan and King, 15, credit running cross country with Im- proving their self-esteem and, their grades. despite the 20 plus- hours per week spent on the backstretches of Costa Mesa. "Running gets you high," Bryan exulted. "If you don't do athletics you get boring," King said. For girls' cross country coach Bill Wattengel, long-distance (Pleue eee BENEFJTS{Pl8) .. "TAKE IT TO THE MAX!" n s yOVI bOdy and yOV 1e<11y ..-.erte to rnal!e lhe moo ot c Thal means losll'lQ weqr. and Qelllng rn srtaoe ial<ing 'PJ' bOdy all the W{1'f to hlness' " means commming 't()Urs8! to spenc;ng less than an hO.Jr. !h1ee times a v.eet. 1n an exerc19e p<OQtam that can IJ'omtSe results And ngit roN v.e .e made membefstltp f!lC:ltJt9y !Vlordable al ttie spa thal nas ~ a.41 - •l'Clo)()ng 1novo..aly sue>ef\'ISOO workaJt piograms nv\TCIOOai ~· the lateSI 1(1 Nautilus and e..erose EIQUlprner1 and much more DD....,-•t.a'M 1311~/M Mi II 1..aft-...... "~ HMlor 8Mr. • UFf,.CVQ..( •NMITIUJS •AEA081C$ • STEAM • SAUNA ·WHRJIOOU • NUTIWTIOM MA • MORE. MUCH MOM TWO-YEAR MEMBERSHIP* NOW, ONLY •.. s 91 PER MONTH! FOR 24 MONTHS WITH JUST '25. DOWN • NOfiMEHEWA8l.E-FlRST VISIT INCENTIVE .... ...._.. .... --·--· 6 -GET PHYSICAU An Advertlling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 ...._ ........... Brian Ianatin Cr1Cbt), prealdent of UC lrTIDe Bike Racing Club, wlth Roger Cbe, freab.man. COMPUTERIZED EXAM COITA •IAJIANTA ANA Neef&outhCoMtPlaz.e -~ SOFT CONTACTS • Blf'OC::.I.. EXTEHOEO WE.All ASTIGMATISM & SOii 50n CONT ACtS • HA1111COHTACTS P()IUSHED WHllE YOU WAIT • I.ABS ON ~MISES FOR EMEAOEHCIU • V.AGE SEl.ECTlOl'I Of FRAMES Dr. Wes Kohtz, 0 .0. G!42~~y~:J Graceful Expectations• Prenatal Flt ..... and Health EducaUon Prop-am • Prenatal Exercise • Poet·...,.um &erdM • Modified Aerobics • Toning • Flexibility • Strengthening • Fun • Suppon for Parents-to-be WJOO D~lawart:. Suite 300, Huntington Beach Phone (714) 847·1387 CALL POR PRBE BR.OCHlJRE SPRING ., SALE IS IOW! EYEI HUTEI SIYl•S DI MDIE IF Ylll FIYllm mus IF UllUIE FllM TllS FIMllS FlllT UIY IF IREIFISl•IS Stleofiel iHllMt lliloellfi1M4 114 ir- l'lllllr lfJln 1f: ltru, ,..tin, 1111,...ar, 4.,_.,, 114 .... ,...,. ........ 11-f 1MI· I• llT1Ml·llll 141 W. lllD IT. lllTlml •1-121• ... 5 Ho1ne gyn1nasium answer for convenient workouts 8y JOYCE SCHERER llODLOVICH Dlllr .... CWu $ f I Exercise buffs who have extra cash, extra space and dislike going to health spas, might find an Investment In a home gym the perfect answer. For a mere $289.96, an ex- ercise system manufactured by WestBend, called the Total Gym, can help slim the waJat and strengthen the abdominal and chest muaciea. "Thia la a great system for toning and building m·uscle," said Sportmart salesman Ric Forester. "It Is unique because Instead of weights. the Total Gym uses a resistance prlnciple ... your body weight. Even during rest periods, your muscles are still being stretched. So, when you are ready to resume exercising your musctes are still stretched and warmed up." The system Is compact; it needs only 48 Inches of floor space. Forester says It can be easily slipped under· the bed for storage. "Another attractive feature," said Forester, "la the system Is easy to adjust, and for many of the exercises there Is no need to · (Pleue eee BOllS/P8) ,.._ bonorab~endon award lD the Dally Pl.lot'• LlYlng Speee9 conte.t lut year. The New Medical Care Center Emergency Care Center Stay Healthy!~ 20 0/ off Complete !\,'911 10 Physicals V,f' ~ ~ Family Care Emergency Care ;,f ., f · ~ Full Specialist Weekends & Evening Hours <: • ~ ~ o/~ "'' FULL DIAGNOSTIC AVAILABLE •EKG • X-Ray •Lab • Preventive Medicine 17672 BEACH BL VD. Suite A & B Huntington Beach between Slater & Talbert •Treadmill • Holter Monitor • Vision Screening • Nutritional Guidance 405 FRWY Slat• j *La Ptaldta TalbM I Center GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 -7 ----~------------------------------------------------~ Taking the plunge with home spas, swimrriing pools · By MADGE HAIWROND Dlllf .... C.:U: 0 , 9 A home swimming pool makes It easy to stay flt. says Artene Sotto, who with her husband, Ed, owns Aquanetlc Pools and Spas In lrvlne. "You reap the advantages of swimming on your own time without having to leave home to exercise." In swimming you use all your muscles, and because of the water pressure, you get more benefit from your workout than If you were exercl8'ng out of the water, she pointed out. to the poof edge and do butterfly kicks." Also touting swimming's health benefits and stressing that the poof Is an exoeMent place In whleh to do traditional exercises was Doug Steimle, who last year completed a thr .... year term as regional vtoe pretldent (for Cali- fornla) of the National Spa and Pool Institute. A booklet on the subject of aqua dynamlca (awoblca In the water) Is availat>M from NSPI for $2.95, said Steimle, presfdent of Callfomla Pools and Spas with corporate offic::el In Et Monte. A•wtmmln&poolnotonlyaddabeaatytoa back)'Ud,ltal80••1r•lteuytoaay0t. "You don't even have to swim to exercise In the pool," she added. "You can sit on a pool step and move your legs out In front of you and back or hold on Prepared by C8aey Conrad, former executtve director of the President's Council on Physical Fitness, "Aqua Dynamics." (Pleue eee 9WDDIDIGfP14 l 11IE EXECtmVE TAN 2700 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR 759-TANS SHAPE UP IN OUR SHOES j COROllA DEL MAR Athletic Shou and Clothing A Great Selection CHECK OUT THE NEW ... llautllus Kaepa Lotto and Awla Aeroltlc Shoe ~I 10~ OFF ANY SHOE WfmTHISAD (E..pires 3-26-86) Don't throw °'-ah-•••1-WE RESOLE MOST A11fLE11C SHOES 3331 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 673-5538 Look to comm unity colleges for economical fitness program 8y JOYCE SCHUE' c BOOLOVICH ........ Cc:u ;1 •1 I Are you I<><* .ng for a fitness program that will tone, build muscles and Improve your cardiovascular system ... and Is lnexpen8've? If the answer Is yes, then the local community colleges may be the place to go to avoid the costly exercise clubs, yet still get a total wortc:out with trained Instructors eager to assist. Gary Stratton, head of the physical education department at Golden West College, ex- plained the fitness program of- fered there. "In the wefght room, we have 11 exerci98 stations to work the majority of the main muscles In the body. The room has been arranged to be time effective for a person's busy schedule," he said. When a person enrolls In the weight program, Stratton said, he Is required to view a video that gives the program's philosophy and an expfanatJon of the equip- ment. Certified Instructors are always availabfe to guide and answer questions In regards to the workout. The we4ghts on the equipment have been color- coded to differentiate between elementary, Intermediate and advanced workouts. The results of the workout or a person's physical condition can be determined In the Fitness Testing Lab. "Most people who use the 'weight room are out of shape, perhaps overweight and their heart and lungs are not up to par," Stratton said. "Here they get involved In a rhythmic activity that will train the aerobic systems of the body as well as build and tone the muscles." Stratton said because people have a muscular body, It does not mean their cardiovascular sys.. tern Is in good shape. ''To get the best effects from a workout." Stratton said, "you must exerci98 In the weight r'oom four times weekly for 30 minutes." • Stratton maintains that the trained instructors and the econ- omics of th!I cotlege'1 program, outweighs the unneoesaarY ex· pense Incurred at a health club. "I have heard," he saJd, "that most people last about three months at an exercise dub. Then when It comes to renewtng the membership, half don't. The other half do but never make It to the club for a workout." Stratton aiso suggests the Parcourse for an exercise that comes ctose to a weight-lifting program. It consists of a series of fitness stations Where you perform spectfled exercfMS that are spaced along a jogging and walking path. The course is de8'gned to begin with warm~up and limbering exerciles, then challenges with more demanding exercites, fotlowed by a coot- down series leading to the finish HOME GYMNASIUMS CONVENIENT ••• FromPace7 change the machine, just re- adjust your position." Another complete home fit- ness oenter combining rowing, cross.country and weight bench resistance exercises In a single compact unit Is the Genesis 1000 manufactured by Genesb Inc. Prk:ed at $7 49.96, Its manufac- turers clalm that cross-eoft'ntry your hometown newspaper The lllf flll fits In. skiing Is one of the best cardiovascular fitness exercises. The oenter with Its tension- adjustable hydraulic arms per- mits the uaer to lnoreaae and decrease difficulty and exertion. The rowing machine allows a good home aerobic workout by exercising the arms,· legs, shoulders, stomach and ~ mulCtel," Foreeter Nkt. \ However, lt would 9PPM' that the Marcy em/ 1 fa the "star" In home gym equipment. "It Is a complete hof:ne gym," exotalned Patrtett Jones, a de- partment manager at Sport Chalet In Huntington Beach. Priced at around $500. It comes u a free-standing or wall- mounted unit. Both convert for various exerdeel IUCh as a rowing statlOn, or for the ahOulder pr.... high pulley' leg pr .... 8qU8t, ,butterfly. biCeP cutt~ -..ptne .,.w statJon and dedlne bertCh station, he teld. Marcy rNlnUf9ctunn MY the equipment ta dedicated to the ~that a home gym should be no i.. perfect th8n the bodY It MN98. 8 _GET PHYSICAL/An AdY8f'tlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 Balanced dietbes.t for health Basic food groups should be included in daily nutrition ly JOYCI IC .. MR aoolOVICH Ollr""Cen J 0 I T~ bate food groups -daJry products , protein . fruits/vegetables and bread/cereals -are atlll the best source for a nu1rl11ouaty sound diet, according to Eleanor Huang, .-ateant professor of nutrition care/dietetic technician program at Orange Coast Col- lege. "We teach a wide variety of food for differing llfeatytes," saJd Huang. "We try to tailor a diet plan for each person's lndtvtdual needs. HOWfNflr, we alway9 en- courage people to reduce their Intake of fats, sugars and satt1." A good breakfut, according to Huang, can have poeltlve effects throughout the day. "A balanced breakfaat, lnclud- lng all the baaic food groups, can be the important lift a person needs for the day. It wlll provide the energy needed, and poaslbty diffuse that sluggish feeling that hits people In the afternoon," she said. However. If that slump hits, a small snack of nuts. fruit or cheese Is suggested for a quick pick-up. Another Is a brisk walk In the fresh air ... the fatigue may be caused from being sedentary and breathing stale air all day. Although flber does not have Its own category In the lmportan1 food groups, research, accord- ing to Huang, Indicates that wfth a fiber-filled diet a person can possibly avoid and/or control a medley of problems like gall- stones, hemofrholds, constipa- tion. varicose veins and cancer of the colon. "Aber Is not a miracle food that wlll save the world," Huang said, "yet we do know that there Is some evidence that fiber can lower the Incidence of stomach cancer because It Improves the muscle contractions In the In- testinal tract. Sources for fiber are found In grains, vegetables and fruits." "Auld Intake should always be part of anyone's dally diet," Lose a little around the middle 'E·n pounds 1r11'°"11 \\tTb.(;orw! 1\w inrh<•s 1r1mmd' Ea:-.\ DIN Cc·nt<•r ha:-; hdpt·1l 1111lli1111s look ;ind r11('I yo11ng1'r. ra .... 11•r \.\1• do II \\ 1tll1Jlll drugs or gin11111rks-) 011 <lo II \\II hlllll slwss.ur h11n~1·r \\ rlh a ""l'-1L-forl'vcr loss ma11111•11;1nc1• pro~ram \our first per.-;orwl 1·1111sulw1111111s frt·1·. \.all riRh I no\\- uy.v,.. .. ,,,. to mole• It tit& time" CALL US TODAY (714) 960-7.ot (714) 67U111 HUNTINGTON llACH CO.ONA del MAI POUNTAIN YALLIY 2165 I. C .. tt Hwy. 1•sa1...,. 11vd. sum 201 (S.W. comer .t Y.tltown) (Comet' of Hollotropo) Huq ..ud. "The body 19 70 percent water; we loee water deity through breathing and per- apiratlon. Not onty does w•ter keep U9 looking healthier. but without It we take the chances of becoming dehydrated or strain- ing the kidneys." With al1 the hoopla concerning vitamin supplements, Huang tak• a conservative stand on the sub)ect. "Unless you are pregnant, recovering from surgery, or have some other n'ledlcalty dlagnoeed problem, the best way to get an the nutrients the body needs Is from your food Intake. Many times the Intake of vitamins can ovenoad the system and leave you nutrltlously deficient," she said. Conditioning key tO minimizing risk of sports injuries lly MADGe NAPRIOND ...,,..ea , Condttlonlng, wfth emphaeis on stretching. That'• the key to minimizing l1ek of Injury In ex- erclaing for fun and heatth, say thr• Orange Cout fttneea ex- perts. "Don't do 8POfta to condttlon, but condftlon to do the eport," was the way Dr. Joeeph 8. Klemek, an lrvtne orthopedk: surgeon, put tt. A epeclaa.t In IPOf't8 medicine, Ktemek .. tMm phy8lclan for Irvine and Wood- bridge high lchoot8. '''the main thing I advlee people to do Is stretch" to prevent Injury wnfle exerdaing," saJd Klemek . A good conditioning progrM\ also must Include a proper diet. Including dalty menu Mlectk>na from the four ma)or food groupe, he added. Klemek recommends a diet of about eo percent carbohydratee, 25 percefjt pro- tein and the remainder In fat. For details on how to stretch correctty, he -:• reeding "Stretching" bV b Andenon, avallabte In Orange Coast ti- brarlee and bookatore1. Underscoring the Importance of stretching and W8f'mUP8 are (Pleue Me UDUC&/Pl l) The 3 How To's to Healthie': ~elationships JOln Janeen H. Cunningham, M.A. M.F.C.C. for 3 FREE lectures exploring "Women and their relationships" · inclu<lin& this week's topic. Where: 2900 S. Bristol, Ste I 05, Bid. D, Costa Mesa (Bristol & Baker Streets) Call for Reservations: (714) 547-9078 l=l<K!bdk• SHOE CENTER *All Maior Shoe· Brands EJ ...__. "Serving The Newport Beach Area For 8 Years!" I 000 Brlstol It. North No. S Newport Beach 955-0165 .... STORE HOURS: M-F 10-9, SAT lo.6: SUN 12-S GET PHYSICAUAn Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, March 20, 1986 -9 She'sfe1ninine, intelligent, petite and a body builder 11 STEVEN 8TARK ~ .... c:.. ...... -lf you're looklng for the unex- pected from "Joey," she won't disappoint you. After all, she's not your aver- age 104-pound brunette. For Instance: •She holds national welght- liftlng records. •She can llft more than 300 pounds. •She's been laughed at for walking into a men's only gym to work out. But If you expect to see a woman approaching the dimensions of the Hulk, you'll be disappointed. And If you assume she's all brawn and no brains, you'll be surprised to learn that she's a doctoral candidate. "A woman can act. look and be feminine and stlll be strong," said 29-year-old Patti Joette "Joey" Candwell. "There's no reason for a woman to be weak for fear of not looking good.'' levels that most men have never attained, DI Siena said. A college gymnast In Colorado, Candwell started llftlng weights to help her floor exercises. Having studied ballet and jazz 'dance since childhood, the daughter of Olympic track and field coach Dr. Joe Vlrgll pos- sessed all the natural grace needed In a 9yrnnast but found that lfftlng weights simply made her feel good. and she continued. "At the first gym I walked Into, all the guys looked "at me and laughed. They told me I was too little. Well. from day one I've worked my butt off," she said. Within two years of welghtlift- lng, Candwell was squat llfting 300 pounds and dead lifting 350 pounds while weighing only 97 pounds herself. She traveled with the men's Olympic weightlifting team, having been asked after proving herself stronger than all comers at that weight category. The American boycott of the Games that year and a doctor's warning that her body frame could achieve no higher weights thrust her Into the realm of body- building, she said. In September for the American and Universe contests. She recently competed In the Los Angeles competition, pl acing second. "I was on the Channel 2 news two-· nights In a row -they showed my routine, but not the winner's," she said. Currently studying for a doc- torate In clinlcal psychology at Cal State Fullerton, the 5-foot-4 dynamo trains various celebrities one-on-one on location and at th' soon-to-be-opened Super Flex Fitness Center In Newport Beach. Despite her disarming looks, the world-class bodybuilder finds little time for social fife. "Building and fitness are my llfe -when I'm not helping myself I'm busy helping others. Constantly on the go; tt's a total Immersion, both physlcaily and mentally. I guess It's llke anything else people are good at -you're willing to put out that 110 percent to succeed." Patti Joette .. J~·· Candwell worb out. According to her trainer, Al DI Siena, people really can't tell just by looklng that a woman Is a bodybuilder, unless she Is dis- robed. Yet, with 14 national welght-llftlng tltles to her name, Candwell has brought herself to Her pursuit of the perfect body will take her to Miami and London And, while she gives more than 100, she's not afraid of burning out. She maintains anyone has the potential to become super- flt. Both Candwell and 01 Siena, a former bodyguard to Sylvester (Pleue Me JOEY /Pl 1) OFFICE · HOSPITAL • OUTPATIENT • FOOT TREATMENT ........ ,o. •AM-'<•" ft.odi•Otc Me4tte:•I AMOCleUOf' •C .. tfou'lle "°411etftc •ediH..•I At.oc:._.tto" •o ...... Covftly "°"'•'"' .. _.IC•• ..... • Ateocla•• AMeOC•f'I AC-elteffty Of • ::::~::. 'l!:~rc'::'~!,. of PCHI01'Mlet11C1 • Aetoc•••• '"t•f'"euo"•• CoO•e• ot ~••t•k LeMr lvr9ety LASER FOOT SURGERY UTILIZING MODERN TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPREHENSIVE CARE IN MEDICAL a SURGICAL FOOT TRElTMENT • Prec ise Control • Treat Hard to Reach AreH • Immediate Ambulatlon • Reduces Poat Operative Pain & Recovery Time • Performed in Doctors Office & Eliminates Costly Hoapltal Stays CHILDREN -ADULTS-ATHLETES • M lcro-lncl1lon Surge~ • X·Rey Dl1gno1l1 "Cal/ For A FREE LASER SURGERY CONSULTATION" • Spor11 Medicine lnJurle1 • Ambulatory Foot Surgery 24 Hr. Emergi-Care Foot & Ankle Treatment 760·6907 Dr. Robert J. Steinbroner NEWPORT CENTER PODIATRY G R 0 U P 1303 AVOCADO AVE. • NEWPORT CENT•A • •UITE 1815 • NaWPOAT •aACH 10 -GET PHYSICAL/An Advert191ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, March 20, 1986 • r ' REDUCE RISK OF INJURY ••• JOEY ••• F~omJ»aCe9 Tom Jackson, Newport Beach resident and registered physical the rapist at CaJ State Fullerton's Student Health Center, and Brett Eirich. a certified athletlc trainer at the Athletic Conditioning and Injury Center In Irvine. Both Jackson and Eirich specialize in helping people who have suffered sports Injuries. One of Elrlch's assignments is working with We><>Qbridge High School students. Sprains and strains are among frequent problems resulting from exercise, they noted. Sprains are minor tears of ligaments affect- ing joints such as the ankle and knee. Strains are minor tears of muscles such as hamstrings and calves. Tendlnltus, also called over- stress syndrome. "is the most common thing I see with the unconditioned person," sald Jackson. Symptoms range from soreness that disaru>ears after a few days to swelling. Overstress syndrome usually develops from using a Joint or muscle group more than they accustomed to. People participating In aerobic dance classes are particularly susceptible to shin splints, Jack- son has found, because they do a lot of jumping and running in place on their toes, in contrast to the heel-to-toe pattern used In brisk walking, another form of aerobic exercising. One way to minimize this Injury, he says, Is to make sure lower-leg· . muscles are well stretched before exercising. Because some people are predisposed to developing shin splints, Jackson recommends that the person with a chronic problem see a doctor to de- termine if there Is a structural problem. Although Klemek believes stretching should be an integral part of conditioning for sports activity regardless of age, he stressed the importance of people in their 30s or older doing a lot of pre-stretching before running, jumping or twisting. "As people get older, their joints, muscles and tendons be- come stiffer," he explained. In a weight traJnlng program, "the maxim Is to go slowty and to stop if you experience any pain in the Joints." he said, adding that pain In a joint Indicates the person Is overdoing and should get a lighter weight or have the problem evaluated by someone In the sports medicine field. "On the other hand," he added, ·'normal muscular fatigue after working out with weights is all right. You should feel a comfo1'1able tiredness." Eirich said stretching helps prevent injury from exercising by elongating muscle fibers, thus improving flexibility. A person should stretc;h before and after a workout, taking 20 minutes or so (Pleue.eeCONDITlOM/Pl6) WOMEN'S COUNSELING SERVICES FOR WOMEN ONLY .• SUPPORT GROUPS 0 • Women In Transition -for single, separated & divorced • Single Women wtth Martted Lovers FREE BROCHURE• (7141546-7708 SLOCUM COUNSELING SERVICE$ FJ\MILY COUNSELING NAIL, BJ\IR, SKIN l11tl H11rl S1i11 Uil:RICM ICSTJJ\l OF F•Y cwarueG UIU: .,,.... ... ..,... Very Easy- Almoet like applying polish. metAl Pllel t1 Uk llMl:I. Hurry, while epecial lute. ~ Kit Ml· JtSI PromPaCelO Stallone and a contender for Mr. Universe himself, say that age Is a benefit In bodybuilding, wtth many of today's beet builders being over 50 years old. "So many people have so much wasted potential," she said. Despite Southern Cali- fornia's seeming obsesaion with fitness, Candwell said Americans pale In comparison to Europeans In this regard. Whlle fitness may be attainable for anyone, and at any age. both student and trainer agree gen- etics plays a big role In how far a bodybuilder can go. Regardless of genes, without dlsclpllne and a positive attitude, coupled with proper diet and training, the perfect body Is unattaJnable, they said. "I was blessed wtth the right genes," Candwell conceded, "but the mind and a person's attitude has no boundaries." Beautiful, smart, graceful and strong ... another stereotype hits the bricks .. Body builder Joey Candwell Oezee her mmtele.. One of Alllenc1's olcle$t, llr(ffi cownHll1' ~. A TRAOOIOH IN EXCELLCHCE FOi! OYER 50 YEARS NOH-PllOflT SUOING FEE INSURAHC£ ACCEPTED ••• MARRtACE. lfOV . ~LE ••• ••• FAMU . TEENAGE. CHllO ••• ••• ~RM.NESS SEXUAi. ••• NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING ••• VARIOUS TRCATMENT SERVICES ••• ti.,,..., "'-tao....,..., tt ,...., "*-0. fo I ••• (714) l32·0480 ••• llTllTIHlL ·IHllLTlll-Per- sonallzed weight program. Special- lzlng In nulrltlonal & health prob- lems, womens' mensturat & menopause dtfficu1u ... 18'911Ulf-.-TY ., .... LWl ........ 1..-HMln GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOTfThursday, March 20. 1986 -11 ' ,__. ___ , ____ ----~--~- --------- LOOKING GOOD IMPORTANT EVEN WHEN EXERCISING BJ NA TALIA AMER Dllr .... C:.. ' 0 7 durable weather-proof type of fabric with earthtone colors and Sports medicine experts call It more sophisticated design that, "the wave of the future." Others to a degree, could be worn to refer to It as "health awareness." work." But to some of us, sports ac-High-cut unltards th.at give a tlvttles are a thrilling and social layered look are very popular, experience, and to the fashion according to Lisa Revere, store lndusty they are very profitable. manager of Parklane Hosiery, Sports clothing In 15 years has Costa Mesa. "Most customers changed from conservative plain look for quallty, design and colors to flashy, daring and reasonable prices. An average 'colorful styles that could be worn person Who Is Interested In dally as casual sportswear. following a cer1aln kind of ex- "People today tend to pursue erclse does not want to pay a an actlvtty In order to look good, fortune In order to pursue It." socialize and do a little exercls-Bob Power. manager of Eddie Ing," said Michael Jones, a Santa Bauer Inc., Costa Mesa, said Ana designer of casual wear. people are beginning to realize "Not every person who wears a that Investing In a recreational 1 Jogging suit has necessarily run a hobby Is more rewarding In the block." long run than "vacationing In a Jones, speclallztng In a resort .Glamorous resort where you . type of design, said Hawaiian spend your money on hotels and prints are In demand this 998.IOn. nightclubs.'' Surf shorts wtth special bright "The tendency to backpack °""' .... ,..... .., ......,.. ....,., prints are the hottest Items he Is and go hiking Is more tnptlng Leotarda are p.en updated Une. and come ID a sefllng. today than a weekend In a ctty," rainbow of 40lon. At Parklane Bolaery. Coeta Ilea. "Within the next 10 years," he said . .::::================----------=============~~===-~Jones said, "we can expect more (Pleue eee WOR.ltOOT/P18) • Aerobic Classes • Iso lat ion Classes • Stretch Classes • Bod y Composition Analysis • Computerized Nutritional Analysis • Individual Exercise Programs r I 3023 E. Coaat Hwy. Corona del Mar (In Albertson's parking lol) 675-1377 HOU•~ Mon fhurs 7·8, frl 7 6 :10 ( ~1 8·S JO. ~Ull J1 L---'.__.L.....:._.L...:,...:..;.;..L.. __ -!;...1 CLUB CORONA DEL MAR PACIFICA SPORTS MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION CENTER MEDICAL GROUP Evaluation and Treatment Of Orthopaedic And Sports Related Injuries ..-_ · Services Available it '~ . '-• Cvbcx Tc\ling I ~; .. • .Prenatal Excrcist: Clasi.c' -~ ~ • Pottpartum Cluae1 ' • Funes!> Evaluation Program\ • Back School I , _.....&_. ) • Biofeedback Relaxauon Training j ~ .A ~ • Musculoslcdctal Condtttoning • ' • • / • A st--ssmcnl and Treatment of II "r " E111rem1tv. Ba k and Neck Pain ---PHONE (714) 847-1367 18800 lklowar,._ Sui1.-300 Hun11n11un lkal h. CA 9204!1 12 -GET PHYSICAUAn Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 * r~======;.;;::===============-Win You 're invited to -tr door prtsee. -tr free clueee s. OPEN BOUSE t'arclay AprfJ 5 2· ea.ta lie.a Do.30 to 4:30 P.lf ~ WDtown • 188() llDJty Center 11 (nev .t:~e.tna A•e. ._,..~r• 19tbJ clOfAbw · call 548-4909 for lnformaUon 1 Ith llllYEISllY NEWPORT BEACH ATHLETIC CLUB SUlllY IPllL 21 IEWPOIT IUCI For Information CllM: 844-1110 ' ccurate measure of physical fitness weighed Composition te ting only method to tell difference between fat, lean body mass •r G. JEANETTE AVENT ''Autopsies on Vietnam~ °' .. ....,....... ualtles found they had significant An Irvine fitness consultant blockage of the arteries. They confirmed what manyof ua 'were 18, 19, and 20 years old." ed all ... a.-.. bath -Ulrey said, "For men. the Ideal suspect aovw"' -our -fat percentage Is 15 percent. The room scales, even the talking national awrage Is 26 percent ones. may not be telling us the and In Southern California, men truth. Judi Ulrey, prealdent of At~ ·~~~~ideal Is 22 Consulting, said, "ScUledonot percent. Thenatlonalaveragefor tell you what you need to know. women Is 36 percent and In Body size has little to do wtth fat; 8001..__ Catl~"'nla. women av-thin people may be too 'fat.' " 0 "'D'I" '"' UI __ .... body ..._1t1 erage 30 percent body fat." rey lNllU com"" .... on Ulrey saJd the Ideals are based testing Is the moat accurate on research on cadavers. They measure of fitness. Body compo-actually weighed body parts, sit Ion consists of lean body mass Including bones and organs. and fat. Lean body mau, which lnciudes bone, mu9de, organs Ulrey said although there are and nuld. weighs more than fat. three methods used to determine but scales do not distinguish the ratio of fat to lean body mass, between fat and lean body mass. she uses hydrostatic weighing. This creates a probtem In .. From everything I have read and Industries where height and heard, It's kind of the yardstick." weight ratios are requirements of Hydrostatic weighing Involves employment, said Ulrey. In the two weight recordings -one on airline Industry, fUght attendents land, the other while Immersed In who wereWJJry athletic often did four feet of water, she saJd. ''It's not flt the charts. Their counter-llke a hot tub without the bub- parts may have been the right bles. · • weight according to the chart but She said the Greek mathema- actually have 8 higher fat ratio: tlclan Archimedes Is credited Ulrey said a lot of peopkt come with discovering the principle to her for a fitness......,,_.,, bec&11M they wMt to IOM weight behind hydrostatic weighing. t.._, t t ~ .._ the When King Hleron asked or 'rv7 wan o""""' ..,_,er on Archimedes to determine the beach. Howewr, lhe .... her P am as tat"'-~-gold content of his crown. rogr preven '"'· 'itv Archimedes found that gold and amount of body fat and the cholesteral associated with It Is silver had different densities and related to heart di ...... strokes dlsptaced different amounts of d high blood water. When he submerged the an preaaure. crown under water. It displaced She said she la partlculat1y Interested In t8'ktng wtth high more water than pure gold, but schoot students. AHhough re-lesS than silver. Archimedes con- searchers have gone back and eluded the crown was composed forth on the tasue, "u far 88 we of gold and sltver. know. blockage of the arteries Is Wiiiiam Sirl, a UC Berkeley not reveratble.'' tt'a Important to biophysicist. found that by know- catch It ear1y tn high school, she Ing the density of fat and the said. density of lean mass, he could devise a formula that would determlnethe parentage of body fat. Peter Cosmakos, an Instructor In UC lrvlne'scertlflcate program for fitness teachers, aaJd "Hydrostatic weighing la useful for anybody who's Interested In their heatth and fitness," but It does have Its drawbacks. "If you don't blow out all the air In your lungs (While under water,) you'll get an Incorrect reading." Ulrey said users of the hydrostatic system compensate for resktuaJ alr In the lungs with a vital capactty lung test that measures the capacity of the lungs to Inhale and exhale air. Cosmakos aaJd another method Is the skln-fotd caliper. "It's a lot easier and cheaper to use. Youplnch,meuurethe pinch In two to seven lites on the body and plug the numbers Into a formula.'' The problems associated wtth the sk1n-fold test Include lack of tester experience and wear of the caliper. Coamakos said a tester must know where to P'nch and the right angle to pinch. ''Calipers run around $200; cheaper ones run $9orS10, but the aprlnga get stretched out after a while." Jim Mcltwain; director of the Dr. Michael Tasic, D.D.S. FAia Y DENTISTRY s25 FULL EXAM X-RAYS AND Reg.• CLEANING 317 lhrlne, Balboe l•land ==-tmenL. 873-4587 IT'S TIME TO GET Ill SHAPE • Prof111IOMll/Certtfted Se.fl • FltMM A LllHM for Al Al- (lllrttl tin Sen6or) ......... ,,. ............ ,....... • ....._,. .... awlMTwn • .. .... " TNnldn' n. Aefob6ce ,,,.,. -hll~Tt9 ........... _......., ........ ..... : :...:.. =-..-:.--........ --. -------_.,..........,, ..... _,,,..... ..... a..-....., -··~,,..._ _.,.. ....... ....... Ja.t&.MAU'e•: I 1 .... ..., .... ........... 142~1111 Exerctae Scfence Laboratory at Orange Coast College. said the {PleueMe AOCUllATB/Pl 7) GET PHYSICAL/An Advertl8'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thu~ay, March 20, 1986 -13 .. -·------...----......-........ ._ ------·------ ·- SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS ... Prom Paces featuring 100 water exercises, A 25·yard length Is Ideal, but can be ordered by malling the most yards won't permit that, he purchase price to NSPI et De-said. Berge suggests a 10 by 50 partment AD, 2111 Eisenhower pool for backyard exercise If the Ave .• Alexandria, Va. 22314. yard wlll accommoda1e It. Aqua dynamics, like other Eric Hanauer, a Costa Mesa aerobic exerclae, provides resident and Cal State Fullerton cardiovascular benefits, Steimle advanced aquatics Instructor, emphasized. He also noted that thinks most home pools are too swimming often Is prescribed for short for proficient swimmers to Its therapeutic benefits, es-use for workouts. pecially for people with back or But, he emphasizes, they are joint problems or for Injuries fine for children and for adults suffered In sports. who are not proficient swimmers. Spas are being Installed with They provide an excellent op- many pools today, and Sotto and portunlty for older people. es- Stelmle note that spas too help pecially those with lower fitness people to relax, providing a levels. to work out, he said. retreat from tensions. Steimle says competltlye Spas also are beneficial to swimmers could use home pools persons with ailments such as for practice starts, turns and rheumatoid arthritis·, reducing diving. pain and allowing the sufferer to Hanauer recommends that Increase movement, said Stel-families with a backyard pool mle. should have children learn to If Improperly used, however, swim. Younsters should be spas and hot tubs can be danger-taught by a qualified instructor ous. Steimle said. Safety Is when they are 3-or 4 months old. "In addition to providing a environment such as at a con- discussed In a booklet entitled "Self-taught swimmers are good straightaway to swim, It's a domlnlum. he suggested. one, warns the Contractors' State license Board In Its book- let. "An Ounce of Protection, A Guide to Contracting for a Swim- ming Pool." avallable free to consumers. The publication can be ordered by telephoning the board's Santa Ana office at 558-4086. "The Sensible Way to Enjoy Your almost invariably poor swim-good Idea to have a shallow Swim spas, which are small Spa or Hot Tub," available from mers," he said. end," she counseled. "Because pool-spa combinations, are NSPI for $1 .75, he said. "Some doctors advise against no matter how good a swimmer popular In small back yards. To obtain maximvm benefit teaching infants to swim because you are, you can enjoy exercls-Steimle said. They allow one to from exercise. one should make of tHe possibility of ear infections, Ing, socializing and pool games In swim In place. much like a sure that the home pool is but t would point out that children a shallow area." treadmill, against water press- desrgned with a straight swim-survive ear Infections but they "Again. quality plumbing and ure; require little maintenance; ming run to suit the family's don't survive drowning," qualityconstructlon"arelmport-andareaesthetlcallypleaslng,he needs. Hanauer said . ant for the In-ground spa, said said. Poot and spa builders rec- ommend contacting the Contrac- tors' State License Board before buying a pool or spa. Because of health and fitness What are some of the features Sotto. The average cost for having a concerns. some people now are to consider in buying a swimming If you want a permanent in- swimming pool and a spa in- hav1ng what are popularly known pool? stallatlon and long-term invest-'stalled In Orange County is about as "lap pools" i[lstalled. A lap "Quality plumbing and quality ment, Steimle recommends an $20.000 to $25,000. interviews Some of the questions you pool. says Bryn Berge. owner of construction," said Sott. "~pool in-ground spa. But you might with pool and spa builders In-should ask are how long the firm Berge Pools In Costa Mesa is a major Investment. If you have prefer a portable if you are dlcated. has been in business and usually consists of one swimming to repair It later, it can prove very look Ing for something economi-The low bid on a swimming _whether there are any unresolved lane rn your back yard. costly." cal or that you could use in an pool or spa may not be the best complaints against the flrm. ~----------=-------------------------------.;.__ ______________ r-------'-----.:;_----------------------------------- Sport the Look trs Gfoow 1t s Hip Gotcha surf trunks and 1 !>h1rts ~~(!)~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BE'ACH · (714) 644-5070 14 -GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 HEALTH BECOMES YOU Al Costa Mesa Medical Center Hospital we provide high quality medica l care and prompt. caring treatment. Eme:rgency Cue -24 hours a day. with a multi- level fee schedule so sprains and strains don't result in maj or charges. Physical Therapy -Expert physical therapists help you get back in shape. Orthopedic Surgery and Sportsmedidne -Provided by highly skilled specialists in the field . . We Also Provide A Wide hnge Of Health-Enhancement Programs: Health Lecture Series -Presented free of charge on the fourth Thursday of every month. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) -These techniques are litera lly lifesavers, available to you for a nominal fee. Health fain -Featuring free health scTeenings and accurate, up-to-date health care information. For more information on these prograim, all the Education Department at 642-2734. Costa Mesa Medial Centn Hotpltal 301 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA . , } ~----~--------------------..................................... .. Aerobics students put through paces By JOYCE IC .. RER 800LOVICH o.l'I .... C.i ., ...... It Is 8 a.m. on a cold and rainy day at Golden West College. The unfriendly weather. howeYer. has not daunted the spirit of the enthusiastic fltneu devotees who have filled the large room with its mirrored walls and thlcic green wrestling mats. There Is no specific dress code, and age is a state of mind. Several of the women have donned casual sweats and T-shirts; others have selected fashionable French-cut &eotards, matching tights and leg warmers. The three men In the class are garbed In shorts and tank tops. Instructor Lou Ann Terheggen-Selskycllmbs on a platform In the front of the room. flips on the stereo system and a blast of music rebounds off the walls. For the next 90 minutes. T erheggen-Selsky will lead the class In a aeries of stretching, resistance and aerobic exercises that will have the students' bodies screaming for release. To avoid Injuries, Terheggen-Selsky begins the workout with a series of stretching movements to warm-up muscles. The fast-paced music flows with her Instructions, motivating the class to not hold back. · The next series Is to tone the arms and waist. Muted grunts and groans are heard as T erheggen-Selsky leads the workout with unending energy. FlnaJly, the arms are allowed a few minutes of relaxation before the aerobic section of the workout begins. But not for long ... soon the exercisers are jogging and jumping at a feverish pace. _,,, Dlillf ............ 0..-.--... After about 10 minutes, some students have stopped to catch their breath or hurry to the drinking fountain for a quick sip of water. Yet. the majority of the ctass withstands the entire 20 minutes of cardiovascular movements. Golden We.t Collete aeroblca baatnactor Loa Ann Terhetien-Selally leada a cl.a.-. When the aerobics have come to a halt, the sweating. panting group Is Instructed to take their pulse rate. The second half of the workout will Include the floor exercises. That Is when the abdomen, legs and buttocks are punished beyond words. Terheggen-Selsky will finish the class by a series of cool-down exercises to allow the pulse rate to return to normal. Slowly, the students llft themselves off the mats, tired, yet contented; eagerly anticipating the next day, or day after, for a repeat performance. ~ Say good-~ye ~ViJ to corrective lenses. Before Kay Essig, a 48-year-old mother of two teen-agers leatt the workout room, still sweating from the workout. she explained what draws her to the class each week. ''I guess I am here for the usual reason.·· she maintained. ··1 want to stay In good shape for as long as I can. I have tried other workout programs but found for the time. money and qualified Instructors. this class is ideal for me." AEROBICS POPULAR ... From Pace a room and en instructor." WAXING •Bikini ........... s 10 *Full Legs ...... s30 *Upper Legs .. s2z tlNClUDfS lllCIMI) *Lower Legs .. s 15 •Upper Lip .... s 4 * Eyebfows .... s 7 • 1'\ANIC\JlfS • fACIAlS • P'IOICVRES I Fonda pushed aerobics Into the spotlight," she said. "The various fitness clubs soon realized that people wanted more besides racquetball and weights as an incentive to join the club. So ... they began Including an aerobic workout. After all, the cost was minimal to the club; all they needed was a large mirrored However. like any lucrative craze, many people spotted the opportunity to make a quick buck ... at the expense of the novice exerciser, she maintains. "There are so many un- qualified instructors teaching classes, especially at the fitness (Pleue eee AEROBIC /Pl 7) \.~' 2435 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mor # 10 ~ 675-6720 (_.__ ........ ,_ '"""'- Fit To Wear aerobic-dancewear • Discount • Better · Quality at Better Prices For Better Bodies. The largest Selection of Aerobic Dancewear in Orange . County. 18581 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach in Clothestime 5 Points Center off Main & Ellis Open 7 Days-Weekdays 'tll 9 (7 14) 841-9961 If you suffer from nearsighted ness or astigmatism. say helfo to a simple and effective procedure called Radial Kerototomy which can ehm1nate your need for corrective lenses This surgical procedure •s performed in a doctor's offtee requunng no hosp1tahzat1on and takes only 15-minutes per eye And you may resume your nonnal act1111t1es 1n 1ust a few short days Through this re110lutt0nary surgical procedure The Kem Eye Institute has already enabled thousands to en1oy active sp0rts without eyeglasses. shed the discomfort of contact tenses and qualify for careers requ1nng good lllSIOO This procedure is covered by most insurance plans. plus financing is available To confirm your ehg1b1hty for v1s1on surgery. call The Kem Eye lnst•tute for a personal evaluatlOf'l and complimentary 1nformat1on pacitet 118001 KERN-EYE KERN EYE INSTITUTE A MEOCA4. GRO\JP 1 910 OLD TUSTIN AVENUE • SANT A ANA Covered by most insurence plans. c ~c·~· ... ,_. 't~..-. GET PHYSICAU An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20. 1986 -15 BENEFITS OF RUNNING, BIKING CITED ••• FromPa&e6 running Is the secret to weight- maintenance and solitude. ·'When I started running 17 years ago, I was tipping the scale at over 200 pounds -I'd gotten really heavy." A benefit of run- ning, he said, Is not having to watch his diet so closely. "Most people don'1 under- stand how I can be alone with my thoughts while running with 20 to 30 kids at a time, but running really is a chance tor me to be alone. It's like the rest of the world is shut off and It's just you and the road and your thoughts. "Nobody can be in your shoes when you're in the eighth mile of a 12-mile run. Only you are going to get you through the last four miles,'' Wattengel said. "I get a lot of my thinking done wh1.le running and distance run- ning definitely gets in your blood. I don't think I'll ever give It up," Wattengel said. At UC Irvine. bike riding Is as much an art as It Is the pursuit of the perfect body. For the SO-plus members of the Bike Racing Club, the exercise Is a pursuit of mind over body, machine and terrain with members spending upwards of 60 miles daily on their bikes. Unllke walkers or runners bikers encounter expenses that, depending on one's status, can run Into the thousands of dollars. UCI Bike Racing Club Presi- dent Brian lgnatln, a freshman economics major, rides a Belgium custom-built bicycle worth more than one year's tuition. while fellow teammate Roger Che rides one that cost less then Its modifications. Both said they spend most of Y lu alr~ady reach o ut for the ~ake of your business, now reach our for the 'ak~ of your body. The rv.o ~o toizetht·r H11v. well Ve>U J't:rform at work JepcnJ, •in the cm·rgv .1nJ -rmt vour bodv pro\ 1Jc-<. c;w1mmtnR 'lrctt he' :inJ aJJ, tnnr-It• mo\t C\Cr\ r Ht of vour h<>dv-from vour nt:l k anJ ,h.,ulJcr' nizht down to v1•ur 11~<.. Y.1ur hu,1m·~· hraan rc'r< •nd• v. If h 'h:irpa thanking t\r du l A< , hustnc" pt'< 1plt i.;1·1 h • k r 1nv. ••a, h 111 hu loin r hem UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CWB ~ ....J -.111W' t-I• 1f1f " ~orJ to (·tel"~ < ,,.,,.., ,, l '\f /Ir II ""''~~· ,, "" ~\t IP'\ ,1rit/ 4' 1 OfT!~l'lt f1•W1' n/ •1Wt /11.:111111 1 - their free time on their machines. "I ride as much as I can," said Che, a freshman applied physics major. "Unfortunatefy I have a tight schedule." "Luckily I have a light class schedule," lgnatin said, In ex- plaining the 400 miles he bikes every week. While extensive biking re- quires some amount of con- ditioning, and while some team members lift weights for extra strength, lgnatln said progress can be attained simply through effort on the bike. Whatever your personal choice of fitness. be it walking, running or bikJng. doctors rec- ommend a gradual buildup of effort. -----And, according to those inter- viewed, be prepared to feel better for your efforts. Lydia KJ.ng. lllcbelle Bryan run era.. coantry. . IW!rNM ,.._..,.,.... ........ Getting their kicks Sbaan McCann of Ban~n Beach cbecb bJa form In a mirror. while otber nadenta practice klcb In an aeroblca ca.. at Golden Weet Collete. CONDITIONING REDUCES INJURY RISKS ••• FromPa&ell before the actMty to s1retch and warm up, he saJd. The experts hailed the benefits of aerobic exercise, which con- ditions the heart and lungs by lncreatng the efftciency of ox- ygen Intake by the body and which devetops the endurance necessary to participate In sports. Aerobic conditioning can take several forms. including brisk walking, running, bicycling, wetght lifting and swimming. Jackson views aerobles as "the key to hMlth and happf- ness" and beneflct.J to both young and old. Stfft he rec-- ommends that per1<>n1 over 30 coneurt their physician• before beginning aerobtc exerclees. One should move gradually Into any exercise program. If you've decided to jog, for in- stance, ease Into It by taking a brisk walk the flrst day and then combine walking and Jogging, Jogging a llttle more and walking a little lela each day, Jectt10n reoommenda. Weartng proper lhoee for eech actMty 11 a mutt too. Outdance usuaffy can be obtained from sales people. BaslcaJty you want a comfortable shoe that has support. said Jackson. 16 -GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20. 1986 ACCURATE MEASURE OF FITNESS ••• _ FromPaCel S hydrostatic method is "very ac- curate but It's not as convenient as other methods.'' ··some people do not like to go under water. It takes extra time and gets your hair wet. You need a larger area and there are certain expenses associated with It," includlngchemlcalsfor chlorinating the water, said Mcllwain. He said the OCC laboratory uses the hydrost atlcwefghlng method for athletes and for people enrolled In nutrition, fit- ness and weight control classes at OCC, but anyone who Is a student at the college can be weighed. .. "Skin calipers are very conve- nient but you do have to be well- trained In applying the caliper and using the correct formula. Calipers are good for serial tests where you have the same tester. the same skin-fold sites, the same formula and the same caliper." AEROBIC WORKOUT ••. From Pagel& work out," she said. The Instructor said to achieve Mcllwaln said another tech- nique Is the electrical lmpedence method that requires electrodes on the arms and legs. A harmless · current Is run through the body based on the principle that the current travels through fat at a different rate than lean body mass. Studies show It Is only as accurate as the skin-fold caliper method, said Mcllwain. "It's dlf- flcult to justify a $6,000 Invest- ment." Based on cost and accuracy. "hydrostatic weighing Is con- sidered the goal standard and probably the best measure- ment.'' he said. o.IJ,... ,._., '-..... Sandy Kamiya.ma ran• lan& capacity teet for Judl Ulrey. clubs," claimed Terheggen- Selsky. who has served as both GWC's athletic director and women's volleyball coach, and holds a master's degree In physi- cal education. "That Is why people are always getting hurt; they are not correctly taught." true aerobic fitness, you must .--------------------------------------- increase your heart rate to a I t~nl~~~andwstainth~ ~--•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ training level for a minimum of 20 T erheggen-Selsky said the way to protect yourself against 1n1ury: research the Instructor. and the facility before joining the class. ··Look for a qualified Instruc- tor. either one with a degree in physical education or someone who 1s an aerobic certified in- structor. Also check out the fac1hty ... what are you jumping on? Analyze the type of floor, then determine what types of shoes you should be wearing to minutes three times a week . "We have a posted training Intensity guide to help determine the heart. rates of a healthy adult in different age groups. We suggest using_ these rates until the actual training heart zone can be determined for you in our fitness lab." she said. Aerobic of the future, accord- ing to T erheggen-Selsky, will be a non-impact workout. One foot will always remain on the floor. "It's an excellent workout be- cause you are getting the sam benefits without the chances of a back or leg injury,''' she said. GET READYl---- t or spring riding \ 40°/o off bike tune-up with ad ~parts extra if needed-offer expires 5-1-86 o-11 8 'c~0 Save on: + fJ .:-• • Clochfng by • Ptar11zum1 • GIOrdana \ ~ SunOusitr • San R~mo ~ • P•ru, Acceuorles and Tools ' 0 Spt'c1ahud 81cyc~ Comp<>Mnts Qc ~ Cattyt • .Avoctt • Oaklty •l ook· Yak1m<'I • Bkydes • 86 modtls in stock F 1shtr • Spt'c1ahud • Ross Mountain Goat • ll1tchty 1,,~ Off Strfft P.tdng In RHr ~ ~~"\}~~ .,., RAINBOW BICYCLE CO. l~ 494-5806 485 N. Coast Hwy. . '•""·""--·;.II SAT. MARCH 22 7 PM Copley Colony Cablevision 549-3500 -----.. 1ne South Coast View We've added new muscle · to spocts 01edicine. You run. You swim. You life weighrs. You plJy rennis. Or wish you did Orcoukl Bue how far can you push! Whac Jbout rhJt uld spores injury! How cJn you avo id gercing hurt again? Is your exercise program drnng whac ic should;.. Safel}; At South C.oasc Instirute for Athletic Medicine w<: help answer chese and ocher spores medicine quescions. Our doctors are all spores specialises. And we're che only sports medicine cencer in all of Orange Cuunry rhac w mbint'' boch cardiovascular and orthopedic services. Here's where you'll find ficness evaluation, injury prevencion Jnd trN Cmt'nc of sports injuries, too. You'll also find an unmacched combinac1on of sport~ specializ.ed cechnology: Kin wm co measure musculu scren~ch Exem"<.· tolerance cescing of oxygen uptake and aerobic rhreshold. Hydrosr.aic weigh in~ cu decermine perce.ncage of body fat. And more. Wherher you're a weekend arhlete or Jn Olympic medalist. c.l1~rnver ne" muscle in sports medicine now. Ac The Sourh (.oJsr lnstirute of Achletll Medicine in ne-clrby Laguna Niguel. South Coast Institute of Athletic Medicine 30131 Town Center Drive. Suite 120 Laguna Niguel. California (71 4) 495-7050 GET PHYSICAU An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20. 1986 -17 WORKOUT BUFFS STAY INF ASHION ... FromPagel2 The demand for sports goods increased 15 percent In the past few y~rs, Power said. "Our society Is more health-conscious and since being active Is part of the whole regiment of looking good, people tend to become more sports oriented." - Swimsuits. sweatsuits, leotards and shorts have strong potential on the market, claims Dorrie Kuhlaman, manager of Clothestime In Costa Mesa. as much as It Is the need to look good and fashlonable," she said. Manufacturers, she said, ere beginning to realize sportswear design should be given greeter consideration. .. Our customers, for example, range in age between 18 and 22. They want the attractive, unique and flamboyant look at the lowest price." she said. " 'Out of Africa' shorts. bright colored swimsuits and floral shirts worn over the leotard with a headband and shoes to match are not as expensive es they may appear." When New York designer Donna Karan Introduced the leotard-style bodysuit worn under skirts and pants, the Idea did not appeal to many women et first, but now the concept hes obviously caught on. With so many predictions for future design, most businesses ere optimistic about the sports- wear market. They believe that In 10 years a whole· new. and different Idea of sportswear could be created. 18 -GET-PHYSICAUAn Advertlstng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 Two-toned leotard iuarantea comfort. ................ ~ ...... YMCA'SPROGRAMS ... P'romPaceS panic should their child stumble or trip. "We teach the moms how not to panic -·If the kid falls. Sure, he'll be stunned, but he won't be hurt," Harding said. Due to the limited attention $pan of the students, classes run for one-half hour and aJways end with a song or cheer. "Everything Is success-orlen- ted," Harding said, "yet every- one Is allowed to develop at his own pace." For 17-month old Katherine O'Aourke. the Possum Group Is a great way to meet new friends according to her mother, laura. ''She was grumpy today, bu· she likes playing and It's a chanCE to be around kids and socialize She just recently started climb· Ing more," she said. Prior to jofnlng the Possums 3-12-month-old children arE grouped Into "Rug Rats," whllE at 2 years they Join the "Squlr· rels... Child fitness grouping! extend to age 7, when they arE placed In "Monkey" Packs Harding said. All groups arE exposed to the water. Hair Productions proudly annountt• our nrwly rem~I~. pr~rtt!li•r salon undrr nf'w ownf'nhip. Wr art: a lf'am of motivatf'd & !lf'rvicf' orif'nl~ .. tyli'll§ & manirurists. o,.. .. 7 .. , ...... ,_ ...... ,u..,,.... !H-blt•ll•• protlwr~ •r•1l•l>lr. PHYSICAL FITNESS PROORAM FiTS THEIR LIFESTYLE .•• FromPaee9 arlly live longer, but so that I wlll live Ute more fully right now. It gives me more energy, and that's a tremendous motivator for me.·' Dave Harding, associate ex- ecutive director of the Newport- Mesa YMCA, haa run five days a week for years. ''In addition to the classes I teach," he says, "I stllldo a 15 to 20 minute warmup, and then I run from three to etght miles, de- pending on the day, time of year. School, Baylles rises at 4:30 a.m. dally and runs for an hour before she gets ready for work. Later In the day, she teaches an aerobics class~t the Girls' Gym, Laguna Beach. After aerobics. she lifts weights and uses a rowing ma- chine for 15 to 20 minutes each. On the weekends, Bayllesen- Joys mountain biking. "My hus- band bought me a mountain bike for my birthday," she says. "It's Just like being a child again, but mountain biking Is also probably one of the hardest things I do." Like many other fitness enthusiasts, Baylles finds that working out effectively reduces her dally stress. Arethere times when it's hard to wake up at 4:30 a.m. and hit the track? "Yes!" she exclaims. ''when It's pouring down rain, for exam- ple. In fact, once I had hall pellets beating against my face." • But she does it every day. regardlessofweather, "because It's actually become part of my lifestyle. I can't imagine going th~ough a day without being Involved, somehow, in physical fitness." and what I'm training for." r--------------------------------- Twlce a week, Harding, 44. also peddles an exercise bike ''just to supplement the leg musc•.''hesays. , .,... .... -...- Lone Joc&er meema dedi- cated to ezcrclAle. He doean 't work out on the weekends, he adds, "because the body needs at least one day to rest; otherwise, you get 'over- use' syndrome." . . . Sharon Baytles, 41, of Laguna Beach, literally runs for her life. "I was diagnosed has having a heart condition about eight yea~ ago," she explains. "It kind of angered me that I would have to take heart medicine for the rest of my life. So I Just quit the medicine and hit the tracks, and I've felt much better than when I was taking the medicine. At first the doctors said I would eventu- ally need a pacemaker. and now they say I don't." Baylles also radically altered her diet, so that "It's basically fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken for me.·' Chairman of the English de- partment atTrabuco Hiiis High UIL J.P. Cod,, O.D. OP TO ME T RY • Complete Family Eye Core • Visual Exams "'"" ~""' • ............. • Contact lenses • Fashion Eye Wear • Glaucoma Testing • Prescriptions Filled 2628 Son Miguel Newport Hills Center Newport Beach 644-8083/644-0165 yotJ lllf1lll1 n VoffH/fOlllOi M.'Wll ,.,..~ 'Iii.a A r, 10) , ..... , •0 1 .,. 17 ) CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC MD SPORTS CENTER A complete Health Cllnlc A co-ed Weight Training Facility COMPLIMENTARY PASS 18$80 Harbor Blvd., Ste E. F, G FOUNTAIN VALLEY, ca 92708 (714) 775-0882 Exercise in "I can stay in sha~ just by exercising.' Stop dreaming. The only way you're going to reach and maintain your ideal weight is with a balanced program of exercise and good nutft, tion. And the best place to get ic all? Your Rkhard Simmons Anatomy Asylum~ Come learn about Food 4 Life:" A full course of nutritional guidance that starts with a free computerized body fat analysis. lrs part of a sophisticated approach to healthy eating that includes everything from healthier cooking techniques to simple tips on how to survive fast ,food restaurants, and a whole lor more. Everything you need tQ get your body under control. Food 4 Life~ Only at you r Richard Simmons Anatomy Asylum~The fitness center that brings nutrition and exercise together, where they belong. ,-----i3A\VEE1(-----, I Come in coday for your free computerized body fat analysis and join hJr jusc $ 50 down anJ I I $12 a month for 24 months. A.P.R. 12%. Offer is good for a limited time and 1s only available I through the Electronic Funds Transfer Program. Some re mccions apply. I Richard SimmonsAnatomyl\SYlunr I I Nutritm. am Exercise. Togethei At Last. I I Brea (714) 990-6TI6 •Co ta Mesa (714) 754-6716 •Fountain Va lley (714) 96+8880 ~I Garden Grove (714) 534-2160 • Lakewood (213) 920-7618 • Orange (714) 974-0700 'Q- '"",r gooJ w1rh coupon only. • ---1 ~-------~----------- GET PHYSICAL/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, March 20, 1986 -19 ,., .. ' ,f Racquetball World & c_Aerobic Health Center Now is the time to: April 1-May 31 FF INITIATION ... And Your 3rd Month of Membership Dues J \ FREE! Raquetball World Fountain Valley Only ECIA FOR 3 MONTH MEMBERSHIP Includes Initiation & Dues -Begins MAY 1st, 19~6 * Single Health Club * 15 Years or Older • Prime Time Usage * Student School 1.0. Rqd. • Racquetball World -Fountain Valley features: Racquetball World and Aerobic Health Center is setting new standards for what a complete health club can offer famllles, singles, and professionals. When you want it all-at affordable rates-the choice Is clear. • 23 plus championship racquet- ball/hand_9all courts • Comprehensive weight training area lnctudlng extensive tree weights, nautilus, universal • 95 plus aerobic and condition- ing classes • Running track .. _ ........ = • Separate men's and women's locker areas which lnclu'ctes sauna & jacuzzi ' • Indoor heated 25 meter lap pool · • chlldren'a play care oenter * membership entitles you to use any of the RBW facllltles locations: • FOUNTAIN VALLEY 10115 Talbert Ave. ......... -..,, et aroolctMnt (714) 912-1374 •SANTA ANA 1901 E. First St. Between N9wport & Santa Ana fwy. (714) 972-2999 20 -GET PHYSICAL/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, March 20. 1986 •FULLERTON 1535 Deerpark Dr. (57) FW'y._Jt Yorba Unda exit (714) 961-0400 • CANOGA PARK 22235 W. Sherman Way a.tween Topenge & Shoup (818) 884~5034 •BUENA PARK 8eech Boulevard at Orangethofpe (open Falt of '88)