HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-11 - Orange Coast Pilot- WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11, 1986 Poll errors plague Sumner's race Election workers in Costa Mesa claim !hey were told write-in votes disallowed ing to the an~pcctor. the caller wa1 1dtnt1ficd as a county elections worker. Al Olson, the county Rcaistrar of Voters, said he will mvethpte whether there were enouah voters affected by the mistake to cnanae the results of the primary race. said he as calhna for an invesuption of the election proccdurt' and the worken who manned the poUin& lt.attons. Sumner said he blames ROl only the polling tnspecton. but the other workcn for not challenpna the mt,._ taken instruction$ and caJhn& the RCJtstru of Votel'I office for clari- fica11on By ROBERT HYNDMAN Ofh~ ......... Bruce Sumner's wnte-1n campaiJn an the 40tb Conaress1onal D1stnct Democratic primary may have been hampered by poll worlcers who m1s- takenl)' prc\>ented voters from cast· IOI wnte-in ballots. A~ording to ,..ports, volunteer The heart of a bratn- dead baby wu beatlna today In Baby Jeue. A.C Food For entertaining ease, pick a menu that features season foods and takes advantage of do-ahead convenience /C1 INDEX Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Clasalfled Comics Death Notices Entertainment Food Mind & Body Opinion Paparazzi Potloe Log Public Notices Sports T elevlslon Weather Weddings A 11 A3 B4-5 B6-8 C10 88 A9-10 C1-10 A8 A7 A9-10 A3 83,8 81-3 A12 A2 A6 worken at a Cost.a Mesa precinct polhna station on Senate Street told voters there would be no wnte-1n ballots alloYted there. The poll inspector sa1d she received a telephone call the day before the electJoo telling Iler there were no lepl write-ins in the campaisn and to disallow any such requests. Accord- "I'm not surt' at this point 1f there were enou&h to have any conse-- quencie on the outcome ... Olson said lh1smommg. But Sumner, cha1rman of the Orange County Dcmocrallc Party, Randa ac~oss campus ''If they arc that far off. the people of Oran*e < ounty ought to know about It. Sumner sa1d "There 1eems to be a traa.ic m1~ undentand1n1 on the part of the po!lina pt<>ple. They missed the pornt. The tdca 1s not to disen- franchise people from votinJ but to encourage them to exercise that nJht." The former Orange County u· pcnorCouttJud&e 1a1d be has trouble undcntandin& how any poll wonen could be unaware that wnt.e>1n vote\ should be allowed as his campaain was widely pubhcLZCd and wnte-in vottng instructions arc eitplainrd 1n the vo~r&· pamphlets. .,.., ......... ., .......... Studenta at Bantt.ncton Beach lllCll School form a human Acrou America came up wtth the Idea. hopln& to create a chaln acrou the campu.a to rabie money for the needy •lmllar mood on campua. OrJ!;'llwn e9dm.ate they nJ.eed T1leeday. 8tudenta who bad pa.rtictpated lD the Banda about $500 du.rlnl the lunch e~ent. High court reaffirms abortion right By RJCBARD CARELLJ -··••'••••"'--.,.._, WASHINGTON -The Supreme Coun, 1ssuin1 another ""'1"8 rnf- finnauon of its 1973 decmon lt"pl- mng abortion. today struck down Pennsylvania re1ulallons that would malce abortions more difficult to obtain 8)' a 5-4 vote the coun said the Pennsylvania regula11ons 1m- . pcrm1ss1bly intertrrt' with women's const1tut1onal n&ht to end tht'lr pregnancies The Reagan adm101strat1on had urged the JUSt1ces to use the case to ovenum their landmark decasaon lcgalm ng abortion a bold move even pro-hfe forces believed had little chance of sucettding. The 3rd u .S C 1rcu1t Court of .\ppcals in 1984 struck down vanous provmons of Pennsyl va n1a 's 1982 abortion control law Those prov1'>1ons would have re- quired •That doctor.. obtam the ··in- formed consent" of women seeking abon1ons after telling them about "detnment.al ph}s1cal and psycho- logical effects which art not accurate- ly foreseeable'' and about medical assistance benefiu available for prenatal care and ch1ldb1rth. The consent could be IP ven only after a 24- hour waiting penod. •That doctors file vanou'i rcpons for the pubhl record about each abortion the't perform (Pleue eee ABORTION/ A:l) wnACr • announced as the nomination winner followina the inui.a.I cornputet tally dcct1on OJ 1. But today he i1 await1na the rcsul of a hand count of the ballot ta!Jy beets that .bo h1m Iaaina by aboul 200 votes bcbtod his primary elecuon opponent. lyudoo LaRo~~follo · r An Hoffmann. Should Sumner not make up the deficit by the lime the ballot count is compkt.ed. he wall request a ftlCOunt to be&in June 19. Olson" expected to (Pl--... VOTl1'G/~) Deputies to decide tYPe of job action Strike. newspaper ads amon -posst~b-le- actlons considered By STEVE MA.R.BLE °' .............. OtaJl&C Count) shcri.fr5 depulics will meet Thundaytodecideont0me form of JOb aetJon to show their d1splcuurt over stalled contnct t.a.Jks "It's come to the point wbett 1<>methin1 is aoing to happen. .. 11..ld Robert Macl..cod. rn.anqer of ~ Assooataon ofOnnac County Oepu- t) Shenffs ·• · ·we haven't dcadcd what we will do but 1t will be somethina that attracts attenuon," he said. "Maybe pickets or maybe newspaper ads encoura&Jn& Clll2Cns to call (county) supervisors " • Ncaouators for the depuua and the rounty met for a full day Monday, but Wb broke off and new batpiJa.- ina semons have not been scheduled. County neaouaton increucd their offer to ckputi during the bupfo· ins while deputies loWcrcd their demands. Macleod said. Both sides arc scekJO& a c~year pact. The county wants to 11ve depuues a salary boost of 4. 75 percent and a 4 percent wa~ hike the followina year. Depuucs want a S 75 percent pey inettase both yean . .. The county says th.is 1s their best and final offer And u's an unaccep- table offer," said Macleod "Our goal 1s to p10 an-pocket dollars .. (Pleue eee D&PO I IE8/ A.2) Jeep runs overHB sunbather ~ Mangers hurt Death row inmates to be called in auto crash as Alcala character witnesses Lifeguard-driver was watching swimmers. did not see woman By PAUL ARCHIPLEY Of .... Otlllr "9t ..... BeTerly Cota climbed to the top of the ht-rm. he couldn't sec Cot.a below him By ROBERT BARKER othO., ......... Dennis Manger\, a former \tatc assemblyman who represented the c1t1es of Huntington Beach ( o<;ta Mesa and Fountain Valle). under· went surge!) today for inJune\ he received an a freeway accident Mangen. 45 who also served on the Hununglof\ Beach Union High School D1stnct Board of Trustee'\. was hurt when has car was struck early Saturday momma by a motorist allegedly dnv1na the wrong wa., on (Pleue Me llANGltR8/ Al) By STEVE MARBLE Of tM Otlllr .......... A'> many a'i five death row inmate~ trom San Quentin wall be called to tesuf) Monda) u character wunc<,~~ for convicted child killer Rodnt<\ James Alcala. The inmates will 'ouch that ,\lcala wa'I a model pnsoner when he wa\ on death ro" for almost four vnr . o,aad defense auornev John Dolan Dolan rt"vcaled his cast of w11- nesscs Tuesday after the prosecution lOncluded its pan 1n Alcala·s dealth pcnalt~ heanng "Juro~ an tht· 'iu pcnor < oun hcanng ha"t" heen e\cused until Monda) \death mw inmate from late I 4Xll until I QM .\kala wa\ l00\.1C1ed for the 'iC'cond time la\t month of the 197'i lr..1l11ng lll 12 )ear-Qld Rohan Chmtine '1m\1x.' of Huntington Beach .\lcala <o l·arht"r death \C:'n tenn· Im thl '>la:.1ng wa\ mt•nurned h\ thl \late liuprcml ( oun on ground' that he did not rl·lc1vc a fair tnal lxput~ 1)1.,tnct .\ttomc~ I om ( 1octhal., '' urginll 1uror-to return .\lcala to death ro" He descnbed Alcala as a depra11cd and dangerous man with a long history of molesting and bcanng youna girls. · On the June afkmoon in 1979 when .\kala drove to Huntan11on Beach and allegrdl~ lured Samsoc to her death he'd alread\ ~rved two terms 1n ~tale pnson an·d v.a<; f~ on hall 1n a rape case .\t the time ()am<>oc ~as ahducted and killed, .\kala had spent tive of the pa-,t nine years in pnson for rap1na, beating or molesting youn& girls (Pleue eee INllATlt8/A2) Hospital personnel are kecp1n1 a close eye o n a ~unbathcr who wa\ run over Monday by a Huntington Beach lifquard Jeep Beverly Cot.a. 25. of Orange was sunbathing at Hunungton's cit} beach near the pier when the accident occurred at about 1·30 p.m ., said Huntinaton Beach police Sat Bruce Kelly The Jeep's front naht wheel ran over Cota 's legs, causing her to sit u r> She was then muck by the Jeep. which ran over her back. Cot.a was rushed to Pacifica <..om mun1ty Hospital 1n Huntmgton Beach, when she as hsted in nahlc: condiuon. Evidence tampering in murder case alleged Cot.a was lyina on an embankment readJna when hfquard Andrew Weaucnber&er. 24, drove along the beach watching for 'w1mme"' in distress. Weissenberger of Huntinaton Beach drove up the inchne of the embankment and didn't S« Cota on the other side. The hfquard reported!> wn watching someone 1n the occ•n and. because of the anR)e ~f the Jct"P as 1t .. Ron Cota said his wife suffered two fractured vertebrae and numerou\ cuts and bru1~ 10 the accident Neuroloajsts were testina and ob'iCrv- 1na her for other in.J uries as well A witness told Cot.a tf his wife hadn't sat up after the Jeep rolled over her lep, the tMck wheel ~ould have run over her head. Kelly said no charges would be ti led 10 the accident From 1laff and wire reports 'i.\N BERNARDINO-.\ dcfcn'IC attome} accused ,hentrs detec11ves of tampcnng with evidence an a 811 Bear Lake murder case to prove that h1~ client intended to kill a ( O'ita Mc~ man "When tht"Tt' was evidence that WM 1ncons1'tent v.1th their preconccaved theory. the} intenuonally concealed and antent1onall\ tampcrrd with the e111dence," \aid \Ian Spear\, the attome\ tor Danm Flovd W1I · hamson. 38 Walhamson, an e•-conv1ct who ha<> already served terms for murder and robbery. 1s charged with first-degree murder and attemptrd robber) in la'>t July's slay1na of Ross Howe. 'I The onettmr Norwalk rc'>1dent faces a po 1blc death 'lt'ntm« 1f convicted o n both charges Spears acknov.led&cd that W1l· hamson "ihOt and ktllcd Howe through the wand h1eld of Howc'<o truck. hut he maantaancd that hi\ LB artists' condos not palette-able Live/work project investors surprised by petition by ~an yon Acres resident By LAURA MERK CM .. .,.., ........ ~ Rc<t1dcnts ha\e placed another hurdk in the pi1th of Hal Pastonus' plans for a townhou complc" in Laguna Beach whcrr. arMU can both hve and "'ork All of the projcc1' n ·ahbon havt saaned. pctiuon oppos1n1 the plan \Since its 1nctpuon 21h yean ago. th~ proposed t>rOJ«t has 1ttn sup- J'dnen back out and suRr.f't'd financial actbe ks Now. an option on the land Pa tonus and acvC1'11 other investors a.re intert' ltd in 11 abOut to up1re. Putoriu b to antcn:st about l 2 ani ts in the townhousn. he and ht pannersplan tohu1ldona 1.1-acretot offLuuna nyon a d and Can)'oo Aaa~oad The lfOUP HpC'CU to PllY I ut S400.000 for the land, which wa a•sesstd at $~,<XX), Yid Pastonu He en\ 1s1on'> a place whert' artist\ c. n hvc and wort.. while beatin& rent lncruscs that continually force them to "\O'e out ot town And an enthu\1a"t1c Laauna Keach Oty Council ha\ d1rteted the Plan· mna Comm1n1on to draf\ an ord1· nance that would crcate new 1omn fTl\llallon' to acoommodatc 1m1lar proJCC\S The I 1 panncnh1p ofabout nine anist·invcsto" has met With banlctl"'\, •rchi1ec:t1 and lawyen to kttp the ~lans movi Pa tonua also ad the poaJp has kept an touch with .ptople from the Canyon C"Te$ Ncaah· hor ood A 1at10n and tht' f'C')I• dt.nt of Am>)<> R1~d Afkr mtttin& with ~"i1dcnts, thc 1roup made ~me chan1es, agreeing to a rustic c1ttenor and scahn& down the plans from I <'I bu1ldan~\ to I ~ bulidinp. ~1d Pa,tonus. So It C'11me a, quite a \hoc\ when thr ~ulptor d1tc0Hrt'd that the H'-«la· uon h•d Knt a pct1t1on oppo-;1n1 tht. pro,ect to the l>csaan Review Board The pcot1t1on'\ 11.S s1paturo rep. rc\Cnted all thr nc11hborhood ma dent\. As a mutt, thr hvc/worli. proJt<t flopl)fd the J)e,1gn Review Board'• public Manna and prrhm1nan: rt:· V1e .. late la,I month, 1d ra\tOnu AC'(Ord1n1 10 RA) l n •. the as soc1at1on·,. foundrr and formt"r pttsa client ~a\ dnink and didn't llll'Jn to lull Ho\'.e "It ~uuld ha'e ~n a ren ar ahk <ohot for a -;oher marl.\man 'ipt H' ..aid <.lftcr mat..ing h1' 1)penrnti aritu ment~ T ue\dl\ in \\ 11l1amo,crn·., murder tnal 1n ~upcnor ( oun To provell'lill wm1am'ion a1mc:-<l ,at ti owe. in'est1sator' la1lrd to reporl ,, hullct hok 1n the Ja\hh<lard ol llo"<"·, tnid. and 1ntcnt111nall\ mmed a v1~or in the trud.:'' ,~h th.it al<,(1 had h«'n p1en.ed hy a hulkt ~ml \pe;a~ The pro'C'Cut1on 's balhSlll \ theon did no t allov. for the possible deflel·· t1on or ncochct of the bullet that \truck Howe 1n the l he-;t, the defrn~ auomn told J uror~ £"">eput~ District .\ttome) Ray· mond l,fa1&ht dmn1ssrd '\pear.' al- lcgauon\ of conspiracy, \aym1 that Cllel"'\ purponcd nav.: Of the ihtnlf' 1n'e't1~t1on be npla1nrd ·· .\n} m1,ta e bc:-comrs a con· !Pleue eee &VID&NClt/A2) uuu MERK Passive Irrine -parkplanned Focus ON THE NEws d, nt. the nc1ahho~ arc \1mpl) trymg to prot«I tht naturt of thr ne1 h· horhood ··we arc not 11p1Mt It' c/work (proJC\:l,). h 1•JU\l too b1a., bully and not in c.:harac:tcr "'1th the nc-1&h· borhooJ We ha'c sampl) \Aid that 1f the\ can make thr unit\ ~mailer and nnt a" man}. we v. ,luld be llrliJhU~J tn (Pleue eee !fttORBORS/ A2) By PHIL NEIDERMAN Of-Ollar ....... In int homC'Ownc". ~01or c1t11cn, and pon' boo tcr1 duhed T utsda) 0\ t r th~ de IJ\ Of a park the Cit) ba.\ no fund\ to build Durm a City Council hcanng. flC'ltkrndet.ted plans tor the 22 W1l<1dhndgc-Communny Park "h1(h "'ould be devdopcd nonh or hon Part..v.a" and C"a t of Lan Rotd . Ntarby re~hlents and ~nior ctuicn araucd that the par\ houJ;J h '" rolbni p-ecn lawns nd DO play.na field~ tm o niltd pan (Pl Me l't,A'fmo/A2) • Al. Ofange Coast DAILY PILOT I Wodnaday, June 11, 1988 ABORTION RIGHTS REAFFIRMED ••• From Al •That doctors pcrfomun1 th11d- lnme1ter 1bon1on , which are rare, ~ procedures I nslcy to ll fetus capable of survivina out~ide the womb. •Thal two doc\ors b( prncnl to ocrform uurd·lnmcster abortions the law did not specifically provide an ex~pt1on for cmeraenc1es. Today, the Supreme Court agreed with the 3rd Ctrcutt court that the prov1s1ons cannot pa~s const1tution1tl muster. "States are not free, under the gu1St of protecting maternal health or potential hfe, to inl1m1date women into continuing pregnanc1e~ ··Justice Harry A Blackmun wrott for tlw coun. Chief Jusucc: Warren E. B":')Cr and JusUCC$ Byron R. White, Wtlbam H. Rehnquist and Sandra Qay O'Connor dissented. White. m a diuenuna opinion for ~1Clf and Rchnqu1 t, wd today's decision "appears symptomauc of the coun's own uuccunty over 1ts handiwork in (the 1973 ruhna) and the cases tollowina that decasion." "Awatt that in {1973) It euenually crcatt'd M>methma out of notbina and that there arc many an this cotntry who hold that dec111on to be basically 1lleg1timatc, the coun responds de tens1vel)," White sa1d, accus1na the rnun·s maJont) of "1 nd1scnminate-- I> • stnlung down state: regulations "that in no way contruve-nc the nght" recognized in 197'\ O'Connor \.!ltd the ·•straJtJacket" label placed on the Pennsylvania ~ulat1ons by Blackmun rt"ally ap- phes to ''the one the court has tailored for lht" SO \talt1.'' Wh1te and Rehnquist dmented from the 1973 landmark ruhn,. and O'Connor thl"t'C years aao cnt1c11ed that ruling But for BulJer, who supported lcgahzing aborti on 13 yea~ aao. his dissenuna op1 n1on today marled the fi~t ume he had Quest1oned publtdy the wtsdom of the 1973 ruhni- "I agree we should ft'-Cllftmtne (the 1973 dcc1s1on)." Burger said. The court in 1983 strongly rcaf· firmed 11\ ruhngol a deutde before as 11 Mrud down se'erul state law and local re~ula11ons that rnude abortions more difficult to ot>ta1n The I lllP ruh n11 sparked new outrage among "nght to hie" lorces Black.mun, author of the 197'\ dcc1s1on legalwna abortion added that the Penns~lvania rc"ulauons .. wholly subordinate const1tu11onal pnvacy interests and concern!! with maternal health man effort to deter a woman from malung a de<:1!i1on that. with her phys1uan 1!> hers to mal..e · Black.mun noted that the national debate over abortion ha!> bel·n b11tcr and that the aboruon issue-"raise!> moral and spmtual question' o'er which honorable pc~ons 1.:an d1..agret· smccrely and profoundly ·· PLO leader gunned down outside hotel in Greece "But those disagreements did not tncn and do not now relle .. ~ u~ of our duty to appl y the C onsutuuon faithfully," Blalkmun said "fe.,.. decisions are more per<>onal and 1nt1mate, more proper!) pnvate or more basic to 1nd1v1dual d1gn1ty and autonomy than a woman's dec1s10n -with the gu1dame of her phys1 c1an and \\tlhin the hm11s specified in (lht' court\ 19"3 ruling)-whether to end her pregnanq ·· "A v.oman's nght to make that chou.:e free-I\ 1\ fundamental." Black- mun said · Joining Blac~mun v.ere Ju!.t1ce .. \\ 1lham J Brennan Thurgood Marshall. Lewt\ F. Powell and John Paul 'ite .. en~ .\THENS. Grettt' (AP) -A Palestinian leader was shot and killed outside a cenlral Athens hotel, the Public Order Ministry ~1d. The ministry on Tuesday 1dent- 1tied the man only as a senior member of the Palestine L1berauon Organ1za- oon. Palestinian sources m Cyprus said he was Khaled Ahmed Nazal. a leadmg member of the Marxist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palesune The sourc~ said Naial held the rank of colonel and was secretary of the front's central committee. The front. a PLO faction led by Nayef Hawatmeh. 1s the most pro- So' 1et of the ma1or PaJcst1man groups. While-It 1s based in Damas- cus. the Synan capital where break- awa> PLO factions are-head- quarterld the fronl 1'> rnns1Jered the least opposed to PLO C ha1rman Vasser Arafat among Palestinian groups based there. The PLO diplomatic mission in Athens issued a statement blaming lsraelt and CIA agents for the shoot- ing and pledged the PLO would not retaliate 1n Greece. Officials said Nazal, 38, was shot three tames m the head and once in the th1&h Monday a he was entenng the Hotel Zafoha. They said the gunman escaped on a motorbike dnven by an accomplice. Public Orde-r Minister Ntoms Drossoyanms told reporters the \IC t1m had amved last Saturday from Damascus. Syria. and c:amcd a false Algenan passport MANGERS HURT IN CARACCI DENT ... From Al the C1arden < rro\ e f ree"a' ·He v1S1ted Orange ( oun1y over the Mangers sufkrc.·c.I a hrol..cn klt ... -"'eekend to attend a cable TV ankle. a broken right wn!>t a 'e' t'rt '>em1nar and· was return mg to a hotel head laccra11on and a \l1gh1 wn-in Long Beach after a movie when a cu~sron. according 111 a CO-"-orker car driven b~ Lonny Gene Rhoads "I talked to him th!\ morning 25 of Orange allcgedl) entered the before his 0Pt.'rat1on · former high off-ramp at Valley View Street and school Tru\tt'c Run \hcnkman said drovC' the wrong way on the freeway. "He '>atd hr \\J\ h11 head-on and 1111 weren't for h1' \Cal bt-lt being .. according to a< HP -.poke!>man Rhoads, "'ho 1., being treatl.'d at Long Beach J\tcmonal Ho'ip1tal for head trauma. ha'> tx>en arrc~tcd on suspicion of felon\ drunken dm. mg but has not heen take-n into custo<h because ol his in1unes. acrnrdin[I. 1(1 the CHP spokesman fasten('d he might nul still bl.· JllH· .. DEPUTIES PLAN ACTION ... "'1angcrs v.tnt tu ~acramt·nto 1n l l/76 a~ a Demou at 1n J Rcpublirnn From A 1 district He v.a' ddeatcd h\ ~ulan Fnuelk m the Ronald Rcatwn land- <ihde of I wm Mangt'r., rna1nta1ned al thl' t1mt• th.it J1mm\ ( :incr' lllnll''"'"" \pc!t.'th hcfort· tlw poll' do\t•d en- couraged 'utt·r., 10 \ta' h<1mc and ontnbuted Iv ht~ h•<i'i He I\ thr 'ttc prc.,1dcnt lor go'· anmt•ntal afTairi.. uf tht < ahlorn1.i ( ·ahle Tele .. 1i;11m ''")l1Jt11in 1n \al- ramcnto < ount~ negottaton da1m depul1t'\ arc gttllng ahou1 lh( -.ame pat kagc other tount~ emplo}ec groups ha\e hcen offered Maclt:od though said dt:put1e\ arr lo\ing ground to o lhl'r t·mplo\ce group' MacuoJ '>aid J<>h at t1nn "111 nut hcgin until nc~t week and that depu11e11 will meet 1n three shilt'> T hur\da\ 10 decided "'hat OH'n alllOn'> "111 ht· tal.l·n •\mon[I. lh( Jllh alllllO'> au1hon1t·d h' tht.' dt.'pu11c\ "'a \tnl.c "\.\e alrcad} ha\e appr<nal lrom our member<; to tall for Job actmn bul "e "'ant 10 eJ1.plain l·,enthtng ll> 1he membcr\h1p again We're a ml'thod1- (al bunch · 1M11d Mad cod .\ccording to counl> figures, 1he average annual \alaT) lor a dcput\ I\ S34 000. for a sergeant S42.000 INMATES TO TESTIFY FOR ALCALA ... From Al < 11~·thal'> uuduc.kd 1h1• p111\· c.'lUl1un '> ca'>c.' I ul·sda~ ah1•1 prn en lint( a llurT) o f "ll'llm\ and part'nt\ nl \llllffi\ \\hO ll'lnuntt•lf \\hott tho c,;ud '~t·rc pa1nlul :Jflc.I h111c.·r mcmonn ol ·\k ala .\ 2'1-H·ar-olc.I v.oman tc\t1lkd th.11 nc.:arl-.. 1·8 ~ear'> tt~o ~hr "'a' lurec.I h~ \k'ala 1ntll :.i c.·ar .and lhcn dn,cn to a rn1den,c in llolh"'•'uc.I v.hnc 'ht• "'CJ'> 'tnpp~:d rapc·d and l.n1xk~d UO(Oll\UOU~ v.11h .1 h:Jd P•r>C (ml·thal~ 1,a1d \knl.1 t'ludl·d ul· tiu~r\ a1 the 1irn1• hut \\3\ JrT<'<oted c.harged and 1,.·on' rctc.·d t"o )t:3r\ later Jn 14.,4 \lc.al.1 ,on,1nled;.i I~ \car-old Hun11ng1on Beath tlrgh "c.h1111lg1rl 1ngt.'l 1n111 hl\rnr h' .. a,ing h• \\ould dr 1 H. her lo '-<. hnnl < 111\'thal .. r,a1d ln'>tcad he drU\c 10 Bol..a ( h1la \rate BeaLh "hl·re he persuaded her tu \mokt· mur1,uana and l..1'>s him tht: pro\ecutor \aid \ pav,ing 'tale ranger arrt.'\lcd \kala and the girl .... hen he \av. them ,h.inng a manJuana ngarcttt• \kalJ ''a' returned tn pn<;on for \ rnlating parole r he father ol J ls \C.U uld R1H'f• "lie girl told Juror' that .\lcala ahdut led hi\ daughter tied her 'o 11gh1h "'1th rope that 11 hurned her anl..lcc; and <,tutlcd a T -\h1rt do"'n ht·r 1hroJt until \hc lhuked .ind pa\\c.'d UU\ \kJla thl'O rapcd 1he girl. rhe fat lwr \;wt lie \44\ \Cllll'nCl'd 111 nine \Car\ in \IJll' pn\on tor. lhal ollln\t' lk rccCl\l.'d lht.' dt:ath pcnalt~ latt•r the same }Car for the "iam'>oe "l<n ing Delcn!>l' attornn Dolan '>.lid hi\ ta<.k. I!> made mon· d1ffi1.ult l)l:rau~ \lcala tm·d to tin: him Monda) and no .... rdU\C\ IO di\l.U\\ his L3\C "Oh wt.' talk. v.1: talk abou1 ncn- 1h1ng C\CCPI the ta\e." '>aid Dolan .\kala a\kcd \upc:nor (oun Judgt: Donald \.1 tC'artin 111 fire Dolan and a second dl'lenc;c tillornr> Kl·1th < \.1onroe hc1.au<.c the) wen· lat) <,)npp\ and ill-prt·parcd 1n wurt c\lcala J\l.ed thi: Judge to grant l11m a ncv. tnal \ild art1 n rcfu,cd to grant •' Ill'\\ tnal or d1sm1ss the attorney" "ho lw described a~ 'ett·ran detcn\t· l.1"-H'r' ''1th sterling repu1a11onc, NEIGHBORS OPPOSE ARTISTS' PROJECT ... From Al ha,t· them dn .... n 1hcrt· • ,,11d I n1w1 Hut Pac;tornl\ \:t1d h1\ g.mup .... a., g1,en no v.arn1nF lhl' ,1\\IK 1at11111 h,11.l pl•mnnl to oppow the proJl'l I l lnl(t'r rrpcatrJh '~lrtl•d thl· 1\'IUl' .... hen a\kt:d 'fX't rfr(all\ \\ht·n the nc1ghhorhuod a\\0<·1a111;n hl•gan up- po~ing the pro1t't t "It ""·'' ta1rh rc:centl\ that "C b{'Umll' av.ar,· ol "'hal the-pr<>JP< I \\,I\ ~111ni( to loo!. like, .. he '><lid • \ t ti n.t ..-. h1· n t hn hrou~h t t h1· pr<>Jc·ct up 1A1• l1kt•1l tlw 11ka .ind Wt' v.crt ht-hind tht•m But :" 11 turnt'd OUt, that J')IC'lC 111 rropcrl\ IJ,141 a hl{lh land pnct' i,o the\ h,I\ l' to 111.11..t• 1t a h1ggC'r prOJC:CI to make 11 Pil'r \\l· apr,rovcd ot 11in t11n11•p1 ntltalh lOntc:rm•d ahoul the ~ml­ dl'n 11ppo<11t1on. 1'.1,toru" <.a 1d tht• ~ruupthoughl1t1,onl\ altc111.1t1\C ..... , 10dropthe project andlall 11\ \M Of)(J inn•\trnent a""" In tact. th( Jl<:t1t11in \\,Jll'll '"l• m' !.'<.to~ away. he \:t1d Rut instC'ad ot \U lfrn ng, .1 SM 1)00 ~i::s~e Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE )JO wn1 f •v 1 >ti• "''1'11 " M• lll!l!Jl'.U A , ~ 'I M"8 A <ft•q, Im' 1tw .irll\I\ an· lomm111cd 111 rncet1nll v.11h nt•n 11ne ol lht· rc-;1den1<i t<J dl\tu\'> tht project pcr- scmall) <.Jld Par, tun u' \ 4u1c:k l hcl'k ..-.11h \Omr 11( tht tnmmuntt\ mcm her'> reveakd tht•\ v.t·rc m1"niormed ht• added "One \\ornan thought 11 was going to he 41 \tone'> high Another man thought he would lace a -().foot-long \IUtCO "all .. he \aid Once thc;ian1<.t'\ n;1h1cd the) were lacing a h~akdo\\n 1n t11mmun1<a 11cms, the' dendcd not to g1 .. e up ··we "ant t1i kno\\ ii there 1~ an~ \Upport at all \.\.c an· not \-t.'hem1·nt about thc proJcc:t. Wl' an· vehement about getting out," Pa<otonus -.aid adm1t11ng that continurd oppo<,1t1on lrom 11 ~ rc<.1dC'nl.. "'ould <;u rch doom the pro1cct But gctt11ll( tht two ttroup'> togrthl'I 10 talk ma\ he ;1 feat 1n ll\df "'i1nle "'e oppo<,('d the ptoJl'l I, the•\ ha\e ..SopfX'd tallitn~ With U\," 'i3td l ngcr "WI.' wrrc <ouppc><,ed ro rnl'et ----- with thc·m la\t \aturda\ lwo u1un- cilmen and Hal Pa~lonu' hut I Pas1or1u\I t·ancclcd 11 · ..aid l lngcr Pa!>tonu .. ho .... e\cr, \31d hl· iold a\soc1atwn rq1rt•C>t•n1at1'l Jeff Po..-.rr<. tha1 <'"t'r\Ctn<' conlcrned would not be able 111 gl"t together Saturday and tha1 thl· meeting wa!> rescheduled fur Wcdne<.day ncn1ng. "o as!.n<.1atwn mcmhen sho .... ed up at the l'\l'Olllg meeting. he <.aid Pastorius said the art1~t'> arc con- ' 1ncl'd tht: prnJell v.111 complement thr neighborhood. "here 1ndustnal bu-;1nt'S\C\ art· rap1dl} openine c,hop In add111on. ht' i,a1d 11 will raise the prof)('rt> valur<. uf the home\ \Ur· rounding the proJett "f\e11onr 1s calling 1t a nch man'<, pmJC<t nut 1h1\ I'> a cummumt) thing II (the art1<1t<o) tannot ;1fforc1 to ~tay 1n town. we'll lcav<.· "CT he proJc<.'t) has got to he d<·n .. r to ~ aflord.1hk If there are onl) l\\-O or thft'c un11' then 11 would ht': a nch man\ p1111<.'( 1:· ht· -.ard Dally PUot Dell very •• Quar1nteed v ,,r1, 1 Cl•-'.C -"~ !178 ~ " "'"'°' .. ~·~ •. Just call 642-6086 I Mw• 'l~JI pt,c.., f>'f ~ !)!) i;.., ti-',. 1 ti m .,., "°"'~ •• I)<> °"*"•·•D Whai do you hkc about the Daily Pilot'> What don't you hkc? \all the number above and your me-ssaac will ~ recorded. ttan'6:nbt"d and de- hvere-d to the appropnate ednor 1 he same 24-hour answtnna service: ma) ~ U'ied to record letters lo the cdilor on an} topic ( ontnhutOM to Our Utters column must include their name and telephone number for venticat1on Tell" u~ whfn on your mind I l Circulation Tei.phone• Clouds to give way to sunshine Sklee wlll b9 ctMr Thurlday actou moet or Swthern Caltl0tnla. but a _,..k tow preuur• arM ove< the deMrta and high preuur• over the OCMn will btlng otouda to ttt• coastal .,... . Sunehln• I• forecaat along the ~ In the •"e<noon Thursday lollowlng night and momlni low clouds. High• wlll be 88 to 72 following overnight Iowa Of 5 10 80 Omelle el ., U.S. Temps OrlenclO .. 1' ~ 17 70 $ .,,, ..._,.. 102 78 Htgt>• llllCI tow• through HI a.. :::::1.'o.. 79 70 WllCl.....,trf .. e4 IO .. p~ tr st Albany HY 77 .. =::!°" .. .. Al~ctue tll $1 Atnenllo ~ :! ., lo.M flO 76 Al\ct\Ot1Q9 17 M 8911 LM!e City 74 51 Al .... 11> 7 4 M 811n Antonio 111 11 At111111< City 81111 "'*' p"' 81 73 Almln 92 77 8t Ste M11te 16 66 .... _. ., 71 S..1119 13 ~7 lllllinge 75 63 ::.:1:;' " .. 81f-.gll-.. 11 Sloull -.. 59 8otae M IO Spot.-1M 57 ·•' ,.. ,. ... ~ :: Sy.--Boe Ion 64 &e tkln.io to 75 117 44 T MIC>9-81 PtrabQ c...-., c:Nwteeton.S.C 87 74 Topeka 117 C-lonWVe es 10 r-IO 1M T3 TulM e6 Calif. Temps 04 67 5.,.1.AN &anl•Ct"' 5.,,1 .... ., .. 715 12 86 "' 12 152 ., .. cnetton•.N c 17 72 511 41 w~on.O c ~ 64 ee WlcMI .. &4 Cll"9QO 64 72 W"'1-S..r• 80 64 Clndnnetl a.tv.land 82 74 CC>lumble.S C 13 ~~ Surf Report ColumlNt O!>io 13 OellM Fl Wor11> 112 M 13 7~ LOCATlOM MD ~ o.yton "' 45 ~one-. 2-1 ,. o.n-0..M-• 83 "'-J4ilty. ~ 2-4111• 10 OMtOll 74 .. POOt [IPMO " ti 40!11 81tMI. Newp«I 2-41•1• lo ,..,!)Ml(. IO 60 POOt '"VO .. M H1'CI av-.~' ' POOt "'-'•" 76 40..._W_,. 2-4 .. Or•IF ... IO 64 ...... a.di 2-4 ,.., ~· 1• •hn~ 2-4 ,.., Honolulu .. 71 W-~86 Houelon 13 71 ..... dlrectlOn w ... ltldleNpoila 415 3 T 8ollt"-I J-eon.M• .. 76 Jeck~ 15 .. ~ 66 :: Smog Report 1<-..Clly .. LMV19M .. ~~ POllulent ~d lndlt• ti*t o 100 uni. flOd1 ee LoullMIM ~-ee 75 good. 100-200 unllMllhlUI for MMlt,.,. Mempllie Ill 7 4 = 200-300 unn..ttttlUI for .. , Mlenll 8Mcll H to IWZM~ Finl ltgut1t i. Mllw-.. 74 17 IOCS8f• '* lorcul. _.., .. ~ Mi*-SIPIUI .. st tWt'•~Pll ....,.,,.. 17 ~~ Sell ._,, IO MecAtVlut lll¥d ..... o.-• 42-75 .... y°"' Cfty to 10 WW.. tM• 1 taell Vlllev 42· 113 HorfOlk, va. 13 et Lagyna 8-ofl. .. .. liO (fofecMI) Oli-..n.Olly IO .... Loi ~ AltpOrt. .•. 17-150 Bek.,.'*° l11ttll• ~rlWIO l_..,., lot~ OeaMltld Peeo~ A9d 81.111 "9dwooCI Cl1Y s.c:r-10 ....._ a..ONgo a.n ,..llllGllGO a.ntellMber• 8t0dlton AppieV-., BatwlOW BI09-a.op 8ly"'9 c.ltl!N ~Cltf Lonu...,, M~ MontcMI Moni.IMllO Monier~ .....,... ~llMcfl °"1¥\o Plll!l lpt'"OI PMed9na ,._..,. ..,,..,,.dlnO Sen Glbrlel a.n.i- 105 68 78 SI 1oe 67 Ill $1 78 64 " 61 8$ 52 103 .. 711 13 101 IO 70 63 .. 82 71 eo 70 57 102 1$ M 54 m M 78 .11 112 42 10$ 70 70 sa 71 12 13 62 100 87 1IO 12 82 .... 71 se 102 73 &e eo 117 57 105 72 114 II 1IO SI 114 !It lie 83 119 85 Sanl• loCot-.a T-V-y fOfrancAf Tides 1• .. ,. 13 TOOAY SeconO iOw s 30 p '" , 0 9*:of>c1 lli(lll 1 I 4t p rn S I TltUfl•OAV f~ll iow 7 •2 • m 0 O f1tal "'Of' J 14 pm 3 II 5-Wiio-6'8prn JI 5->d htgtt --Sun 1911 toOlt el I 04 P rn rtMe Tr1und•t 11 ~ 41 • m Md Mii IOllll II ~~ ;... loO •I 1) 41 p"' ,... T""'oC1e111 10 c!J • m Md Mlt ~ II Extended PLAYING FIELDS DELAYED IN IRVINE •.. From A l But athletic booste~ and Irvine Unified School D1stnct officials asked the-count ti to include baseball and M>Ccer fields that could be used b> nearb' Woodbndgc High School .\lier two hours of debate-. the rnuncil endor<.ed the passive park plan but promised to help solve Woodhndgc H1gh·s pla}1ng field \honagc. ( ounc1I members cau110ned ho"'- c .. cr, that the ell> has no funds to build Woodbndge Community Park at·rnrding 10 an> design The) said a lrl.cl) alternatt"e t"i a bond 1<osue that "ould requm: the apprO\dl of l\\o· third~ of Irvine'\ voters "We ca n talk about 1he concept all \\C "ant. .. !>Std Councilman Larr) \gran "The reaht) 1s that the funds don't e'1st 10 build whatever wr Jeude-Unlc\\ there 1~ a concerted effort to garner two-thirds approval Ion a bond issue). th1\ 1<o JUSt an acadrmtl exert 1sc ·· ( ounnlman Ra' Catalano warned lhat 11 athletic boosters and passive par!. ad,ocate\ "conunuc 10 exh1b1t 1h1<. '"11 of fract1onahsm through the formJt1nn ol a hnnd 1s<.ue v.e'll all end up "'1th nothing" < uunc1lv.oman Sall) \nne Miller \\ho <.pcarheadcd a ~1m1lar hond c.Jmpa1gn that was appro"ed b~ In inc 'oter<. 1n 191~ said "The \l.'lfl'I 1s to makt'. \Ure there I\ i..11ml•th1ng 1n tt for e\er~ont· .\nother optwn -( ounulwoman Barbara Wiener's ~uggest1on that funding be divened from the-civic theater scheduled for construction at lJ( Irvine -drew no support from the council .<\s approved by the council, Wood- bndge Communit) Park will include a community ce nter, a child-care center a senior center w11h an adult da)-care-program. volleyball and basketball couns, a picnic area, a s<·ulpture garden. a bicycle trail and large open lawn areas. Dunng the public heanng. spcaker<o complained that baseball and soccer fields ....,ould not be~ompat1blc with the child-care and senior center-; The~ al!>O e'tpresscd concern that any ballfields c'entuall) would be hghted. crcaunga nu1sam:e for nearb~ homes. Rut .Hhlellt boo,tcrs '><lid Irvine ha\ a shortagt· of ballfields. I hey al'io said Woodbmlge High was built on a i;1tc ahout halftht'. <.11c of a trad111onal campu<o "1th the undcri,tandmg that an ad1a1.·ent park wuld be shared hy phH1rnl educ:ll111n dasse.. athlelic team'> and lht• puhlll ~la\or l>iJ\td RJ~er rl'le1ved unanimous \uppon on a motion d1rectrng the ut\ \tall to meet with school dl\tnll uf'fiual\ and reprc\Cn- tall\ e~ ot tht: lnml' Co . the Cll)'s pnnc1pctl lando" ncr and de' elopc:r. The stall "'d" in~trut tcd to return in 60 dav\ with rernmmenda11ons con- cerning ho"' the ut} tan help resolve- \\oodbndg<: H1gh'i, pla)'111g field ~honage VOTING SNAFU ... From Al tert1ly the clcrt1on on r uc~day, Julll' 11 Frank Barharo '>umner's attornc' \31d the> will wait until all \Oil'\ iHc counted before takrng an) action "WI.' bclu:ve he (Sumner) ..... 111 be the .... inner but rfthat's not the ca<>t.', \\(' "'111 $CCl further mvcst1gatt0n 1n111 the matte-r •· Barbaro ..aid Sumner said 1f the outrnmt· I\ ec,pcc1ally dose. he may take kgal .tll1on lo font' a rll'"' l'kl't1on Barb.irn .me.I \umm·r ..aid the block1ngol 1At1lt in \Olr'iat the Costa \k\,J prec1nc I m,1\ have been ~­ pl':tll'J .11 uthcr < lr;1ngc ( uunty lo- t'atroni, .. \t th1\ 111m turc. v.e'd hke tu ge-110 the bottom \)f "hat altually oc- rnrrec.I." Barbaro ..aid " I h1!> 1\ not an • 1<;ola1nl inndent \.\ l' belle' e theft' has Ileen \ome ahu\C · EVIDENCE TAMPERING ALLEGED ... From Al '>piraq to thl' dcfcn\l' Haight 'Mltd -Although he argued aga1mt giving \\ tlliJmson a first-degree murder c. on v 1t 11on . ~pears called h" client "a \Cl) \ea\dned and 'l'I) 1m·p1 cnm1- nal · W 1ll1am<.on al read} h.t<o plcadrd guilt} to su. tnm1nal ch.irgc' related to thr Jul} 27 shooting. J la1ght said wttnessei; v.ould test1f\ that W1lharn<.on confronted Howe \\Ith a pistol as Howe walked out of Hr:in'<; Deli ne-ar Big Bear l.akc and SpltH~g Ras SpllU~g! Let the sun shine in! Capture the extra hours of daylight with moveable custom shutters ... in sizes & colors to fit your lifestyle. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714) 548-6841 548-1717 then followed Howe to his truck \\ he-n Hov.e slammed his trutk door and ~gan to leave. W1lham~on pointed his gun at tht' truck and fired once Haight said. <\ftcr the shooting \.\. 11l1amson 11cd 1n his car down Highway 18. then accosted a family who~ car wa\ disabled on the road and fired at hut mmcd a Big Bear mu pie that stopped to help the fam1l)' 1nvesugators have \aid. He led i;hentrs deputies on a 20- minute lha\C. lhl·n \Hetkt'd h1\ car and \\tl\ ltlplufl'd He pleaded guilt~ last v.el"I. 10 soi l'harge'> involving hi\ a'lsaults on the t\\O lam1hcs and his Jttcmptcd es- <·ape Haight C\ltmated that W1l-ham~nn. ""ho ha., ha'i 'pent mo<1t of hi'> adult hk 1n pmon. will !)( sentenced to another 'O \car<o 1n pnson on thosr t harge" alone \t the lime ol the '\hooting, Howe "a<. 'arn1ion1ng in h1g &-ar with fncndc, Designed • Finished • Installed Established 1953 1977 Placentia Costa Mesa ' ' Dinner's theme: Celebrate ocean TV !POn scommentator Merhn O lten a nd acto1 Buddy Ebsen will <»-host a fund-raiser for the Nauonal Coahtion for Manne Conservauon-Pac1fic Resion o n Friday at the lrvinc Mamou Hotel. "Ocean C"elebn:u1on '86", the seventh annual dmnCf' spon~red by the cblbt100, ts cxpcqcd to draw SOO Pt"Ople interested 1n ocean resource managemtn\ and spon flshina, Mnd chairman Dew eyne Brown of Huntmatoh Harbor. T he coalition helped win a moratonum on the issuance of 8Jll net perm1tsto prevent overfishing and keep whales from beina cntanaJcd. The dinner will include an auction of sportfishmg yachts and more than $60,000 an drawina pnzcs Tickets at SI 00 arc avatlablc by calhna(6 I 9) 233-1337 orwriung 525 8 St, No. 2001 , San Diego, CA 92101. OU foe. to auction art Orange County Save Our Shores wall auction a Davtd Solomon onginal watercolor at its fund-raiser Friday at T1volt Terrace an Laguna Beach. The event from 5.30 -7:30 p.m. will feature sucst speakers giving updates on the prospects of off· shore 011 dnlling aJong the C..hfornia coast. Door pnzes donated by local merchants, music and hors d'oeuvres wall ~available at the outdoor restau rant located on the Festival of Arts grounds. The SI 0 tickets arc tax-deductible and may be purchased at the door or in advance by mailing a check to Save Our Shores at 412 Coast Highway. Suite B, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. For further infonnauon call ( 714) 494-1264. Wanted: Grad nlght help Parco~ who can volu nteer to be dealers. chefs. waitresses and ticket takers at the "Hawauan Ho hdays" graduation mght party for Manna High School tn Huntington Beach are asked to call 840-0232or846-31 14 Pany hours will be from 8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 19 to 5 a.m Fnday, June 20. Summer school organlzlng A five-week, academ1cJ11ly onented summer school for elementary students will be offered for a fifth year by the U01vers1tyofLaVerneat Mesa View School, 17601 Avilla Lane. Hunungton Beach. The self-contained classes are geared to aJI levels of students and small group tutonng will be provided for a small addtllonal fee, accordtng to Director Don Devor. The 'lChool will operate from 8:30 to 11 :45 a.m. daily from June 23 to July 25 For apphcallons, phone 846-280 I Moms ezerclse, Jclds play Laguna Beach Recreation Department offers Sarah's Stretch & Workout ~hedulcd wnh Mom's Momin$. Out baby s1tttng. for those who need child care while they exercise at Caty Hall The class ts a continuous senes of stretches and movements designed to increase maximum On· 1b1hty and improve body alignment with a specific section devoted to non-impact aerobics The fee '" S40 for I 0 classes when l 0 or more are purchased. vahd for six weeks from fir\t class attended Classe!> are held Monday Wedne~y and Fnda) from 8 45 unu l 10 am Mom's Mommg Out Babysllt1ng 1s a"adable for students There ts no age hm1t for children to be supervised The fee 1<; S32 for 16 o;ess1ons Rape crisls hotllne offered The Laguna Beach ( ommunlly Clinic offers a 24-hour rape cns1s hotline for sexual assualt v1ct1ms and other in distress Trained counselors arc there to help with suppon and assistance. Help is Just a phone call away at (714) 494-9428 Wednesday. June 11 • 7 p.m , l.afllU Beacll Pl&D.Diog <Ammlasloo City Council Cham~rs. 505 Forest Ave • 7 'O p.m . LafUD• Beacb RecreaUoa <Am· mlnee. Recreation ( onkrence Room 505 Forest Ave Thursday. June 12 • 6 30 p m • Lapna Buell Board of Adjust- ment. Caty Council Chamber\, 505 Forest :\ve PoucE Loe OronQ9 DAILY PILOT !WtttJ IY • .hm9 11, 1918 .. Al ___________________________ .....;;;;;;======---· Newport family gets to see the worJd • { Daughters traveling through American Flel Service program whtle family hos ts studen t By LESU E EARNEST Of .... .,.., ........ fhe Torre& family m Newport Beach has discovered a way to explore the world by travehng and !>taytng home One daughter leaves th.is month for a summer tn New Zealand, another plan'I a year an Iceland and a W~t German girl amve& 10 Auaust to hvc with them for a year The family became involved m the Amencan Field Service program, which matches teen& with host families from around the world, four years ago when their daughter Susana learned about 1t from a fnend. Susana 1s now busy planntng both her lf&duat1on and a tnp to Iceland Susana Lived wath a family an Spam last summer while she studied Spantsh at the Salamanca Un1vers11y Ponufica. "J found out that the only way to team about a countr) 1s to live there." she said. Her sister Maf'ile 1s prepanng for a shorter, but perhaps more ngorous A FS Outdoor Skills summer program which will include h1ktng, rock cltmbtng, cave explonng and campan~ 1n the snow She will leave Sou them Caltforn1a June 11 and Oy into New Zealand'l> wmter. Their brother, Gu1llo. will be home this •ummcr, wasuna to welcome h11 new "stner," Silkc Bellanaer, when she amvcs from Monchefl&ladbach, W. Ger Are mom and dad lookma forward to gaining another teen-qcr'! "Arc we ever," Joan Torres said. The family recently received a J..paac letter from I <>-year-old ~ilke. "She's so thnllcd to ~ coming to a beach area," Joan Utd This 1s not the r orres family's fim expenence with a foreign AF5 nudcnt. Last summer they took a Braz1han 11rt wnh them on vacation "~he was so thrilled about everything" Joan sajd, adding that thn ts p:art of the tun "You see your own everyday !>tght!> through their eyes," she said, Bill Torres was bom an Santa Clara and Guillo was born ID Colombia where the family ltved from 1969 to 1972 Joan, who grew up 1n Idaho. became Ouent tn Spantsh while the family ltved an South Amenca . Af'S has prov1ctcd the family wtth a vehicle 10 conunue explonntt foreign cultun:i. AFS was founded ID 1947 in reaction to the devastation of two wo rld wars. fhe aim is to promote understanding between countnes and cultures The name was den ved from the war's corp!> of am bu lance dnvers wh o developed the toncept LooklnC forward to their awn.mer ad•enturea are Torree f&mlly memben Bill (left), Gatllo, Joan, SaNna and Mar&le. Language survival volunteers sought By LESLI E EARNEST 'volunteers wall teac·h ~urv1val conversa- tion lo peopll' interested an learning English as a second languase at centers throughout the area tht'i summer. Geraldane Banarer. pubhc1ty chair- "'oman and tutor for the South Coast L1ter~q Council, said students are first taught hu"' to talk to doctors and dentists. and to handle emergenc> s1 tuauons The 1n1t1al goal 1s to help students master enough L'ngllsh to deal wnh everyday ltfe. "We wmettme~ e"en ukc- them to a grocery stort · she said Some puJ?ils go on to learn m ore ad ... ·anced sk.ills. ··we take them at all levels of ability It depends upon where they start, how long they stay " Banarer ~1d. Students arc sometimes coached 10 take dnv1ng and ctt1zensh1p tests, she added The year-round mstrucuon 1s provided free, Banarersa1d Last }ear I .CX)() students part1c1patcd. she ~•d The centers. which are funded mostly b) donauons tutor adults and high school age }Ou th~ in morning. afternoon and e~entnt ~ss1ons The ultur.ate goal -whether dealing with the non-English spcaktn& or tho~ w11h m).rglnal sk1fis -ts to teach students to read wntc and speak English. The group's impetus comes from a staff of more than :!00 volu!lteers. many of whom are ~n1or c1ttzens. Onal~ Caner v1ce-pres1dent and director of the tutor program "'as recent!> honored by the Oransc Count) Board of Supervtso"' for contnbuung more than 10 000 hours ( arter will be 82 ncAt week. "We Jel a src:at deal of sat1sfact1on out of dom1 It," said Banarcr, wbo began as a volunteer 12 years ago. I rvme has the larsest enrollment. hold - an1 clu~ three timt1 a week With approximately 75 s1udcnts in each class. accordtn& to SCLC Prntdcnt Sandra Malone. Centers arc abo open this summer in San Oemcnte, M1ss1on Viejo, San Juan Capistrano. Laguna Beach, La1una N11uel and l:-aJuDA Hilts Anyone interested m becom1n1 a stu. dent or i volunteer ~y wl 493-3800. Fitness academy given reluctant OK By LISA MAHONEY Of -o.-, "°' '"'" Dcsp1tl' m1'ig1vang\ ahout c,11c. parkmg and public 3CCC'IS, the: Orange Count) Planntng C omm1ss1on recommended Tuesday that the National Fatness Foun- dation be granted approval!> to build a fitness academ) an the Ah~o ( rrccnbelt C omm1s~1ont:rs "oted 4 I v. 1th Chair- man Douglas Lcavenwonh oppo'ltd, to recommend that the Board of Supervisors amend the \lt..o Viejo Local Coastal Program to make the academy a permitted use in the greenbelt The}' also recommended a zone change. a coastal de' clo pment permit and ap- proval of a 11upplemental environmental impact rcpor1 to fac1lttate the prOJCCl Though the ma1onty of the comm1ss1on appeared unhapp) about the ta11e <;eale o t the pro posed academy building. its on-snc parking prov1s1ons and limned puhht· access arrangements. all hut Leavenwonh fell compelled to move the proposal along an the face o f its strong badung from the Board of Superv 1sors C'omm1ss1o ners T o m Moody and Alvtn Coen said they were panicularl> u~t with the foundation s unwtlhngness 10 adjust tts plans at the comm1s-.100·~ direction Hoping to lessen the academ} ·, in- trusion into the undt'velo ped greenbelt. ·the commission directed the foundation 1n January to make provisio ns for ofT-stte parking. The foundation balked and the Board of Supervisors removed the stncturc The comm1ss1on also expresc;cd concern about the size and design of the academ) building. But the foundation offered no compromise dunng an 1n1t1al a1nng of the project last week Coen called last-minute reductions an scale propo!><"d Tuesday to the Greek-style academ) "token np- ponunittes" that could not be evaluated because no site plan has ~en completed Netther were most comm1ss1oners sau~ lied with hmued pubhc access arrange- ments suggested b) the foundation In- stead of perm11ltng some playing fields tennis couns and lls swimming pool to be u~ from 3 p m to dusk fo ur days aw~ ... the maJOnty of the commission wanted the faciht1e!'> to be availabk ~henever thev arc not an use b) the ac.'ldcmy · "The) 're Just waiting to go through thc.- admin1strati" e process so the~ can go 10 the board Cof superv1sors1 for <1pproval," he \aid With the exctpt1on ot board !'ha1nnan Ralph Clarie , supervisors have ~n un- flaggingly supportive of puttmg the litne~s academy in the Ahso Greenbelt Foundauon Chairman George Allen, who al~ heads the Prt11dent's Council on Phy!.1cal f itn~s and Sports, says the acadcmv will be the first of its kind in the United States He promised that bwldtna the academy here would brina national ~ recogn1uon and prcsugc to Orange Coun- t\ · .\\ envtStoned by the nonprofit foun- dauon, the academy would improve ~ overall level of fitn~~ 1n Amenca bv educ.a t1n1 teachers. coaches and othcB. wvenworth said he dtsagrecs With tk rntenl of the academy:--The nauon's schools arc the proper plaoc for lcarruna good fitness habits and 1t is up to colleges to provide future teachers with the mstruc- uon the)i need to help children become ph~ !l1cally fit, he 'iltd. LC"avenwonh also expressed grave rner- 1,;at1ons about the propnety of the county's handing over valuable grccn~lt land to "a quas1-pn vate enabhsh ment " Mesa planne_rs rejecf 150-room hotel plan 8) TONY SAA VE ORA Of the~,... lteft .\ propo\Cd mn1l·d-u~ prOJeCt 1n C O'ita Ml'\J' Jo1.1.nto"'n redevelopment area v.on thl' Planning ( omm1S\1on's 'iuppon 1h1-. "'l'ek -rro\ 1ded that developers dror .1 l so room hotel from the plan Planning ollic1al'i 'iatd Mola Oe"elop- ml'nl C urp v.a~ not l1kcl) to ax the tive- ston hotel. but ~ould probabl)' go before the ( 11\ < ounul and Redevelopment ·\genn v.11hout thl' comm1ss1on's cn- do"ement. '>cn1or Planm·r M1l.l' Rohinson <.aid the u>mml\\lon\ ~ II \oil' was mo .. th academic ~ausc the rnunul and agenc) "-Ould make the tinal deusiun on the 4 5- acre prOJect Huntington Beach-ba-.cd Mola De- ' elopment 1s ho ping to win a Cll) contract to build I SO apanment\, a l SU-room hotel and 58.000 \quart· feet of commercial ~pace ~tween Newpon Boulevard. Harbor Boulevard and 19th 'itr~t. The comple" would be o ne of two ne~ rede ... elopment projects sandwiching the recent!) opened Courtyard s shopping center The other pro1ec1. a h1gh-<knsny apanment compln has alread> hccn apprn' ed 3) anolhcr <.ter on the march to upgrade <. osta Mc..a's onn·-~ktcnorat1ng do\\>ntov.n area For the ml'1;ed-u-.e proJl'd the l ll) ~ould acquire the propen~ rare the 15 or so bu1ldangs ~attcred on th~· \ltC and \ell the land to Mola Ten landowners and m<,re than a do1cn bus1nes~s v.ould he displaced h" 1hc proJect. adding to the grov.1nl' 1i .. t of downtown merchant\ •md O'-'nl'r' Inned off their prorcn~ in the name of re- development Robinson said moc;t ot thl". I 2 pcopll' tc\tlf)mg at Monda\·., comm1c;<.1on hl•ar ing were against the rirn1t"CI Man\ o f tht·m 11>ould lo~ their propen}' or be forced to move their businesses He: -.aid comm1ss1oners wert generally 1n fa\or ot the m1xed-u~ concept llo~e'er offinaJs ~ert concerned thal recreational fac1lit1es and other mutual art'as would ~ shar~ amo ng the apart- ment dweller'\ and the more transient ho~I oct upant'I Robinson s~ud. , "f he\ lelt the ~It(' I\ being OVerbUt(t," he \31d < ommts'i1oner Rov Andreen abst.atned lrom the votm& because his son work!. for one o f the busanes~ that would~ evicted 11 the pro1ect goes ahead El Toro father, daughter burned by spilled toxins 1tc:m~ Poltu.• \atd thl• h11rgl.1r c,mashed a front window to get 1n • • • T"'o burglam·s on \hemngton rl'\ulted in thl' total lo\<, of of ahout SI 400 1n 'lterl'll and lck\.1s1on t'qu1p· ment Bo th burglar\ u<;{'d a c;hding gla'i'> door to gain entn. hlock of L.ak~ '>trcct thrnu11.h <1n unlockecd bathroom \\1nd11\\ .1n1I \tolr a tclcvi<;1on/\tcrt•o \('I \ ,d111 d a1 S '511 and S50 1n ca'h ••• ~ JMfkahhcr Rro1.1. ning wn11 automattl p1o;tol v alucd at S2oo "' I\ 'itokn 1rom a re~1den1:c in thC' l 11000 block of Blanton \ln'l't ""'ordfl\h A\Cnue n"poned Tuesda) that a rcxk wa .. thrown through a tlo\t"d 1.1.indo\\ at her home The dnma~c wa~ e'>ttmated at S'iO • • • \ woman v.ho res1d~ 1n Costa Mesa reported Tuesda) that the wallet from her pu~ was stolen while 11wa\1n her Fountain Valle\ office on lhl' 17 l<KI block of Brookhurst St~t The lo" ol lh(" wallet, cash and credit tard\ 1.1.a~ estimated at $75 An El Toro man and his daughter were burned Tue~ay when \he rode , her btC)cle through a puddle of po1sonou~ corrosive and flammable chemicals and her father tned to wipe them off John Panned;, 34 and h1-. dauahter Marci. l were sent to M1ss1on Communlt~ Hospital for 'kin 1mta- t1on and observation afler the acci- dent. said Oranae ( ounty f1rt De- Laean• Beacb A business on Broadway wao; broken into early Tue~} with the thieves stealing $605 in ca'\h from the u fe Investigators $aid the .. u .. pcct"> broke through a w10do~ to get into the bu1Jd1ng • • • Two punc'I were 'ltokn I ue'>dU) from a hallway at Laauna &ach tliah School, tht v1ct1m" told pohcc. • • • Pohce r«t't\rd reports Tuco;da}' of an tndcc<'nt expo!urc ftt M11n R<'at h • • • A wallet conta1n1na $1 IO an ca"t was stolen Tut~Y on Parle A venue the v1ct1m told pohce earl> Tuesda • • • Police arrc,ted f{usscll I e KJindwonh. 20, on SU!.Pll'IUO l poueuina a danaerous wnpon an• conoealin,1 fircann . Khndwonh ~• anntcd at 12 ~O p.m~ on Ja'lmin1 Strttt and NM1h Coast Htgbwav. Newport Beech !>. 1986 Buick Wl'I l't"ponC'!t1 ~tolC"n panment dispatcher Mu;helc Palnwr Fire officials descnbcd the mtA ol chemicals -tncludtng ammonia methylene thlonde methanol and propylene d1chlonde -ao; ··acute(\ lOIUC" The spill occurrro afler an un- named famtl~ recent!} moved tnlo a home at 250-4 Tree St. and found a five-gallon can conta1ntng unknown substances tn the garage. m the 4 ~00 bloc~ ~f ~art1ngale Wa) Golf clubs and -.k1 equipment were '\tokn from B garage 1n the 2200 hluc k of Alta Viin.a .\ SI, JOO lo'>'> wa\ reJX'rted Thr t nntainl'f "-:l\ plall'd on lhl' l urh with the tra'ih, but tr.t'ih wlkt· tor\ wouldn't pll k tt up h<'cau-;e nl 11\ C<lnlents ' The l"Jn wa'i knocked o'er and Maru Pan neck rock her b1k.<' through the puddle The l hem1t:al'i 'plashed on her arm<, and lep. la using bums John Pannt"Ck. tned 10 "''DC' off the chemicals. and in the proccs\ v.a\ also burnC'd Palmer -..11d • • • i\ 198'i Honda Fnduro v.a<o \lokn from a 28th <itret'I alk'.r . • • • .\ rnmmercial hurglBry ,,, < nllC'<.· 111r~ Comer net1t•ll SI OO 111 \anou' Officials investigate debris following Magic Island fire Fart official\ arc '"" C_\tlpUng a Ma 11 1't.1nil lcll ated on \ 1a '\U'\ptc1ou, bla1e that ,wept through Oix>nn. " 11 mt'mbc1'·onl\ t lub Mftgtc hland 1n lido Village Monday tt>:ttutll'\i (lri\at~ din1ns room1> and night, cau•una S 150.CXXl dam11c lt) magi~ Id' m the haH1dr .,hupp1na thC' rxclu,1ve d1nnC'r club (:<'ntt'r It wa\ pla1ued h} fin Dl'Ull Accordina to Newport Beach trouhk 1n June 1 ~8 . and ~me out pohre report\, tht 9 ~ 5 fire dama&C'd of f'hap1tr 11 hllnkruptq protC't \tnn che d uh'" kuchen and "moke black· 1n Apnl t'ntd much of tht \how area Con. Fm· nffit 11\l~ \lld 1t v•a5 PQ\"tblC' 1hc 11mm of flammahlr hquid ~ firr wa" dcll~nattl\ \.ti, hut the found on one of lhc cluh'\ 'ta e,, and m~csttJAllOn , .. cuoticu1na ~vt.ral d"play ,,., \ v.('rc .. ma\lv'd, • ~ \I<' an-or a1 ~11i1t I land 1, the rtpon natC'(1 .. e Pf'<'IN to talt' ~t '" w ., t Huntington Beac h \ man stole a I ~~ti \u1ulo motor C)Clc 1n the 6()(~ block of .\nacapa Dm e He apparent!) lamt' _to loo!.: at the "chick with tht" mtenllon of purchasing II. but rode of1 on II v.hl•n the ov.ner v.('nt into thl' houo;c to 8l't paper work • • • Two gunmen e'IC'a(ll·d "'•th SI Oo 1n a brown pafl('r bag aftt'r holdanll up cmployC'C<i at Thnfh Dru11. 'ISl!i l Warner A-.c • • • Rurglan pn~ open a 'lading ttlJ'>\ "'11\dow in the 7000 hind. ol ~lalrr .\' cnue .and 'lole a tele' 1'1on 'iC't .tntl speaker\ volued 4At S ~50 • • • .\ re'l1dc nt in thr RflOO hlri.. i.. of Dolphin ~•d th1c\e\ \tnk four 1~1on c-er \tcreo 'l('l('akr.r" ":ilut'tl .11 SI (Kl trom ht\ '.1n • • • T h1eve' entc-n d 11 homt• 1n tht' 400 ••• \i .111c1;tJ\ 11\Cd \Ill I.\ 111 tk\lft1\ .ttl<)ut S2 ()()(J 1.1.onh 111 pl.1nl\ .it '\outh1.1.t·c.t \\ hok~1lc Nurc.<~r. ~I ~' I Ru\h.Hd ~trC't'I • • • Fountain Valley l hl' pa\lor at thl' I •JU n tam \ alln Bapll'>t < hurc:h, I (l-ahl) \l.ttn \' l' . report<"d Tue<>da'> that o \cr thr wccl. end \trren cqu1nm1·n1 1.1.a' '1nkn from the 'ound room ,tt lhC' .:hu11;h I ht• lo''"'·" l·,tin1atl"d .11S'1'1 • •• \ rr\1dcnt 111 the 1020(1 hln< I. nl J11n:tf a Circle rrponcd Mnnd;l\ that ht' v.a!. \.1'i1t1n(! a lncnd on thl' I 7'1XJ hhx \. of Brool.huf\t Strl'C't "hl·n a v.indo~ nl ht'I rl'd llj!(\ \ nlK'W•llH'n ~1rcx-(o wa\ hrol.cn and "t1•rt•o l'qUtpmcnt \\Onh $ ~~() rhi\ S~ 1n ca"h were tal.t•n • • • .\ rc,1df'nt oJ tht• K~1ll hhx I. 111 No contest plea in Belushi death l ()~ ~ "J(j[] f:S ( I'\ -( ath E' eh n Smith. a former rcx ._ hal kur 'iln u pleaded no ,·onte.,t todav tn chargn of mvolunta11 man\laughtcr 1n the death ot John 8elui.h1 and tllrt"C" ehaf'IC'I ot admtnt'\tenng the ht'roin and cocaine that ._tllC"d the l'OmC"d1an lldrnH· attf)rnq Hn~ard \\'r1t1man. "ho had dMC"nh<-d fklu,h1 a' a v1ct1m 111 h1r. own t nee'~' 111ltl '\upcnor t our1 J udg\" {)3\ 1d ~ l!Orolo\ Ill the pie.II "la\ entered onl hl'l.8U'l4: Smtth tit·h<''ro 1t to be 1n he1 bc.•\t 1nten·\t "Mt~\ Smith 1n nu t.i.a) \:onccJC'., sht" '' rt\p<lD\1hlt' for Mr lklu!.hl ' death"" r1t1m 1n u1d I fer no rontM.I pica 1\ the l rimtnal equn alent of a 1uih' rika. tlu1 cannot he u~ BgAtn\t hrr 1n \:1\ll 1111" \ Back-to-back blazes keep crews busy I v..11 lirl'' hlatcd 1n thf wuth C1HllH\ I uc\dav forcing Onnge ( 11un1' tirdip.hter' to \pcC'd d1rKtlv Ir 11111 on(.' tn th<' nthC'r I h1· liN w;t., rC"ported 1u~t hefort 7 'n p m whC'n emplovCC\ at the f i Int''' f or l 1fr health cluti 1n El Toro t ltlkll 1 m1ntv otlietotl\ \houl 40 lil"C'ftf.htcn fought the 11.1.0 alarm blaic at 2' 141 Lakel enter Drive, ~h1ch t'llU'it"d an estimated \\0,001.ld.llmage", \lid Orange Count) t 1rr I ~panm<"nl d1<ip.tlcher M tc ht'lt Palmer J Ire of1toa1' ~('rC' Still on the ~~nt' in"C'Sll tm1 ~hen a 'M'.'Cond lire .. u rt(1'1n rd in M11,1on \'1t'JO l ~ .. nnhed 10 a \tngk-ramil) homr at 26166 C'ord1llen1 JU~t af\n 9 '0 p m • Palmer u1d f 1rt'fip,hter.1 continU<.'d co hank the blur late r uesda) PalmC'r ~1d thert re no 1n1un at rnh~ lire Hnwtvrr, Red Croa o ffi 1als "'ert l"allC'd to tht: Mt ton \ tC' n fif't' 10 aid lt\C' v1cum 1 .. ., Heart operation went 'very well' for Baby Jesse l OMA Ll"'IDA (AP) .. 1 lw he.art ol a brain -<lead bahy wa., tx·u11ng toda> in Bab> Jei.~e. the 111lu11t championed by the nght-to-lile movement after do(tors 1n11talh re Jl'Ctt•d him for the ran· tr.tn'>piant fearing h1\ \oung 1111\.1.nJ pan•nh l'ould not l°i.lrt• h1r h 1111 .. Thing' went ;.ih•nl'o H'I\ "'di " chief surgeon Dr l eun.ud H.tilC'\ '>J1J toda\ lollo~ing fut·,Jin ·.,, l11ur-h11ur heart tran-.plant 1.11 I 0111<1 l 1mJ,1 Unl\·t:r\1t\ \.kJ1lJI 1 cntt•r "I hl' techn11:al ihJX'l" nt thl' 11p1.·r.1t1on "-COi \Cf\ \moothl\ · .. The hl·an '"·" '""nl( .tnd luoh·J good" Ll•m:..t I 1nll.1 'Jl1llo.l'~111.111 l 011' C hcatham 'aid 1 hr l 7-Ja\ n1<1 1n 1.1111 ~l"-'lld .1 r<'stlul night ;,iml 1t•n1.11lll'ti in cu11cal but \lahk uinl11t11111 11111111.11 t.1r recO\ cnng tran,pl.1111 p.1l1l'lll'> act·ording to an upd.11c th" u11ir11111~ from Loma I 111d.1 'l'\'"'''\'lolll.in .\ n1ta Ro\~'' t• 11 Thcrt· "'l'll' "" \lgll' hi' tx"h "·'' • reJt'('ltng the hl art 'ht• ,,ud lhl' 1rampli111t hq.•.111 .1t t1 ~' p 111 Tuesda\ and tht donttt hl .in lwg,111 bcatingon!tsown at 9 36 p.m .. Batley \a1d during a new!I conference early toda> Je,se wa!> heading hack to his room by 1045 p.m. The heart came from a brain-dead Michigan infant who'>e bod~ ut- t:ll hed to hfe-\upport '>Y\tt'm\, wall flo.,..n TueMia\ to California ksse'<, parents Oeana Binkk) 17. ilnd Jesse Scpuheda. 2ti "'a1ted at tht• hn<,p11al with their parent\ dunng tht· transplant. pra)ing. ca1mgd1nner .rnd \\Ulching rV nt'WS, QlJ \man C arpenter Mc "-'111lan. a me.: miler of the Right 10 l 1k l caguc of Southl·rn C'<1lllom1a. When the ho'>pttal t•h,1pla1 n hroughl new., that the donor heart had bt-en placed 1n k\'-l' 'hod\ \\ l "ere all silent and the r(Jlil) of .... 1i.11 hatt happened h11 U'> · \he \J1d fam1h memhl·f\ anJ Mdv1tlhrn\ group had prote,ted "ht·n lht· ml'd1 - lal u·nter announn·d k"e \.\OU Id not tx· l'llO'>ltkred for a lran,plant tx·- l:J U'c huC:.f¥1al olliuab thought thl' p.ircnt\ wen llllapahlc of handling po'>t-opt·rat1vt• l·arl < llfo:1alHhangnJ thl·1r m 1nJ., v. lwn Vote due on bilingual education 'i .\{ K \\ti ~ I< 1 I l'l!',l'l,1t1on to l \t\ rHI b1hngu<1I t'JUlalll>n in ( alllurn1n "Lun11m• Ill' \1110111n the I •:gl\l;.i1u1l Propom·nt' \a~ tht rc.,ult~ ul the progr.1m "' l.ar arl' ''1mt '>ta~cnng.'' 1n 1hr "urd' 111 h'>l'mbh ~ix·al..cr \\ 11l1t· Hro~n I ).\.111 I r.11ll l\to liut 11pponent' -mo\tl\ RcpublilJll'>-:-- 1..ontl·nJ 1h;t1 11 donn·1 , .. ori.. l he) llll' thl· t•,,irnpk· ot H1<ipan1 c'> lo\.\JllJ "'hum nl'arh 1hrcc-411ar1c.:r' <•I the ctlo11 I' .11n'K'd, and \\ho \llll ha'l' d1sprupontonatch h11c1h dropout rat\:'> 1Ju1 u11 ihe vthl'l hand \ 1ctnamc\C and uther \<i1an '1lldl"llt' lor \\horn h1lingu.1l tl.1 hl'f' ''mph .11l·n'1 "' a1l.1hlr arc con\l\ll'lll h 1gh 3l hll'\ ('J' Ban refused on animal sales for research l < l\ \'\;I o l l l \ I lil , count' Board 111 \upcr' 1\cH\ hra\l'd lht' "'r ,11h 111 hunJn·th 111 .1ngn .rn1111.d r1};hh ,,, 11, "''.ind tdll\nl 11111rJl·r lOUnt~ '>hl'ltl'f\ Ill \lop 'd h II!! .1111111.il' lo llll'cl H .1 I rl'C..l'.trl h l 1.:11 ll'f\ I he propo'>ed ord 1 na Ol l' 11' \upcn l\Or \11~t· \ntnn1" ll h \\11ldd ha\l' hJIHll'd lilt' '>ako,, hut h<' failed tu gl't .1 \t'lnnJ ll• h1' n1<11ton tro111till'11lhl·r 'UJX'f' l'••r' prl'\l'nt Dt•anl' Dana f J h.klman .tnd Kl'llrll'llt I lahn \lmt nl thl' ~'Ill JX'c1pll' 111 lhl' \Upt'r' 1<.ot\0 h'ill 'l·apaut\ d1.1111h1" I trl'"I." ,q1pc,11c•d l" 1,1, or 1hl propo,cd ord1nanll' Judge puts hold on Mrs. Marcos ' account l < )\ \ '\,( o I I I \ \ \11(1\'l 101 < u 111 1111l~l h.ml J 1k pt•'>l'J Ph1hpp1nl prc<,11kn1 I l'rdrn.111d \!Jl lll~ .rnd 111., \\lk Imm J1.1"1ng mont') out ol ~·n $XOU.t)(KJ l °' \11~l'lt''> hJ11 '-. .1l1.•1un1 111 \1r'> 'v1aru"' nJml' Judil· Jalk \1 :-.;t'"man '"ul'd .111 1n111rtl111111 I uc,d,1\ ,1, p,111 ul au' ii 'ull lilcJ Ii) tht· Ph1lrpp1m·g11\l'IJHlll'!ll 1~.llll\t ll\ l(lrr11l'J 111,l loupk I hl alu1unt 1\,11 I loHh Han~ ol I 1)\ \n 'l'k' ·II" oHll ol lht: lrr'I 'll'P' 10 rel cl\ enn~ mulll')' tu thl I 1ltp111u rx·opk ,,11cl I 11 I urhn re 1n1 .. rm.111un 111liu:r 1111 th<.: Ph1lif'ptnl ( nn,ulJll.· m I '" \n~l'll'' I IL ,,11d thdl.inl\ .nuount •'3'-•IOnol all'\' 'dl'Jr t:ut" la .. eo, lx'laU\t 11 "'•'" umkr ltnC'hl.1 \1.1rl11\ l\allll' \lco,l L•l thl' hulJ1ngo; of tlH' \1arll>'>l'' :ir(' un1kr P'C11d11n m'> \1111rnc" ll•r 1hc \1.irn"c' 1nd1l.ttnJ TUl'\IJa) tht'\ mJ\ Ilk .1 m1111on d .11m1ng thl \1Jrlco"c' \\l'll 1101 lqtalh \t•ncd ;JI thl'ir rc\ldl'nlc in I b".tll rcg<irding thi: {3\l' Financing Avallable TWIN FULL QUEEN KING COfilPARl A t ... PAR[ AT OW'A~ Ar OlrlPAR[ A l90t'" l'l9CI oo t , ttm oo 46597 48597 49997 57997 ,.,.~o Deborah Walter• JdHed brain-dead aon whoee heart wu donated to Baby Jesse. Sl·puhcda'o, parents came forward ,1nd otkrcJ to take custody of the rnlant .\\led during the new!> conference 11 he felt dtflerentl) about the dec1s1on tollo"'ing '>urgery. Bailey replied "Ntit one iota .. I feel particularly that our dl·c1s1on-mak1ng 1n th1~ lll'>l<lnt•e "-U'i accurate and I wouldn't rhangc 11 at all ·· Duke seeks pooling of insurance ~\<K\\HSfO,(-\PJ -(111\ < rcorgc Dt.•ul.;me11an ..aid Tucc:.<la} that 1murancc t.ompan1es doing bU'>I· ne" 1n c altfornra 'ihould bl: requ1n:d to tn\Un h1gh -n\k nt1e'I and bU!>I· nc'>'il''> that ha'c bel·n dented habtltt\ 1 nsuranu: 1 I thn don I olf<'r CO\ eragc • 'oluntanh l n a '>P\'l'l h to thl' Lt.·ague of < ahlorn1a ( !lit''> the Republican goHrnor al'o 'aid h<' ~ould support "'omc limit'>" un fee, attornC\'> mav l hJrgt· d1en1' ''1nn1ng l1abil11; su11\. hut Ill' rl'f U\l·d to place a speutil dollur amount on thl' proposed cap on altornl \ kt''> \\c "'ant to gnc the Department ol ln\urunt·t' tht•Juthunt) to organize \Oluntan in'iuranu: pools "-htch "-Ill mai.:t: 1n-.uranll' J\Jdable to tho'>C hu\lnl''>'l'' and go' l·rnmcntal ent1t1c'> that cannot l!L'l tn\urance." [)('u- knll'llJn ll>ld thl l lt\ ollinals "11thl'1ndu-.1n IJ1l .. 10 'oluntanh p.1rt1t1pall' then "-c "'ant the c:.tandb) authoril\ tu mandate a lim1tl'd JOtnt undeNnllng a'i'>OC1auon. SORRY- NODEALERS IT IS NOT PINE ... IT'S SOLID OAK! Beautiful Bedding ... You II ftnd over tlundre<Js <1aybed ensemhlP-S 1n stock from frilly to tailored STARTING AT ONLY I \ FOR GUE ST ROOM DEN APARTMENT OR BEDROOM GOES F ... _.I . .. ~-· . ,, . COMPARE AT $359.97 s15999 "POP-UP" Trundle Units '60°° WITH ALL STYLESI • 40 die in Sri Lanka when terrorists bomb 2 buses COLOMBO. ~rt Lanka (AP> -Time bombll planted by Tamil terromt!> blew up two crowded buse'> in the eastern prov1nc 1al capital ofT nncomlllet' today. killing 40 passengers and senously wounding al leai.t '.!O people tht• national secunty minister ~1d. bombs exploded The r,ccunt> 111101,tcr '>U•d the dead included <;mhalesc , Mostems and I nm1I~ But tnsn,port officiak 1,a1d mo'>t of the dend wcrt• believed tu he "i1nhalcl4: beluu'c of their de'itma11011' About 40 of the lll)Ured were tlo~n lo ( olombo hospitals, minister L..ahth Athulalhmudah <.Jld Hl' blamed the attacks on Tamil separatists lighting for an independent state T hne were conf11cung report!> on the numlxr of dead r ht: na11onal '>ecurity minister said 40. I h(' JOIOt wmmand fir'.it announced morl' than 70 pc-ople were killed. but m spoke~man < ·01 Daya W11esekera, later wd the ongrnul ligure wus too high becau'iC ol confusion at the bomb \Ill''> and plated Uw toll JI 15 . Authorities 1mmC'd1ntcly imposed a 12-hour l uric"' on Tnncomalec tu prevt"nt repnsal attacks A spokesman fur the government'!. Joint Operat1om { ommand ~td the bu~\ "were blo"'n to htt~" J ht•rc haH' tx·cn a ra\h ol bombings and attacks on \1nhak'>t' in rnl·nt v.et'l'>. wh1c:h the go"emmeot has blamed on militant I an111\ who ha\ e been fighting for a <ieparatt' homl'land 1n nnrtht•rn and eastern Sn Lanka. One of the buse'> was headed for ( olomho. 160 mile'> 1.outh~e~t ot Tnncomalce. and one wa'> headed lor l\.antala1 ;ihn111 I<> mill''-'iC111th of 1 nncomalce when the Waldheim DeathcountinEgyptian denies any ~.~~~~.~.~ash raised to 22 . d. CAIRO. fg}pt -.\uthonttc\ \aid tod.t.\ t\.\o murc people have died of p re1 u 1 ce IOJUries suffered Ill tht' flt'r) tra\h ul o.tll •\tr '\in;11 pa<t\l'ngcr plan1.. raising the death 101110 22 flw I okkl'f·27 carn1ng 2'1 pil'>'cngt:r.. Jnd UC'>' crashed at 7 30 T rs Je TITS p.m Tuesday a~ tht• pilot tned to m.1h an e~1ergen...-y landrng Ill a raging V I • Vlf I \andstorm after rL·porltng an l'llgllll' wa<., un llrt• rhl' twrn;·ng1qe aircraft plowed into the compound ofa rnnstruct1on wmpan) about 7)0 >a rd~ from a Cairo a1rpon run"•n and l'\ploded alter tra'ih1ng. said a police commander A.ir 5rna1 authont1c' 'a1J all aboard \\.l'rC Lg) pt 1an<, \mong the dead was flight attendant A-;hgan .\111a. who had sun 1..,t'd la'I No .. eml~:r·., h1Jalltng of an Eg) pt.\ir JClhner to Malta tn which Ml rx·uDk' \\t'n' !..tiled VIENNA. Au'>trta (API Kun \\ aldhl'am. elected Austna·i. prc'>1- den1 desp1teaccusauons he hid a Nu1 past. 1.a1d toda> his campargn wa<. nol marked b.,. anu-Scm1mm and that tht· horror<; of the Holo~:au\t mu't nner be forgotten .\ tilth top-lrvel ~ 1ahsl go"crn- mcnt official dt•ctded to rc'>1gn an tht• ""ake of the ell't·tion ol \l. aldhe1m . Y.ho ran with the support ol tht' lOnsenatne Pcopll"' Part\. Ferdinand Launa tht• m1n1\ter ;>f tranc;port and public econom). Joined C hancellor Fred )1no"'at1 and '"'' other m1n1'>tl'r'> who annnunn·d thl'll res1gna11ons earlier th1'> W\'t·k During tht· tampa1gn' final three month'> Je\\-1'\h lead<'r'> and Na11 hunter ~1mon Wtc'>enthal reported reu~n1ng hate mail and threats lrum an11-~em1ll''> I he World kwl'h C on- grt''" alleged that \\ aldhl'1m '>'a'> tn\nlvcd in or JI lca'>l aware ot "laL1 a1ron11c'i 111 the Aalkan\ tlunn~ \\mid \.\ar II One can '>e~m h lor I flfl \l'.Jf\ amJ one "'ill not lin<l an)thtng,'' Waldhltm. a former l '-'>l?<:rl'l:.if)· gt•m•ral told rcp<>rtCr'> toda\ JI hi\ fir'il ne"-'i conlerl'nlt' \lllll' thl ~un da' ell'1.1111n In re'>pon'>t' to lJUl'\lloning froim an I !>raelt Ill''' -.pa pt•r l llITC\P<>ndent \.\oaldhc1m ..aid "1 here 'A3<. ab!iolutc h no an11-~m1llc,m rn m\ elcrtwn c'ampa1gn I "-OUldn't ha,c' tolcratl'd 11 II doe~n't fit in Y.1th m\ a1111ude Yes. the campaign ran Y.11hou1 an~ ant1-Sem1t1t undertone<; " Flnns say gauges wrong on radlatlon count llELSl~KI Finland--Finland., Burl'au ol Nulkar Rad1at1on Salet} toda\ ~td fault\ in~lrumcnt\ prnhJhl\ "'ere rt'\pt1n\1ble tor a m>c:.tenously htg.h rad1a11on r~ading at• u1a'otal mo1)11onng \lat tun near tht '>o' 1e1 l 'nion. "The most ltkch nplana11on tor thl' peak mt·a,urtml'nl' at ~otka ,., a fault tn the measunng dt'' ices," ..;.i li,c-paragraph go,l·mml"iil-·ment ~1d On TueMia}. official' .. aid the ml'a\unng 1mtrumt•n1' "-C:rl' nut to blaml" tor \itond:-n 's 'ii>. hour'> of unu.,ualh htllh rl't11rJ1ng'> ul raJ1oal 111' 11} For IO ,i·conds the reading<. v.crt: ~' l'n h1ghl'r than 1h11w rt·nirdc<l alll'f the Chcrnnh..,I nudear Jtt1dcn1 in the \m 1t•t l kr<11nl· Crossroads death toll rises to l 7 JOH.\ '°IJl\IF~BI 1IH, \outh ..\Inca \ tdn l\Hlll \11undman s.i1d today poltct: stood 1Jlj h\ "hen hl "'a' allat lo.l•d b\ hlad•. \lgllante' and dela\\'d 1n.•a1rng h1~ bleeding parlnt•r \\h1lc oflitt'f\ m.tdl· '1dt·ntJpt'\ ol tht' gr.ne '>'Ou nd., he \UfTercd rn fight1 ng at 1tw < ro'\rnad' \qu.1lll'J (.lfllP " I he~ I police) '"ere lilm1 ng his hal'k h1' lront 1urn111~ him OH'r. "h1lc ht• war, unrnnsc1ou' on the ground," said c,oundman \ndtk f m1 l 1gh11ng l<>nt111ued at the camp for thl' third '>tra1ght da} tod;I\ '>Jld pohtl' v.ho rt•portl·d :rt lc<t'>l 17 dead fhc hank pitted about '\ 000 \oung hlalt.. .rnti-.1p11rthl'1d m1htanl'> a~ain\t HXlO older mort' con'it'n a11' l' hl,1t t.. '1~ilantc' I hl· goH·rnmtnl ha\ lnng \.l.antt•d to hulldme thl' tamp 12 malt·\ l'J\l t•f C .1rx· I ov. n Tighter sanctions on S. Africa approved \\ \ \H 1 "-C, I();'-. -Reagan adrn 1nl\tra1ton ulfo 1.sl" .trl' Lknounung an a~rl'\\I' c anti -apartht•1d mca.,ure that ckarnl thl' Hou\l' foreign ..\1Ta1f'\ ( ommllll't'. Tht• panel appn>H'd thl' hill 1 und.l\ h\ .1 25-1 :\\Ott' Bui the meac:.ur~. ~htch among other thrntt'> v.uullJ han nt·" a.mcntan 1n\cs1mcntc, 1n \outh .\fma dre"' lire lrom thl' adm1n1c,1ra111>11, "'ho'>c oflinJI\ argul·d ll '>'Ould heighten 1ntran!>1gent.<' <tmong blali.:, anti "hlll''i lhl'£l' and harm the c:ount!) ·'i cconnm) \\1thout ha1,tl'n1nii tht' l'lltl ol v.h11i:-minonl\ rule C hc,tcr ( rodt'r as<i1c:.1ant '>t'HCta!) ut \ldll' tor .\Iman Jfl:ltr\, ..ct1J 11 wa~ "th( ~rong bill at the \Hong llmt' ·and l'<>Uld ""r'>en .. ,, d<JO&l'r11u\ \lluat1un·· 1n \outh Mnca. OFFE:RS' TO THE PU6L.•C A S A b1 [tIIJ 'i ~; ~ tJIII M ('1~~11 ft Pl On Entire Stock of Men's /Women 's Clothing and Furnishings! R1~1nq opefdt1ona1 cu~ts ld•lure lo 1Pa111~ ~n11c1patPcJ 1nromc ~no ldf~ of SPPI 111 n1 ur m1• Pdll "' 11, c.reo1101c, fort!!\ u<, 1010 1h1~ pos111on sell ott Jh~ ~1oc~ convPrt lt•t• mP.r ria11C11~P 11 tn o\n ••H1 lel 1omorrow dewle th~ future Every PftOrl w111 bt· matle In w~.1H1~1 lt\1• ql)1111 Tllerelore elfect1ve 1mmed1a1ety the entire stock rias l:!P.P.n plated on ~.ill• df a lrdtl11i1 of 1•, 11110 ~fll""J prcce everyltlmo 1nclud1no lhe newesl arrnrals 101 sprcno ~nd '>1irnr11er rhf.•~ .irr no P•lt'Pl1ons no restnc11ons ti 11~1n tnt? store 11 s for sate at NfVfR ACiAtN PRICf~ This '>~Ir os for 1011 Oon t MISS 11° Over One Mtlhon Dollars ol currenl and lust arrived mens suits wort w.il'>, sl;id' drP ss sh11ts. ties and assorted sportswea r. also ladies' suits ~ldds ~POrl coats dresses and assorted sportswear at reduction s of 30% lo SO\ IF WUCWtYREMEMBER ONE J>AtE IN ~t/I< WHOt~ tlrET/Mf ... THI~ Witt 8£ THE ONE/ 1HE SELLING OF THI S STOCK IS NOW AN URGENT NECESS ITY ~""-" ""'""•" ~-.. ~~ (121 South 8 Smt-1 luaun, CA 92MD PhoM1 71417'1·71~1 'TUSTIN STORE ONLY , STORE HOURS: Mon• Sot 10 6 5un 1 l -.5 'Ill••••• ••n ._,,, • 1w ,, "'°'• ,., • ,,,..," • eu '''°'' lrfl1 ...... , •• , .. ''"''•flC•h .. . .. '4 t\l"",,..,,...rtillf.,... ...... .. ,..t.,.,....,..,,.~ • .,..,...,. ~ '8 ffl"'rfll '" ..... " ...... p. ......... • • -. Let's make this simple. Imagine bunnies left to themselves day in and day out for, say, six months. Imagine the output. Now imagine those same bunnies brought together only once every thirty days. Or once every three months. Carrots and cages aside, that's pretty much how com- pounded daily, monthly or quar- terly works. J 20,027.82 20,028.98 20,055.69 20,058.00 1 Month 20,119.52 20,124.48 3 Months 20,360.71 20,375.78 20,758.61. Rates tubj«t 10 cha.nF without notice. fec:kral law requires 1ubf1&ntkl pcnaftyfor ~ ~r than IMNrity dates of lb montht or one yeer re1p«tlvcly &lance amounts alculatcd usumlng both princl!* ~urreRlt renwn tn l:he eccount for tht full tCfl'll ,~ctf'led. 0ranoe Coat DAILY PILOT/Wednllday, June (1, 1181 * AS Plus interest-bearing checking. Insured Money Market accounts. Picture I. D. cards, a 24-hour automatic teller machine and more. Naturally compounding daily, all by itself, may not be enough to send you rushing for your car keys. We know that. ~-But added to all Lincoln offers-including knowledge - able, professional people who work as hard for your money as you do- it should make your savings deci- Which is why ·ncoln's Certifi- cates of Deposit are compounded daily. tutions work that way. sion a simple one. So your dollars multiply faster. Seven days to ten years and But then, few savings insti- tutions work as hard as Hop on down to Lincoln. any time in between. $500 to $99,999 and any amount in between. Lincoln. Where you'll always find good. Quick. Like a bunny. Your dollars earn interest solid, competitive rates on our Certi- ficates of Deposit, with your money insured to $100,000 by the FSLIC. every single night-even weekends-and then earn more the next night. Not all savings insti- ALHAMBRA .~00 f.. Matn St (at Chapel Ave. l Allmmhra. CA Ql~l (818) 28Q·6343 ANAHEIM HILLS BUR.BANK 3800 W. Verdugo Ave (at Hollywood Way) Burbank. CA ~505 (818) 841·3703 CAMAIULLO !>/QI S,m1.~ An<i 2300 Ponderosa Or. Canyon Rd. (at Ame1ll) fill Imperial Hwy) Camarlllo. CA Q3010 Anaheim Hills.CA Q.2807 (80!5) Q87·0Q02 (114) 074 4410 ARCADIA 200 E Duane Rd (at Second Ave l Arc;ic11a, CA 01006 (616) 445·/060 DOWNEY 10033 Paramouni Blvd. (at f16rence Ave ) Oo-.wney. CA ~240 1213) Q27 2!500 • GLENDALE HOLLYWOOD 100 L Glenoaks Blvd • 7050 H<)llywood Blvd. (at Brand Blvd) (near !.., Brea Ave.) Glendale. CA Ql 207 H olly-.i.·ood. CA Q0028 (618) 247 6306 (213) 4b6·b211 GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON 17851 Chatsworth St BEACH (dt Zclzah Ave ) 7b62 f.d1nser Ave. Granada Hills. CA Q1344 (at Stier Lane) (818) 303·5041 Huntington Beach HEME'f CA Q2M/ 111155 S ., (714)B4Jl7.S8 . tate ~ t. (at Stetson) LAGUNA HILLS Hemet. CA 92343 23001 Moulton Pkwy (114) 652·27bl (Moulton Parkway Shopping Center) l .. 1~1m, H1)I!., CA Q1,tJ• ~ (714) BO 4050 .$3.5 BILLION IN ASSETS We Make It Easy To Make Money. LAXEWOOD 5247 H.uelbrook Ave, I IA1kcw >0d Shopnm~; (enter ne.ir Watds) l..nkewood. CA 'X'.>712 (213) 630 1404 ·1.05 ANGELES '( W ~IJClh )t ROLUNG HILLS ESTATES 2QQ20 fl 11.1. r rt:' KIJd (at Cre5t) Rolling Hill 1 ·1n-r; CA 90274 (213) '>7'/ !'JI SANTAANA (a• Hope.I 1631 N. Bn .. 101 !>t Lo~ 1\ngelcs. CA QOOl7 lat li"th St l 1211) b2tt 4131 Santa Am CA Q2700 PANORAMA CITY C7l 4 ) 547 on1 l4"'2b Ro"t: IC t\lvd SANTA MONICA (near Van Nuy.s 81\ld) 1400 fourth St P.111oramaC1ty.\..AQ1402 (al Broadway\ SHERMAN OAKS 1.VOl Rive. "1 k Dr TUSTIN 141bl Red Hill Ave (.ir W >o<.1m<1n Avr l (n~xt to Starer Br,., I Stre11r1.rn0,1k!..C.AQl403 Tustin. CA Q2()00 (81 t ~. ~ ( /14) :r.30·0245 SUN CITY WI.ST LOS 2Rl27 Bradley Rd ANGELE.5 Sun City. CA 02381 112~':> N~t1onal Blvd (114) oi'Q b801 (at Sawtelle Blvd ) TORRANCE Lo An~c:lc:s. CA QQ064 2114\J fiilwth<>me. Blvd. (ll3I 478 0481 l ,11 I >• 1 <1 nee (\! vd l Torrance. CA o0503 ·open Saturday~ at all locations (it 1 ')·10 4222 c~c~pt Los Angel !I (816) 8Q4 <J3(/4 Sama Momc:A CA 00401 • (/13) 451 OQ I • . '. . ... ·----- I --~-~-----~~~------------------------------------------iillliiilioi-------------....... ~-------~. .. 1&9 * 01.nge Cout DAILY PILOT/ Wedneeday. June 11, 1988 Congress advised ·-greenhouse effect :fnevitable reality t WASHINGTON (AP) -S<.·1cn- 'sts are wamJf!J C'onart'u tha1 the tong-theorized, hfe-threa1ening over- heating of the Earth from man-made air pollution ts now a frightening reality "The fact that the v.eenhou~ em.•ct 1s real 1s proven," siud James Hansen. director of the Nauonal Aeronautic'> and Space Adm1nastrctt1on 's Goddard Institute for Space Stutl1cs 11s1s delivered thetr somber a~s11mcnts Tuesday as the Senate Env1ronmen1 subc:omm1tt~ on en- vironmental pollu1ton opened two days of hearings on the greenhouse effect Racked by recent findinJS of )Cvere orone layer depletion m the ~t­ mosphere over Antaretlca, the} re- iterated se1enufic prcd1ct1ons that the warming threatens the globe wnh floods .• drought and more skin cane.er b\ the m1ddfe of the 21st centui; "Global warming 1s 1nev1table - it's onl:r a quesuon of magnitude and ume." said Robert Watson. director of NASA's upper atmosphenc pro- gram. "We c.an e·q>ect s1gn1f1can1 changes tn chmatl' tn 1he ne't k"' decades " Hansen. \\ at'>On and 01her '><-u:n- Under the greenhouse '>cenano. the Earth gets baked. Rich farml.mds tum into de~ns Foresis \.\-tit and die Coastal areas are mundated b\ oceans swollen b:,. melted polar and p,laual ice ---COSTA MESA MEDICAL CENTER HOSPITAL------. & u THE COSTA ME SA POLICE DEPARTMENT ' PRESENT Saturday June 21 , 1986 Information will be presented by members o f the police deportment and members of the .. " Costa Mesa Medical Center Hospital staff cm me • Avo1d1ng sexual os~avlt praf.te o( o rapist ~e"" • Prevention & awareness ~ C,O 0~., • "V1cfor or V1ct1m (f.tm) ~~. 0~ ~ • • Post assault e~om1nof1on & core Y.:. «"<>'(' • V1Cf1m survival course \~o._ Two sPminor se\Stom wdl be avo1loble 8 :30 a .m. to 12 30 p .m. or 1.00 p .m. to 5:00 p .m Womens-Solely Seminar will be held in the conference CPnter of Costa Mesa Medical Centt->r Hospital Reservations are required lo guarantee yovr space Wnte ro Admin1strot1on at the Hosp1tof or coif 650-2400 COSTA MESA MEDICAL CENTER HOSPITAL 30\ V1ctor10 St Costa Mesa, Col1forn10 92627 Aclrlan RC>llen Baptists ' chief seeks Jes s feuding \TL.\ NT A (AP) -The Southern Bap11st C onvenuon needs more love and !ewer liberals, a Tennessec preacher suggested after betng swept b-t fundamentalists to the presiden<.·)' ot the nation's larges1 Protestant dl'num1n<1t1on I he Rl ,. Adnan Rogers, of Memphis i.a1d Tuesday night he hofll·" h1:> term as president, marking th~ c1gh1h straight year fundamen tal"'" ha\c held the post will bnng a 1e..,..,l·ning ol leudmg amon. g the 14 S m1ll1on liuuthcm Bapt1s1s Ho\\C\.cr Roger'> showed no sign of sol1rnmtt dlorts of the denom1na- t10n ·-. mosl con\enat1ve wing to clt·ansl' Baptl\t 'em1nanes and agen - cies ol teacher' or other employee' who don't share their v1'tw that ever) word 1n the R1ble 1s h1stoncallv and <,c1cntificalh true - \\-e re nu1 tf)'ing 10 tell an) professor \I. ha1 hl· must believe or an) denom1nat1onal cmployec what he mu1;1 bclll'\.t 1ha1 1~ bc:1wecn him and (10<.1 •• Roger' \a1d at a ne"'" lontcn:nn· ··aut we: .m: ,;.i~1ng that those who wort.. tor us and thtt\C who have tht'1r 'alam''> paid h\ U'> ought to reflell what lhl' great majOnt} of U!> 5a) we wan1 taught" as spelled out in a Bap11<,t \tJtemenl ol ta11h he said Rogl'r<i. ~4. who "'"as al!I<> president in 1'>79 "'on 1h1<, )earh\. (j4 pC'rcent to ~fl ~rtl'nl O\Cr 1he Re' V. \\1olred ~1oort• ot \manllo. T e'<as. in \ otmg O\ ahout 40.000 1.:hurch mes.-.enger!I ._rammed tnto the (~eorgia V.nrld ( ong.rc<i\ ( entt•r Tax bill supporters lean toward IR.As' restoration WASHINGTON (AP) -Faced with 10tcns1fy10g calls for 11ct1on. supponer.. of a a.weeping Lax-overhaul bill pending 1n the Senate have agreed they may hatve to go along with reslOnna i.ax-dcducttblc Individual Retire- ment Accoun1s. the pendina Senate packqe and • tax bill l)llSlcd late lHl year by the HouM:. . . A vote wl!I expected today on the . non·btndina re~lution offered late Tuesday by Stn Wilham V. Roth, "There 1s the strong feeling that there should be some changes as for as IRAs arc concerned," said Senate MaJonty Leader Bob Dole, R-K.an. R-Oel. . --~ Asked If there was White House suP.port.1or the.~on­ binding re~olution. Dole ..a1d today, I think 19· However. Dole and Sen. Bob Packwood. R-Ore .. lhe Senate Finance Committee cha1rman, arc res1stmg makmg the change while the full Senate considers the blll. Instead. Dole and Packwood arc supponi~ a non- bindmg resolution that calls for giving the 'highest pnont) to retaining maximum possible tax benefits for Ind•' 1dual Reurement Accounts" when congressional negotiators meet later to work out the difTerenc.cs between Dole addc:-<J 1hat "1n some ~s" senators votina for the resolution will not feel that 11 1s necusary to also vote for any other IRA amendments. And he said Packw~ ·•1nd1catt! he has enough votes" to hold off any m-.ior amendments Sull. some scna1ors said the non-b1ndm& resolution was meaningless. and the) vowed their IRA amendments would not be s1dctrac ked Reagan: No td: increase, Racial no reduction in defense tensions By tbe Associated Pre11 WASHINGTON -White House chief of staff Donald T Regan 1oda) reiterated the admin1stra11on 's opposition to any tal increase and said President Reagan will accept noth1 ng less than the Senate budget figure ofS30 I b11l1on for defense Pres1dent1al spokesman Albert R. Brashear said Repn telephoned Sen. Pete V Domenic1, R-N.M., chairman of the Senate Budget C-omm1ttee. lo under-M:ore the administration's position on the defense budget and taxes. Domcnic1 told Regan and budget director James C Miller last fnda~ that he would try to earmark any tax boost for the Pentagon flt: 1:ontends the SI 0. 7 billion tax tncrea~ 10 the Senate-passed budge I would J\Old a dangerous curtailment in military spending. Brashear said Reagan 1s ··~11111 n disagreement w1 th Do men 1c1's 10s1stence on ra1s10g ta.\cs" and the stall ch1d lold the New Mex,1co '>Cnator so. US wlll sell jammlng unlts to Israel ~ W .\SHINGTON -The Pentason mformed Congress on fuC\da~ 11 ha' Jppro' ed the sale of 20 electromc-Jammmg units to Israel for S38 m1lhon .\ss um1ng 1here are no congressional obJecllons. the Delen~ Departmen1 \31d l'>racl ""ould be offered 20 AN-ALQ-131 Electronic Countermeasure Pod'> for outfitting on Jet figh1ers The umls arc capable of disrupting enem\ radar or m1s'>11e guidance '>}''>terns Porn ban defeated ln Malne .\l 'GUSTA. Maine -A proposed ant1-pomograph) law that O\er- 'hado\.\ed Maine\ gubematonal pnmaf) elections has been rejected hy a 3-::! margin but a ~upponer of the law said the "crucial issues" havt· :,.et to be re~ohcd The rnnserva11ve (hnsuan C1v1c League of Maine introduced thl' an11-obsn·n1ty propo\al. which would have earned a ma~1mum liH·-yl·ar pnson 1erm for anyone con-.1ctcd of selling or promotmg malenal lounc.J to tx· oh\n·ne. In Tuc!tda\'s gubcmatonal rac:e'>, meanwhile, Democra11c J\llorne' (Jeneral James E. Tierney won a livc-wa)' race and Republican I I.~ Rep John R .. Jock" McKcrnan Jr defeated a lormcr Reagan adm101stra1t on appo1n1ec The' v.111 lacc off in Nt"l'mbcr Trade deflclt Improves sllghtly WA ~l llNC1TO"J -The US foreign 1rade defic111otalt:d S 36 ~9 billion in the first three month'! of the \.Car. a sltght 1mpr0\ emenl lrom the relord dcfiut p<i\tcd tn the founh 4uam·r ol 1985 the government reported toda~. fhc C o·mmercc L>epartml·nt \aid the deficit from Januan lhrough Marth compared "'"llh J r(·rnrd SJ7 35 h11l1on delic11 suffered from <A.tuber lhrough C>ecembcr The 1mprmcmcn1 c:ame a\ lhe surge in imports \IO\l.l'd whi le gro"'"lh ol l \ l'\pon., p1d.cd up. refkct1ng the "'"caker 'alue of lhl' dollar . "'h1lh 1<, hl·lp1ng dome\llC manufacturers w11h their O\.Cr\cas 'ialn erupt in gunfire ( l E:VELAND (AP) -Racial ten- sion between 1hc only black family 10 a neighborhood and their white neighbors erupted tnto gunfire after three months of harassment. and eight people were wounded. au1hont1e\ 5.atd. The tnJurcd, all while, were taken to three hospitals Tuesday night after a man tired four blasts from a shotgun said police Lt Robert L. Bolton .\ 24-year-old man from a C "''eland suburb who had been \ 1s1ting the famtl)' was arrested about a mile awa)', Bohon said. fhe famil), actually two adult "'"omen a teen-age gut and a small (h1ld, were escorted b)' pohcc out of the wests1de neighborhood. and Bohon \31d , "We·re trying to find them a .. are place to stay." The larnil) had moved to the neighborhood about three months ago a'> pan of a public housmg program run by the Cleveland Metro- politan Housing Authonty. which own .. the house. official!> said ·1 was aware of a lot of tensions," , ..aid Ctt)' ('ounc1lman Jay West- hrook. "I had calls at my office from bo1h the family and neighbors ... The tam1l) had complarncd of harassment, said Pat Purdy, a com- mun1t\ relauons officer in the ma\or·s office The side of their v.h~1e. 1v.o-s1ory frame hou~ was <,pra ~-pa101ed about six weeks ago "'""h "KKK •• SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result 1n Fetal Injury, Premature Birth. And Low Birth Weight. + • • Time has c·ome to take down campaign signs The primary elccuon bas been o~ for a ;eek. but the signs proclaimina the politi:cal virtues of the candidates are likely to haunt us for months. These colorful p~ posted lO trees and po and erected on e"el)· vacant lot tbat im't under construction, scn.e a v.orthy-pwpose-du.ring lbe campaign season Like a sledF bammadrivinga thumb tack, they remind the voters of the upcoming election and some of the candidates -the ones with the most money. One can only imagine how much more dismal than last week's 36 percent the "·o~ turnout might b.avc been without campaign signs hanging from evCI')· intencction passed by more than three cars a day. But now that lheelectJon as over, thts1gnsbJvebttn reduced from mformauonaJ vote-r material to litter. Like any other rubbish. they must be collected. The questions arc: By whom? and Who should pay for it? The answers arc as pla.1.n as the poster on the telephone pole in front of )Our house. The candidates who put them up. A responsible candidate -one worthy of the trust he or she expects the votin~ pubhc to band. O\:C'r - should not mark the beginning of a political career or term m office by dumping garbage all over the district. A candidate who raises enough money to print s.igns and recruits e~ugh volunteers to wallpaper half the county with them should have the resources and manpower to take them down after the elecuon -win or lose. The pubhc official who cannot aa:omplish this rclativel~ simple task brings a dangerous lack of managenal talent to pubhc office. Worse. a candidate who conscious!} chooses to ignore his used campaign signs shows a disrespect for his constituents and the communny he serves that make-s him a bad choice for offic-e in the first place The voters should take noteo£the.landscape lf. two weeks after a pnmary elecuon. a candidate's signs remain scattered about hlce seaweed on the beach. the voters should express their displeasure with a vote for the other side. (Unless, of course, the candidates for both major parties have trashed the town. 10 which case we'll all be votmg Ubertanan and Peace and Freedom. C,andidates in those pa.rues rarcl} have any mone)' } Ciucs should get 10 the act. too. If the) sent out crews to tear down the offending signs at a decent mterval after 1he polls close. saved the pohucal debns and sent a bill to every candidate for ever) sign with his name or face on tt. they might promote a heightened sense of rcsponsiblity among our pohttcal candidates. .. In Irvine. there are strictly enforced rules about where campaign stgns ma) be posted. But cleamng up after violators cost the city $6,000 this year. Consider it the first in what {>romises to be a long stri~ of constituent abuses by pohuc1ans who think the Pubhc Trust is a place to deposit campaign contnbu- tions. Support for visual arts on decline ln the county To thc Edttor kids ha'e ··painless!)" ~"penenced an an eith1b111on at the center? o, er 800 in o nl) one da\ .. , o uth .\n Da) '86 .. that's ho" man' The 10ten11on of the l1"1ne ( 11~ Council to d1scont10uc support fo r the Art E\h1b1t1on Program at the Irvine Fine .\rt Centcr hu no" become a matter of public record .\s a UCI alum and a local busane~s managcr. I must add my -.01ce to those who advise aga1n<;t 1h1<; c11y conunuing an this d1r('Ct1on .\ lake number of lids pla\ang h1dl" 'n' Sttil. in a s1m1lar maze ol sculptures ""ould ha\e bttn in- troduced onh· to a muS('um·'i sccunl\ stall not 10 an. . For those of the ccnter's sufT that have bttn sacnficccl 11 1s too late There 1s, however. stJll u me to amend this statement of lack of local 'lupport for the arts with actions to save our cultural pr~rams I urge this be done before other Oranae County c1ucs, again looking to Irvine for le.tdersh1p follow along the dangerous tnul we no" bla1e The center's gallery wa'l one of onh a fcw place! left in the county that had bwlt a rcputatJon for e\h1b1ung quality v1'1ual art\ outsld(' a ngid academic ~tt1ng How many youna children do you know who have had fun 1n an an museum., Conversely. ho w man} In his address to a 'l('mtnar for an" administrators I recent!\ heard Step- hl"n J Albert. manag('r of th(' Marl Taper Forum. refer to us an Orange County as "th(' great unwasht>d behind the orange curtain "Th as tvpt of statement, t>ven 1f onl> in Jt"'ll. 1s indicative of much of the thinlong w1th1n the Los .\ngeles creat1"e communtt} The loss of key public spaces. 1n combmallon with thc failure of qualll)' pnvatc gallencs, ha broad- ca<;t an unm1stakabk mc saac Thc 'lsual ans are not welcomc 1n Orange Count} RALPH E LEE lrvtn(' Co1Dinents welcoJJJe The Dally Piiot welcomes your opinions on matters of public Interest. Lettera and longer artlcles of commentary muat be ''j~~· They should be typed or clearty written and sent to: L RI to the EDITOR, Dally Piiot, Box 1580, Coete Meu, CA 12821. Please Include your address and telephone number so we may verify authorship. lflou :refer to make a verbal statement, you may call our WE'R LI TENINO telephone number -642-6086 -and leave a tape recorded mesaage Please keep these mesaages brief. . I(----ORANGE COAST PuOWllf Daily Pilat ,nnl~ Ru1.....,ct1•at- [dl!Ot Conlttller T~T ... ...... Lc.tNI M•~te111or P,~l(ln~ Deft,.., r..,._.. ~...,., :-t::.."".,.. .. 3JO w O ty f dllOI C-ArCUlllMal"I M~ ..., • C-.__ oor T-Clllfltft ""'" •... ,, =•-te'6a 1wo.c-.... ,....,£ ........ tlnO Olrector c,..tt-" ~~~·!~ 1 •• ~EdltOf . DIM. ___ .., --'9 U.S. at {;jy fault foli ~....,..;., gangs' growth Our Intelligence officials revived L YakuzaafterWWII W Kl GTON -TM •nfUua· uoo of Japanac pnpten mto ltic Un1ted tatn a a Of) -.~· e brcin ~poruna for t•'O yean Their~' 1n ten'OtUina Jasiucx tO\ll'Uti and lbc Ja~cricao communi '' cauuna i.ncreucd OOOOtl'D &moQI ta .. enfOtCe'l"nent autboriua.. Girdles have made it Dack as modern women's wear Two ~i='tt1'bi'ter.t=t1ES01:iale •U.b ~ Cenitt for la" up.ti RC'pOl'tina,. O." MS and ~ Dubro have oo• · wnucn a bocS dncnbint an onunoa detail llic OflllM a.od powtll Of J panetr cnm1nal pap ._. a.ad &ht -.'lftlas lb.real \.bt' p(* tO O\lt' soc::icty. ~ Maybejt has to do with vaunted shift back to decorum Ha"e \OU heard the latest., G1rdlcs are snapp10g back.. .\ccordmg to a rcttnt news article. ' v.omcn spent S~60 mtlhon on girdles last \-eat"-S I 00 m1lhon more than the)· spent 10 1982. and sal~ arc 1nc-rcas1n.a 18 perttnt a year. Tho~ liberated women v.ho. 20 >cars ago, burned then prdJcs a.Iona w1 th their bras arc buytn& prdJes nov. "nd so are their dauJhtm. You ma&ht thtnk this ttem of 1numate apparel "'ould have to be nplained to the )oung "'omtn. but the) '"e done \h('1r homework. When the' get out of \bear Arnold Sch"'arzenegrr-mcd clothes and mto the current. Uln-ught st}I~ th('} also ~t into girdles This 11me around they're not called "girdks ·· These garments ha"e )neaked bacl into the hngene depart- ments under the aliases of .. molders. •· "smoothers.·: "shapers.·· and "tnm· mers" lf you n~ to ha"eam of the above TODAY IN HISTORY ~~- l Today<1s Wednesday; June.I I. the I b2nd da> of I Q86 There arc Z03 da-.s left 1n the year today's htghltght m history: ANN WELLS done. you may choose from a ''net> or colors, matenals and styles. Some ~mble lu&h-cut panues and some rt"ach to the \ntt. T~y cost from S 10 to $50. That pnce range pemuts any wom•n to be smoothed and uncom- fortable at the same ume What about all the pb}stcaJ fitness clas.ses. the JoUJn&. the workouts at the ~'lTI? I thouJht ~ wcrt into those actmt1es because the-. would mold. smooth. shape and tiim us'> Do we ha"e a choice no.... -exerct9e or prdJes., No. S&}S the' ICC president of one or tht firms that m•kes tv.o hnes of~ prments She claims many women v.ear them un<l('T' their UC1'0SC clothes (Do >OU beheve that.. Jane Fonda·» Girdles arc bacl be- cause .. when ')'Ou age. no matter what you do. your bod>, chaoses and you need some hdp ' On June 11 , 1776, the Contmental Congress formed a comm11tec todraf\ a Dcdarat1on of lndepend('ncc from Bntatn The committee wa!t com- posed of Thomas Jt'fTerson. John I'm sutt sbc·s fllhl -but. wtll boo u tiUcd .. Yakuz:a; .. \be=-==~ prdlC$ w'" catt of l&'C JPO'-? St.gtna savni to the undn world pap JOWis" ~ noktcs -in U\e &oe? · the um pk cud pla)itd ., Or will lM) JUSl 1ncrea.r lbc •tllk IWl\ tM bo\P"$ bcl pres.sure-~ feel from l'\I" ma t<>OS of murder. C110ni0ft -1'1 Women are bu)1n& them for dlf-othn m~ 1 ~nt reasons. other ~n maklna u Our assoaa~ Donakl poS$1bte lo squcat their file 12 ha.s rcv1~ an ad"ancz copy of dtr bodJcs mto a sur 8 prmcnt, or 10 bool. which tSbastdoo t.bela.r&c:st fllr hold up hOSJcry. Somt sb.apcn arc on Ya.kuu an lbis COWllt)'. ifet"t ax d~ed to mold Oal dcmern into some re\'tlations cf perucular cott· round ones. some att dCSl&Ded to ~m to l\mmcaM: , sll&htl) flatten dtme~ that atT a •Alkr Japan'• mishina ckfcat m shade too round World War 11. lhe Yatuza Pnss ~ "nd maybe 1t has soml'th1n& to do 1n allnO't totaldis:atrly. One de~ wtth that slia.ht -ever so sh&ht -ment that helped them rvht - swtna beck to decorum lhat we keep rttnutmcot o(pna membcn by ti.~. rudma abouL Gudles can be 1nh1b1t-10tell1Fntt officen. Tbt .\men ing-ps)cbolocacaJh andf3:sicall). authonuts uted Yakuza membt'n ID Remember, -.hen the n wmt sp)· on and di\Npt the su out. mo~ than 1ust lh" and ~f\m \abof mo"cmcnt 1a Japlll bottoms loosened up ~orals did too Sc"cnl 1nodents tnocd 10 Y \\hen wt "'-Ort prdb 1t wun't thup 1n tht' pa) of lbc U ID" us) to fall an to a spur-of-the-moment mcnt ~ a.uncd at unM>n mem romantic encounter. Ask thc woman an Japan m lbt \at.cl 940. and 1910L .. ho has tned to et' a lirdlc off 1n a In o~ , n derailed a · buJ'T) -for an) rnson. Ja~ aucmal RaiJwa)-, tnun 'ou don't sllpout of one -)OU tu& k.1llit11 thttc people and lll.JW\Q& at 11 lf>ou tua too ~nucall> )Ou c.an scores Twt"nt} ra1lwa) ~.en wi:n break a finaenw.I. <."On"1cted of the cnmt. dcspmu- Nottuna cools a woman's 11"dor e' 1den« that their pf'OIStt'\IUOn -..'U a quicker than a broken flnaema1I wtup The~ "''en' fin.alJ~ aoneratC'd c.l....UI Au Welh UYn ta in 196) L.t,... Npl ., a.kuz.a pnastcn "-Orlon& for the .\dams, BcnJam10 Franklin Rt)bt-n Livingston and Roger hcrman On this da1t· In I S09, EnaJand' 1t..1na Hen!') VIII mamed C'athenne of .\J"aaon. ( 14. kidnapped • wcll·kno~ n leftiSl wnter ~ho "-llS ht"ld b)' th( qency f<>r mort than a }t·ar 01her anum1da· 11ons of th1'> \Ori •~ also dc~nbcd 1n the bool Prisoner hasn 't escaped, he's just been misplaced •Congrn;s u 10duttth respon!1bl( lot I.be &mUtll of \k Japanese undeNorld. b) 'In~ of au relutd 1un<ontrol lqasla11on Until rcttttt· " Japan's strict aun controls had made the countf) \.1rtuall)' ff'« ot handguns and elllrcmel~ lov. 1n thc- 1nc1d(n~ of shoouna fatalme'> R('(t"ntl). ho \Cf. a mulum1U1on dollar aun ,,_d( bct*ttn tht" Un1ttd ~\ates and Japan has opened up ... ,lh thousands of Amenc.an pistol!. flood- tnl IOIO Japan Tht' Yakut.a art undcrnandabl) 1n the vanauard or this lethal. luc,.me and 1llcpl tnd Handguns that ro t SI 00 10 this countf'\ fet'h as much as S::? 000 in To")O Th(' well·-amled 'akuu pr\&) have b«n 1ndul&1na 1n '><>me of the blood1(")t banks of th('1r lon1 h1'itof). JapanCllt'' akuu lead('rs lold the author\ the) can no longer control their pna m(mhc~ 'Except that nobody's seen him since May 18. noevidenceatallhe'sgone· By PETE DEXTER ~--..,,... SAC R -\MENTO -I lncw 11 habnual cnminal bad. an Ph1ladel- ph1& named Ra>mond Thompson who could never acttpl prison hk Unfortunate!). he could never accept dnving put a bank without sucking a aun in somebod} ·, nose and runmn1 ofTw1th thr« or four hundf'C'd dollars, either That was about a!> much as Ray- mond eHr sot, and about as much plann1n& as Ra~mond ever did - Stttn& I bank or a lfQUOr SlOrt - althouih 1n furn~ he once covered h1s~ad with a diaper and wore long white gloves to k('('p from le.av1ng his pnnts on the door And so Ra\ mond would find himself in front of JUdJe5 h(' had found h1mS<'lf 1n front ofbtforc, and then baclt. in pn~ons where he lml"w the auards by name And then, as !>Ul'C as the tide, Raymond would malt.(' ll run for tt Whcnc" ('r he could. he took someone along. Raymond hated to esc•pe alone The most memo,..ble 1•11 brtak 1n the hl'itOI) of Gralerford Pn~n. as a matter ot fact. was the d'ay he and '°mr I Q->ear-old lod 'lhpped out of their ttlls 10 brood dayh1ht and 1e,.mbled up a water tower \lttin& m the middle of the ellcm!K' yard Th(' wankn of that place was a man who. an '°me .\0 \-can on the JOb, thouaht he had tttn e"'er)' wa} the~ wa ror the human mind 10 work. or even Ra)'mond·, mtnd. but noth1na hkc this had t"er 1.."'<lmc up before. He watched the c ape from his, office. the run ac.rou the ucrc1~ y•rd and. the chmb I 0 feet up the waler towt'r A ~ntr ("lllt"(f the n(xt day rand a ked what plan' 1o11crt 10 the worb to ITC p1urc the pri1;<1n('r'i And thr warden said. 'I'm going to wall for 11 to rain "Which 11 did. a day later. and Ravmond and th(' kid came do"n · I remember admmng th(' C'Conom\ of that plan. and admmng the warden for not shooting Ra~mond and h1!1 fnend ofT the tower t'ven thouah 11 was what he ohv1ou'ih would ha'e hked to do I mean a'i a tawaver I didn't even ha\c to pa't for a new water tower And I don't mind admminJ I lame awt) from that episode hche\ mg I would nc"er Stt nrateJ) that aood from a tatt-fundtd 1nst1tut1on apin Wluch. of course. 1s onr of the problems you run 1010 \l>Orkan1 in big Cl tits -) ou lose track of thc C'Ontnbu11ons that 'lmaller t>laces male to lhl' l'Ollt'Ctave e:\pen('ncc:. And $on was aood for me. I thank. 10 waJk otT Lh(' airplane la'it Monday niaht and n&ht into the case of Ham McClal) Harry 1s the 26-year-<ild armed robber from Ort1on who hu disap- peared from Fol'<lm Pmon He was penc1IN in for lO)ran, but wmel1me 1n the f\emoon of May 18. HarT) pvt h1m~lfan early parole. tk was 1n the pmon canteen ('arher that day and by 4 o·C'lock he was aonc. Ward('n Bob Bora ~rthcd thC' ans1de o( the _pmon and thr ouu1dt of the pruon. Harry's old haunts ~rt watched. aJona with the home of hi\ rdatt"C\ in Nonhem California Which 11 what llarT) wa do1na in Folsom an the fint platt, bt1na clo~ to h11 rclauvcs ··w(' took him from Orea n a pan of a provam of c;ooperauon bet•ccn the states that allo pn~nc-p to ~ do~ to their famthc\ .. 'lld . &t Kevin Walk(r, who work\ 11 f'ol\Om It IS possible, of COUfY. that th1' pmaram hn worktd ht"\ond C'~"'· \ bod) ·s "1ldrst expectauon'i hut ~&t \\ al"er Slid he "'a'l not som that Folsom had taken Har1) in the first place. and he v.asn't adrtutuna Ham wa~ gon(' "This pnson." he said. "1s hll" a cat) wuh1n a c1t) There are placr' It' hide t'Vel)""'hcrc" I a)ke-d 1f hr could g1H mr an eumpk and he said he could. hut 11 wouldn't do an)' good ht-caU\4' 11 would JUSt be somewh('rt 1hr' alread't looked .. ,, hc'• hrrt'. ht''' mo' 11ia from place to pla~e:· hr ..a1J. .. The ston that got out. that he might be dl"ad and the pnso.ncr'i "-<'re mo' lni him around thal "'U JU~I trash\ 1oumahsm I Imo~ (pn'"'n spokesman) T J ( m1thl neH'r Q1J am thtn& hlc that What "'ould be th(' pn~ncrs· point'" I thought 11 could ht-\tlm<' l1n<l o t (1utnnt"Ss ~rd for had taNl" man nen. bnngin.a ham to 'upper. hur \ t Walker didn't think \O "h's pou1ble that hr'' tk.1d.'~ ht wud, "but it's b«n 'K' lnn11. v.l"·, c more or IC'ls counted that 11u1 " So Harry isn't d('ad. and hr 1~n·1 in any of the h1d101 pla1.<"' thBt S t Walker or Warden 8011 ha' lo<lll"d and he isn't ofT11:1alh t'"4·111w-tl H(''s JUSI lost I asked SgL Wafu:r what would happen to him when he wa' tound "ffhc'\ 1ns1dr. it's a pm~km ," he '8id "I thank )'OU'vc got lo &('t OUISld(' to be an ofl'tc1al ~•pc. ~' I aue s 11 would be dealt Yr1th adm1m!ltrat1 "Ch. He would cnta1nly be SC&J"'PIN " ~ iftte•s outsJd('~ "If tie's out 1de.'' the W''ll"-itnt 1d. "and ttult's 1f. he'll scn:-e ht't 11me for anned robbery and then \land ln.&I tor cscape "But riaht now, hi\ tatU'i 11 only 'unaccounttd for · E\C't't)t for tht' fact th.at nobOdl '\ setn h1M ,.inoe Mt\ 18th. that 1s no e' 1~1enC't' 111 all that hc'''i on " s a to.xp;ayer, thctt 1 \l'lmcth1ng aoout thr cconom) o( tht ph1l<noph)' the '"c got up at Fol'IOn\ that I th1n'- ou'H 101 to appl"t'C1atc • Rouahl) half th.: \ aluu ' rno rmous 1ll1c11 ancomt" 1s dcn'td fro m drugs .... 1th mt"th · amphet.amtne'i. or .. ~ •• thl" drua ol l ho1ce. A~ manv '" Ml0,000 Japant"SC' art' add1~tec.f to ··,hahu," 1n th(' druas art called 11' Ja{\3n - a l('vt'I prnixinmn.ate to tht' numb(or of hrman iunlu" 1n thr l lntted "t•t~ l hanl<; in laflt dc&tt<' to thc 'al..u1.a Japan'sdrua..abusc r.att". 1\ nov. 1&mun1 thr v.o rld'' htf,h<"t ~ i...aplan and Duhn> (llnduc.k that thr l nited ta~ must houlJcr • tarae \hart' ot blame tor th<' rt"'lurrt'\:- t1l"m ot thr \ akuza fhr main !'\'· '>fl00\1h1ht) mt\ on 'hort\l&htl'd l \ otlioals. who -hl.t· tht'1r collcaaue<s m postwar Clrmian' - tanc1t'd the' could u".' tht" wof"\t C'll"men\\ o( th(' \X' up1('J na11ons' ~"act' to bnng nah1lt" and tn "1mba1 rommun1 m \ \ mtelhatnce oflic1al\ \t'v.('d thl" "h11lv.1nd ~htn the\ f't'\;l\l-d the \ l\lur.a af\('r the war, nov. l \ la" t"nfol'\-ement authont1c\ art' rt'aping the wturlwmd " th<'-.ht~ ... nr C\pand th('lf OPt"rltlOn\ 1010 lhl rounvy. MlNl·Et>ll ORI \I V.:r ~ton't u•uall) rount on tht' eaml"\t do· aoodcn of the r\m('ntan Chtl I.1hert1e l ln10n to takt' tht' -1m approach But wt'"e Sol to hand ll tu Barr) l \.OR, an M. l.U \aw)ef oom- mcntma on lh(' e.lp11\1l natul'\' oh.ht ~port prodoc~ b th ""omc) C~neraJ i Comm1n1on oo Porno· snphy With• "ia twinld( an h1 e)e. l'.\nn d('clar('d \touth "1'lthC\u&h 1 person.all ftnd mu h nf the matcnal 1n th11 \olume ht&hh n• 11 ookl M"ft'\~I fend ah\Olutt'I) the fcJeral ml'nt'5 n1t11 to.ruhhih n " • J•d Aath Al/ill O.le Vu AU. .,.. •T8fllt>alff twli \.._..) M Orange Coat DAILY PILOT I Wednesdsy, Jun• ''· toee One woman 'stale of th-e--fear off ears agoraphobia By JOYCE SCHERER BODLOVICH "It bqan on.• sunny aflC"rnoon in ~ugust 1969 My hu)band Jon ancJ I were uwrurinf the am val of company. I had finished cleaning the house and was sirring on the Jivmg room couth knimng, Jon wu m the kitchen Wuhout warn111s. tht' calm pesCC'- t'ulness of that moment was !>hstteTT'd .is a sudden flush of intense heat tn\aded m> body, fol/o~C'd b} a \1Ckenin1 dJZzmes~. a shnll nflglng in m) ea~ and spots ot blackness Jestrovmg my sight M> God. I rhoughr. what 1s happenmg to me fhe worse part was the fear that in\·aded m~ mind 1 knew beyond a ,hado'4-of a doubt char 1f I lost consciousness. I would either die or go cra.z} As wave alter wave of this indescribable fear engulfed me. I put m) head between my knees ro keep from passing out I le/1 I was on/} ~econdsawa} from obl1 v1on" -"LIVlnl I n Hell'~·- -Hamet Gyor's booS.. de\cnbing lier agoraphobia At the-time of Hamet G~or's first panic attack, she was a 26-year-old woman leading a contented and productive life as wife mother and community volunteer However. on that sunny afternoon, unbeknownst to Gyor she had taken the first step into the hv1ng hell of agoraphobia The torment would last for seven long years "i\goraphob1a 1s the morbid fear of man) things. places or mua11ons 11 effects both men and women ~me­ times 11 has been defined as the 'tear off cars The most common places or situauons 1A.h1ch cause the reaction arc distances from a safe place or safe ixrson i.upcrmarkcts dri' 1ng. ele\ators. free1A.a)s, parties. aowds. bndge'> and an) other place where a person !eels alone. trap.ixd or ha!> no c:-scape · e1'pla1ned C hcrrillc- 'IJ1eruchal\ki livor's sister and di rec lot uf Orange (ount~'s TERRAP (a 1.'0ntral11on of the phrase T emtbnal .\pprehcn ~1 \ ent\'>). a \elf-help pro- gram for agoraphob1C\ For Gyor thl' my'>ten11u'> attad.., became more and more frequent - systemaucall) chipping awa~ al her ~If-confidence and 1ndc1x:ndenle .. , ~a\dn\ mg tht•car in the mu.JJ/e Ian,· o( the· free~-a' th<Jt '~a' /1kt· a cr:i" finJl p;irk ing Jui ·h I JpproJ' hcJ a particular/) comple~ lft'¢W4J> inter c:hBfl8f'. I sudden/} lrlt my t•an bc:g1t> ro nn8 and black spoil formed in front of my c.v~ I could ~can:eh 5(."t' the white Imes dn iding the lam·:.. I wu pos111ve I was going to faint." clearly sen1 me lhc ..mc:ssa,e, t.haLu did not w.int to hear about my panic att11ch by 1gnonn1 the reference I made to them. From his attitude, I k11mt:'d this lesson, don't talk about • /1 • to 1n yone " l\ccordmg to "'11t·ruchalsk1 the ".\ great many people suffer from psychological symptoms exixncn1:cd agoraphobia, often wtthout knowing Harriet Gyor dunng a phobia attad; U\uall) appear 1n th1~ order· a ..en..a11on of warmth, '"eat palm\ and l"Hx:l\ hutter111e'> 1n the -;tumach 1remors. rapid hea"" heanbeat. df") mouth. 1,1,cal.: legi., 11ghtne\'> m the <:he'>t, hypcr- q:n11lat1un. hJt l.; and neck tension headalhe d1111ne''· d1sonl·n1at1un, diarrhea. inner lecling'> of doom. urge~ to run '>l.fC<tm and t'><.apc from the s11Uat10n and return to .i plare ol \afeh 10 '>IOP tht• rlilClllln The d1agno~1' 111 C 1;n or'> \\mp· tom\ l'Ontinul·d to elude trad11111nal mrd1cal e\.perl' \he nhau,tcd l'\lT} mcdiral aH·nui: 1n her qul''l 111 l(a1n undcr-;tand1ng 111 hl'r wn11ll\ proh· km "'I 11\lll'd m1 r"' h1.1t11\I, f>r \ l'Jlh \H"t'k l/11l4t'I ('( I did 11111 1mpru\ c Dr \ nt•1 er \ho~cc/ .rn \ undt•r\tanJing "' n crr 111tc·rc\t 111 the p;inic I •~a' npa1cni mg flt• 1 o \ 1,1,:hat 1' tau'>ing their ~)mptom!> and d1-.comton " e~plamcd Dr .\rthur Hard~ loun<kr and de\.elopcr oflht: TERR.\ P program .. .\s far as 'IA.l ha-..e ~en able to determine. about one pcr\11n Olli of ever) 1 IJO ha'> a~oraphub1a \<."\ere enough to restnl t his hfe to a 'l'nou., degree \>.hen thl' cond1111rn h1:u1me\ scvt·rc thl' a&oraphob1( will usuall)' fir\t consult h1<; lam1h dm·tor Most gt.'neral pract1oner\ arc not fam 1l1ar w 1th !ht· problem and rckr the patient\ to p~)chiatn!>I'> man) of whom an nol fJm1liar IA.1th the rnnd1t1on Jn gen - eral little I\ kno1A.n about phobias and thl·ar treatment and frequentl) thl' phobic pcr'>oo frequent!~ 1<; not ahk 11 1 lind the help he -;eeks ' f arl·d 1,1, 11h conllnuou5 luw-gradt Jll\ll't\ < 1\or npw had ph\\1Cill \\ mptom' "hene' er '>ht• wal.,cd oul nl ht•r houw Our Medicare Supplemental ceProgram doesn't · e you the same eatment as Medicare. \Xe 1 re:H ! >ur Ill<. mlx.-r-. 1111 m: lrkt' ln11n:111 I ><.'lrl~' \\c 11<..'\l'f rn.1k<. th('m 1111 out <.I.um tonm. \X.c IK \er 11ktkc them pm tc >r '< >\l'rt:d tx·ncfits \\1th rhc1r CJ\\ 11 mrnk'\ ho tht·n.··, nn<..'f .1m· \\ .tir mg .unund for rc1rnlmrs<..'mcnt <.hecks) And we .th\ ,I\ s gJ\-t.' t hcrn .t ~ Kk ~-.c.:k·c. 11011 C>f qu.il i fie d ph\ sK11t1ts to choo~: from. ( )Ur r>ll W..UTI <.Jc ><. '-If t Ul anv WJ\. mtcrkrt' ~1th ~kdic ~m· lx ·1il-ti1~ rn fa<. L 11 \ou 1<..'<.U\t \k<.ltl :111 ·. ) 1 n1 .tln.~KI\ qu.tltf) fi >r lll<.'llll)(.'lsl11p in o ltri pro~r.1rn It y< >uU like to kn<m. morl'. V< iu'n.: 1m·ttnl t< > .ttt c nd our In..·<. c\pl.m.111 >f\ ~cm 111.1r .11 "'< >lHh ( .1 >,1.,1 \1n hc .II ( .cntl'r I' >r 111< m: tn forrn.111011 < .tll 11\ :ir ( I 1) 1<)<) (l21.! ( .. 1111)( I\\ .111<.I \Odil h(' th;il 11ll1Ch <.le )~'I I<) ~ct1i11~ Lhc lrt~ll nwnt \.llll dc.:-,c,·1 \c.' e======~~'~====---==~ S<Jlltll (1 )(:)St Mc~<tiC'ill (:( lltf'r ..... --~-- "lh D«ember, 1969. I w1J 1Jmos1 housebound My home was the only p/a~ where I felt relatively safe and there wt>re L.lmes when I wasn 't comfortable:' rherr I rarely wcnt further than the front or bade yard " In 1972, in a last ditch attempt to find an~we~. (1yor and her fam1I) cers ... TERR.AP. '4Vu1ct be my icy 10 frttdom." Eventually the newilcner reached Gyor, who had moved to Orange County Upon rcceivin& the letter. she devoured the articles wntten by Hardy about agoraphobia and how the TERRAP program, which he staned 10 1962, was successful in Connie Holmea, at left, with Chenille Nleruchalakl headed up to the mountains for a rr'>on·l\pc retreat that would last •>\er a ~eekend Gyor }Ca med to gain '>Orne '>Clf-contidcnce or an) small bit ol hope that would illuminate what had happt.-ned to ht'r lllr .. T hmugh the entire 14t•ckend m) an\ICt> Incl ~as n.·0 high. On the /aH da1 of the rt•trt•at, I \-0/Ced the lt'ast s1gn1lican1 pJrt ol m) problem to Jnotht•r \1uman wht'n we were apart /rom the group I told of m y fear ol dm ing. fo my ~urpnsc. she seemed to undcrmind th1~ and shared that she had experienced a s1m1lar problem and had go11cn help for /1 when she tontactcd Jn nrganmwon called TERRAP based in Menlo Park She promised to ~nd me thelf newletter hur I had pur<iued too many fa/5" hopt's tp part1cularl) care 14-hethC'r she ('\er did or not Lllllr did I know that this '>trnnse combinatwn of let- problem. Gyor answered a TERRAP questionnaire and sent 1t off to Hardy to determine 1fsht' was o;ufTenng from agoraphobia, " "The results from the <'' aluat1on of the quescronna1re final/) amved I H ..\ D IT' Severe Agoraphobia Some- how the word severe did not -;urpnse or fnghten me. I was j ust glad to know that my mystenous problem had a title rr the problem could he con- tained in a word, that meant 1t wa.s something I could get a hold on. rhat meant 11 could be fought. You cJJn'r light s nameless. crazy fet>ling I was e~circd 10 sum working on 11 .. Determined to go anywhere for the solution to her problem. Gyor signed up for a special week''> 1ntcns1vc TERRAP program. At that ume, ho1A.cver. TERRAP's only location was in Nonhern Cahforn1a . Though llelpma sufferen of th.ls cmononaJ anxious. and forufied with vahum, Gayor boarded a plane to reach the TERRAP's location, the stan of her new life "Life looks d1flcrent now, I think I'm 1oin1 to make 1t. The provam pve me so much ... 111s up to me to make IC work. WJLh a lot of practice and much patience with my~lf. I am goin1 to get well'" AJ the weeks and months passed. Gyor dad get well. In fact, m Decem- ber 1976, she received a caJI from o .. ~ ... Hardy, ask.an& if she would hke to start a TERRAP proa,ram for Southern C~afornaa Gyor readily acctpted Guided by Hardy, Gayor enlisted the &Jd of two psychologists, three M.F.C.C. counselors and her sister N1cruchalsk1. The first group meeting was held in an Orange County hotel room that overflowed with agoraphobics. The Southern California TERRAP had been suc- cessfully launched. Today, TERRAP has locations throu&hout the United States. There arc 10 TERRAPS in California. Gyor rcantJy stepped down as the Orange County director and turned the helm over to N1eruchalsk.J . ( onnic Holmes, a recovered agoraphobic who serves under N1cruchalsk1 as program coordi- nator. saad there 1s a character sketch that seems to fit more agoraphob1C5 "The) arc usuaJI) people who arc "Cl) scos111vc, creative, 1magmauvc and intclh&cnt They have a high cncrg) level and arc pcrfcct1onists. Previous to the phobic attacks. they have led an independent and active life However, one common de- nominator 1s that agoraphobics are cmouonally 1nh1b1ted and constant people pleascrs." she said. F-or Hamel Gyor, 1t has been 19 years since that first anxiety attack that led to her personal impnson- ment. Now, free from agoraphobia, the Cost.a Mesa resident works as a credit manager for a large fabncation plant Her story docs have a happy ending. "I haven't had a panic attack 1n Q years." 'he sa1d. "You kno" 1t'\ funny, I can rtmcmber m) first attack and the last attack, but the in between has son of faded from mv memory The youngest is leaving home Pett·r " gradua1ing from .. high -.chool and bccau\C he I\ m) youngest child hi<, nte ol pa<,~gc will also mark minr ,... He'll lca'e \oon -ofT to collcge- and hie' other adventures -taking 1,1, ith him h1hlecping bag his running shoes and his loving ways Sure I'll worry .JUSI as I did on hi s first day of kindergarten and when he rode a bicycle without training wheel<, for the ve'"" firsl 11me That'\ to !>a) nothing ahout ho"" I lelt when he got h1\ driver's Ileen\(' No"' that m} Joh a'> a mom I'> ahout w be re-Ocfincd I worry that his father and I have ">omehow slipped up and forgotten lo tl·ach him \omcthing that he \hould aln·ad\ kno1A. I reall) ha'>l' no rca\on tCl feel guilt} B) 1""11 )l'ar' old lhl' kid had h1!> own hhrar. lan.I kne1,1, ho" to \wim. and could.help hakl' chocolate chi p cook.1es 8 } five, he had tak.en music le!>son'l, could ice-skate and had staned his religious education I worked hard to be a good mom If the) awarded varsny letter-; to cheer-leading parents, I would have proudly worn my letter-mom's Jack- et M 'f son 1s an a1hlete and so arc mo<Jt of his fncnds What a JOY to havt' watched them all grow up together on <Joccer fields. on basketball courts, on baseball diamonds. and finally on tracks. Spend a morning on a soccer field and you too may feel like you're watching an old Wonder bread com- mercial where some boys grows from tin) to six feet m 15 seconds I know 1n my hcan-of-hcans that these boy'i young men arc winner\ What 1s there to worry about. .really? What more could I ask for m) son that a life filled with Vi tamins for arthritis Pantothen1t aud ha\ for )t•ars been the darling ol nutrition buff-. with claim<; that 11 would increase athletic performance. improve 'lt'X, increase energy, prolong hfe and eliminate arthritis Though 11 1s not the m1rach.· pill that some w1c;h. 11 has been \hown to s1gmfican1ly reduce the <,ymptoms associated with rheumatoid arthnt1'i This vitamin belongs to the b- complex family and plays a role 1n the production of adrenal gland hormones (ixrhaps the explanation for II\ benefits) and energy. Dcficien- cic\ ofth1\ vi tamin are rare. but have occurred and result m abdominal complaints with vomiting and cramps, fatigue, insomnia, and re- duced immunity to dJSeasc. The Recommended Daily Allow· a nee of pantothenic acid 1s 10 mg., but when this substance 1s used in larger amounts, 1t acts hkc a drug with very little toxicity. As pointed out by Sheldon Hendler, M.D. in his book: The Complete Guide to An11-A11ng Nutncnts. its beneficial role in trcat- m& arthnt1s was first published by researchers in 1963. Patients with rheumatoid arthntis were found to Acupuncture & Hen C1111e 3 "NO" OFFER NO matter what kind of pain or chronic Illness NO results from acupuncture or herb treatment NO charge to you for treatment Whoever believes In acupuncture, herbs. or P.E .. shell not be Ill. but have everlasting health and life. ' (714) 968-3325 30 years experience 15 years Instructor 18121 Magnofla St. (at TaJbert) Fountain Valley • LINDA ALGAZI passion. ded1cat1on and per· scrverancc -and I've already ~n plenty of evidence that he's got all that If I had the power I would also a~k that he find someone as special as he 1s, w11h whom he could love and share Justice ~hc1la Soncnshine was asked to be the commencement speaker at her h1&h school alma-mater this )Car In preparation. she sent out (Pleue 11ee ALOAZI/ AlO) JULIAN WHITAKER have low blood levels of pantothcnic acid even though there was no dicta!) reason for the deficiency Twent) patients were gJven daily 10JCCt1on of calcium pantothenatc, their blood levels qu1ck.Jy ro~ to normal and their symptoms decreased as well When the IOJCCllons wert <;topped, the symotoms returned In thcSt (Pleue eee WBITAUR/A l O) BUST ENLARGEMENT Finally, 1atNff11ng fhat worlts After 38 y.ars of proving and ,,.rl.rnng, th•r• is a HA TUIA1 TKhniqu. lor bu1t car• & d.wtlopm•nt Comp,.,_ program now ovollob"1 on vid.o ta,,., to b. v"1w«J m th• privacy of your /tom• at a prk• EVERY WOMAN con afford. T"*Mndov1 wcc"J .. ,,.,t.nc.d at,,,. INTER NA TIONA L MA UTY SHOW '86 in N Y C Mottll 1J '8 s.ncJ H'I your ch«lt: or monq ord.r TOOA Y fCN ts9.95 * THI JUJAY WAY, lTO 7IO N fvclill, 5'litlt I 20 ) ........ CA neo. lrll {71-') 778 1299 • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, June 11, 1988 A9 Arts Center guilds celebrate fashion By VIDA DEAN Of .. ..., ....... "Only 114 days left 'tal The (enter opens," said Pat Rowley, outgosna GUdd ehammm of the ~­ form1 na Arts Center Then there wtll be ballet, opera and mus1c•I ennchment pr~ms avatl- abletcrthesome4,000 gu1ld members who have worked for c1&ht years raising approx1m.tcly $2 m1lhon in fonds. "It will also 11ve you a chance to really act dressed up." Kitty Le11Je Fashion Island fashion coordinator' told the group of 700 aathcred at the A.nahe1m Hilton for a "Cclebrauon '1!6" luncheon. Representatives of the 43 guilds from all over Oransc C' ounty saw a parade of stylc-s from 29 Fl stores "These dresses arc perfect for a mauncc." s~ud Lcshe as models began the show But for opcntnp and big evenings, the hot look is strapless gowns wtth a tango beat. There probably won't be an oc- Lasson when swtmsu1ts would be appropnate attire at the Center, but they certainly made a splash at the show. (Especially the male models in slu mpy b1k101s, who should get bravery awards for their fast walk down the ramp accompanied by applause and whistles.) Jo.Au Bo1well was cha1nnan of 1he 1nv1tatJonal event and her co-chairs were Lee Anne LeUbcm and Sharl E .. ylu (she was 1n Europe and missed the event.) FolloWlni the show. Boswell and Lcsbe ~1vcd bouquets of roses from Barbara Roppolo, Fl director Boswell 1s also lhe new guilds chairman. ''I'm thnllcd to be follow- ing the women who have been chairmen," she said as she introduced founding chairman Georlia Spooner Betty Be lden, Carol Wilken and Rowley attended d!Jnrig my yc-ar." * for special upcom1na social evenu GeDe Wld4Jcombe will be able to wear a mink Jacket. She won the M . .l.cq ~ item durina the awardina of pnzcs. Lucky lmogcae Joyeer wtll be able to wear a pcarr and ruby nna donated by Tradiuonal Jrwclcrs, plus the fur J&ekct she won last _year. "This really wasn't a fund-raiser today," said board member Ma ry Jola.DIOD. "It wa~ a chance to &et together .and celebrate what we have accomplished so far " But. the event resulted in $14,000 for The Cooter and all of the support groups have fund-raisers set and arc stall intent on 1ncrcas1ng the.number of volunteers. \I \ \ . \ 'Tm lcavsng the chairmanship with mixed emotions" said Rowlc~. "One year 1s probabl> long cnou~. It's been a bus) year t~ang 10 v1s1t wllh each of the groups I vc lost track of the number of social events 1 JoAnn Boewell. 0..-, .............. ~e.­ Pat Rowley with lnTitatlon de.tcner Marcie Lemmon. :J/iij :J.aiher '~ 6•• ::ba'J TAKE DAD TO BRUNCH IN STYLE imousine Service . p to 3 hou~ '99 95• eludes ptwty • ·d~s not include brunch ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS NOW (714) 841-5776 or 720-1333 AMERICAN ARISTOCRAT LIMOUSINE S MKS SNllD Cf'O· 1 >I SHOWS AT 7 00 A t 15 7 O.car1 OUT Of' AP'ltlCA tpO) SHOWS AT I 11 At JO lUXU"Y THfATHS .10 '° DAMCll"' f") I -JI P1u1 Money Pit (PO) ' 41 QUlllG HO.,._.,. 7 I 0 Plus "••tty In P ink (PG I l ) ., t 20 CEnTutW ClnEDOmE 0 f'aaRISMMLUR'S °" y Ofl'P (f'0-1 S) (1214') (l 00) 5 1\ 7 JS A t $0 SH091T CtRCUfT Pt) SHOWS AT (I 10) 1l 201 5 JS 7 40 A t S S...-T u•1tTV IP8) A T (1 JO) (l JO) f •O 7 SO A 10 00 ~ftRGKST n rot SHOWS AT II 00) (l 15 5 lO 7 4S A I 0 05 TOP•UN IPQ) SHOWS AT ('J '51 (J 4 0) S OS 7 lO t Ss II\ 70 MM ooaAA (R) (I JO) (3 40) ' SO I 00 • 10 10 /ln70"4"4 No ~UMI DRIVE -INS :~~~c; !Jl!.t'!!J.!t] "'".a.AL. pt) s Plu• Co·,.Hlur• 0 Hdly l'orce (f') coe•u' Ptl PIUI C~f-41( Tiie Protecto" <"I NO PU MI ~ET UtlPfTY (N) Plus Pretty I I\ Pink IPO I JI IO JO OAl'ICaR ('It l Plus C o·I' ••tur• J•ke SPHd (PG , ,, DOWlll 6 OUT ... ~LY .. ~(a) T"• Color Purple (P4·1 J) POLTERe«IST Z 1"'9-U) ~lu1 C•fl ~ye (.-0 I l) RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. UllPierce Brothers Bell Broadway Mortuary 't~O::t 642 .. 915 ANTI-AGING ANTI-CANCER SKIN TREATMENT EVERGREEN SKIN CARE MEDICAL GROUP Speciolizing in the TRET INOIN (Retin-A) TREA TMENT to repair sun damaged skin, reverse the aging process in the skin and eradicate precancerous skin changes. This treatment also smoothes the skin su rface, sh#rinks the pores, evens out facial color and fades fine wrinkles. It's simple and ,painless Unlike cosmetics, T retinoin is effective Unlike surgery, there is no trauma or discomfort Staff Dermatologists: Roger E Green, M.D . Rollin M. Green, M.D. Walter S. Green, M.D. Oiplomates of the American Boord of Dermotoligy · . Office hours by appointment: For further information or o brochure about fhe T retinoin treatment coll any of our offices. ~ Newport 770.3778 Laguna Hiii• 77o.3778 San Clemente 496-6066 s2.oo TUElllY I WBmlllY AS INDICATED BELOW cdwards ' HA~' l R •••• 119:1 1• 1 1ueat.curnlilo .. SPAC( WI'" (PC) 7 IS UO ,.,_ .... UT"'llll _ _... -···ww "Ftlltt lllUl.n "' eff" (tt-ll) '·•tis 1ta ......... 4 llAU DOlll Sl(J(O "SPAC( CAMP'' (PC) • flS Ill It• ...... IOll .oDIT "HS£1T ILOOll" (PC) ~JO HS 1000 ...... "A IOOI W1TI A VllW'' 11~ u e 4 TIACll DCUY ST'DlO TOlll CIUSI "TOP CUJ" (PC) 7 IS ~JO -.. .. It ... 6 TUC& DOlll STfllO TOlll CIUS( "TOP cur (PCI '°' aa ttll •l&l&UIPUSI mGDOll "OI 11£ ocr (PC-U) Ul,U ,ltlS amt WUIMIS "POLTllCEIST II" (PC·ll) 'JO 1 ll 10 IS ...... NCI 4 IUCll OOll'f STUIO AllQD SCHltMllll5'D "UW tW" I•) 600 l ot It 00 U.9!1111111 '"'UIUI & SlSTUS" 64'. lt~ (Koll) .. JO JO tUCU" <•> 14S p•JWI ·~ "llYUllS fl UIS" (ltC) lll t •IOlt edwards CINEMA WE ST 891·39JS ... \, ..... ,, .. a.• C.<1lDfN Wf '' WI ,TMUrflff II ~A 'l t ;Ill .:•1 ; ··muusftOM UIS" (PC) UO I JO 101' 0 M fiii m. l"ii "SlElT UIEHl" (PC) 7 4S "MllU I SISTUS" u e u~ (l'(j u1 Yiii nu w !WI '''OUCE lCAOEIY 3" IOI C'CI "l'lfTTI II '111" ·~ , .. (l'C Ill "AT ClOSC IUCE" I•) llS "Tiil IOIEl PIT" (PC) ·~ .... edwarda WOODBRIDGE 551-0655 eAIUlllANCA f l lf Of (•.h "''" •'9VloNf n•••• arntauMIS CIAIC I 1€1.SOll "POLTHC£1$T ll" (PC·ll) .. ~us. 1010 QM ma m tiii "T•[ ldllll PIT" (PC) I "JW smt" (PC) 515. 10• ..... ,. IMTMW 90l)(JICI "flllltS HlWl'S HY Off" (PC-13) 61S Ill ltll "llVUUS rtoM UIS" (re) , ... edwarda UNIVERSITY 854-8811 l AM,...JS D• AC .. O I' l•OM lJ( I IAY .... , ' I '' T R f ~ ~ ' ' e •' ... I I ' • • .. "" .... I . I • ••••..a c 1•.c. ocu' smco "SIACl CW,. (PC) 11S t• ...... 41UQllCU't mllta!JMS "POlTOCDST I" (H-U) 1•.He nu a wa 4 TUCI OCllT StlllO AUY lllD'f "SlllT CllCllT" (PC) , ••• lt.lt p.9TIDa .. "SWUT UlllTr (PC) 140 "W I SISTtts" '~ .. ~'"Ill edward• HUNTINGTON "8-0388 et ar " • r WAI._ • flt•'• M.UN"IH f.tOlll •t •• ,.. . ..... MAGGI mfM "A 1001 llTll • YllW'' 'ot • u 1020 U.MIBllBI "Tl( IOIEY m'' (PC) 1• "CllG IO'' (K-ll) Hl.tsl edwards VILLAGE CINEMAS 891-0S67 &fAf H•~•O 1atr •~NC,.,. .... f)I <.a•OI" <-RCJwf fW" ,, , .. ,') .. ;1 .. ,,. ~· ; •1 . "IUOT IUIJS• , ....... (I) 41UCll OCllTS .. NUtlCtJST I .. (Koll) l•S l 8. It.JI QMIWl•P' • fUCll alU mJlO 'UIU .. (I) , ...... 1 .. •s ••••Pm • TUCll DOl.tf suo TOM CNSI "TO, CUI'' (PC) HS .... HIS ...... Pm "Ftllt$ IUW11'S IAY OW' IPC-1 ll •ts Ill ... ....... • 1ua ocu' sao A11UO SGIMWIXWJ ..... tut" (I). .,. ,. n•m&•!P! ....... ~ "IllP TD IOUITlfll" 'll 10 ll '"' "COIS MUST IE CUZT'' 1 ll ll'Cl U.BIWlllQ; 4 TUQI lllU STIXO snwmumu<K "COIU" (I) HI.HO IHO IZ.MJIQ IMI "llVUltS flOI MHS" (PC) 'ot 908 12.00 TIES I WU "LUCAS" (PC-13) 6 40 10 ~ "l'UTil II PIH" .. 0 t"'-IJ) ··--Pia "fUllS IUEWl'S DAY Off" (PC-13) U .llUllllH 4 TUCll DOlJ'f StmO x.Tll I U.IMIS "POlTUCllST II" (PC-13) 5 U II~ IHe • ..... P11Cf 4 IUCI DOllf SfCMO ~ $CHWMl'Ol5'11 "UW tUL" I•) 7IO UO U.Mlllllmt mlllll.l-. Cl•I 111.D "POln tWST II" (PC-ll) '"au. it• ...... UR 9111 "SPACl Cd,.. (PC) ,. ln IOI "tlS(IT IWTS" 1•1 lll 9ll •iiiH••PUll ~ WIWM4Jll'6Ca "IAW IW" l•l 1• ,. to• a••• Ml.i*it "TllP TO IOUITIFUL" (PC' , ...... "C:OtS llST 1£ CtllY" ... ll'Cl ... , am UllCf" 141.1•11 <11 "JO JO IMCH'' llJ "" ...... Pia llMTl ... 9IOIOICI "fllllS H£Uil'S DAT Dff" (PC·ll) 5 >O 70. , ... U.1111HtWD AU Y St([OV "SllOH c1•cu1r · (PC) ... 100 1000 11.AITIQI m 4 TUC& ll TIA SflMO sn wrsru mui. "COIU" (•) I Jt I M 11 IS U .MTUUIWd M"'1I Sii iii . ···HOM WITll A VIEW" ue ti~ IOJD ..•.. ,., "fldlS I £W l 'S IAY Dfr' (PC·ll) ue ,.~ 1eoo v•ma•m 4 TIACI llOUl STMO llM Al.DA "SltCT UIUTI" (K ) 715 '3' • TlACll nmo IOM "T C•I" (PC) I • 14~ 6 10 I )I It» 11.DQ DH A WU • Tl&g too 1'&11 •n• "AT ClOSl • £" (I I 11'~ l n \II In U \ "JO I C(I" (I) IOl\1500 "TH tl PIT" (PC) ll~ 11\ ., ..... Timi ''AT ClOSE U•C:E" (•) II\ "PIITTY II PIH'' 6 20 10 20 «l'C IJI edwarda SAODLEBACK 581 -5880 l l fOllO 110 AT llOC1<F1ElD f l TORO .......... mnJ SOIWU/Ol';liO "HW DUL" (I) •• '°' 1000 pMJWl&WI '"IWJl" (I) HI ttn "COIS UST IE CW T" I JO C'CI U.BTIU iid 4IAIUI l SISTEIS" 7U!K IJ) "TllP TO IOUITIJUL" ~•s t•s 1rc1 ..... Pia u f( lllU gtf " "Sl'lCl CAMP" (PC) 11~ no 12.llDUI m "IHADUS FIOM IUS" (PC:) • •s u~ 10 JO U.QIMlllU G(lllWl.LIMIS CUl5 I IE.SOii "POLTtlCUST II " (PC·ll) 61SIU1Ht ......... "ftll1S IUCWl'S taY OW' (K ·U) \IOJIS\• 745 , ... Q.MDll llUI Sltll~ "SMOIT CllCUIT" (PC) 111\ 11~ u~ '• a 10 10 lO MO HRCAIN "'lCf 4 TUGll DOI I• UlllfO ·~ Cl\ISI "T9' CUI" l"l In l M ,. 1 1~ It 7t edwarda SOUTH COAST LAGUNA •97.171 t '\ l)A~' 111w • .. , t•u•Ow•~ a.•m•m ... mom suuOll "CllU" (l) '1\ II\ lllS QMDlllWI ..,,. .. T " lTOCDST I" {Koll) u •6-1•• • ...... Bob Reese and Anne Ree.e. Ell.&abeth Vtnclpat and Su•n and David Kagnoff. YM talk by Don Cbrt.taon. Dan Beai. and Jim Chapel. Three cheers for the YMCA! By VIDA DEAN "The people here tonight are sup- poners of the annual campaign. The YMCA 1s not all funded through the United Way. These people have helped beyond and above. Their support 1s greatly appreciated," said Bob Reese, chairman of the YMCA Chamnan's Round Table: The small group of about 40 gathered m the Portola Room of lhe new Four Seasons Hotel . . all had contnbuted S 1.000 or more and/or have named the Newport/Costa Mesa YMCA 1n their wills. Dan Beals, chairman of the YM board of directors. descnbed the group as people who help provide services >ear in and year out. The> understand the Y and what 1t ~tand~ for·· La Verne Healey certainly should understand the YM and the programs 11 provides for the comm uni I\. A:. each person stood and introduced themselves and touched bnefly on their 1nvolvemen1. she said, "I started at Lhe Y when I was three }ears old .. ( La1er she confided that shc·s now 77.) One of the highlights of the event was Reese's announcement that he and his father-in-law, Robert C. Gun.oess, wer~ c9ntnbutmg $9.300 to get a new mfan't toodler cen1er off the $round. Plans are also underway to increase !he size of lhc existing YM building. "We are booked 140 percent and even using 1he reception area for office space," satd Beals. explaining the need for expan~on. Speaker attorney Douglas Free- man, v.ho claims his business 1s to "move mone\ around .. advised the group that the nc'W tax bill will affect giving lo non-profit organ1zauons . .\lso. he explained that through the use of 1rrcvo<.:abk trusts. how the) could provide for their future and the futur;es of others with less if any tax dram while still living and, after death. through their wills. Freeman, who said he had been associated with the Y since he was 16 and learned to dance there at a class, noted that Ben Franklin created the first trust fund, and that 1s still around helping boys. Others there were Booole and Donald Christeson (the developer who will handle the expansion of the building), new members of the Round Table, Trudy and Frank Gebhard (just arrived back m town from a Las Vegas convention), and YMCA president Jim and Barbara de Boom (they met at a Y), board member Jim and Elltabeth Chapel, board member BUI and Ellr.abetb Vincent (he amved late from Palm springs and missed the soup course) and Susan and Or. David K.agnoff. WHIT AKE R COLUMN ... IAllEll From AS studies. for reason-. vet unknown. those anhnucs who w'ere vegelanan had the best results wtth the tnJCl- uon ... talung the placebo.< Pracuuoncr, 224· 208. 1980). A.dd11ional c;tud1es arc certain!) warranted on this vitamin. but have not been done, possibly because using a \ltamin in the treatment ofarthnus l'i foreign to modem medicine. It 1s particularly,, promising because to date there have been no reports of an> s1gn1ficant t0Juc1ty However, studies on toxicity have not been done either. so caution 1s ad\ 1sed. If you suffer lrom rheumatoid arthnt1s. you should mention the reference quoted and take the \. llamin under your doctor's d1rect1on. rR . rnL~~1· ... :~ i)i Aftl'r th1\ publication nothing much happened until 1980 when a more s1gn1ficant stud~ wa'i published h) the General Pracut1oner Resean:h (lroup In a double bltnl1 placebo controlled trial patients with rheumatoid arthnt1'> were gl\en a cour\e of 1ncreac,o;1ng dose'> ofcalnum pantolhenate, or a plall'bo The dose schcdule v.as 500 mg. ada) tor 2 da)'>. I 000 mg for 1 da~ s. I. 500 mg for 4 da\S, then :!.000 mg. a da~ thereafter The~ recorded "h1ghl) significant effect<; for oral calcium pantuthenate 1n reducing the durauun of morning 'it11Tness. degrel uf d1\ab1lit>. and sevcnt] of pain" v.h1le no o;uch 1mpruvemenls occurred in thoc,c ~ ·-· ...... NOW SHOWING llU MALL UA MOV!ts 990-4022 IUE*A 'AaK Poc1!1C ' 8uMIO 'llano °""~'" 11214070 IUBIA '4lK UA 8 til<Wtts 952 4997 COSTA MESA Eowo•CH H~re>o< Twto 631 3!>Ci' fl IOtO fOworO\ soooieoon Ml '.>880 ltVtllf fdN!)IQS "'"'°'r\•'1 e-..~ • L4 HAHA •Mr ~i:i:v r Souo1e • '3 6'1' "6. I I.A lllltAOA PQcl'f1r \ ~01PWfl't 523 6• OU~ •MC O<oog, .,.a, C1nftmo 611014' OUllGf <1001un--°''"" " lj)9'11T10 OU.lllil A t-. r .... , t .. l&' SAllTA 1114 > l"~l'Oi f\1•\I') .. •• 44.S ; 1W'Jf0\ 'I/ 'OIJ~ "'"•" 84 c.-,h7 WfSlllllllSTfl Ill All A "!tt1Q 6~' tJ~·~ WH! IOO •.ssf\ ~Cl'1t0 100 IHIS (NG.\GfMl•' Julian Whitaker, M.D., Is director CMK:a f"'-Allt MlC10llU 09 CAU fOI \.H0'#1111tf\ ·of tbe National Heart and Diabetes Treatment lostltute In Huntington Beach. Please address a.oy questions or comments to bJm c/o the Daily Pilot, P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa 9%626. '' THE FUNNIEST FILM IN YEARS." :::~-~NK LIN, -----------MATTHEW BRODERICK ___________ , FERRIS BUELLER' DAY OFF One man's struggle to take it easy. A JOHN HUGHES FILM PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS FERRIS BUEU£R'S DAY OFF MIA SARA ALAN RUCK oc~ IRA NEWBORN ·~MICHAEL CHINICH ~JOHN HUGHES _,TOM JACOBSON PG·u .. ~,m,_. .. ·::.wTo;::: JOHN HUGHES A PARAMOUNT PICTURE :4illlili.. ._.. ~~~ii.l ............... -.-.. .... 1 ,.,,., • c~ ,,. •• .......,,..,...~,,........_,. ..... ~.._._ .r;-~. a.•: uul-...rwl ..... wt•:a.•• • ..., ....... ~. •COl1AMUA E o-llds r..,.m, C.lllf' 919 •141 •COltAMllA (~ f()oMI C.ffll•< 1!11 41"4 - STARTS TODAY •llMlll ft1'1olfd\U•"•',.~ ll'H Mii llWlllf f ,, ... ,.,. WIWllw"'OI' r:.o•m• ~~I °"~' •LA MlllAOA 1'1(11" '''°''Ill• 1!44 '.no •IUIOll WllJO 10 .. 1rd,Moninn v •,0 IA1A )II.I Al:'O ·. I Newport's c hief honored 8y MARY LOU HOPKINS Newport Beach's Pohce Chief Arb Campbell'• comment "I hope to~ more of you" brought a roar of laughter from the 200 or so guests at the Newport 1 lurbor Yacht Club. , Campbell made lhe remark at a reception at the club hosted by f nends But Volt, Maril ya and Dick Hausman, Pat and Clint Hoose and CaroUae ud BIUYililCi. The reccpt10n honored the new pohce chief and his wife, Lavonne. As Vo1t introduced Campbell and Lavonne he said, "They can sY>eak better for themselves than I do." After a few words of gr~tmgs. Campbell sa1d, "We arc here for a pany. s.o let's keep 1t that way." Then he started A TSC (Assessment and Trutment Serv1oe . Center), a diversion program that prov1desan ahcmauve to the juvenile j unlce system for local polioe depart· ments.." One of the evening's hosts, Cllal Roose, explained that he knew Campbell through a yearly banquet that 1s held in Newpon Beach to honor members oflhe police fore~. "We need to support our police department," Hoose said. "J think the w1Ves(onocal c1tizens)should call and meet with Lavonne and give their support to our police force," Pat Hoose said. Dunng the receptton a western band played while guests Stpped cockta1Js. and snacked on ham or roast beef sandWlches. fresh fruit and cheeses. The piece de resistance of the spread was "building your own" baked potato. 1 n trod uced their daughters, Karla, Marljana. Mala and Kelly, who attended with her fiancc. Rick Worel. (The couple were married Sunday, June 8. at the Community Congregauonal Church in Coronadel Mar.) "I've known Arband Lavonne for years, and he 1s an excellent choice forthejob," Von said. The invitation to the reception read: Casual/Western ature. Most of the guests opted for casual wear. However. Mary AllD Wells wore a dressy western outfit with boots and a cowgirl hat. Peg Bonner wore a western stun Wlth a vest and boots, and Piiar Wayne donned a western vest Lavonne, a dete<:tive with the police force, and Arb met 20 years ago while they both worked for the police department. with her royal blue silk dress. -· - Guests included Voit's brother Dick and sister-in- law, Diana; and brother Robert Voll with Doooa Greely; Ginny and Paal Bender, Barbara and Alex Bowle, hager Aasen and Jack Yoa.ng, Susan and Doag 'homaa, Vtrgl.Ala and Brian Zea1, Sara and BllJ Ware, Gary B1rrill, Barbara and Bill Ficker,-ffyla and Dick Ber&ea, and NB Councilwoman Evelyn Hart and her husband, Lyn. When Lavonne was asked about havmg her husband for a boss, she said, "I'm comfortable with the snuatton becau~ our JObs are separate." Ellen Wilcox, who was with the deputy probation office, agreed that Lavonne would not have a problem working for her husband. "I've known them for years, and they are a great family." Wilcox said. ''Lavonne was very helpful when we Paparuli 11 edited by Dally Piiot Style editor Vida OeUl. I 8111 Volt. Lavonne and Arb Campbell and Ann Ca•per. ' John and Anne Ho ffman with Peg and 8111 Bonner. Clint and Pat Hoose. A LGAZI COLUMN ... From AS questionnaires to each member oft he 1986 graduating class humor . and who wcren ·t male chauv1n1su •. Look al what she found uut I don't imagine that m> son's dassmalc!> would haw an,swen:d much d1flerently •Most of the boy<t and girl-. 1ntl'nd lCI marry some da~ • E \t:ryonc want\ good-looking and 1ntelltgenl mate\. Women must be willing to share the <;tress and pressure load, so that men won't need quite \O much underi.tandmg," Justice Sonenshine will tell her audience this week. "It's women who help to provide the pen meters of the male role and then complain when men act according- 1)':· she says •The boys satd they would ... aluc an understanding partner and one who could be a fnend as well as a lo .. er. . •The girl'> \aid they would look for a husband ~ho could provide them wllh affiuence -who were hard working. successful. had a sense of If I had the power, I would ask that I U . J,JS, S 40 1·2G 10>3' nuts IUILLll'S DAY O" !-Ill 12 JO. 2.so s " 7 •S 10-0S 'OL TllGllST th THI OTHH SIDI (f'O 1 >I 12 JO, 2.>0 •• >O .. 40. I SO, IOU ON THI IDOi t~UI 1:00 J·ot ,,.. • , ...... "'°' l-' ! 121Jlll4 9211 ft<~lly N Otl Amo j AllHOl.D ICMWUZINIOOH i.J IAW DEAL Ill "'.'] 121H l,U SM ~ 'oud'UWiil\Y l1 IACK IN HAINING fPO! I 00. 4 •i. l :>O PllnY IN PINK tl'O-lll MS '91Q !Dill AT CLOSE IANOl t•I 12.:ao 4:.0 ,,., WISI GUYS 111 ... , ... 1'1'1'°'11•1111 I/ 141111 l!S01l1Tt? !I 811ft f !!'t .+tr • l... f'>I .-,I kt t ~, INYADllS FIOM MAHIN! Dll. TA FOlCI Cll STtVI GUmNNllO SHOlT CllCUIT !NI lllON IAGLI fN-IJI PIHIS IUIL&.11'1 DAY 0,, (N-UI ,.ITTY IN PINK (..O.til ORANGE m 4J 1'4 IUI 1 I A !"'J l Cll!JNM~ -P* CllUlll TM GUN..-1 llUI CfTY 111 FEAlURfS LA MIRADA '1Ut9M 2•00tl• Mitd• Ru\.t<••"'\ DOtlY STafO S'ACICAM' !'°I 12 JO. , JJ •• , •·U .90S II 10 00ttv nato/TOM aulW TO' GUN ll'Gl I IS J.3S. SSS. I 20 10.)S 'OL THGllST lh THI OTHll SIDI (-Ill I 00, J OS, .,SJ ... so I 0 IO:lO tTIVI CWTnHllllO SHOIT CIRCUIT 1ro1 I 10,) 20 ~ U 1 0 1000 flHIS IUILLH'S DAY Off ('G-U) ll•30. 2•SO s U ,,., 10.0S BACK TO THE FUTUH tNI I U MO lllU E.T. IXTaA TlllllSTllAL 1N1 )1)0 ... , AINOlO KHWAlill'flOOH IAW DIAL fll DIADl Y FOtlCI t•I SHOIT CllCUIT tl'OI INVADtH FIOM MAll tP01 10 JO DANCll, YOUI UPI II CALLING 111 DOWN AND OUT IN llVllL Y HILU 111 la HABRA .. ~;,. :T . .• . • GATEWAY oouv muo UHOlO KHWU:UNIOOll IAW DIAL 111 ,,oo 41IS 61 IS •• ., 11:00 DOUY STIUO AllHOlD KHWAAZINtOO .. RAW DIAl t•I 1100 -.os 61 IS ••• , 11•00 U~HA lltHO IOUNO S Yl V1STlll SY AU°"' CoaaA tll l!)O 1130 S1U 1.00 IOtlS DOl.IY •nuo A ROOM WITH A VIEW l:aG MS •1110 ''" 10:*0 DOl.IY snuo 10UNO AT CLOSI RANCH (II '1Ut1JO FIHll IUllUl'I DAY orr "° 111 ,.nTI IN 'JMJl 1-UI 'OlTllGllll th THI OTHll llDI ,,..,,, CAT'S IYI ~111 'nvtml STAUONI C091A ll:I THI PIOTtCYOtl 111 m> son experience the JOY ot being a full partner 1n a loving relat1onsh1p. When respons1b1lit1es. as well as 1oys are truly shared, there's simply more time to laugh ... and no one has lo teach Peter to laui11. Now 1f he would JUSt get a JOb this s.ummer.. • Dr. Algati is a marriage & family therapist In Corona del Mar. Sbt welcomes your responses. U you wl1b a reply, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Write to Linda Algali, Ph.D., c/o Dally Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Meta 9H%6. \ .. ,,,_. PllEPnr· • 1"0M C llnMSll ~~=1rnoPGUN==r~ w .... PG.~ A PARAMOUNl PIClURf JtI ~ ... -~-·-· .. ----_ ......... ~. NOW PLAYING WllUI ST AiUl DI. 1" 6J9..1770 nu MMNBRU 529.5339 *lftlA POI UA MOWS I 952·4993 ....,., 1111 tDWUOSCIDA COf1U 979-4141 ..,... •'111 EDWARDS 111\0SfTl 154-Ull -t.A Ulll AMC F ASllON SQUAltl (213) 691-0633 UUUIUOI tDWAllDS SO. COAST lAGlltA 497-1711 -t.A ...... l'ACftc GATtWAY 52J..1611 ..,... "'" mwuos VIJO TWIN IJ0..1990 1Tll'fll EDWARDS Vll.AGE CDfTO Ul-*7 WUIWID l'ACf'IC llWAY 39 DI. .. 8'1-l&t3 \ . S'ACICAMP 1"4 JIWIL OF THI NIU 1N1 To-('aUtU TOft OUN'"' llUI CfTY 191 fOM <NIM TO, OUH !NI mwuos n re.to sa1.tsoo ewmmml UA WDlWesla ""'19S.SU3 ILUI CITY 11:1 •4 '1TUmHI nartday, Jue 11 . A~lES (March 2 l·ApnJ 19)· Tune" on your itde -play wa11iag pmc impulsive, youna pcr'$0n may attempt to rush you into quick decision Hold back. perfect techniques and define terms. P15Cles, uo, v1110 figure prominently. Attitudes of men curb confidence • TAURUS (_Apnl 20.M~y 20): Focui. on responsij)iltty, deadlines, intensified ~clat1onsh1ps, vahd opportu!'hY to hit financial jackpot. You'll obtain funding with help of older ind1v1dual who has your best interests illt he.in GEMINI (May 21-Ju_ne 20) Study Aries message for valuable hint. fin1~h what you lta.n, don l 1Jve up due w 1n1ual adv~rsity. You are aoing to _ emuge v1ctonou1; a clost ne1&)lbor or rd:tll"e will play sian1fic~nt rofe. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Emphasis on coura1e. 101t1at1ve, ong- inaht). ability to act to hcan of matters. Error will be corrected, money will come your way and so wall lovr Be direct state case with air of contidrnce. SYDNEY 0MARR LEO (July 23-AuJ. 22) lntu1t1on nngs true. you'll know what 10 do '1iu'll succeed m pubhc relations and an deahn$S wuh womrn. You'll detect \uhtlc trend~. cycl~ Love and money figure in exciting scrnano. Cancer nat1"c plays key role. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22): Forces tend to be scattered, opponun1ues multiply. You'll learn secret which enables you to choose quality over 4uantity. Clandestine mreting 1s pan of agenda. Someone wants to .. tell you \omething." LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) Focus on 1nOuence, persuasion. romance. tunds pined throulth career act1v1t1e<> You'll be on more solid emot1onal- linanc1al ground Wash comes true. and you'll have reason to celebrate '-orp10 figures prominently SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21 )' D1alogur with professional supenor proves trunful Means check messages, offrr suggrst1ons. sctk counsel and make d l'ar your innovauve concepts Virgo figures prominently SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov 22-Dcc 21 }: Love figures prominently. emouonal \ 'l unt) 1s enhanc.c.d. dome.sue adjustment proves suc.c.cssful Spotlight also ''"long-range prospects. gr-tater self-knowledge Family mt,mber talks about p 1\~1ble journey ~ CA PRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Define terms, keep recent resoluuons conlerning recreauon, rest, general health Romance is h1ghhghted, scenano "111 include clandestine .. encounter .. Look behind scenes for pertinent 1r to rmatton AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18)· Don't ignore legal nghts. perrn1ss1ons i' mphas1s on manta! status. pannership, rcspons1b1l1ty and specific deadlines Relationship grows stronger. you'll be dealing with older md1,·1duals. Cancer native plays role. r.. PISCES (Feb 19-March 20)· What scemrd a "lost cause" w1ft blwimerang in )Our favor All stops are out, restnct1ons are removed and \ou'll gain added reco$n1t1on a~ result Love plays major role. basic chores are tiniiohed and CreatJvt' JUtces Oow IF JUNE lt IS YOUR BIRTHDAY maJor domrsuc adJustmrnt takes pldce could include actual change of residence or mantal status You'll be morr involved with family this yrar. you'll ha"e greater chance to increase 1nt ome. >ou'll be on more sohd rmot1onal base. You are d}nam1c. versatile, ha' l' fine scn'ie of humor and possess intellectual cunosll} (1emin1. \agmanus pla) important roles in your life You get chancr to correct mistakes m June -this leads to upsurge of prcsuge November will also be mcmorablr for you in 1986 Down Under now top -choice for vacations .\ustraha is now No I on that hst of l.1re1gn drc;tinauons American<,; sa> 1he}''d most lake to v1s1t. Up from No o.l9 in 1983. Most observers credit not \1 1deast terronsts but one Jaunt} 'oung man on TV You've seen the k llov. eh. mate., fhc male-female rauo in Anchor- ~gr 1s 107 7 men to 100 women In J,1d .. ~on. \11ss u·s 88 3 men to 100 v.nmen A.rrange -.ciur hohda) plans .11.cordmgh Whv whales ac; }'t't ha"cn't learned how to breathe underv.ater I don't know. They spend as much as 80 [ll:rcrnt ofthr1r hH'i there" j Women's clothing ncav. co~ts m(1re 1r C h1cago TokHl and Buenoc; '\ares, \lud1es sh~v. than 1n an) llther ut1ec; '"<1rldw1de. L.M. Bo YD A Comfort on horseback. Or 11 wa\ when the fashion got started In the world of deer. the best thing a dOt' can do for hrr newborn fa~ n IS Sta)' av.a} from 1l. E'cept to nurse o\nd so she does Tht'.' docs ha'e a scent perceptible to predator<. The fawn d0t'<in·1 • In Oregon's Portland 1s a 1.ompan~ that makes ltfr Jackets for dog\ and cat'> Some reade~ were puulcd by. or took exc~pt1on to, a recent paragraph I wr<>tt about se><alled "m1nonty problems" 1n which I said: "It 1s the attitude of the dominant m"Jonty chat shapes. and d1ston$ the reactions of any m1nonty:· To avoid as much racial or rch11ou1 or ethnic prejudice as possible. let u~ constder as a pnme ex.amp!~ thr ca5e of "women drivers·· While not a numerical manonty, women, on the whole. dnve less than men do. for shorter ~riods and over shorter distances. Many men reprd women a' "poor drivers." and feel confident with only a male behind the wheel, even though traffic accident statistics do not bear them out. At any rate, whatever the stat1sucs. women FEEL hke a minonty when dnv1ng. because: of this masculine op1n1on ofthe1r motonna ab1lit). When a male motorist cuts 1n front ofanolher one. he may be cursed as a "rotten dnver •• If a woman docs the same. she is promptly ass1Jnt'd to lhe lowly status of a-woman dn ver." No one can doubt that ttm bias 1s widespread among men of all classes and levels of educauon Womrn. ot course. are keenly aware of th1~ severe Judgment. And what 1s their general reaction? They become more nervous. more uncer- tain, more tense behind the wheel - all of which tends to make them dnve more badly and confirms the general male op1n1on of thr1r prowess as dnvers. SIDNEY Hu11s Jn this sense, therefore. n 1s lhe attitude of the d.om1nant maJOnl) that )hapes and d1stons the reaction of the minority. If women were not prejudged JO thts runcuon, and ac- cepted simply as motonsts, their fcehng of c;onfidenu (and hent:e their dnvina skills) would improve ap- preciably. In the cartoon~. women are 50me- timcs ponrayed as "bai:k-seat dnv- ers"; but 11 1s my 1mpress1on that m real life. a husband s1tt1ng in the passenger seat can make his wife far more nervous as a dnver than the other way around This 1s pan of what psychologists call "the theory of fulfilled expecta- tions." JfJou expect a child 10 be stupid, an treat him as such, he or she will do stupid thmis. mostly out of amuety If mo~t men upect women lo dnve poorl)'. the expecta- tion itself generates a tenseness that tmpa1rs whatever proficiency shr may ha\'e That's what I meant an my ongmal comment You can take It from there. SldJley Harri• I• • 1yadic•led col•mal11. Drinki~g and diving dangerous mixture CJEAR ANN LANDERS-A!> a neurosurgeon, I treat many spinal cord tnJunes, but none as senous or d1sturb1ng as those sustamed b} young people who, through carcl~ ness or ignorance, permanently para- lyze thrmsclves 1n d1vmg accidents · Most of these "1cums ""ere m excellent physical cond1t1on and had prom151ng futures No" the) are destined to ~pend the rest ot their laves in v.heclcha1rs Dn· mg acetdents havr bt'comr the fourth most frequent cause of spinal cord 1nJunes. surpassed only by auto accidents, falls and sunshot wounds Div 1ng-related spinal cord mjunes run as high as 2.000 each year Nearly 90 percent of the v1c11ms are young males betwren 15 and 29 ll.lcarly all theS( injunes result 1n permanent 1ncapac1tat1on of the arms and legs \.fost of these accidents are the rrsults of plunging headfirst into unknown lakt'.'s, ponds and nvers that are too shallow or contain concrete slabs or fallen tree<>. In almost all instances. too much alcohol has been a factor. Please pnnt the mo-;t important con~1dcra11on~ for safe d1vmg· I Know the depth of the water and real11cthatdepth can "ar) atd11Tcrent Joca11on'I w1thm the <;ame pond. lake or n"er 2 .\lwavs jump k ct iir~t on the m1ual plunge e"en 1f )'Ou behe"e 11·s 'iatC to d1"e there. ' Sever dnnk and dl\c or S\\lm .i Remember -atutudc 1s import· ant Though d1' 1ng 1~ recreational. 1t \hould still be taken senousl)'. ,\nn. 1f young people v.ould onl~ reah1e that spinal cord tnjunes are forner, the) would surel't be more careful -FLETCHER EY~TER MD Otrt'ttor of Spinal ( ord lnJUf) 5erv1ces 'West Flonda Regional Mrdtcal (enter. Pen'iacola Fla Att1 luDERS 011 die ltvH of contlen readers. As a loqtim~rd member of ik RebablUtatloa lastltate of C1llc•10. I can tell yoa ~ere ii ao&Maa '° &rash: u a 011ce-et11ef'ledc, beoyu& YOGDC person wlao mas& speacl Ute rat of lllt or Iler Ille in• wllleekblr bffaase Ulle water WHD't 11 deep 11 I& looked. • • • DEAR ANN L'\NOERS· I plan to ha' r a formal wedding m a few months and would hke very much for m" threr brothrrs to be ushers (ages 1:f.15andl8) The 18-year-old has vrry long hair (~low thc 'ihoulders) and 11 1s unkempt most of the time '"It fa tr for me to asl ham to cut his hair for my wedding? My tiance. who 1s a con- servat1vr person. doc'in t want ham an the wedding part) 1f hr refuses to cut has hair -TRU<;TINC1 YOtrR Jl'DGMENT (1';0 ~AME PLEASE). DEAR TRUSTING: I bope by the lime ltlt Jetter appears lo prta& your brother wtll have wised •P to &ff fact that loog hair b11 beeo oat for quite some time. II oot, yoa lboald ask blm nicely If be woald mlnd laavt.a1 Ills balr "sba~" by a profettlonal - aad offer to pay for I&. • • • <.. ONFIDENTIAL to Douhung C) The s.ht tn lhr lower back ot a L.M. Bo d is a.._!yadlcat~d man·s suit coat -what's 11 for') c:ol11maJ11. DEAR DR. EYSTER. Tbanki for a letter that could have a major Impact Thomas 1n (rarden (II) Stop doubt- ing. Tom The e"'1dcnce t'i mounting. Swedish and "mrncan o;c1ent1sts are lind1ng dues that <;ugge'>t alcoholism and ant1-'i0t:1al behavior may tndred haH" a gcn<'t" component PEOPLE ·~<? aension fO:r Prince Philip, 65 . . By U11e Auodat~ Pre11 LONDON -Prince Pblllp, husband of Queen Elizabeth 11. turned 65 Tuesday but he has no intention of drawing his pension. Buck.Jnaham Palace said. The pnncc has paid state social SC'Cunty contnbut1ons sin~ rcur- mg from lhe Royal Navy m I Q5 '\ but will not con•udrr drawing has pension unttl hr 1s ac least 70. a palace officu1l who spoke on cond1t1on ofanonym1t> said 5un- day. f Phihp. who 1c; the Dukr o Edinburah. 1'i a vigorous, outspoken man who plays a prom1nent role in promoung Bnt1~h 1ndu,try and high l«h- nolQ&y. Riven• fana llne up J\N FRANCISCO -Fan~ of Joa• Riven itood 1n hne for mort than t11t'O houn to have copies of her 1utobiOlf&phy "Entt'r Talk- ina" !i ro by the har~-w1ttro star. The book, No ~on The Nt'~ York Time~ be c-erllrr 1.,t. 1s dedicaltd co N T omaht Sho\\ h l Johnny Canon who. 'hr wrott, -made 1t Ill happtn " Published rcpon •Y the two h1vtn't bun on pcakina terms \inrc May6, ._hcf\ lhe announord I ~~~~~~~~~~~--. Prtnce Pbllip 1hr'll bt hoste~ of a hve l41k 1how, 1n compc11uon v.1th Canon. on the Foi1 Broadc t1n1 Networtc . he aot a btt of $tale fnJht btfore the Saturda)' boolM11sung ses ron. held 1t 1he Doubleday Book hop. wailiJla lO & ttportC{, "Nobody wiJI bt there " Sut fans turned out. ltnin up from the \tdcwalk, throu&h the , / • • Joan Rh·en ~tore and up a sp1 I .. t:11n"Q"~ atop v.h1l:h Rl\cr.. ~nhhlC't1 'ltrad1h and m Jl' 11mall lltlL .\bout "HO J'IC'Opll" l'lltd .S I 7 q n C<lP) for the hot11' John Derek home ~.\NTA B~RA~R \ -Jo n Dtr k, thc aC'lor-tumed·produt'Cf who 11 mamrd co act~ss Bo Derek. has lett the ho<>pllal a \\eek after sulTennga mild hean atta{ k. Derck left ~nta Barbara <. ot- ta@r Hospllal on \unda,, ~·d a nursing supen 1sor \>.ho rc lu~d to iJ"e her namr The Dereks hvt" on a '2-aac ranch near ~nta Barhara Trlpa llght fantaatic W.\~HINCiTON Finl Lady Nancy Rea1aa ""cnt on 'ta&e tor a quack. dam:t' with "ngt:r Paul \nka to the surpn\t" of ,\ benefit aud1enC( 81 hl\tnm Ford'<, The•ter .\nka. c;m11ng h1~ thr-mt "ong "Put )our llril,1 on M} Shoulder ·· took the ftr\t la,!) b) the hand ~unllln after \tCppmg dov.n from thr \Ut&e and pa~r,mg ;ilon~ thr fronl row -.ihel"C' \he and r~1dt'.'nt Reapn wcrf'\fatC'd. It wa\ thr fifth hmr the Re- aµn' h ve attcndro the annual black-tie g.ala held to raise mone~. tor lhe lht'atC'r. whrre rrr\1dent .\braham I 1n,·oln v.a' a'l- ~'sinatcd m I Rt>~ fhr thcatrr t!> oreratf'J a' a pl hou~ nnd "'uscum Frankie Ucv.1et, c11e"uc1H proJ11 ~, ol t~ fOrd'~ Theater Soticl). id the c~cnl broulf:lt 1n mort than S~H.000 Neither ~ulnerable. South dula 1NOllTH WEST • K 103 ~J543 OJ52 •986 tAJ 2 'V 1 0 Q9Gf •J 105,2 EAST +Q 7854 Q 10 8 ft 2 v 103 •A7 SOUTH •98 <7 AKQ9 0 AK87 •KQ3 The bidding. South Weal CHUlES GOREN o ••• SHARIFF 1 0 Pu• 2 ~ Pus 3 NT PaH Opening lead: '? North 2 0 2 • Pua Eaat Pue Pu p ... North'!l padt' bid 4'howed a rea·, tu rt, not lt'ngth-had he had a gen-• lllnf" padt> . Ult he would have U'I• troduef>d 1t at the onr-level, And South <tttfl'Wd to have been waiting to hear about a spade 1topper'fo11r. "There are no bhnd opening no trump pu~es; c.-ert.alnly hts leads; just dear opening leader~." JU mp to three no trump ind1catect wrote the bndge scnbe This hand ht' was not. worned about clubs. bears eloquent testimony to his Therdore, West decided that he_. observation · • would lead a sp1tde, and ht' found Smee North-South can make a the killing card: the ten! No mat~r ... slam in either minor suit, I.be auc-whal declarer elected to do, he had twn could hardly be descnbed ~a no way to prevent the defenders th mg of beauty Perhap South from ~oring four "pade tricks a.I'd could have been a little more enter-the &l't' of clubs. prmng at his third tum. Howf"vtr, Sote that, tr de-clarer guesses tile m1nor·su1t !ti ams are · notonou4'1y pos1uon, he can make the rontract.- d1ff1cult to bid, esptt1ally at duph-wnh any othu spade lead. Ir W~\ t ale. and when this hand w a.~ lf'ad." the kmg, deciyer tan wtn the 1 played tn a pair tournament, the 4lCf' and force out the &tt of club!l-- popular contract wa." thr~ no the Jack or spades LS safe from at- trump, usually making thrte tack. And 1f West chooses the low overtncks "padt! declarer can come to two , At ont' tal)le how~ver, W~t had tricks tn thf" '5Ull imply by playinj paid due attention to the :.tuction low 0 P•<>"OnO-i.n.u cl th• fcv• tuo,..bled wo dt t>. L ._ , fof'" lour ~mp e .word• 0 L W W I L I f I' 12 I N 0 J I T I EMONY '' 1· I I I I ~ W"-1 WM lhe Pfut>len\1" my ton aslced the plumb9! """° rws l 1•ed I~ ll•lthen s1r>11 'Weft tne ••Y I hNr 11 .,.as lhe reply '(Our falher gol l'lold of --I o C:O'"'C! .... "'. , ""<. • Q\IOl.cl " """ " .... --... -~ --j,, ... 1oc i•O"I ... o No J 1>4'1<1- I SEEHAS 1 I I' I I I' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Unit of capacitance 6 European 10 Soapstone 14 Abraoe 15 Tops 16 Ad1ud1ca1e 17 Beak 18 Lira or peso 19 My Frten<! 20 Captions 22 Oath takers 2 4 Sank a drive 26 Baby boltles 27 Talks 8 IOI 3 1 Gnawer 32 Great Slave and Bear 33 vent1latecl 35 Fish 38 lnler111e 39 Was moroS"' 40 Kev 41 Cysl 42 Long sharp l81"1h 43 Wo1cester 44 AQa•nst 45 Penn11ec;s 47 Borde: 51 Locale 2 14 17 27 28 29. 38 "' 58 62 52 Opposite of alee S• OuotPr 58 Bluster 59 FOik ~~s 61 Lanai 62 Conifer 63 Branche<; 6 .. Outer 65 Quilts 66 Thwacl< 67 Dance on ice DOWN ,· 1 Sec:s1on sufl 2 Eas1 Indian butt a lo 3 Origin 4 Admtr'!d much 5 N011CflS 6 Ves1ctP 7 Bird 8 Charged parltclf! Q Dared 10 Ory teeting 11 Lonv aood l2 Feebler 13 Unrl'lfi~ 2 1 Comprehend 23 C11v ot Ruman1A fttt£VIOU8 PUZZU SOl. VED ,5 wa11e pipe ?7 Scratch :;>8 Levere! ~9 S1m1lar 30 Chants 14 Recltnes 35 Stratagem '.\6 Smote llmfll 37 Sig n 011er 39 Big Clll .tO Suneo c;om~nr 42 Ll'nQth un11 "3 Some 11terary works 14 BOllfllS 46 Boflf' 47 Sec11ons 48 Appretlen51 "Q F\~ovatfl ;o F1ower P"rt 53 EternAI City 55 lnf0<ma11on 56 State Fr 51 Chest sound 60 Taste .. ., \ I I TV LI STING S ------===----. Shuttle· director promises safe, effective space flights W SHlNGTON (AP) -I he director of the spact' )hunlt program said today ht tmbraccd the Rcse~ ( omm"~1on repon on the C hallengcr accident and would u~ at ,, a road map to return lht 'huttle lo safe and etTecttve fl1&hl. Adm1nll Richard Truly. a formtr 81tronaul named to head thr shun le program after the Jan. 28 dJsa~ter, said many of the recommendauons madt by the commission Monday alread)'. are an the worh Truly tcsllfied before thC' Hou<.c ( ommnte-c on \c1enceand Technology. hold1naa \C'\:Ond day. of hcanngs Loto the accident that killed ~ven astronaub La~makers, "'hose O\ers1~t on NASA has been soft tor 25 years. pledged to be lOl\S.ller on the agenc} as the~ seek an'iwer.. to wh> the trag~) happened and how the 'P3C~J>r<)lram can recover Trul) said ht' had appo1nte,e a 12-pcrson panel. includang NASA and industry personnel, to COITC('t the problem with the shuttle's solid Juel booster rocket The comm1ss1on blamed the eAplosion of the shuttle on a faulty rocket JOtnl and c1trd management and !>alCt} llaw'I in the space agency ··The n:"des1in tt'am I\ l Um:nth pursurng se" eral options for redesign of the JOlnt "-tth a te ntala"e date for the prehm1nal) design review th" 'um mer." Truly <1a1d "let me assure \OU that ~fet'f not '>Chl'dule 1s and wall conunue to be o·ur pnman cont t'm •· He also said the l'l,A~A m.inagement structurl· .in<l ..afot) organ1zat1on wen· lx-ing re.,1cwed "I ""holeheartcdl) support tht' rcrnmmtndauons to rea,-.e,!> and redefine the resptm,1h1httr\ of the shuttle prQll'lm manager and to ,.\sure that he ha!. tht specific type ofauthonty SUUt'iled an the comnii 1on''i report," he ~d. · ffe said he had appomtl'd astronaut Robert Cnppen lO head a aroup "to report to me on the overall management program." James C. Fletcher. the new NASA adnun1Mrator, \('t July 1987 as the target for rcsum1na shuttle flights "We will fly in 1987 1f tt l'i safe to do 'iO," Fletcher ~1d . "We will not fly 1f it's not The date as nol a fixed an<l 1ntle·uble one" Lawmake~ \81d they wante-d to asl the NA "i \ official<. about the accident and how the space agent) plans to respond to the recommendations made Mond<!y by the Rogers comm1ss1on 1nvest1gat1ng the accident Among the comm1ss1on''i recommendations were that NASA redeMgn the <1huttle's sohd booster rockets and other shuttle systems and improve agency management and safety Comm1ss1on Chairman Wilham P Roger~ and Vin• Chairman Neil Armstrong appeared Tuesday before both the H ou~ committee and the Senate Commerce ( omm1ttce as Congress launched a length} sene'> of heanna.s 1nlo the traged) that lulled ~ven astronauts Al the St'natt heanng, chairman Slade Gorton R· 'Wa)h . coa1d has panel would review whether an) of the recommendations by the Rosen comm1ss1on need to bl· wntten into law. but would an any case be "monllonng hov. promptly and completely NASA is following the comm1ss1on's recommendations and dec1d1ng the: propnet)' of ao) NASA dec1s1ons not to do so." NASA safety claims called a fantasy f>\\\l>l~.\ !\Pl -:--.\\\either 1n1ent1onall\ m1,kd < on~rl'"'' an<l thl" publtt or lac ked common sen..e h\ 1.unt1nuing to launch the ~pate.: ~huttle. sa\~ a Nobel Pnte·"' 1nn1ng ph~s1C1<;t "'hu ~ncd on the lllmm1ss1on th<1 t 1n\t''11gated the Challenger d1\a\tCr l"he agcnc~ ignored rocket hooSll'r prnbkms and l'\aggcratcd '.>afety "to the pt>tnt uffanta,, ... ..aid Richard IC.-\ nman a ( ahfom1a ln\tttutl· ot I t·chnology theoretical ph\'lll l\t ""ho won the Nohel Pntt• l<>r ph\ \ICS in 1965 I hl· l hallcnger disaster "wa<. a final accident ut a \t'qucnu· of things 1n "'h11.'h thl'fl' v.a' ""am1ng after v.arnint: alkr warnrng that \Omcth1ng ""a<. wrong.'' he -..mt l .1ll1nt1 ~ .\ ~~ '<; beha' 1nr a form of Ru\\1an roulettl' ··1t 'n111 lhc ~ind ofa1.udcn1 lhal JU\t happenc:J and noh<><l\ could ha,t• npeued .. J c.-, nman. t>X. -.aid al a nev.;. umkrcn(c T uc\da) that managl'r' 111 tht: "-at1onal o\t•mnaullt <. and Space .\dmin1<;trauon kept ansmang the chante ol a tatastroph1t rocket failure was only o ne 1n I 00,000. evt>n though lo"'- le,el engineers pegged the odds at roughl) one 1n 100 Asked wh> he thought NASA official<. ovcrcsumateJ the \atCt) of the shuttle boo'iter rocket' Fevnman said hl· had two theones. "One is that they actuall> m1~h.·d people.· he '><ltd Such deception was meant "lo t>nsurc the <tupph of fund'> .. Feynman said 1n a "nllen repon that ""'" I'll: publt~hed as an append1\ to lht• comm1s~1on rq><>rt relca<.ed \fonda) Hl· said the other p<h\1h1ht\ v.a' that """"-\ manager' ""'ere 1ncred1bh lading 1n common St'.~· and fooled themselves about the rod.et•,' ..ale!\ Oel-Gll* ol ·an almost incredible lack of tommunKation .. hetlA-een themsehes and their working l'nganccr' · P\RJC f«>TIC£ I MUC f«>TICE Pta1C f«>TlC[ MUC ll>TICE Ml.JC f«>TICE Ml.JC ll>TICE NOTICI CW 01' THE NATURE OF THE The piece wner.. the con-Aocktleld Blvd., El TOfo, K21S11 equivalent 11 the hellrlng. 11 fMllnE'I I.AU PROCEEDING AGAINST llderttlon tor the tr.,.,_ of c.llfofn1a FJCTITIOU8 llUaMU you Intend to bid, ~ "-... YOU. YOU SHOULD COt+-the~ tnd the~ The IOcatlon In c.llfomle NAm ITATWmNT contact the party below 80YL.allANHAM TACT A LAWYER Of "'*-II to be peld II Of the chief exec:vtlve offtoe The following per10ft1 we ptior 10 the hMrlnO dtle T.a. ..... L·_,,. 3157 Glt>nift• Aw Coet• Action &crow. Inc. 800 Of prlnapel butlrleet offtoe doing ~ ... IRVINE The ..... II Aober'I A UWT CC)Oj( l Mee& CA 9262e North Tustin Ave . Suite 0 , at lhe tni.noed tr......,or la PAClFIC, 810 N-port Baker, US D1ttne1 Court TD SERVICE COMPAN'I' (tt • street eddr-Of Santa Ana. Celtfomle on Of 171115 S«ypenc Cira. #L, Center Drive. Newport Receiver lor Untveratl .. duly eppointed Trwt .. common o .. 1gn1llon o f efter June 27. 1Me IMne, Cemomla. Beech. C.itfom1e 92MO Flnanctal. et al c... No und« the following o.e-1Pfopert'f la lhoMl abcMI, no The penlea egr-.. that lhe All oti-~ nemee The lrvtne Cornpeny, 1 111-0270 WMB Krlbeel d..o of t"'91 WILL warranty .. glwn .. lo .,. ~ tor the uw. Ind tddr .... '--' by the Mlcf\lgtn corporation. 550 ~ • •835 SELL AT PU8LIC AUCTION completeneaa Of correct-,., of the~ tnd the lrtnaferOf Within the pest Newport Center Drive New-~ Kln08 Aoed TO THE HIGHEST BIOOEA nHI) Th• be ne llclt ry lloer1M Of lloeneea .. 10 be uw .. 'YM'• -None pol1 Beech Calllomla929e0 Ori &.actl FOR CASH ANOtOA THE uno.r utd 0.0 at Tnm. by petcl after the ~ of The namea and ~ Thie 1>u0alnff1 11 con· Slngle Ftmlty Realoenc. CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED \r...on at I t>rMCtl Of detlUft Alcotlollc BeYerege Con1ro4 tddr-of the lranefer... ducted by a corportllon APN 04~222·20 CHECKS SPECIFIED IN In Ille obllgatlona aecured Ml~ the Pl<>POMCI are: LA ZORRITA, INC , A The Irvine Compeny Wll-Prop o 1 ad 0 11 r CIVIL CODE SECTION lher~y..'._ .. h!~~~· ·~ tr.,,..., CALIFORNIA CORP, 841 llam H Mc,arland.° Ex· '306,00000 • . 2924h (peyable et the time 01 ecut ...... .., ...,....._..., to 1... Name Ind addr-of the Conoerto Olen, bc:ondldo, 9QJI...,. Vice PrealOen' AH tee:l'OWI ar• 10 dOM Ult In lawful money ot lhe underaiQned • written O.C.. aacrow holOll' ACTION California Thll 11atement wu lffad within elwty dayt from COIJf1 Untt9d Stt•I all right, rttle l111allon ot Oef8Ult tnd 0. ESCAOW. INC . 800 NorUI The propeny partlMnl wtth the County CW11 of Of. l!Ptlf'CMll FOf 11.rttw lntof- and lnter..i ~ 10 mane! fOf Sale tnd Wflt1en Tultln Ave • Sult• "O" i-eio II detct'lbeel In gen-~ County on May 211 matlon on the propertlee Ind now he6d by It under nottee of bteec:t1 Ind of ~ Santa Ana. Callfofnle 92705, tral u Stoc::ll In Trade. Fl•· 1tae · tnd rhe blddlnO Pfooedure uio DMcl of Truat In the lion 10 catlM the under· Ann: Mwttyn W•lnlOfeland tur••. Equipment tnO ft1Gn pl••H contt ct Cheryl proc>arty tl«elnatter d• Mgt*1 IO Mil Mid propeny 'A"AJ "· JOU•"A", Ooodliwtll ot a '*1eln Rae-Put>lllMO OranQt Coaat Nelton, 714/8111-1523 ec:rlbeel 10 aatlefy Mid obllQatlont Ti• ... • ttuttnl with ti.-Ind wtM Delly Pilot June 4 f 1 111 25 Publlahed Orenve Coeat TRUSTOR ARNOLD D and lher .. lter the under· YOOMO ... ._K, JANI llc:«\aa bualMN t nO It 1988 ' ' . ' Dally Piiot June 9 10 11 12 BOYLE. ELLEN E BOYLE I alQned c:auMd Mid nottoe of PAM. T,...._... localed et· 24412 Aoctcn.ld w .. 111 13 14 111ee • BENEFICIARY STANLEY l>••ac:tunOofe6ec11ontobe Publlahed Orenve eo..t Blvd , El TOfO. Calltomle M151 M LANHAM RUTH A reootd«I October 17, 19&4 o.lly Pilot June 11 198& The~ !\WM uaed by Ml.IC f«>TICE Ml.IC f«>TIC[ LANH.AM. Trwt-of ,,,.1 .. ltalr No ~28457 of W495 the Nld. lr~Of al Mid aucoeeeor• t"'9t .. ol tt1e Ofnclal Recor01 In the office locetlon It "BEAVER'S STANLEY M LANHAM of Ille RecorOlr of OfanQt P\BJC f«}TIC[ RESTAURANT" ..u-TTTIOUK ...... _, ..... FAMIL y TRUST County, Said bulk trenafer I• In-....... K ... Recorded ~temt>er 21. Said MNI will be made, but NOTlOI TO t8"dad 10 be ooneurnmaled NAMI ITAn.NT flCllTIOUI Ml ... H IH3Ulnt1r No 83-41&3741wt'lh0u1 COV9Nl'll Of -· CMDIT<Mtl Ol1 ., the office of ACTION The lollowlno peraon. .,. N.U. ITATamNT ol Ottlcl .. Record• In the of· ranty ••Pf-Of Implied, r• MAJ( ~R ESCROW, INC ' IOO Nonh doing bu..,_ u · BEACH Tha followtng per9one ere fie» of the Reooro.-of Of. gtrdlng title pc 1 Ion, or (Seca 8101-8107 Tualln AV900e, Sutt• G, BABES OF OFF SHORE. dotrlQ bull~ u GLS ange County encumbrtneea. 10 pey the U,C.C I Sarltt Ma. Cellfomia, Of. 3321 Suaan Str .... Stntt INC 575 Anton Boule'vwd, Mid 6..:1 of Inset oe-rem.,nlng ~ """ of Notice • t.eby glYer\ 10 arlQ9 County on or 1"., Ana. CA 92704 Cotta ..._ CA 92e29 ICflt>ee lhe lollOWlng Iha no1a(1I MCUfed by Mid credltort of th• within June 27 103e Thia butte Deyl1ar of Calttomte. Inc Geneve LHrnlng S~· LOI 14 tot Trect No 2353 deed of TN9t. wt'lh Int•• named lranat.or. lht t • trenafer II not tubjac:t lo 13221 w Mee.Arthur Sant• ,.,,,. Inc I Callfomlt 00<- Counfy of OrtnQe Stal• of u lnaald. note provided Id-bull! Ir_..• t bou110 be Calllornlt Uniform Com· Ana. CA 92704. California pora11on 575 Anton Celllornt• ., P« map re-vanoea II any under ttie made on per.ona1 property "*'dtl Code Section 8108 corporation I Boutev111d Coat• ......_ CA W45e eofded In t>ootr 93 Pao-38 terma ol Mid Deed ol lruet, her'elnafter o.a1bed The name tnd add,_ of Mary H Cllll'll. 2212 B 92628 and 39 of Mlaotllanaoua ,_ c:hafO-. and~-TM ,,.,,,_ and bu9lneM lh• parton with whom Ouluor S1r .. 1. RedonOo Thi• t>u11ne11 11 con- MIPI In lhe oflloe of ttle of lhe Tnset .. and ol lhe addr-of Iha Intended cltlma may be flleCI la AC· BMcfl CA 902711 OIJCled by • COf'POl•llon County Recorder of Mid truell cnated by Mid Deed traMleror. are FARAJ N TION ESCROW INC eoo N Thl1 bu1lneH 11 con· Gene111 LHrnlng Sy1· county 01 Truat JOUBRAN, 3033 s en.to4, TUSTIN AVENUE. SUrTE a. duc:1ed by I ~·I part· l•m•. Inc • Htrlyn c EXCEPTING THERE· Said Nie Wiii be ll9ld on Sulla 0 . Coate M-. Cell-SANTA ANA CALIFORNIA '*""1P Enholm. Sacratary "ROM IC>f • period ol Mta.n Wedneaday, July 2. 1aee. al fomlt 82705 and Iha laat day f« Deyattt ol California, Inc Thi• 1ta1emen1 wu nled )'etA an<I tfter May 15ttl, 1 30 pm. In the lobby to tha The locttlon In California mino claim• by any oredltOf a Ctllfornla C<>l'poratlon. w11'1 Ille County C4er1c of Of· 1952 50% at all oll gu tnd bullOlng localed 11 801 of Iha cnlaf e111ecutlw offtoe ahali be June 29. 1oae wtllcll g•n•r•I partner John •not County on May 12, o I he r h yd r o c • r t> on Soulh '--" Slreel Oret199, Of principal bUll~ office II the bull~' Oay before IMm&rdl. Preeldent l988 tubatane. In, °" or under Calltoml• 92Me ol ttie lmtndeO trenatwor 19 the contummatlon dll• Thie atatemenl wu nled ,_., N'<l Lend In IN -I that Al Ille llme DI the Initial 274 s Laan<lro AnaMlm. IC)eC1fled tbove with the County Cler1I at Qr. Put>UIMd OfllllQ9 Coaa1 0 , 1 g a' 1 1 n d 0 1 h • r publlcatlon of this nottc., Calif omit Oeled APf1I 30 1 oae anQt Counl'f on May 13. Dally P1101 May 2 t 211, ~ hydrocarbon tub91ancet-the 101 .. amount of the un-All other ~ N1m19 Hon ,_llTAutlANTI, 1888 4 11 ltll& Pfoesuoed within aald panocs ~ balAnot ol Iha obll-and adM-uaed by the we.. 9J: NcMrd HMft. ,-. ol 15 )'M'I In c:ornmerelally ga1IOI\ a.:ured by Iha tl>Ove lrtnilfefOf wt'1Nn the peet "11ldrnt. T,.......... ,..._ PullyblllfledPtlol •• Or2anQ11 211~ --.. -.,.-,-C-..,,...-n-~--- pay!ng quantltlM thll -· deecrlbeO deed of 1"'8t tnd lhl'ae....,.. .,. Nona u Z<MWTA, we .. 9r. .,.. Mr{ "",,. r~ "" ~ VIiion 11\all COflllnue fOf •tlmal9d co.11, ••iier-. The ~ and bualnetl ~ L ,,.,., Preia.; lly; 4 1 I 1Ne ___ ..;.._....;....;.....;...;..;;... __ IUCfl tOdltlonal lime u aald end edv9nCal I• lo«,223 55 tddr-ol the tranetw ... An,.•tt• Cotona, lee.. W4e0 K2lal 011 git a nO other II la poaalble that at lhe tre YOONG PARK end T,......... nc:TTTIOUl llU .... I '1y<lrocarl>on aul>et~ be time ot eale the 09tfllng bid JANE PARK.11202 Aahgro... Publlihed Huntington Ml.JC f«}flC[ N,._ ITATW....,. produead ther9trom 1,, oom-may be leu lh1111 the Iota! Dnva Buelia Plll'll, Call· 8-dl l~I Jyne 11. The followlng pertona art IM'Clally peylng qu11nlltlee. lndet>tedneu due tomle 1Ne MCEVRWI IAla Oolng bullnffl u IRVINE ottlerwlM, thll ,_,,.tlon II avellat>le. lhe a.peeled The proptr'ty pettln9"1 W493 Of' MA&. PltOflErTY CAPIT Al MARKETS COM· lhaff t«mln•t• In 15 ~ <>c>enl"9 bld may be ob-h«a!O .. o.ct1be0 In gen-NOTICI °' PANY, 1120 N9WpOl'1 Center from Mty t5 1952 .. r• talned by calllng the follow· wal u Slodl In Trllde, Ax· 111-ir MnTll'r: llfTUfT10N TO MU Ortve. Newport 9-:h, c .. 1. ~ In 1"9 DMcl frorn Ing I~ numW. on ture1 Equipment and ..--""'~ MAl-~A.ND IC>fnle 92880 Mar'le Tuney a widow ,.. lheOaybefOf'elheMAe (714) Goodw4tl ol a certain o.11 K lifmATIC*TO_, The lrvtne Compeny, a corded Juty 24 1952 1n b006I 38~7 °' (21311127-4ae& wl1tl beer tnd wine ~ ACTTTIOUI -=..... On -"-18, 1Me. et 4 30 Mlchlgen corporation, SSO l.leO Peo9 378 of ()fllclal A. OeteO June 3 1988 and 11 loctted at 3033 S NAm ITATWmN'T Pm a '-tna .. be '*d In Newport <Anter Orfw, N9w-corda 1 wa. eneto4 Sutt• o. eo.ta ....._ the UnlleO St•I• Dlltttct po11 BMcfl Callfomlt 92980 Aacior!Md September 27 T D ""Vlei COii-Celllornl• The l>ual,,... ~ '::!: ~ .,. Coun. Centrtl Olltrtc1 Of Thi• bul lMM II COfl· 1954 In l>o«* 282e page 414 .. AlfY. • uld T ...... ., namt~bytheutdtr-~... M -Cellfomla, 09Par'OTl9fll 8. oucteO by a corporation 01 Offlc:lai ~0• I• 1 lue f'ttoftenl, A .... ._, teror at Mid location 11 ~0:1 1::C,allatlon~ ·s!!,~ 312 N 89'1nQ 8tfMt Loe Th• 1r .. 1ne Comp1ny Ovltclalm DMc1 axaculed byl '"'•t.l, I01 8""' L9Ma "SOUTH COAST DELI" Ana.~ lmoS A.nQtlea, Cellforn4a. for Iha Thoma.I H N1e1W1 p,.._ M.,... T•.-. Oullc:Ulim...,. It.. ar...., CA ... ('7M. Said bultl tranlf9r le In-purpoee of conflmlina the dent aH rlgtlt i'tt-;7 tnd 1nt.,_''I:: lll-410D tended 10 be oon-.tmrnetad .w°!:n ~~~t c:-..,. Of the Pf'~• lllad Thi• 1tt1ement wu ll1ed and to the -1toe eno Publlehad Ofenga Cout •I the otnce Of· ACTION ,..... • n-below wtth the Couniy Oetlt of Or eubeurlace .,... 10 • depth Dally PllOI Ju,,. 1 f. 111, 25, ESCROW. INC . 800 Nor'th :=~it aw:~· ~p;.A 81004NO WILL BE AL· 11\Qt County on Mty 23, of 500 feel beloW IM turfl!Oa 19118 Tuetln Avenue, Sult• a. tlon • om • LOWED AT niE HEARING 1'8e of N6d land W4'0 Santa Alla, Caltfomla. ()f a Bidding wtK be In 5'11. incr., ,,_,. A Ls 0 Ex c E p T I N 0 tnQe County on Of •It• ~: by:Jn... ~.~on-IT*lt• and the -11.11 Publlthad OranQt Coeat THEREFROM 1111 undivided PU8UC ll)TIC( June 27. 1088 Thia bulk OSR ~,c::,t Cor bldd«wtllberequlrecltooe-Dell';P11ot.luna4, fl, 111,25, ~th Int•• of 1111 oil tr.,,... II not IUbfCI to Ion s ~ 8t 5'11."' the on..d Pttca 10~ gea and ottw hydr~ NOTICI O' WTIMDID Cllllfomlt Uniform Com· ~ t...-n ey. cuNer'1 c:hedl or the w.....a eub•t•n<l9 tnd miner ... ~ UMDIJt •c-mr::' Codt:'~oeof Thie .iat_,t wu llled 1-----------1~--------1 ~ b9low • ~ ot aool noM wn AM) ~.,. name with the County Cler1I Of Or 1-t from IN _._ of Mid CAL1'09"tfA •U•...... the p«aon with wtlom tnQe County on ~ 13. ~ IOt Int purpote Of ••• A.ND ~lllOIM coam Olelml ffWJ be fled II AC-1NO 0 0 plolllng for, developing Na1n9 of lloenMe, Ne TIOH UC.-OW. INC. IOO H n.117 pr~. ramcMnQ Ind Sod .. s.eunty number. and TUSTIN AvtHVE. sum: o. Publlllfled Ortnga Coeat ~41Clng Mid auo.tano... a ddreu Of llett!Ud SANTA ANA, CA~ Omlty Piiot May 21 21 June M r--...ct In the Deed from preml .. a, lncludlng Zip 12708 tnd the lMI • lot 4 t 1 tee& · · wa.m M i..nacsale and Code F"P.AJ M. JOUBAAN, fling Clelnl9 Dy,,,.,., orMllof ' ' W4t1 Mary S ~. ~ 3033 S 8t1eco4, ~· D. llNllbe.June2t. 1MlwNah end ..,., ~ Ac>rM 12. Coeta Mete, Cellfomll II die ~ d-v befofe 1---------tMS 1n bO(ll( ao21 peoe 315 Na~. 1oc1a1 S.ounty tM contummttlOf't det• rta1C ll)TIC[ t.t~1 rl!l-h .+yaiJe ~kJr~ you ~WOi y trori\ yriu.v ?here 7 of Oftlcl.s Aecxll'de number, and lldd,... OI In-epeiolflad aboW AL S 0 ! )( C E PT IN() tended Ir.,,...._, lndudlng 0.ted ~ 15. 1Mt .... THER!AAOM the ,.,,.Ider Zip Code YOOHO PAN{ , ... M. .......... y,_ l'tCTmOUI ...... °' 1111 Oil, ;et and otn. 1~2~1>fM. 11*'9 ..... ~ ITA,,_.,,. 11yoroctrl>Ofl aubataf'C .. Park. Celllorn11. J ANE Tr Y-:" ,_, -. ,... The ltllcMtnO '*"°"'.,. and~ twtr'G tie'ow a .. AAK,l202AeftQro...Drt"9, 1~ °'*'OI CO. doir'g ~.., •J ,,,... dtlpttl OI 500 ,._-fl'om the Bl'9M PM!, Calfiomle ,..... Plot June t 1 1... eocMta. 2115 louttl Onnd _,,... 01 the~ lllnd, l<lnd of~ Intended --., ' Awnue Senta Ana. CA wttnout the t1Gf't 01 eritry 10 to be t,......,,_, ON IAll w-.. 92105 ' tt1e turf-ol ~ a.nd" tot BUR ND WINC FOR IONA Wllafll J LanO. 11 11-* l'Mt purpoee °' ..,..,.uno lot. ,. 0£ p u IL I c e AT I NG P\aJC ll)TIC( ()ell 1"tne. CA m 14 .-,.,~ ~. ,,._ P l A C E L I CI! N 8 I! • JM-V PMlpa. 113 moW10 Md~.-, •41·140t24 le011C8 TO Moea <»cie. ~CA ~ • ,....,...., In Total c:ontld•Httofl to ba ~OM OP t2f10 lfte OMd fl"om NdWd C peld IOt die ~ Ind 9UIJC TR4JllllWI nite bu'™-II OOfl• Honer ~ QtMrl. ,.... Old ._,.. II t 1'2,000 00 (a.. t 101-t ~T duCt'ad by. 1 ~ s-1 .My 10 11M In bOOll 3171 C. to be ~eel In UC C-1 nen111p P-ot 421 Of OfftcMtl ,.. bcfow 121.000 00, o. Noam It._., oMirl to Wllarll J L#IO ~ • INf'ld note lot the bllenoe .-cradlton of tM within Thie _......., .., llled u~e AnlWlf Ad 'iervice when placing your od o Doily Pilot od number will appear 1n your ad wf' toke messogf's 2~ hours a doy . you call in ot your convenience during off ice hours and get t~e response\ to your od c L A s r-s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 l 8 YOU AM 1H ~MAT \;aafl to IM depotlt•d MrMd ••--Ole trwt • ~er. 0ourity c...k 01 Or· _an9VK'~A DUO "' T'NJIT tu.000 00. Oemend note ._.. ....., II ~ to be .,. CcMwty on May 1a. DA 0 11221D'. tK.D8 tlw N ~ .-"-'l4or/ ,._,. °" ~ ~ 1111 this service is only S.5 per week . For more information and to place yovr od coll 642~5678. YOU TAKI ACn0H TO ftlllt IO ~ Iha IUll'I .-......... ._ .,_ ,_,. "'°T!CT YOV11t ~ 12.000 00, Not9 _, a.a,,. The ,..... ftl ..,._ ~ ar.,. CCl8lll [""°, IT MAY M 80\D AT fty • •••iC l;:I ,_of IM ....,_ f1I "'-......... Deity fl'lot Mty 21, 21 .NM A "'9&JC SAL.I. 1' YOO _.., '10.00000 TOTAL t1•••• ... HON~ 4 11 ttM IJC~nolil 9112.00000 TAUMHfl. INC . 2~11 ' ' W'64 . I ___ _l_ Dail Piiat Murder in paradise Alez Blacke (.erle. •tar Hal LlDdeo. ript) cllacuuee an laland parad.1.e muder Wltb one o( hie prime •uapecta, gue.t •tar Peter Haakell, In "Prlaoner oC-Parad.lee., OD .. Blacke'• Magic" tontcht at 9 on Channel 4 . . D81ZNR I IAANEY a.a.L.ER llEllOUNDEA 9 llaESS REPORT 'nt8 °"y JID( HAYFOAD GRJOtTM I START Of SOM£llollHG 8IO MOYE "NuwnlCk• l19Ml Joan Comna caro1 White <l)MOVIE * t • "The Falcon And The Snow· m111" (198-4) Timothy Hutton Seen P9rvl -t1:30- • ON. Y WHEN 11.AUQH '9 AT A0N:S .. l..AOUNA T .J. HOOeCEA tD PM'9E THE LOfl> (Ll MCME "Woman In lCNe (No Dile) -11:56- Ji) ROONEY DANGefflJ) HOIT1 1lE YOU«l CXMDll.HS 8'B:W. -12:00- • T .J. HOOl<ER EYE ON HOU.. YWOOO COMEDY RAK Qll BfTERTAIMHT TOMOHT m 1'00CUJB tC1MCME * '" Prtvltt Reeor1" ( 1985) AOCl Mor~Dlpp -12:30-D al LAT( NIOtrr WTTl1 °"W) LETTBliWC Pavarotti in salute to youth tonight on PBS PHILADELPHI.\ l.\P) -Italian tenor Lut·1ano Pa,arott1 says seeing himself on telev1s1on with ~oungcr singer) ,., a \lark rt>m1nder that his own career in opera and 10 concen began a quarter ccntul) ago "I am older." he said 3) he began to discuss the \'Oung graduates of The Opera Company of Ph1ladelph1a-l uc1ano Pavarotti lntemauonal Vo1Ct' (ompctit1on who appear with him in a senes oftapcd tcleVl'uon !!pec1als. Tht' first I!> "A Pavarotti \alute to 'r uuth" rnnccn performanlc of the Verdi Requiem tonight on public 1elev1s1on "I am al~ b1gacr .. he <.aid wnh a laugh 3'> he spread h1'> arm'> an front ofa girth surpassed only b\ a voict• and the chansma powerful enough to product' an audience responSt' duhbcd ··pa, arotta randcmnn1um .. b) cnt1cs Giuseppe Verdi wrote the requiem ht<, onh ma~tcrwork not intended for the stage, to honor the mc:mon ofh1s friend. the Italian poet, patnot and author .\lessandro Manzon1 The ""or!.: prem1ert'd \fa-. 22, I X?4. at the C ·hurch of San Marco 10 Milan For the performance, Phtladdph1a ' 17/JOO-\t•at \pertrum home to the Ph1ladelph1a Flyer> hock<'~ team and tht• 7t>t:r' basketball team. was transformed into a cathedral-Ii kl' cunn:·n hall The soloists 1nclud<'d Pavaroll1 at tenor. Amt·n(an 'oprano Susan Dunn, liunganan meno-so prano lld1ko KomJo,1 and bac,<. Paata Burchuladze, a member of the Georgian Opera in I h11J~1. l. S 'i K \ '5<h01ce chorus. an o rc hestra and conductor Lonn Maa1cl wmpktc:d lht pro<lutllon The tenor pan was hardh a \tarnn~ um· fi111 f',1" :110111 'klt<l that'' wh" the Verdi Requiem was St'lected "I wanted ~oplt to hear tht"'\C ~oung \10gl"r' ,,, tht•y 1icrlormed what 1s absolutel) tht most difficult mum tu do;· ht" said. The compct1t1on wanners c;clc:cteJ for the: thn•c otht•r \11111 pans had to have the potenual to bandit the demandmg mu'll v.11hou11hc ht·ndit of<iCenery or cast to gloss over mistakes Pa' arot11 <.atd "So. we picked winner\ who were a htlle more 1nt11 tht· rrotess1on than o thers " he said '"Thro all wt> could do wa' hooc .. Other pro<tuct1om laPt"d lhl\ spnng featunng, Pa\arott1 .1nll h1'> w1nnt"~ 11H luded ··La Boht"mc "and l n Ballo in 'v1a"<. ht·ra .. LONGJOHN . StLVEl{S. [s~ \ 309"6 RarbOr Blvd. Coata Me1a tAcroH from Pedco) \ r llilJPI~ . Sutton not content With 300 wins. Goals: 700 starts ( 1 7 more). 5.000 tnntngs ( 163 to go) --- motivated by baah atandardJ, h1ah u~11on~ they iQlaoe on thcmsclv~. (S1eve) Carhon makeiheavydemanchon h1m~1r Pete Rose,., very aoaJ-orienled. J am. too ... hlH already hit the JOO.win mark "He's aoina to feel temfic," Seaver u1d "He's worked a lot of ycan to 1tt to 299, and now he has one tO &0 J Ult ~Ung there, JCtll 11J on the bnnk of it i1 excatina. He's a superb pitcher, and he's 1oin1 to be a 300-tame winner" 9-3 in that biatoric matchup. Sutton downplayed the dramatic upecU of his faceoff with Sea~ "It's aood copy1 bul it's not reality." be 1AJd before the pme. 'I'm not pitcbina qain11 Seaver. I'm p1tchll\I aplnst mnc other pya." CHICAGO(AP)-WhatdocsDon Sutton think about now that he's just one p1tchm1 victory short of the 300-wm aoal? Kis immediate 'Oii, lhouah. 1s that coveted 300th win, which will place him on a plateau only 18 pitchers have ever reached. .. I've wanted to win 300 games and get into the HaJI of Fame aJmost $incc I 'vc known thCTC was one," said Sutton, 4-S. Sunon and Seaver put on a masterful pttch1na d11play Monday, thouih on:ty 19,611 fans were on band to see it. Sutton called 1t his best etlort since has lut shutout and compl~e aJmo~~ wnen tiiblin-wtfie SOx I ~ti lie p1tcbina for More aoats. - Sutton was uked wha1 those miabt be after eamina rus 299th win with a 3--0 two-luner over lhe Chicago White Sox Mone)ay niJht His answu said a lol about the lund of pitcher who keeps on winnana after ll&C 40. He'U 1ct hlS first chance at home Salurday afternoon (I o'clock) ap1nst Kansas Ci1y. h's scheduled to be a nattonal TV game (Channel 4). Seaver, who won his 300th pme lasl Au~st, aJlowed only three hits m the seven inn1np he pitched. But one was a lhrcc-run homer in the fourth mnina by Doua DeCmcn. and that was all Sutton needed Oakland. Oucaao's only two bats came 10 the fifth 1nrun1 when Bobby Bonilla and Scott Bradley sfo&Jed, puuina runners on first and third. Sutton struck out the next three batten to "Seven hundred starts, S,000 1nrungs and whatever I can think of after I ,et that," he said. "If I had my druthen I'd hke to get n at home," said Sutton. "That would make everyth1na a lol easier. But at this st.age of the game, I'd take u in Keokuk. I'll be prepared " Seaver went tnto the game with 306 v1C1ones and Sutton with 298 for a combmed total of 604 -one less than when Walter Johnson with 408 and Red Faber wnh 197 faced each other on Aug. 26, 1926. Johnson and Washington defeated Faber and the White Sox preserve his S8th can:cr shutout. "That was the best inmna J'vc bad unce 1 can't remember when," said Sutton. ''The curve ball was my best pitch, but if rm going to win. I have to cbanie speeds and pitch to spots. ''Look at the people who are playing tonier," said the 41-year-old riaht-hander, who has made 683 starts a nd pitched 4,837 inrunas 10 his career. "They're motivated by somethmg other than money. They're goal-onented. One man who undentands Sutton's ambi- tions was his opponent Monday. the White So~.' Tom Seaver - a 41-year-0ld n&ht-handcr who Control was the key." Don 8attoD ·Baines quiets Angels, 7-3 Dodfers stea one from Reds Controversial call at plate in ninth gives LA l -0 win He spanks two-run triple in 1st inning to lead White Sox C HICAGO (APJ-"Quietly.'' said Chicago. Manager Tony LaRussa. "Harold Baines does 1t quietly .. Bames smashed a two-run lnple in the first innmg and then scored h1mSt"lf Tuesday night to lead the White Sox to a 7-3 victory over the Angels. "You have to get a Jump on them in a spot hke thal when your first two men get on base.'' said LaRussa. "That gives you the momentum. If you don't score then the momentum shifts to tht other team." John Cahgelos1 and Carlton Fisk, who later drove 1n two runs w11h one ofh1s three s1naJes, both s1ogled to set the stage for Sames' big hll. "I wanted to get the runners over to second and third or score them ... said Baines "I was looking for something low and awa) He was keepin& the ball away from me:· Baines' dnve soared into the left- ccnter field comer <nz1e Guillen had three hits in the White Sox' 14-hit auack and Julio Cruz had two smaJes and drove m two runs The victol) was the fifth an six games for the White Sox and went to Neil Allen. 3--0, with Bob James gammg his eighth save Ron Romanick, 3-4. took the loss The White Sox scored three runs in the first mnmg. Cangelosi and Fisk both singled and scored on Baines' tnple. Bajnes 'ICOred as Greg Walker grounded out. Today'• 1ame AD1el1 (McCasklll 4-4) at Chi- cago Wp1te Sox (Dotson 4-5) Time: I 1:30a.m TV: None. Radio· KMPC (710) Thursday's game· Kansas Cuy at Angels, 7:3S p.m . C h1cago made 1l 5-0 1 n the fi f\h on a double by Tim Hulett, a smgle by Ozzie Guillen and Fisk's two-run smgle. Allen had a three-hit shutout going into the sixth but could not finish the mning as the An$els scored twice. Ruppert Jones tnpled and scored when George Hendnck grounded out. Doug DcC1nccs and Wally Joyner hll successive, two-out doubles before Gene Nelson relieved Allen. The White Sox added a run 1n the bottom of the Slllth on a walk lo Hulen, a bunt smgle by Guillen and an RBI single b) Cruz Doubles by Dick Schofield and Gary Petus gave the Angels another run in the seventh. and Cruz smaJed home a run m the e1Jhth. The stan of the pme was delayed 40 minutes because of rain The two teams concluded their three-game senes today w1th·an t I ·30 a.m (PDT) game here. The Anaels then come home to open a bneffour- game home stand Thursday night. Kansas City 1s the first to invade Anaheim Stadium for four games. mcludmg Saturday's national tele- vised game when Don Sutton will be looking fo r win No. 300. A.Diel second bueman Bobby Grich flra to fint to complete double play ln third ., ..... , ..... lml~ of Tueeday nJght'• •ame. SlldtnC In l• Cblca&o'• John ea.n,eto.l. LOS ANGEL~ (AP)-With Rick Honcycun of the Los Anaielcs Qodfers and Chns . W(lsb or the C1nc1nnat1 Reds finna blankl all m&ht. il was almost inevitable that the pme would end with ooe enormous c,;plosion. It came from the emotion.al.ly- cbarpd Cinannab batter)' of rd.id pitcher John Franeo and catcher Bo Diaz after Manano Duncan'• feet and home p late umpire Harry Wendelstedt's Judsemeot pve the Dodaen a 1-0 victory Tuesday n.iabL Cmcinnatt (Gullickson 4-6) at DodJen (Welch 3-5) Time: ?:JS. TV None. IUdlo: KABC (790). Thursday's pme: None scheduled "I wasn.tlton topofthc play," wd crew chief Wendclstcdt., a 21·yeu veteran uminre. ··1 thouaht the run- ner's t:Jot to the plate bef~ the man him. 1 called it the way 1 felt it was. That's all you can do." The Dod&en had Duoc:an Od second and Enos Cabell oo first W'ltb one out. Bill Madlock hit a hard p-ounder to third and Buddy Bell goC the force at second. Madlock barely beat the relay to first on a bang-ban& play after Duncan bad rounded third: All-Star luncheon ltires ex-UCI star Thornton When Duncan was waved home by t.lurd base coach Joe Amalfitano, fint batcman Tony Pt'rez wheeled and make a perfect throw to Diaz that amved in plenty of ume. But Wcndelstedt ruled that the tag wu made after Duncan's feet were across the phne C1eaningout the notebook before the summer break •The Orange Count) All-Star basketball game at Orange Coast College June~ I will be preceded b~ a luncheon on June 17 at the Costa McsaCommunllyCenterand forthe first lime. the public is 1nv1ted at SI 0 a person. If interested Tom Lee al 642-1603 The speaker at tht' luncheon will be former UC Irvine standout Bob Thornton. a teammate of New York Kn1cks star Pat Ewing Prcsale ttckets for the Nonh-South game arc available a1 Treds and Threads at 270 E 17th Street 1n Costa Mesa (S48-3323) The game 1s span· sored by the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club. Three former prep coaches will be honored 1n halftimeceremonies- Coronadel Mar's Jack Emon.ftrca- Ohnda'sGene Llo)d and El Mod- ena's Bob Erwin The South 11rls team, coached by Edison H11}\'s Dave White, has added Sampson gets $5,000 fine NEW YORK (AP) -Ralph Sampson, the 7-4 forward of the Houston Rockets, was fined SS,000 ·by the NBA Tue'lday for his pan m the fight m pme five of the cham- p1onsf11p ~nes with Boston that resulted m hlS c1ect1on. The leaaue fined 16 other players a tot.al of SI 1,000 for their pam m the fiaht an the game m Houston Thurs.- day n1Jht. Sampson was e1ected early m the ~ond quarter af\er h1tt1n& 6-1 Jerry Sichiina of Boston. Houston went on to win the pme t I l -96 but Boston came baclc to Wln the ~ncs 4-2 Wlth a 114-97 victory 1n the ~1xth pme in Boston Sunday Sichuna. Denni Johnwn of the Celtics and the Rockets' Akccm Olajuwon were each fined SI ,SOOand 1 l other players wtrc SSOO ap1tce for l~vina the l'>ench artas. They were Craia F.hlo, Steve Harria, ,"llen Leavell. Hank McDowell, Jim Petencn and Gran- ville WaJten of Houston. and Danny A1~. Rick C'arhsle. G"'l Kite Ktv1n M H DIV1d Th1rdk11l, m V1n~nt and Scott Wedman of Bo'l-- ton Tusun·s Ann JefTnes af\er losing the Sea View League Player of the Year, Coronadel Mar's Michelle Willard The game. mc1dentall). will in· elude a three-point shot •What's happcnmgat S<>me area schools Estancia A new football we1sJlt training room 1s ncannga stanmg date and should be 10 full operation by Scptem ber. . The Eagles have 90 signed up for freshman football Laguna Beach: Openings remain for baseball. boys and girls track and g1rlscrosscountrycoaches. All wall be walk-ons ... Cednck Hard man's football stafTis composed of Enc Johnson, Franlc Henry. 8111 Audmo. Lloyd Cotton and John Hamngton. basically last year's staff with the exception of Art Sorce. . J un1or varsity baseball coach Greg Marshall 1s considered the top candidate to take the varsity post vacated by Tom Trager. . The revolvina door at Laguna lkach contmues -a new Celdc celebradon ROGER C11LSOll PREP SPORTS uled for Orange Coast College be- cause of problems with Anaheim Stadium (more specifically. the Rams) They have reserved Cemtos Colleae fonhe same night (Nov ?)should 1t develop into a not her crowd-getter Westminster They've changed the time ofthe1rintrasquad spnnagame on Saturday to I 0 a m Manna. Apphcatioos for the .. aca1- Estancia h1gh1umper, lon11umpcr hurdler Enc Dom is mulling over offers from Nebraska and Rice as well ascons1denng USC "That's one of the toughest calls I've tiad 1n a long tune." p!Jlycr- manager Pete Rose wd. "Harry's a real good ump1n:. but I can'tcoovul<le myself the guy was safe." ed post by football coach Dave pnnc1pal and supcnntendant are Thompson will close Fnday In- e' peeled to be named.soon Some qu1nes have been made by several Newport Harbor's Mag&ie Hen~n will enroll at lhe U n1vers1ty of M1ss1ss1pp1 while te~mmate Buff> Rabbitt heads for UC ll'\> ine Rabb111. although she massed a berth 1n the state meet. remained one oft he pr~!> corps fa,ontes bccau~ of( I) her name. ( 2) her st vie and ( 3) her personahl) Rost and a number of Reds players stonned out of the dugout and charscd \\ endelstedt Dtaz slammed his mm down at home plate and Jumped up and down. Franco had to be physically restrained by a team- mate after bumping Wendclstedt. who officially ejected the Cincmnau rehe"er The bump ca.mes a auto- matic fine ad\>1ce Rent.don't bO) 1op-ratedcoaches. Fountain Valley The Barons are Edison. Gary Farr has been Edison H1g.h runner Nicole R1tchot 1s suit cons1denng UCI, Cal and Cal Poh-San Lu1sOb1spo. Estancia ..au.lter Doug M1)lcris bemgeyed b~ Colorado and LC Sant.a Barbara and Ocean V 1ew tn pie Jumper Debbie Orr has narrowed her choices to Northern Anzona. Washington Anzona and Nebraska "I don't mind lostni. but 1t was a bl~p call." said Franco, 0-2 "Thett ~ere two bad calls on one pla) Duncan was out by th.rec feet.'' \till tf'\.1ng 10 recover from in Junes elevated to assistant athletic director. suffered by 1wo ma,ior foocball play-Hts rcspons1b1ht1es mclude the ers. Tom Hartshorn. a defen!>1ve end drug screening proaram. He's also be and 00ens1ve guard. suffered a in charge of the aquatics program. broken Jaw and must haH hi!> Jaw which has been beefed upWlth the wared for the ne,1 six weeks. And t~o additio n of water polo coach Don way starter Warren Taylor. a ~ ( Mahaffey and swim coach Mau linebacker and otTeno;1"e tackle. 1s ,.,. '· Whnmore. the latter a product of tryma to recoup from a broken Costa Mesa Ht&h •The Da11'. :'>.e"''I All-"'itar foothall game Jul> ~I m the San Fernando Val le\ lost four pla)crs all Diaz. who bas been avoiding the media lately. anyway, refused to talk about the final play despite a request from Reds publicity dtrector Jim Feriuson and remained tn the train- er·~ room The controven11l endm& over- (Pleue eee DODGltRS/82) shoulder Fountain Valle\·., football game \\llh Ed1~n 1s sched· •Some lrack and field notes (Plea.e tee CARL80" /B'J) South outlasts North, 4-3 Lasher's home run rallies Rebs fn Orange County baseball game By JOSEPH OUDEVOIR Olllp .... c. ...... ,, The South Cl oao;t) ~II-Siar ha~ball team u~d tht• new math on the North squad Tuesday night. making thrtt hits equal four ruM and takina one awa~ from th(' North. "That'\ what 1\ tailed managing your hits, ' <o.'\td Mm1on V1e10 and South Coach Ron Drak.c aflrr 1hr South's 4-3 win at Glover Field 1n front of I. SOO The offen~ ma) have been httle, but 11 -.-asn·t too late, a\ Bill Luher's homer in the bottom of the ninth gavt' the South it•~ond\tra11}\t win of the ~nes which 1t no-. leads. 10-9. "To tell you the truth." lmake said, "I wa\ \hoded 10 ~ U\ 10 mto the ninth with onh one tut. But tht'n we got to Stt the South Coast Leaaue do a httlc damqe .. lasher. of Dana Hills. apphed the cn.isher. \muhina a t"'o-nm homer Wlth one out for the pmc ~lnner The other two South runs we~ knocked tn b\ onr of Drake's Diablo Bob Dof'ln. who trokt\1 the South'<, first ha. a double, 1n the ~venth The third South hat WI by fountain Valk,·~ rrm Re1chen, who ""fled 1n front of Lasher Lasher won MVPplaudm for h1~cfforts. taklnaawav not onl\ a win from the Nonh. but the MVP trophy from Tim church11l (Valencia). who was 2-for-2 Wltb a sio&lc and a homer "I wu 1u~1 look1na for a base hit" 'Wd lasher who ~a .. I-for-I w11h a walk and a pair of runs scored "I ~anted to put Terry m sconng pos1llon to tte tht' pme" Hun11ngton Beach'sJefTHuck was tht' wmner, as he pitched the final two mninas . The lo5er was David Telle" of We\tcrn. Nonh Coach Dave Bowman of We tern felt a bat for Tellen afler the lo' . "He wa~ the losma pitcher in our CIF game 1n Dodaer ~tad1um and I know he felt bad about that." $lid Bo~ man ·· 1 thouaht 11'\;e aot the chance lo save this pme he'd ft't'I a httk bctteT." But after Lasher lost Teller's fastball over the l'Cnter lield f<'nce, Tellers couldn't have bttn fcehna well But for most of the pmc it wa, the South that 11tns. a\ Orakt'' team wu.iust ..vomcd about colleC\1ft& a hit. let alone ~"nna. U nul Doran 's tWCH\IO double wnh lWO out in the ~venth, the uth W'I baffled by lbe North·~ am1" The North got on the baord first as l"1oe·~ 8nan Snodd\ wu the \lct1m ofa twtl1aht tnple to left by Robbte " 11aroff (lot AJam1toSl. It wu a soft flyball that nahtfielder John McTqpn (Footh11l) lost IO the hJhU.. Kam1roff came home to make 1t l-0 orth on Rob Siuan·, aroundout 10 second Larry Blrd (left) Rick Carlisle of the Celdca·rlde the pan.de track throUC tb atreeta of Boeton Tuaday durtna tbe ctty'• celebntlon of team•• lfBA champtonablp. .. , wai surpnscd the) held us lo on(' h11 up unttl then:' DJd Reililcn.. .. The way we wert hrtt1na th~ ll 1n practice. I thouaht we'd have 1 bunch of run\. l\ut I au~ 11 wottced out " It took the South up unul the fourth 1nn1na 10 put 11.1 fin1 runner on bu: 1n the form of Irvine'\ Bob Hamelin, who dtC\\ • one-Out walk Tro~ Plulson follo~ .. ,th (P eaee UTR/92) . - ' ... Or•• Coatt DAILY PILOT/ Wednesday, Ju,,. 11, 1oae SPOR TS BR EA K 'Sweat Don't Fret' race set. Bo in a_ uand&Q!~c_o_nnonwtn•. thenhaab.laaay .. b h t l LONDON -Jimmy Connofl. as Ei Ut e 8 D Do feisty as ever, ended bas 10.wttk,. - 1u,pcn11on T~ay with a lh" h•n1 of his bury y to decide fint•rouod opponent and a Jashina of the ,. tennis establishment "I miued playma the tennis and mi'1$Cd Ket"I hem AP '11patc~u people filhna tbe ,lands," the 33-ycar-<>ld left-hander [i] $aid after be ca~aly defeated M1cb1el Schapen. of the NEW YORK Ro J l'k~on. •II• Netherl nds, 6-1, 6-2. "But 1 ~f\IOycd be1na away from Auburn's Heisman Trophy-wanning run all the prba&e that &OC1 on an tennis and all the people n1na black. conunucd to aaomn Tuesday tryana to maLna at a non-democracy-style event " about whether to play pro footf>all Of&JVC ba~ball a try Connors wa!j fined $2.S,000 and asven a IQ.week "Ri&ht now I'm lost. I don't know what I'm gomg suspension by the Men's International Professional to do," Jackson~ad .. And I don't know when I'll know Tennis Council (MIPTC) because he walked off the what l'rn aoin1 to do .. court foUowmg an arlumcnt with officl1ls dunng ha~ JacksOn WR.$ made the the No I pack in tht: Nf L w:mafinal match apan$t Ivan Lendt 10 the Lipton d~ft bv thf! Tampa Bay Bucc.anccr.. and was selected a!> lntemauonal PIAyl'n Championships an Boca Raion, r i . . J '.9" , an outfil'lder by the K.ansa\ City na .. an February The fine was the largest ever assessed Roylll\ 1n the founh round of against a player ba)('ball'~ fret' agent draft of "I bet you waited 1 o weeks tor this." Connors Joked college and high \Chool pla)ers when be beaan has postmatch new!> c-0nference Jae kson, who wa al a lunch tollowang has fi rst-round match in the $237.400 Stella eon tu receive lhe fanqucra}' Artoas Grass Coum Championships at Queens Club Achll·vement Award for A five-tame Us Open champion and twice a oul\tanJma accomplishment<. in winner at Wimbledon, Connors said that beeause ol his amaleur )port'>. said. "I could age he as slowing down his schedule. But.be continued play hoth I would love to. but I to rail apanst t he tennt$ e5Ulblshment don't think thut'<o possiblc" "There doesn't setm to be any common sense I le: '>aid ht· also had though I there, and it's always.1he player's fault," he said Jacll9on about ll'\ling h1\ abaht) an "You're bc'ing told when to play, where to pla). baseball. und ii ht' d<1t"~n·1 rnakt 11 to th~ bag lcugue<i, who to play The next 'itep as to tell you how to pla~ and then go an tu the Nf l .. But th;.it\ nut \J\'ang lhat''i what whether to win or lose I'm going tu du·· "Contrary to a lot of people's thanlung. the pcopk He S;ud he ~ould malo.l' up has mind a week from come to~ the players:· nov.. or P<"''bh a month from no"" He said he enjoyed hls nme off. ··Not>txh prcc,-.e\ Ho " ht' said "Tampa ha~n t "I played three weeks of tennis" dunng the 1ned 10 pre'>\ me I'm n1lt g111ng w do \Omethini bt'lausc ~u!lpens1on, he said. refemng to 1wo cxh1b1t1ons in wmeont wants ml· 1t1 lt',goini 10 be Ho'!>dec1i.wn and Jaoan and one 1n Tulsa Bo's deoc,1on onl\ Wh.·nl"'t'r I dec1dl· to make thaT dec1S1on I \.\-111 " Ht 1,31d hi' dl't l\tofl ''"uld not bt.' based on lhl' longer cam~r that ha\eh.111 l.\ould tend to offer <>r on tllc. big muon that thl· Bunartl'Ul>ha\.ebu~tcd the~ ""ould probc1hh ptl\- Met throws gem, gets demoted I he Mentul Health Assocwt1on's "Sweat Don't Fret" race wall be held Saturday at Male Square Park in Fountain Valley. Over .SOO part1c1pants are upectcd to enter the popular event, futunng Sk, I Ok and 20k runs Each race wall feature 11 age aroup categoncs for both male and fe{llllc entrants Wllh awards iOlng tO the top three finishers in each cateaory Registration will begin at 6· JO a.m for 1hosc who have not pre-rt'IJstered The 5k race will begin It 7· 30 followed by the 10kand20kat8. Theco!>IOfthe raceasSI l 1ndud1ng a custom T-shirt orS7 for the ru~ only Late regastrauon wall be S 12 and S8. "After ~ven prev 111us events. MHA hllsdcvelopedaiO(J<tn:pu- tataon for putting on a well-organucd race." said Race l'ommattecChair- man oa ... 1d Sm a th. "We arc pleased and excited to ha"e this opportunity to locu!> on the pos1t1ve relat1onsh1p between good ph ysical and mental health and at thC' ~me time todevclopcommunaty awareness and su ppon for our or- ganization " For more 1nformat1on on the race. RUNN ING phone the Ora nae County Mental Health Auoclatlon at S47-7SS9 * * * A ncwformoftriathloncompeti- t1on, thc Homy Toad Tntcrium, will take place at the Occaoaidc Munici- pal P1eronJuly27. In the tntenum. the world's top I 00 professional tnatf'llctes will swim. bake and run along a course ofloops, making 24 passes by the start-finash hneand transaoon area at the pier. cnabnna spe<:taton to watch most of the action. Customanly, tnathlon!> have ta.kc1l com'J'ttitors fir from the start and transition potnts and away from spectator viewing spots, due to the length of the courses Tbec1rcuitou!IC.:Oursc, with 11~ 1n1erwoven loops, was designed b) world-class tnathlctc Murphy Re- mschrei~r It features a two-kJlo- meter sw1m. 25-mlle b1kc nde and 10- kalometer run. Addana to the unique concept will be the field . The world's tep I OU 1 SoccER -~--- * * * lllUMIM ldlecMI SAT\MDAY iwtA'• lltlltll A--' "S-f DM'f ,,..., A, IOll et111 • &t111n• 130 • m (511) tlld I• m ( IOk 8nc:t 2°") •I Mll9 SOuer• l"•rll, l"OUlll8hl V•llwv It" alr•tloll ll •16 JO IOf lhOM wllO hen nol 111'8'"1•1«90 FM I•' 11 wlln T tllir1 8ncl ., wllhOUI with t 1 lalt IM 1ne dn ol IM rK• Awerd• lo IOll lhrM flnltMrt In HCll Cl llll'ON Proceed• 11enefl11iw Or11nvt County Menl91 HN llh AuoclallOll For rno<t lnlor~llon, llflOflt WHS5t MAOOl'tt l•Rllfl -ho•MI• m ti El OoradO P•" Lont eaacn Flat. IHI Hved COUf'M. FM It i 11 wllh t · Vllrt and M wlll'IOul wllh 11 lalt tM ~50 ren lat.. r Proaaed• i..n.fit /IMlhef4AGal~l andibtl.aoa 9HCh Pollo Allllellc FO< ,,,_, 1nl0f~ll011. OhOne 17131 1 ~MSll •nd IOll -8 lfU 1 •S• m (fkJ and ta m ( IOk) at T o..,n llf. ldvMwlld Paved rMch aod dirt tr.Iii d mountain communtlv FM It st"""" T ., •nd u w11nou1wllh"191• IH Procffd1 oencM ldVVwlld 5chOOl •INeOc tltlcl FOf ">Of• 1nf()(mel.on. OllOn8 Krm Carnobtll al •St·~· SUNDAY ,tvf1tl Annual OHS Oa\I 1811 OHll -B"IM I • m al H.,.mow •nd Plet Av~ue. Htfmow &ffdl Flttcovrw Ffth\11..,,lhUltltfH I 650 ran IHI yHf l"rocffdi ~ii 810 8rolheO of GrMI« Lot Al!iltlts For motf lnlorinallon, PhOM lllCI Brollltrl ., !21JI 2Sl-l33J Quote of the day "I ft: I\ th(." hC.'\l I h.i. \l' l'\l'r Wl'll tk'll c,hoot ll from Jn, .... here and thert• 1' nothing ~ou <.·an do about 11 -) ou l<in't \tor him You l..tn only slov. him du'>'n rht: H<1u\lon Ho<kets' Akeem Olajuwon rdt:rnng tu tht• Umtun ( ('lt1c\ Larry Bird NEW,OR l\.-Afternaney~nthc ~-Arlzon manors. Rack Anderson got ope game 10 be JWll .i h1g-league pitcher _ -1 d He dtd well. 1hrowmg seven innings we CODJe tor the New York MCI$ and holdmg Ph1ladelpb1a to one riearnedrunonfourhatsMondaynight. He leftleadtng hoDJe with But 1mmcd1ately after the game, which the Met!> IO~t )·:! 1n 10 inning!), .\nde~n was back an the mlOOf\ celeb,•a tio, ... again -v.1thout the victory he waited w long for .& ~ ..&£ .. I knew I was going ba~,k.11own. I didn't expect to '>laV around," ..aid !\nderson. who was sent back to the C lass A !\A Tade""ater Tides .. I was just try1ng 10 do the ht:.-.t I could I nc"er thought I'd be brought up in the lir\t place .. Italy, Argentina gain second round Gretzky MVP 7th straight time fl >I« 1:--.; r<>-Nu •11J ""n No 1 and ~ ..aid 11 \\a'> ''-"Ct'ter than c' i:r • \.\ 01, Ill' < 1rcllk \. ~.lllonal Hod,q L t·agul· 'l e1nng l hamp10n thl' l<i'>t \I\ > l'ars. walkl·d ·'"a' \\1th the Hart Memorial Troph ~ 3!) the lcagul' , m•>'I .. aluabl<: pla ) er an unprncJ<:nted se'cnth \car in .1 row 1ul'\UJ\ night at th<.> kagut"s annual <11.\JrJ, t:l"remon\ "I thnughl thl\ v.a\ ihe H'ar It v.ac. going tu t·nd for me.' the l Jmonton Oiler u·ntl·r said alluding lo the presenu· ol Mano Lcm1cu>. of thl' P1tt\hurgh Pengu11b and Marl Howe o l the Ph1l<idt:lph1a fl'rcrs on thc. linal ballot · 11·, a sp-.·c1al a ..... ard and I kel fortunaH· to ha'I.' m' namc <in at again ·· (rrctrli.\ ~or<.>d 52 goah. h.1d .1 rnord I 6 l ·"'"'' and a rnor~l ~ 15 n<11nt\ l.1,t ~·."on Reds slln Fontana star I he ( inunna11 Ked' '4ml I ut:\tlJ\ the)' haH ~1gncJ \<'loncJ hJ\l'man < hilrk~ Carr a hinta1na High S<ihool pl.1\cr ~lectcd in the n1nm .• co_und '" th" >t·;ir·., maJOr-kagul' ha,chc1ll drah .. Carr I~ trom f 1,ntana "1hc 2 1<.t drall \(.'lt•\t1un the Red\ h:t\l' \lgOl'd th!\ \l'.H I hc t luh .111nounu·d 11 has signed llJ ol 11' fir'lt 12 pltt\l'r' dralll'<l The 5.9 170 pound ( .irr hat\ and thro~' nghl· handed Williams: I didn't shave points NEW ORLEANS -1-ormcr Tulane m l n1 ... ers1t ) basketball star John "Hot Rod" \.\all.tams \31d he got S400 af\er one game that was alleged!~ fixed and S 1.500 after another. but didn't know where &he money came from and didn't '>have any points to earn 11 The details were revealed Tuesda\ 1n a videotaped statement that ~ilhams ga ... e to the cfastnct attome)·!. office on March 26 1985. 1hc night he was arrested on '>ports briber) charge\ The tape, pla>cd pubhcl) fot the first 11mc in \.\ii hams' 1raal an state <.ourt, ran for about 20 minute\ 'vt ost of 1t was dc,oted to que\taons and answl'f'. about Jllcged \Iola ti om ot NC AA rules - . S I0.000 in a ,h1ll'box to <,1gn at Tulane pavments ol about S IOO a ""el'k to pla\ Television, radio TELEVISION I 11 p m -BOWLING C hanncl 56 RADIO 11 ,,, a m -BASEBALL \ngel' at < hKago \.\hilt: \)o.\ KM p( (710) 7 10 pm -BASEBALL ( 1nunnat1 at Dodgers. KA B< ( 7901 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWC'sBoland, Kaub honored s..tt s., ••• , s.... s ..... , •• JI• Slllrtt , •... ,,. .... C••• 0.luler o.. •• s .. , Best Wishes from Dr W Ronald Redmond& & Staff Ort hod on lies A•ll1r1 Seh••t fll1•kt• M .... ., C•rla 8 .. h•• f••• M .. z ••• MM Jnler Dtu ,.,, 0 • .,.1. ...... ,,,. .. ,., ,,, .. o.., .. ,., r •• ,. o.,., ....... c.,..u. 30 I 11 N1Ruel Road • la~lH d N1RUt'I (714) 495-0600 I XI Av ... nidd VaQuero • San Clemente (714) 492-2141 B.i\Cball pla)cr Ketth Kaub and volk;hall player Julie Boland have been honored a~ the Golden West C olkge mC1le and female athle1cs of thc H'ar I he pair were selected by lh~ Ru'>tlers' rnal hang stafl 1-.Juh a 6·4 225-pound sophomore played firs& ba~ and tall her for the Rustlers. who finished IX· 16 1n 1986 The Los Alamitos H 111.h graduate shattered the single- 'l'a\on and all-tame marks for home run<o and RBI TUCSON (AP) 4--The An7ona Wildcats had .. pokcn with their bate; feet and arms an winning the College World Series an Omaha. Neb h was 1heir fans' tum Tuesday a'> hundreds happily thronged Tucson lntemataonal Airport and as many or more attended a reception for the team at a midtown hotel. "Wonderful'" said V1v1an Bartield. ""'ho with her husband Webb has been held Anzona season ~1ckets for 26 )ears "Wonderful'" her husband echoed "We knev. they were going to do 11 when they left Texas (the Central Regional) We were a little bat nervous. bu1 after the first run (Monday night) we knew they had 1t " c\nrnna defeated Ronda State 10-2 Monda\ night for the cham- p1on'>h1p "h's greaL' The> looked prett) good They polished 1t off with a flatr " said Dick Fame) of Tuc.-.on. Man) <iupporter'> .waved red and blue pom pons. '>Orne held banner'> such as "Wr Love You -Sec 17 ·• Youngster~ perched a1op their parenls \houlde~ for a chance to see th<."1r heroc\ Chants uf "U of '\1 U of A'" and "We're Number One"' reverberated through the concour.-.c as the fans "aated. and a pep band broke into pla) when lhe team emerged through the plane'<, ramp. One httle girl leaned lorward on her fat~ers shoulder.-.. touching the <,ma l- ing player" a'> the) walked pa~t. Amid cheers. clappm~ and pat'> on the back. autograph '>e\~tons ""'ere the order of the moment Phahp Stevens. l J. ot Tut\on, <.1 baseball-capped young~ter. got al least four Anzona players. anduding first baseman Todd Trafton. to sign his &love. He. like I I ·year-old tan Enc Housel. who called the champ1onsh1p and the fan lumout "pretty e'c1tmg." \aid he"d like to play for the Wildcats wme day SOUTH ... From Bl , a.nolher walk off North piU:.hcr Ml.kc G rcer (T ro}) Both look shaky and lethargic in World Cup play MEXICO Cll Y !AP) -Defend- ing champion Ital) and 1978 winner Argentina. lookrng .. haky and some- 11mes lethargic. eased into the ~ond round of the World Cup Tuesday with v1ctoncs. .\rgenuna beat Bulgana 2-0 to dinch Group A whale the Italians wound up second 1n the d1v1s1on after a 3-2 dec1s1on over Soulh Korea With a 2-0-1 record. the Argentines ~cured a berth opposite one of the four third-place qualifiers for the next round. That game will be played Monday 1n Puebla Al Puebla on Tuesday. Ital) upped its record to 1-0-2 behind a hat 1nck b) Sandro Altobelli. who has .-.cored all fi,e of hie, team·s goals an the tournament. The hahans will face European champion France here next Tuesday FIFA, the 1nternat1onal governing bod} for soccer confirmed Tuesda) night that Mexico. Paraguay and West Germany al!lo have made the next round after the results of Mon- da} and Tuesday The hom and Paraguay each have three points and the worst the}' could do -even wnh Wednesday losses in Group 8 to Iraq and Belgium respcC'llvely -as cam one of the berths awarded to the tour hc'>t third place teams Wes1 (1ermany can finish no worse than third an Group E with 1u three points and that would be enough to advance Argentina Kored early and late to down 1he hslle'>~ Bulganans. who r,howed virtually no attack Bulgana has never won a World (up game in IS tnes, going ~9-6 Coach Carlo!; Balardo <iald af\er the game that has team. which lacked spark 1 uesda}. was "not afraid of anyone'" left in the tournament "Argentina has to win now and we don't mind who we arc going to face in the knockout stage ·· 81lardo uad "When you than!.. more about your nval than your own team. generally you finish up lo!lang" With its two points on ties with Italy and ~uth Korea. Bulpna held an outside chance of grabbink one of the four berths given to third-place teams for the next round "My team as bc'tter than the) played today.'' Coach Ivan Vutsov said. "In all the qualifying matche"> (before Mexico) we played "CIJ well. and here we played vef) badl> " Jorge Valdano put an a header at three minutes. Defender Jose ( ucauf- fo went around Alexander Markov down the nght side and his pinpoint pass was headed into the net b) Valdano for his thmJ goal of the tournament In the 76th minute. Jorge Bur· ruchaga clinched 11 by heading a ccntenng pass from star stnker Diego Maradona high into the net. Maradona sudden!) broke down the left and has pass found Burruchaga who was perfettly positioned at the far goal po.-.t Altobclli's three.goal game was enough for Ital~ to subdue South Korea, which fin ashed 0-2-1 1n its first World t up appearance an U years DODGERS. • • From Bl shadowed some hnlhant pitching. Honeycutt allowed five hits with no walks and two !ltrikcouts over eight innings The DodKer left.hander. who was helped b" double pla)S 1n the first three innings, elltended has -.corelc'~ inning streak to I I< and has sur- rendered one run OH't hl'> last 22 1nn1nas Tom Naedcnluc-r. 5-2. patched a 1-2-3 ninth to gt·t his second victory in two n1ghh Welsh retired tht' first 1 l batter.. before Make Ma"hall singled with one out an the filth The 31-ycar-old left-hander, an his third s&art since has May 30 recall from Denver. allowed four hllS over ~ven innings. He walked none and !>truck out 1wo. On any other night. Rose would have been happy to talk about Welsh's performance But has thought$ were elstwherc "Tberc's nothing pos111vc to look. at when you lo<;e a 1-0 game on a call hke that," he said II 1<, I 7 homers and 63 RBI are ~.u;i+1.1e.....:~:il~~d8. wtttlo tu'> 2S homer\ and 106 RBI broke lhe all 11me (1oldcn West marks. Kauh v.ho has signed w11h ( al State Fullerton. was a first-learn all- ~outh ( oa'>t Conference sclcctaon Greer moved hoth runners )nto scoring pos1t1on wath a balk hut fanned Mel aggart and mduced Re- ichert to ground out to end the threat. CARLSON'S COLUMN • • • f7'i 1t HOltlfU4 MYRON McNAMARA'S Summer Junior Tennis Camps Myron McN<fmiJra tld} lJf>_en "prommttnt name m tennis for more rn.m lO year:. .mcJ has workea w ith such greacs JS P;,ncno Gonzdf,.s, Rod I ,n n .met Jack Kramer to name a few Myron bnngs to tfl,..'H' ramp~ nm only the expn1rnce long rf"cognuf'd by tt1,. worlds cop .1m;ueur and pro fess1 onif/ tt>nnis playPrs. IJut also a vrty pf'rsonal mvolve- mrnt m tf"<Khmg to youngsters Thl"~t> ramps arP opf'fl to the publ1r and .ue designed co 1mprovr the tennis gamP of ;umors John W.-Jyn~ Tl"nms 011b T-Sh11rs and v1so1s w ill bf' given to all camp,,.rs .Jnd r.1ckt>ts w ill be aw;uded co camp tournamt-nt wmnfln Enrollmt>nc is /1m1tf'd co six Hudents per 1nsrrurror I I 7 1 JAMBOREE ROAD NEWPORT BEACH Boland. a 5-7 sophomore seller from 'r gnano Valley High. led the Ru<,tler\ to a 14-4 season mark. I '-1 in lhc S( ( She led the conference in ;1\sms the las1 two years and wa' a key figure in lhe Rustlen' 1984 state champ1on,h1p squad Boland has earned a full r.ctrnlar· ship tu Lou1s1ana State next fall It appeared to shift all the momen- tum to the North, as Churchill and Paul Bunch (Buena Park) slammed back-to-back homer-; for a 3-0 lead m thr fifth . "I figured we'd come around.'' said Drake. "When you have s1A 400 hitters. two 500 hatte~ and the wont l>ne as at .388 something has to gave." And Lasher did. From Bl 1nehgible to play be1.ause of commit mcots to the Shnne Game Ill the Ro~ Bowl AUJ 2 The 5outh 1n thl' OrangeCountyUame(July 11 at Orange Coast College) lolit five play- ers. all declared "eligible"' to play by power$ to be an the Shnne aame. but who declined to accept the option Pred1ct1on The 5hnne game hM possibly oneyearleftaf\~r virtually 1..00-......-.-.......--.....~--oo..oo-..o...oo-.o...oo~~-......,, ~ i\ntlque Sale ••. i\ntlque Sale •.• i\ntlque Sale ~ 4 Liquidation Sale ~ ~ 1,., • .., uplr ... "'" • •I nl••tandy Ill•-af ••r •ntl,... ,.oll••tlon of... ~ ~ FINE ENGLISH, IRISH, i ~ COUNTRY FRENCH ANTIQUES ~ ~ Sale Begins Ev rythl:; ::u et G:e ~ ~ W•4·~'••• 11 t11 .... •• ··~'••• •• at 50"-·75'° off ' ~ ~~;;or;·;arhor Imports ~ f: 412 31 t treet,N portBe h 875-7784 ~ ~ 0 1• T6,,Ca••~r,· lflllalf#-" ' 9 . ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~ • I dooming atscll by cutting tic.-. with a lot of former fnmds and hackers •The Slam-N-Jam Basketball ~agu~ which completes 1ts spnng kague Saturday and Sunday at< 'om pton Colle&e with a round-robin 1oumament. anclu~csOc.ean View', Ricky Butler. Woo<indge'sAdam Keefe and Vince Bryan, Manna's ~teve Gu aid and Mark Georgewn and Irvine·, Makr Hcmng-all on the South team l heWl''it Team. which huteams from Mu1r(Ocrck Brown) to Fairfax (St'an Hi&Jan\). 1Hoached by former Mater De1 R<,\1!ltant Pat Barrell •Mater De1'\Stuan. Thomas, a 6-8 All·CI F balo.etball \tar headed for ~tanford. wa' named on the All- Amcnt:an Academic team by Na· uonRI H1Jh ~hools Athletic Coache9 In ha~ Junior and -.cnioneaJOnsat Mater ~11he Monarch'i were 60-1 •A fil'ld of 112 prep basketball tenrnsiJlhcrforthe 19th annual L.A. Games (formerly Watts S\lmmer Ciames)June 21-22and June 28-29 at \t'ven<11te~ 1ncludin10ccan View. lln1ve"1ty Saddlcbackand lrvine ... .\mona the first round matchup$: South Gate n . Ocean View at f'remont (9 a. m, winner pla)'1at4 apm1t Jordan..\hatsworth wtnncr). South Torrance vt. Univenity(noon at Hamilton. ~1nncrplayu19 pm pinst Tan-Culver City winner). Bannina v$, Saddlcblck (noon at - Bannina. wtnncr plays Rncnadt Poty-Oevelandpmcat t I a.m.June 22 at El Camino CoUqe), and !anta Monica" lr"ine(2 I> m. at Bannn\&. winner mec:t San Otma..C.aahtdraf winnerat ElC.nunoCol ,Jun 22 11 noon) ( He getslhree RBI as Montreal tops St. Louts. 4-2 From AP dl1patcbe1 S l . l.OUIS -Former University Hiah and Slddleback Collcic star Tam Wallach drove in three run with a double and a ~crif1cc Oy and Jay Tibbs combined with two rchcven on a five-hatter to a.ivc the Montreal Expos a 4-2 triumph Tue!iiday ni&)lt over the St. Lou1, C,ard1nals to h•ahhaht maJor league baseball ac- tion. Tibbs. 4-2, won for the first time in eiaht suu1s 1ince April 30, stnkinf out five and walking two over six innings. Tim Burke came on af\rr Mike LaValherc walked and Ou1e Smith .stn&lcd in St Lou1!1' seventh, and Jeff Reardon pitched two scoreless in- ntnp to record his 14th save. Watlach's bad-hop double skipped off an artificial turf scam past Cardinals third baseman Terry Pendleton to score two runsaf\crTim Raines and Hubie Brook! e.tch singled with two out in the Expo first. -ln.Jhc 12.unb.....atkr Brooks. ltd off with a tnple on a hard dnve that got past St Louis n&ht fielder Andy Van Slyke, Wallach rifted his sacrifice fly to n&ht against starter Bob Forsch, S-4 Wallach's third R Bl. makmg 1t 3-1 . offset a run St Louis scorrd in 1he second on Jack Clark's double and Smith's bad-hop single After Burke took over 1n 1he seventh. the Cards picked up their second run when Pendleton·~ sacn- ficc advanctd pinch-runner Tom Lawless and Sm11h and pinch-hmer Jose Oquendo h11 a \atnltc:~ fly, lo lc.-ft field Forsch allowed ~1x h11~ ~fore leaving for a pinch-hitter in the ~venth. Brooks had three ht""" and im- proved ha'> average t~ 335 The tnumph was the hpo•,' fourth 1n five pmes and the lo<>~ the ( ards' third straight In other National League game<> Mtt1 I, Plallllt1 4 P1nc:h-h1tter T 1m Teufel ~1cked a most opponune tame to bu has fint career grand slam Wuh the scored 11ed 4-4 in the bottom of the 11th inning. Teufel, h1t11ng for Wally Backman. hll a 2-0 pitch from rehever Tom Hume over the let\ field fend~ to gave the New York Mets a victory over Ph1ladel- ph1a. "It was a great feehng." Teufel ~1d "It couldn't have happened at a ~Iler t1,mc. La~t night I had a chan<.·e to saATTl• lttvnlds 2b Moa.tcf AOavl1 lb Preswvlb ~"" GT~Oll T nebll If O~snrt Owen\I ICNrMV c T.,_ • AMliRtCAN LEAGUE R9Vlh t, MarlMn S KANSM CrTY ur11111 l I 0 0 Wl~Ofl cf s 7 1 0 Umltl! If 4 0 2 3 LJonu rt 4 0 2 I Lew r1 1 0 o a llrelt >o I 0 0 0 While 7b 4 0 I 0 Orie dll 4 1 1 \ 8all>On1 lb 4 0 IO Svndt><e c 4 I I 0 AS.lair u J5 S IO S Tllhlla ~ ..... ~ ellrll bl ) 0 0 0 s 1 l 0 0 0 0 0 S 1 1 I S l S I S I 2 1 s , 4 ) ) 0 1 2 4 0 1 I 4 0 I 0 ,., .. , s..-. 102 oe1 ooe-s It-• Cttv Ill o:n OOll -t Game Winning Riii -llelbOnl Cll OP-S..llle I Ken\H Cnv 1 LOii .... S.a11i. 1. Kanw' Cllv 9 2&-<>fte 7 AOavl\ L Sm.r11 •r•ll Wltlle Hlt-OH ... d .. ,on 110• Sll-Rnnolela !ISi. Mo .. , 7 14) L!'>m 111 1 1 ~nnolels SF -8elbonl IP H A Elt la SO ,.. ... Swill 1 4 4 I Wlleo• L 0 e l 2 l S S 0 Guet ... F'WI I J 0 0 0 I Ledd 2 o a 1 a ICMMa ClfV aen11,,..o 4 ' 4 2 J Farr W.4 I 4 I 1 I 1 I 0 s Swift Dllclled 10 2 t>ell•n '" 111• lrd HIP--lt•vnoto' by lenkhHd 81<.-Swofl Pe-KHrney Utn91fe\-Home,MarrlU For\! 11...0r• ~ ond. Coualn\ Tnoro E ven1 T-7 Sf A-73.llt • Red S.x 4, llu• Jan J IC»TOH TOtllONTO terrell 2b $19111\0t Pl! Sleoltn 1>r ltomerolb llVCllnr lb ltlc•" llevtor dn OwEvna rt Arme1 cf Sulllv•n < ~nPll Qvlnons11 8o911\ Pll T .... ello rll., s 0 1 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 t 0 I 0 \ 0 I 0 4 I I 1 • I I l 4 I I 0 \ I 1 0 4 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 A 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 rernn<11" Mullnlo.1 lb Mo .. t>v c1 8elltl UP\IWIW lb llerf1t'Ott JOlln\n 1111 Whlllc IOtO 1b 47 4 II 4 T.._.1 k-b\1--.. elHllllll s 0, () l I I 0 l I I 0 S l 1 I S 0 I I • 0 0 0 ~oob 2 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 li ) 1 , .... 000 ..... 1-• T '"""9 201 000 otO o-J Gemt Winning 1181 -Slenl!Ov" (I) E-tltlce $vHlvan Mo\.Ov L08 8otlOll ll TO'O'llo f 21-V°'ll•• Ar,.,., Hll-ltlct 161 llYIOr (141 Sl-Vl>tNW 11 ·-H"••••$0 ... S.llert • 1 J • ) l \ • Cttwtord 2 l l I 0 0 l l $emellto o o o o a o Slenle\I W ) 1 1 I J 0 0 0 0 0 T__.. Cwuttl • 1 J • l ' J Lame> 2 1 3 1 0 0 1 ltlClll'IOrn L 4 3 ) 2 1 I ) Semblto Dl!CMO lo I !>ell... In Ille 9lh HIP-lMt bv Sall..-• Mo•et>v bY wmD•to umoiret Home Mr.CO¥ "'"' SCOll ~ ond '"'""1°' nwo. J<>l!f'to!I T-1'0 A-21 lff * anwen,, on.... i tALTIMOlt• MILWAUt<ll WIOOlft\ Jb Lao t1 ltlOl>.1'1 " MllrflY lb Shfft• 011 SMlbVd ~lit MkYOlllll o.n.tv < L"'" Oii ll•'l'ford ( T ..... Mfllillf attrlllll 4 000 f.ide•H 4 170 • I 2 0 Yount cl I I 0 0 4 1 I 0 Coo-lb 4 I 1 I •021 ~rl •12 1 3 0 0 0 Mennng rt 0 0 0 0 l O O 0 0911v,. dll • 0 0 0 3000 SveumJC> •121 l I l l ltlitt" 4 I l 2 2 0 0 0 JCetH• 11> 4 0 l 0 l 0 0 • c .. -( ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jt > ' l Ttftlt ~llWIMINI JI. ' ' ........ -l• 011-> Mt&•.... .. ta ... _, ~ 'flwW.tftt ltll -(OOMf Ill 1-oMetin Oii' a.mmorw 1. Mltwaui.,.. l l.,()l-ea1llmor• l, MllwauU• • 21 -!lveum Ml/f"rev, Ja.-Fekhlr. ltl11h11 Hit ttlln UI. .MIL Y ""'° C 4) H -F tlder 110 I W MltHHSO I Sp W ~\..t J OJ e • I 1 1M1 )I) I 0 0 I ....... w...-w.,' • • , ) 0 • ~-~. "'" r1u1 llrtml•• ~ Ol'f """ TllH, Hlt•r~~ y.-,,10 A-H '" come tb.rouah but I d.idn•t. 1 oniaht I reverted it and dad the Job." Ptra&ee I, • •· Sad Bream hit a three-run homer and bght-h1ttin1 Rafael Belliard drove in three runs as Pittsburah defeated Chicaao • Bob IGppc:r, 2·5, allowed seven hats 1n 1eveo 1nrunp. stnkang out six and wal~1n1one.J1m Winn pitched I 1-3 anninp and Cec1ho Ouantc came o~ with the bases loaded to record the final two out~ for his second save. A1lrff U, Padres 1 Bob Knepper pitched a four-hitter to bec.'Ome the NationaJ LeaJue'6 first I 0-pme win. 9C' and Kevin Bass and 8111 Doran each hit home runs as Houston routed San D1qo Olub S, Bravt1 0: Vida Blue pitched two-hit ball for seven innings and reliever Jeff Robinson completed San f ranc1sco·, combined three-hat victor')' over Atlanta. In the Amencan Lca&ue: Red Soi•, Blue Jay1 i : P.anch hitter Mike Stenhouse walked wtth lhe bases loaded and two outs in the 1op of the I 0th inning, forc1n1 home the winning run and giving Boston a victory over Toronto. The Red So:it * Yanlt ... 6, Tieen J H•W Y~K MT'ltOrT' RHndan cf MIMIY 1b Wlnlleld rt latlf( dll Grifin If HHMVC Poirvlo lb ltnOl!)ll 11> FIW:hlln u T .... , nrlllll S 0 0 0 Wl1Clellr 1b 4 2 l l Cotlln1 If • 2 1 0 Glbf.Oft r1 • I 1 1 LNParlll c 4 I I 0 OEvn1dll l 0 I 0 Co41H 3tl • O l l llargm11 lb 7 0 I 0 Trammlu 1 0 0 0 Sherldn <f n •10 4 T...U k-llYIMlllM ..,, .... l 1 I 0 S 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 l 0 1 I S 0 I 1 s 0 l 0 2 0 0 0 • C) 0 0 4 2 1 l u,, l New Y.n Oii 4» eot-4 o.trelt 001 -001-J Game Winning RBI -Euler IJI E-LNParrl"1, HHM'll OP--+t.w Y0<1' 1. Otlroll • LOB-New York S, Ottroll 12 711-PeullervlO Ee11tr 2 HHMY. ltendc>loll, LNPerrltl! Hit !>ner1oan t•l Malllnlllv ( 111 S-F1ac:Mn I~ Haaaaa$0 New Yarti JNleo.ro w 7-J Ortl>ek ~lrlev ",,,,., R;g,,.111 ~. ll o.tfalt 62·3 s 0 0 1-3 0 I I l 2 2 l 0 I 0 0 2 0 I 0 0 , 0 Ttrrtl L & 4 4 1 J 9 • S Cery l 7 l I 0 0 ONHI 1 0 0 0 Oral>tk PllCllWd IO I billltr In Int 71n • 1 0 , 0 1 0 1 1 0 H8P--ftanoo1Pfl t>v ONeet WP-Terrtll Pll-HHMV * UmoorH --Home I<••~ f:tr1t Pelermo, S.C:Ofld, 8rlnkman. Tn•rd Coonev T-l 2S A-7' 141 * Ra""" 14, Twlm 10 TEXAS MINN.SOTA >'Yilkl\n l • Wero" Ollrten lb 1ncvotl dll M<O-NIOll FltlCIV pr S•eHe rl GWrOhl cf Pacior~ JO llvachle lb Harreh ?b Pt1te11, c .. ,II .. ' 0 2 0 S 1 I l S I l 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 a a o o • 1 I 0 4 l , 0 3 2 I I 1 I 1 0 s ' ) 2 ~ ' ) 5 Puc:•e11 cf Hatcllr 011 Hrbel! lb 8rnn\kv rt Gaern lb LAVdner c llusn If Lmllfor 21> 8eane tt Sm.llV Pll ltHdc Gag.,. n 01v1Q pl\ Wealntn " 41 14 17 14 T.._,t k_llV ....... arlllli 6 2 , 0 s , 1 0 S I 4 2 6 I 0 1 6 ) ) 1 l 0, 2 1 I 2 1 4 0 2 I l 0 l 0 I 0 I I 1 0 I 1 • 0 0 0 100 0 0000 ., 10 JO 11 Tuu oso OOJ lOl-14 MlnM.... 014 904 010-10 Geme Wlnn'"o RBI -PKIO<tll ( 11 E-Lomoerooul .. 8usn Gaone OP-Minne· \Ole l LOll-Teae1 1 M·nnHOte 13 711-GHlll ) Pucio.ti! Herrell. GWr10111 ,,.trell• 1 Slerre, llu'l'I HR-08rien 171 S8-Wllller\Ofl ISi SF- W1tO I" H It llt aa SO Tues Me,,,_, ltWr>tl'll MCNHtk Runtll w 1-0 Herrlt S.11 MinMMt• ,, ) 1 2 l•) • 2 l l 1 ' I I ) 2 s ) I I 0 Smltll'on I 7·l • S BulCller ll·) S l ROavlS L l·S I l ·l 1 l Pailor• 7 6 ) ltLJeck\n 2·3 0 0 HllP-PaCIOttk bv SmllhlOl'I w~ Umolr~om• SllulO<k, r1,.1 ~Ofld McKeen. TlllrO, CIMk T l .&t A-12 Ol4 • Indiana I, A's 7 S 0 I l 7 2 I 0 0 I I 1 0 0 1 I 7 ) 0 2 I J l 0 0 0 Pu1or1 MA)rr1'°n OAKLAND CLEVELAND Pti11110, ct OHlll7b Lel'\fro lb Cense<o" K"Gf'nndh 8ocl!lt lb J1v1er cf MOevll ti Gritton u 9,,,.. c Wlllatd c Tlhlb ab r II bl • 7 7 O 8ut111< ct 3 I 0 1 8..-ntrd 7b 4 I I 2 N1s0flpr • 0 2 0 C••t•• lb S i 1 ) Tllrntn 0'1 4 0 7 I MHalllf I O O o Jacoby lb • 0 0 0 Frenc:o n J 1 I 0 CC1Slt~ rt l 0 0 0 ll•nOo c 0 0 0 0 AlleMon < JS 1 10 1 TefaJ1 ker• ltV '"'*'-' Hrllbl • J 2 0 4 l 2 1 0100 S I S 4 '0 0 0 ' 0 2 1 4 l l 0 • 0 0 0 J 0 l I 4 I I 0 -0 0 0 0 ,. • I• 1 0.ltfalld JlO °'° 001 -7 Clevtlalld 001 Oll 10,-1 One out wllen w•nnlno rvn Korte Gerne Wlntuno Riii -MH•" I I E'-<amor MOevl\ OP-Cieveiano 2 LOll-Oeklano • Cltv•l•n<J • 28 t<lnom•n Carter 7 C•n~o. Jecobv 38 GrlHln Hit L•n•lord 161 Klngmen ( 13) S8-Cerltr J 111 I S OHlll, 8ernare rd SF-CCestlllo IP H " •• ea $0 0.lllMd Moonvr.m 0nt1Yet'OI 1t110 L 1•4 Clfte&Mi PNle1<ro 0-ktf\ Cenci10111 Yeti W J-0 WP-Onllv..-01 •I J e 11 ) ) I·) l 11 l s ., J l I I I 2·) I • 0 0 l 0 0 I ) 1 0 1 I ' 0 l I 0 ) Umo1re1-Homt, McClaMend F•r\J Inger S.C:ono. lttlllv, Tl!lro CoDte T ·l 10 A-. 264 • NATIONAL L•AGU& AatrM n. ,..*'" 1 HOUSTON SAN Ot•GO 011ren 21> ,_nkovls lb H•lc,,.r II Weil< .. Cl OOt vll lb A•lltl¥C Ben t1 Garne< lt> llalley c ,,..,,. " 1(-p ebrll .. • 1 ) 1 1 ' l 0 S 2 I 1 \ I I I ' 7 2 I l 0 0 0 4 ) l , • I 1 1 ) 0 I I • 0 0 0 S 1 I 0 ltObtrt' 71> ~WYftft r1 Mcltvto cl G¥wv lo Wlf19'D McCllet• II aoe11v o11 Merll1111f "ov•ler lb l(eflMdy ( Tl'l\Pllll u f'lalW!rY la Orevclly o SIOOGarCI D Kruk !If\ ~~hP Wvnnecf 0 UIS 1e T .... I kafflrY ....... alt r II bl • 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 l 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OlOO I 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 J 1 I I ' 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 J1 14 I "•""" •MO eso-11 5a110.... -'°' OIO-I Oamt Wlnnlno ltll -GOevl1 l'l E-TtmOlllOfl, IC-we1i., F~v 2 O~" 0..... J LO.-HW\ttHI 10, k11 0...,. 4 11~0 .... ,, '· Melt ..... w. .... )8-Ger""', l-41lm.t Htt-a.u l7l Oor111 141, It ,._," UI S <Otr,_ ltl H.J.. "' H tltl• .. JO 11.MOl>fl' w 10 ) • SellO.... Of1v.O.y L.S 6 • t •l 1 1 ~· l.;J . 0 "~" ' • 0 Wait..-I • S M<Clen I 0 0 Umplr" HO<'l'f, P'•llOlle , ''' Ol'CI Qui<• T hlr d '1 ""9e f-?JI a-1)"" 0 • • .l I I 0 v 1 0 ' 0 ' 0 l I ""'· ~ ended their th~e lc»utg Htcak. lodta.u I, A'• 1: Joe C•rter, who went ~-for-S, doubled home t.he tying run ar1d then scored on Mel Hall's 'inaJc in t.hc ninth 1nntna. tallyin1 Cleveland put Oakland and 1end101 the A's to their seventh strai&}u lo . Brewen I, Ortoln a. Rookie 8111 Weiman pllchcd a 1ix~hitter and Emelt Riles hit a two-run homer at M1lwaulcee beat Baltimore for its fourth consccut1ve victory. V1akM1 t. TIJert a· Mike Easler had two run-aconnadoublcsand Don Mattin&ly's homer opened a four·run New York fourth mmng u the Yankees beat Detroit. Rusen 14, Twt.u 11: Geno Petralh drove in five runs and Pete O'Brien hit a home run that sparked a seventh-inning rally and led Texas over Minnesota. Royat1 t, Marl.Dtrt I Gcorae Breu went S-fot·S and Jorac Orta rapped four hits and drove in three run~. sparking an 18-bh attack that led the Kan_sas City Royals over Seattle Mariners Brett, who had a double and four singles. had tus fifth career five-hit game S.mole rt Cllmt>t• Pl! M<Hirtrv o ltemlrz u M<irPllY Cf HC>rMr ID Haroerlf MO<enoPll \llrglf c Ol>arll,, lb Hv~d7t> ZStnltll 11 Oeclmoft p GP«IY If T ..... * G&antl J, Braves 0 -nw,,.ANOKO urllllt tllrlllll 70110 Mlatldort 41 I0 1 0 0 0 Aldrtle 1b • 1 l 1 0000 Clrownll> •OOO • O I o L-ro If • o l 2 l 0 O O COav11 d • O O O 4 0 0 0 lllenly c J 0 l 0 3000 ltTllC>~2b 1000 10 00 Urlben 3000 7010 lllu.o 2000 l 0 0 0 YllfOld 1111 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 JltOC>nan o 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 21 0 > 0 Ttitala k-It'( '""""" A..,. OOI 000 •-t \aft ,,MCltoca 100 tit lb -~ Game WIMlr>g Riii -Leonard tt l E-+iuCIOerd aem1rez OP-$en FrallCltco 7 LOii-Atianta S, San Francltco 1 28-MeldonaOO Al&e• ZSmltll L 5 6 Dedmon """""""rv IP It • , ... so 6 l·l e , l 0 l 0 l 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 s l , SM'rancb<e 81ve w .l l I o o 4 JRoblnson S,5 1 1 0 O O 1 Umolrn-Home. Helllon. First, l(lbler, *" ono llon1n Third Froemnur111 T-211 A-14,100 • ~·.~·4 ,.HILAO•LPHIA NaW Y°"K S1one 11 8edrosn o l .,CllD Humeo ltoenlck ef Samuel 2b GW1laonrt Heyes lb Joltull c Cermeno MTllmpcf Scr.u lb Jelll u GGrou 1>11 Scllrncll "" Foiev u Hudson D Ttaulw o Oe vllOfl c Tllhlll ebrlllll .. ,,.Ill 4 I l 0 OVll\lre c1 4 I 7 0 OOOO llcVnn2b 5010 I 0 0 0 TtvfelOll I I l 4 o o o O KHrno1 lb S o o o S 0 2 1 Strwllfv rt • 1 I 0 • I l 2 Cerlt!' c S 2 l 4 6 0 I 0 F otler II 3 0 l O 4 0 0 I MW!ltoll if 2 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 Knf911t lb S I 7 0 0 0 0 0 Mllellelf " l 0 l 0 I 0 0 0 Seftlena 11 2 0 0 0 40000i.dao lOOO 1 I 0 0 SIMI o 0 0 0 O O 0 O O Otow:o o O o O o IOOOHM!JOll 0000 O 0 o O McOw• o O o o o l l o o Lvon1 Pfl o 1 o a o o a a 1 0 0 0 41 4 1 4 Tllhllt 42 112 I Seer• bv '""'""' ~.. 001 ,. 1 IO ot-4 N-Yarti '°' 102 tlO .. _, Ont out wnen w1m·11ng rvn w:oreo Geme W1nn•no Riii -Ttu!ef (21 E-Mllct'lell Santana L06-f>ll1ledelof\ot 13 New York • 28-Slrewt>trrv HR-Cerler 2 1101 Teufel •(2) 58-Slone c.J SemWI llSI S-0.ultOfl SF-HaYM ,.,......i. Hud\Ofl Tekulve Cermen 8eoro1n Lerer. L.O I Hume ..._YW11 II" H It lllt aa W s 1 I I l 1·) 0 I 7•3 2 I 1·3 I 0 I ) 0 0 I l I l 0 0 I ) 1 0 0 I 1 0 s I I I 0 o.,, Oted• 72·) 1 4 4 • 0 \ 0 0 2 M~ 1 0 0 0 Oro.co 1 ) o o o 0 0 MtOowell W.6 0 2 0 0 0 HVO\Ofl 1>llclle0 to 3 t>all ... 1 In Ille 6111 11ume l>ftct>ed to 1 bait ... In ,,,. 1 ltl'I HllP-Scllv llY 51111 WP-$1\I> Um1><res-Home. Gregg Finl. Harvey Sec ono Steno TtllrO, Ponclno f-14' A-27,4n * Expes 4, ca,._.., 2 MOHTltlAL n . LOUIS Newmn lb Wtb""" rf ltelnu lf 8rooli.l u WellKlllb Gelarro lb Wl'IQhm c1 811rdef0 c F11reer10 <. Tlbbt p llurkt P ltHroono urll.,. ' 0 1 0 J 0 0 0 4 I 1 0 4 ) 3 0 l 0 I l 4 0 I I ' 0 0 0 J 0 I 0 l 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 CoiemanH McGftcf Val'ISIVk fl JClllrk lb Harr 71> LvRrt C Lewienor Huttle OSmllhU Pndllri )b FO'tch P ~Pll Owl'bev• >4 4 I 4 T ..... k_IW...._ nrlll>I • 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • l l 0 4 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 • 0 2 I , 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 • ls 1 Menll"NI -100 tl0-4 StLaula OIO otO 100-2 Geme Winning Riii -W1!lactl 17) E -we11a<11 o Srn1111, J ca.r11, anardtllo LOB-Montreal l StLoul• 5 28-WellKll, J Cieri. lB-llrooh .58 PWIClletOfl 110), New men lfl S.-PtndlelOfl SF-W111Kt1, Ooul'loo ... H ••• aa SO Mtntr'HI Tlbb' W • 2 6 S i 2 J S Burl<t 1 0 0 0 0 0 lteerdOll S 14 2 0 0 0 0 O Sf\.evh F«Kll L,S 4 1 6 3 I S. Ownt>ev 2 2 1 I o ' Tlbl>t Pile l'lff to 2 l>alltr' In ,.,. 1111 WP-<>wnt>ev , Urn1>1ru -Home Pvl . f'lr~I WHI. *ond Oi!Mvtll. Tlllro lt"""9v T-2 26 A-7t707 CHICAGO L0991 If So&lattr u. lo.,.., Pll GMlllwol! Sndbr8 2t> MO<eflld rt Ct Y>o JOavlt < Ourllm 1D MvllNvcl l!cflettl\I D Dvn•tn pt, Fraaler o "r•l"Cfl pl\ T.W. * ""''-' ,, cw. 4 1111 rll Ill 4 I l 0 4 0l0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 1 I 4 0 0 1 ' I J I • I 2 0 4 0 1 0 • 0 l 1 , 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 o a o o 1 I I 0 P"ITTSIU.G" IOftCll cf OrMMllrf lt•¥2'11 Kllallf• " areem lb -•evw." T,...._c Momtlllll 9et1111tt1U KIDclet D Ml"""_, WtnnD • 4114 T ..... k.-llW ...... •rllll 4 l 1 0 3 l I 0 4 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 4 l J ) • 0 0 0 ) I 7 0 J 0 0 0 4.', lO 0 • 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c:.... -.. 112-4 ............ ..., ... _, Gtll'll W1Mlr1G It -lr .. 1'1 111 l!'""IM4frlM11 • Ecll•\lrr Loe-c111 cno 10. ll"tt~ • '9--t..._, IOllOI c.-.. T ...... Hll-<ew 141 a tMl'll (fl ~ I IOI .,.."' 01 ~" if' McM...,.. ~ H aa• U 10 CMclNI l.dUIUle't' L.2•4 6 6 4 l 1 l!rat!tlr 7 • l l I "'" ...... K W 2 •i 1 t J J I • ""'"" llJ J',., C~I 0 ••• ,. Gullt11•S.1 tJ 1 0 0 0 l CllMenh P•lcl\9d lo 1 Nll9f In Ille t111 Umelr .. -...,.,,., Oatllfle "' w... * one1 1t lllMtt, r"" 11 Moflt•._,. T-Ul A U" MAJ0a UIAGU• ITANCM I ~L.eewe WIST DtvtllOM Te~H llltftMIJCllv .... Cl\lcaff O.lllal\O Mlnnnote S.llle W L Pld. M )2 H 161 " a '°' ' • 1t .491 • t4 n "' 11') ts )A '24 • n ,, m ,,,, 71 ,. J.5' 12 AIT DIVISION '°''°" ..".,._. Hew YOl'i. MllwlW.M Clevlt1no Toronto 0.ltO>I JO " )) ,., l4 " )0 ,. 21 ,. 2t • lS 1t T..-T', k., .. Clll<9GO 1 ._... J New Yon. '· OttrOlf J Clevelend I. 0.111eno 1 lo'llon 4, T0<on10 3 110 IJ!lllntU KenMs Cllv 9 Seattle 5 Texa1 1•, Mlnneaote 10 Mllw ....... " a..iwor .. ) T...,., Gwftet .,_. IMc:Ca\111" 4 41 e l Chlea~ IOot~ •-5) aelllmon llk>cld•cllar J ll at MllweultM (Oarwln l 21 New Yori. CGv•Clrv • SI et O.troll ILe,.o•nl l·4). n 0.lllano llenofot<l 1 SJ el Cltv-no lSdlrom 4·2), n lktl.,. !Clemens 10 01 et Toronlo ~Ale.1tandel 4-2), n S..lllt <Mor11en ) " ., IC•nMH City (Lelbnnot 6-)), n Teua IHouon 5·21 .. MlMHOI• IAndlr\Clll Hl,n Tilllf'MlaY'I ~ Kenw• Cllv et ...,_, n 0.troll 11 Toron10. n Hew York •• llaltlmore n MHwavllM et lolfon. n Cl'llC-.0 II S..llla. n Oflty hrneS IC1leckHO RiffiMJ b•eu- WUT DIVISION w l3 L -a. Ga 2 Hovston 2) ,.. $en Fra~IKO Allatllt ~ JI 25 SS. 21 2t 500 s . .,, ,.,, " 21 lt •7S San Ole90 Clnc1Ma ll lO 474 n 12 407 10 New York MontrHI PtlllffaiPnl• POlsbufl ll Cll>CAQO SI Loul• IEAST 01\llSIOM lt " )0 24 2' 21 2J lO 23 31 n 11 TllltlMV'• ~' ~ 1, Clnclnnell o • 12 141'> 1S0"1 16 New YOl'li. e. PlllladelPhle 4 111 1nn•n11U Pllltllurotl 6 C,niCQO 4 Monl•HI • 51 LOU•I 1 Hou"Oll 12, S.n OiaGO 1 San FrenclK'O J, Allente O Ttday'1 Gatl'lff Clnclnnall CGulllck•on • ·61 •' ~' (W9'Cl1 l·SI n Alle,..1a CPevn« J SI a1 San Frenc:oKO l<iatrtils S·61 Hovtlon (~ 1 71 11 S.n o-IHawkln\ •-4) Phll•Cletolll• CCarllon 4·61 al New 'l°Ol'lt tOerllnG 6·71 n Chteeeo (Hoffman 2 It e l Plll\l>vfoh lllllOdell S-1> n Mon1raa1 (Hflktlll J 4 •' \I l..OUl\ <Co. l·SI n TlwndlV-• G-Sen Franc1w:o a1 Houston, n On1v oeme Klleovled Whftit SH 7, A"91K l CAL.,0.NIA CHICAGO PeHI\ cf R Jon~n rt Oowntng H Henorc._ rt RJc.kMI Oii O.Cnu ltl Joyner lb GrlCll 21> Sc.llOlllO " N1rron Dll Bvrie\11 u lloont t Tft•h eb r II"' S 0 1 I 4 I I 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 I S 0 I 0 • 1 I 0 l 0 7 1 4 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 Cengel, ci """ c lle1ne1 rt GWalllr ID 811onll1e II SllrOiv Oii Toitnn ofl HUltll Jo Gv•llen\I Cruz 2b lS l t J TIQI\ kw.by ....... allrll., 4 I 1 0 4 I l 7 4 I 7 l 4 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l 0 1 0 1 I 0 0 ) 2 I 0 4 I l 0 4 0 7 2 )4 1 14 1 CalHllnU -., ••-> Ollca.. JOO ., l 011-7 Game Winning R81 Bal.,., 151 OP-<elllorn<e I Cn.c:a~ I L08-Ce11tornla 11 CtlleallO S 711-Hulett O.C•ncft Jovnar ScllOl...O Pet111 )8-lleonft RJone\ I~ H It•• al SO Clllfwllla Romanlek L l·• Flnlllv Forster Olke .. ., ) 7 21 l s I 1 0 1 I I 0 I Ali.n w l 0 ~ 7 l ' 2 1 NtthOfl t 2 ) l 2 0 Jeme' S e I 2 ) t 0 0 1 0 UmDoret Home Ga re•• Ftrll f'oro Se< Ond RHO Third KOK T JOJ A-134'7 Aneim aven991 ITlw'.,.._ Tvesde\"l eamel .; aATTING Jeck son NetrO" Joyner llurle1ot1 Oowruno Henein<~ Grlcn Wllfottg ~llOll•kl OeC1nc.-. Jones Pell,, Boone All It H Hit 141 25 4J , 70 3 • 0 ntl1"" 111 U J7 I 196 J1 SJ s ,., " 32 1 I°' I• 27 l Ill IS 21 7 u s 71 l6 ' 19~ '' ., 1 1)0 " )() ) IU 70 43 7 161 ti ll 3 11 1 2 0 1914 J72 ... IJ PITCHING ,_., Pel 20 30\ 4 lOO 45 ,.. II 7't ,. 270 ,, 269 1 7SS 1l , .. ,, , .. ')() 241 " 231 It 730 IS 20S 2 111 ts1 .1u IP H aa SO W·L•aA Wiii 9? k 12 14 • 4 ) 7l (OtO.tl 11 70 1 I• 0· 1 l 2' M<Ceo II 11 • .. 31 •t 4·• l .. ltotne"IO ~ 69 11 11 l 4 4 70 Forst•• It 1 24 • I\ l · I 416 Slalon &1• • 1\ 26 21 • S S l'I ~· 1' l• 9 IS 1 l S 21 !k!llOfl "I'\ '9 I) Jt 4 S S 40 F1niev 4 I S l 1 0 • M ll<vden .).I )a 21 7S 1 l 6!16 F1ac11er I<'\ I 2 4 0 O 1 ot Cenoetarl1 1 • l 0 O·O 1100 Tefalt 500 m 1'4 J27 • 2t UJ s.""' Meer-e 1, c ..-., $, .. .,...., 2. I, ltecb 0 Oodeer1 CINCINNATI 1..oi ANG•LH EOavlsct Mllne<CI CncDCn u Perktr rt ... lb ,....., lb "o-Ndon" V1ne1>1t II 1101•• ( °''~211 Wef•llP Stllwo 1>11 Franco P T .... 1 •b," ... ) 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 • 0 I 0 ' 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 ) 0 I 0 ' 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 ' 0 l 0 0 0 '0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0000 Ounc•n " ~ .. 111 c 11"911 lb Ma<jtt~ lo Mer\l\al rt Trevino c Sllll>O\ 11 Rwnm,ct Ho.,.vclf P '""'" Pl! No-f\iro 2' 0 ~I T...,_ k-b\I im... al>rllbl • I 2 0 ) 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 , 0 2 0 , 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clftdl!Mll OOI -•-t 1.. .. ANlte• Oot -•1-1 Two OVll wM'1 w tnnll'v '"" ''°°'" GalT'e W1M•"9 llBI -No~ 5-MaOWKti. AP«el OP-<:IN: Mall I LO\ .-,,..... J lO.-Cll\C~ll ) l °' " ........ S-Trevlr>0 BO•u ~,. ,,. H .... aa S() CIM"-• ""'"" 1 0002 ~rarcoL07 17J I l I 1 Lat A,...._. Honevcn ~ o o o Nlfdflluar W S 1 0 0 0 0 I Um11irH -Home Wtnde•llttdl fin ! '•'• ~ond Grn>da. ThirD C W••l•m• T-1~ A-J2 1J7 MAJOR LaAOUa 1..•ADl'9S Am•tc.11' LA119U9 (~ TwMlll\"• C0.-1 aillTIHG 1121 et be"l~t. kttOll .. )19 Youn! Ml1waufl... M7 Puct.tll. Mi..._ota m. lfl Toroll!O ).a l Vllfl ••"lrMr• lJt •UH It ........ '°" '-•* Y•i., -,, l>ucktll M n-te .. P!lllr•M t.i.nd 4S llarflet<I TorOllto Jt, Mc~ ''"" J' tt•1-<anW<O 0.klllflel ~ Mathnel• Ntw '(orli. .. ,,..,._, ............ , .. VIOf I O\!Of\ 40 -IC'e. lo.toll. .., HIT.t-4"Ut•ell MlrWWOI• e1 ... !Oii. II, /Mii , ,,_.,., YWll. 11. 9el, T..-~ 't .-~ ... L~'!l.!!._ 00\J• >-.........,. 94\lon, \• Me111rvi. Nirw Y.,,, 17, Ow on1 llot.IOll 16 Lew ltall\et Cllv, 1' lllC-e lo.tool 16 TltllP!. l-+41#1' C'-090 ~ t:"t~ Te•e• • L••· k 111M\ Cl!v t Ow1ltl. r...••• • l4 -, ..... lfl J Or Coa1 DAILY P1LOT IWedMIO .. MtOM sctiOC)L Or ..... c..-. Al-Stw --Cat 0.. ,....~) soun. 4, ~, llfer1'I M ·Slltn Ctencv lE$1*'MH), "' LOOdlno IWettWll) rf • Kaluroff (I.°' A.1ar111io.>. ct HOlmel (MNfdel, cf SllMtf'I <Sooner a>. o COIC (l._-anaal. C ltOltill (Servllel. c "uKlllo IVlllWICl•I. clfl P'tlrtO.I IE.I Dorado) Oii C~c:llll IValenclll lb Sno• ILM Alern-lotl lb llV'ICll 111....,. Pen.a H l..IOvO llte,...I, cf ParkM IAnal'lelm), d Htnton ILoerel, JO T tfiat1 I Wea tarn I, lb Al\ert tEt MoOenal, 21> ~ .....,, CCenvOfll 2b TtitM SWiii Al•st.n Ceu ICaoo Ven.vi. It Cullllf IFoothll) If Harnell11 ttrlvne1. lb llr°'*llte IE01aonl, lb Peu!Mft IL.a OUlllllJ "' McTNtFt Foo11111> rt '""' l<kun View) rt Reichert (Fountain Vel'evt o"' Oovlt (Fountain Velltvl, lb LHl!ef fOana H~l\l JO COfltrwe llJn1var111-.1 71> ()()(a,~ lM•UIOfl Vlel<>l 71> K. .. v IMalw 0.0, c ltol>enon IMtuoon Vle10J , c Ki.ta< CGaroen Grovel. Cf K.aN1G1t (Garden Growl cl Telllh S.C..IW ......_ •r11111 3 0 1 0 I D 0 0 J I I 0 I 0 I 0 • 0 0 l , 0. 0 1 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 2 1 2 I 2 0 I 0 7 I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 2 0 0 0 1 0 I~ 1 0 0 0 ,. ) • J alirll .. 2000 2 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 lOOO 2000 1 0 0 0 • 2 1 0 2000 l 7 1 , 7 0 0 0 I 0 I 2 , 0. 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 • 4 > 4 NO<tn GOO 120 OOC>-l t l South 000 000 20'2-.. l I Geme 'N1nn1no ltll -Le\her E -Pav•Mlll Loe -Nortll 4, South l 211 - Doren, Allar1 311 -K.alurofl Hit -Laillef. Cl'lvrcnlll, lluncn sa -Stuart Ner1'I ..... M Ill II SO HOIComb fEI OMaoc>l 1 0 0 0 0 I GI'-(Trovl 1 0 0 0 7 I Bird (Wtttarn) 1 O O O O 1 LOCIOlno IWHlarnl I 2 I 1 1 0 H••wet CE•-•nul I 0 0 0 I 0 Te1i.n CWt\ltrnl L ,,, 7 2 7 O O s-tll lfl' • H •ll U SO Svf•CO IT..aflftl ) 0 I 0 0 1 Stloody llrvlnel l I I I 0 Feulll& IEI T0<ol ' ' ) 1 0 0 tiatm (LffUM HINU I 0 I 0 0 I Huell (Huntington llee<.111 W l 0 7 0 J 2 Pll -l( .. y WP -LOOdlno m HllP - Cllottt U>v LOOd'"GI T -1 0 Al~l'CW -I 500 Lei A.lamltn TVHOAY'S •H~LTI IJlrtl • st-•v ~,__.I .... ST ••c• lSO nrO\ Ille llr-n llonlber IWrdl Litt It Ce1h <Garclel TA AOvenleCHI ILtc~tVl r,.,. 11'2 10 to I 60 440 610 00 1060 n IXACTA f7 7) oeod 117110 HCOffD tltAC• JSO ""0' SJ11°e1 llevtflCHI IHerl) tfnodv Koo 11 .. •wl" U() J-0 JOO ,, 60 13 40 l JO C.011ernor\ Menston IDIOe"•O..,,I Time 17 tl 12 aXACTA • 61 e>eod i140 60 THllllD ltAC lSO vetcb Mr W H-..S Trnrtl •marHIO Morn 1Ge•Clel L.•M ' Cl101Ct I01111trlck .. nl Time 11 17 u axACTA (2 J pe oO \}4 '° "°""™ ltAC• 3SO varo. C•1tnov• WIM ICtHoa<l Er "' Charoe• Wet11) Oerango ILac~••I Time 1771 l'"TM ltACI JSO v11•d1 He•r t it Go ((r,•11~1 Thinking Ill<" IGe•c·•I ~ L Ofll l..•w Sl Tl,..... 17H '' IXACTA II 'I 1>e1c1 II 10 SIXTH aACa lSO varO\ Ou"'' e E llo" (l aa•vl GO'<Mf' ~,., t T reetvr• E U Y ltt\•Oo;e11 1Cre11Mr J Time 11.tl U IXACTA 17 •> oald UI 90 J60 260 240 uo )00 )10 Nott Oeducteblll tel 1>rou 111r(KNfi 11111 oet• ren off ano ... , •<••l<l'leel •• ••-• °" •11m _.,.. O<O.'llO r~ encl ell 111\ PJO \ • ....Cfl()n\ ...... \WOltllecl IO lft9 lav'll' It O.,,,lo t Elt0tt 121 HVEHTH •Ac• no '1110\ l•!'1llOU MM@< !T'atr• ~IO I 00 ) -0 ltiNt T~M 10•0..l<\M" •60 t 10 l e;n,111<1 (llO•ce tar00o• llO Tl!'l'e 17 11 U UlACTA 21 aae4 ~I IO •IOMTH ltAC. UO va•<ll Pro• r C•••->· Go"•''-11..1•kevl ltl(PI ........ , T ..... ,.,,. Tl,... 2' 6J ,, •XACTA 1 I) 1>41;o woe NINT'M tltACI 4.40 •ere" OH i! In i1v .. (OdrtU fll EH ie• 1Pt1'ant0il) ~II~ °" (;.Q f"-edi8Y) , ..... 11•\ U 1IXACT'A (1 11 pe;o l 1U ll U,fl'KI( SIX 1•·7 1 Of I \ 7 7 .Of ti IM•CI \lUIO 10 \.41 wlflllllll ll<iitU Ot• llO<\•'l N•ll Jt .0 IO ),$4) wlrl.,.,.. titkatt ltlv• hllr'MI\) NOT£ P•flOICI .ti a.oulN tt ) ..,., • •1•• ft \CUICf! 8"<1 '"~ -· O!'M<M "'11' !\'l Pl(.• \I• _,_, \...me-m -I•"°" •• 0.t" 1n S•v • TaNTH ltACa. JSO ••rctt Pall" lllY••-1ocw~u·1 Ciolne F't "\Y ~•ride ()1,,.,., lrl"' ~' 1Gau.lal T-1eOo1 11 :ro uo ,.. HO HO l 10 ll &JLACTA It ,, aald l 6C HOTI A ~ ,.a\ 1cr11Ct>tiel 11 ,,_ pe•• Of" adYIC'9 OI 1114' 11•1• ... a NI 1"91vn$ .,., .. .,_eo ., .... .,,, ..... I,.,. IDAT'IHIULTI ,,~.u... .......... "llM: l y ,._ J "" ~It lftlft t 1 c-.... -=.10tuft) &'l~A()ot) MeottO eAC .. t1Q1 I Cor Siel'tlMll If' ""1t I HiOIM!I OIC• CY•llll'lllin4"1a"' MllfWtl ,.,.,.,_., I I T 1r11e: J11'U U OAa&. 'f DGUl'-9 t.-Jl P lx.At'f A ()•71 NICI . D U.C fll1ICll I m11a. ,.l'l'lnt lhllliOfl I P9rc > u• Jleem C~> l(lfW~( .... , T1fN HIM Q •XACTA (2·)) MIC! ., • llou.TH I.AC .. Pau l l'lllle 19'1 Of Atme ,,.,..,., 1 M 0... H Sly IKuftWI Hurwe (f'-UOitlYl Time IJU fl1"'" •AC • ll"K• 1 o....,. kllllm C,.,,_.,.I U1 111 NIQ.el Jee IHll .Jr I J ... Wtnnllll Glow (Alltllfl Jr I T'lmt H6. II •XACTA CH) Mltl MO.GO UXTM ltACS • ...._ l mill ~ IC,.,._> k.OI UI H\19 • ..., (Gr\l'ldY) Ut .............. Nit (S6ellfl) TllN 2'00 II IXACTA (6 4) Mid 141\. .. save..,,. ••ca. ,.._. 1 ,.. Hun!en lttwa•tl CIW'tlll k > IMO 1 jil T19ftt ~,.,.. llt"911t) It.a LWltv ltllVll'lm ISietltt) Tirrw ta• d aXACTA C ... I) Nici '216 .. llGHTM ••c•. Pace I ,..,, .. El ll"KO (C.a.1114) '00 4AO 1• ~ Mallflt tlC.~1------~ ....... l» lndfafl '°"'9t IMaWl la Time 1't1 I ' la IJllACTA ll·•> 111i. M2a ""'"" aAC•. ll"K• l ,..,.. P1r11wey ACllOt (Maler) Lvml>er Sii'-(Olfrance). Mat11111 CTOO.l Tinlt Hl 2 W~L-hY-fll U lllACT A 17·)) Mid lit lt 11 l'tCK llX (J·l t f 3•2> Hid ......a 10 It wlnnlno tldle1• tflve ,_...,, Cerrto-ftr Totet Net CMfYOWf llOr today 1' S12,J21 "· ll"lcll. ' Six i"olM we• a 11.6'9 00 tlfllt Qn'yO't'W fl# 17 11900 TElfTH •ACI. P-l mlle Oretnasl't IOifnlflcol 4.AO K~ Jen fVellanolllO!laml Hot~Cll"ierce) Time 2'02 I U l.XACTA 11-ll IM'll llUO All~ 2.S74 Mvt\1111 Helldle sat,.a? ' soccaa w.wc.. TUHOAY"S SCO.H t•t~Make) "•"' J. hultl 1(-1 A,_llnll l . IUlelr ... T .. .,.,,...... Me1UC4 "' It" •I Mt•ICI CllY, 11 Lm ~ n ,..,.._... er MlxJal Cltv, II MolO«.O n P'wlUNI al ""°"i.tre\', J am. Poland VJ E n!Nftd II MolfletTW, l II m A" 11"'9t fl'O T Deep ........ DAVaY'S L.OCKClt (.......,, a..dll -6 b()el'& tts etl\lltl't '" Darracvda. s llOllllO n rOCkfl\11 I llaill>ul 2t 1 c.t•lco De\6, 76 M11C1 De ... 171 mac:t<et'ef 4 --'" .,... 17 tll;A "*"'· ' meltO tl\trlt DAMA WHA•' -6 DOal•. 117 _..,... 19 t>eu, 11 t>arracucla I I roc1tf1ill, 200 mad111ret, t 1~. l KulDln, l cati.zon N•W~T UNOIMG -l bOah, a IS barracvoa ~ Miid bet.a. 74 c.tllcO .,._., '"-"'"°· S KVIP!ll. 125 madl- TuecdlY"t II •IMdllM aAUaALL Amllrk.-~ Cl.EVELAND INOIANS-S~ JOM tell .. 111110 be-n. llavmond Wllllam&on, oolflelder'. •lld \\...,.., l lrd C.•r1 Cllal'Tlb@n. lt"UCI eliOf ancl K..,1 MHgarCI, 1111~, 10 mln«-tte•• con1rect1 wllll a.1av1a of tr. New Yorll·~ LH-and ~IV a.ttlQtta, Scott"°""'°" ... Merll Pike outt..-clen. Abf~ Walow, MC7 onCI bltaman, end ltuCly S..ncn. lll1d>iW, It ~In« ·19eoue conlflCh with lurllne-ton of Int A-lllChtan LNove MINNESOTA 'TWIN~t J.,.n A-to p.lc:Nf, 10 Toledo of Illa lfllef'ftet!Oftal L-•ac.-. "'lten ...,_,.._, .. tetw. lll"llm Teiedft. NEW YOltlC YANK!E ..... ec.alleO Ir'-' f"l"'9r, llllCMr from Cotumllu\ of Ille ~ nat!Onal LMOV- ........ l.-.ut CHICAGO CUllS-Slenad MlrllH4 Curt1t anC1 Jean Ltfl'ooint llllCNtt 0.,.,..,, E ..... IOO'. lflOr!llOll Mld\ael • ...,., • ,,,.,, ~ • ..., OOle Wlllarllt end Eric Wood\ ou~'-• CINCINNA Tl ltEO S..-.ct Crw.l'lft Can, Meond "'-" j MONT.-EAL EXPOS-iltllff Johnnie •l.•Me.i... Int~ '"° •"'"'*' lltm 10 11p-C1•anaOOlll of lfW A1-lca l'I Anod e110t1 ll'HILJ.Of:LPHIA PHILLIES-~ WW,.. McG•. D••• a-it, Oarrei COUiter ~ KJ..-, ~" iim, tnCI J...,.ev Mv-1111~. Hafv•v lr"""HllCI OaYIO a rllftOeN and !dWe ... HOOO ou~ Don Cllurth kOll •ur•l'WI •"d L..-o~ Ve11•reu , "'°"'''OP• -kannel'll Miilet CAICll« IAMC9T9All .................... ..-.-.. PCMllTLM-10 TllAtl lkAf A~ FMnendo Martin lenwetO ... Ot ··~ • ''"'°"' lhl\ "'"'"-i-oonAL.l ............... lattllMI N01ANA'9C>LIS C°'-Tt-Hamed ll'e• """"' dOc• c°""9 toCDul KANS4!o CITY CHI l'\.-)lvnH Tom a..ue11 ,.,..,., .. • Ml'ift of -...., co11tnc:h """'" '"'"" ....... l.M9ue a tltMtNGHAM STAU.ION~-$1enM T- Tr"91C!tt •M ltOHil )WrLltlM runn!ne M<M Cllt1I HOOlll .-.c•ict.er A~ ~e"' •• TOftY F ~~ leOt ""'111111 Aln· allder end ~riOI\ •r•11 ..._ ,....wen - C•a •o Domh~ ~ .... 11_,,.11 soccsa ,....., ........ w.ue ~T LOUIS ST(AN.fllt~ l Na fonrlrCI CO'-L.l•C (HA•L SfO"I, W VA ~ lem LI rvm ..,.., ' 11aoa1tleil ll'OtllT icon N.,.... "'" Tur-...,.., b4Ukt'lbe II ~UO..-NamiM ~ w.<irn '"*'" •or f'!.A .. '*"',._..-•!(;M ~ 0.-,.,..,.,.. ror-w•. flu • "'9rew11 ·--Ul!I... ,.. "' "'-' •Ill ~·· flle ~ "' elofllNlle 111 '" ~ MA.ltllT alNG o .. e Nlaprth l'flt!!i't "' HOil T it.: 11.,. T ""*' _. • ' ' --------------~...-----...... ------------~------- Orange Cout DAU. V PILOT/ Wednud1y. June 11. 19a6 13ig nu~bers, drops now common for the Dow ~ecently. thed11.1so~sscd a m1le~l0ne of note when 1t dropped below ont. 10 0~~1 and then 0.929 Thus the "d1v1sor" actually ·~now a mul11pher 8y CHET CURRIER ,,,......_.,..., 1\l(W YORK -When the Dow Jone) indu\tnal a\eragc took a record drop of more than 45 point\ on Monda>. Wall Streeters may havc been unhappy But kw of th,·ni wctt 5urpn scd. There had been widespread taH. 10 the financial \\orld for ~me t1mr of the po:.s1b1ht) that the avera$e m1ptt take a big fall. perhaps of as much a' I 00 ix11ntr. 1n a ~1nglc day. ~ .. en among tho~ who e'\pcct thc bull marlct of the past four )Can to continue in the months ahead tht·rc was much ag~ment 111a1 stocks were vulnerable to a \uddcn. and perhaps nasty, setback or two. •\fter all. the) rea\Oncd, the market has la tel) cnJO)\:d one of ns moi.t dramatic advances e\er without much help from the econom}. which has yet to deliver on man) fnrt"<'"~'fr' • oro1er11nn!I of a speedup in ~onom1c.. growth f-unhcrmorc ~he beh.av1or of stod. pnces I'> no" subject to p~v1ouSI} unl.nown forces, most notahl) the much-publicize\! phenomenon of program trading b) r>rofrss1onals at brokcraiie firms playmg stock!I •And '>tock· 1 ndex futurts rnntrac t'> aga1 n\t each other At the \ame llmr. the Dow ha~ reached level\ whl·rc big pomt change) have b«ome almost commonplal.e Monda}''i dccltnt• uf .. 5.75 po1nt!I to 1.840.l<i amounted to a lo'i' nf .. onlv" 2 43 percent. Thal wa' nowhere close to the l 1 9 pt·1~·cnt and 11 7 percent drop<> that Olturred on con..clut1H· '1.1)' 1n the Great (rn!ih of October 1929 In modern 11111n tht•rl al'>o ha ve been larger percentage drop<; 1ha1 t am1..· sn tht m1d'>t of long-term bull marl ct'> On '>cpl 26, IY)''I, the [)l)w fell 6 5 percent (JU!11 potnl\), and on Ma' 2t< 1962 11 dropped 5 7 pertcnt (14 95 point!>) fod3\ a 100-poinl loss would be roughh l0"1f>3ratllc to 1110\(· Ut.'lhnc' 1n pcrcemuge temu. In m1d-Man.h ofth1~ year the Dow gamed almost 93 points 1n a wtek Three weock\ later 11 fell 82. SO. again in a calendar week Cht'r the last eight 'iel>S1ons of May, 11 ran up 118 point\ In that kind of cn,,.ironrm nt. a '>mgle-d.ay move up or down of 45 points look'> u lot le'i\ dramatic than n might hav<" ,1 few \'ear. ago There 1s another mathemat11:al factor that 1ncrca5Cs the hkehhood of large point changrs -the contioumg \hnnkage of the d11.1sor u)Cd b} Dow Jones&. Co Inc. to lalcula1e ll!I a'aagc II the Oo\4 were a pure average, 11 would be c.alculatcd b) adding up 1ht pnl"t''> ol 1b 10 component stocks and 1hen d11.1d1ng the sum by 30 But to mamtam continuity. the d1v1.,or rnust tx· adjusted whenever changes OCl:ur such as a subs111u11on of one company for another in the llsl nr 'i1mph a 'fllit of one of the component stocks. Now tha111 is le\\ than one, a move of one point up or down by an 1nd1v1dual stock translates into a pin ~r !oss of more than a point an the average The lower the d1v1sor ~oes. the ~a1cr 1he changes the averaie w1ll show for 1denucaJ movcment!l 1n actual stock pn~. To produce a 100..pomt gam or drop m the Dow today, each of its comPQnents n~d me or fall only a link more than three points Moves of thal maamtudc arc by no means uncommon for several of the h1ghcr-pnced issues used to calculate the average. Jfa 100.point ct.i y comes to Wall Street, It wall surely create a ~al stir Its psycholog.icaJ impact would be powerful. But 1n stnctly stat1s11cal terms. 1t might not be as momcntou~ an e"ent as the emotions surroundina 1t would suggest Manning leads Irvine Chaznber Transition rules give tax breaks Bnen Manning. puhl1~hcr ol The Irvine World New'> new'ipape1, has been elc.-cted president of the lnrne ChamberofCommern· for a nne-\car term beginning Jul~ I He will be mstalled a'> lht• chamber's ~vcnth president al tt'> annual dinner dance on June 20 at the lrvmc Hilton Manning rccened a badiclor''I degree 1n comrnun1cat1on from { al 'itate, Fullerton and JOmed Foote. Cone and Belding Adven1'mg rn l oc; Angeles after graduation Subsequent!;. Manning workt'd with h1\ father at the ( arhhad Journal and the Dail} '>un-Po\I 111 San Clemente He then mo' 1·d to ( olorado to take mer thc '\am pa Valle~ Newspaper\ He rc..·turnnl to Southern Caltforn1a 1n 1982 to takt· htS CUrTCnl JOb Manning ha\ been a01\e an tht· chamber for three \ear\, most ren·nt- 1) as "1cc prc.'\1dcnt ol the group'<, communll\ aOa1r-. counul Earlier hl' "a' lnunder and chairman uf tht· group., m1htal) affair. rnmm1ttet' Brien Ma nning \monggoals tor his term. Mannaog nit'' u•nt1nu1ng the chamber''> uin n·ntrat1<•n on promoting tht' sntercsl'> ol the Ir' 1nl' buc;1ncss commun1l\. ''not nnh J;, 11 penams to lr1.1nc hul the cnt1rt• l11unl\ · Otht·r •'\Ctut1\c u1mm1ttt't' mcm lx'r'> "'II 1ndudc Brun· Campocll . t.dw.ard 'iull1\,10, Jim E:.llls. Nann Baut·r Aili \ .11doults Michael ManJ· ahan R1th\ll1nholT.TumJon1·,,1n Tt•d Hanni.: ~ \~ll l NGTONl'\P)-fht:Sen- Jll' hnanu: ( omm111ee has 1dent11ied murl' than 170 bus1nesse\ and facil1· tics that "ould benefit lrom S.S 'i b1l11on 1n speual ta'I brcal.s pre' WU'> I\ h1ddt'n aw.a) 1n its plan tor o'crhauhng the federal income ta\ The rcc1p1ent'i range from Walt D1!>ne~ 1ndu-,tries to a Times ')quarc rcdc,elopment proJell 1n "-le"' York to Delta \1rhnes. 5(•n Doh Packwood. R-Ore chair- man of the Frnanrt' ( omm11tct· handed lhc hare-bones h\I l.1\1 Ftrda\ to \en Ho\\-ard Mctzenhaum [) Ohio a kw hciurs aftn Meltl•nhaum told a nc"'' conferl·ntt' !ht• ta\ hill should tlt' dcla..,ed until mcmhcrHan determine the bencfic:ianr'> of tht• 'lpec1al ta\ break' and v.hc1hcr the\r arc lk'>en cd 'There 1\ blatant l·onu·almcnt an 1h1\ bill . ;in dlort to h1dt· \pecial pr11\ 1\lon' " Ml'ltt•ntiaum said "Thi\ might ht· uslkd lcg1'>lall•>n b\ riddle .. Ml•t1t·nlM11rn and ;11111·' art• n- pel ll'd to challenge man) of the 'ip<.'l ial henefi1s Spon">or'> ol the mea'>ure are tl)1ng ro gt•t 11 passed intact, argumg that ~ome of these pro1.1s1ons were necessar) to win rnmmmee appro\ al of the bill The '>pec1al pro\ ISIOn<> are lnown as "trans1tmn rules," which arc 1rad1t1onall> a part of ever) major tall hill The o ... e-rhaul plan passed h~ tht' Hou)C laM Dr-ccmber had such ruk~ that would cosl the trcasul) aboul $.25 b1lhon over five .. ears \lo\t of the rules exempt a bu!>tnCS\ or a specific project from ct•rtaan general tax changt's. Oftt'n the cii.emp- tron 1s designed to protect a project :tlread) under wa) from a lhangc an lht' ta\ rule!> The ruin an the ~cnatc hill 1Nere '4fltten dunng do~d .,e.,,1on'> ol the Finance Commmee and \ome members of the panel have acknowledged even 1hc) do not know '4 hat all the trans111on rules would do or w horn thl'\ would benefit Tht• e\emr>tron~ afl' COUChl·d IO arcam legi~lat1 ve language that usuall} does nothing lo 1den11f\. tht• henctic1an tor the unaware rl·a value ol ealh · The first l'ntr. on the 11\1 reads. l n1tl'd Telecom p I Sil I " f he last 1s ··~mass p I )f)(} • Meanwhile. \en 8111 Roth. R-IJel a memher of the f aoance C omm1ttee ~rd eltmaoa11ng some of the <,pccial tax break) wuld he u\Cd to P3) for ront1nu1ng at least partial ind1\.ldual rc11rcment an·ount\ for all ~ori..e~. -\!though thl' bill 1s a ma1or 1mprmemt'nl C>\<.:rcurrcnl ta\ law. he "<ltd ll fall\ \hon 1n encouragmg 'i<l' ang becau\C 11 would take awa} the ta\·<kduct1blc IR .\s of all workers who arc d1g1hlc for a compan~ pension "It will be \Cf} d1fficull to e'lpla1n to the taxpayN'i that the) have to g1' e up their IRA dcduc·llon while L~e tax hreak'> for dcfcn\C contractors and \teel companies rematn intact.' Roth ''11d of ~omc of the tJ\ htt'ak'i 1n the hill POULOS RESARE Architect firm adds 2 partners ( orona del Mar re~1di:nt Rlcbard W. PoaJ01 and Raadolpb A. Jefferson of ~anta Monica ha'e been named partners of 1..a.agdoa Wilson Mumper Architects of Lo\ Angeles and Newport Beach Jefferson has been with tht: L-0s Angeles ollirc since 1984. Poulos Joined tht' Newport Beach otlice 1n I Q84 and spec1al11es m largc-scak office buildings and hott•h ••• Teresa Resare '"the ne"' director of communica uons for ( osta Mesa-based Tbe Roxburgh Agency, Inc. Resare. who has been 1n,ohed tn ad' en1'1ngand public relauons for\e,en vcars. had most recent I~ ..crvcd as' 1Ce prc\ldcnt ofFawceu Productlona,a real estate "1deo marketing and produttion company based 1n Santa Ana ••• Maury Panza wa<, named the A J.P. Commerclal Brokerage "I Q85 Top Performer of the ) ear"' for his w.ork at the firm's lrvtne office. Pan1a has been in real cstatt• tor a decade, followmga career m andustnal chemical '>ales • • • Wllllam A. 8erw1n ha\ been named pmJt'Ct engineer for the central dl\1s1on of Irvine-based Nexus Development Corp., a commerc-1al real estate t1e1.elcrpment firm. Berwin formerly served as re~1onal prOJCt. l manager for Brkb.ard Management, Inc. of ~an Diego He llH'> in ( osta Me'>a. • • • Irving A. Golik of Ne"' port Beach has been named to the Mutual of Omaha Companies' Chairman's ( ounul -the companies" most e'clU<ilVC honor cluh for rl'presenlall,es (1u11k qualified for the council as one of the mm panic~· leading ~ales producers m 1985. • • • Lark Roal.al has been appointed -.1n pre<,1dent of markcung and c,.1les for Vl1l1can, an In.me-based \upphcr of medical CT scanners Reforc Jo1 nang V1s1\Can. Ro .. 1n1 wa' 'ttc p~s1dcnt for Matrll ln1trument'1 1ndu'ltnal 1mag1ng d1' 1o;1on She 1!> a \1( lninr graduatt' • • • Huntington Beach rco;rden1 Catherine F. Fogel ha•qomed Basso and Aaaoelates of Newport Beach a' media director. Fogc.1 come' from Foote, Cone & Belding of Lo<, \nltek\ ~here she "as a\s10:.tan1 media d1r('(tor She bnngs fi1.e -.ear' 111npencnre1n media bu\'tng, plannang and dircc11ng to her new p<M -l:ilil!!llill--------- ~S AND ~WNfoi 10 ~GE r' 1~~ 'h NEW YO K CAP -he wing ll.$1 i.l'lows lhe ew York Stoek ~>Cchenoe 11 ~In w1 '8 1~ ~'1 Ir s ~~ 1 ~ sloeks and warrants that twlve gone UP t ver§p p .. lhe most and down Iha most ~sed on 14 vlf hrl o of 71/11 .,.. r:,rcent of change regerelleu o volume IS L V orp r ''• or Tuesday If AllasCP 1 :-. 'n No securlllu lradino be!Ow S2 ere Incl 1~·'"' 1 ,,.., 14 ·uded Ne• and oercentage cha~s are Ille 2 ,,. tVt difference t>etw91n lhe oravlous dosing Wurl111tr 'le ''I price and uesdav'i. 1 o.m ~ecslach 'h ~ p r I c e Ubl di Ind 1~ 'It UPS HowallCP ~ Name Las I +'% Pct. P1avbov En 6'" • I GenHosr s 'l1 • Up ff.i ~orroonBlk s 36 I • ~ Maranh 8 + llt UP SI Miu 7'• + ''• Plrllnv 2\11 t !/• Up !J Homesld'fr, s "'"' + ~ 4 iorelndust 14'11 1 "" Up S en~•• B 4 • • Uo ' Tow Mf! 4 • •• Up 6. DOWNS Hllllere~ A 101'1 f ~ UP l: Name LH!~ _Cht. I RHdng ~t 2~ ''• UP 1 Ideal 8HIC Telecom p 7111 ''I. Up 2 VHlron n 1 1-'J -1,,. -[1l ll!lll:l 1J1!~~~~ UftS ANO DOWNi 10 NEW YORK (AP) -The followlno llsl 1 1i shows Ille Over · t~ Counler slocks arid warranla lhal have oone up j lhe most arid down Iha mos! based on 1 oercenl of ch•"98 lor Tuesday No securtlle' •rad.lno below S2 or 1000 sl'\eres are Included Net end percanteoe chan~s are tM difference between ltwl Previous cto,fno ~le~ and Tuesdav'Mij' or bld Price Ne FM LHI C~ Pel ~ f~~Ae~ un 2 s~ll ! 1~ 8: fH 4 J lnlrecRad 611'1 1 UP If ~ 5 ~ ~~f:C'*h~~~I 9~~ 4 I~ 8: l' ' Crvoovnem i~ 5· U Up 17 a ~~~~~0~'1 1 ~ v.2 t+ 11.., 8: JU i t OICISoaoMI ~ "' Uo ~ t , ~hemf111 WI ~\lo f ~ h• f x ~ 1 ult I wt 6~ ~ lntlk un 9 9-3~ + 7 ij ·~ fl:·"· "'I P A ~ lfh 11"1 ~V!;lna o I 3"' 2~ vs' 4 1h ~ vandePtv 4 'h ~ter~n 611·16 +13-16 ~r:· t· I l r un •.r. 14 ~var!nc 1 tt. l'I• '~:cf[P l4 ~ Nat 411' 7·t6 DOWNS Nrime Liil!. _c'J\. vr.rd x 2f!t -~fJ H ber' SlensbrvMno ~" -" Up ~A 3 HouOll Rov '"" -~ Uo • AmGentCo WI I'' -I~ Up 49 S WnAlr 7PI 7 .. -r· Up 46 ' RvlandGP 4S -~ UP H R~r~P T. -. ..., Up I §n ex ng It) -~ UP 0 ranQeeo "' -') UP 42 10 avmark i,. -~ Uo H t~ Nnslld n 7'1'1.· -114, Uo 1 PanAm WI 7-. -.,. Up •.1 Q 3 Waan Unl1 ... -'4 UP H 14 yanlrnOala ~ll -" UP IS tteralelnc '• - 1 .. Up t' BftiC lnel 4~ -• Uo H Iv ~tm t~ -.... UP ~~ -!Vt Uo Jt ~:fiw~ s ''• -1~ r~·, 7~ -~ 1 &IG ~lo 74\.0 -I , ) alvsl ou J'h -Ill Pel ane co Inc . ...,_ ..... ~ 1l6 ~!:~!re Ind Ii') -JI!) 1 4 2'1' -.,. Up IS' l S1ereov11 s 71.., -l'h Ue> 11·2 Aul~ma~ • -~ UP Am hrd \f 1i~ -,.., Up !., a=n -Jl4 Up W re> 4~ ~ UP Hy~ I~ r-a Up ll II Merdn~al 'I• -UP ~el~slh Pl --UP lli re aid wt -'.\ji Up '1fe~en ~ =1-~ UP 11 r.~~'t" Up ~ -'h UP Nell un ~ -~ UP I Am x r -•1. Up lnt~v In j 1 '~ UP I I ls:pe ... ab obots ~PVIOrie ·~ ~ Pct t; dNet>r f • ~ ~ ff1 sl~laMot i svrl>t1o110 I~~ I~ AE Ind Ii ., ....._... ................ __ ... ___________________________ ~ • , . l t Ot Market in mild rally NEW YORK (AP)-The stock markttsuged a mild rally today halting the dedme of the pass two ~ss1ons After Monday's rte0rd drop of 45. 7S potnts 10 the Dow Jones indunriaJ averqe. the maR.ct showed signs of stcadyina in Tuesdaffi SCSll10n. Analysts said the ~flotT on Monday bad nat been entirely unexpected. and produced littk evidence of panic among ln\lcstO"' Ncvenhcless, they wd maoy of lhe c:itcum- stanccs that set off that drop pem$ted. dampenina enthusiasm for stocks. For one lhina. thev \atd. fears mnaaoed of mo~ unpredtctablc ti'ttWol'b in tht maiUt bctv.iccn now and June 21 , when a let of stock- 1ndex futures aod options u.5ed by professionals in progBm trading strategies expires.. For another. broilers say conocm bu mounted lately that a hoped-for pickup in economicarowth and corporate profits may not matcr'Qliu. The Dow Jones average of 30 indu.striat.s role 8. 88 to 1.8-46 07 -ul:JJM~tiliii"Yif;ouil-I Advancma t uau 5 to 3 on the New York Stock Exch ... WHAT AMEX Dio NEW YORK <APl Jun. 1l 11 AMEX LEADER S NEW YOJtK (AP) -Salls, • p.m swa and ,,., Chanoe of JN ten most acllYI Amtf'lcan Stodl Exchanoe IU41a, tredlr.11 n111011altv at more t..~n s. RQ,.~., ~klS Den8r ranolabr HomeGpn Austmont n MavftwrGP FoothlllGp HomeShoon HornHer wt W H~T NYSE Dio -I. 1. 1. t: ' 1,4 t· •'h u~ + lf.t -"' 1 GoLo Quorcs Dow JoNE S Av£RAGES L METALS Q~OTES MEW YORll CAPJ -59(14 _..,.,_ row4m ~ w~ ._....,,, • ~ 15 centa -PQUnCI. NY C-> tC>01 montll cloMd Tu. ~ · ... 10'\ C'M>la 8 po.ind U 8 ,,..,.,a!ION ~. &3 1~ _,,. -_,., "'" ("--"'<lfllll~T"" L ... • ? I 21 c..,,t• • P'>'ind DftO • ,. '*''' • pound -.....s n.i 5341131,.,.. ... w.,...~1ep.u-•11 ....... $!> 350 per ounce H.,,.,., I H- ..... I~ J.U I* "oY-MV C-..• ep<>t monlfl cloMO Tu. ......_... 5.27000.128~00-7&11>"-_ ... on. ........... tA)8 'IC)..-~' 00 ~le ,.,.etleni ,,.,., ,,.,._ N 'I' I NASDAQ SUMMARY 'JUtW pa"SI bly thz. pcirfa.ct pckcit, e ·. ~\C 1n a;vqry mon~ wordrobz. soft,, nHn nzpcdl&nt ell CG:lt..t.on 5ha l l with hgh~'Mt19ht Lorlml hntf'9. wntAd btilck . kmUAdcu~ end boU.orn I thct ~tfOPUloT '*' 1nd bnu:ilsa.r a:vq.r ~ .... t t-cllch .... '"' 100 lorn, ,,v "!'JCT10 wv!!t"'":ooci ...,,~ IC-~i ~ tll\d. 2l~a::8 ll7.) fl""O la r.., ~ south lo llQ ""4 • 81 ~ m..-m ~1rufi l.09. 1r IOto6 l~na::rcHo~ • -.... g 81 Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OTI Wednelday. June, 1, 1988 CALL 642~5678 IF CALLING FROM NORTH ORANGE IF-CALLING FROM SOUTH ORANGE I LOST MY OWNER IUT FOU• HIM AffEi I MCED All AD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS. You ctin now cell the Delly PHot C1eaalfled Dept. on Seturdey morning from 8:00 to 11:30 e.m. to place rour Sundey and Monday eda. BMUIAD ...... ~ 117$ ... IALI ~=.~::-IJU 1»t HOUSIS/CONDOS i...~~ IQ 0.. OI C. ,._., l))S 0.-• 100) O..OI S.......,_. uo ............ 100. •-1-0..-,,,. _,,...._ 1001 _,,_ IMO c..---~ 1011 f .... ""'-'"t '"° C.-.. #.M ''"' ., ~ ,.., c--•02• ., w ,..,, --''"• 11 1 ... 1an BlllAU ·~ ~y ..... HOUSIS/CONDOI _.... ....... ICMO .-...--'°'' -10.. a.-. >ttn "--'°"" .......... t•Ot ..__ IOJO ..... -)107 '-_... •O>t ,.,....__ ti" ~-11)}) C-4111-1172 _ .... .,. •0.1 , __ ,.,. ---·~ --,.,. _,_ •01• 111 ... , . ., *_,.,....._ l<Jn .,_y_, 21M =::~ IQIO ...__,_ ?IC) toa. ...-.--"" -'--1096 -,. ... S.-l-,. -.--,,., ,_ '°'° .._-tllO .._ ....... ,.,, MISC. I .I . ~-''" _,... ,,., --1100 ...._ ...... ,.., .._ llH s..c:-211• ....,.,c-_ "'° --c...,.._ nn CLASSIFIED INDEX 642-5678 FROM NORTH ORANGI! COUNTY FROM IOUTM ORANQI COUNTY ...__ )llO MISC. RI NTALS a1•11•1a....,1 _,,,_ -.......... .-.-~ )I .. , __ ,f_ 1111) ...... • '"° --*--CT•Y a.....c..-. ,, .. 0..--110t ~,,_ ,,,, "'-'°"--~"-)I .. ._ 110t -IOClll _,.. ... .0.0 s.w-, _.,.,...., ,_ >•tO --)111 ..--)OQo ,.,.....a... tOt.S y--17U ~'-aDIJ "'""'-....._. eOIO TUllUOllT,ATIOll A PAIT MINTS -f ..... >n• ,, .... JOI• _,,,,_ 1n • ~c... J016 GAllAGI IAUI 0-.. ,11111 ~,.,-)111) -lOll aOATS ..... -'* 11" o-.til •H» --o-.1 ---10 --)16't l .... OYllllll --•IC» ...._ c..--.... >••• ..... ..__ •107 ... ,_.,_ ,..,, COMMDGAL ,_, ~ C-4111-••11 ~, ... c--,.,. ~,. __ )100 c--•111 --lt)t •.I. SAU/111111 -$!OS --•11• ~· ..,._,,--~ .,,_ )612 °""""'I Qlttoo .. ._......,. ti.,. ...,,, ___ ,,_~ 1l)oo ,._ 77'0 ,_,f_ »OS ................ ••«> ........... ...... 2MO ..._~-,,., w.. U 10 .-.---..... ... , MISC. .........__ 1 .. 1 -· -17 .. 0...1-"'° -., ... -, ... ,_.,,_., 1771 °""""'"' '"° "-"'-.... ........... ..__ 1 ... ,.,.. .,,.__..,,_ u.:u '--•uo t_./ltV/I ...... '"--""° ,,. .. l-Mawl .. ,, ::::;::1--.........1-(_ ........ ,.,, ..,._,~ 1"0 ... GIA ... 11 -"""le ... , ._..,_ )UJ .......,._ .... AUTOMOTIVI -~ ,~ llU-••11 .......... .010 -·-t llD ---, ... ~ t011 ,......_.......,. t•t> •-i--. s..~ 1'1• .. AllCIAL .. _ .Olt ._.........,, ....... --'-,.,.. -..,,. ._w_ --,.., ......_~-1..:iD -.OIJ ......... o.;..,_ --......... , ... ..... Ou., .... HCM c--,,_ .Olt f-• -c--1tlt ...._..,,_ ,_ ,_ .011 -VICI .,_ -~ , .. ........ °"4Mi ...... ~ f.-T• y_, IO'l"J ... ....,_,a..-. ,_ 1..0 _..,, __ ,.17 _.,,,,.,.., .... t02J ... Cl .. Y --..., fol.-;rti. .____.... '°'° ... _.,__ 1'16 ~ tOO "-·--,w.-t.....i., .......... s-.i., --.10 ·. ,.,. Offict • ...._.,,,' ,._ tcW7 Mloc ·- DEADLINES PUBLICATION DEADl.INE Monday ......... Sat. 11:30 AM Tue.day. .. ... Mon. 5.30 PM Wedneeday ... TUM 5:30 PM Thuraday d•···· Wed. 5.30 PM Friday. . . .. Thurs. 5·30 PM Saturday ... . Fri. 5:30 PM Sunday. . ... Sat 11 30 AM THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS l eieonone Senlloe Monday-Friday 8 00 AM-5 30 PM Salurday 8:00AM·11:30 AM BuslnMa Counter Monday-Friday 8 00 AM-5 00 PM &42-5e78 CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY TM Oalty Pilot etrtvee for ettleleney and eccur11ey Howevet. occ:atlonalty error• do occur PIMM tteten When your ad I• reed back end cn.c« your lld dlMty. ~ •tor• lmmedlat.ty to M2-5e78 TM Delly Pliot accept• no llabtttty for eny wr0t In an ldll9t11Mment for wtltdl It may M reeponaltMe except for the cost of the apac. 1e1ually ooc:upled by the error Credit ean onty t>a atiow.d fOflhe fht tnaertlon 1011 '011 '°" 101• 1011 1020 ran IOIO '°" IOll fOIO 111)1) f070 toJO tOlJ -•oo '°'° ''00 noo t)40 a..i lltatt r11 lalt lc.reu ••I •ar 1022 •••ii• Bt•" C..ta .... 2124 lnprt loc• 2111 lal•ta Ptai uala C..11 .... 2'14· Cetta •tu JIM lnprt 1ttc• Jiit ltatah t• lhrt m IDH "tnn Ftr Salt 1100 ...... Eutelde 3Br 2·~ea 2 CONDO VILLA BALBOA U07 UUT LMITlll MESA PINES 2850 Hart. WllLIFf 2112U 1714 FOf UJ8 Mob" Home atory Townhome. All 1bd, 1ba, pool. apa, ""-t p_..fn 38' 28e ,,.,, S750/mo 2br 1 V.ba 2BR 1Ba w/gM S750 W/patlo. Nr Shopp'g Cntr IF thr 38' NB n.a. OWn XllYalue,lnbeautlrvlM 12x52 In eo.ta M..a. am•nltlH $1260/mo. patio. walk to b9ech. 'i~dry, 111*:. Yrty Rent. townhouH, grffnbett, TOPAREA,Oulet,NoPeta S995NoJ)9ta&40-13&4 bath & g• t350/mo • llllRll•ITI terree..•bd. 2 + tba, llk• n9W LOW RENT VIiia Rent&ta 875-4912 1950 Ind uttl. 73i:2982 VHla A«ltala 81M912 lndry rm alt bit-Ina * *549--2447•• 1287 dee> AveM lrnrMd. COLE of NEWPORT hu r9due9dlyto:;,1.~~~y SPACE 645-0371 •PENTRIOGECOVE• LIDO ISLE Yrty !MM 2078Thurln Utlla paid Quiet 18drm, EM2,~bfl.!8a" deludblH•nA.f)elt g28'ar C&tlaft530pm873-258t ~ MMd most of awt on 28' 2S. Condo S995 Over Charming 38R 2ba. ev&tl Ctrtu •ti .. , TSL ~GMT 642-1803 aYall Jun• No P9tt w7.i.e' opnr Rec pool NEW p ORT C R EST 04X current 119tlnga W• Cetta.... l024 WW Tl mlmtHJ fella & atr•ama. New NOW, no peta. $1800 mo ;cQfE 28drm, fL'. ger-CLEAN & SHARP 2 BR, Patio, $400 840-5341.or ar• ~ r9n0Yat.ci. CONDO -25+,F/Prof, :::_. ~1 =-' ,:.' l CFlarmtng 1Br COtt11g9 Shopa. Mta. tvn -Deklx• <*:or W/d hkup, 2 ear 499--3400 owntbkr • & "1>k: S&50/mo ept• & drpa, OIW, gar-642-5341 No pet• 19'15 Appt only N-Smkr, $400/mo +'h Utll W• lmtt• you to 1181 your New paint tnllde 6 out near nu dbl wtd9 hom9 gar w/opnr tit mo + •EASTBLUFF AREA -3Br ys-4912 VIiia Rentale •• no J)9tl $&40/mo. WI"'° a OlltOI 875--00M or 830-3229 722--0eM/M&-llOI ¥91uabtepropertywtthua. Nu crpt, drpa Lrg lot w/beautllul gard•n. SSOOMC 54g.2447 2Ba,gar11g9,frplel1350 Cttta•tll MM 64"S-5577 Wanta-.ctlonofgrMt Enjoy tM luxury of tM NptHgFltaprof.M/Ftolhr. COLE of NEWPORT Of· 1119·500 239 E 22nd St Adultsonly Nopeta low Pref•r9d ..... 2br 2b• .... VIII• R•ntala CUTE2BO-BRIGHT ttvtng?W•eanonerany-t>eautltuteurroundlngaof 3br 3ba oond<>, comp! ,.,. you compliat• and Mn IP :f~ r~t Bc~~ec: tam frptc blltn1 & gar 875-4912 ••~=-a.. CLEAN. NEW PAINT & thing trom a 1mall apt to Ill UIYM WT turn w/Mald. Cell <XI prompt r-s>~ntatton large 2 atory Eutlld9 ~;_9~r'or 9&8-t383 S875 worth mor• NEWPORT HEIGHTS W~LI lt:K.I DRAPES, SM PRIVATE a 4 bdrm houN If~-In a tpeetoua 28dnn or 642-1012/D 645-1715/£ nowt Note; wa nave avall-home 4Bdrm, 38a, 3 car ---539-e 181 Agt I• 3drm, 2b91ht, IC>&-Com-YARD. 875-4888 Ing In CM, NB, Of HB 38drm COl'ldO with ftr• PROF female 21-35 to lhr able FREE WOt'lllhoP'I for gar11g9 Aaktng S238 000 OUAINT-2BO Old9f HOUM pi.191y fumllMd 11125 n--·~~U. ~.!!. G••· (...A.I,.. 1•,.,_ 111 thlnlr. of ua ftra1 for that plao., 2 ear gar.Qe with COM DUPLEX. 3bd, 2be. you to keep UC> with the ' lntala w/9nci yd, 1750/mo Incl AQef'lt 64s-.3e33 ....., .. JVt ..._, ---_._ -choloe of ldMI IMng. OP9fl•r Sec guard9d l580/mo • v, utll ..,... COMtantty ~,.., derl Apt•. patlo9, <*:kl, Yard $&50/mo Bkr CALL TSL MGMT 642 18031 .... F • T dit• J ~UH/C.d" a4ec, peta ~. nr 19th & ON THE BAY c~ _. -gat• W/d .,,.up.a. rom 7-1. 875-68n, Roz.. • .,. marht,~ i:: ra 1ona al ZIU Harbor. 548-1498 or 1250 IQ tt, turn mobll9 nm, 2=m1v.8.~ ~· 1720 &42-3850 laat. ltac~ ~~ c.ii 144 0509 -~~ ua t""-t Realty tr 997-9309. 11g9nt 24 tt w1r1r1 fly rm brk 28drm 2Ba•h S740 UITllM 111 1U 28d 1 B t .. I :e di NEW 2bd, 1'/•b•. YU c:tlan-111min LIUTlll Oil.I• ··Nif7 631-7:\70 lXRdEST selecTloR ........ ~ 14 r.•tlo w/bbq, 2bd.' 2ba, 398 w Wit~ 831-5583 Cut• & cozy. Lota of wood ne~m, erp~~·· ~""'drp:: I ~~~50~m:11~ ~I =· T~= ~~ ~ lll-1111 ~!:'9c::: t!i:'~ ••Tl IAll* s8r~ 5r.;'}·m~1<:r~~~~~r· INSTANT tN No r>et• s.475· IXI0-2970 ~;~~0~~.,~rage t11p aYatl, 850-30ri Comput• acreenlnQ. . I llST uun need 539-8190 S.t lg 28drm Good arM $1800/yrly, 873-5928 • 1515/mo 1BR 18A, ell EASTSIOE 2BO. 2BA ---NEWPORT MARINAAPTS Call for Info 875-61! --~ -•••&-M ... V.,de 58drm 3S. NOT A LIST AGENCY Carport pool, d /w Poulbl• 3bdrm d ~~ .. lnal ~ry rm. nr N~ta Analf tat SJ· 2BR 2ba. cpll/drapea, •Bay vi.w 28', 2a. + Share my C.M houM. r.--• 5•-1..w pool hom• Sky1lght1, --Otherl avalt '875 FM f un ar ._., -.._..... to .....,., Jr H • patio, garao• dlah-Oen 1800 IQ tt. W/O tummer only. PY1 BR be. °'YOUR properti. NO grMt IOeatlon Reduc.cl la1Ma hlau Zlll mDEIT lll-... 0 11000 not ar-ocHn 735-741 W 18th St dlw, lg f~ yd. patio, wuh•r. eoln tndry. hkup, mlcfo, lrple, ~ rm ror 2-3 reep. P9opte) ODllgatlon by TOP lo $195000 Ownera mu1t ... other• toot TSLMGMT &42·tll03 an1 ... !enc11....,e.arr>Of1tld 1 ·~r $695/mo,648-8451 gar-.PMbch 12:250 Alt hOYM prtv. '350 PRODUCER Catt boUghtanother Submit $1350/mo yrty 4Br 38&. 8BLOCKSTOOCEAN 53M191Agtco.t -· "'' pet........ -..-dee> 831-&413 f18 PATRICK TENORE ya1 •ftl(. flllW dining rm, derl, patio, Elegant O.ciar & gt ... Un"'ue garden epot M25 1 Br W•telde. Stov. & pd, 's795 + S795 dep, UfUI ltac• •ALSO• + . a 831-12M _, gar11g4t. No peta. N9W 38drm, 3Ba, !amity room rrPlc dahwatir19actou1 nr relrlg , new earp•t, 883--0755 agt, nor... U Miil '11W 28drm, 2Ba S1795. Sorry, Shr Gr .. t <><:Mn view I IUl m&TI erpt. 227 Coral Avail & den Ptuah crpt• trple pin Child/pet walk-ooean dr.,,_, •tc. $440 mo. EAST St OE t 111 1 no P9tl 7eo.-0919 8-5 home In CdM. Aeapon-. =~·, ~ r; ... l MO-SIU 7/15 17<21}!>37~5-3521.~ 1 or Ooubl• garage,' fully 539-8t91 Agt ree ~~taw~~n A~a;• 2~~~ newly o.c«at:a2c Bo~ai St-s>s to bMdl S79St mo ON CANAL·2BR, 18A alble n/tn*r SSOO+i.t + 1t1,111-~l~I~~~· --.. ,., .,. • ..., maintained yard 642-4300 24 hra bath patio 1 eat gar Bkr 642-3850 Cati*•. drapea, gargag9 u1" 720-9729. 780-1t-63 ~ii!ii· iiiei4·~iiii~lrLlf!Jil~ .. ~:1U;1tml>.'~10~som EHe I ... yrty II• 3br tnc:I HMH1 , • .,., 2....... . $710/mo, Agt 759--8389 Oelux• 18' Ooean vtew, no pets, yrly teaH~ VILLA BAL80A-M/Exec: ii tmRe WORLD 2BA den frplc llyd + gar eo..n vMiw Otherl av&tl-2 BEDROOM 1bath, alngM dedl. garden Nr Main S800tmo 876-0447 anr lull oondO w/2 F'a ·-·----2b•Condo a.nt HI A In· kid/pet S1200 539-8191 Clean 38' ''"'Ba 2 ltry ableeloMtobeadl •netoa•d garag• EtSIOE attraetlY• 28R, Beeett/ 's,..U2~11a ..... ~ .. ~ •••-avaltnow ... 75.'111&1Mt: d · · .. t f• Town home Carport, •••--y IDTu "35/mo 8-46-7129 d/W. 90CI. gar , no pet• w gat • " .. ~ ..,...,... 5 aide taun ry, gat wlopnr, ,.gen lndry hkup $750/mo -5 " .., 2210..C RUTGERS Witt lhow M-F after 2. S&S ---1 MILE TO BEACH 5o4&-9t&at~9 5 COLDWel.L BANl\eRO l 80 deg YU, oc•an &ookhurat/Adams VIII•! 'I M9T llO, atternoon $825 850-9249 STUDIO WrTH KITCHEN-&42-2357 lntala Wutt4 ftli ~r,·;~~~·o ;· ~r-n'!~. Ctrtaa ... •ar 21 u R9nlal• 875-4912 llMIOI ., llM 111 "Q~;:o!:s~:utrB~r.~~ LARGE 2BR 2ba apt. s.ci. ETIE s::!r;~4 Selma. fu Cltantt 1171 E'XeC:§bd conao. m 855-1637 •lllSTlllll• Spactoua 3Br 2'ABa. 2 SaaJau Lndryrmse50/mo Agt dlnlngrmFrptc,MWcpt I .... a. 2bd fbe :nao;;a gar, Laguna Bch, 711 ----· 1, .. ~ lo& 1room, 1ba,lullkltchen airy Famrm,trplc,g•r·1 "·I ' 2171 Call241-8282 On city Gott CrM ~ t!Jlrf-· se5o1~.1at&1a1 s200 S1 00/1 1300 ylyr PllllllU nprt IC Cable TV lnet Very .. age CIOM lo bctt 11400 _, JtlHI • r9q S750mo, 54M836 * l IUIMI .... MC, alto 1bd apt In Dana 5"45-7823 or 964-2720 __.NT ' ......... * c:lu<Md$375 F• v111aR«11a11875-4912 s11ouuV;t;it253&2C *eA~H1L~Rs~ts1n'!! LOFT APARTMENTS. Retng dlahwut1er&9tow P1 SM-0741nea.....541 HC>UM.3bfwttt\2c:arger , .. 11,000 •BR +ape now $349,500. TILWIT 171-UIO R.ntlown on Brookhurat newer kit 2 gar jacuDI ' '*" $350 utlla lnef AYIM frptc:, prv1 patio. garagee Incl NO PETS 64~ 111.._ tab nMded lmmed. by Q111et Expanalw oceanfront JBR +rmld.JtJt.$319,500 ll&llllW•lll S735/mo kids/pet Info Atoo;!uny53Mt9t now NoJ)9ia~2 &frig 1bdrm,2bdrm,& *2•ir-Nltlll* rHponatbl• coupl• Catallna vtew Claa11c Both h•ve lrg nMt yatdl Cultom buNt 3br, 2'M>a, & 539-8191 Agt lee gt •3Br 2Y.Ba Condo 0 bachelor 645-8404 --.... I Jlll Pr.t• OoYer, H.iohla, ~ du.....,x. Pot-tlal BRK 759· t23• for appt A rt g&. bl ........., r~__._.. 1 & 2... Retng, dtahwuher & atcwe Harbor Highlands. Mu ..,_.., .,..... .... 2 br, 2ba, gar, trplc. T /f'lorM, Pf'V/Qu19t. 3BR !! • .. gar FR lrpl terlnla/PoOI ·~-·7 -·-or lnel NO PETS 54M855 CM M/F-45+ a1J 7: tor Income and devefop-••m WllTll• CloM to beech&. th<>png. 2'~ba. lrpk:, mstr wthuge 111'91 ~. famtiy 11050 N~ Starting at "86 All new · Ouliat Su~oundlnga. em-(!!....~NC 7r.o-807L) rnent. End of boardwalk I E'9lde Costa M ... have S1500/12000 mo yrty Avt tub, nr e .. ch/Adama.. ··-..I ··-Peta 722-8140 Evea awta. crp1, d/W & muc:tl 211 2U .. 'U 1110 ple>yed, n-emkr,.$350/mo .... -mag recorv .. 'V 144-IOIO t>vyera ready to act nowt now 873-5354. Agt S 1100/mo E.,, 96~ 1.... ..,,. mor•. Gar11g9, PoOI. 199 Bltln ttt. erpta, lat Blk to +~ eec, 241-9590. ara9t1 fer lta t Shatnn Realty 759-1234 OIZT TlllHIU laat. 811 .. u 2142 V:r. ::'to 1.,.t~u= s1!:"~ ~t~tty ~1f~ ~,,:ri~~8 beech, yr ,.. )5..34e2. EfBLUFF N4IW1)0rt Bwt1 2'HI --• ir•--llPLD 12111 FH 28' 1Ba Avallable July 2 186. 180:1 car garg, mo Ind uttl lmmed oo-$475 41 1Br,~ araa **Brand MW 28' 2Ba. Larg• unfurn room t121 ........... •-~ Wal" ....... c-·.. S735/mo 858-t254 f ,.7"' ........ 1 alr:IV\ 2"'· ar 7 .. r.. Chole• arH Garag•. $400/mo utH lnc:lu<Md "'-Beeuttful 280 2ba rare "to""'' -·to new gorgeova water ront c:upaney Ag1., ~ ....,., .... g " ~ll!k:t Patio $800 No peta 75M488 Doubt• llaraga 735 qi. atory condo ~ loan Agt875-9058 S~~=.e~~ rsa•2~t1°roo. ;;~!9•7~u1 , h l•ta Ptalanla flUlm Ill-.... 780-1713or857-1n8 F•m. nHr So Coaat Shalimar CMS4t-9758 modeledbat... skltuc:tlpe' rllY prm•tl&o m• llllE 111'1 IPUMITS ···-Tl ..... * Plau./405 ....... wah/dry SINGLE garag• HO II ... ir.HeH•-" mo Call INOA, J\9/MU lmat fl 44 ....... liBllU Uk• bfand new. All utltltlee --" -.. It·..__. , .. 7:.,._; J • CIMn. 731 Weat 181'1 w/aid1 8e tat to '" •t1 ~-H 559-9400 <>< 788-7898 UOOtOtll paid. atcwe/lfrig. ~ Cozy 2Br 2Ba, f\Jtl balcony, " .,,..,,...,., _....., aaz. Coeta Maae G-., S125,000 Ruth Laurie 3Br 2•,;ea +loft Fat>utoua ,.__ 2 4 _. •UHT MIU• Lrg lBR duplex 410 .. llTlllm ~~ 0:.~~ ..!8:•· 1 trplc, huo-. ck1Mt9, dtw S32S mo 55&-1737 873-·n;,_.. Rltr 64~ Y\J 3 PY1 deck• 1389,500 \IWta .... I ... CYt• & eozy, lvM kllctl. yd. Harding BalbOa Pen 1 ,. ~· Hurry, only 1900 ,.. II flll--&-• Own«t Agt e~ 28A 18X. IQ ator11g9 l&d. pool, uttla Incl 1500 f• adult no _., 547-1155 BMutlful large Apta tn 28drm tBath S7to _.. ir•11T ll...... -• --C...trtial YlllAH •• , ... nu carpt/cfrape9, no pet•. mUEIT ....... qul•t n•lghborhood 30t Avoe.do !M2·8850 ·-.. Home. kitchen ~ Perteet fof atf'IO*" andl IEWPllT WOI t950 "B' Meyer, atlOW by __ Poot Spa No pet• POOL-PRIVATE PATIO •luJtury upper 28' 28a S300/mo 846-2435 l.L lal~t prle•d rtght too at HPUXIS appt $850+ d19 549-3484 3 BR 2 BA detach hM 18drm M55 N9W d/w, trplc:. garage Eaatbtulf Pool, frptc, Mw V9rd9, C.M 41 &, la1G"1/6111Ci lftt 179.900 Oeltght fut 3bd 2ba upp•r unit tam rm. ale, 2 ear gar 28dnn 1'/•S. S750-S7llO X·LG 18' S5eO 2Br le75. d/w, OR, ~ 1950 ba, kite ¥ r9'P II BaeMlor unit with Siio~ w/lrplc, btt-1n1 & view ot 2Br 2Ba. brlle & el'leery, on Walnut AYall 711 151E21at St. 54&-2408 EASTSJOE 557-2641 No J>9tl 722-8140 Eve& peraonnr cntra, acreen1 dtvldlnQ aleeplng bay & ocean! Lower unit lrplc micro w/d, refrlg, 831 -1288 or 644--0793 buMe 557. aft 3 BRIGHT NEWPORT OfC quart•ra A plHaantl 2bd. 2ba, frplc & pvt poot, jac 2 car gar Nr SC •MESA VERDE O'lux 2Br, SHARP ANO CLEAN GAR-111,2U 11'MI1IOO &43 IQ f1 w/INYWW ~ wooday vi.w & all thtll patio Owner moYlnQ out P11u S950 /mo. Catt CONDO Turtle Roctt, 2bd, 28a, MW <*:or, d/w, OEN APT. 1BR, atov. & 811tn kit, cpta, gar, blk to M/F prof. non amkr, quiet, PCH, Poet Offlo• & am.nttlee afford9d mor• ot area s289 000 240-3911 0< 542-4242 2'1tba, d•n. din room. etr. 1ock9d garage, lndry refrigerator, no P•ta. bc:h. yr IM 87~2. to lhr 3br C.M. hm, W/O, Marin«'• Mite. 64&-2t47 axpenllw properti. 1 • Ooean front · •bd 2b• lrplc, 2 ear garage. Two '795 No peta 840-2495 '520/mo 64&-1377 kite prtv $350/mo utll Hcurlty gat• pool, down 2bd tba up' good •IMIEHI Tl•• atory pool. jeez, l9nnta Spettcllng c:tMll 28drm. Sharl> i.tge 1 hdroom lfllLUU.. Incl 5-46-8326 an 8pfn CANNERY VILLAGE etubh<>u• .ie. •ocatkm Wtnl«l~mmer •Bdrm. 2a. trplc, 2 ear eta, 11200 mo 54&-592 1 1'/•Ba 1495 N4IW c.peta downatalra Abtolut.ty 3BR 2BA ~ gar, •I d Room w/kltc:tl prtv, nr oo. ~:lo;i,11~~ 9\! JOYCE OABOLT r antala Prlc•d at gar~ lllOC9d yard P.t MOit dealrable 3br 2b9 & drap.t. Alt utllttlee trnmaculat•. Olahwaaher, hoOkup, lower unit, blOek & ahopplng c:nw Hunt-$800/mo &45-7983 SAl.l y SHIPLEY "429,000 Ok f• den pool ponda & mor• paid ~lg. garaQ9 t 9fldoMd lockable gar-10 bMetl $950/mo lngton 8Mct1 Adema & 759-9100 -----• . • '\~~·A"~• associated BW 01<(W$ UllllfOllS 101• w '''""'" ,.,, ,.,.,, TIUIEIT 171-UIO S925 639-8191 Ag1 ,.. child~ No peta. • Park-Ilk• grounda TSL Mc::r Walnus!.2-1803 Brookhum 962-6780 .. ILi nnn Oelux• 3BR 2b• W'llck. N9W Turti. Roct! Point• 1IMIO Wallace &42-4914 1580. Avallabl• July I b/•-"'-I Ample pt1g, uttla paid. F/PI, mini ocn vu 2 ear Petera 38' 2,,;e. Condo. Or After 8PM MM62t 4tFl/51h. No ~ta. Call l&OIELM • HTI IT ltt.,.... I 2855 E Ctt Hwy 876-t800 CtlMI L111ar i" 2218 E Pectlle Av. 2200 IQ rt St991 to pool •NICE 2BOAM 2BA* 541-8279 S~ to Wld ... 20 Utlla Ulllll llTIL IM q" It _!~·~~.I~~~ SN1t,.s50m1kmor .! .. _2Y! ... 1u LndryfK, d!:,!nodP9tlo SUPER SPACIOUS . AvaH 7/1 478-2872 Wkly ,_,tell now avail On NB Waterlront •w/vt.w ,¥ • .... .. -u No peta .,...,., N/amttra 2bd. 2ba, rec rm. pool. ira-. _, 111 S147 00 wk a up. 2274 gr .. t ac>ece -· ..... ft1W .... •ttre 10M OUPLEX-COMPLETEL y -ORANGE TREE 780-1418 or 642-7828 bbq, av&tl now, 1700/mo, ... ,__. Nwpt Btvd, CM 64$-7445 ctoee 10 all tn:. h;bO,-~ tu.tom exec 1 ltory "Sit ui<F NEW 396 2fli AX AemodMd 2bd, 2 car at-2t>d. 1'.tba. 2 1ty condo, ~Br 2Ba E--alde ~ 97t-1'll1 N;:;, :c;:!'io-~~·' IU I IH Laaa11r tlon, w/IMQUN pettctng Down" bay & oc .. " CON00-8onu1 room tach•d gar, akytttaa c;arport, all arnenttlee. n-Frpk: new crpa yerd Tll-u• .-..S 831-MIO vlewa 38' 3S. + fam & a1c,..curttyaya1em,lky-throughout, w/d, trld; p•tl. av1tt July 1, Q ie10 Ol<*-....000 ... ,__ I ....... .... 302tW PllOlftcCoutHwy :: 9-t --. Nothing lit•. petto/deek, tr•h Incl. gdnr and All uttt pd. S875/mo, 720-eeoe ~ 840-2429 E!Windt 28' w/g111 Ctptt, drpa,twprt • ... ~ 8Mctl IWr'lg TV u -.. ...._.... d .. ·•1 .... ,.221• ""7•· v bl1in.. f:ncd Y"d w/patto. S 125+ wk -' no...___.. ltl ....,...... '""' ... con paint. new carpet, 2 ear ,.y., now, .,.,.._ v W lta ~ ~II --lla. • _..,. tl3M120 Cell 1-5PM """ .._..... •. WEST CLIFF Bl DG NEWPORT OC ACH at S5llO.OOO (Incl Land) I gar age, S 1t8,000, E'SIOE 28R 1ba g•r• 2 , • ., C !.!!L ~·· 887 Victoria "C" M75 lllt ta 1811 I ......... o.. I 854-1433/979-2078 patio., new ~rJ)9t Wld XAOCOOs OCEAN tlo, -1Q. 731 w 19th . ... •• ~~ANYT1ME -paint S750/mo Call Canyon Vtew-tbd, tba Strwt, #A. 873-nl7 ••AA ' ....... ,.,.,, " . .. . . . ,,, .. BY OWNER-4BD 2'ABA Boetaand blkM end 898-3434 teeve mag duplex. gar, Wd dck, laun. mfe81i8.AU 111 n .... U11 ...,.Air Conditioning Xtt Y8lue In be9UttfullrvlM cems>«aa~ cottagee -111 E'alde R-2 lot 1'M>d 2 1795/mo, 491-1297 USA·-30TH ST N@WPORT 8CH "'Coms*te)Mltonel T .ct·__. t S3 lOK the tr11nQt that mike tum· · · Al l UTIUTIES PAID .. lrllmlTI •H 12 ...... ....... C!Mn. W119kfy ,_,tata "'Muelc • .,.,, r ......., 0 · mer l\.ln ean be lou'ld In bathe, 1125,000 ~ lnpr! Ide~ 1111 Compare belfor• you ,..,,t Fe9tur1ng beeutlful land-18R $325-$400 wk "'!le¥11tor by appt only 831-2805 claaalfi«S w/earry. C.it f<lf appoint--N"'1 dec«ated ouatom = BBOe, poot/epa. Int'' ti IHI 2BR 137&-$.478 wk "''Ull\WW~ ment &46-2188 •Ill.II YllW * d•atgn f .. turN pool, p 1'..-..a. o-Of 11 I •11t9' fHHI. If not 11om9 .._ "'Xerox aervtoe Fncd5rm...ics.h•bulc 28drm 28a, encl gange, S()4-Sf}w lh1s charming bbq, COYr'd get909, aot• .. anw0'°';""Sony;-n0P9t, (7t4)H7:.o~'•· ...-s.cyMNtoe.-, ltt u • ...., y .. Sell Y.., p,.,.,t,I Ca Clu1lfW. 642-5678 for Information & surprisingly low cost. d«X1t' gruey yd enc:iloeed MW <*:or 1 hOUM off 1? mouse Hae cute hal rounded wt1h pltJ8h lend-1~ • ~ • Month to month ., Ample~ii ger klda/pet S750 OCNn Yrly S1300. Cllllco dress and btouRe acaplna. No peta 28drm 28a $795 also 1va1l1ble ltata I It Ht I I• 11 539-819 t Agt f.. 11LllDT 171-UIO 011ect1ons details tissue t & 2 Bidroom Fumlthed 825 c.ntw St 142-1424 1714 ... laurel Poln1e 3er 21Mk *ITIPI Tl 1111* ~::~:::. 10 !;Aw mou~" A 365 ~~T1;;~ • ~~~:~~~::~d COM:&i. 2C t;:: to Jif --------unique toe w/,,.,-y '9 P9tlo 28' 2Ba, 2 car geraioe. w/lltof n/arnkr, ffplc, n-PUIT'I ~ llT1 .,... Yr IM Comm poof trplc, 2 aundedca, bltln9 ~erid SJ 25 pluo; 7Sc • Fitness centers. pet• w/d.J. '3ff +uttl avalf Sp~ •"¥aH: 110 alt 1 t250/mo Cheahtre Huny M50 Fee pos1agl'! n.1Mhng 1nr C.Sta ••11 UH C..ta.... 1124 tennis, 1w1mming lmmecs. \iethy 71()..5025 Harbof/Bt ll• c.nter. ProP 75t-tS77te75-40M TILDllT llMlll earn piltli>m COM-POOLSIDE 2BA 3017 8 at Baker It LOOK HERE Sllld '° WOOD N VILLAGI MDdels optn d111v 9 6 n~8A. frplc, 191Wt ct, prof (acroee from fl'~) V• E-ald9 2bf bltlnl yd quiet AMual 21drm, 18•, L.Ntwi..C~ LA D Souv. no Piii M/F, '425 Ind utll. welk oent 1171/mo. Ao9n• patio HU fta1 ok :.::~i::r:: :.:::.,,.;..!J APARTMlllTS N1Wport Buch No to bWh, Rlctl 7M-7007 ~11t)72MtN klc:Wcet delalle + dee> Agt 17s.to51 b t4 llul1lllm M .·-.-. 880 ll'V1ntt A\'tinu1 COUP\.E or lndlvtdutl ( 14) MOi4SN *UM 111* • ••--,,. 1un ,.... ...... ...,._,, (.emit & ·~Y ou1 1•rdttl 1tylt 11111 ()I ·~ comlo1l1bi• ll•1n lat l6lhl very 1r9 metr llcltm ~ll;Fi!;~"~~I Almo.t Newpot1 3bf 2t>e -·-,. .. ,....... ....., clost to ht,w1ys & So .(;o.nt "-z• ,,,. Olllt flllnut to Ttlf w/frp6o, b8'c, ~. t~ equ1p1 d.oor & ger 28R 2,,...., Den on goef butll c,, •••"•'* NO PfTS PlfASl &CS-n04 ...... t>etFI wldbl **· +ttlt, • • N 8 ,... • 2\41 be, frp6c. 2000 -". 90 hmllJ a pot COUrM Next to lenntl NEW FOR ONlY St ........... , LA••IT ..... 1Wpo11 1111"11 So lndry, Qar, n-emll, U.W all M t IOO -. 538-8'90 Beat "'"Y '*' CIOUr't t1185 75M>07t 98 page, lull U>k>t Cat• 110016th 51111111 • Pt! MOO mo 7314471. llV 1• 1 lt'r'IO, BACK 8try Lov.ty 1rg 18A BLUffS COND0-380 log of Cr•ft1 patto<ns aAClllLM '1•1·'111 lat Oo.,,tttl LAGUHABIACH avall· 1 yr.._ 720-7ot01 Cottage.~ tum. ~ petlo l'49A, 2 oar garg, ""'P'lt•. bOOk~ tupphes crewel, t 81NOOM '62S.'6•1 W -5f13 :~ 1115, PIM wi. ~. F NB & yard. No !*I Sl50 .1125/mo, 190-044e, att crotl Olllch,nMdt poml, • ._...__ I 60 ~ -~-.-~ Adulttprwf'CS 142-t7IO ~pm t _.enda! latch hOOk, QtJ•tttng 11nd • ----· .,,10. 7 no S-•· 'IT·1C30 2 , 2'_. BA CHARMINO lbd. 2ba more Ml, ... , 6 •t ••19 ..a.. MfF~ ~ .,..f, ~. t1.:rou1 cla••1" ... d ... ' -2 "'-" .. , •••a• • ...... u " -u .. . 1 eer ow w opnr, prv ,v. "°""· oer ;er. ·-LAUDA WHHLU artrneoc t~ -..... ""'· WIO, c..lui_,., cMrtrm. crpt.df'pla.blt-ln.loda<ltl, l:~d S1200 Inn _, ti&. MAU__., Ylt Ult 6&&.t .. I k"~ pm, UIO/mo g1ng .""4f~ttwft0~ n peta, St250 14&-N67 ~-. M&-IMI: C A A F T 8 lfd ~tdt 8om ettwoup!I ftllCI ' R&'M*µ ... . . ..... ,ftaullal fOlll) ADS ARE FREE -eat. M2·Mll $2.40 per day That'a All you pay fOf 3 llnea. 30 day minimum In the SERVICE DIRECTORY CALL TODAYll lllFll Liii Your s.w:. Directory ~9"11tetlv9 141...UJ1 11t. IOI ..... :-: : : : I : FU SUCCESSFUL CITIZEN How mvch will yovr son or daughter know obovt business when applying for their first full time 1ob'> Plenty 1f he or sh e hos ever been a newspaper comer Through route experience lie or she 1s olreody o lop ahead of their classmates While they oil master ideas, the boy or girl with o newspaper rovte is able to put them to procttcol use Bus1neu? Carriers learn the bos.ic learn the baste principles from the first day of starting to deliver newspo.pers They buy at wt.olesole ~II at retail, make collections, keep their own books and d4t<>I with people face to face Comers qu1ddy find out that "profit" and 'loss" ore more than text~ terms The benefits ot m~nog1ng o newipoper rovte ore on equation tor o future succ~vl cit11&n A great nvmber of today's prominent men and women started their pubJ1c careers os newspaper corners And they all vouch that o newspaper route gives a boy or girl a hood •tort on the future Bovs o l 1 • • 11 :1 .Jld,., whc t l 1" ""er e!.tfl I ulr .., rl ro I rr. Do Iv p,1 I o•cu o• ()I' de1 Ortmon! or t\41 4JJ Daily ~!~!!,ON DE•, 330 WEST 8A Y ST P 0 BOX I 560 COSTA MESA . CALIF 92626 .-----------------, I I I Yes, my •on/daughter would like I 1nformot1on on o Doily Pilot routf! I HIS/HER NAME t~ PHON I ----1 I ---1 I ZIP __ I I AGE_I I PAR EN~~ I SIGNATUR I L---~--~---------~ • ~tired Artzona couple want to HOUSESIT Aug. =rw.,..,,l~Ndo::B""'EA~UTYRES===T -:T"T. & Jvty l ac* ,..,., non-tr.-I box IPflngl 175 ern11 .... (902) 514-1409 MClltl DouOM ~ llert 15. 242 Flower St. C.M WALNUT COffEE T latintt MH ai.. 1ap, S3 a eo. Tllr'l'A+ldb@ ViCTOA exm11en1 oonct .... 16QO VICTORl.A I RECORDS Mklng NO. 540-0942. ; 1270 Gaa IOO l20 COIN -come 9IOf\ eom. Pettl7~ -In~. MOTOR ROUTE Available In lrvlne area. $300 to $600. No collect- Ing. 3-4 hours a day. Mon. thru Friday afternoon. Sat. & Sun. morning. Call 642-4333, ask for Kirk ORANGE COAST bllyPHlt 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA ----: ---~~· Openin1• Now Available CAR ROUTES Earn Extra Ca•h For Dellv•ry Of Thi• Paper HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY INDEPENDENT Deliver 1 day a week No collecting. no sohc1tmg. Must have dependable car. truck or station wagon an insurance CALL 842 -1444 • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT I Wedneaday, June 11. 1980 l PORSCH( AUDI l Hf VROlt f lllthttl Qualltv Sain• ... .-10 IN U.S.A. AJC> nYIHG HARD£R TO 8£ Ii 1 • IAL.£8 •SERVICE • PARTI •LEASING I ARClSI INV£Nl0HY ~ !~£ VwlSl tOASl £VDY fQ)[l ' COl~ CALLTOD4Y sourn c.o uN 1 v 18 / I 1 Hf ACH R• V[I HU!JllfH iT1)N fH ACH ( 11.11 842-2000 EVY 'It CHEVETT! tandard ttwla., llm f1ldlo. 58K ml CIOOd condlUofl. 11450 08'0 '*4171 EVY CAM.A.AO '7' 307 VI .uto tt&nemleelon. = oond, 11200/obo, BUI CK ~\~~~ .. ;~. AU. OPT10N8. DE ALE R CALL c~ l.!A8tNO 1-.-;;~--=-'U- IN ORANGE COUNTY NABERS CADILLAC o. v~. redl. ...,._, dMI\. UC.1ESJ822 .... THEODORE ROBINS FORD 70t>O llAllaOll ll~L (O!tlA M HA «>•l/ 0010 FORD 'e2 FllCOr'I COnv ~en. rune. looU gfMtl MUlt ..... beet oft« Cell between 10 .,,, and 5 pm. 87,. 7044. ORO '17 FAJRLANE. " engin., YWy good condition. I UOO ~23 ,...ltPllTI rown, goocs ttanepor- ta11on car 1750 754-1"8 ............................... __________________________ ........_.._.... ____ ~--...---------- DlilJ.Pilat -----------------~Ginger, peenuteglverlbee lndot•elmfti¥0r;c2 Short-cut wedding centerpiece btk• the ceke.C4 .. ENTERTAINING WITH EAS.E Take advantage of seasonal foods, do-ahead convenience When festive oecas1ons pop up be sure to have menu ideas on hand that will match the mood. Here's one that takes advantage of seasonal foods and offers do-ahead convenience. Start with an assortment of Danish cheeses hke creamy Havarti,orafiavored version such as dill, herb and spice or mustard seed. Add a mild Fonttna cheese and a wedge ofblue. Serve them with an assortment of crackers and fruit, and let guests help themselves. Although California npe patted olives, nght off the shelf, make handy party food, here's a new way to serve them. Stuff the colossal ones with curried cream cheese and a tuna salad spiked with cilantro or fresh coriander. The filling can be made a day ahead and the olives even stuffed.just be sure to cover and refrigerate. Roast turkey 1s an economical and approp1rate choice for the main dish. Barbecuing or roasting the turkey unstuffed shortens the cooking time, and brushing It WJth a delicate Tarragon Sapceadds flavor and produces a juc1er meat. Make the sauce while the turkey 1s roasting and brush it on the last 45 minutes of cookmg. A v1d asparagus fans will espcc1ally cnJOY this superb treatment. Blanch the fresh spears and toss with California npe olive slices. crumbled Damsb blue cheese and a vinegar and com oil dressing. For dessert, spring strawbemes and kiwi fruit star 1n a custard tart. The custard base 1s smooth asa spnng breeze and the f run sparkles under a translucent glaze. JAVA OLJVF,,S t ounces cream cheese YI teaspoon curry powder, or to taste 1 'i'a to Z tablespoons finely chopped chutney 48 whole pitted colossal California ripe olives Blend together cream cheese and curry powder Add chutne)' and mix until well blended. Spoon mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a startip. Slice ofT bottom of olives so they will stand Pipe filling into centerofoll ves Makes 4 dozen. OLIVES NELSON l ca.o.(7 oonces) toaa,drained, finely flaked i tablespoons mayonnaJae 1 small green onion, finely chopped 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro 'ii& teaspoon bot red cbJU pepper flakes '4 teaspoon lemon jalce Pepper to taste 48 wllole pitted colo11aJ California ripe olives Mix tuna with mayonnaise, green onion. cilantro. chih pepper Oakes. lemon Juice and pepper. Shceoff bottom of olives so they will stand. If desired, make a deep X-cut from topofohve almost to bottom. Stuff eachohvewtth tuna mixture Makesabout4dozen. TARRAGONSAUCEFORTURKEY ~ cap batter or mar1arlne 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon or 1 teaspoon dried tarra1on YI teaspoon aalt •;, teaspoon pepper % caps turkey or cb.lcken broth 1, cap corn starcll YI cup dry wbite wine or broth In small saucepan, melt butter or marganne over low heat: Stir in tarragon, salt and pepper. Remove · turkey from oven 45 minutes before projected done t 1 me Brush well wt th sa ucc. Return to oven and continue roasting. brushing frequently wt th sauce, 45 mtnutes or until turkey tests done. Remove from pan. Pour pan dnpp1ngs from roasting pan mto large measuring cup. I.At ~t until fat nses to top and then spoon off fat. Add broth to juices to measure 4 cups. Return to roastmg pan and bnng to simmer over low heal, st1mng tG..ncorporate brown bits from bottom of pan. • tir t()81C'thetcom starch and wine until smooth. Stir into juices in roastina 1)9n. Stirri.QfconstanUy, bring to boil over medium beat and boil I rrunute. Makes about 4 cups. ASPAR.AGUSANDOUVESVINAIGR % poacltfrala.......,.., trim.me.I ,_ ewp ~ty sliced Callfon!a rt,. ollvtt "" cap cena oil Ya cap ftlte wtae vu.epr ¥.cap (!oaeet) Oa.a1dtblaee ,en led ~teaapeoaaaJr y, ieu,... pepper In large skillet in small amount ofboil1na water, cookasparaus S minutes or until tender-crisp. Dram. Arrange asparagus and olives 10 shaJJowdi&b. lntoa small Jar with tiJht fittin&lid. add com oil, vincpr, cheese, salt and pepper. Cover; shake well. Pourovcr asparacus. Cover, iefriaerate 1everal hours or overnight.Just before servina. remove from marinade. If desired, serve on lettuce-lined plates. Makes 6 to 8 servings STRAWBERRY-&JWI CUSTARD TART tt.cap squ % tablespooa.s con stard1 1/11 tuapooa ult lcapmllk legyo sllptJybeaten ~ teaspoon vu Ola Ta11Sbell (ftclpe follows) l plat stnwbarles, k..Oed, blved i ldwia, peeled. sliced Strawberry Glue (recipe follows) In 1-quart saucepan, stir together ugar, com starch and salt. Gradually sttr m milk until smooth.Stir in cu yolk. Sttmngconstaotly, brina to boil over medium-low heat and boil I minute. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Tum into smaJJ bowl. Cover surface with waxed pal)CT or plastic wrap. Refrigeratcabout 1 bo~oruntilcooLSpreadin bottom of wt shell. Refrigerate 1 hour. Arranac suawbcmes and kJwis on filling. Spoon Strawberry Glaze event y over fruit. Refricerate at least I hour or u n ul ready to serve Makes 8 scm ngs. Tan Sbell; In medium bowl. stir together 1 cup unsifted flour, l tablespoon supr and~ teaspoon salL With pastry blender or two knives, cut in 'hcupbuttcr or marganne un\il coarse crumbs fonn. ln small bowl, stirtogether 1 eggyo11tand3tablespoonsicewat.cr. With a fork. stir into flour mixture until well mixed. With hands, form into ball. On liabtlyfloured surface, roll out pasl(y to 12-mcb circle. Place in 9 x 1- inch tart pan with removable bottom. Press pastry to fill bottom and sides of pan. Pierce bottom with fork. Ltne Wlth waxed paper. Fill with dried beans or rice. Balce m 400-dcgreeoven l S minutesoruntil lightly browned. Remove beans or nee and waxed paper. Return to oven and bake S minutes lonaer. Cool on WJre rack. Makes l 9-inch taruhell. Strawberry Glau: In small saucepan. stir lOICther 1 teaspoon com starch and I tablespoon supr. Gradually sur 10 If• cup water until smooth. Stum 2 tablespoons crushed fresh stawbemes{from I pint fresh strawberries, halved). St1rrinaconstantly, bnng to boil over medJUm heat and boil I minute. Strain. Cool. Makes about 1/4 cup. Surprise dad with special dish Saucy flavors a gourmet delight Father's Da> 1s not quite as senumental and romantic as Mother's Day Gifts of aftershave lotion and personal effects are usually balanced by fishing tackle. stereo equipment and garden gear. But the old adage, "a way to a man's heart 1s through his stomach" sull works, espcc1ally when it comes to fathers. More than presents, a sure-fire way to please dad on this or any other day 1s to serve a meal prepared for him in minutes For example. serve Cahfomia Pistachio Mushroom Chicken. Boned chicken breasts filled with onions and mushrooms studded with California pistachios is com- pany fare, easy to prepare. A creamy mustard sauce completes the dish and makes an attractive presen- tation. Accompany the entrce with a selection of dad's favonte season- al vegetables and salad. CALIFORNIA PlST ACHIO MUSHROOM CHICKEN % tablespoons minced aballots or creen onloaa 1 caps 1Hced mushrooms a4 cap butter or margarine, .... -dJvlded 14 cup coarsely chopped shell~ oaturaJ Callforn1a plstaclllos D111l freabJy groaad pepper t wbole clllcken breasts, skla- ned, boned and balved YI cup clllckeo brotll % tablespoons dry white wine YI cup beavy cream % to 3 teaspooas Dijon mastard Cbopped abelled natural Cali- fornia pistachios for garnlsb (optJonaJ) Saute shallots and mushrooms m 2 tablespoons butter until soft o\dd p1stach1os and pepper Cut pockets m thick ponion of each breast lengthwtsc Place about 1/4 cup p1stach10 mixture m each pocket, sccurt pockets with toothpicks Brown chicken on both sides 1n remaining butter Add broth and wine; bring to boil Cover and simmer about I 0 minutes or unttl chicken 1s no longer pink Removc toothpicks. set chicken aside and keep wann Stram pan JU1ces 1f desired reduce by ba1f Add cream and reduce to about 1 ,~ cup hr m mustard. Spoon over ch1ckt'n breasts Garnish with p1stach1os Makes 4 scrvmg.s. Salads make g ood h ot weath er meals By TOM HOGE ,, ..... ..,., ... .,..., Salads are bemg eaten more and more the year round. but the season for these cool dishes 1s now at its peak. The range i~ almo,t wtthout limit, from chilled lettuce and arccns, with cucumbers and rad- ishes, to elaborate mtJtturcs of m~at or fish and vegetable , such •~ a Chers Salad whtth 1s a meal 1n it~1f. A hot weather ~lad C'an ht a v~ry tolorful dish with bright red tomatoes. green or black olives and white radish shccs Sliced hard . botled cps arc also a welcome addition in such a summer mixture. uttucc. the m11n.stay of most ulads. ranaes from kcbera to loo~­ kafed Boston. Salads arc u,ually ~rved with a clear drcs ing. s.uch a ltaltan. m which the main 1nlJ'('<hcnts art' 011 and vinegar. ' Ma)onnai~ ;, il\O used o( course, c J)('Ctally 1n cold potato or tuna fi5h \Blad. --..----r-=-~ --- ------ There art alw dehc1ous hot salads. hkr German potato with ltahan dressing and bacon ~tnp~. but tht, 1, not the ~uon for them. However. this salad can also oc ~rvedcold. H«t> 1 a m.1pe for "h«fy" potato~lad BEEFY POTATO A.LAO l ,..H lttD ceoked bttf, trtmmtd . I tabletp90n1 wla• qar t tabl DI lltttry W 1 tablespoon ktk'•P "'t teaspoon prepared mastard t medlam petatoes, peeled, cooked and c1lbed '" cap raw m brooms, sll<'t'd •,.. cup dairy sour cream ~tta« leaves Cut beef into 1h-incb cubes. ln large bowl, comhinc beef. vinegar. shcrn ketctiup and mustard. Man natc 1n refricerator for 2 hou~. timna occa~1onall)' Add potat°", mu,trroom'i and \Our cream . To"' gcntl) (hill and ~n·e on lettuce leave Serv~ 2 to ' pcopk .. I By JOYCE SCHERER BODWVJCH DellJ """"c:... ' * 71 Kathy Orr has devised an easy and tasty way to turn a so-so cook into a gourmet chef The tnck. accordmg to the president of Paragon Foods in lrvtne, 1s to use her new hne of Cuhnary Classics. The collection of sauces, each wtth servtng sugcsttons ltsted on the labels. include red pepper rehsh, chunk} horseradish curry, DiJonna1~ and mustard. The sauces are suitable for conventional or micro- wave cooking. and also make a tang) dip. according to their crrator. These gourmet delights, ~tocked m the deh section of most grocery stores. do not contain any art1fic1al pre~rvattvcs. col- onng, add1t1ves or excess salt The\o retail for around S2aJar - .. The curry sauce can be chilled and dnzzled over fresh vegrtablcs, or served warm as a zesty sauce for chicken and fish," said Orr. whoa-lso recommended 1t for salads and mannades It.a~ Orr The low<.alone red pepper rehsh -excellent as a cold seafood salsa -consists of sweet red bell peppers, tomatoes. fresh garhc and herbs Orr began Paraaon Foods m early 1985 with the creation of Hot, Sweet and Sour Mustard, under the label of Amcncan Mustard Co. The consumer mact1on to this unusual blend of flavors was 1mmrd11te and pos1t1ve Soon. grocery store~ wert placmg the versatile mustard in the deh section lts success was attnbuted m part to Orr's hm1tles cn~rg) and enthusiasm for the product .. , dragged cases of mustard from deh to deh. persuading 'hop owners to tc't the product. Weekend' were spent in maJor markets offenng "3mple<1 and tabulallng consumer rcspon~ ·· 'he said The 27-vt r-old ~-foot dark-haired dynnmo became interested an the food industry whilea.tccn--a er 10 t Lou1 , Mo "When I wa 14, my class took a field tnp to a loc~I farm . .ind l drc1ded to become a vcgctanan after that Cllcunion My family wos not particularly enthusiastic about th1' <icci ion," $he laughingly rccalkd ··1 reahzed It would be my rt pons1b1hty to create meatles~ menus .. Orr began ~tudying hrahh food book, and tackelc:d a "lcwof vegetanan d1'hts he prepared vegetable-bean d1'ht"S, ftlo dough cas~roles and dtv1sed numerous w-ays to prepat'l' tofu. ~ftcr camma a business dqrcc Orr was lured to C'ahfoma as a staff rconom1st for a pobtical flgurc .. ~fter a two-year nmt her creative 1u1ce' hepn 10 Oov. again. ~ ~taned work 1n the food tndUStT). , "In order to unde~tand the food 1ndu,try from the bottom up "~htuid. "I tool a1oba a cookmga mantatan tnnovatt"t (Pl-..._. AOCS8/C4) . ' • • ~~~-• ~-~-----_......__... __ _.. ..... ._ ......... ._.. __ ..,. ____ _.. ................................ ~ ............................................... ~ll!l" ......... 1111!1~ C2 Orang Cout DAILY PILOT I Wednesday, June 11, 1988 • PUT Fruit mousse peachy -For ah elegant dessert, mix fresh peathc mto a mousse and comple- ment at with colorful raspberry melba sauce. Fresh peaches are available at the local market now throuah October and arc best wnnkle free and without ftCCD•sh and brown spots on theskm. Quan11t1es of peaches should be ripened together at room temperature to sttmulate the pro- duction of the hormone ethylene that is needed for off-the-tree npen- ing. Eat velvety ripened peaches at room temperature. To keep sliced peach ~ishes bright and fresh, dip or sprinkle with citrus juice or commercial ascorbic acid mixture. FROSTY PEACH MOUSSE WITH MELBA SAUCE 2 large freab peaches, sliced 1 cup sagar teu• 1 Ya teaspoons plaJn gelatin 14 cup water 1 cup wlalpplng cream, whipped Melba uace Puree peach shccs in blender with sugar-and eggs. Dissolve gelatin in water over low heat; cool. Stir gelatin into peach mixture. then fold in whipped cream. Pour into 11'2-quart metal mold Cover with plastic wrap; freeze firm. Dip mold quickly into warm water; unmold onto serving plate. Spoon some Melba Sauce over mousse Pass rcmaming sauce an small bowl. 8 to I 0 servings. Melba Sauce: Defrost and puree 2 packages (I 0 ounces each) frozen red raspberries an syrup. Combine in saucepan with I tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in I table- spoon water. Cook over medium heat, st1r- nng. until sauce is clear and thickened. Stram. stir an 2 table- spoon~ kirsch and I tablespoon lemon Juice. Chill . Makes about 2 - cups sauce. Barbecue takes ribbing Marinade of ginger, peanuts yields an intriguing flavor Let Indonesian-Style Beef Ribs be the center of attention at your next backyard feast. Make It easy on the hosts, and have the guests bnng the accompani- ments. With this delic1ousentrec, no one will mind panicipatmg. Indonesian-Style BeefR1bsare named for the ginger and peanut flavor The marinade for the n bs 1 s a cooked m 1x tu re of spices. onions, soy saucc, lcmonJu1cc. honey and peanuts. The flavors blend nicely to give a slightly 4i'\\ee1 and subtle taste ( hoosc the most flavorful and meaty ribs fort bas recipe: beef short nbs. The nbsare so meaty that they wall need to have deep cuts made in them to allow the marinade to penetrate into the beef. The ribs should be marinated at least eight hours, but the flavors reall) come through 1f allowed to marinate 24 to 48 hours INDONESIAN-STYLE BEEF RIBS 4 pou.nd1 meaty beef abort rtb1 1 h tablespoons peanut oil % cloves garlJc, finely cbopped 1 lncb fresh ginger, peeled and chopped 1 teaspoon poppy seeds Ya teaspoon groand coriander '• teaspoon ground cayenne pepper 1 on.Ion, chopped 1'1 cup soy sauce •;, cuplemonjalce 3 tablespoons boney 2 tablespoons cbopped peanuts Make deep cuts an meaty side of nbs. Place an glaiS bakmgd1sh. In ski llet, place peanut oil, garlic, ganger, poppy seeds. coriander and cayenne pepper. Cook o~er medium heat. st1mngconstantly I minute.Starin onions. ( ook. st1rnngconstantly, about 5 minutes or until onions are golden brown. Stir in soy sauce, lemon Juice, hone) and peanuts. Cook until hot. Pour over nbs, working mixture into the cu ts an nbs Cover and ref ngerate at least 8 hours, no longer than 48 hours. Cook nbs over barbecue grill 6 inches from medium-hot coals, turnmgoccas1onally, 20 to 30 minutes or unt1 desired doneness. Makes 8 servings. THE NEW JANITOR JANITOR SllAIJRUM. : COUPON FILE I ------~~ -.. ;;; i I \ 1r,.;_ ~ 9 .lt9 ~ ·I $2 FREE SHIPPING! ~"~P yout "'Onf'I uv1n~ C•lUPO"' '" tt"' h•nt1y 01q•n•t•1 ' . f1.t< • ~· u~' • 1 p ""' !AV l !:lu> J I ~'.)• TO WORK! EXTRA STRENGTH All-PURPOSE CLEANER I I c...-. f;. Qli &a-td~ t$ • S•n t C•\h Cr-.• u• MO 10 OCVONHILL Sf~l 'lhl 130 f ••nkhn A•rnuo PO Bo• 11141 C•"f'" C••v NV 1 IS30 , _____________ .J I soc r~TUR£RCOUPON r [)(PtRES830 87 J soc I F ._..._,,,_~ ....... ....,,=t:;'_..., I <I ~7.T-:.."::":... "':.~.:::: I 50¢. -=.o'::...~..=:;::;:;;:t;. OFF • --·····--..··---,.. ........ ~..,.....,,..~~ ....... CLEANS GREASY :If ~~~N~T~rR l~t g~~~ I -on 32 oz. Size I e ' ~:-.::.-:-a:;~,,_ ---• ~T-~-~-~--7_~_~_·-_-_BE-T-TE_:_:_:A_i_~_R_;_L_r_f_j_ .. _1 _~: 5~4~~J Join@Natural RAISIN BRAN in the s2so,ooo National Park Pledge YOU CAN HELP! For every Post Natural Ra1s1n Bran proof-of purchase {UPC symbol) you send. Post will donate 50¢ to the National Park Foundation (up to $250,000) for the enhance mPnt o f our Nat1onat Par1cs Plus, with 3 or more proofs-of purchase, you'll receive FREE, the National Park Profile which includes over S200 in Travel Coupons for car rental, hotels and much more! FREE with 3 or more proofs-of-purchase " Berry punch perfect for bride's luncheon ~mong the many special events leading up to the weddina day, the bnde s luncheon 1s an opportunity for the bride and her attendants to be together pnor to the excttement of the wedding ceremony. The mood. of course, should be feminine and relaxed, and the menu hght and elegant. !ak1 na a-<:~c from the season for rnsp1~t1on. Sparkling Berry Punch 1s a dclac1ous. festtvc beverage to brim th~ affair, featuring fresh blackberries, raspbemcs or strawbemes sp1hted with sparkhng wine and a touch of blackberry brandy. To preparee~oughSparkhng Berry Punch fo.ra luncheon hosting 18 to 20 g~e'its, three pm ts offresh bemes arc pureed ma blender with one cup of milk and then poured into a punch bowl. fhe rcmammg mrlk nnd equal amount of sparkhna wane arc maxed into the bowl with the blackberry brand) <ierve the punch chilled m stemmed glasses and pm1sh with fresh swe('t pea blossoms for a delicious summertime luncheon "aperitif." SPARK.LING BERRY PUNCH 3 pints f rttta blad:berrtes, 1trawbnrte1, or ra1pberrttt 1 quart mllk ~cap sa1•r a, cap blackberry ln·aDdy i 11~ aUltter bottla of .A1tt pamutt (Cl b soda maibi Hbatttated ror 1 ·~-~ clrtnlll1_ .,_ • Purce hemes w1tli l cup of milk m blender. Mix puree with ~mamina ingredients. Chill and strve. Make 20 ~rvmgs. NO TE· 2 t 2-ouTICt' b31'offro1cn llcrrie, may hC' subsututed for fre h. ' -. - Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Wedneeday, June 11, 1911 CS Refund-form. packets super shopper service ~;Jue -We ha..,e a p-ocery labels from any IJ.LC or vanet~ ol ounce Duoc:an Hane. Chocolate refund form and two tear tn~ with the purcbut pnce didcd. storc10ourtownthatknowumart Cam~ll's Beans, ~me net-weight ChipCbOkie$pac;k.qeandbotbend from any size of Minute Ma.td ~piretJ~ly31, l9 6. ~hoppers ap~reciatc receiving statement from the 24-ounces1n of flaps from one Bounce 40-Usc or froun concentrated Onnat Juice Bonus! This offer doesn't requite manufacturers refund forms. The French's Amcnca') Favonte Yel-the fluid-ounc.e statement from one J and two Univenal Product Code a refund form. people who work there go to the-fow Mustard. one: Universal Prod-Tnple Concentrated Downy 21.S-UI£ symbol from any varicay Lendcr•s CAROLINA Rice/Jones Dairy trouble of making up packets of uct Code from a I 0-ouncc bottle of ounce or 32-ounce, alona with the Bagels.. E1pires July 31, I 986. Fann OiJtncr Oftic!, P.O. refund forms. AJI we have to do is French'sWortC$terthrre Sauce. Ex-cash·r~ster receipt with the FULLER TIO SANCHO Taco Shell OfT.cr. Box 'S$JO. Houston, Tau 172$$. ask fort~ fonns, and we receive a p1res July 31, 1986. purchase price of the Duncan Hines Receive a cou11<>0 IOOd for one free R.cccive a S2.SO refund. Seod the neatly clipped vanety each time we DUNCAN HINE.f'1 BOUNCE, Chocolate Chip Coolues cm:led. packagc of Tio Silocho Hk:ouot red fryins-oan 1)111bol Crom three go shopping. DOWNY Free CooKJes Refund This offer has no expiration date. Taco hell . Send the required Jones Dairy Fann Dinner Sa~ 1 thmk this system it great! -Offer. Receive a refund for the MINUTE MAID, LENDER'S tratedOrangcJuices(reaular.coun-refund form and the Umvuaal Packqes and five C.arolina Rice Emma Aikey, DucanavUlt, Pa. purchase price of Duncan Hmes Minute Maid $2 Cooix>n Offer. try style of reduced aC1d). plus four Product O>dts from any two boxes BoJJ tops (any '1:::}· Include ~r Dear Emma -I think 1t'sa&ood Chocolate Chip Cookie . Send the Receive four 25-cent e+upons each 25-cent coupons each &ood toward of Tio Sancho Taco Shells (10-name, address ZIP code{• idea, too. Of course. there are some required refund fofm. the net-good toward the purchase of any the purchaSc of any variety of count. t6-coUl\l. or Super sil.e), quired). This offer bas no up1 -~funders wbo may complain that it we1fbt statement from one 12-size of Minute Maid frozen cone.en-Ltnder's Bagels. Send the required along with the cash-resister receipt taon date. ~vesrcfundformstoshopperswho•---:""---------------------------------------------------------=-----------.:.-------_.::;.-----------=-------=------------------------:-~ will never lake advantaie of them. But conaidenng the large number of refund fonns that are either thrown away, or stolen by greedy pad grabbers, I thmk the shoppers who patronize this store arc well ahead of the game. Dear June -I have always used Mn. Cubbisons dressing mix and tauaht my daughters to do the same. But I recently round another brand on sale at a substantial savings, so I bought it. I was very disappainted with the other brand, so I wrote to Mrs. Cubb1sons about my experience. A few weeks later. I was pleasantJy surpnsed when a box was delivered to my door. Inside was a variety of Mrs. Cubbisons products and a nice note thanking me for my letter. When l wrote. I dad not expect an) thing from them. I only wanted to deliver a compliment from a sattsfied user. -Sblrley Wa11on, San Dimas, Calif. Dear Sblrley -It 1s always nice to hear from a reader who took the time to wme to a company and compliment a product. It 1s easy to forget that 1t 1s also impartant to tell the manufacturers what they are doing right The Sman Shoppmg Award goes to Stephanie Ritter of Laureldale. Pa.: "This past holiday season. a local grocery store had a special offer. Collect $300 an register tapes and rece1 ve a 12-paund turkey free. I received my free turkey and saved the weight statement A few weeks ago. another local grocery store had an offer from Glad wrap Send in proofs from Glad wrap and a proof of purchase from a turkey and receive a S2 refund The wrap was on sale at two rolls for SI . I happened to have two Glad coupans which the store doubled. so hoth rolls were free. All told. l received m) free turkey. two free rolls of Glad wrap and I soon will be rece1 v1ng the $2 refund in the mail I think that's smart shopping!" 'Here's a refund form to write for- A S l refund. VJTALIS $ l Refund Offer. P.O Box 14394, Balumore. MD 21 W8 This offer expires Aug. 31. l 986. but requests for the fonn mustberece1vedbyJuly 15, 1986. While waiting for the form, save the written-down Universal Prod· uct Code number from any Y1talis Aerosol. Pump. L1qu1d or Dry Control and Grooming Gel carton. along with the cash-register receipt with the purchase price circled. Here 1s this week's list of rel"Urld offers. Start loolang for the required refund fonns. which you can obtain at the supermarket, in newspapers and magazine advertisements and from trading with fncnds. / Meanwhile. start collecting the needed proofs of purchase as de- tailed belo"' Remember. some offers are not available in all areas of the country Toda('s refund offers have a value o $8.29. These offen requ1~ refund forms. i\RMOUR. CAMPBELLS. FRP.K H'S Hot Dog.s Offer. Re- ceive a coupon good for a free l· paund package of Annour Lower Salt Jumbo Hot Dogs. Send the required refund form and the following Sl't proofs of purchase: two Annour logos from an) size or vanet) of Armour Hot Dogs, two Learn to cater your own party at HB seminars Four Huntington Beach ~m- 1nars will focus on techniques 1n Latenng your own party Beginning at 6 p.m Monday at Pero's Sp1cery Restaurant m Sea- chfT Village. Serafina will present ideas on how n:rphm. 01gafozecmd create parties yoU' c~n enJOY and that your fnends will envy. Classes will continue on con- secutive Mondays. For infor- mation. call 960. 7764 or 960-6964. • • • Chicken dishes take top billing tn classes at Piret's Perfect Pan School of Cook1ni. South Coast Plaza. Chicken Wrapped 10 Clay wall be demonstrated by Patty Gillfillan at 6 p.m June l 8. and at the ~me lime on June 19 Kay Pastonus will show how to make do-ahead ch1ckt'n recipes Cost for each is $25 Cook1n~ with West Coast Apples 1s thC' topic of Roy Pmgo at 6 p.m. June 17. Grace Wheeler w11l dem- o nstrate Easy Sa11sfymgSalads with the Microwave at f O· 'O am June :?O. and Viana La Place will create a Rustic lt.ohan P1cn1c at 6 p.m June 20. fee for each class 1s $25. for mfonnauon, call 556-6424. ln•ex•pen•alve • ·11n Ill ~· llV) ~ ~ 1n price u1•1o nablt CIH•lfted .... ~ IC'\4f"tlllng r'..a Clatllfl~ Advertising a .... uo Hormel,~ct Label Bacon l lb Sliced per lb 129 •lib coupon t.unil One Item cm4 One Coupon hf CU.stomet Coupon EtJec:tt•• 1\IDe U thru June 11. 1916 Ralphs 24 oz. White~ad or WbeQt-lpUI Top 59 or kmdwtcb Save .16 • . ~' ';;: IGMLIO 1410 Nathan's lib.Beef Frants .49 •..Sl Skippy Peanut Butter .99 ~,._,.._..._,~M,........,_ ...,._ ... ,..... .. ___ ..... _____ .. ---.... c...,.... ________ ....,.""' ..... c-.--.. ,._ ......... ._....._ ..... _°"" 5 ow er ar .... ,.., .....JO 1413 ..... ,.. 1 hGallon 99 Tropicana ~ci~~ce 1 Ralphs ~~-Free Aunt Jemima 25 Frosen Waffles • Skippy Peanut Butter Precious Mozzarella ~?01.99 r:_;: .... ~--- PopovVodka IOPfoot 1&0 ml btl 98 Granny Smith Apples ~~ ~49 F.stta Gourmet Stainless StMl Flatware nm w....-. reatur. Teas§~nSJ Fresh Nectarines ~~ .49 pwaww __,......., ____ ....._ _ ___ ...,.... .,.._.. __ ~ ......... ,, ,, )0 ..... ----·------ Prices effective June 12 thru June 18, 1986 LowerPri Higher Standards Double Coupon • •• u ..... ...... ,,_, '""':::; ....... _, ----. ... ..,. ........ -~-.,... ....a-... --~--..,.._, ~ ...... .,....._._.__....,_ --·...._· .. -~---.,._,,_ u.ato.. ..... u .... , •• C:..-_.'-", •a $II IF o....c:i.i... .. C:---. 0...-.....,. ,_ \J.,_ Mt ..... ___ .. __ _.. .......... ___ ,... .. __ .................. ___ ...... _._. ...... -.. _-:..-:c:·--··-.,,.__ --............... ----. ......... -. ....--.... ..--...... ~ ' .. ... Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOT I Wedneeday, June 11, 1988 Short-cut centerpiece takes the cake Specta~ular wedding cake amazingly - -t------ form a ~cond ucr Thl" already-fro5ted cakes need only a \li&ht touchup Wlth a wet knife or spatula to <spread frostina greenery amof'\I the flowers at tht base and the cake is ~adYtO" ~ 1 he htahhaht of the weddina buffet simple wnen prepared the modem way over the scams whc~ the cakes arc WEDDING CAKE Economy bcina the watchword. many young couples today arc findma the large catered weddinaan unnec:c sary and expen!lve ex- travagance. More intimate recep- tions held an church parlors or pfivate liomes are occoming in- crcas1ngl) popular. Buffet lunches that are simple to prepare c:an be planned, and home economists at Peppcridge Farm de)1gned a wedding cake that 1s perfect for such an occa ion. It's 11 1oined Addmonal frosting, the e fro1ta vaallla layer cakes spectacular cake that can bt convenient canned vancty. as used I cu (ll'iii oaacea) vanlUa prepared with a minimum of effon to pa~ rosettes around the edges of fro1t1Da anckkill and looks professional. the caJce layers 1 tea1poo.n rum n1vorla1 The cake begins Wlth four frozen At this stage the cake should be Weddlna ornament (your own or vanilla la_}'ercakes that ~aITl!lGd chllled until the final decorations ready-made) to form a larac square on a servlng are added Just btfore servma These Artiflclal or fresh nowera platter, preferably a handsome stcr-are a decorative wedding ornament Place four of the cakes while: of the cake ~uare ""'Allow frosting lo thuw )li&}ltly. With a wet knife or spatula smooth all St"am-; of cake to conceal Joimngs In a bowl, mix tio5ttng an<J rum. Place mi,uurc in• pastry bag fitted with a star 11~. Pres e~ of frosting to form a con i' on edge of both cake layc until read) 10 serve. Press wedding ornament on top of cake and. 1f de ired. prc~s rosettes around bottom of orna- ment Decorate cake layers and base wath flowers . Makes 60 por- uons hng silver one that repeats the at the top and garlands of flowers. frozen an a squatt on a I o-inc:h cake's square shape. The two ad-fresh or dned, around the top ot square servtng platter or other Oat dattonal cakes arc stacked in the each cake layer and at the base surface. Place rcmamina two cakes. center, one on top of the other, to __ T_u_ck an spngs of fem or other one on top of the other, an the center .1 ---- awJ Fill pork Meat Dept. Savings Frozen Food Favorites Garden Fresh Produce Sirloin Tip "'" .. ~ $1.89 Corn on the Cob ':F ·~·Rs1.39 Cantaloupes .. ~· ""'l*"" .~23¢ Chuck Steak u5 1.49 Garlic Bread .. ~' .. I OZ age Pineapple . ! "' o;, ·~ ",.,...u,.. 1139e Smoked Ham ... ,.. p,, .... ~ "gge Hot Pockets .-. ...... •0:$2.19 Onions ··~·· w., '" .,, ' ~29¢ Ground Beef , ... . ~ .. 53.59 Cake ,.·R;f ':. •01 51.85 t.tr Wfl "'•"· "'"'''1 n "'" ,. SWEET TROPICAL FLA Sirlo in Tip: . · • 11 51 .79 Pound Cake 0:.·::r'.'.' IQ " IJ/ 51.59 Large VOR ' > I -u \I AHif TIES Hanging Fish-In-Batter H t fir• ~51.49 Scramblers -:.~ ... ~ .... .s1.19 Mancos IV)' K Shrimp ., "53.49 Orange Juice ~:;z~.r 110199¢ 39e f4(M 93.99 ~~· Chicken F ranks~~·~ocxu '"'Jlage Apple Juice =~H •1~,59e Compare these Low Prices Grocery Specials Low Liquor Prices f-tfQ1,1t;l.Jt ~·P ,lfif 'lf.6 r'JT P\J"I• Yuban Coffee . Applesauce .~, .... -. ...... Dog Food ..... ~:r .. i ... Charcoal m,~ .. ·•· Top Ramen ~~-:.1,·~1 Frosted Flakes·:"'':.)( Royal Gelatin WP··~ Dove Soap::.r~.: Ravioli::',.;::~;._ Comet Cleanser .t Bath Tissue~:OOl~S Brawny TowelSrnr.'lfR Zee Napkins~~ .. DI• ape rs • fl• llAC'IS ~All ..-HlllN • anr;t ¥\' flASl ot Charcoal~7~~ Orange Juice~i~~"-r"· .,01 51.29 Margarine~..:; 0 "' .. M29c Coke;:~f: ::.: 51 89 R C Cola .;i:::::!Qfl 11)111 e • • CMf-YOAOtrf •mt ~or28e Schweppes=~ .. 1 •1-0tcaw.i 53.49 ~ 1(11$1 .49 ··•or 51 .89 Canadian Mist .~ .. l,:s10.·99 Old Grand Dad lkUW .. Chivas Regal ~~·:: Se ag rams :,;::;;:: ... Meister Brau~:T'\s, ' ~ ·~~56.99 .,,~$15.69 '"''A 513.99 ~ 101 55.89 AllAF RICAN RED , • ..,.&El Keuler Saair..08 Whbkey VOCl.ka •10.99......... .10.59 '·"'"""'- ... )/51.95 PalCU rn 7 rvu. DAr• HU 29c • H'159e ·~0179' .. A9e ... ,,.,, .... --.... .. .... '..J -------... ~ ,.., .. _ ..... ..... .......,. __ .. .... ..,.....,................ '.:. ... .,_ .,... ,, .. n. ... ht ... , ... ·ts 13 14 II 1• 17 1• W£ RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT OA REFUSE SALES TO COMlllEACW. DEAL.EN OA WHOLESALERS ADVERTISED ITEM GUARANTEE Wtt 1111M ta 119\0t on hlrCI .,n1e111n1 llOl;tl of .,,.,.,IMO "'9dwidlla n due 10 oondltlonl ~ 04JI ClOnllOI, we run out ot .,, ..:Milt-' 1C*i9~ a RAIN CHECK wll be --~ you 10 lluy ltw ."" .... ~ ~ .. JIOQr'I -• ~_..,..Of ...... !) dllya roast with spinach mix Spnng and summer abound with 1 special occasions that call for enter- taanang a group of fnends or family II might be a birthday. a graduat~on or a spur-of-the-moment 1nv1tat1on that 1ums an to a full-fledged gather- ing Whatever the n:ason. busy cooks \ahe recipes that nse to the festive e\ent but are nonetheless easy and tonvenacnt 10 prepare Herc. a o;ucculent boneless porl1. loan roast encloses a delicately Ila' ored c;panach falling. Ci lazed '-"llh an orange and soy sauce baste. thas entree offer'I tolor. flavor and the ad.,.antage of make-ahead prep- aration Ll'l the pork \tar an a menu that lfl\.ludes nee pilaf. broiled tomato , hahl'\ topped with Parmesan thl'l''>l' and a )Blad of mannated ''t'gctablc!i (·hoo~e a m1~ture ot lro1en "egctablc'> ~uth as caullllt)\\CT or broccoli and toss with \our favorite vana1gret1e \ tight and froth> cold soullle. a Ldtbrataon cake or the s1mplac1t\. of lre!>h lru1t are sood choaccs to condudc thas fe\t1ve menu PINACH STUFFED PORK ROAST I package 110 ounce11 frozen chopped spinach, thawed :i., cup finely chopped onion I clove garlic, minced 3 tablespoons butter or margar- ine I "'r cups soft bread crumbs 3• teaspoon salt 3 1~ to 4 pounds boneless pork loin roast Orange-Soy Baste quee1c out a!> much liquid from !>p1nach as possible Sautc onion and garlic in butter until onion ts tender Mu. an bread crumbs, ~It and !>pinach II ncce'\sar)' "butterfl)" pork (cut hon1ontall> to within 1-amh ol edge) Spread stuffing ovu ans1de \urfaLe of meat roll to enclose filling. Tie meat to hold JO place Place roast on rack JO shallow baking pan Brush with Orange-So~ I Baste Roast at 325 degrees I hour Baste generously. ( over loosel)' with foll and 1 continue roasllng about I to 1 •,, hour) longer or to 170 degrees , baste meat several tame) dunng cooking Pour an) remaining Or- ange-Soy Baste over meat Makes 8 sen 1 ngs Orange-Soy Baste: ( ombane .:-! tablespoons each orange Juice, soy sauce and dr, shelT) and I table- spoon catsup mix well Makes about 1h tUP SAUCES ••. From Cl Southern California cook ing school I was introduced to the basic techmques of Cahfom1a cooking under the gu1da'nce of many top chefs including Michel Stroot," she said As a sous chef for a specialty food shop m Irvine. she said she was able to combine her cook.mg savvy with personal creativity. using her philosophy about freshness. low sodium. no fat and no preserv- atives It was dunng this pcnod 1hat Orr saw first-hand that ~hoppers . although reccpt"'c to the adea of health-0nented foods were unable to dedicate the nccc~sar, tamr to prepare balanced meals. An cumple, she said. was the populanty of her prepared pasta salads On the other hand. sale~ were off on salads that had not been completely prepared. She soon rcaJi1ed that tf she offered fresh, premadc sauce-; along~1dc the pasta, shoppers would be able to make a quick en tree at home Orr Wal nght. After four month!t of research and expenmentataon in her home kitchen and colt.borataon with a chemist she dcvclord Hot, Sweet aod Sour Mustar into a premium product that became ~ult able for mass marketing . i\s C'uhnar, Cla!S1cs have onl)' rte ntly ppeared m store\, 1hc results are yet to be dC"tcrmincd whether the sauce~ wtll tantalize con,ume"' dascriminauna tUtC"I Yet. Orr 1' confident of tht prod· uct'~ 'U('('C s ~ .• ~·····~ ------------------------------•..... ~ ~ ( ... ) 50 Golden Years ... An Ar nr~ri ~C:tn Tra cJ1t1 on. 50 Go lrJ P.n Yr:ars ... An Anir~ri c~n T rr:1<Jtt10~1 _ S .... /~ ··t wu at a food r.xpo in Ari10na last week and 5.000prople samt>te<t the sau~. and I nnly rrmved th negatlVC"\," ht u1d ~m1hn I I delicious idea for dining out of door,s It's time to stan planning cooltt menus for appetite appeal, and thrs Ovemi&ht Patio Salad is an excel- lent choioc. lngredaenta are many and varied, arranged in colorful Jayers to make a picture-pretty main dish. You'll want to prepare, then cover and refrigerate this scrumptious di h the night before the big day so you'll have plenty of ume to mi.J with your guests when they arrive. Theo, minutes before serving. bake a batch of biscuits from a mfa (or use a favorite family recipe), and you have a tempting. summer lunch. And Wlth this splendid repas~ serve tall glasses of amber- clear iced tea. Follow these easy d1recuons, and stan with a "name-brand," quality tea for the very best results. Brina I quan of freshly ,drawn cold water to a full rolling boil in a ed~,June 11,... C9 Polar pita pockets perfect ~=~~:~~:.~::E • and let stand S minutes. Stir &pin for quick, nutritious lunch ~~~~~t~:~~~~~~~·:~~ Make Polar Pita Pockets for on-tbe-10 lunches, quick picnics, or a simple summer supper. These tasty littlepockctscont.atn only 313 calories per serving. but theypact-awallop in nutrition, with sardines providing protein, vitamin D, and other imponant nutrients. But there's even more good news. Polar Pita Pockets contain about 2. 75 grams ofomega-3 per servinJ. This recently-discovered class of pol Y· unsaturated fats, found exclusively in seafood. may reduoc the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sardines are an exocptionally good source ofomega-3. Medical rescarcben now believe thatomega-3 fish od works to "thin" the blood to prevent abnormal clots. Fish oil makes cholesterol and other blood fats less likely to clina to artery walls, a major factor in arteriosclerosis. Omega-3 also holds promLse in combatting migraine headaches, high blood pressure and breast cancer. Sardines arc a pnmary source ofbone-boosting calcium,,essentaal for strong bones and teeth through- out life. Osteoporosis, the crippling breakdown of the bones in later fife, may be avoided by increasing calcium intake. Serve Polar Pita Pockets often as part of your ovi-rall fitness regJmen. ltdocsn't take much effon to open a can of sardines and assemble the m~ien ts for this delicious sandwich. And while you en JOY its lively taste, you can feel you've done your body a good turn. too. POLAR PITA POCKETS ~ cap coanely 1llredded or cbopped cacambtt Z tabJeapoon11Uced IJ'ffll oaJon1 with tops 1 1.mall clo\le 1arllc, pl'eis1ed · Dull cayeDDe ( optloaal\ ~ cap ufla\lored nonfat yogurt Salt, to &al te Z •·lncb wboJe wheat pita breads 1 1mall tomato tblnly 1Uced Lettace leaves 1 cu (3'4 oaace1) urd.lnea la oil, drained Prepare dressing: In small bowl combine cucumber, onions, garlic and cayenne.Max an yogurt. Stir in salt; set aside. Halve breads: carefully open pock~ts. Fill with tomato slices. lettuce and sardines. equally divided. Pass dressing separately to spoon into pockets. Makes 2 servings, about 313 calories and 2 7 5 gramsomega-3 perservmg. Safflower oil cuts Calories OVERNIGHT PA TIO SALAD l capt coanely 1bredded Ice- berg lettace l capt coanely 1hredded yoang 1plnacb leaves l ~ to 3 cap1 cooked macaroa1 1lleU1 or elbow1, rinsed % cap cllopped celery 11'1 cap cbopped ITffD pepper 5 green oniODI with topt, 1lleed I cap mayoD.Dalae ~ cap 1oar cream 1 tablespoon lemon jaJce I tea1pon ult •;, teaspoon Tabaaco aauce Ya tea1poon aagar .,. tea1pooa pepper 1 tea1poon dried dUJ weed 1 (10-oaace) package frozen petite pea1 1 (IYa~ance) cu tana, drained aad fined 1 cap ceoked 1brimp •, cap bottled Hallan clreubag Tomato wedges or bal\led claer· In smaJI bowl, combine mayon-Italian d.ressiq. Cover and re-' ry tomatoes naase. sour cream, lemon 1u1oc and friaerate ovemi&ht. Prepare the day before serving. seasonings. Spread evenly over When ready to serve, arrange· In large salad bowl. place first three salad. Break frozen peas apan and tuna and shrimp in ocnter of salad. rngred1ents an laycn starttn& Wlth spnrrkle over salad. Cover and Garnish along the ed&e with By TOM BOGE well suited for salad dressings and APPLE BUTl'ER CUPCAKES lettuce. Scatter celery, green pepper refngerate overnight. In separate tomato wedges. T lightly before ,., .... 9M~Wrtw mannades. It is also good forfryins. 1 package (18Ya oances) yellow anp onions over macaroni layer bowl. combme tuna, shnmp and scrvans. Makes 6 to 8 servinp. Fm those who~ fightang a andwo~s1n~1pes1nwhkhoil1s cde~ .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ weight problem. but who love cake. an ingredient. 1 cup water safflower oil may be one answer. The stale university expenments Z table1pooa1 safflower oil Ac.cording to a recent study made showed that by substituting saf-' egg wbltes by Nonh Dakota State University, flower oil. one could produce baked Ya cap apple butter fat and calorics can be rcduttd 1n desscns that reduce calones by Preheat oven to 350 degrees baked desserts when vegetable about 16 percent. Lrne 24 {2'h inch) cupcake cups shortening is replaced by safflower with paper liners and set aside In Safflower 011 as a haghly poly-large bowl. place cake max water. This is an ancient herb which unsaturated fat. It also helps lower oil and egg whites. Beat at low looks like a thistle and spons large cholesterol when replacing veg-speed until moistened. Beat at hagh bright red or orange flowers. Ong-et.able shonenang, a more saturated speed for 2 minutes. Fill each cup inally from the East Indies. saf-fat that can raise cholesterol. Th as is halffull of batter Spoon 1 teaspoon flowerisnowcult1vatcdansouthern because"Cons1derablylesssaflower apple butter into each cup Cover Europe and also ID f&ypt. oaJ than solid shonening can be with remamang batter. filhng cups The white seeds contained an th as used to produce the same results. "' full. Bake until cake tester plant remain after the blossoms In the followmg recipe for apple inserted ID center of a cup emerges fade. These seeds produce an cdtble butter cupcakes, the 'h cup clean -about 20 minutes. Rc- oil th.Jt is hght-bod1ed, without shonening totaling 640 calones move cakes from cups, cool on ware flavor and is colorless. usually recommended was replaced rack Store 1n tightly covered It docs not solidify underrefnger-by 2 tablespoons safflower 011, contamer. Yield: 24cupcakes. Each at1on, &$ many oils do. Hence. at 1s whach comes to only 240 calones. cupcake: 116 calones Come On Up ... On Us! •• Labatfs • Cash Back J'/w ~ '-{I /-"fr"' f.--/(,,../,., ~ ... _, )., . When you buy Labatt' s. North America's Great Beer. Canada's Best. _ 1 Look for details at yo~r participating retail store. ~Labatt Importers Inc.. Darien, CT \ , __ ,_ ----- 0 Oratp Cout DAILY P1LOT/ Wednnday. June t1. 1988 cOokies plum delicious Quick fruit-filled treat bound to become a favorite oranataUMI HSU mmut~ or until golden. Cool on cream buncrWl\h au n . &at in rack. Makes a.bout l YJ dozen egp with ~anilla c~tract. Combine cookies. flour. tundbakinasoda.Surinto Plun FilllDi: Combine• large creamed mi~ture until smooth. fre~ California t-Plum thinly Chill dough I hour. On floured sli&d (21'2 cups). Ylcup supr and I ....... d u to •Lm· cb tb1-_ ... __ ... cut tablespoon butter in siubcpan. A .... ;nbow of colors as now UVGI • ro ...-\JLJI"<>.>• ·-· 3V. · h Cook over low heat until juices available at produce d~panmeots tnto •-me ~ Oow. Brina to boil and simmer 3 nationwi~c. ~ow is ~ umc for c"P::-Sc'e 1 to 2 tablespoons Plum minutes or unttl plums arc almost fresh California plums. Red. yel· Fillmg on center ofhaJfthc ctrcle . tender wflen pierced. low, bl~e, purple and srcen -take , To with second circle, wtth 1-incb Add 2 tablespoons cornstarch YOU:f . pack! Tbett are some 200 hol~ cut in center Crimp cdaes mixed wt th 2 table poons water vanue1 offresb Calif'omia plums 'th f1 k. Amngc on cookie sheet. Cook until mixture is clear and .-+Savvy shoppers and cooks arc B hor 'th be d · kJe thickened Stir in 2 teaspoons askin1 questions about this special rus wt atcn CU an spnn lemon Juice. Cool shgbtly. Makes 2 onoe-a-yeatJWCY fnut from Cah-_wt_!t~h~gran~~u~la~tcd~s!u~p=r~·~~~~~l~~c~ups~fi~ll~in~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~:::~::::::::::=:=::=:==:=:=:=r-~~~~~~~~~~-fomia orchards. Herc are some Bake in 400-degrce oven to ~~~;.~~n;.o the most asked plum More Savings, M. ore Values, Plus Q.: Wilen are fresh Callforula pl~~··;~:ba:.:c available now ~o· ns through September with peak sup. phcs from the end of June through mid-August. Q.: Wilen are fre1b California plama ripe? A.: In the store, 1f a plum ts slightly soft and gives to gentle palm pressure, 1t 1s npc. If 1t 1s necessary to complete the npcning process at home. place a group of plums in a loosely closed paper bag at room temperature Q.: How are plums pitted for recipes? A .. To ptt semi-freestone plums. cut along the scam or suture. twist in half. then cut away from one side. To ptt true cltngstones (the fl esh clings to the ptt). slice into the pit and cut the fruit away m wedges. With all this plum savvy. Quick Plum Cookies Wlll be pal' excel- lence. This quick treat for all of us on the run can be prepared in a half hour For an even quicker grazing (nibbhng and noshing all day long) treat, try a fresh Juicy plum. Cinnamon rolls latest indulgence For )ear'> the cinnamon roll ha'> taken ">Ccond billing to croissant\, chocolatech1p cook1esand muffins. but now 1t has come out of the o"cn and achieved newfound recog- nition as the nation·., latest in- dulgence trend All a result of ovl:rwhelmang consumer demand Winchell's Donut hou!IC has un\e1lcd a new I roll -the ( ountt) C mnamon Bun The fresh-baked-<iail) newcomer features scrumpt1ou'> combinations of raisins, nuts and tang) cinnamon .,..rapped an a tla\orful dough ••• .\f\cr IX }ear'> t::.rn1e the Keehkr elf has come-ol age with hts U"-n r ookie E L Fudge The dehc1ou\ butte!") shortbread I cookie hkencs<,ofEm1e 1sd1pped 1n nch fudge for a crisp)' cookie treat_ Fudge-covered cookies are onc of the most popular vaneues national- 1 I) . .\ nd Lhq 're.· bound to he even more popular dunng the ·E L Fudge 1ntroduc.t1on ofTcr of \a\- ingH>IT coupon'i on the packag~ll and in newspapers. • • • I Pasta 10 .. crs "'ill be.: intcrc.·.,tcd in a li ne of specially prepared ~asoning blends that will produre a \anety of I ltght and flavorful pa ... ta d1'ihes with JUSl a toss I Introduced h) Fn:mh'\ the fi\t~ fla"ors include<. hec.·<,e and C1arhc I Alfredo, Italian Romanoff and Pesto Each 1., a blend t>f n.·al cheeses. herh'> and other seac;un-I ings. The fla vor\ of Pasta r OS'i are expected to retail at around $I . 89 each and will pro\ tde enough seasoning for 12 to 16 serving\ Another product hy the leading mustard producer 1s a steak sauce that the company says has uniquely deltc1ous gnlled navor and comes in a convenient squeeze container. It will retail for about S2 69. The sauce duplicates the fla vor of j outdoor gnlled meats. according to Nonnne Cole consumer aOatr'i managrr Besides steak. < ok -.aid I the ~ucc (an he u-.t'J to enhancr all red meat'i. port cuts, poultl) and thh • • • A last\ alternaiTvt 10 evrrydct) dcs\erts 1s offered by Van lk Kamp's Holland Dutch Bakers tn three western states. including Calt- fornta Black Forest L1ttlr Middles - small. round doughnut-like ball' - are formulated from thl' classic black forest cake rec1pt" and feature a deep chocolate center. coated wtth cherry and rum fla..-onng and co' crC'd with dark l hrn:olatc crumh\ SELL through da~~ifie<f ' 'l .. S.11 [)av,!c) President Vons Grcx.err {<J By now, you're aware that Vons sells only Select U.S.D.A. "Choice" Graded beef and nothing less. So you get high quality beef that s more tender. more juicy. mo~e navorf ul than some other beef that is merely "inspected", And Vons skilled butchers tnm all Beef. Pork, Lamb Jnd Veal to a maximum of ·f.. • of fat on the outside. so yoy pay for meat not the hea-..y fat other stores leave around the edges. Vons seafood 1s selected the 5.dme way they do at fine restaurants-by hand. So show some good taste this father s Day. And even though it's his day. Odd won t mind firing up the ol barbecue Fresh King Salmon Whole or Half (Steaks 4 99 Lb ) Lb.399 t ' Sdect U.SOA Oloa Bed l.Jmt 4 P\(Qs. Per Customer Lb. Save With "More Packs" At Vons You Save More at Vons with Multi-Packs and Larger Sizes. Take advantage of these Money-Saving Values 4/6 Pack SAVE • 70 F~it 3so* Dnnks Frur1 SI.ind A 01 A''t floJV<)I' 3 Lb. Bag II.SS 1HAN .83 ll». Roasted 249 Peanuts I ...,.rv<•ll":. • F d11n 11ti· 5 l.b. Bag II.SS 1HAN .14 ll». Cello 69 Carrots Cn"' • .trlrl (nuwltv 5 Lb. Bag LESS 1HAN .18 lb. Brown 89 ~~ions • .md M1kl ~~~,,~,~~, 6 Pack Cup O' Noodles ;>5 Ounre P~kllq!' 3 Vartf'lll''> 2/1 lb.BagSAVE 189 Po~to 329* Chips l .iqr,J • <;,. • !J• 4 Pack Paper Towels ·20 Lb. Bag~ Russet Potatoes J .79 • <Monfohtilr C~ ·~'-~OW-......·• • ,,._ °' M.11r.:'1 it.. T.., A »MA1ll: HMt • °"-'It t~ to Ott YOfe 111..Mt 3 Pack SAVE .59 F cial 259* Tusue 175 COlrt Bae Kleenex 12 PackSAVE .85 ~239* ~ 8 Pack SAVE AO Coronet T1Ssue Bathroom Assort~ Prints tY2 Dozen Extra Large ~Q~oo~ ~"*'"P & SA.V! AT \'01'48 . , 10 Pack Castle Hamburger I o Ounce E.lch New to the West COi~i 4Pack Dann on Yo_gurt Mllll Pack J • Ounce Conta1nt"r 2 Lb. Pkg • Plumrose Ham Oblong Package new to the Welt Coat 499 SAVEA6 J19* SAVE 2!"> 399 BONGS SIZESAVE.7 / Rubbing 77 Alcohol 320unce • Bottle " ' p - -- J • • Don't break the lmy day1 mcaJJ liabter ratr. Central France. There fresh, humid of lbea aimmer wWJ IGMler. Cvt m.o There arc foamy mousses. cup aircircWltes freely a~ arouPd shaped timbales and aspic molds of The name RoQucfon 11 Jcsally cu every variety in the pande to lbe protected lhrouahout the wortd so Strain me tomato juice. SoU IM dinina tablt. loOk for tbe red &cal on &he MOLDED PJSH COMBO IClatin ia CUl)oftbttomaco;uiQe Just as plain aetatin can tum chee.e t~ be certain you are buyina Bo JA1er <"'-.._...,. It fon few minutes. Hcattbe~ liquids into solids, a small amount th~ ttnunie product. bwoma ~ &op layer) iina juice juA to the ~ poio,t. of Roquefort cheese will tran fonn Molds •!'Cn't as time consumina ! "Pl raw or~ *rfmp. Pour it over the aetatin and 1tir aduU Oavorint.osom.et.b.ioaapecial. as they .JUi&ht appear. While they oelle4 until complcicly dfaotved. Even lef\overa can become aounnet are aeJhna to a solid st.ate their 1 ~ c.pt tGiiiiiCi ~ Wet •· 4<UP ~ 1DOld masterpiccies. creator can be tacklina other Wk.s. J r I prlle ele-v • 1Uttd -"'pcd like a flab. TbCn pour a tbia For centuries Roquefort has been One dish that is fun to serve when l me4.lua oaioli, lllced layer of the p:latin : ~ tM rccogni:ied u unique; oft.en im· suesu are expected is a molded f.tsb 1 sreea ,.,,u, llJeH bottom. When at be&int uubidren, itatcd but never successfully Clupfi· witli 1 spicy tomato top layer, a l aviltji iliOiv...-. platbil amnge a black olive llii:e few tbe cated. No modem factory can black olive eye and cuba of ahrimp 1 black oUn, ,tuM ... lllcM eye and piecies or lhrimp ac:ro. tbe replace the caves in the little town of for make-believe 1e:alcs. The bot· Marinatethe shrimp in the mixture remainder of'tbe fish IO at looks like ::=;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:===========~~===~~~~~~==~==~~R~oq!ucf;~o~"-~su~~~So~ulz~o~n~in~~So~u~th~~lO~m~la~y~e~r~is~crcam~~y~w~h~ite~W1~·~lh~~t'o~r~2~b~o~W'l~.2lf~lh~e~ri~m~p~i~s~ra~w~ tcales.Letchilluotilfinn. Meanwhile, prepare the illlf'O- dicntl for the iCcOnd layer. OU Green Seedless ~~~ Snack faYOrlte -Umlt 6 Pounds ~~:toes . 69 ~~~ Lb . Fresh Cauliflower 69 <lMf b °""""" Lb • Large Kiwi Fruit 3 6100 ,.._ Uilond G" "" ,, · Fresh Soinach 39 "°""' orld T ;.&; e.,. • ~~~I .. ~~';.~,,...., u. 149 fresh Bluebernes 199 12~~.. Ea Fresh Basil or Baby Dill 69 C..0...f-Plot • ~~.~ol,~~r~ In. Pot r...109 Honeydew 49 Melons !':r..ucy lb .• LOw'EST ~ PRICE OF THE YEAR Ttf t..,._ ,.._ •• al••• It e OU ons '*'tmttdl1'"411 la)'tr)-4-I' .~ .... ,,.... .. ,,.... ..... •d•1ck,, ftr•frwMl0 • ~ MUie prlk Frwll ...... 1 tnlaf •• .... ..,. Combine the dressina and lemOe MartineDi's ~le Juice J 19 Kraft Velveeta Loaf l2<Na9ca Creamettes Spaghetti ll<M-ft&.. Glad Trash ~s IWd lle-lO c.ian-:llD Coiira ac. Bettv Crocker Pancake Mix ~l2<>.rttt ....... PineannlP/Orange Juice °" 111on;!:/; ~ eoc.. ~MuffinMlx Buckwheat Cereal c:;.,.., ,.-.-11 (Mo ea.. Sweet 'N Low Sweetener Z!OC:O...lb ~Preserves 'Sfft.e:toott-111 o.io .M Suoer Socco Thnf~-)2 (Mon lloc1liP 349 119 249 .98 119 21 229 289 t69 .79 Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup 198 ~or L.ie-24 ~Boldt Bounce Fabnc Softener 239 9--eO C:0... Boo ltnmt <111 L-.n White Kina D ~nt .... ,,., Duty •2 o.Xc:~ a.,. Vons Charcoal Briquets I 0 PO.RI lllQ b!e Earthtone Napkins t40C.,.,.~ .99 199 .69 .98 Ivory ~~· ~~1.~ .89 Vons Danish Rolls 129 ..... ~-i-..........,atO.-..... ~~f~ls .89 Vons Fruit P\es 3~100 "«*-0-.V !IMy. a.a.-'' ~ • Lb. Citrus Hill Orange Juice 16<M-nC.. Dove ~~t Vanilla 299 W/c..nrtwl or or~ •I'll. I) 0. Vons Tater Tot Potatoes 99 2""""""'~ • Downvflake Waffles 69 .....___'fl:.;_,."'~ 120. P"e • Pe-rRi1Z Pie Shetts· 109 0eoip 0.-2/12 0.. tllto-2/IOOL 791 Vons Mixed Vegetables 75 ,._ or c .. Com 20 °"""'" • Tina's Green Chili Burrito 99 or S.-~'°-7 ~ l'kleglo • Baron's Chicken Nuggets 429 9u<till-M~ ~~2~249 Kraft Cheese 159 §!Qa!es . S....endSNri> O-Food-12~ PecllMJt Vons Sliced Beef Acloana 109 .. -bigne-12 0. ""' s-,;-; .;.--6 Austrian AIDS Swiss ChttSe109 Sbd-'OMnc.-. ~ Vons Potato Salad 89 14 °'-<Arton • PU~ttv Pie Crust t39 i.--l~l'kiooQr Oscar-M8vPr Variety Pack t89 ~iw:.12~ ..... Vons Creem OleeSe 69 8().ft)t~ • Hoffv Dinner Frank.5 169 LA.~Slalot ''~~ VonsMDd f89 g~t::~~ ~I neless Chuck Steaks 5oeo(t USDA ~ 8ftf ~1 oulder Clod Roasts ._._-Sctect US.f)J< O....~ ~neress Stewing Beef 1 ~USDA 0....8o8 Hormel Sausaae ._.,.., L 8"oolocl-ll o...Xr>ec.....,.. Fryina Chicken Thighs .. ~ Y-IW-t. ......_.. u.159 u.159 LI> 179 r...99 u..98 -Boneless New York Steaks 439 I S.C.USC..A 0-..~ ........... t ~Boneless Familv Steaks 179 I S.C,USOA 0--!lool ~....... UI J!b~~~ .. ~less HamUi229 Rath Blackhawk Bacon 169 Ql~~l!ilcOI' ... Imitation 2 99 Crabmeat fWln Fifth lb It': .. Jerseymaid 99 ~ 3~. <••~ ..... lb•••• • ...,,,_...,.,..,... ........ ,..... ....... ...... ~ \ ~ ..... ._...~ ....... ,.,..,, .. ~ ,,. .. ,........._..~-.. ,. ....... I.A ................. , .. ~ ... fltt-' ........ ,.._ __ ...,. •• ,. • lO~ ,._. ...... ·---.... -- juice and pour over the flsh. Let chill for two boun.. Cook the fi.&b over low beat until lender. Break tnlO bite.me pieces. i ~dopa ..0.Yerd seladll 1 cu (lt~ Miiiea) c1•f._. mallnom..., 1 C9'..., ... ,. .. lc.p .... a.m 1 np Ma'YJ eream,...,,.. '4 c.p a..aetert cHne, crwmbled Soak the ,elatin iD 'h ciup of the wine for a few minutes until it bat absorbed the moisture and is transluocoL Don't disturb iL Heat the rcmainina wine until just to the boilina point. Pour it over the soaked gelatin and stir until com- pletely dissolved. Thorougbl~ blend in tbcJoup and sour cream. Cover and chill until slightly thick.eDed. Fold ift the fish. whipped cream aJXI crumbled Roquefort. Note: A mokt c:ooiainina 2 cups of.liquid should be firm enou&h to unmold aft.er 2 homs of cbiJ.lin&, Four boun are required if f'rujts, vqctablcs, meat or fish arc added. ~low even more chillin& time for Iarie molda. An summer entrcc that is mo m1wrc less preparation time even thouah the chilliJlf period may be the same as n:q\llrcd for laym:d mofds . Book focuses onnewways to ftx. chicken BJ CECILY BROWNSTONE h's here tn the nick of time: .. Fresh Ways with Chicken, .. by the editors of Sunset Books and Sun.set Magazine (Lane) - a quality paperback. For many of us who of late have been cooking and servina chicken extremely often, this cookbook is a boon. Not only. are many of its recipes innovative but its special features stress up-to-date methods and techmqucs. Color illustrations and color drawings arc attractive and helpful. We chose to try a recipe, Breasts of Cluckcb with Chutney and Madeu1l, fl>m the book., because it was a new oombinauon to us. We tbmk 1t may interest you. It's a mild-flavored dish to serve to 1uesu who hke flavorsome but n.on- spicy food. CBlcgEN BREASTS WITll CHUTNEY AND MADEIBA S wlaole ~-breasts CU..t 1 poududa).~baM ... spilt i tablupoom better •r mars .... lne 2 IJ'ffD OlllOU ( btchdlq tops) allce41 \la tea1pooa mi9ced hall staCtt s &ablespeoa cHpped Majer Grey'• claamey ~ cwpMaddn ~ c.p replar-s~ clakta bro~. Mlnem.Me w ~ ~ cap ntpptq cream Salt ad ,.,,er i ta~I••••••• c~eppe~ cry1taJllql...,. Panle7 lpi1p Rinse chicken and pat dry. Melt butter-in a wide frying pan over medium beat. Add chicken, a poruon at a time. without crowd· i~ rook. turning after S minutes. until no longer pink when slashed m thickest part (about 10 minute! total). As chicken is cooked. tl"ansfer to a platter and keep warm. Add onions., fresh singer. chutney. Madeira and broth to pan. lncrcuc heat to hiab and boil, stinina. until reduced by half (about• minutc:.s). Add cream and any )'1ioe$ that Th have drained from chicken; boil briefly. Sea.son lO taste with salt ud pepper. poon half t uoc over e chicken; SJ)lin I W1th cryuallizcd M sir aod pnri with pamcy. Orie Pa rcmairu -at the cab&e. J.. 1 Mak 6 rv1n .Store Jo'or Ht>sult SN'~ 1t>c Cull DillPlil 642-5678 •• .. .. .. . I I I Today's Neighborhood Drugstore I I Hershey's •Golden Almond . I •Golden Solitaires •Marabou Roll 2.65 oz -3 2 oz YOUR CHOICE I figQ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Hi-C Fruit Drinks Assorted Flavors 3 Pack 8 45 oz ea JP~Ks/100 FOR Sorry No Ra•l'Chec~s English Leather Spray Cologne 4 ounce 399 Sorry No Rainc.heckS Old Spice After Shave •Regular All Types 3 ounce -·4 25 ounce •Traveler 4 25 ounce YOUR CHOICE 269 Our Reg 3 89 ea Finesse Shampoo or Conditioner All Types 15 ounce Plus 3 ounce Free 1~! Our Reg 3 59 ea Cascade Automatic Dish washing Detergent Reg or Lemon Scent 50 ounce I 219 I Ou' Aegul" 2 99 I I I I I I I I Lens Plus Sterile Saline Solution 8 ounce Aerosol 249 Our Regtilar 3 67 Right Guard Deodorant Spray Regular 10 ounce 249 Our Regular 3 59 t'PC'JllTll ..... ,. 1 CVS COSTA MESA I pharmacy The Courtyards, Harbor Blvd. Intersection Of Harbor & Newport Boulevard 722-1750 s ozc a ssss:ss 5 4 222£¢& g ----------------·, U SATURDA y JUNE 14th SALE TODA y THR QUANllTV ~IGHTS RESERVED *Chaps Cologne or After Shave With Free Bag 1 8 ounce, CHOICE 650 ('a1.Jtr1i11 1Jf<111k Grey Flannel *Aramis Eau de Toilette Cologne By Geoffrey Beene 1 ounce 4 ounce 5so 1799 11.50 Val"' Our Regular 23 00 Vidal Sassoon Folding Dryer Worldwide Voltage 1250 Watts Model vs 222 Captain Black Tobacco Diii -.iar 12. 99 Slltl'rla 9.99 12 ounce Can Assorted Blends Our Regular 8 99 599 llltt1111MI! I 3 00 lllM Ill llMllt -• :::.:. -2.00 ""H~ YOUR 499 FINAL COST Aqua-Fresh Toothpaste Father's Day Cards 4 6 ounce 99¢ By~ ·~ A•IOIB ... Al Moot StO<OI Our Regular 1 49 HUNTINGTON BEACH Loehmann's 5 Points Plaza Main St At Beach Blvd. Formerly Allen's Pharmacy 847"'3525 I . @= LAGUNA HILLS Laguna Hiiis Mall El Tero Road ..-..-. Remember Dad I sunday, June 15th *Calvin After Shave By Calvin Klein Our Regular 16 00 I I I 1· ~==· I Gillette Brush Plus $having System °"' ~.,.. 6. 79 S.1tl'T1ce 4.00 .. ..,... 4 00 .. ~ .. ---. YOUR 00 ANAL COST& I I I I I I II I I I Durabeam .. _ lu9 ' I Flashlight :;.:~ -t~~ I ::l~~::c;H YOUR 399 I Size D Batteries FINAL COST GIFT ·IDEAS I I Raid Yard Guard Outdoor Fogger 16 ounce. Aerosol 329 Our Regular 4 79 MISSION VIEJO 328 Miss.on Vie10 Mall Men's Travel Bag By Living Things 349 Our Regular 6 49 I I I Royal I Jamaica I Cigars Corona Grandes I Box Of 10 11 99 I Ou' Regula. 16 99 I Mermaid I Butter Cookies Imported From Denmark I 16 ounce Tin 149 I Our Regular 1 99 I Travel Compass/ I Clock 5 Function LCD Digital Quartz Adheres To 0f66 I Ou' Regula' 2 •9 I cvs 1 h ......... "" •Id• I • L-····-·-·-·-··---·-•--···-m.1 ; ' a ' ' Egg whites alone make good omelet ByTOMROGE ,,,. ....... ..._ W111T coocem growmg over hcan disease, Americans are changing their catina habits, since there is evidence that lowering one's cholesterol reduces the risk of fatal heart attacks. Cholesterol is &eneraJly found in foods of animal origin, rather than m fruits or vcsetables. Here arc some ways to cut back on cholesterol: Select chicken, lean-cuts of tncat and fish for your meals. Be sure to re move skin from chicken and fat from meats before cooking. Avoid foods cooked wtth butter. h)'drogenatcd margarine and shortening. Cut down on your intake of eggs and preferably eliminate yolks altogether. They are the trouble makers. For instance, when makmg an omelet, use ~ whites and poly- unsaturated otl, instead of whole eggs and butter. Fill your omelet with fruit or vegetables, rather than meat or cheese. And, finally, season with herbs and spices, rather than salt. Here is a recipe for a "golden" omelet that is good for dieters. GOLDEN OMELET • ea wkltet 1 tablespoon DOD-fat dry milt Z tea1pooD1 Hfflower oll, cUvlded 1I 11 tea1pooa sroud nrmertc lit teaspoon ••pr (optional) lit teupooa IJ'Oftd CimwnOD l /11 teaspoon p-oud Hhneg '°' Mcla&od apple, cored, peeled ud1llced~ In small bowl, beat egg whiles, dry milk, I teaspoon safflower oil and tunnenc unttl foamy. In 6- inch, non-stick skillet brush 112 teaspoon safflower oil: heat. Add egg muture. Cook over low heat until bottom of omelet begins to set. With small spatula lift edge of omelet and tip pan to allow uncooked egg mixture to run underneath. When omelet is done, remove it from heat and place on serving dish. Fold m half and cover to keep warm. In small bowl combine sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add apple and toss to coat In same slullet used to cook omelet, brush remaining 1'1 teaspoon of safflower otl and heat. Add apple muturc and saute until barely tender. Fill omelet wtth apples. Yield. I pon1on. This runs 203 calories, wtthout the sugar Turkey curries flavor of India TURltEY CURRY 3 tabletpoon1 ve1et11ble oll l small ODIOD, diced l small apple, pared ud dJced I tablespoons f1011r l tablespoon e11rry powder lt Y, -oaace caa condeHed ctickea brotll, 11.Ddil•ted • cap k8vy cream -·!caps (or more) cllbed cooked tutey In a mcd1um saucepan over low heat heat oil. add oruon and apple and oook untJI softened; stir in flour and curry powder. Gra®aJly stir an broth, then cream Cook. stirring constantly, until thickened and bubbly. Add turkey; reheat. Serve with rice, chutney and peanuts. Makes 4 servin&&. QUlc&CDlCKEN Saute chicken pieces in butter and oil, addina sliced fresh mu5h· rooms when chicken is bro..-ned. Cover and cook until chicken is tender. Remove chicken, kim off fat and dqJazc by addina white wine to pen JUtcet. Pour muih· ~m-wine sauce over chicken and serve. , • OtengeCoelt DAILY PILOTIW~,JuM 11, Mii Potato Salad given some crunch Adding low-cost vegetables. mustard dresstngupdates flavor.and texture 1 C1lp MrtHM eMTott J lfM9 MU ,.,,.., IM4ed Dllcat ......... YI cap 1l.la4 1erJ With the days growing longtt and warmer, more time is spent cnjoy- ina the out of doon than preparina cumbersome meals. But spending less time 011 cookina doctn't mean you have to be less creative. Potatoes, America's favorit.e veg. etable, can be used in a variety of easy-to-prepare meals, providina assorlM nutrients at an exec~ tionally good value. ..... ...... UMll For a unique change of pace, c::~~ 219 HAlF L& • PILGRIM'S PttlDE FNt\ll Y PK. G«ADE A CHtO<EN CooMd SNOW CRAB LEGS & CLAWS .... La. 2.79 , a.oz. lmbt Potato Salad la can bo the perfect accent to a light, quick lunch or dinner. This easy-to-prepare salad combines boiled potatoes with other low-cost veaetablcs such as cabbaae, ca.rrou and celery that att then served on a bed of cabbaae and topped with a ta.nJY mu tard dtus- ing. POTATO SALAD LAW 1 ~ ,._. potaten <• medhrm) i caps ••Ndcled cabba1e I .... tanl Draalq ( ronew1) '· &o tllt&e pleavn Paprika In heavy saucepan with tijbt· fittina ltd cook potatoes in about I inch boilina uter until tender, 20 to 2S minut Drain and cool pota~ li&btly. Peel and cut in&.o ~ .. inch dice. In W.C bowl combine potatoes. cabbqe, carrot~ pepper and celery. •DON BROIL LB. LIMIT 2 . •. , ....... ........ L& 1.99 MUST A.RD DR G: Io 1iriaD • saucxpan ~hi k 3 tablesJ:>oolu ada ve,etable oil, cider vincpr. ~ prepared ycllo muswd I.ad • water, I 'h teaspoons w..,-. l &ca-I spoon caraway seeds (optaoaal) and I la~ clove ~ preued.. Brint to boiling: limmer 2 minutes,. Swtft"t I-Oz. ~-BROWN & SERVE LINKS ............... EA.•" THOMPSON SEEDLESS c ... e~•I fAllH wm11 IMIUU'91'111•ttOt4•11MllSS .................... . .79 Fresh illCING CUCUMBERS Oeftdoua SALAD ~ ................. ~ .... I.A. A9 lS-OL Auott9d, Condit~ Of HALM -··· I 1.59 euYOMI WWW OCTOMI F MSG 16-0z l~.2-0z.. ~ HINOICHI 10FU .. AJINOMOTO . . ....• 65 . ._.. --....,. -------~ • • J • .. 6-0z BA.CAROi FRUIT MIXERS SwOl.-i 2-lh ao. Fodol. 2-0z. In Two fl'bd( MPRI APRICOT SCRUB IO-Ounce NIVEA LOTION ............. . ............ I." 1Wguro 'tbrno Imo Subo 8 8-0z BUCKWHEAT NOOOlES ...... . .1A5 . I.IS Pl.UMP & JUICY CHIO<EN .......• 79 ...... 2.M • ·• .M 'ill 22-0Z DETERGENT ••• UMfT 2 •2-0z. Loundty, Ind. 50' Off 1 .,. ~B DETERGENT.... .... .. . .. • G<*t & Solt l·lb. Tub 46-0Z CAN MARG.AAINE . . .. . Jumbo !Iba c LIMIT a MA8P'~ .....,.cm" ~s 1.19 CORONET l'ONEl.S .... .59 IS·PACK STROH'S 12-0L CANS REG. OR LIGHT ~ EA. coa1··11 uat 1.29 ( -----~----~ ------ 6-0Z Pl( CltUST .., . .................... c.a~-. ... .................................. . .,._.., ....... ...., ........... ,_.....,,,..... ' ... .. I ' ' l ) • f THE PAlllLY CIRCUS by Bii Keane ''This bulb 1s empty." MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson , $.~ •'' "No you can't exchange him here" PEANUTS ARENT YOU THE 6lRL r sAw o~ THE PLAYGROUND YESTERDA'r 7 W~AT ARE VOU DOIN6 MERE ' GARFIELD t'M NOT NO PROBLEM SUPPOSED l1LL 60 WITH TO aoss '(OU . MV ™E STREET PLEASURE . ALONE BIG GEORGE "A book of llmerlcksl George, you•,. re•lly an old romantic under that rough exterior." DENNIS THE MENACE by Hank Ketcham Me JUST FOUNU OOT mA.T SHIRLEY TEMPt.E IS £XO ENOUGH TO BE HIS GRANl>MOTHfR .• l J by Charles M. Schulz I TOLD VOU MV NAME 15 UNl)S DIDN T I .., T 5 A PLEASURE JUST TO BE WALKING wrrn YOU -::;:;;:7.( ~ IHAi LOOK5 LIKE ~UN. LEI ME TRIJ iHA"f 0 'TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom K Ryan DRABBLE by Kevin Fagan ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady BLOOM COUNTY \ \ U.S. ACRES FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE SHOE OR&WLD ISAY MIZ! NEVER KNa>J THESE Dfft/S, IF 'faJ WAl'tl1b BE MIGS, MRS Of\ M\ZI ---- FUNKY WINKERBEAN A5 n.lE iHIRD BASE CDACH toR n-lE. Mo~rro~t '5 Pl ZZA 'TEAM ... £X)() HAVE m ~ AU. 'rnE HrrfER5' 1EMDENCIES ! DOONESBURY - • by Jim Davis by Lynn Johnston by Jeff MacNally by Harold Le Doux by Tom Batiuk by Garry Trudeau ... ' , ' .. I I j \ ,, ~ - h FAIR .. FOMCUTI ON Al -o; -~ ; • '! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1986 Killers tovolich fOi;Alcala Death row inmates to act as character - witnesses for man convicted of murder The prosecution'• argumenu that Alacala should again be senlenced to die10 thepschamberoentered on his past crimes. By STEVE MARBLE Of .. .,., ......... As many as five death row anmaleS from San Quentin will be called to testify Monclay as character witnesses for convicted chdd killer Rodney James AJcaia. • "All will sax that Rodney was a model inmale, said defeOJC attorney Heart donated Baby Ja.e la raahed Into nqery for a heart tranaplant. Al2. Coast Newport Beach Coun- cilman Biii Agee decides against running for sec- ond term./ A3 Food For entertaining ease, pick a menu that features season foods and takes advantage of do-ahead convenienoe./C1 Sports Harold Baines' triple helps crush the Angels, 7-3./81 INDEX Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics Death Notices Entertainment Food Mind & Body Opinion Paparazzi Police Log Publlc Notices Sports Television Weather Weddings A11 A3 B4-5 86-8 C10 B8 A9-10 C1-10 A8 A7 A9-10 A3 83,8 81-3 A12 A2 A6 On the day Alcala drove to Hunt- John Dolan. · inaton Beach and allegedly lured a 12- Dolan revealed bis cast of wit-year-old sirl to her death, he'd already nesses Tuesday aft.er the pcoseoulion served two prison tenns and was free concluded its part of Alcala's dealth on bail in a rape case penalty hearina. At that point, Alcala had spent five Alcala, a former death row inmate, of the past nane years in prison for was convicted for the second time last rapina., beating or molestina young monthofthe 19791cilliDfOfa 12year-girls. old Huntinston Beach sirl. The former UCLA student su~ Banda acrosa campus Stadenta at Banttniton Beach BICh SCbool form a ha.man cb.aln &Cro9e the campa.a to rahie money for the needy Taeeclay. Studenta who bad putlclpated In the Banda Lifeguard runs over sunbather with jeep By PAUL ARCHIPLEY Of .. .,., ......... Hospital penoonel Tuesday were keeping a close eye on a sunbather who had been run over the previous day by a Hunungton Beach lifeguard 1eep. Beverly Cota, 25, of Orange was sunbathing at Huntington's city beach near the pier when the accident occurred at about I :30 p.m .. said Huntill&tOn Beach pohcc Sgt. Bruce Kelly. Cota was lying on an embankment reading when lifeguard Andrew Weissenberger, 24. drove along the Be•erly Cota beach watching for swtmmers in distress. We1ssenberger, of Huntington Beach, drove up the incline of the embankment and didn't sec Cota on the other side. The hfquard reportedly was watchana someone in the ocean and. because of the anaJe of the jeep as tt (Pleue eee SUl'fBA TB1tR/ A2) $ lM appropriation for bay dredging awaits signature By ROBERT HYNDMAN Of .. .,.., ..... ""' A S 1 million appropnation for continued dredaina of Upper New- port Bay cleared its latest lqjslative hurdle Monday and awaits final approval by Gov. GeOrge Dcu- kmejian. The propo.-1 by state Sen. Marian ~raeson, R-Newport Beach, needs only the iovemor's sipature to become pan of the state's 1986-87 bud&et. said Julie Froebcrg. an aide to Beraeson. .. He can remove it, but we're hopeful that it will stay in place to keep the work aoina. •• Froebera said Afterconsi~ the proposal over the weekend. the Joint Budget Con- ference Committee approved the approJ!riat~· on o Monday. While stale nds fol' coastal wetlands ation come from various .sources, Beraeson has en· couraged local aovemments to look Residents oppose plan for Laguna artist Owelfings BJ LAURA MEJ\K ot .. ....,,... .. Resideots have olaccd another hurdle in the path of Hal Pastorius' plant. for a townhouse complex 1n Lquna Beach where an.ists can both live and wort All of the proj«t's nciahbon have tari«t •petition opPOSjna the plan: iOQe its ineepuon 2th yan ago. the proposed project bu n up. porters back out ud sofTcred financial ~tbecks. Now. an option on tho land Putonus and tevetal other investors are intcraled in is about to expire. PUtorius hopes to 1ntctat about 12 anisu in lbe townho\15CS he and his partners plan to build on a I. t .. acre lot off Laauna Canyon Road and Canyon Acre:a ltoad. The if'O\IP up:cts to pay about S«>0,000 rot tliC land1 which was llUGUl:O It s'°°,000, Slid Putotius. He cnvi11on a place where art! I can both live and rt while tint rent inere&JCJ that continually rorcc for other methods of fundina as well as to ensure that the Back Bay project is completed. Bergeson's proposal was approved April 25 1n the Senate's vers1on of the budget and was then sent to the Bud~t Conference Committee for cons1derat1on. The funds will be used to imple- ment a clam-shell dredge for remov- ing silt from the uppel' portion of Newport Bay Such a dredae scoops rather than vacuums silt. LAuu MERK Focus ON THE NEws quently was convicted ofkidnapp101 and slayiq Robin Chriaune Samsoe A Jury ordered him put to death. As 1fthat weren't enouah, •Jury an Riverside sentenced Alcala to another nine yean in stale priton for rapina and beaung a 15-year-old airl But tt wasn't enouah. The state Supreme Court overturned the murder conviction four years laler, scttina the scene for a second trial and second murder conviction. Deputy Distnct Attorney Tom Goetba!S concluded the proleCUtion 's cue after pracntina a Ouny of victims a'rid parents of victims who recounted what they a.id were painful and bttler memories of Alcala. A 26-ycar-old woman testified that nearly 18 years aao. she was lured by Alcala into a car and then driven to a residence in Hollywood where she was •stripped, raped and knocked uocon9cious with a lead pipe. Goethals said Alcala eluded of- ficers at the time but was arttSted, cbarscd and convicted two years taler. . ..... .................. AcrOM America came ap ~ the ldea, hopl.Da to create a atmllar mood on campa.a. <>raamsen atlmate they ralaed about $500 da.rln& the l11Dchtl.me eTent. DOwntown Mesa hotel opposed Planners otherwise recommend approval of renewal projec~ By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. o.llr,......., A proposed mixed-use project 1n Costa Mesa's downtown redevelop- ment area won the Planning Com- m1ss1on's support this week - provided that developers drop a I 50- room hotel from the plan. Planning offic1aJs said Mola De- velopment Corp. was not hkely to ax the five-story hotel, but would prob- ably go before the City Council and Redevelopment Agency without the commission's endorsement. Senior Planner Mike Robinson said the commission's 4-0 vote was mostly academic because the council and aiency would make the final decision on the 4.S-acre project. Huntington Beach-based Mola De- velopment 1s hoping to win a city contract to build I .SO apa.rtrmnts, a I 50-room hotel and 58.000 square feet of commercial space between Newport Boulevard. Harbor Boulevard and 19th Street The complex would be one of two new redevelopment projects sand- w1ch 1 ng the recently opened Courtyards shopping center The other project. a high-density apart- ment complex, has already been approved as another step on the march to upgrade Costa Mesa's once- detenorattng downtown area. (Pleue eee PLA.Nl'OtRS/ A2) ....... ............... Glna Drvy of &I Toro pata a headpiece qn A•Cf'J Straw of lniD~. who wW be IA a T1nmtletla Centary Mo.S p . l. {Jl l 97•, Alcala lg;ed a 13-yar-o&d Hu.ntiqtoo &e.ch Hi&h SclM>ol ~ into h1s car and drove to Bolla auca Stale Beach. where be penuadCd bet to smoke marijuana and kiss him, the prosecutor uid.. A pasai.na stale anatcd Alc:aJa and the Jirl saw tbem sbarina a mariJuana cijlte:fte. AJcaJa wu returned to prit00 for violatina parole. . The father of a I S-year~&d River- side aitl told jurors tba1 Alcala luted (Pl ... .-m LSM/A2) Agents · recover stolen yachts Theft rtng had taken 3 Coast boats worth about $100,000 each By STEVE MARBLE Of .. .._ ...... Three expensive boaU ltOlen from Oranac Coast harbors are a: tbe vessels 1ecove1'Cd itra farina probe of a yacht-theft rioa atlqiedly beaded by a Los A.Q&des PC>lic:emu and a convicted bank robber &om Newport Beach. Two boata stolen from Newport Harbor and a thitd &om Dana Point Harbor will be morned to tbeit owners or to msurance '::J:"iea that paid off on the v an Oak.land pohcle detective said. To dale, eiaht vesacls-cacb WOl1h about sroo,000-have been loc:aied in the two-week iDvestiption, wbidl could ultimately result m the ~ covcry of 20 boats. Sst. Bill Godwin said.. .. It was ah operation," be said. .. New information is CIOm1DI in practically by the minute." William E. Leasure, a 16-)Ur veteran of the to. Aneclca Police Department., and Robert D. Ku.m, a N~ Beach n:stdent and ex- con V1ct, were ams1ed May 29 in Oakland in connection with the boat- theft ri~ Each 11 beill& held at Contra Costa County Jail on SI million bail One of the recovered boats. the "T nbunal, •• was reported stolen from Newport Harbor in October 1984. It had an estimated value of nearly S 100,000. Newport Beach Detective J~Cantrell said. A second boat hnked to the tbeft nng was taken from a city moorina in January. The "Tortogu0 -a 37-foot power boat -bas an estimated value of S 160,000, police said. A third boat was stolen from Dana Pomt Harbor, but Oranae County shenfrs deputies were unable to provide details of that theft. Godwin said the boat rin& may date back to 1982 and apparently went undetected because thteves artfully disguised the stolen boau. (Pleue .ee STOLltl'f/ A.2) Liberty memento to open pageant By LAURA MEll Of .. o.llr ........ It wasn 'l hard to cou 9-year~ld Krista Cardinale of M.twon Viejo to smtle for the swarm of pbotopaphcn pthercd around her. lo tact, her makeup artul had to ask bet oot to smtle -her hpstJck bad smud&ed her ~~- Cardinale is one of the models in th1s )lear's P~nt of the Masten that dozens of wnten and phot.op'aphcrs pthered to sec Monday niaht durina a sneak preview. The pqcant has recrealed worts of art Wtth people,• pa.int and peciaJ liahtina for the past S4 yean. The models stand fixed in or apinst backdrops while pecial l~tJna helps brinJ the lif~siu n:l>.!1cas of the ori&J nal works of art to life._ The idea as the ~nturics old "tableaux. v1Vants,. that draws pe0pte from around the world to Laauna Beach for teven wetks each summCT. Tbi year' presentation. which bqinsJuly 9, focu on Lady Ubeny to commcfnorale the unveibna oft.be refurbished tatue of Libeny. The show open Tritb a replica ol a StatUc of Liberty ooiD ponra by S nie-~ ~ (Ni II covered an Iver · wtlic:.h is mack from al~n But Lhe rcaa .. ----~-- • A2 Ot.ngeCout DAIL~ PtLOT/Wedneedey,June 11, 1988 Despite misgivings, panel ~;;!s fitn~~~~~1~;:~~~~~~ .. Dc1p1tc m1t3!vinp about tic, an LDitiaJ airina of lhe pro,JCCt tut AU the aupcrvison and most of the L: nd b ,....__ week and Coen called lut-minute plannt""' comm1sa1oners ~upport that par ... n1 • pu ic .ccesl, t e Vl•nae reductions m scale proposed Tuesday ... County Plannina C.ommi111on rec-to the Greek revival style academy concept. ommended Tu= that the Na· "token opponuoities" that could not But tn votin& apinlt the PfOJCCt, t1onal Fitneaa f': tioo be arantod be evaluated becaUJC no iitc plan bas Leavenworth said he dill&fcet with the approvals it oeed.s to build a been completed. the intent . of the academy. The fitness academy in the Alito Grten· Neither were most commissionen nation's schools ate the pro~r pla()C belt. satisfied with limited publlc acccs.s for leamina IOOd fitness habits and it CommlSllODa'l voted 4-1, Wllh arnnacments sugested by the foun-is up LO co0qes to provide future Chairman Doua1u Leavenworth op-dauon. Inst.cad of penruttina IOme tcachen Wlth the instruction the)' pcncd, to recommend that the Board playillJ fields. tenrus coun.s and its need to help children become phys1- ofSuperv110n amend the AJ.tso V'':Ji° swimmina pool to be uled from 3 c:ally fit, he said. Local Coastal J>rovarn to make e p.m. to dw.k four da.,.. a week, the ·-· ... ·mr, a permitted ..... 1n the ,.. "I don't believe that est.abhshin• .-u~ _.. m••ority of the commission wanted ... greenbe t. thC'faciliucs to be available whenever this academy ... 11 the answer to the Th .}JO. recommend_... a zone problem," Leavenworth said. ey lll\I they arc not in uee by the academy. chan~.aCOU\aldevelopment permit Coen expressed some irritation at wvenworth also expressed arave and approval ·of • supplemental what he cotlSidcrs to be the foun-reservations about the propriety of environmental impact report 10 fa-dation's minimal concessjons to the the county's handin& over valuable c1htate the project. • · d . ·n f bl' bet l d " · · Thou .... the ma•onty of the com· county s 1mpen m& &1 o pu 1c areen t an to a qwm-pnvatc ... ~ land establishment." m1u1on appeared unhappy about the "They're JUSt waitina to 10 throuah The 190-acre fitness academy Site ~ scale of the proposed academy d th al Al' c L all buildina. its on-sate parking the a m1mstratJve process so e¥ on& 1so reeir. was ongm y prov1s1ons and Limited public-access can 10 to the board (of supervisors) intended for a commencal entcrpnsc arraniements, all but Leavenworth for approval," he said. that could finance future park 1m· felt compelled to m.ove the proposal With the ellcepuon of board Chair-provements. ba kJ man Ralph Clark, supervisors have The arcenbelt ittelf W&9 offered to alon1 in th.e face of •ts strona c ng been unna .. ~ ..... 1y supportive of put-"'--·e County hu the Million Vic•o from the Board of Superviso~. .........., ...,, .. ,. .,, :J Commissioners Tom Moody and ting the fitness academy in the Aliso Co. tomitiptctheetrectsofconstruc- Alvan Coen said they were particu· Greenbelt. tion of the 20,()()().unit Aliso Viejo larly upset with the foundation's Foundation Chairrnan George planned com m unity. un wilhnaness to adjust ats plans at the Allen, who aJso heads the Prnident's "I have lots of problems dealing commission's direction Council on Physical Fitness and with the establishment of a quas1- Hopma to lessen the academy's Sports, says the academy will be the private establishment on public mtrusion into tac undeveloped green-fint of its kJnd in the Urut.ed St.ates. land," Leavenworth said. belt. the commission du-ccted the He promised that buildlna the The board of su~rvtJOrs wtll take foundauon in January to make academy here would bnng national up the commamon's recommcn- prov1S1ons for off-site parlung recognition and prestige to Oranie dations June 2S. The foundation balked and the County. The state Coastal Comm1111on Board of Supervisors removed the As cnv1S1oned by the non-profit must also approve the ooastaJ pro- stn cture. foundation, the academy would im-aram amcndmentand issuance of the The commission also expressed prove the ovcraJI level of fitness in coastal development permit. No concern about the size and desi&n of America by educatioa teachers, bcarina date has been set. Contras rele.ase captured Germans \1 ~NAGl A. Nicaragua (AP) - Eight West Germans captured by Nicaraguan rebels in an attack on a southern village last month were relca~ Tuesday night, the Sand· 1nista government reported The annouccm~nl by Manuel Espinoza. spokesman for President Daniel Ortega, was made in a broad- cast over the $Ovemment's Voice of Nicaragua radlt> statJon. Espin9za_slld the Germans-four men apd f@)r women -and 15 Nicaraguan c1v1lians were released at ' 6:30 p.m. near the hamlet of Prcsillit.as. 160 miles east of Manaa- ua. That was 30 minutes after a deadline issued by Ortega bad ex- pired. Ortep bad threatened military action if the Germans were not freed by 6p.m. In Tegucigalpa, Hondu..-a, Frank Arana, a spokesman for Nicarquan Democratic Force, or FON, told The Assoaated Press the et&ht .. were releaJed safe and sound and in a perfect state of health." Arana S&Jd they were released by a Contra patrol to representatives of the West German government at a evanaelkal church in the hamlet, adding there was there was no interference from the Sandinisia mih- wy. He said the Germans were en route by car to Managua. Arana sald the release came about as a result of sccrct~llat:Jons an Managua and Tegu · pa between FDN leaders and est German officials. KILLERS TO VOUCH FO.R ALCALA ... From .A l away his daughter, tied her so t1&htly wi th rope that 1t burned her ankles and stuffed a T -shirt down her throat unlll she choked and passed out Alc~la then raped the girl, the father said He was sentenced to nine years an state pnson for that offense, though the sentence paled in companson with the death sentence he received fo llowing his first conv1ct1on 1n the \amsoc \layan~ Akala's attorneys wtll start pr~ enting w1tnes~s Monday an an efTon to spare their client's life Defense attorney Dolan said his task 1s made more difficult bccaust' \kala tned to fire ham Monday and now refuses to discuss his case Alcala asked Supenor Court Judge Donald McCart1n to fire Dolan and a second defense attorney because they were lazy. sloppy and all-prepared an court. Alcala asked the Judge to grant him a new trial. McCarun refused to grant a new tnal or d1sm1ss the attorneys, whom he dcscnbcd as veteran defense lawyers wtth sterling reputations Dolan said hulc about his game plan for the penalty phase beyond has plans to call the death row inmates SUNBATHER RUN OVER •.. From.Al climbed to the top of the berm, he couldn't see Cota below him The Jeep's front nght wheel ran over both of Cota·s legs, causmg her to Sil up. She was then struck b)' the JCCP. which ran over her back Cota was rushed to Pacifica Com- munity Hospital 1n Huntington Beach. where she wa'i llSlcd m stable cond1t1on Tuesday. • Ron Cota said his wife su!Icred two fractured vertebrae and numerous lacerations and bruises in the acci- dent. Neurology specialists were tes· tang and observing her for other tnjunes as well A witness told Cota 1f his wife hadn't sat up aner the jCCp rolled over her legs, the back wheel would have run over her head Kelly said no charges would be filed in the accident NEIGHBORS OPPOSE ARTISTS' PROJECT .•. From.Al horhood A11soc1at1on and the resi- dents of Arroyo Road After meeting with residents, the group made some changes. agreeing to a rustic extenor and SO&hng down the plans from 16 buildings to 12 buildings, said Pastorius posing the pro1ect "It was fairly recently that we became aware of what the project was goina to look hke," he said about the project, we arc vehement about Jtlllna out," Pastonus said. admiuana that conunued opposauon from 115 residents would surely doom the project. But gettms the two groups together to taJk may be a feat in itself. - Partial clearing in ~fternoon . Sk .... ~ ce.. U\ .. 9"9f1IOO(l lllong Orange Cout bUCMI folCowtng nlQflt Md momif'lg tow ctouct.. the*'~ w .. trw s.vtce U&d: Temperaturte wta range from the ups-eot to low 70t,,.., the bMctlel to the mid to upper 70. Inland. Lowa wtll " In the mid 509 to low eo.. Local mountain• Wiii '9maln ratr tx.eept for eome low cloud• and fOg along the IOWtt couttll ltopel during nlOht and morning hours. High• Wiii ructl the mid 70. to mid SO., and Iowa WIJI " In the 40. and ao.. DeMrtt WIU oontinu. warm, wtth aouu.ty wind• to 20 mph In the attwnoon .. Hight wttl renge from the IOt II\ the upper deMft• to owr 100 In the ~ deeerta. Lon win " In the eo. and 70. Southwell Wlndt wlH blow 14 knota Wl1h 2-foot MU thl• att•noon along the Inner COMtal watere The IOUthweet swell i. 2to3teet U.S. Tempa ... lent• Ct\11 .. htrle MM!e 12 lel\\a MoniGa t7 11odil0fl 102 TlllMV.-, Ton- T ldea TODAY 1«1 Lift 2:1tpm 5'190p"' leoondlllgh 11 ... pm nutaOAY 1:AJ a.m ,., .. "' tatp.111 71 71 M '2 .. .. 41 u -4 t SS so 6 I 00 u 1 1 8111\ .... ~··•I•• ...... t04pm .,._, .... loelly at I 02 I "' and -elll'1pm Surf Report STOLEN COAST YACHTS RECOVERED •.• P'romAl "The boat 11 stolen, all the 1denofi- cat1on and hull numbers arc changed, 1t 1s re-registered out of state - mostly in Oregon -and then sold as an out-<>f-state boat." Godwtn said. PurchaseA oflhe re-rqis~ ve9-- sels arc the ultimate v1cums in the nna. Godwtn said, noung that many invested hfe saVlngs when they un- knowin&ly bought the stolen boats "We nad one couple hvin& on their boat It was their hfe dream as well as their home and we had to l1dc them out It'\ very sad,'' the anvcst1gator ~Id , The only hope for rccovenng losst'~ would be to file suit against Leasure or Kuns. Godwin said. "And personallr.. I hope each of those 'uys has a m1lhon bucks hidden away' to pay back those who purchased stolen vessels. he said When Leasure was arrested, of- ficers found three illqal aun two )ca~ at McNeil Island federal sj'lcnccn, a fourth unaucmblcd Pnson 1n Washington state for has s Jene.er and a stolen car at his conv1ct1on in the 197 3 armed robbel) Northrid&e home, police 11ud. of a San DatRO bank. The policeman also owns a Leasure, 39, was assigned to aw.- townhouse in the Long Beach dent 1nvcst1puon in the LAPD's Marina, where authonucsseated a Central Traffic D1v1s1on. Several of boat. the Associated Press rcportod.-his fellow officen u1d he had a &ood • r. reputauon and he attnbuted his Federal agents irom the Dru• apparent wealth -two bofs. boat'i, Enforcement Adm1nistrat1on, U.S. several cars and an airplan _to hts Customs Service and the Bureau of wale AJcobo~ Tobacco and Firearms were investJgaung whether the alleged nng "He'd say. 'My wife t.ilkesgood care was also involved in the traffickang of of me.· " one officer said. narcotics and firearms A third man, Eugene Yancosk1 of And the lntemal Revenue Service Newport Beach, was arrested with was tracing money to two offshore Leasure and Kuns, but charges were bank accounts held by Kuns on dropped after police determined he Grand Cayman Island 1n the BriUsh was a hired deckhand who apparently West Indies, a source close to the was unaware of the alleged 11lega.I Oakland anvesugat1on said ac11v1ty, an Oakland mvcsuptor Kuns. 40. of Newport Beach, spent said LIBERTY MEMENTO TO OPEN PAGEANT •.• From.Al hm11ed to patnot1c themes. Lindy Wemcr·Dee-an of Costa Mesa portrayed the gofd, enamel and diamond Butterfly Brooch, created by Lucien Gaillard. The brooch appeared to bang in thin air while Deehan, covered an gold paint, stood perfectly still wtth her colorful enamel Wlngs stretching halfway across stage. "It's a blast. You have to be a little bit ofa ham to do 1t," said Dcehan A lmlc bit of a ham -and more. All 136 members of the two rotating casts are volunteers. With one week on and one week ofT. the ca~t and volunteer makeup art1sl'i make the show come to life seven day'i a week for the entire summer David Rymar of Laguna Beach has been a set designer for the pageant for the last seven years Monday night he admired bas finished product of the acrylic "Goin' Surfin'," by Robert Blumhascn - a colorful portrayal of C ahforn1a wt th three boys lcav1na their Woody with surfboard an hand. The designers arc also responsible for the way clothes are painted to recreate the folds and shadows of the ong.anal artwork. Together, the volunteers and hand- ful of paid employees produce a show that attracts nearly 135.000 people to Laguna Beach. The Fcsoval of the Arts Exh1b1t. held daily on the around outside Irvine Bowl, attracts 250,000 people. Each year the pageant SCC1 varying profits and somellmcs losses And since I 9S7 the pageant bas used some - of the money for scholanhips for Laguna Beach High School graduates who want to study art. The first year. one S 1,000 scholar- ship was awarded. This rear. SI S0,000 m scholarships w1I be presented PLANNERS OPPOSE HOTEL .• From A l For the mixed-use project, the city would acquire the property, raze the 15 or so buildings scattered. on the site and sell the land to Mola Ten landowners and more than a dozen busmesses would be displaced by the project, adding to the growtog hst of downtown merchants and owners forced offthe1r propeny an the name of redevelopment Robinson said most of the I 2 people testifying at Monday's com- m1SS1on hearing were against the pro)ect. Many of them would lose their property or be forced to move their busmcsscs. He said comm1ss1oners were acner- ally in favor of the mixed-use con· cept. However, officials were concerned that recrea11onal facahtics and other mutual areas would be shared amona the apartment dwellers and the more transient hotel occupant~. Robin~n ~Id "They felt the s11t as be1na over· hu1lt," he said Comm1ss1oner Roy Andreen ab~ tatncd from the votma because h11 son works for one of the businesses that would be evicted if the project aoes ahead. C')o 1tcameasquite a shock when the \<.ulptor discovered that the associa- tion had sent a petition opposina the pro1ec.t to the Dc~tgn Review Board The peuuon. carrying about 11 5 \1gnaturcs, represents I 00 percent of the neighborhood residents "At fint when they brought the project up. we hked the idea and we were behind them. But as it turned out, that piece of propeny has a high land pnce so they have to make it a b1aacr project to make it pay. We approved of 1t 1n concept,' said Unaer. "Smee WC opposed the prOJCCt, they have stooped talking with u~," said 1Jnaer. "We were supposed to meet wllh them last Satuiday, two coun-1;:============:::;;;;;;::;;::;::;;::;::;;::;;;:::;:::;:::;;::;:;:;::===============::; olmen and Hal Putonus, but As a result. the It ve/work project flopped the Dc11gn Review Board's public hcanng and preliminary re- " 1ew late last month, said Pastonus .i\<:cordang to Ray U ngcr, founder ot the assoc1at1on and its former president. the neighbon arc simply tryang to protect the nature of the n('lahborhood "We arc not againc;t hve/work (prOjCClS) It ISjUSt too big, bulky and ool an character wtth the neigh- borhood. We have simply wd that 1f they can make the units ,maller and not as many, we would be deh&hted to have them down there:· u1d1Jnaer Rut Pastonus s~ud bis voup Wll\ 11ven no warning the association hl\d planned to oppose the project Unaer repcatcdlr, skirted the 1••ut when asked specifically when the ne1ahborhood aHOC1ation began or>- MAIN CWFICE 2'°'#9'1 "-yll CO.<• ....... (.A lnttally concerned about the sud- den oppos1t1on, Putonus said the &J'OUp thought Its only altcrnatJVC W8S to drop the project and call 1t.s $64,000 10vcstmcnt a loss. lo fact, the petltlon teared two investors away, he satd . But instead of suffenna a $64,000 loss, the artists arc committed to mcctina with every one of the residents to discuss the project per- tonally, said Putoriua. A quick check with some of the community mem- bers revealed they were mmnformcd, be added. "One woman thouaht 1t was 101ng to be 41/J stones hi&h Another man thouaht be would face a ~foot-Iona atuoco wall," be said Once the artJsts reahz.ed they were facioa a brukdown in communica· tiona. they decided not to live up. "We want to know if tfiere is any support at all We are not vehement (Pastorius) canceled 1t," said Unger. Pastorius, however, swd he told 11soc1at1on representative Jeff Powen that everyone concerned would not be able to get t.oacthcr Saturday, and that the mecuna wa.• rescheduled for Wednesday evenina. No association members showed up at the evenina meeting. he said. Pastonus said the artists arc con- vioccd the project wtll complement the nc1ahborhood1 where industrial businesses arc ral)ldly openin• shop. In addition, be said it wtll r11sc the property values of the homes sur- round1na the project .. Everyone 1s callina 1t a nch man·~ project. But this 1s a commuruty thin .. If (the an11t1) cannot afford to star, an town, we'll leave. • (ThcproJCd)hasiot to be dense to be affordable. If there are only two or three units, then it would be a ·rich man's prOJCCt." he Mid. W.• ~-9o• 1580 o.w<• ..._ CA 9'6~1 ~ t01 ... , M7& -& edltot• M;> •321 Just call 642-6086 Mot>09y ,.,,,.y I! 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