HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-08 - Orange Coast PilotOUR WtN'*( ON A•t TODAY'S NUMBERS ON A2 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1986 Laguna extinguishe.s sino.king ban By LAURA MER~· appro~aJ to an ordinance that wouJd si milar ord i nan cc bee au se applicants to be nonsmoker\ for 12 d the 0 sed ordinance be· · •• ot ... Dltlr,....... have11v.en preference to nonsmokers nonsmokers arc not 111 as.fru:iuently months pri~r to their application. ~he fell'[.:, too resmctive. ~~ !~u':: :-:0tt! :tut An ordinance that would have for pub!tc safety Jobs. as 1mokcr . The ordinance would ha ve also rd ) .. The d baned smokers from applytnl for The. idea was brouaht before t~e . Minki.n and council members Nell re1trictcd permanent emploJment "That Jdust aoes too far for me. rm ~c=g~a ·3•2 vot:ri IN nee was ~- obs Wlth the La una Beach Firic and co~n~1I by ~ounc1l.woman Bobbie F1ttpatnck a~~ Robert Gentry sup-only to those who continued to concern~. with na)ltund wron~and · ~ r d I d 'ed b h Minkin whocated a11m1larord1nance ported the onainal idea. Rfrain from smoluna afler their fa1mc s, Gentry111d. Hcal~saad he Councilman Dan Kenney and ~ice epartmcnts was ens Y t .c passed. by the South Pasaden.a City But Tuesday, Caty Mana,aer Ken probauon penod and would have was concerned about possible law-Mayor Manha C:oJhjQn have coo~ City Council ~n Tuesday bec~use at Council. . . . Frank proposed an ordinance that allowed for the firing of c'l'Tt'ployec sun.s t~at could stem from characs of unuaUy voted apmst the propo51I ~as too r~stnctlve, the council de-At that tame Mankin suaa.csted that absolutely restricted smokers from who started smok1na after their cavil n&)lts vaolataons. The council asked Frank to return cided. . . • . medical expenses and lost work time applying for public safety positions. ·probation. · Frank said he chanatd the '\lltOrdJn h I 10 h In June. the council gave tentative could be reduc.cd by adopti.n& a His pcopoul would Have required job Councilman Gentry said .he op-and made the proposc:d ordinanc! ~;~in~n~:. rcstnctivc smo n1 in.na American Eugene Haaen- fus. whose cargo plane was shot d own over -Nicaragua. may be put dn trlal./AS cni-r-om a Hal B. Wallis, veteran movie producer, dead at 88./A4 INDEX Advice and Games 8'-\lletln Board Business Classified Comics Death notices Entertainment Food Mind & Body Opinion Pollcelog Public notices Sports Televlslon Weather C7 A3 A7-8 B6-8 A 11 BS A 10 C1-8 A9 A12 A3 BS. 8 B1 -5 A10 A2 . Yee tops field in electidn funding Accountant raises $50.000 in race for HB Council By ROBERT BARKER · Of .. Dltlr .......... Certified Public Ac.countantlfenry Yee has n11scd lnore than $50,000 - ~----.... 1ee lhar oflus nearest nvir -to fuel his campaign (or clectaon on Nov. 4 to the Huntington Beach City Council In campaign papers filed with the city clerk. Yee reported that he collected $54. "\45 from July I 10 Sept. )0. Has nearest competitor for the City council c•m,,.lgn •pending In Ca.I• ..... , Newport 8-.ch, Lagun• Be.ch •nd Fount•ln V•ll•Y reportfHl on Ae. biggest campaign bankroll 1s John E~kanc with $26.155 Yee ~ neighbor on W1sh1ngwcll Lane, ( aty Attorney (rail Hulton. ra1~c.I S l t I 12 in her elcuion bad for a. third 1c:rm Hutton rc:poned ret·e1"1ng a $200 contnbutron from Yee 1hr same amount 't cc got from Hu11on Hutton's challentter Orange Coun- t) Dcpul> Dastm t \ttornry Ted Johnson. ra1..cd $6 48H VSn ~weller asks $12 lnillion from LB Yee. who ~•d he., tl)1ng 10 get eJt posurr over bt'tler-knov..n can d1datc<;. reported ramng $40.000 at a fund-ra1s1ng dinner at the l us .\n- gclc:\ Halton llo1el Sept. 7 Three hundrl·d people paid S 150 c.-alh to allend tht• dinner that CO'>I Ytc S5.67(J ~ Woman a rrested , da ughter taken away after being found with dead animals By LAURA MERK Ol tlle OeltJ ,... lt.tt A woman who wa' arrested by Laauna Beach police in April nOcr police d1'lC'overed that 'ihc and her daughter were li ving 1n a van amrd trash and animal carcas\C'> lilcd a $12 m1ll1on claim aga1n<;l the n ty. citing emotional distress. The claim was amon1t ~veral totaling more than $14 m1ll1on rou- 11nel> den1 l·d by the Laguna Beach ( 1ty ( ounc1I fuc~da)' night '\ccord1ng to ( 11 y Manager Ken Frank Geneva Reese was arrested on a traffic warrant in April when -;he went to tht pohcc 'ltat1on to 1nqu1rc about her ..r1n that had been im- pounded for expired rcg1'itra11on When police searched the car they found a ca t leashed to the steering HB suif ~tourney gets - new date; loses bfkini, skateboard contests By ROBERT BARKER OftlleM!r .......... The Hunungton Beach C 11} < oun- c1I hu changed the date an(! approved several ot her mca~ures 1n effon<s to quash future not~ at the· Op Surfing ('hamp1onsh1ps. _ Officials Mon<;tay night m<>Vcd the date for next year's 'lurfing cham- pionships from the Labor Day week· end to one of the la t three wt"eks of Auaust. They also agreed to ehmanatr "ancillary" event'l that include b1kan1 contests and skateboard act1\ 111es that they bchevc may ha ve con- tributed to the not of Aug JI when out-of-control yo uths stormed hfe· guard headquancn, set fire to a half do1en police and li feguard vehicles and caustd nearly $200.()(X) 1n dam- age. In affirming recommcndat1oos ofa special advisory comm1\,.1on formed 1n the wake of the dmurbance at Huntington Caty Beach. C. 11y ( ounc1I membcn. alM> voted to ban broad· ca~t~ on the beach by MTV. a (Pleue .ee SURJI' I A2) v.heel. a llvt' rat a dead cat and rat. and animal ant.I human waste. Further '""t''>t1.fa.l1on revealed that Reese and htr I .-)'ear-old daughter had been""'"& 1n the van. prompllng police 10 take the girl into protec11 ve CU\tOd ) Jn her claim aga1n~t the city. Reese ~aid !»he ,uncrcd los~ of income and career opportun11te<1. of rela1ion<1h1p value' ht:twcen mother and daughter. lo'>'> of reputation and emotional d1strc\\ 111 tv.o rcoplc and fhe anrmal<s "Thi'> claim has absolutely 1ero merit \he'll nc"er find an attornn to repre\Cnt her " \aid hank .\ \1 m1lhnn d::um v.a\ ltkd on tx·hall of tht· parl'nl\ of famar:i \le•wndcr. v..ho v.a\ killed Jul) 21 .11 the age ol 17 v.hen 'thl· wa\ hit h) a lctr a\ -.,hl· wa'> lr<l'\\tng Paetfic Coa'tt H1ghwa~ Thl· d<11 m ~1d 1he tht• ~trcct wa~ nnt adequa1dy lighted and there wa \ not prul)l.•r war n1ng lo mmun\l\ tha1 .1 uo'>sv.alk wa\ .ihead. In 1t..rt•\pon'e 1hn11> c,.ml 1hearea ""hl'rt' 1ht· .1u 1dent 1Kcurred at ~t'\I \trcet and ( 11a'\I ll 1gh1A.a~ " 1n lht· JUrl\dlt lll>n 111 thc rnunt\ .\ S 50.000 claim was fi led by honomy Offit:c I urn11ure \t~kang rermhur'>l'ment for J \C lllcmenl be- tween the <.n mpan\ and tht• former ( h1l'fof Polite Jon ~park\ \1.rnrding to Frank. \park\ lilcd a law!>u1t again'\t the compa n)' when he '>Uf· fcred back IOJUrlt:\ 10 l4J!H) which allegedl y occurred whcn a Lhair LOllapscd underneath him Rudolph l l\L1erno of ( 11\1.i Mna lilcd a da1m <;('l·k1ng \2~ llOIJ for rc1mburkment for mcd1l.al e\pcn\C'> in an an 1dent he had w11h" l 11\ tram (PleHe .ee VAN/ A2) Yer\ \tatcment '>howed that a11 but about 2 l of 265 contnbutol"\ are from out of 1oy.,n Yee who \ard he rncntl )' wus appo1n1 rc..l h~ l'n,·,1dcnt Reagan to the "'1at1onal \d' 1\or) ( ounnl on Adult [duu1t1on SJ1c..l a re\ult ofahc out-of- toy.,n l0ntnnu1iono; " lhat he would ha H no onltgallt>ll\ 10 people who gaH· him mone~ I It• l'\pt't t\ 1<1 ra1\L" S61J 000 111 ~ 71J 000 1 n all ht.· .. a 1d \1\ ol tht.• t.and1da1es hold 'anou\ ut\ offi<.c'> and \4'\l'ral ochers havt !In for offoc r>rt·' 1ou~h g1\10& them (Pleue eee FUNDS/ A2) Hoffmann wants judge to call new primary election By LISA ~AHO'\EY Of ... Delly ...... ''"" I a1kd l>c molfJlll pnm.ir~ L<lO· d1datc 1\rt llnOmann hJ\ turned 111 the 4th Drstnu ( uun ot Appeal 1n . anta .\na rn a hid to win hack hi\ part>\ nom1n.111on in tht• 40th C on- grc'1'11onal 0 1\tm 1 ran· Hoffmann \"ho lo\t lhl' nom1- na11on 1n a rernullt ''' fonnt:r Demo· ltatal Party< hairman ArucL" 'iumncr hope\ the three-Judge appeal-. panel ,,.,111 order the \urx·nor Court to hear his pe1111on 1111 .i n1.·v.-pnmar) clcctton 'iupcnor Court ludgt• John C \.\.-oollc~ ruled rn \Ul(U't th.11 lhl \IJ lc court!> dn not hJ\l' 1un\d1lt11m 11\l'r pnmane\ for nJtronal 1101tl'' Onh the Hou\e nl J{t·prt•'-t·n1.i11\l'\ 1,an order a new l'ln lion in Hun manh \ caw he \a1<l Hoffmun n·, a1tnrnt•\ Rnhl'rt I cvy. argucd hdorc the <tpl)l.·al\ w urt Tuesda~ 1ha1 ( on&fC\\ will onh rtv1cw 1 he rc~u lt., of general clrl 11on' "The < on{lrt.''>'i hac, no m.1rh1ncn to ilct:tdc \\ho '>hall ht: 1n the rmmant•\ ... he s~ud. rclt'mng to a fc-dl•ral lav. that e'empt4i pnmaric\ Imm tht• kdcral deCllOO\ prO<t\\ If the statt• dot.'' not lill rn thl· 'md kit h\ 1 nn!tr\''' "'14c an· le;i' ang • n"ur.,l ht' llJl\'O 111 ahe J)(l.,\lh1ltt \ uf lOrrupt1c111 "1tho111 a rl'mt•th · l l''\ \Jld Hnjlm.1nn a fnllov.t•r of polt11cal t'\trc:ml\t I \ndon I .1 RouLhe main· lain' hl ln'>I the 1ecoun1 hecause ol h:lllot hO\ \tutftng that allcgcdl} <Xrnm•d tx·t"l't'n ell·< t111n n1gh1 and lht• 11m.: 1hr h.11101' wt.'rl' hrought to thl· l<t'{ll\lr<ir ol \ Oh'r\ for the rt1.11unt ~umnn" a11ornn '-" llltam lf umphn.·" d1'1putcd l <: \\ .. 11\"t'r· 11onc, that ( on&rl"\S dnc:·, not review (Pleaae eee HOFl'MANl'f/A2) Locals tip their hats, glasseS.to the Angel~- PAUL AICHIPLEY Crowds at area watering holes laid-back despite team ·s open I ngwt n over Boston l Anacl fan, at local watenna holes dunna tho flr t pmc of the men can Leaaue playoff scncs T uc~ay hvcd up to the trad1tson of th~stadtum crowd that cheered the \. ahfomta team all season -la1d·bock and confident. The mania and cxc1temrnt 1ha1 tr1d1t1onall y chuacteme ~\thall playoffi were atncnt a' fan'I mu1ed btscbtll v1cwu11 wnh idle chatter about work. v.omcn an~ndcrlu t 8\it'i( An!:!_ fan were mellow. ~---- R~ ' fans v.crc non-c~1stcn1 A tour of local taverns turned up more Dodacr die-hards than Do)ton boosters. Typical waJ Debra Yntc of New· pon Beach. who htadcd forCas 1dy's on Newpon Boulevard oner the Ana.eltwtnt up by five run . .. 1.m actually a Dod r fan. bur that·~ hl\tOI')'." Yate ~1d ... But I'm an avid Anatls fan. too I m1 tC'J 1ctt1n1 pla)oll 11ckrl\ hy fivr minute "I knew the Angel were goina to v.an this flme," he said. Wh y" "Women's 1otu1t1on." Yate provided more credible. al not quite so csotenc, tta\On for her bchefthat the A natl would prevail an the be li-Of·.cvcn scne and ao on to meet 1hc lfou ton Astros 1n the World ·11e ,,,,.. r tt's ao1na lO be p1tchin1 duel\,'' \he ad. The New York Met,, who fa e the mot an the National Lt uc pl off ne tx-a.inn1n1 today, won't proaal httau)( they're too cocky, Yates \31d. \\Jatch1n1 one of a lont row of TV \Cl ovrr C'as\ld)' 's har, 8111 Reveal of Oana Point u1d tht> \n I • vactOf')I O\er Hoston a<.c Rogrr ( lemenc, would provide a morale advantaac tor the \L West h mpion\ " nd our pitcher ~t")mtng up Jre better than their\ ... Rr\-eal \.'lid l 'nanv11ed but lurking 1n\1dr the tavrrn wo\ Cactu\. o Doht:rman labrador m" that ha\ owner \.ud wa a Ram\ fan The pooc:b·, ma ter howevrr, hked the th e baseball team out ot nahcam "t IO\.C the.' n rl~ ... he \a1d "I hue Reuae Ja{k'ion · Over 01 Hoauc &nntehacl'' 1n Co lA Mc • a larat \:towd wa.. mellow1na a the n '' mmcd toward an -1 v1cto11 \uJ\ h.iJ Oowed early. but 1mb1b1n1 at\ited ~ ran prepa~ to face the frrcw.n\ / ".\lot of them ha "e bctn here.-\Inn· before 5." 1d hartendrr Da rell Matthew ot Co ta Me..a \1anhc"'" another Dodaer fan . wa'i mot1n' tor an ngeli-Meu World \cnc'i "It' an AnJclHrowd .. he \aid Keri and < ora Ru'i<1el ol Irvine weren't even thank1n1 ahout the gam e when thr) walked into the ntghtcluh on Nc.wpon U<fulcvord "We blundered in hc11.-. and now wc·rc wn1ch1na th<' 14mc " Krn Ru~~I 1d Cana Ru I didn't mu(h (arc who \\nn Her 1ntt'rt\t, "Cotlrgt ha'lkrt- N 11 •• R 11. han1 800-.c: ol \anta \na rnn- ltdcnth orcd1ctc-d the .\nJcl'> would Focus ON THE NEws toke th · \\:m' 1n fhc Wh)' not a ~v..n·p'' " utton doc n't havr 11.' Roo\C ~ad of l H>-me career ""•nner Oon Sutton ··11r "eonn:i In . Randy Bordner of M1 ion V1eJo also p~1ctctt a lhe aanu: ~"('' He·11 h(' at nahe1m t d1um tor tht' \nac1,· thr home pmc'i and e\• (Pl eeeeeFA!f /A2l r \ ... A.a * Orenge CoMt DAILY PILOT/ Wedneeday, October 8, 19" House ignores f:i~iDus~er threat, OK~ execution tri drug-ielated m'=1rders ,. WASH INGTON (AP) -A com· promise ano-narcoucs bill was ap. ~ved today by the House, which included a death penahy for drua- rtlatcd murders despite a threatened Senate filibu11er that could klll the election-year leaistatlon. The amended version of the drua bill, first approved.in the House Sel)t. I l . was pessed on a 391-23 vote. "We bave u a ~icty to hold the death penalty over the heads orthost who would kill at random to make sun: their enterprise... their drua syndicate ttmains intact," said Rep. Ocorae W. Gekas. R-Pa .. the oriainal sponsor of the death penalty provision. "The inclusion orl.hc death penalty for tho5C individuals who. a_s drug kinapins. will stop at nothina to fun her thcirenterprise i exactly what is required as wcap0nry in this war on druJS," he added. The bill would provide 'the death penalty for the commission or murder to further 1 continuina oarcotacs entC'rprisc. Before lhc dtbete, ~ouse M..,onty Leader Jim Wri&ht, [).Texas, who included the provision in the reviled leaislation approved Tuesday by the Rules Commauec. acknowledged the filibuster threat by m.>derate Senate ~cpubticans and liberal Democrats. But Wright added that "we couldn't ~ss it under the circum· stances w11hout the death penalty.'' "That's their problem.'' Wnsht said of the threatened enate filibuster. Dunna the debate, Wriaht said the bill provides "sure and JW1ft and cena1n puniahment to deter those who would pin ill10tten treasure." The Senate, which passed its vet· s1on or the 1nti-dru1 bill last week, deleted the death ptnalty provision as w~ll as several other controversial 1 it.tms. includina a reluation of the rule that would bar the use of illeplly obtained evidence in court. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Ncm Jr., ().Mass, himself an opponent of the death penalty! acknowlcdaed that the drua 6ill C'Ou d not pass without the provision. "Our people who are bitterly op. p05Cd l!J . the death penalty sec the handwnt1n1 on the wall.· SURF TOURNAMENT GETS NEW DATE ••• Fr om Al nation wade cable channel that specializes in music videos. Councilman Ruth Bailey, also a member of the nine-member panel. said that MTV encouraged peoP.lc to come to ,the beach and "party. • She said the stataon all.made some •·off- color" comments. Thr titv ('nun 11 ;ilc;n 1s ~c;kan1t police 10 crack down on drunkenness and illegal alcohol sales. "We want to focus on the surfing chame1onship and that acu vity as a sport,· Bailey said toda)I. "What. it has become 1s not what we want to be." Bailey said the idea behind chang- ang the oate of the tournament from the Labor Day weekend is to reduce the chance of a carnival-like at- mosphere that law enforcement of· ficials say contributed to the Hunt- ington Beach riots as well as those at Nc¥.-port Beach over the 4th of July and ~t Palm Springs during Easter vacation. HOFFMAN APPEALS VOTE RESULTS ••• From Al primary elections. The U.S. Constitution makes Con- aress the final arbiter in all elections to federal office and th as duty cannot be delegated, he said. Though admitting that neither house of Congress has ever ordered a new election H,µmphre)s said he ~-------------FUNDS ••• ,.romAl believes they could. "The machinery or pnmane!i IS del~tcd to the states but the power ts still in Congress." he said. After less than an hour of argu- ment. the matter was taken under submission by the court. Sumner. a Newport Beach attorney and former judge, ran a last-minute write-in campaign against Hoffmann after learning of his tacs to LaRouche. Hoffmann originally was declared the winner of the June primary election by fewer than 300 votes. but Sumner demanded a recount after rumors of irregularities surfaced at some polling places. In. a final tally that figured in previously un~ou~JC<! write-in votes. Sumner received 16.401 votes to HofT~a'!n's I S.173 and wasgjven the nomanauon. He 1s now wa.ingan uphill battle to take the 40th District scat from Rep. Roben Badham, a five-term Re- publican from Newport Beach. an advantage 1n name rccognttaon. he satd. Has candidacy marks ,the first time-that Yee ha&-taken the plunge into local politics. -FANS LMD-BAe ~ .. ~. Other candidates and 1hC:r con- tribuuons include: •Jay Stout. $24.436. •Wes Bannisrcr. $14.165 •Jam Silva. S 13.492. •Don Tror. S9.839 •Grace Winchell. S9.625. •Tom Mays, S8. 705 •Sherwood Bailey. S8,673 •Rick Rowe, S5.916. •Tom Lt\engood, S5,620 •T1moth} Klink. $5.238 •Norma Vander Molen . $3.15 7 •Elaine Craft. S2,454. •Robert C'rawfis. S948 From Al pects to sec the club tnumph at the home finale. "I was there 1n '82 (when the Angels lost to Milwaukee an a best-of-five series)." Bordner said "It hurt bad. ..It won't happen this year. The} ·11 sec the Mets in the World Series ... Jam Polloreno of Costa Mesa relished the thought of the A.ngels trouncing Boston. "I don't like the Red Sox I don't hke the Celtics. I don't hke an~th1ng about Boston.'' Polloreno said. A. bartender who worked during the first half of Tuesday's game, Pollorcno said the general consensus among the crowd was the Angels would win in fi ve. That was Jerry Bonce's prediction. "The Angels will take 11. .. , " the Costa Mesa resident said. "in five:· Of course, as any baseball fan knows. the Angels did prevail behind the strong pitching of Make Witt. But comments about the outcome of Tuesday's game were hard to come by Most of th e bar crowds had left b) the seventh 1nn1ng GAME 4 I WEEK 4 I DAY 4 3 46 68 8 4 71 79 47 ~ A YEAll ... Al FLUENT llERE. ( CHECK OUT OUR LATEST WINNERS OM A4. YOU COULD 81 •1xn HERE ARE TODAY' I NUMBERS. .. Rules orvj row ·o .P·'Jr •l'\e game ore on your gomP cord or col ovr HOHi E· 642 -4333 9 5 M.f OS~ lor WIN -GO 1nforr'f'tl)11on 1a11J Pilat ~ TWA Fi' 0 our HOW GOOD Wf Pf All f APE ( . -------~ ,. I Morning fog, cl<:>udtness ahead TOOA't s--ci 111g11 12.n a.II\. 9ecolld IOw l.2t '·"'· TMUMOA't · f1f91 hlOfl 4.11 Ll'I. Arlt IOw 1·21 a "' S.ccincl hlgll t M P-"' *-'cl IOw 10 06 p"' 8'in Mii toelay at I 21 p.m , rlla Tllul..s.y al 9 $3 a lft and Mii II 1.27 plft, ..._, ... !0Nyll 12'33p.ftl , ...... 100IOlft and,._~~· t SIOl'I County leads ln auto lawsuits LOS ANGELES (AP) -The number of auto-acc ident lawsuits in California soared by 15 percent in f ~l -1-9.8.S, and-Orang&-G>urHy-' liugauon rate jumped to No. I from No. 3 an the state. a trade group said Wednesday. "Whilec-th~most alarmffig develop- VAN DWELLER ••• ment an this year's study was the record increase in lawsuits, the b1J-, gcst surpnsc was the change an rankm~ -among-the statc"'rmajor- counues." said John Mceinn, re-• 11onal vice president in San Francisco· for the Insurance Information In• stitute. Statewide, there were 63,570 law suits filed an auto accidents during the fiscal }Car that ended June 30, 1 985.~ compared to 55,474and Sl.S60in the two previous years. respectively. From Al According to Frank there 1s suit some question as to who was at fault 1n the August accident. Finall)'. Joseph Lederman of Laguna Hills filed a claim seeking an undetermined sum for medical ex- penses 1n an accident in whi ch he claims a city tram hat ham while he was standing at a bus stop. According to the police repon. 1he driver of the tram claimed that Lederman stepped backward away from the bus and fell. Jn a separate action, the City °c~AA~~E Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 WMl 8'1y SI Colll !UM CA C ounc1l approved a $ IJ.UUO settle- ment with Terry Durkin, whose Rolls Royce engine. which was in the back of his pickup truck. was ruined when his tr.µck was hit by a city employee. According to Frank. the municipal services employee was clearly at fault in the December 1983 accident. Damagts to the truck were paid by the cit) and the cost of the cnJine had been under negot1a11on since the accident. · The cuy and Durk1n's attorney Ronald Scegho recently agreed upon the S 13.000 settlement. That means 244.44 lawsuits were filed per I 00,000 people in fiscal I 98S. compared to 218.28 and 206.58 1n the two previous }Cars. The rate per 100.000 people show-1 ed the sharpest increase in Orange County, rising by 24 percent to 353.97. Los Angeles County moved to the No. 2 spot as its rate rose by 6. 1, percent to 325.12. while San Fran-• casco Count) fell to third place with a rate of 329 04. b~~· I• G,uarenteed Ma.I eddf-Bci• 1S80 Colll MMe CA 11~'6 Cltllli.c!10t 6'1 2·$e78 -& -ouet 6'12·4321 Justcall 642-6086 MOnc»y F roOtty ti you 00 noc 1111.. y0iir paper 11y S 30 p m call before 7 p m And yOVI copy 'Wll be ~eel Copyf'ljl\I 11193 Ot1not Coell Pu'"'1tng Compeny No newt 11or1e1 1u1111'°"' aoo1or,.i me1111 or •OY..-1,... ,,_ .. 1*eotl ftlAV 09 rept~ .... llOul fQ9C•I ~· ,,,,_ ol COC>yloglll - VOL. 71, NO. 281 What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number above and your mcssaae will be recorded, transcribed and de- livered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering servic~ may be used to record leners to the editor on an~ topic. Contributors to our Letters column must include their name and telephone number for verification. Tells us what's on your mind. Sa1urCMly Md ~ II you 00 noc recel¥9 'foJ COOY by 1 e m eel b91cwe 10 I lft encl '(0.11 coPf wll oa <ltllv .. ao Clrculatlon T elep."tonee r KATHY WENT AWAY 10 Coll.EGE CAREFREE AND CAME HOME~WllH A DEGREE, A BOYFRIEND, AND BULMA BULIMIA is a progres.5ive illn~ characterized by obses- sions with food and bodyweight, compulsive overeating and purging through the use of diuretic.5, laxatives or vomiting. Bulimia has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. 20% of female college students participate in bulimic behaviors. At the Medical Treatment Center for F,ating Dis- orders we can help you to reoover by changing the way you think about food and the way you think about yourself. ~~are part of a full service hospital and staffed by pro~onals who can provide you with emotional support and medical expertise. ~ offer both an inJ)'dtlent and outpatient program and are covered by most in<rurance plans. FREE MON'IllLY COMMUNI1Y LECl'lJR.ES Call our 24-hour hotline now for a free consultation or lecture reservation l·•·•·UNE MFJ>KAL TUATMf.NT aNl'D POI l'AnNG DB011>1!1n . --~ ...... • -· Book Ale elated at Mesa library The Fnends or the Cotta Mesa Libraries wall hold a book sale Saturday at the Costa Mesa Library, l8H Park Ave. The event it open from 9 to 10 a.m. for members onl y and from 10 to 3 p.m. Jo the aeneral public. ' Paperbetk books will beaJn at 2.S c:enu and hard-cover books at SO qr:n~ each. Proceeds from the . book salea are l)sed td provide books and equipment as well as special proarams. Call 646-884.S or S46-S214 fo r additional information. ' Dr. RutlJ •tcollege Irvine Valley College Community Services will present Or. Ruth Westheimer, natiohally known sex therapist and author, Saturday at 8 p.m. in the aymnasaum of Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana. Tickets are S 10 an advance or SIS at the door. and further 1nfonnat1on may be obtained by calling the trvine college at SS9-3333. Qa•.te .em1n•r •lated The Orange County chapter oi the Amencan Red Cross will present an earthquake preparedness seminar Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Laguna Niguel. The course is SS per family and pre-registration 1s required. Call 835-5381 for informauon about registration and the location of the event. Philio• R••lon •et • The Rev. Dr. Bettye Johnson, director of the Phi hos Foundation, has announced a <ipecial sencs of self-discovery mini-seminars to be held weekly, beginning Saturday, at the foundation, I 507-F N. Tustin Ave., Santa Ana. The sessions will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at a donation of $3. with further infonnation available at 542-9220. WA VE unlt to meet The Golden West unit of WA VEs National, a women's veterans organmuion, will hold its charter luncheon Saturday at I I a.m. at the Acadia Restaurant m Garen Grove. A II women veterans are invited and more 1nformat1on 1s available at 539-2478 or 937-01 S2. Menu testlng announce,i Orange County Mensa. the h1&h IQ SOClety, will offer supervised testing for menbersh1p Saturday from IOa m to Ip m. at Mercury Savings and Loan. 1095 Jrvme Blvd .. Tustin. The cost 1s S20 and reservations arc required. Call John Hamilton at 739-4230 for further 1nformat1on. --Women's Day a~t c athedral Olympic Ciold Medalists Cathy Rigby and Madeline Mims. psychologist Dr. Irene Kassorla and TV hoste~'i Stephanie Edwards will appear Saturday at a special Women's Day program at the Crystal Cathedral 10 Garden Grove. The cost of the event, which runs from 8.15 a.m to 2:30 p.m .. l'i S 18.50. and reservations may be obtained b) calhng 971-4082. Telemarketing class set "Telcmarkect1ng: The Kc) to Effective Tech- niques," a one-da)' workshop. will he held Saturda) from 9 am 10 Ip m 1n Room '\305 of lf\ inc Valle)' College. The foe is SH and detail'> arc available al 559-3333 Candldate 's dance ln HB The Fnends of Jim Silva. a candidate for the Huntington Beath (11\ ( ouncil, \I.Ill hold a country and western dance ~alurd;;i) at the Huntington Harbour Yacht C. lub The event. which tncludcs dinner. 1s pnced at S20 and reserva tio ns may be obtained by calling Bettle Hudson at 898-5984 or Violet Serra at 840-1880. WAC veterans to meet The Queen City Chapter 57 of the Women's Army Corps Veteran\ A'lsoc1at1on will meet Saturday at I pm. in the community room of F1dehty federal. avmgs and Loan in the Seal Beach Leisure World ~hopping <.:enter. Violet Woodhouse wi ll ~peak on financial planning. ( all Alice ('lark at {211) 424-9622 for details. Wednesday, Oct. 8 • 7 ~O p m Laguna Bucb Recreation and Social Services. Rec reatlCln Conference Room. 505 Forc~t >\venue Thursday, Oct. 9 • 6· 30 p m .. Laguna Btacb Board of Adjust- ment, City Council Chambers, 505 Forest ..\' cnuc • 7:30 p.m .. Laguna Btacb Cable Television Committee, C'o mmunuy Center, 384 Legion Street. Pou cE Loe Or ... Ca.I IWL.Y ...OTt'WUr 11•rv. ~I. .. * State of mind debated at murder trial . . 8'1 PAUL AllCllJPLEY ............. A protecutor and ~ .auorncy aareed T\ltsday the aon of a nationally ranked tennis player wu mentally 1m· paired, but d1f1'e~ on whether that wu the central issue in bi1 murder trial, Juron bepn delibetatina today follow· io~ final araumcnts in the trial of llobcrt Lainac Ducaler who it chatted with the shootlna dtath or a Newport Beach ni&htclub bouncer on Nov. ·l, J 98S. t>ucsleT, of Newpon Beach, allctedJy lef\ the parklna lot of the club Promi1e1, 3333 West C.Oast Hi&hway, after bouncer William Girand, 24. told ham he couldn't park there, and returned with a .38-calibur pistol. Ducsler, 23, a Janitor at the Tokai Bank of California which is in the same buildin1 u the ni&htclub, allcpdly walked up to Girand and Mol ham rwac:c 1n the beck and row times an the head and neck aftu the Vic\im col~. I Wbile lbe defendant'• family watc~. attorney Gary Pobl10n arsued Tuesday that OUnler couldn't be round l\lllty or fi111._. m1Udcr because h11 act was one of a menwJy ill penon. He contended that Duetle,.1 ims-ired mental fatultJCS were a mitiptin1 and extenuatina circum- ttance Chat prevented a fin\.odqree murder convic\ion. · Pointin& to a picture of Doesler when he was a rank.int tenrtil player in his teens, Pohlaon uid, "He's aot cverythina in t~c world. But he's aot a trqjc flaw. .. He's mentally ill and he can't handle tbe world. "You tell yourselves the auy went out and deljberately intended to kill Wiiham Girand," Pohlson said. "I tell you no." Deputy OistnetAttomcyTom Goethals ..,eect the~ qln Moli• wua lrllfdy and that Dualef Md IO bl metuaUy impeired to coauni1 tucb aa Mt. '"Someoae wicboul .._.. im - 1sn'1 p~ IO ICt dlM _,, .. ~ "It doesn t mate 111Y _. IO you fc6i II reasonable human beinp." But the proeec:u10r Mid evidence in· dicated Duesler hlld •Wf1111C or above avcner 1ntell'8mce and WM conlcious of hi1action1. Ooethals lllUed 11 &be very least j6ron could find Dueller pulty o( ICCOnd-de.,ee mu!der, and then onJy if they couldn't ..,-ee on w~ hia actions wert. premeditated. He said they were. "The tbina that's bizarre ia hia motiv• ti on that cauted him to fonnulate reason to act his aun and ao back and look for Bill Girand," Goethals said. The question is why did he do 1 t? Slmply ...... Iii OirMd ........ -• "'-W.Ocllt h .... -........................... . ....... ....., ....... did. .. 1'111611&~ ........... ... DulllerW .............. t t•ol bis ........... ....,., IDd cmda .. D1:11I•, wtlo .._ CI09':Md at...,_ ffilll Sdool ia H-:i::::acll Md ii OM fJI .. IOIMUlr.td p1a,.. ia .... nation in die~• diYilioL The YOWtllt °'8esle1'1 family latquiedy duriiia final arpuncnta Tuaday, dill women quietly iobbina. Duetkr looked a.le and mdanchoty u he stared al abe cldeme table th.roupou1 the proceedlnat, The jury tw a choice offiodina bim not awlty, or auUty of tint or leCOftd~ mu_rder, voluntaty manalauatu.er or iD- volunwy mantlauabter. Work ·begun on Beckillan science center By ROBERT HYNDMAN OftM.,.., ......... Arnold and Mabel Beckman dug their shovels mto an Irvine bluffiop Tuesday where a science and engineering study center bearing their names will be built. The groundbreaking ceremonies marked the beginning of construction of the facility, funded by a S20 million gift from the Beck mans and designed as a West Coast center for both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Eng1necnng. "This was a concept whose ume has come," said Beckman. founder and chair- man of the board of Beckman Instruments of Fullenon. a manufacturer of scientific 1nstrumenta11on and related high-tech products. The S20 million gift 1\ the largest singJe contnbut1on ever received b> the academics and Beckman was thanked repeatedly by speakers includ1nf the Irvine Co. Vice C-ha1m}an Tom Nielsen and Irvine C11y Councilman Ray Catalano. Beckman. a well-known philanthropist JOked about the donation. ""You know. it's much mo~ d1fficull ro gi ve mone y away than to make 11." he said. When you make 11, 1t goe\ into one pocket -your own. Bui when you w;int to give some away. "there are thousands of pockets for it to go 1n10" Beckman said he learned a long 11mr ago that when he made any maJor dcc1s1on. he would carefully re view all the axa1lahlc 1nforma11on on the sub~ect. announce the dee1S1on clearly. then stick by 1t firmly -0.-, ........... _, ........ "But for God'<; sake. don't give your reasons." he said N1el">Cn and other<>. how{'Ver. oOcred plent} of rca'ions for building 1hc stud~ center Robert White, Arnold and Mabel Beckman, Frank PreH and Tom Niel.en (from left) examine model of science and englneerln& reeearch center at groundbreaking ceremoniee ln lrYlne. "h 1~ rccogn111on of what Irvine has become and will be -an ' ever-more imponan1 place for the pur\ull. the ad"anccment and the apphcat1on of \C1cn t1fic and 1cchnolog1cal knowledge ... Nicl'iCn \aid "In a broadt'rsense. the e'itabh<;hnlcnt of the .\roold and Mabel Beckman (enter r<:-cogn11e~ lhe rapidly growing dominance of lh<' \\ ci.t -and pan1cularl) \ahfom1a -1n the fields of -.cu:n11fil and medical research and asS<K ia1cd technologies " Frank Preo;o;. pre.,1dent of 1hc sciences acadcm,. :md Rohen \.\hue president of the engineering arndcm\ \;ml the West Coast center \qll \upplcml'nl current academ) fac1h11 es 1n \\ a\h1ngton IJ ( and Woods Hole. ~a.,o; Firefighters to honor slain arson investigator By ~OBERT HYNDMAN Of "'-Oelly "°' 11"4t Orang(' ( c1un1 > firdighter' and t•ngine'> ·were to part1c1pate 1n a 'flt:ual lunl'ral prO<.l'\\lon 1h1<, morning fro m 4.i1.·al B<:'ath 1<> f orest Lav.n Memorial Park 1n C )prc'is ""hl·rc funeral .-.CP·ll:C\ ""ere to Ix• held lor ar<.on 1n\ c<.tigator l.>t.·nn1\ Doncl\on The 19-ycar fire 'i(·rv1cc41 \Cleran "'as "hot and killed earl) Sa1urda) "'h1lc rcponedly 10vcs11ga11nga <;usp1c1ou\ firc a1 a <,an Juan ( ap1-;1rano condominium Engine<o from the Orange ( oun1 ~ I 1rl' l~partmcnt'' \talion in 'il-al Reach thc n l) where l>oncl,on hH·J '-'ere 10 k.id a proccsr,1on bcgmningat 9 Via m and ""ere 10 be Joined b) firefighter\ lrom through- out Orange ( ount)' Dnndson hcgan hie; fire \Cf\ 1ct·cart·1.·r 19 )Cars ago in P:ilm Ver<ll'\ I <.tali.'' later 1ranc,fcmng to the \l·al Bl':tl h I ire Depart- ment where he '>l·n1.•d for 14 ~l'ilr\, mo .. 1ng through the rank' lrom lirl'lighler to bu1tall1on chief R.1ng1.· ,,11d I-le Joined 1h1.· Oranp,l' ! 11unl) I irt' Department four H'.tr\ .11m .ind 'l"f\nl a' J fir1.· 1n..pcllor and.1n\l''"ll·•l11r The Long Beal h na 11 \\' " \lff\ 1 H·d h' h1<; "1fe (arol}n. \on lkin daugh11.·rr, Debra and Jcn<>1na molhl'f I knm·11a Jnd \i!>ter Dec Dec l)hcep' The '>U'>J)CCI 1n I >onl·l,11n' ,1,1) 1ng 41- ~car-old K ( Janul,111" 111 \,1n < kmcntc. "as shot and killed ~unJ.1, allu he upcncd tire on a l ' 5 Bonlrr l'.1lr11I 11u.ml a\ he tned 10re-enter1h1.· 111un1r' lr111n '\1l'\ll:O Shcnff<; dcpannwn1 1111111al\. ""ho are continuing 10 rn 11'\' 1lw l:l\e. \a} Janola1M ma) haH' ht'l'n '"'nhcd in the fire Doncl'ion "-:J' 1nq•,t11!a11111t The center. to be completed late ne't year. 1s e'pccted to -.Cf\C a.s 1hc ~tung for national and 101ernat1onal conference<. S)'mpos1ums and other acti\ltles of the academics. The 4~.CX>O-square-toot fac1hl\ "111 he located adJacent to lhl' l 'C lr\"TTTc t..impu' on a seven-acre site donated h\ lht.· In inc Co. near the comer of l n1\IC~lt} Drl\C and < ahfom1a Road. B<:'ckman ..aid he expects the center to be a forum for discus ion of the latest issues in -.c1ence and enginecnng.. including such cnnlrovt'f"ilal top1c<1 as genetic cngJOccr- ing J hope· 'ou will see 10 1his new cenicr the putcn11al we ~e." Seckman said, "and I hope It will be realized " Air traffic controller error bla-DJed for near collision By tbe AHodated Press Air traffic controller error ha' been tentati ve ly blamed b)' 1he I cdcral .\'-18 11on Admin1strat1on for a do'i<' call between t\l.o JC:lhm·rs O\cr lhl' .;,,anla \nJ Moun Laine, .\n f.\.\ bullc11n lll''1.ntll.·d ho" c1n .\mcnca \.\ e\l JCthner l.lrf\ 1ng X5 rx·nplc: pas<ied 5CXI kc1 O'er an \meman \1rlinl·' JCI Sept 2M h<'fnrt rnn1.rullcr\ n·acted lo J "t0n01ct akrf' thal apncarl·d on radar '>Creen"i .\tr tral1it rcgulat1nn<. n·qum· plane' 111 he at lc:a~t I 000 kl'I ,1p:in 1n all11Ud1· ind ft\C mile" ap.irt 1n l.1lllUlk The bullc11n rqHl''>t'nl' 11nh prehm1nal'} lind1ngc, \ lmal H'por1 \t•uld rl·ach different condu\111n' "8 ) ha' mg an J\\Jrc:nl'" ol 1h1·"· detail'\, other'I ma)' a\111d lx•1ng 1n.,ohl•<.l in a '>1milar 1nc1dl·n1. · 1lw hulkttr1 'ttat1'' All rnnlmllcrs arc 'upposed to read alen hulk11n\ and 1n111al them. f •\ \ spo~e'>men Ru'l'i Park 1n Los \ngcle'i and Fred Farrar 1n Washington 1kchnl·d 1nmmcn1 on the document. Thi· \ml·nca Wc'it Boeing 737. en route tco Ph1x.·n1' ~n1 had Just left John Wayne c lrangl· C nunt' .\1rpon. and was forced to t.1 h · 'uddcn C\a\IH' action on Its own to ,1,111d a colh\lnn \l.llh the Dallas-bound \mencan \.1 DXO Jet a version of the IX -~ 'l'llhlr pilot wa'i alened by con- 1rolkr' fh1• h111lc:11n '<IHI a controller mistakenly tn\lrudl d thl' \ml'rtla \.\ e'>tJCt to chmb to : I 101 ket afta he m1'i1nlcrprcted radar ..... 11ix· data 1o mean the other plane had 1 t1 mtll.·d 10 ~~ 1 K.1(1 lcet The rnntroller then li'll 11n a hrca~ ,1nd wa\ rchcq·d by another 111n1rolkr "ho notu:cd the "conflict .Ill• rt . Worker dies after falling into paper chute in Mesa Laguna Beac h r hr 11\\lh 1111.1 l .If parked l ues<la~ on K111ln\t 'rt I 1·rriffl' reportl·d a 'ch1dl' hu1~l.11' "11h a lo" nfS I JO 1n 1..1\h .ind 1111\lt'llam·ou\ 111.•m, In a \l'par.1ll' in11dl·n 1 I Ul''d·•>. a 'ilereo , ahw1l .11 \' '" "J' c,1olcn from a \i ol~'\,,1gl'n < 11111 parknl nn Pinccrc\I l>ri \ l' valued at~ J 00 Imm an 11pcn gor,1gl' in the-400 hind. ol I Yth \trert ••• Th1CH'\ \lok J <. ")(' \ll'rt·11 .ind audio l'qu1pment lrom a rcd I'' ' To\'ota ( Jnll" on the tilth In l•I Pl lhl Chancr < 1.·n1cr parking '1111ll1m· 7861 Wnrn1.·r \,r 1ta· 1 ·1rH1 hlc11.~111 \an Mateo • • • \ \\l'lhlinti nntt '<-'I, 'alued al '!<: r"~' \\," \tOlcn from a home on lhl ~!\!Ill hlcK. ~of Toucan • • • ""ml \'llmcn 'i ring~. 'alucd at 111111 and a S 150 power 'lander were '1okn Imm a home on the 18500 hltx k ol \,1n \farcos; By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. O.., ......... A mamtcnancc. man al?parcntly suffocated Tuesday after falhn1 head- first into a chute filled Wlth shredded waste paper at a CoslJl Mesa pnntma company. Robert J. Peterson. 52. of Irvine was tryin1 to uncl<>a the chute that transported the paper from a 1hred- din1 device into a belina machine at Frye &. Smith Ltd .. u id Costa Mesa Administrative Fire Chief Jim Rich· cy. Fircfiahtcrs were called to the scene at 12: 14 p.m. af\er a worker fo und the 1'ewport Beach A purse contam1na S 1.330 1n cash was tolen from a locker near n dock 81 3432 Via Oporto 1 he owot"r of the purse ""8' work1n1 ac. a deck hand 11 the time of the theft. • • • A baa of clothmg "'onh $700 was stolen from a re 1dtncc on the 200 block of Via Gra11ao:i The. thief 8J)pal'(ntly entered bl'. re r h1n1 throuah an open window :and unlock- 1n1 the front door • • • A \)nefca • c•,h and an athleuc baa were tolen from a car parked outs1dt the 8alhoa R. v ( luh Rnt~UCI , man's feet sticking out ofa hatch door to the chute. about IS feet above the ground. About an hour earlier. Peterson had responded to an alarm s1gnahng the shredding machine was Jammed. Richey said Peterson was still alive when rescue crews amved and that a pul$C was fou nd on his foot. How- ever, the maintenance worker died durina the minutes it took to free him from the shredded paper that was packed around his body. Fireflghlers pulled away about I 00 pounds of paper that was wedaed around the man inside the 1wo-foot \lub, 1602 East ('oast ll1ghway The loss came to SI I ~ • • • An unknown number of ("'"'pen and pencil sets were .. 1okn from Newport Stationer,, IMO \no M1aucl. Coeta Meea Guitar . hoc<., a camera and w 10\ ""Crt reponed tolcn from a home in the 1800 block of \wan Dnve hctwccn 8: IS a.m nod 5 p m Mon- day. The lo wa)e umatcdatSl,19.S Fntry was made throuth I\ hd1ng glas;s door • • • by two-foot chute. Ri chey speculated that Peterson·., breathing was rcstncted by his own body weight forced down on his head Also the paper had packed around h" chest area. A spokesman for the Orange Coun- ty Coroner's office said the dc- tcrm1na11on of the exact cause of death will be made after an au1opsy. Richey did nol qpw what caused Peterwn to fall or l()w Iona he was wedged 1n the chute. The incidcnl is bcina investigated by the state Occupational Safety and Health Administration. \ computer flopp)' disc and bu•i!· ne' file<; v.cre rcp0ncd 'tolcn from Se. rch lJnhmtcd. 695 Town ( tnter Dnve. ~tv.cen 6:30 p m Monda) and 8·45 a m. Tuesda)'. The 1~ ... ., w1b c umatcd nt S 27 • • • .\ c.:ar battery. worth $75, W3\ reported stolen from an automoh1lc parked 1n an aP3rtmcnt complc\ a1 2277 ltnrbor Blvd . bet\l..et>n 11 pm Monday and 6 JO a m T ucsday ••• S 129 motorcycle helmet wa'i reported tOlCo from It llra&C IO the 2~ hlock of ~odros. bet-ween 11 p m ~mtday and 4 SO a m. Tue~a't Thcrt "'e~ no ~'ll"" of forced entry • • • \ lllll'\I ''·" 111~ .11 a ....,outh C ua\I II 1gh\\J\ h11td ll pont'd tht.• the It of \: ,11 l .l\h r rnm I ht• rncim Huntington Beach Aurgl.u' k1cknJ 1n a Joor 1n the~()() hlo1. k 111 I Xth \1n·1·1 .ind \tole n wutt h. \itkn l.l\\elll' f\·ttmlcr and Jcwrlq \al11cd al ~6110 • • • lnHti<ki'i al\n ~ilked 10 a door 10 th e 1000 hlnrk nl I l1h 'itrcet and 'itolc a ~ll'reo. v1Cko l'J~'it'llc recorder and 'hott1un with a wwl Im-; ofS lOOO • • • -\ 1.1rgr man \\Ith ll heard grabbed .ind threw ro the ground 11 woman 1.1k1n~ a \\Oil in the Kona-Wa1k11<1 arra I he woman re 1~tcd and kicked thf man 1n 1hc private pan\, accord· 1ng to pohc-r who ~1d the \c;a1lant hmpcJ owa\ without (3u'l1ng any more trouble • • • Thir'e' u..cd wirc1. utter, In ct into 11 IQM~ Mu,tan :.c~ordin to a rt\1dt•n1 in the ROOO block ol Brouk\lde. and tole a S '00 radar dCll't lllr • • • Someone entered a rt"\1t1ent c 1hrnusJ'l 8n unlod.cd kitchen w1nth1" in 1h,t 1moo hlO<'k of !\Ivar dt' ond \\Ole 3 \IM>Cl 1n J('\l..tlf"\ • • • < ulcmt'I 'ltolc a I ~.,peed hit H le Fountain Valley .\n 1n-dac,h 'llll"ll .111tl i"" si>caker\ \ alu1.·d at ~1i1111 \H'I\ <.It 11 n from a I 9R" blul' '\ k11 ur' \,1hl parked 1n the lJrpon 111.1 n•-;id1 n\ • ,1t' I 0200 bin<. k of la I t,1l 1l·nda • • • Speakers knoh' .ind '01111· \ h.11\~l were ~tokn from ~ l\jW\ gr,t\ M11suhi hi p1d .ur truck r.ir~l·d ••n • • • T h1· llln \ erllhle top of a 1984 Ford \fu,tan11. par~C'<.l on the 17100 block 111 \,1n \1ateo "a'i cut cau'i1ng about 'IOO d.1ma1te • • • \ h!KI \tl·reo and <.omr ,pcakers \\l'f\' '111lt•n lrom a 1975 while < ht'\ ioll-1 ( amaro parked on the I· 11111 hlc>t. k of Brookhur'>l Str~t Gas leak empties hospital By tbt Auoelatt d Prus A $U$pcctcd ~IJX' ol !<~11. ~' lcJ to a lhr~c-hour e"arniitmn nl '7 hospital p:it1enb and mort' than I on employee 10 nahc1m but a <iiurg11.al team kept wor~1na for I', hour'li 1n an opcra11na room nc\1 doc1r to the foa~ leak nurse ot •\nahc1m (1eneral l-l o"- p1tal heard a hmin 'iOund Tuc'ldm coming from tt \lcnh11n1 l hoimbcr which use\ l'th\-lcnr Oll1de o' 1.1 ~tcnl111ng agent. and thr evacuatwn \\3\ ordered a~ a pf'C\.au11on '31d \am ~nil, admin1\trJtor of the CW-~ ho\pttal Ho\\-evtr. ahout 'O minute' alter the e'. cb11on ,.,n, ortkrcd f1rt'- lighter\could detect nonC' nl the 84\ in thr \ent1latcd ro~>m "-hl'tt' the le-al "ll\ \U\J)l't"le<l l hrcC' fl('Of)le. 1wo employees and a 1,111cknt nur~. were admitted. to HurnlH\ft Hospital West An1~1m for Cl\ crnight ob rvat1on Elcvtn other cn,fllO~cc and five fil'(fW\ters were 'hc..'t kcd at area h pilafs for toxic l'ITc..·( "· he fore they -.,ere released l hl't'c p;1ti('n1s who net'dcd medical •'t1l'n11on \\Cre tran fefffd to other hu\p1u11, dunng the c\·acuauon The N\llC'nl \l..hO WI\ '" SUl'JCl)' at the 11mc. I inda Oohrm~n. 44, of Buena r r~. ~·\ 1ran fcrred tJ> another IHl\l'Hl I "'hC'n thr operation ended - "Ith no 11ppartnt LU clfo.u "\\ t" had 8lrc d be1un the opcr· 1111on We could not quit 11 at that 111nl' 1d the \Uftton on the fht- pr1,nn nprr.111ng team Or H Kamal \,1m.1nth ' • .. UR prCK-UP yo RD IN THIS CA ,5 suNDAY ~APER ~Tf WSSTANDS & sroRES ONLY There must be something lucry about •he '~11:tier two. The second wee~ ol T~~ Do•ly P1t01 TWA Win-Go contest brough• double winners Zella McBroyer ol Costa Mesa and J"' "-l1er11o~r o1 Huntington Beach go! •he wOfd Th~•sdo1 1~0· •rr., were heoded lor the wild blue 1onder 'I woS' bound ond determ.ned to w r so 1 McBroyer, o secretory lor a cen I.ea Pvbk occo1.~ lont When the coll come 1hough 1'I .Brayer so•d S""' ond her 16-yeor-old soo Coin thougl'it ,t w1Js a 1o~e ot first. She hod never wor or 1thing before McBroyer said when the Plot rppresen1011vP told her she won, she couldn't so.,, Jflyt' ng I wos 1us1 in shock " When the shock wore olf we ro'led f'very body. I'm surprised I con tol~; I've been so hoarse McBroyer said she and Coin hove beer to thF> Combeon ond the Howo11on Islands so Europe .s next. "We'd like to go to Paris 1n the summer Although McB<oyer hos her lie0<1 .set on see '9 the E1flel Tower ond the museums, Coin nos some ITl()(e procltcol coosidero11ons I wont 10 OP' 'l hotel with o big swimming pool " toughing, h1S mother SO•d. t 'S tO teep up N t r S , I ,,.oier Polo '' Coin 1omed the Costa Mesa High x~OOI water polo teom this yeor I• 1•.e meantime, I think l'n toke o French class," so a McBroyer E~·c~ s also the des11nott0n for the Niemann 'om 11 I m loohng at Sw11zerlond," sold Jim 1 emou. I'd like 10 go sl:11ng." If. e comped out lor five weeks" during a lr1p 1Jcross •he country so1d Sue Niemann "Now we'd like lo go abroad," said Jim, o sheet metal worl:er ond o seventh generation Colifornron. N emonn so•d he wos surprised as anyone that ~" d wor He'd never won anything before except J botr!e of rhompogne ond o $2 lottery ticket. I 1hougr1 11 was o hoo~. I thought my friends .vould be outside the Pilor Friday morning soymg 1t NOS on Ociober fool's tol:e." Jusr •o be 011e the sole side, he didn't coll anyone 1.,ursdo1 n ght We wonted to make sure 11 wasn't S "' so'd li\ey weren't sure what Swiss city jhey'll Q'J ·c 001 •hey hope to go 1n the spnng They wont •o get 4-veor old Jennifer ond 3-yeor-old Toro up Oli sr s ne;t year YOU COULD BE OUR NEXT WINNER! CALL OUR HOTLINE FOR INFORMATION, 714 642-4333. ftlOHTS ArAltA61E flOM OIANGE CMTY TO IAX VIA GOtOlN STATE AllllNES , ·' ' \ • ... Special treatment for pregnant workers weighed by l;ligh court WASHINGTON (AP) -The Su· Theodore Olson, a lawyer for the prcme Court, in an 1mp()rtant case for California Federal Savinas and Loan American business. was told today Association. that a California law requirina em-But Marian Johnston, a California ployers to aive special 1rta1ment to · deputy attorney aeneral, disa&J'CCd. pregnant employees is a form of bias She said "coml)lon sense" suucsts outlawed by federal law. · • that both laws seek to end discrimlna· California said employers must provide up to four months of unpaid disability leave to prcanant worken who need it and must rejnstate thote workers in the same job unless "business necessity" makes that im· · p()SSible. . "This ca~ is about a conflict 'tion . against preanant working between two laws ... whe1hcr lhe feder-women. Cal Fed and other employers with · disability leave policies that do not guarantee job retention cballenaed the state law, arguina that it is barred by a 1978 fed~ral law. al mandate of equal protec1ion takes Tl\e lli,ah court will announce its precedence over the state mandate of decision in the case by July. special protection," contended At issue is a 1978 law in which Armsofboy, 13,reattachedafter farming accident ~n M~nnesota Reagan : Congress h elping Russian s WASHINGTPN (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan 1lccused Conaress toda).' of helping Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the upeomina Iceland summit, but House leaders cha.racd the president was simply being "stub- born." By tlae A .. oclated,.Pre11 · ROBBINSDALE. Minn. -A teen-ager whose arms wen~ surg.acall> reattached after a farminf aeiident will likely be able to use his lambs, but probably won't regain ful use of his hands. his doctors say. Doctors say 13· year-old David Virnig should regain use of his arms after the nerves regenerate and he undergoes physical therapy. The youth was chopping and storing silage on the family farm near Hillman Sunday when he got caught between a power shaft and a tractor pole. ln the panic, Vi rnig's arms were left behind as has parents rushed him to a hospital. Friends found one arm about 30 feet away from the site of the accident, packed it in ice and rushed it 10 the hospital. Paramedics found the other timj· . Reagan rejected an offer from House Democrats to delay resolution of the thorniest arms-control issues contained in a stalled omnibus spend· ing bill until af\er the summit, sayina. "What good would that do?" Reagan dubs rose national flower "The man I'm talking to •cross the table would know that aJI he has to do is wait and the Congress will help him, do their work," Reagan said as he lef\ the White House today . WASHINGTON -President Reagan made the rose the national flower before an audience that included a rose queen. a senator and his wife a nd the chairman of the House subcommittee on census and population. With a flourish of the presidential pen on legislation passed last year by the House and a few weeks ago by the Senate. the rose became a symbol of the United State~. But House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. said Democrats were going out of their way to be conciliatory to prevent the appearance of internal U.S. division on the eve of the summit. and said Reagan seemed to be trying tQ use the threat of a government shutdown if the spend- ing bill isn't ~ssed as leverage on the arms-control issue. Senate welghs Claiborne Impeachment WASHINGTON -The Senate meets secretl y today to debate whether Harry E. Claiborne. imprisoned for tax evasion but vowing to "fight until m) Jood name 1s cleared.'' should become the fifth federal Judge in history to be 1mpe1ched and removed from office. The first order of business was to decide whether to grant a defense motion 10 delay completion of the first impeachment tnal an a half-century until after the Nov. 4 elcct1ons. Hollywood pro_ducer Hal Wallis ~Qried By the Auoclated Press GLENDALE -Hal B. Wallis. who is credited with building the film careers of such stars a$ Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. was buried an private ceremonies and hailed as perhaps 1hc last of th e all-around movie producers. Wall is died at his Rancho Mirage home Sunda)' at .88 from comphcallons of diabetes. One of Wallis' last requests was that announcement of his death be delayed until after a simple funeral. said Marge Giddens. ha s longtime adm1n1strat1ve aide. when she announced hi s death Tucsdar. He "as buned earlier an the da) at Forest Lawn Memorial Park an Glendale. LA slaylngs may be llnlced LO ANGELES-A man believed to have killed four transients on downtown streets in recent weeks ma) also be responsible for three other slayangs, police say. Detectives 1n vcst1gating the four Skid Row slayings have begun looking into the three other cases ~s well, police Cmdr. William Booth said. Evidence ~thered so far doesn't definitel y hnk the killings. he said, declining to describe in detail the manner of the three mens' deaths. Second firm seelrs BofA aaet• SAN FRANCISCO -A second banking company has 1nd1cated 11 may want to buy some assets offinancially beleaguered BankAmenca. which got an unsolicited $2.7 billion takeover offer from First Interstate Bancorp. Security Pacific's vice chairman and chief operauna officer. Robcn Smith. said has bank's proposal to BankAmenca's management was made "in a cooperative atmosphere .... If they ha ve something we are interested in. perhaps we should talk." The Los Angeles-based Security Pacific said 11 wouldn't enter a b1ddm~ war for BankAmerica. Securi ty Paci fic is the nation s seventh· largest bank holding concern 'and has been wanting to expand an the West. Now, every woman can · stana on her own two feet. "Ouch, my feet hurt!" Ktel.. oil your .,ho('.., .inJ put up your let:'I Wt•rt· hl'rl' to hdp. Were the Womens Health Nctwurk JI S.mlrl Antl I lo<ipit<tl Mt•d1cal CC'nler And rtJ.;ht now we'll ~ive you a FR EE FOOT EXAM Why7 Because the sooner a foot prob: lem 1<i Jetected. the easier 11 1c. to treat. So af you have a lat tie <iorencc;s or d tender spot, come set• us. Chanel'<; are we can fix you up in no time But if you don't take the right step<; now, your little problem rnuld really knock you off your feet. A mating as it c.eems, a si mple ingrown toenail can become a crippling condition. T he most common foot problems are: •Bunions I • Hammer toe'> • Hetl pain • Ingrown totna1l., • Corns c..tllu e' • Wclrb • Unu u.llly sh.lped to 5 .ind fttt They c.1n be treated. They c.ln be cun'd So no mor<' I amt txcu e t kt care of your feet now Women's Health Network puts you a step ahead. Women\ lect ,u e dtflerent. They're asked to do Jifferent things than men·._, like wear hi~h heel .... and <iu pport the weight o f pre~nancy. At Women<. Health Network. we speciali ze rn women'c, hea lt h care need). In ~act. Women'c, HecJlt h Network 1s a revolu· l1onary rnncept an how c1 hospital should treat a woman bt't ter th cJn you're e VN been treated brlore We provide rnmprehensave he'llth cart' <terv1c<'<. and t>ducataon tor women tn a specaally dl'signed anJ decorated hospital-based unit And :.ou don't need to be a patient to take advantc1ge ol ou r se rvacec; We II refer you to dn outstanding physician .md we'll give you all the information so that you can partica pate an mal..1ng the right dec1 s1ons. For a FREE FOOT EXAM. physician referral or lecture reservations. call us at (714 ) 554-lbOI .tnd ask for Barb or Lynn. IANTAW llOUITAL MIDICAL CINTU 1901 Nonh Fairview Street SantaAna, CA 9ZX>6 HEALTH N ~ I \V Cl K K ,. •• U.S. not optimistic of gaining missile accord at summit WASHINGTbN (AP) -Despite. the narrowina of U.S.·Soviet dif. ferences on how to control medium ranac missiles, Secretary of State George P. Shultz envisions no finaJ aareement on the issue at the Iceland summit. "The panicular differences ha ve been wi nnowed out and are pretty well understood," Shultz said Tues.- day. But he added: "It's also true that as in most ne19t1attons the issues that come at the end tend to be among the most difficult. "So JUSt because th_ere are only a few left doesn't mean it's a piece of cake," he said. The best that President Reagan and Soviet leader M1kha1l Gorbachev arc likely to do at their summn in Reykjavik Saturday and Sunday is give 'some additional impulse and guidance to our negotiators in Gen- eva to sec what they can do toward an interim lNF (intermediate nuclear forces) a¥reem'ent," he said . Shultz s statement. at a White House news conference less than two days before Reagan's Thursday de· parturc for Iceland, was the latest in a series of administration efforts to dampen expectations of dramatic breakthrouahs at the SU(TlrrWI. The secretary of state also said the oviets might announce withdrawal of some of their troops from Afghani- stan before the superpower meeting. But he warned that it may only be a "publicized event" and that the troops would be replaced by other Soviet forces. Rozanne Ri.dgewa}. ass1Mant sec- retary of state for European affairs. also downpla}'ed the chances for important progress at Reykjavik in testimony before the House Foreign Affairs committee. saying an arms control ~cement 1s unlikely. Arms pact seen running.out s oon WASHINGTON (A P) -The Air Force is movi ng up to Nov. 11 the ~~ for e~cecdi~a the SALT LI treaty h.m1t on strategl~ bo~~rs carrying atr-launched eru1se m1ss1lcs. admin- istration and conaressional sources say. That might mean scuttlina a key provi sion of the most recent major U.S.-Soviet arms control a«ord before President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev could hold a full-scale summit here. They will meet in Iceland Saturday and Sunday. but the Reagan adminis~ tration describes this weelc·s Iceland meeting as a preparatory one, with no major arms limitation aareements to be signed. A decision on when to hold the Washington summit is expected to be reached in Reykjavik. December is conside red the most probable month for Gorbachev to visit Washington. Another senior administration of- ficial said "There's a feel that there may be the political will" now to settle the medium-range missile portion of the U.S.-Soviet arm} control agenda. Without being specific. the official said, "th ere is substantial motion" on some long-time sucking points. The Soviets have at least for the time beine dropped their 1ns1stence on counung British and French nuclear mwiles as part of the U.S. medium-range arsenal. Reagan, meanwhile. issued another appeal Tuesday to Congress to erase restrictions on his nuclear wea~ram. . . Captured Yank '~ought trouble•. ~1ARINETTE. Wis. '(AP) -An mcrican man who was aboard a plane shot down over N(caragua is an ad"t nturer who "goes looking for trouble," his brother says. · And the father of Eugene Hasenf us said he didn't approve of the work that brought hi s son to Central America. Hasenfus told reporters in Nicaragua he was an aviation s~ial- 1st, but did not say if he was a civilian or in the military. · W1l11am Hasenfus Sr. said Tuesday his son came out of the Marine Corps more patriotic than when he entered. MANAGUA, Nicaraaua (AP)-A miliiary official said an American whose carao plane was shot down over Nicaraaua may he put on tnal and President Reapn has rei terated denials the aircraft was linked to the U.S. aovcrnment. The official newspaper Barricada showed a full-page photograph today of 4S-year-old Eugene Hasenfus or Marinette. Wis .• beina led throua,h the junale by a rope Lied around his hands. "The defeat of Rambo Hasen· f us," read the headline. The Sandinista aovernment claims Hascnfus' caraq plane was laden with supplies bound for Contra rebels. Banicada said liascnfus walked a mile throuah the JunaJe after his C-123 was shot down Sunday. killing two other Am ericans and a fourth crew member. When found by a andin1sta army patrol and ordered to surrender, he dr<?ppcd two pistols and a jungle knife, the newspaper sa id. . Lt. C'ol. Roberto Calderon. chief of RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. .... , ...... c.... ...... 1122 UIMI IUI., COITI IUA-141-1151 .. He was a di ff ere n 1 boy when he t"jiiiiii.miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil came out of the Marines -he wanted I I to do more for what he fought for," the elder Hasenfus said. ''He was more patriotic. I guess you would sa~~e younger Hascnfus' wife, Sally. was secluded 1n her home Tuesday Ttrying to learn about her husband. "he couple have three children. Wilham Hasenfus Jr. of Oshkosh said his brother was work ing for Southern Air Transport Co .. an air freight company in Aonda. Eugene Hascnfus .. was the t)pe of guy who goes looking for trouble,' .. h1s brother said. Fix Your Chipped CRYSTAL 871 -2255 T .. Abells Custom Re pain or JJwpolt .A~ Mau 1957 Newport Blvd. ______________ _.,_ the southern miliiary diltricl wbeft the plane wa1 thot down, llW die aovcmmcnt wuconsidcrina wtietlw to put Ha1enfu1 on trial. ft did not s~f'v what charats m1_P.1 be filed. In 9.'a1hlnat0n. Prc11dent Reapn said, .. We've been aware that there are private lfOUPI and private ci tizens that have been uyiq to help thCContras to that extent but we did not know tl\e exact paniculats of what thcy'te doina." he said. "We're in a free country where private citizens have a arcat many freedoms:· he sajd. N1ca r'aaua has clai med t.he plane was part ofa CIA operation to sue>ply the Contras. U:S. Embassy spo"kcsman Alberto Fernande? said late Tuesday it had asked Nicaraaua to allow an embassy representati ve to visit Hascnfus. "We arc still wait1na for a response." Huenfus was shown briefly to reporters Tuesday at a news con- ference . De fen se Min istry spokeswoman Capt. Rosa Pasos said today ttMtnfUt WU ~ ~· ed, biul ..... IO My where ·the Ameritaa ... a::: beld. The miaiat.ry ' Tueeday that OM of die dad crew memben wu of "utin Of'ie,in," ind that pepers on the other two or in the plane identified them• U.S. miliiary advisers in EJ Salvidor. The United Siates lw SS miliW)' advisers in £l Salvador, where u supports tht aovernment in a suer· rilla war with 1eru11 rebels. The United Stain also .uppons the Contfas. who have been fiahtina Nicaraaua's Marxist aovcmmc.nt for 41h years. Conattss recently approved SI 00 mil hon in aid to the Contras, but hu rul4!d out usina · U.S. military personnel to help them. Calderon identified the two k.Jlled Americans u pilot William J. Cooper and e~pilot Wallace Blaine .Sawser. A transl1tor said the name Sawscr was taken from a document and was assumed to be a misspcllina of Sawyer. .NOTICE The prlam and poppy stripe bedspreads on page 14 of the current Target sale section may not be In stock, due to the manufacturer's delivery problems. Ralnchecks will be Issued and should be fllled by October 25. We regret any Inconvenience this may cause. @TARGCC W.German embassy in Iran attacked BONN. West Germany (AP) -At least I 00 Iranian demonstrators tncd un successfully today to storm the West German Embass) in Tehran to protest the closing of an Iranian exh1b11 at the Frank furt Book Fair. a Foreign M1n1s1ry spokesman said. Dare to ·be More. The demonstrators. shouting .. Re- venge for Frankfun." tri ed 10 force their way in with iron bars and saws. said the spokesma n. Ha n ~ humacher. "They retreated voluntanl> after they failed to get 1n." he said. ''No one I was hurt, there was no harm done." f Iran's offi cial Islamic Republ ic News Agen n. monitored 1n Nicosia. !Cyprus. said the protesters were •students belonging to the fundamen- talist Hezbollab. or Party of God, and that the) demanded the rehran government take ''firmer nct1on" aga ins t West Germany. The agenC) said the students were protestin g the book fair exh1b1t's closing and the arrest ofa "number of supporters of the Islamic Republic" in Fra nkfurt. but did not elaborate The demoMtrators d1stnbuted a statement sa}'ing ''though the fascist and inh uman German go,crnment tncs 10 show a fncndl) lace. 11 cannot hide llS enmtt\ to"ard<; the Islamic Republic of Iran." the agenq said Ex-lover screams at suspect ln bomb plot LONDON ( P) -A Jordanian acc used of plan11na a bomb 1n his girlfriend's luj!illge that would have killed her. their unbo rn child and 375 passen$crs on an Israeli jet sat 1mpass1vely as his for mer lover broke down in court. "I could kill you! I hate you. I hate vou' You bastard yo u'" Ann e-Mane Murphy shouted at Ne1ar Hindawi as he sat 1n th e dock at the Old Bailey criminal court Tuesday. Hindaw1. 32. 1s t:ha rged with at- tempting to smuggle a bomb on board an El Al 1ethner by planting three pounds of high e'Cplos1ves in Miss Murphy's hand lu~ae before she boaTded the Tel A VIV-bound night at Heathrow Airport Apnl 17 He has pleaded innocent. The 32-year-old lnshwo man. who until her outburst had not once looked at Hindaw1. said she believed she was nying 10 Israel to marry the defendant there he recently gave . birth to a daughter. Banging the side of the witness box with her list and weeping, he cried: "How could you do th is to me?" OPECappeanready. ~-­ to boo•t price of oll GENEVA ( P) -lndone 1a's chief delegate ays mmt OPEC 011 ministers appear ready to extend the cartel"" temporary produ t1on con- trols in a bid to boo5t the pnce of 0tl from S 14 to S.20 a barrel b> tl'lc year'<; end. Mtn1\te"' from the 13 membcn of the Organization of Petroleum Ex- porttnl ( ountncs re umc mectina today for :i third day of talk~ on a trateay to reve~ 011 pnce~ that bottomed out th1\ summer at S7 a barrel The minister\ dec ided 1 uesda) to spht into two aroup 10 d1 u.,~ a new alloca11on of production quota for the member rountne' and to \tudy wa>' of unif)ina tht• land'' pnc 1n pohCIC\ 17 mg ~ttr". 13 mg mcotme IV per CIJlfllll by f TC method. .. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING : Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth . And low Birth Weight. .. Most Mesa hopefUli on low-budget campaigns Person spends $22,564 By TONY SAAVEDRA Nut on the pcndina sctk 11 l'asoathlctc. Doua Yate , the l«Ond Mesa in bid r,01.,-1\Jewport seat °' .. ...,,........ Robert Hanson. whose bills Expcnd1turts of $3,5S! wert re-ction endorsce, also appean ~o ~ l C ~ l Y j While the stake are hi&h in Co ta amou~ted '°· $5,5 14 for the fir' poned by Char Johnson, 62. who rcly_ina on the aroup to bolstet h1 Mesa's Cit Council race, the cam-rcponing pcnod .. Hanson. 65, ha mustered. $7.024 in funds. Johnson·~ coffe,.,. Mesa Acuon makes up for paian pe~d.anJ is relatively low aamercd S7,37~ in. cash and non-finances include a $2,551 loan from SS.814 of the $6,005 1n campe1gn amO'l$ Jl.candidates baulirig for two monetary contr~butions. her catenng firm. resources reported by Yates. He has council seats. · Sandra Hamilton. 39t has SJ?Cnt The race has co t Michael Nutter spent S,1 ,830.~ far, not inclu~ina the. Financial frontrunner Orville Am-S.J,80S out of.her ~4,424 '° conmbu-$31247 so far from his $6,35 I cam-$3,814 in maahn&S made on his behalf buracy has far outdistanced the field , uons. Hamilton s finan~e arc ~1an purse .. Nuner. 36. has con-by ~esa Action. . . spcndlna S 16,020. on his clecti<.>n buoyed, mostly by $2,984 in dona· tnbu~cd heavily 10 his own cause. City Plannlna Comm1ss1oncr Ppt~r effort. according to , financial dts· 11on~ from he.r hu.sban~, Cha~lcs. . . S 3 Buffa. 38, ha.s. spent S 1,328 of his closures filed Monday with the Cny Bria~ Thenot, 29. dip~ tnto hi Michael zkaradek. 4• has spent $1,350 in polat1cal funds. Nearly all , Clerk's Office. c~mpa1gn pocket for $3,659 an ex pen· $2.593 from-, resources. his money _ s 1,000 _ came from In astatement convenng the pcnod. d1tures. He reported collecllnR Joe Enckson's campaign has been Costa ~esa attorney Denis Retosk~. from July 1 through Sept. 30. Am-$10,152 in resources, plus $20.000 fueled almost entirely by the Mesa Candidates .Mane Maples, Chns burgey, 52, reported amassing a worth of pledges -half from his Action slow-growth group -which teel and N1.cholas Bartlett filed $24,664 war chest, including $15.000 wife's business. SS,000 from a Santa has pumped $5,814 in donations and statements'iayma they will not collect in loans. Ana law firm and $5.000 from an El service into his$6,414 political purse. or spend more than $499 .. ii' "IF YOU · WANNA · WIN,· YOU GOTTA PLAY WIN-80!" Clleelt Tod11'1 Num1Jer1 on P1ge Aa. Daily-Pilat & T-WA FIND OUT HOW GOOD WE REALLY ARE LAX/Orange County Connections Via Golden State Airlines WIN·GO Hotline: (714)642-4333 By STEVE MARBLE otllleO.-. ......... Newport Beach Plannina Com· missioner James "Buzz" Person has emelJcd as the leadana spender to date an the upcoming city elections in which 12 candidates are vying in four district seats on the City Council. Person, trying to unseat first di s· trict incumbent Don Strauss. col· l~ted $24.874 in total contributions and spent $22.564. Strauss, seeking a third term 1n office, has spent $8,260 and shows ---------. ~--------- .... --------- I Tax reform will phase out key interest deductions. This will change the way you borrow money and use credit cards. Soon, the only aJlowable tax deduction on consumer interest will be for first mortgages and home equity I~ (second mortgages) on no more than two homes. , 2 Making major purchases this year saves money. Sales tax deductions wUI also disappear after 1986. ~ now and you11 get a tax deduction. So, if you're going to financ~ a major purchase, use youd1ome equity to increase your tax savings. 3 UsifJB your home equity reduces the co.st of credit Set up a line of credit based on the equity in your home. Its low rate and interest deduction can be the most affordable wa-j to pay bills, pay down credit card balances, finance cars, ' -·-:¥ ------_w -~-=-=---------·--·--- vacations and home improvements. 4 Acting now can reduce the cost of emergency loans. F.stablishin~ low- interest, tax-deductible line of credit now will not only save you money but offer you peace of mind. You 'll have im- mediate access to money needed for un- ~ted ~. 5 Home Federal is offering its lowest rate ever on Home Equity Credit lines We guarantee our interest rate will never ex- ceed 1.75% above the Prime Rate.• That's about half what you're paying now on your credit cards and it's~ the lowest rates offered anywhere. --- ... ·nw r11lf' mdu 1-9 1J lht' Prifnf' Ract I whicll IS lhf-~ ralf' oo u>111ora1r k>o\tll al larllf' U 'I money c~ttr com1MN'1al banb I u publL~ Ult' ~ond buJ1ouc day ol tech monlh In Thf' Woll Srrttr Jnumol ll!Kllw Annu.l1LM! f'crC'tn~ Ratt as c1' Otlr>bl'r 2. 1911615 9 2~"' l'kJC <ltdu<IKll~ kif lflffif' lk:>mt Equity Crtdol IJl14'S atl' sllbjf'(t to r!'Sllk (~>nJ t Oflltlll your cu advjwr kir mo~ 1n1otm111100 r linfnlo Ffdl'rAI ~Vllljlll And l.01111 ~.q1111I opportunity lt~r ,-------------- SF.ND TO. HOME. EQUITY CRWIT LINt.~ 1 I I lt<>ME Ff.DUW., PO BOX RH0239, SAN DIEGO. CA 9:.!IOH·974!7 OR C:ALL l·fl00.55'1·2626 I .. ._ I ~~·"' I llT'I I I 1 ™ ~~r~="='H,.........-----------'cl~=,..,...=-,~"-~~,..,..---------~ I To find out more about how our HECL 1 can help you, send us the COUQOO in this 1 ad. Or call your nearby Home FedetaJ office. We'll give You the facts you need to 1 know now to make next year less taxing. : Incumbents lead Laguna council By LAURA MERK Of IM Delly""°' ltaff Councilman Dan Kenney ha'i raised and spent more than the other candidates 1n the La$una Beach City Council race. according to campaiJn spending statements filed at the City Clerk's office. Three council seat~ are up for grabs 1n the No'. 4 General Elcc11on. Both Kenne\ and Councilman Robcn Gentr)'·. who follows Kenney in monc} raised and spent. arc up for re· election The third seat becatne vacant when Councilwoman Bobbie Minkin de· c1ded not to run for re-election. Kenney has received $21.443 and has spent S 14,427 to date while Gentry-has received a total of S 11 .304.68 and spent SJ,353.26. Lida Lenncy-Campbell ha" re· ccivcd $2, 175 and spent S 1.576. Clayton Vernon's disclosure state· ment show he has received $896 and spent S350. Rickey Slater has received $200 and spent S200. Maggie Meggs has filed at state· ment claiming she does not intend to receive or spend more than $500. Top(und-raiser · gets $6,000 in FV Laurann Cook 1s leading 1s the lcadang [und-raiser so far in the Nov. 4 Fountain Vally City Council rac~. According to campaign spendina disclosures filed with the City Clerk's offi ce, Cook has raised $6,.339 and ~pend $2,562 on her campaign. Mayor Pro Tern James Neal re- ported that he has raised $4. 739 and spent $1 ,91 0. Mayor Fred Voss· disclosure state· mcnt shows that he has raised $4,636 and spen t $3,549. John McKnight reponcd that be has raised $3,047 and used $2,337 of that on his campaign. Mary Ellis has raised $2,290 and pent S373. · John F. Thompson, Jr. reported S 1.5 3 in campaign contnbutions and the same amount in e)lpcnscs. Robert M. Hox ic says he ha ra1~ $940 and spent $403. Jo)'ce Mane ,Char's disclosure statement says her campa11n has generated SSOO .• he reported that she ha, not spent any money on the camp:ugn so far. Frank Ncan's di losurc 1nd1catcs thal he has spent $673 on his campa1an so far, but the report says ht has not niised any money. C and1date in the Fountain Valley council rncc arc runnana at la rac. \ B&nk loses sex hara LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Tai"·anete-Amenc:an bank eaecutJve won a $400,000 ~ttkment of a te•ual batassment suit from a Cbinaaown bank where a co-worker once said w should be • '"bi&h clus can ,irt:• women u passive and 1ut.rVient. .. aid her attorney, Gloria Allred. Her teX\l&J hara11ment re\llia.uon lawsuit said the fo~dnu of I.he blnk once introd Joelyn to a sroup of travelin,1 tllecutivea from <>tMr banks as "v1te president of the real Htatc and sex department." The ca!C WJS launched after Peay Joslyn lost her Sl6.000..-year vice presidency at the blnk shortly after settlinf • sexual harassment com-plaint an 1982. Her pcfforma.nce evaluation cnti· ciied her forbeina too as1trtive. Joslyn, 39. called the aettlcment apinst General Bank J victory for As:ian women sull 'trulllina for uc:eptance amo"g tbeu corporate pee~. The settlement, reached last week and announced Mondayf'is another step in the battle 10 end the unfair stcrcotypina · of Asian-American .. For Asian-American women, NYSE UPs & DowNs I OTC UPS & DOWNS NEW YOJtl( (AP) -Tl~l"8 Hsi 1how1 tn. New York $ •en.nee 1IOCks and w.,.renta ltlet Ye OOl="ll UP ,.,. rtl0$t •no down the .mo6t ba on percent Of Che* r-oerdleU Of utne ror • T\Melev. No '4(urltlft tr.Gino betow ot2 •r• lnc:l--v~. Net •no ,,.,~ ... Clhe~ er•!"-cm erence t t Prev ' cto. no pr ce an'i: ~u 9)''s P.m. No seciirltl~=.cllno betow &2 or 1000 INrn are lllCJ . Net encl oerc.n aoe ch•~•r• the difference belwMn the orev cio1ln11 P r I c e . · UH orlce end TUHd1v'1 last or bid or e. Nll'M LJ!lf ChG Pct. l R•nkAmer 14~+ 2~ UP 21.4 S 1·~~A~ ~ ~e 33 "-+ ~ sJ'BP 1 :~ t Nf:I~ pf 12' f11e UP l J S 1~ta 11l4 l Uo ~ 6 or o 1S 11~, UP . 7 t ASSOC 41ta · UP ' I omp r 1.4 l Uo . alvsXfo1' • 1 'It UP t· t l elecomCp i,_ UP .7 9 l Varllv UP .7 l Ar~mp 1"' ~ UP 6.s lV l K~.y,'ld ' n~ lll UP U ii l~ ~rv•t~~J n 1n '~ B~ t. ~ f 4 16 ~evlon 3 3,4 UP 6:f lS 17 C.nnonG~ l'h I\.'> Uo '-f 16 I NIM 5.2~ f S 21'. UP • 7 19 Puer em 1 "' ~ UP , i Harn~f!J 16'1• ~ Up , ~lg Conlllll 7\1\ ~ UP .6 ~een Unit 2'lt +· Va Up ,6 OPSl'loP ~ + 2~ UP ,4 kAm sPCI pf 10 l 1h Up -~ lnCPAm 7~ :W. Uo . 4 M wk 01t ~ ;,,_ UP , • S v1fm1thlnl ]"-+ V. Up .0 6 DOWNS Name gen1Au10 ogen ftun Mineral n11 ~l~lMedlc M [I.tr wl ~lask II ovusProotv S Int~ ~olum edl ~~vrce1 , u r ch' ll~o~w f,' n ' mrevlnc s AclbonJ:ackets ~V ~un FdSv nt s Memory rot ~ran L~aer'ilhoto MedChem' 19rmco est e~m s d•cTc Volcemall NarM 1 GentHomr 2 Tl.ier Int LHI Cha I~ =-ifA ~ -"-2 ~ -v. p~ ---'ff · Name 3 ~Towle • ntexEnQ S anAm wt 6 Ptrllnv 7 RPC Eno 'f,~~:~n ·Ii fexfl .-lrns I GCA C l ~q~~v G~,ic l• ;.;.,L. bl fr lS Na str wt8 16 E~lnNJll-17 Aini Chaim 18 vlManvllle 19 Wstn Union 20 Enserch 21 P.anralllKn n n SvcRtsour jJ TllanCP 4 t•maur 5 MC Ind 26 arler Hawl 21 ellona Co 4 'I• 2 ..... 2 ..... 2 i,_ ...... -'h 241h -llh •Vt -'I• 21/t -Va 2'1t -..... I .... -v. ..... -v. Vt -..... 141/~ -a,. 2'h -Ve 2'h -Ye 5 ''• 15'h -3" JJl/• -I 7,\ I 'h -lt. l,4-'lll IO'h -'h ~ -''• 35 -I~ s~ -v. MullSol un I: l AQunaut pf 9 i Aslrocom '9 4 FstFamllv f ·9 5 CvpressSav • PackaOSV'$ :I f SweetVlctrv 7 I T t1COS'i5 5'4 9 HIQhPIOlt 5'6 10 PltnumPub l.6 II MlcroMasll. 6 12 PatfentMed _ 113 "§El vCPlr 14 fl'.ac:hnol · S allex un 11 16 owlevS.her i 11 StdMlcro I c·6 18 Nall HMO c:6 19 ~nellcs.lnst u H nelek 46 I trllasr is entoMed 4:c lnterfceSy s 4 c • MontervFrm 8ii c:4 5 lntrvce un ~!J 2¥: ·~ ~'h 4'h 23 31" l~ .,,,. I,? 24 834 2'h 1ilh 31-16 3~ i~ I lfJ 2 111 J~ c'\ Pct 8: fU ~ "-s-i6 Uo 7~ ~ UP 16. Up 't·t 3 Uo 'l VJ Up 4 2 Uo 14. Iii ~ l 'l,4 V• Up I Mg t: 8: lit Uo l.l 14 UP 11. f Uo If 1 -32 Ue> ~ Uo t'l UP I ·1 I/• Uo I . l'I• Uo 1 . 2112 UP I . ~ U1> I . v. Uo l . ''• Up 10. ChQ -1 -111. -'h -l'I• -~ -1 -~ -),4 ft· a: Pct3o. 1 14. lti -lt. -61h 12. 12 . 11.l 11.l 11.1 lU 1181 l .4 1 .0 1 .0 I .0 9.7 Guaranteed bonus interest for 6 months. -' Here\ your chance Lo reel in a 11~1 1, homh on Great American's Dcpo~il-Plu' 6-MonlhCD. Simply bring in new money to open ~our CD account by October 31 , 1986.111cn. 1 mce 'our Great American CD j, c~tah-• . t li,hc<l. you can start earning an a<ldc<l , • 1 :' f interest on top of our current high r .. Hl'. -~ -;~ .:. And when you catch our 1/:!~ homh. we· 11 · • · ~ ~ruamntcc it for a full six month~. ~~l.llll tart your CD with any amount fn lrn 1,0'.() ($500 for scnion;) 10 $ HX>.<n l . Thl·n. sit b:.ic~ and wakh your money gmw wi th rhc \afcty of FSLIC insurance. Guaranteed bonus deposits for 6 months. A ~)f'IU.t\ on top of a bonu~? It\ C(~hf a DEN)~rt:PLUS CD. • imply ..;tatod. you can add depo!-.11\. up to tht' ar'nount silence bat bca ............. . news coefemlce. ... , ii time • walUd ~·-lick with men. aot three~ blhind. .. Al1ttd added that W cate WU .. important. becaute many wonina women fear that if they protat 1eiuw hArusment at their plac:c,of employ~ ment., they may be retaUated •nst and lote their job..'' Li-Pei Wu hired as pres1cten1 of General Bank long aft.tr the lawsuit was filed, 51id the bank decided Lo settle the case as a businesJ decision in which it admitted no wronjdoina, "As far as an inni union. I do not think either Asia.n·Amcrican com· munity or Caucasaan oommunily a.re any d1fferent," Wu addtd. "We all realize a.nd recognize that sexual discrimination is not riaht, and as an institution, we do not have such a ~-J-,.waalllil'eClbw ....... 1M CieMl'al Ba' Of COllUDCICll • vice ~o8icer ill Aupllll 19'0. after lllCft .... 9¥a ,.... • ex~ at Beat ol Amlrica. Uut • bee nae die ~ of .. ~. "rt liubde, bile w:ty, ~ COllMtCeal"' .... propOiitioal tom bet immediate~ wilot, • attituile . she aid' .. ,~"' Odm ... citeeutives. A male co-WOiter ~ that she was bes& suited IO a]~"'tup .. c:lall c:aU aitt.., • said. She.,.. fired after oomplairuna ao bank executives. then rebiRd in Jul)', 1981, IS part O( a settlement in the di1erim1nation and ae~ual hal'Uf- mmt c:omplaian ahe filed with the state Oeoarunent of Fair Employ· mcnt and Houaina. to / of y( iur fif'\t lkp( \~It rm C\,Ullpk. \\1th a $10 .(XXI ~ <kpo..,il ~ou ran <u.kl up to '1 IOJU l mor~ w1thm V ~ the ~1\ mnnth pcn1 x.I. , ·~ cl TI1c n:'ulr.1 Ackkd Jcpo,1t-. mcrca~ your earning pm.\ er. You ·11 en.~)) greater returns and )'l )ll 11141) 'tcp up tn nur.ne~t t1cred imerest level. Then. c;im C\Cll higher~ 1ckJ, on your entire halancc. If you \e L'x..'Cn 1.:'.<L,ting about for ,1 'ound im C!'-tmcnt . \.\. h) m )t n.'CI in the htg one'' (ln:at :\mcm:an\ l):po"iit-Plul\ 6-Month C'D. Discover Advantage Banking. Nm~ that Lo~Angdc.., ~dcr.il an<l Com- murnty fi..~ml an: pan ot fire:.tt A~rican . you· 11 find financial udv antagc' I il...e the~ at over 50 corl\~mcnt location' thmugh()Ul the greater l..c>,AngelC\ areil . R1r the office ncan:'t you phone: l -~Xl-l2J-BANJ< . B Great American · \bur advantage bank. .. £,taflhshed 1885 •$1 ~ Bilhon lnA,-,eL, ('C),o\q"' lla"s<•fUX. ""n'~8Alllrfl41~NO. 'lll•t \I"'..,.,,. "'' l'1~·1Al"°"'M M'\l I\ H••I .. 111t llh I ~ ' 111 •t .\Pl,IR:\"'ltlil \t II J "''l~"'t"' l'MI aJ •. .,.,.,,,, Ill "'' 1ro.c. t ON Ill "( ... '111' """"~ '·~ .... ~ '14~. I A( •• NA IE II( H :""l<NI ,, IiM ..... , • \ll l'l.\M( '"'"' I ,,,., "f II " "" '"' ' '" • 'l ~ l'llll I '" -\( H \( • .,. ..... .,,.,. ""° •••• .. , WPOll.l ltf A( ti Ul)()Vtl L.\Ol. 'l'll ""°I"_, t11 .. 1 " ' '"l'l•\-\"' t t f '41 'If, Nil ' 111 ""''"II< N II'"'''"' I ll \41 'II 4\ I 'Ill\ l'IUI *'' \· • •14 l'I. ••fll ;.1111 • I IANOOtl"'M•r Cfll~'-"N411flMt1111 ··-·-••11ar ....... 11.1-.. •iotUU A .. .,, ~. ...... lld ... ,, •111111«1 .... , ,,, M11 •• , '"''"'"'''''Lr' "~''''•In~ ............ lACil AllllLl> '•'lll•t.._. J.\•~ .. ~~•1 .. 1"\.A(A'CA1'41Col l t "llll!""'"'•'lr "'" •~'")llo•\41\.'ll"\>llJO ,111 •·'-~It.I 't>~l~•llkA'o(of ll'-fl"-~llHt~,,:,t•:o-,'"'°fv•h_,,, _..,, \A'llJl'Allo'CAPl!>TllANO ''l:'< ""'"".(··Ii'•""""' ·-~··v.'Oooa1u1>111 ,4\~11\.. ....... ~, ... '.,. ' ' ., .... -'I ,. M* * Ot119 Cout DAIL V PILOT I WedMlday, Ociober 8, 1988 ~~ ----1 .. ' C4t : WMDIAnllll• .... 01'1 !ti '*' t.Ht ~ ~~- , ciia ~ _,. ~t'-. ~ ~~ Stocks prices climb NEW YORK (AP)-Stock pnces rose today. pushing the Dow Jones industnal average abovt" the I ,800 le' cl for the firi.t time.in two weeks. Analyst!> said strength in transportation s1ocks contnbuted to a generall} upbeat mood on Wall Strtcl The) aho ~10 hope<; persisted for further declines 10 interest rates. even though open-market rates were mostl~ higher on the da}. Alben WoJnilo"A-er at First Bo ton ( orp issued a repon toda) rc11cra11ng h1'i fom.ast of lower rate'i 10 come. In add1t1on. brokers noted lively ac11v1t) in several ~toc:h involved in takeover developments and ~pe<.·ula11on. The Clo" Jone!> a"cragc ot 30 indu'>tnals cl1m~d 19 40 to I 803 IS5 WHAT AMEX Dm WHAT NYSE Dio NEW YORI( CAP) Oct I Todu~ Advanc~ 7 Declln.o ¥nch11noed 1377 01a1 Issues '9 Prev day H . 9 Advanced S DKllned ~ nch noed j ¥ ora~ sues New'tifo111 New hlol'll I New lows 17 1 Newtows AMEX LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Sus. 4 p m e><k e and n1t chanoe of lhe len most acrive mer lean Slock E 1Cchanoe tu ues. tr ad l no na t l ona llv a l more man s I Narnt TIE Comm Wickes HuskvOG AdamRuset HornHar HomeShoe> s NV Times s TexasAlrCP Ecl'I08a'LO L.orlmarT•I n Volume 720,! 679,4 417 3 m~ I GoLD QuoTE S METALS QuoTE S NEW YORK (AP) -51>01 nont.,rOUt ,.,.,_, Pflen W.O....Oey Alll.flllftufft s.:i 1& ~·• 11"' l)OUfl0 NY c-· tl>OI month t!OMd Tu. Coppet &S'\ c.ntt t l>OUf'O, U S oetnnetK>nt CoptMf 58 90 ~It P41' pQund. N'I' C-• llPOI month c;IOMO Tue 1.-. 24'\ '*'" • povnd Z1M 47 c.ntt e POllnd clelt¥Wed T1ft 13 u&s 1me11t1• w..., coml>Ot'•• Pfle<I .,., 111 1 ..... IS 750 I*~ Hendy" Hwman 9""'. U 70.& w troy~ MY Colne• eoot montn ~Tue Metewy -lt7CI 00 $200001* 7&tt>"Mli ~Yo<• ,...._ tstS 00 Mell 00 troy -NY (con· tr Kl) ,.,..._ . uo, 70 N y M9'C tp01 I* lfOY or f.,. NYSE LEADER S NEW YORK CAP) -Sales\ 4 o.m. price and net chanoe ot 1tte fifteen most active New York Stock E•chani>e luues, tradtno natlonallv a t more than '1 Name AtJdSlns USX Corp IBM ' oodyear ankAmer ranswortd' AmtrHeu Phltle>Ptt Sctilum.bri AmerT&T CPC Intl GenElec Vlaco~s CkY tr bY011a1 Q s Dow JoN ES AVERAGES NEW YORK (AP) -Fina! Dow-Jones Jveraoes tor Oct I. teck• Ooen H19'1 Low CtoM Che 0 Ind 171~.S6n'tfi~l772.22 lm·u+ 1~.40 20 Trn ll·• •. 815.~t .1 +I .00 H ~.'~ M' . tKJ·Ol! . -!:U 'f'dus ~pj4.~ '/92s.aoo '6 '· 65 ~tk ,.,971.4'0 NASDAQ SUMMARY Vision therapy 1 can uncov~r a inyriad of problem Poor vision has been called a major 1ity ofOretoo1 Devil' futtberttaiftina included ttuaies at t.be ()ptomeri School in Fullenon, a Pott-Doc:tora.I Fellowship at Yale'• Oeaell lnttitute of Child Development and trainina and teacbina at the Society of !uro. pean Optometry In Be.laiwn. · factor contributtngto delinquency BJ CINDY TRANE CBIUITUON ........ 0.; S f I Do your eyes tire eatily? la readina somethiD(_you endure, or somethina you enjoy? How does your atomac& feel durina twisty mountain drivina? Do you have a chjld who i1 un- coord.inated in 1pon1orwho i1 briaht, yet baa trouble radina? What do these questions have in common? The answer may all be in your head, ' in y-0ur eyes, that i1. Flf beJond the ability to see, your viliOll affects much of what you may take for aranted. From the way you see to the way you ski, the way your eyes work. or don't work, aovems how you work. Vision is much more than meet.s the eyes. .. The best estimate is that 70 percent of the population has some functional problems with their eyes," said Dr. Tod Davis, behavioral optometrist in Corona del Mar. A· behavioral optometrist is an optometrist who specializes in vision therapy. Vision therapy, sometimes ·called vision train in&, is aimed at improvina and enhancing visual per- formance. Often used as an alterna- tive to suraery, visual therapy has offered areat results for many people who had been limited by some degrcc of eye malfunction. A person may not even know he has a functional problem with his eyes. A malfunction may be manifested in some way that the individual has simply accepted as an incurable problem. Malfunctions can cause many irritations such as car sickness, niaht blindneu1 inability to uae binoculars or to nit a aolf baU. Some of the more obviout prob- lem• are eroued eyes or eyct that face out. Jn the put, the only hope for many of thete problems was to operaie. Unfonuutely, suraery did not always work. Today, vision therapy is an option wluch has a succ:eu rate aJmott three tiQ>es as hiah u •u.r'ltl'Y foi' many visual problems, ac.cordiAa to Davis. ViJU&I therapy is not a new field, tbouab it is not widely understood. Not all optometrists practice visual therapy. Davis estimates that only about 10 percent or all optometrists are involved. Why? "There are many reasons." explained Davis, "an op- tometrist can build a practice much q_uicker by work.in& with contacts and &11sses. Also, visual therapy involves a lot of continuina education. There is another time consideration with vis- ual therapy in that a patient's results may not be evident sometimes for many months. That can seem like a Iona time." Davis likes the involvement with his clients, and the satisfaction or watchina someone's lift tum around after yean of being plagued with handicaps stemmina from visual problems. "let's face it. how your eyes work affects your entire life, and why opt (or surgery if there may be an altemative-tbat-wotu better-~ny­ way'!" asked Davis. A behavioral optometnst spends yean in post-araduate continuina education. After rcce1v1ng his Bactlelor's Degree from the Univer- Ouriftl thetc years, Devis became very-involved in viJual therapy, and today it i1 his favorite aspect pf optometry. He cam about hl1 p1-- tients. "When I'm look.in& at 10me- one with viaioo difficultiea1 I look at how it fits in with tbeirMlote life, and see if toptber we can't make some major il1Ji)r'Ovement1," commented Davis. rn '4dition to routine op- tometric practice, Davis sees about 25 people a week for ·visual therapy. Davis emphasizes that vision is much more than simply seeina. It is the ability to identify, 'interpret and understand what is seen. Vision is a Skill which is learoed and developed much like learning to walk, and one visual skill builds on another. Some people miss or do not complete a step which may have lifelong ramifica· tions. For example, children may be pushed into demandin• visual tasks at school before their skills are ready. If their visual skills are not properly developed, vision problems can occur. Visual skills include such things as tracking. the .ability to foUow' a moving object, depth perception, the ability to judge relative djstances of objects, binocularity, the ability to use both eyes together smoothly, and maintaining attention. Visual therapy consists of many procedures including the use of different lenses and prisms to im- prove vision. There are six muscles in each eye, and it is very possible th.at the muscles and nerves may not be coordinating or woricina together Vegetables not drugs When I first saw William, he had been under tre.atment for hiah blood £re5Sure for 3 years. He was on Dyazide, a potent and sometimes danaerous_diuretic, and Lopressor, a powerful drug that does lower blood pressure, but can also cause de- pression, impotency, and just a plain old washed out feeling. His 'blood pressures were still in the upper to change their ea tin~ habits, ll can be used to reduce or eliminate the need for drugs. Jaliu Wllltaller, M.D., 11 director of tlle NaUoul .Heart ud Diabetes Treatmeat la1tltate I.a Hulla1toa Beacll. Please addre11 uy qantloa1 or c.mmeet1 to ILlm c/o tile Dally Pllot, P.O. Bes UM, Costa Mesa tHH. JuuAN WHITAKER nonnal ranae and creeping up. He , ___ _ wanted to try somethina different. EoudoiA. a~ CateJ.boW. "OK Bill,Just become a vegetanan for a month.'' "Why?" It has long been known that vcaetarians have lower blood press- ures than meat eaters. There seems to be two reasons for this. PHOTOGRAPHY LINCERIE. PROPS, MAKE.LP ~~D H >\IRSTYLINC AVA IUBU. COLOR P ORT RAITS '6 5 includes ONLY one 8xl2 & two 5x7 -, ~~ PHOTOGRAPHY 2333 E. PCH Corona del Mar675-0823 efficiently. "The common seeoerio it nm widl lbe ~crowd. that-an adult will mak.e an ~int-Correctint viluaJ problllnt Will Ml ment to have his aJueet ftud or c:onu*1dY Wi=-:Juvenile ...._ contacu ordered," H.,aained O.vi1. ~· but na to V-.. "I run him throup a VJtual eum and paau. it could ~nib' ,. look for eye di1eue M well as eye duce tbe nte of their narrest. Davia health. I really want to 1ee if hit eyes estimates tba& the team1t rate is 1• function well and work totetber u a percent u c:omouect to tJle t}"Pical 60 team." or 70 pm:mt. At tbe same umc, J.Q. Visual problems can have aip.ifi-teottt mauump 5 or 6 points aftif cant impect far beyond mjnor an-therapy. ''Tbe study it Mttlftl mote noyances. In fact. poor vilion bas pubJic atteatioa becaute it COila lal been indicated 11 a ~or facior to train juvenile delinquents I.ban to conUi~~na to juvenile delinquency. lncarcaate !Mm, .. Devis said. Authonues a&ree that delinquent Intake exams for juvenile. ddia· behavior rcsulu from an individual•• quetlll pretelldy bave plly9cal and ina~ility to cope with hb tcbool ~~ tea.int. Al • ~ ol envuonmcnt. '1 ltudy and Giber' opcomeuic Recent research conducted by mearch, vitual acre~ ii •beiat Stanley K.aseno, an Optometrist from added which wiU cat.ch m&a&J ~ San Bernardino and reci pient or the lems. Optometric Extension Proaram Fonunately, visual problems can award for an outstandin&community be de1eCSed and remedied early. project. indicates that as many as 90 Becau1e a child does not know that percent of juvenile delinquents have other peop&e don't see the way be some kind of visuaJ problem. Juven-doea, he or she may not complain of ilc delinquents tend to be poor double vision or tired eyes. readers. Many children begin on the Parents and teachen are the most road to juvenile delinquency when likely to notice-if somethina is wron&. they do poorly in school due to vision Here are some wamfo1 si~s of visual problems. problems: Head tilt while readina; If a child's eyes do not function holdina a book very close~ squintina. properly, many other abilities cannot blink.in& or eyes rubbina when read- develop correctl y. Jrit takes longer to ina; headaches after reading; need to do a task than it takes his classmates, use finger u a marker for readina; ...,,,....,._ .. .._ a student may manifest his frus.-losina place while readina; double Dr. Tod Da.S. tration in behavior problems. vision: short attention span and Funhcnnore, if a child has too easily distracted; drowsiness after therapy solved not only her do\&ble much difficulty with the written prolonged visual work; and writing vision, but it improved her stamina word, he often stops readin&. Since up or down hill. -.as well. "I don't need Jucb a ltf'Oltl readingisthemostbasicandessential Obviously a c~ild with some of prescription any .more. J don't loee tool in educauon a child without these problems wtU find school work my balance as easily as I used lo, and adequate rcadtng 'skills IS senous y -difficulrmd frunr.tting. Dr. Davis as an added bonus, I teem to ban handica pped. also sugested that, "ff your child more eoeray,'' she commented. Who Poor readers arc generally looked ~ms to be very intclli~nt but is not co~ld arsue with that? For ~ down upon which further contributes in the upper part of his class, there pet1ents and many more, v111oa to a low self~stecm. In an effort to could be a ~sual problem." tbe!'IPY ~improved far more lhu find acceptance, they often bqin to One pauent found that visual then eyesiaht. WHERE DOES IT EFFECT YOUR BODY? Headaches Low· Back Pain Neck Pain Stiff & Painful Joints Don,t be a victim to pain any longer. Chiropractic care can be the answer. Also specializing in auto accidents and workman's compensation. Most Insurance Accepted Reasonable Rates Dr. Angela Stafford CALL TODAY FOR APPOINTMENT 720 Paularino Ave .. Ste 212, Costa Mesa 432-8199 1. First, a diet made up primarily or VCSCtabJe proteins with fruits, VCJ• etables, nutsa.nd seeds, is far hiahenn potassium than a meat based diet. Way back in 1948, Dr. William Kempner demonstrated that a strict veaetarian diet with its high potassium content could rapid~y I ~==~~~~~~=================~iii;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;m;m .. lower the blood pressure even in r those with markedly elevated levels. Unfortunately, most patients with high blood pressure arc told only to reduce salt: a vegetable diet is rarely used as a tool to elevate potassium intake. This alone could eliminate medications for many. 2. More recent studies indicate that certain oils found only in vegetable foods also lower blood pressure. One vqetable oil called linolenic acid is particularly potent at keeping the blood pressure under control. In the body, it is convened into eicosapentaeno1c acid, the beneficial substance found in fish oil. Ecosapentaenoic acid is rhe precursor of hormones called prostaaJandins that rapidly lower the blood pressure. Oils arc deposited in the body fat stores, and the gradual increase in the beneficial vcaetable oils. exerts long tenn effects upon the blood pressure. Therefore, ifa more veaetarian diet is used to treat high blood pressure, an initial response can be expected from the increase in potassium followed by an even more beneficial long term response brought on by the build up or certain vegetable oils in the body stores. With some skepticism, Bill went on a mostly vegetarian diet. and two weeks later he w,as off his diuretic and his Loprcssor was reduced by 75 percent. At the end off our weeks, he was off all medication, and his blood press- ure was hoverina around the upper level oh cccptcd nonns. He lost 14 pounds. his bleod cholesterol level fell, and his sense or "well beina" in~r~sed .substanti~lly. Strict veactananism 1s not re.qui~ for ao<>d blood pressure control with diei, but increases in veaetable foods at expenae of animal foods is a powetful weapon for lowerin• the blood pressure. If patients are wlllina A complete set of instructions for the first-time smoker. Don't. • AmerlcOn Heart MIOciatlOn r High heels hurt?· Free exams don't. High heels may look good, but do they feel good? F~hionable shoes tend to aa:entuate old foot problmls. and CU\ even create new ones So. to keep high heels from-getting you down , we ve eliminated one of the reasons people postpone foot exams .. the cost For a limited lime. Lirensed podiatrists on our staff are offering free foot exams If they recommend I diagnostic tests or further treatment, an y fees will likely be covered by your insurance. In any ~. the initial exam costs you nothing. If foot paln is breaking your stride. come see us for a free exam. You'U look your best when you feel your best...from head to toe. Call for an appointment Mon -Fri . SJO a.m.-4:.~0 p.m 1-800-52 1-66 65 Doctors Hospital of Santa Ana ·1901 North CoUege Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92706 California Podiatry Institute a 'ummu Htahh proi1r1m Sale Sale Sale Fa ll & Winte r Expansio n Cleara nce ALL MERCHANDISE ON SALE Now In ·Progress wit h New Merchandise Arriving Daily! ) Monda y thru Sa tu rday 10 to 5.·30 .. 1024 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 714-640 -0990 ' ' ' \ AIO Or1nge COMt DAIL y PILOT I Wtldneedey, October 8, 1118 :~m -NO,., .. ,_ Mlnlum~ .. t 11I 'ho Notltlnt Iii - COnlMOft ('0) It 7 100 ! I [ ll I · . K l'ill IURT LANCASTER "Tou.t ouvs• 1PG1 7:30, 9:30 U.•M11 18 "8T ANO aY ME" (RI 9:30. 1:30. 10-10 '2.00 TUES & WED. "LINK"IRI 8:00. 1:00, 10:00 '2.00 TUES & WED "PLAYING FOR KEEN" (PG13J 1:00, 9:00 '2.00 TUES & WED. "TOP GUN" (PO> 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO tl:OO. 1:00. 10-00 "THE aov WHO COULD FLY" (PO) 7:00, 9:15 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO "ISLUE Vil VET'' (R) 4 TRACI< DOLBY STEREO 7•15, 9:30 "ITAND BY ME" (A) 6:30, 9:30, 10: 15 "CHILDREN OF .'"A"LE88ER GOD" IRI 4 TRACI< DOLBY STEREO 7:30. 9.45 FOU NTAIN VALLEY 839 1 $00 MOOllMUMf Af - TOU.M eun ... , (1 IOI) (J1tl) l :H )1H•t1H CMCGDlt.a DUii ... (1 111~lfl 1 :60 11tfo'6' 10110 "THAT'I LR" (PG 13) 1:16, 8:30. 10:20 4 TRACI< DOlBY STEREO "IT AND BY ME" (R} 1:00, 1:00, 9:45 "HALFMOON 8T'REET"(RI 7'!bo, 9:00 "BLUE VELVET" (R) 7·30, 10:00 "AUEN8"(Rl 111(),'"9:45 '1 00 TUES 4 WED. ''HARDIOOEI I" IR) 8.30, 8 30. 10: 10 •1 00 TUES & WED. "PLAYING FOR KEEPS" (PG 131 • 7:30, 9:30 '1.00 TUES & WED. "CROCODILE DUNDEE" (P13) I 15. 3.30. 5·45, 8:00, 10:0C NO BARGAIN PRICE "THE Fl Y" <Rl • 12 45. 2•45, 4.45 6 45, 8:45. 10:30 'I 00 TUES & WED "AUENl"tR> 4 TRACK DOLBY STEAEO 1 00, 4.00. 1:00, 9·45 •100 TUES & WED "EXTREMITIES" !Fil uo. 8:00. 10·00 '1IAJltUNTER" IA) ~.;45 1-lJIO-~&-WEO - "ffAfl>IOOIES If" (Al 12:30. 2•25, 4.20 8 15, 8· 15, 10·00 '100TUES4 WED "TOUGH GUYS" (PG) 12 15. 2 15, 4. 15 ti• 15, ti~. 10:20- STAND•Y .. 00 ~hit Co•Hlt f'ootioe .. ('Ca) 9'AaA'ftlUDll.m '""""""'!It ... -'"-. '"'' . 4 TRACI< DOLBY STEREO "TOP GUN" (PG) MON·WED 7:30, 9:35 Thur•. ClloMd '°' lludlo pr~ "TOUGH GUYS" (PGl BURT LANCASTER KIRI< DOUGLAS 1·00. 9:15 "CROCODILE DUNDEE" (P0.131 4 TRACI< DOLBY STEREO 8:00, 1:30, 10:15 "TOP GUN" (POI 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO 7·30. 9•45 '2.00 TUES & WED u:rHE BOY WHO COULD Fl Y" (PGl 7 00 .• 15 '2 00 TUES & WED ...... AU sun sue "CROCODILE DUNDEE" (PG 13} 6 15, 1·30, 10:20 NO BARGAIN PAIGE 'ffRfUI IUEUER" e oo "RUTHI.Ell PEOPLE" (R) t1·10. 10.00 '1.00 TUES & WED "TOP GUN" IF>GI 7:15, t .30 '1 00 TUES & WED • ,"KARATE Kl> r (POI 7 15, 9 20 '1 00 TUES & WED suo no ' MD wtlPlllP!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!..!!!!!!!2!!!!!!!~ "PLAYING FOR KEEPS" IPG13) I 00 HARDIOOES r (RI 8 10, 9 50 '100 TUES I WED UNIVERSTIY 8$4 8811 ~ "TOP GUN" IPGJ 7 30 .• 45. '2 00 TUES 4 WED "PLAYING FOR KEEPS" (PG13J 8 00, 8 15, 10 00 '2 00 TUES 4 WED "STEAMING" IRI 100 too '2 00 TUES 4 WED "f!RRIS IU£LLER" (PG 13) 800 9 45 "fM'HLEH P£0Pt.E" (RI 8 00 12 00 TUES 4 WED "CROCODILE DUNDEE" !PG 131 8 15. 8 30, 10 20 NO BARGAIN PRICE "CROCODILE DUNDEE" (PG 131 8 15, I 30. 10 20 N<1 BARGAIN PRICE S2 50 FIMT SkOW I~ 00 BAROAIN TUES I W£D 0 ROOM WITH A VIEW"tAI 7 30, t .45 '2 00 TUES & WED "MANHUNTER" (RI tl·30. 10:20 "EXTREMmEI" (RI 8 45 '2 00 TUES & WED "HALFMOON STREEr'tRl 7 oo. 9 00 '2 00 TUES & WED "ITANO aY •"(RI ti 30. 8·30. 10: 10 '2 00 TUES & WED. "CROCODILE DUNDEE" (PO 13) 8 00, 8:00, 10:00 NO BARGAIN PRICE "LINK"(RI 7 15, 9 15 '2 00 TUES & WED STARRED SCREENS SIM MA TtNEES MON·FRI "'MITHl.lll "Of\!" (RI • 10, 10:00 ..... •_HO_w_s_e_u_OA_e_s_oo_P_M .... 1 ..,._ ... LIR" (PO 18, *"TO.-GUN" (PO) 1.00 '2 00 TUU I WED. 1.30, 3 45 "TOUGH QU'YI" (PO) 730.UO 1t•MJ1m "TOUGH GUYS" (PO) 8·00. a 1s. 10.os szoo nu' WED "IT AND aY ME" (Al 8.30, t ·30, 10 10 '2 00 TUES 4 WED "IOY WHO COUlD Fl'r' 8-00, 1·00. 10 00 (PG) '2 00 TUES I WED "HALFMOON STREET., (R) T 00, 9 00 '2.00 TUES & WED 11TOUQH GUYI" (PG) 7.30. 9:30 '2.00 TUES & WED 0 T .. aOYWHO COULD ffL Y" (POI 7·00, 9:15 '2,00 TUES & WED r,< 1• ' f )r J '/ 1f : I ,. • ~ /1 , I, 1 • • ~ 1 l ) ~ . "8TAND av ... (R) f2"'15. 2 15, " 15 I 00, • oo. 10-00 t2 00 T'UU & W£O "94CIC TO ICMOOl" (PO 1~1 UI, UO, t 90 •MOUT LMT ~ <" UO. 1 • '2 • TWI I MD , 80UT lflKD'WOM CMW TOP OUNINI 121 ....... , ... 1 ... 90UT lftKO 11.UI YILVIT 111 , .. ,.,. ..... , .... LAl<E WO D t entf'1 \ovth !IUllM t1tllhcohr • Del ••• ,_..., .. , .. .-111 1 ....... aUTMUll PIOPLI 111 Jo» ........ ...... oonA MAVI rr111 1i11a..-....u ... 1•• ANAHEIM •n•J11t ""'L•m•e "a,.,, •wx l '"' fl <.QIJ'IO ...... 'iCl'f t ... 'fOM CllUtM TOP 0UN'"1 IACK TO KHOOl1 ... u 1 LINK 111 • INVADllS rtoM'fAU INI TMI IOT WNO COULO PLY I"! COCOON1,..u 1 PlAYIHO fOI IUI" ~1*1 UOIND1N1 WMMMIMIT a.... ol A LDlll IOO Ill .............. , .. .OUT ftlMO ........ ITAHD IY Ml 111 ... " ..... _ ......... 'fOM Cautll TOP OUN !NI , .. ··~ ... ,, .. , .... TMI IOY WNO «ICILO fl T IN I lllU ltJt .... , ...... ILUI VIL VIT 111 1111 a.41 ............ BUENA PARK t!Ultll ttll/l 1oulo lll el •••" CWl;f ,, ~4(_1 ·~ "4~ "'*, "• _,~­ TOUGH OUTS l,.> nncH11101 .,. ........ STANO IY Ml 111 falOH'T NIGHT Ill 'lAYtHO POil uu~s 1 ... .,, LIOIND !NI ~ -... ~t.Mrill!!r! ... UllCMllllAUM -TOUGH OUTS IN I fLITCH!Nl 00l8T lftllO LINK 111 llU ~1U 1>4S .... lflll _ DOUY mMO 'LAYING fOI IUI" 1,.ia1 2iM .,,_ -1'41 le.u 'AUl ..,._ CIOCOOtU DUHDll 1 ... 111 hO JIU..otl1U 1flM "~ NOOoAH CIOCOOtU DUHDll ~Ul GUNO HOt 1 ... 1a1 LINK111 INVADllS fltOM MAH IN! TOM CllVISI TO, GUN INl KAUn KID ,..,. II INI H.-DIOOtll 2 111 HAMIUIGIR ••• THI MOTtON ,tCTUH Ill -t.00- 1 Cl) MAQNUM, P.L 8 OMIE A 8AEAKI NEWS MOYIE .. "The Plutonium lnddtnt" (1980) ./enel M#golln, Bo Hopkins • WOAll>WITHOUTWALLa: ISM. ti&ANCHAM'8 AFAICAN MEMOIR 'Crocodile' bites off chunk of box office .H 0 L L Y W 0 0 D ( A P) ·:Crocodile Dundee'" swamped the bo"< office compellt1on for a second smash weekend as Yanks paid S :! million to say g'dda) to an engaging hero from the Australian outback Pan of the mov1e·s magic apparent- ly 1s the appeal of its star. Auss1t· televmon personality Paul Hogan. to an audience of older Amcncar. men who don"t normally go to the movies. That's 1hc as~~ment of S1dne)' Ganis. a vice president for Para- mount. which handles the picture in the United States. "Crocodile Dundee." already the all-time top earner Down Under, grossed S 19.5 million in Its first two weeks of Amencan release. Second in the weekend ~1neup was "Tough Guys." a new TouchstQne comedy stamng Bun Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. which earned $4.6 m1lhon. Paramount"S-"Top Gun'.'.. con- tinued to streak toward blockbuster status, earning $2.4 million and -+.,_..,"C"'ha~11n"'ing good1imeinnui..-++-11~ns-&hird m the weekend r&ttngs-. vt1· Its 21-week total is $150. 7 mil hon. fhafS impossible fO resist ... • Fourth was Columbia's "Stand by Me." with $2.4 million. ..,..,.., Sll™"IMWS A new vffcring. "'Children of a Lcs~er God," placed fifth. earning \ 1.9 m1llton. Wilham Hun and Marice Matlin star in the Paramount film. based on the Mark Medoff stage pla) about a teacher for the deaf who foll~ in love with one of hi s students. There's o llttte of him In all a u~. IPG·UIC>APAAN/0.#T ~:o.· . ..,~·c ........ ..,.,.,,,,...,.,911C1 ,._ ..-.:_..· ... I. ·• .. ........ .. ..... -c.= . NOW PLAYING .... ·-• lllllOlt ~ •... .,. ... ... ' .. . .. . \Jt\tJI ..... .,.~~ ... •UM,.., -·M:lj •#11-ttl .. _ ........ ,,,.,.... , .......... #¥( .. .., ... , ., . ··-• CISI• llllA ·~-ICllCI , .. _c--... ...... ,~,,· --'"6)111f \1) ~~· __ ._, ... •*''"'" ·--11(.,_ll. !o»n loo-"" .... ._""" ..... ¥<•._..~~ :t;:c....t \47111 ·-• n,_le-nl ~ • l'IUM <ittUt I' 1·1 ... ~1 9111) 6.)011&) oo~-· Placing sixth its first weekend in release. w11h S 1.4 million, was "Play- ing for Keeps," a Universal picture about three teen·agcnwh~lfansform a rundown hotel into a teen reson. ··Karate Kid. Pan K." conttnued to '31trac1 a followmg after 16 weeks m release. earmng S 1.2 million and placing~' en th. Here are the top films at the weekend box office, with distributor. weekend gross. number of screens. total &ros'>. number of weclcs in release and estimated production cost" Distributors supply the gross amount figure'>. Figures not available ........... M.i(il ............ .___ -------------·• arc indicated h} n-a. I CrocOdllt Oundtt.'' F>eremount, 5t 2 million, 911 "'""'· \ 19 S m1lllon, 1wo wtek,, n·a , "Toug,, CiUV\," TOUC,,'10l'lt. ,. 6 mllllofl IS6 K•ffn\. U 6 mllllOl'I on. Wffil., n·• 3 "TOCI C.un ' Paramount '2 4 mlHtOl'I, l,33A "'""'· SISO 1 m1111on, 21 week\, '18 mlUlon • "Siano 8~ Me," Coiuml>l•. n.• mlHlon, ..., "'""' '31 I m1Hlon. nine weell.1, \t mlhlon ~ 'Clllk><1<1 of • Ltn., CiOd " Parernovf't SI 9 mllhon ?a"'""' SI 9 mlU•on. on. wH!l. n • "Brilliant!" -M•rit,n IMdl. U llCAGO TIUBl'Nt. SYNUICA 'Jlo. WILLIAM HURT N<>W Pl.AYlNG ...., -llUJ ----¥4f 1li••"'• ..... ,,,, , .......... :· ... .,~. f~ _ .... ,,.., ,..,,., -c-. llllllff .. ltllet..oo 11'•.,.. ... ~ ~-.... 'le ,...,.~.. ...... " ... -'-"" tJ< ll'J '"TOUGH GUYS' IS A SPARKt1NG COMEDY with La~r and DougkH proving that i>tar power nner fades." -Jv41th Crlat m.st'AJI PK1t~ A.'1> RASTAJI PRESF..\'T A PAlt R GtRIA.\ zot.im 5n1>k~ PROOCCTIO~ lA~n.'l\'ER ·rt:GGY stt oor WUUED" ~'KXlW c.AGE -1r.r:."C.IOllS IWUn' ''"i:BAM't MAW~ "==DEA.~ TA\llll.WS NOW PLAYING -· = --... _ -00.-.. ,...,, ._ uo ~ ~mA.HM~ltnU. C. ·~JEMYWCK'IU UJUL\ESAR.'tll ~PAll.llGlllA.~ ~ fiiPOWi:'..nJ;;...;;;.,_,...,_ •• ' ~.I ~ fll'(JS awfOl.4 ,..,._ @iiNimA, ...... p\ ............... H...,...I t ---~== ... STARTS TODAY ~~. I ~ACIFI~~~~. DOME I/I o.2.~~553] STARTS FRIDAY AT SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRF.S EVERYWHERE ' --·-~ "-,::r,"'..!!' .. -_...... ........_. ._... .... , .. --""-. .,....,. .--· 1:.-~-..c.. tu-.... Ill.Im -· •Clll9f•-•'-"• ---°"'"""'~ ,_......, ttMlft .,, .... ·~·-. -~ ................ ·-....... ,"' .. _ ) I" by Bii Keane "Winter's coming. Soup commercials are back." llARllADUKlt by Brad Anderson "Albert! Come out here! There's a big dog In my car playing the radlol" PEANUTS HERE1S THE l.V&LD ~I FLYING ACE ZOOMIN6 OVER ENEM'r' LINES ... GARFIELD TUMBLEWEEDS MACHIME 6UNS 8LA11M6 ~E DIVES DOWN OUT OF THE CLOUDS ... . ~\It __ _ DRABBLE R08EISR08& I • ... BIOOBORO& e I ' I i .. by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) GJ 10-r "I tell you, m1dam, I did NOT pinch you!" DEPnflS THE MENACE t l ~ r by Hank Ketcham ~ -10-• by Jim Davis by Kevin Fagan 11-t-~1 W~~ JiJ!>l ~ER !>1~r<l£0 (.Q.lf{;f ~ by Pat Brady \ ~ oaMa DM.Y N.OTM!9* 11•1t.011111• It .. U.8. ACRES FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE JUDGE PARKER FUNKY WINKERBEAN QJIW(A! I'VE GOT f1 !! !'VE FINA~ Dt5C!>VERED 'THE ~1NC:r aEXSE~! DOONESBURY ' -4 by Jim Devi• by Harold Le Ooux el.IT I ~NT lO 91! HOM!! W ITH 'f'.CX) ANO MOTMl!flt •.. ,_...,,.._...,~;..:: by Tom Batluk !1'6 ... NOW WArT ... I HAD IT A 5E.!DND /'60 ... IO·S by Garry Trudeau AS ~. Y()(J Nlf6J 70 /QICW WHICH~ T>E CANPf&fQTE5 IS aEAN ANO Al.EJ(f, AIO 141{/CH /SA 7f)N@-(XJT AVOCA()()/ '-... ANY Pt.Aa!MYTff.' t)( 1111/U. fl/J. ANY NO. .. m&! \ 0 (( . , .. \ Car paol lane is not t he ticket The citizens group fighti ng to end the car pool experiment on the Costa Mesa Freeway and open the extra lane to all vehicles released a report saying one out of every four drivers using the special lane was doing so illegall y. · There should be so many cheaters. Drivers for Highway Safety issued a study this week saying 25.9 percent of the drivers were wrongly using the designated lane on the 55 Freeway that is reserved for cars with two or more occupants. Such a statistic would merit some applause on two counts: •lfit were true: and •If it were not illegal. Some causes require a call fo r civil disobedience but an ill-fated car pool lane experiment is not among them. In that respect. the applause would not be directed at the lawbreakers who risk $52 citations and the red face that goes along with seeing the patrolman's flashing red lights in the rear view mirror. Rather, hearty handclaps would acknowledge that at least somebody is getting use of the lane. Now, hardly anyone is navigating the pristine _.nbbon of concrete. not in respect to those gridlocked in the other three lanes. Running north and SOl.4th, roughly between the San Diego and Riverside freeways, the car pool lanes are little more than little-used passing lanes for frustrated motorists tempted to break the law that seems all but illogical from their slow-moving perspective. And while the temptation may be strong.i the state's estimate that only-S percent arc drivingillegally in the lanes seems far more accurate even if officialdom's assessment of the Janes usefullness is overblown. There are not eno ugh commuters using the lanes to aUow them to make the significant contribution of easing traffi c in the other lanes. Certain ly. those motorists fortunate enough to have a passenger. a baby-on-board sign' or a blow up doll enjoy the quick trip down the 55. But the overwhelming majority of motorists are cheated out of any benefit. Opinion'> t Apn.·'>scd'" this space a~ thO!>t: of th( Dail) Pl lot Other' 1ew' npre\sed on 1h1s paie are tho~ of1he1r au1ho~ and an1sts. Reader comment I\ 1n\ lied The Daily Pilot. P 0 . Box 1560. Costa M~. <>2626. Phont' 642-6086 Kudos to Irvine Council for banning of fireworks To the Editor: I do not often agree with the Irvine ( 11~ Council"\ dcn\10n'> the s1m plc!>t matters ~(·cm 10 take an c1crn11v and the reall~ difficult matter<; never get ,111 , cd HowcH:r. ~uch as not the ta<>c when 1t came !Cl ma~1ng a dcC1,.1on and '>ubs1:4urn1 la\.\ to han firework'>. safe and c,anr the~ \.\Cr<.' nncr. a quick <;can nan~ nt the Orange County Fire Dcpannwn1 lo~ rn \rntaon'i 4 26 and 36 \I.Ill <1u1d.I\ rt'H'al that the few days JUSt prior to and especially the day and evening of the 4th of July brought many calls directl y related to so-called safe & sane fireworks. not 1ust fires but mjuries. many of them to kids who will have the emotional and physical scars for the rest of their lives. Kudos to the Irvine City Council on that issue. Now let's see you tackle other agenda matters with diligence. GENE SELIG rrvinc '1 Candidate is not part of slate To lhl ld1tor I haH' U\I karnl·d thal the Political \( tlfln < omm1ttcl "'lt•"pon 2000. h.1, \t'nt J Ul\·\.\ldt• leller rn "h1ch. \.\llhoul w mulling me. 11 links me \\Ith three ri lht•r candidate<;. and ask~ that thr rn1den1' \UJ'lf)f>rl these men ~hill-I wekoml· ;m<J t•,pcct \UP- port from l'\l'r\ fal·11 on 1n the c11\. I want to make 11 clear that I am running for City Councilman as an independent candidate. As you may recall from my past campaifns. I have never been part of a slate. am not pan of one now. DONALD A. STRAUSS Ci ty Councilman Newport Beach Headline has boring ring to it To thl f l11111r Important hl'Jtlltnl' 'l>;lll\. Palm" (()rangr ( ua,11 )cpl 20 t 9M6 - ··F V Dl~TRIC f TO U-T BOY By th~ A 1oclated Pres~ Today 1~ Wedne\da) Ott b. the 281st day of 198() There arc X4 da>' left in the ~car ,,.. Toda>·~ Highlight in H1<1tory On Oct. 8. I IP I. the Great ( h1cago Fire began 1n Mrs O'uary's barn However. the popular story that a cow had kicked over a lantern 1'1 untrue. By the time at was over. the fire had claimed more than 200 hvc' and burned morr than 2.100 arrci.. On this date: f n 1869, the 14th P~s1dcn1 of the United State , FrankJin f)1crce. died at the AfC of 64, 12 years after leavi ng the White Hou~ In 1918. 11 Alvin(' York almo\t ORANGE COAST llilyPilli WEAR EARRING:· "WHO CA RES!" RUTHI E MARON Newport Beach single-handedly killed 25 German soldiers and captured 132 1n the Argonne Forest in France. In 1934, Bruno Hauptmann was 1nd1cted for murder in .the death of the infant son of Charles A. Lindbergh. In 1945, President Harry S. Truman announced that the sccn:t of the atomic bomb would be shared only wit h Bri tain and Canada. In 1956. Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game ever an a World Senes as the New York Yankees beat the Brooklyn Dodsers, 2-0. In 1970, e~iled Soviet author Aleuoder f. Solzhe nitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Litera· turc o...,..., City Ed!C0t r .... ce.M Newt ldttor c,... ... SPOttt Editor .• TOM Tift (dtlOt ....... c.-.. PfOOUCIJOft OWeclCI' ............ FlllJ AO-llting Dlr«:IOt c::,-:::,,, .... ,..... Controller ·'Those of us fortunate enough to have our Jaw, lJp and tongue muadea connected to nearly every other part or our bodlea are at a gt"Nt advantage.·• .. •. ·It takes a full-bodied effort to·talk someone's ear off Nature. out of consideration or whim. connl"cted our jaw. lip and tongue muscles dir«tly to our elbow muscles. When you open your mouth.a your elbow automatically bends and lifts your ann. usually to your mouth.-· Your arm ts oflcn~arry,jng a-fork or a itass, but-AOt always. Sometimes this happens when people are talking. There are those who can't taJk unless hands. arms, and even feet . are moving simultaneously with the mouth. For people whose muscle!> are not wired up like this. talking and doing arc two separate functions. These unfortunate people arc.in all walks of life. I've been associated with a number of them. I once dated a man who could not dance and talk at the same time. He was.good at both -but we either ~ad a silent dance or an interesting conversation while standtng still on the dance floor. One of my favorite hairdressers ould not touch a comb 10 my hair whale talking -and she dad talk a lot. M)' appotntments were on Mondays and the length of11me 11 took to do my hair depended on how exciting her weekend was. On~ we had a painter who absolutely could not touch his brush to the wall while his· 111outh was moving. H~ liked to talk. It took him six weeks to paint two bedrooms and one bath. My friend goes to a dentist who is afficted with ttiis condition. Contrary· to most dentists wbo ask you ques- tions while keeptng both hands. -1n.--- your mouth, her dentist sto~ the procedure and talks. and then puts his ............. . hands in her mouth, It makes for a long session in the chair, but she prefers 1t to trying to answer ques- tions while he is drilling. I've waited in line at markets while the checker stopped checking or bagging grocemes to answer a simple question from a customer. A plumber with this handicap can bankrupt you with only two or three house calls. l:lis hourl}!-ICUC dOC$-Rah tnclude deductions for time spent talking instead of plumbing. . Those of us fonunate enough to have our Jaw. hp and tongue muscles connected to nearly every other part of our bodies arc at a great advantage. We can talk while drivtng, cooking. making love. We can talk while we are watching TV, playing cards. or at the theatre. Accountants fully connected can talk to you non-stop and never miss a decimal. Bartenders and barbers can talk non-stop and never stop pounng and snipping. f:xecutives can talk. shuffie papers, push buttons. and drink co ffee all at the same time. That's how they got to be exrcutives. Actors can sign autographs. pose for, pictures and emote while talking to their agents. People who have this advan- tageous muscle connection ca n talk themselves into and out of Jobs. marriages and libel su1LS. : -·- I'm not criticizing anyone who talks non-stop. I can outtalk an}one, anytime. any where. I ha ve talked at weddtngs. funerals, and whale having surgery (it's eas)' with a local). When no one is around for me to talk to - or at -I talk to my dog, my appliances and myself. When I am in a room alone. my husband no longer wanders 1n and asks, "Wh o are you talking to?" I've told him more than once rm talking to myself. I enjoy a scinti llating conversation. Coloma/st Aon Wells IJves la Lagoa• NJ1uel. Pentagon could get control of confidential civilian files WA SHI NGTON C i vil hbertanans are alread y worried about .military encroachment on c1v1han law enforcement in the "war .. o n dope traffickers. But little concern has been shown over a White Hou~ directive that would give the Pen- tagon control over the confidential files that government agencies ha ve on millions of Americans. This re voluti onary intrusion of the military into traditionall y Cl\ ihan areas was sanctioned by a White House national security decision directi ve. NSOD 145, issued two years ago. It recently survived an attempt by House critics to modify ns most offensive Big Brother features. NSDD 145 was a Reagan adm1n1s.- •trat1on response to the lack of secunty for government and industry com- munications. which were vulnerable to penetration by the Soviets or anyone else with reasonably sophisti- cated interception equipment. Vast amounts of mformation. from Internal Revenue Service records 10 business secrets. are stored an com- puters that can be "accessed.. by foreign agents, industrial spies or snoopy hackers. The d1rect1ve auChonzed a gov- ernmentwidc system for computer system security. But it put the Nattonal Secunty Agency -which reports to the Pentagon -r in charge of security for all government com- puter systems, and many private industry systems as well. "Under National Security De- c1s1on 01rcctivc 145, the Depanment of Defense could control the access to not only classified infonnation. but also to any information which it considered sensnive," said Rep. Jack Brooks. I). Tcxa~ chairman of the House Government Operations Committee:. "In my view, this 1s an unprecedented and 11l·advised ex· pans1on of the .!'11htary's influence into our JOC1ety. One th1n1 that womcs en tics oft.he d1rcct1ve 1s that the N A 1s a super· xcret aacncy that 1s subJcct to neither public nor convc ional scrutiny. Another 11 the •ncy's track record: Unul 1hen·Atlome1 General Elliot Richardton put a stop to it in 1973, the NSA col~cd da\a on thousands of Americans. which il proceeded to pass on to other agencies. incl uding the FBI. NSDD 145 reverses the infonnallon flow, conceivably giving the NSA access to the computer files of the Social Security Admin1s- 1ra11on. the Veterans Adm1n1strallon. the Internal Revenue Service and every other civilian agency NSA access would be guaranteed. 1ts critics say. by giving the agency authority to approve, di sapprove and monitor the other agencies' computer secu rity systems. This function has been handled by the National Bureau of Standards. a small civilian a~ency whose chief concern is uniformity of industrial measurements, not secur· II). Leg1slat1on sponsored by Brooks and Rep. Dan Glickman. 0 -Kan., would ha ve mandated civilian con- trol of computer security under the Bureau of Standards, rather than military control under the NSA. It failed 10 pass after strenuous lobbying by the administration. includtng As- sistant Defense Secretary Donald Latham, to whom the NSA repons. The bill could be reintroduced next year. One of the NSA 's first moves under NSDD I 4S was to pressure industry into adopting a new data encryption standard -an e!lpensive change that indu try expcns say is not necessary. Some critics suspect the NSA 'sin ten· 11on is to enforce a new, universal encryption standard th at would be too tough for most computer snoopers -but not fo r the NSA. Oovemment officials deny thi s. Footnote: Our associate Donald Goldberg uncovcrW a Pentaaon·task force study, completed three years aao. which concluded that curttnt standard art periecily adequate. "It is \he consensus of the Task Force that encryption can be achieved with commercially available equipment that would provide for pnvacy of commun1cauons," the internal re- port Stated COLO OMFORT: An.er five ye~rs of computation and COIJtallon, the Nuclear Rcplatory Comm1s ion Mt finally come up with an ac:ttp- table "aoal" for fatahties tn nuclear power plant acodents. The death risk JACK AIDEISOI and DALE VAN A TT A to neighbors of nuclear plants should not exceed "one-tenth of I pcrcen1 of the sum of prom pt fatality risks resulting from other accidents to which members of the U.S. popu- lation are exposed." the NRC con- cluded. An NRC' source explained thatth1sboilsdown to about tOOearly fatalities. while a similar formula amves at about 450 cancer deaths resulting from the accident. CONFIDENTIAL FILE· The Re- agan admints~ration wants to help the Afghan guerrillas fighttng Soviet troops -but it's ha ving a hard time figuring oul which guemlla groups arc the nght ones. The back bi tang and 1nftdltingamong nval Afghan groups tn Washington, all looking for money and weapons, have hurt the common cause they all claim to support: ouster of the Soviets. The talc Department and the CIA would dearly love to sec a unified resistance movement. bu t 1t doesn't seem to be in the cards. • MINI-EDITORIAL: Bankers probably feel we're bein~ unfair when we call them "fat cats.' But the way the 5,000 international bankers and finance mini5ters aoraed themselves at the annual World Bank1ntema- t1onal Monetary Fund mec:tina here last week, the term is a pale under· statement. Durina breaks 1n 1he1r discussions of ways to aid the world's starvina millions. the super.fat cats were whisked an rented limou inc to Wash1naton's mo t e~~s1vc res- taurants. where they stuffed down lob ter, smoked salmon, fancy fowl and filets. washed down with vintaae wmcs and liqueurs It wa tl'\ll y a di austina spectacle J.ck A.IMhtHe Ufl 0.lfl Vu AIC. .,. ·~k•letl c.1 ••• , .... PETE ·DEXTER Catty wayto- solve problem SACRAMENTO -Nona Moore is 7 years old. She lives in a brick house on 14th Avenue near Land Park. Her ·rather is an insurance broker. her mother runs a restaurant. When I met her. she was sitting in the li vin~ room blowing up balloons for her birthday party. "How many guests are coming?" l said. She offered up a polite smile and moved her k.nees around some way that you and I cannot move our knees and said she didn't know. "Arc you g0tng to stay up late?" She moved her chin behind her knees and smiled a~in. You're damn straight she was gomg to stay up late. It was a slumber party. A minute later I walked into the kitchen with her fatheT, and he closed the door behind him and handed me the letter. "She doesn't know any- thing about this yet." he said. The letter was a copy. run off a pnnter. It came in the mail Friday in an envelope aOcJressed OCcupa . Here Is what It said: If you were a considerate urban neighbor and compassionate pet owner. you would have kept your ci.t indoors. At all times. When turned out, a domestic cat becomes a feral. 1erritorial beast sovemed by instincr. Its offen~s include marking lawns, gardens. concrete. gravel. dee.ks, patios and furnishings with surfa~ and sub-surface ordure. I clean perpetually to regain use and enjoymen1 of my property. But cat filth reappears almost every week. 4.s I would nor empty my cat's litter bo"< all over )our property. I will not perm II your c.at to litter mine. It took a long time to track that varmint feline across streets and yards to you. And an even longer time to settle the arrendanr problem. For good. Should you choose 10 rep/are your missing car while ln·mg here. plea~ insure your pleasure. the cat's survival and your neighbor's nghrs by keeping it indoors. Fed Up. "1 had to read that lenerabmn th ree times before I realized what it was,'' Jim Moore sa1d. "That this gu y had killed my daughter's cat and was rubbtng our noses in it. .. The cat"s name was Snowball. "My wife happened to be looking uut the window one day last year." Moore said. "and saw a truck driving up the street. It slowed down when it got in fronl of our house, and then somebod> threw this white ball out the window into the lawn across the street:· The wife's name is Alaodretb, and she walked across the street and picked the kmen up. It was maybe 6 weeks old. all white with one blue eye and one brown. She broujht 11 home. where 1t has been ever stnce. "Right from the beg1nnmg. she went to bed with my daughter at night," Moore said. "She'd let Nona put her in headlocks. hold her all kmds of ways she wouldn't let anybody else hold her. "She was gone Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday," he said. "My daughter couldn't get to sleep. and I missed looking at a cat ... in the morning. Then Friday I came home from work at noon and found the letter in the mail box," He opened the letter again. shaking his head. "If the guy took the time to track the cat to the house. why couldn't he have Just knocked on the door and said at was a problem'? We could have worked It out, we're reasonable people. "There's quite a few cats in the neighborhood, some of them are out at night. There's some dogs too. Once in a while you find something in your yard, you clean it up ... I mean, wbat kind of person would spend this much time to kill your cat and then send you an anonymous letter'?" "Well," J said, "he's literate and sneaky and mean and I thtnk he keeps the j1'8SS mowed." Jim Moore dropped the letter on the table, and it folded back over itself. "I keep wonderi ng if it could be somebody I say hello to on the street,·• he said. The kitchen door opened then and bis daughter walked an and out - a polite smile and she was aone. Not happy enough for a 7-year old about to have a dO?Cn friends over to stay the nil.ht. "I cfon't know exactly what to ie.11 her," he said. "I guas we're 1oina to wait until tomo1Tow. af\cnhe kid an aone and the excitement's over and fisurc out .omethina. •• :· I told Jam Moore T lhouaht that was aaood idea. What I didn't tell hlm was that I thouaht she al~d)' mew. Pete Dexter II • •ratlket# 81HYJtt * Angels bombar Clemens, win 8-1· Boston held Wittless into 6 t h as a ce fi ve-hits SoXfiiOjlener rnm wire 1ervlct reportl BOSTON -The pnchina duel between Roaer Clemens and Mike Witt that everyone expected in game one of the American League palyoffs never took place. Witt and the Angels completely blew away Ocmens ·and th~ Red Sox 8-1 Tuesday night. Witt held Boston hitless for 51>'> inninp and finished wnh a five-:h1tter. Clemens. the mo tdominant pitcher in baseball this year, suffered through his worst outing oft be season, gettinJ pounded for eight runs. seven earned. on 10 hits in 7111 innings. "Pe rsonally, this probably 1s the biggest game l'-.ie cv~r pitched," Wm, who threw a perfect game in I '184, said. • AL pla7oll .c1Jedale ,...., •• 1cen Aareu 8. Boston I (An,els lcac:f senes, l-O).-- Tt481'1 Game Aaplt (McCaskill 17-10) at Boston (Hu.rst . 13·8), noon. ~ FrWa1'1Game Boston (Boyd 16-10) at Aqelt (Candelaria , 0-2). 5:20 p.m. . - Satarday'1 GUM Boston(N1pper I0-12)at A.a1el1( utton 15-1 1), 5:20 p.m. Suday'1 Game Boston at Aaaels. 1f necessary, noon. Taesday, Oct. 14 Game AA11el1 at Boston. 5:20 p.m. _ WedHtda1. Oct. 15 Game AA11el1 at Boston. 1f necessary, 5:20 p.m. All times PDT. All games on Channel 7. Clemens was makink his first outing since being hit on the right elbow by a line drive last week, but said he felt fine physically. "I felt strong. I dtdn't feel any weakness unul about before Wade Boggs beat out an infield chopper for a the fifth inning." he said. "I made good pitches all night. single. The h11 bro~c a stnng of 16 straijht batters retired I was doing the stuff I wanted to do." . by Witt after walking Boggs. the maJOr-league batting But Clemens could not find his rhythm early on the champion. leading off the first. SO-degree night. The Angels jolted him for four runs 1n the "The 110-hmer was an afterthought at that point," second inning after Clemens hurt himself with two walks Witt sud. ··1 ~s more involved in the ume ~ .. after two outs. When Boggs got his hi t. however. Win and the "I didn't feel my control was that far off. I had a pretty Angels had the game 1n control and they coasted the rest live fastball, got behind. and had to come in. That made of the wa y 1n the opener of the best-of-seven series. Game trouble for myse lf " two was pla}'ed today. begmningat noon. "He could have been over-strong earl} in the C'lemens, who was 24-4 this year. including a 3-0 ballgame. since he got knocked out 1n thC' second inn ing mark against the A.ngcls. came out throwing hard with fasl time out and didn·1 get enou work." McNamara fastbalhe'<CC't'ding 95 mph. He escaped a two-on,'"lWO=OUt said. "He threw the ball well. but he walked the h1uers 1n Jam in th~ first inning by rctmng Doug OcCinces on a the bouom of the order 1n the second and brought up the dm C' to the center-field wall. and opened the second by top of the order After that I thought he pitched well. easil) stnk1ng out Rob Wilfong and Dick Schofield. Brian Downing delivered two t'-"O-run singles, But then lemens, avera11nfJUSt over two walks per including a hner that capped the second-inning outburst. game this season, suddenly ran into t~e. He waJked "I know the> feel hke when he is pitching, they're Bob Boone on a 3-1 pitch and narrowly missed on a full- inv1nc1blC'. Normally. they are:· Downing said. "It wa!> count dehHry to Gary Penis. A~I flrat bliMm•n Walll Joper falla • e attempdn« to catch a oat ball-off-the ,,, ............ bat of Tony-Arm•• In tbe tblrd lnnl~ of Tu~y·a American League playof game. nice to et a few runs early in the game off a (y Young Ruppen Jones followed with a linC' single up the imchcr etnem."--=.--...::...-=m'"'"1dr.a••1=e.ra;...na...,.,roo.....,k..+le"'""Wl--tty JOyncr.wno naa oo\Jbleat1f"t?le·~--.... W1~l nine with the first no-hiller 1n playoff history (Plea.e eee A1'GEL8/82) Witt 'excited like never before' Hurler says thrill of game t ops t hrowing n o-hitter BOSTON (AP) -Mike Wiu said Tuesda) mght he was "excited hke I never was before" after fltrt1n~ with a no-hitter for 51/J innings and fin1sh1ng with a fi ve-hitter in an 8-1 victory over the Boston Red Sox. . "I was very excited," the 6-foot-7 n&}lt-hander said after g1v1ng the Angels an opening-game victor) 1n the be t-of-seven Amencan _League pla}'offs. "I was actually ready to pitch yesterday. "I didn't feel comfortable 1n Lhe first inning. but in the next 1nnmJ I fell into a groove. When we &ot those four runs (1n the second) tt made my JOb easier. I think those runs calmed me down. but the} hit a lot of balls hard. I did n't skate through the game.- After losing two close game during the regular season 1n Boston. Witt had a w1de cdge on Boston's Roger Clemens, who led the American League with Sail choice hurts Eagle By ALMON LOCKABEV .,.., ............. '*' The th ird race 1n the Amenca'sCup challenger trials Tuesday was being tabbed the "Shootout at the OK Corral." The two protagonists,were Dennis Conner of San Diego at the helm of Stars & Stripes. and Rod Davis. Newport Beach, guiding Eagl e. The match was a key one in the bid to become the challenger of the Austral- ians for the America's Cup So what happened? Eagle was simply outgunned by Stars & Stripes. . At the stan off Freman tie. the wind wasaliP.1t IO'to 12knots.Davischosc to go with Eagle's light mainfl instead of a heavy main. Conner. on the other hand, with a bigger wa rdrobe of sails, chose a medium light sail. figun ng the wind would increase. 24 v1ctones and a 2.48 earned run average Clemens. who allowed 10 hits and eight runs. had no excuses tor his worst outing 0 1 the year and blamed unusual control trouble mainl> for his problems. "I didn't feel m) control was that far off and I made some good pttches:· Clemens said. "But }'OU can't Yf<11k people. Walks will alwa}'s hun you:· Clemens. clocked at 95 mph or better on 47 of 66 pitches in the first two innings. said. "I had a p~tty hve fastball. but I got behind and I had to comC' LO. I flt strong I had good stuff. but they hit them where we weren't.'' Talking about his pitching mechanics. Clemens said, .. Early on. I mrgtn have been jumping at R1ch1c (catcher Gedman) too much. However, I was doing things I wanted. I had good stuff coming out of the bullpen." Gedma11 said that Clemcns."ncver developed his rhythm. Maybe he was a lmlc anxious. He never gotln the right direction. He wasn't that far off. but h didn't make the .J?ltches he had to.'' Said Boston Coach 8111 Fischer: "We th1rlk Roger was Just rushing his pitches a httlc bit. He~ot two !1tr1kes on a lot ofbaucrs who got on base.' C'altforn1a Manager Gene Mauch said that Witt. on the other hand, "mixed up his pttchc'> vel) well. But he did pitch three or four games in August stronger than this." "That's the way we have come to expect Mtke Witt to pitch e'ery time he goes out there,'' said Angels manager Gene Mauch. who had to pull Wm before the seventh inning only twice all season ... It doesn't alwa}'s work out that way. but we exi>«t it to.·· "We didn't do anythmg off Mike Witt," McNamara said. '"He pitched an outstanding ballgame. He had Jood stufT. good command and was ahead of the hitters.'' Asked about Clemens. Mauch said, "We beat his hard stuff. His curve was not breaking. He was tougher later on." . C-0mmment1ng on the pitching duel between Clemens and Witt. Boston first baseman Bill Buckner noted: 1.. ,,, ..... ,... .. "Witt threw the 6all well. He also got borderline pitches. We JU'>t didn't play well.'' Mike Witt receive• conaratulatione from Bob Boone. -Edison faces speedy Vikes Chargers host San ta Monica in final week of pre-league Ed1'ion H1gh·s ( hargcrs will be out to protect their No. I ranking 1n the Daily Pilot's Orange Count} Top 10 for prep football. hut 11 docsn 't figure to be an cas~ task against a sohd Santa Monica squad. While 11's Ed1<;on which has the most to lose 1n terms ofreputallon. there art" several other kc}' match up in 1h1<o final "'eek of non-league action. All arc Frida}' ex«ept for We!>tmin!>ter's conte'it against Foothill which 1s fhursday. Herc\ a look at each. Santa Monica (2· 1) vs. Edl1on (4-0) at Huntington Beach: ... anta Monica is a team yo u don't read about much .'' said Ed1'ion Coach Dave White. "It's a good 11me fo r a letdown. hut we're going up against a team w11h speed We haq: to be read)' to play.'' anta Monica's V1k1ngc; have lost onl} to h1ghl}· regarded Lmola ( 14-0) and feature running back Mark Jackson ( 5-X. 177) and pre~ason All-American h nebackcr Enc Da Hi ( 6-0, 21 5 ). Mater Del (2·21 vs. Huntington Beacb lt-t) at OCC: Huntington Beach Coach C1corge Pascoe is wary of Monarch quarterback Mike C un1us. who has completed 61of113 pa'iSCS( 55 7 percent). including fi ve touchdown passes and JUSI one 1ntercep11on ··The) do a lot of things:· Pascoe said. "They have a lot of tool., and beat Fountain Valle) running. But it's the passing game "h"h the~ thnve on. They're _going to thro"' the hall on tir;t do" n. \CCOnd down and third dewn and the~·, l' mo' ed the hall on cver}'body. ··'I ou ha' l' tom 1' }'Our zone and man defenses, apply prl·ssurc and drop off keep 1hem guessing." "\\.earl· look1ng for a tough game from Huntington Beach ... !kmJ Mater Dc1 Coach Chuck Gallo. "We have had two clo<,e games with them since I've been here and the' are a trouble'iome club · "l here -.i.111 not he a lot of emotion because we play St Bernards the following "'el·k and our players will have a tendcnc}' to look to the ·\ngcluo; League. "l he' looked prcll' good against Bishop Montgom- c~ (a 1ti· I~ ""'n) Thl') jrl' a h1g team . They made Long Beach \\. il"41n. "'h1rh "a' '\.11 look had "Ourotkn'l1H line "'II be hampered b} IOJunes. but "C "'111 C\f)Clt \Oml' pld}l'r\ hatk for t. Bernard's." Thi\" lhl' third mcl·ting hct\.\CCn the two. Mater Dc1 o"' ""a 2-ll l•dgl' "1th ~4 21 and 14-I 3 dec1s1ons. And increase 1t did. Shonly after the stan. the wind had piped up to 16 knots. favonng tars & tripes. Eagle's lighter sail could not hold its shape. ............. .., ........ "Thq JU'it have a lot of team peed." continued White "On an~ g1,cn pla~ the)' can ha\e a big pla~ -.i.1th the speed the' h:l\ e l:X·f<.·ns1\ el) the}' move real ~c11. We think up front 1f\.\c can get offtne ball hke we did against Mater De1. "c'll he all right. But the) use a lot of stunting and eigh t-man fronts. 'iO "'c'll have to thro" the ball to beat them " Ocean Vi~w 12-21 v .anta Ana (3·11 ar-weai. mlnsttr: "\anta \na·., running back. Robert Lee looks like farl ( ampbell and the:\ ha' e some outstandina ren·1,cr' ··said nlcJn \ ll'" l oath Gu\ Carrozzo. "Their (PleaH Me EAGLE/~ Foantaln Valley'• Rich Brand will be at tleht end when the Barona take on Lon& Beach Poly at Veteran• Stadium Friday. Astros, Mets enter NL pennant challenge on hot streaks Cha mpion s hip promises to be pitch ers' showdown HOUSTON (AP) . -When Keith Hernandez was traded from the St. Louis Cardinals to the New York Mets, he cried. The Cardinals had won the World Sencs the year before~ the Mets bad been last in the National Lcaauc East. At the time, Hernandez never would have believed that, three years later, he would have another chance to be 1n a World Series. "I wa pretty down. I didn't like the idea of the trade at all," said Hernandez, who was obtained by the Mets on June IS. 1983 in a deal that sent p1tchC'r Neil Allen to l. Louis "Who could have aucs~c:t ''Herc was a club that lo t 90 game six or tc\lcn yearJm a row, 1 team that was 1n fifth and sixth place six or~ven years in a row. And they -turned it around to win 90 pmes. then 98 and now, 108 thi )car. That' a pretty touah act to follow." The Meu. lhampion~ of the Nl. East. take ba~ball' ht t rte rd. 108·54. 1nlo the fint game of the best-of-seven NL playoffs tontght aaainst the Houston Astros, who won the NL West with a 96-66 record. best 1n their history. Dwight Gooden, 17-6, will stan game one of th~ Mets. wirh Mike ott. 18-10. going for Houston. "They've got a great club. and Dnvcr, Johnson has done a great JOb as manager. · Astros Manaacr Hal Lanier said. "But we've had a pretty good season. too. We were in a fight to win our div1 ion. and I've got to be pretty satisfied with the wa y things turned out " Both clubs fini hed the suson w1th five- game winning streaks. The Mets cli nched lheir t11le on pt 17 and won 14 of thcrr final I gamt's. The stros clinched on pt. 25 when Scott pitched a no- hiner to beat San f nanct o 2-0 The no-hmer came in a stretch dunna which the !>tro won siit of ei&ht pme • all br ~hutouts Bob Knepper, Lanicr's game thf'C'C ,tarter, made his final tuneup for th<' pla}'o0s b)' pitch1na five pcrfoct 1nnin.p aaam<;t Atlanta before bc1na ta.ken out 1n Sunday' ason finale. The Mets' third-.aame starter. Ron Darling. combined with Sid f cmandc1 on a .. NL playoff .chedule T enltflt' 1 C.eme Ntw York <GOOOtn 17·6) 11 Houston l$co11 It· IOI. 525 om TIIUndlV'I G1me New V«ll (Ole<le ll·SI al Hou\ton llh•n 12·1). HO om S.llll'MV'I C.llM HCK11lon tKMDl>tf 17 111 er Ntw York tDarlln9 1S·41 9 10 • m ~v'•C.•~ Houtton (Dflhe!e• 12 SI ., N.-Vork IFtrne"4e1 16·6), S 20 om MIMll'l't G•~ ~IOft 11 Nt"" Vork ll nectt~rv noon w....-v. Oct. IS O.nM New Yorll 11 Mou110!' If '*''~n· "°°" 1'1lwMlltv, Oct. 16 ~ New Yoo 11 HoutlOfl. II l'ltCtUarv, S 10 om four·h11tu to !.hut out Pitt burgh on clo 1ng day. WhJlc the Ac;tro.,· p1tch1n~ stafTfin1 hcd on an up.note, 1t v.a~ the Met\' h1t11nfihat ot ho1 when the rtgular c;ca'iOn ended. D ml tr.tw- bcf'T). Gary Carter and Ray Kn1aht ~1t home runs in the 9-0 finale In their final I game\, tht' Mets had 18 home!'\. trawberT} had six homer'\ and 15 RHI in his final 11 games. while Carter ended thl' season with a I 3·game hitting 'ltreak during which he batted .373. He also wound up with 105 RBI to tic a club rcC'ord 'let by Rust~ ~taub 1n 1975 "The guys 1n the middle of the ordl·r .ire getting explo 1'-'t at the nght time," \traw~·r11 ~id. "We wan1cd to go out the wa\ ""c (Jmc 1n.·· Glenn Oa\'tS has pro"1dcd the po"'er tor Houston. With his 31 homers th 1~ season. he became onl)' the second A tro to top '\O I he other was Jim W)nn. who had 37 1n tQ67 and 33 1n 1969. Davis' 101 RBl were the 1,,th h1ahe 1 total 1n Astros h1stOI') and the mo~t since Roh W1t(,()n had 110 1n 1977 Davis' power 1s all the morr 1mprc !ll'-C because he has had to cope with the vag.tne'I ut the A.strodome. the toughnt park in the auonal l.ta&Ut" in which to hit homr run' "l JUSI use my natural stl'l'nath:' Oa'., id "You can't change bttau~ al the dome you can't "orrv about how many home" ct taken awa -- (Pleaee eee SUNS&T /BS) ' • No soviets OD hand . Mackovtc: Raiden piay dirty for Russian debut of American sport From AP dl1palclle1 MOSCOW -No peanuts, no pop-Iii corn, no Ru'> ion hout of"pla) ball." As a mat\rr offat•t, no Russian!> Doiens of We tern and Japanese correspondents gathen.'d Tue day at a soccer field in ~outh Mo'iCO" for whot was billed by the offiClal Ta s news agenn a~ the fif"t Soviet baseball game in Moscow. But thl' rnatehup pro"ed to be a holiday out1ne for '>ludt.>nts from N1c11rngua. Panama and the Dom1n1can Republican, not the ndvc."rt1sed o' •cl opener of Amau.:a·~ national pastime." The." Nicaraguans defc."ated a combined team~ from the other ~wo countncs. 3--0. "Nu no I'm not from thl' sports committee." said Anatol} l dxdc'. a sports profe'isor from Patnce Lumumba Fm·ndshtp l'n1,ers11~. "hen reporters be~1cged him about basebatrs future •n the So' 1et l nion Ta•" reported last "e.ck that baseball .. , 10 'be l ultl\ atl'd 1n thl' l ' ~ ~ R " and announced that MO'>l'O"., lirc.1 g.inll' \\Quid be Tucsda\ . .\nothcr Tass \tor. sa1J J.ipane\l' 'l'illOr'i in the Far Ea'>I cit} of f...h:ibarm ,1., aln:ad~ had b<.'gun teaching thl' sport to 'i<>' ll't~ thl'll' \Ta'' l'd11111 nnteJ JI Tuec;day's game. ho"e'er. 1hat lhl'l'"C "not \l't J ba..eball fedcra11on . \\h1ch v.ould ha'c to ht: IMmed bdore an} plan1> could be made to cxpand the <,port "No ~o,1e1 pla)ers hC're. JUSt us." explained Albeno Sunrl'/, a 11·\car-old '>ludrnt from Nicaragua. He s:ud Laun .o\mcru:an \tu<.knts 1n MoM.'O\\ ha' e been playing :tmall'Ur h:trdhall nn l;)unda)s for about five years =- "Wt:'rr: JU'I hl'rl· tn n·khr:m· Cons111u11on Day." said Jcsu' \1 cdina ol thl' Dominican Republic. Quote of the day Willie Wil son, f...ansas < II\ u•ntl·r fieldl.'r ~en hl' '>ii" outfidder Darn I Motlc) wl.'armg a #.alomup tJl kl·1 ''1th thl' v.ords ··v. orld Cham- p1om 1985" c,111rhl·d ll' er 1he breast pocket after • Motle' \\a\ traded b' thr RO\·al' 10 the .\tlanta " BraH~\ tor p1tcber Ste·, I.' Sh1clds. ··\\ear I hat well You "on'1 be getting one ol those in Atlanta." Mets could spark series bets LA.S VECJ<\S. NI.'\ -Legal bool..- mak.!r\ here are hoping thl' NI.'\\ York MeJs dd some~~d~tC"Y ~ttng-h_ II\ •Ilg up to lht·ir rok' a' l!-5 fa, onte<, O\ er the Houston Astros. -\ Houston win would probably further depre!>S World Series betting that has been lackluster at best going into the playoffs. most oddsmakers agree. "'I don't think the Astros will reall> crl.'ate the interes1 1n the World Series among bettors:· said Mel Exber. owner oft hi.' Las Vegas Club. "The Mets. with all 1hc press 1he\ gt·t will bring the bettors in for the World Scnei," "l hl' Ml'I" ha\C the chanl>ma."' agreed l;)onn> Rc11ner u f lhl· (a.,t;lwa) !I "The Mets against c11hl·r the .\ngcl'> or Red ~o' would~ a good matchup .. \111\1 \port\ hook operators "3) there has bel·n onl\ <,poraJtl tx·111ng .iu1on on the league pla~olh. bul C\pcll the \Olume to p1cl.. up con'i1derahl~ on~·I.' both pla)on., arc "'rapped up. KAN • .\ CITY. Mo. -K.an~s City EiJ Chief: Coach John Mackovic, declanni • • • "thccc is a umc and place for everythina. • howcd films of unday's game with Los AnJeles to the media that he said depicts the Raider try1n1 to hurt members of his team. In one piece offllm from the Raiders' fiaht-marred 24~ 17 victor'). which Mackov1c showed on Tuesday. Los Angeles defensive lineman Grq Townsend appeared to be kicking David Lutz in the head as the Chiefs' tackle lay on the ground without his helmet. ·In another cli'p, Raiders cornerback Lester Hayes appeors to be pcaring Chiefs' wide receiver Carlos Car on from beh ind. Carson went out with a sprained righ1 knee and ankle after the hit from Hayes. Lu tz ~as later lost for at least two weeks with a knt.-e injury. Also seen wa Chief~ guard Brad Budde being punched by Raiders defensive end Howie Long. who drc\\ a I ().yard penally. Maryland AD realgne poa1tlon • COLLEGE PARK, Md. -Dick Dull rt>'i1gned as ath lcnc director of the Univer-• Sll) of Maf) land Tucsda}, 1he first casualty of the ca mpuc; uphea,al following the cocalne-tnduced deo th of basketball star Len Bias. Whtie contending he had been contemplating res1gn1ng for as long as two years, Dull conceded that lh~· Rias 1nc1den1 and the resulting investigations a<.'<:t•kra1rd his dec1~1on. He will sen c Chancellor John B. Slaughter for a )Caras an ad\ 1 or on athletic and policy program issues after ~1epp1ngac;1dc on Nov. I. He also will be available on an as-needed bast~ for nine months after that. Charles F StunL, vice chancellor for adminis- 1rat1\ I.' afTatr'i, will serve on an interim basis. Slaughter \:ltd. while a national search is conducted ror a ix·rma ment replacement. Slaughtc1 announced the resignation at a news rnnkrence. but he declined to discuss the status of basketball coatl1 Left) Dncscll whose JOb ma) be in jeoparJ y. NHL stiffens fight penalties MONTRF.\l -The NHL Board of ~ < 10,crnors passed '>l'\l'ral rule changes on ' I ue'><la). tncludtng tougher penalties ag .. unst the 1n\1tgators of fights. Jn add111on to a major penalty for fighting. the tn'>l1ga1or of am altcrcallon will be further penali1ed "1th a minor. major or game misconduct penalt}. An) plaH·r asses~d one maJor penalt) or a minor on two on·a<;10ns in a gaml' for 1n<;11ga11ng a fight will rece1' can .w1oma11<.· m1\conduct In add111on the hnt:smcn no\\ can call minor pcnalt11.''i on lhl· ins11gJlor'i of fights • H1gh·\llll..1ng pcnalttl'\ could dra" double-minor\ rather than u\t a two-minute pcnalt}. at the discretion o t ere crl.'e. t• pre\loUHulcicalkd loronl}a minor or maJor pcnalt~ lor h1gh--;11ck1ng. Television, radio TELEVISION Noon -BASEBALL PLAYOFFS: -\ngels at Boston. Channel 7 S p.m -BASEBALL PLAYOFFS Nl'" York Mets at Houston. Channel 7. RADIO Noon~ BASEBALL PLAYOFFS: ..\ngd'> at Bo\ton. f...MPC (710). KNX (1070). S p m -BASEBALL PLAYOFFS NI.'" 'a ork Ml·t., at Houston. KN X (I 070). ;; .. ·T rojcins have rOo.m to improve .. . . ... • ... ... -: - USC m ay be 4-0, but Tollner not totally satisfied after le tdown against Ducks I Ill., \ "\( ,f I f '\ I \ l'l -Tht• C.,rn11hrrn <al I rnJan\ h~l\t· .1 ix·rfcct 1t'l111d :ind an· rankl·d ninth nat1onal- 1 bu! ( llJl h l l·d r ollnt•r \j\\ lhl'\ rl' , H trom .,,1tl\1fied · \.\ l' wn11nuc In tx· a hungf) it·:im 11llnrr \aid T Ul'"da\ ""lo"' "l 1 •• y s 111 lind a ""' 1u beat \\ '"11111••1 i1 ..,t,ll<.' up there (1n l'ul lm.rn \\ 'h 1 • \lth11u~I llll' J rr>Jan'I h3\l' a 4.(J rl.'lord JI d afl• ~-IJ 1n Pal·rtic-IO pla}. thn h,1\ h.1'" lor d1., ... at1<,fact1on f hl'\ h,l\l' \l"I 111 pla~ (O n!-IStenll) Adi l11r 11 It.II ••.11m· Jnd each of their 11 ll'I' h." 1w,·111p l11r ~rah\ 1n lhl.' I 11.1 I qu.ir ll r 1,,..., \,1111rd.1 \ thn d11m1natt•d lhc 111~1 ti.all .i11.11n'1 < >rq.!11n hu1ld1ng a i ,, ~ k .1.t h' 1h1• 1ntl·rm1<,<,1on But 1he Dud~. helped b} fi,c frojan fumbles. outst orl'd Southern (al 14-0 in the second half and m1s'ied a couple of other opportun1t1c\ 10 make thl· game e'en clo'icr. "We pla}ed perhaps o.1.1r best half of football since rve been here 1n thl.' lir\t hair:· said Tollner. in his fourth 'car as the Southern Cal coach '"But ihen we backed It up w11h what ma\ ha,·e been the wo~t. "'It was probabl) good lor u' \l.-1.' learned that 1f \.\C don't pla' \\Ith 1ntens1t) all the time. we're JU<,I another foo1ball 1eam '"If we c.onccn1ratt and arc focusl.'d the entire ume. "c can be a H~r) good football team " Tollner ~1d that. .,,nee the TroJan pla)ers seemed to take the \econd· PACIFICA COMMUNllY HOSPITAL COMMUNITY HEAL TH FORUM This forum offers lectures. clinics and seminars on variou healthcare issues. This fall. these new programs will be offere to the public at no charge. ' PAC JFICA'S I NSTITUTE OF PORTS MEDICI NE • October J 6, 1986 -7:00-9:00 p.m. KNEE-THE TORN CARTILAGE Peter Reynold's M.D. Orthopedic Surgeon An in deµth medical_ o_verv1ew. including problems, endurance, and in1uriP1> for active athlete . ASK THE DOCTOR STROKE AND ITS PREVENTION Cktoher 10th, 19A6 7.00-9:00 p m. William P. BrA C'ciodieta, M.D. Neurologist A di C'\14'. ion Ahout r1"k factor • warning Kigns, ~troke profile und M roke prevention. Lecture • Film · Que tion & An wer PKfk:a Towers 18800 ~i.w.r, St .. Huntington Buch. CA 92648 Community Room (2nd Floor) f'Ct I~ 1nl0fl'N4•)1'1 cttl -·-PHclf1ca commuocy fd\l<i1111un C00td" Commumty Hospital (714) 842-06 11 . EXL 2 l half lc1do\\ n against Oregon a~ hard as the) might a dl'l'cat. hl' tried to convince them that 1he) should bl· happ~ bccau'ie 11 wa'l. after all. a \ ICIOr). "'But thq didn't really bu) 11 ... ht· \aid ""ha grin. "'and I hkl.'d that." A'i\e\\tn~ the 35-~I \l<."to r~. Tollner said the lost fumbles - \pread among four different player'> -\\ere the only real break.do\\ n b) ht\ cl ub 1n lhe second half. He complimented the pla) of quarterback Rodney Peete. running back Aaron Emanuel. lind1acker. Re\ Moore and Marcus Cotton. and ofTl'n'>l\t: guard JelT Bregel. among other' The performance b~ Emanuel. \\ho averaged M.5 )ards per carr} as he rushed for l44 y.ards and two touch· down~. marked the fir..t 11me 1h1'> -.cawn that the froJan running game has been rcall~ effecti ve . Tollner sa1a · that Emanuel. a sophomore. will be scheduled to replace junior R ~an Knight as 1he Trojans' stan1ng tailback again~t lhl· Cougars Saturday He added that the change was 1ns1gnificant srncl' both will continue to 'ihare the <.Jut) ANGELS.~. 1'rom81 first inruna. sliced an RBI double into tht' kfi-licld ~omer that made it 2.0. Afier Clemens tbttw ball one 10 Downina. Red Sox p1tch1na coach 8111 Fischer walked hurriedly to the mound to talk with his struU)ina acc. s soon as the visit was over and amm)' Stewart bcpn wa rm1na up, Downin1 hncd a two-run sin&te into the lefi-fitld corner. By the time Clemens finished strikina out Reale Jackson, he had thrown· 4S pitCJ\es in the second inninj and had been rocked for four runs 1n an innlna for only the second time this seasqn. While the crowd of 32.993 sat in stunned silence, the A,naels scored again in the third. hortstos' Spike Owen made a high throw for an error on WiJfona:s one-out grounder. and • singles by Boone and Pettis incrcasM- thc lead to S--0. Pettis had been O-for-9 apins.t Clemens until the hit. ''In this ballpark. five runs is not that many" McNamara said. "We have a very aood offensive ballclub and cfln come back and score runs." But, as Joyner Pointed out: "It's a big enough hill to climb when you have to (ace a Roger Clemens or a Mike Witt. It's a huae mountain when you have tQ face that kind of pitcher down four or five runs." Clemens never had gi ven up more than five earned runs this season. and Tuesday he was charged with eight. seven of them earned. Win. gi ven a big cushion. breezed through a Boston batting order that had only a collective .178 average a~inst him in his career. The 6-foot· 7 right-hander was 18-10 this season. yet was only 1-2 against the Red Sox despite a 2.66 ERA apinst them. "He went seven innings and Jhrew a lot of pitches, so we know he won't be back until at least Game 4," Joyner said . Joyner d1dn '1 Sa} ... o what 1f he ., .. IS W111 walked Owen w11h two outs in the sixth. snapping his string of 16 consecutive batttrs. Boggs followed w11h Boston's first hit on a h1i.h chopper that Dec inces fielded while ,, .... , .... Reel Sox catcher Rich Gedman (left) apeab with pltclaer Roger Clemen• on the mound durlna t&e Aneel• foar-nm aecond Tueaday night ln Boaton. The Angela won 8-1. . charging from third base but had no play on Boggs. who sat out the final four games of the season wtth a ngh1 hamstring inJury, ran hard the whole way and was limping noticeably after crossing fim base Marty Barrett then lined a '>tngle to right that drove home Ov.en w11h what turnc."d out to be Bmton's onh run. Witt ended the inntng b} ge111ng Bill Buckn er on a Oy ball. and "'l'nt on 10 close out the Red Sox. He fin1'ihcd "'th t\\O wall..s and three strikeout<,. G"lrmenc; had ~ttled do\\ n in the middle innings and retired 13 of 14 batters before the Angels knocked him out in the eighth. Consecutive one-out singles by Schofield, Boone and Pellls made it 6-1. and Clemens walked off the." field to a standing O\all on, having thrown 143 pitches. He struck out five and walked three. Joe Samb1to relieved Clemens and walked Joyner with two outs, loading the bases. Bob Stanley took over for Samb1to. and Downing delivered another two-run single that capped the '\ngels' rout. New Zealand, .AJD~rica~ y_achts_wi~ FREMANTLE. Australia CAP) - New Zealand staged a brilli ant come- back 1n the final leg to defeat French Kiss today and remain one of three unbeaten boats in the fir\t round of thl.' .\mcnca's Cup t•hallengl'r eltm1na11on -.enc~. The Sl'rtC'> "111 decide which of I J cha llengers "''II face the Australian defender. '>till to be selected, in the l\mcnca·., Cup. v.h1ch be.gins in th•~ Indian 0ll.'an pon cit> Jan. 31. Pre' 1ou'>h unbeaten French Kis'> led b~ 51.J 'ICCOnds al the \e<.·ond mark. bu1 Ne" Zealand began to nibble awa} at the lead. gaining ground at C\CI) marl.. -including 21 seconds EAGLE ... From Bl ··1 \1mpl) u1llcd for 1he wrong ma1ns'I." <;aid Da\1~. "'Although the) out'iatlcd uc; mer the entire course. 1f "c had had a hea' 1er main it probabl) \\OU Id ha\ c been closer than th e three-minute advantagl' the~ o"nl.'J at the fin 1~h." But that'-; }alhl ran ng. Thl' win gav1: C'onnl'r hi'> third \ 1ctorv in a ro"' 1n the October round- roh1n \l'ric'> and dropped Eagle to I-~ ( he al'lo lost to French Kiss b} a narro"' margin 1n the second race). "Of course. wc·re disappointed."' \atd 8111 C'nsp1n. Eagle's project manager at the Ne\\ port Beach head- quarters. "'but wine; in this series arc not as cri11cal as the} will be in 'lovember and December." Each win in the October series nets onl} one point. In No,ember. each "''" is worth five points. and in December. 12. "'It 's no secret 1ha1 we need a bigger sail wardrobe.'' said Crispin. "'but \31ls cost money (about S 18.000 for a m:11n) and we don't have the funds that Conner has." In other matchec, Tuesday. Ne\\ York Yacht Club's America II de- feated England's White CrusaMr. I :30: Italia defeated Azzura (both Italian yachts). 5: I 0: New Zealand defeated USA (San Francisco), I :42: French Kiss defeated Courageous (Yale Corinthian YC') when dunng the final do\\nh1ll run. New Zealand got awa> Ill windward while rounding the final mark. and a fiercl.' 1acl..ing duel ensued. as New Zealand put a hard cover on the French boat and 'iatkd 10 ,,., fourth 'itr:.11ght 'ictor. under Chn., D1d,on French Ka">s los11t' tir.,1racl.'111 lour Ines. Thl' lwo 10.p-ratl.'d l J ~-challengl.'f\. o\menra II. sailed b) Juhn l\nhus and Dennis ( onner's Star'>&. '-ltnpn also remained undclcated o\mcnla II dcfeatl·d .1no1hn .\menC"an boa1, l \A. skippered b) Tom Blacl..allcr. \\htle ( onncr hand- ed Englamr., Whlll' C ru!>Jder. p1lo1cd Amer ica's Cup Courageous dropped out w11h gl·ar trouble: and Canada II defeated Heart of Amenca. 2:36 Standings after three races: Stars & Stripes. 3-0: French Kiss. 3-0: New Zealand. 3-0: White Crusader. 2· I: America II. 2-0 (bye): EaJ!e. 1-2: USA. 1-2: Hean of Amenca, 1-2: Courageous. 0-3: A11ura. 0-3: Italia. 1·2: Challenge France. 0-2 (bye): Canada II. 1-2. b> Harold Cudmore. Its second straight defc!at after 1wo wins. U A 1s 1-3. Star'i & Stripes is 11cd wi th New Zealand at 4-0. while Amenca II 1s J-0 Ne\\ Zealand and .\mcm·a II will hold a sho"down race Thursday in this first round-robin scnes. Two morl.' round-robins will be held before thl' top four boats en1er the sem1- linals The winds remained light. ranging lrom SI\ kno1s at the stan and building slowl> 10 13 10 IS knot!> beforl' dropping to 12 knots at the fin ish. Perez . to return as coach C"l\:\INNATI (o\P) -Re tired C 1nunna11 Reds first baseman Ton) Perc1 announced Tuesda\ that he will return next season as a coach with the Na11onal League team. The Reds ga'e Pere1, 44. a choice of jObs within the organization after he pla}cd his final game on unday . He said he thought about scouting for 1he club in Latin .\menca, but deudcd he wanted to remain on the." maJor-lcague squad. "'I \\ant to belp the ballclub 10 win.·· Pere; told a news conference at Rt\'erfront Stadium. "I think tht' bcs1 wa\ 1s 10 be 1n uniform.'" Peret was one oft he most respected Rl.'dt.' pla}ers dunng the days of the "Big Red Machine"' 1n the 1970s and when he returned to Cincinnati for the 1984-86 scasom. Teammates had jokingly called him "Coach" and looked to him for advice 1n his last two years. a role Perez embraced. "'I think the best I can do for the Cincinnati ballclub 1s be a coach for the gu)s." Perez said. "1 think they admire me. We get along well. They listen to me. most of the guys." Now ening Fresh Local Lobster 7 Nights A Week Complete dinner including soup or salad a nd choice of pota to or rice pil af in_buslre~ Coming Sunday Oct. 19, 1986 in ... ... . " ... • - . Dickeri on ahe'ci d of record pace Ram ,..._AP .. .,.leMa Eric Dickerson is on a tear qaio. :S:~::;=:rd~~~-. ~~ n rusher, pined 207 yards Sunday apfost the Tampa Bay Bucx:anecn to aive him 657 yards throuatJ the first ftve pmes ollbe season. That is I S9 yards ahead of his pace in.)984, when he finished with 2.IOS Ylfds to top the record of2,003 set by BUtralo's OJ. Simpson in 1973. And, accordina to Coach Jotin Robinson, Dickerson is runnins bet- ter than ever and is continuina to improve -hardly uplifting news for Rams' opponents. "He seems to be more of a power runner and an elusive runner com- bined than at any other time since we've had him ," Robinson said of the 6-3, 218-pounder from Southern Methodist. "I.alt year, we utld him up cloeer, a.lmost like a fuUt.ck. This year. we'redetmnined '°r him out in the open more . . think Eric is improvina11a runner and I hope that trend continues for a few years," Robinson added with a smile. "Erjc i1con1t1ntly·womna10 att bcucr," Rama tiaht end David Hill said. ''The yards came to easy the first couple of years." Rams auard Dennis Harrah, de- tcribina Dickerson's day qainst the Bucs, .said: "Kc was flowina like lan1tyan pilchin&. ... ''He can ao any distance at any time." Tampa ~Y safety Ivory Sully, whom Oickerso'n nauened in the open field a couple of times, said. "When you play •¥inst Eric, he makes it happen. He s a great com- petitor." Oickcrson1 meanwhile, seems to be staying on his usual even keel. He's taking this year's success much as he did his less-distinguished I 985 season. Last year. he was a contract holdout during training camp and the first two aamcs of the regular season, and -for the first time in his brief NFL career -didn 11 set a seasonal rushing record. "Hey, I'm not Superman." he .said after one so-so outinf last season. Foltowina Sunday s ~me, he said simply ... , played OK.' "OK" included 30 ~arries for the 207 yards, the most yards by any runner ever apinst the Bucs, plus a touchdown run of 40 yards in the first quarter and another of 42 yards that ga ve the Rams a 26-20 victory in oven1me. Chargers' offense sp~-ttering San Dtego'sooce powerful attack continues to stall SAN DIEGO (AP) -The San Diego Chargers' offense is loaded with stars who seem to be losing th eir bnllancc. "All of us are in a state of shock1" Chargers Coach Don Coryell said after San Diego's traditionally potent offense sputtered again in a n-7 loss to the Seattle Seahawks Monday nigf!L "Tile w ore unil p!ayoopoorly." Coryell said Tuesday in assessing the team's latest offensive effort. "We JUSt have to play better." With the NFL season only fi ve weeks old. the Chargers ha vc won just one game and arc in last place 10 the AFC West. "The only thing we can do now 1s regroup." Coryell said. "We dug ourselves in a hole and we're the only ones who can dig ourselves out ... Coryell remains puzzled over thr Chargers' tack of sconng l?unch. ~n1.r a stunn ing offensive display 1n a season opening 50-28 victory over Miami. the Chargers ha ve failed 10 score a second-half touchdown in the past month, losing to the New York Giants, Washington Redskins, Los An1teles Raiders, and Seattle. "It's confusing. I don't think any of us can pinpoint anything. We're JUSI not ptar,ing the offense like we have 10 play it. • Coryell said. The biggest mystery in the of- fensive slump is that San Di ego has the same personnel from a squad that led the NFL 1n sco ring. passing offense and total offense last year. "I don ·1 know what has happened." said San Diego Quarterback Dan Fouts. a six-time all-pro who has thrown 14 interceptions in the past fou r games. The NFL record-holder with 47 300-yard passiog games. the 35-year-old Fouts has not thrown for more than 235 yards in a game this season. "It's rock bo11om tor us," Winslow said, "but maybe we had to hit rock bottom before we could bounce back." Uni ni s San Clemente in five-overtime game University got a goal from Ken Little 1n the fifth ovenime period to clinch a 10-9 non-league road victor) apinst San Clemente Tuesday in high school water polo play. l ittle had six goals for the game. while tJn1 goahe Greg Waters had 13 saves. In other high school ac11on: St. John Bosco 15, Mater Del 8: The Monarchs were outscored 9-3 over the second and th ird periods 10 drop a ~I Rey League game to the '1s11ing Bra' es at Saddlcback High. Bnan Breen led Mater Dc1 (0-3. 6-7 overall) w11h three foals, while Danny Markert and 1mmy Can· tarella added two apiece .. - Fullerton 13, MarlDa 12: Manna dropped 11s first one-goal det:1\1on 1n seven such games as Fullerton bu th a 10-7 lead and hung on for a "'In at Golden We!.1 ( ollcge The V1k1ng!> ( l()..J) got liH· goal\ from And} Paratclle and three from Wade Womack. bu t trailed th rough- out the ~cond half. Orange Coast 14. Grossmont IS: I he Pi rates made II fi ve '>lra1ih1 v1ctonc<. in Orange Empire Conference pla}. racing to a 13-3 advantage earl} _In th~ founh quaner aga1n'>t the Griffins OCC 114-1 overall) was led b) Karl 1ewan and Enc Keller with four itoals apiece and Chns Duncan. Vikes still perfect -i after sweep of FV : Marina remained unbeaten 1n Sunset League volleyball pla)'. while E.dison remained m the thi ck of th ings with a hard-fought fi ve-game win at home ag:11ns1 Fountain Val- ley. Here's a look at Tul·sda~ 's matches: Sea Kings remained unbeaten ( 1·0) in Sea View play w11h a 15-11. I 5·6. I 5-1 s"'ccp of Tustin at Corona del Mar. Back-row spec1ahst Shannon Flint led CdM (7·1 overall) defensively while Shauna hngsb) ( 14 kills) and Kart'n Smtih ( 11 kills) led the of- fense. NewP.Ort Harbor 3, Saddleback 0: -------· 81JN8ETFOOTBALLPREVIB ••• ..... 1 quantrbKk (RJchatd Fanu) 1 uctl~t tte ~ wtU and ruasevm bt11er." Carrouo.,11 not t'-rouah dcscnbin1h11 aeam'1 auk: "Their offentt " pretly basic. They have a coupk people they want to act tht ball to who they fiaurc will do • them the most Jood. "Their dc(ense on Lhe other hand is vtry muhipat. They line up all overthe ptace. They arc 1ousti on that !ide of the ball and we're anioous 10 t.ee what we can do 1111n t their P.!rsonncl • They tun an c1ati1-m1n front and regular SO. Wt'vc teen both of these from teams we ha ve fattd already this year but not in the same aemc." h would be safe to «pcct a liule deception from the ~ahawks if they hold true \O previous games' form . "We arc bq.innina to enjoy makina b1a plays. Jn three of our four games. we have run a trick play or blocked a punt 10 a.ct things goina for us." Carrozzo said. Fo.atala Valley (1-4) n . ~ Beac~ Poly U·Z> a& Veteraa1 Stadlam: Pol y's Jackrabbits wait with ~2. 195- pound Leonard Russell, considered by some the nation's No. I-rated running back recruit. • "He's -ood,J' said §ountain Valley Coach Mike Milner. "Hes very fast, "9'iys1cal and cxplos1vcevery ume the touches the ball." • • McMahon might have operation LAKE FORE T. Ill. {AP) - Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon. bothered by an aching nghl shoulder. 1s h1n11ng 1ha1 he might opt for arthroscopic surgery. . The flamboyant McMaho~. who won his last 20 starts and 29 of 33, says he is gelling tired of playing injured. "II hurts. I don't like waking up the following day and having 11 hurt all the 11me," McMahon said Monday. the day after the Bears' 23-0 victory over the Minnesota Vikings. "I don't know if it's any worse." McMahon said. "I'd say 11's about the ~me. I don't feel 1t during the week because I don't throw. I'm still throwing well dunng the games, and the 11m1ng is still there." _ McMah on suffered a first-degree. or mild. !>eparauon ofh1s shoulder in the fou rth quarter of the season opener aga1 nst Cleveland . McMahon missed the nc\t two g.1mes but returned to guide the mdefeated Super Bowl champions 10 v1ctones over Cincinnati and Minnesota. McMahon indicated surgery waci a poss1&ili t'y during or after the cicason. _"JJ J had 1l scoped I'd mm about fo ur ""eeks,_" he said. "Then again. 11 might heal 11\Clf There's a lot o 1empta11on forsurger). It wouldn't bea d1fficuH or !>Cnous opera11on .. McMahon also 1sco ns1dcnng the poss1bht}' ofs1111ng out a couple of"'eeks later in the season to rest and ma) be heal the shoulder. He said he has been ass ured by doctors he 1s not risking further injury h) playing. "If we win our next two or three gc1mes. "'e could probabl} be in the dnvcr'<.. ..eat." McMa~on said of pla}off poss1b1h11cs. "Then I could take on a couple of \\<eeks .. That's what MclVlahon did last season "'hen he had 1end1nit1s 1n his nght shoulder. He missed the last three games 1n November and saw hm11cd action 1n the Bears· only loss, to Miami in December McMahon came back strong in the final three games of the regular season before directing the Bears 10 playoff '1ctoncs over the Ne"' York (,1ants. the Rams and final!) the 46·10 triumph over Ne"' En$1and m the ~uper Bowl. McMahon said last }cars inJUf) and the one 1h1s season are unrelated. • ll.....tl ICOnict Oft a 14-Yiild ... AJmMw ..... fOUl'181ft Vlltly in a 21.0 v.,. Poly'•-"-..... ,:1 i,:"""W' ....... Amat. whidl places lhc Of Aw ~ champt0n1 record in a deceivilw ""-hPIA~ &cam hK Poe,,_ _ .._ dJleY're aoina to at least one oa ,_ ...... Gl'tbeir .,_ athkllc ability." said Milner. ··our ~st problem -MU be a.ow ow o&nte .--. apinst their dd'cnK." continued Milllet. 1'hey're bie and ph)'sical up front with a .,att l«Olldary, at UIUel. • • Martaa (t·" at Mllllluaa (M): ''Tbty have a 1ol of team soced and we're not tpina to outmaneuver them," said Marina Coach Chris Ramsey of Millikan's Rama. Ram5CY expect$ to have his aquad clOttf to the real look with two-w11y stanet Tyler Aldous (ankle}, out~ linebacker Bnan BosK (knee) and dtfcni1vc bKk Mike Cross (ankle} back. but the status of 1tandoul runner Sean Maaula (ankle-calf) remams on a d:IY·to-day buis. Linebacker Todd Dest.attc. too. rcm11ns quesuonabk af\er m1ssina three aames with if\IUI)' "Millikan has good site 1nsJdc, pan1culary on defense." added Ramsey, wbo admits h~·s had enouab of non-leaaue pmcs. "Yes," he stud. "I really am sick and tired or non- leaguc game . " Ramsey's background is Geori1a where the ~" football season 1s based on one non-leaJUC same. nine league games. then the playoffs. wh1cb include the top four from each league. Pootblll (3·1) at WestmlJl1ter O·t·t>: "It doesn't get any easier." That's Westminster Coach Jim O'Hara's first reaction 10 h1~ 1cam's task Thursday when his Lion!> tangle wtth Ted Mullen's Kn ights. It's the li~t-evcr meetinf between the two veteran coaches from a head coach's viewpoint, although O'Hara was an assistant at anta Ana Valley against Mullen, and he was an assi'ltant at Westminster when the Lions hooked up with Anaheim during the Colonists' gJory )Cars. One of the lccy ing~d1cnts to Coach C'1arc VanHoorebekc'~ legendary Anaheim squads was de- fensive coordinator Bob Salemo. presently Mulltn' assistant. Foothill's big weapon is at tailback in John F1tchbe<:k (6-0. 190). one poswpn Westminster may be without as tailback Corey 01cksbn.J?urscs a bone spur in his heel. Flu 1Day sideline Arizona pl~yers TUCSON (AP) -Amona quanerback Alfred JenJumha been c;1ck with flu-hk C\}mptomHbal plaaued about a doten teammates. but a test rtvcalcd he suffered from allergies and can pla) In S'atur y s Pac- confcrence football game at UCLA. a team spokesman said. The Wildcats l>llll didn't know Tuesday n1&ht whether '>cnior outside hnebackcr Danny Locken would be able 10 pla y on Saturda). Wildcat ( oach Larry Smith had said in h1<1 week I} nev.s conference Tucsda} that he was unsure whether Jenkins ""ould pla}' in Sat urda} 's Pac-I Oconfercncc game against U( LA "He's 11rcd. all stopped up and aching," m1th said But the L)nwood senior took a bl09(i test before going to class r ucsday morning. and by late afternoon, 11 was determined he suffered from allcrg1cs, team spokesman Butch Henry said Jenkino, reponcd for practice on Tuesday, Henf) said. Locken. meanwhile. was unable to practice on Tuesda)'. as he i,uffcrcd a relapse of Ou-like symp\om~. Henry said. ' Act Now •· I I I I I I •· I Marhta 3, Westminster 0: After a I S-7 opening game win. Manna trailed 13-3 before Chnst) Larsen served 10 straight points 10 11c the game at 13 en route to a 15-13 second game-win and a sweep of host We'll· minster. Larsen led the Vikings (3·0. 7.() overall) w11h nine kills. while setter Temrc Kuester added eight kills. i.\1- lsion Krause also sparkled for Manna with a consistent defensive effon from the back row. The Sailors had little trouble with the Roadrunners. sweeping, 15-8. 15·0 and 15·6 at Newpon Harbor to re- main 1n a first-place tit' with Corona del Mar. Newport (3-0. 5-0) wal> led b}-sophomore setter Sienna Curci. who had JO assists and junior ou tside hitter Jenn} ti.ans. who notrhed nine kills. I I I I I I I I I I I Enjoy a 7 Day 11Fun Ship ~' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Edison 3, Foantaln Valley 2: The Chargers improved to 2-1. w11h a 15-11. 12-15. 15-4. 1-15. 15-9 wtn while the Barons dropped 10 I·:? 1 n league ac11on at Edison. Jennifer Neville had eight kills 10 lead the Chargers. now l,.3 overall. while teammate Lynn Ferry had 10 bloc.ks. Fountain Valley was led by outside hi11ers Kellie Bruce and Yvette Ybar- ra. Corona del Mar 3, Tustin 0: The Ma ter Del 3, Bishop Montgomery 1: the Monarchs rebounded from a 15-2 first-game defeat to take the next three. I S-0. 15-4. 15-10 for a home \ICIOf). Mia R1 chlcy ( 14 lolls and four blocks). Came Sullivan ( 11 lulls and four blocks) and Nicole Smith {nine kills and fi ve asmts) led Mater De1, which improved 10 2-1. 6-1 o erall. The win puts Mater Del into a tic for first 1n the AnJcl us League w11h St. Joseph and B1sh1p Montgemer). Pirates earn shutout over league foe Cypress I Richard Pilon scored Oran'e Coast College's tone &041 on an assist from John l?anland IS minutes into the first half to a• ve the Pirates a I ·0 victory over Cyprcs.a m soccer action at OCCTuesday. Pirate goahe John Footman had two sa ve en route to earning th e • shutout. The Or1lnge Emeirc Con- ference win improved OCC's record to 2..0. and 4-S overall. while Cyp~!>s drops to 0.2, 0-6 overall. In women's acuon: c;.w-Wnt $, I.Mc Beac~ CC t : The lbttlers rttt1vcd a pair of goal each from Connie Knapp and Kelh WinklcrtoknockofTthehost V1k1na-s. hannon A~u unc had the other Colden WC1t aoal a the Ru tiers moved to 2-0-1 in the uth \oa,t Confercnct and 6-2-1 ovcrall GWC hons Palomar Fnday. Oran1e Cea1& Z, Palomer O: Annct· te Lovnaeseth scored on a comer kick with ei&ht minutes remaining and Barbara Souza added a late goal to give the Psmt~ll 2-0 confcttnce win at PaJomar. Palomar goalie Janice Tan topped 27 O(' l!hOtS In the pme. QC(' _,proves 10 3-0 in conference pla)' and 7 -1 overall. and will face Golden West in a first-place show· down Tuesday at Golden We t UC lrvlae I, Cbpmu t : n1ea1cr fre hman Holly Phona.score<l one aoat and a 1~1ed on two others a UC! took a non-kaguc victory at home. Sophomore Kelly G nmm. had the aame-winnner with 18 minute left aner hapman had rallied from a 2-0 halftime deficit to forge a 2·2 ue. Kann Grtl son al~ talhcd for tht -\nteaters. who improved to 6-2-1 I I I I I I I \C I --1 Mexican Riviera Cruise From Los Angeles Cruise the Tropicale to the sun drenched Mex1car: Riviera for 7 days and save up to S 792 per cabin , on the following sailings: November 2 thru 16, November 30 thru December 14, 1986 and January 4 thru February 1, 1987. Di scover why.the "Fun Ships" are the Most Popular Cruise Ships in the w o.rld. for as l~ttle a~ S6~9 (in-~~. side cabin, upper & lower berths), S799 l1ns1de cab1r:1, tw1n/k1ng) ~~~ or S899 (outside cabin, twin/king). Rates are cruise only, per []< :t:1r11i\'C: person, double occupancy, plus port charges Restrictions apply. This unbelievable low price includes virtually everything ... 8 great meals and snacks a day ... terrific entertain- ment. .. full gambling casino ... three bands ... full gym and sauna ... lots of activities ... great se~1ce ... swimming pools ... and friendly passengers JUSt like youl Tropicale departs Sundays from Los Angeles to Puerto Vallarta. Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. If you'd rather cruise the Bahamas or the Caribbean, take a 3, 4 or 7 Day "Fun Ship" from Miami, Ft. Lauderdale or San Juan ... with Free Round Trip A ir Faref Registered 1n Panama and Liberia. See Your Travel Agent for full def.alls. I o..-. COUt DAIL y PILOT I Wedneed•y, October e, 1986 ' 1 F 0 R l H t R l c u H 0 ~ t I . . . " AMmlttcAN LIAGUa ll'LAYOFFS Afttll• 1, lted sex 1 CA'-1110.NIA JOl!flrl Burlu n Df1 Wll11e rf Jovner II> Downing II Jtck'n dll 0.Ct\03D Wllfon112D 5ctl0fl1cl" Boonie Pellll d Tetllli (Gamet) llH II bl 4 I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f I 2 I s 0 2 ' '0 0 0 s 0 1 0 S I 0 0 s ' I 0 l 2 2 I ) 7 2 I IOSTON 8 0'Wl)b Berrell 2b 8 ucllnr lb Rice If 81\llOr dh Ev1nl rf G1<1m1nc Armel cf Owen" :19 I 11 I Tltlllt , _ k-by llwllfl4I' lllf II bl ) 0 1 0 '0 2 l ' 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 ' 0 I 0 ' 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 I I 0 l l s ' CallMrnil 04' 000 0>0-1 ....... 000 001 000-1 G1me w 1nnlno R81 -JotWH 111 E-OW1n OP-<11tfoo1•a I L08-C1llforn11 I Bo"on S 18-Joy~r 1 8evtor S8-Sc:noh1ld Ill C1llf9rnl1 WtllW I 0 .. ,,.,. c1-n,L 0 S.mD1•0 S11n11v lft H A ER 88 SO • ) 1 I J 10 I 1 J S 0130 0 0 I 0 Ill I 0 0 0 0 um1>or1l-Home ono Coonev Th1•0 C.erc10 Bernell Ftr\I McCov Sic Brem•otn Litt Rot R10M T-n1 A 31993 sco1t1NG SUMMAAY Anvell ..c.n« Wiltong ltruck ou• S<hOtlelcl llruck ou1 Boone wallled Pellll walktd Boone 10 •econd Jonet llngteo to center Boone scoreo, Pell•\ lo 1nlrd Joyner OOut>teo 10 lefl Pelll\ .cored, Jonn 10 tlWO Oowntnu ,1ng1eo 10 ltft, Jonll and Jovner \corttd JeCklon \lruck oul Angt!S '· Red Sox O A""4l llllrd: OtCinct\ orounoeo our to ,norhto11 W1lfon11 \tie on \norl\1011 Owtn'• lhrowlno error Schot1t10 llr uc k our Boone \lngled lo center Wllfono to \tcono Petti\ singled 10 right. w111ong \COrtd. Boone 10 third Jone• 0011oeo out ro \nortllo11 Anotl\ S. RIO Sox 0 AM SH uxll\ C.t<lman llleo our 10 c1n1er Armes flll<I O•JI IO roglll Owen welllt<I 8000\ \lng..O 10 third. Owen 10 \ICono 811rre1t singled 10 rlgt11 Ow•n \CO•ed 800Q\ 10 sKono 8ucli.ne< lli.d out 10 i.11 Anot'' S Reo Sox I A,...is .+tfllll. W1 fono grounoeo our 10 Meoncl SchOl•e•o \1n111eo 10 rivnr Scno11el0 51~ "'ones 8oont s•no'eo 10 r1on1 Scnohe10 scoreo P1tt11 slno•ecs 10 riont 8oont to MtCono S.mDllo rtlltYIO Ct~s Burleson, J!Llla\ Jlllling IOt Joni\, fouled our 10 '"" Jovntr welt.ea. 8oonf 10 lhird, Peth\ to l«OllO S11ntev ""'"'" S.mblro Oown•no ,,ng1eo 10 left 800!\e •no Pellr\ scored Jovntr 10 HConcl Jack~ grouno.o Into hetoer'\ cno1s;t IO '''" Oownong lorced 11 .-cono. lint 10 \nortstOll Anoets ,, Red $ox l C1uon1 SrHl•no Nonf Srrlt.eouh Anolfs Jont1 W1r1ono Scnof•fto 2 Jecit\On, Red So• Owtn Ev•ns, Rt<t' PLAYOFF SCHEDULE LMeue Qwncllonsbip l«'le& CAI Tlmts ftSTI Tllftd9rt~ AM!lfs a Bo\lon I TedlV Anetls al 80\lon, 12-0S pm New York Mel' •• Housron S 2S 11 m TllU<lelaV Ntw York Mtl\ •t Houlton, S 20 11 m Fr~v Bosron at A"9'1l, S 70 om S.1Urd8Y Housron •• New Yor~ Mtr• 9 10 a rn 80\lon 11 Aneef• S ?O o,., Sundly 80\IQn el A"911• "°°" I I nKfU&•v Hou\fon et New York M•'' S ?O 11 m ~v H~lon a1 N,w YMk Meis 12 OS 11 m 111 T.,.'4S•Y A,,_., 1r Bo\lor S 70 11 rr r ne< tnar v I Wedne\day, Oct rs Ne"' Yoro Mtl\ 11 H"°"\l{o' 11 OS r.,.. I I nectn••~ ~s a1 80\1on S 10 o rr t nt(eua-. TllurMSIY, Oct ll New Yoro ~'' •I Houston S 70 "m neceu1rv1 All oamt\ to De rerev1seo DY ABC ""'" .... 11 Wertd 5-rles S.turay, Oct 11 Al N&lt0!\411 LHO~ S 35 II"' Svncln, Oct It .111 N•••one1 Luo.,. S 2S 11 m Tuuoav, Oct. 11 Ar AfTlt'r C1'n League S 1S pm WtdntscSev, Oci n A• Amer•c•n LHgut. S7S om TllurMStv, Oct. 2l A1 /l...,,.,.,en Le&gue S 1S 11 m Ill neceuerv1 Saturoav. Oct lS ,,,. N1t• oner LHOUf S 1S 11 m 111 "ecenarv' Sunclay, Oct 16 A• Na•• ,oa Lt'aout S 1S 11 m 1,t ntetuerv • A 1err1I''" Dt •f'th 1lt0 Dl NBC 1(nennt 1 •1 MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS Amtrluin LH9U• CFlnal) 18 .. IO en 00 lf.llt~I G AB R H Pct B>ovo, t! '' 1'9 S90 107 101 JS7 'IAe" "J • N' 167 077 111 1)8 351 OvOI''' v . ~\ ., lbl "° 119 m 371 Ter.••C•·•• ll~ •1l "1~ 376 R ct Bw • •S1 618 91 100 374 Yo.,r1 V "• ••• 40 Sn I ? lbJ 317 Ferno 0•1 ' o I&) 6'1 91 113 310 I> 8r•O t • ,,. ",. 14J S16 18 163 )10 B• To• st &At 101 191 309 Fre~ r '••a• Cl U9 S99 10 183 306 iJ ,.,~ " H,.. .,.., '\01 "IPw Yon l)t) p f •••• ¥, r'lf'\O'• 'I fl•" "0'Y' N,.# Voo '1 C•"'"' ( •f'•t1111 4ir:a 1 I Barff o T .,,ron•o I 8 11g\ 8~\l~n 10/ l ramn"(''l (l•tro,1 107 >l I!. M~u "II v Npw 'ft)r~ ?ll P J<ktll 'I M o\ r1 773 F pr """"' Tc,ronro 11), Bo1111\ ~ \' r ?O/ C "'1•• C •1• ot•ll 100 ll•(t 8 0\ .... lfJG J0U8l ! \ 'Joo•r """ N•.., '<'or~ S) 80911\ t:i1\' f 4/ 8"''"'" h \tl'r J9 8 •.J'"n,.r 80\tOf"' I~ "Co fl~\·~· I~ r Iii P [ \ 8 ;I pr i: P•ft•<1110 It F'trnanOf'I Tu ' G '>•ff'I I P"U 10 Carrer L e••a•d ; ~OMF ~•Jti<, 6M"Plr1 fr,rc,n•o 40 y 1ng 'Tiit' O~· ~··u I\ r,~p" M1nn1"so11 34 QlllHCO, 0.klelld, )), °"', Mllw•ullM )) l•vtof1 9"10ft, 31. hi!, TOl'onlo, 31. MllllnVl\I, ~ York, 31, Puckell, MlMnela, Jl. RUN$ 8ATTED IN-Cerllt, C:lt\ltllalld, m Cell..CO 0.kltncl, 111, Mlttlfltlv, Ntw Yori\, 113; ltki•. to\IOll. no. ltffltfel, T Of'OlllO, IOI, a.ti. TOfOl'llO, IOI. c .. 111. Mlnnt.Ola, IOI, Pr•wv. S..ttlt. 107 STOLEN BASE$---« HllllOtnon, New Yn. 11. C.119910tl. C:lllc"°, ~. ~ ....... .., GIDSOll, Ott roll, )f, Wll\OI\, l(afl\,H C:lly. JC. PITCHING (IS oecl110n1>-C1ernell1, lo\lon, 'l•·•. 2.41; lt"muutft, Ntw YOfk, ll•t , l •. l<lne. Dtlroll. 11·•. 3 SI, Motrl•, Dt1rol1, 21 e. 3 'l1, Elcl\l!Of'n, Toronto, l4 L l.12. STRll<EOUTs-Lenvllon, k t llle, 20, Clemen•, 8011on, 23', Morrl•. Detroit, 213, 81vleven. Mlnnt\Ot•, 2U, Witt, A,...it, 1tl. $AVES-.IQ11tttl, Ntw Yor)., 46, Aa .. , 88111 mort, u. Htnkt, Toronro, 21, Htf'111ne1~u. Dttrolt. 24, MN<t, AllW-. 21. N•tlonel LM9U• (FIMI) ta.MCI en 450 •l·Mhl G Al • H ~ct. Raines, MontrHI ISO 5IO 91 194 ~ S.11, Oldefr\ 157 Ul fl 210 '32 Gwynn, S.n Ole90 160 '42 147 211 nt &au , Housron 1S. WI 13 llA 311 K He<nlln<MI NY 149 SSI 94 171 310 Haves. Plltl 15' 610 101 116 30S Rav. Plll\DorOh 15-4 S79 •1 174 301 Kn!ollt New Yori.. 137 "6 SI 145 ,7't Schmiot PM ''° SU 97 160 290 Websrer Montreal ISO S7' 19 1,7 290 RUN~wynn. $In Dlevo 107. H•ve1, Plllle0tlllh11 107 E Dev". Cincinnati, "· S(ihmlelt PMeO.IOll1a 97 COl4tman SI LOul\ 9•, K Hernllndtl, Nt# Y0<k. 94 ' HtTs-Gwvnn S.n Diego 711 '-•• ~. 210; Raines Monlrnl, 19• H•Vls PtlUeoeu>rllo, 116. Beas HOU\ton. llA DOU8LE5--Heve\ Phll•otl111>1e .. S.11. Oed9trcs, •~1 Raine\ Morltrtel, 37 8r11m, Pittsl>UrOfl 36, Oun\fon Cnk:aoo. l6 S1 muet, PlllteoetPhre 31> TRIPLE$-W1Dsrer Monlrtel, 13, Semuet, Pnt11oelPhle, 12, Ralnt\, Mon1r91I 10, COitman, Sr Louis, I HR-Schmlol, PhlleOell>hla, 37, G Oevl\ Houslon, 31, Parker Clnclnnetl, JI, Mur11hv Atla n11, 19, E Devi\, Clnclnn1t1, 27, Horner, Aflenle, 11; Slrewt>erry, New York, 27 Mc;R1vno101, Sen Diego, 16 RBl-Sctimlol, Phll10tl1>hle . 119, Peri.er, C1n c;lnnell, 116. Certtr. Ntw York, lOS C. De vil, Houlton, IOI. Hl'l'tl, Ph111Clet11h11 91, McRevnolo\, S.n 01eoo. 96 Strawt>errv. New York, 93, Morrr\on, Plll\bUrQh, U STOLEN 8ASES-Cotem•n SI Loul\ 107, E Davit , Clnclnnell, IO, Relnl\ Monrrtal. 69 Dunc.n, Oodeef"•, 4'1 Doran Hou\lon 42 Semutt. Phll101IPhl1 ,, PITCHING I IS CIKt\lons l-Oieoa New Yori. ll·S, 1 SJ, Goooen New Von1 17 6 139 114 Fernanoei. New Yor" 16 6 777 l S2 Darltno Ntw York, IS·6 714 111 Ol\ll•1t\ HOu\fon l?·S, 706 l 1S STRIKEOUTS-S<oll HOU\ Ion l06 Vaten1u.i., OOdlfn, 242' YOl.llJ\81". Monlrtel 20?. Fern1noe1 Ne"' Yor• 200 C.oooen, New Ye>rk, XIO SAVES-Worrt~ St Lou•• 16 Rttroon. Montrea t JS O Sm11n, Hou\lon ll L Sm11n Cn1c,•go 31, 81<1ro"1n Pn°1aotfllh•a 2' Fra n co, C•nc nnaJ1. 29 Odds NflL Sunday llemt I 1 over • Alle nte 'M1am1 6 ' ovtr 8utfelo Cnicaoo " over 'Houston N~w Orleans 4 ov•r •tno1•n•011I•• ·Tamoa 8•• 3 over SI Louil •New Enorano 7 over New Yor• Jer, wa1h1not0t' 1 , over • OellH ·c1ev11ano S over Kensal C11v Otlro.1 I , ovtr 'C.rHn Bev OtnOftr l 1 over 'Sen 01190 'Raiden l over Sf'all'" ·san F'ranc•\CO 10 over llfl1nnoo1e ·New Yor• G•anls 1 over Pn.reo.-1111 •• ~y •t nr nn•t I ~ ov•r P ·lt\OvtUf\ c ..... T09 10 1 Moem F 1 13 over ·w.,t \l•rQ1n10 2 'A at>am1 V\ ~ml>l>•l Ste If "0 '•"f' 3 'Neoruo 11 OOftr Olo'lahoma Sr•rt 4 •M1<n1o•n 9 • ove< M•Ch•o•n Srare S •Ptnn State v\ C1nclnn111 llO ""' 6 Okranom• 1• over ff'•el lat Oalllll 1 Auourn 11 , ovtr '\l•notro111 8 'Ar .. ensn 11 over Tues lt'Cf'I 9 USC 10 ~ over 'Wun1no1on S111• 10 'low• 11 ' over W1.con,,n 11 .Ar11ona I , under 'UCLA 11 Wl\n1ng1on I> over ·~1antoro I) •Savior 8 / over SMU 14 Te1H A&M II ' over 'Hou.ion lS Arnone Sre1t 11 over ·Oregon 11> ·LSU 3 ovtr C.toroia 17 Norm Cerotln• Sle le S unoer 'C.torQta 'Teen 19 ·~tanforo 11 under wuh1ng1on 19 'M•u•nl1>11I Stell' vs Arli.an\H Srote no l•f'IP XI C•em\on 9 over ·11iro1n1a •-oenoru ,,omt ream From H•rr•ll'• •-Race & Soort• 8oolr communnv c ..... SOVTH COAST CONFE•ENCE Tttm C.o oen W•ll Long 8HCh cc Ml Ser An•on•o Cerr 10\ Pesa oera CC Fu1te<•on Com111or E Carr r.o Cenfere!ICt OVertl WLT WLT 000 JOO 000 300 000 101 0 0 0 I I l 000 1 10 000 110 000 030 0 0 0 0 3 0 MISSION CON .. ERENCE T11m Soddltbec• R1vtr\•Oe CC Soutnwt'\ltrr Rencno San•1agu PelOmer (,roumonl Sen Oleoo MeH San Oleoo CC Oranot Cou r Crlru1 COfttlrenu W L T 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 I I 0 I I 0 I I 0 I I 0 0 1 0 0 , 0 0 2 0 Ovtrll W L T ) 0 0 ] 0 0 1 1 0 2 I 0 2 I 0 1 I 0 I 1 I I 7 I 0 l 0 0 3 0 LE JAZZ HOT. .. Every Thursday, Hotel Meriden and Gerard Barbut present "Happy Hour lazz" from 5:00 pm · 9:00 pm featuring the greatest In faz.z talent October 2nd -Cathy legal-Gama October 9th loa nne Morgan October 16th • Rita Graham October 21rd -Dec McNetn ''" 4'!• I ' I ~ ~r,oo llaMlu M ' ,...... (H?UO 1m1 ooau I "10 ~) OC.I .... r-•a.t- Cwnrnunttv C ..... IOUT"UND T~ It 1"9oM 11rY a.cal SMtft IMtnNMM Dnden) I. StddleOtck (6) 3·0·0 Ill 2. Glln"-lt (6) 4·0·0 104 J llll~ldt CC 3·0 0 fS 4. G.._ w .. t J·t ·O 11 S LOfle 8tlcll CC 3-°"0 ,, ' Ml San Anlonlo 1·0-1 4t 7 '-•ncho Stntlt00 7+0 :it • SoulllW .. ltf'n 7•1•0 )t VOLl.rBALL c ..... wemen .-CAA Oak Tree ~handicaP-_ f P1lomar 1• I •O It 10 Groumont 2• l·O t• Flrtt PIK• volel In o.ranthe,I•. Other• recetvln111101t1 Ant~ Vttl•v (J·ll, 12' >, Ctf'rllo\ (1•\·1), 7; $tnre Motlkll (J•I). 7, Ot1trf ll·l), 1, Moor~rk 12·1>. S, Or•nee Cttll IOoJ), ,, San DltOO MHI ( 1-1·1), 3, Cltru\ (0·3), I, H•ncock < 3 ll, 1'l Hltll\ KMal schedule THUtUDAY (1;30) , t Nen·INwuel Ntwl>Of'I Harbor vs El Toro (el Minion Vlelol INOOC1Dr109e ., E5tancl1 l•I Newoorl HertlO< I Oene Hlln-tt Univ-II'!' (I I lrvintl Foo!Mtl II Wlstmln"er L• Qull\11 o S..vlta (el Gahr) Wtalern 11 Fullerton "an<no Alt ml!Ot vs M.lionofll l•t GIOve< Staellvml Empire Ltt~ Kite ra vs Pacific• (•t 8olu Grendel MEN'S SOCCER Communltv c ..... OAANGE EMPltU! CON,E•ENCE Onnee Caut 1, cv11,.u o Oran1>t Coesl •coring Piton I Goalie H•" Footman 1 WOMEN'S SOCCER c ..... NON-CON .. ERENCE UC lrvlnl 3, CllHrNn 1 UC Irvine scoring Greluon I, H PMno I, Grimm I Goalie sans Dtlln 10 Community c ..... SOUTH COAST CONFERENCE Gotden WHI S, L"'9 ... di CC 1 Goto1n Wes! KOrlng KMllll 7. Winkler 1 Auoushnt I GoatMt uvtl Kret>s S Onnee Ceut l, P.iemer o Ortno1 COHI .coring LOVMtlflh I Soul• ' Goeht sovei Towncirow ~ GlJt,LS' 'f£NNIS Hltltl sc:hom $UJ!ISEL L£AG Mlrlllli 14, WHtminOtr 4 Slntllts l\er. fWI Clef CrlaeO. 6 O. oef E Rollerlson, &·0. oel Po. 6·1. Felanoo CWI IO\I. 0·6 1·6. 1 6. Lllfle IW) 10\1, 0·6. 1·6. 1·6 Doubles Melwura 8trO (WJ Otf Ol\l ~Vvell. TS, loll 10 Fenlon· K Rolllrlion, 0· 6 IO\I lo 8 Henraets O Henraet• 2+ Rvoer·E Kim 1W> IOSI J 6 0 6 3 6 DeMa•o·Roecn IW) IO\I I 6 I 6 0 6 Eellson 10, Fountain V•lav I SintN1 Jonnwn IE 1 IO\I 10 Weaver 3 6 eel Snenon 6·0 dtl Cftnero, 6·0, Golclbtrger IEI won. 1 S 6 0 6·0 Amma nn IE > IO\I 0·6. won 6·0 6·0 Doubles t\\&'l Turner IE '°''to MaM~t·P••<e 7 6 otf Cao1•11 l<.•m 6 0 tosr ro \I.car ti TnomP\on 1 11 C.oeoer>e·L Ote\on IE I o\I 3·6 won 6 0 WOI' 1 6 K Oouon· Jetter\ IE I '°'' 1 6 ) 6 J 6 SEA VIEW LEAGUE CorON del Mir 11, Tu\tlft O Slnllta 811n rCoMJ 1111 ltuno•e 6·0 oel Jonu. 6-0 Oef Conklln, 6·0, Pneous <CdMI, won. 6· I 6· 1 6 I Scolt ICoMI won 6·0 6·0 6·0 Doutlils Hoitt Bu11111nce <CoM1 oef S1ul· Mumen1nalttr 6 1 oet Eoan·Weoe 6·0, oef JC)t\n\oO'> Nouven 6· 1, C.11re11 Har~lllJ' ICOMI won, 6·0: 6 I. o· I, K rutker·Smlth ICoMI won, 7·S, 6·3 6·1 Newoen Harbor' 11, Sleldl.O.CJI o Sl"911l Baird (NHJ. oet T••n 6 1 Clel L1.1eng, 6 0, def Lv. 6·0. Snta INHI won, 6·2, 6·3, 6·1, McKlbt>On (NHI won. 6 J, 6 1, 6 2 Double\ 8unnell·Rvan INHI def Nouven·Tren, 6·1, 0111 Nouven-Alvtrer. 6·0 Oel Phem·Lleu. 6 0, Po\lal·.Anoru\ (NHJ won, 6· 1. 6·0, 6·0, !>hellv O'Hern·S'1•nnon O'Htrn INHI won, 6·4, 6·3. 6· I San DllQO Sl•lt def UC lrvlne, IS·S, IS·6, IS·S NON·COMttlllllNCr 8 10la def Soul...,n C•I COlltllt, IS•4, 1$•4, 15'7 Hlth .ctt... tlr1a SIA VllW LIAOUE Newoorr Htroor Otf S.doi.t>acll. 15·1, IS•O, lS·• Coront Otl Mir dtl Tu'""· IS· 11. 1S·6. 1S·l SUNSIT LIAGUI Mlrln• Clef WH1mln'1f', IS·7, IS·ll, IS·S EdllOn def FOVl\leltl Va~. IS-11, 12·1S, IS·•, l•IS, 1S·9 AHGU_U$ LIAGUE Mater Del def 81•1'1oP Montoomtrv, 2· I~. IS-0, IS·f. IHO ACADllMY LEAGUI Ut>erlv Cnrl•l11n Clef N-l>Of'I Cllrl\11an, IH• 16· 1', IS·I, IS•S 0.. IM fllNM DAVEY'S LOCKE• (Ntwoen Bttell) -4 boll\, so anolert 1 vellOwl•ll, ?01 t>Onllo. II cetlco t>au, 12 ••no t>eu, l htllbul, 17 roc:k c;oo, llS Dfue llt<'Cll, 97 u nd oeD1, 19 scu111fn. 1 snttlllhtlel, 190 mte1'.erel HEWftOAT LANDING -2 D081\, 21 •nolen. 11S DOnlto. 7S send l>en, 19 cellco Diil, 1 hallDul. 1 acutpln, I Dl•Ck HI Din (rlftHIOI. DANA WHARF -1 l>Oall, 31 enolen 11S oau , I b1rrecuoe, 97 DOnllo., I hlllbul, 34 rocK flsll, SO mackerel Boxine (It tM Ferum, lntll•Mdl LIC.HTWEIGHTS -Joty Olrvere (P8Sldln8) Oil FrtOd<• Ptncllelon IMltml Bttcto, Fie I. 10- rounol \Piii OK•sion IOllvtr• Is llOw 17·1. P1nott1on '' 17 t• 11 LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHTS Frenli.le SwrnOell (Ntsnv111el oef Jerome Clouden (Kell· ner Lo I 6rh rouno KO CSw1noelt 1l now 11·0, CIOUOtn '' 21 61 Rot>ert FOllev IN1w V0<kJ o.t Enc HOlltv 1Tem111 l't1 I 10 rOUl'los. unanl· mous Otcl\•on ll'olleY •S now H -2, Hollf'V " IS 11 Tue1dav's transactions USE8ALt N1lien•I LH911t (INCINNA Tl ltEOS-Nam•o Tonv Ptrtl COtch MONT REAL E XPOS-Narneo Jac1<1t Moore intro De\e co1cn We111eo Berl Rot>eroe 11l1Cl>tr. for 1111 pyroou 01 01v1no him "'' uncond111ona1 rttta" PITTSBURGH PIRATES-Announceo 11181 111ev w111 nol rtntw lr.t conrrett OI M1c1< II.ti~• ,.,,1 Dist coacn FOOTBALL NllioNI Fotfbel LH9\lt KANSAS CITY CHIEFS-Pieced Oev10 Lull C1tltns1vt tackle oo 1n1ureo resern S•oneo Mau Moran, olftn\lvt 11c11.1t NEW ENC.LANO PATR10TS-We1vt0 Ran· oe11 Slelt>v hnet>eci.er from <n1ureo reserve NEW YORK JETS Rtleeseo OavNn Mullen cor~rt>ecll PITTSBURGH STEELERS-Signed Lullf $1n<:11t1, delenaivt 111c11. Pttceo D•vlo HuOhn running l>ec1' on 1nruced reserve ST LOUIS Cfl.RDtNALS-Wa1vtO Evan Ar1oos11th1\, punltr Signed GrlQ C•ttr, 11un1er SAN FltANCtSCO 49Eas-Re·\1Qnl0 Menu TUIH O\OPO. noH leC'ltll Waived O•tum Her· rrlon 0tlen\lv1 eno WASHINGTON ltEOSKINS-Treoeo lht rlOhl\ 10 Weller Murr av w•Ot receiver. 10 the lnolaneooll\ co11s for a se<ono rouno orafl pick In 1981 COLLEGE MAAYL,.~0 Annoullcl<I rhe rl!stonellon of Ole' Ovll &lhlt11c olrtclor, ettecllve Nov I, \O ne can t>ecom!' "" eovl\er to Chancellor JoM B Sle uof'>ter Nam'" (P'lerlt\ Sturtz lnlerim elhlehc dlreCIOr THUIUOAV'S INDIH ( ., klltt Allltt) (1111 ",, ............ ~ .. mtttlflt) Flr\t ... 1: I llJ'n, ,._$T ,_Ace. One mllt Pur.. 121.boO Fllllt\. 3 v11r• old Clalmln11 prlte M0,000·3S.OOO 1 M11\11't Pride IStloemaker) 2 E11d C111 !Slbllle l 3 Summer GIOw IPlno Y) ' Coll Ove<rvn (Olll llO\JUIVtl 5 Ruffles N 8ttut (P1<1ro11l ' Eeatern Glemour (Mt'8rronl 1 Wondtrtut Frleno !Sttvtna) I 8ttulePlflncl !Mc~1rQU1) 9 Ro11trl'1 Rt9•l Glrl (Olfvert•I 10 Vlf.,tletn 1811ck· ll .......... 116 11'' '" 116 111 "' lit 111 114 II, Ill 11 8HO•r's Welle! (Vaten1ue1tl I" 12 GtYhOle ITorol 11• 13 Toi 8o0k L•ov 18tack·2l , 111 VELYETE•N CJ-U &11t mo\! Pl lllHt •I tll1s dl\llllGt 11 Oii f!liM, l'IH f/lil •b;llly 10 t•'f olf 1111 1>1<.1 1no lies 1utticltnt 1111 kfeli. to wllMllnd all ChalllnQef,, WOHD••flUL FlllllNO (t 21 F11rceo 1irremttv wloe In lilt ag•lt15f \OP Cho~. Sltvtn\ r1oe1 IOO•v, IND CA~ 16 II Pealll<I •' 011 Mtr 1nd "" worklel well al!l(e clllnct for llllrt with IOI> 1ffor1 LOHGSHOT RUFFLES N BEAUS SECOND RACE 6 furionos Purse S "·000 3 vaar Olos &. u11 t>rt<I 1n C•hl Cle1mlno ortct 132 .000· 21.000 I 8 rooklvn 8rloge (Merel 1 'P J •s Yullon I P111erson 2J l Dru rn Pave ICl•ntrosl ' H•Plorin ISIDllle) S Kid OeDOnalr 1Ce\11nonl 6 Magic Floote CSrevenu 7 Oelt 't Loot f Pallon) I QuerOOlllt (81•ckl 9 Tenolhlarls (P11oro111 10 Tlgerllto ID•l•hOUIH'l'I) 11 Muv Fuerte <Bue) 12 Zamt111I Pau IVei.t11U4tl1·1> Alie~ 111 111 x llJ Ill Ill 119 , fl) a 113 119 Ill Ill 111 13 Slloet Bv Three IPallerson I> 119 " Sllvt r Slrike (011vert\) 119 IS Snow er Ottrff I llaltniuela IJ Ill 16 Ties OI Slut <Ptncevl 111 T1GE•ILLO U 11 Old not t>rHll t ltrllv ricing wide lhroughOul still flnlahlno lhiro 1n 01,... efforr, Ott•nouuevt notolnu 1101 111no eerlv ·n mffl, ZAMIEZI l"ASS 19·21 R•ce over ove fln1st11no sec0t10 In 0000 outono llrono con lt<'Olr. MAGIC FIDDLE 16· I J Closed g•mtlv on ooo0 effor• er Ot• Mar l>MtW ou• \l\erlllv ano edos Sreven\ tooev LONC.SHOT l'Etf()FHEARTS THIRD ••CE 6 turlOnO\ Pu•\t s?O 000 , vear Olds c11 .m1n9 11rtct UO 000 3S 000 I Ou"Y Oa rnasCu\ IMtll I 111 2 Suno111ee Scluere IOoocvl 110 l Terreivlno !Sol•s l 111 'Luckv Edillon C81eckl t.113 S 8 ut M11<1 (\lelen1ue•a1 111 6 Nomoel Sor ISotoJ 11& 1 DouD e Sono CMcCerront 116 I Cnocolalt B•llt (Of1eo111 111 9 Su111r Aoio\ IOll•nounavtl I 16 tO 1te'1<ooosr11 IK1ene11 111 11 l>ore To 81 More (l'ernendt1I 116 DOUBLE SONG IS 11 811\lf'•lng eerlv uece n It In 'R •' seven turtono\. shorren' u11 ano adds Mcl.erron lod•v S'UF'E'lf ADIOS' I' Tl LHl 1n Sllkt\' tflorl •I P11mon1, oro11\ for leO ca11 mali.e arnenO\ BLUE ALLIED (4 II Oots n111 need 1111 lead ver can De Close 10 etrlv 11act worll.t<I well over tf'll\ oval LONG SHOT DUSTY DAMASCUS FOURTH RACE. I I 16 milts Purse '1$ 000 Maloer 111119' & more\ l Vfllr\ 010 t. ull ClalminQ '11rlce SJ2 000-11.000 I RHHV Ou n.no (Ptncav I 111 l Shtn1t\I 181•ct< II '116 J poie Cumber\ IOttehouuave> Ill • French Tari 11; .. 1.no11t 11/ s SOIO•er's HOPI IMtza 21 11/ 6-€leve<1 So•-(Ha..,l«V I 17 1 M1on1on1 Mis•v t Parrer \On 111 I Ont For Anoree tMcC•rrool 119 9 T J s Va 0. verts 111 10 Ni•gara Leov IC•\nerO\I .114 II I Rem1moer When IS•evf'n\1 "" 11 FOOi'\ Hr~ Warren) II/ AllO~ ll Ju\! F'or 8re11on IPaoro11 117 14 8oov Cntlltr 181acll 21 .112 a A1H1Que T •Dlt l,_.tll 11 117 lo Camoti tSo••U 117 ELEVEN SIAENS J I We D•C•to " urlier eflort\ r ·der c11eng~ 10 Steven\ \l\ould m111.e t>t 01ffe•fnce 100• to1 D-~ etlorr I REMEMBER WHEN 16 11 Sfralc"eo ov 1rac11. ••• !>111 14 wor• eo wtll over It'll\ t•t<k ruov 10 roll end \hPUIO De otctlll pnct SHINIEST t9 11 In lroul>le l"•ou11nou1 In ro1111h lrio or aw\ we I el\O Wiii t>e tormldt Dlt toe tooav LONGSHOT FRENCH TART FIFTH RACE. AllOul 6' > furlongs on lurt Purse SJ3.000 Allowenct F1llit\ t. merti\ ) VHr\ Old & UP I Mangtl Le\ (Oet•hPuuov!'1 llS 2 Pen All Hooe (LrPham> I lS J ReklnOlrnQ 1818Ck) • I IJ • Ptreferea1.11 <Orteoa1 11\ 5 Hello Te•a\ IS•D•llt ) 114 6 Lrm11t1< Leal !Toro·11 II\ TERRY TURRELL 1 Solen• CStevensl 1 IJ I l(ln<ll 8HU IPtntlYI llS f Tvndfe GooH (McHtr-1 115 10 F1mmt Elllt CSlt Ytnl l 111 I PAomll IOOuoltsl Ile 11 OcHll Wave (Soro) In MANGEi LIS 14· ll Lov•s 1111• OVl l l llCI 1urne<1 • few hffd• wllll 1t1tv mornlnll drlll, Mt for Vftt\111<, KINDA IEAU ()·l) Ov1tmetc'*1 In last •' Holtvwooo, lrt111tfttd t ine• •nd Ptnctv rides ll•m wtlt. \trono con1~. ADMAT ( 10-11 Trtck record noldef at Pomona utre MIMD •nc:t wortn ,.,. n mt>le al n1ct Odeh LONGSHOT LESLIE'S DEB SIXTH ltACIE. 6 lurlOno\ Purse 110,000 Ma•Otn 1 "'" olOs. DrlCI on Ca lif l Hllarlou\ Flirt CS1even1·21 117 2 O 8111111 (Pt0ro1al 111 ) Al Tnt Rill (S1D1llel 117 ' 8roodw1v Po1nlt IMcCerronl 117 S Rtd Guv I SotlaJ 117 6 C1tvln111 IMe1tl I 17 1 T•ner'' 8 eoe COii"• H J 117 a C.reei. Commando IC1\lanon) I 11 9 $wttlwettr SorlnO\ (Veleniuela) ·117 10 Nollv Noo.re (OtlanouuavlJ 117 ti Grear Neoot1a1or (Plncevl 117 12 Home Run Hero tShoemal\erl 117 RIED CJUY 16· II Broke $IOWIY recov1rlno only 10 t>e forced tilremt lv wide entering "'' l trelcll, llnllnt d wltll ln1tr1\I, lab lote, AT THIE •ITZ <S·21 C'1e\t0 nice PfO\lltC1 whit. runner-up In 11000 nttr, f1ourt\ to rKtlvt llrong ouDI•< \UllOO•I ' NASTY NASl<AA (f·lJ RaGed very grttn 1n nffdtd effort. IOOll for •U()111n1111 ,,.,.,o,ovmenl LONGSHOT TISSAR'S BABE SE\ll!NTH RACE .• furtonos Pur.e ns.ooo Atio wan<t 3 vu r Olos & up I !>al• Dome 10t4enou\HVll 111 1 Re En1tr CSltvtns) 114 J C.row<t f S.noue IMcCarronl 11• • C.ren.to 10uv11rt\I 120 s Devil \ ICI! Ip n<:IY ' 117 6 Herpe< s R10Qe COoocvJ I" 1 Ooonwor• McH•rllVll 114 • Nol or etv I 8tec;IC) • 109 9 Wn111 Up The TtmC>O CP111enonl 114 10 SJ•1111trv Sll1ttr (K&tntlt 117 11 l!l(lu\o \letenruel•J 111 DOON SPORT !3· ll T Kllctl illff<I 1n wlclt ootn 11111 "''" never IOOI< Dick II not cll•lltn9ed e•rlv G•OWLER SANDUE 11·21 Wiit t>e lof10 con•enotr w11n MCC1rron 1n Int lronl, 9000 Pomona rnttt end races wtll al this lreco.. GRANITO U II \lerv conltnl•OU\ race eno till\ runne1' trn" irom ga-me -win al Del ~r, ,trong t1oure LONC.SHOT SLIPPERY SILVER UGHTJt UCE._L• .l!'lllt\ Pune ~4.._000 Dulcia Sllt~ll • 11endlc•P for 111111\ & IT\lrt\ 1 v•ars 010 & uo Gron Puru l48.IOO 1 M1on1hcen1 Unoy tMcCerron> 110 2 1nfln1d11d (8rec~I 11• 3 Famllv Slvlt l\leltnzuete ) 116 4 Neltl•e Knows ISf•vensl 110 S V4•1tv \llClorv IT oro> 111 b F'ron' V•1tn1rne tS,,oemali.trl 111 1 Our SwHI Shtm 1~101 111 FAAN'S VALENTINE (1· I) rune I.Ill tor 8rffotu Cull ro bt run Novtmt>tr I \11tr11 mart Ot\trVI\ IOI> D•ll•no. MAGNIFICIENT LINDY fl II CePaD•t of OHling IOI> ChOICI with rec•"ll tucl< anO vtrv Dtll nice mtrt IN· FINIDAD 14 II Beat eu1tr 1mllf'en1vt1y 1n lesl. Chen<t lg, 4l>a•• J\ comoacl l1tlO LONGSHOT OUR SWEET SHAM NINTH RACE. I t 16 m•ltt Purse Sil 000 l .ear OIO\ (ta.ming ll''Ct US 000·2'2 SOO I So ""° Se• ICU••110nl 116 2 J~ll·ler Togee rH1w1ty I 116 l B•ow The Trum1111s \Bezel 116 ' M>em1 Dream tOf•vareu 116 s RH\On To StuOY (l(.eentfl 114 6 Avtrlt<I rP1ncev 111 7 HelO E >Pf'I U IStev•ns) Ill I Heartbreak O•ncer <V1i.n1u11e> 111 9 Double Que,t (OtlahOUnavel 116 10 T,,. La\I Oregon I Pell•r'\On) 116 11 I LOVf lt1c1no 1McC1rronJ I 16 11 Fu l Tra•Hn Newl (Stevens) II• AVIRTIED •) II R•ua~ IOI' IOI> 1flor1 \•cono ., ott11n11 levorit• '" gooo eftor1 P•n<•v r101ng 1n 11t1• form. HALO EXPR ESS C9·2J Lost 111 c11ance 111 the ""' t1111no to rtcover In dull eltort c1n l>eller Hmt mev bt nice pr1c1, I LOVE RACING 16 11 Luooea In thr01J9hC)Ut In IO\lnQ elfort 10 1011 choice, worked wtll \Ince ma ,De corrtttrno ine 11roblem LONGSHOT llEASON TO STUDY BEST BET F'RAN'S VALENT INE (lt11 Rat t r PRICE PLAY MANC.EZ LES ISln ll•cr1 •-Olnolet e111>rtnl1Ct 1oc1<ev Los Al racing e n t ries WATER POLO Communltv c;~ ORANG£ EMPIRE CONFERENCE Or1nee Cout 14, Grosimom I Groumon• 0 2 I S-8 Orange (Oa\I 4 2 6 2-14 On~ Coe\! \Coring Sftwarl •. Keller ' Duncan 1. Brav I Cnrr\len1en 1, Manu• I S1uro1van1 I C.oe ht H~fS Col>en '· 800011nov1<" , H19tl i<hool NON· LEAGUE FU11tr1on 13, Marina 11 F 1.1t1erlon I J ' S-IJ Marine 1 1 3 S-17 Marina scoring PerlJltlle s. McCle M 111 Womack 7, McFetrldge 1, HowH I Goalie save\ OlllenDeck S UnlYlrlltv 10, S.n Clemlft f IS ell Unlvtrs11v I 1 l 1 I 0 0 0 1-10 Sen Clemenle I I 1 ' I 0 0 0 0-9 unlvers11v \COr1ng U•lle 6. Meflt 2, Rant.In I. 8 f'n1laf! I Goa11e SAYI\ Waren 13 TONIGHT'S E NTAIE~ 14lrd of 4'·nltfll htmeu ,,,..tln91 First p0U: 7:>0 FIAST RACE One m11e Pace Pursa '7,000 S11no u11 Comic Pf'leros N11t Ou• Nuevo Guru Tt>e Gold Mt0al1\t Cre rv Gum\, e·Mr Poore O WtDO Trtck ~rcn•n•. Wino Power Allo •llO•Di.-Come On Guv e·R1lse A Toni SECOND AACE. One mile 111ce Purse u 300 o Su1>er1or Jer, H1gn Gre oer 8elP'I• OouDle, E lt0enr S1uo S11ari. Prov•oer Satan\ A1>11ten !Ice, a llludf' Fame\ Frr\I Moon Clouo THIRD RACE. One mlle 11ace Purse 11, 100 Cla iming "'''' SIS,000 Chair~\ Otclllon. rrtn\fer Soueeze. Crtmt De Le Creme, JulHra, Sir W•vne, Jlmmv Vance Formal Counr .. OUATH RACE. Ont mile 11aet Pufle '1.100 OunOff Cn et Waoo Hy Burn 0 011 Crown Leger Frv,no Romeo Cre ve O•c••t Merrend Wordell, Surf R·oer FIFTH AACE Ont mire 1ro1 Pur\t t i too Fu,,•on C11111 Hearty Hunter Fleming C.em1n1 Soos11v Mv Leov S11rev ()I Jov O..Ct A Dev Svcamort Nelht. Heidi Merli.1111 .. Oulruro Al\O t •011>'-LUC•llOa Mtsltr W•rord SIXTH ltACE. e>n. ''"'' lllct Purse 'I lOO Cte1ml110 orlct IS 000 Sceoule, \lender Lorne, Free Turn. Perkwev Ad1os, Otrl>Y Game El Paree Mooov Blue, Our Ravmono, Cockvs Onrv 8ov Also e11gibl-N1ver Sav. 8 trolH &riot SEVENTH RACE. One mtle Pace P1.1t\f 12,000 Jecllson Leelv, Olemono s111rn, Racey Srecv O, Chl11prlm EDD Tide. Llllle Koo t(oo, Syn co111tto Ms. S11eeel 8u\ltr, Fln lonetor Al\() t1,g.1><e--CeDert1 Gtt1, SKrtl Ac• EIGHTH RACE Ont mrle oace Punt 11 100 C·••m.ng ll<•Ct SI SOO Ovn1m11e C.ir1 Drew P1ev AltOrot, W110 Ano Crerv C.uv Commender Eoo. Doc' Sllll AndV\ S•11tlfr Mar~ II f;t van 8 •t cll. Cllttleh Al\O ,.1.g11>1-Mr Froov e Cor0ov1 S1<11>P1r NINTH RACE Ont mite OICt Purse Sl,300 C11.m1og 11nc11 SS.oat' Anoo R e111h Fire And R1ln. 8esi<el Cue, T1r1<rr Tina Regat Mon•t•l!V Lei! Turn Onlv H1g11 Se>eeo. T1gli1 Owerlt•\ James Vlncenl Also 111lglbl-Sk1P1>1r> lnvaoer. Hl1tD11tv Or awl TENTH RACli. Ont mtlf 11ace Pur\t $2,300 Car•os Love, Nellve K111v, Ke v 811c,evnt, 8 H BanOlf'aOtr Couo De Main, Chime Timer. Fro\fv Le•llY Ta rga , us Ontv Magic A1so t1lg10t-8vro11t Pet. Olamono11lrt DEL RAY LEAGUE St. JIM Buco IS, Mli.r Del I SI Jonn 8oKO 3 S • l -IS Marer Del 1 l O J-a M11er Oti Korrno 8 retn 3. Marker! 2 Ce nlerell• 1 Kelter I Goa lie uves Teoles ll Los Alamitos racing results J~ll1 ~l(.'( ) TUESDAY'S RIESULTS t 11111 et SS·av lllrntta mttflfttl fllttST AACIE. Ont mlt. l>ICI w1nn1ng Glow CAD1n Jrl 10 60 Ktn\ Doll ITOOol UllHI HOU\t (Wrtli.tl Ttmt 2 03 7 FIFTH •ACIE. Ont mile l>lct 780 •.O HO • YH I Ca nc111 (Wtlker) $00rhng S11lrll (Wine ti) u o 180 S?O S?O )60 Ltvi T Alwlter <Perrv I 79 40 16 80 17 20 T1mt 2°'2 Eme>eror H11n1tr <GrunGVJ ll 00 6 80 n EXACTA (I SI ot1o SSllO H1v To SC>Mo CP1anoJ 10 00 108~0 F 1re slone Bl Horw~lk 2131868-3233 /1 4/bJ6 677~ SICOND •ACE. Ont mile trot Nol>•• lteoen CWll~tl 17 '° Frencls Ctovo~IY IKueDltr I C111tlv1 N IP1trCll Tlmt 101' U &)(ACTA IS I) ll••d ttl 60 THllllD •ACE. Ont mile OICI Chl lllflng IPlerct) 16 '° Goleltn Petch N (Pie no I LI .. RO(ht ltt ( ... notr\on) Tfmt 202 f U IXACTA 17·11 111!CI SJllO flOUttTH •ACI. Ont mitt lrOI sn. .. TOl'llbOY (Gru11dv) 180 , '° '60 u o 4 60 HO 410 3 00 160 220 300 '60 320 Ttmt 2 07' '2 EXACTA 14·91 111•0 SI 11910 SIXTH ••ca. Ona m•1t 11ect S.t>rln1 lt1waro (Klul I ?O C•llforn1a Anoe! tl<uet>terl 8t1I Of Arnie (Anderson) Tlmt 1 Sl.J U EXACTA (6·51 Pl1CI IS2 IO SEV•NTH ltACI, Ont milt Ptct •Zlnfl nClll ITOCl<ll 4 IO Grae• In ACllOn IR11chle l Miu v1111ov1r ITrtmDl•vl Time 2:013 S2 IXACTA ll·Sl 0110 11310 IEIGHTH •ACIE. °"' mnt PI CI. WHAT A WAY TO fJOI Wm one gome of WIN-GO and get two free tickets to Europe Aiso ... the West Indies ... or some other exciting place. Check T odoy' s Numbers on Page A 2 Daily Pilat TWA FIND OUT HOW GOOD WE REALLY ARE l-'' Ot,. "((l!Jflrr CO'lr' ''°" ••n <;nidf !it Olli #Id I NI WIN 00t•OlllN£ 71 • 64' OSl 4'0 , '° '60 3 80 ) ?O Ho a o u o uo , 00 l 1119on Gu\ lltclllvl Ca11torn°1 Meg c <Penal f;t1(f\ I\ 8t\f IC&n•n !me ,00 11 '° ,, 00 • 00 H O 100 • 40 11 IEXACTA U 11 11t10 I 119 60 NINTH •ACE. Ont milt 11tee Oon11n.c N I AnotrlonJ 6 00 S IO J 00 C11111 n Loro IF 1D•enJ 11 '° t 10 Soectel ,..,., {PtH'I') 110 Time I S91 U IXACTA (5·21 oa 10 s9600 n fttCI( SIX (6·4·6· l ·•·SI lllld no llCllll\ Ill• wlnntrll 0110 114• 70 10 II lkkth (four winner\! Totel ttrrvover ooot, w,"6 SO TIEHTH RACE. One milt oact Level 8ttutv IK In ) 71 60 1' IO '10 C•Dl'1reno Beech (IN1therell 11 to 1) 00 Pre1ertn11a1 Tlmt ($1\e<renl 7 60 Time 201 U IXACTA 11·51 Pelo llSf20 Att1nd1net 1,16' Mutull H1ne11t: UU ,679. ' .~ ftalC •ta •... llOftCI W ...... T"'91, _. ..,... K 1PN1 llOftCI W """""'MU 11111 .... llOle~, let• ..cm10U1-. T~ MU Le9... ~ f lnJ,,Ulldllr the um1TA~ ...... ... ~tllVll8Clff ............ 9lld Of frwt, . Thi IOllowlnG ...,_.. •• On October 2'. tMe, 11 , ....... fll1ll ..... -.......-ellS*'*M 001no D11tl" ...... 1000•"' .QafyA OelliO,M UNIT COM T Of lfte Trwtti9 8nd Of IN F\ICAAOO't MIXICA .. ._ d\llV eopojnted he· llTATI MO. AH•1 T 0 SIRVICE COMPANY lruelt Cfea1ed ~ llid Deed CA.ff!, 1320 NOrtt1 Men· oeMOr t~ ~ that To 811 heirt, beneflc:W•, M dllly ~ TNtl .. of Trutt tw11ta, 0ranQ9 t2M7 '*1altl Alt tndutl.-g..s Of crltdl!ora and contlntent W\091' the IOllowtne 0.. talO Nit will be l"6d on Rod 'r•-fnterpt-. Truat 9"d As111gnment Of tted•\Of• and P9'10nt wtlo ICflbtd o.M of tr\191 WIU WedMMtey, OCtobef ~. c.toint• Cl0<1)0tMICWI, tUO "9nt• (I.Ont Foff'lll 4tUoeuled may be ottletwlM tnl«-.ct llLL AT PUILIC AUCTION , ... at f:30 Pm In IN ~Ill lll~el\ltt 0r"'lt, tl't J-bOt .. Plue 1 Call- in the will ttld/Of '9late of TO THt HIGHtST llOOEA IObbY to lfl9 ~located CA 02"7 fOrllil llmded •lMflhlp. aa C l A R A M A A I I ~ CASH AHO/Ofll f"f et e6t 9outfl ...... 11r.... fNt Ova..,.tt it con· f1uttcw. 8nd r.ccwded M~ TOlLUSAUO CASHIERS OA CERTIFIED Orange. Cfllltornia tatet c11.1eteo by 1 COfPOtlliOll 3 ttl2 • lnalrurnent No A P911IJOn l\M ~ filed CH!Cl<8 SPfClfl!O IN Al IN INN of the inltlel Aod fr-lm•pr._, 12· 151927. Of Oftlelal Ae. by M1t11yn C1a11• H•n· CIVIL CODE SECTION put>llc;atlon Of ttllt notic.t, Aodeflell Fru.t. II, Vie. COfdt In IN ottic;e ot IM dtldilOf'I In t"9 ~!Of "24fl(l)eylb6-M!Nllm90f the tot .. emount of IN un-Pt916dent COllMY ~-Of Orano- Court of Orange County r• Ale In itW.111 mc>n4IY o4 thl paid DllatlCI of. lhe OC>ll-fnl9 t1a1emer11 wat fflld County C1tlforn11, and qlHllllnO 11191 Marilyn Clai1e Unilad St .. •I •If 110f\C, Utlt Qtllon MCuted bY tl\9 t'bOY. w1tl\ tn. County Ci9fk of Of· punutnt 10 that certain No- Htlldrk;\aon be ~pointed and lnllfMI con~ to detcribed 11.ed of tf\ltl Ind ~ Countv on Seplamb« tice of o.feul1 ''*"'"Cler " personal repr4tffntallY9 and now h4llO by 11 uno.r nllmtted eotll. tJtoen-, 2, 198& rec;or~ Juna UI, 1tM •• 10 IOmlnltllf t"-fftlte of .. id DMd of Trust In the In 0 a 0 VI n C • t I I IJ1•M lnt11111T1tnt No. M ·2SOM3. tht d9Cadtnl p1op•1ty htrtlnt11•r d•· $131.208 •t Published Orange Coa11 of '"-Olfleltl Atcord9 ot The pelltlon r•QUHlt scribed It It po"lbll lhat •1 lhe D••ty Pilot S.,,191'!1W 17, said County, Will , UNDER aulh<Wlly to tdmin111., • .,. TAUSTOR 0£NNIS VIN· lltl'll of .... 1ht 009lllnO bid 14 Oc1ow 1 8. ,... ANO PURSUANT TO SAID etllle un<* IM tndepen. CENT QOFff mty be M~H lllan lht totll W3ff DEED Of TRUST SEU AT 09nt AOmlnlttratton o1 Ea-BENEFICIARY HOME lndtt>i.d~ Out DllDI.,. WITIC( PUBLIC AUCTION FOR 1a1" Acl FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, If avtllebl9 '"-tll.Otet.0 "~ nu CASH, LAWFUL MONEY OF A Mering on thl ~lllon rtecwcMcl Jiiiy 11, 1985 as opening blCI m.y be ot>-K 17711 THE UNITED ST A TES Of wtO l>9 Mid on OCJOBE.R Jt>ltr Mo J5.213e1D Dt..Ot· tllnt<I b_y~tll~ 1119 foMOw-AMERICA, A. CASHIEJU 15 1946 •• ' •5 p M In flclal Atc:otdt In the Offtc9 of Int 1119Phon41 number a on ~nnoue .,_., CHECK PAY ABLE TO SAIO Dept No 3 al 100 Cllllc: lhe Reeorde.r of Orangt lhe dale bef0t• lhl .... NAMl ITATl•NT TRUSTEE DRAWN ON A Center Ot1.-Wttt. S1n1a County. Nld OMd Of t1utt 1°'18)945·~11 0_Thl~P9':r~~· STATE OR NATIONAL Ana CA 92702 duc:rt!Me Ult fOllowlng LOT Dell AUOutl 20 1988 ..,.ng neu H • BANK. A STATE OR FEDER· IF YOU OBJECT 10 the 49 OF TRACT NO 2873 IN T.O. lllitVICI COM• ROTS. 3333 S()ulh Briatol AL CREDIT UNION. OR A grtnllng ot Ille pellhon, you THE CITY OF COST A .-ANY, ae Ntd Ttal .. Ir ;21/256 Coala Mtu CA STATE OR FEDERAL SAV· should enher appear It t"-MESA. AS SHOW"l ON A Chefyt lyllff, Atlltl_,.t INOS ANO LOAN ASSOCIA· heartng and state your Ob· MAP RECORDED IN BOOK hcretMy, 1llO N. Cll• ~arrolt. Inc · 3333 South TION OOMICtlEO IN THIS 1ect1onaodllewrlt16noblec-88. PAGES 22 ANO 23 OF fofniellvd., Wllnut C1..tc, Brl,tot . l85 Co1111 Mest. STAT&,1i'111e1ronltnlr1t1ct Ilona wllh !he court belore MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. CA USH·i111 (•11) CA92628 CallforniacorpOr· 1o'Su1te2051Se<:on<!FI001). the htarlng Your appaar· RECORDS OF ORANGE •·to15 illon 17802 hvlnt Boulevard, ance m1y be In parson or by COUNTY CALIFORNIA WC l'OIS This ousineu 11 con· Tustin Clltforn1a 92680. aM yoo• au~ LOT •9 OF TR.ACT NO Publllhed Orange CoHt d~~~~btsco·r~c'l()(IJ 1ha1 r1gh1 1111e ano 1n1eru1 YOU MAY EXAMINE ,,,. 2873 IN THE CITY OF Dally Ptlol Oclobet 8 15 22 p p .,. tm conveyed 10 and now htld t1i. kepi Oy the court II you COSTA MESA AS SHOWN 1986 arvrn res"'enl by 11 11ndef said Dttd ot are • person 1n1eresled In ON A MAP RECORDED IN W404 :hh:~ sgi~7"~;:sof"oled T1us1 '" I.lie properly lllU Ille e11a1e you may ~.,. 8001< 88 PAGES 22 ANO PUBllC NOTICE "'1 e n Y " ated 1n Mid Counly Ind !• upon the executcw or lldmln· 23 OF MISCELLANEOUS !61\Q!I Coonly on September gaily detc111>ed on hhrblt 1Strat01 or UP<>" the al· MAPS RECORDS OF OR· FICTITIOUS 9UllNISS 8 1986 F31.... A anac:hec:I hereto and in· IOlnt"y IOf the ••eculQf or ANGE COUNTY CALI· NAME STATEMENT Published Orange Cout cotl)O(lled her~ln currenlly I 1dm1ms1r11or. and Ille with FORNIA The following paraons are Daily Pilol September 17 24 11e10 of rec01d Oy Ille Tru1101 1 thecoortw11hproof otser-EXCEPTING THERE· doing buStness a s OttoMrl 8 1986 underuJC!OeedotTru11 vice 1 wrlll8" request 1181· FROM All CRUDE OIL, ODYSSEY SAILS MAKERS W361 The property relene<l to 1n 1ng that you Oealre spec;1a1 PET AOLEUM GAS. BREA. 2972 Centuiy Place Coaui thl5 Notice of Sate 1u11u11ed no11c1 ot the llllng ol en 1n. ASP~iAL TUM ANO ALL KIN· Mesa CA 92626 ' PUBLIC NOTICE 1n the State ol Cahfo1n1e ventory and appre1semen1 ot OREO SUBSTANCES ANO He•Oert J A1tdllnger County of Orange City of esllte ISHta or of Ille pell· OTHER MINERALS UNDER 2888 8ayt ho1e Or ~porj FICT1TIOUI IUllNIH Newport 8ei1CI\ and II de• lions or ac;coontt menUOl*I AND IN SAID LANO, EX· Beach CA 92863 NAMf ITATUHNT ecrlbed as follows 1n Sec11on 1200 ano 1200 5 ol CEPT THE RIGHT TO USE Janel I( Roeclllno-2688 The lollowrno pe!IOOS are Perc;et 1 as lhown on • lheC111torn11Prob1leCode ANY PORTION OF THE Bayshore Or Newporl doing bia1neu H Al Map filed 10 Book l08 llloi I. WootMy, Altomey SURFACE OF THE LAND Beech CA 92663 Be~rtys Home Health Care Paget 27 and 28 01 Parcel for elltloMr, 20lt llfl FOR DRILLING OPER· Th•S bu11neH It con· plus Bl~ Health C11e Maps In lhe Offlc;e of !ht .loeqllln ""'9 "4Nd, New· A Tl 0 NS MIN IN G 0 R ducted oy husOand and wife plus by 8e,,_ly 23 10 Senta Coo R d I Id porl .. ecl'I, CA t2MO OU ARRYINO OF ALL Herbert J Rltdhnger Ana Ave Costa Mesa CA Cou~~ ecor er o aa Publlstled Oral'ge Coesl KINDS INCLUDING BUT Jinel K Rredhf191f 92627 E•c_,1 aH mineral rights Daily P1to1 Oclober 1 8. 12 NOT EXCLUSIVE OF OIL This siatemenl was hied Beverly J Uroan same not heretofore olherwlte Game 4: Clemens orNlpper? ,,.. ..... Mnlee,.,... BOSTON -Red Soic manaicr John McNamara now must choose betwtt-n a tired Roaer Clemens or a rested.Al Nipper lo pitch ap1nst the Anatl 1n the founh pme o( the Amcncan Laaue Champ1onlh1p Sencs Saturday. - Clemens threw 143 pitches T~s­ day ni&ht in 1he Red Sox's 8-l Ion in pmc one. He threw 4S m the second inning ~lone. Whether or not he'll start on aturday probably depends on how the Red Sox rare in the next two pme of the stncs. Nipper s1ruulcd to a I 0.12 record with a S.38 ca med- run avnqe 1hi1 teat0n1 and if the Red SoJr. trail in the ICf\n, McNamara problbl)' will IO with Clemmi. 24-4 With a 2.48 ERA. Meanwhde, McNamara has some· t.b1n1 elw on hi1 mind. "We haven't even pl•>'cd \he S«iOnd one ye1," he said. TODAY'S GAME -Game two bepn at noon 1n Fenway Park with B<>ston's Bruce Hurst f.acina the Anaels' KJrk McCa kilJ. McCaskill, 25, ii Mlddall)' a '!!Jl1 ~ man. He anended lbe Una· wersity of Vmnoat; wbtft tic an All·Ammcan ~ ~)'er. lo he tw bttft ~ by tic:tn ~ from old buddiet -end he'a tried 10 obliee. • Fenway 1s home 10 Horst now, however, and he's woo th·e Ofhil Lut six dcos1oos COOL HAND JACUON -R~c Jack50n dipped bts iruured left l\fnd in the whirlpool for 20 minutes before battma practice Tutfday. He had bru1\.Cd the hand punch1n• the du1out waJI tn Teu.s aturday nil.ht when he was b.uleH. and he had n &anda.gcd for M onday's workouts. Pl.ayina without a bandasr Tues- day. Jackson -batting dean.up -walked, struck out. flied out and twu:e grounded .out. · ··1 think Rcaa1e's presence was felt and tt helped me ... said No. 3 hitter Brian Downma. who drove in four run) with two )tnalcs while Jackson stood on deck * NOT•S -Sfla!IH Of ,.,. K•n•H Clrv ovet•' ..... ~ Afttll\ WI~ Miii• WIWt wile ~M ll•v• D•rll't to ,,,.,, MConcl C1'111d, Ju''"' M~~t. MonOay ~111119 In VOf"tla Linda Ju•lln w•l.11h8d Jn _. 7 POU'1di. 1 ounc" The ltlCI ~k hav• now ro.i llv• con..c11th11 ""'"· their ~t ro.1119 '""" of Ille vear Tiii V1n1t"' •w1111 tr.em on the wfffleno . <;art,~..,.. wH l\llleu In nine et·t>alt v• Ctem••n o.lart hi• !ti t •Inola In the lhlro The .Alloels .c:or..cs Mven ot tlltlr run\ wlll'I lwo out Witt hadn't won at Ft nw•v llelore Tllffdav Anoet• roc»cle w..., --l'lllCI tl'll\ eJtolanallOtl lot' 1111 lllfV OfoiM\lonet (IWO dOutlle\) p11voff oeout "The w1v t f111ure It mv rOOkle vH r enoeo Suncsav " 1988 WELL DRILLING OIL DE· with the Coonty Clerk of Or-This business is con· conveyed OI reserved by _______ T_WS ....... •_.2_71 VELOPMENT MINING OP· 8~ Coun_u on Sepl~.ber dvcted by an 1nd1v1du11 grant or includinv-witlTout Boe ton manacer Jolla llclfamara •lanai• f Or relief ln the Dun IC HO CE ERATtONS TO~t!THt!A 17 1986 Beverly J uroan II t tb i i " RO" Clemen• ban11a bla bead nlDl Tl WITH THE USE OF SAID F"20072 This statement was toled hm1tat1on a OI . gH. seven DD De &8 aer -. • s.lle <>weft'• lllrowtno eTror 1n 11>e ""ro °''*' 11141 team ' t l~DatM .,.ror·fr" str .. 11 S.-Y s-wt. ,,,. •1e1 Sox rllffev11 ""'° •18"180 w1rr1"1111 U4I ""*' CllMet'!• ,rruoollO rtvoucrl'I llwt MCOOCI, nun•t a'10wecl 1 r1Jn 1n """ DlavoH •POtlflll<tl IOlt l•ng 11 Innings Fir.i·o- wlnrM•• have llOIM' on ro ti>« WOt'ld Set~ 11 11"'" O<ll-O'I 11 '"' ,~ TotOnlO -veme -ta\l veer Tnt llov11s won lhe Ml'IH tlMI the WOl'ICI SlllH F CE o s .. hydrocarbon and stmllar FICTITIOUS BUSINESS SUR A OF IL WELL . Publl$1'1ed Orange Coast with the County Cieri. ot Or· nght$ and all walfl' water NAME STATEMENT TANKS TUNNELS. MINING Dally P1101 September 4'4 ange Counly on September r1ghts geolhermat steam Pl8l.IC NOTIC£ f'tlll.IC NOTICE P\alC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE rtBJC NOTIC[ The lollo11t1o_g persons are ~~A~:sv :R61v~o~g. HJ>w~ O<:lober 1 ~15 1986 . 17 1986 F'20t1t •hd sleam POWflf. wlll\11\ 0' we~1e11y une 01 said parcel 2 Thousand One Hundred 91750 CA 92649 0e1JC11 CA 92649 doing business as THE EVER THAT $AME SHAll W379 ~ Otange Coast underlying the real property T~ srde hnes of the two Fo ur 1 e en 0 o 11 a rs This bu11ness wu ton Tht5 ousrnf'u rs con· Th•• buainess ,1 ton. PAPER CHASE 425 30th "'OT .BE CONSTRUED TO p1m11c NOTICE n Se 2 hereby conveyed logelllef f 1 d I S8 114 001 ,. d Lo .... b _,. ,,. al S 27 N ....... ,.. UUt.. Oa~v .-llot ptember ' 11>llh llW! petpetual nght of a Ori" mfln 1one Perea a ( dueled by 1n.,1v1 uals lnus.-duct...... y an 1,.., • .;...,u dueled by 8 oer-11 P81'1· trHI flWPOl'I .,......., PROHIBIT SLANT DRILL-October 1 8 1!1 1988 f shall bf' prolonged or NOTICE TO bend and W1t11 Marc lOPez nerst11p CA 92663 • ING OR SUCH OTHER OP-FICTITIOUI IUllNlll W393 development l llereo Sllorlt't•f'O sC) .is to torm a PlllO~lllTY OWNER This Sllltmenl ... a~ hied This SlltetTWtnl was tiled Sanora S VIC:ono RO•al'ne Wa1t8" Sl5 , ERATtON WHICH IN NO NAME ITAT£MENT provided however that the contonuous st110 ot 1ano YOU ARE IN OEF'AUL T w1111 the County Ctf't~ of 01 w•tll I~ County Clefl< of Or TP\11> ilatemenl wu filed PoinMtha Coron• Del Mar WAY USE OR ANY WAY A'F· TM lotlOw!ng persona are PU8l1C NOTICE ngh" herein r~vi"' Ol Ill· The nartW' and address of UNDER A DEED OF TRUST ange County on August 28 angt' County on ~teml>er witP\ Uwt County Clefll ot Or· CA 9262S ECT THf. SURF.Ac.£ Clomg l>\IJlllUS as NU· cepled do nol neude the the0eneftc1erya1 ..mosere-OATEO APRIL30 1982 UN· 1986 1~ 1986 angeCounttons.ptembet JoAnna Aichardt 25f55 RIGHTS OF SAID LAND. STAA GLAZING CONTRAC· FICTITIOUS IUllNIEll rfVh1 to ent81" ~ •r.e tut· quest the sale is be1ng con: L(SS 'fOU TAl<E A.CTI "Rarry K. Voehlola1, lCum F'Stt757 17 1986 . Terrac~ l anlern 01n1 ANO WHICH 00 NOT TOR 1420 E Edtf191f Suite NAME STATEMENT flee and Ille !op 500 fMI o ducted 1~ Northland Bank TO PROTECT YOUR PROP· Ja Ya.hlotla Pubhshe<I Orange Coast fD0112 Point CA 92629 -ENTER SAID. LANO Al 203.-Sanll Ana..CA.92105 T~Oll(1WloiiJMll'SOna are the surface of lhe real piop· llJ ltQUJClJtllOl'l. 16§6.fc.tn'1oJll J.LMAY...8£.SOL -2ubl15ba4--0t~;i&-.Ca.a.st+,o~......e!i.lalWi.l!QJLaal.De.!-'~ P.,Olllbecl 0'1°99 Coas1 TP\iS business II con. POINT LESS THAN 500 W1ll11m 01te 27371 Al· doing l>utlneas •• -enyn~rebYCOflveyed.~· Plaza 10303 Jaspe• Av· A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU Oa1tyP1101Sepeml>ef 17 2' Oc101>e1 1 8 IS 1986 011ly Pilol Secnembet 24 dueled by' a o-al parl· FEET OF' SAID SURFACE. larrz M1ss1on Viejo CA CLAIRE S COLLECTIONS. served In lhe deed from enue Edmonton Alb8f'll NEED AN EXPLAl\AllON October I 8 19811 W382 October 1 8. 15 1986 nersh•p AS HERETOF'ORE RE· 9::1691 ' 19391 Coralwood Lane. Aetna life tn911ranee Com· Can11da T6J 3N6 Norlhland OF THE NATURE CF' THE W360 W3Sl2 Rounna Warren SERVED IN DEEDS OF RE· This ous1n'hs 11 con-Hunt Bch CA 92646 pany a Connecticut corpor· Ban~ 15 th11 assignee ot the PROCEEDINGS AGAINST PU8l.IC NOTICE Thrs statement was filed CORD ducted oy an 1nd1v1duat l.laore l Kramer 19391 ~~~~ recorded Aprll '· mternst ot Ille original YOU YOU SHOULD CON· PUBLIC NOTICE Wtlh lhe County Clerk of Or· YOU ARE IN DEFAULT W1ll1am G11e CoratwOOd Lf1 H B 92848 T h benehcrary BB 4 E Corp a TACJ A LAWYER __ _..;;..;;__..;._....;...___ F'ICTITIOUI IUllNHS eng CC)unty on Sepleml>er UNDER A DEED OF TRUST This slatemer\I was flled fh1S business IS con ogelhet wit ~ non-ta· C.Jhlntn1a co1porat1on Trustee Conducton1 Sale FICTITIOUS IUllNEIS NAMf STATEMENT 17 1986 DA TEO 7109/8S UNLESS With lhe County Cieri\ ol O•· duCIPd Oy an tnd1111dual ~~~·'!~:~~~! f: ·~~~ 0111te11ons to lhe aoove Gary A D11v1d 1900 Avenue NAME IT ATEMENT The to•tow1ng peuons are FICTITIOUS IUSMISI PU8LIC NOTICE Fl20l2:t YOU TAKE ACTION TO ange County on September Claire Kramer -,, property may be obtatned ot lhe Stlrr' Suite 1200 Los TP\t' 1011ow1n9 Pe•son• ate dC)1ng ous•nMs H Al PC NAME STATEMENT Published Orange Co.ut PROTECT YOUR PROP· 17 1986 T~ s111ement wai llltd llallahon and mainlent'f' by requeshng same 1n wt1I· Ang!.'les Ca1ofo1n1a t2131 oomQ ous1ness IS The Tut<>< Bl Compute< Tutor Tl'te totlowing P8'S<>n5 a11 Dl•ly Pilot s.tllemr,r 2• ERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT F32010I wnh the County Clefk of Or-of ullhly knes a.nd retaled 11• ong t1om IP\e oenefictery 552 2500 Pape• Cha~ P11n11ng Co 95 I Pau1111no Ave nut doing bu'Jlneu H 8alt>oa OGtooer I 8 15 19 A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU Puotos11~ O••noe Coesl ar•ge County on Septembef ~11:ies ffr the benel•I 01,.:a10 • .1.ll.l2at1 trom the 1tra1 Oiied Octooe• 3 1986 l'JS81 Woodt1nd lushn Cvsta "Ma CA 92626 8~s 88 Farr Or Cos11 -________ w~ NEED AN EXPLANATION oa.ty P1IOI Sep1emoe1 ii' 1 l 1986 d. ceih ..... Oviii fM'"T!I cmo ~ pv1>t.c111on ol lhlS notice Gu•y A David ., said 92'>80 EuoeneMar11nC11t18' 951 MM41 CA 92626 RE OF T E F31_.._ l!SC:ro.,.,.. proper Y J 11 w Ste ~· 11&0 p •-· • C DllDllC NOTICE OF' THE NA. TU H OCll'\Of'r 1 8 15 1986 _.. That POlll()(I ol Parc:el 2 The streel address a11d Trusltt e v~... a.u .... ino .. venue 0118 L A Gallowa 254A f'uut. PROCEEDING AGAINST W388 PubhsP\ed O•ange Coes1 as sa"' Pare~ 2 IS sh~n on oth•r common desinnation Puo11sne<1 O•ange Coas1 Bent Willow C01on1 91720 Mesa CA 92626 °'' "" Y Ou You S""OULD CON 0,.,1 P11ot Sep1emoe1 24 "' .,, v-"' " o 1 P 1 1 O t h• 8 15 22 Sharon Font"n t860 '"'' business 1" con· l~161126St C~ta Mesa CA FICTITIOUS IUllNEH Y " • PU8llC Ml'lflCE Octoy ke• 1 8 1• t986 11 M110 ltteo 1n BOOll 108 1t <1nv ot 1he real oroperly 19,1 8 1 6v 1 0 c 0~• ' 7 c T TACT A LAWYER nv v ~ Ham~ e< Norco C.A du<'ll'<l Oy •n on01v1oual Kimt>e 1., Ka~ N .. to !>06l NAMISTATEMEN 913 D ARRELL ST W385 Pages'27and4'8of Pa1ce4 desc111'led eoove is W•03 This t>u,1ness •I con lug1meM;;1 11nCa11er '• C The rot1ow1ng person• a1e COST A MESA CA K 27752 Mapa •n 111e Ottice, of lhe pu1porlf'd to be Jamboree <luCll'<l hv a q~ne•al pBtt· This slatemenl .,11, l•led C,_1nt"rbuty Or Cypret.I A dor11g ovsoness as RtlEY IN· FICTITIOUS BUSINESS PlJ8llC Ml'ITIC[ Countv R~oroer ol said Ph)I•• u 2s Jamooree Roed · C Cl o 906)() Ill ii •1r~1 address or nv , nflsl••ll , with "'e ounty er~ ot r· Bonnie Lou Galloway VESTMENTS a Calllo1me • ~ ''•ME •T•TEM"NT Cou111y desc11oeo as follow N••wpon Bet1ch Ca11torn1a p•mLIC Ml'lllCE s Sh r . Ommo "esgna11on of "" .. .. ~ uu ~ Jell w teven\ aron o11nQeCoontv on O>Vptembef ,14 ... B_1,.. ••adr•d L1m1tedPa1tnersh1p.21 1V11 c n u 1 FICTITIOUS IUBl.NESS A~l11p ot 1and3000 1eettn Thu undt1i.1gned Trvslee ____ ..;._____ a' • "'f.~,,.0 .., 0,,. 1 1a sho n 100 e 110 Thi' toltow1n9 persons ilre ' ro111vr 11:. 111.,., L1Clo Nord NewPort Beach pr ,,_r y w v ' doing l>uSlne" H V•C· NAME ST A TEMENT width !hi' cemertme OI sa1t1 15Ll111m-. anv llab1hly lor any K 27750 Thi~ Sldlet..,.•rot '""~ hied F31-.. CvP••" CA 90610 CA 94'663 warranty 15 given 11 to 111 TORIA S BAKE SHOP 3333 T11t to11owin9 person, are Slt1p bf';ng descnbed as lol 1n1.u11ectnt'n 01 the s1ree1 ST A TEMENT OF wOh lhf' County Cle<h '' O• Puol ~l'f'd Or jf•9f' CoHI I 0 , ',·.·~. l>Ou\i.~eg~!.n~'1, ;,~;. Herbert ano B"1noee A•tey c;ompleleness 01 cor•ecl· SoulP\ 911510! t85 Costa domg 1:>us1neu ., KAR 1ow5 dd•ess and other common ABANDONMENT OF ango: Counrv rin St!flt .. mbfot c, 1 • Pitot Seplem~ 24 • nu r • ~ v• • ... 211 Via l•do Nord Newoor1 nest) The oenallciary ••• ,d c• 92626 Ent,.rr1,.ses 810 Centt'• St '"-1nn1ng 111iipoint1n the desr9n1hon shov.n above USE Of FICTITIOUS 7 ''8' o 8 ~ 986 nNs •D _ .. _r •aid~ ot Trust b" ..,~, " ...,,,, 1 1 .. u • c ll)bf't 1 h t •l~i G3 ioway Bt'&Ch CA 92663 u .. .,~ • ""'""" ' c.mols Bato,f' Shop inc. A ?O , Costa MMa CA Southeastf'rly hnt' of sar<I Said sate w1tl be made IUllNESS NAME F3201oe ..,. a rn1> hus•neu ts con-reason of 11 breach or defeul~ J'J'JJ South 8t1ito• l8S 112F.?7 Parcel 2 distant North 40 "'"hout covenant or war· The tottow1ng Pt'•sons Pun•·~ 0 ,,.09,. c,0.,1 w379 Th11 s1 .. 1emen1 _, f•ffo<I due lf'd by •• lim1lf'd partner-In lhe obl19at1ons an co~t.t '.Aes,1 CA «!2626 C,111 Kt'v1tl e .. 11 L"'d "10 Oegret'\ l8 26 E.nt 20 00 rant~ t'•P•eu or 1mpl1ed IS nave abandoned lt•t" uw ot D.i •1 P1'<ll Sf'Ptf'mt>f'• "' --P-U8--l-IC_""""_T_IC_E __ ;.~('·~o~:.~n~ c~~~~, ~hip lherafle< the unC!ers.gned toiniA corpor.iiion CPnli•• <;1 A 201 Coste IM.'t horn 1n<> Southerly cor 10 111~ POswss1on or en· lhl' r1ct1t1ous Bus1nf'U Oc!Obl'• 1 8 1~ •98€ nu 1 ,:" i""~ H~rotm Fllley c-.osed sa•d no11c:e of deleull This bus•nt'n is con· Mr>~;i (A (!26:>7 nt" lnetf'OI !hence l\Oltll •9 c;ur••t:l•<inc .. s to IMY tiw. un.. Na,,... £DOIUl.O 220 E w-394 -,...... T111s statement "'as ltled and 01 elecll()(I 10 oe re· Jr11~ r.usint'n 15 con Degrees21 34 Wesl 61 00 paid 1>atar1ce due on the 11..i1P11.1 Avf' 01.inge CA FICTITIOUS I USINEll FJ1'7S5 "'1th th,. Cnunty Cte11< of Of. corded"' M8•8Y 1~~55'998~ 03{' d1,~";:0?f :a~C:pso~~~o~nc d••Ctt'd by an ond1•1dual tee! 10 a pomt said pomt 1101,. sHure<l Oy said Deed 9,26i7 PUBLIC NOTICE NAME STATEMENT Pul>l•\P\e<l O•ange Coast .inve Co•Jnly on Seo1emoer Instr 0 • • 0 • Jim Parvin Pres•denl l(ew1n Laord here.nailer referted 10 as ot Ttu\I to wit One Million The F1c1rtoous Business The 1011ow1ng Pe<Jon' •·~ Ou••• P0101 September 24 17 1986 ftc:iel Records in !he omce 01 This st.itemenl w.is hied 1 r.,5 s1a1emen1 w1u toled Point A Su Hunored s .. ThouH !'d Norne rf'lerred 10 above was FICTlllOUS IUSINESI doing business as ElltOTT Or1nber ' 8 IS •986 Fl20l22 the Recorder of Orenge o with 1~e Count" c1-1< ol O•· Also a strip ol land 26 0 F1ftv Sf'vt'n Dollars and hied on Sep 2' 1985 1n 111e NAME STATEMENT ASSOICATES 4911 Warner W38 I H • G tner a c t w•lh !he County Clerk ot r " ' ~· ' 22 o w er' ., oon y. s anqt> Counly on Seprember lePI 1n width the centerline S 1, I 1 F' 1 "e Ce n 1 s County ot Orange Original lhe lot1ow1ng persons are Avenue Su11e 1 ,..uni ----------lrown, Altoineye •I uw, Said Sale will be made, ange Counly on epremt>er 11 •988 01 ,aid Sino being descnb;ed t$ I 606 057 651 in pr1ne1pa1 F1lt' No F 287307 d o, no o us 1 n e ss • • 1n91on Beath CA 92649 4340 C1rnp11e Drive, N••· but w1thoul tovenanl or war· 8 l'l86 Fl1lttt F3 l t41t 115 tollows and 1ntl'IPSI plus costs e•· Hurry H Yo5~1oka. 244 1 BEAUCOUP 16766 Sims Bert M1cMet Ell101l 77S2 pot! leach, CA '2963 ranty express or lmphed, re· Publishf'd Orang CoaSI Put>hshed Orange c.,aal Beg1nn1no al the alore·dO· pPnses .ind ddvance\ esll· Bowdoin St La Verne CA ~ D Huntington Beath CA Sea1>r11eze Drive ,..unt Too tired lo walk? Too !Ired 10 ortve? Too tired 10 move 1 Well II you' re not tootlted 10 reed, you· re not too tll'ed 10 lhop cl aulfled Published Orange CoaSI gard1ng l1tle oosseuron or Daily p,101 Septemo•r 24 scribed Point A thence mutf'd "' the lime of the tn· 9 IHO 92649 ington Bfoath CA 94'6•8 0 I ... 1 1 s 1 ""'"r 24 1 8 the 01111y Pilot <;eptembe• 17 2• ~ 7•• s v 16521 a1 Y ... a eo em.,,, encumorenc;n o P Y Ouooer 1 8 15 t986 South AO Degrees 38 4'6 111al pubhc i11on 01 lh•s No· Kum Ja Vo'fh1o~a 2441 Mart Et1c Lopez 16 "" Sandra ue ic1no CktOOl'I 1 8 15 1986 reme1n1ng pr1nc1pa1 sum or October 1 8 1986 w 362 W376 Wi>st woo 10 the South llCI' ot Salf'O 10 oe E1g111 &o"'rtoin St La Vt'rne CA Sims O Huntington Beach Ha•t>Our lane Huntington WJ91 the not s secured b said P\BUC NOTICE , AV~ ~Cf AO()( toe LEG£Np °" TNC r NO. e eOtH>AA l'tllUC NOTICC P\alC NC>TIC£ NEWPORT ~ BEACH ST Pl8l.IC NOTICC PlllllC NOT1C£ Pl8l.IC NOTIC£ Pl8l.IC NOTICE Pl8l1C NOTIC£ PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL COST OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SERVICE FOR USERS WITHIN COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 6 OF ORANGE COUNTY In accordance with the provisions of Section 204 (b) (5) of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-217). County Sanitation District No. 6 of Orange County Is reQulred to notify all users of Its sewerage system of the rate and portion of the ad valorem taxes paid by Its users which are attributable to wastewater treatment services. This District, the jurlsdlctlonal boundaries of which are presented on the accompanying map, receives a portion of the one-percent ( 1%) basic tax levy collected annually from property owners by the Orange County Tax Collector. This notice Is being published In coniunctlon with lhe malting of the Joint Consoltdated Tax Bill by the Tax Collector to enable users to determine the share of their basic property tax levy which 1s used to pay ror wastewater treatment services provided by this District This District-annually receives approximately 2.34'/• of the 1% basic tax levy collected from the property owners in the District. The revenues generated for the District from 1he basic tax levy are not sufficient to pay for all the ongoing operations, maintenance and replacementlrehabllltalion costs associated with collecilng, treating and disposing of the wastewater generated from the properties within the District. Accordingly, all residential and small non-residential users in the District must also pay a supplemental user fee, which for cost savings 1s collected for the District by the Tax Collector with the annual property taxes. The annual supplemental user fees In County Sanlatlon District No 6 are presented In the following table. Slngl•Famlly RHldencH $29 04 Muttl-temlly Reeldencet $17 .0-4 per unit of building Small commerclalllnduttrlal/ governmental uMrt $20 7911.000 SQu&re feet The following example Identifies ttie combined amount a homeowner wlll pay tor the District s services In 1986-87 It he/she owna a home with an assessed velue ot $100.000· Revenue Source Property tax Supplemental user fee Batla tor Payment Amount 2 34•1. x 1•1. basic tax levy Jl $100,000 - Annual fee for slngle-famlly residence Total annual amount peld to District No. 6 In 1986-87 for wastewater aervlces Annual Amount Pak:t to Dlttrlcl No. I $23.40 $29 0-4 S52 U Large 1ndustr1a1 and commercial users of the sewerage system pay their proportionate share onile cost of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services based upon the lciual ve>fume of wastewater th9y discharge and the amounta of blochemlcel oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended eollds (SS) In thelr discharge The following schedule Identifies the rates now tn effect for these l1rge users In fiscal ve-r 1986-87 Flow (S/mllllon gallons) S123 84 aoo (SJ 1,000 poonda) $75 4 1 •• ($/ 1.000 pounds) $74 80 Revenues cotlected lrom theae large users art also used to pay for the ongoing oper111on11 malntenenoe and reptacement/rehabllltetlon costs of the District's aewwege system. Theee lndustrlal user• P•Y , ... r1ng1ng trom several hundred to more than $27 ,000 per yNr for transport, treatment thd dllPOMI of their wutewater through our fecllltlet If you would Ilk• addltlonal Information on the charges you ere paying tor wutewltM coOectlon. treattMnt and dllPOSIJ aervlcea. p!Mae cell the Olatrlet'a 1t1tf at (7 t4) ~-2411 . EJctenaion S The ~trlct'1 edmlnlttr1tl"9 offlCei are open from 7 30 am. to S 30 pm . Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.Q'I. to 4·30 p m on Frldev- Publlahed Or1ng9 Cout Dally Piiot Wednesday, ~tow 8. 1986 w.999 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- •• CALL 842-5678 940-1220 ... $AIL INTO SAVINGS 4 11nes, sg 00 7 days... • ~'9tty0NLY No"'91 ...... ~ ~ .......... ~WI- You can now ceH the D•llY Piiot Cl•aaltled Dept. on l•turday morning from 1:00 to 11:30 •.m. to pl.C. your lundar •nd MondeJ Ml•. BA&UTAn .-1au HOU Ill/CONDOS 0.-.. ............. ..... _... G.,...__ c..-.. -c--0...-tll-,_v.., .__.. ....... ...-.....--.._-'-... ~ ....... .._..,_ -~ .......,..._ ... a..... --c..--s--... ,._.....,. .... c--s....i..- T- MISC. R.I. ··-· ....... ,c---. 1002 IOOt t007 tot e 1012 1014 IOJ• 100) loo.t 10.0 100 , ... tCMI '°'° '°'' '°" 1067 10.. 107• 1079 10IO 10M ... IOll 1090 1100 112' \UO ..... ..._... ~!.-~ -r ... ..-"'"',_ .. °"' Ot Ca. "-" °"' OI .... ..._., '' -.....t ... 10..-~ ...... ..._., """ ...... u ,,..,_. •lw..ii . '.,, 1221 la2J 1..00 ISH 1* .u.u ueo 19'0 , .. l.,S 'IFlllALI HOUlll/CONDOS a.-.11 2101 .......... 110. ............... 21111 c....,........ ,,,. c.-.,-21n c:--2124 o...... ,.,. Ill-, . 2132 ,.............., ti,. ....._.,.._ Jl.O ...................... JI., ....... ,, .. ._........ t1• ......... ,,,., ._....... 21'2 '*,_ 11S.S ---. . ,.., ,._....... 11 .. s.a--........... . 217• ... -~···. 2171 APAITMIN1'1 0-... • ..... ~ ............ . .... ,.,....,... . ~ ...... . c-.. ... c--0..,... Ill- MQt ..... ,.., • .. 11 Mn Hol4 MM Mii ,... .... ...... ~ ............... ..................... .. ···*' -........... '-... ............. ...... ..... Yllle ..._. ...... ... a-.. s..-c..,.._ s--. .__......., .... c..-............ ,_. ,... ,.. ,.. . ,.,, *' ,.., ,... ,.,, . '61' MIO , .... ,... ,... HfO MtlC. llfilTALI ~....._ mlZ ~ f70t ..._ • • . .. not ....._~.. ... . m • "'-""ii .... .. . .. • . . . tm ...... ....._______ '"' .................... 212• 0...-............... t740 ...._. •. ........... 2741 .....~ ...... ,~····· ,, .. •••••SSA NIAllCIM .............. .... =·· ...... --0u1 1..-_ _._.. _.,,.i.. ... _.,,.... . -._.r.o· •..... 2tOO ,..,. >tot "°' 2t12 . 1914 .191• . ,. .. &.-,,__ .............. ~..,_ ........ ,-,.., ... ,..,..,_" __ _ CMWC-~ ........ ~ ,........ ,.......... ---C-..i f-~ ,_,,,.., _.,,,,,,,,,.,. ...... -w. -,. Ollloo. -·' ,...,_ ..,., J100 JIOt MOO uos '510 ."20 SAO .... uu .010 '°" .012 .014 .OIJ .01• '°" eon '°'' ** '°45 '°"' GA8A81AUI ••m •le» •101 .,,, •12A .,,. ..... •140 •142 . ... ..... •lllO . .,, . . ., ., .. ••to .,., nA•lr•TAW IOATI 0.-.. ..... w .,.., .. ,.._. ..,_,.....,..., ....... .... ,o.da~ MISC. ~ '-'/IV/T ...... _.,._,.._ AUTOMOTIVI ,. ... i..-_ _,__,_ -w-• ...... 0....1-.. ,_ v-.......J 0.- i--. ,._...,...... -----.. 1011 70 , 70U 101• '°" l'QJO 1011 IOIO 11114 . .. CLASSIFIED INDEX 842-5878· PUBLICATION DEADLINE CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS T~Servlce M~iy·Frlday CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY The Deity Pilot etrtwe for efftdel icy end accuraqy. However. OCCllllonelty erron do occur. ,,..... lltten wmet'I 'f04K ed 19 rMd bed! end c:hedl your eel dlilty. Report erron lmmedlet-*Y to &42-M78. The Delly Piiot ecoepta no llabltty for eny error In en adv9rti.n.nt for wt'6Ctl " ~ be reeponelbte eiccept tor the coet of the apace actually occop'9d by the error. ~ cen onty be allowed forlhe tnt lnMrtlon. Mondey ........... Set. 11:30 AM Tueeday ........... Mon. 5:30 PM 8:00 AM·5:30 PM S1turd1y 8:00 AM· 11 :30 AM Wedneeday ..... Tu.. 5:30 PM ThYrtday .......... Wed. 5:30 PM Buelneee Count• Mond1y-Frldey ... ,. •Un F.rldaY·-·····--Thur.a.. 5;30 PM 8:-00 AM.5:00 PM Saturday ............. Fr1. 5:30 PM 142-5878 Sunday ............ Sat. 11:30 AM 1Hl lat1tt Ftr lilt C11ta NHa 1024 Ct1t1 NtN 1024 Ge1er1l ZlOZ •-----------------------------------------.. ...... 1 ..... --•EI SllEIYiW•H• Jmum1 llUlll&ISWI I!...--&) IOOZ 3Br 2Ba. 1111ra lg lam rm. lg PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP!! Short term rentals from _______ .,... __ . laundry rm. stor area, E'sl<M CM. 3bd, 2.,.,ba $400/wkly to $2000/mo *••YflllT* C1Jt-de-sac. all1y access. frplc, dbl gar. $169,500 -$229.500 Open Hse 12·5 ASSOCIATED REAL TY 2BR 26A wntr $1150/mo First reule offering 472 Abbte Way 545.4539 673'~W-3BR 2BA-yrry. $1200/mo F'ftlmlum End Unlf twnhm BACHELOR yrly $475/mo in "The Cove";oClegant & BY OWNER EtSIDE .LIYll! Cll.LEIE PW Waterfront HorMs, Inc ------'df'-1n"e:ic.>Ys.v•1e114w~~ & ~w~~t':' ;:•·o!n':! l•EFHSAU Ila-HOO _ "waters edge" patio unit larger has encl. patio 3Br. 2Ba + Oen w/see-thru lalMI Ill••• Zl H Just reduced 10 $595,000 $179,500 (213) 598-4057 fireplace to living rm Xlnt 1 ________ _ tor prompt sale , ---cond. Must see• S 159,500 lsle retreat S9SO 36r hM H ti & c 640-5560 4 UNITS •In I cond, lg IS· Ownr/Agt 673-3948 I/yd • .., bloek to WIV9$ pet IS nos 0 sumable interest only ---ok 539·6191 Agt lee loan owe Agent Pat S A N M I C H E L __ __ ·-·-·--·•-Cobb 675-2013 TOWNHOME 2br 2'hbl, l1J1•t• COLDWC!LL BANl(C!RO beaut 1 yr Old, & 128.900 p · l 2107 l UllE Flllll by owner. principals only Hiii• 1 . New S1ngle f1mt1y hOmes in 642-0894 10-2PM 2 & 3Bdrm Winter & Yrly. Costa Mesa wtprlvlle -Peninsula Aentlls avl tncd yrds Tile roofs. oak Inert ltac• 1069 Villa Rentals 67$-4912 ---•IMCln cabinets & much morel lLMIST ICWF•HT ...••• ,.. Call todly Agt 548-1329 " con,.,. 2W -LG Duple•. steps to sand. 1 house from beachl S8o0 llH,000 lllllH'S CLISE-Ill •BR upper 2BR lowr. sun-to June• N·pets 675·2558 Prestigloua gated area Only 1 tell 2Bdrm 2' .ea Cleek 4 car prk, can be 3 Pool & spa. ale Paneled townhome fireplace 81• units $219K LH DOVER Ooeanfront Winter Renlll game room 1ncluC1es wet teched 2 car garage. RE 759-5080. 637-3175 2 stry tlm Prime le><:, 3Br bar 3 BA 3 BA great totally upgraded Call •t 11a•11• 1s• •11 2Ba. 2 car gar Fully furn, • -" " -WI O No pets 835·5445 location, view David Cooper 631· 1266 Almoll ,11 acre on waler· , 144-IOIO ··~i~J:-? front Room tor 100·1, CaJUIUDI leacla ••• ~ yacht 5.000-+sl estlle 2111 Elegll'lcel 3Bdrml Nuevo•JQ '6·800.000 Appointmenl Charming 2BR. den, 11.Arba Nearly I acre1 $ 115,000t with PATRICK TENORE nr Pines Park & bch New ~~f-~ 11~e;v~~r ~~ ~J!Sl!fJ!~ 163 ~~12ii66or]60~-fl2. ~~~~~·;:'.~~ts out s 1250 •H209 Laroe 101 with lots ol ,.• ~ .k charm E.1Ctens1ve use ol ij CtrtH ••I .. , 21 Z2 ltlH e,tiH WHtt41 stained glass and oak ----• 2BA 2BA. spectacular •• ,..,Yi•• ..... New price • s 149.000 Ill ow• Clllll ocean view. frplc, 2 car C .. 1111-lJll Designer perfect. lrg 3 gar. patio. 511 Seaward ---Traditional bdrm. 2'.lt ba, ale, w/pool S 1535t mo 760-8382 llll llT IELCllRTI Realty spa • tennis Formal din Bayfront, B1yslde Place~ Professionally designed rm & wet bar $1795/mo 2BR 2BA, 1st floor Dock and upgraded In Harber 631-7370 P11rickl agt 631· 1266 included Immediate oc- View Homes SOiid oak UOLISIYI AIU wpancy S27501mo, year doors. hardwOOd lloors. Allordable price 81 lease 640-7347 dys custom fireplace tn lllllng Et SIDE 3Br. I -story S 189.000 Investor CdM lux $800 rentil room French doors and Condo w/lrpl. 10 LA & windows cathedral cell· prlv patio. 2 car att. gar owned & must sell this abode patio pool chlld tngs, cozy lamlly room s 141,500 851 _025510 year I Call 759·4830 line details 539-6191 with boo!\ shelves and _ OREA T WESTERN REAL Agl lee garden view Beautifully FllEClOSlllE·FllH ESTATE Clean n· cozy-$47Sbeaeti planned 11nasc1p1ng And it's In a prime area ' area rental equip! lo de- YEAR ROUND PRE-SCHOOL THRU Srd GRADE Lunches & Academic Skills HOURS 6:S0-6:00 M·P 646-1444 2110 THURIN COSTA MESA NOW FORMING .School--Pi.ge .... --- Pacific Travel School . Ull I . llaU st-. klta Au, c..ttm t:tJ lftii!! ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY PRIVATE ACCREDITED tRA V£L SCHOOL ,American Alrllne Sabre Computer Training Establlahed 1963 ~NINO, AFTERNOON. EVENING CLASSES Call (714) 543-9495 759-QlOO ---- JANINE DU BOIS Call IOf details S 119 000 [ C}YA'J . posit 539·6191 Agl lee 759-4830 GREAT WEST· f ERN REAL ESTATE Ct1t1 ""• 2124 ,.. __________________ ... _________________________ ... 2br. 2'/Jba. dbl oar. bui1t· 1r.~:-ir.:::---~miiia:::;-m.:::L"--.;mriiiii:==:7"iic:r--;r.1r&;;;--:--.--..:---..~..-:~:-:---;;:---:---:-7="--~~..----.~.,; . . ·.:• .. [ y T VERSAILLES CONDO 1ns,frp1,smpat.S850tmo Costa ••11 2124 IHI. ltacla 2140 llf'2!rl ltacla 21H 11111 Aaa Ria 2112 lal~u Pni1nla CtrtH ••I Nar 022 C'l'lJ. 1:1d10,J,~~·Bypo~°r:~r Jez. ~l~e66~4!~!~1~~1 days. PLENTY SPACIOUS SWPUYOllM lllO&ONOISTll Xttordable lux $750 3br 2'07 Steps to bHch Single ------213 975-0234 Collect ' Family size 4b~ lnclds den Gated. near bch, excl 2br, Home on fairway, 3Br + 2ba hse oar flyd l kyhght BAY Fronllge pier Wntr roo ms, Bec helors. llEllll COUITllY SllY&ll-SAITAYIEZ FOIECLISllE * YlllEY * S 104,000 Picturesque f5 acres and Lots or value here Spht home on hill lop with level Ir pit 2 car attached 360• view of Santa Ynez gar a O e 7 5 9 · 4 8 3 0 Valley Only 5 m11es from GREAT WESTERN REAL Solvang $425,000 Paul ESTA TE Tit tf ll4t Isla Bunness (805) 688· 1990 ~ 50 or bay frontage 144 depth Probate Bob • Caushn 17 14)851 7720 or 673 0354 ftlS&UIYIWIH HI HOYE PUCE l1lltoa 36r 1Ba. needs lots ol Pt1i a11l1 1007 TLC Canyon site view -------....;..-... $13S 000 Ownr/Bkr TllPLH Drive by only 673-8086 3bd. 2ba. upper unit on tnslln' conCI VACANT• FOR SAU IY OWIH Ready lo go' PL US 2bCI • lbd down Great rental .134,500 area Lseland $2!>:.>.500 Sharp 3Bdrm 1 •B•. large ASSOCIATED REALTY bonus room WOfkshoo 673-3663 New paint & crpt Isl at --9•,. owe 675-8918 or C.rt1a ••I Illar 1022 63 1 486 1 HT&TI L .. llllTIH Tr14t 11t1•t hr LH4 llPLEI 2 new homes • 3BR 3'~BA 4Bdrm & 1Bdrm It pr1Ge 81 22~7 Elden Can rent loo low lor publication tor S 1400/mo eech Wint For de1a11s cell DARRELL to 1r1de lor land 1n NB or PASH PROPERTIES CM lor 5 10 units 720-9422 Rich F10<:k 645·0968 let Ut ~ YH St11 Y .. p,.,.,,,1 Cal ea.ttflN, 642-5671 to~ Information & surprlslngly low cost.. _ •Eastaide sharp 2Bdrm. gar I/yd $800 s flat 2ba lrpl. dlw, wld ho6k-l1m • 2 FP, 3 car 011. call 539·6191 Agt lee furn prkg, 2br SloOo. lb< 1Bdrma & 2Bdrm1 1vall ••~ilt Bt•H 1 Ba house Garage, lncd * Hl-1111 * up. encl oar, 2 bales. ten· sngl stry, lresh paint, new A!nrl•t1ll -Se50. $100. utlls pd, 303 New crpts & lloo<s, lndry r.r •-le 1100 yrd. crpts. drps, w/d Or big cou'ltry kttch ms ct & spa. no pets t1ptg $3500 IM Avl Dec, _ E E 87 2866 rm sundeek prvl gar""" -hkup No pets S675 • enhances massive hm 3 $ 1 O O O + S 7 0 O sec Agl 722·69881640-4868 II iN dgewater I · av~11 No pet~ 875-2..i:- NEW MOBILE HOME bctl sec Must stand credit blh I/yd 01r $1 000 963-0963 - -I I • "aH IEW UllllM ere1, up graded. low check 770-5629 539-6191 Agt fee , Furnished C1pe Cod near 1 aa .,. S6 · S Cttll NHa 2124 b Im.. 144 F •... lon 1-•and 2Br 2•Lea. 2BR 18 .... YRLY. UNFUAN, lbd 50· BICh 525, no -~'9 .... 'PIP ........ ~ down. assume le toan, .,, ., ,. " pets. 102 E Bay Apt 6 T & 28R APT QUIET $39,500,(7t4)661-2004 ...... ~.nu &Y'lllll•llATILY Shortterm o6c Pool.ten· NO GAR, $850/mo, ---COMPLEX.Poot.nopets, Acrea1e ll 25 ~-u 2bd. t'liba, 11c carport nis s 1600 760-361 1 934•0959 * IOWHMT * S•9s & S695. seoo see -TIWllOIES $950 720·0876 -NU O.C:Or In & out. 3br East B1lbo1 Bachelor 646·3618 11 .~ICIHFH•Y 1200,000 llUllUIUCI _ EASTBLUFF 3br 2ba 2ba s1600 2br 2ba w /ocean-bay views - h•4•t fer le.t Ull OlllSI YllW S 1650/mo 1st & last • sec $1400 yrly 8i rrpl w/d Newly decorated S525 •otllll TllSE* Frplc, vaulted celllngs. dbl 2Bdrm den 2B• fireplaoe avelleble 11• 1 leaM only agenl g73~~ 1 i ' ' yrly 1nc1 uflls to 1 n/smkg 16r 1Ba. garege $550 gar. pool spa No pets $1300/mo' J~dy, Agt (7 14)650·6088 W tness YEAAL y UNFURN APTS Adult .. 873"6372 28r 2Ba. fireplace $625 18drm S810 _ 631· t266 FintHtlc Condo on the 2BR tBA $975/MO EACH OCEANFRONT 2Br 2B1. 3Br 2B1. ylrd $750 Res•Clenllal hillside with sweeping views canyons, 666 W 18th St 645-2739 -lmmac: con<t . $ 1150/mo OTHERS AVAILABLE Fee LllHI ltlCla waler w/11bulous view AEGIR PROPERTIES winier, $!225-$1350/mo TELEIEIT 11•ttl0 ocean and night Ilg ht * IESA YEHi * h0mes11es lmprovemenl 3br, 21>8, convr den. pool will be costly, but could serv, g8rdnr, ammen. yield dream hide-away S 1500 (213}432·2601 The price reflecll -outst1nd1ng value Don't •New Lux Condo nr bet! miss lhla one! Cell 3Br 2"Ba. F/P, dbl gar, Barbira Agl 760· 11~00 spa. sml pet ok S 1195 · 646-1844 or 642·9666 DESERT LAN0-40 ACRES •PllTlllll OIYI* Raw land near Hwy 395 Excellent locatlon. 2Br Adelanto. (213) 671-3325 2B•. W/O hkup, frplc, Lucerne VIiie" 37t..i"8cres. vaulted celtlngs, 2 Cir gar ' wlopnr Over 11re1m1 & power & septic lenk in. fella Pool & spa Gre1t zoned tor mobile homea or vlfJW s 1150 Avail 10117 house $45,000 848·8347 No pets 549·2447 leatals AVAIL IMMEDIATELY t•MI .,.. " Coodo/End Unit 38R, ~ flC• •Geno • Cov e " atra ZIH 2'nBA. 2 sto,Y with trplc. dshwshr. W/O hkups, dbl llWPT·Wlml LUii g1r1ge w/elect GOO, FULLY FURN & BEAUT prvt PlliO S989 .-S 1119 OCEANFRONT 38R unit sec deP 863-0897 or S 1550/mo 863-1500 Agf, No Fee OCEANFRONT 4BR lemtly BRIGtfTON SPRINGS home S2500Jmo BAYF RONT 6BR end Condo 2Br 1'6B1 trl·leve4, fabulous. $4500/mo micro, 2 car g1rege wt opnr, WID hkup Over IWPT-YIU IEIT&LI streams & falls Poot, spe WEST NWPT 2BR, lrpl<:, $~5 No peta 549-2447 nu paint & crpl $925/mo WEST NWPT. 1 blll to bel'I, CONDO 3bd, H•ba. dbl 3BR. fr pl S 1200/mo encl gar, X'lnt toe S 1100 WESTNWPT3BRhm,frpl. mo 50 ·0'422·evea, dbl gar S1350/mo 213-$42-3S81·D DOVER SHORES 48R OAAl.INO 28A HOUSEi lemlly home $2250/mo g11, blMnt, gerd'nr, W/d OISTA •u Tllll hkup. cat «* 1825+ dip 3BR, frplc, Ilk• new, oomm 1982 Meyer 549-3484 pool &1000/mo w11trfron1 Hom.a, lnQ UWCIM -111·1• 2 matr It. 2la, w/d, lr.pjc,, --2 C8f oar, poo1, ..,. litS OVER 1,000 RENTALS. Nr SC~ ~·1700 S~iallzJng "' Ill lrNI, Pf 1C411 ' .. ,.. T... Ut You dOfl I know wNll you re tl)-For 1 country CMUal look, make lhla brelded ductc rug wl"1 calioo llt1pe or UM Ng yam. 4 (15 • 20") '**' make e 30" • 40• Ng · Pool S 1795/mo 0.Cor-675-4000 r VICTORIA BEACH ooean· ator lurnlahed 673•0896 __ yrly Agt 752·2226 -- fronl 3br 3ba, lurnl1he<I, l1l~t1 Pt1i111h IOUiFRllT E!~~~!t~~~r flrepl~i~s) ~~;;7~ease. 4~~~~ ~ ~~. 2'07 1 & 2 BR, wntr only nr Bal 2Ba. W/O hkup, frplC. .=rt ... CL lit _oaraoe St590 78&-8451 1 Bdrm Apt. on sand. Pier 673-83891673-4928 vaultedeeillngs,2caroar _ • prime location, winter C • l • .az2 wtopnr Over streems & '.Ar k to beaCh yrty 0 25 Nearly new beeutlful 36r. ren111, luUy furn wlgar. ertal • Ir -falls Poot & IP• GrHt rental pad clean crptd 2Ba home w/lrplc In av11t lmmed. 835·5«5 28( 181 + etUdy Furn 1v1 view $1150 Av111 10111 decor 539-8191 Agt '" Newport H~hlS s 1050 2BD. 1BA HOUSE YRL y $850 + 1st & MC, Utlll pd No pets 549·2447 Newport Shores gorgeous per mo 722• •77 G1t•S850 + utlls. 2 blka ~pen Sit/Sun l-5. 424 $550 ·'Ii Month Free Rent 3Br 2Ba, all amenities, New PO' I Terr ace to beech Av1ll lmmed. ~Ilia. 494•4282 So Coast Plue 1re1. 1Br, °'ean view. new crpt TownhQUM 3Br 2.,;8e, No pets 835-5445 •ELITI lib* air. fenced pool, carport. Upper DuplH s 1400. pool, 'g' S l095/mo. 21>1' 2b 1 1 18501 2 +" Study, atept to bch, No pets 548-&791 VIiia Renta.la 675-4912 __ 121 >472•6145 1v'111 ~·o. ~: 111.1:.~ o•r, PluSl'I crpt 1900 Fee ATTRACTIVE llghl, 1lry 26R Cott• w NPi. 1 hse Nwpl Terrece. 3Br 2tA8a ~uoo. Iv m .. ug~ TlllEIT 111-.. 3br 2ba. Xlnt E/slde roc 10 bch, prkng, $785/mo Twnhs, lrplc, gar, pOOI, 5•4·7549 Chmer/Agenl A 111 N -1 -Sml f lrple. 1 car 011 . no pets. yrly. utll p1ld refs, :;:8~~~~. + ::,:5~ .,280RM 18A E.ncloMd ;nfumo~.ch unit ~~:, UOO• d8P 548-~ 642·7003 or 842-6941 ry l1ndscaped yard, gar.. frig, g11, w/d Utlls pd BRIGHTON SPRINGS "iNff"CREST CONDO• Ocnlrnl hm 38R + MPat· $850/mo ynrly IHM. $535/mo. Call 840·0507 Coodo 2Br 1'1~B1 trl-level, FRONT ROW VIEW! ete guett qtre, lg lot. 538-M17 •fter 5pm O a.-. 28R 28,. d le micro, 2 car Olflge 3BR 2' .... 8A $1550/mo Good pkng. CIOM to pen e", " up x W/Qpnr, WIO hkup Over Kathy Agi 845_2235 · NHVC Avl now. Yrly, •Min IUftl* unit w/lrple -shr 011 • 11re1ma a 1111• PoOt 198 • &3000. 876-4830 agt Studio,"• to Mind Utltl w/d hlitup So of hwy. S995 No pet1 s..a.24.1 •RENTALS AVAILABLE """J E .... -3 Incl OnlyS395 Hurry! $1195/mo Agt 873-5354 -- - NO FEE CHARGED "" 1mbor• • ..,.,,. br -. -ll...... -----CHARMING 2Br 1h , ~I 1•4 BR S900·S8000 PIM 2ba kid• 11025 nat muat ,_, -,_. gar. trpl, $775, "'° 38r Marti, Agt. &42·1183 ... 539~1191 Agt fee ••••n IUftl• S11s0.u far-1750 Both 28-1875 117 Monte BAYAIOGE Condo 2br, Sl)9Ctacular B•c:k Bay Studio. ttept to tend. Utftt w/lrplc, _garage 780~85~ Vltta. C.M 848-12&2 2ba, getad. all ammen, view 38r 2t..;Be, frplc, 2 Incl Only $395 Hurry! fee 'JI __ .. _ ... • ... ., __ ... w/d,g1r.ref1,11250/mo, terrecn. 11800/mo + flLmlT 111-1111 1..,....,==iirJrl._li.,...fii~i;i;ilii 540-7551 or 788-5 180 utlls. 875·8829 _ .. ~-------WMt Bay Ave hoMe • 38R TOP Floor Balboe Office/ w 8ayrldge Condo, HC 2,_.8A F= A 811 eti.ldlo, view A9t • wtti.8ut. gatld ~m. 28' 2Ba. . r • ger. v oak tire, hlol'I celttng• frplc. elf, pool & ape now •1 Imo. yrty. MSO/mo l5e-t1e2 $1400/rflO IM 780-1275 875-4'30, agent -----3""""-21A W/hau 11300 48f, •Ba Dvpte• Apt, un-tollll & ""°' Ollf prdeil ""'IPt1 QM\. (Ol!lforullle. Beautiful cuetom hOfM """ • ... , "" llJfn. 8 mo IM or mthly tll dost IO "-'1S 6 So Cont P'lal• .,. Ollly 11111111t• It 38r t Oen 3Ba. iota of iM 2BA UC>!* •12 cat M1y 1 Gu 12200 lle1tll Catae-...... NO rm P\CASE high °*~I '• OYerloOklng Wenc!INT J>fAk·ng2 • yrlyocSn1f3r n50t & 2 1 3 • 9 4 3 • 8 4 H o r OOl.2 ,.,.. .... 2 21'"... EF 21A 2 3 W • 9AI •"' A•IY 1eeu ~ .....,, • .,. • .-31A dul*•. avail nowl 1 ·943·2880 -i MUIYllW IHllllllllTIL AVAILABLE NOW Nol•. •A•••• ........ . o..q,., peNct, 1ro 3 ,,1 ~-1ar 18• ,_.blk to beacfl I•••••• 'M""6U bdfm, 2·~ ~lie, w/pool tl• .-llM1ll HOO/mo t He., yrly. I l•lllMI '761."'71 IP8 t .__. '°""'* din --.. • 873-4791 or t73-f471 rm • ~ bar 117"/mo y;;y-OCMtl c:toee 2tw pr1 8acMlof pad, no kitchen Ml, mAI A ml wan...._ 1 aa•a _... • Patric;tctagt e3 1• 1* utttl pd 1725 lo ~In Pref buey 9C:tlW n/ll'Mr Ml••=' I I wtlar U need! Fee m1M1ng 11 you lla*I t ~ ~:::;;;::::::::========::!!!!!!!!!..J~Tl~L~E~R!:!EN~T~~8!_!7.!:M:!!880 ClaN!f..cl lately .,.....,. .,..... "you C81\'l llnd 11 in..,.. l~o~ther:;•~av:a:ll~53=9=-t~1=t~1-~A~v~lif~now;!~S350~!'~mo!!_:c:a111~1a=~•;•;•~·;;;n~';M~1;1;1~t~M;a.~~H;( C fl A f T I tied. ff 1 not tof... Aft fM af1et tpm 173-02 ... i, . , \ • • " • . ' Cedl !w !I! 1-..... .. .. ltat11t tt 1•11• If ClidMlfl!tt 1W M-'l'A\'ftTI ., •• ,,. l!I! &.._. .. c..'=... ..... --I ..... .,.,.; '"· .... 1&2HOAOOMS WIYlln ":::='7en'= tto.wii.::...~ 6*1111 .._::;::r.fl.,..1 ~~...: ... FVANISHINGS AVAIL LIVf Wttll'I YOU HAV! lhc;k Bay ~u Avali Ca.ta ..... 54&-7033 ""~ ~ .., .. ,...,,,. ... c .. ..,... -•• ',,... •Fr• utiltiea ·~... IMMfO Jen 720· t457 " T '°' 2'\ wllt "*' -A.....,, to~ AcloownC p -w ...... ·~·tMno .,,., 1&2.. ,..... ....,, ,~,,.. l'l\U9ttwae16 _,,_. 1 -~------1""°' ......... -... ..... ~ . ... W/D ........ __.,.., ... ....... PtOf ,_. 22 ""29r a. ..... ~!~~ ~ C"'40Mll --ti.°' ........ -and .... 8UOPC!ft, ....,.... lllFHIWll ,.,..ftC. MC""'' .... ·11'1--· l r--·.--,.._.~•ownttouw ........ -· .l&'lge cu ' """"' ...-. --··· -· • W'·1 ......... ---·-·&:Ml -~ A-.... ,,,___... ........... -.,,_ "--S750Nopett815·MOI ._. 11• ·=-"f · ""7"'1Z"'.".l .. + ., .. 1eo.MnS4J.11044 P<*ff'1he=IOll!tf• :......._ .,..;;;.'°'*'" ....... Alt ..... ..., • ....,......, ... ~_..... ... ·.~!~ .... "··-1tPrtvata balconlat or ....., mo '" Of•lt• Entry l!.ac•· C 1 M 11 0 ~ ...., .._ If! """"90WU ........... a oan .... , llU c ... room'°'. raacict-1225 MC 557-3804 LOST M ~ ml• tent btnalltt Call ll'IQ ; •• I •• Y• ~ .... TWMf ........ -· •Pool l l80't ar m 'IOI 20102 8kc;tl St 18drm, Ible CMlllM woning Aoommate wanted New-Biie wlwtltlbm Ct\ICO' 142·4321 t•I 318 Jvdy S4"5-7111, IY91-.et47 $Owpm fOOd p-.oM J52't .....on iiWd *•xPknhtnt '1~11Ct'o~""•,.ro11 •3LIQflieo ~'!!cou'11 tBa w/lfg IHllcony VOi• lama ... nontmltr/dtlftktt Po't Shot• 3br 2ba "•ward •~P•acen. O.ttlt\g,IOflnttf"'-'irlO-LEGAL SICMTMIWV '1/T rNMer • .,......per90ft C.U.._ lrom p';;k' " .. •2Sw1mm1ng ~· k'ICI No S*• MOO/mo pm1i.g.. 54!-9t07 S320/mo 1111t•St~ • t1a/W1tton -8·8tll7 PQ1n1men1 xln't front ~ lllllle. 80Me ..... ~ but (71•)"1·'113 •Sorry, no peta * S1r .. m1 & PQnda 7M-1128 °' 833-3313 ROOM FO,. fll(NT ON-Call a" ~ 84 ... 79 LOST Old lamalt Poodle lr~I..... WOfd Pl'~ "91pfu!. not rtq d Hato wonter, ·~::====~-3&5 W WILSON •Sorry no pet• ••a-•a-PENINSULA I -f I t 'Mitty' gray vie 0 j .... &Owpm • 714-<4t7-l111 Nlf·motwttted. Mc»en· .... 1 lilt •Fwnlthino• avlll _, __ , N·amkr S300 Waffl to Hlftt If •• PCHl~•nd 'on 1011 330 8 S --i-deb•• 'or 9"t call -• • Oat I"' H•'"ll""' & ,. __ "In" Enjoy 1he luxury of ttlla •11· be.ch 875 3009 ntl 53'-4n4 ay ~;... ... ._ lllll. .... , ..._., f7t4)184..J790 .... -... """"' • C:lutl\19 QUlfd o•t9d com· ~ • Costa M .... CA HV"" Sec'ytrec.ot: ToP .-1.... -- CHEERY 280 DUPLEX Paid munlly In 1 tpec:lout Sm•" bdrm. nkit CMta StOO 81Nd(i! GAAAGf L11f .... A"'' AppllcatiOnt now beT~ r•I•. tor t>wy 1.Aiaun• .. llllln llmllfl FULLYFUFIN WlfllTOALL 18drm Apt A1Mn1ti.1 Ma'-hOUM,nic»people Site 4 Clean 708 lowcottapayfr1411Jtefre-le<lel)tect IOf ~t·TtlM HIK1Lawoftrc.830·IMO lrvlM'Ad ~ nMdt 1or 2Per1,n-1mkr 11 •• 1111 . 1ncl lrp1es.wetbara.AIC, ou1,1 1111m1tr 3C t, lwoc•do, Cor01151 5o~ rerral Pet 10 avaJlablt othc.polltion · Typing p••tn•n_.IT-nl1m06ttr• 1~ofc;ot. Tti. ()1r9 Cout Dally Aef $HO 84fJ·2323 • micros, WID tlkup1 & ~ S260/mo fJ50-7369 Mar 67 • 21 No FM 878·PETS ' lO·Kay rtqi,llrt<I No e,,.t 1111 rte i.ge minimum PtioM Pilot it aeeifrng _,, ~· LelenM Aplt. 2Br 1Ba. SUWlll VILUIE car oar•o•• I 13U Wiii exchange low r.nt ,o'; c--·· lcL~a i or Sunday• Day• only, Law Off~. ~ 8c;ll •ntw«lng 'c3'~ .'f:'~ count e...ec:uu~ f()( our $700/mo. 1300 d•P Gas Sorry. no,,.,, 8-4•-0509 v•n•r•I hOUH WOtlt. I.I. ·A·w;-· -I 25 Hr1/Wk Apply •t Klt'k SPMd accuracy tteen· pr~ • • ~··" Ad~lltlng 0.. 6 w1t1r pd Child Ok 15555 Huntll'lgton Vllt-oe Completely f"ur nltlled Newport Beech family ..,. lutractlta 3112 Jawelera, 2300 H.,bOr 1111 Houri 1·6. No lhort-17 H)M3..f100 pw1mtnt A rnlniumumOf t838 Pltcentl• See Mor Lane, from Stn Diego BIChelor •Pl, QfHI toe' Rel•. 760-2690 •• , .... , Lat SPANISH fOfOR HJoh Blvd, Ste 18, Costa M.... hand req'd 852-<M44 u•n••t ~ == :~ Large bac:h.tor w/large Freewali, north of e.actl view S825/mo. 759-0142 )('LNT locatlorll Pv1 en· nit Sctlool to COffege level. No phone Cllll ~~ PIMHnl e>«aon. nk» P«· ~office, phOne l typing off« OOod N laty p1Ut 1n- p1t10, l~hled carp~.!,. ~c~d~den, west On L~~-·--irance &blth.n·tmkr,no TOPAOOfLJt;c>:OfRCeJ Reuonable r11u WORD PROCESSOR. 1on1llty for maklng ••preq&e/hrM7·1~ .t.ntii-1--____ _ .859 w....J ... ~1.M201mv _ - _ _ ST8LOFF TOwnllouM k1tc:Mn Emp M, nr Hos;. SludlO, view Apt, w/t>eaut ~-1m Mrs Hlog1n1 llrong Eng stil 111, c;Jerieal isnon. etllfln ~ ~., ll•fll•lf PleaM aeno reaume to • .,. WALi Ti,..,,.. Apl 38' 2'~8• 2 car Oat S360 • 150 84fJ.1035 oak "''· tltoh ct1llng1. ala m· t HSI 191 Busy S1le9 Exec: "t•t•' oomf)Ut• ••i>« $575/ "'"1811RH1B! •3BR.11..\BATownhouM Nope11.110251moyrlM It I /••·I -11 S650/mo ,.59.9us2 __ • FIT or PIT CM646-SS65 l\elplul Pay b...O on lrvlne R.anchflf!Mft •=•hast mo " w/d • ,.,_.. 644 1010 ..., 760 7037 • t I .. I •• ... , 3111 qual1f1Cl1ionl Full Of pat1 Matkat tlaa QPenlt'Q In ~ • ""' 11 "' "' ~ 3 OFFICESFOA LEASE .. ...IHPll lime 722·1550 bU•y eorp ofc; '°' r~ ,.._ hkup,1~ I~~~ •oc •. PNEW C1rpet1, NEW Arter 51)m or Wknds WIU IUOI In Huntington 8"cfl 11 BABYSITIER my flame °' Dev.loC* 1n Coste MtN 11onlst HHllY ptionea 330 W BAY ST. TSL MGMT 842· 1603 amt NEW tl00t Ille FulJy furn 28drm 2Ba _. • llT• 111 Newland & Hamilton your a Mon·Wed-Fri needs Accountant 2·3 PfT APfAR IOr -CM ~E Mu11 ha~ experilnee COSTA MESA, CA 92626 • POOi Patio Den. bay view loc:k-up Wkly renlal• 1145 & $595/mo 969-4787 8am. 1pm Mna Verde years exp 1n accounts '~m~,:,fi!,nka ~.t:'; Cont11e1 S.lty 631-4<1()8 Attn 0.'91eY AdV NEWPORT VILL AGE •No Peta garage. t800 Sq Ft Up/Wkly Color TV. lree Area Reis 662-7563 Rlyable Conllructlon ~-Man19« APARTMENlS • Mature C0V9le Mtero d/w, lndry hltup. collee ne11e<1 POOi maid II• I lH II, n. accounting 11 •plus Ne., c;omp, type, ,,.. 10 key SIGllTAIY Co1t1 M... • $800 9&4·3816 Ir pie Prvt beach & pool servtee & steps to ~In 1617 West c;llfl OllllO&lfl lfY(.11 John W•Ynf Airpon Call se 00/hr, 2 .. 1..()677 Amb1t1ou1 hatd wortclng PRESTIGE LOCATION La(IU ltac~ 2'41 $3000/mo • Sub-lease Kitch s avl 985 N Coast Nwpt Bch 541-5032 agt PIT Must drive 854 1265 tor appt 751·8003 PfT RECEPTIONIST M1Ct1l1ry tor IQOtMar~ Atff ...... s.t~ 5 ~locks lo 1•,lir 181 top tlr duplex. 2 tor 6 mos Boal dock Hwy Lag Bet\ 494-529• DELUXE WATERFRONT 955-3900 Bob B 0 0 K KEEPER Fu 11 Mature pereon with lront rHI tillate company. earn 3S-~ C8I o.bb!e > C South Coocast Plaza ava11 Call 760-0919 1E•W1 llTIL OFFICE SPACE Dtatstica 3011 "harn. FIT comnuuw olt1c;e appearanc• l o must type 45 wpm. good (7 1') .. 32-"37 • 1011 to Atrport prk spaces spotless S775 " 000 h & $1 50 .. •-1 .. -answer phonet, and light on phones neat appear· •7 Minutes to Beach 1w1ast1sec 624-6557 or Vernmes lfg 1BR penlhst Wkly rentals Mw avail 1. sq -up • Housekeeper Nanny Live-e11per help ul. n/smkr typing Pac;lflc View an~e. non-1m1tr ra.i .... •N1ghl Lighted Sand re nant 494-9673 Security bldg w/pool, $147 00 wk & up 2274 Call 642-4644 In Engllth or Spanish oil Vac;atton Resorts lnl I Memorial Park and 111e license 1 • Aak tor lltT SALES, FI T PI T Volleyball & Tennis Cris SUNSET Over Tti. Ooean clubhouse spa Avail Nwpt Blvd CM 646·7•45 CdM. 10001q ft, new carp, Gooo pay E•P rcq d ,.92·680 I Ltnda Mortuary. Nwpt Bch Tom Lee 642· 1603 Experienc. Hele> W•nted •Pool Jacuu1 BBQ now $800/mo 6'45•74o9 paneled. many windows Rets 647 7172 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 6<14·2700 Uk IOf Pat We will train W~ends •Covered Parking Studio So Coast Hwy 3 B SH I Sii LONi 673 4120 •• d •n /b , Ope ate SECln&aY & even1nns 8•2 2606 •Cable TV Avatlable Stovetrelr19. parking no L~~ ~~~~on~rvtBrbe~c~. 3026 w Pac11ie Coast Hwy good signaoe. • Wanled person •or orontng m~a~~~l~shu c;omp:ter p I T lEOIPTilltsT Gen con1ract0< loc In NB ... • •Rec Room with Fireplace pets S67Slmo 499-2690 tennis Av111 1t/1. Newporl Beach Relrtg TV or 673·• 126 and ltght housei..oep1ng 18-20 hrs/wk Sal ace lo For buty COM hair Hlon nr 0 C ltrporl setltl d• CHRISTMAS SS$ demon· and Biiiiards WOODS COVE STUDIO 51850tmoyrly 675-7687 5135 •wksgl nodepcslt 04MllJSlmS Reis reqd Corona del exper 644.,311 Experneeded 675-55~ pend person w/clerlCal. strate1oysandg11l1now •Saunas APT $6SO incl ullls. Ample pkg. ullls patd Mar area 673·5947 60 wpm some acctq. 1111 Dec: no collection de· 1 BR FURNIU"!FURN , 8eaut1lul set ling lido baylront 3BA upper Vacalitl ltatah 2855ECst'Hwy675-6900 w111 exchange tow room phoneel(p toassllt Prot ltvery or 1nve1tmen! Corner Nwpl Fwy & Baker (714>497-572t newpalnl. new crpt, lrplc. 2722 o• .,, .. 1111 renral tor general house $ ClERIC·L s Adm1n N/1mk otc FIT Party plan free kit IUP Sorry No pets' gar Sandy beach S 1500 BIG BEAA EAell'J large. ""' work Newport Beach " 8-~ M·F Sal c;ommen plies nd-training ICS.al 17t4)557-0075 Newpe1t leacla 2119 Avlnowyrly'675-4630agl pool table, colOf tv. 2 Small sp_,e (approx t50 family Reis 760-2690 $ GENE.R•L OFFICE wlexp Call Kari "52-8202 for h omemak era 2Bdrm Townhouse. 2 NEWPORT MARINA APTS lrplcs Sleeps 14 sq h) Avail 1mmed New " car/phone nee House 01 Nie. 2Br 2Ba. D/W, blllne, Bath oarage cul-de-sac •Elegant bayfront. 1800 714 545•6916 crpt & paint S225/mo Ttacktrl 4150 $ RECEPTIONISTS SEClnllY PI T Lloyd 8 .. 0·0058 lndry lac, lncd pallO No $725/mo Nr. Hoag Reis sq II 2Br • Oen. mlCro, WANTED Big ee· ar r abln Call dys, 9·5, 675-2311 PlllClltOl ftlta.tr A M M·F. 20 hrs/Wk 11111a•tw••f •&111111 pell NOn•amkr S650 752-7 884 8·5 Wkdy• .. • $ TYPISTS snorthand lrvtne ---760· i. 18 Of 642· 7528 .. d/w, lrplc, prvt beh, encl Oec;emt>er 24111 thru the EXECUTIVE SUITES Christian M1n1s1ry S5·S6 C.ALL 261· t6 t6 Full or part time counter gar $2595 boat slip avail 28tn F1m11y want1 10 FURN GARDEN OFFICES hr Mon·Frt 642-1426 salM tn an ·old ttme OUIET LIVl~G *USTILIFF* Sorry. no pets 760-0919 nave a White Christmas Rec:epttonist, W/P Copier $ SECRETARIES TYPISTnlNUIY hardware store See Nwly decrtd' 2bd 2ba NON· SMOKERS ONL y Ocnlrnt upper 3Br 2B• 2 6-16-4834 eves a wknds Costa Mesa 751-1308 Pr•f!t~itaal/ Xmas is •otltd the corner! Whatever yow November 3 thrOIJOh the Steve Wright Hardware oar u9;3~~~~r1 P••d S1unn1ng tBr 1Ba gar new c;rp1s & window lea I ah It Slaau FULi..S'ERV EXEC STE or M•1a11trahn 5100 Hperience, we need JOAll skis! early pan ot January 126 R~ne11er CM enormous terr . sund~IJ' ...covering$ Unlld view •7 .. 4 .stand aio~.oJ. AWMfo WINNING f!rRM Per&0n~ O.tai1 or IAIMHI UUI EAST SIDE SHARP & Lo11ely environmen1 S tS9S Yrty 850-9192 " • lic;es t00·400 st. slar1 at Seeks inlertor designer • l(CISTtl TONY . WOil T ..... OW! tated 1nd1v1du11 with CLEAN 2Br wl d hookup Poot No pelS 1 person SPECTACULAR OCEAN· BACi<BAY-Huge house, S275t mo Avail now Minimum 3 yea11 pro· b'Y/ 545·3411 ALWAYS gg~~maccEr,•~:,.!~d~~ F: ~=!"'::1aC::t I car encl gar NO pets 5750 Lse 6'40-0349 FRONT VIEW 3Br 2ba 2 lormal DIR grand piano. Costa.Mesa 979-1272 fess1ona1 eicperience L.. Tl APPUCMT with ~m0ty typewrtter Fult hme 640-7810 750/mo 5•6·9950 *LAllE '"* oar turn winter $1300 lrplc more $375 + ulll LO dbl ottic41 tn Costa CIHllVtty a mgmt Skills a ~tm~ll ·~fill a M I ed p K)(E SHARP! CLEAN 2Br E-rraclean1+bath good 200.cw Oceanfront PoSS•bly•ess24t-9331 M~ $250/mo small in· must Send resume & TUIP. ,. .... n . ~e~xcell~~~one IETAllSAllS 1•,Ba WIO '1kup patio & area lull ktlcll S52S Fee 1714) 640-4784 Balboa Isl MIF to shr 3br dustnal spaoe possible salary history to lmp1c1 skills and abihly to Canterbury ol New Zea- i6a90r a1mg0e 5~6-N9o950Pets TELEIElllllT 1"1·1110 Unlurn 1BR 1BA duplex, 2ba apt own ba. ad101nr~gotc 6'42·8620 Images 26t1 S Yale handle"-'lll}'wOl'll IOacla land an1nterna11onatac· ., •• f 00 d Santa Ano CA 92704 /••••• •••••••••••••••••-• 1 e wear annarel com crpt,pkng Walktoooean S4 ·ut1I 1st last • ep NEW•UNIT BUILDING • •' w11n lrequent inter· iv .... · SPARKLING 2BR upper ""lls paid Pool laundry -No • pets • Near shops S6751mo 548-7689 IACI UY UU & bay 43rd St S650/mo. 10 15 yrly 673· 1376 fllH l /Dt tal 5105 • e rupllons pany •s seeking e•· yearly 499·•649 887 W 19th SI C M ICI • • L .\KH.R OPPORTl '-IT' • I 1.. I C1 • pern1nGe sate1P909le 20102 Btrc;tl St 28drm Beauty• OPLX on Pnsla. S1or~s .Of Oles 600-3000 • Cl&llSllf HITll • • I •ti ~ • FIT PIT xlnt pay & ben· 1Ba wffrg bateony urns versames 1BR penthouse rem n smllr X'lnt Joe, Sq Ft Agt 5•1·5032 •sslST•1t • MANAGER • 645-~ t 521 e1t1&; l0t tne ~South incl No pets $700/mo 1n Quiet loc wtm1n1 ocean lrplc, w/d gar, spa tub, " " • • Call bltwMn 9·4pm for Coa'st Plaza SJore 756 1828 or 833-3363 view Avatl now S825 $525 646-1253 •••f lclt lff w/Yitw Flex-time position avall In • • appointment Plea•• send rflSUme or SPARKLING Newly re· SI""/ & S250/ 833 h t h ""' mOdeled Easts1de tBdrm 1••&1Ll111S 644-72 1 t agt Refs TRW C 2 F ' d 'J'J mo mo progresStve hlg ec; • • \ 1· b . • T•cLa1"cal/Tra•t1 letler lo CJnterbury ol *Y "-~ * dM bd apt •• pro .st nt Dover Or Mall 722·7294 high rouch olllce Salary • 1"r" ir allons arr now . r. '"It 111·· • "' • SS05 New Zealand 210 Forest S6651mo New ap-2B 2B $980 Winter 3Br 2'!.Ba Opl• on shr w/same Frplc pool. p 1 n-- r 11 • -TM111 EllCmYI Sim open 09111on avat ..,.,., • t"l'JJlrt or m ana('1•m1•111 p o11111oni.. e Laguna Beach, 92651 phances garage pool 722-7388 the sand nr 45th St tennis. lndry mstr bdrm. " t •96 03 11 8 ~ •• F • C $525 avl 11/" "56·768t st" . .., ...,. e c••-lffll AHN Sharleen Bickel spa onven1en1 loc No Furnished. all upgrades. " " Full service oll1ce • l ndh id u ni.. mui.t b1· •l'lf e """" pels 177 E 22nd St 3BR 2BA , BLOCK TO almost new $2500/mo CdM Ocean view. 5BR Newpcrt Center 640·5•70 IUe/PHN • n111t1"\f1tad, oruani"t-.J, n .. ~il>I<· 1rn1l • lHllEITICE 6J t-7376 BEACH Dishwasher Re· 544.2454 M·F 9.5 "' .. " 0 ' e S I I 1 frtge1a1or $950/mo 38A tor 51ngle person or Waterfront office space •. ji(lllll urii>nll'tl . \pplit•anh mui.t tnjn\ • ma I ast growing eons TOP AREA quiet no pers 650· l618 Saa Cle•eate 2171 couple $745/mo Scott with rantasuc; view co needs ~reer minded lETAIL S&USllU Retell bac:kground req'd Must have rels & lull-lime POSll!On No nighll ()( Sundays Company ban· et11s p11d vaeahon In· Quire at Ktrk Jewelers 2300 Harbor BIYd Ste 18 Costa Mesa No phone calls please MESA PINES 18r 1Ba -.-.. .... _..,. ____ .,.,.. 760·021210 760·0920/E $400/mo parlung onc;I *CASE IAIAIU• • "orkinj! "''" voulh<.. • yng man wl bast<: wood· Carport encr patio 3BA 2BA newer duplex 223 LA PALOMA $700 6,.6 4003 T C 111 • • wor111ng knowledge Or balcony $650 Up UP""' unit Close to ocn Unfurn 28drm Walk to CM DUPLEX mstr bdrm • om or a Y 0 C e K t·liahl1· '('hi1·l1·. 'ali1l lt1·1•11,r • s48-6._.9 ""'" b 1 .. ,F Hosp1talHomecareol • • • POOL spa bbQ 549·2U 7 Gar lrplc Avl now Yrly. beach ocean 111ew encl pvr a or respon "" WESTCLIFF llllll•I (Alftllated with Western • anti '"'uranr(' a mu~i-·····---e St3SO 675-4630agl garage 17141637-7918 Plo.goncld$375 'MC\#rtty Newly decorated lull lef· Medteal Center) has en • Unfurnished 2Br 18a w/w 722 0374 alt 5 vice suite ,t.ppr-o~400 sq imme<I F'TT or PIT oPen· • '\\ r oUt"r f''l't'lll"tll 1·ttmpiln' Lw-n-: HP'I EUCTllCUI crpl bll1n range oven • ..,.,, ltacL •it'' • ..,.,, ltaela UH Employed prof M •5· n • r I d" I' d d a w Gar pa11oS725 Otc1;;-:::::::::•::;-;:;:.;:-::::;:;::;;;;;:;~ 11 at $1/sq 11 Grea 0-ongs lor prof who desire • ,. 11 .. in1· u 11111:. a 1 qu·atron,. an e c1,.3n home nr •OS & cahon Secretary service 1ott security opp IOf ad· e I rd d I nd d ntal n • And Electnetaf'I s Helper Ambutgey a Elecmc 979 2311 or &45 8623 Ullhl!fl paid Studio. full kitchen & baln patio Alli now• $425/mo No peis 640-5341 957 ·2565 Res 759-5•8• SCPldza pool spa S350 avail Call 650-338 t vancement a lnendly en· '° I '" ... nw 1n 1 ti ,. ' • • S:>5 deo 432-7366 vironment & have a con· : .. uranc r , honu-. pro1tram. -.1:1lan a ni.I e SALES PERSON tor fine EX PER D Concrete an<S 1e111elery store • exp d MHon"r man 1nter1sted prefefred Costa M ... Make the Move to the ew Park Newport f'SllE SHO Co•aetcial Ptaptrlf cern & cont1nu11y ol pa. • m1lrul(P 11 llo~.rn1 ... : 2b<1 Iba ln<Sry lac; uhl 2771 11enr care Req ol IV and e I •1 t Ven1 Punc $lulls min • \p11 ' rn Jl"r .. on Ut'' t rru • me a Av11mm 642·7390 28 r house wllrg lot • Mc;Nasn Really & Invest· 2·3 yrs Accule Care •• f ftur~. 2:00·6:00 p.m. e FEMALE to share 3Br 2Ba ments Ole 6,2•133,. or e•P goOd org sktlls • 1n '1art1ng own business araa 548-3403 un<ter larg~ landscape Co 17141 855 379 t TELE-SALES Professional position '5 llfffEltS-211 IH yrs exp Leadership a mV'lll Commission only s 1000 w~ry no a4,;:o APHTIHTS Bf'aulllul clean large Gar- den Apts patios decks spa Sorry No pets 2Bdrm 2Bath 5760 398 w Wilson 63 t-5583 Mallt Utt smart mon to Patil Ntwport, Newport 8Hcll's prtmltr haxary addnu. nnu<P in Costa Mesa w'2 Eves 85 t ·9889 Medicare Homecare exp .• ORAlliE COAST P.ULISHllli CO. • otnt!r women $4001mo 11 plus e S48 31177 .Jlt 5 w1cdays SAU IY OWJIEll C-2 conract Renee ai : 330 W. Bay St. • I I Hunt Ben MtF 10 share 2 Btdgs On Lot s22s.soo <7141836• t444 •. Cost a Mesa, CA 92626 •. Good jobs, re lab e services, EvperoencPd only Call Bob 548 0769 Daaa Poiat 2121 funaJ1laed ud uft.nlskd l. Z. ' 3 bed.room aputmeats ud towalaoa1t1 oaly mlaatet from Newport Ce11tt r ud Fastiloa lalaad. From $It~ to 11800. turn 28r condo prel non 1982 Charle St C M l t ti thi t b It' II smkr S335 84 i-5343 Ask 645-4539 or 6•2-79 10 • EOE • n eres ng ngs o uy • s a tor Ju11e or Jan --2711 • •. there every day In claaslfled. •••••trial • • • ••••• ••• ·~··• ~~·••• • ------=---=----------Lg room & own bath. near u C 1 and snopping Fem prpf d S42Slmo Call Holly 557-1050 2000 sl f, Hll lirtll Nwpt Bch St200tmo M·t· A Zone Agl 541·5032 •CLME r6 BEACH • 2bd. Iba. w/gar $750 7 14 739 1919-days · 497-t326·Eves Jambortt at San Joaqalll Hills R~ad (714) 644-1900 FIND through c lassified .PARK NEWPORT NB HOUSE w/gourmet kll 9300 SF refurbishing In· on a conven locahon side & out. can redo inter Prof. straight n-smkr lo su11. 875 W 151h St NB. ssoo sec 548-2427 213-433-094 t NB professional to snare 3bd hOuse t blk 10 beach w oalcony S390 mo ut1ls included 642·2654 l11iae11 I Fiaaacial ... : .... orrrtHilit1 2904 SHARE THE WEAL TH =::.:.;.;:-.;;;;-.........;2'4-...0 lut. ltack APARTMENTS I I\• ll<.trtl14 , .... 1.t1 "''' l ll~I\ tht 1111\11111 "" '" 1, th.ti f'>rtnl!' \Oii "'' ""' .l\t ,111;1 "'"IC',.,,,,, ( . "''"'"·'" .1. _,,, .... ,, ""' v. ulllt M "I\\ n "II' f'n\ Jf\ flJllf I or h.11\1 •ll\ "r•r.u1 ,...,,~._'( n°•111 I .11')(\ ,,. "11 .tr1t.I 'flJ ( """'. h1lli11•1 ... Inn .... n """ I ~'1(1'11UllJ I'-'°'"'~ • I ..1111101"\ lok ""'" ll.ub411tr ( .:11<""-;f) Apanmc.-nl• ""'' \\.inlt r '" ,,.,. 11111111111111111 II<-'"' C \ ,., .... It I ~ tll 1"4'> ~ 2140 ( fltM"( f"tnl thrH "-~-;;..;,=.;....._ __ .._-4 n. • •r 1••••" •"it hHI n • ~n ""' h•lh "'"' hnln•lfll '" n ""' ""th l!r ""I ht ll nw"n '"M h.tth "' hurt\ "tlllt llit· ... 11 t ""'' ,, '"" 141")1'l c "" n .1 .. 111 In 1m 11 ., m 1 .. ft r Ill Quallty hullt and manltfl'l"d by IJnroln Prupct1) <..ompany. •••••••••••••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE It's that til'M 090inl Make wre your goroge 1ale Ii o tu«eit by ~rti~ In ctcHsified. Stort your od two doyt before the sole to attract the mott buyen c l l 642 --5678 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avoid capital gains tax. Support the American Heart Association. ra lly pus hes Dow 6.47 hight ... .__. _..,...~ .. -~-- : .:[ -. -.. : . :;:,,· ~ :~ 1' :ft . -~, j ~; . : .... ~ ,_ . ~ ·: :! l~ :: ? ·~ . : : Ir. ,..,,_ .. , ... WI THE LOTTERYCRAZE;_I ____________ ..,_ ____________ ......., ____________ ,,_ _____________ _,,------:-------, INTRODUCING FOR THE • If • FIRST TIME 1N CA M .. rtiaiat 11111 Carr••rr Etecttical •1111., met A new product that has a 11;;;;.;;;~;;;;;miiii l.;.;~S~U~N~V~"LUL:fE~Y:'Cc:Con;;s;-1 -p••iis• 111lECT•1C Companion/Aides tor h11e yr lrac;k record lf'l most h " -~ " 1n care & lite h•PO tor 1 lollery states Our proo· $2.40 per day 1do11 all' Home Improve Oualltywork frt"eest Or1en1a1 Gardener/Wkly the elderly 171,.1833_2()()G 1 ucl works independently 14 yrs refs 642-7390 -425513 968-7401 main cleanup hillside _ bul hand·•n·hand wl slale Thal 1 ALL you pay lor Plus Small Remooet and RESIDtCOMM LllNO 26 lret"~ rP~Od s.prnklr repr 1~P~a;.;iPa"'iti;;;••l._...,""!!!" __ .. 1 lollery Mllhons of lottery 3 hnes 30 day minimum Ad<S11tons Walls Doors yrs Clo my own work Lie Man~ /Pars e•P 458 6160 FINE PAtNT1NG By Rtetl· tickets sold Esrd nafl co 1n the 142· 1170, I CHE, Ill 27804 1 Al 64t-8126 DIG IT l ANOSCAPE ANO ard Sinor t6 yrs of happy w' 1ooo·s ot locations avl SERVICE ELECTRICIAN CONST w,. d•g II 11111 Rear. cusromers Lie; 28-0644 lor prOducl Cun Bus Carrell Lie _ 233 108 Small'large pro<P~ 11c ins 646 7070 Thank-You• 963·4 1 t4 Xlnt Ta• Shelter. Passive or Active Investment CARPET LAYER Sells tObS & rt-pairs 548 5203 I ORIENTAL GARDENER A A A PAINTING tnt/Ect Protected areas avl Turn DIRECTORY Carpets at Wholesale ELECTRICIAN Ouat wor"-Full gar<Sen1ng service LOWEST possible price Key Operation Full tac;-Prtces Installations and Freil est $20 nr Free es11m11tes 530·0185 10 Step S1>rv1ce 662-3235 RepcltlS Tim 548-5785 I tory support & tralnl;;g CALL TODAVll .-487892 Greg 979-6276 Gar<Sen1ng-C1eanups-Tree M.ATOIAN PAINTING Min investment S6•,5 Ce•eat/Coacrele NEW & REPAIR Nn iob removals·Tt1m-New 11wns Ouallty R Spec111ty ~-~~o~~~t~~2~6 l~~I ~~f,° ASI FOR LOIS Dnveways patios paths 100 5ma11 Top quallt) & Ma1n1 Alfredo 54 t-3833 Lie 288597 631·929S( S I 0 I Your 0 tc No 1otl too small Reas FREE est 61' :?3.S"> TrPeiTrtmlCleanup compl GLASGOW PAINTING erious nquires nly ~ Service Directory Reas M1clley 536-0553 gore1t>n1ng Reas prices tnr e~t 30 yrs eaper MtHJ To LtH 2914 Represenrallve Hadr••n 642 287J Cnuc"-548-6530 rel s 642 521 4 SI _ l U T J Pelle Concrete Const *.-HANDYMAN*• O ST SL d 1 gnature oans p 10 &.-2 •321 td 310 H•qhestquahty Loproces 11 u. v an scape1 awn Pahttill&h,trtist~J $10 000 Free Detatls De· ~ -~ ' Conc•Ple Spec.1a1tst·Br1ck Large or small 1 110 '1 '11 M.ion Serv Wkly ·mo(\th • ,. versified 7311 Beler1ve s1oci.. Lie & Bonde<! Pat 53! 55 79 or tve m,q , hmt-Free est 241-1640 Cltns t016HoustonTX77036 Callt7t4)962-7093 •GEN HOME REPAIRS I Rl'l>•Cl,.n11111 commM I II WIDOW has MONEY for Acoaslical Ceili1111 WEEKS CONCRETE P.iont Drywtlll c.11~ t-nrr, STIMP llSTIRS. FREE est1m 99•·58 t9 ' C l.at1"o n you may·. TDs SIOK/up. no c, .... ,, REBlOWN OR PAINTED el( GJt) b45 S:>P PTl Stump I\ R Removals ..v SERVICES • S11w cutl!ng 8 ,,~ v \rdS Ok S36 uu far;riDt · I · "" no penally. Call Al.,o 1111 E •I P.11ntong remo~e concrete-aspn&lt· F"ENCES-GA TES T•!'f' 1r·m ;.,;;tiiw~ ... -.... !"I!"'--'!""". • avoid capit a gain s Denison Assoc 673 7311 Lio.. :188597 63 t 9?95 dtrl • 487559 631 -2610 Dump rune; ( M "'a C•-'•Oening Full Service FA THING INTERIORS t ax On appreciat ed aaataaceaeatl TEX TEXTURIN(i , C area Jim Wtl~I" 64~ ':>06 Mow edge Clean ups HANGl"'G STA1PP1Nr; n AM C T 1 ' g c. Ital• llt %6 27 t6 EvH Lv msg VISA·MC 6~..i 15 t, C •t •es o r o the r Wall " f'• ong ,.. urtn H I' Se Urt I la.ataact•tall ztJO 848 '7203 Boti ~2, 'l'lS7 BRby Nurse w/ t• yrs exp II 1DJ Landscape1G1rden Ser· p ro p erty •SPifMu AL & PSYCHIC t.1 .. 1ng apploc tor daycare Lt HAULING MOV•NG '"'" Compl monthly ma1n1 Plllltr/lq-i r READINGS Palm and A1pk1ll Stc1r1tng 11 J 536-7607 Garaoe & ~ l •<S C1nup' .int rels Steve 546-9147 , • .,.ILL • r e d uce c urrent and . -.. R 5 A Jon 645 5192 "'" card readings available Parking """II f'P&tr CARING exp d Nanny s Masoa~ Compl~te ~tvic~sr FREE future income t axes Na11ona11y renowned psy-Resorlac1ng • Rooltng & Mkl>f'•S ltve ms or out HAULING •CLEAN UPS BRICKW RK Sm•ll iobs t"511mates• 615 _,Ot!O ·d I f t • · chic IOCal &ltcd t9yr1 Wa1erproof1nQ•6'.\t'199 trom S7Sweek 6•7-2415 70a~" Lowe,1r111e., • provt e 8 I e tme tn-S t1slact1on Guaranteed! (,all B.irr, 631 4748 Nt"wport Costa Mesa Int E•t Patch PIUTlfmg com e for yoursel f or 492-7296 or •93-20S• A1lo Se"icts •MY HOME OAYCAR~ Irvine Rel $ 675-3 175 Custom Tetluttn9 Ouahly •MOBILE AUTO DETAIL • >Unt program reas rates WOf~ Problems-No Prob b e n e f iciaries Lt1t l f118• zt2S med1ca1 e~p 642 osu Healtk, ltnly LOW COST Block·bricll iem~· . 32ea64 554 7831 Special monrhly rates r· Gt"menl ston~t-rep111rs Lie • avoid p r o b ate a n d FOUND 2 M tan/blli Shep. hand wash Maril 259 1311 Cl11aia1 Stmct _;.;.;1•~·~•;.;11;..____ •27280 Steve 8J 1-6874 Publicity ~.~e~,it i~~~;: Ml~~=• hal Str•ices Housec1e1n1,,g•Wtt"dows h1t l•trltlH CUaio Mllsonry 0 , An Types 1~P;.;l;;•.;;;•;.;;•;.;;i•_.l~-----I Cocker m111. M blltlwtlt INTERIOR DECORA T1Nd 14 yrs reliable. reaa. own Hi energy thol test FREE Btock wells bflCk worr. Ille 24 ltr II• lH-11IO • max imize new est a te Husky, F Calleo dom SH, Yachts spec1a1tz1ng on con. trans Pina 645-9868 Della consull(lltC1n 673·9322 pattos free est 536·4833 •All plumbing & heeling• t ax sav in gs 631-1030 tour bedding curtains FIRST Class Ho111e· IUCHllS ..... , DRAINS CIHr from St! FOUND Black & While Seams Nf'wPOrt 754 6278 cl~AntnQ Suppt~s furn 811ck Block and Concrete Fauctt 011posei.~,,.. It m a y p ay you to Puppy, vcty Wlll'ltlm & l11i11t11 SeJYi ct• :~11~1=kdi::r:.1~43Sal c~~~1.!.,i.::9~~~~./~1~1 w ork FREE ESTIMATE 64t 0907 p s 722·906G t h Garlleld, HB 5•6-6772 or •WANTED TYPING ANO care ror horses d<>OS 846 2130 l1tfia1 Inquir e about e 5•6-9091 CLERIC"'l WORK IN MY PERSONALIZED HSECLN ~1· ... rd• •tc Mamt _______ .,., ___ .... _ .. ! As " .. p R I Alt ~ft • .,.. • ,.. REPAIR SPECIALIST li.WH American H eart so-FOUND Ooo. goldltn HOMe REAS 840 7483 many yea,.,.. e • yds •lnl rt\IS 641 4970 M .. i11 c;all $85 Free est LIC d d GI cocker ml• M vac 6pm Beth 850-1772 elation's Pla nne v-Or~v11i. & Sunllowe< C1S.i1tt1 Cta1ltaeliH w•••ca•i•t *l-1 llYt•* 30y,.,e-p Walt no-2n5 Ing Progr a m by con -6'45·•014 PATRICK§ CABINCT RE· a lail•i•1 a I. ClfAN& EXPERT rn beat 1ny b~ by so • .. FINISHING Stt1p.s1ain _..,-;.;. ........ c• .. r.,•----1 0 ..ef 25 yf'llrs exr:tene~ Really" Won•. guet tactln g the A merican .-OUNO HUSKY Mal-rel1ntsh Oulltl)' wort. LOCAL CONT ACTOR-t5 cH l AWN seAv1CE llC l 116 421 30• 13 f.'.r• "' 722 °1537 H eart Association, 7320 Vtc; 8'00khurst/AOJml In trH ttl Se~n 892 7703 Y!I ••I> Rf'IS ReMgade MOW•EOOE TWICE MO ••AOC MOV•NG •• • H B 963-7 ... 8 Construction 850·3223 si0-$25 5'48·5122 Ouic;lo. & C•~ fUI T13I046 Tait Greenville A venu e . Carr••rr ht isHiKAWA LANDSCAPE lO RATES ss2 0410 .,.x..,.--.. A'!"M~,--~-1 D a llas, Texas 75231. Expert Carpentry SeMCe n · CIMrluP• & Miootenlnc4t _ wllll O.stinct~ Alford bit F(Xfl) ADS R..,.1,r A·-.... I Addition• f n1"' I f.rancn Doon 1 ST&ln--. Kllehena b1tht 722 97!3 v.. ......,.. . r (7 14J 150-4 14 -.. \AJC.'lne FIGHTI".,... ~ Door• ttc: 548·•980 By Norm&n rne Ooofm-" ITllllTS .. ,_ . Wf-.1-"'···=-... vv1:1't&: '"'-=' 8 O•k & Fir 857 DOOR 11EES OtaooeCo ~· -.... -. ~ in LIFE ARE FREE Door•-Motdrnqs· ay I ...,. 1---......... ~----1 "-JUI'{ WtndOWS ComptetePlllOI A•1 CUSTOM DOORS -' T~iremo¥e CIHnup Slu<JttnlMo~ nwr...., .6. Add•liont Oualil)' WOfk DOORWAYS ~II Sttdeft t\u l.\wnl~rnklr 7.51 ·3'479 LI(;. T t 24 · 438 6A I 8427 KC: fREc: SERVICE Ml·Mll Doort-~lr•AlltflllOnl AIJlut'Nl ... Yn•IOWlolOOll ToP Trim Aemov I Ou111 mt1-11&1 Cornmereialf Ae:ticMnhal American Heart V~ Cal·. 411u& Pnur 548 8MJO u" B<>ndf-0 s•8 5555 Nrww r~ St0t ••sociatton Ceblneta-P ne• l.nc:k• etc buth1te1ou1k•"SorMone S.-rv Ltellnt !Tee ttt c;"r•lul Cour'MOut·Clleap 1·1tor) 130 • 2·110f'r ~O ------.1--~-----------J_--~~-=-'"'~ .. ~~~:.:_~~~-~~--_j~~~~~~!!!!!!~l3~5~v~r~•-~~~1>;._J~e·_,~v-6_42_o_se_1..i.:.w~M:.:.:.::ts~10:..;_hfl~•o~·n~c~1a~ui.:....•~---'-q-~q-._ft_2R_3_~_\3_&_·_f~_~_ ..... _e~v-h_r_'n_r_~_·_~_f4_&_3_~_s.....,_c_a_1,1_w_.nd_l'Nr~-~·5_1_2_•_, I ~ Comt DAILY ptLOT I W.Oieed9y, Oc1otier I , 1911 /lm•••Utl ...... .. ~II C..• I !! H• 11•1Llll•M ~-.A.....,. •• . ........ • ..... •&.. .... --. NIT-Ml-1 CAI lllTll " ~.~ ... ~~·· ,....... ll.IL1111111•• IHI ,..... ~ 9'oYfa. Le "-knowe ttMd It• P9M~.,...,.. It UI ., .. 1•• ·-· ........... .,._ '*"'· (550) I tlOO e1 obo, ----------call 17>-0910 tnen11 Ind Mrvtce can e .. y to l!Nm. Hout& •e E.,n olre Cllltl tor de-.. stlll lf'I bo• w/wt1rt11ty 979'-7'20 or 13e-2tao COCKTAILS. HOST· only be .. !f!'•' 11 OUf' Mon 10:*"' to llPIWO• ti~ ol Th• HUNT· 15 ou ta ,....... •100---ci M5. Call e44·2531 lll,.IL-.. /l•w.a- Essla COOK• W S*)Ple tn .. a Wfty we're 7pm Tvea IOM\ to IP· INGTON HACH/ FOUH-tr.O. tot working ,. 1 - • ... • looking tOt IM CfMm ot PfO. 8 30pfn. Aittlt... T AIN VALLI¥ l~PfN-tflglt .. Ot 147·71ti '"' .. ,.. llU =·~u:.:;;QI.-tn.croptoopenournew· welcome. Ap~IO DENT Deli• 1 dey • ....... /.._, "J""'""y'-'K-""o..,[•o-i"f"'d"l"l"1'-•s"'[•fH-X•v-X•ICXIU-..,.111- C>Wt ttme. ~ 11~ Ml ~ ~~fMt, _Pl~tle, Coste W.-i!!!' .~ollectt .. Ing.!'!_ ,.....,. u.-... ..._.ltiln.---FEMALE FRH TO Sllel 25'end 30' NftpOtt lllld A"-&PM btunctl .,.., "''""' rw-...... fmJ aotlell.... ...ua nlve ._... _.... -·-,._, AOVL T HOM! 841·9278 Cell 842·46« ()f cell fOt ~ 7S2~8t5S tautent In Fountain V*Y 0.. Htnd/Coolt tOt IArQe pendable car, I ruck or ceet\I 548· ,. LEAVE MlSSAGE .. ScHn. Mon-Fri ....... , a""I and La Palma. y . ...::1 ttallon wagon tnd i.,.. WHIRLPOOL I t I -ot ...... _.... •Line Cook• 8portllthlng e<:ht tr• ... • ce e ec , c FREE edult ,.,,..... cat Mite ,, ... ,., ...... •Food~· Ing 10 MeiclC"o. 110. •utan • 11ove, wl'llte. lk new tP•'fld out tide ut 10 • •H09llC~a 722·9.lJ3EYM...!.20·0283 ULLMJ·1_.. 2t'""W 2&"0 , UOO odhm.'8$0.()94$ ' Alrtralt~--Ml 1~::11! Mii • 8 lbn OAIV(A' FIOrlat Aaaltt"11 Alie tor JoAnne ColOt TV 125 722·M24 fiii!iiiim.~ ... ,... ... P"l!l'l'--~i. E~ =:y tor .. o::'ell\ef: "1PT "'"' PAIT,.. ..,,ur r...a.... 14 F:e:_K[f~N~r~ 02~ u:;~~'· ::.~·";:.~ =•••r.: Cook., ...... , 2 yfl •JCP 8ec:IUM .. tte open "'lleM lrtt Av.itM>le deyt, ~ '"' ••• -~ 1 graylth mix F. 1 C)'llnW engine CUMetd In h09Pital c<><*lnQ' & everyday fron 8 30 em to Lie ..... •t·Hll 1tocklng tMm. merchM-• 1 3yr blk Mom cat Cell wing S2.500 Of will tr• ~ d69tt. Exc*Hlnt 200pm.~~~wd•~~ ENJOY MONEY't Llk• 10 dlllng 11tendlnl•. UI M1-11U Kelly bttwffn 4·7PM lorcyeleori:arpluscuh. P•Y t beflef1t1. Me11 ~= ~cwide ~ J,11 1 Hrn m0<a without Inter· c11hler1. receMng & over 8, 81'1.tnlWlck pool tel* 989-5428 _ Orlglnal cott t&.ooo. Ver~ c:;w~O:·~ Qf .. t enYlfonment. com· 1er1ng In your 111 .. tyte? ~lg~t tnttoc~g orew with ping POnG t~ .... Fr"tOod hm 1 yr blkfWht 847"7194 ~551S • ptet• tr91ninQ, paid 111· ~"ted? 497~5tO Pf1Aotf Pertonnet rKk end ecceM. USO. Botd« Cottle, .. soa)'ed C••••11/Tulh11 -----cat1on1. mMf oomptlflla~ EXERCISER lntlructor 9832 w Adema • &45-7408 Houaebfohn, needs lov. HH llU&id Pdlll, PIT tlon. ~nd ~lloe:"1 op-S15 per hour tuchlng our Huntington Buch BE Au T 1 Fu L o A I< : 1tten~ ~;;;t w/kldt FOR RENT w .. kday1 SS 50 hout po<1Un t~ or v~ CIH ... In your Cit)': Wiit "44008 E 0 E ORE88E!R doul* mlr• c1t1. • Triller 25' Alratre1m. bper req'd L"". Bell. ment.dTl Into ti I e tra1n819461·9~ . -ror 9dr.W icln'tcond Fr .. togoodhome1y.rold Youluml1hthe1n11eeSSO. Ouk•'• Burgert499·2414 P:--r. lfef:;';:h~r~: ~~ flllU ll&lt NT ·em. to htlP Dftkm. '400.t73-t&-i9 • .' fem bfeck .cog, Golden ~""'24oT IL FORNAIO ~llls~llltns Corner IYll .. LI Bu1lne11 with T~1hfrt B Md n ....... ~ Relr/Ltb Mia Great ••--Sh~'"" Ctr) In Fountain No ex per nee receive Ahlnntone Hlllng• & ~-... d new .. ~· ...... ~ w/111dl Call geo.344 1 -• .,...,.,.... • misc; Job$ 842-5727 ...., •ng ... g ""' ..,......,, ---14 500 mllH C1tel 8akery Seeking wefl Valley or c.11 P J L complimentary hair. __ · --pattern. Gd dltcount, IW ..... 1-1 1131 · 5 0 93,.2 organized, agorHslve, Re 111 u ran I Corp make·up, and P,hotogra· • Calh only! 850-4121 .. -h• I obo 4 • " indillldual w/iablllty to 7141752·5157 phy. promouonal Hr· . P /T SAl.11 lllL DINING tabie-:-Countr" Aon<le generator !.600 Mtttrcycln/ work under pressure vie ... Call Lenny'• Photo CASHIER EXPERIENCE A 1 ,wall, appro1C 100 houri Sc IOll Previou1 exper nee. t>en-WIJTtll I lllnSSll StudlQ/Salon 675-0823 MUST Fleiclble hours French. ~~u~. 1~~; LIQ1tld cOOled. on wtieels ___ .. _ .. .,•.•----- ems. advance Biiinguai: ~apply In fLIWll A" hi l Kiffe~ 842-940S ~~l1d W1d1~X7...,..w,,,171 11400 obO 650-66&2 ..,.., lylataftl 840·4279 Matcl• perCon between 2·5pm at nit ,., ,__ s vvv .,., •• el Ra,..,.hito "~11uran1. PIT near 0 C Airnort -Office F1ralt1rt 10 ml hardly utedl Mu t llPIUTI l9IPUI DELIVERY OEPAATMENT McLAREN'S BMW M·F 11119, s-s 1111 e 626 S Euclid St Fultetton,CA 714-880 6300 2t3-691-6701 ---m "" ..,.. "1t.5 PLUMBER lor M(V and Oueen N bed. bfend new. 6047 sell! S tSO $73·2982 IUllTfm.. 2101 Placentia Ave, CM Hours lle111bte 852·91<> repr. OMV driven rec a. ttlll ptcg'd, watranty In-I ~1l,at1t General clHnlno and No phone calf• plUM f•••tH •••fl he. Apply in person. eluded Paid M35. must .. ., I 10., YAMAHA '83, 180 Rive ID •11 Hit m11ntance of tennis ,... -Campbell Ptumbing sell $325 obo. 84$-3818 ~ ,. ,. Scooter, X'lnt cond, Burgundy metattlc. black court• Includes week-WllTilHS/HlnlS PHIOI 1855 Laguna Canyon· Rd, Off LIST bluetbllt.. radio. wndshld, lntetlor. 5 spd, sunrool, en<1s. AM/PM. Graveylrd Shifts 611p'd working w/colort. Lan Bch 494 2744 REFRIGERATOR Ken· trunk $1300 873-3913 am/lmtcass.. loaded, low LJMIS L•D--avallable The Grlndet measurements & people • · • more 21 cu ft w/lce EW. NAME BRANDS HlO miles $18K 497.5713 Im-Restaurant. 1400 W Rapidly grOWtng Gallery RETIREE for roofing .,11• maker, beige color. llke llice turn & aupplles A1te Lt11Js atler 6prn -•• Coast Hwy. NB ContKI c 111281.7658 M·F 2·5 mates. comm Needs new $200. Wllhef SEart •OFFICE KING• lillJ Mon. Wed. Fr1. & Sat Mgr 9am-7pm 842-8881 good personality wltraln Kenmore heavy duty, Ilk• Liquidators HONDA ·93 CIVIC, 4 door, 8-4PM FI T EXPERIENCE NOT Also need exp'd roolef new S50, dining rm Ml 2500 S Fairview. SA SALES I LWlll 5 spd 33K m1. stereo II~ 11• l 5531 NECESSARY. Male or modern style ttble, 4 (714)557-KING cast. a1r.11lnt In & out, Ill• PIT Thurt 4-9PM Sat & -•tra Female call Barbara for 548•6213 chairs $200. Electric -IU. llAllS blue. $5395 722-8501 Su~ 3-9PM *111¥£11•-appointment 540·3 280 lll•I llW dryet S25, Sola (8 mot P~Jr:1;b~:msu~~;"~= I ... LS MBZ ·10 280SL. 4tpd. 111111111 Major Reprnnr1phlc1 Ser-11•••• •••n1••-1 ArMlllTI old) 115o. addltlonal Elactronlc Typewriter. DOMESTIC & FOREIGN both tops, chrome whit, ...., -----• Items make otter u~ 19202BEACHBLVO t It $18500 Must IC>Mk Englllh. Day vice & Supply Co . Met\· Accept1no applicatlon• one ol Orange County a 494-7803• 515 Throuoh best orter 491-6..-s ereo x n • stil'1. Ing drivers 40 hr wk. day· 3333 W Coast Hwy. Np1 premiere performing In-St. Leouna Beach XEROX 1020 -Desk· Top l14/HJ·410I Denver (303)761-4 .. 42 ..... •-... time hrs. r-Co t>enel111 Beach Mon-Fri 9-5 dependent bank• hat Im· c 1 L ke new takes 4 un:-1 "-l /J MBZ '82 JOOSD TurbO •• -bt' 1•1 Must have current OMV m-.. late onanl~ , ..... ex· SOFA, hutch. wattrbed. op er 1 • · "•" .,. Yt 911 ' •• 11 • IWllll ""' .,..... "' any paper Paid $1800 lO pri111ne, anethrecite when applying Call Mr. perienced New ceounts dining tbl w/chre, TV•. 675 7243 /palammo 1eath inl. 59K Call between Q.-4PM for Seay 540-4174 or apply Exp'd 1871 Placentia Ave. Representative 11 our camping trailer, kid bed•. asking S600 obo • ml $22.500 pp 673· t 181 appointment at 234 Fisher Ave. C M CM 842·9237 South Coast Reolonal of· auto body tool• 9M-M41 Peta A Aaiaall 1041 ALL II iilllP MIHll ......,_ lerlet I •EXCELLENT INCOME• Maintenance for AptS Ex· flee. Prevl<>Us lndepen· SOFA. lamps. eota bed~ FEMALE PEKINGESE 04' fllllClll 1JM11et1 For PIT home assembly perlence 1n bldg 1rades dent banking experience antique oak duk & DARLING AKC For 24 mo on app'd credit work For 1nlo call help1ul Must be hard preferred E•cetlent ben· center pedutal 1bl 1 year, $300 II SIM USI IAOI Is ~ting aP91ic:1tlon1 eflts and compe11tlve w/leaves 549.965 .. for en«getlc people to (312)741·8 .. 00 Ext 14U workef, wlllmg to learn comnanaatlon pactl"""'. __ 650-9065 or 852--0222 Orange Coast .... 1 v-• Ian 842·4907 Wkdys 10·4 ,.,v -.-• IA: ';1eep>',.et11011 wo... n our wyw• r •llT. 111111* Call Personnel after Solid birch roll top delle PllHI 1 vrfHI 2524 Harbor Colla Mesa Gourmet Restaurant Ei1panduig PIT FIT wlll llAll IP UTIST IOam. (714)851-9900. S350 SOlld birch 1teteo 6059 Ut-I02J Walters/Wlitrtll train Call Beth. 545-3881 E•perlenoed PIT demon-ClllllOHlll Ubinet S300 Window ___ ,.. ___ ...,.-. ....... Apt Manager w/exp tor stratlng local department EOE M/FIVIH ~~~-1~~~5or ~~~7~~SO K~~~rdP•~~~~· 6 d~~~ Tr1cka HlS ~' beauhlully ma1nta1ned 95 stores 1 800•833•8800 -IEIYIOl ITATill w· ·NTEO Need donation old, dark WOOd, $850 FORD ·78 1 Ton P/U. lllnl -UMS CM Sal ' Bonus ~ MITll lllTE m ··-... 786-4229 cond. orig ewnr, auto, All shift• available apply Apt No pels Call A 1..,., 01 king slie bed orlrlg 1~ pi s. air. cass. cruise. 2 19770 S.Kh. Hunt. Bch 642-41914 Wkdys 10.4 A11a1lable In Irvine area Full or Part· Time. Laguna nffdy famlly, Pte1M call YUiii& NH 0.•1tle tanks. CB. till steering. 225 E. 17th, Costa Mesa ASSEMBLERS S300 lo S600 No collect· Chevron. 604 S Coast 650·~31 Fnmc-h provencl'81 camper plcg $4900 ~ •-11w•-rss Apply 7 oo am only• ~nd!°;th~~~~a~ a~:-. H~._:aguna Bch --•iactllaaffll IS wtbench S 1900 496-6783 Overhead camper sleeps *11z •11ao11* W11lte/parchment, eiccep· t1onal care, S8fVtce re- cords & I year warranty •073350 112,ttl JIMSUIHI l ... TS 1001 Ou1" St., N B 833-9300 NISSAN MAXIMA '83, xln't cond, factory maintained, '8950 obo. 557·1012 days 855-9174 evea. ... H .... • MacGregor Ya<:hlS 1631 noon Saturday and Sun· mLm •••••••••• ¥MER1c•N Indian 1 ... ;_--·-· 4• stove. etc S400 With car for lunch MtVlce p C M ,.... A ,.. -lft -n 6 .. 6·7240 Doug Murphy lr.=======:;i Mon-Frr &30-lpm. "° 1acen1Ja. day morning C all WOfker. FIT paid baM<I wlllted. ruos. baakets • .-.. •...,..., .... -.. ____ 1 l .... --'- S60 daily Accepting •P. BEAUTY SALON 842·4333, ask for Kirk on experleoce Full com-also oriental rug1 -----.. O Aati ft ,_._... pllcatlons 2-4pm 2727 A1S1slant needed lor busy Or111t C111t pany benellts Mon-Fri. 213 69I·1837 l•at. ltac~ .14 t• ' MOTOll Shannon. Santa Ana CdM salon. Lie req'd laih PHet Apply In person: lllEL .. •Y•F TII AudE G1reoa Sele! &t Cla11lc1 9045 WllT 979-0747 CALL 675·5531 330 W Bay St TARGET Personnel r-10·12. 20521 Pebble Ln 192-4 ROLLS ROYCE ---CostaMesa.CA92626 9882 Adams AllOaysS30·StlOwloptlon Brookhurttllndl1napoll1 COUPE $72 80 t 42 Openings Now Available CAR ROUTES Earn Extra C••h For Delivery Of Thi• P•Pflr HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY INDEPENDENT Deliver 1 day a week . No collecting. no soliciting. Must have dependable car, truck or station wagon and insurance CALL 842 -1444 Ask for JoAnne Craney Ml.IC NOTICE Pl8.JC NOTIC£ Huntington Beach on W C S 845-3022 Cruisers h1ehld misc Helen Carver Grants .,,IC( HLl"l:IY 984-8008 e o E • • 9 ARMOIRE w /mlrrors. Pass. OR (503)476-8628 FIT high school graduate WANTED WEDDING Co-ntrep1ir $550 obo. RallQh Men:tiendl•opportunltlM With good driving record ord1na1or needs some 10 spd comp model seoo In clalelfled ·Ilk• bringing CllHlll9d hlS 1peclal 1nlor· Apply in person to Mr wa11ress background Firm• 548·6213 everygerageaalelntownto m1t1onlorpeoplew1th Fuentes at Robert Bein. 1 ovely environment yOUtlMnQroom. 1pec1a1nee<1s Wilham Frost & Assoc Good pay w/lrtnge ben· JOHN WAYNE FAMILY ..;,_ __ ;__ _____ i.:.:::..:..:..::......:...:..:...::.._ ____ -l POR.,t HI AlJOI I HIVROl Ir ll1tl10t1 Qvellly ... 1 .. " -; .. ,.,.(, "'"'"' •oro11 wnr 1401 Oua11 St Npt Bch etits 494-9650 TENNIS CLUB member· Traa1;;;1tatit1 Altea la,.1tt4 9100 ship $850 C A LL -1:::::::::::::-=====;1 PIT eves & W.KENDS WILlllS 644-5t47 Ptwtr ta 701h Several oc toe. Apply 1n JIM CLICK 7 09eO person 1884 NEWPORT MacGregor YechlS Large 3'•6' wood detk, 41' Lii IHE l ,f, 6 S· BLVD, CM, alter 5PM l63l Placenha.C M matching htgh·back brn '72, 6-71'1. 7kw. OWC, 'Dl/RENAlJLT l.i:========i U ~ I <u••• ""' "'l• .. pon B•••h MOTOR ROUTE Available In Irvine area. $700 a month. No collecting. 3·4 hours a day. Monday thru Friday after· noon. Sat & Sun. morning. Call 642-4333 ext. 209 and ask for Jim. ORANGE COAST lallyPllt 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA Nil.IC NOTICE eKec chair bOth In great trades poss Must sellll JEEP cond $200 964,..988 Try S69K Bkr 960-7467 ~ o .. POOL TBL Brunswick cent ~ ,.. • ret. access. $900 Ch•· Sail INta 7014 nese rm sz rug, red 30· SANTANA GP S 1500, 2 ratan etagere . wl drawers $200/pf late 83 9 salls, ready to 645· 7088 race/cruise Under $30K Trade considered 645-6693 pp IAVINE AUTO CENTER 714-951-3144 800-428-7 485 SMALL Bird flkJhl cage 2 x4 x8' $75 12 Canary breeding cages Including cups. pe<ches & ne1t1 S 100 for all 846·8132 'II Ull MISTWIS ------- BUY NOW ANO SAVE 960·7487 BKR •••••••••••••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE It's that time ogoinl Make sure your garage •ale is o success by advertising in classified. Start your ad two days before the sale to attract the most buyen. P\BUC NOTICE MllC NOTIC£ BMW 9.15 % APR FINANCING On Approved Credit 60 Month/30% Down 'Limited Time Only' Some Restrlellons Apply 1540Jamboree, NB 640-6444 Nil.IC NOTICE PIUCIE •12 t11IO 58K m1. pearl 1fhl mull sell' 519.500 240-2467 *PEUGEOT * * MASTERA Tl • *ALFA ROMEO * * SAAB * BITTER* ~ .. 752-0900 .. TOP SSS PAID For Pampered Mercedes Benz 1111111ncas1 Top Mwcedes Prlcet Paid CALL PETER 0< AAY IOlll If llPllTS 41al lllCllH 2 t3 or 714 837.-2333 MLIC NOTICE . sourlt COUNTY VOLKSWAGEN • ISUZU IN U.S.A. APC> TRYIHG HMOCR TO 8£ z: I • IALE8 • IEflVICE • PAflTS •LEASING [A~[SI IHVlNHJRl 4 TH( wtS1°COA I £VERY lilOOCL ~COlOI CALLIODAY """I I J l J l' • ~ ! t ~ J T 'y "", ," 1 1 '\ f ,-., • • •• .. ~ t 1 ·rt · • , . · • • • {: ,";. 1 111 l) 84 2 2000 , ... ,._ ·-----1111 • No Addilton~f Oultr Marhps • No ttuws .et't ""' /aMll, tuatf""' II, t'9''· Movina soon to the new Santi Ana Auto MaH vw•tlSHOe••I Runs.. new tires MUST SELLI 642·7279 •VW '80 Rabbit dsA, 2 dr, an 0119. 58K m1. Real nice! $2175 Newporter II Mira 642-0795 Eves 548-8823 vw '81 Red Rabbit Conv. 52K m1 5 spd air. new conv top S5500 Contact Cathy 675-6442 Eat 200 VW '84 Scirocco, 5 si>d. air. 34K m1 blk/gray Int. Alpine stereo cu s. new radials $7100 496-51 t7 Pl&IC NOTICE ·.~·· -· . - [ID(lJJO©~ #·l BUICK DEALER HM Het-llllCI CM 979 2500 BUICK REGAL 'llO, Hm- •ted V-8. tu11y equip. 1mmac, ate, Ult, crulM . $4000 650.--0946 NABERS CADl.LAC LARGEST SELECTION of late model. low ~ Cad1ll1C1 In Orange County! See UI tocfeyl 540-1100 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA WI HY Ill IUD USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR-CALL FOR FIHIPPUIUL O.LILLO omnil.IT 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 14J-llllr Ut·IH1 •CHEVY '77 Monte Cerio Spotl Cpe, lun&. & look.I 11lnt t.4ust ,.11 tnll wkndl s 1450 Or Best Ol1et! 838-7763 ()( 549-4002 CHEVY Celebrtty, '84, Ill· ver. 4dr. ale, v-e • AM/FM. cruise control. 54500 760.0322 oe.rnler '12 ...,..._ 7 1 <100 original mllH . 1~ llke new Excellent condition. S 1250 obo. 639-3t 11 •14 Oil T YllTI WAI Auto air, stereo. case, rtrack, 7 pasMnger" Vin '"'800609 "'"' MERCURY '76 MONARCH Ortg owner. low ml . am/Im, 1/c, S t.750 080 (714) 673·7094 NOTICE TO lhan IM above·stal80 lime ol Section 1773 of the Ll bor NOTICE Of FICTtTIOUI Ml ... 11 gas. ''"nflfAll, end other FICTITIOUS I UllNllS FICTITIOUS IUllNllS dueled by an '"<tl'llduel CONTRACTORS sealed bods tor the award of Code ot fhe Stale ol Calf. DIATH Of' NAME ITATIMINT H027373 llydrOC3ft>on 1ubsl11nc:es NAME STATEMENT NAMI ITATl'MIENT 81tbar1 Weintraub, DVM CALLING FOR llOS 8 contratt lor the 1b011e pro· l0<n111 the DISTRICT hlS Ob· OE LINO A LADY ,.... The lollowlng pettonl are NOTICE OF JlllOCI therofrom for I penod ol Tile lollowtng persons are The lollowlng l)efton• .,. Thi• 1111ement WU flleCI School 01s111cr OCEAN tect fl•ned from the D"ector of PtNILLA dotng business H . Tiie 0.. TRUSTEE'S SALE tO years lrom Aprd 8, t955, doing business as 1 SU· dotng butlneu as WEST with the County Cterll of Of· VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT Bios shall be rece•v8<1 in the Dep•rtment of lndut l rtal ANO OF 'ITITION signs Ill 17951 Skypark Cir l~T~T ~~TO and 10 long ll'ler&aftl' M IOCl'I PERtOR WALK IN MEDICAL TEL SERVICES 5132 Boise ange County on Se9tember Bid Deadh"" 2 OO 0 clock the place odenlllled above. Relallons the general TO ADMtNISTUI S Ste M lrvlne. CA 92714 PROPERTY OWNER aub51ances shell be produced CENTER 2 SUPERIOR • t06, Hunllngron Beach. t t. tH6 pm of ll'le 161h day or Octo· and shall be opened and preva•llng rate of P9f diem ESTATE NO. A1U10I Je,nel M Mlnnlgh 1157 YOU ARE IN OEF.Al.A.T on pay1~ Quenl•le1 but not 10 WALK IN MEDICAL CLINIC CA 9?6.49 • N"41l1 t>er 1986 puo11c1y read aloud at tile wegea and the general To 1111 heirs benel1C1anH Amigos Wy. Newport &h, Ut-l>ER A DEED Of' m UST ewoeed. in any evenl, 20 Yews 3 SUPERIOR MEDICAL O!er1 Shepard, 18782 KnOW'fson. HaMemtlM & Place 01 Bid Re<:elpl aoove·Sl&led ltme end pre1111hng rate for llolldey creditors and conllngen1 92660 DATED DECEMBER 27 1979 trom, April 8. 1955 .. ~ CLINIC 4 SUPERIOR Hoslllns. •3. Huntington Yoch. All9rneyl et I.AW. One Ocean View $ch004 O<sltlcl pliCI' end overllme WO<k In the lo· creditor& and persons who This bu91ness IS con· u~ TAKE ACTtON Dy Ann·• p Smtih, av Deed MEDICAL CENTER. 5 SU· Beach CA 92649 Newpotl Pl.el. Suite 280. Purcllumg Doparlment Each bod l'n\J'll conform cahty 1n whtc:h lhtt wOfk II !O mey l>e otherwlMI 1nferes1ed dueled by an 10.dMduel TO PROTECT YOUR recorded Aprtl 20, 155, in 8ooil PERIOR f'AMIL y MEDICAL ThOmas Spiegel, 18142 Newport S..Ch, CA 92M0 16940 8 Street Huntonglon end t>e resoons•ve to the be performed for etch craft tn the will and/or esta1e ot Janet M Mlnnogh PROPERTY IT MAY BE 3036, page 542, of official CENTER 1419 Superior Riverside ~lrcle, Huntington Published Orange Coatl Beedch C" 92647 con1r11c1 documen11 or typa of worker needed to DELINDA LADY PAM· Th•s 11a1ement wH filed SOLD AT ,.·PUBLIC SALE. IF records Alto 911~ the Avt1 Su•le :1 1, Newport Beacl\ CA 92648 Dally Pilot September 24, Pro l'!tl 1dan11f1cat1on Each bidder shall be 8 •~ecute the contract TheH PINELLA w11n the County Clerk of Or-YOU NEED AN rMllVllllOn ol 1ne right to Beach 92863 This buslneu 11 con· October 1, 8, tS, 1986 Name' a~ Mii 8111 11 11c.11n1ed contr1ctor rates are on Ille at !he OtS· A pet111on has been filed enge County on Seotember EXPLANATION OF THE ••plo<• d8lleloo and ~11 AelHI Arturo Penunuri ducted l>y a general parl· W3«l11 vaoou\ !>C~ool5 1~ rh': d•S pur\uilnl to the Bu11ness TRICT olhce loceted II by Joan Shorl 1n lhe Su· t 1 19116 NAl\JRE OF THE Iha! OOtl>Oll of IMS land tyrng M D SOSO Ltnden •113. ner$h1p --------- trtc:I and ProfeS$10fl9 Code and Purcn1Song Departmenl II penor Courl of Orenge "1M22 PROCEEDING AGAINST below 500 FMC trom the Long Beach CA 90805 ThOmlS Spiegel Ml.IC NOTICE Piece Plana ere on hie ~ •oc:ensed m the lotlOWlng at>Ove address Cop1n may County requntong that Joan Put>hshed Orange Coatt YOU YOU SHOULD aurtace thefeol 1or Oii, g•. and This busineu 11 con· ThlS statement wa1 flied Purcl'ld.n Dfopertment 81 clA<;s1f1ca11ons C· 12 be Oblelned on request A Short be appo1nied H per-Doily Pilot Septembe< 24, coHrACT A LAWYER Olhef Hydrocarbon aufltlllnCM ducted l>y an Individual with !he County CMtrk of Or· FICTIT~~-ll at>Ovl' add~.,5, f&ch bidder shell submit. ~PY of theH rates shall be sonsl representative to •d· Oc101>er 1. 8. 15. 1986 On October 22 1986 11 and 1n th• horlln ~tloned RBlael Penunun. M o ange County on Sep1ember on fhe form lurn11hed with posted at •ne !Ob site m1n1s1er the 11state ol the de· W384 tO:OO A.M. • IMPEAtAl lease rec0<d9d November 25, fh•S 5181ement wlS filed 15 1986 NAlllll ITAft•NT NO 1 ICE IS HEREBY Ill" conHact documents. a II shell be mandatory upon cedent CORPORATION OF 1959, in boOlt ~088 pege 3 01 woth tne Counly Clerk of Or· F31t745 Th• tollOWlng petson• ere GIVEN 1h81 the above l1s1 ol rhe proposed sul>Con· the CONTRACTOR to whom The pe1111on requeata PUBllC NOTICE AMERICA • dU"' eopclll'lled olftcral records P'roperty angf' County on Sept8f"bt!r Publllhed Orange Coest cd°'e~t~ buL111r;:s• AllC~~'r: named Sc11001 D•911iCI ot Or 1rac1ors on this proiecr II the contract is awarded and eulh0<1ly 10 1dmln11ter tile T ., address 429 proapect atrMC 17 1986 Daily P1101 Septeml>ef 24 1noe County Ca11forn1a tlCf· required l>y lhe Subletting upon any 1ubcon1r1ctor es1a1e unof'r ll'le 1ndepen· FICTITIOUS BUllNllS NllM under Ind pursuent to NIWP0'1 Beed\ Cel fomi. '220t20 October 1 8 15 19116 L1m11e<1 Partnetsnip 304 En· 1ng l>y end through •1~ Gov end Sul>contrecting F11r under wch CONTRACTOR. dent "<Jm1n1S1re11on of Es· NAlllll ITATl•NT J~"' °'9• l~. '• r~No. The atreel . ~ress and Published Orange Couf W380 c10tnrra11,N9-26~t Beach C1f1- ern1ng Bottro hfl<"eine1t111 re Practices Act Gov• Code to P•Y not IMS than the said tetes "'' •·-1 ....., other de6 If o p 1 s t be+' :1'4 """' !erred 10 at DISTRICT will Sec • 100 11 seq 1pec1fled ra1e1 to alt workers A '1eanng on Ille pehtoon The lollowing persons 111 8853 in book 13482 .• llClge 709 common ignetoon. aily 101 ep em I • W•rren H Jemea 304 En· 1>u1 not Iller Pursuant to the rov111on1 employed by them on the••· woll be held on OCTOBER doln~ bullness IS A 0 PRO of Of!loiel RecOfdS In tile offlCI any, 01 the rMl propei1y O<.tober 1 8· 15· 1986 PUBLIC NOTICE c1n11 Newport Beach CA = "lmiliiiriiiiiiiiii:::J acuhon ot lhe contract 29 1986 111 I ~~ P M on VID 0 SYSTEMS. 2803 ol the County Reoorder ol described above II purporte<, W387 92860 ~ • WILSON JOHN M U RRAY WILSON Func·r .. il scrvwt•s 11 00 A M Sdturday al Pac.1r11 View Ml•mor1al Park Chapel 3500 Pac-1fo View DrtVt·, N ewport Beac.·h In lieu nf flowl"rs. contribution s may ~ 5('nt t.o lht· charit y o f ~our ch<»CC Pac1f1c Vww M ortuary. Oirectorc 644 -2700 No b•dder may withdraw Dept No 3 111 700 Clv•c Westmtnlfer Avenue • l06, Ot'1ltlQ9 County. Stllle ol 10 be 428 protpect Slr..c nun1 C ""'TICE '*5 Jacll A Maurllf, 304 En· -----I any bod lor a peood of i••IY Cf'nter D"ve West Santa Santa Ana 92706 calltornia. neaited ~ Nnt• Newport Beech, C.~lom1a 1"U1K.I nu fCICTITIOUI IUS•SI c1na Newl>O'I S.ach CA 60 1 h d Agustin G1111n . 978 A. Jllriie, an unmemec1 woman 92683 NAME ITATIMENT 92660 \ I days• ter t e ate sel Ana CA 91702 Arap•hoe St 203. Lot An· Will &ell AT PUBUC The Underllgned TNSIM FICTITIOUS IUIMIS The 1ottow1ng persons are NellOn McNul"', 304 En· Of lhl opemng ot bids IF YOU OBJECT 10 the geies CA 90008 AUCTION TO l;IGHEST d1§dalmt 81'1'/ lllboltfV for W'fl/ NAMIE STATEMENT d 01 no bu SI n e 11 a 1 cina Newport Beacil CA W,1 .. u lnu1I hu1ldt>r A payment oond •nd 1 gran11no ol the Pflllllon, you Thos bu11ne11 11 con· BIDOERJ,OR CASH~a.ble tnoorrednett ol the llreel Thi following person• ire MA~IPOSA PARTNERS 14 92660 l _, 1 perlormenee bOnd wlll be should either 11ppeer at the ducted oy in indi111dual • t'-, ...... -_ ..... ....,,_. Addres1 and other common do 1 n g bus In• s 1 •I Cofpor•te Pia.la, Newporl Thi• t>usine•• 11 con· •1111 urvt• npi•r on required prior to e•ecu11on hear1no and 11111e your ob· G 11 "''"' .,,. "'.... "~-, oee~ tlon If how PIG FOOT DESIO NS & a CA 92680 Balboa l11land Mr of the con1raC1 and sh•ll be 1ec;uons or Ille wr1t1en obJ.C· Agustin 8 en of the Urliled Stales) 11 lhe na · eny, 1 n 1209 eaeh, · ducte<J by a llmlled partner· I fh11 statement was filed ncwtn lront entrance lo lhe h9f n PIGFOOT longboird• San 0iego 1nve11m.n1 At-... W h1 tnc•y was a Vt'l· 1" the orm 991 lortll in the 11ons with th• court before woth tilt! County Clerk of Or· C°"""f COlirttloule, 700 CIVIC Said Hie w1fl be mede, but KMI Ol'tve Corona Del Mar JOC•atfl 1 Ca1tlorn1a gen· .,,~errlf'I 11 Jamee l ·r .111 1•f World War ti. contract documents lhe he•r1ng Your appeer. ,..,,., Count on <>-tember ,.,...,._Ori w "-~ .a~ w~hoYI covlll#ll or --92625 1 p•rtnersn1p 14 Cot""' ' Pursuant to S1tC11on 4590 ance may be on person or by ... v Y ...., .....,_ 'Ill Ill,.,.."'..,..., --·--,. 209 era ,,_.. Th11 1tefem.tit Wit hied tu ..t•r v l-<l r1rst tn the Of I~ GovernMenl Code ot your attOfney 17 1986 Caltfomll al right, lille and expr-or mplled, regerd.ng Rleh•1d G ()feyfo.. ~ ate Plaza Newport Beech. With the County Clet1I of Or· t..: s Marin<-Corp the S111e ol Cahfornll the IF YOU ARE-A CREDITOR '*111 k\48'111 COfMIYed to and r'r(M Miii, CIOIHUlon. Ot Keel Ol'iv. Corona ar. CA 926e0 • Inge County on September Publl~ Orange CoMI tlelO llY -lll"dlt AIU DOW or ~. to P'Y ttle C'A 92e25 John A Dunc en. 7 18 1988 arid fhl' US Army contract will cont••n °'a contingent creditor ol Dally Pilot September 24, Trut1lnlhel)(opetty1~ua1ec1 1n remaining prlnc1P1111Um ol tNI Witham P JIC4t>ul, 2915 Candlebuth. Irvine, CA ' ,._. A' r F orce. r etl red prov111ons perm1111ng the the deceated. you mutt me October 1, I , 1&. 1988 aaid County Ind Staie note(•) Hcured b'( Mid Oeecl Alta Vista. Newport Bdeh, 92715 1uccusl u1 bidder to your Claim with fM court Of w3ee deecribeel •: 01 Trull, Whh lnlllfelt lhe<eon. CA 92660 Shella F Mlddt.ton. 1 Pubflllled Orange Coalt With the rank o r 1Ubll11ut8 securltoea for eny present 11 to the personal PonlOrl of l.Ol ll Incl LOI t2, M Pf0\11<*1 In Mid nole{t), Tllll bualneu II con· BIUC!blrd lrlllne. CA 92714 D•"Y PllOt October I, 8, 16, M u,111r ServK't'll will mo.,.ys wnllheld by lhe DIS· repreHntellve eppointed by .,._IC ""'Tire Block 20, lllCI • *'°" ol ldvenc:., II ""'· Ul'lder tile duct9d by co-partner• Andrew S Durllam, t t2 22 1986 1,.. h<•ld I OO p M TAIC'T to ensure oer-the coun within IOI.If montn1 l"UVL nu ""-WWnlA 11,_ lldJOlrwlg temw ol Mid Deed 01 TM!, AICl'lard o Ofeyfl.ii O•fOfd lrvlne CA 92715 W39t 9 formlnQe under the con· lrom lhe date of ,.,.. ,.. K ma Nontierty OI lf'ICI no n2, • ,..., cNro• and 8Xl*IM8 of Thi• 11atement ... llMKI Gordon R JOhnton. 653 "8.IC NOTICE Thur~ay. October • trKt auanceo11e11,,111~0'Aded l~A.,_WT °" lhOwn on on meo "**>I !he Tf\lllea 1n4 Of the trwt ••th 1ne County ci.oc ot Of· Sea W•rd Ad C0tOt1• (el ---------19K'1. at Pa<'lfl<' Vt~W 00Htnln9 loetct Ir 1n Section 700 of the AIANDOf-NT OI' recorded in 8ooil 23, Pages 6 c!Mled ~laid Deed ol Ttwt, ange County on Septembe< Mir CA 92625 ,ICTITIOUl IUllNlll M o rtuary C hap•I DebreLetnw9Mf,Clet'll Prob1te Code ol C1l1IOl'nla .. ---·1 ..... ,Of.,.,._,, __ ._,-. tor the .. ...,.,. ..................... 17 1918 p J h ....... 1122 NAMllTATnllln Publ!Sfled Orange Coast The lime for filing Clalma WUI u vr .......... ..,., .... ,..._... __ MllPI. ... ....... ,n ·--· • Jane 0 nevo .. :l:iOO Pllclrk Vtf'W 01111., Plloi October 1, 8 nol ••"'rt "'IOr 10 four __,... •• ..._ Aeoordl ol Oranoe COuflty,llllrnatlldtobe$98~00 ,_,._ Sff VMlage Of , Cerdlfl By fhefOllOWlnQl*IOl'ltare () N , ..... ... Tt141 I~ S-IOM OelitorTM. more l*ticulelly The ben911d11Y 1M1der lald PublilheCI O.afl09 CO.t The Sea, CA 91001 dOlllg bullneM u YOfba W H I T N E Y r 1 v c • ~· w P" r 1 t911e month• lrOM the date of the have abe 1ne wee of dMo'lbecl M lollowt. Deed of Truaf '*9tOlore Oe11y Pilot September 24. rh1s 11u11ne11 11 con-Linda ~11 Vlf'ltute. a Cell· 8 £RN I\ Ro w Bc·ac.h Patiric Vi w ________ w_400_ hev•0ring ~~lx~NE the the l'lct111ou1 11.111ne11 9eglMltlg • • ooot'll It! tne ••10J1e<1ndelY..S10 the October 1. a. 1& 19M dUC1eCI by 1 general pan· lornia Llf'nlled PertnertNP, MorLu:.ry. o,,...,._wtS. "8.IC NOTICE '\J " " ~ ..._ H•bof .... Welltrty IM of.-Lot '2. ~ a wnllen W3M nerst11p 340 8 ''°"'* ltrMt, Or· WltlTNEY. belovt"d Ii 1 l-4!700 . , ... ll4c>t by the court UC: Storage. 11142 I HartMlr dlltellC ~ 2t 00 Fiii Oemr.sion of o.IM w Andr-s Ovrham, Oen· !Inge CA 9'861 husband of Rulh C .. K trr• .,. • pertOft tnt..at In llvd . Santa An•, CA 927~ lfOnl lhe '°""*" IM'te of Of Dernend 10t Ille.~ I wtlllan "8.IC M>TIC( eul Partn.r Cun"'"C!ham·B•rl•IC 0.. Wh I ... ------""'-i..... ,.CTfTIOUI Ml'*'ll tile "tate, vou mey ~ The r1c11tiou1 luatneM MIO LOI 12, thllnm ~ Nolice of Diii.iil 1111d ElecllOn This statement w11 n~ velOC>menl CorporatlOn, a I l n•• y ' l')\l Jn r ' NAMI tTAftMINT upon the ex«:utor or ldmln-N•rne refeffed to 800\le wu llOflO N Wteltrty line of LOI 10 UI. The underllQned 'ICTITtOUe eutMll with lhe County Cltflc of Of· C.llfornta corp0r1tlon, 340 (tither o( Gary Wtl ,ACtflC VllW Tile fOllOwln9 per10n1 are lttrator. or upon the •t• flied 1n OfMOe COunty on '2 and t1 flflt aAorig the 09UMd Mid NollCI of Dllaufl NAMI ltAft•NT ~County on Septemt>« S Fio-.t Str"t. Or1n91, ham Whitney and dO<ll'Q OVl!rlffl .. SAFE torney lor IM •~ICUtOf Of '•bwary 7, It ... "''-' NO ~ ~ ol Ille and Eltc:tlOll to ... to bl TM IOl!Owlf!O !)WION.,. 19. tt86 CA tatea C3~1yn Ruth Htt· MIMOfUAl PA"K 11.ARBOR SELF STORAGE eCltnlmttrllOf. and Ille wflh F237MA W~ 111111 ol LOI 11, 1 rtconfed In !he ccuty....,. dO<ng~M Cel!fomla ,_ Tlll1 t>u1tne11 '1 COfl· 111~. -jp'andf.other o f c.mttery • Mor1uary tU42 S Harl>Ot etvd '. :. ~~: ~f _:: QyM Lotan Neill, 41-741 _. t4.00 ~. **-1111 rem f.llOl*tY II IOallecl. HOM'f Glued Ham• 19734 Pul>lllNd Of_,. CoMt ctuc1ed by 1 11rn11eo partner· ft..ath('r, K1mbf!r)y Chepef . Crem11ory Senti Ana CA 92704 """' that you delrl apedel c.,,,1no Qel Rey. tndlatt ~ llOnt IN ht...... OtM· Sepleftltiert, 1118 leacfl 9MS . til 92848 0•11y Piiot Sec>teml>« 24, thlp nt" 3~ Paci lie View Ornr,. John A Broe. 1&142 8 nOiic. Of the 1,1w. Of an In-WM!•. CA 92280 lhe ~ lne of LOI IMPERIAL CORllQRATION Richard l aathofl, 2177 t October 1. 8. t~. ttte Oe~ld M Cunnln9flem, and Shanrn'>n Hie· Newport Beach Hert>or 81vd S1nt1.An1,CA .... t"""•rld•,,,,;11""*''°' Ann s Heltl, 41·14& ,,,,...,_ottCIOOF•toOf!AMEAICA•..tdTiw1ee. Wlndaong Cir . Huntington W376x PrHl<ltnt ~I n 11, M a N h (' w , 6-4.4 2700 02704 11 ..... "'' ,.,.. Cernu'lo o.t Aey. lnOl•n a ~1111 in IM E•ttty line of P 0. Oox 131, ftll Diego, CA lfacn CA 92&48 Thlt 111tement .,.. hied uthan, Jennifer amd • Thll bu11ntu 11 con· estate ""11 Of of '"Ti::; Wt111. CA 92290 Mid lAt 11. Mid poli1 ~ tanz 1•19) 292..-.0 1¥: Thi• t>u1lnffe la con· "8.IC M>TICE . will\ IM County Clttlt ot Or· ducted tty an 1nOM<111e1 ·~~ ~:OO::W, ~200 8 ot rtwa bl#llMll .,, oon-~.a......,.. ot 11500 Lindi D Peca. TNlll .. lele dueled by an indl'l!Oual ,-m-----.. "IOI Cow\tv on Secitemt>et Jill Whltnt>}'. Mr HAMOfU.,\WN JOnnR itoe 1n ...... t...... cM:teCll:l'ytf'llndf'tlld\lll J'.•framt,.IN'*.fy 9f A~d ... tfl0t1 ... -·--16,1 ... Wtul.lley w a natlvl' · Th•• •••!tfl'ltWll~ tiled theCeltlOJn<aProt>tteCOde Thi• 1tirtement .... hied Mid LOI 11, .,._ ~ 24,0d 1J..!-._~• Thd atalement w11 llltO NAMllT~,_...., ,,_ -n o( CaMornla. MT. Ol.IVI with 1t1e CounttC1et11 ot Or· .._. M .,._.,A...,,.., with tti. CountyClttlt otOr· *18 Mid llllleflr hot LOI C4M1 umrPtlcll wlththeCountyC.tl ot Or TM~ '*10fll •• ...,~ •• ....., .. ... Mortvary • C«ne1fl'r., ~ County on Seotemt>« w ,.._., .. ,, -CttJ ange County on hptember 1 t encl ~ IN t~ IM enge Count~ on S.0.etnbet do#lQ °""""' • C~n4e Ln, -....... ..... havJnt bft'n born In Cownatory 2 1888 ~ • ., ,._., ..... ~ 2. ltte ot Lot 12. a Cllllal'lol .. ~00 Heed•~---?Or 17, 19" Veterlner} "'8illllf 8erVIOel ._...1", c.... .._CA ~ Anvln Hl' hu 1$25 Of Wt Av,. ,.,,..., Ot....-. CA -ClyW I......... FMC: lt!lllOI WfllAent .,. • anow ~' "°9ab0Ut ,.1'7 7155 Litt.. HatbOt OrfW. .. h hla I Co'4• M... Pub!~ Oranoe Coatt Publlthed Oranoa COe•t Pvblllfled Oranoa CoMt Nici ,,.,, .... llna • dltt.no. ~ IOtnelM'9 to IUM '(fNf piano P~bllthed Or~ Coeat H\lnt left . CA .... Publlltled Or1n91 ao..t r tded Wll Im· SC0·5n.. D•llr Pol.01 Seplemt>lf 17, Dally Pilot October 7 ••• 14, °'''1 PllOt hc>temMI 17 8000 FMI. to ,,. po.nl .. or f flyou"°-topley"? Delly Ptlot S.Otember 24 llWb#I Anne W...,.,aub, Deily "'°' a.pt.,,. 14, Uy ll\ Nf'wpott Oe-•·h 2• Oc1otM 1 1 1tM t9H 14 Octobet 1, I 1tM ~ [IUfll In Lot10f..-..1ty~.,. Octotlef 1 1:·15 ttft OVM ..mea1 lt!OW Octot>er t I 15 IHI (ur th lut :w ....... 1 w ~ TW42t W)tf lftW!ded ~Md ol al~ lld....,hMdll'lcta tied W31t Tllll bvlMh II C~· ' . .. • Around the world -withpaityfare International recipes Moistert cdlcs ,wnh. Pick up the four •• -~--__ __ __ pomers and pinch them toaether. sensational yet simple . Cook 3 or4ata t!me, turning once, until destred browness 1s reached (about 2 CaJI it a fi~~~J luau or party, the message • minutes). Remove from oil and drafo on is universal...JOQO times! a~rbent paper. Repeat until all Pupus arc The next tjmc you entertain, why not coo .. ed. May be served with cocktail sauce. take an international approach? Borrowing Makes about 84. the best recipes from around the world gjves your party an instant theme that's adaptable to any season and occasion, from block party to bridal shower to impromptu get-together. Althouah these recipes sound ellot1c, they rely on a food that's as all-American as apple pie -peanuts -and a cooking method that's responsible for uch American favorites as french fries and Southern chicken - deep frying. The combined result is an all-Amencan salute to pan y food from around the globe. The ingredients for these recipes are commonl y found in most homes and the directions are so easy to follow that even novice entertainers should find preparation a snap. Best of all, these recipes can be prepared either ahead of time or quickly on- the-scene. a real boon to the working host or hostess. PEANUT CRISPS (Java) l cup all-purpose f1our .,_ teaspoon baklag soda l teaspoon au1ar I teaspoon groand coriander '4 cup cold }"8ter 1eu beaten 1 clove garlic, cna1hed l cup roasted shelled peanuts Combine nour, soda. sugar and cor- iander ma bowl. Mix together batter. water, egg and garlic. Blend into flour mixture. Combine 111 of batter with 1,1, cup of peanuts. Drop 3 or 4 tablespoons of peanut mixtllre, one at a time. in deep (rycr. turning once, until desired browness 1s reached iabQut 2 minutes). Remove !mm fill ancL drain on abM>rbent paper. Continue mixing in thirds until all batter and peanuts arc used. Makes about 24. CRAB PUP US (Hot Hawaiian hors d'oeyvrea) 1 (6-ouce) can crab meat l (3-ouce) package cream c'beese or . .li'J cup crumbled tofu, drained .,., teaspoon soy sauce "'8 teaspoon garlic powder Several .drops Tabasco 1 pound won ton skins 1 eu yolk, beaten Shred crab meat. removing carulagc. Blend crab with cream cheese, SO)' sauce, garlic and Tabasco. Put about •11 1easpoon of crab into the center of each won ton skin. CURRIED CHJCKEN SQUAR~ (~ Odeatal Appether) 181Uca10ft ~te bread 3 tabletpo0a1 IOft bread crwml>I 1 ('-ouce) cu clluk wblte clllcken or '14 cap m1aced MOil~ nlckell 'I• cap route4 tllelled peuut1 'I• cap mlDced 1ree11 oaJon .,_ teaspoon 5·1plce powder or all1plce 1 teaspooa carry powder '.4 teupooa 111ar Dash pepper 1 teaapoea soy sauce i tabletpooDI cbopped parsley 1 egg yolk, 1llgbtly beaten Remove crusts from bread; cover with a damp towel or plastic . wrap to keep soft. Make crumbs from crusts by putting a few at a time into a blender. Combine 3 table- spoons bread crumbs with chicke n, peanuts, green onion, 5-spice powder, curry powder. sugar, pepper. ¥>"/ sauce and parsley; mix well. Roll bread slices very thin with a rolling pin. Cut each square in half. place a teaspoon of chicken mixture on each piece. Brush CQgcs:-o£ bread with egg yolk; fold in half to form a square. Pinch to seal, tnmming if necessary. NOTE: May be made ahead of 11me and refrigerated or frozen. Keep squares covered to prevent drying. Cook 3 or 4 at a time, turning once until desired browness 1s reached (about 2 minutes). Remo~e from oil and drain on absorbent paper. Repeat until all squares are cooked. May be served with mustard sauce. Ma\es about 36. PEANUTTY CHICKEN BITES (U.S.A.) 1 '1'I cups finely chopped roasted peanul1 'I' cup cornstarch Ya teaspoon sugar 'I• teaspoon powdered stager 2 table1poon1 lemon juice 2 egg whites, ll&htly beaten % wbole chicken breasts, 1ldnned and boned Put chopped peanuts m a 9·mch pie plate . In small bowl. combine cornstarch, sugar and ginger: blend in lemon Juice and egg whites. Cut chicken into thin slices. Dip slices io egg mixture. then roll in peanuts to (Pleue eee PAJlTY /C•) Variety s .pices performer's life· Country music recording artist. ·opera singer. concert performer. stage actor. songwnter, TV star - mulufaccted Gary Mom 'i has a long hst of professional ingredients that has given him cclcbnty status. His craving fo r the vanct)' 1n hfc refers to everything he docs, from taking on the male lead role in the opera .. L a Boh e me" op· p os11c Linda Ronstadt to star- nng in the te le- vision ~nc' "The Colbys" 10 cook- ing and cntr rtai n- 1ng. Ex plaining his vcr~tility, Gary Gary Morris says: "Wh en I was a teen.ager I was playing four sports -football. basketball. ba'leball and track. My college foo tball coach said. 'Why don '1 you JUSI pick one'" and I said, 'I can't -they're all 100 much fun.'" The same holds true toda>-. "1 ltke to try differen t things 10 keep me from getting bored or stagnant. I don't claim to be the greatest actor. ~r the greatest opera singer or whatever, but I think I'm compe- tent at each ... Year (with Cry'ital Gayle).' and Music Video of the Year (for his third consec uti ve num ber one single. "JOO% Chance of Ram.") Winners will be announced on the "20th A.nnual Country Music Association Awards" broadcast Monday. from 9:30 to 11 p.m. on Channel 2. Wil lie Ne lson a nd K.ns K.nstofTerson will co-host the Kraft-sponsored special. A popular figu re m the count ry music md ustl). Morris enjoys 1n- v1tmg his frie nd'> and colleagues to. his Franklin. Tenn . home for a spicy dinner of Enchiladas Verde (a recipe he shares here. te sted by the Kraft Kitchens) or some other Tex· Mex deligh t. He describes his style of entertaining as "casual." "It's always sort of come at your own risk," muses Gary. "One time. when J didn't have enough fo rks, I decided to have some fun with my guests. I gave everyone a kitchen utensil to cat with - one spatula. one eggbea ter. etc. This certainly started the conversation rolling!" As for hi s st yle of cook1 ng. Moms compares hi mself with his 13-year· old son. Sam. "We enJOY cooking for each oth er,.. says Morns. a single parent. Morns has been Judged more than competent by the Country Music Assoc1at1on this >'C4lr. whi ch nominated him for three of the industry's top awards: Male Vocal- ist of the Year. Vocal Duo of the "Whatever we ha\e m the house ends up being dinner. Sam might start out with a can of soup. throw m some fresh vegetables and meat and 11 suddenly turos into an interesting stew or casserole. If I ask him what 1t 1s. he says 'This 1s my new Enchilada• Verde la a fla•orful meal for a crowd. specialty!' .. Mom s claims his most reque ted specialty 1s his Enchiladas Verde dish. The chili can be made ahead of time so that whe n the gue ts amve, the ho'lt on!) need\ to assemble the tortilla~. top them w11h lots of (Pleaee eee VARIETY /C:I) Americansjust too busy too cook· By ELAINE CORN lllioC ..... , ............ Th ts is not the kind of column a food ed itor enjoy'! wntm,.llut fact art facts: The bloom 1~ off the foodie's rose , Food 1 flat. It 1\ not on the cover of Time. It's m a rueful tran'l1t1on. hopeful that the ga 1ronom1c ur- gency of fi ve yea" a~o will return like ttcom 10 tclevmon Not many people arc talking about"'food ' dcm1\C, hut they arc wh1spcnng. Enrollment 1n cooking classes arc down Re 1 trntton to the fifih ~ympo,1um on mcncan Cuasinef 1 profc 1on1I ga1hcnna 1n Ph1ladc ph1a. wa down hy one • . , th il'd. Customer counts 111 res~ tau rants arc off. Concern for nutnt1on 1s ~ufTenng from messages so scrambled that peopl e arc gi ving up. omctimcs right in the McDonald's parkma lot. They order a Big Mac. read the homfymg label ... and then eat the 81gMac. Cookware stores showed blotter bottom hnc two )'cars aao than last year Thert nrc fewer cookbook"· and except for French chef Jacqu Pepin. cook1n video tarring famou teacher ar poor scllcn . omcbody mu~t have had mashed potatoes on the brain 10 think that the power and glory of food fever would laSl. The revol- ution is. over. despite Wolfgang Puck and Alice Waters and their chefs who tned 10 make an Ameri- can cuisine the French might hke. We arc entcnng the midfife oft he 'e of Food. Some wo uld call 11 a en 1 . Other might view 11 as an 1nev1tnblc ynthc 1s that answers the real problem the be t that a trend can We're not cookma as much as before, and for rcason.s that have nothing to do with refused approval from the French The problem 11 pure mcncan It's time, or lack of 11. Food 1s bcmg put m Its pl~cc. and tl t n't in a shn nc 111 nc"3r:i clock. Time 1s the enemy that dtv1ncd the disappearance, and betokened the rebirt h of convenience. We ~> we love to cook. but we don't have 11me We till like 10 cat out, but we hnrdl y ha ve time for that. either. We hkc to ao to cook mg cla sc , but v..c'd prefer that they bt held m grocer) stores a v.e shop. not at cxpcn'l1ve pnvate location dunng work1 nJ hours. Nutnt1on. 11 tum~ out, 1 nCf<>- tutble 1f 11 compete with \Omething COn\entent and QUICk Wh at' a (ood1e to do'> (Pleaeeeee AOE/C2 ) Ventaha wine s worth sam piing Spending an evening listening lo Doug Meador Lell about new techniques m viticulture hi la nous ston es about 1he w1m· 1ndustf'\>, and his personal ph ilosoph y on wincmak1ng can be an int<'llcctual adver1'ture combined with some wild fun . Doug IS the somewhat Oamboyant owner of Vl·nLana Vineyards m Monterey County. and he 1s one of the great 1ra1lbla1cr\ m the industn today. Nationwide. other winemakers are paying \pcc1al attention to what is going on m his mmd a nd m hi\ vineyards -pnman ly because he '" entirely changing the old notion\ ahout how grapes must be grown and ho" F wine must be made. and becau\c h1' lfl awards than those of any other ""mer} wines are currently winning more CHAO in America. No wonder everyone 1s •••••••••••• recognizing the name Vcntana Meador 1s going again\t the trad111 onal ( altfo rma method of planting grapes 1n fa vor of a popular l:uro pcan 'Y'>lcm. Local thinking l'i that h1gh- yield translates to lifeless. 1n-.i p1d wine' and Meador t!. ha' ing a field day proving otherwise. Coming from an applc-~rower background. he alrcad) knew techniques that had 1ncrca.,ed >•r id of prime fn11t in that m<l ustl) He 1!> now translating some of that hota n1cal \C1cncc to the vineyard Let's take the case of hi s mul11-awardcd (1cwur11ram1 ners Instead of wide spacing ord1na nly u5c<l. Meador pl~h 1~ '1 ncs .31 1 tCct apart wi th rows spaced at 6 feet However. e\el')' fourth rn"" I'> kit unpla cd 1n order to allo'.t\' a wide space for the tractors and <ipra) 1ng l'~u1pmcnt tu go through About 36 inches from the ground. 'cn 1cal trelhsc'I allo"' the \.tne'> to branch out It 1s common to find a rather hea'' lea f rn nup) !often dc~nbed as bell·shaped ) over bunches of grape\ Meador notes ""It h a -;ltght giggle that he once sat in hi s vineyard~ wa tchini the '\Un beating down He recounts that a lot of sun was hitting patche\ of dirt in bcl"-l'C n ..ill tht'<>e rnnop)' bell\ ReaJ m ng that photos~ n1hes1c, d1dn'l work on dirt hc fi gured out how 10 get sun to c"ery leaf Thus the nt""" planting Jnd trl·ll1\1 ng 1echn1qucc; were born. He also cuh leaf ll)\eragc hac k dras11c.1lh Imm thl' "norm." This keeps the grapes from holding e\CC'IS moisture Vines are usuall ) plantl'd ahout ~IR to 1he Jtr1' In 1h1" ">"Lem there are 1,555 per ac re A'i fo r the tonnage of the..c part1\ ular "inc)ards. he picked 7.1 tons per acre in 1910. I 0 55 in 19~4. anJ ~ tnn'i in 1985. From these grapes came a vel) elegant (1cwu r1 trammer .. The accepted 'itandard for a <ice Wh 11 \\otn c uc;ed to be that when uncorked 1t had to ha ve a nose J>O'-"erful enough 10 drown out the 'imclls of all the food and the Cimrg10 f)<'rfumc on th l· Ind>-nc \111> }ou." he aid with a grin. I assure yo u that in scrapping that tm.•J thcon Ml·adur ramc up with a flavorful fuJftJli'ni wine that hac; a en~ cdgr hut cartll'' much more fruit nuance than other Gcwur1tram1f\Cr\. 1 h1'> ·~ on" of the mo t delightful Gewuntramincrs I have ever tasted (much hkc th e 'month l\lsa 11an ones). therefore, toss the yield v\. quality argumen t Every 1985 wine made at Ventana Vtnc):mt \\mer) hac; rC('C1ved medal recognition, in many ca~~ u lot of mcd:il' trnm "anou\ prc,t1g1ou'i Wlne tasting panel aero the country \cvcral of the other vnnetal vineyards are planted 1n Meador·~ manner. and from the~ new cxpenmcnts I share note on wine that have been rece ntly released We began an cvcnmJ of wmc and food matchm& and wine alone assessment wtth Doug' Gold Medal-w1nn1n& Monterc parkhng Wine "Natural " Af\er tasting 1t. I am 'lid th:u ~e will nc"cr have it qa1n. Only 1.600 cases were made from the I Q8 I v&nt e, and 00 4'C~ from the 198~ vintage. They -.ere mad onl> a a "1t1culturnl lcam1na proJCCl. Made 1n an off-dry c;tylc. the m1n1~ulc hubblc~ ere abund nt. the nose was that of toasty varulla aJ\d na~he of magnolia bla m • and 1t wa mouth·filhn w11h a lovely finish ' \ . t ... . • Cl OI• .. C... DAILY flltl.OT/ WedMld9y, October I, 1He Snar!kinggoes -b~clc to basics Parenti uyina to curb a child's haphazard summertime catina habits may find help in the back-to- 1ehool routine, aooorchna to Peay Papethakis, R.D., pediatric nutn· tion specialist. .. It's bard for active kids to stay on a reaular schedule in the sum- mer, and they tend to sklp m~als and snack on high-calone extra foods and son drinks... says Pa))9tbakis of UC Davis Me4ical Center in Sacramento. ''Goina back to tebool automati· cally chanlCI their routine. and parents can use the structure to refocus them on more nutrient- dense, oore foods)'' she says. Nutritionists i'ecommcnd "core" foods from the four food aroups btcauSt • of the abundance of nutrients they brina. Milk and dairy foods are hiah in protein, and also contribute calcium, vitamins A and D. riboflavin, potassium and other nutrients. Breads and cereals contribute complex carbohydrates for energy, 8-vitamins, a~d whole grains for bulk. tdeat and meat alternates arc hiah in prott'in and iron, and fruits and veactablcs supply fibe r, eneray and vitamins A and C. In terms of structure. breakfast and dinner are most easily handled as family meals. Parents can set examples by prepartna balanctd meals and eauna the same foods that their children are eatina. ac- cordina to Papatbakis. "Snack time is critical, as chil- dren tend to oome home ravenous, yet you don't want to spoil their dinners," says Papathak:is. "This is a great time to 1quceze in a fourth serving of fruits and veaetables." Papathakis offers these sugcs-· dons for healthy anacks: . -Crumble 1 few oatmeal-raisin cookies into 1 bowl. Top with fruit lices and fruit-Oavored )'OIUl't,.stir. -Cut a medium-sized zucchini into thin rounds and make little sandwiches with tbe zucchini slices and a filllna of ricotta or couaae cheese. -Split and toast a com muffin. Spread each half with whi pped cream cheese. Press bapana shces into cheese and sprinkle with aranola. -In a blender, combine 1 packaae frozen ra&pbenics or straw- berries With I cup buttermilk. Blend until creamy. -Mix VJ.cup cottaae cheese with 1 tablespoon Strawberry preserves. Spread the mixture on graham crackers. -Slice ripe fruit into a bowl, top with favorite yogurt and several spoonfuls of crunchy cereal. Z~sty feta cheese add~ new life to fish " ' · • resulting in a refreshingly different Traditionally, Americans have fa vored mild tastes, but in recent dish with wide taste appeal . And, Years mono-flavored foods have because feta is naturally cured in e brine, there is no need to add salt. topped the trend lists. Hotand spicy Feta Fish Fillets is a recipe that cuisines such as Mexican and Cajun combines the cheese with sour are catching on. And in fashionable cream, cucumber, tomatoes, dill restaurants, goat cheese specialities and chives to dress up sole or other appear on every course. fish. The recipe is easy and quick, This desire for chanie can be yet special enough for entertaining. documented by the growth in popularity offoods that might once have been considered "exotic.•• An excellent example is feta, a tangy cheese of Greek origin, which was difficult to find in"\he U.S. 10 years ago. SAVORY FETA FISH FILLETS 1 pound fl1b flllet1 ~cup (4 ounces) crumbled feta cbeese a;, cup 1our cream ~ cup cbopped cucumber ~ cup cbopped tomato ~ teaspoon chopped chi ves Whatever the reasons behind this change in eating habits, one con- clusion is clear: Americans want more variety on their menus. One way to spark meals is to introduce ~ teas~n dlll wee~ . d istinctive flavors to subtle foods;-.Place fish in 12 x 8-inch baking Pasta, potatoes, eggs and fish are d1~h. Bake at 350 degrees, .15 well-liked but, by themselves, dull. m.inutes or until ~sh Oakes easily However they all have the charac-wtth fork. Combine cheese and teristic of blending well with other sour cream in saucepan; stir over. fla vors. low heat until thoroughly heated. Adding feta to these foods gives Add remaining ingredients; mix~ them new life. This zesty cheese well. Top fish with cheese mixture. balances lhc flavor of bland foods, 4 servings. ------ Allspice is natural for apple desserts Autumn isa time for dramatic colors and high flavors, rich and sdmulating. Apples abound -sweet, tart, sauced and baked. These recipes arc heady with the special taste of allspice -not a mixture of spices, but a solo spice all its own. Call the taste close to cloves, but more refined. It's a natural for apple desserts. The Apple-Allspice Pie is the perfect tribute to rich fall flavors. .Golden raisins simmered in butter, sherry and lemon juice are tossed with allspiced apples for the filling. Allspice is also the navor secret of Walnut Apple Pie. Sliced apples are mixed with an egg, heavy cream, allspice and ·.-anilla; walnuts and Cheddar cheese form the crunch top crust. APPLE AL~PICE PIE •1, cap dry sberTy 1 tablespoon lemon juice 5 tablespoons batter or margarine, divided 1 cup golden raillns 11/• cups sa1ar, divided 1 ~ teaspooas ground all1pice, divided· All-purpose Dour f unsifted) XGEOFF D REACHES MIDLIFE CRISIS ... ----••---''=-c=uJ>• eled sliced tart.!2.P!es ~bout 1 ~ ounds t-lncb unbaked pie 1bell homCl Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a small saucepan combine " sherry, lemon juice and I tablespoon butter. Heat until butter melts. Add raisins, simmer until soft, 2 to 3 minutes; set aside. Get into the transactional analysis of convenience. It's OK to let other people cook for you. It's OK to use a microwave. It's OK to take out and cat in. Even GOOD cooks can buy prepared food and feel OK. We arc entering an era of new help, with products principled enough to warrant the approval of '60s-trained perfectionists who would be cooking at this moment. were it not for the car pool. Based on standal"ds we developed when we made bread and reduced our stocks, no group of consumers is more fully equipped to judge the worth of new food commodiues. Restaurants. catering services, grocery stores, and suburban delis can take care of the smallest need for single people, or answer monu- mental requests to serve I 00 and clean up. Simply put, we don't have to cook unless we want to~ Find a baker who makes bread as great as you did. Experiment with prepared chocolate sauces until you find one that compares with yours. There arc too many good pasta products to be rolling dough your- self. If you like pesto, buy it in ajar. Grocery stores aren't competing with other grocery stores. They're competing with restaurants for the kind of take-out meals you wish you'd made yourself. Have someone else chop the squash, prep the roast; and smear it wi th Dijon. You do the fun part, which is to present it and serve it as your own. If that compromises your cul- inary co nsciousness too much. buy a take-and-bake pizza. They make it, you get to turn on the ovpi. AU this comes at a price. of course. If time is money, then time never cost so much. But that's part of the trade-off. Also remember that In a lar~e bowl combine J/4 cups sugar. I teaspoon allspice and· 2 tablespoons flour. Add apples; toss to coat evenly. Stir in reserved raisins and the liquid: toss lightly. Turn into pie shell. In a small bowl combine 1h cup fl our, remaining 1h cup sugar and 'h teaspoon allspice. Add remaining 4 tablespoons butter: cut into small pieces using a pastry blender or two knives used scissor- fashion until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Spnnkle evenly over apples. Bake unut apples are tender. 45 to 50 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Serve warm. Yield: 6 to 8 portions. WALNUT APPLE PIE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w~n you relinquish control of producang your food, you're only as good as what you've bought. In- stead of trading recipes, we'll be 4 caps peeled sliced tart apples (about 1 pound ) 9-lnch unbaked pie shell NESCAFE ® K -K·OFF Savings of 50$· There's no better way to enjoy fpotball than with a mug of rich Nescafe Coffee that always has a .. winning flavor. You can taste your way with ··"'" any one of our five delicious blends: 10Ar;;:. u¢-~I Nescafe Classlc;M Brava~M Silka, q.AUfl ·1 Mountain Blencf,M and naturally N~E-S_C_A_f_E_ decaffeinated Deca~ • 0 l!IM NH1U fOOd• Corl>onllon --------------------------------------------~ :501 I I I I I I -•I I I I I MANUFACTURER COUPON/NO EXPIRATION DATE 50$ SAVE50t on any variety of Nescafe, ClasstcT, ... Siik~ BravaT,M Deca , or Mountain Bien er. 4 oz. or 8 oz. only I TO THE DEALER: You wfN be tttmbllfsed tor Ille tact valut of lhi& coupon plus k . If 111tmned In I ~ wmi Ntttlt FOOO. Cot'por111on AecSernption POllCY incorp«lled lltftln by rtferenc. Good only 1 10• In US A Consumer must pay Slla Tu ~where Prolllbt ed!TU.O/Restrlcted CUii V.ut 111004 50• I • FOR ftEDEMPTION. MAIL TO NESTLE FOODS CORPORATION Ip 0 eox 203-40. EL PASO TEXAS 79998 • ---------------------------------------------- J , trading sources, like so many hair- dressers. As an issue, food may have cooled. It has fou nd its weekday perspective. When time is short.-the kids are whining, you're working lateJ Jlnd you're hY.DJCY • ..cony - nience no longer Is a dirty word. In the event that this report on the death of cuisine has been exaperated, then bring back the rolling pins, ravioli cutters, and truffle cups. Ifnot, may itTcst in the drive-through lane of peace. o/, cup sa1ar 3 tablespoons flour 3;, teaspoon ground allspice 1 cup hea..vy whipping cream I egg 1 teaspoon pure v&llllla extract ~ cup coanel~ chopped walnuts 34 cup 1breddea Cheddar cheese _ Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place ap_Qles in_pie J helLln a medium bowl place sugar. flour, allspice, cream. egg and vanilla; mix well. Pour ov~r apples. Bake for I 0 minutes. Reduce oven to 350 degrees. Bake until filling is partially baked, about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with walnuts. Bake until apples arc tender, 15 to ~O minutes. Remove from oven; sprinkle with cheese. Serve warm or cold. Serves 6 to 8. VARIETY SPICES PERFORMER'S LIFE ... From Cl cheese and then bake. The dish, of course, features plenty of 1alapeno peppers and green chiles, ingredients Gary learned to love through his experience of growing up in Texas and later movina to Colorado. 2 4-ounce cu1 chopped green chilies 1 cup water "'' cup chopped onion 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded, chopped 1 11rUc clove, minced 1 teaspoon salt 11, teaspoon pepper • Morris still spends a considerable amount of time in the mountains of Colorado, as well as in the wilderness of Tennessee and Mississippi, where he applies his zest for life to the outdoors. He enjoys hunting and fishing. In fact , he prefers to make his chi li with elk meat whenever possible. 1 ~caps (I ounces) shredded mild cbeddar claeese 1 cup chopped tomatoes In August, he released "Plain Brown Wrapper.'' Despite the understated title, the new album clearly bears the artist's identity since he produced it, selected or wrote aU of the cuts, and sang with accompaniment that featured only acoustic instruments. Other plans for the immediate future include a duct sinale, and eventually a whole album with Crystal Gayle, tile CMA Awards show in October, and later a trip to the mountains to regroup. ENCHILADAS VERDE 1 ~ poud1 pork Iola, e11t Into ~-incb cubes 114 ~-once cu tomatoa, cwt 1p 10 8·1nch Dour tortlll11 011 Brown meat; drain. Add canned tomatoes, chilies, water, onions, peppers and seasonin~; · simmer 3 hours, stirring occasionally. Reserve l cup meat mixture, 'h cup cheese and If• cup tomatoes. Add remaining cheese and tomatoes to remaining meat mixture; mix lightly. Dip tortillas in hot oil; drain. Place approximately 111 cup combined meat and cheese mixture in center Qf each tortilla; roll up tightly. Place, seam side down. in 13 x 9-inch baking dish. . Top with reserved meat mixture, cheese and tomatoes. Bake at 400 degrees, 15 minutes. 5 servings. 1 ·WINNERS ALREAOYll ''YEAll ••• PACK YOUR BABS. rou COUlO BE NEl-11'·' Check Today's Numbers on Page A2. And Name Your OestinatioAI TWA & THE DAILY PILOT -See How Good We Really Arel Daily Pilat & TWA FINO OUT HOW GOOD WE REALLY ARE. LAX/ORANGE COUNTY CONNECTIONS VIA GOLDEN STATE AIRLINES WJN-GO Hotline. (714) 542~ .. rtlchokes 'eneoreappearanee lauded ~ toher' s harvest of prized vegetable ts ltleal for appetizer, stuffing and dt pptng saucepen. Add onion and mu-. rooms and cook over low beat 5 mlnute1. Stir in ftour. GraduaJI).' add bcoth and cook unttl thickened, 1tirrin1 constantly. ~~ IAthlce leavet 4 OUCfl CMked laam, Cit lllto '""' and f\azzy choke. Place~. cut aide up, on ouecr edee ofleuuce- Ji ned platter. Combine rernainina i naredientt except Avocado- Cttam Dreutna; spoon uuoceoecr of planer. Serve wil.h Avocado- Cream Oreuina. Makes 4 aervio11. Consume"' can upect to sec a apod &II crop of medium-sized qatifornia anicbokes in the market· place in mid-to-late October if ttadJtional fall weather conditl~n1 prevail. Available year-round, anichokes lleneral,ly reach their peak during the 1pnng months of March, April ~d ~Y, followed by a resuracnce 1h an1choke producuon durina the ~I. The timina of the fall crop is pendent on late summer/early 1 weather conditions. According to Pat Hopper, man- "8er for the C..li fomia Artichoke Advisory Board_, selected cutting of individual plants in spring and' oooler fall nights result in the increased production of this prized vegetable at this time of year. "Cooler weather retard s the maturation or-the artichoke bud, allowing it to nesh out," Hopper stated. "When mature, the anichokes are harvested, regardless of size. This fall, we are expecting a predominance of the medium to smaller-sized (sizes 36, 48 and 60) anichokes. These sizes are es- ,, pecially well-suited for individual stuffed entrees, vegetable accom- paniments or appetizers." Choose firm anichokes that are heavy for their"size. Anichokes that are bronze-tipped have been win- ter-kissed by light frost, which enhances their Oavor. Artichokes may be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator several days: A me- dium artichoke contains about 25 calories. HERBED ARTICHOKE APPETIZER 1 cooked California artichoke, eooled 1 packase (3 ounce) cream ----.-eese, sdftened % tablespoons mayonnal1e , 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cbeese a;, teaspoon dried basil, cruthed or 1 tablespoon minced fresh basll 'iW teaspoon pepper Dasb salt Rem ove petals from artichoke; discard small inner petals and .fuzzy choke. Cut anichoke bottom )n eights. Arrange petals an concen- tnc circles on round planer; place cut anachoke pieces in center. Blend all remaining ingredients. l.spoon or pipe a small amount of ·cheese mixture onto each petal and •each piece of artichoke bottom. Serve with wooden picks for artichoke bottoms. Makes about 30 appetizers. TURKEY -STUFFED ARTICHOKES 4 med1um California artichokes, cooled % tablespoons butter or margar- ine % tablespoons chopped onion 1 cup sliced mushrooms or 1 can 14 ounces) chopped mushrooms, Figure out microwave mysteries A two-pan class on microwave cooking will be offered by Coastline Community College at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, Oct. 15 and 22. Sally Lansing will show students how to convert regular recipes into low-calorie microwave versions. For registration and meeting place, call the Community Services office at 241 -6 I 86. • • • -i1t My Favorite Things, 14370 Culver O'nve. Irvin e, Ricki Older will gjve a free demonstration on a food processor at I I a.m. Saturday, and at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Ph illis Carty will offer a "60-minute Gourmet Danner," $35. Phone 552-0221 . • • • -At Piret's in South Coast Plaza. Viana La Place will teach Jtalian main dishes at 10:30 a.m. ~aturday, $25; Kay Pastorius will lldaPt won ton to Italian and tAexica n variations at 6:30 p.m. rruesday $25 or $45 for a series of wo classes; and Nancy McDremott will provide Thai appetizers at 6:30 v.m. Oct. 14, $15. Phone 556-6461. • • • -Coast Cooking School, 240 roadway, Laguna Beach, will ponsor Roy Pingo in demonstrat- ing "Pates and TerriJles" at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, $22. Phone 497-4404. • • • Marion Cunningham , The Broadway's re ident chef, wall dem- onstrate ta ty breakfast recipes and share some ups from her soon-to- be-tclcased book, "The Brcakfa t Table.·• Her program art scheduled at noon Thursday in the Newport Beach store and noon Fnday 1n the Huntin on Beach store. J drabled t &Ulel~· flow ~Np8Aebabndl l cap .aeed coeked tarkey or cldek• l et1p cooked w-.Ole kenel cona or Mex&eu•style eon Da1eipepper Remove small prickly-tipped petals and f uuy choke from artichokes. Melt butter in Add turkey, com and ~r; mix well. Spoon mixture anto anichokes, spreadfogcenterleaves. Place artichokes in bakina pan; cover with foil and bake at 3SO dcarees 20 minutes or urrtil thorouahly heated. Makes 4 ser- vi ngs. ARTICHOKE CHEF SALAD 2 Callfonia artlellellet, eeelled 4 onces SwlH ctlUH, cit l• .. •lrlpt ¥t cap blved ctierry toma&oes ~ np sliced fresei masllroom1 14 cap aUced celery ¥t smalfoaloa, sllced Hd separ· ated Into rlD11 ' I cap1 lceber1 leu1ce, cat lato 1- lacti Clbes Avocado-Cream Dre11ta1 Quaner artichokes lengthwise: remove small prickly-tapped petals her Do1!>1! ~!i'°n Doub18 Coupon •••11 ., Olllf.S ....... ,,_~.._ .. __ .._ ___ or --_ .. ________ .. _ ..... ......,.._._ ........ _ .....--------....------............. -..... --....... &.-.OM.._,_., , Sa1•'C....._. ..... , ... 111:1... ...... cu.w .. o 9 r ~ . ~ .... a... .... ..-7'.'.i'~t a L ___ ._. ___ ,,, --_____ _.._ ..... ..... . ...... ._.. ......... ___ -=-----· ........ -.... ... ..... _ ..... -.. ..... &.-.0....... cu.-... &.-.' .. ~......_eu... .. ii: ~ o.em..t ... o.em..11.-. AvoeUO..Ctum DrH1lq: Com- bine 'h peeled, pitted avocado, 11> cup dairy sour cream, 1112 teaspoons lemon or lime juice, •/, teaspoon salt, 1/a teaspoon crushed basil and dash each garlic powder and pepPCr in blender or food procetsor; blend until smooth. Chjll, Makes about l eup. ar alpbs English Muffins s! 0$DA IDlp . ..Qolden Premium Chuck Roast Chicken of the sea Tuna .Fresh Iceberg Lettuce \A Tl'.f A CTIO N r,:•>dlAITTI I t ~ USDA IDlp.-Golden Premium. 7-Bone Roast IMfChQ .-aa.. scne .60 pe1lb. Hormel Chili Plain Wrapf9 with Beans Monterey Jack J .77 !!:I. 99 · to.aolb. ~ llO& CllD Sen• .18 Ralphs Hot Dog or Hamburger ~.f9 Sutter Home White Zinfandel ~-,2.95 Royal Astoria Crystal Tb.ii W .. k'I Featule Water/Wine Goblet A9 Fresh Crisp Celery fhe Covmg1on Ed1t1on Stonewa:e Meat/Seafood Grocery Values Grocery I Frozen Produce I Floral . VIDA llllP4oldee ,__wa-IMC ClllaQ 179 Cross Rib Roast '= .,. ............... Lmvtw.atf llld 179 Beef Rib Roast '= !SA~ .._._. .......... 2 99 Rib ~ye Steak "-' . laCPry. O&IW C.0-87 CUt-Up Firers '= • catiiihFWets ..: 3.99 ..... 0 .... ,...... 2.49 Alaltan Salmon Sta"-' Dairy I DPh = .89 ~-., .... ._.,r...._ .. _... ....... __ .. ,.. _____ .. ___ ............ -~----...... ..-......... .... ~ .......................... ... _____ . .....,._..,.. Trd8i58iergent •.: 179 ..... Old. I 'r •• 189 Ice Cream ~~ com8<iai89i'Hash It.: 133 ~ Spray Starch a...0owa• .. ~-Dilll99 ~109 149 179 Joy Detergent •:: GiC.ttOICl'BQD \: Price• effective October 9 thru October 16, 1918 • Np cucumbers """ .... aop Red Onions ,...<:\a, PomPons Bakery .. ... o.aoa. ..... SegameBuns - - • _. 7 , ....... Egg Sesame Bread Appe tite ·· Liquor _, _ _,_ ..................... .... .25 .39 199 .69 .69 ....... ............... -....... ..-..--.... --..... ._._ ........... _. -·--.............. =··----,._ ..... ..,_...... ____ ..._. . - Drizzle dressing over the rain bow --es a delicious meal in minutes. fnsta pqer •r '4 tea•PM• Combine fitst 7 inJredients; Accent dellcate trout Or try Warm Trout Salad Pl~te poWHrff ..... , gradually w.h1sk ID 011.. 1 a. ide. 011 fl Ith t with Honey-Poppyseed Otes ina ~ ca,,...., ell a 9 .x t 3-1nch baJong dash and avor w swee ness that oombines the delicate flavor of Salad· arrange trout, skin-ide d'own. in Of Orange and honey rainbow trout with the sweetness of · di h. -----fresh oranac juioc and honey. 4 ralabow "'"' flUetl <4 oucea Brush trout lightly with peanut eacll) oil. Cover with plasti<: wrap and With the fast-paced lifestyles we WARM TROUT SALAD WITH 1 b•cll •pl.Dacia!... cleued and make a 1-incb slit in plastic. Cook lead, everyone is looking for the HONEY-POPPYSEED URESS-dralae41 in microwave oven on full power fastestwaytotakecareofjhebasics. ING Garalall: about 3 to 4 minutes. But busy people not only want food Dre11la1: ~ pound lfHD bea11, Meanwhile, divide spinach fast, they want it tasty! •/• c.p rice vlDe1ar cooked . leaves amon' 4 dinner plates. One of the quickest ways to cook I/• cap fre.la oraa1e Juice 14 poud fre1la maslaroom1, When trout 1s done, place hot, • is in the microwave oven. And one l tablespoon laoaey quarfered cooked trout over bed of spinach. of the tastiest foods ever cooked in 1 aeaapoo11 aoy 1aace ~ caatalo.pe. peeled ud 1Uced Arrange green beans and next 3 the microwave is Ra inbow Trout. 1clove1arUe, minced 1 1mall red bell pepper, ingredients aro.und trout. . With just wine, a touch of oil, and 1 table1poon poppy 1eed1 julleued Sprinkle with green onion: _fre_s_h_h_e_rb_s_. _R_a_in_bo""'._w_T_r_o_u_t be_c_o_m_-__ Ya __ te_a_s_poo_n __ fl_nm_l ___ c_bo ..... e ..... ee_d_, _ 2 HA oqu, tMa1y 1Jlced drizzle with dressioa.. Scrv~ •L • . VD• 80th Vons Unlimited Double Coupons· ANNIVERSARY Boneless ....__~huckc--­ROUts r- Select U.S.DA Choice Beef Lb. Boneless Too Sirloin Steak 198 .,......,CJSCM a-,.~ U> Boneless New York Steak 498 ._,. U"iOA °"*'' 8""' U> Boneless Filet Mignon 498 s.wtll ~OA~e...I U> Boneless Rump Roast 219 ......,., U 'IOA 0.0.C. 11et1 U> Boneless Stewing Beef 239 .....,, l'IOA~~ U> Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak298 ,_.,IJ\OA O-.e--U> Fresh Lean Ground Beef 139 °""""""'"-'71 r. u. Fresh 'A Pork Loin Chops 189 -.i ......... p..,,..... lb ~~sh Beef Liver u. 109 Veal Cutlets , ~ 698 """''"" .... Wilson's Sausaae 229 .,,,_ ~.,. s...ao...i w¥o-1.b ~ Wilson's Sliced Bacon •k 189 16 Ouftf• "-"~ .... Fresh Calamari r....,_1~1 Fresh Rainbow Trout ,..,.11...., Fresh Shark Fillets Pklic -s.«-i T- f reSh Dunaeness Crab full\'<'-..... ii' ... ..__ ~· F499 9 ~V~ 0 6~IO 12CM-.ce Boo 4 R Jerseymaid Ice Cream 279 (Jldf-Nl\I• ....... HlllbntC- Sunnv Deliaht Citrus Punch 69 ~"' f-" tt0vnc-~c,.,, • UttJe Juan Burritos 119 ... c,,., °"' '"'c. ee... 8 eo..r./2 U> 81111 Swanson Hunarv Man Pies .. 29 Oiodoln. I~ 160.-a"'6ot ,&: Pet Ritz Peach Cobbler 219 Ot ~ .16 °""'' e.:. Crestview Potato Pockets 1~9 •~IS"!! Wilderness Blueberries 219 .. _.....-16~&. Vons Vegetables 89 ~11111191.°""'*'-a> Ol.tnllol'f • Hunt's Tomato Ketchup )2 °"""'a.--~ Ila* Vons Anple Cider I A f }Uni f' &,;I; Hunt's Tomato Sauce MI .11.nf" C.. 109 119 5~100 Tide Laundry 169 p~~nt I~ lb (Incl AO Olf) Vons Old Fashioned Donuts 109 • Perk ""*' or a.or .... Country Hearth Deli Rolls 89 I Per1I • ~~~u[~rBuns .75 ~°'99 I Schaefer Beer-12 .Pk. ~':~ lii:J Ancient Age Bourbon I 7'UW..,.,... lBlue Nun Liefraumich 7'0,..,..~ Gallo Chablis Blanc "'-lttt! It°" I ) Ulef ftc!IUI Smirnoff Vodka "°,....., .. lllt. ...._ n... ftw WM. ~ .. IS., ... (<Oflltl....oi•·-·--......... ___ .... .. -·--( ~ ..... .,_ ••• c-....... .. ..... Ut_ .,. .... -... ~,-i.o.__ ..,,_~ _ .. __ ..., ___ .......... , .......... _.... ............... 180 GRAND P1ut ao,ooo 1n1tant Prt&el roor PRIZES · . -. .. i::=r.. ~Jfi.. ~ttt" llTm flMI ,_Aili 'IY .....-rAllD; • • VonsMUd 219 Cheddar Oleese Qlforiilo-F'wrily P8dt (Reg Sir.e Lb 2241 lb, S-~~Lb Vons Lonahom Cheddar 239 ...,,.._. o--::t~ Pl"• U.. Precious Moz.zarella Chee~29 WM ~e-16 Cunt• Prioq --&. Danola Sliced Danish Ham 299 12 O....:t ""'"9< Vons Soft Cream Cheese 149 12 °""'. Unon Pillsbury Crusty French Loaf109 ll~Pwctoq Armour Golden Star Turkey 169 lltwM-Slorlld 60.-..Pac.....,. ~~~~.~~!~~ 119 Gold 'N Soft Margarine 79 I l'IM>d l..C. • Whitney's Yogurts 59 60....C•C.,,_.., e Sunnv Delight Citrus Punch219 Fbldt-~BoD Donald Duck 99 g~urJulce Umi12PftC~ • •netans in Store Thompson Seedless Grapes 99 c.q.,,,~~21or 811 U>• R~ Pack Broccoli 89 a.~ 1-'8 • Red Gamet Yams 49 I M9f Mlchol.e 'Mu U> e Large Bell Peppers 4 & 100 "'LOl>Q "'-c .... -.. • ' Lar~~tachio Nuts I Lb. Baa 299 ........ U> •'t (...,.._, U> '9 --1ir. Blooming Freesi~1 6" Pot 499 , 111oar-o C .,....,.,..., • Pol EA 1 <n EA • The More Store .. PARTY ••• From Cl coat. Cook 3 or 4 Chicken Biles at a time in deep fryer until desired browness is reached (about 2 minutes), turning once. Remove from oil, and drain on absorbent paper. Repeat until all Bites arc cooked. May be served with peach sauce. Makes about 30. KRUSTAI (LUll9aalu Fried CookJet) • euyolkl I tablespoou daJry to•r cream I teaspoon vaailla I cea1pooa 1raaed lemon peel Duk salt" 114 cap1 all·perpote Ooar % table1poo•1 flffr Beat egg yolks, sour cream, vanilla. lemon peel and salt together until well mixed. Add 11/• cups flour, stirring to fo rm a soft dough. SprinkJe I teaspoon flour on pastry cloth or other surface. Tum dough out onto floured surface. Sprinkle remaining flour over surface. Pat and roll dough to form a 16 x 15-inch square. Let stand a few minutes before cutting. Make 8 cuts {2 inche_s -apart) across 16-inch sides. Make 5 cuts i---.......,=ro=sstners:indi side. You wil l° have 42 (lx3-inch) rectangles; cut each diagonally to make 84 tri- angles. Make sli t in centers of wide ends; pull other ends th rough. Cook 3 or 4 at a time, turning once, until desired browness is reached (about 2 minutes). Re- move from oil and drain on absorbent paper. Repeat until all 84 Krustai are cooked. CHlLI CHEESE BALLS (MexJcu Tidbit) 3 table1pooD1 claopped JaJapeno cblllea I (8-oaace) packaged 1raaed Parmena cbeese I (8-ouace) package cream cheese 2 egg yolks Ya cap cbopped roasted 1belled peanuts · Bread crumbs Mix chilies. cheeses and egg yolks together. until well l'>lended; add peanuts. Form into I-inch balls. Roll in bread crumbs; re- frigera te. Coold or4at a Lime, until they float in oil and reach desired brownness (2 minute~). Remove from oi l and drain on absorbent paper. Repeat until all 72 Cheese Balls are cooked. MEADOR ... From Cl Meador picks the grapes for his Rieslings when he asceruins that the y have the "right" apricot taste. As a res uh, th e,t 985 we tasted was a rather lovely bou~uet of fl owers when smelled and did, indeed, have ahat apricot flavor he speaks of. It had enough acidity to offset the 2 percent residual sugar resulting in a dryish-type Riesling that would be wonderful alone or with shellfish or a light pasta first-course of a meal. T he rece ntly-released 1985 Chardonnay made from young vineyard grapes was unusual in its pleasant propenies so soon after bottling. It had a very fruity nose, and taste. and was more suitably structured for early drinking than most California Chardonnays. although l feel it will probably gain more finesse in another year or so. The '85 Sauvignon Blanc is equally successful for drinking now. By balanci ng grape flavors with fermenting control and barrel aging, Meador came up with a wine that left behind that often un- pleasant grassiness so common to this grape. This spirited wine is frisky and f ult of vitality. The International Wine Review m3&1zine rated Lb is wine 3112 stars in its June 1986 issue. If you really wa nt to be ni ce to_yourself 10 for this $7 . .SO wine. More medal winners include the Chenin Blanc and Ory Chenin Blanc (whicb is like the fine French wine and totally unlike the weak, shallow Chen in Blancs so common in Ca lifornia), and Rose of Petite Sirah: Every one has won major awards this year, and all are currently available. Fot the wine buff. if'should be' a real pleasure Lo find these winet that dance to a pretty sophisticated tune. Jf you would like to contact the winery to purchase directly. caU Doua and tell him you ttad about lhcK WJnes. He will penonally help you set whatever you need. Ven· tana's phone number is (..08) 678-2606. Or write the winery at P.O. Box O. Soledad 93960 to add your name to its private madina list • . -- r :1 I I :I ~. . Care Depend Disposable Undergarments •Regular, 36 count •Extra Absorbency, 30 count YOUR CHOICE ........ ..,._lllMlll 12.99 -3.00" YOUR gee · ANAL.COST .... u ._ Our egutar 14 99 ea Mylanta II Antacid Antl-811 Uquld 12 ounce 2!J9 Our Regular 4 19 Tums Antacid Tablets •Regular, 75 count Assorted Flavors •Extra Strength 48 count Our Regular 1 99 ea. Finesse •Shampoo or Conditioner 11 ounce •Hair Spray, 7 ounce •Mousse, 5 ounce 1 7~lpes CHOICE Our Regular 2 99-3. 19 -Siihouettes- Maxi-Pad Regular or Thin 26 count 249 Our Regular 3 99 CVS Glycerin Soap All Types 3 5 ounce Bar 67¢ COMPARE TO Mlutroow Soacl 3.5 OZ. II 1.87 Unisom Sleep-Aid Tablets 48 count 499 Corn Siik •liquid Mak8""Up •Translucent LOQSe or Pressed Powder Assorted Shades .. '"°'la. . 2.29 . .,._.,, -2.29 ......... YOUR 00 FINAL COST• Ou r Regular 3.79 ea. Our Regular 7 57 VICKS COUGH & COLD PRODUCTS SAVE UP TO '2 50 MFR.·s MAIL-IN REBATE ',, • I>• 1.1.i, In St""' Vicks Slnex Nasal Spray Long-Acting Decongestant O 5 ounce .199 Our Regular 3 24 Vicks Cough Mixture •Formula « •Formula «D •Formula 44M 4 ounce l!!e Our Regular 2. 79-3 17 Vicks Throat Drops Cherry or MenthOI .. Kit Kat or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 10 Pack ·a9!= Our Regular 1.29 ea. Cur ad Ouchless Bandages Sheer or Plastic 60 count 314 In Wide 77¢ Our Regular 1 89 •Right Guard Anti-Persp1rant. 4 ounce Deodoranl. 5 ounce or Stick. 2 5 ounce All TypH • Giiiette Foamy Shave Cream 11 ounce All Types . .._.,,. ....... ""* 1.59 -1.00 , CHOICE 59 FINAL COST . . .. Our Regular 2 29-2 59 The Dry Look By Gillette 8 ounce. All Types 2.49 -1.00 Superior Whole Cashews Salted or Honey Roasted 11 ounce can 19_ Our Regular 4.99 Vicks . Nyquil ... Nighttime Colds Medicine 6 ounce 366 1 Our Regular 3 57 Niagara Spray Starch 22 ounce 88¢ Our Regular 1.39 Sea Breeze Antiseptic Uquld Regular or For Sens111ve Skin 4 ounce 119 Our Regular 1 89 Celle, I I ... -=--~ ... , .... ~::~•Cana I YOUR CHOICE 14' ·I ..... ,.. I =:ed Flavors 5 Stick• Per Pack 100FOR I Our Regular 35' -I , .... r ..... I ,...., loller Pen ·Blue or Black Ink 1. ..'"" ·211.00 ..... =:-.:=o -1.00 RIAL CllI • YM . 001 Our Regular 1.19 ea I Piper-Mate Po1111-1uwc1 I R1lrPen Assorted Coto-rs--1 .. ,.... 211.00 ...... :-,;:.,-too = Jiii :Regular 88' ~-, Llwn&leaf I .... , __ Htgh Strength • 39 Gallon Capacity 10count I J~~w~~ I I :ie:.. I ~lii~pacoty I Our Regular 1 59 II Men's Tube Socks By Wrangler 6 Pack 399 I I I I I 6.99 Value ;:.~:; I !J~~Pack I Pis/100 I 79-Value each Sofry No ~1nr11ec~s I 79¢ Our Regul•r 1 1G YOUR 149 FINAL COST Our Regular 3 69 . I HUNTINGTON BEACH LAGUNA HILLS MISSION VIEJO I The Courtyards, Harbor Blvd Loehmann'k 5 Points Plaza Laguna Hills Mall 328 Mission V1e1Q Mall Intersection Of Harbor Main St At Beach Blvd El Toro Road l.!::.":.:~::r;..,.::::; __________ ;::.:J • • l . .. .... .. ' .. E:rpect a limit to Stores' dou·bllng generosity Dear J... -I am an avid story. She said manufacturers' upermarkets like to offer shop-purcha$CS. And you certainly have a coupons with a few fnends. coupon clipper and redeem about coup0n1 were no longer being pcrs bargairts, since it is aood rilht tocomp1'in when stores maxc It has worked out very well. M~ S2Swortbofcouponseach month. I accepted on the store's "Buy one, business, but they usually have no rule that only the cashiers know last four register tapes show that rccent!y shopped at a grocery store act one free .. saJe items. J appetite for letting consumers about. bou&ht a total of S I08.S9 worth, of that offers double coupons. When I got home and told my UIE double up on their barpins. That's Dear JHe -A a retired $COior aroceries, but after deducuof Tbey bad Jhe 32-ouncc siic of husband, he said I should have why many stores maxe rules sucb as citizen, it has become my lot to do co upons, most of them doubled, Scrub Free pane cleaner priced at asked to see where the store had f Ull£1 this _ no double coupons on the voccry shoppina. • actually paid only $68.31 . S2.3S, with the offer. ,''Buy one. get posted a notice informing the special sale items. I t>e&an 'leading your column two J don't think that's too bad for • one free." public of this change in J>Qlicy. Store rules that apply to sale monthsagoanddecidedto put your senior citizen. -Walter Drycln, I had a Scrub Free 50-Cent What is your opinion of this items and double coupons should coupon advice to the test. Loa1 Beacla. coupon in my file box, and when I situation?-Kadly SdlHcll, Cape like yours for Scrub Free, is actually be included in advenisements and First, I staned clipping every Dear Walter-h 's not bad at all! aot to the check-out counter, I Coral, Fla. taking the second SO cents out of its prominently posted in the stores. coupon I could find. When a In fact, you have a right to be proud ell.peeled to have it doubled,· so I Dear ltatlay -A supermarket own pocket. The manufacturer only It makes se nse to post them atthe newspaper has more than a dollar in of yo ur smart shopping. Keep UP. would get two bottles for $1 .35. that offers to double the value of pays for the face value of the store entrance, so shoppers will coupons t can use, I buy several the aood work! But tbe cashier told me another manufacturers' 5Ckcnt coupons. coupon. notice them before they make their papers. l have also started .trading Herc is th is week's list of refund -------------------------------------_;_:,__;,.;_ ____ --"------------------, offers.Startlookingforthercqui~ 1.75 lifer FARMSTEAD PORK LOIN 27 -a.- •A .. •fiYU" llOWW..m•S 2~· u:-3-.19 ~! ~ I ~69 Pon Reody. (Fllle ts. ..... ll. 2.99) · I 99 f&IU IMllO llAIN80W nour ............................. La. • . ICEBERG LETTUCE ~I/(' ---1f .·· / · - FRESH CRISP 12·0Z. LOOSE 8 99 BOTTLES REG. B£ER • HUGt1£$ Y.'• •INGf VAWE TRIMMED '"BEEF LOIN && Anno Marlen. Hot or Miid .· ITALIAN SAUSAGE ..................... ll. 2.i9 81.KK & WHITE 3~ • 1 LABEL 16-0Z I J...T.D. CANADIAN WHISKY ...................... 9.ff W.1-Poc Musubl Nori, 10 Shffts DRlED SEAWEED ........... . .......... 79 .... 1.i9 Volume 9 McCALL COOKBOOK .. ~ ......... • .................... 1.29 10-0t. ~· "' btro Ory JERGEN'S LOTION ....................................... 1.69 Kollber 6-Pock, 12-0t. Bottles NON ALCOHOLIC BEER ......................... 3.ff 1.05·0i. "9d or White Miao KIKKOMAN INSTA NT SOUPS.. ... .. . lath Bor s111•1•an ..... SINGLE ROlt : •• ~-PACK ZEST SOAP ....................... 1.74 I 1~ ........... ,) ••••••aUD ROUND TOf' 59 OR SANDWICH • c I-~ ••AllT n• ~2.0UNCE REG. OR UNSCENTED I 79 INCL . .OC OFF • 12·0i. Cons, "-g. or 019' Sunshine. 16-0t. Box "-g, or Unsolted 6 PACK C & C COlA ....................... 1.29 KRISPY CRACKERS ............................... 91 1.39 ... " WITZ caw .. 16-0Z. BOX I 69 NABISCO • 6-0t. Yorletl•• WHITNEY'S YOGU ........................... 18 .... ···--RWKIY•s•an ~=~Tl&···· o.tldoue ITALIAN PASTA SALAQ ......... ll. I.ff ,_.., ........... TURKEY SAA.AMI ................. I.I. l .M refund forms, which you can obtain at the supermarket, in newspaper and magazine ad vertisements and from trading with friends. Meanwhile start collecting the needed proofs of purchase as de- tailed below. Remember, some offers arc not available in all areas of the country. These offers require refund forms: CALTRA TE Plus Iron SI Rebate Offer. Receive a $I refund and a coupon for 50 cents off yo ur next purchase. Send the required refund form and the front panel from the Caltrate Plus Iron box, along with the Universal Product Code bar code from the bottom of the box. Ex pires Oct. 31, 1986. CU RITY Refund Offer. Receive up to a $4. 50 cash refund and SI . SO 1n coupons. Send the required refund form and the proofs of purchase from $9 or more worth of Curity products (at least three different one s) for a $6 refund in casb and coupons. Or send the required refund form and Che proofs of purchase from $5 to $8. 99 worth of Cunty products (at least three different ones) for$ I cash and S 1.50 in coupons. For the proof of pu rchase fo r Curad Bandages, Plastic, Sheer or flexible Fabroc (20-. 30-and 10-CoUntT,not 7-and 10-co unt), Cunty First Aid Kit and Wet-i>ruf Tape (packaged in tin or plasuc containers), the Uni versal Product Code sy mbol number from the package must be written on the cash-regi ster receipt and the pu rchase pnce circled. For Curad Bandages, Plasuc and Sheer (60-or 80-count). Curasorb, Curity Soft Puffs, Cotton Balls, USP Cotton, Gauze Pads, Gauze Ba11.dages, First Aid Tapes and Telijl Sterile or Adhesive Pads, the Universal Prod- uct Code symbol number must be cut from the package, and the cash- register receipt. with purchase price circled. must be included. Expires Oct. 31 . 1986. LA NACANE Spray SI Refund Offer. Send the required refund form and the words from the cap of lhe can from Lanacanc Spray with soothing Aloe. and copy the Uni- versal Product Code numbers. In- clude the dated cash-register receipt wi th the purchase price circled. Expires Oct. 31 , 1986. Hot, spicy beefsteak tant alizes American tastebuds are tingling wi th spicy flavors from many pans of the world . ' The cooking in Sichuan province 'in western China is said to be the hottest yo u'll find anywhere. Also spelled Szechuan and Szechwan, this style of food uses a generous amount of crushed red pepper. Rice sticks are available· in Orien- tal markets and some super- markets. They'fe thrcadhlce and transparent in the package, puffed and white after frying. PEPPERY BEEF 1 pound beef Oank steak Y. cup ater 3 tablespoons soy sauce Z tableapooDI rice wlae I teaspoon 111ar Y. tea1pooa grated frtsb 1lD1er- root Z ounces rice 1tlckl Cookln1 oll for deep f ryln1 ' % tablespoons cookl•I oU 1 cap J•lleaae-cat celery 1 c11p j1lleaae-cat carrots Y. cap J1ll eue-cut 1reea pe~r 1 Y. teHpooDI cn 1lled red pep. per 1 Y. teaapooa1 cora1tarcb % tea1pooa1 sesame oil Partially f rccze beef. Cut into thin, bite-size strips. Combine water. soy, wine, sugar and gingcr- root. Stir in beef. Let stand 30 minutes. Drain, reserving the marinade. Meanwhile, fry rice sticks in deep hot oil (375 de&rees) S seconds or just until sticks puff. Drai n on paper toweling. Keep warm in oven. fn a wok heat the 2 table· spoons cookang oi l. Stir-fry the celery. carrots and srccn pepper for 4 minutes; re- move. Add more oil to wok, if needed. Stir-fry beef and red pep. per, half at a tame, for 3 minutes. Remove meat from wok. Combine cornstarch and re- served marinade; add to wok. Cook and stir unul bubbly; cook 2 minutes. Add veaetables and sesame 011; cook and stir I minute. poon bccfm1xturtovcrnce1ticu on platter. Mak, 4 icrv1n . • • ........,,OdeMl't Aalltl(Marcb 21-April 19): Succea folloM lbitlal delay1 diaappointment. Accept cballeqe, reahze you are capable of meetin& deadline. Romance i1 J)l'elent, recent dift'ercncts are tettled. You'll be SYDIEY de&Una with individuals who arc realistic. TAURUS (April 20.May 20): Focus • 0 on travel, communication, ambition, 1111 spiritual values.. You could be involved in •••••••••••• exci~ projeq that includes journey, • \.~- publilhma. protbotion of wideraudience. R.elationlhip iJ tested, ends or beain• new. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): You have chance for new start, you pin undentandina of one who appeared recalcitrant. Lepl or financial dispute will be tettled in your favor. Sense of showmanship works to your definite advan11tc. CANCER(Junc 21-July 22): Focul on intuition, teachina, learnina. family rcspon1ibility1.. removal of safety hazards from home. You'll be concerned with cooperative enorts, lcpl affairs. special documents, marital status. LEO (July 23-Aua. 22): Element of confusion 1s present. Know it, select quality over quantity. Lona-distance call relates to possible journey, prestiaious social affair. You'll be more aware of appearance, body imaae. wardrobe. VIRGO (Aua. 23-Sept. 22): Define terms. check source material, be meticulou1 in connection with "small print." Lunar position hiahliahts physical attraction, variety, sianificant changes. Youna people figure prominently. Watch Scorpio. • LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Family members could quarrel, miaht seek to involve you. Know 1t, stand alooffi'om peuy annoyances. Focus on sccunty, property, IO".t"rln&e pr0tpect1. Oain indicated lbrou&h written word. Virao fiaures prQm1nently. • ICOllPIO (0Ct. 23-Nov. 21 ): M~or chanacs occur at home, basic patterns co\lld be di1rul>\ed. Scenario hiahtitbts versatility, ext>(riment , curiosity. 1urpriae vi1it1, declaradona from relauves. Tauru1, Libra. another Scorpio play \ role1. . SA Gm ARIUS (Nov~ 22-0ec. 21 ): Play wa1~1na pmc -realize someone want1 somcthin1 for noth1na. Protcc1 assets, realize your'SCrviccs arc valuable. You could locate article that bad been lost, missing or stolen. You will win. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Cycle hip , focus on power, authority. money and love. Judlfl\cnt, intuition pr~ye accurate. St>nsc of timina 1s heif}ltened. Encouraae new starts, take IJUtJallve, dress up product. Cancer native plays role. • AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.Feb. 18): Stud_y Capricorn messaae for valid hint. Toss aside previous "prohibitto'l•·" Crelte your own 1rad.at1ons. Stress independence, creativity, ,et to heart of matters whert romance is concerned. Display wisdom. ~. · · PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Many of your best qualities arc in evidence. People arc drawn to you with their problems, questions and need for counsel. Lunar position indicates outsi.ndina performance. fnend~. hopes, powers of persuasion. IP <>CrOBER t 18 YOUR BIRTHDAY durina October. you have chanoe to rectify past mistakes, to recoup loss.t to re~stablish rclat1onsh1p that had &0ne "on the rocks." Sianificant days: 'yth, 18th, 27th. Anes, Libra people play important roles in your life. You arc idealisttt. hcadstrong, 1mpuls1ve. a natural humanitarian and you usually fipt forthc underdog. You could have unusual mark on head or face. You arecreative,drawn to the an s. fascinated also by law and medicine. Love plays major role for you in December. Conservat ive con tradictien s One thina that has me confused - perhaps you can help straighten me out-is the aeneral orientation of th people who object so viaorously to the .. sexual explicitness" and "viol- ence" to be found i.n so many tclevis~n showund filmsand videos and popular recordin~. The bulk of these cntics seem to be what we (and they) would call "conservatives." They stand fours- quare for the American Way, for our traditional values, the "free market" economy. - But the sexual explicitness and violence they protest aaainst, and would like to curtail1 is not pan of an immoral plot batched in some fetid buement by Bolshevik• who want to subvert our system and destroy the moral fiber of the American family. These tendencies arc an expression of the free market. The producen and promoten are tryina-to sell a product, to reach as large a. segment of consumers as they can. And they ha vc found, on the-whole, that sexuality and violence attract more viewers than "Muterpiece Theater" or "Washinaton Weekly ... We are proud of the profit motive. We call 1t, without apology, "the bottom line." lt is the social value we enshrine almost above all others. -Moneynwcu.Thcmarc IQ, and profit makes her ao faster. . It is arguable, at least, that this pervasive appeal to our sexual prurience and sadistic impulses is only a response to free market forces. People want.: to sec and hear these • f\Jms and programs and songs, and the purveyors arc merely satisfying a widespread demand. What I see operating here is pure capitalism. There is nothina illcpJ in what these merchants of bedroom~ and-bullets arc doina. and why should we pass any lqislation that penalizes an entrepreneur trying to make a legitimate buck? When l sec a program I find offensive, I tum it off, or tum away. Conservatives, it seems clear to me. have an obligation to _protect and defend free enterpri!C, not to hobble it. After all. a large pan of our "traditional values" consists in the freedom to sell what anyone wants to buy, so long as it is within the law. If the protesters want a different "bottom line" for the producers of films.and programs and songs they SIDIEY Hu11s object to. then they have to revise some of their thinking on political and economic questions. If "moral- ity" is going to take the place of "profit" as the bottom line, then GWlAWlJl has 10 be .subordimltedto some other value system. · Either way 1s all right with me. I would JUSt hke the conservatives to get their priorities straight, and get nd of their contradictions -and m y confusion. Sldaey H•rrl1 I• • 1yodlc•ted col11mal11. Morbid curiOsity release from boredOln. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I read a A crowd of nearly SOO, some Metro-Dade homicide detccu ves pull of their cars to geta better look. They story in the Miami Herald recently sipping lemonade, others bouncing two dead men out of the trunk of a were using binoculars and cameras that made me sick. What in the world children on their shoulder, waited for 1986 Lincol n. wnh photo lenses. Traffic was backed is the matter with people anyway? six hours in a shooping oentcr to sec People were standing on the roofs up for two hours. Vans were parked ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Mound ~e L1nc~n w ~1c~ ~c v1ct1ms but people staned crawling on their hands and knees to get under the vans. How do you explain this. Ann? I am -APPALLED IN MIAMI. Neither vulnerabi.. South deala, NOaTll •Tt Q I 0 QJ 1018 •K.11088 WEST f!A.8T tAl'.t' •QJltt QA,2 Q lll O Z O K7tl •T&S•8 •t SOUTH • 101 Q " Q-J 10 • '1 l A'I ' AQ The bidd : SoaU. Weet Nortla Eut ' Q Obie Pua P ... ltdble Pue P... Pa .. Opening lead: Two of 0 It may be a bit late in the year, but The Bridge World la having a spring cleanb1r,. Al a result, a se· leetlon of old Issues of the maga- zine are available. at gteat savlngs-t 10 for 10 random is- sues; t20 for 24 iMuet; t40 for 62. Since the single luue price wu '2.50, you can appreciate how many hours of bridge entertain· ment you can buy at bargain prlc· es. (Available from: Oldies, TM BrtdgrWOYld, ~9 West 94th t., New York, N.Y. 10025.) This brilliant deeeptlve play was published In 1980: According to the magazlne, Eut and West had t>een arguing about It for more than 30 years. ··so-uu'.s re]War tour-heart opening and his outrageously opti· mistlc redQuble of West's penalty CHllLES Go1£1 o ... S1111t double were both expNMlona of ego. South was the best player at the table, and he was out to prove It. Indeed, the result made crit1· clsm lmPoHlbte! "West, with control of trumps, led his singleton diamond. East naturally withheld hi& klng and South won with the ac1. Trumps came next. West took the ace of heartsi he cashed the klng of spades. East dropped tl\e queen, showing the Jade, IO Wett du~fully underled his spade ace to put East on lead. "Prom this point, king and an- other diamond would hav set South two, redoubled, andperhaps led to a critical tnspecnon of South's bidding. But East was not up to that. It was West's fashion to lead low rrofirj.ny three cards, and East simply could not visualize South with any more d iamonds He tried a club. Souffi clatmed~" We claim you won't regnt mak· Lng a small Investment. \ S P E H E \•o:l ' I I I r . MectieniC to lrlllnM ''T .. Nl'll 1M lob _.. 009I S\75 " M OOMn I flinctl, ldO - - I S RU TT H J ~ ...... ,---....,,,.......,..., . ...,.,___,,,,,,--1 0 C-p e•t "'• cl>w<I • n~"'ed DEAR MIAMI: lt'1 morbid cu1ol1· ty. Wby else would tbey baas aroud for six hours to 1ee aucb a 1lpt? We keep bearing tbat TV and Mrror • movlea have deaenslllzed 11 io deatll - --lt't f It "'; " ,.... ,.. ... ,,~ -.rOldl .__......_~_.._.......___...-fO• d.-e<OP It-t!ep 'lo 3 IM- • ~:, ':','.~~&(t(O I' I' I' ( I' I' I' I' I' I • &iiiW I I I I M I I I I I llily Pilat TWA FINO OUT HOW GOOD WE REALLY ARE. A11 LANDERS • and bum.r1 suffering, but people tied to flock to wltneu bebeadlng1 la tbe Middle Ages. I gueu from tbe beginning of lime folks bave eajoyed tbe excitement of seeing sometMDg oat of tbe ordinary. It's a release from tbe boredom of everyday llvlna. Hope starts revolutions What gel\ a revolution rolhna1s not so much the desperation but the hope. 1 didn't 'la) that. Anhur Schlcsinacr did. In more <tcholarly wllables. It ellpla1n!I "'hat empowers the revol- u11onar. leader '\ prom1~. ome- body has 10 prom1'le 'lomething. You can't have the hope w11hout the pr omise. Q \t lt'ast 4 511 mu'i1cal compo- s111ons hn ve been arranaed for a L.M. Bo YD pianist''! lcO hand onl} How many for a pianist'\ nght hand only., If trained H>u ng. hyena make dandy docile ·IX','· say the animal cxpen' ~ 1111 want nnc'l Mc neither. c," e onl' 111 Rodm·} HC' coul9 use the lauah., ' Q Ho\\ lOmc the b1Jpr1zc fiahtsarc u uall) M:hedulcd n&ht llOer the btainnina of the mont~ or nght aner the middle:. of 11., 1\ That , ~hen mo11t f)('opk have pa}da)' monc) Medical ~or<b out of the far North indiC'ltc Canadian f 'lk1mos never had a nc before tht' I <>50s. Th•l ~ .. \\,-hen they 'tancd acmna rqular h1pmcnt from the south. L.M. Boyd I• • 1ye4lcelH L....:. ____________ --:.~--~-------------------__::..... ______ """:'"" ________________ .;... ..... 1 t!Ol•m•nt ' ' TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Put aside 6 Parent 10 Order g111er 14 Meat dish 15 Holly 16 Garden 1001 17 Watering spot 18 01 mo111es 20 Inebriated 22 Vlslble 23 Synthetic flber 24 Handouts 25 Tooth type 28 Encum~r 29 Thoroughfare 30 Baked in a aauce 35 -de Janeiro 36 Namby· pamby 37 -Clalre 38 Mesa 41 Mindful 43 Particle 44 Puts off 45 Vegetable 48 Compo- sitions 50 Afresh 51 Supporters t 55 Sampltng again 57 R•l•h 1 mate 58 Diii herb 59 Formerly 60 Kind of down 6 1 Ru111an news bureau 62 Reward of old 63 Plow sole DOWN 1 Organ parl 2 Ru1111n sea 3 Traval OK 4 Incident 5 Ravage 6 Small pref 7 Extraneou1 8 Rectify 9 Chopper 10 Show of falM courage 1 1 01 a cereal 12 Garment 13 Rehg1ous culls 19 Honorable 21 TrH 24 Metal 25 Skin lesion 26 P11111c bones PRIVIOUI PUZZLE I OlVED 27 Untidy one 28 Touch down 30 Bridge feat 3 1 Container 32 Sound out 33 Noble 34 Club fNs 36 Blemllh 39 Cowboy gear 40 Some collars 4 1 Ofelses 42 Drinking boul of Old 44 "Ready - gol" 45 Welgnt unit 46 US satelllte 47 Upbraids 48 Socia! allalr 49 Prodded 51 Be unhapp) 52 Time -- half 53 O.f1c11 5• Mo1ttura1eas 56 Trio mem~r ' Fresh Fish Fajitas Fresh fish with tomatoes, peppers and onions marinated in our special sauce and secret seasonings. Ready to 399 . . Alaskan Halibut Steak saute and serve! lb. Albacore Ste~ks Boneless, all-499 white meat. lb. . Mahi Mahi Fillets lb.1 99 Fresh Idaho 299 Trout lb. . Gourm·et Delights! Our store in Fashion Island, Newport Beach, stre{ches over 63,000 square feet, each one paeJCed with the finest quality foods you 'If find anywhere.' While you 're shopping. you will en- joy these special events ... Y., Friday Night Lobster Feasts At the Atrium Cafe. from 4:30 to 9:00 pm. You pick you r live lobster from the tank. we coo k it and provide all the trimmings for a real feast! A . Taco Night at La 'salsa All the Tacos you can eat. only $6! Every Tuesday from 5 to 9 pm. ~Buffet Champagne Brunch Served every Sunday 9 am to 1 pm in our Atrium Cafe. Adults SS.95, Children $5.95 Q, Go urmet Coo king Classes Ma Cuisine Cooking School. now located on the 3rd floor of the Atrium floor. is offering the following class ... DINNER FOR 8 Wednesday, October 15 10:30 am to 1 :30 pm or 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm 2 FOR I WITH THIS AD Space Limited, CaJI for Res ervations 759-6818 DELI Pasta Con Pollo Fres hly mad e pasta with tender chunks of chicken in a mayonnaise dressing ~ith pimento 599 and papnka. reg. 7.49 lb. lb. Paradise Salad ~ A delicious salad of fresh tomatoes. peppers, cucumbers and onions in a light vinaigrette. 399 reg. 4.99 lb. lb. Boar's Head Brand Corned Beef Sliced to order. 499 ... reg. 5.99 lb. lb. Prices Good October R·14. 1.9116 No Dealer Sales /Jimit Rights Reserved • ~' CHEESE New Zealand Cheddar or Egmont Extra aged and sharp cheddar. or nutty-flavored. Swiss- type Egmont. 399 reg. 4.99 lh. lb . I USDA Choice Top Sirloin Steak 399 lb. N~w Season Jumbo Artichokes 79 ea. • Garden Fresh Brussel Sprouts 49 Large size. lb. • · Wonderful Vari~ty Pomegranates Deep re<l and juicy. ex tra large size. 69 ea. • WINE Aligne 1985 Cotes-du-Ventoux A purple-hued, aromatic blend of Grenache, Syrah. Carignan and Cin- saut. This French channer origin- ates between Rhone and Provence. The taste will remind you of a fine Beaujolais with moxie. 750 ml. reg. 5.00 3 99 r>rangl! County Stori>s f.xcept • .'fyford <1nd Cns/<1 Mesa I lb. 699 Boneless, Snowder White Veal Roast Tender, milk-fed. 2 7 9 best qualicy veal . lb. Stuffed, Boneless Chicken-Breast With our own delicious cornbread stuffing. Ready to bake. 2 99 lb. New Crop. Washington's Finest Golden DeliGious Apples 69 Large Size lb. e Small Size lb .• 49 GROCERY Tortilla Chips Irvine Ranch Farmers Market's own label. 9 9 16 oz. pkg. reg. 1.59 e San Pellegrino Italian Mineral Water 79 25 oz. btl. reg. 1.29 e Destrooper Cookies Butter or almond. 159 6.1 oz. pkg. reg. 2.49 . Medium Shrimp ' Raw, shell-on. Saltwater shrimp, for the best flavor. lb. 799 First of Season, Fresh Cooked Californian 998 Lobster lb. Finnan Ha<\d e 399 Smoked cod. lq. Stu(fed Sole Ready to bake. Available in Monterey 699 or Florentine. lb. Granola -All Varieties Our own flavorfu l mixture of nuts, grains & dried berries. Available in our }29 Bulk D~pt. lb. or pkg. Visit Our Pumpkin Patch For School Tours, Call 838-2851 " BAKERY New/I Jumbo Carmel Nut Rolfs Each roll is over 5 oz. I Never a pre- servative or additive. All natural fresh products. · reg. 4.29 for 3 99 package of 4 Deluxe Fudge Brownie Chocolately, chewy, fudgy, nutty and delicious! 89 reg. 1.09 ea. ea. • Dutch Apple Pie Fresh pippin apple with raisin ;ind walnuts topped with strue.~el. Baked fresh 529 daily. reg. 5.95 ea. ea. Sole Items Atiailoble al Orange Count.11 Locations Only ' • I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1986 2S CENTS OUI WN*I ~Ml TODAY'S NU~IS ON A2 La una snuffs·smokersba:D Council says no-smokers hiring policy- for police, fire personel too restrictive By LAURA MERK Of .. Mtr"" .... · An Qrdinanec that would bar smokers from applying for jobs with the Laguna Beach fire or police departments was denied by the,City Hal B. Wallls, veteran movie producer, dead at 88./A4 Food The best peanut rectpes from around the world blend Into a tasty array of appetlzers./C1 Sports The Eagfe Is having Its problems In preparation for America's Cup./81. Coast Huntington Beach Pl,an- nlng Commission to stay on television, despite claim of politicking./ A3 INDEX Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classified Council Tuesday ni&ht in a 3-2 VQte because the council said it was too restrictive. In June. the council voted · 3-2 giving its conceptual approval to an ordinance that wouJd give preference PAUL I AICHIPLEY to non-smokers in pubhc safety JObs. The idea was brouaht before the council by Council woman Bobbie Minkin who cited a similar law pused in South Pasadena. At that time she suuested that medical expenses and lost work ti l'flc could be reduced by adoptina a similar ordinance because non- smokers become ill less often. Minkin and councilmen Neal Fitzpatrick and Robert Gentry sup- ported the onginal idea. But Tuesday, City Manager Keo Frank introduced an ordinance that absolutely restricted smokers from applyi~g for public safety pos111ons, requmna that tbey be a non-smoker for 12 months pno,. lo their apph-cat1 on. Further. 'the ordinance re tricted permanent emplo)'ment to only those who continued to refrain from smok- ing after their probation period. Councilman Gentry satd be chanaed bis vote because he felt the proposed ordinance was too restric- tive. ''That just goes too far for me. I'm concerned with riahts and wtOft11 and fairness." Gentry said. He also said be ~s concerned about possible law· suits that could stem from c~ of civil riahts violations. · Frank said he chanaed the wordina and made the proposed law more stnnient because, "I tboucht the~ would be three votes.·· He aaid the ,cities of Brea, Sao Mateo, Downey and Monrovia had &imilar laws that were effective. Councilman Du -Kenney and t.tAyor Manha Collison have con· tinually voted apinst the l)C'Op()tA}. • The counciJ asked Frank to m um with a proposal that gave only prefere nce to the hirina of non- smoken. ' Captive link to military denied Sandinistas claim American carrying identification card By ANDREW SELSKY ,. ........ Plw .... -MANAGUA, Nicaragua -A'.n American who survived when Sand· inista soldiers shot down a cargo plane said Tuesday he tS an aviation specialist who boarded the C-123 in El Salvador, and was captured in the jun&Je a_day after the plane crashed. Nicaraguan officials have claimed Euacne Hase nfus, 45, of Marinette, Wis., is an American military adviser in El Salvador and the transport shot down Sunday in southern Nicaragua was carryina weapons and ammuni· tion to U.S.-badced Contra rebels fighting the leftist Sandin1stas. Sandinista army Lt. Col. Roberto Calderon said m Manaaua that Hasenfus and two Americans who d ied on the plane carried identifi- cation associating them with the U.S. military advisory group in El Sal vador. However, officials 1n Washinaton denied any connection between H11nfusand the U.S. government. A Contra official in Teguciplpa. Hon- duras. also denied that 1t had any· thin& to do with the plane or the crew. Calderon also said Sandinista of- ficials were cons1derina whether to put Hasenfus on tnal and whether to return the American victims' bodies to their families. Comics Death notices Entertainment Food C7 A3 A7-8 B6-8 A 11 B8 A10 C 1-8 Reagan to stump for Zschau in county Hasenfus. unshaven and wcanng muddied denim clothing, was led onto a stage at the Government Press Center m Managua after being flown by helicopter Tuesday from the t rash si te. "My name 1s Gene Hasenfus. I come from Mannette, WIS. I was captured yesterday sn southern Nicarauga.. Thank you," he said in a shaky voice He was led away after 10 seconds. and reporters could not question him. Mind & Body Opinion Police log Public notices Sports Television Weather A12 A3 RS, 8 ~, 1-5 A10 A2 From staff and wire reports President Reagan will travel to Orange County to stump for Re- publican Senate hopeful Ed Zschau in the days before the Nov. 4 election. Zschau. a congressman from Los <\ltos who hopes to unseat Demo- cratic incumbent Sen. Alan Cranston. told Launo supporters this week that Reagan's v1s11 1s intended "to reflect his feehnp about the importance or this race: Thomas Fuentes. chairman of the Orange County Republican Party, said he. too. had been told of the v1ciit which would be made on or around Nov. I Fuentes cia1d ll 1s most likely that Reagan ""ould appear at an indoor venul'. probahl\ 1n C os1a Mesa. Nev.port Beach or In 1ne .. This " Reagan countf) and thl' people ol Orange ( ounl\ ha' c never \aid ·n11· IO Prco;1dcn1 Reagan·· Fuente\ ..aid Reagan plan-. to 'pend about four da\<, in < ahforn1a campa1gn1ng for Zschau and possibly for other Re- publican candidates. said Scott Hart. an aide to U.S. Sen. Pete Wilson. In add1t1on to Orange County, Hart said the president probabl) would cipeak in Los Angeles and San Fran- cisco The la1c~t C'ahfornsa poll rinds (Pleaae eee REAGAN/Al) Hascnfus also was allowed to speak to local Journalists briefly in San Carlos. a port on Lake Nicaragua near (Pleaee eee CAPTIVE/ A6) Hoffmann asks court of appeal for new electlon Suspect' s mental state during killing at issue By LISA MAHONEY OltMD.llJ .......... Failed Democrauc pnmal) can- didate An Hoffmann has turned to the 4th D1stnct Co urt of Appeal 1n Santa Ana in a bid to win back his pany's nomination in the 40th D1 . trict Congressional race. (Pleaee eee HOFFMAN/Al) By PAUL ARCHIPLEY Of IM DIMiy ,._. l talt A prosecutor and defense attorney agreed Tuesday the son ofa national- !) ranked tennis player was mentally 1mpa1rcd. but differed on whether that was the ce ntral issue in his murder trial. Jurors were set to bcgm deliberat- ing today following final arguments in the trial of Robert Lainge Duesler Woman who lived with dead animals threatens lawsuit By LA URA MERK Ol lMMtr,... ..... A woman who was arrested by Laguna Beach pollct in April after police discovered that she and her dau&hter were living in a van amid trash and animal carcasses filed a S 12 million claim agamst the city c11tnt1 emotional distress. The claim was amona several totaling more than S 14 million rou- tinely denied by the Laguna Beach City Council Tuesday night. According to C'1ty Manager Ken Fnnt_ Geneva Rec~ wa arrested on a Lramc warrant 1n Apnl when she went 10 the poltce tat1on to inquire about her van 1hat had hcen im- pounded for e'<ptred re&• trnuon . , __ _ ' -------- When police searched the car they found a cat leashed to the stccnna wheel, a live rat, a dead cat and rat. and an imal and human waste. "' Further investigation revealed that Reese and her 12-year-old daughter had been living in the van, prompting police to take the girl into protective custody. In berclaim aaainst the city, Reese uid he suffered loss of income and carctr opponunaties. of relat1onsh1p values between mother and dau~ter, los of reputation and emotional distress 10 two people and five animals. "This claim has absolutely uro ment. he'll never find an auomcy to repre~nt her," said Frank. (Pleue ... WOlllAft/ A2) v. ho is charged wit h th e shooting death of a Newport Beach nightclub bouncer on Nov. I. 1985. Duesler of Newport Beach alleged· I~ left the parking lot of the club Promises. 3333 W. Coast l::fighwa )'. after bouncer Wilham Girand. 24. told him he couldn't park there. and returned wirh a .38-cahbur handgun. Duesler. aJanitorat the Toka1 Bank of('ahforma in the same building a\ tht' n1gh1l luh Jlkgntl\ v..alkcd up to G0t'lhal\ .ind <,hnl him two time' 1n th<' hack .ind four more time~ 1n 1hc h('Jd and nnk .1ftcr the VH.t•m collap'ol'd \\hill' thl' dckndant'' fam1l) look- ed on I uc'-lla> allorni?y (ia~ Pohl,on a~ued th.II Dul'<.lcrcouldn't be lound gut It' ol fir'>H.lcgr~murder becau\<.' Im art '~·"on<.' of a mentally 111 pcr'lon lk lOnll'n<kd that 1hc 23· }ear-old's 1mpa1red mental lacult1c were a m111gating and e'\tl..'nua11ng circumstance that pre,l..'ntcd a first- degrce murder con' 1c11on. Pointing to a p1ctun: of Dueslcr v..hen he wa'i a ranking tennis player 1n his teens. Pohlson ~aid, .. He's got e' c~ thing in lhc world But he·., got a tragic flaw. "He'\ mentally 111 and he can't handle 1hc v.orld "You tell }'Oursel ves the guy went out and dellberatel) intended to kill W11l1am Girand:· Pohlson said .. , tell }OU no" Deputy D1stnct Attomc) Tom G0t1hals agreed the Halloween nsgh1 shooting was "a traged)" and that Duesler had to be mentall)' 1mpa1red to commit such an act. " omeonc without mental 1mpa1r· (Pleue eee SUSPECT'S/ A2) Spending low in Mesa council race · By TONY SAAVEDRA OftMC>fllY ........... Whtie the stakes are high m Costa Mesa's C11y Council ra ce. the cam· paign spendina is relatively low amona 13 candidates battling for two council seats Financial frontrunner Orville Amburgey has far outdistanced the field, spending S 16.020 on his election effort, accordin& to financial disclosures filed Monda)' wuh the C'tty Clerk's Offict fa. pcnses for most of the other can- didates arc ID the $3,000 range \O far. In a starcment convcnna 1hc period from July 1 throuah Sept. 30. Amburaey, 52. reported oma 1ng a $24.664 war chest, including SI S.000 ID loans. ... Next on the pending scale i Robert Hanson, whose bill ~ amounted to Sl S 14 for the firn rcportina penod Hanson. 65, ha aarncTCd S7,378 1n cu h and non· More campaign apendlng coverege on Al. • 'Buzz' Peraon top apender In NeWport. • Yea r•IH• SM,000 In Huntington r.ce. • Lagune lncumbenta doll•,. ahead. • Founteln Velley race low apendlng. monl'tan con1nbu11on, Included in the lund1ng 1o; a SI. '50 loan from h1m~1r. i\andra Hamilton. 39, ha, ,pent S l80S out ofherS4.424 1n contnbu· 11ons. Hamilton's finance, arc buo)'ed mo~tl)' by S2,Q84 in dona- tions from her hu band, Charle Onan Thcnot, 29. dipped into ht c1mpa1an pocl<ct for $3.6 9 ID e'pcnduurc . I le rtponcd collect· 1ng SIO,ISl in rt~Ul"CCS. plu $20,000 worth of plcd&c -half from his wife's bu~inc , SS.000 from a nui na IJlw firm and StOOO from an ll Paso athlete. I \pcnd1turt of S3 SS I wrre rt- v' poncd by Char Johnson. 62. who mustered $7.024 1n fundi.. John· ~on's finances include a S2,5S I loan from her catenn.a firm . The race has cost Michael utter $3.24 7 so far from his S6.3S I campaign purst. Nutter. 36. has contnb\ltcd heavily to his own cause, With a $2,000 contnbution and p loan from his law practice. Michael zkaradek. 34. has pent S2.S9 trom resources totalina $2,389. Srltaradck has loaned his campa11n Sl.000 Joe ricbon'\cftmpai.an ha been fueled almo~t cnttrtly by the Mesa .\Chon low.growth aroup-which , has pumped $5.814 in donation and service into his S6,4 I 4 poht1cal purse. Erick-son. a 29-)'ear-old city planning comm1ss1oner, has spent S2,239 in the first mon1hs of campaigning. Doug Yates. the se('()nd Mesa Action endorsec. also appears to be rcl>_m& on the group to bolster his coffers. Mesa Acllon makes up for $5.81 4 of the $6,00S 1n campetlD resources rcponcd by Yates, He has spent $1.830 so far. not 1ncludina the $3,8 14 1n ma1hnp made on bis behalf by Mesa Action C'11y Plannina Comm1ss1oner Peter B~ffa. 38, ha spent S 1,32 of h1 S 1,350 1n pohucaHund . Nearly an b1S money -S 1.000 -came from Costa Mm anomey ~n11 Retosk:e Candidat~ Marie Maples. Chris tccl and N1cho&a Bartlett Ned ta~ments •Y•ftl tJxy wtU not collec1 or spend mo~ than $499 in the election f'ICt. ' • I ~· .. AKGBL FANS CONFIDENT, LAID BACK ••• ..... 1 ' Uninvited but hutina inlidc the tawm was Cactus, a dobennan· labrldor mix that bis owner 11id was a Ram·s fan. Tht pooch•s muter, however, hked the Halot. .. I love lhe Aneela... he said. "I bate Rcgie Jackson.•• Over at H<>tUe Barmicbatl's an Costa Mesa. a larae crov.-d was mcllowina as the Anaels moved toward an 8-J victo!l. Suds had nowed early, but imbibn\j abated u fans prepared lO fact the frttways. ·•A lot of them have been here since bcf ore S," said bartender Darell ·Matthews of Costa Mesa. Matthews. another Dodger fan, was rootin' for an Angels-Mets World Series. "It s an A nae ls crowd,·· he said. Ken and Cara Russel of Irvine wercn'teven thinking about thepme when they walked into the n1Jhtciub on Newoort Boulevard. "Wt blundered in here, and now we·re watcbina the pme, •• Kftl Russel said. Cari Ruuel didn't much care wbo won. Her intcres1? "Collqe basket· ball.'' Richard Boote of Santa Ana con· fidcotly predJcttd the Ansrls would take the series in five. Why not 1 sweep? "Sutton doesn't have it," Boose said of 310.Umc career winner Oon Su non. "He'i aonna lose ... Randy Bordner of Mission Vi~o also predicted a five11me series. He'll be at Anaheim Stadium for the three games played here and expects to sec the ffalos triumph at the home finale. "l was therein '82 (when the Angels lost to Milwaukee in a best·of.five series)," Bordner said. "It hun bad. "It won't happen this year. They'll see the Meta tn the World Senn.'" J Im Pollonno of Colu Meta relished the tbouabt of the Aneet• trounci~ Bolton. "I don a like the Rod Sox, I don't like the Celtics, 1 don't like anythina about Bolton," Polloreno said. A bartenckr who worked durint I.be first hair of TUHday's pme, he 111d the aeneraJ consensus amona the crowd wa the Anaets would win in five. That was Jerry 8onoc's prediction. "ihe Anaels will take 1t because they've been there before," the Costa Mesa resident said, "in fiva." Of course, as any baseball fan knows, the Anael did prevail berund the strona pitchina of Mike Witt But comments about the outcome ofTuesday's pmc were hard to come by. Most of the bar crowds had lef\ by the seventh inning. SUSPECT'S MENTAL ST ATE AT ISSUE .•• homAl ment isn't soing to act thaJ way," Goethals sa1d. "It doesn't make any sense to you folks as reasonable human beings." But the prosecutor said evidence 1nd1cated Ducsler had average or above average intelliaence and was fully conscious of his actions. Goethals argued at the very least jurors could find Duesler guilty of second degree murder, and then only if they couldn't agree on whether his actions were premeditated. He said they were. "The thing that's bizarre is his . . motivation that caused him to for- mulate reason lO get his JUn and go back and look for Bill Girand," Goethals said. "The question 1s why did he do-1!! Simply because Bill Girand had called him an asshole. "His male ego was bruised. It motivated him to do exactly what he did." The defense argued dunng the trial that Duesler had long suffered in the shadow of his father. tennis player and coach Bob Duesler, who has coached at Marina High School in Huntinaton Bench and is one of the top-ranked doubles players an the nation an the 40-and-over age division The younaer Duesler's family .sat quietly dunng final arguments Tues- day. the women quietly sobbing. Dueslc:r looked pale and melan- chol y as he stared at the defense table throughout the proceedings. The Jury has a choice offindinghim not guilty. or guilty offirst or second degree murder. voluntary man- slaughter or involuntary man· slaughter. WOMAN FILES CLAIM AGAINST LAGUNA ••• From Al According to Frank there as sull some Question a~o who was at fault in the August accident. The city and Durkin'-, attorney RDJlalii Sceglio recent! aireed upon the $ J 3.000 settlemenL ·4 ) Partl:y cloudy skies In afternoon .. .. .. 1t at .,.. u .. .. 11 7t .. 71 .. .. h .. 74 ~~ .. .. t2 72 ., 64 .. t2 13 7• h re a.a .. ea 14 72 ~ 13 '° .. .. .. u 71 .. 72 '1 74 The FetecMt I '°' 8 p "' EOT. w~ Oct a .. Le Mleml llMdl .. 71 =~ Mldl1od 00... M II .. ........ • 4.3 11 ...... ~ 7a ... '1 ..._... M •I ... .... °"""' u .. et ,_. Y"11 City to 41 ...,.,.... " 17 --------------------.. °"..,_City .,. :: g::. : ii Calif. Tempe ~·, ........ ll;tU ., 40 '" "'-'Ill N 71 HllM. 1owt ""OU91' •Pin w~ 811111 CNa 11 •t !! :rc '"" ,.. A-. Vf//ltey 14 41 lenta Marie ta 41 ---........, ti M 111111 Monica N m M ,Ore. 77 !! lltllow t0 57 llOCl!IOOI .. 16 t f' ~ l7 U ~ 12 U TllllOe Vlllle)-M H U "lllld City ~ 47 :::.!:' '2 U Torrenc. 71 It !'7 1W1o 1e II ~ t0 N Y--.!11 V'ly 7t M .. Ndw!loncl .. 42 ~ 93 '1 ----------.. IT LoW 70 '4 c:..e-r'""' ~~ :: • : =~ ~: ~.-·· '° ••Surf Forecaat :: lell Jlilrl." "-to 75 r::.. :.! :: .... " ::_...,,. : : L.ollf'-' 73 " = , T .ow " •• epon 11 eo Loe~ ea "' ..,.,._ MolllOI 1 a • : ..0... '* n eo ~ :: :: .....,.,. a t • ., .....__ 11 41 Mo111t110 N ea hn°"tOCnt, a ' • 4S4e ~ PV9bg =~ r. ""°"'"'1 M IO ---------- 21 T... 71 •1 ........ .. 14 Tld 41 r-,, " ~==9Mell ~: ~ ea )2 TUIM 71 112 Ont8l1o ff to at ~Ofl,0 C. N7• 45 ,1111\ lprlngl 17 II ...__.....,. TOOAY 4S .. _.,,. .. '4 ,IMdene 16 M n~ • ..,,.. 1'4f a.Jn, !>.• " "-~ 12 ... "'"low 5438111 27 31 field llufl '° u '-'cl """' ,,..,. p I'll. • .. ~~ Eztended =City :; :; 11conc11ow ~'t: pm 0 2 N ~ 11 u Rr11 l"9fl • '' un a 3 17 LAM_,. -1111 _,.. ,,_ W-11 .. :==,,._ ~-=a.m =~ .. llW°'4lfl lundey, MWldlnO lflto ... ... ..,_Cllfto •'°1 ... , ~ low 101>5 pp::: 0 2 .. .,.... dwt1ng ....... ,,.,.. _, "'°"*" ... Ollwl9I IO ,_,,.. ~ pettly doudy .._ len !_lllto 72 IS M ltlr0illlfl1t11...-enc1 NolQUfte•-..,,""'°'°° 11 14 lllnrtMelOOlyeteUam llf'd..Ct 16 lrlllfld' ...,._, hl8N • 10 72 i.-M IM "-14 H II e 1' Pm 42 10 a , v~. """'1110 ee. .._ u • ..... AM eo 11 "'°°" ,... !Odey •• 12 n P"' -4t 12 ............... ft 14 llllll IOot1>m. . ' .. .. ': ..... t -•• .... ,.,. A $2 million claim was filed on behalf of tbe parents of Tamara Alexander, who was kilJed July 21 at the age of 17 when she was hit by a car as she was crossing Pacific Coast Highway. The claim said the the street was not adequately lighted and there was ·lfo1 proper warning to motorists that a crosswalk was ahead. Finally, Joseph Lederman of Lagu na Hills filed a claim seeking an undetermined sum for medical ex- penses in an accident in which he REAGAN claims a city tram hit him while he • • • JIO~FMAN SEEKING NEW ELECTION ••• From~ In Its response, the city said the area where the accident occurred. at West Street and Coast Highwa y. is 1n the Junsd1ction of the county -SSG.-000 claim was fikd by Economy Office Furniture seeking reimbursement for a settlement be· tween the company and the former Chiefof Police Jon Sparks. According to Frank Sparks filed a law'lull aga1ncit the company when he sufTered back an1unes in 1980 which allegedl > occurred when a chair collap'>Cd underneath him. The chair was later thrown awav b> the Cit) said Fran k. Rudolph L Acierno of( osta Me\3 filed a claim seeking S25.000 for reimbursement for medical cxpcnc;e~ in an accident he had with a cit)' tram was st.anding at a bus stop. • Prom Al According to the police report, the dnver of the tram claimed that ~derman stepped backward away from the bus and felt · · In a separate action. the City Council was approved a $13.000 settlement with Terry Durkin. whose Rolls Royce engine, which was in the back of his pickup truck. was ruined when he his truck was hit by a city employee. According to Frank. the municipal -5erv1ces employee was clearly at fault in the December 1983 accident. Damages to the truck were paid by the city and negotiations on the co!'t of the engine. including length oft1m e in the repair shop. have been ongoing since the accident Zschau gaining on Cranston. The poll results. released Tuesday, show Cranston leading Zschau 44 .ecrccnt to 3' percent mong regis- tered voters and 4.l percent to 40 percen t among those who say they are likely to vote. In August, the poll found Cranston leading 51 percent to 38 percent among registered voters. Fuentes estimated Orange County must deliver a 200.000-vote margin to Zschau to counter-balance the expected Democrat vote in areas such as West Los Angeles and San Fran- cisco. Reagan spoke at a Sept. 7 fund- ra1scr for Zschau 1n Los Angeles. and Vice President George Bush appeared at a Sept. 24 campaign dinner in Irvine for Zschau. GAME 4 / WEEK 4 / DAY 4 3 46 68 I 8 ~.___, 4 7.1· 79 47 ,f/ A YEAH ... AL FLUENT HERE. ( CllECIC OUT OUR LATEST WINNERS ON A4. YOU COULD IE NEXn HERE ARE TODAY'S NUMBERS. Ruf es and how 1r pro1 r~ e game ore or vcvr gome r-ord or co our HOHi E 642 4333 9 5 M f JS~ f6r WIN GO 1nformot1or I 0-8-86 t HofTmarlfl, who lost the nom1-corruption without a remedy," Levy After less than an hour of argu- natio n in a recount to former Demo-.1 said. ment. the matter was taken under crat1c Party Chairman Bruce Sumner, Hoffmann, a follower of-political subm1ss1011 by the coun. · 1 hopes the three-judJe appeals panel extremist Lyndon LaRouche. main-Sumner. a Ne~rt Beach attorney will order the-SupeRor Coun to hear ~ns he.lost the recount becau~ ~ and former Judae. ran-a last minute his petition for a new primary ballot box stuffing that alleged'ly wnte-i n campaign against HofTmann election. occurred between election night aod after learn;ng of his· ties to the Superior Coun Judge John C. the time the ballots were brought to controversial laRouche. 1 Woolley ruled an Au$ust that th e state the Registrar of Voters for the HofTmann was originally declared couns do not have Jurisdiction over recount. the winner of the June primary I federal pnmaries. Only the House of Sumner's attorney. William contest by fewer t~an 300 votes but Representatives can order a new Humphreys, disputed Levy's asscr-Sumner demanded a recount after election an Hoffman n's case. he said. tions that Conaress does not review rumors of irregularities surfaced at HofTmann attorney Roben Levy primary elections. some polling places within the d1s- argued before the appeals coun The U.S. Constitution makes Con-tnct. Tuesday that Congress will onl y gress the final arbiter in all elettions In a final tall y that figured 1n review the results of general elections. to federal office and this duty cannot prev1ou,ly uncounted write-in votes. "The Congress has no machinery to be delegated, he said. Sumner received 16,401 votes to decide who shall be an the pnmanes.'' Though admitting that neither HofTmann's 15.173 and was gi ven the he said, refcrrin~ to a federal law that house or Congress has ever ordered a nomination. exempts primanes from the fede ral new election. Humphreys said he He is now waging an uphill battle to elections process. believes they could. take the 40th District Congressional If the state docs not fill in the void "The machinery of primaries is scat from Rep. Roben Badham. a left by Congres~ "we are leaving delepted to the states but the powcris five-term Republ ican from Ncwpon oursel ves open to the possibility of s11ll 1n Congress." he said. Beach ~~A~~E Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE l30 Wet! Bay 61 Co.la MeM CA Ma• •ddr-. llc.t• 1S60 Colt• MtN CA 1128?6 Clat•flld adl, 842-6978. ~ 6 edilorlll, 842·'32 t Cooyr1g111 1ge') Orar.ge Coett PIJ~lng Company No -110t ... llllAtretoens edllOftet melt« Of a<IYttl .. "*''• llal'W> rney be •ef>f~ll!l W1tr.ou1 "* .. 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